Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN 1 ACCOUNT OF THE MOBE OF RAINING LAND ACCORDING TO YlIE SYSXfeM PRACTISED BY MR. JOSEPH ELKINGTON. THIRD EDITION, CORRECTED AND ENLARGED. DRAWN UP FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF THE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE, BY JOHN JOHNSTONE, LAND SUUVEYOR. Humidiorem agrum fossil concidi atque siccari, Utilissimum est plin. nat. hist. LONDON: PRINTED FOR RICHARD PHILLIPS, BRIDGE STREET. By T. Gillet, Crown-court. e. 1808. l^Price Twelve Shillings in Boards.^ ADVERTISEMENT to THE FIRST EDITION. THE Board of Agriculture had Jiardly been established, before it received iiitelHgence from various parts of England, of the singular success Av^ith which Mr. Jo- seph Elkington, a Warwicksliire Farmer, practised the Art of Draining Land ; the publication or discovery of which was re- presented to be one of the greatest means of promoting the improvement of this Country that could be suggested. It is unnecessary to trace the various steps taken by the Board, for attaining so important an object. It may be sufficient to mention, that in consequence of a motion made by its President, on the 10th of June, 1795, the House of Comnions voted an Address, 2G0G4.87 ( vi ) " That His Majesty would be graciously pleased to give directions for issuing to- Mr. Joseph Elkington, as an inducement to discover his Mode of Draining, such sum as His Majesty in his wisdom shall think proper, not exceeding the sum of 10001. sterling ; and to assure His Majesty that this House will make good the same to His ^Majesty." Mr. Elkington's health being extremely precarious, there was a risk that the public mioht lose the benefit of the knowledoe he had acquired, by the experience of above thirty years, in a species of Improvement, which, in these kingdoms, ought to be con- sidered as the basis of every other. To prevent so unfortunate a circumstance, the Board resolved to send ]\Ir. John John- stone, to visit, in company with Mr. El- kington, the principal Drainages he was executing, and to take Drawings thereof. It is to be hoped that the following Re- port, the result of that journey, with the ( vii ) annexed Views and Sections, • will furnish the Reader with very satisfactory informa- tion upon the subject of this Art, and will sufficiently explain the various Modes of Draining Land, whether practised by Mr. Elkington, or others. London, May \1^1, PKEFACE. THE Writer having, by appointment of the Board of Agriculture, and of the Highland Society of Scotland, accom- panied Mr. Elkington on a Survey through those counties of England where he was executing the most remarkable Drainages at that time (in Summer 1796), for the purpose of acquiring a knowledge of his Art; and having thus had an opportunity of seeing the operation carried on ia all its stages, he hopes the following pages will be found to contain the fullest and most cor- rect Narrative of that useful Discovery, hitherto laid before the Public: — a Dis- covery by which many thousand acres o^ the southern part of this island have been already so much improved. ( X ) When the Writer has ventured to pro- pJo.^e any thing new, or that does not come within tlie bounds of Mr. Elkington's practice, he has done so, not Avith a view of recommending^ his awn, but from a desire of giving hints that may be useful to others. The observations lie has ventured to sug- gest, with regard to the importance of the object he is describing, and the real ad- vantages to be derived from ]\Ir. Elking- ton's Mode of Draining, he has endea- voured to establish, by authentic quota- tions from the Agricultural Reports of those counties in England Vrhere these ad- vantages are taken notice of, and from other satisfactory sources of information. =^Jt cannot be expected that he is to enter into a learned disquisition on the nature of springs, a physical inquiry into the cause and formation of bogs, or into a chemical examination of the qualities of soil: — these are researches that come not within the limits of his knowled<:fe, althou2;h in some ( xi' ) degree connected Avith the subject, lie will content himself with briefly stating facts, so far as to explain the principles of the Art, and will endeavour to convey its meaning in the best language 'he can, so far as the nature of the subject will admit. Where he has used provincial words, which are almost unavoidable in a Georgical Treatise of this kind, he has done so, be- cause they are the terms of expression com- monly applitid ; but he has also added such explanation as will render their meaning generally understood. Being avrare that, uilrhout the help of explanatory vSketches, it would have been impossible to convey a just idea of the nature and principles upon which the sys- tem is founded ; he has therefore given such Plans of the various situations, and Sections representing the inclination of those internal Strata, that produce Springs and Wetness in ground, r.s he hopes will be useful in facilitating the acquirement of ( xii ) that knowledge. The origin of this dis- covery lie has thought proper to explain ; which, although immaterial in itself, may serve as a proof of the circumstances that first led Mr. Elkington to a knowledge of the Art. To the drainage of bogs, and other wet ground caused by springs, he has confine^ the subject of this Report, more than to that of soils that are injured only by rain- water stagnating on the surface ; the former being a branch of the system that has hi- therto been less known or attended to, and as the latter is a part of it more generally understood, and not so much the object of Mr. Elkington*s practice. The mode, however, of Draining some soils, the wetness of which does not pro- ceed from continual sprifigs, and where the auger is seldom applied, he has endeavour- ed to point out out in a manner whereby it may be accomplished by means of much less cutting and expence than what has ( xili ) formerly been practised. He lias also, in the Second Part of the Work, given a par- ticular description of all the different modes of Hollow and Surface-draining, as more especially practised in the eastern counties of England ; and, in the Appendix, has offered hints, which he hopes may be useful in directing t\\Q further improvement of bogs, &c. after being drained. As the former Edition of this Work was written under circumstances not so favour- able to perspicuity and detail, it is now offered to the review of the Public, with such Corrections and Additions as the Writer's practice and experience has en- abled him to make ; and which he hopes will render it more useful. The Plates have likewise been revised, and, for the sake of further illustration, several new ones have been added ; and the whole is now arrang- ed in a better manner. To the Board of Agriculture, &c. it is hun^bly offered, with a view to faci- ( xiv ) Iitate the acquisition of this useful Art ; and if, through its means, a desire to pro- secute the improvement it recommends should be excited, the Writer will feel a satisfaction, by having, in some degree, contributed to establish that important ob- ject ; hoping that, by the influence of that Honourable Board, and of the Society^ under whose patronage he attended Mr. Elkington, the knowledge of it will be so much extended, as to render the practice of it general, in every situation where it may be applied with, advantage. When it comes into the hands of some of those intelligent Gentlemen who have seen, and are acquainted with the nature and method of Mr. Elkington's system, the Writer hopes they will pass over any imperfections that this Account may con- tain, and will not hesitate to correct its errors, or to supply its defects. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE BOARD OF AGRICULTURR. Which maybe had of the Publisher of this yolumc Keport of the Comraittee of the Board of Agiicul- £. s. cL ture on the Culture and Use of Potatoes, -i to. ^ J G Report on the Size of Farms, by Dr. Robertson 5 o Account of Experiments tried by the Board of Agriculture on the Composition of various Sorts of Bread, 4t.o - - - - - 2 Letter from the Earl of Winchilse.a, on the Ad- vantages of Cottagers renting Land, 4to. - 1^ Elrington's Mode oi Draining, by Joiixstone, 8vo. - - - ' - - 0120 A General View of the Agriculture of the County of Argyie, by John Smith, D. D. one of the Minis- ters of Campbelton, Svo. Second Edition - 9 O ' of Cheshire, by Henry 1-Ioll.\N-d, Esq. 8vo, - - ' - - 10 tJ of Clydesdale, by Johv Naismitii, 8vo. Second Edition - - - 7 O of Devonshire, by Charles Va::- couvRE, Svo. - - - - 15 "0 of East Lothian, froTh the Papers o( the late R. Somervile, Esq. Svo. - - O 6 O of Essex, by the Secketary of the Board, 2 vols. Svo. - - - 110 of Fife, by John Thomson, D. D. Ivlinister at r^Iarkinch, Svo. - - O 7 O of Gloucestershire, by Mr. Rudge, Svo. - - - - -000 of Hertfordshire, by the SecretaPxY of the Board, Svo. - - - O 7 O of Herefordshire, by John Dl'.v- CUMBE, A. M. 8vo. - - - 060 — of Inverness-shire, by James Ro- bertson-, D. D. Minister at Callander, Svo O 14 O of Kent, by John' Boys, of Bet- shanger. Farmer, 8vo. Secoiid Edition - O 7 O of Lancashire, by Mr. John Hclt, of Walton, near Liverpool, Svo. - - 6 O of Lincolnshire, b^^ the Secretary of the Board, Svo. - - - O 10 G Puhliculions of the Board of Agriculture. A General View of the Agriculture of the Coimty £.. s. d. of Middlesex, by John Middleton, Esq. of West Barn Farm, jVIerton, and of Laiiibeth, Surrey, Laud Surveyor, 8vo. Second Edition - 14 O • — _ of Mid-Eothian, by George Ro- bertson, Farrucr at Granton, near Edinburgh, 8vo. - - - - .070 of the County of Norfolk, by Na- thaniel Kent, Esq. of Fuiham, Middlesex, 8vo. - - - - - O 6 of the County of Norfolk, by the Secretary of the Board, Svo. - - of Northumberland, Cumberland, and Westmoreland, by Messrs. Bailey, Culley, and Pringle, Svo. - - - - 9 of Nottingham, by Robert Lowe, Esq. of Oxton, Svo. - - - 5 of Perth, by James Robertson", D. D. Minister at Callander, Svo. - - 7 of Ptoxburgh and Selkirk, by the Rev. Robert Douglas, D. D. Minister at Gala- shields, Svo. - - - - of Salop, by the Rev. Joseph Plym- leYj M. a. Archdeacon of Salop, in the Dio- cese of Hereford, and Honorary Member of tlie Board, Svo. - - - - 9 of Somerset, by John Blllikgs- ley, Esq. of Ashwick Grove, near Shepton Mallet, Svo. - - - - 7 of Stafford, by W. Pitt, of Pende- ford, near Wolverhampton, Svo. Second Edition O 9 of SutFolk, by the Secretary of the Board, Svo. Second Edition - - 8 of Sussex, by the Rev, Arthur Young, Svo. - - - - 14 of Yorkshire (the West Riding) by Robert Bkown. Farmer at Markle, near Had- dington, Scotland, Svo. - - - - O 7 of "i'orkshire (the North Pvidiug) by John Tuke, Land Surveyor, Svo. - - 9 O Communications to the Board of Agriculture, on Subjects relative to the Husbandry and internal Improvement of the Country. Vul. L 4to. 1 1 O Ditto, Vol, IL - - - -110 Ditto, Vol. IIL - - - - 18 O Ditto, Vol, IV. - - - - O 18 O Ditto, Vol. V. Part I. - - - 12 O CONTENTS. PAGF Introduction - - . _ . . _ i PART I. Chap. I. An Account of the Origin of the Discovery, and Means that first led Mr, Elkington Lo a Know- ledge of the Art - - - - - 7 Chap. II. On the Principles of Mr. Elkington's Mode of Draining - - - - - 14 Chap. III. Drainage of Bogs, and other Wet Gruund, caused by Springs - - - - 2f> Chap. IV. Drainage of Hills and Sheep-pastures, with Observations on the Means of procuring and raising Water for Wells, &c. - - - - 4a Chap. V. Drainage of Bogs, and other Wet Ground, by perforating through a retentive to a porous Sub- stratum - - - - - 5S Chap. VI. Drainage of Soils composed of alternate Beds of Clay and Sand - - . - 73 Chap. VII. Drainage of Soils porous above and reten- tive below, &:c. - - - - - 80 Chap. VIII, Drainage of Ground lying along the side of Rivers, and artificial Leads of Water - - So Chap. IX. Drainage of Mines, Quarries, Marl-pits, &c. 02 Chap. X. Observations on the Use of the Spirit-level, with Directions for using it in the marking out of Drains -_-.__ jqs Chap. XI. Description of the Auger, and Manner of using it, &c. - _ - _ . lOQ Chap. XII. Extracts from some of the Agricultural Reports of those Counties in England where Mr. El- kington has executed the most remarkable Drainages, &c. tending to authenticate the Advantages derived from his Practice « - - - H5 SM CONTEN-TS. PART II. OB-iERVATIOKS ON* HOLLOW AND SCRFACE-DR AIXIJJO IP^' GENERAL. Introduction - - - - - 131 Sect. I. Antiquity of the PiMclice of Hollow-draining 132 Sect. II. When first used in England « - . is-l Sect. III. Nature of the jNIoisture or Wetness against which they are chiefly used - - - 156 Sect. IV. Of the Soils m which they act, and of those on which they have been found to fail - - - i^7 Sect. V. By what Rules tlieir Direction is marked l,Tf) Sect. VI. Season for executing the Work - 142 Sect, VII. Islanner in which Drains are partly opened by the Plough - - - - - l-H Sect. VIII. Depth and Width - - - 146 Sect. IX. Tools emploj'ed . _ - i4s Sect. X. Of digging Hollow Drains _ - - i4f; Sect. XI. Opening Drains by the Plough only - l.'A) Sect. XII. Materials with which they are filled - 152 Sect. XIII. Mode of filling - - - l6vO Sect. XIV. Of the Expence - - - l62 Sect. XV. Of Sod or Pipe-drains - - - l64 Sect. XVI. Duration of Covered Drains - - l68 Sect. XVII. Drainage of stiff and retentive Soils by open Cuts, and the proper formation of Ridge and FuiTow - - - - - 1/0 Sect. XVIII. Mode of draining Clay Soils, practised by Sir Henry Fletcher, Bart. ^Member of the Board of Agriculture - - - - - 177 Sect. XIX. Of Open Drains - - - ISO Sect. XX. Of the Benefit derived from the Practice of Draining in general - - - - 184 APPENDIX. Hints for the Improvement of Bogs, Sec after being drained - _ _ _ _ _ igi Conclusion - - - - - - 212 INTRODUCTION. OF all the arts that have excited the atten- tion, or called forth the exertions of mankind, none has been discovered so valiiable, or so gene- rally useful, as Agriculture; not only by reward- ing t»ie skill dnd industry of the individual, but by exalting the prosperity of a nation. It is, undoubtedly, the most ancient, and the foundation on which all the other arts depend ; a foundation everyday becoming stronger and more respectable, by acquiring support and encourage- ment from the first characters in this kingdom. Having now attained that degree of respectability which its nature and utility, as a great national object, deserves, it cannot fail of exciting a very general attention to the practice of it ; a practice by which the permanent interests of the kingdom may be so much advanced. Agricultural pursuits S INTRODUCTION. are^ of all others^ the most conducive to health and vigour. The study, or theory of it, enlarges the intellectual, and its practice employs in use- ful exercise the active powers of man. By much the greatest part of this island, both with regard to soil and climate, is very favourable to Agricul- ture, and capable of much improvement ; the means of which are almost every where at hand. It is not, however, the intention of this Treatise to shew what are the general improvements con- nected with Agriculture, but to explain and de- scribe that branch of it alone which may not onlj be reckoned the most important^ but one upon the practice of which most of the others, in cer- tain situations, depend. It is surprising, that so few attempts have been made to reclaim and im- prove some of the many extensive tracts of wet ioggij land, that are every where to be met with in this country ; which, in the language of a late writer,* are ^'^ at present a reproach to the age, a disgrace to the country, and a nuisance to the occupiers. "f — Tn point of local advantages, land * Mr. Boswell, on Water Meadows. f In an Address by the President to the Board of Agri- culture, on the Culti\ation and Improvement of the Waste INTRODUCTION. 3 of this description has a preference to every other kind of waste ground, by being more productive when improved, and often lying in situations more sheltered, and accessible to improvement, than many parts of barren land, which, although dry, are in other respects less favourable to cul- tivation. Draining is the first step towards the improvement of these, as well as of every other species of wet land. It is in every respect the most essential method by which their improve- ment or cultivation can be accomplished; and, when executed with judgment, the advantages derived from it are not only immediate, but sure and permanent. If land be in tillage, and remain wet, every manure that can be applied to it loses its effect, and fails to produce so abundant a crop as a much less quantity would yield, were tho Lands of Great Britain, printed in December 1/95, he says, '■ a considerable proportion of tiie wastes of Great Britain consists of lands of a wet and boggy nature, which it has been yet. supposed was the most difficuh to improve and cultivate. Fortunately, however, discoveries have been made in the art of draining such bog?, by Mr. Joseph Elkington, a farmer of the county of Warwick, as renders the improvement of swampy land a matter of much less difficulty or expence than for- merly." b2 4 INTRODUCTION. land dry. If in pasture^ the grass it produces is of a coarse unhealthy nature^ fit neither for feeding' of stocky nor for being converted into hay. In sheep-walks^, the bad eflfects of wetness are often severely felt. The rot;, that destructive malady among sheep;, chiefly proceeds from the nature of the herbage^ which too much noxious moisture produces ; and as it is a disease hitherto deemed incurable, it can only be p)' evented by means of Draining. The effects of Draining, on the climate, arc also considerable. In hot weather, the exhalations that arise from large tracts of moss and marshy ground must increase the humidity of the climate, and render it unsalubrious to the inhabitants, as well as injurious both to animal and vegetable life; hence, in such situations, animals are un- healthy, and every kind of grain is longer in coming to maturity ; its harvest precarious, and the quality of its produce inferior ; occasioned by the dampness of the soil, and impurity of the atmo^here. The Draining of one large tract of land may INTRODUCTION. 5 furnish water for the accommodation of another ; which, if collected in sufficient quantities, may be converted to its improvement by irrigation. By the same means, a more abundant and regular supply of water may be obtained to drive mills, and other machinery constructed for various pur- poses, and for supplying canals, or artificial navi- gations, houses, tish-ponds, inclosures, &c. li may also be applied, with great advantage, in the case of mines, by diminishing the quantity of water found in working them, as shall afterwards be shewn. AN ACCOUNT OF THE MOST APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND, PART I. CHAPTER I. ORIGIN OF THE DISCOVERY M\DE BY MR. ELKING- TON^ AND THE MEANS THAT FIRST LED HIM TO A KNOWLEDGE OF THE ART. THE reason for introducing the subject of this chapter has been stated in the Preface. It may be necessary to add^ that the annexed plan was taken on the spot/in presence of Mr. Elking- ton, for the purpose of ascertaining the nature of the original discovery, and the explanation and information relating to it having been also re- ceived from Mr, Elkington there, and from others of respectability in that neighbourhood, the ve- 8 APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. racity of il may be depended on. In the year 1763, Mr. Elkington ^yas left by his father the possession of a farm called Priucethorpj in the parish of Stretton upon Dunsraore, and county of Warwick. The soil of this farm was very poor, and in many places so extremely wet, that it had been the cause of rotting several hun- dred sheep ; which was the first means that de- termined him^ if possible, to drain it, which he began to do in 1764.* The field in which he began was of a wet clay soil, rendered almost a swamp ( and, indeed, in some places, a shaking hog) J by the springs issuing from a bank of gravel and sand adjoining it, and overflowing the sur- face of the clav in the manner described in the annexed plan, which is a true representation of it. In order to drain this field, he cut a trench about four or five feet deep, a little below the upper side of the bog, or where the wetness began to make its appearance ; and after proceeding with it so far in this direction, and at this depth, he found it did not reach the main body ofsuhja- cent iiatcr, from v, hence the evil proceeded. On discovering this IVIr. Elkington was at a loss how to proceed. At this time, while he was considering what was next to be done, one of his servants accidentally came to the field w here the drain was making, with an iron crow, or bar, * Alter the drainage of this licld was completed, Mr. Elk- inston's fiock was never afterwards affected with that disease. APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 9 which the farmers in that country use in makin holes for fixing their sheep-hurdles. Mr. E!k- ington having a suspicion that this drain was not deep enough^ and a desire to know what kind of strata lay under the bottom of it, took the iron bar from the servant, and after having forced it down about four feet below the bottom of the trench, on pulling it out, to his astonishment, a great quantity of water burst up through the hole he had thus made, and ran down the drain. This, at once, led him to the knowledge of wetness being often produced by water confined farther .below the surface of the ground than it was pos- sible for the usual depth of drains to reach, and induced him to think of applying an auger, as a proper instrument in such cases. Thus did the discovery originate from chance, the parent of many other useful arts ! Fortunate it is for so- ciety, when such accidents happen to persons who have sense and judgment to avail themselves of the hints thus fortuitously given ! In this man- ner, he not only accomplished the drainage of this field, which soon rendered it completely sound, but likewise all the other wet ground on his farm. The success of this experiment soon extended Mr. Elkington's fame, in the knowledge of drain- ing, from one part of the country to another; and after having drained several farms in his ncigh- jbourhood with equal success, he at last came to 10 APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. be Tery generally employed ; has been since^ and is now, in various parts of the kingdom^ which D. cause the dissolution of all the coarse vegetables it produces, which, together with part of the na- tural soil itself, is formed into a peat earth, every year increasing in depth; and the extent of such bog or morass, is accordiiig to the quantity of water, and to that of the flat ground on which it is formed.* The great object of Mr. Elkington's system, is that of draining such bogs, by cutting oft' entirely the source of the springs or subterrane- ous water which causes the wetness, either by flow- ing over the surface, or by its being long confined under it. If the springs have a natural outlet, the object of the drain is, to lower and enlarge it, which, by giving the water a more free and easy channel, will sooner discharge and draw it off, or will reduce it to a level so far below the surface, as to prevent its overflowing it. \V here the?springs have no apparent outlet^ but are either confined so far below the surface, as to mjure it by constant moisture, or by oozing out imperceptibly through any small pores of the upper soil; the object of the drain is, to give a * ?vlany and various are the conjectures respecting the origin of peat bogs: into the merits ot which, it would be needless to inquire. Some suppose them to have been /ormed at the time of the general deluge, from the huge trees that are found in them, anS from a variety of other circumstaiices that led to tliaC suppobitionj but it is not so much the subject of this treatise to explain their probable-origin, as the means by which springs or other accumulated water may be most easily cut off, from pre- «en ing them in their present unproductive state. APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. ID proper vent to that water, and to extract more quickly and more eftectuallj what has before ^een pent up in the bosom of the soil. The ob- ject of the auger, which, in many instances, is the sine qua non of the business, is simply to reach or tap the spring, and to give vent to the water thus pent up, when the depth of the drain does not reach it, where the level of the outlet will not admit its being cut to that depth, and where the expence of cutting so deep would be very great, and the execution of it very difficult. According to these principles, this system of draining has been attended with extraordinary consequences in the course of Mr. Elkington's practice, which shall be more fully explained in the after part ol' this report. By it, not only the land in the immediate vicinity of the drain^ but also springs, wells, and wet ground, at a con- siderable distance, have been made dry, with which there was no apparent communication. As the whole depends upon the situation of the ground to bedrained, and the natureand inclination of the strata of which the adjacent country is com- posed ; as much knowledge as possible must be obtained of these, before the proper course of a drain can be ascertained, or any specific rules given for its direction or execution. But all these circumstances will be more particularly explain- ed in describing the parts of tlt^ operation with which thev are connected. ( 20 ) CHAP. III. BRAINAOE 01 BOGS, AND OTHER WET GROUND CAUSED BY SPRINGS. THE draining of extensive bogS;, or tracts of marshy ground injured by springs, is a part of the system deserving greater attention than any other, and is in every point of viesv the most im- portant ; because many extensive tracts of ground of this description are at present lost to every useful purpose to which they might be converted, from the mistaken notion of those to whom they belong, that their nature is such, as to render them incapable of being drained. But however im- practicable the drainage of such bogs may appear, yet, by attention to Mr. Elkington's mode, they are not only easily drained, and at little expence, but, when they are made dry, are by far the most valuable of any. The cause and formation of these bogs has been pointed out in the preceding chapter. They may be divided into two classes, according to their situation, and the different methods of draining them. Those of the first class are easily distinguished by the springs rising out of the adjoining higher ground, in a regular line along the upper side of the wet surface; which, tcgethei with the proper line of the drain, are delineated on the annexed Plan (class 1st). APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 21 The second class of spring bogs'^ have the appear- ance of being still more difficult to reclaim, although^ in several respects^ th-'j are less so than he former. In these, the many springs that appear are not confined to one regular direction along the upper side, but burst out promiscuously over the whole surface (especially towards the lower side), form- ing quagmires that shake all around, and bend under foot like a suspended cloth, over which it is dangerous for the lightest cattle to pass, and which shew themselves at a distance, by the ver- dure of the grass which the quags, or s])ots imme- diately round the springs, produce. Of this luxu riant grass, sheep are remarkably fond, and, de- vouring it greedily, never fail being attacked with that incurable disease, the rot. This is mention- ed the more particularly, not only as a sufficient motiveto recommend their drainage insheep-walks, but, (as has already been noticed) being one of the principal causes that first induced Mr. Elk- ington to attempt the drainage of a similar bog, in which he fortunately made that discovery which was the basis of his future practice. Un-^ der the peat earth, that for ten or more feet forms the upper part of these bogs, is found a bed of clay, seldom of great depth, and under that a * So called, in contradistinction to those grounds thai are wet and boggy, by retaining suriace-water ; and also to sLich peat bcj^s, or mosbcs, tliat do not originate iVoai springs. 22 APPROTED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. stratum of sand, gravel, or rock, if fhe adjacent eminences bs composed of such. The clay bed immediately above and between this and the p«at, bein^ in many places very thin, and in some de- gree porous, the constant pressure of water con- tained in the high grounds above, forces that under the bog, M^ith which it is connected, through these ipore porous parts of the clay and peat, where it bursts up, forming those appear- ances just mentioned; which., together with the situation and course of the drain, are more clearly elucidated by the Plan (class 2d). Such are the general appearances that distinguish these two classes of bogs: but there is a variety of wet ground injured by springs, which neither being so extensive, nor so much inclined to peat, to these the term bog^* cannot so properly be ap- plied; but, with regard to the mode of draining them, the same directions are equally applicable. As there are a variety of circumstances that lead to a discovery of the proper line of the springs, and that must guide the direction of the trenches in draining these bogs, as well as every other description of wet ground proceeding from the same cause; it will be proper to arrange them * Bog, properly signifies a quagmire covered with grass ; in which sense, it differs from moss, the latter being covered witJi heath, and ver)- often having no verdure at all on the surface : the greater abundance of springs in the former, also constitute a material difference in their nature. APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. ^5 in the order in which they follow, previous to the execution of the work. The first thing to be observed is^ carefully to examine the adjoining high grounds, in order to discover what strata they are composed of^ and also to ascertain as nearly as possible, the inclina- tion of these strata, and their connection with the ground to be drained ; and to judge at what place the level of the same spj^ing comes nearest to that where the water can be discharged By this means the length of cutting, and in some measure the quantity of water that the drain will issue, if it be wanted for any particular purpose, may be nearly ascertained; for, the greater the extent of the high ground contiguous to the bog, the more constant and more abundant will be the discharge ; and if only a small hill or narrow bank, little water can be expected to run from it in dry seasons, ■when the porous strata can receive no supply from the rains. The surest way of ascertaining the inclination and Ijje of the different strata, is by examining the bed of the nearest rivers, and the sides of the banks cut through by them, and any pits, wells, or quarries that may have been dug in the neigh- bourhood. Rushes and other coarse aquatics* * Small alder bushes, being of the same nature as rashes, and which grow naturally only on very wet soils, are sure symptonns of the line of the springs, as they either grow np ipiitiediately over the spring or below it, seldom higher, unless 24 APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. appearing on the surface, may facilitate the inves- tigation ; but these being often produced by stag- nant rain water, where there is no spring, cannot be trusted to in cases where more minute precision is necessary. If the resisting stratum immediately under the porous one, lie horizontally through the hill or bank, the surface below that level will be wet and rushy on both sides, and the upper side of the wet ground will be found varying very little from a level all the way round. When this is the case, which frequently happens, a drain properly con- ducted on the one side of thehill, will carry off the water that causes the wetness on both. See Plan, No. 4. If the resisting stratum dip or incline more to the one side than to the other, the springs will issue onl}' at the lower side of that stratum, con- sequently^ the one side of the hill will be wet, and the other dr3'. It is of material consequence to ascertain which of the different outlets that may appear on the where the water backs up to, when the spring is full. The best time for ascertaining the true direction of drains, and likewise for executing the work, is, when the ground is in pasture, and has been for some time j as the rushes and other aquatics make their appearance on the wet part of the surface : or, when the ground is in fallow, the water is then seen oozing up in the furrows, along the line in which the drain should be cut, and the soil all below will retain a darker and wet appear- ance, when that above is dry. APPUOVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 25 surface, is the main spring, or that from which these outlets are supplied; for, by cutting olf that, the others become dry, and isj therefore, one of the principal circumstances upon which the true direction of the drain depends. If, on the bank or sloping surface from whence the springs proceed, they be found to break out at different levels, according to the wetness of the season; and if those lowest down continue running while those above be dry, it is a sure sign that all the different outlets are connected with, and proceed from, the same spring, and along the level of this under one the line of the drain should be directed, which, if properly executed, all those above will afterwards continue dry. This is vnWad the main spring, and those above, the overflowings of it.