1712 t^l I -^n-- ■ »wr v-iW: '"';•'■?«;: THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE CUSTOMS UNION QUESTION W. PEART-ROBINSON LONDON KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO. Ltd. THE CUSTOMS UNION QUESTION THE CUSTOMS UNION QUESTION W. PEART-ROBINSON LONDON KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO. Ltd. Patebkostee HorsEj Chaeing Ceoss Road 1896 >!/ AN IMPERIAL CUSTOMS UNION FOR THE BRITISH EMPIRE. I. Reasons for the Commercial Federation of >- ^ the Empire. I know of no subject which even approaches in importance this question of Fiscal Reform, or in other words, the terms upon which we shall do our iivast import and export trade with our Colonies and foreign nations. And yet there is no question which ^is so little discussed among us. I remember the ua time when it was sufficient to utter the watchword ' Free Trade in order to scare away all argument. That time has passed away, and a more intelligent and temperate attitude is being assumed toAvards this momentous question. The reasons for this more tolerant attitude are c3 not far to seek. For whereas the fact that we were' t first in the field in manufacturing when the great discovery of steam was applied to the railway and the .'584687 ( 2 ) different industries enabled us to have a monopoly of the world's productions, now not only have we enormously increased competition to contend with at home, but our former customers have become our competitors abroad and in our Colonies. Hence, instead of the conditions being abundance of employ- ment, with only the desire of cheap food to make the price which we could fix for our manufactures buy as much as possible — instead of this state of things, we are face to face with very different conditions, i.e. every possible commodity, food or otherwise (thanks to free imports or unrestricted competition in our markets), cheaper than has ever been kno"\vn in the history of the world, but a dangerously large number of the community unemployed and unable to profit by this cheapness, so that practically the condition of things under which we adopted Free Trade with such temporary success has been entirely reversed. Instead of unlimited employment with dear food, we find ourselves confronted with unlimited cheap food but lack of employment, so that we have the anomaly of people starving in the midst of plenty. These changed conditions have naturally caused thoughtful men who were not disposed to accept a name or worship a fetish to carefully inquire into the conditions which have In'ought about this change, and as the Free Trade party hit upon the medicine that was most salutary for the condition of the patient when he was some years younger, to en- deavour to find a prescription which will suit his present state of health ; ibr Avhcreas he was then ( 3 ) suffering from the expensiveness of the commodities and means of life, he is now suffering from lack of employment. There is a second complaint under which this country is suffering severely, which has also con- tributed very materially to the reconsideration of this question ; that is, the straits into which our greatest industry, agriculture, has been driven by having its profits reduced to zero through foreign untaxed competition, whilst still having to bear the brunt of increasing imperial taxation, which it was well able to do under a system of Protection, but which under present conditions it cannot support. Besides, there is another and very important aspect of this question. I mean the folly of becoming dependent upon foreign nations for our food supply. What is the result of this ? We are forced to send them our manufactures in return, but they put a fine on these manufactures in the form of an import tax. AVhat is the result ? That our people have to work harder for their bread and food supplies than they ought to do. This is one of the things which we advocates of the Customs Union wish to remedy, by getting back our bargaining power through the institution of a differential tariff, and by the diverting of our food supplies to our Colonies, where within the Union no fine Avill be imposed. But there is one matter which it is absolutely necessary to make perfectly clear at the outset — the objection that it is the foreign consumer that pays the tax, not the English producer. B 2 ( -t ) Now this is one of those half-truths which are so apt to mislead. The fact is this : that the additional cost of an article OAving to an import duty exists and is paid by the producer when there is no competition. It was, therefore, true of our manufactures at the time when Cobden enunciated it, at the time when we held the monopoly of railways and labour-saving steam industries ; but where there is competition such as we now encounter wherever we send our goods, the differentiated taxation which we meet every- where acts as a fine upon our goods. And seeing us gifted with a most supreme simplicity in granting the boon of free ingress to foreign nations uncondition- ally for their goods, they are at no pains to court our good-will by giving us better terms than other nations, and so invariably give us the worst ; with the result that our goods, if they are to compete with foreign productions, must accept a lower price by tlie amount that the duty on them is higher than that on the goods of those nations who by giving blow for blow have won for their working classes and manufacturers more favourable terms for their goods in the markets of the Avorld. This is what I mean by saying that the Customs Union will give us back oiu' Ijargaining poAver. In a word, Avhether the con- sumer pays so much more for the goods by the amount of the import tax depends ui>on who has command of the market and can dictate the price. If the price is dictated by our competitors, then we have to accept tli.it price^ and deduct the import duty ( 5 ) from the actual amount we get for our goods ; and by placing similar import duties on the goods of foreign nations where those goods have not a mono- poly in our market, we should force them to come down in the exchange price they receive for their goods by the amount of the tax. If, however, we made the tax too heavy it would preclude them from competing. Of course, a blind and pig-headed policy in regard to Protection would be infinitely more injurious to the country than is now our blind and undiscrimi- nating adhesion to Free Trada in the guise of free imports ; for were we to retrograde back to the un- bending policy of Protection which prevailed before the inauguration of our Free Trade policy and tax all foreign products, especially food coming into this country, we should very seriously cripple our enor- mous foreign trade, for by raising tlie cost of livin"- and of the raw materials for our manufactures we should place ourselves at a disadvantage in the competition in foreign markets for the world's trade. But such a retrograde policy is the very reverse of what is here advocated. I propose to strike a mean, avoiding the extravagance of the