LIBRARY OF THK University of California. Class Reference Library Goodspeed's Book Shop >i\ .-, 1 WILLIAM SATCHELL'S IRecent I0ublication0» 19, Tavistock Street^ Covent Garden^ W,C, Third Edition. MY LIFE AS AN ANGLER. By WILLIAM HENDERSON, Author of "The Folk-lore of the Northern Counties." Crown 8vo, with Autotype portrait and twelve full-page illustrations engraved by Edmund Evans. Cloth, top edge gilt. Price 7s. 6d. N.B. — A few copies remain of First Edition, with 68 illustrations^ price 3 IS. 6d.; in large paper , price 84s. " Clear in style and free from the vulgarity, slang and trite quotations which disfigure so many modern angling books, these reminiscences will be read with pleasure by all who enjoy country life and admire the old- fashioned virtues of diligence and contentment, nor does it require an angler to relish the many anecdotes of Northern life and natural history which the writer intersperses among the fishing experiences. Nothing that is beautiful and of good report appears to escape him when he wanders, rod in hand, by the riverside, and it is this pleasant, natural mode of interesting his readers which will endear the book to a wide circle of readers. . . . The contents and above all the tone of this book, by far the most important contribution of late years to angling literature, deserve much commendation. The publishers are entitled to credit for the excellent printing and the stout paper and the dainty woodclits which adorn the volume. . . . There is no modern book about angling which could be put in the hands of either novice or veteran with greater chances of charming both alike. It holds a copious store of information and anecdote, and reflects in every page its author's kind heart, ripe experience and soundness of judgment. Like Auceps, in a book which Mr. Henderson, in common with all anglers, must reverence, we close this delightful volume with the words, " I assure you, Mr. Piscator, I now part with you full of good thoughts, not only of yourself, but your recreation." — AthencBuni. We defy anyone blessed with a taste for fly-fishing to take it up with- out both pleasure and profit ; while all who love English country life will find much to delight them in anecdotes of the animals which most frequently cross the angler's path, and reminiscences of the beautiful scenes where the author has rambled. Its tone of reverent affection for nature as the handiwork of a Creator and for revealed religion, is worthy of all praise. . . . Undoubtedly the best book on angling which has appeared for some y&2a-'^^Acadetny. The veteran fisherman has a kindly sense of the charms of river scenery, and a pleasant vein of familiarity in discoursing of old friends and early days which not anglers only will enjoy... The sweet feeling WILLIAM SATCHELL, PUBLISHER, 19, TAVISTOCK STREET. which pervades these pages will be their highest praise. — Daily News. " A lively and picturesque collection of scattered experiences." — Saturday Review. " An indispensable addition to the collectors' library." — Field. " Healthy as mountain air and robust as the life it feeds is the style of this writer. ... A volume on which luxurious typography and the amenities of artistic illustration are by no means unworthily expended. — Daily Telegraph. Fcp. 4to, cloth, gilt. Price 6s. (Post free.) THE ANGLER'S NOTE-BOOK, AND NATURALIST S RECORD. A Repertory of fact, inquiry, and discussion on Field-Sports and sub- jects of Natural History. With six illustrations on plate paper. The Green Series Complete. Contents : — " The Oldest English Treatise on Fishing." and " Anglo- Saxon Fish-Names," by the Rev. Professor Skeat ; " An Unknown Angling Poet" ; "One of the Mysteries of Angling Literature" ; Conrad Heresbach : " Conoettaing Fishing" (a translation of his De piscatione)^ &c., by Thomas Westwood, author of Bibliotheca Piscatoria; " Fishing Cats," &c., by W. Henderson ; " Invitation to Coquet," by Joseph Craw- hall, editor of " Newcastle Fishers' Garlands " "Fishing a Scotch Loch," by the Rev. M. G. Watkins ; "Notes from the Journals of Jonathan Couch," and several hundred papers and short notes — in prose and verse — by many well-known writers and naturalists. "Wading through its pages is like wading up a Devonshire trout- stream, at every turn there is something interesting to note and store away in the angler's memory." — Fishing Gazette. " Brimful of eminently readable matter." — Notti?igham Sunbeam. " A very charming volume." — Professor G. Brown Goode, U. S. Fisheries Commissioner. "The object of the " Angler's Note-book," as the editor tells us in a few words of pleasantly-written preface with a quaint Waltonian ring, are to " Afford information, both literary and practical, to preserve notes and observations of fishermen and naturalists ; to discuss moot points of angling, wood-craft, bird, beast and insect life, and to collect every fact that bears on natural history and its folk-lore and on sport, all the world over." — Keene's Bath journal. In Preparation. A NEW SERIES OF THE ANGLER'S NOTE-BOOK To be completed in twelve moiithly parts. Price 6d. each. The distinctive feature of this series will be the reproduction of the angling matter, ungarbled, from old, scarce and valuable books, and more especially from such as only deal incidentally with fishing, and which, though necessarily included in the libraries of great collectors, are forbidden by consideration of space and expense, to those who content themselves with a modest gathering. (The names of subscribers will be received.) WILLIAM SATCHELL, PUBLISHER, 19, TAVISTOCK STREET. IN THE COUNTRY: Essays by the REV. M. G. WATKINS, M.A. Crown 8vo, cloth, price 4s. 6d. Contents. DEVON LANES AND THEIR ASSOCIATIONS — AT THE SEA SIDE — AMONG THE HEATHER — UP GLENROY — IN ASSYNT INTO BALLAD LAND ON THE OTTERY EAST HILL — AMONG THE SEA BIRDS — FROM THE HEART OF THE WOLDS — SL-NSHINE AT THE LAND's END BIRDS AND BIRD LOVERS — ETC. Crown 8vo. Price : paper cover, is.; cloth, 2S. (Post free.) ON THE ART OF GARDENING: A PLEA FOR ENGLISH GARDENS OF THE FUTURE, WITH PRACTICAL HINTS FOR PLANTING THEM. By MRS. J. FRANCIS FOSTER. " In this pleasant and original little book the authoress not only enters a vigorus protest against the bedding-out system and the so-called ' natural ■" style of gardening, but gives very good practical advice for gardens of a different sort." — Gardener's Chronicle. " This little book proceeds from a true lover of flowers and will be welcome to all who take an interest in their care and culture." — Civilian, " A pleasant and unpretending little volume." — Saturday Review. " The charm consists in its author's evident love of her subject. Like a true lover she has gone far and wide in her search for old plants and old plant lore. We agree with Mrs. Foster that the most perfect herbaceous border is one that has an old wall behind it. Blue larkspurs and white lilies, roses, phloxes, and evening primroses never look so well as when they are seen against a background of wall, mellowed with age and clothed with its beautiful garment of wall-growing seedlings. . . Mrs. Foster's book, too, is most useful in its lists of flowers that bloomed in the days of Chaucer and Shakespeare. She also devotes one chapter entirely to quotations from old poets on gardens and all the delights that spring from them. If it helps her readers to know for themselves those authors, who found among the flowers of the garden apt similes of all that is truest in human nature, she will have added a very substantial addition to the pleasure already enjoyed by those who love gardens, but yet are unfamiliar with the pages of the poets who knew well how to speak their praises." — Spectator, " A pleasant book." — Athenmim. WILLIAM SATCHELL, PUBLISHER, 19, TAVISTOCK STREET. Indispensable to the Student of Local and Family History. THE BOOK OF BRITISH TOPOGRAPHY. A Classified Catalogue of the Topographical Works in the Library of the British Museum relati^ig to Great Britain and Ireland. By J. P. ANDERSON, OF THE LIBRARY, BRITISH MUSEUM. Medium 8vo, gilt top. Price 25s.; large paper (4to), 50s. " The Book of British Topography is of a kind which rejoices the hearts of all persons who have to do with books ; the kind where a writer condescends to take a subject which he knows thoroughly, which is de- finitively manageable, and which, if handled properly, cannot fail to be a useful contribution, if not to literature at any rate to the state of things which make literature possible. . . . The classification is in the main by counties, . . in their turn subdivided under towns, &c., and there is an alphabetical index of all the headings at the end. For con- venience and thoroughness this plan appears to be excellent. Mr. Anderson estimates the number of his entries at something like 14,000." Saturday Review. *' Few bibliographies are adapted to be more practically serviceable to an extensive public than Mr. Anderson's. . . The extreme value of such a compilation to the topographer and antiquary will be apparent at once. . . Contains. . . an immense number of minor publications which the topographical enquirer is little likely to hear of without the aid of such a catalogue as Mr, Anderson's. . . His diligence and accuracy are beyond all praise." — Illustrated Londo7i News. "The work will be of value to the student all the world over. It will enable him to discover the name of every important volume which has been published on the local history of the United Kingdom. . . We can speak with confidence of its completeness and accuracy." — Notes and Queries. " Both in plan and performance it seems to leave little or nothing to be desired." — St. James's Gazette. " A book of great importance to topographers and archaeologists. . . Beautifully printed and got up." — Scotsman. "This work appears to have been made with much skill and care, and to possess a great interest and value for collectors and librarians in the United States." — American Library Journal. "Mr. Anderson has done a good work exceedingly well. . . Down to the present time there has been no easy method of learning what there is already in print about any place in Britain. . . By far the best catalogue that has ever been produced." — Athenceum. " It is not likely that very much will have to be added to this Cata- logue. . . A solid contribution to bibliography, arranged with admirable method." — Journal of the British Archaeological Association. WILLIAM SATCHELL, PUBLISHER, 19, TAVISTOCK STREET. Crown 8vo., cloth, price 8s. BELCARO: ESSAYS ON ^ESTHETICS. By VERNON LEE. Author of '' Studies in Italy," &c. " Clever and expressive, subtle and brilliant, and evincing much grasp of mind and of the subject treated The product of a remarkably acute critical mind ; it would bear to be read a second time, and would be found to repay the trouble Ruskinism is an eloquent tribute to Mr. Ruskin."— Athen^um. " Contains some charming essays Displays in a marked degree a vividness of fancy, a wealth of imagery and illusion, and a richness of language, but does not sink into mere rhap- sody or affectation. His style is picturesque, yet robust ; rich, but not luscious." Notes and Queries. " There is much in this thoroughly original and delightful book which reminds us of the essays of the eighteenth century. It is rare, indeed, to find so much thought conveyed in so easy a style ; to find a writer who not only has so much that is fresh to say, but has so fresh a way of saying it. . . .The way of conveying ideas is very fascinating, and has an effect of creat- ing activity in the reader's mind which no other mode can equal. From first to last there is a continuous and delightful stimulation of thought. The book will lead to conversation, dreaming speculation of all kinds, of pleasant and healthy mental exercise ; and it is interspersed with such perfect little sketches of scenery and passages of so much eloquence that it is a literary treat to read it." — Academy. "The essay on 'Cherubino' is a perfect gem in its way Nor is that on ' Chapelmaster Kreisler ' much less worthy of admiration. Lovers of music will be charmed by both of these admirable essays, and lovers of painting will be equally charmed with the essay entitled ' In Umbria.' The estimate there given of Perugino and his environment and influence is masterly. Vernon Lee writes well about poetry, better about painting, best of all about music." St. James's Gazette. " Splendid essays on art. Vernon Lee writes prose harmonies which are finely composed." Vanity Fair. " The essential characteristic of this author's mind is the passionate energy with which he studies questions, investigates his subject, analyzing it in its deepest life, and reproducing it with a living picturesque, extraordinarily powerful style. A completely original and indepen- dent work, which excites and stirs strongly the mind of the reader." Fanfulla della Domenico of Rome. "His former work, ' Studies of the Eighteenth Century in Italy,' was full of learning and enthusiasm ; but it was not equal, in point of critical insight, to some of the studies united in ' Belcaro.' Vernon Lee argues with great skill and power of style." — Westminster Review. Royal 8vo, cloth. Price 14s. ( Post free.) STUDIES OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY IN ITALY. BY VERNON LEE. CONTENTS : — THE ARCADIAN ACADEMY — THE MUSICAL LIFE — METASTASIO AND THE OPERA — THE COMEDY OF MASKS — GOLDONI AND THE REALISTIC COMEDY — CARLO GOZZI AND THE VENETIAN FAIRY COMEDY. " The learning and fancy of Mr. Vernon Lee have enabled him to reconstruct the life of the Italian musical world of the last century Certain pages of this book quite bring us into the midst of the poets, the composers, and the singers of a hundred years ago The chapter on Metastasio ought to be translated as a whole and should be read and meditated by every one who cares for art and for Italy The chapter on Goldoni is rich in sterling, subtle, and new observation Throughout the volume we are in the presence of a subtle and imaginative critic, of a picturesque and vigorous writer, of one who has profoundly studied a subject in which he takes passionate interest, and who has written of Italy and Italian art with a wonder- ful artistic intuition comparable only with that shown in some of Robert Browning's poems on Italian subjects." — Fanfuila della Domenica of Rome. " Mr. Vernon Lee, if that be the author's real name, has written one of the most fascinating booksjthat it has been our f^ood fortune to meet with for a very long time A singularly delightful and very able volume."--WESTMiNSTER Review. " These studies show^a wide range of knowledge of the subject, precise investigation, abun- dant power of illustration, and healthy enthusiasm The style of writing is cultivated, neatly adjusted, and markedly clever; it has a certain analogy to the styles of other aesthetic writers of the day, combining (we might say by way of indication) something of Mr. Wedmore and of Mrs. Pattison, with a spice of Mr. Pater, and another spice of Mr. Swinburne . -On the whole, it can be cordially recommended as treating an important and little known theme with conspicuous ability." — Athen.eum. WILLIAM SATCHELL, PUBLISHER, 19, TAVISTOCK STREET. Medium 8vo, pp. xvii, 329, cloth. Price 12s. ( Post free.) THE FOLK-LORE OF THE NORTHERN COUNTIES OF ENGLAND AND THE BORDERS. A new edition with many additional notes. By WILLIAM HENDERSON. Author of '' My Life as an Angler." " We congratulate the Folk-Lore Society on the new edition of this excellent book." — Athen^um. "The new and enlarged edition of an old favourite, the work of 'a. folk-lore student before folk-lore came into vogue as a pursuit,' cannot fail to be welcome to the large and increasing number of students who make this interesting subject their principal pursuit. We have here a mass of material, the accumulation of years of search and inquiry." — Notes and Queries. " So largely increased by important and valuable additions as to be virtually a new book . . . No mere dry compilation, but a store of delightful entertainment which is well-nigh inexhaustible. An index after Mr. Carlyie's own heart has been furnished, with great labour and thought, by Mr. Satchell, to whom the volume thus owes an augmen- tation of utility." — Daily Telegraph. " So much enlarged and improved that it may well be treated as a new book. We have no hesitation in saying, that it is the most impor- tant contribution to the branch of knowledge which it illustrates that has appeared for upwards of sixty years. . . The chapters on por- tents, auguries, charms, and witchcraft are especially worthy of notice." Academy. Medium 8vo, cloth. Price 14s. ( Post free.) REMAINES OF GENTILISME AND JUDAISM. By JOHN AUBREY, 1686-7. EDITED AND ANNOTATED BY JAMES BRITTEN, F.L.S. "A farrago of all kinds of quaint superstitions, customs, proverbs, and the like which Aubrey, a zealous gatherer together of ' unconsidered trifles' thought worthy of record." — St. James's Gazette. Chiswick Press Black-Letter reprint, 4to, boards. Price 2 is. (Post free.) THE POPISHE KINGDOME OR REIGN OF ANTICHRIST. Written in Latin verse. By THOMAS NAOGEORGUS, And Englished by BARNABE GOOGE, 1570. With brief memoir of his life by R. C. Hope. "When we bear in mind the vast amount of. illustration of Old English Customs and Superstitions in Barnabe Googe's translation of the 'Regnum Paptisticum ' of Naogeorgus, it is extraordinary that the unique copy of that highly curious volume m the University Library, Cambridge, has not been reproduced long before this." St. James's Gazette. THE SEALS AND ARMORIAL INSIGNIA OF THE UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGES OF CAMBRIDGE. By W. H. St. JOHN HOPE, B.A. Part I now ready, containing a chromolithograph and four plates of seals. Price to Subscribers, 2/-; Non-Subscribers, 3/- per Part. To be completed in 25 Parts. WILLIAM SATCHELL, PUBLISHER, 19, TAVISTOCK STREET. Imp. i6mo, elegant cover, gilt. Price 3s. ( Post free.) TUSCAN FAIRY TALES. Taken down from the Mouths of the People. By VERNON LEE, Author of '' Belcaro," " Studies in Italy," &c. " Sumptuously printed and prettily bound," — Athen^um. *' The work will delight the little ones as well as the student. Charm- ingly got up and illustrated." — London Review. " A thoroughly delightful book. We trust that the author may be pursuaded to publish the other tales which he has collected on the same ground. If they at all resemble the present collection they will, we are quite sure, be heartily welcomed." — Westminster Review. " The amount of local colouring is just sufficient to lend the old tales a new charm. The illustrations and the letterpress are printed in sepia, which has a curious but not unpleasing effect." — Saturday Review. Imp. i6mo, elegant cover. Price 3s. (Post free.) ROUND A POSADA FIRE. By Mrs. S. G. C. MIDDLE- MORE. With 21 Illustrations by Miss E. D. Hale. Crown 8vo. Price : cloth, is.; gilt, 3s. ( Post free.) MERICAS AND OTHER STORIES. By CLEMEN- TINA BLACK. "We reviewed two of these stories when they appeared in the University and in the New Quarterly magazines. Our favourable opinion of them is strengthened and sustained by the additions in the present volume. The title story is quaint and happily conceived. More than this, it is a delicate and gentle love tale, full of tender interest, and fraught with pretty turns of thought most charmingly expressed. The volume is one which most men will read with pleasure (for it is a mistake, which authoresses are apt to fall into, to suppose that the inferior sex delights in the works of Guida and Rhoda Broughton), because it is one which may be placed in the hands of their wives, sisters, and daughters without the slightest hesitation." — Derby Mercury. Square i6mo. cloth gilt. Price 3s. 6d. (Post free.) POEMS BY MAY PROBYN. % " Miss Probyn's small and modest volume displays much brightness of fancy and sweetness of feeling, united with excellent metrical science . . . Perhaps we shall give the best idea of Miss Probyn's manner by quoting one of her bright and picturesque pages, taken from the quaint poem called ' Soapsuds ' : — " ' Her arms were white as milky curds ; Her speech was like the song of birds ; Her eyes were grey as mountain lakes Where dream and shadow stirs and breaks. Her gown was print — her name was Sally — Her summer years were barely twenty-^ # She dropped the soap to glance and dally — And then the dimples came in plenty t WILLIAM SATCHELL, PUBLISHER, 19, TAVISTOCK STREET. I praised her fingers, dripping sweet, Where warmth and whiteness seemed to meet, — I made her blush and made her pout, And watched her wring her linen out. Oh, to meet her in the valley. Snatch her hand and call her Sally ! Oh, to find her on the hill, Kiss and call her Sally still ! Oh, to clasp her quite alone. And call her Sally of one's own ! We would willingly linger longer over this charming little book, which we leave wfth reluctance, and with the hope of meeting its author's name once more before long," — Saturday Review, "Very sweet, very simple, and very skilfull. We incline to believe that May Probyn is a man, and a man who is a scholar and has a good mind. Mr, Austin Dobson should be pleased with this his best pupil," Vanity fair. " May Probyn has written the prettiest and daintiest volume of verse, some bits of which linger like perfume in the memory, . , She has a fresh sweet voice, very delightful to listen to. It is positively fascinating to read these bright pure verses. . . . Hers are exquisite fancies, tender thoughts, and a joyous delight in the beauties of colour and sound and summer ; hers too is a sweet melancholy, the fair sorrow of love which lingers in the lines of our old English ballads. . , . ' Soapsuds ' is a delicious piece of work." — Westminster Review, P'cap. 8vo, cloth gilt. Price 6s. ( Post free.) A Ballad of the Road and other Poems. By May Probyn. Crown 8vo, cloth, gilt top. Price 4s. 6d. ( Post free.) Gods, Saints, and Men. By Eugene Lee-Hamilton. With ten full-page illustrations designed by Enrico Mazzanti. " Readers will find him, as before, a Browning without his obscurity." Graphic. "Quaint, mediaeval legends and traditions, most of which have a strong savour of the supernatural, in strong tuneful artistic verse." Scotsman. " The book is very prettily got up . . . . some of the woodcuts are admirable in design and execution." — London Review. " Worthy of a place in any library whose owner values originality and unconventional treatment of out-of-the-way themes." Derby Mercury. Crown 8vo, cloth. Price 3s. 6d. ( Post free.) The Flying Dutchman and other Poems. By E. M. Clerke. " Her translations from the Italian are exceedingly happy." Westminster Review. i2mo, cloth gilt. Price 4s. 6d. ( Post free.) Life's Pathway. By Thomas Leech, Constable in the Metropolitan Police. " A man of much literary ability and considerable poetical fancy." Notes and Queries. BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA, Publisher's Notice. A Series of Supplements, containing Additions and Corrections, will be issued at intervals, and these will be forwarded without charge to any possessor of this copy who may please to furnish his address. Notes of errors and omissions will be thankfully received by the Editor, Mr. Thomas Satchell, Downshire Hill House, N.W. W. S. BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA A CATALOGUE OF BOOKS ON ANGLING, THE FISHERIES AND FISH-CULTURE, WITH TBibliograpbicat Bom anti an appenWr OF Citations touching on angling and fishing from old English authors. » , ' ^ I »3 . 6 . II, BY T. WESTWOOD & T. SATCHELL London W. SATCHELL, 19, TAVISTOCK STREET, COVENT GARDEN 1883. PRINTED BY PEYTON & CO., I, BARTHOLOMEW CLOSE, E.C. CONTENl'S. Half Title Publisher's Notice ... ii Title ... ... iii Contents ... V Preface ... vii — xii Additions and Corrections ... xiii — xxiv Books on Angling ... 1—245 Books on the Fisheries ... ... 247—330 Books on Fish-culture ... 331—354 Appendix : Angling Citations ... ... 355—368 Chronicle of Waltons ... 369—370 Index ... 371—397 225835 PREFA CE. Tmk first edition of this list appeared in 1861, under the auspices of the Field newspaper. A supplement was added in 1869 from the same source. Since the latter date, the work has remained in abeyance, the edition having been exhausted. Though chargeable with many shortcomings the *' New Bibliotheca Piscatoria" was, numerically, at least, an important advance on its predecessors. For bibliographical uses it may be well to recapitulate here who were those predecessors and what their value and importance. The earliest printed list of angling books was compiled by Mr., afterwards Sir Henry Ellis. It appeared in 181 1, as a con- tribution to Sir Egerton Brydges' " Bibliographer," and a few copies were afterwards issued in a separate form. It consisted of eighty works, and furnished some scanty biographical notices of their authors. This list was afterwards extended to one hundred and eighty entries, in a revised issue, appended by Mr. Wm. Pickering, to Boosey's " Piscatorial Reminiscences," in 1836. Four years later, Mr. James Wilson appended "An abbreviated list of one hundred works on Halieuticks " to his sporting treatise, ''The rod and the gun," which treatise, as well as the list in an abbreviated form, had been originally printed in the 7th edition of the " Encyclopaedia Britannica," and, in an enlarged form, in the 8th edition of that work. This was followed, in 1847, by the "Waltonian Library" of Dr. Bethune, the able, erudite and sympathetic editor of the American edition of " The Complete Angler," in which publi- cation it figured as an appendix. It contained about three hundred entries. Finally, in 1856, appeared the ''Bibliographi- cal Catalogue " of Mr. J. Russell Smith, given as a sequel to Mr. Robert Blakey's " Angling literature of all nations," and of which, as we have elsewhere stated, it may be said to have formed the most valuable feature. This contains two hundred and sixty-four works on angling. viii PREFACE. Thus the greatest number of angling books chronicled, so far, was three hundred, whereas '' The New Bibliotheca Pisca- toria " included six hundred and fifty distinct works on the sport. The present edition has made a great stride onwards in bulk, though the numerical increase, in the works registered, falls far short of the same ratio. It contains nearly six times the mat- ter of its predecessor. But it is in method not in bulk that we claim to have chiefly advanced. Knowing that the value of a bibliography depends, solely, on its precision and accuracy, we have endeavoured to set forth the title of every book registered in its literal form, and to furnish those minute particulars, touching printers, publishers, pagination, illustrations, &c., which serve to shew the successive changes through which the most popular angling books have passed, and enable the collector to prove the completeness of the works in his possession. The efforts made in this direction, have fortunately received invaluable help from Mr. Alfred Denison, who placed his unique angling library at our disposal, and during the many weeks, devoted to the examination of his three thousand volumes was ever ready to assist with the knowledge acquired during an enthusiastic devotion of many years to his favourite subject. Such assistance requires our largest and most cordial recognition. Ample, however, as is the Denison collection, it does not contain two thirds of the works (that is to say editions) included in our list, and our labour has been principally spent in searching for other books, the existence of which was all but certain, though we hesitated to insert them until copies had been examined and their titles and other necessary particulars obtained from actual inspection. This latter principle has governed us throughout, but we have occasionally had to deviate from it and to admit works (the existence of which appeared well substantiated ) on the mere authority of our forerunners. Pickering, Russell Smith, Kreysig, Engelmann, Bosgoed and Kayser have been followed when the books described could not be procured. On the other hand, a certain number (included previously on insufficient grounds) have now been suppressed ; a course of severity, that our readers will perhaps consider might have been pushed further with advantage. The earlier pages of our list had already passed through the press before the Denison and another large collection had been thrown open to us. For that portion of our work, therefore, our apologies are more especially needed. It is neither so ample in detail, nor so precise in verification as what follows. PREFACE. ix It will be seen that several works of marked interest and importance are now registered for the first time — the rare Flemish Tract, for instance, on Fowling and Fishing, ( in the Denison collection) which is a competitor, for priority, with our own " Treatyse of Fysshynge ; " the poem of Richard de Fournival ( '* La vieille, ou les derniers amours d'Ovide " ) belonging, probably, to a yet earlier epoch — the Ode of Mr. Thomas Herrick, author of " Miscellany Poems " — and others. Amongst the novel features of our list we have also to call attention Lo the very many early German works now registered for the firsi; time. We have been able to include, among angling wriier^. William Browne, of '' Britannia's Pastorals," Jacob Cats, Michael D:aylon, the unknown author of the "Dialogues of Creatures moralized," Erasmus, Isachius and Sir Philip Sidney — and among the moderns, Walter Savage Landor. Thus we have cast our net with a wider sweep than heretofore — may our readers be satisfied with the draught we have brought to shore ! The editions of Walton and Cotton, which in the pages of " The chronicle of the compleat angler," stood at fifty-three, have now reached the imposing total of ninty ; twenty-one having been issued since the date (1864) of that work, and sixteen having escaped notice on that occasion. If the venerable shade of the Father of anglers could be conjured up from his Elysium ( fishy be the streams there and the wind due South for ever ! ) and revisit the light of day, how amazed would he be (simple soul ! ) at the perpetuation and extension of his fame and at the goodly bulk of our ' Bibliotheca ' — he that counted fishing books by twos and threes ! One thing is forced upon our conviction in this matter — that angling has become a force in literature, greater far than that of its kindred sports. In a battle of books Auceps and Venator would have to retire, worsted in the contest, leaving Piscator dominant. To him who doubts this we say— -cross our threshold and...'circumspice.' The Fisheries and Pisciculture having become important and special departments, we have judged it expedient to class them apart. In our register of Fishery pamphlets we have restricted ourselves to English and Colonial publications, and we have included with these an extensive list of Papers pre- sented to both Houses of Parliament, which contain much important matter respecting the condition of the fisheries in past times, and the efforts made for their encouragement and for the amelioration of the condition of those engaged in them. These papers consist of Petitions, Statistical returns. Reports of Committees and Bills. The last in many, or most instances, became Acts of Parliament, after alterations which it is some- times of special interest to note ; but some never passed beyond X PREFACE. the embryonic stage. These need not therefore be neglected by the historian, as they, equally with the others, indicate wants and suggest remedies which may have failed to find acceptance from our legislators (rom other causes than lack of merit. The list of Statutes repealed, spent, or in force, concerning the fisheries, the preservation of fish, &c., is a nearly complete conspectus of our legislation on these subjects. They show the early appreciation of the importance of this source of national wealth. The endeavours to encourage the fisheries in Ireland are clearly indicated in a long list oi statutory enactments, some of which appear to have been so liberal in their character, that they drew forth remonstrances from the Scotch and English fishermen, whose trade suffered severely in conse- quence of the inordinate bounties given to their Irish competi- tors. Notwithstanding such encouragement and the possession of waters abounding in fish, the pursuit never seems to have taken much root in Ireland. We have added, as an appendix, a collection of citations from the elder Poets, Dramatists, &c., in which the sport is dealt with. To Sir Harris Nicolas is due the honour of this initiative, though only in a very limited degree. Thus his quotations from Shakespeare, were but four in number. We have ex- tended them to twenty-nine. For two or three of these we are indebted to the Rev. H. N. Ellacombe's interesting article, *' Shakespeare as an Angler," published in the " Antiquary.'^ It must, however, be distinctly understood that this collection is not offered as exhaustive, and we trust to the kindness of such of our readers as the subject may interest, to continue the search in the wide field still unexplored, and to communicate the result of their gleanings. We have endeavoured to arrange our entries in the simplest manner. Books are inscribed under the names of their res- pective writers, real or fictitious, if these are found in title or preface. Anonymous books are entered under the first proper name in the title, or failing a proper name, under the first substantive. In the case of books published under the initials of their writers, cross references are generally inserted from and to the title, which is treated as if the work were anonymous. All words not enclosed in square brackets will be found on the title- pages of the books recorded, and where words are omitted, the fact is shown. The spelling and punctuation are in all cases carefully preserved. When the reader finds " varity " for " variety," '' filies" for ''flies," " published " for " published," etc, he must understand that the vagary is due to the author or his printer. The customary sic is never used in such cases. PREFACE. xi We have appended a very copious index to the persons and places mentioned, and, as a further aid to our readers, have entered therein the titles of all anonymous works, denuded only of the particles, A, An and The. And now we have only to perform the pleasant task of thanking those who have given us their aid and co-operation in the course of our labours ; and first amongst such, the owners of libraries that have been thrown open to us. Of Mr. Denison we have already spoken. We have next to acknowledge our obliga- tion to Mr. Joseph Grego, whose large collection, principally of old English books, gathered with patient care, during the past fifty years, and remarkable for the multiplicity of editions and the condition of the books themselves, has been always open to us, and has yielded many scarce volumes, which we have not met with elsewhere. Since our examination of this collection it has found a new owner in the United States. To Mr. Alfred Wallis, of Derby, we are indebted for constant and assiduous help and counsel. His great and special knowledge of the subject has been most generously afforded us throughout the progress of the work, and his choicest treasures entrusted to our hands. Mr. Joseph Crawhall, of Newcastle has communicated his rarest books and given us the advantage of his minute know- ledge of North Country literature. The Rev. M. G. Watkins, besides lending us his books, has rendered us unnumbered services ; and Mr. W. R. Wilson of the British Museum has placed his extensive and precise knowledge of books at our service, and there are few sheets in our work, that have not by his means been enriched with a fact, or preserved from a blemish. Among the numerous American correspondents who have given us their sympathy and assistance, two may be singled out for special acknowledgement : Mr. Frederick Mather, of pisci- cultural celebrity, and Mr. John Bartlett, of Boston, whose admirable catalogue, recently issued, of his own valuable col- lection, forms a choice volume, which many will covet, though few can hope to possess. Mr. Francis Francis must rejoice at the completion of a work, which has caused incessant appeals to his good offices — appeals, let us add, that have never failed to meet with courteous and prompt response. But far above his unflagging zeal on our behalf, do we rate the sympathetic manner in which it has been exercised. The rest we must dismiss in a single paragraph for space fails to give to each his meed of praise and thanks. They are xii PREFACE. Mr. Marston, of the ''Fishing Gazette," Mr. Rutherford, of Kelso, Mr. Anderson, of the Museum, Mr. Horace Cox, Mr. Abel Hey- wood. Junior, of Manchester, Dr. Couch, of Bodmin, Mr. James Jones, whose services have been unceasing, Mr. F. Madan, of the Bodleian, The Rev. H. N. EUacombe, of Bitton, Mr. William Henderson of Ashford Court, the author of that delightful book, " My Life as an Angler," Mr. Cooling, of Derby, whose famous Derbyshire collections contain many angling treasures, Mr. Spencer Walpole, late Inspector of Salmon Fisheries, Mr, Thos. F. Brady, Inspector of Irish Fisheries, Mr. Archibald Young, Commissioner of Scotch Salmon Fisheries, Mr. Rottjer, Mr. Overall of the Guildhall Library, Mr. J. E. Harting, Mr. Godfrey Turner, Mr. Farnworth, Mr. Axon of Manchester, Mr. Richard Garnett, Mr. Alfred H. Huth, Lord Spencer, and many other gentlemen who must excuse the specific mention which their kindness merits. T. Westwood. Downshire Hill, N.w. Thos. Satchell. October, 3, 1882 Postscript. — There are 3158 editions and reprints of 2148 distinct works here registered. The titles and dates of 2465 are given from a personal examination of the books, of which the Denison Collection yielded 1685, the British Museum 482, and other London collections 348. We have accepted 104 on the authority of various friends, possessing or having access to the works described, and have taken 187, principally of Greek and Roman writers, without examination from the Museum catalogue. Of the books that have eluded us, we have given, on the authority of Kreysig 10, Ellis 7, Pickering 13, Blakey 3, Russell Smith 19, " The new bibliotheca piscatoria " 21, an annotated copy of the same work 27, Kayser 67, Engelmann 9, Bosgoed 59 and Brunet and the French bibliographers 49. No record has been preserved of the remainder. The Parliamentary papers number 727 ; the Acts of Parliament 341. These are not included in the above enumeration. It may be here added that the first sheet of this work was printed off in February 1881. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. Abbondio ( Gio.) Delle construccione della peschiere chiuse e de vivia ; con un trattato della pesca di Giulio Navarino, ad uso della genti di Campagna. Palermo, 1715. 4°. Abbott (Samuel). Ardenmohr among the hills. A record of scenery and sports in the Highlands of Scotland. With illustrations. London, Chapman and Hall, 1876. pp. xiii. 248. 8°. [ Contains : " First blood at salmon fishing," "Amongst wild fowl and salmon," "Fish lore," "A Highland salmon river," etc?^ Adam (William). Dales. ..of Derbyshire. Page i, add note: [ Mr. Adam has also written "The gem of the Peak," of which a sixth edition was issued in 1857, by Mozley of Derby. It contains : "Fly-fishing," p. 158; "Fly-fishing in the Wye," p. 156, "in the Derwent," p. 183, and "in the Dove," p. 215.] Aiken ( Henry). The national sports of Great Britain. Page 4, place comprised in fifty coloured plates in\_ ]. American sportsman. West Meriden, Conn., Parker Brothers, 1 871-1875. fol. [Commenced as a monthly periodical in October 1871, and changed to a weekly in October 1873. In 1875 it was published at New York, under the new title, " Rod and gun," and on May 3rd 1877 was merged in " Forest and stream," of which the first number appeared on 14th August 1873.] Amusemens de la chasse. Page 5, line 6, read: i\ukstee. Angler. The angler and swimmer. Page 6, for Hudson read Orlando Hodgson. The angler's assistant being an epitomy of ye whole art of angling. Wherein is shown, at one view ye harbours, seasons and depths for catching all sorts of fish usually angled for. Also the various baits for each, so digested as to contain the essence of all the treatises ever wrote on the subject, exempt from their superfluities which tend more to perplex than instruct. London, C. Ustonson ( n. d.) A broadside. [ This broadside, either engraved or printed, seems to have been a stock article of the tackle makers whose names are found on copies without other variation. "The angler's assistant," published by Gamidge and " The angler's complete assistant," sold by J. Wilkin- son, entered at page 7, are nearly the same.] The angler's companion : or, perfect instructor. Page 7, xiv BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA add: in that useful and pleasing recreation, including every necessary instruction... To which is added the art of swim- ming, etc. London, Orlando Hodgson, [1825?] Coloured frontispiece, pp. 24. 8°. [" The angler and swimmer " is the title on cov^er."] Anglers' evenings. Papers by members of the Man- chester Angler's association. Second series. With illustrations. Manchester and London, 1882. The angler's instructor, giving a description of each fish, and the rod and tackle in general use. London, G. Little, (1871). 24°. [ A tackle-maker's publication. Various issues.] The angler's pocket-book; or, complete English angler: containing everything necessary in that art. To which is prefixed, Nobbs's celebrated treatise on the art of trolling. Norwich [printed], London, West and Hughes, \_cir. 1800]. pp. 108. 8°. [The full title of the first edition. See pp. 11, 156.] The angler's vade-mecum. ( Instructions for the young angler). London, Charles Farlow. (n. d.) pp. 19-32. 32°. [ Appended to a tackle-maker's list.] A compleat and experienced angler. Page 12 : strike out what follows and read : See Markham ( G.) The young sportsman's delight. The jolly angler. Page 13, strike out what follows and read : See March (J.) The universal angler. Page 14, line 21, for Thames read names. The young angler's instructor ; shewing what sort of rods and tackle is necessary for every description of fish usually angled for in the rivers and ponds in England. With numerous fine cuts. London, J. Cheek. 1839. pp. 9. 12°. [A tackle-maker's publication. See Cheek (J.)] Armiger (Charles). The sportsman's vocal cabinet. Page 17, line 20, add: London, T. GriflSths, 1834. 12°. Art. The art of angling for beginners. Page 18, line 4, for 18°., read pp. 32. 16°. The art of angling. Page 18, line 8, add to note: [ It bears the above imprint. Other copies read : " London, printed by D. Lewis, 34 Mount-street, Grosvenor square, 1819."] The art of angling. Page 18, line 13, for Appendix read NoBBES ( Robert). The art of angling, or, perfect instructor in that useful and pleasing recreation, including every necessary instruction ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. xv as to baits, hooks, flies, worms, etc.^ and a varity of other interesting information to the learner, as well as to the most practised angler. London, Orlando Hodgson, [1825 .?] pp. i&. Aurivillius (J.) Dissertatio philosophica de natura piscium in genere et piscatura quam...praeside...M. Magno Celsio... publico examini sebmittit J. A., Holmiae, 1676. 4°. Avon. The Avon a poem. Page 19, liiie 26, for London, 1798, r^i^:^ Birmingham, Baskerville ; London, Dodsley, 1758. Bailey's new and complete art of angling containing all the necessary instructions for that pleasing and fashionable amuse- ment,... also, several curious methods of angling not generally known; together with an account of the different worms... to which is added, a correct abstract of the several acts of Parliament relating to angling. London : printed and sold by J. Bailey, 116 Chancery Lane. (n. d.) pp. 24. 12°. [ With folding frontispiece of lady and gentleman punt fishing with rude cuts of fish forming a border. Other copies have the title : " Bailey's complete art of angling," etc., and the frontispiece without border. They are otherwise identical. See page 38.] Barker (Thomas). The art of angling. Page 21, line 35, for Gawtrees read Gawtress. Bassus ( Cassianus). Geoponika. Geoponicorum, sive de re rustica, libri xx. Cassiano Basso scholastico coUectore. Antea Constantino Porphyrogenneto a quibusdam adscripti. Graece et Latine. Cantab, et London, Churchill, 1704. 8°,; denuo recensiti et illustrati ab Jo. Nic. Niclas. Lipsise, 1781. 8°. [The Roman writers on agriculture confine themselves to the notice of vivaria, and say nothing on the mode of capturing their inhabitants, but in this Greek compilation, made in the beginning of the tenth century by one Cassianus Bassus, though formerly attrib- uted to one of the Constantines ( Pogonatus or Porphyrogenitus) we find a book devoted to fishing and baits. This is Book xx which has 46 short chapters, extracted from Florentinus, Oppian, Demo- critus, Tarentinus, Dydimus, ^/^., "Concerning fish-ponds and the feeding of fish therein, the bringing them into one spot, the taking of them and the composition of all kinds of baits." Chapter 17 will serve as a specimen : " Take three limpets and having taken out the fish inscribe on the shell the words, ' The God of armies,' and you will immediately see the fish come to the same place in a suprising manner." This compilation no doubt found its way to Western Europe after the fall of the Eastern Empire and the first*edition in the original Greek was Basiliae, Winter, [1538]. 8vo. 'The work had been published in Latin, "J. Cornario medico physico inter- prete," during the previous year, at Venice and again at Basle, where editions were also issued in 1540, and other years. The best edition in Greek and Latin is that edited by R. Needham noted above. There were Italian translations by N. Vitelli, Venetia, 1542. 8vo., xvi BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. and by P. Lauro, Venetia, 1549. 8vo. A French translation by Anthoine Pierre was issued at Poictiers in 1543 in folio ; and it was translated into English by the Rev. T. Owen and published in London in 1805, with the title "Geoponika. Agricultural pursuits." It is improbable that this Greek manuscript was known in Western Europe when the Flemish "Boecxken" (see pp. 35-7) was compiled, but whether or no the contents of the latter are altogether different and show an independent origin. Ever since writing was invented fishermen all the world over have no doubt made notes of their favourite baits.] Best (T.) A concise treatise on. ..angling. Page 31, line 12 : for experiences read experience; line 23, for 1789 read [1789] ; line 2^^ for 1832. 18°.; and edited, readi2\\\ edition. London, Tegg, 1838. 16°.; [with new title-page :] 13th ed... corrected John Jackson ; same line^for (n. d.) 32°., read 1846. 16°. Black's guide to Moffat and vicinity, etc. Edinburgh, Black, (n. d.) 12°. [ Fishing at Moffat, p. 82.] Blacker (William). Art of angling. Page 33, line i, for his read this. Black Palmer. Scotch loch-fishing. By " Black Palmer." Edinburgh and London, Blackwood, 1882. pp. ix. 81. 16°. Blagrave (Jos.) Page 33, line 29, «<^ 214), to Van Hove.] xviii BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Code. Le code de la peche. Chalons, Le Roy, 1875. pp. 32. 12°. Coetlegon ( Dennis de) Universal history of arts and sciences. London, 1745. fol. [Fishing, vol. i, pp. 1007-12.] Country gentleman. Page ^o^ line ^o^ add: London, T. Trye, 1756. 2 vol. 12°. Country pursuits and amusements. Comprising angling, etc. London, Ward and Lock. (n. d.) 8°. [ Pages 289-374 of the " Boy's handy book," published by Petter and Galpin, with a new title-page.] D (J.) The secrets of angling. Notes. [ Page 72, line 29, read: 30 leaves, or a 3 leaves, B to Eiii in eights; page 73, line iZ,for There are three copies, etc., read There were three copies of this edition in the British Museum, but one has recently been transferred to the possession of Mr. Denison.] Davies ( G. Christopher). Fishing. Page 76, li7te 29, insert : London, The Graphotyping Company, (n. d.) pp. 64. 8°. Davy fSir Humphrey). Salmonia. Page 77, li7ie 19, add : London, Smith and Elder, 1840. pp. xii. 388. 8°. Dubravius (Janus). A new book of good husbandry Page 82, line 6, read pp. viii. 38, ii (table J ^ or A to l in fours. Ellacombe (Rev. H. N. ) Shakespeare as an angler. The Antiquary (vol. iv, pp. 142-7, 193-7) London, 1881. 4°. Ellis ( William). The modern husbandman, complete in eight volumes... By William Ellis, Farmer, at Little Gaddesden, in Hertfordshire. London. 1750. 8°. [ Vol. Ill, pt. 2, chap, xiii, " Of fishing for trout," etc. Vol. IV, pt. 2, chap, ix, "Of making ponds;" chap, x, "Of fishing in the sea." An earlier edition is dated 1744-7.] Essay. An essay on angling. Worcester, 1840. Page ^"j^ add to note : [ The writer was Mr. William George, now editor of the Wor- cester Herald."] Fitzpatrick (B. M.) Irish sport and sportsmen. Page 95, line I, add: Dublin, Gill and Son, 1878; [other copies] London, etc. Ford ( James, M.D.J Poems and sonnets. Edinburgh, Olip- hant, 1 87 1. 16°. [ Contains " The Fisherman on the cliff," p. 8, " The fishermen of the Tay," p. 21.] Forester (Frank) pseud, [i.e. H. W. Herbert]. Fisherman's guide. A manual for professional and amateur anglers. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. xix Containing description of popular fishes and their habits, preparation of baits, etc. New York, Advance PubUshing Company, (n. d.) 12°. Foster ( David ). The scientific angler, being a general and instructive work on artistic angling. By the late David Foster. ( Compiled by his sons). With illustrations and steel engraving of the author. London, Bemrose and Sons...Ashbourn, D. and W. H. Foster. [1882.] port., pp. xii 300, h plates. 8"^. Friis ( J. A.) Page 102, line i.foi" elber read eller ; for Jaeger- og read Jaeger og. Fur, fin and feather. Page 102, line 17, add : Fur, fin and feather. A compilation of the game laws of the different states and provinces of the United States and Canada ; to which is added a list of hunting and fishing localities. Revised for 1872. New York, [1872]. 8°. Garlick (Theodatus). A treatise on the artificial propagation of fish. Page 104, line 5, add : New York, A. O. Moore, 1858. 8°. Gauchet (Claude). Le plaisir des champs. Page 10^, line ig^ add: Edition revue et annotee par Prosper Blanchemain. Paris, 1869. pp. xxxii. 376. 16°. Gay (John). Rural sports. Page 104, line ^^i^ add: Rural sports. A georgic in two cantos. Cambridge, [U. S. A.] 1880. 4°. [ Twenty-five copies printed for Mr. John Bartlett of Boston.] Goulding (Rev. F. R.) Boy life in the water. London, Rout- ledge, (n. d.) 8°, [ A volume of the " Every boy's library " series. Chap. IV contains, " hunting for bait, fishing," etcP^ Gowrie, pseud. Page 107, add : \_i.e. W. Anderson Smith.] Grivel ( F.) Etude sur la peche k fa ligne. Fontainebleau et Paris, Pedone-Lauriel. 1879. pp.71. 8°. [ Reprinted from "La France judiciaire."] Hale (Thomas). A compleat body of husbandry. Second edition. 4 vol. London, 1758. 8°. [ Chapters 42-5 of Book 5, Vol. ii, treat of the making and stock- ing of fish-ponds, and of feeding, preserving and taking the fish. The first edition was, London, 1756, folio.] Harting (J. E.) Essays on sport and natural history. London, Horace Cox, 1882. pp.463. 8°. [Contains "Fishing with cormorants" and "Fishing notes in Holland."] Herbert (H. W.) Frank Forester's fish and fishing. Page 116, line I, add: New York, W. A. Townsend, 1864. 12°. XX BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Highley (Samuel). Where to fish round London. London, Bogue, [1882]., 56. 8°. Hutchinson (R. D.) Page 121^ for advendelse ;'^<7 etc. London, Macmillan, 1867. 8°. [Fishing: pp. 44— 7 ; 211— 4; 220—3; 225; 227—230.] Bakhuizen van der Brink (R. C.) See Brink. Baldi (Bernardino). Versi e prose. Venetia, 1590. 4°.; ordi- nate e annotate, Firenze, 1859. 8°. [Baldi was born at Urbino, in 1553, arid produced an esteemed poem on nautical subjects and 17 eclogues, of which the third is on fish. The seventh is also named " I pescator," but has only a nom- inal claim to notice in this place.] Ballads. See "The angler," "The female angler," and "The shepherd's daughter." Banks (Harry C.) [Angling cards]. Harding, Piccadilly, [1880.] Sq. 8°. [No title. A series of Christmas, etc.^ cards with burlesque representations of anglers.] Barker (Thomas). The art of angling; wherein are discovered many rare secrets very necessary to be known by all that delight in that recreation. Written by Thomas Barker, an ancient practitioner in the said art. Printed by R. H. and are to be sold by Oliver Fletcher, near the Seven Stars at the west- end of St. Pauls. Anno. Dom. 1651. 12°. Reprinted: London, Burn, 1820. 12°. [A single copy of the reprint was on vellum and four on straw- coloured paper. One hundred copies were printed.] Another edition: London, 1653. 4°.; Reprinted: Leeds, Inchbold & Gawtrees, 1817. 4°. [This edition was without the author's name. It is sometimes annexed to copies of "The countryman's recreation," 1654. 4to. The reprinted copies, we find from an advertisement, were 12 in royal 4to., 6 in royal 8vo., and loo in demy Svo. They were pub- lished by Robinson & Co., Leeds, and Longman & Co., London.] Barker's Delight; or, the art of angling; wherein are discovered many rare secrets very necessary to be known by all that delight in that recreation, both for catching the fish, and dressing thereof. The 2nd edition, much enlarged. "There is a time and season to every purpose under heaven. Everything is beautifuU in his time." Eccles. iii. i, 11. London, printed by J. G. for Richard Harriot and are to be 22 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. sold at his shop in St. Dunstan's Churchyard, Fleet-street. 1657; and [with new title page] printed for Humphrey Moseley and are to be sold at the Princes Armes in St. Paul's church- yard, 1659, 12°. Reprinted: London, Burn, 1820, 12°; and Hodgson and Co. [some copies] E. Bryant, 1826. 12°. ["Barker's delight" is also inserted in the "Young sportsman's miscellany," London, 1826. i2mo. One copy of the reprint by Burn was on vellum and is now in the Denison collection ; four were on straw-coloured paper. One hundred copies were printed. The two vellum copies of Burn's reprints produced £2. 2s. at a sale in Jan. 1843, but two paper copies were recently priced at 50s in a bookseller's catalogue(!) In an "Epistle to the Reader," prefixed to the 1st edition. Barker states that he was born and educated in "Brac-meal, in the libertie of Salop." And that he was there "a freeman and Burgesse of the same Citie." "I am grown old," he tells us, ''and therefore am willing to set forth my true experience that I have been gathering these fifty years." In "Barker's delight," this 'Epistle to the reader"" is transmogrified into an Epistle dedicatory, "To the Right Honorable Edward Lord Montague, Generall of the Navy, and one of the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury." It opens thus : — "Noble Lord, I do present this my book, as I have named it, Barker's Delight, to your honour. I pray God send you safe home to your lady and sweet babes. Amen, Amen."" He speaks again of his experience, which, by some unaccountable arithmetical progression, is extended this time, to "three-score years." and he ends by declaring that he takes as much pleasure in the dressing of fish, as in the taking of them, " and to shew how I can perform it, to furnish any Lord's table, onely with trouts, as it is furnished with flesh, for 16 or 20 dishes. And I have a desire to preserve their health (with help of God) to go dry in their boots and shoes in angling : for age taketh the pleasure from me."" The body of the work begins thus: — "Noble Lord, under favour, I will compliment and put a case to your Honour. I met with a man, and upon our discourse, he fell out with me, having a good weapon but neither stomach nor skill : I say this man may come home by Weeping Cross, I will cause the clerk to toll his knell. It is the very like case to the gentleman angler that goeth to the river for his pleasure : this angler haJ;h neither judgement nor experience, he may come home light-laden at his leisure." Barker was the first propagator of the heresy of salmon-roe. He says: "I have found an experience of late, which you may angle with, and take great store of fish... The bait is the roe of a salmon, or trout, if it be a large trout, that the spawnes be anything great. If I had but known it twenty years ago, I would have gained a hundred pounds, onely with this bait. I am bound in duty to divulge it to your Honour, and not to carry it to my grave with me. The greedy angler will murmur at me but for that I care not." The "enlargement," of the second edition consists mainly of cul- inary recipes, and of some scraps of verse, roughly coopered and stiff-jointed. The culinary feature is of such frequent occurrence, that one is apt to take Barker for parcel angler, parcel cook, and to BIBLIOTHECA PTSCATORIA. 23 imagine that when he doffed rod and creel it was to don the white night cap and apron. To this edition of Barker, some commendatory verses entitled " Pleasant hexameter verses," by a Mr. Hockenhull, are prefixed. One of them runs thus : "Markham, Ward, Lawson, dare you with Barker now compare ? " Who was Ward ? The Rev. H. N. Ellacombe suggests that he was probably the translator of "The Secrets of Maister Alexis of Pie- mont by him collected out of divers excellent authors, and now newly corrected and augmented. London : printed by William Stansby for Richard Meighen and Thomas lones and are to be sold at their shop with-out Temple Barre vnder St. Clement's Church. 1615 " This edition seems to be unknown to bibliographers. Two recipes are given in it : " To catch river fish," and " How to take great store of fish." (pp. 138 and 150.) An objection has been made that there exists no trace of Ward's having written any substantive work on angling, but it is scarcely an objection at all in this case, Lawson being in precisely the same position, while even Markham was but a trader in other men's wits, as far as his treatises on our sport are concerned. The three men are therefore not unfairly linked, and it must be remembered that at the period in question (HockenhuU's verses were probably written before the advent of Walton and certainly of Venables) a triad of original angling writers would have been hard to find.] Barlow (Francis). Seuerale wayes of hunting, hawking, and fishing, according to the English manner. Inuented by Francis Barlow. Etched by W. Hollar. If hunting, hawking, fishing pleasure yeald, How much may art exceede, as if in feild. You vew'd each sport, by figure so exprest. The seuerale wayes they take fowle, fish and beast. And are to be sould by John Overton at the White Horse without Newgate. London, 1671. Obi. 4°. [ An extremely scarce work, if we may judge by the absence of it from all the sale-catalogues of collectors that have come in our way. There is no typed title. The engraved title consists of a scroll enclosing the above and is followed by twelve plates, the subjects of which are "Hare-huntmg," "Stagg- hunting," " Cony - catching," " Otter-hunting," " Coursing fallow deer," " Fox-hunting," " Feasant hawking," "Partridge hawking," "Hern hawking," "Angling," "River fishing," and " Salmon fishing." Under each plate is a quatrain similar in style to that in the title. Heineken in his " Dictionnaire des artistes," (Leipzig, 1788-90. Vol. IL, p. 138) gives two sets of plates, the one of 6 including title, the other of 7, but these, united, correspond with the above. Bryan, in his "Dictionary of painters and engravers," gives a set of 13 plates, including, probably, as does Heineken, the elaborately engraved title. Strutt also refers to the work as having come under his observation. In a copy we have seen which is probably of a more recent issue, the title-page differs wholly from the above. It is an engraved plate like the rest, but represents a hunting subject, the death of the stag, and behind the group of hounds and horsemen 24 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. and athwart the trees of the background, is a scroll within which the following verses are substituted for the original quatrain :— " The stag rous'd before us, Away seems to fly. And pants to ye chorus Of hounds in full cry; The day's sport when over, Makes blood circle right, And gives ye brisk lover Fresh charms for ye night." Underneath the plate, but engraved also, " A set of prints of hunt- ing, hawking and fishing, designed by Francis Barlow." (n. d.) The plates themselves are divided into two series, numbered each from I to 6. The quatrains associated with them are the same, and there is no other noticeable difference, except that the plates appear to have been retouched. Mr. Crawhall, of Newcastle, has a fine early copy in his collection.] Barnard {Rev. M. R.) Sport in Norway, and where to find it. London: Chapman and Hall, 1864. 8°. Barnes (Dame Julyans). This present boke shewyth the manere of hawkynge and huntynge : and also of diuysynge of Cote armours. It shewyth also a good matere belongynge to horses : wyth other com- endable treatyses. And ferdermore of the blaysynge of armys : as here after it may appere. [Colophon :] Here in this boke afore ben shewed the treatyses perteynynge to hawkynge and huntynge with others dyuers playsaunt materes belongynge vnto noblesse : and also a ryght noble treatise of Cotarmours : as in this present boke it may appere. And here we ende this laste treatyse whyche specyfyeth of blasynge of armys. Enprynted at Westmestre by Wynkyn the worde, the yere of thyncarnacon of our lorde, mcccclxxxxvi. [Westminster] 1496. fol. [Black letter; 74 leaves. On the recto of the first leaf is a woodcut of birds and on the verso a group of men with a hawk. Beneath the latter follows the title. The register commences on the following leaf : a — e in sixes ; f and g in fours ; h, 6 leaves ; a — e in sixes and d, 8 leaves. No pagination or catchwords. The " Treatyse of fysshynge" follows that of " Cote armures" and begins on the verso of g, iv ; it is not in the edition of i486. The larger device of Wynkyn de Worde is on the last leaf (d viii) which has the device of Caxton on the verso. Copies upon vellum are in the collection of the Earl of Pembroke and in the Grenville Library, British Museum. The Museum has also a copy on paper with the last leaf wanting. Herbert's "Ames," pp 126— 33, contains an elaborate account of this book, which is amplified and amended from Herbert's notes and illustrated with facsimiles, in Dibdin'5 edition, vol. ii., pp. 55-66. Dr. Dibdm mentions a third copy on vellum. There are also copies on paper in the Huth Library and in the Bodleian. BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 25 Dame Julyans or Juliana Barnes, Bernes or Berners, to- whom these treatises are ascribed, is supposed to have been a daughter of Sir James Berners of Roding Berners in the county of Essex (a favourite of Richard the Second) who was beheaded in 1388. It is said that she was celebrated for her learning and accomplishments and that she held the office of Prioress of the Benedictine Nunnery of Sopwell, near St. Albans, but as far as we can learn, these statements rest on pure conjecture or meagre inference. The first edition of her Book of St. Albans was printed by the school- master printer of St. Albans in i486.] Here begynneth a treatyse of fysshynge wyth an angle. [Colophon:'] Here endeth the boke of Fysshynge with other dyuers maters. Imprynted at London, by Wynkyn de Worde, dwellynge in Flete-street, at the sygne of the Sonne, [circa 1500.] 4"' [Black letter, a to D.iv. The woodcut of a man angling is under the title. This edition appears to have been published as a " lytyll plaunflet " notwithstanding the caution of the authoress against this course, given in the concluding paragraph of the treatise in previous editions, which in this instance is omitted : "And for by cause that this present treatyse sholde not come to the hondys of eche ydle persone, whyche wolde desire it yf it were enprynted allone by itself, and put in a lytyll plaunflet therfore I haue compylyd it in a greter volume of dyuerse bokys concernynge to gentyll and noble men to the entent that the forsayd ydle persones whyche sholde haue but lytyll mesure in the sayd dysporte of fysshyng sholde not by this meane vtterly dystroye it." This edition varies the orthography and has some slight corrections of the text and some omissions. The only known copy which was formerly in the Harleian Collection subsequently passed through the hands of Mr. Gulston, Mr. Ratcliffe, Mr. Haworth and Mr. George Wilkinson.] The boke of hawkynge and huntynge and fysshynge. [Colopho7i:'] Here endeth the boke of hawkynge huntynge and fysshynge, and with many other dyuer maters. Im- prynted in Flete strete at ye sygne of ye sonne, by Wynkyn de Worde. [circa 1 503] 4°. [Black letter. 46 leaves, a-h in eights and fours alternately, except G, which has six leaves. "Fysshynge" begins on the verso of F i, and has the angler woodcut underneath the title. The catch- word throughout the volume is "huntynge." This edition reads " Of Saynt Thomas tyde of Caunterbure." The copy formerly in the possession of Mr. George Daniel and now in the Ruth Library, is supposed to be unique. Mr. Daniel considered it to be earlier than the folio of Wynkyn de Worde in 1496. It was sold at his sale in July 1864 for ;^iio.] The booke of hauking hunting and fysshyng, with all the properties and medecynes that are necessary to be kept. [Colophon :] Imprynted at London in Fletestreate at the 26 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Sygne of the Rose Garlande, by Wylliam Coplande. (n. d.) 4°. [Black letter. 48 leaves, a to m in fours. "Fysshynge" begins over woodcut of a man angling. This edition, of which only one perfect copy is known (Lowndes) is described in the " Biblio- theca Anglo-poetica," p. 12. Haworth's sale £,\ 4s.] The booke of hawkyng, huntyng and fysshing, wyth all the properties and medecynes that are necessary to be kepte. \Colophon:'\ Imprinted at London in Saynt Martyns paryshe in ye vinetre upon the thre crane wharfe by Wyl- lyam Coplande. (n. d.) 4°. [Black letter. 48 leaves, a-m in fours. " Fysshynge " begins on Ki. Each treatise has a separate but identical colophon. A copy was formerly in the possession of Mr. Haslewood. Sold for ^8.] The booke of banking huntyng and fysshing, wyth all the properties and medecynes that are necessary to be kept. ^Colophon:^ Imprinted at London in the Ventre, upon the three Crane wharfe, by Wyllyam Copland, (n. d.) 4°. [Black letter, a to m in fours. 48 leaves. Each treatise has a distinct colophon, without more important variation than " Vyentre" in place of " Ventre " in the first. A copy complete, but with the title mended and last leaf inlaid, was sold by Evans, June 15, 1836, for £(i los.] The Booke of banking huntyng and fysshing, with all the properties and medecynes that are necessary to be kept. [Colophons:] Imprynted at London in Paules churche yerde by Robert Toye; Flete strete at the Signe of of the Rose Garland by Wyllyam Copland for Robert Toye ; Flete strete at the Sygne of the Rose Garland by Wyllyam Copland, (n. d.) 4°. [Black letter. 48 leaves, a to m in fours. A copy of this edition is in the collection of Earl Spencer. Dent, pt. ii., 1076, ;^io los.] The booke o( banking huntyng and fysshyng, with all the properties and medecynes that are necessary to be kept. [^Colophons :] Imprynted at London in Paules churche yerde by Abraham Vele; Flete strete at the Signe of of the Rose Garland by Wyllyam Copland for Robert Toye;... in Paules church yarde at the Sygne of the Lambe by Abraham Vele. (n. d.) 4°. [Black letter. 48 leaves, a-m in fours. This edition reads (h i) " Of Saynt Benet the xi of July ." An imperfect copy is in the British Museum. Mason ^^ii 1 6s.] The booke of haukyng huntyng and fysshyng, with all the properties and medecynes that are necessary to be kept. [Colophon:] Here endeth the booke of Haukyng, huntyng, and Fysshyng, with other dyvers matters. Imprynt- ed at London in Fletestreate at the Sygne of the Rose BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 27 Garlande, by Wylliam Coplande: for Rychard Tottell. (n. d.) [Black letter. 48 leaves, a-m in fours. "Fysshyng" begins on recto of Ki. There is a copy in the Grenville Library, British Museum. Mr. Grenville has appended this note : " This edition is not known to Ames or Herbert, nor has a second copy of it come to my knowledge, though there is one nearly the same printed for Toye and Coplande, There is no date of the year of printing this book, but it appears, from Ames, that Coplande was fined by the Company of Stationers, in 1561, for printing these three tracts. The present edition of Tottell's differs in its colophon at least from those pointed out by Herbert as printed by Coplande, and except the reversed cut before the treatise of fishing, accords exactly with Toye's in its contents." Inglis, 144, ;^I2.] [The same title ?] Colophon: In Lothbury ouer against St. Margeret's Church by Wyllyam Copland, (n. d.) [Herbert's "Ames." vol. i. p. 367.] The boke of hawkynge, huntynge arid fysshynge with all the propertyes and medecynes that are necessarye to be kepte. \TJie last Colophon:'] Here endeth the boke of Haukyng, Huntyng, and Fysshyng, with other dyuers mathers. Imprynted at London in Pouls chyrchyarde by me Hery Tab. Finis, (n. d.) 4°. [ Black letter. 46 leaves, a-m in fours with the exception of I which has only two leaves. Each treatise has a distinct Colophon. " Fyshyng " begins Ki. and ends on the verso ofMiiij. The only known copy is among Crynes' books in the Bodleian.] The boke of hawkynge, huntynge and fysshynge, with all the propertyes and medecynes that are necessarye to be kepte, [Colophon, m, iv.:] Here endeth the boke of Hauk- yng, Huntyng, and fysshyng, with other dyuers matters. Imprynted at London, in Forster laen, by John Waley. (n.d.) 4°. [ Black letter. 46 leaves, a to m in fours, except i which has only two leaves. Hi reads : " of Saynte Thomas tyde of Canterbure." The "measures of blowyng " are not in this edition, which appears, however, from the position of the second imprint, to be perfect. "Fysshynge" commences on Ki. The treatises have separate but identical colophons. A copy formerly in Mr. Pickering's collection. Haworth 958. £%.'] The boke of haukyng, huntynge and fysshyng, with all the properties and medecynes that are necessary to be kepte. [Colophon, end of fysshyng:] Imprynted at London in Flete Strte at the sygne of [the] George next to saynt Dunstones Church by Wyllyam Powell, (n. d.) 4°. [Black letter. 48 leaves, a — m in fours. Distinct and different colophons. Hi, reads : " of Saynt Benet the xi. of July." A copy formerly in Mr. Pickering's collection. Haworth, 959, jQ^ 5s.] 28 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Boke of Haukynge, Huntynge, and Fyshing, with all the Properties and Medecynes that are necessary to be kepte. London by William Powell, (n. d.) 4°. [Black letter. Lowndes gives this edition the date (1550) assign- ed to it conjecturally by Haslewood.] Hawking, Hunting and Fishing, with the true measures of Blowing. Newly corrected and amended. At London. Printed by Edward Allde, and are to be solde at the Long Shop adjoyning unto Saint Mildred's Church in the Pultrie. 1586. 4°. 44 leaves. [ Black letter. A copy is preserved in the Phillipps Library, now in the possession of the collector's daughter, Mrs. Fenwick of Thirlestaine House, Cheltenham.] Hawking, Hunting and Fishing, with the true measures of Blowing. Newly corrected and amended. At London, printed by Edv\'ard Aide, and are to be solde at the Long Shop, adjoining unto Saint Mildred's Church in the Pultry. 1596. 4°. [Black letter. " This," says Haslewood, " is the last reprint of the selection forming the bo'ok of Sir Tristram." The titles and colophons of the sixteen early editions given above are taken from various sources. We can only answer for the accuracy of the first, third, seventh, eighth, ninth, eleventh and fifteenth. For the others (the books themselves being inaccessible to us) we are indebted to Herbert, Haslewood, Pickering, and Russell Smith. We fear that these cannot be accepted without some misgivings : our entry of the edition with the imprint of Hery Tab differs from Haslewood in three places, from Pickering in eight places, and from Russell Smith in thirteen places. It is probable that two or three of these editions were printed from the same ' formes ' for different station- ers, each having his name attached to his own quota of copies. We cannot, however, specify which are in this position, and our enquiries do not bear out the positive statement on the subject made by a recent bibliographer.] The book [of St Albans;] containing the treatises of Hawking ; Hunting ; Coat-armour ; Fishing ; and Biasing of Arms. As printed at Westminster, by Wynkyn de Worde ; the year of the Incarnation of our Lord. 1496. London, reprinted by Harding and Wright, for White and^ Cochrane, and R. Triphook. 1810. Fol. [150 copies printed. The work consists of " Introduction," 2pp ; "Biographical notices," l6pp ; Bibliographical notices 84 pp,. and finally a verbatim, literatim and punctuatim fac-simile of the 2nd edition of "The Boke of St. Albans." A bibliographical labour carefully and conscientiously executed by Mr. Joseph Haslewood. A few copies of this Introduction were published separately.] The Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle. Attri- buted to Dame Juliana Berners, reprinted from the book of St. BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. ^29 Albans. London, Pickering, 1827. 8°. [Printed with Baskerville's type.] The Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle. By Dame Juliana Berners : being a fac-simile reproduction of the first book on the subject of fishing printed in England by Wynkyn de Worde at Westminster in 1496. With an introduction by Rev. M. G. Watkins, M.A. London, Elliot Stock, 1880. fol. [^One of the best facsimiles ever executed.] An American edition of the Treatyse of Fysshynge with an Angle from the Boke of St. Albans. (Reprinted... from the edition, London. . 1827) Edited by G. W. Van Siclen. (Glossary.) New York, 1875. 12°. [For further reproductions of the "Book of St. Albans," see L[eonard] M[ascall], W. Gryndall, and "A Jewell for Gentrie."] Barnwell. Pseud. The game fish of the Northern States of America, etc, 1862. See Roosevelt (R. B.) Barry (William). Moorland and stream. With notes and prose idyls on shooting and trout-fishing. London, Tinsley, 1871. 8°. Sporting rambles and holiday papers. London, Routledge, [1873] 8°. [' Rough angling,' ' By the river,' and ' Trout murder,' are the headings of the fishing papers.] Bastien (L F.) La nouvelle maison rustique, edition entiere- ment refondue. etc. 3 tom. Paris, 1798 & 1804. 4°. [The latest form of the' work first published by Estienne (Charles) in 1565, and afterwards by Liger (Louis) in 1700, of both which many editions were issued. It includes " La peche." See Estienne and Liger ^ Bathurst [Hon. a7id Rev. Charles). Notes on nets, or the Quincunx practically considered. To which are added miscel- • laneous memoranda. London, Van Voorst, [1837.] 12°. [ Dedicated to the " Worshipful Company of Fishmongers." A singular combination of net-making and preaching.] Baudrillart (Jacques Joseph). Traite general des eaux et forets, chasses et peches, compose d'un recueil des reglemens forestiers, ... et d'un dictionnaire des peches... (conten ant I'histoire naturelle des poissons...l'explication des termes de peche et de navigation ; la description des lignes, hame^ons, filets, engins, ^/c... employes dans les diverses sortes de peches ; les dispositions reglementaires tant sur la peche fluviale que sur la peche maritime ; avec un atlas de 44 planches.) Paris, A. Bertrand, 1827. 4°. (638 pp.) ; Paris, 1833. 4°. Code de la peche fluviale, avec un commentaire 30 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. des articles de la loi, les motifs de cette loi, etc.) suivi d'un dictionnarie de la peche fluviale, contenant I'histcire naturelle des poissons, ^/c.ranalyse de I'ancienne et de la nouvelle legislation sur le droit et Texercise de la peche dans les rivieres navigables, ^/c.accompagne d'un atlas compose '^e 23 planches. 2 tom. Paris, A. Bertrand, 1829 & i860. 12°. Beckmann (J. V.) Disputatio de jure piscandi. Resp. J. Volckhart, Salzung. [4 plates]. Jense, 1676. 4°. Begriff. Kurtzer Begriff der edlen Jagery.-.Zweite Auflage ; mit einem Anhang von der Fischerey vermehret. Nord- hausen, J. H. Gross. 1733. 8°.; then as : Kurtzer, doch grundlicher Begriff der edlen Jagery... Mit einem Anhange von der Fischerey... Dritte Auflage. Nordhausen, J. H. Gross. 1745. 8°. [In both editions " Fischerey" is separately paged, i — 136 ; and in that of 1733 has a separate title-page.] Beleze (G.) Dictionnaire universal de le vie pratique ^ la ville et a la campagne. 2^ ed. Paris, Hachette, 1862. 8°. Bellamy (J. C.) The housekeeper's guide to the fish market for each month of the year; and an account of the fishes and fisheries of Devon and Cornwall, in respect of commerce, economy, natural history, and statistics. London, Longman, 1843. pp. 144. 12°.; London, Hamilton, 1862. pp. 146. 12°. [This volume also treats of rod and line fishing, baits, the arti- ficial fly, etc7[ Bell's Life in London. In progress. London, 1820-81. [A weekly paper giving occasional papers on angling.] Belton ( ). See Ireland and Norway. Benecke ( Berthold). Fische, Fischerei und Fischzucht in Ost und West Preussen. Konigsberg. 1880. 8°. Bennet (James Henry). Winter in the South of Europe. London: Churchill and Sons, 1865. 8°. [Contains an account of the method of trolling in the Italian lakes. Reviewed under the head of " Lake trolling in Italy," in the " Fish- erman's magazine," Vol. 2, pp. 460-4. Several editions of the work have appeared.] Berardino (S.) Sonetti e canzoni, con I'egloghe pescatorie. Napoli, 1560. 12°. Bergerie (Rougier de la). Anweisung, Fischteiche mit dem nioglichst geringen Kosten - Aufwande und auf die Dauer anzulegen, dieselben vortheilhaft zu besetzen und zu fischen und die Fische ohne Gefahr und mit Sicherheit zu verschick- cn und zu transportiren. Nebst einer Abhandlung iiber deii BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 31 Nutzen der Fischteiche als Bewasserungs-mittel. Mit Abbild. Quedlinburg, 1839. 8°, Berisch (C. L.). Grundliche Anweisung wiesowohl die zahme als wilde Fischerei gehorig zu betreiben ist, um den hochstmog- lichen Ertrag hiervon zu erlangen, zum Nutzen fiir Fischerei- Aufseher und Teichwarter bei ansehnlichen Fischereien. Leipzig, 1794. 12°. Bernes {Dame Julyans). See Barnes. Bertram (T. G.) The harvest of the sea. 1867, etc. See FISHERIES. Best (Thomas). A concise treatise on the art of angling. Confirmed by actual experiences and minute observations, exempt from redundancies and superfluities, which tend more to perplex, than instruct. With the proper methods for breeding and feeding fish, making fish-ponds, stews, etc. With several arcana never before made public. To which is added the compleat fly-fisher. As in successive course the seasons roll, So circling pleasures recreate the soul, etc. Gay. London, printed for C. Stalker, H. Turpin and to be had at all booksellers and fishing tackle shops in town and country. 1787. 12°.; 2nd edit. 1789; 3rd edit. 1794; 4th edit. 1798 ; 5th edit. 1802 ; 6th edit. 1804, 12° ; 7th edit. 1807 ; 8th edit. 1808; 9th edit. 1810 ; loth edit. 1814 ; nth edit. 1822, 12°; 1832, 18°; and edited by Jackson, London, Tegg. (n. d). 32°. [The loth and nth editions contain Nobbes' " Treatise on Trol- ling." Best was Keeper of His Majesty's Drawing-room in the Tower of London.] Bethune {Rev. George W.) See Catalogues and Walton (I.), The complete angler, 1847. O^ Bewick ( Thomas.) A memoir of Thomas Bewick, written by himself, embellished by numerous wood engravings, designed and engraved by the author for a work on British Fishes, and never before published. [Vignette.] Newcastle-on-Tyne : printed by Robert Ward, Dean-street, for Jane Bewick, Gates- head, etc. 1862. 8°. [The engravings are of fish and fishing scenes, prepared to illus- trate a work, *'to match the histories of quadrupeds and British birds," upon which Bewick was engaged at the time of his death. Greater progress had been made with the vignettes and tail pieces than with the fish, of which only sixteen blocks and one copper- plate were finished. A prospectus containing two specimens of the engravmgs and printed on one side of an octavo leaf, was circulated in 1824. "A History of British Fishes. The figures engraved on wood, Dy T. Bewick/' it states, "is intended to be put to press in 32 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 1826. ..Subscriptions received by all booksellers and by T. Bewick and Son, Newcastle." Seven forms of this prospectus are enumer- ated by Mr. Hugo, in whose "Bewick Collector," 1866, pp. 292-303, will be found a detailed account of the proposed work. Should Piscator covet one of these golden links, between his pastime and the famous North Country engraver, let him beware of counterfeits. Two fictitious forms have been provided for the unwary collector : one with an indifferent copy, reversed, of the 'Old angler,' and the other with a bad copy of the vignette of a man fishing, both taken from the " Birds." The following illustrations are used in copies of the genuine prospectus : Samlet and Old gentleman fishing on horseback ; Sam- let and Blind fisherman and bull ("Birds"); Lump-sucker and Herons fishing ; Lump-sucker and Cows fishing ; Dace and Blind fisherman (as above); Ballan wrasse and "Smelling" (eels in dead dog); and John Dory and Pole-cat fishing.] Bibliotheca Piscatoria. See Catalogues. Bibliothek der Forst-und Jagd-Wissenschaft. See Catalo- gues : Enslin ^;2 next with : Poems on various subjects. (Piscatory eclogues : a new attempt in pastoral, on the plan of its primitive rules and characters. To which is prefixed an essay in defence of this •undertaking. The second edition, corrected and enlarged.) By Mr. Moses Browne. London, Cave, 1739. ^°-> then as \ Angling sports : in nine piscatory eclogues. A new attempt to introduce a more pleasing variety and mixture of subjects and characters into pastoral, on the plan of its prim- itive rules and manners... With an essay etc. The third edition, corrected and very much improved. London, Dilly, 1773. 8°. xl and 136 pp. See Walton (I.) The compleat angler. 