KEY TO THE CLASSED CATALOGUE FOR THE LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES SCHOOL : • HOW TO ITSB THTS Rpf-IT. The University Library's books in the fields of the languages and the literatures, hare still to be reclassified and reoatalogued as the rest of the Library has been, and consequently they are not fully represented by subject entries in the subject catalogue. Author cards will be found for them in the author and title catalogue as for all other books; but if, for example, material on the BALLAD is wanted, few if any books will be found entered under that heading in the subject catalogue* There is however, a olassed catalogue for books in these fields; it is in the trays at the end of the subject catalogue, following the letter Z. It will be noticed the cards are arranged by classification number and not alphabetically* This book contains the classification soheme used in making the olassed catalogue, and also an alphabetical index. In order to ascertain what books the Library has on the BALLAD, then, one looks in the alphabetical index and finds the clas- sification number is 903* Under 905 in the olassed catalogue will be found the oards for all books on the BALLAD. * 4 r**« 1 ■ If you are interested in finding material not merely on a single subject, but on a number of related subjects, a glanoe at the classification schedules themselves (in which related topics are grouped in a logical sequence) may serve as a helpful orientation. If you enoounter any difficulties in finding the material you are looking for, ask for assistance at the oatalogue adviser's desk) or, if no oatalogue adviser is on duty, at the reference desk in the main reading room. FORK STOmSIQffS The following form subdivisions are used throughout the classification scheme: a- Bibliography. Bibliographies of special subjects are arranged under such subjects, adding lower case a to the class mark* b- Dictionaries. Dictionaries of special subjects are arranged under such subjects, adding lower case b to the class mark, o- Periodicals. Periodicals, including so- ciety publications, on special subjects are arranged under suoh subjects, adding lower oase o to the class mark. ', 6S2c 6S2t 683 I, _ 6S4 6S5 y J6S6 ^687 C $L 688 690 695 655i 696 696i 697 697i ■ 698 699 699a • 699b 699d 699e 699f 699m 699r 700 700d 700dz 700e 700 f 700g 700h CLASSED CATALOGUE FOR THE LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULES The classification schedules for the lan- guages and literatures begin with the number 682 and end with the nuraber 999. The alphabetical index follows the number 999. ♦!S- LanplUffp; Thrones, Philosophy. Historv , T , , Note: Chrestomathies generally are placed under 805el Language or Grammar, not clashed as Literature. Phi'ological Periodicals, general, unclassified The Alphabet (comparative) Collected Works. Essays, of Philologists Artificial or Universal Languages [ComparatiTe Esperanto. Volapuk, etc. " h """'" i:v 7J "' Nod- Aryan Languages, general, unclassified Egyptian, Coptic, Language Egyptian, Coptic, Inscriptions and Literature Gipry Language ami Literature African Semitic Languages r Periodical*. See Inscriptions, general, unclassified '"" Assyrian, Babylonian, Accadian, Cuneiform [Hittites 73i Inscriptions, Texts Aramaic, Syriac, Mandaitic. Modern Syriac. Chaldaic Inscriptions, Texts, Targums Phenician, Punic Hebrew Philology Bibliography of Language and Literature Dictionaries I Periodicals. See 695c, 727c] Phonology, Orthography, Punctuation, Accent Etymology, Inflection Syntax, Rhetoric Metric, Poetic Inscriptions Hebrew Literature, general, unclassified [Hebrew Bible 24ea History of Hebrew Literature Biography Earlier Midrashim Mishna, and Works on the Mishna Talmud Works on the Talmud 91 722 American Indian Languages /'700n Later Midrashim, Haggadic Works 700p Legal Codes, and Commentaries; Ritual Law 700q Responsa 700r Liturgies, Hymns (in Hebrew) 700s Exegetical Works, Masora 700t Philosophical Works 700u Theological, Homiletic, Polemical Works Note: Arabic texts of Jewish authors included in 700 t, 700u. 700v Kabba'a, and other Mystical Works 700w Historical, Geographical, Works, in Hebrew 700wd Archaeological Works, in Hebrew 700x Poetry, in Hebrew 700y Fiction, Tales, in Hebrew 700z Yiddish 701 Arabic, Himyaric, Philology 70jd Grammar 701 f Syntax. Rhetoric 701m Metric, Poetic 701r Inscriptions 702 Arabic Literature, general, unclassified [Koran 22k 702d History of Arabic Literature 702g Law, Fikh 702h Philosophy, Religion, in Arabic 702p Poetry in Arabic 702q Tales, Romances Arabian Nights, Antar, al-Hariri (Makamat) 702r Proverbs, Maxims 702t Historical Works, in Arabic 702u Biography 702v Geographical, Cosmo'ogical, Works, in Arabic 702w Scientific, Medical, Works, in Arabic 703 Modern Arabic 703n South Arabic \704 Ethiopic, Amharic, Abyssinian, Tigrina f 705 Basque Philo'ogy and Literature __x^ -706 Ural-Altaic Philology, Finnish, Turkish, Hungarian -709 Dravidian, South Asiatic, Philology f712 Chinese Philology 713 Dialects 714 Chinese Literature 715 Japanese, Korean, Aino, Languages 715w History of Japanese Literature ^716 Japanese Authors (717 Malay-Polynesian Languages Borneo, Celebes, Sumatra, Java, Philippines 718 Melanesian, Hawaiian, Samoan, Fiji, Tahiti 719 Australian, Madagascar (native) f 720 North American Indian Languages 1 722 Mexican, Central and South American 725 Indo-European Philology 92 p 725 725d ^ 725e (j725f 727 727c 728 729 730 733 734 7341 735 736 737 738 739 [Alphabet 682t [Titles 61k V. 742 742a 742b 742c 743 743d 743e 743f 743k 743m 744 745 746 747 749 749f 749k 749t 749v 749z 750 750f Indo-European, Aryan, Philology Comparative Phonology, Orthography Comparative Etymology, Morphology Comparative Syntax Names Oriental Literature, Polygraphy, Collected Works of Oriental Philologists Oriental Philological Periodicals Sanskrit Philology History of Sanskrit, Indie, Literature Sanskrit, Indie, Texts and Translations. Vedas Prakrit, Pali, Singhalese Iranic, Zend, Old Bactrian, Old Persian Lycian Pahlavi, Parsi, Middle Persian Afghan, Armenian, Ossetic, Kurd r „.„. „ iHittites 73z Persian (modern) Language Persian (modern) Literature Aryan Modern Languages of India Bengali, Gujarati, Hindustani, Marathi, Oruya, Panjabi, Sindhi Greek Language. Philology and History, Collected works of Greek Philologists Note: Books on Greek and Latin combined are placed in the proper class under Greek Bibliography of Greek and Latin Dictionaries Periodicals on Classical Philology Greek Grammar Phonology, Orthography Etymology, Synonyms, Inflection Syntax, Composition Parallel Texts and Translations used in Compostion Metric, Accent, Rhythm Greek Dialects Greek, Greek-Latin Inscriptions, Epigraphy History of Greek Literature History of Greek Poetry and Drama Papyri. General Collections Greek Papyri Latin Papyri Books about Papyri in general Books about Greek Papyri Books about Latin Papyri Collected Greek Literature Anthologia Graeca Palatina T Books about Palaeography A34 (Assyrian, Coptic, etc., Papyri go under such languages 751kd Diogenes Oenoandensis dlreek Authors Note: Arrange under each author 1. Whole and selections. 2. Whole works translated. 3. works. 4. Critical works. 751dg Achilles Tatius 751gh 751dhs Acusilaus 751gn 751di Adamantius 751gr 751dl Aelianus, Claudius 751grp 751dm Aelianus (Tacticus) 751gs 751dn Aeneas Tacticus 751gt 751ds Aeschines (Orator) 751dt Aeschines Socraticus 751gx Aeschylus 753 751e Aesopus Aetius Amidenus 751h 751eg Agathias Myrinaeus 751he 751el Alcaeus Mytilenaeus 751em Alcidamas 751hf 751en Alciphron 751hg 751ene Alcmaeon 751hh 751enf Alcman 751hl 751enl Alexander Aetolus 751hr 751eo Alexander Aphrodisiensis 751i 751eop Alexander Polyhistor 751ie 751eot Alexander Trallianus 7 2 1 ! f . 