apostles of either policy. I propose to discriminate between goods which pay imperial taxes and those which do not, and between the goods of those countries who offer us a fair exchange in their markets, and those who deny us this benefi.t. I say at once that blind, uncom- promising Protection, the taxing of all imports into ( ) England, would be the rankest folly, but that, avoid- ing extremes, it is possible to formulate a wise and well-considered scheme by which we may make use to our own advantage as a nation of that weapon which other nations use with such effect, and by a Customs Union secure the following points : — 1. To get back our bargaining power, and thereby be able to demand for ourselves fair and equal terms for our trade from those nations, like France, America, and Germany, who gain such an inestim- able benefit to their workers by the free and untaxed admission of their goods into our markets, and thereby do away with or diminish the fine which is laid on our goods on their entrance into foreign markets, and win more free trade for ourselves. 2. By giving a preference to the goods of our colonists, who are our kith and kin, not only receive from them in return a like advantage in their market, but also draw nearer those ties of kinship by the most enduring bond of common interest. But the undiscriminating attitude of Free Trade refuses to see any difference between buying goods Avhich pay imperial taxation and those which pay none. It enunciates parrot-like, sententiously, these awful words, "The duty is a tax," and the trite maxim, " Buy in the cheapest and sell in the dearest market." But what is cheapness ? And what is a tax ? Taxes, though an evil, are a necessary evil, and direct taxes are just as onerous, and in many cases more so than indirect ; witness the fact that the great obstacle to an Imperial Free Trade Customs Union ( 7 ) is the fact that our Colonies find indirect taxation a necessary expedient for raising their revenue. Direct taxation alone would not be tolerated. And now with regard to cheapness : let us take, for instance, two pianos, the one made by Messrs. Broadwood, of London, and the other by Messrs. Steinway, of New York. Free Trade teaches that if Messrs. Steinway's piano of same quality can be brouo;ht tax-free to London and sold there for a sovereign less than Messrs. Broad wood's, it is cheaper. This is, however, a gigantic fallacy, because we have put a tax on Messrs. Broadwood's piano works beyond what those works |)ay in rates for school board, poor-rate, paving and all municipal expenses, and beyond the consideration of how much the money paid by the English firm to English workmen enables those men not only to live and support their families, but also to j)ay rates and taxes, support our armies and civil expenses, and give custom to all other industries existing amongst us. This is the Trades Union aspect of the question, and is the reason why the great industrial centres are begin- ning to demand a reconsideration of our unique and extreme attitude with regard to Free Trade. How terrible and corroding a fallacy is also the idea that everything should be sacrificed to building up a mammoth foreign trade, since home trade is many times more valuable. " But free-traders somehow can never be made to see that if pro- tectionist countries lose in foreign trade, they on the other hand increase their home trade by double the ( 8 ) amount, so that they are not losers but gainers, that is, if the articles shut out can be made at home. Let me illustrate this in a very remarkable case. Let us suppose that England imports a hundred millions of food (the real figures are about one hun- dred and forty), and pays the food bill with the like amount of manufactures, this would give her two hundred millions of foreign trade. France, on the contrary, puts a duty on and shuts it out, and pro- duces her food at home, and her farm-ers exchange it for home manufactures. Now let us examine this position. England has apparently two hundred millions of foreign trade, but only one hundred millions, or half the amount, is English, as the foreigner has all the benefit derived from producing the food; whereas France, producing her own food, has two hundred millions of home trade, every shilling French. Cobdenites never cease boasting of the vast foreign trade of England ; France nowhere, the rest of the world nowhere. But the question is, does it conduce to the prosperity and, above all, to the safety of the Empire ? I say distinctly no, and it may any day be our utter ruin. FiTince could have just as great a foreign trade, provided she would l)e willing to pay the same price, ruin her agricultural industries, and import her food instead of growing it — but she is far too wise." ^ Such is briefly the sanction or justification of the institution of an Imperial Customs Union. Now we ^ Quoted from Lord Masham's letter in Pall Mall Gazette of October 3rd, 1895. ( 9 ) come to the very definite consideration of wliat form is that Customs Union to take, and what will be the exact provisions of the measure ? II. Suggestions for Commercial Federation. Firstly, the object which I put before us is Imperial Free Trade. Free Trade within the protected area of our Empire. This I know and confess is at the present moment unrealizable, but this is the object or ideal which we must aim at. Secondly, What is the first step, and what is now feasible ? Preferential trading with our Colonies, that is to say, that we should give to subjects of her Majesty living in the Colonies, paying imperial taxa- tion, a preference for those goods which they send into the mother country over foreign nations, our rivals in commerce and in war. But here comes a most important point and a most necessary reserva- tion. The raw materials used in our industries must in no case be taxed, otherwise we should be en- dangering our vast foreign trade by making ourselves less able to compete in those markets. What is it that stands between the very solid advantage to be gained by the fulfilment of the mutually expressed desire of the Colonies and the mother country for a closer commercial and political union ? It is the ghost of Free Trade. It is an idea. Each desires the Union. But the old country is ( 10 ) still under the spell of past associations linked to Free Trade. The new countries, the Colonies, are with all other countries disillusioned from this dream. All that is needed is a ofive and take arrano-ement. Tliat each should for the sake of a great practical benefit be ready to make some concession in abstract theory. It is surely monstrous that when the children of the Empire ask the parent State for the bread of commercial recognition that they should give them a stone of out-of-date political economy dogma. It was the Avisdom of the greatest rulers the world has ever known to build up that mighty fabric of the Roman Empire by the granting of special com- mercial privileges to those cities which they wished to bind politically to themselves. And what is