* * In many cases, it may be known whether the channel of the water He deep or not, by the appearance of the surface. If the land be dry immediately above the place where the water springs up, it is an evidence that the channel or reservoir lies deep, and that the water is issuing perpendicularly j but, on the contrary, if the land be wet for some distance above the principal outlet of the spring, it is a sure sign that the water is flowing in a channel near the surface, and that it is the over- Jlowings of it that causes this wetness. It would be a certain evidence of this, if there be only one spring in the wet ground; but if the internal strata do not lye hori/ontally or regularly, and several springs appear, arising from water running in dif- ferent channels, the land above the largest or principal spring may be wet, not from the bdclcing iq) of that spring, or its channel being near the surfiice, but Ijy the breakingout of lesser springs, in their descent, the chaiiuel oi whose waters has thus 20 APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. If the drain was to be cut along* the line of the uppermost of these outlets^ and the depth of it not reaching the level of those below, the overflow- ings would only be carried off, the main spring still continuing to flow, and injure the ground belovv' the bottom of the drain, having a natural vent lower. Such has been the coiuinon practice hitherto of draining ground in this situation^, where Mr. Elkington's method is not understood, and which was reckoned the most eifectual and most approved mode. ^\hercver the uppermost springs made their appearance, there a trench was cut, between the wet and the dry, as it is term- ed, which not being sufficiently deep to intercept the water, otiiers of the same kind were cut, one below another, the whole way down the decli- vity; and, being: filled with loose stones nearlv to the top, each carried off a portion of surface water only, without ever affecting the spring that caused the mischief. The consequence of such drains is, that thej render the surface drier while they con- tinue to run; but soon choaking up, and burst- found a vent to the surface, higher than that of the larger spring, [t is in cases of this kind that draining is attended with most difficulty ; and where all the cutting, Sec. necessarj cannot so easily be ascertained at first, till such time as what is absolutely requisite be executed, which will lead to a discoverj of what more is wanted, and in what manner it should be done, by exposing to view the subsoil, or strata, in which the water flows. Making er/)7orflior?/ fcores with the anger, is usefalin tiiis, and in all other difficult cases. APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 27 ing o t in different parts, the j^roiind soon be- comes equally wet^ or more so than before they were made. It is more dir.cult to drain this ground a second time, even in the proper manner* as the surface, by means of the former drains, being so much altered from its natural appear- ance, the true situation of the springs cannot so easily be hit on; and the frequent bursts of the old drains increase the perplexity. It frequently happens that the uppermost (if the strongest outlets) ave the main springs, and those below only leakages.* Therefore the same caution is necessary to as- certain this, before proceeding to maik out the drain, as from the main spring onlij the level must be taken, in the manner described in Chap- ter IX. In irregular banks, where the ground, owing to the perpendicular situation, or pressure of water behind, has slipt, or fallen down, the drain must be carried higher up the declivity than where the water has its apparent outlet, to the sound ground that has undergone no change, and where the r.cal spring will be intercepted; the water in the slipt sand below, being only * This term implies, that some of the water from the main spring finds a passage through some opening in the i/pper soil near the surface, and breaks out lower than the main spring, when it meets with resistance from any bed of clay. By cut- ting off the main spring, this of course becomes drv. S8 ArrnoTED mode of draining land. leakages from that above, but ^vhich is apt to deceive in cutting the upright trench.* AVhen the main spring- rises in a steep bank a consider- able height above the level of the brook, or place where the drain is to discharge itself, it is unne- cessary to cut a deep trench,, or to lay a covered drain all the wslv from the biook up to it; for the descent being too rapidj and if deep cut, bv crossing veins of sand that are alwaj's met with in such situations, the bricks or stones with which the sough or conduit of the drain is laid, would be underinincd by the rapidity of the current, which would also carry down a great quantity of the loose sand; but it should be begun only so far down the bank, as, by cutting in level, the drain may be six or seven feet lower than the outlet of the spring, or whatever depth is neces- sary for drawing down the water to such a level, as it may discharge itself without rising to the surface, or injuring the ground adjoining it. The remaining part of the cut down to the brook, either in a straight or sloping direction, may be left open, and need not be deep, but guarded from the cattle, and from the ploigh, when the field is in tillage. If covered, it need not be deeper than two feet; and there is no occasion * The upright trench is the drain from the outlet up to the cross one, along the line of ihe springs. APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. ^9 for boring in any part of it. See fig. 2, and 3, Plan, No. 5. If there be any difficulty in ascertaing'the CKact line of the spring, and that of the cross drain, where it does not appear on the surface, or whea there is no apparent outlet from whence to take the levelj in bringing up the leading drain for carrying off the water, it can be then, discovered when it crosses the proper line; and, withouf cutting any further up, the cross drain must be^ carried on that level, so far to each side along the tail, or termination of the rock or sand containing the water, as the situation of the ground, and other circumstances, may require: and if, in cutting the cross drain^ the line marked out by the spirit- level should be found in some places to be behuv that of thp springs; and i^^ in boring along that line, no water be found, then small cuts must be made of the same depth, from the drain up to where the spring lies, as iit the letters A in lig. I, of Plan 5; for if the drain be cut bcluio the line of the spring, ail possibility of reaching it, even by the auger, i.s lost, as boring can have no etfect where the sub-strata is clay, and where there is no under w&ter ; and if it be cat above th£ line of the spring, it will require deeper cutting* and boring to reach it, as there, for the most part, the ground rises higher, and that part of the porous *tfat* below e drain cut in the centre, as already de- scribed. Where a bog of this nature, between two hills, is of great extent, it may be requisite to have thice diffeicut drains ; one on each side, and one in the middle. This last must be an open drain, to re- ceive all surface water, as well as to cut off any springs that may arise in that j)art of the bog. In all cases of this kind, where there is any diffi- culty of discovering from whence the principal springs proceed, or what is the nature and incli- nation of the sub-strata, the auger may be applied. In very wet swamps, or bogs of great extent, it is necessary to have other cuts than those that carry off tlie springs ; for although the upper springs, which are the principal cause, be cut off, there may be veins of sand or gravel lower than these, out of which it is also necessary to extract the water. If the ground be to be divided into inclosures, the open ditches may be so directed as to hit on these lower collections of subjacent water, as well as to carry off any that might stag- nate in the hollow parts of the surface. The next thing to be considered, is the conduct- ing of the drain, after the levels have been taken. APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. S3 and the true line of it fixed; and whether it should be covered^ or open. If the land be to be inclosed, and as the line of the trench may serve as a proper division of the ground^ it may be made an open cut, or sunk fence ; if not, a covered drain : but it is first ne- cessary to ascertain which, as the depth, width, and other circumstances, may be regulated ac- cordingly. After finding the nearest outlet where the water collected in the drain can be discharged, from that a trench must be brought up to the cross one that is to be carried along the line of the spring; al- lowing a small declivity, of a few inches, in every ten yards, for the water to run. Iff cutting the drain that is to carry off the spring, if, after passing the clay, there be a stra- tum of hard gravel betwixt that and the sand containing the water ; it is preferable to lay the sough there, being a more solid foundation for it, and either to perforate the gravel with the punchy or open small pits through it with the spade; by means of which the water will flow up, and run as speedily off, and with more safety, than if the sough had been laid in the sand itself, which would not only increase the depth and difficulty of working it, but, in many cases^ the level of the orifice will not admit of the drain's being cut to that depth. Also, if, in cutting the trench along the tail of the rock, the level of the orifice D 34 APPROTED MODE OF GRAINING LAND. will not admit of its being cut so deep as to touclj the rock^ the clay, or impervious stratum that lies immediately above it, must be bored through, when the water will flow up through the fissures of the stone, and through the auger holes into the sough; but it is preferable, in cases where the level will admit, to dig the drain through the clay, and'so far into the rock as wil furnish stones for laying the sough ; and then the water will meet with less resistance, and have a freer issue, than if the stone had not been opened nor broken. This will increase the expence o cutting the drain, but lessen that of quarrying the stones elsewhere, and of carrying them to the place w here the drain is made. Although, in the ground to be drained, there may be a ditch, or other old w ater-course, in which it may be prac- ticable, by means of boring, to tap the spring, yet it is better to make a new trench, in which the water of the spring only can have admittance; and where this must cross any ditch, or old water-course, it must be securedhy puddling with clay, or conveyed in a wooden trough, so as not to receive any surface water ; which, by being aug- mented in time of floods, might soon blow up and destroy the sough. As the water thus obtained by means of boring, may be converted to several useful purposes, as those of irrigation, serving small mills, canals, houses, fish-ponds, pasture-fields, &c. caution i» APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 35 necessary in using the auger, lest the water procured in one part of the drain may be lost at another, in the same manner in which it was found, and inthe endeavouring to procure a greater supply; for, as mentioned in Chapter VI. it may, by that means, be let do~jon from a wet into a dry porous sub-stratum. Such are the chief objects that require conside- ration, before beginning to cut the drains : the following directions will be useful in guiding the execution of them. If the drain be to be cut through a soft boggy soil, it is better to be open than covered, espe- cially where it may receive other water than that collected from below, and can at the same time serve as the side of an inclosure, or division be- twixt the upland and low grounds. Stones laid in such drains are soon apt to sink, owing to the softness of the bottom, and the sough may also be soon choaked up. The width of a covered drain may be from three to four feet at top, and one and a half or two feet wide at bottom, thus al- lowing six or nine inches for each side stone, and six inches between, for the passage of the water, forming a square conduit,* being only six or nine inches in height. Or, when the quantity of water collected, or to be conveyed in the drain, is small, * This part of the drain is called the sou^nh^ rominonly pro- nounced the surf. d2 36 APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. it maj onlv be coupled at bottom. This is a con- siderable saving, both in materials and labour, requiring fewer stones, and less time to lay them. It is equally secure when the bottom is solid, the stones good and properly laid, and well packed at the sides, to prevent them from shifting. It is also a saving in cutting the drain, as it requires less width at bottom for this manner of laying the stones, than it does for any square conduit. In most cases, however, where circumstances are fa- vourable, the other method should be preferred. The depth is regulated by the level of the place where the drain is to empty itself, and the nature of the ground through which it is cut, commonly four or five feet, and never less than three.* In * When the drain is only to act as a conductor for the water brought up by the borer where the soil is all clay, its depth may only be three feet, which will be sufficient to allow a proper depth of earth above the stones laid for the conduit at bottom, which need not exceed, nor should ever be less, than one and a half, or two feet. I have seen a drain, in ground apparently very wet on the surface, cut to the depth of three, and even four feet, and several hundred feet in length, without any water being collected by it, and when the borer has been applied, and boies put down at the distance of six yards apart, and ■ ight or ten feet deep a con.-iderable stream of water has been p'-ocured, and which still continues to flow. In one in- stance. Is rc-ly, I directed a drain to be cut in a veiy retentiva clay !-i.U, M hich ai the . 'eptb of four leet found no water. This ga. e occasioi. lo the vorknien to say, and the proprietor to think, that he was lading oul his money to serve no good pur- APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 37 soft, boggj soils, it is often necessary ( if the drain be to be covered) to cut to a much greater depth, or to the bottom of the moss, in order to have a secure foundation for the stones, and as a great part of the water is always lodged between the moss and the next stratum. In digging the drain, it is best to cut the whole length to the depth oftwo or three feet, at which there is no risk of its falling in, and when the ground near it by that means has become more firm, and the stones have been laid down by the side of it, then cut to the depth required. In this way the stones are at hand, and ready to lay so soon as the proper depth is dug, and the laying should be begun at the upper side, proceeding downwards, smoothing and clearing the bottom of the drain. pose 3 but they were soon convinced of the contrary. As the drain had a smooth and uniform slope in the bottom, in order to expedite the work, several men were employed to lay the stones, beginning at the lower end, and proceeding upwards, while others were engaged in boring at the upper end, to pro- ceed downwards. When those below began their work, the drain was quite dry, and no appearance of water, eitlier from the sides or bottom ; but by the time they had proceeded a few yards, and two or three holes were made above, an unexpected stream of water made its appearance, to their no small asto- nishment j and which has since had the eftiict oflayingdrya piece of very wet ground. This shews, that without the use of the auger in like cases, many drains may be cut to an ex- pensive depth, without etfecting the desired end, or without piaking any material change on the appearance of the ground, SS APPROTED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. B}- this means, the fall of the water will be seen and keptj as there is a danger (when begun at the lower end, and laying upwards, in level ground), of digging too deep in clearing the bottom, and thereby causing a stagnation of water, and sludge in the sough, which ought carefully to be avoided. In opening the drain, the turf should be first pared off thin, and laid to one side for after-use, and all the mould thrown out to the other. The most difficult part of the work is laying the sough in running sands, where it is necessary to have the sides of the trench support- ed with flat boards and props, which are removed forwards as they proceed in working, and which keep the sides from falling in, and the loose sand from falling amongst the stones with which the conduit is laid. If the sough or conduit be laid with brick, a small aperture must be left betwixt each, to admit the water from the sides of the drain, and the thin turfs must be laid above, grass side downwards, to prevent the mould from get- ting through tlie openings. The turfs arc laid, grass side downwards, imme- diately above the stones, without any loose stones above the laid ones, as the water is all collected from the bottom of the drain, very little from the sides of it, and none admitted from the top. Un- less, in such cases where the stratum containing the water, or that may receive it in time of rains, is cut through to a greater depth than the height APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 59 of the conduit;, then small stones must be laid above the conduit or cover stone, to the height of such stratum, or as far up as the water ap- pears to ooze out. These small stones admit the water to subside through their interstices to the conduit or soiigliheloWj and thus prevent the bad effects that would otherwise proceed from its con- finement so near the surface. In quick or runing sands, turfs must also be laid in the bottom of the drain, under the sough, to prevent the loose sand from flowing up, and to render the foundation of the bricks or stone more secure, in case of their sinking. Before boring, it is proper to lay the side stones of the conduit ; after which the holes may be put down, at the distance of every four or six yards. But if the water, on withdrawing the auger, rush up with violence, and continue to have a boiling appearance, it indicates a strong body of water confined below, and therefore requires a greater number of openings to give it a speedy and suffi- cient vent. When the force of the water is great, the width of the holes enlarges, and consequently the discharge is increased. By a careful exami- nation of the adjoining ground, it is sometimes possible to say at what depth the stratum con- taining the spring lies, and consequently how deep the bores must be made ; but the general rule is, to go down till the water rise immediately Qn withdrawing the auger. Mr. JElkington 40 APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. has bored thirty feet, before the water flowed plentifully.* In quick-sands, it is better to dig a little into the sides of the trench, off the line of the sough, where the auger is to be used, and, after boring, to cover the places in the same manner as the rest of the sough, leaving out a side stone opposite the hole, as the sand thrown up by the spring can thus be more easily taken out with the hand till it subside, and give over running, and is likewise off the main current coming down the middle of the drain. This is shewn by Fig, 1, of Plan No. 7, in which the dotted lines represent the width of the drain at bottom, &c. and Fig. 2 is a Section of it. That part of the sough ahave the auger holes should be left uncovered till the sand is all thrown up, and the openings clear ; but, till then, the sand must be taken out, and the sough may af- terwards be covered up with safety. Above some of the auger holes, or at any other convenient part of the drain, a kind of funnel may be built to the top of the trench, with a flat stone laid over it, whereby it can at any time be looked at, to see if the issue is clear, and if the quantity of water * I have experienced the same ; but from ten to fifteen feet may be the average. Mr. E. bored a hole thirty feet deep, near Tannvorth, in Staffordshire, through which water issued, equal to three hogsheads in a minute, and drained a great extent of wet ground in the neighbouihood. APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 41 diminishes or increases. When the circumference of the auger holes is not sufficient to let up the quantity of water which the spring would other- wise issue ; where it is not far from the bottom of the trench to the stratum containing the water, * and where there is a bed of hard gravel interven- ing, impenetrable by the auger ; holes must be dug with the spade, down to the spring, and these holes filled up with loose stones, first putting down a round stake in the middle, which, after the stones are filled in, must be drawn out, and this leaves an opening for the water to flow up. No apprehension need be entertained of the holes made by the auger being filled up, M'hether the drain be open or covered, provided no other water is admitted ; for, such is often the force of the spring, that it will throw up any earth or other sludge that may accidentally get into it, and can be injured only by the admission of great quanti- ties of surface or flood water coming upon it at once. When flat stones can be got they are preferable to brick; but there are several kinds of brick, besides the common sort, invented and used solely for the purpose of draining, in several parts of England, where the expence of stone would be- come greater. Of these, the figures in the an- nexed Plate are some of the best kinds. Wl;en small drains are wanted, and when the 42 APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. water is to be conveved to a house, &c. No. 1 is commonly made use of. For larger drains. No. 2 and 3 are well adapt- ed, especially No. 3,* lately invented by Mr. Couchman^ of Boswortli Temple, in Warwick- shire, and with which Mr. Elkington has laid se- veral drains. They are laid single, without one reversed tinder ; for, when that is done, the water running on the under one, occasions a kind of sludge, which in time becomes so encrusted on it, as totally to ob- struct the passage of the water, and render the work useless in a few jears. In clay bottoms they may be laid single, or without any thing under; but, in soft sand}' bottoms, a common buildino' brick should be laid under each side, to prevent them from sinking down, and should be so laid as to form a regular arch ( i. e. the side bricks laid with an equal height), the better to support the pressure above from breaking them, or causing them to slip. They may be construct- ed in the above shape to any dimensions suitable to the quantity of water the drain is to convey. Although the earth that is thrown out of the drain should, when filled in again, be considerably * The tax ought certainly to be taken off such bricks as are vised in draining only, and which cannot be applied to any other purpose, as those above mentioned. APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 43 higher than the surface of the ground on each side, it must remain so ; for, in a year or two, it will subside to the level of the surface on each side. What remains may be spread or laid in some adjoining hollow; for, if levelled, at first, the earth immediately above the drain sinks down, and the rain, by that means lodging in the hol- low, and subsiding downwards, may injure the sough, by carrying part of the earth along with it. While the drain is cutting in very wet peat soils, the surface water, or what may ooze from the sides, before coming to the spring, must be stopped here and there, and when let out to run through the sough, a turf, or bunch of grass, must be laid so as to prevent any sludge which it may bring down from running through along with it, as this might choak the laid part of the drain, and stop the passage of the water. When trees, es- pecially ash, happen to be in the course of the drain, they must be entirely griihhed up, other- wise the roots will get into the sough, and ex- panding through the joints of the stones, will soon put a stop to the passage of the water. When the water issued by the drain becomes of a red ochrcy colour, it indicates a stagnation either from the above cause, if amongst planting, or from some part of the sough having fallen m, which should be speedily repaired, other svise the ground will soon become equally wet as before, * 4i APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. Lastly, The mouth of the drain should be care- fully railed iu, or otherwise guarded, to prevent the cattle from trampling it, or choaking it up, being fond of driiiking there, for the sake of the cool water, even although there be watering places in the field ; and w here there is any de- fect of this kind, it should immediately be reme- died. Likev%ise the outlet of the drains where they empty into an open ditch, or run of water, should be often examined and kept clear, as they are very apt to be choaked up with grass and sand, when neglected, in such places. The first symptoms of the drain's having effect, and which soon appear N^henthe spring is properly fr/ppcff, are, that all the surface drains that may have former- ly been made, and also any adjacent pits, ditches, or places to w hich it may have backed up, imme- diately become dry, and remain so afterwards. On the whole, it appears from the foregoing observations, that this mode of draining bogs, or laud injured by subterraneous water, is by far the most effectual of any that has yet been suggested; and that such ground may be made completely dry, by cutting off one spring /donC;, with which the particular place to be drained may have no apparent communication, but which may be so connected under ground, that from it all the others derive their source ; and being therefore the principal cause of the whole, to hit on it, seems the chief desiideratum of the business. Of this^ APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 45 there are many instances in Mr. Elkin^ton's prac- tice, where, by a few auger holes hitting on the particular spot where the lowest part of the main spring laij, a considerable extent of ground, with which his drain had seemingly little connection, has been laid dry, to the astonishment of those who have seen it, and furnishing a subject of in- credibility to many who have not. At Odstone-hall, in Leicestershire, a very re- markable instance may be seen. A considerable tract of wet marshy ground, of very little value, divided in the middle by a small river, he so com- pletely drained, by making a small trench at one side, and by boring in it, that the part of the marsh on the opposite side of the rivulet, which was at a very considerable distance from the drain, became in a short time equally dry with that where the cut was made; has continued so ever since; and, from being formerly of little or no value, is now converted into excellent wa/ej'-wea- dow, producing, without manure, abundant crops of grass. At Madely, near Newcastle, in Staffordshire, there' is a very* considerable bog, of some hun- dred acres; the drainage of which was always deemed impractible, being of so wet and soft a nature, that no cattle could pass over any part of it, till of late Mr. Elkington, having obtained a lease of it for a certain number of years, has, by means of very little cutting and expence, so efi'ec- 45 APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. tiially drained it, that it may now be considered not only one of the most wonderful undertakings of the kind so easily accomplished, but is also, from the other improvements making on it, likely soon to become one of the most productive farms in that part of the country. At Woburn, in Bedfordshire, he has lately accomplished the drainage of two extensive bogs, belonging to His Grace the Duke of Bedford, in a manner attended with little expence, although they were formerly reckoned irreclaimable.* By drains, too, which he has made, pits and wells at a great distance have been laid dry, and distant springs have abandoned their former course. Many more instances of remarkable drainages of the same kind, executed by Mr. Elkington in different parts of England, might be mentioned ; but as they are all founded on the principles I have explained, and executed in the same manner, the preceding may suffice as evidences of their suc- cess; being facts no less true than astonishing, and which are taken notice of in the Agricultural * One of these bogs was agreed on by a Committee of the Board of Agriculture, as a proper subject for tr)'ing Mr. Elk- ington's skill. Accordingly, he began the drainage in 1795 j and when the autlior saw it in summer following, the intended drains were not then all cut j bat, judging from the effect of those that were, there was every appearance of success, when the whole should be completed. APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 47 Reports of the counties to which they belongs as shall be shewn in the sequel In corroboration of these facts, since the publi- cation of the former edition of this work, many extensive and successful drainages have been ac- complished, under the direction of the author, in different parts of Scotland. In cases of such similarity, to mention the par- ticulars of each, would be tedious and uninterest- ing; but above others, that in the extensive park of Dalkeith, belonging to the Duke of Buccleuch^ is worthy of being mentioned. In all the parts of the operation, it has been carried on an exact conformity to the true principles of the system, and according to the rules and directions given for the drainage of spring bogs (Class 1st) ; the plan of which is also applicable to its nature and situation. Besides rendering the ground dry, and much more valuable, these drains have like- wise served another useful purpose, that of afford- ing a constant supply of spring-water to diiferenl parts of the park. ( 48 ) CHAP. IV. DRAINING OF HILLS AND SHEEP-PASTURES, WITH OBSERVATIONS ON THE MEANS OF PROCURIN© AND RAISING WATER FOR "VVELLS, &C. IN hilly countries where sheep are the staple produce^ less attention is paid to the drainage of such parts of their walk as are wet and u produc- tive, than to that of arable ground, although the effects in the one case are equally beneficial with those in the other. This neglect is often attended with considerable loss. From the nature of the herbage, which a superabundance of moisture produces (whether stagnant on the surface, or long confined under it), proceeds that almost incurable malady the rot, to which so many thou- sands of valuable animals fall a sacrifice.