1750, 1752 and 1772. [ The Piscatory Eclogues of Moses Browne are nine in number. Their subjects are as follow : 44 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. I. Angling seasons ; or, the weather. II. Night fishing ; or the nocturnal. III. The river enemies. IV. The sea swains. V. Re- nock's despair. VI. The angler's songs. VII. The strife. VIII. The fowlers. IX. The complaints ; or, the friends. Each eclogue is dedicated to a friend or patron. The seventh and eighth eclogues are not piscatorial in their subjects. "The strife " is a celebration of English rivers, " The fowlers " is exclu- sively on fowling. The author informs us that these poems were produced in his three and twentieth year. They may be accepted as a very credit- able production for so juvenile an age. Virgil and Theocritus appear to have been Browne's models. The first edition was an- onymous. When the second edition was preparing for publication, one of the Eclogues, " The Nocturnal," was printed in the *' Gen- tleman's Magazine," vol. viii. (1738), with the hope that it would prove "an agreeable entertainment and hasten the compleating his subscription." Browne was born in 1703. He became a pen-cutter, but could ply the pen as well as cut it, for by his poetical contributions he helped to maintain the literary reputation of the most popular periodical of the day, the " Gentleman's Magazine," published by Cave at St. John's Gate. In 1723, Moses Browne published two dramatic pieces, " Polidus or destressed love," a tragedy, and "All-bedevilled," a farce. He soon became (we are told) " the lion and dictator of a club of literary wits." At this time he came into contact with Dr. Johnson, and their meeting was the beginning of a friendship between them. Eventually, Browne took orders, and was promoted to the Vicarage of Olney, Bucks. Besides the above works, he wrote " Percy Lodge, a poem," and " Sunday thoughts," in blank verse. He died September 13th, 1787, aged 84.] Browne (William). Britannia's pastorals. In two books. London, printed by T. Snodham for G. Norton, [161 3-] 1616. fol.; London, 1623. 8°.; London, printed by John Havi- land, 1625. 8°.; with notes, etc., by the Rev. W. Thompson. London, 1845. 16°.; Works, containing Britannia's pastorals ...with notes and observations, by the Rev. W. Thompson*, etc. 3 vols. London, 1772. 12°.; Anderson's Poets of Great Britain, vol. iv., 1793. 8°.; Chalmers' English poets, vol. vi. 1810. 8°; Edited by W. C. Hazlitt. The Roxburghe library, 1868, ^/c. 4°. [The passage which brings this book within the angler's ring- fence is the following : — " Now as an angler melancholy standing Upon a greene banke yeelding roome for landing, A wriggling yellow worme thrust on his hooke, Now in the midst he throws, then in a nooke, Here puis his line, there throwes it in againe, Mendeth his Cork and Bait, but all in vaine. He long stands viewing of the curled streame ; At last a hungry Pike, or well grown Breame, Snatches the worme^ and hasting fast away, BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 45 He knowing it a fish of stubborne sway, Puis up his rod, but soft (as having skill), Wherewith the hooke fast holds the Fishes gill, Then all his line he freely yieldeth him, Whilst furiously all vp and downe doth swim Th' ensnared Fish, here on the top doth scud, There underneath the banks, then in the mud ; And with his franticke fits so scares the shole, That each one takes his hyde, or starting hole : By this the Pike, cleane wearied underneathe A willow lyes, and pants (if Fishes breath) Wherewith the Angler gently puis him to him. And least his haste might happen to vndoe him, Layes down his rod, then takes the line in hand. And by degrees, getting the Fish to land, Walkes to another poole : at length is winner Of such a dish as serues him for his dinner." From the modus operandi of the above, we may conclude that Browne was, himself, a brother of the angle. The earlier editions of the " Pastorals " are now scarce, but wher- ever opportunity permits, Piscator should select original copies of such works, rather than modern reprints of them. There is a savour about an old angling book, which no novel revival can impart. Who, for instance, would choose to have Nobbes on cream-laid paper and in elegant type .'' And what true book connoisseur would prefer a "Compleat angler" of the present day, however splendid the getting up, to the quaint little pocket volume of 1653, thumb- marked by dead and gone anglers, and fraught with subtle associa- tions of its time .?] Bruckmann (Fr.) Tractatus de venatione, piscatione et aucupio. Spirse, 1605. 4°. Buc'hoz (Pierre Joseph). Traite de la peche, ou I'art de soumettre les poissons de I'homme, precede de I'histoire naturelle de ces animaux. Paris, 1786. 12°. Buckland (Francis Trevelyan). Curiosities of natural history. London, Bentley, 1857. 8.; Second series, i860. 8°.; A new series. 2 vol. 1866, 8°., [called] the Third series. 1868. 8°., [and finally] Third and Fourth series 1872. '8°. [There have been several editions of each series. The First series (1857) contains : "Fish and fishing" pp. 227 — 290; the Second series (i860) : "A hunt on the sea shore" pp. 151—336 ; the New series (1868) : "A Yorkshire fishing match." Vol i. p. 40 ; "Jack fishing on the Avon." p. ^6 ; " Natural history of the salmon." p. 119; "The salmon nets." p. 130. These headings are not preserved in the later editions which contain, in an appendix, an account of the conveyance of a live salmon by railway.] The log-book of a fisherman and zoologist. Illus- trated. London, Chapman and Hall. 1875. 8°. The natural history of British fishes; their struct- ure, economic uses, and capture by net and rod. Cultivation 46 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. of fish ponds. Fish suited for acclimatisation. Artifical breed- ing of salmon. By Frank Buckland. London, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. [1881]. xii. 420 pp. 8°. [This is to some extent founded on " A familiar history of the British fishes." [1873]. The author refers to the latter in his preface, as the " first edition," but the book has been rewritten throughout. The neat woodcuts of the previous work are again used, but so badly printed, that the fish are scarcely recognisable.] On the Thames. See Pennell ( H. C.) Fishing gossip. 1866. See FISHERIES and PISCICULTURE. Buechlin. Ein wunder kunstryches Biichlin, wie man Fisch, Krebsz vnd Vogel fahen sol, mit gar viibewerten Recepten, etc. Von vil erfarnen Weydliiten, und fischern, von niiwen zugericht, etc. Vnd auch hieby, zu wolcher zyt ein yeder fisch am besten ist. [Woodcut of a man fishing with hand- net.] Gedruckt zu Bernn, by Mathia Apiario. mdlii. 8°. [ Fourteen leaves. Aii to Bvii in eights. This is a German ver- sion, transposed in part, with a few trifling alterations, of the Flemish tract already described. ( See Boecxken). 'I'he last leaf contains a list of the " Nicknames and similitudes of fish, etc." ( Die Nachnamen vnd glychniissen der Fisch, etc.), which commences with "A stickleback is a king, a salmon a gentleman, a carp a glut- ton, a pike a robber, a barbel a shoemaker, an eel a juggler," and ends with " Ein Louck ein Wascher." A copy is in the collection of Mr. Denison.] Fishbuchlin, von der Natur vnd eigenschafft der Fischen. Item, wie man Fisch vnd Vogel fahen sol. Zu welcher zeit auch jeder Visch am besten sey. [Woodcut]. Getruckt zu Straszburg bey Christian Muller. 1578. 8°.' [a to D in eights. Besides the cut on title, this tract has wood engravings of an angler and of a fowler. It is a reprint of the foregomg with additional matter *'Of the nature and quality of fish," prefixed.. On the last leaf we again find the list headed, " Diss ist ein Schimpffliche Gleichnuss der Vischen."] Neue und bewahrte Recepten, Fische und Vogel zu fahen mit den Handen, Reussen, Angeln, Hammen, Netzen. (s.l.) 1580. 8°. [ This would appear to be an edition of that portion of the work only, which formed the staple of the original tract.] Fischbuch von der Natur und Eigenschaflft der Fisschen, insonderheit derin, so gefangen werden im Boden- see, und gemeinlich auch in andern Seen und Wassern. Ein ander Biichlein, wie man Fisch und Vogel fangen solle, mit XXX neuen und bewahrten Recepten. Auch zu welchen Zeiten im gantzen Jahr ein jeder Fisch am besten seye. Zurich, 1598. 8°. [The name of Gregory Mangolt is here given as the author. The BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 47 first portion of this edition and of the preceding one, " Der Natur ...der Fisschen" was probably contributed by him.] Ein Biichlein wie man Fisch und Vogel fangen soil, mit 30 neuen und bevvahrten Recepten, auch zu welchen Zeiten im gantzen Jahr ein jeder Fisch am besten sei. Erfmt, 1610. 8°. [ The expansion of an earlier edition.] Gewise vnd bewerthe Kiinste wie man Fisch vn^ Vogel fahen sol, alles auss der Durch leuchtigsten Fiirsten vund Herren, Herrn Friderichs lodlicher gedechtnuss vnd Hertzog Sigmunds Fischerey. Item, von det Natur vund eigenschaflft vieler Fisch. Auch zu welcher zeit sie am besten seyn. etc. [Woodcut]. Niirnberg, Johann Lantzenberger. 1612. 8°. [ Without pagination, a to dv in eights. This is another edition, the '' wie man fisch " being restored to the first place in the book, while "von der Natur" follows. The list of "Nacknamen" this time has an addition : " Item ein Krass ein Todtengraber." The woodcut on title represents a man in the water catching fish with his hand, also an angler and a fowler.] Das edle Fischbuchlein, das ist : ein sehr nutzlicher Bericht, von der Fischerey iiberaus grosser Nutzbarkeit ; von der Fische Natur und Eigenschafft ; etc. Niirnberg, [1700.^] 8°. pp. 190. [ Six woodcuts. The " Account of the exceeding great useful- ness of the fishery" expands this edition to twice its former size. The other portion remains without material alteration. Most of the above tracts are very rare and the collector is fortunate who can secure one or two of them. A reprint of the last will be found in the following entry.] Das edle Fischbuchlein, das ist, ein sehr niitzlicher Bericht von der Fischerey iiberaus grosen Niitzbarkeit, der Fische Eigenschafften wie sie am bequemsten zu fangen und zu welcher Zeit sie am besten sind. Coin. 8°. [12 woodcuts.] [We have this edition and also the third, fourth, and fifth, by title only. Among the " recettes infiillibles," to be found in these volumes and also in the Flemish "Boecxken," is the following "wonderfull bayte for Trowtes and Thymallos," here given in the words of John Stocker (" Praxis aurea." p. 92.) Possibly it is one of those which the Belgian bibliophile thinks may prove useful at the present day. " Draw a black hen, put into the belly of it 3 yolks of Eggs, and as much saffron as a pease, then sowe up the hole and bury the Hen in a dunghill of Hors dung for 3 or 4 days, till it putrifie or rott, and there will appeare little yellow worms m it. ..It is a wonderful experiment."] Bulger (George E.) Leaves from the records of St. Hubert's club, or reminiscences of sporting expeditions in many lands. 1864. 8^ 48 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. [Contains some angling matter, but neither much nor important.] Burckhard (Jac.) Disputatio juridica de piscatione : respon- dente M. J. Koleffel, Ravenspurg. [Six plates.] Basle, 1684. 4°. Q^ Burdett-Coutts (The Baroness). Two of the essays, received on the best means to kill fish, (particularly of the largest species), with the least cruelty ; for the best essay on which subject a prize of £\o was offered by the Right Honorable The Baroness Burdett-Coutts, etc. Copies to be had free, on application to Thomas F. Brady, 11, Percy-place, Dublin, 1874. 8°. 54 pp. and i leaf; folding plates. [The prize was not awarded as not one of the essays was sufficient- ly practical. Two of the illustrations are coloured lithographs : one of an " Angler stunning his fresh caught fish [on a stone] at the bend of a river in Wicklow"; the other "The haunt of the whale. Sticking a whale calf with the lever harpoon." The third plate contains diagrams of this new form of harpoon.] Burgess (J. T.) Angling : a practical guide to bottom-fishing, trolling, spinning and fly-fishing. With a chapter on sea fishing. Illustrated. London, Warne, 1867. pp. viii. 182. 8°. [Forming part of "The Country Library and Family Circle Books." With an admirable and workmanlike frontispiece drawn by A. W. Cooper.] Burke ( Ulick J.) The boy's Walton. A discourse on fishing. With illustrations. London, Marcus Ward, 1878. pp. 174. Burn (James). The fishes' complaint ; or unfair sportsmen censured : a poem, in two cantos. Dedicated to anglers in general. Maidstone, Austen, (1833.) 39 pp. 12°. Burton (R. F.) The Lake regions of Central Africa. A picture of exploration. 2 vols. London, Longman, i860. 8°. [Fishing in the Tanganyika lake.] Bushman (01d),/^^w^. \i. e. Horace William Wheelwright.] Bush wanderings of a naturalist ; or, notes on the field sports and fauna of Australia Felix. By an Old Bushman. A new edition. London, Routledge, 1864. front.^ pp. xv. 272. 8°. plates. [Chap. 15. River fish and angling. Chap. 16. Sea fish and sea fishing.] Spring and summer in Lapland, with notes on the fauna of Lulea Lapmark. By An Old Bushman. London, 1864. 8°. Ten years in Sweden being a description of the... field sports and fauna of Scandinavia. By An Old Bushman. London, Groombridge, 1865, pp. xvi. 592. 8°. BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 49 Sporting sketches. Home and abroad. [With memoir of the author.] By the Old Bushman. London, Warne, 1866. front, pp. xii. 434. 8°. [Remarks on the Northern Salmon rivers, p. 6 ; The fishing day, p. 176.] C. (H.) The fisher boy, a poem, comprising his .<^everal avo- cations, during the fonr seasons of the year. " Inest sua gratia parvis." " Si je n'ai pas d'autres charmes, J'ai au moins la verite." By H. C. Esq. [ i.e. S. W. H. Ireland.] Printed for Vernon, Hood and Sharpe. London. [1808.] 12°. C. (I. E. B.) See Angler. The Angler's Diary. 1866, etc. See Facts. Facts and useful hints. 1866, etc. Cabinet. A rich cabinet. See White (J.) Cairncross (David). The origin of the silver eel, with remarks on bait and fly-fishing. London, Shield, 1862. pp. viii. 96. 8°. [This amazing little book records the result of "a series of obser- vations extending over sixty years." " The progenitor of the silver eel," says the author, "is a small beetle," "of this I feel fully satisfied in my own mind, from a rigid and extensive comparison of its structure and habits with those of other insects," " The beetle in the act of parturition," is represented in a frontispiece, and the fact that the beetle is evidently a dead one, would not, we feel assured, if known to the writer, cause him to alter his opinion one jot.] Cairn-Lorgh, psctid. A ten pound tour. By Cairn-Lorgh. London, Wyman and Sons, 1873. 8°. [ Contains a chapter on Spring trout-fishing in the Ardennes.] Calabar (Old), /^^//<^. Over turf and stubble. London, 1873. 8". [ Contains "Fishing gossip. Fly-fishing," etc^ Calmo (Andrea). Le bizzarre, faconde et ingeniose rime pescatorie. Vinegia, 1557. 12"^.; 1576 & 1583. 8°. Cambridge Essays, contributed by members of the University. ( The fly-fisher and his library, by H. R. F[rancis], pp. 233- 260.) London, Parker, 1856. 8°. Camerarius (Joachimus), the younger. Symbolorum et em- blematum ex aquatilibus et reptilibus desumptorum centuria quarta, a J.C....coepta : absoluta post ejus obitum a L. Camer- 2iX\o, etc. [Nuremberg], 1604. 4^.; Francoturti, 1654. 4°. [Emblems 29, 30, 31, 36, 37 and 45, are drawn from fishing subjects. Camerarius was a learned physician of Nuremburg, (B. 1534. D. 1598), author of " Hortus medicus," and "Commen- taries on Miitthiolus."] 50 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Campagne. La Campagne. Journal de peche et de chasse, redi^e par C. de Massas. Paris, 1859-60. 8°. [ A monthly publication, of which only twelve numbers appeared under De Massas' editing. He was the inventor of a new kind of fishing rod, called the "Canne rubannee."] Campaux (Antome Francois). De ecloga piscatoria qualem a veteribus adumbratam absolvere sibi proposuerit Sannazarius facultati litterarum Parisiensis thesim proponebat A. C. Parisiis, 1859. 8°. Canadian handbook and tourists' guide, giving a description of Canadian lake and river scenery, with the best spots for fishing and shooting. Montreal, Longman, 1867. 8°. [Illustrated with photographs.] Cancrin (Franz Ludwig von). Abhandlung von dem Anlegen, dem Bau und der Ausbesserung der Teiche, und besonders der Fischteiche. Mit 2 Kupfern. Frankfurt-am-Mein. 1791. 8°. Canna. La canna de pescare. 161 2. [ Known to us by title only.] Capaccio (Giulio Cesare). Mergellina. Egloghe piscatorie. [In prose and verse.] Venetia, 1598. 12°. Carleton (J. W.). ►S^^ Sporting sketch book. 1842. Carpenter (William). The angler's assistant: comprising practical directions for bottom fishing, trolling, etc. with ample instructions for the preparation and use of tackle and baits; a descriptive account of the habits and haunts of fish, and a geographical and ichthyological account of the principal rivers and streams in England. London, Bogue, 1848. pp. viii. 153. 16°. [Re-issued by] Routledge, London, 1852. 16°. [The latter is the 1848 edition with a new title-page and a coloured frontispiece of flies, taken from "The angler's hand-book," published by R. Tyas, 1838.] Carpentier (J.) La peche raissonnee et perfectionnee du pech- eur fabricateur de toutes lignes — cinquante peches differantes. 92 gravures. Paris, Audot, 1879. pp. iv. vii. 419. I2". Carr ( John). On the ascent of salmon over the elevations in the course of rivers. ( Philosophical Magazine^ xxxv. pp. 251-6.) London, 1810. 8°. Carroll ( W.) The angler's vade mecum, containing a descrip- ti\'e account of the water flies, their seasons, the kind of weather that brings them most on the water. The whole represented in twelve coloured plates : to which is added, a description of the different baits used in angling, and where found. Edinburgh, Constable and Co., 181 8. pp. viii. 128. 8°. BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 51 [ 194 examples, arranged under the months from May to Septem- ber, and coloured by hand.] Carruthers (Walter). A plea for tourists. 5^^ Pennell ( H. C.) Fishing Gossip, 1866. 8° Cartwright ( Rev. W.) See Clericus. Cascapaedia. Grand Cascapaedia fishing score. Bay of Cha- leur. 1879 s. sh. fol. [Privately printed. The wonderful scores of the Hon. Chas. Ellis, Mr. L. Iveson and Capt. G. A. Percy, made on this river in 1879.] Cassell's.. .handbook of fishing. London, 1868. pp.64. 16°. Technical educator. London, [1868, etc^ 8°. [ Contains a treatise on angling.] Casts. Random casts or odds and ends. By E. M. E. [?>. E. E. Millard ]. New York, 1878. 12°. Catalogues I. General. (In order of date.) Rittershusius (Conr.) Catalogus eorum qui de piscibus prseter Oppianum aliquid scripserunt. [ Forming leaves 74, 5 of the Prolegomena to the edition of Oppian, edited by Rittershusius, and printed Lugduni Batav- orum, 1597. 8vo.] Kreysig (Georg Christoph). Bibliotheca scriptorum vena- ticorum, continens auctores, qui de venatione, sylvis, aucupio, piscatura, et aliis eo spectantibus, conimentati sunt. Altenburgi, 1750. 8°. Lastri (Marco). Bibliotheca Georgica. ossia catalogo ragio- nato degli scrittori di agricoltura.-.caccia, pesca, etc... spettanti air Italia. Firenze, 1787. 4^. White ( — ) of Crickhowell. List of angling books, {circa 1806.] [A MS. list annexed to a copy of Bowlker, Ludlow, 1806, and now in the Denison collection. White's library was dispersed by auction about the above date.] (J^ Ellis iySir Henry). A catalogue of books on angling ; with some brief notices of several of their authors, i^ondon. Printed by T. Bensley, 181 1. 21 pp. 8°. [Originally inserted in the "British Bibliographer." "Not more than sixty detached copies with title-page and index were taken off," is noted by Sir Henry, in the revised copy with MS. additions, which is now in Mr. Denison's collection. This is the earliest attempt at a list of angling books, and registers 75 distinct works « in chronological sequence. It was reprinted without acknowledge- ment, in the supplement to Daniel's "Rural Sports," 1813, and was reissued, greatly enlarged and improved, by Pickering, from the revised copy mentioned above.] E 2 52 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Catalogues I. General. Coniijuied. Appleby {Rev) Bibliotheca piscatoria. [London, 1820?] 8pp. 8^ [A few specimen pages of the work, advertised by Burn in 1820, a« bein^T in preparation, but which was never published owing probabh' to the hick of subscribers. With them is a MS. " Catalogue of books on anghng" intended no doubt for the same work. It registers 77 Avorks and the latest entries bear date 1829. It came from H. S. Cotton's library in September, 1848, and is now in the Denison collection.] Cr" Major (John). Catalogue of books on angling. London, 1822. 8°. Enslin (Theodor C. F.) Bibliothek der Forst-und Jagd- Wissenschaft, ' oder Verzeichniss aller brauchbaren... besonders vom Jahre 1750 bis zur Mitte des Jahres 1823 in Deutschland erschienenen Biicher, iiber alle Theile des Forst-und Jagdwesens, iiber die Fischerey und den Vogel- fang. Berlin, 1823. 8°. [Pickering (William).] Bibliotheca piscatoria : a catalogue of books upon angling. London, W. Pickering, 1836. 8°. [xx leaves. Forms the appendix to Boosey's " Piscatorial rem- iniscences." Some copies were issued separately. It was formed upon Sir Henry Ellis's list, and consists of 180 works, two or three of which, however, have no direct relation to angling.] Wilson (James). A list of books on angling. Edinburgh, Black. 1840. 8". [ This list is inserted, with separate pagination, between the two treatises, "The Rod and the Gun," Edinburgh, 1840 & 1844, originally published in the "Encyclopiedia Britannica," where the list was appended to "Angling." It contains about 100 works.] Engelmann (W.) Bibliothek der Forst-und Jagd-Wissen- schaft, oder Verzeichniss der in alterer und neuerer Zeit, besonders aber vom Jahre 1750, bis gegen Ende des Jahres 1842 in Deutschland erschienenen Biicher iiber alle Theile des Forst-und Jagdwesens. iiber die Fischerei und den Vogelfang. Zuerst herausgegeben von Th. Chr. Fr. Enslin. Von neuem ganzlich umgearbeitet von W. Engelmann. Ein supplement zur Bibliotheca ceconomica. Nebst einem vollstandigen Materien-Register. Zweite Auflage. Leipzig, W. Engelmann. 1843. 8°. [ A continuation of Enslin.] [ Bethune {Rev. George W.)] A Waltonian library ; or a list of such works as relate to fish and fishing, Walton and Cotton. New York, 1847, etc. 8°. [ Annexed to Dr. Bethune's edition of Walton's " Compleat angler.'' It consists of 300 works, irrespective of ichthyology.] BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 53 Catalogues I. General. Contiimed. Schneider (Friedrich Wilhelm). Bibliothek der Forst-und Jagd-Literatur. Ein Verzeichniss der uber alle Theile der Forst-und Jagd-wesens und liber Fischerei in Deutschland erschienenen Schriften umfassend dem zeitraum vom Jahre 1842 bis znm Jahre 1856, etc. Berhn, Springer, 1856. iv. 63 pp. 8°. [A continuation of Enslin and Engelmann.] Smith (John Russell). A bibliographical catalogue of English writers on angUng and Ichthyology. London, J. R. Smith. 1856. 47 pp. 8°. [The catalogue appended to Blakey's " Historical sketches," 1856, printed and paged separately, with a title. It contains 264 works on angling,] Westwood (Thomas). A new Bibliotheca piscatoria; or a general catalogue of angling and fishing literature with bibliographical notes and data. 1861. (Supplement com- pleting the list... up to the present time, 1869.) London : The Field Office, 1861-69. iv. 82 pp. 8°. Sabin (Joseph). A bibliographical catalogue of the Walton- ian library belonging to the estate of Robert W. Coleman, deceased, late of Cornwall, Lebanon Co., Pa. New York, 1866. 8°. [Only 75 copies printed. This collection was ''the life-long labour of the late Rev. G. W. Bethune, from whose estate it was purchased by Mr. Coleman.'"] Eyton (Thomas Campbell). Fishing literature. Wellington, Salop : R. Hobson, 1871. pp. 25. 12°. [Reprinted with ''numerous additions" from Zo\d by auction by S. L. Sotheby and Co. on Jan. i8th. 1847 and two following days. [92 lots.] [London, 1847.] 8°. The library of a gentleman leaving London : comprising... works on angling... sold by auction by S. L. Sotheby and Co., on 20th April 1849 and following day. [Lots 7 to 85.] [London, 1849.] 8°. Pickering ( William ). The valuable and unique private library of Mr. W. P., consisting of... works on angling, em- bracing the first five and almost every other edition of Izaak Walton's Complete Angler and also the works of all his favourite authors... sold by auction by Mr. G. Robinson on March 13th 1854 and [two] following days. [96 lots.] [London, 1854]. 8°. 56 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Catalogues II. Sale. Continued. The second portion of the extensive collection of valuable books formed by the late Mr. W. P., of Piccadilly, bookseller... sold by auction by S. L. Sotheby and J. Wilkinson on Aug. 7th 1854. (Lots 31-112.) [London, 1854.] 8°. Cotton (Lynch). The curious collection formed by the late Mr. L. C, comprising works on angling, including... Dr. Gardiner's Boke of angling or fishing, of the highest degree of rarity, and beautiful engraved illustrations to Walton's Angler, and Waltoniana.-.sold by auction by Sotheby and Wilkinson on Feb. 9th 1856. [26 lots.] [London, 1856.] 8°. [ The ' Gardiner ' produced ^40, and a MS. copy of it prepar- ed for publication 12s.] Pepys (William Hasledine). The valuable library of the late W. H. P. Esq., f.r.s., etc.^ comprising... treatises on angling... sold by auction by S. L. Sotheby and T. Wilkin- son on Dec. 3rd 1856 and three following days. [50 lots.] [London, 1856.] 8°. ' [ Prince]. A further choice portion of the valuable library of a well-known collector, comprising an extensive collec- tion of works on angling and fishing, including beautiful copies of the first five editions of Walton... three editions of the *' Secrets of angling ' by J. D....sold by auction by Sotheby and Wilkinson on July i6th [1858] and two fol- lowing days. [151 lots.] [London, 1858.] 8°. [The Waltons produced ^50 los.; the 'Secrets' ist, 2nd and 4th editions, ^6, £s 14s. and £^ los.] An important and valuable collection of books, containing... an extensive collection of works on angling, partly from the library of the late Mr. Haslewood...sold by auction by Sotheby and Wilkinson on 25th May i860 and seven fol- lowing days. [89 lots.] [ London, i860.] 8°. Daniel (George). The most valuable,... library of the late George Daniel Esq. of Canonbury...sold by auction by Sotheby, Wilkinson and Co. on 20th July 1864 and nine following days. [28 lots.] [London, 1864.] 8°. Corser [Rev. Thomas). The valuable... library formed by the Rev. T. C. of Stand Rectory, near Manchester... sold by auction by Sotheby and Co. on July 28th 1868; Second portion. ..on March 17th. 1869; Third portion. ..on August 6th. 1869 ; Fourth portion... on Feb. 23rd. 1870 and three following days. [150 lots.] [London, 1868, etc.'\ 8°. [This most valuable catalogue is complete in nine parts. Eight BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 57 Catalogues II. Sale. Continued. portions of the library were sold in London, 1868 & 1873 : the ninth and concluding portion in Manchester, Dec. 13th., 1876, and two following days: this last is not complete without a leaf of "Addenda," issued separately. It was compiled by Mr. W. H. Ford of Manchester. " Secre'ts of angling by J. D." ist. edition ;^i8.; 4th. edition, £2-]. A copy of Pickering's ed. of Walton and Cotton, 1836, extensively illustrated and bound in six volumes, ;^92.] Jesse (Edward). The library of the late E. J.... works on angling, hunting, hawking, ^/c.sold by auction by Sotheby and Co. on 30th November 1868. [lots 341-^6^.] [London, 1868.] 8^. Ellis {Sir Henry). The valuable library of the late Sir H. E. ...comprising books on angling and other sports. ..sold by auction by Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge on 19th. July 1869 and four following days. [95 lots.] [London, 1869.] 8 . [Stoyle] The... library of a gentleman deceased... compris- ing. ..books on sports and sporting, including angling, etc... sold by auction by Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge on... January 15th 1880. [London, 1880.] 8°. [ Dr. Dibdin says ('Bibliomania,' 1811, p. 97): "Catalogues are to bibliographers what Reports are to lawyers — not to be read through from end to end — but to be consulted on doubtful, points." He stigmatises (p. 35) a confessed destroyer of book- catalogues as " an Omar," but our modern librarians, " in confer- ence," would probably write down the Doctor as " Stultus," if we may judge by a recent occurrence at a great library in the City. When priced and with purchasers' names, the importance of cata- logues both as standards of value and means of tracing the pro- prietorship of rare and curious books is sufficiently obvious.] Cathrall (W.) History of Oswestry ; comprising the British, Saxon, Norman and English eras. With notices of botany, geology, angling and biography. Oswestry, 1855. 8°. Cats (Jacob). AUe de wercken, se ouden als nieuwe, van de Heer Jacob Cats, Ridderondt Raedtpen Lionaris van Hollandt, etc. Amsterdam, by Jan Jacobs, Schipper. 1655. fol. [In " Emblemata moralia et oeconomica" are three drawn from fishing, Nos. 2, 7 and 39, and again in " Vrouwe," p. 145 ; also in " Huyselycke," pp. 95 and 104. Cats was born 1577, and died 1660.] Cederstrom (G. C.) Fiskodling och sveriges fiskerier, etc. Stockholm, 1857. 8°. Chailland ( ) Dictionnarie raisonne des eaux et forets, etc. Paris, 1769. 4°. Chain. '' Off the chain." 1868. 8°. See Gowrie, pseud. 58 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Chalk-stream studies. See Kingsley (C.) Chambers' Edinburgh Journal ; [continued as :] Chambers' Journal. In progress. London and Edinburgh, 1832-44. fol.; 1844-1881. 8°. [This popular periodical contains many articles on angling and fishing.] Champon (C.) La peche en eau douce. Ouvrage indispensable aux pecheurs, orne de nombreuses gravures. Paris, Champon, 1876. 18°. Chapus (Eugene). Le sport a Paris. Ouvrage contenant le turf, la chasse, peche, etc. Paris, Hachette, 1854. 8°. pp.iv. 316. [A volume of the " Bibliotheque des chemins de fer."] Annuaire du sport en France. Guide complet du sportsman... La peche [pp. 270-285,] etc. Paris, Levy, 1859. 8° 340 pp. Charfy (Guiniad),;^^-^^^. The fisherman : or the art of anghng made easy. Containing the most approved methods in use for fishing or angling for pike, trout, salmon, etc. Together with their seasons of spawning, hours of biting, and what- ever else is necessary to be known by an expert angler. Also, directions in the choice, management and application of the tackle, baits, etc. Likewise, remarks on the utility of fish ponds... To which are prefixed, an account of several curious methods of fishing practised in Europe, etc. By Guiniad Charfy, Esq. London, printed for J. Dixwell, 148, St. Martin's-lane, (1800.^) 8°. iv. 146 pp.; Second edition. London, printed for J. Smeeton ( 1815 .' ) 8°. iv. 148 pp. [ A compilation by George Smeeton, printer of St. Martin's-lane, who, with his wife, was burnt to death. The work is a mere ver- batim appropriation, without acknowledgment, from Saunders' "Complete fisherman." The second edition was substituted for the fishing treatise of Nicholas Cox, in a volume entitled, "The nobleman's and gentleman's recreation," (n. d.), published by Smeeton. See Cox ( N.)] Charleton (T. W. Royal Navy). The art of fishing. A poem. North Shields, 1 8 19. 80 pp. 8°. [An attempt, not quite so successful as that of John Dennys, to give a rhymed compendium of the mechanism of the art. It is smoothly written, but matter of fact.] Chasse. La Chasse et la peche en Angleterre et sur le Continent. Traduit de divers ouvrages Anglais. Bruxelles, 1842. pp. iv. 310. 8°. [Taken, for the most part, from " Sporting scenes and country characters," by Martingale. London. 1841.] La chasse et la peche. {Encyclopedie de cofinaissances utiles, pp. 2497-2528). Paris, 1859, 8°. BIBLIOTHPXA PISCATORIA. 59 Chasse. La chasse et la peche : gazette nebdomadaire, illustree du sport dans tous les pays. Paris, 1868. 4°. [Has ceased to appear.] La chasse et la peche. Sciences naturelles, beaux- arts, literature, etc. Journal hebdomadaire. In progress. Brussels, 1879. 4°. La chasse et le sport en Hongrie. Pest, (n. d.) fol. [Contains " La peche en Hongrie " with two coloured illustra- tions.] La chasse illustree : journal des plaisirs de la ferme et du chateau, hi progress. Paris, Didot, 1867, ^/c. fol. [" Recits de chasse,. de peche et d'acclimatation." Edited by B. H Revoil.] Chasses et peches Anglaises. Varietes de peches et de chasses. [4 plates.] Paris, 1852. 8°.; (n. d.) iv. 361 pp. [The plates are copied from woodcuts in Martingale's " Sporting scenes, etc" from which and other sources, comes the letter-press.] Chatterton (George J.) An essay on fly-fishing, being an attempt to point out the essentials of the art for the benefit of learners. Printed by Hazell, London and Aylesbury. [1878]. pp. 24. 12°. Chatto (William Andrew). See Fisher (P.) and Oliver (Stephen). Chavannes de la Giraudiere (H. de). Souvenirs d'un vieux pecheur. Tours, 1853. 12°. Cheek (John). The young angler's guide, comprising instruc- tions in the arts of fly-fishing, bottom-fishing, trolling, etc. Illustrated with numerous fine engravings and woodcuts. London, 1839. ^°- [ A tacklemaker's publication, of which there were various issues.] The British angler's instructor, showing the rods and tackle necessary for every description of fish usually angled tor, with the most approved methods of catching them. London, 1854, 1^55 & 1859. 16°. [ A trade publication, distributed gratuitously.] Cheshyre (H. T. Newton). Recollections of a five years^ residence in Norway. London, 1861. 8°. Chetham (James) ofSmedley. The angler's vade-mecum; or, a compendious, yet full discourse of angling : discovering the aptest methods and ways, exactest rules, properest baits, and choicest experiments for the catching all manner of fresh- water fish : perused and approved by many exquisite anglers, together with a brief discourse of fish-ponds : and not only the easiest but most palatable ways of dressing all sorts of fish 6o BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. whether belonging to ponds or rivers. By a Lover of Angling. London, printed for Thos. Bassett, 1681, pp. viii. 180. Table, etc.^ xii. 12°.; Second edition. Illustrated with sculptures : and very much enlarged. London. Printed for T. Bassett, 1689. 12°. viii. 326 pp. Table, etc.^ 10 PP- 2 plates; Third edition. London, Printed for William Battersby, 1700. 12°. [The first edition was published anonymously. " The author hath forborne,'" he says in his preface, " to affix his name ; not that he is ashamed to own it, but wishes the reader to regard things, more than empty names." Chetham's prefaces are in Diogenes' vein, curt and caustic ; he escapes from the category of manual makers, and takes rank as one of the original writers on the sport. He is indebted, indeed, to his forerunners, but acknowledges it ; he improves on their systems., and calls attention to the fact. He is never servile, nor plagiaristic, always honest, sometimes a little surly. There are said to be two editions of 1700. The one noted above is a paginary reprint of the second. It has a rude woodcut frontis- piece, in a border, headed " The Compleat Fisher," and a still ruder leaf of eight fish, disposed in eight separate cuts on one page. The preface is dated from " Smedley near Manchester in Lancashire, Nov. 26. 1688."] Chicago Field. The American Sportsman's journal. /« progress. Chicago, 111. 1874, etc. fol. Chinese. The Chinese Repository. 20 vols. Canton, 1833-51. 8°. [Contains : "Modes of capturing fish." Vol i. p. 260 ; ix. p. 637. Fish caught by birds. Vol. xvi. p. 576, Fish reared by Chinese. Vol. iii. p. 463 ; vi. p. (i^^ Chitty (Edward). See South (Theophilus). Chitty (Joseph). A treatise on the game laws and on fisheries, with appendix containing all the statutes and cases on the subject. (Continuation with a copious collection of precedents.) 3 vol. London, 1812-16. 8°.; 2nd edit, greatly improved. London, 1826. 8°. Choice, chance, and change : or conceites in their colours. Imprinted at London, for Nathaniell Fosbrooke, and are to be sold at his shop in Paul's Churchyard, at the signe of the Helmet, 1606. 4°- [This work is characterised as " A dialogue after a freindlie greeting, vpon a sodaine meeting betweene Arnofilo and Tidero ; as they trauailed vpon the way, betwixt Mount Jerkin and the Great City at the foot of the wood in the long valley." Tidero having visited several unknown countries, describes the manners and diver- sions of the people ; the following is a brief extract : — "Oh how the fisherman would discourse of his Angle, his Line, his Cork, his Lead, his Bait, his Net, his Ginne, his Leape, his Weere, and I know not what ; his obseruing of time, day and night, his BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 6i patience to attend, his crafte in drawin^^ his baite along thestreame, his dressing of his baite to draw the fish to it, his playing with the fish when he hadde him, his hoising him out of the water, and then what a messe of meate he could make of him, although perhaps it proued all but a gudgin ; but if it were a codshead, his lippes would be worth the licking, and in this was his element, heerc was his study, and in these matters of little moment would he spend the whole spirit of his vnderstanding. With whome although it were no great hurte, for to loose a little time, yet it was some pleasure for to heare him, and besides to note his kinde of pride in his poor trade." A copy is in the Bodleian Library.] Chomel (Noel). Dictionnaire CEconomique ; contenant divers moyens d'augmenter son bien, et de conserver sa sante... (Differens filets pour la peche de toutes sortes des poissons.) Seconde ed. 2 vol. Paris, 1718. foL; Nouvelle ed. 3 vol. Paris, 1767. fol. [There is an English translation entitled : " Dictionnaire oeconomique, or the family dictionary. Done into English. Revised and recommended by R. Bradley." 2 vol. London, 1725. fol.] Chubb {DdiCQy), pseud. A good day's fishing. By Dacey Chubb Esq. London, Alfred Masson and Co. (n d.) ob. 8°. [A series of humorous engravings.] Cigar. The Cigar. 2 vol. London, Richardson. 1825. 32°. [Vol. i. contains a burlesque angling adventure under the title of "Millpuff's vagaries — The watermark, pp. 3-9.] Circulaire de I'administration des eaux et forets de la France. 1806. Clark (George). The game laws from King Henry III. to the present period. London, 1786. 12°. Clarke (Captain). See Angler's desideratum. Clave (J.) La peche et la pisciculture, a I'Exposition Univer- selle. {Revue des deux Maudes, y^an. 1^- i%b^). Paris, 1867. 8°. Clemente (Afiico). Delia agricoltura libri sei, coll'aggiunta del libri intorno alle pescagioni. Vicenza. 1673. 16°.; Trevigi, 1677 & 1696. 8°.; Vinegia, 1714 & (n. d.) 8°. [The treatise on fishing consists of nine chapters.] Clements (L.) See " Wildfowler." Clericus [i.e. Rev. W. Cartwright]. Rambles and recollec- tions of a fly-fisher. Illustrated. With an appendix con- taining ample instructions to the novice, inclusive of fly- making, and a list of really useful flies. By Clericus. London, Chapman and Hall, 1854 & 1874. 8°. [Contains eight engravings by the Rev. J. Eagles.] Facts and fancies of salmon fishing, with original illustrations. London, Cassell, 1874. 8°. 62 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Cliffe (John Henry). Notes and recollections of an ancrjer : rambles among the mountains, valleys and solitudes of Wales. With sketches of some of the lakes, streams, mountains and scenic attractions in both. di\isions of the Principality. London, Bristol, and Gloucester, i85o. 8°. xii and 254 pp. Clifford (Charles), pseud. The angler: a didactic poem. London, printed by W. Spilsbury, for J. Wailis, 1804. pp. viii. 23. 12°. [Russell Smith attributes this work to William Henry Ireland, "best known as the forger of the Shakspeare Papers." Lowndes does not cite it by name in his list of that author's publications, but states that " he wrote a variety of poems and novels." The work is incom- plete, consisting of but a single book. " The author will, by no means," he says, " be averse to make a more complete work of The Angler hereafter, should the public encourage it." From its remain- ing stationary at this point it probably lacked encouragement. With an amusing complacency, the writer assures us " There will not be found any similarity between the five books of the Halieutics of Oppian and his poem, any more than between it and "The Secrets of Angling," a poem in three books, published by a certain J. D, Esq. 1613, and which, though called a poem (!) would doubtless have been as pleasing and as useful, and would have taught those secrets which it professes to disclose, fully as well, had it not been done into verse.'"\ Clinton (Lord). See Reider (J. E. Von). Coad (J.) See Greendrake (Gregory), pseud. Code de la peche fluviale et de la chasse ou recueil complet des lois, decrets, ordonnances, ^/c. Dijon, 1829. 8°. Colburn (Henry). Colburn's kalendar of amusements in town and country for 1840, comprising. ..races, hunts, ...shooting,... fishing, etc. With 12 Illustrations by R. Cruikshank. Edited by Boleyne Reeves. London, 1840. pp. iv. 356. 12°. Cole (Ralph). The young angler's pocket companion ; or, a new and complete treatise on the art of angling, as may be practised with success in every river in England ;...the art of making artificial flies, etc. To which is now added, a new and most successful method of trolling and laying trimmers. ...Together with the best method of smelt fishing. London. Printed for R. Bassam, etc. ijgS- 12°. front, pp. 108, 2 plates; 1813. 12°.; W.Mason. (1816). /row/, pp. 108. 12°. [The last mentioned edition, does not include smelt fishing and other matter.] Coler (Johann). Oeconomia ruralis et domestica. Darin das gantz Ampt aller trewer Haus-vatter, Haus-mutter...begriffen. . Auch Wild-und Vogelfang, Weidwerck, Fischereyen, etc. 2 parts. N. Heyll, Mayntz 1656-45. io\.] other editions : 1665. 1680; Frankfort, 1686. 1692. fol. [Curious, quaint and interesting.] BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 63 Collaert (Adrian). Piscivm vivse icones. In ses incisae et editse ab Adriano Collardo. [n. p. or d.] 12°. [25 plates and engraved title. Subjects : fish and fishing scenes. (Amongst the fish we find the crocodile.) Adrien Collaert was born at Antwerp, about 1520. According to Bryan, there should be 125 plates, but this is certainly an error. Mr. Denison's collection also contains a series of 19 plates, " excusag a Nic. J. Visscher anno 1634," in which these drawings of fish are carefully reproduced but without the accompanying landscape, eic'] Colquhoun (John). The moor and the loch : containing prac- tical hints on most of the Highland sports... with an essay- on loch fishing. Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1840. pp. viii. 128. \2 plates. 8°.; The moor and the loch : containing practical hints on Highland sports... with instructions in river, burn and loch fishing. Second edition. London, Murray, 1841. pp. xii. 204. I c^ plates. 8°.; — The moor and the loch : containingr minute instructions in all Highland sports, with wanderings over crag and correi, " flood and fell." Edinburgh and London, Black- wood, 185 1. pp. xvii. 406. 1^ plates. 8°.; The moor and the loch containing minute in- structions in all Highland sports. Fourth edition, enlarged. 2 vol. Edinburgh and London, Blackwood, 1878. i^ plates. 8°.; Fifth edition, enlarged. 2 vol. London and Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1880. is plates. 8°. Rocks and rivers : or Highland wanderingrs over crag and correi. ''flood and fell." London, Murray, 1849. pp. viii. 185. 12°. [Afterwards incorporated with the third edition of "The moor and the loch." Salmon casts and stray shots ; being fly-leaves from the note-book of John Colquhoun. Edinburgh and London, Blackwood, 1858. pp. x. 205. 8°. [Passages from this work are included in the fourth edition of " The moor and the loch."] Sporting days. Edinburgh, [printed]; London. Blackwood, 1866. pp. viii. 255. [A reprint of articles " contributed to an Edinburgh weekly journal," passages from which are included in the fourth edition of " The moor and the loch.'' All Mr. Colquhoun's books are pervaded with that love for wild nature and strong sense of humanity to the creatures inhabiting it, which characterize the true sportsman. Geniality and kindliness of heart appear in every page. All his instructions in Highland sports are admirable ; the sportsman's keen zest in capturing the denizens of moor and loch being strongly tempered with the naturalist's love for observing their habits and modes of life. Mr. Colquhoun's 64 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. practical knowledge of sporting and fishing, however, is superior to his attainments as a scientific naturalist. His chapters on salmoa and trout fishing teem with useful hints, while he is indisputably the first authority of his time on the wary Salmo ferox and its. capture in the larger Scotch lochs.] Columella (Lucius Junius Moderatus). De re rustica libri xii. Dublin, 1732. 8°.; Flensburg, 1795. 8°. [ Generally published with the works of other ' Scriptores rei rusticae.' The chief editions are Venice, 1472. fol. (the *Prin- ceps'; Bologna, 1494. fol.; by Aldus, 1514. 8vo.; by R. Stephens, 1543. 8vo.; by Gesner, Leipzig. 2 vol. 1735 & 1773. 4to.; and by J. G. Schneider, Leipzig. 4 vol, 1794. 8vo. The last being the most complete. There is a German translation by M. C. Curtius : Zwolf Biicher von der Landwirthschaft. Hamburg and Bremen, 1769. 8vo.] Of husbandly, in twelve books, and his book con- cerning trees, translated into English... London, 1745. 4°. [ Columella was born about the beginning of the Christian era and sprang from a family belonging to Gades (Cadiz). Book iv. cap. 16, De piscinis et piscibus alendis ; cap. 17, De positione piscinae.] Comenius ( John Amos). Latinae linguae janua reserata. The gate of the Latine tongue unlocked. London : William Du- Gard, 1658. 8°. [ The author, a protestant divine, born in Moravia in 1592, was a very earnest grammarian and attempted several improvements in education. This work, which was originally published at Lesna in Poland, in 1631, under the title, "Janua Linguarum," is a sort of encyclopccdic phrase-book, each of its 100 chapters, containing the words used in a separate art, science, or trade, and e.xplaining them by means of the context. A previous edition, in Latin, English and French, is dated, London, 1639 : 'The gate of tongues unlocked and opened, or else a seminary or seed-plot of all tongues and sciences.' In dealing with the art of fishing, he sa3's : "A Fisher laieth wait for fishes ; the greater ones swimming at the top he striketh with a fish-spear ; the lesser ones swimming against the stream he allureth with rushy bow-nets, sunk weeks (whereinto when they are once gotten they cannot get forth :) the deeper ones he draweth out of the river with a purs-net or tramel : out of a lake with a sweep-net and drags ( which sinck by reason of the plumets hanged at the bottom, and flot by reason of the corks on the top ; but they have a different wideness of the mashes ac- cording to the bigness of the fishes :) part of that which is catched he selleth ; part he putteth up m repositories, from whence when there is need hee taketh them out with a ware-net : part he picketh for salt fish. An Angler fisheth with a hook whereon having put a bait, whatsoever fish being allured, biteth at it, hee is taken."] Competenz-Spharen. Die Competenz-Spharen...und der Gesetzentwurf betreflfend den Schutz und die Ausiibung der Fischerei. Wien, 1876. 8°. BIBLIOTHFXA PISCATORIA. 65 Contributions to natural history, chiefly in relation to the food of the people. By a rural D.D. [i. e. D. Esdaile, D. D.] London and Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1865. 8°.; second ed. 1867. pp. vi. 378. 8°. [The second edition includes a " New system of sea fishing," but the book chiefly deals with salmon culture.] Conway (James). Letters from the Highlands ; or, two months among the salmon and the deer. London: Lumley, 1859. 8°. Forays among salmon and deer. London : Chap- man and Hall, j86i. front, pp. xii. 248. [A reprint of the "Letters," in an improved form, with large additions.] <^ Cooper (Alfred W.) See Francis (F.) Sporting sketches with pen and pencil, 1878. 4°. Coppini (Carlo Franc.) Prigioni, e morte delli pesci raccolte de diuersi eccellenti authori. Dal Signor Dottore C. F. C. Parmegiano. In Roma, per Michele Corbellini, 1655. pp. viii. 234. xxvi. 8°. Coquet. The marriage of the Coquet and the Alwine. [Woodcut]. Newcastle upon Tyne : printed by S. Hodgson, 1817. pp. viii. 8. 8°. [The second publication of the Newcastle Typographical Society, The dedication is signed by John Adamson, who neither claims nor yet disclaims, the authorship. The two streams unite about ten miles above Rothbury, in a very Paradise for the angler. This fact forms the sole claim of the verses to admission mto this list. They are an imitation of Drayton. 277 copies were printed.] Coquet - dale. The Coquet-dale fishing songs. Now first collected and edited by a North Country Angler. Edinburgh and London, Blackwood. 1852. 8°. viii. 168 pp. [The 'North Country Angler' was Thomas Doubleday. The collection consists of Robert Roxby's contributions to the "New- castle Fishers Garlands," with others, in which Mr. Doubleday was wholly or partly concerned. It is accompanied with a history of their composition, and a sketch of the life of their author, by his friend and coadjutor, Doubleday.] Cornhill. The Cornhill magazine. In progress. London. i860, etc. 12°. [Contains some excellent articles on angling.] Cosmopolite. See Ireland, Sportsman in Ireland, 1840. Costello (Dudley). Stories from a screen. London, Bradbury and Evans, 1855. PP- 3i9- sq. 8°. [Contains an amusing angling story, "The piscatorial adventures of Jean Gribou," in seven chapters.] 66 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Cotton (Charles). See Walton (Iz.) The compleat angler. Being instructions how to an^le for a trout or grayling, in a clear stream. Part 11. [Cypher.] " Qui mihi non credit, faciat licet ipse periclum : Et fuerit scriptis sequior ille meis.'* London, printed for Richard Marriott and Henry Brome, in St. Paul's Churchyard. 1676. pp. iv. 112. 12°. [This was sold separately, or conjointly with Walton and Venables, under the title of the " Universal angler."] Poems on several occasions. London, printed for Tho, Basset at the George in Fleet St. 1689. pp. vi. 730. [Contains " The angler's ballad," p. 76; "To my dear and most worthy friend, Mr. Izaak Walton." p. 114; "The retirement. Stanzes irreguliers. To Mr. Izaak Walton." p. 133; "Contenta- tion, directed to my dear Father and most worthy Friend, Mr. Izaak Walton." p. 252.] A series of views, taken on the spot, intended to illustrate C. C's work, entitled. The second part of the Complete Angler... Also views mentioned in the same work, of the journey to Beresford Hall, the fishing house, e^c. [ Edited by F. Manning.] London, Truscott, [1866]. 4°. [Privately printed. The volume contains a map of the river Dove and 24 etchings. The letterpress is confined to Mr. Manning's preface.] Couch (Jonathan). A torpedo at one end of the line. Fish- hooks of the earliest date. See Pennell (H. C.) Fishing Gossip, 1866. 8°. Country. The Country. A journal of rural pursuits. London, 1873-1879. fol. [Has ceased to appear. It contains much fishing matter.] Country gentleman. The country gentleman's companion. (voL I. i. Of the horse in general, ii. Of riding. ..xvii. Of fishing in general, and of making fish-ponds, xviii. Of taking all sorts of fish. Vol. n. contains... viii. Of angling in general, ix. Of the best and worst seasons to angle in, and their uses. x. Of baits, xi. Of preserving fish from all sorts of devourers. xii. Of ordering ponds for the nourishment of fish.) By a Country Gentleman, from his own experience. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1753. 12°. 2nd edition. Dublin, 1755. pp. iv. 280. iv. 8°. [One of the metempsychoses to which angling works were anciently subjected. The treatise on angling above cited is a textual reproduction of " The Pleasures of Princes" which was also incorporated by Gervase Markham, with his ** Country Content- ments."] Country-man. The country-man's recreation, or the art of planting, grafBng and gardening, in three books... Hereunto is BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 67 likewise added the art of angling. London. Printed by T. Mabb for William Shears. 1654. 4°. pp. xvi. 135. [A former edition, without the angling treatise, was printed in 1640. The 'Art of angling,' which is dated 1653 and occupies 18 pages, is by Barker, and identical with his edition of 1651. His name is however suppressed. White Knight's 30s. Bindley's 17s.] Courcy ( Le Marquis de). L'empire du Milieu [la Chine] description geographique, precis historique, etc. Paris, Didier, 1867. 8^ [ Industrie des pecheurs ; engins de peche ; ruses des pecheurs ; pisciculture, pp. 462-5.] Couteulx de Canteleu {Le Cie. J. E. H. Le) La peche au Cor- moran. Avec deux planches dessinees d'apres nature par M. E. Bellier de Villiers. Paris, 1870. 8°. [Only 100 copies printed.] Cox ( Nicholas ). The gentleman's recreation, in four parts ; ( viz.) hunting, hawking, fowling, fishing. Collected from ancient and modern authors forrein and domestick, and recti- fied by the experience of the most skilfuU artists of these times. Illustrated with sculptures. London, printed by E. Flesher, for Maurice Atkins at the Half-moon in St. Paul's Church-yard, and Nicholas Cox over against Furnivals-Inn- Gate in Holborne. 1674. 8°. [Collation : Engraved title, title, pp. x. 284. Four folding plates. In this edition the book is not claimed by Nicholas Cox, whose name is appended to the "Epistle Dedicatory," in the second and subsequent issues. This edition has become rare and copies of the five subsequent reprints, are seldom met with in a perfect state.] The gentleman's recreation : in four parts, viz. hunting, hawking, fowling, fishing. Wherein these generous exercises are largely treated of. . . Whereto is prefixt a large sculpture, giving easie directions for blowing the horn, and other sculp- tures inserted proper to each recreation. With an abstract... of... laws... Collected at first from antient and modern authors and now in this second edition corrected and very much en- larged by several eminent and skilful persons, lovers of these sports. London. Printed by J. C. for N. C. and are to be sold by Tho. Fabian. ..1677. 8°. [Collation : Engraved title, title, pp. viii. 1-158 ; title (2nd part), 159-256 ; title (3rd part), pp. 95 ; title (4th part), pp. 78 ; tables, 6 leaves. Hawking, fowling and fishing have separate titles and fowl- ing and fishing a separate pagination. There are four folding plates.] The gentleman's recreation :...The third edition, with the addition of a hunting horse. London, printed and are to be sold by Jos. Phillips... and Hen. Rodes. 1686. 8°. [ Collation : Engraved title, title, pp. vi., plate, pp. 158 ; (tables) F 2 68 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. pp. viii.; title (2nd part), plate, pp. 1-98; title (3rd part), plate, pp 101-187 ; title (4th part), plate, pp. 78 ; title ("The Hunter. Ox- ford, printed by L. Lichfield for Nicholas Cox." 1685), pp. 98, The "large sculpture''' is inscribed, "The antient hunting n oats with Marsh's additions."] The gentleman's recreation :...The fourth edition. Lon- don, 1697, [Collation : Engraved title, title, pp. iv. 1-138 ; 1-91 ; 2-78; i- 71 ; " The Hunter," pp. 90 ; title (" An abridgement of Manwood's forest laws. And of ail the Acts of Parliament made since ; which relate to hunting, hawking, fishing and fowling. London, Nath. Rolls." 1696), pp. 101, Folding plates as in previous editions.] — The gentleman's recreation :... The fifth edition. London: printed by F. Collins for N. Cox. 1706. 8°. [Collation : Engraved title ; Title, pp. iv. 1-138 ; I-91 ; 2-78 ; 1-7 1 ; 1-106 ; title (" An abridgement, f/^. London, printed F. C. for N. C. 1705), pp. loi. viii. Folding plates as before.] The gentleman's recreation:... The sixth edition with large additions. London : printed for N. C. and sold by J. Wilcox, etc. 1 72 1. 8°. [ Collation : Frontispiece ; Title, etc., 2 leaves ; pp. iv. 438 ; Title ("Manwood's forest laws. London. Printed by H. P. for N. C 1721), pp. 115. ix. Four folding plates ; the first inscribed, "The antient hunting notes with Marsh's and Coll, Cook's additions."] — The nobleman and gentleman's recreation ; viz. The fowler. The falconer. The fisherman. The huntsman. London : printed for J. Smeeton, 148 St. Martin's lane. [1815.?] 8°. [ Collation : Title (" The fowler "), pp. iv. 76 ; Title (" The fish- erman : by Guiniad Charfy, Second edition. Printed for J. Smee- ton"), pp. iv. 148. (See Charfy); Title ("The huntsman"), pp. iv. 124 ; Title (" The falconer"), pp, iv. 95. Nicholas Cox is of the superstitious, astrological, necromantical order of angling writers. He makes us acquainted with divers miraculous streams and unaccountable fishes — with a certain river for instance " near Harwood, in Bedfordshire, which in the year of our Lord 1399 (a little before the civil wars between York and Lan- caster burst forth) of a sudden stood still, and divided itself asunder, so that men might pass three miles together on foot down the midst of the channel, leaving the waters, like a wall, behind them." And again, of a "river in Judea, that runs very swiftly all the six days of the week but resteth on the seventh, which is the Jewish Sabbath." While, as a puzzle to ichthyologists, he relates seriatim, how, in the year of our Lord 1180, near Orford in Suffolk "a fish was taken in the perfect form of a man." How " he was kept by Bartholomew de Glanville, in the castle of Orford, above half a year, but, at length, not being carefully looked to, how he stole to the sea and was never seen after." " He never spake," we are informed — "but would eat any meat that was given him, especially fish" (the BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 69 cannibal ! ) and also — "that he was often led to church, but never" "(heterodox fish !) "showed any sign of adoration." This work drew down on its author an indignant protest from Ray the NaturaHst, in his preface to Willughby's '' Ornithology," (1678). " Here," he says "I cannot but reflect upon the author of a late English book, entituled The Gefitlemayi^ Recreatmi. For having had occasion to examine and compare books on these subjects, I find that all he hath considerable concerning Fowling is taken out of the aforesaid book of Markhams ["Hunger's Prevention or the Art of Fowling "] and yet hath he not to mv remembrance made any mention of his author : what he hath of Hawking is like- wise an epitome of Turhervill's collections, with some addition out of Latham's Falconry, without acknowledgement that all was borrowed, I doubt not but I could have traced him in his other discourses of Hunting and Fishing had I had leisure or will to compare his book with Turbervill's^ Walton's and other treatises of those subjects. I do not blame him for epitomizing, but for suppressing his authors' names, and publishing their works as his own, insomuch that not only the vulgar, but even learned men have been deceived by him, so that they have looked upon him as a considerable writer of extraordinary skill in such arts and exercises, and one that had advanced and improved them. By the way therefore it may not be amiss to caution learned men that tl^ey be not too hasty or lavish in then- public commendations of new books before they have taken the pains to compare them with former treatises on those subjects, lest they render themselves ridiculous by publishing those for advancers of knowledge, who are indeed meer plagiaries and compilers of other mens' works." Here is righteous mdignation ! But we fear most makers of angling manuals deserve the severity of Ray's strictures to the full as much as Master Nicholas Cox. They are dishonest borrowers, as we have had occasion to prove. Old Burton's motto to his " Anatomy of Melancholy," omne meuin, 7iihil nieiunyXnighX. be em- ployed by the fraternity at large.] Crawhall (Joseph). A collection of right merrie garlands for North Country anglers, continued to this present year. George Rutland, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1864. pp.xv. 312. 8°. [This is a republication of the celebrated "Newcastle fishers' garlands," with a continuation up to 1864.] ■ Chaplets from Coquet-side ; by Joseph Crawhall. (Robert Robinson, Bewick's Head. Pilgrim Street, Newcastle- on-Tyne). 1873. 8°. [100 copies printed, 16 being illustrated with etchings, etc., solely for presents. Contains : " The Hunt ys up," " Worm-fishing," " In memoriam : Izaak Walton," and a selection from the author's contributions to the " Newcastle fishers' garlands," 1864.] The com pleat est angling booke that euer was writ, being done oute of y^ Hebrewe and other Tongves. by a Person of Honor. Adorn'd with scvlptvres. (Imprynted by ande for y*^ Authour, dwellyng nigh unto y« riuere Coquet yn North- 70 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. umberlande, thysse yere o thyncarnacon of our Lorde, mdccc xxxxxviiii.) 4°. [97 leaves printed on one side only. A very curious and original work and one of the chief rarities of the angling bibliophile's collec- tion. It was both printed and illustrated by the author, and has remained anonymous hitherto, but the author's name is now attached to it, with his permission. Only forty copies were struck off for private circulation. It is partly historical and practical, partly legendary and poetical, and the illustrations, which are numerous, consist of admirable etchings, woodcuts, designs coloured by hand, etc. Some of the engravings were employed to adorn the large paper copies of the Newcastle Fishers' Garlands. 1864. We have seen a copy offered m a New York bookseller's catalogue at ;^3o.] The compleatest angling booke, etc. ( Second edition. Imprynted att Newe Castle upon Tine by Andro Reid for ye authour ande fynysshed ye twelft daie of August, beinge Seynct Grous hys Festivall thys yere thyncarnacon of oure Lorde. mdccclxxxi.) pp. 238. 4°. [The preface states that the entire issue of the original edition was "offered on the insatiate altar of Friendship," and "the author's friends having long crie4 in vain and still continuing to ' cry for more,' that considerate individual... unoppressed by Bumbledom, Parochial or Piscatorial, has, at length determined they shall have it." With one or two exceptions the volume contains all the old plates and nearly as many new ones, all displaying the humorous feeling and the artistic skill which give Mr. Crawhall's works a "place apart" among angling books. The impression was limited to 100 copies and the plates then destroyed.] Border notes, and mixty-maxty. (Imprinted by Andrew Reid for the author, and are to be sold by Robert Robinson, Bewick's Head, Pilgrim Street, Newcastle upon Tyne.) 1880. pp. 140. 4°. [Only fifty copies printed ; the plates destroyed. This work will form a pendant to "The compleatest angling booke," in originality, and eventually, in rarity. It is an ' olla- podrida ' of angling verse and miscellaneous drollery, illustrated with masterly pen and ink sketches, (some of them by the author's son), coloured plates, head and tail pieces, etc. Of Mr. Crawhall it may be said that he has created crown-jewels for the angling-libraries of the future. There can be no question that his books will give rise to eager competition in the auction- rooms of half a century hence.] Crescenze (Pietro de). Ruralium commodorum libri duo- decim finiunt feliciter per Johannem Schuszler ciuem Augus- tensem impressi. (147 1). fol. [ Black letter. 209 unpaged leaves. The first edition of a work supposed to have been written early in the 14th century. It has been frequently reprinted and translated. John of Westphalia printed thiee editions at Louvain, one being in 1473. The earliest BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 71 French translation is 'Le liure des prouffits champestres et ruraulx.' Paris, An th. Verard, i486, fol,; another, ' Le bon manager.' Paris, G. du Pre, 1533. fol. These have been many times reprinted. See Brunet. The first Italian translation is ' II libro della agricol- tura,' Florentie, 1478. fol. This was reprinted, Vicenza, 1490 and several times in Venice. Another version : 'Trattato dell' agricol- tura volgarizato,' Venetiis, 1511, 1519, 1536. A German translation was issued at Strasbourg towards the close of the 15th century and subsequently. Crescenze indicates the various methods of render- ing ponds and inland lakes profitable. He is one of the old farmers discussed in "Wet days at Edgewood," 1865.] Crignelle ( Henri de ). Le Morvan, its wild sports, etc. Trans- lated by Capt. Jesse. London, Saunders and Otley, 1851. 8°. [Chap. xxi. is devoted to fishing.] Crisp (William Finch). Crisp's Yarmouth, Lowestoft and Norwich handbook to angling and salt-water fishing, describ- ing the lakes, broads, rivers, decoys, etc.^ in Norfolk and Suffolk, and how to get to them, together with the baits and hooks to use. Great Yarmouth, [1870 & 1876]. 8°. Cron (J.) Anleitung zum Angeln mit dem Cosack. Ein ver- silbertes Metallfischchen, etc. Coblenz, i860. 16°. Frontis- piece and 32 pp. Cross (D. W.) Fifty years with the rod and gun, etc. Cleve- land [Ohio], Short and Forman, 1880. pp. 138. 8°. Croston (James). On foot through the Peak, or a summer saunter among the hills and dales of Derbyshire. [ With a map.] London, Manchester, [printed], 1862. 8°.; 2nd edit. 1868. pp. xii. 411 and an itinerary. 8°.; new edition; Man- chester, [1876]. 8°. [ Chap. xix. " Dove-dale. — Walton and Cotton. — Pike-pool. — The fishing house. — Beresford Hall." — etc^^ Cupid's Bee-Hive : or, the sting of love. Translated from Bonefonius. By several Hands. With some original poems. London. Printed for E. Curl, at the Dial and Bible over against Catherine Street, in the Strand. 1721. pp. 94. 8°. [Amongst the so-called "Original Poems," is "The Anglers, a Ballad, written in the year 1654. To the Tune of Amaryllis."] This ballad has figured in various angling publications, and is to be found in the collection of Roxburgh ballads, Vol. 3 p. 232. It is undated, but ends as follows : " London. Printed for F. Coles, M. Wright, I. Vere and W. Gilbertson."] Curiosities. New curiosities in art and nature, or a collection of the most valuable secrets in all arts and sciences. London, 1711. J2°. [The author of the "Compleatand experienced angler" says, p. 94, " I refer you that love the diversion to a book called New curi- osities of art and nature in which are many receipts to catch fish." 72 felBLlOTHECA PISCATORIA. The work is a translation from the French and another edition will be found under the name of the author, Lemery.] Curzon (H.) The universal library : or complete summary of science. Containing above sixty select treatises. In two volumes. London : printed for George Sawbridge at the Three Flower-de-Lys in Little Britain. 1712. 8°. [Pages 458 — 467, vol. ii. are devoted to angling and end thus : "He who desires to read more at large of this art of angling, let him peruse, among others, the following authors, J, S. Gent, his True Art of Angling, Smith's Royal Fishing." Curzon says, pompously, in his preface : "And as the High Priests on great Festivals, at the altars of the ancient deities, made the most solemn offerings themselves, so here the chief of each train of powers, presents you the Tribute himself. Thus Janus renders you his Art of Agriculture, Dictynna, her Angling, Vitruvius his Architecture.'"] Cutcliffe (H. C.) The art of trout-fishing on rapid streams : comprising a complete system of fishing the North Devon streams, and their like ; with detailed instructions in the art of fishing with the artificial fly, the fern web, beetle, maggot, worm and minnow, both natural and artificial. South Molton, W. Tucker, 1863. x. 206 pp. 12°. D. (J.) The Secrets of Angling: teaching, the choicest Tooles Baytes and seasons, for the taking of any fish, in Pond or Riuer : practised and familiarly opened in three Bookes. By I. D. Esquire. [Woodcut.] Printed at London by Roger Jackson and are to be sould at his shop neere Fleet-street Conduit. 16 1 3. 8°. [ 30 leaves. Avi to Eiii in eights. The woodcut in title repre- sents an angler with a fish on his hook and the label : " Well fayre the plesure that brings such treasure," and also a man, treading on a serpent, with a sphere on his angle, labelled : " Hold hooke and line then all is mine." There are copies of this edition in the Bodleian and in the collections of Mr. Denison and of Mr. Huth. Prince's £6 ; Corser's £1^.'] The Secrets of Angling :... Augmented with many approved experiments. By W. Lauson. [Woodcut.] Print- ed at London for Roger Jackson and are to be souid... [circa 1620.] 8°. [35 leaves. Aii to Eiv in eights. The woodcut on title is that used in the first edition. A copy is in the collection of Mr. Denison, with a portion of the imprint cut off in the binding. We are not aware of the existence of any other. Prince's £2, 14s.] The Secrets of Angling : ...Augmented with many approved experiments. By W. Lauson. [Woodcut.] Printed at London for John Jackson in the Strand at the signe of the Parote. 1630. 8°. [35 leaves. Aii to Eiv in eights. A new woodcut is used of the BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 73 same subject but badly executed. One motto is the same, the other reads : " Well feare the Pleasure, 'J'hat 3'ealds such treasure." The only known copy is in Mr. Denison's collection. Grace's £'}, los.] The secrets of angling :...Au2^mented with many ap- proved experiments. By W. Lauson. Printed by T. H. for John Harison, and are to be sold by Francis Coles at his shop in the Old Bayley. 1652. 8°. [ A to Eiv in eights. 36 leaves, including frontispiece, which is a print, on separate leaf, from the block used on the title of first and second editions. John Harison's device of "The hare and sun" takes the place of the woodcut on the title page. There are three copies of this edition in the British Museum. Higgs' £12 ; Prince's £^ los.; Corser's £27.'] The secrets of angling. ..[Edited by Sir Henry Ellis.] London, B. Triphook, 1811. pp. viii. 44. [ One hundred copies, struck off separately with index and short advertisement, of a reprint in the "British Bibliographer," 1812. Vol. ii., p. 465.] The secrets of angling. Rep?'inted in Edward Arber's ''An English Garner," 1877. Vol. i., p. 140. [This poem is also noticed, with large citations, in an article in the "Censura Literaria," 1809, vol. x, p. 266, which was appropriated by Daniel and inserted in the supplement to his "Rural Sports," 1813. Its authorship was set at rest in 18 11, by the evidence of the books of the Stationers' Company, in which the work is entered as being by "John Dennys Esquier." Sir Henry Ellis gives the extract in the edition edited by him in that year. Walton had previously ascribed it to John Davors, and others (Howlett among them) to Donne and Davies. The volume contains commendatory verses signed " lo Danes," and is dedicated by the stationer R. J. to Mr. John Harborne of Tackley, in the County of Oxford. Beloe says of the book that "perhaps there does not exist in the circle of English literature a rarer volume." Sir John Hawkins confessed "he could never get a sight of it." There is every reason to suppose that Mr. John Dennys, who is shown by the pedigree of the Dennys family to have died at Pucklechurch in 1609, is the real author of the "Secrets," not the grandson of Sir Walter Dennys, put forward for that honour, by Sir Harris Nicolas. No date is associated with Sir Walter Dennys, but on referring to a more detailed pedigree from the same source, it appears that his eldest son, Sir William Dennys, " founded a guild in the year 1520.'" We may therefore reasonably assign his birth to the latter part of the fifteenth century, or to the very beginning of the sixteenth. These premises are borne out by the fact that John, his second brother (author of the 'Secrets,' according to Sir Harris Nicolas) left a son, Hugh Dennys, who died in 1559, and at no immature age, since he was married and had four offspring. If, therefore, Sir Harris Nicolas's assumption be correct, we must ascribe the poem to the early part, or, at the latest, to the middle of the sixteenth century, whereas its style and general character 74 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. belong, assuredly, to a later period. Collateral evidence, is to be found in the fact that R. J. (Roger Jackson) in his dedication, does not throw the poem far back, in a posthumous sense, but merely This poem being sent unto me to be printed after the death of the author, who intended to have done it, in his life, but was prevented by death," &c. &c. Had the ' Secrets ' been in existence half a century, some allusion would surely have been made to the circumstance. From an article (by T. Westwood) published in the " Angler's Note-book," 1880, pp. 181-5, the following appreciation of John Dennys' poem may be extracted : " The English poets of the Art of Angling perplex us neither with their multitude, nor their magnitude. To some three or four of them may be assigned a place — shall we say midway, by courtesy ? — on the ledges of Parnassus ; the rest are innocent of all altitudes whatsoever, except those of Grub-street garrets, or the stilts of an absurd vanity. Foremost among the select few, by right of seniority, and perhaps by poetic right as well, we nave " I. D.," who in the cool dawn of the seventeenth century, and when the Elizabethan men were passing, one by one, into the shadow, "sang to the echo," (for he seems to have had no other audience in his own day and generation) these " Secrets of Angling," himself being destined to become a greater secret than any he revealed. His publisher, " R. J." (Roger Jackson) states in his dedication of the poem to Mr. John Harborne of Tackley, that the author " intended to have printed it in his life, but was prevented by death." Other motives of reticence, however, besides that final one, may have had their weight ; some faintness of heart, for instance, and some wisdom of discretion. The epoch was a trying one for the minor muse. The Elizabethan bards, as I have said, were dying out, but the national air still vibrated to their divine singing — the national heart was still at fever-heat, with "Fairy Queens," and "Passionate Pilgrims," with "heavenly Unas," and heroic "Lucreces." It would scarcely have been strange, if a poet un- known to fame, had recoiled from bringing into competition with these and such as these, a simple song of bleak and bream. But whatever the real motive may have been, I. D. ended by closing his eyes on all the shows of this world, if not a " mute," at least an " inglorious " poet, and unconsoled, perchance, by the conviction that his modest rhymes would be brought into favour and accep- tance, at a fitting time. The only contemporary recognition of I. D., that I am acquainted with, is in the " Pleasures of Princes." This scarce tract is com- monly considered to be the transmigration of the " Secrets " into prose. The transmuting process ( for there can be little doubt of the correctness of the general surmise ) was effected by no unskil- ful hand, and without too much sacrifice of the precious metal of the original. Sir Philip Sidney's ordeal has, indeed, seldom been undergone, with so little deterioration. The quaint character of the poem is preserved in the prose version and the passages added ( especially the introduction ) have a striking merit of their own. BTBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. ^5 It is proof of the vitality of Dennys' verse, that it retains its strength, sweetness and savour in its more sober form. Those curious in parallels may compare "The Qualities of an Angler," in the third book of the poem, with chapter 2. ( its corresponding passage ) of the " Pleasures of Princes." It is not needful that I should enter on a critical appreciation of this little poem, the finest passages of which are well known and highly esteemed. Thus much, however, may be said, that, so replete is it, in its higher moods, with subtlety of rhythm, sweet- ness of expression, and elevation of thought and feeling, that even from the angling point of view, we cannot but consider it a notable piece of condescension, and marvel at the devotion of so much real poetic genius to a theme so humble. With the exception of the ' Compleat Angler,' no higher compliment than this poem has been paid to the sport. Subsequent rhymers, indeed, have achieved analogous feats, but from other heights, or rather from other depths — witness the " Innocent Epicure," a polished piece of artificiality, and often grotesque, by force of polish ; and " The Anglers, Right Dialogues in Verse," by Scott of Ipswich, in which the technical and humorous are dexterously enough interwoven ; but such trifling in verse, as these and other poems of their kind display, is not to be confounded for an instant with the art and heart-work of John Dennys, ( the Angler's " Glorious John " ) who could not have been more in earnest, had he sung of men and angels ; who drapes him- self in his singing robes on the very threshold of his theme, as by an assured vocation, and only doffs them with his ultimate line : — " And now we are arived at the last. In wished harbour where we meane to rest ; And make an end of this our journey past ; Here then in quiet roade I think it best We strike our sailes and stedfast Anchor cast, For now the sunne low setteth in the west." And " in quiet roade," in the grey old aisle of Pucklechurch, the poet sleeps his sleep, not too far distant from his beloved Boyd, that with " crooked winding way," past cliff" and meadow, " Its mother Avon runneth soft to seek."] Dabry de Thiersant (Pierre). La pisciculture et la peche en Chine... Ouvrage accompagne de 51 planches rapresentant les principaux instruments de pisciculture et engins de peche employes par les Chinois... precede d'une introduction sur la pisciculture chez les divers peuples par... J. L. Soubeiran. Paris, 1872. fol. Dahl (Soren), Den fuldkomne Fiskefanger eller udfortig og fuldstsendig Anviisning til Ferskvandshskerie. Kjobenhavn. 1855. pp. 12. 12°. Dance (C.) Izaak Walton ; a drama. In four parts. Moon- light — Sunrise — Noon — and Sunset. London, Chapman and Hall (1839). 42. 8°. [Performed at the Royal Olympic Theatre. The original HS. is in the Denison collection.] 76 ' BIBLIOTHECA PISGATORIA. Daniel (i^y^«/ates. 8°.; London, H. G. Bohn. 1845 & 1847. 8°. [The copies issued by Bohn are of the first impression, with Mr. Bohn's name in place of Tilt's, on the engraved title-page. The book has several woodcut page borders which are used throughout, and many neat engravings on copper. It was written by Mr. Chatto, who contributed to the Newcastle "Garlands," and was also the author of the " History of wood engraving, with illustrations by Jackson" ; "Facts and speculations on the history of playing cards," and "Scenes and recollections of fly-fishing in Northumberland, Cumberland, and Westmoreland." The work is clever and caustic, and contains a critique of several of the angling books of the day.] The angler's souvenir, by P. Fisher. A new edition. Edited by G. Christopher Davies. London, Warne and Co. [1877.] Engraved title, pp. 'x,ii^ plates. 8°. [ In this edition only a portion of the original work is retained, the practical matter having been omitted as " of no value to modern anglers." Part of the editor's "Angling Idylls" has been incor- porated and several articles by him, one or which had appeared in the pages of " London Society." The page borderings are retained and the (rather faded) copper plates.] 94 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Fisher. The fisher boy, a poem. See C. (H.) The compleat fisher, or the true art of anghng. 1704^ etc. See S. (J. Fisherman. The fisherman ; or, the art of anghng made easy. See Charfy (G.) The fisherman's magazine and review. Edited by H. Cholmondeley Pennell. 2 vol. London, 1864-5. 8°. [Commenced April 1864, terminated October 1865. Illustrated with coloured lithographs of fish and wood engravings. Several of the papers are reprinted in " Fishing Gossip."] The compleat fisherman ; or every man his own angler, being a dictionary of all the arts, made use of in fishing. Dublin, (n. d.) 12°. [A pirated edition of " The art of angling," by Dr. Brookes.] The complete fisherman ; or, universal angler : containing full directions for taking all kinds of river fish the whole art of fly-fishing... likewise a compendious account of the principal sea-fish... and... general remarks and obser- vations proper to be attended to by all fishermen. The third edition. London, Fielding and Walker, (n. d.) front, pp. xii. 92. 12°.; fourth edition, (n. d.) /row/, pp. xii. 92. 12°. [The first and second editions are also undated, but the frontis- piece is inscribed 1778, the date of the first issue.] The young fisherman, a complete guide to angling. showing the tackle and baits required, etc. London, H. Elliott. [1856.^] pp.12. 12°. Fishing. Fishing and hunting. The art and cunning of hunting the hart, stag, ^/<;....The art of fishing and sundry curious baits, viz. worms, flies, pastes, ^/<:....and how to procure and keep them for fishing ; how to bring the fish to any part of the pond ; to make worms for bait come out of the ground ; the artificial cad-fly ; how to take the fish in the night ; the best time to angle in, etc. Price 6d. London, Thomas Bailey, [1720.?] pp. 64. 8°. The fishing gazette. The journal of the angler, fisherman, managers of aquariums, etc. of Great Britain. /;/ progress. London, 1877, etc. fol. [ A weekly journal, wholly devoted to fish and fishing, and very discreetly conducted by its present proprietor and editor, Mr. R. B. Marston.] Fishing gossip. 1866. 8°. tS^^ Pennell (H. C.) The fishing rod and how to use it. See Glenfin, pseud. Fishing : when, where, and how to fish without live bait. London : W. Tweedie. 1862. pp. 32. sq. 16°. BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 95 Fishmongers' Hall. Names and descriptions of the fish, portrayed in the Court parlour, Fishmongers' Hall, London ; and the seasons in which they are esteemed in the highest perfection. London : printed by William Haseltine, Hand Court, Upper Thames Street. 