FT SEP 24 UC-NRLF ~i List of Books Suggested for PUBLIC SCHOOL LIBRARIES of the % STATE CF NORTH DAKOTA Prepared under the direction of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, by Miss Helen M. Crane, B. L. S., Librarian of the State Normal School at Valley City, N. Dak. Published by the STATE DEPARTMENT OP EDUCATION Bismarck, North Dakota JANUARY. 1918. To Teachers and School Officers: The public school libraries of this state are under the supervisor i of the state department of education, both as to the kind of books to be selected and s i to the rules and regulations governing their care and use. Teachers are re- quired^ HsT all books in the Teacher's Register and to keep an accurate record of books loaned. ^ Q MACDO NALD, Supt. of Public Instruction. Tiibune Print, Bismarck, N. D. GIFT OF SCHOOL List of Books Suggested for PUBLIC SCHOOL LIBRARIES of the STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA Prepared under the direction of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, by Miss Helen M. Crane, B. L. S., Librarian of the State Normal School at Valley City, N. Dak. Published by the STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Bismarck, North Dakota JANUARY, 1918. To Teachers and School Officers: The public school libraries of this state are under the supervision of the state department of education, both as to the kind of books to be selected and as to the rules and regulations governing their care and use. Teachers are re- quired to list all books in the Teacher's Register and to keep an accurate record of books loaned. N. C. MACDONALD, Supt. of Public Instruction. 35**- TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Extracts from General School Laws 4 Suggestions for $10 Libraries 6 Suggestions for $25 Libraries Classification of Books 11 Reference Books 11 Picture Books, Nursery Rhymes, Stories for Youngest Readers 13 Conduct of Life, Morals, and Manners 17 Bible Stories 19 Mythology , 20 Government, Citizenship, The Army and Navy, Conservation of Natural Resources 23 Aids to Story-Telling 27 Fairy Tales, Fables, Folk-Lore, Legends 28 Nature and Science General 38 Mathematics 40 Astronomy 41 Physics, Electricity 42 Physical Geography, Geology 43 Pre-Historic Times, Primitive Man -. . 45 Botany 47 Zoology 49 Animal Stories 50 Inventions, Occupations, Mechanics 55 Physiology, Hygiene, Public Health 57 Agriculture, Gardening, Forestry 59 Home Economics 63 Vocational Guidance 65 Manual Training, Handicrafts 65 Fine Arts, Picture Study, Drawing, Photography 68 Music, Folk Dances 71 Amusements, Games, Sports 72 Dialogues and Plays 77 Literature for Children 79 Collections of Literature. Readers and Speakers 80 American and English Literature. Authors 83 Poetry and Adaptations 84 Drama 88 Stories 89 Geography and Travel General Ill Commercial and Industrial Geography. Manufacturers .... 114 Exploration, Discovery, Adventure 117 Geography 118 Biography Collective 131 Biography 135 History 140 Magazines for Children 155 Authorities for Notes 156 Author and Title Index 158 Index to Publishers 219 Extracts From General School Laws. 1108. To Furnish School Supplies, Blanks, etc.] He (the state superintendent) shall prepare and furnish to school officers, through the county superintendents, lists of publications approved by him as suitable for district libraries; such lists shall contain also the lowest price at which each publication can be purchased and such other information relative to the purchase of district libraries as he may deem requisite. 1176. Furniture, Maps, Register, School Library.) The district school shall, with the approval of the county superintend- ent of schools, furnish to each school all necessary and suitable furniture, maps, charts, globes, blackboards, and other school apparatus, including any dictionary which is recognized as a standard authority. The school register and all school blanks used shall be those furnished by the state department of public instruction. It shall appropriate and expend each year not less than ten ($10.00), or more than twenty-five ($25.00), for each school of the district for the purpose of school library, to be selected by the school board and the teacher, from any list of books authorized by the superintendent of public instruction, and furnished by him to the county superintendent for that purpose ; provided, that all books purchased for the library shall be bound in cloth or some material equally as durable ; provided, further, that when a school board of a common school, has purchased and has in their library two hundred books as afore provided, that the school board having such school under their supervision shall be obliged to expend not less than five dollars ($5.00), annually, until such library shall contain, in good condition, three hundred volumes, after which said school board shall not be obliged to purchase so as to increase the number, but shall keep the books in good condition, and replace annually as many books as may be- come lost or destroyed. 1177. Care of Library. Librarian.) It shall have the care and custody of the library and may appoint as librarian any suit- able person, including one of their number, but whenever prac- ticable, the library shall be kept in the school house and always so when school is in session. It shall make rules to govern the circulation and care of the books while in the hands of the pupils or other persons, subject to the general rules as may be prescribed by the state superintendent of public instruction, and may impose and collect penalties for injuries done to any book by the act, negligence or permission of the person who takes the same or while in his possession, but no book shall be loaned to any person not a resident of the district. It may at any time temporarily ex- change any part or all of its library with any other district or persons, so far as different books may be obtained, but each dis- trict shall recall its books before the close of the school term. It may at any time accept donations of books for the library, but it shall exclude therefrom all books unsuited to the cultivation of good character and good morals and manners, and no sectarian publications, devoted to the discussion of sectarian differences and creeds shall be admitted to the library. It shall be held ac- countable for the proper care and preservation of the library, and shall report annually to the county superintendent all library sta- tistics which may be required by the blanks furnished for that purpose by the superintendent of public instruction. SUGGESTIONS FOR $10 LIBRARIES Price Alcott Little Women $ .98 Baldwin Thirty more famous stories 43 Burt Poems every child should know 52 Collodi Pinocchio _ 34 Cumnock School Speaker 64 Drummond Monkey that would not kill 75 Eggleston Stories of great Americans for little Americans .34 Haaren and Poland Famous men of Greece 43 Hammond Comprehensive atlas 1.50 Hawks Stars shown to the children 80 Judd Wigwam stories 64 Meadowcraft Boy's life of Edison 78 Schwatka Children of the cold 97 Stack Wild flowers every child should know 52 Thorne-Thomsen East o' the sun .. .44 Total , $10.08 Baldwin Golden fleece 43 Bender Great opera stories 34 Chamberlain How we travel 39 Cody Four American poets 42 Coe Makers of the nation 48 Dodge Hans Brinker _ 50 Grimm Household stories _ 30 Holbrook Hiawatha primer 35 Hutchinson Child's day 35 Keller Story of my life 52 Kingsley Water babies _ 50 Kipling Just so stories 1.08 Mclntyre Cave boy of the age of stone 35 Pyle Some merry adventures of Robin Hood 42 Ruskin King of the Golden River 22 Scudder Children 's book ... 2.00 Spyri Heidi 34 Stevenson Treasure island 52 Wig-gin and Smith Golden numbers 52 Total . $10.03 Andrews Seven little sisters 43 Bacon Songs that every child should know 40 Bancroft Games . . 1.28 Price Bigham Stories of Mother Goose village 38 Defoe Robinson Crusoe 56 Dopp Early sea people 43 Eggleston First book in American history 51 Hale Man without a country 23 Kipling Captains courageous _ 1.20 Lang" Red true story book 50 McDonald and Dalrymple Gerda in Sweden 41 Repplier Book of famous verse ... .68 Riis Making of an American 1.75 Rogers Earth and sky every child should know 1.75 Seton Lobo, Rag and Vixen 42 Shaw Discoverers and explorers 30 Total * $10.00 Aanrud Lisbeth Longfrock $ .34 Andersen Stories 39 Baldwin Abraham Lincoln 51 Baldwin Fifty famous stories retold 30 Carroll Alice in wonderland - '..... .40 Chamberlain North America ' 49 Champlin Young folks cyclopedia of common things 2.05 Cooper Last of the Mohicans 50 Forman Stories of useful inventions 54 Fultz Fly-aways and other seed travelers 54 Lagerlof Wonderful adventures of Nils 52 Miller First book of birds _.. .53 Perkins Irish twins 50 Potter Tale of Peter Rabbit 60 Rogers Trees every child should know 52 Sewell Black beauty 28 Stevenson Child's garden of verses 43 Tappan American hero stories 54 Wade Wonder workers ... .80 Total $10.68 SUGGESTIONS FOR $25 LIBRARIES Bacon Pictures every child should know $ .52 Blackmore Lorna Doone 1.20 Bourne and Benton Introductory American history 60 Brown John of the woods 90 Carpenter Europe _ 51 Champlin and Bostwick Young folks' cyclopedia of games and sports 2.05 Church Odyssey for boys and girls . 1.13 Price Cox Palmer Cox brownie primer 35 Craik Little lame prince _ .26 Dana Two years before the mast 56 Du Puy Uncle Sam's modern miracles .. 1.08 Eastman From deep woods to civilization 1.60 Finnemore England 48 Franklin Autobiography 39 Guerber Story of the Greeks .51 Haaren and Poland Famous men of the middle ages 43 Hawkes Trail to the woods 34 Hawthorne Wonder book Hughes Tom Brown's school days .52 Johnston Deeds of doing and daring 1.00 Kipling Jungle book 1.20 Lane Industries of today 22 Lang Blue fairy book 78 MacClintock Philippines 34 Mcllvaine Outdoors, indoors and up the chimney 60 McMurray Pioneers on land and sea 44 Mathews Songs of all lands 50 Mitton Book of stars for young people 1.05 Mix Mighty animals 34 Perkins Dutch twins 50 Pratt Legends of the red children 30 Rolt- Wheeler Boy with the U. S. foresters 1.08 Verrill Harper's aircraft book 77 Wade Our little Japanese cousin 38 Wade Pilgrims of today 80 Walker Little plays from American history 88 Total ... $25.00 Aesop Fables $ .34 Andrews Stories of my four friends 34 Baker Indoor games and socials for boys 60 Baldwin American book of golden deeds 42 Bond With the men who do things 1.20 Boy mechanic 1.50 Brooks First across the continent 1.40 Chisholm Golden staircase 80 Clemens Adventures of Tom Sawyer 1.18 Collins Wireless man 52 Du Puy Uncle Sam, wonder worker _ 1.08 Ewing Story of a short life : 18 Foote and Skinner Makers and defenders of America 51 Gale Achilles and Hector 45 Guerber Story of the Romans 51 Gulliver Friendship of nations 51 Hawkes Eskimo land 25 Jenks Photography for young people 1.20 Price Lamb Tales from Shakespeare .. LaMotte Fouque Undine 48 Lucas Book of verses for children .77 McCaskey Lincoln literary collection 1.00 Maclean Heroes of the farthest North and the farthest South 45 Mockler-Ferryman Norway Monteith Some useful animals and what they do for us 43 Palmer Life of Alice Freeman Palmer 1.50 Parkman Oregon 80 Proctor Giant sun and his family .47 Rolt- Wheeler Monster Hunters 1.08 Scott Ivanhoe ! 50 Smith Our own country 50 Stevenson Days and deeds: prose 75 Tappan Makers of many things Weed Farm friends and foes 98 Wiggin Rebecca of Sunnybrook farm 52 Wilson Myths of the red children 38 Total ... $24.93 Alden Why the chimes rang _ $ .40 Ashmun Isabel Carleton's year 1.25 Austin Uncle Sam 's secrets 72 Baikie Peeps at the heavens .60 Bengston Wheat industry 56 Bishop Story of the submarine 80 Brearley Animal secrets told 1.08 Brooks Master of the Strong Hearts 95 Burgess Old Mother West Wind 45 Carpenter North America 51 Cody Four famous American writers 42 Collins Book of electricity 88 Collins Book of magic 88 Foley Boys and girls 1.35 Gibson In the Golden East 44 Golding Story of David Livingstone 48 Gould Mother Nature 's children _ 51 Greenwood Merrie England 34 Hale Peterkin papers 1.20 Hart and Chapman How our grandfathers lived 51 Imlach Story of Columbus _ 48 Johnson World 's discoverers _ 1.20 Kastman and Kohler Swedish song games 75 Long Secrets of the woods 43 MacDonald At the back of the north wind 40 McGlauflin Handicraft for girls 95 Peary Children of the Arctic 1.05 Starr American Indians ... .41 Price Stevenson Days and deeds: poetry 75 Stewart Tell me a true story 1.25 Swift Gulliver 's travels 34 Tinsley Practical and artistic basketry 87 Wiley and Edick Children of the cliff 27 Willard Story of the prairies _ 1.75 Total $25.23 Classification of Books If the library contains a hundred or more books they should be classified, or arranged according to the subject all books on music together, all stories of animals by themselves, and books of poetry in one place. The books are much more quickly and easily found if arranged in this way. The numbers used by the Dewey system of classification, which should be followed rather than any other system, are found preceding each subject in the table of contents under the classified list of books for school li- braries. These numbers should be written on the backs of the books in order that they may be returned to the proper place on the shelves. All books except individual biography should be ar- ranged alphabetically according to the author. Individual bio- graphy should be arranged alphabetically according to the name of the person about whom the biography is written. No number need be assigned to stories. Classified List. REFERENCE BOOKS Grade School Price Bartholomew, J. G. Literary and historical atlas of America. (Everyman's library) Library binding. Button $ .50 Useful little reference volume, containing 73 colored historical maps, 25 line maps, plans of notable battles and districts connected with famous authors and books, a limited gazetteer of places of literary and historical interest in North and South America, and a survey of North and South Ameri- can coinage. A. L. A. Bartholomew, J. G. Literary and historical atlas of Europe. (Everyman's library) Library binding. Button 50 Contains 56 admirably engraved and colored historical maps, 46 line maps showing battle plans and regions of literary fame and a 40 page gazet- teer of places of literary and historical interest. A. L. A. 5 8 Champlin, J. D. Young folks' cyclopedia of com- mon things. 4th ed. Holt 2.05 While intended for reference and not for ordin- ary reading, this is yet indispensable to the child's , * 12 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price library. Long before he can successfully use the full-grown cyclopedia he can here gain the method and the habit of looking up things. Prentice and Power. 7 8 Chainplin, J. D. Young folks' cyclopedia of litera- ture and art. Holt 2.05 Brief accounts of leading works in literature, architecture, sculpture, painting, music. Includes characters in fiction, pen names, nicknames, etc. Considerable text illustration. N. Y. state. 5 8 Champlin, J. D. Young folks' cyclopedia of persons and places. Holt 2.25 An illustrated pronouncing dictionary and cyclo- pedia in simple language. Minn. This set of cyclopedias is the best thing avail- able for schoolroom use. Oregon. Faster, W. H. Debating for boys. Sturgis 80 Popular in style. For boys' own use. Good for upper grammar grades and high school. Infor- mation on argumentation, parliamentary proced- ure, organization. A. L. A. Hammond's comprehensive, atlas of the world. Hammond 1 . 50 Gives much useful information, and is of conven- ient size for the school library. Minn. New international encyclopedia. 24 v. Dodd 120.00 The best encyclopedia to buy if the price is not prohibitive. Powers, G. W. Handy dictionary of poetical quota- tions. Crowell 30 Powers, G .W. Handy dictionary of prose quota- tions. Crowell . 30 Convenient small compilations. Roberts, H. M. Rules of order. Scott 80 A compendium of parliamentary law, and ex- planation of the methods of organizing and con- ducting the business of societies. Oregon. Standard reference work. 6v. Interstate pub. co 21.75 Best cyclopedia for grammar and country school use. The New International is preferable where the library can afford it. Webster's New International distionary. Merriam 10.80 An absolute essential in every school. Webster's Secondary Dictionary. Indexed. Am. bk. co 1 . 44 Webster's Secondary Dictionary. Am. bk. co 1.20 Webster's Elementary Dictionary. Am. bk. co 72 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 13 Grade School Price Ref. Wilkinson, W. A. Rural school management. Silver 1.00 Written by an authority on rural school prob- lems, especially in North Dakota. World almanac. Latest ed. Press pub 60 Annual. Brief information on a great variety of subjects and useful recent statistics. Index in front. Minn. The World Book. Organized knowldege in story and picture. World bk. co 35.00 PICTURE BOOKS, NURSERY RHYMES AND STORIES FOR THE YOUNGEST READERS, 2 3 Aesop. Fables ; retold by Mary Godolphin in words of one syllable. Button $ .52 3 4 Aspinwall, Mrs. Alicia. Short stories for short people. Dutton 1 . 50 Little stories containing much of the absurd and impossible which is such a constant source of de- light to children. Wis. 2 3 Baldwin, James. Another fairy reader. Amer. bk. co 30 Folklore of various countries. Wis. free lib. com. 2 3 Baldwin, James. Fairy reader. (Eclectic readings) Amer. bk. co 30 Adapted from Grimm and Andersen. 1 2 Bannerman, Helen. Story of little black Sambo. Stokes 40 Tiger story with colored pictures. Very popular. Pittsburgh. 1 2 Bigham, M. A. Stories of Mother Goose village. Rand 38 Original stories founded on Mother Goose rhymes. Large print and many colored pictures. Olcott. 13 Blaisdell, M. F. Polly and Dolly. Little 36 Carefully graded for use as a supplementary first reader. Stories about the good times of four real children and a dog. Oregon. 1 2 Brooke, L. L. il. Johnny Crow's garden. Warne 1.00 Old nursery rhyme with humorous illustrations in black and white and full-page drawings in color. Pittsburg. 2 3 Brooks, Dorothy. Stories of the red children .Amer. bk. co 26 What the little red children believe about the wind, stars, rain, and other natural phenomena. 14 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Pnce The type is large and the language simple. Pittsburgh. 1 Brown, C. L. and Bailey, C. S. Jungle primer. Amer. bk. co - 26 First book in reading based on Mother Goose rhymes and folk tales. A. L. A. 2 3 Bryce, C. T. Child-lore dramatic reader. Scribner 32 27 folk-tales, fables, and rhymes thrown into simple dialogue form for reading or playing in schools. Brief suggestions are given for acting each story. A. L. A. 3 Bryce, C. T. Fables from afar. (Aldine supplement- ary readers) Newson , 35 Omits Aesop and gives those less familiar fables which are classics in India, China and Japan. The volumes in this series of supplementary readers are most attractive, being exceptionally well printed and generously illustrated in colors. Oregon. 1 3 Burgess, Gelett. Goops and how to be them. Stokes. 1.20 Advice on manners and morals in amusing verse that children cannot fail to remember. Hewins. 1 3 Cox, Palmer. Palmer Cox brownie primer. Century. .35 Arranged from Palmer Cox's Brownie books; text by Mary C. Judd. The appeal of the Brownie pictures will make the primer folks try to read at their seats the grade text. Wis. 2 3 Foulke, E. E. Braided straws. Silver 39 Stories and verses. Attractive and entertaining. N. Y. city. 1 2 Fox, F. C. Indian primer. Amer. bk. co 22 Stories of five types of Indian life with history, myths and legends pertaining to each type. A. L. A. 12 Grover, E. 0. Folk-lore readers. Atkinson. Book 1. .26 Graded readers based on folk tales, myths and legends. Large type and illustrations in two colors. Utica. 12 Grover, E. 0. Overall boys : a first reader. Rand 38 A companion volume to the Sunbonnet babies primer. 1 2 Grover, E. 0. Sunbonnet babies primer. Rand 34 Stories and pictures of two little girls and their dog, Jack, and other pets and people. N. Y. city. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 15 Grade School Price Grover, E. 0. and Chutter, Art literature readers. Atkinson. 12 Book 1 26 2 Book 2 35 Uncommonly successful child's readers. Each contains about 40 excellent reproductions of paint- ings. N. Y. state lib. 1 2 Haaren, J. H. Rhymes and fables : first reader grade. Newson 12 Nursery songs with pictures. Very popular. Pittsburg. 2 3 Haaren, J. H. Songs and stories : second reader grade. Newson i . 15 Particularly good collection of stories and poems. Pittsburgh. 1 3 Harris, A. L. Eugene Field reader. Scribner 40 Based on a well selected number of Eugene Field's poems for children. Utica. 2 3 Holbrook, Florence. Hiawatha primer. Houghton ' .35 Stories of Longfellow's Hiawatha simplified. Colored pictures. Children's cat. 1 2 Horsford, I. M. Stories of our holidays. Silver 30 Takes up the various holidays celebrated throughout the school year in this country. A. L. A. 1 2 Howard , F. W. Banbury cross stories. (Merrill's story books). Merrill 23 Very simply told in words of one syllable and illustrated with line drawings. The type is large. A. L. A. 1 2 Klingensmith, Annie. Household stories for little readers. Flanagan 38 A book of old folk tales and Greek Myths. 1 2 Lansing, M. F. Rhymes and stories. (Open road library) . Ginn 30 Contains Mother Goose rhymes and some of the children's favorite nonsense stories and nursery tales. Pittsburgh. 1 3 Lefevre, Felicite. Cock, the mouse, and the little red hen. Jacobs 90 An old folk-tale retold. Illustrated in color by Tony Sarg. One of the best liked of little chil- dren's books. Olcott. 1 3 Lucia, Rose. Peter and Polly in summer. Amer. bk. co. .30 Simple stories of home and outdoor life indi- rectly teaching courtesy, simplicity and love of nature. Illustrated. Minn. 16 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 1 3 Lucia, Rose. Peter and Polly in winter. Amer. bk. co. . 30 Dealing with winter fun. 12 McDonald, Mrs. E. A. B. and Blaisdell, M. F. Boy Blue and his friends. Little 36 Short, easy stories written around some of the Mother Goose rhymes, for children just learning to read. N. Y. city. 2 McDonald, Mrs. E. A. B. and Blaisdell, M. F. Child life readers. Macmillan 30 v. 2'. Child life in tale and fable : a second reader. 1 2 Mother Goose. Book of nursery rhymes; comp. by Charles Welsh. (Home and school classics). Heath .26 1 2 Mother Goose. Nursery rhymes selected by Louey Chisholm. (Told to the children series). Button .48 A pretty book with colored illustrations which are full of spirit and humor. For home reading. Oregon. 2 Mother Goose. Old nursery rhymes, illustrated by Kate Greenaway. Warne 48 A delightful picture book by one of the best English illustrators. Included for its beauty rather than for its utility, as it is not a reader for class use. Oregon. 1 2 Mott, S. M. and Chubb, Percival. Indoors and out; nature and dramatic reader for primary grades. Scribner 27 Prose and verse for first grade children, de- lightfully illustrated. Wis. free lib. com. Norton, C. E. Heart of oak books. Revised edition. Heath. 1 2 Book 1. Rhymes, jingles and fables 40 2 3 Book 2. Fables and nursery tales 40 Probably the best collection of good literature offered in any series of school readers. Oregon. 1 2 Potter, Beatrix. Tale of Benjamin Bunny. (Library binding). Warne _ 60 12 Potter, Beatrix. Tale of Peter Rabbit. (Library binding) . Warne 60 12 Potter, Beatrix. Tale of Squirrel Nutkin. (Library binding.) Warne 60 This and the other books by the same author are exceedingly popular with children. 1 2 Poulsson, Emilie. Through the farmyard gate. Lothrop 80 Rhymes and stories for children to read, mainly about animals. N. Y. city. 34 Proudfoot, M. A. Hiawatha industrial reader. Rand .34 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 17 Grade School Price 2 3 Scudder, H. E. Verse and prose for beginners in reading. (Riverside literature series). Houghton .23 Excellent selection from English and American literature. Prentice and Power. 1 2 Skinner, A. M. Storyland in play. Rand 39 W ; ell selected poems and stories, some dram- atized, others in narrative form. Wis. bul. 1 2 Skinner, A. M. and Lawrence, L. N. Little dramas for primary grades. Amer. bk. co 30 Well known fables and stories, with some poems presented in dialogue form for little children. A. L. A. 1 2 Summers, Maud. Summers readers. Beattys. Primer 29 First reader _ 35 Unusually attractive matter. Well illustrated. Oregon. 1 2 Treadwell, H. T. and Free, Margaret. Reading liter- ature: first reader; illustrated by Frederick Richardson. Row 35 Attractive reader containing good versions of the best folk tales, Mother Goose rhymes, and poems by Christina Rossetti and Stevenson. Cleve- land. 1 2 Trimmer, Mrs. S. K. History of the robins. Heath. .20 Has been the delight of thousands of children for over three-quarters of a century. Arnold. 1 2 Wiltse, S. E. Folk-lore stories and proverbs. Ginn 26 One of the best collections for children who are just learning to read. Oregon. 1 2 Smythe 's Reynard the Fox. Am. bk. co ... . 30 CONDUCT OF LIFE, MORALS AND MANNERS 18 Cabot, E. L. Ethics for children. Houghton 1.22 A central topic is chosen for each of the eight grades helpfulness, home life, work, loyalty, etc. and under each are grouped extracts from good authors, one for each month. A. L. A. Ref. Cabot, Mrs. E. L. and others. A course in citizen- ship. Houghton 1 .22 Arranged by grade and month, this book gives a series of lessons on home, school and play- ground, neighborhood, town and city, nation, American ideals, and international relations. Oregon. 18 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 8 12 Carey, A. A. Scout law in practice. Little ... .48 A book for scout masters, made up from talks to sea scouts during the cruises of the Boy scout ship, Pioneer. A. L. A. 7 8 Carruth, W. H. Letters to American boys. Amer. Unit. Assn 72 Straightforward, interesting letters about man- ners, attitude toward members of the family, games, the "gang", study, the teacher, learning a trade, going into business, being a doctor, etc. Oregon. 6 8 Coe, F. E. Heroes of everyday life. Ginn 34 Contents: The diver The telegraph operator The civil engineer The day laborer The life- saver The fireman The engineer at sea The miner. 4 6 Dewey, Mrs. J. M. Ethics: stories for home and school. Educ. pub. co 48 To supplement the teacher's instruction in ethics. When it has not seemed possible to present a moral truth in the guise of an interesting story, incident or poem, a plain and direct homily has been used. Pref. 6 8 Dewey, Mrs. J. M. Lessons on manners. Hinds 68 A simple, sensible book on behavior. Oregon. 6 8 Dewey, Mrs. J. M. Lessons on morals. Hinds 68 To help children to learn to decide rightly ques- tions of conduct and to become strong and self- reliant in character. Oregon. 6 7 Garrison, W. P. Parables for school and home. Long- mans - 83 Talks on kindness to animals, honesty, patrio- tism, the protection of public property, and other subjects. Hewins. 5 8 Gulliver, Lucille. Friendship of nations ; with a fore- word by David Starr Jordan. Ginn 51 Relates the story of war and of peace, the growth of friendly relations between countries, and the part played by discoveries and inventions in the cause of peace. A. L. A. 5 8 Pritchard, M. T. and Turkington, G. A. Stories of thrift for young Americans. Scribner 54 Short stories which aim to teach thrift of time, money, body and brain. A. L. A. 7 8 Wallace, Henry. Uncle Henry's letters to the farm boy. M'acmillan 80 Advice on questions of education and ethics. Olcott. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 19 Grade School Price BIBLE STORIES 3 4 Baldwin, James. Old stories of the East. Amer. bk. co * : 38 Twelve stories from the Old Testament retold from a literary standpoint. Utica. 4 6 Bible. Bible for young people; arranged from the King James version by Mrs. J. B. Gilder. New ed. Century 1.50 24 full page 'illustrations from the old masters. There are omissions and changes; verse and chap- ter divisions have been disregarded and the nar- rative life of Christ is made up from the four Gos- pels. Wis. free lib. com. 3 6 Chisholm, Edwin. Old Testament stories. (Told to the children series). Dutton 48 Stories of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and Moses told in Bible language. N. Y. city. 6 7 Gillie, R. C. Kinsfolk and friends of Jesus. Macmillan 1.50 Sequel to the story of stories, told in simple language. Illustrations from famous paintings. Arnold. 67 Gillie, R. C. Story of stories. Macmillan 1.50 One of the best, if not the best, of the lives of Christ for young people. Hunt. 5 7 Guerber, H. A. Story of the chosen people. Amer. bk. co 51 Consecutive story of the Jews written in simple style. Preface. 5 6 Hodges, George. When the king came : stories from the four gospels. Houghton 1.20 Tells the gospel story with fine simplicity. N. Y. state. 4r 5 Kelman, J. H. Stories from the life of Christ. (Told to the children series). Dutton 48 A small attractive volume in good type with colored illustrations. A reverent treatment, in Biblical language, for young children. Prentice and Power. 4 8 Olcott, F. J. Bible stories to read and tell. Hougton 1.60 150 stories from the Old Testament in the language of the King James version. Pub. 34 Proudfoot, A. H. Child's Christ tales. Flanagan 7 Kindergarten stories of the Christ child and the saints. Illustrated with pictures of religious paint- ings. Minn. 1 3 Stewart, Mary. Comp. Tell me a true story. Revell. 1.25 Bible stories for very young children, by an 20 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price experienced Sunday School teacher. Cleveland. 3 8 Tappan, E. M. An old, old story-book. Houghton 1.20 Old Testament stories from the authorized ver- sion. MYTHOLOGY 4 8 Baldwin, James. Golden fleece: more old Greek stories. (Eclectic readings). Amer. bk. co 43 Adventures of Jason and his companions in their many wanderings in esarch of the Golden fleece, retold for children. Oregon. 4 6 Baldwin, James. Old Greek stories. (Eclectic read- ings). Amer. bk. co 38 Told in simple language, and as hero stories, not as stories of gods, and with no attempt at analysis and explanation. Both Greek and Latin names given, but Latin forms are used in the story. Oregon. 5 1 Baldwin, James. Story of the golden age. Scribner. .90 Various legends about the causes of the Trojan war and the adventures of the boy Odysseus, ending where Homer begins. Wis. free lib. com. 6 8 Brooks, Edward. Story of the Aeneid. Penn 95 Adventures of Aeneas, retold from Virgil, de- scribing his voyage from Troy to the land of Latium. Pittsburgh. 7 8 Brooks, Edward. Story of the Iliad. Penn 95 Will arouse the interest of young people. Oregon. 5 7 Brooks, Edward. Story of the Odyssey. Penn 95 The versions of the Odyssey by Lamb, Clarke and Burt are adapted for school use. This book is an interesting well written story for individual reading. Oregon. 3 6 Brown, A. F. In the days of giants ; a book of Norse tales. (Riverside literature series). Houghton 44 One of the most readable and attractive collec- tions of Norse myths. Oregon. 57 Buckley, E. F. Children of the dawn: old tales of Greece. Stokes 1.20 Admirable versions of these old tales for older children, well adapted for reading aloud. A. L. A. 7 8 Bulfinch, Thomas. Bulf inch's mythology. Rev. ed. Crowell 1 . 50 Cheap edition in one volume of the age of fable, the age of chivalry, Legends of Charlemagne. Paper, binding and type are satisfactory. A. L. A. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 21 Grade School Price 67 Carpenter, E. J. Hellenic tales. Little ... .60 24 stories delightfully and simply retold for young people, but closely adhering to the orig- inals. A. L. A. 5 7 Church, A. J. Odyssey for boys and girls, told from Homer. Macmillan 1 . 13 , Adaptation of the story of the wanderings of Ulysses. Illustrated in color and beautifully print- ed. Oregon. 7 8 Church, A. J. Story of the Iliad. (Juvenile library) Macmillan _ 45 6 7 Clarke, Michael. Story of Aeneas. (Eclectic read- ings) Amer. bk. co. 38 Well illustrated and attractive for supplement- ary reading. Oregon. 5 6 Clarke, Michael. Story of Troy. (Eclectic readings) Amer. bk. co : . 51 A school reading book giving the story of the Iliad, with many quotations from Bryant's trans- lation, and some from Pope's. Well illustrated. Oregon. 2 4 Cooke, F. J. Nature myths and stories for little children. Rev. ed. Flanagan .28 Stories from mythology and poetry, grouped by subject ^suii myths, cloud stories, flower stories, etc. Oregon. 2 5 Farmer, F. V. Nature myths of many lands. Amer. bk. co 38 Tales from American, Asiatic, and European sources, many of which are not found elsewhere in this form. A. L. A. 3 4 Foster, M. H. and Cummings, M. H. Asgard stories ; tales from Norse mythology. Silver 31 Simple language for smaller children than Brown. A. L. A. 4 5 Francillon, R. E. Gods and heroes; or, The king- dom of Jupiter. (Home and school library) Ginn .41 Better than Hawthorne for children who do not read easily. Hewins. 78 French, Allen. Story of Grettir the Strong. Button 1.25 This is the only good form of the saga for children's reading and is a vigorous and interest- ing narrative. A. L. A. 45 Gale, Mrs. A. S. C. Achilles and Hector. Rand 45 The story of the Iliad worthily retold. Prentice and Power. 22 UST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 7 8 Guerber, H. A. Myths of Greece and Rome. Illus- trated edition. Amer. bk. co 1.28 Excellent account, with illustrations from paint- ings and statuary, poetical quotations, etc. N. Y. city. 7 8 Guerber, H. A. Myths of northern lands. Illustrated edition. Amer. bk. co 1.28 With special reference to literature and art; physical significance explained briefly. Pittsburgh. 46 Hall, Jennie. Four old Greeks. Rand 30 Intended as an introduction to Greek mythology, literature and art. Baker. 3 4 Harding, C. H. and Harding', S. B. Stories of Greek gods, heroes and men : a history of the Greeks. Scott 43 21 stories of mythology, 6 stories of heroes, 13 stories from history. Pittsburgh. 5 8 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Tanglewood tales for girls and boys. (Riverside literature series) Houghton .39 Greek myths retold in a delightful manner. Con- tains a few good illustrations and a full index. Oregon. 5 8 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Wonder-book for girls and boys. (Riverside literature series). Houghton 39 One of the best versions of a selection of Greek stories for higher grades. Oregon. 5 8 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. A wonder-book and Tangle- wood tales. (Washington Square classics). Jac- obs 1.00 An illustrated edition for home reading. Oregon. 2 3 Holbrook, Florence. Book of nature myths. Houghton 40 Stories telling why the woodpecker's head is red, Why the rabbit is timid. Why the sea is salt, How fire was brought to the Indians, and many other tales. Pittsburgh. 4^-5 Hyde, L. S. Favorite Greek myths. Heath 53 One of the best versions for higher grades, es- pecially good for the Hercules story. Oregon. 56 Keary, Annie and Keary, Eliza. Heroes of Asgard ; tales from Scandinavian mythology, revised and abridged. (Pocket classics). Macmillan 22 An abridgment of one of the standard versions, giving some of the most picturesque tales in simple form. Oregon. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 23 Grade School Price 4 6 Kingsley, Charles. The heroes ; or, Greek fairy tales. Ginn 26 Stories of Perseus, the Argonauts, Theseus. 5 6 Lamb, Charles. Adventures of Ulysses. (Home and school classics). Heath 22 Adaptation of Chapman's translation of the Odyssey, which Lamb called "divine", and loses none of its poetry and romance under his sympa- thetic touch. G. M. Mills. 5 7 Mabie, H. W. ed. Myths that every child should know. Grosset 52 Greek and Norse Myths chosen from well-known authors. Baker. 5 7 Mabie, H. W. ed. Norse stories : retold from the Eddas. Rand 34 Most literary retelling of the Norse myths. The best for the children in the higher grades. Oregon. 3 5 Peabody, J. P. Old Greek folk stories told anew. (Riverside literature series) cloth. Houghton 23 Tells the stories omitted from Hawthorne's Wonderbook and Tanglewood tales. Oregon. 58 Perry, W. C. The boy's Iliad. Macmillan 1.13 5 8 Perry, W. C. The boy's Odyssey. Macmillan 1.13 Based on Butcher and Lang 's translation. Finely illustrated. Oregon. 5 7 Wilmot Buxton, E. M. Stories of Norse heroes; from the Eddas and Sagas. Crowell 1.40 A simple retelling of the Norse eddas in excellent literary form. Contains more stories than Mabie 's work and can be used with younger children. A. L. A. 4 6 Zimmern, Alice. Gods and heroes of the North. (Class books of English literature). Longmans 27 Stories of gods and heroes, retold from the Eddas, with the addition of the tale of Beowulf. Oregon. GOVERNMENT. CITIZENSHIP THE ARMY AND NAVY CONSERVATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES. 5 7 Austin, 0. P. Uncle Sam's .secrets; a story of na- tional affairs. (Home reading books.) Appleton 72 About currency, the mint, railway postal service, foreign mail, banking and revenue systems. Pittsburgh. 24 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School .Price 5 7 Austin, 0. P. Uncle Sam's soldiers; a story of the war with Spain. (Home reading books). Appleton .77 For boys who want to learn about West Point, army organization, coast defenses, details of camp and* hospital life, and modern military methods in general. Pittsburgh. 6 7 Bailey, E, A. Among the law makers. Scribner 1.2'0 Life of a page in the United States senate; de- scribing interesting events and proceedings of Con- gress. N. Y. city. 7 8 Boyle, J. E. Beginners Civics for North Dakota. Am. bk. co 80 5 7 Brooks, E. S. Century book for young Americans. Century 1 . 20 A party of boys and girls visit Washington and learn of the workings of each department of the government. N. Y. city. 5 8 Burroughs, W. D. Wonderland of stamps. Stokes 1.08 In semi-story form, gives information that the study of stamps opens up about history, animals, birds, myths, customs, geography, etc. Not com- plete but will be useful to the young collector. N. Y. state. Ref. Chancellor, W. E. History and government. Amer. bk. co. 25 For the foreigner in the community. Oregon. 6 8 Codd, M, J. On board a United States battle ship. Flanagan 54 Graphic and entertaining account of life on board the fleet from Hampton Roads to San Fran- cisco. Wis. free lib. com. 7 8 Dole, C. F. American citizen. Heath 68 On the rights and duties of citizens with em- phasis upon moral principles. Oregon. 5 7 Dole, C. F. Young citizen. Heath 38 Explains government, voting, taxes, etc., and shows how children can be good citizens. N. Y. state lib. 68 Dunn, A. W. Community and the citizen. Heath 84 Elementary ideas regarding community life and the service performed for the citizen by the gov- ernment. Oregon. 7 8 Du Puy, W. A. Uncle 'Sam, wonder worker. Stokes 1.08 Such chapter headings as Growing Cotton on trees, inventing new animals, stealing the persim- mon's pucker, give an idea of the scope. Wis. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 25 Grade School Price 8 Du Puy, W. A. Uncle Sam's modern miracles. Stokes 1.08 Informal accounts of the work of the government with contagion, the Filipino, the weather, the Indian, the desert, the Mississippi, the farmer's wife, the land, roads, new crops, wireless, rural mail delivery, the census, the mint, sanitation, sec- ret service, the war college, the immigrants. Minn. 6 8 Field, Jessie and Nearing, Scott. Community civics. Macmillan 51 Instructive textbook and reader for children in rural schools and in small towns. It aims to teach citizenship through a willingness and ability to take part intelligently in the affairs of one's own community. Illustrated with photographs. Wis. bul. 7 8 Guitteau, W. B. Preparing for citizenship. Houghton .66 Elementary text book in civics. Wis. free lib. com. 8 9 Haskin, F. J. American government. (School edition) . Lippincott 72 A review of the actual work of the federal gov- ernment. Interesting and authoritative. Oregon. 7 8 Hill, Mabel. Lessons for junior citizens. Ginn .50 Each chapter contains a short story concerning some municipal or political function, such as, the police department, board of health, fire depart- ment, school system, etc. N. Y. city. 6 7 Hoxie, C D. How the people rule: civics for boys and girls. Silver , 39 The young reader is introduced to civic features touching his own daily life and then to a con- sideration of village, town, city, state and national government. N. Y. city. 5 6 Judson, H. P. The young American : a civic reader. Merrill .44 Outlines of our system of government with his- torical references and appropriate selections in prose and verse. Oregon. 4 5 Martin, F. E. and Davis, G. M. Fire-brands. (School edition). Little 50 Written in story form to teach children how to avoid setting a fire, how to extinguish one or to hold it in check, how the fire losses which come through carelessness may be prevented. Oregon. 7 8 McBrien, J. L. America First. Am. bk. co 1.00 Containing a patriotic play as well as patriotic poetical selections. 26 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 7 8 Nida, W. L. City, state and nation. Macmillan 65 Thorough and interesting treatment of subjects such as city planning and health, city institutions and government, federal and national government departments, elections. Well illustrated with photographs. Wis. bul. Ref. Plass, A. A. Civics in simple lessons for foreign- ers. Heath . 53 For the foreigners in the community. Contains vocabulary in seven languages, instructions on naturalization, and lessons on city, state and na- tional government and ideals. Oregon. 68 Price, 0. W. Land we live in. Small 1.08 Simple, direct explanation of what conservation is and why it is necessary. Intensely interesting and fully illustrated with photographs. Wis. free lib. com. '6 7 Reinsch, P. S. Civil government. Sanborn 60 Contents : Government and the citizen What governments do Organization Some American ideals. 68 Rolt-W[heeler, Francis. Boy with the U. S. fisher- ies. (U. S. service series). Lothrop 1.08 The boy has varied experiences, and learns much about marine life and the work of the United States fisheries bureau. A. L. A. 68 Rolt- Wheeler, Francis. The boy with the U. S. sur- vey. (U. S. service series). Lothrop 1.08 Recounts some of the important work being done by the U. S. Geological survey in the guise of a story of a sturdy boy's experience with different detachments of the Survey working in the Arizona canyons and deserts, and in Alaska wilds. A. L. A. 7 8 Ship of state, by those at the helm. Ginn 34 Twelve papers by prominent officers of govern- ment, showing daily duties of president, senator, congressman, supreme court judge, and system by which army, navy, postoffice and other institutions are carried on. N. Y. state lib. 7 8 Tisdale, Mrs. W. D. Three years behind the guns: the true chronicle of a "diddy-box." (Every- boy's library). Grosset 52 A young sailor visits Japan and China and fin- ally takes part in the engagement before Manila with Admiral Dewey. Gives an excellent insight into the routine life 'on a battle-ship. A. L. A. Ref. Wilson, Woodrow. The New Freedom. Doubleday 1.00 An argument for government by the majority. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 27 Grade School Price AIDS TO STORY-TELLING Bailey, C. S. Firelight stories ; folk tales retold for kindergarten, school and home. Bradley 1.00 Bailey, C. S. For the story-teller: story telling and stories to tell. Bradley 1 . 32 Excellent for the untrained teacher because the directions are so concise and so helpful and the stories are well classified. Oregon. Bailey, C. S. and Lewis, C. M. For the children's hour. Bradley 1 . 32 A compilation of stories from old myths, folk tales, magazines out of print, and the best of liter- ature old and latter-day. Brookline. Bryant, S. C. Best stories to tell to children. Hough- ton 1 . 50 29 of the most popular stories from the author's How to tell stories to children, and Stories to tell to children. A. L. A. Bryant, S. C. How to tell stories to children. Hough- - ton 75 Discussion of purpose, advantage, and art of story telling, followed by a selection of graded stories and list of good books containing available material. N. Y. state lib. Bryant, S. C. Stories to tell to children. Houghton .75 51 stories, mainly for young children, with suggestions for telling. Pittsburgh. Bryant, S. C. Stories to tell to the littlest ones. Houghton 75 Most of them are original stories. Children's cat. Coe, F. E. First book of stories for the story-teller. Houghton 70 Useful collection of stories most often wanted by teachers. Utica. Coe, F. E. Second book of stories for the story-teller. Houghton 70 35 stories for use in the second grade. A large number have been chosen for their moral value. Oregon. Lindsay, Maud. Mother stories. Bradley 88 A moral lesson emphasized in each story. Oregon. MarzialS; A. M. Stories for the story hour from January to December. Dodd 1.25 Written with humor and imagination. A. L. A. Scott, E. L. Story-telling: what to tell and how to 28 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade . School Price tell it. MeClurg .60 Specially good in suggestion for cycle stories for older children. ."Wis. free lib. com. Shedlock, M. L. Art of the story-teller. Appleton 1.50 The most comprehensive book on story-telling yet written. The chapter answering questions asked by teachers, is specially practical. Wis. bul. FAIRYTALES. FABLES. FOLKLORE. LEGENDS. 2 3 Aesop. Fables: a version for j^oung readers by J. H. Stickney. Ginn 34 In addition to over 140 of the fables of Aesop there are a number of fables by the great Russian fabulist Kriloff. Pub. 3 5 Aesop. Fables; selected, told anew, and their history traced by Joseph Jacobs ; done into pic- tures by Richard Heighway. Macmillan 1.13 An attractive edition for home reading for old and young. Minn. 2 4 Alden, R. M, Why the chimes rang. Bobbs 40 Unusually successful modern fairy tales, each with its allegory and not too obtrusive moral. N. Y. state lib. 3 4 Andersen, H. C. Fairy tales ; ed. by J. H. Stickney. Ginn 39 First series. 3 5 Andersen, H. C. Fairy tales ; ed. by J. H. Stickney. Ginn 39 Second series. Good edition for the little children. A. L. A. 4 6 Andersen, H, C, Fairy tales; tr. by Mrs. E. Lucas; illus. by the brothers Robinson. (Everyman's li- brary) . Button , 50 Is well translated and includes all the stories most interesting to children. Hewins. 3 6 Andersen, H. C. Stories. (Riverside literature ser- ies). Houghton 39 This is probably the best inexpensive edition. Oregon. 4 6 Arabian nights. Arabian nights entertainments, based on a translation by E. W. Dane ; ed. by F. J. Olcott. Holt 1 . 50 Best edition for children's library. A. L. A. 3 5 Arabian nights. Stories from the Arabian nights. (Riverside literature series). Houghton .39 13 of the best of the stories carefully edited. Prentice and Power. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 29 Grade School Price 4 6 Asbjornsen, P. C. Fairy tales from the far North. (Fairy library). Burt _. .50 Famous Norse folk tales of trolls ,princesses, goblins and other wonders. Oregon. 4 5 Aspinwall, Mrs. Alicia. Echo-maid and other stories Button 1 . 50 Refreshingly original fairy tales told in ex- ceptionally vigorous, straightforward English. Pittsburgh. 2 3 Baldwin, James. Fairy stories and fables. (Eclectic readings). Amer. bk. co 30 Includes such favorites as The three bears Little Red Riding Hood Tom Thumb Jack and the bean stalk Cinderella. 6 8 Baldwin, James. Sampo : hero adventures from the Finnish Kalevala. Scribner 1 . 55 An admirable adaptation for children of the Finnish folk epic, the Kalevala. A. L. A. 5 7 Baldwin, James. Fifty Famous Rides and Riders. Am. bk. co 64 67 Baldwin, James. Story of Roland. Scribner 1.20 Continuous narrative made up of legends from all sources. Buffalo. 67 Baldwin, James. Story of Siegfried. Scribner 1.20 Best rendition for children of the Siegfried leg- ends. Wis. free lib. com. 4 6 Baldwin, James. Wonder book of horses. Century .68 Selections of best tales from The horse fair. Contains stories of flying steeds, and the war horses of famous knights and heroes. Olcott. 3 6 Barrie, Sir J. M. Peter and Wendy. Scribner 1 . 50 Adventures of Peter Pan and his wife, Wendy, lost boys, pirates and the fairy, Tinker Bell. Cleveland. 45 Blumenthal, V. X. K. de Folk tales from the Rus- sian. Rand 34 Very unusual stories which give children some slight feeling of the difference between the liter- ature of the Slavs and Western peoples. Lyman. 5 6 Brown, A. F. Book of saints and friendly beasts. Houghton 54 Legends of the lesser saints and the animals as- sociated with them retold as simple folk tales. N. Y. state lib. 4 5 Browne, Frances. Wonderful chair and the tales it told; ed. by M. V. O'Shea. (Home and school classics). Heath 35 A fairy book of unusual merit. Pittsburgh. 30 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 4 6 Carroll, Lewis, (pseud, of C. L. Dodgson) Alice's adventures in Wonderland; illus. by Tenniel. Macmillan 40 By following 1 a White Babbit down into a rabbit- hole, Alice finds herself in Wonderland. Her mis- takes at first nearly cause her to drown in her own tears, but afterward she meets many queer animal friends besides the King and Queen of Hearts, a crusty old Duchess, a mad Hatter, a sleepy Dor- mouse, and a March Hare, with whom she has strange experiences. Pittsburgh. 4 6 Carroll, Lewis, pseud. Through the looking glass and what Alice found there. (Standard school library) . Macmillan .40 Sequel to Alice in Wonderland. 3 4 Carryl, C. E. Davy and the goblin. Houghton 1.40 Davy's "believing voyage" to the sugar-plum garden, Jack and the bean-stalk's farm, the mov- ing forest, Sinbad the sailor's house and other places. 6 8 Chapin, A. A. Wonder tales from Wagner. Harper .78 The legends on which are based The flying Dutchman, Tannhauser, Lohengrin, Tristan and Isolde, The master singers of Nuremburg. Chil- dren's cat. 3 4 Collodi, C. (pseud, of Carlo Lorenzini) Pinocchio, the adventures of a marionette. Ginn .36 A favorite with children. 5 6 Compton, Margaret, pseud. American Indian fairy tales. Dodd 1 . 50 Well told myths, legends and folk tales, very few of which are in other collections. Cleveland. 3 5 Craik, Mrs. D. M. M. Adventures of a brownie. Educ. pub .co _ 32 About a household of children who have a mis- chievous brownie for a playfellow. N. Y. city. 35 Craik, Mrs. D. M. M. Little lame prince ; illustrated by E. D. Barry. (Home and school classics). Heath 26 A modern fairy tale, beautiful in spirit, unusual in theme and setting. Wis. free lib. com. 3 5 Craik, Mrs. D. M. M. Little lame prince ; illustrated by Hope Dunlap. Rand 80 Quaint and beautiful illustrations. 