LOGICAL SURVEY NGLAND AND WALES. THE WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX FROM UNDERGROUND SOURCES. BY WILLIAM WHITAKER, B.A., F.R.S. AND CLEMENT REID, F.L.S., F.G.S. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OP THE LORDS COMMISSIONERS OF HER MAJESTY'S TREASURY. LONDON: PRINTED FOR HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, By WYMAN AND SONS, Limited, Fetter Lane, E.C. And to be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from EYRE asd SPOTTISWOODE, East Harding Street, Fleet Street, E.C, and 32, Abingdon Street, Westminster, S.W. ; or JOHN MENZIES & Co., 12, Hanover Street, Edinburgh, and 90, West Nile Street, Glasgow ; or HODGES, FIGGIS, & Co., Limited, 104, Grafton Street, Dublin. 1899. Price Three Shillings MEMOIRS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ENGLAND AND WALES. THE WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX FROM UNDERGROUND SOURCES. BY WILLIAM WHITAKER, B.A., F.R.S., AND CLEMENT REID, F.L.S., F.G.S. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OP THE LORDS COMMISSIONERS OF HER MAJESTY'S TREASURY. LONDON: PRINTED FOR HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, By WYMAN AND SONS, Limited, Fetter Lane, E.C. And to be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from EYRE and SPOTTISWOODE, East Harding Street, Fleet Street, E.C. and 32, Abingdon Street, Westminster, S.W. ; or JOHN MENZIES & Co., 12, Hanover Street, Edinburgh, and 90, West Nile Street, Glasgow ; or HODGES, FIGGIS, & Co., Limited, 104, Grafton Street, Dublin. 1899. Price Three Shillings. Ill PREFACE. Ever since its commencement the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom has given much attention to the question of water supply, and has accumulated a large body of information on the subject relative to all parts of the country. It has thus been able constantly to give assistance to professional men and others who have sought for advice in regard to the geological problems involved. In order to make the practical work of the Survey in this department more useful to the general public, it is now proposed to issue a series of Memoirs which, dealing with the underground waters of the different counties, may aid local effort in obtaining supplies of wholesome, uncontaminated water. In these Memoirs only such geological details will be given as may bear directly upon the question of water supply. The present account of the underground waters of Sussex is the first of the proposed series. While the Geological Survey has been ready to furnish geological information, it has, in turn, received much assistance from those practically concerned in dealing with water supply. Engineers and well-sinkers have willingly lent their aid, without which it would have been impossible to gather the numerous facts of which the Survey is now in possession. In the preparation of the present Memoir, for example, we have been specially indebted to Mr. P. H. Palmer, the Borough Engineer of Hastings, and to Mr. E. Easton ; also to the communications of the well-sinkers Messrs. Duke and Ockenden, Messrs Le Grand and Sutcliff, Messrs. Docwra, and Messrs. Isler and Co. The contributions of these collaborators, as well as those from other sources, are acknowledged in each case. About 1 50 of the records of wells in the following pages are now published for the first time. The late Mr. W. Topley took part in the collection of materials for the present Memoir, but his much-lamented death has deprived us of remarks on many of the sections which he could have supplied better than anyone else. In issuing this first publication on the water supply of the English counties, I desire to point out to those interested in the subject that it would be greatly for the public benefit if full details of all the strata passed through in sinking wells were in each case forwarded co the Geological Survey Office in order that they might be placed among the permanent records of water supply. The name of each informant would, of course, be given when the information supplied by him was published. It would be desirable, at the same time, to have information regarding the yield of water, and to obtain copies of any chemical analyses that might be made. Many of the records supplied to us are less valuable than they would be for want of information as to these particulars. U78. Wt. 5034. 500—3/99. J&ttSO IV The detailed geological structure of the County of Sussex is given in the Maps and Memoirs of the Geological Survey enumerated on p. 7 of the present publication. For general purposes of reference the two sheets (12 and 15) of the Index Map of England and Wales, on the scale of four miles to one inch, will be found useful. Fuller information is given on the maps on the one-inch scale, while, where further local details are specially required, they can be obtained from MS. maps on the scale of six inches to a mile, which can be supplied at the cost of transcription for those parts of the county which have been revised and published in the new series of one-inch maps. It should be added that Mr. Whitaker, though he nas retired from the Survey, has been good enough to find time, during his tenure of the office of President of the Geological Society, to assist in arranging and connotating the well-sections in the present Memoir and in correcting the proofs. Arch. Geikie, Director-General. Geological Survey Office, 28, Jermyn Street, London. 31st October, 1898. CONTENTS. PAGE. Preface by the Director-General ------- iii Introduction : Outline of the Geology as far as relates to Water Supply. Mean Annual Rainfall. List of Geological Survey Works on Sussex --------- 1 Well Sections in Sussex 8 Analyses of Waters - - - - - - - - - - 103 Index ------ 122 THE WATEB SUPPLY OF SUSSEX FROM UNDERGROUND SOURCES. INTRODUCTION. Sussex, for various reasons, is largely dependent on deep wells for its water-supply. Good surface-springs are comparatively rare, the running streams soon become turbid, and shallow wells in loose superficial deposits are so liable to contamination that the increasing population renders them every year more unsafe. As the amount and quality of the water to be obtained from a deep well depends mainly on geological considerations, a short account of the geology is prefixed to these records, to help those who desire to obtain water at new localities. Becent - Outline of the Geology as far as relates to Water Supply. The upheaval of the Weald, which caused nearby all the streams to flow north or south, away from the central axis, still causes the underground waters over the greater part of the county to flow southward, in the direction of the dip. The upward arching of the strata, and the subsequent removal by denudation of the higher parts, have brought within reach so many different formations that we must here deal with the whole of the following series : — Character of the water in Sussex. \ usually bad, salt, and supply J small. very bad. none. {fair, somewhat ferruginous, but very liable to surface contamination, (very hard ; liable to surface \ contamination. | water has percolated through -j Coombe Rock, and is of I similar character, /variable, small quantity, and ( liable to contamination, none. generally bad. /probably ferruginous, and \ quantity small, none. fa little in the sandy beds, generally containing iron and sulphates ; none else- where. 1178, A Pleistocene ( Blown Sand- Shingle Alluvium ! Brickearth - Valley Gravel Coombe Rock Raised Beach Plateau Gravel - ^ Clay with Flints - Bracklesham Beds Eocene Bagshot Beds London Clay Woolwich and Reading Beds WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX. Upper C] Upper Chalk Middle Chalk Cetaceous Lower Cretaceous Upper Jurassic Middle Jurassic Lower Chalk Upper Greensand \Gault - Folkestone Beds - Sandgate Beds - Hythe Beds - Atherfield Clay - Weald Clay - Tunbridge Wells Hands Wadhurst Clay - Ashdown Sand - Fairlight Clay Purbeck Beds Portland Beds Kimeridge Clay - j Corallian - \ Oxford Clay- Chdracter of the water in Sussex. •\ abundant supply of good - | water, hard with carbon- r ates (temporary hardness), - J less so with sulphates (per- manent hardness), /a little hard water, usually ( with excess of sulphates. good, comparatively soft. none. slightly ferruginous, but good. - little. much, good quality. none, /occasionally a little in sand \ beds. - good, quantity uncertain. - water in the rock-beds. - good, slightly chalybeate. - none, probably none, perhaps some. - none. little or none. Water-supply being the sole question to be dealt with in this Memoir, no geological details are given which do not refer directly to the water-bearing or retentive character of the rocks, the quality of the water, or to the probable continuity of the various strata, on which last depends the amount of water which we may expect to find. Those wishing to study the geology from other points of view will find further particulars in the Geological Survey Memoirs which deal with the various parts of the county, or in Dixon's " Geology of Sussex " (2nd ed., 4to, Brighton, 1878). Pahvozoic Rocks. The prospect of obtaining water from the Pakeozoic Rocks under any part of Sussex is so slight that we coidd not advise the sinking of any trial-bores. In the first place, the least depth of these rocks from the surface is probably fully 2,000 feet, and any water found at that depth would be distinctly warm. Secondly, over the whole county, and far beyond its limits, thick masses of impervious clays occur, so that the only sources of supply would be from distant areas, where Palaeozoic rocks crop out, or are overlaid by porous strata. Thirdly, rocks at such depths are so compressed by the weight of overlying strata that they seldo^n contain open fissures or yield much water.* The deep borings and sinkings in search of coal now being made in the adjoining parts of Kent may, however, cause us to modifv this opinion. See also Prestwich, "Proc. Inst. Civ* Kng.," vol, xxxvii., p. 126. WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX. 6 Jurassic Rocks. The oldest rocks yet met with in the county are those pene- trated by the " Sub-Wealden Boring " at Mountfield, near Battle. In this boring the Oxford Clay, Corallian Rocks, and Kimeridge Clay were either shales or very shaly, and yielded no water. The Portland Beds consisted mainly of sandstone. When the tools penetrated the Purbeck rocks at 169 feet, the column of water in the bore-hole sank 40 feet, thus proving that the Portland Beds are pervious, and at lower levels may yield water. The quality of the water, however, would be uncertain, for if the springs are fed by percolation through the gypsum-bearing over- lying rocks there would probably be an excess of sulphates, and the quantity also would not be large. There is also a possibility that rocks in such a position might yield natural gas or petroleum instead of water. In the Purbeck Beds no water is found, except small springs highly charged with sulphates. Fairlight Clay. In the neighbourhood of Hastings occurs a mass of clay over 300 feet in thickness, with subordinate beds of sand. Its exact relation to the Purbeck and Wealden strata is still in doubt. No water is found in this clay. Ashdown Sand. This sand is found at the surface over a large area in the middle of the Weald. It contains water of good quality, but like most of the Wealden sands is too fine-grained usually to yield any large supply from a boring. It should be noticed that sunk wells may succeed where borings fail, for the amount yielded by such strata depends largely on the surface exposed in the well. The Ashdown Sand often contains beds of clay, which must greatly hinder the circulation of the water. Hastings is supplied from this source, Wadhurst Clay. The Wadhurst Clay is 130 feet thick or more. It yields no water, but over the area occupied by it a moderate supply can usually be obtained by boring to the Ashdown Sand below. Tunbridge Wells Sand. This sand varies from 160 feet in the east to 380 feet near Cuckfield, two masses of clay, the Grinstead Clay and the Cuckfield Clay, coming in where the deposit is thickest. Mr. Topley's estimate at Cucktield gives : — Ft. TT™^ f Sand and sandstone, with layers of \ 1 , r Timbiid-e Wells Tilgate stone at the top - -/ lunbiidge Wells v Cuckfield C ] ay . 15 bana * I Sand and sandstone - 70 Grinstead Clay Clay and shale- - 80 Lower \ Tunbridge Wells Y Sand and sandstone- - - 100 Band, J 1178, A 2 4 WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX The water from the sand is good, but commonly ferruginous. It is doubtful whether water can travel freely through it for any great distance, and except where bare or covered by a small thickness of Weald Clay it cannot be depended on. Borings reaching this sand below any great thickness of clay may yield enough for isolated houses or small villages, but will seldom supply a large quantity. Weald Clay. The Weald Clay, though usually quite devoid of water contains occasional beds of sand, which sometimes yield good water in unexpected places. These sands are impersistent and their position cannot be forecast with any certainty. The supply to be expected from them is probably nowhere large. The clay is probably over 600 feet thick at the northern border of the county, but appears to diminish considerably in thickness towards the east. It has, however, been proved to a depth of 200 feet at Eastbourne, without reaching the base. Lower Greensand. These sands are usually of coarser grain than those of the Wealden Series, and consequently yield their water more freely, and are less liable to choke the bore-hole. The water is either soft and very pure, or else somewhat ferruginous, or it may contain sulphates ; it does not usually show excess of lime. Between Eastbourne and Lewes this formation has become very thin, or is only represented by the highest division, and cannot be depended on for anything but a small supply. West of Lewes it thickens rapidly and can be divided into four series : — Folkestone Beds : coarse sands, 12 to 140 feet. Sandgate Beds : fine-grained sand and clay, 30 to 100 feet. Hythe Beds : sand, sandstone, and chert, calcareous above, 25 to 200 feet. Atherfield Clay : shelly clay, without water. The Hythe Beds and the Folkestone Beds can be depended on to yield a fair supply in most localities. The Sandgate Beds are uncertain, except sometimes in shallow wells and near the outcrop. Gault The Gault in Sussex is about 300 feet thick, and is always impervious and without water. It is often advisable, however, to commence a well in the Gault, for water obtained from the the Lower Greensand in this way is free from any suspicion of direct surface-contamination. Upper Green st i ml. The Upper Greensand is a glauconitic sand or sandstone, cal- careous in the upper part, and from 40 to 80 feet in thickness. The general narrowness of its outcrop in Sussex makes it difficult to obtain a large supply from this source. The water, however, Water supply of sussex. 5 is moderately soft and of excellent quality. Headings in the rock-bed of the Upper Greensand till lately supplied Eastbourne. The water, however, is apparently to a large extent derived from the Chalk above, and is let in by the exceptionally fissured state of the rocks in that district. Lower Chalk. This division consists of from 160 to 200 feet of alternating well-bedded grey chalk and chalk marl with pyrites. It is too impervious to yield water, except where so shattered that fissures let in water from the more pervious chalk above Springs originating in this way are seen on the foreshore at Holywell, and at Jevington, near Eastbourne. Small springs from the Lower Chalk yield water with excess of sulphates. Middle Chalk. The Middle Chalk includes about 200 feet of hard rubbly chalk, with a few flints in the upper part. Towards the base, where it rests on the impervious grey " Belemnite Marl," which forms the top of the Lower Chalk, occurs about 10 feet of hard rock, the Melbourn Rock, from which are given out many springs, like those in the cliff at Holywell. The hardness of this rock, and the consequent openness of the fissures, makes it advisable to continue borings to this level, in cases where the Chalk above has proved too compact to let in water. Upper Chalk. This division is about 700 feet thick in West Sussex, but thins to 500 feet at the east end of the South Downs, through the loss of the upper part before the Eocene strata were deposited. It consists of soft chalk with flints. The water from the Middle and Upper Chalk is hard, but can readily be softened. Woolwich and Reading Beds. These are principally clays, and where sandy are full of pyrites; they cannot be recommended as a source of water-supply. London Clay. The London Clay is about 300 feet thick in Sussex. It con- tains a few beds of loamy sand, especially in the uppermost and lowermost parts, and at the base is sometimes found a mass of flint-pebbles. These have nowhere yielded a supply, though a little ferruginous water is sometimes met with. Bagshot and Bracklesltam Beds. The Bagshot Sands in Sussex are thin and inseparable from the Bracklesham Series. These latter are apparently 500 or 600 feet thick near Selsey. Occasionally drinkable water is found in them, but usually the supply is small and the taste very unpleasant. () WATER SUPPLY OF" SUSSEX. Drift Deposits, The character of the water to be found in these is sufficiently set forth in the table. In all cases there is risk of contami- nation in shallow wells, though isolated farms and houses are perforce obliged to put up with water from this source. The usual situation of these wells, surrounded by farm-buildings, is particularly objectionable ; a site in the middle of a lawn or garden is preferable, and greater care should be taken to place any cesspools as tar as possible from the well. Mean Annual Rainfall of Sussex. (From "Rainfall Tables of the British Islands, 1866-1890.") — Height alxtve Mean Sea Level. Period of Observation. Mean Rainfall. Arundel, Dale Park - 316 1866-80 34 29 Balcombe Place .... 300 1866-80 3417 Brighton 55 1881-90 28 33 Chichester, Westgate 40 1866- 80 2916 Chilgrove, near Chichester 284 1866-90 33-74 Crowborough Beacon 777 1871-90 36-81 Cuckfiekl, Borde Hill 270 1881-90 29-73 Eastbourne 15 1871-90 31-60 East Grinstead 305 1866-90 32-72 Fernhurst (Hasleniere) 301 1866-80 3219 Glynde Place, near Lewes 49 1866-90 32-60 Hastings, Hollington 320 1866-90 29*19 Littlehampton 20 1881-90 27-48 Midlmrst, Lynch .... 160 1866-80 39-65 Petworth Rectory .... ISO 1806 90 34-75 St. Leonards 130 1881-90 29*08 Uckfield Observatory 149 1866-80 31 02 Uckfield - 200 1881-90 29-42 It may be observed that there are no records from the higher parts of the South Downs, on which occurs, apparently, the heaviest rainfall. These Downs are the first hills to intercept the moist air from the south-west. On the Downs above four hundred feet the condensation of mist also is considerable in the autumn and winter, often causing moisture to drop from every loaf, though in the towns below it is quite dry. This condensation supplies the dew-ponds. water supply of sussex. 