181 2. pp. iv. 31. 4°. Fiskaren. Den uppriktige fiskaren. Ny och fullstandig handbok for fiskare. Stockholm. 1867. 8°. Fitzgibbon (Edward). See Ephemera, pseud. See Shipley (W.) True treatise on the art of fly- fishing. Edited by E.F. 1838. 8°. Fitzpatrick (B. M.) Irish sport and sportsmen. London, Simpkin, 1879. pp. 372. 8°. Flemming (H. F. von.) Vollkommener deutscher Jager und Fischer. Mit Kpf. 2 Thle. Leipzig, 1719, 1724 & 1748. fol. Fletcher (Phineas). Sicelides, a piscatory, as it hath beene acted in King's Colledge, in Cambridge. London, printed by J. N. for William Sheares and are be sold at his shoppe, at the great South doore of St. Paul's Church. 1631. 41 leaves. 4°- [ This piece was intended to be acted in presence of King James, but he left the University before it was ready for the stage. It was published anonymously. The poem has little to do with fishing. " Perindus," a fisher, takes a part in it , and defends his vocation.] The Purple Island, or the isle of man : together with Piscatorie Eclogs and other poeticall miscellanies. By P. F. Cambridge, 1633. 4°. [ The " Eclogs " have separate title and pagination. Copies on large paper have a small engraving at the back of the title and an engraved plate, with verses addressed to Edward Benlowes, before the " Piscatorie Eclogs." The book ends with a poem by Quarles, addressed " To my deare Friend, the Spencer of this age." Quarles also ushers in the " Purple Island " with a copy of verses in his usual quaint and symbolical style. Here, as in "Sicelides," though some of the interlocutors are fishermen, the inner meaning of the poem, is rather amorous than piscatorial.] Piscatory Eclogues, with other poetical miscellanies. By Phinehas Fletcher. Illustrated with notes, critical and explanatory. Edinburgh, A. Kincaid and W. Creech. 177 1, pp. iv. viii. 151. 8^. [ The notes are by W. Tytler, Lord Woodhouselee. Haworth's sale 9s.; Roscoe's los.] Fly-fishing. Fly-fishing in salt and fresh water; with six plates representing artificial flies, etc. London, Van Voorst, 1851. pp. viii. 74. 8°. 96 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Practical fly-fishing, 1849. See A-RV-^no, pseud. Ford ( Simon, D.D.) Piscatio ; or angling. A poem. Writ- ten originally in Latin by S. Ford, D.D. and inscribed to Arch-Bishop Sheldon. Translated from the Mttsce Anglicance^ by Tipping Silvester, m.a., Fellow of Pembroke College, Oxon. " Lucet, eamus Quo ducit gula, piscemur." Hor.—Epist. 6, Lib. I. Oxon, 1733. 8°.; and again with : Original poems and trans- lations. Consisting of the microscope, piscatio, or angling, etc. London, Wilford, 1733. ^°- [ Sylvester's is more an adaptation than a translation. There is another translation of "Piscatio" (in some respects superior) in the Gentleman s Magazine, 1765, vol. 35, p. 184. It is entitled "A translation of Ford's ' Piscatio,' an imitation of Horace's Beatus illc, and applied to fishing. By a Young Gentleman at School." Also one called ' The pleasures of angling,' in " Miscellaneous poems and translations by the Rev. Henry Travers, m.a., of Nun-Burn- holme in the East Riding of Yorkshire." London, 1731. 8vo.; York, 1740. 4to. The original : " Piscatio. Ad Gilb. Archiepisc. Cant," signed " Simon Ford, S.T.P." is in vol. I., p. 129, of " Musarum Anglican- arum Analecta," Oxon, 1692. 8vo. Silvester's translation, at Haworth's sale 14s.; Cotton's 5s.] Ford (Thomas). Trout-fishing. Price one shilling. London, F. Pitman [Grimsby, printed]. (1881). pp.64. 8°. [Mr. Ford is a tackle-maker at Caistor in Lincolnshire.] Forest. Forest and stream and rod and gun. The American sportsman's journal. In progress. New York, 1873 [?] etc. fol. [ The chief American journal dealing with field sports. Mr. Fred Mather conducts the fishing and fish-culture departments, with marked success.] Forester {Yx2a\V)^ pseud. Frank Forester's fish and fishing of the United States. 1849, etc. See Herbert (H. W.) Forester (Thomas). Noiway and its scenery, comprising the journal of a tour by Edward Price Esq., with considerable additions, and a road-book for tourists, with hints to anglers and sportsmen. London, Bohn, 1853. 8°. [Contains 21 mezzotint plates. Fisheries, pp. 175-9; 347, 380 & 385. Angling, pp. 445-8.] Forst. Neuesten vollstandiges Forst-und Jagd-Kalender, iiber die in jedem Monate vorkommenden Geschafte im Forst-und Jagdwesen ; ... auch einem Fischerei - Kalender, ^/c. Ulm, 1830. 4°. Vollstandiges Forst-, Fisch-und Jagd-lexikon, auch die Natur und Eigenschaften der wilden Thiere, des Vogel und BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 97 des Federwildforets. ferner die Fischerei in Stromen und Teichen. 4 vol. Frankfurt & Leipzig; Ulni [printed]. 1772-80. 8°. Fortin (Francois). ►S^.^ Rusks innocentes. Fournival (Richard de). La Vieille, ou les dernieres amours d'Ovide, poeme Francais du xiv"^^ siecle, traduit du Latin de Richard de Fournival, par Jean Lefevre. publie pour la prem- iere fois et precede de recheiches sur I'auteur du Vetnla^ par Hyppolyte Cocheris. Paris, Aubry, 1 861. 12°. [ Translated, or rather, imitated from a Latin poem De Vettild, attributed to Richard de Fournival, and supposed to have been written in the thirteenth or fourteenth century. The translator, Jean Lefevre, was born in the early part of the fourteenth century, at Rassons-sur-Matz. His work, until recently, only existed in MS. (of which there are two copies in the Bibliotheque Nationale at Paris): but has now been included by Aubry in his "Tresor des pieces rares ou incdites." The passage in '' La Vieille," which treats of fishing IS headed "Comment Ovide tendait aux Poissons," and consists of 68 lines. De Fournival's work cannot but be interesting to the angling bibliophile, as showing that more than four hundred years ago ( and probably about a hundred and fifty years before the date of the " Book of St. Atoans,") most of the modern modes of fishing were practised ; for instance : the worm, the fly, the torch and spear, the night-line, tl^e eel-basket and fork, etc. The poem was formerly attributed to Ovid and a story was cur- rent that a copy had been discovered in his tomb. It was first printed, probably at Rome, about 1470, under the title : " P. Ouidii Nasionis liber de uetula"; again, Colonie, 1479. fol.; and after- wards with a work of Vigellus: ^'Brunellus VigeHi, et vetula Ovidii, seu opuscula duoauctorum incertorum, ^/r." Wolferbyti, 1662. 8vo.] Frampton (Rev. Josidih,) pseud, [i.e. William Gilpin.] Three dialogues on the amusements of clergymen. London, B. & J.White. 1796. pp. iv. 224. 8°.; Second edition. London, Cadell, 1797. front, pp. ii. 239. 8°.; then as: — On the amusements of clergymen and Christians in general. T'hrce dialogues between a dean and a curate. By Edward Stillingfleet, Lord Bishop of Worcester. London, Sherwood, 1820. pp. vii. 183. 12°. [That the "Rev. Josiah Frampton" was merely a pseudonym, has been assumed but without any sufficient evidence. We are able to set the matter at rest, by the following autograph letter (in the possession of T. W.) addressed to Messrs. Cadell and Davis, Publishers, London, by William Gilpin, Prebendary of Salisbury, anc' the author of " Forest scenery." Vicar's Hill, April 11, 1797. Sir — I received your note and am glad to find the Exposition is in such good hands. I think the title-page may continue as it is. 1 had doubts about an alteration mvself. 98 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. A little before you and I were connected, I put into Mr. White's hands, through Mr. Gisborne, 3 little dialogues On the Amusements of Clergymen. The edition is now pretty nearly expended. When I heard last, only 50 copies remained. I could wish therefore to put a second edition into your hands, which will be ready, I sup- pose, by the time the remaining 50 are disposed of. If you have no objection, you will be so good as to let me know, and I will send you an improved copy to print from. As the subject is rather offen- sive, I do not care to put my name to it, though I find it is men- tioned in one of the reviews. But it is one thing to own, and another to be suspected. Two or three of my particular friends only, Col. Mitford, Mr. Gisborne and one or two more, know it certainly. I number you among them, and you will be so good as say, if any- body trouble their head with asking, that you are not at liberty to tell. You will print it as we agreed about our other concerns. I am, etc., Will. Gilpin." The little book contains some interesting passages relative to Angling and Izaak Walton. The edition of 1820, while bearing the name of Stillingfleet on the title-page, is claimed by J. G. who signs the preface. It is dedicated to Lord Eldon, by " The author," who dates from "15, St. James's Place, Hampstead Road, 3 August, 1820."] Francis ( Francis). The angler's register, a list of the come-at- able fisheries in England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales, and how to get to them, etc. London, Triibner, 1858. pp. 32 ; Addenda, pp.4. 12°.; next as : The angler's register, a list of the available fisheries in England, etc.^ Brittany and Belgium and how to get to them, etc.^ with an angler's almanack and monthly bill of fare [for i860]. London, Field Office, [1859]. pp.40. 12°.; then as: The angler's register, a list of the available fisheries in England, etc.^ Germany and the Tyrol, with an angler's almanac for 1861. London, Field Office, [i860], pp. 83. 12°. Newton Dogvane, a story of English country life. With illustrations by Leech. 3 vol. London, Hurst and Blackett, 1859. 8°. [Angling passages, vol. 1, pp. 19-29 ; 36-7 ; 188-219 \ vol. iii, pp. 114-34.] A book on angling, being a complete treatise on the art of angling in every branch, with explanatory plates, etc. London, Longmans, 1867. pp. xiii. ^2(). i opiates. 8°.; second edition, revised and much enlarged. Longmans, 1867. front. pp: XV. 472, 16 plates. 8°.; third edition, revised and improved. London, Longmans, 1872. pp. xv. 482. front. ^and 16 plates. 8°.; fourth edition, revised and improved, 1876 8°.; fifth edition, revised and improved. London, Longmans, pp. XV. 516. front, and 16 plates. 8°. BTBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA, 99 [ The steel engraving added as a frontispiece to the second and subsequent editions, gives excellent likenesses of Mr. Francis and his Gillie.] Sidney Bellew, a story. 2 vol. London, Tinsley. 1870. [Fishing passages occur in vol. i. pp. 69-80, 177-210, 258-70, 284-90; vol. ii, pp. 150-7. This story originally appeared in Bailys Magazine^ By lake and river : an angler's rambles in the North of England and Scotland. London, Field Office, 1874. pp. xii. 415. 8°. [ Has for its object to tell the angler " where he may obtain fishing," and "what the fishing is like." Includes many of the articles mentioned below which originally appeared in The Field\ Angling. London, Field Office, 1877. pp. viii. 132. 4 plates. 8°. Hot pot ; or miscellaneous papers. London, Field Office, 1880. pp. vi. 316. 8°. [ Includes many papers originally published in The Field.'\ and Cooper (Alfred W.) Sporting sketches with pen and pencil. London, Field Office, 1878. pp. viii. 176. 4°. [ Contains 36 spirited sporting sketches by Mr. Cooper engraved by Edmund Evans. We may particularly notice " Partridge shoot- ing," where Mr. Irvine Cox (the I. £. B. C. of this list) and Mr. Horace Cox (the publisher of the Field) are the gunners ; " Punt fishing," a very good sketch of the old Hampton Court Weir ; " Trouting," a view on the Anton with portraits of the artist and Penton, the keeper ; " Pike fishing," in which figures Alfred Jardine, the noted slayer of big pike, well known to Metropolitan anglers ; " Snipe shooting," with sketches of Squire Fowle, tbe proprietor of the Anton club water and Mr. Stagg ; " Roaching^** where Mr. Francis himself is engaged at a noted roach hole on the Crane ; " Salmon fishing," where he is again sketched,, tmder very trying circumstances, at the "Captain's throw" on the Erne, with Johnny Lightly, a well known Gaffsman and great favourite at Ballyshannon, in sympathetic attendance ; and " Grayling fishing/* which contains a most characteristic sketch of Mr. Aldam.} See FISHERIES and PISCICULTURE. [ Mr. Francis has also contributed to The Field, of which he is the angling editor, the following (among other) papers : " The sports- man in Ireland," in 18 numbers. 1857-8 ; "Ecloga piscatoria," in 18 nos., 1858-9 ; " Summer sports in the Principality," in 9 nos., 1858-9; "Our salmon laws," in 6 nos., i860; "A cruise in Hampshire waters," in 8 nos., i860; * "Northern notes," [ist. series], in 15 nos., 1861-2 ; "A visit to the Welsh marches," in 6 nos., 1862; "Notes on a visit to Aldeburgh," 10 nos., 1862-3 ; "A few days among the pike," 7 nos., 1865 ; *" Northern notes," [2nd series], 11 nos., 1865; "Round Southsea," 13 nos., 1865; "To Arcachon and back," [The "exposition," etcl, 6 nos., 1866; H 2 loo BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. "Fishery "exposition" at Boulogne," 4 nos., 1866; "A foray on Trent-side"; " Reminiscences of an angler," 1872; * " Here and there," [Scotch lakes], 7 nos., 1873 ; *"A mouth at the Thurso," 5 nos., 1874; *"The pleasures of grayling fishing," 2 nos., 1874 ; "Loch Tay and the Tummel," 8 nos., 1874; "Salmon rivers and salmon pas'ses." [Yorkshire], 5 nos., 1875; "A visit to the Usk," 4 nos., 1876 ; "A month in Hesse," 7 nos., 1879. Those with a * have been reprinted in " By lake and river," or in " Hot-pot." To Frasers Magazine he contributed "The Exposition of Arcachon and its object," (1866) ; "The salmon fisheries and their prospects," (1867); "Wanderings Westward," ('1869); "Clever fishes," (1872). Mr. Francis is a lively and amusing writer and his work displays throughout the practical knowledge of the accomplished angler.] Francis (Henry R.) The fly-fisher and his library. See Cam- bridge Essays. 1856. 8°. — An angler at the Antipodes. See Pennell ( H. C.) Fishing gossip. 1866. 8°. Franck (Richard). Northern Memoirs, calculated for the Meridian of Scotland. Wherein most or all of the Cities, Citadels, Seaports, Castles, Forts, Fortresses, Rivers and Rivulets are compendiously described. Together with choice collections of various discoveries, remarkable observations, theological notions, political axioms, national intrigues, polemick inferences, contemplations, speculations, and several curious and industrious inspections, lineally drawn from antiquaries, and other noted and intelligible persons of honour and eminency. To which is added, the Contemplative and Practical Angler, by way of diversion. With a narrative of that dextrous and mysterious art experimented in England, and perfected in more remote and solitary parts of Scotland. By way of dialogue. Writ in the year 1658, but not till now made publick, by Richard Franck, Philanthropus. Plures necat gula quam gladius. London, Printed for the Author. To be sold by Henry Mortclock, at the Phenix, in St. Paul's Church -yard. 1694. pp. xxxix. 304. 8°. . Northern memoirs, calculated for the meridian of Scotland ; to which is added, the contemplative and practical angler. Writ in the year 1658. Plures necat gula quam gladius. New edition, with preface and notes [ by Sir Walter Scott]. Edinburgh, Constable and Co. 1821. pp. vl379- 8°. [ 250 copies were printed of the 1821 edition. As a specimen of style, this book \^ sui generis, or only to be equalled (suggests Scott) in its stupendous pretentiousness, by the writings of Sir Thomas BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. loi Urquhart, of Cromerty. It contains abundant proof, however, that in the Academy of Anghng its author had taken a high degree, and that he could use the rod, on an occasion, for other whippings than those of pool and stream, his flagellation of " honest Izaac " gives smarting evidence. This latter insult no contemporary voice was raised to vindicate, but Time, with its "revenges," has wrought out an ample and emphatic atonement. Franck is the first English writer on angling who describes that mystical fish, the burbolt (see page 279 of the original work, and 330 of the reprint). "To search for him in Trent," says he " striving against a stream, is like to Queen Elizabeth's Scogen, that at the sun's meridian (with a candle and lanthorn), sought up and down for an honest man." There is also an interesting mention, in " Northern Memoirs," page 37 of the preface, and again page 177 of the work (reprint), of three noted anglers of the time, Merrils, Fawlkner and Owldham, whom some bibliophiles suppose to have written three several angling works, since lost to the world. Others, on the contrary, incline to the belief, that, in the passages in question, Franck merely intended to set up an antithesis (touching the comparative merits of tuition) between the speculative book-writing angler, on the one hand, and the practical, experienced wielder of the rod, innocent of ink, but well up to all the devices of the sport, on the other. He speaks of "collections and manuals," it is true, but there is nothing to show that these were more than the occasional memoranda which that class of men are in the habit of jotting down, for their private guidance, — while of Owldham he says distinctly, that his "Collec- tions and experiments were lost with himself." A notice of the work will be found in the " Retrospective Review," vol. viii. pp. 170-194, and also in the "Censura Literaria." The extreme rarity of the original edition is somewhat exaggerated. Vs^e have had knowledge of five or six copies, including those in the Grenville (British Museum) and Denison collections. Valentine's £1 I2S.; Prince's £2 3s.] Eraser's Magazine for town and country. Iji progress. London, 1830, etc. 8°. [ Contains many excellent articles on angling subjects by writers of repute.] Fraser (John). A handbook for travellers in Ireland, ...also... information for anglers. Dublin, Curry, 1844. 8°.; Dublin, McGIashan, 1849. 8°. Freeman (Gage Earle) and Salvin (Fr. H.) Falconry, its claims, history and practice. To which are added remarks on training the otter and cormorant, by Captain Salvin. London, Longman, 1859. 8°. [ "Fishing with cormorants," pp. 327-49 ; "Fishing with otters," pp. 350-2.J Fric (Ant.) Die Fluss-fischerei in Bohmen und ihre Bezie- hungen zur kiinstlichen Fischzucht und zur Industrie. Prag, Rziwnatz, (n. d.) 4^. •Voi^ ^^ BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Friis (Jens Andreas). Tilfjelds i Ferierne, elber Jaeger-og Fiskerliv i Hoifjeldene. Christiania, 1876. 8°. Fritsch ( A.) Corpus juris venatorio-forestalis. 3 parts. Lip- siae, 1702. fol. [ Part i. includes : Mor ( Georgius). De jure venandi, aucupandi et piscandi.] Froggott (W.) The fly-fisher's pocket companion. Manches- ter, Guardian office, (n. d.); W. Froggott, 1861. s. sh. fol. [ A broadside giving in a tabular form a very useful list of fly-casts for every season and all descriptions of weather. Not originally intended for publication, but solely for the use of the " Manchester Entomological AngHng Society."] Frondius (N.) Disputatio de piscatura harengorum in Ros- lagia : respondente Nils Humbli. Upsal, 1745. 4°. Fur. Fur, fin and feather : containing the game laws of the principal states of the United States and Canada. New York, 1868. 8°. G. (C.) The Secrets of angling; imparting the best and choicest experitnents for taking all sorts of fish, with fly, worm, paste and other baits ; also to know their haunts and how to angle for them in all waters and weathers. By C. G. a Brother of the Angle. London. Printed and sold by A. Baldwin at the Oxford Arms in Warwick lane. 1705. 24 pp. 16°. [ A compilation, rather than an original work, and not to be con- founded with the poetical work of John Dennys. It has become scarce. Copies were included, with those of other tracts having separate titles and pagination but consecutive signatures, in a volume with a collective title, issued in 1704 by the same publisher. See Family, " A family jewel; or the womans councellor." Corser's ;^2 5s.] Gallo ( Agostino). Le vente giornate dell'agricoltura e di pia- ceri della villa di A. G.; nuova edizione. Brescia, 1775. 4°. ["Trattato delle peschiere," p. 210; "Effetti molto dilettenoli del pescare," p. 262 ; " Le stupende cose d'un mirauiglioso pesce," p. 278. There have been many editions of this work of which the first, containing but ten days, was published at Brescia in 1564, 4to. The edition of 1775 is the last. A French translation by Fr. Belle- forest, entitled, " Secrets de la vraye agriculture, etc." was published in Paris in 1571 or 1572. 4to.] Gamon (Christophle de). Les pescheries de Christophle de Gamon, diuisees en deux parties. Ou sont contenus, par vn nouueau genre d'escrire, et sous des aussi beaux que diuers enseignemens, les plaisirs inconnus de la mer, et de I'eau douce. A Lyon, par Thibavd Ancelin. 1599. 12°. [ 142 numbered folios, with portrait of Gamon on leaf 7. " Ou- vrage rare," says Brunet. He adds : " On a du meme poete, ' Le BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 103 jardinet de poesie de C. de G.' Lyon, 1600. i2mo., dans lequel se trouvent des monologues servant d'addition aux ' Pescheries.' " A fine copy is in the Denison Collection:] Gardener. The gardener's chronicle and agricultural gazette. In progress. London. 1841, etc. fol. [Contains (1863) a series of articles on "Fish and fishing," signed E. C, in 21 chapters.] Gardiner (James). Bird, quadruped and fish preserving : a manual of taxidermy for amateurs, etc. London, 1868. 8°. [ One of "The Champion hand-books."] Gardiner ( Samuel. Dr. of Divinitie ) . A Booke of Angling or Fishing. Wherein is showed, by conference with Scriptures, the agreement between the Fishermen, Fishes, and Fishing, of both Natures, Temporall and Spirituall... Matthew iv. 19. I will make you fishers of men. London: printed for Thomas Purfoot, 1606. 8°. [ Dedicated to " Sir Henrie Gaudie, Sir Miles Corbet, Sir Ham- mond Le Strang, Sir Henrie Spelman, Knights, my verie kinde friends." After the dedication is a page " To the Reader ; " and on a fourth page, " The contents of this Book," in two Latin verses ; " which I deliver in English thus : The Church I gouerne as a shippe, Wee, seae with world compare. The Scriptures are the enclosing nettes. And men the fishers are." Then follows the work itself, in 162 pages, divided into chapters, the titles of which, because of the rarity of the volume, are here subjoined literally, with the number of pages occupied by each. Chap. i. — Of the Fisherman's Ship or Boat ; pp. 1-12. ii. — Of the Waters that are for this Fishing ; pp. 12-23. iii- — Of the Nets and Angle Rod that are for this Fishing ; pp. 23-44. iv. — Of the Fishermen that principally are appointed for this office ; pp. 44-80. V. — The especiall duties of the Spirituall Fisherman ; pp. 81-94. vi. — Of the Fisherman's Baytes ; pp. 95-105. vii. — Of the Fishes that the Spirituall Angler or Fisherman onely fisheth for; pp. 105-18. viii. — The Sympathie of Natures ; of the Fishes of both Natures ; pp. 119-46. ix. — Of the Antipathic and differences of Fishes of both sorts, and of the Angling of both kindes ; pp. 147-62. Finis, " This book," says Hone, in his Year Book, may l3e denomina- ted "Fishmg spiritualized." He gives several extracts from it. The Rev. H. S. Cotton wrote on the fly-leaf of his copy : " I know of no other copy of this book, nor is it mentioned in any catalogue or list of angling books that I have ever seen. I believe this to be unique." It failed to find a purchaser at his sale for more than £\ 2s., but produced ;^40 when his son's books were dispersed. This copy is now in Mr. Huth's library. The only other copy known is in the Bodleian. A transcript, prepared for republication, with a dedication to King George IV and an address " To his bro- ther anglers," was made by the Rev. H. S. Cotton and is now in the Denison Collection.] 104 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Garlick (Theodatus). A treatise on the artificial propagation' of fish, with the description and habits of such kinds as are the most suitable for pisciculture. ..Also directions for the most successful modes of angling for such kinds of fish as are herein described. Cleveland, Ohio. 1857. 8^.; Second edition. Cleveland, Ohio, 1880. pp. 128. 8°. [The second edition has no mention of angling in the title.] Gartenbuch. Gutbefundenes Gartenbuch, item, von Bienen und Tauben. Dabey ist auch zu finden, wie in allerhand Wassern Fische zu fangen und Roder zu machen. [ Woodcut.], No place or date. 8°. [a-b in eights.] Gauchet (Cl. Dampmartinois, Amnonier dn Rvy^ Le plaisir des champs, divise en quatre parties selon les quatre saisons de I'annee ; oti est traite de la chasse et de tout autre exercise recreatif, honeste et vertueux. Paris, Chesnau, 1583 4°.; revue et augmente d'un devis entre le chasseur et la citadin, avec instruction de la volerie et pescherie. Paris, Abel J.angelier, 1604. 4°. [ Contains a chapter entitled " La pescherie." The entire poem, is of a scandalous nature, but some of the worst passages wei-e- retrenched in the second edition. Gauchet was Almoner to Charles. IX. Some copies of the 1604 edition are dated 162 1.] Gay (John). Poems on several occasions. (Rural sports, a, Georgic : inscribed to Mr. Pope, vol i. pp. 1-25.) 2 vol. London, Tonson, 1720. 4°.; other editions : London, 1727, 1745' 1753? 1762, 1767, 1775, 1797, 1806, etc. 12'^.; The: British poets, vol. xxix. 1773. S'^.; Anderson's Poets of Great Britain, vol. viii. 1793, etc. 8".; Roach's Beauties of the poets, vol. iii. 1794. 12°.; S. J. Pratt's Cabinet of poetry, vol. ii. 1808. 12'^. Gentleman. The gentleman angler. Containing short, plain and easy instructions, whereby the most ignorant beginner may, in a little time, become a perfect artist for salmon, salmon-peal, trout... gudgeon, &c. With several observations on angling, angle-rods and artificial flies ; how to chuse the best hair and Lidian grass ; of the proper times and seasons for river and pond fishing ; when fish spawn and what baits are chiefly to be used, &c. To which is added, The angler's new song : the laws of angling, and the form of a license and deputation for angling. Together with an appendix, con- taining the method of rock and sea fishing; an alphabetical explanation of technical words...; choice receipts for dressing fisii ; and, how to improve barren ground by turning it into fish ponds, etc. By a Gentleman who has made angling his diversion upwards of twenty-eight years. BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 105 Si quid novisti, etc. — Hor. London, A. Bettesworth, 1726. pp. xii. 184. v. (Index). 12°.; The second edition, with large additions. London, A. Bettes- worth and C. Hitch, 1736. title, pp. vi. 200. v. (Index). 12^.; [with new title page as :] The third edition with large additions. London, C. Hitch. (n. d.) 12°.; London, 1753. 12°.; London, Kearsley, 1786. /ro?//., pp. vii, 122. 12°. [ The edition of 1786 appeared as a novel publiaition ("fourteen years experience"). It was also reprinted with additions from "The angler's magazine," 1754, as : "The angler's magazine, or complete fisherman : containing short, plain and easy instructions, etci''' Dublin, 1760. (See Ax(tLEk); and again as " The angler's guide, etc. By a lover of the art.'' London, Joseph Sniith, 1828. front. ^ pp. vii. 136. i2mo. (See Angler.)] The gentleman farmer,... Also a certain method of improving meadow grounds, from forty shillings to six pounds an acre, by fish-ponds. Written by a Person of Honour in the county of Norfolk. London. Curll, 1726. pp. vi. 94. ii. 12°. [ This is Roger North's " Discourse."] The gentleman fisher: or the whole art of angling. Second edition. London, Curll, 1727. front, pp. vi. 112, [The first edition is called "The whole art of fishing," 1714. See Art.] The gentleman's recreation : containing directions and rules for that noble and delightful art of angling, etc. The fourth edition. London, printed by J. C. for N. C; [other copies:] Oxford, printed by L. Lichfield, for Nicholas Cox, 1685. title, pp. 78. 8°. [ Copies of the angling section of the third edition issued sepa- rately and with varied title-pages. See Cox ( Nicholas)] Gentleman's recreations for 1836. London,. Sher- >vood. (n. d.) 12". Gesetze iiber die Bestrafung des Wilddiebst.ahls...und iiber die Bestrafung des Fisch-und Krebsdiebstahls. Hannover^ 1840.. 8". Gesner (Conrad). Aqvatilivm animantivm nomina German- ica et Anglica, serie literarum digesta, authore Conrado' Gesnero. [1530.?] 8°. [ Appended to an edition " P. Ovidii Nasonis Halieuticon, etcT Tiguri apud Gesneros fratres, pp. vi. 280, and extending from page 12 to 280. The running title is " Tiitsche namen der fischen vnd Wasserthieren." An extremely valuable list. It shows that the fish was the gudgeon, which under the name of " Killinc," had puz- zled modern F'emish scholars, and stands untranslated in Mr. Deni- son's version of the ancient " Boeckxen." The English names are not very numerous. Gesner, the "German Pliny," also compiled " Historiic animalium," Tiguri, 1551-87, 5 vols, fol.; of which lib. iv, published in 1558, is " De piscium et aquatilium natura,"] io6 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Giannettasius ( Nic. Parthenius ). Piscatoria et nautica, Napoli, 1685, 1686 & 1692. 8°. Halieutica. Napoli, 1686, 1689 & 1696. 8°. [Both these poems were included in an edition published at Naples in 1710-14-22. The piscatories are in thirteen eclogues. The edition of 1685 is beautifully printed, with plates. All are scarce.] Gilbert (William). The angler's delight, containing the whole art of neat and clean angling ; wherein is taught the readiest way to take all sorts of fish, from the pike to the minnow, together with their proper baits, haunts, and time of fishing for them, whether in mere, pond, or river. As also, The method of fishing in Hackney River, and the names of the best stands there ; with the manner of making all sorts of good tackle, fit for any water whatsoever. The like never before in print. By William Gilbert, Gent. London. Printed by H. B. for Christopher Hussey, at the sign of the Flo»ver- de-luce in Little Brittain. 1676. pp. 45. 12^ [ Mr. Haslewood thought that there was probably an earlier edition, from the date of the licence for the press in the Stationers^ Registers, which stands, "with allowance, Oct. 20th, 1674. Roger L'Estrange." No earlier edition, however, is known. At page 14 the author alludes to barbel frequenting London Bridge, and his "Method of fishing in Hackney River," is preluded thus : "Then go to Mother Gibert's, at the Flower de Luce at Clapton, near Hackney, and whilst you are drinkmg a pot of ale bid the maid make you two or three pennyworth of ground-bait, and some paste (which they do very neatly and well.)" At page 40, he adds, " There is an excellent stand in the second meadow on the left hand, be- yond the ferry, under a willow tree, in the midst of the meddow, by the water side." Amongst the necessary equipments of an angler he recommends, "A good coat for, all weather; an apron to put your ground-bait, stones and paste in ; a basket to put your fish in ; a neat rod of about 4 foot long, in several pieces one within another ;... and, if you have a boy to go along with you, a good neat's tongue and a bottle of Canary should not be wanting : to the enjoyment of which I leave you." In a subsequent edition the title became as follows :] The young angler's companion. Containing the whole art of neat and clean angling ;...The like never before in print. [London.] Printed by H. B. for C. Hussey, at the Sign of the Flower-de-Luce in Little Brittain. 1682. pp. 45. 12°.; [same title and imprint], (n. d.) pp. 36. 12°.; [same title]. London, Fox. 1776. 12°. [ In these editions there is no alteration in the body of the work beyond the insertion of a paragraph entitled, " To fox fish." The method consists in the use of what he calls " Oculus India Berries," and he cautions his readers, " that they practise not this without a license from the owners, least the whipping-post or pillery be their reward." Fox's reprint has a frontispiece borrowed from Lawndes' BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 107 edition of the "Art of angling," by Dr. Brookes. Haworth's sale, 1st ed., £1 3s.; 2nd ed,, £2 6s.] Gilmore ( Parker). Prairie and forest : a description of the game of North America with personal adventures in their pursuit. London, Chapman and Hall, 1874. PP- x. 383. plates. 8°. [Chapters 19 to 21 are on the salmonidae, bass, muscalonge and pickerel.] See Ubique, pseud. Gilpin (William). Three dialogues on the amusements of clergymen. 1796. See Y'R^MV1Qi^ {Rev. 'S)^ pseud. QX^n^Vi^ pseud. The fishing rod ; and how to use it : a treatise on the various arts of angling, trolling, spinning and fly- fishing. London, Baily Brothers, (n. d.) ; and i860, pp. viii. 87. 12°.; London, Houlston and Wright. 1865. pp. viii. 95. 12°. Glover (Matthew). Glover's illustrated guide... through the Isle of Man ; with sea and trout fishing by S. M. Tod. Douglas, 1868 & T870. 8°.; then as: The tourist's picturesque guide to the Isle of Man ;... with... instructions requisite for sea and fresh-water fishing, etc, London : The Graphotyping Co., (1871). pp. viii. 200. 8°. [ Trout fishing p. 168 ; sea fish p. 195.] Glovez ( Andr.) VoUstandige Haus-und Landbibliothek, Jagd, Vogelfang, Fischerei, etc. Niirnberg, 17 19. fol. ["Von der Fischerei." pp. 393-409.] Goldkorner, oder bis jetzt unbekannt gebliebene Kunst fiir Jagd, Pferde, Fischerei und Tauben-Liebhaber. Erfurt, 1843. 16°. Gobin ( ). Note sur les ressources que presente actuellement le Haut-Rhone au point de vue de la peche. Lyon, 1869. 8°. Goode ( G. Brown). Game fishes of the United States, by S. A. Kilbourne. Text by Professor G. Brown Goode. New York, Scribner and Sons, 1880. fol. [ Issued in ten numbers containing very fine coloured plates of Atlantic salmon, Eastern brook-trout, Black Bass, Blue fish, Weak fish, Sheepshead, etc.^ with a map showing their geographical dis- tribution.] Googe (Barnaby). See Heresbachius (C.) Gould ( ). British angler's instructor. 1862. 24°. GovjviQ, pseud. " Off the chain." Notes and essays from the West Highlands. Manchester, Palmer and Howe ; London, Simpkin, 1868. 8°. [Contains : "A talk about herrings," "Out with the trawlers/' io8 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. "Life in Tarbert," " Guddling for trout," "The burn trout," a poem, etc.'] Graff (Thad. Up de) M.D. Bodines, or camping in the Lycom- ing. A complete practical guide to camping out. With illustrations. Philadelphia, 1879. 12^.. [A spirited sketch, entitled "Landing a trout," reprinted in "The Angler's Note-book," 1880, p. T03, affords an excellent specimen of Dr. Up de Graffs skill as a writer.] Grandi ( Lazaro). Alfabetto di secreti medicinali...con I'arte facile d'vccallare, e pescare. Bologna, per Giacoma Monti, 1667. pp. 216. 8°. Gray (John Henry). China, a history of the-laws, manners and customs of the people. Edited by W. G. Gregor. With illustrations. 2 vol. London, Macmillan. 1878. 8°. [Chap. XXX. contains an interesting account of the various modes of fishing practised in China. A summary will be found in the " Angler's Note-book." 1880. pp. 19-21.] Grazier. The complete grazier ; or, gentleman and farmer's directory... also directions for making fish ponds or canals, and for storing them, and ordering the fish in the best manner... Written by a Country Gentleman, etc. London, Almon. 1677. pp. xii. 252. 12°.; 3rd ed. 1775. 12°.; 4th ed. 1776. pp. viii. 252. XV {index). 12°. " [ Fish ponds, etc, pp. 244-252.] Greendrake (Gregory), psetid. [z. e. J. Coad]. The angling excursions of Gregory Greendrake Esq., in the counties of Wicklow, Meath, Westmeath, Longford and Cavan, with additions by Geoffrey Greydrake Esq. [i.e. Thomas Ettingsall]. Dedicated to all honest brothers of the angle. Fourth edition. Dublin, 1832. front., pp. iv. vi. 313 & errata slip. 12°. [ Originally published in parts : Part L Wicklow. Dublin, Archer, 1824; 2nd edition 1826; Part IL Westmeath. Dublin, Ellis and Alcock, 1826; Part III. Longford and Cavan. Mr, Coad was the editor of the Dublin Warder r^ Greydrake, pseud. A concise practical treatise on artificial fly-fishing for trout. By Grey Drake, an artificial fly-fisher of fifty years' experience. London, G. Berger. pp. 24. 8°. Greydrake {Oto^xty), psend. [z.^. Thos. Ettingsall]. See Greendrake (G.) Angling excursions, 1832. Griffiths ( Roger, Water- Bailiff.) An essay to prove that the jurisdiction and conservancy of the River of Thames... is committed to the Lord Mayor and City of London, both in point of right and usage, by prescription, charters, etc. To which is added a brief description of those fish with their seasons, etc., that are caught in the Thames or sold in London. BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORTA. 109 With some few observations on... fish in general. London. Printed by Robert Brown. 1746. pp. xx. 296. 8^. [ This work appears to have been an appurtenance of the water- baililfs, as in 1758 we find it claimed by Robert Binnell. See Bin- NELL (R.)] Gryndall (William). Hawking, Hunting, Fowling and Fish- ing with the true measures of blowing. A work right plea- sant and profitable for all estates, who so loueth it to practise, and exceeding delightfuU, to refresh the irksomnesse of tedi- ous time. Whereunto is annexed, the maner and order in keeping of hawkes, their diseases and cures : and all such speciall poynts, as any wise appertaine to so gentlemanlike qualitie. Now newly collected by W. G. Faulkener. Publi- cum comodum priuato preferendum. Imprinted at London hy Adam Islip, and are to be sold by Richard Oliue. 1596. [ Black letter, a — l in fours. A reproduction of the Book of St. Albans with considerable variations. There are separate title pages to "Fowling" and to "Fishing." The latter: "A briefve treatis of fishing, with the art of angling. Wherein is contained the perfect making of all maner of implements appertaining to that exercise : the diuers and severall baytes for euery kind of fish, with the best times of the yeare for taking of them." The writer says " I meane to discribe these disportes and games, to find the best of them as truely as I could, and although the right noble and worthie Duke of Yorke, late maister of the game, hath discribed this arte of fishing, and the rest of these pleasures and disportes." This asser- tion, respecting the Duke of York, stands unconfirmed. The trea- tise of " Fowling," now first added to the book of Sir Tristram is chiefly copied, without acknowledgement, from "Batman vppon Bartholome his booke de proprietatibus rerum," 1582, where it forms the introduction to the twelfth book, " De avibus in general." Haworth's £4 4s.; Donovan's £4 5s.] Gudme (And. Gasp.) Anweisung zur Anlegung einer Teich- fischerei und zur Fischzucht. Eine gekronte Preisschrift. Altona, 1827. 8°. Anviisning til et Damfiskeries Anloeg og til Fiskeavl. Kjobenhavn, 1828. pp. xii. <^2^ plate, 12°. Guichard ( iV. C.) Manuel de la police rurale et forestiere de la chasse et de la peche. Paris, 1829. 8°. Guide. Le parfait guide-manuel du pecheur ; precede et suivi d'un calendrier, d'un vocabulaire et d'un code de pecheur. Paris, Le Bailley, 1870. 16°. Petit guide ou manuel pour la peche a la ligne par A. G. Blois, Marchaund, 1875. 8°. Guild ( W.) A treatise against profanation of the Lord's Day especially by salmon-fishing. Aberdeen, 1837. 8°. no BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Guillemard (N.) La peche a la ligne et ou filet dans les eaux douces de la France. Illustree de 50 vignettes, par L. Rouyer. Paris, Hachette, front. ^ pp. ii. 348. 8°. Gunther (J. A.) Die Teich-und Fischerei-Wirthschaft, oder griindliche Anweisung Fischteiche anzulegen, und die Fisch- erei mit Nutzen zu betreiben. Erfurt, 18 10. 8°. H. (R.) The school of recreation : or, the gentlemans tutor to those most ingenious exercises of hunting, racing, hawking,... fishing, etc. By R. H. London, printed for H. Rhodes, next door to the Bear Tavern near Bride Lane in Fleet Street. 1684. front, pp. X. 202. 12°. ; H. Rhodes. 1696. froiit. pp. vi. 182. 12°.; H. Rhodes, 1701. 12°. {A pagmary reprint)] other editions : A. Bettesworth, 1710, 1719, 1720. pp. 166. 12°.; 1732, 1736. pp. 154. 12°; (n. d.) pp. 165 & 1784. 12°. [ Sometimes attributed to Hewlett, but on what evidence is not shown. In the Stationers' Register, the writer's initials are only given. All the editions have a frontispiece : in the earlier ones this is divided into six compartments. The 1736 edition has a new frontispiece, in which a man and woman, seated on a bench, are surrounded by birds.] The angler's sure guide : or, angling improved, and methodically digested ; shewing, L When, and how to gather the best materials for fishing tackle. IL The most proper baits to delude and take all sorts of fresh-water-fish- IIL How to make, order, preserve and use such tackle and baits. IV. The names, natures, ctc.^ and medicinal vertues of those fish. V. Their haunts, spawning-times and season. VL The worst and best seasons and times to angle for them. VII. The best and aptest ways of taking them by angling, etc. VIII. The various and choicest ways of dressing 'em. IX. How to make, store, order and preserve fish-ponds, stews and fish. X. Wherein the angler is punishable by law, if he invade another's right by angling. XL How the angler may lawfully defend himself, if wrongfully disturbed in his angling. XII. Some presidents of licenses to angle in another's fishery. Together with many other useful and pleasant varieties, suit- able to the recreation of angling. Adorned with copper cuts. By R. H. Esq., near 40 years a Practitioner in this Art. London. Printed by J. H. for G. Conyers at the Ring, and T. Ballard at the Rising Sun, in Little-Brittain. 1706. front. ^ plate of fish^ pp. vii. 296. 8°. [ Generally attributed to Robert Hewlett. It would have had greater merit on the score of oringinality had it preceded Chetham's ' Vade Mecum,' to which it bears a somewhat close resemblance. There is an imitative pedantry too m the Preface ( a mosaic of BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. in English and Latin) savouring overmuch of the above named type. Whether this writer be identical with the R. H. of "The school of recreation," and "The Royal pastime of cockfighting" is uncertain. There is certainly little or no similarity between the above work and the angling treatise included in the " School of Recreation." The running title is "Angling improved, or profit and pleasure mix'd together."] Hackle (Fsdmer), pseud. 5^^ Blakey ( R.) Hagen ( J. L.) Landwirthschaftliche Teich-und Weiherlust, Oder griindliche Information zur edlen Fischerei. Frankfurt, 1727. 8°. Hahn (Just.) Conclusiones juridicse de jure colonario si per- petuse coloniae piscandi, venandi, aucupandi. Helmst., 1678. Halieuticon. See Ovidius Naso ( P.) Hall (Edward Hepple). Lands of plenty. British North America for health, sport and profit. London, Allen, 1879. 8°. Hall ( Herbert Byng). Highland sports and Highland quarters. With illustrations. 2 vol. London, Hurst and Blackett, [1847]. 12°. Exmoor, or the footsteps of St. Hubert in the West. London, 1849. 12°. Scottish sports and pastimes, with numerous illustrations. London, 1850. pp. iv. 264. 12°. Hall (Peter). The boy's own jolly angling book. Showing tackle and baits required. Rivers and ponds where fish are to be found. London, Hall, [1877.?] pp.16. 8°. Hall ( Samuel Carter and Anrfa Maria). The book of the Thames, from its rise to its fall. [Illustrated.] London, Hall, Virtue and Co., 1859. 8°.; London, Cassell, 1869. 8°. The book of South Wales, the Wye and the Coast. [Illustrated.] London, Hall, Virtue and Co. 1861. 8°. [ Both reprinted from the Ari Journal'] Hallock ( Charles). The fishing tourist : angler's guide and reference book. " As flies to wanton boys, are we to the gods ; They kill us for their sport." — Skak. New York, Harper, 1873. pp. 239. 8°. Camp life in Florida ; a handbook for sportsmen and settlers. New York, 1876. pp.348. 12°. The sportsman's gazetteer and general guide. The game animals, birds and fishes of North America : their habits and various modes of capture... Together with a directory to 112 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. the principal game resorts of the country ; illustrated with maps. New York, 1877. pp. 608. 208 (appendix), port, and maps. 12°.; 4th edition. 1878; 5th edition 1880. pp.908. 12°. Hammond (Samuel H.) Hills, lakes and forest streams : or a tramp in the Chateaugay woods. New York, Derby, 1854. pp. 340. 8°.; New York, 1858. 12°. [Chapters 2, 3, 4,' 5 and 18 on angling.] Hunting adventures in the Northern Wilds ; or a tramp in the Chateaugay woods, over hills, lakes and forest streams. London, 1862. 16°.; Philadelphia, Potter, (1863). front. ^ pp. 340. plates. 12°. Wild Northern scenes ; or sporting adventures with the rifle and the rod. New York, Derby and Jackson. 1859. pp. 341. 12°.; Philadelphia, Potter, (1863). pp. 341. 12°. Handboekje. Uit spanningen van het buitenleven Handboekje voor liefhebbers van vogelvangst, visschen, botanie, jager enz. Amsterdam, 1840. i8*\ Handbook. Handbook of angling. See Ephemera. [Blakey ("Angling literature/') mentions, without giving the title, a Dutch handbook of angling, dated 161 3. We have been unable to trace it.] Handbook of fishing. See Cassell and Rout- ledge ( G.) The handbook of summer sports and pastimes. London : printed for the booksellers, (n. d.) pp. 16. Handbuechlein. Kleines Handbuchlein der Angelfischerei. Aus dem Engl, von F. L. von Bibra. Hamburg, 1821. 8°. Hansard ( George Agar). Trout and salmon fishing in Wales. London, Longman. 1834. pp. xix. 223. 8°. [ A woodcut of " Salmon leap at Pont Aberglasllyn " is on the title. The book " is a perfect gazetteer of every lake and stream in the Principality... no angler should go into Wales without taking [it] in his pocket," says Mr. Chatto in his " Angler's souvenir."] Hardy ( Campbell ). Sporting adventures in the New World, ...[2 illustrations]. 2 vol. London, Hurst and Blackett, 1855. 8°. [ Fishing incidents abound.] Forest life in Acadie. Sketches of sport and natural history of the lower provinces of the Canadian Dominion. [12 illustrations]. London, Chapman and Hall, 1869.- 8°. [Chap. ix. Acadian fish and fishing. Most of the sporting sketches appeared originally in the Fiehl!\ BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 113. Harewood (H.), pseud. A dictionary of sports; or, companion to the field, the forest, and the river side. Containing ex- planations of every term applicable to racing, shooting, hunt- ing, fishing, hawking, etc. With essays upon all national amusements. By Harry Harewood, of Springfield, in the County of York, Esq. London, Tegg and Son, 1835. pp. vi. 36s- «°. [ An improved version of the " Sportsman's Dictionary.""] Harrison ( George). Two months in Brittany with my knap- sack and fly-rod. London. Bemrose, (1868). pp. iv. 61. map. 8°.;2nded. Edited by Alfred Wallis. (n. d.) 8°. Hartig ( Geo. Lud.) Journal fur das Forst, Jagd-und Fisch- ereiwesen zur niitzlichen und angenehmen Unterhaltung. Stuttgart, 1806-8. 4°. Hartung ( Ed.) Der praktische Angler, oder die Geheimnisse, alle Arten Fische und Krebse in Fliissen, Bachen und Teichen mit der Angel und in Reussen auf die einfachste Weise zu fangen. Quedlinburg. 1864. 8°. Haslewood (Joseph). See Barnes {Dame J.), The book, etc. 1810. [The "Censura Literaria," 1805-6, vol. x., p. 113, contains an article, entitled " Fishing," by Mr. Haslewood, in which Dun- combe's translation of Vaniere is given in full.] Hassell (J.) Excursions of pleasure and sports on the Thames. Illustrated in a series of engravings in aqua-tmta, coloured after nature... the places and periods for enjoying the sport of angling, etc. London, Simpkin, 1823. 12°. ["Angling on the Thames," pp. 36-56.] Picturesque rides and walks, with excursions by water, thirty miles round the British Metropolis. Illustrated in a series of engravings, coloured after nature, etc. 2 vol. London. Printed for J. Hassell, 1817. 8°. [Contains some brief information, scattered through its pages, for suburban anglers.] Haus-Buch,...auch wie reiche und nutzbringende Fisch-Teiche anzurichten, die Fische auf das beste zum mercklichen Nut- zen zu alien Zeiten des Jahrs wol und erspriesslich zu erhalten seyen, etc. Niirnberg, J. Buggels. 17 10. 12°. Haus-Land-und Wirthschafts-Regeln. Nurnberg, [1770.] 4°. Haus-Vater. Dritter Theil des klugen Haus-Vaters. (Grund- liche Nachricht von der Fisch-Zucht, dem Ackerbau, weise- machs und fischerey, etc) Leipzig, Jacob Schuster, 1721. 4°. Hawker (Lieut. Col. P.) Instructions to young sportsmen in I 114 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. all that relates to gnns and shooting. London, 1816. 8°.; other editions: 1824, 1825, 1826, 1830, 1833, 1854. 8°". [ Twenty pages are devoted to trout-fishing.] O Headley (Joel Tyler). The Adirondack : or, life in the woods. New York, 1849. 12°.; London, 1852, etc. 12°.; New and enlarged edition. New York, Scribner, 1864. 8°.; and 1869. front, pp. ix. 451. 8°. [Chapters i, 2, 14, 24, 34, 38 & 48 are on angling. The London edition was one of a series termed " Readable books," 1852, etc?^ Hearder. Hearder and Son's guide to sea-fishing and the rivers of South Devon. Plymouth, (n. d.) 16°. [ Appended to a trade list.] Heinze (J.) Die Forstverwaltung in Frankreich, oder Dar- stellung der Gesetze, das Forst-und Fischerey wesen betreffend. Coin, Kommerskirchen, 1808. 8°. Hempel (Joh. Aug.) Der sichere Fischschutz, oder neu er- fundene Weise, Fische mittelst Schiessgewehr sicher zu tref- fen, etc. Altenburg, 1837. 8°. Henchelin (Gasp.) Disputatio de ... piscatione, etc. 1599. See BocER ( H.) Henderson (William). Notes and reminiscences of my life as an angler. With an appendix containing a description of the caves of Adelsberg and the Proteus anguinus. *' I've thravvn the flee thae sixty year," etc. — R. Roxhy. [5] Illus- trations by Glement Burlison, engraved by Edmund Evans. For private circulation only. London. Printed by Spottis- woode and Go. 1876. port. pp. xiv. 324. 8°. [ Some copies were printed on royal octavo.] My life as an angler. ''I've thravvn the flee," etc. — R. Roxhy. With Woodbury portrait and sixty-seven [68] woodcuts engraved by Edmund Evans, from drawings by G. Burlison, A. W. Gooper, E. Hastings, E. L. Rolfe and other artists. The head and tail pieces designed by Mrs. William Henderson. London, W. Satchell and Go., 1879. pp. xvi. 312. 8°. [ Some copies are on large paper with " A view on the White- adder," etched by J. B. Clark, after J. J. Richardson, and the full- page illustrations on India paper. Although substantially the same as the privately printed work, much new matter has been added and the visit to Adelsberg, etc. withdrawn.] My life as an angler... with Woodbury portrait and twelve woodcuts engraved by Edmund Evans. A new edition. London, W. Satchell and Go., 1880. pp. xiv. 349. 8°. [ A book to be set apart and in the best company. It is one of BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 115 the most sterling and attaching of modern angling books, and pos« sesses several ot the qualities that have rendered Iz. Walton's writings household words — his simplicity, naivete and honest benevolence.] Hengelaar. De nieuwe Hengelaar op de Kunst om op eene eenvondige en min Kostbare wijze veel visch te vatigen. Tiel, (i860) & 1864. 8°. Henning ( St. M.) Geheim gehaltene Fischkiinste. . Oder Aiiweisung, auf alle Arteii Fische den Roder, die Mitterung oder Lockspeise zu machen, um sie in Reussen and Sacken, mit der Angel und dem Zeuggarne und mit den blossen Handea zu fangcn, etc. Z\veite...auflage. Quedlinburg und Leipzig, G. Basse, 1839. PP- i^- ^3- ^°-l Diiite Auflage. 1847. pp. iv. 63. 8°. [The first edition was published in 1837.] Henriques (J.) Principes generaux de jurisprudence sur les droits de chasse et de pechc suivant le droit commun de la France. Pans, 1775. 4°. Henry VIII., King of Enghmd. Anno 31° (1539), Cap. 2. An acte that iishyng in any seuerall pond, stewe, or mote with an intente to steal fyshe out of the same, is felony. B. L. (London, Berthelet, 1546). fol. Henshall (James A. M. D.) Book of the Black Bass: com- prising its complete scientific and life history ; together with an explicit and purely practical treatise on angling and fly- fishing, and a full and detailed description of all tools, tackle and implements used in its capture. By James A. Henshall, M.D. "I am. Sir, a brother of the angle." — Izaak Walton, New York, Orange Judd Company, i88j. 12^. Heppe (C. W. Von). Der sich seibst rathende Jager, oder 117 auserlesene, zum Theil sehr delicate und streitige Falle, welche bei dem Forst-, und Fischerei-Wdsen vorkommen. Augsburg, 1754. 8°. Herbert (Henry William). Frank Forester's fish and fishing of the United States and British Provinces of North America, etc. London, Bentley, 1849. pp. xvi. 455. 8°.; Illustrated from nature by the author. New York, Stringer and Town- send, 1850. front. ^ pp. 359. 8°.; Third edition, revised and corrected, with an ample supplement by the author. New York, Stringer and Townsend, 1851. front.^ pp. xviii. 17-359. Supplement, ii. 86. 8°.; New York, 1859. PP- S^S- 8°.; next as : Frank Forester's fish and fishing... of North America. Illustrated from nature by Henry William Herbert, etc. New edition, revised and corrected, with an ample supplement by I 2 ii6 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. the author, together with a treatise on fly-fishing by "Dinks." New York. E. Woodward. (1873). pp. 509. 12°. [The supplement contains ''The game fish" and "The fishing of North America. "] The complete manual for young sportsmen, with directions for handling the gun, the rifle and the rod... River, lake and sea fishing... New York. W. A. Townsend, 1864. front. ^ eng. title^ pp. 482. 8°.; New York. Townsend and Adams, 1868. pp. xvi. 482. 8°.; Revised edition. New York, American News Co.. (1873). front. ^ title ^ pp. 477. 8°. ["Game fish and the best mode of fishing for them. For young sportsmen," pp. 363-480. (ed. 1864). Contains many excellent illustrations drawn on wood by the author.] American game in its seasons. Illustrated from nature, and on wood, by the author. Revised edition. New York, Orange Judd and Co., 1873. pp. 343. 8°. [ Mr. Herbert also published " Frank Forester's field sports of the United States, etc^' of which an 8th edition was issued in 1873, but only four pages are devoted to fishing. He was born in 1807 and educated at Eton and C. C. C, Cambridge. His father was Dean of Manchester. He died, by his own hand, within a few months of his marriage.] Heresbachius (Conradus). Rei rusticae libri quatuor...(Ther- evtices, hoc est, de venatione. aucupio, atque piscatione.) Coloniae, apud Joan. Birckmann. 1570. 4^.; Spirae Neme- tum. 1594. 8°. Libri quarti de re rustica pars quae agit de piscinis et piscium vivariis. Ejusdem Thereutices pars tertia de piscatione. [ Edited by H. Conringius.] [ Helmstadt, 1657-] 4°- [ Conringius has here brought together the matter relating to fish-ponds and fishing contained in the " De re rustica" and the " Thereutices." The English translation of the former follows. No complete translation of the latter has been published, ( see Manuscripts for a version in our possession), but the third part, " De piscatione," will be found " in a form, rendering as nearly as possible, the style and colour of the epoch," with a brief introduc- tion by Mr. Westwood, in the " Angler's Note-book," 1880, pp. 117, 133, 149, etc:\ Fovre bookes of husbandry, collected by M. Conradus Heresbachius, Counseller to the hygh and mighty Prince, the Duke of Cleue ; conteyning the whole arte and trade of husbandry, with the antiquitie and commendation thereof. Nevvely Englished, and increased by Barnabe Googe, Esquire. London. Printed by Richard Watkins. B. L. 1577. iv. 193. \. folios 4° ; London, J. Wright, 1578. 4°.; other editions: 1586, 1594, 1596, 1600, 1601, 1604; next as: BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 117 — The whole art and trade of hvsbandrv con- tained in foure bookes. Enlarged by Barnaby Googe. London, Richard More. 16 14. 4°.; then as: The whole art of hvsbandry contained in fovre bookes. viz...IIII. Of poultrie. fowle, fish. ..and the art of angling... now renewed, corrected, enlarged and adorned with all the experiments and practises of our English nation, which were wanting in the former editions. By Captaine Garvase Markham. London, R. More, 163 1. ^.\ afterwards as: The perfect husbandman, or the art of hus- bandry. In four books : I. Of the farm or mansion house,... IL Of gardens, orchards and woods. IIL Ot breeding... all manner of cattel. IV. Of poultry, fowle, fish and bees with the whole art (according to these last times) of breeding and dyeting the righting cock, and the art of angling. By C. H., B. C., and C. M. ingenious artists. London, Thomas Basset, in St. Dunstan's Church-yard in Fleet-street, 1658. pp. vi. 385. 4'. [In the editions edited by Markham, seven or eight pages on angling are added to the brief treatise on fish-ponds of the original work. Piscinarius disappears, but in the other parts of the book the interlocutors remain as in former editions. Sir Harris Nicolas, in his biography ot" Walton, says, ''There is so much resemblance between many passages of \Valton\s work and Heresbachius' Hus- bandry, by Googe, which was first printed in 1577, as to render it probable he was indebted to that work for some of liis ideas." This may have been the case; but the "Compleat Angler" is more closely allied, in the mechanism, at least, to the " De venatione, aucupio et piscatione." This work was the fruits of its author's leisure, and was written at his country house during his occasional retirement from the exigencies of his life at court. It consists of a dialogue, in which the interlocutors bear names significative of their different vocations. Philothcrtis opens the conversation with an eulogium of the sport of hunting. Lagiis follows and discants on the pastime of hunting the hare, the fo.x, the badger and the ('eer. Elaphovrous passes in review the chase of the stag, the wild boar, etc. Halieus takes the greatest share in the colloquy, and treats of the different modes of fishing, and the various kinds of fish. The close parallel between the outer form of the above and Walton's Angler must be evident enough. Barnaby Googe's translation of the " Foure bookes of husbandry" is very quaint, poetical and charming. Googe was a poet by voca- tion, and the author of " Eclogs, Epitaphes, and Sonnettes, newly written,'' 1563, of which only three copies are known to exist. He also produced other works, original and translated, among the latter a translation of the "Regnum Papisticum" of Naogeorgus, recently reprinted at the Chiswick Press, by Mr. R. C. Hope, (with memoir of Googe), from the only perfect copy which is known. Some curious letters concerning his marriage Avith Mary Darell, of Scot- ii8 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. ney, in Kent, are printed in Sir Egerton Brydges' " Restituta," vol. i v.", pp. 307-11.] Hermens (F. P.) Handbuch der...Forst-, Jagd-und Fischerei- Gesetzgebuno^, etc. H'jrausgegeben von F. P. H. Aachen, 1830. pp. viii. 775. 8°. Herrmann (Ch. Ghld.) Kurzer Unterricht, neue Fischerei mit wenigen Kosten anzuiegen und die Teichdaiiime wider Ueber- schvvemmung zu sichern. Mit 2 Kpf. Freiburg, 1791. 8°.; Zittau, 1795. 8°. Heyrick (Thomas). Miscellany poems. Cambridge, printed by John Hayes for the author. 1691. 4°. [Contains commendatory verses, "'To my ingenious friend and brother angler/' by Theophilus Judd, of St. John's College. Cam- bridge, and also by Joshua Barnes, William Tunstall, George Walker and Launcelot Manning. One of the poems is " A Pindar- ique ode in praise of angling," addressed " To my worthy friend, Mr. Thos. Bateman," in which the poet not only praises angling but abuses those who do not angle, in veliement fashion. Thomas Heyrick ( " M. A. formerly of Peter House College in Cambridge " ) is supposed to have been a nephew of Robert Herrick, the author of the " Hesperides," For an article on this work with a reprint of the "Ode," see "The Angler's Note-book," 1880, pp., 101-2.] Hicklin (J.) Illustrated hand-book of North Wales ; a guide to the tourist, the antiquarian and the angler. 1856. 8°. Hickman (William). Sketches on the Nipisaquit, a river of New Brunswick, B. N. America. Halifax, Strong ; London, Day and Son, i860, fol. [Eight coloured lithographed plates with descriptions.] Hicks (J.) Wanderings by the lochs and streams of Assynt and the North Highlands of Scotland. Illustrated. London, Blackwood, 1855. pp. vii. 272, 2 plates of flies. 8°. Highland. The Highland handbook and list of shootings and fishings with time tables. In progress. Glasgow and Edin- burgh, Menzies. 8°. [A monthly publication.] Hints to anglers. See S. ( T. F.) on angling. See Blakey ( R.) Histoire et tableaux des poissons, et dictionnaire des peches. Paris, 1787-8, 4°. History. The history of the fish and the ring, or the fortunate farmer's daughter, (n. d.) 12°. Hofliand (T. C.) The British angler's manual ; or, the art of angling in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland : with some account of the principal rivers, lakes and trout-streams in the BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 119 United Kingdom ; with instructions in fly-fishing, trolling and angling at the bottom, and more particularly for the trout. Embellished with numerous engravings on steel and wood, from original pictures and drawings by the author. London, 1839. front., pp. xvi. 410. 8°.; 1841. 8°.; revised and en- larged by E. Jesse, [ with memoir of the author.] London, Bohn, 1848. pp. xxxii. 448. 8°. Hohberg ( Wolff Helmhard von ). Georgica curiosa aucta, das ist : unslandlicher Bericht und klarer Unterricht von dem Adelichen Land-und Feld-Leben auf alle in Ddutsch- land ijblichen Land-und Haus-wirthschaften. 3 Bande. Niirnberg, Martin Endters, 1701. fol.; Nieuwe druk. 1716. fol. [A very curious work, with 317 fine engravings in the text, it is a compfete encyclopaedia of the rural life of the 17th century in Germany.] Hone (William). The every day book. 2 vol. London, Hunt and Clarke, 1825-7. 8°. [Vol. i. p. 348 contains: "The Sluice House." Vol. ii. p. 384: "Important to anglers," a letter giving an account of a visit to Dove-dale and signed "Nottingham, W. H." (probably William Howitt); also p. 324 " Thunny fishing;" pp. 656-7, "The New River at Hornsey,"' followed by " Advertisement of Walton s angler, 1653."] The table book. London, 1827-8. 8°. [Contains "Angling at Thames Ditton,'' p. 330: "Tickling trout," p. 331 ; "Fishery, fishing vessels," etc. p. 645 ; and "Filey, Yorkshire, haddock legend and herring fishery," p. 733 ; followed by " Piscatoria," on the same and following page.] The year book. London, 1832. ^° [In this work we find, p. 801, "Angling streams in Winter"; " Gardiner's booke of angling or fishing."] Hood (Thomas). Hood's own. First series. 1859 > second series. 1861. London, Moxon. 8°.; Original edition: London, 1838-9. 8°. [The first series contains, " The angler's farewell," p. 139. The second series, "A rise at the father of angling," p. 20 ; "The rambles of Piscator, by Sylvanus Urban," p. 50 ; " Mr. Chubb, a piscatory romance," p. 298 ; " Walton Redivivus, a New River eclogue," p. 433. The last is also included in "Whims and Oddities." 1827. 8vo.] Hooswinckel (Ed. ab.) Animalivm qvadrvpedvm venatvs in vsvm pictorum aurifabrorumque editse. Eduardus ab Hoos- winckel excudebat. (n. p.) \circa 1600,] ob. 4°. [ A spirited engraving of Indians shooting fish with arrows is included in the series.] Horrocks (John). Die Kunst der Fliegen-fischerei auf Forel- 120 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. len und Aschen in Deutschland und Oesterreich. Weimar, 1874. front, pp. X. 180. plate of flies. 8°. Horsfall ( J. H.) Letters on salmon ladders, reprinted by request from The Field with an introduction. Leeds, 1867. 8°. House. The old house by the river. By the author of the Owl Creek papers. London, Chapman and Hall, 1853 pp. vii. 272. 8°. [Contains a chapter on "Trout fishing," pp. 117-131. The work is American and very stilted and high-flown.] Howitt ( Samuel ). The British sportsman ; containing seven- ty [coloured] plates. London, Ornie. 181 2. 4°. [The plates are dated 1798 & 1799, and it is called a new edition.] Field sports, illustrated in 20 coloured designs. London, 1807. fol. See Field. Foreign field sports... From drawings by Messrs. Howitt, etc. 18 14- 13. 4°. See Angler. The angler's manual... Embellished with twelve plates... by S. Howitt. 1808. [ Howitt is said by Bryan (" Dictionary of Painters,") to have been a self-taught artist, distinguished for his skill in designing wild animals and the hunting of them. He died suddenly in 1822.] Howitt (William). The book of the seasons, or the calendar of nature. London, Bentley, 183 1. '^'^ .\ other editions : 1835, 1836, 1840, 1846, 1848. 12°. [ Contains an angling kalendar for each month.] The boy's country-book ; being the real life of a country boy, written by himself, exhibiting all the amuse- ments, pleasures and pursuits of children in the country. London, Longmans, 1839. pp. xi. 308, woodcuts. 12°. [ A charming description of a boy's life in the country. Chap, vi is on angling. The woodcuts are by S. Williams. The book was re-issued in 1841, with "Second edition" inserted in the former title-page. The 5th edition is dated 1863.] The year book of the country, or the field, the forest and the fire-side. With illustrations, etc. London, 1850. 12°. The rural life of England. London, Longman, 1838. 2 vol. 8°. [ Chap. iv. contains, " Favour into which angling has risen of late years," "Our tourist-anglers," "A word with the too sensitive." Pt. ii., chap, vi., " True wisdom of Izaak Walton," "Delicious haunts of the angler." Vol. 2, pt. iii., chap, xii., " Effect of angling on the spirits.''] BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 121 Hewlett (Robert). See U. (R.) How to angle ; including trolling and spinning. London^ Family Herald Office, (n. d.) pp. iv. 62. 16°. Hubbard (Lucius L.) Summer vacations at Moosehead lake and vicinity. A practical guide book for tourists, e^c. Illus- trated with twenty views and maps. Boston, 1879. 16°. Huckell {jRev. John). See Avon. The Avon, a poem. Birmingham, 1758. 4°. Hughes (W.) See Piscator. Huish (Robert). The improved British angler, containing the most esteemed methods of angling for pond and river fish ; the baits for each, and how to obtain and preserve them ; the choosing of rods and tackle ; also, instructions in every branch of fly-fishing ; materials for the manufacture of flies ; com- prising, also, original information on the art of angling. Derby, Richardson [printed] ; London, Simpkin and Co., 1838. pp. 98. sq. 16°. Humbli ( Nils). Disputatio de piscatura, 1745. ^S^^ Fronditts (N.) Hunt ( Leigh). The indicator and the companion ; a miscellany for the field and the fire-side. 2 vol. London, Colburn. 1834. 8°. [Chapter xi. is on " angling."] Hunting, shooting and fishing : a sporting miscellany. With anecdotic chapters about horses and dogs. Numerous illus- trations. Loniion, Sampson Low, 1877. pp. 317. 8°. [ The illustrations are by "Phiz," A. W, Cooper, eic.'] Husbandman. The husbandman's jewel. See Markham (G.) The compleat husbandman, 1707, 12°. The English husbandman. See Markham ( G.) The perfect husbandman. See Heresbachius (C.) Husbandry. See Heresbachius (C.) and Markham (G.) Hutchings ( James M.) Scenes of wonder and curiosity in California. London, Chapman and Hall, 1865. 8°. [Chapters 12 and 13 treat of fishing.] Hutchinson ( R. D.) Fluefiskeriets advendelse i Norge. Drammen, 1836. 8°. Hutten (Ulric de)...De piscatura Venetorum heroicum, etc. (In officina excusoria Joannis Miller, 15 19.) 4°. [ A to T in fours. The fishing is allegorical. The volume contains many excellent wood engravings, including one of fishermen drawing a net laden with the spoils of war, and also using the rod. The poem is dedicated to Ma.ximilian and commemorates those triumphs over 122 • BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. the Venetians which resulted from the League of Cambray. It commences : "Exierant Veneti piscatum. ita fata ferebant. Non uni Veneti, toto genus orbe coactum,"] Idle ( Christopher), pseud. Hints on shooting, fishing, etc., both on sea and land, and in fresh-water lochs of Scotland ; being the experiences of Christopher Idle, Esq. London, Longman. 1855. pp. viii. 293. 8°.; second edition, revised and enlarged. 1865. pp. ix. 354. 8°. Ireland (S. W. H.) See C. (H.) The fisher boy. See Clifford (C) pseud. The angler: a didactic poem. 1804. Ireland. The angler in Ireland : or an Englishman's ramble through Connaught and Munster. during the summer of 1833. 2 vol. London, Bentlev. 1834. 8°. [ By Belton, author of "Two Summers in Norway." Helton was a friend of Lover, who contributed the two illustrations to the work.] ■ The sporting capabilities of Ireland : with sugges- tions for increasing game, more particularly in the county of Waterford. By a Deputy-Lieutenant of that country. Dublin, 1856. 12°. The sportsman in Ireland, with his summer tour through the Highlands of Scotland. By a Cosmopolite. 2 vol. London, Colburn. 1840. 8°. [ Attributed to Mr. R. Allan.] Irving (Washington). The sketch book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. 2 vol. London, 1820. 8°.; N-w York, 1848. 8°.; London, 1849 & 1850. 8°.; London, Bohn. 185;. 8°.; London, Bell and Daldy, 1864. 16°.; New York, [1873]. 8°. [Contains "The angler," a well known and often quoted sketch.] Isachius (Alfonsus). De venatione tractatus, in quo de piscatione, avcvpio, syluestriumque nisectatione agitur. Regii, apud Flam. Bartolum. 1625. /f.\ previous edition : Regii. 1570. 8°. ["Quasstio decima. Quodnam ex triplici a nobis consideratio venationis genere sit prestantius et nobilius, piscatio ne aucupium, sylvestrium vel quadrupedum persecutio, seu venatio." The author decides in favour of fishing, very much for the reasons given by Dame Julyana : that it is attended with less labour and expense, and no risk of life ; that it is conducted without clamour and danger, and admits of contemplation, etc.'] Jackson (John, of Tanjield Mill). The practical fly-fisher : more particularly for grayling or umber. London, Farlow ; Leeds, Swallow, 1854. 8°.; Second edition. 1862. pp. iv. BIBLIOTHECA PJSCATORIA. 123 57. ii (subscribers) . 8°.; [with fresh title-pa^e as :] Third edition. London, G. Bell and Son ; Leeds, J. Dodgson, 1880. pp. iv. 57. ii (subscribers). 8°. [ Dedicated to T. H. B. who completed the work after the author's death and has given a brief biography of Jackson, winding up, in tomb-stone fashion, with the assurance that he was " a good hus- band, an indulgent parent and a kind friend."] Jacob (Giles). The country gentleman's vade mecum. Con- taining... fish and fishing, fish-ponds, etc. London : printed for William Taylor. 1717. 8°. [ The running title is " The country gentleman's companion."] The compleat sportsman. In three parts. ..Part III. Of fish and fishing ; the most successful methods of angling ; the only proper baits, tackle and agreeable seasons for taking all sorts of fish ; and the rivers wherein they are to be found ; with the statutes relating to fishing, &c. In the Savoy, printed by E. Nutt...for J. Tonson, etc. 1718. pp. xii. 142. iv. 12^ Game-law ;...L Of persons qualified to kill game, keep dogs, nets, &c.; and of hawking, fishing, fowling, &c...Of the proper seasons allowed by Act of Parliament for hunting, fishing, etc. Seventh edition. In the Savoy. Printed by E. & R. Nutt, ^/6\ 1740. 8°. Jacquot (Charles). Les codes de la legislation forestiere con- tenant... le code de la peche fluviale. 4"^^. ed. Paris, 1866. 12°. Jag. Neuw Jag vnnd Weydwerck Buch, das ist eine griindtliche Beschreibung vom Anfang der Jagten...vom Fisch, Krebs, Otter vnd Biber Fang, wie mans mit Netzen, Reusen, Angeln, Kasten, Otter vnd Biberhunden, vnd allerley darzu gehoriger Gelegenheit fahen sol... [woodcut.] Gedruckt zu Franckfurt am Meyn bey Johan Feyerabendt. (In verlegung Sigmundt Feyerabendt). 1582. fol. [ A-ciii, A-Ti in fours ; or iv. 103. 'j'>) folios. Illustrated with 116 woodcuts by Jost Amman. "Falcknerey " has a separate title-page. On the x'erso of fo. 72 is " Z\i was Zeit vnd Monat im Jahr ein jeder Fisch am besten sey," and also " Wie die Alte die Fisch Schimpff vnd Gleichnuss weise Vernamer haben," both of which follow closely the lists of the " Buechlin."] Jagemann ( F.) Hochst interessante Geheimnisse fiir Jagd-, Fisch-und Taubenliebhaber. Arnstadt. 1844. 8°. Jeans (Thomas). The Tommiebeg shootings: or, a moor in Scotland. With illustrations by Percival Skelton. London, Routledge. [1864.] pp. viii. 424. 8°. [ Chapters 26, 27, 28 & 31 are on angling subjects.] 124 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Jesse ( Edward). Gleanings in natural history, with local recollections, to which are added maxims and hints for an angler. London, Murray. 1832. 8°.; Second series 1834. 8°.; Third series 1835. 8°.; [together in] 2 vol. London, 1838. 8°.; Sixth edition. 1845. 12°.; Eighth edition. 1849. 12°.; Tenth edition. 1861. 12°. [The "maxims and hints" were written for the alhum of a fishing club by a friend of the author and signed, "R. P. 31 May 1829."] An angler's rambles. "Fish, nature, streams, discourse, the line, the hook, Shall form the motley subject of my book." London, Van Voorst. 1836. po. viii. 318. 8°. [ An amiable rather than an able book. It includes " Thames fishing," which first appeared in Frasers mairazine of January 1834. The Gentleman s magazine for 1836 contains a review of the work by the Rev. .J. Mitford.] Scenes and occupations of country life ; with recol- !0 lections of natural history. London. Murray. 1853. 8' [Contains a chapter entitled : "The river-side. ..Izaak Walton — His instructions to anglers — Vindication of Walton from the charge of cruelty — Beauties of his writings."] JewelL A Jewell for gentrie. Being an exact dictionary, or true method, to make any man vnderstand all the art, secrets and worthy knowledges belonging to Hawking, Hunting, Fowling and Fishi^ig. Together with all the true measures for winding of the Home. Now newly published, and beautified with all the rarest experiments that are known and practised at this day. Printed at London for John Helm'j, St. Dunstanes Church-yard, in Fleet street, 16 14. b.l. 4". [a-n 2 in fours. The dedication is signed T. S. A copy is in the British Museum. It is a repetition of the Book of St. Albans, somewhat methodised and polished. Sold at Haworth's ^5 7s. 6d.] Jobey (C.) La peche a la ligne. Conseils instructions. Paris, Goin, 1874. i^""- Johnson ( T. B.) The sportsman's cyclopaedia ; being a com- plete elucidation of the science and practice of the field, the turf and the rod. London, 183 1. 8°. [ A few copies were re-issued with new title-page and additional illustrations by Mr. Bohn in 1848.] 5^^ Sportsman. The sportsman's cabinet, 1832-3. Jokisch ( Karl ). Handbuch der Fischerey. 2 Bande. Mit einem Kupfer. Ronneburg & Leipzig, Schuman, 1802. pp. iv. 246. 8°.; another edition: 1804. 8°. Joly (Victor). Les Ardennes, illustre de trente planches a BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 125 I'eau-forte, par Martinus Kuytenbrouwer. 2 vol. Bruxelles, 1854. fol. [ Vol. i. contains: " Peche ii la truite et a I'ablette. Tir a la truite. Physiologic du saumon et de la truite."] Johns {Rev. C. A.) Home walks and holiday rambles. London, Longman, (n. d.) pp. 273. 8°. [ Contains angling matter passim.'] Jones (Griffith Evan). Confessions of a Welsh salmon poacher. London, J. M. Johnson and Sons. 1877. pp. 59. 8°. [ Originally appeared in "Land and Water."] Jones (J.) Guide to Norway and salmon fisher's pocket com- panion. Edited by Frederic Tolfrey. [ With 8 coloured plates of flies.] London, Longman. 1848. 12°. [ A useful manual. The plates of flies are admirably executed.] Jones (William). The broad, broad ocean and some of its inhabitants. With original illustrations. London, F. Warne and Co. (n. d.) pp. xxviii. 423. 8°. [Chapters 24 to 26 : "Modes of fishing in various countries," " Odds and ends about fishes," etc."] Jourdeuil (E.) La truite, son histoire, ses habitudes, ses diflferentes modes de peche. Dijon, Lamarche. 1872. pp. 144. 8°. JournaL Journal der Fischerei. 1855, etc. See Ehren- KREUTZ ( Baron von.) Journal fiir das Forst-, Jagd-und Fischerei wesen. See Hartig (G. L.). Kammerer ( Ferd.) Beitrage zur Lehre vom Fischdiebstahle. Rostock, 1839. 8°. Karr ( Alphonse). Dictionnaire du pecheur. Traite complet de la peche en eau douce et en eau salee ; histoire, moeurs, habitu- des des poissons, crustaces, testaces, etc.^ lois, usages, procedes ruses et secrets des pecheurs. Paris, Garnier. 1855. pp. iv. 336. 12°. [ Second edition with a change of title :] La peche en eau douce, et en eau salee, etc. Paris, Levy, i860, title, pp. 320. 12°. K[ater] ( R. de). Vlaardings Visschers Lied-boek, voorsien met veel schoone Vissers-bruylofts en andere stigtelijke gesan- gen. Amsterdam. 2 vol. \_circa i6t>i]. 8°. Keene ( John Harrington). The practical fisherman : dealing with the natural history, the legendary lore, the capture of British fresh-water fish, and tackle, and tackle-making, Illus- 126 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. trated. London, Bazaar Office. 1881. pp. iv. 481. 8*^. [First issued in parts.] Keill (James). A practical treatise upon angling with small and great rode, shewing the different flies and baits through the various seasons of the year ; to which is adjoined fishing in ponds. Edinburgh, 1729. pp. 16. 8°. Keller (Franz.) The Amazon and Madeira rivers, ^/c. With 68 illustrations. London, Chapman and Hall, 1874. 8°. [Chap. iv. treats of hunting and fishing.] Kemp (John). Shooting and fishing in Lower Brittany. A complete and practical guide to sportsmen. London, Long- man, 1859. PP- ^i^' 239. map. 12°. Kemp ( Samuel). The young Thames ano^ler's instructor. By Samuel Kemp. Fisherman, Bleachfield Cottage, Teddington, Middlesex. [In verse]. London, [1842]. pp. 8. 8°. Kentish. The Kentish angler ; or, the young fisherman's instructor : shewing the nature and properties of fish which are generally angled for in Kent ; their haunts, spawning times, etc. Rules and cautions to be observed by young anglers; the proper method of angling for trout, carp, etc.\ worm, minnow, cadis and maggot fishing ; fly-fishing and the preparation of artificial flies ; and an abstract of the laws of angling. By an Experienced Angler. Canterbury, printed by J. Saflfery. 1804. fro7ii. pp. 40. ii (errata). 12". [One of the rare local books. Under the hea i of " roach," the author says : "It is really surprising to see the slioals of roach that come up the river to Fordwich and Sturry ; in spawning time the number is so very great, that it is customary for the mayor, jurats, or some of the freemen of that town, and likewise Lhe gentlemen of Sturry, to catch them with a drag net and make presents of them to their acquaintances and poor inhabitants of Fordwich and Sturry. In the year 1782, Mr. VVoodrouft', Mr. Pidduck, two of the jurats, and some of the Freemen, did catch in one draught, one hundred and twenty bushels of roach, and many of them weighed two pounds, and some upwards of three pounds a fish." At page 20 are some " Lines by a gentleman, relative to fishing, which are too beautiful to be omitted by an angler."] [ Kett [Rev. Henry)]. On angling. By an amateur. [The New Monthly Magazine. 1820. part. ii. pp. 16-21, 133-7, 251-6, 626-9). London, 1820. 8°. [ A series of eight letters, but evidently incomplete. The com- mencement of a new series of this magazine in the following year, with a different style of contribution, may account for the abrupt termination. Kett was drowned, while bathing, in 1825. He was perpetual curate of Hykeham, Lincolnshire, and was eminent as a scholar and divine. The soubriquet of 'Emily' Kett was acquired by the publication of a novel with that title in 1809.] BIBLIOTHECA PISCAtORIA. 127 Khraisser (Sabastian). Jus venandi, avcvpandi et piscandi, Romano-Bavaricvm, etc. Neobvrgi ad Istrum. 1651. pp. viii. 138. xxii. 16°. Kidd (William). Kidd's practical instructions in the art of angling ; with many novel directions for the better enjoyment of the " gentle art ;" adapted to the use of young, as well as experienced anglers... Illustrated by picturesque engravings. London, W. Kidd. 1820. pp. 36. 12°. [The frontispiece of a gentleman in tartan and a lady in evening dress, has a quotation from the "Sportsman's dictionary" setting forth that angling is a " particularly pleasant pastime; to which the presence of ones 'ladye-love ' lends a no small additional charm."] Kilbourne (S. A.) Game fishes of the United States. 1879, etc. See Goode (G. Brown). King (John Lyle). Trouting on the Brule River, or lawyer's summer-wayfaring in the Northern wilderness. Chicago, 1879. Pl^- XX. 273. 8°.; New York, 1880. 12°. King (William Ross). The sportsman and naturalist in Canada; ...notes on the. of that country. London, Hurst and Blackett, 1866. 8°. [(.hap. ix. " Fisheries."] Kingsley (Charles). Miscellanies. ..Reprinted from ''Fraser's Magazine," etc. 2 vol. London, 1859. 8°. Prose Idylls, new and old. London. Macmillan, 1873. 8°. [Contain " Chalk stream studies," originally published in Fraser, for Sept., 1858. Many charming angling passages will be found in Kingsley 's " Life and letters. By his Widow."] Kirkbride (John). The Northern angler ; or, fly-fisher's com- panion. Carlisle [printed], London, 1837. pp. xvi. 124. 12°.; [with new title-page:] London, R. Groombridge, C. Tilt. 1840. 12°.; 4th edition, London and Carlisle. [1861]. pp. XV. 112. 12°. [ The frontispiece is an engraving of Wetheral Bridge.] Knox (A. E.) Autumns on the Spey. With four illustrations by Wolf London, Van Voorst. 1872. /row/, pp. viii. 171. 8°. Knox (Robert M.D.) Fish and fishing in the lone glens of Scotland. With a history of the propagation, growth and metamorphoses of the salmon. London, Routledge, 1854. pp. iv. 144. 8°. [Castigated by Mr. H. R. Francis in "The fly-fisher and his library,"] Kohl (J. G.) Land en volk der Britsche eilanden. Bijdragen tot de Kennis van het eigenaardige van Engeland en de Eiigelschen. De venter, 1848. 8". 128 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Koleffel (Matthias Jacobus). Disputatio juridica de piscatione ...M. J. Koleflfel. Ravenspurgensis, auctor et respondens. Basil. [1684]. pp.48. 4°. Kresz (C. Ame). Le pecheur Fraiigais, traite de la peche a la ligne en eau douce, etc. Paris, chez I'auteur. fabricant d'ustensiles de peche et de chasse. 18 18. 8°.; Deuxieme ed. 1830. front., pp. X. 415, plates; Cinquieme ed. 1847. port. pp. iv. iv. 419. 