45 Crommelin, E. G. ed. Famous legends. Century 53 Grouped by countries. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 31 Grade School Price 3 5 Curtin, Jeremiah. Fairy tales of eastern Europe M'cBride 1 . 50 Interesting folk lore from Russian, Hungarian, Bohemian, and Serbian sources. A. L. A. 4 6 Davis, M. H. and Chow-Leung. Chinese fables and folk stories. Amer. bk. co .34 Excellent translations and retold versions of stories which illustrate Chinese processes of thought and manner of living. A. L. A. 4 6 Djurklou, N. G. Fairy tales from the Swedish; tr. by H. L. Braekstad. Stokes 1.00 Homely folk tales characterized by much humor, few of which are found in other collections. Cleveland. 5 7 Finnemore, John. Story of Robin Hood and his merry men. (Color books for boys and girls). Macmillan 1 . 13 A spirited, well told version that can be recom- mended next to Howard Pyle's. A. L. A. 6 7 Frost, W. H. Knights of the Round Table: stories of King Arthur and the Holy Grail. Scribner 1.08 Charming version of the King Arthur stories, interwoven with descriptions of the south of England. Oregon. 4 5 Greene, F, N. Legends of King Arthur. Ginn 43 Simple prose version following Tennyson close- ly and containing many extracts from his verse. Has excellent introduction on feudalism and chiv- alry. Oregon. 5 8 Greenwood, Grace, pseud. Stories from famous ballads; ed. by Caroline Burnite. Ginn 40 Told in charming poetic English with much vigor and the romantic elements have been re- tained. Good to read aloud. Pittsburgh. 3 5 Grimm, J. L. and Grimm, W. K. German household tales. (Riverside school library). Houghton .39 With very few exceptions an unusually wise choice of the tales. Arnold. 3 5 Grimm, J. L. K. and Grimm, W. K. Household stories; tr. by Lucy Crane; illustrated by Walter Crane. (Children's favorite classics). Crowell 30 Stories carefully selected. An attractive illus- trated edition. Wis. free lib. com. 8 Guerber, H. A. Legends of the middle ages. Amer. bk. co 1 . 50 Relates legends in easy narrative, bringing out 32 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price influence on literature and art by quotations and pictures. N. Y. state lib. 7 8 Guerber, H. A. Legends of the Rhine. Barnes 1.50 A collection of the weird, romantic legends which cluster about the moss grown ruins and quaint towns and cities of the Rhine. Pittsburgh. 3 5 Hall, Jennie. Viking tales. (Schood edition). Rand. .30 Spirited rendition of Icelandic sagas. Cincinnati. 4 6 Harris, J. C. Little Mr. Thimble-finger stories. (Riverside literature series). Houghton 39 Fantastic tale interweaving negro animal stories and other Georgia folklore with modern inven- tions. N. Y. state. 5 8 Harris, J. C. Nights with Uncle Remus. Houghton 1.20 Myths and legends of the old plantation. Title. 5 8 Harris, J. C. Uncle Remus : his songs and sayings. Appleton 1 . 75 Children must know the plantation stories of Brer Rabbit, Brer Fox, and the tar baby. Oregon. 3 5 Holbrook, Florence. Northland heroes. Houghton 35 The stories of Fridthjof and Beowulf. For school reading. Oregon. 4 5 Houghton, Mrs. L. S. Russian grandmother's wonder tales. Scribner 1 . 08 Excellent collection from authentic sources. A. L. A. 3 5 Ingelow, Jean. Three fairy tales. (Home and school classics). Heath 18 The ouphe of the wood, The fairy who judged her neighbors, The prince's dream. 4 5 Jacobs, Joseph, ed. Celtic fairy tales. (Fairy library). Burt : _ 50 Includes stories of Wales, Scotland and Ireland most delightfully told. Wis. free lib. com. 3 5 Jacobs, Joseph, ed. English fairy tales. (Fairy li- library ) . Burt 50 A favorite collection with the children. Pitts- burgh. 4 6 Jacobs, Joseph, ed. More English fairy tales. Putnam. . 94 Contains English fairy tales less familiar, but often more interesting than old favorites which are included in other works on the list. Wis. 2 4 Jatakas. Jataka tales; ed. by E. C. Rabbit. (School edition) . Century 36 Fables, chiefly about animals, from one of the sacred books of the Buddists. In many, kindness STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA ?3 Grade School Price to animals is a favorite theme. Simply and accept- ably told for children. A. L. A. 3 4 Johnson, Clifton, ed. Fairy-tale bears; selections from favorite folk-lore stories. (School edition). Houghton _ 41 18 stories about bears taken from folklore stories of different nations. A. L. A. 4 6 Kingsley, Charles. Water babies. (Everyman's library). Linbrary binding. Dutton 50 A fairy tale for a land baby containing the his- tory of the great and famous nation of Do-as- you-likes, and the account of the wonderful things which Tom saw on his journey to the Other-end- of-Nowhere. Pittsburgh. 4 6 Kingsley, Charles. Water-babies; told to the chil- dren by Amy Steedman. (Told to the children series). Dutton 48 Excellent abridgment with pleasing illustra- tions in color. N. Y. state lib. 4 5 Lagerlof, S. 0. L. Wonderful adventures of Nils; tr. by V. S. Howard. Grosset 52 Written by request for use in the schools of Sweden. A mischievous boy is turned into an elf man and rides on the back of a goose toward Lap- land. A large amount of information as to habits of animals, legends, and description of the country is included. Minn. 7 8 La Motte-Fouque, F. H. K. baron de Undine, told to , children by Mary McGregor. (Told to the chil- dren) . Dutton 48 One of the little classics of German literature. Undine is a water sprite in human form, but with- out a human soul until love comes to her and lifts her into a higher life. Field. 3 5 Lang, Andrew. Blue fairy book. New edition. Longmans _ . 78 Favorite collection of standard fairy tales. Pitts- burgh. 2 3 Lang, Andrew. Cinderella; or, The little glass slipper, and other stories. Longmans 19 Contains also : Rumpelstiltskin, The master cat, Why the sea is salt, Little thumb. Utica. 4 5 Lang, Andrew, ed. Green fairy book. Longmans .78 Fairy tales from France, Germany, Russia, Italy, Scotland, England, and China. 3 5 Lucia's Peter and Polly in Spring. Am. bk. co 36 Peter and Polly in Summer 35 34 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price Peter and Polly in Winter 35 The stories of two jolly, healthy country children and the things they do are just the things all normal children do and like to hear about. 2 3 Lang, Andrew. History of Dick Whittington, and other stories. Longmans 27 Contains also : The goose-girl Trusty John John The forty thieves The Master-maid Aladdin and the wonderful lamp. 2 3 Lang", Andrew. Jack the giant killer, and other stories. Longmans 23 Contains also: Prince Hyacinth Beauty and the beast. 3 5 Lang, Andrew, ed. Red fairy book. New edition. Burt 50 Fairy tales from the Norse, French and German. 3 5 Lansing, M. F. ed. Fairy tales. (Open road library). Ginn. v. 1 30 v. 2 * 30 A careful selection of the favorite old tales, told with beautiful simplicity and in clear forceful language. A. L. A. 4 5 Lansing, M. F. Life in the greenwood. (Open road library) . Ginn 30 Stories and ballads of Robin Hood. Attractive little book, well illustrated. Oregon. 3 4 Lansing, M. F. Quaint old stories to read and act. (Open road library). Ginn 30 Collection of simple, dramatic stories, mainly folk tales. The material is well chosen and the versions suitable for reading or dramatization. Cleveland. 3 4 Lansing, M. F. Tales of old England in prose and verse. (Open road library). Ginn 30 Among them are such favorites as Tom Thumb Children in the wood Jack and the bean stalk Dick Whittington and his cat Robin Good- fellow Sir Patrick Spens. A. L. A. 45 Lee, James and Carey, J. T. Silesian folk tales. Amer. bk. co . 34 46 Mabie, H. W. ed. Fairy tales every child should know. Grosset 52 A collection of the old favorites. Oregon. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 35 Grade School Price 6 7 Mabie, H. W. ed. Legends that every child should know. Grosset - . 52 Contains some splendid legends not commonly found in collections. Pittsburgh. 5 6 MacDonald, George. At the back of the north wind. Simplified by Elizabeth Lewis. Lippincott 40 A fairy tale of what a little boy saw at the back of the North wind. 4 6 MacDonald^ George. Light princess ; and other'f airy tales. Putnam 1 . 25 What happened to a little princess who weighed nothing and floated as easily as a feather. Utica. 5 7 Macleod, Mary. Book of king Arthur and his noble knights. Burt 60 A very popular and well-written version of the King Arthur stories. Oregon. 4 6 McSpadden, J. W. Stories of Robin Hood and his merry outlaws. Crowell '.45 A good selection for home reading. Oregon. 4 6 Maeterlinck, Maurice. Children's blue bird, by Georgette Leblanc. (Madame Maurice Maeter- linck.) ed. by F. 0. Perkins. Silver 47 Story of the play told in prose. Beautiful cover and illustrations. A. L. A. 4 5 Maitland, Louise. Heroes of chivalry. (Stories of heroes) . Silver - .47 The story of Arthur The quest of the Holy Grail The story of Roland. 4^-6 Marshall, H. E. Stories of Beowulf. (Told to the children series). Dutton 48 These simplified stories are very well told and retain to a considerable degree the beauty and quaintness of the original. They are better adapt- ed for young children than other versions. A. L. A. 4^-6 Marshall, H. E. Stories of Roland. (Told to the children series). Dutton 48 10 illustrated stories from the song of Roland, simply but effectively told. A. L. A. 5 6 Marshall, H. E. Stories of William Tell and his friends. (Told to the children series). Dutton 48 13 short stories of the struggle for Swiss free- dom. A. L. A. 23 O'Shea, M. V. ed. Old world wonder stories. (Home and school classics). Heath 18 Contents : Whittington and his cat Jack the 36 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Pnce giant killer Tom Thumb Jack and the bean stalk. 1 3 Perrault, Charles. Tales of Mother Goose; tr. by Charles Welsh. (Home and school classics). Heath .18 Not a modified version but one which suffers the blow to fall upon evil doers, and allows the appropriate outcome for each tale. Oregon. 6 8 Plummer, M. W. Stories from the Chronicle of the Cid. Holt 80 A simple and spirited version conforming to mod- ern standards of morality. N. Y. state lib. 5 8 Poulsson, E. and Poulsson, L. E. tr. Top-of-the- world stories for boys and girls; tr. from the Scandinavian language. Lothrop 1.00 Stories of magic and adventure. Pub. 8 4 Pratt, M. L. Legends of thei red children. Amer. bk. co. . 30 Partial contents : The legend of the lightning Star beautiful Will-o'-the-wisp The rainbow- How the spring comes Snail and the beaver Hiawatha legend Pole star Thunderers. 5 8 Pyle, Howard. Merry adventures of Robin Hood. Scribner 2 . 40 One of the best renditions of the tale. Cin- cinnati. 5 8 Pyle, Howard. Some merry adventures of Eobin Hood. Scribner 42 A continuous narrative of the episodes in the life of the famous outlaw gathered from the older sources. A. L. A. 6 8 Pyle, Howard. Story of King Arthur and his knights; illustrated by Howard Pyle. Scribner 1.80 Expensive, but beautiful in thought, expression and illustration. The most attractive of the King Arthur books. Oregon. 45 Pyle, Katharine. Wonder tales retold. Little 1.08 Old stories from various sources all over the world. A. L. A. 56 Radford, M. L. King Arthur and his knights. (School edition). Rand 43 Adapted from Malory and from Tennyson's Idylls of the king. Minn. 46 Rhys, Ernest, ed. Fairy gold. (Everyman's library). Button 50 Ranging from Cinderella to the Pied piper and and beautifully pictured by Mr. Herbert Cole. N. Y. city. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA '67 Grade School Price 4 6 Ruskin, John. King of the Golden River. (Home and school classics). Heath 22 The story of the black brothers, makes demand for kindness, honesty, sympathy and stouthearted endurance of trials as essential attributes for a na- ture that is held up for admiration. Colby. 6_7 Schmidt, Ferdinand. (The) Nibelungs; tr. by G. P. Upton. (Life stories for young people). McClurg. Excellent prose rendering of the famous epic. A. L. A. 34 Scudder, H. E. Book of fables and folk stories. Houghton 40 One of the most satisfactory collections ever made, and a literary model. Prentice and Power. 3 5 Scudder, H. E. Book of legends told over again. (Riverside literature series). Houghton _ 20 18 well known legends. 67 Stevens, L. 0. and Allen, E. F. King Arthur stories. (Riverside literature series). Houghton 38 An admirable and attractive cheap version. Five reproductions from Abbey paintings. N. Y. State lib. 4 5 Stockton, F. R. Fanciful tales. (School reading). Scribner _ 42 Marked by the best of Stockton's qualities, del- icacy of fancy, humor, and interest. Prentice and Power. 3 4 Tappan, E. M. Golden goose and other fairy tales; tr. from the Swedish. Houghton 1.00 Six Swedish fairy tales, beautifully illustrated. 57 Tappan, E, M. Old ballads in prose. (School edition). Houghton 40 Excellent edition for school use. 5 7 Thackeray, W. M. Rose and the ring; abridged by Amy Steedman. (Told to the children). Button 48 Full of fun and imagination. Oregon. 2 5 Thorne-Thomsen, Mrs. Gudrun, comp and tr. East o' the sun and west o' the moon. Row 60 22 folk tales carefully chosen from the great stories of Norwegian folklore. Retold simply and with a fine appreciation of the spirit and atmos- phere of the original. Cleveland. 2 4 Tileston, Mrs. M. W. F. Children's treasure trove of pearls. Little _ 1 . 30 41 stories from many sources, largely but not exclusively folk tales, all established favorites and some long inaccessible. A. L. A. 38 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Pnoe 1 3 Turpin, E, H. L. Classic fables ; selected and retold for primary grades. (Graded supplementary read- ing) . Merrill 30 Has the fine illustrations which Billinghurst made for Aesop's fables. Arranged for reading lessons. Oregon. 3 4 Wiggin, Mrs. K. D. S. and Smith, N. A. Fairy ring. Grosset 52 A collection of the most readable fairy tales with a vivacious introduction. Oregon. 4 6 Wiggin, Mrs. K. D. S. and Smith, N. A. Magic case- ments; a second fairy book. Doubleday 1.03 Admirably selected, and gathered from many sources and many countries. A. L. A. 4^6 Wiggin, Mrs. K. D. S. and Smith, N. A. Tales of laughter. Grosset . 52 A fund of humorous and joyous stories collected from the Celtic, Scandinavian, Russian, Spanish, German, Chinese and other sources. Olcott. 3 5 Williston, T. P. Japanese fairy tales retold. Band. Series 1 _ 43 Series 2 43 Beautiful Japanese fairy tales illustrated in color by a Japanese artist. 8 Wilmot-Buxton, E. M. Stories from old French ro- mance. Stokes . 78 The stories are charmingly told and some of them are not found elsewhere. A. L. A. 56 Wilson. Indian Hero Tales. Am. bk. co. .. .60 NATURE AND SCIENCE GENERAL 3 5 Andrews, Jane. Stories Mother Nature told her children. Ginn _ . 43 About coal, amber, the frost, seeds and other things. Pratt. 3 5 Andrews. Stories of my four friends. Ginn 34 Simple stories and sketches of nature and the four seasons, teaching children to observe and appreciate. Charmingly illustrated. N. Y. state lib. 3 4 Brown, E. V. When the world was young. (Nature and industry readers). World bk. co - .46 Ref. Clark, B. M. General science. Amer. bk. co 80 Gives simply, facts about heat, food, water, air, light, sound and electricity having direct applica- tion to every day life. Minn. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 39 Grade School Price Ref. Comstock; A. B. Handbook of nature study. Comstock 3 . 25 Includes discussion of nature study and out- lines covering animal life, plant life, earth and sky. Very full and profusely illustrated. Minn. 6 8 Fournier d'Albe, E. E. Wonders of physical sci- ence. Macmillan 50 Simple accounts of the barometer, air pump, air ship and wireless telegraph. Cleveland. 68 Gibson, W. H. Secrets out of doors. (School edi- tion). Harper * 45 Not formal nature study. It is rather a walk and talk with a keen artist-naturalist, who points out to boys and girls the strange things of the woods and fields. Introduction. 56 Gould, A. W. Mother Nature's children. (School edition) . Ginn . 51 Aims to help the young to see the spirit rather than the form of nature. Wis. 68 Hodge, C. F. Nature study and life. Ginn 1.28 A book for the teacher. Full of information in regard to plant and animal life. Oregon. 7 8 Holden, E. S. Real things in nature ; a reading book of science. Macmillan 56 Astronomy, physics, meteorology, chemistry, geology, zoology, botany, the human body and the early history of mankind. Children's cat. Ref. Holtz, F. L. Nature study. Scribner 1.32 Practical work for teachers, containing chapters on underlying principles and methods, subject mat- ter on animal and plant study, detailed course for the eight grades and a list of reference books and nature readers. A. L. A. 6 8 Ingersoll, Ernest. Book of the ocean. Century 1.20 Describes ocean currents, early voyages, naval battles, ships, rigging, polar regions, sea animals, etc. N. Y. state lib. 5 7 Mcllvaine, Charles. Outdoors, indoors and up the chimney. S. S. Times 60 Not written down in the least, but clear, simple and easily understood by children of ten years of age and older. A. L. A. Ref. Needhain, J. G. Natural history of the farm. Comstock 1 . 35 Series of studies for the entire year, giving methods of examining wild plant and animal life, also cultivated plants and domesticated animals, and recording the results systematically. An inter- esting and suggestive book for teachers of gram- mar grades or high schools. A. L. A. 40 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 3 6 Overton, Frank. Nature study: a pupil's text-book. Amer. bk. co 34 Designed to furnish a year's work in nature study, and to correlate nature study with com- position work and drawing. Oregon. 6 8 Needham, J. C. Outdoor Studies. Am. bk. co .40 Collection of absorbing nature lessons designed to awaken interest and train the observation. 6 8 Patri's White Patch. Am. bk .co .40 Tells of a little boy who dreams that he was changed into an ant. 68 Sharp, D. L. Fall of the year. Houghton 53 6 8 Sharp, D. L. Spring of the year. Houghton 53 6 8 Sharp, D. L. Summer. Houghton . 53 68 Sharp, D. L. Winter. Houghton 53 Delightful little essays designed to interest chil- dren in nature. Minn. 3 4 Strong, F. L. All the year around: a nature reader. Ginn. Pt. 1. Autumn 26 Pt. 2'. Winter 26 Pt. 3. Spring 26 Pt. 4. Summer; by M. A. L. Lane and Margaret Lane 26 Nature stories for each season myths, poetry, and simple descriptions. Oregon. 5 7 Torrelle, Ellen, Plant and animal children : how they grow. (School edition). Heath 56 Attempts to express in simple language the es- sential facts and principles of growth and develop- ment in plant and animal life, and to show the re- lation of these facts and principles to human life. Written especially for the pupils of the elementary schools. Oregon. 26 Wright, Mrs. J. M. Sea-side and way-side. Heath. v. 1. Crabs, bees, spiders, shell fish 28 v. 2. Ants, flies, beetles, barnacles, jellyfish 35 v. 3. Relation of the insects and birds to plant life .45 v. 4. Introduction to study of astronomy, geology, biology .55 MATHEMATICS 6 8 Burkett, C. W. and Swartzel, K. D. Farm arithmetic. Judd 90 Interesting and practical farm problems to sup- plement other arithmetics. For elementary schools Illustrated. Oregon. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 41 Grade School Price Ref. Calfee, J. E. Rural arithmetic. Ginn .26 Ref. Fanner, A. N. and Huntington, J. R. Food problems. Ginn : 30 7 8 Hunt, Brenelle. Community arithmetic. Amer. bk. co. . 51 7 8 Lewis, C. J. Farm business arithmetic 50 5 8 Madden, I. A. and Turner, E. A. Rural arithmetic. Bought on 65 A textbook for grammar grades and secondary schools. Subtitle. 12 Morey, C. W. Little folks' number book. Scribner 33 7 8 Stratton, W. T. and Remick, B. L. Agricultural arithmetic. Macmillan .' 43 7 8 Thomas, A. 0. Rural arithmetic. Amer. bk. co 58 ASTRONOMY 6 8 Baikie, James. Peeps at the heavens. (Peeps at science) . Macmillan 60 Clear, interesting and well illustrated. Almost wholly devoted to the solar system. N. Y.- state lib. 6 8 Ball, Sir R, S. Star-land ; being talks with young people about the wonders of the heavens. Ginn 85 By the director of the observatory of Cambridge university. Its simple style does not interfere with its scientific accuracy. Pittsburgh. 6 8 Collins, A. F. Book of stars. Appleton 88 4 5 Hawks, Ellison. Stars shown to the children. Platt 80 English book for younger children. Attractive in form and illustration. Minn. Ref. McKready, Kelvin. Beginners' star book. Putnam 2.15 An excellent reference book, fully illustrated and with numerous clear charts. Gives tables in- dicating the position of the planets until the year 1931. Oregon. Ref. Martin, M. E. Friendly stars. Harper 96 Untechnical, entertaining descriptions of the twenty brightest stars and the great constella- tions, indicating their locations, colors, distances, movements, rising and setting. Makes identifica- tion with the naked eye easy. Oregon. 6 8 Mitton, G. E. Book of stars for young people. New edition. Macmllian 1 .05 Comes nearer than any predecessor in an at- tempt to make astronomical facts clear and inter- esting to children. Wis. free lib. com. Ref. Olcott, W. T. Field book of the stars. Putnam 78 Compact guide, providing fifty clear diagrams, 42 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price showing the principal stars in each important constellation. Brief text gives necessary ex- planations. A. L. A. 6 8 Proctor, Mary. Giant sun and his family. Sliver 47 Excellent little book intended for supplementary reading. A. L. A. 5 6 Proctor, Mary. Stories of starland. Silver 47 Facts, legends, poems, stories and pictures of the sun, moon and stars. N. Y. city. PHYSICS. ELECTRICITY 6 8 Adams, J. H. Harper's electricity book for boys. (Harper's practical books). Harper 1.15 Clear directions for manufacturing every-day electrical appliances with homemade apparatus at small cost. Includes chapter explaining electric light, heat, power and traction, and a dictionary of electrical terms. A. L. A. 6 8 Collins, A. F. Book of electricity. Appleton 88 Explains with diagrams and illustrations static electricity, current electricity, magnetism, Morse telegraph, Bell telephone, how to make a spark coil, how to do electric wiring, etc. A. L. A. 7 8 Collins, A. F. Book of wireless. Appleton 88 8 Collins, F. A. Wireless man, his work and adven- tures on land and sea. Grosset .52 Explains how wireless telegraphy works, about its different uses and the necessary equipment. Also gives an account of stirring wireless rescues. Pittsburgh. 7 8 Gibson, C .R. How telegraphs and telephones work. Lippincott .: 75 Elements of electricity and principles and prac- tice of operating the telegraph and telephone. Chapters on wireless telephony and the electron theory. Minn. 8 Houston, E. J. Wonder book of light. Stokes 1.15 Including chapters on color, X rays and rad- ioactivity, illumination, photography, rainbows, polarized light. A. L. A. 7 -8 Houston, E. J. Wonder book of magnetism. Stokes 1.15 Describes the mysterious force of magnetism and its uses. Minn. 78 Jenks, Tudor. Electricity for young people. Stokes 1.20 Tells in concise and simple language the progress of electricity, showing its discovery and its prac- tical uses. Nation. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 43 Grade School Price 5 8 Meadowcraft, W. H. Scholar's A B C of electricity. Excelsior 40 Outlines principles of electric science in simple language, and explains their application in tele- graph, telephone, electric light, and motive power. Pittsburgh. 6 8 Morgan, A. P. Boy electrician. Lotrop 1.55 Practical plans for electrical apparatus for work and play, with an explanation of the principles of every day electricity. Title. 6 8 St. John, T. M. How two boys made their own elec- trical apparatus. St. John 90 Clear and complete directions for making 152 different pieces of apparatus. N. Y. city. 6 8 St. John, T. M. Things a boy should know about electricity. St. John .90 Essential facts about electricity and easy ex- periments. N. Y. city. 7 8 Shafer, D .0. Harper's beginning electricity. (Harp- er's practical books). Harper 77 Simple experiments which any boy can do. A good book for those making a beginning study. A. L. A. 8 Shafer, D. C. Harper's everyday electricity. Harper. .77 Describes familiar apparatus and gives some practical directions on how to make homemade equipment. Fully illustrated. A. L. A. 7 8 Sloane, T. 0. Electric toy making for amateurs. Ed. 20 Henley 80 Very practical. Wis. 7 8 Verrill, A. H. Harper's aircraft book. Harper 77 Clear, elementary treatment for older boys of the principles of flight and the construction of model aeroplanes, gliders and even man-carrying machines. N. Y. state lib. 7 8 Verrill, A. H. Harper's wireless book. Harper .77 How to use wireless electricity in telegraphing, telephoning and the transmission of power. Title. A book for beginners. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. GEOLOGY. Ref. Davis, W. M. Elementary physical geography. Ginn 1.07 For the teacher. Many illustrations, references and plates. Oregon. 5 8 Dodge, R. E. Reader in physical geography. Long- mans . 62 Happy in interpreting principles of land sculp- 44 UST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price ture in the most homely similes. Compels beginner to relate knowledge to what is already known. Science. Ref. Dryer, C. R. High school geography: physical, economic and regional. Amer. bk. co 1.30 Physical features and processes treated in their economic relations. Text illustrations and many fine maps. Useful for the teacher. Minn. 3 4 Fairbanks, H. W. Home geography for primary grades. Educ. pub. co 48 Suggestive for the teacher as an introduction to geography. Oregon. 7 8 Fairbanks, H. W. Stories of rocks and minerals for the grammar grades. Educ. pub. co 48 "Stories" is somewhat misleading. Directly in- structive in simple style. N. Y. state. 4 6 Frye, A. E. Brooks and brook basins. Ginn .43 Aid to the study of the forms of land and water. Wis. Ref. Gilbert, G. K. and Brigham, A. P. Introduction to physical geography. Appleton 1.17 A high school textbook which will be useful in grade work also, especially for the teacher. Oregon. 7 9 Golding, A. A. Introduction to general geography. Putnam 85 7 8 Greene, Homer. Coal and the coal mines. (River- side library). Houghton 68 Geogolical formation of coal, its discovery and use, how it is mined and prepared for market. N. Y. city. 7 8 Hardy, M. E. Introduction to plant geography. (Oxford geographies). Oxford 1.04 7 8 Harrington, M, W. About the weather. (Home read- ing books). Appleton 63 Explains production and peculiarities of winds, clouds, rain, snow, thunder storms, cyclones, the methods and usefulness of the weather bureau, etc. Helpful illustrations. N. Y. state lib. 34 Herbertson, F. D. First physiography. (Oxford geo- graphies. Elementary geography, v. 1). Oxford .27 7 8 Houston, E. J. Wonder book of the atmosphere. Stokes 1 . 15 Contains a good deal of information that is not included in school books, and is happy in getting the "young" point of view. A. L. A. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 45 Grade School Price 7 8 Kelley, J. G. Boy mineral collectors. Lippincott ...... 1.08 Mineralogy in very interesting story form. N. Y. city. 5 7 Rogers, J. E. Earth and sky every child should know. Grosset 52 Clear and simply written explanation of the world's geological periods, the principles of physio- graphy, and a few brief chapters on the stars. A. L. A. Ref. Salisbury, R. D. Physiography for high schools. Holt 1.50 6 8 Shaler, N. S. First book in geology. Heath 63 Simple, interesting introduction to geology. Oregon. 7 8 Shaler, N. S. Story of our continents. Ginn 64 It shows the connection between the geology and the geography of the United States, and the causes which have aided to determine regional and na- tional development. Pittsburgh. 8 Willard, D. E. Story of the prairies. Rand 1.75 Landscape geology of North Dakota. Sub-title. PREHISTORIC TIMES. PRIMITIVE MAN. 4 5 Bayliss, Mrs. C. K. Lolami, the little cliff dweller. Public school pub 44 Lives and customs of the cliff-dwellers of New Mexico and Arizona. Wis. 2 3 Dopp, K. E. Early cave-men. (Industrial and social history series, Book 2). Rand 38 The aim of these books is to give a view of the main steps in the early progress of the race. Oregon. 35 Dopp, K. E. Early sea people. (Industrial and social history series, Book 4). Rand _ 43 Early sea people are the ancestors of the Scan- dinavians and Teutons. The scientific facts are given in a logical story and each incident has inter- est and color. A. L. A. 3 5 Dopp, K. E. Later cave-men. (Industrial and social history series, Book 3). Rand 38 2 3 Dopp, K. E. Tree dwellers. (Industrial and social history series, Book 1). Rand 38 The aim of these books is to give a view of the main steps in the early progress of the race. The language is simple, illustration is ample, and "things to think about and do" after each lesson will stimulate thought, imagination and activity. Oregon. 46 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 4 6 Ewald, Carl. Two legs. Scribner 80 Fairy tale, describing how the first man made use of the animals, one after another, till he be- came master of them all. N. Y. state lib. 4 5 Holbrook, Florence. Cave, mound, and lake dwell- ers, and other primitive peoples. Heath 39 Very simply told and well illustrated. Interest- ing chapters on the lake dwellers and mound build- ers. A. L. A. 1 2 Jewett, Martha. Hopi, the cliff dweller. Educ. pub. co 24 Description of the daily life of cliff dwelling Indians. The story is told in simple language, with careful development of new ideas. Intended for supplementary reading, but would interest any child of six for home reading. A. L. A. .3 4 Mclntyre, M. A. Cave-boy of the age of stone. Appleton . 35 Story of the life of primitive man, the making of crude tools, and the discovery of fire. Wis. 4 6 Mix, J. I. Mighty animals. Amer. bk. co 34 Describes in simple language the more import- ant prehistoric animals, their probable appear- ance and habits, how their bones have been pre- served and discovered and "how skeletons are put together for museums. N. Y. state lib. 78 Rolt- Wheeler, F. W. The monster-hunters. Lothrop 1.08 Gives information about the prehistoric mon- sters in narrative form. Some 50 illustrations most of them loaned by the American Museum of Nat- ural History. A. L. A. 57 True, J. P. Iron star. Little .50 Short history of primitive civilization told in the adventures of a meteor which fell to earth in the cave dwellers' age and is now a precious relic in Plymouth, Mass. N. Y. state lib. 78 Waterloo, Stanley. Story of Ab. Doubleday 1.15 Admirable presentation of the life of prehis- toric man in story form. Iowa. 2 3 Waterloo, Stanley. Ab, the cave man : adapted from the story of Ab, by W. L. Nida. Flanagan 54 Adapted for young readers. Wiley, Belle and Edick, G. W. Children of the cliff. Appleton _ _ 27 In the arid land of the Southwest little Mavo and Teni wander away from their home, meet In- dian foes, find new ways among the tunneled STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 47 Grade School Price cliffs, and watch the varied work of the women. Oregon. 3 Wiley, Belle and Edick, G. W. Lodrix, the little lake dweller. Appleton 27 Little boy's adventure in prehistoric times. N. Y. state lib. BOTANY. 5 7 Atkinson, G. F. First studies of plant life. Ginn 51 Best elementary book for children. Wis. 5 8 Bailey, L. H . First lessons with plants. Macmillan " .34 These simple lessons are designed to awaken an interest in plants and in nature rather than to teach botany. They are suggestions to the teacher who desires to introduce nature-study into the school. Preface. 2 3 Bass, Florence. Stories of plant life. Heath 35 Stories of trees, flowers, buds and leaves. N. Y. state lib. 45 Beal, W. J. Seed dispersal. Ginn 28 Tells of the various ways in which seeds are carried from one place to another. 3 5 Brown, K. L. Plant baby and its friends. Silver 43 Simple stories and poems about plant life, careful as to scientific facts and very readable. Oregon. 6 8 Doubleday, Mrs. N. B. D. Nature's garden. Double- day - 3 . 20 Describes in untechnical language over 500 species of wild flowers, arranged according to color. Pittsburgh. 3 5 Fultz, F. M. Fly-aways and other seed travelers. Public school pub. co 54 Simple and entertaining account for young children of the way seeds travel. A. L. A. 7 8 Gibson, W. H. Blossom hosts and insect guests. New- son 70 Useful study of flower fertilization. How the wild flowers welcome the bee and other faithful insects. Title. Ref . Gray, Asa. Field, forest and garden botany. Revised edition. Amer. bk. co _ 1.22 Revised by L. H. Bailey. Identifies the more common wild plants and all common house and garden plants by means of analytical keys. No illustrations. No other book describes so many cultivated plants. D. Lange. 48 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 7 8 Keeler, H. L. Our native trees and how to identify them. Scribner _ .. 2 . 00 Scientifically accurate with a distinct literary flavor. Aid to first hand acquaintance with the trees. Prentice and Power. 7 8 Mathews, F. S. Field book of American wild flow- ers. Revised edition. Putnam 2.00 About 800 species described. Well illustrated. Wis. 5 7 Morley, M. W. Flowers and their friends. Ginn 43 An especially helpful book for the teacher of ele- mentary botany, charmingly written and illus- trated, and all interwoven with bits of flower fancy. Pittsburgh. 2 4 Morley, M. W. Seed-babies. Ginn 22 The bean children and the peanut children, the melons and their cousins, and other seed babies talk with a little boy and tell him what they eat and how they grow. Pittsburgh. 46 Parsons, Mrs. F. T. D. (Mrs. W. S. Dana). Plants and their children. Amer. bk. co 56 Easy, entertaining lessons or readings on fruits and seeds, roots and stems, buds, leaves and flowers. Pittsburgh. 69 Rogers, J. E. Book of useful plants. Doubleday 97 Describes the habits and uses of the most im- portant plants that feed and clothe the world. A. L. A. 6 8 Rogers, J. E. Trees that every child should know. Grosset 52 Description of trees at different seasons, in- cluding study of fruits, leaves and uses of trees. A. L. A. Ref. Sargent, F. L. Plants and their uses. Holt 1.20 Describes, classifies and explains uses of "the plants that everyone ought to know because of their intimate connection with human welfare," food, flavoring, beverage, medicinal, poisonous and industrial plants. More advanced and scien- tific than the book by Rogers, but a thoroughly interesting book. Oregon. 6 8 Stack, F. W. Wild flowers every child should know. Grosset 52 There is no technical description, but a full, popular one, giving interesting facts about the uses of the flower and the myths and legends con- cerning it. A. L. A. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 49 Grade School Price 4 5 Stokes, Susan. Ten common trees. Amer. bk. co 40 Simple nature studies of ten tree families the willow, elm, oak, apple, horse-chestnut, birch, chestnut, pine and maple. ZOOLOGY. 3 4 Bartlett, L. L. Animals at home. (Eclectic read- ings). Amer. bk. co 39 Each story tells about some particular animal, its habitat, mode of life, and adaptation to its surroundings. Oregon. 57 Baskett, J. N. Story of the fishes. (Home reading books) . Appleton 72 Partial contents : Interesting things inside the fish How a fish poses and keeps its head and back up How a fish gets its breath, and other things. 2 3 Bass, Florence. Stories of animal life. Heath 39 Short stories of wasps, bees, birds, fishes and outdoor life. N. Y. city. 6 8 Beard, D. C. American boys' book of bugs, butter- flies and beetles. Lippincott 1.60 A most interesting book. Will be eagerly read by many pupils. Numerous illustrations. Wis. 7 9 Beard, J. C. Curious homes and their tenants. (Home reading books). Appleton 59 About crabs, spiders, moles, bees, ants, kangar- oos, kinkajous, human cliff dwellers, Eskimos, etc., and their habitations. Interesting with admirable drawings. N. Y. state lib. 6 8 Brearley, H. C. Animal secrets told: a book of ' ' whys ' '. Stokes _ 1 . 08 Scientifically accurate chapters giving the reasons for the various kinds, shapes, and posi- tions of animals' eyes, ears, mouths, tongues, etc. They convey a good many interesting facts in a manner that will please children and contain considerable material not before found in chil- dren's books. Excellent illustrations from photo- graphs and drawings. A. L. A. 6 8 Burroughs, John. Birds and bees, Sharp eyes, and other papers. (Riverside literature series). Houghton :. _ 39 A collection of his best nature essays. Charm- ing in style, accurate in observation, and adapted to the understanding and vocabulary of a child. Oregon. 50 UST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 4 7 Burroughs, John. Squirrels and other fur-bearers. school edition. Houghton 52 Hahits of chipmonk, woodchuck, hare, muskrat, skunk, fox, weasel, mink, raccoon, porcupine, opos- sum, wild mice. 15 colored illustrations after Audubon. N. Y. state lib. 78 Chapman, F. M. Bird-life. Appleton 2.00 Field key to common birds, valuable chapters on structure, usefulness, and migration, with brief descriptions of each species. 75 full page plates. Pittsburgh. 5 8 Chapman, F. M. Travels of birds. Appleton .. .41 Scientific study of migration written in an inter- esting narrative style. Wis. bul. 8 Comstock, J. H. Insect life. Appleton 1.60 Clear, scientific, admirably illustrated. Direc- tions for collecting and preserving specimens. N. Y. state lib. 7 8 Dorrance. Story of the Forest. Am. bk. co 56 7 8 Doubleday, Mrs. N. B. D. Bird neighbors. Grosset 1 . 25 Reliable and is written in a vivacious strain and by a real bird lover. John Burroughs. 5 6 Hawkes, Clarence. Trail to the woods. (Eclectic readings). Amer. bk. co 34 Entertaining record of observations of animal life in the woods. Oregon. 6 7 Holder, C. F. Half hours with fishes, reptiles and birds. (Eclectic readings). Amer. bk. co 51 The material is good and supplemented by illus- trations and by notes and incidents of the author's personal observation and investigation. Oregon . 4 6 Holder, C. F. Stories of animal life. Eclectic read- ings). Amer. bk. co _ 51 Stories and sketches derived mainly from per- sonal experience, showing some of the remarkable phases of animal life. A supplementary reader. Oregon. 7 8 Hornaday, W. T. American natural history. Scribner 2 . 75 Popular. Intended to bridge chasm between sci- entific zoology and the nature study of gram- mar grades. N. Y. state lib. 5 7 Ingersoll, Ernest. Wild neighbors. (Standard school library). Macmillan 40 Studies of the squirrel, panther, coyote, badger, porcupine, skunk, woodchuck and the raccoon. 4 7 Johnson, Constance. When mother lets us keep pets. Moff at 60 Simple, practical advice to children on the selec- STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 51 Grade School Price tion, feeding and general care of dogs, cats, guinea pigs, mice, squirrels, parrots, canaries, chickens, ponies, goats, and fish and tadpoles in an aquar- ium. A. L. A. 3 4 Johonnot, James. Friends in feathers and fur, and other neighbors. (Nature history series). Amer. bk. co 26 Nature stories and poems for little children, about the more familiar forms of animal life chickens, geese, doves, songbirds, mice, squirrels, etc. 3 5 Kelly, Mrs. M. A. B. Short stories of our shy neigh- bors. (Eclectic readings). Amer. bk .co 43 Describing in story fashion the form, color, and habits of various animals, birds and insects. Pitts- burgh. 4^-6 Miller, Mrs. H. M. First book of birds. (School edition). Houghton 53 Talks about their homes, clothes, schooling, food, how they behave and how to study them. Black and white, and colored illustrations. N. Y. state lib. 6 7 Miller, Mrs. iH. M. Second book of birds. Houghton .75 Attractive to beginners and useful to advanced students because of careful personal observations recorded. Admirable illustrations. N. Y. state lib. 2 3 Monteith, John and Monteith, Caroline. Some use- ful animals and what they do for us. (Eclectic readings). Amer. bk. co , 43 Written to impress upon children the indebted- ness of man to animals sheep, cattle, horses, dogs, bears, etc. Interesting and unusual in the point of view. Oregon. 4 5 Morley, M. W. Bee people. (Life and nature series). Atkinson 50 One of the most successful nature books ever written for children. Prentice and Power. 5 7 Patterson, A. J. Spinner family. McClurg 94 A beautifully illustrated study of spiders. Prentice and Power. 6 8 Rogers, J. E. Wild animals every child should know. Grosset . 52 Interesting descriptions of the life-habits of such animals as a child may see in a zoo, with an- ecdotes concerning them, and animals sometimes seen in the country and woods. Good photo- graphic illustrations. A. L. A. 52 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 4 5 Schwartz, J. A. Wilderness babies. (School edition). Little -.: - 50 The opossum, elk, rabbit, beaver, squirrel, bear, etc. 4 6 Sharp, D. L. Beyond the pasture bars. (Wild life series of graded nature readers). Century 50 Twelve attractive little sketches of wild things found beyond the pasture bars. A. L. A. 7 8 Sharp, D. L. Watcher in the woods. (School edition). Century : 27 Attractive and accurate natural history. Moral influence strong without any sacrifice of fact or fancy. M. A. Bigelow. 7 8 Weed, C. M. Life histories of American insects. (Standard school library). M'acmillan 40 Non-technical, but accurate studies of a few of the most interesting insects. Oregon. 4 5 Weed, C. M. and Murtfeldt, M. E. Stories of insect- life. Ginn. series 1 22 series 2 26 Very practical school room books, with sugges- tions for teachers. Oregon. 4 7 Wood, C. D. Animals, their relation and use to man. Ginn 51 The common domestic animals or well-known species are selected for special study of type forms and suggestions are given for independent obser- vation. Pittsburgh. 7 8 Wright, Mrs. M. 0. Four-footed Americans and their kin. (Standard school library). Macmillan 40 In story form. Jordan. ANIMAL STORIES. 78 Atkinson, Eleanor. Greyfrairs Bobby. Burt 42 Touching story of a little Scotch terrier and his master. Largely in Scotch dialect. Wis. 58 Bostock, F. C. Training of wild animals. Century .78 The author is one of the greatest of wild animal trainers. He tells how lions, tigers and other wild beasts are taught to do tricks, about their traits in captivity and about the hazardous lives of their trainers. Pittsburgh. 78 Brown, John. Rab and his friends; ed. by C. W. French. (Home and school classics). Heath 18 Beautiful and pathetic Scotch story of a noble STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 53 Grade School Price dog and his friends, a rare woman and her hus- band. Wis. 2 4 Burgess, T. W ; . Mother West Wind 's animal friends. (School edition). Little _ .45 Delightful stories for telling or reading aloud. The animals are personified, yet retain their animal characteristics. Oregon. 2^4 Burgess, T. W. Old Mother West Wind. (School edi- tion) . Little 45 Full of humor and unusual charm. Oregon. 3 5 Candeze, Ernest. Adventures of Grillo; or, The cricket who would be king; tr. by M.' L .Baum. Ginn 39 "The book may be relied upon as a correct guide to observation, yet it is first, last, and always a story." 5 6 Carter, M. H. ed. About animals ; retold from St. Nicholas. Cenitury 58 5 6 Carter, M. H. ed. Bear stories; retold from St. Nicholas. Cen)tury 58 46 Carter, M. H. ed. Cat stories ; retold from St. Nicholas. Cen,tury 58 5 6 Carter, M. H. ed. Lion and tiger stories ; retold from St. Nicholas, Century 58 5 6 Carter, M. H. ed. Panther stories ; retold from St. Nicholas. Century 58 5 6 Carter, M .H. ed. Stories of brave dogs ; retold from St. Nicholas. Century :. 58 These six volumes of animal stories from St. Nicholas contain stories, sketches and verses for children of all ages. Oregon. 2 3 Craik, G. M. So-fat and Mew-mew ; ed. by Lucy Wheelock. (Home and school classics). Heath 18 Story of a family dog and cat. "The devel- opment of amiable traits of character from most disagreeable ones is told in so skillful a fashion as to hold up a mirror to many a fretful and discon- tented child." Oregon. Dyer, W. A. Gulliver the great, and other dog stories. Century _ 1 . 35 16 stories about dogs, written by a lover of dogs. Some of the stories are fanciful, some possibly true. Wis. 3 5 Eddy, S. J. comp. Friends and helpers. Ginn 51 A compilation of short stories and poems em- phasizing humane treatment of animals. Wis. free lib. com. 54 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 4 6 French, Allen. Reform of Shaun. Little 1.00 Two good dog stories. Baker. 5 7 Hawkes, Clarence. Shaggy coat; the biography of a beaver. Jacobs 28 5 7 Jordan, D. S. Story of Matka: a tale of the Mist Islands. (School edition). Whitaker 68 Life story of the fur seal, simply and charmingly told from personal observation of the Pribilof Islands, and attractively illustrated. Equally inter- esting to children and adults. A. L. A. 4 6 Kipling, Rudyard, Jungle book. Century 1.20 Delightful book about Mowgli and the secrets of animal life in the jungle. 4 5 Kipling, Rudyard. Just so stories for little children. Doubleday 1 . 08 Delightful animal stories. They answer satis- factorily such questions as How the camel got his hump, Where the elephant got his trunk, How the rhinoceros got his skin, etc. 4 6 Kipling, Rudyard. Second jungle book. Century 1.20 Stories of animal life in the East Indian forest, where the animals talk together and tell the sec- rets of the jungle. Splendid stories to read aloud. Pittsburgh. 47 Long, W. J. Secrets of the woods. (Wood folk series) . Ginn 43 Studies of animal life which inspire enthusiasm and love for animals and teach habits of observa- tion. Wis. free lib. com. 47 Long, W. J. Ways of woodfolk .Ginn 43 4 7 Long, W. J. Wilderness ways. Ginn 38 Long's books have been the subject of hot discus- sion. They are very interesting. If they suggest to children to watch such animals as they can and find out for themselves whether the animals do or do not do all these wonderful things, they may be most wholesome. A. L. A. 6 7 Muir, John. Stickeen: the story of a dog. (River- side literature series). Houghton 25 Story of a dog's adventure on a glacier. 3 5 Noel, Maurice. Buz: or, The life and adventures of a honey bee. Holt 65 Good considered purely as a story, besides having value as natural history. Prentice and Power. 34 Pierson, Mrs. C. D. Among the farm-yard people. Dutton 77 Stories of chickens, pigs, lambs and other do- mestic animals. N. Y. city. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 55 Grade School Price 3 4 Pierson, Mrs. C. D. Among the meadow people. Dut- ton 45 Stories to read to little children, told with some humor and much imagination. About birds, in- sects and other small creatures. Oregon. 3 4 Pyle, Katherine. Stories of humblefriends. Eclec- tic readings). Amer. bk. co. 43 Interesting stories about animals. Wis. 7 8 Roberts, C. G. D. Haunters of the pine gloom. Page . 50 Selections from Kindred of the Wild. 3 6 Saunders, Marshall. Beautiful Joe. Jacobs 28 The children's favorite dog story. Indiana. 3 5 Segur, S. R. comtesse de. Story of a donkey ; abridged from the French by Charles Welsh. (Home and school classics). Heath 18 Amusing adventures of Neddy, the donkey, written by himself. Pittsburgh. 4 6 Seton, E. T. Krag and Johnny Bear. (School readings) . Scribner '. 42 Selection from lives of the hunted. 46 Seton, E. T. Lobo, Rag and Vixen. (School read- ing). Scribner 42 Selection from wild animals I have known. Bet- ter for schools than the larger book, which will not wear. Oregon. & 6 Sewell, Anna. Black beauty. Jacobs 28 Best book published to cultivate a spirit of kindness for horses. Pittsburgh. 6 8 Slivitski, A. Baby Mishook; or, The adventures of a Siberian cub. Dodge 50 Excellent story of a wild bear which became the pet of a Russian officer. Stanley. INVENTIONS OCCUPATIONS. MECHANICS. 6 8 Adams, J. H. Harper's machinery book for boys. Harper 1 . 15 Clear and easily followed explanations of me- chanical principles, uses of power, machines of various types, tools and processes. N. Y. state lib. 7 8 Bishop, Farnham. Story of the submarine. Century. .80 History of the submarine from 1620 through 1915, giving in readable form the account of the work of different inventors, the construction and power of modern submarines and mines, and their use in the European war. Wis. bul. 56 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 7 8 Bond, A. R. On the battle front of engineering. Cen- tury 1 .04 The story of great engineering projects such as the Quebec bridge, grain elevators, acqueducts, tunnels under the East Biver, etc. A. L. A. 6 8 Bond, A. R. Pick, shovel and pluck. Munn 1 . 20 Takes two boys outside N. Y., showing them the Keokuk Dam, Panama Canal, and other feats which call forth courage and skill. A. L. A. 68 Bond, A. R. With the men who do things. Munn ...... 1.20 Adventures of two young lads who spend a sum- mer vacation seeing the engineering wonders of New York. Oregon. 6 8 Burns, E. E. Story of great inventions. Harper 1.00 Designed to appeal to the young through the biographical side, which the author emphasizes. N. Y. state lib. 7 8 Collins, A. F. Inventing for boys. Appleton 1.08 Tells all about models, patenting, design, things to invent and tells of some great inventions. A. L. A. 7 8 Crump, Irving. Boys' book of firemen. Dodd 1.25 "Gives a vivid sense of being present with the men who do things." 6 8 Forman, S. E. Stories of useful inventions. New edition. Century . 54 Brief readable stories of the match, the loom, the clock, steam-engine ,the reaper, the book, etc. Illustrated. A. L. A. 57 Hill, C. T. Fignting a fire. Revised edition. Century 1.20 Account of the organization, methods, dangers and heroism of the New York fire department. A. L. A. 5 8 Holland, R. S. .Historic inventions. (Historic series for young people). Jacobs 1.18 Contents : Gutenberg, Palissy, Galileo,Watt, Ark- wright, Whitney, Fulton, Davy, Stephenson, Morse, McCormick, Howe, Bell, Edison, Marconi, The Wrights. 6 8 Johnston, W. A. Deeds of doing and daring. Wilde 1.00 Short descriptions of the lives of men engaged in the so-called dangerous occupations, such as forest fire fighters, war photographers, log drivers, submarine sailors, circus acrobats, steeple- jacks, gun pointers, coal miners, etc. A. L. A. 5 6 Lane, Mrs. M. A. L. ed. Triumphs of science. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 57 Grade School Price (Youth's companion series). Ginn .26 Discusses laying of the cables, building of tun- nels, wells, subways, etc. Wls. free lib. com. 6 8 Maule, H. E. Boy's book of new inventions. (Every boy's library). Grosset - .52 Scientist talks to an interested boy about the inventions developed for general use within the last ten years. N. Y. state lib. 7 8 Moffet, Cleveland. Careers of danger and daring. Century 1.20 Vivid accounts of the courage and achievements of steeple-climbers, deep sea divers, balloonists, ocean and river pilots, bridge builders, firemen, acrobats, wild beast trainers, locomotive engineers, and the men who handle dynamite. Pittsburgh. 5 8 Mo wry, W. A. and Mowry, A. M. American inven- tions and inventors. Silver 56 Heat, light, food, clothing, travel, printing, tele- graph. Wis. 6 8 Ravenel, S. W. Road primer for school children, McClurg 80 Elementary principles and practice of road- making, causes and effects of good roads, con- struction and maintenance, and some kinds of roads and machinery necessary. Pub. 6 8 Simmonds, Ralph. All about airships. Funk 1.50 Very clear and readable. Illustrations excellent. Cleveland. 8 Verrill, A. H. Harper's gasoline engine book. Harp- er 80 Uses as few technical terms as possible. Illus- trated. A. L. A. 7_8 Williams, Archibald. How it is made. ("How" series). Sully 1.35 Describes in simple language how various ma- chines and many articles in common use are manufactured from the raw materials. Minn. PHYSIOLOGY. HYGIENE. PUBLIC HEALTH. 4 6 Bailey, R. R. Sure Pop and the Safety scout. World bk. co - . 40 A supplementary reader, published under the auspices of the National Safety Council, with the intention of bringing home to the school children the Safety first idea. A. L. A. 58 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price Ref. Bancroft, J. H. School gymnastics, free hand. Re- vised edition. Heath 1 . 35 A graded course of physical exercises covering the first eight years of school work. One of the best books for the schoolroom where space and apparatus are limited. Oregon. Ref. Bancroft, J. H. School gymnastics with light ap- paratus. Heath : 1 . 58 Supplements the course given in the preceding book and gives exercises for apparatus for the second half of each school year. Oregon. Ref. Blaikie, William. How to get strong and how to stay so. Revised edition. Harper 78 Plain directions for home gymnastics for people of all ages and conditions. Oregon, Ref. Dresslar, F. B. School hygiene. Macmillan 1.05 Useful to help bring about improvements in health conditions in the school and for reference in the study and teaching of hygiene in general. Wis. 5 8 Gulick, Mrs. C. E. V. Emergencies. (Gulick hygiene series) . Ginn . 40 Teaches in a simple, direct way what to do in case of all kinds of accidents and how to avoid them. A. L. A. 6 8 Hoag, E. B. Health studies : applied physiology and hygiene. Heath 60 Tells young people in plain and direct language how to take care of themselves. Includes sug- gestions to teachers, and references. Minn. 35 Hutchinson, Woods. The child's day. (Health series, Book 1 ) . Houghton 35 Following the boy or girl through the usual ac- tivities of a day, explains the need of fresh air, food and sleep ,and tells about the work and play of children, what risks to avoid and how to keep well and grow strong. Pittsburgh. & 8 Jewett, Mrs. F. G. Body and its defenses. (Gulick hygiene series). Ginn 56 Condensed edition of Body at work. Includes chapters on tuberculosis, drinking water, and dis- cusses communicable and contagious diseases and how to avoid them. Minn. 7 8 Jewett, Mrs. F. G. Control of body and mind. (Gulick hygiene series). Ginn 43 Elementary book on the nervous system, telling very simply and clearly what the nerves do, how 'ATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 59 Grade School Price they work, how they form habits, how they may be controlled, etc. A. L. A. 5 7 Jewett, Mrs. F. G. Good health. (Gulick hygiene series). Ginn .'. 54 A sensible, interesting book for children of 10 or 12 years, treating of pure air, ventilation, cleanli- ness, care of the eyes, ears, finger-nails, hair, teeth, skin, the importance of exercises, bathing and correct breathing. A. L. A. 7 8 Jewett, Mrs. F. G. Town and city. (Gulick hygiene series). Ginn 43 A sensible book on public health, covering water supply and its safeguards, sewage, contagion, pure milk, clean streets, -hospitals, etc. A. L. A. Ref. Kaull, L. H, Physical education complete for schools and playgrounds. News pub. co 2.00 6 8 Ritchie, J. W. Human physiology. (New-world sci- ence series). World bk. co 85 An elementary textbook with special emphasis on hygiene and sanitation. Oregon. 56 Ritchie, J. W. and Caldwell, J. S. Primer of hygiene. (New-world science series). World bk. co 42 Simple instructions in personal hygiene. Well illustrated. Oregon. 68 Tuttle, T, D. Principles of public health. World bk. co : . 53 Presents the principles fundamental to the con- servation of individual and community health. Preface. 8 Tolman. Hygiene for the worker. Am. bk. co 50 AGRICULTURE. GARDENING. FORESTRY. Ref. Bailey, L. H. Principles of agriculture. (Rural sci- ence series). Macmillan 1.07 A textbook for school and reading circles. Ex- cellent as a general guide and reference manual for teachers. Oregon. Ref. Benson, 0. H. and Betts, G. H, Bobbs 1.25 Combines practical information with concrete home and school projects, and is very suggestive for industrial club work. Minn. Ref. Cromwell, A. D. Agriculture and life. Lippincott 1.35 Perhaps the best single source-book for rural teachers who conduct a course in elementary agriculture. Wis. bul. 7 8 Crow, Mrs. M. F. . American country girl. Stokes 1 . 50 There are many sane and helpful suggestions on 60 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School health and dress, labor-saving devices, agricultur- al, Campfire, and other organizations, designed to make life in the farm home easier and more attractive. A. L. A. 4 6 Duncan, Frances. When mother lets us garden. Moffat 1.00 A simply written and attractive book, telling just how to begin a little garden and how to plant and care for the flowers and vegetables that grow most easily. A. L. A. 6 8 Fisher, M. L. and Cotton, F. A. Agriculture for common schools. Scribner 1.00 Well illustrated text on soils, farm crops, hor- ticulture, and animal husbandry and dairying. Oregon. 3 4 Flint, L. C. Small gardens for small gardeners. Flanagan _ 38 Simple practical things a child may do with plants, especially wild ones, either at home or in school. Minn. 7 8 Goodrich, C. L. First book of farming. Doubleday 1.00 Studies of plant life, plant food and growth, study of soil and fertilizers, moisture, drainage, ro- tation of crops in short all the work of the farm, centered about the life of the plant. Wis. free lib. com. Ref. Hemenway, H. D. How to make school gardens. Doubleday ....: _ 1 .00 This little book is a series of short, practical lessons in gardening which apply to any other garden as well as to school gardens. Wyer. 78 Hunt, T. F. Young farmer. Judd 1.20 Presents the business of farming fully for those considering it as an occupation. Emphasizes the need of agricultural education. Minn. 78 Hunt, T. F. and Burkett, C. W. Soils and crops. Judd 1 .20 Prepared for high schools but suitable for stud- ents from 14 to 18 years of age. Oregon. 5 7 Keffer, C. A. Nature studies on the farm :soils and plants. (Eclectic readings). Amer. bk. co _ 34 Lessons are all simple a few in story form and fairly successful. Contains suggestions to teachers. A. L. A. 8 Lewis, H. R. Poultry keeping. Lippincott 90 Ref. Lyon, T. L. and Montgomery, E. G. Examining and grading grains. Ginn 51 Directions for high school laboratory work, but STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 61 Grade School Price valuable in rural school work. Oregon. Ref. McKeever, W. A. Farm boys and girls. (Rural sci- ence series). Macmillan 1.13 For rural parents and teachers. Oregon. 6 8 Meier, W. H. D. School and home gardens. Ginn 68 A textbook for grammar grades and a conven- ient handbook giving definite instructions for ar- ranging, planting, and caring for plants commonly grown in the house, yard, and garden. Oregon. Ref Ogden, H. N. Rural hygiene. (Rural science series). Macmillan 1.13 Discusses location of house, ventilation, water- supply, care of milk, foods and beverages, personal hygiene, etc. 7 8 Pinchot, Gif f ord. Training of a forester. Lippincott 1 . 00 Explains the forest service equipment and train- ing needed to become a forester and tells the op- portunities to those in the service. Minn. Ref. Plumb, C. S. Beginnings in animal husbandry. (Farm science series). Webb 1.20 Elementary textbook for young people. Oregon. 68 Rolt-Wheeler, F. W. Boy with the U. S. foresters. (U. S. service series). Lothrop 1.08 Precisely what forestry is and what timber con- servation means is told in an attractive and in- spiring way. A. L. A. 78 Roth, Filibert. First book of forestry. Ginn 64 Gives in simple, non-technical language chap- ters on the woods, protection of the forest, how to distinguish common trees, etc. Oregon. 8 Sanford, A. H. Story of agriculture in the United States. Heath . 98 Interesting as supplementary reading for the grammar grades, specially in rural districts and useful for reference. A. L. A. 5 7 Sargent, F. L. Corn plants: their uses and ways of life. Houghton 68 An account of the six important grains wheat, oats, rye, barley, rice and maize. Indicates their importance to mankind, and narrates the myths and religious customs which have grown up about them. Pittsburgh. Ref. Shaw, Thomas. Weeds, and how to eradicate them. 3d. ed. Webb - 50 Ref. Shoesmith, V. M. Study of corn. Judd 50 Discusses types and varieties, judging and selec- 62 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price tion, testing, shelling and grading for planting. Minn. 6 8 Stebbins, C. A. Principles of agriculture ; through the school and home garden. Macmillan 85 Good book for children from 11 to 15 years of age. Problem questions, suggestions for home studies and list of free bulletins given after each chapter. Oregon. 5 6 Tappan, E. M. The farmer and his friends. Houghton. .45 16 short chapters with such headings as : Our humble friend the potato; Wheat, the grain that is better than gold; and Her Royal Highness the hen. Ref. Warren, G. F. Elements of agriculture. Macmillan 1.10 A standard high school text useful for reference in the rural school. Minn. Ref. Waters, H. J. Essentials of agriculture. Ginn 1.25 Covers in up-to-date manner all types .of farming in all parts of the country. Publisher. 68 Weed, C. M. Farm friends and foes. Heath 98 Textbook for the grammar grades, treating of the microbes, fungi, weeds, insects, birds, and mam- mals that help or hinder the raising of crops. Covers a wider field than any other book and is popular, yet scientifically accurate. A. L. A. Ref. Wilson, A. D. and Warburton, C. W. Field crops. Webb 1 . 50 Covers the subject briefly, yet completely and includes in each division, score cards and lists of useful bulletins and books. Illustrated. Minn. 7 8 Wilson, A. D. and Wilson, Mrs. E. W. Agriculture for young folks. Webb '. 1.00 Prepared especially for teaching elementary agri- culture in rural schools. Each section is a com- plete reading lesson followed by questions and examples. Preface. 7 8 Productive Horse Husbandry. Lippincott 1.00 Productive Swine Husbandry. Lippincott 1.00 Productive Poultry Husbandry. Lippincott 1.00 Productive Orcharding. Lippincott 1.00 Productive Feeding of Farm Animals. Lippincott 1 . 00 Productive Vegetable Growing. Lippincott 75 Productive Farm Crops. Lippincott 75 Productive Dairying. Lippincott 75 Common Diseases of Farm Animals. Lippincott ... 1.00 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 63 Grade School Price HOME ECONOMICS. Austin, Mrs. B. J. H. Domestic science. Lyons. 56 Book 1 60 56 Book 2 * 63 7_8 Book 3 88 5 7 Benton, C. F. pseud. Little cook book for a little girl. Estes 55 In story form. 5 7 Benton, C. F. pseud. Saturday morning; or, How Margaret learned to keep house. Estes 55 7 8 Conley, Emma. Principles of cooking; a textbook in domestic science. Amer. bk. co 46 Material is well organized, directions plain, and recipes easy to follow. Final chapter on cooking in rural schools, and school lunches. A. L. A. Ref. Dodd, Mrs. Helen. Healthful farmhouses. Whitcomb .60 Practical suggestions for making the farmhouse pleasant, sanitary and convenient to work in. A. L. A. Goodwin, E. E. Course in sewing, Beattys. 3_4 Book 1 .45 5_6 Book 2 54 78 Book 3 - - 54 A graded course of practical instruction for use in schools and at home. Each book covers two years of school work. Excellent book for the teacher. Oregon. 4 7 Johnson, Constance. When mother lets us cook. Moffat GO 50 simple receipts selected with view to econ- omy and a child's diet which most girls of ten could understand and use. A. L. A. 6 8 Kinne, Helen and Cooley, A. M. Clothing and health. (Homemaking series). M,acmillan 57 Practical textbook intended for use in elemen- tary schools, especially rural schools, and also in the home. Contains simple lessons on how to sew, how to make simple garments. Christmas and birthday presents, how to mend, and the last chap- ter discusses the choosing and wearing of clothes. A. L. A. 6 8 Kinne, Helen and Cooley, A. M. Food and health. (Home-making series). Macmillan .. 57 A practical textbook for elementary and spec- ially for rural schools, consisting of a series of 29 lessons, with simple tested recipes and suggestive questions at chapter-ends. A. L. A. 64 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 6 8 Rhine, Helen and Cooley, A. M. The home and the family. (Home-making series). Macmillan .70 Discusses the tasteful furnishing of a simple home and how to keep the house in order. A. L. A. 5 8 McKlauflin, Idabelle. Handicraft for girls. Manual arts press - - . 95 Best simple book for untrained teacher. Oregon. 4 6 Morgan, M. Hi. How to dress a doll. Altemus 40 Simple, clear directions with diagrams and pat- terns, teaching a child the steps in plain sewing and all the processes in making a doll's wardrobe. N. Y. state lib. 7 8 Morris, Josephine. Household science and arts. Amer. bk. co. - 54 Instruction on care of a house, preparation and care of foods, and 350 recipes. Useful text in grade and country schools, though many of the refer- ences are to city conditions. Oregon. Ref. Patton, Frances. Home and school sewing. Teacher's edition. Newson 53 Good illustrated elementary manual of instruc- tion in the various processes of plain sewing and mending. Chapters on color, materials, sewing tools. N. Y. state lib. 5 6 Ralston, Mrs. Virginia. When mother lets us sew. Moff at . 60 Simple instructions for different kinds of stitches and for making doll's clothes, accompanied with clear diagrams and illustrations. A. L. A. Ref. Robinson, E. R. and Haimnel, H. G. Lesson in cook- ing through preparation of meals. Amer. school of home econ 1 . 50 Gives menus for one week of each month, togeth- er with the corresponding recipes. Careful direc- tions for the plan of work involved in the prepar-, ation of each meal. Berry. Useful in the prepara- tion of the warm lunch. Minn. 5 8 Rorer, Mrs. S. T. Home candy making. Arnold 50 Recipes, and instructions for making candy. Ref. Williams, M. E. and Fisher, K. R. Elements of the theory and practice of cookery: a textbook of household science for use in schools. Macmillan 85 To supplement the instruction of the teacher by giving recipes and instructions which would other- wise be taken from dictation. Covers work of three terms in sixth to eighth grades for one two-hour lesson each week. Oregon. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 65 Grade School Price VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE. Ref. Davis, J. B. Vocational and moral guidance. Ginn 1.25 Helpful manual giving details for organization of work and lists of books for teachers and stud- ents. Minn. 7 8 Drysdale, William. Helps for ambitious boys. Crow- ell 75 Practical suggestions as to the careers open to young men, and what qualities and acquire- ments are necessary to success in each. Pitts- burgh. 7 9 Pressey, Park. Vocational reader. Rand . 65 It is vocational not in any dry or abstract sense but only in that the stories are narratives of work rather than of play or study. School and society. 78 Rollins, F. W. What can a young man do? Little 1.50 With the purpose of aiding a young man in the selection of a calling, 52 usual and unusual occupa- tions are discussed. Minn. 7 9 Twonibly, F. D. and Dana, J. C. comp. Romance of labor: scenes from good novels depicting joy in work. Macmillan 47 16 extracts describing the occupations of agri- culture, fishing, engineering, manufacture, herd- ing, forestry, mining and science. A. L. A. 7 8 Weaver, E. W. ed. Vocations for girls. Barnes 75 Of undoubted value to many girls and to all teachers, specially where vocational guidance has not been organized. A. L. A. MANUAL TRAINING. HANDICRAFTS. 2 4 Adams, H. M. When mother lets us model. Moffat .60 Practical suggestions for working with clay. Many helpful illustrations and direct instructions. Wis. bul. 4 5 Adams, J. D. When mother lets us carpenter. Moffat .60 Gives briefly information about materials, tools staining and finishing; then gives directions for making simple articles which require the use of little more than a hammer, saw, and sharp knife, beginning with a swing board and ending with a bird house. A. L. A. 6 8 Adams, J. H. Harper's indoor book for boys. Harper 1.13 How to do things which are amusing to do and valuable when done. How to make things with ordinary tools and simple apparatus. Practical, 66 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price tried instructions for wood-working, metal-work- ing, and household arts. Oregon. 5 8 Adams, J. H. Harper's outdoor book for boys. Harp- er _ 1 . 13 Simple, practical directions and working dia- grams for making things that are worth making and not beyond the power of an energetic boy with a mechanical turn of mind. A. L. A. 7 8 Allen, E. G. and Cotton, F. A. Manual training for common schools. Scribner 90 Gives practical articles and has many illustra- tions and drawings. Minn. Ref. Blanchard, M. M. Basketry book. Scribner 1.60 Describes the fundamental weaves ; then in twelve lessons gives very careful, clear directions for making various kinds of reed baskets, which, with the accompanying colored diagrams will be understood by the beginner. A. L. A. 6 8 Boy mechanic. Popular mechanics 1.50 700 things for boys to do ; how to construct wireless outfits, boats, motors, kites, cameras and hundreds of other things. Cleveland. 7 8 Brace, G. M. and Mayne, D. D. Farm shop work; practical manual training. Amer. bk. co 88 7 8 Foster, E. W'. Elementary wood-working. Ginn 60 Presents clearly the essential facts about bench tools and their uses. Brief description, illustrated, of the American trees of commercial value is in- cluded. Pittsburgh. 6 8 Fraser, C. C. Every boy's book of handicraft, sports and amusements. Estes 2.00 Treats many topics well, as in the chapters on woodcraft, carpentry and games. Illustrated by 700 diagrams. A. L. A. Ref. Gilman, M. L. and Williams, E, B. Seat work and industrial occupations: a practical course for primary grades. Macmillan 50 7 8 Griffith, I. S. Essentials of woodworking; a text- book for schools. Manual arts press 70 Best book for rural school and for untrained teacher, as well as a good general reference book. Oregon. 45 Grubb, M. B. When mother lets us make gifts. Moffat . 60 The suggestions are practical, simply presented and the designs are good. Most of the gifts will need help from mother. A. L. A. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 67 Grade School Price 6 8 Hall, A. N. Boy craftsman. Lothrop 1.30 Instructions for outdoor and indoor work for the boy who knows how to use his hands and who wishes to learn. Wis. free lib. com. 6 8 Hall, A. N. Handicraft for handy boys. Lothrop 1.60 A good practical book intended for boys who want to make their work pay. Special attention is given to articles which can be made of materials a boy ordinarily has on hand, to the use of simple tools, and to economy in general. A. L. A. 6 8 Hall, A. N. Handy boy. Lothrop 1.30 Includes woodworking, electrical and mechan- ical toy making, camp craft, the making of model aeroplanes, and other forms of indoor and out- door handicraft. Pittsburgh. 5 8 Hall, A. N. Home-made toys for girls and boys. Lothrop 1.00 A large variety of toys described, and it is claim- ed that the greater part of them require little more than the pick-up material found at home. Over 300 illustrations and working drawings. St. Louis. 68 Hall, A. N. and Perkins, Dorothy. Handicraft for handy girls. Lothrop 1 . 60 Gives simple directions with pictures and dia- grams for hundreds of things girls can make. Up- to-date, few of the things are absolutely useless. A. L. A. Ref. Holton, M. A. and Rollins, A. F. Industrial work for public schools. Rand 77 For first to fifth years. On claymodeling, weaving, rug making, sewing, whittling, iron work, raffia work, etc. Minn. 6 8 Kilbon, G. B. Carpentry for boys, elementary wood- work. Lothrop 75 Also published under title Manual training: elementary woodwork. Descriptions of work very clear and drawings singularly good. Useful to boy seeking to instruct himself. Educ. rev. 4 6 Rich, G. E. When mother lets us make toys. Moffat .60 Simple directions for making toys of cardboard boxes, hairpins, brass fasteners, tape and other materials that every child can get. Wis. Ref. Sage, Elizabeth and Cooley, A. M. Occupations for little fingers : a manual for grade, teachers, moth- ers and settlement workers. Scribner 87 Raffia work, sewing, paper cutting and fold- 68 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price ing, clay modeling, weaving, beadwork, crochet- ing, and knitting, etc. Oregon. 6 8 Stout, W. B. Boy's book of mechanical models. Little : 1 .20 Directions for making 36 different mechanical toys out of very simple materials a cigar-box be- ing the basis of most of them. Pew tools needed. Diagrams and directions are clear and detailed. A. L. A. Ref. Tinsley, L. R. Practical and artistic basketry. Barnes . 87 A useful book for country schools, as the work may be done by untrained teachers and with ma- terials easily obtained. Best for raffia work. Oregon. 8 Van Deusen, C. S. and Lawrence, E. V. Beginning woodwork at home and in school. Manual Arts Press 95 A valuable textbook for rural schools, by one who has made a special study of the manual train- ing problems in the country school. Oregon. 7 8 Verrill, A. H. .Amateur carpenter. Dodd 1.08 Gives instructions on tools and their care, and then furnishes directions, supplemented with illus- trations, on how to build many things from the work bench and the fittings for the workshop to small buildings. A. L. A. 78 Wheeler, C. G. A B C of woodworking. Putnam 1.20 For larger schools which have abundant equip- ment. Good on carving. Oregon. 5 8 White, Mary. How to make baskets. Doubleday 88 Practical, illustrated manual, describing clearly and explicitly materials, processes and special de- signs. N. Y. state lib. Ref. Worst, E. F. and Keith, Edna. Educative seat work. Charles 75 Discusses materials for seat work and methods of using them in connection with the teaching in the school. Minn. FINE ARTS. PICTURE STUDY. DRAWING. PHOTOGRAPHY. 7 8 Bacon, Mrs. M. S. H. Pictures every child should know. Grosset 52 Lives of 43 painters, with reproductions of their works. Oregon. Barstow, C. L. Famous biuldings : a primer of archi- tecture. Century 54 Has the merit of presenting useful information STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 69 Grade School Price in a style that will strongly appeal to young readers. N. Y. Times. 7 8 Barstow, C. L. Famous pictures described, with anecdotes of the painters. Century 54 It has been the endeavor of the author to fix the attention of the reader upon the painting itself to tell something of its qualities as a picture and to- impart some little idea of the printer's art. Pre- face. 2 4 Cady, M. R. and Dewey, Mrs. J. M. Picture stories from great artists. Macmillan 35 For children who have just learned to read. Text and illustrations relate to the work of Rosa Bonheur, Van Dyck, Landseer, and Murillo. N. Y. state lib. 4 5 Cyr, E. M. Story of three great artists. Ginn 43 Simply told stories of the life and work of Rap- hael. Michael Angelo, and Leonardo da Vinci, describing their most noted paintings and repro- ducing 32 of them. A. L. A. Ref. Emery, M. S. How to enjoy pictures : with a special chapter on pictures in the schoolroom by Stella Skinner. Prang 1 . 30 Pointing out by comments on a series of typical examples of ancient and modern art, how pleasure and profit may be had from pictures. N. Y. city. 16 Froehlich, H. B. and Snow, B. E. Textbooks of art education. Prang. Book 1 22 Book 2. . 22 Book 3 26 Book 4 38 Book 5 : 38 Book 6 38 Book 7 47 Most attractive series available for school use. Oregon. 4 5 Horne, 0. B. and Scobey, K. L. Stories of great ar- tists. (Eclectic readings). Amer. bk. co .34 Attempts to interest children in art through simple tales founded on facts. N. Y. state lib. Ref. Kuril, E. M. How to show pictures to children. Houghton 80 Clear, practical, simple and distinctly useful for teachers. N. Y. state lib. 7 8 Hurll, E. M. Riverside art series. (School edition). Houghton. 70 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price Correggio 54 Greek Sculpture 54 Jean Francis Millet 54 Landseer * 54 Michelangelo 54 Murillo 54 Raphael 54 Rembrandt . 54 Sir Joshua Reynolds * 54 Titian 54 Tuscan sculpture of the 16th century 54 Van Dyck 54 Each volume contains 15 or 16 pictures, with introduction and interpretation. Children's cat. 7 8 Jenks, Tudor. Photography for young people. Stokes 1 . 20 A guide to the art of photography, readable, detailed and quite complete. A. L. A. Bef. Lederer, Charles. Drawing made easy. Pierre, S. D. Capital Supply co 90 Will help make drawing interesting as well as easy for both pupils and teacher. Wis. 3 5 Lutz, E. G. What to draw and how to draw it. Dodd 80 1 3 Powers, E. M. Stories of famous pictures. (Educa- tional art readers). Educ. pub. co. Book 1 32 Book 2 32 School reading books of short, simple, stories drawn from famous pictures. Many of them are purely imaginative. Oregon. 5 8 Rydingsvard, A. M. von. Art studies for schools. Flanagan 80 Facts about 68 artists, ranging from Cimabue to Sargent, with simple criticism or explanation of an example of the work. Has 90 reproductions. N. Y. state lib. 4 6 Thayer, E. R. L. When mother lets us draw. Moffat .60 In story form gives simple hints about perspec- tive and composition, nature drawing and out-of- door sketching, and easy, well illustrated direc- tions for making favors, cards, and decorations for the different holidays throughout the year. A. L. A. Ref. Wilson, Mrs. L .L. W. Picture study in elementary schools; a manual for teachers. Macmillan 1.09 Gives necessary information concerning picture STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 71 Grade School Prke and artist, and suggests method of presentation to children. Oregon. 4 5 Schwartz's Famous pictures of children. Am. bk. co. .40 Seventeen of the most famous pictures of chil- dren with biography of the artist. MUSIC. FOLK DANCES. 7 8 Alexander, Birdie, comp. Songs we like to sing. Silver . 34 The fundamental idea has been to include only those songs which experience has shown that boys and girls like to sing. Pref. 4 8 Bacon, Mrs. M. S. H. ed. Songs that every child should know. Doubleday 40 Upwards of 100 of the permanent songs with the music. A special feature is the national songs of various countries. Gives melody only, so it is of no use to the piano player. A. L. A. 6 8 Bender, M. S. Great opera stories. (Every child series). Macmillan 34 Tells the story of Children of kings Haensel and Gretel Master singers Lohengrin Flying Dutchman Tannhauser. Ref. Crawford, Caroline. Folk dances and games. Barnes 1.44 For the teacher having some knowledge of folk dancing. Includes Finnish, Swedish, Scotch, English, German, French and Bohemian dances. Minn. 1 Crowninshield, Ethel. Mother Goose songs. Bradley .54 1 4 Gaynor, Mrs. J. L. Songs of the child world. Church. Book 1 80 Book 2 80 Excellent collections of songs for kindergartens and elementary grades. Wis. 25 George, M. M. and Ward, Mrs. L. A. C. Songs in season; for primary and intermediate grades. Flanagan 60 Best one general book to meet the demands of school program work. Oregon. 7 8 Johnson, Clifton, ed. Songs every one should know. Amer. bk. co 42 Well rounded collection of two hundred songs, largely familiar, grouped under subject. A. L. A. 3 4 Kastman, Valborg and Kohler, Greta. Swedish song games. Ginn 75 48 singing games with full descriptions-, illus- trations and music. Minn. 72 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 7 8 McCaskey, J. P. Favorite songs and hymns. Amer. bk. co 80 A fine collection for schools and homes. Wis. 7__8 Mathews, W. S. B. Songs of all lands. Amer. bk. co. .50 A collection of patriotic and national songs, with choice folk songs, and part songs for three and four voices. Minn. 4 5 Mother Goose. Mother Goose's nursery rhymes and nursery songs set to music by J. W. Elliott. Mc- Laughlin 50 Simple melodies suitable for children's voices. Many pictures. Pittsburgh. 2 4 Neidlinger, W. H. Small songs for small singers. Schirmer 1 . 35 2 4 Poulsson, Emilie. Songs of a little child's day; music by Eleanor Smith. Bradley 1.25 Words and music are simple enough for young children. Pittsburgh. 3 4 Pray, M. L. Motion songs for public schools. Heath 36 For school celebrations and in physical culture work. Minn. 4 8 Ripley, F. H. and Schneider, Elizabeth, Art music readers. Book 1. Atkinson 35 6 8 Smith, Eleanor. Common school book of vocal music : a one-book course of song and study for use in . schools of mixed grades. (Modern music series). Silver 34 Contains simple songs and studies carefully graded, familiar songs arranged according to difficulty, and songs for general singing. Espec- ially good for ungraded schools. Oregon. 4 6 Stevenson, R. L. Stevenson song book; verses from a child's garden, with music by various composers. Scribner .70 The 20 songs contained in this book include many of the best known ones in the Child's garden, which were selected for the predominance in them of the lyric quality. Prelude. AMUSEMENTS. GAMES. SPORTS. 7 8 Bailey, C. S. Children's book of games and parties. Donohue 1.00 Useful for mothers and children. Suggestions for parties for all seasons. Wis. free lib. com. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 73 Grade School Price 6 7 Baker, G. C. Indoor games and socials for boys. Assn. press 60 Over 200 games, besides suggestions for char- ades, refreshments, etc., by a man who has had experience in entertaining boys in connection with the Y. M. C. A. Survey. 2 8 Bancroft, J. H, Games for the playground, home, school and gymnasium. Macmillan 1.28 By the assistant director of physical training in the New York city schools. Contains over 400 games of all countries. Though primarily for the teacher, will be a treasury of entertainment for children. N. Y. state lib. 6 8 Beard, D. C. Boat-building and boating. (Every boy's library. Boy scout edition). Grosset .52 Practical book for amateurs. Gives clear and definite instruction for making and handling boats from raft to canoe, small sailboat and simple rather crude motor boat. N. Y. state lib. 6 8 Beard, D. C. Field and forest handy book: new ideas for out of doors. New edition. Scribner 1.20 How to make kites, herbariums, bird houses, aquariums, fire engines, boats, bridges, log houses, sleds, etc. and how to camp, pack a horse, and do other things useful in an out-of-doors life. Oregon. 5 7 Beard, D. C. Jack of all trades. Scribner 1.20 Practical suggestions for keeping small wild an- imals, pigeons and hens, building coops and cab- ins, working with tools, etc. Hewins. 5 7 Beard, D. C. Outdoor handybook. New edition. Scribner 1 .20 An excellent book of outdoor games and sports of every description, from marbles tops and kites, to football, hockey and golf. N. Y. city. 6 7 Beard. Lina and Beard, A. B. Indoor and outdoor recreations for girls. New edition. Scribner 1.20 A new edition of their Handicraft and recrea- tion for girls. About spinning, weaving, pottery, toy making, and games, play houses and picnics. Oregon. 2 5 Beard, Lina and Beard, A. B. Little folks, handy book. Scribner 75 Differs from kindergarten books in that the toys suggested by text and illustrations are made from empty spools, clothes pins, kindling wood, etc., en- 74 UST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price couraging resourcefulness and simplicity in play. A. L. A. 6 8 Beard, Lina and Beard, A. B. On the trail. Scrib- ner 1.00 Information on camp making, what to do in emergencies, use of camera, swimming, outdoor life. A. L. A. 6 7 Beard, Lina and Beard, A. B. Things worth doing and how to do them. New edition. Scribner 1.20 Amusements and occupations for children, es- pecially for girls. Describes a variety of parties, shows and entertainments, as well as things to make for home and fairs. Pittsburgh. 6 8 Bond, A. R. Scientific American boy at school. Munn 1 . 20 Describes and illustrates many interesting things that boys can make and do. Older boys can use the book independently, younger ones under supervision. A. L. A. 6 8 Boy scouts of America. Official handbook for boys. Last edition. Grosset 52 Contents : Scout craft Woodcraft Camp Health and endurance Chivalry First aid and life-saving Games Patriotism and citizenship. Book for reference. 6 8 Camp fire girls. Book of the camp fire girls. 4th edition. Doran 25 Handbook with much general information about the organization. Wis. free lib. com. 57 Canfield, D. F. What shall we do now? Stokes 1.50 Directions for many kinds of games and things to make. Wis. 6 8 Cave, Edward. Boy scout's hike book. Doubleday .48 Intended to supplement the Official handbook of the Boy Scouts. Gives detailed directions on how to walk, the kit, "grub," tent and tent mak- ing, and the various kinds of "hikes." A. L. A. 6 8 Cave, Edward. Boy's camp book. Doubleday 48 Written in a popular, enthusiastic style, but full of sound directions and wholesome advice as to conduct. A. L. A. 5 8 Champlin, J. D. and Bostwick, A. E. Young folks, cyclopedia of games and sports. Holt 2.05 A veritable treasure-house of pleasant knowl- edge. Golf, football, baseball, tennis, etc., are fully treated as well as thousands of similar sports. Many simple chemical and physical experiments STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 75 Grade School Price are given as play which are also valuable for in- struction. Prentice. 7 8 Collins, A. F. Book of magic. Appleton 88 A new trick book and one of the best of its kind. Gives detailed directions for performing tricks which need no skill and very little practice, those which require easily made apparatus and some practice, those which require both apparatus and skill, tricks with cards, coins and handkerchiefs. A. L. A. 7 8 Corsan, G. H. At home in the water. Assn. press 1.00 Brief illustrated manual on swimming and water sports, including fancy swimming, diving, life- saving, races and contests, water polo, hints for training and for natatoriums. A. L. A. Ref . Curtis, H. S. Play and recreation for the open coun- try. Ginn 1 . 16 Tells of the need, and makes practical sugges- tions for the home, rural school, community. De- scribes organization of Boy Scouts and Camp- fire girls, Boys and girls industrial clubs and social centers. Minn. 6 8 Dier, J. C. ed. Book of winter sports. Macmillan 1.50 6 8 Eastman, C. A. Indian scout talks ; a guide for Boy scouts and Camp fire girls. Little 63 Information on footprints, blazing trails, Indian methods of hunting, trapping and canoeing, In- dian sports and customs. . Includes a list of Indian names for boys and girls. A. L. A. 7 8 Glover, E. H. Dame Curtsey's book of guessing con- tests. McClurg 50 125 contests, including conundrums, riddles, games and ideas for special kinds of parties. Minn. B Graham, John and Clark, E. H. Practical track and field athletics. Duf field _ 1.00 Sensible instructions by which any one can secure proficiency in running, walking, jumping, vaulting, and throwing of weights. Wis. free lib. com. 5 8 Hofman, M. C. Games for everybody. Dodge 50 Requiring little preparation, for children, for adults, and for special days. Directions are clear. Cleveland. Ref. Holton, M. A. and Kimball, Eugenia. Games, seat work and sense training exercises. Flanagan 43 A variety of educative exercises to cultivate at- 76 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price tention and concentration, games for the school- room, and seat work along industrial lines. Es- pecially good for country schools. Oregon. Ref. Johnson, G. E. What to do at recess. Ginn _ 22 Practical little book of games for the country school. Oregon. 7 8 Kelley, L, E. Three hundred things a bright girl can do. Page 1.40 Instructions in bead, worsted, and thread work, joinery, rug making, clay modeling, paper flow- ers, athletics, taxidermy, bee keeping; sugges- tions for entertainments, girls' clubs, etc. Oregon. 7 8 Mathewson, Christopher. Pitching in a pinch. (Every boy's library. Boy scout ed.) Grosset 52 Experience in the big league and comments on players from the pitcher's box. Minn. 7 8 Miller, W. H. Boys' book of hunting and fishing. Doran 1 .25 Very definite information, presented in an interesting manner, often telling of the author and his young son. A. L. A. 67 Mott, Mrs. Hamilton, ed. Home games and parties. Doubleday 50 For children's home parties, Hallowe'en and miscellaneous amusements, suggestions for lawn parties, arranging tableaux, and simple menus for evening companies. Pittsburgh. Ref. Ordway, E. B. Handbook of conundrums. Sully 50 The book will furnish amusement for all who ap- preciate flashes of wit. Bost. Transcript. 7 8 Paret, A. P. ed. Harper's handy-book for girls. Harper 1 . 13 A book which will prove very serviceable in stimulating the right kind of home activities on the part of girls. Wis. Ref. Sperling, Harry. Playground book. Barnes 1 . 62 Games, dances, playground athletics and sug- gestions for playground workers, with clear, full directions, and musical accompaniments for games and dances. Wis. Ref. Stern, R. B. Neighborhood entertainments. (Young farmers' practical library). Sturgis _ 1.00 Practical suggestions for social life in the country and in small towns. Gives directions for the organization of women's clubs, boys' clubs, social centers and small libraries and suggests en- tertainments for occasions. A. L. A. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 77 Grade School Price 5 8 Verrill, A. H. Boy collector's handbook. McBride 1.20 Useful book devoted mainly to natural history collections. Chapters on photography and the use of the microscope. Discourages the collection of birds' eggs. Part 3 treats briefly of Indian relics, stamps, coins, etc. Children's cat. 2 4 Walker, M. C. Lady Hollyhock and her friends. Doubleday 94 Shows how to make dolls and animals out of such things as hollyhocks, cucumbers and pansies. Pittsburgh. 4 6 White, Mary. Book of games with directions how to play them. Scribner 1.00 Games for special occasions and holidays and 100 other games new and old. Oregon. 5 8 Withington, Paul. Book of athletics. Lothrop 1.50 Editor is one of America's greatest athletes and has collaborated with some 30 college stars and champions. Children's cat. 3 5 Yale, E. D. When mother lets us give a party. Moffat . 60 A book that tells little folk how best to entertain and amuse their little friends. Oregon. DIALOGUES AND PLAYS. 4r 6 Barnum, M. D. ed. Harper's book of little plays. (School edition). Harper 64 Contents : Frog fairy Revolt of the holidays Ninepin club Familiar quotations Fables turn- ed Thanksgiving dream. 4 6 Bell, Mrs. F. E. E. 0. Fairy tale plays and how to act them. Longmans .98 14 plays to be acted by boys and girls. The dances in the introduction are a feature. Practical suggestions as to scenery, illustrations and dia- grams. Pittsburgh. 5 8 Bullivant, C. H, ed. Home plays. Dodge ... 1.50 Short plays, a few of which are based on folk tales and one on F'roissart. Suggestions for stag- ing and costuming are given. Cleveland. 4^-5 Dalkeith, Lena. Little plays. (Told to the children series). Dutton These five plays are well suited to acting and will furnish material for home theatricals. N. Y. state lib. 2 5 Goodlander, M. R. Fairy plays for children. Rand 45 9 familiar fairy tales dramatized for children from 6 to 10. Suggestions to teachers about cos- 78 UST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price tumes, scenery, rehearsals, and music. Wis. bul. 68 Gould, E. L. Little men play. Little 38 Adapted from Little men. 6 8 Gould, E. L. Little women play. Little 38 Adapted from Little women. 5 8 Gunnison, Binney, ed. New dialogues and plays, primary, intermediate, advanced: adapted from the popular works of well known authors. Hinds 1 . 32 Graded and classified humorous and serious. Oregon. 2 3 Johnston, E. L. and Barnum, M. D. Book of plays for little actors. Amer. bk. co. Many of the plays are drawn from nursery classics. Many are designed for celebration of special days. Wis. free lib. com. .5 8 Lutkenhaus, Mrs. A. M. (Irwin edition). Plays for school children. Century 1.00 Useful collection of 20 plays, prepared and pre- sented in one of the New York public schools. Suggestions for costumes, and outlines of pro- grams for all the special days of theyear. A. L. A. 5 8 Mackay, C. D. House of the heart, and other plays for children. Holt 1 . 10 Ten one act plays, settings simple, costumes easily arranged for. Wis. free lib. com. 5 8 Mackay, C. D. Patriotic plays and pageants for young people. Holt 1.35 Contains three pageants, two of patriots and Hawthorne pageants and 8 one-act plays. Direc- tions are given for costumes, dances and music. A. L, A. 5 8 Mackay, C. D. Silver thread, and other folk plays for young people. Holt 96 Plays from folk lore of eight different countries. Directions for costumes and stage settings. Wis. free lib. com. 7 8 Merington, Marguerite. Holiday plays. Duf field 1.00 Five one-act pieces. For Washington's birthday, Lincoln's birthday, Memorial day, Fourth of July, and Thanksgiving. Subtitle. 6 8 St. Nicholas book of plays and operettas. Century 80 Of real, practical use to the amateur in arrang- ing home and school performances. Prentice and Power. Stevenson, Augusta. Children's classics in dram- atic form. Houghton 23 Book 1. .30 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 79 Grade School Price 3 4 Book 2 + 30 45 Book 3 !35 5 6 Book 4 43 7__8 Book 5 51 Each volume gives some historical and legendary plays and dramatization of the classics. Oregon. 4 6 Tucker, L. E. and Ryan, E. L. Historical plays of colonial days for fifth year pupils. (School edi- tion). Longmans 59 26 simple plays, well adapted to grade school presentation. They are founded on picturesque in- cidents which will stimulate interest and make children feel the spirit of the times. A. L. A. 6 8 Walker, A. J. Little plays from American history for young folks. Holt 88 Short, well-constructed plays for children, illus- trative of dramatic episodes in American history, four of which constitute scenes from the time of Lincoln. So simple in stage requirements as to make them specially desirable for acting. Wis. bul. 2 3 Wickes, F. G. Stories to act. (Dramatic reader ser- ies, bk. 2). Rand 45 Selections are from widely varied sources, the folklore of Germany and England, Japanese mythology, the poetry of Tennyson. A. L. A. 6 7 Wig-gin, Mrs. K. D. S. and Ingersoll, Helen. Birds' Christmas carol; a dramatic version. Houghton .54 Carefully prepared dramatic version, which retains the always-appealing qualities of the or- iginal story. For a cast of from 15 to 18 children. Cleveland. 3 6 Varney's Story Plays, Old and New. Ab. bk. co. Book 1 - 32 Book 2 * . 32 Book 3 : .. .32 These volumes contain many favorite stories and legends, together with a number of poems by popular writers for children. LITERATURE FOR CHILDREN. Field, W. T. Fingerposts to children's reading. McClurg Discusses influence of books, reading, makes suggestions in regard to school, public and Sun- day-school libraries. A. L. A. Harron, J. S., Bacon, C. and Dana, J. C. Course of 80 UST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price study for normal school pupils on literature for children. Wilson 1 . 00 Lessons planned to assist teachers in gaining ac- quaintance with childrens' books. Many useful lists are included. Wis. free lib. com. Hunt, C. W. What shall we read to the children? Houghton 1 . 00 A sane and helpful book emphasizing the im- portance of the joy in reading that can be given to very little children. A list of books for the child's own library is given. Wis. bul. Lowe, Orton. Literature for children. Macmillan .90 Discusses the value of good books and their use in the elementary school; gives selections for memorizing through the grades. Minn. MacClintock, P. L. Literature in the elementary school. Univ. of Chicago 1.00 Full of valuable suggestions for the teacher who knows his texts and literature. Minn. Moses, M, J. Children's books and reading. Ken- nerley 1 . 50 Contains chapters on children's reading; his- tory of children's books; the modern library and the book. A. L. A. Olcott, F. J. Children's reading. Houghton 1.25 A very readable and trustworthy guide, dis- cussing the influence of good and bad books, children's interests, ways of guiding reading, and presenting in separate chapters the different classes of literature for children with principles and definite suggestions for selection. A. L. A. COLLECTIONS OF LITERATURE. READERS AND SPEAKERS. 3 8 Bellamy, B. W. and Goodwin, M. W. Open sesame: poetry and prose for school days. Ginn. v. 1. For children from 5 to 12 years old 64 v. 2. For children from 10 to 14 years old 64 v. 3. For students of over 14 years 64 A fine collection of verse for memorizing. Oregon. 7 8 Blackstone, Harriet. New pieces that will take prizes in speaking contests. Hinds 1.10 Contains a wide range of selections. Oregon. 8 Cumnock, R. M. Choice readings. MicClurg 1.50 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 81 Grade School Price 5 8 Cumnock, R. M, School speaker. McClurg 64 A good speaker for children in the grades. Oregon. 4 8 Dickinson, A. D. and Skinner, A. M. ed. Children's book of Christmas stories. Doubleday 1.25 Valuable for the story-teller as well as inter- esting for children's reading. N. Y. state lib. 4 6 Evans, L. B. and others. Farm life readers. Silver Book 4 _ 45 Book 5 : 1 50 Poetry and prose about country life and some practical suggestions for elementary agriculture. Minn. 5 8 Hyde, W. D. School speaker and reader. Ginn 68 A collection of modern, live literature. Sections on nature, American history, patriotism, enter- prise and courage, humor, sentiment and reflection. Oregon. 5 8 Lansing, M. F. Dramatic readings for schools. Mac- millan 1 43 Folk tales, story poems and selections from standard fiction, with suggestions for their dram- atization. Cleveland. 6 8 Le Row, C. B. Pieces for every occasion. Hinds 1 . 10 Classified arrangement with selections in prose and poetry for Arbor day, Decoration day, poets' birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. 6 8 McCaskey, J .P. Lincoln literary collection. Amer. bk. co - 1 .00 Contains many of the poems which the Course of Study requires shall be taught. 7 8 Masterpieces of American literature. Houghton 85 For most advanced grammar school classes. For reading and for study literature. Oregon. 3 4 Menefee, Maud. Child stories from the masters. Rand 30 Adaptations from Browning, Dante, Goethe, Wagner, the story of Froebel and two pictures: The Angelus and Holy night. Minn. 37 Norton, S. E. ed. Heart of oak books. Heath. Book 3, Fairy tales, ballads and poems ... Book 4, Fairy stories and classic tales of adventure .45 Book 5, Masterpieces of literature .50 Book 6, Masterpieces of literature - 55 Book 7, Masterpieces of literature - - 60 Probably the best collection of good literature offered in any series of school readers. Oregon. 82 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 4 8 Olcott, F. J. ed. Good stories for great holidays. Houghton 1 . 60 Collection of 120 stories, taken from many sources and arranged for the children 's own read- ing, reading aloud, and specially for story-telling. A. L. A. 5 8 Prose and poetry for young people. Penn 1.00 Contains the poem Somebody's mother, called for in the Course of Study. 5 8 St. Nicholas. Our holidays, their meaning and spirit, retold from St. Nicholas. Century 58 Useful collection of sketches, stories and verses for the observance of holidays and birthdays. Wis. 5 8 Schauffler, R. H. Arbor day: (Our American holi- days). Moffat 88 Short prose selections and poems appropriate for school exercises. The selection is good including some of the best material in recent Arbor day an- nuals, as well as many old favorites. A. L. A. 5 8 Schauffler, R. H. Christmas. (Our American holi- days ) . Moffat 88 Its origin, celebration, and significance, as re- lated in prose and verse. Subtitle. 5 8 Schauffler, R. H. Flag day. (Our American holi- days ) . Moffat 88 Prose and poetic selections with exercise and drills for school celebrations of Flag day. A. L. A. 5 8 Schauffler, R. GET. Thanksgiving. (Our American holi- days) . Moffat 88 Sketches, stories, poems, hymns, concerning the origin, celebration and significance of the holi- day. A. L. A. 58 Schauffler, R. H. Washington's birthday. (Our American holidays). Moffat 88 Its observance, spirit, and significance as relat- ed in prose and verse, with a selection from Wash- ington's speeches and writings. Subtitle. 3 8 Scudder, H. E. ed. Children's book: a collection of the best and most famous stories and poems in the English language. New edition. Houghton 2.00 If a child could read but one book before he is 12 it should be this. Best of fairy tales, poetry and fables. Wis. free lib. com. 5 7 Stevenson, B. E. and Stevenson, E. S. B. Days and deeds: prose for children's reading and speaking. Doubleday 75 Selections, from a wide range of writers, on STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 83 Grade School Price American holidays, special days, great Americans, and the seasons. N. Y. state lib. 4 8 Van Sickle, J. H. and others, ed. Riverside readers. Houghton. Fourth reader 48 Fifth reader 48 Sixth reader 48 Seventh reader * 48 Eighth reader 53 This series of readers is notable for its general attractiveness in form and illustration, for the remarkable selection of choice literature, which will appeal to children. Oregon. 