751eov Amnion Astrologus 751 ! f ! 751ep Ammonius Alexandrinus 751ifj 751f Anacreon 751ifk 751fe Anastasius Bibliothecarius Anaxagoras Clazomenius 7 751ifn Anaximander 7 751ift 751ff Anaximenes 751ig 751fg Andocides 751igj 751 fj Anna Conmena 751igk 751fk Antigonus Carystius 751igm 751fkn Antimachus Colophonius 751igr 751fkt Antiochus Ascalonita 751ih 751fl Antiphon 751ik 751fln Antisthenes 751 fir Antoninus Liberalis 751il 751fm Aphthonius 751io 751fmh Apocalypsis Anastasiae 751ip 751fn Apollodorus Atheniensis 751ir Appollonius Pergaeus 351 751ird 751fo Apollonius Rhodius 751irf Apollonius Tyanaeus 7 751irk 751 fp Appianus 751is 751fr Aratus So'.ensis 751isf 751fs Arcadius 751it 751fsd Archestratus 751foe Archilochus 751ium Archimedes 338 751iuv 751 fsg Aretaeus 751iv 751ft Aristaenetus 751 fu Aristarchus Alexandrinus 751 j 751 fv Aristarchus Samius 751 je 751 fw Aristeas 751jg 751fx Aristides, Aelius 751ji 751fy Aristides Quintilianus 751in 751g Aristophanes 751k 751gd Aristophanes Byzantius Aristoteles 7r 751kd f Philosophers 7 works [Fathers 27 Single Aristoxenus Arrianus Artemidorus Daldianus Asclepiades ■Myrlaeanus Astrampsichus Athenaeus Xaucratita Athenagoras 27 At talus Rhodius Aurelius Antoninus, Marcus 7 Babrius Bacchylides Basilius Magnus 27 Bassus, Cassianus Besantinus Bilitis Bion Smyrnaeus Caecilius Calactinus Callimachus Callisthenes Callistratus Sophista Candidus Isaurus Cassia Castor Rhodius Cebes Thebanus 7 Chares Grammaticus Charition Charito Aphrodisiensis Choerilius Samius Choricius Christophorus Mitylenaeus Chronicle of Morea Chrysippus Cleanthes Clemens Alexandrinus 27 Cleomedes Coluthus Conon Grammaticus Cornutus Cosmas et Damianus Craterus Crates Mallotes Crinagoras Critias Atheniensis Ctesias Cyrillus I. Alexandrinus 27 Damocrates Demetrius Cydonius Demetrius Pha'.ereus Democritus 7 Demosthenes Dexippus, P. H. Dicaearchus Messenius Didymus Alexandrinus Dinarchus Diodorus Siculus Diogenes Laertius 4 Diogenes Oenoandensis 751kg Greek Authors (continued) 94 Greek Authors (continued) 751kg Diogenianus 751mp Heron Ctesibius 751kl Dion Cassius 751mr Herondas 751kn Dion Chrysostomus 751n Hesiodus 751ks Dionysius (Aeneuc-) 751nc Hesychius Alexandrinus Dionysius Areopagita 27 751nd Hesychius Milesius 7511 Dionysius Halicarnassensis 751ne Hierocles (grammaticus) 7511d Dionysius Periegetes 751nf Hierocles Alexandrinus 7511dn Dionysius, Aeiius 751ng Himerius Sophista 7511ds Dioscorides 751ngh Hipparchus Bithynus 7511dv Dosiadas 751nh Hippocrates 751!e Draco Stratonicens Hippolytus 27 751Iem Empedocles 751nk Hipponax 7511en Ephorus Cumaeus Homerus 752 751Iep Epicharnius 751np Hyperides Epictetus 7 751nt Ion Chius Epicurus 7 751nv Isaeus 75Uf Epimenides Cretensis Isidorus 27 7511g Eratosthenes 751p Isocrates 7511h Erotianus 751pg Jamblichus Chalcidensis Euclides 351 Joannes Chrysostomus 27 7511i Eudocia Macrembolitissa 751pl Joannes Lydus 7511ih Eudoxus Cnidius 751po Joannes Philoponus 7511ii Euhemerus (Evemerus) 751poq Joannes Epiphaniensis 7511ik Eumelus Corinthus Josephus 75 7511in Eunapius Sardianus JuManus Apostata 7 7511iv Euphorion Chalcidensis Justinus Martyr 27 Euripides 754 751ps Leonidas Tarentinus 7511ix Eusebius (Histor) 751psj Lesbonax (grammaticus) Eusebius Pamphilus 27 751psl Lesbonax (Sophista) 7511iy Eustathius Epiphaniensis 751pt Libanius 7511J Eustathius Thessaloni- 751pv Longinus censis 751q Longus 7511n Galenus 751r Lucianus 7511nl Geminus Rhodius 751rl Lycophron 7511no Geoponica 751rs Lycurgus 751hip Georgius (monachus) 751s Lysias 75Unr Georgius Phrantzes 751sb Lysimachus 751Int Georgius Leontinus 751sd Malchus 75110 Gregorius Cyprius 751se Manetho Gregorius Nazianzenus 27 751sf Marcus Diaconus Gregorius Nyssenus 27 751sg Maximus Ephesius 7511p Harpocration 751sgs Maximus, Q. Sulpicius 7511pi Hecataeus Milesius Maximus Tyrius 7 7511r Heliodorus Emesenus 751sh Meleager 7511s Helladius (grammaticus) 751si Menander (Cornicus) 7511t Hellanicus Lesbius 751sjm Menander Protector 7511v Hephaestion Alexandrinus 751sjp Menippus Cynicus 7511vd Hephaestion Thebanus 751sjs Mesomedes 7511w Heraclides Ponticus 751sjz Miltiades Heraclitus Ephesius 7 751sk Mimnermus Hermae Pastor 24xt 751sks Moschopu'us 7511wf Herraagoras Rhodius 751sl Moschus Hermes Trismegistus 7 751slg Musaeus Grammaticus 7511wh Hermesianax 751slj Musonius Rufus 7511x Hermippus (Christianus) 751sln Naumachius 7511xe Hermodotus 751slp Nepualius 7511xh Hermogenes 751sls Nestorianus 7511y Herodianus (Histor) 751sn Nicander Colophonius 7511yi Herodianus, Aeiius 751sni Nicanor 751m Herodotus 751so Nicephorus I. Constantinop. 751mn Heron Alexandrinus 751soe Nicephorus Blemmides 751zy Greek Authors (continued) Greek Authors (continued) 751soI 751sp 751sq 75] sr 751sro 751ss 751ssh 751ssl 751st 751su 751sud 751suk 751sup 751svj 751svn 751svp 751svt 751svy 751sw 751swe 751sy 751syl 751sz 751szl 751szm 751szn 751szp 751t 751tu 751u 751uf 751uh 751un 751up 751v 751vc 751vcp 751vd 751vdp 751ve 751vf 751vg 751vgd 751vh 751\j 751vjr 751vjt 751vk 751vl Nico'aus Damascenus Nicomachus Gerasinus Nonnosus Nonnus Panopo'.itanus O vmpiodorus Thebanus Onosander Oppianus Oracula sibyllina Oribasius Origenes 27 Orpheus Palaephatus Panaetius Panyasis Parmenides Eleates 7 Pausanias SOg Petrus Patricius Parthenius Nicaeensis Phalaris Pherecydes Lerius Philemon Comicus Philemon Grammaticus Philetas Cous Philo Byzantius Philo Judaeus 7 Philo, Eranius Philodemus 7 Philolaus 7 Philostratus (several) Phocylides Phoenix Colophonius Photius Phrynichus Sophista 743 Physiologus Pindarus Planudes Plato 7p Plotinus 7 Plutarchus Philemon Periegetes Polemon (Aiitonius) Pollux Polyaenus Polybius Polystratus Porphyrius 7 Posidippus Posidonius Rhodius Praxagoras Priscianus Lydus Priscus Panites Procopius Caesareensis Procopius Gazaeus 27 Prodicus Ceus Pto!emaeus, Claudius Pythagoras 7 Pytheas Massiliensis 86d Quintus Smyrnaeus Rhianus Rhinthon Rufus Ephesius Sallustius Philosophus 751vn 751vnd 751 vne 751vnh 751vni 751vnx 751vo 751vol 751vp 751vpo 751vpv 751vq 751vr 751vs 751vt 751vw 751vwv 751vwx 751vx 751vz 751w 751wp 751wx 751x 751xe 751xh 751xk 751x1 751xn 751xp 751xpt 751xr 751xv 751y 751ybd 751yd 751ye 751yl 751ym 751yo 751yr 751yx 751z 751ze 751zw 751zx 751 zy Sappho Scylax Secundus Sophista 7 Serenus Antinoensis Sextus Empiricus 7 Sextus Pythagoreus 7 Simeon Sethus Simmias Rhodius Simonides Amorginus Simonides Ceus Socrates 7 Solon Sophocles 755 Sophron Soranus Ephesius Stephanus Byzantius Stesichorus Stobaeus Strabo Suidas (criticism only; Lexicon under 742b) Synesius Cyrenaeus 27 Syrianus Teles Terpander Themistius Themis tocles Theocritus Theodorus Prodromus (Hilar ion) Theodotus Theognis Megarensis Theon Alexandrinus Theon Smyrnaeus Theophanes Byzantius Theophanes Mytilenaeus Theophanes (Isaurus) Theophrastus Eresius 7 Theophylactus Theopompus Chius Thomas magister (Theodu'us) Thrasymachus Thucydides Timaeus Tauromenitanus Timon (Phliasius) Timotheus Mi'.esius Tryphiodorus Tryphon Alexandrinus Tyrtaeus Tzetzes Joannes Xanthus Xenocrates Chalcedonius 7 Xenophanes 7 Xenophon Atheniensis Xenophon Ephesius Zeno Citiensis 7 Zeno Eleates 7 Zonaras Zosimus Ascalonites Zosimus Comes (Histor) 752 Homerus 96 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 759b 760 760d 760e 760f 760k 760m 761 763 764 765 767 768 Homerus Aeschylus Euripides Sophocles 752z 753z 754z 755z Criticism Criticism Criticism Criticism Modern Greek, Romaic, Language, including modern dialects Modern Greek Authors Albanian Language