20 plates ; other editions 1861. etc. [ One of the best French works on the subject. C. B. Pigareau issued an edition, " Revu et augmente," in 1828. {See Pigareau). The Sporting Magazine for 1828 & 1829 (vols, xxiii & xxiv, N.S.) contains five articles with plates of flies, which are translated re- cerpts from this work. 'I'he editor prefaces them with a lame story of having "quite regardless of expense" acquired a MS. "Treatise on angling as practised in France," written by "Kresz, the younger."] Kreysig (G. Ch.) Bibliotheca scriptorum venaticorum. 1750. See Catalogues. Kroyser (Henrik). Nogle Bemaerkninger om Fiskeriernes Fremnie ved kunstig Befrugtning. Kjobenhavn. 1852. pp. 20. 8°. Kuhn (J. Friedr.) Das Preussische Forst-und Jagdrecht, nebst den gesetzlichen Bestimmungen (iber Ausiibung der Fischerei. Quedlinburg, Basse. 1840. 8°. LL. (M.) 5^^^ Llewellyn (Martin). Men miracles. 1646. La Chesnage Des Bois. Dictionnaire universel d'agriculture et de jardinage, de fauconnerie, chasse, peche. etc. 2 vol. Paris. 1 751. 4°. Lac. Le lac, les rivieres et la peche. 5"^^. edition. Lille, Lefort. 1 87 1. 32°. Lady. The accomplish'd ladies delight in preserving, physick, beautifying, and cookery. ..And also some new and excellent secrets and experiments in the art of angling... The third edition enlarged. London, printed for Benjamin Harris, etc. 1683. port.^ title, pp. iv. 289. 12°. [" The new and excellent experiments" have a separate title, and frontispiece of a perpendicular river or pond and a male and female angler.] Other editions: 1675 {first); 1677 {second); The fourth edition enlarged. London, B. Harris, 1684. 12°.; The fifth edition enlarged [same imprint]. 1685. front., pp. vi. 208. xii. {table). 12°.; 1686. 12°.; The tenth edition enlarged. London, printed for Daniel Pratt, 1719. pp. ii. 177. iii. 12°.; 1720, etc. [ Part V. of the loth edition is entitled : " The female angler, BTBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 129 instructing ladies and others in the various methods of taking all manner of fish in the fish-pond or river." With some few sup- pressions the text is the same as in the "New and excellent experi- ments." It is compiled from Barker, Walton, and others. The work is attributed to Mrs. Hannah Wolley. It is dedicated to the " Countess of S d," and we are told that " Her late Majesty, Queen Mary, knew wisely how to chuse her Ladies of Honour, when she singled out the most industrious about her,. ..she, who was not asham'd, in the midst of her Ladies, to kneel by the fire- side, and poach the King, her husband, an egg, had an extraordinary taste for the delicacies of cooking." See also Servant-maid. " The compleat servant-maid." (n. d.) A re-issue with new title.] Laing (Samuel). Journal of a residence in Norway, during the years 1834, 1835 & 1836, etc. London, Longman. 185 1. 8°. [Chap. I. "Fishing"; chap. viii. " Fishing in Norway"; chap, ix. "The winter fishing at Lafoden," "Use of nets in cod fishery," " Herring fishery."] Lakeland (R.) The Teesdale angler. Barnard Castle, B. Barker. 1858. 8°. Lambert (James). The countryman's treasure,... to which is added, the art of hawking, hunting, angling, and the noble recreation of ringing. London. Printed for T. Norris and sold at the Looking Glass on London Bridge, (n. d.) pp. 167. 12°. [ The " art of angling " is not contained in the previous editions (1676 & 1683) of this book. It is a reprint of that commencing, " Of all recreations, elc," which is found in " Profit and pleasure, or the husbandman's magazine," 1684, by J. S. i.e. J. Smith.] Lambert ( Osmund). Angling literature. London, Sampson Low and Co. 1881. 8°. Lambert (St. Ange). Nouveau manuel complet du pecheur- praticien, ou les secrets, les mysteres et les ruses de I'art de la peche devoiles et mis a la portee de tout le monde. Suivi de I'art de faire les filets par M. Charles B....Ouvrage orne de figures. Nouvelle edition, revue, corrigee et augmentee. Paris, 1853. PP- xix. 20\.^ four plates. 12°; Paris, i86i. pp. xix. 190. ii. {iable)^ four plates. 12°. [ Forming part of the " Encyclopedie Roret." There is a "nouvelle edition, entierement refondue".. .Paris, 1820. title, pp. vi. 240. 2 folding plates. i2mo.; and a Brussels reprint entitled "Manuel du pecheur-praticien"...Bruxelles, Van Roy, 1854. pp. vii. %J. 2 folding plates. i2mo.] Lament (J.) Seasons with the sea-horses ; or sporting adven- tures in the Northern Seas. New York, 1861. pp. 282. 8°. [ Chap. i. " Namsen Fijord and River, salmon fishing."] K 130 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Landau (Georg). Beitrage zur Geschichte der Fischerei in Deutschland. Die Geschichte der Fischerei in beiden Hessen ...herausgegeben von C. Renouard. Kassel, 1865. 8°. Land and water. In progress, London, 1866, etc. fol. [ Mr. Frank Buckland conducted the fishing and fish culture de- partment until his death in 1880. It is now in charge of Mr. Ffen- nell] Landor ( Walter Savage ). Imaginary conversations of literary men and statesmen. 5 vol. London, 1824-9. 8°.; Collected works. 2 vol. London, 1846 & 1853. 8°. [ One of the conversations little known to the angling-book amateur but well worthy of perusal, is between "Walton, Cotton and Oldways." Oldways. " I do like vastly your glib verses ; but you cannot be at once easy and majestical." Walton. " It is only our noble rivers that enjoy this privilege. The greatest conqueror in the world never had so many triumphal arches erected to him as our middle-sized brooks have." This will be found in vol. V. of the "Conversations," and in vol. I., pp. 572-7 of the "Works." 1846.] Lanman ( Charles). Summer in the wilderness, embracing a canoe voyage up the Mississippi and around Lake Superior. New York, 1847. 12°. Adventures of an angler in Canada. Nova Scotia and the United States. London, Bentley. 1848. port.^ pp. xii. 322. woodcuts. 8°. A tour to the River Saguenay in Lower Canada. Philadelphia, Carey and Hart, 1848. pp. viii. 17-23] [Chapters i, 4, 5, 6, 14, 25, 26 on angling and fishing.] Adventures in the Wilds of North America. By C. Lanman. Edited by Charles Richard Weld. London, Longmans, 1854. pp. 300. 8°.; [with a new title-page :] London, Longmans, 1863. 8°. [Chapters 23 to 28 are devoted to fishing. Reprinted in part from American periodicals.] Adventures in the Wilds of the United States and British American provinces. Illustrated by the author and Oscar Bessau. (With an appendix.) 2 vol. Philadelphia, Moore, 1856. 8°.; London, Triibner and Co., 1859. 8°. ["Adventures in the Wilds" embodies the three previous works.] Lascelles ( Robert). Angling, being the first part of a series of familiar letters on sporting. London, J. Cornes, etc. [1815.] pp. 123. 8°. [The letter is signed "Piscator" and dated Feb. 181 1. The complete work is in three parts, without any collective title, *' Anghng, shooting and coursing" [London, 1815]. 8vo. With three illustrations. A second edition was issued in 1818.] BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 131 Lathy (Thomas Pike). The angler; a poem, in ten cantos : with proper instructions in the art, rules to choose fishing rods, lines, hooks, floats and baits, and to make artificial flies ; receipts for pastes, &c., and in short, every article relating to the sport. By Piscator. London. Printed for W. Wright, 46, Fleet-street ; and M. Iley, i, Somerset-street. Portman- square. 1819. pp. xxi. 234. portrait and woodctUs. 8*^.; [with new title-page :] The angler; a poem, in ten cantos. Comprising proper instructions, etc. Embellished with upwards of twenty beauti- ful woodcuts. By T. P. Lathy, Esq. London : printed for J. H. Burn, Maiden-lane. Convent Garden, 1820. 8"^.; [with another new title-page :] London : printed for Sherwood, Neely and Jones, Paternoster-row. 1822. 8°. [ This book is one of the worst instances of literary appropriation on record. It was palmed off on Gosden, the sporting bookseller, whose portrait "engraved from a painting bv A. Cooper, A. R. A." is prefixed. He paid ;^30 for the copyright and also printed a single copv on vellum at an expense of £\o for the vellum alone, as he, himself, states in a MS. noie to Higgs' sale-catalogue. That Lathy foresaw the possibility of detection, may be interred from the deprecatory character of his preface, and the prudent modesty with which he speaks of himself as "author, editor, or compiler, or whatever other appellation critical jugdment shall be pleased to bestow on me." The only appellation he could claim of right, need not be suggested here. "'The anglers, in eight dialogues," attri- buted to Dr. Scott of Ipswich is transported bodily into Lathy 's book, with a few substitutions and modifications, and the suppres- sion of the interlocutors. What is Lathy s own, or, rather, what is not Scott's, in the work, may be found, for the most part in the openings and endings of the different cantos, and, generally, in the descriptive, didactic and devotional passages, the vapid character and lame versification of which dove-tail ill with Scott's more terse and vigorous lines. Lathy's chief end and aim (besides his dis- honest winnings) seems to have been, as he indeed avows in his preface, to further what he rather oddly calls " The union of the sexes in the sport" ai,d on this ground he apostrophises the fair sex in gen- eral, and Col. Thornton, in particular, in a most enthusiastic strain. In Canto x, having exhausted Scott's poem. Lathy has to fall back on his own resources, which do not carry him beyond a few dozen feeble lines. He winds up, characteristically, with a plag- iarism (of course unacknowleged) of Walton's "Angler's wish," the quaint, crisp lines of which he submits to the cruel process of decasyllabic stretching. Besides the vellum copy, alluded to above, twenty copies were printed on thick and large paper. Dr. Bethune says in his " Waltonian Library," "I have one in 4to."] Latouche (John), pseud {i.e. Oswald J. F. Crawford]. Country house essays. London, Ward and Lock, (1876.) 8°. [Trout fishing, pp. 137-196.] K 1 132 BTBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Lauder ( Sir Thomas Dick). Scottish rivers With illus- trations by tlie author, and a preface by John Brown. M.D. etc. Edinburgh, Edmonston and Douglas, 1874. front., pp. XV. 328. 8°. Laurent (Ph.) Histoire des peches fluviales et marines d'apres J. Cloquet. Paris, 1833. 16°. Lauson (W.) See D. (J.) The secrets of angling. Aug- mented... by W. Lauson. [c. 1620]. 8°. See Lawson ( W.) Lawson ( A.) The modern farrier, or the best mode of pre- serving the health and curing the disorders of horses, etc., comprehending instructions in hunting... and fishing, and a summary of the game laws ; with an enlivening selection of the most interesting sporting anecdotes. 8th edition, illus- trated with numerous engravings. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Mackenzie and Dent, 1825. pp. 616. 8°. Lawson (William). A new orchard and garden, etc. London, 1617-8, 1626, &c. 4°. [ Admissible, by stress of courtesy, and for the sake of that " pleasant River with silver streams," that the old writer would fain have in his orchard, and wherein he might " angle a peckled Trout, sleighty Eel, or some other dainty Fish." This is the W. Lauson (given above) who augmented " The secrets of angling," and who may possibly be responsible for the prose version of that work printed by Markham in his "English husbandman," 1614. Lawson was associated with Markham by engagements with the same book- sellers, if not also as an author, and "A new orchard" was repeat- edly issued with Markham's tracts, under the collective title, "A way to get wealth."] Law-suit. The law-suit : or the farmer and fisherman ; a poem. London, Spavan, 1738. 8°.; Second edition corrected. London, Spavan, (n. d.) front., pp. vi. 46. 8°. Lay. '' The lay of the last angler," or, a tribute to the Tweed at Melrose at the end of the season of 1867. By a Sexagen- arian \_i.e. The Hon. and Rev. Robert Liddell]. 1867; Second canto 1870; Third canto, 1874. Kelso, printed for private circulation, by Rutherford and Craig ; 1867-74. 16°. Lea. Bye laws of the River Lea from the town of Hertford to the River Thames. Hertford, 1827. 8°. Lee (J.) Lee's expert English angler, containing all that is necessary to be known in that art, with the abstracts of several Acts of Parliament, names of principal rivers, etc. London. Printed and published by J. Lee, Half-moon-st., Bishopsgate. (n. d.) /ro;z/., pp. 26. 12°. [ A sixpenny pamphlet treating also of swimming and skating.] BIBTJOTHECA PISCATORIA. 133 Leech (John). Mr. Briggs and his doings. London, i860, fol. [ Enlarged and tinted reproductions of the drawings which originally appeared in Pimch. Copies are now scarce and dear.] Lemery (Nicolas). Modern curiosities of art and nature. Extracted out of the cabinets of the most eminent personages of the French Court. ..Made English, from the original French. London, printed for Matthew Gilliflower, at the Spread Eagle ui Westminster Hall. 1685. 12". [Chap. xii. " Of artificial fire-works, hunting and fishing."] New curiosities in art and nature : or, a collection ' f the most valuable secrets in all arts and sciences. ..Translated ...from the seventh edition... with cuts. To which is added a supplement by the translator. London, John King at the Bible and Crown in Little Britain. 171 1. pp. xvi. 354. xiv. {table). 8^ [" To catch fish," "To bring fish to the place you desire," and "To make worms come out of the ground," will be found among the " Secrets," in chap, xi.] G Lennox ( Lord William Pitt). Merrie England : its sports and pastimes. London, Newby, 1858. 8°. [English sport : fishing, p. 212 ; sea-fishing, p. 348.] Pictures of sporting life and character. 2 vol. London, i860. 8°. Recreations of a sportsman. 2 vol. London, 1862. 8°. Letter. Letter to a proprietor of a fishery in... Thames. See Essay. Lews. Twenty years' reminiscences of the Lews. By ^* Sixty one." London, H. Cox, [871. 8°.; [with new title-page:] Reminiscences of the Lews. London, Bickers, 1873. 8°. [ Chap. viii. Soval fishing.] Library. The universal library, 1712. 5*^^ Cukzon ( H.) Liddell {Hon. Robert). See Lay of the last angler. 1867, etc. Liger ( Louis). CEconomie generale de la campagne, ou nouvelle maison rustique. 2 vol. Paris, De Sercy, 1700. 4°.; 2'"^. ed. revue. Amsterdam, H. Desbordes. 1701. 4°.; Seconde edition,... augmentee par I'auteur. Paris, 1708. 4°.; afterwards as : '■ La nouvelle maison rustique, ou economic generale. 3™e. ed. 2 vol. Paris, 1721. 4°.; 6^"^ ed. Paris, 1749. 4°.; 8"^^ ed. Paris, 1762. 4°.; 9"^^ ed. Paris, 1768. 4°.; lo'"^ ed. Paris, la Veuve Savoy. 1775. 4°.; 11'"^. ed. Augmentee ( par La Bretonnerie.) 2 vol. Paris, 1792. 4°. .[ This compilation^ as we have already stated (p. 88) superseded 134 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. " La maison rustique" of Charles Estienne and was subsequently issued in an improved form bv J. F. Rastien. ( See Estienne and Basiien). In the loth edition, " La peche" occupies pp. 538-572 of vol. ii.] Le menage de la ville et des champs, et le jardinier Francois... avec un trnite de la chasse et de la peche, etc. Bruxelles. Jean Leonard. 171 2. 12^.; nouvelle edition aug- mentee. [same imprint] 1720. 12°.; Paris, Paulus-du-Mesnil, 1737. 12°. [Chapters xvii-xix. contain a "Traite de la pesche." The instructions are chiefly "secrets." Those "prendre les ecrevisses "" commencing, " Ayez la carcasse d'un chien ou dun chat, etc!' There are slight variations in the titles of the editions cited.] Amusemens de la campagne, ou, nouvelles ruses inno- centes, qui enseignent la maniere de prendre aux pieges toutes sortes d'oiseaux et de betes a quatre pieds ; avec les plus beaux secrets de la peche dans les rivieres et etanes ; et un traite general de toutes les chasses. Le tout divise en cing livres. Par le Sieur L. Liger. 2 vol. Paris, Claude Prud- homme. 1734. 12°.; 1740. 12°.: Paris. Saugrain, 1753. 12°. [The first edition was published in 1709. It contains only four books. The work was reprinted, Amsterdam, 17 14, under the title "Traitte de toute sorte de chasse et de peche," (5^^ Traite); and again as "Amusemens de la chasse et de la peche." Amsterdam and Leipzig, 1743. i2mo. ( 5^^ Amusemens.) In these Amster- dam editions the first book is identical with the corresponding portion of "Les ruses innocentes," but the other four books of these editions and all the books in the Paris editions (we have not seen 1709) have been so rearranged and rewritten as virtually to constitute a new work. The numerous illustrations are reduced copies of those in " Les ruses." The fifth book, which contains fishing, is also found in " L'art de toute sorte de chasse et de peche. Lyon, 1719, etc. ( See Art).] Dictionnaire pratique du bon menager de campagne et de ville. 2 vol. Paris, Ribou. 1715. 4^ [Contains "Estangs" pp. 311-3, Vol. I.] Le nouveau theatre d'agriculture et menage des champs ...le tout suivi d'un traite de la peche et de la chasse, etc. Paris. Christ. David. 1723. 4°.; another edition : 1713. 4°. [Contains " La pesche," Liv. V, chap. 35, pp. 728-33. Ed. 1723. Liger was the Gervase Markham of his day and country. He was a native of Auxerre, and born in 1658.] Lindemann ( Moritz). Die arktische Fischerei der deutschen Seestadte, 1 620-1 868. Gotha, Perthes, 1869. 4°. Die Seefischereien, ihre gebiete, betrieb und er- trage in den Jahren 1 869-1 878. Mit zwei Karten. Gotha, Perthes, 1S80. pp. vi. 95. 4°. p>iLiLi(jTHi-:(:A pisc:a rokiA. 135 List. A list of natural flies that are taken by trout, grayling and smelt in the streams of Ripon. Ripon, W. Harrison, 1853. pp. X. 129, viii plates of jlies. 12*^.; [with fresh title- page and Addenda, as :] British angling flies. London, Simpkin ; Ripon, Har- rison. 1862. 7/"//^, pp. i-vii. iii-ix. i^^, plates. 12°. [A plate of minnow tackle accompanies the addenda. The work is by Michael Theakston and is praised by Kingsley in his " Chalk stream studies."] Lister (J. Lupton). Sea fishing at Tenbv. Tenby, Mason, 1879. pp-vi. 68. 8°. Llewellyn ( Martin, D.D.) Men miracles, with other poemes. By M. LL., St. of Ch. Ch. in Oxon. Printed in the year 1646. 16°.; [with another title-page :] London, printed for Will. Shears Junior at the Blue Bible in Bedford street in Covent Garden, 1656 ; [other copies :] Sold by Peter Parker, at the Leg and Star in Cornhil, against the Royal Exchange, 1656 ; 2nd ed. 1679. [ Contains a humorous " Song against fishing," p. 67, commen- cing :— " You that fish for Dace and Roches, Carpes or Tenches, Bonus noches. Breake thv Rod about thv Noddle.' and ending Cruell man that slaves on gravell. Fish that great with fish doth travell."] Lloyd (John). The English country gentleman, his sports and pastimes. London, Longman ; Llandovey [printed], 1849. 8°.; 2nd ed. ib. 1854. 8°.; New edition. London, 1865. 8°. Lloyd ( L.) Field sports of the North of Europe ; comprised in a personal narrative of a residence in Sweden and Norway, in the years 1827-8. With numerous engravings. 2 vol. London, Colburn and Bentley, 1830. 8°. Scandinavian adventures, during a residence of up- wards of twenty years. Representing sporting incidents, and subjects of natural history, and devices for entrapping wild animals. With some account of the Northern Fauna. 2 vol. London, Bentley, 1854. 8°. [Chapters 12-17, 21, 22, of vol. I., and chapter 5 of vol. II., deal with fishing in the first work, and chapters 3-13 of vol. I. in the second.] Anteckningar under ett tjuguarigt Vistande i Skandi- navien, innehallande Jagtafventyr, Rad for Jagare och Fiskare, etc. Stockholm, 1855. 8°. [ A translation of the preceding work. There is also a Swedish translation of " Field sports," of which two editions were published.] 136 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. . Loch. By the loch and river side. [ Lithographic engravings from designs by K. J. F.] Edinburgh, Edmonston and Douglas, 1866. ob. 4°. Lochleven. The Lochleven angler. By an ex-president of the Kinross-shire Fishing-club. Kinross, George Barnet, etc. 1874. pp. vi. 144, map. 8°. [ Has a tinted lithographed view of " Lochleven from Kinross House Pier," as a frontispiece, and cuts of tish in text.] Lock (W. G.) Sporting life on the Norwegian fjelds, with a map. Translated from the Norwegian of J. A. Friis, with jottings on sport in Norway, by W. G. Lock. Woolwich, published by the translator. 1878. pp. viii. 375. 8°. [" Fishing excursion to Vinstervandene," p. 132 ; " Salmon fish- ing," p. 362 ; and " Synopsis of Norwegian game laws," by Mr. Lock, p. 369.] Locke (James). Tweed and Don ; or, recollections and reflec- tions of an angler for the last fifty years. Edinburgh, Nimmo, i860, front., pp. vii. 152. 8°. [ Mr. Locke dates from 119, Regent-street.] London. See Baddeley ( J.) The London angler's book. 1834. 8^. Longsight ( Thomas Drummond ). On angling. Manchester, Alfred Megson, i860. 8". Lonicer ( Johann Adam). Venatus et aucupium, iconibus ad vivum expressa, et succinctis versibus illustrata. Francoturti, 1582- 4°- [With 40 plates, by Jost Amman, of hunting, hav;king, fishing, fowling, etc^ Lord (John Keast). The naturalist in Vancouver Island and British Columbia 2 vol. London, Bentley, 1866. 8". [Chap. 2-7 are on fish and fishing.] At home in the wilderness. By the Wanderer. Second edition. London, Hardwicke, 1867, 8'^.; 3rd ed. 1876. 8°. [ Chap. ix. Fishing gear and a good day's sport ; CJiap. xvi. Catch- ing salmon and white fish. This work is of the same character as " Shifts and expedients" by the author's brother, Mr, W. B. Lord.] Lord ( William Barry). Sea fish and how to catch them. London, Bradbury and Evans, [1862]. pp. viii. 52. 8°.; second edition, [1863]. pp. viii. 117. 8°. A seaside yarn. See Pennell ( H. C.) Fishing gossip, etc. 1866. — Crab, shrimp and lobster lore, gathered amongst the the rock and sea-shore, by the river-side and in the forest. London, 1867. 8°. BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 137 Lord and Baines (J.) Shifts and expedients of camp-life, travel and exploration. London, 1871 & 1876. 8°. [Chapter xv. deals with the catching of fish and amphibious animals.] Lorraine ( Leopold de). Edit de son Altesse Royale Leopold de Lorraine, portant reglement sur la chasse et la peche. Nancy, 1729. 4°. Lubbock {^xchdivd, Rector of Beccles). Observations on the Fauna of Norfolk, and more particularly on the district of the Broads. Norwich, 1845. 8"^.; New edition, with addi- tions. Norwich, 1879. 8°. [An interesting work. It contains a chapter on angling (pp. 135-156) with descriptions of the fish taken in the Broads and the modes of fishing for them.] Lyall (J. Watson). The sportsman's, tourist's, and general time-tables and guide to the rivers, lochs, moors and deer forests of Scotland, etc. In progress. London, 1873, etc. 8°. M. (G.) 6'(?^ Makkham (Gervase). M. (L.) A Booke of Fishing with Hooke & Line, and of all other instruments thereunto belonging. Another of sundrie Engines and- Trappes to take Pol cats, Bu/.ards, Rattes, Mice and all other kindes of vermine and beasts whatsoeuer, most profitable for all Warriners, and such as delight in this kinde of sport and pastime. Made by L[conard] M[ascall]. [Wood- cut of fisher and fowler.] London, Printed by John Wolfe, and are to be solde by Edwarde White dwelling at the little North doore of Paules at the Signe of the Gunne. 1590. B.L. ^'{^.Q^'x, and folding plaie. 4°. Other editions: 1596, 1600, & 1 60b. 4". [The first part, containing the Treatise of Fishing (clumsily taken and marred in the transfer, from the " Book of St. Albans ") ends at page 50 in the edition of 1590 ; the second part at page 93. The folding plate represents " The crow-net set or bent." A copy of the first edition is in the British Museum. Sold at Haworth's : ed. 1596 £1 19s. 8d.; ed. 1600 £2 12s. 6d.] Maceroni ( Col) Memoirs of the life of Col. Maceroni, late Aide-de-Cainp to Joachim Murat, etc. London, Macrone, 1838. 8". [ Contains curious matter respecting the legal rights of angling in the Thames ; also a project for salmonizing the river Rhone.] Mackay ( Charles). See Thames. Mackintosh (Alexander). The Driffield angler ; in two parts : containing, descriptions of the different kinds of fresh-water fish, and the best methods of taking them in rivers, lakes and fish-ponds ; with full directions for baits and the manner of 138 BlBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. making artificial flies for every month in the season, etc. Gainsborough. Printed for the author, and sold by H. Mozley etc. [1806]. port., pp. xi. 346. 8°.; then as : The modern fisher, or Driffield angler ; in two parts : containing descriptions, etc. Derby, Henry Mozley (n. d.) pp. 249. and leaf of contents. 12*^.; [with new title- page :] 182 1, front.., pp. 249 and leaf of contents. Magrath (J. W.) Authentic letters from Upper Canada; with an account of Canadian field-sports. The etchings bv Samuel Lover, E>q. Edited by the Rev. T. Radcliff. Dublin, W. Curry, 1833. front,, pp. 334. 8°. [ Letters 3 and 19 are on fishing.] Maison rustique. See Estiennk (Charles) and Liger ( L.) Man. The young man's companion. ( The art of angling, or tlie contemplative man's recieation.) London. 1703. 12°. [This may be described as a sandwich of pastime and piety, the one following the other as inevitably as ham follows beef at a pic- nic. Our readers shall taste irs flavour. "Your tackling being ready, go to the river and find a place (if you can) that is between two or three yards in depth, near the bank, that hath a gravelly or indiflerent smooth bottom. Cast in half your grains by handfulls, having first dipped the bag in the water to wet them. Now when you happen to catch more Dace and Shallows and Roches than you can spend while they are sweet, you may give the rest to the poor, taking King Zebulon for your example ; who saith (according as I find it written in the Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs), I fished for my Father's Household, till we came into Egypt ; and for pity's sake I gave of my fishing to every stranger that I met with ; if there were foreigner born, or any aged person, I boiled my fish and dressed it well, according to every man's need, and carried it to them, comforting them, and having compassion. And therefore God made me to catch much fish." Again : " Having cast into the River half the grains, and an hour being past, you have no bites of good Roches, you may conclude either the season is not good, or there are Perch or Pike there. Then go to some other place to angb for Roches ; if you had baited the place when you came first to the river, the better. Honest angler, as often as thou art weary, meditate on these verses : ' Cease then my soul to dote on or admire This splendid world which is reserv'd for fire. Decline the company of sinners here. As thou wouldst not be shackled with them there.' " Also : "When you have done angling, go and see if a pike hath swallowed the Roche, the bait, and if you perceive he is not a little one, draw him very gently towards you, and when he sees you, away he flies; let go, and give him all the line you can, then draw him gently again to tire him. When he is weary you may easily draw him to the bank-side and take him. BIBLIOTUKCA PISCATORIA. 139 Then will thy mind be so staved with the fear of the Lord, that this verse mav not disagree with thy thoughts, viz : Whilst wearv anglers in the night do sleep. Their fancies on their Hoat still watching keep." We trust the link of connection between the fear of the Lord and the couplet quoted, will be clearer to others thin it is to our- selves.] Manley (John Jackson). Notes on fish and fishing. With illustrations. *' Qiiicquid a.i^unt pisces nostri est farrago libeih.'' C SH^hily altered from ) Juvknal. London. Sampson Low and Co. 1877. pp. viii. 363. 8°. [Contains an interesting chapter on the Literature of Angling,] Manual of rural sports. See Stonkhenge, pseud. Manuel du chasseur. 1825. See Ecole. Manuscripts. Angling books and angHng hooks. [ A curious collection of memoranda, extracts from sale cata- logues, cuttings from old newspapers, etc., illustrating the historv of angling books and hooks. This volume which contains the bookplate of Haslewood, was formerly in the librarv of the Rev. Dr. Cotton and afterwards in the possession of Dr. Bethune.] Art. Art of angling, augmented ; gathered out of Mr. Walton and others. [ An original MS. very closely written. Formerly in Pickering's collection.] De arte piscatoria. Concerning Angling for a Trout or Grayling. [Once in the possession of Dr. Bethune who thus describes it :— ** This is a very curious MS. by Robert Noble, wlio appears to have been a clergyman. It begins thus: 3 waies. — i. At the top ; 2. At the bottom ; 3. In the middle. At the top with a fly. At the bottom with ground-bait. In the middle with a minnow or ground-bait. At the top is of two sorts, with — i. A quick fly; 2. An arti- ficial fly. At the bottom is of two sorts i. By hand ; 2. Or with a float. For the middle is of two sorts i. With a minnow for a trout ; 2. Or with a ground-bait for a grayling or omber, vulgo oummdr. Of fly-fishing at the top i. With a natural fly ; 2. With an artificial or made fly. I. First of the natural fly, which are to be used in May or June only, namely, the greendrake, the stone-fly, and the chamlet-fly, to which I may add the grasshopper, the most excellent of any." After this follows " 2. With an artificial or made fly you are to angle with a line (or tawm), i&c." Then follows a list of flies for each month, the same, and in nearly the same words, as Cotton's, in his second part of the " Complete angler," and the treatise breaks ofl". From this it is clear that either Cotton copied from this treatise, or the treatise is a synopsis from Cotton's. There ;I40 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Manuscripts. Coniinued. is no date to the ti^eatise itself, but it is bound up with an essav on another subject Jolloxving it, dated 1669, seven years before Cotton published his work. The paper following it, as far as can be judged, seems to be later, though in the same handwriting. There is also in the same book a baptismal record of Rob. Noble's children, the first date of which is 1669, the last 1701, with other papers. These throw uncertainty upon the date of the treatise ; but if it be older than Cotton's work it accounts for the rapidity with which Cotton pi-epared his essay ; the details on iiv-fishing being thus ready to his hand. There aie variations, slight indeed, but marked, from Cotton's book, which make the treatise, to my eye, appear more like an original than a copy. It was purchased from Wm. Garret, of Newcastle-upon-T\Mie, and is named in his catalogue for August, 1845."] Bainbridge ( George Cole ). Of artificial flies and the sea- sons proper for using them. 1812. [120 octavo pages with two pages of coloured drawings of flies, very nicely executed. The materials for " The iiy-fishei's guide." In the collection of Mr. Grego.] Baits. Baits and receipts for catcliino- fish. (First half of 1 6th century.) 4 folios. Sloaiie MS. 4. folio 39 b. [The name of Anthony Shupton occurs in various parts of the volume in w'hich the above is bound but attached to papers of an earlier date. In the Sloane collec ion are other scattered MS. notes of a similar character but of a later period.] Barker ( Thomas). Notes relative to Thoinas Barker, Esq., his work on angling, etc.\ with letters, etc. 4°. [ Sold at Prince's sale £1 6s.] Berners (Lady Juliana). Treatise of fishing with an angle. [ A manuscript of the XV century, on paper, (cont dning, on 20 pages, a portion of the w^ork first printed in the Hook of St. Albans anno 1496) from the library of J. Haslewood, who has prefixed an account of the volume, and three illuminations in gold and colours (the arms, a title-page, and a man fishing), and inserted also a transcript for the convenience of reading. Formerly in the hands of Mr. Jesse and now in the Denison collection.] Comtes des pecheries de TEglise de Troyes. 1349-1413. Additional MSS. British Museum . No. 22,496. [ It is written on vellum, and is exceedingly minute in its de- tails, naming not only the fish caught day by day, but the differ- ent " eiangs," or " fosses," of which there seem to have been many. Ihe weight of the whole is summed up at the end of each six months. The fish are ' d'argent,' ' bremes,' ' carpes,' * luces ' and ' angouilies.' The expenses of working the fishery are also set down, with equal minuteness ; the repairs of the ponds, or stews — the hire ol a horse and the })rice of wine and onions for the ' pescheur.'] BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 141 Manuscripts. Continiied. Cockayne ( Benjaniin). Rules for angling. 1670. [ This MS., of 33 leaves, (now in possession of Mr. Denison) figured in the sale catalogue of the Rev. H, Cotton, 1836, and was set forth as the " Original and unpublished manuscript, in the autograph of the Author, who was a relation and friend of Charles Cotton's." To such a claim, however, it has no right, being clearly modern, both as regards paper and handwriting. That it may be a copy from an older MS. is possible ; it is at best, however, but a mere collection of recipes for baits, extracted from the different (antecedent) published works on the sport. It is prefaced by the rough rhymes. " My rodde and my line. My cork and my lead," etc. to which the soi-disant Benjamin Cockayne sets his signature, with the date, 1670, but which are quoted by Walton, in his " Compleat Angler," 1653, as ''An old rhyme, from an old fish book."] D. (J.) Memoranda and notes from various sources, in an endeavour to trace the writer of that rare poetical work mentioned by Walton in his ''Angler," entitled ''The Secrets of Angling by J. D." 4°. [Formerly in the collection of Mr. Prince.] Extracts. Extracts relative to fishing ; comprising all that has been written on those subjects in the works of our ancient and modern poets, and also in magazines, newspapers and periodicals. 3 vols. 4°. {circa \%oo). [ Formerly in the possession of Dr. Bethune.] Extracts relative to angling, from MSS. in the British Museum. 4°. [ Mostly abridgements of known works.] Grant. Grant [in Latin] of Ranulph (de Meschines), Earl of Chester to Roger (de Lacy) Constable (of Chester) of a boat in the River Dee at Chester with the fishery thereof above and below Chester bridge with the use of Flonets, Dragnets. Stalnets, ^/c. ( Circa wZo-i 200). Hurley Char- ters, British Mitseiun^ 52. A. 17. Heresbach (Conrad). A treatise of huntynge, with a dis- course of faulconrie, foulynge and fyshynge, for the use of Noblemen and the Maisters of countrie farmes. Written in the Latin tongue by M. Conradus Heresbachius and newley done into English by C. H. E. 4°. [ A translation of the " Thereutices " in the possession of the Editor. See Heresbach (C.)] Middelen tot hot erstellen van de vischerie in de Spaenische Nederlanden. [In the Burgundian Library, Brussels.] T42 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATOIMA. Manuscripts. Contivued. Miscellanies. Piscatorial Miscellanies. A Portfolio con- taining : Cop\'' of the will of Sir John OfBey. Knt.. of Madeley Manor, dated 4th Oct. 1645 ; Extracts from the registers of St. Dunstan's-in-the-East. relative ro the family of Walton, &c. &c.; Genealogical Notes concerning the families of Walton, Cotton. Burnet, and otliers. collected hy the late antiquary. Sir Harris Nicolas, while engaged in writing his Lives of Walton and Cotton, with other inter- esting notices of books on Fishing. &c. &c. 4°. [At Prince's sale, £1 9s.] Modo. El modo como se fuede destruyr cada uno la pesca de los harengues de manera que no de frute ninguno. ic>32. [ In the Burgundian Library, FJrussels.] Newcastle Fishers' garlands, folio. [In this most interesting volume, now one of the chief attrac- tions of the Denison collection, are _i,^athered the original manu- scripts of these famous garlands, with William Garrett's memoranthi respecting the copies i)rinted, letters tVom Roxby. Doubleday and others, prints of the blocks used to illustrate them, etc. See NoRiH Country. " A collection of right merrie garlands for North Country Anglers."] Norway. Salmon fishing in Norway. From an angler's note-book by "The old Hy." [Denison collection.] Notes. Notes on angling. (Late 17th century.) 14 folios, sm. 8°. Sloane MS. 11 60. Notes on subjects connected with angling. 4°. [ In the Denison collection. This MS. is apparently in the handwriting of the Rev. Henry Kett. It consists of miscellaneous data, ichthyological, bibliographical and genealogical, with some lists of fish taken.] Notes and notices of books on angling, in a variety of handwritings. 4*^ [ Sold at Prince's sale, 6s.] Notes relating to Walton, Chetham, and other writers on angling. 4*^ [ Sold at Prince's sale, 13s.] Schukius ( Mart.) Tractatns de piscatione. [ Bib. Fabriciana, P. 4,, p. 1974. 153.] Season. The sesone and seueralte of alle ffysses in tvmes that thei bene ffreshe. (i6th centurv). i folio. Additional A/SS. British Mtiseiim^ 25 238. Art. 2. Shillinglaw (Rev. Thomas). A new svstem of angling. 2 vols. 16°. [ Intended for publication by subscription, but never printed.] BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 143 Manuscripts. Cofiiinued. Trolling. A treatise on the art of taking pike, perch. chuK etc., with the trimmer, to which is added a description of the necessary tackle, together with directions for its use, etc.^ with pencil drawings. [ Prepared for publication and dated Nov. 1820. At Prince's sale, 7s.] Venatio. De venatione et piscatione. [A MS., apparently of the 17th century, formerly in the col- lection of Baron Grandjean d"Alteville, dispersed April, 1862.] White (William). The compleat troller by Robert Nobbes with additions, etc. [ A coi)y of the first Norwich edition of "The Compleat Troller," wiih large manuscript additions, concerning the nature of the pike and " the various ways of fishing for that fish as practised by the antients, with those improvements (since Mr. Nobbes wrote) as the hand of time is apt to add to the most accomplished art or science. ..with notes and observations upon the whole made at sundry times from my own practise and experience. Wm. White, Woodfoid, Essex. 1772." The work appears to have been pre- pared for the press. The MS. additions are divided into nine chapters, with drawings of "the instruments made use of at present." In the collection of Mr. Grego.] Williamson ( James). Memoranda of the expenses, etc., incurred durin,u several fishing excursions in North and South Wales, in the years 1794-95-06 by Ed. Banner, Wm. Sineathman, and James Williamson, Esqrs., giving also the number of fish caught, and other curious details. 4°. [ This MS. is referred to by Yarrell, in his " British Fishes." It was purchased ly Burn at Tayleure's sale for £2 12s., and sold at Prince's sale for 9s. 6d. On the former occasion it was cata- logued as " The journal of a fishing party in 1794-7, etc."~\ Original collections and extracts from various authors relative to fishing. By James Williamson, of Liverpool. 13 vols. 4°. [ At Taylieure's sale, £6 8s. 6d.] Original collections relative to fishing, containing biogiaphical accounts of several eminent piscators. By James VVi.lianison, of Liverpool. [At Taylieure's sale, £2.'] March ( J.) The jolly angler ; or water-side companion. Containi \g an account of all the best places for angling, the means used to obtain permission, as well as an account of the different sorts of fish contained therein ; the tackle, baits, and other requisites to form an expert angler : with a correct description of tying hooks, making artificial flies, repairing tackle, etc. The whole idustrated with eighty wood 144 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. engravings. By J. March. London : published by J. March, engraver on wood ; Effingham Wilson and B. Steill. (1833). front. ^ pp. vi. ii. 96. 8°.; second edition, [same imprint.] (1836). pp. 104, [some copies] pp. 106. 8".; third edition, [same imprint.] pp. 106. 8°.; fourth edition. London. Printed and published by J. March, Charlotte-street. (1842). p.->. 100. iv.; fifth edition. London, J. March, (n. d.) front. ^ title ^ pp. loi. 12°.; sixth edition. (1850). front. ^ title^ pp. 100. 8°.; seventh edition. 1853. 8°. Markham (Gervase). The English husbandman, drawne into two bookes. The first part: contayning the knowledge of the true nature of euery soyle within this kingdome. etc. By G. M. " Bramo assai, poco spero, nulla chieggio." London: printed by T. S for John Browne and are to be sould at his shop in S. Dunstanes Church-yard in Fleet-street. 1613. b.l. 4°.; Newlie reviewed, corrected and inlarged by the first author, G. M. London, printed for William Sheares, and are to be sold at his shops in Britaines Bursse, and neere Yorke- house. 1635. 4°. [The second book has a separate register and a title-page as follows :] The second booke of the English husbandman. Con- tayning the ordering of the kitchin-garden, and the plant- ing of strange flowers :...wherevnto is added a treatise, called Goodmens recreation: contayning a discourse of the generall art of fishing with the angle, and otherwise ; and of all the hidden secrets belonging thereunto. Together with the choyce, ordering, breeding and dyeting of the fighting cocke. A work neuer written before by any author. London : printed by T. S. for John Browne. 2 pt. 16 14. b.l. pp. xiv. 205 [105]. 4°.; [with new title-page :] 1615. 4°.; London, printed by John Norton, for William Sheares, etc. 1635. 4°. [The " Art of angling" (as the running title has it) also pos- sesses a separate register and title-page :] The pleasvres of princes, goodmens recreations : containing a discourse of the generall art of fishing with the angle or otherwise ; and of all the hidden secrets belonging thereunto. Together with the choyce... of the fighting cocke. Being a worke neuer in that nature handled by any former author. London : printed by T. S. for John Browne, 16 14. b.l. title^ PP- 51- 4°- [with fresh title-page] 1615 ; London, printed by John Norton for Henry Tavnton, in St. Dunslons Church-yard, in Fleete-street. 1635 ; [some copies] London, printed by John Norton, for William Sheares, and are to be sould at the Harrow in the new Exchange and neere Yorke- BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 14S house in the Strand, 1635. title^ pp. 54 [or, when issued separately] pp. vi, (title and table), 54. 4°. [" The English husbandman" is the title of the complete work, but the first book and also the second part of the second book were sold separately. In this form they have mostly come down to us* The Huth library contains a complete copy of the edition of 161 3- 14, and the British Museum one of that dated 1635. The "art of fishing" is a prose version of "The secrets of angling" by John Dennys and was also used by Markham in his "Country Content- ments," 163 1. Its origin may account for a higher and more poet- ical tone than is generally observable in the writings associated with Markham's name.] Cheape and good hvsbandry for the well-ordering of all beasts, and fowles, and for the general cure of theif diseases... Together with... the making of fish ponds, and the taking of all sorts of fish. London : printed by T. S. for Roger Jackson. 1616. pp. xx. 182. 4°. [The treatise " 0( fishing," (pp. 178-182), is short. "Chapter i. Of fishing in generall, and first of the making of the fish pond. Chap. ii. Of the taking of all sorts of fish, with nets, or other- wise,"] [Same title and imprint.] The third edition. 1623. pp. xxii. 179- 4°- [ In this edition, "fishing" is preceded by a woodcut diagram entitled : " A platforme for ponds, which the painter hath added to the ensuing discourse, for the better satisfaction and delight of such as having a conuenient plot of ground for the same purpose shall be desirous to make any ponds for increase and store of fish."] [Same title.] The fifth edition. London. Printed by Nicholas Cakes for John Hanson. 1631. pp. xxiv. 188. 4°.; The sixt edition. Printed at London by Anne Griflfin for John Harison. 1631. pp. xxvi. 188. 4°.; The seventh edition. Printed at London by Bernard Alsop, for John Harrison, 1648. 4°.; The ninth edition. London, printed by W. Wilson, for E. Brewster and George Savvbridge. 1657. 4°.; The tenth edition. London, G. Savvbridge, 1660. 4°.; The twelfth edition. G. Sawbridge, 1668. 4".; The fourteenth edition. London, Hannah Sawbridge, 1683. 4°. [ Most of these editions were also issued with other tracts by Markham and Lawson, under the collective title of " A way to get wealth."] Markhams farwell to hvsbandry : or, the inriching of all sorts of barren and sterrill grounds, in our Kingdome, etc. London, printed by J. B. for Roger Jackson, 1620, pp. vii. 160. 4°.; Newly reuiewed, corrected and amended... London, printed by M. F. for Roger Jackson, 1625. pp. viii. 160 4°.; other editions: 1631, 1638. 1649, 1660, 1664, 1668, i^'](),etc. 4°. [ " Grounds for fish ponds," occupy two or three pages. This tract was also issued in " A way to get wealth."] L 146 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Country contentments : or, the hvsbandmans re- creations. Conlayning the wholsome experiences in which any man ought to recreate himselfe, after the toyle of more serious businesse. As namely, hunting, hawking,... The whole art of angling, and the vse of the fighting cock. By G. M. The fourth edition. Newly corrected, enlarged, and adorned with many excellent additions, etc, London, printed by Nicholas Oakes for John Harison, at the Golden Vnicorne in Pater-noster-row. 1631. pp. x. 117. 4°.; The fift edition. Newly corrected, etc. L ndon, printed by Thomas Harper for John Harrison. 1633. pp. viii. 118. 4°.; The sixth edition. London, printed by Williatu Wilson for John Harison. 1649. pp. viii. 118. 4°.; The seve'Uh edition. London, E. Brewster, 1654. pp. iv. q2. iv. 4^.; The eighth edition. 1656. 4°.; The ninth edition. London, G. Saw^bridge, 1660. 4°.; The tenth edition. London, George Sawbridge. 1668. pp. iv. 92. iii. 4°.; The eleventh edition. George Sawbridge, 1675. 4°.; The fourteenth edition. London, Hannah Saw- bridge. 1683. pp. X. 146. X. (table). 4°. [ The editions 161 1 and 161 5, do not contain "The whole art of angling as it was written in a small Treatise in Rime, and now, for the better understanding of the reader, put into Prose, and adorned and inlarged." The "small treatise" is certainly " The secrets of angling" by John Dennys, and this prose version, which begins, '• Since pleasure is a rapture, etc.^^ is identical with that previously published by Markham in "The English Husbandman," 1614. In the editions of 1631, 1633, and 1649 the angling treatise occupies pp. 59-102. "Country Contentments" is one of the tracts included in "A way to get wealth." There was also probably an edition of 1623, since the Museum possesses Book II, bearing that date, but as we cannot trace a copy we have been unable to determine whether it contains the angling treatise or not.] A way to get wealth : containing sixe principal vocations... in which every good husband or housewife may lawfully imploy themselves. The sixt edition. London, 1638 etc. 4°.; other editions: 1631,1648-9,1653,1657,1660,1668, 1683, 1695. etc. [ Under this collective title were issued five tracts by Markham including " Cheape and good husbandry," " Markham's farewell to husbandry," and "Country contentments," also " A new orchard," by Lawson. These were of the same impressions as those issued and sold separately.] The young sportman's instructor in angling, fowling, hawking, hunting, ordering singing birds, hawks, poultry, coneys, hares and dogs, and how to cure them. By G. M. Sold at the Gold Ring in Little Britain. Price 6d. (n. d.) front., title, pp. 140. 48°. [a to I in eights. This diminutive volume which measures 2^ins. BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 147 by if ins. has a quaint little frontispiece of an angler of the period plying his craft. A copy in the Huth library, purchased at Corser's sale, is stated in the catalogue to be the only one known — a state- ment very wide of the truth.] The young sportsman's instructor, etc. Sold at the Gold Ring in Little Britain, London. ^652. front. ^ title, pp. 140. 48°.; Printed and sold by S. Gamidge, Bookseller in Worcester, (n. d.) pp. 156. 48°.; London, reprinted for T. Gosden by J. Johnson, Apollo Press, Brook-street, Holborn, 1820. pp. vi. 136 6* one leaf. 32°. [Eight copies of Gosden's reprint were on vellum. The Wor- cester reprint omits the portion relating to hawking. A reprint, with a reproduction of the woodcut, is contained in Pearson's "Angler's Delight for 1871."] The young sportsman's delight and instructor in angling, fowl- ing, hawking, hunting, ordering singing birds, hawks, poultry, conies, hares, dogs, etc., and how to cure them. By G. M. Sold at the Ring in Little Britain. Price 6d. front., pp. iv. 138. 24°. [ With a second title as follows :] A compleat and experienc'd angler, in two parts: or, the anglers vade-mecum, shewing the best way to make fishing rods, lines, floats, plummets, hooks, artificial flies, panniers and other tackle ; and how to find the haunts of fish, and take them with all sorts of baits, as well artificial as natural, in all sorts of water. To make divers sorts of oils and ointments exceeding the oil of osprey. The second part containing directions to take fowl, and to order singing birds, hawks, hares, poultry, and dogs. Printed for G. Conyers, at the Ring in Little Britain. [_cir. 1712.] front., pp. iv. 138, 24°, [Some new matter is added to this edition of "The young sportsman's instructor," and we are assured, at the end, that the " book contains curiosities and secrets that never were in print in any book of angling whatever." The frontispiece has five rude repre- sentations of fish and the little cut of the angler used as a frontis- piece in the early editions. Page 127 is headed "Curiosities." The first is " To make sport with a pike or jack," and another (p. 132) " An angler's directions to preserve orchards," which consists in raising a smoke with " mucky straw," when the wind is easterly, so that it " may be carried over the whole orchard." This is an excerpt from the " Epitome of Husbandry," p. 38. The book is very rare and we only know of the existence of one perfect copy which is now in the Denison collection.] The compleat husbandman and gentleman's recre- ation : or, the whole art of Imsbandry ; containing ... vii. Directions in angling, fowling, hawking, hunting, ringing, etc. By G. Markham, Gent. London, printed for G. Conyers, at the Gold Ring in Little Brittain. 2 pts. 1707. front,^ pp. ii. 38. 12°.; (n. d.) front., pp. ii. 38. 12°. L 2 148 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. [ The second part, which contains the angling matter, has a se- parate register and title-page as follows :] The husbandman's jewel, directing how to improve land from £\o per annum to ^50... destroy vermin, etc. To which are added, the arts of angling, hawking, fowling, ringing, etc.... London, printed for G. Conyers. at the Ring in Little Brit- tain. 1707. pp.52. I2°.;'(n. d.) pp.52. 12°. [ The angling chapter ( pp. 29-38) is headed with the small wood- cut which forms the frontispiece to the " Young angler's instructor," and is identical with the treatise in that work. These tracts to- gether with "Notable things, or, the way to save wealth,'' 1697, were also issued under the collective title of "The way to save wealth ; shewing how a man may live plentifully for two pence a day." Gervase Markham had passed awav long before this tract or any of the publications of Conyers were issued. He commenced writing in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Harte speaks of him as the first hackney writer in England, "All subjects seem to have been alike to him ; yet, as his thefts were innumerable, he has now and then stolen some very good things, and in a great measure pre- served their memory from perishing." He was the younger son of Robert Markham, Esq., of Gotham in Nottinghamshire and was of an ancient and honourable family. He had a brother, Francis, who wrote "Decades of Epistles concerning War."] Marshall (Charles). A plain and easy introduction to the knowledge and practice of gardening, with hints on fish ponds. By C. M., Vicar ol Blixworth. "God Almighty first planted a Garden, and indeed it is the purest of human Pleasures : it is the greatest Refreshment to the Spirits of Man ; without which, Buildmgs and Palaces are but gross handy- works." Bacon! s Essays. The fifth edition. London, Rivington, etc. 181 3. pp. iv. 448. 8°.; previous editions: 1796, 1798, 1800 and 1805. [ Contains " Hints on the method of managing fish-ponds," ( pp. 441-5, ed. 1813), which were communicated to the author "by an eminent literary character in the Church, a member of the Free Agricultural Society at St. Petersburg."] Martin (Emile), Code nouveau de la peche fluviale...annote et explique...par Emile Martin. Paris, Ernest Thorin, 1869. pp. 300. 12°.; Abregee. 18°. Martin (Rev. James). See Angler. The angler's companion the Whitehouse Fishery. 12°. The angler's guide ; the most complete and practical ever written. Containing every instruction necessary to make all who may feel disposed to try their skill masters of the art ...To which is added a graphic and laughable story, entitled, "The three jolly anglers." London, G. Cox, 1854. pp. viii. 191. 8°. BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 149 Martin ( Montgomery). The history, antiquities, topography and statistics of Eastern India, etc. 3 vol. London, Allen, 1838. 8°. [Contains much matter on fish, fishing tackle and methods of fishmg, etc^^ Martin (William). The book of sports... [for boys]. London, Darton, [1837 ?] 16°; [1850.] 12°. Martingale, pseud. Sporting scenes and country characters. With numerous illustrations on wood. London, Longman, 1840. pp. xi. 332. 8°. [ A portion of these sketches originally appeared in the Doncaster Gazette. The angling partis divided into chapters, headed, ''The fly-fisher," "Trout fishing," "Trolling," and "Float fishing,'" pp. 273-304.] English country life. London, 1843. 8°. Martino. See San Martino. Mascall ( Leonard). See M. ( L.) A Bcoke of fishing, etc. 1590. 4°. Massas (Charles de). Manuel de pecheur a la mouche arti- ficelle. Paris, 1852. 12°.; then as: Le pecheur a la mouche artificielle et le pecheur ^ toutes lignes. Dcuxieme ed. revue et augmentee. Paris, Garnier, 1859. /or/., pp. 280. 12°.; 3™^- ed. Paris, Gamier, (n. d.) /Jor/.. pp. 311. 12°.; Paris, 1861. 12°. [One of the most genuine of French angling books, although its author is manifestly ignorant of all the more subtle mysteries of his craft.] See Campagne. La campagne. Journal de peche... redige par C. de Massas. 1859-60. 8°. Mathiesen ( Jans Matthias). Det nordsjallandske Fiskeri, samt i Anhang Beretning om Begivenhederne i Stormnatten imel- leu den 2^^^' og 3^'^ October, 1852. Kjobenhavn. 1853. 8°. Maxims and hints for an angler, 1833, etc. See Penn (Richard). Maxwell ( William Hamilton). Wild sports of the West, with legendary tales and local sketches. 2 vol. London, Bentley, 1832, 1838, 1842. 8=. Wanderings in the Highlands and Islands with sketches taken on the Scottish Border, being a sequel to Wild sports of the West. 2 vols. L ndon, 1844. 8°.; [again as:] Sports and adventures in the Highlands and Islands of Scot- land. London, Routledge, 1853. /row/., /z"//^, pp. 352. 8°. See Field. The field book : or sports and pastimes. etc. London, 1833. pp. viii. t)i6. Mayer (John). The sportsman's directory, or park and game- J so BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. keeper's companion : being a series of instructions, in ten parts, for the chase... shooting, fishing, etc. Colchester, 1815. 12°.; 2nd. ed. Much enlarged by an experienced sportsman ...Chichester, 18 17. 8°.; 3rd ed. London, 181 9. 12°.; 4th 1823; 1828; 7th. London, Simpkin and Marshall, 1845 & i860. 12°. Medices ( Sebastianus). Tractatvs de venatione, piscatione et aucupio. Colon. Agrip. 1588. vii. 99 folios. 3^.; Col. Agrip. 1597. 8°. See Pkueckmannus ( F.) Tractatus vena- tione, etc. 1605. 4°. Medwin ( Thomas). The angler in Wales ; or days and nights of sportsmen. 2 vol. London, Bentley. 1834. front. ^ pp. xvi. 336 & vi. 348. 8°. [" He might as well," says Cbatto, " have called his book 'The angler in Hindostan.'"] Meier (Joach.) Dissertationes epistolicae de claris Fischeri, necnon de piscinis et piscatoribus, memorabilia quaedam. Gottingae. 1695. 4°. Meissner (Joh. Benj.) Kleine Lustfischerei, oder die Kunst zu Angeln. Leipzig, Mittler. 1799. 8°. Memorandum. A perpetual memorandum, and universal pocket-book... Together with the complete art of angling ; with the different baits, eipzig : A. Hartleben. 1881. 8°. Miles (Henry Downes). The book of field sports ; a complete guide to all that relates to the horse, the dog, the gun, the rod, etc. London, Lea, 1860-3. 4°. English country life, a work of reference for the gentle- man, the sportsman, the farmer. Illustrated, etc. London, Glasgow. 1868-9. 4°. Milford (John). Norway and her Laplanders in 1841 ; with a few hints to the salmon fisher. London, Murray, 1842. pp. xv. 318. 8°.; [with new title-page and borrowed illustrations:] 1854. 8°. [ The second title drops "in 1841.'"] Miller (Philip). The practical gardener... with a treatise on the making of fish ponds and breeding and rearing of fish. London, M. Jones. 18 10. 8°. [ Fish-ponds, etc. pp. 677-9.] Miller (Thomas). Rural sketches. With 23 illustrations. London, Van Voorst, 1839. PP- ^iii- 358. 8°. [ " The old fisherman," p. 71.] 152 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. English country life, consisting of descriptions of rural habits, country scenery and the seasons. London, Routledge, 1859. 8°. [Contains "Angling in Spring — Izaak Walton — River-side scenery — Pleasures of angling — Fishes — Old writers on angling," pp. 73-86.] Sports and pastimes of merry England. London, Darton, (n. d.) Millikin ( R. A.) The river-side. A poem, in three books. Cork, J. Connor. 1807. 8°. Mills (John), The sportsman's library. Edinburgh, Wm. Tait. 1845. pp. xxvi. 431. X plates. 8°. [ Book V. deals with fishing.] The old English gentleman, or the fields and the woods. Fourth edition. London, 1859. 8°. [ A sporting novel containing some spirited angling sketches.] Minto ( The Earl of ). Game, salmon and poachers. Printed for private circulation. [London]. 1863. pp.50. 8". Mitchell (William Andrew). On the pleasure and utility of angling; a paper read to the Waltonian Club of Newcastle- on-Tyne, July 27th, 1824, By William Andrew Mitchell, President for the year. Newcastle-on-Tyne : printed for the Waltonian Club, at the Mercury Press. By W. A. Mitchell. 1824. pp.32. 8°. [ One of the publications of the " Newcastle Typographical Society." There is a woodcut on title, designed by Wiiliam Garret, and engraved by Thomas Bewick, of two anglers, backed by a rock on which is inscribed: "Newcastle Waltonian Club. Instituted April 5, 1822." A few copies of this cut were printed on India paper.] Mitford ( Mary Russell). Recollections of a literary life; or books, places and people. 2 vol. London, 1851. 8°. [Chap. XV. "Prose pastorals. Sir Philip Sidney's Arcadia. Isaac Walton's Complete Angler." Chap, x.wiii. " Fishing Songs. Mr. Doubleday. Miss Corbet."] Moerbe (Job.) Die vollstandige Angel fischerei in ihrer prak- tischen und allseitigen Anwendung fiir jeden Angler, etc. BerHn, 1865. 8°. Moffat (A. S.) The secrets of angling. Edinburgh, Black, 1865. pp. IV. (''Key;' half-title,) xii. 326. 8°. Monilaws (J. L.) Mr. Stewart's worm-tackle, its worth — with some remarks on worm-fishing in Tweed. Peebles, Watson, 1867. 8°. Monteil ( A. A.) Histoire des Fran^ais des divers etats, ou histoire de France du cinq dernieres siecles. Quatrieme BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 153 edition, augmentee, etc. 5 vol, Paris, Lecon, 1863. 8°. [ Treats of fishing, fishermen, tackle, river-fishing, pond-fishing, sea-fishing, laws, regulations, etc7\ Mor de Nigro Monte ( Georgius). Tractatus novus, elegans, omnium pulcherrimus et doctissimus de jure venandi, aucu- pandi et piscandi. Spir^, 1602. pp. vi. 144 xvii. (Index). 4°.; other editions: Spirse, 1605, 161 2, 1692. 4". See Fritsch ( A.) and Prueckmannus ( F.) Morand ( C. L.) Fisch-und Krebsfangs Geheimnisse, oder die leichteste, angenehmste und ergiebigste Fischerei mit Angel und Reussen. Nach dem Franzosischen frei ins Deutsche iibertragen.-.von J. K. v. Train. Weimar, 1835 & 1839. 8°. Mordant (John). The complete steward. 2 vol. London, Sandley, 1761. 8°. [In dictionary form. Fish, fish-ponds, etc., p. 103.] More (Sir John). England's interest : or the gentleman and farmer's friend. Shewing... 7. Instructions for the profitable ordering of fish ponds, and for breeding of fish. The second edition, with large additions. London, J. How, 1703. title^ p.). 166. 12°.; Tlie third edition, etc.^ J. How, 1705. title^ pp. 166. 12°.; The fourth edition. J. How, 1707. 12°.; London, 172 1. 12°. [ Chap. vii. " Instructions for ordering of fish-ponds, and for the encrease and breeding of carp and other fish," pp. 161-6. (Eds. 1703 & 1705). The edition of 1721 also contains "The angler's guide," pp. 99-157, consisting of a complete treatise on angling. The first edition is undated.] Morgan ( George). The new complete sportsman ; or, the town and country gentleman's recreation. Containing... angling in all its branches, etc. London, Alex Hogg. (n. d.) front., pp. iv. 302 [202]. 12°. [ Identical with Fairfax's " Complete sportsman " but with some revision and correction. Angling, pp. 1-44.] Morhard (Joan.) Tractatus de miraculis.-.Argentinae, Eber. Wei peri, 1631. 4°. [Liber iii. De piscibus, p. 202 ; de piscibus ingentis magnitud- inis, p. 205 ; de piscibus magnis, p. 208 ; de piscibus in aquis dulcibus, p. 216.] Moriceau ( ) Droits des pecheurs ^ la ligne flottante, suivie d'instructions pour differentes peches. Paris, (n. d.) 18°. See Pp:sson-Maisonneuve. Mortimer (J.) The whole art of husbandry, or, the way of managing and improving of land, etc. By J. M. Esq., f.r.s. London. Mortlock, 1707. 8°.; 4th ed. London, R. Robinson, 1716. 8°. [Book vi. chap. 21. "Of fish-ponds, how to store, manage and order them for each sort of fish, ^/r."] 154 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORTA. Mouat ( Fred. J.) Adventures and researches among the Andaman Islanders. London, Hurst and Blackett, 1863, 8^. [Chap. 7 contains angling matter.] Moubach ( Abr.) Bloeijende opkomst der aloude en heden- daagsche Groenlandsche Visscherey. Amsterdam, 1720. 4°. Moule (Thomas). Heraldry of fish. Notices of the principal families bearing fish in their arms. Illustrated by engravings on wood. London, Van Voorst, 1842. pp. xv 250. 8°. [A few copies were on large paper (royal 8vo.), for colouring.] Munday (Anthony). The fishmongers' pageant, on Lord Mayor's day, 16 16. Chrysanaleia, the golden fishing, devised by Anthony Munday, citizen and draper. Represented in twelve plates by Henry Shaw, f.s.a. from contemporary drawings in the possession of the worshipful company offish- mongers, etc. [London]. Printed for the. .-Company of Fishmongers, 1844. fol.; The second edition. 1859. fol. Murray (J. F.) A. ..tour of the River Thames. 1849. See Thames. Murray (W. H. H.) Adventures in the wilderness; or, camp- life in the Adirondacks. Boston, 1869 & 1874. 8°. Murta (Edward N.) Irish loach trolling, its origin and practice. 5^^^ Pennell ( H. C.) Fishing gossip. 1866. 8°. Murtola ( Gasparo). Delle pescatorie de Gasnaro Murtola... la creatne della perla, et altre rime del medesmio. In Roma, presso Euangelista Deuchino, 1617. 12° [ Engraved title, 7 leaves, 342 pages and leaf with printer's device (two anchors) and " In Venetia 1617. Appresso Euangelista Deuchino." "La creazione della peila" has a separate title-page with imprint : " In Venetia 1617. Appresso Angelo Deuchmo."] Napier ( Charles Ottley Groom). Natural history rambles. Lakes and rivers. London, C. K. Society, 1879. pp. 247. 8^. [ Chap. vi. Fresh-water fishes. Chap. vii. Some of the typical rivers and their fisheries.] Nardo (G.) La pescadel pesce ne valli della Veneta laguna al tempo delle prime bufere invernali detto volgarmente ( Fraima) : monologo didascalico in versi nel dialette dei pescatori Chioggiotti, colla versione nella lingua comune d'Italia...a filologico studio del G. Nardo. Venezia, 1871. 8°. Nau ( Bernh. Sebast. von). Ueber den heutigen Zustand der Fischerei in einigen Gegenden von Deutschland. Mainz, 1788 & 1789. 8°. Neckam (Alexander). De naturis rerum libri duo.... Edited by Thomas Wright. London, Longman, 1863. 8°. [Neckam was abbot of Cirencester in 1213. This book was pub- BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 155 lished for the fiist time by the Master of the Rolls, under the editor- ship of Mr. Wright and forms one of the volumes " Rerum Bri- tannicarum medii asvi scriptores, etc!' Chapters 22 to 47 are on fish, the hippopotamus being included, and the last treats of the con- struction of a fishing net.] Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor liefhebbers van jagt en vissch- erij, onder redactie van Verster van Wulverhoist. Arnhem, 1852-60. Needham (T. H.) The complete sportsman: containing a compendious view of the ancient and modern chase.. .The ancient forest and game laws. ..Angling ; and the laws relating to fish. With every instruction and information relative to the diversions of the field. London, Simpkin and Marshall, 1817. pp. 312. 12". [''Angling," "The laws relating to fish," pp. 300-11. Printed at Liverpool by Johnson.] Needier (Henry). The works of Mr. Henry Needier. Pub- lish'd by Mr. Buncombe. London, J. Watts. 1735. 12°.; other editions : 1724 (first), 1728. 12°. ["Of the seasons proper for angling," p. 26.] Neil (A.) Neil's complete angler; or the whole art of fishing. Containing every necessary instruction for that pleasant and fashionable amusement. To which is added a correct abstract of the several Acts of Parliament with respect to angling. London : printed and published by A. Neil. Chalton Street, Sommers Town. (1804). 8'^.; 15th ed., improved. London, T.Hughes, (n. d.) pp.40. 8°.; 20th ed. 1830. 8°. [The earlier editions, usually contain 38 pages, and are undated. The engraved frontispiece of fish and anglers is dated 1804.] Nelson (William). The laws of England concerning game. Of hunting, hawking, fishing and fowling, etc, London, Ward and Chandler, 1727, 1732, 1736, 1751, 1753, 1762. 12°. Neu ( J. F.) Die Teichfischerei, die Teichwirthschaft und der Teichbau. Bautzen, Heifer. 1859. 8°. Newcastle fisher's garlands. See North Country. A collection of right merrie garlands etc. 1836. Newland (Rev. Henry). The Erne ; its legends and its fly- fishing. London, Chapman and Hall, 1851. 8°. [Engraved title, frontispiece of flies, pp. xvi. 395, with map and four woodcuts.] Forest scenes in Norway and Sweeden ; being ex- tracts from the journal of a fisherman. London Routledge, 1854. 12°.; Second edition. 1855. pp. ri. 418. 12°.; re-issued.^ ivith new title-page^ as : 156 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Forest life in Norway and Sweden ; etc. London, Rout- ledge, 1859. pp. vi. 418. "] woodcuts. 12'^. [ These two works are types of the higher class of angling liter- ature. Mr. Newland was Rector and Vicar of Westbourne.] Nobbes (Robert). The complete troller, or, the art of trolling. With a description of all the utensils, instruments, tackling, and materials requisite thereto : with rules and directions how to use them. As also a brief account of most of the principal rivers in England. By a Lover of the Sport. [ The Dedi- catory Epistle is signed Ro. Nobbes.] London, printed by T. James, for Tho. Holder at the Angel in Little Britain. 1682. pp. XX. 78. f. i. (contents). 8°.; Reprinted in facsimile^ [1790?] 8°. [ Also appended to " The angler's pocket-book," with a separate title :] The complete troller, or, the art of trolling : with description of.. .tackle. ..requisite for a gentleman troller ; and directions how to use them, etc. By Robert Nobbes Esq. a.m. " Trahit sua quemque voluptas." (Norwich : printed by J. Payne.) pp. 32-108. (n. d.) 8°.; London, (n. d.) 8°.; London, 1805 & 1 814. 12°. See Angler. The angler's pocket-book. ["From the circumstance," says Sir Henry Ellis in liis ' List of angling books,' 181 1, "of the author of this work signing himself M. A. at the end of his verses ' On the Antiquitie and Invention of Fishing,' and from the commendatory verses by Cambridge men in the first edition of this work — I suspect him to have been the Robert Nobbes, mentioned in Bishop Kennet's manuscript collec- tion, as holding the vicarages of Apelthorp and Wood-Newton, in Northamptonshire, in 1676. I believe he succeeded Dr. Robert South." Nobbes is commonly called " The father of trollers," but from this honorific title, we are by no means to infer that he was the earliest writer on that branch of the sport. He was the earliest, indeed, that discoursed at large, and in a substantial shape, on it, the earliest authoritative professor, but Venables preceded him and also Walton, Barker, and Master Leonard Mascall discoursed of trolling in his " Booke of Fishing with Hooke and Line" in 1590. We may add to the antecedent list Blagrave, (1669), Gilbert, (1676), and J. S[mith], (1684), all writers on trolling. On the Continent we have Gesner of Zurich ( De piscium naturd) 1558, and Aldro- vandi of Bologna ( Historia PiscmmJ 1613 ; also Fortin, the Monk of Grammont and so-called 'Solitaire Inventif,' who touches on trolling in his " Ruses hmocentes," (chap. 24) and was followed by other French angling authors. Amongst writers on trolling in mor.J recent times, we may mention J. S. of the " hinocent Epi- cure," 1697; John Whitney, in his "Genteel Recreation," 1700; ,R. H[owlett] in " The Angler's Sure Guide," 1706; and Scott of Ipswich, in his "Anglers, eight dialogues in verse," 1758, The writers of the day, it is not necessary to recapitulate. ist edit, sold at Haworth's, 13s.; and at Stanley's, i8s.j BIBLIOTHECA PlSCATORlA. 157 Noel ( S. B. de la Moriniere). Histoire generale des peches anciennes et modernes dans les mers et les fleuves des deux continens. Paris, 181 5. 4°. [ This work was left incomplete at the death of its author, who lost his life in a voyage of discovery originated by the French government. The fragment is devoted entirely to the history of fishing among the ancients and during the middle ages.] Nonnus ( L.) Ichthyophagia, sive de piscium esu commen- tarius. Antverpise, 1616. 8°. Normandy. Life in Normandy, sketches of French fishing, farming, cooking, natural history and politics drawn from nature. 2 vol. Edinburgh. Edmonston and Douglas, 1863. 8°. [Vol. I. chapters 2-5, 7-8 ; Vol. II, chapters 9, 12-13 contain angling matter. The author is Scott of Islay.] Norris (Thaddeus). The American angler's book: embracing the natural history of sporting fish, and the art of taking them. With instructions in fly-fishing, fly-making and rod- making ; and directions for fish breeding. To which is ap- pended Dies Piscatoriae, describing noted fishing places and the pleasure of solitary fly-fishing. Illustrated with 80 engravings on w^ood. Philadelphia, Butler, 1864. fro7it., pp.604. 8°-; New edition, with a supplement, containing descriptions of salmon rivers, inland trout fishing, etc. Philadelphia, Butler; London, Sampson Low, 1865. pp. 701. 8°. North ( Christopher), /^^w^. 5^^ Wilson ( John) North {OYwQv)^ pseud. Rambles after sport; or travels and adventures in the Americas and at home. London, Field Oflfice, 1874. pp. v. 268. 8°. [ A reprint of articles contributed to The Field. Includes " Two days fishing in Chile." pp. 209-22.] North (Hon. Roger). A discourse of fish and fish ponds. Done by a Person of Honour. London, E. Curll, 1713 & 1714. 8".; The second edition. London, E. Curll, 1715. pp. vi. 94. ii. (contents). 12°.; London, 1773. pp.80. 4°. [ The last named edition has the author's name on the title-page. The discourse was appended to "The Gentleman farmer," 1726. 8vo.; and to Albin's "Esculent fish." 1794. 4^:0. ( See Gentle- man and Albin). A French translation was published at Paris in 1717 under the title : " Traite des etangs, des viviers, canaux, etc^ North Country. See Angler. The North Country angler. 1786, etc. A collection of right merrie garland^ for North Country anglers. Newcastle, Charnley, 1836. 8°.; Newcastle, Charnley, 1842. 8°. [ The pieces contained in these volumes are as follow : 158 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 1. The angler's progress. See Boaz ( H.) 2. The fisher's garland for 1821, This was the joint production of Robert Roxb}^ and Tliomas Doubleday. It originally appeared as a broadside, printed by John Booth, Newcastle, 1821, headed by the woodcut used at p. 24. of Bewick's "^sop's fables," 18 1 8, and is signed R. R. Emerson Charnley reprinted 200 copies, with woodcut on title from " Select fables," 1820. (p. 148), dating them 1821, though they were printed in December 1823. 3. Tyne side, 1822. Written by Vv'^illiam Gill Thompson, revised and improved by the Rev. Henry Cotes, Vicar of Bedlington. 291 copies were printed for Emerson Charnley in June, 1824, but dated 1822, with woodcut on title containing a view of St. Nicholas' Steeple, and the old castle of Newcastle-on-Tyne in the distance. 4. Coquet side, 1823. The joint production of Robert Roxby and Thomas Doubleday. First appeared as a broadside without printer's name, entitled " Coquet-side, or the Fisher's Garland for 1823, Newcastle," and signed R. R. Also, in a similar form, entitled, "The angler's song in praise of the Coquet;" printed by P. Blair, Newgate-street, Morpeth, and headed by a Bacchan- alian woodcut, inscribed '' Angler's Inn, Weldon Bridge," with another woodcut at the foot. 196 copies were printed for Emerson Charnle}', December 20th 1823, with woodcut on title from "Select Fables," 1820, p. 42. 5. The auld fisher's welcome to Coquet-side, 1824. The joint production of Robert Roxby and Thomas Doubleday. 304 copies were printed, March 25th 1824, for Charnley, with wood- cut on title, of a man angling, designed and engraved by Isaac Nicholson. This block appears in Bohn's " Walton," 1856, p. 177, andin Hofland's " Angler's manual," 1848, p. 319, as the work of Bewick. 6. The Tyne fisher's farewell to his favourite stream on the approach of winter. First sketched out by the Rev. Henry Cotes, Vicar of Bedlington, and completed by William Gill Thompson. 290 copies were printed for Charnley, April 12, 1825, wnth woodcut on title, of a winter scene designed by William Collard and engraved by Isaac Nicholson. Twelve copies were subsequently reprinted by Charnley's successor to complete sets, with woodcut on title of an angler wading, with rod and landing net. 7. The auld fisher's farewell to Coquet. 1825. Signed R. R. The joint production of Roxby and Doubleday. 290 copies were printed for Charnley, March 26, 1825, with woodcut on title of a landscape, with angler " plugged in,"' by Isaac Nicholson. 8. The Coquet for ever. 1826. Signed R. R. Written by Roxby and Doubleday. 400 copies were printed for Charnley, Apl. 15, 1826, with woodcut on title copied by Nicholson from a vignette by Bewick, ( he " was annoyed at the liberty,") in " British Birds," 1805, vol. ii. p. 52. 9. The fisher's call. 1827. Signed W, G. By William Greene. Seven of the verses were first published in the " Newcastle magazine " for May, 1822, signed " izaak Walton, the younger." BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 159 300 copies were printed for Charnley with woodcut on title altered from vignette at page 154 of " Select fables," 1820. 10. 'I'he fisher's call. 1828. Signed T. D. Written by Thomas Doubleday for Mr. Alaric Watts's "Annual Souvenir." 300 copies were printed for Charnley, Nov. 25, 1829, with woodcut altered from a vignette in " Select fables," 1820, p. 142. This block is introduced as Bewick's, in Bohn's " Walton," 1856. p. lOI. 11. The old fisher's challenge. 1829. Signed T. D. By Thomas Doubleday. 300 copies were printed for Charnley, with wood- cut altered, by " plugging in " an angler in place of two horses, from a vignette in " Select fables," 1820. p. 60. 12. The old angler's triumph. 1830. Though signed R. R. this gaiiand is from the pen of Thomas Doubleday, probably revised by Roxby. Printed for Charnley with woodcut on title altered from vignette in "Select fables," 1820. p. 70. 13. The Tyne fisher's call. 1831. By William Gill Thompson. Printed for Charnley, with woodcut on title altered from a vig- nette in " Select fables, 1820," p. 68. 14. The fisher's invitation to his friend in Newcastle. 1832. The joint production of Robert Roxby and Thomas Doubleday. Signed R. R. Printed for Charnley with woodcut altered from vignette in " Select fables," 1820. p. 40. This block appears as Bewick's in Bohn's "Walton," 1856, p. 42, and in " Hofland's angler's manual," 1848, p. 274. Martin ("Bibliographical Record ") states that 300 copies of this and the two preceding garlands, were printed. This concludes the first collective issue. 15. The angler's delight. 1833. Signed R. N. Originally written by Robert Nicol in 1820 and remodelled by W. G. Thompson in 1824. In its original form it was printed in Richardson's " Borderer's table book," 1846. 250 copies were printed for Emerson Charnley, March 25, 1842 with woodcut altered from vignette in " Select fables," 1820. p. 182. 16. The morning invitation. 1834. Signed W. G. T. By William Gill Thompson. 260 copies were printed for Charnley, April i, 1842, with woodcut altered from vignette in " Select fables," 1820. p. 230. 17. My Glendale friend, Will Ready O ! 1835. Signed W. A. C. By William Andrew Chatto. 264 copies were printed for Charnley, April 10, 1842, with woodcut altered from vignette in " Select febles," 1820. p. 8, 18. The angler's invitation. 1836. Signed W. A. C. Also by Chatto, and first printed in his "Scenes and recollections of fly- fishnig." 278 copies were printed for Charnley, April 14, 1842, with woodcut altered from vignette in "Select fables," 1820. p. 98. 19. The fisher's call. 1837. Signed W. A. C. By Chatto, and ori- ginally published in his " Scenes and recollections of fly-fishing." 274 copies were printed for Charnley with woodcut on title altered from vignette in " Select fables," 1820. p. 82. 20. Summer rambles; or, the fisher's delight. 1838. Signed W. G. T, Written by W. G. Thompson. 276 copies were printed for Cliarnley, May 6, 1842. ibo BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 21. The anld fisher's invitation to supper. 1839. Signed W. G. T. By William Gill Thompson. 276 copies were printed for Charn- ley, May 9, 1842, with woodcut on title altered from vignette in "Select fables," 1820. p. 278. 22. A day by the side of the fast-flowing Tyne. 1840. Signed W. G, T. By W. G. Thompson, 276 copies were printed for Charnley, March 14, 1842, with woodcut on title from "Select Aibles," 1820, p. 94. 23. The auld fisher's last wish. 1841. Signed R. R. By Thomas Doubleday. Printed for Charnley, ( number of copies unre- corded), vv^ith woodcut on title altered from vignette at page 164, " Select fables,"" 1820. This block, with others mentioned above subsequently passed into the possession of Mr. Bohn, and appears in his edition of "Walton," 1856, p. 67, and in Hofland's "Angler's manual,'' 1848, p. xxi, as Bewick's. 24. Auld and young. 1842. Signed R. R. By Thomas Doubleday. 250 copies were printed for Charnley, March 9, 1842, on Smith and Allnut's imitation paper, and twelve on genuine reprint paper. 25. The angler's adieu for the season. 1842. By Thomas Double- day. Prmted for Charnley, (number of copies not recorded), wilh woodcut altered from vignette in "Select fables," 1820. p. 168. This block is used in its present state in Bohn's edition of the " Select fables." 26. Up the Wreigh ! 1843. By Thomas Doubleday. The manu- script is Roxby's, signed " R. R. Newcastle, March 31, 1843." 262 copies, including 12 on old paper, were printed for Charnley, with woodcut altered from vignette in "Select fables," 1820, p. 198. 27. The fisher's courtship. 1844. By Thomas Doubleday, though the manuscript is Roxby's, and signed " R. R." Printed for William Garret (number of copies unknown), with woodcut on title copied from the vignette in vol. ii, Bewick's " British Birds," p. 15, which had been copied by Nicholson for the Gar- land of 1826. 28. The auld fisher's invitation to his friend in Newcastle to gang wi' him to North Tyne to take anither thraw. 1845. By Thomas Doubleday, though in the printer's copy it is in Roxby's hand. Printed for William Garret, 1844 (number not recorded), with woodcut on tkle copied in reverse from that by Luke Clennel, in Bewick's " British Birds,' 1805, vol. ii. p. 50. 29. The morning airly. 1846. By Thomas Doubleday. Printed for William Garret. Number of copies unknown. The original series ends with this garland. For the above particulars we are indebted to Mr. Joseph Crawhall's " Collection of right merrie garlands for North country anglers," 1864, and we have also been able to examine the original manuscripts, (with the corres- pondence relating to them and the corrected proofs), from which Mr. Crawhall obtained his information, in a volume of matchless interest, now preserved in the Denison collection. See also CoQUET-DALE. "The Coquet-dale fishing songs,"i852, and Craw^hall (J.) " A collection of right merrie garlands," 1864, in which the garlands are continued up to that date.] BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. i6i Northrup ( A. Judd ). Camps and tramps in the Adirondacks and grayling fishing in Northern Michigan. Syracuse, N.Y., Davis and Co., 1880. pp.302. 12°. Norway. The game and sahiion fishing laws of Norway. London, Trubner and Co., 1877. pp. vi. 73. 8°. Two summers in Norway. By the Author of " The angler in Ireland " [Belton], 2 vol. London, Saunders and Ottley, 1840. 8°. [ Angling matter will be found in vol. I. chaps, i, 4-6 ; vol. IL chap. 8.] Notes and recollections of an angler. See Wales. Number. The number of the fish, St. John xxi. 11. A lay on the founding of St. Paul's School. Apposition, May 16, 1855. London, [1855]. pp. 12. 8°. [ Dean Colet made the number of his scholars agree with the number of the fish taken by Simon Peter. The number of known fish was also set down by Oppian as 153.] Observations. See Piscator. Observations on the public right of fishing by angle or nets, 1826. 8°. See Trent. Practical observations on angling in the river Trent. 1801. O'Connor (R.) An introduction to the field sports of France. Being a practical view of hunting, shooting and fishing, on the Continent. With... a sufficient sketch of the game and piscatory laws of France, for the guidance of sportsmen. London, Murray; Paris, Stassin et Xavier. [Printed at St. Omer]. 