the objection to this revision of our existing Customs duties ? Is it the raising of revenue by means of Customs duties ? We do this already to the tune of 1 9 millions annually. Is it the fear lest the incidence of the proposed taxation should fall more heavily on the working class? This is not so. Every working man is a producer before he is a consumer. Is it the reluctance to tax articles of food ? If so, why is the present duty on tea tolerated, which is useless to benefit our producing industries, whilst it enhances the cost of living ? ( 11 ) Ts it a fear that our producing industries, the actual source of the wealth of the community, miglit get some advantage from the imposition of Customs duties on competing instead of non-competing in- dustries ? Why this sentimental fear of doing any dis- advantage to foreign industries, and cynical disregard of British trade interests ? Cobden and Bright were idealists. Their concep- tions were beautiful and noble. Their advocacy of universal peace, as represented by the Peace Society, must be taken into consideration in relation to their views on Free Trade. Given the acceptance of the doctrines of the Peace Society — all nations one family, all quarrels amicably settled by arbitration without recourse to the arbitrament of the sword — in other words, universal disarmament, then and only then would real Free Trade be a practical possibility. But until then the one is, as the other, only a pious aspiration. For the consideration of this subject it seems to me that perhaps, more than any other, we require to divest our minds of what Bacon calls the " fallacy of names." The mind requires to be a tabula rasa, able to accept ideas free of prejudice ! Now the word " protection " to some people at once means some- thing bad, before they have listened to any argument or allowed themselves to weigh what can be said. But protection, when applied to the military defence of our Empire, seems a good thing ; and protection ( 12 ) when applied to Labour is a thing which the work- men of this country have accepted as an article of faith, and which no sane man would now attempt for good or bad ever to eradicate from his mind. But when the word " protection " is applied to our trade, for some reason or other the majority of people are unwilling to reasonably consider it. Yet the protection of trade is a good object if it can be shoA\Ta that it can be gained without any outweighing disadvantage. And at the outset I cannot for one moment admit that if the capital indictment (as it appears to some minds) of Protection could be brought home to my proposals it would prove them harmful. I go further, and say it is useless to be at an enormous expense in protecting our trade by ships and men, and in developing huge tracts of country which entail still further expense in military armaments for their defence, if we do not protect or defend that trade which is the object of our incurring these responsibilities, and which is the mainspring of our existence as a trading com- munity. If we cannot protect and defend our trade from being taken from us by foreign nations, our very existence as a nation is threatened, as I shall explain when I come to the imperial aspect of the question. I therefore submit that it is desirable for us to give a preference to goods made within the EmjDire, and to mulct unpatriotic consumption, with the intent to educate John Bull, the consumer, that he is richer by consuming what he, John Bull, as producer ( 13 ) makes, instead of paying an outsider to make it for him. How can we do this ? Of course we shall have the bugbear of the big and little loaf hurled at us. But in relation to this obsolete piece of party stock-in-trade, which was applicable enough to the question of the repeal of the Corn Laws under Sir R. Peel, but which has no more point in reference to my present suggestion than it would to the Avritings of S. Anselm or the Monroe Doctrine, I do not think I can do better than quote a passage from the Preface of a series of Letters published by Mr. Wm. Farrer Ecroyd, the most distinguished pioneer of this movement : — " Working men are proving their ability to understand the diiFerence between the former pro- tectionist duty of 20s. to 30s. ^er quarter on wheat levied for the purpose of raising rents, and the differential duty of 4.s'. per quarter now proposed only for the purpose of transferring our food-growing from those who will not buy our manufactures to those who will. They see that the latter Avould soon bring them a new supply of duty-free food from our own Colonies which would probably compel the Americans to accept As. per quarter less in order to neutralize the duty which thus would never raise the price in England at all ; and what is far more im- portant, would bring them good custom in return for that food which would increase employment and sus- tain wages. The well-worn cry of the big and little loaf has therefore lost its power, since they see that ( It ) there are duties aimed against the -working man and duties to be used for his defence ; and that reason and common sense can distinguish between the two." In view, however, of the historic associations of the Anti-Corn Law agitation, it would perhaps be inexpedient to weight a measure of so much joromise to Imperial Unity with the opposition which it would encounter from prejudice were it associated with the proposal of any tax on wheat. But in the articles at present subject to Customs duty, such as tea, coffee, tobacco, wines, etc., we could give a preference to the Colonies, x^nd, if necessary, as a quid pro quo, we could further extend this preference to Colonial meat and livestock ; or if objection were felt to increasing Customs duties, an equivalent might be found in the amount paid by us for the common Defence of the Empire, The Colonies in return might give us a preference over foreign countries in their markets. They cannot afford to abolish indirect taxation, as they could not yet raise the necessary revenue by direct taxation. They must therefore have duties on imports, and as their imports are almost exclusively British, they would lose almost all their revenue were they to allow our goods in duty free. But if they would lower tlie duty on our goods and correspondingly increase that on goods of foreign origin we should as effectually retain our hold on the Colonial markets. Of course at present our manufactures have no competition in the C(jlonics from goods made there ; but if, as Avill probably iKipjJcn in the lapse of time, manufactures ( 15 ) grow in those Colonies, Ave shall have to ask, as we have done in Lancashire, for a corresponding excise duty to counterbalance the import duty, otherwise that duty would become protective against Great Britain. The next question is, what is to be the arrange- ment between our Colonies for intercolonial trade within the Imperial Customs Union ? So far as this is concerned, I do not think we in Great Britain need trouble ourselves about it. I think we could fairly