and Literature Latin Language. Philology and History, Collected Works of Latin Philologists Dictionaries Latin Grammar Phonology, Orthography Etymology, Synonyms, Inflection Syntax, Composition Parallel Texts and Translations used in Composition Metric, Accent Other Italic Languages; Etruscan, Oscan, Umbrian, Volscian, Old Latin Latin Inscriptions, Epigraphy History of Latin Literature History of Latin Poetry and Drama Collected Latin Literature Latin Authors Note: Arrange as noted under 751. Accius Aetna Albinovanus Alcimus Avitus Alethius 773 Alcimus Ecdidius Avitus 27 Ambrosius 27 Ammianus Marcellinus 773 76Sam Ampelius, Lucius 76Samn Annales maximi Anthimus 773 Antipater, L. Coelius Antonius, Marcus Apicius Apollonius Tyrius Apuleius Madaurensis Aquila Romanus Arborius Arnobius 27 Arusianus Messius Asconius Pedianus Asper (Grammaticus) 76Sdmk Atilius Fortunatianus 76Sdn Atticus, T. Pomponius Augustinus 27 Ausonius Avianus, Flavius Avienus, Rufius Festus Bassus, Caesius Bassus, Saleius Beda Venerabilis 29g f Books about Palaeography A34 768ab 768ae 768al 768b 76Sbn 768c 76Scl 768d 768dc 768df 768dh 76Sdl 76Sdm 76Sdo 76Sds 768dt 768du 76Sdv [Fathers 27 T Philosophers 7 Bibaculus, M. Furius Boethius 773 Bonifacius 27 Caelius Aurelianus Caesar, C. J. Caesius Taurinus Calpurnius Flaccus Calpurnius Siculus Calvus 768epp Caper Carmina Burana 773 Cassianus 773 Cassiodorus 773 Cassius Parmensis Cato, Dionysius Cato, M. Porcius Cato, Valerius Catullus Celsus, A. C. Censorinus Charisius Chiron (Mulomedicina) Cicero, M. T. 769 Cicero, Q. T. 76Sfqc Cincius Alimentus 768 fqh Cinna 76Sfr Citerius Sidonius 768fs Claudianus, Claudius 76Sfse Claudius Caesar 768fsn Claudius Quadrigarius 768 ft Columella 768dx 76Sdy 768e 768eh 76Sel 768ep 768epl 76Ser 76Set 768ev 76Sew 76Sf 76Sfe 768 fh 768fl 768 fn 768fq 768q Plautus Latin Authors (continued) 768ftd Commodianus 768 ftk Consolatio ad Liviam 768ftn Corbulo 768ftr Corippus, F. Cresconius 768fts Cornelia (Gracchorum mater) 768ftv Cornificius Rhetor 768fu Curtius Rut'us Cyprianus 27 Damasus 27 768 fv Dares Phrygius 768fvi Dictys Cretensis Dicuil 773 768 fvk Diomedes 76Sfvm Domitius Marsus 768 fvo Donatus, Aelius 768 fvp Donatus, T. Claudius 768fvq Dositheus Magister 768fvr Dracontius 768fvt Ennius, Quintus Ennodius 27 768fvy Eucheria 768fvz Eulogius 768ivzf Eumenius 768fw Eutropius 768fwaEutyches^ 768fwb Exsuperantius 768 fwf Fabius Victor, Q. Festus, S. P. 759b Firmicus Maternus 27 768fwo Flavius Maternus, Jul. 768fwp Flavius Maturnus, Jul., junior 768 fws Flavius Felix 768fx Florus, L. A. (historian) 768 fxl Florus, P. Annius 768fxr Frontinus 768fxt Fronto 768fy Fulgentius, F. P. 768fyg Gallus, C. C. 768 fz Gellius, Aulus 768 fze Germanicus Caesar Gesta Romanorum 773 768fzf Gratius Faliscus Gregorius Magnus 27 Gregorius Turonensis 27 768fzh Hadrianus Augustus Hieronymus, Eusebius 27 Hilarius Pictaviensis 27 Horatius Flaccus 770 768fzi Horatius Romanus 768 fzj Homerus Latinus 768fzl Hosidius Geta 768fzn Hyginus, C. J. 768fzp Hyginus Gromaticus Isidorus Hispalensis 27 768 fzx Itinerarium Alexandri 768fzy Itinerarium Antonini Jordanes (Jornandes) 86g 768g Justinus 768h Juvenalis 768hc Juventinus Lactantius Firmianus 27 768hb Juvencus 768he Lactantius Placidus 768hf Laevius Lex XII tahu'arum 292e 768hg Licentius 768hi Licinianus 768hv Livius Andronicus 768i Livius Patavinus 768it Lucanus 768iv Lucilius, Caius Lucilius junior. See 768ae 768] Lucretius Carus 76Sjf Luxorius 768jg Lygdamus 768jh Macrobius 768;ij Maecenas, C. C. 768jm Manilius, Marcus 768jp Marcellus Empiricus 768jr Martialis, Gargilius 768k Martialis, M. Valerius 768ke Martianus Capella 768kg Matius 768kh Maximianus Gallus Etruscus 768kl Mela 768kn Messala Corvinus Minucius Felix 27 768kr Mirabilia Romae 768kt Modestinus 768ku Mucianus 768kug Musa, Antonius 768kul Naevius 768kv Nemesianus 7681 Nepos 7681i Nigidius Figulus 7681o Nonius Marcellus 7681r Obsequens 7681t Octavianuc 7681v Orestis tragoedia 7681w Origo gentis Romanae Orosius 27 768m Ovidius Naso 768me Pacuvius 768mh Palaemon 768ml Palladius Rhetor 768mn Palladius, R. T. A. 768mnp Paulinus Pellaeus 768mo Paulinus Nolanus 768mop Pau'us Diaconus 768mp Pelagonius 768mt Pentadius 768n Persius Flaccus 768nl Pervigilium Veneris 76Snt Petronius 768p Phaedrus 768ph Phocas Gramma ticus 768pi Placidus Luctatius 768pl Plancus Munatius, L. 768q Plautus 76 8r Latin Authors (continued) 98 Latin Authors (continued) 769 770 768r Plinus Caecilius Secundus 768wt Spurinna, Vestritius 768s Plinus Secundus 768wv Statius (naturalist) 768wvs Sueius (Suevius) 768sn Pollio, C. Asinius 768ww Suetonius Porphyrio, Pomponius 770z 768wx Sulpicia 768sr Porphyrius, P. Optatianus 768wxf.Su'.picius Apollinaris 768sv Priscianus Caesariensis 768wxl Sulpicius Lupercus 768sw Priscianus, Theodorus 76Swy Symmachus, Q. A. Probus M. V, 760 768wz Symphosius 768t Proper tius 76Swzf Syrus, Publilius Prosper Aquitanus 27 768x Tacitus Prudentius Clemens 773 768y Terentius Afer 768u Quintilianus Tertullianus 27 768ue Ravennas anonymus 768z Tibullus 768ug Reposianus 768zh Tiro, M. Tullius 768ul Romanus, Julius Trogus Pompeius 768g 768un Rufinus Antiochensis 768zp Turnus Rufinus Tyrannius 27 768zq Turpilius 768ur Rufus, M. Caelius 768zr Valerius, Julius 768us Rufus Festus (Sextus) 768zs Valerius Flaccus 768ut Rutilius Lupus 768zt Valerius Maximus 768uv Rutilius Namatianus 768ztv Valgius Rufus, C. 768v Sallustius 768zu Varius Rufus, L. Salvianus 27 768zv Varro, M. T., Reatinus 768vf Scaevus (Saevius) 768zvc Varro, P. T., Atacinus 768vn Scribonius Largus 768zve Vegetius Renatus, F. 768vr Sedulius, Coelius 768zvf Vegetius, Publius 768vs Sedulius Scotus 768zw Velleius Patercu!us 768w Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, Vergilius 771 philosopher, dramatist 768zwl Verrius Flaccus 768we Seneca, M. A. (rhetor) 768zwp Vespae judicium 768wes Serenus, A. Septimius 768zwr Vibius Sequester 768wf Serenus Sammonicus 768zws Victor, Sextus Aurelius 768wh Servius Maurus Honoratus 768zwt Victor, Julius C. 76Swi Severus, Cornelius 768zwu Victorinus, Marius Severus, Sulpicius 27 768zwv Victorinus, Maximus 768wk Sidonius, C. S. Apollinaris 768zwx Victorius 768wl Silius Italicus 768zx Vitruvius Pollio Silvia, Sancta 773 768zxv Volcatius Sedigitus 768ws Solinus 768zz Vopiscus, Flavius 768wsp Speratus, Julius Cicero, M. T. Opera completa 769d Selections, chrestomathies 769j De republica 769dp Opera philosophica 769jk De virtutibus 769dx Academica 769k Epistolae 769e Brutus 7691 Laelius 769f Cato Major 769m Orationes 769fd De divinatione; De fato 769n Orator ad M. Brutum 769 ff De finibus 769np Paradoxa ad Brutum 769fl De legibus 769nr Rhetorica; De inventione 769g De natura deorum 769nt Topica 769h De officiis 769p Tusculanae disputationes 769ho De opt. genere oratorum 769s Spurious works 7691 De oratore ad Quintum 769z Criticism Horatius Flaccus. Opera completa 770d Selections 770k Epistolae 770f Ars poetica 770n Satirae 770h Carmina, Odae, Epodae 770z Criticism 99 795 Portuguese Authors 771 Vergilius Maro. Opera completa / 771d Selections 771m Pseudo-Vergiliana: Ciris, 771e Aeneis Culex, Copa, Catalecta, 771h Bucolica, Eclogae Moretum, Elegia ad Messalam, 771k Georgica Epistolae 771z Criticism 772 Post-classical, Medieval, Latin; Lingua vulgaris 773 Post-classical Latin Authors (Literary) 775 Romance Languages in general Note: Unless otherwise marked, to the Language, or grammar, number add d for Phonology; e for Etymology; f for Syntax; and m for Metric. 