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IN 1849-52,
' Why dost thou build the hall, son of the winged days?— Thou lookest from thy tower to-day : yet a few
years, and the blast of the desert comes ; it howls in thy empty court." — Ossian.
is i0lttm^ is Instrib^^,
745 '.35
The following pages are due to researches in that
remote, and but partially explored region, which,
from our childhood, we have been led to regard as
the cradle of the human race.
The matter they contain is the result of two
visits to the countries in question : first, in con-
nexion with the Turco-Persian Frontier Commis-
sion in 1849-52, under the orders of Colonel, now
Major-General Sir W. F. Williams, Bart., of Kars;
and secondly, in conduct of the Expedition sent
out by the Assyrian Excavation Fund, at the end
of the year 1853.
On returning to England in the middle of last
year, I hoped that the Committee of the above
Society would have published in extenso, and in
anotlier form, tlie fruits of its investigations in
Chaldaea and Assyria ; but, tliis plan having been
abandoned, I am induced to embody the records
of some portion of my journeys and researches in
the following pages.
Although this volume does not chronicle the
discovery of sculptured palaces, such as the sister-
land of Assyria has yielded, yet it comprises
accounts of cities existing centuries before* the
greatness of Nineveh rose to astonish the Eastern
world, and of sites containing the funereal remains
and relics of primaeval races. With the more
important of those great necropolis-cities I hope
to make the reader familiar.
In my account of Warka, I have, for the sake of
brevity, combined the results of my three visits ;
and, since the modern Sheah custom of burial, to
a certain extent, corresponds with that which pre-
vailed at the great Chaldsean cemeteries, I have
introduced, in the early part of the work, a de-
scription of the celebrated Persian shrines and
cemeteries at Meshed 'Ali and Kerbella.
Although the ruins of Babylon have been
repeatedly described, I have made a brief allusion
to them, and mentioned the most recent discoveries
made there, because a work on Chaldsea would be
necessarily imperfect mtlioiit some reference to,
or description of, its great capital. In doing this,
I have touched upon some points which have not
hitherto been noticed.
The discoveries made at Shush, during the
progress of the Frontier Commission, are equally
interesting in a biblical, as in an historical sense,
for they identify, beyond reach of cavil, the exact
position of "Shushan the palace," where the events
recorded in the book of Esther took place, and
settle many difficult questions connected with the
topography of Susa, and the geography of the
Greek campaigns in Persia, under Alexander the
Great and his successors.
In the course of the work, I have had repeated
occasion to refer to the labours, and quote the
opinions of others ; in doing so, I trust that I have
accorded to each his due share in Chaldsean
Since there appears to be no golden rule for the
orthography of Oriental names — at any rate, as
each wTiter on Eastern subjects adopts his own
method of spelling, I have chosen one which,
while it approximates as nearly as possible to the
native pronunciation, agrees likewise with the
written orthography. In carrying this out, I am
deeply indebted to Mr Redlioiise for his valuable
corrections; and, altbougli many well-known names
appear here in somewhat different guise from that
which they usually wear, I conceive that it is
better to risk the charge of pedantry than to per-
petuate errorso I am, nevertheless, fully aware
that there are several inaccuracies in this respect,
because the late severe illness of Mr Redhouse
prevented my asking his aid until some of the
early sheets had passed through the press. These
it is proposed to amend, if another edition of the
work be required. If, however, the accented
vowels be attended to, the reader will approach
very nearly to the native pronunciation. The a
is equivalent to the French a: the e to the French
e; i corresponds to the sound of ee; u to that of
00 ; and the guttural aspirate is represented in
such words as ' Ali and Musad.
It gives me great pleasure here to record my
sincere obligations to others of my friends who
have aided me with their advice and corrections
wliile the work was in the press ; more especially to
the Rev. Dr Hamilton, Mr J. F. Nicholson, Mr
Radford, ^Ir Birch, Mr Vaux, and Mr Boutcher.
To the last-named gentleman I am likewise in-
debted for the careful copies on wood of his own
original drawings, made on tlie spot for the
Assyrian Excavation Society, and also of those
(now in the British Museum) made by the friend
and companion of my first journey, Mr H. A.
I here likewise take the opportunity of acknow-
ledging the aid and encouragement aiForded to me
on the field of my researches. To General
Williams I am in an especial manner indebted for
the facilities which, as British Commissioner, he
invariably granted to me in carrying out such
plans as were advantageous to the success of my
labours. During the more recent Expedition on
behalf of the Assyrian Excavation Fund, my
efforts were materially aided by the position
assigned me by the Earl of Clarendon, as an
Attach^ of our Embassy at Constantinople during
the continuance of the Expedition, for which I
return my grateful acknowledgments. My thanks
are also due to his Excellency Lord Stratford de
RedclifFe, the first patron of Assyrian research,
who, amidst other and most onerous duties, applied
to the Porte for, and obtained, new firmans for
excavation. And, lastly, to Sir Henry Rawlinson
I desire to express my obligations for the assist-
ance rendered me in his then official capacity, as
Consul-General at Baghdad, by liis influence with
the Turkish authorities and native Arab chiefs.
In conchision, I hope that the new facts and
observations which I am enabled to lay before the
reader will insure me some consideration for my
literary inexperience.
W. K. L.
Norwood, December 1856.
London to Baghdad — Turkish and Persian Troubles — Colonel
Williams and the Frontier Commissioners — Constantinople
— Mesopotamia — A Flowery Wilderness — The City of Ha-
runu-'r-Reshid — Pestilence — Nedjib and Abdi Pashas . 1
Baghdad to Babylon — ^The Khan — Canals and Ancient Fertility —
Shapeless Mounds — ^Fulfilment of Prophecy . . .13
Hillah — Tahir Bey and the Turkish Brass Band — The Oven
Dance — Martial Escort — Bridge of Boats — Birs Nimrud — Its
true Theory — Sir H. Rawlinson's Discoveries — The Seven-
coloured Walls of the Temple of the Spheres — Chaldee
Astronomy ......... 21
View from Birs Nimrud — KefSl — Ezekiel's Tomb — Children of
the Captivity ......... 33
The Marshes of Babylon — Khuzeyl Arabs — The Euphrates, and its
Canals — Semiramis — Nebuchadnezzar — Cyrus — Alexander —
Shujah-ed-Dowla, and the Indian Canal .... 38
Kufa— A Fiery Eide— Nedjef, and the Tomb of 'Ali— Tte
Ghya\vr in the Golden Mosque — Fanaticism of the Sheahs —
Far-travelled Coffins and Costly Interments — How the Prime-
Minister got a Grave at a Great Bargain — Turkish Torpor and
Cleanliness versus Persian Dirt and Vivacity , . . 47
Kerbella — The Governor's Dejeuner — The "Martyr" Huss^yn,
and his Mosque — Siege and Massacre — ^The " Campo Santo "
at Kerbella — Oratory of 'Ali — Magnificent Sunrise — Eastern
Ladies, Mounted and on Foot — The Ferry . . • , • 59
Climate of Chaldsea — Christmas in Baghdad — Departure for the
South — Mubarek's Misadventure — The Kyaya of Hiilah —
Bashi-Bazuks 72
From HiUah into the Desert — Sand-drifts — Bridge-building — The
Surly Sheikh, and his Black Slave — Coffee-making — Rhubarb
and Blue PiU— New Year 1850 80
The Mighty Marsh — The Reed-Palace — Shooting-match —
NifFar — Theory on the Chaldseans — Probable Ethiopic Origin
— Niffar, the Primitive Calneh, and Probable Site of the
Tower of Babel — Beni Rechab, the Rechabites of Scripture 91
DfwSnfyya — Camp of Abdi Pasha — Mulla 'Ah, the Merry Ogre —
Sheep-skin Rafts — Statue-hunting — Hammam — Solemn Gran-
deur of Chaldfean Ruins — The Statue — Tel Ede — Alarm of
the Arabs — First Impressions of Warka , . • .105
Bedouins — MubSrek becomes useful — Ruins of Mugeyer — Cy-
linders — Chedorlaomer ? — Bclshazzar — The Author and his
Guides put to flight their Turkish Escort — Busrah — An-ival
in Persia 126
Plans and Preparations for Excavating in Warka — ^The Party —
Arrival at Suk-esh-Sheioukh. — Fahad, Sheikh of the Mun-
tefik — Reception Tent — Falcons — The Letter and Escort . 139
Winter — Camel-foals — ^Tuweyba Tribe — Old Friends — Harassing
Labours — Dissatisfaction — Budda, the Grave-digger and Gold-
finder — Arab Kindness — Warka in 1854 — Difficulties —
Scarcity of Food and Water — Patriarchal Life in Abraham's
Country — Misery and Rapacity — Sand-storms , . .146
" The Land of Shinar "—Warka, the Ancient " Erech "— " Ur of
the Chaldees" — Scene of Desolation and Solitude — Enormous
Extent of Ruins — The Buwariyya — Reed-mat Structiu:e . 159
" Wuswas " Ruin — The Earliest Explorer — Rude Ornamentation
— Columnar Architecture — Palm Logs the Probable Type —
New Light on the External Architecture of the Babylonians
and Assyrians — Interior of Wuswas — The Use of the Arch in
Ancient Mesopotamia — Search for Sculptures — ^The Warrior
in Basalt 171
New Styles of Decorative Art — Cone-work — Pot-work — Arab
Aversion to Steady Labour — Blood-Feud between the Tuweyba
and El-Bej — The Encounter Frustrated — The Feud Healed —
Diversions after the Work of the Day • , . . 187
The absence of Tombs in the Mounds of Assyria — Their abundance
in Chaldaea — W^arka a vast Cemetery — Clay Sarcophagi of
various forms — Top-shaped Vase, or " Babylonian Urn" —
Oval Dish-cover Shape — Slipper-shape — Difficulties of Re-
moval — Excitement of the Arabs — Gold Ornaments — Coins —
Vases — Terra-Cotta Penates — Light-fingered Arabs — The Or-
deal — Endurance of Pain — Earliest Relics . . . .198
Bank-notes of Babylon — Relics Injured by Fire — A Fruitful
Mound — Chamber containing Architectural Ornaments —
Origin of the Saracenic Style — Clay Tablets with Seal Im-
pressions and Greek Names — Continuance of Cuneiform until
B.C. 200 — Himyaric Tomb-stone — Conical Mounds — Style for
Writing Cuneiform — The Shat-el-Nil — General Results of the
Excavations at Warka — Probable Relics still Buried there . 221
Siukara — Decamping — Ride in a Sand-drift — The Negro Lion-
slayer — A Nocturnal Visiter — Dull uniformity of Sinkara —
The Temple of Pharra — The Dream and its Fulfilment —
Nebuchadnezzar and Nebonit rebuilders of Temples — ^Another
great Necropolis — Tablets and their Envelopes of Clay —
Babylonian Arithmetic — Pictorial Records — Boxers in the
Land of Shinar — The Dog-devourer ..... 240
Treasiu-es found at Tel Sifr — Juvenile Footpads — Medina — Ytisuf
and his Excavations at Tel Sifr — Large Collection of Curio-
sities in Copper — Private Records, B.C. 1500 — Female Ex-
cavators — The Works in Chaldsea abruptly interrupted-r-
Leave-taking — Grateful Labourers — Embarkation on the
Euphrates — River-craft and Amphibious Arabs — " The
Mother of Mosquitoes" 263
Mohammerah — Intense Heat — Sickness — Legion of Blood-suckers
— Colony of Alexander the Great — Charax — The Delta of the
Tigris and Eui)hrates — Disputes between the Turks and Per-
sians — The Chab Aiabs and their Territories . . .279
Setting out for Susa — The Sulky Ferryman — Coffee-cups and In-
fidels — Ahwiiz — A False Alarm — Shilster-— Dilajiidation and
Dirt — ShSpiir and the Ca[)tive Emperor Valerian — Their
Grand Hydraulic Works — Festivities at Shuster — Tea — The
Forl)idden Beverage — Climate of Shuster — Failure in Diplo-
macy 287
Departure from Shuster — Change of Scenery and Animal Life —
Huge Lizards — Botany — Geology of the Persian Steppes —
Shah-abttd — Dizful — Subterranean Conduits — Costume of the
People— The 'All Kethir Guide— The Bridge of the Biz—
Encampment at Shush — A Conflagration . . . ,306
The Tomb of the Prophet Daniel — Arabic Traditions regarding
him — Benjamin of Tudela's Account — Present State of the
Sepulchre — Spies and Persian Fanaticism — Charge of Sacri-
lege — Ferment in Dizful and the Neighbourhood — The 'Ali
Kethir Arabs — An accident befals the Author — Compelled to
abandon the Mounds of Shush — Battle between the 'Ali Kethir
and Beni Lam — Suleyman Khan the Christian Governor of a
Mohammedan Province — Arrival of Colonel Williams . .317
Early History of SusA — From the days of Cyrus, Susa the Win-,
ter-residence of the Persian Kings — Ahasuerus identical with
Xerxes — Lumense wealth found by Alexander — Power of
Susa decUnes — Its Ruins at the present day — Abundance of
WUd Beasts — Imposiag aspect of Susa in early times , . 335
Excavations commenced by Colonel Williams — A Burglar — Con-
viction and Punishment — Gigantic Bell-shaped Bases of
Columns discovered — A Year's Interruption — Proposed Re-
sumption in 1852 — Journey under the Protection of the Beni
Lam — The Segwend Lurs — Hiring of Native "Navvies" —
Opposition of the Priesthood — The Cholera ascribed to the
late researches — The New Viceroy, Khfinler JVIirza . . 349
The Great Palace of Darius at Susa — Columns with Double-bvdl
Capitals — Trilingual Inscriptions of Artaxerxes Mnemon —
" Court of the Garden" of Esther — Columnar and Curtain
Architecture — Origin of the Susian and Persej)olitan Style —
Worship of Tanaitis or Venus » 364
Hostility and Reconciliation — An Arrival — Tlie Lur Workmen —
Insurrection of Seyids — Administration of Justice — ^Novel
Method of Smoking — Colonel Williams' Horses Stolen — An
Arab attack Repelled — The Haughty Hmnbled — Besieged by
a H^em 381
A Long Trench — Enamelled Bricks — Masons' Marks — A Hoard
of CoLas — ^Was Susa destroyed by Alexander? — Greek In-
scriptions — Pythagoras and the Persian Daric — Unexpected
Visit from the Guardian of the Tomb — Inscriptions and other
Early Relics on the Great Mound — ^Alabaster Vases of Xerxes
— Egyptian Cartouch — Mr Birch's Remarks thereon — Sculp-
tured Trough 396
The " Black Stone" — Its Discovery and Adventures — Its Con-
nexion with the Welfare of Khuzistan — The Plot for its Re-
moval Defeated — Investigations among the Rivers of Susa —
Identification of the " Ulai," or Eulseus — Bifurcation of
Modern Rivers — Sheikh AbduUa Forgiven — Friendly Parting
between the Arabs and the Frank 416
Chronologicax Table 435
London to Baghdad— Turkish and Persian Troubles — Colonel Williams
and the Frontier Commissioners — Constantinople — Mesopotamia —
A Flowery WUdcrness — Tlie City of Harunu-'r-Eeshid — Pestilence
— Nedjib and Abdi Pashas.
For many centuries the extensive frontier between Turkey
and Persia lias been in an unsettled state, continually
changing its limits as the strength or influence of
either Government for the time prevailed. The afiablo
Persian naturally regards the haughty Osmanli in the
light of an intruder upon those rich plains which owned
obedience to the might of the Kayanians and Sassanians
in the days of Darab and Shapiar, Eeligious difference,
moreover, adds to the political animosity of the two great
Mohammedan powers. The phlegmatic Turk quietly
smokes his chibiik, swears by the beard of Omar, and
thanks the omnipotent Allah for all the blessings he
enjoys ; on the other hand, the ardent follower of the
martyred 'AH curses the orthodox believer, and takes
every opportunity to insult his patron saints. It may be
easily conceived that such political and religious disagree-
ments are frequently productive of a state of anarchy and
bloodshed, when the subjects of the two nations come into
close contact. To add to tlie difficulties attending any-
proposed reconciliation, the frontier is inhabited by various
predatory races, who regard both Turk and Persian with
equal hatred, and who are only too happy to exercise their
plundering propensities by incursions into either territory.
The internal divisions and jealousies which exist among
these warlike tribes fortunately prevent them from com-
bining, as in the days of the Parthians, and proving
formidable competitors for the possession of Oriental
In 1839-40, the outbreak of serious hostilities between
the Turkish and Persian Governments, arising from the
causes above mentioned, was imminent, and likely, in
the course of time, to endanger the tranquillity of the
whole world. The Cabinets of England and Russia, in-
fluenced doubtless by the proximity of their own fron-
tiers in India and Georgia to the regions in question, and
therefore interested in the maintenance of peace, offered
their friendly mediation for the purpose of restraining
the bellio-erent attitude of their Mohammedan neio;hbours.
The proposal was accepted, and commissioners from the
four powers assembled at Erzeriim, who, after sitting four
years, eventually concluded a treaty, one article of which
determined that representatives should be sent to survey
and define a precise line of boundary which might not
admit of future dispute. A joint commission was conse-
quently aj^pointed to carry out tins article. The P)ritish
Government selected Colonel Williams, R.A.,'"' to this ser-
vice, his previous experience during the protracted con-
ferences at Erzeriim having eminently qualified him for
the task now assigned him. Colonel Tcherikoff, the
Russian commissioner, although not a party to the treaty,
• Throughout this vohunc, "the Hero of Kars" is alhuled to uutler
the nuik ho held at the time as Commissioner for the delimitatiou of the
was equally well chosen to represent the Czar. With
these officers were associated Dervish Pasha, and Mirza
Jafer Khan, the commissioners for Turkey and Persia
respectively. Both had been educated in Europe. The
former enjoyed the reputation of being the most learned
savant among his countrymen, an excellent linguist and
chemist. The latter soon endeared himself to the mem-
bers of the various parties by his obliging manners and
many acts of kindness and attention.
In January 1849, I was attached by Lord Palmerston
as geologist to the staff of Colonel Williams, and directed
to lose no time in joining my chief. On reaching Constan-
tinople, and presenting myself, according to instructions,
to Lord Stratford de Redcliffe (then Sir Stratford Canning),
I learned that Colonel Williams and his party had set out
from thence on Christmas-day, and that letters had been
received, dated Siwas, giving a deplorable account of the
state of the weather and roads. The snow had fallen to
such an unprecedented depth, that the greatest difficulty
beset their journey, and at several places it was found
necessary, after many days' detention, to cut roads for the
passage of the mules. . Under these circumstances, the
ambassador detained me at Constantinople for a few
Aveeks, in the hope that the return of spring would open
the communications with the interior, and admit of my
travelling with more rapidity.
On the 7th of March I left the shores of the Bosphorus.
After the usual disagreeable voyage in a Black Sea
steamer, and a cold protracted ride across the Taurus,
upon which the snow still lay uncomfortably deep, I at
length reached Diarbekir, whence, proceeding down the
swollen Tigris on a "kelek," or raft of skins, I arrived
at Mosul on the 5th April, and there joined the British
It is no part of my intention to detain my readers
with any description of " Nineveh, that great city." This
has been already done by another and more able pen than
mine. Let it suffice to state, that we beheld those asto-
nishing " heaps built by men's hands," and admired the
perseverance and determination of our countryman,
Layard, who, from these shapeless mounds, exhumed the
wondrous series of Assyrian sculptures which now forms
sucli an important feature in our national collection of
antiquities. We visited the four great mounds of Koy-
unjuk, Khorsabad, Karamles, and Nimrud, ma^rking the
angles of the parallelogTam which is supposed to aiclose
Nineveh. The time spent in our visit consumed exactly
three days, and it is probably to a similar circuit .of its
extent that the passage refers — " Now Nineveh was an
exceeding great city of three days' journey." '""
Baghdad was appointed for the rendezvous of the com-
missioners ; and, as the British party was in advance of
the others, we floated down the Tigris on rafts, visiting
at our leisure all those points of interest so admirably
described by Rich in his " Narrative of a Residence in
Koordistan," and subsequently by other travel! ers.t All
being new to us, we fully enjoyed the opportunity, granted
to so few. We rambled over the desolate mound of
Kal'a Shergat, the ancient capital of Assyria ; we
landed at Tekrit, celebrated as the birth-place of the
romantic >Saladin, the Arab hero of the Crusades ; and we
stood on the plain of Dura, recalling to mind the golden
image erected by Nebuchadnezzar, and the unflinching
faith of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego.
• Jonah iii. 3. This expression may, however, refer to the thinly in-
habited district between the river Zab on the south, and the Khdbfir on
the north, which, there is equal reason to believe, constituted the Nineveh
of Jonah's mission. The journey between these two rivers occupies exactly
three days.
t Mr Layard gives a short description of the numerous ancient sites be-
tween Mosul and Bdghddd in his " Nineveh and Babylon," p. 404, ct scq.
It was midspring. Instead of the arid sands, which
the word *' desert " implies to the uninitiated in Meso-
potamian travel, broad plains of the richest verdure,
enlivened \yii\i flowers of every hue, met our delighted
gaze on either side of the noble river. Coleopterous
insects swarmed upon the banks, cuUing the sweets of
the fleeting vegetation. The cry of the velvet-breasted
francolin, and the sand -grouse '" rushing overhead like an
irresistible wind, enticed the most ardent of our party to
land, and indulge the love of their favourite sport. The
result was not unsuccessful, and little trouble was expe-
rienced in providing for our commissariat. Now and
then a herd of wild boars was discovered among the
jungle, or observed crossing the river : it was seldom that
they escaped unsaluted by a voUey of bullets, with more
or less effect. A bend of the stream sometimes brought
us suddenly upon a large Bedouin encampment, whence,
on observing the raft, a score or so of swarthy Arab
dames, with piercing black eyes and never-failing rows of
the whitest teeth, launched forth on inflated sheep skins,
and paddled out to meet the " keleks." They bore on
their heads bowls of milk or delicious lebben,t which they
disposed of in return for a few small coins. Although
the general aspect of the country is monotonous, there
is always something to amuse the traveller. Never did
a merrier party than ours float do^\Ti the Tigris upon a
fragile raft.
As Baghdad is approached, the pendent branches of
the graceful date-tree, and the refreshing green of the
pomegranate, with its bright red flowers, become more
and more frequent until, many miles above the city, the
river flows through one continuous grove. At length
the mosques and minarets appear ; the goal so long
• The FrancoUmis vulgaris and Pterocles arenarius of naturalists.
t Sour clotted milk — the usual Arab beverage.
wislierl-for is witliin siglit at last. He must be wholly
void of poetry and sentiment in whom the first glimpse
BiJglid^d and the Tigris.
of those shining domes does not excite at least some spark
of emotion. Who is there that does not recall that city
where the lively imagination of his youthful days was wont
to revel amid palaces shining in splendour, groups of blind
beggars, and the glories of the khalifat 1 Who is there
that does not exclaim, " Is this the Baghdad of Harunu-
'r-Eeshid and the '^Arabian Niolits ' 1 " Alas ! how fallen !.
The blind beggars, it is true, still cluster in the bazaars,
and are met at every corner of the streets — the misery
and filth remain — but where are the palaces and the
justice of the Prince of the Faithful 1 Few relics of its
quondam magnificence survive to remind us of the past.
A single minaret, a couple of gateways, the wall of a
college, and the conical tomb of the beautiful Zobeid,
are nearly all that exist of Baghdad as it was in the days
of its gi-eatness. To the just khalif has succeeded a race
of Tuikish pashas having no interest but their own
aggrandizement — no thought but how they can most
efFectiially cheat the revenue, enrich themselves, and pass
their time in gross debauchery. Exaction and vice are the
order of the day. Now and then honourable exceptions
occiu' to this general rule, but these, alas ! are few and far
between. But of this more anon.
At the date of our arrival (May 5) the whole popula-
tion of Baghdad was in a state of the utmost alarm and
apprehension. In consequence of the rapid melting of
the snows on the Kurdish mountains, and the enormous
influx of water from the Euphrates through the Segiawiyya
canal, the spring-rise of the Tigris had attained the unpre-
cedented height of 22^ feet. This was about five feet
above its ordinary level during the highest season, even
exceeding the great rise in 1831, when the river broke
down the walls and destroyed no less than 7000 dwellings
during a single night, at a time when the plague was com-
mitting the most fearful ravages among the inhabitants.
Nedjib Pasha had, a few days previously to our
arrival, summoned the population en masse to provide
against the general danger by raising a strong high
mound completely round the walls. Mats of reeds were
placed outside to bind the earth compactly together.
The water was thus restrained from devastating the inte-
rior of the city — not so eflectually, however, but that it
filtered throuoh the fine alluvial soil, and stood in the
serdabs, or cellars, several feet in depth. It had reached
within two feet of the top of the bank ! On the river
side the houses alone, many of which were very old and
frail, prevented the ingress of the flood. It was a critical
juncture. Men were stationed night and day to watch
the barriers. If the dam or any of the foundations had
failed, Baghdad must have been bodily washed away.
Fortunately the pressure was withstood, and the inunda-
tion gradually subsided. The country on all sides for
miles was under water, so that there was no possibility
of proceeding beyond the dyke, except in the boats which
were established as ferries to keep up communication
across the inundation. The city was for the time an
island in a vast inland sea, and it was a full month
before the inhabitants could ride beyond the walls.
As the summer advanced, the malaria arising from the
evaporation of the stagnant water, produced such an
amount of fever that 12,000 died from a population of
about 70,000. The mortality at one time in the city
reached 120 per day — and no wonder, when a person
on being first attacked was made to swalloAAT a large
quantity of the juice of unripe grapes ! The streets
presented a shocking spectacle of misery and suffering.
The sick lay in every direction — at the doors of houses,
in the bazaars, and open spaces ; while those recently
smitten or just recovering were to be seen staggering
along by the wall sides or supported with sticks. The
gates of the city were beset with biers — some carried on
men's shoulders to the adjacent cemeteries, others on the
backs of mules to the sacred shrines of Meshed 'AH and
Although our quarters were fixed in a small summer-
house and garden at Gherara, an hour's distance from the
city, the party was not exempt from the prevailing epide-
mic. All in turn suffered from fever, and at times there
was scarcely a servant, out of our large suite, able to
attend upon the sick.
In consequence of the delay arising from the Turkish
commissioner's non-arrival at the appointed time, and
from certain intricate questions which required a reference
to the home Governments, the idea was abandoned of pro-
ceeding to the frontier until the summer shoidd be past.
In fact, it would have been impossible at that season to bear
the fearful heat at the head of the Persian Gulf. Even
at Baghdad, during the day, in summer, the thermometer
in the shade often rises to 117^ Fahr. ; and frequently,
when the wind blows from the south, the oppression on
the senses is so great as to be almost unendurable.""'' The
atmosphere is, however, dry, consequently the lassitude
produced is not to be compared with that experienced
in a moist climate, hke that on the sea-coast of India, or
of the Gulf. The heat of the day is relieved in some
measure by the agreeable temperature of the night.
Our time was spent in making preparations for the ap-
proaching campaign, purchasing horses and mules, hiring
servants, and obtaining information likely to be useful
in the course of our future wanderings. Much of our
leisure was passed in the agreeable society of the English
residents at Baghdad ; and our sojourn there must ever
be a subject of pleasing reminiscence to the members of
the commission. Nothing could exceed the attention and
hospitality lavished upon us by the consul-general, Colonel
(now Sir Henry) Rawlinson, Captain Felix Jones, and that
small party of Enghshmen whose lot it was to make the
city of the khalifs their temporary home.
Baghdad has been so frequently described, that it forms
no part of my intention to dwell upon it. Other and less-
visited spots invite our notice.
The state of the pashalic was anything but satisfactory
at this period. The cruel exactions and oppressive con-
duct of Nedjib Pasha, who had for many years farmed
the revenues, were at length producing their inevitable
fruits. Revolt and disaffection reigned everywhere
among his subjects. The Beni Lam Arabs, along the
lower course of the Tigris, broke out into open rebellion,
in consequence of the pasha having placed that tribe
under their sworn foes, the Montefik, and thrown into
* "We now had positive evidence of the statement made to us in the
mountains concerning Biighddd, that birds were so distressed by the heat,
as to sit on the date-trees with their mouths open, panting for fresh air !
prison the two sons of their sheikli, Metlikilr — his hos-
tages at Baghdad — because he was several years in arrear
of his customary tribute. Tliey seized all native vessels
laden with merchandise passiug up and down the Tigris.
All conmnmication was interrupted between Baghdad
and Busrah. Caravans were detained, and the hair of
the camels shorn, it being the proper season for this pro-
cess. But the Arabs, at least, had some sense of justice —
the cargoes of the boats and the camels' hair were care-
fully laid aside, to be honourably restored to their owners
as soon as matters might be satisfactorily arranged ; and
British property was respected.
The Khuzeyl Arabs, inhabiting the marsh lands on the
west of the Euphrates, had torn down the dams which
restrained the "great river" within its proper limits,
and, by flooding their lands, placed themselves, for the
time being, utterly beyond the power of the Turkish
The wild Madan tribes, in lower Meso^^otamia, were on
the point of following the example of their neighbours on
either side. The Bedouin Arab, taking advantage of the
general confusion, made formidable incursions into the
pashalic, and plundered all parties indiscriminately, thus
retaining his character as the descendant of Ishmael, and
fulfilling the prediction, that " his hand will be against
every man, and every man's hand against him."'"' The
prospects of the Turks in their southern province were
dark in the extreme. Strong representations were, how-
ever, made to the Porte, and resulted in the dismissal
of Nedjib Pasha, the instalment of the Seraskier Abdi
Pasha in his room, and the abolition of the system of
fanning the revenue by the substitution of a regular and
liberal salary to the new governor. The change was hailed
with delight throughout the whole province, and by slow
* Gcucsis xvi. 12.
degrees tranquillity was restored. Nedjib Pasha shortly
afterwards took his departui'e for Constantinople, leaving,
it was said, an enormous amount of private debts unpaid,
but taking with him a large sum of money. It was by
his orders that Sofiik, the celebrated Shammar Arab chief,
was treacherously slain, while under safe-conduct ; and a
host of other serious crimes could be established against
him. Nevertheless, Nedjib Pasha was a politic governor ;
his severities being frequently well-timed, insurrection
was prevented in the bud. It was only by an unexpected
chain of disorders, which he had not the power to queU,
that he was driven from his long dominion.
Acting in direct opposition to the orders of his superior,
Abdi Pasha exhibited so much tact and good feeling dur-
ing his mission with the troops into the Khuzeyl territories,
that those refractory tribes were subdued without blood-
shed, and returned to their allegiance. This circumstance
had such weight with the Porte, that he was considered
the fittest person to succeed Nedjib Pasha. He was,
however, soon found wanting in those qualities which
constitute a good governor. As a soldier, he had per-
formed his part admirably ; but no sooner did he assume
the civil power than his firmness forsook him, Eesigning
himself to the luxury of his new position, he submitted
to be guided by a favourite eunuch — a sort of buffoon
whose gross gestures and language were unendurable by
Europeans. The sagacious Arabs were not long in dis-
covering that they might act almost as they pleased ; and
they did not fail soon afterwards to take advantage of
the circumstance.
Such was the state of affairs at the end of summer in
the pashalic of Baghdad, when, as soon as the intensity
of the heat permitted, Colonel Williams determined to
relieve the monotony and lassitude attendant on our long
detention by carrying out a contemplated trip to the
ruins of Babylon, and to the celebrated Persian shrines.
Our arrangements being effected, and the day fixed for
departure, we quitted our wearisome abode at Gherara,
crossed the ferry over the Tigris by starlight, and at
Khan-i-Za'ad were joined by the Russian and Turkish
parties, who had expressed a desire to accompany us.
Baghdad to Babylon— The Khan— Canals and Ancient Fertility— Shape-
less ]\Iounds — Fulfilment of Prophecy.
The distance between Baghdad and the ruins of Babylon
is about fifty miles, across a barren desert tract. Large
khans occur at convenient intervals, to provide for the
security of travellers against the roving Bedouins who at
times scour the surrounding country. A description of
one of these khans wiU suffice. It is a large and substan-
tial square building, in the distance resembling a fortress,
being surrounded with a lofty waU, and flanked by round
towers to defend the inmates in case of attack. Passing
through a strong gateway, the guest enters a large court,
the sides of which are divided into numerous arched
compartments, open in front, for the accommodation of
separate parties, and for the reception of goods. In the
centre is a spacious raised platform, used for sleeping upon
at night, or for the devotions of the faithful during the
day. Between the outer waU and the compartments are
wide-vaulted arcades, extending round the entire building,
where the beasts of burden are placed. Upon the roof of
the arcades is an excellent terrace, and, over the gateway,
an elevated tower containing two rooms — one of which is
open at the sides, permitting the occupants to enjoy every
breath of air that passes across the heated plain. The
terrace is tolerably clean ; but the court and stabling
below are ankle deep in chopped straw and filth. Each
khau Is supplied with a well, dug tlirougli the gravel into
the gypsiferous deposits beneath, invariably affording bad,
brackish Avater, which tastes, as one of our party aptly
described it, like a solution of leather! During the long
summer, these khans are frequently crowded to excess by
pilgrims from Persia on their way to the shrines. Each
caravan brings with it numbers of felt-covered coffins,
containino- dead bodies sent for burial in the sacred ceme-
teries. As pilgrims, coffins, and animals are shut up
together all night — or all day, as the case may be — within
the khans, it may be conceived that the atmosphere,
impregnated with noxious gases, deals death and destruc-
tion around. It is estimated that, in healthy seasons, a
fifth of the travellers, overcome with fever and other
diseases, find their graves in the desert ; while, ifi times
of cholera and epidemics, the average is much larger of
those who fail to return to their distant homes.
In former days the vast plains of Babylonia were
nourished by a complicated system of canals and water-
courses, which sjDread over the surface of the country like
net-work. The wants of a teeming population were sup-
plied by a rich soil, not less bountiful than that on the
banks of the EgyjDtian Nile. Like islands, rising from a
golden sea of waving corn, stood frequent groves of palms
and pleasant gardens, affording to the idler or the traveller
their grateful and highly- valued shade. Crowds of pas-
sengers hurried along the dusty roads to and from the
busy city. The land was rich in corn and wine. How
changed is the aspect of that region at the present day !
Long lines of mounds, it is true, mark the courses of
those main arteries which formerly diffused life and vege-
tation along their banks, l)ut their channels are now
bereft of moisture and choked with drifted sand ; the
smaller offshoots are wholly effaced. " A drought is upon
her waters," says tlie prophet, " and they shall be dried
up.'"'^ All tliat remains of that ancient civilization — that
"glory of kingdoms," " the praise of the whole earth" —
is recognizaljle in the numerons mouldering heaps of brick
and rubbish which overspread the surface of the j)lain.
Instead of the luxuriant fields, the groves and gardens,
nothing now meets the eye but an arid waste — the dense
population of former' times is vanished, and no man
dwells there. Instead of the hum of many voices, silence
reigns profound, except when a few passing travellers or
roving Ai'abs flit across the scene. Destruction has swept
the land, and the hand of man been made the instrument
by which God has efi^ected his punishment.t But for the
curse upon it, there is no physical reason why it should
not be as liountiful and thickly inhabited as in days of
yore ; a little care and labour bestowed on the ancient
canals would again restore the fertility and population
which it originally possessed. It w^ould require no immense
expenditure of funds to clear the channels of the loose
sands, which have accumulated during so many centuries,
and to render them navigable for the shallow vessels of
the country. Such a work of supererogation is not, how-
ever, to be expected from the existing race of Turkish
ofiicials, and must be left until the time when the curse
upon it shall be removed, and European civilization, with
its concomitant advantages, shall penetrate into those
distant wilds. May that time soon arrive !
I have been' led into this digression by the fact that
the Nahr Malka, one of the four main arteries which sup-
* Jer. 1. 38.
t In a review of " Johnston's Physical (Geography," contained in the
Edinhurgh Magazine for April 1849, the writer has well remarked that
" war and barrenness of soil are not the chief obstacles to population.
Insecurity of property implied in tyrannical governments is the great
depopulator. Men will not labour when they cannot be certain of the
fruits of their labour ; they sink into lassitude, indolence, and beggary."
This is a true picture of the present state of Turkey, and more especially
applicable to Babylonia, which has passed through so many vicissitudes.
plied Babylonia with the waters of the Euphrates, passed
close to Khan-1-Za'ad, and is still traceable by a slight
depression. It should be remarked, that the beds of
navigable canals are below the level of the surrounding
country, wdiile those of the secondary or irrigating canals
are above that level. This arises from the comparatively
shallow depth of the latter, and the rapid accumulation
of matter held in suspension by the water, which, on
deposition, raises their channels each successive year.
Now and then the beds of canals in action at the present
day are cleaned out, and the deposit, forming embank-
ments at the sides, prevents the flooding of the cultivated
Between Khan-i-Za'ad and the little village of Mohawil
there is nothing to interest the traveller, but soen after
passing the date-trees and modern canal of the latter
place, a small mound afl"ords from its summit the first
glimpse of the ruins of Bab3don. Truly said the prophet
concerning her, " Babylon shall become heaps, an astonish-
ment, and an hissing, without an inhabitant." ''' Unsightly
mounds alone remain of that magnificence which Scrip-
ture so frequently dilates upon, and which the pages of
Herodotus so carefully describe. Who can recognise in
those shapeless piles, exposed to the ravages of time and
the destructive hand of man during twenty centuries,
any of its former grandeur ?
We learn from Herodotust that the great city was built
in the form of a square, each side of which was defended
by an enormous wall, measuring 120 stadia, or about
15 miles in length, and furnished with twenty-five
gates of brass ; the interior being arranged in squares
by streets intersecting each other at right angles. The
Euphrates divided the city into two parts, which were
connected by a bridge of immense length and width.
* Jer. li. 37. t Lib. i. c. 178, et seq.
X---.. I
J L____.l 1 It
c hrtA TO vsmdh
According to Diodorus Siculus,'" a palace stood at eitlicr
extremity of the bridge : that on the eastern side measur-
ing 3f miles in circumference — that on the western being
7^ miles. He also speaks of the temple of Belus on the
latter side. Herodotus, however, mentions but one palace
and the temple of Belus.
The ruins at present existing stand upon the eastern
bank of the Euj)hrates, and are enclosed within an irre-
gular triangle formed by two lines of ramparts and the
river, the area being about eight miles. This space contains
three great masses of building — the high pile of unbaked
brickwork called byRicht "IMiijellibe," but which is known
to the Arabs as " Babel ;" the building denominated the
" Kasr," or palace ; and a lofty mound upon which stands
the modern tomb of Amram-ibn-'Ali. Upon the western
bank of the Euphrates are a few traces of ruins, but none
of sufficient importance to give the impression of a palace.
It will therefore be seen that the ancient and modern
descriptions of Babylon do not agree, unless we are to
consider the mounds within the triangular space above-
mentioned as constituting a single palace and its offices.
If so, where are we to look for the walls of Babylon fifteen
miles square 1 It has been suggested, that, by regarding
the great tower of the Birs Nimriid on the south, and
the conical mound of El Heimar on the east, as two
corners of a vast square, we should thus get over the
difficulty ; but unfortunately we have no evidence of the
existence of any walls around the square thus traced.
There are various causes to account for the complete-
disappearance of the walls and so much of the buildings.
Upwards of 2300 years ago, Darius, the son of Hystaspes,|
caused them to be demolished in consequence of a rebel-
lion in the city, thus bringing about the fulfilling of the
prophecy — " The wall of Babylon shall fall ;" " her Avails are
* Lib. ii. c. 8. t "^femoir on the Ruins of Bab^-lon." + Herod, iii. 150.
thrown down ;" " tlie broad walls .... shall be utterly
broken."'"" Diiring that period, likewise, the ruins were
used as a never-failing brick field — city after city was
built from its materials. Ctesiphon, Kiifa, Kerbella,
Hillah, Baghdad, and numerous other places — them-
selves now scarcely to be recognized — derived their supph^'
of bricks from Babylon ! The floods of the Eu2:)hrates and
the rains of winter, too, have exercised their share in bury-
ins and disinteoratino; the materials. All these ao-encies
at work have combined to render Babylon a byword
and a reproach among nations. Eich, and, but recently,
Fresnel and Layard, endeavoured by excavation to recover
some information from the existing mounds, lj\it they
encountered such inextricable confusion that they gave
up their several attempts in despair.
In my opinion — and I have examined the ruins on four
several occasions — it is now utterly impossible to recog-
nize one single point in them as the remains of any of
those sumptuous palaces described by the early historians.
Eich,t whose account and measurements are models of
careful examination, has misled himself and others by his
enthusiasm in endeavouring to identify certain of the
ruins with the descriptions of Herodotus. I grant that
it is a most pleasing sul)ject to speculate upon, but it is
perfectly hopeless, at this distance of time, to trace out any
plan of the ancient city as it existed in its greatness and
glory .| It must not be inferred from these remp.rks that
any douljt exists as to the identity of the ruins in ques-
tion with those of the sci-iptural Babylon. There cannot
be two opinions on that subject. Independently of the
• Jeremiah li. 44, 58 ; 1. 15. + "Memoir on the Ruins of Babylon."
X In 1854-55 a minute survey of Babylon and its environs was made at
the request of Sir Henry Rawlinson, by Captain Jones, I.N., assisted by Dr
Hyslop and Mr T. K. Lynch. The public will doubtless ere long be put in
possession of the important information which, it is said, was obtained
during the progress of this examination.
fact that universal tradition points to this locality as the
seat of the Babylonian capital, no other site can be so
appropriately determined on.
During Mr Layard's excavations at Babylon in the
Avinter of 1850, Babel, the northern mound, was investi-
gated;""' but he failed to make any discovery of importance
beneath the square mass of unbaked brickwork except a
few piers and walls of more solid structure. According
to the measurement of Eich, it is nearly 200 yards square,
and 141 feet high. It may be suggested that it was the
basement upon which stood the citadel. From its summit
is obtained the best view of the other ruins. On the south
is the large mound of Miijellibe, so called from its " over-
turned" condition. The fragment of ancient brick
masonry called the Kasr, which remains standing on its
surface, owes its preservation to the difficulty experienced
in its destruction. The bricks, strongly fixed in fine
cement, resist all attempts to separate the several layers.
Their under sides are generally deeply stamped with the
legend of Nebuchadnezzar. Not far from this edifice is
the well-known block of basalt, roughly cut to represent
a lion standing over a prostrate human figure. This,
together with a fragment of frieze, are the only instances
of has reliefs hitherto discovered in the ruins. The last,
discovered by Mr Layard, exhibits two figures of deities,
with head-dresses resembhng those peculiar to PersepoHs
and Khorsabad.
On the south of the MujeUibe is the mound of Amram,
from which Mr Layard obtained the remarkable series of
terra-cotta bowls, with inscriptions in ancient Chaldsean
characters, supposed to have been charms used by the
Jews during the captivity to ward off" the Evil Ona
These are among the most interesting relics procured
from Babylon.
• * Nineveh and Babylon," p. .')04-5k
Various ranges of smaller mounds fill up tlie inter-
vening space to the eastern angle of the walls. The
pyramidal mass of El Heimar, far distant in the same
direction — and the still more extraordinary pile of the
Birs Nimrud in the south-west, across the Euphrates —
rise from the surrounding plain like two mighty tumuli
designed to mark the end of departed greatness. Mid-
way between them, the river Euphrates, wending her
silent course towards the sea, is lost amid the extensive
date-groves which conceal from sight the little Arab
town of Hiilah. All else around is a blank waste, recall-
ing the words of Jeremiah : — " Her cities are ^ desolation,
a dry land, and a wilderness, a land wherein* no man
dwelleth, neither doth any son of man pass thereby." """
It would be useless here to enter into a more ^detailed
description of the ruins, because the works of Eich and
Layard yield all the information which is known on the
subject, and to them my readers must be referred.
* .Teremiah li. 43
Hillah— Tahir Bey and the Turkish Brass Band— The Oven Dance-
Martial Escort — Bridge of Boats — Birs Nimrud — Its true Theory —
Sii- H. Rawliiison's Discoveries — The Seven-coloured Walls of the
Temple of the Spheres — Chaldee Astronomy.
The camp of our party was pitched on the southern
extremity of the mounds, near the village of Jumjiima,
where we were joined by Tahir Bey, the military gover-
nor of Hillah, one of the very few men in Turkey who
have devoted their time to study the profession of a
soldier. He was known as a dashing officer, and pos-
sessed that frankness and off-hand manner which stamped
the correctness of the character he had obtained. He was
a general favourite, and soon made himself at home
with us. He placed a guard of fifty men to look after
our safety during the night ; and, to ajBTord some
amusement, ordered out the brass band of the garrison
under his command, which at intervals enlivened us with
selections and remarkable variations from Bellini, Doni-
zetti, and even Strauss ! This, as may be imagined, was
not quite consonant to the feelings of the European por-
tion of the assembly, who would infinitely rather have
dispensed with such frivolities, and have indulged in
quiet contemplation on the extraordinary scene which
we had that day for the first time beheld. But, as there
was no help for it, we were obliged to conform to the
feelings of the majority, and to respect the attentions
which Tahir Bey lavished upon us.
At such times as the band ceased its somewhat dubi-
ous melody, one of tliose never-failing accompaniments
of Oriental fetes— a dancer — was introduced to add to
the amusement of tlie evening. He proved to be no
ordinary buffoon, such as usually exhibits to an Eastern
audience. Hamza of Hillah was celebrated far and near
for his grace and modesty. He might have been about
eighteen years old, and was not only dressed, but ap-
peared like a girl, tall and slightly built. His costume re-
sembled that of a Spanish dancer, consisting of a tight vest
with loose sleeves of red silk, and a skirt of the same
material, which reached to below the knees, and was
ornamented with alternate rings or flounces of led, blue,
and yellow, edged with Persian shawl. This skirt was
called " tennur," from its resemblance to an Arab " oven."
On his head was a fez, with long, full blue tassel ; and
from his neck and breast hung numerous chains and large
medals of silver — presents, doubtless, from his ardent
admirers. The backs of his hands were adorned with
silver studs, and his fingers with rings, of which he made
the most dexterous use as an accompaniment to the
^ound of the touitom. Oriental dances are usually gross
and indecent in the extreme : it was therefore with no
little surprise and pleasure that we remarked Hamza's
movements were entirely free from this objection, and
might have been witnessed by the most fastidious. His
grace would indeed have amused, if not charmed, any
audience, and, if exhibited in England, he would soon
have made his fortune. There not being space sufficient
in the reception-tent for the full display of Hamza's
powers, an adjournment took place to the open air. A
large circle was formed around a torch adapted for the
occasion. It was a round iron grate, raised upon a jdoIo
to the height of six feet from the ground. The fire was
fed with the bouo;hs and leaves of date-trees, which cast
a strong lurid light upon the spectators.
The people of Hillah, hearing of our arrival, and judg-
ing that there was something to be seen, collected in
considerable numbers into a motley group. There was
the old Turk, chibiik in hand, with his venerable white
beard, well-wound turban, and scrupulously clean person
and apparel — the "dirty Arab, with his gay keffieh, striped
abba, and constant companion, the long spear— the
nearly naked water-carrier, bearing a huge bullock's skin
upon his broad back, and announcing his ever-welcome
presence by the sound of little brass bells-— here and there
a stray Persian, in pointed lambskin cap and long blue
robes, as worn ages past by his forefathers — and lastly,
our own attendants, exhibiting every variety of race,
caste, and costume between Malta and Baohdad — a com-
plete Babel among themselves- Tm"kisli sentinels at re-
gular intervals, musket in hand, kept the ring.
liamza now stepped into the circle and commenced
the performance of what was esteemed his most wonder-
ful feat — the favourite of the Turks. He began, dervish-
like, to move slowly round upon one spot, gradually
increasing his speed as the music quickened, until at length
he spun round with amazing velocity. He then proceeded
to partially divest himself of his numerous ornaments and
garments, but each article was taken off so slowly and
carefully, and the speed with which he turned was so
great, that, when he rapidly passed it into the hands of a
person stationed to receive it, the movement was scarcely
perceptible. Each portion of his dress thus disappeared
until only his under-clothing remained. Throwing a
shawl over his person, he now actually increased his speed
to a fearful velocity, until he appeared as though fixed on
a pivot. He then dressed ; and, after half an hour of this
violent exertion, suddenly ceasing his gyrations, he made
two or three elegant movements, salaamed the strangers,
and retired amidst nhouts of applause. Although not
exhibiting the grace of his dance in the tent, as an
example of bodily endurance it surpassed anything of the
sort I had ever before witnessed.
This exhibition over, and the din of the tomtom ceased,
a profound stillness took possession of the camp, varied
only by the regular tread and challenge of the sentinel.
It was long, however, before I closed my eyes. The
excitement of visiting a spot so remarkable in the history
of the human race was such, that I lay awake for a length
of time, recalling to my mind all the wonderful events
which had beMlen " the golden city," and the astounding
fulfilment of those prophecies which refer in so remark-
able a manner to its present crumbling condition. No
one who reflects seriously on such a subject and o;i such
a scene can fail to be impressed with the truth of Scrip-
The whole camj) was early astir on the following morn-
ing, and we proceeded in great state towards Hillali,
the little capital of the surrounding Arab district. The
procession was led by the mounted escort which had
accompanied us from Baghdad, and by the detachment of
infantry sent from the to^vn overnight by Tahir Bey. I
must give them the credit of being by far the cleanest,
most orderly, and soldier-like fellows I had seen in
Turkey — vastly superior to the ill-clad wretches who
hung about the streets of Stambul before the war. Their
dress and accoutrements were good and clean, their
muskets and long bayonets shining as brightly as any
rigid disciplinarian could desire. The only thing which
detracted from their appearance, and rendered them some-
what uncouth to look upon, was, that their European-cut
white trousers were inconveniently small to contain the
Oriental baggy drawers within. Next in order were three
led horses of the pasha, covered with black trappings,
and ornamented with plates and beads of bright silver.
having much the appearance of palls appertaining to a
funeral procession. Behind these were two kettle-drum-
mers, who kejDt up an incessant tomtomming until the
ears ached with the intolerable din — these, of course,
immediately preceded the three commissioners and a
motley group of officers, in such costumes as each thought
most suitable for affordins; shelter ao;ainst the increasino-
heat of the rising sim. In the background came servants
of all classes, exhibiting as picturesque an array as can be
well conceived. Long strings of mules with the baggage
closed the procession.
Hillah is approached from the Baghdad road, by a nar-
row avenue, passing through the extensive date-gardens
which border on the river. The trampHng of so many feet
enveloped us in a cloud of the finest and most penetrating-
dust, which all were compelled to endure while almost
suffocated by it. At the suburbs we were received by our
friend the governor, who had preceded us, by the band, and
the bulk of the garrison. Although the dust was very an-
noying, it was impossible not to enjoy a scene so strange
and new. The sun was just beginning to shed his warming-
influence upon the beautiful yellow clusters of ripening-
dates, which hung like so many bunches of pure gold
collected round the ends of the tall stems. The luxuriant
tufts of feathery branches, and their elegantly pendent
form, appeared to spring from the trees, as if solely in-
tended to relieve the monotonous aspect of an Arab desert,
or to prevent the fruit under their bounteous shade from
being scorched and dried up under the vertical sun.
A few dilapidated houses and a small bazaar, chiefly
stocked with water-melons and cucumbers, guard the
eastern approach to the bridge of Hillah. The crossing
this bridge — if it could deserve the title — produced con-
siderable wavering and consternation among the horse-
men ; many of whom, it was observed, wisely dismounted,
lest a false step or other accident slioiild precipitate both
horse and rider into the rapid Euphrates. The bridge was
one of boats — infirm and old — covered, like Noah's ark,
" without with pitch" derived from the bitumen springs
of Hit. From boat to boat was laid down a roadway
of date timber ; but so full of holes was it, that a broad-
stepped ladder would have answered the same purpose.
The oscillation produced by the passage of so many
horsemen, the plunging and kicking of the animals, and
the state of the bridge itself, rendered it a matter of no
small difficulty to reach the opposite bank of the river in
safety. As if for the sake of amusing themselves at our
expense, and to create as much confusion as possible, the
authorities in the town placed two large guns in such a
position as to enfilade both sides of the bridge, and fired
a succession of salutes — sufficient to have done honour to
three sultans, instead of three commissioners ! Having
escaped all the dangers consequent on the passage of the
Euphrates, we assembled at the seray, where pipes and
coffee were duly provided, and a few minutes' rest was
allowed us to collect our scattered thoughts. The seray is
said to have been a palace of the khalifs ; and certainly,
if its dilapidated condition be any warrant for this report,
its antiquity is undoubted. There is nothing remarkable
about the town of Hillah, except that, from its situation
on the Euphrates, it is somewhat more picturesque than
most Arab towns. The bazaars are extensive, and exhibit
the usual amount of blindness, poverty, and filth. If
there be one thing more tlian another which strikes the
visitor to Hillah, it is the large immber of Jews who
inhabit the place, and secure a livelihood by collecting
and selling antiques from the neighbouring mounds.
They are tlie degraded and persecuted remnant of the ten
thousand, whom Nebuchadnezzar carried off from Jerusa-
lem, still hovering around the scene of the captivity !
It has been often suggested, that, in consequence of the
frequent changes in the course of the Euphrates, the
western portion of Babylon was gradually washed away,
and that its place is now occupied by the alluvial plain.
Mr Layard is of this opinion."^^' But this mode of account-
ing for the entire disappearance of such large edifices as
we know, from the historical accounts, to have existed
on the west of the great river, is highly unsatisfactory.
Upon the same supposition, we should expect the eastern
ruins to have likewise disappeared. The opposition of-
fered by such a massive pile as Babel or Mujellibe could
not be wholly overcome, even during a lapse of centuries.
The result of the river's flowing at its base would simply
be the disintegration of a very small portion of its mass.
The surface of the ground between Hillah and the Birs
Nimriid, a distance of six miles, shews the remains of
old canals derived from near the present course of the
Euphrates, which is quite opposed to this theory. It is
more probable, in my opinion, that the river has not much
altered its channel, but that the western division of the
ruins, being more accessible to brick-hunters, was com-
pletely demolished. It appears, however, to have escaped
general observation, that there are mounds within the date-
groves of Hillah itself indicating the existence of older
foimdations. These may eventually prove to be a por-
tion of the lost western half of ancient Babylon.
There are few ruins in the world which have excited
such general interest and speculation regarding their object
and origin as the vitrified brick edifice which crowns the
summit of Birs Nimriid. The old Jewish traveller, Ben-
jamin of Tudela, in the twelfth century, regarded it with
devout reverence as part of the identical tower of Babel
destroyed by fire when the Lord scattered man abroad
upon the face of the earth as a punishment for his auda-
* « Nineveh and Babylon," p. 492-3.
city. Many authors consider it to be the great temple of
Belus, described by Herodotus as having been partially
destroyed by Darius, about 500 B.C., and afterwards plun-
dered by his son Xerxes. Others, again, were inclined to
look on it as an observatory erected by the Chaldsean
priests for astronomical purposes.