- For this, draining is the most infallible preventative; and in such situations it is attended with little expence, as the drains may, for the most part, be left open, with only here and there covered passages, over which the sheep may cross with safety*. * It is the practice of many of the southern sheep-farms of Scotland, to cut small open drains in the wet pastures, only one foot in width, and the same depth ; but this has very little ef- fect, either in carrying off the superfluous water, or prevent- ing the rot. One rood of the drain here recommendcl, would answer that purpose more effectually than fifty of tlie other, and, on that account, would not be more expensive. APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 49 And although in places where the depth of the cut does not reach the spring, the auger must be applied;, no apprehension need be entertained of the holes filling up, where the drain is left open; for the force of the spring will, of itself, throw up any sand, or sludge, that may get into them^ provided no great quantity of flood or surface water is admitted : but, the better to secure them against any obstruction, small openings may be made in the upper side of the trench ; and in thes6 the perforations may be made, leaving the mouth of the auger holes about a foot higher than the bottom of the drain, which will be without the reach of the water that may be ac- cumulated in time of rains. See Fig. 3, of Platfi No. 13. From the irregular disposition of the compo- nent strata, the sides of many hills are covered with alternate patches of wet and dry soil. By the appearance. of the surface, and by the ve- getables it produces along the declivity, the in- ternal strata, and manner in which they lie, may often be ascertained with such a degree of pre- cision, as to guide the direction of a drain with- out investigating below the surface; for the dif- ficulty or facility with which such ground may be drained^ depends entirely upon the Iije of the different strata of which the hill is composed, and upon the perpendicular and horizontal incli- nation of the rock or body iu which the water is 50 APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. contained. If the rock lies in a horizontal di- rcctioHj all the difterent outlets, or springs that appear ou the surface, may proceed from, or be connected with, the same body of water, and may all be dried up, by cutting off, or letting out the main body of water that supplies them, at the lower part of the reservoir, or place where the water would of itself run off more easily, if it was not confined under an iraperviable covering of clay. But, - Where the rock lies in a perpendicular man- ner, and contains only partial collections of wa- ter amongst the more opeu fissures of the stone^ which empty themselves at numberless outlets unconnected w ith one another ; it would be pre- posterous to attempt cutting them off by one drain, or by tapping any particular one of them, with- out a drain being cut into each. See Plan marked No. 8, Fig. 1. In this manner, it is better to cut the main drain all in the clay, with small cuts up to each outlet, than along the dotted line, or place where the springs break out : as it would in that direc- tion be too much in the rod', and difficult to cut, from the nature and inclination of the stone, V^ here the water issuing out along the dotted line, can, by means of the auger, be hit on in the- main drain, at the points AAA, it will be more effectually cut off; but if that is not practicable, the depth of the small cuts will reduce it to such APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 51 aleveL as prevent its overflowing or injuring the surface below. In many hills composed of alternate strata of rock^ sand, and clay, the surface of the latter is commonly wet and swampy, while that of the former is dry and productive, and therefore re- quires as many cuts to drain it completely, as there are divisions of wet and. dry soil. The highest part of the hiil being, for the most part, composed of porous soil, receives the rain-water which descends through it, till it meets some im- pervious stratum, as clay, which obstructing its percolation any further downwards, it then rises to the surface, and forces itself a passage over that impassable stratum. After it has thus overflowed the upper day sur- face, it is immediately absorbed by the next po- rous stratum, and descending into it in like man- ner as above, it again issues at the lower side of it, and injures the surface of the next clay bed, as it did that of the first. In this manner the same spring will affect the other similar strata of which the hill is com- posed, down the M'hole declivity, and form at last, in the hollow, a lake or bog, if there is not a proper outlet or descent to carry off the water. To drain a hill-side of this description, it is necessary to begin by making a trench along the E 2^ 5^ APFROVED MODE OF DRAININft LAND. upper side of the uppermost rushy soil, which will have the effect of cutting off the highest spring ; but as the rain falling on the next po- rous soil subsides to the lowest parts of it, and forms another spring, and as it may likewise be partly supplied from some other internal source, a second cut is necessary there, to prevent that water from injuring the surface of the next clay bed. Thus similar cuts will be requisite lower down the descent, so far as the same springs and appearances continue to injure the ground, which may produce a quantity of water sufficient to irrigate the lower ground, or which may be useful in some other respect. See Plan, No. i\ In some hills, the strata of which they are formed lie so regular, that it is practicable to extract the water from either side on the same level, which would be of very considerable ad- vantage in draining the one side, and procuring water for the other ; for there is often found on the one side a wet swamp, and on the other, the soil too dry. This is owing to the bed of clay that upholds the w ater not lying horizontally, but dipping more to the one side than to the other, and by the one (the dry) side being over- lapt by a covering of clay, whereby the water is forced to issue at the open side ; but, if an out- let is given to it on the drt/ side, by means of a APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 53 drain, lower than that from which it flows on the wet side, the course of the spring may easily be diverted. The opposite side being porous and covered with sand, will act as a reservoir to receive the rain waters, which will afterwards flow through the opening made in the clay. This may be of great use in supplying a house with water that is situated on the dry side of the hill, and save the additional expence of conveying it in another manner*. See Plan marked No. 8. Fig. 2. A spring in a low situation adjacent to higher ground may be raised to. supply a house, or for any other useful purpose, although much below that level, by confining it in a pipe or brick chimney. The reservoir from whence the spring or out- let of water is supplied, being confined, and pent * Care must be taken, in conducting the drain for convey- ing water to supply a house, &;c. not to cut it, nor bore in it, so deep as to reach a porous stratum, otherwise the water that may have been found at one place, may, by ti^e same means, be lost at another. Puddling may in some degree secure it, but not in ever}' case. Another thing should be attended to in digging wells for a permanent supply of water : Although a plentiful flow of water is found in the sand through which the well is digging, before the bottom of that sand is come at, yet for the greater security of always retaining a sufficient supply, it is proper to dig so far into the clay or retaining stratum, by which there will be less risk of the water being lost in dry sea- sons, 54 APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. Up between two impervious strata, and the upper part of it extending perhaps to a considerable height and distance in the high ground, it is evi- dent that, if a perforation is made through the superincumbent stratum into the tail, or lowest part of the porous stratum containing the spring, the water may be raised, by confining it, niearlj as high as the level of the head of the reservoir. See Fig. o. Of this there are several instances in Mr. El- kington's practice, particularly near Warwick, where he raised the water procured from drain- ing a low meadow, into a mill lead a consider- able height above the level of the drain. The drain is closely built with brick, and puddled above with clay, to prevent the water from oozing through the joints. It then rises through a perpendicular brick chimney to the height of the mill lead, by means of its own pressure in some higher ground. The advantages of such operations must be very great in many situations, and may often be accomplished with success, where many would think them impracticable*. Of the practicability of this, however, and * For an account of experiments in Mr. Elkington's mode of draining, and in procuring water by boring, &c. successfully made by Sir Joseph Ba^ks, see the enlarged Agricultural Re^ port of Lincolnshire. APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 55 that wa'er may often be raised to a very con- siderable height by means of its pressure in dis- tant ground, the following remarkable occur- rence, which happened lately in diggijig a well in the vicinity of London, is a proof: Earl Spencer, for the preservation of his noble man- sion house at ^Vimbledon against fire, and to be well supplied with water, ordered a well to be dug at a little distance from the house, which was sunk to the amazing depth of near six hun- dred feet before any spring was found. It was begun on the 31st of May, 1795; and on the 12th of August, 1796, the man who was em- ployed in the undertaking gave a signal to the person above to draw him up, as he had found the spring, and was immersed in water so deep that his life became endangered. In the space of four hours, the water rose to the height of three hundred and fifty feet, and, during two days fol- lowing, its increase Avas more than a foot an hour. The water, proceeding from a rock, is remarkably fine, and from the strata it passes through, is strongly impregnated with mineralic qualities. The sinking of this well aloue, has cost his Lordship about two thousand pounds, but will recompense him by its utility ; as, be- fore it was done, the only supply for the family was either rain water falling during the wet wea- ther, or water procured from the adjoining fish- ponds, As there is no extent of higher ground 56 APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. near that where the well is sunk, and as the depth of it is some hundred feet below the bot- tom of the Thames, the source of the reservoir from whence the spring is supplied must be si- tuated at a very great distance, and must contain a very large body of water, to raise it so suddenly to such a height. EXPLANATION OF PLAN, NO. 9. Springs and wetness are sometimes found on the top of banks and hills, where the ground contiguous is much low^er on all sides ; but they are supplied from higher ground at a distance, by means of the substrate or metals lying in the manner represented by Plan, No. 9. The continuation of the strata CD, is supposed to keep on the same rise, in the high ground north side of the rivulet, to a much higher level than the line AB, by which means the springs at E and F, issuing from the crop of the metals^ are supplied. By bringing up a cut from the rivulet into the bank at G, an outlet will be obtained for the water, free from that of the rivulet ; and by bor- ing or sinking a pit from H to I, the water flow^ ing through the porous strata from CD, to EFj w ill be reduced to the level of LM, consequently the source of the springs EF, will be intercepted, and the ground on the top and on both sides of APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND, 57 the declivity become dry ; and the metals^ to that depth, may be ^yrought free of water. This could not be effected by boring from the |)ottom of the rivulet, or any run of water, as shewn by the dotted line, for the pressure of the running water above would prevent that below from rising freely, and small stones or sand w ould be lodged in the hole. If the strata K, crop out to the surface, and cause wetness, the pit, or bore, HI, may be continued till it reach it ; but lying at such a depth, and covered with so much clay on the surface, the water contained in it may 1^0 po injury to the ground. ( 58 ) CHAP. VI. DRAINAGE OF BOGS AND OTHER WET GROUND^ Br PERFORATING THROUGH A RETENTIVE TO A PO- ROUS SUBSTRATUM. IN manj parts of the country, considerable tracts of land lie waste and uncultivated, owing to wetness in a particular situation, that might hy this means be easily drained, and rendered much more productive. The cause of their wet- ness proceeds, not from springs lying either un- der the surface, nor from the overflowings of any in the adjoining higher grounds ; but from the accumulation of rain water, stagnating on a retentive body of clay or other impervious sub- subtance, through which the water can have no descent ; and being also surrounded with higher ground of the same impervious nature, the water ef itself can have no natural outlet. Such ground, when it becomes boggy, is commonly called land- locked bogs. The situation of these bogs, being often so much lower than the ground that sur- rounds them, the cutting of a main drain, or conductor, through the bank (as represented by the dotted lines in the Plan), for carrying off the water collected by the smaller drains, would, in many cases^ be attended with an ex pence greater APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 59 than the value of such land when drained. The thickness of the impervious stratum that retains and upholds the water, is often so great, that, although the strata under it be of a porous and open nature, as rock, sand, or gravel, the water can find no passage whereby of itself to descend through the one into the other, and therefore, by its long stagnation above, all the coarse ve- getables that have for a series of years been pro- duced on its surface, and even the upper part of the soil itself, are formed into a body of peat- earth, equally soft, and less productive, than that of any spring bog, and which is only pas- sable by cattle in very dry seasons, when the wind and sun exhale part of its moisture ; but is even then inaccessible to the plough. The drainage of these bogs must be effected in a manner different from that of spring bogs, the cause of both not being the same. In the fol- lowing manner it may be done at least expence. The first drain must be made in the middle or lowest part of the ground, and into this all the others must lead. The number and direction of these must depend on its extent. They must be cut through the peat, or^wet spongy upper soil, to the top of the clay or retentive substratum, which must be perforated by the auger, in or- der to give an oulct downwards for the wa- ter, which will be absorbed by the porous strata 60 APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. below*. The drains should be cut as nar- row as possible, and, after the auger holes * Making one large pit or well in the middle or lowest part of the bog, dug through into the porous substi-ata, with the drains leading into it, would answer equally well, and would save boring along each of the drains. ** If a pit is sunk twenty *' or thirty feet deep, in the middle of a field through the " Hertfordshire red, flinty, and impeiTious clay, into tlie chalk ** below, when the usual quantity of chalk is taken out, the pit ** shaft is filled up with the flints taken out of the chalk and " clay, and the top drainage of this part of the field much • *' shortened for ever afterwards, by making principal drains ** from the part of the field above tlie level of the top of the ** pit terminate therein, and the superabundant moisture will " escape through the flints in the pit shaft to the chalk below. *' And if a drain is carried into a limestone quarry, it is sel- " dom necessary to carry it further, *' In dells or hollows of considerable extent, covered with *' an impervious stratum, and from which tliere is no natural *' drainage, such as the valley between Mold, the shire town ** of Flintshire, and the adjoining high land, a pit about four •• feet diameter, and fifteen feet deep, more or less, as the " case may require, is sunk tlirough the impenious superstra- *' turn into a pervious stratum of gravel, and the rain water, " and of some adjoining springs, are carried from the surface " thereby ; the pit is railed round, to prevent cattle firom fall- " ing into it. I must here remark, tliat though in this, as " well as in many other instances that may be given, tlie top ♦' water escaped through the pervious substratum, the efl^ect " might have been directly the contrar)\ I therefore recom-> " mend the impeivious superstratum, in all such cases, to be ^' perforated by bore-rods, and the hole made by them is easily ^* stopped up." J^rkulturai Report ef Hertfordshire., p. 66. APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. '61 have been made, and a condui^ formed on the under stones coupled below^ they should be filled with loose stones to within a foot and a half of the surface ; and this vacuity may be filled up with part of the earth taken out, having a turf, grass side downwards, next the stones. The water and noxious moisture contained in the peat, or upper soil, will be extracted by the drains, and will subside through the auger holes into the porous strata below. If the ground is afterwards ploughed, care must be taken in forming the ridges, and giving them a proper descent towards the main drain, which will greatly assist the others in discharging any heavy falls of rain water. The observations in the an- nexed note from the Roxburgshire Report, may be useful in this respect, as well as to the future improvement of the ground. Before proceeding to drain this land in the manner described, the following observation must be attended to : It should be discovered, in the first place, whether the porous strata im- mediately under the clay is dry, and will receive the water when let down into it from above ; or being already saturated with water itself, may, in place of receiving more, throw up a greater quantity to the surface ; and thus, instead of reme- dying the evil, render it worse. This may some- times be the case, and the substrata may contain water that makes no appearance on the surface 62 APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING tUfitt, « at this place, owing to the superincumbent body of clay, but which, being connected with some higher spring, maj flow up when a vent is given to it by the auger. Thus would a greater quan- tity of water be brought to the surface, which, having no outlet through the circumjacent bank, would render the ground much more wet, and might even, in some situations, almost form a lake. If the surrounding high ground declines deeper or lower than the bog, although at some distance, by means of a spirit-level and the ap- pearance of the surface, the nature of the under strata may, in a certain measure, be discovered ; and although it should already contain water, a drain can be there cut to draw off that water, and also what is let down into it from above. See letter K in the section of Plan, No. 10, which will help to elucidate these remarks. It very frequently happens, that springs or spouts (as they are commonly called) rise in the middle of a field, at a distance from any ditch or open drain into which the water may be discharged ; so that a covered drain brought from the nearest outlet, would pass so far through dry ground, as to render the expence of con- ducting the water from the spout, greater than the injury done by it. To remedy this, begin by cutting a drain a few yards in length, or by sinking a pit into the perous soil immediately between the lowei^ side of the wet and next dry APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 63 ground ; aad from that bring an upright drain into the jipper side of the wet ground, from which take a branch to both sides, along the up- per side of the wet., so far as it goes. This up- per drain will cut off the water where it rises to the surface; the upright drain will convey it to that cut along the lower side of the wet ground, where the water will subside into the porous subsoil. An easier method may he, where the reteative substratum is not deep, first to cut the drain along the upper side of the wet ground, and after coming to the stratum in which the water flows, either to bore through the retentive substratum, or cut the drain to that depth, bj which means the water cut off above will be let down into the absorbent stratum below, and thus got rid of more easily than by any other method. But, if the gTOund is steep, and the stratum into which the water is let down, tails out any where below, or lower down on the declivity, the water will again flow out, and cause a si- milar spout, or wet place in the field. This, however, will seldom be the case, and may easily be remedied by being perhaps near the extre- mity or lower side of the field. The following extract from Dr. Nugent's Travels through Germany in 1766, will shew the mode of draining marshes in that country, nearly on the same principles as explained in thi* chapter : 64: APPROVED MODE GV DRAINING LAND. " The draining of marshes is conducted id much the same mamier as that of lakes ; but here I hare seen the operation performed only on what we call moor or turf grounds. '' These aie most easily drained by carrying trenches through those grounds, when the dis- position of the country is such, that the water can be conveyed to some neighbouring stream. '' The first thing they do is to carry a ditch to the middle of the moor in a direct line, its depth and breadth adapted to the extent and wetness of the ground ; and thus to the sup- posed quantity which is to be carried off. Every six, eight, or ten perches, as the ground is more or less swampy, cross trenches on both sides are drawn in a direct line, and communicating on both sides with the main trench. But, in case of water coming from any neighbouring emi- nences, they dig a trench round the whole ground as a reservoir ; and this likewise communicates with the main trench, &c. '' In case the draining of the water into some natural receptacle be not practicable, at least not under a very great expcnce, then they have recourse to sinking ponds or reservoirs in some neighbouring bottom, and to these they carry all the trenches. " These ponds are likewise of use as a fishery ; but, if even the sinking of such a pond be too chargeable, there still remains an expedient APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 65 which is of good effect, and chiefly if tlie moors are not too wet and marshy. '' It is the nature of moors in general, that, beneath the turf or moss, there is a loam which hinders the moisture from penetrating ; and this indeed is what makes the marsh, and causes the luxuriant growth of the turf or moss ; but this loam or clay is only a stratum, and far from being of an immense depth ; under it is generally a sand, or some other stony or loose soil. '" Here reason readily informs us, that a mid- dling morass may be drained by 'perforating the clay, and thus make way for the moisture to pe- netrate. In order to this, a pit is dug in th© deepest part of the moor, till they come below the obstructing clay, and meet with such a spongy stratum as, in all appearance, will be sujBicient to imbibe the moisture of the marsh above it. Into this pit the ebbing of the morass is conveyed through a trench, and both the trench and the pit are tilled up after the first drain, with large broad stones, setting them edgewise, so as to leave interstices for carrying off the water : then such stones are laid over breadthwise, and these covered with loose earth, like that on the surface. When no such stones are to be had, strong piles are rammed down the sides of the trench, and broad boards laid across : and these are covered with earth to a height fit for culture 66 APPROVED MODE OF DRAININCJ LAJ!?0. '' This is a matter of no great expence^ the pit being as near the morass as the water will ad- mit, and the trenches but short : then they have a drain unperceived, which leaves the surface of the trenches for the plougb ; and in middling marshesj especially in such moors as are only wet and damp;, this method, though sometimes slow, never fails taking effect ; and many tracts are thereby made serviceable to the farmer or grazier." Mr. Morice has drained a field of fifty acres in the neighbourhood of Aberdeen, exactly in the manner described by Dr. Nugent^ from whose publication he took the hint. The folloxiing Extract from the JRoxiurghslnre Report, explains a shnilar Practice which had heen successfully attempted in that part of the Kingdom. " In the first place, \i will be necessary to premise, that from one to six feet deep, below the surface of the waste lands that might be made arable in this county, is found a large seam of a black slaty, or metallic substance, generally from twenty to twenty-five feet in thickness ; smd below this is found a mass of whinstone APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 67 rock, both laying in a tolerable regular straight line. The thickness of the whinstone rock, I presume, is unknown, as I have not heard it was ever bored into. The black slatv, or me- tallic substance, is generally found so closely cemented, as it were, without chinks, or fissures, that it is impenetrable even to water, or any other liquid ; while, on the contrary, the whin- stone rock, when come at, abounds with chinks and fissures, and will receive and swallow up any quantity of water poured into its bosom. The surface of the earth, above the slaty, or me- tallic substance, is found every where of a light, kernelly, and mossy nature, apparently having, in the course of a series of ages, been produced and formed from the vegetable substances which had attached themselves to it : fulling in the autumn seasons, and having no receptacle to re- ceive the rain water as it falls below its stratum, it preserves it on its surface, and in the winter months becomes swelled and enlarged in a con- siderable degree. In the spring months, when the sun and wind absorb it, and cause it to ex- hale, the moss becomes of a tolerable firmness, and produces a coarse kind of unprofitable grass, mixt in many places with short heather, of no use either for the rearing or feeding of sheep or cattle. " Having in a brief manner given you an ac- count of the several strata of which the waste f2 68 APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. land of this county is composed^ which 6vcry person in the habit of improving^, should be well acquainted \\iih, and have^ as it were^ con- stantly in view, I shall now proceed to give an example or two of the method of cultivation I tookj and then add a few observations. In the year 1784, after I had sowed up my fallow quarter on old land w ith wheat, and the autumn proving pretty dry, I, in the latter part of Oc- tober, ploughed up twenty acres of waste lands, of the above description, and as one part of it lay nearly on a level, and the other on the slope of a hill, 1 divided it into two parts, judging it might be necessary to cause each part to undergo a different course of cultivation. The level part I gathered up in small ridges, and ploughed it pretty deep, making the furrows narrow, keep- ing two labourers following each plough, as well to remo'.e any obstructions that might arise from stones or roots, as also to turn the upper rim, cr surface below, when the plough was the fault. I'hisdone, I allowed it to lay until Mid- summer 1"; So.. But in the spring months, as soon as it would bear my sheep and cattle, I drove them up and down the ground as often as oc- casion would permit, as well to nip off any pprouts of grass that might appear, as to tread it to a firm consisience, and which was at- tended with most bciufieial effects. At Mid- APPROVED MODE OP DRAINING LAND. 69 summer, having no other fallow that year, I gathered it up again, but finding, although the ridges were getting high, being only set out eight feet at first, the plough did not get to the slaty substance in the hollow of the ridges, I was obliged to lay out the ridges sixteen feet ; — this cost me a great deal of trouble ; but I eventually got the plough down to the slaty substance. When my work was done so far, my next thoughts were directed to got the water drawn out of the hollow of the ridges, being at least four feet below any level I could obtain. To remedy this, I got a pair of bore rods, which I put down the slaty substance, to the whin- stone rock, at sundry places, and which eftbe- tually answered my purpose, keeping the tops of the holes or canals covered with a basket of loose stones, which I allowed to remain, or re- move at pleasure as the weather proved more or less wet. " In the spring of 1786, I had the pleasure to find my waste land was in a condition to sow, as early almost as any other part of my farm : the winter rains falling through the soil upon the ridges into the bosom of the slaty substance, which was laid bare in many places ; in the hollow of the ridges, it was gently drawn otf, and glided regularly into my canals. In the spring of 1786, I sowed in drills my first crop, of Dutch oats, without anv dressiufr, runnina: 70 APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. the drills over ^vith a light roller, to press the earth, aud prevent the drought taking hold of, and penetrating to the plants, ^\hich was of great use ; and in the beginning of September, I had the pleasure of reaping a tolerable good crop, of about five bolls per acre ; but the quality, as might be expected, was coarse, the stems growing to a great size, which arose from my not giving the drills a sufficiency of seed. ^' In the spring of 1787, I gave it two plough- ings, and a slight dressing of dung, marl, &c. compounded together, and sowed my second crop in drills again, consisting of Hastings peas ; these I sowed pretty thick, and produced a fine crop indeed. In spring 1788, I sowed Dutch oats again, in drills as before, which turned out well, both with respect to quantity and quality, and continued to grow the same crops in succession until 1792, that I left the farm. *■• I ploughed, on the contrary, the otlier part of the waste ground on the slope of a hill, in thin broad furrows, using the same measures and precautions as above described, and which I allowed to remain until the Midsummer of 1785 also, when I set a strong brake to work upon it, hoping to tear its upper surface to pieces, and thereby save me a ploughing ; but I found my- self mistaken iu this, for the surface not being sufficiently covered with earth, had not expe^ APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 71 rienced an alteration sufficient to yield to the experiment ; I was therefore necessitated to pre- pare it for burning; but the weather proving wet at the end of the summer, rather foiled me, androbliged me to give up any further progress for the seasoHj and leave it in a more backward state than the part first mentioned. *' In the spring of 1786, I gave it two plougli- ings, braking, &c. but it still proving large and lumpy on the surface, for the reasons before as- signed, and despairing of its growing any thing, I at last, after much deliberation, determined to sow it in drills with peas, giving it a large quantity of seed, not with a view of a crop, so much as covering the surface close with the plants, and thereb}^ accelerate its cultivation. The number of plants pushing forward at the same time, for want of air at the roots, greatly weakened one another, and proving in the end of a dwarf kind, produced me a good crop, at the same time that they improved the lands in the way I expected. In 1787, I sowed Dutch oats, in the way and form before described, changing the seed yearly, until I left the farm, as men- tioned before. " As the soil above the slaty substance was not above two feet and a half deep, the plan of setting off the ridges eight feet broad in this part of the land, answered well. '^ Being satisfied, from many experiments and 72 APPROTED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. observations^ of which the above case will bear me through^ that the waste lands in the king' dom arises from the first solid substance found under the surface, being impervious and impe- netrable to rain, or any other liquid body, as before explained ; and as these solid substances lie pretty near the surface, all attempts to im- prove waste lands will be fruitless, unless the ridges are laid off in breadth proportionable to the depth of the soil, so as to allow the plough to get to these solid substances in the hollow of the ridges ; that done, waste lands soon prove prolific and valuable. Excess of heat and cold have the same effect on vegetation : thus, in hot sultry summers, we say vegetation is at a standi being quite burnt up ; and in cold wet summers, we say vegetation is at a stand, being scalded, and hurt by the wet. The first we can only guard against, by sowing early : the other we can over- come by draining, &c. which no farmer should omit." ( 73 ) CHAP. VI. DRAINAGE OF SOILS COMfOSED OF ALTERNATE BEDS OF CLAY AND SAND. IN districts where the soil is composed of an intermixed variety, and where clay forms the most predominant part, draining is a work attend- ed with much greater difficulty and expence than in those, where both the surface and internal strata are more regularly disposed. In these kinds of soils, where every reservoir of water is uncon- nected with another, being separated by interven- ing beds of clay, the partial collections of water that these reservoirs contain are so much augment- ed in time of great rains, that, being full to the level of the surface of the surrounding clay, the water, having then a free issue, as over the edges of a dish, so overflows and surcharges the surface of that clay, and renders it so wet and sour, that its produce becomes every year more scanty, and the nature of the soil itself more barren. As these sand-beds have no communication with each other> it requires as many drains as they are in number, to extract the water CLom each of them. From the nearest and lowest part of the field to be drained, a trench must be cut up to the high- est or most distant saud bank, in such a direction 74 APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. as, if possible, to hit on some of the intermediate sand-beds, and save the making a longer side cut, otherwise liecessary; but, where this would give many awkward turnings to the main trench, would necessarily lengthen it^ and where, by crossing the beds in places higher than the surface of the sur- rounding clay,- would considerably increase the depth of it, and be difficult to work, especially if rock or running sand; drains in the form of let- -ter Y must branch off to such beds, to draw off the water they contain, and to convey it into the leading one, as represented in Plan 11, Fig. 1. Although the sand-beds throw out the water they contain on all sides, so as to injure the clay surface immediately round them, a drain on the one side will completely extract the water from the whole, and prevent it from breaking out at either side, provided that where it is cut be the lowest. It may be observed, that, unless the drain is so cut, it cannot be supposed to have this effect, while the water can find an outlet on the oppo- site side of the bank lower than the bottom of the drain. This ought, therefore, to be previously considered-; and, by carefully examining the ground, and applying the spirit-level, the proper side for the drain may easily be found. Or, if the water bursting out round the bank has been observed in dry seasons to run at one place, and uot at the others, it is a proof that this is the APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 75 lowest point, and^ by cutting the drain in the di- rection of this level, the water will afterwards be prevented from rising to the height of the upper outlets, or above the level of the bottom of the drain, even in the wettest seasons. In many cases, the Avhole water that causes the wetness, and sup- plies the other sand-beds below, may arise from the upper springs, passing over the upper soil, and through the different sand-beds; by be- ing prevented from descending deeper than the retaining bed of clay. In this case, the drainage of the whole field may be accomplished with much less diiSicuIty and eipence than in the for- mer. After the main conducting drain from the outlet has been cut, the upper drain from A to B (Plan No. 12) must next be made, which will intercept and cut off the principal springs, and may by this means render the lower drains CD and EF unnecessary, unless merely to extract the partial supply of v/ater which the lower sand- beds may receive in time of rains, and which ( if these sand-beds are of small extent) can do little injury to the adjoining surface. From this it ap- pears that one spring rising in the highest ground may be the sole cause of injuring a con- siderable tract Ivinji' below: from its water over- flowing the surface at one place, and subsiding into it at another, according to the tenacit}^ or openness of the soil; and therefore, in such cases, the upper spring or feeder^ should be first cut off, and the effeet of that known^, before any more drains are made in the lower ground. This will be better understood from the Section of Plan No. 12. Besides soils corresponding to this description, there are others nearly of a similar nature^ but each bed being of less extent, and lying more regularly together, their drainage can be more easily effected by means of less cutting, and con- sequently less expence. Under the beds of sand and clay that thus lie alternately together, and almost parallel to one another, is found a general body of impervious clay, that keeps up the water contained in the sand, which continues always full, moistening the adjacent clay, and, in wet seasons, running over it. As this main under- stratum of clan is seldom above four or five feet below the surface, a drain must be cut to that depth through the middle of the field, if it has a descent from both sides; or, if the ground de- clines all to one side, the drain must be cut there, where the water w ill more easily discharge itself into it; and unless the field is of considerable ex- tent, and have more hollows in it than one, one drain will answer the purpose effectually; for, by crossing all the different beds that hold the water, it will draw it from each. See Fig. 2, Plan No. 11. The great difficulty, however, in draining land of this description, and which is impracticable by APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 77 one drain, is, if the direction of the alternate beds of claj and sand lie aci'oss the declroity of the grounds; so that one drain in this case can have no other eflfect than that of carrying off the wa- ter after it has passed over the different strata, and would here naturally stagnate in the lowest part of the field, if there was no other outlet for it. Therefore, when the ground lies in this man- ner, which is often the case, besides the drain in the hollow, others must be cut up from it, in a sloping direction, across the dcdrcity, which, by crossing all the different , veins* of sand, will extract the water from each. See Fig. 3, Plan No. 11. Where these alternate strata are of greater ex- tent, and the wetness produced by greater springs, forming swamps at different levels on the sides of hills, the method of draining them has been described in Chapter IV. The first thing to be observed, in the drainage of such alternate soils, is to discover minutely the inclination of the alternate strata, or how they lie with regard to the situation of the field to be drained, as upon this the direction of the drains entirely depends; and as the external signs that distinguish the different beds, are easily percep- tible from the appearance of the surface, and difference of the ]ierbage that each produces, * A verv thin or narrow stratum. 