1846. pp. xix. 304. ^°r^ then as: The field sports of France. Being a practical view of hunt- ing, shooting and fishing, on the Continent. Containing much local information, and numerous useful hints for sport- ing tourists ; some curious. ..anecdotes, angler's songs, etc. Second edition, extensively illustrated. London and Paris. 1847. pp. xxiv. 324. 8°. [ A good many songs are introduced which belong to the denom- ination of doggrel.] Ogden ( ) Ogden on fly tying, etc. Cheltenham, Norman, 1879. front.^ errata slip^ pp. iv. iv. %<^^ plate (fly vice). 8°. O' Gorman ( ) The practice of angling, particularly as regards Ireland. 2 vol. Dublin, Curry, 1845 ; [with new- title-page :] Dublin, Curry, 1855. pp. xxiv. 320, vi. 260. 8°. Oke (George). A handy book of the game and fishery laws. London, 1861. 12°.; Second edition. London, Butterworths, 1863. pp. xxiv. 374. 8°. M i62 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. The handy book of the fishery laws. Second ed. By J. W. W. Bund. London, 1878. [ An edition of a portion of the preceding work.] Olavsen ( O.) Uni Lax-veidina vid Hellufoss i Drams-elfunni i Norvegi. Kaupmanahovn, 1786. 8^ Oliver (Stephen), pseud, [i.e. William Andrew Chatto.] Scenes and recollections of fly-fishing, in Northumberland, Cumberland and Westmoreland. By Stephen Oliver, the younger, of Aldwark, in Com. Ebor. London, Chapman and Hall. 1834. pp. iv. 2 12. 12°. [ An interesting volume, illustrated with head and tail pieces, in wood. It contains two songs, "The fisher's call,"' and "The angler's invitation," which were afterwards included in the " New- castle Fishers' Garknds." In the appendix the author gives a well-written review of the older angling literature.] Rambles in Northumberland, and on the Scottish Border ; interspersed with brief notices of interesting events in Border history. London, Chapman and Hall, 1835. pp. viii. 348. 12°. [ Chap. i. " Salmon and other fish in the Tyne ;" Chap. iv. " Spearing salmon ;" Chap. v. " Bull-trout" — "Fly-fishing" — " Un- fair fishing ; " Chap. vi. " Trout streams near Wooler."] Olivier (M. A.) Der Deutsche Angelfischer, welcher lehrt, wie man die in den deutschen Gewassern lebenden Fische auif die sicherste und leichteste Art mit der Angel fangen kann. Wien, 1794. 8°. Once upon a lime ; or the boy's book of adventures. London, Religious Tract Society, (n. d.) 16°. [Contains: "A night at herring-driving, with a description of the North Country fishing-coble," also, " Another night in a fishing boat," pp. 63-87.] Ongaro (Antonio). Alceo, favola pescatoria...non piu posta in luce. Venetia, 1582. 8°.; Venetia, 1587. 12°.; [Edited by A. Caraffa], Venetia, 1603. 12°.; Nuova edizione, Londra, 1737. 12°. [ " This work," says Mr. Blakey in his ' Historical sketches of the angling literature of all nations,' " gives a very lively description of fishing, of the nature of the rivers and their scenery in Italy, of the different kinds of bait used for fish of various sorts, and of their in- stincts, migrations and habits. It is in this publication, as far as our knowledge extends, that we first meet with the statement that the trout (trota) pair in the months of July and August, and that the conjugal union seems to be cemented by a powerful sympathy and affection. This writer likewise states the fact, well ascertained by modern observers, that there is a regular kind of domestic gov- ernment maintained among this class of fish, the largest apparently assuming supreme and despotic authority. ..The Itahan author is somewhat at a loss to divine, etc!' After this circumstantial state^ BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 163 ment our readers will be surprised to learn that the " Alceo " is a play in five acts and in verse ; that it is a love story of the most romantic kind in the style of Tasso's 'Aminta,' the pastoral characters being replaced by fishers ; and that the allusions to the occupations of the interlocutors are of the slightest and most cur- sory nature. In other words that Mr. Blakey having been made a " victim " by some facetious friend, has in turn deluded a genera- ation of simple anglers and bibliographers.] Onomatologia forestalis-piscatorio-v^enatoria. Oder vollstan- diges Forst,-Fisch-und Jagd-Lexicon. etc. (Onomatologiae... supplementum, oder Beytrage und Verbesserungen...Verfer- tigt und herausgegeben von J. F. Stahl.) 4 Thle. Frankfurt und Leipzig, Stuttgart, 1772-3, 80. 8°. [The 4th volume, printed at Stuttgart in 1780, contains the sup- plement by J. F. Stahl.] Oppian. De piscatu libri v, L. Lippius ...traduxit. Gallus cognomine Bonus Colle oppido municipio floren- tino anno 1478. b.l. ff. 64. 4°. [ The first edition of Oppian and very rare. A copy has been sold for 1000 francs ( Brunet); Sykes £\o los. Mention has been made of an edition in 147 1 by the same printer but its existence is very doubtful.] • Halieutika. De natura sen venatione piscium lib. v. [Gr.] Florentiae. in sedibus Ph. Juntae. 151 5. if. 64. 8°. [ This is the first edition of the Greek text and very rare.] De piscibus, L. Lippio interprete, lib. v. [Gr. & Lat.] Vene- tiis, in aedibus Aldi et Andreas Soceri. 151 7. ff. 168. 8°. [ Editio princeps. " Rare et recherche," says Brunet, although the text is held to be less exact than that of 15 15.] De piscatu libri v. [ Gr.] Parisiis, apud Adr. Turnebum. 1555. 4°- De piscatu libri v...L Lippio interprete. Parisiis, apud Gul. Morelium. 1555. 4°. De venatione lib. iv. de piscatu lib. v. Cum interpre- tatione Latina et commentariis studio et opera Conr. Ritter- shusii. [Gr. &Lat.] Lugd. Bat. 1597. 8°. [ The Prolegomena contain a list of writers on fishes, See Cata- logues.] De venatione lib. iv. et de piscatione lib. v. [Gr. & Lat.] Curavit J. G. Schneider. Argentorati, Konig. 1776. 8°. [ Copies of this edition are found on Dutch paper : three in 4to.; six in Svo. One copy in 4to. was also taken on vellum.] Poemata de venatione et piscatione [ Gr.], cum interpre- tatione Latina et scholiis. Argentorati, [Heitz], 1786. 8°. Cynegetica et halieutica, [ Gr. & Lat.]...emendavit J. G. Schneider ; accedunt versiones latinae, metrica ( D. Peiferi) et prosaica, etc. Lipsiae, Weigel, 1813. 8°. [ An improved text. Schneider with great probability maintains M 2 1 64 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. that the two poems are not by the same author. Both are also contained in "Ameis ( C. F.) Poetae bucolici et didactici." 1846. 8vo.] Les halieutiques trad, du poeme grec d'Oppien, oii il traite de la peche et des moeurs des habitants des eaux, par J. M. Limes. Paris, 1817. 8°.; Traduction. ..nouvelle.. .par E. J. Bourquin, Coulommiers, 1877. pp. xiii. 231. 8°. Oppiano della pesca e della caccia, tradotto...con varie annotazioni da Ant. Maria Salvini. Firenze, iJ2i nuova edizione in Daelli (G.) Biblioteca rara, efc. pt. 48. 1862, ^tc. Oppian's Halieuticks of the nature of fishes and fishing of the ancients, in v. books. Translated from the Greek, with an account of Oppian's life and writings, and a catalogue of his fishes. Oxford. Printed at the Theatre, 1722. pp. viii. 232. 8°. [ A translation in heroic verse by Mr. Draper and Mr. J. Jones, both of Balliol College, The original work contains 3500 lines, divided into five books, of which the first two treat of the natural history of fishes and the others of the art of fishing. Oppian composed this poem in the island of Melita, whither he had been banished by the Emperor Severus. He presented it to Severus or more probably to his son Caracalla, who was so much pleased that the poet was recalled from exile and presented with a gold piece for each verse that it contained. Schneider has disposed of the supposition that the " Cynegetica " was written by the same author. The " Halieutics " is much superior in style and poetical embellishment. It contains much fable and absurdity together with considerable zoological knowledge. Julius Scaliger pronounced Oppian " the most perfect writer among the Greeks," and Sir Thomas Browne has expressed his wonder "that his elegant lines should be so much neglected." There appear to have been several other Greek writers on fishing whose works have perished, and an interesting passage in Athenaeus, ( Deipnosophistai, epitome of Book i. cap. 22), may be here quoted respecting them. Homer, he says "compares the companions of Ulysses, who were seized by Sylla, to fish caught with a long rod and thrown out of doors, and he speaks more accurately concerning this act than those who have written poems or treatises professedly on the subject. I refer to Caecihus of Argos, and Numenius of Heraclea, and Pancrates, the Arcadian and Posidonius the Corinthian and Oppianus the Cicilian who lived a short time ago ; for we know all of these men as writers of heroic poems about fishing. And of prose essayists on the subject we have Seleucus of Tarsus, and Leonidas of Byzan- tium and Agothocles of Atracia." A few passages are quoted by Athenaeus from Pancrates, Seleucus and Numenius.] Oracle. The Oracle of rural life. An almanac for sportsmen, farmers, gardeners and country gentlemen, for the year 1839. BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 165 Country sports by Nimrod and Tom Oakleigh. With four- teen illustrations. The same for 1840. Embellished by 14 ...engraved illustrations and numerous wood engravings from the designs of Wm. and Hy. Barraud. London, Baily, 1839-40. 8°. [ Continued as :] The sporting oracle and almanack of rural life, for 1 841. Edited by *'Vates.'' London, 1841. [ Afterwards united with :] The sporting almanack and oracle of rural life for 1842-44. London, 18^2-44. 8°. [ The very neat steel engravings, several of which are of fishing subjects, were purchased by Mr. W. H. Bohn, and used to furnish additional illustrations to his publications.] Ortus. Ortus sanitatis de herbis et piscibus et natatilibus, etc. [Compiled chiefly from the German *'Hortus sanitatis " of J. von Cube. With woodcuts.] G. L. [Stras- burg.^ 1490 .?] fol. [ Numerous subsequent editions in Latin, and a French transla- tion printed at Paris by A. Verard, 1501 ? See Brunet i^s.v. Hortus) and ' Hain's Repertorium.' The "tractatus de piscibus " is divided into many short chapters, and has numerous woodcuts of fish and fishing, all of the most singular character.] Osbaldiston ( William Augustus). The British sportsman, or nobleman, gentleman and farmer's dictionary of recreation and amusement. ..with. ..instructions for. [Plates.] London, printed for the proprietor. (1792). //'o;//., pp. 664. ii. 4°. Otter, pseud. A complete guide to spinning and trolling, shewing how and where to take pike and jack, with instruc- tions in the art of spinning for trout and perch. By Otter [i.e. H. J. Alfred]. Written from actual experience, and em- bellished with numerous illustrations. London, Alfred and Son, 1859, ^860, 1863, 1876, 1878. 12°. The modern angler, containing instructions in the art of fly-fishing, spinning, and bottom-fishing. With an account of the best places for angling, including the Thames, Lea, etc. London, Alfred and Son, 1864, 1866, 1870, 1876, 1878. 12°. The young angler's guide. London, Alfred and Son, 1867. pp. 24. 12^ Oudenhoven ( Jac. van ). Out- Holland nu Zuyt-Hollandt. Vervangende een generale beschryvinge, mitsgaders de privi- legien, keuren, hantvesten enz. Dordrecht, 1654. 8°. Ovidius Naso (Publius). Halievticon : hoc est, de piscibus libellus, mute quam ante hac emendatior et scholiis illustratus i66 BIBLTOTHECA PISCATORIA. ...per Conradum Gesnerum. Tiguri apud Gesneros fratres [1530?] 8°. [A fragment of 134 hexameters, formerly ascribed to Ovid, which will also be found in " Gratii venatione," 1534 & 1537 ; "Lonicer (J. A.) Venatuset aucupium," 1582. 8vo.; and "Lemaire (N. E.) Bibliotheca classica Latina/' 1S19, etc. Vol.134. It has been critically examined by Theodor Birt, and pronounced a thistle intruding among the poet's flowers, in " De halieuticis Ovidio poetas falso adscriptis." Berolini apud Weidmannos, 1S78. pp. iv. 207. 8vo. 'I'he verses are also contained in " Halieutica...ex recensione M. Hauptii," Berlin, 1838.] Paciersio ( Giacomo). Theatro della caccia et trattenimento geniale della villa. Nel quale si contiene la maniera, et arte d' vccellare, pescare, etc. In Milano, Francesco Vigona, 1669. pp. iv. 100. 4°.; Bologna, Ant. Pisarri, 1673. 12°. [With rude woodcuts. '' Altra regola di pescare con la canna, et sedarina," pp. 40-46. Ed. 1669.] Paez ( Ramon). Wild scenes in South America ; or life in the Llanos of Venezuela. London, Sampson Low, 1863. 8*^. [ " Scenes at the fishery," pp. 58-73.] Palladius-Rutilius-raurus-^milianus. De re rustica libri xiv. Ex officina Roberti Stephani, Parisiis. 1543. 8°.; tf/so included in: Scriptores rei rusticae. Venet., 1472. fol.; Lips., 1735 & 1774; MannH., 1781. 8°.; Biponti, 1788. 8°.; J. G. Sclmeider, Lips., 1794-7. 8°.; and in Poetae Lat. minores, ed. Wernsdorf. Tom vi. 1794. [ This work was translated into Italian by Nic. di Aristotele, Venice, 1528. 4to., by Sansavino, Venice, 1560. 4to., and again by Zanotti, Verona, 1810. 4to.; into French by Jean Darces, Paris, 1553 or 4. 8vo.; and by Cabaret-Dupaty, Paris, Panckoucke, 1844. 8vo.; into German by Mains, Magdeb, 161 2. fol.; and into English by Thomas Owen, London, 1803. 8vo. It is in the form of a farmer's calendar, and is mainly a compilation from (Columella and other previous writers. The author's period is uncertain ; probably that of Valentinian. He treats " de piscinis."] Palmer Hackle, /j^wa^. See Blakey (R.) Paterson ( James). A treatise on the fishery laws of the United Kingdom, including the laws of angling. London, and Cambridge, Macmillan, 1863. pp. xxviii. 347. 8°. Paterson (J. H.) The objection to compulsory fishways in our salmon rivers considered and answered. York, 1870. 8°. Patterson (Robert Lloyd). The birds, fishes and cetacea commonly frequenting Belfast Lough. London, 1880. 8°. [Chaps. 14 to 18 on fish and fishing.] Paul (John). A digest of the laws relatmg to game of this kingdom... including those which have been made for the pre- BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 167 servation of sea and river fish. 2nd ed. London, Richardson, 1776. 8°. Paulin (G.) See Pesson-Maissonneuve. Nouvelle ed.. .re- fondue par G. PauHn. 1864. 12°. Payton ( Charles A.) Moss from a rolling stone ; or, Moorish wanderings and rambling reminiscences. London, Field Office. 1879. PP- vi. 506. 8°. [ By " Sarcelle " of The Field and The Country, from which papers these sketches are chiefly reprinled.] Peacham ( Henry). The compleat gentleman. Fashioning him absolut, ^/c. London, Francis Constable, 1634. pp. xii. 255. 4°.; The third impression. London, Richard Thrale, 1661. 4°. [The chapter "Of fishing" does not appear in the first (1622) edition. In the edition of 1634 it occupies pp. 251-255, and con- sists of a few elementary instructions.] Peake ( R. B.) See Seymour ( J.) Snobson's seasons. 8°. Peard ( William). A year of liberty ; or salmon angling in Ireland from February i to November i (1805). London, Horace Cox, 1867. pp. xii. 300. 8°. Pearson (Edwin). The angler's garland, and fisher's delight, for 1870. A right merrie wreath of rare old songs, secrets and suggestions in the art of angling. Embellished with a few " canny " woodcuts by that lover of Tyneside, Thomas Bewick, with a letter by him on salmon .fishing in 1824. Selected and arranged by Edwin Pearson. Westminster, E. Pearson, 1870. pp. 24. 4° ; the same for 1871. West- minster, Bickers and Son, 1871. pp. 24. 4°. [ Selections mainly from the Newcastle garlands with impressions from the well worn blocks of Bewick. The second number con- tains a reprint of " The young sportsman's instructor."] Peche. La peche a la ligne. Extraite des Amusemens de la campagne. Avec figures. Paris, Audot, 1826. pp. iv. 219, 2 plates of tackle. 1 2°. [ The " Amusemens " are those of Desormeaux ( A. P.) See p. 78.] La peche a la ligne et son influence sur la civilisation et le progres, traduit de K. Li- Tae-pe, lettre Chuiois. Bar- le-duc, Bertrand ; Paris, Challamel. (n. d.) pp. iv. 103. 8°. La peche aux bains de mer. lUustre de 80 gravures. Paris, Didot, 1869. 4°. Peche. John Fisher. La Peche a toutes lignes, theorique, pratique et raisonnee, deduite de la connaissance de I'histoire naturelle, des moeurs et habitudes des poissons d'eau douce. 1 68 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORlA. Ouvrage comprenant la legislation speciale et les principes d'art culinaire. Orne de quarante gravures sur bois executees specialement pour cette publication d'apres nature au Museum d'histoire naturelle de Paris, et de quatre planches compren- ant soixante figures techniques. Paris, Gaston Samson, 84 Boulevard de Magenta. 188 1. title^ pp. 336. 8°. [ Whether the *' John Fisher " with which the title page is headed, be a real name or a pseudonym or a slang term, we have been anable to ascertain. The work reached us too late for inser- tion in its proper place, under Fisher.] Pecheur. Le pecheur malheureux. Paris, Louis Frionnet. (n. d.) 8°. [A humorous brochure with six coloured illustrations.] Les pecheurs a la ligne du Loire. Orleans, Constant, 1861. 12°. Penn (Richard). Maxims and hints for an angler and miseries of fishing. Illustrated by [12] drawings on stone. To which are added maxims and hints for a chess player. London, Murray, 1833. pp. iv. 59. 12°.; A new edition enlarged. Murray, 1839. front. ^ pp. iv. 79. 12°.; Maxims and hints on angling, chess, shooting and other matters ; also, miseries of fishing. With woodcuts. By R. Penn, f.r.s. A new edition enlarged. London, Murray, 1842. front. ^ pp. iv. 106. 12°.; A new and cheap edition. London, Murray, 1855. pp.63. I2°.; Maxims and hints for an angler : embellished with humor- ous engravings, illustrative of the miseries of fishing, etc. Philadelphia, Bell, 1863. pp.60. 24°. [ The " Maxims " are extracts from the common place book of the " Houghton fishing club," on the Test. The author, whose name is given with the third edition, was the great grandson of William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania. The illustrations are by Seymour.] Pennell ( Harry Cholmondeley). Spinning tackle : what it is and what it ought to be, with a few words on fine fishing. London, Harrison, 1862. 8°.; Second edition, enlarged. 1862. 8^. [ A portion of this work appeared in the form of letters to The Field. The woodcuts are also borrowed from that journal.] The angler naturalist : a popular history of British fresh-water fish, with a plain explanation of the rudiments of Ichthyology. Illustrated by upwards of 150 wood engravings. London, Van Voorst, 1863. pp. viii. 425. 12°.; London, Routledge, [1875]. 8°. [ The illustrations are borrowed from " Yarrell's British fishes."] . The book of the pike. A practical treatise on the BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 169 various methods of jack-fishing ; with an analysis of the tackle employed — the history of the fish, etc. Also a chapter on spinning for trout in lakes and rivers. London, R. Hardwicke, 1865. _/;'o;z/., pp. xvi. 254. 8°.; Second edition. London, Warne, 1870. 8°.; Third edition. London, Routledge, [1876.] fro7tt., pp. 272. 8°. Fishing gossip ; or stray leaves from the note books of several anglers, edited by H. C. Pennell. Edinburgh, Black, 1866. /row/., pp. xi. 329. 8°. [ Contains : " On the Thames " by F. T. Buckland ; " A plea for tourists" by Walter Canuthers ; "A torpedo at one end of the line " and " Fish-hooks of the earliest date," by Jonathan Couch ; "An angler at the antipodes" by Henry R. Francis ; "The Siluris glanis," by Albrecht Giinther ; " A sea-side yarn/' by W. B. Lord ; " Irish loach trolling, its origin and practice," by E. N. Murta ; " Etymology of bait and entomology of May-flies and Stone-flies," and " Carp gossip," by Wm. Pinkerton ; "Spring fishing in Loch Ard," by Alex. Russell ; "Fly-fishing and how it should be done," by W. C. Stewart ; "Rambles by Tweed," by T. T. Stoddart ; " A stream in Arden," " Hey for Coquet 1 " and " A lay of the Lea," by T. Westwood.] Can fish feel pain ? The question considered analogi- cally and physiologically ; with a few words on the ethics of angling. London, Warne, 1870. pp. 14. 8°. The modern practical angler. A complete guide to fly-fishing, bottom fishing, and trolling. Illustrated by fifty engravings of fish and tackle. London, Warne, (1870). front,^ pp. xvi. 286. 8°. Trolling for pike, salmon and trout. London, Routledge, 1876. front. ^ pp. 124. Fly-fishing and worm-fishing for salmon, trout and grayling. London, Routledge, 1876. front. ^ pp. 120. 8°. Bottom or float fishing. London, Routledge, 1876. pp. 108. Parley ( M. H.) Reports on the sea and river fisheries of New Brunswick. Second edition. Fredericton, 1852. 8°. Pesca. La pesca del pesce ne' valli della Veneta laguna. See Nardo ( G.) Pesson-Maisonneuve. Nouveau manuel completdu pecheur Frangais, ou traite general de toutes sortes de peches, conte- nant I'histoire naturelle des poissons; la maniere de pecher chaque espece en particulier, etc. Nouvelle edition, revue, corrigee et augmentee, ornee d'un grand nombre de figures. Par M. Moriceau. Paris, [1836 .?] pp. xvii. 354, 20 plates. 12°.; Nouveau manuel complet de pecheur, ou traite general de 170 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. toutes les peches d'eau douce et de mer...Nouve]le edition... entierenient refondue, par G. Paulin. Paris, 1864. title, pp. iv. 448, folding plates of anglers and fishing tackle. 12°. [Forms part of the " Encyciopedie Roret," and " Manuels- Roret." There were editions in 1826 & 1834.] Peyrer ( Carl). Fischereibetrieb und Fischereirecht in Oester- reich. Wien, 1874. PP- iv. 159. 8°. Pfundheller (J.) Der Angel fischer. Kalender fur das Jahr 1878. Wein, Massenetz, 1878. 8°. Philip ( George). Philip's tourist's companion to the counties of Scotland, and pocket atlas for the angler, sportsman and traveller. London. 1858. 8°. Phillips (Henry). The true enjoyment of angling. " Ne tentes, aut perfice." London, Pickering, 1843. /or/., pp. i v. 138. 8°. [One hundred copies in royal 8vo. The work is divided into months, from March to September inclusive. Each month has a prose essay and a song set to music. Both prose and verse are weak, sentimental and often silly. The auther was a celebrated singer.] Philoparchi ( G.) Kluger Forst-und Jagdbeamter, oder An- leitung, wie die Forst-und Wildbahn gerechtsame aufs Beste beobachten. Auch von Kenntnissen des Wildes, der Vogel- weide, Fischerei, etc. Niirnberg, 1774. 4°. Piers of FuUham. Vayne conseytes of folysche love undyr colour of fyscheng and fowlyng, included in : Remains of the early popular poetry of England ; collected and edited... by W. C. Hazlitt. (Vol ii, pp. 1-15). London, 1856. 8°. [ This poem had been previously printed in Hartshorne's ''Ancient metrical tales/' 1829, from a MS. preserved in Trinity College, Cambridge, but Mr. Hazlitt's te.xt has been improved by a collation of two MSS. in the Bodleian and a second MS. in Trinity College, which was unknown to Mr. Hartshorne. Blakey has also reprinted it from the "Metrical tales" in his •' Historical sketches," 1856. In one Cambridge MS. the poem is called "a gentlymanly tretyse full convenyent for contemplatiff louers to rede and understand, made by a noble clerk, Piers of ffulham sum tyme ussher of Venus schole, which hath brieflye compyled many praty conceytis in loue under covert termes of ffysshyng and ffowlyng." It opens thus : "A man that lovith ffysshyng and fowlyng bothe, Ofte tyme that lyff shall him be lothe. In see in ryver in ponde or in poole, Off that crafte thowe he knowe the schole. Though his nett never so wide streiche, It happeth full ofte hym nought to ketche."] Pigoreau (C. B.) Nouveau traite de la peche dans les fleuves et rivieres navigables, avec lignes volantes et flottantes. Revu BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 171 et augmente du Vade mecum du pecheur...par C. Krez, aine, Paris, Corbet. 1^2^, title., ^^.']<^^ 2 plates. 12°. Pinkerton (Wm.) 6*^^ Pennell (H. C.) Fishing gossip. 1866. Pipe. The social pipe ; or, gentleman's recreation. A poem. London, T. Gosden. 1826. pp.31. 16°. [ Contains "Walton and Cotton." The dedication is signed T. N.] Piscator. 5^^ Lascelles ( R.) Angling. [1815]. 8°. ►S^^ Lathy (T. P.) The angler; a poem. 1819. 8°. See PuLMAN (G. P. R.) Rustic sketches. 1842. See Ronalds (A.) The fly-fisher's entomology... with additions by P. 1856. — Observations on the public right of fishing by angle or nets, in public navigable rivers in general, and the river Thames in particular, with notes, historical and explanatory. By Piscator. Marlow, 1826. pp.72. 8°. The practical angler. By Piscator. London, Simp- kin, Marshall and Co., 1842. pp. v. 293. i. (errata). 8°. [ An excellent treatise by William Hughes, a barrister, who also wrote " A practical treatise on the choice and cookery of fish." It contains six illustrations.] Piscatory. P. eclogues, 1729. See Browne ( M.) Pisciceptologie. La pisciceptologie, ou I'art de la peche ^ la ligne ; discours sur les poissons, la maniere de les prendre et de les accomnioder ; la peche aux filets et autres instrumens ; suivi d'un traite des etaugs, viviers, fosses, reservoirs et les moyens d'en tirer avantage ; avec un grand nombre de figures en taille-douce. Deuxieme edition. Paris, Corbet, 1820. pp. xxiv. 336, 2% plates ; other editions : 1823, 1828, 1829. 12°. Plat (Sir Hugh). The Jewell house of art and nature, etc. London, 1594. 4°.; other editions : 1613, 1653, 1673. [ " Sir Hugh Plat," says Harte, " not to mention his most excellent talents, was the most ingenious husbandman of the age he lived in." He has stored in his "Jewel House" various recipes : " To draw fish to a certain place in the night by a candle," "A bait to catch fish with," " To draw fish into a tramel " and " Divers good baits to catch fish with."] Pleasures. The pleasures of princes. See Markham (G.) The English husbandman, 16 14. Pohl (Friedrich). Das neueste der Fischerei, gesammelt und herausgegeben von F. Pohl. Leipzig, 1829. pp. iv. 50. 8°. Poitevin (B.) L'ami du pecheur ; traite pratique de la peche a toutes lignes. Ouvrage comprenant la jurisprudence en matiere de peche. Paris, G. Masson, 1873. /row/., pp. vi. 511. 8°.; Troisieme edition entierement revue. Avec 98 gravures, etc. Paris, Masson, 1877. front., pp. iv. 424. 8°. 172 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Pollard (Richard). The new and complete angler; or, univer- sal fisherman : containing the most improved instructions for, and modern methods, of breeding fish, feeding fish, fishing rods,... Together with cursory remarks, including several curious and original observations, respecting angling by hand, angling with the ledger-bait, choice secrets in angling, receipts, seasons for, and laws respecting, angling, explanation of technical phrases, etc. By Richard Pollard Esq. of Clapton, Middlesex. Price one shilling, embellished with a beautiful frontispiece representing a great variety of fishes. London : printed for Alex. Hogg. 1802. front., pp. 70. 8°. [In his preface, Mr. " Pollard"' states that he " is well apprised of the several publications of the kind, but his experience has con- vinced him, that they are not only unnecessarily voluminous, but defective," &c. After this exordium it will scarcely be a surprise to the reader to learn that *' The new and complete angler " is all but a literal transcript of " The true art of angling " by J. S.] Pope (Alexander). Windsor forest ... London ; printed for Bernard Lintottat the Cross-Keys in Fleet-street. 17 13. fol. [ This is the first edition of a poem, reprinted separately thrice, and included in all editions of the poet's works, which contains the well-known lines beginning : — "In genial spring beneath the quivering shade. When cooling vapours breathe along the mead, The patient fisher takes his silent stand. Intent, his angle trembling in his hand," etc^ Pozzuoli. Difesa della Real mensa Vescovile di Pozzuoli per I'Esazzione della decima della pesca ne' mari di sua Diocesi. Con li pescatori di Procida. ( Napoli, 1737.) 'Cleaves. 4°. Price (Martin). The angler's companion; or perfect instructor in that useful and pleasing recreation : including every neces- sary instruction as to baits... and a variety of other interesting information to the learner, as well as to the most practised angler... To which is added the art of swimming. London, Orlando Hodgson, (n. d.) coloured front. ^ ^^^p. 2^. 8°.; and [182 1]. Coloured, front. ^ pp. 24. 12^. Price (Sir Rose Lambert). The two Americas ; an account of sport and travel. With illustrations. London, Sampson Low, 1877. 8°. ^ Prime ( W. C.) I go a-fishing. New York, Harper, (1873). pp.365. 8°.; London, Sampson Low, 1873. pp. x. 308. 8°. Principes. Principes generaux de jurisprudence, sur les droits de chasse et de peche. Par M. Paris, Berton, 1775. pp. 226. 12°. Pritchard (W.) The angler's guide to the rivers and lakes of North Wales; with the names of all the fishing stations, BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 173 arranged in counties in alphabetical order, together with a list of suitable flies for Welsh rivers and lakes ; also a map of North Wales, with the fishing stations marked thereon, etc. Wrexham, W. Pritchard, [1864]. pp.7. 8°.; and (n. d.) title. ^ pp. 16. map. 8°.; London, Routledge. 1870. 12°. Profit and pleasure united, or the husbandman's magazine. By J. S. 1684. 12°. See Smith ( J.) Prognosticacion. A pros^nosticacion and an almanacke joyned together, declaryng the disposicion of the people, and also of the wether, with certayne electyons and tymes chosen both for phisike and surgerye, and for the husbandman, and also for hawekyng, huntyng, fishyng and fowlyng, accordyng to the science of astronomy, made for the yeare of our Lorde God, MDL. Calculated for the merydyan of Yorke, and prak- tised by Anthony [ Ascham] Phi[sician]. Imprynted at London in Flete-strete, at the signe of the George, nexte to saynte Dunstone's churche. by Wyllyam Powell. [1549.] [ Cited by Haslewood in his reprint of "The Booke, &c." 1810. p. 34-] Prueckmannus ( Fridericus). Tractatus venatione, piscatione et aucupio. Ed. secunda. 2 pts. Spirae Neme- tum, 1605. 4°. [ The other tracts are those of Sebastian Medices and G. Mor de Nigro-monte.] Pulman ( George P. R.) The book of the Axe ; containing a piscatorial and topographical description of that charming stream, and a history of the towns, villages, etc.^ on its banks. London, Longmans, 1841. 8°.; The book of the Axe ; containing a piscatorial description of that stieam with brief histories of the more remarkable places on its banks, and a variety of tales, songs and anecdotes. Second edition. London, Hamilton, Adams, Axminster [printed], G. Pulman, 1844. pp. iv. 184; [some copies with pasted label :] London, John Crockford and Axminster, Pul- man, 1845. 8°.; With several illustrations and a map. Third edition. London, Longmans, 1854. pp. viii. 495; Fourth edition. 1875. 8°. Rustic sketches : being poems on angling, humour- ous and descriptive, in the dialect of East Devon, with a glossary of notes. By Piscator. Taunton, Bragg, 1842. pp. vii. 92. i. (errata.) 8°.; Second ed. London, Bell, 1853. pp.ix. 78. 8°.; Rustic sketches ; being rhymes and '^ skits " on angling and other subjects, etc. Third edition. London, J. R. Smith, [Crewkerne, printed]. 1871. pp. xxxvi. 162. 8°. 174 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Vade mecum of fly-fishing for trout ; being a con- cise practical treatise on that branch of the art of angling. London, Longmans, 1841. pp.61. 12°.; Second edition, re- written and greatly enlarged. London, Longmans, 1846. pp.105. 16°.; London, Longmans, 1851. pp. xii. 186. 8°. Pye (Henry James). See Sportsman. The sportsman's dic- tionary. Improved and enlarged by H. J. P. 1807. 4^. Racing. Racing and chasing, the road, the river and the hunt. Illustrated in fifty drawings by Hablot K. Browne, " Phiz." London, Ward, Lock and Tyler, [1868]. ob. 4°. [ Contains two angling subjects.] Rail. The rail and the rod. See F. ( Greville). Raimondi ( Eugenio). Le caccie delle fiere armate e disarmate e degl' animali qvadrvpedi, volatili e acquatici. Brescia, Bart. Fontana, 1621. pp. xvi. 410. ii. (imprimatur &c.) 4°.; Napoli, per Lazare Scoriggio. 1626. 4°.; Venetia, 1785. 8°. [The 4th book treats, in 211 chajiters, " De' pesci." In some copies of the edition of 1626 the title-page is undated and the last page blank,] Raisson ( H.) Code de la chasse. Manuel complet du chasseur, suivi du code de la peche. Paris, 1829. 16° Randall (J.) The Severn valley : a series of sketches descrip- tiv^e and pictorial of the course of the Severn. London, Virtue, 1862 12°. [ Numerous cuts of river fish, etc^ Rapin (Nic.) Les plaisirs du gentilhomme champestre...par N. R. P. Paris, veuve Lucas Braver, 1583. pp. 36. 12°.; [with memoir of author.] Paris, Techener, 1853. 12°. [Reprinted in "Les plaisirs de la vie rustique," Paris, 1583 ; with Estienne's "Maison rustique,'' 1586, and with the quatrains of Guy du Faur and others in 1612, 1666 & 1674.] Rapport. Rapport sur la peche fluviale dans le department de I'Aube. 1 85 1. 4°. Rasch (H.) Om Midlerne til at forbedre Norges Laxe- og Ferskvands fiskeriers. Christiania, 1857. 8°. Ravenstein ( E. G.) The oarsman's and angler's map of the river Thames. London, Reynolds, [1861] & [1876]. s. sh. Raymond ( Oliver). The art of fishing on the principle of avoiding cruelty. With approved rules for fishing used during sixty years' practice, not hitherto published in any work on the subject. London, Longmans, 1866. pp. xix. 69. 8°. Recreation. See Countryman. The countryman's recreation. 1654. 4°. BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 175 Recreation. The Royal Recreation of Jovial Anglers. Proving that all men are Intanglers, And all professions are turn'd Anglers. To the tune of Auiarillis. (The second part to the same tune.) B. L. [ London.] F. Coles, T. Vere, W. Gilbertson and J Wright. [1654.^] a broadside. [ A copy of this ballad is in the Roxbursrhe collection (vol. iii., nos. 232. 233.) now preserved in the British Museum, where the conjectural date of 1660 is assigned to it in the catalogue. The two parts contain eleven verses, and the first part is headed with the woodcut which forms the frontispiece to the first, second and fourth editions of J. D's '' Secrets of angling." This last edition was issued in 1652 by Francis Coles of the "Old Bayley," whose name is upon the ballad. ( The earliest ballad with a date in the Rox- burghe collection, on which the above four names appear conjointly, was issued in 1655.) Mr. John Payne Collier thinks that this was probably the original publication, and adds, "It is doubtful whether the ballad is oMer than the date of the first impression of Walton's 'Angler,' in 1653. Fhe hours of business on the Royal Exchange is stated in it to be ' twixt twelve and one,' whereas in the latter end of the reign of Elizabeth and in that of James ist. it was between eleven and twelve. William Haughton's comedy, 'English- men for my money,' (printed in 1616, but written in 1598, as appears by Henslowe's Diary, p. 119), shows that merchants then attended Change at eleven o'clock, and dined at twelve. There is no other very distinct note of time in the ballad. The tune seems comparatively modern, as we do not find it in any early collection." The ballad has been included (with slight variations) in several collections: in "Cupid's Bee-hive," 1721 (See Cupid); in "The compleat fisher or the true art of angling, by J. S./' 6th ed., and more recently in " The Book of Roxburghe Ballads," 1847, edited by Mr. J. P. Collier, and in the publications of the " Ballad Society."] Recreator. The popular recreator. A key to in-door and out- door amusements. 2 vol. London, Cassell. (n. d.) 8°. [A treatise on angling extends through both volumes.] Reck (Mord. von der). Disputatio juridica de piscatione. Solenniter defendendam suscepit M. von der Reck. Argen- torati, 1662. pp. 12. 4°. RecueiL Recueil des lois, decrets, arretes et reglemens en rigeur en Belgique, sur I'administration forestiere de la peche et de la chasse. Arlon, 1836. 8°. Reeves (Boleyne). Sports and pastimes in town and country ...With twelve illustrations by R. Cruikshank. Edited by B. Reeves. London. Printed by T. H. Coe, 27, Old Change, 1841, pp. iv. 356. 12^. See CoLBURN (H.) Colburn's kalendar of amuse- ments, 1840. 12°. 176 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Reider (Jacob Ernst von). Das Ganze der Fischerei, als Angel-, Netzfischerei- und Teichwirthschaft, sammt der Naturge- schichte der deutschen Fischarten. Mit eineni Anhang : die Zubereitung der Fische aller Art als Speise. Niirnberg & Leipzig, 1825. pp. xvi. 335. 8°. — — — Die Geheimnisse der Angel- und Netzfischerei von Lord Clinton. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt von Jacob Ernst von Reider. Interbog, 1849. pp. xx. 92. 12°. [ There is no English work on angling by Lord Clinton.] Reiman ( J. F.) Praktischer Abriss des Fischerei wesens fiir Oekonomen Cameralisten und Liebhaber der Fischerei. Leipzig, 1804. 8°. Reminiscences. See B. (T. ) Piscatorial reminiscences. 1835. 8°. Renauld ( L. B.) Le parfait pecheur a la ligne et au filet ; suivi d'un traite de pisciculture simplifie. Paris, 1858. title, pp. 7-128. 12°.; La parfait pecheur k la ligne, ou filets, etc. Suivi du calen- drier du pecheur, d'un traite de pisciculture simplifie, de Taquarium et les lois et ordonnances sur la peche fluviale, par Renaud. Paris, Desloges, 1865. pp.112. 12°; Paris, 1868. 16°.; 3'"«- ed. Paris, Hachette, 1877. 12°. Rene ( A.) et Liersel ( C.) Traite de la peche a la ligne et an filet dans les rivieres et dans les etangs. Contenant toutes les lois et ordonnances. Par Rene et Liersel. Paris, Theodore Lefevre. (n. d.) pp. iv. 207. 12°. Nouveau traite de la chasse et de la peche, orne d'un grand nombre [14] de figures. Paris, Lang- lume. [1857.?] pp.430. I2°.;2™«ed. Corbeil, 1876. 12°. Rennie Rev. James). The alphabet of scientific angling, for the use of beginners. London, W. Orr, 1833. pp. xviii. 138. 12°.; London, Orr and Smith, 1836. pp. xvi. 136. 12°.; [with new title-page :] London, Bohn, 1849. ^2°. [With a portrait of "Christopher North in his sporting jacket." Mr. Rennie was professor of Zoology, King's College, London.] See Walton (L) The complete angler... Edited by I. R. 1836, etc. 8°. Resources of solitude, or, contemplations by the river side. By a disciple of Isaac Walton. London : printed by W. Davy and Son, 1848. pp. ii. 83. 8°. [ With slender claim to admission.] Revoil (Benedict Henry). Chasses et peches de I'autre monde. Paris, Cadot, 1856. pp. 320. 8°. [ Treats only of Devil fishing, chap. v. pp. 67-79.] BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 177 Peches dans L'Amerique du Nord. Paris, Hachette, 1863. pp. iv. 320. 8°.; Tours, Mame, 1870. 8°. woodcuts. Shooting and fishing in the rivers, prairies and back- woods of North America. Translated and revised by The Chronicler. 2 vol. London, Tinsley, 1865. pp. xx. 291 & vi, 279. _ 8°. Rheinisches Rural- Gesetzbuch ; oder, ordnungsmassige Sammlung der auf die administrativen, das Forst-, Jagd-und Fischerei-Wesen, etc. Erefeld, Schiiller, 1839. 8°. Rhumelius ( Jo, Conr.) Philosophia animalis viuario, auiario, natatorio recessita carminice scripsit. Norimb, 1630. 8°. Richardson (H. D.) Holiday sports and pastimes for boys. With illustrations. London, Orr and Co., 1848. pp. vi. 112. 12°. [ Pages 78-112 are devoted to angling.] Richters ( Joh. Gottfr. Ohnef.) Ichthyotheologie, oder : Ver- nunst- und Schriftmassiger Versuch die Menschen aus Betrachtung der Fische zur Bewunderung, Ehrfurcht und Liebe ihres grossen, liebreichen und allein weisen Schopfers zu fiihren. Mit Kupfern. Leipzig, Erben, 1754. pp. xxxii. 912. xxxii. 8°. Vischkundige onderwyser ; in eene Natuur-ontleed- huishond-en Oordeelkundige beschryving der vischen, etc, [With preface by J. D. Titius.] Dordrecht, 1780. title.^ pp.319. 4°. [ A translation of the preceding work.] Right, Public right of fishing by anglers. 1872. 8°. Rippelmeier's Angelbuch, Heiteres aus der Anglerwelt in 27 Bildern. Weimer, Weiszbach, 1881. 4°. Rittershusius ( C.) See Catalogues. Rimbaud (J. B. A.) L'industrie des eaux salees. Disser- tations crtiques sur la peche, I'ichthyologie, la culture du poisson et le regime maritime. Paris, Challamel, 1868. 8°. Roach. On roach fishing. See W. ( R.) Roberts (Sir Randal ). Trout and grayling, London, H. Cox, i860. 8°.; then as : The river's side ; or the trout and the grayling, and how to take them. London, H. Cox, 1866. pp, vii. 120. 8°. Glenmahra ; or the Western Highlands, London, Chapman and Hall. 1870. 12°. Robertson ( H, R.) Life on the upper Thames, [Vignette.] " It chanced me one day beside the shore Of silver-streaming Thamesis to be," — Spenser. N 178 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. London, Virtue, Spaldino- and Co, 1875. pp. x. 214. 4°, [ Illustrated with numerous drawinfis on wood by the author. Chap. V. Spinning for trout at a weir. — Chap. xvii. Perch-fishing. — Chap, xxiii. Gudgeon-fishing. — Chap. x.xx. Putting down grig-weels. Ctiap. xxxi. Eel-bucks. — Chap, xxxiii. Fisherman's fireside.] Robertson (John). Angliiior streams and angling quai ters in the Scottish Lowlands. With [9] maps and plain directions to trout fishers. Edinburgh. Menzies, 1859. pp. viii. 158. 12°. The hand-book of angling for Scotland and the Border counties, embracing the practical experience of thirty years' fishing. With map and routes, &c. London, Houlston and Wright. 186 [. pp.xiii. 184. I2°. [Though published as a new work, this is, in the main, but a modification of the foregoing.] [Rochester (John Wilmot, Eai'lof).'] Windsor, by Lord R r, included in A collection of poems on affairs of state. London, 1703. 8°. [ These hnes begin : " Methinks I see our mighty Monarch stand, His pliant angle trembling in his hand ; Pleas'd with the sport, good man, nor does he know His easy sceptre bends and trembles so. Fine representative, indeed, of (jod. Whose sceptre's d^vindled to a fishing rod," etc.'] Ronalds (Alfred). The fly-fisher's entomology. Illustrated by coloured representations of the natural and artificial insect. And accompanied by a few observations and instructions relative to trout-and-grayling fishing. With nineteen copper plates. London, Longman, 1836. pp. vi [misprinted viii], 115. 8°.; Second edition. With twenty copper plates. London, Longman, 1839. pp.xii. 115. 8°.; Third edition. London, Longman, 1844. pp.xii [misprnited x], 115. 8°.; Fourth edition. Longman, 1849. pp. xii. 115. 8°.; Fifth edition, revised, with additions by Piscator. Longman, 1856. pp. XV. 132. 8°.; Sixth edition. Longman. 1862. pp. xvi. 132. 8°.; Eighth edition. Longman, 1877. pp. xv. 132. 8°. [ This work, though in some respects inaccurate, displays a rare combination of entomological and piscatorial science. The drawings of the natural fly in juxtaposition with the artificial, are of great value and nicety. They are on nineteen plates ; the remaining plate, used as a frontispiece, is of fish. New plates were prepared for the edition of 1862. The Blythe, "A sweet trout-stream in Staffordshire," was the scene of Ronald's early experience and on the little bridge, close to the present station, stood his Observatory. Amongst the midland streams, which he "studied, was the Dove," where Cotton erst hung up the thick-bodied fly of more Southern counties, " in his window to laugh at." In the 3rd edition appears an announcement that the author prepares for sale the whole series of flies and also supplies a fly-case of " new construction."] BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 179 Rondonneau. Code de la chasse et de la peche. centre les lois, les arretes, etc.^ depuis 1789 jusqu'a ce jour. Paris, 1810. S'^. Rooper (George). »S^^ Autobiography. The autobiography of the late Salmo Salar, Esq. 1867. 8°. Flood, field and forest. With illustrations. The etchings by Cecil Boult. London. Chapman and Hall. 1869. front. ^ pp. viii. 316. 8°.; Second edition. Chapman and Hall, 1870. /7'o;z/., pp. viii. 316. 8°.; Fourth edition, London, Isbister and Co., 1874. 8°- [ Includes " The autobiography of the late Salmo Salar."] Thames and Tweed. London, Cassell. [1870]. pp. iv. 141 ; [with new title-page :] Second edition. London, Hard- wicke and Bogue. [1876]. pp. iv. 141. 8°. A month in Mayo, comprising sketches (sporting and social) of Irish life ; with miscellaneous papers. London, R. Hardwicke, 1876. pp. vii. 175. 8°. [ These books contain many pleasant sketches by a keen and observant sportsman.] Roosevelt (Robert Barnwell). Game fish of the Northern States of America, and British provinces. By Barnwell. [i.e. R. B. Roosevelt]. New York, Carleton, 1862. pp. 324. 8°.; [with new title-page :] The game fish of the Northern States and British, provinces. With an account of the salmon and sea-trout fishing of Canada and New Brunswick, etc. New York, Carleton, 1865. pp. 324. 8 . Superior fishing ; or the Striped bass, Trout and Black bass of the Northern States. Embracing full directions for dressing artificial flies, with the feathers of American birds ; an account of a sporting visit to Lake Superior. New York, Carleton, 1865. pp. 304. (no vii. and viii.) 8°.; [with new title-page :] 1868. 8°. and Green ( Seth.) Fish hatching and fish catch- ing. Rochester, N. Y. 1879 Rosenhane (Gust.) Respublicse glacialis seu de hiberna pisca- tione apud Suecos. Stockholm, 1681. 12°. Rota (Berardino). Sonetti et canzoni del S. B. Rota. Con Tegloghe pescatorie. In Napoli, G. M. Scotto. 1560. i6°,-, Venegia, 1566. 8°.; Napoli. 1572. 4°. [ There are 14 eclogues. They are also included in A. Rubbi's " Parnaso Italiano," 1784, etc. Tom. 25.] Routledge (George). Routledge's hand-book of fishing. With illustrations. London, Routledge, 1867. pp. iv. 59. 8°. [ One of the series entitled " Routledge^s sixpenny handbooks."] N 2 i8o BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Rowan (John J.) The emigrant and sportsman in Canada... with... sporting ad v^entures... London, Stanford, 1876. pp. viii. 440. 8°. [Chap. xiii. The angler, p. 377. Portions appeared in The Field over the nom-de-phinie of " Cariboo."] Ruhlich ( C. F. R.) Der praktische Angler in Deutschland. Mit einem Angel - Kalender auf alle Monate des Jahres. Rendnitz & Leipzig, Forster, 1871. pp. vi. 66. 8'^. Rules. Rules, orders... for the fisheries in Thames. See Thames. Rules and regulations of the Walton and Cotton Club. See Walton. [ The printed rules of fishing clubs and associations are numerous. We may cite : Rules of the Ribble, Hodder and Calder fisheries association. Blackburn, 1859. 8vo. Rules and regulations of the South London angling club, etc. London, 1871. pp. 14. 8vo. Rules and regulations with reference to the Vale of Cothi fishing club. Carmarthen, 1855. 8vo. Rules of the Northumberland angling club. Newcastle-on-Tyne. 1862. 4to.] Ruses. Les rvses innocentes, dans lesqvelles se voit comment on prend les Oyseaux passagers : et de plusieurs sortes de Bestes a quatre pieds. Avec les plus beavx secrets de la pesche dans les Riuieres et dans les estangs. Et la maniere de faire tons les rets et les filets qu'on peut s'imaginer... Par F.[rere] F.[ran9ois] F.[ortin] R.[eligieux] D.[e] G.[rammont] dit le Solitaire Inventif. Paris, P. Lavvry, 1660. pp. xiv 288. 4°; Paris, Charles de Sercy, 1688. 4°.; Amsterdam, P. Brunei, [some copies] Daniel de la Fueille. 2 vol. 1695. 8°. next as: Les delices de la campagne, ou les ruses de la chasse et de la pesche, ou Ton voit comment on prend toutes sortes d ois- eaux et de betes ^ quatre pieds. Avec les plus beaux secrets de la peche ; et la maniere de faire les rets et les filets. Troisieme edition. Le tout accompagne de figures. 2 vol. Amsterdam, George Gallet, 1700. 12°. [ Upon this work Louis Liger founded his " Amusemens de la campagne," in several unauthorized (?) editions of which, as we have stated p. 134, the first book of "Les Ruses" is reproduced without alteration. Reduced copies of the illustrations appear in all Liger's editions, and also in the reprints of Amsterdam and Lyons. The first edition has become very rare, and is, on the whole, the most interesting contribution made by France to the literature of angling.] Russel (Alexander). The salmon. Edinburgh, Edmonston and Douglas. 1864. pp. viii. 248. 8°. [Portions of this volume originally appeared in the Quarterly BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. i8i Review^ Blackwood's Magazine, The Edinburgh Review and the Scots-- man.'\ Russia. Izslyedovaniya o sostoyanii ruibolovstva v Rossii... Sanktpeterburg. 7 torn. 1860-3. 4°. [ With two altlases and drawings of fishing apparatus and fishing scenes in different parts of Russia. The work was published by the Minister of the Imperial Domains."] S. (J.) 5^^ Epicure. The innocent epicure. 1697. 8°. S. (J.) Profit and pleasure united, or the husbandman's maga- zine, 1684. See Smith (J.) S. (J.) The true art of angling ; or, the best and speediest way of taking all sorts of fresh-water fish with the worm, fly, paste and other baits in their proper seasons ; how to know the haunts of fish and angle for them in all waters and weathers, at the top, middle and bottom, baiting of the ground and night baits, oyls and oyntments, baits natural and artificial ; the several ways of angling ; to make oyl of asper, and many rare secrets never before made publick ; containing the whole body of angling, and mystery of a compleat angler. By J. S., Gent. A Brother of the Angle. London, printed for George Conyers at the Golden Ring and John Sprint at the Bell in Little Britain. Price bound 6d. 1696. frontispiece^ pp. vi. 160. 24°. [This minute work by an anonymous writer forms one of the marked features of most angling book collections, partly from its merits as a manual, but far more from its rarity, only a few copies of the earlier issues having escaped the wear and tear of time. The title is followed by an address " To the lovers of angling."] 2. The true art of angling ; or, the best and speediest way of taking all sorts of fresh-water fish... containing the... mys- tery of a compleat angler. By J. S., etc. The second edetion. London, printed for George Conyers at the Golden Ring, and John Sprint at the Bell in Little Brittain. 1697. Price bound 6d. front. ^ pp. vi. 150. 24°. [ This is even rarer than the first edition. The frontispiece is the same but without ornamental border at top and bottom. The three last pages contain advertisements of books only. Two re- cipes are added at the end : " To take the smelt with an angle,"" and " To feed fish in ponds." The book is more closely printed than the first edition.] 3. The compleat fisher, or the true art of angling : being a clear and speedy way of taking all sorts of fresh- water fish... containing the... mystery of a compleat angler. To fish in Hackney River, the best stands, and how to make the best tackling to fish there. By J. S....The third edition enlarged. London, printed for G. Conyers at the Golden Ring and 1 82 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. J. Sprint in Little Brittain. 1704. Price 6d. front. ^ pp. vi. 160. 24°. [ Among the additions not mentioned in the title are " Secrets and curiosities never before made publick." After which follows: " To make and order fish-ponds," and finally, '' How to fish in Hackney River," which is an abridgement of Gilbert's " Method of fishing in Hackney River," (" Angler's Delight," 1676), with some very slight variations ("Caususor Maries-Hole," for instance, in- stead of " Cunnis-Hole or Maries-Hole " and some others) and ending in the same words with the "boy" and the "neat's tongue" and the " bottle of Canary.'' The frontispiece is the same as in the second edition. At the back of the title is an advertisement of " The experienced Fowler."] 4. The compleat fisher : or, the true art of angling : being a clear and speedy way of taking all sorts of fresh-water fish... containing the... mystery of a compleat angler. By J- S., etc. The fourth edition enlarged. London, printed for G. Conyers at the Ring, and J. & B. Sprint at the Bell in Little-Brittain. 1716. Price 6d. front., pp. ii. 164. 24°. [ At the back of the title is an address, signed J. S., to the " Reader The many editions of this book shew the kind reception it has met with, etc.^^ and underneath, an advertisement of " The young sportsman's instructor," and " The experienc'd fowler, or gentle- man's recreation." The additions are some paragraphs coming after the chapter on Hackney River, entitled "Secrets of fish in general." The frontispiece, representing two male anglers, differs from that used in previous editions, and fills the whole page.] 5. The compleat fisher : or, the true art of angling : being a clear and speedy way of taking all sorts of fresh- water fish... containing the. ..mystery of a compleat angler. By J. S., etc. The fourth edition enlarged. London, printed for G. Conyers at the Ring, and J. and B. Sprint at the Bell in Little Brittain. 1 7 16. Price 6d. front. ^ pp. ii. 164. 24". [ The title is identical with the previous entry, but it is evidently a reprint, the type being different and some important additions made at the end. Thus in place of the Hackney River chapter we have one beginning : "Having now given the properest directions for anglers I shall now likewise give them some short account of rivers," and this is followed by a list of all the best angling stations on the Lee (Hackney River), "Tiounslow River, Uxb ridge River, The Thames, Weybridge River, Lewisham River, Dagenham Breach, Barkin Greek, The New River, The Physick Gardens, Wood Ditch, and the Tile-Kiln Rounds." The Gilbert abridgement is suppressed. The frontispiece is the same as in the first edition.] 6. The compleat fisher : or, the true art of angling. Being a clear and speedy way of taking all sorts of fresh- water fish... containing the... mystery of a compleat angler. To fish in Hackney River, the best stands and how to make the best tackling to fish there. By J. S., etc. The fifth edition BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 183 enlarged. London, printed for G. Conyers at the Ring, and J. and B. Sprint at the Bell in Little Britain. 1725. Price 6d. front., pp. ii. 164. 24°. [This is a paginary reprint of the fourth edition, (4) the Hackney river chapter being resumed. The new frontispiece is used, and the cuts of fish are not from the blocks used in the first edition.] 7. The compleat fisher : or, the true art of angling. Being a clear and speedy way of taking all sorts of fresh-water fish ...containing the... mystery of a compleat angler. To fish in Hackney river, the best stands... there. By J. S., etc. The sixth edition. London : printed for G. Conyers, at the Ring in Little Britain. Price gd. (n. d.) front. ^ pp. ii. 164. 24°. [ A paginary reprint as before. The old frontispiece reappears.] 8. The compleat fisher : or, the true art of angling. Being a clear and speedy way of taking all sorts of fresh-water fish... containing the... mystery of a compleat angler. By J. S., etc. The sixth edition. London : printed for G. Conyers, at the Ring in Little Britain. Price 6d. (n. d.) front. ^ pp. ii. 164. 24°. [A paginary reprint up to p. 60. The list of fishing stations is here resumed. At the end is introduced " A song. To the Tune of my Father was born before me," commencing thus : " Of all the Recreations which Attend on Human Nature ; There's none that is of so high a Pitch, Or is of such a Stature As is the subtle angler's life," etc. This ballad differs both in the number of verses and in other respects, from that in the Roxburgh collection entitled "The Royal recreation of Jovial Anglers."' (See Recreation). The new frontispiece is used.] 9. The compleat fisher : or. the true art of angling : being a clear and speedy way of taking all sorts of fresh- water fish... at the top, middle and bottom : baits natural and artificial ; the several ways of angling. To which is added, an account of the seasons and spawning time of each fish, and an account of the principal rivers, the fish they produce, and the properest place to angle for them in each river. Revised and corrected by W. Wright and other experienc'd anglers. London ; Sold by John Osborne at the Golden Ball in Paternoster Row ; and John Herro, in Bellyard, Temple Bar. 1740. Price 6d. Where may be had all sorts of Fishing tackle, wholesale and retail, front. ^ pp. ii. 164. 24° [At the back of the title is a recommendation of the work signed by Wm. Wright, Wm. Andrews, Rob. Lewis, Phillips Brice, Rob. Cole, T. I'urner, Roger Filewood and J. Hollings, who say they "have often admir'd it for the instructions herein contained ; but upon experience have found several things, as oils, ointments, &c., to. 1 84 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. be superfluous." The places round London for angling, noticed in the work, are worth attention.] 10. The complete fisher : or. the true art of angling. Being a clear and speedy way of taking all sorts of fresh-water fish.., containing the... mystery of a compleat angler. By J. S., etc. London. Sold by Joseph Fisher, facing Tom's Coffee-house in Cornhill ; and John Herro, in Bell yard, Temple Bar. 1740. Price 6d. Where may be had, etc. 'front., pp. 164. 24°. [ Turner and Boilings are omitted from the names appended to the recommendation. The ballad is also omitted.] 11. The complete fisher: or the true art of angling... Revised and corrected by W. Wright and other experienc'd anglers. London : printed for J, Hazard and J. Wright, fronting Stationers-Hall ,- and sold by John Herro, in Bell- yard, Temple Bar. [ Price 6d.] Where may be had, Right Kirby's hooks ; and fishing tackle, wholesale and retail, (n. d.) front., pp. ii. 164. 24°. [ The title is the same as no. 9. ,The "Address to the Reader'^ begins : "This book has pass'd several editions. We have often admired it. ..we therefore. ..recommend it as the most practical book for all young anglers. Wm. Wright "' and seven others as in No. 9, The new frontispiece is used. The ballad is replaced.] Z2. The true art of angling : being a clear and speedy way of taking all sorts of fresh-water fish... London, printed for Onesimus Ustonson, 1770,, iii. 12°. [ The title as in No. 9. Ustonson was the "successor to the late Mr. John Herro" in his tackle-«hop at 48 Bellyard, Temple Bar. The preceding edition has been followed but other songs accompany the ballad : " The milk-maid's song," " The milk-maid's mother's song," "Corydon's song " and " The new angler." The alleged rarity of this edition is without foundation. Copies are found in aliTios.t every sale catalogue of angling books. All the editions contain eight rude woodcuts of fish : those in the earlier and later editions being the same, while those in the 5th edition are from other blocks. We are not aware of any later edition of the book except that issued by Alexander Hogg in 1802 under the title of "The new and complete angler," by "Richard Pollard Esq. of Clapton." See Pollard (R.). We are reluctant to leave the authorship among the " mysteries of angling literature " without an attempt to solve the enigma. Premising that the little book is not a mere compi- lation but possesses a distmct individuality and character of its own, we may state that a short treatise on angling appeared in 1684 in a volume entitled " Profit and pleasure united, or the Gentleman's Magazine, by J. S.," which in a subsequent edition (1704) is attri- buted to "J. Smith, Gent." This "Art of angling" opens in a similar strain to " The true art " and contains sentences recording personal experiences in the preparation of the angler's equipment, which are nearly identical in both works. We have quoted one passage in our note to " Profit and pleasure," (see J. SMrrn), which, unless it be found in any antecedent writer, would lead us to believe that both treatises are by the same hand.] BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 1^5 S. (T. F.) Hints to anglers ; or, the art of angling epitomised in verse, with explanatory notes. By T. F. S., an old Piscator. Containing directions for making ground-baits, pastes, etc. [under two anglers in copper.] London, 1808. pp. 13. 8°. [By T. F. Salter. Copies of these "Hints" with the etching at the head and the above date, were also printed as a broad-sheet,] Sable ( Francis). The fisherman's tale, of the famous actes, life and love of Cassender, a Grecian knight. In two parts. Founded on the story used by Shakespeare in the Winter's tale. By Francis Sabie, 1595. London, printed by Thomas Richards, 1867. 4°. [Ten copies printed by Mr. J. O. Halliwell from a MS. in the Bodleian. The work was originally issued with Sabie's " Pan's pipe " in 1595, but no complete copy is known. It is a version of Robert Greene's "Pandosto" (1588) with some charming descriptions added by the poet. In one, after depicting the delight of a spring morning, the poet continues : " I shakt off sleepe, and tooke in hand a reede, A reede whereto was bounde a slender line, And crooked hooke, wherewyth, for my disport. Walking along the bankes of silver lakes, Oft times I vsed, with false deceiuing baytes. To pluck bright-scaled fish from christall waues. Forthwith I bended steps vnto the streames, And pleasant meares, not far from mine abode, Needlesse it were here to rehearse what ioyes Each thing brought then vnto my dolefull minde. The little menowes leapt aboue the waues, And sportive fish like wanton lambes did play."] St. John ( Charles William George). Short sketches of the wild sports and natural history of the Highlands. London, Murray, 1847. pp. vi. 281. 8°.; Illustrated edition. London, Murray, 1878 & 1881. 8°. A tour in Sutherlandshire with extracts from the field books of a sportsman and naturalist. 2 vol. London, Murray, 1849. 12°. Natural history and sport in Moray, collected from the journals and letters of the late Charles St. John. Edin- burgh, Edmonston and Douglas, 1863. pp. xlvii. 336. 8°. [ The author was the grandson of Frederick, second Viscount Bolinbroke. He was born Dec. 3, 1809 and died, at Woolston, July 12, 1856.] St. John (Hon. Ferdinand ). Rambles in Germany, France, Italy and Russia in search of sport. London, 1853. pp. viii. 244. 8°. [ Chap, vi treats of trout fishing. The volume has four chromo- lithographs .] i86 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Salad for the solitary. By an Epicure. London, Bentley, 1853. 8°. [Contains an article on " pastimes and sports/' including fishing pp. 1 10-12.] Salmon fishing, drawn and lithographed by R. O. C. London, Acker man, [1867]. fol. Salter (Robert). The modern angler, being a practical treatise on the art of fishing, etc.^ in a series of letters to a friend. Printed for the author by J. Salter, Oswestry and sold by Mr. Hurst, London, (n. d.) front. ^ pp. 123. 12°.; The modern angler, in a series of letters. The second edition. Oswestry : printed for the author by W. Edwards. 181 1, front. y title ^ pp. 134. 12°. [ The letters were addressed to the Rev. Morgan Pryse.] Salter (Thomas Frederick). See S. (T. F.) Hints to anglers, 1808. 8°. The angler's guide, or complete London angler, con- taining the whole art of angling as practised in the rivers Thames and Lea, and other waters twenty miles round London, founded on actual experience : with the art of trol- ling for jack or pike. By T. F. Salter, Gent. Rochester terrace. Stoke Newington. I write from practice not from books arrange. London, T. Tegg, 1814. pp. xvi. 152. wood- cnts in text and 2) full page illustrations. 8°.; The angler's guide, being a complete practical treatise on angling : containing the whole art of trolling, bottom fishing, fly-fishing and trimmer angling, founded on forty years' practice and observation. Second edition, with very consider- able additions, local descriptions, glossary of technical terms and index. Illustrated with wood engravings. London, T. Tegg, 1815. List of cuts^ front., pp. xxxi. 317 [misprinted 217]. 8°.; The angler's guide... the whole art of trolling, bottom and float fishing, fly and trimmer angling, for sea, ri\er and pond fish, founded on 40 years' practice and experience. Third edition,... Embellished with 50 copper plates and wood engravings. London, T. Tegg, 1815. front., pp. x. xxix. 315. S*^.; Fourth edition. London, T. Tegg, 1816. pp. xii. xxvi. 3°?; 8°-; Ihe angler's guide... The fifth edition, carefully corrected and enlarged. Divided into three parts, and with an appen- dix, and to which is now first added the author's celebrated treatise on trolling, the whole illustrated with numerous cuts and engravings. London, Sherwood, Jones and Co. (1823). pp. xi. 373. map. 8^.; [Contains two aquatints: "The Croxvn at Broxbourn Bridge" BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 187 and the " Rye House Fishery," a map of the river Lea and the usual rude plates of angling apparatus.] The angler's guide... The sixth edition, carefully cor- rected and enlarged. London, Sherwood and Co., 1825. fro7ti., Y^^.y^u. 2)^2, plates. 8°.; 7th edition. London, 1830. 8°.; The angler's guide, being a plain and complete practical treatise on the art of angling... with 88 fine cuts. The eighth edition, with the author's last corrections and additions. London, John Wicksteed. 1833. port., pp. viii. yj%^ plan of Lea and ^ plates. 8°.; The ninth edition. London, James Maynard, 184T. port., pp. xii. 388. 8°.; London, Jas. May- nard. (n. d.) 8'^. [with new title-page:] London, H. G. Bohn. (n. d.) 8°. The angler's guide, abridged for the use of young anglers, being a complete practical treatise on angling. London, Tegg, 1816. pp. xvi. 80. 8°.; The angler's guide abridged. ..containing the angler's pro- gress, the art of trolling for jack and pike, and fly-fishing... Founded on more than forty years' practice and experience. The second edition, carefully corrected and revised. London, T. ^Qgg, 1822. two fronts.^ pp. iv. 92. 12°.; The third edition, carefully corrected and revised. Embellished with 25 engrav- ings and cuts. London, Sherwood, Jones and Co. (n. d.) pp. iv. 86. 12°.; The fourth edition, with the author's last additions and corrections. Embellished with 33 cuts. London, J. Wicksteed, (n d.) pp. iv. 86. 12°.; The fifth edition, with the author's, etc. London : printed for Jas. Maynard [1841 .^] front. ^ pp. iv. 86. 12°. The troiler's guide, a new and complete practical treatise on the art of trc/lling or fishing for jack or pike. Illustrated with numerous cuts of hooks, baits, tackle, etc. To which is added the best method of baiting and laying lines for large eels. " The pike's my joy of all the scaly shoal, And of all fishing instruments the troll." Vide the Angler, a poevi, canto viii. London, Tegg, 1820. pp. viii. 107. 8°.; Second edition. London, Wicksteed, 1830. front. .^ pp. iv. 82. 12°.; Third edition, with tlie author's ... last additions. Illustrated with 28 cuts. London, Jas. Maynard, 1841. pp. iv. 83. 12°. Sang (William). The anglers' pocket dictionary of trout flies, and their synonyms. Barnard Castle : W. Ward, printer. Market-place. [1881 ?] 40pp. 24^^. i88 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. San Martino ( Matteo, Conte de). Pescatoria et ecloghe del San Martino. [Venice, Giolito, circa 1566]. 8°. [ A-M iv. in eights. The printer's device is a phoenix, with motto " Semper eadem " and the initials J. G. with F, underneath.] Sannazaro (Jacopo). See Campaux ( A.) De ecloga pisca- toria, 1859. 8°. Piscatoria, with : De partu virginis, etc. Romse, in sedibus F. Minilii Calvi, 1526. 8°.; Neapoli, A. F. Corinal dinum, 1526. 8°.; Venetiis, in aedibus Aldi et A. Asulani, 1527 & 1528. 8°; Parisiis,R. Stephanas, 1527. 8°.; [Venetiis] Aldus, 1533. 8°.; included in : Opera omnia Latine scripta. Venetiis, fratres da Sabio, 1526. 8°.; Venetiis, in aedibus hseredum A. Manutii, 1535. 8*^.; Lugduni, apud S. Gryphium, 1536, 1540, 1547, 15491 Venetiis, ex Bib. Aid., 1570. 8°.; Lugduni, 1587, 1592. 16°.; Rothomagi, 1609. 16°.; Amstelodami, 1689. 12°.; Cum emendatissimis collata exemplaribus. Neapoli, 1699. 12°.; Paris, 1725. 12°.; Amstelodami, 1728. 8°.; also in : Poemata. Patavii. Josephus Cominus, 17 19, 1731, I75i- 4°; Venetiis, 1746. 8°.; Selecta poemata Italorum qui Latine scripserunt.-.accurante A. Pope. London, Knapton, 1740. 8°. Delle egloghe e d'altro poemetto [Salices] di J. S. versione [by G. da Riva]. Lat. and Ital. Vicenza, 1788. pp.97. 8°. Le egloghe pescatorie di A. S. S. recate in versi Italian! dal Cavaliere L. Biondi. Torino, 1823. 8°. Select translations from the works of San- nazarius, H. Grotius, etc. To which is prefix'd some account of the authors. By Mr. Rooke. London, Millan, 1726. 8°. [The eclogues have a separate title-page, 1725,62pp. Three of the eclogues were also translated by Mr. Tate and with a fourth (Proteus) by W. Bowls, Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, were printed, with the title " The Piscatory Eclogues of Sannazarius English'd by Mr. Tate," pp. 347-372 of a collection which we have not hitherto been able to identify. Some account of Sannazarius and his eclogues is added to an anonymous translation of the "Salices" [by G. Rooke] entitled "The Osiers, a pastoral,... Cam- bridge," 1724. 4to. Sannazarius was born at Naples in 1458 and died in 1530. He wrote ten eclogues, but five were lost during a long absence in France. The eclogues extant are entitled : " Phyllis," " Galatea," " Mopsus," " Proteus," and " Herpylis." They are considered the most perfect works of this distinguished poet. The name of Actius Sincerus was assumed whilst a member of the "Accademia Pontana."] Satchell ( Thomas). Provisional index to a glossary of fish BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 189 names. [Privately printed]. London. [1879]. pp. 12. 8°. [ The glossary will form one of the publications of " The English Dialect Society."] Saunders (James). The compleat fisherman. Being a large and particular account of all the several ways of fishing now practised in Europe ; with abundance of curious secrets and niceties in the art of fishing... also, an account of all the prin- cipal rivers, lakes, &c., in England ; and what kind of fish are more especially found in them. Collected from the best authors and from the long experience of James Saunders Esq. of Newton-Awbery, upon the river Trent. London, W. Mears, etc. 1724. /ro;z/., pp. vi. 234. 12°.; [This book was reprinted by Smeeton as "The Fisherman, or the art of angling made easy... By Guiniad Charfy Esq." See Charfy (G.) Saunders is the first angling author who mentions silk-worm gut, (pp. 91-2.) but Pepys, in his diary says, (Mar. 18th 1667), " This day Mr. Cgesar told me a pretty experiment of his angling with a minikin, a gutt-string varnished over, which keeps it from swelling, and is beyond any hair for strength and smallness. The secret I like mightily." (Vol. III., p. 171. Edition, 1828.) A writer in the Field, (Jan. 2. 1864), on the subject of silk-worm gut, says : "About three months since, Mr. Geo. Bowness, of Bell- yard, shewed me an advertisement of his grandfather's, date 1760, announcing that the new article, silk-worm gut, is to be had there. This pretty nearly fixes the date of its introduction into the tackle trade."] Savoure-Mourlot ( Emile). Dictionnaire de la peche a la ligne, suivi des lois et ordonnances annotees sur la peche fluviale. Paris, se vend chez I'auteur, Rue Saint Martin, 297. 1850. pp. iv. 203. 12°.; S'"^- ed. Paris, Vert, 1875. 8°. Schilling ( Ernst Moritz). Die wilde Fischerey. Leipzig, Baumgartner. 1831. pp. iv. 60. 12°. Schmidlin (Joh. Gottl.) Handbook der Wurtembergischen Forst-Gesetzgebung, oder systematische zusammenstellung aller, iiber das Jagd-, Fischerey-und Holzwesen, etc. 2 Thle. Stuttgart, Metzler, 182 1-3. 8°. Schneider (F. W.) Bibliothek der Forst-und Jagd- Liter- atur, 1856. See Catalogues. School. The school of recreation. See H. (R.) Schreiner (William H.) Schreiner's sporting manual. A complete treatise on fishing, fowling and hunting, as appli- cable to this country... Illustrated with numerous engravings. Philadelphia, 1841. front. ^ pp. 147. 12°. Schultes ( Henry). An essay on aquatic rights ; intended as an illustration of the law relative to fishing, etc. London, W. Clarke and Son. 181 1. pp. iv. 140. viii. 8°. 19© BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Schuykill. An authentic historical memoir of the state in Srhuyki]]. From its estabHshment on that romantic stream, near Philadelj'jhia. in the vear 1732, to the present time. By a member [i.e. WilHam Mihier, Junior.] "If you look to its antiquity, it is most ancient, — If to its dignity, it is most honorable, — If to \X.^ jurisdiction, it is most extensive." Philadelphia, Judah Dobson, 1830. pp. viii. 127, ii. (errata) [ Dr. Rethnne says of this quaint and scarce book that "It is an amusing account of a verv ancient fishing club, founded by a few of the oiigmal settlers in Pennsvh'ania. In the catalogue are names of very high distinction and the association still exists." It is the most ancient fishing club that exists, and its founders are said to have passed a treaty with the chiefs of the Leni-Lenape, or Delaware Indians, who granted to them and their descendants for ever, the right and privilege to hunt the woods and fish the waters of the Schuylkill.] Scotcher (George). The fly-fisher's legacy, containing accurate descriptions of all the principal natural flies, that frequent the water, laid down in such familiar manner that the angler may readily distinguish them ; together with the most successful method of imitating them, forming the fisherman's Grand Desideratum, or long wished-for instructor : also an account of sewin, samlet and salmon-pink fishing, and many useful remarks, not selected from books, but deduced from many years' real experience and observation. With engravings of the natural flies, coloured from nature. Chepstow : printed and sold by W. Willett. Sold also by Messrs. Major and Co., Bristol; Lackington and Co.. London, etc. \_ctrca 1800.] front., pp.44. 8°. [A rare local work which preceded Bainbridge ( 1816), Carroll (1818), and Ronalds (1836).] Scott (Genio C.) Fishing in American waters. With 170 illustrations. New York. Harper, 1869. pn. 484. 8".; Anew edition, containing parts six and seven, on Southern and mis- cellaneous fishes. With numerous illustrations. New York, Harper Brothers, 1875. pp. 539. 8°. [" Trolling among the Thousand Islands," "Fly-fishing on Mas- sapiqua Lake," " The poetry of angling," etc., are among the subjects treated.] Scott (Dr. Thomas). See Angler. The anglers... in verse. 1758. 8°. Scott (William Henry). Biitish field sports; embracing prac- tical instructions in shooting — hunting — coursing — racing — cocking — fishing, etc. London, Sherwood, Neely and Jones, 1818. front. .^ pp. xi. 615, 34 plates. 8°.; Second edition. BrBLlOrHECA PJSCATORIA. 191 London, Sherwood, 1820. front., pp. xx. G]^. plates. 8°. ["The fresh-water fishery," pp. 570-602, with 4 plates. The author alludes to Gervase Markham as a " vulgar compiler," and to Walton, as a "pious hypocrite." His own treatise is itself a compilation 'of small merit.] The sportsman's calendar, or, monthly remembrancer of field diversions. By the author of the British field sports. London, Sherwood, 18 18. pp. 172. 12°. Scribner's monthly illustrated magazine for the people. Con- ducted by J. G. Holland. New York, Scribner and Co., 1870. etc. 8°. [ This admirable magazine (now "The Century") contains many papers on fish and fishing, some of which are finely illustrated. Departing from our usual practice with respect to periodicals, we may instance : " Notes on salmon fishing," by A. Cj. Wilkinson, in vol. 12 ; "Trout fishing in Rangeley lakes," by Edward Seymour, in vol. 13 ; " Sea-trout fishing," by R. A. Macdonough, in vol. 14, and "The Mediterranean of America," by Herbert H. Smith, in vol. 18.] Scrope ( William). Days and nights of salmon fishing in the Tweed ; with a short account of the natural history and habits of the salmon, instructions to sportsmen, anecdotes, etc., by William Scrope Esq. Illustrated by [13] lithographs and [9] wood engra\'ings by L. Haghe, T. Landseer and S. Williams, from paintings by Sir David Wilkie, Edwin Landseer, r.a., Charles Landseer, William Simson and Edward Cooke. London, Murray, 1843. pp. xx. 298. 8°.; Second edition. Murray, 1854. pp. xix. 298. 8°. [The second edition, has the woodcuts of the first impression and two coloured prints of young salmon, the coloured lithographs being withdrawn. These latter are spirited renderings of very ex- cellent drawings now in the possession of a collector. Copies of the first edition are scarce and sell for about £6.'] Secrets. See D. (J.) The secrets of angling 161 3. See G. (C.) The secrets of angling 1705. Valuable secrets in arts and trades... containing... art of fishing, bird catching, etc. A new edition improved. London, J. Barker, (1758 .?) pp. v. 351. 1 2°. \ afiother edition: London, 1775. 12°. [ Mostly translated from the French " Secrets concernant les arts et metiers," Paris, 1716.] Selys-Longchamps (M. E. de). Sur la peche fluviale en Belgique. Bruxelles, 1867. 8°. Senior (William, ''Red Spinner"). Waterside sketches. A book for wanderers and anglers. London, Grant and Co., 1875. front., pp. viii. 253 ; [ Chiefly reprinted from the GentlemarHs Magazme.'\ 192 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Bv stream and sea. A book for wanderers and anglers. London, Chatto and Windus, 1877. pp. viii. 321. 8^.; [with new title - page :] A new edition. London, Chatto and Windus, [1879]. 8°. Travel and trout in the Antipodes. An angler's sketches in Tasmania and New Zealand. London, Chatto and Windus, 1880. 8°. pp. xii. 315. 8°. [ Reprinted in part from the Gentlemans Magazine and from weekly journals published in Brisbane.] Serres (Olivier de. Seigneur dn Pradel). Le theatre d'agri- culture et mesnage des champs. Paris. J. Mettayer, 1600. fol. [ Lieu. V. chap, xiii., (pp. 421-31), treats of "L'estang, le pescher, le Viuier." The editions are numerous : Paris, Savgrain, 1603 & 1605; Paris, Savgrain, also J. Berjon, 1608; Geneve, M. Berjon, 1611 ; Paris, Savgrain, 1615 & (redated) 1617 ; [Genev^e], Chouet, 1619; Rouen, Jean Osmont, some copies^ L. du Mesnil, others, 'K, Valentin, 1623 ; Geneve, Chouet, 1629 ; Rouen, Jean de la Mare, 1635 ; Geneve, 1636 ; Geneve, Chouet, 1639 ; Rouen, Jean Berthe- lin, 1646 ; Geneve, S. Chouet, 1651 ; Geneve, A. Chouet, 1661 ; Rouen, D. Berthelin, also Clement Malassis, 1663 ; Lyon, Ant. Benvjollin, other copies, Jean Brvyset, others, J. B. Deville, 1675. These editions are all in quarto. Paris, Meurant, 4 vol., 1802. 8vo.; and lastly, Paris, Huzard, 2 vol., 4to. Olivier de Serres is called the father of French agriculture and is held in special honour because he first introduced the culture of the mulberry and the rearing of silk-worms.] Servant-maid. The compleat servant-maid : or, the cook's guide. Containing directions for dressing all sorts of flesh, fowl and fish... To which is added, recreation for the ladies by- instructing them in the best methods of catching of fish, either in ponds or rivers, (n. p. or d.) pp. vi. 162 [163]. vi. 12°. [ This IS an edition of " The accomplish'd lady's delight " as stated in the dedication to the "Countess of S d" and on page i. It is probably a copy of the 8th or 9th edition with a new title-page. Page 131 is headed : "The female angler, instructed in the newest and most excellent way of angling, and taking of all manner of fish, containing a collection of choice and rare experiments, and secrets now in practice among the most famous fishermen anglers." At page 149 is "The names of the filies that are used in angling, etcr~\ Seymour (R.) Seymour's humorous sketches, comprising eighty-six caricature etchings. Illustrated in prose and verse, by Alfred Crowquill. London, Bohn, 1843. 8°.; New edition. London, Bohn, 1866. 8°. [ 14 of the caricatures are on angling subjects. They were originally issued, between 1834 & 1836, by Richard Carlisle of Fleet-street, as separate lithographed prints, price three-pence each; and were transferred to steel by Henry Wallis and published in 1838 with letterpress by Crowquill (Alfred Forrester). The edition of 1866 contains a memoir of Seymour and a list of his works by H. G. Bohn.] BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 193 Snobson's seasons, being annals of Cockney sports. (London particular.) By R. B. Peake. With ninety-two illustrations. But when they got unto the school that Wilkins keeps his daughter at, Snobson thought he shot a hare, but it proved to be a water rat." London, Nattali, (n. d.) 8°. [ Also contains 14 angling caricatures. The fun is of an essen- tially broad and Cockney character.] The book of Cockney sports, whims and oddities. A complete collection of 180 humorous designs. With some account of the artist and his works. London, Hotten, [1867]. ob. 4°. [ A reproduction of the caricatures contained in the two pre- ceding works.] The odd volume ; or, book of variety : illustrated by two odd fellows, — Robert Seymour and Robert Cruik- shank. London, W. Kidd, (n. d.) pp. viii. 348. 12°. [ " The angler and the fowler," p. 157.] Shepherd. The shepherd's daughter. [ Dublin .?] (n. d.) s. sh. fol. [An Irish street ballad, sufficiently grotesque to justify the fol- lowing extract : — "hi the cool shade of evening, The forenoon of the day, (!) Down by a brook my way I took, To the Bo3'ne I chanced to stray, Where there I saw a maid undressed. My frame she did confound, My line and hook went with the brook. And never yet was found. I boldly stepped up to her saying. Matchless Queen of Troy, Was it Cupid sent you here, Young angels to decoy ? Or are you the bright morning star That rises in the East ? Or Juno bright, that rules the night When lovers are at rest ? In a tremor she made answer, Sir, don't me tantalise, I'm none of those you mention. Your praises I despise. I'm but a shepherd's daughter Come bathing to the Boyne, Your company withdraw from me Your line and hook go join."] Shepherd (Richard Heme). Waltoniana. Inedited remains 194 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. in verse and prose of Izaak Walton, With notes and preface by R. H. S. London. Pickering, 1878. 8°. Sherer (John). Rural life described and illustrated. ..with authentic information,or]inff, etc. Illustrated with 100 steel engravings. London and New York, (n. d.) 4°. Shipley (William). A true treatise on the art of fly-fishing, trolling, etc., as practised on the Dove and on the principal streams of the Midland Counties ; annlicable to every trout and grayling river in the Empire. Edited by Edward Fitz- gibbon. London, Simpkin, 1838. front., pp. xii. 264. 