776 Roumanian 777 Rhaeto-Romansch, Ladin, Chur-Waelsch 779 Italian Language 780 Dialects 781 History of Italian Literature 781m Collected Italian Literature 781n Collected Fiction 781p Collected Poetry 781 1 Collected Drama 782 Italian Authors, to 1800 782f Ariosto 782k Boccaccio • 782p Petrarca 782t Tasso 783 Nineteenth Century Authors 784 Twentieth Century Authors 785 Dante Alighieri 785z Criticism 786 Spanish Language 786a Bibliography of Language and Literature 786b Dictionaries 786c Periodicals, Philological and Literary 786x Old Spanish Language 787 History of Spanish Literature 787d History of Spanish-American Literature 787m Collected Spanish Literature 787n Collected Fiction 787p Collected Poetry 787t Collected Drama 787x Old Spanish Authors, to 1400 787z Cid 788 Spanish Authors, 1400 to 1800 788e Calderon 788g Cervantes \788v Vega Carpio 1789 Spanish Authors, 19th Century 1790 Spanish Authors, 20th Century |794 Portuguese Language f794w History of Portuguese Literature V95 Portuguese Authors 795g Portuguese Authors (continued) 100 Ou 795g Amadis de Gaula 795m Camoens 795p Palmerin de Inglaterra 797 Catalan Language 798 Catalan Authors 799 Provencal Language 799d Dialects 800 History of Provencal Literature. Troubadours 800m Collected Provencal Literature 801 Provencal Authors (early and late) 802 French Language. History, General Philology 802a Bibliography of Language and Literature 802b Dictionaries 802c Periodicals, Philological and Literary 803 French Grammar 803d Phonology, Orthography 803e Etymology, Inflection 803f Syntax 803m Metric, Poetic 804 Old French Language 804b Dictionaries 805 Dialects , 807 History of French Literature 807p History of French Poetry 807s History of French Drama 807x History of French Fiction 808 Collected French Literature 808n Collected Fiction 808p Collected Poetry 808q Collected Ballads and Songs 808t Collected Drama 809 Old French Authors, to 1400 809m Mysteres, Miracle Plays 809r 809s 809t Roman de Renart _, , _ , , fReineke Fuchs 859r Chanson de Roland [Tristant 85 7t Tristan 810 French Authors, 15th-16th Centuries 810m Montaigne 810r Rabelais 811 French Authors, 17th Century 811e Corneille Slim Moliere Sllef Fenelon 811r Racine 811f La Fontaine 812 813 French Authors, 18th Century 812e Beaumarchais 812r Rousseau 812h Diderot 812v Voltaire 8121 Le Sage French Authors, 19th Century 813f Chateaubriand 813n Maeterlinck 813k Lamar tine S13s Saint-Beuve 814 French Poets, 19th Century 815 French Dramatists, 19th Century 101 84 lq Icelandic Texts 816 826 827 828 828w 829 '830 S31 832 833 834 835 835w 835x 835y 835z 836 836t 836u ^837 838 f838r 839 840 840a 840b 840c 840w -/841 841d 841f 841g 841h 841i 841j 841k 841m l841n 841p 841q French Novelists, 19th Century 816e Balzac 816h Hugo 816f Daudet, A. 816s Sand, George 816g Dumas pere 816z Zola French Authors, 20th Century French Poets, 20th Century French Dramatists, 20th Century French Novelists, 20th Century Celtic Languages in general Cymric Philology: Welsh, Cornish, Breton, etc. Cymric Authors Gaelic Philology: Irish, Manx, Highland Scotch History of Gaelic Literature Gaelic Authors Slavic Languages and Literatures Old Church Slavic, Old Bulgarian, Paleoslavic Bohemian, Slovakian, Moravian Bulgarian, Servian, Croatian, Illyrian, Slovenian Polish Language and Literature Russian Language History of Russian Literature History of Russian Poetry History of Russian Drama History of Russian Fiction Russian Authors Tolstoi Turgenev Lithuanian, Lettish, Old Prussian, Baltic Group Germanic, Teutonic, Philology; Comparative Grammar Runes Gothic; Ulfilas Scandinavian, Icelandic, Old Norse, Philology Bibliography Dictionaries Periodicals History of Icelandic, etc., Literature Icelandic, Old Norse Texts Note: Alphabetize here the single sagas, books, etc., not specifically named below, following Moebius' Catalogus, 1856, and Verzeichniss, 1S80 Collections Edda Saemundar; Poetic Edda Edda Snorra Sturlusonar; Prose Edda Egils Saga Eyrbyggja Saga Grettis Saga Gunnlaugs Saga Heimskringla Islendingabok Landnamabok Laxdaela Saga [Laws 293 [Antiquities 91h [Islendinga saga. Sn in Sturlunga Saga 841r Icelandic Texts (continued) 102 841r Njals Saga 841s Sturlunga Saga 841v Voluspa 841z Modern Icelandic, Faroese, Orkney, Texts 842 Swedish Language 842d Phonology 842e Etymology 842 f Syntax 842g Metric 842m Collected Swedish Literature 842n Collected Fiction S42p Collected Poetry 842t Collected Drama 842w History of Swedish Literature 842x History of Swedish Poetry 842y History of Swedish Drama 842z History of Swedish Fiction 843 Swedish Authors 844 Danish-Norwegian Philology Note: Subdivide like 842. 845 Danish-Norwegian Authors 847 German Language 847a Bibliography of Language and Literature 847c Periodicals, Philological and Literary 848 German Dictionaries [Polyglot techno- „.„, logical dictionaries 848d Dialectal 889w 848h Old High 848m Middle High 848y Slang Dictionaries 849 German Grammar 849d Phonology, Orthography 849e Etymology, Inflection 849f Syntax, Rhetoric 849m Metric, Poetic 850 Old High German Philology 850k Frankish 8501 Old Low, Old Saxon 850r Old Friesic f Modern Frisian 883 851 Middle High Philology 8511 Middle Low, Middle Saxon, Philology 852 Modern German Dialects; Pennsylvania Dutch 852p Platt-Deutsch Philology 853 History of German Literature 853h History of Old High or Low Literature 853m History of Middle High or Low Literature 853n History of Modern Literature 853nj History of Journalism (German) 853p History of Poetry in general 853s History of Drama and Stage 853x History of Fiction [Authors 881 865w German Novelists, 1750-1830 Collected German Literature Kuerschner's Reprints Collected Poetry rKirchenlieder 5lhg Collected Drama Note. Histories of AHD or MHD poetry go in 853h or S53m. Collected exclusive AHD or MHD litera- ture go in 856 or 857. Miracle and Passion Piays in German [Mjsteres 809m Volkslieder German Authors, Old High, Old Low, Old Saxon, to 1150 Ekkehard of St. Gall Heliand Otfrid von Weissenburg German Authors, Middle High or Low, 1150-1230 Eike von Repkow (Sachsenspiegel) Freidank Gottfried von Strassburg Gudrun, Kudrun Hartmann von Aue Heinrich von Veldeke Xibelungenlied Rudolf von Ems [Tristan, comparative „, . works 809t Tristant Walther von d. Vogelweide Wolfram von Eschenbach German Authors, Middle High, etc., 1230-1300 (Minnesang) Konrad von Wuerzburg Ulrich von Eschenbach. German Authors, Middle High, etc., 1300-1522 (Meistersang) Brant, Sebastian Murner, Thomas Reineke Fuchs — Germanic versions Renart roman 809r German Authors, New High, 1522-1625 Faust Sage, Spiel, und Volksbuch Sachs, Hans German Authors, 1625-1750 German Authors, 1750-1830 Herder Poets, 1750-1830 Klopstock Rueckert Uhland Dramatists, 1750-1830 Kleist, Heinrich von Novelists, 1750-1830 Richter, J. P. F. Wieland 866 Lessing 104 866 Lessing: Collected Werke and Dramen S66d Briefe, Briefwechsel S66e Single Dramas (except the following) S66g Emilia Galotti S66h Minna von Barnhelm 866k Nathan der Weise S66m Hamburgische Dramaturgie 866n Laokoon 866x Miscellaneous Prose Works 866z Criticism 867 Goethe. Collected Works 867d Briefe, Briefwechsel 867e Dramas (arranged as in following examples) 867ec Claudine 867ei Iphigenie auf Tauris 867ed Clavigo S67ej Jahrmarktsfest 867ee Egmont 867et Torquato Tasso 867eg Goetz v. Berlichingen S67f Faust; and Criticism on Faust 867g Gedichte [Xenien 868xx 867h Hermann und Dorothea 867i Gespraeche, Gedanken 867j Historisches, Autobiographisches, Tagebuecher S67k Campagne in Frankreich S67m Dichtung und Wahrheit 867n Kunst 867p Italienische Reise 867r Naturwissenschaft; Farbenlehre 867t Novellen, Maerchen (except the following) S67v Wahlverwandtschaften 867w Werther 867x Wilhelm Meister, and Lehrjahre S67y Wilhelm Meister Wanderjahre (only) 