78 APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. there is little difficulty in attaining this part of the object. la drains of this kind, there is sel- dom any need for applying the auger, as the ne- cessary depth of the trench reaches far enough down, and as there is no spring, for want of con- nection with higher ground, to force itself up through the auger holes ; or, if there is, it can- not, at so great a depth, and below such a body of clay, do any injury to the ground above. The drain, after being formed like a sough at bottom, or set like a triangle, must be filled a considerable way up with small stones, before the mould is thrown in, taking care to have tough sods laid immediately above the former. Where atones are scarce, and plenty of brushwood at hand, faggots may be substituted in their place with propriety. The under part of the drain, however, should be laid or coupled with stones, as a canal to carry ofif the water subsiding through the faggots, and which has also the good effect of prolonging their duration; for when the water cannot get clearl}' off, which must be the case where there is no open conduit of stones, its stag- nation amongst the branches must soon cause their decay, and choke up the passage of the drain*. There is one thing more to be attended to, in completely accomplishing the drainage of these soils: if the field lies very much on the de- * In no case \vbatever, should the drain be filled witli stones tlirown in promiscuously, wiiiiout first forming a course for the water at bottom. APPROVED MODE OP DRAINING LAND. T9 scent, care must be taken in laying out the branch drains in a direction sufficiently horizontal, so as not to make the fall too precipitant, by which the bottom of the trenches would be worn uneven, and thus would obstruct the passage of the wa- ter, which might soon blow them up; but the fall should be such as to enable the water to clear its course. The reason why fewer drains are re- quired in fields that lie nearly horizontal ( as those of the second class in this Chapter), is, that the water is drawn equally from both sides; whereas those on a sloping declivity, drawing only from the higher side of the drains, require them to be more in number, or closer to one another. This is the case in every situation where surface drain- ing is necessary, and particularly so in such soils as those described in Chapter VII. In Lancashire, where these soils, composed of alternate beds of clay and sand, very much pre- dominate, and which have there acquired the names of sand pots or guts (a term properly enough applied to them, from their holding water like a pot), Mr. Elkington has executed several drainages in the manner I have described; and also a very difficult one of the same kind at Sut- ton-hall, in Derbyshire, where the water was con- tained in small beds of rock, crossed and inter- cepted by beds of clay; and to this Fig. 1, in the annexed Plan, No. 11, more particularly al- ludes. ( so ) CHAP. vir. DRAINAGE OF SOILS POROUS ABOVE, AND RETET*- TIVE BELOWj &C. IN flat tracts of land, where the surface^ or upper soil is injured by a superfluity of stagnant water not proceeding from springs, their drainage is an object of the first importaacej and which may, in most cases, be accomplished with very little expence. The upper soil being composed of a porous stratum, of two, three, or four feet in thickness^ and having under this a strong retentive body of clay, the rain-water falling on the surface, easily subsides till it meets the clay, and there being obstructed from further descent, the whole open part of the soil stands so full of water, as to re- tard the progress of vegetation, or at least greatly to injure it.* To carry off this water, requires only one or few more drains, according to the si- tuation of the field, and these no deeper than just to reach a few inches into the clay; betwixt which and the under part of the porous soil, the greatest quantity of water will remain stagnant. * This kind of soil is commonly denominated aet-fcof^omed land. APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 81 when it does not appear so much on the surface. In this kind of drainage there is no need for the auger^ there being no real spring or subterrane- ous water to get rid of. If it has a small descent from both sides, one drain cut through the porous to the clay soil, in the hollow part of the field, will effectually draw off all the water that the porous soil may contain ; which will be greatly facilitated by properly forming the ridges to answer the declivity of the ground, and by deepening and clearing out the furrows with the spade. See Plan No. 13, Fig. 1. If the situation of the field correspond with the representation of it in the plan, the water will flow into the drain ( being in the hollow part of it), through the porous strata, as well as through a number of small trenches cut up from it to both sides, which is the common practice in Essex,* and some other counties adjoining; but it is cutting up a whole field to no useful purpose. The drain may either be open, if it can serve as a division of the field at the same time, or co- vered, as circumstances may require. If a field of this soil has more than one hollow in it, in that case, it is necessary to have more * From its being so much practised there, this mode of draining is commoniy called the Essex viode of hollow-draining. G 82 APPROTED MODI: OF DRAINING LAND. than one drain ; but if it is almost level, or ir.- clir es only a little to on? side, a ditch or drain at the lowest extremity, having the ridges and fur- rows formed, as already mentioned^ will answer the purpose eftectually. See Fig. 2, and S, of Plan No. 13. In some cases, however, it may be necessary to have a few side-cuts from the main drain, where the field is large or very flat, cut down also a little into the clay, as narrow as it is possible to dig them, and filled with stone, in the usual manner. Such is the method of draining these soils with most advantage ; but many fields suffer equally from wetness, that consist of soil exactly opposite to the former, viz. a clay surface having a po- rous substratum. The drainage of such ground, where the wet- ness is still of a more injurious nature, and where the impervious stratum that upholds the water is of such a thickness as to require being perforated by the auger, is fully described iu Chap. V.; but here, the depth of the drain being sufficient to reach the porous subsoil without the help of boring, the description of such may with more propriety form a part of this Chapter. Fields of this kind commonly lie very flat, without any declivity, whereby the noxious water, stagnant on (he clay surface, might naturally discharge itself without the help of drains; for soils of the same APPROVED MODE OP DRAINING LAND. S3 haturC;, in a hanging situation^ are seldom or never affected by the same cause. Such ground is more difficult to drain, and re- quires a greater number of cuts than any other soil whatever, as they must be so laid out and con- ducted, as "0 collect all the water from the sur- face, which can only discharge itself into the drains from above, being unable to flow into them through the clay, as in those soils of an opposite description ; and where there is any ir- regularity on the ground, the water will remain standing in the hollows, within a few feet of the drain. The first thing, is to make one main con- ductor in the lowest part, or at one end of the field, to receive and carry oft' the water collected by the smaller collateral cuts, which it may be requisite to make on each side of it. If it suits the situation or division of the field, this main drain had better be open than covered ; and then the outlets of the other drains that fall into it can easily be inspected, and frequently cleared out, i.? occasion may require. The proper for- mation of the ridges, to answer the declivity of the ground, should be particularly attended to in such soils. The ridges should have rise enough in the middle to give the water a fall into the furrows ; and th^se should have depth and fall enough to convey it into the drains. Thus would a great part of the rain-water, as it falls, be carried oft', which would lesseo the num- G 2 84 APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. ber of small cuts, olberwise necessary. The drains should all be dug as narrow as possible, and filled up in the usual manner with loose Stones; onlj the bottom of the conducting draia (if it is not an open one ) should be formed in the manner already described, with a small open conduit at bottom, the more easily to carry off the water. The small drains should also be coupled at bottom ; i. e. two of the largest stones laid in the bottom, inclining on one another ab«ve, form- ing a triangular opening of four or six inches below. As the water is all received in at the top of these drains, it is necessary that they should be filled with small stones so near to the surface as to leave only a space to be filled with loose gra-uel, sufficiently deep to prevent the plough or harrow from deranging them. Loose gravel, if it is at hand, is better than the stifFclay that came out of the drain, as it more easily admits the water to subside through it to the stones ; and the other can be spread on any adjacent hollo vf in the field. A thin laijcr of straw or rushes* should be laid immediately above the stones, to prevent the smaller part of the gravel from filling up too closely the interstices betwixt them ; but this is * If the fxeld is in pasture, the upper turfs pared thinly oft vill £nsv, er this purpose better than straw or rushe*. APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 85 not SO requisite when gravel is used in the place of the mould. This mode of draining is calculat- ed for every tenacious claj soil, vvhether porous below or not; but, in many instances^ the deepen- ing of the furrows, with very few drains^ might remedy the evil, where the retentive upper soil is only a foot or two deep, with a porous suisoil under it, through which the water would easily subside downwards, and again empty itself at gome lower extremity of the field. The drains and furrows should therefore be deepened through the clay to the open soil, in order to facilitate the descent of the water: and thus, much depends on the proper ploughing of such ground ; by at- tention to which, many drains, otherwise ncces-- sary, might be saved. The drainage of these soils does not come im- mediately under the system of Mr. Elkington's practice; but the mode of treating them I have described, he recommends as the most effectual. ( 86 ) CHAP. VIII. DRAINAGE OF GROUND LYING ALONG THE SIDE Of RIVERS^ AND OF FLAT SWAMPY GROUND LYING BELOW THE LEVEL OF ARTIFICIAL LEABS OF WATER, MANY extensive tracts of land are wet and rushy, from a cause that can hardly be removed by any number of open or covered drains, This is commonly called haugh, or holm land,* and lies along the sides of brooks or rivers, which, having altered their course so often between the opposite banks, and depositing sand and gravel as they recede from their last channel, the water of the river alv>'ay« percolates through the ground thus formed to the level of its present course, keeping it so moist and wet, as to produce rushes ^nd other coarse aquatics; and wherever a drain or pit is dug in such ground, it immediately fills * The. first of these words is the term most frequently made use of in Scotland, to denote land that has been formed by a river changing its course, and thereby leaving an extent of flat level ground on either, or on both sides of it. This land is always of a very rich soil, being composed of very fine earth, deposited by the water after floods, and washed down from the higher grounds in time of rains. Its drainage and embankment, therefore, when necessary and practicable, must always be an object worth atteatio:'. APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 87 "wi^h wa and which very much obstructs, and even some- times puts a stop to the work altogether ; at least it very often does so, in quarries of free-stone, lime-stone, marl, &c. Thus, from the want of Mr. Elkington's me- thod being known, many mines and quarries at present lie unwrought, from the fear of water and quicksands, which might otherwise be wrought to advantage. It is well known that all springs and subter- raneous collections of water are supplied from ground lying higher than that where they are found; which being of a porous nature, admit* the rain to filtrate through it, which descends often to a very great depth through the pores of the open soil, rocL sand, gravel,. &c, before it APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 93 be obstructed by some impenetrable stratum. Thus, in sinking a pit for coal, or any other sub- terraneous mineral, near the bottom of a hill or high ground, a bed of quicksand is met with, so full of water, that to pass through it becomes a very difficult and expensive operation; and as this water proceeds from the porous ground l)ing above it, it may in many cases be practicable to intercept the greater part of that water before it reach the sand-bed in the pit, and by means of tapping at the tail of the sand-bank ( pro- vided the ground naturally declines lower than where the sand is found in the pit), the whole of the water may be extracted from it, at a compa- ratively small expence with what is used as the common remedy in like cases. To accomplish this, in ascending from the pit, carefully examine, if, higher on the declivity, any bed of rock, sand, or gravel, tails out, which may convey the water contained in it to a sand-bed below; and if such bed is found, a drain may be cut into it, which will carry off a great part of the water, and consequently lessen the quantity in the mine, which would otherwise have con- tinued to descend through the porous substrata, before being thus intercepted in its descent. But, although this is done, and the supply from above entirely cut off, yet a sufficient quantity of water to injure the pit may continue to ooze from the sides of the sand-bed, even supposing it should 94? APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. dip towards the lower ground^ which, if it doei, that water may be easily drawn off at some point in the low ground. To effect this, in order to remove the above inconvenience, in descending from the pit, along the declivity, endeavour to discover at what place in the low ground the sand terminates or tails out, which may be found by means of a spirit- level; and if there is any appearance there of the water's having a natural outlet, it may, by means of a deep drain, be much quicker and mere effectually drawn off; for springs naturally flow through narrow and crooked perforations, and consequently, w^henever the orifice is enlarged, or made lower, the discharge of water becomes greater: but if there is a deep covering of clay above the tail of the sand, in that case a drain can only be cut so far into it, and by means of boring through the remaining portion of clay, an easy outlet may be given to the whole water con- tained in the above sand-bed. This will also, in a great measure, remove, or at least relieve, the difficulty that would after- wards have attended sinking the pit; for the wa- ter thus cut off, must lessen the quantity that would have been found deeper; the same body, perhaps, passing downwards from stratum to stratum, so far as they continue porous, or capa- ble of receiving it. It is therefore of material consequence to drain APPROVED MODE OF DRAININ© LAND. 93 all ground lying higher and contiguous to mines, or any other deep subterraneous pits, for the rea- sons already given; and on these principles, and by these means, it may be accomplished with little difficulty or cxpence. The water found in the bottom of the pit or mine> must be got rid of in a different manner, as the ground may perhaps nowhere decline low- er than the mouth of the pit. For it is only en the supposition of the different strata and sand- bed, dipping with the natural inclination of the surface, that the above method of proceeding is practicable, or on the supposition of their lying nearly horizontal ; but, should they lie in a re- verse direction, there is little possibility of accom- plishing the object, unless their termination can be hit on, somewhere on the opposite side of the hill, which, by ascertaining the precise inclination of the metals, and by exact levelling, may very nearly be found out. In most cases, however, the upper strata above coal are found lying pretty regular. But, as a description alone, without an expla- natory sketch, cannot so clearly convey an idea of the nature of it. Fig. 1, of the annexed Plan, No. 15, will help to elucidate these remarks. The foregoing observations so far explain how the water may be cut off, that is met with in sinking the shaft, before reaching the coal or other mineral that is sought for. The water that 9(5 APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. is found in the bottom of the pit, or what pro- ceeds from the rocks, &c. in the course of work- ing the mine, is commonly got rid of by means of an engine pump, to assist in working which, the water obtained by means of the drains ah'eady de- scribed, may be very useful, where the stream for that purpose is deficient, in saving the great ex- pence of working it by steam*. But, without * Thai letting down the water by boring into an inferior open stratum, even in the bottom of tlie pit, may not only be practicable in some cases, but of very great advantage, the fol- lowing observations will shew: "The water was raised by a steam engine about sixty yards, from a colliery in Yorkshire, which had been wrought several years j the proprietors bored down to the depth of about ten yards further, to ascertain the depth and thickness of a seam of coals, which was supposed to lie below those then wrought j the workmen employed bored from the bottom of the pit next the engine pit, and when they had bored to the above depth, and taken out the rods, the wa- ter from the works, which usually ran across the bottom of this pit to the engine pump, ran down the hole they had then made. As soon afterwards as the steam engine was set to work at the stated period (about one hour in twelve), the engine pump contained little or no water; it had escaped through this hole, and con- tinued to run through the same ever afterwards, and rendered the engine useless. This instance of water at so great a depth from the surface, finding a passage at a further depth of ten yards, or less, and immediately below, is very singular and striking. The situation was much higher than the next adjoin- ing valleys and the level of the sea. Experiments of this sort seldom fall to the lot of man to make j therefore such instances are rare and uncommon. But in large tracts of level land. ApS^roved Mode of DR.4iNiNis land. 9T ihe help of a natural stream, which may bC con- verted to the above purpose, it is seldom possible to find^ by means of drains or oiherwise, a quan- tity of water sutlicierit to drive such weighty ma- chinery, in a situation high enough to have the necessary command of it, It may, however, ill many cases, be a valuable acquisition. See Plan 15, Fig. ^. In situations where a proper command of water can be olMained, and where the entrance to the mine is likewise adapted for the purpose, the use to whicli it may be converted is still more advan- tageous, by driving machinery to bring out the minerals, and also for working an engine punip, for clearing the mine of subterraneous water^ fl!)wing from the cavities of the rocks that are met with in workina:. His Grace the Duke of O Buccleugh's coal-works, near Langholm, in Dum- fries-shire, are a striking example of this, and of the superior powers of water and machinerj^ when properly combined, where a command of the for- mer can be obtained, and when the latter is con- structed on proper principles, and conducted with \vhetT3 lakes or morasses have been formed, and which cannot be drained by cutting open drains, or driving levels through rocks, but at an expence for which the lands, when drained, would never compensate} the above instances w.irrant experi- ments being'tried with boring rods, which, if not successful, may be tried at a little expence." — AgrnuUuial Report ef Jlert- fordnhire, page 67. H 9S AFPROVED MODE OF DR*^1KING LAND. that care and ingenuity which are necessary in such undertakings. It frequently occurs^ in working quarries of lime or freestone, that;, at a certain depth, part of the rock containing w ater is hit on, whereby the quarry is so soon filled with water, as to put a stop to working it deeper, where the best of the stone lies. The common remedy in such cases is, cither to erect a wind-mill pump, to draw out part of the water ( for the whole cannot be taken away by this means), or to open a new quarry adjoining to the last, which at the same depth meets with the like obstruction, or to bring up a \ery deep and often expensive cut, under the level of the water, from the nearest declivity. By the following method, however, all quar- ries of limestone, freestone, marl, &c. liable to such an obstruction, may be completely cleared of water at little expence ; and the drain, at the same time, will serve a double purpose, by drying the wet ground, which, in conse- quence of the spring contained in the rock, is found adjoining to it. Immediately under the rock, commonly lies a bed of strong retentive clay, that upholds all the water received by and retained in that rock, and which being also bound round on each side by a covering of clay, or other stiff soil, cannot dis- fliarge itself, and therefore stands always so full in tiie rock, as to prevent taking out the stone to the bottom. APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 99 In the first place^ endeavour to find to what side the rock dips or inclines, which may easily be found by the appearance of the surface in examin- ing the adjacent ground, and by the assistance of a spirit-level. After discovering this, cut a drain through the cla} covering t > the rock, by which the water will be drawn off, that for want of a proper outlet, formerly stood pent up in the cavities of the stone. See Plan No. 16, Fig. 1 and 2. Sometimes the evil may be remedied in a dif- ferent manner. It often happens, that a bed of the same stone, of a close compact nature, is found lying under one of a more open kind, with pores and fissures in it admissible of water, which so keeps up the water in the upper bed, that none of it can pass through to an inferior open stratum; and on sinking through this stone, another bed is found, of so open and porous a nature, as to admit the reception of any water from above that may come into contact with it. Sometimes a bed of gravel or sand is found under the close stone, which being still more capable of absorbing any water let down to it, is better calculated for the purpose of clearing the upper bed of stone from water, than a stratum of open stone itself. When this is discovered to he the case, and the water kept up by the second bed of stone, so as to h2 loo APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. be prejudicial to the working of the upper hed^ and which will be equall}' so }n working the second; the work may be greatly relieved by boring through the close bed of stone, and letting down the water into the more porous one below% or into a stratum of day sand or gravel, if there be such under it. In place of boring, sinking small pits through the close stone is a more effec- tual method of letting down the -water, but a more difficult one to execute. At Ormskirk, in Lancashire, stone quarries are cleared of water, exactly in the manner above described, which Fig. o, in the annexed Plan, will better explain*. * To shew the success of this practice, Mr. Eccleston, of Scarrisbrlck, a very ingenious member of the Board, and pro- prietor in the neighbourhood of Ormskirk, communicated tlie following information : — " In stone quarries, wells (pits) occa- sionally are sanken to the open bed, which have proved ser- viceable. The above was practised in a stone delf near Orms- kirk with success. But in order to lay the deif more efFec- tually dry to a greater depth, Mr. Elkington having viewed the country, marked where he thought the rock terminated or tailed out, and at the lowest level set out a drain to be cut up to the rock, part of which work is executed, and a very consi- derable spring comes from it: but, on account of the great depth (sixteen feet), it v. ill not be finished before he has seen the work again. The drain he has laid out is about ten feet lower than the bottom of the stone quarry, and when com- pleted, will lay that head of stone dry lower tlian the present floor. All rocks, mpstly where they terminate, are succeeded APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 101 The situation of marl pits is commonly sucli, that it requires a very extensive cut through some part of the surrounding bank^ to carry off the water that prevents taking' out the marl. This might often be accomplished in a much less expensive manner, by sinking a pit through the retaining stratum under the marl bed, into some absorbent stratum below, that would receive the water let down into it by the pit. If the ground where the marl lies is of considerable extent, several pits will be necessary to carry off tjie wa- ter. If they require to be so deep as to be in danger of falling in, tliey should be built round the sides, or filled up to near the top with loose stones, through which the water can subside. Anj' cross drains or cuts necessary for collecting the water, must be conducted ii.to the pits, la many cases the water m.ay be got rid of in a still easier manner, provided the situation of the ground is ansv^erable. If the surrounding bank declines on the opposite side lower than the water , by cutting a drain into it, and boring with a by broken loose stones of the same nature as the rock, nud they are frequently (not to say always) succeeded by sand j which, when a thick bed, and of a running nature (quicksands), often cause great expence to cut tlirough to the tail end of any rock." See Plan 11, Fig. 2. In such cases as this, where there is danger of meeting a quicksand, boring or sinking pits through the bed of close stone;^ J5 tihe most adviseabl^e and least expensive method. 102 APPROTED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. Iiorizontal auger, into the tail of the stratum con- taining the water, it will be drawn off and re- duced to a level lower than that of the bed of marl. As this water is often supplied by a spring, rising in some part of the higher ground^ and descending into the place where the marl lies, in such case it will be necessarj' to cut off the source of this spring, and divert it into some other chan- nel. By doing this, the quantity of water below "will be lessened, and more easily carried off by jEneans of the pits or drains. ( 103 ) CHAP. X. OBSERVATIONS ON THE USE OF THE SPIRIT-LEVEL, AND DIRECTIONS FOR USING IT IN MARKING OUT OF DRAINS, &C. AFTER the main spring, or that from which the others derive their source, has been dis- covered, the ascertaining a line on the same level, to one or both sides of it, for the better and more sure direction of the drain, being one of the first and most important parts of the operation, and the one on which Mr. Elkington's art in a great measure depends ( for before him, it is be- lieved that no man ever thought of ascertaining, by means of levelling, the course of water in the bowels of the earth); a description of it may prove useful to those who have never been in the practice of using the spirit-level for that purpose. Being provided with a spirit-level (which it is necessary to have previously adjusted), and a staff about ten feet in length, with a moveable vane or sight affixed to it, set up the instrument in a situation between the object from whence the level is to be taken, and that to which it is to be directed, provided the distance from the in- lOi APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. strument to each of them is not too great. The. situation of it should also be no higher than thei • length of the staff will answer, and so as it may be seen from it both ways ; then direct the man with the staff to hold it at the mam spring, 'oi:. place from whence you mean to. carry the drain; and;, after directing the telescope to the staff, and adjusting it to a level, make a sign to him to move the sight vp or down, till it be exactly op- posite the cross hair in the telescope. This done, without shifting the instrument from its first posi- tion, and cautioning the man to fix the sight to the staff at the point directed, he may prQceed forty or fifty yards further; and after having- iigaiii adjusted the level, m^ake a sign to him to move to higher or lower ground, till the sight oa the staff coincide exactly with the cross hair in the telescope. He may then leave a peg at the place where he held the staff, and proceed in like manner to other stations, till the whole line is finished, leaving pegs, or making pits, at tho places where the staff was held. If the length of the line to be levelled requires the instrument to be shifted from its first position, the level must a9:ain be taken from the last sta- tion where the staff was held, and the sight on it fixed in the proper place as before directed, pro- ceeding in the same manner at every forty or fiftj yards in length, till the whole is accomplished? APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 105 After the line is thus levelled, and ascertained by juarks left at every station where the staff was fix- ed, it may again be exarained, and other pegs put in between the first, the better to direct the work- >nen in cutting the drain, giving the line such turnings, and even small deviations from the course of the level, as may shorten or straighieu it, and humour the situation of the ground. For the sak^ of accwracy, where the work re- quires it, especially if the water is to be conveyed any considerable distance;, or wanted to supply a liouse, or for the purpose of irrigation, the levels may be proved by reversing the former line of direction. The spirit-level is also necessarv", for ascertaining how much fall can be obtained from the drain to the nearest outlet where the \vater can be discharged, the shorter that dis- tance being the better, provided fall enough can be got. It is often necessary to level a much longer dis- tance than the length of the drain may require to be cut ; but when the level of the whole lino is known, and the nature of the ground carefully examined, short drains can be cut on that line, with openings (places not dug out) between, which will answer the purpose equally as well as one the whole length; and the expence will be considerably less, provided the length of the con- ductors for the water from each, be less than ih^t 106 APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. of the openings or places not cut: But if the whole line with only one conductor, be shorter than these, it is better to have all the water dis- charged at one orifice. The level has frequently to be taken from a spring or well, at a con- siderable distance from the ground to be drained. The American level, as it is sometimes called, being first communicated to the President of the Board of Agriculture, by Dr Edwards, of Ame- rica, is so simple and useful an implement for as- certaining the level of drains or water-courses, that I have thought proper to subjoin a, descrip- tion of the method of using it, and have given a drawing of it in Plate 17, No. 5. It is formed of two pieces of thin w^ood of equal length, joined together at top, and connect- ed below by a cross bar. From the angle at top, a lead plummet is suspended by a small cord, which, w hen the instrument stands level on both legs, strikes upon a mark in the centre of the con- necting bar, as represented by Fig. 5, in the Plate, The mapner of using it is simply thus: At the place from whence the level is to be taken, drive a wooden peg into the ground, close in to the top, upon which one of the legs of the frame may rest; then bringing round the other leg till it touch the ground, there drive in a second peg, and the space betwixt them will be level. In proceeding forward, rest the leg of the frame APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 107 upon the top of the second peg, turning round the other leg as before; and where it touches the ground again drive in another peg, and so on along the whole line to be levelled. Thus, with very little trouble, and with as much accuracy as with the finest spirit-level, will the course of the drain be easily ascertained. But, as it is necessary that the drain should have as much declivity as to allow the water to run freely, it will be requi- site in taking the level, to regulate the direction of the line