12°. [ A few copies were on large paper, with cuts on India paper.] Shirley ( Thomas). The angler's museum ; or, the whole art of float and fly fishing. Containing, L The nature and pro- perties of fish in general. II. Rules and cautions to be obser- ved by young anglers. III. The choice and preparation of rods and lines. IV. Of float-fishing, and of live and dead baits. V. Of fly-fishing, and the preparation of artificial flies. VI. An account of the different sorts of fish, their haunts and spawning times, and seasons to angle for them. VIL An account of some of the principal sea fish, their nature, qualities and the manner of catching them, etc. VIII. Par- ticulars respecting the laws and customs of angiing. The whole carefully collected from actual experience by Thomas Shirley. London. Printed for Jolin Fielding. (1784). port.^ pp. viii. 136. 12°.: The second edition. To which is pre- fixed the Sermon of St. Anthony to a miraculous congrega- tion of fishes. London, John Fielding, (n. d.) port., pp. xii. 136. 12°.; The third edition. London, John Fielding, (n. d.) /orA, pp. viii. 135. 12°. [" The rapid sale of the first edition," says the preface to the second, " while it affords the editor the most flattering marks of preference, calls upon him likewise to pay every attention to the improvement of the second edition. How far he has succeeded therein must be left to the judgment of the impartial reader." The editor did not respond to this "call upon him," though he would have us think differently. The second edition is a re-issue of the first, with new title-page, new preface, and " Sermon of St. Anthony" prefixed. The " Third edition" is a pagi nary reprint of the former impression as far as p. 122, but ten lines are afterwards saved by reducing the "spacing" and the work ends with page 135. The preface is that of the " Second edition" without the last para- graph. Shirley's name disappears from the title-page of both these editions. The portrait prefixed is that of " Mr. John Kirby, the celebrated fisherman," who was keeper of Newgate and died in 1804, aged 80.] Shooting and fishing trips. 1876. 8°. 5^^ Wildfowler^ pseud. BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 195 Sicelides. See Fletcher ( P.) Sidney (Sir Philip). The Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia. London, for W. Ponsonbie, 1590. 4°. [ The first of many editions. It contains the following passage: ''But Telmane i. J. Hetzel.] Les pecheurs ennemis. Dessins par Tinant, texte par Stahl. Paris, Hetzel, 1881. 4°. [ A series of eight coloured prints representing the squabbles and tribulations of two rival anglers. Included in the " Bibliotheque et Magasin d'education et de recreation."] Stark ( Franz Anton). Praktische Anleitung zur Anlegung und zum wirthschaftlichen Betriebe der wilden und zahmen Fischerei...nebst einem Fischerei-kalender. Heilbronn, Job. Ulrich, 1847. pp. viii. 76. 8°. Steele ( John Sedgwick). Canoe and camera : a two hundred mile tour through the Maine forests. With illustrations. New York, Orange Judd Co. 1880. front. ^ pp. 139. 12°. Stefano (Carlo). ^S^^ Estienne ( C.) Steinbock ( Ernst Friedrich von). Die noch nie genug geprie- sene Kunst der edlen und hochschatzbaren Fischerey, samt alien deren Nothwendigkeiten ; erstlich, in Erwahlung und Bestellung derer dazu gehorigen Wasser, die Teiche zu bauen und anzulegen ; ferner wie und wann die Fische zu besetzen, ...und zu fangen, etc. Niirnberg, Buggel und Seitz, 1730. front., pp. xiv. 374. xxvi (register). 8°. [ We have the title of another work : " Unterricht von der Nutz- 202 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. barkeit der Fischerei. Niirnberg, 1710. 8vo/' but have not been able to meet with a copy.] Stevens ( Charles W.) Fiy-fishing in Maine lakes ; or, camp life in the wilderness. Boston, A. Williams and Co., i88i. pp. 196. 16°. Stevens (Samuel). The spiritual fisherman ...a sermon preached. the Old Meeting-place, Broad-street, Reading, Aug. 29th, 1769. London, Dilly, 1769. pp. iv. 48. 4°. Stevenson ( M.) The twelve moneths ; or, a pleasant and profitable discourse of every action, whether of labour or recre- ation, proper to each particular nioneth, branched into directions relating to husbandry, as plowing, sowing, garden- ing, planting... As also of recreations, as hunting, hawking, fishing, fowling, coursing, cock-fighting. To which likewise is added a necessary advice touching physick, etc. London, Thomas Jenner, 1661. 4°. Stevenson ( William M.D.) Original poems on several sub- jects. 2 vol. London, 1765. 12'^. [Contains (vol. i, pp. 187-219), a poem entitled "Rural sports, descriptive and elegiac, in three parts," of which the first treats of angling, the second of fowling, and the third of hare-hunting. We may quote " Angling," which contains 58 verses, when the "angry muse" condemns the worm-fisher : " Think, angler, what excruciating smart. The harmless victim, unapprisd, must feel, When, close adherent to its bleeding heart. Remorseless forth is torn the pointed steel." In " Hare-hunting," the presence of a lady agam rouses the poet's ire : " Can gentle love inspire that sturdy heart. Which for the chace with awkward ardour pants ? To be pursu'd be still the woman's part. If wishing to be something more than — aunts."] Stewart ( Charles). A treatise on the law of Scotland relating to rights of fishing; comprising the law affecting sea-fishing, salmon fishing, trout fishing, etc. Edinburgh, Clark, 1869, pp. 472. 8°. Stewart (W. C.) Fly-fishing and how it should beMone. See Pennell ( H. C.) Fishing gossip, ^/c. 1866. 8°. The practical angler ; or the art of trout fishing. Edinburgh, 1857. 8°.; The practical angler ; or the art of trout-fishing, more par- ticularly applied to clear water. Second edition. Edinburgh, Black, 1857. pp. xiii. 195, woodcuts. 8°.; Third edition. Edinburgh, Black, 1857. pp. xiii. 193. 8°.; Fourth edition, revised and enlarged. Edinburgh, Black, 186 1. pp. xvi. 214. BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 203 8°; Fifth edition. Black, 1867. pp. xvi. 215. 8°.; Sixth edition. Black, 1874. pp. xvi. 228. 8^.; Seventh edition. Black, 1877. pp. xvi. 228. 8°. A caution to anglers ; or. The practical angler [by W. C. S.] and The modern practical angler [by H. C. Pennell] compared. Willi remarks upon the decrease of trout and proposed remedies. Edinburgh, Black, 1871. pp. iv. 56. 16°. [ Portions appeared in The Field. The writer's object is "to show that the similarity is almost entirely confined to the title and that no two systems could be more different than those advocated" by the author and Mr. Pennell,] St. John See Saint John. Stockhausen ( — von). Beitrage zur Forst- Jagd-und Fischerei- Statistik des Grossherzogthums Hessen-Darmstadt, 1859. 8°. Stoddart (Thomas Tod). The art of angling as practised in Scotland. Edinburgh, Chambers, 1835. pp. iv. 156. 12°.; Second edition. Edinburgh, 1836. pp. iv. 164. 12°. Angling reminiscences. Edinburgh, Edinburgh Printing and Publishing Co., 1837. front. ^ pp. ix. 230. -^^ plates ; [with new title-page:] London: republished by Henry Washbourne; Edinburgh, OHver and Boyd, 1848. 12°. Songs and poems : in three parts. Edinburgh, Blackwood, [Kelso printed] 1839. pp. xv. 216. [The angling songs are fifty-seven in number and some of them of great merit.] The angler's companion to the rivers and lochs of Scotland. Edinburgh and London, [printed]. Blackwood, 1847. /ro;//., pp. xiii. 431. 8°.; Second edition. Edinburgh and London, Blackwood, 1853. /ro;//'., pp. xxiii. 357. 8°.; Third edition. 1864. 8°. An angler's rambles and angling songs. Edinburgh, Edmonston and Douglas, 1866. pp. xv. 410. [ Some of the songs are reprinted from " Songs and poems/' and "Rambles by Tweed" are included in "Fishing gossip," 1866. See Pennell ( H. C.) An Autobiography, with interesting notes of anglers, accompanies Mr. Stoddart's " Songs of the Seasons," Kelso, 1881.] Stone ( Harry). The angler's assistant. Shewing at one view where fish that are usually angled for are found ; their seasons; times of angling ; depths to angle ; and the various baits generally used for each fish. With a list of the most approved artificial flies and palmers for every month in the season. London, [H. Stone, tackle maker, 13 Crooked-lane], (n. d.) 5 leaves. 8°. [ Printed on one side of the leaf only.] 204 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Stonehenge, pseud, [i.e. John Henry Walsh]. Manual of British rural sports ; comprising shooting, hunting, couising, fishing, racing... and the various rural games and amusements of Great Britain... Illustrated... London, Routledge, 1856. pp. xvi. 720. 8°.; Second edition. Routledge, 1857. 8°.; Fourth edition, entirely revised, with additions. Routledge, 1859. 8°.; Seventh edition... Warne, 1867. 8^; Ninth edition with additions... Warne, 1871. 8°.; Twelfth edition with numerous additions by the Field staff. ... Warne, [1875]. 8° ; Fourteenth edition with numerous additions. Warne, [1878]. 8°.; Fifteenth edition.... Warne, 1881. 8°. [ The most esteemed of modern Manuals.] Stradanus (Joannes). Venationes ferarum, avium, piscium, pugnae bestiariorum ; et mutuae bestiarum. Editae a Joanne Gallseo, carmine illustratae A. C. Kiliano Dufflaeo. Ant- werpiae apud Joannem Gallaeum. \_circa 1580.] ob. fol. [ Many subsequent editions have appeared, the plates varying in number from 104 to 88. Some copies are entitled : " Venationis omne genus, aucupii piscatusque," Joannes Stradanus or Straet was born in 1536 and died in 1605 or 1618.] Stretton (Charles). Sport and sportsmen: a book of recol- lections. London, Hurst and Blackett, 1866. /ro;//., pp. vi. 319. 8°. Strickland (Major S.J Twenty seven years in Canada West. 2 vol. London, Bentley, 1853. 8'\ [Vol. I, cap. 19, " Hints for anglers."] Strutt (Joseph). The sports and pastimes of the people of England. Illustrated... With additions and a copious index by W. Hone. London, 1875. 8°.; original edition: 1801. 4°. [ Chap. 2. section xv. "Fowling and fishing."] Swete ( C. J.) A hand book of Epsom, with illustrations on wood and steel, embracing the villages of Ewell, Letherhead, etc. Epsom, Dorking, [printed]. 1861. 8°. [ Treats of fishing in the Mole, etc."] Systema Agriculturae ; the mystery of husbandry discovered : ...The second edition, carefully corrected and amended. By J. W.[orlige], Gent. London : printed by J. C. for T. Dring ...1675. fol.; The third edition... with one whole section added [of fish, carp, trout and oyster ponds.] London, Tho. Dring. 1681. fol.; The fourth edition. London, John Taylor, 1698. fol.; other editions : 1668-9 (ist), 1699 (5th). fol. [Chap, xii, treats "Of fowling and fishing," (pp. 250-259, ed. 1675). "There is not any exercise," says the author, "more BIBIJOTHECA PISCATORIA. ^05 pleasing and agreeable to a truly sober and ingenious man, than this of angling ; a moderate, innocent, salubrious and delightful exercise ...It injureth no man,... he being esteemed a Beast rather than a man that will oppose," an exercise, in which " Health and Pleasure go hand in hand." "What can be more said of it," he asks, "than that the most ingenious most use it."] Taplin ( William). The sporting dictionary, and rural reposi- tory of general information upon every subject appertaining to the sports of the field. 2 vol. London, 1803. plates. 8°. [A "superior edition with plates coloured after life," was also issued at the same time, price three guineas.] Taschenbuch. Neuestes vollstandiges und unentbehrliches Taschenbuch, fiir Freunde des Fischfanges, etc. Miinchen, Fleichmann, 1841. 8°.; Zvveite Auflage. Miinchen, 1849. title, pp. i 26 8°. Taunt ( Henry W.) A new map of the river Thames from Oxford to London ;...vvith a guide giving every information required by the tourist, the oarsman and the angler. Illus- trated with 80 photographs. Oxford, Taunt, 1873 ; First edition^ 1872. A sheet. [ There is also a pocket edition on the scale of one inch to the mile.] Taverner ( John). Certaine experiments concerning fish and frvite : practised by lohn Taverner, Gentleman, and by him published for the benefit of others. London, printed for William Ponsonby, 1600. pp. vi. 38. 4°. [b.l. Aii — Fiii in fours. The experiments concern the con- struction of ponds, the treatment, breeding and feeding of fish therein, and the baits for and nature of pond fish. Of the tench the author says " The tench also is very easilie taken in a Bownet, and whoever hath of them in his ponds, it behooueth him to take great heede that he be not deceived by lend people," (p. 21),] Taylor (J.) The Trent fisher. Stafford, 178 1. 8°. Taylor ( John EUor). Nature's bye-paths. A series of recre- ative papers in natural history. London, Bogue, 1880. pp. viii. 408. 8°. [ Treats of the Norfolk Broads, pike fishing and pike poaching,] Taylor ( Samuel ). Angling in all its branches, reduced to a complete science : being the result of more than forty years real practice and strict observation... In three parts. First, describing (among other things) the counties of England, Wales and Scotland...; the rivers and other waters... Secondly, a full description of the different kinds of fish... and how to angle for each ; with many curious, useful and pleasing observations. Thirdly, a list of artificial flies... The whole forming a work... of a very different nature from 2o6 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. those insignificant little pamphlets hitherto published, which treat chiefly of angling in the Thames, the New Riv^er and other waters of equal consequence about London. London, Longman and Rees, 1800. pp. xv. 298. 8°. [ Dedicated to Lord Dundas whose " kind condescension " fills the author's " heart at once with unspeakable gratitude, respect and love."] Teale (Rev. W. H.) Lives of English laymen, Lord Falkland, Izaak Walton and Robert Nelson. London, Burns, 1842. 12°, [Vol. 22 of "The Englishman's Library."] Teichmann (John Chr. Friedrich). Ueber Teichfischerei. Mit einer Vorrede von Fr. Pohl. Leipzig, Engelmann, 18 12. 8°. Die Teichfischerey. Leipzig, Baumgartner, 1831. pp. IV. 9». »". [ From the " Allgemeine Encyklopadie der gesammten Land-und Hauswirthschaft. Herausgegen von Putsche."] Teignmouth (Lord). Sketches of the coasts and islands of Scotland, and of the Isle of Man. London, Parker, 1836. 8°. Tempesta (Antonio). Venationes ferarum, avium, piscium, pugnae bestiariorum ; et mutuae bestiarum delineatse ab A. T. Romae, 1602. ob. 4°.; Amsterdam, 1627. 4°. [ Tempesta was a pupil of Stradanus, from whose work he seems to have borrowed the above title and the general idea of his com- positions. They consist of 26 etchings in the edition of 1602 and 40 in that of 1627.] Tenorio (Jose Maria). La aviceptologia, o' manual complete de caza y pesca, dividido en tres tratados. Madrid. 1843. pp. iv. 347. 8°. Thames. See Binnell (R.) A description of the river Thames. 1758. 8°. See Essay. An essay on the right of angling in the river Thames. 8°. See Griffiths ( R.) An essay to prove that the jurisdiction... is committed to the Lord Mayor. 1746. See also Ravenstein and Taunt ( H. W.) The Thames angler. By A. W. S. and M. W. H. Second edition. London, Whittaker, [ Chertsey printed,] 1846. pp.62, sq. 16°.; Third edition. London, 1846. pp.62, sq. 16°. Bacon's new map of the Thames... a guide for yachts- men. ..anglers, etc. London, ( n. d.) sheet. Fishery bye-laws of the Thames. London, 1870. 8^. BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. to^ Mackay (Charles). The Thames and its tributaries; or rambles among the rivers. 2 vol. London, Bentley, 1840. 8°. Murray (John Fisher). A picturesque tour of the river Thames... Illustrated with upwards of one hundred... wood engravings, etc. 2 vol. London, 1845. 8°.; [with new title :] London, Bohn, 1849. 8°. The river Thames from Oxford to the sea. 1859. 8°. Rules, orders and ordinances, to commence and take place from the ist day of November 1785... for the governing ...of all persons who shall fish or dredge on the river of Thames, and also in the waters of Medway. London ; printed by Henry Fenwick. (1785.) pp.38. 8°.; London, 1827. 8°. Rules, orders and ordinances for the fisheries in Thames and Medway. London : printed by Arthur Taylor, 1835, 1847 & 1848. pp.36. The blue book of the Thames Angling Preservation Society, containing the annual report, and a large amount of useful information to the Thames angler. London, 1881. pp.45. 16°. [ This society resulted from a meeting, held in 1838 at Hampton, by a few gentlemen of the neighbourhood, upon whom the neces- sity of taking steps to suppress *' the incessant poaching and destruction of the young brood and spawn," had been forced, by the deterioration of the fishing in the river. Reports of the Society's successful work have been issued each year, and to this 43rd issue is appended some "useful information," comprising the rules of the Society, extracts from the bye-laws of the Thames, a list of fishing stations and river distances, and the names of the members.] Theakston ( Michael). See List. A list of natural flies, etc. 1853. 8°. Theocritus. The Idylliums of Theocritus translated from the Greek, with notes critical and explanatory, by Francis Fawkes, M.A. London, 1767. 8°. [ "The fishermen," Idyll xxi, contains 67 lines and has for its sub- ject a dream of catching a golden fish, which an old man relates to his comrade. It is chiefly notable for the enumeration of the fishing implements in the hands of two poor Syracusan fishermen. The poetical translators take great liberties with this list, Mr. Calverley, being the least and Fawkes the most accurate. In plain prose the "weapons of their trade" were : ''wicker baskets, rods, hooks, baits covered with seaweed, lines of horse hair, and weels and wicker- work mazes, cords, and oars and an old boat on props," (11. 9-12), Theocritus, who was a native of Sicily and at the height of his repu- tation B.C. 277, brought pastoral poetry to its highest perfection. The Greek editions of his writings are very numerous, the most 2o8 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. important being those of Reiske, with a Latin translation, Leipzig, 1765, 4to.; of Thomas Warton, Oxford, 1770, 4to.; and of Valcke- naer, Leyden, 1779 & 1781. There are versions in most modern European languages. Into English verse they have been translated by Creech, 1681, 1684, 1713 & 1721, 8vo,; by Francis Fawkes, 1767, 8vo.; by Polwhele, 1786, 4to., 1792 & 1811, 8vo.; by J. M. Chap- man, 1836, 8vo. A prose translation by J. Banks, with Chapman's metrical version is included in " Bohn's classical library." London, 1853. 8vo. The best French translation is by J. B. Gail, Paris, 1808. 4to.; and the best German, by J. H. Voss, Tubingen, 1808. 8vo.; and by Witter, Hildburghausen, 181 9. 8vo.] Thevenin (N.) Nouveau manuel de peche a la ligne, donnant les precedes les plus pratiques et les recettes les meilleures pour pecher avec succes. Paris. Rou<^sel, 1879. 12°. Thibault. Observations sur la chasse et la peche. 18 14. 8°. Thiemen ( Johann Christoph). Haus- Feld- Arzney- Koch- Kunst-und zwanzig Abtheilungen enthal- ten, darinn folgende Sachen abgehandelt werden :...xv. Von der Niirnberg, Johann Hofmanns, 1682. 4°. [The 15th Division contains directions for making, filling and emptying fish ponds ; for stocking them, removing carp, making reservoirs and renovating old ponds ; shows how to take fish with nets, traps, angles, night lines and the hands ; and treats of the qualities of various fish as food and their uses in medicine, elc.'] Things. Notable things, or, the way to save wealth. The second edition with additions. London, printed for G. Con- yers at the Golden Ring in Little Britain. 1697. pp. 82. 12°. [Contains "How to catch eels," p. 61 ; "To gather fish together," p. 64 ; " To get the seed of all sorts of fish," p. 74. This book is sometimes found with copies of the " Compleat husbandman " under the collective title : " The way to save wealth ; shewing how a man may live plentifully for two pence a day," London, G. Con- yers, (n. d.). An edition of Lupton's " Thousand notable things," issued in 1686 by Conyers was advertised as containing angling matter, but "A witty jest of a man fishing by Bow in Essex, and an exciseman," is the only paragraph relating to the subject.] Thomas ( Henry Sullivan). The rod in India, being hints how to obtain sport, with remarks on the natural history of fish, otters, etc., and illustrations of fish and tackle. Manga- lore, Stolz... London, Triibner, 1873. pp. xxiv. 319. 8°.; Second edition. London, Hamilton, Adams & Co., 1881. 8°. Thompson ( Francis Benjamin). The angler's manual : a complete instructor in the arts of fly and bottom fishing for the tyro and proficient. [Woodcut.] London, Dipple, (n. d.) pp.44- 8°. [ Concludes with the " Song of the angler," by the author.] BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 209 Thompson (J.) Handbook of angling. Bristol, 1825. 8°. Thompson ( William). The natural history of Ireland. 4 vol. London, Bohn, 1849-1856. 8°. [ Contains valuable matter on Irish fish and the methods of taking them.] Thomson (James). The seasons. London, 1728. 8*^. [ In "Spring" there occurs a passage of 49 lines on angling, in which the cunning of the practised angler is as evident as the skill of the poet. It commences : " When with his lively ray, the potent sun Has piercM the streams and rous'd the finny race, Then, issuing cheerful, to thy sport repair," eic."] Thorne (James). Rambles by rivers. The Duddon, the Mole, the Adur, Arun and Wey ; the Lea ; the Dove. London, Charles Knight, 1844. pp.244. 12°.; The Avon. London, Knight, 1845. pp.253. 12°.; The Thames. 2 vol. London, Cox, 1847. pp. 230. 240. 12°. [ These little works are only admissible by complaisance, and through their connexion with the scenery of angling and some of the streams most renowned for sport.] Thornton fCol. T.) A sporting tour through the northern parts of England, and a great part of the Highlands of Scot- land... Embellished with sixteen engravings, by Messrs. Med- land, Pouncy, Landseer, Peltro, e^c, from paintings made on purpose, by Mr. Garrard. By Col. T. Thornton of Thorn- ville Royal, in Yorkshire. London, Vernor and Hood, efc. 1804. pp. xvi. 312. iv (Index). 4°. A sporting tour through various parts of France, in the year 1802 : including a concise description of the sport- ing establishments, mode of hunting, and other field amuse- ments, as practised in that country,... Illustrated with upwards of eighty correct and picturesque delineations from original drawings from nature, by Mr. Bryant, and other eminent artists. 2 vol. [ London], Longman, 1806. 4°. [ The Rev. Henry Kett refers to Col. Thornton in the last of his letters "On angling,'' printed in the New Monthly Magazine {q\- 1820 (vol. ii., pp. 627-9). " 1 conclude this letter with expressing a wish, that you may resemble this renowned brother of the angle in one respect — and that is his uniform success. According to his account, as the historian of his own exploits, he always meets with the finest fish ; and such is his infallible skill, that he always catches them. His exertions are equally fortunate when he pursues other diver- sions ; as a Venator and an Auceps ; for no hawks fly so high, no greyhounds run so swiftly, as his own. And I think it probable, that when you have perused all he has said of himself, you will be inclined to add to his fame, and declare, that no archer shoots with so long a bow ! " The references to fishing in the French tour are few and unimportant.] 2IO BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Tijdschrift. See Nedkrlansch Tijdschrift. 1852-60. Tod ( Suetonius M.) Trout fishing in the Isle of Man ; where to go and what baits to use, with a few practical hints on trout fishing in general. Illustrated with [2] photographs. Douglas, Glover, [1865]. pp. vi. 62. 16°. See Glover (Matthew). Tolfrey (Frederic). The sportsman in France. ..with twelve illustrations. 2 vol. London, Colburn, 1841. 8°. [Angling subjects are treated of in vol. i. chap. 3 and vol. ii. chap. 10. II.] The sportsman in Canada. 2 vol. London, Newby, 1845. 8°. Instruction 8^ Jones's guide to Norway, and salmon fisher's pocket companion. Edited by F. Tolfrey. London', Longman, 1848. front. ^ title, pp. xxiv. 239. 16°. [ Contains several well-coloured plates of flies.] Toussaint (M.) Nouveau manuel du pecheur. Instr sur les divers genres de peches. Paris, Hazard, (n. d.) Traite. Traitte de toute sorte de chasse et de peche. Contenant la maniere de faire, racommoder et teindre toutes sortes de filets : de prendre aux pieges toutes sortes d'oiseaux et betes a quatre pieds :...avec les plus beaux secrets de la peche, dans la mer, les rivieres et les etangs ; et un dictionnaire de tous les termes de filets, de chasse et de peche, employez dans ce livre. 2 tom. Amsterdam, Estienne Roger. 17 14. Vol. I. pp. xvi. 343. 'i^^^ plates; vol. II., pp. vi. 271. 11. 76, -x^^ plates. 12°. [ The first book is taken from " Les ruses innocentes," ( See Ruses), the other four are different, and come from Liger's "Amusemens de la campagne." A subsequent Amsterdam reprint has the title, " Amusemens de la chasse et de la peche, I743-" See LiGER (L.)] Treatise. A concise but comprehensive treatise on the art of angling ; in which is given a particular account of the princi- pal fishes which are caught in rivers, ponds, lakes, etc. With the baits used, manner of taking them, and the most proper times for fishing. Embellished with a frontispiece. Sussex Press, Lewes. Printed and published by J. Baxter and sold by R. Harrild, 20 Eastcheap. 1809. pp.38. 12°. [ Coarsely printed. Ultra elementary : fishes inhabit the water, they have fins, etc., we are told.] A concise practical treatise on artificial fly-fishing for trout, by " Grey Drake," an artificial fly-fisher of fifty-years' experience. London, Berger, i860, pp. 24. 8°. BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 211 Trent. Practical observations on angling, in the River Trent. By a gentleman resident in the neighbourhood, and who has made the amusement his study for upwards of twenty years. etc. Newark, Ridge, 1801. half-title.^ pp. 130. 12°. [Attributed to Mr. Charles Snart, atiorney-at-law, of Newark upon Trent. The work has become scarce.] Troller. The competent troUer ; or the art of trolling, by a lover of the sport. London. 1862. 12°. Trollope ( Anthony). British sports and pastimes. Edited by Anthony Trollope. London, Virtue and Co., 1868. 8°. [Reprinted from St. Paurs Magazine. "On fishing," pp. 158- 192.] Tscheiner ( D. J.) Der wohlerfahrene Fischermeister, oder ausfiihrlicher Unterricht in der gesammten Angel-und Netz- fischerey und dem Krebse-und Froschefang, etc. Pesth, Hartlebens. 1821. pp. xii. 244, 24//^/^^. 8°. Tugwell (Rev. George). On the mountain : being the Welsh experiences of Abraham Black and Jonas White, Esquires, naturalists, photographers, fishermen and botanists. London, Bentley, 1862. /row/., pp. viii. 262. 8°. Turton ( John). The angler's manual ; or fly-fisher's oracle. With a brief compendium on bottom fishing. London, Groombridge ; Sheffield, Ridge, 1836. front., pp. viii, 86. 8°. Tweddell ( George Markham). Izaak Walton and the earlier English writers on angling. Part first. Stokesley : published by the author. 1854. pp. 15. 8°. Ubique,/^^//(ar. [/>. Parker Gillmore]. Gun, rod and saddle. Personal experiences. London, 1869. pp. viii. 295. 8°. — Accessible field sports : the experiences of a sports- man in North America. London, Chapman and Hall, 1869. front. ^ pp. xii. 336. 8°. [Chap. 3. — Trout fishing on the Androscogan ; Chap. 13. — Salmon fishing in Labrador; Chap. 16. — Trout fishing in Maine; Chap. 23. — The split bamboo fly-rods.] See Gillmore ( Parker). [Other works by Mr. Gillmore contain some few allusions to fishing and fishculture : "All round the world," 1871 ; "Adven- tures afloat and ashore," 1873,] Universal angler. See Angler and Walton (Iz.) Valverde. Manuel del pescador ; tratado complete de pesca. Madrid, 1879. 8°. p 2 212 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Vanhaecken (Arnold). The wonders of ye deep often at- tempted, but never perform'd but by Arnold Vanhaecken. 1762. fol. [ Nine plates, "painted from the life by A. V. Engrav'd by Giles King." The first, " The view and humours of Billingsgate," and the rest spirited drawings of fish, in picturesque groups,] Vaniere (Jacques). Jacobi Vanierii, e Societate Jesu sacerdotis, prsedium rusticum. Nova editio. Tolosae, 1730. 12° ; Tolosae, 1742. 12°.; Parisiis, 1746. 12°.; Amstel., 1749. 12°.; Colonise Munat. J. R. Thurneisen. 1750. 12°.; Parisiis, 1765. 8°.; Paris, 1780. 12°. [ The 15th canto (" Stagna ") first appeared in the revised edition of 1730.] Fishing. A translation from the Latin of Vanier. Book XV. upon fish. By the late Rev. John Buncombe, of C. C. Coll., Camb. With a brief introduction ; and passages from English writers, selected as notes. London, Triphook, 1809. pp. ii. 44. 8°. [An article in the "Censura Literaria," of which a few additional copies " were printed for general distribution." Mr. Hazlewood has added many curious notes. The Rev. J. Buncombe was Rector of Hearne, Kent. He died Jan. 19th 1786, cstat. 56, see Gentlemari s Magazine, vol. 56, pp. 187-451. That he was no Magister in the "Ars poetica," his translation gives sorrowful demonstration. It was transfered bodily by Daniel into his supplement to " Rural sports," without acknowledgement.] Varro ( Marcus Terentius). De re rustica libri tres, included in: Scriptores rei rusticae, Venet. 1472. fol.; Lipsiae, 173S, 1773-4. 4°.; Manhemiae, 1781. 8°. ; Biponti, 1787-8. 8°.; Lipsiae, 1794-7. 8°. The three books of M. Terentius Varro concerning agriculture. Translated by the Rev. T. Owen, m.a. Oxford, University Press, 1800. 8°. [ Book III, cap. xvii treats De piscinis, which are also mentioned in chapter iii of the same book. The extravagance of the age had led the Romans, in Varro's time, to despise the old fresh-water ponds of their forefathers and construct at a vast expense salt-water ponds, where sea-fish were preserved and nurtured. The taste of the period (not the manners let us hope,) is shown in an anecdote which Varro relates, in his usual lively style, of our Philippus, the owner of large sea-ponds, who, when a fine pike from the river was placed before him at the house of a friend, spit out the portion he had tasted, exclaiming " Peream ni piscem putavi esse." Famous ponds were also possessed by the Luculli and by Q. Hortensius. Varro says that the latter always sent out to buy fish for supper, and adds with a pun, you might more easily get his chariot mules out of their stables than mullets out of his pond. Varro's work is the best on Roman agriculture that has come down to us. It is in dialogue form and abounds with verbal pleasantries. " Sic hos pisces nemo cocus in BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 213 jus vocare audet," he remarks respecting the sacred fish in Lydia which gathered to the altar steps at the sound of a flute (Mr. Owen has missed this curious fact) and no one durst touch. There are German translations by G. Grosse, Halle, 1787-8. 8vo.; and by J. F. Mayer, Nurnberg, 1774 & 1781, 8vo. In Panckoucke's " Bibliotheque Latine- Fran^aise/' [1826, eic.l 8vo., there is a French version by X. Rousselot accompanying the original ; and another by F. Wolff in Nisard's " Collection des auteurs Latins," 1850, etc. 8vo. In 1657 H. Conringius collected the treatises of several old writers on fish-ponds and fish and fishing, and printed them at Helmstadt in a quarto volume without collective title-page but with continuous register. By the collector, who reads as well as gathers, this book will be highly prized. It contains the treatise of Dubravius " de piscinis ; " portions of Varro's third book ; chapters 54-56 of Pliny's ninth book; book twenty of the "Geoponika" of Cassianus Bassus ; excerpts from Crescentius and Heresbachius concerning fish-ponds, and the book on fishing from the latter's " Thereutices."] Vaughan (Henry) the Siltirist. Works in verse and prose... for the first time collected and edited... by A. B. Grosart. 4 vol. London, 1868. 8°. [An excellent Latin poem, "De salmone," with a translation, will be found at pp. 241-3. This is contained in the author's " Thalia rediviva: the pass-times and diversions of a country-muse," London, 1678. 8vo. Vaughan's " Olor Iscanus " contains a trans- lation from Casimir Serbievius, a Polish poet, (i 595-1 640), entitled " The pride of a religious life," in which fly-fishing is included among its simple pleasures.] Vaughan ( Thomas). The Golden Fleece diuided into three parts... By Orpheus Junior. London, printed for Francis Williams. Ib26. 4°. [ A to MxMM in fours. Part three contains fishing.] Venables ( George). Salmon in the Thames, and other rivers. By G. Venables... Vicar of Great Yarmouth. Third edition. London, Macintosh ; Great Yarmouth : printed by George Nail, 1874. pp.34. 8°. first edition : i^s^' 8°. [ Contains an interesting " account of all the salmon caught at Boulter's Lock and contiguous part of the Thames from 1794 to 1821."] Venables ( Robert). The experienc'd angler : or angling im- prov'd. Being a general discourse of angling ; imparting many of the aptest wayes and choicest experiments for the taking of most sorts of fish in pond or river. London, printed for Richard Marriot, and are to be sold at his shop in St. Dun- stan's Church-yard, Fleet-street, 1662. title. ^ pp. xvi, 105. vi. (table). 8°.; [ 2 leaves, a-h in eights. The title was engraved by Vaughan. The engravings of fish are the same as those in Walton's " Compleat angler." The second edition, of which the date is uncertain, was burnt in the " Great fire."] 214 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. The experienced angler : or angling improv'd. Being a general discourse of angling. Imparting the aptest vvayes and choicest experiments for the taking of most sorts of fish in pond or river. The third edition much enlarged. London, printed for Richard Marriot, and are to be sold at his shop under the King's-Head Tavern in Fleet-street. 1668. 8°.; [a-h, iii in eights; or title, pp. xiv., 95 (last misprinted 27); " Courteous reader," p. i.; table, pp. vi. Copies of this edition occur with the title-page of the first, and also with 95 and following page reprinted.] The fourth edition much enlarged. London, Richard Mar- riot, 1676. 8°.; [ A-H, 3 in eights ; or pp. xvi. 96. vi (table). Forms the third part of " The universal angler," 1676. See Walton (I.) This edition has a new engraved-title, signed " F. H. Van Hotte," and inferior in execution to that by Vaughan used in previous editions, of which it is a copy. The plates of fish are the same as those in Walton's fifth edition and have been re-engraved in reverse, probably also by Van Hotte.] The fifth edition much enlarged. London, B. Tooke and Thos. Sawbridge. 1683. pp. xiv. 96. vi. (table). 8°.; [ With memoir of Col. Robert Venables]. London, Sep- timus Prowett and Thomas Gosden, 1825. pp. vi, xxiii. title.^ pp. iv. iv. 61. 12°.; [with new title-page:] London, T. Gosden, 1827. 12°. [ Gosden's reprint, of which a few copies were on larger paper, contains some very minute and finished engravings of fish, mounted in the text, sometimes to be had separately on one sheet. The first edition was advertised in the " Kingdom's Intelligencer" of Sept. 9th 1 66 1, as " now newly extant," and was no doubt issued in the Autumn of that year. The running title is "Angling improved or profit and pleasure united." As a manual the book deserves honorable mention. Col. Venables served in the Parlia- mentary Army and in 1644 was made Governor of Chester. He was sent with Penn in 1654 in command of the expedition for the conquest of Hispaniola, and on their return from that disastrous enterprise, the generals were imprisoned in the Tower. " It would seem/' observes Dr. Bethune in his edition of Walton, 1847, "that the brave, once most successful, but in the end unfortunate soldier, found consolation in angling and writing upon his quiet pleasures. It is impossible to read his book without being convinced that, whatever may have been his troubles, he was a wise and piously disposed man," J. W.[alton] has contributed a courtly commendation of the volume, addressed to his "ingenious friend the author," in which he states that he " could never find in [other books] that judgment and reason which you have manifested in this (as I may call it) Epitome of Angling, since m}^ reading whereof I cannot look upon some notes of my own gathering but methinks I do puerilia trac- tare."'] BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 215 Vermin. The Vermin-killer, being a very necessary family- book,... whereunto is added the art of taking all sorts of fish and foul, with many other observations never before extant. The second edition By W. W. London, printed for Samuel Lee at the Feathers near the Post Office in Lombard-street, (n. d.) pp. vi. 57. \2^ .\ previous edition : 1680. 12°. Vianelli ( Guiseppe Valentino). La marina ed altre poesie pes- catorie. Venezia, 1806. 8°. Victoria. Sea and river rambles in Victoria. Geelong, i860. 8^. Vie. La vie a la campagnc, chasse, peche, etc. Paris, Furne, i86i,^/c. 8°. [A fortnightly publication, commenced May 1861, and treating of field sports in a more efficient way than is usual in France.] Villifranci (Giovanni). L'amaranto, favola pescatoria. Venezia, 1614. Voigt ( J. F.) Ueber den Fischereibetrieb auf der Unter-Elbe. Hamburg, Gruning, 1870. 8°. Volckhart (Johannes). Dissertatio juridica de jure piscandi. Jense, typis Sam. Krebsii. (it) 71). 4°. Voyage. Voyage d'un chasseur sur les differentes parties du monde, ou revue generale des chasses et des peches de tous les pays. Paris, 1839. ^^• Vox piscis : or, the book-fish contayning three treatises which were found in the belly of a cod-fish in Cambridge market, on Midsummer eue last, Anno Domini 1626. London, printed for James Boler and Robert Milbourne. 1627. 12°. [ With no claim to admission, beyond the slender one furnished by its title, and the fact that collectors appear to make a point of possessing a copy. It is said to have been written by Richard Tracey ( See Wood's " A then. Oxon.") In the same category is also : "A most strange and true report of a monsterous fish, who ap- peared in the forme of a woman, from her waste vpwards. [ Wood- cut.] Imprinted at London for W, B." 4 leaves. 4to. This prodigy was found in the Parish of Pendine, Carmarthen, on the 17th February 1603.] W. (H.) On roach fishing and its peculiarities. By H[enry] W[ix]. London, printed by Martin and Snell, i860, pp. 16. 16°. [ Printed for private circulation. At p. 9. the writer observes : — • " Every Roach angler who fishes with hair should take with him half-a-dozen hair-hooks, shotted for immediate use... and should he be blessed with a pretty and cheerful wife, who could sacredly be trusted to bite the shot on properly, the writer feels that hooks so shotted must prove the luckiest." He adds in a note : — " What a 21 6 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. sad mistake Roach anglers, who have sons and daughters make in not training their children early to be useful in this sport. The sons in the proper making up of paste and ground-bait, the daughters in the manufacture of nets, the thorough knowledge of fishermen's knots, whipping and how properly to tie on Roach and other hooks," In the above the love of Roach fishing may be said to culminate and take rank as one of the solemn duties of life. The author, Mr. Wix, was Treasurer of St. Bartholomew's Hospital.] W. (J.) 5"^^ Systema agriculturae. 1668-9, ^/c. 4°. W. (W.) 6^^^ Vermin. The vermin-killer. 1680. 12°. Wade ( Henry). Halcyon ; or, rod fishing with fly, minnow and worm. To which is added a short and easy method of dressing flies, with a description of the materials used. With eight coloured plates containing one hundred and seventeen specimens of natural and artificial flies, materials, etc.^ and four plates illustrating fishes, baiting, etc. London, Bell and Daldy, 1861. pp. xvi. 212. 8°.; also as: Rod fishing in clear water by fly, minnow, and worm. With a short and easy method of dressing flies. With 117 illustrations of natural and artificial flies. London, Bell and Daldy. (n. d.) pp. xvi. 212. 8°. [ The author, a skilful fly-dresser and angler, has but one hand.] Wagner ( Gottfi ied Jacob). Der in der edlen Fischerey wohl- unterrichtende und-erfahrne Fischer, welcher lehret, wie man soil die Teiche anlegen, bauen, warten, etc. Niirnberg, Joh. Albrecht, 1729. pp. 261. viii, 13 plates. 8°.; 1730. 17 plates. 8°.; 1739. 20 plates. 8°. • Der vollkommene Fischer, welcher zeiget, wie man die Teiche anlegen, bauen, etc. Dritte.-.Auflage. Breslau, J. F. Korn, 1762. pp. 191. vii. 8°.; Wien, J785. 8°. Waidweryk. Waidweryk... Fisch zufahen mitt Netzen, Reusen, Angeln, Kasten... Und wie man alles darzu dienlich, bereytten, auffziehen, halten, vnd machen soil. [ Woodcut of man and dog.] b.l. (Augsburg. H. Stayner, circa 1525). 20 leaves. 4°.; Straszbi bey Christ. Egenolph. 1530. 4°.; Franckfurt-am-Meyn. 1531. 4°. Waller (Sir William). Divine meditations upon several occa- sion. London, Benj. Alsop, 1680. 12°.; London. Hamilton, Adams and Co., 1839. ^2°. [Meditation xx is "Of fish," (pp. 146-151, ed. 1680). The first edition is very rare. There are some lines, by Waller, on " ladies angling in the chrystal lake," in a " Poem on St. James's Park, lately improv'd by his Majesty ; " and Sir Harris Nicolas in his edition of Walton (1836) makes mention of a poem, attributed to Waller, addressed "To a lady fishing," preserved in MS. in the library of the Royal Society, Tvol. ii., p. 268).] BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 217 Wallis ( Alfred ). Bemrose's guide to Derbyshire, a complete handbook for the county and district... With illustrations and maps. London, Bemrose and Sons, [1878]. pp. xix. 7. 308. 8°. [ Contains a table of " Derbyshire Fishing Stations," and a chapter on Dove Dale, illustrative of " The Compleat Angler," elc.'] Wallon (E.) Questions de peche et d'aquiculture flu vial es et maritimes. Montauban, Forestie neven, 1868. 8°. Wallwork (James). The modern angler; comprising angling in all its branches : being the result of more than thirty years' practice and strict observation ; together with remarks on the various rivers in England, Scotland and Wales... The whole forming a work of real utility. Illustrated with [4] copper plate engravings. Manchester : printed by James Cheetham, for the publisher and sold by him at his residence, Furnace- hill, Dukenfield. 1847. pp.108. 8°. Walter ( John). Hints to young sportsmen ; or. the gun, sad- dle, and rod. London, Bailey and Co. 1871. /z'//^, pp. 46. 8°. [Chap. vi. ''The rod," pp. 26-43.] 221alt0n (3i5aafe)» The compleat angler or the contempla- tive man's recreation. Being a discourse of fish and fishing, not unworthy the perusal of most anglers. Simon Peter said, I go a fishing : and they said, we also wil go with thee. John 21. 3. London, printed by T. Maxey for Rich. Marriot, in S. Dunstans Church-yard, Fleet-street, 1653. 8°. [ Collation : a-r 3 in eights ; or pp. xvi. 246. The first sentence of the title is engraved on scroll, with dolphins above and below, and clusters of fish pendant on either side. Very neat engravings of the trout, pike, carp, tench, perch, and barbel are inserted in the text. The -engraver is unknown, but Pierre Lombart, a noted Frenchman then resident in this country and engaged in illustrating books, and also Faithorne and Vaughan are possible candidates for the honour. We know that the last mentioned was employed by Marriot on other work. These plates which are said, with little probability, to have been of silver, served for the first four editions, and were re-engraved in reverse, by a less artistic hand, for the fifth impression, a circumstance which has escaped notice. "The compleat angler" was published in the beginning of the month of May and the first trace of its existence is found in an advertisement on the last page (2716) of no. 179 of "The Perfect Diurnal... From Munday May 9 to Munday May 16, 1652," [1653]. There are five book advertisements, and one of the loss of two geldings, in this number. The second as follows : " The compleat angler, or the Contemplative fnaris Recreation, being a Dis- course of Fish and Fishing, not unworthy the perusal of most Anglers, of 18 pence price. Written by Iz. Wa. Also the known play of the Spanish Gipsee, never till now published. Both printed for Richard Marriot, to be sold at his shop in Saint Dunstans Church- yard, Fleet street." Another advertisement, beginning " There is 2i8 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. newly extant, a Book of i8d. price, called the Compleat angler, etc," is found at the foot of the last page (1470) of no. 154 of the " Mer- curius Politicus... From Thursday, May 19 to Thursday May 26, 1653-" The "Epistle dedicatory," addressed ''To the right worshipful John Offley of Madeley Manor in the County of Stafford, Esq." is signed " Iz. Wa.," and the author's name does not appear on the title-page before the edition of 1676. The commendatory verses in the second edition are, however, inscribed to "Mr. Izaak Walton." A fine and perfect copy of the first edition, estimated by Dr. Bethune in 1847 at twelve guineas, is now worth £so to £60, an enhancement of value in which the other editions have not parti- cipated. This advance will probably continue, for the number of collectors has increased and is increasing with whom the rule obtains, "aut Cajsar, aut nullus." A First Walton confers dis- tinction upon its owner. A Second is but a Second, though it may be rarer. If a copy be perfect, its condition somewhat affects its value, but an imperfect copy seeks a market in vain save at a low price. We forbear quoting auction prices. Copies rarely reach the auction room and the prices, at which they may have been occa- sionally sold there, afford no criterion of their true value.] The compleat angler or the contemplative man's recreation. Being a discourse of rivers, and fish-ponds, and fish, and fishing. Not unworthy the perusal of most anglers. The second edition much enlarged. John 21. 3. Simon Peter saith unto them, 1 go a fishing, they said unto him, we also go with thee. London, printed by T. M. for Rich. Marriot, and are to be sold at his shop in St. Dunstans Church-yard Fleet- street. 1655. 12°. [ Collation: A to Q in 1 2s.; or, pp. xxiv, 355, i (blank), iii (Contents), i (blank.) The engraved scroll is again used on title and to the plates of fish are added the bream, the eel, the loach and the bull-head. The book has almost been rewritten. The interlocutors are three in this edition, Piscator, Auceps, and Venator who takes the place of Viator. Commendatory verses by seven writers are for the first time inserted. The first " To my dear brother-in-law Mr. Izaak Walton " is signed " Jo. Floud, Mr. of Arts ;" the next " C. H., Mr. of Arts," that is "Ch. Harvie " as given in 1676 ; then follow "Tho. Weaver, Mr. of Arts," " Edw. Powel, Master of Arts," "Alex. Brome," "Rob. Floud C.,"- and "Henry Bayley, Artium Magister."] The compleat angler or the contemplative man's recreation. Being a discourse of rivers, fish-ponds, fish and fishing. To which is added the laws of angling : with a new table of the particulars in this book. The third edition much enlarged. London, printed by J. G. for Rich. Marriot, at his shop in St. Dunstans Church-yard, Fleet-street. 1661. 8°. [Collation : a to s in eights ; or pp. xvi, 255, i (blank), vii (The laws of angling), i (blank), viii (Contents and Table). The engraved scroll is again used. The changes in the body of the work are few BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 219 and unimportant. Brome's commendatory verses are omitted, and the Laws of angling and a Table of contents added. A copy of this edition, once at Chatsworth, formerly belonged to Charles the Second, of " merry " memory, who was an angler as Rochester's verses, quoted at p. 178, intimate in an unworthy sneer. It bears the royal autograph: "car: Rex," on the engraved title. The Walton entries in the sumptuous catalogue of this library are among the curiosities of bibliographical literature. This particular copy is apparently assigned to the year 1667.] The complete angler, or the contemplative man^s recreation. Bein^ a discourse of rivers, fish-ponds, fish and fishing... The third edition much enlarged. London, printed for R. Marriot, and are to be sold by Simon Gape neer the Inner Temple-Gate in Fleet-street. 1664. 8°. [ Copies of the 1661 edition with a fresh title-page.] The compleat angler or the contemplative man's recreation. Being a discourse of rivers, fish-ponds, fish, and fishing... The fourth edition, much corrected and enlarged. London, printed for R. Marriot, and are to be sold by Charles Harper, at his shop the next door to the Crown near Ser- geants-Inn in Chancery-lane, 1668. 8°. [ Collation : a to s in eights ; or pp. xvi. 255, i (blank), vii (The laws of angling), i (blank), viii (Contents and Table). A paginary reprint of the preceding edition.] The compleat angler or the contemplative man's recreation. The first part. Part I. Being a discourse of rivers, fish-ponds, fish and fishing. Written by Izaak Walton. The fifth edition much corrected and enlarged. London, printed for Richard Marriott, 1676. 8°. [The scroll has. on this occasion been "worked over," much to its detriment, and "The first part" engraved beneath it. The works of Cotton and Venables, the former in its first, the latter in its fourth impression, were also appended to Walton, and issued under the following collective title :] The universal angler, made so, by three books of fishing. The first by Mr. Izaak Walton ; the second by Charles Cotton Esq.; the third by Col. Robert Venables. All which may be bound together, or sold each of them severally. London, printed for Richard Marriott, and sold by most booksellers. 1676. 8°. [ The second and third parts have the titles given under the names of their respective authors and each part has a separate register and pagination. The collation of Part one is : a to V3 in eights ; or pp. xxiv, 275, vii. (Laws of angling), and ii (Contents). Following the collective is a half-title with a blank space left for the scroll : " Part L Being a discourse of rivers, fish-ponds, fish and fishing. Written by Izaak Walton. The fifth edition, much corrected and enlarged London, printed for R. Marriot, and are to be sold by Charles Harper 220 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. at his shop, the next door to the Crown near Sergeants-Inn in Chancery Lane. 1676." This is the last edition published during the author's lifetime and has " Laudatorum carmina," signed " Jaco. Dup. D.D.," i.e. Dr. James Duport, Professor of Greek in Cambridge University. The five editions have sold at Haworth's ;^i8 12s. 6d.; at Milner's £'ifO 9s.; at Higgs's £2'^ 2s. 6d.; at Cotton's ^56 17s.; and at Prince's ;^5o I2S. More recently they have produced upwards of ^100. We may fix their value between this sum and ;^8o, and refer to our note on the present price of the first edition.] The compleat angler : or, contemplative man's recre- ation. In two parts. Containing, I. A large and particular account of rivers, fish-ponds, fish, and fishing : written by the ingenious and celebrated Mr. Isaac Walton. II. The best and fullest instructions how to angle for a trout and grayling in a clear stream. By Charles Cotton, Esq.; and published by Mr. Walton. Comprising all that has been accounted valuable, instructive, or curious, that has ever appeared on this subject. Interspersed with a variety of practical experiments ; learned observations ; beautiful descriptions ; philosophical, moral, and religious reflections ; pieces of innocent mirth and humour ; poetical compositions, etc., so as to render it entertaining to readers of every taste and character whatsoever : with exact representations of all the fish, and the addition of several copper plates, designed as an embellishment to the work. Carefully and correctly published, from the best editions, with a number of occasional notes. By Moses Browne, author of Piscatory Eclogues. To which are added, the laws of angling ; and an appendix, shewing at one view, the most proper rivers, particular haunts, baits ; their seasons, and hours in the day of biting; general directions in practice, for every kind offish that is to be angled for ; alphabetically disposed, in a method peculiarly useful, and never yet attempted. With short rules concerning the tackle, baits, the several ways of fishing, and weather proper for angling. London : printed and sold by Henry Kent, at the printing-office in Finch-Lane, near the Royal Exchange, 1750. 12^. [Collation: pp. xvi, 312. viii (Index) with frontispiece by H. Burgh and five separate illustrations, and cuts of fish in text. Browne's editing was done with gusto ; unfortunately the whim took him to prune and polish his author's style ; to suppress passages in his prose, to smooth down roughnesses in his rhymes, and to adapt him to the over-refined and artificial taste of the day, a sacrilege all reverent lovers of old Isaac will find it hard to condone.] The compleat angler : or, contemplative man's recre- ation. In two parts. By the ingenious and celebrated Mr. Isaac Walton and Charles Cotton, Esq.; I. Being a discourse BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. lit of rivers, fish-ponds, fish, and fishing. II. Instructions how to angle for a trout or grayUng in a clear stream. Correctly and very accurately published. (With draughts of all the fish ; ornamented with a number of copper plates, and a great variety of useful and copious notes.) By Moses Browne, author of Piscatory eclogues, etc. The seventh edition, very much amended and improved. With the laws that concern angling. And an appendix, which shews at one view, the proper rivers, haunts, baits, seasons, and hours of biting: general directions, efc, for every fish that is to be angled for ; alphabetically digested, in a method singularly useful, and never yet attempted. With short rules relating to the tackle, baits, several ways of angling, and weather improper and proper for the sport. The whole comprising all that is valuable, instruct- ing or curious, that has appeared on the subject. Peter saith unto them,... John xxi. 3. London: printed and sold by Henry Kent, etc. 1759. 12°. [Collation : frontispiece, pp. xxiv, 216 \ front., pt. 2 ; pp. 217-340, viii (Index), and 8 plates. The preface has been rewritten, the "directions for the sport" have been distinguished by "particular marks" and four new engravings also by Burgh have been added. The plates used in the former edition have been re-engraved but the artist's name is not attached to them. This is also the case with one of the new plates.] The complete angler: or, contemplative man's recrea- tion. Being a discourse on rivers, fish-ponds, fish, and fishing. In two parts. The first written by Mr. Izaak Walton, the second by Charles Cotton, Esq.; To which are now pre- fixed, the lives of the authors. Illustrated with cuts of the several kinds of river-fish, and of the implements used in ang- ling, views of the principal scenes described in the book, and notes historical, critical and explanatory. London : printed only for Thomas Hope, at the Bible and Anchor, opposite the North Gate of the Royal Exchange, Threadneedle-street ; and sold by him and Sackville Parker, at Oxford ; Richard Mat- thews, at Cambridge ; and Samuel Trimmer, at Derby. 1760. 8°. [ Collation : frontispiece, pp. Ivi, xxii, 304, portrait ( Cotton), pp. xlviii, iv, ii, iv, 128, viii (Index), 14 plates. Edited by Mr. John (afterwards Sir John) Hawkins by whom is the life of Walton ; that of Cotton is by W, 0[ldys]. The engravings, by Ryland from designs by Wale, are dated 1759. This edition came into competition with that issued by Browne in the previous year, and gave rise to " sundry skirmishes and passages of arms between the rival editors." Browne's charges of plagiarism appear unfounded. The annotation is copious and has for the most part been retained in subsequent reprints.] The complete angler, or contemplative man's 222 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. recreation. Illustrated with upwards of thirty copper cuts of the several kinds of river fish, and of the implements used in angling, views of the principal scenes described in the book, engraved by Mr. Ryland. To which is now prefixed, the lives of the authors and notes historical, critical and explanatory. The second edition. London : printed for J. Rivington, at the Bible and Crown, in St. Paul's Church-yard ; J. Caslon, in Stationers Court ; and R. Withy, in Cornhill. 1766. 8°. [ This is the preceding edition with a fresh title-page, but the plates, of which the early impressions were remarkably brilliant, have now lost much of their sharpness. The engraver, by the way, subsequently had the misfortune to be hanged, for forgery.] ' The compleat angler : or, contemplative man's recre- ation. In two parts. By the ingenious and celebrated Mr. Isaac Walton, and Charles Cotton, Esq ; I. Being a discourse of rivers, fish-ponds, fish, and fishing. II. Instructions how to angle for a trout or grayling in a clear stream. Coriectly and very accurately published. ( With draughts, of all the fish ; ornamented with a number of copper plates, and a great variety of useful and copious notes.) By Moses Browne, author of Piscatory Eclogues, etc. The eighth edition, with the addition of all the songs set to music. Also the laws that concern angling. And an appendix, which shews at one view... rules concerning... weather improper and proper for the sport. The whole comprising all that is valuable, instructing, or curious, that has appeared on the subject. Peter saith...John xxi. 3. Walton's own motto to ist edition. London ; printed and sold by Richard and Henry Causton (successors to the late Mr. Henry Kent), at the Printing Oflftce, No. 21, Finch lane, near the Royal Exchange. 1772. 8°. [Collation: frontispiece, pp. xxiv, 238, (the last blank); frojit., pt. 2, pp. 239-363, viii (Index), 8 leaves. This is Moses Browne's third and last edition. It is said, in the preface, to be " greatly im- proved... by the addition of twenty pages, and of several useful notes." The music was the work of the editor. The plates are the same as in the 1759 edition.] The complete angler : or, contemplative man's recreation. Being a discourse on rivers, fish-ponds, fish and fishing. In two parts. The first written by Mr. Isaac Walton, the second by Charles Cotton Esq. Illustrated with upwards of thirty copper cuts of the several kinds of river fish, of the implements used in angling, and views of the principal scenes described in the book. To which are prefixed, the lives of the authors and notes historical, critical, and explanatory. By Sir John Hawkins, Knt. The third edition. London, printed for John and Francis Rivington, ( No 62) at the Bible and BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 223 Crown, in St. Paul's Church-yard ; and T. Caslon, in Station- ers Court. 1775. 8°. [ Collation : frontispiece, pp. Ixxvii, 304 ; portrait of Cotton ; pp. xlviii, X, 128, viii (index), and 14 plates. The complete angler, or contemplative man's recre- ation ; being a discourse on rivers, fish-ponds, fish and fishing: in two parts ; the first written by Mr. Isaac Walton, the second by Charles Cotton Esq ; with the lives of the authors, and notes historical, critical, and explanatory. By Sir John Hawkins, Knt. The fourth edition, with large additions. London, printed for John, Francis and Charles Rivington, (No. 62), etc. 1784. 8°. [Collation: frontispiece, pp. Ixxxii, 268; portrait of Cotton, pp. xxxiv, III, X (index), and 14 plates. For the memoir of Cotton by Oldys is substituted a new biography by Hawkins. An account of fish taken by a gentleman in Wales from 1753 to 1764 is added to the Appendix, and also an " Ecloga piscatoria, a Metastasio, ut dicitur."] The complete angler; or, contemplative man's recrea- tion: being a discourse on rivers, fish-ponds, fish and fishing... With the lives of the authors, and notes historical, critical and explanatory. By Sir John Hawkins, Knt. The fifth edition, with additions. London, printed for J. F. and C. Rivington, (no. 62) St. Paul's Church-yard. 17 91. 8°. [ Collation : frontispiece, pp. Ixxxii, 268 ; port, of Cotton; pp. xxxiv (the last misprinted xxiv), iii, x (index) and 9 plates. A reprint of the fourth edition, edited by John Sidney Hawkins, who " being wholly unacquainted with the subject," has confined himself to making such small "corrections and additions" as were found in the margin of his father's copy of the last edition.] The complete angler, or contemplative man's recre- ation ; being a discourse on rivers, fish-ponds, fish and fishing With the lives of the authors, and notes historical, critical and explanatory. By Sir John Hawkins, Knt. The fifth edition, with additions. London, printed for F. and C. Rivington, G. G. J. & J. Robinson, W. Goldsmith, J. & J. Taylor, R. "Faulder, Scatcherd and Whitaker, and E. Jeiferey. 1792. 8°. [This is the 1791 edition with a new title-page, the title of the second part, dated 1791, being retained. The greater portion of the impression appears to have been thus treated and copies retaining the original title-page are very rare and have not been hitherto noticed. One is in the collection of Mr. Cooling of Derby.] The complete angler ; or, the contemplative man's recreation : being a discourse on rivers, fish-ponds, fish and fishing... With the lives of the authors and notes historical, critical and explanatory. By Sir John Hawkins, Knt. The 224 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. sixth edition, with additions. London : printed for F. & C. Rivington, G. G. & J. Robinson, J. & J. Taylor, R, Faulder, W. Bent, J. Scatcherd, E. JeflFerey, and T. N. Longman, 1797. 8°. [ Collation : frontispiece, pp. viii, Ixxvi, 263 ; portrait of Cotton ; pp. xxxii, III, X (index) and 3 plates of tackle. 50 copies are said to be on finer paper. The Hawkins series, greatly deteriorated in the edition of 1791, closes with this shabby and threadbare volume.] The complete angler ; or, contemplative man's recre- ation ; being a discourse on rivers, fish-ponds, fish, and fishing. In two parts : the first written by Mr. Isaac Walton ; the second by Charles Cotton, Esq. With the lives of the authors: and notes historical, critical, supplementary and explanatory ; by Sir John Hawkins, Knt. London : printed for Samuel Bagster, in the Strand. 1808. 8°. & 4°. [Collation : half-title: ("The complete angler. The seventh edition. With improvements and additions, both of matter and plates," with woodcut of angler above), frontispiece, title, pp. 512 and 14 plates. Wale's drawings have been re-engraved by Audi net, who also executed the seventeen very excellent engravings of fish on copper which are found among the letter-press. New views of ** Pike pool" and of Cotton's "Fishing house" "taken by Mr. Samuel," are among the illustrations. The new editor ( Bagster himself, we believe) has revised and made some additions to the notes of Hawkins. The edition was printed in three sizes : demy octavo, royal octavo and quarto, which last were published at five guineas. These are rare, the greater part having perished m the fire at Bagster's warehouse, with the stock of this impression. At Higgs's sale a copy illustrated with above 270 prints and drawings from rare portraits, proof impressions of plates of fish, &c., sold for £62,. It was bound by Gosden, and the bands of the book made of wood from the door of Cotton's fishing-house, taken off" near the lock, where it is to be supposed, Isaac's hand must have touched it.] The compleat angler, by Isaac Walton. London. Printed for S. Bagster, in the Strand. 18 10. [ Collation : pp. xviii, 246. This is a reprint of Walton's first edition, but scarcely to be called a facsimile. A portrait of Walton, engraved by Scott from the picture by Housman, is prefixed. The fish were engraved on silver, agreeably with the common credence on this subject. The stock of this edition shared the fate of the previous edition and was partly consumed in the fire.] The complete angler, or contemplative man's recre- ation : being a discourse on rivers, fish-ponds, fish, and fishing. In two parts... With the lives of the authors : and notes his- torical, supplementary and explanatory, by Sir John Hawkins, Knt. and the present editor. London : printed for Samuel Bagster, in the Strand, by R. Watts, at Broxbourne, on the river Lea, Herts. 181 5. 8°. [Collation : portrait; facsimile (of original) title; pp. 514, xx BIBI.IOTHECA PISCA'I'ORIA. 225 (index) and 50 plates. This is Bagster's second edition. The en- gravings of fish are a fresh series. The "present editor," was Henry Ellis of the British Museum. The edition was in two sizes : small and large octavo.] The coTiiplete angler, or contemplative man's recre- ation ; being a discourse on rivers, fish-ponds, fish and fishing. In 2 parts... With the lives of the authors and notes his- torical, critical and explanatory. By Sir John Hawkins, Knt. London : printed for James Smith, 163 Strand, 1822. 8°. [Collation : frontispiece, pp.lx, 383 ; 15 plates. The plates have been re-engraved. They were issued also separately and were used to illustrate Zouch's 'Life of VV^alton,'"" 1823. Some copies have portrait only and no plates. This edition was produced at the cost of (josden the sporting book-binder. It retains the biographies and notes of Hawkins, and has no innovation, save a fresh Preface.] The complete angler of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton : extensively embellished with engravings on copper and wood, from original paintings and drawings, by first-rate artists. To which are added, an introductory essay ; the Lin- naean arrangement of the various river fish delineated in the work ; and illustrative notes. London, John Major, Fleet- street, adjoining Sergeant's Lin. 1823. 8°. [Collation : frontispiece, pp. Ix, 411. There are 14 copper-plates and 77 wood engravings, the plates being again engraved, but in more finished style, by Cook and Pye, from the old drawings by Wale, which had been " greatly heightened in the effect, by the pencil of Mr. Frederick Nash." The woodcuts of fish are skilfully executed. Some copies were on larger paper and these have the plates on hidia paper, mounted. The editor was Mr. R. Thomson, author of the "Chronicles of London Bridge," 1827, but the " In- troductory Essay," a farrago of twaddle, was written by Major himself.] [ The complete angler, etc. London, Maunder, 1824.^ 8^.] [ Our authority for the insertion of this edition is the " London Catalogue. 1815-1832" where the size is stated to be foolscap 8vo. and the price 6s. All our attempts to obtain a copy have proved abortive.] The complete angler of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton :...and illustrative notes. Second edition. London, John Major. 1824. 8°. [ Collation : pp. Iviii, 416 ; with 77 woodcuts and 14 copper- plates, the latter re-engraved by W. R. Smith from Wale and Nash. A copy of verses from the pen of the editor, afterwards suppressed, distinguishes this edition, which was printed in small and large octavo, the engravings in the latter form being proof impressions. These volumes were received with enthusiasm at the time of pub- lication, and have maintained their place in public estimation, although far surpassed by the reprint of 1844.] Q 2-26 BIBLIOT'HECA PISCATORIA. The complete angler of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. (Half-title: The complete angler ; or, contemplative man's recreation : being a discourse on rivers, fish-ponds, fish, and fishing. By Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. With the lives of the authors ; and notes, historical, critical and explanatory. By Sir John Hawkins, Knt.) Chiswick : printed by C. Whittingham, College House. Sold by Thomas Tegg, etc, 2 vol. 1824. 16°. [ Collation : I. frontispiece, pp. viii. 269 ; II. frontispiece, pp. iv. 284. Counts eights. A reprint of the edition of 1797.] The complete angler ; or, contemplative man's recre- ation : being a discourse on rivers, fish-ponds, fish and fishing. By I. Walton, and C. Cotton. With the lives of the authors ; and notes, historical, critical and explanatory. By Sir John Hawkins, Knt. London, printed for the proprietors [of the English Classics] by J. F. Dove. 1825. 12°. [ Collation : portrait, engraved title, pp. 420, 4 plates of fish from well-engraved blocks now in the Denison collection. These blocks, eighteen in number, are believed to be the work of Thomas Bewick. They came from the collection of Mr. E. B. Jupp, sold at Christie's in February, 1878. A few (50) prints on India paper were taken with this title : " Woodcuts of British Fishes. Engraved by Thomas Bewick. London, Jas. Toovey. 1878." 8vo. The wood engravings mentioned by us at p. 31, are in the possession of Miss Bewick. See Bewick ( T.)] The com pleat angler ; or the contemplative man's recreation. Two parts. The first by Izaak Walton, the second by Charles Cotton. London, William Pickering. 1825. 32°. [Collation: frontispiece, engraved title, pp. xvi, 314, iv (notes and index). The frontispiece and engraved title, both by Thos. Stothard, were enlarged for the edition of 1836. Brief biographies are prefixed and the notes are confined to one page at the end of the volume.] The complete angler ; or, the contemplative man's recreation. In two parts. The first by Izaak Walton, the second by Charles Cotton. London, William Pickering. 1826. 16°. [Collation : half-title, portrait, engraved title dated 1827, pp. xxv, 232 ; portrait, pp. 233-325, iv (index).] The complete angler of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. Chiswick : printed by C. and C. Whittingham. Sold by Thomas Tegg, etc, 2 vol. 1826. 16°. [Collation: vol. I, frontispiece, pp.291; vol. II, frontispiece, pp. iv, 264. A reprint of the 1797 Hawkins, with neat woodcuts on title-pages and in text, designed by W, Harvey and engraved by S. Williams and others.] The complete angler ; or, contemplative man's recre- BIBLlOrHECA PISCATORIA. 227 ation. By Isaac Walton and Charles Cotton. Embellished with portraits of the authors and engravings of the river-fish described in the work. London, printed for William Cole. Ictrca 1828.] 8°. [ (vollation : pp. xx, 314 and two portraits.] The complete angler or contemplative man's recre- ation : being a discourse on rivers, fish-ponds, fish and fishing. With lives and notes. By Sir John Hawkins. Knight. Edited By James Rennie, a.m.. Professor of Zoology, King's College, London. Edinburgh : published for the proprietors by W. and R. Chambers ; London, W. Orr ; Dublin, W. Curry Jun. and Co. 1833. 8^. [Collation: portrait, pp. iv, 328, with engraved plate of music, views of Walton's house and of Am well Hill, and cuts of fish, e/c, in te.xt. Mr. Rennie was a naturalist, and his notes, all bearing his initials, chiefly deal with Walton's natural history, which the neglect of previous editors made highly necessary. He has not corrected '• the errors of the original" without stumbling, however. When Walton (p. 193) speaks of the King-iisher's nest as a curious structure "not to be made by the art of man," Rennie pertly adds, "Walton here mistakes for a Kingfisher's nest, the round crustaceous shell of the sea urchin " !] Walton and Cotton's complete angler ; or, contem- plative man's recreation : being a discourse on rivers, fish- ponds, fish, and fishing. With lives, and notes, by Sir John Hawkins, Knight. Edited by James Rennie, a.m. London : Allan Bell and Co., Simpkin and Marshall ; Edinburgh [printed], Eraser and Co.; Dublin, W. Curry. Jun. and Co. 1834. 8°. [ Collation : pp. iv, 328, i (list of illustrations). Forms a volume of the " British Library,' and is a paginary reprint of the edition of 1833.] The complete angler ; or, contemplative man's recrea- tion :... With lives and notes-, by Sir John Hawkins, Knight. Edited by James Rennie, a.m. A new edition. London, Allan Bell and Co., and Simpkin and Marshall. 1834. 8°.; [ The same with different title-page.] The complete angler, or, contemplative man's recrea- tion:... With lives, and notes, by Sir John Hawkins, Knight. Edited by James Rennie, a.m. A new edition. Edinburgh : published by Eraser and Co.; Smith, Elder and Co., Cornhill, London ; W. Curry, Jun. and Co., Dublin, 1834. 8°. [ Still the same. There are probably copies bearing the name of Simpkin and Marshall alone but we have not examined one.] The complete angler of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton : extensively embellished with engravings on copper and wood, from original paintings and drawings, by first-rate Q 2 228 BIBLIO I'HECA PISCATORIA. artists. To which are added, an introductory essay; the Linnsean arrangement of the various river fish dehneated in the work; and illustrative notes. Third edition. London-, J. Major, Great Russell-street, Bloomsbury. Printed by W. Nicol, 51, Pall Mall. 1835. 8°. [Apaginary reprint of Majors second edition (1824), with the 77 woodcuts and 15 copper-plates, a portrait of Dr. Thomas Whar- ton being, on this occasion, added. The plates are much the worse for wear.] The complete angler ; or, contemplative man's recre- ation :...With lives and notes, by Sir John Hawkins, Knight Edited by James Rennie, a.m. London : Thomas Tegg and Son, Cheapside ; R. Griffin and Co., Glasgow; Tegg, Wise and Co., Dublin. 1835. 8°. A paginary reprint of the edition of 1833 with the same illus- trations.] The complete angler or the contemplative man's recreation : being a discourse of rivers fish-ponds fish and fishing written by Izaak Walton and instructions how to angle for a trout or grayling in a clear stream by Charles Cotton. With original memoirs and notes by Sir Harris Nicolas, K.c.M.G. 2 vol. London, William Pickering. 1836. 8°. [Collation : vol, I, portrait, pp. xvi, ccxii, ii ; portrait ; engraved frontispiece (by Stothard); pp. 129 ; 130 blank. Vol. II, pp. iv. 131- 436, xxxii (index) and plates. Imperial octavo. Originally issued in numbei's commencing in 1835 at six guineas, or, with impressions of the plates on India paper, at ten guineas. This superb edition contains the variations of all the first five editions, voluminous notes, with original and elaborate memoirs of Walton and Cotton, presenting many new facts. All the illustrations, with the exception of Cotton's Fishing House which is on wood, are engraved on copper or steel. They were also issued separately, in small folio form, as proofs on India paper. "The illustrators are Stothard and Inskipp, the former being charged with the scenic plates and the views of the localities, and the latter, principally, with the fish. The engravers are Fox, Cooke, Richardson and other eminent hands... The sentiment inspired by a cursory survey of [these volumes] is, no doubt, one of pleasure and admiration; but the after and more premanent impression results, we are pained to confess, in a sense of comparative failure. The book, sooth to say, is a pompous book, and with much that is overdone in it. We seek for our modest king-cups and pimpernels, and find these buried beneath a heap of learned and heterogeneous lumber. We turn the leaves over with a feeling of disproportion, a perception of incongruity and unfitness. Inskipp's fish, indeed, have all the force and freshness of nature, and rejoice the eye ; but Stothard's plates seem to us weak and silly, insignificant, as regards the size of the work in which they figure, and unworthy, alike, both of it and the artist... He was no angler, besides, and the fact betrays itself, as might be expected, in many minute but conclusive BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 22^9 points... Again we have an editor who is no angler, a deficiency that is painfully felt as we peruse these dryly written, matter-of-fact, unsympathetic pages... This fine book, in a word, is over-dressed. It is Maudlin, the milkmaid, tricked out in a gown of brocade, with a mantle of cloth of gold... Nevertheless as this monument has been reared, let us accept it for what it is — one of the handsomest publications of modern times, an ornament to the Angler's Library, unique of its kind, and perhaps destined to remain so."" Chronicle of the Compleat Angler, pp. 50-4.] The complete angler ; or, contemplative man's recre- ation : being a discourse on rivers, fish-ponds, fish, and fish- ing. By Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. With lives and notes, by Sir John Hawkins. Knight. Edited by James Rennie, a.m. London, Allan Bell and Co. 1836. 8°. [A paginary reprint of the 1833 edition.] The complete angler ; or, contemplative man's recre- ation:... With lives, and notes, by Sir John Hawkins, Knight. Edited by James Rennie, a.m. Edinburgh, [printed]: Eraser and Co.; London, H. Washbourne, 1836. 8°. [ Another impression of the same,] The complete angler. By Jzaak Walton and Charles Cotton. 2 vol. London, Charles Tilt, 86, Fleet-street ; J. Menzies, Edinburgh ; T. Wardle, Philadelphia. 1837. 24°. [Collation: vol. I, frontispiece, pp. xi. 152; vol. II, frontispiece, pp. iv, 149. An edition without notes and forming a volume of " Tilt's miniature classical library."] The complete angler ; or, the contemplative man's recreation : being a discourse of rivers, fish-ponds, fish and fishing. By Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. With notes, biographical and explanatory, and the lives of the authors. London, L. A. Lewis, 125, Fleet-street, 1839. 8°. [Collation : pp. xxvi, Ixxii, 396. A reprint of Major's edition, the "Introductory essay" being omitted and the biographies of Walton and Cotton by Hawkins replaced. It contains 76 woodcuts and 15 copper plates.] The complete angler ; or, contemplative man's recre- ation. By Isaak Walton and Charles Cotton. Embellished with portraits of the authors, and engravings of the river-fish described in the work. London, I. J. Chidley. 1841. 8°. [Collation : pp. xx, 314, 2 portraits. This is Cole's edition, with fresh title-page. The portrait of Walton bears the name of " W. Cole," while Cotton's is inscribed with that of " Hodgson and Co."] The complete angler ; or, contemplative man's recreation : being a discourse of rivers, fish-ponds, fish and fishing. By Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. With notes, 25© BIBLIOTHECA PISCAIORIA. biographical and explanatory, and the lives of the anthors. London, Henry Washbourne, 1842. 8^. [Collation : frontispiece, pp. iv, xciv, 396. A reprint of Major's edition of 1839 both as regards matter and illustrations.] Facsimile of The compleat angler ; or, the contem- plative man's recreation. The original frontispiece. 1653. (London. Sherwood and Bowyer, 1844,) 32°. [Collation : pp. iv. 335. No 17 of " Pocket English classics." A reduced woodcut facsimile of scroll is on the title-page.] The complete angler, or the contemplative man's recreation, of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. Edited by John Major. Fourth edition. London: D. Bogue, Fleet- street ; H. Wix, New Bridge-street. 1844. 8°. [Collation : pp. Ix, 418; 12 steel engravings, nine of which were drawn by John Absolon and engraved by J. T. Willmore, a.r.a.; and 74 woodcuts in te.xt. This reprint far surpasses Major's previous efforts in 1823 and 1824, although these have still maintained their position in public esti- mation. "The obnoxious ' Introductory Essay '...still sticks to the work, like a burr; but with this our censure exhausts itself; in other respects the volume approaches more nearly to our ideal of an edition consistent in all its parts, than any of its predecessors or successors. Wale's designs, repeated ad nauseam, are here sup- pressed, and the new series by Absolon... quaint, unaffected and picturesque, have the signal merit of seeming an emanation from and efflorescence of the book itself, rather than a set of artistic notions grafted on it... The woodcuts of fish give the varying tones and surfaces with great success; and the vignettes of scenery, by Creswick and others, leave far behind those of former editions." Chronicle of the Compleat Angler, pp. 55-6. Dr. Bethune says of this reprint : "Art could scarcely go further, and no more elegant volume could find place in a library."] The complete angler; or, contemplative man's recre- ation : being a discourse on rivers, fish-ponds, fish, and fishing. With lives, and notes, by Sir John Hawkins... Edited by James Rennie... Manchester, Samuel Johnson and Son. 1844. 8°.; [A paginary reprint of the Edinburgh edition of 1833 with the same illustrations.] The complete angler ; or, contemplative man's recre- ation:... With lives, and notes, by Sir John Hawkins, Knight. Edited bv James Rennie. a.m. Manchester, Samuel Johnson and Son." 1846. 8°. [A stereotype-reprint of the previous entry.] The complete angler ; or, contemplative man's recre- ation:... With lives, and notes, by Sir John Hawkins, Knight. Edited by James Rennie, a.m. Dublin, W. Curry, Jun., and Co. 1847. 8^ [ Another impression from the same plates.] BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 231 The complete angler ; or, contemplative man's recre- ation:... With lives, and notes, by Sir John Hawkins, Kniglit. Edited by James Rennie, a.m. Manchester: printed and pub- lished by Thomas Johnson, Livesey Street. 1847. 8°. [ Still another,] The complete angler ; or, the contemplative man's recreation, by Isaac Walton. And instructions how to angle for a trout or grayling in a clear stream, by Charles Cotton. With copious notes, for the most part original, a biblio- graphical preface, giving an account of fishing and fishing books, from the earliest antiquity to the time of Walton, and a notice of Cotton and his writings by the American editor [ i.e. George W. Bethune, d.d.] To which is added an appen- dix including illustrative ballads, music, papers on American fishing, and the most complete catalogue of books on angling, etc.^ ever printed. Also, a general index to the whole work. New York, Wiley and Putnam. 1847. 8°. [Collation : Part I, pp. vi, cxii, 249 ; Part II, pp. 210. "Nowhere else do we find united so complete a body of angling-book statistics and so large an accuniiihuion of collateral data." Chronicle of the Compleat Angler. The book is poorly printed and the illustrations are from the wornout plates of Major's edition of 1844. Some copies were in imperial octavo with duplicate impressions of the plates.] The complete angler; or, the contemplative man's recreation, by Isaac Walton. And instructions how to angle for a trout or grayling in a clear stream, by Charles Cotton. With copious notes,... Also, a general index to the whole work. New York, Wiley and Putnam, 1848. 8°. [ A paginary reprint of the preceding entry.] The complete angler ; or contemplative man's recre- ation:... With lives, and notes, by Sir John Hawkins. Knight. Edited by James Rennie, a.m. Liverpool, Thomas Johnson, 1848. 