7 List of Geological Survey Works on Sussex. Sheets of the Index Map. Scale four miles to one inch. 12 Northern half of the county. 15. Southern half of the county. Sheets of the Map. Old Series. Scale cm inch to a mile. 4. Western part. Rye. By F. Drew. 1863. 5. All but the north-eastern part. Battle, Eastbourne, Hastings, Lewes, Seaford, Winchelsea, and Ashdown Forest. 1864. By W. T. Aveline, H. W. Bristow, F. Drew, C. Gould, T. R. Polwiiele, C. Le N. Foster, W. Topley, and W. B. Dawkins. Chalk-divisions and Drift over the Chalk- tract added 1893. By W. A. E. Ussher and C. Reid. 6. Strip on the south (western and central parts). East Grinstead. 1864. By F. Drew. Drift Edition, 1886. (Little Drift in the Sussex part.) 8. Strip on the south (eastern and central parts). 1862. By F. Drew. Drift Edition, 1887. (Hardly any Drift in the Sussex part.) 9. All but a narrow strip on the north (western part). Arundel, Bognor, Bramber, Brighton, Chichester, Cuckfield, Horshain, Littlehampton, Midhurst, Petworth, Shoreham, Steyning, Worthing, and Selsea Bill. 1864. By H. W. Brtstow, F. Drew, C. Gould, J. Hay, F. C. Bishopp, and W. B. Dawkins. Chalk-divisions and Drift over the Chalk- tract added 1893. By C. Reid. Sheets of the Map. New Series. Scale an inch to a mile. 331. North-eastern corner. 1893. 332. Bognor, Littlehampton, and Selsea Bill. 1893. 333. Worthing (part). 1893. 334. Seaford, Eastbourne. 1893. Sheets of the Horizontal Sections. Scale six inches to a mile. 73 (part). From Selsea Bill to Siddlesham, Chichester, East Lavant, Single- ton, Cocking, Midhurst, and Haslemere. 1868. 75 (part). From W. of Worthing to Cisbury, Chanctonbury, Shipley, Itchingfield, and near Horsham. J 867. 76 (part). From E. of Kemp Town, Brighton, to Warren Farm (Brighton Industrial Schools), Stanmer, Ditchling Beacon, Wivelsfield, Hay wards Heath, Wakehurst Park, and Rowfant. 1867. 77 (part). From W. of Newhaven Harbour to Piddinghoe, Mount Caburn (near Lewes), Little Horsted, near Uckiield, to Buxted, across Ashdown Forest to Crowborough Beacon, and near Groombridge. 1867. 78 (part). From Beaehy Head, across the Downs, to Polegate, Hailsham, near Heathneld, Ticehurst Road Station, and Ticehurst. 1867. Memoirs, Hvo. The Geology of the Weald (parts of the Counties of Kent, Surrey, Sussex, and Hants). By William Topley. 1875. The Jurassic Rocks of Britain, Vol. V. The Middle and Upper Oolitic Rocks of England (Yorkshire excepted). By H. B. Woodward. 1895. The Geology of the country around Bognor. (Explanation of Sheet 332.) ., By Clement Reid. 1897. The Geology of the country around Eastbourne. (Explanation of Sheet 334.) By Clement Reid. 1898. Water supply of stssEX. WELL SECTIONS IN SUSSEX. [Words, etc., in square brackets have been added by us.] Aldingbourne. Headhone Farm. : : ?^} 335feet - [Must have stopped within 10 feet of the Chalk.] Blue [London] Clay [Reading Beds.] Red mottled clay Angmering. Communicated by Mr. R. Winchester, 1896. Thickness. Depth. [Drift] [Upper Chalk] Clayey gravel, "shrave' Clean loam - Sand - Chalky marl, with water Feet. 12 4 10 12 Feet. 16 26 38 Arundel. Coal Yard. [Recent Depo S it S ]{S^ hingle - ". [Upper Chalk]. Marl and chalk. 20" 18 38 feet. Arundel. Mr. T. Barnes'. From Mr. Crawford. Water-level 30£ feet down. Dug well, the rest bored [Reading Beds] Clay and freestone Mottled clay and sand Black sand - Depth. Feet. 8 37 41 46 Ashburnham Place. W. Topley, "Geology of the Weald," p. 65, 1875. Wadhurst Clay, with a few inches of rock, 62 feet. In a shallower well, at a cottage north of the Parsonage, there were few thin beds of sandstone full of fossils. BALCOMBE — BAECOMBE. 9 Balcombe. Mid-Sussex Waterworks. 1890. Communicated by Mr. J. Church. Shaft of 8^ feet diameter. Water level 248J feet down. Compared with springs in the neighbourhood the water is very free from iron. The pumps in use for sinking could only lift 120 gallons a minute ( = 172,800 a day of 2 4 hours), and could not keep the water down (after seven days' pumping), therefore the work was suspended. The yield has been 180,000 gallons in 24 hours. — Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. [Tunbridge Wells j Yellow sand, with bands of ironstone - 13 13 Rock - 5 18 Sand] - -\ Sand and clays Spring tapped here [bed 32 50 { not described] 1 51 [Tunbridge Wells / Sand or Wad- j Hard grey clay 20 71 Coloured [mottled] clay - 12 83 hurst Clay, 47 \ feet] - - \ Yellow clay and sandstone White sandstone 9 92 6 98 ( Clay- - - - - 2 100 Clay and rock, with water 24 124 1 Blue sandy clay,much water 8 132 [Wadhurst Clay, / Bluish -green clay, giving 109£ feet] - \ off carbonic acid - 2 134 Light-blue sandy clay 4 138 Hard grey clay and shale Very dark shales and clay j Hard white and grey sand- 24 162 k 45* 207£ stone - 45 252£ The following pumping-tests have been made : — October 25th and 26th, 1897. Total water pumped in 5 hours 14 minutes (at intervals during three days), 105,000 gallons. November 1st, 1897. Total pumped in 11 hours 25 minutes, 98,082 gallons. December 6th and 7th, 1897. On the 6th, yield in 12 hours 90,585 gallons. On the 7th, ,, 5 „ 38,350 „ For Analyses of the water, see p. 104. Barcombe. Sewell's Farm, over a mile N.N.W. from the Church. 1883. Made and communicated by Mr. G. Bates, of Lewes. Good supply. Thickness. Brown mixed earth - Light-blue clay - Blue clay and mud - Sand and hard veins of slate rock - Depth. Feet. 30 90 150 10 WATER SUPPLY OB* SUSSEX. Barnham. Half a mile E.S.E. of the Railway Station. Sunk and communicated (from memory) by Mr. Ockenden, sen. To Chalk [Drift, London Clay, and Reading Reels] ... 135) 9 qq ^ ^ Chalk. Good spring The Station is in Eastergate (which see) 21/ Battle. The Brewery. W. Topley, " Geology of the Weald," p. 65, 1875. Wad hurst Clay. Shale, with a bed of Tilgate stone, 2 feet thick, 40 feet dowu, 60 feet. Similar stone met in other wells here. Battle. Waterworks N. of the town. 1890 (second boring). Communicated by Mr. J. Church. Most water comes in on the western and south-western sides of the well, chiefly from the rock below 144 feet. Where brickwork occurs the beds are soft and shaly (except in old well). . j 1 Thickness. Depth. Ft. in. Ft, in. - Old Well 35 Rock 2 4 37 4 Brickwork 2 6 39 10 Rock - 3 4 43 2 Brickwork 16 1 59 3 [All Ashdown Sand ; or probably the lower part / Fairlight \ Clay, more sandy in this direction.] (Rock ... - Brickwork Rock - Brickwork . . . Rock - Brickwork 2 10 11 4 2 4 3 9 7 26 8 62 1 73 5 75 5 79 8 89 3 115 11 Rock. Water - 1 Brick w r ork - Rock - 2 6 10 10 2 118 5 128 5 138 7 'Brickwork 6 144 7 Rock (hard sandstone, W.T.). Water - 8 152 9 Brickwork 5 157 9 iHard Rock, Ironstone - 1 6 159 3 Mr. Topley has left the following short notes of wells at Battle : — 1. On the eastern side of Mount Street, between a quarter and a third of a mile from the Abbey Gate-house, 60 feet to water. 2. At the workhouse, on the northern side of Northrade Road, nearly a mile west of the town, 65 feet deep, not much water. 3. At North Lodge, east of the workhouse, 70 to 80 feet deep, very little water. 4. In the field south of the road a quarter of a mile south-west of Parkdale (nearly a mile south-west of the railway station), 35 feet deep. Gravel 6 feet and then sand 26. 5. Telham Farm, nearly I J miles south-east of the church, 149 feet deep and mostly in rock. Battle (Sub-Wealden Exploration), see Mountfield. BEDDINGHAM — BEEDINGWOOD. 11 Beddingham. Courthouse Farm (near the Church). Boring. Samples, &c, communicated by Mr. Killick. About 25 feet above Ordnance Datum. Water overflows. Good supply of soft water (for Analysis, see p. 105). Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. — Made ground 2 2 T T n Very fine-grained marly green t pperGreen- - J m{ ? . * - _ Clayey greensand 18 20 10 30 { Grey very sandy clay - Dark-grey sandy clay (samples 10 40 at 40, 50, and 60 feet) 30 70 Gault, 310 J feet. Dark soapy clay (samples at 79 and 100 feet) - 130 200 Dark soapy clay and fossils (samples at 200, 283, 300, and 336 feet) ----- 138 338 \ Clayey greensand (water at base) 2 340 Lower Green - Loose, very green coarse sand, sand. full of water - 6 346 Beddingham. Toy Farm, about 2 J miles south-east of the Church. . Well, 1893. Communicated by Mr. T. W. Pickard. About 250 feet above Ordnance Datum. Average height of water 5 feet. Average yield 300 gallons a day. White Chalk with veins of flints, 124 feet. Beedingwood [? Lower Beeding], near Horsham. Stone Lodge. Communicated by Messrs. G. Isler &l Co. Water-level 93 feet down. Shaft (the rest bored) Clay - - - Clay and rock Rock 12 Bexhill, 1851. Communicated by Messrs. Docwra. — Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. Clay .... - - 19 19 Stone - - - 5 24 Clay ..- - - - 1 25 Stone - - - 10 35 Hard dead sand - _ _ 30 65 Petrified wood - - - i 65J Coloured clay - 4 70 Sand rock - - - 8 78 Coloured clay ... - - 6 84 Stone - - 1 85 Claystone ■* , - - - 2 87 Coloured clay - - - 30 117 Dead black sand - - 8 125 Boggy stuff Coloured clay - - 2 127 - - 16 143 Green sand -'-.■- - - 1 144 Rock - - - 1} 145^ Dark dead sand - - - 11} 157 Dark clay - - 23 180 Bexhill, for Mr. G. Lane. 1851. Sunk and communicated by Messrs. Docwra. Water of only 1 degree of hardness rose to 48 feet from the surface. — Thickness. Depth. Lightf-coloured] sandy clay Blue clay -.-..;-•«*- Blue shaly rock - Coloured clays [5 beds] - Grey sand - Feet. 30 76 24 80 30 Feet 30 106 130 210 240 Bexhill. Mr. J. C. Kenwood's. Boring. Made and communicated by Messrs. G. Isler k Co. Water-level 37 feet down. Supply abundant. — Thickness. Depth. Sandy clay - Blue clay - Soft sandstone ------ Hard blue clay - Feet 15 8 28 9 Feet 15 23 51 60 BEXHILL. 13 Bexhill. Waterworks. Boring, in the Marsh, less than half a mile S.E. of Buckholt Farm. 1892. Communicated by Mr. W. B. Lewis. Twelve feet above Ordnance Datum. Water good. September 1893. Pumped day and night 300,000 gallons. A letter from Mr. Lewis (October 1894) adds that when about 260,000 gallons are pumped in 24 hours it about balances the ordinary flow. — Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. Sump — 25 [Mapped as Ash- Marl .... m 381 Clay - - 71 109| down Sand, but i Blue stone, the bottom foot apparently only \ hard - 5j 115 so in part] Marl and clay - 20 135 V Blue sand-rock 18 153 Mr. W. B. Lewis's letter of 1894 says that some recent boring, close to the sump, does not encourage the belief that more water would be got by deepening ; and that a boring near Sidley Brook, made in 1891, gave no promise of water in sufficient quantity. A note by Mr. Topley says that the old well [1 Wrest Wood] is 114 feet above Ordnance Datum, and is a shaft of 122 feet. The water was pumped out in 3i hours, at the rate of 6,000 gallons an hour ; but 45,000 to 50,000 gallons a (lay can be got. The water conies into the heading more at high tide than at low. The heading being 22 feet both eastward and westward from the shaft. The pumping from this well has drained the wells at Buckholt Farm and at Henniker Farm (less than half a mile W.S.W. from the works). Note by Mr. Topley. Bexhill. Waterworks. New Well (? first) in the Valley. The following notes by Mr. Topley (1890) may refer to the well above described, but they differ much from the description given. Well 18 feet above Ordnance Datum. Sump 12 feet square and 25 feet deep, then bored. Water rose to 4 feet from the surface, from the more open sandstone. At first 40,000 gallons a day got from the top sandstone, then this fell to 24,000, and then to 15,000. — Thickness. Depth. Soil, passing into sandstone, some hard, mostly broken, with partings ----- Blue clay -------- Blue marl and hard layers - - Feet. 38 57 10 Feet. 38 95 105 Another note of Mr. Topley's mentions a New Well, N.W. of Crouch Farm [ ? site], as passing through the following beds : — Soil 1 foot Sandy marl and clay „. ,,. ,,, 32 feet Blue clay. i4 WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX. According to another note (November 1893), a borehole, 50 or 60 feet, a little S. from the new well, gave this section : — — Thickness. Feet, 8 22 1 0)22 Depth. Peat ... - Yellow sand - - - - Blue clay ---.-- Blue sand - Hlue and brown sand - - - Clay and stone (hard and shelly) y - Feet 8 30 46 51 0)73 The water in the new well stood 18 feet down when pumped, but rose to the surface when pumping ceased ; 250,000 gallons pumped per day of 24 hours (106,000 for Hastings). When 360,000 were pumped air was drawn in. For another well for Bexhill Waterworks, nee p. 101. Bexhill. Trial for Coal, 1804-1809 (near the Shore). Dr. Mantell. "The Fossils of the South Downs . . ." 4to. London, 1822, pp. 35, 36. Shaft 27 feet, the rest bored. Soil, clay and sandy loam Dark clunch ------ White rock with kind partings Dark clunch ------ Grey rock _-._-_ Dark clunch ------ Strong grey rock Blue binds - - - - Grey rock with kind partings - Blue bind Stone grey rock - Blue bind ------ Strong white rock - Dark clunch ------ Smut coal ------ Grey bind Blue bind with iron-ore White stone Clunch or fire-clay - - - - - White sandstone Kind clunch parting- - Brown sandy rock ----- Sharp peldron ------ Blue bind - - - - Strong brown rock - - - Blue bind, with impressions of fern-leaves Blue bind with iron-ore - Strong coal - . ' . - ' - Thickness. Depth. Ft in. Ft. in. 9 9 9 18 13 31 3 34 5 39 3 42 5 6 47 6 3 6 51 18 69 3 6 72 6 3 75 6 2 7 78 1 4 4 82 5 7 9 90 2 2 3 92 5 14 3 106 8 10 9 117 5 3 120 5 3 -2 123 7 5 9 129 4 8 130 2 9 132 9 9 141 9 5 146 9 4 i:>o 9 7- 6 158 3 2 160 3 3 6 163 9 BIRDHAM — BOSHAM. 15 Mr. Topley has remarked of this section : " Some seams of lignite were passed through, reported to vary in thickness from 2 feet 3 inches to 4 feet 6 inches [should be 3 feet 6 inches] ; the thickest seam is said to be of bad quality and very sulphureous. These seams are thicker than any known to occur on the surface ; and supposing the section to be reliable, it is very remarkable that the shaft should happen to be sunk at a spot where these beds, usually thin and very inconstant, had attained their greatest known thickness. It is, however, very doubtful if these beds really were found, or there would surely have been some more serious attempt to work them. Lower speaks of sanguine adventurers being induced to sink a shaft here, and he adds "adventurers of another kind encouraged the scheme, and fictitious specimens of coal were brought to the surface."* (" Geology of the Weald," p. 348.) There being some local interest in the matter, it seems well to reproduce the above details, although partly in terms not used for these southern beds. Birdham. Holt Place. Communicated (from memory) by Mr. Ockenden, Smb. Loam ------- 15) „ London Clay ----- 235/ 2o ° teet Bognor. Waterworks. (See also Eastergate and Merston.) From a lithographed section, communicated by Mr. J. W. Grover, C.E. (published as a woodcut in The Builder, 25th March, 1876). Shaft and cylinders 80 feet, the rest bored. Water-level, without pumping, 20 feet down, giving 150,000 gallons a day nearly 80 feet down. — Thickness. Depth. ( [Drift, 24 feet] - -J [? London Clay] ( [Heading Beds] - -j Chalk, with flints at Brickearth - about Running sand, saturated with water, which sup- plied the town about Red and blue clay - „ [Undescribed bed] - „ Wet sand - -. ,- Red and blue clay - „ Marl rock [may be top of chalk] - - about 120, 170, and 190 feet down Feet. 9 15 . 34 4 5 47 4 212 Feet. 9 24 58 62 67 114 118 330 Bosham. At the Gatehouse a quarter of a mile E. of the Station. Bored and communicated by Messrs. Duke & Ockenden. [Reading Beds] Mottled clays - - -88 V Chalk, very soft, with good water ■62/ 150 feet. Bosham Harbour. The Duke of Gloucester. Bored and communicated by Messrs. Duke & Ockenden. Brickearth, &c. * - - - P . ,_ y%\ Chalk, very soft 27 } 45 feet - Plenty of good water, but the well cannot be kept clear. "History of Sussex," vol. i., p. 49. 16 WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX. Brighton. North Street. Messrs. Smithers' Brewery. 1889. Boring made and communicated by Messrs. Legrand & Sutcliff. Water level 100 feet down. Old dug well (the rest bored) 1021 ,- , * , Hard chalk and flints 50/ 152 feet * Brighton. Waterloo Street. Messrs. Robins' Brewery. 1885. Made and communicated by Messrs. Le Grand & Sutcliff. Water level 28 feet down [Drift] Dug pit (the rest bored) - Clay and flints - Sand - Chalk and flints Thickness. Feet. 4 i 50 Depth. Feet. 10$ 14f 15 65 Brighton. Waterworks. Two Pumping Stations. For a third see Patcham. For Analyses, see pp. 105, 106. These works are one of our best examples of a large supply from the Chalk. They have been described in the following papers, from which Particulars have been taken, supplemented by information from Mr. J. ohnston, the present engineer :— 1882. E. Easton. Transactions of the Brighton Health Congress, 1881, pp. 48-56, three plates. Separately printed, 16 pp., 8vo. 1886. W. Whitaker. Geol. Mag., dec. iii., vol. iii., pp. 159-161. Reprinted in Public Health some years later. 1890. W. H. Hallett. " The Brighton Waterworks," 8vo, 8 pp. Read at the Brighton Congress of the Sanitary Institute. Lewes Road Works. By Hollingdean Road. First well and boring 1830 ? Second well, with galleries, 1853 ? Engine-room floor 87 '85 feet above Ordnance Datum. Level of the bottoms of the headings about 93 feet lower. Total length of headings 2,150 feet (2,400 according to Mr. Easton). It was rare for 30 feet to be driven without finding a fissure, but the produce of the largest was only from 100 to 150 gallons a minute. Average daily yield in 1895, 2,000,000 gallons. Goldstone Bottom Works. Over half a mile northward of West Brighton Railway Station. 1866 ? and later (galleries extended). Ground-level at the engine-house 147 '37 feet above Ordnance Datum. Four shafts. Level of the bottom of the headings about 167£ feet lower. The headings are in north -easterly and north-westerly directions, and about 2,600 feet in length. They vary in size, up to a height of 18 feet and a width of 12 feet. Average daily yield in 1895, 3,000,000 gallons. Much more at times. The galleries are in white chalk, with few flints m the flat planes of bedding, but with many oblique layers of thin flint along joint-planes. Some joint-fissures are filled with a soft calcareous sandy deposit, brought down from above by water. Some of the chalk seemed fairly soft, but some was found to be hard. BRIGHTON — BUXTED. 17 The supply comes chiefly from a few large springs a long way apart, yielding from 4,000 to 5,000 gallons a minute, and in connection with joint- planes. There are small additions between these. The contrast between this and the Lewas Road station is remarkable. In the north-eastern gallery the roof is throughout (1886) of one bed, at the bottom of which was a thin continuous layer of flint, which had been cleared away. Brighton Industrial School. See Telscombe. Broadwater. Rectory. F. Dixon's " Geology of Sussex," new Ed., 1878, p. 78. Mould and Gravel - 15 \ g2 „ 3 f . Sand, with marine shells of recent species 7 or 8 J Btjxted. The Box (Mr. E. W. Streeter). 