It is, however, to the sagacity and learning of Sir
Henry Eawlinson that we are indebted for a correct
determination of this remarkable edifice. The excavations
conducted there under his directions, in 1854, confirm
the correctness of the observations made by Eich, Ker
Porter, and Buckingham, as to the existence of several
stages which they conceived to be visible under the
accumulation of fallen bricks. Sir Henry Eawlinson
ascertained that the structure consisted of six distinct
platforms or terraces. Each terrace was about 20 feet in
height, and 42 feet less horizontally than the one below
it. The Avhole were so arrano;ed as to constitute an
oblique pyramid — the terraces in front being 30 feet in
depth, while those behind were 12 feet, and at the sides 21
feet each. Upon the sixth story stands the vitrified mass,
concerning which such discussion has arisen, and which,
it is now suggested, was the sanctum of the temple.
Built into the corners of the stories were cylinders of
Nebuchadnezzar, designating the whole structure, " the
Stages of the Seven Spheres of Borsippa." Each story was
dedicated to a planet, and stained with the colour pecu-
liarly attributed to it in the works of the Sabaean astro-
logers, and traditionally handed down to us from the
Chaldfieans. The lowest stage was coloured black, in
honour of Saturn ; the second orange, for Jupiter ; the
third red, for Mars ; the fourth 3TII0W, for the Sun ; the
fifth green, for Venus ; the sixth blue, for Mercury ; and
the temple was probably white, for the Moon !
It may not perhaps prove unacceptable to my readers
if I here give Sir Henry Eawlinson's translation from tlie
cuneiform record upon the cylinders, which is to the fol-
lowing effect : —
" I am Nabu-kudim-uzur, King of Babylon, the estab-
lished governor, he who pays homage to Merodach,
adorer of the Gods, glorifier of Nabu, the supreme chief,
he who cultivates worship in honour of the Great Gods,
the subduer of the disobedient man, repairer of the temples
of Bit-Shaggeth and Bit-Tzida, the eldest son of Nabu-
pal-uzur. King of Babylon. Behold now Merodach, my
great Lord, has established men of strength and has urged
me to repair his buildings. Nabu, the guardian over the
heavens and the earth, has committed to my hands the
sceptre of royalty therefore. Bit-Shaggeth, the palace of
the heavens and the earth for Merodach the supreme chief
of the Gods, and Bit Kua, the shrine of his divinity, and
adorned with shining gold, I have appointed them. Bit-
Tzida also I have firmly built. With silver and gold and
a facing of stone ; mth wood of fir, and plane, and pine I
have completed it. The building named the Planisphere,
"« hich was the wonder of Babylon, I have made and
finished. With bricks enriched with lapis lazuli I have
exalted its head. Behold now the building named the
Stages of the Seven Spheres, which was the wonder of
Borsippa, had been built by a former king. He had com-
pleted 42 cubits (of height), but he did not finish its head.
From the lapse of time it had become ruined ; they had
not taken care of the exits of the waters, so the rain and
wet had penetrated into the brickwork. The casing of
burnt brick had bulged out, and the terraces of crude
brick lay scattered in heaps ; then Merodach, my great
Lord, inclined my heart to repair the building. I did not
change its site, nor did I destroy its foundation platform,
but in a fortunate month, and upon an auspicious day, I
undertook the building of the crude brick terraces, and the
burnt brick casing of the temple. I strengthened its
foundation, and I placed a titular record on the part I had
rebuilt. I set my hand to build it up and to exalt its
summit. As it had been in ancient times, so I built up
its structure ; as it had been in former days, thus I exalted
its head. Nabu, the strengthener of his children, he who
ministers to the Gods, and Merodach, the supporter of
sovereignty, may they cause this my work to be estab-
lished for ever ; may it last through the seven ages, and
may the stability of my throne and the antiquity of my
empire, secure against strangers, and triumphant over
many foes, continue to the end of time. Under the
guardianship of the Eegent who presides over the spheres
of heaven and tlie earth, may the length of my days pass
on in due course. I invoke Merodach, the king *of the
heavens and the earth, that this my work may be pre-
served for me under thy care in honour and respect
May Nabu-kuduri-uzur, the royal architect, remain under
thy protection."
The record further states, that " Nabu-kuduri-uzur's" re-
storation took place 504 years after the original foundation
by Tiglath Pileser I., who dates as far l^ack as 1100 B.C.
Antiquarians had long previously pronounced the
Birs Nimnid to be Borsippa, the city to which Alex-
ander the Great retired when warned by the Chaldaean
priests not to enter Babylon from the east. Every brick
hitherto obtained from the ruin is impressed with the
legend of Nebuchadnezzar. The attempted identification
with the tower of Babel therefore falls to the ground,
unless it shall be hereafter shewn that the temple restored
by Nebuchadnezzar was erected upon the site of a stiU
earlier structure.*
* Nebuchadnezzar was a great builder and restorer. His records are dis-
covered in every part of Babylonia, and abound in the immediate vicinity of
Babylon — corroborating to the fullest extent the words of Scripture : " Ib
not this great Babylon that I have built ?" &c. — Dan. iv. 30.
The peculiarities displayed in the architecture of the
BIrs Nimriid agree so faithfully with the Greek descrip-
tions of the temple of Belus at Babylon, that there can
be no doubt of the two buildinfrs havino; been erected on
the same general plan, and that, when w^e look upon the
existing edifice, we regard a fac-simile of the one which is
now destroyed.
As a discovery in art or science always leads to further
knowledge and information, so the seven coloured stories
of the Temple of the Spheres enable us fully to compre-
hend the hitherto dubious account of the seven coloured
walls of the city Ecbatana in Media, described by
Herodotus."^' As regards the mode in which the colours of
the bricks in each stage were produced, it may be sug-
gested that chemical ingredients were added to the clay
before the bricks were burned in the fuj;nace. It is more
difficult to explain the cause of the vitrification of the
upper building. My late talented friend. Captain New-
bold, assistant-resident in the Deccan, originated an
idea when we examined the Birs Nimriid in company,
which is, I believe, now beginning to be adopted, that,
in order to render their edifices more durable, the Ba-
bylonians submitted them, when erected, to the heat of
a furnace. This will account for the remarkable condi-
tion of the brickwork on the summit of the Blrs Nimrild,
which has undoubtedly been subjected to the agency of
fire. No wonder that the early explorers, carried a^^^ay
by their feelings of reverence, should have ascribed the
vitrified and molten aspect of the ruins to the avenging
fire of heaven, instead of to a more natural agency. It
is worthy of notice, that in several places where vitrified
bricks occur in Babylonia, they are associated with a
tradition that Nimrod there threw the patriarch Abra-
* Lib. i. 98.
liam into a furnace. There appear, therefore, to be some
grounds for Captain Newbold's suggestion.
The Birs Nimrild, then, was a temple dedicated to the
heavenly bodies, where " the wise men of the Chaldees,"
prompted by their adoration of the countless orbs, were
naturally led to the study of astronomy. The Chaldseans
were the first people who reduced their observations to a
regular system. On the authority of Berosus,''" it is re-
corded, that when Alexander took Babylon, Callisthenes
forwarded to his relative Aristotle in Greece a cataloo-ue of
eclipses which had been observed at Babylon during the
pre\T.ous 1 903 years. Ptolemy refers to eclipses in the year
720 B.C., which were derived from a Chaldaean source. It is
to those early astronomers we are indebted for the zodiac
and the duodecimal division of the day.
The expansive plains of Babylonia possess such natural
advantages for the study of astronomy, that we cannot
wonder at their ha\dng become the birth-place of that
science. The remarkable dryness and regularity of the
climate, the serenity of the sky, and the transparency of
the atmosphere, particularly point to that region as admir-
ably adapted for studies and investigations of this nature.
Constellations of the eighth magnitude are distinctly
visible to the naked eye, while between May and Novem-
ber meteors fall in countless numbers. Under these circum-
stances, when ol)servatories are being established in various
less favourable localities, it appears not a little strange
that " the land of the Chaldees " is passed over in utter
forgetfulness. With the appliances and correctly-adjusted
instruments which the march of civilization has produced,
what additions to our knowledge of astronomy and me-
teorology might we not attain by erecting an observatory
at such a sjDot as Baghdad or Babylon !
* Consult Porphyr., apud Simplic, i. 2 ; also, Pliny, vii. 67.
View from Bii-s Nimrucl — Keffil — Ezcldel's Tomb — Children of the
The ^dew from the summit of tlie Birs Nimriid is very
extensive, and its utter desolation has been the theme of
frequent observation. No one can stand there and sur-
vey the scene around without being struck with the
literal fulfilment of Isaiah's prophecy — " I will make it a
possession for the bittern, and pools of water ; and I will
sweep it with the besom of destruction, saith the Lord of
hosts."'"" Spreading out like a vast sea upon the north
and west is a marsh, which all the labours of the ancient
and modern rulers of the country have never been able
to subdue. In certain seasons, the waters of the Euphrates
rise above their ordinary level, and flood the whole surface
of the low lands of Chaldgea, confirming every word of
the prophet.
Bordering upon this marsh, a few spots attract the eye
and relieve the lono- level of the horizon. Due south
stands the little tomb of the prophet Ezekiel, and at the
distance of fifty miles, in the mirage of early morning,
may be discerned the mosque of the sainted 'Ali, glisten-
ing like a speck of gold as the beams of the rising sun
play upon its surface. Nearer at hand, on the north-
west, are the twin domes of Kerbella, the burial-place of
'All's slaughtered sons. The edge and islands of the
* Isaiah xiv. 23.
marsh are at times dotted with encampments of Khuzeyl
Arabs ; and with the telescope may be distinguished
their numerous flocks of sheep and camels, while the hum
of busy voices can be distinctly heard a distance of full
six miles across the waters.
From the Birs Nimriid southwards, a road runs along
the raised bank, which here in a measure restrains the
marsh within bounds. A succession of large canal
courses, now dry, are crossed during a ride of twelve
miles to the Httle town of Keffil, which, from its want of
Keffil, and the Tomb of the Prophet Ezekiel.
luxuriant trees and vegetation, looks dull and sombre in
the extreme — a fitting place for the sepulchre of a captive
prophet in a strange land. There have been trees at
some time or other, as a few stunted palms bear witness ;
but, like the town itself, they have witnessed more
flourishing times. They are ludicrous specimens of their
race, and stand with their branches projecting straight
upwards into the air, giving them the appearance of
gigantic brooms. The town of Keflil is protected by a
high wall, and defended at intervals by small towers. An
old broken-down mosque, with minaret to match, stooping
to its fall — ^the spire of tlie prophet Ezekiel's tomb — and
the tops of the houses peeping above — are all that invite
further approach. Except when a crowd of pilgrims
collect at the annual festival, the exterior of the place is
The spire of the sacred tomb is the frustum of an
elongated cone, tapering to a blunted top by a succession
of divisions or steps, cut and embellished in a peculiar
manner. Similar spires frequently occur upon tombs
throughout the East, where, as is well known, forms and
customs alter but little. I am therefore inclined to
regard the spire of the Arab tomb as analogous to the fir
cone so repeatedly represented on the bas-reliefs at Nine-
veh. The eagle-headed and other figures of the sculptures
appear to present the cone of Indian corn — an emblem of
the first-fruits of the earth — as an ofiering to the Deity
in the form of the sacred tree. May not the spire of the
modern tomb have some similar symbolical meaning
attached to it ?
There is no reason to believe that the tradition is un-
worthy of credence, which assigns to Keffil the honour of
possessing the bones of the prophet Ezekiel. The con-
tinued residence of the Jews in the land where their
forefathers were consigned in exile, and the respect with
which the tomb has for so many centuries been regarded,
not only by the Jews themselves, but by the Mohamme-
dans, ought to be considered a sufficient guarantee for the
correctness of the tradition. The Jewish traveller, Ben-
jamin of Tudela, in the middle of the twelfth century,
tells us, that "the monument was covered by a large
cupola, and the building was very handsome. It was
erected by Jeconiah, King of Judah, and the 35,000 Jews
who accompanied him." Of course, the edifice of the
Jewish monarch, if such ever existed, has long since fallen
to ruin, and the present edifice is comparatively modern.
It is remarkably plain, both externally and internally,
containing two vaulted apartments — the roof of the
outer one being supported by heavy columns. The
sepulchre is cased in a large wooden box of considerable
age, which measures ten feet long l^y four feet high. Its
decoration consists of a piece of English chintz and small
red and green flags. The chamber itself is square, the
side walls being extremely dirty and greased with oil.
The floor is covered with a filthy matting. The vaulted
ceiling is very prettily ornamented with scrolls of gold,
silver, and bronze. Built into one corner is an ancient
Hebrew copy of the Pentateuch. A scanty lightr is ad-
mitted from above, and an ever-burning lamp sheds a
solemn gloom into the sanctuary. The flat terrace or
roof afi'ords a good view of the marshes extending to
the base of the little elevation upon which the town of
Keffil stands. The flooring of the terrace is, however, in
such a state of lamentable filth that the Jews might, with
every justice, be charged with paying little or no respect
to the memory of their prophet. The interior of the
town, in fact, is redolent with odours none of the most
A large proportion of the inhabitants are Jews, a host
of whom, surrounding the door of the sanctuary, looked
daggers as our large party, booted and spurred from the
journey, crossed the sacred threshold. The Oriental Jews
delight in wearing none but the very gayest colours, so
that the group which we encountered contrasted strangely
with the duU aspect of the place. A number of Jewish
ladies, carefuUy veiled from the profane eyes of strangers,
were also assembled on our arrival, but they had, one and
aU, vanished before our return from the interior of the dim
tomb into the glaring light of day.
Kefiil, being on the verge of the recently disturbed dis-
trict, had just been the scene of some hard fighting. The
place was held by a small garrison of Turkish troops as
an advanced post. The Arabs in rebellion attacked and
took it, putting the whole garrison of sixty men to the
sword. On its being retaken a few days afterwards by
the Turks, the bodies of the poor fellows were found
still unburied and barbarously treated by their savage
The Marshes of Babylon — Khuzeyl Arabs — The Euphrates, and its Canals
— Semiramis — Nebuchadnezzar — Cyrus — Alexander — Shujah-ed-
Dowla, and the Indian Canal.
A NIGHT spent at Keffil during the montli of September,
is by no means to be envied ; the mosquitoes, malaria,
and damp of the marshes being all but certain to lay in
the seeds of fever, which is not long in appearing.
In order to reach IMeshed 'All, it is necessary to cross
the marsh. For this purpose boats are always to be pro-
cured at Keffil. They are heavy clumsy vessels, con-
structed of Indian teak, about 40 feet in length, with high
pointed prows and sterns, and flat bottoms for enabling
them to skim over the shallows. Each is guided by two
nearly naked Arabs, one of whom manages the cumbrous
and primitive rudder, while the other attends to a huge
lug-sail — if such term can be applied to a patchwork of
every shape and colour, fiUed with innumerable holes.
The stream flows, at the rate of four or five miles an
hour, through a continuous rice-field, which is prevented
from being completely overflooded by means of dams,
constructed of stakes and reed matting. Sometimes,
when the rise of the Euphrates exceeds its usual level,
the country is a vast inundation. On such occasions,
whole families of Arabs, with their frail dwellings of reeds
and tents, are swept away in a single night. These
calamities are but too frequent. Upon a few elevated
spots, small mud forts serve as citadels for refuge in case
of inundation or attack. The Arab inhabitants of these
marshes are a fine manly race, and their noble forms are
particularly striking. Their half-naked and deeply-bronzed
bodies, nourished by scanty fare, shew every muscle to
advantage as they propel their vessels with long poles in
the shallows against the wind or stream, dexterously run-
ning along the edge of the boat. The keflfieh, or head-dress,
is useless among those marshes, for the long, thick, stream-
ing hair of the Khuzeyl Arab acts as the most natural
covering, and is admirably adapted for keeping off the
rays of the sun.
In sailing along, every now and then we encountered a
noisy party in a crowded boat, who gazed with wonder,
not unmixed mth alarm, upon the European fleet. All
appeared life and activity around us in those fens — the
men, not languidly smoking their pij)es like the dwellers
in cities and loungers in bazaars, but busy at their daily
employments, as agriculturists should be. The women
were engaged about their tents with duties not less arduous
than those of the stronger sex.. Notwithstanding their
labour and acti^vdty, they are evidently in a wretched state
of misery, and ground down by heavy exactions. The
only power they possess of resisting injustice is that of
flooding their marshes, but this is only temporary, for
without cultivating, how are they and their families to
exist during the ensuing year"? There is not a more
industrious race throughout the Turkish empire, and if
their rulers knew but how to treat them, both would be
highly benefited Justice and security of property and
person are all that is required to effect this ; but know-
ingly, and with impunity, the Turkish authorities permit
the farmers of their revenues to oppress their temporary
subjects, and evince no desire to protect the labouring
classes. Under an enlightened government, as I have
previously remarked, sucli things could not be. In the
secluded provinces, however, the rulers are less scrupulous
than those nearer to the capital. The Pasha of Baghdad
is, as it were, an independent prince, and his words are
law. His emissaries, while carrying out his claims,
seldom fail to enrich themselves, if not to the loss of the
Government, at least to the oppression of the subject.
No wonder, therefore, that the province is in constant
disturbance, and that the Arabs are at times driven to
revolt and to the commission of barbarous acts, not
characteristic of their otherwise honourable and kindly
nature. To those who are most conversant with the Arab
character, it is well known that these sons of the desert
may be giiided like children by kindness and firmness.
The marshes of the Khuzeyl have j)layed so important
a part in the history of the Euphrates, from the earliest
times of which we have authentic records, dowTi to the
present day, that a few remarks upon them and their
connexion with " the great river " may not be unin-
During the 530 miles of its course through the flat
alluvial plains of Babylonia, the Euphrates does not
average a greater fall than three inches in the mile,'"' the
consequence of which is, that the low lands on either side
are frequently flooded during the periodical rises of the
river. In order, therefore, to check the dangerous super-
abundance of the water, and to distribute it advantage-
ously for the purpose of beneficial irrigation, dikes and
canals w^ere instituted at a very early period in the history
of the country, and were, m fact, essential to its very
* The Volga maybe compared with the Euphrates as regards its fall. It
has its origin in a small lake on the slopes of the platei. i of Valdai, at an
elevation of 550 feet above the level of the ocean, whence it flows in a gently
inclined bed to its termination in the Caspian Sea, 83 feet below the level of
the Euxine. Its entire fall, over a course of 2400 miles, therefore, amounts
to only G33 feet, or to 3-16 inches per mile.
existence.*'^ The once fabulous Queen Semiramis,! we are
told, cut two artificial canals at a considerable distance
above Babylon, and turned the superfluous waters of the
Euphrates into the Tigris, by this means obviating the
damage which the city and surrounding country pre-
viously sustained from inundation. To facilitate the
building of brick walls cemented with bitumen along both
banks of the river, the same queen caused the whole body
of the stream to be diverted by a large canal into a pro-
digious lakej forty miles square, which she caused to be
dug on the west of Babylon.
In the days of Nebuchadnezzar, when Babylon was a
land of traffic and "a city of merchants," § considerable
attention was paid to the proper distribution of the waters
of the great river. The primary canals of Nahr Malka
and Pallacopas are attributed to that monarch. It seems
probable, however, that the latter work was merely the
re-opening of the canal dug by Semiramis, and its exten-
sion to the sea — thus giving two distinct branches to the
During the effeminate dominion of the succeeding
Persian dynasty, it is inferred that little or nothing was
done towards restoring the river to its natural course,
so that it continued to flow into the marshes west of
Borsippa, or Birs Nimrud, enlarging the PaUacopas
* Herodotus, i. 185. Strabo, xvi. 740. Pliny, vi. 26. Diodorus Siculus,
ii. 100, et seq. Arrian, vii. 21 : see note, p. 42.
t An inscription upon a statue of the god Nebu, discovered at Nineveh,
bears the names of Phukikh and Sammuramit, leading to the supposition
that the queen, re^ii-esented under the Greek name of Semiramis, was the
Sammuramit of the cuneiform record, the wife of the scriptural Pul (the
Belochus of the Greeks), who reigned about B.C. 750. See the Athenaum,
Nos. 1388, 1476, 1503.
+ Herodotus, i. 184-5. This exaggerated description undoubtedly refers
to the Bahr or Sea of Nedjef.
§ Ezekiel xvii. 4.
Xenophon,^'" in describing the march of the Greeks to the
assistance of Cyrus the Younger, along the eastern side of
the Euphrates, mentions four great canals crossed by the
advancing army, viz : — the Nahr-raga, the Nahr Sares,
the Nahr Malka, and the Niihr Kiitha. He, of course,
knew nothing of other channels on the opposite side of
the river ; but if, in addition to the above, it be considered
that the Pallacopas carried off a great portion of the
Euphrates towards the marshes on the west, we can per-
fectly comprehend that which afterwards occurred.
When Alexander the Great returned from his Indian
campaign, and desired to restore Babylon to 'her. fonner
grandeur, he found so little water passing through the
city, that there was scarcely depth for small boats. He
therefore determined on effectually closing the mouth of
the Pallacopas — which, according to Arrian, was 800
stadia, or about 90 miles, cibove Babylon — and on digging
a new canal, where the nature of the ground was favour-
able to his purpose. His historian says, " When he had
proceeded 30 stadia (or three miles), the ground was
observed to be rocky." t The passage is interpreted in
* Cycrop. i. p. 261-266.
t Arriau's account of the Pallacopas is so quaint and interesting, that I
venture to give a literal translation of the passage : —
" But in the meantime, while vessels are being constructed, and a harbour
dug at Babylon, Alexander was conveyed by the Euphrates from Babylon
to the river Pallacopas. This is distant from Babylon about 800 stadia.
Moreover, this Pallacopas is a channel cut from the Euphrates, not a river
rising from springs. For the Eujjhrates, flowing from the mountains of
Armenia, flows during the winter between banks, inasmuch as it has not
much water ; but when spring sets in, and much more under the heat of
summer, it increases greatly, and, overflowing its banks, inundates the plains
of Assyria. For then the snows melting in the mountains of Armenia
increase its waters in a wonderful manner ; and thus raised to a great height,
it overwhelms the Avhole region adjoining, unless any person turning it
aside should discharge it through the Pallacopas into the lakes and marshes
— which indeed, by the entrance of this channel, even to the region neigh-
bouring on Arabia, and from thence into stagnant places, and at length by
many and unknown windings, is carried to the sea. But, when the snows
several different ways ; but I believe that it means 30
stadia above Babylon/' which might well refer to the
modern channel called the Hindleh — the ancient city
extendino; to within three miles of its mouth ; and it is a
curious coincidence, that near that point sandstone rocks
rise through the alluvium to the sm^face !
For twenty-one centuries, since the time of Alexander,
the Euphrates has fluctuated between its original channel
through Babylon and this new opening, until at length,
the navigation of the latter having become interrupted,
an Indian prince, named Niiwab Shujah-ed-Dowla, re-
opened its channel one hundred years ago. Since that
date it has been called, after him, the " Hindleh," and has
are dissolved, especially about the setting of Vergilise, the Euphrates grows
small ; but, nevertheless, a great part of it is drained by the Pallaccpas into
the marshes. Unless, therefore, some one should again block up the chan-
nel of the Pallacopas, so that the water, repulsed near the banks (dams),
remains in the channel, it may so greatly drain the Euphrates into it, that
thus the fields of Assyria cannot be irrigated by it. Wherefore, a gover-
nor of Babylonia, with much labour, blocked up the exits of the Euphrates
into the Pallacopas (although they are not opened with much difficulty) ;
because in those parts the soil is marshy and for the most part muddy,
seeing that it is well washed by the water of the river, it may allow of the less
easy shutting out of the water : — so that they may have occupied more than
10,000 Assyrians three whole months at this work. When these things
were told to Alexander, they incited him to meditate something to the
advantage of Assyria. Therefore, at the point where the flow of the
Euphrates is drained into the Pallacopas, he resolved to dam its mouth
firmly up. When he had proceeded thirti/ stadia, the ground was observed
to be rocky, of such kind that, if a cutting were carried to the ancient
channel of the Pallacopas, the water might be prevented from overflowing
by means of the firmness of the soil, and that its escape might be able to
be effected without difficulty at a stated period of the year. Therefore,
Alexander both sailed to the Pallacopas, and descended by it to the marshes,
into the region of Arabia. There, having fixed on a certain convenient
locality, he built a city, and surrounded it with walls, and conveyed to it a
colony of Greek mercenaries, volunteers, and others, who, by reason of
their age or any debility, had become useless in war." — Arrian, Be Exp.
Alex., lib. vii. c. 21.
* Many authors place the Pallacopas and Alexander's cutting helow Baby-
lon, and so it is laid down upon many of our maps, but this is quite con-
trary to the ancient accounts.
caused an infinity of expense and annoyance to the pashas
of Baghdad.
The mouth of this interesting canal is situated about
two miles below the khan at Mtisseib, and about six-
teen miles above the commencement of the existing
ruins of Babylon, at a point where the natural channel
of the Euphrates makes a slight eastern bend. When
greatly flooded, the violence of the stream frequently
breaks down the artificial barriers erected to reoTilate the
influx of water, and enlarges the entrance of the Hindieh.
Immense sums of money are expended by the Turkish
Government in rebuilding, repaiiing, and strengthening
the dam, because the river has a tendency to quit the
Babylon channel, and to flow westward into the marshes,
as in the days of Alexander. The natural efi"ect is to
deprive the eastern side of the Euphrates of its due irri-
gation, by reducing all the canals below the point of
bifurcation ; the villages become deserted, and the fields
uncultivated. On the western side, the rice-grounds of
the Khuzeyl Arabs are overflowed, and cultivation is
entirely out of the question. The chief revenues of Bagh-
dad being derived from these regions, it is of the utmost
importance that the equilibrium of the two branches of
the Euphrates shoidd be properly cared for.
Soon after the accession of Abdi Pasha to the govern-
ment of the pro\T.nce, like aU his predecessors, his attention
was directed to this subject. The force of the stream,
caused by the extraordinary rise of the river, had carried
away every trace of the former dams, and enlarged the
mouth of the Hindieh to such an extent, that the
Euphrates bid fair to disapj)ear into the western marshes.
He therefore cut a new channel, 120 feet broad, at a
short distance above the bifurcation, wliich relieved the
pressure, and enabled him to effect the building of a new
and strong dam of osiers, reeds, and earth, at the mouth
of tlie Hinclieli, while tlie quantity of water admitted
into the new cut was regulated by two solid brick piers,
with sluice-gates eighty feet wide.
Notwithstanding all this expense and trouble, the river
in 1854 overcame all obstacles, and once more regained
possession of the marshes. Flowing southwards a few
miles, a deep stream, 180 feet wide, with banks 10 or 20
feet high, the Hindieh enters and is lost in the great
inundation, extending on the north and west of the Birs
Nimrud, passes Keffil and the ruins of Kiifa, and ulti-
mately debouches into the great inland freshwater sea of
No modern traveller has yet succeeded in following the
entire course of the ancient Pallacopas, but traces of its
channel are still visible on the east of the town of
The great sheet of water, the Bahr-i-Nedjef, extends
forty miles in a south-easterly direction, and at its south-
ern extremity gives out two considerable streams, Shat-
el-Khilzif and Shat-el-Atchan, which subsequently unite,
and are known by the latter name. Further to the south,
five laroe bodies of water have their origin from the
Atclian, and, uniting, constitute the Huran. This, after
flowing about thirty miles, eventually joins the Atchan,
and the two rivers form what is called the AVestern or
Semava branch of the Euphrates. All the above branches
are navigable when the mouth of the Hindieh is open, and
it is by them that merchandise is conveyed from Busrah
to Hillali. When the great annual rise of the Euj)hrates
* The marshes between the mouth of the Hindieh and the Bdhr-1-Nedjef
were first surveyed by Mr T. K. Lynch of Baghdad, who there frequently
met with the banks of an ancient canal — the Nahr-Algam — which may be
the veritable channel of the Pallacopas. This gentleman communicated an
interesting memoir on his researches to the Royal Geographical Society.
The region has been since examined in more detail during the survey of the
environs of Babylon by Captain Jones, I.N.
occurs, thewliole region, from the Bahr-i-Nedjef to Semava,
is one continuous inundation, called the " Khor Ullah," or.
Marshes of God/'' Here and there it is dotted with
thousands of small islands, separated from each other by
an infinity of streamlets. It was amid the innumerable
channels of these Paludes BabylonicB that Alexander was
overtaken by a storm, and all but lost, during his sail
down the Pallacopas.t
It is only when the mouth of the Hindleh is opened by
the destruction of the dams that the modern traveller is
enabled to see the Paludes Babylonice as Alexander saw
them. When, however, the Hindieh is closed effectually for
a time, the Khiizif and Atclian cease altogether to exist, and
the toAvn of Semava is supplied by two smaU canals derived
from the HiUah branch of the Euphrates, near Dlwanleh.
Such was probably the case during the labours of the
officers in the Euphrates expedition under Colonel Chesney,
as the streams flomng from the Bahr-i-Nedjef are not laid
down on any map. Instead of them, however, there is
the course of an extinct river-bed passing east of the
Bahr-1-Nedjef to Semava, which may represent the Palla-
copas of Alexander in a portion of its course.
* Between Semdva and the southern extremity of the B4hr-i-Nedjef, the
marshes were, I beheve, wholly unexplored, until T succeeded in sailing in
a native vessel up the Hdrdn and Atchdn, to Shindfieh, the residence of
the Khuzeyl Sheikh. They are for the first time laid down on the map
which accompanies this volume.
t Arrian, vii. 22, and Strabo.
Kufa— A Fiery Ride— Nedjef, and the Tomb of 'Ali— The Ghyawr in
the Golden Mosque — Fanaticism ot the Sheahs — Far-travelled
Coffins and Costly Interments — How the Prime-Minister got a
Grave at a Great Bargain — Turkish Torpor and Cleanliness versus
Persian Dirt and Vivacity.
A SAIL of four hours and a half from Keffil clown the
stream brings the pilgrim to a little tomb dedicated to
Nebbl Yunus (not the prophet of Nineveh, but a much
more modern personage). Here the freights are dis-
charged from the boats, and the journey to the shrine of
'All again commences by land, passing over a spot cele-
brated in modern history.
Sa'ad ibn 'Abu Wakkas, after the signal battle obtained
by the Moslems at Kadessiyya, and the capture of the
wealthy city Madayn, would fain have pursued Yezde-
glrd, the last of the Sassanian kings, to the Persian
mountain fortress of Hoi wan. He was restrained from
doing so by the cautious Khallf Omar, who feared lest his
generals, in the flush and excitement of victory, might
hurry forward beyond the reach of succour. The climate
of Madayn proving unhealthy to his troops, Saad was
ordered by the khallf to seek some favourable site on the
western side of the Euphrates, where there was good air,
a well-watered plain, and plenty of grass. Sa ad chose
for this purpose the village of Kiifa, which, according to
tradition, was the spot where the angel Gabriel alighted
upon earth and prayed — where the waters of the deluge
first burst forth from the ground — and where Noah
embarked in the arl^ ! The Arabs further pretend that
the serpent, after tempting Eve, was banished to this
place. Hence, they say, the guile and treachery for which
the men of Kiifa were proverbial. The city which rose
upon this spot became so celebrated, that the branch of
the Euphrates upon which it stood was generally denomi-
nated Nahr Kiifa. The most ancient characters of the
Arabic alphabet are termed Kufic to the present day. It
was here, too, that the unfortunate 'Ali — the son-in-law
and successor of the Prophet — was assassinated, in the
fifth year of his khalifat, by the three fanatic loaders of
the Karigites.'"' Of Kufa there now only remain a few
low mounds and a fragment of wall. Although the city
is said to have extended to Kerbella, forty-five miles dis-
tant, there are fewer relics of its greatness now visible
than of Babylon, which was in ruins upwards of a thou-
sand years before the foundation of Kufa ! Whatever may
have been the fertility of Kufa in the days of Sa'ad ibn
'Abil Wakkas, it has none to boast of now.
From Kufa to Meshed 'Ali is a distance of 7 miles, over a
gravelly soil, utterly devoid of vegetation. It was one of
the hottest rides I ever remember to have experienced.
There was not the slightest breath of air to dissipate the
heat. The dome and minarets of Meshed 'All quivered
in the mirage. The gravel reflected the sun's rays
so powerfully as to cause men and animals to seek for
temporary shelter under the scanty shade of the little
round towers which at intervals guard the road. Our
very dogs howled piteously being obliged to follow us,
lest they should be left behind. Whenever the eye rested
for an instant on any object, it felt scorched and
* For an interesting account of the scenes with which KAfa is connected
at the commencement of the Mohammedan era, see the " Lives of the Suc-
cessors of Mohammed," by Washington Irving.
bloodshot. An umbrella was useless, for, altliougli it
served to break the vertical heat of the mid-day sun, it
concentrated the rays reflected from the ground, and
afforded a welcome shade to the few flies which were able
to exist in such a fiery atmosphere. Never was I more
gratified than in gaining the tents, already pitched in a
large oblong space within the walls, and near one of the
gates of the town of Nedjef. Tahir Bey, who accom-
panied us, had insisted upon this arrangement; he would
not be answerable for our security in the desert outside,
because many roving parties of Bedouins were reported
to be in the neighbourhood.
Nedjef was founded on the site of ancient Hira, which,
in the early part of the first century, gave origin to a race
of Arab kings, who subsequently acknowledged allegiance
to the Persians, and acted as lieutenants of Irak. During
the third century, many Jacobite Christians, driven by per-
secutions and disorders in the Church, took refuge at
Hira ; and, shortly before the birth of Mohammed, the
king of Hira and all his subjects had embraced Christi-
anity. Much is said of the splendour of the capital,
which possessed two large palaces of extraordinary
beauty. When 'Abil Beker, in the second year of the
khalifat, undertook to execute the injunction of the
Prophet, and to carry out the gigantic task submitted to
him of converting the whole world to Islamism, he
entrusted the conquest of Hira to the energetic Khaled.
The city was speedily taken, its palaces stormed, its king
killed in battle, and 3,n annual tribute of 7000 pieces of
gold imposed upon the kingdom. This was the first
tribute ever levied by Moslems in a foreign land, and
Hira was the first place beyond the confines of Arabia
occupied by their advancing hosts.'"*
* See Washington Irving's " Lives of the Successors of Mohammed,'"
already referred to.
Nedjef is at the present day, however, far more cele-
brated as the spot where the body of the murdered 'All
was consigned to the tomb, and that magnificent mosque
erected over it, which annually attracts thousands of
Sheah Mohammedans to perform a pilgrimage to its
shrine, invariably known to the Persian as "Meshed 'All."
The town is situated on a cliff of reddish sandstone
and gravel forty feet high, overlooking the Bahr-i-Nedjef.
It is said to bear a striking resemblance to Jerusalem in
its general appearance and position. The walls are in
excellent repair, and surrounded by a deep and wdde
moat, now without water. On one side, this moat follows
the line of a natural ravine, exhibiting a good geological
section on its sides. The water of the Bahr, when con-
nected with the Euphrates, is sweet and drinkable, but
when the mouth of the Hindieh is completely closed, it
becomes very unpalatable, and the people of Nedjef are
then obliged to convey water from Kiifa. This condition
of the water arises, as previously stated, from its con-
nexion with rocks of the gypsiferous series. The level of
the sea, observed from Nedjef, has undoubtedly under-
gone considerable change — two distinct ranges of cliffs
mark its former extent at different epochs.
It is seldom that a Christian has the opportunity of
entering a Mohammedan place of worship, much less such
a sacred mosque as that of Meshed 'All. We were all
naturally anxious to visit it, and experienced no very
insuperable objection on the part of our Silnni compa-
nions to aid in the accomplishment of our wish. Tahir
Bey, like most others of his sect and race, took a pleasure
in causing the Sheah Persians to " eat dirt" at the hands of
the Ghyawr. As military governor of the district, he had
accompanied us with a strong escort, for the double pur-
pose of guarding and doing honour to our party. The
troops were now drawn up under the latter pretext, but
in reality to conduct us to the mosque, and be prepared
for any emeute wliicli migiit arise in consequence of our
temerity. The inhabitants, in accordance with their
Oriental customs, rose and saluted, or returned the salutes
of Dervish Pasha and Tahir Bey as we passed through
the bazaars ; but they bestowed a very doubtful and
scrutinizing glance on the large party of Firenghis. A
crowd gathered as we marched onward, and, on approach-
ing the gate of the outer court, the threatening looks and
whispered remarks of the groups around made it evident
that we were regarded with no especial favour. The
troops drew up outside the gate, and, as any hesitation on
our part might have produced serious consequences, we
boldly entered the forbidden threshold.
It is all but impossible to convey to the mind of an-
other the impression produced on the senses by the first
inspection of a Persian mosque. The extreme richness
and brilliancy of the polychromatic decoration, and the
exquisite harmony of the whole, cannot fail to leave a
lasting impression.
It has been said, and is generally recognized, that the
Arian races, among whom the Persians are included,
are wanting in originality of design. This is not, how-
ever, borne out by facts, because no Oriental people
exhibit more original taste than the Persians in beauty
of design and the power of expressing it, as exhibited in
their edifices and works of art. Mr Fergusson, in his
" Hand-Book of Architecture," "' well remarks on this
subject, that '' they are now too deeply depressed to
attempt much ; but it only seems to require a gleam of
returning sunshine to enable them again to rival in art
the ancient glories of Ninoveh and Persepolis."
Like the generality of mosques, that of Meshed 'Ali is
arranged in the form of a rectangle. The mausoleum
♦ Vol. i., p. 411.
stands nearly in the centre of a large court, the walls
of which, as well as those of the principal building, are
adorned from top to base with square encaustic tiles.
The design on these is a succession of scrolls, leaves, and
doves wrouglit into the most intricate patterns. The
colours, though bright, are so admirably and harmoniously
blended and softened down by lines of white, that the
surface appears like a rich mosaic set in silver. Each wall
is divided by two tiers of blind arches, ornamented
throughout in sunilar manner, above each of which are
texts from the Koran, written in letters of gold. Two
highly-decorated gateways, deeply set in lofty fiat 4)anels,
give admission to the great court of the mosque, and
serve to relieve the otherwise monotonous aspect of the
enclosure. The summit of the mausoleum walls are like-
wise surrounded by passages from the Koran. At three
corners are minarets, two of which in front are covered
throughout with gilt tiles, said to have cost two tomans
(£1 sterling) each. These, together with a magnificent
dome of the same costly material, give to the tout
ensemhle a gorgeous appearance. Seen in the distance,
with the sun shining upon it, the dome of Meshed 'All
might be mistaken for a mound of gold rising from the
level deserts. Before the door of the shrine stands an
elegant fountain of brass, bright and poHshed like the
dome itself.
If the court of this remarkable building be so gorge-
ously and extravagantly adorned, we may perhaps credit
the accounts of its internal richness and magnificence.
Slabs of the purest gold are said to pave the floor-
ing of the sanctuary, and utensils innumerable and
of unknown value — the gifts of the pious — to decorate
the shrine. If all be true which Oriental tongue speaks,
we are called on to believe that a mint of untold treasure
lies concealed in the vaults below. The tomb of the
great saint was not for infidels to approach and defile ;
but the Gliyawr were perfectly content with the sight
they were permitted to behold in the court of the mosque,
in wliich there was more than sufficient to engage atten-
tion and excite admiration. It is exceedingly strange
to remark how the same observances have prevailed
unchanged from early times. We read that, eighteen
centuries ago, our Saviour went up to Jerusalem, " and
found in the temple those that sold oxen, and sheep, and
doves, and the changers of money sitting." ^'' So in the
court of Meshed 'All a constant fair is carried on at stalls,
which are supphed with every article likely as offerings
to attract the eye of the rich or pious — among these
white doves are particularly conspicuous.
We did not tarry long, as it was evident, from the
demeanour of those around us, that we Avere not welcome
pilgrims to the holy shrine ; we therefore slowly retired,
casting a last lingering glance on this noble and fasci-
nating specimen of Persian art. It was only on emerging
from the gateway that we for the first time perceived the
object for which the Turkish troops had accompanied
us. Aware of the excitable feelings of the Persian crowd,
Tahir Bey had taken all parties unawares, by marching us
direct to the mosque before the people could comprehend
his intention, or collect for the purpose of resistance. He
subsequently acknowledged that in returning he was not
a httle alarmed at the aspect of the populace. Kindly
feeling and hospitality were certainly not at that moment
engraven on their countenances. It is difficult to forget
the expression of passion which greeted any of the party
who accidentally brushed against the robe of a " true
believer." The injm^ed " professor of the faith " hastily
drew back, muttered an audible curse on the unclean
Firenghi, and proceeded on his way to wash and cleanse
• John ii. 14.
himself from tlie polluted touch, or put his hand on the
handle of his broad-bladed dagger, as if about to inflict
summary vengeance for the insult he had received.-
Nedjef and Kerbella are notorious for the fanatics who
congregate to those places from all quarters. If they had
been aware of Tahir Bey's intention to admit us to the
mosque, there is no doubt that they would have collected
in front of the gates and made open resistance to such an
iniquitous proceeding on the part of a Mohammedan. As
it was, we had the satisfaction of beholding the interior
of a mosque, to which but few Europeans are ever likely
to obtain access.
The profound veneration in which the memory of 'Ali
is regarded by his followers, causes Nedjef to be the
great place of pilgrimage for the Sheah Mohammedans,
by whom the town is entirely supported. At a low
average, 80,000 persons annually flock to pay their vows
at the sacred shrine, and from 5000 to 8000 corpses are
brought every year from Persia and elsewhere to be buried
in the ground consecrated by the blood of the martyred
khalif. The dead are conveyed in boxes covered with
coarse felt, and placed two on each side upon a mule, or
one upon each side, with a ragged conductor on the top,
who smokes his kaliyun and sings cheerily as he jogs along,
quite unmindful of his charge. Every caravan travelling
from Persia to Baghdad carries numbers of coflins ; and it
is no uncommon sight, at the end of a day's march, to
see fifty or sixty piled upon each other on the ground. As
may be imagined, they are not the most agreeable com-
panions on a long journey, especially when the unruly
mule carrying them gets between the traveller and the
wind !
The fee charged by the authorities of the mosque
for burial varies from 10 to 200 tomans (£5 to £100),
and sometimes much more. It is entirely at the discre-
tioii of the mullas, and they proportion it according to
the wealth or rank of the deceased. On the arrival of a
Carriage ol Corpses.
corpse, it is left outside the walls, while the relatives or
persons in charge of it (frequently the muleteer of the
caravan) endeavour to make a bargain for its final rest-
ing-place. Several days are frequently spent in vain over
these preliminaries. At length one party or other gives
way — generally the relatives — as the corpse, after many
days' and frequently months' carriage in a powerful sun,
has disseminated disease and death among its followers,
who are glad to rid themselves of its companionship.
The place of sepulture for the lower classes, or for those
whose friends are unwilling to pay for a vault within the
sacred precincts of the mosque, is outside the walls on the
north side of the city, where the graves are neatly con-
structed with bricks, and covered with gravel or cement
to preserve them from injury. When the corpse is to be
buried withiii the walls, it is conveyed into the town.
The officers of interment then generally find some pretext
for breaking the former compact, and the unfortunate
relatives are under the necessity of striking a fresh and
much harder bargain.
The same system of official fleecing is adopted at the
adjoining city of Kerbella, where a story is told of the
manner in Avhich Hadji Mirza Aghassi, a rascally ex-
prime minister of Persia, outwitted the cuj)idity of the
hard-hearted cemetery authorities. He was known to be
enormously wealthy, and had gone to Kerbella that the
sanctity of the spot, where he proposed to lay his bones,
mio;ht in some measure atone for the crimes he had com-
mitted. On his deathbed, he sent to inquire what sum
would be demanded for a vault within the moscjlie, and
was informed that no less than 2000 tomans (£1000) was
expected from so great a man as an ex-prime-minister.
He then sent to ask the fee for a hole outside the town.
Thinking he was joking at their expense, the mullas
replied in dudgeon "a keran" (one shilling). The old
fellow at once closed the bargain, and was actually buried
in the common ground ! His tomb is marked by a simple
brick monument, which attracts much attention because
it covers the bones of a " great" scoundrel.
But to return to Nedjef. The constant influx of Persians
is vastly enriching the place, as proved by its recent en-
largement, and the rebuilding of new walls round a great
part of its circuit. To remedy the inconvenience at times
resulting from the want of good water, a new canal is in
course of construction direct from the Euphrates, which,
being excavated in solid rock to the depth of fifty feet,
will, when finished, reflect great credit on their skill
as engineers. Workmen are seen busily engaged in
building and restoring houses, and tradespeople appear
to thrive. But there is always a remarkable contrast
betAveeii tlie life and activity of a Persian and the dulness
and decay of a Turkish city. There is, however, one
point in which the better-clad Turk surpasses his Eastern
neighbour ; he always exhibits the flowing sleeve of a
clean under garment, but the Persian has no regard what-
ever for personal cleanliness, and even a royal prince sel-
dom indulges in the luxury of a change of linen.
The curiosity of the inhabitants of Nedjef was exhibited
more than is usually the case with Orientals. They col-
lected in large numbers at a respectful distance from our
tents ; some even went so far beyond their ordinary
habits, as to bring their harems to indulge in a prolonged
stare at the wonderful Ghyawr who had the audacity to
enter their mosque. The night was oppressively hot, and,
confined within the close walls, we felt it doubly so from
previously sleeping in the open desert.
The governor took every precaution against danger and
insult, by placing a strong guard around our tents — sen-
tinels being stationed at very short intervals apart. But
for this foresight, it is possible to conceive what the
audacity and fanaticism of the Shealis might have dared
and effected during the darkness of night. All, however,
pas,sed off quietly, and long before dawn the Firenghi
camp was astir. While the tents were being struck, we
were suddenly assailed by the most foul and unbear-
able stench ; several persons retched violently, all being
more or less affected. It was afterwards ascertained that
a large pile of coffins, which had stood for several days in
the fierce sun, waiting for the concluding bargain between
their owners and the authorities, had been hastily removed
on the previous day to afford space for our camp. They
were placed out of sight in an adjoining empty space,
enclosed by a high wall, but the morning breeze blowing
from that direction, unfortunately revealed that which it
was never intended should be made known to us. It was
fortunate this did not occur during the night, or we
might have been smitten with severe illness. Welcome
was the bugle sound that summoned us to mount our
steeds and ride forth once more into the pure atmosphere
of the Arab desert.
On quitting Nedjef the commissioners were, of course,
saluted by the garrison, who were drawn up outside
the gate for the purpose, and by the cannon from the
w^alls. As the red light momentarily flashed upon the
golden dome of the mosque, the effect, viewed through
the column of white smoke, was such as few artists can
paint. The dead gold mass was for the instant ilUmiined
with a colour rivalHng even that of Mont Blanc viewed
from Geneva at sunset. There was a sublimity about
the scene which did not fail to impress the minds of all
who witnessed it. As if for the sake of contrast, the sun
immediately afterwards rose, and with his rays enveloped
the mosque in a flood of dazzling brilliancy.
Kerbella — The GoYomor's Dejeuner — The "Martyr" Husseyn, and Ms
Mosque — Siege and Massacre — The " Campo Santo " at Kerbella —
Oratoiy of 'All — Magnificent Sunrise — Eastern Ladies, Mounted and
on Foot — The Ferry.
The direct road from Nedjef to Kerbella runs along tlie
skirt of the great Arabian desert, but is little frequented
on account of the danger from Bedouin plunderers — none
but large and well-armed parties daring to follow it.
Within sight on the east are the marshes of the Hindieh,
otherwise the route is entirely without water. We met
nothing, and saw nothing worthy of notice to relieve the
tedium of this desert journey, except here and there an
Arab tomb, with a few reeds stuck into the sand in lieu
of gravestones, and now and then a human skull or
the skeleton of a camel— the remains probably of some
poor wretches overcome by fatigue and thirst, whose
strength failed them before the long-coveted draught
could be attained.
The approach to Kerbella is somewhat more hvely than
that to Nedjef An abundance of date-trees surround
the town, and several buildings erected outside the walls
imply a greater amount of security from the roving tribes.
At the outskirts are several kilns, where bricks of similar
size and form to those of Babylon are made for modern
Here a reception and scene awaited us much resem-
bling that which greeted our arrival at Hillah. The
civil governor came forth to pay his respects, accom-
panied by the mullas and grandees of the mosques, in
extensive tiu'bans of the finest and cleanest white muslin,
embroidered with gold, and otherwise most picturesquely
attired. In truly Oriental style, they informed us that
their houses and all they possessed were at our disposal,
a compliment which, in common with many others, means
nothing, or, as the Osmanli would express it, " bosh." As
before, a band endeavoured to execute its best airs on the
joyful occasion, but, as every man played his own tune,
at his own time, and with all the lungs whicli nature had
endowed him with, it is totally impossible to say what
was the orioinal air. Seldom is heard such a discordant
din ; it was laughable beyond endurance. With this too
great attention, in a cloud of dust we entered the gates
of Kerbella, and dismounted at the seray, where, after
coffee and pipes, the worthy governor, who had been
previously informed of our expected arrival, announced
that he would be highly honoured by our taking break-
The tents had but just arrived, so there was little
prospect of our meal being prepared for some time. The
invitation was therefore accepted, and we were duly
ushered into an adjoining room, where, around a huge
tray, raised a foot from the ground, we sixteen hungiy
travellers sat down upon the cushioned floor. The com-
ponents of the entertainment were pillaf, a few vegetables
cooked in a variety of ways, and one small dish of meat
— all, it is true, pleasantly flavoured with lemon, but so
overwhelmed with grease, %that, unless the guests had been
hungry beyond description, they would have fared but
badly. Each dish, however, was rapidly emptied of its
contents, as hand after hand was thrust into the well-
piled heaps. The whole entertainment was concluded
with a large bowl of — not intoxicating liquors (Moham-
medan hospitahty, of course, does not admit of such
forbidden draughts) ; but — mild innocuous sherbet, into
which we dived strange-shaj^ed wooden spoons, one being
supplied to every two or three persons present. When
the satisfied guests ceased from their labom^s and looked
around upon their friends, the mutual examination was
repaid by the sight of greasy hands and well-oiled beards.
This ample feast duly fitted us for a ramble through the
town and a visit to such " lions " as Kerbella contained.
Throughout the East news flies with unaccountable
rapidity, and it is frequently impossible to trace its
origin. An instance of this occurred at Kerbella on the
occasion of our visit. Although we had travelled in the
most speedy manner from Nedjef, our proceedings at
that place had got wind, and we found the gateway of
the great mosque of Husseyn filled with a crowd of raga-
mufiins, most forbidding in appearance, armed with
clubs, sticks, and daggers to oppose our entry. At the
head of the group stood a dervish ^\ith demoniacal
expression of countenance. A tuft of shaggy hair hung
from the top of his otherwise bald head, and his felt
garment, scarcely sufticient to cover his nakedness, was
patched with divers colours, and in every direction.
With his legs astride, a dagger in one hand, and a for-
midable bludgeon over his shoulder, he looked the picture
of a rascal capable of any mischief, and ready to excite
the multitude to commit any excess. During our stay
at Kerbella, this dervish acted as a species of evil spirit,
watching our movements, and following us about from
place to place. The mullas from the interior made a
sign that we should not apjDroach. We were therefore
oblio;ed to rest contented with a distant view. Tahir
Bey dared not to force a passage ; nor would it have
been prudent to do so, as it was clear that the populace
was prepared for resistance. Although the soldiers might
have beaten off an undisciplined mob, we should not have
been justified in the attempt. Tolerably good views of
the mosques were, however, obtained from houses in their
immediate vicinity. Two or three of our Christian
attendants, favoured by some of their Mohammedan
fellows, succeeded in gaining admission to the mosque of
Husseyn ; but they were soon discovered, beaten with
sticks, stoned, and turned out along with their intro-
ducers. They might congratulate themselves in getting
off so easily. A short account of the origin of these
monuments may not be without interest to ' th^ unini-
tiated in Arab history.
On the death of 'All, the fourth khalif, according to
the Sunnis, in the fortieth year of the Hegira, his eldest
son Hassan was elected as his successor ; but, lacking the
energy and courage necessary during the civil wars that
distracted the early periods of the Moslem empire, he
shortly afterwards abdicated in favour of Moawyah, his
father's great opponent, and was murdered nine years
afterwards at the instigation, it is supposed, of Yezid, the
son of Moawyah. When Yezid succeeded his father in
the khalifat, his first aim was to secure undisputed pos-
session of power. He therefore endeavoured to extract
an oath of fealty from, or to compass the death of, Hus-
seyn, the second son of 'All, who inherited the daring
character of his father. Husseyn discovered the plot, and
escaped with his brothers and family to Mecca, where he
declared himself openly in opposition to Yezid. On
receiving overtures of assistance from the people of Kilfa,
he set out for that city with a small force ; but soon dis-
covered that the Kufites were fickle and faithless. Obeid-
'allah, the governor, acting with promptitude, sent out
strong forces to intercept Husseyn's approach, whose little
party was surrounded at Kerbella, and cut off from the
waters of the Euphrates, so that they suffered the extre-
mities of thirst. After various parleys, orders were issued
by Obeid'allah to 'Amar, in command of the khalif s forces :
— " If Husseyn and his men submit and take the oath of
allegiance, treat them kindly ; if they refuse, slay them —
ride over them — trample them under the feet of thy
horses ! " Husseyn, seeing that all hope of honourable
terms was vain, resolved to die, but to die bravely. His
little band determined to share his desperate fortunes.
A general assault was at length made upon his camp,
which, being skilfully arranged, was for a time success-
fully defended. Numbers, however, ultimately prevailed,
and Husseyn, faint from loss of blood, sank to the earth,
and was stripped ere life was fled. Thirty wounds were
counted on his body. His head was sent to Obeid'allah ;
and Shemr, who carried the order for his death, with his
troops, rode forward and backward over the body, as he
had been ordered, until it was trampled into the earth.
Seventy-two followers of Husseyn were slain, seventeen
of whom were descendants of Mohammed's only daughter,
— among them Husseyn's brother ^Abbas. The only per-
sons who escaped from this massacre were the women
and children, with 'All-ezgher, the son of Husseyn, from
whom are descended the modern " Seyids." ""'
The Persians hold the memory of Husseyn in great
veneration, entitling him Shahid, or the Martyr. He
and his lineal descendants for nine generations are en-
rolled among the twelve Imams or pontiffs of the Persian
creed. The first ten days of the month of Moharrem are
held sacred, in commemoration of the strife between
Husseyn and his enemies, and are called " 'Ashiera,"
the tenth day being kept with great solemnity as the an-
* This interesting, but cruel, episode in Moslem history is given, with
affecting details, in Washington Irving's " Lives of the Successors of Mo-
hammed," from which the above account is partially extracted.
uiversaiy of his martyrdom/'' A splendid mosque was
erected in after years on the spot where he fell, and to
which, it is said, the body of his brother Hassan was
removed. An inferior one was dedicated to 'Abb^s, their
brother, who shared the fate of Husseyn.t
The mosque of Husseyn is very similar in plan to that
of Meshed 'All, but cannot be compared with it for rich-
ness of decoration, cleanliness, or state of repair. The
dome only is gilded. One of the three minarets appears
in imminent danger of falling into the court below, the
walls of which are in a most dilapidated condition. This
state of things arises from the occupation of ttie gity by
the Turkish troops under Daoud Pasha of Baghdad.