8°. [A stereotype-reprint of the Manchester issue of 1844, with the same illustrations.] The complete angler ; or, contemplative man's recre- ation :...With lives, and notes, by Sir John Hawkins, Knight. Edited by James Rennie a.m. London : John Johnson, 30, High Holborn ; Thomas Johnson, 22, Livesey street, Man- chester. 1849. 8^- [ Another impression of the Manchester plates.] The complete angler ; or, contemplative man's recre- ation :...With lives, and notes, by Sir John Hawkins, Knight. Edited by James Rennie, a.m. Manchester : printed and published by Thomas Johnson, Livesey street, [ 1849 ?] 8^. [ Identical with the preceding save in title-page.] 232 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. The complete angler ; or the contemplative man^s recreation : in 2 parts : by Isaac Walton and Charles Cotton. With a new introduction and notes ; and embellished with 85 engravings on copper and wood. London, Henry Kent Causton, 1851. 8°. [Collation : pp. Ixviii, 418 and 15 plates including frontispiece. "Mr. Causton on the strength of his descent from Richard and Henry Causton, the printers and publishers of Moses Browne's revival (1772) finds it incumbent on him to attempt a quixotic rehab- ilitation of Browne's editing and even to perpetuate some of his 'expurgations,' and all his notes." Chrotiicle of the Compleat Angler. The plates reproduce Wale's series of drawings borrowed from Major.] The compleat angler; or, contemplative man's recrea- tion:... With lives, and notes, by Sir John Hawkins, Knight. Edited by James Rennie, a.m. Manchester : printed and pub- lished by Thomas Johnson, Livesey Street, 1851. 8°. [ Another impression of the Manchester issue of 1844.] The complete angler ; or, the contemplative man's recreation, by Isaac Walton. And instructions how to angle for a trout or grayling in a clear stream, by Charles Cotton. With copious notes,... Also, a general index to the whole work. New York, Wiley and Putnam, 1852. 12°. [ A paginary reprint in duodecimo of Dr. Bethune's edition of 1847, from stereotype plates.] The complete angler. By Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. [Woodcut.] New edition. Edited by ''Ephemera" of " Bell's Life in London " [ i.e. Edward Fitzgibbon.] London. Ingram, Cooke and Co. 1853. 8°- [Collation : frontispiece, pp. xiv, facsimile title-page, pp. 326 and 3 plates. A pretty and useful edition. A volume of " The illus- trated library."] The complete angler. By Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. [Woodcut.] Edited by "Ephemera''... Second edition. London, Nathaniel Cooke, 1854. 8°. Collation : frontispiece, pp. xiv, 309 and 2 leaves with explan- ations of plates.] The complete angler ; or, the contemplative man's recreation, of Isaac Walton and Charles Cotton. With lives of the authors, and variorum notes, historical and practical. Edited by Edward Jesse Esq. To which are added papers on fishing-tackle, fishing stations, etc. By Henry G. Bohn. London, H. G. Bohn. 1856. 8°. [ Collation : front., pp. xxi, 496 and one leaf with list of fishing- tackle makers. There are 203 woodcuts and 26 engravings, drawn from various sources. Overcrowded with notes under which the te.xt lies buried. Some copies are without the steel engravings. The unsold copies were re -issued with a new title-page in 1861.] BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 233 The complete angler ; or, contemplative man's recre- ation :...With lives, and notes, by Sir John Hawkins, Knight. Edited by James Rennie, a.m. Manchester, Johnson, 1857. 8°. [ Another impression of the Manchester issue of 1844.] The complete angler ; or, contemplative man's recre- ation :... With lives, and notes, by Sir John Hawkins, Knight. Edited by James Rennie, a.m. Halifax: Milner and Sowerby. 1857. 8°. [A similar reprint and from the same plates, which had been purchased from Mr. Thomas Johnson.] The complete angler. By Isaac Walton and Charles Cotton. 2 vol. London, Groombridge, 1858. 24^ [This is a reprint of Tilt's edition of 1837.] The complete angler. By Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. Edited by Ephemera of " Bell's Life in London." London. Routledge, 1859. 8°. [Collation: front., engraved title, pp.313 and 3 leaves with explanations of plates] The complete angler ; or, the contemplative man's recreation, by Isaac Walton. And instructions how to angle for a trout or grayling in a clear stream, by Charles Cotton. With copious notes,... Also, a general index to the whole work. New York, Wiley and Putnam, 1859. 8°. [ Another impression of the American edition of 1847 without variation save in date.] Der vollkommene Angler von Isaac Walton und Charles Cotton, herausgegeben von Ephemera, (ibersetzt von I. F. Schumacher. Hamburgh, Solomon and Co. 1859. 8°. [ Collation : pp. xii. 308 and 10 plates of fish and flies. The only translation of " The complete angler " into a foreign tongue with which we are acquainted.] The complete angler ; or, the contemplative man's recreation : being a discourse of rivers, fish-ponds, fish and fishing written by Izaak Walton and instructions how to angle for a trout or grayling in a clear stream by Charles Cotton. With original memoirs and notes by Sir Harris Nicolas. Second edition. 2 vol. London, Nattali and Bond, i860. 8°. [ Collation : vol. I. port., pp. xvi, ccxii, iv ; portrait ; engraved frontispiece; pp.129. Vol.11, pp. iv. 131-436, xxxii (index). A reprint of Pickering's edition, with pedigrees of Ken and Chalkhill added.] The complete angler ; or, the contemplative man's recreation, of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. With lives of the authors and variorum notes, historical and practical. 234 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Edited by Edward Jesse, Esq. To which are added papers on fishing-tackle, fishing stations, etc. By Henry G. Bohn. London : Henry G. Bohn. 1861. 8°. [ The edition of 1856 with fresh title-page.] The complete angler. By Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. London: Bell and Daldy and Sampson Low and Co. 1863. 16°. [ Collation : pp. xvi, 304, with portrait of Walton, after Housman, as a frontispiece ; and of Cotton, after Sir P. Lely, before Part 2. A reprint without note or comment. Finely printed at the Chis- wick Press. One of " Bell and Daldy's pocket volumes."] The complete angler. By Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. London. Bell and Daldy, 1804. [ The same as the preceding on a little larger paper. A volume of the "Elzevir series."] The complete angler. By Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. Boston, Ticknor and Field. 1866. 8°. [ This is another impression of the edition printed at the Chis- wick Press and published in London by Bell and Daldy in 1863 & 1864.] The complete angler ; or, the contemplative man's recreation, by Isaac Walton. And instructions how to angle for a trout or grayling in a clear stream, by Charles Cotton. With copious notes... Also, a general index to the whole work. New York, Wiley and Sons, 1866. 8°. [ Another impression of the edition of 1847.] The complete angler; or, the contemplative man's recreation, of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. Edited by John iMajor. Boston : Little, Brown and Co., [ Cambridge printed], 1866. 8°. [ Collation : pp. xiv, 445. For this reprint of Major's 1844 edition, the woodcuts have been re-engraved and are held to be finer than those used in the English edition. The steel engravings are from the original plates. There are twelve of the one and seventy-four of the other. Only 100 copies were taken.] The complete angler '^ or, the contemplative man's recreation, of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. Boston : Little, Brown and Co., [Cambridge, printed]. 1867. 8°. [ A second and larger impression of the preceding edition.] The compleat angler ; or, the contemplative man's recreation. Being a discourse of fish and fishing, not un- worthy the perusal of most anglers... London, Alex. Murray and Son, 1869. 8°. [ Collation : pp. 106. A reprint of the first edition without notes, edited by A. Murray.] The compleat angler ; or the contemplative man's BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 235 recreation. Being a discourse of fish and fishing, not un- worthy the perusal of most anglers... London, Alex. Murray and Co., 1872. 8°. [ Collation : pp. 106, ii (notices of Walton). A reprint of the preceding.] The complete angler or the contemplative man's recreation being a discourse of rivers fish-ponds fish and fishing written by Izaak Walton and instructions how to angle for a trout or grayling in a clear stream by Charles Cotton. With original memoirs and notes by Sir Harris Nicolas, K.C.M.G., and sixty illustrations from designs by Stothard and Inskipp. London, Chatto and Windus, 1875. 8°. [Collation : pp. ccv, half-title, pp. 320. The third reprint, on thinner paper and with well won illustrations, of Pickering's edition of 1836. The illustrations are all printed on separate leaves.] The complete angler, or the contemplative man's recreation of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton, With lives of the authors and variorum notes, historical and practical. Edited by Edward Jesse, Esq. To which are added papers on fishing-tackle, fishing stations, etc. By Henry G. Bohn. London, George Bell and Sons, York-street, Covent Garden. 1876. 8°. [A paginary reprint of Bohn's edition of 1856.] The compleat angler ; or the contemplative man's recreation. By Izaak Walton. Being a facsimile reprint ot the first edition, published in 1653. London: Elliot Stock, 1876. 8°. and 4°. [CoUaticn : pp. x, viii, 246. A reprint with a shoit preface. " To save all risk of departure from the exact form," it is stated in the preface, " the sharp vigorous little cuts of fish, and the very tasteful title-page, have been reproduced by a photographic process which is simply infallible." It is to be regretted that the process adopted has made illustrations look rough and ragged) which have always been commended for their neat and delicate execution. We fear, however, that the " process " cannot be held accountable for the fact that in the last line of the title-page, "Church-yard" of the original appears as " Churcheyard'" in the photographic fac- simile.] The complete angler. By Izaak Walton, and Charles Cotton. Edited by ''Ephemera"... London, [printed] and New York : Routledge. [1878.] 8°. [Collation : frontispiece; pp.313 and three leaves with explan- ation of plates and register ; 2 plates. The publishers have issued other undated reprints of this edition with no alteration save in the illustrations. They are unable to furnish any information respecting them and we have failed to obtain copies.] 236 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. The complete angler. By Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. A new illustrated edition, with notes by G. Christopher Davies, author of "The swan and her crew," etc, London : Frederick Warne and Co. [1878]. 8°. [ Collation : frontispiece, pp. xii, 467. The smaller illustrations from Major's first edition " have been incorporated with the present volume," which is one of the " Chandos Library." An appendix at the end of each chapter contains historical and general notes and a practical essay.] The compleat angler ; or, the contemplative man's recreation. Being a discourse of fish and fishing, not un- worthy the perusal of most anglers... London, Ward, Lock and Co., 1878. 8°. [ A paginary reprint of Alex« Murray and Son's edition of 1869.] The complete angler. By Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. London, G. Bell and Sons, 1879. [ A reprint of the edition of 1863.] The compleat angler or contemplative man's recre- ation. ..1653. (The Fishing Gazette, vol. III., nos. 93-140.) London, 1879. fol. [A verbatim reprint of the first edition made from Alexander Murray's edition of 1869, with the notices of Walton from the edition of 1872.] The complete angler, or the contemplative man's recreation, by Izaak Walton, and instructions how to angle for a trout or grayling in a clear stream, by Charles Cotton. With copious notes... by the American editor (Geo. W. Bethune, D.D.) New edition, with some additions and cor- rections from the editor's own copy. 2 vol. New York, John Wiley and Sons. 1880. 8°. [On this occasion the type has been re-set, and Dr. Bethune's matter for the first time presented in a worthy manner.] The complete angler by Izaak Walton & Charles Cotton. Edited by ''Ephemera"... London & New York, George Routledge and Sons. 1881. 8°. [Collation : pp.313 with woodcuts in text. A volume of the " Excelsior series."] The complete angler ; or, the contemplative man's recreation. Of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton. Edited by John Major. Philadelphia, Lippincott ; [other copies :] London, Strahan and Co., (Limited), 34, Paternoster-row. [1881.] 8°. [Collation : pp. xv. 445 & 24 plates. A reprint of Major's 1844 edition from the stereotype plates used for the edition published by Little, Brown and Co., of Boston, U.S.A., in 1866 and 1867. The woxjdcuts which were (as we have stated) re-engraved in America BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 237 are printed on India paper and " laid down " in the text. The plates are also printed on India paper and are very bright and clear. The " List of embellishments," repeated from the original edition, only enumerates twelve steel engravings, but twelve others by Cres- wick, Cooper and others, all veterans in service, have been added. 150 copies were printed for America and 100 for England. This ends our tale of eighty-seven dated, redated and undated editions and reprints, with dissimilar imprints.] The life of Izaak Walton. London, 1830. See ZoucH ( Thomas D.D.) Walton and Cotton Club. Rules and regulations of the Walton and Cotton Club; instituted March 19th., 1817. Lpndon, 1821. 8°.; Revised April 8th., 1840. London, 1840. 12 leaves. 4°, [ The latter a pretty volume illustrated with woodcuts taken from Major's Walton, 1844.] Rules and regulations of the Cambridge University Walton and Cotton Club. Instituted April 25th., 1825. Cambridge, 1826. 4°. Waltonian. Rules of the true Waltonian Society held at the Crown Tavern, Pentonville Hill. Established 1830. London, 1866. 12^ Walwyn (R.) Walwyn's complete art of angling; containing every necessary instruction for that pleasant and rational amusement... With other useful information, being the best written work on the art of angling ever published at so small a price. [3d,] London, R. Walwyn. [1844?] pp. 16. 8°. [ The writer was a printer residing at 22, Kirby -street, Hatton Garden.] Ward ( Edward). Wars of the elements : or, a description of a sea storm, to which are added. The contemplative angler, etc, London, 1730. pp.48. 8°.; another edition : 1708. 8°. [A vigorous but coarse poem, by the notorious Ned Ward, in which the writer no doubt faithfully records his own feelings and thoughts during a fishing excursion.] Warde ( William). The secrets of Maister Alexis of Piemont 1615-4. 4°. See Barker (Thomas) p. 23. Warren (J. Robinson). Shooting, boating and fishing, for young sportsmen. New York, Scribner, 1871. pp. 165. 8°. [Chap. X. "Fishing," pp. 139-165.] Warren (Samuel). Trout fishing. Derby, [ 1862 ?] 12°. [ A neatly written chapter, appended to a trade list.] Watkins (Rev. Morgan G.) See Barnes (Dame Julyans). The Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle... With an 23§ BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. introduction by the Rev. M. G. W. London, 1880. fol. [ Mr. Wa.kins, one of our most scholarly and accomplished writers on angling, has also contributed many papers of permanent interest, to periodicals. Among them : "A fiv-fishing song," Gen- tleman s Magazine, May, 1871 ; " With a tiout rod," Frasers> Mag., Oct., 1872 ; "Autumnal trout fishing in the Lincolnshire Wolds," Cornhill Mag.^ Nov., 1872; '.'The Hy-tisher in winter quarters," Cor;////// J///^.^., Apl.. 1873 ; "Salmon fishing," Frasers Mag.,ls\'A\-z\ 1874; "Down the Beck," Lo)uion Society, May, 1874; "Angling worthies," Fraser's Mag.. June, 1875 ; " Trout and trout fishing," Quarterly Revien\ Oct., 1875 ; " I/.aak Walton," Frasers Mag., May, 1876; "Trout fishing in Sutherlandshire," Cornhill Mag., Oct., 1879; and " An angling symposium,''' Field, Dec. 24th, 1881.] "Watkins (William). The boy's own handbook of angling. Edited bv W. Watkins. London, H. Lea, (n. d.) title, pp. 163-192. 8°. [No. 7 of the "Boy's own hand book series."] "Watt (William). Remarks on shooting: inverse... Second edition, revised and nmch enlarged. Also some verses on trol- ling... London, Baily and Co. 1839. pp. xxiv. 288. 12° [The first edition appeared in 1835, but is without the verses on trolling. Angling subjects are also dealt with in another poem entitled " Reminiscences of boyhood."] \Vayth (C.) Trout fishing ; or the River Derwent. A rural poem. London, John Mortimer, 1845. pp. vi. 71. 12'^, Webb's fishing book : angler's dailv register. London, B. W. Gardner, 1876. i6"^ Webber (C. W.) Wild scenes and wild hunters of the world. Philadelphia, Bradley, 1852. pp.610. 8°. [Chap. 21. " Trolling in June;" chap. 23. " Trouting in Jessup's river."] Romance of natural history; or wild scenes and wild hunters. London, Nelson and Sons. 1852. 12°. [Chap. 17. "Wild lakes of the Adirondac;" chap. 18. "Trout- ing in Jessup's river."] Wecker (John). 18 books of the secrets of nature and art. First designed by John Wecker... augmented and enlarged by Dr. R. Read. London. Printed for Simon Miller at the Starre in St. Paul's Church-yard. 1660. fol. [ Book vii, pp. 134-8, "Secrets of fish and fishing."] Weld (Charles Richard). Two months in the Highlands, Orcadia, and Skye. London, Longman, i860. 8°. [ Fishing is mentioned in many places. The volume has coloured lithographs.] < See Lanman ( C.) Adventures in. ..North America. Edited by C. R. Weld. London, 1854. ^°. BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 239 Wells (Joseph). The temperance fishingr book; or, the con- templative angler. Beinir a new and complete general treatise on that pleasijig and healthful recreation, the art of angling. Containing a description of all the various kinds of fish, with full instructions how to angle for them ;...and much other useful information never published in any other treatise. Sheffield, 1842. 12°.; Second edition, improved. 1853. front., pp. 158. iv. 12°. [ This little work is all but unknown out of its special locality. It is divided into two parts, of which the first is devotional, didac- tical and scientific, and the second practical. The scraps of verse, scattered over its pages, are of a home-made and halting character.] Westwood (Thomas). A new bibliotheca piscatoria. 1861-9. See Cataloguks. The chronicle of the complete angler of Izaak Walton and Charles Cotton, being a bibliographical record of its various phases and mutations. London, Willis and Sotheran, 1864. pp. xv. 64. 4°. [ Twenty-five copies were prmted on large paper.] The quest of the Sancgreall, the sword of king- ship and other poems. London, John Russell Smith, 1 868. 8°. [Contains "A garland of angling rhymes,"" viz. "A Lay of the Lea," "Hey for Coquet," "Farewell to (Coquet," and "An angler's dream under Rolandseck." The third was originally published in the Newcastle Fishers" Garlands. Ed. 1864.] Wetenschappelijke bladen ter uitbreiding der Nederlandsche visscherij en ter bevordering van de kennis onzer inlandsche visschen. Deventer, 1845. 8°. (Bosgoed ). "Wheatley ( Hewett). The rod and the line : or practical hints and dainty devices, for the sure taking of trout, grayling, etc. By Hewett Wheatley, Esq., Senior angler. Li five parts. '* Mine is a work of death I " Schiller^ s William Tell. London, Longman, 1849. pp.157. ^ plates of baits and tackle. 8°. [ Characterized by a mixture of caustic humour and sound practical knowledge.] Wheeldon (J. P.) Angling resorts near London, the Thames and the Lea. London, Triibner ; Edinburgh [printed], 1878. pp. viii. 218. 8°. [ Information originally given in BeWs Life of which the writer is piscatorial correspondent.] Wheelwright (Horace William). See Bushman (The old), pseud. White (John). A rich cabinet, with variety of inventions; unlocked and opened for the recreation of ingenious spirits at their v^acant hours... Collected by J. W. a lover of artificial 240 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. conclusions. London, 1651. 12°.; afterwards as: Hocus pocus : or a rich cabinet of legerdemain curiosities... shewing, i. How to cleave money... 16. To fox fish and fowl... With many other natural and artificial conclusions. Adorn'd with above 40 curious cuts. By J. White... Sold at the Ring in Little Britain. [1715 ? ] 12°. [ The reference to fishing is very slight, but there is a humorous receipt " To catch fish in a dark night with a candle under water."] Whitney ( John). The genteel recreation : or, the pleasure of angling. A poem. With a dialogue between Piscator and Corydon. By John Whitney, a lover of the angle. London, printed in the year, 1700. pp. xii. 70. 12°.; Reprinted: [London], J. H. Burn, 1820. pp. xiv. 78. 12°. [ 100 copies were taken of the reprint, two being on vellum. The original edition does not appear to have been published. Copies of it are rare. John Whitney's vocation seems to have been to chant, with "sackbut, psaltery, dulcimer, and all kinds of music," the praises of "John Hyde, Esq." and his "great fish-pond at Heaver," and his "waterworks," and his "summer-house," and everything that was his. His rhymes are in the Bombastes Furioso style, and are suffi- ciently ridiculous to be somewhat amusing. Ed. 1700, at Prince's sale £2 8s,] Wilcocks (J. C.) The sea-fisherman, or fishing pilotage. Comprising the chief methods of hook and line fishing in the British and other seas, a glance at nets, and remarks on boats and boating. With. ..illustrations. Guernsey, Barbet, (1865). 196 pp. 8°.; The sea fisherman ; comprising the chief methods of hook and line fishing... and remarks on nets, boats and boating... Illustrated. Second edition, much enlarged and almost en- tirely rewritten. London, 1868. pp. xv. 303. 8°.; Third edition. London, Longman, 1875. pp. xvi. 323. 8°. Wildfowler, psettd. Shooting and fishing trips in England, France, Alsace, Belgium, Holland and Bavaria. ( Second series. Shooting, yachting and sea fishing trips, etc. Papers ...contributed. '' BelVs Life in Londo7i^' under the signa- ture of ** W." and to '' The Sporting Gazette'' and to " The Country'' under...** Snapshot," ^/c.f 4 vol. London, 1876-7. 8°. Shooting adventures, canine lore and sea-fishing trips. By " Wildfowler," '* Snapshot " (of the Field). 2 vol. London, Chapman and Hall ; Sydenham, [printed.] 1879 [1878]. 8°. [ Sea-fishing trips, vol. ii., p. 175. The author is Mr. Clements.] Williams ( F. T.) The angler's pocket diary and monthly BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 241 guide ; containing the necessary forms for registering the quantity of fish taken during the year ; to which is appended a correct and comprehensive account of the different modes of ani^Hng, how, and where to take fish. London, 1867. 14 leaves. 8°. [ Issued by a Long Acre tackle-maker.] Williams (Samuel). The boy's treasury of sports, pastimes and recreations. London, 18 14. 8°. [ The angler, pp. 160-192.] Williams ( W. Mattieu). Through Norway with a knapsack... With six tinted views and map. London, Smith, Elder and Co., 1859. pp. xii. 332 8°. Williamson (John). The British angler: or, a pocket-com- panion for gentlemen-fishers. Being a new and methodical treatise of the art of angling : comprehending all that is curious and useful in the knowledge of that polite diversion. As: L An introduction. ..IL The angler's apparatus. ..IIL An exact description of the several kinds of fish... IV. The whole practice of angling... Together with supplemental discourses, I. On fish ponds and reservations. 2. On the laws against poachers and in favour of the fair angler, etc. Embellished with copper-plates curiously engraved. The whole compiled from approved authors, and above thirty years' experience, by J. Williamson, Gent., who has added a versification of the principal heads at the end of each chapter, for the help of memory. London, printed for J. Hodges, at the Looking- glass on London Bridge, mdccxl. front., pp. viii. 318. x (index). 1 2°. [ One of the best of the manuals but without any special value beyond. There is a voluminous chapter on pastes, which is a general raking together of all antecedent recipes of the kind, mediaeval and modern. A copy (of the same impression) in the Denison collec- tion, mutilated by the binder, appears to be dated mdccx. The publisher's tenancy of the Looking-glass commenced about 1733 and can be traced to 1757. The destruction of the accounts of the ''Bridge House Trust" by fire in 1785, hag removed the means of accurately determining this point. F, Hodges was the occupier in 1710.] Williamson (Captain T.) The complete angler's vade-mecum; being a perfect code of instruction on the above pleasing science, wherein are detailed, a great variety of original prac- tices and inventions... Illustrated with [18] engravings [of fish and tackle]. London, Payne and Mackiulay, 1808. pp. xi. 316. 8°.; London, Sherwood, 1823; [with new title-page:] London, Thos. Gosden, 1825. 12°. [ The author says " I have not servilely copied from any man ; but when my experience has justified a concurrence with the prac- K 242 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. tices of others, I have adopted them, and now, by insertion in this volume, give them all due praise." This assertion is borne out by the general character of the work, which is essentially original. Some copies of the 1808 edition bear the imprint of "Martin and Cuthil."] Oriental field sports, being an accurate description of the wild sports of the East. 2 vol. London, 1808. 8°. Wilson ( James). The rod and the gun. Being two treatises on angling and shooting. Edinburgh, Black, 1840. front.^ pp. xii. 439. 8^.; 1841. j^o;//., pp. xii. 468. 8°.; 1844. front. y pp. xii. 460. 8°. [ Originally published in the eighth edition of the "Encyclopaedia Britannica," but, in the words of the author, he " has strengthened the mid-pieces, repaired the top, and given the whole a coat of varnish." A " List of books on angling," including about 100 volumes, is inserted between the treatises. The treatise on angling is much above the ordinary level as a manual. Mr. Wilson was the brother of " Christopher North," and Professor of natural history at Edinburgh. He contributed the following articles to Blackwood's Magazine: "Fly-fishing," June, 1819 ; "Shaw on salmon fry," April, 1840; " Natural history of salmon," May, 1843; " Scrope on salmon fishing," July, 1843 ; ' Scottish fisheries," March, 1856 ; " Fish-ponds and fishing boats," May, 1856. Also to the North British Review: " Art of angling," vol.8; "Angling in Norway," vol. 9 ; "St. John's tour in Sutherlandshire," vol. ii ; and to the Quarterly Review : "Yarrell's British fishes," April, 1837.] • A voyage round the coasts of Scotland and the Isles. Edinburgh, Black, 1842. 12°. [This work contains an account of the various fishing stations in the Western Highlands and Islands, and describes the fish, flies, etc. It forms a complete angling guide round the North of Scotland from the Clyde to the Forth.] <^Wilson (Professor John). The recreations of Christopher North. 3 vol. Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1842. 8°.; 2 vol. 1857. 8°.; 2 vol. 1865. 8°.; also m^ The modern British essayists, vol. iv. 1848, etc. 8°. [Contains: "Christopher in his sporting jacket : fytte first, second, third." " The moors : — Flight fourth — down river and up loch." These articles appeared originally in Blackwood's Magazifie, but were revised before republication. To the same periodical Professor Wilson contributed the following articles more or less concerning our subject: "Streams," April, 1826; " Salmonia," Aug., 1828; "Christopher at the Lakes," June, July and Aug., 1832; " Twaddle on Tweedside," May; "Loch Awe," June, 1833; "Stephen Oliver on angling," May, 1834; "Stoddart's angling," July; " Anglimania," August, 1835; and " The great unknown," Nov., 1836. The "Noctes Ambrosianae/' frequently touch upon angling subjects, "The Isle of Palms and other poems," Edinburgh, 1812. 8vo. contains: "The angler's tent/' (p. 181) and "The nameless BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 243 stream," (p. 380). These are also included in his *' Poems," 1825, and in his " Works," 1859 & 1865.] W^inkler ( T. C.) Eenige opmerkingen over het behandelen en uitzetten der Netten.... Met Houtgravuren. Leyden, SythofF, i860, pp. 31. 8°. Over het Visschen met den hoek... Met Hout- gravuren. Leyden, Sythoff, 1861. pp. 26. 8°. Over de Kabeljaauvvvangst met den hoek; het maken van Levertraan, vischlijm, enz. Met Houtgravuren. ^Leyden, 1861. pp. 26. 8°. [ These three works are translated from the Danish.] Wirth (Joh. Gottfr.) Die Teichfischerei in ihrem hochsten Ertrage. Leipzig, Polet, 1840. pp.96. 8°. Wix ( Henry). See W. (H.) On roach fishing, i860. Woelfer ( A. Marius). Die wilde Fischerei. Leipzig, 1831. 8° Grundliche Anweisung zur Angel fischerei. Ein populares praktisches Taschenbuch. [ Mit 9...Zeichnungen.] Gotha, 1837. 8°. Woods ( Nicholas ?) Quebec to Halifax. The river Saguenay, etc. Quebec, Mercury Office, 1862. 18°. [ We have this book by title only.] ^A.^o^lidge (John). See Systema agriculturae, 1675, ^Z^;. Wotton fStr Henry). Reliquiae Wottonianae. Or, a collection of lives, letters, poems... By the curious pensil of the ever memorable Sir Henry Wotton, Kt. London, R. Marriot, efc. 165 1. \2^.\ other editions: 1654,4°.; 1672,8°.; 1685,4°. ^tc. [ Contains a poem of 24 lines, " On a Banck as I sate a Fishing," a description of the Spring, cited in the " Compleat angler." A copy with Walton's signature and some corrections in his hand- writing was sold at Pickering's sale for ^30 5s.] Wright ( William). Fishes and fishing. Artificial breeding of fish, anatomy of their senses, their loves, passions and intel- lects. With illustrative facts. London, Newby, 1858. front.^ pp. xi. 384, 2//^/^^. 8°. [ Very anecdotical and interesting. The plates represent a gudgeon rake and eel-tongs.] Wyndham ( Francis M.) Wild life on the Fjelds of Norway. London, Longman, 1861. pp. xvi. 273. 8°. [Chap. vi. "A salmon river;" Chap. ix. "Trout fishing." Chap. xii. " Fishermen." The volume has two maps, four chromo- lithographs and four woodcuts.] Yarrell ( William). A history of British fishes. Illustrated by nearly 400 woodcuts. (Supplement, 1839). 3 vol. London, R 2 244 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Van Voorst, 1836-q. 8°.; 2nd. edition. 2 vol. London, 1 841. 8°.; 3rd. edition. Edited by Sir John Richardson... 522 engravings. 2 vol. London, 1850. 8°. [ Indispensable in every English angler's library as a work of reference. Yarrell was, besides, an angler, and his work contains many useful hints in connection with the sport.] Young ( Alfred). The angler's handbook, shewing the rods and tackle necessary for every description of fish usually angled for. Gratis. London, ( n. d.) pp.46. 16°.; New edition. London, Routledge, 1846. pp. iv. 10-67, opiates. 24°. [The first edition was appended to a trade list by a successor of John Cheek at "The Golden Perch" in Ox ford -street.] Young ( Andrew). The angler and tourist's guide to the rivers, lakes, and remarkable places in the Northern counties of Scotland. To which is added instructions to young anglers. Edinburgh, Black, 1857. J/«/, pp. viii. 117. 18°. Young ( Archibald ). The angler's and sketcher's guide to Sutherland. Edinburgh, Paterson, 1880 & 1881. 12°. [ Revised and enlarged from papers published in the Scotsman, 1879, under the title of " An angler's and sketcher's ramble through Sutherland."] See Fisheries. Young ( Lambton J. H.) Sea-fishing as a sport : being an account of the various kinds of sea-fish, how, when and where to catch them in their various seasons and localities. London, Groombridge, 1865. pp. xvi. 220, //^/^i-. 8°.; Second edition. With coloured plates, and woodcut illustrations. London, Groombridge, 1872. pp. xvi. 220. 8^. Younger (John). On river angling for salmon and trout : more particularly as practised in the Tweed and its tributaries. Edinburgh, Blackwood, 1840. pp.95. 16°.; then as : River angling for salmon and trout, by John Younger, with a memoir of the author : together with a treatise on the salmon, and a list of the Tweed salmon-casts. ( Descriptive list of the tributaries of the Tweed, for trout anglers [by the Editor.]) Kelso, [printed], Rutherford ; Edinburgh, Black- wood, i860, front. ^ pp. ii. xliv. 206. 16^.; New edition : with creeper fishing, by the Editor. Kelso, Rutherford ; Edinburgh. Blackwood, 1864. front., pp. xii. 220. 16°. [ John Younger was a shoemaker at Kelso, who enjoyed a great local reputation as an angler and fly-dresser, and was a man of original ideas and marked capacity. Some interesting reminiscences of him, and several of his poems will be found in Henderson's "My life as an angler," 1879 ; and there has since been published an "Autobiography of John Younger, shoemaker, St. Boswells. Kelso, Rutherford, 1881," portrait, pp. x.xiv. 454. 8vo.] BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 245 Zeller (Phil.) Die Foist-, Jagd-und Fischerei-polizei in der Preussisch Staaten. 3 Thle. Quedlinburg, 18 30-1. 8°. Zouch { Thomas, D.D.) The life of Izaak Walton, including notices of his contemporaries. York, 1790. 4°.; London, Septimus Prowett, 1823. half-title, title, pp. ii. 93. 20 plates; London, Gosden, 1826. 8°.; London, 1830. port^ title ^^^.(^-x^. [Eight copies of the edition dated 1823 were on large paper with proof plates on India paper. The illustrations in this and the 1826 issue are those used in Gosden's edition of the "Compleat angler," 1822. The edition of 1830 is on drawing paper, for private circu- lation, and without the name of the author.] The works of the Rev. Thomas Zouch, D.D. [ includ- ing Waltoniana and Sidneiana]. Edited by the Rev. Francis Wrangham. 2 vol. York, 1820. 8°. [ The " Waltoniana " consist of a letter from the Gentleman s Magazme " in defense of some passages inserted in Dr. Zouch's edition of Walton's Lives," and a translation by the Venerable Arch- deacon Wrangham of Dr. Duport's second copy of verses to Walton, in the commendatory poems prefixed to the " Compleat angler :" " Isace, macte hac arte piscatoria," etc.'] FISHERIES. FISHERIES. (BRITISH AND COLONIAL.) Alcock ( James). Facts from the fisheries, contained in four quarterly reports from the Ring district, county Waterford. Waterford, Harvey, 1848. pp. 48. 4°. Anderson (Adam). An historical and chronological deduction of the origin of commerce from the earliest accounts to the present time, etc. London, 1764. 8°.; 1787-9. 4°. [ Treats of the herring fisheries of the Dutch.] Anderson ( James L.L.D.J Observations on the means of exciting a spirit of national industry ; chiefly intended to promote the agriculture, commerce... and fisheries of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1774. 4°-; [With addenda.] Edinburgh, 1777. 4°. The true interest of Great Britain considered : or, a proposal for establishing the Northern British Fisheries, etc. London, 1783. 12°. [Privately printed.] An account of the present state of the Hebrides, and the Western Coasts of Scotland, and some hints... for encouraging the fisheries, etc. Edinburgh, Robinson, 1785. pp. clxv. 452, map. 8°. [A German translation was published at Berlin and Stettin in 1789. Svc] See Knox ( John). Extracts from the publications of Mr. Knox, Dr. A., etc. 1787. 8°. Anspach (Rev. Lewis Amadeus). A history of the Island of Newfoundland,... the fisheries, etc. London, Allman, 18 19. pp. xxviii. 512, w^/>. 8°. Ashworth (Thomas). The salmon fisheries of England, 1868. Bath, Lewis, [1868]. pp. 24. 12°. The salmon fisheries of England, 1868, from au- thentic information obtained for the House of Commons, to which is added valuable and exclusive information, extracted from the Reports of the Commissioners of fisheries in France, America, Norway and Russia. London, Longman ; Bath [printed], Lewis, [1868]. pp.117. 12°. 248 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Association. The second report of the Association for the relief of the manufacturing and labouring poor, relative chiefly to the general supply of fish in the metropolis and the interior. Established in May, 1812. London, 18 15. 4°. [The report is dated July 5th, 1815. It is reprinted in "The pamphleteer," vol. vi, pp. 541-559. See Fish Assocl\tion.] Baker (Thomas). The laws relating to salmon fisheries in Great Britain, including the statutes passed during the last session of Parliament... and the whole of the Scotch bye-laws. London, Cox, 1866. 12°.; Second edition. 1868. 12°. Barry (John). History of the Orkney Islands, including... the present state of.. .fisheries. Second edition. London, 1808. 4°. Barry ( James Redmond ). Account of the fisheries on the Southern coast of Ireland. Dublin, 1820. 8°. [ A portion of the Commissioners' report for 1820.] Beaufoy ( Henry). The substance of the speech of H. B., Esq. to the British Society for extending the fisheries, e/c, to which is added, a copy of the act for the Society's incorporation. London, T. Cadell, 1788. pp. 109. 8°. Bellamy (J. C.) The housekeeper's guide. ..and an account of the fish and fisheries of Devon and Cornwall, etc. London, 1843. 24°.; London, 1862. 24°. [ See p. 30 for full title.] Bernard fSir Thomas, Bart.) An account of the supply of fish for the manufacturing, poor with observations. London, 1813. 8°. [Issued by the "Fish association." Contained in "The pamph- leteer," 1 81 3, etc., Vol. i. 8vo.] On the supply of employment and subsistence for the labouring classes in fisheries, ^/c. London, 1817. 8°. [ The " Pamphleteer," vol. x, contains a reprint.] The case of the salt duties with proofs and illus- trations. London, Murray, 1 817. pp. xi.304. 16°. [ Injury to fisheries specially dwelt on.] A postscript to a letter to the Right Hon. N. Van- sittart in which some popular objections to the repeal of the salt duties are considered. London, 18 17. 8°. On the repeal of the salt duties and its effects ii relieving the present distresses of the poor : being a second postscript... London, 1817. 8°. Bertram ( James G.) The harvest of the sea. A contribution to the natural and economic history of the British food fishes. FISHERIES. 249 With illustrations. London, Murray, 1865, 1869 & 1873. 8°. [ By this writer is " The National herring harvest," in the " Com- panion to the almanac. ..for 1882," pp. 50-61.] Biggar ( Walter). A short account of the herring fishery in Scotland, etc. Edinburgh : printed by Thomas Constable, 1856. pp.20. 8°. Blake (John A., M.P.) The Irish salmon fisheries. Replies to the arguments advanced against the Bill now before Parlia- ment, for assimilating the fishery laws of Ireland to those of England. London, Hardwicke, [1863]. pp. 28. 8°. The history and position of the sea fisheries of Ireland. Waterford, McGrath, 1868. 133. 8°. [ Printed " for private circulation."] Blome ( R.) The present state of his Majesties Isles and Ter- ritories in America : with new maps, etc. London, Dornian Newman, 1687. 8°. [A French translation was published at Amsterdam in 1688. i2mo,; and a German one at Leipzig in 1697. i2mo.] Boroughs (Sir John). The soveraignty of the British seas, proved by records, history and municipal! lawes of this King- dome, written in the yeare 1633. London, 1651. 12°.; 1729. 8°. [ Sir John was keeper of the Records in the Tower. This book deals with the fishing rights of the Kingdom. It is also printed in "C^onsuetudo, vel lex mercatoria, etc" 1686. fol. Edited by G. de Malynes.] Brabazon (Wallop). The deep sea and coast fisheries of Ireland with suggestions for the working of a Fishing Com- panv. Illustrated by William Cooper. Dublin, McGIashan, 1848 & 1870. 8°. Brady ( Thomas F.) Report of the proceedings taken to relieve the distress on the islands of Boffin and Shark, County Gal way, chiefly by the promotion of the fisheries. Dublin, 1873. 8"^. Irish fisheries. Digest of the principal sections in the Acts of Parliament relating to the Irish fisheries, with appen- dices. Dublin. H. M. Stationery Oflfice. 1876. pp. 116. 8°. Oyster fisheries, Ireland, Digest of the Acts of Parlia- ment and the by-laws at present in force in Ireland for the regulation of the oyster fisheries. To which is added, a list of the licences granted for oyster beds, and an abstract of the law enabling certain persons to form or plant bait beds. Dublin, H. M. Stationery Oflfice, 1881. pp.43. 8°, Bremner ( D.) The industries of Scotland. Their rise, pro- gress and present condition. Edinburgh, Black. 1869. 8°. [Includes "Fisheries" and " Manufacture of fishing-nels."] 250 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Brighton. The Brighton fishery, being an account of the fishermen, the boats employed, etc. Brighton, 1850. 8°. Britain. 5^^S. (E.) Britaines Busse, ^/c. 1615. 4°. Britain's golden mines discovered : or, the fishery trade considered... in a letter from Sally Fisher, at Paris, to Mally Loverus, at London. London, J. Morphew, 1720. pp. xvi. 80. 4°. Britannia's gold mine : or the Herring fishery for ever ! a ballad, to the tune of " There was a jovial beggar," sung at Drapers' Hall by the Anti-Gallicans, etc. The second edition. To which is added, another new ballad on the same subject (" Flourish the herring fishery ! ") London, W. Owen, 1750. pp. 12. 4°. The fisheries revived : or, Britain's hidden treasure discovered proving that not only our future wealth, but security, will depend upon that inestimable trade. London, J. Robinson, 1750. 8°. map. See Great Britain and North Britain. Britaine (William de). The Dutch usurpation, or a brief view of the behaviour of the States-general of the United Provinces towards the Kings of England... London, 1672. 4°. [Reprinted in " Harleian Miscellany," 1744-6, vol. 3, pp. 1-16 ; 1808-13, vol. 3, pp. 1-17.] British. British fish and fisheries. London, Religious Tract Society. [1849.] pp. vi. 192. 16°. The British fisheries. Montrose, Smart. 1847. 8°. The British fishery recommended to Parliament : shewing the great importance of it, to the trade and navi- gation of this kingdom : what has been formerly done and what is still wanting for its encouragement... With an exact map of the coasts of Great Britain, in which all the fishing stations, and those parts where the Dutch fleets fish for her- rings, are describ'd, etc. London, A. Miller, at Buchanan's- Head, against S. Clement's Church in the Strand, etc. 1734. map^ pp. iv. 43. 4°. ; Edinburgh, reprinted by W. Cheyne, etc. 1734. title ^ ^^. AfO. 4°. A collection of advertisements, advices and directions, relating to the Royal fishery within the British seas, etc. 1696. 4°. 5^^ England. Company of the Royal fishery of England. A collection of the Acts of Parliament, now in force, relating to the British fisheries, etc. Edinburgh. 1783. pp. iv. 108. FISHERIES. 251' — Directions relating to the Royal British fishery. London, printed for H. M. and are to be had of T. Walcock. 1695- 4°. A discourse concerning the fishery within the British seas... 1695. 4°. See England. Company of the Royal fishery of England. An essay upon the British fisheries : wherein the errors of the system on which they are at present conducted are pointed out, etc. By a Caledonian Fisher. Edinburgh, W. Creech, 1785. pp. iv. 40. 4°. His Majesty's Royal Charter, granted on the eleventh day of October, 1750... for incorporating the Society of the Free British Fishery, etc. London, 1750. pp. iv. 36. 4°. The history of the British dominions in North America, from the first discovery of that vast continent by Seb. Cabot in 1497 to its present glorious establishment as confirmed by the late Treaty of peace in 1763. In fourteen books. London, Strahan and Becket, 1773. 4°. [Treats of the Cod-fishery in 13th and 14th books.] A letter to a member of Parliament concerning the Free British Fisheries, with draughts of a herring buss and nets, and the harbour and town of Peterhead. London, R. Spavan, 1750. 8°. A letter to the Court of Directors of the Society for improving the British fisheries, with a plan for the erection of villages, humbly submitted to their consideration. London, Cadell, 1787. 8°. Minutes of the General Meetings and Council of the Society of the Free British Fishery, from 1749 ^^ ^ISS- [Add. MSS. British Museum.] Plans and proposals transmitted to the Committee on the British fishery. By several hands. London, 1750. title ^ pp. 109. 4°. Representations and resolutions of the adventurers in the herring fishery, occasioned by the Report of Committee of the. ..House of Commons, appointed to enquire into the British herring fisheries. Glasgow, printed by Chapman and Lang. 1799. title, pp. 38. 8°. Browne ( Peter). A letter from a clergy-man in Ireland ; giving an account of the taking of great numbers of fish, and of many sea-monsters, in the County of Clare, in that king- dom... Published by Henry Davinson, f.r.s. London, J. Roberts, at the Oxford Arms in Warwick Lane. 1721. pp. 42. 4°. 252 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Buchanan (Rev. John Lanne). A general view of the fishery of Great Britain, drawn up for the consideration of the under- takers of the North British fishery, etc. London, 1794. pp. viii. 254. 8°. Travels in the Western Hebrides from 1782 to 1790. London, 1793. 8°. Buckland ( Francis Trevelyan). The pollution of rivers, and its effects upon the fisheries and supply of water to towns and villages. London, 1878. 8"". [Mr. Buckland, in his capacity of " Inspector of salmon fisheries," reported on the Scotch salmon fisheries in 1871 ; on the Norfolk fisheries in 1875 ; on the fisheries of the English Lake District in 1878 and on the salmon fisheries annually to the time of his death. See ParliamEx\tary Papers 1871, 1875, 1878, and Reports.] Bund ( J. W. W.) The law relating to the salmon fisheries of England and Wales, as amended by the salmon fishery Act, 1873: with the statutes and cases. 1873. ( Supplement to the law of salmon fisheries, 1876.) London, Butterworths, 1873-6. 8^ Burrish ( Onslow). Batavia illustrata, or, a view of the policy and commerce of the United Provinces particularly of Hol- land, etc, London, 1728. 2 vol. 8°.; [with new title-page :] Second edition. London, 1731. 8°; 3 vol. London, Osborn, 1742- 8°- [Contains "The Dutch fisheries," and "A brief account of the manner in which the Dutch carr}- on the herring fishery."] Burroughs (Sir John). See Boroughs (Sir J.) Busby ( T. L.) The fishing costume and local scenery of Hartlepool, in the county of Durham. Painted and engraved from nature by T. L. Busby. London, J. Nichols and Son, etc. 18 1 9. 4°. % leaves^ ^ plates. Butt ( Isaac, M.P.J The Irish deep sea fisheries. A speech delivered at a meeting of the Home Government Association of Ireland, on Tuesday, the 17th of October, 1871, Dublin : The Irish Home Rule League. 1874. pp. 27. 8'^. Caux (J. W. de). The herring and the herring fishery, with chapters on fishes and fishing, and our sea fisheries in the future. London : Hamilton, Adam and Co.; Norwich, Fletcher and Son. 1881. pp. viii. 159. 8*^. Cawood (Francis). An essay ; or, scheme : towards establishing and improving the fishery and other manufactures of Great Britain. London, 1713, 1721 & 1724. title, PP- 44- 8°. Britain's honour, and true way to obtain wealth. Part II [of the preceding tract.] In the third year of His present Majesty's reign, 17.17. title, pp. 150. 8°. FISHERIES. 253 Charles II, King of England. Charles R. to... the Lord Mayor of our City of London [recommending] a free sub- scription for raising a stock to buy hemp and clapboards to make herring fishing nets and... fitting out one Busse or fishing vessel [to each Ward.] Given at our Court at Whitehall this 23 day of July in the 12 year of our reign, (1660). London, printed for Jane Bourne. [1660]. s. sh. fol. Letters patents, [nominating and constituting] Royal fishing of Great Britain and Ireland. ( London, J. Bill and C. Barker, 1661.) b.l. pp.8. 4°. [Dated 22 Aug. 13*.] See Watson ( Smith). To the King, etc. 1677. Cole (John). An humble proposal to... Parliament... for em- ploying and maintaining the poor of the Kingdom, by erecting fisheries, {circa 1700]. s. sh. fol. Cole ( Thomas). A short narrative of the proceedings, of the Society appointed to manage the British white herring fishery ...with seasonable hints for improving and extending the British white herring fishery on the coast of Wales. London, 1750. pp.27. 4°. Collection. A collection of tracts on several useful and inter- esting subjects, relating to publick affairs... V. A method for the preservation of our river and pond fisheries from the daily destruction that is now made of them, etc. London, Thomas Trye, 1748. 4°. [ There is also an edition without date. It is signed " Corrigi- dorus,"] Collins ( John). A plea for the bringing in of Irish cattle, and keeping out of fish caught by foreigners. Together with an... address to... Members of Parliament of... Corn wall and Devon, about the... fishery, etc. London, Langley Curtis, 1680. pp.38. 4°. — Salt and fishery, a discourse thereof, etc. London, Robert Home, 1682. 4°. Collins ( Wilkie). Rambles beyond railways; or, notes in Cornwall taken a-foot. New edition. London, Bentley, 1861. 12°. [ II. A Cornish fishing town. VII. The pilchard fishery.] Considerations upon the white-herring and cod fisheries : in which the design of carrying on and improving them, in the manner proposed by a Society trading with a joint stock, is fully explained, and freed from all objections. London, M. Cooper, at the Globe in Paternoster-row. 1748. title^ pp. 58. 4°- 254 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Cornish ( J.) A view of the present state of the salmon and Channel fisheries, and of the statute laws by which they are regulated... comprehending also the natural history and habits of the salmon, with some of its peculiarities hitherto undes- cribed. Together with the form of a new Act, etc. London, Longman, 1824. 8°. Couch ( Jonathan M.D.J A treatise on the natural history of the pilchard, with particular reference to the fisheries of Cornwall... Extracted from the third report of the Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society. [1835]. pp.41. 8°. • A history of the fishes of the British Islands. With coloured illustrations. 4 vols. London, 1862-5. 8°. [ This valuable work of a distinguished naturalist contains much information respecting the fisheries and more especially those of Cornwall and Devon. Dr. Couch contributed in 1840 to the pro- ceedings of the " Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society," a paper entitled *' Observations in further illustration of the history and statistics of the pilchard fishery;" also in 1844, "A natural history of the mackerel and its fishery." In the Imperial Magazine for 1821, he published "Fishing, A poem. By Ipolperroc." He also wrote " The history of Polperro, a fishing town on the South Coast of Cornwall," which was printed at Truro with some account of the author, etc., b}' his son Thomas Q, Couch, m,d., in 187 1. Chapter vi contains interesting particulars of the local fisheries.] Day ( Francis). Report on the fresh water fish and fisheries of India and Burmah. Calcutta, 1873. 8°. Dempster ( George). A discourse containing a summary of of the proceedings of the Directors of the Society for extending the fisheries... together with some reflections... by John Gray, London, 1879. 8°. Dempster ( Henry). The decked-welled fishing boat, and fish- eries and fish market reform : being dialogues on these important subjects, with full information on the oyster question. Glasgow, 1868. 8°. Dirom (Lieut. General). Suggestions for the regulation of the salmon fisheries of Scotland, by Lieut. General Dirom of Mount Annan. (Annan. Printed by P. Forrest). 1825. 8° [4pp. printed on one side of paper only.] Dixon ( John). Improvement of the fisheries ; or, a plan for procuring abundant, never-failing supplies of provisions for the inhabitants of the three kingdoms, etc. London : printed by R. Balfe [1800.?] 4°. [ Copy of a letter intended for the Times but presented to a Committee of the House, Dec. 8th, 1800, sitting on the means of providing relief for the poor.] FISHERIES. 255 Three letters on a plan for improving the fisheries on the western coast of the United Kingdom. London, 1802. 4°. Improvement of the fisheries ; Letter V., or a plan for establishing a nursery for disbanded seamen and soldiers, and increasing the strength and security of the British Empire. London, G. &W. Nicol. 1804. 4°. Downs Society. Report of the Committee of the Downs Society of Fishermen's Friends. [Deal, Wilkinson.] 18 16. 8°. Doyle ( Martin). The works of Martin Doyle. Dublin, W. Curry, 1830. 12°. [ No. XX. " The herring fishery — less profitable than it might be," pp. 58-65.] Doyle (William). Two letters wherein the Sovereignty of the British seas, and that the sole right of fishing in them, apper- taineth to the King of Great Britain, etc.^ is demonstratively maintain'd and asserted ; tor information of the projectors of the new proposed Fishing Company in Flanders. With re- marks on the Dutch fisheries on our coasts and seas ;...with a new map. ..including the Nymph Fishing Bank ; with account of two voyages to it. London, J. Brett, 1738. 8°. Two letters wherein the sovereignty of the British seas and the sole right of fishing in them is asserted and maintained : with remarks on the foreign fisheries and the means of rendiing our own successful. Being the second edition. To which is annexed a third letter and certificates, with a preface concerning the Nymph-bank and coast adjacent, with proposals for establishing a company for executing a fishery there, etc. By William Doyle, Hidrographer. London, J. Brett, ^/<:. 1739. pp- viii. 75. 4°. A letter to every well-wisher of trade and navigation. Containing a relation of the author's discoveries on the Nymph-fishing-bank, near the south coast of Ireland, with a curious map, including the Nymph-bank, not heretofore ex- tant in our sea-charts; remarks on the Dutch and other foreign fisheries, and means proposed for rendering our own successful, etc. Dublin, printed by R. Reilly. title^ map^ pp. 20. 4°. Drummond (John). The accomptant's pocket companion: a manual... to which is added, the method of catching and curing cod-fish, ling, tusk, seath and white herrings, with tables showing the charges and profits on fishing, etc. Edinburgh, 1718. 4°. Dundonald (The Earl of). Thoughts on the manufacture of salt — on the herring fisheries and on the coal trade, submitted to the Honble. William Pitt, etc. Edinburgh, Creech, 1784. 8°. 256 BIB[JOTHECA PISCATORIA. Dutch. 5^^ Britaine ( William de). The Dutch usurpation, 1673. 4°- A translation of the Dutch placart and ordinance for the government of the Great Fishery. Presented by Mr. Horsley. London, W. Owen, at Homer's Head near Temple Bar, 1750. 8°. Edinburgh. Prospectus of a Joint-stock white-herring fishing Company, to be established at Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 1825, 8°. [Cut on title of fishermen drawing a net, with legend, "Een- dracht maakt macht."] Edmonston (Arthur). A view of the ancient and present state of the Zetland Islands, including their. ..fisheries, etc. . 2 vol. Edinburgh ; London, Longman, 1809. 8°. [ Chap. vi. On the fisheries of Zetland.] Elking (Henry). A view of the Greenland trade and whale fishery. With the national and private advantages thereof. London, 1722. 8°.; Second edition. London, 1725. 8°. England. England's interest. 5^^ Puckle (James). England's path to wealth and honour. See Puckle ( James). England's royall fishing revived. See S. ( E.) Company of the Royal Fishery of England. Eng- land's great interest, by encouraging the setting up of the Royal fishery within the British seas : with some political observations out of divers authors treating of the manifold advantages by sea and land of the fishing trade. As also, an impartial account of the proceedings of the Corporation to this time. Published by approbation and allowance of the Company of the Royal Fishery of England ... under the countenance and privilege granted to the Company, Charles H in Letters Patent. ..bearing date 25 September, in the 29th year of his... reign. London, J. Whitlock, 1695. title, pp. 71. 4°. [Copies were also issued under the following title :] A collection of advertisements, advices, and directions, relating to the Royal Fishery within the British seas, etc.^ transcribed out of divers English writers, observators and other experimentors of, and in the said fishery trade. And, by approbation and allowance of the Company of the Royal Fishery of England. Published in order to the inciting, etc. London, J. Whitlock, 1695. title^ PP- 7i. 4°- [ Reprinted in "TheSomers Tracts," 1751. Vol. xi. pp. 309-363 ; 1809-15. Vol xii. pp. 33-73-] FISHERIES. 257 — • — ' — A discourse concerning the fishery within the British seas, and other his Majestie's dominions ; and more especially, as it relates to the trade of the Company of the Royal Fishery of England : offered to consideration in order to subscriptions for raising a stock, for carrying on the affairs thereof, upon the terms proposed. London, printed for the Company, ^/c. 1695. ////^, pp. 29. 4°.; Edinburgh. Re- printed by George Mosman, 1695. pp. 31. 4°. A description and plat of the sea-coasts of England, from London... to Hitland where the Dutch begin their fishing, etc. London, T. Tenner, 1653. 4°. An essay for the raising a national fishery by the poor of England, without tax or money, that shall imploy and maintain all the poor, elc. London, John Nut, 1700. 4°. The grand concern of England explained, in several proposals... xiii. That the fishing trade may be vigorously prosecuted, all poor people set at work to make fishing tackle, e/c. London, 1673. 4°- Return of the quantity of fish conveyed inland by railway from each of the principal fishing ports of England and Wales in the year 1878. London, Hansard, 1879. fol. English. The ancient right of the English nation to the American fishery ; and its various diminutions ; examined and stated. With a map of the lands... seas and fishing banks comprising the whole. London, S. Baker, 1764. 4*^. Erswicke ( John). A briefe note of the benefits that grow to this realm by the observation of fish-dayes. London, Tho. Bankes. 1642. 4°. 4 leaves. [" This law for abstinence [from eating flesh] hath been most care- fully ordained, that by the certame expence of fish, fishing and fishermen might be the more increased, etcl'^ Essays. Select essays on commerce, agriculture, mines, fisheries and other useful subjects. London, Wilson and Durham, 1754- 8^^. ["The Dutch gold mine, ^/^.," pp. 299-321,] Europe. A treatise on fishing for herrings, cod and salmon • and of curing or preserving them, as practised by the different nations of Europe. Extracted from several authors. Pub- lished by order of the Dublin Society. Dublin, Graisberry and Campbell. 1800. S'^. Fall ( R.) Observations on the report of the Committee of the House of Commons, appointed to enquire into the state of the British Fisheries. London, J. Debrett, 1786. pp. iv. 103. 8°. [ 5^^ Scotland, The necessity of... villages. 1786.] s 258 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Fardon ( Glover). Cornwall, its rocks, its fisheries... A lecture Maidstone. Maidstone, i860. 8°. Fea ( James). Account of the method of fishing practised on the coasts of Shetland. Edinburgh, 1775. 8°. Considerations on the fisheries in the Scotch islands : to which is prefixed a general account, etc. By James Fea, Surgeon in the Royal Navy and a native of the Orknies. London : printed for the author at Dover. 1787. 8°. Feltham ( John). A tour through the Island of Mann in 1797 and 1798; comprising sketches of its. ..fishery, etc. Bath, Crutt well, 1798. 8°. Maps and plates. [ Contains " The herring fishery. A poem by a Manx lady."] Fish Association. The first report of the Committee of the Fish A'^sociation for the benefit of the community, etc.^ (March loth, 1813.) London, 1813. pp, 24. 8^ [Reprinted in "The pamphleteer," vol, i, pp. 445-55.] The second report, etc. (May nth, 1813.) London, 1813. 8°. [Reprinted in "The pamphleteer," vol. ii, pp. 155-167. This Association, in 181 5, transferred <' the whole of its remaining stock," ;^584 2S. 2d., to another association with similar objects which had been established about the same time " for the relief of the manu- facturing and labourmg poor." See Association.] Fisheries. See British, Gkeat Britain, Irish, London, Scot- land, Tay, Tweed. The fisheries considered as a national resource. Dublin, Milliken, 1856. 8°. The great fisheries of the world. London, Nelson and Sons. (n. d.) 8°; also as : The treasures of the deep : or, a descriptive account of the great fisheries and their products. London, Nelson and Sons. 1876. 8°. Hints preparatory to the serious consideration and discussion, of the sundry fisheries of this Kingdom... Dublin: printed for the author, by John Exshaw, 1778. 8°. Fishing. The royall fishing revived. Wherein is demonstrated from what causes the Dutch have upon the matter ingrossed the fishing-trade in His Majesty's seas, wherein the principles of all the trades they drive in the world are chiefly founded ; as also from what causes the English have lost the fishing trade, to the endangering the small remainder of the trades they yet enjoy. Together with expedients by which the fishing- trade may be redeemed by the English, and proposals for FISHERIES. 259 Carrying on so great a work. London, printed in the year 1670. title^ pp. 12. 4°. [Reprinted in "Harleian Miscellany," 1744-6, vol. 3, pp. 392-5 ; 1808-13, vol. 3, pp. 409-13.] Foyle. Report of the Lough Foyle fishery case of Allen v. Donnelly and others, tried at the Tyrone Spring Assizes at Omagh, 1856. London, 1857. 8°. Francis (Francis). Reports on salmon ladders. With original drawings, plans and sections. London, 1870. 4°. [ Mr. Francis was one of four Commissioners " appointed to enquire into the present state of the oyster fisheries of France, England and Ireland," and was chiefly concerned in the preparation of the exhaustive Report. See Par. Papers 1870.] Fraser ( A. Lord SaltounJ. Certain arrangements in civil policy, necessary for the further improvement of husbandry, mines, fisheries, and manufacture in this Kingdom. By the ■ Hon. A. Fraser. 1786. 8°. Fraser (Hugh C.) The land statistics of... Inverness, Ross and Cromarty, in the year 187 1. Inverness, 1872. 8°. Fraser ( Robert). Gleanings in Ireland ; particularly respect- ing its agriculture, mines and fisheries. London, G. and W. Nicol. 1802. 8°. map. Furse (Thomas). The pilchard fishery, a poem, by Thomas Furse, shipwright, of H. M. Dockyard, Plymouth. Formerly engaged in the pilchard fishery. Stonehouse, printed for the author, by W. Gray, Fore-street, (n. d.) pp. 24. 12°. [At the end is an Elegy to the memory of Old Ned, the oyster man, late a well-known character in the neighbourhood of Plymouth Dock. His voice is said to have been heard four miles off.] Gander ( Joseph). A vindication of a national fishery : wherein is asserted, that the glory, wealth, strength, safety and happi- ness of this kingdom ; with the flourishing of trade, and growth of navigation : as also the employing the poor of this realm, doth depend ( under God ) upon a national fishery. And all the general, vulgar, ( tho' erroneous) objections against encouraging the fishery of England, answer'd and confut'd. To which is added, The Sovereignty of the British seas. England's a Perfect World ; T has Indies two ; Correct your maps ; The Fishery is Peru. London, F. Coggan. 1694 & 1699. pp. xiv. 96. 8°. Gentleman ( Tobias ). England's way to win wealth, and to employ ships and marrinersy or, a plaine description what great profite it will bring into the Common-wealth of England, s 2 26o BTBLTOTHFXA PISCATORIA. by the erecting, building and adventuring of Busses to sea, a- fishing. With a true relation of the inestimable wealth that is yearely taken out of His Maiesties seas, by the Hollanders, by their great numbers of busses, pinkes and Hne-boates : and also a discourse of the sea-cost townes of England ; and the most fit and commodious places and harbours that wee haue for busses, and of the small number of our fishermen, and also the true valuation, and charge, of building, and furnishing, to sea, busses and pinks, after the Holland manner. By Tobias Gentleman, fisherman and mariner. London, printed for Nathaniel Butter. 1614. pp. vi. 46. 4°. The best way to make England the most wealthy kingdom of Europe, by advancing the fishing trade. London, (n. d.) fol. [A reprint of the previous work, which is included in the " Har- leian Miscellanies," ed. 1744-6, vol. iii, pp. 378-391 ; ed. 1808-13, vol. iii, pp. 395-409.] George W^ King of England. His Majesty's Royal Charter, granted on the eleventh day of October, 1750, in the 24th year of the reign of King George the Second, for incorpor- ating the Society of the Free British Fishery,... for the im- provement of the British white herring fisheries, etc. London : printed in the year 1750. pp. iv. 35. 4°. [A list of the Governor, Presidents and Council is on verso of P- 35.] Gillmore ( Joseph). See Steele (Sir Richard). Goffe (William). How to advance the trade of the nation, and imploy the poor. London, [17 10 .'^] fol. [Reprinted in "Harleian Miscellany," 1744-6, vol. iv ; 1808-13, vols, iv and xii.] Gordon (Thomas). General remarks on the British fisheries, by a North Briton. London, 1785. 8°. [ First published in 1784 without author's name.] Gorrie ( Daniel). Summers and winters in the Orkneys. London, 1868. 8°.; Second edition. London, Kirkwall, [1869]. 8°. Grant (Sir James). Case of Major General Sir James Grant and others, appellants, and the Duke of Gordon, respondent, relating to the fisheries in the river Spey. 1781. 8°. Grant and Co. Account of land-carriage fish undertaking continued by Grant and Co. (n. d.) 4°. — — The interest of Great Britain consider'd : or, the herring fishery propos'd as the most rational expedient for paying our national debts. London, E. Matthews. 1723. 8'^. FISHERIES. 261 A narrative of the royal fishings of Great Britain and Ireland, with busses for pickled herrings and barrel-cod, after the manner of the Hollanders. With further discoveries and helps, etc. London, printed by W. Godbid. 1 66 1, title ^ pp. 22. 4°. Plan of national improvement, pointing out the means to render Great Britain independent of supplies of corn from abroad, to extend the British fisheries, etc. Bruns- wick, 1803. London, Budd. 4°. A proposal for raising a stock to improve the fishery of Great Britain, without costing the contributors one penny; and for relieving families, sick or lame, and supporting such as may become destitute by the death of friends. London : printed by J. Read. 17 12. pp. 12. 4°.; then as : A proposal for granting annuities to raise a stock for im- proving the fisheries of Great Britain, etc. London ; printed by J. Read. 17 13. pp.17. 4°. [ Concludes with : " Subscription taken at the Crown near Water Lane end of Fleet street, up one pair of stairs."] The true interest of Great Britain considered: or a proposal for establishing the Northern British fisheries. London, 1783. 12°. A review of the domestic fisheries of Great Britain and Ireland. Edinburgh, P. Hill, etc.) London and Dublin. 18 18. 4°. with map. Report on the advantages of the establishment of a Board of Commissioners for fisheries in London... Drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Trade. . London : printed by E. Williams. 1820. pp. 23. 4°. [Stating objections to the Lord Advocate's Fishery bill and replying to articles in Banffshire Journal of 3 Apl. i860.] The wealth of Great Britain in the Ocean ; exemplified from materials laid before the Committee of the Hpuse of Commons, appointed... to examine into the state of the British fisheries, and from the public records, etc. London, M. Cooper, 1749. ^^^^^> pp. 11-71. 4°. Grosett ( Charles). Hints preparatory to the serious consider- ation and discussion, of the sundry fisheries of this Kingdom, etc. Dublin : printed for the author. 1778. 4°. Harvey ( Edmund George). Mullyon, its history, scenery, and antiquities. Truro ; London, 1875. 4°. Headrick (Rev. James). View of the mineralogy, agriculture ...and fisheries of the island of Arran. With... suggestions for improving the agriculture and the fisheries of the Highlands . and Isles of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1807. 8°. 262 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Hearder (J. N.) The degeneration of our sea fisheries. (Reprinted from the transactions of the Devonshire Association for the advancement of science, etc.) [Plymouth? 1870?] pp.25. 12°. Heme Bay. The Heme Bay, Hampton and Reculver Oyster fishery Company. Evidence taken in a Committee of the House of Lords, April 19th and 20th 1866. London, 1866. 8°. Herring. The best and most approved method of curing white- herrings, and all kinds of white fish, e^c. By a trader in fish. London, Joseph Davidson, at the Angel in the Poultry. 1750! 8°. ^z^/e, pp. 28. Flourish the herring fishery ! a new ballad to the tune of ** O the charming month of May." (n. d.) a sheet. On the existing state of the herring fishery. Aber- deen, Herald Oflfice, 1854. 8°. Highlanders. The vast importance of the herring fishery, etc.^ to these Kingdoms : as respecting the national- wealth, our naval strength and the Highlanders. Li three letters addressed to a Member of Parliament. London, W. Owen, [1750]. pp.39. 4°. Hitchcock ( Robert). A pullitique platt for the honour of the Prince, the greate profite of the publique state, relief of the poore, preservation of the riche, reformation of roges and idle persones, and the wealthe of thousandes that knowes not howe to live. Written for an Newyeres gift to Englande, and the inhabitantes thereof by Robert Hitchcock, late of Caveisfeelde in the Countie of Buckingham, Gentleman. Imprinted at London, by Jhon Kyngston, i Januarie, 1580. b.l. 4°. [ Reprinted in Arber's " English Garner," 1879. vol. ii. pp. 133- 168.] Hoare ( J.) On the resources of the sea fishing of Ireland. Read before the Royal Dublin Society, Jan. 15, 1866. Dublin, 1866. 8°. Hogan (J.Sheridan) and Morris (Alexander). Canada and her resources. Second edition. London, Sampson Low, 1856. 8°. with maps. [ hicludes the fisheries.] Holdsworth (Edmund W. H.) Deep-sea fishing and fishing boats. An account of the practical working of the various fisheries around the British Islands, with illustrations and descriptions of the boats, nets and other gear in use. London, Stanford, 1874. 8°.. FISHERIES. 263 and Young ( Archibald). Sea fisheries. By S. W. H. H. Salmon fisheries. By A. Y. London, Stanford, 1877. pp. viii. 300. 12°. [ A volume of " British industries/' edited by S. P. Bevan. Mr. Holdsvvorth also contributed " Fisheries " to the 9th edition of the "Encyclopaedia Britannica," 1875, eU.^ Home (David Milne). The salmon fisheries of Scotland. Edinburgh : David Douglas. [1882.] pp. 20. 8^ Here (Herbert Francis). An enquiry into the legislation, control, and improvement of the salmon and sea-fisheries of Ireland. Dublin, Hodges and Smith, 1850. 8°. Ichthyothera, or the royal trade of fishing. Discovering the inestimable profit the Hollanders have made thereof, and the vast emolument and advantages that will redound to his Sacred Majesty and his three Kingdoms by the improvement of it. Now seasonably published by command for the benefit of the nation. London, R. Royston, 1662. Itile, pp. 30. 4°. Inquiry. An inquiry into the present state and means of improving the salmon fisheries : including a digest of the evidence taken by a select committee of the House of Com- mons. London, Ridgway, 1827. pp. xx. 193. 8°. Ireland. An account of the present state of the fisheries on the different parts of the coast of Ireland. Printed by... the Commissioners... Dublin, printed by W. Underwood. 1820. 8°.; T/ie same in the year 1823. Dublin, 1823. 8°. Observations on the fishery laws of Ireland, or ple:is for the salmon. Dublin, 1862. 8°. Report on the coast and deep sea fisheries of Ireland. 1740. 8°. Irish. The Irish salmon fisheries. Mr. McMahon's Bill [1863]. pp. 29. 8°. The Irish salmon question socially considered. [By William Bullen.] 1863, 8°. Letter to a Member of Parliament, recommending the improvement of the Irish fishery. Dublin, 1729. 8°. Proceedings of the Irish Society and Lake fisheries in the North of Ireland. [ With view of the salmon leap at Cole- raine.] 1835. 8°. [ Privately printed.] Royal Irish Fisheries Company. First report. Dublin, 1849. 8°.; Second report. Dublin, 1851. 8°. The salmon and sea fisheries : containing comments upon 264 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. the existing and proposed legislation, and a practical inquiry into the state of the Irish fisheries. ..Dublin, McGlashan, 1852. pp. 46. 8°. [Originally appeared in Dublin University Mag. {ox Nov. 1851.] Jopp (Alexander). Results of an inquiry into the causes of the decline in the produce of salmon fisheries in the rivers Dee and Don, in Aberdeenshire, and on the sea coast con- nected with these rivers. Aberdeen : printed at the Herald Office, by James Brown, (i860), pp.40. 8°. Jukes (J. Bute). Excursions in Newfoundland, with an account of the cod fishery, fog-banks, sealing expeditions, and a geo- logical survey of the Island. London, Murray, 1853. 8°. Kennedy ( Thomas Francis). See Leslie ( James). Papers relating to the improvement of the salmon fishery in the district of the River Girvan. Edited by T. F. K. Edinburgh, 1872. 8°. Keymor (John). John Keymor's observations made upon the Dutch fishing, about the year 1601. Demonstrating that there is more wealth raised out of herrings and other fish in his Majesties seas. one year, than the King of Spain hath from the Indies in four, etc. London, printed for Sir Edward Ford. 1664. 4°. 7 leaves. [Reprinted in "The Phoenix," vol. i. 1707, etc. Svo.] A small collection of valuable tracts relating to the herring fishery ; comprehending : John Keymer's ccleorated observations on the Dutch fisheries in 1601 ; the Grand Pen- sionary John De Witt's sentiments on the same subject ; and a discourse shewing the necessity and proving the practica- bility of establishing a British herring fishery by Sir Roger L'Estrange. To which an introduction is prefixed. London, R. Griflfiths, 1 75 1. 4°. [ Buchanan (*' General view," p. 23) says that Keymor or Keymer was employed by King James VI. to travel through France, Germany and other places to make remarks for the good of his country.] King (W. H.) Report. Account of the fisheries on the western entrance of the River Shannon, extending from Killala Bay to Kerry Head. [ Dublin } 1820.] pp. 14 and tables. 8^. [ Mr. King was Inspector General of fisheries on the Western Coast of heland. His report is dated October 21, 1820.] Kinnahan ( J. R.) Inquiries into the causes of the present decay of the Dublin crab and lobster fisheries ; with a few suggestions as to the practicability of amendment of them and the market supply, either by substitution of species or otherwise. (Proceedings of the Dublin Natural History Society. Dublin, 1859. 8^. FISHERIES. 265 Kinnoull (Earl of). The substance of the speech of the Earl of Kinnoull to the British Society for extending the fisheries, on Monday, March 26th, 1798 : containing a general account of the progress and present state of the Society. London, L. Macrae, 1798. 8°. Knox ( John). A view of the British empire, more especially Scotland, with some proposals for the improvement of that country, the extension of its fisheries and the relief of the people. Fourth edition. London, J. Walter, 1789. 8°.; another edition. 2 vol. London, 1785, 8°. Observations on the Northern fisheries with a discourse on the expediency of establishing fishing stations, or small towns in the Highlands of Scotland, and the Hebride Islands. To which is added the last report of the Committee appointed by the House of Commons to enquire into the state of the British fisheries. London, J. Walter, ^/c. 1786. pp. iv. 158. 8°. A tour through the Highlands of Scotland and the Hebride Isles ni 1786. London, Walter, [1787]. pp. clxxii. 276. 108 {appe7idjx). 8°. A discourse on the expediency of establishing fishing stations, or small towns in the Highlands of Scotland, and the Hebride Islands. London, J. Waiter. 1786. pp. iv. 43. 4°. Extracts from the publications of Mr. Knox, Dr. Ander- son, Mr. Pennant, and Dr. Johnson ; relating to the Northern and North- Western coasts of Great Britain. London, printed by C. Macrae 1787. pp.31. 8°. Knox ( Robert). Observations upon a '' Report by the Select Connnitlee on salmon fisheries, Scotland : together with minutes of evidence, appendix and index." Edinburgh, Black, 1,837. pp. 26. 8°. Lauder (Sir Thomas Dick). Directions for taking and curing herrings, and tor curing cod, ling, tusk, and hake. Edinburgh, 1846, 8". L' Estrange f5z/' Robert). A discourse of the fishery. Briefly laying open, not only the advantages, and facility of the vndertaking, but likewise the absolute necessity of it ; in order to the well-being, both of king and people. Asserted, and vindicated hom Llie matenall objections. London, Henry Brome. 1674. pp. 10. 4"". iSV^ Keymor (John). A small collection of... tracts. 1751. «^. 266 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Leslie (James). Papers relating to the improvement of the salmon fishery in the district of the river Girvan in the County of Ayr. With report and six plans... as to the means of fac- ilitating the ascent of salmon over the mill-dams. Edinburgh, Black, 1872. 8°. Letter. A letter to a gentleman upon a royal fishery, a Council of trade and a national fishery. London, printed for E. Whitlock, 1698. 2pp. fol. [ The writer concludes "that England's national fishery is to be rais'd by art not money," " that on that art England's all depends, if England's all depends on naval power."] Lindesay ( P.) The interest of Scotland considered, with regard to its police, agriculture, trade and fisheries. Edin- burgh, 1783. 8°. Lloyd (John, Junior), The Severn, Wye and Usk fishery district. Conservation of Wye and Usk, etc. London, Stanford, 1868. 8°. Loch ( David). Essays on the trade, commerce, manufactures, and fisheries of Scotland... 3 vols. Edinburgh, Ruddiman, 1778. 12°. Lockman (John). The vast importance of the herring fishery these Kingdoms. In three letters. Addressed to S. T. Janssen, Esq. M.P. for the City of London. London, W. Owen, [1750?] 8°. The Shetland herring, and Peruvian gold-mine. A fable [in verse]. London, 1751. fol. A proper answer to a vile anonymous libel written by L. D. N[elme] chiefly against John Lockman, Secretary to the Society of the Free British Fishery, in a letter to Slingsby Bethel, Esq. President of the said Society. London, 1753. 8°. London. The London fishery laid open : or the arts of the fishermen and fishmongers set in a true light, etc. London, printed by D. Henry and R. Cave. 1759. 4°. London's blame, if not its shame : manifested by the great neglect of the fishery, which affordeth to our neighbor nation yearly, the revenue of many millions, which they take up at our doors, whilst with the sluggard, we fold our hands in our bosoms and will not stretch them forth to our mouths, etc. [London.] Printed for T. J[enner], etc. 1651. 4°. 8 leaves, A brief detail of the home fishery from early time : particularly as relating to the markets of London and West- minster ... with various proposals ... for the more effectual FISHERIES. 267 establishment of the fishery. In three letters. London : printed for C. Henderson. 1763. 8°. The fish supply of London. Report of... meeting at the Mansion House, on Monday 15th July 1872, with copies of articles thereon, from the four August numbers of '* Land and Water." [ London, 1872.] 8°. [A return of the fish supply of the Metropolis for several years past is annexed.] Ordinances of the Company of Free Fishermen of London. London, 1697. 8°. Longfield ( Robert). The fishery laws of Ireland. Dublin, Ponsonby, 1863. 8^. [Between pp. 136 and 137 is a folding table showing the close season for salmon and trout in different districts of h*eland.] Lonquety {P., Ame'J. Rapport. ..sur les filets de coton em- ployes a la peche d'Ecosse. Boulogne, 1878. pp.8. 8°. La peche maritime en France et en Angleterre. Boulogne, 1878. pp. 21. 8°. Lundie ( W. T.) Statistics of the sea fishery at Great Grimsby, brought down to the close of the year 1877. Grimsby : printed by A. Gait. 1878. pp.8. 8°. Lysaght (W.) Some remarks upon Mr. McMahon's Bill, entitled a " Bill to assimilate the laws of Ireland as to salmon fisheries, to that of England." With a map of the Lower Shannon, shewing the numbi^r of fixed engines in that river in 1862. London, Cox and Co. 1863. 8°. McCuUoch ( Lewis). Observations on the herring fisheries upon the North and East coasts of Scotland... With plain rules proposed for curing and for supplying the London market with white herrings. By Lewis McGulloch, No. 25 St. Swithin's-lane, for many years employed in furnishing the merchants of London with herrings for exportation. London, W. Richardson, 1788. 8°. Appendix to observations on the herring fisheries upon the North and East coasts of Scotland, e^c. London, W. Richardson, 1790. 4°. MacDougall ( Archibald ). A treatise on the Irish fisheries and various other subjects connected with the general inprove- ment of Ireland. Belfast, Smyth, 1 819. 8°. McDougall (Hon. William). Fisheries. Appendices from the annual reports for 1862. Ouebec, Hunter, Rose and Co., 1863. 8^. McEwen ( Daniel). Herring fisheries of Scotland, [i860?] 8?. [ Controverting the statements of Mr. Primrose, the Secretary of the Board of Fisheries.] 268 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Macgregor ( John). The progress of America, from the dis- covery of Columbus to the year 1846. London, Whilaker, 1847. 8°. [ " Fisheries of British America."] Mackenzie ( Murdo). View of the sahnon fishery of Scotland with observations on the nature, habits and instincts of the salmon ; and on the law as affecting the rights of parties, etc. 1830. 8°.; With appendix. Edinburgh and London, Black- wood, i860. 8°. [ The second edition was printed for private circulation by the author's son,] M'Lauren (Jo.) Petition of Alexander, Duke of Gordon (to the Lords of Council and Session, November 20, 1776.) pp. 14, plates. 4°. [ The plate is an "Eye draught of the cruives and dyke upon the Spey river. Taken 25 April, 1775."] Madden ( John). An account of the present state of the fish- eries, on the diflferent parts of the coast of Ireland from the year 1823. Printed by order of the Commissioners of the Irish Fisheries. Dublin, printed by William Underwood. 