accordingly. Half an inch fall in the length of the frame will be sufficient. For this purpose, it will be expedient to have^ besides a number of wooden pegs, one iron pin, with inches and halves marked regularly upon the sides of it, from the top downwards. After having drove in the first wooden peg at the point from whence you mean to conduct the drain, and having rest- ed the one leg of the frame upon it, turn round, the other till it be level with the first peg. There put in the iron pin, so that this leg of the frame may rest on the top of it when level; then drive in a wooden peg so far, as that the top of it may be one half inch lower than that of the iron pin. Place the leg of the frame again upon this second peg, turn it round to a level, putting in the iron pin till the top of it be eqtidl with the foot of the frame; then drive in another wooden peg close by the side of it^ till the top of the wooden one be 108 APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. half an inch lower than that of the iron pin. Pio-« ceed in this manner so far as you mean to carry the drain, which will have the same degree of de- clivity all the way along. A line thus set off, is marked from A to D in the Plate. AVhen made on a smaller scale^ it is useful in ascertaiiriug the proper descent along the bottom of the drain, while the workmen are laying it; but when made for this purpose, the cross bar must be fix- ed to the bottom of the legs, as marked with dot-, ted lines in the Plate. ( 109 ) CHAP. XL DESCRIPTION ©F THE AUGER, AND MANNER OP USING IT, &C. THE borer used in draining, is nearly similar to that made use of in searching for coal or other subterraneous minerals. The auger, shell, or wimble, as it is variously called, for excavating the earth or strata through which it passes^ is from two and a half to three and a half inches in dia- meter; the hollow part of it one foot four inches in length, and constructed nearly in the shape of the wimble used by carpenters ; only, the sides of the shell come closer to one another. The rods are made in separate » pieces, of four feet long each, that screw into one another, to any assign- able length, one after another, as the depth of the hole requires. The size above the auger is about an inch square, unless at the joints, where, for the sake of strength, they are a quarter of an inch more. There is also a chisel and punch for screwing on, in going through hard gravel, or metallic substances, to accelerate the passage of the auger, which could not otherwise perforate such hard bodies. The punch is often used whew 110 APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. the auger is not applied, to prick or open the sand or gravel, and give a more easj issue to the water. The chisel is an inch and half or two inches broad at the point, and made very sharp, for cutting stone; and the punch an inch square, like the other part of the rods, with the point sharpened also. There is a shiftmg handle of wood, that is fastened with two iron wedges affixed to it, for the purpose of turning round the rods in boring, and also two iron keys for screwing and unscrewing the rods, and for assist- ing the handle when the soil is very stiiT, and more than two men required to turn it. To judge when to make use of the borer, is a difTicult part of the business. Some who have not seen it made use of in draining, have been led into a mistaken notion, both as to the manner of using it, and purpose for which it is applied. They think, that if by boring indiscriminately through the ground to be drained, water is found near enough the surface to be reached by the depth of the drain, the proper direction for it is along these holes where water has been found ; and thus make it the first implement that is used. The contrary is the case, and the auger is never i;sed till aftertbe drain is cut; and then, for thcpur- pose of perforating any retentive or impervious stratum, lying between the bottom of the drain and the reservoir or strata containing the spring. APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. Ill Thus does it greatly lessen the trouble and cx- pence that would otherwise be requisite in cut- ting the trench to that depth, to which, in many instances, the level of the outlet will not admit. The manner of using it is simply thus: in work- ing it, two, or rather three men are necessary. Two stand above on each side of the drain, who turn it round by mea%s of the wooden handle ; and when the auger is full, they draw it out, and the man in the bottom of the trench clears out the earth, assists in pulling it out, and direct- ing it into the hole, and who can also assist in turning with the iron handle or key, when the depth and length of rods require additional force to perform the operation. The workmen should be cautious, in boring, not to go deeper at a time, without drawii]g, than the exact length of the shell; otherwise the earth, clay, or sand, through which it is boring, after the shell is full, makes it very difficult to pull out. For this pur- pose, ihe exact length of the shell should be regularly marked on the rods, from the bottom upward. Two or four flat boards, with a hole cut into the side of one of them, and laid along- side of one another over the drain, in time, of boring, are very useful for directing the rods in going down perpendicularly, for keeping them steady in boring, and for the men standing on, when performing the operation (No. 4, in Plate 112 APPROVED MODE OF BRAINING LAND. 17.) The other implements used in cutting- the drain are^ besides the common spade and shovel, those represented in the Plate, The hollow spadcj made of oak timber^ and scooped out in the middle, is used in soft peat soils, being lig^ht and easy to work with, and the edges preveatinpj the earth from falling off, when throwing it out of the trench. They are made of iron in the same shape also, for throwing out clay or tough soil. The crooked handled spade or shovel, hav- ing the edges turned up, is well adapted for smoothing the bottom of the drain before laying the sough, and with which the workmen have less occasion to stoop. As the common opening of the sough is six inches square, a piece of wood of that size, and one yard in length, is ver}' useful for laying in the bottom of the drain, and building the stones on each side of it; and which can be shifted for- ward as the workman proceeds in forming the sough. OF THE HORIZONTAL AUGER. This instrument was lately invented by Mr. Ilaford, of Hathern, in Leicestershire, and is not yet come into general use. The advantages of it are in many cases considerable, by lessening the expence of otherwise cutting and performing the ^ork in a much shorter time. "Where a drain or Alf!?RbVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 113 •Watercourse has to pass under a bank, road, h^dge, wall, rivulet of water, or for drying marl pits, &c. it may be used to advantage in excavating a sufficient passage for the wa- ter, without opening a trench. In laying leaden pipes for the conveyance of water, it is also useful, in making a hole in which the pipe may be laid, without opening a ciit on pur- pose. For tapping springs, or finding water at the bottom of a hill, either for the supply of a hon^e, or for draining the ground, it may be u?ed with success, as the water of the spring, when hit on;, will flow more easily, and in a greater abundance^ through a horizontal or level, than through a perpendicular outlet. The manner of using it is thus- Suppose a lake or pond of water, surrounded with high banks, to be emptied, if the ground declines lower on the opposite side, find the level of the bottom of the w ater, and trace that level to the face of the bank where the perforation is to be made. There smooth the surface of the ground;, so as to plaice the frame nearly level, with the au- ger pointing a little upwards. It requires two men to turn the handles at top, in order to work it, which may be better understood by examining the Plate. When the auger or shell is full, the rod? are drawn back by reversing the lower huh- 114 APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. die, and rods added at the joint when the distance requires. In boring through a bank of the hardest cla}^ two men will work through from thirty to forty feet in a day, provided there is no interruption from hard stones, which will require a chisel to be fixed on, in place of the shell, and longer time to work through. If the length to be bored through is considerable, or longer than the whole length of the rods, a pit must be sunk upon the line, down to the hole, for placing the frame when removed, and the operation car- ried on as before. ( 115 ) CHAP. XII. EXTRACTS FROM SOME OF THE AGRICULTURAL RE- PORTS OF TMOSE COUNTIES IV ENGLAND, WHERE MR, ELKINGTON HAS EXECUTED THE MOST RE- MARKABLE DRAINAGE*), TENDING TO AUTHENTI- CAIE THE ADVANTAGES DERIVED FR0.»1 HIS PRACTICE^ .* I SHALL begin with Warwickshire^ being Mr. Elkington's Kativc county, and the one in which he first made the discovery. COUNTY OF WARWICK, BY JOHN WEDGE. '' Draining is, without doubt, the first step to- wards the improvement of all wet land; it has been practised with much success in this county for several years, but more particularly so since Mr. Elkington, a farmer in this district, intro- duced a method of draining boggy lands, by making deep drains, and boring at the bottom or sides of them, through the different under strata. * These extracts are taken from the first Reports transmitted to the Board of Agriculture ; but in the second publication of tl>em, more information on this subject wUl be found. i2 il6 Approved mode of draining LANt). instances^ cure large tracts of land with verv few drains. The novelty of this practice here, and Mr. Eikington's mysterious manner, in declaring he knew where, and in what direc- tion, the different strata of the earth divided^ and at what particular point an auger hole might be bored, to lay dry this or that particular spring or well, were matters which attracted much no- tice, and occasioned great surprize; and it is but justice to Mr. Elkington to say, that in one class of bogs, &C; which abound as much as (perhaps more than) any other, he has not only had the honour of introducing the auger in this county, but the merit of laying effectually dry, many large tracts of land." County of Leicester, by john monk; ^' The most capital improvements have been made under the direction of a Mr. Elkington, w ho is supposed to be the first in that line in the world. After forming the drain, by beginning at the fall, and working upwards, he makes use of a borer to find the spring, with which he generally suceeds, which has a wonderful effect in draining the land. It is said that he has a very quick and certain method of finding where the springs lie, peculiar to himself. By the use of 80 a€ lo tap the springy, and thereby, in many APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 117 the borer^ Mr. Astlcj* had a piece of land drain- ed without going into it^ by the following cir- eiimstance: Mr. Elkington was emplojeJ in draining a piece of land belonging to Mr, Rich- ard Astley, which was separated from his brother's by a small river, or deep rivulet. Mr. E. find- ing the spring at about sixteen feet from the sur- face (under the bed of the river), completely drained both pieces. I was informed, that some time since Mr. Elkington was engaged in drain- ing a piece of land near Lutterworth ; and soon after he had found (some call it tapping) the spring, the inhabitants, to their very great sur- prize, found their welis all dry. After investigat- ing the cause, it was found that Mr. E. had been the means of it, by cutting off the spring which supplied the town with water. *^' I mention the above two instances, merely to shew what a wonderful effect the borer has, and what a very capital instrujuent it is for drain- ing," &c. ''' I do not mean to saty that Mr. E. is t\ic. only person that makes use of the borer; for there is such a very great spirit for this kind of improve- ment, that there are very few of the best farmers without this instrument. Mr. Elkington has so much business, that it is with great difficulty he is to be had when wanted." V — " I I I ■! I ■ ■ « P I ■ " *OfOdstone-Hall, lis APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. COUNTY OF DERBY, BY THOMAS BROWN. '' But every otlier method seems to bend to that practised by Mr. Elkington, whose practice is becoming every day more ex- tensive^ and seems to me the most effectual of all others^ for carrying off subterraneous waters. He lays a stone drain from three to six feet below the surface^, in such a direction as to cut the source of the spring, and with such a declivity as to scour itself. Wherever he finds the source of the spring below the level of his drain, he bores, and v.ith such judgment, that, to a stranger, his aug°r seems possessed of the virtue of that rod with which Moses struck the rock; for the water immediately gushes out, and perhaps lays land that before was too wet to carry a sheep, suffi- ciently dry to carry the heaviest ox. This me- thod is certainly effectual against springs." COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, BY ARTHUR YOUNG, ESQ. SECRETARY TO THE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE, &C. &C. '' It will not be improper to hint, that there zxe, two errors very common in the perform- ance of this improvement. The first is, mak- ing the drains in, or nearly in, the directioa of the declivity; whereas they ought always to APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 119 be made obliquely across it: the other is, that of marking out, and making numerous drains across the sides of springy hills, which might, in many caseSj be drained completely with a single drain, judiciously disposed, according to those obvious principles upon which the celebrated drainer, Mr. Elkington, of Warwickshire, proceeds. No improvement can have greater or more immediate effects than this of draining; none. that pays the farmer with more certainty." COUNTY OF STAFFORD, BY WILLIAM PITT. " Attempts have been made to tap springs, by boring into them, by Mr, Elkington and others, and sometimes with success." Mr. Pitt, in speaking of the improvements in Fisherwick Park, says, " Here the genius of a Brown, aided and seconded by the munificence of the noble owner*, have conspired to render a dreary morass one of the most delightful spots in nature, and have in a great measure succeeded: which success is still further heightening by the improvements of Mr Elkington, in the interception of springs, and the discharging of stagnant water." * Marquis of Donnegall, 120 APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. COUNTY OF WORCESTER^ BY W. J. POMEROY. *' In speaking of miller drains, it may be thought right to mention, that various experi- ments have been made at Ewell-Grange, the seat of the Earl of F*!} mouthy, and in that neighbour- hood; but that by boring, after Mr. Elkington's method, deserves to be most particularly noticed, tv'hich, indeed, in such situations (viz. low, fenny^ or boggy lands), seem to supersede the use of everv other." COUNTY OF SOMERSET, BY JOHN BILLINGSLEY^ ESQ, "^ The great skill of draining land, consists in cutting off the water at i(s source. One deep drain judiciously plr^ced, will frequently preclude the necessity of any other; in most instances, such a drain should be near that part of the de- clivity from which the springs issue. This de- pends on the position of the clayey substratum, and on the height of the reservoir from whence the springs are fed. A judicious survey of the adjacent land, and liberal use of the horer, are ne- (;;essary preliminaries to a cheap and effectual remedy for wet lands; and there are few men in the kingdom possessed of equal skill in this de- partment of agriculture with Mr. Elkington, of Warwickshire, whose fame is not confined to the APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 121 icounty in \Yhich he lives, but is known and ac- knowledged in many parts of the kingdom." pXTRACTS FROM THE ANNALS OF AGRICULTURE^, BY A. YOUNG:, ESQ. &C. &C. VOL. XVI. ANNd 1791. '' Aug. 5.— Rode to examine some works car- ryiuj^ on under the direction of Mr. Eikington^ y. singularly able drainer, whom I shall have raorq occasions than one to mention." — " The chief object of our ride was to view Mr. Elkingtoii's works, whOj we were informed, was engaged by some of the owners of these mills*, to bring iheiix more water, by draming some boggy spots from which the springs arise. We viewed his trenches for this purpose: it seems that this most ingeni- ous operator had contracted with the millers, to be paid only in proportion to the additional quantity of water he procured fo';-them. As we viewed his drains, and the general declivities of the wastes around, a question arose amongst us, upon the potsibility of procuring more water by any drains, or cuts, or boring, than flows already in a more diffusive manner through bogs; except by bringing water to take a direction on one sid^ of a hill, which, in its natural course, flows out ou another side." " But Mr. Eiking- * Near Suttoji Colficld, in Staftbrdshire, 122 APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. ton's practice is remarkable in one circumstance, n)id differs from any drainer I have yet kno'iCn. From distance to distance at the bottom of his surfs*, which are of various depths, from three and four to six and seven feet, he bores with a common iron boring rod, five or ten lower, and in doing this^ often finds the water rise quickly in the hole. Bj this operation, it should seem, that he has Mr. Bakewell's idea in contemplation; andt it is to be noted, that by this practice, he in many cases, by a single drain, lays lands dry that were not at all in the contemplation of the person who employs him, even to a considerable distance: Supposing springs to lie in strata, nearly on a level, and to communicate from side to side of the largest hills, in such case it does not seem at all improbable, but that, by draining and boring deeply on one side, you may procure more wa- ter than came before, by^ diverting it from the usual course; no that, by carrying on works of this sort on one side of a mountain, the other side, at some miles distance, may be drained. Thus the millers on one side of a hili may pay Mr^ Elkington for bringing water to their dams, and the millers on the other side of the hill prosecute him for depriving them of theirs; which, it must * Or Sough, the conduit, or bottom part of the drain, formed \vith brick or stones. t See Annals of Agriculti;re, Vol. XVI, APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 123 be confessed^ would be a laughable ligitation." . ■ " Such worksj whatever their opera- tion, causes and consequences, have infinite me- rit, and do great credit to the talent of this very ingenious and useful man, who will have the merit, wherever he goes, of setting men to think." "The 6.— To Ashby-de-la-Zouch ; called in our way on Mr. Marshall, to view a bog of seve- ral acres, drained by Mr. Elkington, which he effected with his usual success. ^' This bog was occasioned, as they commonly, or rather always are, by springs, which he pierced into by means of a deep drain, boring at the bot- tom of it, as above described; the surf, in this dry season, runs no inconsiderable stream. The whole is now under oats, a very fine crop, on land which before was of no value whatever," *' Mr. Elkington has been employed by Mr. Knowles* to drain the slope of a hill poisoned with springs; in every instance of his draining, I hear some new circumstance, to prove the saga- city and ingenuity of this skilful operator, who may be termed an engineer of a new order. The crown of the hill above Mr. Knowles's wet fields is all dry, sounds gravelly land, in which no * Of Nelson, in Leicestershire, In a certificate sent to the Board of Agriculture, Mr. Knowles says, that this land, by- means of Mr. Elkington 's drains, was rendered worth 30s or 40s an acre, which before was not worth half a crown. 124 APPROVEP MODE OF DRAINING LAND. signs of springs^ because pervious to water in its level; but when these springs came to the fields in question., which are clayey, they rise to the surface proportionably to the quantity of clay which impedes their progress; in this case he founds by taking the levels^ that springs on the other side of the hill, in a clayey spot, at the dis- tance of some hundred yards^ were exactly on the same level as these passing under the gravel on the elevation, and thus breaking out where the passage was obstructed, by variation of soil. And he pronounced, that when this is the ca5e> one surf, skilfully marked, will drain a variety of diuerent, and even far distant fields ; and he recommends, in such cases, to wait after the first drain is made, to let its operation take place, for six months, or even a twelvem.t>nth; in, which time it will be found ho\t^ far the eflect has taken place: if more are wa,nted, they can be made. When springs are brought in this manner from a distance, there is no doubt but he brings more \vater to a place than flowed in it before. The great skill is to knov/ where to bore. The surf; or French bricks, which he uses, are eight shil,- Jings a thousand more than common ones." In a treatise lately published, '' On the Necesr sity and Advantages of Care and Economy in col- lecting and preserving different Substances fo^ Approved mode of draining land. 125 Manure/' bv Thomas B. Bayley, F.R S. is the following' observation: " It may reasonably be expected, that at no very distant period, the peat-mosses of Great Britain and Ireland will be drained, and brought to the highest state of fertility. Their present superabundant moisture renders them not merdy unproductive wastes, but extremely injurious io the drier lands in their vicinity. The invention and energy of a Wakefield* and an Elkington, in reclaiming' and improving mosses, cannot fail to excite a general imitation of the very successful processes by which they have rendered these bogs productive of plenty; with the additional happy- effects which those improvements never fail i{y produce on the cUuiate, temperature, and vegeta- tion of all the countries adjacent to them." Subjoined is part of d, letter received from Charles Townley, Esq. of Townley, in Lanca- shire, respecting Mr. Elkington's method of draining, and the improvement made on the ground, by means of his drains. ' '" Respecting the mode of executing these drains, it differs from the common practice of * Of Liverpool. Mr. Wakefield has lately made wonderful improvements upon the great TrafFord Moss, near JV'Ianchester, in Lancashire. 126 APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. making hollow drains^ only by their being' cut much deeper, and bj boring with an anger, either to increase the runs of water from the springs, when they are arrived at, or to give them vent when they lie too deep for the spade to reach them. Mr. Elkington's art, or knowledge of draining lies, as you must know, in judging of the precise place where the pernicious springs can be caught, and in carrying them off in the cheapest and most advantageous manner. The mere plan of a drain can give little in-sight into this kind of knowledge: I should think, the best mode of conveying the system, by plans, to the conceptions of others, would be to compose sec- tions of the different circumstances that most srenerallv occur in the various strata and runs of water below the surface of the earth, and of the most proper situations of the drains that are to catch them. I will only repeat, that those drain- ed hofrgij lands that have had the proper manure laid upon them, are not only made dry, but the herbage produced on them is become excellent, from having been, previous to the drainage, of very little value; and those drained lauds which have as yet received no manure, are rendered equally dry, and the coarse and useless herbage wiflv which they were wholly covered, is visibly giving way to better grass. The proper manure will soon be laid on them ; after ^yhicb, I am per- APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 127 suaded, the whole herbage will be excellent : the drains were only finished last year. (Signed) '' charles townley. " Townley, 2Sth Sept. 1796." COPV OF A LETTER AND CERTIFICATE FROM MR. JOHN MAUGHAN TO SIR JOHN SINCLAIR, BARO- NET. " Hinckly, 2bth Oct. 1796. '' SIR, "^ I am extremely sorry at having taken so long a time in returning the certificate you wished me to send; but I waited to see the effect of a drain I had set out for Mr, Jennings, of Harling- ton, Bedfordshire, a nephew of the late Mr, Whitbread's, or 1 should have sent it sooner. The land I drained for him, had, about tMo years ago, been attempted to be drained in the common mode, and a considerable sum of money had thereby been expended to no purpose, as the land, at the time I undertook to drain it, was jr* wet as ever. I have the satisfaction of saying it is now the dryest land on the estate, and made so at an^expence which does not exceed one twen- tieth part of what it had formerly cost, by at- tempting the common mode of draining. I am. Sir, your obedient humble servant, (Signed) * john maughan." |28 IFPROtED MODfi OF DRAIIs'INC LAND; copy OF THE CERTIFICATE. '' I, John Maiiglian, of Luton^ in the counfj of Bedford, land-survevor, late steward to Tho- mas Powys, Esq. M.P. do hereby certify;, that, in consequence of a recommendation from the Board of Agriculture, I waited on Mr. Elking- ton, who very readily communicated to me the principles of his art of draining land, which I have since practised mjself with gieat success, and to the satisfaction of those who have em- ployed me. And I hereby further certify, that I have found Mr, Elkington's mode of draining of the greatest public utility: that I have seeti land of little or no value, when drained on Mr. Elk- ington's principles, made worth forty or fifty shillings per acre, and producing the richest crops, both of corn and grass: in short, that no mode of improving wet land equals it for public utility. Witness my hand, this 25th day of Oc- tober, 1796.'' Besides the above, many other coriimunica- tions and certificates, testifying the great advan- tages that have been derived from Mr. Elking- ton's practice, and what arc likely to result from the knowledge of his system being generally un- APPROVED MODE OF DRAINING LAND. 129 derstood, might have been added; but as most of these have already been made public by the Board of Agriculture, in a former paper on that subject, what I have inserted here, may be suffi- cient to convince the public of its utility. K \ ( 131 ) PART II. ON HOLLOW AND SURFACE DRAINING IN GENERAL ; PARTLY DRAWN UP FROM COMMUNICATIONS TRANSMITTED TO THE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. THIS being a part of the draining system not coming within the limits of Mr. Elkington's prac- tice^ and founded on principles different from those that are applicable to the drainage of bogs, and other swampy ground injured by springs^ I have thought it more proper to add it as a Second Part, than to have incorporated it with the pre- ceding account. When the wetness of the field arises from rain water that cannot sink through a tenacious soil, and must, if there is no declivity, remain till eva- porated, the principles which govern the practice of Mr. Elkington's art are not applicable. But, In all cases (and such are very numerous) where the wetness proceeds from springs, a far- mer ought certainly to examine his field carefully, in order to ascertain whether the evil proceeds from the al)Ox:e cause only, or whether it proceeds from springs. If from, the latter, he should en- deavour to discover if such springs are distinct fc 2 133 OF HOLLOW-DRArNiNG IN GENERAL. and unconnected, or whether they do not flow from some main one, which behig cut off, would drain a considerable tract of land below the spot where it rises ; as has been explained and exem- plified in the latter part of Chap. III. From want of due attention to this necessary discrimination^ it is very common in Essex, Suf- folk, and other counties where draining is very generally performed, to see many superfluous drains marked out in directions where they can have very little efflect, and where a single one, well directed, would have completely dried the field. As the expence, which might thus be saved, is an object of consequence, too much at- tention cannot be paid to the inquiry. SECT. I. OF THE ANTIQUITY OF THE PRACTICE OF HOLLOW- DRAINING. That the Romans were not unacquainted with most of the modern methods of hollow-draining, appears from all their writers de re rustica. Cato, Palladius, Columella, and Pliny, mention them particularly, and describe some circumstances which have lately been considered as modern im- provements. Upon strong tenacious land, where the water could only be received at top, they preferred open drains; on other soils, where the OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. 133 water could be drawn equally from both sides, or could rise from the bottom, they used covered ones. They knew the propriety of directing them obliquely across the slope of the field ; a point in which modern drainers are often errone- ous. Their general depth was from three to four feet, filled half way up w ith small stones ; for want of these, with willow poles, and even with the spray of wood twisted into a rope; one of the latest practices with straw that has taken place in England. Of that material, also, the Roman farmers availed themselves, when others were wanting. The ends of their drains they were careful in fortifying with larger stones, in form of bridges, and the mouths or outlets were laid in masonry ; a circumstance in which Mr. Whyn Baker, of Ireland, thought himself ori- ginal. From the depth, it appears that their drains were designed to carry off the water of springs, as well as that caused by rain on a flat or retentive surface soil; for both which they were, in some cases, equally well adapted.* To the proper direction of the water-furrows, in order to convey ail surface water into the drains, and to the clearing and cleaning out of * The passages of the ancient writers on this subject are quoted and translated by Mr. Dickson, in his " Husbandry of the Ancients," vol. i. p. 358, where the reader may sec tlie details at largje. 134 OF HOLLOW-DRAIKING IN GENERAL. the ditches round the fields^ they paid particular attention. These circumstances are sufficient to prove that the Romans understood the business of common draining in great perfection, and that our best cultivated counties had little to boast of, in this respect, in superiority to the ancients, till Mr. Elkington made the discovery of a method with which they were wholly unacquainted. The best of the French writers on agriculture, De Serves, who wrote in 1600 his Theatre d' Agri- culture, describes hollow drains particularly : they were filled with stones. SECT. II. WHEN FIRST USED IN ENGLAND. It would demand a very careful perusal of all the earlier writers on husbandry, to ascertain when this practice was first introduced ; but a circumstance occurred in Sussex, which shews that hollow-draining was in use long before any mention would be found of it, were such authors consulted, as no notice of it occurs in Fitzherbert or Norden.* In 1770, Mr. Poole of that county informed a farming traveller, " that near one hundred years ago, a very large oak, two hundred years old, was cut down at Hook. In digging a * Fitzherbert wrote his book of husbandry in 1534. i OP HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. 135 ditch through the spot where the old stump was, on taking up the remains of it, a drain was dis- covered under it, filled with alder branches ; and it is remarkable, that the alder was perfectly sound, the greenness of the bark was preserved, and even some leaves were sound. On taking them out, they presently dropped to powder. It is hence very evident, that under-ground draining was practised three hundred years ago in this king- dom. We find, also, that alder is, of all other wood^ the best for filling drains. Probably no other, except aquatics, would endure nearly so long. Bushes are generally used, but sallow, or willow probably belter*." The Board of Agriculture has been informed by Richard Prestou, Esq. one of its correspon- dents, that land-draining, according to the pre- sent practice, is not of more than forty years standing in his neighbourhood, in Essex. This deserves inquiry; for it is generally sup- posed to have been used there long before such a period. * Eastern Tour, vol, iii. p. Hi, 136 OF HOLLOW-DRAIMXG IN GENERAL. SECT. III. NATURE OF THE MOISTURE, OR WETNESS, AGAINST WHICH THEY ARE CHIEFLY USED. Springs that proceed from water at any con- siderable depth iu the earth, or which break out, from the variation of certain strata, inhills, which demand deep cutting-^ and the use of the auger, to work their cure, according- to Mr, Elkington's mode of draining, have already been treated of. Hollow drains that come under the present des- cription, are chiefly used to correct that wetness of soil which results from rain; and which, from flatness of surface, or its retentive quality, stag- nates, to the injury of both soil and crops. This is the most general nature of the evil which these drains are intended to remedj'; but by no means exclusively of that caused by land springs, m hose seat, apparently, is not below their depth. The \\'etness proceeding from such, is, in some cases, removed by these drains, when deep enoug:h cut, and properly directed; but in many others, frorn ignorance i.i the drainer, great sums of money are thrown away, for want of attending properly to the nature of the evil, and of distinguishing betwixt surface uritcv onhj. and i\\e. oozing of iand-springs. i OF HOLLOW-DRAININO IN GENERAL. 