Nedjef and Kerbella, being sanctuaries of high repute,
were resorted to by every class of ruffians and ba*d cha-
racters, the extent of whose outrages became so glaring
that it was necessary to suppress and root them out
from their places of concealment. The pasha made him-
self master of Nedjef ; but Kerbella, being thus rein-
forced by the expelled " Yerrimasis," held out during a long
siege. An approach was made to the weakest part of the
walls, where a breach was eventually effected. The sol-
* These fetes are celebrated among the Persians with theatrical represen-
tations of the scenes attendant on the death of Huss6yn, for an account of
which I may refer the reader to Lady Sheil's amusing " Glimpses of Life
and Manners in Persia," p. 125.
t At the distance of a day's gallop from Kerbella is another site of
extreme interest in the history of the Arab conquest, El Kadder, the
ancient Kddessiyya, where Sa'ad ibn 'Abd Wakkds, the founder of Ktifa,
utterly vanquished the vast Porsian host, and seized the sacred standard
of the Dardfash-1-K4wdni, the loss of which was regarded as a symbol of
the loss of power by the Persians. With the disaster at Kddessiyya the
rule of the Sassanian kings terminated, and the religion of Mohammed
spread unchecked throughout L-^n. Kddesslyya has been visited by two
Englishmen — Messrs W. B. Barker and Boulton — who met with extensive
ruins and halls. These are ornamented with a range of masks, carried
round the archivolts of the arched roofs, in the same style as at Al Hddhr
in the desert near Mosul, where they present such a remai'kable feature in
Sassanian architecture.
diers entered, and the place was given over to pillage,
when the most dreadful scenes took place. The troops
poured volleys among unoffending women and children,
and massacred the inhabitants within the very mosques.
Tahir Bey himself was an officer at this cruel siege, and
received his promotion in consequence. With his own
hand he cut do'v^Ti three of the Yerrimasis, while his men,
dragging forth seventy from among a party of women, with
whom they had taken shelter, shot them on the spot !
The marks of this celebrated siege are still visible in
various parts of the town. Opposite to the seray, the
houses demolished have never been rebuilt, but exhibit a
wretched scene of destruction. The mosques suffered
seriously, and the ravages of the cannon-balls are dis-
tinctly traceable on their domes, as well as in the walls
of the town, where the holes made have not been repaired.
The date-trees also exhibit evident marks of the injuries
received from a cross fire, which for a leng-th of time
prevented the batteries of the Turks from making the
breach. Several have holes through the centre of their
stems, others have large pieces torn from their sides ; one
still flourishes, although the branches are merely con-
nected with the stem by a narrow strip of wood on one
side ; some have never recovered the effect of theii"
wounds, but stand like stunted poles, without foliage."'
The arrangements for the disposal of the dead at Ker-
bella are on the same system as at Meshed 'Ali ; but the
numbers conveyed thither yearl}^ are considerably larger
— Kerbella being, for some reason or other, both pecu-
liarly aristocratic and popular. It is always alluded to
by the Persians in preference to Meshed 'Ali. Little
respect is shewn to the dead in committing them to th-^ir
* It was chiefly in consequence of this siege, that hostilities had almost
taken place between the Turkish and Persian Governments, as stated in the
opening chapter of this volume.
66 *' TENT " OF 'ALf.
last resting-place, a grave being dug of barely sufficient
depth to cover tbe coffin, which is hastily and unceremo-
niously covered up. Cemeteries throughout the East are
generally kept in tolerable order; but at Kerbella no
care is exhibited, the brickwork of the graves has fallen
in, and the ravages of dogs, jackals, and hyaenas may be
observed in the holes they have made, and in the foul
shreds of every hue and colour torn from the coffins and
bodies of the corpses. It might be thought that, seeing such
a disgusting sight, the thousands of pilgrims who return
to their homes would be induced to discountenance the
system of conveying the remains of their friends to this
place. Such, however, is not the case ; and the desire to
be buried on a spot rendered sacred by the blood of a
martyr, prevails over all other considerations, and a
tomb at Kerbella, or Meshed 'All, is looked on as an
expiation for the greatest crimes, and a surety that, at
the day of judgment, the pardoned sinner will rise into
the seventh heaven.'"'
This system of forming cemeteries, and com^eying the
dead for interment to some distant and sacred spot, has
prevailed from very early times among different nations.
I shall, have, ere long, to describe some remarkable ancient
cemeteries, which, from their magnitude, could never have
originated from a fixed population in the immediate
neighbourhood, unless aided by an accumulation from
many distant localities.
Outside the gates of Kerbella is a small oratory, said to
have been erected on the spot where the great 'All had a
celebrated vision in his tent, and, from that circumstance,
it is called " the tent of 'Ali." It is a dodecagon, having
six entrances, and is surrounded by a covered veranda
• These are not, however, the only sacred burial-places to which the
Persians resort. Kathemd'in near B%hddd, Sdmdra, Meshed, and Koom
are all likewise hallowed from possessing the bones of the descendants of
supported on columns. Judging from the cracks in the
building, it is not destined to stand for any great length
of time. The whitened walls were written over with
many extracts from Persian poets and modern effusions,
but the place was anything but clean. Two cunning-
looking Persian muUas received us, but objected to our
entering with our boots. Having no desire to insult theii-
prejudices we abstained from going beyond the veranda :
but the Turkish officer accompanying us took no notice of
the objection, and walked boldly in. " By 'Mi's beard !
why do you enter this clean and holy place to pol-
lute it with your unclean feet ?" said one of the guar-
dians, in angry expostulation. " My boots are quite as
clean as your filthy floor ! Look — see the dirt upon it !
AVhen you clean your floor Pll take off my boots ; but I
am not going to soil my feet to please you," was the
answer returned, to the intense disgust of the mullas.
The bazaars of Kerbella are well supplied with all
kinds of grain, and articles from every part of the world
carried thither by the pilgrims. It is celebrated for the
manufacture of filio;ree-work, and for elaborate ens-ravins:
upon the nacreous valves of the pearl oyster {avicula
margaritifera), obtained from the fisheries at Bahreyn, in
the Persian Gulf.
Travellers love to descant on the beauties of Eastern
cities ; but it is seldom that it falls to their lot to witness
such wonderful effects of light as fell under my own
observation on this short journey. Early on the morn-
ing of departure from Kerbella, I took a stroll to a little
distance from the Avails, and beheld a magnificent spec-
tacle as "the glorious orb of day" rose above the hori-
zon, and gradually lighted up the golden dome of the
great mosque. The dark and comparatively sombre green
surface of tliat which enshrines the bones of 'Abbas still
remained enveloped in a thick curtain of blue mist, until
an orange or deep red tint crept slowly over the principal
features of the edifice. This continued during the space
of at least two minutes, when the strange and fairy-like
effect was dispelled by the bright sunshine. While it
lasted, it was truly imposing and enchanting.
From Kerbella our party returned direct to Baghdad,
followino; for a considerable distance the course of a canal
derived from the Euphrates, which, on account of its
flowing to the tomb of the saint, is called Husseynlyya,
The quantity of earth deposited, and frequently thrown
out of its bed, is so great as to form an enormous line of
mound on either side. Unless attention in this reject is
paid to iriigating canals, they soon become choked with
sediment, and cease their operations. The path to Miis-
seib, being traversed by so many pilgrims and caravans
on their Avay to and from Kerbella, is completely cut up
by parallel tracks, and more beaten than any other
throughout the East. It is, however, generally considered
unsafe, and a large caravan was said to have been bodily
carried off by the Bedouins two days before we passed
along it. Fearing a like fate, some Persian ladies, with
their attendants, begged they might be permitted to take
advantage of our escort.
The custom, universally adopted by Oriental ladies, of
riding astride like a man, is certainly the most ungrace-
ful that can be conceived. Enveloped in the ample folds
of a blue cotton cloak, her face (as required by the strict
injunctions of the Koran) concealed under a black or
white mask, her feet encased in wide yellow boots, and
these in turn thrust into slippers of the same colour, her
knees nearly on a level with her chin, and her hands
holding on by the scanty mane of the mule — an Eastern
lady is the most nncouth and inelegant form imaginable.
On foot, too, her appearance is not much improved ; for
the awk\v< rd l^oots and slippers compel her to slide and
roll along in such an ungainly manner as forcibly to
remind tlie beholder of a duck waddling to a pond, or of
a bundle of clothes on short thick stilts. To complete
the picture, it must be left to those European ladies who
have had the fortune to gain admission to the privacy of
a harem, to state whether the tone and conversation of
their Mohammedan friends is more pohshed and elegant
than their external appearance ; many a fair form is
concealed beneath a rough exterior ; but, if we may judge
of the fair sex of Islam by the native Christian ladies,
I fear the answer will not be satisfactory. I remember
on one occasion seeing an Armenian beauty at a fete
presented with a choice bouquet. On receiving it, she
languidly rose from the embroidered ottoman, and then
— ^to the utmost surprise and indignation of the giver —
deliberately sat upon it !
The Euphrates at Miisseib is crossed by ferry-boats —
huge, unwieldy apparatuses, roughly built of planks over-
laid with bitumen, and each capable of containing some
dozen loaded animals, and a motley throng of human
beings, men, women, and children. A low projecting bow
acts as a landing-jetty, and the craft is guided by a rud-
der of most complicated construction, sufficiently large to
steer a vessel three times its size. Men, with poles in the
shallow water and rude oars in the stream, propel the
mass onwards ; and thus, after an infinity of shouting,
and screamino;, and invocations of 'All, the boat reaches
the opposite shore. A throng of ragged pilgrims, on
their return from Kerbella, had just preceded our party,
and were squabbling who should first enter one of these
Noah's arks, when our cavasses — with the usual prompti-
tude and small sense of justice which these officers possess
in so pecuhar a manner — rushed into the crowd, and, by
dint of tongue and stick, fighting their way through it,
seized the beleaguered boat for our especial use. Ex-
eluded from it, the struggle for supremacy was trans-
ferred to the craft alongside, and the usual scene at
a ferry occurred. Every would-be passenger endea-
vours to obtain a footing for himself and his animal,
whether horse, mule, or — still more useful "friend of
man" — the donkey, whose slit nostrils and raw hide
prove that his services are scarcely appreciated as they
ought to be. Footing once secured, the difficulty is, how
to induce the frightened animals to raise their other three
feet from terra firma into the same position, but caresses
and hard thumps, kicks and curses, usually effect the
desired object. When the boat is crammed so full that
no restless animal can stir, the boat is shoved off, and the
living mass takes its chance of floating or sinking, "as
Allah wills it" — the gunwale within an inch or two of the
water-level. The animals of our party, however, usually
crossed the river in the more expeditious and primitive
manner represented in the Assyrian bas-reliefs. The
common herd was driven into the water, and compelled
to swim the stream, but grooms led the more valuable
horses by their halters into the river, and swam across
with them, urging the unwdlling with barbarous grunts,
such as can only proceed from an Arab mouth. The pads,
saddles, and bridles were passed over with the baggage
in the boats. All crossed safely to the opposite side.
Miisseib is a miserable but busy place, supported
entirely by the traffic to and from Kerbella. Large
quantities of grain from the land adjoining the Euphrates
were being thrashed, and a number of women were em-
ployed in grinding it with the ordinary stone hand-mill
of the country. Nearer to the river, men were mending
kiifahs — those round boats described by Herodotus as
used in his time upon the rivers of Babylonia, — made
of reeds, coated inside and out Avith melted bitumen,
derived from the springs of Hit, higher up the Euphrates.
Others were employed in making baskets from the stems
of the liquorice-plant [Glycyrrhiza glabra), which they
adeptly twisted together. Above the village, on the
eastern side, a sud or dam of earth had been recently
constructed at a point where the river had, during the
season of flood, burst upon the land, and swept all before
it as far as the ruins of Babylon. At a few miles from
Miisseib we rejoined the road previously traversed be-
tween Baghdad and Hillah, and reached the former place
without new adventure.
Climate of Chaldaea — Christmas in BdghdSd — Departure for the South
— Mubarek's Misadventure — The Kyaya of Hillah — ^Bashi-Bazuks.
Further political questions detained the coniniisj^ioners
at Baghdad until the end of December, when the decree
was issued for our proceeding to the frontier. It was
arranged that the H.E.LC/s armed steamer, Nitocris,
under the command of Captain Fehx Jones, whose inti-
mate knowledge of the country and amiable disposition
are so well known to travellers in that remote region of
the globe, should convey the whole party to Mohammerah,
the southern point of the disputed boundary line. The
mules, horses, and servants were to proceed by land,
guarded by the troop of cavalry appointed by the
Turkish Government as its due portion of an escort to
accompany the commissioners during the progress of
their labours. It was proposed that this party should
travel by the direct route through Lower Mesopotamia,
instead of the more beaten track along the western side
of the Euphrates. As the route by the Jezlreh'"" had
been scarcely visited by Europeans, I naturally felt a
strong desire to take advantage of the opportunity now
afforded of breaking new ground. I was influenced by a
twofold object : that of examining the geology of the
Chaldsean marshes, and that of exploring the ruins of
• Jezireh means " island," and, although a misnomer, is aj^plied to the
whole of Mesopotamia between the two rivers Tigris and Euphrates.
Warka, to which native tradition assigns the honour of
being the birthplace of the patriarch Abraham. Colonel
Williams, ever ready to afford facilities to scientific enter-
prise, not only granted a willing consent to my proposal
to join the overland party, but also suggested that Mr
Churchill should accompany me.
In order that some idea may be formed of the difficul-
ties and dangers attending a journey into Lower Baby-
lonia or Chaldsea Proper, I may here mention, that,
during spring and summer, when the Hindieh branch
of the Euphrates is closed, the greater part of the country,
from above lat. 32°, is a continuous marsh towards the
south, quite impassable except in canoes called ter-
radas. In these the natives are enabled to keep up com-
munication among themselves on the spots of elevated
land which raise their heads above ihe surrounding
swamps. The heat, however, prevents the approach of
travellers. In autumn these inundations rapidly subside,
but the resultant malaria is so great as to deter any
European from invading this terra (if it can be so caUed)
incognita. The only season of the year, therefore, which
frees Chaldsea from water and fever is the winter, when the
air becomes rarified. The great alternations in tempera-
ture which here take place are scarcely to be credited.
No sooner does the ardent heat of summer abate, than
cool breezes begin to blow, and the thermometer quickly
falls below the freezing point. This is due to the fact
that the soil of the marshes is a comparatively recent
deposit from the retiring sea of the Persian Gulf, and is
therefore highly impregnated with marine salts, across
which the wind in its passage is rendered intensely cold.
T have myself seen the Arabs, completely benumbed, drop
from their saddles. But during winter another obstacle
opposes progress. A very large portion of the country,
which was a few months previously covered with inunda-
tion, is now waterless, sometimes for two or three days'
journey. The Arab tribes, too, are perfectly wild and
uncontrolled, regarding strangers among them with in-
finite suspicion.
Under such unpromising circumstances, it is not at
all surprising that this region has been so little visited,
and that so many monuments of its past history still
remain to be explored. In no other part of Babylonia is
there such astonishing proof of ancient civilization and
denseness of population. Some lofty pile is generally
visible to mark the site of a once-important city ; while
numerous little spots, covered with broken potte«"y, point
to the former existence of villages and of a rural popula-
tion. Traces of old canal-beds prove the care with which
the whole country was watered when the marshes were
confined within proper limits, and the land of the Chaldees
Christmas-day was spent in great festivity at the hos-
pitable and well-ordered board of the British Eesidency,
where all the Europeans at Baghdad met, as customary,
to celebrate our great Christian festival. On the. second
morning afterwards, a gathering took place outside the
gates of the city, at the little bridge over the Mess'iidi
canal, preparatory to our long journey. The caravan was
of considerable size, being composed of the servants and
animals belonging to the four commissions — the whole
escorted by four light guns, and one hundred well-
mounted, well-armed Turkish cavalry. The little red
and white pennants attached to the lances of the soldiers
imparted a gay and lively appearance to the cavalcade as
it moved along.
We pursued the road previously travelled to Hillah,
which place we reached in a heavy shower of rain on the
third day. Here an accident happened, which was near
proving fatal to a wild Dhefyr Arab, named Miibarek,
whom I had taken into my service, at the suggestion of
Captain Jones, for the purpose of protecting my little
party in case of any temporary separation from the main
body during my researches. I was unwilling to be entirely
dependent on the troops for guidance and safe-conduct,
and it is always advisable, on entering an unknown
region, to secure the protection of a native, or one well
acquainted with the people amongst whom the traveller
has to pass. The Dhefyr Arabs belong to the true
Bedouin tribes, and roam from the western shores of the
Persian Gulf, along the banks of the Lower Euphrates,
far into the deserts of Arabia. They bear the character
of being more cruel and bloodthirsty than the generality
of Bedouins ; but they claim a species of freemasomy
among other tribes — any ragamuffin among them enjoy-
ing the privilege of protection in an extraordinary way.
In the present instance, however, the Dhefyr proved to
be rather an embarrassment than a gain to my party ; for
his depredations had so frequently been extended into the
marshes on the east of the Euphrates, that there w^as no
good feeling manifested towards him. Of this, however,
I was not aware at the time of engaging him. Miibarek
was not one of the brightest nor most prepossessing of
Arabs. He was little in stature, ugly in couiitenance,
dirty in person, and his abba and kejffieh were both in the
last stage of decay. He brought with him another of his
tribe — a half-witted fellow, named Mayiif, whose drolleries
served to amuse the tedium of the barren, cheerless
desert. Just before reaching the point at which the road
turns through the gardens towards the bridge, Miibarek's
horse, a spirited little animal, with only a halter on his
head, took fright, leaped a wall, and tore away at a
furious pace among the thickly-planted date-trees. The
Arab, of course, had no control over his steed, and ran
the chance of getting his brains dashed out by coming
in contact with a tree. The horse rushed onwards
nothing daunted by the labyrinth he had to tliread, until
his feet becoming entangled in the work of some cotton-
spinners, he threw his rider with great violence. The
poor fellow lay senseless, with the blood streaming from
his mouth and nostrils, when an Arab bystander hastened
to bring him round in the most approved native manner.
Eaising the injured man in his arms, he shook him
exactly as a farmer shakes a sack of wheat to settle down
the grain ! By so doing, it was supposed that the blood
would be expelled from the head into its right place.
After several repetitions of the operation, the, patient
opened his eyes, gave a deep exclamation of "Allah!
Allah !" picked up his spear, and then, apparently little
the worse for his accident, staggered after his truant and
unmanageable steed.
On gaining the western side of the bridge, we learned
that the Tui^kish officers of Dervish Pasha's suite had
kindly exerted themselves in obtaining quarters for my-
self and companion at the house of Sheblb 'Agha, the
Kyaya of Hillah, a venerable gentleman with long flow-
ing beard of the purest white, whose visible family con-
sisted of his brother — a fac-simile of himself — and three
sons, varying from nine to twelve years of age. The
boys, all handsome little fellows, standing with the ser-
vants in the presence of their father and his guests, pre-
sented us with coffee and the usual accompaniments on
our arrival. Our kind host insisted on supplying our-
selves, servants, and animals, with food and provender
during our stay in Hillah. Anxious to obtain as much
information as possible on the subject of our journey, I
inquired concerning our line of route, and ascertained
that he had visited Niffar, one of the great ruins in
the centre of the Jezlreh. I therefore asked if he had
seen the stone obelisk which is said to lie near the mound.
SHEBfB 'aGHA. 77
Shebib 'Agba stroked his beard, considered for a moment,
and then replied, that — " By Allah ! he did not remember
to have seen any such stone ; but the Arabs tell a story
that sometimes they see a boat jutting out of the ruins,
which shines like gold, with a flame of fire proceeding
from its centre ; but, Mashallah ! the Arabs are so alarmed
at the sight, they dare not approach ! " He could, of
course, give no further information concerning this won-
derful apparition.
The rain continuing to fall in torrents during the greater
part of the day, we were confined to the house. In the
interval three Jews called on the kyaya, and entered
into a long but animated discussion with him on the
subject of an overcharge of taxes. One of the Israehtes
was a voluble and accomplished orator, rolling forth the
Arabic gutturals with all the roundness and fluency of a
true son of the desert. He certainly made use of his
talents to the utmost, but whether with or without effect
on the purse-strings of the kyaya, I cannot say, because
I quitted the house before his oration was concluded. I
may here notice a fact, which must infallibly occur to
the observation of travellers. When two Englishmen
meet, the "weather" is generally the introduction to
other topics of conversation, but is soon forgotten in the
interest of other subjects. Throughout the East, how-
ever, " money" is the all-absorbing theme. Money begins
and ends a conversation. The word " piastre," " keran,"
or "fluce," invariably occurs within the first few sen-
tences, and as invariably ends the debate ! Frequently,
after a lengthened discussion on the subject, a little dirty
bag is produced from the inner folds of the dress, and
two or three small coins are counted out with the greatest
I was now informed, to my great disappointment and
vexation, that the troops had received counter-orders,
and were to proceed by the ordinary road from Hillah
by the west of the Euphrates. Thus all my plans and
arrangements appeared in a fair way of being frustrated.
I was not, however, disposed to resign them without an
effort, and therefore set out mth my companion to con-
sult with our good friend Tahir Bey, who fortunately
happened to be in the town. He was as frank and
hearty as ever, but strongly endeavoured to dissuade me
from my intention. He represented truly the kind of
country we should have to traverse : the great inunda-
tions, and the wild character of the native Arabs, likely
to rebel against the government at any m^me^t. See-
ing, however, that his representations did not alter my
determination, he recommended me to take a few Bashi
B^ziiks, or irregular horsemen. On my assenting to this,
he immediately issued his orders, and, moreover, volun-
teered to furnish me with letters to certain sheikhs,
through whose tribes we should have to pass. I felt
highly pleased at the promptitude he shewed in meeting
my wishes, and took leave, anticipating the delightful
prospect before me of entering on ground hitherto un-
trodden by Eiu'opean foot.
It was arranged that the bulk of our animals should
proceed with the troops under the charge of a cawas,
the mir-i-akhor (master of the horse), and the greater
number of servants, while a small proportion was set
apart as our own especial convoy.
At sunset, we sat do^vn to an Arab dinner provided
by our host. After much entreaty the old gentleman
consented to sit with, instead of waiting upon us. We had
already discussed one greasy dish, and were waiting for
another, when my servant unfortunately placed wine
upon the table. Sheblb Agha, like a good Mussulman,
jumped up as if shot through the heart ; nor could all our
entreaties, nor even the removal of the alarming bottle of
forbidden liquid, prevail on liim to resume his seat at the
board. He had sat with Grhyawr who drank wine ; they
were not therefore fitting companions for one of the
faithful !
The continued rain during the night delayed the ap-
pearance of our future escort, which did not shew itself
till the sun shone forth late the following morning, Avhen
eight well-mounted Bashi Bazuks, with two drummers,
mustered before the door of Shebib 'Agha's house. There
is something irresistibly absurd to the European traveller
for the first time riding out of a town preceded by his
guard and a couple of fellows beating a monotonous
sound out of a pair of bad kettle-drums. It was with
some difficulty, under such circumstances, that we could
compose our risible faculties so as to act our parts with
due and proper decorum, while the shopkeepers and
passengers in the bazaars stood in respectful attitudes
and received the salutes to which they were entitled. I
was not sorry, when, outside the date-groves, the musi-
cians announced their intention of returning into town.
On the receipt of a small " bakhshish," they hastened to
the bosom of their families, while we made for the heart
of the desert.
From Hillah into the Desert — Sand-drifts — Bridge-building — ^The Surly-
Sheikh, and his Black Slave — Coffee-making — Rhubarb and Blue
Pm— New Year 1850.
Directing our course towards the ruins of Niffar, our
first two days' journey was, for the most part, across
a level and sandy desert, intersected by an infinity
of ancient water-courses, whose streams had centuries
back ceased to flow, their very existence being sometimes
only faintly indicated by the darker colour of the soil,
arising from the salts contained in it. Now and then a
low mound or a few fragments of pottery, bricks, and
glass, assisted us to beguile the time by speculations and
discussions on the former inhabitants of the land, and
in making comparisons between the past and present.
Like Paley's watch on the heath, what reflections may not
a fragment of pottery stir up ! In this manner, and in
taking careful notes and observations of the route, the hours
passed rapidly, and we fully enjoyed the novelty of the
scene before us in that deserted and barren plain — for
so it may be called, because the inhabited and cultivated
spots are so few and far between, in comparison with the
wide expanse of rich land uninhabited and uncultivated,
throughout Mesopotamia. Independently, however, of
the strange associations called forth by bricks and pot-
tery, the journey was delightful, from the very uncer-
tainty attending its course, from the excitement of
knowing that an unexplored region lay before us, and
from the enjoyment of the pure freshness of the desert
air after the recent rain. Even the scanty Arab tents —
although presenting the usual scene of squalid filth, and
(as one is disposed to conceive) consequent misery — had
some variety in their character and disposition. Deter-
mined on being pleased with anything, it would have
been a sad pity if we had been disappointed.
The only point worthy of notice during the first day's
journey was a remarkable range of low sandhills, which
alter their form according to the direction of the wind.
It has been conceived that their presence is due to springs
of water below the surface ; but Mr Layard offers another
explanation. During his journey in 1850-51, across this
region, he mentions having passed two or three places
where the sand, issuing from the earth like water, is
called " Aioun-er-rummel," sand-springs.^" I observed no
such phenomenon ; but consider these hills as the van-
guard of those vast drifts which, advancing from the
south-east, threaten eventually to overwhelm Babylon
and Baghdad. Further in the interior, these drifts are
largely developed, and spread over large tracts of country
not occupied by the marshes. They are temporarily
arrested at this particular locality by the decayed stumps
of numerous tamarisk bushes, that project and appear
to be the nuclei around which the drifts accumulate.
The advancing and destructive progress of the sand is
seen at the little hamlet of Bashiyya, about five miles
farther. The square walls of an enclosure gave shelter
and security to a few families, who supplied us, during
our first night's encampment, mth fowls and milk — the
usual luxuries of Arab life. A large grove of date-trees,
also surrounded by walls, flourished along the bank of an
old canal-bed, and shaded an old Arab tomb. The term
• " Nineveh and Babylon," p. 546.
" khithr " (verdure) is peculiarly appropriate to spots
where a patch of green, or even a single tree, relieves
the dull monotony and continued glare of a desert soil —
and it is therefore frequently applied to these oases.
On subsequently visiting Bashiyya, in January 1854, a
great change had come over it ; the sands, drifting from
the south-east, had produced a desolation as imposing as
that of Nineveh or Babylon. Its inhabitants were gone,
the walls were barely visible above mounds of sand,
the canal courses were utterly extinguished, and the
date-trees rapidly dying from the lack of necessary
The invasion of this drift-sand is also observable at
Niliyya,'"" about nine miles east from Bashiyya. This
Mohammedan Ruins at Nflfyya
famous Arab city is mentioned by 'Abiil-Fedah as existing
in his time upon the great canal of Nil, from which it
• Duringmy journey in 1854, through the Jezlreh, in charge of the expe-
dition sent out under the auspices of the Assyrian Excavation Society, I
visited these ruins in company with Messrs Lyncli and Boutchcr. They
were of great size, but so concealed under the sand-drifts that it was im-
possible to ascertain their full extent. The principal buildings remaining,
are a few fragments of an old mosque, and some piers of a bridge over the
took its name. In 1848, the sand began to accumulate
around it, and in six years the desert, within a radius of
six miles, was covered with little undulating domes, while
the ruins of the city were so buried that it is now impos-
sible to trace their original form or extent. This feature
is to be expected in a low flat country, recently (in a geo-
logical point of view) reclaimed from the sea, as we know
to have been the case with Chaldaea.
For the next few days, pointed or domed buildings,
erected over the bones of some imam (holy man, or
influential chief), served at intervals for marks to guide
our path, being of infinite value to the traveller in these
deserts. They indicate Hkewise that a much larger popu-
lation obtained in comparatively modern times. During
two days' journey from Hillah, several of these white
tombs dot the horizon, and are known by the name of
the saint buried at each, such as Imam Khithr, Imam
The son of the sheikh at Bashlyya undertook to guide
the party to the tents of Sheikh Mulla 'All, to whom we
carried letters from Tahir Bey. A vast inundation from
the Shumeli Canal, derived from the Euphrates, obliged
us to make a considerable detour before reaching the
bridge by which all traflic is carried on. It proved to be
a single date log thrown across the stream ; but it
afibrded such a precarious footing, that the first mule
bed of the Nil, which passed through the centre of the city. There was no
appearance of any relics earlier than the Mohammedan era ; if such exist,
they are buried under the more modern debris. Seen from Niliyya are the
following mounds : —
Zibbar, four miles distant, bearing
El Bershieh,
■ni Tri -o r , J two ruuied buudmgs,
El Khitheriat, ) ^ ' . . . .
Habil-i-Sakr, a large ruin of black stone, said to be six or
seven hours from Bdgdddieh, on the Tigris. ... 41
on attempting to cross slipped and fell sideways on the
bank. The cook's stores, onions and lemons, pots and
kettles, were seen floating in joint fellowship down the
canal. My people and the Bashi Bazuks endeavoured to
raise the prostrate beast, but to no purpose. A few
Arabs from the adjoining tents gathered round, but
shewed no disposition to assist, until the soldiers had
recourse to their whips, and thus secured a few volunteers.
The mule raised, they were next set to repair their own
bridge, which otherwise would have been allowed to rot.
Several labourers returning from the plough were also
gently pressed into the service. In a quarter of an hour
the bridge was completed, by laying a second date log
parallel with the first — a quantity of camel's thorn being
then thrown down as a foundation, and loose earth placed
on the top.
When all were safely across, we soon reached the large
encampment of MuUa 'All, whose great black tents spread
along the bank of the canal. Our arrival was the signal
for the gathering of a crowd, and we were regarded
somewhat in the light of monkeys or dancing dogs in a
rural English village. The amazement and curiosity of
the Arab community was great while they paived the
strange garments of the Firenghis, and expressed odd
notions concernins; their make and fabric. The little
naked children seemed to partake of the general excite-
ment. After a steady survey of a few seconds, the youth-
ful fry, with their stomachs swelled to deformity from
eating rice, and their mouths besmeared with dates,
scampered off to relate their impressions to their mothers,
who» afraid of the evil eye, scrutinized our persons and
movements from behind the recesses of their tents.
Having a long journey before us, we did not dismount :
in fact, it was useless to do so ; the sheikh being a very
old man, and on the point of death. I therefore merely
SHEIKH SAID's tent. 85
requested that a guide might accompany us to the next
encampment on the road to NifFar. In due time four
Arabs were added to the party, and we travelled onwards
to the camp of Sheikh Said. In the east, at the distance
of about ten miles, a great mass of unbaked brickwork,
the ancient mound of Zibliyya/"' shone brightly against
the setting sun.
Darkness overtook the party before arriving at the
camp of the sheikh, conveniently situated near the tomb
of an imam, on the verge of the great AfFej marshes. The
sheikh himself, a tall, stout, short-necked bull of a fellow,
with a decided enlargement of one eye, which gave a very
sinister expression to his countenance, advanced to the
entrance of his tent to bid us welcome, and invited us to
take a seat at his fire while our own tents were being
pitched. We were accordingly ushered in. Two exceed-
ingly greasy pillows of striped silk were placed on an
equally dirty fragment of Turkey carpet, and we were
duly installed into the seats of honour. As we entered,
fresh fuel was added to the blazing fire upon the ground,
producing a smoke so dense, that our eyes, not having
served an apprenticeship in such an atmosphere, were
completely blinded, and we remained for some time in
utter ignorance of the sort of den we were in. When at
length my vision had in some measure overcome the pun-
gency of the smoke and penetrated through its density,
I discovered that w^e sat under a huge black goats'-hair
tent, sixty feet long and twenty feet broad, supported in
the centre by poles fourteen feet high. The sides were
all pegged closely to the ground, so that the only means
* I likewise visited Zibliyya in 1854. It appears to be an edifice, measur-
ing forty-four paces square at the base, and fifty feet high, raised upon a
low mound of similar construction. From the relics discovered around, it
probably belongs to the Parthian era. Mr Layard visited Zibliyya in 1851,
— the year following the journey above described, — and it is mentioned at
l)age 569 of his " Nineveh and Babylon."
of exit for the smoke were througli tlie entrance and the
wide meshes of the tent itself. Rather less than one-
third of the space was partitioned off by a screen of the
same black stuff. This was the private apartment of the
sheikh and his family, although I could perceive no bright
eyes of Araby maids peering at us from behind it. As
soon as our seats were taken, numerous dusky forms
stalked in, made a haughty salaam, and took their several
places in silence on the ground around the fire. It was
impossible to resist a smile as we surveyed the group and
observed ourselves to be the focus of their attraction. A
hundred black eyes, with every expression from utter
astonishment to utter rascality, stared at us uninter-
ruptedly, from fifty heads, stretched forward from the
bodies to which they severally belonged, the better to
examine our strange physiognomies and still stranger
garments. Each soon began to make personal remarks
in a whisper to his neighbour, or expressed them openly
for the benefit of the assembled divan. Never had I
before seen such a levee of savages — villany, deceit, and
crime appeared to be the distinguishing characteristics of
their features. This is the result of oppression. How
different were these Madan Arabs from the free and
noble Bedouin, who treats the Turkish pasha as an
equal !
My first visit to a large Arab tent prepossessed me in
favour neither of Arab cleanliness nor of Arab hospitality,
as the event will shew. In due time there appeared a
nearly naked black slave, with legs and arms so lengthy
and disproportioned that he might have been a resusci-
tated figure from the temples of Rameses or Amenophis !
Stalking up to the fire, he commenced the important
operation of preparing coffee. He first arranged in line a
series of coffee-pots, of every size from the great grand-
father of coffee-pots, black with age and fire, to the
infant coffee-pot just made, and bright from the hands of
the tinman. Then came the j^f^^ter-familias — a huge old
fellow, wrapped up in the most careful manner in an old
piece of abba stuff. As the kawaji unwound the nume-
rous dirty folds, I was at a loss to conceive the meaning
of all this care, but it eventually proved that pater-
familias was the receptacle into which were collected the
dregs and leavings of all the great coffee drinkings of the
Kerbiil tribe from time immemorial. This was placed
on the fire, and the operator, in the most theatrical
manner, then bared his arms and legs, tucked his abba
under him, and commenced the scientific process of roast-
ing and pounding. A large iron utensil, having some
relationship to a gigantic spoon on three legs, was next
produced, and also put upon the fire. The negro then
thrust his hand into some inscrutable corner of his robe
and drew forth a small bag, from which he extracted
two handfuls of coffee-berries, looking round at the same
time, as much as to say, " You observe they're genuine
Mocha!" These he threw into the capacious spoon, and
continually turned them over with a flat shovel until the
aromatic flavour, permeating through the tent to the olfac-
tories of every person present, pronounced them to be
duly roasted. Then the berries were pounded in a wooden
mortar with a copper pestle — and here it was that the
negro exhibited his skill, as he rang out various notes in
the most scientific and artistic manner from the rude
instruments on which he performed. When sufiiciently
pulverized, the coffee was confided to the gTcat grand-
father of pots, and a quantity of the delectable fluid
above mentioned was poured upon it. Then all the
family of coffee-pots took their turn at boiling it until
the infant in his juvenile brightness had performed his
part, and the negro skeleton advanced to present a cup
of the beverage for my consideration.
The behaviour of the sheikh was, however, so extraor-
dinary during all the above process, that it was evident
we were not welcome guests. From the time of our arrival,
he kept giving a continued succession of orders to his ser-
vants, in an unpleasant manner and flustering voice, turning
his back most uncivilly upon his guests, and scarcely deign-
ing to answer the few questions which were addressed to
him. In order to shew we were aware of his incivility,
and also offended by it, we rose when the coffee was handed,
took a haughty leave of the astonished sheikh, and retired
to our tents, which were by that time ready for our recep-
tion. This movement had the desired effect. ^Ve had
scarcely reached our tents when, as anticipated, the sheikh
followed. He was received very coldly, and scarcely
received a reply to his oft-repeated question — " Wallah !
Beg, what is the matter '? " At last he added, " I hope
you are not offended. I should not have treated you so
ill, but I did not understand who you were ! " He then
begged us to forget what had occurred, and to take
coffee with him, which was brought before he received a
reply. Having reduced the uncivil fellow to reason, it
was unnecessary to take further notice of the intentional
insult we had received. I therefore accepted his coffee ;
after which he became communicative, and endeavoured
to make himself agreeable.
He was not long in asking if either of us were an
hekim, or doctor, and if we possessed any medicine. His
gross body had an enormous boil on an indescribable
portion of his carcass, for which he required some remedy,
and begged so energetically, that I at length agreed to give
him a blue pill and a dose of rhubarb, but I quite forgot
to see him swallow the former. Most jDrobably it was
wrapped in a dirty rag, and laid aside among his treasures
until some of his friends might be ill, when, whether the
malady were fever or cholera, a spear wound or dysentery,
the sheikh would produce his supposed talisman for all
ills, and, possibly, kill his patient.
As to our visiting NifFar, he recommended our going
forward to the next encampment of the Affej tribe, which
was nearer to the ruins ; but, as I was desirous of spending
New Year's day on the mounds, I endeavoured to persuade
him to furnish us with guides. After presenting various
obstacles, he at length agreed that his son and four horse-
men should accompany us. There was no further cause,
for the night at least, to complain of incivility or Avant of
attention. Ourselves, servants, and animals were supplied
with every requisite which an Arab camp can furnish.
The New Year of 1850 was ushered in with a fog
so dense that the sheikh again endeavoured to dissuade
us from our purpose, but, being determined on the sub-
ject, we started as arranged overnight. We rode for about
an hour, while the sheikh's son continually urged me to
give up my visit till another opportunity, and I began to
suspect that he never intended we should reach Niffar.
I was at length confirmed in this view by discovering oui
own tracks on the ground, and that we had been led
a complete circuit round Sheikh Said's camp ! I was
naturally highly incensed at this conduct, and, on the
guides declaring it impossible to reach the ruins and return
before dark, I required them to conduct me to Shkyer,
the abode of a sheikh of that name, brother of Aggab,
chief of the Affej. I had afterwards reason to know that
Sheikh Said was at feud with the tribes between his camp
and Niffar : hence his great unwillingness to aid us in
visitinsf the ruins. On reachino; within half a mile of
Shkyer, our guides left us to introduce ourselves to the
amphibious inhabitants of the Affej marshes.
Hitherto our journey had been through the districts of
the Zobeid Arabs and their tributaries. Their chief, who
farmed the revenues for the pasha, boasted of a Turkish
title to his name, and was called the Wadi Bey. In con-
sequence, however, of his oppressive conduct and extor-
tionate demands, the tribes over whom he ruled — for they
included others besides the Zobeid — were continually in
rebellion. They complained, and with justice, that the
Wadi robbed them and debauched their families, leaving
neither food nor honour for themselves. In making
known their complaints to the pasha, they exclaimed,
"Send soldiers, slay us, cut off our heads, we will not
obey him any longer." In consequence of these com-
plaints, the Wadi Bey had recently been deposed by Abdi
Pasha, and was then in prison at Miisseib to' answer the
charges brought against him. It was generally under-
stood that the pasha intended taking the government of
the tribes into his own hands — an arrangement which
appeared to be perfectly satisfactory to the iU-used Arabs.
Great jealousy and mistrust reigned, however, among the
various neighbouring tribes during the interregnum, and
it was on this account that the son of Sheikh Said refused
to accompany us into the village of Shkyer. Before reach-
ing it, we exjDerienced the awkwardness of travelling
among marshes. Our animals were slipping and sliding
about, out of one buffalo track into another, and had the
greatest difficulty in keeping on their feet. An hour's
scrambling in this way at length brought us to the village,
where we were honourably and hospitably received by
the aged Sheikh Shkyer and his numerous sons.
Tlie Mighty Marsh — The Reed-Palace — Shooting-Match — Niffar —
Theory on the Chaldaeans — Probable Ethiopic Origin — Niffiir the
Primitive Calneh, and Probable Site of the Tower of Babel — Beni
Eechab, the Rechabites of Scripture.
We had now reached the commencement of those
immense marshes which extend almost uninterruptedly
to the Persian Gulf, and which, as I have previously said,
cause the country under their influence to be a complete
terra incog^iita. The swamps occupied by the Affej
Arabs stretch, during the low season, from the Euphrates
on the west, into the very heart of the Jezireh, and in
some places even join those of the Tigris. It is impos-
sible to state their area ; but it is calculated that they
support a population of 3000 families, who pay an annual
tribute of 100,000 piastres (above £900) to the Pasha of
Baghdad. Abdi Pasha, however, thinking they were able
to bear a considerable increase of taxation, proposed to
double the above sum for the following year. The Affej
were in no small state of fermentation and alarm — com-
plaining bitterly of the treatment they had at various
times received from the authorities of Baghdad. Nedjib
Pasha had thrice blown their fragile towns about their
ears with cannon. These consist entirely of reed huts,
the reeds being tied in large bundles, and neatly arched
overhead. This primitive construction is covered exter-
nally with thick matting, impervious to rain. The riches
of the AfFej are indicated by rows of huge reed cylin-
drical baskets, containing the grain upon which they
subsist. Rice is produced in great abundance along the
edges of the marsh ; but the whole of their fields were,
at the season of our visit and for a third of the year,
entirely under water. Communication is kept up, as on
the marshes of the Hindieh, by means of long, sharp,
pointed terradas, constructed of teak, and measuring
twelve or fourteen feet long, by a yard in width. The
AfFej tribe is divided into two nearly equal parts, governed
by two brothers, Aggab and Shkyer — the former being
the accredited head of the whole. " ,
We were conducted to the muthif, or reception-hut of
the chief, which resembled the other habitations of the
place, but was of gigantic size, forty feet long, and eighteen
feet high. It boasted the almost fabulous ao-e for a reed
building (if the Arabs might be credited) of no less than
half a century, and appeared likely to last as lo7ig again,
but its interior was black with soot and smoke from the
fire which invariably burned under the arch, and had no
means of exit but the entrance facing the marsh. After
sitting a short time in this primitive palace, the sheikh
himself, an old man of seventy on crutches, came to wel-
come us ; three of his sons having, in the interim, done
the honours of hospitality. The manly and open counte-
nances of the AfFej are remarkably striking, and differ so
much from those of the Zobeid that they are at once pi'o-
nounced to be of another orioin. Their rich scarlet dresses
— for the AfFej are great dandies — and brightly stri^Ded
kefFiehs produced a remarkably brilliant and gay scene as
they sat with their backs against the sides of the long
milthif. The manners of the AfFej are much more prepos-
sessing and polished than the other tribes of the Jezireh.
In approaching the reed town, along the edge of the
marsh, my companion had dismounted to shoot a fran-
colin, and his fame as a flying-sliot spread far and near.
Sucli a prodigy had never before been seen among the
AfFej marshes. The double-barrelled gun was handed
round the miithif, and examined amid exclamations of
surprise and delight ; but the percussion caps were a
complete puzzle to the whole assemblage. The springs of
the powder-flask and shot-belt were equally a source of
astonishment. A shooting-match was proposed ; and
shortly afterwards, Churchill and Mohammed, the sheikh's
eldest son, were skimming about on the marsh in a narrow
terrada, the depth of the water generally not exceeding
three feet. The Eno;lishman fired six times to the Arab's
once, amidst rounds of applause and loud clapping of
hands. The powder and shot of the latter were separately
weighed in a rude scale, from one end of which was sus-
pended a piece of lead, and from the other a hollow reed
closed at one extremity ; the process of loading his heavy
unwieldy gun was therefore long and tedious ; and the
result of his day's sport anything but satisfactory to his
self-esteem. The wondrous performance of my fellow-
traveller spread far and near ; and, four years afterwards,
they reminded me of the manner in which he brought
down the flying birds. The shooting-match is a subject
of conversation to this day.
In the course of the day our guide, Miibarek, who, it
will be remembered, was engaged to conduct us and
secure our safety during the journey, was recognized by
the Arabs couching in a dark corner of one of the tents,
as a Bedouin thief, notorious for stealing by night. His
tribe, too, was at blood-feud with the Affej. Had it not
been that he was attached to my party, his life would
have paid the penalty of his temerity in venturing among
his enemies. Well knowing this, he did not therefore
dare to shew his face outside the tent all the time of my
stay at Shkyer.
It is altogether beyond the comprehension of an Arab
that a person should travel several days for the mere
purpose of gratifying his curiosity by the sight of an
ancient mound — they are always under the impression
that a search for treasure is the true but concealed object ;
and it is next to an utter impossibility to shake this
From some cause or other, the ruins of Niffar appear
to be an object of peculiar dread to the Arabs ; the
inhabitants of Shkyer exhibited the same disinclina-
tion to accompany us as Sheikh Said's people had pre-
viously done. Before quitting Baghdad, I had been
warned that difficulties of every kind would be thrown
in my way, and that I should be very fortunate in suc-
ceeding. After a long conversation to no purpose, I
declared my determination to set out for Niffar alone, if
the sheikh would not oblige me by sending a guide. It
was thereon arranged that his second son, Bulath, and
a few horsemen of the tribe, should be ready at day-
We were up betimes on the following morning, but
the promised escort was by no means ready. It was then
for the first time explained that the whole tribe could not
muster more than three horses — buffaloes they had in
plenty, but they were not available for such a ride as was
before us. It was therefore necessary to accommodate
them with our own animals ; and at length, after consi-
derable delay, the party started from the village. The
expedition consisted of ourselves, young Sheikh Billath,
two servants, six Bashi Baziiks, and six Arabs. The
road being, as a matter of course, pronounced insecure,
we were armed to the teeth, and might easily have been
mistaken for a plundering party, instead of antiquarians
on our way to visit an old ruined city. Once free from
the mud and water of the marshes, we hastened over the
plain at a merry rate, in order to liave time at the mounds.
We were assured that the way was long, and truly so we
found it. In order to avoid the marsh on the south of
us, it was necessary to make a detour of at least seven-
teen miles. Several considerable mounds, and various
old canals, were crossed — one of which, bearing directly
from Zibliyya, was of considerable size, and must have
been a main stream. It was called Derb-el-Jababara,''''
or "the Giant's road." The Euphrates is described by
the Arab historian, Abiil-Fedah, as in his time striking
off from the modern channel immediately above the
mound of Babel at Babylon. Its sunken bed may still
be traced on the west of the red pile of El Heimar, which
some authors include within the circumference of the
great city of Nebuchadnezzar. Its course terminated in
the Tigris above Kut-el-'Amara, the ancient Apamea. A
main artery, derived from the old Euphrates near the
city of Niliyya, flowed southwards towards NifFar. Its
channel is now, however, lost in the marshes at the base of
the mounds, but is again traceable near Warka. The waters
had but recently retired from the surface of the desert,
and our horses sank deep into the soft and yielding soil.t
On approaching a hollow among the ruins, we came
suddenly upon two or three Zobeid shepherds and their
flocks, who, notwithstanding the assurance of our friendly
disposition, made a precipitate retreat to their distant
As Niffar is supposed to stand upon the northern con-
fines of Chaldfea, it will not be out of place here to give
* The word "jabbar," or "giant." is the particular title used in the
Hebrew Scripture as applied to Nimrod. The name occurring at Niffar is
an additional reason why the reputed antiquity of the site should be re-
garded as authentic.
t The best approach to Niffar is from the Tigris, on which side the
ground is firm ; but the distance is great, and the desert entirely with-
out water. Sir Henry Eawlinson, I believe, twice visited Niffar from that
direction, and placed it in latitude 32° ?' 3" N.
briefly an account of its early inhabitants, and their
origin — as far, at least, as our present knowledge con-
cerning them will admit of. The Chaldseans are alluded
to in the Bible under various conflicting denominations.
At one time they are spoken of as colonists ; "' at another
as priests and astrologers ; t and, lastly, as a conquering
nation from the north.J Hence has arisen a diversity of
opinion as to who and what they were.
The recent researches made in the interpretation of
the primitive cuneiform inscriptions have led to the not
inconsistent belief, that, in the earliest ages previous to
the historic period (which commenced with the empire oi
Nimrod), the region on the north of the Persian Gulf was
probably inhabited by a Semitic race, which was gra-
dually dispossessed by a powerful stream of invasion or
colonization from the south. The Hamitic or Scythic
element, which prevails in the most ancient cuneiform
records throughout Babylonia and Susiana, points to
Ethiopia as the mother country of the new settlers.
They appear to have crossed the Bed Sea and the penin-
sula of Arabia, leavins; traces of their mioTation alonej
the shores of the Persian Gulf. In the language of the
inscriptions, they are called "Akkadim" — a name pre-
served in one of their cities, the Accad of Genesis — and
their first settlements are concluded to have been Erech
and Ur, the modern sites of which are represented by
the ruins of Warka and Miigeyer. The existence of a
Hamite race in this region is confirmed by Herodotus,§
who distinguishes the Eastern Ethiopians of Asia from
the Western Ethiopians of Africa by the straight hair of
the former and the curly hair of the latter. Homer ||
speaks of them as "a divided race — the last of men —
* Genesis xi. 31 ; xii. 1-4 ; xv. 7. t Daniel i. 4 ; ii. 2 ; iv. 7 ; v. 7-11.
X Jer. X. 22 ; Hab. i. 6, &c. § Book vii. 69, 70.
II Odysa., i. 22.
some of tliem at the extreme west, and others at the
extreme east." Memnon, who aided Priam against the
Greeks at the siege of Troy, is mentioned as an Ethiopian ;
but his seat of empire was at Susa, which was called,
after him, " the Memnonium."
In the name of Kudur-Mapula, who had the title of
" ravager of Syria," Sir Henry Eawlinson identifies the
Chedorlaomer of Scripture.'"" In his father's name, Sinti-
Shil-Khah, and in that of TirBiak on the Susa records,
the last element, hhak, is in all probability the hah or hyc
of the shepherd-kings who overran Lower Egypt B.C.
These coincidences are, to say the least, very extra-
ordinary, and certainly denote a common origin between
the Chaldseans of Scriptiu^e and the Eastern Ethiopians.
At this distance of time it is, of course, impossible to
define the original limits of Chaldsea, but it seems probable
that, from a minute settlement at first, the dominion of
the Chaldees extended over the loAver plains of the great
rivers into the mountains of Elymais and Media, Hamitic
dialects being recognised in the rock inscriptions of Mai
Amir in Persia, westward to Malatia in the centre of
Asia Minor, and as far north as the lakes of Van and
With the rise of the Assyrian power in the thir-
teenth century B.C., the Semitic races appear to have in
turn gained the ascendency, and spread over the low
countries ; at the same time, the language gradually
acquired a Semitic character, but still maintained an ad-
mixture of Hamitic roots. Into the mountainous region,
however, the Semites found difficulty in penetrating, and
it is doubtless to the Hamites still dwelling there, retain-
ing aU their warlike propensities, and constituting the
flower of the Babylonian army, that the Jewish Scriptures
* Genesis siv,.
refer when they say, " I will bring evil from the north,
and a great destruction,"""' meaning the destruction of
Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar, "king of the Chaldees."t
But it is in a more restricted sense that Isaiah J alludes
to " the Chaldeans, whose cry is in their ships" — a people
of aquatic habits and maritime position, agreeing well
with the descriptions given by Ptolemy § and Strabo, || of
a people bordering on Arabia and the Persian Gulf, and
into the marshes of whose territories, according to Pliny, t
the Tigris emptied itself in its course to the sea. From
these authorities we are led to conclude, that Chaldsea
Proper extends from about the latitude of HiUah to the
Persian Gulf, xnd from the verge of the great Arabian
deserts on the ivest, across the plains and marshes of tbe
Mesopotamian rivers, to the parallel of Hawiza: on the
confines of ancient Susiana.
With regard to the language of this early people,
whether we call them Hamites, Scyths, or Chaldees, I
cannot do better than quote from the writer of an inte-
resting article in a recent periodical : ''''""" —
" They were in reality the inventors of the cuneiform
character, having first made rude pictures of natural
objects, after the manner of hieroglyphs, which in pro-
cess of time assumed the form of letters, possessing a
phonetic power, and having some correspondence with
the title of the original object which they were intended
to represent. It seems likely that this alphabet had been
in use at least a thousand years before it was employed
to represent the sounds of a language like the Assyrian,
difiering wholly in structure and character from that for
which it was originally invented. Hence it happened,
that -when the Semitic people began to make this use of
• Jer. iv. 6. t 2 Chron. xxxvi. 17. X Chap, xliii. 14.
§ Book vi. 20. II Book i. 4. 1 Book vi. 27.
** Nctice of Colonel Rawlinson's researches in " The Monthly Review of
Literature, Science, and Art," vol. i. page 45.
it, they found it necessary to retain the old Scythic values
of the letters, and therefore only modified the existing
alphabet in such a manner as to give to each character
the power which belonged to the Semitic synonym for
the original Scythic term." The science of Assyria, even
to the latest times, appears to have been recorded in the
old Hamite language, so that the acquisition of this
tongue was regarded as an essential part of Assyrian
At the present day, it is well known there are some
tribes in the highlands of Kurdistan called KaldanI, or
Chaldseans, who profess Christianity, and are a brave,
hardy race. One theory concerning their origin is, that
they are the descendants of the original inhabitants of
Chaldaea, who were driven into those fastnesses by the
after-spread of the Semitic races.'"*
The original colonists are, it is supposed, alluded to by
Moses under the name of "Nimrod," which signifies
" those who are found," or, " the settlers." Their Hamitic
descent is confirmed by the application of the name Cush
(the father of Nimrod), under various modifications, to
different sites in the territory north and east of Baby-
lonia — for instance, Sh\lsh, Cutha, Kiishasdan, Shiister,
Cossoea, &c.