1891. Made and communicated by Messrs. A. Williams & Co. 265 feet above Ordnance Datum. • Shaft 6 feet, then a boring of 6 inches diameter. Water-level. At the depth of 260 feet, 137 feet down. The boring was then deepened in hope that the water-level would rise. At the last it was 142 feet down, and the yield about 3,000 gallons an hour. — Thickness. Depth. [Lower Tun- bridge Wells ( Sand] 1 r [Wadhurst Clay, 147 < feet] / Sandstone - Hard sandstone Clay and sand Hard white sandstone Sandstone and clay - Hard blue clay - - - Clay and stone - - -« Clay and slate [shale] Clay and stone Stone Clay and stone Hard stone - Stone and clay Hard stone - Hard blue stone Hard stone and fine white sand Hard white sandstone Sandstone and white clay Sandstone - Hard clay and sand Hard clay - Sandstone - Sand and clay - - - Sandstone - Feet. 11 18 6 2 8 8 73 8 49 2 7 17 2 10 Feet. 11 29 35 37 45 53 126 134 183 185 192 209 511 221 [Ashdown Sand, 168 < feet] 9 3 27 7 30 3 4 20 10 26 230 233 260 267 297 300 304 324 334 360 An earlier account gives some of the details differently. A well at the Maypole Inn, north of the village, is 90 feet through clay Another, at Pope's Hall Farm, 70^ feet deep, gives an ample supply, the water rising 23 feet. 1178. B 18 WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX. Catsfield. Normanhurst Court. Old Well. Communicated by Messrs. Tilley. Shaft 145 feet, with adits at the base (? 340 feet long), the rest bored. 1 Normal water-level about 110 feet down, lower in summer. Supply (November, 1886) 2,000 to 3,000 gallons a day, from the bore-hole. — Thickness. Depth. [Tunbridge Feet. Feet. Wells Sand] - Sand and loam - 12 12 [Wadhurst ( Clay, 136 \ Blue clay -.-.-.-■''- 30 42 Rock with thin layers of blue clay 60 102 feet] Hard red clay - 43 145 Blue clay - 3 148 i Hard white rock - 6 154 Hard white clay - Hard white rock - 4 158 1 159 • Blue clay - 8 167 Red sandstone * - 2 169 [AshdownSand, Hard white rock - 6 175 69 feet] < Hard blue rock 7 182 Blue clay .'...-.-- 1 183 White rock ... - 7 190 Thin layers of coloured [mottled] clay and layers of stone 13 203 V Hard blue clay - 14 217 Catsfield. For Hastings Waterworks. Just W. of the parish-boundary, a little S. of the north-western corner of Fore Wood. Communicated by Mr. P. H. Palmer, Engineer to Hastings. 45 feet above Ordnance Datum. Yield (April 1895) about 230,000 gallons in 24 hours, and the 12 months pumping has not affected the springs lower down the valley. Thickness. Depth. » Alluvial deposit, with much iron-oxide Grey [Wadhurst] clay Beds of sandrock, with thin layers of clay- shale, dip of about 40° north-eastward - Feet. 31 Feet. 44 21 52 Chichester. Grayling's Well Farm. For the Lunatic Asylum, about a mile Northward of the city. 1894. Boring, made and communicated by Messrs. Duke k Ockenden. Lining tubes to 167 feet down. Water-level 50 feet down (October). — Thickness. Depth. [Drift] Gravel and running sand ••■•-- Reading clay beds [Upper Chalk] Marl and black flint with small particles of chalk Feet. 20 80 269 Feet. 20 100 369 CHICHESTER. 19 on Chichester. South Street, Gatehouse's Brewery. 1844. W. Ranger, " Report to the Local Board of Health, Southampton, the Various Sources of Water Supply, 1851," p. 48 : and Swindell and Burnell, " Rudimentary Treatise on Well-digging," Ed. 4, 1860, pp. 87, 88 ; and information supplied by Messrs. Gatehouse & Co. At first water rose so as to yield 26 gallons an hour. In December, 1845, it yielded 78 gallons ; in September, 1846, 90 gallons. Since then the yield has lessened ; in 1885 it was about 45 gallons. At no time did the water rise to more than 18 feet from the surface. The water is chalybeate, and smells of sulphuretted hydrogen ; its temperature is not such as to indicate that it rises from the Greensand. — Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. — Mould [and made ground] Gravel - Red sand 6 6 [Drift] - - { 16i i 22^ 23 [London Clay] [Reading Beds] - Blue clays ... 60 83 Coloured (mottled) clays - 97 180 ( Chalk - 600 Crystallized carbonate of 780 [Chalk, 790 feet] 1 lime [Melbourn Rock ?] 4 784 Chalk ... - 125 909 I Chalk marl • - 61 970 Upper Greensand - Malm Rock containing Iron Stone Nodules 84 1054 Chichester. Waterworks. Communicated by Mr. W. Shelford. Yield 15,000 gallons per hour. Loose Soil [Reading Beds, 18 feet] Chalk Yellow and red clay Black clay, loose, not solid Light-blue clay Marl - Thickness. Feet. 7 9 4 1 4 22 Depth. Feet. 7 16 20 21 25 47 Chichester. Westgate. From notes made during excavation by C. R. Drift - London Clay 1178. Soil- Gravel - Running gravel Sand Blue clay Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. I 10 10 5 15 6 21 25 46 B 2 20 WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX. Chiddingly. Willowhurst, E. of Stone Cross. For Major Grant. 1885. Weald Clay, 112 feet [1 more since]. Chiltington. Mr. J. M. Cripps'. Dr. Mantell, " The Fossils of the South Downs," 4to, London, 1882, p. 84. Gault. Blue marl, with Inocerami, Ammonites, etc., 90 feet. Cooksbridge. Cottage of Mr. W. Lee. Dr. Mantell, " The Fossils of the South Downs," 4to, Lond., 1822, pp. 83, 84. Blue marl, with Hamites, Ammonites, etc., 95 \ 14 q £ ee ^. Marl, with much chlorite [glauconite] sand, 45 J Crawley. 1898. Trial-boring, for the Waterworks. About a quarter of a mile south- westward of the Railway Station. 1898. Communicated by Mr. C. O. Blaber. [Notes in these brackets from specimens. — W.W.] 268 feet above Ordnance Datum. Mr. James Johnston adds that water overflowed 12 feet above the ground (small quantity). Pumping 420 galls, per hour, reduced the water- level to 300 feet below surface. Thickness. Depth. [Weald Clay] [Tunbridge Wells Series] Clay [brownish] - Hard blue clay [light-grey and buff at 15, grey at 46]- - Soft blue clay [brownish at 52] Rock ------ Blue clay [light- coloured at 84] Undescribed [light-grey clay at 98] Blue clay [brownish-grey at 111] - Rock ------ Blue clay and rock [greyish clay at 140, darker clay at 146] Rock [grey clay at 148] - - Rock and clay [grey clay at 158, 162 and 173, the last pale] Rock [brownish-grey fissile clay at 185, very pale grey clay at 190] - Brown rock Blue and brown rock [grey shaly clay at 204, brownish-grey clay at 206] Rock [grey shaly clay at 210 and 250] Brown rock [light-grey compacted sand at 280] - Blue and brown rock - Brown rock - - Bine rock [light -grey compacted sand at 390] - Hard blue rock [very pale grey com- pacted sand at 500. Very fine grained soft buff earth, compacted, at 550] - . . - . Sand rock [very light-grey com- pacted clayey sand at 588] - Sand [grey, compacted, ? clayey at 600 ; grey or buff ditto at 610 ; light-grey at 630, compacted light- grey, ? clayey, at 637] - Feet. 12 34 6 11 33 12 4 32 7J 20 24i it 68 6 6 32 124 139 4? 60? Feet. 12 46 52 63 96 108 112 115J 147£ 155 175 199J 201 209 277 283 289 321 445 584 588 648 CROWBOROUGH — CROWHURST. 21 It is clear that the term Rock has been used alike for the firm hard clays and for the fine-grained compacted sands beneath. In " The Geology of the Weald," Mr. Topley has estimated the total thickness of the Tunbridge Wells Series in this neighbourhood at 380 feet. It seems probable, therefore, that all the beds beneath the Weald belong to this ; but unfortunately there is nothing to show the presence of the Cuckfield Clay or of the Grinstead Clay. For Analysis of the water see p. 107. Crowborough, see Rotherfield. Crowhurst. Just N. of the Furnace Stream (or Asten River), a little W. of S. from the church. Hastings Waterworks. Communicated by Mr. P. H. Palmer, Engineer. 1. A well. Water rose to the peat and got away. 210,000 gallons a day. Thickness. Depth. [Alluvium] [ [Ashdown Beds] - | Sand and clay - Peat and clay - Clayey sand - - - - Sandstone - Clay Feet. 4 2 22 14 35 Feet. 4 6 28 42 77 g. Shaft 62 feet, the rest bored, 10,000 gallons a day run over. Thickness. Depth. Soil § - [Alluvium] [Ashdown Sand] - J Peat Yellow sand and traces of clay Clay and sand - Fine sand Blue marl (clay) Feet. 2 14 17 7 22 48 Feet. 2 16 33 40 62 110 3. Fore Wood. Boring. 1898 ( ? not finished). Yielding upwards of 150,000 gallons a day. Depth. Alluvium, with a considerable amount of oxide of iron - Clayey shale - Sand-rock - Feet 4 62 64 22 WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX Cuckfield. Workhouse. 1884. 380 feet above Ordnance Datum. Communicated by Messrs. E. Easton & Co. Shaft and cylinders 197 feet, the rest bored. Thickness. Depth. Upper Tun- bridge Wells Sand - Grinstead Clay- Lower Tun- bridge Wells Sand - Soil. Sandstone Marl Wadhurst Clay Ashdown Sand, 104 feet Sandstone Marl. Very hard thin layers occur at the depth of about 155 to 190 feet. At the depth of 195| feet a lot of gas bubbled up. At the base the marl is mixed with a little sand - Marl, with traces of shells Sand Marl, with traces of shells Very hard sand-rock. A lot of gas met with after passing through this Marl, with traces of shells, and with two inches of very hard sand-rock Marl, with rock at the depth of 282| to 284 feet. Very hard rock, 7 inches thick, at 291. 2 inches of rock at about 302. 6 inches of rock at about 309. At the bottom, 10 inches with shells and then 6 inches of rock ------ Marl, mixed with sand. Top, for nearly 6 feet, rock-marl. Then a foot of rock. Rock from 322| to 326 feet down. 6 inches of rock at about 331. - Rock Coarse soft sand - [Undescribed], with hard sand-rock (? J foot) at 389 - - - - Feet. 13 n 89 91 13 1 5 27 63 33 1 li 102 Feet. 13 Mi 30 119 200 213 214 219 223 250 313 346 346£ 348 450 Another account differs in the details of the Wadhurst Clay, which are thus given : — CUCKFIELD PLACE — EASEBOURN. 23 Cuckfield Place. New Lodge at the entrance to the Park, by the Avenue. H. W. Bristow, in " The Geology of the Weald," p. 93, 1875. Sand, without water, 25 feet. Ditchling. Ditchling Rise, near the Alms Houses. Bored and communicated by Messrs. Duke & Ockenden. Old well, the rest bored - - - - - 7° 1 175 ft Grey clay and a little sand-rock. No water - 105/ Easebourn. For the Midhurst Rural Sanitary Authority. Just N. of Todham Lock, about 1^ miles E.S.E. of the town. Communicated by Mr. E. Easton, 1883. Shaft 11| feet, the rest bored. Water-level 2 feet down. Depth. Dark brown clay Strong yellow clay Soft blue clay - - Blue mottled clay Marly clay, with sand - Charred wood [lignite], with layers of sand Dark sand, with greenish sand Green sand Sandy clay Stiff clay (2 beds) Easebourn (close to Midhurst). About half a mile N.E. of the Workhouse. 1894. Bored and communicated by Messrs. Le Grand & Sutcliff. 290 feet above Ordnance Datum. Water rose 17 feet above the ground. — Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet ' Yellow sand and bands of iron- stone 18 18 Sandstone 4 22 Sand and sandstone in layers - 13 35 Light-coloured clay 3 38 Clayey sand and pieces of [Hythe Beds]] sandstone 26 64 Clayey sand and bluish stone - 76 140 Very fine sand. Large volume of water rose to 13 feet above the surface and overflowed at the rate of 150 gallons a minute at the surface - 3 143 Sandy clay, with nodules 8 151 H Atherfield Clay] Very hard stone - - Sandy clay and stones 2J 9§ 153| 163 Very hard stone if 164| v Sandy clay and stones H 170 Atherfield Clay Stony clay, with fossils - 6 170 24 WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX. East Blatchington. Newhaven and Seaford Waterworks, nearly three quarters of a mile N. of St. Peter's Church. Communicated by Messrs. Easton & Ffolkes. 159 feet above Ordnance Datum. Shaft 179£ feet, with galleries (N. and S. as well as W. and E.), close to the bottom. Boring of 98 feet a little way in the eastern gallery, to about 90 feet below the bottom of the well. Another about 55 feet along the western gallery, of 145 feet, to about 100 feet below the bottom of the well. Supply from this last. A bed of flints along the top part of the western gallery yielded a little water. A bed near the bottom of the N. and S. gallery gave water in places, but was dry in others. - 14 or 15 feet) 7 ^ nrt , Q .". - - 303 or 304 feet j ? over 318 feet ' At a visit in 1896, I (W. W.) learnt that the water-level was 157 ft. down. There are three shafts and five borings. One of these, of 6 ins. diameter, in the westerly heading, to a depth of 158 below Ordnance Datum, yielded a fair supply, whilst another, of 10 ins. diameter, 3 ft. westward and to a depth of 171 ft. below Ordnance Datum, gave no water. Another, also of 10 ins. diameter, just south of these, in a chamber at the side of the gallery, to a depth of 217 ft. below Ordnance Datum, yielded only a small supply. One of 8 ins. diameter, to the depth of 115 ft. below Ordnance Datum yielded no water ; and one of 10 ins. diameter reduced to 4, yielded hardly any. The yield being insufficient, and the water having somewhat deteriorated in quality, new works are being made in Poverty Bottom, Denton. For analyses of the water see p. 117. [Soil, &c] Chalk - Eastbourne. Star Brewery. 1877. Sunk and communicated by Mr. R. B. Paten, of St. Albans. Shaft 50 feet, the rest bored. — Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet f Chalk 110 110 [Chalk] - -\ Chalk Marl 53 163 \ Marl 39 202 [Upper Green- { Rock If 203J sand] Greensand - ll 205 For analysis of the water see p, 109, Eastbourne. Gas Works (1878 ?). From Sir J. Prestwich's MS. [Drift] [Gault] Soil and light-coloured clay - Yellow sandy clay with an- gular flints, 2 feet to Ash-coloured sandy mica- ceous clay Gault, with Baculites, Am- monites, &c. Thickness. Depth. Feet. 2 Feet. 2 4 6 8 14 173 187 EASTBOURNE. 25 Eastbourne. Laundry Company's Works, Latimer-road. 1892. Made and communicated by Mr. G. Bates, of Lewes. No water. Thickness. Depth. Beach - [Top of Gault ?] [Gault]- - Mixed earth and sand Light-blue clay - Blue clay - Feet. 30 30 40 100 Feet. 30 60 100 200 Eastbourne. Lion Brewery. Depth. [Upper Green- sand] Green-grained sandstone (no water) Calcite, with some green-grained sand- stone, about \ inch (with 4,000 gallons an hour) ------ Green sandstone (no water) - Feet. 30 32£ 35 Eastbourne. Hygienic Laundry Company, Upperton Laundry, Com- mercial-road. 1893. A boring made (in a few days) and communicated by Messrs. Le Grand & Sutcliff. Water-level 6 feet down. [? Chalk Marl] Chalk Marl, light-greyish blue - Grey chalk - Light-blue clay - Thickness. Feet. 18 18 1 Depth. Feet. 18 36 37 Eastbourne. Parson's Sawmills. 1885. Made and communicated by Mr. G. Bates. Good supply of water. Red earth Mixed marl and flints Chalk and flints . ;} 5o lio5 55J feet, 26 WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX. Eastbourne. Waterworks. Old well, on the marsh northward of the present Engine-house. Communicated by Mr. H. D. Searles-Wood, from a rough section in the office. Joined by galleries to the newer well, from which pumping is now done. — Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. Mould - . 1 1 f Yellow clay 13 14 Alluvium - ■{ Peat - - - - - 1 15 1 Blue clay - 24 39 f Sandstone - 8 47 Upper Greensands Hard rock - 2 49 I Sandstone - 10 59 The total depth is given as 100 feet. Probably, therefore, the Gault has been reached. For analysis of the water see page 108. Eastbourne. Waterworks. Newer well with headings, just W. of railway. 1883. Communicated by Mr. J. A. Wallis (from a drawing at the Works). Well-top 5'2 feet above Ordnance Datum, and about 15 feet below the level of the ground southward ; less northward, as the ground slopes down to the marsh. This of course adds to the thickness of the Chalk. — Thickness. Depth. Chalk - [Upper Green- J sand] I Green sandstone - Hard brown sandstone - Green sandstone - Hard green sandstone - Feet. 25 3 2 24 9 Feet. 25 28 30 54 63 Eastbourne. Waterworks (see also Folkington, Friston, Jevington, West Dean, and Westham). Trial-boring, by pond northward of Engine-house. 1895-6. Made and communicated by Messrs. Le Grand & Sutcliff. [Notes of specimens.] [Alluvium] [Upper Green- sand, 35J ft.] Clay- - - - - - Peat ------ Blue Clay- - - - Green sand and clay [glauconitic] Sandstone [glauconitic] Greenish clay and a little sand [whitish and glauconitic] Sandstone [glauconitic] - Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. 5 5 3 8 22 30 ■J r,!»[ 60 2 62 3J 65* EASTBOURNE — EASTERGATE. Eastbourne. Waterworks — continued. 27 — Thickness. Depth. . Clay and stone [hard, dark Feet. [ Feet. sandy clay] - 2 67£ Gault, with septarium (6 inches) [Gault] - - { at base- - Gault and fossils [Inoceramus 171J 239 sulcatus] - 102J 34l£ Gault, green veins and fossils [Ammonites lautus] 10 3 5l£ r Gault and sand [coarse loamy sand, mixed black and green at 360] 12 363| [1 Gault and Sand [moderately coarse, with LowerGreen- glauconitic grains at 367] H 367 sand] Gault [clay] and sand [coarse sand, and small phosphatic modules with glauconitic \ grains at 400] Weald clay [light-grey sandy clay at 432. Dark grey clay at 436. Red mottled clays, 65 432 Weald Clay] - { specimens down to 510 feet. Whitish silty clay (a 6 inch seam) at 575. Red-mottled clay at 586 and down to bottom] - 201 633 Eastergate. Barnham Junction Railway Station From a section communicated by the London- Brighton and South Coast Railway Co., and from samples down to 233 feet. About 25 feet above Ordnance Datum. Sunk 42 feet, the rest bored. Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. [Drift] - Yellow sand and stones - 12 12 ' London clay - Sandy loam, with water (1,500 gallons in 24 hours) 44 56 London clay - - - 56 112 [London Clay, / 208 feet] - \ Rock - Blue clay ; stiff at 140 feet; sandy 1 113 blackish with septaria at 150; stiff at 151 - 38 151 Rock ----- 1 152 Blue clay (stiff at 170 feet), sandy with septaria 68i 220^ [Reading Beds,/ 109* feet] -I Red and mottled clays 108| 329 Bed of flints - 1 330 | Chalk with flints every 3 or 4 [Upper Chalk]-] feet (a 15 inch bed of flint at 422 feet - 105| 435f 28 WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX. Eastergate, Bognor Waterworks. Made and communicated by Messrs. Docwra. Shaft and cylinders 85 feet, the rest bored (24 and then soon 23 inches diameter). Water-level 25 feet 8 inches down, 14th June 1896. Thickness, Depth. [Reading Beds] < [Upper Chalk] j Concrete, above the original ground-level Ballast Clay- - - - Ballast Marl and Ballast Clay- - - - Yellow sand Blue clay - Mottled clay Blue clay - Mottled clay Blue clay - Clay-stones Mottled clay Flints Chalk and marl Chalk and flints Feet. 3 5 1J 2 8 2 1 10J 4 3 14 8 „3 2l| 4 111 East Grinstead. Waterworks. Communicated by Mr. E. Easton, 1883. Shaft throughout, with galleries at the bottom. Water-level about 29 feet down. Thickness. Depth. Clay- - Blue shale Bed sand-rock Feet, 10 63 120 Another well, for the Gas and Water Co., 1891. Made and communicated by Mr. B. D. Batchelor. Shaft throughout. Thickness. Depth. Clay, made earth Hard dark clay - -.•/ - Septaria (9 inches), and then hard blue clay Bocky sand Bock Hard clay Bock -..__.. Hard blue clay - Hard blue shaly clay - Hard rocky sand - - Hard sand -.__-_ Rocky sand - EAST GRttfSTEAD — FAIRLIGHT. 