leave it to the different Colonies to make their own Customs arrangements with one another ; recom- mending, of course, a j^olicy of giving a preference to intercolonial trade over foreign, but leaving them a free hand in respect to their arrangements with one another, only stipulating that they should not give more favourable terms to any Colony than they did to the mother country, otherwise this w^ould act as protection against ourselves. Their arrangements as to tax on foreign imports would, of course, be regulated by their tariff with us as above explained. Such is briefly my proposal for the outline of an Imperial Customs Union. It is not what I should like it to be, a Customs Union on the basis of free trade within the Empire, but it is in my judgment the nearest we can attain to it at present. I put this Imperial Free Trade before me as an ideal. But on earth we must content ourselves with what is feasible and attainable, and cease crying for the moon, or losing solid advantages in the obstinate adherence to an abstract theory. ( 16 ) And now that I have unfolded my scheme, I shall endeavour to show how this scheme will be beneficial to this country and the Empire. III. Advantages Claimed for the Scheme. First of all, I will look at it from the point of vieAV of the working classes. A working man said to me the other day, arguing against Protection, " The working classes are better off now than they were under the Corn Laws. It is not to our interests therefore to return to Protection." That remark is, I think, abundantly answered by the above quotation from Mr. Ecroyd's pamphlet. Protection has never been tried in this country under a democratic suifrage such as it exists under in Germany, France, and the United States, and it is a noteworthy fact how those pro-tectionist nations are catching us up in spite of the start we had of them. And that poverty of the British workman previous to the Repeal of the Corn Laws in comparison with his present condition, is not to be wondered at if one reflects that it would have been a strange thing if the marvellous discoveries of steam and electricity in con- nection with railways and manufactories had not in some way ameliorated his lot, through the enormous labour-saving and wealth-producing aspects of these inventions. And our working classes and their powerful organizations must sooner or later awake to the fact that they are having the bread taken out of their ( 17 ) mouths by the woi-kmen of foreign countries, and call out for more equal conditions. The English work- men possess only one free market, and that is England, but this one free market is absolutely packed with goods manufactured abroad. The conditions are unequal, for the foreign workmen and firms have a preserve of their own (their home markets) which gives them a sure demand, enabling them to produce on a very large scale and send the surplusage over here to sell at any price. Our o^wn people, on the other hand, with foreign markets closed against them or subject to heavy duties, cannot even do themselves justice in the home market. The present policy of free imports in the face of hostile tariffs abroad is therefore in direct anta2:onism to the aims of our great labour organizations. Trades unionism, which must now be recognized as an accom- plished fact, and a very powerful factor in determin- ing all public policy in connection with trade, has for its aim to keep up the wages artificially to ensure at least the living wage. This is common sense and common expediency, and not facile acceptance of the abstract and unfounded-upon-practice theories enunciated by Regius Professors in their class- rooms. This practical standpoint accepts man as a human being and not as a greed machine, to turn out mechanically so much wealth for the capitalist. Hence the more modern and enlightened school of political economists recognize that political economy as a science must be taken in conjunction and rela- tion to its sister science, with which it is closely ( 18 ) wrapped up — Social Science. The instinct of nation- ality prompts nations, the desire to protect labour and ensure a living wage prompts trades unions, to repudiate Free Trade. Since we cannot stamp out nationality, and must sympathize with trades union aims to raise the standard of comfort of the work- ino- classes, Free Trade within the Empire, and a differential tariff for outsiders, is the policy which the patriotic instinct of national preservation and the desire for the progress in prosperity of our toiling millions points out to us as the most expedient. I Avill just illustrate what I call for clearness the trades union aspect of the question by one illus- tration, and then pass on to the aspect of national preservation. Extract from Lord Masham's letter to the Times, dated Oct. 19th, 1895 :— '' Suppose that foreign iron girders could be de- livered in England at, say, Al. per ton, but that similar girders would cost the British maker 4/. 10s. Under such conditions the British iron girder trade would either have to collapse or it must be protected. Let us now consider wliat the nation would gain in this case by protection — probably four times as much as the consumer Avould lose. Consider well the vast amount of capital and labour employed in jDroducing that girder. Look at the vast sums and the labour expended upon iron mines, coal mines, blast fur- naces, &c. What is the loss to the consumer? A mere bagatelle in comparison to the destruction of ( 10 ) such a trade by free imports. And then again, l)y producing the girder at home instead of importing it, you provide double employment both for capital and labour, as the British girder would be exchanged for ' something else ' exactly the same as if it had been made abroad. Consider well the enormous amount of capital and labour expended in obtaining the crude ore from the bowels of the earth, and also the coal necessary to smelt and manufacture it, and the serious outlay in blast furnaces, and the vast sums paid in wages in all these operations, and the traffic gain to the railways, and also the profits of the shop- keepers and all the subsidiary trades that depend upon the iron industry. All these things are vastly more profitable and of far greater importance to the nation than a trifling saving in cost to the con- sumer. " Let me now explain the difference between wise protection and unwise, taken from my pamphlet published in 1892. " For illustration, suppose we take a piece of Bradford soft goods. The wool comes from Australia, is British-grown, and carried in British steamers. It is warehoused in London, is sold at auction, and forwarded to Bradford, where it is sorted by the wool merchant, combed and spun, then manufactured, and finally dyed and finished for the merchant. Now it is evident that there must be a large national gain in all these operations, both in capital and labour, to subsidiary trades, such as coal, iron, soap, leather, wood, dyewares, &c., &c., consumed in its n ^ ( 20 ) manufacture, and also the