The frequent mention of the Chaldseans as priests and
astrologers may be accounted for by their having brought
with them, in their migration, a knowledge of the sciences
at that time far advanced in Egypt. Hence it was that
* The various theories advanced concerning the Chaldseans have been so
frequently quoted in other recent works, that I refrain from a repetition of
them in this volume. The reader may, therefore, be referred to Baillie
Fraser's " Mesopotamia and Assyria," and Vaux's valuable resum^ of mo-
dern discoveries, entitled " Nineveh and Persepolis." The discussion in
detail will be found in Faber's "Origin of Pagan Idolatry," Beke's "Origines
Biblicse," Bochart's " Geographia Sacra," Dr Grant's " Lost Tribes," and
Ainsworth's reply, MichaeUa' " Specim. Geograph. Hebrseor. Ext.," Layard'a
" Nineveh," &c. &c.
there existed at Bahylon in tlie time of Alexander the
Great a record of eclipses which had taken place from the
year 2234 B.C.'" — a date nearly corresponding with that
assigned to the commencement of Nimrod's empire as
given in the marginal references of our Scriptures. We
are also told by Strabo,t that the Chaldseans had two
schools for the study of astronomy ; whence the learned
men were called Borsippeni and Orchoeni,
A further proof of the Eg}^otian origin of the Chal-
dees is derived from the fact, that, in addition to the
ordinary lunar year, they made use of a solar one for as-
tronomical purposes, wliich was divided, aftei? the manner
of the Egyptians, into montlily sections. The adoration
of the heavenly bodies, which we know to have prevailed
among the Hamite tribes, appears to have introduced a
system of polytheism among the Semites, whose religion
in its primitive state consisted in the worship of one
supreme and omniscient Creator. This subject is not,
however, one for me to investigate.
It may not l^e uninteresting at this point to state the
opinion of Sir Henry Rawliuson on the important ruins ot
Niffar. He considers that " the names of the eiglit primeval
cities, preserved in the tenth chapter of Genesis, are not
intended to denote capitals then actually built and named,
but rather to point out the localities where the first colo-
nies were established by titles which became famous
under the empire, and which were thus alone familiar to
the Jews." He regards the site of Niffar as the primitive
Calneh — the capital of the whole region. It was dedi-
cated to Belus, and was called the city of Belus. Hence
he concludes that this was the true site of the Tower of
Babel ; and that from it originated the Babylon of Nebu-
chadnezzar, on the banks of the Euphrates, at Hillah. The
existing remains were built by the earliest king of whom
* On the authority of BerosuB. t Book xvi. 739.
we have any cuneiform monuments, about 2300 B.C., but
whose name cannot be read with certainty. It was then
called Tel Anu, from the god Anu, our scriptural Noah,
who was worshipped there under the form of the Fish
God Oannes, of whom we have representations on the
bas-reliefs of Nineveh ; the name Nifhir was subse-
quently given to it. The old titles were retained when
the Talmud was composed, the writers of which say that
Calneh was NifFar, and they call the place Nineveh ; but
the Nineveh of Assyria was certainly at Mosul — "Out
of that land went forth Ashur and builded Nineveh.""^''
The present aspect of NifFar is that of a lofty platform
of earth and rubbish, divided into two nearly equal parts
by a deep channel — apparently the bed of a river — about
120 feet wide. Nearly in the centre of the eastern por-
tion of this platform are the remains of a brick tower of
early construction, the dehris of which constitutes a conical
mound rising seventy feet above the plain. This is a
conspicuous object in the distance, and exhibits, where
the brick-work is exposed, oblong perforations similar to
those seen at the Birs Nimriid, and other edifices of the
Babylonian age. The western division of the platform
has no remarkable feature, except that it is strewed with
fragments of pottery, and other relics of a later period
than the tower above alluded to. At the distance of a
few hundred yards on the east of the ruins, may be dis-
tinctly traced a low continuous mound — the remains,
probably, of the external wall of the ancient city. As to
the obelisk, the particular object of my visit, the Arabs
positively declared that there was one, but none of them
had seen it, or could indicate its position in the mounds.
* For the above notices on the origin of the Chaldaeans and early history
of NifFar, I am mainly indebted to Sir Henry Eawlinson's numerous me-
moirs, contained in the publications of the Royal Asiatic Society, in the
" Proceedings of the Royal Geogr. Society for 1856," p. 47, and pages of the
" Athenaeum."
It is unnecessary to dwell at greater length on these
ruins, because Mr Layard has given a detailed account
of his researches there in 1851.'"' I myself visited NifFar
a second time in 1854, when his trenches were scarcely
recognizable — in a year or two more they will be entirely
filled up with drifted sand. Although no very remarkable
discovery has yet been made at NifFar, it cannot be
regarded as thoroughly explored ; and the extensive area
of the ruins encourages the hope that at some future
period excavations may be successfully resumed.
On the west and south of Niffar there extends a region
of marshes, hitherto un visited — a complete chain otnatural
defences for the wild Madan Arabs, who dwell among
them upon the slightly elevated ridges which at inter-
vals raise their heads above the inundation. It is entirely
owing to the presence of these swamps that the tribes
in the interior are so little under the dominion of the
Turkish Government. Joining to the AfFej district are
the territories of the Beni Eechab,t whose independent
chief, named the Amir or Prince, claims descent from the
original possessors of the soil. He is the sworn ally of
the great Muntefik sheikh ; and when that tribe is at war,
the followers of the Amir, with their long muskets, fight
side by side with those of the modern King of the Arabs.
The Beni Eechab are a remarkable race, and in them we
may probably recognize the descendants of the Rechab-
ites, who, in the days of Jehoiakim, King of Judah, were
made an example to the Jews of a people who, unlike the
chosen race, obeyed the precepts of their forefathers.
When wine was placed before them in the temple by
Jeremiah, they refused to partake of it, saying, " Thus
have we obeyed the voice of Jonadab the son of Eechab
our father in all that he charged us, to drink no
* " Nineveh and Baloylon," chap. xxiv.
t Literally, " sons of the stirrup."
wine all our days, we, our wives, our sons, nor our
daughters ; nor to build houses for us to dweU in :
neither have we vineyard, nor field, nor seed : but we
have dwelt in tents, and have obeyed, and done accord-
ing to all that Jonadab our father commanded us. But
it came to pass, when Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon
came up into the land, that we said. Come, and let us go
to Jerusalem for fear of the army of the Chaldeans, and
for fear of the army of the Syrians : so we dwell at Jeru-
salem/' ■^'*
It is by no means improbable that at the taking of
Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar a few years later, the
Eechabites were oblio;ed to follow the fallen fortunes of
their allies the Jews, and that the Chaldsean marshes
were assigned to them as a residence in the land of their
conquerors.t Their descendants are still to be found in
the same locality, but instead of being a dependent, they
have become an independent race. But whatever may
have been the result of their intercourse with the Jews,
the observance of their ancient customs remains un-
changed, like that of all the wild Arab hordes. There is
not sufficient proof, in the name alone, that the modern
tribe of Beni Eechab are the Eechabites of the Scriptures,
but the tradition of their early possession of the country,
the title of Ainlr so unusually applied' to an Arab chief
of this region, and the peculiarity of feature which distin-
guishes the tribe, certainly afford some ground for the
opinion here advanced.
The Beni Eecliab are extremely jealous of strangers, as
I once experienced, and it is not safe to venture among
them without the Amir's protection. In countenance they
* Jer. XXXV. 8-11.
t Whether these Beni Rechdb are related to the tribe of the same name
whom the Jewish traveller, Benjamin of Tudela, mentions as dwelling in
the deserts of Yemen, and observing the precepts of the Talmud, I am
unable to say. They may be divisions of the same tribe.
bear a strong resemblance to the Jews, and may easily be
distinguished from the surrounding Arab tribes ; I am not
aware, however, that they have any traditions of a former
connexion with the Jewish nation. Unlike their aflable
neighbours of the Affej, they are sullen and morose, un-
willing to give information, and infinitely more addicted
to plunder than to any other occupation. The sway of
the Amir extends from the Afiej southwards to near the
mounds of Hammam hereafter mentioned, and as far
east as the Tigris, along the banks of which he exacts
black-mail from all native vessels plying between Baghdad
and Busrah, although he himself pays no tribute to the
Turkish Government.
Amono' the marshes of the Beni Eechab are several
important ruins, of which Bismya, distant about twenty-
five miles south-east of NifFar, is the most remarkable.
These two ancient sites, however, are separated by a
great extent of marsh, so that Bismya is still unex-
plored. I have seen it at the distance of about ten
miles, and, from its low but spreading outline, I believe
it to be of very ancient origin. This form is, for the
most part, common to mounds of remote age in Chaldsea,
and proves that after-generations have not built upon the
older remains.
Phara is another of the Beni Eechab mounds, abound-
ing in small antiques, such as signet-cylinders, rude
bronzes, and figures carved in stone. According to the
Amir, such articles " flow like water " from the mound.
It is consequently much resorted to by antique-hunters,
who find a ready sale for their treasures among the
Europeans at Baghdad. At Phara I obtained a very
interesting Egyptian amulet.
Diwaniyya — Camp of Abdi Pasha — Mulla 'All, tlie Merry Ogre — Sheep-
skin Rafts — Statue-huntiiig — Hamraam — Solemn Grandeur of Chal-
dsean Paiins — The Statue — Tel Ede — ^Alarm of the Arabs — Fkst
Impressions of Warka.
After a minute inspection of the ruins of NifFar, we
returned to Slikyer, whicli we reached before sunset.
Had it not been that we were the bearers of letters
to Abdi Pasha, who was then at Diwaniyya, I should
have made an effort to penetrate through the Beni
Rechab. As it was, however, our course lay south-east-
ward from Shkyer, encountering considerable difficulties
by the way. The marsh was wide, and, although not
generally deep, intersected by numerous streamlets from
the Euphrates, which rendered the passage of the horses
and baggage-mules no easy task. Sheikh Shkyer under-
took that some of his people should conduct them by a
circuitous route, so as to avoid the main inundation,
but they were still obliged to ford in three feet water
for an hour, and to swim across the deeper streams.
The baggage and saddles were conveyed with ourselves
in terraclas through the open marsh and straight long
lanes or ditches of reeds, only sufficiently wide to admit
of two boats passing each other. The reeds formed walls
on either side to the height of twelve or fourteen feet,
and excluded every breath of pure air.
The animals having at length joined us, we mounted,
and traversed some groves of fine tamarisks to the little
hamlet of Yiisufiyya, surrounded by date-trees, upon the
left bank of an important trunk stream of the same name.
This canal, derived from the Euphrates a few miles above
the town of DIwanl}ya, conveys a deep flow of water into
the interior for the purposes of irrigation in those locali-
ties where the elevation of the land is uninfluenced by
the rise or fall of the marshes. The Yiisufiyya, at about
seventeen miles from its source, is divided into three parts
— one of which, called the Shat-el-Kahr, falls into the
marshes of the Shat-el-Hie, at the junction of that branch
of the Tigris with the Euphrates. None of these streams
are fordable, consequently the depth and width of the
Yiisufiyya is considerable. It is crossed in a rude boat at
the village, beyond which Diwanlyya is an hour distant.
Our tents were pitched after sunset above the town, on
the left bank of the Euphrates. The pasha, with a camp
of 3000 men, was stationed on the opposite side, having
just concluded one of those Sisyphian labours, previously
mentioned, which each successive governor of Baghdad is
obliged to undergo, namely, the reconstruction of the
dam at the mouth of the Hindieh. He was now sta-
tioned at Diwaniyya for the fourfold purpose of testing
the result of his work, of arranging matters consequent
on the AVadI Bey's deposition, of curbing the universal
disposition to rebel against the Ottoman rule, and, lastly,
of collecting arrears of tribute.
When daylight on the following morning revealed our
position, the appearance of tents on the opposite side of
the river caused a considerable stir in the camp of His
Excellency : for it was beyond the comprehension of
the Turks that ordinary travellers could surmount
the su})posed insuperable difliculties of the marshes ;
and — unless we liad dropped from above — there was no
other method by which we could have got there. Mes-
senger after messenger arrived in kufalis to satisfy the
curiosity of their masters concerning the rank, quality,
and destination of the new comers. In due time, having
previously announced our arrival to the pasha, we crossed
the river, and were received on landing by an officer in
waiting. Instead, however, of conducting us to the pre-
sence of the pasha, he led us — probably bribed to do so
— to the tent of MuUa 'Ali, the little eunuch and buffoon,
of whom I have abeady spoken as possessing the confi-
dence of the governor. His purpose, no doubt, was to
satisfy himself on the objects of our journey, and the
cause of our visit to the pasha,
Mulla 'Ali was originally a slave of a former pasha,
but his antics and jokes were so efiective that he obtained
his freedom, and subse-
quently rose high in favour
with 'All and Nedjib Pa-
shas. It was impossible
to guess his age, but, as he
sat doubled up on a carpet,
covered with a huge furred
cloth tunic and an enor-
mous dark -green turban,
he was one of the most
repulsive creatures which
the eye could well encoun-
ter. His face more resem-
bled that of the monkey
tribe than anything else
I can conceive. His mouth
stretched nearly from ear to ear, and the latter append-
aoes stood out from each side like those of an ass.
Teeth he had none, so that his tongue, as if too large for
his mouth, frequently lolled out, giving him the appear-
ance of an idiot. His face, thin in the extreme, was
Mulla 'AH.
puckered into a thousand wrinkles, the bones projecting,
and the skin of the colour and consistency of hard leather.
The whole of his features were condensed into an expres-
sion of low cunning, cupidity, cruelty, and lust, which no
one could behold without shuddering. His character did
not belie his appearance. He was at one time made chief
over certain Khuzeyl tribes, but his conduct was such that
it was found necessary to remove him. Money was his.
chief object, and he extorted it without scruple. When
he failed by the usual means, he tried torture, and took
as much delight in the sufferings of his unfortunate vic-
tims as either Nero or Caligula, His favourite punishment
was to bury an offender alive with his hands tied, leaving
only his shaven head above ground, but this was smeared
over with honey to attract reptiles and insects 1 The wretch
took his pleasure in frequently going to grin and make
faces at the poor victim, who, however, without food,
and under an almost vertical sun, was soon relieved by
death from the tortures and atrocities he suffered. It is
difficult to comprehend how a man so kind and himiane
as Aljdi Pasha could consent to the companionship of a
creature so ^dle and abominable, but wherever he went,
JMulla 'Ali accompanied him, whatever state-matter he
had to transact, MuUa ^Ali was consulted. It is true
that the eunuch was full of anecdote, and his drolleries
made the staid pasha laugh in the midst of the most
sober affairs, but that was no excuse for giving coun-
tenance to a creature who had lost all human feelings.
However gross or insulting the buffoon's jests might be,
the paslia was always ready with a hoarse laugh. On
one occasion, I remember seeing IMuUa 'All, like a huge
toad, publicly spit upon the person of an European gentle-
man. The pasha, as usual, exercised his merriment ; but
in an instant afterwards looked serious, for it occurred to
him that this was a matter beyond a joke.
This paragon of ugliness and cruelty received liis visi-
tors without rising, merely motioning us to be seated on
the carpet near him. Salutations and compliments were
soon dispensed wdth, by his abruptly demanding in one
breath, " where we had come from, where we were going,
and what we wanted 1 " The answer appeared to amuse
him exceedingly, for he burst forth into an inordinate fit
of laughter, in which he was joined by his attendants, who
gathered behind their master to ascertain the subject of
gossip for the day. A more out-at-heel squad can seldom
be seen. Every one grinned from ear to ear, in imitation
of their master, at the very idea of two Englizi passing
through the Madan country, into which no Turk ever yet
dared to venture — being pronounced beyond the pale of
the pasha's authority. Midla 'Ali became guinea-yellow
with excitement at the bare possibility of such an attempt
being successful, and at the greater probability of our
being spitted on Arab spears. He told some horrid stories
of cruelties perpetrated by the Madan tribes ; but these
were so contrary to their nature, that I set them down
as instances of his own barbarity. Not finding us dis-
posed to believe all he said, he endeavoured to amuse his
audience at our expense by turning round and remark-
ing : — " What a pleasure it would be to hear that the
Arabs had made donkeys of them ! " The reply was, that
" if the Arabs did so, he should not," and so we left him
huddled up in his furs.
We found the Pasha of Baghdad sitting on the edge of
a high bank overlooking the river, with that expression
of utter stolidity which characterizes the Turkish features.
Ask a grave old Turkish gentleman what he is thinking
about, and his answer will invariably be, " By Allah !
what should I think of 1 Nothing." So, doubtless, Abdi
Pasha thought of " nothing" as our approach woke him
from the slumber into which his cogitations had fallen.
He received us graciously, but could by no means com-
preliend tlie object of our proposed journey on the easteim
side of the Euphrates. As to Warka, or the region where
it is situated, although within his own territories, he knew
nothing whatever. The official map called for gave no
further explanation ; whereupon he seemed to conclude
that Warka must be an exceedingly dangerous place, for
he remarked in a decided manner, " You cannot go ; I will
not be answerable for your safety." Expostulation had
little or no effect, and although I repeatedly released him
from all responsibility, the same answer was returned —
" It is impossible ; you must travel with the troops and
animals by way of Semava." Seeing that no good could
be effected by reasoning on the absurdity of his fears for
our safety, I merely asked for a small party of Bashi
Baziiks, in lieu of those who had brought us to Diwaniyya,
and firmly stated my intention of continuing my journey
as previously arranged at Baghdad. Having done so, I
left him biting his lip and wondering at European obsti-
nacy. My impression was, that he did not wish strangers
to see the little authority he exercised over the tribes.
During the remainder of the day, the necessary pre-
parations were made for entering an unknown region.
Several skins were purchased to enable our crossing any
streams and marshes which might fall in our way. The
services of a Jebur Arab Sheikh, called Mahmild, whose
camp lay on our route near the verge of the Amir's terri-
tories, were secured ; and, early on the following morning,
nothing was wanting but the promised escort. It was
some time before the pasha could be prevailed on to con-
form to my wishes, but at length sixteen rudely equipped
horsemen crossed the river, and we sallied forth from the
groves of Diwaniyya in search of novelty and adventure,
exulting at the result of continued obstinacy and deter-
For three days our road lay across a level and un-
interesting desert, at times interrupted by a detour to
avoid a marsh, or by a halt to cross a broad and deep
water-course. In such case the loads were unpacked,
and the inflated sheep-skins tied to our tent-poles or
branches of tamarisk — thus forming a primitive raft.
Reeds were then placed on this framework in order to
keep the passengers and luggage dry. In this manner
aU were floated across to the opposite side, while the
horses and mules swam over. Sometimes, when the
stream was very rapid, the kelek or raft was attached
to a rope, and prevented from floating down the current.
One of the most important water-courses was the
Fawar, derived from the Yusiifiyya, and terminating in
the marshes on the banks of the Euphrates. The Fawar,
in its turn, gave ofl" a considerable branch called the
Turunjiyya, which supplied some smaU kal'as and the
cultivated land adjoining them. The Arab owners, how-
ever, declining the payment of their taxes, had endea-
voured to shew their independence by destroying a dam
so that the water of the Fawar might be transferred
to the channel of the Turunjiyya, and subsequently into
a marsh surrounding their abodes. Abdl Pasha had sent
Mustapha Bey, the kyaya of Baghdad, with a large force
to bring these refractory Arabs to reason. His first care
was to close the mouth of Turunjiyya with a strong dam
of earth and brushwood, and afterwards to attack a fort
to which the Arabs retreated. He was successful in his
efforts, and took possession of the fort on the very day
we passed — the defenders ha^dng decamped during the
night, carrying with them all their goods and chattels.
We crossed the Fawar at the ruins of a modern town
caUed Siik-el-Fawar (Fawar Market), once a consider-
able and thriving place — the centre of a large district
like Suk-esh-Sheioukh. It originally belonged to the
Mimtefik x\ral.)S, and was surrounded at intervals by
small martello towers, for defence against more unsettled
I have already had occasion to allude to the effect
produced by the destruction of the dam on the Eu-
phrates above Babylon, at the mouth of the Hindleh.^'
Nowhere is this effect better observed and understood
than at Siik-el-Fawar. In consequence of the breaking
of that dam about twenty-five years ago, the water
deserted the channels and streams on the east of the
Euphrates. Siik-el-Fawar, among other places, became
a sufferer by the catastrophe, and was soon ^afterwards
abandoned. Decaying date-trees, and ruins of well-built
mud huts, extend half-a-mile along both sides of the
channel, harbouring only wild beasts and reptiles! The
pasha's recent work had restored a copious stream to the
bed of the Fawar, and water was flowing towards spots
which had for many years been without moisture.
On the third day's journey from Diwanlyya, we reached
a deep river-bed, now dry, called by the Arabs " Slikain,"
or " Es-Sahain," which was said to have also become dry at
the same time as the Fawar. The great size of the chan-
nel, measuring 270 feet wide by 15 or 20 deep, shews its
importance. Whether it had ever been the course of the
Eupln-ates, it was difficult to decide on a casual examina-
tion. It is by no means improbable that it is a continua-
tion of the ancient Nil, previously lost to sight in the
marshes of Niffar. At any rate, its course singularly
coincides in a'cneral direction with that of the Nil.
Parallel with our road could be traced the course of
the Shat-el-Kahr — a continuation of the Yusiifiyya —
here and there indicated on our east by a mud fort or
enclosure. Numerous small mounds, too, began to spring
up in advancing southward, while the path was constantly
* Seo page 44.
strewed with fragments of bricks and pottery. It was
evident that we were approaching the seats of ancient
civiHzation, and the neighbourhood of once populous
cities. The further we proceeded, the more clearly was
this manifested.
Our new guide, M4hmud, having mentioned the exist-
ence of a large statue at a ruin named Hammam,''^ I deter-
mined on directing our course to the east of the road we
were pursuing, in order to ascertain the truth of his
account, because little reliance can usually be placed on
Arab information upon such points. After passing several
coni=?i'lerable mounds on either side, we at length, before
sunrise on the morning of the fourth day's ride from
Diwanlyya, caught a glimpse of the goal we sought.
I know of nothing more exciting or impressive than
the first sight of one of those great Chaldsean piles loom-
ing in solitary grandeur from the surrounding plains and
marshes. A thousand thoughts and surmises concern-
ing its past eventful history and origin — its gradual rise
and rapid fall — naturally present themselves to the inind
of the spectator. The hazy atmosphere of early morning
is peculiarly favourable to considerations and impres-
sions of this character, and the gray mist intervening
between the gazer and the object of his reflections, im-
parts to it a dreamy existence. This fairy-like effect is
further heightened by mirage, which strangely and fan-
tastically magnifies its form, elevating it from the ground,
and causing it to dance and quiver in the rarefied air.
No wonder, therefore, that the beholder is lost in pleasing-
doubt as to the actual reality of the apparition before
The ruins of Hammam measure about a mile in diame-
♦ The site of Hammdm, " a bath," is believed by Sir Henry Rawliiison
to represent the Gulaba of cuneiform inscriptions. See Proceedings of
Royal Geographical Society for April 1856, p. 47.
ter, and consist of a series of low undulations around a
orand central tower, whose remarkable form cannot fail
Ruins of Hamm^im.
to attract attention. Owing to the falling away of the
brickwork at its sides and base, and to the projection of
its upper parts, this building has, in the distance, under
the influence of mirage, the appearance of a gigantic
nuishroom. Its total height is about fifty feet, of which
twenty is a conical mound supporting a mass of unbaked
brickwork. Its original form has evidently been square,
but the sides are now reduced to seventy-eight feet each,
and the angles are rounded off. Judging by other ruins
of similar character, and by the numerous broken frag-
ments lying upon the sloping sides of the mound, it was
probably faced externally with kiln-baked bricks. The
most northerly angle points twenty degrees east of north.
A deep channel, formed by the rains of winter, divides
each side into equal parts, and leaves the angles projectino-
like four rounded turrets. The action of the weather,
too, has likewise worn away these apparent towers, and
exposed a layer of reeds at tlie summit of each. The
bricks used in the construction of this edifice measure
fourteen and a-half inches square by five, or five and
a-half inches thick, and are composed of sun-dried clay,
mixed with barley-chaff and chopped straw. Each row
is separated by a layer of reeds, which project and shelter
the bricks beneath them from the influence of the weather.
It is difficidt to conceive the purpose of this and simi-
lar edifices throughout Babylonia, unless we assume them
to have been platforms for the erection of temples, such
as may be seen in a state of better preservation at Birs
Nimriid and Mugeyer. That the ruin at Hammam was
a portion of a temple devoted to the worship of a Chal-
dsean divinity, is moreover inferred from the statue which
lay about two hundred yards from the north-west corner
of the ruin ; this bore all the characteristics of a sacred
idol. Unfortunately it has suffered much from ill-usage,
being not only l^roken, but otherwise maliciously defaced.
According to the information of our guide, this inte-
resting statue was perfect about two years previously,
but was broken with large hammers by a tribe "^'^ who
work in iron near Stik-esh-Sheioukh, in the expectation
of finding gold in its interior. It had likewise been used
as a target by the Arabs for ball-practice , but the frac-
tures bore evidence of having been effected at an earlier
period than my informant admitted. '
* B3' this description must be implied tlie Sabseans or Christians of St
John — a strange race of whom Uttle is known. They are probably a relic
of the old inhabitants of the country. I doubt their ability to break so
large a block of stone ; and it is not their custom to travel about with the
large implements of their trade. My friend Professor Peterniann, the emi-
nent Oriental linguist and savant of Berlin, passed nearly the whole of the
year 1854 at Si^ik-esh-Sheioukh among the Sabl. We may shortly expect
some valuable information from his jjen concerning them. A few families
reside at Shuster and Dizful, where they ai-e dreadfully persecuted by both
Persians and Arabs. General Williams, with the humanity which distin-
guishes him, obtained a firman from the Shah for their protection.
^ Tliis statue represents a male human figure, of tlie
natural size and correct proportions, cut out of finely-
grained black granite, and executed with remarkable skill.
The torso is broken at the waist, where the hands are
clasped in front, as if holding a garment thrown loosely-
over the left shoulder. The right shoulder is bare, with
a defaced inscription in Babylonian characters cut upon
it. The head'"' and arms are unfortunately gone. This
frao-ment measures sixteen inches from the neck to the
waist, and nineteen inches between the shoulders. The
second piece, representing the lower part of the body, has
been severed from the former, and measures two feet six
inches. The surface is much broken ; but upon the
right hip and side there is another defaced inscription,
bordered with a deep fringe similar to that represented
on the Assyrian sculptures. The third and last fragment
is a shapeless block, thirteen inches long and ten inches
wide, polished on one side, and exhibiting a trace of gar-
ment fringe.
Statues of Babylonian workmanship being extremely
rare, I packed the pieces in the best manner which
circumstances would admit, and brought the awkward
loads on the backs of our mules to Busrah, whence
they were shipped for England. These fragments, 1
believe, are the only specimen of an undoubted Baby-
lonian statue in Europe ; but I am sorry to remark that
they still lie neglected in the vaults of the British Mu-
seum. t
Want of time prevented my making a thorough exa-
mination of the other ruins of Hammam. As they do
not appear to have been occupied by succeeding dynas-
* In the possession of Captain Lynch, C.B., I.N., is a very beautiful head
of similar stone, which probably belongs to this statue, having been repre-
sented to him as obtained from this neighbourhood.
+ In 1854 I obtained a similar, but smaller, statue from the neighbouring
mound of Yokha, which wa.s likewise sent to England.
mAdan alarm. 117
ties, they will probably afford valuable information con-
cerning the Chaldasan period. If excavations are ever
again undertaken in those regions, Hammam is one of
those sites which deserves early attention.'"'
AVithin sight of Hammam, about six miles distant in
the south-south-west, rises another lofty and imposing
pile, called Tel Ede, or Yede. Towards it our course was
next directed.
We had by this time reached the limits of the Mun-
tefik territories, inhabited by the wildest of those Md-
dan tribes who acknowledge fealty to the great sheikh.
As we advanced in a compact party, we were espied by a
few Arab shepherds tending their flocks, which find
excellent grazing on the short grass produced by the
early rains among the sand-hills. Alarmed at the sight
of so many horsemen, they took up their position on a
small mound, elevated a black keffieh upon a spear, sang
their war-cry, and danced like spirits demented. In a few
minutes they were joined by others of their tribe, who
joined in the song and dance, until they were almost lost
to our sight in the dense cloud of dust created by their
frantic evolutions. When they considered their numbers
sufficiently strong, this half-naked band of savages —
their abbas bound round their waists, their heads bare,
and their long black locks flowing wildly in the breeze —
formed in the most approved style of Arab array, and ran
at a rapid pace, with spear and club in hand, to meet the
supposed enemy.
The whole neighbourhood was in a state of the
greatest excitement and alarm. The sheep and cattle
were being driven towards the tents for protection;
* When I i^assed through the country a second time in 1854, it was my
intention to have commenced operations at Hammdm on behalf of the
Assyrian Excavation Society ; but the want of water in the Shat-el-Kahr,
which flows within a few miles of these ruins, compelled my seeking a more
ehgible locality.
118 mAdAn alarm.
tlie women collected in numbers together upon the
mound which their heroes had just quitted, urging
them on to brave deeds by their shriU and constant
tahlehl — a sound intermediate between a haUoo, a whistle,
and a scream, which rings through the nerves like a gal-
vanic shock. The warriors approached us in admirable
order, as if they had passed through many a field-day,
and were quite prepared to do or die, as brave hearts
should, in defence of their ladies fair. Arranging them-
selves in two long lines, at equal intervals apart, in num-
ber about sixty, they then advanced, in New Zealand
fashion, with a kind of running dance, chanting .their
war-song, and throwing their weapons high into the air,
to catch them again, with inimitable dexterity, in their
descent. Tliey were apparently led by an old man with
a luxuriant white beard, who sang the solo parts, and
was otherTvdse exceedingly active in the whole business.
]\lahmud rode forward to exj)lain that we came in peace,
and not in war ; whereupon the announcement was
received with a jeH of indescribable expression. One of
our horsemen foohshly fired a pistol while they danced
rou]id about our party, which added tenfold to the
general excitement. Positive exhaustion alone obliged
them to desist. Then came inquiries and explanations,
which resulted in their insisting on our taking up our
quarters for the night at their encampment, shewing
that genuine hospitality to strangers which does so much
honour to the Arab character. They would take no
excuse, and, seizing the bridles of our horses, were about
to drag us thither with good-humoured force. I was not,
however, inclined to forego my visit to Tel Ede, and
therefore entered into an amicable arrangement, by which
they agreed to conduct the mules and baggage to their
tents, while we rode forward to the ruins.
The gxeat pile of Tel Ede much disappointed my ex-
pectations. It is a huge artificial mass of solid sand,
ninety feet high, the circumference of its base measuring
Tcl Ede.
2500 feet. Its form is irregular, and its largest diameter
from north-west to south-east. Its highest point is at the
north-west. The south-west face is steep and inacces-
sible ; while that on the opposite side is furrowed by deep
rain-channels. The north-west side is much weathered,
and exhibits a section of its compact sandy mass.'"" The
effect of rain and wind is to cut large holes deeply into
the surface. The long ridge-like ranges of small mounds
at its north-east base are covered with the usual relics
— such as fragments of bricks, pottery, and glass — but
they are still unexamined by the spade, and await the
investigation of some future adventurer.
At first sight, I was almost induced to consider Tel Ede
a continuation of a range of sand-hills which bear away
from it towards the south-east ; but its dimensions and
* Mr Taylor excavated deeply into a similar conical mound, called Um-
wdweis. A high wind arising during the night, completely carried away its
summit : so light were the particles when loosened.
coiupactness, as well as its evident connexion with tokens
of ancient remains at its base, do not confirm this suppo-
sition. Moreover, I afterwards ascertained that similar
conical mounds occur in various parts of Chaldaea, in-
variably surrounded by, or connected with, lesser mounds
undoubtedly artificial. They appear to have been citadels
or temples of the same period as the adjacent ruins ; but
it is remarkable that they bear on their summits no trace
of brickwork, and are merely cones of solid earth and
sand. In two instances, I caused excavations to be made
into similar but smaller conical mounds at Warka ; but
from top to base they exhibited no change of character ;
nor did they contain the slightest clue to their origin.
Until such be obtained, we must remain in ignorance on
the subject.
Having completed our casual survey, we regained the
baggage and servants at the Arab camp, two miles dis-
tant, where our tents were already pitched among the
sand-hills. Our hosts belonged to the Madan Arabs —
those of the lowest caste, who are emjDloyed by the supe-
rior Arabs in tending buffaloes and cattle, or in cultivat-
ing maize on the edges of the inundations. Ignorant and
despised, they live in the most primitive state of bar-
barism, their only wants being those of absolute necessity.
At times, when the Euphrates fails in its annual rise to
overflow their lands, the destitution of the Madan is
extreme, and they are even reduced to the alternative of
digging up roots to support a miserable state of poverty
and hunger. Their ignorance is extreme ; and I could
scarcely believe that very few among them had ever seen
a mule, until their genuine surprise was evident at those
which carried our ba2;o;ao;e ! Suk-esh-Sheioukh and
Semdva are immense cities in their estimation ; Baghdad
and Busrah are far beyond the limits of their peregrina-
tions ; Stambiil and the Sultan they have barely heard of.
Like hyaenas or jackals, they congregate amid the burial-
places, or pitch their tents upon the ruined cities of the
past, without the slightest reverence for or knowledge of
the people by whom those monuments were raised. These
mounds yield them utensils for their camp and frequently
gold from a ransacked tomb, which is disposed of to
wandering Jews for a few dates, valueless cotton fabrics,
or rude ornaments for their women. Unlike the Bedouins,
Httle reliance can be placed upon their word, and they do
not scruple to plunder, both openly and secretly, from
their enemies and friends without distinction. It is true,
that during my subsequent stay among them nothing was
positively taken from my teot ; but they could not resist
the desire to pilfer whenever opportunity was afforded
them. Cupidity is their weak point ; for a trifle they
will cringe Hke the most abject slave, and condescend to
the meanest artifices to obtain what they crave. Fickle
and almost unmanageable, few persons can conceive the
difficulties to be encountered in undertaking excavations
among them. It was only by employing parties from
several tribes, and pitting one against the other, that I
succeeded in carrying on researches in the region they
occupy. Jealousy and ill-wiU had great effect upon them.
The Jebiir and other tribes employed in the excavations
at Nineveh are comparatively civilized ; but the Madan
of Chaldsea are little superior to the buffaloes they tend,
and are regarded as destitute of feeling by the superior
class of Arabs. Yet they are not altogether without
good qualities. Merry and good-humoured, they contrast
advantageously with the neighbouring tribes of the
Amir, and the sullen Beni Lam across the Shat-el-Kalir.
Their hospitality knows no bounds, and they wiU willingly
share with the passing traveller the little stores they pos-
sess, until the whole has disappeared. In the present
instance, our large party quickly demolished tlieir stock of
barley, aucl before morning all the rice of tlie encamp-
ment was consumed by our animals."^'
The Madan are slightly built, but well-formed, strong,
and active. Their skin, exposed to all temperatures, from
25° to 150° Fahr., is tanned to a deep swarthy hue, and
seldom, even in the coldest weather, covered with more
tlian a single abba, made of goat's hair. Keffiehs or
head-dresses appear to be despised ; their hair, hanging
in thick plaits, or more commonly in a state of nature,
is so plentiful, that it alone affords sufficient pro-
tection from the summer's sun. Their eyes, wild but
expressive, shine with a brightness seldom mtnessed in
oiu? own humid climate ; while their teeth, from eating
only vegetable food, can vie in whiteness with the purest
ivory. Fire-arms are ahnost unknown among the Madan ;
but no man leaves his tent without a favourite spear or
bitumen-headed club, of which he is prepared to make
good use whenever opportunity arises or necessity re-
quires. Feuds are of continual occm-rence, either with
their neighbours or among themselves. The -period of
our visit, notwithstanding the warnings of the pasha and
the Turkish authorities, was peculiarly favom^able ; a
peaceful cahn prevailed after the raging storm which had
just ceased with the change of governors.
Throughout this journey, the only real annoyance I
experienced was from the Bashi Baziiks. Accustomed to
plunder and abuse all who came in their way, they were
with difficulty restrained from ill-treating their kind
Arab hosts ; and it was only by constant entreaties and
threats that they were compelled to desist. The Arabs
frequently complained to me of their conduct ; and often,
when I expressed a probability of my returning among
them, I was greeted with the remark, " Come, Beg, we
shall be glad to receive you as a brother, but do not
• See chapter xiv. for further description of the ]\Idddu Arabs.
bring the nizam (soldiers) with you. We will guard you
better than they I " I took their advice on my return
among them, and did not, in this case, regret having
trusted to their word.
As an instance of the security of a stranger in an Arab
camp, a scene may be related which took place at this
locality. Guards had, as usual, been placed around our
tents, and every person had retired to rest, when — by
accident or design, whether by friend or foe it is impos-
sible to say — a pistol was fired in the immediate neigh-
bourhood of my tent. The whole encampment was in-
stantly roused, and a report spread that an enemy was
in the neioiibourhood. The war chant of our hosts was
echoed on all sides from distant encampments ; the
sounds, at first low and indistinct, gradually becoming
louder and nearer, at length made us aware that large
bodies of the Madau were advancing to the rescue. The
efiect was startling and grand, as the dead silence of
night was broken by an excitement of this natm^e. Two
or three hundred men were speedily gathered round our
tents, and joined in the same wild chant, grunting, yell-
ing, and dancing without cessation. At length it was
discovered that an enemy did not exist, and each party
slowly retired to its own encampment, but it was long-
before all became once more still.
From our night's resting-place, the outhne of the
lofty and imposing mounds of Warka was distinctly
visible. The magnitude of the ruins determined me to
send on the baggage a couple of hours further to another
Arab camp, so that, if requisite, we might have the op-
portunity of renewing acquaintance with them on the
On again emerging from the low sand-hills upon the
open plain, we crossed a plot of ground, covered with a
natm-al carpet of the richest green. The grass, incited
by the few liglit showers recently fallen, was being
eagerly cropped by numerous herds of graceful gazelle,
which left their browsing as the party approached, and
bounded off in long lines to search for a quieter retreat.
The scene before us was exciting. Even the staid Bashi
Bazuks were moved beyond their wont, and, packing up
their long chibiiks, set spurs to their horses. Uttering
wild cries, they vainly attempted to overtake the frighted
herds, or played at jerid among themselves for their
own and others' amusement, leaving deep tracks in ^he
soft green sward. The scene, too, was doubly enjoyable
by comparison with the sterile and glaring desert, at the
commencement of our journey : while the sight of Warka
within a few miles' distance, and the discussion naturally
raised by its proximity, created a measure of excitement
and delight in my companion and myself which none but
ardent antiquarians on new ground can fully appreciate.
Three massive piles rose prominent before our view
from an extensive and confused series of mounds, at once
shewing the importance of the ruins which we — their
first European visitors — now rapidly approached. The
whole was surrounded by a lofty and strong line of
earthen ramparts, concealing from yiew all but the
principal objects. Beyond the walls were several conical
mounds, resembling, in their general form, that of Tel
Ede — one of which equalled in altitude the highest struc-
ture within the cii'cumscribed area. Each step that we
took, after crossing the walls, convinced me that Warka
was a much more important place than had been hitherto
supposed, and that its vast mounds, abounding in objects
of the highest interest, deserved a thorough exploration.
I determined, therefore, on using every effort to make
researches at Warka, which, of all the ruins in Chald£Ba,
is alone worthy to rank with those of Babylon and
All tliat could be effected at this visit was to make a
careful map of the place, and to take such general notes
as mio-ht be hereafter useful. Its most remarkable feature
is the enormous accumulation of sepulchral remains of
extraordinary character, which at once prove it to have
been a vast necropolis, dating probably from times the
most remote. As the importance of Warka requires a
separate chapter to describe its wonders, I shall defer
that account for the present.
On this occasion, Mr Churchill and myself spent nearly
two days upon the ruins, and succeeded in obtaining
several small articles and executing some drawings which
indicated the great antiquity of the site. With these we
once more resumed our journey, fearing lest, by a longer
stay, we might be too late to rejoin the Turkish troops
accordino; to arrano-ement at Suk-esh-Sheioukh. It was
with no little regret, therefore, that we were compelled
to leave a spot so replete with interest.
Bedouins — Mubjirek becomes useful — Euins of Mugeyer — Cylinders —
Chedorlaomer ? — Belshazzar — The Author and his Guides put to
flight their Turkish Escort — Busrah — Arrival in Persist.
From Warka we rode nine miles in a south-soutli-east
direction, over a desert frequently covered with marsh,
to a new kal'a called Diiraji,'"' on the banks of the
Euphrates, near which our road passed over low rough
ground, dead rushes, and old channels of the river — the
evidences of former inundations. Here we encamped for
the night, within sight of three remarkable piles of past
greatness — Tel Ede, Warka, and Sinkara — the last of
which I succeeded in visiting on subsequent occasions,
and which will be described in due time.
Our course from Duraji followed along the left bank
of the Euphrates to the marshes at the confluence of the
Shat-el-Hie and Shat-el-Kahr with that river. At the
parallel of Baghdad, the level of the Euphrates is so
much above that of the Tigris, that the water of the for-
mer flows into the latter by a canal called the Seglawiyya.
As the two rivers pursue their course southward, the
Euphrates descends with more rapidity, and, at 3 1 " north
latitude, is for the first time joined by the water of the
Tigris through the channel called the Shat-el-Hie, which
bifurcates from the main stream at Kut-el-'Amara. The
Shat-el-Hie, in conjunction with the Shat-el-Kahr, forms
* From the number of " francolin" which abound there.
an extensive marsli, out of which a single stream finds its
way to the Euphrates. Just above the point of junction
a kufah ferry is maintained, by means of which we
crossed to the western side, where we suddenly found
ourselves among a number of Bedouin encampments of
Aneiza and Dhefyr tribes, Avho, for the sake of the water
and vegetation of the Euphrates, usually frequent its
banks at that season of the year. It was then that we
experienced the benefit of Miibarek's escort. Several
times strong parties of horsemen, attracted by the sight
of a caravan, were in the act of swooping down upon our
little party, when the wild fellow, whose eye always first
detected their movements, urged his horse to full speed
and rode forth to meet them. An embrace from each of
the Arabs usually greeted our friend, a short conversation
ensued, and they quietly retired in the direction from
which they had come, while Miibarek returned in
triumph to announce the success of his interview. With
his aid we passed unmolested over some cultivated lands
belonging to a tribe of Agayl Arabs, opposite Imam
Sherifeh, Avliose hospitality we sought for the night
within sight of the great temple of Milgeyer. At this
point commences the line of date-groves which extend
in uninterrupted succession along both banks of the river
to its embouchure at the head of the Persian Gulf. A
messenger from the sheikh of the Muntefik was here aw^ait-
ing the arrival of the Turkish troops and animals, which,
notwithstanding our zigzag route and detention at Warka,
liad not yet arrived at the rendezvous.
The unexpected delay of the Turkish escort afforded
me the much-coveted opportunity of turning aside to
examine the jVTiigeyer, of which Mr Eaillie Eraser gives
a short description in his volume on " Mesopotamia and
Assyria."""' Erom the Agayl camp to the ruins was a
* PaSheioukh, a distance of sixty miles ;
and, as the desert did not furnish a blade of grass, our
animals, too, were obliged to be provided with barley and
straw from the same place.
In ordinary seasons, the inundation of the Euphrates
extends to the very base of the mounds, and renciers
approach impossible from the east except by boat. It is
upon the newly-deposited soil left by the retiring waters,
that the Arabs cultivate crops of maize for their next
year's subsistence ; it may therefore be well conceived
that their condition was not enviable when their hus-
bandry failed for several successive years, and they had
no other means of support.
Another difficulty considerably impeded excavations.
It was my desire to have encamped amid the mounds
themselves ; but this was impossible, in consequence of
the frequency of sand-storms induced by the slightest
breath of air. While all around was in comparative
stillness, Warka was enveloped in a dense cloud of impal-
pable sand, which occurred at least twice or thrice a- week,
and rendered our situation at times extremely disagree-
able. The workmen were driven from the trenches, and
these were drifted up in the course of a few hours. So
densely was the air impregnated with the flying atoms,
that the Arabs themselves often lost their way in return-
ing to camp. Yet, beyond a certain distance from the
ruins, scarcely a breath of wind was perceptible, and the
atmosphere remained clear and tranquil.
* For a farther account of the character of the Mdddn, see page 122.
"The Land of Slilnar "— Warka, the Ancient " Erecli "— " Ur of the
Clialdees" — Scene of Desolation and Solitude — Enormous Extent
of Euins — The Buwariyya — Reed-mat Structure.
Of tlie primeval cities founded by Nimrod, tlie son of
Cusli, four are represented, in Genesis x. 10, as giving
origin to the rest : — " And tlie beginning of liis kingdom
was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the
land of Shinar."
The position of this land of Shinar is a much disputed
point, and grave discussion has arisen concerning its
identification. Some writers, from similarity of nam.e,
contend that it refers to the modern district called Sinjar,
in Mesopotamia, between Mosul on the Tigris, and Biron
the Euphrates ; but the coincidence goes no further, for
Shinar is described in the Bible as "a plain," whereas
Sinjar is an undulating, rocky region, traversed by a range
of lofty limestone mountains. Under these circumstances,
the supposed identity fails, and we are compelled to look
elsewhere for the first settlements.
Others, with more reason, point to a district much
further to the south, where are the remains of innumer-
able ancient cities, regarded by Jewish tradition as the
country Shinar, from whence that nation originally pro-
ceeded. In confirmation of this, Babylonia, in the old
cuneiform inscriptions, is called by the same name, —
Shinar, and it is likewise still preserved in the important
ruins of Sinkara.
The site of Babel is, moreover, traditionally assigned to
the same region, and the large ruins near Hillah on the
Euphrates are generally supposed to represent it. If this
l^e admitted, we ought naturally to seek for the other
three cities of the primitive kingdom in the adjacent
region. Without, however, attempting to identify Accad
or Cahieh, which would be foreign to onr purpose, let us
see if there be any site which will correspond with the
biblical Erech — ^the second city of Nimrod.
About 120 miles south-east of Babylon, are ^ome
enormous piles of mounds, which, from their name and
importance, appear at once to justify their claim to .con-
sideration. The name of Warka is derivable from Erech
without unnecessary contortion. The original Hebrew
word "Erk," or "Ark," is transformed into "Warka," either
by changing the aleph into van, or by simply prefixing the
vau for the sake of euphony, as is customary in the
conversion of Hebrew names to Arabic. If any depen-
dence can be placed upon the derivation of modern from
ancient names, this is more worthy of credence than most
others of like nature.
Some persons derive Warka from the Arabic root Hrh,
" a branch or vein," from whence originates the modern
name of the region — Irak-Arabi ; but it must be remem-
bered that the Arabic language is not to be depended
on for the root of such an ancient name as Erech.
" Country of arteries" would otherwise be a very apj)ro-
priate name for a region intersected with canals.
Sir Henry Rawlinson states his belief that Warka is
Erech, and in this he is supported by concurrent testimony.
Although he has been unable to read its cuneiform name
with precision, it is generally designated as " the city," jpar
excellence. He therefore ascribes to Warka a very high
If if ^¥ W^
(ancient erech .)
Larifr Ruiti
FartJuatt ■'! Tmrr
Rrhtirr of Chru-s __
(email mound (eaccavaud ) F
i^cf.k & Parthian mound C
Sivria nieundd . H
Snilpturein Basait.^ I
Xiift'iaji .
Tpwerot'Bnck Jtfajos
SW.Siputre nunaxd'
TahleC taraff
bed called
1 Ni^
f>^ ^
. o
antiquity, and regards it as the motlier-city from wliicli
all others sprang.'"' It is not improbable that Herodotus re-
fers to Warka when he speaks of Arderikka,t corresponding
with the Chaldsean Ar'a de Erek, or Land of Erech.
A trace of the same name appears to exist in Orchoe of
Alexander's time. We are told by Pliny| that the inha-
bitants of that city diverted the waters of the Euphrates
for the purpose of irrigating their lands ; and it is likewise
mentioned by Strabo§ as a city which possessed an
university for the study of astronomy, from whence
originated the sect of Chaldaean philosophers called
Orchoeni, in contradistinction to those of Borsippa. The
near correspondence of the two names, the discovery of
very early cuneiform, as well as of Greek, records at
Warka, the immensity of its ruins, and the sacred
character attached to them, are certainly highly favour-
able to the identity of Warka with the primitive Erech,
and the Greek Orchoe.
It has been elsewhere observed, || that previous to the
discovery of the Mugeyer cylinders. Sir Henry Eawlinson
definitely concluded that Warka was, moreover, Ur of
the Chaldees, from whence Abraham migrated into Syria.
He remarks that a very ancient and valuable manuscript
in his library determinately connects the ruins of Warka
with Ur : — " The traditionists report that Abraham was
born at El Warka, in the district of Edh-Dhawabi,1F on
the confines of Kaskar, and that his father afterwards
moved to. Nimrod's capital, which is in the territory of
Kutha. As-sudi, however, states that when the mother
of Abraham found herself pregnant, Azer (the biblical
Terah) feared lest the child should perish, so he went out
* See page xvi. of the Twenty-ninth Annual Report of the Royal Asiatic
Society, 1852 ; and Proceedings of the Royal Geogr. Society, vol. i., page 47«
t Herodotus, i. 185. % Pliny, vi. 27. § Strabo, xvi. 739.
II At page 131, IF Dowab, in Persiaji, means " two rivers."
with her to a country between Kufa and Wasit, which
was called Ur."'"" This tradition of Abraham's birth-
place at Warka, however, originated not with the Arabs,
but with the Jews, and is therefore more deserving
Without desiring to claim for Warka more honour
than the place is duly entitled to, may we not, although
admitting the correctness of the reading " Hur" on the
Mugeyer cylinders, still, consistently with this ancient
tradition, regard Warka as Ur, on the supposition that
this name is apphed — not to a city — but to a district of
the Chaldees, which included both the ruined sites of
Warka and Mugeyer '? In this light " Ur of the Chaldees"
is, I believe, regarded by some authorities on this subject.
If Mugeyer be Ur, we have likewise the same root in the
name Orchoe. I therefore agree with Mr Baillie Fraser,t
in his remark that " Warka may possibly represent
Orchoe of the Chaldaeans, while the term Orchoe may be
nothing more than a mere modification of the ancient
Erech, and Warka or Irka a more modern pronunciation
of both."
Having made these preliminary remarks on the still
obscure origin and history of Warka, I proceed to describe
the present aspect of these very remarkable ruins. They
stand in latitude about 31° 19' N. and in longitude about
45° 40' E., and are distant four miles from the nearest
point on the eastern bank of the Euphrates. An elevated
tract of desert soil, ten miles in breadth, is slightly
raised above a series of inundations and marshes caused
by the annual overflowing of the Euphrates. Upon this
* "Journal of Royal Asiatic Society," vol. xii., p. 481 ; note.
t " Mesopotamia and Assyria," p. 115. In several recent works, the names
Mdgayah, El-Asayleh, or " the place of pebbles," and Senkereh are, on the
authority of Colonel Chesney, applied to the ruins of Warka. The Arabs
of the locality, however, do not know them by any such names ; and Sinkara
is an independent ruin, 15 miles east-south-east of Warka.
are situated not only Warka, but Sinkara, Tel Ede, and
Hammam — all unapproachable, except from November
to March, during which months the river assumes its
lowest level, and occasionally admits of access. This belt
of elevated soil extends from a few miles south of Warka,
in a N.E. direction, to the meres of the Affej already men-
tioned. Towards the south and east the land of Chaldaea
is swallowed up in a chain of marshes, through which, at
long intervals, an island or an ancient mound appears
above the horizon of waters. This character of the dis-
trict appears from historical evidence to have obtained
from the earliest times, and is duly represented in the
Nineveh sculptures during the period of Sennacherib.
While the inundation prevails, reeds and coarse grass
skirt the border of the water, and a few stunted tamarisk
bushes flourish for a time at a little higher level ; but
with the retiring of the water vegetation rapidly dies,
and in a few short weeks nothing but dried rushes and
leafless twigs are to be seen on a parched sandy desert.
The desolation and solitude of Warka are even more
striking than the scene which is presented at Babylon
itself. There is no life for miles around. No river
glides in grandeur at the base of its mounds ; no green
date groves flourish near its ruins. The jackal and the
hyaena appear to shun the dull aspect of its tombs. The
king of birds never hovers over the deserted waste. A
blade of grass or an insect finds no existence there. The
shrivelled lichen alone, clinging to the weathered surface
of the broken brick, seems to glory in its universal
dominion upon those barren walls. Of all the desolate
pictures which I have ever beheld, that of Warka incom-
parably surpasses all. There are, it is true, lofty and
imposing structures towering from the surrounding piles
of earth, sand, and broken pottery, but all form or plan
is lost in masses of fallen brickwork and rubbish. These
only serve to impress the mind more fully with the
complete ruin and desertion which have overtaken the
city. Its ancient name even is lost to the modern tribes,
and little is kno\\Ti with certainty of its past history.
Nineveh, Babylon, and Susa have their peculiar traditions,
but ancient Warka and its sanctity are forgotten as though
they had possessed no previous existence.
Standing upon the summit of the principal edifice called
the Buwariyya,'"" in the centre of the ruins, the beholder is
struck with astonishment at the enormous accumulation
of mounds and ancient relics at his feet. An irregular
circle, nearly six miles in circumference, is defined hf the
traces of an earthen rampart, in some places forty feet
high. An extensive platform of undulating mounds^
brown and scorched by the burning sun, and cut up by
innumerable channels and ravines, extends, in a general
direction north and south, almost up to the wall, and
occupies the greatest part of the enclosed area. As at
Niffar, a wide channel divides the platform into two
unequal parts, which vary in height from twenty to
fifty feet ; upon it are situated the principal edifices of
Warka. On the western edge of the northern portion
rise, in solemn grandeur, masses of bricks which have
accumulated around the lower stories of two rectangular
buildings and their various ofiices, supposed to be temples,
or perhaps royal tombs. The bleached and lichen-covered
aspect of the surface attests the long lapse of ages which
has passed since the enterprising hand of man reared
them from above the surrounding level desert. Detached
from the principal mass of platform are several irregularly-
shaped low mounds between it and the walls, some of
which are thickly strewed with lumps of black scoria, as
though buildings on their summits had been destroyed
by fire. At the extreme north of the platform, close to
* A on General Plan.
the wall, a conical mound'"- rears its head from the sur-
rounding waste of ruins — the barrow probably of some
ancient Scyth. Warka, in the days of her greatness, was
not, however, confined within the limit of her walls ; her
subiu'bs may be traced by ruined buildings, mounds, and
pottery, fully three miles beyond the ramparts into the
eastern desert. Due north, at the distance of two miles
from the Buwariyya, is the dome-shaped pile of NufFayji,t
which rivals the central ruin itself in height, and stands
the advanced guard of the city. Near it several smaller
barrows are strewed around without apparent order or
design. On the north-east is another large mound,J re-
sembHng, but smaller than, Nuffayji.
Forlorn splendour and unbroken solitude reign undis-
turbed on the ruins. AVith the exception of the Tuweyba
tribe, the Arabs shun a site which is held to be the abode
of evil spirits, and none will dare to pass a night upon the
doleful spot.
The view of the surrounding horizon is not more cheer-
ino- than that of the desolate scene within the walls.