867z Criticism 868 Schiller: Collected Works, Collected Dramas 868d Briefe, Briefwechsel 86Se Single Dramas (except the following) 868f Braut von Messina 868n Xeffe als Onkel 868g Don Carlos 868r Raeuber 868h Dramatische Entwuerfe S68u Verschwoerung des Fiesko 868j Jungfrau von Orleans 868v Wallenstein (all parts) 868k Kabale und Liebe S6Sw Wilhelm Tell 868m Maria Stuart 868x Gedichte S68xx Xenien 868y Prose Works (excepting Historical Works) 868z Criticism 869 German Authors, 1830-1900 onou tt • [Wagner, R. 670w 868h Heme 870 Poets, 1830-1900 871 Dramatists, 1830-1900 S71k Hebbel 902 Literature. Comparative Novelists, 1830-1900 German Authors, 20th Century Poets, 20th Century Dramatists, 20th Century Novelists, 20th Century Dialectal Modern German Authors Modern Frisian Modern Dutch, Flemish, Language Modern Dutch, Flemish, Authers English Language Periodicals on English Philology Lowland Scotch Language English Dictionaries Early English, Archaic, Obsolete Dialectal, Provincial Lowland Scotch Americanisms Technological, including Polyglots Slang English Grammar Phonology, Orthography, Spellers Etymology, Word-Study, Derivation, Synonyms, Inflec- tion English Dialect Society Syntax, Parts of Speech Readers; Unclassified School Books Oratory, Elocution, Public Speaking Periodicals on Oratory, Debating Annuals Debating, Forensics Speakers, Collected miscellaneous speeches, examples of Oratory Expression, Gesture, Delsarte, Mimicry Note: Political, religious, etc., speeches are ar- ranged under the appropriate subject. Conversation Rhetoric, Literary Composition, Authorship Conversation (as an art) Letter Writing, Letter Writers Style Preparation of Manuscript, Punctuation, Proof- reading Journalism, Works of Instruction in Journalism Literary Criticism Books and Reading; Bibliomania; Love, Choice, Praise of Books Children's Books and Reading Literature, Comparative Philosophy, History, of Literature in general Allusion Books, Tables, Dictionaries of Literature T Anglo-Saxon 921b [French-Engl. 802b [German-Engl. 848 [Pidgeon-Engl. 720 [Rhyming 904b [Dictionaries 889 [Acting 906s [Preaching 48 [Debating rules 260r [Voice culture 677 [Publishing A45 [Historv of journal- ism "914 [Catalogs of best books As 903 Poetic 106 903 Poetic; Theory and Philosophy General History of Poetry; Lyric, Epic 904 Metric, Rhythmic, Technique of Verse General, and English 904b Rhyming Dictionaries 905 History, and Criticism, of English Poetry 906 Dramatic; Theory, Technique of the Drama; Comedy, Tragedy 906m Morality, Ethics, of the Drama 906s Acting, Production of Dramas [Gesture 896 906v Motion Picture Drama, Scenarios [Dancing 613 907 History of the Drama and Stage in general r Cinematography 908 History of English Drama and Stage 550v 909 Dramatic Biography 910 Fiction; Theory, Art, History in general 910e History of English Fiction [Storytelling 305gs 910t Short Story Writing 911 Satire and Humor. History of Satire, English and general 911r Erotic Literature. History; Collections 912 History of English Literature [Liberty of the press 912d History of Anglo-Saxon, and Early, Literature to 1550 A47 912f History of Elizabethan Literature, to 1800 912m History of Later Literature, 1800- 913 History of American Literature [Practical journalism 897v 914 History, and Criticism, of Journalism 914z Lives of Journalists 917 Collected English Literature 917h Collected English Humor 917r Arber Reprints 918 Collected Poetry [0! j5s7" poems 918f Collected Ballads and Songs (without Music) [Hymns 5ih 918u Collected American Poetry I Songs with music 919 Collected Drama 678 920 Collected Fiction 921 Anglo-Saxon Language, Grammar 921b Dictionaries 922 Collected Literature, Chrestomathies 923 Individual Authors 923f Alfred the Great 923h Beowulf 924 Early, and Middle, English Language, 1066-1400 925 Early English and Scottish Authors, 1066-1400 925c Early English Text Society 925m Miracle Plays, Mysteries, Moralities 926 Chaucer 926z Chaucer Criticism 927 Pre-E!izabethan English and Scottish Authors, 1400 to 1550 927s Scottish Text Society 938 Milton 931mf Merchant of Venice 931mk Merry Wives 931mn Midsummer Night's Dream 931mv Much Ado About Nothing 931o Othello Pericles Richard II Richard III Romeo and Juliet Taming of the Shrew Tempest Timon Titus Andronicus Troilus 931tw Twelfth Night 931tz Two Gentlemen of Verona 931w Winter's Tale 931p 931r 931rk 931ro 931t 931te 931tf 931tg 931ti Elizabethan Authors, 1550-1625 Tudor Facsimile Texts Elizabethan Poets Edmund Spenser Elizabethan Dramatists Ben Jonson Shakespeare. Works, Translations Single Plays 931al All's Well 931an Antony and Cleopatra 93 las As You Like It 931c Comedy of Errors 931cr Coriolanus 931cy Cymbeline 93 lh Hamlet 931he Henry IV 931hk Henry V 931hn Henry VI 931ht Henry VIII 931j Julius Caesar 931k King John 931ki King Lear 9311 Love's Labor's Lost 931m Macbeth 931me Measure for Measure Poems, Sonnets Doubtful Plays Shakespeare. Books about Shakespeare Bibliography Dictionaries, Concordances, Glossaries Periodicals, Societies Life, Personalia, Portraits, Family, Name Home, Stratford-on-Avon [London 97f Authorship Question Sources, Predecessors Relations with Contemporaries Influence on later, and non-English writers Production in non-English countries Textual Criticism in general. Folios, editions Language, Grammar, Style, Versification Dramatic Art, Technique, Plots, Staging, Music Allusions; Knowledge of Bible, Classics, Folklore, Law, Medicine, etc. Criticism of Single Plays Note: Subdivide by subscript letters. Criticism of Characters, Heroines, etc. Note: Enter under 932v characters of same name as the play (e.g., Hamlet). Criticism of Poems and Sonnets Illustrations, Pictures, Engravings Post-Elizabethan Authors, 1625 to 1702 Post-Elizabethan Poets Post-Elizabethan Dramatists 937d Dryden 937g Congreve Milton 938z Milton Criticism 940 English Authors, 1700-1800 108 940j 940s Johnson Swift 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 941p Pope Emerson Ruskin Shelley Swinburne Tennyson Whit tier Wordsworth 955m Meredith, G. 955p Poe 955s Scott 955st Stevenson 955t Thackeray 940 Eighteenth Century Authors 940d Addison 940g Goldsmith 941 Eighteenth Century Poets 941 f Burns 941k Cowper 942 Eighteenth Century Dramatists 943 Eighteenth Century Novelists 952 Nineteenth Century Authors 952e Carlyle 952h 952f Coleridge, S. T. 952r 952g De Quincey 953 Nineteenth Century Poets 953f Browning, Rob. 953s 953h Byron 953sw 953k Keats 953t 9531 Longfellcw 953v 953n Lowell . 953w 953r Rossetti, D. G. Nineteenth Century Dramatists Nineteenth Century Novelists 955a Austen, Jane 955d Dickens 955e Eliot, Geo. 955h Hawthorne, N. 955j James, H. Nineteenth Century Juveniles Nineteenth Century Humorists Twentieth Century Authors Twentieth Century Poets Twentieth Century Dramatists Twentieth Century Novelists Twentieth Century Juveniles Twentieth Century Humorists Note: The collected works of an author are placed in that division — poetry, drama, fiction — in which his work mainly lies. In the same place also go biogra- phies, criticisms of him and his writings. Translations of foreign authors go with the origi- nals in the literature of the countries with which the authors are identified. 