shopkeepers' profits de- rived from the wages earned by the operatives. Should 1 be wrong in estimating the national advan- tage or gain at 20 per cent. ? It is probably much more. Now comes the whole important question. Is it for the national advantage and general pros- perity to allow this industry to be destroyed because French goods can be imported 5 per cent, cheaper ? It appears to me, as a man of business, that it is not the way to get rich, to lose 20 per cent, to gain 5 per cent., but that is what we are doing to the extent of millions. The consumer, by buying French goods, saves 5 per cent., but the Bradford producer loses 20 per cent. I again ask, is not production the source of all wealth ? " The real point to be considered, from a national point of view, is whether the duty enhances the price to the consumer in a greater ratio than the united gains (and other advantages) of aU the pro- ducers ? If not, the nation must gain. If the duty Avere fixed at, say, 20 per cent., any increase of price up to that point paid by the consumer would be no national loss, as it would be more than gained by the great army of producers. Now this is not protec- tion, but wise production. But if you fix your duty beyond 20 per cent., that would be unwise protec- tion, because then the price might be enhanced l)eyond the possible gains of the producers, and so the nation might lose to that extent. Therefore, the rule should Ix; in all cases to fix the duty at ;il)out A\]i;it iiiiglil. nil a liberal estimate, be con- ( 21 ) sidered the gain and national advantage to the great army of producers. " America, and most other nations, fix their scale of duties so high that the loss to the nation must be enormous. They make as great a mistake in having their duty too high as England does in having none at all." Protection of trade logically follows from the ac- ceptance of trades unionism, which is the protection of labour. Universal and unrestricted competition of each nation to undersell the other in some particular line, and therefore secure the world's trade for that speciality, is the ideal of the Cobdenite free-trader, but it is not of the trades union or labour organizations. The free importation of foreign goods means cheap labour in England, but trades unions would have dear labour in England, so that a Customs Union, and not free imports, is the policy dictated by their interests. The working classes would, of course, resist the idea of a heavy tax on all corn coming into England, such as existed before the repeal of the Corn Laws in the interest of the land- owners. But what is now suggested is the pro- tection, not of the landowners, but of the trade of the country, in which every working man is m- terested, to afford more employment, thereby doing away with the unemployed, and saving that shameful waste of wealth which now takes place through our paying others to do what we could perfectly well do ourselves. To be ( 22 ) self-sufficing is the ideal ol' us advocates of the Customs Union. And this brings me to the next division of my subject — the nationality aspect. I have said above, the instinct of nationality repudiates Free Trade. I will explain what I mean by this. There are two ideals. The ideal of the Free-trader is to take up a speciality and lick creation at it. The ideal of the Protectionist is to make his nation self-sufficing, like the typical Athenian of Pericles, who was more than any other dvrap/cy^s. And (as has been pointed out very ably in a most readable little book, which had a great circulation in the North, " Merry England ") what a terrible thing for our country it would be if this hideous ideal of the free-trader were really to be carried out, and we were to become the workshop of the world ! Fancy our country, from Land's End to John o' Groat's, one hideous repetition of the Black Country of Staffordshire, or the black manufacturing district of north-enst Lancashire ; and fancy our country and agricultural population wiped out, and all having to work like white slaves, and only having their foreign food supplied to them from hostile countries on the couditiun that they could make their speciality cheaper than any other nation, because they were willing to work longer hours than any other ! But as I have already pointed out, our working classes have already said Xo, through their ( 2:5 ) organizations, to this inviting Cobdenite picture, and the great industrial centres are notably becoming protectionist. But why have all the nations of the earth repu- diated Free Trade, and what is the truth which underlies this consensus? To ttoXXoIs dp-qixeuop aX-qdovq tlvo^ ju-ere^et — there must be some reason for this universal repudiation of so specious a proposal. The fact of the matter is, that at the present moment there is no such thing as Free Trade. Free Trade means unhampered trade, and trade is everywhere hampered by duties. No one desires real free trade more than I do, but I understand by it free admission into the markets of other nations, and not giving other nations that privilege, which seems to me like the ostrich, which, we are told, buries its head in the sand, under the idea that it is concealing itself. The advantage of free trade is in the receiving, not in the giving, and when Cobden advocated it half a century ago, he did not overlook this point, but honestly believed that other nations would follow our example, and do what Avas so eminently for the benefit of that abstract good — universal trade. A river would run faster if there were no dams in it, but the dams are of inestimable advan- tage to those who live along it. So it is with trade. Trade would benefit by the adoption of universal free trade, but many nations, as nations, would be ruined. ( 24 ) And Cobden, in his prognostic that in ten years every nation would adopt free trade, ignored one most important point, i.e. that free trade, whilst being the ideal from a commercial standpoint, is in some cases prejudical from a national point of view. Nationalism is (to borrow a Darwinian term) the natural check to free trade, and for this reason, that whereas free trade would, if universally adopted, commercially benefit the human race probably more than any other measure, it would correspondingly interfere with the national principle or idea. Universal free trade would cause populations to gi'avitate towards those centres most favourable to each special industry, with the result that each industry would be carried on under the most favour- able conditions, and that the human race would benefit by having all the products of the earth and of human industry at the least possible cost. Every individual would be proportionately richer, and the working classes would have better opportunities of earning what they require. But what would become of the national idea ? Take Germany, for instance, hemmed in by two formidable powers, France and Russia, of whose intentions she is always apprehensive. As soon as free trade was universally adopted it is probable that, tlie