During seasons of drought (for I have visited Warka at
no other time), seldom is an Arab tent or herd of cattle
discernible on any side. In the clear sky of morning or
evening it is only possible to make out a few spots which
mark the winding course of the Euphrates at the junction
of the Hillah and Semava streams, El-Khithr trees and
Kala'a Duraji — old settlements casually inhabited.
Tel Ede on the north-north-east, Sinkara on the east-
south-east, and a few date-trees on the marshes of the
Kahr, are all that the eye finds to dwell upon in the
opposite direction. The intervening space is a dry, barren
and dismal desert, void of water, vegetation, and inhabi-
tants. The prophecy of the coming desolation of Babylon
is equally applicable to AVarka : — " It shaU never be
* F on Plan. t J on Plan. X M on Plan.
inhabited, neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to
generation : neither shall the Arabian pitch tent there ;
neither shall the shepherds make their fold there/"'' For
probably eighteen centuries, Warka has stood deserted and
in ruins as she now appears. No wonder therefore, that
her history is lost in the oblivion of the past !
The external walls of sun-dried brick enclosino; the
main portion of the ruins may be traced without much
difficulty throughout their entire circuit. They assume
the form of an irregular circle five-and-a-half miles in
circumference, with shghtly perceptible angles towards
the cardinal points. •
They attain their highest elevation on the north-east
side,t where they are between forty and fifty feet q,bove
the plain, but the great quantity of rubbish lying at their
base proves that their original height was considerably
more. The width may have been perhaps twenty feet.
From this point they trend away towards the south,
gradually decreasing in height until they become level
with the desert, exhibiting at intervals traces of the brick-
work itself. For the most part, however, they have long
Bince lost all marks of their origin, and cannot be distin-
guished from a simple earthen ramj)art. Many breaks
occur along this portion of the walls, some of which were
undoubtedly entrances.
From south to west the course of the wall is only dis-
cernible from the desert itself by the darker colour of the
soil and the remains of semi-oval turrets, fifty feet apart.
These were open towards the city, and possessed walls
from four to five-and-a-half feet in thickness.
Towards the north-west the wall may be followed over
several large mounds, covered with black slag and scoria,
like the refuse of a glass factory. It is not improbable
that this was the site of the furnaces where the glazed
• Isaiah xiii. 2(1^ f Near the conical mound marked F on the Plan.
pottery hereafter alluded to wets made. Pottery, vitrified
and inscribed bricks, scoria, and glass, are elsewhere found
in abundance on the surface of the ruins.
Of the three great edifices'"' which rise conspicuously
from the surface of the ruins, that called Buwariyya is not
The BuwSriyya Euin at Warka.
only the most central, but the most lofty and ancient.
At first sight it appears to be a cone, but further exa-
mination proves it to be a tower, 200 feet square, built
entirely of sun-dried bricks. On excavating at its base-
ment there was discovered, on the centre of each side, a
massive buttress of peculiar construction, erected for the
purpose of supporting the main edifice. Unlike Milgeyer
and other Babylonian structures, the lower tower of the
Buwariyya is without any external facing of kiln-baked
brickwork, its place being, however, supplied by the
above-mentioned buttresses. This, together with the pri-
mitive manner in which the central portion is arranged,
leads to the supposition that it is a very early struc-
ture. Sir Hemy Rawlinson confirms this conclusion, by
reading the name of King Urukht upon the brick legends
* A, B, and C on the Plan.
t See inscriptions page 169. This king also built Mligeyer and NifFar.
1 68 THE buwArIyya.
of the buttresses, which record the dedication of the edifice
to " Sin," or the " JMoon," by that monarch, who is sup-
posed to have lived about 2230 B.C. The total height of
the Buwariyya is perhaps 100 feet above the desert plain,
but only 27 feet of the internal brickwork emerges from a
mass of rubbish, w^hich slopes in a gradual descent from
the summit and entirely covers up the buttresses. The
sides are deeply cut and furrow^ed by rain channels and
ravines. The sun-dried bricks are of various shapes and
sizes, which is contrary to the custom in later edifices.
They are rudely moulded of very incoherent earth, mixed
with fragments of pottery and fresh-water shells,* and
vary in size from 7 to 9 inches long by 7 inches wide,
and 3 or 3^ inches in thickness.
The name "Buwariy^^a," in Arabic, signifies "reed mats,"
which term is similarly applied to other mounds in Meso-
potamia, in the construction of which the reed matting is
used as a new foundation for the successive layers of
bricks. Eeeds are placed at intervals of 4 or 5 feet, and
serve to protect the earthen mass from disintegration, by
projecting beyond the external surface. Four or five
rows of bricks are laid horizontally under and upon each
layer, and cemented in mud, but the remainder are placed
lengthwise on edge, with their flat surfaces and narrow
edges facing outwards. The same oblong apertures, wdiich
usually characterize edifices of this description, are ob-
servable here. The summit of the existing ruin is per-
fectly flat, and measures 68 feet from north to south. At
one point are traces of a brick superstructure, with inscrip-
tions of Sin-shada, who lived about 1500 B.C., and the
rubbish, mixed with bitumen, on the exterior, appears to
have faUen from it. We therefore conclude that Sin-
shada repaired or rebuilt the upper terrace of the.Buwari^'ya
which had been erected 800 years previously by his pre-
decessor, Urukh, in the same manner as Nebuchadnezzar,
at a later period, repaired the terraces of the Birs Nimrud,
constructed 500 years before liis time.
The buttresses which have been referred to are 19 feet
high, and each is divided into two equal parts, by an
inter v^ening space of 1
foot 9 inches. Each
portion is 2 feet 2
inches thick, and pro-
jects 7^ feet from the
unbaked central mass,
against which the two
parts of the buttress
are united by a strong
wall. The flat bricks
are cemented with
thick layers of bitu-
men, so firmly adher-
Stamped Inscription of Urukh iu Monograms.
ing together that they can with difficulty be separated.
Each brick is inscribed with eight lines of complicated
mouogrammic characters, peculiar to the earher cunei-
form inscriptions.
The greater num-
ber are stamped,
but in some the
inscriptions are
written, and ex-
hibit the manner
in Avhich the
stamped mono-
grams are consti-
I destroyed a
PTPat nOVtion of a inscription of Uruth in ordinary cuneiform characters.
buttress, and dug a considerable distance into the western
angle of the internal mass of brickwork, for the piu'pose
of discovering the dedicatory cylinders, which IVIr Tay-
lor's excavations at Mugeyer proved to be deposited at
the corners of Babylonian edifices. It is, however, pro-
bable that they had long previously been destroyed by
the fall of brickwork, and therefore my search for these
valued records was fruitless.
The Buwariyya stands at the western angle of a large
enclosiure, 350 feet long by 270 feet wide, which evidently
extended around it, and reached to the south-east edge
of the great platform. Distinct walls of vitrified bricks,
bearing the name of Merodach-gina, 1400 B.C., ^ are trace-
able in different places.
"Without extensive excavations it would be impossible
to understand the original plan or disposition of the nu-
merous walls which appear from under masses of unbaked
brick. It is probable that they acted as supports, and
served to prevent outward pressure.
The south-east portion of the enclosure is traversed by
numerous ravines, which penetrate deeply into the mound,
and expose several of these walls. Wherever trenches
were opened at this locality they revealed the same un-
baked mass intersected by rectangular walls cemented in
"Wuswas" Ruin — The Earliest Explorer — Rude Ornamentation —
Columnar Architecture — Palm Logs the Probable Type — New Light
on the External Ai'chitecture of the Babylonians and Assyrians —
Interior of Wuswas — The Use of the Arch in Ancient Mesopotamia
— Search for Sculptm-es — The Warrior in Basalt.
By far the most interesting structure at Warka is that
called " Wuswas." ''' It is contained in a spacious walled
quadrangle, the eastern corner of which is 840 feet from
the Buwariyya. Its north-western side is on the edge of
the great platform. The enclosure is oblong, and includes
an area of more than 7^ acres ; the north-west and south-
east sides respectively measure 650 feet and 500 feet.
All the buildings at Warka point with one corner to the
true north, and, this being likewise the case at Mugeyer,
I presume that such arrangement obtained generally
in Chaldsean architecture, perhaps for astronomical pur-
poses. The walls of the enclosure are now reduced to
long, high ridges of bricks and mortar. A large court on
the level of the platform occupies the eastern corner, and
is approached by an entrance through each of its external
walls. A third gateway on the south-west led to a ter-
race in front of the principal building.
A second court, at a lower level, occupies a correspond-
ing position at the north angle, and likewise approaches
the main structure, probably by a flight of steps. A large
* B on Plan.
gateway gives entrance to this court from the north-
The remainders of the north-west and south-east sides
are elevated terraces, parallel with the walls of the prin-
cipal edifice, that on the north-west being of considerable
The most important and conspicuous portion of this
great enclosure is the structure on the south-west side,
which gives its present name to the i-uin. It is said to
be derived from a negro called Wuswas, who, a few years
ago, observed a wall on the south-west side, and began
to make an exca-
vation, under the
impression that he
would find gold
within. After pe-
netrating fifteen
feet through soKd
brick-work he dis-
covered a valu-
iihle ring, but one
of the saints of
the Mohammedan
calendar appeared
in a vision, and
warned him that
his act of spolia-
tion was sinful,
and that, if he
still persisted in
his wicked pro-
ject, paradise and its hiiris would not be his future lot.
Wuswas was alarmed, but, unwilling to part with the
treasure he had already acquired, disappeared, and it is to
this day unknown whether he had been torn to pieces
The Excavation at TVuswas.
by wild beasts, or wlietlier tlie Moliammedan saint liad
forthwith transported him to the seventh heaven. The
superstitious Arabs have never since dared to enter the
excavation, although they have no hesitation in ejecting
the bones of the dead from the tenements where they
have for ages reposed. The excavation made by Wuswas
shewed an act of patience and perseverance foreign to the
Arab character, and exposed a thickness of walling which
is, at first sight, likely to lead to the erroneous conclusion
that the great pile was a solid mass. This ruin is 246
feet long by 174 feet wide, and stands 80 feet above the
plain. On three sides are terraces of different elevations,
but the fourth or south-west presents a perpendicular
facade, at one place 23 feet in height.
Like all Babylonian and Assyrian ruins, the Wuswas
building is elevated on a lofty artificial platform 50 feet
high, which has perhaps been added to that of the Buwa-
riyya. The enormous amount of rubbish which encumbers
its summit, sides, and base, gives some slight idea of the
magnitude of the edifice, and excites unbounded surprise.
It rises from 2 to 6 feet above the building, completely
fills every chamber, measures from 20 to 30 feet from
the base of the external walls, and extends down the
slope of the mound — a truncated pyramid of broken
bricks and mortar.
At my second visit, on returning from Mohammerah,
I remarked certain architectural peculiarities, which sub-
sequently induced me to undertake excavations on the
site of Wuswas's labours. Trenches were therefore di-
rected against the fa§ade, where there appeared a proba-
bility that an entrance might be efi"ected into the interior.
The immense accumulation of fallen brickwork rendered
excavation a work of considerable danger, and required
the greatest care to prevent the workmen being buried
up by the giving way of the loose material. Appliances
like stays or shoring were
unprocurable in the de-
serts ; we laboured in the
most primitive manner.
The edge of a broken
wall was, in the first place,
laid bare at the summit,
and the uniformity of its
outline induced me to ex-
cavate at four difierent
localities, but . it soon
I became evident * that
I neither entrance nor
I window ever existed on
^ this side ; at the same
i time, it afforded the first
I glimpse of Babylonian
I architecture, exhibiting
I peculiarities so remark-
\ able and original as to
I pronounce at once its
I undoubted antiquity. It
I furnishes a new page to
I the annals of architec-
^ tural art.
The facade measures
174 feet in length, and,
as before stated, in some
places 23 feet in height.
With this elevation, it is
not difficult to complete
a restoration of the entire
front to that height. Al-
though the portions un-
The right half of the Plan is a horizontal section through the columns—
covered possess no beauty comparable with, the artistic
conceptions and productions of subsequent ages, a broad
air of grandeur must have attended the immense size and
heio-ht of the edifice. Such buildino;s as those at Warka
must have been imposing in the extreme.
At the base of the ruin a narrow terrace, 3-|- feet wide,
coated with a thin layer of white plaster, runs the entire
length of the facade. From this, in one unbroken per-
pendicular line, without a single moulding, rises the main
wall, which is subdivided by slight recesses 1 2^ feet long.
Nothing can be more plain, more rude, or, in fact, more
unsightly than the decoration employed upon this front ;
but it is this very aspect — this very ugliness, which
vouches for the originality of the style. It has long been
a question whether the column was employed by the
Babylonians as an architectural embellishment. The
Wuswas fa9ade settles this point beyond dispute. Upon
the lower portion of the building are groups of seven
half-columns repeated seven times — the rudest perhaps
which were ever reared, but built of moulded semicircular
bricks, and securely bonded to the wall. The entire
absence of cornice, capital, base, or diminution of shaft,
so characteristic of other columnar architecture, and the
peculiar and original disposition of each group in rows
like palm logs, suggest the type from which they sprang.
It is only to be compared with the style adopted by
aboriginal inhabitants of other countries, and was evi-
dently derived from the construction of wooden edifices.
The same arrangement of uniform reeds or shafts, placed
side by side, as at Wuswas, occurs in many Egyptian
structures, and in the generality of Mexican buildings
before the Spanish invasion. It is that which is likely to
the other half a section through the recesses of the upper story. The only
portion of the fagade exposed before the excavations was around the hole
dug by the negro, of which an engraving is given on page 172.
originate among a rude people before the introduction of
the arts.
There is not a line in the facade to which foreign
influence can be traced. In place of a plinth, a fillet of
plaster, 1^ inch high, re-connects the line of wall broken
by the successive groups of columns. In similar manner
above them a horizontal band passes flush with the wall.
The otherwise monotonous character of this portion of the
front is in some measure varied by the nearer arrange-
ment of the two outward groups of columns.
From the horizontal band, immediately above the three
central columns of each group, rises a stepped recess If
foot deep, surmounted by a larger and a smaller crescent
— a sacred emblem of Chaldsean worship. On either side
of these recesses, over the first and seventh columns of
each series, is a chasing, containing, in its upper half, a
column similar to those before described.
The rest of the front at intervals is perpendicularly
subdivided by chasings 7 inches deep, extending unin-
terruptedly from the terrace to the highest point of the
building now remaining. This chasing occurs in many
other Chaldeean ruins — at the small oratory at Mugeyer
and on the great temple at Sinkara — and may be regarded
as a chief characteristic of Babylonian architectural
The whole front has been undoubtedly coated with
white plaster from 2 to 4 inches thick, which seems to
have suffered more from the fall of the upper portion of
the building than from its anterior exposure to the
weather. It exhibits no trace of colour.
I have entered upon the above details, because we
previously knew little or nothing regarding the external
architecture of the Babylonians, or of the Assyrians. It
is true that the lower story of the great temple at Mugeyer
has stood exposed for centuries in good preservation, but
it is without the peculiar features above described. At
the Birs Nimrud, too, so little of the edifice was visible
under the superincumbent pile of rubbish, and that little
in such a deplorable state of ruin, that it is impossible to
gain any light upon the subject. These were the only
two Babylonian edifices which, previous to the discovery
of Wuswas, exhibited any external features. Neither Mr
Layard's excavations at Koyunjuk and Nimrud, nor
those of M. Botta at Khorsabad, furnished any idea as to
the exteriors of the Assyrian palaces. Except at the
grand entrance of Sargon's palace at Khorsabad, and that
of Sennacherib at Koyunjuk, guarded by their colossal
bulls and attendant human figures, no portion of the
outer walls of an Assyrian palace had ever, up to that
time, been uncovered. For the first time, then, Wuswas
advances some positive data by which to reconstruct the
exterior of a Ninevite palace. It is not, however, extra-
ordinary that this had previously escaped discovery.
The walls of the palaces erected by the Assyrian kings
were merely composed of unbaked bricks, which, in a
more humid climate than that of Chaldsea, crumbled
away when they ceased to be cared for, forming a com-
pact mass with the earth and rubbish under which they
were eventually buried. Khorsabad, however, appears
to have escaped the destruction which befell the other
palaces of Assyria, and to have continued in a remarkably
perfect condition when explored by the French Govern-
ment. To the perseverance of M. Victor Place, the late
French Consul at Mosul, is due the credit of having first
discovered and exposed the exterior of an undoubted
Assyrian edifice. It is remarkable that not only was the
discovery made about the time of my excavations at
Wuswas, but also that the architectural peculiarities of
the two edifices are so similar that no possible doubt can be
thrown on their common origin. The whole exteriors of
the tower and harem of Sargon, at Khorsab^d, exhibit a
modified representation of the Wuswas fa9ade ; the same
rude cohimns, without capital or base, are ranged in sets
of seven together, side by side ; and the same dentated
recesses or chasings separate the groups, varied only by the
insertion of a single column, or a cluster of three, between
them. The wall at Khorsabad unfortunately terminates
before the columns have attained their full height; con-
sequently, this portion of the Wuswas design with its
crescents are not visible. Wuswas therefore still remains
the most perfect exterior of its class.
I several times subsequently uncovered columns ar-
ranged in Hke manner, with chasings at their sides, on the
exterior of the south-east palace at Nimrud.
At a later date. Sir Henry Rawlinson ascertained that
the same system of half-column groups and chasings
occurs on the lowest terrace or story of the Birs Nimrud ;
but the results of his discoveries at that locality are as yet
only partially made public.
That groups of columns and double recesses were the
prevailing type of Assyrian and Babylonian external
architecture there can be little doubt, and future excava-
tions in those countries may develop the fact more fuUy."^^'
This native style ceased with the introduction of Greek
art and its chaste ornamentation during the occupation
of the country under the Seleucidae ; but a slight revival
probably took place under the Sassanians. We have
several edifices of the latter period, such as the Tauki Kesra
at Ctesiphon, and the Palace of Firuzabad in Southern
Persia, which in all essential particulars so much resemble
Wuswas as to prove that the Sassanians borrowed most
* In several Koyunjuk sculptures, one of ■which is engraved in Mr
Layard's " Nineveh and Babylon," p. 647, the double recesses or chasings
are i)reuisely delineated, and afford further proof — if such be required —
of their adaptation to the exterior of Assyrian edifices.
is not
of their peculiarities from earlier native examples.* In
the two buildings mentioned, we have the same dull,
heavy aspect, without break or window, and the same
repetition of inelegant columns and narrow arches, which
take the place of stepped recesses in the earlier edifices.
Having said thus much on the external character of
Wuswas, it is time to explore its interior. Here, however,
I experienced much difficulty. It has been already
stated that the enormous thickness of the south-west wall,
and the accumulation of bricks, are likely to lead to the
conclusion that the
building is of solid
construction. Sub-
sequent excava-
that this
the case,
but that a prin-
cipal entrance,t
with plain brick
jambs, conducts
into a laro;e outer
court, with cham-
bers on either side.
Beyond it is an-
other haU similar-
ly arranged. My
excavations were
commenced on the
summit, at the
south - west side,
where certain hollows and lineal elevations of bricks
indicated faint outlines of rooms. But the immense
• Fergusson's " Illustrated Handbook of Architecture," vol. i., p. 373.
t Ate.
Plan of the Great Edifice at Wiiswas.
tliic'kuess of the walls compared witli tlie size of the
chambers, for a length of time defeated my purpose, and
I was almost incHned to the belief that the great mass of
bnildino; was a solid block of brickwork. Success,
however, ultimately rewarded my labours, and I had
the satisfaction of at least tracing the walls of nearly
seven chambers, the general arrangement of which
resembles, in a remarkable manner, that of the Assyrian
palaces, as respects want of uniformity in size and shape,
and the position of the doorway at the sides rather than
the centres of the rooms. The largest chamber or hall ''"'
measures fifty-seven feet by thirty feet ; and the smallest, t
adjoining it, nine feet by thirty feet. A shaft was dug in
the former, and the rul^bish entirely cleared out o^" the
latter to the depth of twenty-three feet and a half. The
walls were rudely plastered, but did not exhibit any trace
of colour. Portions of date-wood were found in the small
chamber, and apertures for beams are traceable in the
walls twelve feet from the brick pavement. These extend,
however, only partially the length of the room, leaving a
space by which light may have passed to the lower
apartment, or by which a stair may have communicated
between the upper and ground-floor rooms. The other
chambers must have been in some measure lighted from
above, but the precise mode is conjectural, eince there is
neither window nor door along the whole leng-th of the
front by which light could have been admitted.|
* A of Plan. t B of Plan.
1 In the above description of the architectural peculiarities of the
Wuswas edifice, I have largely availed myself of the valuable and concise
report which, at my request, Mr Boutcher prepared on the spot for the
Committee of the Assyrian Excavation Fund. I take this opportunity of
expressing my obligations to that gentleman for the great assistance he
afforded me in my labours both in Chaldeeaand Assyria, and of directing
attention to the very beautiful collection of drawings which he made dur-
ing the continuance of the expedition. These drawings are now deposited
in the British Museum, and in the collection of the Eoyal Asiatic Society,
The rubbish, as I have before mentioned, completely
filled every chamber ; so that, having ascertained the
non-existence of sculptures in two apartments, I did not
deem it advisable to explore further. This extent of
rubbish, taken in connexion with the great thickness
and arrangement of the walls, gives some idea of the size
and roof of the fallen superstructure. On reference to the
plan, it will be observed that there is a great dispropor-
tion in the relative thickness of the flank and front walls
of the building, but, if we consider the wall of the fa9ade
to be the side waU. of the two large chambers, its thickness
may be accounted for. On further examination we shall
find the jianh walls of every chamber thicker or slighter
in proportion to the width of the chamber, which is
precisely what would be necessary, if, as I believe, each
chamber were covered with a brick arch,
I am here induced to make a few remarks on the con-
struction of the Assyrian palaces. In his admirably
conceived restorations, Mr Fergusson"' everywhere adopts
the conclusion that, as the span between the walls was
frequently too great to admit of the roof being supported
by horizontal beams, the Assyrians had recourse to
columns in preference to all other modes of building. He
supports his arguments by examples derived from India,
Persia, and elsewhere, and his reasoning is clear and
satisfactory, as far as it goes. It may be presumptuous
in me to differ from one who has so intimately investi-
gated this and similar subjects, but it strikes me, from
actual observation of these ruins, that Mr Fergusson's
theory is founded in error. It is perfectly true that the
Assyrians used the column, because the bases are still
found — but always at doorways and not within the
and will well repay the examination of those interested in the subject of
Chaldaean and Assyrian antiquities.
• " Nineveh and Persepolis Restored," p. 270 at seq^.
182 THE ARCH Versm the column in ASSYRIA,
rooms ; — they have never yet been discovered in the latter
position. When Mr Fergusson arrived at this conclusion
he was not aware that the Assyrians really made use of
the arch on a grand scale ; but this has since been fully
proved at Khorsabad, where magnificent arches, of sun-
dried brick, still rest on the massive backs of the colossal
bulls which guard the great gateways leading into the
city, and shew that, not only did the Assyrians under-
stand the construction ot an arch, but also its use as a
decorative feature.
However admirably an open chamber, supported on
columns, might be suited to the lofty or cooler regions of
Persia or India, w^here refreshing breezes at intervals
relieve the heat of the day, they are not well adapted to
the continuous sultriness of an Assyrian climate. The
natives of Mosul, at the present day, do not use columns
in preference to arches, and my belief is that customs
have not much altered in that region since the days of
Sennacherib. To exclude heat and rain, nothing can
be better adajDted than the lofty arch, as it is still there
employed. The Hght is frequently admitted by small
windows, immediately under the spring of the arch. A
similar mode of lighting, I have no doubt, prevailed in
the ancient palaces, than which a better system could not
be adopted for the display of their wonderful bas-rehefs.
These never look so well as in a trench, with the sub-
dued light admitted through a small hole above. The
great thickness of the walls in the Nineveh palaces is, I
am convinced, due to the fact that the rooms were
vaulted, as first suggested by M. E. Flandin.'"' An
arch, constructed of such mud bricks as those still
standing at Khorsabad, would in its fall cover up and
preserve the sculptures uninjured, exactly as they are
disclosed to us by the excavations. This, too, will account
• " Kevue des Deux Mondes."
for the great quantity of earth which fills all the chambers
of the palaces.'"' This is precisely what has happened at
Wuswas with the brickwork of the superstructure, and
which I have little doubt was vaulted.
The bricks used ill the construction of this edifice mea-
sure twelve and a half inches square by three inches thick.
Each is marked on its under side wdth a deeply impressed
triangular stamp or wedge, which may here be regarded
as a sacred emblem, as it certainly is upon the altar in
the National Library at Paris, and on many Babylonian
cylinders. This Rtamp undoubtedly indicates the charac-
ter of the edifice in which it so repeatedly occurs.
In addition to this wedge-shaped stamp, a few bricks
are likewise impressed with an oblong die, bearing thirteen
lines of minute cuneiform characters, resembling those
which occur on clay cylinders, but so extremely indistinct
that it is quite impossible to copy the legend. Sir Henry
Eawlinson, on examining one of these, was inclined,
from the apparent simplicity of a few characters, to regard
them, not as Babylonian, but as Parthian, or even late
Sassanian ; and he therefore pronoimced the building of
Wuswas to belong to a post-Babylonian age. He argTied,
too, that there was nothing Babylonian in the character,
design, or architecture of the building, which W'Ould
favour the idea of its greater antiquity. This was,
however, pre^dous to M. Place's discoveries at Khorsabad,
and to Sir Henry KawHnson's own excavations at the
* The vaulted roofs of the houses and mosques at Mosul are, however,
constructed of gypsum plaster and broken bricks, the terraces being covered
with mud and earth. Such may have been the case in the palaces of
ancient Nineveh, The numerous fragments of bricks and lumps of decom-
posing gypsum in the soil above the sculptures, is strong presumptive
evidence that this plan of constructing their roofs was adopted by the
Assyrians, This explanation w'ould entirely do away with the necessity for
columns, and the difficulty of erecting vaulted arches of mud bricks over
rooms thirty-three feet wide, which is the chief objection raised to the sys-
tem of arched roofing at Nmeveh.
Bii's Nimriid — at both which places, as I have elsewhere
mentioned, precisely the same architectural features were
met with in edifices of undoubted Assyrian and Baby-
lonian origin. Admitting the possibility that the Sassanians
adopted in full the style of the Babylonians, it is extremely
improbable that it should have remained wholly unin-
fluenced by the introduction of a more classic taste during
the Greek occupation of Mesopotamia ; and that a style
so rude and unsightly should have endured unchanged
even during the dominion of the Persians, who, long pre-
vious to the Parthians and Sassanians, were far advanced
in art. Such, we know, was not the case ; and, altlit)ugh
they may have retained the elements of the Babylonian
style, all the Sassanian edifices with which w^e. are
acquainted exhibit a decided advance in art, and an
adaptation of the more elegant designs of the "West.
I cannot therefore conform to the opinion that the Wus-
was temple is either a Parthian or a Sassanian structure.
Although it has hitherto yielded no records to decide
the point satisfactorily, I would fain believe that such
will ultimately be recovered to prove its undoubted
Babylonian origin. It is impossible at present to assign
to it other than an approximate date. From the discovery
of a few fragments of bricks, bearing the name of Sin-
Shada — probably derived from the upper story of the
Buwariyya, and built into the entrance jamb — it cannot be
older than 1500 B.C. (the probability is that it is much
later), and, as the style of architecture seems to have been
at its height in the times of Sargon and Nebuchadnezzar,
Wuswas temple was perhaps erected about the seventh or
eighth century B.C.
With regard to the object for which this immense
edifice was built, it is, of course, presumptuous to pro-
nounce an opinion with so little to guide us. The wedge,
as a sacred emblem, might equally well be applied to a
palace, a temple, or a royal tomb. It will, I fear, be long
before auy positive data can be obtained to decide the
question. The fact, however, that Warka was a great
Necropolis, and that the Greek historian Arrian says that
the Assyrian kings were buried somewhere in the Chal-
dgean marshes, rather tends to the supposition that two at
least of the monster edifices at Warka were among the
tombs of the kings to which Arrian alludes.''"
With the exception of several fragments of coloured
enamelled bricks, similar to those found on the ruins of
the Kasr at Babylon, there was nothing in or around the
edifice which indicated the mode of decoration employed ;
and as Wuswas failed to yield sculptured bas-reliefs, we
must, I fear, give up all hope of discovering works of this
nature in Babylonia. It is not, however, surprising that
the palaces and temples of this region should be without
sculptured slabs, because the alluvial plains of the lower
Tigris and Euphrates do not furnish stone suited to the
purjDose. Any that might be used must have been pro-
cured at great expense, and conveyed a considerable
distance down the river. Bricks and plaster, therefore,
naturally took the place of the gypsum slabs which
adorned the palaces of Assyria, and were obtainable in
any quantity from the quarries in the neighbourhood of
Warka, however, is not without one specimen of ancient
sculpture. My friend Mr T. Kerr Lynch (who took ad-
vantage of my last journey to accompany me from Bagh-
dad on a Adsit to the ruins) in passing over the mounds,
directed my attention to an isolated lump of basalt pro-
jecting through the soft and yielding soil. It lay about
400 feet south of the Buwariyya upon the slojDe of the
great platform. t On turning over the block, it proved
* Arrian de Exped. Alex., vii. 22.
t At I on the General Plan.
to be a fragment of coarse columnar basalt, nearly
four feet long, but broken into four pieces. Three sides
were uncut, but the fourth bore upon it a rude figure
in low relief. A warrior was represented in short tunic,
confined round the waist with a girdle. In the belt
was a short sword or dagger. The long hair was bound
round the head Avith a narrow fillet. The left arm
crossed the breast, while the right, raised and wielding a
short spear, was in the act of striking a prostrate foe or
animal, which did not, however, appear on the sculpture.
The design was very spirited, and the outline remarkably
correct, but the execution was rough and unfinished.
There was a certain archaic character about the bas-rehef
which marked it as one of the earliest relics on the ruins.
The Arabs, seldom accustomed to see blocks of stone upon
the mounds, invariably regard them as talismans or trea-
sures. The sculpture in question was so looked on by
my Tuweyba friends, who have little respect for any-
thing but gold. In hope of finding its interior filled
with gold, they had lighted fires around it at various
times ; but, observing the little efiect thus produced,
they managed to break it by other means. It had suf-
fered considerably from exposure and iU-usage, and was
valueless to bring away as a work of art.
This discovery caused me to expend much time and
labour in its vicinity, searching for the locality from
whence it had been derived, and where I imagined there
might be other specimens of a similar kind. My work,
however, resulted in total disappointment.
New Styles of Decorative Art — Cone-work — Pot-work — Arab Aversion
to Steady Labour — Blood-Feud between the Tuweyba and El-Bej
— The Encounter Frustrated — The Feud Healed — Diversions after
the Work of the Day.
About one hundred feet north of tlie sculpture just
described, close to tlie southern angle of the Buwariyya
enclosure, I was fortunate in meeting with the remains
of an edifice,''" which bears analogy to that of Wuswas,
and is, without exception, perfectly unique in its con-
struction. Situated nearly on a level with the desert,
it may also be regarded as of early origin, and although
only a fragment, it yields to none in interest. I had
frequently noticed a number of small yellow terra-cotta
Terra-cotta Coue, natural size.
cones, three inches and a half long, arranged in half
circles on the surface of the mound, and was much
perplexed to imagine what they were. They proved
to be part of a wall, thirty feet long, entirely composed
of these cones imbedded in a cement of mud mixed
* At E ou Plan.
with chopped straw. They were fixed horizontally with
their circular bases facing outwards. Some had been
dipped in red and black colour, and were arranged in
various ornamental patterns, such as diamonds, triangles,
zigzags, and stripes, which had a remarkably pleasing
effect. The wall which these cones ornamented consisted
_J^1_J.. I -l.-L_!-,
Elevation and Plan of the Terra-cotta Coue "Wall, Warka.
of a plane surface fourteen feet ten inches long, broken away
for a short space in the centre, and projecting one foot nine
inches beyond a series of half-columns, arranged precisely
as in the Wuswas facade side by side. Two of these
columns appeared on one side of the projection, and six on
the other. Each differed from its next neighbour in design,
but that first from the plane wall only measured one foot
eio;ht inches in diameter, while the others were each two feet
six inches. It would have been interestino- to have ascer-
tained that the number of columns in each group agreed
with those at Wuswas, but unfortunately the wall ceased
before completing the number — seven, and the height of
the whole did not exceed six feet. Trenches in various
directions failed to discover other portions of this edifice ;
neither could any trace of walling behind the cones be
distinomished from the surroundino- mass of earth. That
some supporting wall formerly existed is, however, evi-
dent from the slender nature of the remainino- fabric.
In ancient Egyptian tombs, similar but much larger
cones are found, with hieroglyphs stamped upon their
bases, several specimens of which are in the British Mu-
seum. They are supposed to have a sepulchral character,
and to have been let into the wall at the entrance of the
tomb, although they have never been observed in that
position. The hieroglyphs are probably the names of the
deceased. No marks or inscriptions occur on these Warka
cones, but there is every reason to suppose that they were
in a similar manner connected with the burial of the
dead. The ascertained fact, before noticed, that the site
was a vast cemetery, is strong presumptive evidence in
favoiu' of this conclusion.
Cones of the same kind are of frequent occurrence upon
the ruins of the great platform, sometimes firmly fixed
together in strong white plaster or cement, but no other
building w^as observed with them in situ. There is, how-
ever, little doubt that several might be discovered by
largely excavating in the mounds. Similar cones are
found in many other ruins of undoubted Babylonian age,
which, unlike Warka, have escaped being built upon by
succeeding races. Mr Taylor discovered them plentifully,
both at Mugeyer and Abu Shehreyn, at which latter place
they occurred ten inches in length, composed of limestone
and marble, and sometimes with a rim round the edge
filled with copper.'"' They were, undoubtedly, much used
as an architectural decoration in Lower Chaldsea, and
always in connexion with sepulchral remains.
Cones, or rather horns of baked clay, frequently occur
on the same ruins, inscribed round the thick part of
the circumference in early and complicated cuneiform
characters. They, however, appear to have been attached
to some other object, and are usually bent at the summit
* See Mr Taylor's Memoirs on the I\Iligeyer and Abu Slielireyn, in the
"Journal of the Eoyal Asiatic Society," vol. xv., pages 268, 274, 411, 416.
of the cone. One of these, obtained by me at Warka,
bears on it the name of Bel or Belus. It is engraved in
Mr Layard's "Nineveh and Babylon," p. 564, and is now
in the British Museum.
Warka is a complete mine for extraordinary and un-
heard-of modes of decoration in architecture. Within a
stone's throw of the south-west fa9ade at Wuswas, is
another mound crowned with a curious building, which
has some points of resemblance to the cone-brick structure
last described. It rises abruptly from the base of the
artificial mound'"* on which the AVuswas ruin stands, and
appears to have been a tower of unbaked brick. • My
attention was particularly directed to it by the enormous
quantity of broken pottery and conical ends of. jars
which lay around. On excavating midway up its north
side, I came upon a kind of basement or perhaps terrace
of mud-brick abutting against a mass of compact earth.
Upon the latter was raised a wall composed entirely of
unbaked bricks, and a peculiar species of conical vase, the
fragments of which lay strewed on the surface. This wall
was traced about one hundred feet, but was extremely
irregular in plan, at one point projecting forward four feet,
then roundino; off" and recedins; eioht feet. It afterwards
assumed its original direction for forty-three feet, then
made an obtuse angle, and finally bore away as before,
when I ceased to follow it further. Above the foundation
were a few layers of mud-bricks, superimposed on which
were three rows of these vases, arranged horizontally,
mouths outward, and immediately above each other.
This order of brick and pot-work was repeated thrice,
and was succeeded upwards by a mass of unbaked bricks.
The vases vary in size from ten to fifteen inches in length,
with a general diameter at the mouth of four inches.
The cup or interior is only six inches deep, consequently
♦ At L oil the General Plan.
the conical end is solid. The cup was formed by a
regular turning apparatus. These vases, from their great
thickness throughout, are capable of bearing very con-
siderable pressure, although the greatest proportion of
them was broken by the superincumbent mass of earth.
With their circular mouths outwards they produced a
very strange effect — more striking even than that of the
painted cone edifice already described.
It is difficult to conceive the piu-pose for which these
vases were designed. We know, however, that large in-
flated vases were sometimes built into the walls of the
Greek rooms, for the purpose of making the choruses
resound during their revels ; but in this case the vases
were within, not outside a chamber, and had spacious,
instead of extremely narrow and shallow cups. The
vases at AVarka could not therefore have been applied to
the same use. Excepting as another apphcation of the
cone for an ornamental design, it is difficult to conceive
their utility, but it is not improbable that the same system
of architectural embellishment may be traced in the
tasteful designs of vases and pipe-tiles, which form such
elegant open-work patterns in the terrace walls of Mosul
and other Eastern towns on the tops of the houses,
where the natives sleep during the hot nights of summer.
The interior of this structure appeared to be wholly
composed of mud bricks and earth. An excavation was
made into its centre without yielding any further infor-
Separated on the south from this incomprehensible build-
ing and from that of Wuswas by a deep ravine, is a second
immense structure"' which resembles Wuswas in area and
general disposition of its plan and offices, except that it
has no external court. The bricks are of the same size
and make, and are impressed with a similar triangular
♦ C on the General Plan.
stamp. It is in like manner encumbered with nibbish
which covers its summit and sides, but it is more
massive and lofty than AVuswas, and consequently more
imposing in the distance. Both edifices were probably
erected about the same time, and for a similar purpose,
and fell to ruins together. Having failed to make any
discoveries of importance in the interior of Wuswas, I did
not attempt excavations at this edifice, because the
immense exjDense and danger attending the removal of
the bricks were scarcely counterbalanced by the probability
of any adequate residt being obtained.
The Arabs, moreover, were unused to such severe
labour, and could with difficulty be persuaded to work in
these piles of bricks. Their whole lives had been ^pent
in the open desert with their clubs and spears, either
attacking their foes or defending their tents. They could
scarcely brook the degradation of being employed like
fellahs or day-labourers, — while the continuous work,
without any corresponding result, was almost beyond the
endurance of their sanguine temperaments. It would
have been impossible to have kept them at the excavations
had there not been a constant dread of attack from without,
— and mutual jealousy among the three tribes employed.
The simial that human beino-s were seen in the horizon
was hailed by me with pleasure, because the excitement
of a few minutes relieved the ill-suppressed grumbling
of hours. The appearance of one of my workmen on the
summit of the Buwariyya, waving a piece of black rag on
a spear, produced a general ferment. Implements were
thrown aside, the war-cry was raised, and a general rush took
place to the central ruin. Each party ranged itself round
its acknowledged sheikh, dancing, yelling, grunting, and
throwing their spears and clubs into the air in a state of
the most extraordinary excitement, which did not cease
till they were completely exhausted. When the supposed
danger passed away, all returned to their work with re-
newed goodwill and energy.
On one occasion only was there any positive danger.
A strong party of the Suweyd division of El Bej Be-
douins, numbering about two hundred tents, crossed the
Euphrates, and encamped with their flocks, herds, and
at least one thousand camels, within sight of my Uttle
settlement and the ruins. How their flocks found sub-
sistence in that barren desert was utterly beyond my
comprehension. They must have speedily demolished all
the scanty supply of camel's thorn on the bank of the
river, because in a few days they again decamped east-
wards. The day after their arrival, one of the inferior
sheikhs, mtli a small party of the tribe, passed through
the ruins on his way to pay his respects to the Sheikh of
the Muntefik. The Tuweyba workmen were in a dreadful
state of alarm, because there was blood-feud between
them and El Bej, wliich arose when Sa'dun, the patron
of the Tuweyba, was at enmity with the Wadi four years
previously. At his instigation the Madan tribes attacked
and robbed these Bedouius of their cattle, several men
being kUled on either side. The Tuweyba audaciously
defied all the laws of honour, and outraged all the fine
feelings of the high-class Arabs, by stripping the wife of
the Wadi, whom they accidentally encountered, of every
article of clothing and jewellery upon her person. Nothing
could excuse such an indignity. It is for acts such as this
that the Madan are regarded by the Bedouins and more
honourable Arabs in the light of beasts and " dogs," as
they were called by my Muntefik guards. The sheikh,
however, behaved well when he encountered his foes at
Warka, and promised there should be no fighting while
the Tuweyba were under my iDrotection, adding : — " You
are a stranger in the land, and El Bej has no desire to act
inhospitably to strangers; — but for your presence the
Tuweyba would have been attacked long ago 1 ** On
departing, lie left a horseman behind to look after the
safety of my excavators.
On the day following this meeting, a scene took place
which might have resulted in serious consequences. It
so happened that I had remained in camp to prepare for
the departure of a messenger conveying letters to Bg-gh-
dad. A large number of Bedouins went up from their
tents to the mound with the evident intention of creating
mischief. They first of all accosted my servant Ovannes,
peremptorily demanded tobacco, and followed him from
trench to trench, repeating their demand with much in-
solence and abuse, and finally turning upon the Tuwey-
ba, whom they endeavoured to excite by threats and
hard names. The horseman, who had been left to care
for our safety, without hesitation seized the ringleader,
and would have tied and beaten him with the assistance
of the Tuweyba, if Ovannes had not very properly in-
terfered. The Tuweyba were highly exasperated at the
insults heaped on them, and were with the greatest
difiiculty restrained by my overseers from making an
attack upon the peace-breakers. Ovannes, who had
frequently shewn himself equal to an emergency, and
who possessed a much more courageous sj)irit than is
generally evinced by natives of the country, mounted
a horse, and rode off at full speed to the Bej camp.
He had ascertained that it was only an inferior sheikh
of the tribe who had granted his protection, but
the great chief, Tellag-ibn-Terrif, still remained to be
propitiated. Ovannes rode directly up to the sheikli's
tent, demanding to see him and to know if Tellag had
instructed his people to act as they had done. TelMg
declared they had done so. "wdthout his knowledge ;
whereon Ovannes dismounted, and, as a stranger, re-
quired his protection for ourselves and the workmen.
Tellag, like a true Bedouin, struck by the blunt, straigbtfor-
ward manner of Ovannes, expressed his sorrow at Avhat
had occurred, and repeated the promise previously made,
that as long as he continued in the neighbourhood, there
should be no dissension between the Bej and the Tuwey-
ba. Coffee was introduced as the bond of contract, and
they were in the act of vowing eternal friendship when
the horseman, who had taken part in the disturbance,
rushed in, and began to abuse Tellag in strong terms for
allowing his people to create a quarrel after the promise
made by the absent sheikh. Tellag endured his reproofs
for some time in tolerable patience, but at last got up
and repeatedly struck the horseman on the face, who in
turn became exasperated, and attempted to spear Tellag,
when Ovannes got between them. Our champion then
ran out of the tent, and, in his excessive indigna-
tion, speared some half-dozen camels belonging to the
man who had been the chief cause of the disturbance.
Tellag kept his word. The next morning he paid me a
visit, we broke bread together, and were from that mo-
ment sworn friends. I was subsequently indebted to
him for several acts of kindness, and, under his safe-
guard, was enabled to reach many points in the interior
of the Jezireh which would have been otherwise impos-
sible. Before quitting the country, I had the satisfac-
tion of healing the feud between the Bej and the
Tuweyba, and the compact was finally sealed by the
latter agreeing to pay Tellag a tribute of thirty sheep-
skins for the ensuing year !
The journey of four miles and a half to the mounds,
arid the same distance back to camp every day, was a
fatiguing and tedious process ; nevertheless it was ab-
solutely necessary that it should be performed, and we
beguiled the Aveariness of the way to the best of our
ability. Every morning before sunrise the implements
were distributed to tlie workmen, witli which, their chibs
and their spears, they set out for the mounds in separate
parties according to their tribes. It was amusing to see
how clannish they were, the members of each tribe con-
gregating together, and singing in opposition their own
peculiar war-cry. Sometimes they would jog along in
compact colimins, singing a low, monotonous chant, while
their bodies swayed to and fro in keeping time. At
others, especially when the day's work was concluded,
they would become more excited, perform a war-dance,
advance and retire, yell and throw up their spears, as if
feigning an engagement. At one time they would re-
gard me as their chief, dance round my horse, brandish
their spears and pretend to defend me against an un-
seen foe ; at another I was an enemy, and they would
unite forces to charge me, with sparkling eyes and shew-
ino; their white teeth in excessive delioht. Now and
then they would challenge me to a race, and the whole
party would set off at full speed, seemingly untired in
spite of their hard day's labour. Notwithstanding their
wretchedness, they were a happy, careless race, easily
pleased and easily excited. With all their faults, (which
were those arising from circumstances rather than dis-
position,) they were amenable to kindness, and might be
soon rendered useful members of society under proper
When it is considered that the chief occupation of
these ]\Iadan Arabs is to rob and plunder without
discrimination, and that I went among them a stranger,
without introduction, for the sake of excavating into
the mounds which they regarded in the light of a gold
mine, it is highly creditable to their liberality and
tolerance that they offered no oj)position to my j^roceed-
ings. It is true that they were paid for their labours ;
but there is no reason why they should not have proved
faithless to a gliyawr just as to one of their own race, and
have stripped me of all I possessed previous to my de-
parture from among them. The Tuweyba considered
Warka to be their own peculiar property, and made con-
siderable profit by ransacking the tombs for treasure.
The absence of Tombs in tbe Mounds of Assjria — Their abundance in
Clialdsea — Warka a vast Cemetery — Clay Sarcophagi of various
forms — ^Top-shaped Vase, or " Babylonian Urn " — Oval Dish-cover
Shape — Slipi^er-shape — Difficulties of Removal — Excitement* of the
Arabs — Gold Ornaments — Coins — Vases — Terra-Cotta Penates —
Light-fingered Arabs — The Ordeal — Endurance of Pain — Earliest
It is a remarkable fact that, in spite of the long suc-
cession of years during which excavations have been car-
ried on by the English and French Governments in the
mounds of Assyria, not a single instance has been re-
corded of undoubted Assyrian sejDulture. It is true
that Mr Layard considers the great cone at Nimrud to
have been a royal tomb, and that I myself opened a rude
vault, seventeen feet below the floor of the south-east
palace at the same locality ; yet, in the one case, no
human remains were found, and in the other, there was
no positive evidence of their true age.'"' The natural
inference therefore is, that the Assyrians either made
away with their dead by some other method than by
burial, or else that they conveyed them to some distant
locality. If, however, Assyria be without its cemeteries,
Chaldsea is full of them ; every mound is an ancient
burial-place between Niffar and Mugeyer ! It would be
* The tombs which Mr Layard examined above the south-east palace,
Nimrtid, and those discovered by Mr Vice-Consul Bassam at Koytiujuk, were
undoubtedly of post-Assyrian date.
too much, with our present knowledge, to say positively
that Chaldsea was the necropolis of Assyria, but it is by
no means improbable that such was the case. Arrian,"^^
the Greek historian, in describing Alexander's sail into
the marshes south of Babylon, distinctly states that most
of the sepulchres of the Assyrian kings were there con-
structed, and the same position is assigned them in the
Peutingerian tables. The term Assyria however, in the
old geographers, is frequently applied to Babylonia, and
the tombs alluded to may therefore be those only of the
ancient kings of Babylonia. Still, it is likely that the
Assyrians regarded with peculiar reverence that land
out of which Asshur went forth and builded Nineveh,
and that they interred their dead around the original
seats of their forefathers.
Whether this w^ere so or not, the whole region of
Lower Chaldaea abounds in sepulchral cities of immense
extent. By far the most important of these is Warka,
where the enormous accumulation of human remains
proves that it was a peculiarly sacred spot, and that
it was so esteemed for many centuries. It is difficult
to convey anything like a correct notion of the piles
upon piles of human relics which there utterly astound
the beholder. Excepting only the triangular space be-
tween the three principal ruins, the whole remainder of
the platform, the whole space between the walls, and an
unknown extent of desert beyond them, are everywhere
filled with the bones and sepulchres of the dead. There
is probably no other site in the world which can com-
pare with Warka in this respect; even the tombs of
ancient Thebes do not contain such an aggregate amount
of mortality. From its foundation by Urukh until
finally abandoned by the Parthians — a period of pro-
bably 2500 years — Warka appears to have been a sa-
* De Exped. Alex., vii. 22.
cred bui'ial-place ! In the same manner as the Persians
at the present day convey their dead from the most re-
mote corners of the Shah's dominions, and even from
India itself, to the holy shrines of Kerbella aud Meshed
'All, so, doubtless, it was the custom of the ancient people
of Babylonia to transport the bones of their deceased rela-
tives and friends to the necropolis of Warka and other
sites in the dread solitude of the Chaldsean marshes.
The two great rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates, would
like the Nile in Egypt afford an admirable means of con-
veying them from a distance, even from the upper plains
of Assyria."^'"
I was nowhere enabled to ascertain how deep in the
mounds the funereal remains extend, although in several
instances trenches were driven to the depth of thirty feet,
beyond which the extreme looseness of the soil prevented
my continuing the excavations with safety to the work-
men ; but I have every reason to believe that the same
continuous mass of dead reaches to the very base of the
highest portion of the central platform — a depth of sixty
feet. On this account there is considerable difliculty
in obtaining information concerning the most ancient
mode of disposing of the dead at Warka. It is only at the
edges of the mounds where least built upon, that the un-
doubted primitive tombs and their accompaniments occur.
In a country where stone is not procurable, the most
natural material for architectural and domestic use is
clay. This is abundant in the plains of the Euphrates.
Not only were the edifices of Chaldsea, as we have seen,
* At Baghdad a custom prevails which is derived from a period long
anterior to the rise of Mohammedanism, and perhaps connected with
some ancient ceremony attending the transport of the dead. When a pei'-
sou is sick, a relative fastens a lighted taper to a piece of wood, commits
it to the stream of the Tigris, and prays for the recovery of his friend.
Should the light be extinguished before it recedes from his sight, he con-
cludes that all hope is past.
"dish-cover" coffin, and contents. 201
constructed of clay-brick, but the same material in a
modified form was adapted to the manufacture of small
utensils and extended even to sepulchral vases. The
invention of the potter appears to have been racked in
designing new forms, and their endless variety through-
out Chaldsea may eventually prove of much use in deter-
mining the age of the ruins where each occurs. In the
same way several different forms of funereal jars and sar-
cophagi have prevailed at certain distinct periods, the dates
of which are ascertained by means of accompanying relics.
The earliest and most common form throughout Baby-
lonia, and the one which prevailed down to the time of
the Parthians, is the large, top-shaped vase, well known
as the " Babylonian urn." It is lined inside with bitumen,
and has its mouth usually covered with bricks, but many
at Warka possess a cover of the same material cemented
to the urn. They contain the bones of a human being,
or only a single head, with engraved cylinders and gems,
beads and neck ornaments, and rings cut out of marine
shells. Sometimes two of these vessels are placed mouth
to mouth, and then cemented together, one mouth fitting
into the other with great exactness ; such contain one or
more bodies.
Another undoubtedly early form is very curious and
original. It resembles an oval dish-cover, the sides slop-
ing outwards towards the base which rests on a projecting
rim. The dimensions vary from four to seven feet long,
about two feet wide, and from one to three feet deep. On
carefully removing this cover, the skeleton is seen reclin-
ing generally on the left side, but trussed like a fowl, the
legs being drawn up and bent at the knees to fit the size
of the cover. Sometimes the skull rests on the bones of
the left hand, while those of the right holding cyHnders of
agate or meteoric stone, and small personal ornaments,
have fallen into a copper bowl in front. In one instance
'I ascertained that an enormous quantity of hair was con-
fined in a finely-netted head-dress, the meshes of which
were distinctly discernible. There were also fragments
of blue linen wpoii various parts of the skeleton, and the
remains of a wooden box, which had contained two ma-
rine shells'^''' (a murex and a cone) of the same species as
those occmTing abundantly in the ruins. The bones of
the toes, fingers, ankles, and wrists, were encircled with
bangles or rings of brass. Large jars and small sher-
behs or drinking vases were placed with the body beneath
the sepulchral cover. This mode of burial was not fre-
quently observed by me at Warka, but, when it did'occur,
it was always at the extreme edge of the mound, nearly
on a level with the plain. Mv Taylor, however, dis-
covered a mound full of these dish-cover coffins at Mu-
geyer, which ruin has never, as I have already said, been
built upon subsequently to the Babylonian period. With
each skeleton at that locality was a shallow and extremely
delicate baked-clay dish containing date-stones ; and
another with the bones of fowls, fish, and other remains
of food. The skull lay on a sun-dried brick, containing
some white substance, which was in some cases covered
by remnants of a tasselled cushion of tapestry.t
Various other forms of pottery of minor importance
were applied to the purposes of burial ; but they all
sink into insignificance when compared with the glazed
earthen coftins, whose fragments occur in such amazing
abundance on the surface of the mounds at Warka, as
to mark them as one of the chief peculiarities of those
* The women of the I\riidiin Arabs at the present day ornament their
hair and head-dresses with similar shells, derived from a littoral marine
deposit of very modern geological formation, occurring in the region of the
t I must refer, for farther information on this subject, to Mr Taylor's in-
teresting "Memoir on the !Mtigeycr." See Journal of the Eoyal Asiatic
Society, vol. xv., p. 2G9 et seq.
remarkable ruins. As civilization progressed, they appear
to have superseded the more rude descriptions of burial
vases, and to have been generally adopted, not only at
Warka, but also at NifFar, Zibliyya, and other localities
throughout Chaldsea. The piles on piles of these coffins
are self-evident proofs of the successive generations by
whom this method of burial was practised. I will not
venture to guess at the date of their first introduction,
but they were certainly in use at Warka, and that com-
monly, when the place was abandoned by the Parthians,
whose curious coins occur upon the surface.
These remarkable coffins are slipper-shaped, but more
elegant and symmetrical than that homely article. The
oval aperture by which the body was admitted, is flattened
and furnished with a depressed ledge for the reception of
a hd, which was cemented with lime mortar. At the
lower extremity is a semi-circular hole to prevent the
bursting of the coffin by the condensed gases. The upper
surface of each coffin generally — and the lid sometimes —
is covered with elevated ridges, plain or ornamental ;
forming square panels, each of which contains a similar
small embossed figure, representing a warrior in close
short-fitting tunic and long loose nether garments. He
stands with his arms akimbo and his legs astride ; in his
belt is a short sword, and on his head an enormous
coifiure, of very curious appearance. The whole costume
bears a striking resemblance to that with which we are
well acquainted on coins and sculptures of the Parthian
and Sassanian periods. The head-dress reminds me of
that occurring upon the skull under the dish-cover just
alluded to. The whole visible surface of the coffin is
covered with a thick glazing of rich green enamel on the
exterior, and of blue within the aperture, the former
colour probably arising from chemical decomposition and
long exposure.
The material of which the coffins are composed is yellow
clay, mixed with straw, and half-baked. The unglazed
Lid of Coffin (length 2 feet 2 iiichen).
Figure on Coffins (length 6| inches).
surface of the interior, as well as the bottom, is marked
with impressions of the reed-matting
upon which it rested during the pro-
cess of manufacture.