29 East Grinstead. Brewery. W. Topley, "Geology of the Weald," p. 86, 1875. Grinstead Clay. Blue shale with beds of limestone (probably calc- grit), 70 ft. The unusual thickness of this clay may be owing to a local flexure, causing the bed to be cut obliquely. Elstead. On Mr. Albery's land, north of the station. Made and communicated by Messrs. Duke & Ockenden. Water stands 31 feet down. [Gault] [Folkestone Beds, 139 ft.] Hard dark clay, with 2 inches of rock 50 feet down Various sands, green, white, and black, mostly running - Sand-rock - - - - Various sands, as above - ^ - Clayey at the base, like pipe- clay. ___^_ Thickness. 95 105 2 32 Depth. Feet. 95 200 202 234 Fairlight. Hastings Waterworks, Ecclesbourne Valley. Communicated by Mr. W. Andrews, late Borough Surveyor. No. 1. Trial Shaft and Boring. On the Northern side of the Fault by the North-eastern end of the reservoir, 1876. About 250 feet above Ordnance Datum. Shaft 33 feet, the rest bored (6 inches diameter). No water found, but some foul air. — Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. ( Gravel - 10 10 [Wadhurst Clay] -I Dark marl (3 beds) - Hard marl - 23 4 33 37 I Pipe-clay - 3 40 / Hard sand rock (2 beds) - 24* 64* Dark clay ... 1 65$ Hard sand rock 5 i 71 Dark clay - - 2$ 73| Hard white sand 5 I • 79 [Ashdown Sand] -( Dark clay - 4$ 83^ Hard light[-coloured] sand H 87 Dark clay 5 92 Hard stone 2 94 Sand rock 64 100* 10lf V Dark clay 1 30 WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX. No. 2. Trial Shaft to 11 Of feet, then bored. About 20 feet lower than the Reservoir, or about 230 above Ordnance Datum (220, W. Topley). At the depth of 17 feet water flowed in. Also thought at first to flow in at 75 feet 8 inches, and at the rate of about 2,500 gallons a day; but this proved to be soakage. — Thickness. Depth. Ft. in. Ft. in. Gravel 5 5 5 5 Dark marl - 11 6 16 11 Gravel- - 3 7 20 6 / ' Blue stone - 2 8 23 2 Brown sand rock - 10 24 Hard stone - 10 24 10 Blue marl - 3 27 10 [?WadhurstClay] Hard stone - Hard blue marl - 6 3 28 4 31 4 Shelly stone- - 2 31 6 Brown marl - 4 31 10 Hard blue marl - 2 9 34 7 \ Hard blue stone - 1 6 36 1 Black sandstone - 14 11 51 Brown sandstone - - 6 51 6 Hard blue stone - 3 54 6 Brown sandstone - 9 55 3 Dark bind - 1 9 57 Very hard rock - 1 6 58 6 Hard blue stone - 1 8 60 2 Sandy bind - 4 64 2 Very hard brown rock - Dark sandstone - 9 64 11 2 1 67 [Ashdown Sand] ( Very dark sandstone - White sandstone - Dark sandy bind [No fossils ; but 1 Endogenites-shale. 3 5 8 70 75 8 W. Topley] 13 6 89 2 Very hard sand rock - 2 91 2 White sandy bind 3 94 2 White sandy rock and vege- • table deposit - 9 103 2 White sandy rock 3 10 107 White sandy rock, with ferns and traces of vegetable ' deposit .... Hard tough _ ferruginous 3 9 110 9 rock (took eight hours to get through 7 inches) — — Hard shaly marl or bind, dry at 170 ft. - — — Dry at 177 ft. — — Drab clay at 189 to 194 ft. - 5 194 FAY GATE — FlSHBOUENE. 81 Fay Gate. The Beeches (Mr. Frewin's). Communicated by Messrs. G. Isler & Co. Water-level 28 feet down. Supply abundant. — Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. Shaft (rest bored) — 32 / Rock - 4 33j Clay - - - - 37 Clay and rock - 12 49 Clay --- - 3 52 [Weald Clay] - Clay and rock - 9 f 61J Clay - - - - 3 I 64| Rock - 6j 71 Hard clay and rock- 48f 119| \ Hard clay 16} 136£ Fay Gate. Capt. Frazers (new house). Bored and communicated by Messrs. Duke & Ockendek. — Thickness. Depth. [Weald Clay] - J Old Well - Hard blue shalymarl and clay Shingle and clay - Blue clay - Feet. 20 3 7 Feet. 35 55 58 65 Filsham, see Hollingtok. Fishbourne. Opposite the Blacksmith's shop. Bored and communicated by Messrs. Duke k Ockenden. — Thickness. Depth. Dug well Clay [Reading Beds] Chalk, with good water Feet. 59 20 Feet. 20 79 99 32 WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX. Fishbourne. No. 54 Gate-crossing on the railway, a mile west of Chichester Cathedral. From a tracing communicated by Me. G. L. Purchase, City Surveyor. Shaft 50 ft., the rest bored. Water-level, December, 1865, about 17^ ft. down. — Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. Earth [soil] 1 1 Sand and gravel 4* 13* Light-grey clay Blue clay with red veins - 8 42£ 56 Blue slate clay - 2 58 Reading Beds. J Blue clay with red veins - 34 92 106i S. q - Grey clay - 4 96 Brown clay with blue veins 6 102 Blue clay - 4 106 V Brown clay - 6 112 f Chalk, mixed with clay - 7 119 Chalk and flints 4 123 [Chalk, 18 ft.] - < Blue clay - 3 126 Chalk and clay, mixed 2 128 V Gravel [? flints] 2 130 It is difficult to say whether there is any London Clay here or not, and therefore it is perhaps safer to class the clays as Reading Beds. Clay may have been carried down into the Chalk in boring, or . the blue clay in the Chalk may be one of those marly beds that are not of uncommon occurrence. Fittleworth, near Pulborough. 1897. Bored and communicated by Messrs. Duke & OckendeN. 2 in. tubes to 111 ft. Much ferruginous water at 73 ft. ; none below — Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. [HytheBeds] - \ Running sand - 53 53 Sandstone rock- Gravel - 20 i 7 73 73* V Sandstone rock- If 75 ( Clay, intermixed with sand Tdark sandy clay] - White sand rock 1 12 87 [Atherfield Clay] i 5 92 1 Dark sandy clay [with green grains and fossils] 30 122 FOLKINGTON — FKANT. Folkington. Trial-boring for the Eastbourne Waterworks, 170 yards east of Broughton Spring. (For adjacent borings, see Jevington, p 56.) Made and communicated by Messrs. Isler & Co. Water-level 25 feet below surface. No supply. — Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. Dug Pit - — 7 [Rubble?] - Chalk - 11 18 [Gault] - -j Light [coloured] clay Gault - 5 208 23 231 Forest Row. (S.E. of East Grinstead.) Claypits Farm. On the south. Communicated by Mr. P. Birch (1880). An old well. $o water. Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. Steining (beds not recorded) - — 15 ( [Fine grained sandstone with vegetable impres- sions in places.] Toler- ably homogeneous,except for bands of soft clay at the depths of about 31, 36, and 67 ft., and about a foot thick - 50 65 [Ashdown Sand]- J Steining (beds not recorded) [Fine-grained sandstone, with occasional vegetable remains]. Apparently interbedfded with thin 5 70 layers of clay at intervals of 3 or 4 inches, and dipping N.E. about 1 in 3 or 4 - 34 104 Framfield. Eason's Green, between East Hoathly and Framfield. W. Topley, "Geology of the Weald," p. 65, 1875. Wadhurst Clay. Marl (shale), 6l£ feet. Good water, probably from the top of the Ashdown Sand. Frant. m Knowle. S.E. of the village. Colonel H. Grace. 1890 Depth. [UpperTunbridge Wells Sand] [Grinstead Clay, J 14 feet] [Lower Tunbridge/ Wells Sand] 1178. Soil - White sand Reddish clay - Hard sandstone Clay- - - Reddish day - Hard brown rock Soft sandstone - Feet. 2 8 12 18 19 22 23? 29 c 34 WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX. Frant. Tunbridge Wells Station (South-eastern corner of the yard), London Brighton and South Coast Railway. S. of the town. 1895. Bored and communicated by Messrs. Le Grand & Sutcliff. Fossils determined by Mr. E. T. Newton. Water-level 20 feet down. 7,000 gallons an hour easily got. Water flows through a valve at the bottom of the well, fixed to the bore-pipe. Thickness. Depth. 1 Ft. in. Ft. in. Old Well (the rest bored). Said to have ended in mottled marl-rock 89 Dark mottled clay f ['? Grin-'j Hard light-blue clayj stead !■ Blue shaly rock [ Clay] J 1 90 11 2 101 2 2 4 103 6 Blue limy sandstone 3 106 6 [Tunbridge J Wells Sand] Dirty white sandstone 5 9 112 3 Bands of hard buff and irony sandstone - 11 9 124 Hard buff sandstone 38 6 162 6 White sandstone 22 184 6 Hard blue shaly clay 1 6 186 Bands (4 to 9 inches thick) of blue-grey sandstone and blue \ clay^ - - - - 9 195 / Hard light-blue marl 1 196 Blue clay - - * 4 196 4 Hard blue marl-rock, with \ inch of granular rock 8 inches down - 8 8 205 Hard blue sandy marl-rock 6 205 6 Blue-grey sandstone Hard light-blue sandy marl-rock 6 206 27 233 Grey sandstone 3 3 236 3 Blue sandy marl-rock 11 3 247 6 Whitish sandstone - 5 6 253 Blue sandy marl-rock 7 9 260 9 [ 1 Wadhurst Whitish sandstone - 2 4 263 1 Clay, of Blue sandy marl-rock 3 1 266 2 great ' Whitish sandstone - 1 10 ' 268 thickness] Blue marl -rock 13 281 Whitish sandstone - 1 282 Blue marl-rock 4 8 286 8 Whitish sandstone - 9 5 296 1 Blue marl -rock - - - 1 11 ' 298 Blue marl-rock, with greenish tint - - - - - 8 306 Blue marl -rock 5 3 311 3 Mottled marl-rock and shale - 63 7 374 10 Dark grey calcareous sand- stone - - - - - 6 6 381 4 Blue calcareous shaly rock. Fossils from 394 ft. 9 ins. to \ 398 ft. 3 ins {Cyrena media) 26 8 108 FRANT. Frant. Tunbridge Wells Station — continued. 35 Thickness. Depth. Ft. in. Ft. in. Blue shaly rock, with layers of sandstone. Fossils from 408 to 410 ft. {Paludina fluvio- rum, Cyrena media) and from 413 to 469f ft. {Cyrena, media ? or Cyclas) 10 3 418 3 Blue shaly rock, with layers of sandstone (no shells) - 11 3 429 6 [ ? Wadhurst Clay, ofj Light-blue marl-rock 1 3 430 9 Blue calcareous shaly rock and thin bands of grey sandstone 1 9 432 6 great thickness] Light-blue marl-rock 2 434 6 Soft loose blue marl 1 9 436 3 Blue marl-rock - - 4 3 440 6 Blue calcareous shaly rock and bands of grey sandstone 1 10 442 4 Blue marl-rock .22 4 464 8 Blue calcareous shaly rock and bands of grey sandstone 3 2 467 10 Blue marl-rock and frequent bands of ironstone 50 8 518 6 / Grey sandstone and bands of ironstone - 2 520 6 Grey sandstone and thin bands of grey loam 14 4 534 10 Grey sandstone 9 5 544 3 Grey sandstone and thin bands of grey loam 4 6 548 9 Grey sandstone - - 7 6 556 3 Grey sandstone and thin bands of grey loam 2 558 a Grey sandstone 1 3 559 6 Grey sandstone and thin bands \ Ashdown Sand] - < of grey loam Brown sandy marl-rock - 10 2 6 569 6 572 Grey sandstone and bands of grey loam - 3 9 575 9 Brown sandy marl -rock - 2 3 578 Grey sandstone and bands of grey loam - 1 3 579 3 Brown sandy marl-rock - 9 580 Grey sandstone, loam, and sandy marl-rock - 7 9 587 9 Brown sandy marl-rock - 1 3 589 Grey sandstone and sandy marl-rock - 10 599 Hard grey sandstone 3 6 602 6 l Grey marl-rock 2 9 605 3 Should the above classification be right the Wadhurst Clay is of most unexpected thickness, 323| feet. If, however, the Tunbridge Wells Sand reaches lower down than is suggested above (? to 296 feet), then that division is of much greater thickness than would have been expected, especially as the topmost part is absent. If, again, the Ashdown Sand reaches higher up than has been shown, its upper part is exceptionally clayey ; but this is unlikely, the ironstone often found at the base of the Wadhurst Clay being a marked bed. 1178. C 2 36 WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX. Frant. Messrs. Wares' Brewery. Made and communicated by Messes. Isler & Co. Water-level 85 feet down. Supply, with 3| inches pump (barrels 120 feet down), 500 to 600 gallons an hour. Thickness. Depth. [Tunbridge J Wells Sand] | [Wadharst Clay] - Stone and clay - Sandstone - Blue shale - Sandstone -.-.-.- Rock ----- Brown shale * Feet. 30 103 12 7 13 41 Feet. 30 133 145 152 165" 206 Frant. Rock Cottages, near the south-eastern side of Eridge Park. 1897. Made and communicated by Messrs. Le Grand & Sutcliff. Water-level 60| feet down. — Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. Soil - 6* 6i / Shaly sandstone | 7 Blue marl 1 8 Sandstone and shaly stone 3 11 Layers of sandstone, blue marl, and clay - 4 16j Thin sandstone and coloured clays - - - - - n 23 Coloured clay - 4 27 [ ? All Tun- Black shale and stone 3 32 H bridgeWells/ Sandstone - 34 Sand] Black shale, stone, and clay, in layers - 12j 46£ Yellow clay and stone 2j 49 Yellow sandstone - 2 51 Yellow clay and stone, in layers ----- 8 59 Hard sandstone 8 67 Yellow clay and stone ty 69£ \ Sandstone - | 70 Tools dropped 5| 75f Friston. Eastbourne Waterworks. New Well. 1898. Communicated by Me. F. Stileman. Shaft, 110 feet ; headings, in Upper Chalk, 4,012 feet. Work unfinished. Supply, Dec, 1898, about 6,000,000 gallons per week to the Town, besides what is pumped to waste in the unfinished headings. (For Analysis of the water, see page 109.) FUNTINGTON — GLYNDE. 37 Funtington ( 1 ). Hambrook House. Bored and communicated by Messrs. Duke • 135 feet. Glynde. Lord Hampden's Butter Factory. Communicated by Mr. Wells. 49J feet above Ordnance Datum. Well 6 feet diameter for 50f feet ; 4^ inch bore to 128f feet. From the sunk well the supply was 1,310 gallons an hour. After com- pletion of the boring the yield was 4,305 gallons an hour. A letter from Mr. T. Pickard (June, 1896) says that the average water-level is 11 feet, and the average quantity pumped 30,000 gallons a clay. Thickness. Depth. Lower Chalk-! Unrecorded, part Upper ( Chalk, much shattered - Chalk [grey marly chalk at 73^ feet ; blue sandy marl at 90£ feet] - probably part Chalk Marl, ^reensand ----- Feet. 60f 40 38 Feet. 50| 90f 128| The sample from 90^ feet corresponds with the lower part of the Chalk Marl. The lowest 2 feet of this well is described as " hard pan," apparently Upper Greensand. For Analysis of the water, see p. 110. Glynde. Mill close to the Railway Station. 1886. Communicated by Mr. T. W. Pickard. Average water-level 30 to 40 feet. Shaft 19 feet, the rest bored. Deepened, from 60 feet, later. Nearly full of water. Overflows in winter. Thickness. Depth. Mould - - - - Clay, stone- coloured, firm Black sand, with hazel-nuts and sticks Chalk-rubble - - Chalk-rock ------- Feet 2 3" LOO Feet 2 16 1:1 119 38 WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX. Groombridge. Alongside of Corseley Farm, a quarter of a mile south- west of the Railway Station. 1897. Made and communicated by Messrs. Le Grand & Sutcliff. Water-level 33 feet down. — Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. ( Marl and sandstone 8 8 Hard sandstone 2 10 Tunbridge Hard and soft sandstone 4 14 Wells Sand] * Sandy marl - 6 20 Clay and sandstone 7i 27^ \ Grey sandstone Bj 34 ( Blue clay - Sandy blue clay - Hard rock 3 37 HWadhurst Clay] 5 2 42 44 Blue clay, sandy 16 60 V Sandstone --.--.. 2 62 i Hailsham. Ambergate. [ \ Amberstone.] Hailsham Water Company. Shaft, 6 feet diameter. Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. Made ground - . ^ H f Clayey alluvium 4 6* Alluvium - Alluvium, with tree-trunks, hazel-nuts, etc. 15 2l£ ( Hard laminated sand-rock 10 3l| Soft rock-sand, with some water 5 36| Hard sand-rock - H 38f Blue shale - i£ 40 [Tunbridge Very hard sand-rock. Principal WellsSand]' source of supply - Sandy shale - - - 7 6 47 53 Hard sand-rock 5 58 Blue shale - 4 62 Hard white rock with some v water - li 63£ HA ILSHAM — HARTFIELD. Hailsham. Cottages a mile south of the Railway Station. Boring made and communicated by Messes. Le Grand & Sutcliff. Water level 15 feet 8 inches down. Thickness. Depth. Ft. in. Ft. in. Dug well (the rest bored) 28 [Weald Clay]{ Hard blue clay Shaly blue clay Hard blue rock 4 41 32 73 / 5 78 Blue slaty rock 4 82 [.? Tunbridge Sand --_-_ 6 82 6 Wells Sandp Sandstone - 13 6 96 Sand ----- 5 96 5 v Rock - - - 3 7 100 Hailsham. Polegate. Mr. Marsden's. Good supply from sand-rock. 1876. Old well - Hard dark clay Hard sand-rock Hartfield. Hartwell. For Mr. J. Mews. 1878. Sunk and communicated by Messrs. P. Docwra & Son. Shaft 74 feet (?), the rest bored. Old water-level (? from a different source) 32 feet down ; present water level 52£. — Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. Soil - 1 | / Sandy marl and sand veins 10 lOf Sandy rock - 10 20f „ „ softer - r> 25| Hard sand-rock, with veins of [Ashdown i SandJ sandy marl - - - i Rubbly vein and hard sand- 5 30| stone - - - - 5 35f i Soft sandstone, with veins of white clay - 3 38j Sandy marl and hard lumps of i rock ----- 4 42| / Blue slaty clay, with hard veins Blue slaty clay, with veins and m 62 [Fairlight claystones - Hard blue slaty clay 10 72 Clays] -< 64 136 Very hard blue slaty clay 3 139 Hard blue slaty clay ' Hard sand-rock 95 234 8 242 Hard light-blue clay 12 254 40 WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX. Another account, also from Messrs. Doowea [? of another well], is as follows : — Shaft and cylinders 92 feet; water-level, June, 1885, 4l£ feet down. Clay and sand, with beds of stone - Brown shaly clay - Rock (2 fissures) .._.-- Blue shaly clay - Light- blue clay - Hard sand-rock ; water 3| feet down Hard blue shale ....-".-- Light [-coloured] clay Thickness. Depth. Ft. in. Ft. in. 59 8 59 8 3 6 63 2 3 66 2 105 171 2 9 180 2 10 6 190 8 4 194 8 2 6 197 2 Another section (1884). Shaft 60 feet, the rest bored ; water level 20 feet from bottom of well. Made ground - Congealed sand and loam Yellow clay, with sand Blue clay - Yellow clay Blue clay, with stones Clay and sand - „ more sand Blue clay and sand - Hard stone - Blue clay, stone, and sand Yellow clay and sand Blue clay and sand - Sand - Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. 1 1 10$ 111 2j 14 6* 20J | 21 7 28 6 34 1 35 15 50 1 51 10 61 6 67 15 82 10 92 Hartfield. Mr. H. B. W. Turner's. Made and communicated by Messrs. A. Williams & Co. Dug pit 10 feet, the rest bored. Water level 8l£ feet down. Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet, / Soft clay- - 2 2 Sandstone -.--.■- 27 29 Hard rock ... - 9 38 [Ashdown Rock and sandstone 3 41 Sand] Hard rock - i7i 68j Rock and sandstone 3 61} Red sand rock 2U 83 V Red sand rock with marl 8j 91$ Hassocks, see Keymer, HASTINGS. 41 Hastings. Pelham Baths. A boring. 1829. " The Geology Impervious chinch - 8 123 [Middle Hard white chalk - 236 359 Chalk and Clunch ----- 2 361 Lower Blue chalk marl, very hard -- 6 367 Chalk, 391 \ [Undescribed] - - - * - 11 378 feet] Soft chalk, light blue Solid white chalk - 35 413 61 474 1 Impervious grey chalk - 32 506 If the classification suggested in square brackets be approximately correct, we might expect to reach Chloritic Marl and Upper Greensand within a few feet, for the combined thickness of the flintless Lower and Middle Chalk in Sussex is usually about 400 feet. In the absence of specimens it is impossible, however, to identify the different zones. According to Dr. Kelly's Report for 1887, a shaft of 6 feet diameter was carried to the depth of 60 feet, then one of 3 feet diameter for 9 feet, then a boring of 9 inches diameter for 150 feet, and then one of 8 inches to 358 feet (at the end of 1877). Littlehampton. Anchor Brewery. About 1830 (or soon after). Communicated by Mr. T. Constable (partly from a letter by Mr. W. Dyer, the former owner). Bored throughout (there is also a well of 20 feet, about 12 feet off). Water-level 6 feet down, not decreased after pumping 12 hours. Has always be en the same. Depth. Sandy loam - - - Hard chalk, with layers of flints (water found 12 feet down in this) - - - about What appeared to be a very stiff pipe-clay, but burnt to lime [soft chalk] - - - - Undescribed Feet. 5 100 311 313 62 WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX. Boring not carried deeper because the rods were too slight. PI enty of water for the first 100 feet, but none after. When the channel of the brook, some 400 yards off, nearer the sea, was cleared, on cutting through the clay they came into marl [chalk], and the water in the well then became salt. However, after that part of the drain that passed through the marl was puddled with clay, the saltness gradually decreased until it disappeared. For Analysis of the water see p. 115. Little Horsted. Wicklands, at the bend of the road, three-quarters of a mile S.W. of the village. 