protection laws for her home industries being removed, a part of her population would emigrate to some country where the conditions of agriculture or manufacture were more favourable. The result of this would be a diminution in the ( 25 ) men capable of undertaking military service and fighting in iier battles for the existence of that political unit, the Fatherland of Germany, which the national idea teaches them to look upon from a political point of view as the supreme good. Thus it is obvious that the instinct of national preservation militates against the adoption of universal free trade. The desire is felt to foster home industries with the object of keeping as many persons as possible employed within the boundaries of the political unit capable of defendmg that national unit in case of war. And this brings me to the last and perhaps the most important and interesting branch of the subject — the Imperial and Colonial aspect of the question. The British Isles, which constitute the entire area we have at present for free trade, are manifestly insufficient for the volume of our trade. In the British Empire, however, a sufficient area would be found which might even grow. And in this establishment of free trade we should not have the national idea in conflict with us. We should, on the contrary, have it acting in our favour, for the instinct of national preservation, instead of taking- fright lest there should be a loss of population towards centres outside the national boundary more favourable to certain industries, would be gratified by the prospect of a protected area capable of affording sustenance for an overwhelming military force. English statesmen now recognize that they must ( 26 ) bestir themselves to fight for markets for English goods. If at the present day there is one cause which is more worth fighting for between nations, whether by force of arms, or, still better, by diplomacy through the offer of reciprocal commercial advantages, it is, in my opinion, the right of free markets. For in the present day, when the financial question seems to be at the root of our whole political and social life more than it has ever been before, this right of open markets appears to be the greatest benefit that one nation can confer upon another, or the greatest injury whicli, by being- withheld, one nation can inflict upon another. And yet England, at the very zenith of her power, quietly acquiesces in a state of things irretrievably damaging to her enormous accumulated capital, whether sunk in land or manufacturing industries. She offers for nothino; to the foreio-ner an inestimable benefit, the finest market in the world, for the use of which she could get a very high price from foreign nations, the price of entrance into their markets of our com- modities, or at least a reduction of their tariff. By giving this market away gratis ^v^i are doing a wrong to our o^vn peoj^le. For I am convinced that Avhereas the spectacle of an isolated country not even enjoying Free Trade with her Colonies, and suffering IVoiii tlic liiilhiciiiation of an imaginary free trade, was calculated to make other nations hesitate to adopt free trade ; a large con- federacy joining together to practise real free trade on a workable scale, would, by the quick adhesion of ( 27 ) smaller units, soon assume such proportions as might possibly ultimately result in the universal adoption of free trade. Thus it will be seen that even from the abstract and theoretical standpoint of the ideal free-traders, this policy of a Customs Union might in the end bring about the adoption of this universal free trade which they have been taught is so much to be desired in the interests of the whole human race. I do not myself think it will ever come about, or is any- thing more than a pious aspiration ; but I honestly believe that our taking up arms to fight and join the melee to win fair terms for our workers, is not only imperatively demanded as a duty to our own, but also is the greatest means we could take towards the bringing about of universal free trade. The full evil of our policy of allowing our trade to be taken away from us by foreign tariffs, without retaliating and demanding reciprocity, has not yet been felt, and will not be as long as we can go on acquiring fresh territories as markets to take the place of those we are always losing. Thus the full mischief of our false system is not yet realized. But in xime we must exhaust the area on the habitable globe disposable for us to annex for this purpose. And in view of this and of the fact that these territories have been acquired at a vast cost to the British taxpayer (computed at some 2000 millions : National Debt, 862 millions — 680 millions still owing ; public loans, 700 millions ; private advances, 450 millions at least), and in view of the ( 28 ) fact that these vast territories are maintained by the British taxpayer at an annual cost of some 56,000,000/. (for Army and Navy 31,000,000/., for National Debt 25,000,000/.), it seems unjust to him that he should enjoy no preference in those markets which he has created over foreign nations who deny him theirs, and whose hostility necessitates the above expense in acquisition and maintenance, and who keep what territory they can get as a peculiar market for their trade. It is a manifest injustice that when, after great sacrifice in money and lives, we acquire and develop and open out to trade vast tracts of land, we should do so for the foreigner, and throw these new countries open to his trade on equal terms with our own people, whilst at the same time he is excluding us fj'om every inch of territory he can. He is prac- tically playing Avith us on the principle of " Heads I win, tails you lose." A comparison of exports and imports with the two great protectionist nations, shows that whereas they become less indebted to us by manufacturing their ovm requirements, we become more indebted to them, and so the advantage they gain is not counterbalanced by any loss to them of export trade with us. For whereas in 1865 we exported to Germany 11,541,540/. more goods than we imported from them, in 1898 we exported only 1,590,643/. more than we imported from them, being a gain to them of 9,950,897/. Whilst with regard to France, our imports from them, which in 1 865 only exceeded ( 29 ) our exports by 6,270,159/., in 1893 exceeded them by 23,862,500/., or an improvement for them in the balance of 17,592,431/. The figures being : — Imports into United Kingdom. 18G5. 1893. £ £ From France . . 31,625,231 . . 43/i58,090 „ Germany. . 16,611,852 . , 26,364,849 Exports from United Kingdom. £ £ To France . . 25,355,072 . . 19,795,500 „ Germany . . 28,153,392 . . 