5 8 Whittier, J. G. Selections from Child life in poetry and Child life in prose. (Riverside literature series) . Houghton 39 Poems and stories from the collections edited by Whittier. The classics of English and American literature. Oregon. AMERICAN 1 AND ENGLISH LITERATURE. AUTHORS. 5 7 Cody, Sherwin. Four American poets. Amer. bk. co .42 Bryant Longfellow Whittier Holmes. 5 7 Cody, Sherwin. Four famous American writers. Amer. bk. co 42 Irving Poe Lowell Taylor. 5 8 Marshall, H. E. English literature for boys and girls. Stokes 2 .00 Tells the story of the development of literature from Caedmon to Tennyson, adapting with re- markable success both style and selection to children's interests, and quoting freely. N. Y. state lib. Ref. Olcott, F. J. Children's reading. Houghton .95 By an experienced librarian. Excellent book about the choice of books, with suggestions about guiding the reading, and annotated lists of recommended books. Oregon. 6 7 Ware, E. R. Talks about authors and their work. Flanagan . 44 Brief chapters about 2'6 men and women in whom children are interested authors and music- ians. Oregon. 7 8 Whitcomb, I. P. Young people's story of American literaturev Dodd 1 . 20 Short and readable accounts of authors and orators, arranged in historical order. Omits living 84 UST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price writers. Useful reference book for upper grades. A. L. A. 7 8 Wright, H. C. Children's stories in American lit- erature. (School reading). Scribner. v. 1 1660-1860 43 v. 2 1861-1896 - - 43 About the lives and literary work of the fore- most American authors. "Well written. Oregon. POETRY AND ADAPTATIONS. 1 8 Blake, K. D. and Alexander, Georgia. Graded poetry readers. Merrill. v. 1-2. First and second years in one volume 22 v. 3. Third year 22 v. 4. Fourth year * 22 v. 5. Fifth year 22 v. 6. Sixth year 22 Admirably selected, graded and printed. N. Y. state lib. Ref . Bryan, G. S. Poems of country life : a modern an- thology. Sturgis 1 .00 Good selection of brief poems grouped under: Country folk Country tasks Country pleas- ures Country blessings -Country fun Country scenes Country ties. Minn. 4 6 Burt, M. E. Poems that every child should know: a selection of the best poems of all times for young people. Grosset 52 Excellent collection. Wis. 3 8 Chisholm, Louey, ed. Golden staircase: poems and verses for children. (School edition). Putnam 80 Well selected anthology of poetry, containing 200 selections. A. L. A. 1 8 Coussens, P. W. Poems children love: a collection of poems arranged for children and young people of various ages. Dodge 1.00 Poems are well selected and arranged in three groups, for the tiny tots, for older children and for young people. Wis. free lib. com. 5 8 Darton, F. J. H. Tales of the Canterbury pilgrims ; illustrated by Hugh Thomson. Stokes 1 . 50 A charming version of Chaucer for children. Good English. Fine illustrations. Hunt. 14 Edgar, M. G. Treasury of verse for little children. Crowell 50 94 poems excellently chosen. Eaton. 4 5 Field, Eugene. The Eugene Field book: verses, STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 85 Grade School Price letters for school reading. (School reading). Scribner 42 Contains the best of Field's poems for children, several stories and letters, and his autobiography. N. Y. city. 3 4 Field, Eugene. Lullaby-land: songs of childhood, selected by Kenneth Grahame and illustrated by Charles Robinson. Scribner 1.20 The best of Field's child poems in a charming edition. Oregon. 48 Foley, J. W. Boys and girls. Button 1.35 6 8 Foley, J. W. Prairie breezes. Badger 1.25 Two of the several volumes of poems of the well-known North Dakota poet. 1 S Harris, A, V. S. and Gilbert, C. B. Poems by grades. Scribner. v. 1. For grades 1-4 59 v. 2. For grades 5-8 59 One of the most successful compilations. Oregon. 1 3 Hazard, Bertha. Three years with the poets. Hough- ton 44 Excellent collection of poetry for children. Baker. 1 8 Ingpen, Roger. One thousand poems for children : a choice of the best verse, old and new. Jacobs 1.20 Contains many poems not usually found else- where. Pittsburgh. 6 7 Kelman, J. H. Stories from Chaucer. (Told to the children series). Button 48 Excellent adaptation, bringing out much of the poetic and moral beauty of the original. Am. L. E. 4 6 Lang, Jeanie. Stories from the Faerie queen. (Told to the children series). Button 48 Eight stories well selected and well told. A. L. A. 6 8 Longfellow, H. W. Complete poetical works. (Auto- graph edition). Houghton .90 Contains all his original verse that he wished to preserve, and all his translations except the Bivina commedia. Oregon. 7 8 Longfellow, H. W. Courtship of Miles Standish, and other poems. Crowell 35 7 8 Longfellow, H. W. Evangeline. New edition.' (Riverside literature series). Houghton 23 This edition has several attractive illustrations. It is the best edition for school room use. Oregon. 86 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 5 8 Longfellow, H. W. Song of Hiawatha. (Riverside literature series). Houghton 39 The best school library edition of the poem. Frederic Remington's illustrations add to the attrac- tiveness of the volume. Oregon. 4 7 Lovejoy, M. I. Nature in verse : a poetry reader for children. Silver _ 56 Well selected from the best English and Amer- ican authors. Pittsburgh. 7 8 Lowell, J. R. Vision of Sir Launfal, and other poems. New edition. (Riverside literature ser- ier. Houghton 23 3 8 Lucas, E. V. Book of verses for children. Pouular edition. Holt 77 About 200 selections ranging from Browning's Pippa's song to Edward Lear's nonsense rhymes. N. Y. state lib. 7 8 Macaulay, T. B. Lays of ancient Rome. (Riverside literature series). Houghton 23 Narrates heroic events in Roman history. Wis. 3 5 McMurray, Mrs. L. B. and Cook, A, S. Songs of the tree-top and meadow. Pub. school pub. co 34 Nature poems grouped by seasons, and other poems for children, with suggestions for teaching them. Oregon. 5 8 Matthews, J. B. Poems of- American patriotism. (School reading). Scribner 42 Poems which depict feelings as well as those which describe actions. Oregon. 4 8 Olcott, F. J. comp. Story-telling poems. Hough- ton ! 95 Specially adapted, because of their lively inter- est, humorous, imaginative and ethical values and literary form, for children's reading, and for use with children. N. Y. state lib. 48 Palgrave, F. T. comp. Children's treasury of Eng- lish song. (Standard school library). Macmillan .28 Nothing has been admitted w r hich does not reach a high rank in poetic merit. Preface. 6 8 Repplier, Agnes, comp. Book of famous verse. (Riverside library for young people). Houghton .68 Some of the best children's poems in literature. Wis. 4 5 Riley, J. W. Book of joyous children. Scribner 1.20 Delightful poems about natural children. Wis. 58 Riley, J. W. Rhymes of childhood. Bobbs ... 1.2'5 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 87 Grade School I 'rice 6 8 Scollard, Clinton. Ballads of American bravery. Silver 34 Poems which commemorate signal acts of valor. Arranged chronologically. Oregon. 7 S Scott, Sir Walter. Lady of the lake. (Canterbury classics) . Rand 45 Has colored plates of the Stuart, Douglas, Mac- Alpine and Graham plaids and black and white illustrations of Scottish scenes. Minn. 7 8 Scott, Sir Walter. Lay of the last minstrel. (Pocket classics) . Macmillan 25 Love of country is an extract from this longer poem. 3 5 Sherman, F. D. Little folk lyrics. Houghton 60 One of the best volumes of poems for children. Contains material for Arbor and Bird day exer- cises at close of school. Wis. 2 7 Shute, K. H. Land of song. Silver. v. 1. For primary grades ,, .31 v. 2. For lower grammar grades 41 v. 3. For upper grammar grades 46 An excellent graded selection. Oregon. 1 8 Stevenson, B. E .ed. Home book of verse for young folks. Holt 1 . 60 There have been many books of selections for children, but Mr. Stevenson's is far and away the best thing of its kind that has ever been done. Boston Transcript. 5 8 Stevenson, B. E. and Stevenson, E. B. Days and deeds: a book of verse for children's reading and speaking. Doubleday 75 Splendid collection. Selections for each holiday and anniversary. Poems about famous Americans. N. Y. city. 2 5 Stevenson, R. L. Child's garden of verses; illustrat- ed by Storer. Eand 42 Stevenson writes as a child rather than about children. N. Y. city. 1 g Waterman, S. D. and others. Graded memory se- lections. Educ. pub. co 22 Best small collection pf poetry for all grades. Oregon. 7 8 Whittier, J. G. Complete poetical works. (Autograph edition). Houghton - .90 The perfect melody of Whittier 's poetry gives it a charm for the quite young child; and the childlike directness and simplicity of his narrative 88 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price and ballad poetry, together with its depth of feel- ing and wealth of imagery, gives it a strong hold on the affections of the growing boy and girl. Prentice and Power. 8 Whittier, J. G. Snow bound; Among the hills; Songs of labor and other poems. (Riverside liter- ature series). Bought on 23 The best edition for class use. Oregon. 68 Wiggin, Mrs. K. D. S. and Smith, N. A. comp. Golden numbers. Grosset 52 All things considered the best poetry collection for children. Hunt. 2 5 Wiggin, Mrs. K. D. S. and Smith, N. A. comp. Posy ring. Grosset 52 For younger children than Golden numbers. Wis. DRAMA. Plays for acting are under heading Dialogues and Plays 6 8 Lamb, Charles and Lamb, Mary. Tales from Shake- speare. Ginn 38 Partial contents: The tempest Two gentlemen of Verona Cymbeline King Lear Macbeth Timon of Athens Hamlet Othello Merchant of Venice. 6 8 Macleod, Mary. Shakespeare story book. Barnes 1 . 55 Charming stories of .16 plays with dialogue in words of drama. Plots are clearly brought out. Excellent as preparation for the plays or as a good story book. A. L. A. Ref. Shakespeare, WUlliam, Complete works; ed. with a glossary by W. J. Craig. Oxford 1.25 7 8 Shakespeare, William. As you like it. (Ben Greet Shakespeare). Doubleday .48 7 8 Shakespeare, William. Comedy of errors. (Ben Greet Shakespeare). Doubleday 48 7 8 Shakespeare, William. Julius Caesar. (Ben Greet Shakespeare). Doubleday .'. 48 7 8 Shakespeare, William, Merchant of Venice. (Ben Greet Shakespeare). Doubleday 48 7 8 Shakespeare, William. Midsummer night's dream. (Ben Greet Shakespeare). Doubleday 48 7 8 Shakespeare, William. The tempest. (Ben Greet Shakespeare). Doubleday 48 A unique and exceptionally useful version, con- densed to the length of an ordinary performance and specially adapted for reading or stage presen- STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 89 Grade School Price tation by children and amateurs. At the beginning of the play are "A few general rules or customs of acting," addressed to amateurs. The arrange- ments for stage setting are few and simple. A. L. A. STORIES. 5 6 Aanrud, Hans. Lisbeth Longfrock. Ginn 34 A delightful story of Norwegian farm life. Wis. free lib. com. 5 8 Alcott, L. M. Eight cousins. Little 98 Scrapes, mischief and fun of one girl and her seven boy cousins. Pittsburgh. 58 Alcott, L. M. Jack and Jill. Little ~ .98 How Jack and Jill were hurt coasting and what happened while they were getting well. Pitts- burgh. 5 8 Alcott, L. M. Jo's boys. Little 98 Sequel to Little men. 58 Alcott, L. M. Little men. Little '.98 About the boys in Aunt Jo's and Mr. Bhaer's school. Follows Little women. Oregon. 58 Alcott, L. M. Little women. Little _ 98 One of the best stories for girls ever written. Drawn largely from the girlhood life of Miss Al- cott and her sisters. Pittsburgh. 58 Alcott, L. M. Old fashioned girl. Little .98 City life of a winning and sensible little country girl. N. Y. state lib. 57 Alcott, L. M. Under the lilacs. Little _ 98 Story of a stray circus boy who found friends for himself and his remarkable dog at a country house. N. Y. state lib. 5 7 Aiden, W. L. Cruise of the canoe club. Harper _ .38 A story of the experiences of four boys who take a trip in their canoes. Wis. 6 8 Aldrich, T. B. Story of a bad boy. (Riverside liter- ature series). Cloth. Houghton 46 Story of a mischievous but truly good, natural New r England boy. N. Y. state lib. 6 8 Altsheler, J. A. Horsemen of the plains. (Juvenile library) . Macmillan .42 Stirring story of boy's adventures with hunters in the Rockies in the late 60 's. A. L. A. 78 Andrews, Mrs. M. R. S. Perfect tribute. Scribner ... Story of Lincoln, his Gettysburg address, and a wounded Confederate boy in one of the Washing- ton hospitals. N. Y. city. 90 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 6 8 Ashmun, M. E. Isabel Carleton 's year. Macmillan 1 . 25 One of the best girl's stories in a number of years. The heroine is a natural, lovable girl, a senior in the high school in a middle western uni- versity town. A. L. A. 4 8 Bailey. Sure Pop and the safety scouts. "World bk. co. . 60 78 Barbour, R. H. Behind the line. N. Y. bk. co 50 Football and life in a small New England college. N. Y. state. 6 8 Barbour, R. H. Captain of the crew. N. Y. bk. co. .50 School athletics and character building. N. Y. state. 6 8 Barbour, R. H. Crismon sweater. Century 98 School life. Football leads in interest but other sports are introduced. A. L. A. 7 8 Barbour, R. H.. For the honor of the school. N. Y. bk. co 50 Cross country racing, football, skating and track athletics. Prentice and Power. 78 Barbour, R. H. Half-back. N. Y. bk. co 50 Tale of a preparatory school and of a freshman year at Harvard. Account of a Yale-Harvard foot- ball game. Pittsburgh. 78 Barbour, R. H. Weatherby's inning. N. Y. bk. co 50 A young man's struggle against untoward cir- cumstances in a small New England college. N. Y. state lib. 6 8 Barnes, James. For king or country. Harper 90 Story of twin boys who took opposite sides in the war of the Revolution. Pittsburgh. 7 8 Barnes, James. Yankee ships and Yankee sailors. (Standard school lib.) Macmillan 40 Historical tales of the men of 1812. Most of them founded on actual happenings. N. Y. City. 4 6 Baylor, F. C. Juan and Juanita. Houghton 1.20 Founded on the adventures of two real little Mexican children who were stolen by the Indians and who made their way back three hundred miles to their home. Utica. 7 8 Bennett, John. Barnaby Lee. Century 1.20 Barnaby Lee escapes from pirates and the story tells of his adventures among the Dutch of New Amsterdam in the days of the sturdy Peter Stuy- vesant. Pittsburgh. 7 8 Bennett, John. Master Skylark : a story of Shake- speare 's time. Century 1 . 20 Master Skylark is a Stratford boy with a won- STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 91 Grade School Price derful voice, who runs away from home and falls in with a company of players. Wis. 7 8 Blackmore, R. D. Lorna Doone. (Luxembourg edition). Crowell _ 1.20 Tale of the savage deeds of the outlaw Doones and of honest John Ridd, whose chance encounter with Lorna makes him a soldier and knight. N. Y. state. 6 7 Boyesen, H. H. Against heavy odds, and a fearless trio. Scribner 1.00 6 7 Boyesen, H. H. Boyhood in Norway. Scribner 1 . 00 Short stories of boy life in Norway. Oregon. 7 8 Boyesen, H. H. Norseland tales. Scribner 1.00 Excellent. Short stories about Norwegians at home and their experiences as emigrants in Amer- ica. Oregon. 7 8 Brady, C. T. Reuben James. (Young heroes of our navy). Applet on .85 Story of a common sailor who saved Commodore ' Decatur's life. Hewins. 68 Brooks, E. S. Master of the Strong Hearts. Button .95 Ouster's last fight with Sitting Bull and his hordes Sioux, 1876. N. Y. city. 5 7 Brooks, Noah. Boy emigrants. Scribner 1 . 00 Adventures of some boys who started from Illinois to cross the plains shortly after the break- ing out of the l i gold fever ' ' in California. Hardy. 5 7 Brooks, Noah. Boy settlers. Scribner 1.00 Early times in Kansas. Story of free-soil emigrants and border ruffians. Pittsburgh. 4 6 Brown, A. F. John of the woods. Houghton 90 Story which teaches brotherly love without preaching, of a boy tumbler who escapes from cruel masters and lives in the forest with a hermit, mak- ing friends with the wild beasts. N. Y. state lib. 4 6 Brown, A. F. Kisington town. Houghton 1.00 3 4 Brown, A. F. Lonesomest doll. Houghton 65 A fanciful story of a lonely little queen, her lonelier splendid doll, her porter's happy little daughter, and the remarkable adventures of the three. Prentice and Power. 6 8 Brown, Alice. Secret of the clan. Macmillan 1 . 25 Four girls three sisters and a cousin make up the clan, and their secret nearly causes a mis- understanding with the beloved grandmother with whom they live. Utica. 92 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 5 7 Brown, H. D. Her sixteenth year. Houghton 75 Sequel to Little Miss Phoebe Gay. 3 4 Brown, H. D. Little Miss Phoebe Gay. Houghton 75 A little New England girl. Once she called on Miss Alcott. Utica. 7 8 Brown, H. B. Two college girls. Houghton 1.20 A fresh, breezy story of Vassar life. Washing- ton. 8 Brown, K. H. Phi'lippa at Halcyon. Scribner 1.35 Story of a capable, helpful ,fine-spirited girl who works her way through college. Hewins. 6 8 Bunyan, John. Pilgrim's progress; illustrated by the brother's Rhead. Century 1.30 Beautiful edition of this classic. Oregon. 4 5 Burnett, F. H. Little Lord Fauntleroy. Scribner 1.00 An engaging boy ,born in America in poverty, is the grandson and heir of an English earl. While the story is neither original nor probable the cir- cumstances are prettily told. A. L. A. 4r 5 Burnett, F. H. Sara Crewe, Little Saint Elizabeth and other stories. Scribner 1.20 Ideals of the story are those of gentle breeding and courage, and the story is intensely interesting. Prentice and Power. 6 7 Bush, B. E, Prairie Rose. Little 1.00 How a girl faced the pioneer hardships when Iowa was on the frontier. N. Y. 78 Camp, Walter. Substitute. Appleton Story is secondary to the discussion of foot- ball tactics and strategy. A. L. A. 7 8 Canavan, M. J. Ben Comee. Macmillan 1.13 Vivid picture of wholesome boy life in Lexing- ton. Has historic value. Pittsburgh. 5 7 Canfield, Mrs. F. A. C. Kidnapped campers. Harp- er 80 An enforced camping trip changes a spoiled boy into a lad of pluck and resource. N. Y. state lib. 57 Canfield, H. S. Boys of the Rincon ranch. Cen- tury 1 .00 Two New York boys learn a great deal about natural history and life in the Southwest besides having a capital time generally. N. Y. city. 7 8 Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. Don Quixote, retold by Judge Parry; illustrated by Walter Crane. Lane 1 . 20 Strange and amusing adventures of the Spanish knight-errant, who fights windmills. Pratt. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 93 Grade School Price 7 8 Clemens, S. L. Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Harper 1.18 a story of boys' pranks, their play at being pir- ates and robbers and their accidental discovery of a bona fide villain and his hidden treasure. Utica. 6 8 Clemens, S. L. Prince and the pauper. Harper 1.18 A semi-historical story of the time of the boy king, Edward of England. Very humorous and romantic. Olcott. 7 8 Coffin, C. C. Winning his way. Page _ 85 How a plucky boy not only won his way through poverty and trials, but did brave deeds as a sol- dier in the Union army. Pittsburgh. 7 8 Connor, Ralph, pseud. Glengarry school days. Gros- set 42 Story of school life in Canada. 56 Coolidge, Susan, pseud. What Katy did. Little 98 A series of wholesome, happy stories that have long been popular. Wis. free lib. com. 5 6 Coolidge, Susan, pseud. What Katy did at school. Little 98 Boarding school life, with its secret societies, Christmas boxes, and other good times. Pitts- burgh. 7 8 Cooper, J. F. Deerslayer. (Everyman's library). Library binding. Button 50 Tale of warfare in New York between the white settlers and the crafty Iroquois. Pittsburgh. 7 8 Cooper, J. F. Last of the Mohicans. (Everyman's library). Library binding. Dutton 50 One of the best of Indian stories. It graphically depicts the life of frontiersmen and savages in central and western New York at the time of the French and Indian war. Wis. 7 8 Cooper, J. F. Pathfinder. (Everyman's library). Library binding. Dutton 50 Considered the best of Cooper's novels from a literary point of view. The scene is laid in the vi- cinity of Lake Ontario during the French and In- dian war. N. Y. city. 6 8 Cotes, Mrs. S. J. D. Story of Sonny Sahib. Appleton .65 An English child rescued from the Cawnpore massacre is brought up at a native port in North India. Excellent story and picture of life in the East. N. Y. city. 8 Craik, Mrs, D. M. M. John Halifax, gentlemen. (Everyman's library). Library binding. Dutton .50 An old story which will be read with interest by each generation. Oregon. 94 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 4 5 Crichton, Mrs'. F. E. Peep-in-the- world. Longmans 1.00 Story of an imaginative little English girl 's year at her uncle's castle in Germany, told with sim- plicity and much charm. A. L. A. 56 Crothers, S. M. Miss Muffet's Christmas party. Houghton 1 .00 A party of story-book and fairy people. Hewins. 7 8 Cutting, Mrs. M. S. D. Heart of Lynn. Lippincott 30 The story presents in a wholesome way, a young woman's love for her family. Power. 6 8 Davis, R. H. Boy scout. Scribner 50 Plucky Jimmie unconsciously influences thous- ands of lives through his personal sacrifice for a "good turn". Wis. free lib. com. 5 8 Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe; illustrated by E. Boyd Smith. Harper 1.50 A fine edition with attractive illustrations. Minn. 5 6 Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe. (Riverside liter- ature series). Houghton 56 Excellent edition for teachers and for school use. Wis. free lib. com. 67 Deland, E. D. Katrina. Wilde .- 1.25 A summer vacation at the Perkins farm with Katrina and the boarders. Prentice and Power. 78 Deland, E. D. Oakleigh. Harper 78 Exceptionally good girl r s story. Concerns a family of five children and their experiences in ac- cepting new circumstances. N. Y. city. 4 5 Diaz, Mrs. A. M. Polly Cologne. Lothrop 1.00 How a precious rag doll was lost and found. N. Y. state lib. 7 9 Dickens, Charles. Christmas carol, and The cricket on the hearth. (Pocket classics). Macmillan 22 A school edition. 57 Dickens, Charles. Story of little Nell. (Eclectic read- ings). Amer. bk. co _ 43 From Old curiosity shop ; abridged but not re- written. Oregon. 8 9 Dickens, Charles. Tale of two cities. (Riverside literature series). Houghton 46 Story of the French Revolution and its influ- ence on the lives of some English people. Minn. 78 Dix, B. M. Betty-Bide-At-Home. Holt 1.00 Interesting story of a daughter who sacrifices her college career to stay at home and help her mother. N. Y. state lib. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 95 Grade School Price 7 8 Dix, B. M. A little captive lad. Macmillan ... .40 Cavalier's child, adopted by his Roundhead half brother. Very well studied and written. N. Y. state lib. 78 Dix, B. M. Merrylips. Macmillan 1 . 13 Little maid held as hostage by Roundheads es- capes to the army of the Cavaliers, disguised as a boy. Excellent in atmosphere . A. L. A. 78 Dix, B. M. Soldier Rigdale. Macmillan... 1.13 About a boy who came over in the Mayflower, how Miles Standish befriended him and what he saw among the Indians. Decidedly above average historical story for children. N. Y. state lib. 58 Dodge, Mrs. M. M. Donald and Dorothy. Century .... 1.20 Fourteen year old twins who have to prove their relationship. Utica. 5 7 Dodge, Mrs. M. M. Hans Brinker; or, The silver skates: a story of life in Holland. Scribner *. 50 A story of Dutch pluck and good will. Well written and much liked by children. Olcott. 8 Doubleday, Russell. Cattle ranch to college. (Every boy's library). Grosset 52 True story of boy life in the cattle country of Dakota thirty-five years ago. Indian fights, buffalo hunts, placer mining, cowboy adventures without number. X. Y. city. 4 5 Drummond, Henry. Monkey that would not kill. Dodd .". 75 Pranks and hairbreadth escapes of a mischievous monkey who k> won't hang, won't drown, won't shoot." Pittsburgh. 7 8 Duncan, Norman. Adventures of Billy Topsail. Revell 1. 08 A fisher lad 's hardy life in bleak Newfoundland, his dog companion, Skipper, his encounters with icebergs, whales, seals and giant squid, and best of all his adventures in carrying Her Majesty's mail. Cleveland. 5 8 Duncan, Norman. Billy Topsail and Company. Revell 1. 08 Thrilling experiences in the lives of Billy Top- sail and three friends, admirable in portrayal of Labrador and Newfoundland local color, man- liness and courage. N. Y. state lib. 6 8 Earl, J. P. On the school team. Penn ... .76 Football story fairly well written, wholesome and free from slang. A. L. A. 96 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 6 8 Eggleston, Edward. Hoosier school boy. Scribner 42 Tale of school life in the back woods of In- diana fifty years ago, when lickin' and larnin' went hand in hand. Pittsburgh. 6 7 Eggleston, G. C. Big brother. Putnam 94 Story of Indian fighting during the war of 1812. Hardy. 7 8 Eggleston, G. C. Captain Sam; or, Boy scouts of 1814. Putnam 94 Sequel to Big Brother. Sam, leader of a com- pany of boys, does admirable service for General Jackson. A. L. A. 6 7 Eggleston, G. C. Southern soldier stories. Macmillan . 40 Tales of battle, march, and camp in the Con- federate army, 1862-1865. N. Y. city. 57 Ellis, K. R. Wide awake girls. Little 1. 00 Home and school life and travel in this coun- try and in Germany. A. L. A. 78 Ellis, K. R. Wide awake girls in Winsted. Little ..... 1. 00 How the four girls help to establish a village library. Oregon. 6 8 Ewing, Mrs. J. H. G. Jackanapes. (Home and school classics). Heath _ . 18 A pathetic story of a true hearted boy who dies in battle to save the life of a comrade. Wis. 57 Ewing, Mrs. J. H. G. Story of a short life. (Home and school classics). Heath 18 Life of a brave English boy and his dog, Sweep, at Asholt camp with the soldiers. Pittsburgh. 5 8 Finnemore, John. Wolf patrol. Macmillan 1.13 A good, wholesome English story, full of ad- venture and inculcating the merits of courage, kindliness, resourcefulness, etc. A. L. A. 7 8 Fitzpatrick, Sir J. P. Jock of the Bushveld. Long- mans 40 Adventures of a remarkable dog, giving a faithful picture of the heroic days of the Bushveld and of South Africa, the country, natives, and animal life. A. L. A. 6 7 French, Allen. Junior cup. Century 1..20 Boys' athletic contests at a summer camp and in school, making for courage, respect for author- ity, and moral mastery. N. Y. state lib. 67 French, Allen. Story of Rolf and the viking's bow. Little ".. 1. 00 Inspired by and in some degree based on the Icelandic sagas. Courage, self-control, patriotism, STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 97 Grade School Price perseverance are the qualities developed in the young hero. N. Y. state lib. 7 8 French, H. W. Lance of Kanana. Lothrop 80 A splendid story of a Bedouin boy and how his courage, endurance and keenness helped his country. Oregon. 6 7 Garland, Hamlin. The long trail; a story of the northwest wilderness. Harper 78 Adventures and hardships of a boy who follow- ed the old Telegraph trail to the Klondike during the rush for gold in 1898. N. Y. city. 7 8 Goss, W. L. Jack Alden. (Young people series). Crowell 52 A boy's adventures in the Virginia campaigns of '61- '65 and how he escaped from Libby prison. Pittsburgh. 7 8 Goss, W. L. Jed. (Young people series). Crowell 52 The incidents of the book are real ones, drawn in part from the writer 's personal experiences and observations, as a soldier of the Union. Arnold. 57 Gould, E. L. Felicia. Penn 80 About the country minister's little daughter, who undertakes to fulfill the homekeeping and social duties of the head of the house during her mother's prolonged absence from home. Oregon. 7 8 Greene, Homer. Pickett's gap. (Standard school li- brary). Macmillan _40 A splendid story of a railroad fight in the courts for the control of a mountain pass in Penn- sylvania. N. Y. city. 7 8 Grey, Zane. Young pitcher. Harper 78 Exceptionally good story of college and college athletics. A. L. A. 6 7 Grinnell, G. B. Jack among the Indians; illus- trated by E. W. Deming. Stokes 95 Information about Indians authoritative and boy's adventures stirring. N. Y. state lib. 6 7 Grinnell, G. B. Jack in the Rockies. Stokes 95 Adventures of two boys and an old woodsman with a pack train in Yellowstone park. Follows Jack among the Indians. N. Y. state lib. 6 7 Grinnell, G. B. Jack, the young canoeman. Stokes ..95 An account of a canoe trip along the coast of British Columbia. Both information and de- scription of scenery are good. A. L. A. 98 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 6 7 Grinnell, G. B. Jack, the young ranchman ; or, a boy's adventures in the Rockies. Stokes 95 A New York boy spends several months on a western ranch in the days of the buffalo and wild Indian. N. Y. city. 6 7 Grinnell, G. B. Jack, the young trapper; an eastern boy's fur hunting in the Rocky mountains. Stokes . 95 Many suggestions are made regarding methods of trapping and of camp life in general. A. L. A. 5 7 Haines, A. C. Cock-a-doodle Hill; being further chronicles of the Dudley Grahams. Holt 1. 00 Tells how they went to live in the country, about the donkey that would not go, the chicken shower, the good times and the good fortune which came. Pittsburgh. 57 Haines, A. C. Luck of the Dudley Grahams. Holt 1. 00 Story of a family of boys and girls and their efforts to help a widowed mother in the support of the family. A. L. A. 6 8 Hale, E. E. Man without a country. Ginn 23 This remarkable story presents perhaps the greatest lesson in patriotism and love of country that has ever been written. Should be read by every man, woman and child in America. Pub. 4 7 Hale, L. P. Peterkin papers. Houghton 1. 20 All children should grow up with these laugh- able, wholesome, wit-sharpening stories. Hunt. 7 8 Harris, Garrard. Joe, the book farmer. Harper 1. 00 Joe is a fourteen year old lad who enters a state corn growing contest and not only wins first prize, but shows his father and other shiftless farmers of the southern community in which he lives what can be done with the land they consider of little value. Wis. 5 7 Harris, J. C. Aaron in the wildwoods. Houghton 1. 60 Fine story of a runaway slave and a little cripple who lived on a Georgia plantation. Oregon.- 6 7 Harris, J .C. Story of Aaron. Houghton 1. 60 An Arab slave's story, told in part by animals. Pittsburgh. 7 9 Hill, G. B. The young farmer. Penn 1. 00 An interesting story of a boy who wins out against heavy odds in his ambition to be a success- ful farmer. Wis. 6 8 Hough, Emerson, Young Alaskans. Harper l._25 Relates the summer adventures of three boys lost in Alaska where they learn much about the curious STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 99 Grade School Price life of the Indians, and have encounters with wild animals. Cleveland. 6 8 Hughes, Thomas. Tom Brown's school days. (River- side literature series). Houghton 46 Famous story of English school life at Rugby and probably the finest story of school life for boys ever written. Wis. free lib. com. 6 8 Hughes, Thomas. Tom Brown's school days. Harper . 90 Has illustrations made at Rugby school by Louis Rhead. 6 8 Huntington, H. S. pseud. His Majesty's sloop Dia- mond Rock. Houghton 1. 10 Diamond Rock guarded the port of Fort de France, Martinique. Story tells of the English de- fense and final surrender to the French fleet. N. Y. state lib. 5 1 Ingersoll, Ernest. Ice queen. Houghton 60 In an attempt to skate across Lake Erie, three boys and a girl go adrift on an ice floe and reach Cleveland after many weeks of adventure. Cleve- land. 6 7 Inman, Henry. The ranch on the Oxhide. Macmil- lan 40 Frontier life in Kansas. General Custer and Buffalo Bill are characters in the story. 7 9 Irving, Washington. Rip Van Winkle, and Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Macmillan 1. 13 An illustrated edition of these two delightful tales. Oregon. 5 8 Jackson, Mrs. H. H. Nelly's Silver mine; a story of Colorado life. Little 1. 05 Story of the life of a New England family who moved to Colorado and how a little girl found a silver mine. N. Y. state lib. 8 Jackson, Mrs. H. H. Ramona. Little 1. 05 A picturesque, sympathetic picture of Spanish and Indian life in southern California and a pas- sionate appeal for justice to the red man. N. Y. city. 7 8 Jacobs, Mrs. C. E. Texas Blue Bonnet. Page ... . 95 Breezy story of a Texas girl's school life in New England. Wis. free lib. com. 5 7 Jewett, S. 0. Betty Leicester. Houghton . 90 A girl of fifteen and her summer with two old aunts in a New England village. Utica. 5 7 Jewett, S. 0. Betty Leicester's Christmas. Houghton .90 Christmas in an English castle kept by a great 100 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price house party in the good old English way. Utica. 4 5 Jewett, S. 0. Play days. Houghton 23 A good collection of short stories. Oregon. 68 Johnson, H. S. Williams of West Point, N. Y. bk. co. .50 Manly story of the work and play, defeats and victories of a West Point cadet who stands for honor, steadfastness and truth. Gives many details of West Point life. A. L. A. 4 6 Kaler, J. 0. Mr. Stubb's brother. Harper 38 A monkey story. Sequel to Toby Tyler. Pitts- burgh. 46 Kaler, J. 0. Toby Tyler; or ,Ten weeks with the circus. Harper 38 A wholesome story. Toby is a most lovable little fellow and Mr. Stubbs, the monkey, is inimitable. Wis. '68 King, Charles. Cadet days. Harper 1.25 A spirited description of life at West Point. Wis. 7 9 Kipling, Rudyard. Captains courageous. Century 1. 20 Harvey Cheyne, young, rich and spoiled falls overboard from an Atlantic liner and is picked up by fishermen bound for a season's catch off the coast of Newfoundland. Good picture of life aboard a fishing smack. Prentice and Power. 67 Kirkland, W. M. Boy editor. Houghton 1. 00 Story of editing of a school paper by an alert girl and a dreamy boy who is awakened by the work and interests connected wtih it. Wis. free lib. com. 6 9 Lange, Dietrich. On the trail of the Sioux. Lothrop . 78 Tells of the last stand of the Sioux tribes, on the Minnesota frontier, in the early days of the Civil war. Minn. 6 9 Lange, Dietrich. Silver island of the Chippewa. Lothrop 78 Two boys spend eight months in the wilds of the Lake Superior country searching for the Silver island. Nature and woodcraft are interestingly in- troduced. Minn. 4 6 La Ramee, Louise de. Bimbi: stories for children. Ginn 32 Delicate stories, interesting, appealing and well written. Oregon. 4 7 La Ramee, Louise de. Dog of Flanders. Lippincott 40 A Christmas story of old Antwerp, of strange little Nello, who passionately loved the pictures of STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 101 Grade School Kubens, and his faithful dog Patrasche. N. Y. city. 8 London, Jack. Call of the wild. Grosset 52 Dog story of the Klondike-. Pratt. 6 8 McFarlane, A. E. Redney McGraw. Grosset 52 Story of circus life. 5 7 Martin, G. M. Abbie Ann. Century _ 1.50 A boarding school story with real merit. Pren- tice and Power. 7 8 Masefield, John. Jim Davis. Grosset 52 A story of the Devonshire coast and smugglers a hundred years ago. Hewins. 7 8 Masefield, John. Martin Hyde, the duke 's messenger. Little .". 1.. 30 Best boy's book of adventure since Stevenson. Chicago Post. 6 8 Mason, A. B. Tom Strong, Washington's scout. Grosset . . 52 Historical details correctly given. Illustrations from famous historical paintings and old engrav- ings. Six maps. A. L. A. 7 8 Mathewson, Christopher. Pitcher Pollock. Dodd 85 Story of a boy who works his way through high school and becomes prominent as pitcher of the school team. Wis. 46 MiUer, Mrs. H. M. (Olive Thorne Miller). Kristy's queer Christmas. Houghton 90 Christmas party. Stories told by each guest "of the oddest, most miserable, or most agreeable Christmas" he ever knew. 7 8 Montgomery, L. M. Anne of Avonlea. Grosset 52 Sequel to Anne of Green Gables ending just before Anne enters college. A. L. A. 7 8 Montgomery, L. M. Anne of Green Gables. Grosset 52 Daily doings and dreams from her 10th to 17th year of a lively imaginative child, adopted by an elderly brother and sister on a Prince Edward is- land farm. Has called forth praise from Mark Twain. N. Y. state lib. 4 6 Morley, M. W. Donkey John of the Toy Valley. McClurg . 94 Story of a little boy who wins a prize for carv- ing donkeys and goes to a city fair to sell them. Gives a good picture of the life of the toy-carvers in a valley of the Tyrol and of the goat-herders on the surrounding mountains. A. L. A. 5 6 Munroe, Kirk. Cab and caboose. (Everybody's li- brary Boy scout edition). Grosset 75 Railroad Blake works his way up in the rail- 102 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price road business, through some exciting experiences with tramps, train-robbers and wrecks. Pittsburgh. 5 7 Munroe, Kirk. Derrick Sterling. Harper 38 Story of a breaker boy in a Pennsylvania coal mine. Pittsburgh. 5 7 Munroe, Kirk. Dorymates. Harper 78 Life of a boy among the bold fisherman of the Newfoundland fishing banks. Pittsburgh. 5 7 Munroe, Kirk. Flamingo feather. Harper 38 Exciting adventures of a French lad among the Spaniards and the Florida Indians 300 years ago. Pittsburgh. 78 Nash, Mrs. H. A. Polly's secret. Little _ 1.30 Story of a brave little New England girl who kept a secret in the face of great odds. Pittsburgh. 8 Ollivant, Alfred. Bob, son of Battle. Burt 52 One of the best dog stories ever written. N. Y. city. 7 8 Packard, Winthrop. The young ice whalers. Hough- ton 90 Information about arctic life and conditions really valuable and interesting. N. Y. state lib. 4 6 Page, T. N. Among the camps; or, Young people's stories of the war. Scribner 1.08 Contents : A captured Santa Glaus Kittykin, and the part she played in the war Nancy Pansy Jack and Jake. 6 8 Page, T. N. The Page story book. (School reading). Scribner 42 Stories selected from among the camps, and bred in the bone, somewhat abridged and adapted for school use. A. L. A. 46 Page, T. N. Two little Confederates. Scribner 1.08 Adventures with confederates and unionists of two small boys left on a Virginia plantation during the war. N. Y. state lib. 3 5 Paine, A. B. Arkansaw bear. Altemus 68 Strange adventures of a small boy and a big black bear. Pittsburgh. 3 4 Perkins, Mrs. L. F. Dutch twins. Houghton 50 Delightful book for very little people, giving with extreme simplicity an idea of the every-day life of a Dutch brother and sister. Attractive illus- trations. A. L. A. 3 4 Perkins, Mrs. L. F. Eskimo twins. Houghton 50 Daily doings of the twins, Menie and Monnie, aged five, their dogs, Nip and Tup, their parents and the rest of the village. A. L. A. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 103 Grade School Prkc 3 4 Perkins, Mrs. L. F. Irish twins. Houghton 50 Pleasing stories of Irish life for young children. Oregon. 3 4 Perkins, Mrs. L. F. Japanese twins. Houghton 50 The twins are just five years old and they live in a dear little house in a queer little town in the middle of the Happy islands. Pittsburgh. 78 Pier, A. S. Boys of St. Timothy's. Seribner 50 School athletics, football, baseball, hockey, tennis and rowing. N. Y. city. 78 Pier, A. S| Harding of St. Timothy's. Houghton 94 Not quite as good as Boys of St. Timothy's, but a fine story of school life. Oregon. 3 4 Pierson, Mrs. C. D. The Millers at Pencrof t. Dutton . 80 Thoroughly wholesome story of home and school life and vacation at a cottage on the lake. A. L. A. 34 Pierson, Mrs. C. D. Three little * Millers. Dutton 80 Wholesome, bright stories of natural children with a delightful mother. Oregon. 7 8 Porter, Jane. Scottish chiefs. (Astor library). Crowell 50 Bruce and Wallace and the Scottish struggle for independence in the 12th and 13th century. Utica. 6 8 Pyle, Howard. Men of iron. Harper 1.25 A story of the training of. an English knight in the time of Henry IV of England. N. Y. City. 5 7 Pyle. Howard. Otto of the silver hand. Seribner 1.45 Boy's life in days of robber barons in Germany. Pittsburgh. 7 8 Pyle, Howard. Story of Jack Ballister's fortunes. Century 1 . 60 Adventures of a boy kidnapped and sent to the Virginia plantations in 1719, who fell in with the pirate Blackbeard. N. Y. city. 4 5 Pyle, Katharine. Nancy Rutledge. Little 93 About the work and play of a group of children who attend a Quaker school. Oregon. 6 8 Quirk, L. W, Baby Elton, quarter-back. (Every- boy's library). Grosset 52 Vigorous, manly story of intercollegiate ath- letics. Pittsburgh. 5 7 Rankin, Mrs. C. W. Adopting of Rosa Marie. Holt 1.00 Popular with girls of any age. Caroline Burnite. 57 Rankin, Mrs. C. W. Dandelion cottage. Holt 1.00 About four girls and their housekeeping in a tiny cottage. Pittsburgh. 104 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 5 8 Raspe, R. E. Tales from the travels of Baron Munchausen. (Home and school classics). Heath 18 Amusing and absurdly impossible feats and ad- ventures. E. A. Baker. 7 8 Remington, Frederic. Crooked trials. (Everyboy's library. Boy scout edition). Grosset 52 Vivid stories of out-door life on the plains, in Mexico, in Canada and in Florida. Many illustra- tions by the author. Pittsburgh. 68 Rice, Mrs. A. C. H. Mrs. Wiggs of the cabbage Patch. Century 80 A bright, cheery story, showing the good in human nature in the midst of dire poverty. A. L. A. 4 6 Richards, Mrs. L. E. Captain January .Estes 50 About an old lighthouse keeper and a little girl whom he rescued from the sea. Pittsburgh. 6 7 Richards, Mrs. L. E. Three Margarets. Estes 1.25 Three cousins, beautiful Cuban Rita, gentle city- bred Margaret, and flyaway Peggy from the west- ern prairies meet at their uncle 's country home and spend a vacation together. Pittsburgh. 7 8 Roberts, G. E. T. Red feathers. Page 95 Adventures of an Indian boy living in New- foundland in the stone age. Interesting and well written. A. L. A. 7 8 Saintine, J. X. B. Picciola; tr. by A. L. Alger. Ginn 30 A touching story of a prisoner and a flower. The scene is laid in France during the reign of Napoleon. Field. 68 Schultz, J. W. Quest of the fish-dog skin. Hough- ton : 95 Continues the adventures of the boys of With the Indians in the Rockies. Quest for seal skins takes them over 700 miles to the Pacific coast. Oregon. 6 8 Schultz, J. W. With the Indians in the Rockies. Houghton . 95 Vivid account of the northwest trading posts in 1855, based on the true adventures of Thomas Fox who when about fifteen accompanied his uncle up the Missouri, made friends with an Indian boy and while trapping with him was cut off by snow and obliged to spend the winter there. A. L. A. 7 8 Scott, Sir Walter. Ivanhoe. (Everyman's library). Library binding. Button 50 Many-colored pictures of medieval England. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 105 Grade School . Price Brings together some of the most romantic names of middle ages, Coeur de lion, Robin Hood, Priar Tuck, Allan-a-dale, Isaac of York, and Prince John. Period , about 1194. Baker. 7 8 Scott, Sir Walter. Ken.ilwo.rth. (Everyman's li- brary), Library binding. Button 50 Tragic story of Amy Robsart, wife of Queen Elizabeth's favorite, the Earl of Leicester. Per- iod, 1575. Baker. 8 Scott, Sir Walter. Quentin Durward. (Everyman's library). Library binding. Button 50 A rich and varied picture of the age when feud- alism and chivalry were about to pass away. Most of the events take place in the frontier districts of France and Flanders. Baker. 8 Scott, Sir Walter. The talisman. (Everyman's li- brary). Library binding. Button 50 A romance of the third crusade. Richard Coeur de Lion and Saladin are prominent characters. N. Y. city. 6 8 Seaman, A. H. Jacqueline of the carrier pigeons. Sturgis 1 .00 Bescribes the part played by two children in saving Levden from the Spanish invaders. A. L. A. 7 8 Seaman, A, H. When a cobbler ruled the king. Sturgis 1 . 00 The tradition that the "lost dauphin" Louis XVII, was spirited away to America and an un- knwn child left to die in his stead is followed in this pathetic but stirring and well told story of the Reign of Terror. A. L. A. 4 6 Seawell, M. E. Little Jarvis. (Young heroes of our navy). Appleton 85 A gay and careless boy, midshipman on the Constellation, sacrificed his life" in his devotion to duty. Wis. 6 7 Seawell, M. E. Midshipman Paulding. (Young heroes of our navy). Appleton 85 True story of the war of 1812. Hero becomes an officer in the navy and takes part in the battle of Lake Champlain. Sargent. 7 8 Seton, E, T. Rolf in the woods. Grosset 52 Betails the adventures of fifteen-year old Rolf, who ran away from a cruel uncle and for several years lived with an Indian in Connecticut and New York woods. A good boy's story, though very 106 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price long, and contains much forest-lore for boy scouts. A. L. A. 67 Shaw, F. L. Castle Blair. (Boys' and girls' book- shelf) . Heath 43 The best description of a lovely child that I ever read: and nearly the best description of the next best thing a noble dog. John Ruskin. 4 6 Sidney, Margaret, pseud. Five little peppers. Lo- throp 1 . 50 All about Polly Pepper and her brothers and little Phronsie, and their happy life in the little brown house. Pittsburgh. 4 6 Sidney, Margaret, pseud. Five little Peppers grownup. Lothrop 1.50 About their Christmas at Dunraven, Polly's re- cital and various other happenings. Pittsburgh. 4 6 Sidney, Margaret, pseud. Five little Peppers mid- way. Lothrop _ 1 . 50 What the five little Peppers did in the city. Pittsburgh. 7 8 Smith, N. A. Under the cactus flag. Houghton 94 About an American girl who went to Mexico to teach English, and of the good times she had. Pittsburgh. 4 6 Spyri, Johanna. Heidi. (Home and school library). Ginn 34 Charmingly written story of child life in the Swiss Alps. Wis. free lib. com. 4 6 Spyri, Johanna. Moni, the goat boy, and other stories; tr. from the German. Ginn 34 Pleasant Swiss stories. Oregon. 4 6 Stein, Evaleen. Gabriel and the hour book. Page 90 Story of a French peasant boy, who by grind- ing colors, helps the monks in making the beauti- ful illuminated b.ooks of the middle ages. Wis. free lib. com. 6 7 Stevenson, B. E, Tommy Remington's battle. (Everyboy's library. Boy scout edition). Grosset .52 Tells how a lad working in the West Virginia coal mines gained an education. Wis. free lib. com. 7 8 Stevenson, R. L. Black arrow. Scribner 1.00 Yorkist story of the Wars of the Roses. Pitts- burgh. 78 Stevenson, R. L. Kidnapped; illustrated by E. P. Abbott. (Washington square classics). Jacobs 1.00 A desert island, the wild Highlands, and adven- STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 107 Grade School Price tures which delight the boys, figure in this story. Wis. 6 8 Stevenson, R. L. Treasure island. (Everyboy's li- brary. Boy scout edition). Grosset 52 Probably the best story of piracy and concealed treasure ever written for children. Wis. 7 8 Stevenson, R. L. Treasure island. (Washington square classics). Jacobs : 1.00 6 8 Stockton, F. R. Story of Viteau. Scribner 1.08 Boy life in France during the middle ages. The young hero is captured by a band of robbers and held for ransom. Utica. 57 Stoddard, W. 0. Dab Kinzer. Scribner 1.00 Of the friendship of four boys and of their boating, crabbing and fishing excursions on the Long Island shore. Pittsburgh. 57 Stoddard, W. 0. Little Smoke : a tale of the Sioux. N. Y. bk. co 50 Good story of Indian life and of the Ouster mas- sacre. Prentice and Power. 67 Stoddard, W. 0. Quartet, Scribner Academy and college life of Dab Kinzer and his friends. Wis. 5 7 Stoddard, W. 0. Red mustang. Harper 38 How Cal Evans of Santa Lucia ranch was cap- tured by a band of Apache Indians, and how Dick, the red mustang saved his life. Pittsburgh. 56 Stoddard, W. 0. Talking leaves. Harper 38 Little white girl's experience as captive among the Apaches. N. Y. city. 5 1 Stoddard, W. 0. Two arrows. Harper 38 How an Indian boy saved the camp from famine and won his name of Two Arrows. One of the few really good Indian stories. Makes a strong plea for the education of the Indian. Cleveland. 6 7 Stuart, R. M. Solomon Crow's Christmas pockets and other tales. Harper _ _. 1 . 25 Ten charming Christmas stories of Louisiana told mainly in negro dialect. N. Y. city. 6 8 Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver 's travels. Ginn 34 It is not the least of the book's merits that, while boys and girls are fascinated by its adven- tures and its humor, they are getting acquainted with English prose of a most admirable kind, simple, direct, vigorous and idiomatic. Colby. 6 7 Taggart, M. A. Little grey house. Doubleday 1.20 Interesting family of girls and a visionary fath- er with an invention. N. Y. city. 108 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 78 Thomas, M. M. Captain Phil. Holt 95 A boy's experiences in the western army during the Civil war. Oregon. 7 8 Thompson, A. R. Gold seeking on the Dalton trail. Little 1 . 05 A clear, accurate and unexaggerated account of Klondike life. Hewins. 7 8 Thompson, A. R. Shipwrecked in Greenland. Little 1.00 Manners and customs, flora and fauna. Eskimos and cameras, icebergs and polar bears, make this a capital book for boys and boys' sisters. Nation. 7 8 Thompson, D. P. Green mountain boys. Burt 60 An old time romance of the settlement of Ver- mont, embodying hero tales of Vermont, and stir- ring episodes like the capture of Ticonderoga. Baker. 4 5 Thorne-Thomsen, Mrs. Gudrun, ed. The birch and the star and other stories. Row 35 68 Tomlinson, E. T. Boy-soldiers of 1812. (War of 1812 series) . Lothrop 1 . 00 Tom Garnet's experiences with the "press gangs. ' ' Pittsburgh. 68 Tomlinson ,E. T. Search for Andrew Field. (War of 1812 series). Lothrop 1.00 Boy's adventures on Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence at the outbreak of the war of 1812. Pittsburgh. 6 8 Tomlinson, E. T. Three colonial boys. (War of the Revolution series). Grosset 52 How three colonial boys went to Cambridge with powder for the Continental army, with other events of the days of 76. Pittsburgh. 6 8 Tomlinson, E. T. Three young continentals. (War of the Revolution series). Grosset 52 Battle of Long Island under General Stirling. Pittsburgh. 6 8 Tomlinson, E. T. Two young patriots. (War of the Revolution series). Grosset 52 Story of Burgoyne 's invasion. Oregon. 6 8 Tomlinson, E. T. Washington's young aids. (War of the Revolution series). Grosset 52 New Jersey campaign of 1776-77. Title. 6 7 Trowbridge, J. T. Tinkham brothers' tide mill. Lo- throp ,. 1 . 00 Story of five plucky boys who support their mother. Oregon. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 109 Grade School Price 78 VaUe, Mrs. C. M. W. Orcutt girls. Wilde 1.08 School experiences of two girls in an old New England academy. Pittsburgh. 7 8 Vaile, Mrs. C. M. W. Sue Orcutt; a sequel to the Orcutt girls. Wilde 1 .08 Life at a New England country academy where the girls "board themselves." Hewins. . 7 8 Verne, Jules. Around the world in eighty days. Burt 1 . 00 An Englishman's wager and how he was tracked as a bank robber around the world. Pittsburgh. 6 8 Verne, Jules. Twenty thousand leagues under the sea. (Everyman's library). Library binding. Dut- ton . 50 Captain Nemo and his ingeniuos submarine boat. Much scientific information. Pittsburgh. 6 8 Wallace. Dillon. Wilderness castaways. McClurg 1 . 00 A wholesome story for boys chronicling the ad- ventures of a pampered New York youth and a sailor lad who stray away from a hunting party in the sub-Arctic regions and who fight for their lives amid peril and hardship throughout a frigid northern winter. Bk. rev. digest. 7 8 Wallace, Lewis. Ben Hur ; a tale of the Christ. Gros- set ....: 52 Young Jew of noble family taken prisoner by the Romans and made a galley slave. Pittsburgh. 1 8 Welsh, Charles. Stories children love. Dodge 1.00 Seventy-two stories for children of all ages. Oregon. 3 5 White, E. 0. Little girl of long ago. Houghton 72 Story of a little girl who lived in Boston in col- onial times. The comparison of her life with that of a little girl of today, is very interesting. Wis. 3_4 White, E. 0. When Molly was six. Houghton 75 A year's record of Molly's life and the good times she had w r ith cats and dolls and her friends. Wis. 4 5 White, S. E. Magic forest; a modern fairy story. Grosset 42 About a little boy who spent a summer with a tribe of Canadian Indians. Oregon. 47 Wiggin, Mrs. K. D. S. Birds' Christmas carol. Houghton ..- . 38 How Carol Bird made a merry Christmas for the ' ' Ruggleses in the rear. ' ' Prentice and Power. 110 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 6 8 Wiggin ,Mrs. K. D. S. Mother Carey's chickens. Grosset - 52 Four children and their widowed mother live in an old house in a Maine village and make good times for themselves and others. Minn. 6 8 Wiggin, Mrs. K. D. S. Polly Oliver's problem. Riverside literature series). Houghton 39 Lively story of a bright girl's solution of the question of self-support. N. Y. state. 6 8 Wiggin, Mrs. K. D. S. Rebecca of Sunnybrook farm. Grosset 52 Fascinating little girl who does all sorts of lively things at home and at boarding-school. Pittsburgh. 6 8 Wiggin, Mrs. K. D. S. Summer in a canyon. Hough- ton . 90 How Polly Oliver and her friends camp for a summer in a California canyon. Pittsburgh. 78 Wiggin, Mrs. K. D. S. Timothy's quest. Houghton 1.00 The story of two little waifs in search of a home. Pittsburgh. 67 Wilson, J .F. Tad Sheldon, boy scout. Sturgis 75 Short stories of the adventures of boy scouts on the Oregon coast. The tone is good and the stories read well. A. L. A. 5 7 Wyss, J. D. Swiss family Robinson .(Everyman's library). Library binding. Button 50 "Again and again do boys who have whole li- braries at their disposal, turn from new books to find in the Swiss family Robinson healthful delight in legitimate adventure and a stimulus to inven- tion in the ready use of ways and means which characterized the lives of the Swiss Robinsons." 5 7 Wyss, J. D. Swiss family Robinson; illustrated by the brothers Rhead. Harper 90 6 7 Zollinger, Gulielma, pseud. A boy's ride. McClurg 1.00 Story of fine flavor and spirit, the plot turning on King John's jealousy of his barons and the striking resemblance between a friendless boy and a nobleman's son. A. L. A. 5 7 Zollinger, Guilielma, pseud. Widow O'Callaghan's boys. McClurg 80 Story of the brave struggle of an Irish widow and her seven sons for a livelihood. Pittsburgh. 4 5 Zwilgmeyer, Dikken. Johnny Blossom; tr. by Emilie Poulsson. Pilgrim press 90 A Norwegian lad who gets into many scrapes. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA HI Grade School Price Episodes are natural and Norwegian setting good. Colored illustrations. A. L. A. GEOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL GENERAL. 3 4 Andrews, Jane. Each and all; or, The seven little sisters prove their sisterhood. Ginn 43 Sequel to Seven little sisters. 3 4 Andrews, Jane. Seven little sisters who live on the round ball that floats in the air. Ginn 43 Shows that all children of whatever race or color are brothers and sisters, and are helping each other without knowing it. He-wins. 7 8 Brassey, A. A. baroness. Voyage in the Sunbeam. Longmans _ 56 Voyage of an English family from England to South America and around Cape Horn, across the Pacific to Japan and China and home via Suez canal. N. Y. city. 78 Bulle, F. T. Cruise of the Cachalot round the world after sperm whales. (Everyboy's library). Gros- set 52 I've never read anything that equals it in its deep-sea wonder and mystery. Rudyard Kipling. 4 5 Chamberlain, J. F. How we travel: a geographical reader. (Home and world series). Macmillan .39 Tells the various ways in which the people in all quarters of the globe move about and trans- port their goods or send messages. Oregon. 2 4 Chance, L. M. Little folks of many lands. Ginn .38 Stories of Indian, Eskimo, Dutch, African, Arabian, Filipino and Japanese children. N. Y. city. 8 Dana, R. H. Two years before the mast. (Riverside literature series). Houghton , 56 Remarkably vivid and practical record. Leads all others as the book best descriptive of the life of the American sailor and has deservedly, become a sea classic. E. S. Brooks. Ref. Dodge, R. E. Advanced geography. Rand 1.02 Part 1, Principles of geography. Part 2, World relations and the continents. Ref. Dodge, R. E. Elementary geography. Rand 51 These two geographies are ideal library vol- umes. The full index and the pronouncing vo- cabulary, reference tables, fine maps, and modern illustrations make them most desirable. A spec- 112 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price ial feature of great value is the supplement in each volume containing suggestions for collateral reading. References are given to the best books for children, making a guide to the use of the supplementary geographical readers and books of travel included in this list. Oregon. 2 3 Button, M. B. In field and pasture. (World at work series). Amer. bk. co 30 These stories are about the Pueblo Indians, the Egyptians, the Navajo Indians, the Tibetans, the Cubans, and other agriculturl peoples. Oregon. 3 Carpenter, F. G. Around the world with the chil- dren. Amer. bk. co 60 3 4 Frye, A. E. Home geography and type studies. Ginn .31 Not devoted solely to land and water forms, but includes industries and transportation. The type studies are on the "wonders" of the United States Yellowstone Park, Niagara Falls, Mam- moth Cave, etc. The last section is on girls and boys of other lands. Has many illustrations and a few maps. Oregon. 7 8 Gilson, J. C. Wiealth of the world's waste places and Oceania. (Redway's geographical readers). Scribner 59 7 8 Hedin, Sven. From pole to pole. Macmillan 2.20 The attractive style and numerous illustrations will make it useful in geography classes and inter- esting to young people, for whose use it has been translated and abridged from the original Nor- wegian work. A. L. A. 7 8 Herbertson, F. D. The Clarendon geography. 2 v. (Oxford geographies). Oxford 1.35 7 8 Herbertson, F. D. Three southern continents. 2d. ed. (Oxford geographies. Elementary geography, v. 6) . Oxford 45 Ref. Mill, H. R. ed. International geography, by sev- enty authors. Appleton ; ... 3.00 The best general reference book on general and regional geography. Dodge. 7 8 Morris, Charles. How the world lives. (Home life in all lands, v 1). School edition. Lippincott 58 Contents: At the world's dining-table In the world's tailor shop In the world's dressing room At home with the world 's people In the world 's kitchen and parlor Hunting, field, pasture and farm The tool makers of the world Meet- ings and greetings in all lands. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 113 Grade School Price 1 2 Mott, S. M. and Button, M. B. Fishing and hunting. (World at work series). Amer. bk. co _ .26 Excellent stories in a few simple words of Hans an Eskimo boy, Red Feather, the Indian, Tondo, a Filipino, and Ola, an Alaskan Indian. N. Y. city. 4 8 St. Nicholas. Sea stories retold from St. Nicholas. Century _ 58 3 4. .Schwartz, J. A. Five little strangers and how they came to live in America. Amer. bk. co 34 About the little Indian, the Pilgrim, the Negro, the Chinese boy, and the Filipino. A supplemen- tary reader. Cincinnati. 3 4 Shaw, E. R. Big people and little people of other lands. Amer. bk. co .". 26 Entertaining descriptions of home life, manners, dress and appearance. Wis. free lib. com. 5 7 Slocum, Joshua. Around the world in the sloop Spray. (School reading). Scribner ^.42. Abridged edition of Slocum 's Sailing alone around the world. 5 6 Starr, Frederick. Strange peoples .(Ethno-geo- graphic readers). Heath 42" Interesting and authoritative material on people of many lands. One of the best books of its kind. Oregon. 1 6 Tolman, Mrs. S. W. C. Around the world. (New cen- tury geographical series. Silver. Book 1. First and second grades _ 35 Stories of Eskimos, Arabs, Indians, Dutch, Chin- ese and Japanese. Book 2. For second and third grades 40 Life in Russia, Egypt, India and Scotland. Book 3. For third and fourth grades 41 Life in Alaska, Mexico, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Porto Rico, Cuba, the Philippines, Hawaii. Book 4. For fourth and fifth grades 51 Life in the United States. Book 5. For fifth and sixth grades .51 Life in the British empire and Italy. 5 6 Wide World. (Youth's companion series). Ginn 22 Child life in Japan, Egypt, Holland, France, Switzerland, Sweden, South America and Alaska. Oregon. 4 6 Winslow, I. 0. Distant countries ; Asia, Africa, Aus- tralia. (Geography readers, v. 5). Heath 53 Interesting survey of Asia, Africa, Australia and the large and small islands of the Pacific. A. L. A. ] 14 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 4 6 Winslow, I. 0. The earth and its people. (Geography readers, v. 1). Heath , 53 An introductory course, giving special attention to industrial, commercial and physical geography of the continents. Oregon. COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL GEOGRAPHY. MANUFACTURES. 6 7 Adams, C. C. Elementary commercial geography. Ap- pleton 1 . 10 For grammar grades. A helpful book for teachers. Minn. 68 Bassett, S. W. Story of lumber. Penn 60 Describes in a story of New Brunswick ,the oper- ations involved in preparing lumber for the mar- ket, varieties of trees, methods of conservation, etc. Oregon 5 8 Bassett, S. W. Story of wool. (Industrial series). Penn 60 An eastern boy spends some time on an Idaho sheep ranch and learns many things about the wool industry. Pittsburgh. 7 8 Bengston, N. A. and Griffith, Donee. Wheat in- dustry. (Industrial series). Macmillan 56 Has much useful information. Follows the var- ious processes in wheat raising, its transporta- tion and manufacture into products. A. L. A. 6 8 Blaich, L. R. Three industrial nations. Amer. bk. co 55 An industrial geography of England, Germany and the United States. Title. 34 Bradish, S. P. Stories of country life. (Eclectic readings). Amer. bk. co 34 Describes in a simple way many industries. Stories of animals and birds. Wis. 5 8 Carpenter, F. G. How the world is clothed. (Readers on commerce and industry). Amer. bk. co 51 Much information about culture, manufacture or preparation of material for clothing. Wis. free lib. com. 5 8 Carpenter, F. G. How the world is fed. (Readers on commerce and industry). Amer. bk. co 51 The author takes the children on personally con- ducted tours to the great food centers of the world, to the markets of exchange, to the factories, the farms, the forests and the seas. Oregon. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 115 Grade School Price 5 7 Carpenter, F. G. How the world is housed. (Read- ers on commerce and industry). Amer. bk. co. 51 Homes in many ages and countries with infor- mation as to biulding materials, lighting, water supply, furniture. A. L. A. 5 8 Carpenter, F. 0. Foods and their uses. (Industrial reader). Scribner .59 Not as entertaining as F. G. Carpenter 's How the world is fed, but more valuable as a reference book. 4 5 Chamberlain, J. F. How we are clothed: a geo- graphical reader. (Home and world series). Mac- millan 39 Treats of the production of many things which are necessary for our proper clothing. Wis. 4 5 Chamberlain, J. F. How we are fed : a geographical reader. (Home and world series). Macmillian .39 Treats of the production and preparation for market of many of the principal foods. Wis. 4 5 Chamberlain, J. F. How we are sheltered: a geo- graphical reader. (Home and world series). Mac- millan 39 Describes dwellings and customs of Eskimos, cliff dwellers, Indians, Japanese, Chinese, Fili- pinos, African dwarfs, etc. N. Y. state lib. 4 5 Curtis, A. T. Story of cotton. (Industrial series). Penn 60 Facts about cotton, from the seed to the loom, in the form of a story. Oregon. Ref. Herbertson, A. J. and Herbertson, F. D. Man and his work : an introduction to human geography. (Edu- cational series). Black .53 A very usuable and interesting small volume, showing the manner of life of people living in dif- ferent regions and amid different surface condi- tions. Dodge. 7 8 Keller, A. G. and Bishop, A. L. Commercial and in- dustrial geography. Ginn 85 A geographical reader into which is condensed all of the material found in the Carpenter series on food, clothing, shelter, etc. Cleveland. 3 5 Kirby, Mary and Kirby, Elizabeth. Aunt Martha's corner cupboard. Educ. pub. co .32 About tea, coffee, sugar, salt, currants, rice and honey. N. Y. city. 116 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 5 6 Lane, Mrs. M. A. L. ed. Industries of today .(Youth's companion series). Ginn 22 The growing of raisins and peanuts, making of matches, soap, pins, fireworks, ice, printing of newspapers, etc. Wis. 5 7 Rocheleau, W. F. Great American industries. Flan- agan. v. 1. Coal, petroleum, iron, marble, slate, etc 54 v. 2. Products of the soil 54 v. 3. Manufactures , 54 v. 4. Transportation 65 5-^-7 Samuel, E. I. Story of gold and silver. Penn .60 The mining and minting of gold and silver told in the form of a story of travel. Wis. 4 5 Samuel, E. I. Story of iron. Penn 60 Tells where iron comes from, how it is melted and moulded, cut and polished and made into ma- chines. Minn. 24 Shilling, E. E. Four wonders: cotton, wool, linen, silk. Rand 43 All the processes from the first live growth to its end in warp and woof are told with the simplicity and charm of a fairy tale. Pub. 56 Tappan, E. M. Diggers in the earth. Houghton 45 Chapters on coal, silver, quarries, concrete, bricks, iron, copper, aluminum, salt and petroleum. 56 Tappan, E. M. Makers of many things. Houghton .45 Chapters on matches, India rubber, gloves, paper, book industries and trade, pens, pencils, pot- tery, clocks and watches, boots and shoes, cotton and silk. 5 6 Tappan, E. M. Travelers and traveling. Houghton 45 Chapters on railroads, on refrigerator cars, freight, express, trolley cars, elevated roads and subways, transportation by water, roads and bridges. Ref. Toothaker, C. R. Commercial raw materials: their origin, preparation and uses. Ginn _ 1.05 A comprehensive and conveniently arranged hand-book describing briefly the important mater- ials which enter into the commerce of the world such as cotton, sugar, woods, rubber, silk, iron and coal. Oregon. 6 7 Very, Edith. Warp and woof : the story of the tex- tile arts. Educ. pub. co 25 Book 1. The linen industry. A school text on the history of the linen indus- try, including flax culture and processes of manu- facture. A. L. A. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 117 EXPLORATION. DISCOVERY. ADVENTURE. Grade School Price 6 8 Adventures of pirates and sea-rovers. Harper's ad- venture series). Harper 38 Historical stories, by many authors, of buccan- eers and pirates, and of the seamen of the Eliza- bethan age especially of Drake and the Armada. Oregon. 7 8 Brooks, Noah. Story of Marco Polo. Century 1.10 True tales of explorers of the 13th century and of service with Kublai Khan. Oregon. 8 Greely, A. W. True tales of arctic heroism in the new world. Scribner 1.20 21 well told stories of Arctic exploration, adven- ture and heroism. A. L. A. 67 Horton, Edith. Frozen North. Heath 49 Accounts of the attempts made by many brave men to explore the Arctic regions and discover the North pole. Wis. 7 8 Jenks, Tudor. Boy's book of exploration. Double- day 1.50 Deals chiefly with Africa. Will prove very in- teresting to boys. Wis. 78 Johnson, W. H. World's discoverers. Little 1.20 The story of bold voyages by brave navigators during a thousand years. Title. 5 6 Lawler, T. B. Story of Columbus and Magellan. Ginn .34 Has chapters on Portuguese explorers Colum- bus Spanish in America Magellan's trip around the world. Good illustrations and print. Oregon. 4 5 Luther, A. V. Trading and exploring. (World at work series). Amer. bk. co 34 Little stories of child life among peoples of the past who have been famous in trade and explor- ation. Designed for reading preliminary to the study of history and geography. A. L. A. 6 8 Maclean, J. K. Heroes of the farthest North and the farthest south. Crowell 45 Inspiring record of heroism from early polar exploration in the 10th century to an account of Captain Scott's last expedition. Many extracts from diaries. Adapted from the author's Heroes of the polar seas. Wis. free lib. com. 4 6 Shaw, E. R. Discoverers and explorers. (Eclectic readings). Amer. bk. co 30 Interesting events in the lives of Marco Polo, Ponce de Leon, Balboa, Magellan, Cortes, Pizarro, De Soto, Hudson and others. Wis. 118 UST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade . School Price 7 8 Stockton, F. R. Buccaneers and pirates of our coasts. (Every boy's library. Boy scout edition). Grosset : 52 Chiefly of the West Indies and the Spanish main. Children's cat. GEOGRAPHY EUROPE. 5 8 Allen, N. B. Industrial studies: Europe. Ginn .68 Aims to picture the life of Europe the cities, people and their habits with special emphasis on the industrial life. A. L. A. 4 7 Ambrosi, Marietta. When I was a girl in Italy. (Children of other lands). Lothrop 60 Describes the home life, work and play of Ital- ian children. N. Y. city. 6 8 Bates, K. L. In sunny Spain with Pilarica and Rafael. (Little schoolmater series). Button 1.00 Story of a Spanish household, told in a most intersting way, with bits of history and art and customs of the people skillfully woven in. The children's father and hero brother go to the Span- ish-American war and we see how the little Spanish boy and girl felt about it. A. L. A. 6 8 Browne, E. A. Greece. (Peeps at many lands). Mac- millan . 48 Describes the scenery, cities, buildings and peo- ple in a very interesting and personal style. A. L. A. 6 7 Browne, E. A. Spain. (Peeps at many lands). Mac- millaii 48 Attractive survey of Spanish life and customs, presenting only their happy features. A chap- ter is devoted to the Alhambra, two to Madrid, and one to the Spanish industries. A. L. A. 45 Campbell, H. L. Story of little Jan, the Dutch boy. (Children of the world). Educ. pub. co 21 Interesting little book on the Netherlands and its people. N. Y. city. 4 5 Campbell, H. L. Story of little Konrad, the Swiss boy. (Children of the world). Educ. pub. co 21 Storied description of life in Switzerland. Bits of history and folkrlore. N. Y. city. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 119 Grade School Price 5 8 Carpenter, F. G. Europe. (Geographical readers). Amer. bk. co 60 A description of the countries of Europe on the ' ' personally conducted plan. ' ' Accurate and based upon personal observation. Minn. 5 7 Chamberlain, J. F. and Chamberlain, A. H. Europe. (Continents of Europe). Macmillan 49 A survey of European countries, emphasizing specially their economic and industrial distinctions. Very well illustrated. A. L. A. 4 5 Coburn, C. M. Our little Swedish cousin. (Little cousin series). Page 38 A skating carnival, a Midsummer eve festival, a nameday party, preparations and festivities of Christmas, etc. A. L. A. 5 7 Colum, Padraic. Boy in Eirinn. (Little schbolmate series). Button 1.00 Delightful picture of the everyday life of an Irish peasant lad. Cleveland. 7 8 Demetrios, George. When I was a boy in Greece. (Children of other lands). Lothrop 60 Account of the country and its customs, with the home and school life, tasks and pleasures as re- lated by a Macedonian boy. Oregon. 4r 7 Dodge, Mrs. M. M. Land of pluck. Century 1.50 First part describes Holland and its people, sec- ond consists of stories. Wis. free lib. com. 4 6 Dragoumis, J. D. Under Greek skies. (Little school- mate series). Dutton 1.00 Three stories of Greek children. Well written with good descriptions of the country and cus- toms. A. L. A. 6 8 Du Chaillu, P. B. Land of the long night. Scribner 1.60 Winter journey by reindeer sledge and on skees to northern Scandinavia. Describes adventures with wolves and bears, life with the queer little Lapps, etc. X. Y. state lib. 5 8 Finnemore, John. England. (Peeps at many lands). Macmillan 48 Informing and interesting; with twelve good colored illustrations. A. L. A. 6 7 Finnemore, John. France. (Peeps at many lands). Macmillan 48 Contrasts city and country life, and special at- tention is given to the vineyards and olive or- chards. A. L. A. 120 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 5 8 Finnemore, John, Switzerland. (Peeps at many lands). Macmillan 48 Description of country, peasants, homes, famous lakes, some of the legends, story of the fight for freedom, mountain climbing, etc. A. L. A. 5 6 George, M. M. Little journey to Germany. (Library of travel). Flanagan 54 Contents: North Germany-Rhineland. 5 6 George, M. M. Little journey to Russia and Austria- Hungary. (Library of travel). Flanagan 54 5 6 George, M. M. and Dean, M. I. Little journey to Holland, Belgium and Denmark. (Library of trav- el). Flanagan 54 5 7 Green, E. M. Laird of Glentyre. (Little schoolmate series). Dutton 1.00 Little Jock and Jeanie visit their relatives in Scotland, and learn something of the romance, legends, and history of the country. Interesting and gives the Scotch spirit. A. L. A. 2 3 Grover, E. 0. Overall boys in Switzerland : a second reader. Rand 43 2 3 Grover, E. 0. Sunbonnet babies in Holland : a second reader. Rand 43 Well written and attractively illustrated read- er. The visit to Holland is interesting and not too instructive. Wis. Ref. Herbertson, F. D. comp. Europe. (Descriptive geo- graphies from original sources). Macmillan 70 An excellent collection of travel literature. Ore- gon. 5 8 Lane, Mrs. M. A. L. ed. Northern Europe. (Youth's companion series). Ginn 22 Descriptions and stories which portray interest- ing aspects of Faroe island, life in Norway, scenes in Holland and Belgium, studies of French life, life in Alps, and a journey down the Moselle. Pub. wkly. 5 1 Lane, Mrs. M. A. L. ed. Under sunny skies. (Youth's companion series). Ginn 22 Attractive articles on life in Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Asia Minor, and northern Africa. Pub. wkly. 5 7 McDonald, Mrs. E. A. B. and Dalrymple, Julia. Boris in Russia. (Little people everywhere). Little 41 Boris is a Russian peasant and travels to see the annual fair at Nijni Novgorod, to Moscow, and to St. Petersburgh to see the blessing of the waters of the Neva. A. L. A. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 121 Grade School Price 5 7 McDonald, Mrs. E. A. B. and Dalrynxple, Julia. Don- ald in Scotland. (Little people everywhere). Little .41 Entertaining information about places, manners and customs, home life, etc. The Scotch dialect may bother some children. A. L. A. 5 7 McDonald, Mrs. E. A. B. and Dalrymple, Julia. Fritz in Germany. (Little people everywhere). Little .41 German history and home life, and description of .places woven into a story. Good description of a German Christmas. Oregon. 5 7 McDonald, Mrs. E. A. B. and. Dalrymple, Julia. Gerda in Sweden. (Little people everywhere). Little .41 Story of the travels of two Stockholm children, conveying unobtrusively much information about scenery, customs, sports, festivals, Swedish gym- nastics, etc. A. L. A. 5 7 McDonald, Mrs. E. A. B. and Dalrymple, Julia. Josefa in Spain. (Little people everywhere). Little - .41 In this tale of the gypsy child, finally adopted by a rich Spanish family, stories from history and descriptions of the most distinctive and pictures- que aspects of national life are interestingly given. N. Y. state lib. 5 7 McDonald, Mrs. E. A. B. and Dalrymple, Julia. Kath- leen in Ireland. (Little people everywhere). Lit- tle 41 Two little Irish peasant girls make visits in different parts of Ireland and hear stories of. its history and tradition. A. L. A. 5 7 McDonald, Mrs. E. A. B. and Dalrymple, Julia. Marta in Holland. (Little people everywhere). Little 41 A little girl visits her aunt in Amsterdam and takes a canal trip events which give opportunity for simple descriptions and conversations about the country and people. A. L. A. 57 McDonald, Mrs. E. A. B. and Dalrymple, Julia. Rafael in Italy. (Little people everywhere). Little 41 Story-description of the life and something of the history of familiar Italian cities, with a chapter on country life and the vintage. A. L. A. 5 6 Mansfield, Mrs. B. M. Our little English cousin. (Little cousin series). Page 38 Excursions on the Thames, a day at Eton ,a visit to the Tower, descriptions of the Lord Mayor's show and sight-seeing around London. Children's cat. 122 UST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 7 8 Mockler-Ferryman, A. F. Norway. (Peeps at many lands) . Macmillan 48 Description of the people, myths, natural his- tory and scenery of Norway, with chapters on the Laplanders, sports, industries and school and farm life. A. L. A. 5 6 Muller, Margarethe . Elsbeth. (Little schoolmate series), Button 1 .00 A story giving insight into German home life. Wis. bul. 5 8 Portor, L. S. Genevieve. (Little schoolmate series). Button : 1 . 00 Picture of French school life, exhibiting the kindly warmth and courtesy of the French people, revealing also their patriotism and love for their heroes. A. L. A. 5 6 Randall, L. E. Little journey to Norway and Swed- en; ed. by M. M. George. (Library of travel). Flanagan .54 23 Smith, M. E. E. Holland stories. Rand 43 A collection of delightful and informing read- ing lessons on Butch life and customs. An ideal primary book. Oregon. 5 8 Stein, Evaleen. Our little Norman cousin of long ago. (Little cousins of long ago). Page 38 With a slight story this gives a vivid picture of manners and customs in Normandy at the time of William the Conqueror. A. L. A. 7 8 Tomlinson, E. T. British isles. (School edition). Houghton , . 68 Gives a comprehensive and instructive picture of British geography, industries, cities, schools, castles, people and customs. A. L. A. 4 6 Wade, Mrs. M. H. B. Our little Norwegian cousin. (Little cousin series). Page 38 6 7 Walter, L. E. Russia. (Peeps at many lands). Mac- millan 48 A very good picture of Russia. A. L. A. 6 8 Williamson, Margaret. John and Betty's Scotch history visit. Lothrop 1.00 An American brother and sister go to Scotland with English friends, and their adventures and impressions of historic sites are described in a vivacious manner. N. Y. state lib . 4 6 Winlow, C. V. Barbara, our little Bohemian cousin. (Little cousin series). Page 38 STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 123 Grade School Price 4 6 Winlow, C. V. Our little Bulgarian cousin. (Little cousin series). Page 38 Tells home customs, stories, etc., and ends with rumors of war, and an editor's note written after the fall of Adrianople. A. L. A. 4 6 Winslow, I. 0. Europe. (Georgraphy readers, v. 4). Heath 53 Geographical facts in concise and attractive form for use as a text or reader. Oregon . GEOGRAPHY ASIA. 6 8 Allen, N. B. Asia. (Geographical and industrial studies). Ginn 68 A good supplementary reader. Fuller on devel- opments of the last twenty years. A. L. A. 4 6 Ayrton, Mrs. M. C. Child-life in Japan, and Jap- anese child stories ; ed. by W. E. Griffis. (Home and school classics). Heath 21 Illustrated by Japanese artists. Wis. 4 5 Campbell, H. L. Story of little Metzu, the Japanese boy. (Children of the world series). Educ. pub. co. .21 Pleasing descriptions of Japanese life and cus- toms. A. L. A. 4 5 Campbell, H. L. Wah Sing, our little Chinese cous- in. (Young folk's library). Educ. pub. co 21 5 8 Carpenter, F. G. Asia. (Geographical readers). Amer. bk. co. 51 Many of the descriptions were written on the ground, and a large part of the illustrations from photographs taken by the author. Oregon. 5 7 Chamberlain, J. F. and Chamberlain, A. H. Asia: a supplementary reader. (The continents and their people). Macmillan 49 More about geographical features and less on customs and industrial conditions than in the other readers. Oregon. 5 8 Finnemore, John. India. (Peeps at many lands). Macmillan ..; 43 We journey to the court of a native prince, travel through the bazaars, and visit village, jungle and even the great Himalayas themselves. Arnold. 5 8 Finnemore, John. Japan. (Peeps at many lands). Macmillan _ . 42 Exceedingly attractive, spirited, and full of in- formation. Wis. free lib. com. 124 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 6 S Gibson, C. C. In the Golden East; an illustrated journey in eastern wonderlands; a geographical reader. Little . 44 A real journey around the world, taken by three real children. N. Y. city. 3 5 Headland, I. T. Our little Chinese cousin. (Little cousin series). Page 38 Tells of the childhood of a little girl and de- scribes some Chinese customs. Wis. free lib. com. Ref. Herbertson, F. D., comp. Asia. (Descriptive geo- graphy from original sources). Macmillan 68 Extracts from best literature of travel. 7 8 Huntington, Ellsworth. Asia: a geography read- er. Rand 64 Excellent geographical reader by an authority. Well illustrated. Good maps. 7 8 Krout's. Two Girls in China. Am. bk. co 45 Gives occupations and customs of the people, the products and scenic features of the country. 3 5 Lane, Mrs. M. A. L. Toward the rising sun. (Youth's companion series). Ginn 22 6 8 Lee, Y. P. When I was a boy in China .(Children of other lands). Lothrop : 60 Entertaining account of home and school life in China. Wis. 57 McDonald, Mrs. E. A. B. Chandra in India. (Little people everywhere). Little _ 41 Story of a peasant boy of the gardener caste. Interesting story pictures of daily life, of the Taj Mahal, of the Great Durbar. Wis. bul. 57 McDonald, Mrs, E. A, B. and Dalrymple, Julia. Ume San in Japan. (Little people everywhere). Little Japanese girl's daily life, home life, festivals. A. L. A. 5 6 Mansfield, Mrs. B. M. Our little Arabian cousin. (Little cousin series). Page 38 About two Bedouin children, their homes in the desert, their games, an ostrich hunt, and a visit to the city of Medina. A. L. A. 4 5 Pike, H. L. M. Our little Korean cousin. (Little cousin series). Page 38 7 8 Redway, J. W. All around Asia. (Redway's geo- graphical readers). Scribner 59 Imaginary journeys following the regular high- ways of travel covers the industries, customs, and briefly the history and present condition of each country. Oregon. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 125 Grade School Price 7 8 Shioya, Sakae. When I was a boy in Japan. (Chil- dren of other lands). Lothrop _ 60 Written by a Japanese graduate of an American university. Oregon. 4 6 Wade, Mrs. M. H. B. Our little Japanese cousin. (Little cousin series). Page 38 Less story and more information than is usual in this series. Oregon. 4 6 Wade, Mrs. M. H. B . Our little Jewish cousin. (Little cousin series). Page 38 Story of two Jewish children living in Jeru- salem at the present day. Minn. 46 Wade, Mrs. M. H. B. Our little Turkish cousin. (Lit- tle cousin series). Page 38 Informing story of home and child life. Oregon. 6 7 Badlam, A. B. Views in Africa. (World and its people) . Silver .48 Describes Africa, its people and its animals. Wis. 5 8 Carpenter, F. G. Africa. (Geographical readers). Amer. bk. co . 51 Definite information given about the country, animals and industries. Indispensable for supple- mentary reading. Wis. free lib. com. 57 Du Chaillu, P. B. Country of the dwarfs. Harper 78 Strange experiences among the African pigmies, and the great negro tribes in whose country the lit- tle men live. Pittsburgh. 5 7 Du Chaillu, P. B. Wild life under the equator. Harper 78 Stories of men, animals and insects in the trop- ical forests of Africa. Wis. Ref. Herbertson, F. D. Africa. (Descriptive geographies from original sources (. Macmillan 68 Selections from best books of travel. Oregon. 5 7 Kelly, R. T. Egypt. (Peeps at many lands). Mac- millan 48 Admirable presentation of the country, people and life. A. L. A. 5 7 McDonald, Mrs. E. A. B. and Dalrymple, Julia. Has- san in Egypt. (Little people everywhere). Little .41 A journey to Cairo, a sail up the Nile ,and visits to ruins, to the Assouan dam and to the pyramids are some of the events in the life of this lively Egyptian boy. A. L. A. 45 Perry, W. S. With Azir Girges in Egypt. Atkinson .35 With Azir Girges, the donkey boy, one may see something of the village and home life of Egyptian children of today. Many pictures. Pittsburgh. 126 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 3 4 Starr, L. B. Mustafa, the Egyptian boy; a tale of Oriental child life. Flanagan 44 About modern Egyptian life, and the customs and religion of the people in Cairo. Oregon. 5 7 White, J. R. and Smith, Adelaide. Little journey to South Africa and up the east coast. (Library of travel). Flanagan 54 Written by two Cape Colony teachers. GEOGRAPHY NORTH AMERICA, CENTRAL AMERICA, WEST INDIES. 5 8 Allen, N. B. Industrial studies: United States. Ginn .56 The work is based on material used by the author in adding interest to geography lessons, and will be helpful to grade teachers in general. A. L. A. 7 8 Bishop, Farnham. Panama, past and present. Cen- tury 90 Two-thirds of the book is devoted to history and on this side it is the best brief work among recent publications. A. L. A. 5 6 Butler, E. C. Our little Mexican cousin. (Little cousin series). Page 38 Manners and customs, a bit of the history and rapid development under President Diaz. N. Y. city. 5 8 Carpenter, F. G. North America. (Geographical readers). Amer. bk. co 51 Just the information which the intelligent boy or girl wants in regard to his own country, its cities, people, products, and marvels of natural history. Prentice and Power. 5 7 Chamberlain, J. F. and Chamberlain, A. H. North America: a supplementary geography. (The con- tinents and their people). Macmillan 49 Comprehensive, interesting and up-to-date pre- sentation of facts. Well illustrated. Good maps. A. L. A. Fairbanks, H. W. Western United States: a geo- graphical reader. Heath 63 Striking and interesting physical features and chapters on the tfijistory, (exploration, and re- sources. Oregon. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 127 Grade School Price 4 6 Gaines, Ruth. Lucita: a child's story of old Mexico. Rand - 43 Story of a little girl in Mexico in the time of President Diaz. Includes some legends. A. L. A. 5 6 George, M. M. Little journey to Cuba. Flanagan 54 Bound with her on a little journey to Porto Rico. 5 6 George, M. M. Little journey to Mexico and Cen- tral America. (Library of travel). Flanagan 54 Records of real journeys. Oregon. 5 Herbertson, F. D. North and Central America, and the West Indies. (Oxford geographies. Element- ary geography, v. 5). Oxford - 36 6 8 Hotchkiss, C. W. Representative cities of the United States : a geographical and industrial read- er. Houghton 03 San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Denver, New Orleans, Duluth, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Gary, Savannah, Boston and New York. 5 8 James, G. W. Little journey to some strange places and peoples in our southwestern land. (Library of travel) . Flanagan . 54 An imaginary party of boys and girls take a trip through Arizona and New Mexico and see everything of interest. 5 6 Koch, F. J. Little journey to our western wonder- land. (Library of travel). Flanagan 51 Climate, products, industries, and natural scen- ery of California are described. Oregon. 6 8 Lummis, C. F. Some strange corners of our coun- try: the wonderland of the Southwest. Century 1.20 The grand canyon of the Colorado ; the petrified forest of Arizona; manners and customs of the Indians of the Southwest. N. Y. city. 6 8 Lummis, C. F. Tramp across the continent. Scrib- ner , 1 .00 From Ohio to California 011 foot. 5 7 McDonald, Mrs. E. A. B. and Dalrymple, Julia. Betty in Canada. (Little people everywhere). Little . .41 Visits to Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec and Halifax. 5_7 McDonald, Mrs. E. A. B. and Dalrymple. Julia. Man- uel in Mexico. (Little people everywhere). Little .41 A simple and entertaining story. A. L. A. 5 8 McMurray, C. A. Type studies from the geography of the I nited States. Macmillan. First series ... .43 128 UST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price Second series. Larger types of American geography . 64 Good descriptions of various parts of the Unit- ed States. Wis. Ref. Mill, H. R. ed. International geography, by seventy authors: North America, Central America, and the West Indies. Appleton 90 A section of the excellent larger reference work. Each chapter written by an authority and covers the historical and political and regional geo- graphy of a section. Oregon. 4 6 Monroe, W. S. and Buckbee, Anna. Our country and its people: an introductory geographic reader. Harper 36 The authors have developed two lines typical geographic forms and forces in their relation to people, and typical industrial occupations. Oregon. 68 Nida, S. H. Panama and its * ' bridge of water. ' ' Rand .43 Information about the early discovery of the Isthmus and the early efforts at building the can- al, devoting more than half the book to American accomplishment. A. L. A. 5 7 Plummer, M. W. Roy and Ray in Canada. Holt 95 Clear, well written and accurate, the book will prove especially useful in connection with school work. A. L. A. 5 7 Plummer, M. W. Roy and Ray in Mexico. Holt _ 93 Full of information about customs, history and characteristics of the country. A. L. A. 4 8 St. Nicholas. Southern stories. (Geographical stories retold). Century _ 58 Characteristic stories of the South. 4 8 St. Nicholas. Stories of the Great Lakes. (Geo- graphical stories retold). Century 58 About the life-savers, forest fires, the Chicago fire, dog teams and sledges, Niagara, etc. Oregon. 4 8 St. Nicholas. Western frontier stories. (Geograph- ical stories retold). Century 58 Stories of a prairie fire, a stampede of buffaloes, a prairie home, an Indian school, a race with Idaho robbers, etc. Oregon. 6 7 Seabury, J. B. Porto Rico. (World and its people). Silver 47 Life of people, physical features, products, flora, fauna, towns, schools, government, brief sketch of history. Illustrated. N. Y. state lib. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 129 Grade School Price 7 8 Smith, Harrison, ed. North America. (Century geographical readings). Century 50 Accounts, largely industrial, of typical cities and regions, by well known writers. Minn. 4 6 Smith, M. C, Our own country. (World and its people series, v. 3). Silver .50 Interesting account of the geography of the United States. Wis. 4 5 Tolman, Mrs. S. W. C. and others. Around the world : book four. (New century geographical series). Silver 46 The life, industries and natural features of our country. Oregon. 46 Wade, Mrs. M. H. B. Our little Cuban cousin. (Little cousin series). Page .38 4^-6 Wade, Mrs. M. H. B. Our little Porto Rico cousin. (Little cousin series). Page 38 4 6 Winslow, I. 0. United States. (Geography readers). Heath '.53 Designed to give the essentials and to include material on the industrial and commercial as- pects of the country. Minn. GEOGRAPHY SOUTH AMERICA. 7 8 Bowman, Isaiah. South America : a geography read- er. (Lands and peoples series). Rand 65 Contains more information than Carpenter's South America, and is well adapted for reference in the upper grammar grades or first year high school. A. L. A. 4 6 Brooks, E. C. Francisco, our little Argentine cousin. (Little cousin series). Page _ .38 Informing and interesting. Oregon. 5 8 Carpenter, F. G. South America. (Geographical readers). Amer. bk. co 51 City and village life, mining, sheep-raising, coffee-growing, industries, and the wonders of tropic flora and fauna. Pittsburgh. 5 7 Chamberlain, J. F. and Chamberlain, A. H. South America : a supplementary geography. (Continents and their people). Macmillan 49 Emphasizes the human and industrial phases of the various countries. Well illustrated. A. L. A. 6 8 Marwick, W. F. and Smith, W. A. South American republics. (World and its people). Silver .60 A reliable geographic reader. Written in 1901. Oregon. 130 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES GEOGRAPHY AUSTRALIA AND THE ISLANDS. ARCTIC REGIONS. Grade School Price 3 4 Burks, F. W. Barbara's Philippine journey. World bk. co 52 Supplementary reader form. Barbara tells the story herself. Best book for small children. Poor illustrations. A. L. A. 5 8 Carpenter, F. G. Australia, our colonies and other islands of the sea. (Geographical readers). Amer. bk. co. 51 Personally conducts children through chief is- lands of the world, giving an excellent idea of peo- ple and resources. N. Y. state lib. 6 8 Chamberlain, J. F. and Chamberlain, A. H. Oceania : a supplementary geography. (Continents and their people). Macmillan 49 1 2 Hawkes, E. W. Eskimo land : a supplementary read- er for primary grades. Ginn .25 Attractive little reader by one who knows Eskimo life at first hand. Well illustrated. Ore- gon. Ref. Herbertson, F. D. comp. Australia and Oceania. (Descriptive geographies from original sources). Macmillan 68 Selections from books of travel on the' Malay archipelago, New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific Islands. Oregon. 4 5 Jenks, A. E. Ba-long-long, the Igorot boy. Row 40 Story of an Igorot boy who lives in the mountain village of Bontoc. Oregon. 6 7 Kellogg, Mrs. E. M. C. Australia and the islands of the sea. (World and its people series). Silver 68 Includes all important islands and groups of islands except British Isles and Japan. Pittsburgh. 5 7 Krout, M. H. Alice's visit to the Hawaiian Islands. (Eclectic readings). Amer. bk. co 38 Their people, country and history. Children's cat. 4 5 Lawrence, M. S. Old time Hawaiians and their work. Ginn 60 Traditions, home industries, primitive life and history of the Hawaiians. Well illustrated. Minn. 5 6 MacClintock, Samuel. Philippines; a geographical reader. Amer. bk. co 34 Attractive and accurate. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 131 Grade School Price 35 Peary, Mrs. J. D. Children of the Arctic. Stokes 1.05 Interesting things, with many pictures of them, that little Marie Peary saw and did during two winters among the Eskimos. N. Y. state lib. 2 4 Peary, Mrs. J. D. Snow baby : a true story with true pictures. Stokes 1.05 True story of the little American, Marie Peary, born in Greenland. Many pictures. N. Y. state lib. 4 6 St. Nicholas. Island stories. (Geographical stories retold) . Century 56 Stories of Cuba, the Philippines, Hawaii, Porto Rico, Madeira, Ceylon, Samoa, and other islands. Oregon. 3 4 Scandlin, Christiana. Hans, the Eskimo; a story of arctic adventure. Silver 36 A story of arctic life and adventure based on Dr. Kane's explorations, 1855. N. Y. city. 4 6 Schwatka, Frederick. Children of the cold. New edition. Educ. pub. co - .97 Descriptions of the habits, homes, and plays of Eskimo children. Wis. free lib. com. 2 3 Smith, M. E. E. Eskimo stories. Rand 34 About animals and people of Greenland. Utica. 4 6 Wade, Mrs. M. H. B. Our little Hawaiian cousin. (Little cousin series) Page 38 4r 6 Wade, Mrs. M. H. B. Our little Philippine cousin. (Little cousin series). Page ;38 BIOGRAPHY COLLECTIVE 7 8 Adams, E. C. and Foster, W. D. Heroines of modern progress. Sturgis 1.20 Contents: Elizabeth Fry Mary Lyon Eliza- beth Cady Stanton Harriet Beecher Stowe Flor- ence Nightingale Clara Barton Julia Ward Howe Frances E. Willard J. Ellen Foster Jane Addams. 4 6 Baldwin, James. American book of golden deeds. (Eclectic readings). Amer. bk. co 42 True stories of heroic deeds done on American soil or by Americans. A. L. A. 4 6 Baldwin, James. Four great Americans. Amer. bk. co. .43 Washington, Franklin, Webster, Lincoln. 4 6 Beebe, M. B. Four American naval heroes. Amer. bk. co 43 Paul Jones, Oliver H. Perry, Admiral Farragut, Admiral Dewey. 132 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 7 8 Bolton, Mrs. S. K. Lives of girls who became fam- ous. Crowell - 1 . 20 Lives of 19 famous women. 7 8 Bolton, Mrs. S. K. Lives of poor boys who became famous. Crowell 1 . 20 Lives of 28 men who became famous in spite of poverty. 4 5 Burton, A. H. Four American patriots. Amer. bk. co. .43 Patrick Henry, Andrew Jackson, Alexander Hamilton, and Ulysses S. Grant. 6 8 Gather, K. D. Boyhood stories of famous men. Cen- tury 1 .00 Brief and sympathetic stories of the youth and work of musicians and artists, which will really interest boys and girls in biography and art. Wis. bul. 7 8 Faris, J. T. Winning their way. Stokes 45 Lives of 48 inventors, scientists, explorers, indus- trial leaders, army and navy men, statesmen, auth- ors and religious . workers. They emphasize the qualities that led to success and usefulness. A. L. A. 7 8 Farmer, Mrs. L. H. Boys' book of famous rulers. Crowell _ 52 From Agamemnon to Napoleon. 7 8 Farmer, Mrs. L. H. Girls' book of famous queens. Crowell 52 Ancient and modern, from Semiramis to Queen Victoria. Wis. free lib. com. 6 8 Gilbert, Ariadne. More than conquerors. Century 1.00 Includes Beethoven, Lamb, Scott, Irving, Emer- son, Agassiz, Thackeray, Livingstone, Pasteur, Brooks, Booth, Stevenson, Saint Gaudens, Lincoln. 6 8 Horton, Edith. Group of famous women. Heath 49 Brief biographies, intended for use in connection with history in the grammar grades. Specially help- ful in work with foreign girls. A. L. A. 68 Johnston, C. HI L. Famous cavalry leaders. (Famous leaders). Page 93 Good accounts of the adventurous lives of these soldiers, with sufficient historic setting to render them valuable for supplementary reading. A. L. A. 6 8 Johnston, C. H. L. Famous scouts. Page 93 14 sketches telling the most interesting incidents in the lives of about 25 noted frontiersmen, trap- pers, and pioneers. Wis. free lib. com. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 133 Grade School Price 4 5 Kingsley, N. F. Four American explorers. Amer. bk. co _ 43 Lewis and Clark, Fremont, Kane. 4 5 Kupfer, G. H. Lives and stories worth remembering. (Eclectic readings). Amer. bk. co 38 Tales from real life and from masterpieces of poetry and fiction. 6 8 Lang, Mrs. L. B. Book of princes and princesses. Longmans 70 True stories of the youth of 14 princes and princesses, attractively told and illustrated with 17 colored and half tone plates. Wis. free lib. com. 6 8 Lillie, Mrs. L. C. W. Story of music and musicians. Harper . 60 Short and interesting biographies. Wis. 6 7 Mabie, H. W. Heroes every child should know. Gros- set 52 Tales for young people of the world's heroes of all ages. 67 Mabie, H. W. and Stephens, Kate, eds. Heroines that every child should know. Grosset 52 Tales of 13 heroines. 5 8 Marden, 0. S. Stories from life .(Eclectic readings). Amer. bk. co 38 Brief biographical sketches and incidents from the lives of great men, which show how success has been won. Oregon. 6 8 Marshall, H. E. Boy kings and girl queens. Stokes 1.60 Stories telling the early events in the lives of fifteen children who became kings and queens at an early age. A. L. A. 5 7 Mowry, W. A. and Mowry, B. S. American pioneers. (America's great men and their deeds). Silver 60 Explorers, statesmen, educators, philanthropists. 7 8 Parton, James. Captains of industry. (Riverside literature series). Houghton 2'2 Short, spirited biographical sketches of men of business who did something besides making money. N. Y. city. 4 5 Perry, F. M. Four American inventors. Amer. bk. co * 43 Fulton, Whitney, Morse and Edison. 4 5 Perry, F. M. and Beebe, Katharine. Four American pioneers. Amer. bk. co 43 Daniel Boone, George Rogers Clark, David Croc- kett, Kit Carson. 134 UST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 78 Riis, J. A. Hero tales of the far North. Macmillan .42 Short, stirring and wholesome stories of Danish and Norwegian heroes in war, science and ex- ploration. A. L. A. 5 6 St. Nicholas. Stories of royal children. (Historical stories retold). Century 58 Stories of Baby Stuart, Louis XlIV, Edwart VI, Marie Theresa, and others. Oregon. 4 6 Scobey, K. L. and Home, 0. B. Stories of great musicains. (Eclectic readings). Amer. bk. co 34 Sketches of the lives of Bach, Handel, Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Chopin, Schu- mann, Schubert and Wagner. Oregon. 6 8 Seowell, M. E. Twelve naval captains. (School reading). Scribner 42 Being a record of certain Americans who made themselves immortal. Title. 6 8 Steedman, Amy. When they were children. Stokes 1.28 Short sketches of the childhood of 45 famous men and women. A. L. A. 68 Wade, Mrs. M. H. B. Light bringers. Little 80 Contents : Peary Clara Barton Wright broth- ers Julia Ward Howe Marconi Amundsen. 68 Wade, Mrs. M. H. B. Pilgrims of to-day. Little 80 Contents: John Muir Jacob Riis Mary Antin Edward A. Steiner Carl Schurz Nathan Straus Joseph Pulitzer. 68 Wade, Mrs. M. H, B. Wonder workers. Little 80 Contents : Edison Burbank Helen Keller Jane Addams Judge Lindsey Henry George Dr. Grenfell. 6 8 Whitham, G. I. Shepherd of the ocean and other tales of valour. Stokes 1.20 Five stories about historical characters, spirit- ed, interesting, much better written than most such tales, reproducing very well the atmosphere of the times. A. L. A. 7 8 Williams, Sherman. Some successful Americans. Ginn 43 Lincoln Peter Cooper Mary Lyon Greeley C. H. McCormick Frances Willard Louisa Al- cott and others. 6 7 Wright H, .0. Children's stories of the great scien- tists. (1917) Scribner 1 . 00 With the story of each man the history of the science to which he contributed most is reviewed briefly. Utica. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 135 BIOGRAPHY Grade School Price 6 8 Alcott. Moses, Belle, Louisa May Alcott. Appleton 1.08 Brings out admirably the best qualities of her life and work, and will be a source of inspira- tion and enjoyment to both young and old. A. L. A. 7 8 Alfred the Great. McKillian, A. E. (Heroes of all time) . Stokes 75 Good direct life. Usable in connection with his- tory in upper grammar grades and high school. A. L. A. 6 8 Alfred the Great. Tappan, E. M. In the days of Alfred the Great. Lothrop 80 Life in story form. 8 Antin, Mary. Promised land. Houghton 1.40 What this country means to a girl who came from Russia to free schools, free libraries, and college. Hewins. 6 7 Bainbridge, Barnes, James. Commodore Bain- bridge. (Young heroes of our navy). N. Y. pub. co 50 The war with the Tripolitan pirates, 1803, and the Constitution and Java fight, 1812, described in a way few boys can resist. N. Y. city. 6 8 Boone. Forbes-Lindsay, C. H. A. Daniel Boone, backwoodsman. (Trail blazers). Lippincott 1.00 Life of the famous pioneer and of the border ' warfare days is well told, the fictitious element adds interest without destroying the historical values, and the style is sincere and direct. A. L. A. 6 8 Carson. Abbott, J. S. C. Christopher Carson, known as Kit Carson. (Ajax series). Dodd 75 Hunting exploits and wild adventurous life in the far West. Oregon. 4 6 Columbus. Brooks, E. S. True story of Christo- pher Columbus. (Children's lives of great men). Lothrop 1.08 His conception of the character and mission of Columbus is one of the noblest in literature. C. D. Warner. 4 7 Columbus. Imlach, G. M. Story of Columbus. ( Chil- dren T s heroes). Button - 48 Attractive small biography. 5 7 Columbus. Mioores, C. W. Life of Christopher Co- lumbus for boys and girls. (Riverside literature series). Houghton An interesting 'short life of Columbus suitable for adults as well as children. Wis. 136 UST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 6 8 Crockett. Allen, C. F. David Crockett, scout. (Trail blazers). Lippincott 1.00 Rough frontier life, hunting adventures, and Indian warfare. Pittsburgh. 5 8 Cromwell. Marshall, H. E. Story of Oliver Crom- well. (Children's heroes). Button 48 Good account of Cromweirs life in story form. A. L. A. 7 8 Custer. Custer, Mrs. E. B. Boy general : story of the life of Major-General George A. Custer. (School reading) . Scribner . 42 Adapted from the author's Boots and saddles, Following the guidon, and Tenting on the plains. Wis. free lib. com. 6 7 Decatur. Seawell, M. E. Decatur and Somers. (Young heroes of our navy). Appleton 85 Story of the Tripolitan war, describing the burning of the Philadelphia and the explosion of the Intrepid. N. Y. state lib. 56 Drake. Elton, Mrs. L. M. Story of Sir Francis Drake. (Children's heroes). Dutton .48 Attractive little biography for younger chil- dren. Oregon. 68 Edison. Meadowcroft, W. H. Boy's life of Edison. Harper 78 The volume has received Mr. Edison's approval and many amusing anecdotes are told in his own words. A. L. A. 6 8 Edison. Holt- Wheeler, F. W. Thomas Alva Edison. (True stories of great Americans). Macmillan 40 Interesting and popular. Describes Edison's in- ventions of substitutes for European products cut off by the war. N. Y. state lib. 6 8 Elizabeth, Queen of England. Tappan, E. M. In the days of Queen Elizabeth. -(Makers of England). Lothrop 80 History of the reign of Elizabeth in story form. Wis. 6 7 Farragut. Barnes, James. Midshipman Farragut. N. Y. bk. co _ 50 Story of two years of Admiral Farragut 's boy life on Commodore Porter's ship during the war of 1812. N. Y. state lib. 6 8 Francis of Assissi. Jewett, Sophie. God's trouba- dour; the story of St. Francis of Assissi. Crowell 1.00 The lovely medieval story is told with a charm of literary distinction such as rarely goes into the making of a book for young readers. A. L. A. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 137 Grade School Price 6 8 Franklin, Benjamin. Autobiography and sketch of Franklin's life from the point where the auto- biography ends ; drawn chiefly from his letters ; with notes. (Riverside literature series). Hough- ton _ 39 Not only one of the most widely read and read- able books in our language, but has had the dis- tinction of enriching the literature of nearly every other. John Bigelow. 4 6 Franklin. Brooks, E .S. True story of Benjamin Franklin. (True stories series). Lothrop 1.08 Popular life with many pictures. Oregon. 79 Fry. Richards, Mrs. L. E. H. Elizabeth Fry. Apple- ton 1 .08 True story of the famous Quakeress who was called the "angel of the prisons" because of her good work among the English prisoners in the early days. A. L. A. 78 Fulton. Sutcliffe, Mrs. A. C. Robert Fulton. (True stories of great Americans). Macmillan.. 40 The facts of the book are to be found in the author's Robert Fulton and the Clermont, but this is more than a condensation, it is a retelling for boys and girls in the upper grammar grades and first year high school. A. L. A. 5 6 Gordon. Lang, Jeanie. Story of General Gordon. (Children's hero series). Button 48 Really delightful biography for children. A. L. A. 68 Grant. Hill, F. T. On the trail of Grant and Lee. (National holiday series). Apple ton 1.28 Gives a clear understanding of the campaigns in which the two commanders were opposed and of the history of the civil war in general. A. L. A. 6 8 Grant. Nicolay, Helen. Boy's life of Ulysses S. Grant. Century 1 . 20 Based on Grant's personal memoirs. The style is simple, direct and eloquent. The best life of Grant for children. A. L. A. 7 8 Grenfell, W. T. Adrift on an ice-pan. (Riverside literature series). Houghton ... .23 A biographical sketch as well as a story of a thrilling experience. 78 Hale. Root, J. C. Nathan Hale. Macmillan 40 A story full of inspiration and splendid heroism. 138 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 5 6 Joan of Arc. Lang, Andrew. Story of Joan of Arc. ( Children 's heroes ) . Button 48 Tells very simply of her life, her visions, brave deeds for France and the Dauphin, trial and death. A. L. A. 6 7 Jones. Seawell, M. E. Paul Jones. (Young heroes of our navy). Appleton 85 Adventures with' Captain Paul Jones during the revolution. Follows history closely. Pitts- burgh. 78 Keller, Helen. Story of my life. Grosset .52 How Helen Keller, the little blind and deaf girl, learned to read and speak, made many friends, and afterward went through college. Pratt. 4r5 Lafayette. Burton, A. H. Lafayette, the friend of American liberty. Amer. bk. co 30 A shorter biography w r hich may be read for the pictures from French life and history as well as for the story of the American revolution. Oregon. 6 8 Lafayette. Crow, Mrs. M. F. (True stories of great Americans). Macmillan 40 Author reveals much of the life of the people in France and America and shows very clearly the part the great Frenchman played in our early his- tory. A. L. A. 78 La Salle. Hasbrouck, L. S. La Salle. (True stories of great Americans). Macmillan 40 A brief account of his life and the times in which he lived. 5 7 Lincoln. Baldwin, James. Abraham Lincoln. Amer. bk. co 51 Strong in political history. One of the best books to instill patriotism. Oregon. 3 5 Lincoln. Craven's, Frances. Story of Lincoln. Pub. school pub. co 30 A short biography, simply told for young chil- dren. Contains Gettysburg and other speeches. Oregon. 8 Lincoln. Moores, C. W. Life of Abraham Lincoln for boys and girls. (Kiverside literature series). Houghton 23 Gives an excellent insight into the character and personality of Lincoln. A. L. A. 7 8 Lincoln. Nicolay, Helen. Boy 's life of Abraham Lin- coln. Century 1 . 20 Perhaps the best of the many lives prepared for young readers. Wis. free lib. com. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 139 Grade - School Price 6 7 Livingstone. Golding, Vautier. Story of David Livingstone. (Children's heroes). Button 48 His courage and lofty spirit are emphasized, and his efforts to break the slave-trade are described. Olcott. 7 8 Louise, queen of Prussia; tr. by G. P. Upton. (Life stories for young people). McClurg 40 The only separate biography for girls of the beautiful and noble queen, held in loving remem- brance as the "mother of her people." A. L. A. 5_7 Nansen. Bull, J. B. Fridtjof Nansen. Heath 39 Norwegian boyhood and arctic exploration. Ore- gon. 5 6 Napoleon I. Marshall, H. E. Story of Napoleon. ( Children 's heroes ) . Button 48 Best biography for children from ten to fifteen years of age. Has excellent illustrations in color and gives a number of anecdotes. Oregon. 67 Nelson. Sellar, E. F. Story of Nelson. (Chil- dren's heroes). Button 48 Tells the story of Nelson's life in a very inter- esting way. A. L. A. 78 Nightingale. Richards, Mrs. L. E. H. Florence Nightingale, the angel of the Crimea. Appleton 1.08 Excellent picture of hospital nursing and of the horrors of war. A. L. A. 7 8 Palmer. Palmer, G. H. Life of Alice Freeman Palmer. Houghton 1 . 50 The private and public life of the one time president of Wellesley college. Her life was full of inspiration and accomplishment and in this book many young women will find enjoyment and encouragement. A. L. A. 6 8 Penn. Holland, R. S. William Penn. (True stories of great Americans). Macmillan 40 56 Raleigh, Kelly, M. B. Story of Sir Walter Raleigh. (Children's hero series). Button .48 Belightful little book for a young hero worship- per. A. L. A. 6 8 Revere. Moses, Belle. Paul Revere, the torch bearer of the revolution. Appleton A well written account of the life of Paul Re- vere. A. L. A. 7 8 Riis, J. A. Making of an American. Macmillan .. 1.75 Splendid story of the Banish lad's life as an Amercan, and his struggle for social justice. Good book to read aloud. Oregon. 140 UST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 78 Sheridan. Goss, W. L. Boys' life of General Sheri- dan. Crowell 52 Emphasizes Sheridan's ability to make the most of what he had and to meet difficulties. A. L. A. 6 8 Smith. Johnson, Rossiter. Captain John Smith. Macmillan 40 6 7 Stanley. Golding, Vautier. Story of Henry M. Stanley. (Children's heroes). Button 48 An interesting record of his explorations. Ore- gon. 6 8 Stevenson. Overton, J. M. Life of Robert Louis Stevenson for boys and girls. Scribner 80 For older boys and girls. Written with sym- pathy and appreciation. A. L. A. 68 Victoria, queen of England. Tappan, E. M. In the days of Queen Victoria. Lothrop 80 The queen's life can hardly fail both to entertain and inspire to noble living. N. Y. state lib. 7 8 Washington, B. T. Up from slavery. Burt 52 Boyhood days, his struggle for an education and his life-work in connection with Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute. Pittsburgh. 6 8 Washington. Hill, F. T. On the trail of Washing- ton. Appleton 1.28 A life of Washington that boys will enjoy be- cause it is simple, natural and vivacious. Has colored illustrations. Wis. free lib. com. 6 8 Washington. Scudder, H. E. George Washington. (Riverside literature series). Houghton 39 One of the best lives of Washington for young readers and among the best of one-volume lives of Washington for readers of any age. Larned. 6 8 William the Conqueror. Tappan, E. M. In the days of William the Conqueror. Lothrop 80 Accurate historically and very readable. Ore- gon. ANCIENT HISTORY. 5 8 Arnold, E. J. Stories of ancient peoples. Amer. bk. co ', 43 About the Egyptians, Assyrians, Hittites, Phoenicians, Hebrews, Medes and Persians, Hin- dus, and Chinese. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 141 Grade School Price 4 5 Bosworth, G. F. Cambridge historical readers, v. 1. Introductory. (Stories of Greece and Rome). Cam- bridge University Press 36 Well told and attractively made for a history reader. Oregon. 6 7 Clarke, Michael. Story of Caesar. (Eclectic read- ings). Amer. bk. co 38 A readable sketch of Roman history during Caesar's time, with emphasis on his character and victories. Oregon. 5 7 Cowles, Mrs. J. D. Our little Athenian cousin. (Our little cousins of long ago). Page 38 Age of Pericles, emphasizing the artistic rather than the political side of Athenian life. Minn. 4 6 Dalkeith, Lena. Stories from Roman history. (Stories from history). Dutton 48 Clear, readable accounts of Roman heroes. A. L. A. 6 8 Guerber, H. A. Story of the Greeks. (Eclectic read- ings). Amer. bk. co .51 Classic legends and true stories in^a continuous narrative. N. Y. city. 6 8 Guerber, H. A. Story of the Romans. (Eclectic readings). Amer. bk. co 51 Short stories of the great heroes, mythical and historical, from Aeneas to the end of the ''Empire of the West". N. Y. city. 5 7 Haaren, J. H. and Poland, A. B. Famous men of Greece. Amer. bk. co 43 Heroes of myth and history. Oregon. 5 7 Haaren, J .H. and Poland, A. B. Famous men of Rome. Amer. bk. co 43 The story of Rome told in the lives of great men. Attractively printed and illustrated. Ore- gon. 4 6 Hall, Jennie. Men of old Greece. (School edition). Little 53 Leonidas, Themistocles, Phidias and Socrates. 57 Harding', C. H. and Harding, S. B. City of the seven hills. Scott - 43 History of Rome, giving descriptions of the manners and customs. Oregon. 6 7 Herodotus. Havell, H. L. Tales from Herodotus; or, Stories from Greek history. (Children's fav- orite classics). Crowell 30 Deal very largely with the Greek struggles for liberty. Oregon. 142 UST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 5 7 Plutarch. Gould, F. J. The children's Plutarch: tales of the Greeks. (School edition). Harper 45 57 Plutarch. Gould, F. J. The children's Plutarch: tales of the Romans. (School edition). Harper 45 Each volume has 21 of the lives retold in simple language. Oregon. 6 8 St. Nicholas. Stories of the ancient world. Century .58 Stories of the sphinx, ancient cities, the de- velopment of architecture, the beginning of clothes and of the alphabet, etc. Well told and finely il- lustrated. A. L. A. 5 7 Shaw, C. D. Stories of the ancient Greeks. Ginn 51 Mythological and historical stories. Dayton. 5 6 Tappan, E. M. Story of the Greek people: an ele- mentary history of Greece. (School edition). Houghton 68 Not only are the chief historical events de- scribed but the customs of the people and their manner of living and thinking are pictured and the great masters of art and literature connected with the time in which they lived. A. L. A. 5 6 Tappan, E, M. Story of the Roman people. (School edition). Houghton 68 From Aeneas to the fall of the western empire, in the ninth century, with slight references to the fall of the eastern empire in 1453. A. L. A. HISTORY EUROPEAN AND GENERAL. 3 5 Andrews, Jane. Ten boys who lived on the road from long ago to now. Ginn 43 Gives vivid pictures of the conditions of life at different periods of the world's development. Field. 2 4 Baldwin, James. Fifty famous stories retold. (Ec- lectic readings). Amer. bk. co 30 Legends more advanced than Fifty famous stor- ies. Oregon. 4 6 Blaisdell, A. F. Stories from English history. Ginn .34 An attempt to set forth in some detail a series of dramatic and picturesque events in English his- tory from the earliest times to the present day. Oregon. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 143 Grade School Price 5 6 Dale, Lucy. Stories from European history. Long- mans 45 Short accounts of a number of historical events, and sketches of national heroes, arranged for sup- plementary reading-. Told clearly and simply and attractively illustrated. A. L. A. 5 6 Button, M. B. Little stories of France. (Eclectic reading's). Amer. bk. co 34 Stories of famous French Kings and heroes ar- ranged chronologically. N. Y. city. 5 6 Button, M. B. Little stories of Germany. (Eclectic readings). Amer. bk. co 34 Separate stories arranged so as to form a con- nected account of the history of Germany, be- ginning with the mythological heroes and extend- ing to Kaiser Wilhelm. A. L. A. 7 8 Frothingham, J. P. Sea fighters from Drake to Far- ragut. Scribner 1.08 Splendid book for boys. Wis. free lib. com. 6 8 Gordy, W. F. American beginnings in Europe. Scribner 68 Based upon the outline prepared by the Com- mittee of eight of the American historical associa- tion. Good maps and pictures. Pittsburgh. 5 7 Greenwood, Grace, pseud. Merrie England. New ed. Ginn . 34 Gives historical associations of famous places and stories of famous people and events. Oregon. 7 8 Griffis, W. E. Young people's history of Holland. Houghton 1 . 05 From prehistoric times to the present century. Wis. Better adapted to children than his Brave little Holland. Wis. free lib. com. 7 8 Guerber, H. A. Story of modern France. (Eclectic readings). Amer. bk. co 52 Main features of the history of France from 1715 to 1910. Wis. free lib. com. 5 6 Guerber, H. A. Story of the English (Eclectic readings). Amer. bk. co .56 Attractive introduction to English history, cov- ering the whole period, but giving little space to last two centuries. A. L. A. 57 Haaren, J. H. and Poland, A. B. Famous men of the middle ages. . Amer. bk. co .43 Gives brief lives of famous people. Illustrated with reproductions of famous paintings. Wis. free lib. com. 144 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 4 6 Haaren, J. H. and Poland, A. B. Famous men of modern times. Amer. bk. co 43 6 7 Harding, S. B. Story of the middle ages. Scott .43 A continuous narrative, well proportioned and well written. Oregon 6 8 Krapp, G. P. In oldest England. (School edition). Longmans _ . 68 History through the Norman conquest. Has re- productions in color of the excellent historical pic- tures by H. J. Ford. Oregon. 5 7 Lang. Andrew, ed. Red true story book; adapted for school use. Longmans 50 Stories from general history including stories of Joan of Arc, Molly Pitcher, Prince Charlie, the conquest of Peru, etc. Utica. 6 8 Lansing, M. F. Barbarian and noble. (Mediaeval builders of the modern world). Ginn 34 Covers the period between Drusus and Rich- ard Coeur-de-lion, in a series of sketches. Oregon. 6 8 Lansing, M. F.. Patriots and tyrants. (Mediaeval builders of the modern world). Ginn _ 34 Traces the growth of freedom and the develop- ment of modern system of government in a series of hero stories of the middle ages. Oregon. 4 5 Macgregor, Mary. Stories of the Vikings. (Stories from history series). Dutton 48 Stories of great Northmen. 68 Motley, J. L. Siege of Leyden; condensed from the rise of the Dutch republic ; ed. by W. E. Griffis. (Home and school classics). Heath 18 This thrilling account will attract readers to the larger work from which it is taken. Oregon. 5 6 Niver, H. B. Old world steps to American history. Atkinson _ 59 Combination of a first book in ancient history and a first book in modern history. 6 7 Pitman, L. W. Stories of old France. Amer. bk. co. . 51 About the great chateaux, intrigues and battles and great events in the days of the old monarchy. Pittsburgh. 5 7 St. Nicholas. Stories of the middle ages. (Histor- ical stories retold). Century 58 Fifteen stories describing the customs of the mediaeval world, and telling briefly the histories of a few great men. Oregon. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 145 Grade School Price 5 7 Schrader, Ferdinand. Frederick the Great and the Seven years ' war ; translated from the German by G. P. Upton. (Life stories for young people). McClurg 40 Covers only the period of this war. Very en- tertaining. Oregon. 7 8 Tappan, E. M. England's story. Houghton 77 Well-written. Good illustrations and maps. Wis. 6 8 Tappan, E. M. Old world hero stories. Houghton .72 Good accounts of the leaders in European his- tory from classical times to Napoleon. Oregon. 6 8 Tappan, E. M. When knights were bold. Houghton 2.00 Interesting description of life in the middle ages and of the customs of chivalry. Useful with stories of chivalry. Wis. free lib. com. Terry, A. G. .ed. History stories of other lands. Row. 2 3 Tales from far and near. (Book 1) 39 3 4 Tales of long ago. (Book 2) 39 4^-5 The beginnings (Book 3) 49 5 6 Lord and vassal. (Book 4) 49 67 The new liberty. (Book 5) 60 7 8 The modern world. (Book 6) 60 Useful and interesting set of historical readers. The material is very well selected and arranged, told simply without too much detail. A. L. A. 5 7 Warren, H. P. Stories from English history. Heath .70 Prepared with the object of interesting boys and girls in English history by stories of some -of its great events and some of its great men. Wis. INDIAN LIFE AND HISTORY. 4^-6 Brown, A. F. and Bell ,J. M. Tales of the red chil- dren. Appleton 1.00 Eleven Canadian Indian stories, retold with pleasing simplicity and directness of style, and il- lustrated with spirited drawings. A. L. A. 6 8 Catlin, George. Boy's Catlin; my life among the In- dians. Scribner 1 . 20 The most interesting portions of Catlin 's Letters and notes on the manners, customs and conditions of the North American Indians, condensed and re- arranged for boys' reading. Illustrations from author's original drawings. A. L. A. 146 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 4 5 Chandler, Katherine. In the reign of coyote. Ginn 34 Indian fairy tales and folk stories from lower California. N. Y. city. 4 6 Curtis, E. S. Indian days of the long ago. (Indian life and Indian lore). World bk. co 90 Written to give an intimate picture of the life and customs of the Salish Indians and other tribes of the far West before their contact with the white man. A. L. A. 7 9 Eastman, C. A. From deep woods to civilization. Little 1 . 60 Chapters in the autobiography of an Indian. 79 Eastman, C. A. Indian child life. Little 50 Selections from his Indian boyhood and Old In- dian days. 4 6 Eastman, C. A. and Eastman, Mrs. E. G. Wigwam evenings: Sioux folk tales retold. Little ; 45 Short Sioux myths, fables and fairy stories, simply and acceptably related for children. N. Y. state lib. 78 Grinnell, G. B. Story of the Indian. (Story of the West). Appleton 1.10 An excellent book on the North American In- dian of today, his homes and haunts, customs, re- ligion, warfare, sports, etc. N. Y. city. 6 8 Howard, 0. 0. Famous Indian chiefs I have known. Century 1 . 20 Spirited accounts of 23 chiefs who have been more or less prominent in our history. A. L. A. 3 4 Husted, M. H. Stories of Indian children. Public school pub. co. 34 About the family life of the Indian before the coming of the white man. Oregon. 35 Jenks, A. E. Childhood of Ji-shib, the Ojibwa. At- kinson . 35 Singularly successful in revealing the real life and soul of an Indian boy. N. Y. state lib. 4 5 Judd, M. C. Wigwam stories, told by North Amer- ican Indians. Ginn 64 Indian customs, traits, name significations, tra- ditions, myths. Popular style, pleasing and help- ful illustrations. N. Y. state lib. 5 6 Moran, G .N. Kwahu, the Hopi Indian boy. Amer. bk. co 4;; A true portrayal, so far as modern ethnolog- ical research has disclosed, of life and manners in a very ancient American community before the coming of the white men. Oregon. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 147 Grade School Price 5 7 Newell, Cicero. Indian stories. Silver .43 Traditions, life and customs of the Dakota In- dians. Author was a United States Indian agent,, lived among the Dakotas and knew them well. Pittsburgh. 6 8 Partridge, E. N. Joyful Star: Indian stories for Camp fire girls. Sturgis 1.08 Stories of courage, patriotism, sacrifice, devo- tion, patience, etc., gathered from the legends of the Indians of both North and South America, which best illustrate the ideals and laws of the Camp fire girls. Children's cat. 68 Rolt- Wheeler, F. W. The boy with the U. S. Indians. (U. S. service series). Lothrop _._ 1.08 Glimpses of Indian life in the different tribes, past and present. Full of authoritative informa- tion. A. L. A. 4 6 Schultz, J. W. Sinopah, the Indian boy. (School edi- tion). Houghton 45 Life of a Blackfoot Indian boy through child- hood. Useful to teachers because of detailed de- scriptions of Indian customs. A. L. A. 3 5 Snedden, G. S. Docas, the Indian boy of Santa Clara. Heath 35 Life of the California mission Indians. Hewins. 4 6 Starr, Frederick. American Indians. (Ethno-geo- graphic readers). Heath 41 Deals with every aspect of Indian life from Alaska to Yucatan. N. Y. city. 5 6 Whitney, E. L. and Perry, F. M. Four American Indians. Amer. bk. co. 43 King Philip, Pontiac, Tecumseh, Osceola. 2 3 Wiley, Belle. Mewanee, the little Indan boy. Silver .31 Story of every day life of a chief's son. Wis. free lib. com. 2 4 Wilson, G. L. Myths of the red children. Ginn Indian folklore stories written with a good deal of charm. A. L. A. AMERICAN HISTORY. 7 8 Abbott, W. J. Story of our navy for young Ameri- cans. Dodd - 1 60 The stories of all the famous sea fights are told, from !Paul- Jones' to Sampson's, and all the tra- ditional heroic speeches have been preserved. The crisp, vivid style will appeal to older boys and girls. A. L. A. 148 UST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 6 8 Baldwin, James. Conquest of the old Northwest and its settlement by Americans. Amer. bk. co 51 The struggle between the French and the Eng- lish and the conquest of the Indians, 1700-1832. Utica. 6 8 Baldwin, James. Discovery of the old Northwest and its settlement by the French. Eclectic read- ings). Amer. bk. co 51 French explorations of the Great Lakes and of the rivers of the northwest. Pittsburgh. 4 8 Barstow, C. L. ed. The civil war. (Century read- ings in U. S. history, v. 5). Century 50 This volume and the five which follow form a progressive series of readers in United States his- tory, comprising well-chosen selections from the Century and St. Nicholas. Well arranged and authoritative, with adequate illustrations. A. L. A. 4 8 Barstow, C. L. ed. The colonists and the revolution. (Century readings in U. S. history, v. 2). Century .50 4 8 Barstow, C. L. ed. Explorers and settlers. (Century readings in U. S. history, v. 1). Century 50 4 8 Barstow, C. L. ed. New Nation. (Century readings in U. S. history, v. 3). Century 50 4 8 Barstow, C .L. ed. Progress of a united people. (Cen- tury readings in U. S. history, v. 6). Century 50 4 8 Barstow, C. L. ed. Westward movement. (Century readings in U. S. history, v. 4). Century 50 3 4 Bass, Florence. Stories of pioneer life. Heath 39 Interesting stories told in such simple language that children will enjoy reading them. Wis. 4r 6 Blaisdell, A. F. and Ball, F. K. American history story-book. (School edition). Little 44 Describes in some detail the perils, the arduous struggles, the stern lessons of self-denial, and the staunch patriotism of the early settlers of this country. Pref. 5 7 Blaisdell, A. F. and Ball, F .K. Hero stories from American history. Ginn 43 About the first 50 years of our national life. Ore- gon. 5 8 Blaisdell, A. F. and Ball, F. K. Heroic deeds of American sailors. (School edition). Little 45 A book intended for supplementary reading for classes in American history. The author hopes to stimulate young people to further reading of mar- itime and other history. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 149 Grade School 46 Blaisdell, A. F. and Ball, F. K. Short stories from American history. Ginn 34 6 8 Booth, W. S. ed. Wonderful escapes by Americans. Houghton 1 . 60 Over 20 stories for the soldier boys, describing hair-breadth experiences of soldiers, slaves, and men who have gone through flood, fire and wrecks. A. L. A. 6 8 .Bourne, H. E. and Benton, E. J. Introductory Amer- ican history. Heath 60 Simple, definite stories, giving rapid but clear accounts of the ancient peoples and of European nations, and the bearing of both on the discov- eries of the 15th and 16th centuries. Good for supplementary reading. A. L. A. 7 8 Brooks, Noah. First across the continent. Scribner 1.40 Exploring expedition of Lewis and Clark in 1803- '05. Title. Ref. Brown, M. S. ed. Epoch-making papers in United States history. (Pocket classics). Macmillan 22 Contents : Declaration of Independence Ar- ticles of confederation Ordinance of 1787 Con- stitution Washington 's farewell address Mis- souri compromise Monroe doctrine Compromise of 1850 Kansas-Nebraska act Dred Scott decis- ion Proclamation of emancipation Gettysburg speech. 7 9 Bruce, P. A. Brave deeds of Confederate soldiers. (Brave deeds series). Jacobs 1.18 Admiration for a brave deed and not a partisan feeling has influenced the author. A. L. A. 1 2 Chandler, Katherine. Bird-woman of the Lewis and Clark expedition: a supplementary reader. Silver 31 The story of Saka'kawea. 6 8 Clay, Oliver. Treasure finders; or, How the ad- venturers of four countries sought a new land. Duf field 1 .00 A supplementary reader, giving rather spirit- ed accounts of the voyages of discovery under- taken by men from four countries. A. L. A. 4 6 Coe, F. E. Makers of the nation. Amer. bk. co 48 Stories of Americans who have left their im- print on history. A. L. A. 68 Coffin, C. C. Boys of '76. Harper 1.23 Stories of the battle of the revolution. Utica. 150 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 67 Coffin, C. C. Building of the nation. Harper 1.23 The events in the history of the United States from 1783 to 1860, showing expansion of territory and spread of civilization. Wis. free lib. com. 5 6 Dickson, Mrs. M. S. From the old world to the new. Macmillan 43 How America was found and settled. Children's cat. 5 6 Dickson ,Mrs. M. S. Hundred years of warfare ; how the nation was born. Macmillan 43 Has all the excellent features of the former book. Oregon. 7 8 Duncan, R. B. Brave deeds of. American sailors. Jacobs 1 . 18 Stories of the great naval battles in which American seamen have fought. Oregon. '7 8 Duncan, R. B. Brave deeds of revolutionary soldiers. Jacobs 1 . 18 In narrative style tells many stories of the in- dividual bravery of privates and leaders during the war time. Hardships are emphasized, and they tend to show the older boys at what cost victory was won. A. L. A. 3 5 Eggleston, Edward. First book in American history. Amer. bk. co - 51 Exceptionally good introductory book. Dwells on important periods as represented in lives of great men. Lamed. 6 7 Eggleston, Edward. Household history of the United States and its people. Lamb pub. co. ... l.lii Compact, clear, interesting and well verified. Critic. 3 5 Eggleston, Edward. Stories of American life and ad- venture. Amer. bk. co 48 Indian life, frontier peril and escape, colonial pirates, heroic deeds of the revolution and other stories full of action. N. Y. city. 2 4 Eggleston, Edward. Stories of great Americans for little Americans. (Eclectic readings). Amer. bk. co 34 One of the few indispensable books for a school library. Oregon. Ref. Elson, H. W. History of the United States of Amer- ica. Macmillan 1 . 75 The most notable attempt yet made to tell in moderate compass, the whole story of American history. Nation. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 151 Grade School Price 6 8 Famous adventures and prison escapes of the civil war. Century 1 . 20 True and exciting stories collected from the Century magazine. Wis. free lib. com. 6 8 Faris, J. T. Real stories from our history. Ginn 51 Romance and adventure in authentic records of the development of the United States. Title. 7 8 Fiske, John. How the United States became a na- tion. Ginn : 43 From the adoption of the constitution to the end of the civil war. N. Y. city. 8 Fiske, John. War of independence. (Riverside liter- ature series). Houghton 39 More a study of causes and effects than an ac- count of battles. Good supplement to textbooks. Pittsburgh. 4 8 Foote, A. E. and Skinner, A. W. Makers and de- fenders of America. (Eclectic readings). Amer. bk. co : _ ' .51 Begins with -a brief chapter on the causes of the revolution and ends with a sketch of Andrew Carnegie. A. L. A. 5 6 Gordy, W .F. American leaders and heroes. Scribner .53 An historical reader which makes prominent the personal traits of the leaders. Oregon. 5 6 Gordy, W .F. Stories of American explorers. Scrib- ner _ : 44 Stories and biographical sketches that present history vividly to the child. Wis. free lib. com. 2 4 Gordy, W. F. Stories of early American history. Scribner 45 Descriptions of the customs of the Indians, pic- tures of early colonial life, and interesting stories of the deeds of explorers, settlers, and soldiers. A. L. A. 5 6 Gordy, W. F. Stories of later American history. Scribner 58 Covers the period from the beginning of the rev- olution to the close of the civil war, and centers the stories about the lives of interesting men. A. L. A. 57 Guerber, H. A. Story of the great republic. (Eclec- tic readings). Amer. bk. co - 56 An historical reader which carries on the narra- tive begun in the Story of the thirteen colonies. Oregon. 152 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price 5 7 Guerber, H. A. Story of the thirteen colonies. Ec- lectic readings). Amer. bk. co 56 From the discovery by the Norsemen through the revolutionary war. N. Y. city. 78 Hanson, J. M. Conquest of the Missouri. McClurg 2.00 Principal events in the life of Captain Grant Marsh. He was an actor in events of great historic moment, covering almost the entire period of the conquest of the upper Missouri River Valley, the subjugation of the Sioux Indians and the open- ing to civilization of the vast territory which they had occupied. Ref. Hart, A. B. Source-book of American history. Mac- millan 51 Selections judiciously made, edited and annotat- ed; helpful introductory chapters for teachers. Dial. 6 8 Hart,- A. B. and Chapman, A. B. How our grand- fathers lived. (Source readers in American his- tory, v. 3). Macmillan 51 Home life and school life, interesting happen- ings, historic incidents, etc., chiefly of first half of 19th century told by contemporaries in verse and prose. N. Y. city. 5 7 Hart, A. B. and Hazard, B. E. Colonial children. (Souce readers in American history, v. 1). Macmil- lan 34 A free handling, modernizing, abstracting of contemporary narratives. Nation. 6 8 Hart, A. B. and Hill, Mabel, Camps and firesides of the revolution. (Source readers in American his- tory, v. 2). Macmillan 43 Descriptions of events and battles by people who took part in them. N. Y. city. 6 8 Hart, A. B. and Stevens, Elizabeth. Romance of the civil war. (Source readers in American history, v. 4). Macmillan 51 Extracts from letters and papers written during the civil war. I tica. 6 8 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Grandfather's chair. Re- vised ed. (Riverside literature series). Houghton .46 Such an introduction to New England history as perhaps can never be surpassed. Larned. 6 8 Herdman, M. L. Story of the United States. Stokes 2.20 Comprehensive, up-to-date account of the growth of the American republic up to the year 1914. Children's cat. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 153 Grade School Price 5 6 Holden, E. S. Our country's flag and the flags of foreign countries. (Home reading books). Apple- ton 72 Gives history of American flag, describes for- eign flags, explaining symbolism, weather signals, uses of flags at sea, salutes, signaling, etc. N. Y. state lib. 7 9 Holland, R. S. Historic events of colonial days. (His- torical series for young people). Jacobs 1.18 A collection of ten historic incidents grouped around famous persons of the Colonies. Interest- ing for older children. A. L. A. 5 7 Lane, Mrs. M. A. L. and Hill, Mabel, ed. American history in literature. Gimi 43 Selections from literature illustrating leading events in U. S. history. A. L. A. 7 8 Lodge, H. C. and Roosevelt, Theodore. Hero tales from American history. Century 1.20 About Washington, Boone, George Rogers Clark, Parkman, Stonewall Jackson, General Grant, Rob- ert Gould Shaw, Farragut, Lincoln and others. 2 4 Lucia, Rose. Stories of American discoveries for lit- tle Americans. (Eclectic readings). Amer. bk. co. .34 Simply told stories from Columbus to Henry Hudson. Wis. free lib. com. 5 6 McMaster, J. B. Primary history of the United States. Amer. bk. co .51 Author believes a primary history should be a narrative of events, not a series of biographical sketches. Illustrations are numerous and histor- ically authentic. Oregon. 5 6 McMurry, C. A. Pioneers of the Mississippi Valley. (Pioneer history stories, book 2). Macmillan 44 Joliet and Marquette La Salle Hennepin Boone Robertson Sevier Clark Lincoln. 5 6 McMurry, C. A. Pioneers on land and sea. (Pioneer history stories, book 1). Macmillan .44 Champlain Henry Hudson Raleigh Popham John Smith Columbus Magellan -- Cortes- Ponce de Leon Washington. 7 8 Parish, J. C. Man with the iron hand. (True tales of the Great Valley). Houghton .95 Told from the viewpoint of . the Indians, this story has as its central figure Henry de Tonty, the followers of La Salle. A. L. A. 154 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Grade School Price Parkman, Francis. Oregon trail. Little 80 Of great value as a true picture of the Indians of the plains. Pittsburgh. 6 8 Parkman, Francis. Rivals for America ; comp. from his works by L. S. Hasbrouck. Little 54 Selections from France and England in North America. 4 6 Price, L. L. Lads and lassies of other days. Silver .41 Stories of the colonial and the revolutionary periods. Oregon. 3 5 Pumphrey, M. B. Pilgrim stories. Rand 38 Graphic and well written account of the voyage of the Mayflower, the everyday life of the Pilgrims in Scrooby, Holland and Plymouth, and of their exciting experiences. A. L. A. 6 7 Roosevelt, Theodore. Stories of the great West. Century 58 Ten pictures of frontier and ranch life. 5 7 St. Nicholas. Civil war stories, retold from St. Nicholas. Century 58 Pictures civil war times through stories and or- iginal narratives. Oregon. 5 8 St. Nicholas. Colonial stories, retold from St. Nicholas. Century 58 Intended to interest young readers in the first settlers of our country, especially English and Dutch settlers, whose rude log huts and trading posts stood where now flourish our great cities. Pref. 5 7 St. Nicholas. Revolutionary stories, retold from St. Nicholas. Century 58 These stories, some true in fact, all true in feel- ing and character, combine to give a picture of the days of '76. Pref. 7 8 Scoville, Samuel. Brave deeds of Union soldiers. (Brave deeds series). Jacobs 1.18 Heroes and heroic deeds in the northern army during the civil war. A. L. A. 6 8 Sprague, W. C. Boy pathfinder. (Making of our nation series). Lothrop 1.08 The story of a boy who was a member of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Oregon. 7 8 Stevens, W". 0. Story of our navy. Harper 1.50 Historical account from time of revolution to possession of Vera Cruz by U. S. fleet, 1914. Wis. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 155 Grade School Price 5 6 Stone, G. L. and Fickett, M. G. Days and deeds a hundred years ago. Heath 35 True stories brightly told of events and inven- tions in the early 19th century. Wis. free lib. com. 3 4 Stone, G. L. and Fickett, M. G. Everyday life in the colonies. Heath 35 Graphic stories of early customs and celebrations. Wis. free lib. com. 5 6 Tappan, E. M. American hero stories, 1492-1865. Houghton 54 29 stories of voyagers, explorers, pioneers, sol- diers, and other heroes. N. Y. state lib. 6 7 Tappan, E. M. Letters from colonial children. (School edition). Houghton 68 These letters reflect admirably the child's point of view on conditions and life in colonial times, and are both good history and delightful litera- ture. A. L. A. 6 7 Tappan, E. M. Our country's story. Houghton 57 Elementary. Style has unusual life and appeals to child's interest. N. Y. state lib. 6 8 Tomlinson, E. T. Boys of the revolution. (Stories of colony and nation) 41 True stories of revolutionary times. Oregon. 6 8 Tomlinson, E. T. Young defenders. (Stories of colony and nation). Silver 41 Stories, the basis of each of which is historical- ly correct. Oregon. 4 6 Warren, M. L, E. Little pioneers. Rand 39 Adventures of the children of the Pilgrim colony their first year in Plymouth, Mass. Tells how they helped to settle the colony. A. L. A. 5 7 Wright, H. C. Children's stories in American his- tory. (School reading). Scribner 42 Stories from early American history ; the mound builders to the revolution. Wis. free lib. com. 5 6 Wright, H. C. Children's stories of American prog- ress. (School reading). Scribner .42 American history from the revolution through the civil war. Utica. MAGAZINES FOR CHILDREN. Aeronautics. Aeronautics Press, 1790 Broadway, N. Y. $3. For older boys. American Boy. Sprague Publishing Co. Detroit $1. 156 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Bird-lore. D. Appleton & Co., Harrisburgh, Pa. $1. Boys' life. 200 Fifth ave., N. Y. $1.; to Boy scouts 75c. Official organ of the Boy Scouts. Everyland. 156 Fifth Ave. N. Y. $1. Little Folks. S. E. Cassino Co. Salem, Mass. $1. Popular Mechanics. Popular mechanic Co., 6 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Illinois. $1.50. St. Nicholas. Century Co., 353 Fourth Ave,. N. Y. $3. Scientific American. Munn & Co., 361 Broadway, N. Y. $4. For older boys. Something to Do. Bennett Pub. Co., Boston, Mass. $1. Wohelo Magazine. Camp Fire Girls Magazine, 118 East 28th St., N. Y. $1. Youth's Companion. Perry Mason Co., 201 Columbus Ave., Bos- ton, Mass. $2. AUTHORITIES FOR NOTES A. L. A. A. L. A. catalog and A .L .A. book list. Am. L. E. Harron, J. S., Bacon, C., and Dana, J. C. Course of study for normal school pupils on literature for children. Arnold. Arnold, G. W. Mother's list of books for the children. Baker. Baker, E. A. Descriptive guide to the best fiction. Bk. Rev. Digest. Book review digest. Buffalo. Buffalo public library. Class-room libraries for public schools. Children's Cat. Children's catalog of 3,500 books, comp. by C. Bacon. Cincinnati. Cincinnati public library. Reading list for boys and girls in grades 1 to 8. 1908. Cleveland. Cleveland public library. Open shelf. Cleveland. Cleveland public library. Seventy-five books of ad- venture. Colby. Colby. Literature and life in school. Dayton. Dayton public library. Library manual. 1907, 1912. Eaton. Fay, L. E. and Eaton, A. T. Instruction in the use of books and libraries. Field. Field, W. T. Fingerposts of children's reading. Hardy. Hardy, G. E. Five hundred books for the young. Hewins. Hewins, C. M. Books for boys and girls. 1904, 1915. Hunt. Hunt, C. W. What shall we read to the children Jordan. Jordan, A. M. One thousand good books for children. Larned. Larned, ed. Literature of American history. Lyman. Lyman, E. List of books for school libraries of Iowa. 1911. Minn. Minnesota school library list. 1915. N. Y. city. New York (city). Dept. of education. Catalogue of books for public school libraries. 1907. STATE" OF NORTH DAKOTA 157 N. Y. state lib. New York state library. Best books. Olcott. Olcott, F. J. Children's reading. Olcott. Olcott, F. J. Selected class-room libraries. 1911. Oregon. Oregon Library Commission. List of books for school libraries. 1915. Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh. Carnegie library. Power. Power, E. L. Selected list of children's books for school libraries of Michigan. Pratt. Pratt Institute free library and East Orange, N. J. free public library. What shall we read now? 1913. Prentice and Power. Prentice, M. H. and Power, E. L. A chil- dren's library. 1914. Pub. Note from Publishers' catalogs and announcements. Pub. Wkly. Publishers' weekly. Sargent. Sargent, ed. Reading for the young. Stanley. Stanley, H. H. Five hundred and fifty children's books. 1910. Utica. Utica public library. Books for home reading. 1906, 1913. Wis. List of books for township libraries in the state of "Wis- consin. 1906, 1916. Wis. bul. Wisconsin library bulletin. Wis. free' lib. com. Wisconsin free library commission. Chil- dren's books for first purchase. Wis. free lib. com. Wisconsin free library commission. Sug- gestive list of books for a small library. 1902, 1910. Wyer. Wyer. Bibliography of education (annual). 158 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Author and Title Index A. B. C. of woodworking. Wheeler. Aanrud. Lisbeth Longfrock. Aaron in the wildwoods. Harris. Ab, the cave man. Waterloo. Abbie Ann. Martin. Abbot. Story of our navy for young Americans. Abbott. Christopher Carson. About animals. Carter, ed. About the weather. Harrington. Achilles and Hector. Gale. Adams, C. C. Elementary commercial geography. Adams, E. C. and Foster, W. D. Heroines of modern progress. Adams, H. M. When mother lets us model. Adams, J. D. When mother lets us carpenter. Adams, J. H. Harper's electricity book for boys. Adams, J .H. Harper's indoor book for boys. Adams, J. H. Harper's machinery book for boys. Adams, J. H. Harper's outdoor book for boys. Adopting of Eosa Marie. Rankin. Adrift on an ice-pan. Grenfell. Adventures of a brownie. Craik. Adventures of Billy Topsail. Duncan. Adventures of Grillo. Gandeze. Adventures of pirates and sea rovers. Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Clemens. Adventures of Ulysses. Lamb. Aesop. Fables. Aesop. Fables retold in words of one syllable by Godolphin. Against heavy odds. Boyesen. Agricultural arithmetic. Stratton and Remick. Agriculture and life. Cromwell. Agriculture for common schools. Fisher and Cotton. Agriculture for young folks. Wilson. Alcott. Bight cousins. Alcott. Jack and Jill. Alcott. Jo's boys. Alcott. Little men. Alcott. Little women. Alcott. Old fashioned girl. Alcott. Under the lilacs. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 159 Alden, R. M. Why the chimes rang. Alden, W. L. Cruise of the canoe club. Aldrich. Story of a bad boy. Alexander, Birdie, comp. Songs we like to sing. Alexander, Georgia and Blake. Graded poetry readers. Alice's adventures in Wonderland. Carroll. Alice's visit to the Hawaiian islands. Krout. All about airships. Simmonds. All around Asia. Redway. All the year around. 4 v. Strong. Allen, E. F. and Stevens. King Arthur stories. Allen, E. G. and Cotton. Manual training for common schools. Allen, N. B. Asia. Allen, N. B. Industrial studies: Europe. Allen, N. B. Industrial studies: United States. Alton, Edmund, pseud. See Bailey, E. A. Atlsheler. Horsemen of the plains. Amateur carpenter. Verrill. Ambrosi. When I was a girl in Italy. American beginnings in Europe. Gordy. American book of golden deeds. Baldwin. American boys' book of bugs, butterflies and beetles. Beard. American citizen. Dole. American country girl. Crow. American government. Haskin. American hero stories. Tappan. American history in literature. Lane and Hill, ed. American history story-book. Blaisdell and Ball. American Indian fairy tales. Compton. American Indians. Starr. American inventions and inventors. Mowry. American leaders and heroes. Gordy. American natural history. Hornaday. American pioneers. Mowry. Among the camps. Page. Among the farm-yard people. Pierson. Among the law-makers. Bailey. Among the meadow people. Pierson. Andersen. Fairy tales . Andersen. Stories. Andrews, Jane. Each and all. Andrews, Jane. Seven little sisters. Andrews, Jane. Stories Mother Nature told her children. Andrews, Jane. Stories of my four friends. Andrews, Jane. Ten boys. Andrews, Mrs. M. R, S. Perfect tribute. Animal secrets told. Brearley. Animals at home. Bartlett. 160 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Animals, their relation and use to man. Wood. Anne of Avonlea. Montgomery. Anne of Green Gables. Montgomery. Antin. Promised land. Arabian nights. Arbor day. Schauffler. Arkansaw bear. Paine. Arnold. Stories of ancient peoples. Around the world. Book 1 3. Tolman. Around the world. Book 4. Tolman. Around the world in eighty days. Verne. Around the world in the sloop Spray. Slocum. Art-literature readers. Grover and Chutter. Art music readers. Book 1. Ripley and Schneider. Art of the story-teller. Shedlock. Art studies for schools. Rydingsvard. As you like it. Shakespeare. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the far North. Asgard stories. Foster and Cummings. Ashmun. Isabel Carleton's year. Aspinwall. Echo-maid. Aspinwall. Short stories for short people. At home in the water. Corsan. At the back of the north wind. MacDonald. Atkinson, Eleanor. Grey friars Bobby. Atkinson, G. F. First studies of plant life. Aunt Martha's corner cupboard. Kirby & Kirby. Austin, Mrs. B. J. H. Domestic science. Austin, 0. P. Uncle Sam's secrets. Austin, .P. Uncle Sam's soldiers. Ayrton, Mrs. M. C. Child-life in Japan. Ba-long-long. Jenks. Baby Elton. Quirk. Baby Mishook, Slivitski. Bacon, C., Haaron and Dana. Course of study for normal school pupils on literature for children. Bacon, Mrs. M. S. H. Pictures every child should know. Bacon, Mrs. M. S. H. Songs that every child should know. Badlam. Views in Africa. Baikie. Peeps at the heavens. Bailey, C. S. Children's book of games and parties. Bailey, C. S. Firelight stories. Bailey, C. S. For the story-teller. Bailey, C. S. and Brown. Jungle primer. Bailey, C .S. and Lewis. For the children's hour. Bailey, E. A. Among the law-makers. Bailey, L. H. First lessons with plants. Bailey, L .H. Principles of agriculture. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 161 Bailey, R. R. Sure Pop and the Safety scout . Baker. Indoor games. Baldwin. Abraham Lincoln. Baldwin. American book of golden deeds. Baldwin. Another fairy reader. Baldwin. Conquest of the Old Northwest. Baldwin. Discovery of the old Northwest. Baldwin. Fairy reader. Baldwin. Fairy stories. Baldwin. Four great Americans. Baldwin. Golden fleece. Baldwin. Old Greek stories. Baldwin. Old stories of the East. Baldwin. Sampo. Baldwin. Story of Roland. ' Baldwin. Story of Siegfried. Baldwin. Story of the golden age. Baldwin. Thirty more famous stories retold. Baldwin. Wonder book of horses. Ball, F. K. and Blaisdell. American history story-book. Ball, F. K. and Blaisdell. Hero stories from American history. Ball, F. K. and Blaisdell. Heroic deeds of American sailors. Ball, F. K. and Blaisdell. Short stories from American history. Ball, R. S. Star-land. Ballads of American bravery. Scollard. Banbury cross stories. Howard. Bancroft. Games for the playground. Bancroft. School gymnastics, free hand. Bancroft. School gymnastics with light apparatus. Bannerman. Story of little black Sambo. Barbara, our little Bohemian cousin. Winlow. Barbarian and noble. Lansing. Barbara's Philippine journey. Burks. Barbour. Behind the line. Barbour. Captain of the crew. Barbour. Crimson sweater. Barbour. For the honor of the school. Barbour. Halfback. Barbour. Weatherby's inning. Barnaby Lee. Bennett. Barnes. Commodore Bainbridge. Barnes. For king and country. Barnes. Midshipman Farragut. Barnes. Yankee ships and Yankee sailors. Barnum, F. C. B. see Baylor, F. C. Barnum, M. D., ed. Harper's book of little plays. Barnum, M. D. and Johnston. Book of plays for little actors. Barrie. Peter and Wendy. 