Sometimes the coffins are glazed, but
without figures, at others they are per-
fectly plain. Upon one are three figures
which differ considerably from the rest.
They are represented in short dresses, with
large bushy wigs confined in netting,
and carrying some article in their hands
which resembles a square box. A portion
of this coffin is in the British Museum.
In one instance only did I observe
two lids to a coffin. The glazed speci-
men,^' likewise in the Museum, was
* Of which a woodcut is given above.
Figure on Coffin (length
7 inches).
broken, and lay within the aperture, protected by an un-
glazed one, puffed out in the centre and pierced by a small
hole like the crust of a meat pie.
The coffins generally are loosely surrounded with
earth, and lie, without order, upon and near each other.
Many, however, are built up singly, or two together, in
brick vaults cemented with lime. As the same mortar
is used to fasten down the lid of the enclosed coffin, the
inference is that the coffin was first placed in the position
it was destined to occupy, and then that the body was
put into it when in situ. From the fragile i^ature and
weight of the composition, it is improbable that th^ coffin
was carried to the mound with the dead inside.
I have observed that coffins were discovered at the
depth of thirty feet below the surface, and that they
probably descend to near the base of the mound. This
depth and the yielding nature of the soil are opposed
to the supposition of their having been buried in the
usual way, and seem rather to imply that they have
gradually accumulated. It is generally supposed that
the ancient inhabitants of Persia — certainly the Sassa-
nians — exposed their dead like their modern descendants
the Parsees of India. I am inclined to believe that a
species of exposure was practised at Warka, the body
being placed in a coffin, cemented down, and left to be
covered up by the drifting sand, which, as previously
mentioned, is roused by the slightest breath of wind. In
this manner we can account, not only for the depth below
the surface, but also for the extremely small layer of fine
sandy earth which intervenes between the vertical rows.
The Arabs have long been attracted by the gold orna-
ments which the coffins contain, and break himdreds
every year for the purpose of rifling them. In searching
for this purpose, they drive their spears as far as pos-
sible into the light soil. If the spear-head chance to
strike against any impediment, the wild fellow sounds to
ascertain if it be a coffin or a vault, and by tbe vibra-
tion produced he knows whether he has gained his ob-
ject. The spear is then thrown aside, and he begins to
work with his arms and hands like a mole. If an
obstacle — a brick for instance — present itself, recourse is
had to the spear point, which acts the part of lever and
pickaxe. In this manner he successively grubs and picks
until his perseverance has succeeded in clearing away
the soil from the upper part of the coffin. The spear
again does its duty in deliberately breaking into the
tenement of the dead, and the Arab carefully turns over
the frail relics of humanity with his dagger, until he secures
his spoil. As soon as this sacrilegious process is con-
cluded, he breaks a hole through the bottom of the coffin
to ascertain if there be another imrdediately below, and
if so, to repeat his former labours. By this process the
whole surface of the mounds is covered with innumer-
able holes and broken pottery, w^hich at first render either
walking or riding a matter of perplexity and danger.
The object of my second journey to Warka was
to endeavour to obtain a specimen of these extraor-
dinary coffins, in order that it might be forwarded
to the British Museum. In this, however, I experi-
enced much more difficulty than was anticipated. In
digging trenches, I ascertained that those near the sur-
face were considerably weathered, while those below
were saturated with moisture, and frequently crushed
by the superincumbent weight. They invariably fell to
pieces in the attempt to stir them. Sometimes the con-
tents were removed, and at other times the earth, which
had accumulated inside through crevices, was whoUy
allowed to remain, or was partially cleared out; pieces of
carpet and abbas were tied round, and poles placed
below them to give support ; but aU to no purpose. After
several days of anxious labour, and the demolition of
perhaps a hundred coffins, I almost despaired of success.
The Arabs were anxious that I should be pleased, and
were as annoyed as myself at our fruitless endeavours.
At last the good-natured Gunza took hold of my sleeve,
and addressed me on behalf of his fellows : — " Oh, Beg !
you take much trouble to get one of these pots of the
old Kaffirs — may they be cursed! — and have brought
with you spades and shovels from a great distance for
this purpose. Our hands were not made to use such
implements, which are the tools of the Fellah, not of the
Madan; but with the spear we can do many things.
Give us yoiu? permission, Beg, and we will follow our
own mode of search, and, inshallah ! we shall soon be
able to find plenty of pots, among which there will cer-
tainly be one strong and good enough to carry away."
As there was no doubt of their being more adept with
their hands and spears than the ordinary implements of
ci\'ilized life, I acceded to their request, and despatched
a jDarty to hunt after their own method. They kept
their promise, and I soon had the satisfaction of seeing
several good coffins uncovered in different parts of the
ruins. But still there occurred the same difficulty of re-
moval ; several more being broken in the vain attempt.
At length it occurred to me that, with some strong
paper, an expedient might be adopted to strengthen themu
As a last resource, I determined to send and endeavour
to procure some at Semava, twenty miles distant. An
Arab was dismissed with a few shamies''" to make the
purchase, and on the third day again made his appear-
ance with all the stock of strong paper which the town,
as good luck would have it, could provide. A coffin
having been selected on the following afternoon, wood,
flour, and water were brought up to the mound, a fire
* The shdmi is an Arab coin, equal to about twentypence of our money.
lighted, and paste made on the spot. The surface of the
coffin was then carefully cleaned, inside and out, and
several thick layers of paper applied. It was left exposed
all night, so that, before morning, the paper had become
like hard pasteboard. The Arabs were delighted; they
danced, laughed, sang, and clapped their hands, tapped
the paper with their knuckles, and patronisingly patted
my back. They wanted at once to shoulder it and
be off, but I deferred the removal until late in the
afternoon, in order that the paper might be thoroughly
dried. In the interim, as much earth as was deemed
safe was removed from below, and two strong tent-
poles placed beneath. By means of these the coffin was
lifted upon a board, covered wdth workmen's abbas, and
carefully secured with ropes. Spears and spades were
then made into strono; fasces and attached to the under
side of the board, for handles by which to carry the bur-
den to the banks of the Euphrates. It was exceedingly
heavy, and required a strong party of Arabs to relieve
each other. The ground was, in many parts, exces-
sively rough and difficult to traverse in approaching the
river, on account of the numerous channels, so that I
was in constant trepidation lest a trip or false step
might destroy all the fruits of our labour. This anxiety
on my part was not without cause, for the wild feUows,
notwithstanding the weight of their burden, could not
be restrained from joining in the dance and song, with
which their comrades off duty enlivened the whole route.
Their excitement had been roused to the highest pitch,
and their gestures surpassed anything they had ever yet
exhibited before me. The coffin was frequently in dan-
ger when the whole party at times feigned a hostile
charge against the bearers, and the latter, unable to re-
strain their natural impetuosity, wielded their spears,
which they insisted on carrying, and yelled defiance in
return. Tlie more I entreated, tlie more riotous they
became, until I discovered that the best phm was to let
them have their own way, and wear themselves out.
In this manner we traversed tlie nine miles between
the ruins and the river, and arrived within sight of the
camp, when the excitement became greater than ever. The
women, in their eagerness to see the unwonted sight —
unwonted indeed, because probably uj)wards of two thou-
sand years had passed since such a coffin had been con-
veyed in similar manner — even forgot to hide their faces,
and came- out in a body to meet the procession, uttering
tlieii' wild tahlehl and plaintive wail, while they pretended
to throw dust upon their hair, in imitation of the ceremony
of mourning for the dead. The men, under the influence
of this additional impulse, redoubled their exertions,
until they resembled frantic demons rather than human
beings.*^'" I was not sorry when the primitive bier and
its precious burden were safely deposited at our tents.
Each bearer then received some little present for his
extra labour, and retired to the sheikh's tent to discuss
the great event of the day. In remembrance of it, and
of my stay among them, that encampment was hence-
forward to be known l)y the name of " Beit-el-Ghyawr,"
"the Infidel's House," a somewliat doubtful honour, it
must be confessed, towards myself.
The papering process succeeded to the best of my expec-
tation, and, in the course of a few days, the three coffins
were safely secured, which are now in the British INIuseum.
Within the coffins the skeletons are frequently to be
obseiwed, having the arms bent across the body ; but
they usually fell to powder on exposure to the air. In
one instance, I noticed the remnants of a light-coloured
garment, of fine texture, adhering to the 1)ones.
Many small objects are associated with the coffins,
* See Frontispiece.
either in the inside, or around them in the earth or
vault. The personal relics of the deceased consist of
gold and silver finger-rings ; armlets, bangles and toe-
rings of silver, brass, and copper ; bead-necklaces, and
small cyhnders. Gold ornaments are not uncommon,
such as ear-rings, and small plates or beads for fillets, of
Gold Ornaments.
tasteful and elegant design. Thin gold leaf sometimes
appears to have covered the face like a veil; and one or
two broad ribbons of thin gold not unfrequently occur
on each side of the head. Large pointed head-dresses,
Budda told me, had been found and sold to the peram-
bulating Jews, who visit the Madan periodically for the
purpose of purchasing the gold. It is seldom that these
ornaments are sold in their original state, because the
Arabs melt them down for the convenience of secreting
them. Hence it is that so few are offered for sale in the
bazaars of Baghdad — the great mart for antiques.
With the above are articles of a different description,
such as small earthen drinking vessels and lamps, glass
Lamps and Lachrymatories.
lachrymatories, copper bowls, hideous bone figures pro-
bably dolls, and a variety of others
Terra-Cotta Lamp.
The top of the coffin is often a receptacle for small
relics — apparently the parting gifts of friends — as the
following list will shew: — Seven
different forms of fragile, coloured
glass bottles, two curiously formed
yellow glass dishes, a glazed terra-
cotta lamp (a constant accompani-
ment), four bone stilettos, two
iron implements, the bones of a small bird, fragments of
a bunch of flowers, and an ornamental reed basket (the
plaits of the reeds being quite distinct) containing two
pieces of kohl or black paint for the eyelids, and a tassel
bead. Judging from their character, these articles appear
to have been the property of a female.
Strewed in the earth around the coffins are numerous
copper coins, the only articles which afford any posi-
tive clue to their age. These
are moulded, flat on one
side, and slightly rounded
on the other, the edges
having two little projecting
processes opposite to each
other. The t}^es are ex-
tremely indistinct, but no doubt is entertained of their
Parthian Coins.
Jar and Jugs from the Coffin Mounds.
Steel and Flint.
being Parthian. Close to the foot of each coffin are one
or more large glazed water-jugs and earthen drinldng
cups, of extremely artistic form. One of these, the tall
central jug of the engraving, was found in a recess built
for its reception in the side wall of a vault, within arm's
length of the coffin. The bones of a fowl, with ffint'"' and
steel, were also frequently deposited upon
the lid. The practice of placing food and
water near the body was certainly con-
nected with the superstitions of the period.
The same practice is, I believe, continued
among- the Arabs, who conceive that these
articles are necessary to give the spirit strength on its
long journey.
Some of the most interesting objects found in the
same position are small terra-cotta figures, which were
probably household divi-
nities. Many are un-
doubtedly Parthian ; such,
for instance, as the rechn-
ing warrior, with a cup
C?) in his left hand, wear-
ing a coat -of- mail or
padded tunic reaching to
the knees, and a helmet Kecli.iog Figure of PartManWarnor.
ornamented in front. The whole costume is well repre-
sented on many coins of the Parthian epoch.
Several are female figures in loose attire, exhibiting
strange head-dresses, which, doubtless, give us some notion
of the costume of the period. One of these is very re-
markable ; it rises into two tall conical peaks, from which
depends a veil, reminding one strongly of the English
* Slices of flint and obsidian, precisely like the sacrificial tnives of the
ancient Mexicans, are found upon the mounds. The former were designed
for striking a hght, but the object of the latter is not so evident.
ladies' costume in the time of Henry IV. Nude female
figures, probably representing the Myhtta or Venus of
Terra-cotta Figures. Parthian ?
the Assyrians, were extremely common at the Parthian
period, having been handed down from antiquity. Simi-
lar figTires are universal throughout the East before the
Christian era. A few figures bear traces of colour. The
accompanying figures represent an old
bearded man and an old woman carry-
ing a square basket or box in her hand ;
red and black paint are distinctly recog-
nisable uj)on them.
Of all the clay figures, the heads in the
adjoining woodcut are most interesting.
They are infinitely superior to the rest in
point of design and execution, and mark
the rapidly spreading influence of Greek art.
They possess all the characteristic features
and boldness of the Greek face, and yet they can scarcely
be other than the works of Babylonian artists. The
hair is arranged in long ringlets, and the heads are
Clay Figures exhibit-
ing traces of paint.
Greek Heads.
surmounted by lofty head-dresses of different form. To
the same period may be referred a small broken tablet,
representing a sturdy winged figure, with a robe fastened
by a brooch at the right
slioulder, but flying loose-
ly, and leaving the body
naked. The head is want-
ing : the legs with ank-
lets stand on small round-
ed prominences ; one is
held in his left hand. This
figure is probably a repre-
sentation of Hercules.
It would be endless to give in detail all the small
articles which were discovered in connexion with the
slipper coffins.
It is not to be supposed that my Arab friends pati-
ently submitted to my appropriating the smafi articles
which were revealed durino- the researches amono; the
ruins. On the discovery of an urn or coffin, it was witli
the greatest difficulty they could be prevented from at
once breaking in and stealing the valuables, before tlie
earth was sufficiently removed from around it, to admit
of my making a careful examination. They would then
all cluster together, thrust themselves in my way, and
shew the greatest eagerness to seize a share of the spoil ;
it was sometimes almost impossible to move for them.
When I drew any object out of a coffin, a general
commotion took place, and a variety of exclamations
were uttered ; the words " gold," " a cylinder," " silver,"
" sherbeh," " beads," rang through the assembly like wild-
fire, and it required every possible manoeuvre to kee])
their hands out of the sarcophagus. Old Budda gene-
rally succeeded in obtaining the best place, his little
eyes sparkling with avarice, and his long arms stretched
out, while lie volunteered information to those who could
not see so well as himself, his finger-ends itching all the
while to take advantage of any opportunity when they
might intrude themselves into the proceedings. It was
useless to drive them away ; like flies or vultures, they
would return immediately to their prey.
It frequently happened that, no sooner was a coffin
discovered, than it
was rifled without
ceremony in my
absence, and, of
course, no person
was the oS"ender.
To dismiss a work-
man Ijy way of ex-
ample was super-
fluous, because his
next neighbour
would repeat the
oflfence on the first
opportunity. They
were perfectly in-
corrigible in this
Avault was once
discovered in a
trench, when a fear-
ful hurricane of
sand drove us all from the mound ; it was impossible
to work, and almost to breathe. Fearing some of the
Arabs might return and phmder the contents, I de-
puted old Budda and two others to remain and to keep
watch awhile behind the rest. On the following morn-
ing, notwithstanding this precaution, the vault was
found to be broken into, and the coffin rifled. Being
Coffin Trench.
iimcli annoyed, I resolved, if possible, to ascertain who
were the aggressors. Open and secret questioning were
of no avail — all strenuously denied the theft — so another
plan was adopted to discover the guilty party.
It was proposed that each man should take an oath
upon the Koran that he was innocent of the offence.
Ovannes, therefore, seated himself as judge on a hen-
coop, and the Arabs, in their tribes, filed off before him,
kissing, as they passed, a French Dictionary, which an-
swered the part of a Koran, and declaring that they
knew nothing of the act committed. The whole of the
'Abbas and Kliithr tribes went through the ceremony
without flinching, but, when it came to the turn of the
Tuweyba, they begged for an hour's consideration, and,
at the expiration of that time, asked to be permitted to
visit El-Kliithr and consult the bones of the holy Imam
on the subject. Finding this subterfuge without effect,
at daybreak the following day, Azayiz appeared with a
handful of various beads which, it is to be charitably
presumed, were the whole of the stolen property. As
an act of great liberality on my part, they were returned
to him, with an injunction that he would strictly look
after the honesty of his peoj^le. I never overcame the
belief that Budda and his companions (unable to resist
the opportunity of being left alone on the mounds with
an unsearched coffin before them) were the delinquents,
and that his influence over the tribe prevented their
denouncing him. He was very humble next day, and
often repeated his regrets that the Tuweyba tribe had
so committed itself.
Considering the friable nature of the soil in the coffin
trenches, it is wonderful that no very serious accidents
took place during the continuance of the excavations.
One mishap, however, occurred, in consequence of the
proximity of an old Arab working, and aflbrded an in-
stance of Arab endurance of pain, and the rapidity with
which their Avounds heal. The trench side gave way
and Ijuried three men, one of whom was dug out with
his collar bone broken. The poor fellow walked back
to camp, where I managed to set the bone. While en-
gaged in this occupation in the presence of the whole
assembled tribe in the sheikh's tent, one of the perse-
cuting dust squaUs arose, and in a few seconds we w^ere
enveloped in a flood of dense sand, the light of the
setting sun was completely shut out, and a yellow,
sickly colour pervaded the atmosphere. The force with
which the particles of sand were driven produced a
sharp tingling of the flesh, and obliged the half-naked
Arabs for once to cover themselves with their abbas, in
which they sat crouching until the tent was blown
down about our ears, and there was a chance of our
being either strangled or suff*ocated. They then all
sprang to their feet, and re-erected the tent under the
excitement of the war-cry of the men and the tahlelil of
the women. The patient, during the scramble which
ensued, had the bone put out of position, and suffered
great agony from the roughness of his comrades. As
soon as the hurricane was over, it was set a second
time and bandaged up, but in the night it got once
mere disconnected. He, however, insisted on retmiiing
to his family across the Euphrates, notwithstanding
all my persuasion. On receipt of a week's wages, he
set out on foot upon a two days' journey ! The endur-
ance of an Arab is astonishing. Within a month after
the occurrence of the accident, the man presented him-
self again and demanded to be employed once more,
swinoino; his arm round to shew that it was healed.
His request was granted for light work, and he after-
wards obtained me several valuable relics.
In this place I may enumerate the few objects which
undoubtedly belong to the earliest type of funereal re-
mains : —
1. The edifice of terra-cotta cones, of which I have
already given an account (p. 187); and the horns of the
same substance, with the dedication of Belus, as ascer-
tained by Sir Henry Rawlinson.
2. Several dark brown tal)lets or syUabaria of unbaked
clay, measuring nine inches by seven, and inscribed vnth.
columns of minute cuneiform characters ; — one of which
contains the names of various trees.
3. Terra-cotta fio-ures of Venus ; an old man with
flowing beard, wearing a skull-cap and long robe, encircled
round the waist by a belt, his
hands clasped in front in the
Oriental attitude of respect ;
and a younger personage, hold-
ing some unknown object, pro-
bably a mace, in the hands.
These figures ate infinitely su-
perior to those of the later
periods. Although stiff" in out-
line, they are very correctly
modelled, and may be known at once by the dark green
clay of which they are composed.
4. Near two well-built brick vaults, cemented with
plaster, at the base of a small mound '''' south-east of the
Buwariyya, was dug up a rude jar, containing a thin silver
plate, which was folded in linen. It measures two inches
long by one inch ^dde, and is embossed with a beautiful
female figure. The hands are raised in an attitude of
adoration, and the hair hangs loosely behind. The attitude
and costume recall to mind the extraordinary figures on
the rock scidptures of Mai Amir plain, in the Bakhtiyan
Mountains in Persia.
Babylonian Figures.
* At G on the Plan.
All tlie above objects occur at the outskirts of tlie great
coffin mounds, wliere, if accumulated in the way I have
been led to suppose, it is natural we should find the pri-
mitive relics. If it were possible to penetrate through
the vast piles of more recent deposits, we should doubt-
less obtain some very valuable information regarding the
veiy earliest modes of burial.
Bank-notes of Babylon — Relics Injured by Fire — A FruitM Mound —
Chamber containing Architectural Ornaments — Origin of the Sara-
cenic Style — Clay Tablets with Seal Impressions and Greek Names —
Continuance of Cuneiform until B.C. 200 — Himyaric Tomb-stone —
Conical Mounds — Style for Writing Cuneiform — The Shat-el-Nil —
General Results of the Excavations at Warka — Probable EeHcs still
Buried there.
While rambling over the mounds one clay, I acciden-
tally observed two bricks projecting tlirongb tlie soU of
the wall or terrace which constitutes the edge of the great
platform on the east of the Buwariyya.*"' Thinking, from
their vitrified aspect, that they were likely to bear cunei-
form legends, I extracted them from the earth, anci, in doing
so, exposed two small tablets of unbaked cla) , covered on
both sides with minute characters. On searching further,
others were discovered, and eventually there were obtained
forty, more or less perfect, varying from two to four-and-
a-half inches in length, by one to three inches in breadth.
Many others were either irrevocably damaged by weather,
or unavoidably broken in extraction from the tenacious
clay in which they were disposed in rows and imbedded
upon a brick pavement. They are now in the British
Museum, but it is feared that the nitrous earth of which
they are composed wdU cause them to decay rapidly on
exposure to the atmosphere.
Sir Henry Eawlinson reported concerning them : —
* At on the Plan.
" that they are certainly official documents issued by order
of the king, attested or indorsed by the principal officers
of state, and referring to specific amounts in weight of
gold or silver. He could not help suspecting that the
Babylonian kings, in an age when coined money was
unknown, used these pieces of baked clay for the mere
purpose of a circulating medium. The smaller cakes, he
thought, corresponded to the notes of hand of the present
day, the tenor of the legend being apparently an acknow-
ledgment of liability by private parties for certain amounts
of gold and silver. The more formal documents, however,
seemed to be notes issued by the Government, ^for the
convenience of circulation, representing a certain value,
which was always expressed in measures of weight, of
gold or silver, and redeemable on presentation at the
Eoyal Treasury. He had chiefly examined them with the
view to historical discovery, and had succeeded in finding
the names of NabojDollassar, Nabokodrossor, Nabonidus,
Cyrus, and Cambyses (ranging from 626 to 522 B.C.) ; the
precise day of issue in such a month of such a year of
the king's reign being in each instance attached to the
These tablets were, in point of fact, the equivalents of
our own bank-notes, and prove that a system of artificial
currency prevailed in Babylonia, and also in Persia, at
an unprecedented early age — centuries before the intro-
duction of paper or printing ! They were, undoubtedly,
deposited in the position where they were discovered,
about the commencement of the Achoemenian period.
On removing the rubbish from the brick pavement, it
aj)peared that it formed a terrace thirty-two feet long
and four feet wide. Only one brick was inscribed, and
that had evidently been taken from some edifice built by
Urukh, most probably from the Buwdriyya. Behind was
* See "The Athenceum" for March 15, 1851.
the base of a wall of unbaked bricks ten or twelve feet
thick ; the whole being covered with two feet of rubbish
and charcoal. Upon the terrace were several highly
interesting articles damaged by fire, among them may
be mentioned : —
1. Fragment of an alabaster cone, apparently portion
of a grotesque head for a mace or staff. It is engraved
with scrolls, and has upon it a few Assyrian characters.
2. Part of the hinge and valve of a bivalve shell (Tri-
dacna squamosa). On the exterior are delicately traced
the heads, necks, and fore legs of two horses drawing a
chariot, and covered with trappings and armour (?). The
reins are fastened to semicircular processes behind the
ears, like those on the sculptures of Sennacherib from
Nineveh. Full-blown and budding flowers of the lotus
are introduced on every available space, extending over
the hinge to the opposite side of the shell, which is carved
with an ornamental basket filled with the same flowers.''^
3. A carved ivory panel, four inches long, in a state
of rapid decomposition.
4. Two large mushroom-shaped pieces of baked clay,
covered on their flat tops and stems with cuneiform
5. A brick with stamp in relief of a circular-topped
altar on a pedestal, surmounted by a seven- „,,,^,,— ,.
rayed sun.
Beyond the spot where the tablets and the
above articles occurred, I discovered indica-
tions of another method of burial. My atten-
tion was directed to two bricks resting angle
w^se against two others placed horizontally, stamp on Bricks.
Below the shelter so formed were three more tablets,
* A woodcut of this shell is given at p. 563 of Mr Layard's "Nineveh
and Babylon," where also the author alludes to a similar engraved shell
from an Etruscan tomb in the British Museum.
lying on a huge brick, seventeen inches square, with, a
hole through its centre. It covered a well-built vault,
measming thirteen inches by ten inches square, and
twenty-one inches in depth, which was filled Avith earth
and the fragments of two large sejjulchral vases, with-
out any traces of their original contents. At the left
corner of the vault, towards the edge of the pavement,
was a small square hole in which lay a broken dish or
jar. Behind the four bricks on the surface of the vault,
was a broken vase, containing reed ashes and burned
bones reduced to small lumps, and crumbling to powder.
At a short distanc9 from this first vault was a second,
in every important respect resembling the other. Within
the small hole at the angle were broken pottery, bjirned
reeds, date-stones, and part of a lamb's jaw.
From subsequent discoveries at Sinkara, I conclude
that the bones of the dead were, in the above cases, de-
posited in vases and placed in the vaults, after which
the private records and property of the deceased were
arranged over them, and the whole submitted to the
In a neighbouring terrace, two similar vaults to those
described were discovered. This terrace measured forty
feet long by four feet wide, and was paved with bricks
inscribed in slightly relieved cuneiform characters of
Cambyses the brother of Cyrus, a personage of whom
we possess no historical notice whatever.'"" A few unim-
portant articles lay on the surface of the pavement.
* In a short notice of my discoveries, at p. 377 of '■ Nineveh and its
Palaces," I observe the following passage : "At one place, Seukereh, he had
come on a pavement, extending from half-an-acre to an acre, entirely
covered with writing, which was engraved upon baked tiles," &c. As the
unimportant pavement described in the text is the only one I Avas so fortu-
nate to discover, either at Sinkara or Warka, it is difficult to conceive how
such an error should have crept into the passage quoted. It is to be re-
gretted that, in a work intended to be a resti7ne of Assyrian and Babylonian
The locality at Warka, wliicli furnislied the most
valuable and interesting fruits of my researches, was
a small detached mound,'" forty feet high, situated about
half-a-mile south-east of the Buwariyya. One of my
overseers picked up from its summit a few fragments of
ornamental plaster, which induced me to make exca-
vations. I was soon rewarded by the discovery of a
chamber, measuring forty feet long and twenty-eight
feet wide, the mud walls of which stood only four feet
high, and had been covered with coloured plaster. It
was a perfect museum of architectural scraps, of a highly
instructive and curious character. The unbaked brick
floor was literally piled with broken columns, capitals,
cornices, and innumerable relics of rich internal decora-
tion, which exhibited undoubted symjDtoms of Greek
and Eoman influence on Oriental taste. The smaller
objects were wholly plaster; but the larger consisted of
moulded bricks, thinly coated with white plaster ; many
of them were fantastically coloured. One large frag-
ment of cornice bore, among other devices, a spirited
crouching grifiin, which, at first sight, reminded me of
the similar figures sculptured on a frieze in an inner
chamber at the remarkable ruins of Al Hadhr, near
Mosul.t This emblem was accompanied by the well-
discovery, greater care had not been taken to prevent the insertion of this
and many more grievous errors.
Cuneiform inscriptions in relief are not of very frequent occurrence in
Babylonia. Besides the instance above mentioned, Mr Taylor discovered
this variety of legend on small bricks of very early date from the coffin
mounds of Miigeyer. I afterwards exhumed bricks with a PehlevI inscrip-
tion in relief from the mounds- of Khdn-1-Kydya near Baghdad, and at
Jidr in central Chaldcea. It is not improbable that the style was re-intro-
duced into Mesopotamia by Cambyses on returning from his conquest of
Egypt, where relief inscriptions commonly occur.
* At G on the plan. This mound yielded two of the three coffins in the
British Museum.
t See a sketch of this frieze, accompanying Mr Ainsworth's Memoir in
the " Journal of the Royal Geographical Society," vol. xi.
kno\vn Greek echinus moulding ; but the cornice was pur-
posely destroyed by some strange Arabs, who visited the
mounds between the intervals of excavation.
Three of the capitals are Ionic; but the proportions
of the volutes and other members are peculiar. A
fourth description of small capital has peculiarities of its
own, suggestive of the later Byzantine style. A large
and elegant leaf rises from the necking, and bends under
each corner of the abacus. Springing from behind a
smaller curled leaf in the centre is the bust of a human
figure, wearing the same preposterous head-dress which
is characteristic of the slipper coffins and Parthian coins.
No columns were discovered to correspond with the
larger capitals ; but the walls were liberally adorned
with small Ionic half-columns, with half-smooth, half-
fluted shafts, which were highly coloured. The lower and
smooth surfaces were diagonally striped with red, green,
yellow, and black ; the flutes being painted black, red,
and yellow alternately, while the level ridges between
them are left white. In some cases the flutes were
quartered with the same colours.
Among the debris of smaller articles were bases of
columns, — friezes, with bunches of grapes alternating
with leaves, — gradines, resembling those on the castles of
the Nineveh bas-reliefs, but ornamented at the base with
a conspicuous six-rayed star in a circle, — fragments of
open screen-work, with complicated geometric designs of
diflerent patterns on the opposite sides (these are very
peculiar, and differ materially from the arabesque), — and
flakes of painted plaster from the walls, with fragments
of smaU statuettes, coloured, and sometimes gilded.
Scratched upon the edge of one object were the cha-
racters ^ I ^^ LLI which approach nearer to the Him-
yaric character than any with which I am acquainted.
"With regard to the age of this building, so elaborately
ornamented, I was for some time in doubt. The enor-
mous head-dress of the capital, being eq^ually characteristic
of both the Parthian and Sassanian periods, affords no
evidence on the subject; but, as the ruins abound with
coins of the former dynasty, while none of the latter
have been found, it is but reasonable to conclude that
the edifice is rather Parthian than Sassanian; and,
therefore, on mature consideration, I assume that it dates
about the Christian era. While the Poman griffin, and
the incongruities with pure Greek architecture observ-
able in the capitals, are evidences of a past age and style,
— -the complicated design of the screen-work, with its
geometric curves and tracery, seems to shadow forth the
beauty and richness of a style which afterwards followed
the tide of Mohammedan conquest to the remotest corners
of the known world.
It has long been a disputed question whence originated
the germs of Saracenic architecture; but the prevalent
opinion is that the Moslems, having no style of their
own, adopted those which they found practised in the
countries whither they carried their conquests, more
especially the Byzantine. It is, nevertheless, remarkable,
that the same uniformity in richly- wrought tracery and
geometric ornamentation prevails from India to Spain in
Saracenic structures, which could only have arisen from
a central point. We know that in the days of Harunu-
'r-Peshid the city of Baghdad, far removed from the
influence of Byzantine art, had attained a high pitch of
civilization and splendour, and that her public edifices,
within little more than a century after the rise of Islamism,
were adorned with a richness and an attention to minute
Saracenic details, which could scarcely have arrived at
perfection in so short a period. We know, too, that
Kiifa, at the commencement of Mohammedan dominion,
was equally celebrated for its architectural beauties.
May we not suppose that the peculiarities of Sara-
cenic architecture are due to a much earlier period, and
that they originated with the Parthians, who succeeded
the Greeks in the possession of Mesopotamia 1 Of this
race we have, unfortunately, scarcely any memorials left/""
They are described, in their wars with the Romans, as
barbarians, celebrated for their skill in horsemanship
and shooting with the arrow, and for the richness of
their armour. Of their arts we know nothing ; but
surely they could not have been without some apprecia-
tion of the beautiful, inhabiting, as they did, the cities
and fortresses adorned by the Greeks and Romans, with
which great nations they passed five hundred years in
conflict. It may be that the Parthians were the* in-
ventors of the Saracenic style, but that the Sassanians —
their rivals and successors in power — suppressed the
influence which they had exercised, and which again
shewed itself, after the Mahommedan conquest of those
countries, in the application of Parthian ornament to
Moslem buildings. This may possibly be esteemed a
far-fetched hypothesis; but I can see no other mode of
accounting for the advanced state of the arts under the
KJialif Harimu-'r-Reshid, so entirely different from that
practised under the Sassanians. At any rate, we have at
Warka an edifice, with an ajiproximation to Byzantine
and Saracenic forms, due to a period long anterior to
their introduction elsewhere, which edifice was, I firmly
believe, erected during the Parthian ascendency.
That it was Parthian, I, moreover, infer from the dis-
covery of a slipper-coffin, and the usual embossed figures
with the preposterous head-gear, at the depth of six feet
below the floor, within the chamber. On digging deeply
• It is true that the legends on Parthian coins are written in Greek,
but we know little further concerning them, or of their own written
into the mound, for the purpose of ascertaining if it, like
the great platform, were composed of coffins, it proved
to be constructed of solid earth, around and upon which
were coffins ; those on the summit not extending below
the depth of a few feet.''^ The chamber was probably a
tomb erected over the coffin. There were apparently
other chambers in the same vicinity which contained
similar relics, but I had no opportunity of excavating
among them.
Within twenty paces of the above chamber, and three
feet below its level, was made one of the most curious, if
not the most valuable, discoveries at Warka. In several
cases, it. was noticed that clay tablets, with cuneiform re-
cords, were associated with the ashes of burnt wood ; I
therefore paid particular attention to the nature of the
soil composing the mounds. While riding up to the
workmen engaged at the Parthian edifice, my horse's
feet turned up a quantity of black earth, which induced
me to dismount, and examine it more closely. My
trouble was repaid by the discovery of a fragment of
baked clay tablet. A small party of Arabs were directed
to the spot, and, in the course of a few hours, their la-
bours were rewarded by finding, close under the surface,
eight tablets of light-coloured clay. They were lying on
decayed straw matting, which was imbedded in bitumen,
and surrounded on all sides with charred date-wood and
ashes. They differ from any hitherto discovered, in being
fully an inch in thickness, and in having round their
broad edges the impressions of seals, above each of which
are the characters, t]j ,^ "the seal of;" and below, the
name of the party to the deed. Many are extremely
beautiful, and shew the perfection attained in the art of
gem engraving, in Babylonia, at that early period. It
* Two of the coffins in the British Museum were dug up from this
mound, where they proved to be in better condition than elsewhera
is true tliat we possess numberless cylinders with figures
of a much more ancient date, but they are of ruder work-
manship, and of a totally different character — by no
means to be compared with the impressions upon the
tablets, which evince a great advance in art, assigning
them to a later period. The inscriptions, which cover
both sides of the tablets, are so minute and delicate, as to
require the aid of a microscope to decipher them with
These tablets and seal impressions are so curious and
interesting, that a detailed account of them may prove
acceptable '/'' — ' ,
Tablet No. 1. — Twelve oval seals, some elongated and
pointed. The central ones at top and bottom are the
largest and most important. One ,of these is an indis-
tinct representation of the winged deity — ^the Hormuzd of
the Persian sculptures, — in front of whom is a well-
defined isosceles triangle, precisely resembling the stamp
upon the bricks at Wuswas, and at the other larger but
unexplored ruin at AVarka.t On the same edge is an im-
pression of a fine Socrates-like head. The large central
seal on the opposite edge is a very beautiful face, with
Greek expression, beardless, and resembling the profile of
Alexander the Great. Next to this impression is one of
a male and female figure conversing at the base of a
graceful voluted capital. Another exhibits a Greek head,
with helmet and plume. Tlie other impressions are yevy
indistinct. Size, four and a-lialf inches by four inches.
Tablet No. 2 has one corner broken oft'. It originally
had twenty or twenty-one impressions, among which are
several sphynxes. One is exceedingly spirited, with a
* I am sorry to observe that, since their arrival in England, the exuda-
tion of saline efflorescences has much damaged these remarkable objects,
and there seems every prospect of their being completely obhterated, un-
less means are discovered to preserve them.
t At B and C of the General Plan.
four-turretted crown surmounting the head. Several others
are damaged. Size, four-and-a-half inches by three-and-
a-half inches.
Tablet No. 3 bears eighteen impressions, some of which
are remarkably beautiful, in excellent preservation, and
highly spirited. They comprise : — 1. A roaring lion — moon
and star. 2. A wild ass trotting — crescent above. 3.
Winged Sagittarius — crescent in front. 4. Winged griffin
with a single horn, the profile resembling that on the rock
tombs at Persepolis. 5. A horse. 6. A winged griffin
and crescent. 7. Nude figure. 8. Goat — crescent above,
star in front. 9. Winged bull and crescent — triangle
below. 10. Human-headed bull. 11. Dressed fio-ure.
12. Winged human-headed animal. 13. Lion holding
crescent — star above. 1 4. Fish-ood. 1 5. Human fio'ure.
16. Dog — triangle above. The other impressions are
less distinct. Size, four-and-a-half inches by four
Tablet No. 4 has only a few impressions remaining dis-
tinct : — 1. is the most beautiful and perfect of the whole
series. It represents the fish-god Ovannes C?) with goat's
head and fore-legs, and fish-body and tail, in front is a
star — behind hovers an eagle with outstretched wings,
probably intended for Hormuzd.'"" 2. Two figures, repre-
senting the Dioscuri or twins. 3. Human-headed winged
bull. 4. Human figure. 5. Dog. (1) 6. Winged uni-
Tablet No. 5. The only impression very distinct is that
of a Babylonian figure in profile, in a long robe, with a
staff" in one hand.
The impressions on the three remaining tablets are
more or less damaged by the efflorescence of nitrous and
other salts, which is contained in the clay composing
* The cuneiform signature beneath this impression reads Savastana
equivalent to the Greek 2e,3a(TTos and Latin Augustus.
these, and in fact all articles of similar description from
In examining these tablets there is one point which
cannot fciil to be remarked — the frequent repetition of the
heavenly bodies and zodiacal signs. They seem to imply
some connexion with Chaldaean worship, and this impres-
sion is to a certain extent confirmed by Sir Henry
Rawlinson's inspection of the inscriptions upon the tablets.
He observes that the matter relates entirely to the domes-
tic economy of the temples. The most extraordinary
circumstance, however, connected with them is the
recognition of Greek names, in Babylonian chai^cters,
beneath many of the seals, and the dates in various years
of the reigns of Seleucus and Antiochus the Great upon
the subject matter of the records. They are therefore the
latest documents of the cuneiform period extant, and
afford undoubted proof that cuneiform writing was still
in current use as late as about B.C. 200. Previous to
this discovery the most recent records of the style with
which we were acquainted were the Persian inscriptions
of Artaxerxes Ochus on the northern face of the plat-
form and on the western staircase at Persepolis, and that
upon the porphyry vase,'"" preserved in the treasury of
St Mark's at Venice, and ascribed to the same monarch,
about 350 B.C.
This discovery is the more important because it raises
a hope that some cuneiform records of the intervening one
hundred and fifty years between Artaxerxes Ochus and
* It has been inferred from the orthographical corruption of the king's
name in this instance, that the language had lost its purity towards the
close of the Acha^meniau period, and therefore that the inscription upon
the vase must be that of Artaxerxes Ochus. It is not, however, improbable
that the Artaxerxes in question is Artaxerxes Mnemon, as, during my
excavations at Susa, inscriptions of this king were discovered, exhibiting
Kimilar errors in grammatical construction, and implying an eai'lier decline
in the Persic tongue.
Antiochus the Great may yet cast up, and tliat an era
so prolific in great events may prove to have possessed
its Babylonian as well as its Greek historians. What
valuable information might we not derive from a cunei-
form memorial of Alexander's campaigns, or from a
cuneiform record accompanied with its equivalent in
Greek, which might set at rest the prevailing doubts
concerning the true interpretation of the arrow-headed
character ! Warka has already yielded many interesting
and valuable treasures from its mounds, and may yet
furnish the above desideratum. With the exception of
Susa, I know of no ruins more likely to do so.
At the foot of the mound where the plaster ornaments
and Seleucide tablets occurred, my servant was one day
giving some instructions to the workmen, when the ground
under his horse's feet suddenly gave way, and precipitated
them into a vaulted tomb without coffin or other relics.
It measured seven-and-a-half feet long, and four feet wide,
and had been already plundered
by the Arabs. At one extremity
was an entrance two feet wide,
partially closed by a rough lime-
stone slab, measuring two feet
by one foot and-a-half and four
inches thick. The slab was
found standing on end, with the
accompanying imperfect Him-
yaric inscription, facing inwards,
and recording the death of Hanat-
asar, son of Esau, son of Hanat-
asar. Who this person was, or
the date at which this grave-
stone was erected to his memory, it is quite impossible
to say.
The record is, however, of considerable value and in-
characters of Babylonian cuneiform, and afterwards
placed in an envelope of the same material. That this
thin layer of unbaked clay should have remained entire
during so many centuries under a slight covering of earth,
appears almost incredible ! It is also strange that the
* " And he made all the vessels of the altar, the pots and the shovels, and
the basins, and the flesh-hooks, and the fire-pans : all the vessels thereof
made he of brass." Exodus xxxviii. gives a full account of the altar of
burnt-offering and its vessels — brass being the principal metal employed.
By brass we must understand copper, because the factitious metal was
unknown at that early ao^e
envelope had infinitely more pains bestowed upon it than
the internal record, which, it is natural to suppose, was
(JnbaKed Clay Tablet and its Envelope.
the important document. Upon each side are inscribed
about twenty lines of inscription, commencing from a
broad margin on the left. Along the margin and upon
all the four edges of the envelope are distinct impressions
of cylindrical seals, w^hich likewise cover the whole surface
of the writing. The woodcut shews one of the tablets,
with a portion of the envelope removed.'"'
These remarkable tablets have not been critically
examined, so that I am unable to guess at the reason of
bhe envelope having so much more elaborate pains
bestowed upon it than upon the tablet itself. Sir Henry
Rawlinson pronounced them, after a cursory examination,
to be the documents of private persons in the time of the
Chaldsean Kings Khammurabi and Shamsu-Iluna (whose
name he then met with for the first time), about 1500 B.C.,
which nearly corresponds with the date of the departure
of the Israelites from Egypt, upwards of three thousand
three hundred years ago.
• The broad margin and surface seals are not exhibited in the woodcut.
Yilsuf 's excavations were much more lively and amus-
ing than such works generally are. Their proximity to
the iVrab camp induced a number of the Tuweyba
women and children to gather round their friends and
relations. The females in their deep blue and red gowns
sat spinning and chattering at the edge of the trench, and
the younger part of the community, in dress of nature's
own providing, gamboled round them, or stood watching
when any object was being minutely examined.
In addition to the enveloped tablets and copper arti-
cles, Tel Sifr produced a third novelty — two^ girls were
carrying baskets of earth from the trench. One,* a very
pretty lass of sixteen or thereabouts, had begged so hard
for work to support her old, infirm mother and three
young brothers and sisters, that Yusuf could not resist
the appeal. The second girl was jealous of the first one
earning money, and therefore offered her services, which
Yusuf accepted in order to countenance the other. They
were ereat favourites amonn; the men who, with more
kind feeling than the Arabs usually exhibit towards their
women, picked out for them the smallest baskets, which
they never wholly filled. I observed to Ytisuf that they
carried their loads with infinitely greater ease and speed
than the men, and that they discharged three baskets of
earth while the men lazily emptied but two. Ytisuf
grinned and declared he wished all his labourers were
women, because they were not only quicker in their
movements, but more manageable. Much merriment was
created by my ordering all the men out of the trench
and announcing my intention to employ only women for
the future, while 1 paid a deserving compliment to the
A few days after this little excursion, a termination
was put to my researches amid the antiquities of Clial-
daea by events over which I had no control. The great
mound at Sinkara liad yielded a series of tiglily inter-
esting historical annals in its bricks and cylinders, and,
there being reason to anticipate the discovery of much
more ancient records at a greater depth, I was anxious
to continue the excavations, but in this I was destined
to be sadly disappointed. The continued rise of the
marshes from the overflowing of the Shat-el-Kahr, an-
nounced that the whole of Chaldsea would be in a few
weeks covered with the inundations, and warned me to
effect an escape while it was possible to do so. The
Arabs foresaw, in the rise of the waters, a period put to
the acute miseries they had endured for several succes-
sive seasons, and could no longer be restrained from
quitting me to commence the cultivation of their grounds
before they were submerged. It would have been an
act of cruelty to detain them longer. Azayiz and Hen-
na}dn, Budda and a few inveterate grave-diggers alone-
remained with me, and it was evident that they toa
desired to depart. Tellag, in whom my hopes of con-
tinuing the excavations might have rested, came to in-
form me that he had entered into an agreement \\T.th the
Beni Hacheym tribes to quit the ground he then occupied
near Sinkara, and to retire across the Shat-el-Kahr
further into the Jezireh. His camels had akeady de-
parted for their new pasture grounds. Thus there ap-
peared every likelikood of my being left in solitary pos-
session of the ruins, because, without means to convey
away my spoils, I was unable to move. My provisions,,
moreover, were just exhausted, and there w^as no pros-
pect, under circumstances, of a fresh supply. I was>.
therefore, reluctantly obliged to sacrifice my wishes to
absolute necessity, and to suspend the works both at
Sinkara and Tel Sifr.
On stating my dilemma to Tellag, he promised to send
some of his camels back again for my accommodatioD>
and in two Jays lie not only redeemed his word, but
himself returned with the animals, and on the following;
mornin'aliaut Leouidas ; and who beguiled the shame of his
defeat by such a course of sensuality, that he publicly oflei-ed a re^vard to
the inventor of a new pleasui-e— is just the despot to divorce !iis queen,
because she would not expose hei-self to the gaze of drunken revellers ; is
just the despot to devote a whole people, his subjects, to an indiscriminate
massacre ; and. by way of preventing that evil, to restore them the right of
self-defence, and thus to sanction their slaughtering thousjmds.
There are also remarkable coincidences of date Mween the
hist 017 of Xerxes and that of Ahasuerus. In the thii-d year of his reii^n the
latter gjive a grand feast to his nobles, which lasted one hundred and eightv
days (Esth. i. 3) ; the former, iu Aw third year, also assembled his chief
officers to deliberate ou the invasion of Gi-eece (HeixxL.vii. S). Kor would
we wonder to find no nearer agreement in the two accoimts than is
expressed in the mere fact of the nobles boing assembled. The two rela-
tions are quit* compatible ; each writer ouly mentioning that asjvct of the
event which had interest for him A<^in Ahasuerus
married IZsther, at Shushan. in the seventh year of his reign : in the same
year of /t is reign Xerxes returueil to Susa with the mortification of his defeat,
and sought to foi-get himself in pleasure ;— not an unlikely occasion for
that quest for fair vii-gius for the harem (Esth. ii. 5). Liv^tly, the tribute
imposed on the land and isles of the sea also acconis with the state of his
revenue, exhausted by his insane attempt agjiinst Gre^ece. In tine, these
arguments, ueg;\tive and affirmative, render it so highly prol\ibIe that
Xerxes is the Ahasuems of the Book of Esther, that to demand more con-
clusive evidence would be to mistake the very nature of the question."—
See Article ou Ahasueru*.
• Esther ix. 5, 6, &c
I'sl I'eiuarkable
(hncient susa)
iisuaxe the axcavauans made there irv
^missiDn for xht- deKrrritati'pr. of ^he
expedition for the subjugation of Greece, and it was here
that on his return he deposited the immense treasures
(il)tained from the plunder of the temple at Delphi, and
the city of Athens.
StiU later, when Alexander broke the might of Persian
I ower at the battle of Arbela, we have Susa represented
as the depository of the wealth, produced by the exactions
imposed for several centuries upon the impoverished
districts of that great empire, which the " kings of kings"
vainly imagined they had amassed for their posterity.
We read that the governor of the province went out from
the city to meet the conqueror with presents worthy of
a king, and that on entering Susa, Alexander found in the
treasury immense sums of money, with fifty thousand
talents of silver"' in ore and ingots, five thousand quintals
of Hermione purple, t and among other articles a portion
of the property which Xerxes had carried off" from Greece:
There was, therefore, some foundation for the importance
attributed by Cleomenes to the possession of this treasure-
Susa is repeatedly aUuded to by the historians of
Alexander's campaigns, and during the wars of his suc-
cessors, when it repeatedly changed hands. At length,
in the year 250 B.C., the Parthian Arsaces, raising the
standard of revolt against Antiochus Theos, made himself
master of all the eastern provinces of the Macedonian
empire beyond the Tigris, and founded the Parthian
empire, which endured until 226 a.d. Little is known
to us of this warhke people during the five centmies of
their dominion, but Susa continued one of the chief cities
of that race, and of the early Sassanian kings who suc-
ceeded them. In the second or third century of our era,
* About £7,500,000 sterling.
t A quintal is about a hundredweight ; the immense value of this cele-
brated purple is to be calculated at the rate of £25per lb.
a Christian see was estaLlished there ; but Susa gradually
declined before Ctesiphon, Jundi Shapur, and Shuster,
and was at length taken by the Mohammedans in the
eighteenth year of the Kalif Omar, a.d. 640. Coins were
struck there in a.d. 709, soon after which, date the place
seems to have been deserted in favour of adjoining towns
which were rising into importance ; and the history of its
former greatness alone remained in the recitations of
Persian poets, the exaggerated traditions of the people,
and the vastness of its mounds.
Such are the principal antecedents of Shush — as far
at least as it is possible to give them in moderate com-
pass. It is now proposed to describe the state of the
place previous to the excavations undertaken there in
If reference be made to a map of this region, it will be
seen that, soon after debouching into the plains from the
adjacent mountains, the two great rivers, the Kerkhah and
the river of Dizful, approach each other at right angles.
When within two and a quarter miles of forming a junc-
tion, they again recede from each other, the former to
pursue its course to the Shat-el-Arab, near Korna, and the
latter to join the Karun at Bender-ghil. At the point
where these rivers most nearly approximate, stand the
mounds of Shush, distant about three quarters of a mile
from the Kerkhah, and a mile and a half from the river
of Dizful. When the atmosphere is favourable, they are
clearly visible from Dizful city, and, with a telescope, I have
discerned them from the summit of the Mungerrah moun-
tains, thirty miles distant. At the eastern base of the
ruins stands the tomb of Daniel, on the verge of the
Shaour, a deep but narrow stream, rising from the plain
a few miles on the north, and flowing, at a sluggish pace,
towards its junction with the river of Dizful. The area
occupied by the ruins covers an extent of ground three
and a half miles in circumference, and, if the numerous
small mounds around the great mass be included, sjireads
over the whole visible plain east of the Shaour. To the
west of that stream are no ruins whatever.
The principal existing remains consist of four spacious
artificial platforms, distinctly separated from each other.
Of these the western mound is the smallest in super-
ficial extent, but considerably the most lofty and impor-
tant."^'" According to the trigonometrical measurement of
my friend Lieutenant Glascott, E.N., t the northern and
highest point is 119 feet above the level of the Sh4our at
the ford. In form it is an irregular, obtuse-angled,
triangle, with its corners rounded off", and its base facing
nearly due east. It is apparently constructed of earth,
gravel, and sun-dried brick, sections being exposed in
numerous ravines produced by the rains of winter. The
sides are so perpendicular as to be inaccessible to a horse-
man except at three places. J The measurement round the
summit is about 2850 feet. In the centre is a deep cir-
cular depression, probably a large court, surrounded by
elevated piles of building, the fall of which hns g-iven the
present configuration to the surface. Here and there are
exposed, in the ravines, traces of brick walls, which shew
that the present elevation of the mound has been attained
by much subsequent superposition.
About half-way down the slope of the south-west side§
lies a large fragment of cherty-fracturing blue limestone,
* Numbered 1 on the Plan.
t From a series of observations of the same gentleman, the south pouit
of the mound (B on the plan) is in latitude 32° 11' 25" N., and its longitude
is roughly estimated at about 48° 27' 0" E. I may take this opportuiuty
to remark that the plan is chiefly due to the survey made with a prismatic
compass by Mr Churchill, the main points being afterwards correctly fixed
with the theodolite by Lieutenant Glascott.
X Two of these are represented on the plan of the mounds, the other la
at the south-west angle.
§ At the end of trench A on plan.
wiiicli appears to have been part of an obelisk. The
upper srde bears thirty-three lines of complicated charac-
ters in a Sc}i:hic dialect of the cuneiform, not at present
deciphered, although iSir Henry Eawlinson has succeeded
in reading upon it the name of an early king called Susra."^^
Other blocks of similar stone, and another of sandstone,
lie upon the plain below.
From the remarkably commanding position of the
great mound, which is called by the people of the
country, " the kal'a " or castle, I have no hesitation in
recocmisinsj in it the citadel of Susa, to which AiTiant
pointedly alludes in the following passage : — " When we
had sacrificed according to national custom, and held
torch races and athletic games, Alexander appointed
Abulites, a Persian, satrap of Susiana, gave the command
of the garrison (1000 disal^led Macedonian soldiers) in
the citadel of Susa, to Mazarus one of his own staff, and
made Archelaus, son of Theodorus, governor of the city
(with 3000 men) ; after which he set out to go into
Persia." The administration of civil affairs was entrusted
to the Persian, but with his usual admirable policy, the
military command of the place was su]:)mitted to the
Greek generals. The importance of the citadel, command-
ing the rest of the city, may be gathered from the fact
that he placed in it the well-tried soldiers who had followed
him from his own native kingdom of Macedonia.
It was here, too, that the advancing Moslem host en-
countered the obstinate defence of Hormuzan, satrap of
the Persian province, who, true to the cause of his fugi-
tive sovereign Yezdijird, for six months held the place
against all attacks. But courage and devotion were not
proof against treachery. One of the garrison revealed to
the besieo;ers a secret entrance throuo;h a conduit which
• Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, vol. xii., p. 482,
t " Arriani Expeditio Alexandri," iii. 16.
supplied the castle with water ; the Arabs, enterino- hy
night, threw open the outer gates, and let their army'into
the court yards. Hormiizan, from the battlement's of a
strong tower or keep, held a parley with the Arab leader,
and, on promise of safe-conduct, finally yielded to the
Khalif, whose ad\Tser he subsequently became in the pro-
secution of the war with Persia.
Separated from the citadel on the west by a channel or
ravine, the bottom of which is on a level with the ex-
ternal desert, is the central great platform, covering upr
wards of sixty acres."''' The highest point is on the south
side, where it presents generally a perpendicular escarp-
ment to the plain, and rises to an elevation of about
seventy feet ; on the east and north it does not exceed
forty or fifty feet. The eastern fiice measures tlu-ee thou-
sand feet in length. Enormous ravines penetrate to the
very heart of the mound.
The north mound,t a considerable square mass, seems to
have been added at the north-west, and a smaller mass
at the south-east corner of this mound. A shght hollow
occurs between the north block and the main portion of
this great platform, and was perhaps an ancient road-
The eastern platform, called upon the plan the ruins of
the city, I is very extensive, but its limits are less easily-
defined, because its edges sink gradually into the plain.
There are no traces of walls for the protection of the
city, and although Strabo alludes to them, it is probable
that Susa depended much more upon its natural defences,
the rivers of its pro\^nce, than upon earthen ramparts.
Upon the extensive series of low mounds, § extending
to the Dizful river, are two tombs. Imams 'Abbds and
• Numbered 3 on the Plan. t Numbered 2 on Plan.