984 California Authors 984a Bibliography, and Literary History 984c Periodicals 984d Philosophical Writers 984e Religious Writers 984f Historians, Travelers (Not of or in California) 984h Political, Legal Writers 9S4k Economic, Sociological, Writers 984m Scientific Writers 9S4s Medical Writers 984 1 Technological Writers 984y Writers on Fine Arts, Musical, etc. 984z Philological Writers [Story-telling 305gs [Caricature 642f f Newspapers 231c [Travel in California 230 [Natural history 230t [Mining 230w 109 999 Quotations 985 9S5x 986 986y 988 988k 988r -990 990a 990b 990c 990d 990de 990e 990f 990g 990h : 990k j 9901 990m ; 990n ; 990p 990q 990r 990s 990st 990t 990u 990ud 990uf 990v 990w |990x 990xn 990y ^90z 991 California Authors (continued) California Poets California Dramatists California Novelists (include Novels about California) California Juveniles Medieval and British Ancient Romances King Arthur, Grail Saga Robin Hood Folklore, Legends, Literary Traditions, Nursery and Fairy Tales, General and unclassified Bibliography Dictionaries Periodicals, Societies Non-Aryan (general) and African Hamitic, Egyptian, Libyan, Berbers, etc. Asiatic, Dravidian, Chinese, Japanese, Ainu Ural-Altaic, Finnish, Lappish, Turkish, Tartaric, Cau- casian, Georgian, Hungarian, Transylvanian Semitic, Arabic, Hebrew Oceanic, Malay- Polynesian, Australian, Hawaiian, Philippine Indians of America (North and South) ; Eskimo Aryan, Indo-Germanic; Indie, Armenian, Albanian, Basque, Iranic, Persian Greek, Hellenic, Macedonian Latin, Italic Romanic, Rumanian, Walachian, Rhaeto-Romanic French Italian Portuguese Spanish, Spanish-American Slavic, Bohemian, Bulgarian, Polish, Servian, Wendlsh Lithuanian, Lettish Russian Germanic Dutch Friesic Swiss, Alpine, Tyrolese Scandinavian, Danish, Icelandic, Swedish English American Negro Scottish, Scottish-Celtic Irish- Celtic, Gaelic, Manx, Welsh Folklore. Special subjects not confined to one nation, or comparatively treated Mother Goose Natural History; Animals and Plants Seven Sages Wandering Jew Proverbs, Maxims, Epigrams, Ana, Riddles Quotations [Ballads English 918f French 808q German 85 5 v TFolk medicine 480h [Fairies 19 [Mythology 19-20 r Plant lore 442p [Superstitions 13 [Animal lore 461h [Bluebeard 990n [Gargantua 990n [Perseus 990k [Flowers as emblems 442p CLASSED CATALOGUE FIE THT LANGUAGES \ND LITERATURES INDEX Abyssinian language ... .704 Alpharts Tod \ccadian language 696 891 ,...725d ....906s 909 Accent, English-... Accent, general.... Acting. Motors* lives Addison 940d \eschylus. 753 Aesopus -751e Afghan language . . 736 Africa, languages .... .690 Aino language 715 Albanian language 758 Alexander the Great, Romance. ..809, 925, etc. Alfred the Great 923f Alliteration 897 Allusions 902 Alphabet, comparative 682t, 725d English 891 859 Alt-Kir chenslavisch. . . .831 Amadis de Gaula 79og American authors, with English authors. languages 720-22 literary history 913 Amer icanisms .889u Amharic language 704 Ana 997 ^ nacreon 7 51f Anaraese language ...... .709 Anglo-Norman literature .807 Anglo- Saxon authors. . .923 dictionaries 921b language 921 literature, co llected .922 history of 912d Anthologia Graeca Palatina 750f Apuleius 7o8d Arabic authors 702 language 701 2 modern 703 French 808q South 703n German 855t Aramaic philology 697 Baltic languages 837 Arber reprints 917r Baluchi language 736 Ar iosto 782f Balzac 816e Aristophanes .751g Bantu languages 690 Armenian language 736 Basque language 705 literature 705 Aryan philology... 725 modern languages 739 Beaumarchais. . 812e Assamese language 739 Bengali philology .739 Assyrian language 696 Beowulf 925h Austen, Jane... 955a Berber language 690 Australian languages Bibliomania 900 (native) .719 literature (English). Biography, actors 909 See English literature. Calif ornians .231* Authorship 897 Biterolf 859 Avesta language 734 Blue-Beard 990n Babr ius .751h Boccaccio 782k Babylonian language 696 Boeotian philology 744 Bactrian, Old ..734 Bohemian languages 832 Ballad ....903 Books and reading 900 Ballads, English 918f Bornean language 717 Brant, Sebastian 859f Breton language 82b Browning, Robert 953f Bulgarian language 833 Old 831 Burlesque 911 Burmese languages 709 Burns, Robert 941f Byron, Lord 953h Caesar, C. Julius 7b8e Calderon 788e California authors 984 bibliography 984a biography 231z dramatists 985x novelists 986 juveniles .98oy periodicals .984c poets 985 Callimachus • .751i Camoens • 795m Carlyle, Thomas 952e Carthagenian language . .698 3 Catalan language 797 literature 798 Cato , Dionysius 768et Catullus 768f Caucasian languages ... .706 Celebesian language ... .717 Celtic languages 825 Central American languages 722 Cervantes 788g Ceylonese language 733 Chaldean language 697 Chanson de Roland 809s Charades 997 Chateaubriand 813f Chaucer 926 Chaucer , criticism on 926z Chemnit z 88 1 Children, reading for young 900n stories 956, 962 Chinese dialects 713 Correspondence .897n language 712 literature 714 Court jester 911 Cicero 769- Cowper, -Villiara 941k criticism .769z Criticism, literary. .. .899 Cid 787z Croatian language 833 Circassian language. •• .706 Culex 771m Chur-Aaelsch 777 Cuneiform Claudianus, Claudius .768fs inscriptions 69oi Cochin China, language .709 Curtius Rufus 768fu Coleridge, Samuel Cymric language 826 Taylor 952f literature 827 Comedy 906 Cyprian dialect 744 Comic literature 911 Czech language 832 Composition, literary. .897 Danish-Norwegian author s 845 Congreve, William 937g drama, collected. .. .844t history of 844y Conversation 896d fiction, collected. .844n history of 844z Coptic language 686 language 844 literature 687 literature , collected 844m Corean language 715 history of 844w poetry, collected. . .844p Corneille 811e history of 844x Cornish language 826 Dante.... 785 criticism on 785x Daudet 816f Debating 895d annuals 895c Delsarte system 896 Demosthenes 751j DeQuincey, Thomas 952g Dhegiha language .#720 Dickens, Charles .955d Dictionaries , language. See each language* literary 902 rhyming 904b Diderot 812h Diodorus Siculus 751k Dionysius Halicarnassensis • .7511 Drama, history in general 907 English, history of.. 908 collected 919 See also French, German, etc., drama. Dramatic theory 906 5 Dramatists, California 985x Dravidian languages .. ..709 Dryden 937d Dumas per e 8 1 6g Dutch language 884 literature 885 East Indian Islands. See Malaysia. Eckenlied 859 Edda, poetic 841f prose 841g Egyptian language 686 literature 687 modern. 705 Eike von Repkow 857e Ekkehard of St. Gall..856e Eliot, George 955e Elocution 895 Emerson, Ralph Waldo.. 952h English authors, pre- Elizabethan English and Scottish, 1400- 6 1550 927 Elizabethan 928 dramatists ...... .930 poets 929 post-Elizabethan. . .935 dramatists .937 poets ■ ....936 eighteenth century. 940 dramatists ..... • .942 novelists ....... .943 poets 941 nineteenth century. 952 dramatists 954 humorists 957 juveniles 956 novelists 955 poets 953 twentieth century.. 958 dramatists .960 humorists 963 juveniles. 962 novelists 961 poets 959 dictionaries .889 drama, collected. .... .919 history of ....908 fiction, collected. •• .920 history of • 910e language 888 grammar .890 periodicals • .888c literature, collected 917 history of 912 Middle 924 Old 921 poetry, collected 918 history of .905 Epic 903 Epigrams 997 Epigraphy, Greek.... 745 Latin 763 Epitaphs 997 Erotica 911r Eskimo language 720 Esperanto 684 Esthonian language . .706 Ethics of the theatre.. 