120 feet above Ordnance Datum. Shaft, with 35 feet of water from the Lower Tunbridge Wells Sand. ? Upper Tunbridge Wells Sand.] Marly clay and sandstone 35^ ?Grinstead Clay.] Blue clay ------ 6 f 50 feet. "? Lower Tunbridge Wells Sand.] Sand (and sandstone?) - 9 J According to information from Mr. J. Lucas, an old well at a cottage 400 feet S.W. of the above, and 115 feet above Ordnance Datum, is 50 feet deep in sand, with 6j feet of water. Marl not having been reached, the water comes from the Upper Tunbridge Wells Sand. The water is low in autumn. Lods worth. Messrs. Tallants, for Earl of Egmont. 1883. Made and communicated by Messrs. Le Grand & Sutcliff. i Thickness. Depth. [Lower J Greensand] | Brown sandy soil - Sandy clay - - Dark sand, with loose shale - Loose shaly sandstone Hard sandstone Feet, 6 10 29 2 2 Feet, 6 16 45 47 49 Loxwood. Tichbourne Public House. 1889 ? Made and communicated by Messrs. Duke & Ockenden. [WealdClay] Clay. At 228 feet down, changes from deep red to dark blue - Hard rock [Paludina-marble] a few inches. Clay Thickness. Feet, 380 30 Depth. Feet 430 A quarter of a mile south, at Loxwood House, a good supply was got in marly clay at 31 feet. Madehurst. Dalepark. Made and communicated by Messrs. A. Williams & "Co. Water-level varies from 150 to 450 feet down. Shaft, in Chalk - - 320\ 47Q feet Boring, in Chalk with flint* 150 J MAYFIELD. 63 Mayfield. Convent (the Old Palace). About 300 yards N. of the building, and at a level about 50 feet lower. From letters from the Mother Superior, with details of the beds from the borer, Mr. Hymas. The spring met with at the depth of about 50 feet was inadequate, and this supply escaped at two lower depths. The yield was tested at the depth of 105 feet and found to be at the rate of 30 gallon* an hour. Unsuccessful. Shaft (the rest bored) Blue clay - White sand-rock Blue clay and sand - Blue clay. Water found - Blue shale - Brown rock - Yellow clay and sand Sand-rock - - - Blue clay -;-'--- Clay sand - Brown rock - Blue shale - Blue clay Sand-rock. Water lowered Blue shale - Shale and stone Sand-rock - Blue shale - Sand-rock - Clay and sand - Shale and stone. Water lowered Sand-rock - Sand shale - Sand-rock - Clay sand - Soft sand-rock Soft shale - Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. ' — 24 4 28 8 36 8 44 6 50 8 58 2 60 8 68 6 74 4 78 9 87 3 90 8 • 98 " 3 101 6 107 14 121 14 135 20 155 4 159 6 165 3 168 8 176 10 186 2 - 188 12 200 4 204 10 214 10 224 Another well. Made and communicated by Messrs. Isler & Co. 1895. Water-level 193 feet down. Supply abundant. .. Thickness. Depth. Feet, Feet. Sunk Well [Clay, unevenly on the bed below. (Note of Mr. Top- ley's)] - - - - - 98 98 Hard sandstone 9h 107J Hard rock - 12| 120 Sandstone - 70} 190| Sandy shale - 81 199 Sandstone - 2i 20li Light [-coloured] shaly marl - 3 204£ Sandstone - 4h 208| Shale - 1} 210 Marl - 69 : V 269^ 64 WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX. Merston. Trial boring for Bognor Waterworks. Made and communicated by Messrs. Docwra. ? Water-level about 10 feet down. Thickness. Depth. - Ft. in. Ft. in. Made ground 1 1 [ W 2i -{ Light ballast - Light sand - 9 2 10 12 Clay and ballast 1 6 13 6 ' Hard blue clay 4 17 6 Soft clay with sand 12 6 30 Blue clay - 16 46 Sandy clay -'-_-.. 2 48 [London Clay, 292J Blue clay - 95 6 143 6 Green sand - 1 6 145 feet] Hard rock - 10 145 10 Blue clay - 88 2 234 Hard rock - 1 235 Hard blue clay - 65 300 > Blue clay - 6 306 [Reading ( Mottled clay - 8 314 Beds, 99* Hard red clay - - 91 405 feet] \ Flints ----- 6 405 6 Chalk marl - Chalk, with six inches of flints 4 6 410 [Upper Chalk, i 244^ feet] ' at the base - 45 6 455 6 Chalk and flints 59 6 515 Hard chalk - - 8 523 Chalk and flints 27 550 Hard chalk - . - - - 94 644 Mild chalk - 6 650 Midhurst. Rev. H. Back's, Ashfield, opposite Gulland's Oak (Gilders' Oak F. of the old Ordnance Map). 1885. Sunk and communicated by Messrs. Le Grand & Sutcliff. Water-level 46 feet down. Good supply. Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet, [Folkestone f Beds] -\ Sandy brown clay - iol 10J Ironstone - - 1 111 ( Sandy loam - 11 22$ Dark sandy clay - Light-grey sand - - Yellow sand - 3 25$ [Sandgate / Beds] 19 7* 441 52 Dark-green clayey sand - 8$ 601 Ligiit-green sand - 141 75 I Dark-green sandy clay - 4 79 [HytheBeds]{ Dark dead sand Yellow sandstone - 2 19 81 100 MIDHURST — MOUNTFIELD. 65 A letter from Mr. Back makes the top part " mixed gravel and sand and a little clay, about 12 feet, then one foot of ironstone rock" (which he thinks is probably more correct), and notes that there was a little water at a depth of 55 feet, but more at 79 feet (rather ferruginous). Midhurst. Pitsham Brickfield, about a mile S.W. of the town. Messrs, Tallant. For Lord Egmont. 1883. Made and communicated by Messrs. Le Grand & Sutcliff. Water-level 28 feet down. Thickness. Depth. [Folkestone Beds] -1 [Sandgate 1 Beds] -f Old dug well (the rest bored) - Variously coloured hard sand, with ironstone - Bands of white clay and yellow sand Clay Feet. 31 2 1 Feet. 15 46 ' 48 49 Midhurst. For other wells, see Easebourn. Mid-Sussex Waterworks, see Balcombe. Mountfield. "The Sub-Wealden Exploration." About 60 feet eastward of the bed of the stream separating Councillor's Wood from Lime Kiln Wood, according to " Sub-Wealden Explorations, First Quarterly Report." " The Geology of the Weald," by W. Topley, 1875, pp. 42-49 (and other sources). First Boring, finished 1874. 9 inches diameter to 312 feet, then 4 inches to 328 feet, the rest 3 inches. Thickness Depth. Purbeck Beds Shales - - - Blue limestone, with spring - Shale Blue limestone - - •■*■-. Shale Limestone - Shale Limestone Shale, with spring. Water stood permanently at 42 feet down, in- side the tubes - - - Limestone Hard blue shale - Hard grey shale - Hard shale Shales, with crystals of carbonate of lime Feet. 16* 2j 5 2 4 ii 4 3 4 15J 3 1<4 Feet. i6i 19 24 26 30 311 35$ 38i 42i 46} 62 65 791 881 1178. 66 WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX. Mountfield. " The Sub-Wealden Exploration "—continued. Thickness. Depth. Purbeck < Beds ? Portland Beds, 110 feet Kimeridge Clay, 727 feet Grey shale - - - Greenish shales, with gypseous veins Impure gypsum - Pure white gypsum (alabaster) Impure gypsum - - - - Pure white gypsum (alabaster) More or less pure, hard and dark gypsum Black shale, very sulphureous - Gypsum in nodules and veins - Gypseous marl Sandy marl. Water-level lowered here --.... Black sulphureous shale - Greenish sand, with nodules of black chert Sandy shale - - - - - Calcareous matter, with chert- nodules (Not described) - Hard black sandy shale, very sulphureous ----- Blacker and softer shale - Harder shale, with much chert Black shale, very sulphureous - Paler shale, with veins of gypsum - Darker and more sandy shale - Shale ------ Dark clay Clay, generally rather sandy, some calcareous (toward the lower part) Hard light coloured bed, very rich in petroleum .... Clay, with bands of cement-stone - Cement-stone ----- Clay- - - - - - - Cement-stone - Clay- Dark clay, with cement-stone - Sandy bed Dark clay- Feet. 13 20 4 Bi 3 14J si 12 I 21 30 12 7 12 14 4 2 2 18 288 232 50 2 2 67 55 2 4 Feet. \0\\ 121| 130 134 139£ 142| 179| 180 201 231 239 241 253 260 272 286 290 292 294 312 600 602 834 884 889 956 1011 1013 1017 The lowest 61 feet were originally classed as Oxford Clay ; but the second boring showed that the Kimeridge Clay goes much deeper and is succeeded by Corallian Beds. A core of some 17 feet, or to the depth of about 1,030 feet was left in the borehole. The work was stopped by an accident to the rods. A list of the fossils found, from 300 to 1,013 feet down, is given in the " Wealden Memoir," p. 44. No complete section of this boring is given in the " Quarterly Reports of the Exploration :" but in the second of these, some details from 131 feet downward, differ from the above account. White gypsum (alabaster) reached at 131, 4 feet thick, or to depth of 135 Gypseous marl 10 „ „ 145 Alabaster ----,.- 3 „ 148 MOUNTFIELD. 67 "The Sub-Wealden Exploration." Second Boring. Begun February 1875, finished 1876. * Tenth and Twelfth Quarterly Reports, in the "Record of the Sub- Wealden Exploration," by H. Willett. 8vo, Brighton, 1878. This also gives the amount of core brought up, and the amount done each day, down to 1,546 feet. These details are given by Mr. Thornton. Those below 1,546 feet are from a lithographed section issued by the Aqueous Works and Diamond Rock-Boring Co. Boring of 8 inches diameter at first, decreasing to 2 inches at last. Some further details from an account by W. Topt ey. Rep. Brit. Assoc, for 1880, p. 105. — \ Thickness. Depth. Ft: in. Ft. in. Alluvial deposit 16 1 Soft shale - 1 17 I Blue limestone - 1 6 18 6 Calcareous shale - 6 24 6 Blue limestone ... 1 25 6 Calcareous shale 1 26 6 Soft shale - - - 3 29 6 Limestone - 1 6 31 Calcareous shale - 6 31 6 Strong shale - - - - 3 34 6 Calcareous shale 1 35 6 Blue limestone ... 2 6 38 Calcareous shale ... 1 39 Strong shale - 6 45 Blue limestone 2 47 Shale ----- 6 47 6 Hard limestone 1 6 49 Limestone and soft shale 8 57 Shale - - - - 5 62 Calcareous shale 1 63 Shale 7 70 Blue limestone ... 1 71 Strong shale - 6 3 77 3 Compact blue limestone - 1 3 78 6 Strong shale - 6 9 85 3 Calcareous shale 2 6 87 9 [Purbeck ) Beds] Strong shale, with limestone at 93 ft. 11 in. to 94 ft. - 11 3 99 Compact hard shale 7 106 Calcareous shale - 2 4 108 4 Hard limestone - 8 109 Hard blue shale - 6 6 115 6 Blue limestone - • 1 116 6 Dark blue shale • - - 6 6 123 Shaly limestone, with thin veins of broken gypsum 4 127 Impure gypsum - 6 133 Limestone and gypsum (thin veins) ----- 1 134 Shaly gypsum - 2 3 136 3 Gypsum in crystals, veins in shale - - - - - 7 6 143 9 Gypsum in veins and nodules - 3 6 147 3 Gypsum, with veins of limestone 1 148 3 Strong shale and veins of lime- stone, with gypsum 6 148 9 Strong shale, with nodules of gypsum - 4 3 153 Gypsum, more or less pure 7 9 160 9 Strong shale, with gypsum - - 3 3 164 Nearly pure gypsum, with \ veins of carbonate of lime - 1 4 4 168 4 1178. E 2 68 WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX. Mountfield. "The Sub-Wealden Exploration." Second Boring — cont. — 1 I Thickness. Depth. Ft. in. Ft. in. Fragments of shale and chert. Water ran away at 169 ft. and 1 tool dropped 4 ft., and again lower down - 24 4 192 8 ("Portland ( Soft sandy shale 7 4 200 Beds,105§ft.] Soft whitish sandstone - 52 252 Soft sandstone, darker 5 257 \ Sandy shale - - - 17 274 Kimeridge clay 109 383 Kimeridge clay, rather softer - 45 428 Kimeridge clay, more compact 44 472 Kimeridge clay, softer 23 495 Kimeridge clay, solid 26 521 Kimeridge clay, with traces of carbonate of lime 20 541 Dark brown Kimeridge clay - 66 607 Brown limestone 1 6 608 6 Kimeridge clay 3 611 6 Brown limestone 6 612 Kimeridge clay 27 639 Kimeridge clay, with veins of carbonate of lime 40 679 Kimeridge clay, very calcareous 21 700 Kimeridge clay, much softer and darker, very full of fossils - - 24 724 Kimeridge clay, with large veins of carbonate of lime 17 741 Kimeridge clay, with smaller veins of carbonate of lime - 22 763 [Kimeridge Clay, ? 1290 ft.] Kimeridge clay, with small veins of carbonate of lime - 18 781 Kimeridge clay 19 800 Kimeridge clay, with veins of. carbonate of lime 10 810 Kimeridge clay 72 882 Kimeridge clay, with hard bands of limestone. A very soft place at 922 ft. - 57 939 Clay - - - - - 16 955 Clay, with veins of carbonate of lime 28 983 Oxford clay, harder and more calcareous - - - 9 992 Oxford clay, more sandy and very soft, with veins of car- bonate of lime 12 1004 Sandstone, rather shaly and full of fossils - 41 1045 Sandy shale - 2 1047 Sandy shale, more compact and solid - 17 1064 Sandy shale, with nodules of limestone - 28 1092 Shaly sandstone 16 1108 > Very shaly sandstone 21 1129 MOUNTFIELD. 69 Mountfield. " The Sub-Wealden Exploration." Second Boring— cont. — Thick ness. Depth. Ft. in. Ft. in. / (Undescribed). All the core left in the hole. [Sandstone, very shaly, Topley] 8 1137 Shaly limestone 27 1164 JLight-blue limestone 4 1168 Shaly limestone 14 1182 Calcareous shale 28 1210 Calcareous shale, more free from sand - 26 1236 Very clayey shale, more like Oxford Clay 19 1255 Calcareous shale - 21 6 1276 6 Soft dark gritty limestone 28 6 1305 Calcareous shale - - - 20 1325 [Kimeridge Friable calcareous grit - 17 1342 Clay, / Soft calcareous grit, with bands ? 1290 ft] of hard limestone 24 1366 Limestone - 4 1370 Blue limestone changing into shale ----- 27 1397 Strong blue shale, with few fossils ----- 19 1416 Strong blue shale - 4 1420 Limestone, very full of oyster- shells ----- 10 1430 Blue very calcareous shale Shale, with very few fossils 16 1446 20 1466 Blue shale, few fossils for 1 1 ft., then traces of encrinites 60 1526 Blue shale, with a great many encrinites and other fossils - 38 1564 / Calcareous shale, with hard bands of limestone 88 1652 Light-blue limestone 10 1662 Calcareous shale and fossils - 9 1671 [] Corallian, Calcareous shale, with hard 222 ft.] limestone - Very soft dark shale, with a 27 1698 great many fossils 59 1757 Strong dark shale - 12 1769 » Hard grey limestone 17 1786 [Oxford Clay j Dark sandy shale - Dark shale - 26 12 6 1812 1824 6 120 ft J] ] Shale 81 6 1906 The classification is taken, as nearly as can be, from that of H. B. Woodward in the " Memoir on the Jurassic Rocks of Britain,' Vol. v., pp. 346, 347 (1895). But his account of the Purbeck and Portland Beds does not tally with the above details, whereas it does agree much more with those of the first boring. There is no doubt that in various accounts the two borings have been rather mixed up, and that some error has crept in by reason of this. 70 WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX. Mr. Woodward's classification is as follows, with the figures given above on the left : — Feet. 177\292, whereas Kimeridge Clay 115/ clearly begins after 274. - 1273 - 241 Feet. 97/1 f 168£ Purbeck Beds z/4 \ 105f Portland Beds ?1290 ? 241 ? 120 Kimeridge Beds Corallian Beds Oxfordian Beds 1905 His details, too, differ from the above, but are not so full. I must own to some doubt as to the classification. — W. W. For Newhaven and Seaford Waterworks, see East Blatchington. Newick. For Dr. Hughes. 1898 ? Boring made and communicated by Messrs. Isler. Water-level 12 feet down. Supply 360 gallons an hour. — Thickness. Depth. Feet, Feet. Well [? old] - — 70 Blue marl - - - - 24 94 Grey sand - 2 . 96 Sandstone - 1 97 Blue marl - 11 108 Sand-rock - 3 t 111| Blue clay - 5§. 117 Sand-rock - 3 120 Sandstone and marl 5 125 Blue marl - 1 126 Brown marl - 1 ' 127 Mottled clay - 14 141* Blue marl - 1 142$ Blue rock - 1 1431 Newick. Cobb's Nest (? half-a-mile northward of Parsonage.) H. W. Bristow, in " The Geology of the Weald," p. S8l 1875. Water came in on the northern side, on top of the sand-rock. Depth. ? What (? sand in part), - - - about ? Grinstead Clay. Tea-green and purple varie- gated shale, the lower part harder and more ^ gritty, about Rock - - - Feet. 41 61 64 NEW TIMBER — NUTHURST. 71 New Timber (near). Dr. Mantell. " The Fossils of the South Downs," 4to, Lond., 1822, p. 84. Gault /^ re y cna ^ marl, gradually passing down into the next 20\ 90 ? . \Blue chalk marl, with many Ammonites, Inocerami, &c. 70/ North Mundham. Runcton House. Bored and communicated by Messrs. Duke & Ockenden. Good supply of water, standing within 3 feet of the surface. Thickness. Depth. [Reading ] Beds] J [Upper] Chall Old dug well - Clay with black flints Feet. 60 45 Feet. 20 80 125 North Mundham. The Vicarage. Abundance of water. Communicated by Mr. Ockenden. — * Thickness. Depth. [Drift] - [Reading J Beds] [Upper ( Chalk] \ Sand Red clay, at 18 feet Mottled clay, at 46 feet - Rock (9-inch), at 66 feet Rock, at 70 feet Rock, at 72| feet - Chalk and flints, with pink clay at bottom - - - Feet. 6 69 82 Feet. 6 75 157 Nuthurst. Manning's Heath. Close to the Dun Horse. Bored and communicated by Messrs. Duke k Ockenden. Good supply at the depth of 48 feet. Thickness. Depth. [? Tunbridge f Wells Sand] y Old well (the rest bored) Rock - Sand - Blue rock Feet. 3 44 Feet. 32 34 37 81 At Nuthurst Lodge a well was sunk 80 feet (belled out from 60 feet) and then a boring was made for 27 feet. Narrow fissures were cut at 67 feet, running W. or N. of W. The water-level is 75 feet down. There is an older well here. 72 WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX. Pagham. Sefter School. From samples communicated by Messrs. Duke & Ockenden, who sunk the well. — Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. [Drift 18 feet] 4 Loamy gravel ... Shrave- - 8 10 8 18 / Hard blue clay, more or less sandy - 6 24 Buff and brown sand - 8 32 Buff sand ... - 14 46 ' Blue clay and shells 11 57 Brownish and blue clay 11 68 Blue clay, not sandy - 23 91 [LondonClay,157 > feet] - - Blue clay, more soapy - Blue clay, with pyrites and 9 100 fragment of large oyster - Blue and brownish clay 9 109 34 143 Blue and brownish clay, more sandy "."•.'"." 13 156 Blue and brownish clay, still more sandy 11 167 Black sandy loam Brown sandy loam -"> 172 \ 3 175 [Reading Beds, 104 feet] - { Mottled red and browi/clay and sand - 7 182 Grey loam - 7 189 _ Blackish loam 3 192 i Mottled clays - 87 279 [Upper Chalk] - Chalk and flints (no water) - ' 188 467 Heavy charges of dynamite were exploded in this well, to increase the yield of water, but without result, and the well has been abandoned. Patcham. Brighton Waterworks. Third Pumping Station, less than half a mile westward of tlie church. 