137 SECT. IV. 0F THE SOILS ON WHICH THEY ACT, AND OF THOSE ON WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN FOUND TO FAIL. In soils that are so tenacious as to retain water on the surfiice till evaporation carries it off, such as are found in Sussex, Surrey, and in many other counties, this method of draining has been tried, and found entirely to fail. The cause of this can easily be accounted for. Very stiff clay will hold water like a dish (the expression of tlie farmers in those counties, who have attempted to drain such soil); and consequently the small portion of water which each drain will carry off, is only what falls immediately above it, or what ii can receive at top, when the ground on each side has a descent towards it. The water being all on the surface, cannot find its way into them. If they are on a declivity, th(i water will run over them, as it does over any other part of the field; and if they are in a hol- low, it will stagnate even above them, and will be mostly exhaled before any quantity of it sub- sides into them. This is therefore a more expen- sive soil to drain, requiring a greater number of trenches, and these very close together, than aiiy other soil vvhatever. Open trenches, ^^ith the ridges and water-furrows properly formed and 1S8 OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. directed^ is the only method whereby its drainage can be effectually accomplished. It is necessary to lay it up in ridges properly placed;, and to cut small open drains across the ridges, where requisite, communicating with each other, and with the furrows: and thus all the water-furrows operate as drains. The water, as it falls upon the ridge, immediately makes its way into the furrows, and runs along them, while there is descent; and if it is stopped in any of them, by the ground rising, is conveyed by the drains across the ridges into some other furrow where there is a descent ; along which, it marks its way into some ditch or water-course, at the extremity of the field *. In Essex and in Suflfolk, where it has been found advantageous, the soil is a wet poachy loam, more or less mixed on the surface with vegetable mould; under that, in some places, a raw hungry loam, and in others a clay marl. On these soils the effect is very great ; for the upper stratum, where the moisture is chiefly lodged, being in some degree porous, the water * It is obvious, tliat laying up such land in ridges, and cutting drains in proper places, may be of great use, but will not efFcctually remove tlie ■wetness : as the soil, from its nature, will always retain too great a proportion of moisture. It is ne- cessary, therefore, to change the nature of such soil by frequent culture, and the application of manures., which will in a great degree lessen tlie power of retaining water. OP HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. 139 is easily extracted from it, by means of the drains. The under stratum being* also of a retentive qua- lity, their depth does not require to be great. When Mr. Young, of Clare, who has had great experience in this mode of hollow-draining, ob- serves, that the improvement by these drains is great on clay soils, he certainly means soils of this description. '" I know from experience, that in clayey soils it will answer perfectly; that it is the least expensive and the most expeditious., as well as most durable, improvement of any in the whole system of agricultural economy." — This will be further treated of in Sect. XVIII. SECT. V. ' BY WHAT RULES THEIR DIRECTION IS MARKED, For many years, probably for more than half a century, and possibly during a much longer pe- riod, the farmers did not make a proper distinc- tion, in fields that had a declivity, between trac- ing their drains with the slope, or directing them oMiquely across it. Large tracts have been drain- ed, or have been meant to be drained, in the former way, and many, even to this day, are guilty of the same error ; but the best farmers are now- attentive to so important a point, and studiously mark the direction of their drains obliquely. They 140 or HOLLOW- DRAINING IN GENERAL. are also careful to give them just the fall suffi- cient to carry off the water in a gentle^ and not a rapid^ current ; by which means they are less apt to choak;, or Noiv up, as it is sometimes called ; whereby spots in the field have^, apparently^ an artificial spring formed. Upon fields, level, or nearly so, great numbers of which are found in the eastern counties of England, it has been a common practice (aU though an expensive one), if the wetness pro- ceeds solely from rain, to mark the drains regu- larly at a rod*, a rod and half, or two rods, asunder, across the land, from ditch to ditch ; or if the drains, from any small inequality of sur- face, will flow only at one end, then to stop short, or discontinue their length on one side of the field, as soon as the ditch operates in laying it dry. Where the slopes of the field vary, and fall in different directions, the farmer should attend to such variations, and direct his drains so as to cross obliquely the upper side of each declivity. It is a general rule, not to conduct too many drains to the same mouth or outlet; for if much water flows in any drain, from having thrown many lateral branches into one main drain, the latter must not only be made larger and deeper, but will even then be liable to fail ; and a failure "^ Sixteen and a half feet. OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. 141 in that case^ affects so much a larger space of ground^ by impeding the course of so many other drains. On this account, it has been found better to make the drains detached^ rather than to con- nect too many of them together, which occa- sions much water to be conducted to one mouth. Cases will however occur, in which, from the position of the ground, it may be found necessary to join several side branches (wings) into one main drain. On this subject, Mr. Vancouver, in his Agricultural Report of Essex, has the fol- lowing judicious remark : " If the field proposed to be drained, lies greatl}' upon the descent, every care should be taken to make the drains bear sufficiently hori- zontally, in the first place, to prevent a too pre- cipitant fall of the water, by which the bottoms of the drains would be worn uneven, and a tem- porary obstruction occasion them to blow; and, secondly, because the more perfectly horizontal is the field, so that it lies level free, and affords a sufficient fall for the water, the less occasion will there be for the same number of drains as would be required upon a soil of equal closeness upon the side of a hill. The drains in the field that lies nearly level, drawing equally well upon each side; whereas those on the hang of a hill, draw- ing only from the higher sides of the drains, and consequently requiring them to be made much nearer or closer together." 142 OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. SECT. VI. SEASON FOR EXECUTING THE WORK. On this point opinions vary ; some preferring •winter^ and others summer. When a great quantity of work is to be done, all seasons of the year, free from sharp frosts, must be made use of; and this is usually the case, when a farmer enters on a lease to a farm which has not been drained, or which requires to be done a second time. Stubbles are done in winter, and fallows in summer ; but when a single field or two are only to be done, the farmer may choose the most convenient season. Many ex- cellent farmers would not do it at any other time than summer, from being then able to execute the cuts in a cleaner and neater manner, and free from that kneading and plastering which takes place in winter, and which, they think, tends to prevent the flowing of the water from those mi- nute and imperceptible veins and interstices of the soil through which the water percolates. They have further remarked, that opening the earth in a dry season, gives a tendency to drain it, as the particles of the soil, after be- ing separated and well dried, will not so easily unite again ; whereas, the kneading in winter, tends to increase tenacity where it is most to be OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. 143 avoided. Further, that carting on the fields in winter;, to bring on stones or other materials^ is more difficult and dangerous than in summer. In opposition, however, to these ideas, Mr. Young, of Clare, in Suffolk, is of a contrary opi- nion. '^ I never land-drain (says he) in summer : two inconveniencies attend it; the increase of labour in a clayey soil, when hard and dry, is very considerable, and the want of leisure, and when good labourers are scarce." The want of labourers, in some places, may be an unanswerable objection, but the dryness is not ; for if the previous furrows opened by the plough, or last course of ploughing on arable land, be not left to dry, but the spades follow directly, after a little rain, there will be moisture sufficient to make it work freely. Many good drainers prefer executing the work when the land is under a laijer, i. e. sown down with grass. Lord Petre, on this, observes, that the plough for opening the previous furrows, works better on a layer. *' I prefer a lay, if layed down level, as I have a plough on a very simple construction, with which, and six horses, I can plough from ten to twelve inches deep, and lay the furrows as regu- lar as a man can with a spade ; so that, after the ditch is digged and filled, the furrow can be put into its place again, and rolled with a large I44f OF HOLLOW-DRAINIXG IN GENERAL. roller quite level; and then I dig but one spit with the bottom land ditching spade, fourteen inches deep. The expence 2s. 8d. per 20 rod, the digger returning the furrow to its place. I also use this plough on fallow : but it does not answer so well, as the moulds fall into the fur- rows. The expence of digging on fallow is Is. 2d. per rod." When the ground is in summer fallow, is cer- tainly the be^t time for casting drains that are only for carrying off surface water, as the dis- tinctions betwixt the wet and dry parts of the field is then easily perceptible, and any promi- nent inequalities of surface may then be more easily levelled or reduced, by paring off the heights, and adding to the hollows. SECT. VII. MANNER IN WHICH DRAINS ARE PARTLY OPENED BY THE PLOUGH. The method practised by Mr. James Young, of Clare, which he has described himself, from very ample practice, is deserving of attention. He says, '" When I have marked the drains in a field (usually a rod asunder), I draw two fur- rows with a common foot plough, leaving a haulk betwixt them about fifteen inches wide ; then. OP HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. 145 with a strong double breasted plough^ made on purpose, I split that baulk, and leave a clean fur- row fourteen or fifteen inches below the surface; but, where the depth of soil requires it (for I like to touch the clay), by a second ploughing I sink it to eighteen or twenty inches ; it is then ready for the land-ditching spade, with which I dig fifteen inches deep, a drain as narrow as pos- sible*." The method followed by some good farmers^ who do not possess ploughs made on purpose for the work, is this : with their common plough, drawn by four or five horses, and usually stirring about four or five inches deep, they turn a dou- ble furrow, throwing the earth on each side, and leaving a haiilk in the middle. This baulk they raise by a second bout in the same manner ; then they go in the open furrow twice with their com- mon double breast plough, getting what depth they can ; after this, they shovel out all the loose mould and inequalities, to the breadth of about a foot, and thus having gained a clear open furrow, the depth varying according to the soil and ploughs, but usually about eight or nine inches, they dig one spit with a draining spade, sixteen inches deep ; thus gaining in the whole twenty-four or twenty- five inches. But, as this depth is seldom suffi- cient, whon necessary they throw out another, or * Anaals of Agriculture, vol. viii. p. l64. I. 146 OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. even two other spits, which makes the whole depth from thirty to forty inches. SECT. VIII. DEPTH AND WIDTH. The depth is various, according to the nature of soilj the situation of the fields the expence the farmer is willing to incur^ and to a diversity of other circumstances. jMany years ago, three feet was the common depth in most soils ; but for twenty years past, they have seldom exceeded thirty or thirty-two inches ; and the number that are cut only twenty- four or twenty- six, much more considerable. Main or receiving drains are always a little deeper than the others, having more water to convev, and further to carry it. The deeper they are dug in pervious soils, the further they will operate in reducing the moisture to a level, w here it can less injure vegetation ; but when the spade reaches an impervious soil, through which water will not percolate, there is no occasion for making the trench any deeper. A few inches, however, in the clay, as a safer channel for the water, is of advantage. One general rule is never to be departed from. OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. 147 which is, that the depth must be sufficient to prevent the impression of the feet of cattle from affecting the position of the materials used in fill- ing them. This must particularly be observed of horses walking in the furrow while ploughing, as they then tread four inches, and perhaps more, below the surface of the ground ; add to these four inches, nine or ten more for the materials, and when the drains are only twenty-four deep, there will be nine or ten inches of soil to bear the weight of the horse in the act of ploughing. This, as the earth has been stirred, seems certainly too little, and should apparently ascertain that twenty- four inches is by no means a sufficient depth. If, by going thirty inches down, a tenacious soil is not too deeply entered, a greater depth in a more porous one is not only requisite, but ought to be greatly preferable. In all the modern drainages in the eastern fcounties, the farmers have been very solicitous to cut them as narrow as possible ; by which means a great saving is made in the materials used for filling them, siich as bushes, poles, spray, or straw ; but if brick or stones are used, of course this rule cannot be adhered to. However, there is no occasion for the width being greater than one foot, if the stones are only coupled at bottom, or thrown in promiscuously, or more than sixteen inches if laid in the form of a conduit. What- ever the depth of materials be, the mould that L 2 148 OF HOLLOW-DnAlNING IN GENERAt. covers them to the surface should neyer be less than one foot thick, or rather more, in all tillage fields. In pasture land, gravel, if at hand (es- pecially if the soil is very tenacious), is prefer- able to the mould thrown out, which may be spread in any adjoining hollow. The depth and width, &c. marked in the Plate, is the proportion that ought to be adopted on all land that is wet from surface water, or from it«^ stagnation in a porous upper soil. SECT. IX. TOOLS EMPLOYED. The instruments which have been long in com- mon use in the eastern parts of the kingdom, are extremely simple. While the depths of the drains were more con- siderable than at present, three spades were in use to succeed one another, lessening in breadth gradually, in such a manner as to form a regular contraction to the bottom ; but of late years,^ cheaper and easier methods have been pursued. Bv previous ploughing-, all the spades except the lower one have been laid aside; and where a greater depth than common has been required, not more than two have been used. The scoop, which is pushed or drawn along the bottom of the drain. OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. 149 to clear out the loose moulds, and prepare it for the materials used in filling, varies^ in size and breadth, according to the width of the drain. The draining spade, which is also of diiferent sizes, is represented in the plate. SECT. X. OF DIGGING HOLLOW DRAINS. The preceding circumstances point out the manner in which these drains are, for the most part, dug ; but there is a material difference in the truth and accuracy with which they are exe- cuted, according as a workman is accustomed to the business, and skilful or aukward in handling his tools. The work is almost universally done by measure, at so much a score rods, which, as in similar cases, induces the men to earn as much as possible. They require, however, close atten- tion, to see if they keep to the depth contracted for, and that they deposit the earth so as not to fall in, in the act of filling, especially as the sur- face soil should (on one side at least) be kept free from the clay or lower stratum. In filling, more attention is necessary, if done by contract, which will be afterwards explained. 150 OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. SECT. XI. OPENING DRAINS BY THE PLOUGH ONLY, &C. The Society for the Encouragement of Arts^ Manufactures^ and Commerce, gave a bovmty^ about twenty years ago, to Mr. Makins, of Suf- folk, for having invented a plough to cut hollow drains. There was merit in the idea, but it has long since been entirely laid aside, both in Suftdk and Essex *. Another plough^, to answer the same purpose, was invested by Mr. Arbuthnot, of Mitcham, of which an account is given in the " Eastern Tour," with a plate and measurement of it. And lately, the Society of Arts have made several trials with a plough for the same purpose, called a mole plough, of a singular construction ; the inten- tion of which is, by considerable force, to draw a pointed circular iron, at a given depth, through the earth, which shall form a pipe in it, not to be filled with any materials ; but in the expecta- tion, as it is said from experience, that the water will flow freely through the soil it has loosened, to a depth below the roots of the grain, and will find its way by filtration, into the furrows. * In Bailey's Advancement of Arts there is a plate and ex= planation of it, p. 6. OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. 151 It is imprudent too readily to suppose a limit to human invention ; but it may be observed, that the probability of an effective hollow-drain- irig plough being invented, that shall work so much cheaper than the spade, as to become an object of economy, is not flattering : none hi- therto tried seem fully to answer this idea; but there can be no difficulty in making one to pre- pare for the narrow drain-spade, to take one spit at bottom. The repeated ploughings or shovellings with common tools are expensive, and might probably be executed in a cheaper and more ex- peditious manner by an open drain plough. How far that invented by Mr. Knowies, and rewarded by the Society of Arts, would at a suffi- ciently cheap rate answer this purpose, has not been sufficiently ascertained. But it is obvious that, from the force and number of horses or oxen requisite to work them, ploughs calculated for this purpose will never come into general use. Another invention for draining land, in Essex, is thus described in the Agricultural Report of that County : — " The author of this experiment has constructed, and uses a draining wheel of cast iron, that weighs about 4 cwt.; it is four feet in diameter ; the cutting edge, or extreme circumference of the wheel, is half an inch thick, which increases in thickness towards the nave or centre, and will, at 15 inches deep, cut a drain lisilf an inch wide at the bottom, and four inches 152 OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. wide at the top. This wheel is so placed in a frame, that it may be loaded at pleasure, and be made to operate to a greater or less depth, ac- cording to the resistance made by the ground ; which thus cut in the winter, the wheel tracts are then either filled with straw ropes, and lightly covered over, or left to crack wider and deeper during the ensuing summer. The fissures are then filled with twisted straw or bushes, and co- vered lightly with some of the most porous earth that may be most conveniently at hand ; and thus upon the grass, or ley land, are hollow drains formed at little or no expence, and which, upon trial, have been found to answer extremely well.'^ This draining wheel is also described in the An- nals of Agriculture, where it is said, that twelve acres have been done with it in one day ; but neither the expence of the machine, nor number of horses required to draw it, have been stated. It works or cuts best, when the land is wet and soft. SECT. XII. MATERIALS WITH WHICH THEY ARE FILLED. In respect to the materials for filling the drains, the farmer must be guided by circumstances of situation, &c. — Those most commonly used, are. OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. 153 1. stone; 2. wood ; 3. straw and stubble; 4. heath or ling ; and 5. bricks made for the purpose. If stone taken from quarries is to be used, and the drain formed like a conduit at bottom, the trench is made wide enough to contain two side stones about six inches asunder, and the same in height, with a cap or flat stone laid over, which covers and secures the cavity through which the water passes*. These drains are more expensive than when the stones are thrown in promiscuously, but are the only ones applicable to springs, which may be prevented from injuring large tracts of land by cuts comparatively short. But in Essex, and the other eastern counties, when hollow drains are filled with stones, it is usually with flints from chalk, or with stones from gravel pits, or gathered off' the fields. Very small stones do. not answer well for any but very short drains, in which little water is conveyed ; and if of any size, require a greater width at bottom than wood or straw, and conse- quently renders the expence of cutting greater. Whether the stones are large or small, thev should be very clean, and free from any clay or earth that may adhere to them, and put in care- fully, so as not to tumble down any of the earth * Another mode of laying the bottom stones is described in Sir H. Fletcher's communication. Sect, xviii. 154 OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. of the drain, which might be apt to choak up the interstices betwixt them. Upon the subject of filling drains with wood. Lord Petre thus expresses his opinion : " The drains filled with wood^ and covered as usual with straw or rushes, are preferable to stones or any other kind of materials ; the rea- son is, as the wood decays the water continues to pass. When filled with stones, and the drains stop up, which must be expected to take place in time, the earth becomes quite solid round the stones, and as they do not decay, the filtering of the water is for ever obstructed: not so when bushes or wood are used ; continual filtering and draining are then for ever to be perceived ; and by repeating the operation a second time, cutting the drains transversely of the old ones, the benefit of the filterings through the rotten wood is se- cured, and the spewing up of old broken and damaged drains corrected and carried off. More- over, as bushes form a much greater number of cavities than either stones or poles, they are less able to stop up, and encourage filtering more than larger and more solid bodies." — "A load of bushes containing one hundred and twenty fag- gots, will do about three hundred and sixty rods ; and a load of straw containing one hundred and twenty bottles, the same ; the load of bushes is generally worth about 14s, and the straw 18^?, OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GLNERAL. 155 per Wad. I therefore calculate this cxpence ahout I2s. per acre, ditches a rod apart." Richard Preston, Esq. of Blackmore, a cor- respondent of the Board, prefers, on twenty years experience, blg.ck thqrns to every other material for filling. There is also another method of filling with wood, by suspending the faggots or bushes upon cross billets set on end in the bottom of the drain, as represented by No. 5, in the Plate. This kind of drain has been successfully prac- tised in Berwickshire, where it is said to have continued running for thirty years. It has also been attempted at Livingston, the seat of Sir W.Cunninghame, but is not approved of there ; for it is said, that the feet of the cattle, in ploughing, went down and deranged the bil- lets that supported the brush-wood, and conse- quently put a stop to the discharge of the water ; but this had been owing to the want of a sufii- cient depth of earth above the wood, which was not more than six inches*. Tbis kind of drain is, however, much recommended by the writer of the Agricultural Report of the County of Caer- marthen, in Wales. He says, " The completcst * Sir W. Cunninghanie imported this mode of draining from Richmond Park, near I^ondon, where it has been vov much practised. 156 OF HOLLOW-DRAINITS'G IN GENERAL. method I have yet known, is to cut the strongest willows^ or other aquatic brushwood^ into lengths of about twenty incheS;, and place them alter- nately in the drain^, with one end against one side of the bottom^ and the other leaning against the opposite side. Having placed the strong wood in this manner^ I fill the space left between them on the upper side with the small brushwood; upon which a few rushes or straw being laid, as before mentioned, the work is done. Willow, alder, asp, or beech boughs, are exceedingly dur- able, if put into the drain green, or before Ihe sap is dried ; but if they are suffered to become dry, and then laid under ground, a rapid decay is the consequence. I have seen willow taken out of a bog after lying there thirty years, and its bark was as fresh and sappy as if it had been re- cently cut from the hedge ; and it is well known, that beech laid green in the water will continue sound for any length of time." There is another method preferable to these, and requiring less wood : it is to fix in at^every foot distance a stick, in manner of a hoop or se- micircular arch ; and along these to lay the longer poles or branches longitudinally. This will form a secure vacuity below, and an arch capable of supporting any Meight of earth necessary above it. From its known durability in water, and be- ing sufiicieatly pliant, the young branches ov OP HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. 157 - prunings of larch are well adapted for this pur- pose. Mr. Majendie is of opinion, that wood of eighteen years growth is much more durable than that which is ten or twelve. Respecting filling drains with straw^ the fol- lowing observations by Mr. Vancouver, in his Report of Essex Husbandry, merits attention : " When the soil is a very close and retentive clay, the drains should be made proportionably near to each other^ shallow, and filled with straw only ,- it being totally unnecessary to use wood, or any more durable material, upon land where the sides of the drains are not likely to crumble in. Upon a soil like this, the drains should seldom exceed the distance of three or four yards apart, and twenty inches deep, or such a depth as may be the most conveniently obtained, by first open- ing the drains with the plough, shovelling the bottom of the lowest furrow, and then die'^'ino* one spit only with the land ditch spade ; and which, materials included, will cost about 2s. 6d. per score rods. '' Drains formed in this manner, through the tough and retentive clays, will be found, in a short time after the work is finished, to have formed over the straw with which the drain was filled, an arch of sufficient strength to support the incumbent weight of the soil, and the casual 13S OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERALS traffic of the field. In twelve or eighteen monthsr, it may be observed, that the straw^ being of one uniform substance, is all rotted and carried away, leaving a clear pipe through the land in every drain, into which the passage of the water may have been much facilitated, by a due attention to the filling of the drains with the most friable and porous parts of the surface the field might have afforded." The latest and best improvement in filling hol- low drains with straw, is that of twisting the straw into a rope, described in the follow- ing passage concerning some improvements in Essex : " The most prominent feature of his impro- vements, is a new method of filling land drains : the common practice is to tread in loose straw ; but Mr. Bedwell has invented a method of wind- ing it into a hard rope, as large as a man's arm, which he forces to the bottom of the drains, and finds from experience, copied successfully by his neighbours, to convey the water off more readily, and to have much longer duration ; at the same time, the quantity of straw consumed is not in- creased, and the operation of filling accelerated. After the cattle have picked it over, he finds the straw tougher, and in better order to wind, than when quite dry and fresh." The figure in the Plate is a representation (not of Mr Bcdweirs), OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. 159 but of a more simple moveable machine, for twist- ing the ropes to be used in the same manner*. The next material to be noticed, is bricks made for the purpose. These have already been de- scribed in Chap. III. and Plate 12. They are effective, but expensive^, and not so well adapted for surface-draining, except for conducting away springs, in which work a small extent of drains may answer for a large tract of land. These bricks are made of various shapes and sizes, but generally have a semicircular cavity for the water to flow in, and rest, in stiff soils, on the ground ; in soft soils, upon each other, form- ing a circular tube, or on common bricks, as a foundation. In Essex and other counties, pipes of clay, about eighteen inches long, with an opening of three or four inches diameter, are burnt, and ap- plied to similar purposes, but are best calculated for convej'ing any small rill of water, or spring for the supply of a house, &c. The following judicious remarks respecting the arch brick, represented by No. 3, in Plate 16, have been stated by the writer of the Agri- cultural Survey of Salop : '' I have made what I call a brick arch for that purpose (of draining), full an inch thick, and a foot long, nearly of the * See Foote's Report of Middlesex. 160 OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. shape of a ridge iWe, but being not more thai! five inches wide at bottom, and six inches semi- diameter. It cannot possibly be used in build- ing ; but such having been made at a brick kiln^ the excise officer thought them taxable, and charged them 2s. 6d. per thousand, as common bricks. Two members of parliament did me the honour to represent this at the proper office in London, in hopes of getting off the tax, which has not yet been done. This has checked the use of them ; for nothing can be more irksome than a tax upon a material to be used in an essential im- provement upon land ; besides, there can be no more lawful pretence for taxing the arch brick of that shape, than there is for taxing the earthern pans and cups at a pottery. These arches may be made, when common bricks are at 1 5s. per thou- sand, without tax, at about 30s. per thousand^ which will lay a cavity of six by five inches, and near 340 yards in length.'* SECT. XIII. MODE OF FILLING. There is one circumstance in filling the drains^ attended to particularly by farmers who are most solicitous to have the work well performed, and that is, to contract with their men only for dig- OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. 161 * ging and leaving clean, in order that the filling may be done by men paid by the day, as a greater security that it should be executed with all pos- sible care, and is usually attended by the farmer himself, or some confidential servaiit. This is a rational practice, and merits being followed. Mr. Young, of Clare, observes, in the paper quoted before, that, " It is an invariable rule with me, never to suffer the man who digs, to cover up the drains, but it is left open for me or my bailiff to examine ; and then it is veil filied up to the shoulder with wheat-stubble^ cut and stack- ed for the purpose immediately after the harvest, and a small stick or two at the outlet, to pre- vent its being stopped by any external accident. Lastly, with a common plough, I turn a furrow of the upper soil or mould upon the drain, taking care not to turn in any of the dead soil raised by the land ditch spade, which ought always to be laid on the outside and scattered over the land. It is right not to let the drains lie open any length of time, lest they get injured by wet or frost ; my general rule is, to fill them up every day." The different methods of filling both with stone, wood, and straw, will be better under- stood by examining the Plate. M 162 OF HOLLOW-DRAININCr IN GENERAL. SECT. XIV. OF THE EXPENCE. The ex pence of these drains, will of course vary with the soil, depth, price of labour, &c. and these circumstances are so different, in dif- ferent districts, and even in different parishes, that it accounts for the various reports of writers on the subject. The price in Suffolk to dig and fill two spit drains, is 3s. 4d. to 3s. 6d. a score rods, without beer. In the following notes of Essex draining, other rates are mentioned, and also the cost of materials used in filling, an article liable to equal variations with the labour. Mr. James Young sa}s, " It is not easy to as- certain the price of carting the wheat-stubble to the place where it will be wanted, and stacking it, because the value must depend upon the dis- tance : it is equally difficult to say what the work of the ploughs ought to be valued at ; for, though several acres may be drawn out in a (jay with one plough, yet I never choose to do above two or three hours \vork at f^ time; therefore I shall leave every farmer to fix his own price upon these parts of the business, only desiring him to con- sider, that it is work that will wait for a leisure time, and frequently, if the horses were not so employed they would cam nothing. OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. 