906m Ethiopic language . . .704 Etruscan language. . .761 Etymology 725e English 892 French 803e German 849e Greek 743e Italian 779e Latin 760e Spanish 78 6e Eur ipide s 754 Eutropius 768fw Expression 896 Fabliaux 809 Fairy tales 990- Faroese 841 z Faust saga 860f Faust, Goethe 1 s 867f Fenelon 8 lief Fiction, history 910 Fnglish 910e collected 920 French 807x collected 808n German 853x collected 854 Fiji language 718 Finnish language. . .... .706 Flemish language 884 literature 885 Florus, L.A 768fx Folklore 990 African 990d Albanian 990j American negro 990xn Arabic 990g Armenian 990,i Aryan 990j Asiatic 990e Basque 990j bibliography 990a Chine se 990e dictionaries 990b Dutch 99 Oud Egyptian 990de English 990x Finnish 990f French 990n Germanic 990u Greek 990k Hungar ian 990f Indie 990 j Irish-celtic 990s Italian 990p Japanese 990e Lappish 990f Latin 990i? Lithuanian 990s t Mother Goose 991m Non- Aryan 990d Oceanic 990h periodicals 990c Persian 990 j Polish 990s Portuguese 990q Romanic 990m Russian 990t Scandinavian 99 0w Scottish 990y S lavic 990s Spanish .990r Swiss 990v Turkish 990f Ural-Altaic 990f Forensics 895d Forgery (literary) 901 8 Frankish philology. . . .850k Freidank 857f French authors, 15th- 16th centuries .810 17th cent 811 18th cent 812 19th cent 813 dr amatists 815 novelists 816 poets. 814 20th cent 817 dramatists 819 novelists 820 poets 818 dictionaries 802b drama, collected. . . .808t history of 807s fiction, collected. .808n history of 807x language .802 bibliography 802a gr ammar • • . . • 803 periodicals 802c literature, collected 808 history of 807 Old 809 poetry, collected. . .808p history of 807p Friesic, Old 850r modern 883 Gaelic languages 828 literature 829 ^ee z , -language 704 Gellius 768f z Georgian 736 German authors, Old High, Old Low, Old Saxon, to 1150 856 Middle High or Low 1150-1230 857 1230-1300 858 1300-1522 859 New High, 1522-1625 860 1625-1750 861 1750-1830 ....862 dramatists 864 novelists 865 poets 863 1830-1900 869 dramatists ...... .871 novelists 872 poets 870 20th century 873 dramatists 875 novelists ....... .876 poets 874 modern, dialectal. .881 dictionaries 848 drama, collected. .. .855d history of 853s fiction, history of .853x language 847 Old High 850 Middle High 851 Modern German dialects 852 bibliography 847a grammar 849 periodicals 847c literature, collected 854 history of S53 Old High or Low.853h Middle Bigh or Low 853m Modern .853n poetry, collected ... .855 history of 853p Germanic languages .... .838 Gesture 896 Gipsy language 688 liter uture 688 Goethe 867 Goldsmith, Oliver 940g Gothic language 839 Gottfried von Strassburg. Grail, The holy .857g ,988k Grammar. See each language . comparative 725 * Greek authors 751 Homerus 752 Aeschylus 753 Furipides 754 Sophocles 755 modern 757 dictionaries 742b drama, history of.... 747 language 742 bibliography 742a dialects 744 grammar 743 inscriptions. 745 modern. • . .756 periodicals 742c literature , collected 750 history of 746 poetry, history of... 747 Grimm 1 s law 725d Gudrun 857gk Gujarati language 739 Gypsy. See Gipsy Hadlaub 858 Haggadic works 700n Hartmann von Aue 857h Hawaiian language 718 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. .955h Arranged under each author 1. Whole works and select- ions. 2. '.Vhole works translated. 3. Single works. 4. Critical works. Hebbel 871k Hebrew dictionaries .. .699b language 699- liter ature 700- Heine, Heinrich 869h Heinrioh von Veldeke .857hv Heldenbuch 859 He ldensage 857 Heliand 856h Herder 862h Herodotus '• .751m Hesiodus • •••• 751n Hildebrandslied 856 Himyaric 701 Hindu language ••....... 739 History, literary 901 Hittite language. 736 Homerus 752 Horatius Flaoous 770 Hugo, Victor 816h Humanities 746, 901 10 Humor 911 English, collected. .917h Humor 1st 8, Fnglish and \merican. . . .957, 963 Hungarian language 706 Icelandic language 840 literature 841 Illyrian language 833 Immoral literature ... .911r India, languages •• 739 Indians, languages, languages. Cent. and S.A 722 Indie philology... 729, 730 Indo-European languages .725 Indo-r T ermanic languages 725 Inscriptions, Cuneiform 696i Fgyptian 687 Greek 745 Latin 753 Semitic 695i See also each language. Iranic language 734 Irish language 828 literature 829 I socrates 751p Italian authors to 1800 782 19th century 785 20th century. 784 Dante 785 drama, collected. .. .781t fiction, collected. .78 In language 779 bibliography 779a dialects 780 literature, collected 781m history of 781 poetry, collected. . .78 lp Italic languages. 761 James, Henry. 955j Japanese language 715 literature 716 history of 715w Jatakas (Pali stories). 735 Jatki philology 739 Javanese language 717 Johnson, Samuel. ..... .940j Jonson, Ben 930 j 11 Journalism, history of 914 German 853nj Journalists 914s Jugo- s lavic language • • .855 Justinus 768g Juvenalis 768h Juvenile liter- ature. . .900n, 956, 962 bibliography of 900a Kabail language 690 Kabbala 700v Kamilaroi philology.. • .719 Keats, John ..953k King Arthur 988k Kleist, Ueinrich von.. 864k Klopstock 863k Konrad von Wuerzburg. .858k Korean language 715 Kudrun 857gk Kuerschner 's repr int s 854k 12 Kurd language... Kushite language Lad in language . . 736 .690 .777 La Fontaine 811f Lamar tine 813k Language • 682 artificial 684 Lapp language .706 Latin authors 768 Cicero 769 Horatius Flaccus . . .770 Vergilius Maro 771 Medieval 772 Post-Classical 773 dictionaries..... ..759b drama, history of.... 765 language 759 bibliography. .... .742a gr aramar ............ 760 inscriptions 763 periodicals ...... .742c literature, collected 767 history of 764 Old 761 poetry, history of... 765 legends .990- Le Sage 8124 Letter -wr i t ing . . Lettish language Libyan language. Lingua Vulgaris. Linguistics ,897n ..837 ..690 ,.772 ..682 Literary composition.. .897 criticism 899 Literature, comparative ....... .901 California 984-986 Lithuanian language . . • .837 Livius Patavinus 768i Lohengrin 858 Longfellow, H.W 953fc Longus 75 lq Lowell, James Fussell.953n Lucianus 751r Lucretius 768J Lycian language 734iL Lyric 903 .866 Lysias ,751s Lessing Arranged under each author 1. Whole works and select- ions. 2. Thole works translated. 3. Single works 4. Critical works . Books on Greek and Latin combined are placed in the proper class under Greek Macedonia, philology. . .744 Madagascar, languages . .719 Maeterlinck 813n Mahabharata 730 Malaysia, languages. ..717 Manchu language ....... .706 Mandaitic language. ...697 Manu text 8 .750 Manx language 828 Marathi language 739 Martialis, M. Valerius 768k Masai language 690 Maxims .997 Mayan Indian language.. 722 Meister singer s 859 Melanesia, language.. . .718 Meredith, George 955m Meters in prosody 904 Mexican language 722 13 Micronesia, languages . .718 I/idrashin (earlier ).. .700e (later) 7J0n Milton, . T ohn 938 criticism 938 z Mimicry. ....••....•••• .896 Minnesinger s .858 Miracle plays ■ English 925m French 809m German .855m Italian 782d Mishna 700f Mo Here ..811m Mongo 1 r>hi lo logy 706 Montaigne 810m Morality, Mystery plays : Fnglish 925m French 809m German .855m Italian 782d kfor avian language 832 Moro language 717 Mother Goose ......... .991m Motion picture drama. .906 v Murner, Thomas 859m Mutsun language.. ..... .720 Mystery plays. See Morality plays. Nabatean language 697 Names 726 Nandi language ..690 Naturalism 899 Nature, folk lore 991n Nepos 7681 New Zealand, language . .717 Newspapers, history. . ..914 German (history of)£53nj Nibelungenlied •• .857n Non-Aryan languages .. .685- Norse language 840 literature 841 Norwegian. See Danish- Norwegian. No-velists, California. .986 Danish-Norwegian 845 Fnglish, collected. . .920 14 early Fnglish, 1066-1800 925- 18th century 943 19th century 955 20th century 961 French, collected. . .808n Old French to 1400.809 15th and 16th century. .810 17th century 811 18th century 812 19th century 816 20th century 820 German, collected ... .854 down to 1750 856- 1750-1830 865 1830-1900 872 20th century 876 Italian, collected . .781n individual ........ .782 Spanish, collected. .787n individual 788- Swedish 843 Ober-lmmergau, Passion play 855m Old Bactrian 734 Old Bulgarian 831 Old Churoh Slavic 831 Old Fnglish language.. .921 literature 922 Old French language. .. .804 literature 809 Old Latin 761 Old Norse language 840 literature 841 Old Persian 734 Old Prussian 837 Old Saxon 850£ Oratory 895 per iodicals ........ .895c Oriental literature. ...685 philology .....685 Orkney 841z Orthography 725d English 891 Orthometry 904 Orthophony 895 Oruya 739 Oscan language 761 Ossetic language 736 Otfrid von '■' eissenburg 8b6o Ottoman empire, language 706 vidius 768m 15 Pahlavi language 735 Paleoslavic 831 Pali language 733 Palmerin d» Ingleterra.795p Panjabi language 739 Papyri 749 Par si language 735 Pasigraphy . .684 Passion plays. See Morality plays. Pennsylvania Dutch 852 (dialect) Periodicals, classical 742c Danish-Norwegian. . . .844c French 802c German 847c Italian 779c Jewish. 699c Fussian • •• • .835c Semitic 695c Spanish 786c Swedish 842c Perseus 990k Persian language, old.. 734 midcle 735 modern 737 literature 738 Per8ius Flaccua 768n Petrarca 782p Petronius ••••••••••• .768nt Phaedrus 768p Philippine language.. . .717 Philologists' works. ...683 Philology 682 Indo-European 725 periodicals • 682c See under eaoh language. Phoenician language. .. .698 Phonetics 725d Phonology 725d English 891 Photo-play writing. .. .906v Pidgeon-English 720 Pindarus 751t Platt-Deutsch language .852p liter atur e 88 1 P lautus 768q Plinius Caecilus Secundus 768r 16 Plinius Secundus ..... .7688 Plutarchus 751u Poe , Edgar Allen 955p Poetics 903 Poetry, history of 903 English, history of.. 905 collected 918 Poets, California 985 English, collected. • .918 early to 1800 925- 17th century 936 18th century 941 19th century 953 20th century 959 French, collected.. .808p old to 1400 809 15th and 16th century 810 17th century 811 18th century ,812 19th century 814 20th century 818 German, collected. .. .855 early to 1150 856 1150-1750 857- 1750-1830 863 1830-1900 870 20th century 874 Polish language and literature 834 Polybius 751v Polyglot dictionti.ries.889w Polynesian language. . . .717 Pope, Alexander 941p Portuguese authors. ... .795 language 794 literature, history of 794w Prakrit language .733 Precis writing 897 Proof reading. 897t Proper tius .768t Prosody, "English 904 Greek .743m Latin • .760m Provencal language 799 literature 800801 Proverbs 997 Prussian language, Old. 837 Public speaking ...895 Punctuation 893, 897t Punic language 698 ^uintilianus 768u Quot ations 999 17 Rabelais 810r Racine 811r Radio writing . ...906x Ramayana 730 Readers (school books). 894 Reading, choice of 900 elocution 895 Reineke Fuchs 859r Reineke Vos 859r Renart, Roman de 809r German versions 859r Reuter, Fritz 881 Reynard the Fox 809r Rhae to-Romanic 777 Rhetoric 897 Rhymes (prosody) 904 Rhythm (prosody) 904 Richter, J.P.F 865r Riddles 997 Robin Hood 988r Roland, Chanson de. .. .8098 Romaic language 756 literature 757 Roman de Renart. See Renart, Roman de . Romance languages ..... .775 Romances. See Novel- ists • Medieval 988 Romansch language 777 "•-omantic ism. .899 Romany philology 688 Rossetti, D.G 953r Roumanian. See Rumanian Rousseau, J.J 812r Rudolf von Fms 857r Pueckert, Friedrich. . .863r Rumanian language 775 Runes 838r Ruskin, John 952r Russian authors 836 dictionaries • .835b drama, history of...835y 18 fiction, history of .835z language 835 bibliography. .... .835a literature, collections ...... .835m history of 835w poetry, history of..835x Sachs, Hans 860s Sachsenspiegel 857e Sainte-Beuve 813s Sallustius 768v S amar itan phi lo logy ..... 697 Samoan language 718 Sand, George 816s Sanskrit 728- Sappho .751vn Satire 911 Saxon, Old 850Z author s 856 Middle 85l£ Scandinavia languages 840 literature • .841 history of 840w Scenarios 90bv Schiller 868 School books (unclassified) 894 Scotch Highlands, language .828 literature 829 Lowland 8, language. .888s literature .925 dictionaries 889 Scott, Sir Walter 955s Scottish Text Society. 927s Semantics 682 Semasiology 892 Semitic languages. ... .695- Seneoa, L.A. . . .768w Septem Sapientes 991s Servian language ...... .833 Seven sages. ......... .991s Shakespeare. l/Vorks. . . .931 allusions (Bible, classics, folklore, etc.) 932u authorship question. 932f bibliography .932a books about Shakespeare ....... .932 Single plays are arranged 19 criticism of characters .932w criticism of poems and sonnets 932x criticism of single plays 932v dictionaries, concordances 932b doubtful plays 93 lz dramatic art, technique .932t home * *932e illustrations, engravings ....... .932z influence on later wr iter s 932m language, grammar, style, ver sif icat- xon. •••••••« ......9O cr life, portraits, family 932d periodicals .932c poems and sonnets. • .931x production in non- English countries. 932n relations with contemporaries • . . .932k sources, predecessors 932i textual criticism. . .932p Shelley, P.B 953s Short story 910t Siamese language ..... ..709 Sindhi language 739 alphabetically. Singhalese language. .. .733 Slang, English 889y German . • . .848y Slavic languages. ..... .830 Slovakian language 832 Slovenian language 833 Sophocles 755 South America, languages 722 Spanish authors, to 1400 787x 1400-1800 788 19th century 789 20th century 790 dictionaries 786b drama, collected. .. .787t fiction, collected.. 787n language • .786 bibliography 786a dialects 786z Old 786x periodicals 786c literature, collected 787m history of 787 Spanish-American. .787d poetry, collected. . .787p Speakers . .. ■ 895s Speech, phonology 725d Speeches, collected. . .895s 20 Spelling 891 reform 891 Spenser, Fdmund 929s Spriohwoerter 997 Stage, history of 907 English 908 Stammering • 895 Stevenson, R .L 955st Story writing.. ........910 Stratford- on- A von 932e Sturlunga Saga ...941s Stutter ing 895 Style, literary 897s typographical 897t Suetonius .768ww Sumatran language.. ... .717 Swedish authors 843 drama, collected. .. .842t history of 842y fiction, collected. .842n history of 842z language 842 literature, collected 842m history of 842w poetry, collected. . .842p history of 842x Swift , Jonathan 940s Swinburne, A.G 953sw Swiss language 84dd Synonyms 892 Syntax, comparative .. .725f English 893 Syriac language . . .697 Tables of literature. . .902 Tacitus 768x Tagalog language 717 Tahitian language 718 Talmud 700g, 700h Tamachek language 690 Tamil language ...709 Tannhaeuser •••••• 858 Tar gums 697i Tasmanian language 719 Tasso 782t Tatian (Old High German ) . . .856 Tennyson, Alfred 953t 21 Terentius 768y Teutonic philology 838 Thackeray, W.M 955t Theatre. See Drama. Theocritus 751w Theognis 751x Thucydides 751y Tibetan language 706 Tibullus 768s Tigre language 704 Toasts 895s Tolstoi 856t Tonga language 718 Traditions (folk-lore) .990 Tragedy 906 Translation 897 Tristan and I so It, French 809t German 857t Troubadours 800 Trouveres 809 Tudor facsimile texts. 928t Turgenev 836u Turkish language 706 Uhland 863u Uigur ian language 706 Ulf i las 839 Ulrich von Esohenbaoh 858v Umbrian language •••••• .761 Univer sal language 684 Upanishads 730 Ural-Altaic languages . .706 Vedas 730 Vega Carpio 788v Versification 904 Vergilius 771 Volapuk 684 Vo Iks lieder 855 v Volscian language. .... .761 Voltaire 812v 22 Wagap language 718 Wallachian language. .. .776 Walther von der Vogelweide 857v wandering Jew. 99 lw Welsh 826 Wendish language •• 833 v'.hittier, J .G 953v Wie land 865w Wit and humor 911 Wolfram von Fschenbach 857w Word-3tudy, comparat- ive 725e English 892 Wordsworth, William. . .953w Xenophon Vtheniensis . .751z Yakama language 720 Yiddish ....... 700z Zend Avesta, language . .734 Zola, Emile 816z RETURN LIBRARY SCHOOL LIBRARY TO^* 2 South Hall 642-2253 LOAN PERIOD 1 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS DUE AS STAMPED BELOW MAY 2] h FORM NO. 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