X Numbtnod 4 on PIiui.
§ Not shewn upon the Flan, from want of space.
Ibraliim-el-Khalil, which, like that of Daniel, are built of
bricks and small capitals of white marble from the ruins,
A canal, derived from the Kerkhah, about two miles
from the point where it enters the plain, passing round
the head source of the Shaour, flows to the north and
east of the great mass of mounds, and forms a small
marsh at the south-west base of the central platform. The
river Kerkhah has flowed considerably further east than
at present, and its old bed may be traced within a third
of a mile from the Shaour ; in ancient times it probably
defended the southern side of the city. Th& old bed to
which I allude is now a thick forest of tamarisk, poplar,
and acacia, and is said to be a celebrated cover for lions ;
in fact, I several times observed their traces here, and
the people of the country shun the neighbourhood.
Susa abounds in wild beasts and game, — ^hons, wolves,
lynxes, foxes, jackals, boars, porcupines, francolin, and a
small species of red-legged partridge, find shelter in the
density of the surrounding cover. During nine months in
the year the whole country is burned up by the sun's heat,
with an intensity which gives seme credence to Strabo's
report, that lizards and serpents could not crawl across
the streets at mid-day without being burnt.'^ At the
beginning of January, however, the young gTass, brought
into existence by the heavy rains, makes its ajDpearance,
and increases with a truly tropical rapidity and luxuri-
ance ; nowhere have I ever seen such rich vegetation as
that which clothes the verdant plains of Shush, inter-
spersed with numerous plants of a sweet-scented and
delicate iris.t
Far in the south is seen the continuation of the Ahwdz
* Strabo, xv. 3.
t Morcea Sisyrynchium, Kei*. {Iris Sisyrynchium, L.) By some persons it
is supposed that the abundance of this beautiful flower gave the name of
"Shlishan"— the Mly— to this locality.
low range, intervening between Susa and the plains of
Hawlza, while, on the north and north-east, are the
snow-topped chains of Ltirist^n and the Bakhtiyarf, skirted
by external and gradually lowering ridges of sandstone
and gravel conglomerate.
It is difficult to conceive a more imposing site than
Susa, as it stood in the days of its Kayanian splendour, — its
great citadel and columnar edifices raising their stately
heads above groves of date, konar, and lemon trees, —
surrounded by rich pastures and golden seas of corn, —
and backed by the distant snow-clad mountains. Neither
Babylon nor PersepoHs could compare with Susa in posi-
tion — watered by her noble rivers, producing crops
without irrigation, clothed with grass in spring, and
within a moderate journey of a delightful summer cHme.
Susa vied with Babylon in the riches which the Eu-
phrates conveyed to her stores, while Persepohs must have
been inferior, both in point of commercial position and
picturesque appearance. Under the lee of a great moun-
tain range, the columns of Persepolis rise like the masts of
chips taking shelter from a ctorm, and their otherwise
majestic appearance is lost in the^ magnitude of the huge,
bare, rocky mass towering above them. Susa, on the
contrary, stood on the open plain, with nothing in imme-
diate proximity to detract from her imposing and attrac-
tive tableau. How are the mighty fallen ! Where are
now those great cities of ancient Persia, whence issued
forth the formidable armaments destined to make even
heroic Greece tremble in her greatest and most palmy
days ^ How faithfully does their fate shadow forth that
of Persia itself, and act as a warning to the proud and
arrogant ? The vast hosts of Darius and Xerxes served
only to expose the riches and pride, as well as the weak-
ness and cowardice of the Oriental character, and a few
years brought with them the strong arm of Alexander,
the chastener and avenger. The line of Persia's ancient
monarchs was broken, and a son of insulted Greece
snatched the sceptre from the fallen dynasty. From that
time Persia sank lower and lower in the scale of nations ;
and, although the house of Sassan in some degree re-
gained the power and splendour of. the past, yet it was
only temporary; each succeeding century has seen the
vast empire of the king of kings getting deeper into the
mire, until, at, the present day, it has attained that pitch
of decay and degradation from which it is difficult to
foresee any speedy hope of regeneration or rescue.
Excavations commenced by Colonel Williams — A Burglar— Conviction
and Punishment — Gigantic Bell-sliaped Bases of Columns discovered
— A Year's Interruption — Proposed Resumption in 1852 — Journey
under the Protection of the Beni Lslm — The Scgwend Lurs — Hiring
of Native " Navvies" — Opposition of the Priesthood— The Cholera
ascribed to the late researches — The New Viceroy, Khanler Mfrza.
No time was lost, after Colonel Williams' arrival at the
ruins, in commencing excavations. As there might be
some difficulty in obtaining Arab workmen, notwith-
standing the specious pro^nises of Sheikh Musa'd, the
under-servants of the Commission were at once em-
ployed in digging a trench from the prostrate and in-
scribed slab on the south side of the citadel, into the very
heart of the mound.'"" By sunset they had opened a
trench, forty feet long and nine feet deep, much to the
astonishment of the few Arabs who watched the proceed-
ing, and wondered at the audacity of the Firenghi elchi.
The only discovery made this day was a cylindrical
sepulchral vase, of baked clay, three feet long, and eleven
inches in diameter at the mouth, rounded at the opposite
extremity; the interior being hned with bitumen, and
containing the bones of a child, and a few beads. It was
one of those vases which I attribute to the Sassanians.
On the second day, an order arrived from Suleyman
Khan with permission for the Arabs to aid Colonel
Williams, — but only a small party could be induced to
accept the keran a day offered for their services, the
• At A on Plan.
chiefs keeping out of the way. At lengtli, on the third
day, Sheikh Musad, and his son Ha'waychum, called to
pay their dutiful respects to the elchi, but more particu-
larly to ask the loan of ten tomans, which they promised to
repay in as many days — a rather cool request on a first visit!
Not succeeding in their wishes, they returned to their tents
evidently dissatisfied with the result of their errand.
Sheikh Mtisa'd was required to provide a guard of
his people to watch over the safety of our property, and
nightly at sunset a dozen of his ill-looking rascals,
with bristly beards and bitumen clubs, marched, or rather
straggled into camp, to be stationed at various* eligible
points for the prevention of surprise. Five nights sub-
sequent to the demand for tomans, an event occurred which
speedily deprived us of the near neighbourhood of Sheikh
Miis^'d's camp. It was the duty of one of the bekjis to
keep guard upon mj^ tent and that of Lieutenant Glascott,
situated on the south edge of the great mound. I was
suddenly awakened in the dead of the night by a rustling
noise against the canvass; but, as jackals and foxes had
taken an especial liking to the camp, and prowled about,
committing all sorts of strange antics and depredations,
such as biting tent ropes and stealing corn bags from off
the very noses of the horses, I supposed that some of
these animals were taking their usual diversions, but be-
came at last convinced that a human being was effecting
an entrance into my tent. I imagined that, by getting
quietly out of bed, the unwelcome intruder might be
cauoht; but, unfortunately, the noise I made in rising
betrayed my intentions, — a signal was given, and a des-
perate tug at the canvass announced that the intruder
had fled. I quickly followed in the direction he took
towards the adjoining tent, where the bekji sat crouch-
infif in such an attitude as at once convicted him of being
an accomplice. He Avas seized, and placed in custody until
daybreak, notwithstanding his protestations of innocence.
On examination it was discovered that two of my
tent-pegs were drawn, and the onter curtain propped
up by a short chib, two pegs of the inner wall were
likewise removed, several articles of apparel strewed
about, and one or two actually gone. Next day.
Colonel Williams sent for the sheikh, but the prisoner, (jf
course, declared he had nothing to do with the matter,
although the stick propping up the tent was proved
to be his. Musad drew his sword and threatened to
cut the fellow down unless he confessed, but he still
persisted in his innocence. Musa'd then proposed to
take and punish him at his own camp ; but the elchi, not to
be imposed upon by an Arab, insisted that the fellow should
either be punished on the spot, or sent into Dizfiil. The
latter arrangement did not exactly suit the sheikh's book,
for, although the thief would have been punished by the
amputation of a hand or arm, Musa'd himself would
have lost that which he valued much more — namely, a
good round sum of kerans by way of fine. Ha' way chum
was therefore called upon by his worthy father to perform
the part of Ferash bashi (executioner) with the thick stick
he usually carried. The wretched culprit was tied hand
and foot, crying for mercy — but that, alas! was in vain
— down went the blows as fast as hail upon any part
of his body which was uppermost — no matter whether,
loUing over in agony, he presented his back, stomach,
leg, foot, elbow, head, or nose, — Ha'waychum shewed no
compassion tiU the stick was reduced to sphnters, and
himself exhausted ! "When the punishment was con-
cluded, the released sufferer in an instant disappeared
like a shot over the edge of the mound, as though the
punishment had diffused extra life and activity into his
bones and muscles !
It was to be naturally expected that this example
would have deterred further theft ; but no i on the fol-
lowing mornino; our best mule was missino;, and two
others were caught running loose with their ropes cut.
The consequence of these contretenivps was, that the Arabs
were afraid to work lest any of them should be suspected
and punished like the bekji on the previous day. Two
mornings later, smoke rising from the adjoining mound
announced that Miisa'd and his tribe had departed, and,
as usual, fired the refuse of their camp.
Up to this time, three trenches, dug into the citadel
mound to the depth of nineteen feet, failed to discover
anything except portions of a brick pavement, — fra)ases or basement
^* slabs actually discovered.
^_ Positions of columns not
^ sought for.
Column bases with trilingual
Position of a column, no por-
tion of which was found.
necessary briefly to remark, for the information of those
with whom the Persepolitan structure^'' is not famihar,
that the Great Hall at Siisa consisted of several mao-ni-
ficent groups of columns, together having a frontage
of three hundred and forty-three feet nine inches, and
a depth of two hundred and forty-four feet. These
groups were arranged into a central phalanx of thirty-six
columns (six rows of six each), flanked on the west,
north, and east, by an equal number, disposed in double
rows of six each, and distant from them sixty-four feet
two inches.
Of the inner phalanx the positions of twenty-one
columns were determined, and many others doubtless
might be discovered by excavation ; but, as it was
necessary to make the utmost use of my funds, I was
obliged to rest satisfied with ascertaining the actual
plan of the edifice.
Of the external groups, there remained on the west,
three t of the inner row — the original discovery of Colonel
Williams, — and a large fragment of another among the
debris upon the slope of the mound. It doubtless be-
longed to the outer row of the same group.
Three large basement slabs of the inner row alone
remained of the northern series; — but, of the eastern
group, the positions of two in each row were ascertained ;
the rest are either still buried, or had long since fallen
down the slope of the mound.
It was in consequence of the outer rows being destroyed
in the western and northern groups, that neither Colonel
Williams nor myself at first succeeded in finding the rest
of the columns. We might have dug holes all over the
* For details regarding Persepolis and its palaces, I may refer the reader
to the admirable works of Chardin, Le Brun, Niebuhr, Texier, Ker Porter,
Flaudin and Coste, and Fergusson.
+ Numbered 5, 6, 7, on the Plan.
mounds at twenty-seven feet three inclies apart, com-
mencing from our separate starting points, and neither of
us would by this means have discovered another column !
As another instance of the luck attending excavations, I
may mention that Colonel Williams actually dug two
trenches* between the rows of columns ; whereas a few
feet deviation from the straight line must have inevitably
revealed one of them !
In the Great Hall at Persepolis there are clearly two
orders of columns ; the same coincidence obtained at
Susa, but as none of the shafts remain erect at the latter
locality, it is impossible to speak unhesitatingly concern-
ing the entire details. We know for a certainty, however,
that the inner phalanx possessed square bases, while those
of the outer groups were bell-shaped. All the shafts were
undoubtedly fluted like those at Persepolis, but beyond
this point there must remain much conjecture. Strewed
in inextricable confusion among the monoliths were huge
portions of the fallen columns ; these were so abundant
that I was able to take correct measurements, and, with
Mr Churchill's assistance, to restore the various details of
one variety of compound capital, identical (except in a
few unimportant particulars) with those in the external
groups at Persepolis. This capital evidently consisted of
four distinct parts, as shewn in the accompanying wood-
cut, which is reduced from Mr Churchill's drawings of the
originals. t They are probably intended to represent the
pendent leaves of the date-palm, the opening bud of
the lotus flower, a series of double volutes, and certainly
at the summit, two demi-bulls, between whose necks
passed the beams for the support of the roof.
* Shewn at E on the General Plan.
t These (h-awinga were extremely careful restorations of the sculptures,
nothing being admitted for which there is not sufficient proof. They are
now in the British Museum.
Whetlier any other
variety of capital existed
at Susa it is difficult to
decide, but from the fre-
quent repetition of the
same subject among the
debris of the palace, I
am inclined to think that
the same surmounted
the top of every column.
Mr Fergusson,'"" in his
admirable attempt to re-
store the Persepolitan
structures, rejects the
drawings of Texier, Flan-
din and Coste, as re-
gards the presence of the
double -bull capital in
the interior of the build-
ing, and remarks : — " In
this, the beams running
equally in four direc-
tions, a capital facing
* " Nineveh and Persepolis
Restored," p. 162.
t The total height of this
compound capital was 28 feet.
The horns and ears of the two
bulls were not found ; these were
let in with lead, but had disap-
peared. The beams represented
in the woodcut are, of course,
imaginary. There was no means
of ascertaining the height of
the fluted column, because no
portion remained in situ. The
total height of the tallest column
at Persepolis is, from the floor
to the architrave, 67 feet 4
Compound capitixl and base of colunjn at 3>iaa.
only in two is a singularly awkward expedient, as clumsy
for an interior as it is appropriate for an external porch."
But, nothwitlistanding this opinion, the abundant frag-
ments of broken bulls, which occur in the very centre of the
great phalanx at Susa, are, I think, satisfactory proof that
all the columns were surmounted by them, and I therefore
quite concur with the three authors just mentioned, that
the same was the case in the corresponding structure at
Persepolis. It is certain, at any rate, that the northern
row of the central Susian group was supplied with
double b,i.ds, because one jDcdestal (No. 1)* has a piece
cleanly cut out of its eastern side by the perpenclicular
fall of the bull-capital, which could not have fallen
into ^^lat position except from the column immediately
above, or from the one adjoining it. The head of
another bull was observed to rest against a monolith,
while a body had fallen on the opposite side.
The most interesting discovery, however, connected
with this columnar edifice is the fact that, in each of
the two most northerly rows of the great phalanx, the
two central square pedestals (Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4) were
or had been inscribed with trilingual cuneiform records.
These were cut around tlie ledge, but the fall of the
columns had so materially injured them that only one
copy remained entire — written unfortunately in the lan-
guage which is least known of the three. As if in an-
ticipation of the fate which awaited the edifice, and of
the j)rospect that one copy at least might escape the gene-
ral destruction, each set of inscriptions was repeated
four times. The Scythic version occupied the western
side, the Persian faced towards the south, and the Baby-
lonian pointed eastward. The fourth side was plain.
Each version was deeply cut in five lines, and extended
six feet four inches in length, anc} seven inches in breadth.
* See Ground Plan of Palace at page 366.
Upon pedestal No 1, the Scytliic version was per-
fect, the Persian had lost the last two lines, and the
whole of the central portion in the Babylonian copy was
destroyed by the fall of the bull-capital.
Of pedestal No. 3, a few characters of the Persian
alone remain. The monolith No. 2, is likewise much
damaged, having only fragments of the Persian and
Babylonian copies still existing. It had been injured on
some previous occasion, either by flaws or otherwise, be-
cause pieces of the same stone had been fitt'^d in and
secured with iron or lead, over which the iuijcriptions
had been cut.
Of the pedestal No. 4, nothing is left but the base-
ment slab to determine its former position. Thei . can,
hoAvever, be little doubt that it was inscribed like the
others, because these four columns mark the position of
the principal fajade.
These records are, in many respects, highly interesting.
They are the sole memorials extant of Artaxerxes Mne-
mon, the conqueror of the Greeks at the battle of Cun-
axa, and they record the completion of the edifice, which
had been commenced by Darius, the son of Hystaspes,
as stated by Pliny.'"" This fact is important, because it
enables us, with a tolerable degree of certainty, to con-
jecture the age of the great colonnade at Persepolis, as to
which much doubt exists. It is generally supposed to
have been the work of Xerxes, because it bears a com-
memorative tablet of that monarch; but Sir Henry
Rawlinsont has suggested the probability of its original
foundation by his father Darius. That such was really
the case is corroborated by the general agreement in
plan and measurement, as well as in the details of the
* Infra est Susiane, in qua vetus regia Persarum Susa, ^ Djrio Ilystaspis
filio condita. Liber vi., c. 27.
t Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, vol. x., p. 271.
Siisian and Persepolitan structures. It is, I think, highly
probable that they were designed by the same architect,
although finished at different and distant periods.
From the perfect Scythic version of the inscriptions,
aided by the Persian text, Mr Norris'"' suggests the
following translation as not being very far from the
truth : —
" Says Artaxerxes, the great king, the king of kings,
the king of the country, the king of this earth, the son
of king Darius : — Darius was the son of king Artaxerxes,
Artaxerxes was the son of kins; Xerxes, Xerxes was the
son of king Darius, Darius was the son of Hystaspes, the
Achsemenian. Darius, my ancestor, anciently built this
temple (or edifice), and afterwards it was repaired '('?) by
Artaxerxes, my grandfather. By the aid of Ormazd, I
placed the effigies of Tanaitis and Mithra in the temple.
May Ormazd, Tanaitis, and Mithra protect me, with the
(other) gods C?), and all that I have done. ..."
Mr Norris remarks that " the loose way in which this
inscrijDtion was engraved, the abnormal Sjoelling, and the
unusual forms of the letters, all combine, with gram-
matical inaccuracies, to throw difficulties in the way of
a satisfactory explanation of that part of the inscription
which follows the usual introductory phrases. The
Persian text would have been of great assistance; but
it unfortunately fails us where the difficulties begin,
the last two lines being almost completely broken away,
without leaving a single entire word."
It is probable that the orthographical inaccuracies
above mentioned are the result of the language having
become materially corrupted during the Achoemenian
period, or between the time of Darius, surnamed Hystas-
* For further information on this subject, I must refer the rer,der to
Mr Norris's elaborate and learned memoir '■' on the Scythic Inscriptions "
in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, voL xv., p. 157-162.
pes, and Artaxerxes Mnemon, — or it may be, as Mr
Norris seems to think, that these irregularities arise
from a desire on the part of the writer to make the
translation as literal as possible, even to the errors of
the original.
There is another point which gives extreme interest
to this inscription. I have elsewhere ""' quoted valuable
authority as to the identity of Ahasuerus, the husband
of Esther, with the Xerxes of Greek authors. If this be
admitted, we cannot but regard the edifice in question
as the actual buUding referred to in the following verses
of Scripture : —
" The king made a feast unto all the people that were
present in Slmslian the palace, both unto great and
small, seven days in the court of the garden of the king's
palace; where were white, green, and blue hangings
fastened with cords of fine linen and purple to silver
rings and pillai^s of marble: the beds were of gold and
silver, upon a pavement of red, and blue, and white, and
black marble." t
It was here, among the pillars of marble in the court
of the garden in Shushan the palace, " when the heart
of the king was merry with wine," that the order was
given for queen Vashti to overstep the bounds of Orien-
tal female modesty, and "shew the people and the
princes her beauty," |
By referring to the plan of the ruins, it will be ob-
served that the position of the great colonnade corre-
sponds with the account above given. It stands on
an elevation in the centre of the mound, the remainder
of which we may well imagine to have been occupied
after the Persian fashion, with a garden and fountains
Thus the colonnade would represent the " court of tht
garden of the king's palace," with its "pillars of mar
* See note, page 339. t Esther i. 5, 6. X Esther i. 10, 11.
ble." I am even inclined to believe that the expression
"Shnshan the palace" applies especially to this portion
of the existino- ruins in contradistinction to the citadel and
the city of Shushan.'""
But to return once more to the excavations. In the
hope of solvii^g the difficulty as to the connexion which
existed between the central and outer groups of columns,
trenches were, in several instances, dug between them to
ascertain if there had been any intermediate wall for the
support of a roof. At that time I had not seen Mr
Fergusson's valuable work, recently referred to, nor had
I any indications of his theory on the subject, i had,
it is true, noticed the foundations of two doorways, mid-
way between the central group and the front portico at
Persepolis ; but, as these were the only indications of an
existing wall at that place, I was not satisfied on the
point, and determined to investigate the subject at
Susa. My trenches all proved fruitless : there was not
the slightest vestige of such a wall as Mr Fergusson
has suggested in his restored plan t of the Persepolitan
Great Hall. Although strongly inclined to adopt a
similar idea, in order to make the entire structure com-
pact, I was obhged to abandon it. If there had been
any such wall at Susa, some portions of it must have
been discovered, even if constructed of bricks. Mr Fer-
gusson's argiiment is partly founded on the fact, that
in two of the smaller palaces at Persepolis, such walls
do actually remain. But this, I think, rather invali-
dates his theory, because, if they were not destroyed in
the smaller edifices, there was less likelihood of their
being carried away from the more massive buildings.
As regards Susa, however, there is, in my opinion, a
fitrong proof that such walls did not exist. It cannot
* To this point I shall have occasion again to allude, see page 429.
t " Nineveh and Persepolis Restored," p. 144.
otherwise be well explained why there should be no
inscription on the north side of the four columns'-— that
side which was undoubtedly the principal front of the
edifice, — except that the record might be protected from
the influence of the weather. At Persepolis and Nineveh
it was customary to place the commemorative records in
the most conspicuous position at the entrances, and,
unless for the reason above assigned, it is difficult of
explanation why the same principle was not carried out
at Susa. I feel therefore persuaded, notwithstanding the
strong arguments which have been adduced to the con-
trary, that the outer groups or porticoes stood distinct
from the central square of columns, or connected simply
by means of curtains. It seems to be to this that reference
is made in the " hanoino-s fastened with cords to silver
rings and pillars of marble" t at the feast of the royal
Ahasuerus. Nothing could be more appropriate than this
method at Susa and Persepolis, the s|)ring residences of
the Persian monarchs. It must be considered that these
columnar halls were the equivalents of the modern throne-
rooms, that here all public business was despatched, and
that here the king might sit and enjoy the beauties of
the landscape. With the rich plains of Susa and Persepolis
before him, he could well, after his winter's residence at
Babylon, dispense with massive walls, which would only
check the warm fraorant breeze from those verdant
prairies adorned with the choicest flowers. A massive roof,
covering the whole expanse of columns, would be too
cold and dismal, whereas curtains around the central
group woidd serve to admit both light and warmth.
Nothing can be conceived better adapted to the climate
or the season.
The elevated position of the Great Colonnade, with the
* Numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 on the Ground Plan at page 366.
t Esther i. 6.
somewhat abrupt edges of tlie mound upon whicli it
stood, suggested the probability of a sculptured stylobate
resembling that at Persepolis. Without a massive sup-
port of some description, the immense superincumbent
weight of the columns must have necessarily caused the
platform to give way at the edges. Several trenches
were therefore dug on all sides, but without the discovery
of the smallest fragment of sculpture. At the north-west
corner, however, on the edge of the platform,* and at the
depth of about fifteen feet, there occurred a block of large
bricks, set in bitumen, evidently the foundation of a strong
wall. I therefore conclude that the platform was sustained
by a brick wall, and that neglect in repairing it, or wanton
removal of the bricks, produced the destruction pf the
whole edifice. The absence of bas-reliefs at Susa need,
however, be no cause of surprise. Mneveh and Persepolis
are situated in localities producing the stone of which the
edifices are constructed. Susa, on the contrary, stands
on a gravel plain, thirty miles removed from the nearest
point whence building stone is procurable, t
The habitable portion of the Susian palace, erected by
Darius and his successors, undoubtedly stood on the south
of, and immediately behind the columnar hall. Traces
of brick walls were there uncovered, but, the depth of
earth being so shallow above them, it was useless to exca-
vate further in that quarter.
The similarity between the buildings of Persepolis and
Susa is so great that any peculiarity observable in the
one will equally illustrate the architecture of the other.
At F on the General Plan,
t The (lark blue limestone of the Susa monoliths is extremely hard and
difficult to work In parts, however, its texture is slaty, and to this cause
may be attributed, in some degree, the destruction of the columns.
It was most likely obtained from the valley of the river Kcrkhah, near
Pdl-i-Tang, or from the adjoining range of theKebii' Klih, whence it must
have been conveyed on rafts to Susa.
Even if not erected by the same architect, they were the
works of the same dynasty, and they proceeded from one
source. They form a distinct style of architecture, and
it now becomes necessary to offer a few remarks upon it.
The large hollow member with leafy ornaments — form-
ing, as it were, the cornice of certain Persepolitan
structures — is nowhere else observable except in the
ruined edifices which line the banks of the Nile, or deck
the Egyptian plains; but the palaces of the Ach^emenian
kings lack the massiveness which is the grand charac-
teristic of Egyptian buildings. The bulls of Persepolis
and Susa remind us at once of their prototypes in the
Assyrian palaces : the flutings of the columns are almost
counterparts of the delicate chasings of the Greek pillars,
whilst the palm-ornaments of the capitals point to the
fallen empires whose sj^lendour once mirrored itself, even
as their ruins are now reflected, in the waters of the
lower Tigris and Euphrates. It is worthy of notice,
however, that the palaces of Susa and Persepolis are much
inferior to those which they resemble in the several
empires whose remains are still preserved to us, and that,
far from being (as M. Flandin remarks, in the Remie
des Deux Mondes) " worthy to be classed with Greek
art," they were rather the works of a powerful monarch,
who wanted the skill and taste to direct the labour which
his power commanded. Such a one was Darius, the
son of Hystaspes, who, having subdued a peoj^le which
had suffered the luxury of art to rust its sword, was
ambitious, " by the grace of Ormazd, who had brought
help to him," to make his palaces outshine, by prodigality
of ornament, those of the nations he had conquered, and
to " engrave with an iron pen in the rock for ever," in
commendable simplicity, the record of his deeds. The
purity and artistic feelings of the vanquished he could
not transplant, nor perhaps even appreciate. It may
have contented liim to borrow forms indiscriminately
from all, so that each of the hundred columns'" surround-
ing his throne might bear upon its fluted shaft the lotus,
the palm, and the bull, and symbolize the glories which
the vigorous arms of the Persian had gathered upon the
battle-fields of Egypt, Assyria, Greece, and Babylonia.
The earliest specimen of the Achsemenian structures is
at Miirghab — the ancient Passargadse — which likewise
bears the earliest cuneatic record of that dynasty by
C}Tus the Great. As it is pretty generally admitted that
this alphabet was adopted from subjected nations, and as
it is invariably connected with their architecture,* both at
Persepolis and Susa., it rather adds confirmation to the
view here taken as to the origin of these unique specimens
of the building art.
In the inscription, upon the monolithic bases of Ar-
taxerxes Mnemon, we read that he raised a statue in
honour of the goddess Tanaitis,t or Venus ; it is
interesting to corroborate this worship, by means of
excavations in a difierent part of the ruins. In a trench,|
twenty-two feet deep, at the south-west corner of the
great platform, was discovered a collection of about two
* The Great Palace at Persepolis, it is well known, is, more Persarum,
called " Chehil Miudr," " The Hundred Columns," although it only possessed
t Tanaitis is certainly the Assyrian Anaitis, the Pei'siau Anahid, the
Phoenician Tanith, and the Greek Tavats of some MSS. at least. The Persian
version of the record still shews a part of the name " — naliata;" the Baby-
lonian has Anakhitti. The Scythic word may be read Tanata. The
inscriptions confirm the statement of Plutarch, that Tanata was worshipped
in the time of Artaxerxes Mnemon. It has been usual, in printed Greek
works, to alter the name of Tanata, or Tai/aiV, to 'AwiiVis ; but the Phoeni-
cian Tanith, the present inscription, and the authority of good MSS. of
Strabo, shew that Tavats was equally admissible ; and, if the very probable
conjecture of Gesenius as to the identity of Tanata and the Egyptian god-
dess Neith be correct, the reason of the variation is i)]ain, ta being merely
the Egyptian feminine article. See Vlx Norris' Memoir on Scythic Inscrip-
tions, Journal of Royal Asiatic Society, voL xv., p. 160.
+ K on Plan.
hundred terra-cotta figures, the greater number of whicli
were nude representations of the goddess. Venus was es-
pecially worshipped at Babylon, and her clay models are
Claj' figures of Venus from Susa.
among the most common of those found throughout Baby-
lonia. Those discovered at Susa are altogether of a different
type, and exhibit some remarkable peculiarities, shewn in
the woodcut.
The hands, as usual, hold the breasts, as emblems of
fruitfulness ; the features are very carefully moulded, and
present a decidedly Assyrian profile ; the hair is clipped
close to the forehead, like the modern fashion of the
Persian women ; and the head-dress is high and pro-
jecting, like the cap frequently worn by Jewish ladies in
the East. The ears, neck, wrists, and ankles are adorned
with their appropriate ornaments. The features and head-
dress are perfectly different from any found elsewhere.
There was evidently a great demand for these statuettes,
which were cast from several moulds, and it appeared
as though the trench had descended into tlie image-
maker's store. In an adjoining trench,'"' was recovered
* J on Plan.
one of tlie clay moulds in which the figures were
There occurred also, in the same trench, other male
and female figures, playing on instruments resembling
the native zantur, together with several primitive re-
presentations of domestic animals — the Indian bull, the
sheep, and horse.
♦ In a small cliamber, in the south-east palace at Nimrlid, I discovered a
large collection of very beautiful ivories, among which were a great variety
of nude figures, frequently in the same posture as those above described.
In several instances, they composed groups as column shafts. From the
frequency of their occurrence, I concluded that they had formed part of an
ornamental shrine dedicated to Venus. Short accounts of these ivories,
with figures of the most remarkable, are contained in the Literary Gazette
of April 5, 1856, and in the Illustrated London News of April 12, 1856.
The originals are in the British Museum.
Hostility and Eeconciliation — ^An Arrival — ^The Lur Woikmen — Insur-
rection of Seyids — Administration of Justice — Novel ^Method of
Smoking — Colonel Williams' Horses Stolen — An Arab attack Re-
pelled — The Haughty Humbled — Besieged by a Harem.
It must not be supposed that the progress of tlie ex-
cavations was unattended with difficulty and annoy-
ance. On quitting Dizful for the ruins, the services
of only seventy Liirs were secured, under the impression
that, as soon as the work began, many Arabs would be
induced to offer themselves. In this, however, I was dis-
appointed, and the letters furnished me by Khanler Mirza
failed to produce the desirable result ; the 'Ali Kethir
were not to be moved from their obstinate determination.
Sheikh Ghafil, the chief of the whole tribe, whose tents
were situated about three miles from the mounds,
was especially directed to see to my safety, and to sup-
ply me with workmen ; but his remark, on reading the
Prince's letter, was to the effect that he woidd not send
nien — "the Shah-zdda (Prince) might cut him and his
tribe to pieces ; his sons and wives were the Prince's, but
he would not send a man to dig at Shilsh for a Firenghi!''
With his rival, Sheikh Mahommed,* encamped with his
* The 'All Kethir Arabs are divided into thirty-one tribes, of which the
Cherim, Anafija, Ch^'b, and Md'la are the only large ones. At the time of
my visits to Susa, Ghdfil was sheikh of the first, and Mahommed-em-Meshdl
of the last.
people a short distance from the mounds on the opposite
side of the Shaour, there was no better success. His
reply to my demand for workmen was the question, "how
the Prince permitted a Ghyawr to excavate at Shush !"
From another camp it was stated that my groom was
driven with sticks and stones while endeavouring to pur-
chase corn for my horses. A general feeling prevailed that
the recent visit of cholera to the province, was the conse-
quence of Colonel AVilliams' excavations, and that it would
return agjain with tenfold violence, at this second act of
impiety! It soon became evident that, unless means
were taken to prevent it, I should be exposed fo gross
insult. The opportunity was not long in occurring, and
eventually turned to my advantage.
On the third day after my tents were pitched at Shush
and the works in full operation, Sheikh Mahommed's
brother, with about a dozen of his people, presented them-
selves at a trench where I was watching the workmen
extracting pieces of fluted columns. Salutations were
expressly made to the Ltirs, under the designation of
"Dizfuli," for the undoubted purpose of excluding me.
At first I took no notice of this conduct, regarding the
visitors as ignorant Arabs ; but when they followed me
about from trench to trench, behaving in the same man-
ner at each, and holding conversations amons; themselves
concerning " the beast, the pig,'' &c., it was evident that
a direct insult was intended towards myself. To have
submitted tamely would have been productive of con-
tinued annoyance ; I therefore insisted on their leaving
the trenches until they had learned to treat me with com-
mon respect. They were not prepared for this high tone
from a Christian, and therefore took their departure with
strong signs of surprise and disgust. Determined to
strike the iron while liot, I despatched the Prince's man
to Sheikh Mahommed, demanding an apology for this
gratuitous insult on the part of his brother. On the fol-
lowing day, Mahommed himself sought an interview, and
begged that the offender might be forgiven. " He is an
Arab," said he, "and knows no better." His brother also
confessed that he had acted with great impropriety, but was
sorry for his behaviour. Thus an excellent opportunity
arose for concihating my nearest neighbours, and at the
same time of explaining that I had no desire they should
act contrary to their prejudices in working at the ex-
cavations. To prove that I possessed due and proper
authority for my proceedings, the Shah's firman was ex-
hibited. Sheikh Mahommed received this precious docu-
ment standing ; he carefully examined the seal, kissed
it, muttered a prayer, and then placed it reverently on
his head. It was then handed to his brother, who did
The old man's quiet demeanour and pleasant counten-
ance were a strong contrast to the roughness and ill-looks
of his tribe, and the interview between us evidently told
like^^se in my favour. He became particularly commu-
nicative, and, from that day, he and his brother were my
stanch friends. With the exception of excavating in the
mounds, they willingly aided me in anything I might re-
quire, and, during my stay, I was obliged to them both
for many acts of assistance and friendly feeling.
A few days after this interview I was enabled to test
this newly formed friendship. A scrap of paper was one
morning put into my hands, addressed in European hand-
writing to Colonel AVilliams, with the intimation that
the writer waited a reply on the opposite side of the
Kerkhah. It proved to be from Lieutenant Jackson,
I.N., who was on his way to join the English party.
He had recently arrived from Bombay, and went to Bagh-
dad in expectation of finding Colonel Williams at Men-
deli, but, bein^ too late to overtake liim there, he set out
once more on tlie Tigris, hoping to reach his chief at
Hawiza. The native boat, in which he took passage,
as bad hick would have it, ran aground. Eighteen days
elapsed, and, there being no chance of the vessel floating
until the annual rise of the river, the voyager decided
on making his way overland. He fortunately made the
acquaintance of a Beni Lam sheikh, Avho hospitably un-
dertook to see him safely to the banks of the Kerkhah.
In passing the Segwend Lurs, one of their tushmals, or
chiefs, swore that, but for his protector, his life would
have been the penalty for his temerity in venturing
amons: them ; in token of the truth of which assertion he
inhospitably turned the unlucky traveller out of his
tent into the rain, leaving him to find shelter elsewhere.
After various other adventures, he at length succeeded
in gaining the bank of the Kerkhah, where the Arabs re-
fused to provide him with sldns to form a raft. He
wisely wrote to the elchi, who, he understood, was dig-
ging up piles of gold and silver cups at Shush ! An ap-
plication from me to Sheikh Mahommed was instantly
attended to ; sheepskins were collected from the women,
and in a few hours my friend was safely and gladly
lodged in my tent.
Sheikh IMahommed's camp was my farmyard ; it
suppHed barley and straw for my animals, and every
species of Arab luxury for our own sustenance. And
yet, although my immediate neighbours now behaved
so well, others at a greater distance exhibited less friendly
disposition towards my party. Wlienever any Liirs were
caught straying far from the mounds, or were engaged in
cutting wood on the banks of the Shaour, they were at-
tacked, and not unfrequently some awkward wounds were
inflicted. On one occasion a workman was carried into
camp speared in a frightful manner by a party of Arabs.
In order to suppress such outrages, it became necessary
to organise well-armed foraging parties, who were accom-
panied by a chief answerable to me for the behaviour of
his men. This had a good effect, and the cowardly
attacks ceased.
Having satisfactorily ascertained that it was useless
expecting the Arabs to aid me, I determined on increasing
my force by engaging men in Dizfill. It soon became
known that workmen were required, and the mounds
were besieged by applicants ; no farther difficulty was
experienced in raising three hundred and fifty men. The
principal number were Liirs, but many were a mixed race
from the town,— half Lur, half Arab, hating the Frank,
but greedy for his kerans. This additional force was
distributed at various positions on the mounds, as indi-
cated by the coloured lines on the general plan of the
ruins. The men were divided into gangs; the strong
Lurs used the long-handled spades of the country, and,
like Irish "navvies," threw the earth high out of the
open trenches, while the town's-people, less accustomed to
such hard work, filled baskets, and hoisted the loose earth
from the tunnels by means of pullies. None could, how-
ever, forget the predictions of the priests, that some
accident would inevitably befall the sacrilegious wretches
who darerl to assist the operations of the Ghyawr. In
order to avert this supposed danger, the party at each
trench elected a mulla — one of themselves — who every
now and then extemporized a prayer, calling on 'All tO'
save and defend them from aU ills likely to arise from.
digging at Shush, and receiving the wages of an infidel,
" whom might 'AU curse!' Each invocation was loudly
responded to by three earnest cries of " Ya, 'All ! " (Oh,
'AH).'"" The echo was taken up by the adjoining trench,
• It will be remembered that 'AH is the patron saint of the Persians.
The names of Allah (God) or Mohammed are seldom invoked by them, ae
they are by the Turks and Arabs of the Sunni sect.
and the mounds, from end to end, constantly resounded
with this oft-repeated prayer.
The accession of Dizfulls to the excavations was, in one
respect, unwelcome : they brought bigotry along with
them. The Lurs were tolerant ; they chiefly belonged to
that extraordinary sect called 'All Ilahis,''''' who believe
that the Deity has vouchsafed to man a thousand and
one successive incarnations of the godhead, and that the
most perfect development of his presence took place in
Benjamin, David, and 'All.
The Seyids, or descendants of the Prophet, were, as I
liave said, induced at last to overcome their seniles, and
I was surprised one morning to see no less than seventeen
green-turbaned individuals, from Dizfiil, ranged before
my tent door. If they had not been armed with spades,
* Very little is really known of this singular sect. It is extremely diffi-
cult to ascertain what are the tenets of their religion, because they are very
jealous of inquiry concerning this subject, although tolerant of other
opinions. From their many Jewish names and general physiognomy, it is
supposed by some travellers that they are of Israelitish descent. Their
religion appears to be a mixture of Jewish, Sabaean, Christian, and Moham-
medan belief. Their great holy place is the tomb of Bdba-Yadgar, on the
mountain fort of Ban Zdrda, near Zohdb, which was at one time regarded
as the abode of Ehas. In 1851, 1 spent some months among the 'All Ilahls
of Kirrind, but can add httle to what we previously knew conceniing them.
They say to Christians : " Our religion differs but little from yours ! we
drink wine, eat pig, and are not obliged, like the Mohammedan, to pray."
The men of Kirrind are brave and handsome, and the women fair and good-
looking. The holiday-dress of the latter consists of a bright-coloured short
jacket of velvet, having a lappet in fi'out, and the breast laced like the Swiss
costumes of Berne and Lucerne. They mix freely with the men of their
tribes, and are less particular than IVIohammedan ladies in covering their
faces. In fact, at their weddings, only ladies who are " engaged " are re-
quired to conceal their features, which is done by throwing a kerchief over
the head. The Kirrindis follow the profession of their Deity Dawud (David),
who is said to have been a blacksmith ; their iron-work is deservedly cele-
brated throughout Persia. To escape persecution, the 'AH Ilahis profess
Isldmism when they descend into the plains, but in the mountains they
feel free to follow their own opinions. For fui-ther information concerning
this sect, consult the " Journal of the Royal Geographical Society," vol. ix.,
p. 36.
I might have imagined them to be a deputation from the
mujtehid, mth orders to put a stop to my proceedings.
Several of these gentry were placed together in one
trench, but so many green turbans in close proximity
could not fail to produce mischief ! They were very ob-
stinate, and frequently refused to obey instructions.
One day my servant, carrying them a message, was at-
tacked with very abusive language by the muUa of the
party. On its iDeing repeated, Ovannes struck the holy
man a violent blow, whereon the latter raised his spade,
and endeavoured viciously to cut the other down, calling
on his fellow saints to resent the insult inflicted on one of
their number : — " A Seyid 1 a descendant of the Prophet,
to be struck by a Gllya^^T ! Will you suffer this 1 Seyids !
aid me, in the name of 'AH ! " Watching the whole scene
from the summit of the great mound, and fearing worse
might ensue, I ran to the spot just in time to save
Ovannes a blow, which would inevitably have cleft his
skidl, and wrenched the implement from the fellow's
hand, as he stiU more vehemently raised his outcry
against myself. On refusing either to be pacified or to
quit the trench, I bestowed his own epithets upon him-
self, together with a succession of hearty kicks each time
he opened his mouth to call on his brother Seyids to
"exterminate the Ghyawrs !" As soon as he was fairly
driven off the mound, I returned to the trench and told
his fraternity that this summary punishment to one of the
order was inflicted out of no disrespect towards themselves ;
but, so long as they worked for me, I insisted on being
obeyed, and would submit to no insolence or bigotry.
This example had the desired efi'ect ; from that moment
my influence, like that of every stern governor, small or
great, in Persia, was established. It was soon discovered
that the Ghyawr could act impartially, and be just in his
dealings. My decision was frequently appealed to in
matters of dispute, and on some occasions tlie whole of
the workmen assembled to ask advice.
Tliey all huddled together at night into Daniel's tomb,
and their wild songs resounded through the solitude of
the ruins, sometimes interrupted by loud cries of " Ya !
'All." On a few grand occasions the exterior of the
building was illuminated. Lamps were placed at inter-
vals around the edges of the veranda and terrace, as well
as upon the spire of the penetralia, the effect of which
was very striking, — the white spire of the edifice seemed
to be semi-transparent.
Every man took care to receive his own wage^, and to
secure them in his own private bank — his girdle — honesty
not being a distinguishing characteristic of the .Persian
race. A Lur was one night caught in the act of robbing
his next neighbour, and, the kerans being found upon his
person, he could not do otherwise than confess his guilt.
Next morning he was brought to me by the whole of the
workmen to be punished. I ofi'ered to send him into
Dizful to be submitted to the tender mercies of the
authorities. " No ! No !" was the general cry, " Punish
him here! Punish him here!" The culprit stepped for-
ward and repeated the request, kneeling down and kissing
my feet ! The reason of this was soon explained. If the
man were sent to Dizfid, he would not only have the
soles of his feet beaten to a jelly, but the kerans, the
cause of the dire offence, would, by some magical process
or other, disappear into the pockets of the jailers, and
probably an additional sum be filched from both parties
concerned. To avoid this, it was agreed, in full conclave,
to ask me to distribute justice ; therefore, to satisfy all
parties, I consented to the arrangement. The stolen
money was duly paid over to the proper owner, and
twenty blows were inflicted on the person of the criminal,
after which he was dismissed the service — not, however.
liefore he liad kissed my feet ; after Avhich the whole party
proceeded to their trenches, exclaiming : — " This is some-
thing like justice ! where shall we get such justice in
Persia !''
After these little episodes, order and regularity were
fully established in the trenches, the only variation ^o our
day's labour being when Sheikli Ghafil, Mohammed, or a
neighbouring chief came to look and wonder, and depart ;
or when a general distribution of tobacco took place in
return for a hard day's work, or an extraordinary piece of
good fortune.
An occasional present of tobacco produced an exhilar-
ating effect upon the excavators ; without making the
frantic demonstrations of the Madan Arabs on the banks
of the Euphrates, the Lurs dug to desperation, and yelled
forth their strange mountain cries, amidst incessant calls
on the ubiquitous 'All. Having but few pipes, they
adopted a primitive and ingenious method of inhaling the
magic cloud. With a little water, the earth at the edge of
the trench was converted into a tenacious paste ; two holes
were made in it havino; an undero-round communication
between them of three or four inches in length. The
tobacco was then placed in one hole, and, at the other,
they, one after the other, applied their lips and sucked till
all was dry. The mouth-piece of this novel pipe was
frequently made inside the trench, and much resembled
a fungus adhering to the wall. It was very amusing
when a fresh " kaliyun" was lighted, to see them standing
in a circle waiting their turn, while one of the number
knelt in the centre with his mouth to the earth sucking
until quite blue in the face with the exertion.
I had just succeeded in overcoming the scruples and
gaining the confidence of the workmen, when the British
Commissioner and a part of his suite, after completing
the survey of the southern portion of the frontier, spent
a few days witli me on their way northward. An event
then took place which threatened to put a somewhat
premature stop to the excavations.
On the second night jof their arrival, two horses were
skilfully stolen from the encampment, and strong sus-
picions attached to a sheikh named Eizaz, belonging to
the Cha'b'"" division of the 'Ali Kethir Arabs, who had
only pitched their tents the day before on the bank of
the Kerkhah: the stolen horses were heard galloping
towards them, and shortly afterwards their dogs barked
vehemently. Information of the theft was immediately
communicated to the Prince, and very early the second
morning after the robbery, Colonel Williams set out
en route for Mendeli, leaving Mr Jackson with me to
await the arrival of Lieutenant Glascott from Shiister,
Breakfast was just finished when I was apprized that
four hundred armed Arabs, headed by Abdullah, the
sheikh of the suspected Chab, were approaching the
mounds. When the sheikh expressed a wish to see me,
not knowing the object, nor liking the advent of such
a host of light-fingered gentry, some of my people,
without my knowledge, desired him to leave his followers
outside the camp. With this request he abruptly declined
to comply, insisting that they should pass through the
camp, and remarking that his Arabs were as clean as
The admission of the posse comitatus was stoutly
refused, and high words ensued between the parties.
Ovannes instantly hastening to the spot, invited the
sheikh and the elders of the tribe to my tent, but
asked him, as a favour, to call a halt of their attendants.
The sheikh passionately replied by denouncing him as a
* These Arabs are not to be confounded with the great tribe of the
Chd'b, although they may probably have originally emigrated from it to
the 'Ali Kethir.
Firenglii dog, which was the signal for a general attack on
my people with clubs and sticks, a gun being fired b}-
way of intimidation. The Liirs now took part in the
affray. Delighted at the opportunity of facing the tribe
wliich had but recently almost murdered one of their
party, they swarmed from the trenches, and rushed to the
attack, howling and yelling with right good will, every
man* armed with a spade, pickaxe, or other weapon;
their guns being fortunately left in the tomb. The battle
now became general. The Arabs — chiefly armed with
sticks, and perhaps not relishing the aspect of the sharp
glittering spades, or not aware of our numbers which
now amounted to three hundred and seventy — slowly
retreated under cover of an incessant shower of broken
All this had taken place in a few minutes, before it
was possible to comprehend the affair ; but, having no
desire to be the cause of a blood-feud, or to risk the prose-
cution of the excavations, I ran to the scene of combat,
and used my best endeavours to maintain peace. The
Lurs, after much difficulty, were persuaded to a halt, and
obey discipline. Having so far succeeded, I advanced
alone towards the Arabs, calling on the sheikh who rode i;;
the rear to come forward and speak to me. A shower of
bricks and a volley of bullets — for they had about fifty
guns among them — was the return for my pains, l)ut these
were fortunately discharged without effect. The indig-
nant Lurs again rushed forward, and were again checked
by my interference. The same order of events occurred
thrice. Just as they were quieted on the- last occasion,
an outcry arose that the Arabs had seized and were mur-
dering a Lur. There was no time to lose ; — the Aral s
were again regaining courage, and preparing to advance
on seeing our halt, when I gave the word for a general
charge down the mound. The enemy declined close con-
tact with the spades, and made a hasty retreat to the ford
over the Shaour, keeping up a running fight with bricks,
their stock of powder being by this time exhausted. As
soon as they reached the river, the Liirs were brought to
a halt once more, and I walked with Mr Jackson and
Ovannes to the bank. On beckoning the sheikh to
speak with me, he menacingly shook his stick, and, as
no exj^ostulation had any effect in producing an explana-
tion, I told him he must take the consequences of this
imjustifiable assault on his own shoulders; then turning
away, I retired unmolested by the Arabs, - many of
whom were performing a species of demoniacal dance
around me. A messenger was soon on his way with an
account of the whole proceedings to Colonel Williams.
The only explanation to be offered as to the sheikh's
conduct is, that not aware of the Commissioner's depar-
ture, he had come with the intention of insulting him for
charging the Cha b tribe with the theft of the horses.
If his visit were intended as a mark of respect, he would
have kept his people out of my camp.
The Prince was highly enraged on hearing from Colonel
Williams the account of the attack, and instantly com-
ijnanded Sheikh Ghafil to secure and send his subordi-
nate to Dizful — a task easier said than done — for,
within twenty hours after the occurrence, Abdullah and
the Chab were on their way to seek refuge among the
marshes of the Kerkhah beyond Hawiza. The plains,
which the day before were thickly dotted with black
tents and herds of buffaloes, were now deserted, — not an
Arab was visible, — nothing but an expanse of verdant
meadow of the richest green was apparent as far as the
eye could span. Ghafil was now in a dilemma ; in
accordance with Persian custom, he was answerable for
the conduct of the whole 'All Kethir, and bound to
produce Abdullah. He being, however, beyond reach,
his relatives were instantly seized and lodged in
Gbafil and a party of sheikhs soon honoured me with a
visit, but their previously haughty and threatening mien
was lowered : the men, who had before drawn their
swords and insulted the Ghyawr, were now anxious to
shew their deference ; each, as he entered the tent,
bowed his head low, and insisted on kissing the hand of
the previously despised infidel. Many were the excuses
and entreaties offered on behalf of the culprit; but
nothing would move my compassion, because I con-
ceived it a duty to future travellers that the matter
should not be lightly passed over. Unless the Arabs
were now made to respect the European, it might fare ill
with the next visitor to the ruins. At my intercession,
however, the relations of Sheikh Abdullah were released
from prison, it being manifestly unfair that the innocent
should be punished for the guilty.
Not succeeding in his entreaties, Sheikh Ghdfil took a
sorrowful leave, declaring that he would shortly return
with his harem, under the impression that woman's
prayers would prevail over my stubborn resolution.
He kept his word. In a fcAv hours, I was sui^prised at
seeing a long line of females approaching in single file
towards my tent, headed by the sheikh himself and a
])lack eunuch. The ladies were all richly dressed, theii'
faces scrupulously concealed under black horsehair masks.
But I at once declined to receive them, and threatened to
quit my tent if they persisted in approaching. Finding
me so determined, they halted, but Ghafil now declared
they should not depart until I yielded. This was
attempting to storm the fortress in a way not calcidated
upon ; but, being resolved to stand the siege, I ordered a
tent to be pitched for the accommodation of the Amazons,
and all supplies which they might need to be provided
for them. The black eunucli took up his appointed
station in a broiling sun, midway between the besiegers
and besieged, and acted as the advanced corps of ob-
servation. All communication between the two forces
was held through his instrumentality ; messages and
presents alike passed through him from camp to camp.
In the evening. Sheikh Ghafil, without a word, took
his departure, leaving his harem to continue a hopeless
task; but on the follomng day he returned with a pri-
soner — a poor labourer caught ploughing his fields —
and represented him as the man who conmienced the
attack. With his wretched victim he departed for Dizfiil,
impressed with the idea that this great show of acti\ity
and zeal would bring about the desired result * more
speedily than his besieging army, which was henceforth
He was, however, still mistaken; Sheikh Abdullah,
and no other, would satisfy my demand. Such being
the case, another stratagem was attempted. A Persian,
representing himself as an officer of the Prince's, made
his appearance with the offending sheikh, pretending that
he was ordered to bring the fellow for me to punish as I
might please ; but the real fact most probably was, that
he had entered into a compact with his prisoner, hoping to
beo; him ofi" on condition of a liberal reward for his inter-
cession. Some such agreement evidently existed, because,
on my declining to listen to the advocate, they set out
on the road to Dizful ; it was subsequently stated that
Abdullah had made his escape, and that a large body of
Cha'b was in ambush by the way, prepared to rescue
their chief if I had actively moved in the matter. He
once more made off into the marshes, and did not again
trouble me during my further stay ; Sheikh Ghafil, how-
ever, in his own behalf, continued to importune me for
his friend's pardon whenever he paid me a visit.
The stolen horses were ultimately traced to the camp
of my worthy friend Methkilr, the chief of the BenI Lim,
whose own brother proved to have been the accomplished
thief 1 True to the compact made with myself, my goods
and chattels were held sacred by his tribe ; but, having
made no stipulation on behalf of Colonel Williams, the
other property of the commission was regarded as a fair
object for plunder! The Prince wrote to Methkiir, re-
quiiing him to deliver up the horses into my charge ;
while the 'All Kethir, in whose territories they were lost,
were compelled to provide others of equal value in
exchange ! Thus was the matter of the theft arranged ;
but the more serious affair of the Cha'b attack still
remained to be dealt with.
A Long Trench — Enamelled Bricks — Masons' Marks — ^A Hoard of
Coins — ^Was Susa destroyed by Alexander 1 — Greek Inscriptions —
Pythagoras and the Persian Daric — Unexpected Visit from the
Guardian of the Tomb — Inscriptions and other Eaiiy Relics qa the
Great ]\fonnd — Alabaster Vases of Xerxes — Egyptian Cartouch —
Mr Birch's Remarks thereon — Sculptured Trough.
Excavations were now vigorously carried on in the
three principal mounds. In a regularly formed portion of
the platform south-west of the colonnade of Artaxerxes, a
trench'"' was dug diagonally across the mound, from one
side to the other. At the depth of eleven feet, it struck
upon a brick pavement, evidently connected with the
palace, probably a court. On its surface were numerous
pieces of fallen walls built of moulded composition bricks,
many of which exhibited portions of glazed, coloured
figures and designs in high relief, but, being on a large
scale, it was impossible to understand their import
or to fit the fragments to each other. Among some
smaller designs was frequently repeated the symbol of
the Deity — a dotted ball with expanded wings, — the
colours being much varied and in a good state of pre-
servation. There was also the rosette ornament, which
occurs so abundantly and was so universal a favourite
throughout edifices of the same period at Nineveh,
Persepolis, and Susa.t From the position in which these
• At I on the Plan.
t Specimens of these enamelled bricks are in the British Museum.
glazed l)ricks lay, it would appear that the wings of the
great palace at Susa were ornamented externally in this
style, and hence we may attach some credit to the state-
ments of the ancient historians '"' that the walls of
edifices in Babylon and Ecbatana in Media were adorned
with gorgeously-coloured representations of various sub-
jects. The shallowness of the trench, and the overturned
condition of the brickwork, induced me to cease minute
researches at the north side of the mound.