27,955,492 The rapid growth of France, Germany, and the United States is still further illustrated by the following quotation from the Minority report of the Royal Commission on the Depression of Trade, page 114, paragraph 51 : — "In the eight years from 1876 to 1884, France, Germany, and the United States increased their annual consumption of wool by 325,000,000 pounds, or allowing for the estimated diminution of the home production of France and Germany, 295,000,000 pounds, that is, 45 per cent. ; whilst ours increased only by 12,000,000 pounds, or 3^ per cent. The simultaneous progress of the silk manu- facturer in the United States and decay in this country, during the last twenty or twenty-five years, is not less remarkable, especially Avhen taken in connection with our quadrupled import of silk manufactures. "It is equally important to observe that whilst ( «o ) foreign tariffs have operated to limit our export of the three classes of textiles just named, they have by no means prevented the protectionist nations, who manufacture under their shelter, from immensely in- creasing the value of their exports of the like manu- factures to this country during the same period, in spite of the great fall of prices, and of the fact that much labour and machinery connected with those industries in the United Kingdom were all the while wholly or partially unemployed. This is illustrated by the extraordinary fact that, whilst the value of our exports of worsted and woollen manufactures in the five years 1880-1884 exhibited, as compared with the five years 1865-69, a decrease of 43'1 per cent., the value of our im])orts, comparing the same periods, showed an increase of no less than 214*9 per cent. These facts confirm the evidence given before us by witnesses connected with various industries, that in the case of countries like Germany, possess- ing in an ample measure the population and other resources required for successful manufacturing enterprise, the adoption of a system of import duties on manufactures, and even on primary articles of food, has not disqualified them from successful and growing competition with us in the home and Colonial as Avell as in neutral markets." The following quotation is from a speech of Mr. Cecil Rhodes in London, January 18th, 1895 : — "Tlicre arc 60,000,000 of your people in tlic United States. You created that country ; that is your production, if I may call it so. They adopted ( '^1 ) Protection, and they cannot get rid of it now. What is your trade with the United States and its 60,000,000 people ? Your exports there are about 24,000,000/. per annum. In South Africa and Egypt we have only 600,000 whites, but your exports there amount to 20,000,000/. You have 15,000,000/-. with the Cape and Natal, almost entirely British goods, and 4,000,000/. with Egypt, where you have a fair chance for your goods. You are doing 20,000,000/. with these two small depen- dencies, as against 24,000,000/. with another creation of yours which has shut your goods out, and where there are 60,000,000 of your own people. If they gave a fair chance to your trade you would be doing 150,000,000/. with the United States — to your advan- tage, and the advantage of the American people." These statistics show us what much better cus- tomers our Colonies are to us than foreign countries, and therefore the true policy for us to pursue is by favourable treatment to induce emigration towards our Colonies rather than to the United States and other countries. What Ave ought to do is to endeavour to establish a larger population of food-growers in our Colonies, who will purchase our manufactures in exchange for the food we require. Then we shall get the full value of the work we do, and the foods we make to exchange for the means of living. I must here quote another passage from Mr. Farrer Ecroyd's pamphlet : — ( 32 ) '' What, then, are the capabilities of our Colonies, either as customers for our goods or as growers of food? In the year 1877 (the last of which I happen to have the returns before me), our Australian Colonies, with two millions of inhabitants, purchased our exports to the value of 1 9,285,7 18Z. ; whilst the United States, with about forty millions of inhabitants, purchased only to the value of 16,370,814/. In the same year the Dominion of Canada (with Newfound- land), containing four millions of inhabitants, took from us exports to the value of 7,613,547L ; whilst Russia, with nearly eighty millions of people, bought only to the extent of 4,178,614/. In other words, every xYustralian is as large a customer to us as sixteen Americans, and every Canadian is better to us than thirty-five Russians. Thus, should we succeed, by the aid of a differential duty, in settling only four or five millions more inhabitants in our Colonies, their custom would be as large as the whole of our present export trade to the United States and Russia combined. " Nor need we fear that by the adoption of such a policy we should lose any export trade to America or Russia which we can retain under the present system, or provoke any action on their part which will not equally be adopted as matters now stand, should they deem it advantageous to themselves. The enormous duties now levied by these nations on our manufactures were imposed by them in the face of our fVcc-trjidc ))olicy, and this may convince us that no consideration of reciprocity or Avant of ( 33 ) reciprocity has influenced their actions at all. On the contrary, we should probably convert into zealous free-traders the carriers, merchants and exporters of New York and the Atlantic States, who, harassed by the favoured comj)etition of Canada, would be anxious to obtain the largest and most direct exchange of commodities with this country. For from the moment when they should see us resolved in earnest to become independent of them, the tables would be turned, and the fear of gradually losino; their vast trade with Eno;land, who now takes O 7 two-thirds of their food exports, would make them instead of ourselves the perplexed and anxious party. Amongst other results we might reasonably expect a considerable migration of farmers from the remote North-Western States into our territories. But it would be a fatal error to allow any offer of recipro- city, even from the Americans, to turn us aside for one moment from the steady pursuit of a policy directed to secure the unity and prosperity of the whole Empire. Instead of that we ought, without delay, to open out and hasten the settlement of the best corn and cattle-growing lands in our depen- dencies. What some of these are the following- extracts will show : — ■ "Of the total area of the Dominion of Canada, upwards of two million square miles are agricultural and timbered lands, and of these the wheat zone occupies about one-half. The range of productions is extended in grains from barley to maize : in fruits, from apples to peaches, grapes, melons, nectarines, D ( 34 ) and apricots ; in vegetables, from turnips, carrots, and cabbages to the egg-plant and tomato. '• North of Lakes Erie and Ontario and the River St. Lawrence, east of Lake Huron, and included mainly within the province of Ontario, there is as fair a country as exists on the North American continent, nearly as large in area as New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio combined, and equal, if not superior