162 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Barstow, ed. Civil war. Barstow, ed. Colonists and the revolution. Barstow, ed. Explorers and settlers. Barstow, ed. Famous buildings. Barstow, ed. Famous pictures. Barstow, ed. New nation. Barstow, ed. Progress of a united people. Barstow, ed. Westward movement. Bartholomew. Literary and historical atlas of America. Bartholomew. Literary and historical atlas of Europe. Bartlett. Animals at home. Basketry book. Blanchard. Baskett. Story of the fishes. Bass. Stories of animal life. Bass. Stories of pioneer life. Bass. Stories of plant life. Bassett. Story of lumber. Bassett. Story of wool. Bates. In sunny Spain. Bayliss. Lolami, the little cliff-dweller. Baylor. Juan and Juanita. Beal. Seed dispersal. Bear Stories. Carter, ed. Beard, D. C. American boys' book of bugs, butterflies and beetles. Beard, D. C. Boat-building and boating. Beard, D. C. Field and forest handy book. Beard, D. C. Jack of all trades. Beard, D. C. Outdoor handy book. Beard, J. C. Curious homes and their tenants. Beard, Lina and Beard, A. B. Indoor and outdoor recreations for girls. Beard, Lina and Beard, A. B. Little folks' handy book. Beard, Lina and Beard, A. B. On the trail. Beard, Lina and Beard, A. B. Things worth doing and how to do them. Beautiful Joe. Saunders. Bee people. Morley. Beebe. Four American naval heroes. Beginners' star book. McKready. Beginning woodwork at home and in school. Van Deusen and Lawrence. Behind the line. Barbour. Bell, Mrs. F. E. E. 0. Fairy tale plays. Bell, J. M. and Brown. Tales of the red children. Bellamy and Goodwin. Open seasame. 3v. Ben Comee. Canavan. Ben Hur. Wallace. Bender. Great opera stories. Bengston and Griffith. Wheat industry. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 163 Bennett. Barnaby Lee. Bennett. Master Skylark. Benson and Betts. Agriculture. Benton, C. F. pseud, Little cook book for a little girl. Benton, C. F. pseud, Saturday mornings. Benton, E. J. and Bourne. Introductory American history. Best stories to tell to children. Bryant. Betts and Benson. Agriculture. Betty-Bide-at-Home. Dix. Betty in Canada. McDonald and Dalrymple. Betty Leicester. Jewett. Betty Leicester's Christmas. Jewett. Beyond the pasture bars. Sharp. Bible for young people. Bible stories to read and tell. Olcott. Big brother. Eggleston. Big people and little people of other lands. Shaw. Bigham. Stories of Mother Goose village. Billy Topsail and company. Duncan. Bimbi. La Ramee. Birch and the star. Thorne-Thomsen, ed. Bird-life. Chapman. Bird neighbors. Doubleday. Bird-woman of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Chandler. Birds and bees. Burroughs. Birds' Christmas carol. Wiggin. Birds' Christmas carol: dramatic version. Wiggin and Ingersoll. Bishop, A. L. and Keller. Commercial and industrial geography. Bishop, Farnham. Panama, past and present. Bishop, Farnham. Story of the submarine. Black arrow. Stevenson. Black beauty. Sewell. Blackmore. Lorna Doone. Blackstone. New pieces that will take prizes. Blaich. Three industrial nations. Blaike. How to get strong and how to stay so. Blaisdell, A. F. Stories from English history. Blaisdell, A. F. and Ball. American history story-book. Blaisdell, A. F. and Ball. Hero stories from American history. Blaisdell, A. F. and Ball. Heoric deeds of American sailors. Blaisdell, A. F. and Ball. Short stories from American history. Blaisdell, M. F. Polly and Dolly. Blaisdell, M. F. and McDonald. Boy Blue and his friends. Blaisdell, M. F. and McDonald. Child life readers. Blake, K. D. and Alexander. Graded poetry readers. 6v. Blanchan Neltje, pseud. See Doubleday, Mrs. N. B. D. Blanchard. Basketry book. Blossom hosts and insect guests. Gibson. Blue bird for children. Maeterlinck. 164 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Blue fairy book. Lang. Blumenthal. Folk tales from the Russian. Boat-building and boating. Beard. Bob, son of Battle. Ollivant. Body and its defenses. Jewett. Bolton. Lives of girls who became famous. Bolton. Lives of poor boys who became famous. Bond. On the battle front of engineering. Band. Pick, shovel and pluck. Bond. Scientific American boy at school. Bond. With the men who do things. Book of athletics. Withington. Book of electricity. Collins. Book of famous verse. Repplier, comp. Book of fables and folk stories. Scudder. Book of games. White. Book of joyous children. Riley. Book of King Arthur and his noble knights. Macleod. Book of legends told over again. Scudder. Book of magic. Collins. Book of nature myths. Holbrook. Book of nursery rhymes. Mother Goose. Welsh. Books of plays for little actors. Johnston and Barnum. Book of princes and princesses. Lang. Book of saints and friendly beasts. Brown. Book of stars. Collins. Book of stars for young people. Mitton . Book of the ocean. Ingersoll. Book of useful plants. Rogers. Book of verses for children. Lucas. Book of winter sports. Dier. Book of wireless. Collins. Booth. Wonderful escapes by Americans. Boris in Russia. McDonald and Dalrymple. Bostock, Training of wild animals. Bostwick and Chainplin. Young folks' cyclopedia of games and sports. Bosworth. Cambridge histtorical readers, v. 1. Bourne and Bent on. Introductory history. Bowman. South America. Boy Blue and his friends. McDonald and Blaisdell. Boy collector's handbook. Verrill. Boy craftsman. Hall. Boy editor. Kirkland. Boy electrician. Morgan. Boy emigrants. Brooks. Boy general. Custer. Boy in Eirinn. Colum. Boy kings and girl queens. Marshall. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 165 Boy mechanic. Boy mineral collectors. Kelley. Boy pathfinder. Sprague. Boy scout. Davis. Boy scout's hike book. Cave. Boy scouts of America. Official handbook. Boy settlers. Brooks. Boy-soldiers. Tomlinson. Boy with the U. S. fisheries. Rolt- Wheeler. Boy with the U. S. foresters. Rolt- Wheeler. Boy with the U. S. Indians. Rolt- Wheeler. Boy with the U. S. survey. Rolt- Wheeler. Boyesen. Against heavy odds. Boyesen. Boyhood in Norway. Boyesen. Norseland tales. Boyhood in Norway. Boyesen. Boyhood stories. Gather. Boys and girls. Foley. Boy's book of exploration. Jenks. Boys' book of famous rulers. Farmer. Boys' book of firemen. Crump. Boys' book of hunting and fishing. Miller. Boys' book of mechanical models. Stout. Boys' book of new inventions. Maule. Boy's camp book. Cave. Boy's Catlin. Catlin. Boy's Iliad. Perry. Boy 's life of Abraham Lincoln. Nicolay. Boy's life of Edison. Meadowcroft. Boys' life of General Sheridan. Goss. Boy's life of Ulysses S. Grant. Nicolay. Boy's Odyssey. Perry. Boys of St. Timothy's. Pier. Boys of '76. Coffin. Boys of the revolution. Tomlinson. Boys of the Rincon. Canfield. Boy's ride. Zollinger, pseud. Brace and Mayne. Farm shop work. Bradish. Stories of country life. Brady. Reuben James. Braided straws. Foulke. Brassey. Voyage in the Sunbeam. Brave deeds of American sailors. Duncan. Brave deeds of Confederate soldiers. Bruce. Brave deeds of revolutionary soldiers. Duncan. Brave deeds of Union soldiers. Scoville. Brearley. Animal secrets told . Brooke, il. Johnny Crow's garden. Brooks, Dorothy. Stories of the red children. 166 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Brooks, Edward. Story of the Aeneid. Brooks, Edward. Story of the Iliad. Brooks, Edward. Story of the Odyssey. Brooks, E. C. Francisco, our little Argentine cousin. Brooks, E. S. Century book for 3 r oung Americans. Brooks. E. S. Master of the Strong Hearts. Brooks, E .S. True story of Benjamin Franklin. Brooks, E. S. True story of Christopher Columbus. Brooks, Noah. Boy emigrants. Brooks, Noah. Boy settlers. Brooks, Noah. First across the continent. Brooks and brook basins. Frye. Brown, Alice. Secret of the clan. Brown, A. F. Book of saints and friendly beasts. Brown, A. F. In the days of giants. Brown, A. F. John of the woods. Brown, A. F. Kisington town. Brown, A. F. Lonesomest doll. Brown, A, F. and Bell, J. M. Tales of the red children. Brown, C. L. and Bailey. Jungle primer. Brown, E. V. When the world was young. Brown, H. D. Her sixteenth year. Brown, H. D. Little Miss Phoebe Gay. Brown, H. D. Two college girls. Brown, John. Rab and his friends. Brown, K. H. Philippa at Halcyon. Brown, K. L. Plant baby and its friends. Brown, M. S. ed. Epoch-making papers in United States history Browne, E. A. C4reece. Browne, E. A. Spain. Browne, Frances. Wonderful chair. Brownie primer. Cox. Bruce. Brave deeds of Confederate soldiers. Bryan. Poems of country life. Bryant. Best stories to tell to children. Bryant. Stories to tell to the littlest ones. Bryant. How to tell stories to children. Bryant. Stories to tell to children. Bryce. Child-lore dramatic reader. Bryce. Fables from afar. Buccaneers and pirates of our coasts. Stockton. Buckbee and Monroe. Our country and its people. Buckley. Children of the dawn. Building the nation. Coffin. Bulfinch. Mythology. Bull. Fridtjof Nansen. Bullen. Cruise of the Cachalot. Bullivant, ed. Home plays. Bunyan. Pilgrim's progress. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 167 Burgess, Gelett. Goops and how to be them. Burgess, T. W. Mother West Wind's animal friends. Burgess, T, W. Old Mother West Wind. Burkett and Hunt. Soils and crops. Burkett and Swartzel. Farm arithmetic. Burks. Barbara's Philippine journey. Burnett. Little Lord Fauntleroy. Burnett. Sara Crewe. Burns. Story of great inventions. Burrell, Mrs. C. B. see Benton, C. F. pseud. Burroughs, John. Birds and bees. Burroughs, John. Squirrels and other fur-bearers. Burroughs, W. D. Wonderland of stamps. Burt, ed. Poems that every child should know. Burton. Four American patriots. Burton. Lafayette. Bush. Prairie Kose. Butler. Our little Mexican cousin. Buz. Noel. Cab and caboose. Munroe. Cabot, E. L. Ethics for children. Cabot, Mrs. E. L. and others. Course in citizenship. Cadet days. King. Cady and Dewey. Picture stories from great artists. Caldwell and Ritchie. Primer of hygiene. Calfee. Rural arithmetic. Call of the wild. London. Cambridge historical readers, v. 1. Bosworth. Camp. Substitute. Camp fire girls. Book of the camp fire girls. Campbell. Story of little Jan. Campbell. Story of little Konrad. Campbell. Story of little Metzu. Campbell. Wah Sing. Camps and firesides of the revolution. Hart and Hill, ed. Canavan. Ben comee. Candeze. Adventures of Grillo. Canfield, D. F. What shall we do now? Canfield, Mrs. F. A. C. Kidnapped campers. Canfield, H. S. Boys of the Rincon ranch. Captain January. Richards. Captain of the crew. Barbour. Captain Phil. Thomas. Captain Sam. Eggleston. Captains courageous. Kipling. Captains of industry. Barton. Careers of danger and daring. Moffet. Carey, A. A. Scout law in practice. Carey, J. T. and Lee. Silesian folk tales. 168 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Carpenter, E. J. Carpenter, F. G. Carpenter, F. G. Carpenter, F. G. Carpenter, F. G. Carpenter, F. G. Carpenter, F. G. Carpent er,F. G. Carpenter, F. G. Carpenter, F. G. Carpenter, F. G. Carter, ed Carter, ed. Carter, ed. Carter, ed. Carter, ed. Hellenic tales. Africa. Asia. Australia. Europe. How the world is clothed. How the world is fed. How the world is housed. North America. South America. Foods and their uses. Carpentry for boys. Kilbon. Carroll. Alice's adventures in Wonderland. Carroll. Through the looking glass. Carruth. Letters to American boys. Carryl. Davy and the goblin. Carter, ed. About animals. Bear stories. Cat stories. Lion and tiger stories. Panther stories. Stories of brave dogs. Castle Blair. Shaw. Cat stories. Carter, ed. Gather. Boyhood stories. Catlin. Boy's Catlin. Cattle ranch to college. Doubleday. Cave. Boy scout's hike book. Cave. Boy's camp book. Cave-boy of the age of stone. Mclntyre. Cave, mound and lake dwellers. Holbrook. Celtic fairy tales. Jacobs, ed. Century book for young Americans. Brooks. Cervantes. Don Quixote. Chamberlain. Asia. Europe. How we are clothed. How we are fed. How we are sheltered. How we travel. North America. Oceania. South America. Young folks' cyclopedia of common things. Young folks' cyclopedia of literature and art. Champlin. Young folks' cyclopedia of persons and places. Champlin and Bostwick. Young folks' cyclopedia of games and sports. Chance. Little folks of many lands. Chamberlain. Chamberlain. Chamberlain. Chamberlain. Chamberlain. Chamberlain. Chamberlain. Chamberlain. Champlin. Champlin. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 169 Chancellor. History and government of the United States. Chandler. Bird-woman of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Chandler. In the reign of coyote. Chandra in India. McDonald. Chapin. Wonder tales from Wagner. Chapman, A. B. and Hart, ed. How our grandfathers lived. Chapman. Bird-life. Chapman. Travels of birds. Childhood of Ji-shib, the Ojibwa. Jenks. Child-life in Japan. Ayrton. Child-life in poetry. Whittier, ed. Child-life in prose. Whittier, ed. Child life readers. McDonald and Blaisdell. Child-lore dramatic reader. Bryce. Child stories from the masters. Menefee. Children of the Arctic. Peary. Children of the cliff. Wiley and Edick. Children of the cold. Schwatka. Children of the dawn. Buckley. Children's book. Scudder, ed. Children's book of Christmas. Dickinson and Skinner, ed. Children's book of games and parties. Bailey. Children's book of reading. Moses. Children's classics in dramatic form. Stevenson. Children's Plutarch. 2v. Gould. Children's reading. Olcott. Children's stories in American history. Wright. Children's stories in American literature. Wright. Children's stories of American progress. Wright. Children's stories of the great scientists. Wright. Children's treasure trove of pearls. Tileston. Children's treasury of English song. Palgrave, comp. Child's Christ tales. Proudfoot. Child's day. Hutchinson. Child's garden of verses. Stevenson. Chinese fables and folk stories. Davis and Chow-Leung. Chisholm, Edwin. Old Testament stories. Chisholm, Louey, comp. Golden staircase. Choice readings. Cumnock. Chow-Leung and Davis. Chinese fables and folk stories. Christmas. Schauffler. Christmas carol. Dickens. Chubb and Mott. Indoors and out. Church. Odyssey for boys and girls. Church. Story of the Iliad. Chutter and Grover. Art-literature readers. Cinderella. Lang, ed. City of the seven hills. Harding. City, state and nation. Nida. 170 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Civics in simple lessons. Plass. Civil government. Reinsch. Civil war. Barstow, ed. Civil war stories retold. St. Nicholas. Clarendon geography. Herbertson. Clark, B. M. General science. Clark, E. H. and Graham. Practical track and field athletics. Clarke. Story of Aeneas. Clarke. Story of Caesar. Clarke. Story of Troy. Classic fables. Turpin. Clay. Treasure finders. Clemens. Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Clemens. Prince and the pauper. Clothing and health. Kinne and Cooley. Coal and the coal mines. Greene. Coburn. Our little Swedish cousin. Cock-a-doodle hill. Haines. Cock, the mouse and the little red hen. Lefevre. Codd. On board a U. S. battle ship. Cody. Four American poets. Cody. Four famous American writers. Coe. First book of stories for the story-teller. Coe. Heroes of everyday life. Coe. Makers of the nation. Coe. Second book of stories for the story-teller. Coffin. Boys of '76. Coffin. Building of the nation. Coffin. Winning his way. Collins, A. F. Book of electricity. Collins, A, F. Book of magic. Collins, A. F. Book of stars. Collins, A. F. Book of wireless. Collins, A. F. Inventions for boys. Collins, F. A. Wireless man. Collodi. Pinocchio. Colonial children. Hart and Hazard, ed. Colonial stories retold. St. Nicholas. Colonists and the revolution. Barstow, ed. Colum. Boy in Eirinn. Comedy of errors. Shakespeare. Commercial and industrial geography. Keller and Bishop. Commercial raw materials. Toothaker. Common school book of vocal music. Smith. Community and the citizen. Dunn. Community arithmetic. Hunt. Community civics. Field and Nearing. Compton. American Indian fairy tales. Comstock, A. B. Handbook of nature study. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 171 Comstock, J. H. Insect life. Conley. Principles of cooking. Connor. Glengarry school days. Conquest of the Missouri. Hanson. Conquest of the Old Northwest. Baldwin . Control of body and mind. Jewett. Cook and McMurray. Songs of the tree-top and meadow. Cooke. Nature myths and stories. Cotton and Allen. Manual training for common schools. Cooley, A. M. and Kinne. Clothing and health. Cooley, A. M. and Kinne. Food and health. Cooley, A. M. and Kinne. Home and the family. Cooley, E. and Sage. Occupations for little fingers. Coolidge. What Katy did. Coolidge. What Katy did at school. Cooper. Deerslayer. Cooper. Last of the Mohicans. Cooper. Pathfinder. Corn plants. Sargent. Corsan. At home in the water. Cotes. Story of Sonny Sahib. Cotton and Fisher. Agriculture for common schools. Country of the dwarfs. Du Chaillu. Course in citizenship. Cabot and others. Courtship of Miles Standish. Longfellow. Coussens. Poems children love. Cowles. Our little Athenian cousin. Cox. Palmer Cox brownie primer. Craik, Mrs. D. M. M. Adventures of a brownie. Craik, Mrs. D. M. M. John Halifax, gentleman. Craik, Mrs. D. M. M. Little lame prince. Craik, G. M. So-fat and Mew-mew . Cravens. Story of Lincoln. Crawford. Folk dances and games. Crichton. Peep in the world. Cricket on the hearth. Dickens. Crimson sweater. Barbour. Crommelin. Famous legends. Cromwell. Agriculture and life. Crooked trails. Remington. Crothers. Miss Muffet's Christmas party. Crow. American country girl. Crow. Lafayette. Crowninshieid. Mother Goose songs. Cruise of the Cachalot. Bullen. Cruise of the canoe club. Alden. Crump. Boys' book of firemen. Cumming's and Foster. As gar d stories. Cumnock. Choice readings. 172 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Cumnock. School speaker. Curious homes and their tenants. Beard. Curtin. Fairy tales of eastern Europe. Curtis, A. T. Story of cotton. Curtis, E. S. Indian days of the long ago. Curtis, H. S. Play and recreation for the open country. Custer. Boy general. Cutting". Heart of Lynn. Cyr. Story of three great artists. Dab Kinzer. Stoddard. Dale. Stories from European history. Dalkeith. Little plays. Dalrymple and McDonald. Betty in Canada. Dalrymple and McDonald. Doris in Russia. Dalrymple and McDonald. Donald in Scotland. Dalrymple and McDonald. Fritz in Germany. Dalrymple and McDonald. Gerda in Sweden. Dalrymple and McDonald. Hassan in Egypt. Dalrymple and McDonald. Josefa in Spain. Dalrymple and McDonald. Kathleen in Ireland. Dalrymple and McDonald. Manuel in Mexico. Dalrymple and McDonald. Marta in Holland. Dalrymple and McDonald. Rafael in Italy. Dalrymple and McDonald. Ume San in Japan. Dame Curtesy's book of guessing contests. Glover. Dana, J. C., Harron and Bacon. Course of study for normal school pupils on literature for children. Dana, J. C. and Twombly, comp. Romance of labor. Dana, R. H. Two years before the mast. Dana, Mrs. W. S. see Parsons, Mrs. F. T. D. Dandelion cottage. Rankin. Darton. Tales of the Canterbury pilgrims. Davis, G. M. and Martin. Firebrands. Davis, J. B. Vocational and moral guidance. Davis, M. H. and Chow-Leung. Chinese fables and folk stories. Davis, R. H. Boy scout. Davis, W. M. Elementary physical geography. Davy and the goblin. Carryl. Days and deeds a hundred years ago. Stone and Fickett. Days and deeds : prose. Stevenson, comp. Days and deeds: verse. Stevenson, comp. Dean and George. Little journeys to Holland, Belgium and Den- mark. Debating for boys. Foster. Decatur and Somers. Seawell. Deeds of doing and daring. Johnston. Deerslayer. Cooper. Defoe. Robinson Crusoe. Deland. Katrina. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 173 Deland. Oakleigh. De La Ramee see La Ramee. Demetrios. When I was a boy in Greece. Derrick Sterling. Munroe. Dewey. Ethics. Dewey. Lessons 011 manners. Dewey. Lessons on morals. Dewey and Cady. Picture stories from great artists. Diaz. Polly Cologne. Dickens. Christmas carol. Dickens. Story of little Nell. Dickens. Tale of two cities. Dickinson and Skinner, ed. Children's book of Christmas stories. Dickson. From the old world to the new. Dickson. Hundred years of warfare. Dier, ed. Book of winter sports. Diggers in the earth. Tappan. Discoveries and explorers. Shaw. Discovery of the Old Northwest. Baldwin. Distant countries. Winslow. Dix. Betty-Bide-at-Home. Dix. Little captive lad. Dix. Merrylips. Dix. Soldier Rigdale. Djurklon. Fairy tales from the Swedish. Docas, the Indian boy of Santa Clara. Snedden. Dodd. Healthful farmhouse. Dodge, Mrs. M. M, Donald and Dorothy. Dodge, Mrs. M. M. Hans Brinker. Dodge, Mrs. M. M. Land of pluck. Dodge, R. E. Advanced geography. Dodge, R. E . Elementary geography. Dodge, R, E. Reader in physical geography. Dodgson, C. L. see Carroll, pseud. Dog of Flanders. La Romee. Dole. American citizen. Dole. Young citizen. Domestic science. Austin. Don Quixote. Cervantes. Donald and Dorothy. Dodge. Donald in Scotland. McDonald and Dalrymple. Donkey John of the Toy Valley. Morley. Dopp. Early cave-men. Dopp. Early sea people. Dopp. Later cave-men. Dopp. Tree dwellers. Dorymates. Munroe. Doubleday, Mrs. N. B. D. Bird neighbors. Doubleday, Mrs. N. B. D. Nature's garden. 174 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Doubleday, Russell. Cattle ranch to college. Dragoumis. Under Greek skies. Dramatic readings. Lansing. Drawing made easy. Lederer. Dresslar. School hygiene. Drummond. Monkey that would not kill. Dryer. High school geography. Drysdale. Helps for ambitious boys. Du Chaillu. Country of the dwarfs. Du Chaillu. Land of the long night. Du Chaillu. Wild life under the equator. Duncan, Frances. When mother lets us garden. Duncan, Norman. Adventures of Billy Topsail. Duncan, Norman. Billy Topsail and Co. Duncan, R. B. Brave deeds of American sailors. Duncan, R. B. Brave deeds of revolutionary soldiers. Dunn. Community and the citizen. Du Puy. Uncle Sam, wonder worker. Du Puy. Uncle Sam 's modern miracles. Dutch twins. Perkins. Dutton. In field and pasture. Dutton. Little stories of France. Dutton. Little stories of Germany. Dutton and Mott. Fishing and hunting. Dyer. Gulliver the great. Each and all. Andrews. Earl. On the school team. Early cave-men. Dopp. Early sea people. Dopp. Earth and its people. Winslow. Earth and sky every child should know. Rogers. East o' the sun and west o' the moon. Thorne-Thomsen, comp. Eastman. From deep woods to civilization. Eastman. Indian child life. Eastman. Indian scout talks. Eastman. Wigwam evenings. Echo-maid. Aspinwall. Eddy, comp. Friends and helpers. Edgar. Treasury of verse for little children. Edick and Wjiley. Children of the cliff. Edick and Wiley. Lodrix, the little lake dweller. Educative seat work. Worst and Keith. Eggleston, Edward. First book in American history . Eggleston, Edward. Hoosier school-boy. Eggleston, Edward. Household history of the United States. Eggleston, Edward. Stories of American life and adventure. Eggleston ,Edward. Stories of great Americans for little Americans. Eggleston, G. C. Big brother. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 175 Eggleston, G. C. Captain Sam. Eggleston, G. C. Southern soldier stories. Eight cousins. Alcott. Electric toy making. Sloane. Electricity for young people. Jenks. Elementary physical geography. Davis. Elementary wood-working, Foster. Elliott, Emilia, pseud, see Jacobs, Mrs. C. E. Ellis. Wide awake girls. Ellis. Wide awake girls in Winsted. Elsbeth. Muller. Elson. History of the United States of America. Elton. Story of Sir Francis Drake. Emergencies. Gulick. Emery, iriow to enjoy pictures. England's story. Tappan. English fairy tales. Jacobs, ed. English literature for boys and girls. Marshall. Epoch-making papers in United States history. Brown, ed. Eskimo land. Hawkes. Eskimo stories. Smith. Eskimo twins. , Perkins. Essentials of wood-working. Grififth. Ethics for children. Cabot. Eugene Field reader. Harris. Evangeline, Longfellow. Evans. Farm life readers, bks. 4 and 5. Every boy's book of handicraft. Fraser. Everyday arithmetic. Hoyt and Peet. Everyday life in the colonies. Stone and Fickett. Ewald. Two legs. Ewing. Jackanapes. Ewing. Story of a short life. Examining and grading grains. Lyon and Montgomery. Explorers and settlers. Barstow, ed. Fables. Aesop. Fables from afar. Bryce. , Fairbanks. Home geography for primary grades. Fairbanks. Stories of rocks and minerals. Fairbanks. Western United States. Fairy gold. Rhys. Fairy plays for children. Goodlander. Fairy reader. Baldwin. Fairy ring. Wiggin and Smith, ed. Fairy- tale bears. Johnson, ed. Fairy tale plays. Bell. Fairy tales every child should know. Mabie, ed. Fairy tales from the far North. Asbjornsen. Fairy tales from the Swedish. Djurklon. 176 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Fairy tales of eastern Europe. Curtin. Fall of the year. Sharp. Famous adventures and prison escapes of the Civil war. Famous buildings. Barstow, ed. Famous cavalry leaders. Johnston. Famous Indian chiefs I have known. Howard. Famous legends. Crommelin, ed. Famous men of Greece. Haaren and Poland. Famous men of modern times. Haaren and Poland. Famous men of Rome. Haaren and Poland. Famous men of the middle ages. Haaren and Poland. Famous pictures. Barstow, ed. Famous scouts. Johnston. Fanciful tales. Stockton. Faris. Real stories from our history. Faris. Winning their way. Farm arithmetic. Burkett and Swartzel. Farm boys and girls. McKeever. Farm-business arithmetic. Lewis. Farm friends and foes. Weed. Farm life readers. Evans and others. Farm shop work. Brace and Mayne. Farmer and Huntington. Food Problems. Farmer, F. V. Nature myths of many lands. Farmer, Mrs. L. H. Boys' book of famous rulers. Farmer, Mrs. L. H. Girls' book of famous queens. Farmer and his friends. Tappan. Favorite Greek myths. Hyde. Favorite songs and hymns. McCaskey. Felicia. Gould. Fickett and Stone. Days and deeds a hundreds years ago. Fickett and Stone. Everyday life in the colonies. Field, Eugene. Eugene Field book. Field, Eugene. Lullaby-land. Field, Jessie and Nearing. Community civics. Field, W. T. Fingerposts to children's reading. Field and forest handy book. Beard. Field book of American wild flowers. Mathews. Field book of the stars. Olcott. Field crops. Wilson and Warburton. Field, forest and garden botany. Gray. Fifty famous stories. Baldwin. Fighting a fire. Hill. Fingerposts to children's reading. Field. Finnemore. England. Finnemore. France. Finnemore. India. Finnemore. Japan. Finnemore. Story of Robin Hood. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 177 Finnemore. Switzerland. Finnemore. Wolf patrol. Firebrands. Martin and Davis. Firelight stories. Bailey. First across the continent. Brooks. First book in American history. Eggleston. First book in geology. Shaler. First book of birds. Miller. First book of stories for the story-teller. Coe. First lessons with plants. Bailey. First studies in plant life. Atkinson. Fisher, K. R. and Williams. Elements of the theory and practice of cookery. Fisher, M. L. and Cotton. Agriculture for common schools. Fishing and hunting. Mott and Button. Fiske. How the United States became a nation. Fiske. War of independence. Fitzpatrick. Jock of the Bushveld. Five little Peppers. Sidney, pseud. Five little Peppers grown up. Sidney, pseud. Five little Peppers midway. Sidney, pseud. Five little strangers. Schwartz. Flag day. Schauffler. Flamingo feather. Munroe. Flint. Small gardens for small gardeners. Flowers and their friends. Morley. Fly-aways and other sea travelers. Fultz. Foley. Boys and girls. Foley. Prairie breezes. Folk dances and games. Crawford. Folk-lore readers. Grover. Folk-lore stories and proverbs. Wiltse. Folk tales from the Russian. Blumenthal. Food and health. Kinne and Cooley. Foods and their uses. Carpenter. Foote and Skinner. Makers and defenders of America . For king or country. Barnes. For the children's hour. Bailey and Lewis. For the honor of the school. Barbour. For the story teller. Bailey. Forbes-Lindsay. Daniel Boone. Forman. Stories of useful inventions. Foster, E. W. Elementary wood-working. Foster, M. H. and Cummings. Asgard stories. Foster, W. D. and Adams. Heroines of modern progress. Foster, W. H. Debating for boys. Foulke. Braided straws. Four American explorers. Kingsley. Four American Indians. Whitney and Perry. 178 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Four American inventors. Perry. Four American naval heroes. Beebe. Four American patriots. Burton. Four American pioneers. Perry and Beebe. Four American poets. Cody. Four famous American writers. Cody. Four-footed Americans. Wright. Four great Americans. Baldwin. Four old Greeks. Hall. Four wonders. Shilling. Fournier d'Albe. Wonders of physical science. Fox. Indian primer. Francillon. Gods and heroes. Franklin. Autobiography. Fraser. Every boy's book of handicraft. Frederick the Great. Schrader. Free and Treadwell. Beading literature. French, Allen. Junior cup. French, Allen. Reform of Shaun. French, Allen. Story of Grettir the Strong. French, Allen. Story of Rolf and the viking's bow. French, H. W. Lance of Kanana. Friendly stars. Martin. Friends and helpers. Eddy, comp. Friends in feathers and fur. Johonnot. Friendship of nations. Gulliver. Froehlich and Snow. Textbooks of art education. 7v. From deep woods to civilization. Eastman. From pole to pole. Hedin. From the old world to the new. Dickson. Frost. Knights of the Round Table. Frothingham. Sea fighters from Drake to Farragut. Frozen North. Horton. Frye. Brooks and brook basins. Frye. Home geography and type studies. Fultz. Fly-aways. Gabriel and the hour book. Stein. Gaines. Lucita. Gale. Achilles and Hector. Games for everybody. Hofman. Games for the playground. Bancroft. Games, seat work and sense training exercises. Holton and Kim- ball. Garland. Long trail. Garrison. Parables for school and home. Gaynor. Songs of the child world. 2v. Genevieve. Portor. George. Little journey to Cuba. George. Little journey to Germany. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 179 George. Little journey to Mexico and Central America. George. Little journeys to Russia and Austria-Hungary. George and Dean. Little journeys to Holland. George and Ward. Songs in season. Gerda in Sweden. McDonald and Dalrymple. German household tales. Grimm. Giant sun and his family. Proctor. Gibson, C. C. In the Golden East. Gibson, C. R. How telegraphs and telephones work. Gibson, W. H. Blossom hosts and insect guests. Gibson, W. H. Secrets out of doors. Gilbert, Ariadne. More than conquerors. Gilbert, C. B. and Harris. Poems by grades. Gilbert, G. K. and Brigham. Introduction to physical geography. Gillie, R. C. Kinsfolk and friends of Jesus. Gillie, R. C. Story of stories. Gilman and Williams. Seat work and industrial occupations. Gilson, J. C. Wealth of the world's places and Oceania. Girls' book of famous queens. Farmer. Gladwin, W. Z. see Zollinger, pseud. Glengarry school days. Connor, pseud. Glover. Dame Curtsey's book of guessing contests. Gods and heroes. Francillon. Gods and heroes. Zimmern. God's troubadour. Jewett. Gold-seeking on the Dalton trail. Thompson. Golden fleece. Baldwin. Golden goose. Tappan. Golden numbers. Wiggin and Smith, comp. Golden staircase. Chisholm, comp. Golding, A. A. Introduction to general geography. Golding, Vautier. Story of David Livingstone. Golding, Vautier. Story of Henry M. Stanley. Good health. Jewett. Good stories for great holidays. Olcott. Goodlander. Fairy plays for children. Goodrich. First book of farming. Goodwin, E .E. Course in sewing, 3v. Goodwin, M. W. and Bellamy. Open sesame. Goops and how to be them. Burgess. Gordon, C. W. see Connor, pseud. Gordy. American beginnings in Europe. Gordy. American leaders and heroes. Gordy. Stories of American explorers. Gordy. Stories of early American history. Gordy. Stories of later American history. Goss. Boys' life of General Sheridan. Goss. Jack Alden. Goss. Jed. 180 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Gould, A. W. Mother Nature's children. Gould, E. L. Felicia. Gould, E. L. Little men play. Gould, E. L. Little women play. Gould, F. J. Children's Plutarch. Graded memory selections. Waterman and others. Graded poetry readers. Blake and Alexander. Graham, John and Clark. Practical track and field athletics Grandfather's chair. Hawthorne. Gray. Field, forest and garden botany. Great American industries. 4v. Rocheleau. Great opera stories. Bender. Greek sculpture. Hurll. Greely. True tales of arctic heroism in the new world. Green. Laird of Glentyre. Green fairy book. Lang, ed. Green mountain boys. Thompson. Greene, F. N. Legends of King Arthur. Greene, Homer. Coal and the coal mines. Greene, Homer. Pickett's gap. Greenwood. Merrie England. Greenwood. Stories from famous ballads. Grenfell. Adrift on an ice-pan. Grey. Young pitcher. Greyfraiars Bobby. Atkinson. Griffis. Young people's history of Holland. Griffith, D. and Bengston. Wheat industry. Griffith, I. S. Essentials of woodworking. Grinnell. Jack among the Indians. Grinnell. Jack in the Rockies. Grinnell. Jack, the young canoeman. Grinnell, Jack, the young ranchman. Grinnell. Jack ,the young trapper. "Grinnell. Story of the Indian. Grover. Folk lore readers. Grover. Overall boys. Grover. Overall boys in Switzerland. Grover. Sunbonnet babies in Holland. Grover. Sunbonnet babies primer. Grover and Chutter. Art-literature readers. Grubb. When mother lets us make gifts. Group of famous women. Horton. Guerber. Legends of the middle ages. Guerber. Legends of the Rhine. Guerber. Myths of Greece and Rome. Guerber. Myths of northern lands. Guerber. Story of modern France. Guerber. Story of the chosen people. Guerber. Story of the English. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 18] Guerber. Story of Great Republic. Guerber. Story of Greeks. Guerber. Story of Romans. Guerber. Story of Thirteen Colonies. Guitteau. Preparing for citizenship. Gulick. Emergencies. Gulliver. Friendship of nations. Gulliver the great. Dyer. Gulliver's travels. Swift. Gunnison, ed. New dialogues and plays. Haaren. Rhymes and fables. Haaren. Songs and stories. Haaren and Poland. Famous men of Greece. Haaren and Poland. Famous men of modern times. Haaren and Poland. Famous men of Rome. Haaren and Poland. Famous men of the middle ages. Haines. Cock-a-doodle hill. Haines. Luck of the Dudley Grahams. Hale ,E. E. Man without a country. Hale, L. P. Peterkin papers. Half hours with fishes, reptiles and birds. Holder. Halfback. Barbour. Hall, A. N. Boy craftsman. Hall, A. N. Handicraft for handy boys. Hall, A. N. Handy boy. Hall, A. N. Home-made toys for girls and boys. Hall, A. N. and Perkins. Handicraft for handy girls. Hall, Jennie. Four old Greeks. Hall, Jennie. Men of old Greece. Hall, Jennie. Viking tales. Hammel. Lessons in cooking. Hammond's comprehensive atlas of the world. Handbook of conundrums. Ordway. Handbook of nature study. Comstock. Handicraft for girls. McGlauflin. Handicraft for handy boys. Hall. Handicraft for handy girls. Hall and Perkins. Handy boy. Hall. Handy dictionary of poetical quotations. Powers. Handy dictionary of prose quotations. Powers. Hans Brinker. Dodge. Hans, the Eskimo. Scandlin. Hanson. Conquest of the Missouri. Harcourt, Charles, pseud, see Forbes-Lindsay Harding, C. H. and Harding, S. B. City of the seven hills. Harding, C. H. and Harding, S. B. Stories of Greek gods, heroes and men. Harding, S. B. Story of the middle ages. Harding of St. Timothy's. Pier. 182 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Hardy. Introduction to plant geography. Harper's aircraft book. Verrill. Harper's beginning electricity. Shafer. Harper's book of little plays. Barmim. Harper's electricity book for boys. Adams. Harper's everyday electricity. Shafer. Harper's gasoline engine. Verrill. Harper's handy-book for girls. Paret, ed. Harper's indoor book for boys. Adams. Harper's machinery book for boys. Adams. Harper's outdoor book for boys. Harper's wireless book. Verrill. Harrington. About the weather. Harris, A. L. Eugene Field reader. Harris, A. V. S. and Gilbert. Poems by grades ,2v. Harris, Garrard. Joe, the book farmer. Harris, J. C. Aaron in the wildwoods. Harris, J. C. Little Mr. Thimblefinger. Harris, J. C. Nights with Uncle Remus. Harris, J. C. Story of Aaron. Harris, J. C. Uncle Remus. Harron, Bacon and Dana. Course of study for normal school pupils on literature for children. Hart, A. B. Source-book of American history. Hart and Chapman, ed .How our grandfathers lived. Hart and Hazard, ed. Colonial children. Hart and Hill, ed. Camps and firesides of the revolution. Hart and Stevens. Romance of the civil war. Hasbrouck. La Salle. Haskin. American government. Hassan in Egypt. McDonald and Dalrymple. Haunters of the pine gloom. Roberts. Havell. Tales from Herodotus. Hawkes, Clarence. Shaggy coat. Hawkes, Clarence. Trail to the woods. Hawkes, E. W. Eskimo land. Hawks. Stars shown to the children. Hawthorne. Grandfather's chair. Hawthorne. Tanglewood tales. Hawthorne. Wonder book. Hazard. Three years with the poets. Hazard and Hart, ed. Colonial children. Headland. Our little Chinese cousin. Health studies. Hoag. Healthful farmhouse. Dodd. Heart of Lynn. Cutting. Heart of oak books. lst-2nd. Norton, ed . Heart of oak books. 3d-7th. Norton, ed. Hedin. From pole to pole. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 183 Heidi. Spyri. Hellenic tales. Carpenter. Helps for ambitious boys. Drysdale. Hemenway. How to make school gardens. Her sixteenth birthday. Brown. Herbertson, A. J. and Herbertson, F. D. Man and his work. Herbertson, F. D., comp. Africa. Herbertson, F. D., comp. Asia. Herbertson, F. D., comp. Australia and Oceania. Herbertson, F. D., comp. Clarendon geography, 2v. Herbertson, F. D., comp. Europe. Herbertson, F, D., comp. First physiography. Herbertson, F. D., comp. North and Central America. Herbertson, F. D., comp. Three southern continents. Herdman. Story of the United States. Hero stories from American history. Blaisdell and Ball. Hero tales from American history. Lodge and Roosevelt. Hero tales of the far north. Riis. Herodotus. Tales. Heroes. Kingsley. Heroes every child should know. Mabie, ed. Heroes of Asgard. Keary and Keary. Heroes of chivalry. Maitland. Heroes of everyday life. Coe. Heroes of the farthest South. Maclean. Heroic deeds of American sailors. Blaisdell and Ball. Heroines every child should know. Mabie and Stephens. Heroines of modern progress. Adams and Foster. Hiawatha industrial reader. Proudfoot. Hiawatha primer. Holbrook. High school geography. Dryer. Hill, C. T. Fighting a fire. Hill, F. T. On the trail of Grant and Lee. Hill, F. T. On the trail of Washington. Hill, G. B. Young farmer. Hill, Mabel Lessons for junior citizens. Hill, Mabel and Hart, ed. Camps and firesides of the revolution. Hill, Mabel and Lane, ed. American history in literature. His Majesty's sloop Diamond Rock. Huntington. Historic events of colonial days. Holland. Historic inventions. Holland. Historic plays of colonial days. Tucker and Ryan. History and government of the United States. Chancellor. History of Dick Whittington. Lang, ed. History of the robins. Trimmer. History stories of other lands. Terry, ed. Hoag. Health studies. Hodge. Nature study and life. Hodges. When the king came. 184 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Hofman. Games for everybody. Holbrook. Book of nature myths. Holbrook. Cave, mound, and lake dwellers. iHolbrook. Hiawatha primer. Holbrook. Northland heroes. Holden. Our country's flag'. Holden. Real things in nature. Holder. Half hours with fishes, reptiles and birds. Holder. Stories of animal life. Holiday plays. Merington. Holland. Historic events of colonial days. Holland. Historic inventions. Holland. William Penn. Holland stories. Smith. Holton and Kimball. Games, seat work and sense training. Holton and Rollins. Industrial work for public schools. Holtz. Nature study. Home and school sewing. Patton. Home and the family. Kinne and Cooley. Home book of verse for young folks. Stevenson, comp. Home cand# making. Rorer. Home games and parties. Mott. Home geography. Frye. Home geography for primary grades. Fairbanks. Home-made toys for girls and boys. Hall. Home plays. Bullivant, ed. Hoosier school-boy. Eggleston. Hopi, the cliff dweller. Jewett. Hornaday. American natural history. Home and Scobey. Stories of great artists. Home and Scobey. Stories of great musicians. Horsemen of the plains. Altsheler. Horsford. Stories of our holidays. Horton. Frozen North. Horton. Group of famous women. Hotchkiss. Representative cities of the U. S. Hough. Young Alaskans. Houghton. Russian grandmother's wonder tales. House of the heart. Mackay. Household history of the United States. Eggleston. Household science and arts. Morris. Household stories. Grimm. Household stories for little readers. Klingensmith. Houston. Wonder book of light. Houston. Wond,er book of magnetism. Houston. Wonder book of the atmosphere. How it is made. Williams. How our grandfathers lived. Hart and Chapman, ed. How telegraphs and telephones work. Gibson. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 185 How the people rule. Hoxie. How the United States became a nation. Fiske. How the world is clothed. Carpenter. How the world is fed. Carpenter. How the world is housed. Carpenter. How the world lives. Morris. How to dress a doll. Morgan. How to enjoy pictures. Emery. How to get strong. Blaikie. How to make baskets. White. How to make school gardens. Hemenway. How to show pictures to children. Murll. How to tell stories to children. Bryant. How two boys made their own electrical apparatus. St. John. How we are clothed. Chamberlain. How we are fed. Chamberlain. How we are sheltered. Chamberlain. How we travel. Chamberlain. Howard, F. W. Banbury cross stories. Howard, 0. 0. Famous Indian chiefs I have known. Hoxie. How the people rule. Hoyt and Peet. Everyday arithmetic. Hughes. Tom Brown's school days. Human physiology. Ritchie. Hundred years of warfare. Dickson. Hunt, Brenelle. Community arithmetic. Hunt, C. W. What shall we read to the children? Hunt, T. F. Young farmer. Hunt, T. F. and Burkett. Soils and crops. Huntington, Ellsworth. Asia. Huntington, pseud. His majesty's sloop Diamond Rock. Kuril. Correggio. Hurll. Greek sculpture. Hurll. How to show pictures to children. Hurll. Jean Francois Millet. Hurll. Lanseer. Hurll. Michelangelo. Hurll. Murillo. Hurll. Raphael. Hurll. Rembrandt. Hurll. Sir Joshua Reynolds. Hurll. Titian. Hurll. Tuscan sculpture. Hurll. Van Dyck. Husted. Stories of Indian children. Hutchinson. Child's day. Hyde, L. S. Favorite Greek myths. Hyde, W. D. School speaker. Ice queen. Ingersoll. 186 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Imlach. Story of Columbus. In field and pasture. Button. In oldest England. Krapp. In sunny Spain with Pilarica and Rafael. Bates. In the days of Alfred the Great. Tappan. In the days of giants. Brown. In the days of Queen Elizabeth. Tappan. In the days of Queen Victoria. Tappan. In the days of William the Conqueror. Tappan. In the Golden East. Gibson. In the reign of coyote. Chandler. Indian child life. Eastman. Indian days of long ago. Curtis. Indian primer. Fox. Indian scout talk. Eastman. Indian stories. Newell. Indoors and out. Mott and Chubb. Indoor and outdoor recreations. Baerd. Indoor games. Baker. Industrial studies: Europe. Allen. Industrial studies : United States. Allen. Industrial work for public schools. Holton and Rollins. Industries of today. Lane, ed. Ingelow. Three fairy tales. Ingersoll, Ernest. Book of the ocean. Ingersoll, Ernest. Ice queen. Ingersoll, Ernest. Wild neighbors. Ingersoll, Helen and Wiggin. Birds' Christmas carol: dramatic version. Ingpen, comp. One thousand poems for children. Inman. Ranch on the Oxhide. Insect life. Comstock. International geography. Mill, ed. International geography: North America, Central America, the West Indies. Mill, ed. Introductory American history. Bourne and Benton. Inventing for boys. Collins. Irish twins. Perkins. Iron star. True. Irving'. Rip Van Winkle and Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Isabel Carleton's year. Ashmun. Island stories. St. Nicholas. Ivanhoe. Scott. Jack Alden. Goss. Jack among the Indians. Grinnell. Jack and Jill. Alcott. Jack in the Rockies. Grinnell. Jack of all trades. Beard. Jack the giant killer. Lang, ed. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 187 Jack, the young canoeman. Grinnell. Jack, the young ranchman. Grinnell. Jack, the young trapper. Grinnell. Jackanapes. Ewing. Jackson. Nelly's silver mine. Jackson. Ramona . Jacobs, Mrs. C. E. Texas Blue Bonnet. Jacobs, Joseph, ed. Celtic fairy tales. Jacobs, Joseph, ed. English fairy tales. Jacobs, Joseph, ed. More English fairy tales. Jacqueline of the carrier pigeons. Seaman. James. Little journey to some strange places. Japanese fairy tales retold. 2v. Williston. Japanese twins. Perkins. Jatakas. Jataka tales. Jed. Goss. Jenks, A. E. Ba-long-long. Jenks, A. E. Childhood of Ji-shib. Jenks, Tudor. Boy 's book of exploration. Jenks, Tudor. Electricity for young people. Jenks, Tudor. Photography for young people. Jewett, Mrs. F. G. Body and its defenses. Jewett, Mrs. F. G. Control of body and mind. Jewett, Mrs. F. G. Good health. Jewett, Mrs. F. G. Town and city. Jewett, Martha. Hopi, the cliff dweller. Jewett, Sophie. God's troubadour. Jewett, S. 0. Betty Leicester. Jewett, S. 0. Betty Leicester's Christmas. Jewett, S. 0. Play days. Jim Davis. Masefield. Jock of the Bushveld. Fitzpatrick. Joe, the book farmer. Harris. John and Betty's Scotch history visit. Williamson. John Halifax. Craik. John of the woods. Brown. Johnny Blossom. Zwilgmeyer. Johnny Crow's garden. Brooke, il. Johnson, Clifton, ed. Fairy-tale bears. Johnson, Clifton, ed. Songs everyone should know. Johnson, Constance. When mother lets us cook. Johnson, Constance. When mother lets us keep pets. Johnson, G. E. What to do at recess. Johnson, H. S. Williams of West Point. Johnson, Rossiter. Captain John Smith. Johnson, W. H. World's discoverers. Johnston, C. H. L. Famous cavalry leaders. Johnston, C. H. L. Famous scouts. Johnston, E. L. and Barnum. Book of plays for little actors. 188 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Johnston, W. A. Deeds of doing and daring. Johonnot. Friends in feathers and fur. Jordan. Story of Matka. Jo's boys. Alcott. Josefa in Spain. McDonald and Dalrymple. Joyful Star. Partridge. Juan and Juanita. Baylor. Judd, comp. Wigwam stories. Judson. Young American. Julius Caesar. Shakespeare. Jungle book. Kipling. Jungle primer. Brown and Bailey. Junior cup. French. Just so stories. Kipling. Kaler. Mr. Stubb's brother. Kaler. Toby Tyler. Kastman and Kohler. Swedish song games. Kathleen in Ireland. McDonald and Dalrymple. Katrina. Deland. Kaull. Physical education. Keary. Heroes of Asgard. Keeler. Our native trees. Keffer. Nature studies on the farm. Keith and Worst. Educative seat work. Keller, A. G. and Bishop. Commercial and industrial geography, Keller, H. A. Story of my life. Kelley, J. G. Boy mineral collectors. Kelley, L. E. Three hundred things a bright girl can do. Kellogg. Australia. Kelly, Mrs. M. A. B. Short stories of our shy neighbors. Kelly, M. D. Story of Sir Walter Raleigh. Kelly, R. T. Egypt. Kelman. Stories from Chaucer. Kelman. Stories from the life of Christ. Kenil worth. Scott. Kidnapped. Stevenson. Kidnapped campers. Canfield. Kilbon. Carpentry for boys. Kimball and Holton. Games, seat work and sense training. King. Cadet days. King Arthur and his knights. Radford. King Arthur stories. Stevens and Allen. King of the Golden River. Ruskin. Kingsley, Charles. Heroes. Kingsley, Charles. Water babies. Kingsley, N. F. Four American explorers. Kinne and Cooley. Clothing and health. Kinne and Cooley. Food and health. Kinne and Cooley. Home and the family. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 189 Kipling. Captains courageous. Kinsfolk and friends of Jesus. Gillie. Kipling. Jungle book. Kipling. Just so stories. Kipling. Second jungle book. Kirby. Aunt Martha's corner cupboard. Kirkland. Boy editor. Kisington town. Brown. Klingensmith. Household stories for little readers. Knights of the Round Table. Frost. Koch. Little journey to our western wonderland. Kohler and Kastman. Swedish song games. Krag and Johnny Bear. Seton. Krapp. In oldest England. Kristy's queer Christmas. Miller. Krout. Alice 's visit to the Hawaiian Islands. Kupfer. Lives and stories worth remembering. Kwahu, the Hopi Indian boy. Moran. Lads and lassies of other days. Price. Lady Hollyhock. Walker. Lady of the lake. Scott. Lagerof. Wonderful adventures of Nils. Laird of Glentyre. Green. Lamb. Adventures of Ulysses. Lamb. Tales from Shakespeare. La Motte-Foque. Undine. Lance of Kanana. French. Land of pluck. Dodge. Land of song. Shute. Land of the long night. Du Chaillu. Land we live in. Price. Lane, ed. Industries of today. Lane, ed. Northern Europe. Lane. Toward the rising sun. Lane, ed. Triumphs of science. Lane, ed. Under sunny skies. Lane and Hill, ed. American history in literature. Lang, Andrew, ed. Blue fairy book. Lang, Andrew, ed. Cinderella. Lang, Andrew, ed. Green fairy book. Lang, Andrew, ed. History of Dick Whittington. Lang, Andrew, ed. Jack the giant killer. Lang, Andrew, ed. Red fairy book. Lang, Andrew, ed. Red true story book. Lang, Andrew, ed. Story of Joan of Arc. Lang, Jeanie. Stories from the Faerie queen. Lang, Jeanie. Story of General Gordon. Lang, Mrs. L. B. Book of princes and princesses. Lange. On the trail. 190 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Lange. Silver island of the Chippewa. Lansing. Barbarian and noble. Lansing. Dramatic readings. Lansing, ed. Fairy tales. Lansing. Life in the greenwood. Lansing. Patriots and tyrants. Lansing. Quaint old stories to read and act. Lansing. Rhymes and stories. Lansing. Tales of old England. La Ramee. Bimbi. La Ramee. Dog of Flanders. Last of the Mohicans. Cooper. Later cave-men. Dopp. Lawler. Story of Columbus and Magellan. Lawrence, E. V. and Van Deusen. Beginning woodwork at home and in school. Lawrence, L. N. and Skinner. Little dramas for primary grades. Lawrence, M. S. Old time Hawaiians and their work. Lay of the last minstrel. Scott. Lays of ancient Rome. Macaulay. Lederer. Drawing made easy. Lee, James and Carey. Silesian folk tales. Lee, Y. P. When I was a boy in China. Lefevre. Cock, the mouse ,and the little red hen. Legend of Sleepy Hollow. Irving. Legends of King Arthur. Greene. Legends of the middle ages. Guerber. Legends of the Rhine. Guerber. Legends that every child should know. Mabie, ed. Le Row. Pieces for every occasion. Lessons for junior citizens. ' Hill. Lessons on manners. Dewey. Lessons on morals. Dewey. Letters from colonial children. Tappan. Letters to American boys. Carruth. Lewis, C. J. Farm-business arithmetic. Lewis, C. M. and Bailey. For the children's hour. Lewis, H. R. Poultry keeping. Life histories of American insects. Weed. Life in the greenwood. Lansing. Light bringers. Wade. Light princess. MacDonald. Lillie. Story of music and musicians. Lincoln literary collection. McCaskey. Lindsay. Mother stories. Lion and tiger stories. Carter, ed. Lippincott, Mrs. J. S. C. see Greenwood ,pseud. Lisbesth Longfrock. Aanrud. Literary and historical atlas of America. Bartholomew. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 191 Literary and historical atlas of Europe. Bartholomew. Literature for children. Lowe. Literature in the elementary school. MacClintock. Little captive lad. Dix. Little cook book for a little girl. Benton, pseud. Little dramas for primary grades. Skinner and Lawrence. Little folks' handy book. Beard. Little folks' lyrics . Sherman. Little folks' number book . Morey. Little folks of many lands. Chance. Little girl of long ago. White. Little grey house. Taggart. Little Jarvis. Seawell. Little journey to Cuba. George. Little journey to Germany. George. Little journey to Mexico and Central America. George. Little journey to Norway and Sweden. Randall. Little journey to our western wonderland. Koch. Little journey to some strange places. James. Little journey to South Africa. White and Smith. Little journeys to Holland, Belgium and Denmark. George and Dean. Little journeys to Russia and Austria-Hungary. George. Little lame prince. Craik. Little Lord Fauntleroy. Burnett. Little men. Alcott. Little men play. Gould. Little Miss Phoebe Gay. Brown. Little Mr. Thimblefinger. Harris. Little pioneers. Warren. Little plays. Dalkeith. Little plays from American history. Walker. Little Saint Elizabeth. Burnett. Little smoke. Stoddard. Little stories of France. Dutton. Little stories of Germany. Dutton. Little women. Alcott. Little women play. Gould. Lives and stories worth remembering. Kupfer. Lives of girls who became famous. Bolton. Lives of poor boys who became famous. Bolton. Lobo, Rag and Vixen. Seton. Lodge and Roosevelt. Hero tales from American history. Lodrix, the little lake dweller. Wiley and Edick. Lolami, the little cliff dweller. Bayliss. London. Call of the wild. Lonesomest doll. Brown. Long. Secrets of the woods. Long. Ways of woodfolk. 392 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Long 1 . Wilderness ways. Long trail. Garland. Longfellow. Complete poetical works. Longfellow. Courtship of Miles Standish. Longfellow. Evangeline. Longfellow. Song of Hiawatha. Lord and vassal. Terry. Lorenzini, Carlo, see Collodi, pseud. Lorna Doone. Blackmore. Lothrop, H. M. see Sidney, pseud. Love joy. Nature in verse. Lowe. Literature for children. Lowell. Vision of Sir Launfal. Lucas. Book of verses for children. Lucia. Peter and Polly in summer. Lucia. Peter and Polly in winter. Lucia. Stories of American discoveries. Lucita. Gaines. Luck of the Dudley Grahams. Haines. Lugard, F. L. S. see Shaw, F. L. Lullaby-land. Field. Lummis. Some strange corners of our country. Lummis. Tramp across the continent. Luther. Trading and exploring. Lutkenhaus. Plays for school children. Lutz. What to draw and how to draw it. Lyman, Edna see Scott, E. L. Lyon and Montgomery. Examining and grading grains. Mabie, ed. Fairy tales every child should know. Mabie, ed. Heroes every child should know. Mabie, ed. Legends that every child should know. Mabie, ed. Myths that every child should know. Mabie. Norse stories. Mabie and Stephens. Heroines every child should know. Macaulay. Lays of ancient Rome. McCaskey. Favorite songs and hymns. McCaskey. Lincoln " literary collection. MacClintock, P. L. Literature in the elementary school. MacClintock, Samuel. Philippines. McDonald, Mrs. E. A. B. Chandra in India. McDonald, Mrs. E. A. B. and Blaisdell. Boy blue and his friends. McDonald, Mrs. E. A. B. and Blaisdell. Child life readers. McDonald, Mrs. E. A. B. and Dalrymple. Betty in Canada. McDonald, Mrs. E, A. B. and Dalrymple. Boris in Russia. McDonald, Mrs. E. A. B. and Dalrymple. Donald in Scotland. McDonald, Mrs. E. A. B. and Dalrymple. Gerda in Sweden. McDonald, Mrs. E .A. B. and Dalrympler Hassan in Egypt. McDonald, Mrs. E. A. B. and Dalrymple. Josef a in Spain. McDonald, Mrs. E. A. B. and Dalrymple. Kathleen in Ireland. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 193 McDonald, Mrs. E. A. B. and Dalrymple. Manuel in Mexico. McDonald, Mrs. E. A. B. and Dalrymple. Marta in Holland. McDonald, Mrs. E. A. B. and Dalrymple. Rafael in Italy. McDonald, Mrs. E. A. B. and Dalrymple. Urne San in Japan. MacDonald, George. At the back of the north wind. MacDonald, George. Light princess. McFarlane. Redney McGraw. McGlauflin. Handicraft for girls. MacGregor. Stories of the Vikings. Mcllvaine. Outdoors, indoors and up the chimney. Mclntyre. Cave-boy of the age of stone. Mackay. House of the heart. Mackay. Patriotic plays and pageants. Mackay. Silver thread. McKeever. Farm boys an^ girls. McKilliam. Alfred the Great. McKready. Beginners' star book. Maclean. Heroes of the farthest North and farthest South. Macleod. Book of King Arthur and his noble knights. Macleod. Shakespeare story book. McMaster. Primary history of the United States . McMurray, C. A. Pioneers of the Mississippi valley. McMurray, C .A. Pioneers on land and sea. McMurray, C. A. Type studies. 2v. McMurray, Mrs. L. B. and Cook. Songs of the tree-top and meadow. McSpadden. Stories of Robin Hood. Madden and Turner. Rural arithmetic. Maeterlinck. Children's blue bird. Magic casements. Wiggin and Smith. Magic forest. White. Maitland. Heroes of chivalry. Makers and defenders. Foote and Skinner. Makers of many things. Tappan. Makers of the nation. Coe. Making of an American. Riis. Man and his work. Herbertson. Man with the iron hand. Parish. Man without a country. Hale. Mansfield. Our little Arabian cousin. Mansfield. Our little English cousin. Manual training for common schools. Allen and Cotton. Manuel in Mexico. McDonald and Dalrymple. Marden.. Stories from life. Marshall. Boy kings and girl queens. Marshall. English literature for boys and girls. Marshall. Stories of Beowulf. Marshall. Stories of Roland. Marshall. Stories of William Tell. 194 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Marshall. Stories of Napoleon. Marshall. Story of Oliver Cromwell. Marta in Holland. McDonald and Dalrymple. Martin, F. E. and Davis. Firebrands. Martin, Mrs. G. M. Abbie Ann. Martin, M. E. Friendly stars. Martin Hyde. Masefield Marwick and Smith. South American republics. Marzials. Stories for the story hour. Masefield. Jim Davis. Masefield. Martin Hyde. Mason. Tom Strong. Master of the Strong- Hearts. Brooks. Master Skylark. Bennett. Masterpieces of American literature. . Mathews, F. S. Field book of American wild flowers. Mathews, W. S. B. Songs of all lands. JVEathewson. Pitcher Pollock. Mathewson. Pitching in a pinch. Matthews. Poems of American patriotism . Maule. Boys' book of new inventions. Mayne and Brace. Farm shop work. Meadowcroft. Boy's life of Edison. Meadowcroft. Scholar's A B C of electricity. Meier. School and home gardens. Men of iron. Pyle. Men of old Greece. Hall. Menefee. Child stories from the masters. Merchant of Venice. Shakespeare. Merington. Holiday plays. Merrie England. Greenwood. Merry adventures of Robin Hood. Pyle. Merrylips. Dix. Mewanee, the little Indian boy. Wiley. Midshipman Farragut. Barnes. Midshipman Paulding. Seawell. Midsummer night's dream. Shakespeare. Mighty animals. Mix. Mill, ed. International geography. Mill, ed. International geography: North American, Central America, West Indies. Miller, Mrs. H. M. First book of birds. Miller, Mrs. H. M. Kristy's queer Christmas. Miller, Mrs. H. M. Second book of birds. Miller, W. H. Boy's book of hunting and fishing. Millers at Pencroft. Pierson. Miss Muffet's Christmas party. Crothers. Mr. Stubb's brother. Kaler. Mrs. Wiggs of the cabbage patch. Rice. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 195 Mitton. Book of stars. Mix. Mighty animals. 'Mockler-Ferryman. Norway. Modern world. Terry, ed. Moffet. Careers of danger and daring. Moni, the goat boy. Spyri. Monkey that would not kill. Drummond. Monroe and Buckbee. Our country and its people. Monster-hunters. Rolt-wheeler. Monteith. Some useful animals and what they do for us. Montgomery, E. G. and Lyon. Examining and grading grains. Montgomery, L. M. Anne of Avonlea. Montgomery, L. M. Anne of Green Gables. Moores. Life of Abraham Lincoln. Moores. Life of Christopher Columbus. Moran. Kwahu, the Hopi Indian boy. More English fairy tales, Jacobs, ed. More than conquerors. Gilbert. Morey. Little folks number book. Morgan, A. P. Boy electrician. Morgan, M. H. How to dress a doll. Morley. Bee people. Morley. Donke}^ John of the Toy Valley. Morley. Flowers and their friends. Morley. Seed-babies. Morris, Charles. How the world lives. Morris, Josephine. Household science and arts. Moses, Belle. Louisa May Alcott. Moses, Belle. Paul Revere. Moses, M. J. Children's books and reading. Mother Carey's chickens. Wiggin. Mother Goose. Nursery rhymes. Mother Goose. Nursery rhymes and nursery songs set to music Mother Goose songs. Crowninshield. Mother Nature's children. Gould. Mother stories. Lindsay. 'Mother West Wind's animal friends. Burgess. M'otion songs for public schools. Pray. Motley. Siege of Leyden. Mott, Mrs. Hamilton, ed. Home games and parties. Mott, S. M. and Chubb. Indoors and out. Mott, S. M. and Button. Fishing and hunting. Mowry. American inventions and inventors. Mowry. American pioneers. Muir. Stickeen. Muller. Elsbeth. Mulock, D. M. see Craik, Mrs. O. M. M. Munroe. Cab and caboose. Munroe. Derrick Sterling. 196 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Munroe. Dorymates. Munroe. Flamingo feather. Murtfeldt and Weed. Stories of insect-life. Mustafa, the Egyptian boy. Starr. Myths of Greece and Rome. Guerber. Myths of northern lands. Guerber. Myths of the red children. Wilson. Myths that every child should know. Mabie. Nancy Rutledge. Pyle. Nash. Polly's secret. Natural history of the farm. Needham. Nature in verse. Love joy. Nature myths. Cooke. Nature myths of many lands. Farmer. Nature studies on the farm. Keffer. Nature study. Holtz. Nature study. Overton. Nature study and life. Hodge. Nature's garden. Doubleday. Nearing and Field. Community civics. Needham. Natural history of the farm. Neidlinger. Small songs for small singers. Neighborhood entertainments. Stern. Nelly's silver mine. Jackson. New dialogues and plays. Gunnison, ed. New international dictionary. Webster. New international encyclopedia. New freedom. Woodrow Wilson. New liberty. Terry, ed. New nation. Barstow, ed. New pieces that will take prizes. Blackstone. Newell. Indian stories. Nibelungs. Schmidt. Nicolay. Boy's life of Abraham Lincoln. Nicolay. Boy's life of Ulysses S. Grant. Nida, S. H. Panama and its ' ' bridge of water. ' ' Nida, W .L. City, state and nation. Nights with Uncle Remus. Harris. Niver. Old world steps to American history. Noel. Buz. Norse stories. Mabie. Norseland tales. Boyesen. North Dakota Blue book. Northland heroes. Holbrook. Norton. Heart of oak books. lst-2d. Norton. Heart of oak books. 3d-7th. Nursery rhymes see Mother Goose. Oakleigh. Deland. Occupations for little fingers. Sage and Cooley. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 197 Odyssey for boys and girls. Church. Og-den. Rural hygiene. Olcott, F. J. Bible stories to real and tell. Olcott, F. J. Children's reading. Olcott, F. J. Good stories for great holidays. Olcott, F. J. Story-telling poems. Olcott, W. T. Field book of the stars. Old ballads in prose. Tappan. Old fashioned girl. Olcott. Old Greek folk stories. Peabody. Old Greek stories. Baldwin. Old Mother West "Wind. Burgess. Old nursery rhymes; illus. by Greenaway. Old, old story-book. Tappan. Old stories of the Bast. Baldwin. Old Testament stories. Chisholm. Old time Hawaiians. Lawrence. Old world hero stories. Tappan. Old world steps to American history. Niver. Old world wonder stories. O'Shea, ed. Ollivant. Bob, son of Battle. On board a United States battleship. Codd. On the battle front of engineering. Bond. On the school team. Earl. On the trail. Beard. On the trail. Lange. On the trail of Grant and Lee. Hill. On the trail of Washington. Hill. One thousand poems for children. Ingpen, comp. Open sesame. Bellamy and Goodwin. Orcutt girls. Vaile. Ordway. Handbook of conundrums. Oregon trail. Parkman. O'Shea, ed. Old world wonder stories. Otis, James, pseud, see Kaler. Otto of the silver hand. Our country and its people. Monroe and Buckbee. Our country's flag. Holden. Our country's story. Tappan. Our holidays. 'St. Nicholas. Our little Arabian cousin. Mansfield. Our little Argentine cousin. Brooks. Our little Athenian cousin. Cowles. Our little Bulgarian cousin. Winlow. Our little Chinese cousin. Headland. Our little Cuban cousin. Wade. Our little English cousin. Mansfield. Our little Hawaiian cousin. Wade. Our little Japanese cousin. Wade. 198 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIFvS Our little Jewish cousin. Wade. Our little Korean cousin. Pike. Our little Mexican cousin. Butler. Our little Norman cousin. Stein. Our little Norwegian cousin. Wade. Our little Philippine cousin. Wade. Our little Porto Rico cousin. Wade. Our little Swedish cousin. Coburn. Our little Turkish cousin. Wade. Our native trees. Keeler. Our own country. Smith. Outdoor handy book. Beard. Outdoors, indoors and up the chimney. Mcllvaine. Overall boys. Grover. Overall boys in Switzerland. Grover. Overton, Frank. Nature study. Overtoil, J. M. Life of Robert Louis Stevenson. Packard. Young ice-whalers. Page. Among the camps. Page. Page story book. Page. Two little Confederates. Paine. Arkansaw bear. Palgrave, comp. Children's treasury of English song. Palmer. Life of Alice Freeman Palmer. Panama and its "bridge of water." Nida. Panama, past and present. Bishop. Panther stories. Carter, ed. Parables for school and home. Garrison. Paret, ed. Harper's handy-book for girls. Parish. Man with the iron hand. Parkman. Oregon trail. Parkman. Rivals for America. Parsons. Plants and their children. Parton. Captains of industry. Partridge. Joyful Star. Pathfinder. Cooper. Patriotic plays and pageants. Patriots and tyrants. Lansing. Patterson. Spinner family. Patton. Home and school sewing. Peabody. Old Greek folk stories. Peary. Children of the Arctic. 'Peary. Snow baby. Peep in the world. Crichton. Peeps at the heavens. Baikie. Peet and Hoyt. Everyday arithmetic. Perfect tribute. Andrews. Perkins, D. and Hall. Handicraft for handy girls. Perkins, Mrs. L. F. Dutch twins. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 199 Perkins, Mrs. L. F. Eskimo twins. Perkins, Mrs. L. F. Irish twins. Perkins, Mrs. L. F. Japanese twins. Perrault. Tales of Mother Goose. Perry, F. M. Four American inventors. Perry, F. M. and Beebe. Four American pioneers. Perry, F. M. and Whitney. Four American Indians. Perry, W. C. Boy's Iliad. Perry, W. C. Boy's Odyssey. Perry' W. S. AVith Azir Girges in Egypt. Peter and Polly in summer. Lucia. Peter and Polly in winter. Lucia. Peter and Wendy. Barrie. Peterkin papers. Hale. Philippa at Halcyon. Brown. Photography for young people. Jenks. Physical education. Kaull. Physiography. Salisbury. Picciola. Saintine. Pick, shovel and pluck. Bond. Pickett's gap. Greene. Picture stories from great artists. Cady and Dewey. Picture study in elementary schools. Wilson. Pictures every child should know. Bacon. Pieces for every occasion. Le' Row. Pier. Boys of St. Timothy's. Pier. Harding of St. Timothy's. Pierson. Among the farm-yard people. Pierson. Among the meadow people. Pierson. Millers at Pencroft. Pierson. Three little Millers. Pike. Our little Korean cousin. Pilgrim stories. Pumphrey. Pilgrims of to-day. Wade. Pilgrim's progress. Bunyan. Pinchot. Training of a forester. Pinocchio. Collodi, pseud. Pioneers of the Mississippi valley. McMurry. Pioneers on land and sea. McMurry. Pitcher Pollock. Mathewson. Pitching in a pinch. Mathewson. Pitman. Stories of old France. Plant and animal children. Torrelle. Plant baby and its friends. Brown. Plants and their children. Parsons. Plants and their uses. Sargent. Plass. Civics in simple lessons. Play and recreation for the open country. Curtis. Play days. Jewett. 200 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Playground book. Sperling. Plays for school children. Lutkenhaus, ed. Plumb. Beginnings in animal husbandry. Plummer. Koy and Ray in Canada. Plummer. Roy and Ray in Mexico. Plummer. Stories from the Chronicle of the Cid. Plutarch. Children's Plutarch, 2v. Poems children love. Coussens. Poems of American patriotism. Matthews. Poems of country life. Bryan. Poems that every child should know. Burt, ed. Poland and Haaren. Famous men of Greece. Poland and Haaren. Famous men of Rome. Polly and Dolly. Blaisdell. Polly Cologne. Diaz. Polly Oliver's problem. Wiggin. Polly's secret. Nash. Porter. Scottish chiefs. Portor. Genevieve. Posy ring. Wiggin and Smith, comp. Potter. Tale of Benjamin Bunny. Potter. Tale of Peter Rabbit. Potter. Tale of Squirrel Nuuvm. Poulsson. Songs of a little child's day. Poulsson. Through the farmyard gate. Poulsson. Top-of-the-world series. Poultry keeping. Lewis. Powers, E. M. Stories of famous pictures. Powers, G. W. Handy dictionary of poetical quotations. Powers, G. W. Handy dictionary of prose quotations. Practical and artistic basketry. Tinsley. Practical track and field athletics. Graham and Clark. Prairie breezes. Foley. Prairie Rose. Bush. Pray. Motion songs for public schools. Preparing for citizenship. Guitteau. Pressey. Vocational reader. Price, L. L. Lads and lassies of other days. Price, 0. W. Land we live in. Primer of hygiene. Ritchie and Caldwell. Prince and the pauper. Clemens. Principles of public health. Tuttle. Pritchard and Turkington. Stories of thrift for young Americans. Proctor. Giant sun and his family. Proctor. Stories of starland. Progress of a united people. Barstow, ed. Promised land. Antin. Prose and poetry for young people. Proudfoot, A. H. Child's Christ tales. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 201 Proudfoot, M. A. Hiawatha industrial reader. Pumphrey. Pilgrim stories. Pyle, Howard. Men of iron. Pyle, Howard. Merry adventures of Robin Hood. Pyle, Howard. Otto of the silver hand. Pyle, Howard. Some merry adventures of Robin Hood. Pyle, Howard. Story of Jack Ballister's fortunes. Pyle, Howard. Story of King Arthur and his knights. Pyle, Katharine. Nancy Rutledge. Pyle, Katharine. Stories of humble friends. Pyle, Katharine. Wonder tales retold. Quaint old stories to read and act. Lansing. Quartet. Stoddard. Quentin Durward. Scott. Quest of the fish-dog skin. Schultz. Quirk. Baby Elton. Rab and his friends. Brown. Radford. King Arthur and his knights. Rafael in Italy. McDonald and Dalrymple. Ralston. When mother lets us sew. Ramona. Jackson. Ranch on the Oxhide. Inman. Randall. Little journey to Norway and Sweden. Rankin. Adopting of Rosa Marie. Rankin. Dandelion cottage. Raspe. Tales from the travels of Baron Munchausen. Ravenel. Road primer. Reader in physical geography. Dodge. Reading literature. Treadwell and Free. Real stories from our history. Paris. Real things in nature. Holden. Rebecca of Sunnybrook farm. Wiggin. Red fairy book. Lang, ed. Red feathers. Roberts. Red mustang. Stoddard. Red true story book. Lang, ed. Redney McGraw. McFarlane. Redway. All around Asia. Reform of Shaun. French. Reinsch. Civil government. Remick and Stratton. Agricultural arithmetic. Remington. Crooked trails. Repplier, comp. Book of famous verse. Representative cities of the United States. Hotchkiss. Reuben James. Brady. Revolutionary stories retold. St. Nicholas. Rhymes and fables. Haaren. Rhymes and stories. Lansing. Rhymes of childhood. Riley. 202 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Rhys, ed. Fairy gold. Rice. Mrs. Wiggs of the cabbage patch. Rich. When mother lets us make toys. Richards. Captain January . Richards. Elizabeth Fry. Richards. Florence Nightingale. Richards. Three Margarets. Riis. Hero tales of the far North. Riis. Making of an American. Riley. Book of joyous children. Riley. Rhymes of Childhood. Rip Van Winkle. Irving. Ripley and Schneider. Art music readers. Ritchie. Human physiology. Ritchie and Caldwell. Primer of hygiene. Rivals for America. Parkman. Riverside art series. Hurll, 12v. Riverside readers. Van Sickle and others, ed. Road primer for school children. Ravenel. Robert. Rules of order. Roberts, C. G. D. Haunters of the pine gloom. Roberts, G. E. T. Red feathers. Robinson and Hammel. Lessons in cooking. Robinson Crusoe. Defoe. Rocheleau. Great American industries. Rogers. Book of useful plants. Rogers. Earth and sky every child should know. Rogers, Trees that every child should know. Rogers. Wild animals every child should know. Rolf in the woods. Seton. Rollins, A. F. and Holton. Industrial work for public schools. Rollins, F. W. What can a young man do. Rolt- Wheeler. Boy with the U .S. fisheries. Rolt- Wheeler. Boy with the U. S. foresters. Rolt- Wheeler. Boy with the U. S. Indians. Rolt- Wheeler. Boy with the U. S. survey. Rolt-Wheeler. Monster-hunters. Rolt- Wheeler. Thomas Alva Edison. Romance of labor. Twombly and Dana, comp. Romance of the civil war. Hart and Stevens. Roosevelt. Stories of the great West. Roosevelt and Lodge. Hero tales from American history. Root. Nathan Hale. Rorer. Home candy making . Rose and the ring. Thackeray. Roth. First book of forestry. Roy and Ray in Canada. Plummer. Roy and Ray in Mexico. Plummer. Rules of order. Robert. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 20.'} Rural arithmetic. Calfee. Rural arithmetic. Madden and Turner. Rural arithmetic. Thomas. Rural hygiene. Ogden. Rural school management. Wilkinson. Ruskin. King of the Golden River. 'Russian grandmother's wonder tales. Houghton. Ryan and Tucker. Historical plays of colonial days. Rydingsvard. Art studies for schools. Sage and Cooley. Occupations for little fingers. St. John. How two boys made their own electrical apparatus. St. John. Things a boy should know about electricity. St. Nicholas. Book of plays and operettas. St. Nicholas. Civil war stories retold. St. Nicholas. Colonial stories retold. St. Nicholas. Island stories. St. Nicholas. Our holidays. St. Nicholas. Revolutionary stories retold. St. Nicholas. Sea stories retold. St. Nicholas. Southern stories. St. Nicholas. Stories of royal children. St. Nicholas. Stories of the ancient world. St. Nicholas. Stories of the Great Lakes. St. Nicholas. Stories of the middle ages. St. Nicholas. Western frontier stories. Saintine. Picciola. Salisbury. Physiography. Sampo. Baldwin. Samuel. Story of gold and silver. Samuel. Story of iron. Sanford. Story of agriculture in the U. S. Sara Crewe. Burnett. Sargent. Corn plants. Sargent. Plants and their uses. 'Saturday mornings. Benton. Saunders. Beautiful Joe. Scandlin. Hans, the Eskimo. Schauffler. Arbor day. Schauffler. Christmas. Schauffler. Flag day. Schauffler. Thanksgiving. Schauffler. Washington's birthday. Schmidt. Nibelungs. Schneider and Ripley. Art music readers. Scholar's A B C of electricity. Meadowcroft. School and home gardens. Meier. School gymnastics, free hand. Bancroft. School gymnastics with light apparatus. Bancroft. "School hygiene. Dresslar. 204 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES School speaker. Cumnock. School speaker. Hyde. Schrader. Frederick the Great and the Seven years' war. Schultz. Quest of the fish-dog skin. Schultz. Sinopah, the Indian boy. Schultz. With the Indians in the Rockies. Schwartz. Five little strangers. Schwartz. Wilderness babies. Schwatka. Children of the cold. Scientific American boy at school. Bond. Scobey and Home. Stories of great artists. Scobey and Home. Stories of great musicians. Scollard. Ballads of American bravery. Scott, E. L. Story-telling. Scott, W. Ivanhoe. Scott, W. Kenilworth. Scott, W. Lady of the lake. Scptt, W. Lay of the last minstrel. Scott, W. Quentin Durward. Scott, W. Talisman. Scottish chiefs. Porter. Scout law in practice. Carey. Scoville. Brave deeds of Union soldiers. Scudder. Book of fables and folk stories. Scudder. Book of legends told over again. Scudder, ed. Children's book. Scudder. George Washington. Scudder. Verse and prose. Sea fighters. Frothingham. Sea-side and way-side. 4v. Wright. Sea stories retold. St. Nicholas. Seabury. Porto Rico. Seaman. Jacqueline of the carrier pigeons. Seaman. When a cobbler ruled the king. Search for Andrew Field. Tomlinson. Seat work and industrial occupations. Gilman and Williams. Seawell. Decatur and Somers. Seawell. Little 'Jarvis. Seawell. Midshipman Paulding. Seawell. Paul Jones. Seawell. Twelve naval captains. Second, book of birds. Miller. Second book of stories for the story-teller. Coe. Second jungle book. Kipling. Secret of the clan. Brown. Secrets of the woods. Long. Secrets out of doors. Gibson. Seed-babies. Morley. Seed dispersal. Beal. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 205 Segur. Story of a donkey. Sellar. Story of Nelson. Seton. Krag and Johnny Bear. Seton, Lobo, Rag and Vixen. Seton. Rolf in the woods. Seven little sisters. Andrews. Sewell. Black beauty. Shafer. Harper's beginning electricity. Shafer. Harper's everyday electricity. Shaggy coat. Hawkes. Shakespeare. Complete works. Shakespeare. As you like it. Shakespeare. Comedy of errors. Shakespeare. Julius Caesar. Shakespeare. Merchant of Venice. Shakespeare. Midsummer night's dream. Shakespeare. Tempest. Shakespeare story book. Macleod. Shaler. First book in geology. Shaler. Story of our continents. Sharp. Beyond the pasture bars. Sharp. Fall of the year. Sharp. Watcher in the woods. Sharp eyes. Burroughs. Shaw, C. D. Stories of the ancient Greeks. Shaw, E. R. Big people and little people of other lands. Shaw, E. R. Discoverers and explorers. Shaw, P. L. Castle Blair. Shaw, Thomas. Weed Shedlock. Art of the story-teller. Shepherd of the ocean. Sherman. Little folk lyrics. Shilling. Four wonders. Shioya. When I was a boy in Japan. Ship of state. Shipwrecked in Greenland. Thompson. Shoesmith. Study of corn. Short stories for short people. Aspinwall. Short stories from American history. Blaisdell and Ball. Short stories of our shy neighbors. Kelly. Shute. Land of song. Sidney, psued. Five little Peppers. Sidney, pseud. Five little Peppers grown up. Sidney, pseud. Five little Peppers midway. Siege of Leyden. Motley. Silesian folk tales. Lee and Carey. Silver island. Lange. Silver thread. Mackay. Simmonds. All about airships. 206 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Sinopah, the Indian boy. Schultz. Skinner, A. M. Storyland in play. Skinner, A. M. and Dickinson. Children's book of Christmas stories. Skinner, A. M. and Lawrence. Little dramas. Skinner, A. M. and Foote. Makers and defenders. Slivitski. Baby Mishook. Sloane. Electric toy making. Slocum. Around the world in the sloop Spray. Small gardens for small gardeners. Flint. Small songs for small singers. Neidlinger. Smith, Adelaide and White. Little journey to South Africa. Smith, Eleanor. Common school book of vocal music. Smith, ed. North America. Smith, H. H. see Huntington. Smith, M. C. Our own country. Smith, M. E. E. Eskimo stories. Smith, M, E. E. Holland stories. Smith, N. A. Under the cactus flag. Smith, N. A. and Wiggin. Fairy ring. Smith, N. A. and Wiggin, comp. Golden numbers. Smith, N. A. and Wiggin. Magic casements. Smith, N. A. and Wiggin, comp. Posy ring. Smith, N. A. and Wliggin. Tales of laughter. Smith, W. A. and Marwick. South American republics. Snedden. Docas, the Indian boy. Snow and Froehlich. Textbooks of art education. Snow baby. Peary. Snow bound. Whittier. So-fat and Mew-mew. Craik. Soils and crops. Hunt and Burkett. Soldier Rigdale. Dix. Solomon Crow's Christmas pockets. Stuart. Some merry adventures of Robin Hood. Pyle. Some strange corners of our country. Lummis. Some successful Americans. Williams. Some useful animals. Monteith. Song of Hiawatha. Longfellow. Songs and stories. Haaren. Songs every one should know. Johnson, ed. Songs in season. George and Ward. Songs of a little child's day. Poulsson. Songs of all lands. Mathews. Songs of the child world. Gaynor. Songs of the tree-top and meadow. McMurry and Cook. 'Songs that every child should know. Bacon. Songs we like to sing. Alexander. Source-book of American history. Hart. Southern soldier stories. Eggleston. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 207 Southern stories. St. Nicholas. Sperling 1 . Playground book. Spinner family. Patterson. Sprague. Boy pathfinder. Spring of the year. Sharp. 'Spyri. Heidi. Spyri. Moni ,the goat boy. Squirrels and other fur-bearers. Burroughs. Stack. Wild flowers every child should know. Standard reference work. 6v. Star-land. Ball. Starr, Frederick. American Indians. Starr, Frederick. Strange peoples. Starr, L. B. Mustafa. Stars shown to the children. Hawks. 'Stebbins. Principles of agriculture. Steedman. When they were children. Stein. Gabriel and the hour book. Stein. Our little Norman cousin. Stephens and Mabie. Heroines every child should know. Stern. Neighborhood entertainments. Stevens, Elizabeth and Hart, ed. Romance of the civil war. Stevens, L. 0. and Allen. King Arthur stories. Stevens, W. 0. Story of our navy. Stevenson, Augusta. Children's classics in dramatic form. 5v. Stevenson, B. E., comp. Home book of verse for young folks. Stevenson, B. E. Tommy Remington's battle. Stevenson, B. E. and Stevenson, E. S. B., comp. Days and deeds: prose. Stevenson, B. E. and Stevenson, E. S. B., comp. Days and deeds: verse. Stevenson, R. L. Black arrow. Stevenson, R. L.- Child's garden of verses. Stevenson, R. L. Kidnapped. Stevenson, R. L. Stevenson song book. Stevenson, R. L. Treasure island. Stevenson song book. Stevenson. Stewart, comp. Tell me a true story Stickeen. Muir. Stockton. Buccaneers and pirates. Stockton. Fanciful tales. Stockton. Story of Viteau. Stoddard. Dab Kinzer. Stoddard. Little smoke. Stoddard. Quartet. Stoddard. Red mustang. Stoddard. Talking leaves. Stoddard. Two arrows. Stokes. Ten common trees. 208 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Stone and Fickett. Day and deeds a hundred years ago. Stone and Fickett. Everyday life in the colonies. Stories children love. Welsh. Stories for the story hour. Marzials. Stories from Chaucer. Kelman. Stories from English history. Blaisdell. Stories from English history. Warren. Stories from European history. Dale. Stories from famous ballads. Greenwood. Stories from life. Harden. Stories from old French romance. Wilmot-Buxton. Stories from Roman history. Dalkeith. Stories from the Chronicle of the Cid. Plummer. Stories from the Faerie queen. Lang. Stories from the life of Christ. Kelman. Stories Mother Nature told her children. Andrews. Stories of American discoveries. Lucia. Stories of American explorers. Gordy. Stories of American life and adventure. Eggleston. Stories of ancient peoples. Arnold. Stories of animal life. Bass. Stories of animal life. Holder. Stories of Beowulf. Marshall. Stories of brave dogs. Carter, ed. Stories of country life. Bradish. Stories of early American history. Gordy. Stories of famous pictures. Powers. Stories of great Americans for little Americans. Eggleston. Stories of great artists. Home and Scobey. Stories of Greek gods. Harding. Stories of humble friends. Pyle. Stories of Indian children. Husted. Stories of insect-life. Weed and Murtfeldt. Stories of later American history. Gordy. Stories of Mother Goose village. Bigham. Stories of my four friends. Andrews. Stories of Norse heroes. Wilmot-Buxton. Stories of old France. Pitman. . Stories of our holidays. Morsford. Stories of pioneer life. Bass. Stories of plant life. Bass. Stories of Robin Hood and his merry outlaws. McSpadden. Stories of rocks and minerals. Fairbanks. Stories of Roland. Marshall. Stories of royal children. St. Nicholas. Stories of starland. Proctor. Stories of the ancient world. St. Nicholas. Stories of the Great Lakes. St. Nicholas. Stories of the great West. Roosevelt. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 209 Stories of the middle ages. St. Nicholas. Stories of the red children. Brooks. Stories of the Vikings. Macgregor. Stories of Thrift. Pritchard and Turkington. Stories of useful inventions. Forman. Stories of William Tell. Miarshall. Stories to act. Wickes. Stories to tell to children. Bryant. Stories to tell to the littlest ones. Bryant. Story of a bad boy. Aldrich. Story of a donkey. Segur. Story of a short life. Ewing. Story of Aaron. Harris. Story of Ab. Waterloo. Story of Aeneas. Clarke. Story of agriculture in the U. S. Sanford. Story of Caesar. Clarke. Story of Columbus and Magellan. Lawler. Story of cotton. Curtis. Story of gold and silver. Samuel. Story of great inventions. Burns. Story of Grettir. French. Story of iron. Samuel. Story of Jack Ballister's fortunes. Pyle. Story of King Arthur and his knights. Pyle. Story of little black Sambo. Bannerman. Story of little Jan. Campbell. Story of little Konrad. Campbell. Story of little Metzu. Campbell. Story of little Nell. Dickens. Story of lumber. Bassett. Story of Marco Polo. Brooks. Story of Matka. Jordan. Story of modern France. Guerber. Story of music and musicians. Little. Story of our continents. Shaler. Story of our navy. Abbot. Story of our navy. Stevens. Story of Robin Hood and his merry men. Finnemore. Story of Roland. Baldwin. Story of Rolf and the viking's bow. French. Story of Siegfried. Baldwin. Story of Sonny Sahib. Cotes. Story of stories. Gillie. Story of the Aeneid. Brooks. Story of the chosen people. Guerber. Story of the English. Guerber. Story of the fishes. Baskett. Story of the golden age. Baldwin. 210 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Story of the great republic. Guerber. Story of the Greek people. Tappan. Story of the Greeks. Guerber. Story of the Iliad. Brooks. Story of the Iliad. Church. Story of the Indian. Grinnell. Story of the middle ages. Harding. Story of the Odyssey. Brooks. Story of the prairies. Willard. Story of the Roman people. Tappan. Story of the Romans. Guerber. Story of the submarine. Bishop. Story of the thirteen colonies. Guerber. Story of the United States. Herdman. Story of three great artists. Cyr. Story of Troy. Clarke. Story of Viteau. Stockton. Story of wool. Bassett. Story-telling. Scott. Story-telling poems. Olcott, comp. Storyland in play. Skinner. Stout. Boy's book of mechanical models. Strange peoples. Starr. Stratton and Remick. Agricultural arithmetic. Strong". All the year around. 4v. Stuart. Solomon Crow's Christmas pockets. Study of corn. Shoesmith. Substitute. Camp. Sue Orcutt. Vaile. Summer in a canyon Wiggin. Summers. Readers. Sunbonnet babies in Holland. Grover. Sunbonnet babies primer. Grover. Sure Pop and the Safety scout. Bailey. Sutcliffe. Robert Fulton. Swartzel and Burkett. Farm arithmetic. Swedish song games. Swift. Gulliver's travels. Swiss family Robinson. Wyss. Tad Sheldon. Wilson. Taggart. Little grey house. Tale of Benjamin Bunny. Potter. Tale of Peter Rabbit. Potter. Tale of Squirrel Nutkin. Potter. Tale of two cities. Dickens. Tales from far and near. Terry, ed. Tales from Herodotus. Havell. Tales from Shakespeare. Lamb. Tales from the travels of Baron Munchausen. Raspe. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 211 Tales of laughter. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of long ago. Terry, ed. Tales of Mother Goose. Perrault. Tales of old England in prose and verse. Lansing. Tales of the Canterbury pilgrims. Darton. Tales of the red children. Brown and Bell. Talisman. Scott. Talking leaves. Stoddard. Talks about authors. Ware. Tanglewood tales. Hawthorne. Tappan, American hero stories. Tappan, Diggers in the earth. Tappan, England's story. Tappan, Farmer and his friends. Tappan, Golden goose. Tappan, In the days of Alfred the Great. Tappan, In the days of Queen Elizabeth. Tappan. In the days of Queen Victoria. Tappen. In the days of William the Conqueror. Tappan. Letters from colonial children. Tappan. Makers of many things. Tappan. Old ballads in prose. Tappan. Old, old story-book. Tappan. Old world hero stories. Tappan. Our country's flag. Tappan. Story of the Greek people. Tappan. Story of the Roman people. Tappan. Travelers and traveling. Tappan. When knights were bold. Tell me a true story. Stewart, comp. Tempest. Shakespeare. Ten boys. Andrews. Ten common trees. Stokes. Terry, ed. History stories of other lands. 6v. Texas Blue Bonnet. Jacobs. Textbooks of art education. Froehlich and Snow. Thackeray. Rose and the ring. Thanksgiving. Schauffler. Thayer. When mother lets us draw. Things a boy should know about electricity. St. John. Things worth doing. Beard. Thirty more famous stories. Baldwin. Thomas, A. 0. Rural arithmetic. Thomas, M. M. Captain Phil. Thompson, A. R. Gold-seeking on the Dalton trail. Thompson, A. R. Shipwrecked in Greenland. Thompson, D. P. Green mountain boys. Thorne-Thomsen, ed. Birch and the star. Thorne-Thomsen, comp. East of the sun and west of the moon. 212 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Three colonial boys. Tomlinson. Three fairy tales. Ingelow. Three hundred things a bright girl can do. Kelley. Three industrial nations. Blaich. Three little Millers. Pierson. Three Margarets. Richards. Three southern continents. Herbertson. Three years behind the guns. Tisdale. Three years with the poets. Hazard. Three young continentals. Tomlinson. Through the farm-yard gate. Paulsson. Through the looking glass. Carroll. Tileston. Children's treasure trove of pearls. Timothy's quest. Wiggin. Tinkham brothers' tide mill. Trowbridge. Tinsley. Practical and artistic basketry. Tisdale. Three years behind the guns. Toby Tyler. Kaler. Tolman. Around the world. Book 1 3. Tolman and others. Around the world. Book 4. Tom Brown's school days. Hughes. Tom Strong. Mason. Tomlinson. Boy-soldiers of 1812. Tomlinson. Boys of the revolution. Tomlinson. British isles. Tomlinson. Search for Andrew Field. Tomlinson. Three colonial boys. Tomlinson. Three young continentals. Tomlinson. Two young patriots. Tomlinson. Washington's young aids. Tomlinson. Young defenders. Tommy Remington's battle. Stevenson. Toothaker. Commercial raw materials. Top-of-the-world stories. Poulsson. Torrelle. Plant and animal children. Toward the rising sun. Lane. Town and city. Jewett. Trading and exploring. Luther. Trail to the woods. Hawkes. Training of a forester. Pinchot. Training of wild animals. Bostock. Tramp across the continent. Lummis. Travelers and traveling. Tappan. Travels of birds. Chapman. Treadwell and Free. Reading literature. Treasure finders. Clay. Treasure island. Stevenson. Treasury of verse for little children. Edgar. Tree dwellers. Dopp. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 213 Trees that every child should know. Rogers. Trimmer. History of the robins. Triumphs of science. Lane, ed. Trowbridge. Tinkham brothers' tide mill. True. Iron star. True tales of Arctic heroism in the new world. Greely. Tucker and Ryan. Historical plays of colonial days. Turkington and Pritchard. Stories of thrift. Turner and Madden. Rural arithmetic. Turpin. Classic fables. Tuscan sculpture. Hurll. Tuttle. Principles of public health. Twain, Mark, pseud, see Clemens. Twelve naval captains. Seawell. Twenty thousand leagues under the sea. Verne. Two arrows. Stoddard. Two college girls. Brown. Two legs. Ewald. Two little Confederates. Page. Two years before the mast. Dana. Two young patriots. Tomlinson. Twombly and Dana, camp. Romance of labor. Type studies. McMurry. Ume' Sam in Japan. McDonald and Dalrymple. Uncle Henry's letters to the farm boy. Wallace. Uncle Remus: his songs and sayings. Harris. Uncle Sam, wonder worker. DuPuy. Uncle Sam's modern miracles. DuPuy. Uncle Sam's secrets. Austin. Uncle Sam's soldiers. Austin. Under Greek skies. Dragoumis. Under sunny skies. Lane, ed. Under the cactus flag. Smith. Under the lilacs. Alcott. Undine. LaMotte-Fouque. Up from slavery. Washington. Vaile. Orcutt girls. Vaile. Sue Orcutt. Van Deusen and Lawrence. Beginning woodwork. Van Sickle and others, ed. Riverside readers, v. 4-8. Verne. Around the world in eighty days. Verne. Twenty thousand leagues under the sea. Verrill. Amateur carpenter. Verrill. Boy collector's handbook. Verrill. Harper's aircraft book. Verrill. Harper's gasoline engine. Verrill. Harper's wireless book. Verse and prose for beginners in reading. Scudder. Very. Warp and woof. 214 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Views in Africa. Badlam. Viking tales. Hall. Vision of Sir Launfal. Lowell. Vocational and moral guidance. Davis. Vocational reader. Pressey. Vocations for girls. Weaver, ed. Wade. Light bringers. Wade. Our little Cuban cousin. Wade. Our little Hawaiian cousin. Wade. Our little Japanese cousin. Wade. Our little Jewish, cousin. Wade. Our little Norwegian cousin. Wade. Our little Philippine cousin. Wade. Our little Porto Rico cousin. Wade. Our little Turkish cousin. Wade. Pilgrims of today. Wade. Wonder workers. Wah Sing. Campbell. Walker, A. J. Little plays from American history. Walker, M. C. Lady Hollyhock. Wallace, Dillon. Wilderness castaways. Wallace, Henry. Uncle Henry's letters to the farm boy. Wallace, Lew. Ben Hur. Walter. Russia. War of independence. Fiske. Warburton and Wilson. Field crops. Ward. Songs in season. Ware. Talks about authors. Warp and woof. Very. Warren, Gr. F. Elements of agriculture. Warren, H. P. Stories from English history. Warren, M. L. R. Little pioneers. Washington. Up from slavery. Washington's birthday. Schauffler. Washington's young aids. Tomlinson. Watcher in the woods. Sharp. Water babies. Kingsley. Waterloo. Ab, the cave man. Waterloo. Story of Ab. Waterman and others. Graded memory selections. Waters. Essentials of agriculture. Ways of woodfolk. Long. Wealth of the world's waste places and Oceania. Gilson. Weatherby's inning. Barbour. Weaver, ed. Vocations for girls. Webster. New international dictionary. Weed. Farm friends and foes. Weed. Life histories of American insects. Weed and Murtfeldt. Stories of insect life. 2v. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 215 Weeds. Shaw. Welsh. Stories children love. Western frontier stories. St. Nicholas. Western United States. Fairbanks. Westward movement. Barstow. What can a young man do. Rollins. What Katy did. Coolidge. What Katy did at school. Coolidge. What shall we do now ? Canf ield. What shall we read to the children? Hunt. What to do at recess. Johnson. What to draw. Lutz. Wheat industry. Bengston and Griffith. Wheeler. A B C of woodworking. When a cobbler ruled the king. Seaman. When I was a boy in China. Lee. When I was a boy in Greece. Demetrios. When I was a boy in Japan. Shioya. When I was a boy in Italy. Ambrosi. When knights w;ere bold. Tappan. When Molly was six. White. When mother lets us carpenter. Adams. When mother lets us cook. Johnson. When mother lets us draw. Thayer. When mother lets us garden. Duncan. When mother lets us give a party. Yale. When mother lets us keep pets. Johnson. When mother lets us make gifts. Grubb. When mother lets us make toys. Rich. When mother lets us model. Adams. When mother lets us sew. Ralston. When the king came. Hodges. When the world was young. Brown. When they were children. Steedman. Whitcomb. Young people's story of American literature. White, E. 0. Little girl of long ago. White, E. 0. When Molly was six. White, J. R. and Smith. Little journey to South Africa. White, Mary. Book of games. White, Mary. How to make baskets. White, S. E. Magic forest. Whitham. Shepherd of the ocean. Whitney and Perry. Four American Indians. Whittier. Complete poetical works. Whittier, ed. Selections from child life. Whittier. Snow bound. Why the chimes rang. Alden. Wickes. Stories to act. Wide awake girls. Ellis. 216 UST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Wide awake girls in Winsted. Ellis. Wide world. Widow O'Callaghan's boys. Zollinger, pseud. Wiggin. Birds' Christmas carol. Wiggin. Mother Carey's chickens. Wiggin. Polly Oliver's problem. Wiggin. Kebecca of Sunnybrook farm. Wiggin. Summer in a canyon. Wiggin. Timothy's quest. Wiggin and Ingersoll. Birds ' Christmas carol : dramatic version. Wiggin and Smith, ed. Fairy ring. Wiggin and Smith, comp. Golden numbers. Wiggin and Smith. Magic casements. Wiggin and Smith, camp. Posy ring. Wiggin and Smith. Tales of laughter. Wigwam evenings. Eastman. Wigwam stories. Judd, comp. Wild animals every child should know. Rogers. Wild flowers every child should know. Stack. Wild life under the equator. Du Chaillu. Wild neighbors. Ingersoll. Wilderness babies. Schwartz. Wilderness castaways. Wallace. Wilderness ways. Long. Wiley. Mewanee, the little Indian boy. Wiley and Edick. Children of the cliff. Wiley and Edick. Lodrix, the little lake dweller. Wilkinson. Rural school management. Willard. Story of the prairies. Williams, Archibald. How it is made. Williams, E. B. and Oilman. Seat work and industrial occupa- tions. Williams, M. E. and Fisher. Elements of the theory and practice of cookery. Williams, Sherman. Some successful Americans. Williams of West Point. Johnson. Williamson. John and Betty's Scotch history visit. Williston. Japanese fairy tales retold. Wilmot-Buxton. Stories from old French romance. Wilmot-Buxton. Stories of Norse heroes. Wilson, A. D. and Warburton. Field crops. Wilson, A. D. and Wilson. Agriculture for young folks. Wilson, G. L. Myths of the red children. Wilson, Mrs. J. C. see Gibson. Wilson, J. F. Tad Sheldon. Wilson, Mrs. L. L. W. Picture study in elementary schools. Wilson, Woodrow. The new freedom. Wiltse. Folklore stories and proverbs. Winlow. Barbara, our little Bohemian cousin. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 217 Winlow. Our little Bulgarian cousin. Winning his way. Coffin. Winning their way. Faris. Winslow. Distant countries. Winslow. Earth and its people. Winslow. Europe. Winslow. United States. Winter. Sharp. Wireless man. Collins. With Azir Girges. Perry. With the Indians in the Rockies. Schultz. With the men who do things. Bond. Withington. Book of athletics. Wolf patrol. Finnemore. Wonder-book. Hawthorne. Wonder-book of horses. Baldwin. Wonder-book of light. Houston. Wonder-book of magnetism. Houston. Wonder-book of the atmosphere. Houston. Wonder tales from Wagner. Chapin. Wonder tales retold. Pyle. Wonder workers. Wade. Wonderful adventures of Nils. Lagerlof. Wonderful chair. Browne. Wonderful escapes by Americans. Booth. Wonderland of stamps. Burroughs. Wonders of physical science. Fournier d'Albe. Wood. Animals, their relation to man. Woolsey, S. C. see Coolidge, pseud. World almanac. World's discoverers. Johnson. Worst and Keith. Educative seat work. Wright, H. C. Children's stories in American history. Wright, H. C. Children's stories in American literature. Wright, H. C. Children's stories of American progress. Wright, H. C. Children's stories of the great scientists. Wrig-ht, Mrs. J. M. Sea-side and way-side. 4v. Wright, Mrs. M. 0. Four-footed Americans and their kin. Wyss. Swiss family Robinson. Yale. When mother lets us give a party. Yankee ships and Yankee sailors. Barnes. Young Alaskans. Hough. Young American. Judson. Young citizen. Dole. Young defenders. Tomlinson. Young farmer. Hill. Young farmer. Hunt. Young folks' cyclopedia of common things. Champlin. 218 LIST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Young folks' cyclopedia of games and sports. Champlin and Bostwick. Young folks' cyclopedia of literature and art. Champlin. Young folks' cyclopedia of persons and places. Champlin. Young ice-whalers. Packard. Young people's history of Holland. Griffis. Young people 's story of American literature. Whitcomb. Young pitcher. Grey. Zimmern. Gods and heroes of the North. Zollinger, pseud. Boy's ride. Zollinger , pseud. Widow 'Callaghan 's boys. Zwilgmeyer. Johnny Blossom. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA 219 INDEX TO PUBLISHERS. Altemus Henry Altenms, Philadelphia. Amer. bk. co. American Book Co., Chicago.. Amer. School of home econ. American School of Home Econ- omics, Chicago. Amer. unit. assn. American Unitarian Association, Boston. Appleton D. Appleton & Co., Chicago. Arnold Arnold & Co., Philadelphia. Assn. press International committee of Young Men's Christian Association Press, New York. Atkinson Atkinson, Mentzer & Grover, Chicago. Badger Richard G. Badger, Boston. Barnes A. S. Barnes & Co., New York. Beattys Frank D. Beattys & Co., New York. Black (Macmillan Co., importers). Bobbs Bobbs Merrill Co., Indianapolis. Bradley Milton Bradley Co., Springfield, Mass. Burt A. L. Burt & Co., New York. Cambridge Press See Putnam. Century Century Co., New York. Charles Thomas Charles Co., Chicago. Church John Church Co., Cincinnati. Comstock Comstock Publishing Co., Ithaca, New York. Jrowell T. Y. Crowell & Co., New York. Dodd Dodd, Mead & Co., New York. Dodge Dodge Publishing Co., New York. Donohue M. A. Donohue Co., Chicago. Doran George H. Doran Co., New York. Doubleday Doubleday, Page & Co., Garden City, N. Y. Duffield Duffield & Co., New York. Dutton E. P. Button & Co., New York. Educ. pub. co. Educational Publishing Co., Chicago. Estes Dana Estes & Co., Boston. Excelsior Excelsior Publishing House, New York. Flanagan A. Flanagan, Chicago. Funk Funk & Wagnalls Co., New York. Ginn Ginn & Co., Chicago. Grosset Grosset & Dunlap ,New York. Hammond C. S .Hammond & Co., New York. Harper Harper & Bros., New York. Heath D. C. Heath & Co., Chicago. Henley Norman W. Henley & Co., New York. Hinds Hinds, Noble & Eldridge, New York. Holt Henry Holt & Co., New York. Houghton Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Chicago. Interstate pub. co., Interstate Publishing Co., Chicago. Jacobs G. W. Jacobs & Co., Philadelphia. 220 UST OF BOOKS FOR SCHOOL LIBRARIES Judd Orange Judd Co., New York. Kennerley Mitchell Kennerley, New York. Lamb Lamb Publishing Co., New York. Lippincott J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia. Little Little, Brown & Co., Boston. Longmans Longmans, Green & Co., New York. Lothrop Lothrop, Lee and Shephard Co., Boston. Lyons Lyons and Carnahan, Chicago. McBride Robert M. McBride, New York. McClurg A. C. McClurg & Co., Chicago. Macmillan Macmillan Co., Chicago. Manual arts Manual Arts Press, Peoria, 111. Merriam G. & C. Merriam Co., Springfield, Mass. Merrill Charles E. Merrill, New York. Moffat^Moffat, Yard & Co., New York. Munn Munn & Co., New York. N. Y. bk. co. New York Book Co., New York. Newson Newson & Co., New York. Oxford Oxford University Press, New York. Page L. C. Page & Co., Boston. Penn Penn Publishing Co., Philadelphia. Platt Platt & Peck Co., New York. Popular mechanics Popular Mechanics, Chicago. Prang Prang Educational Co., New York. Press pub. Press Publishing Co., New York. Public school pub. co. Public School Publishing Co., Blooming- ton, 111. Putnam G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York. Rand Rand, McNally & Co., Chicago. Revell Fleming H. Revell & Co., Chicago. Row Row, Peterson & Co., Chicago. S. S. Times Sunday School Times Co., Philadelphia. St. John T. M. St. John, New York. Sanborn B. H. Sanborn, Boston. Schirmer G. Schirmer, New York. Scott Scott, Foresman & Co., Chicago . Scribner Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. Silver Silver, Burdett & Co., New York. Small Small, Maynard & Co., Boston. Sturgis Sturgis & Walton, New York. Sully Sully & Kleinteich. Univ. of Chicago University of Chicago Press, Chicago. Warne Frederick Warne & Co., New York. Webb Webb Publishing Co., St. Paul. Whitcomb Whitcomb & Barrows, Boston. Wilde W. A. Wilde Co., Boston. Wilson H. W. Wilson Co., White Plains, N. Y. World bk. co. World Book Co., Chicago. 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