1886. Galleries extended later. Information from Mr. J. Johnston. Ground-level at the engine-house 195*2 feet above Ordnance Datum. The bottoms of the headings 174^ feet lower. The wells are elliptical, longer diameter 12 feet, and shorter diameter 8 feet. The directions of the chief headings approximately N.E. and S.W., with a shorter one S., for about 410 feet. Total length 1,727 feet, but being extended. Average daily yield in 1895, 1,200,000 gallons. The following notes on the galleries here were made in September, 1893 y from personal inspection (W. W.). They were all in firm chalk. The western gallery then reached to 125 feet from the pumping-shaft and showed a marked continuous layer of flint. Practically no water found till reaching the end, where there was a good spring along a small fault (?9 inches throw). The beds mostly flat, but the flint-layer sometimes queerly broken. The eastern gallery, from the pumping-shaft to another shaft (Robey Engine) had practically no water. At the Robey shaft water is said to come in, some way up, after heavy rain, showing ready communication with the surface. Further on was another ease of like communication down a fissure from the surface, the gallery has given way at the top and water is said to corns in 24 hours after rain. Still further there was a good spring at the bottom of th3 channel along the bottom, forming a hole. Apparently the bads rise slightly eastward and the marked flint-layer is lost very soon after leaving the pumping-shaft PATCHING — PLASHETT PARK. 73 The southern gallery had hardly any water till getting to the end, 230 feet from the Robey shaft, where there was a small spring. Just here the roof had given way on account of rotten flint beds at the top, which had therefore been narrowed; elsewhere the galleries have a nearly flat roof, sometimes over 7 feet wide. Patching. Cottage close to house for Mr. Goad. Made and communicated by Messrs. Duke & Ockenden. Water stands 8 feet down. Thickness. Depth. [Reading Beds] - [Upper Chalk] - Blue and yellow clay Blue and black clay Clay and flint Clay - - - Hard flint and chalk Feet. 30 25 10 2 58 Feet. 30 55 65 67 125 Petworth House. P. J. Martin. " A Geological Memoir on a Part of Western Sussex," p. 36, 4to, Lond., 1828, and W. Topley, note in " The Geology of the Weald," p. 116, 1875. — Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. f Loose sandy rock- 16 16 Whin^ chert) - 2 18 HytheBeds -< Sandstone, sand and whin chert) - 35 53 ' Whin (? chert) - 5 58 I Rocky sand. Water - 7 65 Atherfield Beds -{ Black sand - 35 100 Brown sand. Water - 15 115 f Clay ----- 281 396 Weald Clay - \ Pyrites - 1 397 I Greenish-grey sand 3 400 Pevensey Sluice. House marked on the old Ordnance Map (Sheet 5) northward of Martello Towers 52, 53. A tube-well struck rock at the depth of 20 feet and got salt water. Plashett Park. Near a cottage in the south-eastern corner. Dr. Mantell. "The Fossils of the South Downs," 4to, Lond., 1822, p. 66. — Thickness. Depth. Ft. in. Ft. in Ochraceous loam - - - 5 5 Weald clay - 5 10 Sussex marble 5 10 5 Weald Clay - < Weald clay - Sussex marble 5 10 15 5 16 3 Weald clay - 9 25 3 Sussex marble. To spring of excellent water 10 26 1 74 WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX. Polegate, see Hailsham. Portslade. Aldrington Waterworks, a quarter of a mile north of the Station. Since acquired by the Corporation of Brighton. Boring made and communicated by Messrs. Le Grand & Sutcliff. Water-level 65 feet down. — Thickness. Depth. Shaft [Upper Chalk] - ( 1 -\ I [? Drift and Chalk] - Hard chalk and flints - Chalk and flints, free cutting Hard chalk and flints, free cutting from 201 to 213 - Feet. 28 33 169 Feet. 74 102 135 304 Portslade. Brewery (Mew's). 1884. Made and communicated by Messrs. Docwra. Shaft, with gallery (base 10 feet above bottom of shaft). Water-level, 57i feet down. Thickness. Depth. Made ground - Comb rock Chalk and flints ? bored deeper Feet. 5 23 Portslade. Brickyard, southern side of Brighton Road, about 15 feet below old surface level, and about 60 feet above Ordnance Datum. Thickness. Depth. [Woolwich and Reading Beds, , perhaps recon structed] [Upper Chalk] f Brick earth ( Sand and clay - [ Sand with flints Chalk. To water Feet. 9 11 20 Feet. 9 20 40 44 PULBOROUGH. 75 Pulborough. Borough Farm. 1898. Bored and communicated by Messrs. Duke & Ockenden. Water-level at 31 feet from the surface. Supply small. — - — Thickness. Depth. Feet, Feet Soil and loam - 4 4 f Sand-rock, loose stones at [Hythe Beds 1] - \ about 10 to 12 feet 8 12 1 Sand and stones 8 20 ( Yellow clay mixed with sand - 4 24 Green and yellow sand [AtherneldClay?]i with clay - 2 26 Sand and clay - 5 31 Wet sand (about the level V of old dug well) - 2 33 [Weald Clav] - \ Yellow sand and clay 12 45 Blue clay - - - - 7 52 I Brown [and purple] clay - 5 57 Pulborough. P. J. Martin. " Geological Memoir on, a Part of Western Sussex, p. 30, 1828. (Well (the rest bored) - - - - - - 30] Gault ? -j Sandy blue clay, to sand rock, witha copious supply VQ5 feet. { of good water, which rose 18 ft. above the boring 35 J # Ringmeb. Five wells from Dr. Mantell's "Fossils of the South Downs." Quarto, London, 1822, pp. 75, 82, 83. Park-house. Chlorite [glauconite] sand, 40 feet. Moor Lane. Cottage. Blue marl, the lower beds with much green sand and some fossils (Gault), 50 feet. Norlington Green. (Gault.) Blue marl, with very many shells below 15 feet. At 20 feet a layer of red marl, a few inches thick, and another 10 feet lower. 50 feet. Cottage near Mr. W. Green's house : — A spring of excellent water suddenly appeared at the bottom, and the water rose 10 feet. — Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. Yellow ochraceous loam - 5 5 Blue marl , with A mmonites. Inocerami, Hamites, ana selenite - 15 20 Dark blue marl, inclining to black. Small crystals Gault- : of selenite in the upper part, and in the lower nodular masses of hard marl, with green sand, quartz grains, and py- rites - 10 30 Green chlorite [glauconite] sand - - . 4 34 76 WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX. Ringmer. Mr. W. F. Martin's. From samples communicated by Mr. Martin. IClay and nodule, at 143 feet. Hard micaceous clay (bottom of sunk well) at 150 feet. Blackish clay and green sand at 160 feet, more sandy at 165 and 180 feet. Green sand at 188 feet. No record has been kept of the old sunk well, which was probably entirely in Gault. Perhaps the beds to 180 feet belong to the Gault. Ringmer. Public well, on the Green. 1883. 72 feet above Ordnance Datum. From samples (taken occasionally) communicated by Mr. W. F. Martin, of Ringmer. ( Soil. Weathered clay, at 2 feet. Grey clay, at 19 feet; Ammonites, at 25 feet; fossils, at 30 feet ; Dentalium, at 36 feet ; shelly, at 44 and 50 feet ; Inoceramus, at 60 and 70 ft. rPonH i«*n fooflj Ochre, at 74 feet. L t, l3U teetJ J Grey shelly clay, at 80 feet; and cement-stone, with Nucula pectinata, at 85 and 90 feet ; Alnmonite, at 96 feet. Grey shelly clay, at 108 and 110 feet. Hard bed, with Inoceramus and phosphatic nodules at 120 to 130 feet. [Lower Green- sand ?] r Greenish sandy clay, at 170 feet. ■| Coarse quartz- sand, with small quartz pebbles, and [ glauconite (good water), 190 to 218 feet. Compare with West Firle (p. 97), four miles to the south-east, where the greenish sandy clay " rests directly on Weald Clay. Another version, communicated by Mr. G. Fuller, of Lewes, adds, the shaft is 150 feet deep, the rest being bored, and that the water-level is 39 feet down. It gives a different classification, as follows : — Thickness. Depth. Gault - r Mixture of gault and sand. Pipe continually choked by hard lumps of a conglomerate of gault and sand. Thin layer of shale - Lower Greensand Feet 189 19 Feet. 189 208 214£ ROTHERFIELD — RUDGWICK. 77 Rotherfield. Maynard's Gate. For the Orowborough District Water Company. Made and communicated by Mr. A. E. Nunn, and from Mr. C. O. Blaber. 322 feet above Ordnance Datum. Shaft, of 10 ft. diameter, to 56 feet : the rest a bore of a foot diameter. — Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. Soil - . 2 2 [Drift] Gravel 3 5 Dark clay 24 29 Brown sand-rock. Dip 65° [?] toN.E. On reach- ing this, the yield was at the rate of 60,000 gallons of water in 24 hours - 8 37 Hard stone, on piercing which the supply in- creased to 150,000 gallons a day - 1 38 Blue clay - 3* 4H Ashdown Sand - * White sand-rock, dip 30° [?]toN.E. - 3 44J Blue clay - U 45f White rock, on reaching which the supply in- creased to 216,000 gallons , ... o day m 63 Soft clay 3 66 Hard blue clay 17 83 Sand-rock - 6 89 Clay - - - - 4 93 Sand-rock. Supply 303,000 V gallons a day 2 95 [The recorded dips probably represent current-bedding in the sand. Measurements from 5 to 45| feet taken on the side highest by dip.] Kudgwick. Hermongers. For Mr. T. T. Busk. 1890. Communicated by Mr. Busk. Shaft about 55 feet, the rest bored. The supply, from the bottom did not fail (from August, 1890, to February, 1891), although many wells in the parish were dry during the long frost. Water very hard, but otherwise satisfactory. It rises up the bore and stands at about 43 feet down the well. Blue and red clay. A little ^ Varying in thickness and water at the depth of 18 I reaching nearly to the feet - - - - - J base of the shaft on one [Weald Clay- - - - - - J side. Clay] -\ Brown rock, in the t bottom of the shaft and in the top of the bore. Grey rock. Clay. 78 WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX. Kudgwick. Upper Hillhouse Farm, nearly two miles westward of the village. 1891 ? From specimens sent by Messrs. Tilley and from workman's note-book. Boring of six inches diameter. Water at first stood 15| feet down. Started falling when the boring was 60| feet deep, to 19 feet, and when the boring was 80 feet deep stood at 52 feet. — Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. 1 Sand, dry at top - 15 15 Red clay ----- 5 20 Bluish sandy clay - - 4 24 Brown clay - 10 34 rWeald j Bluish clay - 6 40 "Clay] Yellow sandy clay - 5 45 Stiff yellow clay 5 50 Blue clay - 17 67 Sandstone - | 67J Blue clay - - - - 32J 100 Rye. Batchelor's Brewery. Northern end of the town, south of the railway. About 15 to 20 feet above Ordnance Datum. From Mr. J. Elliott, in "Geology of the Weald," p. 49. 1875. — 1 — Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. Alluvium I Clay Peat, with logs of wood - 3 or 4 \ 6 or 8 J 10? Fairlight J Clays S White and red mottled, with several layers of sandstone (one, at a depth of about 150 feet, 23 feet thick), and a few thin layers of hard rock 330 340? Rye. Under Cadborough Cliff, lj miles from the town. For public supply. 1898 ? Boring communicated by Mr. P. H. Palmer. Yield 160,000 gallons a day, not lowering the water more than 9 feet below the ground. After half an hour's cessation of pumping the water overflows, a foot above the ground, at the rate of 40,000 gallons in twenty- four hours. Water very good. — Thickness. Depth. [Alluvium] - Peat - Shale - . . - - Sand-rock - - Feet. 18 14 30 Feet. 18 32 62 SEAFORD — SELSEY. 79 Seaford. Waterworks, see East Blatchington. Sefter, see Pagham. Selmeston. Mr. C. Long's Cottages, by Reading Room, S. of Church. Made and communicated by Messrs. Le Grand & Sutcliff. Water-level 50 feet down. 1888. Thickness. Depth. Top soil [Gault] [Lower Green sand] Yellow Clay - Blue clay - Red shale - Mixed coloured clay and sand Green sand (soft stone?) Brown sand - Grey sand Ft. in 6 5 6 12 2 15 4 10 19 16 6 Ft. in. 6 6 18 18 33 38 57 73 6 Selsey. Park Farm. 1889. From a section and samples communicated by Messrs. Duke & Ockenden. No good water. Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. Brickearth - - 4 4 1 [Drift] - J Fine beach - 8 12 Sand and beach - 7 19 1 Lug sand - 11 30 Green [shelly] sand Green [shelly] sand with streaks 14 44 of light-coloured marl - Green [shelly] sand 12 56 28 84 Black clay [sample light-green, smooth, and soapy]. At 90 feet a few inches of sub- stance like coal - 6 90 [Brackle- 1 T» 1 Sand and clay [laminated (?), with fossils] 12 102 sham Beds, J 330 feet] - v Green sand - 6 108 Dark clay - 16 124 Green sand [light-grey mica- ceous clay at 1 25 feet ; green sand at 130 feet ; carbona- ceous sandy clay at 134 feet] 10 134 Black clay [light-grey clay, not quite so smooth and soapy as at 84 feet] 3 137 Black sand [dark-coloured clay \ and sand] - 2 139 80 WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX. — Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. Sand and clay [laminated clay and sand at 141 feet ; green sand at 151 feet] - 18 157 Clay ----_ 4 161 Clay and marl with a little sand [green sand and yellow concretion] - 11 172 Light clay and green sand [green sandy clay at 185 feet ; light-grey clay at 212 feet ; whitish and pale-yellow clay with darker streaks at 249 feet] 77 249 ("Brackle- sham Beds/ Green sand with layers of clay and light-coloared rock [green 330 feet] - s sand and yellow concretions from 249 to 251 feet] - 8 257 Sand and clay - 16 273 Clay and a little sand 6 279 Hard clay - 3 282 Green sand and clay 19 301 Hard black sand-rock 3 304 [Green] sand and clay Black clay [grey clay at 321 feet] 6 310 23 333 Sand and clay [finer sand at 346 feet] - 13 346 Green sand --.-.- 9 355 Sand (layers of) and sand-rock [blacker sand at 357 feet] - 2 357 \ Sand [with glauconite] - Sand and clay [dark-coloured micaceous sandy clay] - 3 360 / 16 376 Black clay [rather sandy at 394 feet] - 34 410 Sand [blacker clay and broken flint] - - - - 20 430 Hard clay [dark sandy clay at 430, 440, 450, 460, and 470 rTjonrlon feet ; stiffer black clay at 1 J^JKJ I L\JL\J 1 i. Clay, 192 feet] - 479 feet ; more sandy clay at 498 feet ; dark -grey or black clay at 500, 502 and 503 feet ; black clay with white streaks (crushed sep- taria ?) at 505 feet] 77 507 Hard white rock (no sample obtained) - i 507* Black clay - - - - 29j 537 Bluish sandy clay and brown ^ clay, to running sand - 15 552 Shipley. Workhouse. Abandoned (no water). P. J. Martin. " Geological Memoir on a part of Western Sussex," 4to, Lond., 1828, p. 44. Shaft 75 feet, the rest bored. Weald Clay. In the middle of the boring a thin shelly bed, and a thicker one at the bottom (two beds of Sussex Marble). 110 feet. SHORT GATE — SLINFOLD. 81 In Dr. Mantell's " Geology of the South-east of England," 8vo, Lond., 1833, p. 186, a well at Shipley is referred to as having passed through masses of shells at the depth of 30 feet, and also at 100 feet. Short Gate. Dr. Mantell. "The Fossils of the South Downs." 4to, Lond., 1822, p 66. Weald Clay, with two beds of Sussex Marble, 30 feet. Slaugham. Ashfold House. Bored and communicated by Messrs. Duke & Ockenden. Plenty of water, standing at 190 feet from the surface. Depth. Old well - Blue rock - Coal [lignite] - - - Very hard blue rock Blue rock and marl - Hard white marl Hard white rock Very hard blue rock Blue rock and sand - Blue rock and clay - Clay and white marl Rock Hard rock - Hard rock and clay - Hard rock - - Hard rock and a little clay Hard rock Hard rock and a little clay Very hard rock Very hard sand-rock (spring) Feet. 39 62 63 73 76| 87 Mh 124 128| 133} 137 141 144 149 154 170 205 209 223^ 260" Slinfold. Rowfold Farm. Bored and communicated by Messrs. Duke & Ockenden. Thickness. Depth. [Weald Clay]- Old Well (the rest bored) Light-coloured clay Clay .-.- Blue rock Rock and blue marl Feet. 6 10 7 46 Feet. 59 65 75 82 128 1178; 82 WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX. Skinfold. Rapkins (Mr. W. D. Knight's) E.N.E. of the village. Made and communicated by Messrs. A. Williams & Co. Shaft 6 feet, the rest bored. Water-level 63 feet down. Yield (with a 3-inch pump) 500 gallons an hour. Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet, 1 Horsham Stone] Brown clay and rock 6 6 Light-blue clay, with sand-rock . Blue clay and slialy rock 7 2 13 15 Dark dry hard clay - 7 22 Light[-coloured] dry hard clay Light-blue hard clay 20 42 5 47 Light-brown rock, with clay - 6 53 Dark hard dry clay 6 59 Light-blue slaty rock 7 66 Light[-coloured]slaty clayeyrock 6 72 Light-brown shaly clay - 9 81 Weald Clay] Light-brown hard clay - 4 85 Hard light-blue clay 5 90 Dark-grey shaly clay Light-blue shaly clay 6 96 4 100 Light-blue shaly rock 4 104 Dark-blue shaly rock 6 110 Dark-blue shale - 6 116 Light-blue hard clay and rock 7 123 Blue shaly clav - Blue shaly rock 30 153 10 163 SOMPTING. F, Dixon's " Geology of Sussex, " Ed. 2, 1878, p. Gravel, with a little marl - Sand, with marine shells of recent species Chalk, with very good water. •8. 10 or 12 feet, 6 or 7 ., Steyning. Shelley's Farm, for Mr. Gates. Made and communicated by Messrs. Duke & Ockenden. Water coming in at different places in rocks, stands 28 feet down. Thickness. Depth. Hard elay Rock Hard clay - Clay, with thin layers of stone Hard clay - Rock - - Hard clay, of varying colours STEYNING. 83 Steyning. Waterworks, see Upper Beeding. Sub-Wealden Boring, see Mountfield. Telscombe. Warren Farm. Brighton Industrial School. 1858-1862. H. Willett. In F. DixOn's " Geology of Sussex, Ed. 2, 1878, pp. 115-117. From Brighton Gazette, 17th April, 1862. Shaft 437 feet. Then, at 400 feet, a gallery northward, 7 feet high, 6 wide and 30 long. At 12 feet lower another, to the west, 9 feet high, 6 wide and 30 long. These connected by another, 6 feet high, 3 wide and 20 long. Another heading eastward, 9 feet high, 6 wide and 20 feet long. From these sources only 1,000 gallons of water per day were got. Then another shaft was made in the eastern gallery, and this continues to the base. [The construction of this well is peculiar. Why the work of sinking a shaft was continued in so inaccessible a place instead of being taken straight down from the surface is hard to understand.] Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. [Upper] Chalk, with flints. A thin seam of marl [ ? 3 feet] at the base - 418 418 [Middle] Chalk, without flints 212 630 [Lower Chalk] Grey marl, with blue seams 155 785 'Lower Chalk and partly Upper Greensand T\ Blue marl with grey seams - 173 958 Upper Greensand. Firestone without water - 10 968 Clay, varying from ash-brown to black and bluish-black - 282 1,250 Clay, with seams of green sand, much vegetable matter, wood and pyrites. A sul- Gault, 312 < feet phurous stench from this Brown clay, not effervescing with acid, as the rest of the Gault does, with hard white 25 1,275 nodules ( ? phosphatic) 5 1,280 [ 1 Lower Greensand or Gault] Greensand with seams of white sand, mixed with pebbles, [ 1 phosphatic nodules] - - - [Lower Greensand] Red sand, touched by a 5 1,285 small auger ' " "The beds dip S., and for this reason a deduction of 5 to 10 per cent, should be made from the above figures to get the true thickness. [This would imply a very high dip, of which there is no evidence at the surface.] On March 16th, 1862, after the workmen had ascended the lower shaft, the thin floor of Gault left at the bottom of the well was broken up, under a pressure of 420 lbs. to the square inch, by the water in the sand below, and the first descending man of the next shift, got into water at 400 feet from the bottom, 32,000 gallons having rushed in during the 'interval of three-quarters of an hour. The water continued to rise, but it took several days to fill the galleries, and by April 10th it had risen to 945 feet from the bottom [340 from the surface], or 60 feet above low water-mark, when the well held 100,000 gallons." [As there is an outlier of Beading Beds close to the site, we have here all but the whole thickness of the Chalk. The collective thickness of Middle Chalk, Lower Chalk and Upper Greensand is 550 feet, which seems excessive, even allowing the suggested reduction for dip.] For Analysis of the water see p. 119. 1178. F 2 84 WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX. Thakeham. Merrywood. Mr. Gilbert's. Bored and communicated by Messrs. Duke & Ockenden. Good supply, in the sand, the water rising to within 55 feet of the ground. Thickness. Depth. Well (old) - [Hythe Beds]| Hard blue rock Green sand, to rock Ft. in. 30 10 Ft. in. 60 90 90 10 TlCEHTJRST. Three Bridges Station, see Worth. Middle of road in Metropolitan Drinking Fountain, centre of village. 1885. Made and communicated by Messrs. Le Grand & Sutcliff. Water-level 12^ feet down. Yield 2| gallons a minute. Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. — 2 12 14 6 20 2 22 3 i 25£ n 30 4 34 BJ 39* 1 40* 2£ 43 23 66 Dm (the rest bored) - Clay [Weald ClayV Yellow loamy clay - Clay - - - Stone Blue marl Mottled marl - Sandstone Blue marl Loamy clay and stone Blue marl Tunbridge Wells. L. B. & S. C. Station, see Frant. Uckfield. Grammar School. Communicated by Mr. Smith, the Head Master. Old well 50 feet, the rest bored. Water rose to the height of 45 feet below the ground. The water in the old well was bad. The supply from the bore-hole is at the rate of 300 to 400 gallons an hour, and the water can be pumped without lowering the head. Thickness. Depth. [Tunbridge J Wells Sand] j [Wadhurst \ Clay] J [Ashdown \ Sand. ? in I part Wad-j hurst Clay] J Bricked Sandstone - Rock (sandstone) - Blue clay - Lighter [-coloured] clay and sand, gradually more sandy Feet. 44 14 187 13 Feet. 6 50 64 251 264 UCKFIELD — UPPER BEEDING. 85 Uckfield. Waterworks, Hempstead Mill. Made and communicated by Messrs. A. Williams & Co. With some additions from Mr. H. B. Nichols (1890). Engine-house floor about 100 feet above Ordnance Datum. Water-level 90 feet above Ordnance Datum. Reduced 20 feet by pumping at the rate of 6,000 gallons an hour, after 3 to 4 hours. — Thickness. Depth. [Soil and } Alluvium] f Yellow clayey alluvial soil Feet. 20 Feet. 20 / Blue clay, with thin bands of red clay toward the top 20 40 Very compact blue clay - Very hard blue clay 20 60 15 75 Very hard and very solid blue ' clay 10 85 Softer blue clay 5 90 [Wadhurst Hard blue clay, with sandy Clay, i particles - ' - - ' - 10 100 180 feet] Blue clay - 10 110 Light-grey sandstone Compact blue clay - Sandy paste clay - 10 120 20 140 10 150 Blue rock [1 calcareous grit], very hard, with sand in streaks --.-.- 25 175 > Compact blue clay, very hard - 25 200 Light-grey sand 30 230 Light-grey sand, with clay 10 240 Close-grained sand - 15 255 [Ashdown Sand, 78 feet] Fine white sand 5 260 Hard blue clay 5 265 White-grey sand, very fine and clear 5 270 Very pure white sand, with water. Thin bands of red clay toward the top - 8 278 Upper Beeding. Room Bottom. Boring (trial) for Steyning water-supply, made and samples communicated by Messrs. Duke & Ockenden. 114 feet above Ordnance Datum. — -Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. Run of the hill Chalk rubble and flint - 15 15 / Grey chalk - Dark-grey marl - at 40 feet 25 40 Light-grey hard chalk at 55 „ Dark-grey marl - at 65 „ Grey marl - - at 69 „ Do. - - - at 70 „ Lower Chalk / Dark-grey hard marl at 80 „ Hard grey marls at 85, 88, 97, and 100 feet Dark-grey hard marl at 101 and 102 feet WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX. Wadhurst. Buckhurst Manor Farm ( 1 about two miles westward of the Church). Made and communicated by Messrs. Le Grand & Sutcliff. Water-level 120 feet down. Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. Pit ( 1 the rest bored) - - — 5 N ' Yellow clay - 7 12 Blue clay - 11 23 Yellow claystone 2 25 t ? Wadhurst Clay] Sandstone - 4 29 Yellow clay and stone 38 67 Hard stone - 4 71 White sandstone 3 74 • V Yellow clay and stone 4 78 / Brown sandstone 19 97 Clay and stone 12 109 Stone - - - - 2 111 Clay and stone 2 113 Hard stone - 2 115 [ ? Ashdown Sand] Clay and stone Hard stone - 3 24 118 142 Dark mottled clay - 3 145 Clay and stone 14 159 Hard sandstone 4 163 Stone and loamy sand 2 165 Hard sandstone 20 185 Loamy clay - 2 187 V Hard sandy blue clay 8 195 Walberton. Messrs. Ellis & Sons' Brewery. Section and samples communicated by Messrs. Ellis. Thickness. Depth. [Drift] - [London Clay [Reading Beds] fr- Loamy sand - - about Blue clay - - about Mottled clay, at about 50 feet [?] Red clay at 128 and 146 feet - Lignite and black clay, thin bed between 150 and 160 feet Grey clay,: at 170 feet Red clay, at 171, 171J, and 173 feet Hard grey sand, at 174 and 176 feet - - Mottled sand and clay, at 183 and 185 feet Red clay, at 187, 190, and 192 feet Dark mottled clay, at 193, 194, 196, and 197 feet - Hard bed, at 198 feet Mixed chalk and clay, at 199 feet - Layers of flint beds and blue clay, from 199 to 214 feet - Chalk, at 214 feet - Chalk and flints Feet, 20 30 Feet. 20 50 148 198 115 313 The London Clay should probably be thicker, and the Reading Bed thinner, than i» given. The first numbered sample was from 128 feet. WALDRON. 87 Waldkon. In the railway cutting between the north-east end of Heath- field Railway Station and the mouth of the tunnel (60 yards south of Hotel). 1896. C. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. y vol. liv., pp. 570, 571. 450 feet above Ordnance Datum. — Thickness. Depth. Ft. in. Ft. in. Dug well - (No record — see next section) - - 73 / Grey sandy marl-rock Grey sandy marl-rock, with 6 79 bands of grey sandstone 17 6 96 6 Blue sandy marl-rock 4 100 6 Blue sandy marl-rock, with bands of grey sandstone 2 6 103 Blue shale and fossils, grey sandstone with lignite and ironstone - 9 112 Blue marl-rock, with bands of grey sandstone and ironstone 15 6 127 6 Blue marl-rock and shale 3 8 131 2 Blue sandy marl-rock, with occasional ironstone 8 10 140 Hard grey sandstone Blue sandy marl-rock 1 9 141 9 1 3 143 Blue sandy marl-rock, with bands of grey sandstone 9 152 Blue sandy marl-rock and ironstone - 9 6 161 6 Grey sandstone - - - 1 3 162 9 Blue sandy marl-rock, with bands of grey sandstone and ironstone - - - 8 6 171 3 [Fairlight Grey sandstone ( 1 9 inches) 1 9 172 Clays] « Blue sandy marl-rock, with bands of grey sandstone and ironstone - 12 184 Grey sandstone - 8 184 8 Blue sandy marl-rock, with bands of grey sandstone and ironstone - - - - 3 4 188 Blue sandy marl-rock, with ironstone - - - 8 3 196 3 Hard grey calcareous sandstone Blue sandy marl - 1 2 197 5 1 197 6 Grey calcareous sandstone 3 197 9 Blue sandy marl 1 197 10 Grey calcareous sandstone 4 198 2 Blue marl-rock 2 198 4 Grey calcareous sandstone 3 198 7 Bands of the same, and blue marl-rock - 1 11 200 6 Blue shale, with thin bands of grey calcareous sandstone - 7 6 208 Blue marl-rock, with thin bands of blue shale 6 214 Blue marl-rock, with thin hard blue shale - 1 215 Blue shale - 2 6 217 6 Grey sandstone 1 6 219 Blue sandy marl-rock 5 6 224 6 88 WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX, Waldron — continued . Thickness. Dei >th. Ft. in. Ft. in. ( Blue sandy marl -rock, with bands of blue shale 8 232 6 Blue sandy marl-rock and grey sandstone -■-'-- 3 6 236 Blue sandy marl - rock, with nodules of clayey ironstone - 8 244 Blue sandy marl-rock and shale Bands of blue sandy marl and 13 6 257 6 shale, with bands of greyish sandstone - 7 264 6 Brown and greenish sandy marl, with thin bands of marble - 2 6 267 Blue and greenish sandy marl, [Fairlight Clays] with bands of shale 3 6 270 6 Blue and grey sandy marl, with bands of shale 6 276 6 Blue, brown, and greyish marl and shale - 10 6 287 Brown and greyish sandy marl and blue shale 13 300 Grey sands, marl-rock, and shale 12 312 (Gas first lighted, 312 feet.) Blue sandy marl-rock and shale 1 313 Greyish limestone - 4 313 ii Blue sandy marl-rock - 2 ' io£ 316 Blue sandy marl-rock, with nodules of grey sandstone - 5 321 Blue sandy marl-rock, with bands of shale (Paludina Muviortwn, 333 feet) 18 339 i Blue sandy marl-rock, with bands of bituminous shale and broken fossils (Corbula and Cyrena, 347 feet) - 8 347 Blue sandy marl -rock, and bands of hard bituminous shale with shells (Ostrea, Melania, Hydrobia ?, Cor- bula, Cyrena, Cardiu?n, tkc, [Purbeck Beds] 353 feet et seq.) - Bands of shell-rock and shale 6 3 6 353 356 6 Blue sandy marl, with bands of shale with shells 5 6 362 Blue shale and bands of shell- rock -'.■■■- 3 6 365 6 Shell-rock - 8 366 2 Bands of blue shale with shells 1 4 367 6 Blue shale and hard bands of shells ----- 3 6 371 Blue sandy marl, with bands of shale with shells - 6 377 Little water was found in this boring ; but gas has continued to escape, though in March, 1898, the boring was found to be blocked at the depth of 229 feet from the surface. WALDRON — WARNHAM. 89 Waldron. New Heathfield Hotel. On the southern side of the main road, half-a-mile west of the town. 1893. C. Dawson, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, vol. liv., p. 569. 493 feet above Ordnance Datum. Sunk 21 feet, rest bored. Abandoned as unsuccessful. Water-level 180 feet down. Was higher when the boring was shallower. Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. Dark brown rusty ferruginous sand, with very thin bands of lignite - . - . 5 5 Light yellow and grey sand, with thin bands of lignite - 5 10 Slate-coloured marl 1 11 Yellow and white bands of sand 10 21 Sandstone and blue marl, in [Ashdown layers 11 32 Sand] { White sandstone White sandstone and layers of 18 50 marl or clay - 9 59 Blue sandstone 2 61 Blue sandstone and layers of marl 10 71 White and yellow sandstone - 5 76 Blue sandstone and marl 10 86 Blue marl. First signs of water 3 89 Sandstone and marl 5 94 Blue marl - 57 151 Hard sand-rock 4| 155£ Blue marl - 12$ 168 [Fairlight Hard stone - if 169J Clays] \ Hard blue marl 46} 216 Hard sand-rock 3 219 Blue marl (inflammable gas first noticed at 228 feet) 30 249 Wannock, see Folkington & Jevington. Warnham. " The Geology of the Weald," p. 101. Thickness. Depth. Feet in. Feet in. 7 7 9 7 9 20 27 9 8 28 5 15 7 44 2 6 46 6 31 6 78 1 79 35 114 3 117 27 144 8 152 Bluish clay Bed sandstone Bluish clay Red sandstone Blue clay - Hardened blue clay ------ Blue clay ------- Water-bearing bed ------ Blue clay -------- Hard sandy clay ------ Blue clay, with fragments of other formations [? Red clay, with fragments of red sandstone [?] - 90 WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX. Warnham. Lodge. Made and communicated by Messrs. Docwra. Shaft 82£ feet, now filled to 80. Heading to old well at 24 to 29 feet down. — Thickness. Depth. Soil - - [Weald Clay]- Loamy yellow clay Hard brown rocky marl - Hard blue (marl) clay Brown clay - Blue clay - Feet. 11 4 13f 6 2| 75$ Feet. lj 19* 25j 28 103£ Water got at the depth of 73 feet was lost at 80 feet. Present supply from a higher level (? 33). Warnham. Kingsfold Estate. Bored and communicated by Messrs. Duke & OckendeN. Place Farm, on the hill. Weald Clay, no water 303 feet. ; According to Mr. P. Chasemore there was plenty of surface-water, which, however, was contaminated with salt, making it unfit for use. At the Crossing gates in the Park, east of the Farmstead. Weald Clay, no water, 84£ feet. At the western corner of the Park, by the side of the railway. Weald Clay, to plenty of bad water, with Epsom salts, 73 feet. West of the last boring, and under the windmill at the foot of the hill. Weald Clay ----- 301 Blue rock, with hard but passable water According to Mr. P. Chasemore water was found, in the Horsham stone-beds, at the bottom. 2^57 feet. Warren Farm, see Telscombe. West Dean. Trial-boring for the Eastbourne Waterworks. North of the pond. Made and communicated by Messrs. Isler &, Co. Water-level 5 feet below surface. Thickness. Deptl Feet Feet — 4 8 12 3 15 27 42 1 43 57 100 Dug Pit [Alluvium] [Upper Chalk] Clay - - Running sand - Blue clay Rock Chalk and flints WEST DEAN — WESTFIELD. 91 West Dean. Trial-boring for the Eastbourne Waterworks. In the valley half a mile above the pond. Made and communicated by Messrs. Isler & Co. Water-level 5 feet below surface. Thickness. Depth. Dug Pit [Drift] - { [Upper Chalk Mottled clay - Clay and flints Chalk and flints Feet 5 5 84 Feet 6 11 16 100 Westfield. Hastings Waterworks, Brede Valley Scheme. Trial-borings and wells. Communicated by Mr. P. H. Palmer, Engineer to the Borough. 1. Brede Bridge, just west of the road and south of the stream. About \l\ feet above Ordnance Datum. The water (found at 83 feet of 28,000 gallons in 24 hours. p) ran over the top of the tube at the rate Thickness, Depth, [Alluvium] \ [Ashdown Sand] Sandy clay - - - - - Peat - . - — - — Clay, slight traces of sarid Clay and sand Blue stone (sandstone) - Dense hard mottled clay Clay -•! - - - - Pipe-clay- - Clay and sand • - • - Very dense day Clay and sand - - - Clay sand and pebbles - Close-grained white sand. Water (increasing to 108 feet) White sand and clay White sandstone - Rock marl (firm clayey sand) - Sandstone - - - - Blue marl (firm clayey sand) - Sandstone - - - ' - Clay - - - . - Sandstone - - - Clay - - - - - Feet H 24 15 8 2 7 2 8| 2| 3 2 a 14 8 8 2\ 15 Feet 3j 271 42\ 50) 52^ 59^ 6h 70' 72j 75* 77| 82 88 94 108 116 124 128 134 142 ■144J 160 92 WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX. Westfield. Hastings Waterworks — continued. 2. OivVs Castle (N.W. of), 60 feet above Ordnance Datum. Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. / Clay 7 7 Sand and clay- 5| 12^ Blue marl - Hi 24 Brown clay - 9 33 Sandstone - 19 52 Blue marl - 44 96 [Ashdown Beds] { Light-blue marl - 11 107 Blue stone - 1 108 Blue marl - 6 114 Blue stone - 7 121 Blue marl - 10 131 Blue stone - 1 132 Blue marl - - - 5f 137| 3. Just E. of the footpath, by stream a third of a mile N.N.W. of Crowham. 12 feet above Ordnance Datum. — Thickness. Depth. Feet. Feet. Soil - - - 2 2 / Clay - - - - 1 3 [Alluvium] - 1 Peat - 3i 6J I Sandy clay (or loam) 15| 22 Yellow clay 2 24 Blue clay marl, with stone at the depth of 54i to 55$ - 46 70 ( Light-brown silt (or sand) 1 71 Blue stone - 1 72 Sand-rock - - 9* 81J Blue marl (or clay) and sand-rock (rather sandy Ashdown Sand]- r<», 4'70 None. None. 8*91 ANALYSES. Ill A later analysis of the same water, made by Dr. Voelcker in May, 1898, shows an improvement in the organic constituents. Grains per [ = Parts per Gallon. ' 100,000.] Total Solid Residue - . - Oxidisable Organic Matter Nitric Acid Chlorine - = Chloride of Sodium Free Ammonia - Albuminoid Ammonia 28-84 41.2 •11 •16 1-87 2-69 2-32 331 3-82 5'46 •003 •004 •003 •004 " The water was colourless and free from deposit." "The water is a somewhat hard one, owing to the presence of Lime and Magnesia salts, but it contains little dissolved organic matter, and though the amount of Nitrates and chlorides is somewhat high, the water is one which I think may be safely used for drinking purposes. Goring. (1) From a Well, July, 1894. (2) Another sample from a Well, May, 1894. (3) From a Borehole, April, 1894. Analysis by R. A. Cripps. Communicated by Messrs. Duke & OCKENDEN. (1) (2) (3) Grains [ = Parts per Grains [ = Parts per Grains [ = Parts per per Gallon. 100,000.] per Gallon. 100,000.] per Gallon. 100,000.] Total Solids - 48- [68- 1 69- [98' ] 17' [24- 1 Chlorine 9- 12-8 13- 118' 13' [18- Ammonia •00588 •0084 "0084 [ '012 •00042 [ '0006 Albuminoid Am- monia •0028 [-004] •0042 [ -006] •00196 [ -0028] Nitrites Merest trace. Small trace. Absent. Nitrates Trace. Moderate quantity. Quantity. Temporary Hard- ness - 10° [14-] 37-3° [53- ] 36° [5P] Permanent Hard- ness - - - 6-5° [ 9-] 16-5° [23'] 14° [20- ] 51*3° [73- ] 10° [14-] Total hardness - 46° [65*] "(1) Although this water contains a large quantity of chlorides these are evidently derived from the soil : they are not accompanied by any excess of nitrates or ammonia ; the mere traces of nitrites is probably owing to the well having been recently bored. The water may be safely used for drinking purposes. (2) Microscopic examination fairly satisfactory. Differs little from a sample examined in April (nitrates somewhat less), presumably No. 3. (3) Microscopic examination —mineral matters, a few animalcules. This water is of very doubtful purity. Nitrates and chlorides excessive, and these commonly owe their presence to access of sewage, which has become altered in character by the action of the soil." 112 WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX. Hastings. Rural District Council. Analysis by Prof. W. R. Smith. In grains per gallon. (1) Silver Hill Well. April, 1895. In Ashdown Sand. (2) Draper's Well. At the Mill on the higher ground a little south- westward of the above, and about 250 feet above Ordnance Datum. April, 1895. In Tunbridge Wells Sand and Wadhurst Clay. (3) Experimental Well at Ore, on the northern side of the lane a third of a mile north-east of Christ Church and a little eastward of Windmill. January, 1896. In Ashdown Sand. (i) (2) (3) Grains [=Parts per Grains [=Parts per Grains [= Parts per per Gallon. 100,000.] per Gallon. 100,000. per Gallon. 100,000.] Colour in 2 feet stratum Almost colourless Turbid - f Faint blue. Slight, and con- Suspended matter - Very slight Considerable tained some fibres of clothing. Normal. Taste Normal Normal - V Odour,when heated to 100° F. - Normal Normal - Normal. Hardness 17-5° [25*0 ] 18° [257 ] 5° [ 7-14 ] Total Solid Matter, dried at 120° C. - 32" [45- ] 29* [41* ] 14" [20* ] Loss on Ignition, after recarbonating 10- [14* ] 22' [31- 9" [12-8 20* [29* ] 5' [ 7-14 ] 9' [12-8 Total Mineral Matter Combined Chlorine."! Equal to Common j- 6' [8'6 ] 5'8 [ 8'3 ] 3'5 [ 5* Salt (in 3), 5*8 - J Nitrogen as Nitrates (no Nitrites)- •5 7 •5 •7 •3 •43 " Ammonia •004 •006 •014 •02 •007 •01 Albuminoid Ammonia 003 •004] •007 •01 " •003 •004 " (1) The high chlorine is clearly geological. This watermay be used with confidence for all domestic purposes. (2) The suspended matter consists of vegetable debris and starchy matters, which ought not to be found in potable waters, and can hardly be due to any cause but contamination with surface-water. [Mb. W. Skiller tells us that the cause of this was found out and cut off, after which a futher analysis proved the water to be satisfactory.] (3) This water is of a high degree of organic purity." Hastings. Dr. Maccabe's Spring. Feb. 21, 1873. Rivers Pollution Commission, 6th Report, 1874, p. 121. Temperature, 10*0° C. Clear and palatable. Parts per 100,000. Total Solid Impurity - 14"92 Organic Carbon "024 Organic Nitrogen '005 Ammonia - Nitrogen as Nitrates or Nitrites '433 Total Combined Nitrogen - "438 Chlorine - 4*7<) Hardness, Temporary - "3 „ Permanent 5'7 Total 6'0 ANALYSES. 113 Henfield. From a Borehole. July, 1895. Analysis by R.A. Cripps. Communicated by Messrs. Duke & Ockenden. Grains per Gallon. [ = Parts per 100,000.1 Total Solids Chlorine Ammonia - Albuminoid Ammonia Nitrites Nitrates Hardness, Temporary - „ Permanent - Total - 24' [34* 1*85 [ 2-64 •0098 [ -014 •000224 [ -003 Absent. Merest trace. 12-05° [17'21 23° " 329 14-35° 20-5 "Microscopic examination satisfactory. Water of good quality. Sample slightly cloudy when received : the water contains a little iron, and this is undoubtedly the cause of the trouble." Hollington. Well for Hastings Waterworks. February, 1874. Analysis by Dr. A. Voelcker. [Water from the Ashdown Sand]. Grains per Gallon. [ - Parts in 100,000.] Solid residue, dried at 140° C, in which (found by direct determination) organic and volatile matter 1 - 12, including - 224 Oxydisable Or- ganic Matter Lime -----___ Magnesia - - - - - - - Sulphuric Acid Chlorine Soluble Silica Alkalis and Carbonic Acid, not determined separately. Free (saline) Ammonia Organic (albuminoid) Ammonia The components may be represented as follows Organic and Volatile Matter [as above] Carbonate of Lime - Sulphate of Lime Carbonate of Magnesia - Chloride of Sodium - Alkaline Carbonates - Soluble Silica'' ------ Hardness before boiling - „ after boiling - L3-44 19-2 3*05 " 4'36 •55 •78 ' •96 ' P37 ' 2*86 ' 4*08 •28 4v ' ' 4 J •009 •0128] \ -0028] •002 1'12 r i-6 ] 4*25 6-07 1-63 ' 233 1'15 " 1-64 4'21 6-01 •8 1-14 •28 •4 " j 3|° '. 9 * 64 ! 5 " The water was clear and colourless. The residue left on evaporation was only slightly coloured yellow by a little vegetable matter. The water con- tains no nitrates and is free from animal organic impurities. I consider it of first rate quality, wholesome and good for drinking and well suited for cooking and washing." 