163 "I pay for digging the land drains Is. 8d., and for filling them up with stubble 4d. per score rods, without any beer whatever. An active man, used to the work, where the soil is not stony, will dig twenty-three or twenty-four rods in a day, within working hours. " The state of the expence, that is, the money a farmer will pay out of his pocket for land-drain- ing an acre of land, will stand thus : For cutting and raking together an acre of wheat stubble, generally sufficient for an acre of drains *ffO 2 Digging eight score rods of drains .0134 Filling them up with stubble ..028 Extra work with the common spade, on an average, a day's work for a man 014 £0 19 4" Lord Petre says, — '' The value of the work of the plough varies to different people's method. My general method is, to plough with a com- mon plough and a pair of horses, two furrows different ways, leaving a baulk in the middle, which I afterwards plough out with a larger plough, and three horses abreast, which will turn a furrow regularly about two inches deeper than the land is generally ploughed. The ex- pence, not recko'ning any for the master, who, I suppose, attends and marks out the ditches, is m2 164 OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. about Is. 6d. per acre^ ditches a rod apart. This method is for fallow. The labour for digging is 2:^d. or S^d. per rod ; and the expence, per acrcj of the whole work^ is, as near as I can guess, on a fallow where two spits are digged, 43s. 6d. per acre ; with the plough and one spit, about S5s. ; on lay, with the plough, about 35s. ; with- out the plough, and the spits set, about 47s. per acre." Mr. Majeudie informs the Board, that the ex- pence to him is. Digging the drains with the small or last spit spade, per score yards, 20d. to 24d. Two spits in main drains, 3's. to 3s. 6d. In this manner the under draining one acre (the drains at one rod apart), including wood, straw, and all other incidental charges, amounts to an expence of from 40s. to 45s. an acre. SECT. XV. OF SOD, OR PIPE DRAINS. Various methods have been devised, of saving' the expence of materials in the filling of drains. The sod, or pipe drains, are undoubtedly the least expensive of any, and may be of considerable be* iiefit on some soils ; but their duration, and safety in supporting heavy cattle or horses in the act of OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. 165 ploughing, cannot be very much depended on, unless when the opening is at a considerable depth from the surface, and when the upper mould be- comes incrusted, or forms an arch. The method of executing them is, by digging a trench of a certain width so deep ; and then, by taking out the last spit with the narrow drain- ing spade, a shoulder is left on each side, upoii which a sod or turf*, dug in grass land, is laid, grass side downwards, and the mould thrown in over it. It is said that such drains will continue hollow, and consequently discharge well for a great number of years. The mode of executing them has been well described, and the tools re- presented, by T. B. Bayley, Esq. in the valu- able Georgical Essays published by Dr. Hunter, of York*. Sod or turf drains are pretty much in use in some of the northern counties of England, where land stones are scarce. Several mosses have been drained in Lancashire nearly in the same manner, by leaving shoulders about a foot and a half from the bottom, and lay- ing over these cross pieces of turf or peat, cut into lengths of sixteen inches, and eight or nine inches square, which, after they had been dried by exposure to the sun and air, easily support the loose mould that is thrown in above them ; the » * Octavo Edition, p. 437. 166 OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL, thickness of which being, for the most part, from two to three feet. How long these drains^ in such soft soils, may last good;, cannot be ascertained, as it is not long since the practice was first introduced. Another simple mode of making pipe-drains has been successfully attempted; but it is better calculated for the purpose of an aqueduct, or con- veyance for the water, than for drying the soil. A drain is dug to the necessary depth, narrow at the bottom, in which is laid a smooth tree, or cylindrical piece of wood, ten or twelve feet long, six inches diameter at the one end, and five at the other, having a ring fastened in the thickest end. After strewing a little sand upon the upper side of the tree, the clay, or toughest part of the contents of the trench, are first thrown in upon it, and then the remainder, which is trod firmly down. By means of the ring, and a rope through it, the tree is drawn out to within a foot or two of the small or hinder end, and the same opera- tion repeated. A gentleman who has tried this experiment, says, '' this clay pipe has conducted a small rill of water a considerable way under ground, for more than twenty years, without any sign of failing." A simple method to save materials in grass- land, is practised in Buckinghamshire. When the line of drain is marked out, a sod is cut, in form of a wedge, the upper or grass side being OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. 167 the narrowest ; which is done by sloping the spade in cutting or forming the sides. The sods are taken up^ in lengths of one foot or eighteen inches, and carefully laid on one side of the drain. After this, the drain is cut to the depth required, by using the draining-spades and scoop already men- tioned, which contracts it to a very narrow bot- tom. The sods are then set in, with the grass side downwards, and pressed as far as they will ' go, so as to form like key-stones between the sides of the drain. As they cannot go to the bottom, a cavity is left underneath, which serves as a water-course ; and the space above is filled to the lop with the earth thrown out. If the drain is three feet deep, there will be nearly two feet of earth above the wedge-sods, which is sufficient to secure them from any injury by the feet of cattle. This drain is said to succeed admirably, and to last from twelve to twenty years : the expence is one penny per yard. On sheep-pastures, a very simple mode of carry- ing off surface-water, by means of a strong com- mon plough, may be effected in this manner :— after turning up furrows through the hollow parts of the field, where the water is apt to stag- nate, let a man with a spade pare off the loose soil, leaving the inverted sod or grassy side about three inches thick : this done, let him turn over the sod into the furrow, grass side up. By this, a canal, or opening of three or four inches, will \6B OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. be left in the bottom of the furrow, sufficient tp discharge a considerable quantity of water, whicli will readily subside into it. A great extent of ground may soon be gone over in this way ; and when the furrows choak or grow up, the same Operation can be repeated, at very little expence. This is peculiarly adapted for sheep-pastures injured by surface-water ; or, in a situation where open gi^ips are preferable : the furrow, in place of being returned, may be removed, to fill up the hollow, or may be added to a dung-hill. SECT. XVI. DURATION. The duration of hollow drains w'ill necessarily depend on the nature of the materials with which they are filled, and in some measure, on the qua- lity of the soil ; as certain species of land have the power of preserving wood, or other perish- able materials, much longer than others. Stones last till accidental causes impede the flowing of the water, and may last for ever. Wood perishes in certain periods ; but it does not follow that the drains should stop. If the earth arches, the water will necessarily continue to flow; which is found to be case, when wood. OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. 169 gtraWj and stubble^, are rotten and gone. Drains that have been filled with bushes and straw, have been observed to run well forty years after making. On this subject, Mr. Young, of Clare, ob- serves : "^ I have never been able to ascertain the duration of the stubble with any degree of exact- ness, neither have I ever drained a field a second time ; but a drain will sometimes be stoppe:!, by carting on the land in the wet, or some acci- dental cause ; in which case, as soon as it is dis- covered by the wetness of the place, my practice is, to make one or more fresh drains, in didereat - directions to the old ones ; and I have many times observed old drains, when cut across, though there was not the least appearance of any veget- able substance remaining in them, but fall of loose porous earth, at once run freely, or, ac- cording to my workmen's phrase, bleed fresh. '' During the wet weather, about the middle of last April, I examined a field of six acres, which I land-drained in the month of November, in the year 1773, and had the satisfaction to find every drain in the field (except one) running*." Annals of Agriculture. * Above twenty years. 170 OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. SECT XVII. DRAINAGE OF STIFF AND RETENTIVE SOILS, BY MEANS OF OPEN CUTSj AND THE PROPER FOR- MATION OF RIDGE AND FURROW. It has alread} been hinted^ in Section IV. that on some soils where the surface is very retentive, no number of covered drains can operate eflfec- tually in drying the ground. In most of the central counties of England, and also in Flanders, the general mode of drying- land is, by ploughing it up in high and broad ridges, from twenty to thirty, and even forty, feet wide, with the centre, or crown, three or four feet higher than the furrows. The successful practice of the Flemings shews clearly how ef- fective this method is, when well executed ; for, by attentively keeping the furrows perfectly free from water, the land is kept in so dry a state, that all sorts of crops flourish remarkably well : but in England the same observation would not be just, for want of the same attention to this mode of practice. In many instances, the furrows are not properly directed, nor properly deepen- ed, and the ridges too flat ; by which the water stagnates in the hollows, and of course renders that part of the field w^orse than lost. This bad OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. Itl management has brought the method itself into such discredit, that in many places thej have been levelling their ridges at considerable expence, in order to adopt some otljer method of draining ; an operation Avhich, on cUy soils, is certainly very imprudent; for when the ridges are well rounded^ not too high, and the furrows kept open, and perfectly free from retaining water, it must be esteemed, for land of a very retentive surface, an excellent mode of draining, or for keeping it dry *. Much has been written against high ridges, but not with due consideration of their propriety in such lands : they have been applied on dry loams most absurdly ; and from being, perhaps, a custom in that part of the country, no discrimination has been made: but their being improper in some cases, and ill managed in others, afl'ords no just argument against them, when well adapted to the soil and wetness of climate f. * Water-furrowing is attended with very beneficial conse- quences, when performed in a proper manner, and at those seasons when the land requires it. It is simple ; but the omission of it may be attended with the loss of part of a crop ; and wetness may often be removed by that means, without the aid of drains. f One objection against raising ridges too high is, that the rain falling, washes off more easily the fine particles of the soil |roin the declivity into the furrows, in which it is carried off 172 OF HOLLOW- DRAINING IN GENERAL. They prove of great utility, even although united with either open surface cuts or hollow drains ; as will appear from the following infor- mation that has been transmitted to the Board of Agriculture on this subject. Mr. Francis Goude^ of Cossington, in Leices- tershirCj has united in this manner the ridge me- thod, and hollow drains in the furrows, and v^ith a success that renders his account interesting. He observes : "' That his soil is sandy on the surface, from six to ten inches deep; red clay at the bottom, and in some places gravel, which throws the water upon the surface of the land ; which soil we find not easily drained by cross cuts, but requires hollow drains to be made in the fur- rows of the ridges, which are made from five to ten yards broad. Their height varies; for sum- mer corn, we raise them six inches, but for winter crops, twelve at the crown, above the bottom of the furrows. The hollow drains are thus dug : in turf ground, make the drain fifteen inches wide, and two feet deep, going down sloping : first, take a spade and cut the turf out ; then make use of another tool, made on purpose, something like a cheesetaster : at the head, where the man the field ; and that the seed cannot be so equally disposed in sowing, and must be still more unequally scattered, and drawn into the furrows by harrowing; it likewise renders cross- ploughing more difficult. OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. 173 sets his foot, is seven inches wide, going narrower downwards, to the length of sixteen inches, with which he digs out the other materials, whether it be sand, gravel or clay : if clay, they cut four inches deeper in the middle, at the bottom of the drain, and four inches wide, leaving two inches on each side, or what they call shoulders, to support the turf, which is laid flat upon it, with the grass downwards; then fill it up again: if the land is of a mixed soil, such as sand, gravel, &c. it must be made with thorns, or elm boughs, tram])led down, and the turf laid upon them, as before, close to the side of the drain, so that it makes as it were a wall; but where slab, slate, or stone, can be had, it is still firmer. The bottom of the drain is about four inches wide ; and workmen have a tool made in the same way as a hoe, or in form of the letter L, with a half-round at the bot- tom, to scoop out the particles of earth that will remain at the bottom of the drain. How long they will last good, is unknown ; but I can an- swer for fifteen years, and expect them to endure a much longer time, even filled with bushes : and the improvement may, upon an average, be esti- mated at one-fourth increase in the crops." The mode of ridging and cross-thoroughing (furrowing) land in the Carse of Gowrie, Perth- shire, is particularly described in the following valuable connnuiiication, by George Paterson. Esq. of Castle-Huntley, in that county. 174 OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. As clay is perfectly impervious to water, sur- face-draining is the only means by which this species of improvement can be accomplished : and all over the Cars€ of Gowrie this operation is extremely simple. There are certain large common drains, which pass through the district in different directions, sufficiently capacious to receive the water drained from the fields by the ditches which surround them, and of such a level as to carry it clear off, and to empty their contents into the river Tav : there are also ditches which surround every farm, or pass through them, as their situation may require, but in such manner as to communicate with every field upon the farm. These ditches are made from two to four feet wide at top, and from one and a half to one foot at the bottom ; a shape which prevents their sides from falling in ; but even then they must be cleansed and scoured every year, at a consider- able expence. If the fields be of an uniform level surface, the common furrows between the ridges, provided they be sufficiently deepened at their extremities, will serve to lay the grounds dry ; but as it seldom happens that any field is so completely free of inequalities, the last ope- ration, after it is sown and harrowed in, is to draw a furrow with the plough through every hol- low in the field, which lie in such a direction that it can be guided through them, so as to make a free communication with any of the ditches which OP HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. 175 surround the farm, or with any of the furrows be- tween the ridges, which may serve as a conductor to carry the water off to the surrounding ditches. When this tract is once opened with the plough, it is widened, cleared out, and so shaped with the spade, that it may run no risk of filling up. Its width, from six inches to a foot, according to its depth, which must depend upon the level of the field ; but the breadth of a spade at bottom is a good general rule. It frequently happens that there are inequalities in several parts of the same field, which do not extend across it, or which do not pass through it in any direction that a plough can follow, but which may extend over two ridges, or one ridge, or even part of a ridge. Such re- quire an open communication to be made with any furrow which may serve as a conductor to carry off the water, which are always made with the spade. All these open communications are here called gaas; and to keep them perfectly clear, is a very essential part of every Carse farmer's attention. It is as yet a general prac^ce in the Carse to have head-ridges, as they are called, at the two extremities of each field ; /. e. the rising ground upon which the plough turns, is laid up in the shape of a transverse ridge, higher in the middle and falling off at each side ; so that a gaa is made in the course of the inner furrow, with which the whole furrows between the longitudinal ridges 1 76 OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL^ communicate, and into which thej pour all their surface-wateij which is carried off by similar gaas^ or openings, cut through the head-ridges at con- venient distances, and by which the whole is emptied into the adjoining ditches, and by them into the main drain. It is supposed that it would be a much better plan, instead of forming head-ridges, as above described, to lay the earth up to the ends of the longitudinal ridges, uniformly; \^ hich could easily be done, with a little more trouble, by returning with an empty plough. There would then be no depression between the longitudinal and trans- verse ridges ; of course no occasion for a gaa ; and by cutting fairly through the- head-ridges opposite to every longitudinal furrow, a freer passage would be given to the surface-water, from the whole field to the adjoining ditch, and, of course, the draining more complete*. Besides all this, an experienced Carse farmer will take care that his grounds are carefully ploughed ; that the land is laid up equally; that no inequalities are left, so as to hold water ; that the ridges are properly rounded, neither too high nor too low, but as near as possible to the sec- tion of a lar^e circle ; bv which the surface- * This method Mr. Paterson has followed upon the fields which lie has levelled. OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. 177 Water will easily drain off without lodging ; and while the crowns are not too much enriched^ nor the furrows impoverished, the whole will be made equally fertile, dry, and prolific, and not unfrequcntly be accessible to the plough earlier in the spring than the fields upon the declivities of the surrounding hills. SECT. XVIII. DRAINAGE OF CLAY SOILS INJURED BY SURFACE- WATER. The following method of draining clay soils wet from rain or surface-water, has been prac- tised by Sir Henry Fletcher, Bart, a member of the Board of Agriculture, with great success. The upper soil, or that above the clay, was from four to ten inches deep, and of good qua- lity ; but being in a mountainous part of the country, and near the sea, a great quantity of rain fell, which always kept the upper soil full of water, and produced a very coarse grass, not worth more than Ss. an acre. The substratum of clay was of very great depth. The mode he first pursued, and which proved too expensive, was the common one qf the country : the drains twenty inches to two feet wide and deep, square, and filled up promiscuously with quarried stones to within nine inches of the surface. The quau- N 178 OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. tity of stones thus requisite was so great, that the quarrying and distant cai-tage came abun- dantly too high ; so that the total expence did not amount to less than 3^d. or 4rf. per yard, and by the acre to 10/. To lessen so heavy an expence, he changed the method to that Nvhich he has followed for many rears, viz. on grass land he digs twenty-two inches, or two feet deep : the first spit is of the turf, taken so deep as where it separates from the clay, which is dug care- fully oui, and preserved unbroken, grass side up^ and laid on one side of the cut ; then, w ith a very strong spade, eighteen inches long, six inches wide at top, and two at the bottom, he digs a spit in the clay, which the men spread about the land, on the side of the drain opposite to where the turfs were laid, as far as possible from the drain, so as none may get in again. A scoop, to clear out the fragments in the bot- tom, follows, which are also spread in like man- ner. Tliev are then ready for fiUino; ; and in doing this, he takes three stones of a thin flat form, tw of which are placed against the sides of the drain, meeting at bottom ; and the third caps the other two, as represented by No. 2, in the Plate of Sections : thus a hollow triangular space is left to convey the water, which is subject to no accidents that can fill it up or impede the current. Stones alsvars sink deeper in the ground; i and, in the common method, this frequently OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. 179 causes stoppages^ by their being partly buried in the clay ; but the triangle, when it subsides, does it regularly^ and keeps its form and passage for the water, clear. One cart-load of stones, in this way, will do a considerable length of drain. They are carefully laid down by the side of the cut with a shovel or basket ; and if there are any small refuse stones left on the ground after the drain is set, they are thrown in above. The stones being thus fixed, the sods are then trimmed to the shape of the. drain, and laid oa them, with the grass side downwards, and none of the clay used in filling up. The ex pence is a halfpenny per yard, the meo earning 2s. and 2s. 6d. per day.* It is always necessary to survey them twice ; first, when the drains are opened, to see if they are of the proper depth ; second, when the stones are set, before the sod is laid in. In regard to the distance necessary from drain to drain. Sir Henry tried them at ten yards ; but the spaces in the middle between them were not sufficiently drained. At five yards asunder they were perfectively eff*ective, in the most retentive * A man, his wife, and a child of ten years old, with a horse and a little cart, made very good wages of it : the man used to cut the drains in open weather in winter ; in frost he wrought in the quarry ; — his wife filled the stones and led them to the drains, laying them down along the sides at proper distances . and the child set them in the triangle at bottom. n2 180 OF HOLLOW- DRAINING IN GENERAL. soil; at six, answered well : but he found that tliey would not operate a cure any where, if more than seven yards asunder. Drains made in this manner, give, after many years, no sign of failing, and will probably last for a very long period. The English acre being four thousand eight hundred and forty square yards, the nearest square of that is seventy yards ; and a square of seventy yards, drained at seven yards distant, is ten drains, of seventy yards each ; consequently there is seven hundred yards of drain in an acre, or one hundred roods, of seven yards each, which, at a halfpenny a yard, is 1/. 9s. 2d. per acre. When this is the price, the stones are not more than half a mile distant ; if further ofl^ allowance must be made for the extra cartage ; or, when the ground turns out stony, hard, and ill to dig, a further allowance is likewise made. SECT. XIX. OF OPEN DRAINS. As there are many situations where open drains only, can prove eilectual, for a description of these, I have added this Section. . It would be unnecessary to give any particu- lar directions for their depth or wideness, as that OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL, 181 must depend on the quantity of water they are to receive or convey, and on the nature of the soil, and situation in which they are to be made. One rule, however, may be general — that the width at bottom should be one-third of that at top, which gives a sufficient slope to the sides, and prevents their falling in ; and the fall, or declivity, should be such, as that the water may run off without stagnation, but not with too ra- pid a motion. The first is necessary to carry off any sludge and grass, &c. which may get into them ; but if the descent is too great, the water will be apt to form inequalities in the bottom, and wear down the sides. In moss, and in very soft soils, a greater degree of slope may be ne- cessary ; and in all cases where it is meant for a drain only (i. e. to receive surface-water), none of the earth thrown out should remain upon the sides, but should be carried to, and spread in, the nearest hollows. When this is not done, their use, in a great measure, is counteracted The earth, when left upon the sides, prevents the surface-water from getting injlo the drain ; its weight causes the sides to fall in ; makes it more difficult to scour or clean it ; and adds much to its disagreeable appearance in the mid- dle of a field. In soft marshy ground, when it may be proper to have the line of drain, a fences a smaller parallel cut, will be necessary along the back of the bank, or earth thrown out, to re- 182 OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. ceive the water from that side, and by which it may be conveyed to a proper place for its ad- mission into the ditch^ or larger cut. When it may be necessary to hore in an open drain^ the manner of doing it has been explained in Chap. V. t In all cases where the admission of surface- water, or what may be augmented in time of great rains, is unavoidable, the drain must ne- cessarily be open, to prevent the risk of choak- ing or filling up ; which is always the conse- quence when such water is admitted into a co- Tered drain. This, in the middle or hollow part of a field, may not only be hurtful to the eye> but a considerable obstruction in the act of ploughing. It may, however, be remedied, bj giving the drain such a slope as it shall grow green on the sides, and the plough or cart may pass over it without interruption ; and the line of direction should be, if possible, parallel to that of the ridges, so as to give less obstruction to the cultivation of the field. When the field is in pasture, it can have no bad effect whatever, as cattle pass over it with ease ; and being co- vered with grass to the bottom, no ground is lost. If there be a constant run of water in it, inde- pendent of what is collected from the ground on both side-; in wet seasons, that may be confined to a narrow channel, cut a little deeper in the middle. However great the slope, it should not OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. 183 be ploughed with the rest of the field, but should always remain green ; as a sudden or great run of water passing through it, when loosened by ploughing, would wash down the sides and de- stroy its shape. In young plantations, open drains are the only kind applicable ; as the roots of the trees getting among the stones, and leaves choaking their outlet, would soon render co-o vered drains of very little use. In lawns, a;id among thin grown-up wood, covered drains may be proper for cutting and carrying off springs, and may not be so liable to any defect from the interruption of roots or accumulation of leaves, and will not appear unpleasingto the eye. Very small and narrow open cuts (commonlj' called grips) are very useful in the wet hollows of smooth pastures, to receive and carry off the stagnant water, and part of the rain as it falls. These are commonly one foot deep, eight inches wide at top, and the sides contracted, so as to meet at bottom. The only objection to them is, their being easily stopt by the feet of cattle tramp- ling upon them ; but it requires very little time and trouble to keep them clear. Sunk fences also come under the denomina- tion of open drains ; but the nature and con- struction of these are so generally known, and must vary according to :,ituation, that no de^ scription of them is necessary here. 184 OF HOLtOW-DR/VlNING IN GEXERAJ.. All open drains require to be scoured out and cleaned at least once a year; for when this is reelected^ they lose their good effect;, and the operation becomes the more difficult afterwards. Although they cost less at firsts, this annual re- pair renders them more expensive than covered drains that are not exposed to any outward ob- ""struction. SECT. XX. OF THE BENEFIT DERIVED FROM DRAINING IN GENERAL. In the Introduction, I have mentioned some of the advantages t'".\t arise from a proper drain- age of land, and;, alsOj what further benefit may be derived from the principles of Mr. Elking- ton's system being applied to other useful pur- poses. Here, I shall only add a few observa- tions communicated to the Board on this sub- ject;, as the advantages^ in general^ are so obvious to every one. Of all the improvements by which intelligent husbandry has advanced the value of land;, to the equal benefit of the owner, occupier, and to the public, there is not, perhaps, another from which OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. 185 flo many advantaires have been derived, at so moderate an ex pence. Soils that are wet from spring or from rain water, are equally unproductive, till laid dry. Seasons of tillage are lost, if the land is in an arable state,* and, in very wet years, its produce is scanty and precarious ; but when well drained, all other exertions of good husbandry are at- tended with beneficial consequences, and take full effect : the farmer thrives on the same farm on which his predecessor was ruined !-— Of its effects on grass lands. Lord Petre observes, that "^ the land after draining, not being so much chilled by the long continuance of the winter wa- ter on the surface, produces earlier vegetation in the spring ; the grass is rendered of a better kind ; the white clover is encouraged, which seldom fails in Essex and in Hertfordshire to chequer the land-ditched ^e\ds y\'ii\\ its sweet appearance, "f —•And again : " Tillage land is mi.ch more ma- nageable ; it dries gradually, and early in the spring; the bad efi'ects of land being catchcd full of water^ when the parching winds in March * That the ancient Romans were sensible of this, and that wet land was fit neither for being ploughed, harrowed, nor planted, Columella observes : " Ne lutosus ager tractetur — Nam quae limosa versantur arva tcto anno desinunt posse trac- tari, nee sunt habiha sementi, autoccationi aut stationi," Col. lib. ii. cap. iv. t Annals of Agriculture. 186 OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. suddenly harden the surface of wet grounds, is prevented, and the earth breaks kindly. This in a short time alters the very nature of the soil ; the weeds and grasses change their colour ; every plant that grows loses the appearance of rank- ness ; the corn increases in quantity and weight ; and every benefit a farmer can wish, is more or less the consequence of this first of all im- provementSj in proportion as the soil draws well or ill." Respecting the further advantages of the prac- tice on arable landj he likewise observes : '' The great advantage of land-draining is, we can plough earlier in the spring, and later in the au- tumn ; and it certainly makes the land tilth easier ; and the land can be kept clean with less expence ; but it is too much for the farmer to expect his return the first crop. I believe I have known some particular piece that has repaid the expence in two crops. It certainly is a very be- neficial improvement to the farmer." • Mr. Young, of Clare, says : " I have a field that used to be so wet and poachy in the winter, as not to be able to bear the weight of a sheep : I land-drained and fallowed it ; then sowed it with wheat, without anv manure, and had a crop equal to half the value of the land." In speaking of the improvements in the county of Essex, Mr. Vancouver has the following re- mark on the importance of draining : '^ There is OF HOLLOW-DRAINING IN GENERAL. 