to these States in its agricultural capacity. It is the natural habitat of the combing-wool sheep ; it is the land where grows the finest barley. It raises and grazes the finest of cattle with qualities especially desirable to make good the deterioration of stock in other sections, and its climatic conditions, created by the vicinity of the great lakes, specially fit it to gi'ow men. Such a country is one of the greatest gifts of Providence to the human race. " To develop these resources and the like in other portions of our Empire, is the task to which we ought at once and energetically to address ourselves ; but to do this rapidly in the face of the vast food- growing and carrying organizations which America, by the aid of our capital, has already got into full operation, would 1)0 impossible without the aid of a differential duty. The young jDlantatioii will be strong ;iii(l healthy enough when full-grown, but it must be fenced and sheltered during its infancy. And probably this is the best investment possible for England lierself, for past experience and the clouded future both warn us that, in the absence of such legitimate openings fur capital and enterprise, ( 35 ) wc may totally lose, during the next few years, in unsound home and foreign investments, in the forced idleness of many workpeople, and in the reduced Avages of the rest, an amount sufficient to have opened out new lands that would sustain a couple of millions of people in plenty, and supply half our import of corn, cattle, bacon, butter, and cheese. What would have been our position in these respects at this moment had such a policy been adopted ten years ago, and had one or two hundred millions of the money now hopelessly lost in foreign loans and foreign railway bonds been directed, by the wise initiative of Government, to the development of our own territories and the growth of our own food ? " What is the attitude of the Colonies on this ques- tion ? They have taken the initiative in the cause of commercial federation of the Empire by adopting through their representatives the following resolu- tion : — "Intercolonial Conference at Ottawa. " A Customs Union. " The Conference, after two days' debate, finally passed the reciprocal trade resolution yesterday, as follows. It was moved by the Hon. G. B. Foster, and seconded by Sir Henry Wrixon : — " ' That, whereas the stability and progress of the British Empire can be best assured by drawing con- tinually closer the bonds which unite the Cjlonies to D 2 ( 3G ) tlie mother country, and by the continuous growth of a practical sympathy and co-operation in all that pertains to the common welfare ; and whereas this co-operation and unity can in no way be more effectually promoted than by the cultivation and extension of the mutual and profitable interchange of their products, it is therefore resolved that the Conference records its belief in the advisability of a Customs arrangement between Great Britain and her Colonies by which trade within the Empire may be placed upon a more favourable footing than that on which trade is carried on Avith foreign countries.' " Such is the officially-expressed opinion of the Colonies. It is surely a fortunate circumstance for us that it is our Colonies ■who assert this patriotic and sound doctrine, and not that we have to try and convince them of it. They call upon us to do what is for their interests and ours, and if avc do not respond to this call, we must lessen ourselves in their estimation as beino: a nation wedded to the theories of learned Professors of political economy instead of great rulers and prac- tical men of business, worthy to wield the affairs of a great Empire. AVe have a chance of strengthening <»ui- })oliticul connection Avith the Colonies by the crea- tion of common commercial interests. If Ave neixlect this opportunity Ave shall not leave that connection as it is, Ave shall loosen it. This is no party question. It is a national, ;ui imperial, a commercial question, Avliicli (MiLiht to appeal to the heart of every English- jjiaii. a- it 2 ) unionism postulates the protection of trade, by which means alone can the benefits gained by the protec- tion of labour in shorter hours and better wages be assured to our workers in face of the underselling competition of foreign countries where these advan- tages are not enjoyed by the working classes. Advantages of the Scheme. 1. Owing to the dispersed situation of the Colonies it is not possible to establish a uniform Customs tariff throughout (as if the Empire were within a ring fence like the German ZoUverein). This scheme therefore gives latitude to each Colony to arrange its tariff according to the requirements of its situa- tion. 2. This scheme endeavours to approximate as nearly as possible to Free Trade within the Empire, using the gift of free commercial rights for the welding together of the Empire by common interests, and preserving the weapon of a differential tariff, with the object of compelling foreign nations into a more favourable treatment of our export trade to them. 3. The fact that the United Kingdom tariff acts as the minimum tariff throughout the ZoUverein, would by iiiti'oihu'ii]^- a measure of uniformity give us still more leverage in our negotiations with foreign powers for favourable terms for the entiy of our goods into their markets, since the treatment they gave us would, through our differential tariff, regulate the treatment of their exports to the whole British Empire. ... ( 63 ) 4. It does away with the objection mentioned by Mr. Chafnberlain to the Canadian resolution, that the uniform tax therein proposed on all foreign imports into the Empire would be unequal in its incidence, and fall more heavily upon the United Kingdom. In this scheme, however, the entire proceeds of the revised Customs of each Colony would still be paid to and administered by the Treasury of that Colony. The Council of the Empire would decide what was the fair contribution to be paid by each to Imperial defence, but each- would be at liberty to raise that amount as was most convenient. 5. The object of this scheme is not to initiate a policy of high protective tariffs, but rather to arrange such a re\asion of home and Colonial Customs tariffs as will help on the trade of our Colonies and our- selves. But the mere granting of a preference on the present dutiable articles in our United Kingdom tariff would not benefit Canada and Australia, im- portant parties concerned, and it has therefore been necessary to propose something further, which will give them a quid pro quo for the preference they are prepared to give to our manufactures. THE END. LONDON: TBtyTKD BT filLBERT AND BIVINQTOK, LD., SI. John's hocse, clbhkenwsll boad, b.c. UxMViK.Ki^m of CAUFUHNli UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. LOS ANGELES LIBRARY 0]0- !v"^'''"'''''~''"^ te;'^;''-";ij'l| '!,w':t '•'■•/:'"-' ;[';■' ;'hvJv'|;' ',;)[>/;,' :,] .-:\ UC SOUIHI m R[ (.lONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 001 007 964 8 (^^ ■\ \