1178. H 114 WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX. Horsham. London and Brighton Railway Station. Well. 1881. Analysis by Bernard Dyer. [Water from the Tunbridge Wells Sand.] Grains per [ = = Parts per Gallon. 100,000.] Sulphate of Lime "--*--- 3*62 [ 5*174 ' Sulphate of Magnesia - - •17 •243 Carbonate of Magnesia - 1*12 ' 1-6 1 Nitrate of Magnesia - •03 •043 Chloride of Sodium ------ 2'54 3'63 Oxide of Iron, &c. ---;---- •49 •7 Alkaline Carbonates & Organic Matter 4-91 7-0 Total Solid Matter in solution 12-88 18-4 Phosphoric Acid ------ Strong ti aces. Free Ammonia •035 [ -05 1 0028 J Albuminised Ammonia ----- •002 Nitrogen as Nitrates - - - - - •006 "0085 Hardness before boiling 4° ' 5-7 „ after boiling ----- Of f 1*07 ] "As a boiler water, this sample leaves nothing to be desired. It contains less than 13 grains of solid dissolved matter per gallon, of which scarcely 5 grains consist of earthy salts, the remainder being simply common salt and alkaline carbonates— which latter are rather beneficial than otherwise^ Horsted Green, see p. 121. Lewes. (1) Springs in Verrall's Pool. February 22, 1873. (2) The Coch shoot Stream from adjacent Springs. February 22, 1893. Rivers Pollution Commission, 6th Report, 1874, p. 123. Water from the [Upper] Chalk. Temperature of (1) 9"0° C, of (2) 8-8° C. 1) Clean and palatable ; (2) Slightly turbid ; palatable. Parts per 100,000. Total Solid Impurity Organic Carbon - Organic^ Nitrogen - Ammonia - - -..-;- Nitrogen as Nitrates or Nitrites Total Combined Nitrogen Chlorine Hardness, Temporary „ Permanent Total 26*44 29*80 •057 . •087 •013 •023 •001 •002 •335 •513 •349 "638 2*30 2*60 14*2 18-1 5-1 4'6 19-3 227 ANALYSES, 115 Lewes. Waterworks [Verrall's Pool]. August 10, 1897. Analysis by John Heron. Grains per [ = Parts per Gallon. 100,000.] Free Ammonia - Albuminoid Ammonia Oxygen absorbed in 1 hour „ „ 3 hours Nitrogen as Nitrates * - = Nitric Acid - Chlorine - Total solid matters - Hardness before boiling - „ after boiling Trace •006 •0085 •064 •091 •065 •093 •29 '41 1.-30 1'85 T90 ' 2'71 2016 28-8 13° 18-0 3° 4-0 " This sample of water presents a bright clear and sparkling appearance, is perfectly free from sediment and suspended matter. I consider it to be a water of high-class purity and one that may be safely used for drinking and all other domestic purposes." Littlehampton. Anchor Brewery. November, 1869. Analysis by Prof. W. A. Miller. Communicated by Mr. W. Shelford. [Water from the Upper Chalk,] Grains per Gallon. [= Parts per 100,000.] Fixed Salts ------- Volatile and Combustible Matters - Total Soluble Solids - Nitric Acid, N 2 5 - Ammonia as Salts Ammonia from Organic Matter Oxygen required to Oxidise Organic Matter by Permanganate 76-65 335 80' 1-98 •001 •008 109-5 478 114-28 2-83 •0014' •0114 •067 [ -0957] Appearance clear and brilliant. Hardness on Clarke's scale 36*9° [52*71]. After boiling an hour 14-9° [21*28]. The water is probably excellent for beer-making, owing to its sulphate of lime, but it is not good for domestic uses. [The permanent hardness is exceptionally high for a water from the Upper Chalk. The analysis given above does not show that this hardness is due to sulphate of lime. See note on the Well at p. 62.] 116 WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX, Mid Sussex Water Company, see Balcombe. Newhaven and Seaford. Waterworks. New Well at Poverty Bottom, Denton, 21st April, 1898. Analysis by O. Hehner. [Water from the Upper Chalk.] Parts per 100,000. Chlorine - 3*35 Sulphuric Acid - 34 Nitric Acid - - - - - - - - - 1*30 Phosphoric Acid None. Free Ammonia - "0008 Albuminoid Ammonia ------- *0038 Oxygen absorbed from Permanganate in 15 rfiinutes - '0164 „ „ „ in 4 hours - -) . 09 , f (both at 80° F.) -] 024 ° Total Solids - 29*96 Loss on ignition 2*04 The composition of the mineral matter was as under : — Chlorine - - 3*35 Sulphuric Acid - - '34 Nitric Acid - - - 1*30 Silica - - - -63 Oxide of Iron and Alumina 23 Lime - - 11*09 Magnesia *55 Soda - ' - ; 2*43 Combined Carbonic Acid 8 "25 28-17 Subtract Oxygen for Chlorine ----- 75 Total mineral matters - - - - 27*42 As far as could be ascertained these mineral matters were present in the water in the following forms of combination : — Sodium Chloride - - - - - - - - 4*58 Calcium Chloride - *89 Calcium Sulphate - - - - - - - - '58 Calcium Nitrate - - - - - - - 1*97 Calcium Carbonate - - - - - - - 17*3 Magnesium Carbonate - - - - - - -1*1 Silica - ..... -63 Oxide of Iron and Alumina *23 Total - 27-42 "Organically the water is of great purity; there is no evidence of pollution. The character of the water is that of a typical supply from the Chalk. Its hardness is 21*2, 17'4 of which is 'due to dissolved calcium carbonate. From the analysis alone I say, without hesitation, that the supply is admirably adapted for public use. AVith the exception of the hardness, which is the normal hardness of pure Chalk water, the supply is faultless." ANALYSES. 11 Newhaven and Seaford. Waterworks. Old well. Water supplied to South Heighten, March, 1897. [From the Upper Chalk.] Analysis by Dr. J. A. Voelcker. Communicated by Mr. T. W. Piokard. Grains per = Parts per Gallon. 100,000.] 26*32 [37*6 •020 •029 8-96 12-8 l'Ol 1-44 •77 1*1 1-36 ' 1-94 5-51 ' 7-87 9'08 12-99 •002 •003 •001 •0014 Total Solid Residue - Oxygen absorbed Lime - Magnesia - Sulphuric Acid - Nitric Acid Chlorine = Chloride of Sodium Free Ammonia - Albuminoid Ammonia " Colourless but had a little deposit of a blackish colour. It is a somewhat hard water, containing carbonate of lime principally, with some amount of magnesia salts. Chlorides, probably as common salt, are present in con- siderable quantity. The water contains very little Ammonia and has no excess of organic matter in solution. Nitrates are present to some extent but are hardly excessive, and though chlorides exist in certainly large amount, these may arise from natural sources, and I am not inclined to attribute them to pollution. The water, though, in my opinion, not one that can be called a thoroughly good or high-class one, can, I think, be considered a fit one for drinking purposes," Rustington. (1) From a Borehole, August, 1894. (2) From a Borehole, May, 1895. (3) From a Well. (4) From a Borehole. Analysis by R. A. Cripps. Communicated by Messrs. Duke & Ockenden. In Grains per Gallon [=Parts per 100,000.] Total Solids - Chlorine Ammonia Albuminoid Ammonia Nitrites absent, Nitrates Temporary Hardness Permanent „ Total (1) 40-5 [58* 7-15 [10-21 •0021 [ -003 ] •00112 [ -0016] trace. 22-2° [31-7 ] (2) 37- [53- ] 4-8 [ 6-85 ] merest trace. •0021 [ -003 ] (3) 48- • [68- 6-05 [ 8- small trace. •0021 [ '003] small quantity, moderate q'ntity 15-70 [22-4 ] [ 39-5° 4-3° [6-1 ] I 8-4° 20° [28-5 ] ; 47 '9° (4) 71-5 [102-14 ] ] 11-45 [ 16-35 ] trace. •0021 [ -003] large quantity. [56-4 ] ! 35° [50 ] [12-0 ] [08-4 ] 7'6° [10-8 ] 42-6° [60-8 ] " (1) Microscopic examination, mineral matter. This water is of good quality. (2) Microscopic examination satisfactory. This water is of good quality. The quantity of chlorine is probably explained by the proximity of the sea. (3) Microscopic examination satisfactory. This water is of fair quality ; but contains rather large quantities of chlorides and nitrates. It may be used for drinking purposes, although it cannot be classed as first-class. (4) This water is of very doubtful purity. The Nitrates and Chlorides are excessive, and these probably owe their presence to pollution with sewage, which has become altered in character by the action of the soil," 118 WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX, Rye, Sample from Rye Hill Reservoir. The supply is from springs at the base of the old cliff, near by, just within the borough boundary, Analysis by Prof. J. Attfield, November 1894. Suspended Solid Matter, dried at 250° F. - Dissolved „ „ „ Ammoniacal Matter, yielding 10 per cent, of Nitrogen ( = Ammonia per million -08) Albuminoid Organic Matter, yielding 10 per cent, of Nitrogen (= Ammonia per million •02) - - # - Nitrates (no Nitrites), containing 17 per cent, of Nitrogen (= Nitrogen *58) - - - . - Chlorides, containing 60 per cent, of Chlorine (= Chlorine 4*4) ------ Oxygen absorbed in three hours Hardness, removed by boiling, 7'5° [10'71] Hardness, unaffected by boiling, 5'0 Q [7*14] Grains per Gallon. [ = Parts per 100,000.] - N 2-V me. [357 ] '046 [ -0657] •012 [ -0171] 3*48 [4-97 ] 73 0-2 [10-43 1 •028 J } 12*5° [17-85 ] Water clear and bright. Of excellent quality. The water from the proposed site for further supply, at the foot of the old cliff, about a quarter of a mile N.E. of Cadborough, gave a like analysis, St. Leonards-on-Sea. Spring in Railway Tunnel. Feb. 21st, 1873. Rivers Pollution Commission, 6th Report, 1874, p. 127. Water from the Hastings Sand. Temperature, 4*0° C. Turbid. Palatable. Parts per 100,000. Total Solid Impurity ------- 41 '92 Organic Carbon - - • -2-24 Organic Nitrogen - - - - - - - - '<>;>i Ammonia - - V . - - - - - - * 088 Nitrogen as Nitrates or Nitrites ----- -47s Total Combined Nitrogen - - - - - - '(>04 Chlorine - - - 9"60 Hardness, Temporary - - 4*0 „ Permanent _...-. 129 Total 16-9 Seafoed, see Newhaven and Seafokd pp. 116, 117. ANALYSES. 110 South Heighton. Sussex Portland Cement Works. March 1897. Analysis by Dk. J. A. Voelcker. Communicated by Mr. T. W. Pickard, [Water from the Upper Chalk.] Total Solid Residue - Oxygen absorbed Lime Magnesia Sulphuric Acid Nitric Acid Chlorine - = Chloride of Sodium Free Ammonia - Albuminoid Ammonia Grains per [ = Gallon. •■ Parts per 100,000.] 24-39 •027 7'84 •70 •96 2*73 3'39 5-59 •006 [34*8 •039 11-2 r 1-37 39 ' ' 4-84 ' 7'98 [ -0085] trace. " This water was colourless but. contained some white nocculent deposit. . . . . It does not contain any quantity of dissolved organic matter, but there is more ammonia than in either 1 or 2 [Seaford Waterworks or Glynde Butter Factory]. Chlorides, again, are in excess of those in 2, and there is even more nitric acid (as nitrates). This latter feature, as in the case of water 2, indicates, in my opinion, the existence of pollution of the suppb one." iply, and for that reason I do not regard the source as a satisfactory [The well is close to the marshes of the Ouse.] Telscombe. Warren Farm. Brighton Industrial School. Bivers Pollution Commission, 6th Report, 1874, p. 97. Water from [the Lower Greensand at] 1285 feet. Temperature 9*9° C. Water clear and palatable. Parts per 100,000. Total Solid Impurity - 35*36 Organic Carbon - - *078 Organic Nitrogen - - *007 Ammonia - — Nitrogen as Nitrates and Nitrites ------ *068 Total Combined Nitrogen - *075 Chlorine ----- 8*40 Hardness, Temporary - - 3*2 „ Permanent -------- \>2 „ Total - 4"4 [The temperature (9'9° C.) is apparently that of the water standing in the well, not that of the spring 1,000 feet lower. The latter is inaccessible, the lower shaft not being vertically under the upper well, which contains a hundred feet of water, see p. 83.] 120 WATER SUPPLY OF SUSSEX. Washington. From a Borehole opposite the Church. Analysis by R. A. Cripps. Communicated by Messes. Duke & Ockenden Grains per [ = Parts } ier gallon. 100,000.] Total Solids - Chlorine - Ammonia - Albuminoid Ammonia Nitrites - Nitrates - Hardness Temporary „ Permanent Total 34' 48-5 2'6 ' 3*71 •00308 ■0044 •0028 •004 absent traces 16*35° 23*36 6*4° 9-15 2275° [32-5 " Water of excellent quality for drinking-purposes, and free from organic pollution." Worthing. New Well at Waterworks. July 17th, 1868. Rivers Pollution Commission, 6th Report, 1874, p. 99. Water from the Upper Chalk. Clear and palatable. Parts per 100,000. Total Solid Impurity - 3244 Organic Carbon - - "007 Organic Nitrogen --------- Ammonia - - - - - - . - - - - '002 Nitrogen as Nitrates or Nitrites - "420 Total Combined Nitrogen -422 Chlorine 3*08 Hardness Temporary - - - 16'4 „ Permanent - 8*3 Total - 24-7 Worthing. From a bored Well. Analysis by R. A. Cripps. Communicated by Messrs. Duke & Ockenden. Total Solids 23T> Chlorine - 1*9 Grains per [ = Parts per Gallon. 100,000.] Ammonia Albuminoid Ammonia Nitrites - Nitrates - •00112 •00084 merest trace small 336 2'7 •0016 •0012 " Water of good quality. It is exceptionally free from organic matter and the amount of dissolved saline substances is moderate. Microscopic examination satisfactory." ANALYSIS. POSTSCRIPT. 121 Haywabds Heath. County Lunatic Asylum. Analysis by Dr. Letheby. [Water from the Tunbridge Wells Sand]. Grains per [ = parts per Gallon. 100,000]. Carbonate of Lime - Carbonate of Magnesia Sulphate of Lime - Sulphate of Magnesia Chloride of Sodium - Silica, Alumina and Peroxide of Iron Organic Matter ----- Hardness Total - - - - - Hardness Permanent- 10*01 14-3 •72 1*03 T68 2*4 •61 " ' '84 316 4-5 115 1'64 •06 •09 11° 15-5 3° 4'0 Dr. C. E. Saunders adds (1890) that " the oxidation of the iron contained in solution was a source of much trouble in the early days, for it choked the pipes, and discoloured the clothing. This has to some extent been obviated by pumping the water through a fountain, whereby it becomes aerated and deposits the iron peroxide." Horsted Green. Stroodland Farm. 1898. Analysis by Mr. S. A. Woodhead, communicated by Mr. Charles Dawson Grains per [= parts per Gallon 100,000]. Total solids ."■•■'" Solids after ignition -._-'-- Chlorine ------- Ammonia (free) Ammonia (Albuminoid) - Oxygen taken from permanganate in \ hour 4 hours Nitrogen as Nitrates and Nitrites Nitrites Hardness (total) - Hardness after boiling Phosphates - - - - Metallic impurity - 1-00-1 781 2-6 143* 111-6 37 "062 (l jarts l jer million. none, trace. •043 [ absent. •061 ] 52 c 40° absent, none. [ E] "The water was clear and palatable, and in warming no disagreeable odour was noticed. On standing there was practically no sediment. On account of the excessive hardness it cannot be recommended for boiler use, nor yet for drinking purposes owing to the solids in solution, consisting largely of magnesium salts." 1178. 122 INDEX Aldingbourne, 8. Aldrington waterworks,. 74. Ambergate, 38. Amberstone, 38. Analyses, 103. Angmering, 8, 103. Arundel, 8, 103, 104. Ashburnliam Place, 8. Ashdown Sand, 3. Aslifield, 64. Bagshot Beds, 5. Balcombe, 9, 104. Barcombe, 9. Barnham,»10. Junction, 27. Battle, 10. , Sub-wealden Exploration, 65. Beddingham, 11, 105. Beeding, Lower, 11. Upper, 85. Beedingwood, 11. Bexhill, 12, 13, 14, 101. Birdham, 15. Blatchington, East, 24. Blue-coat School, 53. Bognor, 15. waterworks, 28, 64. Bopeep, 47. Borough Farm, 75. Bosham, 15. Bracklesham Beds, 5. Brede Valley, 91-96. Brighton, 16. Industrial School, 83. 119. — waterworks, 16, 17, 72, 105, 106. Broadwater, 17, 99, 106. Broughton Spring, 56, 57. Buckhurst Manor Farm, 86. Buckshole reservoir, 49. Bulverhithe, 42. Burpham, 106. Buxted, 17. Cadborough Cliff, 78. Catsfield, 18. Chalk, 5. Chichester, 18, 19, 107. Chiddingly, 20. Chiltington, 20. Christ's Hospital, 53. Clay pits Farm, 33. Coa'l, Trial for, 14. Cobb's Nest, 70. Cooksbridge 20. Corseley Farm, 38. County Lunatic Asylum, 45, 121. Courthouse Farm, 11, 105. Crowham, 92. Crawley, 20, 107. Crowborough, 77. Warren, 102. Crowhurst, 21. Cuckfield, 22. Place, 23. Dalepark, 62. Dean, West, 90, 91. Ditchling, 23. Drift deposits, 6. Easebourn, 23. Eason's Green, 33. East Blatchington, 24. Eastbourne, 24-27, 108-109. waterworks, 26, 27, 33, 36, 56, 57, 90, 91, 97, 103, 109. Eastergate, 27, 28. East Grinstead, 28, 29, 33, 110. East Hoathly, 33. Ecclesbourne valley, 29, 30. Elstead, 29. Eridge Park, 36. Fairlight, 29, 30. Clay, 3. Fay Gate, 31. Filsham, 47-50. Fishbourne, 31, 32. Fittleworth, 32. Scrub House, 58. Folkington, 33, 56. Forest Row, 33. Forge Bridge, 96. Formations, List of, 1. Framfield, 33. Frant, 33-36. Friston, 36, 109. Funtington, 37. Gault, 4. Geological Survey publications, 7. Gilders' Oak Farm, 64. Glynde, 37, 110, 111. Goldstone Bottom, 16, 105. Goring, 111. Graylings Well Farm, 18. Greensands, 4. Grinstead, East, 28, 29, 33, 110. Groombridge, 38. Gullands Oak, 64. Hailsham, -38, 39. Hambrook House, 37. Hartfield 39, 40. Hartwell 39, 40. Hassocks, 57. Hastings, 41-44, 112. waterworks, 18, 21, 29, 30, 42- 44, 47-52, 91-96, 113. Hay wards Heath, 44, 45, 121. Headhone Farm, 8. Heathfield. 45, 87-89. Heigh ton, South, 119. Hellingly, 46. Hempstead Mill, 85. Heniield, 46, 113. Hermongers, 77, Hillhouse Farm, 78. Hoathley, East, 33. Hollington, 47-52, 113. Holywell Springs, 108, 109. Horsham, 11, 53, 54, 114. INDEX. 12:* Hoisted Green, 121. Keynes, 55. , Little, 62. Hunston, 56. Jevington, 56, 57. Jurassic rocks, 3. Keynier, 57, 58. Kingsfokl estate, 90. Kingston, 58. Kirdford, 58. Knowle, 33. Lamberhurst, 59. Lancing, 59. Langley Farm, 97. Laughton, 59. Leylands Park, 58. Lewes, 60, 114, 115. Littlehampton, 61, 62, 115. Little Horsted, 62. Lodsworth, 62. Lower Beeding, 11. Lower Greensand, 4. Loxwood, 62. Madehurst, 62. Manning's Heath, 71. Mayfield, 63. Maynard's Gate, 77. Merston, 64. Meriy wood, 84. Midhurst, 23, 64, 65. Mid-Sussex Waterworks, 9, 104. Moor Lane, 75. Mountfield, 65-70. Mundham, North, 71. Netherfield, 65-70. Newhaven and Seaford Waterworks, 24, 116, 117. Newick, 70. Newmarket, Kingston, 58. New Timber, 71. Norlington Green, 75. Normanhurst Court, 18. North Mundham, 71. Nuthurst, 71. Offliam Farm, 104. Old Roar, 49-52. Ore 112. Owl's Castle, 92. Pagham, 72. Palsezoic rocks, 2. Park Croft, 98. Farm, Hellingley, 46. Selsey, 79. House, 75. Patcham, 72. Patching, 73. Pepsham (or Pepplesham), 42. Petworth House, 73. Pevensey Sluice, 73, Plashett Park, 73. Polegate, 39. Portslade, 74. Pulborough, 32, 75. Rainfall, 6. Reading Beds, 5. Redley Farm, 93. Ringiner, 75. Room Bottom, 85. Rotherheld, 77. Rowfold Farm, 81. Rudgwick, 77, 78, Rustington, 117. Rye, 78, 118. St. Leonards-on-Sea, 118. Waterworks, 41. St. Mary Bulverhithe, 42. Seaford Waterworks, 24, 116, 117. Sefter School, 72. Selmeston, 79. Selsey, 79, 80. Shipley, 80, 81. Short Gate, 81. Silver Hill, 52, 112. Slaugham, 81. Slinfold, 81, 82. Sompting, 82. South Heighten, 119. Stammerham, 53. Steyning, 82. Water Supply, 85. Stone Cross, 20. — Lodge, 11. Stroodland Farm, 121. Sub-Wealden Exploration, 65-70. Sussex Portland Cement Works, 119. Swanbourne, 103. Telscombe, 83, 119. Thakeham, 84. Three Bridges Station, 99. Ticehurst, 84. Timber, New, 71. Tunbridge Wells Sand, 3. Station, 34, 35. Uckfield, 84, 85. Upper Beeding, 85. Upper Greensand, 4. Verrall's Pool, 60, 114, 115. Wadhurst, 86. Clay, 3. Walberton, 86. Waldron, 87-89. Wannock, 33, 56, 57, 109. Warnham, 89, 90. Warren Farm, 83, 119. Washington, 120. Water Analyses, 103-121. character of, in different strata, 1, 2. Weald Clay, 4. West Dean, 90, 91. Westlield, 91-96. West Firle, 97. Westham, 97, 98. Willingdon, 98. Willowhurst, 20. Winchelsea, 98. Withyham, 102. Wivelsfield, 98. Woolwich and Reading Beds, 5. Worth, 99. Worthing, 99-101, 120. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY R2£ ii . .; GENERAL MEMOIRS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. POIRS of the GEOLOGICAL SURVEY of GREAT BRITAIN. Vol. I., 21-s. ; Vol. II. (in 2 Parte 1