There is another point connected with these enamelled
bricks of some interest. Upon their upper sur-
face is generally one, and sometimes two or three
peculiar characters. They are of different kinds, as
shewn in the accompanying list. Those in the lines.
No. 1, were merely scratches made with a knife or sharp
instrument while the composition was soft. The second
series of marks is the most interesting. They are small,
but very carefully formed, near the front edge of each
brick, generally with dark-coloured enamel, and are
apparently intended to indicate the upper side of the
design in front. The marks in the columns, No. 3, wei e
rudely laid on in glaze with a brush or stick. As the}'
do not belong to any known language, the inference is
that these characters are merely builders' marks, t
* Diodorus Siculus,lib. ii., c. 20. Herodotus, lib. i., c. 98. The large num-
ber of enamelled bricks discovered in Mr Layard's excavations at the Ka-si-
mound, Babylon, led him to the same conclusion at that locality. In
Assyria, glazed bricks are an important feature in the front of the city
gateways still standing at Khorsabdd, but it is to be doubted if the ex-
ternal walls of Assyrian palaces were adorned in the same manner through-
out. They may have been painted but not enamelled. I laid bare three
sides of the north palace at Koyunjuk, but without observing any trace
of colour upon them.
t Marks of similar kind occur upon many ancient stone buildings in the
East— as at Takht i Suleyraan, near Persepolis ; at the base of the sculptured
rock of Bisutdn ; in blocks near the ZenderM and in the garden of the Che-
hil Sittin ; at Isfahdn ; and especially on the walls of Al Hddhr, near Mosul.
It is not improbable that those observed at the ChehU Sittin were de-
With reo-ard to others of similar kind elsewhere, it has
been suggested that they are the marks of Chaldsean
12 3 12 3
^ H
+ £
t I
92, 97.
Chey or Dschey,
92, 94.
These coins are now in the British Museum. It is interesting to oo-
From the sharpness of the impression on these coins, I
conclude that the hoard was buried soon after the latest
date. But, besides the value attached to tliem from yield-
ing several new types, they are extremely interesting in
another point of view — they afford a criterion by which
to determine the date of the destruction of the Susiaii
palaces in an approximate manner. The accumulation of
soil between them and the pavement, leads to the conclu-
sion that they were hidden long after that event. This
fact, coupled with the discovery of several Arsacidan and
Sassanian urns around the bases of the fallen columns,,
leads to the probability that this barbarous act of demoli-
tion was due either to Alexander the Great himself, or-
to his successors in the Greek occupation of Susiana.
Although no such exploit at this place is recorded of the
great conqueror by his historians, they do not fail to tell
us of his wantonly setting fire to the palace at Persepolis ;
it would, therefore, be no great stretch of the imagination
to suppose that he acted similarly at Susa.'"'
In evidence of Greek influence at Susa, I may refer to
the discoveries made at the extreme south corner of the
great platform, which is, as previously mentioned, sepa-
rated from the palace mound by an apparent roadway,
and from the great citadel by a deep ditch or ravine.
At this point, t which projects considerably beyond the
rest of the mound, there once stood another columnar
edifice in a similar style of ornamentation to that already
described. It had, however, been entirely destroyed, and
serve, in lunning the eye down the line of names, that, with exception of
the last two, they correspond with the order of Mohammedan conquest.
* It is worthy of remark, that the cohimns of PersepoHs are free from all
traces of fire. The whitened aspect which many of them exhibit, is not the
effect of fire, but of the atmosphere. It is very probable that the proceed-
ings supposed to have occurred at Persepolis, really took place at Susa, and
that the destruction visible at the latter site is attributable to the " con-
queror of the world."
t At L on the Plan.
its fragments were used for the pavement of other edifices
by the after-races who secured possession of the site.
Amono; these were fluted shafts, bases of small columns,
panels and cornices of marble adorned with the favourite
rosette. The later edifice was equally destroyed, only
eight feet of earth remaining above the rudely constructed
pavement. Here and there were dug up column bases,
miniature copies of the large bell-shaped monoliths in the
great palace, elegantly, but, of course, not so highly sculp-
tured. Immediately below the torus, around the swell of
the bell, upon one of these""" ran the trilingual inscrip-
tion : —
" I am Artaxerxes, the Great King, the King of Kings, of King
Darius the Son."
This, doubtless, refers to Artaxerxes Mnemon, who
would thus appear to have been a great builder and
renovator of palaces at Susa.
It is difficult to arrive at any definite conclusion con-
cerning the date at which this edifice was destroyed,
although one naturally associates its downfall with that
of the larger palace. The interesting record, to which
allusion will now be made, serves only to add to the
About 240 feet south-westward t of the above column,
a slight conical elevation, close to the edge of the mound,
induced me to open a trench into it. After passing
through some comparatively modern Arab graves, the
workmen, at the depth of ten feet, discovered the base
of another small column, perfectly difierent in character
from the others. Its measurements were as follow : —
Pedestal, seven inches high, and three feet nine inches
square ; plinth, of the same height, and two feet nine
* The following are the measurements of this monolith : — plinth, 2 inches ;
bell, 1 foot 3 inches ; torus, 4| inches ; cincture, 1^ inch ; total height, 1
foot lOJ inches ; circumference of plinth, 8 feet.
t At M on the riau.
inches square; and torus, five inches high, by two feet
tive inches in circumference. On the north side was the
■No J M-LVda.% N ooa c V 13 f43d jy
lidiliiiaiB&JailiiiiSiiii aiSi^
Base of column with Greek inscription.
following Greek inscription, cut in letters two-thirds of
an inch in length upon the pedestal : —
N0VIU0IAY3 Nol^H N Yl^ A o^^ H J-
which may be rendered : —
" Pythagoras, the son of Aristarchus, captain of the body-guard (in
honour of) his fi'iend Arreneides, son of Arreneides, Governor of Susiana."
The most curious feature connected mth this epitaph
is, that it stands upside down at the left corner, each line
extending to within two inches of a fracture which
divides the pedestal into two equal parts : hence, it
would appear that each line was framed to occupy the
space where it was inscribed. The column must have
stood in its present situation when the epitaph w^as cut,
because the position of the letters at the left corner of
the stone was such that they could only have been con-
veniently effected by the sculptor kneeling on his right
knee. Moreover, the aspect of the block, and the polished
state of its broken edges, bear evidence of great antiquity,
compared with tlie sharp and unworn appearance of the
Greek letters. Standing, as it doubtless did, protected
from the inclemency of the atmosphere on the inside of a
colonnade, its position was well chosen. That such was
its site, we have the evidence of another column base of
coarse yellow limestone, fifteen feet further north, which
had inscribed upon it, likewise inverted, and on the north
side, the following unfinished but rudely-cut Greek
inscription : —
Southward of the first base were two others, both bell-
shaped, one being perfectly plain, the other ornamented
similarly to that bearing the Artaxerxes inscription.
It was at once evident, from the dissimilar styles of these
columns, that they were removed from other edifices.
They were, moreover, built upon fragments of another
palace which once stood upon the same site.
The first inference derived from these inscriptions, and
the knowledge of Susa having been in the possession of
the Greeks, is that they were, as I have just said, the
cause of all this havoc among the Persian palaces. We
have certainly no positive evidence to establish the fact,
but it is highly probable that both Arreneides, and his
faithful friend Pythagoras, were generals of Alexander
the Great.
Opposed to this -vdew, however, are several specimens
extant of a Persian coin known as the " Daric," which
exhibits on the obverse a peculiarly Persia.n representa-
tion of a crowned king, in flowing drapery, kneeling on
one knee, holding a bent bow in his left hand, and
a long spear in his right, and around him the name
IIT&ArOPH. The reverse of this coin is perfectly unin-
telligible, IVIr Vaux suggests that this name refers to the
Pythagoras of the Susa column, whom he supposes to
have lived during the sway of the Achjemenian kings.
" As a commander of Persian troops, he would naturally
make use of the usual Persian coin, the daric ; and as
leader of Greek troops under Persian rule, he would
probably be allow^ed to place his name upon the Persian
coins which were struck chiefly for his own troops." ^^" It
appears, however, extremely improbable to me that any
Persian monarch would permit " the captain of his body-
guard " to assume such a privilege.
The only other supposition which 1 can offer is, that
Arreneides was governor of Susiana under some of the
Seleucid successors of Alexander, and that Pythagoras,
succeeding him, had a die struck by a Persian artist in
which his rank, as local prince, w^as indicated by the
bended knee, and simple name without the usual affix,
"King" or "Great King."
But whoever the Pythagoras of the column base may
have been, the inscription with the name of Susiana upon
it is quite sufiicient to decide the question as to the iden-
tity of Shush with the Susa of the Greeks.
In the immediate neighbourhood of the above discoveries
were found t a few copper coins, of Sub-Parthian type,
and small fragments of alabaster statuettes, apparently
of Greek design. Other trenches in the great platform
yielded a small collection of glass articles, clay vases, and
rude coffins of Parthian or Sassanian origin. Among the
latter were several cylindrical jars, three or four feet in
leno-th, containinsj the bodies of children ; but as the
cranium was generally larger than the neck of the vase,
it is difficult to conceive how it coidd have been placed
inside. The most feasible explanation is, that the jar
was moulded round the skeleton, and then baked with
* " Nimiismatic Chronicle," vol. sviii., page 148, and figure 10.
t At N on rian.
the body inside, — numerous small holes being apparently
made for the escape of the gases generated during the
process !
About ten days after the commencement of the exca-
vations, I was surprised at receiving a visit from the
venerable mutaveli or guardian of Daniel's tomb, who
voluntarily came to pay his respects. This condescension
took me completely by surprise, because his sacred cha-
racter, and my own infidelity, aj)peared to be insuperable
bars to our good fellowship ; it was, moreover, the first
time I had been honoured with a friendly visit from a
native. He was a handsome old man, with sharp twink-
ling eyes and pleasing expression of countenance ; but
he wore the green turban, that badge of fanaticism and
my exj)ress aversion. Having certain plans in view, I
was, however, really pleased to see the old gentleman,
and therefore plied him with strong Arab coff'ee and pipes
without number. This treatment evidently warmed the
inmost recesses of his heart, for he suddenly exclaimed, in
the midst of our conversation : " You are spending a great
sum of money to no purpose, Sahib, digging in this mound,
where you will turn up nothing but stumps of columns
and broken bricks. Come with me and I will shew you
where to find maktub (inscriptions) V This was too
good an offer to be declined. Nearly all his life had been
spent upon the ruins, consequently he knew more about
them than any one living. Conceiving, therefore, that a
few coins, bestowed upon him in bakhshish, would be
infinitely better invested than in expending my funds at
random, I promised that if he could sliew me where to
find a series of sculptures and inscriptions, the palm of
his hand should be well anointed in return for his
Taking me to the summit of the Great Mound, he
pointed out a spot at the north angle where he assured
me was a large stone or stones bearing written characters,
and but slightly covered with earth. As he spoke confi-
dently on the subject, and as the record of King Siisra^''' on
the southern slope of the mound positively attests the
existence of sculptured slabs, I saw no reason to doubt
my informant's honesty of purpose. A trench was there-
fore immediately opened at the point indicated.t
We then adjourned to the head of Colonel Williams'
trench J over King Susra's inscription. Here my guide
told me that, when he was quite a boy, this and another
slab stood at the edge of the mound, with their tops about
three feet above the level of the surface. Out of curiosity
he dug away the earth, and found them standing alone,
erect like door-posts. The block, now lying at the foot of
the mound, was then in the same broken condition. He
stated that the natives have a tradition, that a great
stone palace once existed at the south side of the mound,
and strongly recommended me to continue the excava-
tions then proceeding at that part. He also shewed me
a place, half-way up the north roadway, where he once
discovered a number of variously-sized copper figures,
which, not knowing their value, he sold for a few kerans,
to be melted down in the bazaar ! In this manner dis-
appear many valuable and interesting antiquities.
To a certain extent, the information of my newly-
acquired friend proved correct. Early on the following
morning, I was called to the trench § at the top of the
roadway. A wall of ancient bricks had been reached,
many of which bore,, on their edges, long and complicated
inscriptions of five or six lines. They resembled one
built into the doorway of Daniel's tomb, and fragments of
others which were now and then dug up in the trenches
at different parts of the ruins. These were, however, the
* Already meutioned at page 344. f At D on the Plan.
5: At A on the Plan. § At D on the Plan,
only perfect specimens hitherto discovered, and the only
undoubted relics of an age preceding that of the Achse-
menian kinos to whom were referable all the remains
hitherto exhumed. In digging away the earth towards
a point where I conceived there must have been a gate-
way or grand entrance, there was found a broken slab of
blue limestone, Avith a much-defaced and weathered
inscription, written in a language which M. Opperf^^
terms "late Susaniau." It differed considerably in
character from that upon the earlier bricks. Lying near
it was a fragment of a stone gate-post ; a broken, rude
sculpture of a bird's neck ; and a piece of polished t)asalt,
which apparently belonged to a statue, and shewed traces
of cuneiform.
All these fragmentary relics lay as if thrown down
with violence from a greater elevation on the north.
Close at hand, too, was a broken mortar-shaped vessel,
perhaps a fire-altar, containing a quantity of burnt bitu-
men, with the impressions of a sheep's teeth and jaw.
From the point where the debris occurred, the founda-
tion wall, above mentioned, extended westward across
the mound, containing in its lowest layers several in-
scribed bricks ; but it was evident from their inscribed
surfaces being built inwards, and from the use of coarse
lime mortar, that they were derived from some more
ancient structure. At the distance of a few feet to the
north of this wall stood a well-built circular column or
pillar of bricks, measuring three feet in diameter upon a
broad base. On a level with the latter, parallel with
the uj)per wall, was an undoubtedly more ancient foun-
dation, to the base of which my trench was carried.
Upon its surface, seventeen feet removed from the pillar,
was a piece of red-sandstone slab, with a beautifully
• The learned savant engaged under the auspices of the French Govern-
ment in the interpretation of the cuneiform records.
cut and complicated old Scytliic record. It lay flat
upon another of polished limestone, both of them ex-
hibiting undoubted marks of fire, as did likewise the
debris around them.
Lying upon or near the slabs were several small
articles; — a small ivory crux ansata two inches in
length ; a bundle of iron spear-heads adhering together
with rust ; two or three flat copper ornaments resem-
bling those seen in Assyrian sculptures upon horses' trap-
pings ; a rude cubic die ; and a mushroom -formed clay
object, the top perforated, and the shaft covered with
complex Babylonian characters.
But decidedly the most interesting objects obtained
at this locality were a collection of broken alabaster
vases, some of which must have been of large dimen-
sions. A pile of these, sufficient to have filled a wheel-
barrow, were gathered together, and I spent several
hours in examining them separately. From among
them, I selected four bearing trilingual inscrijDtions,
which are now in the British Museum. The largest of
these fragments, six and a half inches in height, is the
mouth and upper part of a vase. The alabaster has spHt
nearly in a straight line, following the grain from top to
bottom, and divided the inscriptions. The commence-
ment and most important portions of these, however,
remain — the whole of the royal name, " Xerxes," except-
ing only the terminal letter in each version. A second
fraoment exhibits the last letters of the same name, with
the commencement of the word "king ;" and on a third
is the word " great." There can be little doubt, therefore,
that the complete inscription ran as usual : —
" Xerxes, the great king."
Beneath the inscriptions on the largest fragment is a
vertical line close to the edge of the fracture, which I
believe to have formed part of tlie border around an
Egyptian cartoucb of the same king. My reason for so
thinking is, that a similar comldnation of cuneatic and
hieroglyphic legends occurs upon the celebrated porphyry
vase ascribed to Artaxerxes Ochus at Venice ; and, more-
over, because among the otlier fragments found was a
cartouch bearing the name of Xerxes.
I am favoured by Mr Birch, of the British Museum,
with the following highly interesting remarks on these
and other alabaster vases of the same period : —
" The discoveries of Mr Loftus at Susa, likQ those of
Mr Layard at Nimrud, have brought to light* some
Egyptian fragments, of considerable interest for the
history of the Persian dominion in Egypt. He has
discovered fragments of those alabaster vases which,
like that of Paris and its companion in the treasury of
St Marc at Venice, once ornamented the palace of the
Persian monarch. These vases are all of arragonite, or
the so-called Oriental alabaster, which, fashioned into
vessels of elegant shape, was in use for unguents, cosme-
tics, and other precious substances, as early as the fourth
dynasty, and continued so till the age of the Persian
rulers. But there is one remarkable distinction as to the
quality of the material. The vases of the early epoch are
made of fine semi-transparent alabaster, of uniform grain
and colour, while those of the later period are of the kind
called zoned, showing the successive accretions of the
stalagmite of which they were composed. The quarry of
this kind of alabaster seems to have been opened during
the twenty-sixth dynasty, about 750 B.C., and the age of
vases and otlier vessels made of it can consequently be
determined. It comes from Tel-el-' Amarna, and is the ala-
baster now in use. The columns sent by Mehemet 'All to
Pope Pius IX., and erected in the church of St Paolo
Fuore le ]\Iura at Kome, are from this later quarry. This
alabaster is probably the kind called by Tlieoplirastus
(De Lapid., c. xii.) chernites, and by subsequent writers
chermites; Pliny (N. H., xxxvii. 11, 71-73) descril)e(l it
as resembling ivory. It was in a sarcophagus of this
material that Darius was buried.
" The name in hieroglyphics upon the vase reads Kha-
shairsha, and is the same as that upon the vase at Paris.
It refers to Xerxes I., and shews that the vase in ques-
tion had been made in Egypt, and transported thence
to Persia, where it had received the additional Persian,
Median, and Babylonian inscriptions, in the same manner
as the bronze lion-shaped Aveights at Nimrud had Phoe-
nician and Assyrian inscriptions.
" The records of the Persian rule are so scarce in Egypt,
that a short note of the most remarkable monuments
may not be unacceptable. The principal one is un-
doubtedly that of the ofhcer Utaharsun,''' whose statue
is in the Vatican, and which mentions the conquest
of the country by Cambyses, and its subsequent sub-
jection to Darius. But the most numerous memorials of
this period are those of the Cosseyr Eoad, where a series
of proscynemata have been engraved to the local divinity
Khem, lord of Kabti or Coptos, by two Persian and one
Egyptian officer. The first of these is one of Atauhi, or
Adeues, a saris of Persia, who inscribes the sixth year of
Cambyses the thirty-sixth of Darius and the twelfth of
Xerxes, in which last year he hadt made the inscription.
As these two first reigns correspond with the length as-
signed to them in Manetho, it has been generally suj.posed
that they were inscribed to record that fact, rather than the
circumstance of Atauhi having paid ' his vows in the face
of the God Khem' in these years. In subsequent in-
* M. De Rouge, statue naophore du Vatican, Rev. Arch., viii., p. 37.
t Burton, Exc. Hier., PI. viii. 1 ; Rosellini, Mon. Stor. Pte. i., toui. ii., p. 1C3,
and foil.; Lepsius, Denkm. iii. Bl. 283.
scriptions lie calls himself the son of Artames, and of a
female named Kantau or Candys. Previous, however, to
this year of Darius, an Egyptian officer, who bears the
same name, Aahmes, Amosis, as the last imhaj^py monarch
of the twenty-sixth dynasty, an officer of troops, superin-
tendent of constructions, and having the charge of the
royal works of the whole country, son of Kakhnumhat, a
similar functionary, and of Tsaennefertum, daughter of
one Psaumetik, or Psammetichus, had made excava-
vations from the sixteenth to the twentieth year of the
same monarch.'"" A wrong interpretation of . these in-
scriptions had led to much confusion, for it was supposed
that Darius had retained the family of the wretched
Amosis in the government, in the condition of dependent
meleJcs, which the text does not justify. The Amosis of
the Cosseyr Road is undoubtedly of the family of the
Saite dynasty. The principal inscriptions, however, of
Atauhi are of the thirty-sixth year of Darius, whom he
callst ' the beloved of the god Khem dwelling in Coptos.'
In one which bears the date of this same year, he gives
also the thirteenth of Kliishairsha, or Xerxes, whom he
calls the son of Darius, mentioning both monarchs as if
living. At this period Atauhi held the rank of Repa, or
lord-lieutenant of Coptos.J Now it is remarkable that
in other proscynemata he mentions Xerxes alone, as on the
remarkable inscription of the nineteenth of Thoth, in the
second year of Xerxes,§ which probably marks the reduc-
tion of Egypt again to the Persian rule after its revolt
(Herodotus, vii. 7) in 484 b.c.|| The other proscynemata
• Lepsius, Denkm., Ab. iii., Bl. 283, p. Cf. Burton, Exc. Hier., PI. iii. iv.
t Lepsius, Denkm., iii. 283, p. J Lepsius, Denkm., iii. 283, n.
§ Lepsius, Denkm., iii. 283, u.
11 In the lists of jNIanetho, both as given by Afrioanus, Eusebius, Syncel-
lus, and the Armenian version, the reign of Darius is placed at twenty-one
years. Cf. Bunsen's Egypt's Place, vol. i. appendix, p. G42, 643. After much
oscillation of opinion, B.C. 525 is the admitted date of the conquest of Egypt.
of this officer, dated in the sixth and tenth and twelfth
years of Xerxes, are less important, as Egypt* remained
in the Persian power almost till the conquest of Alexander.
But the works in this road continued only to be carried
on in the fifth and sixteenth years of Artaxerxes by Ariu'-
resh,t another Persian saris.
" With the exception of the temple at El-Khargeh,
there are no other remains of the Persians in Eg}'pt,
the country having been administered as a great
satrapy under its local governments, and retaining its
privileges. The inscription on the cartouch found by
Mr Loftus reads KhashmrsJia or Khshairsha, as on the
vase in the Bibliotheque Imperiale at Paris, and not
KhishairsJia like the name upon the Cosseyr Road ; but
this minute difference does not necessarily prove that a
later Xerxes is intended. Unfortunately, there is not
enough remaining to decide whether the inscription which
is found after the name of Xerxes and Artaxerxes on
these vases at Paris and Venice, occurred also on these
vases. This inscription, which means the 'great house
— the great,' is an interpretation into hieroglyphics of
the title 'great king' of the Persian inscription — the
first expression, ' the great house,' meaning commander
of the whole world, according to the interpretation of
HorapoUo." J
The old miitaveli was perfectly astonished when told
how much I valued such fragments. " Am4n ! Aman ! —
What a pity ! " he exclaimed. " Only to think what an ass
* Lepsius, Denkm., 283, k. 1.
t Ibid., Bl. 283, o.
1 1. 61. For these inscriptions on the Paris vase, see Rosellini, M. St., Pte. i.,
torn, ii., p. 176. Champollion, Pr6ci.s, PJ. No. 125-125 a. Cayhis, Reciieil, v.
PL XXX. Lenormant, Musee des Antiq. Egypt., fo. Paris, 1841, p. 37. Pauthier,
Essai sur I'Origine des Ecritures Chinoise et Egyptienne, Svo, Paris, 1840,
p. 111. Journal Asiatique, Fev., 1823. M6raoires de I'Acad., xii. 143. For
the Artaxerxes vase, see Mr Pettigrew in the Archseologia, vol. xxx., PI. vi.,
p. 275.
I was ! A few years ago, after a heavy rain, I found a
large cup like that, but three times its size. It was quite
perfect, and covered with writing ; but, not aware of its
vahie — 'Ali forgive me ! — I broke it up, and made it into
chibuk bowls and mouthpieces. They lasted me a long
time. And I might perhaps have sokl them for a
toman ! Aman ! We grow wiser as we grow older ! "
Although I deeply regretted the loss of such a treasure,
it was infinitely amusing to hear him repeatedly bewail-
ing the opportunity he let slip of turning his discovery
to better account.
The excavations upon the Great Mound fully convinced
me that if any primitive buildings still remain perfect at
Susa, they are to be disentombed at this portion ©f the
ruins. With the exception, however, of the inscription
of Susra, several bricks in excellent preservation, and the
fragmentary records'"" above mentioned, there was nothing
further found in the trenches, and my funds failed before
I could satisfactorily explore the depths of the ruin.
Notwithstanding the assertion of my friend the sacristan,
there was no aj)pearance of the stone searched for.
According to his best recollection, it had stood close to a
deep ravine, and there seems every probability that
during the winters' rains it had fallen from its position,
and been covered up near the base of the mound. He
had not seen it for many years. Still, the bricks and
inscription, which I was so fortunate as to uncover, were
undoubted proofs of the remote antiquity ascribable to
the great Susian citadel.
We have additional confirmation on this subject in the
* The results of my trenches in the great citadel have only recently
arrived in England, but as the language in which these complicated old
Scythic monuments is written, is still a mystery even to the initiated in
cuneiform decipherment, we must, I fear, wait long until its difficulties
may be unravelled. There is every probability that some of the brick in-
scriptions extend as far back as the period of the patriarch Abraham.
very archaic sculptures upon a trough of yellow limestone,
lying in the channel of the Shaour at the foot of Daniel's
Sculptured Trough at Daniel's Tomb.
tomb. Around the sides are two animals — doubtful
whether dogs or lions — apparently about to devour two
prisoners with their arms tied. As Sir K. Ker Porter
gives an exceedingly rough and incorrect sketch of these
animals, the annexed woodcut from Mr Churchiirs
careful drawing is here inserted. Whether or not the
scene herein represented is intended to commemorate the
events which befell the prophet, I leave to the coLsidera-
tion 01 my leaders.
Tiie " Black Stone" — Its Discovery and Adventures — Its Connexion
with tlie Welfare of Khilzistan — The Plot for its Removal Defeated
— Investigations among the Rivers of Susa — Identification of the
" Ulai," or Eulseus — Bifurcation of Modern Rivers — Sheikh ^bdulla
Forgiven — Friendly Parting between the Arabs and the Frank.
It was upon the surface of the Great Mound that my
now indefatigable cicerone of the ruins discovered the
celebrated " black stone," the safe custody of which is sup-
posed to exercise such wonderful influence on the welfare
of the province. As certain details connected with its
history are not generally known, it may be interesting to
narrate them in exteyiso.
When the present guardian of the holy shrine was a
very little boy, he used to accompany his father, who
preceded him in the same capacity, from Dizfiil to
Shush. His partiality to antiquarian pursuits soon
manifested itself, and he made a practice of seeking in
every hole and corner of the ruins for " picture-stones,"
and, of course, precious metals. Engaged one day in his
usual pursuit, he accidentally stumbled over the stone
projecting through the soil at the top of the roadway,
where my large excavation was made. The summit of
his ambition at that time was, boylike, to move and roll
it down the steep slope of the mound, that he might see
it crashing its way through the thick undergrowth of
brushwood. Year after year, however, elapsed before his
strength was sufficient to accomplish this great exploit.
Down it w^ent at last, however, to the intense delight of
the young Hercules. From its high estate, occupying as
it had done, for so many centuries, the threshold of the
temple, or of the king's own palace, overlooking the
country around from its elevated position, it was sud-
denly debased to the ignominious office of a washing
block by the edge of the Shaour at the foot of Daniel's
tomb. Here it was seen in 1809 by Captain Monteith
and his companion Captain Macdonald Kinnear, who
could then have purchased it on moderate terms. Cir-
cumstances however — not caused by any popular oppo-
sition — rendered its removal inconvenient at that time,
however desirous these gentlemen were of possessing it.
According to the old man's story, two other Firenghis came
shortly afterwards and offered him one thousand four hun-
dred kerans (nearly seventy pounds!) for this curious piece
of sculpture. He hesitated ; whereon they said : — " Well I
consider the proposal, and when we return we wiU pay
you the money and carry it away ! " But, alas ! they
never returned ! Poor Grant and Fotheringham were
murdered near the foot of the great mountains at the
instigation of the ruthless Kelb 'Ali Khan, the AVali of
Luristan, under whose protection they travelled ! These
offers on the part of the Firenghis w^ere soon magnified,
and spread like wildfire among the superstitious Arabs,
who now began to set great value upon it — thinking,
doubtless, that if a Frank conceived it worth his while to
carry it away, it must be valuable indeed.
It is then related that " when Sir Eobert Gordon visited
Susa in 1811, he found the stone more highly estimated ;
and in 1812 its reputation was so established throughout
the country as a talisman, powerful against the plague,
hostile invasion, and other evils, that a person, sent by
him expressly to purchase it, and authorized for that
purpose by Mohammed 'Ali Mirza, Prince of Kirman-
shah, althoiigli lie liad placed it in a boat on the river
Shaour, was compelled to relinquish his prize by the
inhabitants of Shuster, Dizfiil, and other places adjacent
to Susa." '"
From that time its security was considered a matter
of such vital importance to the province, that the Arabs
" collected among themselves two thousand tomans, which
they presented with two fine horses to the Prince, and
it was decreed by his Royal Highness that the stone
should not be removed from Susa." But jealousy of
external influence could not protect it from native
cupidity. A blind Beni Lam Seyid came with two at-
tendants to say his prayers to Daniel. During six months
they hovered about the tomb, waiting an opportunity,
and at length blew up the stone with gunpowder, in the
vain hope of enriching themselves with the treasure which
it was supposed to contain. It became, of course, gra-
dually reported that the perpetrator of this outrage was a
Firenghi emissary in disguise. Under all circumstances,
therefore, it is not surprising that the European visitor
should be regarded with great suspicion and abhorrence ;
the more so when it is considered that immediately after
the above occurrence, a series of misfortunes befell the
province — " the plains were depopulated by the plague,
the bridge of Shuster suddenly broke, and the famous
dam at Hawlza was carried away; all which disasters
were, of course, ascribed to the destruction of the tahs-
man.^'t Hence it was that such a feeling of hostility and
suspicion attended all visits of Em^opeans to Susa.
In order to preserve the fragments intact, they were
collected together and secretly built into a pillar in the
veranda of the tomb. This wonderful relic is described
* "Sir William Ouseley's Travels in Various Countries," vol. i., p. 420.
t " Journal of the Royal Geographical Society," vol. ix., p. 69.
to tave been twenty-two inches long and twelve inclies
broad. Sheikh Mohammed voluntarily gave me an
account of it, and his description perfectly agrees with
the sketch made by Captain Monteith. He said that on
one side were figures of the sun, moon, stars, birds, and
The " Black Stone."
Other objects, which he understood were representations
of the gods (or rather sacred emblems) whom the people
* The above M'oodcut is a copy of that published from General Monteith's
.ketch in Walpole's « Travels in Turkey, vol. n., p. 426.
of Sliush formerly worsliipped ; and that on another side
was writing, while the remaining two faces of the block
were defaced. The above was, I believe, the import of
the black stone ; but, as the cuneiform record had not
been carefully copied, it was desirable that I should obtain
a cast from it, if it were found impracticable to obtain
possession of the original.
As any direct suspicion of my object would have com-
promised the prosecution of the general excavations, and
placed me in considerable personal jeopardy, I took care
never to visit the tomb, or to make any inquiry concern-
ing the highly valued talisman. At length, however,
when my excavation funds were nearly exhausted, it
became necessary to take some steps in the matter.
The old keeper of the tomb was my frequent visitor,
but hitherto I had avoided all allusion to the black stone,
and he had been equally reserved on the subject. One
day as he sat enjoying bitter coffee in my tent, I abruptly
opened negotiations by asking him to afford me the
opportunity of examining it ; but he opened his eyes in
well-feigned astonishment, and denied all knowledge of
its whereabouts. To his unaffected surprise, however, I
precisely indicated the pillar where it lay concealed, by
means of information elicited from other quarters. Find-
ing it useless to attempt farther deception on this point,
he acknowledged its existence, but resorted to various
subterfuges to drive me from my purpose : — " Well ! but
there is nothing upon it ; it is a plain black stone." I
merely replied, — "There are figures on one side and writing
on the other." — " Firenghis are wonderful people ! You
come here, and, without having ever seen this stone, not
only describe it correctly, but point out the exact spot
where I buried it years ago ! By the beard of Danyel,
you know everything ! You come, and you dig up palaces
which our fathers never saw, and read a language on its
great blocks of marble which must have been written by
the Gins ! Surely ! it is useless to teU you lies, because
you know the truth! But, as to this said ' Sang-f-
Ghyawr (Infidel's stone !) : you will be able to make
nothing of it, because it is broken into pieces, most of
which are larger than my hand, and many are much
smaller." I suggested that the various pieces might be
fitted together, and if not, that all I required was, to make
paper casts of them, as he had seen me do with the
Artaxerxes inscription. Then came the objection, — " If
we take down the pillar, the tomb will fall, — and what,
then, will become of me its guardian V He quite forgot,
however, that the same difiiculty presented itself when he
built the pieces into the pillar years ago. I proposed
that due precautions should be taken for the safety of the
tomb, by propping it up during the short time required
to complete my examination of the relic. His conclud-
ing argument was by far the most potent, and here my
chief difiiculty lay : — "But pilgrims or workmen are
always here now. Every person in Dizful is talking about
the big idols (the bulls of the colonnade), and in a few
days all the town will be here to see them. How is
it possible to do what you ask 1 " I determined that
the departure of the workmen should be hastened, and
suggested that the extrication, copying, and reburial of
the stone might be readily effected some night when no
person was in the neighboiu'hood. Here the subject for
the present dropped, and the old man was left to ponder
over the conversation. On his rising to depart, I dropped
a few coins into his willing hand, with the remark that
they were a portion of the reward intended to be bestowed
for the trouble he had experienced from so many work-
men residing in the tomb. His hand clutched instantly
on the glittering coin, and his look told me that he fully
understood their real meaning.
For nearly a week the old man kept himself aloof from
my camp, lest reports might arise injurious to his reputa-
tion as a good Mussulman. At length, however, he inti-
mated his willingness to enter into my plans, provided
a favourable opportunity should occur for that purpose.
The workmen were duly paid off, and there appeared
every prospect of our effecting the dark mysterious deed.
All details were arranged, the props ready, and the
hour fixed upon, when, to my utter vexation, a shoal
of pilgrims arrived from Dizfiil, and seized posses-
sion of the sanctuary which my workmen had but just
deserted. Operations were consequently deferred,— ^but
next day the numbers of the devout increased — and the
next — and the next — till it became evident that 'the
annual pilgrimage to the shrine had commenced long
before the usual period. The wonderful reports spread
abroad concerning the excavations had raised public
expectation to such a pitch that it could be no longer
restrained ; men, women, and children, bringing their tents
and j)roperty, and evidently contemplating a lengthened
stay, flocked to the banks of the Shaom\
The scene was a busy one, as they gathered in groups
among the columns, and discussed the questions how and
whence those huge blocks were conveyed to their present
position. Children played along the edges of the trenches,
their rich dresses contrasting brilliantly with the now
dying and brown vegetation of the mounds. However
interesting such a scene might be at any other time, it was
anything but agreeable at that moment. I lingered for
several days upon the spot, but, the number of Daniel's
visitors increasino; instead of diminishinof, I was at leno'th
reluctantly obliged to abandon my project. For some
time I was inclined to suspect that the old man had
played me false, and that he had himself arranged the
inopportune arrival of the pilgrims ; but it was afterwards
reported to me that lie had been compelled to seek his
own safety by a hasty flight in consequence of his sus-
pected arrangements with myself. What became of him
afterwards I never learned.
The excavations having satisfactorily settled the
much-debated question as to the identity of Shilsh with
the Susa of the Greeks, my next efforts were directed
towards solving the problem with reference to the de-
termination of the Susian rivers.
The ancient geographers make distinct mention of four
great streams — the Choaspes, Eulseus, Koprates, and
Pasitigris, of which the Eulseus and Pasitigris were in-
finitely the most important. At the present day there
are four rivers flowing through the province of Khtizi-
stan — namely, the Kerkhah, Shaour, the Dizftil river, and
the Karun. Modern writers ■'' all concur in identifying
the Choaspes with the Kerkhah, — the Koprates with the
Dizful river, — and the Pasitigris with the lower part of
the Karun. Some even go so far as to regard the Shaour
as the ancient Eulseus ; but, as it is only a narrow stream,
at certain seasons expended in cultivation before it forms
a junction with the Dizful river, it appears, on this evidence
alone, highly improbable that the Shaour can represent the
navigable river by which Alexander sailed from Susa to
the sea ; t or that which Ptolemy mentions, after the
Mosseus, as the chief river of Susiana. Not concurring
in this determination, I sought upon the spot itself for
a more satisfactory solution of the question, and was
more fortunate in this research than for the black stone
in the tomb of Daniel.
The difliculty hitherto attending the subject arose, not
so much from the apparenthj confused accounts of the
* Consult the " Journal of the Royal Geographical Society," vol. iii., p.
258 ; ix., p. 85; xii., p. 105 ; and xvi., p. 91.
t Arriani Expeditio Alexandri, Hb. vii., c. 7.
ancients, as from our own imperfect knowledge of the
countries tliey described. Moreover, during tlie tw^enty
centuries since those histories were written, many and vast
chanoes have occurred in the courses of the rivers them-
selves, flowing, as they do, through soft alluvial soil.
My first inquiries w^ere directed to Sheikh Mohammed,
whose age and constant migrations over the adjoining
plains, seemed most likely to aflbrd the required infor-
mation. I was not long in ascertaining that his autho-
rity was valuable. He told me that, many years ago, a
bifurcation of the Kerkhah took place near Pai Pul, soon
after issuing from the mountains ; that the eastern
branch of the river flowed about two miles eastward of
the great mound at Shush ; and that after absorbing the
Shaour at a point below a ford, now called Umm-et-
timmen, it flowed to its junction with the Kariin at
A few days subsequent to this conversation, during a
ride to Dizful, soon after passing the last of the undu-
lating low mounds which extend in that direction, I
noticed a considerable depression, and immediately pro-
nounced it to be the eastern and extinct branch of the
Kerkhah, to which Mohammed had alluded. Its width
is not less than nine hundred feet, and its depth, drifted
up with sand, varies from twelve to twenty feet. This
depth of channel below the level of the plain completely
established in my mind its importance as the bed of a
once-navigable stream ; while the numerous remains of
irrigating canals with high embankments, which diverge
from it on either side, proved it to have been a main
artery. The Arabs of the locality call it the "Shat
atik," or " ancient river." In corroboration of this fact,
a sma,U runner of water from the Kerkhah flows along
the course of the old channel, and is exhausted in the
cultivation of the lands on the eastern side of the ruins.
It is the last water-course crossed on the road from DizfM
to Susa.
I subsequently crossed this old channel at several
different points, and observed that it everywhere retained
the same character. Nothino; would have afforded me
greater pleasure than tracing its entire course, but other
duties claimed my attention, and obliged me unwillingly
to quit the plains of Susa.
The existence of this ancient channel beins: once
established, and its identity with the historical Eulseus
admitted, it is no difficult matter to reconcile all the
apparent discrepances ' of the early geogTaphers. We
can fully understand how, in consequence of its con-
necting the Kerkhah and the Karun, its name might be
applied indiscriminately to either of them, and vice versd,
Ijy persons not intimately acquainted with the minute
features of the country.
Quintus Curtius '"' informs us that, in his march from
Babylon, " Alexander came to the Choaspes, and then
entered Susa." This is evidently the modern Kerkhah.
Strabo,t however, in describing the further progress
of the conqueror from Susa to Persepolis, enumerates the
rivers crossed in the following order : — " Kext to the
Choaspes is the Koprates, and the Pasitigris." Now, it
is evident that, if he crossed the Choaspes in approach-
ing Susa, he could not again cross it in quitting that
capital for Persia, unless it be allowed that he crossed
two branches of the same river.
Ptolemy t does not allude to the Choaspes, but places
Susa upon the left branch of the Eulseus, upwards of a
degree above the point of confluence with the right arm
of the river. The latter part of his description is some-
what obscure, but his evidence is material towards
establishing the fact of there being two branches of the
* Lib. ii. 9. t Casaub., page 729. X Lib. vi., c. iii.
Eulaeus, wliich cannot possibly be other tban tlie two
streams of the Choaspes mentioned by Quintus Curtius
and Strabo.
Pliny, '"■ referring to Susa, says that " the Eulseus sur-
rounded the citadel of the Susians," which might well
be the case if a branch flowed on either side of it, and
these were connected by means of canals or moats for
The most interesting explanation, however, afforded
by the identity of the Kerkhah and the old channel
with the two streams of the Eulseus, is that of the re-
markable passage in the Book of Daniel : t " AncT I saw
in a vision ; (and it came to pass, when I saw, that I was
at Shushan in the palace, which is in the province of
Elam ;) and I saw in a vision, and I was by the river
Ulai/' "And I heard a man's voice hetiveen the hanhs of
Ulai" As this expression stands, it is perfectly incom-
prehensible; but, if we understand it to mean, between
the two streams of the Eulceus, nothing can be more lucid
or intelligible.
It is a remarkable fact, that the Sabseans divide the
Kerkhah into three parts (one of which, as observed
by Mr Layard,J is called "Akhrokh 'Alaitha," "the
Upper Kerkhah ") ; which division may refer to the trunk
stream of the ancient Kerkhah, and to its bifurcating
A difficult passage in Diodorus Siculus§ is likewise
rendered clear by the discovery of the Eulseus' channel : —
*' Antigonus (advancing from Susa) having passed part
of his troops over the river (Koprates), Eumenes sud-
denly crosses the Pasitigris, and attacks them. Anti-
gonus retreats to Badace on the Euloeus, and with diffi-
* Lib. vi., c. 27. + Chap, viii., verses 2, 16.
X "Journal of the Koyal Geographical Society," vol. xvi., p. 94.
§ lAh. xi^.j c. 17.
culty makes his way through the country of the Cosscei
to the inhabited part of Media." He did not retreat to
Susa, because, by so doing, it would have been necessary
to cross the eastern Eulseus twice in his march into
Media. He therefore preferred halting on its eastern
bank at Badace, by this means escaping the risk of sur-
prise while entangled " between the banks of the Ulai."
There is no question among geographers concerning
the identity of the Pasitigris and Eulseus, but it was
never before explained how the two names were applied
to the same river, as must have been the case from
Arrian's passages : " Nearchus sails back past the outlet
of the Tigris to the mouth of the Pasitigris, which he
ascends till he comes to the bridge of boats by which
Alexander was going to pass his army over to Susia."'"*
The Pasitigris here is undoubtedly the Kariin.
" The navy of Alexander sails from the Persian Gulf up
to Susia (by the Pasitigris or Karun). Alexander, who
was then at Susa, emharh and sails doivn the Eidceus
(evidently the extinct channel Avhich extended to the
Pasitigris) : he then sails from the mouth of the Eulaeus
(Pasitigris) along the Gulf coast to the mouth of the
Tigris." t There can be no doubt that the modern Karun
was the ancient Pasitigris.| As Susa is distant forty miles
from the nearest point of the Karun, it is evident that
the first mention of Eulseus in this passage does not refer
to the Karun, because Alexander embarked at Susa. It
is equally apparent that the Eulseus, afterwards men-
* AiTian, " Indica," 42. t Arrian, " Exped. Alex. » vii. 7.
X Sir Henry Rawlinson remarks on this river, that it was named by the
old Persians Dijldhi K6ddk, or the Little Tigris,-and this was translated
into Arabic by Dijlah, D6jeil. With this indication, then, he had no diffi-
culty in recognising in the Greek ^aa\ the old Persian word Pas sigmfpng
"low " "inferior," and in thus translating Pasitigris, like the Arabic Dujeil,
« the'inferior or little Dijlah." See « Journal of Royal Asiatic Society,' vol
jx., p. 90. Other authors adopt the more simple derivation, Pasitigris, as if
"Persi" Tigris.
tioned, could be no other than the Kdriin, the same which
Nearchus ascended to Susia (the territory of Susa), and
the same which Ptolemy'"' mentions, after the Mosseus, as
the chief river of Susiana.
But a farther convincing proof that the Kerkhah bifur-
cated in ancient times, and that its eastern arm, connecting
c=J '■ t=r ES -^T '-'
View of Susa ou a Sculpture fi-om Nineveh.
it with the Karun, was the Eulseus of Susa, is foimd in
one of Mr Layard's sculptures from the palace of Senna-
* Lib. vi., c. 3.
cherib at Koyunjuk (Nineveh).'"* We have on it a
representation of Susa as it stood in the days of Ashur-
bani-pal (to whom this monument is due), and it is the
more interesting, because we are able to recognise upon
it a faithful picture of the modern ruins seen from the
southern side !
The large mound on the left of this sculpture is without
doubt the great mound or citadel, the smaller mound
is the palace, wliile the town, with its walls and date-
trees, exactly corresponds with the low eastern ruins.t
Nothing can be more correct than this identification.
The inscription upon it reads " district of Madaktu ;" and
an inscription on the adjoining slab, which is a con-
tinuation of the subject, states that the Susians were
defeated by the Assyrians near the district of Madaktu,
and near the city of Shushan.
In the large river flowing from the mountains, and
laving the foot of the citadel, I distinguish the Choaspes
or modem Kerkhah — the Shaour being then absorbed by
this or the smaller stream, and therefore not shewn on
the sculpture. The true Eulaeus — the extinct river-
channel above described — is undoubtedly to be identified
with the upper and smaller river. The angle made by the
two streams, and their direction, flowing towards the large
river, the Tigris, at the bottom of the slab, must be re-
garded as intended to represent a bifurcation, and not
a junction. The pond between the larger rivers is the
great Chaldsean marsh at the mouth of the Kerkhah.J
* No. 50 iu the Northern Assyrian Gallery at the British Museum.
t Compare this sculpture with the Plan of the Ruins.
X On first seeing this sculpture, I at once identified the city thereon shewn
with Susa, without being aware that Mr Layard had already done so. I
was also delighted to find the rivers represented as the present configura-
tion of the country led me to expect they should be, and in every respect
agreeing with the views advanced by me in a memoir " On the Identification
of the River Eulgeus," communicated to the Royal Geographiqal Society.
Mr Layard's explanation of the rivers (« Nineveh and Babylon," p. 452) does
It is unfortunate that the adjoining slab on tlie right is
destroyed, because, I doubt not, we should have there
seen the other rivers, and thus had a skeleton map of the
ancient province of Susiana.
It may be objected that the theory above advanced,
concerning the bifurcation of the Choaspes and Eulaeus
from the same stream, requires contirmation and further
explanation. My belief is, that the Eulseus was an arti-
ficial channel for irrigation and defence, formed by
throwing a bund, or dam, across the main river, and that
this barrier ceased to exist eioher from neglect or canton
The artificial bifurcation of rivers is by no means an
unfrequent occurrence in that alluvial region ; we need,
therefore, have the less hesitation in adopting this mode
of explanation. Instances have already been described in
the two branches of the Euphrates above Babylon,'"" and
of the Karun at Shuster.t The remarkable breakage of a
modern dam on the Kerkhah itself may not be an inap-
propriate subject here to describe.
Previously to 1832, the Kerkhah flowed past the large
and important Arab town of Hawiza. In order to culti-
vate the country on the north-east of the place, a person,
called Hashem, dug a canal about fifteen miles higher up
the river. As in the case of the ancient PallacojDas of
Alexander, the ground proved low, soft,^and yielding, and
soon required a dam to restrain the overflowing of the
Kerkhah into the canal. During higli rises of the river,
this was frequently much damaged ; at length one night
the whole stream of the Kerkhah, breaking down the bar-
rier, quitted its former channel, and left Hawiza entirely
without water, excej^t such as could oe obtained by
not agree with mine, but Le was not then aware of my having discovered
the extinct channel.
* Page 44 of this work. f Page 299.
digging wells in the old bed. Several governors of
Khuzistan liave endeavoured to remedy this disaster, but
so far, for many reasons, without success. A new canal
was dug above and opposite to the Nahr Hdshem, and
was called the Mechriyya ; it being intended to divert the
course of the river from the channel of the N4hr Hashem
into its original bed. Khanler Mirza spent, it was said,
7000 tomans'"' in building a bund or dam across the
Kerkhah at the new cut when the river was at its
lowest level ; as soon as the great rise took place, the
water flowed into the Mechriyya cutting, but, from some
cause unexplained, rushed back again, utterly demolishing
the bund and all the works on which the Prince had
expended so large a sum.
There can be little doubt that the bifurcation of the
Eulseus from the Kerkhah was effected by means of a
similar bund, and that the desertion of its channel was
caused by the breaking of this artificial barrier in a man-
ner similar to the Nahr Hashem in modern times.
The points connected with the determination of the
Euleeus are of great importance in enabhng us to com-
prehend the comparative geography of the country in
question, and it is satisfactory, by thus explaining away
apparent discrepances, to rescue the veracity of the
early historians from unmerited censure and disparage-
A day or two before quitting Susa, I received intimation
that the Prince's secretary had received a large bribe, and
was about intriguing to obtain pardon for Sheikh Ab-
dullah from the Shah-zada. Such being the case, I
determined on being beforehand with the Vizir. Sending,
• Nearly ^3500 sterling. ,
t Such of my readers as may desire to investigate this interesting subject
more fully, will find the above details more minutely laid down in my paper
" On the Determination of the River Euteus of the Greek Historians,"
communicated to the Royal Geographical Society.
therefore, for Sheikh Ghafil, I gave him to understand
that, being about to quit the country, it was my desire
to do so without, if possible, leaving behind me any
rancorous feeling towards Europeans ; that I, therefore,
entirely forgave Abdullah ; and that, as a proof of my
being in earnest, I should likewise use my influence with
the Prince to obtain his forgiveness. I reminded him of
the dislike which the Arabs had long entertained towards
my countrymen, and that all the return we had received
for the money spent in the district, and for our endea-
vours to establish amicable relations with them, was a
determination to oppose our objects.
He acknowledged that we had always acted bountifully,
and endeavoured to do good; — "But," said he, "the Arab is
an Arab; he was born a donkey, and you cannot expect
that he will die a horse !" At the same time he admitted
that the opinions of his people had much changed regard-
ing the Firenghis since our residence among them.
" They have at least discovered that Firenghis have one
and the same God as themselves ; that they are just and
honourable in their dealings — a fact which they could not
say for Arab or Persian ; you have not dug up the Imam's
bones, but, on the contrary, it is observed that you have
evinced the greatest desire not to injure a single stone,
out of respect for the feelings of the Arabs I" Such was
the opinion pronounced by the chief of the 'All Kethir
on his intercourse with Europeans,
Although my residence at Susa had been accompanied
with much opposition and annoyance, yet, on the whole,
I had passed an agreeable three months upon its mounds,
which had now become endeared to me like old friends,
from whom I felt loath to part. At length, however, the
day arrived when I was destined to take a final leave of
a spot associated with many interesting recollections.
Before quitting the plains, I spent a day at the camp
of Sheikh Mohammed, who had so frequently been my
resource in case of need from the date of our first inter-
xiew. At bidding him adieu, in return for his trouble
and kind services, I placed on his shoulders a handsome
abba, with which he was as content as though it had been
a bag of tomans. I had likewise intended to visit Sheikh
Ghafil, but his camp being out of the way, and the heat
too great for comfort, I contented myself with semling
him a dress of honour by the messenger he had deputed
to guide me to his encampment. On receiving the (bess
for his chief, the messenger j^laced it upon his head, and
went throuoh such a series of contortions, inflexions, o-enu-
flexions, and manoeuvres, that it appeared as if the honour
were too weighty for him to bear, and that he was likely
to sink under its astoundino; influence.
A great change had indeed taken place in the behaviour
of the x4rabs. The intercourse established between us
had had the effect of uprooting many fixed prejudices,
and, I trust, that future travellers ^\dll experience a more
courteous and hospitable reception than that which greeted
the Frontier Commission on three several occasions. The
more I saw of the Arabs, the more convinced was I that,
however wild or bigoted they may be, they possess at
heart a disposition capable of love and respect towards
the Firenghi.
2 E
Names of Kings.
(perhaps Chedorlaomer.)
Cuneiform Becords, where Discovered.
BdwSriyya 'at Warka; Great
Mound, Niffar; Do. Sinkai-a;
Niffar; Warka; Sinkara; Muge-
Dates of Corresponding
EveuU in the Bible.
Akker-Kuf; Mtigeyer.
Red Mound at Sinkara; Mflgeyer;
Gher^i-a near Baghdad ; on Ta-
blets from Tel Sifr.
On Tablets from Tel Sifr.
Upper terrace of the BuwSrIyya,
and Wuswas gateway, at War-
On Tablet from Mugeyer.
N. of the Bfiwiirivva at Warka.
B. C.
Birth of Abraham, 2130
The Exodus,
Death of Moses,
First Servitude,
Between 1400 B.C. and 625 B.C., we know little of the Chaldasan Monarchy, but in B.C. 1110 a
Chaldaian King named Merodach-adan-akhi defeated the Assyrians, and carried off their gods
as trophies to Babylon. The lower plains of the Tigi'is and Euphrates seem to have been
gcvenied by independent kings, except at such times as the Assyrians were able to hold ttiL-ni
in subjection. In the time of the Assyrian Queen Sammuramit (Semtramis). wife of Phulukh
III., about 760 B.C., the Assyrian dominion over Chaldrea was for a short period estalilislied ;
and ultimately Seunacherib, in 702 b.c. , defeated Merodach-Baladan, King of Babylon, and placed
his own son Esjirhaddon on the throne. In 625 B.C., Nineveh fell before the united armies of
the Medes and Babylonians, fi-om which time was established the
E. C.
Names of Kings.
Cuneiform Eecords, where Discovered.
Dates of C(
Event-i in
tlie Bible.
On Tablets from Warka.
Babylon; Blrs Nimii'id; B5gh-
diCd; Sinkara; Cylinders in
Babylon; Cylinder from Baby-
(Neriglissar )
lon, at Trin. Col., Cambridge.
( Nabonidus
■j and
Mugeyer; Red Mound, Sinkara;
on Tablets from Warka.
( Bel-shar-ezer.
Taking of Babylon by
* T)ie list of t'hald.Tsaii Kings in this Tablo, is Ixjrrowed fiom Mr Vaux's " Nineveh and PersepoUs" («h edition)
To it are iuided the nion: i«cent discoveries, and a list of localities whence the Cuuc-'orm Records of the variojs king
were derived.
Names of Kings.
Cuiififdnn Eecords, where Discovered.
Murajlicib ; on Tablets from Warka.
Smerdis the Magiau.
Darius I.
Persepolis; BisUtuu; Hamadan; ou Tablets from Wa
Xerxes I. (Ahasueius
Pcrsepolis ; Susa ; Hamadan ; Viin ; on Tablets from \
of t-criphire.)
Vase at Paris.
Artaxcrxes I.
Xerxes 11.
Darius II.
Artaxerxos II.
Susa; Vase at Venice.
Artaxerxes III.
Darius III.
B. C.
Names of Kings.
Cuneiform Records, where Discovered.
Alexander the Great.
Seleucns Nicator.
Antiochu.s Soter.
On Tablets from Warka.
Antiochus Theos.
Seleucus Callinicus.
Seleucns C'ei-aunus.
►jVntioclius the Great
On Tablets from Warka.
Seleucus Philopator.
Antiochus Bpiphanes.
Antiochus Eupator.
&c. &c.
No cuneiform inscriptions have been discovered of later date than Antiochus the Great.
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