1S7 no improvement to which the heavy-land hus- bandry of this county owes so much, as to the fortunate introduction and continuance of the practice of hollow-draining. The means of me- lioration^ and the consequent sources of fertility thence derived from the soil, over and libove what it formerly yielded, are not more import- ant and valuable in the present day, tha.n per- manent and precious, as they must prove in Ihcir consequences hereafter. The few instances of invincible blindness to the beneficial eifects of this excellent practice, go no further than to prove, that where the work is not improperly executed, it never ceases to fail in producinij; the desired effect. APPENDIX, CONTAi:fING HINTS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF BOGS, Sec. AFTER BEING DRAINED. ( 191 ) APPENDIX. HINTS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF BOGS^ AFTER BEING DRAINED. THE next, thing to be considered^, after a bog or piece of marshy ground has been completely drained, is the means most easily accomplished, and best adapted for its further improvement. If the bog is over-run with rushes^ and other coarse aquatics, nothing will tend sooner to the first part of its improvement, than over-stocking; it with cattle, so soon as it acquires a sufficient so- lidity to bear them with safety ; but care must be taken, not to put the cattle on it until it is sufficiently firm, otherwise the surface will be poached, and the coarse herbage not closely bit- ten : thus will the coarse grasses be closely eat down ; and the pressure of the cattle will help to consolidate the surface. By this alone, it is wonderful to see the difference of verdure that soon takes place : and it is worthy of remark, ihat a bog of the worst kind, after being drained 193 FURTHER IMPROVEMENT OF and so treated^ without any other melioration whatever, should spontaneously produce so many fine grasses, that have hitherto lain dormant^ and by the superfluous moisture been prevented from coming forth, should, as it were, all at once be called into existence, and afterwards continue to flourish and increase. The rushes will soon de- cline, and give wav to better grass, which will spring up in abundance. Lime or marl, spread on the surface, will greatly increase the growth of white clover, and other kinds of fine natural herbage, after the rushes and coarse plants have been closely cut and eat down with the cattle. * The first thing, however, to be done, whether the field is to remain in the natural state of pas- ture, or to be cultivated by tillage, is to level the surface; the natural irregularity of which is, in most cases, an obstruction that ought first to be removcu. The earth that composes the highest parts should be removedj and mixed into^ a compound with lime, to be used either as a manure for a crop, or spread on the surface as a lop-clrcssiiig; ix)r grass. Earth of inferior qua- lity may be substituted for filling up the deepest * The best time to cut rushes, &c. is when the shoots are weak, and before the seed come to maturity. If left till the seed is ripe, it shakes, and, tailing on the ground, multiplies their growth. They should be frequently- cut before this sea-- son, wliich will soon extirpate them. DRAINING EOGS^ &C. 193 hollows. Where the nature and situation an- swers, no improvement is so cheap, so sure, or 30 profitable, as converting a certain class of bogs into water-meadow*. H it lies along the side of a river or stream, of which, by means of proper dams or cuts, a command can be obtained ; and if the process of irrigation is managed with skill and attention, it never fails to produce luxuriant crops of grass. This crop is in every respect best adapted to the nature of such ground, being less affected by the inclemency of a cold or moist climate, and giv- ing a more sure return, without the labour and ex pence of annual culture, than any crop of grain that might be produced. As a proof of this, I shall only mention the water-meadow on the estate of Oustone Hall, in Leicestershire, Avhich, from being mere bogs, before being drained by Mr. Elkington, now produce as abundant crops of grass as any of the kind (water-meadows) in that part of the kingdom. As a further instance of the good effects pro- * It must be understood that the surface of the bog has been properly levelled, well rolled, and a good sward of grass on it, before the operation of floating can be attempted. It is a fact well ascertained, that in Merionethshire there is bnd that was formerly not worth O'd. per acre ; but being now drained and Jlooded, besides affording excellent pasture till the 1st of June, produces two tons of good hay, cut in the beginning of Au- gust. — Agricultural Report of Merionethshire. O 194 - FURTHER IMPROVEMENT OF duced by watering this kind of land, Mr. Bos- well, in his treatise ou that subject, says :— *' Lands that are very bog'gy, require more and lonc'cr watering than any sand or gravelly soil. The larger the body of water that can be brought upon them, the better : its weight and strength will greatly assist in coaipress.ii)g the soil, and destroying tlie roots of the weeds that grow upon it ; neither can the water-he kept too long upon ii, particularly in the winter season, immediately after the after-meat is eaten ; arid the closer it is fed, the better. This species of soil, after being Tcell drained and watered, will equal the wishes of the most sanguine, by its improvement." Na general system of irrigation can be pro- perly laid down, applicable to every particular case, further than some general directions, that hold good in every situation : but, in other parts of the process, different modes must be adopted, according as the situation and form of surface require. In tbose where the command of a ri- ver or stream can be obtained, the general rule is, to collect a sufficient quantity of water. Dearly on a level, in a main caricr, which can, by means of sluices constructed at proper places in the sides of it, be let out into floating trenches, cut along the surface of the field, or sides of the declivity, one below another. These floating trenches will collect the Mater from above, after passing over the spaces of ground betwixt each. DRAINING BOGS, &C. 195 and distribute it equally over the surface of each space lying- between them, alternately. — Proper attention must be paid, at the proper sea- sons, to open and close the sluices, in regular rotation, so as to flood different portions of 1 he land successively ; and the floating gutters should frequently be cleaned and scoured out, to pre- vent their choaking up, and to destroy the growth of rushes, and other grasses that may grow up in them. From the very absorbent quality of the peat, the wafer would require to have a more rapid motion on bogs, than on soils less porous or spongy. The saving of manure, is another circumstance in favour of wat-er-mea- dows, as the application of it would appear to be of no material consequence, being very sel- dom used bv some of the best flooders in Enjz:- land*. Still, however, I should think, that the * The late celebrated Bakewell, who was a great advocate for watering, used to manure on his water-meadows. It was a favourite idea of his, that water made to float over the greatest bog or swamp, v:iihout being drained, would not only have the effect of producing a finer herbage on it, but that the pres- sure of water artificially brought upon it, would force back that with whicli it was already overcharged, into the channel from which it sprung. Nothing can be more absurd, and which the following fact will prove : at Drayton-park, near Tamworthj ia Staffordshire, a considerable e.\.tent of bog was thus watered, by a cut for that purpose, conducted under the direction of Mr. Bakswcll, at a very great expence, and which, 2 196 FURTHER IMPROVEMENT OF use of lime or sliell-mcLd, diluted in the Mater of the upper carier, would be attended with the most beneficial effects. Its liner particles would thus be intimately diffused over the surface, ■would be lodged in closer contact with the roots of the grass, and afford them additional nou- rishment to what they receive from the fertilizing qualities of the water. The operation would be simple, and the expencc trifling, from the small quantity of lime suiTicient for the purpose. The lime should be laid dov, n along the side of the uppermost trench or carier, and, after being slaked^ put in small quantities, among the wa- ter in the cut, and, being stirred about, would be carried down by the stream, and equally dif- fused over the surface. It is to be observed, that the lime, or shell-marl, is only to be used in this manner, the last days of the v> atering. If after being completed, had the effect of rendering the ground ninch worse, and more swampy than before. This, to the surprize ot Air. Bakewell (but not entirely to his conviction), not having the effect which he argued it would, Air. Elking- ton v.as applied to, who, by means of a drain which he made, and which did not exceed one-third ofolie expence of Mr. Bakewell's water-works, has rendered the ground worth ten Unit!, its former value, and which now produces crops of grain equal in value to any that is produced in that country. This is raeiitioned, as a proof that land of that description, without beujg pre\ iously drained, can never be watered with advan- DRAINING BOGS^ &C. 197 there was not so heavy a duty u\)on it, the refuse of salt., used in this manner^ would be a valuable improvement; its fertilizing qualities being equally beneficial on pasture, as well as on arable land*. These experiments I have never seen praetised, although recommended ; but it is obvious to every one who is in the least ac- quainted with the manner of flooding, and with the qualities of these manures, that it must prove beneficial, ])eyond a doubtf . * In a communicalion to the Board of Agriculture, on the nature aad qualities of salt, as a manure, by JNIr, Ro:ilfe, of Sandwich, he says : " Salt is also excellent upon rushy and sour pastures, which arc subject to occasion the rot in sheep ^ such is its effect, that it prevents that destructive evil from at- tacking them.'' f A. method nearlysimilar to this, seems to be practised in wa- tering ground in Switzerland ; as appears from the following re- mark in a treatise, entitled, "Le Socraie Rustique," 1764: " Our cultivator considerably augments the vegetable properties of the water by rich mould, procured, as I have already mentioned, from green turf, cut from eminences in pasture or fallow land. This he throws into the principal head of water, so that the lesser channels may imbibe and conimuuicate fertility over the meadow." — In a note by the translator, alluding to this pas- sage, he says : " This is a good thought; but the benefit on some soils, of casting slaked lime into the stream, would be much greater, and acquired at a much less expence." Another method, practised by Mr. Miller, of DunstalJ, in Staffordshire merits attention : on the stream which he applies to the floating of his ground, are two ponds, for the purpose of supplying mills situated below. From these ponds the 19& FURTHER IMPROVEMExN'T BF As it is only in certain situations^ where this mode of improvement, by means of water, can be ^idoptcd and practised with advantage, I shall next take notice of the other means that may be used, and that are best calculated for the im- provement of bogs, by converting them into a state of cultivation so soon after draining as they become accessible to the spade or the plough. If the bog is of considerable extent, the first thing to be done after draining, or which may be done at the same time, is dividing it into proper inclosures, by open ditches. These will assist in carrying off the surface- water, which the covered drains do not effect ; and part of the earth thrown out of them may be mixed in a compound with dung and lime, or made use of in filliiig up some adjacent hollows. If the ground is to be pared and burnt, part of it may be burned along with the turf; but this is supposing that no thorns or quick-fence is planted along the ditches ; in which case, no bank of earth is requisite on either side. In floating trenches are supplied -, and as there is always a quan- tity of fine mud deposited in the bottom of them, this he stirs about, so as to be carried along with the water, and equally- distributed over the surface. The success of this practice war- rants its recommendation. Although the watering of land ig now arrived at a ver}' great degree of perfection, yet these hints seem to have escaped ibe attention of most practical flooders. DRAINING Bf^GS, &C. 19^ ploughing, regard must bo paid to the proper direction and inclination of the ridges and fur- rows towards the open ditches, in order to dis- charge the rain-water as it falls*. The great object is, to get the ground brought to such a state as to be fit for being laid down with -grass- seeds, when it may be considered in such a state of improvement, that an)' subsequent crops ^yill require no more than ordinary management to cultivate. In levelling or smoothing the surface, it will be necessary to use the spade, by which the work will be done nearly as expeditiously, and much more efiectually, than with the plough at first. There are various opinions, how far paring and * Some bogs, when too much drained, are apt to become parched in dry seascns. To remedy this, if the ground is very flat, or nt-arly level, sluices may be made in the lower end of the divisi<5n-ditches, which, in very dry seasons, may be Jet down, to keep in the water received from the top drains. If the ditches have a descent, so that the water camiot stand level all the way, several sluices of this kind will be necessary ; or the water may be stopped, by building in turf. The water may be allowed to stand within a foot, or a foot and a half, of the surface, and, by its stagnation, will ooze through' the peat, or upper soil, and afibrd such a degree of moisture as xvill greatly relieve the crop. If in pasture, the cattle should not be allowed to feed on it while the water remains in the ditches, nor for some days after, as they would poach the surface too much ; and the heat would make them go into the ditches* where they might qot easily get cut. "200 FURTHER IMPROVEMENT OF burning is conducive to tbe improvement of land. Some have condemned it, as a practice that ought to be exploded on every soil; yei, on a certain class of boggy ground^ it may be considered as a very great improvement, not only from the ex- cellent manure that the ashes produce^, but also from its destroying the roots of every noxious plant more cifectuallythan could be done by means of fallowing alone. The ashes of the burnt turf, when mixed with the soil by a superficial plough- iug, so enrich it^ as to produce excellent crops, for two years at least ; and if a little lime is add- ed, it will help sooner to pulverize and heat the soil. If the bog is covered'with long heath, or ling, and other coarse bejit?/ grass, it might be proper to burn it growing, without paring off any part of the soil ; but this would yield only a sp^all quantity of ashes, neither would it destroy entirely the roots of the plants, and, when plough- ed in, would produce \eTy little effect. So soon as the turfs are reduced to ashes*, they should * In burning the turfs, after they are properly dried, they should be set up in large heaps, adding to them as they burn. This continei the smoke and flame, by which so much of the essence is evaporated and lost, when the turfs are burnt in small heaps. Paring jnd burning the turf, is, in some places, begun in the month of March; but it is better to delay the burning till April or May, The paring, however, may be done in March, and the turfs will be dry enough for burning in tbe month fol- lowing. DRAINING BOGS, &C. 201 be equally spread over the surface, plouo;lied ia \vi(h a light furrow, and turnip or potatoes ought to be the first crop. If the former, they should be sown broad-cast, and fed off with sheep. By this, the soil will receive great benefit from the dung and urine, the refuse of the plants, and by being consolidated by the trampling of the sheep. It will then be in good state for a crop of oats or barley, which should bo sown with grass-seeds, well rolled down. The ploughing, after the turnips are ate off, should be very slight, not to bury the sheep's dung, &c. too deep ; in which case, a crop of oats is preferable to barley, as the preparation of the ground requires less plough- ing. If the soil is full of the roots of rushes, and other weeds, a course of summer fallow will be re- quisite, before any crop is taken ; and if the ashes have been made in one corner of the field, they can be spread over the surface, before the seed- furrow is given ; and the roots and tough clods may be collected into heaps, burnt, and spread along with them. If the bog is deep of peat, and very soft, so as not to be fit to carry horses for ploughing in the first year, a crop of turnip broad-cast may be got, by sowing the seed among the spread ashes, har- rowing it in with a light harrow and roller, drawn by men. The turnip should be eat off with sheep, and the ground will next year be so much consolidated, as to admit the plough. 202 FURTHER IMPROVEMENT OT If the surfaGe is not pared and burnt at all;, a eourse of fallow, even for two years, will be ne» cessary, to reduce the soil to a proper mould ; in the last stage of which, the lime, or other ma- Durc, may be applied. In this case, two v.hite crops, with an intervening; one of turnip, potatoes, &c. may be taken, before the grass-seeds are, sown *. All boggy soil whatever, after being * Rye, being a liardy grain, and thriving on very poor soils, is a very profitable crop on drained hoggy land, pared and burnt, as appears fmm the following extract of a communica- tion to the Board of Agriculture, respecting the state of hus- bandry' in the neighbourhood of Petersburgh : " Bye-bread, as every body knows, is the chief support of this district, a* we'I as of the olher northern parts of Russia ; but, in order to save the rye-flour, and to make it last the longer, the inhabit- ants, when compelled by necessity, mix with it Jine ground oatmeal^ the meil of buck-wheat, and the husks of the field- mustard- seed (iiifiapls arvens'i^J. The produce of rye in very few places varies more than here. The poor sandy lands will hardly produce more than three times the quantity sown. The middling sorts of land produce four and six times the seed. The rich and well manured lands, and such where wood has been cleared off, will produce, in a good season, ten or twelve for ©ne sown ; but the most extraordinary produced, is gather- ed from hoggy lands, drained, and sown with rye; as in a fa- vourable season it increases forty times, and vipwards. The rs'ason of this extraordinary increase must be explained : it is owing to the ashes produced by hurning the bogs, which assist vegetation to that degree, that frequently they find one grain produce forty planls, and even more : for this reason, they ge- nerally use a much smaller quantity of seed in sowing such DRAINING BOGS, &C. 203 onoe broke up and pulverized by tillage and a course of summer fallow, should not be over- cropped before being laid down in grass ; a.;d when once brought into a good .sicard of grass, should not be too soon broke up, but continue so, brush-harrowing and top-dressing it, when tlie herbage begins to fog : frequent rolling is also very necessary on such soft soils. It is better to feed sheep the first and second years of the grass, than to cut it for hay, as it causes the roots of the plants to strike moie hori- zontally through the soil, and more closely co\er the surface. For this purpose, a greater propor- tion of white and yellow clove-?, and otiier .^^hoi-t grass- seeds J, should be sown. In the second break- ing up of the ground, after lying some years in pasture, no particular mode of practice, or ro- tation of cropping, can be laid down : the state of the ground, then, must be the rule for after- management, and by which time, it will not only have attained a firmer texture, but also a degree of strength, to ]>roduce any crops, with proper manure and cultivation. In manuring soft boggy soils, one precaution is necessary. The deeper land. There is no need to sow clump rye (secale midticaule) upon such lands, as any good common seed increasesvery nm:h upon so rich a soil, to which the burning pf the surface hns added so much of the vegetative power. The seed is gcnvn in July or August, and is reaped about tw«lve months after." 201 FURTHER IMPROVEMENT OF the plougliings arc^ previous to ihe dung bein^ laid on, the better ; but the subsequent furrows should bo very superficial, and the dung inti- mately mixed ; for when it is ploughed in too deep, not equally distributed and incorporated with the soil, it is apt to subside below reach of the plough, or horizontal roots of the grain. The same is the case with lime, which always pene- trates deeper into the soil; and marl, when bu- ried too deep, loses all its effect*. Upon soft boggy land, intended only for pas- ture, nothing will work a more quick improve- ment, than covering it \Aith a thin stratum of clay, gravel, or any other earth heavier than that of which the bog is composed. Clay-marl, where it can be got, is of all others to be preferred, both on account of its greater weight, and en- riching qualities. Sea-sand, being mixed with shells, is peculiarly adapted for this purpose, if the bog is situated near the sea, where such can be easily got. The weight and pressure of these heavier bodies makes the bog soon become more solid, and likewise presses out more quickly the moisture contained in the spongy peat: the thicker, therefore, it is laid on, the better. A * Conl-asbes is an excellent mnnure for sour wet land, either Bse.l as a top -dressing for grass, or, if ploughed in, tends greatly to destroy the tenacity of stiff soils, and render them more productive. DRAINING BOGS, &C. 205 thill sprinkling of lime over it, will add to its etiect, and cause white clover, and other sweet grasses, to spring up in greater abundance. The most barren soil will have a good eflect, when used in this manner ; but, of all others, lime-stone gravel is preferable. Bj means of it, many ex- tensive bogs are improved in Ireland, where it abounds; but very little of it is found either in England or Scotland, which renders that mode of improvement impracticable. After the ground has been thus treated, and lain some years in pas- ture, it may be broke up by tillage, and crops of grain taken, before being laid down with grass- seeds. By ploughing it, part of the natural soil will be turned up, and intimately mixed with the earth, &c. that has been laid upon it, and, if lime or dung is added, v/ill altogether form a very fertile mould. Such are the methods by whicli many bogs have been cultivated and improved after drain- ing, in several parts of England ; the success of which is a sufficient recommendation of the prac- tice. But iliese hints are not to be considered as the only means whereby this improvement can be efiected: there are others equally beneficial, and in many situations equally applicable; by means of which, there is no doubt that much boggy ground, however barren in its natural state, may soon be rendered highly productive : but to enu- merate these, would be unjiecessary ; for e\evy 206 FURTHER IMPROVEMENT OP one who possesses ground of ih'is deseription, will be able to ascertain what mode of manage* ment is best calculated for ifs situation, what crops he wishes to raise, or what kinds of manure he has in bis power to apply. As no method yet practised for the impfoTc- nient of moss, has equalled, in produce Jind pro- fit, that so stjccessfully introduced by Mr. Smith, of Swinridge-Muir, in Ayrshire, a short account of the process, and result therefrom, may not be unacceptable to many readers*. The moss is of two different kinds ; the black and the red, or tlow-moss : both are of a consi- derable depth, from four to twelve feet ; but the first is reckoned more valuable, in several re- spects, than the other. The first thing is, to mark out and cut proper drains (taking* advantage of the declivity), to draw off the superfluous water, and to divideihe moss into separate small inclosures. These drains, or ditches, are commonly eight feet wide at top, two feet at bottom, and four and a half feet deep, •when first cut ; but as the moss afterwards suh- •^ The Author visited Swinridge-Muir, \^hen the moss wob preparing for crop 17933 and this accoont of the |)rocess is paril}' from his own obeervation, and from a very minute ac- ccvuit of it, pubhshed in *' A Letter to a Friend." m 1706. DRAINING BOGS, &C. 207 sides, thcj become less : they cost. 2d. per lineal yard. After these have been cut, and the moss thrown out has been spread from the sides, and the hollovrs filled up, the ridges are marked oif parallel to the sides of the inclosure, twenty feet in breadth. They are formed, by leaving- a space of twenty inches untouched in the middle of the tidge, and turning up on each side of this a fur- row w^ith the spade, which is laid over the un- touched space, so as to raise it to a proper heiglit above the sides. The whole breadth is then dug, by turning over with the spade, furrows a foot in width, which has the appearance as if done by the plough. The division-furrows are small drains about two feet deep, and as wide, for drawing off the superfluous moisture, and conveying it into the main drains. The ridges must not be formed too high and too narro^y, nor the furrovv-draliis cut too deep, otherwise the moss will be left too dry, and consequently prevent the action of the lime, which requires a certain degree of moistuic, to have a proper etTect*. The next thing is top- dressing the ridges with ?iew slaked, or paicdered Unie, at the rate of 500 Winchester bushels per acre ; 2. e. 250 bushels of shell-lime f . The moss * In very dry weather this may be applied, by stopping the lower end of the drains, and retaining the waler ; and if there is a command of any spring or higher water, it may be let into tte maiu ditches : but too much moisture is likewise to t)€ guarded against. t Scotch ; equal te one acre and cne-fourtb, English. 20S FURTHEPc IMPROVEMENT OF is prepared for the first crop early in the summer preceding ; in which time the lime^ aided by the effects of the different seasons, has so far melio- rated the soil for reception of the seed. Potatoes planted in the lazij-hed way, ought always to be the first crop, when dung can be got*. The potatoe-beds are formed across the ridges. A thin layer of dung is then spread over the beds, and the cuttings laid about a foot asun- der, and covered (to the depth of a few inches) with the mould taken cut of the trenches between the beds. ^Vhen the plants appear above ground, they get another thin covering, by a second scouring of the trenches ,- and they require no hoeing till they are taken up. The produce is never less than forty or fifty bolls, of eight Win- chester bushels, and the quality excellent. Vvhen the potatoe crop is removed, the ridges are again formed in the manner as before, and the division- furrows cleared out. In this state, the ground remains till next spring, when oats are sown and harrowed in with a small harrovv^, drawn by men. The early oat is always preferred for seed, the late seed running too much to straw. The produce of the first two crops of oats is seldom less than ten bolls (of six Win- chester bushels) per acre, and that of the suc- * The quantity of dung is about eighteen or twenty single - horse cart-loads to an acre. DRAINED BOGS. &C, 209 ceeding crops, six or eight bolls, and often more. Five or six successive crops of oats are often taken, without receiving any additional manure, or ex- hausting the strength of the moss. By this time, it^ nature has undergone a considerable change, and has now the appearance of a rich black mould, and is sown down with grass-seeds. It is not so favourable to the growth of barle}', which is ne\Tr sown before the first grass. When no dung can be had the first year, and oats taken with lime alone, the crop often misgives; which is a proof, that without dang, unci potatoes for the Jirst Crov, it cannot be productive. The difler- ent kinds of marl are well adapted, and may some- times serve as a substitute for lime; but dung is an inseparable appendage. After the process thus described has been gone through, and the moss lain a few years in grass, it can be plough- ed safely with horses ; which lessens the annual expence of labour, without diminishing the pro- duce. The spade is the only implement for the first years ; and it is astonishing with what neat- ness and expedition the accustomed workmen perform the operation. It is sometimes plough- ed the fourth year, where the moss is not very deep. When laid down with grass-seeds, the hay crop is often abundant, and the pasture, afterwards, \vorth 1/. 55. per acre; which shews that the preceding oat crops have not exhausted too much p 210 FURTHER IMPROTEMENT OF of its strength *. Rushes are very apt to g^ow up in the pasture ; and (he poaching of heavy cattle ought carefully to be avoided in wet sea- sons. Abstract of the Annual Expcncc and Profit j^er Acre, fur Jive Years. 1st year, •Jd 3d 4ih 5th Crops, Eipence. otatoes. £.1.5 IS 5 Oats, 3 2 3 11 4 3 5 12 o Hay, Profit. £o 11 7 4 3 O 3 13 8 1 O 10 3 4 S £■26 8 11 X- 12 13 9 Average profit^ 2l. 10s. 9d. per annum^ and will let for 1/. 55. per acre, in pasture f. The diflerent articles of expenditure making up this abstract, are stated at the highest rate, and the articles of produce equally low ; so that, on the wholcj it may be reckoned a fair average ; but the distance from lime, in many places, (which is here at hand), must alter the calcula- tion, and increase the expence. •* But this, it does not seem so necessary to lay down with grass, after once manuring it, as in dry land ; for the crops fail little in produce j and the great desideratum is, to have plenty of straw for producing dung, so invariably requisite for the first crop. An intervening crop of turnips, would be an improvement in the rotation. t For a detailed account of the expenditure and profit, the reader is referred to the letter already mentioned, from which this abstract is made up. DRAINED EOGSj &C. 211 A great deal of moss has now been improved, by cultivating it in the same manner, in the counties of Ayr, Renfrew, and West-Lothian ; and, indeed, these examples have been the means of inciting others to follow the same practice in different parts of Scotland, and which is every day becoming more general. CONCLUSION. I HAVE thus endeavoured to explain, in as pre- cise and explicit a manner as the nature of the subject would permit, the various circumstances and data on which the Art of Draining Land is founded ; together with the manner of its appli- catipn in different cases^ and such directions as I hope will enable the practical farmer to profit by the discovery. It will afford me the most lasting satisfaction, if this Work is found materially to contribute in extending the knowledge and practice of an art of such general importance, and so likely to pro- mote the interest of the farmer, and of the public in general. John Johnstone, Edinburgh. T. Gillet, Printer, ^Salisbury-sijuare. Agricultural Books lateh/ puhlislied Inj Richard Phillips^ Bridge Street, Blackfriars. I. A COMPLETE SYSTEM OF PRACTICAL AGRICUL- 'l'L'I\£, including all the Modern Imprcvements and Disco- veries, in which the Principles of Chemistry are applied in ex- planation of the nature and composition of Soils and Manures ; and tho-e of other sciences in the breeding, rearing, and fat- tening of different sorts of live Stock. The whole intended ia combine and explain, fully and completely, the principles and practice of the art of Modern Husbandry. By 11. W. DICK- SOX, M. D. of Hendon, in Middlesex. lu two very large volni7)es, 4to. price 4l. 14s. 6d. in boards, illustrated with nearly one hundred engravings, (thirty of wliich are coloured from nature) representing various kinds of implements and other machinery adapted to the most improved methods of cultivation, the most approved grasses, and the principal breeds of sheep and cattle, from original drawings. Thii copitc.l Work may be had in tiitlwc Monthly Parts, published on the first tlaij gJ every month, at Js. 6d. per Part. II. THE FAIliMER's KALENDAR ; containing practical ex- planations of the business nece-.sary to be performe.. on va- rious kinds of farms during every iMonth of the Year, with the principles of various new improvements, and instructions for executing them. By ARTHLR YOUNG, ESQ. F. R. 8. Secretary lO the Board of Agriculture, and honorary member of many societies in Europe and Americn. A nevC' edition, in octavo, in one voluraCj Svo. price 10s. dd. iu boards. III. THE ELEMENTS of LAND SURVEYING, IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, practically adapted for the use of schools and students ; and including Practical Geometr)' ; Trigono- metry ; Land Measure, by the Chain, Plain Table, Theodo- lite, and other Instruments ; the entire practice of Hilly Ground > the Division of Land ; Plotting and Mapping : illus- trated by high-finished Engravings, plain and coloured ; com- plete Tables of Signs and Tangents, Logarithms, &:c. Jvc. &c. By ABRAHAM CROCKER, Land Surveyor, of Frome, in Somersetshire. Illustrated with a greater variety of Copper- plates than any other work of the kind, also with upv.ards of pne hundred Vv'ood Cuts, price 7s. bound. SUf- L ONG IlARO L IP ITS, «eiug- the Field mwhirliiPELKCVGTONfiist difiovfTrd bis :MODK ol' DltADCEVf;, A.,.l7(i.| Fkld that was m titrnip at the \ Jir£ffcinfftonMa^vcumh<^thcrv-stT/xnefi\ \ S^rc II /u<^ tfiejfan tms^otn^ nM t/ic In'ti ■ \ z^ f/i nidi IfKn/st di -CI wed Oi prino B) » • ''•■ ' ■ V ' / ' ' ' ' , '',' K v-.'.-l! ■■ *',**■, V -• ' ^ .5? »•.§.• .\\.'' ^^^^ !"•• 5 ->. 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J'ereus Sank d B K " O g~ SBCTIOy Otitlef ti* r/u Srni <<.'5?4*S«*>&AJ*!^'S«C<, . , ,.>4i«*i4«-«.»^^^-^.*a4.,. ^ / // r o / f/ X ^\.i\ - --5 '^ *— I ^=^ ^ . WW ■ 5. ^ r I'l.AN n-/>/rs \ \ '*<•!,'■?■> o,^ Surface B (//, /./.vvX /';;/-/ .-"''r^lit I'^'f/^^fP^ 9"'" S a M .1 ,„ l{ ,.,- k- l-o.-fe f ■:- ! ^; rv J §^' ■ ^:-- ,'♦><:♦■ i V ^; 1, *■' ' ^-^ ^ Sw -% ^ X. ■:-;(j.. ^: -j\- < A y^^ CJs;§s^ 7-i. -Tif^ -^^ - *v.- ■ ■■■■•£> - "tl ; -5 I 5^ m PL.\N re/>r,:n-/ih/,,) f/ir DlLIIN^UfEofa JfILL tvmpo.mj of 'ri//,rii,i/r Bn/.y of'Jtock and ... C/ax. y 7 Jirv ,i- Poi Explanation. ■itif a/'toiu;/! .n^illlmt oyailfw llir talt or lawtr piat ot'llie JhtiOan miitainuu/ the Sprin/is lirmed ot'thc fine */<*.«■ of earth tvAflud thwn ffvni rfie Spit abovf.t^ that pail of'tlie Raiit.wltich in luaxy .rfunwiv ttocr not .i-uh^iiff into ttic (nviutd , TfiCf accitmulalin^ iif/ivaixLf. i.e l/ie tau.m Sa/iily.m/e j:r/ai,lll. Tin/ ■'^> Sii///wn{ f,n-r( ofAr Hold of llie Rejmvm'r ,„■ .f/,nn,, I I'"' I I.,. I l/n lu.i , ,1..' '"•' \\^ ^ ;• ^•, K f^ w V \^\ r^/r/on.r jV/V?/?/ I) rLAN.l.'Vy y.T,/, B \ K4? V X 1_^»,^L^ ¥ :^ w b !:< 4 i- " >-. :> ^ ^ - 2n -N. ;2~ ■ ' >^ :^ § ^ ^ ? ;:5 - ^ 5' ^ ^ ^ ?" Si rv ^ ^ - 5. ^ '^ ?- '-i: s ^ ~ :> '-- -_ § I . ? "^ ^- ^1 1^ ^ 5 ■v" i-i ^ ~^ iL "<• ^ "K •^ '^ S^ ^ ^ "N Si ^ ^ n (C I 1) hu.iuul rcpn-.tenl ilic let- inrr t/ir /tr^<' ' /ir^r>ir ' // >/* iW' "i ^"^ G '\'^r~^ ,r G ■ •< ' V' .» ;!:':s;i;^iSlilfe ' ., V f — »— A. ■ 3- - J.-^Jl g^" . ^» ^ .. »>.^t . ^ ^ ^ v.-W PLATf .^"72 Jiu^// S/: '^'': ■^1^ >^: on ;■ "^ "' ^ ^ H m. 'fit; y/a' siiKii iV'iftin.Tf - -tnnrftii-r-lTiflrfLMTHinnrTnfft^-niir'-''^ 'mmms,^^^. r T.AN . 1 ."'/y u- ;>s "^ ^> ^^ :: V^ —*' '/o * - v. V, i ^ .^ , N. . -C ~- 1 J)raina^e *)/' Qimrries A A' SECTION Fig. .3'* /ivfiaixi' u»Ji9- tf/i.-! tVav />'<>/, tJu-rr ititiy A- »/• ft. ,T.M// /oii,r /,iy/:,m,/ //„.. mm- lu- ,i.wrl„„„>/ l>v luv,m,f „„ ^i,f,r Ji,/,- l/iro l/i,- (V,n-. r ."*?"<■ jfr "'"'<" i hayi/ifi an Iron pUir^ xn hinii .aV/c-r ft- strrnatii/n tfir fwU f\>r tfir R.'.tt. Ifvn Key J ,,„.,,. I hlxlriiniilil I'ltrl.firHiiii! /muii.! i- ffitter Courses fc IIOm^O?«,'TAL AIHJEK AAFnaiu ^nved tiitlim S Feetm Inrhrj: BB Em/., ,f//,^/-hmir ■it:iOfllr/,r.r »u-^m,lnM,h /fie Seen, a,,,/ .1„„er ,.„...,..,. C C Bfl/.m o/ l/u- Cm lavr /,' w/iir/l ihe ['fmir/lt.r lur/lM'd. DDDD l'fm;!/itStandwrl,r 4F.hu,h. E ffiml/e iPeetW Inches Imia. V Upper Cr,, Hil/i ten lee//: ■ G J.<''i'er (I'll M'ltli '-l.l tert/l . - 1 aV'/T-w fifeet 3 ln,/l,:i. K Aimer 6' Feet /em, ,im/ . i ,' /»e/,e.' \JI'„„-/li.-Rolle,/;;ir,e,:,m,,lkelt,;l. M FiPit lymlnirJlt , /nini//e.p tt/v /t.fe./ . N Jmilff^r /ena'/mmn l/ie /fml r = 5-k «^' r^: ^ 5 ^^ i- ri 53 y ^ I ^ K b^ b ^ i <- \^If) XK/'TJ/KTS rff/fjjrnnf /wZ/nv rr rvrfm/ .DJRAJ.TS ,■<:,. /..v.,r »u'u/n,' toet ^ wfJiM rtiirk. Loo^f mruU tiiivvn u S'trtm: ki-. Gnuhi.y fi kavinjf the i^Uum mu/^u/ij- lt< ihf hriifh/ ,t tk rti-fi NUrAr opm . \So,lm\frlr,1.(imrh,.f. ^Tijir cr fpniim fi-rmnl /i th- Dminiiig Spmit. I fiu't ilerp. taut rf utrAfj- » iik .,/ XhciiUilr. ^('kiv tnuiip}eff m. ft uii/ir.r. f'pper Drahtaty SpaeA. liniimii.i Spade. pi'uUril iiT tlu eml. r- Th,- ,/rpr/, ,■///„. „/,,,, JJniifu. ,.,. „„._,.f Kftiiif. Hirdrplii m,i\ /v l^. H-^r „ui A 000 101 549 .f.' ' f: '^*