1825. title, pp.36. 8°. [ Mr, Madden was Inspector General of fisheries on the Eastern coast of h-eland.] Mangin (Arthur). The mysteries of the ocean. Translated, edited and enlarged from the French by A. M. With 130 illustrations. London, Nelson, 1868. 8°. [ Book IV. chap, ii, " The fisheries."] Manuscripts. Papers relating to the sea fisheries chiefly temp. Charles II. Additional JJSS., BrUish Musetun, No. 28079, ff 201-241. __ See British (p. 250). Minutes of the Society of Free British fishery from 1749 to 1755. Marshall ( Henry). A few suggestions on restoring and pre- serving the salmon fisheries of Great Britain. London, Harrison, 1855. 8°. Martin ( R. Montgomery). History of the British Colonies. London, 1834. 8". Massie (J.) An historical account of the naval power of France, from its first foundation to the present time. With a state of the English fisheries at Newfoundland, for a hundred and fifty years past ; and various computations, observations, etc. London, 1772, 4". Maydman (Henry). Naval speculations,. ..with a project for a Koyal fishery. London, W. Bonny, 1691. 4°. FISHERIES. 269 Methuen (James). New fishery bill. ( Leith, 7 Apl. i860.) pp. 8. 8°. [ Stating objections to the Lord Advocate's Fishery bill and replying to articles in Banffshire Journal o{ 3 Apl. i860.] New fishery bill. (Leilh, 21st April i860.) pp. 4. 8°. [ A continuation of the above.] Miles ( W. A.) Remarks on the Act for encouragement of the Newfoundland fisheries. London, 1779. 4°- [ Miller ( Hugh).] Letters on the herring fishing, in the Moray Frith. Inverness, 1829. pp.50. 12°. [ Signed " M.'' First published in " Inverness Courier."] Mitchell ( John M.) The herring its natural history and national importance. With illustrations. Edinburgh, Edmon- ston and Douglas, 1864. pp. xii. 372. 8°. Moray Frith. See Miller ( Hugh). Letters on the herring fishing. 1829. 12°. Morris (Alexander). See Hogan (J. S.) and M. (A.) Canada and her resources. 1856. 8°. Munday ( Anthony). Chrysanaleia ; the golden fishing, or honour of Fishmongers : applauding the advancement of Mr. John Leman, Alderman, to the dignitie of Lord Maior of London, taking his oath in .the same authority at West- minster, on Tuesday, being the 29th day of October, 16 16. Performed in hearty love to him and at the charges of his worthy brethern the ancient and worshipfull Company of Fish- mongers. London, 161 6. 4°. [Reprinted in "The Progresses, 'Bill against buying herrings and pilchards on the sea. 1555. Bill for the preservation of the spawn and fry of fish. 1558. (See Statutes i Eliz. c. 17). Bill against using unlawful fishing nets in the Thames. 1562. Bill to make the stealing of fish and conies felony. 1562. Bill against stealing fish, deer or hawks. 1562. (See Stat. 5 Eliz. c. 21.) Bill for ships to defend herring fair. 1566. Bill to take away the eating of fish on Wednesdays. 1566. Bill touching lading of fish in strange bottoms. 1566. Bill for bringing in of staple fish and herrings. 1584. Bill to repeal 23 Eliz. touching bringing in of fish. 1586. Bill appointing the width of mesh for nets for taking of herrings, sprats and smelts, in Orford Haven and the Gull. 1586. Bill concerning the increase of mariners and the bringing in of salt fish and salted herrings. 1592. Bill to reform abuses in the buying and selling of fish in Devon and Cornwall. 1604. Bill to encourage the seamen of England to take fish. 1604. Bill for the better preservation of the fishing in the counties of Somerset, Devon and Cornwall. 1604. Bill for the preservation of the spawn and fry of fish. 1604. Bill for better maintenance of fishing and navigation in Devon and Cornwall. 1605. Bill for reformation of unlawful fishing. 1606 & 16 10. Bill for free utterance of herrings at Yarmouth and Lowestoft. 1609. Bill for repeal of 5 Eliz., touching packing of fish. 1614. Bill for the preservation of the fry of fish. 1621. Bill for freeing fishermen from paying custom. 1621. Bill to prevent the taking of tythes from fishing voyages. 1621. Report as to a patent for packing cod. 162 1. Bill for free liberty of fishing upon the Coast of America. 162 1. Patent of restraint of fishing in Newfoundland. 162 1. Report as to patents for sole importation of lobsters and salmon. 162 1. Bill for the preservation and increase of salmon and the fry of salmon. 1623. Bill for free liberty of fishing in America, namely Newfoundland, Vir- ginia, New England, etc. 1623. Report of Sir F. Gorge's patent of restraint of fishing in New England and resolutions thereupon. 1623. Petition of grievances touching the same. 1623 Bill for the preservation of the fry and brood of fish. 1628. .^.SReport of Committee on fishery business. (16-18 Car. I.) 1640-2. Petition of fishmongers, ropemakers, etc. 1641. Petition [to Lords] of the Earl of Essex relative to his sole right of fishing m Walflete, and the river of Burnham, Essex. 1642. Petition of Elinor, Dowager Countess of Essex, complaining of divers orders of the House of Lords being disobeyed. 1644. Petition of several fishermen of Essex relative to their right of fishing 272 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Parliamentary papers. Continued. in the water of Burnham, alias Walflete. 1644. Ordinance for maintaining a convoy for the fishery. 1644. Ordinance for imposing a duty on herrings to pay for the protection of the fishery, 1644. Ordinance for same purpose. 1645. Earl of Pembroke's petition concerning losses sustained in fishing and busses. 1645 ? Declaration to assert the right of this Commonwealth to the fishery and to the Sovereignty of the seas. 165 1-3. — 5? Bill for transporting fish in foreign bottoms. 1656 & 1658. _— .~7Bill for encouraging the fisheries. 1660. Bill for confirming a patent concerning the fishing trade. 1661. Petition of the inhabitants of Lowestoft relating to a free trade of fish- ing and complaining of being molested by inhabitants of Great Yarmouth. 1661. Bill for the regulation of the pilchard fishery in Devon and Cornwall. 1662. Clause for regulating the fishing trade added to Bill for advancement of trade. 1663. *— ;^ill for regulating the herring and other fisheries. 1663. Bill to prevent abuses in fishing and for preserving the spawn of fish. 1664. Bill for settling the differences between the towns of Great and Little Yarmouth touching the lading and unlading of herrings. 1664-5. Bill to prevent the importation of foreign cattle and fish. 1665. Bill against importation of fish taken by foreigners. 1666. Bill for the preservation of the spawn of fish. 1666. Bill for the better preservation of the game and securing the several fishings of this realm. 1670. Bill for the encouragement of the fishery. 1670. Bill for the preservation of the piscary in the Severn, Avon and Thames, 1673 & 1675. Petition of Sir Thomas Monnis, water-bailiflf of the Severn. 1675. Bill for preservation of the fishing in several rivers. 1675 & 1677. [ A conference between the Plouses was held on the second occasion, and the Rill confined to the Severn only.] Bill for preservation of the fishing in the Severn. 1678. Resolution to receive proposals concerning the Royal Fishery Company. 1679. Bill to repeal part of the law regulating fishing in the Severn. 1680. ^^Bill against the importation of fish caught by foreigners. 1685. Bill for regulating pilchard fishery. 1689. Petition against Clause in Act 30 Car. IL and Bill for repeal thereof. 1689 & 1692. Committee to consider means for the encouragement of the general fisheries. 1691. Bill for the relief of the subject against unlawful weirs and dams, with /petitions for and against. 1696. Bill for encouraging the fisheries. 1696. Bill for the preservation of salmon and salmon-fry, with petitions for and and against. 1697. FISHERIES. 273 Parliamentary papers. Continued. ^iBill to p'-event the sale of fish taken by foreigners in foreign vessels. 1699. ^/Petition of the Royal Fishery Company for encouragement and for fur- ther powers. 1699. Bill for the better curing of fish and ascertaining and better payment of the drawback thereon. 1701. Bill for preservation of salmon and other fish in the rivers of South- ampton. 1705. Petition of Bristol Merchants complaining of excessive duty on fish taken in a French privateer. 1706. Petition of T. Coutts and others for drawback on exportation of fish cured with foreign salt. 1707. Committee to consider means for improving the fishing trade. 1707. Bill for encouraging the salmon fishery of Scotland. 1707. Bill for encouragment of the herring and white fishing of Great Britain and of the Greenland fishery. 1707. Bill for encouraging the fisheries, 1708. Bill for payment of allowances on exportation of fish cured with foreign salt. '1708. Bill for the preservation and improvement of the Thames fishery and for the regulation and government of the Company of fishermen, with petitions for and against, 1709 & 1710. Bill for erecting a Corporation to carry on the trade to the South Seas and for the encouragment of the fishery. 17 10. Report of Committee on that part of the Queen's speech which relates to the fishery. 17 13. Bill for allowing a drawback on salt used for curing fish taken at North Seas and at Iceland. 171 3. Petition for importation of stock fish, 1714. Bill to prevent the importation of fresh fish caught by foreigners. 1714. Petition of dealers in fish on the coast of Fife and other places referred to Committee. 1717. Bill to encourage and promote fisheries, etc., in Scotland. 1726-7 Petition from Great Yarmouth against the prohibition of thrown silk from Italy, the returns for fish exported being in that article. 1727. Report of Committee on Greenland fishery and Bill for encouraging the same, 1731-2. Report of Committee and Bill for encouraging the whale fishery, carried on by British subjects. 1732-3. Bill for the better securing the property in decoys and to prevent the poisoning of fish in ponds, pools and other waters. 1733. Clause in New River Bill to prevent the taking or destroying fish or game, by persons navigating on the River Lea. 1739. Bill for the better preservation of game and fish, by the destruction of vermin. 1742. Petition for a free fish market in Westminster and for preventing the forestalling and monopolizing of fish. 1749. wReport of Committee on the state of the British fishery. 1749. v'Bill for encouragement of British herring and cod fisheries. 1749. Bill for amending so much of Act I Geo. II as relates to the preservation of salmon in the Ribble. 1749. 274 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Parliamentary papers. Continued. Bill for making more effectual several Acts for preservation of the breed of fish. 1749. Petition of Free British Fishery Company for a Bill to amend Act 23 Geo. II, for encouragement of the British white herring fishery. 1753. Report on petition of Free British Fishery Company and Bill to amend 23 Geo. II, and for regulating the fishery according to the calendar now in use. 1753. Petition [of Free British Fishery Company] for provision in Bill to permit vessels to rendezvous at Kirkwall, in the Orkneys instead of Campeltown. 1753. Petition of Free British fishery Company complaining of the great dis- advantages they labour under ; and praymg for a continuance of the bounty. 1753. Bill explaining and amending 23 Geo. II. 1753. Bill for prohibiting the sale of fish, within a certain distance of West- minster fish market without a licence. 1755-6. Petition of Sir Harry Houghton and others for a Bill to amend i Geo. II so far as it relates to fishing in the Ribble. 1755-6. Petition complaining of the hardships the open boat herring fishery labour under. 1755-6. Petition of Free British fishery Company to alter the present form and size of their nets ; and for a further bounty. 1757. Petition from Whitehaven that Campeltown may be appointed a place of rendezvous for their busses. 1757. Bill to amend Act relating to Westminster fish market and the supply of fish. 1760. Bill for repealing an Act of Scotland, " Anent the salmond fishery in the water of Nyth." 1760. Bill for better supplying London and Westminster with fish. Amended. 1761-2. Report of Committee on laws in force relating to buying and selling fish. 1762. Report of a Committee on the effects of the former Act for supplying London and Westminster with fish. 1763. Petition of John Blake for assistance to carry his scheme into execution for supplying London and Westminster with fish by land carriage. 1764. Bill for encouragement of the whale fishery in the river St. Laurence and on the American coasts. 1764. Bill to prevent the stealing of fish and rabbits. 1765. Bill to explain and amend former Act as far as it relates to taking and destroying fish in rivers. 1766. Clause added to Highway [Kent] Bill for searching fish waggons. 1770. Report of Committee on laws relating to the herring fishery and Bill. 1771. Petitions for and against Bill to regulate the fisheries of the Tweed. 1771. Bill for the free importation of cod fish, ling and hake caught and cured in Chaleur Bay, etc. 1773. Several petitions for and against a Bill for the more effectually preserving FISHERIES. 27s Parliamentary papers. Continued. the Severn salmon fishery. 1777-8. Petition of the fishermen of Upton upon Severn relating to 18 Geo. III. and other Acts respecting the Severn salmon fishery. 1782. [ With one or two exceptions the Papers to this date are only to be found in the Journals of the House of Lords or Commons. All that follow have been printed and issued separately.] Bill to allow tenants employed in fisheries, to commute in money for personal services to their landlords. 1784. Bill amending Act for the encouragement of fisheries. 1785. Two reports from the Select Committee on the state of the pilchard fisheries, and the most effectual means of securing and improving the same. 1785-6. Seven reports from the same committee on the state of the British fisheries, and of the most effectual means for their improvement, encouragement and extension. 1785-6. A petition of persons concerned in the pilchard fisheries. 1786. Bill for the encouragement of turbot fisheries. 1786. Bill to amend laws for the encouragement of Newfoundland fisheries. 1786. Bill to amend Act for the encouragement of fisheries. 1792, Representation and reports of the Lords Commissioners for Trade, etc., relating to the trade and fishery of Newfoundland. ( Nos. 1-5.) 1792-3- Account of the quantities of herrings exported. 1794. Two accounts relating to the herring fisheries. 1797-8. Bill to amend Act for the encouragement of British fisheries. 1797-8. Report respecting the British fisheries. 1797-8. Six reports from the Select Committee on the state of the British her- ring fishery, the most effectual means of its extension and improve- ment and on the means of procuring a plentiful supply of fish durin;^ the high price of provisions. 1798-1800. [ These reports as well as those made in 1785-6 are only to be found in the Journals of the House.] Report of the Select Committee appointed to consider the'present high price of provisions, etc. 1800, 1801. First report from the Committee appointed to inquire into the laws relating to the salt duties, and the means of remedying the incon- veniences arising therefrom; dated 16 June 1801 ; (Reprinted 1818); Second report 1801, ( Reprinted 1818.) Account respecting the Newfoundland fishery, 1801. Fish brought to London, and sold in Billingsgate Market, from 1799 to 1802. 1801-2. Fish brought to Billingsgate Market by candidates for bounties granted by the Treasury. 1802-3. Highlands of Scotland. Reports from Committees on naval stations and fisheries. 1802-3. Fishing vessels entered at the Coast Office, Custom House, London. 1802-3. Bill to amend Act for granting bounties on fish brought to London. 1805. Report from the Committee to whom the petition of Messrs. Chalmers and Cowie, respecting Swedish herrings, was referred. 1805. T 2 276 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Parliamentary papers. Continued. Another report. 1806. Bounties, premiums, and sums of money for taking and bringing fish to London. 1802-3, 1803-4. 1806. Bill for more effectual protection of oyster fisheries. 1808. Bill for encouraging the British white herring fishery. 1808. Account relating to the fish trade and salt dutes. 1809. Bill to amend Act for encouraging the fisheries of the Kingdom. 1810. Bill to continue and amend Acts relating to the herring fisheries. 1813-4. 1814-5. Bill to prevent the destruction of the breed of salmon. 1816. Report from the Select Committee on the trade and settlement of New- foundland. 1817. Report from the Select Committee appointed to consider the present state and condition of the fisheries on the South Coast of the County of Devon. 1817. Account of cured fish imported and exported. 1817. Report from the Select Committee appointed to consider of the use of rock salt in fisheries,... the allowances of salt duty free for the fisheries, etc. 181 7. Bill to amend Act for improving fisheries on the Coast of Ireland. 1817. Bill for regulating the fisheries on the Coast of Devon, between Start and Street Points, on the Eastern side of the mouth of the Exe. 1817-8. Bill to prevent the destruction of the breed of salmon. 1816, 18 18. Bill for the encouragement of the Irish fisheiies. 1818. Bill to promote employment of the poor in fisheries, etc., by the encour- aging of partnerships. 1818. Accounts of the receipts and expenditure of the British Society for extending the fisheries. 1818. Account of the quantity of herrings on which bounty has been allowed. 1818. Report from the Select Committee appointed to take into consideration the laws relating to the salt duties, etc. 1818. Bill for the further encouragement of Irish fisheries. 1819. Second report on poor and disease in Ireland ( encouraging fisheries). 1819. Bill for regulating the Newfoundland fishery according to the Convention with America. 1819. Bill to prevent the destruction of the brood and spawn of fish. 1819. Account of fish exported from Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Cape Breton and Newfoundland, to the West India Islands, and to all places except those islands. 1819. To promote the employment of the poor in the fisheries, etc., by the encouraging of partnerships. 1818, 1819. 1819-20. Report from Commissioners on Act for further encouragement and im- provement of the Irish fisheries. 1820. Memorial of the Magistrates, Town Council, principal inhabitants, and fish curers of Fraserburgh, respecting the Irish fishery Act. 1820. Report of the Commissioners for the herring fishery on the Act 59 Geo. 3, c. 109, "for the further encouragement and improvement of the Irish fisheries," and on "Memorials from the curers in Caithness, FISHERIES. 277 Parliamentary papers. Continued. and the Freeholders and others in the County of Sutherland," complaining of the said Act, and praying relief, dated 16 June, 1820. [ The rate of bounty allowed to Irish herring fishing vessels is stated to be so much greater than to British, that the destruction of the British curer must be the inevitable consequence of the con- tinuance of the present system. A bounty of 4s. per cwt. was at this time, it appears, allowed to Irish fishermen on cod and ling.] Account of the appropriation of the loan of ;^i, 500,000 for employment of the poor in public works and fisheries, 1820. Bill to repeal certain bounties, and to make other regulations respecting the herring fishery. 1821. Return relating to bounties. 182 1. Return of bounties in the last ten years, in the Scotch herring fishery. 1821. Accounts and Papers relating to tha herring fishery in Scotland. 1822. Bill to prevent the destruction of the brood and spawn of fish. 1819, 1822. Accounts relating to the delivery of duty-free salt, foreign salt, herrings, pilchards, and other fish salted ; the duty on British and foreign salt. 1822. Bill for protecting and regulating the oyster fisheries. 1823. Account of herrings and other fish exported to the West India Colonies. 1823. Accounts relating to British and foreign ships entered and cleared in the ports of the United Kingdom ; ships and tonnage in the coasting and Irish trade ; ships and tonnage in the whale, cod and herring fisheries, in Great Britain, Scotland and Ireland, for seven years. 1824. Return of fishing vessels entered at the Coast-office, Custom House, London. 1824. Bill for the better conducting of fisheries on the banks of Newfoundland. 1824. Report of the Commissioners for herring fishery respecting the bounties on the herring fishery, and letter from the Irish fishery Board, con- taining observations relative to the gradual reduction of the bounties on the herring fishery, dated 19 May. 1824. Bill to amend the several Acts for the encouragement and improvement of British and Irish fisheries. 1824. Report from the Select Committee appointed to take into consideration the state of the salmon fisheries of Scotland and of the United Kingdom, and the laws affecting the same. 1824. Another report. 1825. Second report from the Select Committee on the same. 1825. Bill for the more effectual preservation and increase of salmon through- out Great Britain and Ireland. 1825. Bill to amend an Act of last session respecting the British and Irish fisheries. 1825. Bill to amend Acts authorising the advances of money for public works and fisheries, and the employment of the poor. 1826. Bill to amend Act 5 Geo. 4, for the encouragement and improvement of British and Irish fisheries. 1826. 27S BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Parliamentary papers. Conthiiied. Return of tonnage employed in the coasting trade, also in the fisheries of Great Britain and Ireland, 1826. 1826-27. Return of the number of vessels, with tonnage, which cleared out from the ports of Great Britain for the deep sea hshery, 1814-26. 1826-7. Minutes of evidence taken before the Committee on the Bill for the more effectual preservation and increase of the breed of salmon, and for regulating the salmon fisheries throughout Great Britain and Ireland. 1826-7. Minutes of evidence on the Bill for the preservation of the breed of salmon. 1826-7. [Continuation of the preceding.] Bill for the more effectual preservation and increase of the breed of salmon, and for regulating the salmon fisheries throughout Great Britain and Ireland. 1826-7. 1828; as amended in Committee. 1828; Lords' amendments. 1828. Bill to regulate the salmon fisheries in Scotland. 1828. Return of ships and vessels which passed the Sound, which have cleared outwards for the deep-sea fisheries, 1814 to 1827. 1828. Number of vessels, with amount of tonnage, entered inwards and cleared outwards ; tonnage of British and foreign ships froiu all parts of the world, colonies and plantations in the West Indies, East Indies, deep-sea fishery, coasting trade, Ireland and port of London. 1828. Bill to amend the several Acts for the encouragement of the Irish fisheries. 1829. Bill to continue certain Acts relating to the fisheries carried on upon the banks and shores of Newfoundland. 1829. Monev expended, 1825 to 1830, on the fisheries of the United Kingdom. 1830. Bill to revive, continue and amend several Acts relating to the fisheries. 1830. Bill to amend several Acts passed for authorising the issue of Exchequer bills. ..for carrying on. ..fisheries, etc. 1831. Vessels, with tonnage, cleared out from the ports of Great Britain for the deep-sea fishery, 1827 to 1831. 1831-2. Bill to continue an Act of 5 Geo. 4, relatmg to the fisheries in New- foundland. 1831-2. Report from the Select Committee appointed to inquire into the present state of the British Channel fisheries, and the laws affecting the fishery trade of England, with a view to their amendment, and to whom the several petitions from Emsworth, Brixham, Havant, Langstone, Bedhampton, Farlingdon, Plymouth and Boxham, com- plaining of distress, were severally referred. 1833. Report from the Select Committee on British Channel fisheries, with minutes of evidence. 1833. Copy of grant under which tithe is levied on fish at Leith. 1833. Dues paid by herring fishers to the Northern Lights. 1834. Quantity of fish seized and condemned in the port of London, 183 1-3. 1834. Report from the Select Committee on the salmon fisheries ( Scotland; Bill. 1835. Sums received by Minister of North Leith, as stipend, etc., or on fish, FISHERIES. 279 Parliamentary papers. Continued, 1832-4. 1835. Bill for the better regulation and protection of the fisheries on the coast of England and Wales. 1836. Clause to protect open boats in Suffolk (to be proposed in Fishery Bill). 1836. Various returns relative to the different fishings and the price of salmon. 1836. Sums transferred from the Fishery Commissioners to the Board of Works in Ireland in 1830 ; and the amount and purpose for which any part of the said sums may have been appropriated since that period. 1836. Report from the select committee appointed to consider the state of the salmon fisheries in Scotland, in as far as relates to the altering the close times in different districts in that part of the United Kingdom, the laws for the observance of the Saturday's slap or opening in all cruives, engines, machines, or devices of whatever description used in salmon fishing, the construction and regulation of cruives, the regulation of mill-leads or courses, and the removal of dams and obstructions in all rivers, streams or waters ; and who were in- structed to inquire into the increase or decrease in the number or weight of salmon, grilse, and sea trout taken in the several rivers and sea coasts of Scotland since Act 9, Geo. 4. c. 39, came into operation. 1836. Bill for the regulation and improvement of the public oyster fisheries in England and Wales, 1835. 1836. Bill to amend 9 Geo. 4, for the preservation of the salmon fisheries in Scotland. 1835. 1836. 1837-8. Quantity of salt fish cured, branded and exported, 1835-6, distinguishing each sort. 1837-8. Memorials, etc., received by Her Majisty's Government since i Jan. 1832, complaining of the aggressions of French fishermen on the British Coast. 1837-8. Bill to authorise a further issue of Exchequer Bills for... fisheries, etc., and to amend the Acts relating thereto. 1837-8. First report of the Commissioners of inquiry respecting the present state of the Irish fisheries, the laws affecting, and the means and expedi- ency of extending and improving them. 1837 ; Second report and minutes of evidence. 1837. Bill to explain and amend certain provisions in Acts of the Parliament of Ireland for the protection of fisheries in Ireland. 1837-8. Bill for the improvement of the sea coast fisheries of Ireland. 1837-8. Bill for the more effectual preservation of salmon fish in Ireland. 1837-8. Bill for the more effectual preservation of salmon fish in Scotland. 1837-8. Bill to regulate the salmon fisheries in Scotland. 1837-8. Bill to alter the periods for taking salmon in Scotland. 1839. Bill for permitting salmon to be taken with the rod, after the period of taking them with nets in Scotland. 1839. Supplementary papers relative to the complaints respecting the aggres- sions of French fishermen on the British Coasts, 1838. 1839 ; further papers, by command. 1839. 28o BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Parliamentary papers. Contimied. Memorial submitted to the Lord Lieutenant respecting the present state of the fisheries in the Bay of Galway, with the reply of the Chief Secretary of Ireland thereto. 1840. Account of the various sums expended for the encouragement of Scottish fisheries in each year since 1809. 1840. Return of the amounts expended for the encouragement of fisheries in Ireland, in each year since 1819 under separate heads. 1840. Bill for the better protection of the oyster fisheries in Scotland. 1840, Convention between Her Majesty and the King of the French, defining and regulating the limits of the exclusive right of the oyster fishery on the coasts of Great Britain and France, dated Aug, 1839. 1839. Memorials, etc., received by Her Majesty's Government since i January 1832, complaining of the aggressions of French fishermen on the British Coast. 1837-8 ; Supplementary papers, 1838, 1839 ; further papers. 1839. Return of all sums of public money paid during the last ten years to the British white herring fishery Board ; distinguishing salaries and allowances paid to Board and Officers. 1839. Return of the establishment of the Board of Commissioners for the herring fishery in Scotland, the name and place of residence, and the amount of salary and allowances paid to each in the year 1839. 1840. Copies of application of Mr. Dunsmure, the secretary of Fishery Board to resign his office ; Minute of Treasury granting him a pension ; appointment of Sir T. D. Lauder ; salary and allowance. 1840. Bill for the better preservation of salmon fisheries in Scotland. 1841. Bill for permitting salmon to be taken with the rod, after the period of taking them with nets. 1841. Quantities and value of fish... exported from Nova Scotia, New Bruns- wick and Canada respectively to the British West Indies, 1840. 1842. Bill to authorise the advance of money out of Consolidated Fund.. .for ...fisheries, etc., and to amend the Acts authorising the issue of Exchequer bills for like purposes. 1842. Account in detail of loans advanced by Commissioners for the issue of Exchequer bills for public works and fisheries. 1842. Bill for the better regulation of the close time in salmon fisheries in Scotland. 1842, Report of the Lords' Committee appointed a Select Committee to consider of the Bill, intituled, " An Act for the better regulation of the close time in salmon fisheries in Scotland." 1842. Bill to regulate the Irish fisheries. 1842. Minutes of the proceedings of the Select Committee on the fisheries ( Ireland) Bill. 1842. Amount paid for the encouragement of the British fisheries, 1809 to 1819, in bounties, establishments, salaries, etc; the same, 1819 to 1829, and 1829 to the present time ; amount of bounties of Irish fisheries during the same period, etc. 1842. Bill to carry into effect a Convention between Her Majesty and the King of the French, relative to the fisheries on the coast of the British Islands and France. 1839. 1840. 1842 ; also 1843. FISHERIES. 281 Parliamentary papers. Continued. Regulations for the guidance of the fishermen of Great Britain and France, prepared in pursuance of the provisions of an article of a Convention, 1839, between Her Majesty and the King of the French. 1843. Bill to repeal so much of Act i, Geo. i, as limits the time for taking, and being restrained from taking salmon in certain rivers and to extend the provisions of an Act 58 Geo. 3 to the rivers therein mentioned. 1843. Bill to amend 9 Geo. 4 for the preservation of the salmon fisheries in Scotland. 1844. Quantities of the various kinds of fish imported, exported, and retained for consumption, rates and amount of duty, 1841-2. 1844. Return relating to the Militia... fisheries, etc., of Prince Edward's Island. 1844. Papers relating to New Brunswick. ..fisheries, etc., 1837-8. 1844. To amend Act 6 Vict., intituled, " An Act to regulate the Irish fisheries," and to empower the Constabulary Force to enforce provisions respectmg the Irish fisheries, 1844. 1845. Amount of money granted in each year for promoting the Irish fisheries, 1835 to 1844; similar return of money for promoting Scotch fish- eries ; account of said grants now unappropriated. 1845. Bill to prevent fishing for trout, or other fresh- water fish by nets in the rivers and waters in Scotland. 1845. Bill for the preservation of salmon fisheries in England and Wales. 1845. Number of British ships and their tonnage, and of British seamen, em- ployed in the fisliing trade to the ports of Russia, Sweden, Denmark and Prussia, 1830-2, and 1840-2. 1845 ; also in Greenland and Davis' Straits Fishery for same years. 1845 ; and in the South Sea Fishery for same years. 1845. Communication from the Board of Trade to the Commissioners of Customs, as to the interpretation of the fifteenth article of the Con- vention with France, relative to the examination of French fishing vessels. 1846. British and French fishing vessels that have been seized or detained, under provisions of an Act for carrying into effect a Convention, dates of seizures, amount of penalty, etc. 1846. Bill for the further amendment of an Act 6 Vict, for regulating the Irish fisheries, 1845. 1846. Bill to regulate the salmon fisheries in England and Wales. 1846. Bill to authorise the advance of money out of Consolidated Fund for carrying on public works and fisheries, etc. 1846. Bill to encourage the sea fisheries of Ireland, by promoting and aiding with giants of public money the construction of piers, harbours and other works. 1846. Bill to authorise the advance of money out of the Consolidated Fund for carrying on public works and fisheries and the employment of the poor in Ireland. 1846. Bill for the further improvement of the fishery piers and harbours in Ireland. 1847. Bill to increase the number of the Trustees of the herring fishery, and to direct the application of the funds granted for the promotion of 282 BIBLIOTHECA PISCxVrORlA. Parliamentary papers. Continued. manufactures and improvements in Scotland. 1847, Bill for the protection of mussel fisheries in Scotland. 1847. A return of sums granted by Parliament for Irish fisheries, 1845 & 1846. 1847. Sums granted by Parliament for Scottish fisheries, 1845 & 1846 ; Details of the expenditure of such grants, and the number of inspectors employed. 1847. Correspondence from July 1846 to January 1847 relating to measures adopted for the relief of the distress in Ireland and Scotland. 1847. Sums advanced by the Fishery Board in aid of constructing or improv- ing harbours in Scotland connected with the fisheries, from 1829 to 1847, inclusive, and the dues levied upon fishing boats making use of such harbours. 1847-8. Annual expense of the Board of British fisheries in each year, 1840 to 1847, inclusive ; and the funds out of which defrayed. 1847-8. Bill to explain the Acts for preventing the destruction of the breed of salmon, and fish of the salmon kind. 1847-8. Report of the Board of Public Works in Ireland in regard to fisheries in that country. 1847-8. Bill for the protection and improvement of the salmon, trout and other inland fisheries of Ireland. 1847-8. Report from the Select Committee on fisheries (Ireland); together with the proceedings of the Committee, minutes of evidence, appendix and index. 1849, Report of Captain G. G. Loch, R.N. dated 2 October 1848, on the fish- eries of Newfoundland and Labrador. 1849. Account, to 5 January 1849, of sums advanced by the Public Works Loan Commissioners for the purpose of fisheries, showing interest paid, and principal paid and remaining unpaid. 1849. Returns and statements respecting fisheries in Ireland. 1849. Extract from Captain Washington's (unfinished) report on the damage caused to fishing boats on the East Coast of Scotland by the gale of the 19th August 1848, with reference to Lybster Harbour. 1849. Copy of Captain Washington's report on same subject. 1849. Sums granted by Parliament for Irish fisheries, 1845 to 1846. 1849. Dimensions of the several fishing boats around the coasts of the United Kingdom. 1849. Bill to repeal part of an Act 15 Geo. 3, lor the encouragement of the fisheries carried on from Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions in Europe, and for securing the return of the fishermen, sailors, and others employed in the said fisheries to the ports thereof at the end of the fishing season. 1850. Bill to consolidate and amend the Acts relating to Irish fisheries. 1850. Bill to amend the law relating to engines used in the rivers and on the sea-coast of Ireland for the taking of fish. 1850. Bill to amend Acts relating to the British white herring fishery. 1851. Bill for preserving the brood of salmon in the rivers and streams of Ireland. 185 1. Bill to authorize the advance of money out of Consolidated Fund for carrying on public works and fisheries, etc. 185 1. Bill for further regulation of the salmon fisheries in Scotland. 185 1. FISHERIES. 283 Parliamentary papers. Continued. Reports and statements respecting the fisheries in Ireland, 1850. 1851. Report made to the Admiralty, under the Preliminary Inquiries Act, relative to the Irish fisheries bill. 1852, Convention between Her Majesty and the King of the Belgians, relative to fishery, signed at London, 22 March 1852. 1852. Memorial and letters relative to dredging for oysters in deep water during the summer months. 1852. Amount of money granted in each year for promoting the Irish fisheries to the 31 December 185 1, and amount unappropriated. 1852-3. Bill for the improvement of the Irish fisheries. 1852-53. Treaty between Her Majesty and the U. S. of America, relative to fish- eries, etc.; signed at Washington, 5 June 1854. 1854-5. Bill to carry into effect a treaty between Her Majesty and the United States of America relative to the fisheries. 1854-55. Correspondence with the French Government relating to the Channel fisheries. 1854-5. Return of all British and French fishing vessels seized under the Act for carrying into effect the convention with France concerning the fish- eries, since i Jany. 1852, etc. 1854-5. Bill, intituled, An Act for the more effectual execution of the convention between Her Majesty and the Fi-ench Government concerning the fisheries in the seas between the British Islands and France. 1854-55. Letters from the Board of Trade of 28 Apl, 1847, to the Commissioners of Customs, and of 31 July 1849, to Messrs. Rayson, Alston and Gibbs, on the subject of the oyster fishery on the East Coast of England. 1854-5. Bill to assimilate the law as to the inland fisheries in Ireland to that of England. 1854-55. Bill to assimilate the law as to the sea coast fisheries of Ireland to that of England. 1854-55. Return of all sums of money advanced on public account, since January 1846, for building, adding to, or otherwise improving fishery harbours in Scotland. 1856. Same return for Ireland. 1856. Bill to authorise for a further period the advance of money out of the Consolidated Fund for carrying on public works and fisheries, and for the employment of the poor. 1856. Return in detail of certain sums included in Vote 8, Civil Contingencies relative to the Fishery Board. 1856. Report to the Treasury in 1849, by Mr. J. G. Shaw Lefeve, on the subject of the Fishery Board in Scotland ; also Treasury minutes and correspondence thereon. 1856. Reports to the Treasury in 1856 and 1857, on the subject of the Fishery Board (Scotland) by B. Price, and F. St. John, Esqrs. and Captain Sulivan. 1857. Treasury minute, dated 25 Apl., 1856, on the subject of the Fishery Board. 1856. Treasury minute, dated the 17th June 1856, appointing a Commission of Inquiry into the subject of grants administered by the Board of Fisheries. 1856. 284 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Parliamentary papers. Continued. Convention between Her Majesty and the Emperor of the French, relative to the rights of fishery on the coast of Newfoundland and the neighbouring coasts ; signed at London, 14th January 1857. 1857. Order in Council approving certain rules or bye-laws, made by the Committee of Council for Trade, for the more effectual performance of the convention with the Emperor of the French. 1857. Directions for giving effect to certain rules made by the Committee of Council for Trade on 21 May 1857, respecting the oyster fisheries in the seas between the British Isles and France. 1857. Bill to impose fees on the branding of barrels under the Acts concerning the herring fisheries in Scotland. 1857-58. Bill for the more effectual preservation and increase of the breed of salmon and fish of the salmon kind, and for the better regulating the fisheries in the rivers of England. 1859. Bill to repeal a certain toll levied upon fishing vessels passing the Nore. 1859. Return of the particulars of the expenditure of certain sums granted for the improvement of fishery piers and harbours in Ireland. 1859. Letter from Mr. Stopford, chairman of the Royal Irish Fisheries Com- pany, containing suggestions for the improvement of the Irish fisheries, with minutes thereon. 1859. Correspondence between Commissioners of Irish fisheries and the Irish Government on the consolidation of the fishery acts ; with memorial to the Lord Lieutenant, i860. Bill to consolidate and amend the laws for regulating fisheries in Ireland. i860. Bill to assimilate the law of Ireland to that of England as to the mode of fixing the close season for salmon and trout, i860. Bill to amend the law relative to the Scottish herring fisheries, i860. Bill to extend the Act of 8 & 9 Vict. c. 26. for preventing fishing for trout and other fresh water fish by nets, in the rivers and waters of Scot- land ; Amended in Committee ; Lords' amendments, i860. Report from the Select Committee on salmon fisheries, Scotland ; with the minutes of evidence, appendix, and index, i860. Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into salmon fisheries, England and Wales, with Minutes of Evidence, and Plan of the catchment basins of the rivers. 1861. Minutes of proceedings of the Select Committee on the salmon and Trout Fisheries Bill. 1861. Bill for the improvement, regulation, and protection of the salmon fisheries in Scotland, and on the coasts of the Solway Firth, and in the mouth or entrance of the River Tweed. 1861. Bill to make further provision for the regulation of the British white herring fishery in Scotland. 1861. Bill to amend the laws relating to fisheries of salmon and trout in England. 1861. Return of the yearly value of British salmon exported from the United Kingdom in each month of the years 1859, i860 and 1861, shewing the ports from which they were exported. 1862 ; in 1862. Reports of the Commissioners of fisheries in Ireland with respect to FISHERIES. 285 Parliamentary papers. Continued. obstructions in the rivers Bride and Blackwater, and correspondence on the subject. 1862, Reports and minutes of evidence taken by the Assistant Commissioner of fisheries, Ireland, in November 1861, at Athlone, Ballymahon, and Limerick. 1862. Report from the Select Committee on the fisheries ( Ireland) Bill ; with the proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendix and index. 1862. Bill to assimilate the law of Ireland as to sea-coast and inland fisheries to that of England. 1862. Bill to assimilate the law of Ireland as to salmon fisheries to that of England. 1863. List of all stone weirs in England, Ireland and Scotland, stating the breadth of each such weir, and the size of the gap maintained in it. 1863. Copies of applications made to the Commissioners of Fisheries in Ireland to reduce the size of the meshes of nets used for the capture of trout in the districts of Ballina and Londonderry ; proceedings taken thereon, etc. 1863. Nominal return of every salmon fishery in Ireland, and the poor law valuation of each ; and the amount of licence duty paid in 1862 for the different modes of, and engines for, catching salmon. 1863. Correspondence with reference to settling the rights of fishing on the shores of the lands in the possession of the Ordnance Department in Ireland. 1863. Bill to amend the laws relating to fisheries in Ireland. 1863. Minutes of the proceedings of the Select Committee on the fisheries ( Ireland) Bill. 1863. Bill for prohibiting the exportation of salmon at certain times. 1863. Report of the Royal Commission on the operation of the Acts relating to trawling for herrings on the coasts of Scotland. 1863. Evidence taken before the Commission. 1863. Bill to render uniform the law with respect to fishing for trout, and other fish not of the salmon kind, in Scotland. 1863. Bill to regulate and amend the law respecting the salmon fisheries of Scotland, etc. ( Amend, in Committee). ( Amend, in Com. and recom.) (Lord's Amend.) 1863. Nominal return of every salmon fishery in Scotland ; valuation of each and mode of capture practised. 1864. Return of tolls levied on yachts and fishing smacks in the several seaports of Gt. Britain and Ireland. 1864. Amount directed. be paid to the Commissioners of Irish fisheries, pursuant to the Act 59 Geo. 3 c. 109, and amount applied for by them for the encouragement of coast fisheries in each year, from Jany. 1820 to Jany. 1864; regulations and number of applications for money, etc. 1864. Bill for the better preservation of fresh water fish in England and Wales. 1864. Bill to facilitate the commutation and sale of certain vicarage teinds in Scotland. 1864. Bill to amend the Salmon Fishery Act, 1861. 1864. 286 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Parliamentary papers. Continued. Bill to amend the law relating to ovster fisheries in Ireland, (not printed.) 1864. Bill to continue the powers of the Commissioners, under the salmon fisheries (Scotland) Act, until the 1st day of Jany. 1865. Same, with Lord's amendments. 1865. Minutes of proceedings of the Select Committee on the Salmon Fishery Act (1861) Amendment Bill. 1865. Bill to amend the Acts relating to the Scotcish herring fisheries. 1865. Account of all sums of money received and paid in each year by the Commissioners for the British Fisheries, for building and repairing piers or quays in Scotland, under the Act 5 Geo. 4, c. 64 ; also for providing materials for the repairs of boats of poor fishermen, etc. 1865. Return of weirs abated by the Fishery Commissioners, distinguishing those in respect of which a charter existed, and those which, otherwise legal, were abated on the ground of being injurious to navigation. 1866. Report of the Commissioners appointed to enquire into the sea fisheries of the United Kingdom, Vol. I, Report and Appendix ; — Vol. II, Minutes of Evidence and Index. 1866. Bill to extend the provisions of the Acts for the encouragement of the sea fisheries in Ireland, by promoting and aiding with grants of public money the construction of piers, harbours and other works. 1866. Bill to validate certain licences granted in Ireland for the establishment of oyster beds. 1866. Bill further to promote the cultivation of oysters in Ireland, and to amend the Acts for that purpose. 1866. Bill to facilatate the establishment, improvement, and maintenance of oyster fisheries. 1866. Report from the Select Committee on the sea-coast fisheries ( Ireland) Bill ; with the proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendix and Index. 1867. Bill to amend the law of Ireland as to the sea coast fisheries, 1866 ; same amended by Select Committee. 1867. Return of the amount granted by Parliament for the encouragement of sea fishery in Ireland, and fees levied on the fishing trade, and payable into the Exchequer, 1857 to 1866. 1867. Return of the amount granted by Parliament for encouragement of sea fishery in Scotland, and of fees levied on the fishing trade, and payable into the Exchequer, 1857 to 1866. 1867. Report by Mr. Pennell to the Board of Trade upon the orders applied for under " The Oyster and Mussel Fisheries Act, 1866," with refer- ence to the River Blackwater, by " The Blackwater Oyster Fishing Company (Limited)," "The Maiden Oyster Fishery Company," and "The Fish and Oyster Breeding Company." 1867. Report by Mr. Pennell to the Board of Trade upon the state and pro- gress of the Roach river oyster fishery. 1867. Report by the Board of Trade of their proceedings under The Oyster and Mussel Fisheries Act, 1866. 1867. Return of applications made to the Board of Public Works in Ireland for FISHERIES. 287 Parliamentary papers. Continued. licences to form and plant oyster beds, with dates, etc.; also of the expense incurred by the Board of Works in Ireland with reference to the sea and oyster fisheries for 1864, 1865 and 1866, 1867. Copies of application to the Board of Public Works in Ireland of the Right Hon. John Wynne to plant oyster beds in Sligo Bay ; pro- ceedings taken thereon, and report relative to the same. 1867. Bill for the preservation and further protection of oyster and mussel fisheries. 1867, Bill to confirm certain orders made by the Board of Trade under "The Oyster and Mussel Fisheries Act, 1866," relating to the Rivers Blackwater ( Essex) and Hamble. 1867-68. Bill to continue in force an Act of the Second year of King George the Second, chapter nineteen, for the better regulation of the oyster fishery in the river Medway. 1867-68. Bill intituled, An " Act to alter and amend the Acts relating to the Biitish white herring fishery." 1867. Convention between Her Majesty and the Emperor of the French, rela- tive to fisheries in the seas between Great Britain and France; signed at Paris 11 November 1867. 1867-68. Correspondence between the Board of Trade and the Board of Works in Ireland relative to the Bill for giving effect to the convention with the Emperor of the French concerning the fisheries.. .and to amend the laws relating to British fisheries, as far as the same affects the fisheries of Ireland. 1867-8. Bill to carry into effect a convention between Her Majesty and the Emperor of the French concerning the fisheries in the seas adjoin- ing the British Islands and France, and to amend the laws relating to British sea fisheries. 1867-68. Bill, intituled, an Act to amend the Acts relating to salmon fisheries in Scotland. 1864— 1866— 1867-8. Bill to amend the laws relative to the coast and deep sea fisheries of Ireland. 1867-8. Correspondence between the Secretary of State for India and any of the Governments in India, on the subject of the preservation of the India river fisheries, etc. 1868-9. Copy of the judgment delivered by the Special Commissioner for the English fisheries at Workington on 10 Deer. 1868, relative to Lord Lonsdale's fishing coops in the river Derwent, and affecting the right to weirs in the non- navigable portions of salmon rivers in England. 1868-9. Report from the Select Committee appointed to enquire into the present state of the laws affecting the Salmon Fisheries of England and Wales ; with the Proceedings, Minutes of Evidence, Appendix, Diagrams and Index. 1868-69. Bill to amend the law relating to salmon fisheries in England. 1868-69. Bill to extend certain provisions of "The Sea Fisheries Act 1868," to sea fisheries of crabs and lobsters, and to enable the Board of Trade to make local orders for the regulation of such fisheries. 1868-69. Bill to confirm certain orders made by the Board of Trade under " The Sea Fisheries Act, 1868," relating to Donibristle ( Firth of Forth) and the Holy Loch ( Firth of Clyde). 1868-9. 288 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Parliamentary papers. Continued. Dates of the appointments of the Special Commissioners for English fisheries, and the Inspectors of salmon fisheries, since 1865 ; and, list of all fish passes approved by the Home Office. 1868-9. Report by Mr. Pennell on the oyster and mussel fisheries of France, and the applicability of the French system to British waters. 1868-9. List of the stone weirs in Ireland used for salmon fishing, with their breadth and the size of the Queen's gap or share maintained therein. 1868-9. Further correspondence. 1868-9. Bill to amend " The Salmon Fishery ( Ireland ) Act 1863 " and the Acts continuing the temporary provisions of the same. 1868-69. Correspondence, etc., relating to the special commissions for Irish fisheries, and the appointment of permanent inspectors of fisheries ; Further correspondence. 1868-69. Bill to amend the laws relating to fisheries in Ireland. 1868-9. Bill to amend the laws relative to the sea fisheries of Ireland. 1868-9. Bill to confirm an order made by the Board of Trade under " The Sea Fisheries Act, 1868" relating to Langston. 1868-69. Bill to confirm certain orders made by the Board of Trade under " The Sea Fisheries Act, 1868," relating to Boston Deeps and Emsworth. 1870. Bill [to same effect] relating to the Frith of Forth. 1870. Bill to amend the Acts relating to the export of unseasonable salmon. 1870. Report from the Select Committee on Salmon Fisheries ; together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, Appendix, and Index. 1870, Report to the Board of Trade by Mr. Pennell upon the state of the Oyster Fisheries in the Rivers Blackwater and Roach. 1870. Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the present state of the Oyster Fisheries of France, England, and Ireland, and the various methods of cultivation adopted in those countries. 1870. Gross amount granted by Parliament for the encouragement of the Sea Fishery in Scotland and in Ireland for the last ten vears. 1870. Reports by the Inspector of fisheries and the engineer of the Board of Works in Ireland, on the subject of the fish passes on the Shannon River ; and correspondence on the subject (in continuation of Paper No 373, of Session 1868-69). 1870. List of stone weirs in Ireland used for salmon fishing, with their breadth and the size of the Queen's gap or share maintained therein. 1870. Gross amount granted by Parliament for the encouragement of the Sea Fishery in Scotland and in Ireland for the last ten years. 1870. Bill to confirm an order made by the Board of Trade under "The Sea Fisheries Act, 1868," relating to the Firth of Forth. 1871. Bill to confirm an order made by the Board of Trade under " The Sea Fisheries Act, 1868," relating to the Firth of Forth. (Oyster and mussel fisheries). 1871. Bill to confirm certain orders made by the Board of Trade under " The sea fisheries Act, 1868," relating to Emsworth Channel and Swansea (Oyster and mussel fisheries). 1871. Bill to amend the laws relating to Salmon fisheries in England and Wales. 1871. Same as amended in Committee. 1871. FISHERIES. 289 Parliamentary papers. Coniimied. Returns of the salmon rivers in England and Wales, stating the extreme limits beyond which salmon are prevented from ascending the same by obstructions, natural or artificial. 1871. List of all the fish passes approved by the Home Office under the 12th Section of the Salmon Act, 1861 ; also under 23rd, 24th, and 25th Sections of the said Act. since the 5th of July 1869, (in continuation of No. 302 of 1869). 1871. Bill to consolidate and amend the laws relating to the salmon and inland fisheries of Ireland 1871 ; Bill No 2. 1871. Bill to amend the law as to the Sea Coast fisheries ( Ireland) and to aid and encourage said fisheries. 1871. Translation of Part I of a Report on the state of the Netherlands sea fisheries for 1869, made to the Netherlands Government; and correspondence between the Netherlands and British Governments upon the subject of the branding of herring barrels. 187 1. Report of the Special Commissioners appointed to inquire into the effect of recent legislation on the salmon fisheries in Scotland, by Francis Buckland, Inspector of salmon fisheries for England and Wales, and Archibald Young, Commissioner of Scotch salmon fisheries, 187 1. Return of the fishing boats registered at the several ports in the United Kingdom, in the Isle of Man, and in the Channel Islands, showing the number, tonnage and class of boats remaining on the registers on the 31st December 1869, and the number of men and boys employed in them. 1871. Bill to confirm certain orders made by the Board of Trade under "The Sea Fisheries Act, 1868" relating to Greshernish and Lynn Deeps. 1872. Bill [to same effect] relating to Salcombe. 1872. Bill to amend the laws relating to salmon fisheries in England and Wales. Same Bill No 2. Same [as amended by Select Committee]. 1872. Minutes of Proceedings of the Select Committee on Salmon Fisheries (No 2) Bill. 1872. Returns of particulars of all inqun-ies held by the Special Commissioners for English fisheries in each year, 1866 and subsequently ; and, also, names, duties, and salaries of the persons employed by the said Special Commission, with the expenses incurred in each year since its appointment. 1872. Return of the instructions given to the inspectors of salmon fisheries ; of particulars of all inspections and other official acts performed by them in each year, 1866 and subsequently; also, names, duties, and salaries of the persons employed by the said inspectors, with the expenses incurred in each year since 1866. 1872. Return of particulars of all inquiries and examinations held by the inspector appointed by the Board of Trade under " The Oyster and Mussel Fisheries Act, 1866," and "The sea fisheries Act, 1868," in each year, 1866 to 1872 ; of the names, duties, and salaries of the persons employed, etc. 1872. Return of the number of cases in which offers have been made by the Crown to landowners to grant them leases of salmon fishings ex adverse of their lands since the ist January i860 ; of the number 290 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Parliamentary papers. Continued. of cases which have and have not resulted in the landowner taking a lease ; duration of each lease, rent, fees, etc. 1872. Correspondence with the Government of Canada in connection with the appointment of the Joint High Commission, and the Treaty of Washington; further correspondence; further correspondence. 1872. [ Relates to the Canadian fisheries.] Returns of the names of the rivers of which the definitions of the mouths or estuaries made by the Special Commissioners have been repealed, etc.; of the number ot fixed engines for which certificates have been given ; and, of the number of inquiries held by the Inspectors into the legality of fixed engines, etc. 1872. Miscellaneous statistics of the United Kingdom, Part VIII ( fisheries, etc.) 1872. Return from the Commissioners appointed under "The salmon fisheries (Scotland) Act, 1862," of particulars of the official acts performed by them in each year, 1867 and subsequently ; also, names, duties, and salaries of the persons employed by the said Commissioners, with the scale of payment to the Commissioners, and the total amount of such payments and expenses in each of the said years. 1872. Return of convictions under the Fishery Acts on the river Tweed and its tributaries, 1852 to 1871 ; nature of charge, penalty inflicted, etc. 1872. Bill to confirm an order made by the Board of Trade under " The sea fisheries Act, 1868," relating to Bosham (Oyster and Mussel fisheries). 1873. Bill to amend the law relating to salmon fisheries in England and Wales ; same as amended in Committee. 1873. Bill to amend the laws relating to salmon fisheries in England and Wales. 1373. Bill to discontinue the office of Special Commissioners of salmon fisheries in England. 1873. Bill to amend the laws relating to the fisheries of Ireland. 1873. Bill to declare and define the powers of Inspectors of fisheries in Ireland with reference to free gaps in weirs. 1873. Returns of particulars of all fixed nets, the erection of which has been sanctioned by the Irish fishery Inspectors since their appointment, and of all fixed nets, half tram or fixed draft nets in estuaries, sanctioned by the inspectors, etc. 1873. Returns of the certificates granted for fixed engines for fishing for salmon or trout in Ireland, by the Special Commissioners for Irish fisheries and the Inspectors of Irish fisheries ; and of all orders made as to the legality of fishing weirs. 1873. Bill for a weekly close time in the Scottish herring fishery. 1874. Bill to remove the restrictions contained in the British White Herring Fishery Acts in regard to the use of fir wood for herring barrels. 1874. Bill to confirm certain orders made by the Board of Trade under " The Sea Fisheries Act, 1868," relating to Menai Straits and Paglesham. 1874. Return of the salmon rivers of Ireland, stating the limit which the salmon FISHERIES. 291 Parliamentary papers. Contimied. can ascend, and whether the obstruction be natural or artificial. 1874. Return of persons charged under the Fishery Acts in force in the River Tweed and its tributaries, from ist April 1872 to 31st March 1874, with particulars of each case. 1874. Bill intituled, An Act to confirm a Provisional Order made by one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, in pursuance of the Salmon Fishery Act, 1873, relating to the Taw and Torridge Salmon Fishery District. 1875. Bill to amend " The Sea Fisheries Act, 1868." 1875. Bill to provide for the establishment of a close time in the seal fishery in the seas adjacent to the eastern coasts of Greenland. 1875. Report on the fisheries of Norfolk, especially crabs, lobsters, herrings and the broads, by the Inspectors of salmon fisheries. 1875. Reports of the Inspectors of Salmon Fisheries on the Wye River bye-laws with correspondence. 1875. Bill to make better provision for the encouragement and regulation of the coast and deep sea fisheries of Ireland. 1875. Report by the Special Commissioners appointed to inquire into the operation of the Tweed Fisheries Acts. Vol. I, Report and Appendi.x. Vol. II, Minutes of Evidence. 1875. Bill to preserve the crab and lobster fisheries on the coast of Norfolk. Bill to amend the law relating to elver fishing. 1876. Same [as amended in Committee]. 1876. Bill intituled, An Act to confirm an Order made by the Board of Trade under the Sea Fisheries Act, 1868, relating to Truro. 1876. Bill for the better protection of oyster fisheries, 1876. Bill to amend the law relating to salmon fisheries in England and Wales. 1876. Bill to confirm a Provisional Order made by one of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, in pursuance of the Salmon Fishery Act, 1873, relating to the River Tees Salmon Fishery District. 1876. Report from the Select Committee appointed to inquire what are the reasons for the present scarcity of oysters, and as to the measures adopted by Parliament after the Report of the Royal Commission on Sea Fisheries in 1866 ; together with the Proceedings of the Committee. Minutes of Evidence, Appendix, and Index. 1876. Report by Mr. Spencer Walpole on the manner in which the Heme Bay, Hampton, and Reculver Oyster Fishery Company are cultivating the oyster grounds within the limits of the fishery granted them by " The. Heme Bay Fishery Act, 1864." 1876. Report by the Inspectors of Salmon Fisheries, on the provisions of the 15th Section of the Salmon Fishery Act, 1873, relating to elver fishing on the Severn. 1876. Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the Wye River bye-laws. 1876. Bill for the regulation and encouragement of the coast and deep sea fisheries of Ireland. 1876. Bill to prohibit the use of dynamite or other explosives for the purpose of catching or destroying fish in public fisheries. 1877. Bill, intituled, an Act to amend the law relating to the fisheries of oysters, U 2 292 JSIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Parliamentary papers. CuntiniLed. crabs, and lobsters, and other sea fisheries ; same (amended in Com- mittee). 1877. Bill to preserve the fisheries in the navigable rivers and broads of the Counties of Norfolk and Suffolk and the City of Norwich, Same (as amended by the Select Committee). 1877. Lords' amendments to the Norfolk and Suffolk fisheries bill. 1877. Bill, intituled, an Act to confirm an order made by the Board of Trade under The sea fisheries Act, 1868, relating to Falmouth. 1877. Reports on the crab and lobster fisheries of England and Wales, Scotland and Ireland. 1877. Report as to the use of dynamite for killing fish. 1877. Reports of inspectors appointed in the year 1876, by the Board of Trade under "The sea fisheries Act, 1868," to inquire into the state of the fisheries established under orders made by the Board. 1877. Bill for the regulation and encouragement of the coast and deep sea fisheries of Ireland. [ Not printed.] 1877. Bill to make certain provisions in regard to the salmon fisheries in the Solvvay Firth and its affluents. 1877. Report made to the Minister of Marine in France relative to oyster culture. 1877. Return of the total number of committals to prison of apprentices to masters of fishing boats for refusing to go to sea from England, Scotland, and Ireland, during 1875 & 1876. 1877. Bill for the protection of fresh-water fish ; as amended by Select Com- mittee; Lords' amendments. 1878. Report from the Select Committee to whom the Fresh-water Fish Protection Bill was referred ; together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, and Index. 1878. Report on the fisheries of the English Lake districts by the Inspectors of Salmon Fisheries for England and Wales. 1878. Report to the Board of Trade upon four applications made under " The Sea Fisheries Act, 1868," for Orders for the Establishment of an Oyster Fishery in the river Blackwater. 1878. Report on the principal oyster fisheries of France, with a short des- cription of the system of oyster culture pursued at some of the most important places, from inspections made in September and October 1877. 1878. Reports respecting the Herring Fishery on the West Coast of Sweden. 1878. Bill dealing with sea fisheries in Ireland. 1878. Report on the herring fisheries of Scotland by the Inspectors of the Salmon Fisheries for England and Wales, and the Commissioner of Scotch Salmon Fisheries. 1878. Bill to confirm an order made by the Board of Trade under "The Sea fisheries Act, 1868," relating to Tollesbury and Mersea, in the river Blackwater ( Essex). 1878-9. Bill to amend the law relating to Salmon Fisheries in England and Wales. 1878-9. Bill to amend the Salmon fishery Act with reference to fixed engines in tidal waters (No. 2). 1878-9. Report by the Inspectors of fisheries on the provisions of a Bill for the FISHERIES. 293 Parliamentary papers. Continued. amendment of the 39th vSection of the Salmon fishery Act, 1873. 1878-9. Report on sea fisheries (England and Wales), by the Inspectors of fisheries. 1878-9. Correspondence respecting the Halifax Fisheries Commission ; further correspondence. 1878-9. Report of the Inspectors of Irish fisheries, dated January 1877, on the subject of branded herrings in Ireland and Scotland. 1878-9. Bill to consolidate and amend the salmon and fresh-water fishery laws of England and Wales ; as amended. 1880. Report of the inspectors appointed by the Board of Trade to hold an inquiry respecting an application made under " The fisheries (oyster, crab and lobster) Act, 1877," for an order restricting the taking of crabs and lobsters on a portion ot the coast of Norfolk. 1880. Report on the disease which has recently prevailed among the salmon in the Tweed, Eden, and other rivers in England and Scotland, by the Inspector of fisheries for England and Wales, and the Advocate Commissioner of Scotch Salmon fisheries. 1880, Return of application to the Board of Trade for grants of orders under part III of "The sea fisheries Act, 1868," distinguishing those which were unsuccessful and those which, having been granted, have since been discontinued, ' 1880. Bill to amend the law relating to sea fisheries in Ireland. 1880. [Not printed]. Bill for the regulation and encouragement of the coast and deep sea fisheries of Ireland. 1880. Return of the localities selected by the Commissioners appointed by warrant, dated 14th June 1880, to inquire and report on the best mode of expending the sum of ;^6o,ooo on the erection of piers... on the Southern and Western coast of Ireland. 1880. Report from the Select Committee appointed to inquire into the objections urged by persons connected with fishing industries against the new regulations as to lights for fishing vessels ; with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence, Appendix and Index. 1880. Report of a Committee appointed by the Board of Trade to consider and report upon certain representations made by persons interested in trawling and drift-net fishing vessels with respect to the new inter- national regulations for preventing collisions at sea. 1880. Bill to consolidate and amend the laws relating to salmon and fresh-water fisheries. 1881. Bill to provide for the protection of clam and bait beds. 1881. Bill for the declaration of the law relating to Sol way fisheries. 1881. Bill to amend the Fresh-water Fisheries Act, 1878. 1881. Bill to amend the law regulating the close season for pollen fishinsr (Ireland). 1881. Salmon fisheries (Radnorshire), Report by the Inspectors on the changes of the law, if any, which are required. 1881. Report on lights for fishing vessels ; further report. 1881. See also Reports. 294 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Paterson ( James). Amendment of the present salmon fishery laws. England, 1869. The opinion of James Paterson, Esq. Barrister-at-law. Bath, 1869. 8°. [ Judgment of Mr. Paterson given on] Lord Lons- dale's salmon Hall fishery ...Workington, 10 Dec. 1868. London, Eyre and Spottiswoode. [1869.] pp. 71 and map. 8°. Peck ( Philip). Some observations for improvement of trade, by establishing the fishery of Great Britain ; as a proper means to... promote the interest of the... South-sea Company... With some hints how the said fishery may be gained in like manner as our woollen manufactory was by King Henry VH and Queen Elizabeth, etc. By Mr. Peck. London... T. Dormer next door to the Castle Tavern in Fleet-street. 1732. pp. viii. 55. 8°. [An advertisement on [56] promises in a short time, "Some further observations, etc."'\ Perley ( M. H.) Report on the sea and river fisheries of New Brunswick, within the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Bay of Chaleur. Fredericton, 1850. 8°.; Second edition. Fred- ericton, Simpson, 1852. 8°. Report on the fisheries of the Bay of Fundy. Frederic- ton, 1 85 1. 8°. Peto (Sir Morton). The resources and prospects of America. London, Straton, 1866. 8°. [ " Disputes respecting fisheries."] Phelps ( S.) A treatise on the importance of extending the British fisheries, containing a description of the Iceland fish- eries and of the Newfoundland fishery and colony ; together with remarks... for the better supply of the metropolis and the interior, with cured and fresh fish, etc. London, Simpkin, 1818. 8°. Pitcairn ( George). A retrospective view of the Scots fisheries; with observations and remarks, etc. Sma' is our need to tail on foreign shores When we hae baith the Indies at our doors. Allan Ramsay. Edinburgh, 1785. pp.26. 12°. Pollution. On the pollution of the rivers of the Kingdom, the enormous magnitude of the evil, and the urgent necessity, in the interest of the public health, and the fisheries, for its sup- pression by immediate legislative enactments. Circulated by the Council of the Fisheries Preservation Society. 1868. 8°. FISHERIES. 295 Publicus. Practical notes on the legislation for the fisheries of the St. Lawrence. By Publicus. Addressed to William Rhodes, Esq., President of the fish and game protection club. Quebec, [n. d.] 8°. Puckle (James). England's interest; or a brief discourse of the Royal Fishery ; in a letter to a friend. Second edition. London, 1696. 16°. — -^ England's path to wealth and honour, in a dialogue between an Englishman and a Dutchman. London, 1699. 8°. Other editions : 1700, 1707, 1718 & 1722. [Reprinted in "The Somers tracts," 1750, vol.8, pp. 422-40; 1809-15, vol. ii, pp. 371-386.] Raleigh ( Sir Walter). Observations touching trade and com- merce with the Hollanders and other nations, as it was presented to King James, wherein is proved that our sea and land commodities serve to enrich and strengthen other countries against our own. London, 1653. 12°.; \_ Re-issued as:'] Select observations relating to trade, commerce and coin. London, 1696. fol.; \_ and again as :] Sir Walter Raleigh's observations on the British fishery, and on several other points relating to trade and commerce. By him addressed and presented to King James I. London, reprinted in the year 1720 and sold by J. Roberts in Warwick- lane, pp. viii. 55. 4°. Ramsay ( Allan). The prospect of plenty : a poem on the North sea fishery : inscribed to the Right Honourable the Royal Burrows of Scotland. 1721. 4°. Reasons. Reasons humbly offered for the adding the word lobsters, to the exception made to a Bill, entituled, a Bill to prevent the sale, within this Kingdom, of fish, taken by forreigners in forreign vessels, (n. d.) s. sh. fol. Reeves (John). A history of the law of shipping and navi- gation. London : Brooke, 1792. 8°. [ Chap. V. The fisheries.] Reports to Parliament. Reports by the Commissioners for the herring fishery, for years 1809 to 1840; Reports by the Commissioners for the British fisheries, for years 1841 to 1868 ; [ The collection of returns for England as rendered by the Scotch Board had ceased in 1850 and those for the Isle of Man in 1868. The returns being thus restricted to Scotland the title given to the subsequent reports was :] 296 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Reports by the Commissioners for the herring fishery, Scot- land, for years 1869 to 1871 ; [The vote in Parliament having become abbreviated to "Fishery Board, Scotland/' the title of the Report was altered to :] Report by the Commissioners of the Fishery Board, Scot- land, for years 1872 to 1881. [ These Reports which are included in the Parliamentary papers for the year following their respective dates, are all made by the same Board, viz., "The Board of White-herring Fishery," estab- lished in Edinburgh in 1808 by Act 48 Geo. III. cap. no, and continued and regulated by 55 Geo. III. c. 94 ; i & 2 Geo. IV. c. 79 ; II Geo. IV. & i Will". IV. c. 54 ; 10 & 11 Vict. c. 91 ; 14 & 15 Vict. c. 26 ; 21 & 22 Vict. c. 69 ; 23 & 24 Vict. c. 92 ; 24 & 25 Vict. c. 72 ; 28 & 29 Vict. c. 22 ; 30 & 31 Vict. c. 52 ; 31 & 32 Vict. c. 45 and 37 & 38 Vict. c. 25.] Reports of the Commissioners of the Irish fisheries under Act 59, Geo. 3, for years 181 9 to 1830 ; [The first report is contained in the Parliamentary papers for 1821 and the others in the year following that to which they relate. They are also reprinted with an historical sketch of the fisheries, in Appendix no. i to the " Report of the Special Committee of Enquiry into the fisheries of Ireland," 1836. Appendix xi of this report contains a summary of the legal regulations up to 1836.] Reports of the Commissioners of fisheries, Ireland, pursuant to Act 5 & 6 Vict. c. 109, for years 1843 to 1868. [ These Commissioners were a sub-department of the Board of Public Works in Ireland. The Act appointing them was amended by 6 & 7 Vict. c. 79 ; 7 & 8 Vict. c. 108 ; 8 & 9 Vict. c. 108 ; 9 & 10 Vict. c. 114 ; II & 12 Vict. c. 92 ; 13 & 14 Vict. c. 88 and 26 Vict. c. 10. In 1863 the management of the salmon fisheries was con- fided to Special Commissioners and in August 1869 the deep sea and coast fisheries were transferred to the Inspectors of Irish fisher- ies, by 32 & 33 Vict. c. 92.] Reports of the Special Commissioners for Irish fisheries for years 1863 to 1868. [ These reports refer only to the salmon fisheries, which were transferred to the management of the Special Commissioners by 26 & 27 Vict. c. 114. The Act 32 & 33 Vict. c. 9 again transferred these fisheries and placed them under the control of the Inspectors of Fisheries as a permanent department.] Reports of the Inspectors of Irish fisheries, for years 1869 to 1881. Reports of the Inspectors of salmon fisheries, Eng- land and Wales, for years 1862 to 1881. Reports by the Board of Trade of their proceedings under part iii of "The sea fisheries act, j868," for years 1869 to 1881. Richardson (Sir John Stewart). The rod, the net and the public, being a few practical hints for regulating the times and FISHERIES. 297 seasons of the salmon fisheries of Scotland. Edinburgh and London, 1864. 8° Roe (Sir Thomas). His speech in Parliament, wherein he sheweth the cause of the decay of coin and trade in this land ;; especially of merchants' trade. London, 1641. 4°. [ Proposes, as a remedy, the extension of the fisheries. Reprinted in " Harleian Miscellany," 1809, vol. iv. pp. 459.] Rose (J.) An essay upon the British fisheries: wherein the errors of the system on which they are at present conducted^ are pointed out ; a better system is recommended ; and sundry experiments, tending to improvement, are proposed. The whole humbly submitted to the consideration of the public. Bv a Caledonian Fisher. Edinburgh, W. Creech, 1705, pp. 40. 8°. Ross ( William, Jtuiior). Abridgment of the laws of Scotland relative to hunting and fowling, dove-cots and pigeons, rivers^ the sea-shores and fishings, etc. Montrose, Buchanan, (n. d.) 8°, Royle ( L F., M.DJ On the production of isinglass along the coasts of India, with a notice of the fisheries. London, W. H. Allen. 1842. pp. viii. 94. 8°. S. (E.) Britaines Bvsse. Or a compvtation as well of the charge of a busse or herring-fishing ship. As also of the gaine and profit thereby, etc. By E. S. London, Nicholas Bourne. 1615. pp.48. 4°. [ Reprinted in " The English Garner," 1880, vol. iii, pp. 621-656.] — England's royall fishing revived : or a compvtation as well of the charge of a Busse, or herring-fishing-ship, as also of the gaine and profit thereby. By E. S. London, Nicholas Bourne, 1630. pp.48. 4°. St. Lawrence. See Publicus. Practical notes on. ..fisheries of the St. L. Quebec. St. Lo ( George). England's safety ; or, a bridle to the French King... Also an in-sight into the advantages may be made by the herring and other fisheries, in respect to the breeding of seamen, and otherwise. By Captain George St. Lo. London, W. Miller, 1693. pp.48. 4°. Salmon. See Inquiry. An inquiry into the... salmon fish- eries. 1827. 8°. See South Kensington. Report of ... Congress. 1867. 8°. The salmon fisheries. Report of a meeting held at Derby, on the 22nd of April 1864. Derby, Bemrose, 1864. pp.19. 8-. 298 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. The salmon and sea fisheries : containing comments upon the existing and proposed legislature, etc.^ extracted from the Dublin University Magazine and carefully revised. Dublin, 1852. 8°. Saunders (W.) Essay to establishing the fishery of Great Britain. 1708. 4°. Schultes (H.) A dissertation on the public fisheries, explaining the rise, progress and art of Dutch fisheries ; and shewing that an establishment of a national fishery, on similar principles, will extinguish the poor man's rates, etc. London, 181 3. 8°. Scotch. Scotch Fisheries Improvement Association. First annual report of the Council to the members of the association, May 1 88 1. Edinburgh : printed by Neill and Co. 1881. pp.68. 8°. [ The report ends on p. 52, the following pages containing an "Essay on the salmon disease. By Sir James R. Gibson-Maitland, Bart., Craigend, Stirling."] Scotland. See Parliamentary Papers and Statutes. A collection of the Acts of Parliament, establishing and relating to the funds. ..for encouraging. ..fisheries. Scotland. Edinburgh, 175 1. pp. iv. 31. 8°. An exact and authentic account of the greatest white herring fishery in Scotland, carried on yearly, in the island of Zetland, by the Dutch only. The method the Dutch use in catching the herrings... and a method laid down whereby we may easily engross that profitable branch of trade in our own hands, etc. By a gentleman who resided five years in the Island. London, Joseph Davidson, 1750. pp. v. 34. 8°. [A paginary reprint, was published by T. James in 1753, some copies of which bear the above title and others the following :] A true and exact description of the island of Shetland, together with an account of the great white herring fishery of that place, and the methods the Dutch use in catching, curing and disposing of the herrings they catch there, and the prodi- gious advantage Britain may receive from thence. With many other various particulars. The second edition. London, T. James, at the Royal Exchange. 1753. pp. v. 34. 8°. The interest of Scotland considered, with regard to.. its manufactures and fisheries. Edinburgh, Fleming and Co. 1733. 8°. Journal of a tour through the Highlands of Scotland during the summer of 1829. Norton Hall, 1830. [ Herring fishing, pp. 339 sqq.] A letter to Rt. Hon. C. Abbot, Speaker of the House FISHERIES. 299 of Commons, containing an inquiry into the most effectual means of the improvement of the coasts and Western Isles of Scotland, and the extension of the fisheries. With a letter from Dr. Anderson to the author, on the same subject. London, G. and W. Nicol. 1803. 8°. Memorial shewing the advantages the Kingdom of Scotland may have by the undertaking, and improvement of fishings for export, etc. Printed in the year 1700. pp. 7. 4°. [ " By Collonell John Buchan," according to a MS. note in the Denison copy.] The necessity of founding villages, contiguous to harbours, for the effectual establishment of fisheries on the West coast of Scotland and the Hebrides. With a refutation of the reasoning on that subject of Robert Fall Esq. of Dunbar, in a pamphlet addressed to the Committee of the House oif Commons on the fisheries. By a Member of the Highland Society in London. London, T. Cadell, 1786. pp.40, 8°. Observations regarding the salmon fishery of Scot- land. Especially with reference to the stake-net mode of fishing ; the regulation of the close time, etc. Second edition. Edinburgh, Bell and Bradfute, 1824. title^ pp.69. 8°. Reasons for improving the fisheries and linnen manu- factures of Scotland. Wherein are shown. ..that the fishing in deep water is equally an advantage to all the subjects of Great Britain... London, J. Roberts, 1727. pp. iv. 35. 8°. Remarks on a pamphlet, entitled. Observations regarding the salmon fishery of Scotland. London, Ridgway, 1824. pp. 27. 8°. [ A reply to the penultimate entry.] Some considerations on the present state of Scotland : in a letter to the Commissioners and Trustees for improving fisheries and manufactures. The third edition. Edinburgh, printed by Sands. 1744. pp. 18. 8°. Suggestions for the regulation of the salmon fisheries in Scotland. 1824. [n. p. or d.] pp.4. View of the present state of the salmon fishery of Scotland, with observations on the nature, habits, and instincts of the salmon race. By a Salmon-fisher. Aberdeen [1830.?] 8°.; Another edition : Edinburgh, Neill and Co., 1834. 8°. Scottish. A voice from the Scottish fisheries. Addressed to the Lords of the Treasury, on behalf of the 25.000 inhabitants of Lewis and Harris, the important fishing station of Storno- way, pleading for increased and better conducted postal accommodation. By a Veteran Piscator. (London), i866. pp. 15. 8". 300 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Selden (John), Mare clausum, seu de dominio maris libri duo. Primo, mare, ex jure naturae seu gentium, omnium hominum non esse commune, sed Dominii privati seu proprietatis capax, pariter ac tellurem, esse demonstratur. Secundo, serenissi- mum Magnse Britanniae regem maris circumflui, ut individuae atque perpetuae Imperii Britannici appendicis, Dominum esse asseritur. London, ]t>35. fol.; 1836. 8°. [ A reply to Grotius's " Mure liberum." It was first printed on the occasion of a dispute as to the Dutch right of fishing on our coasts. A translation by Needham was published in 1652, and, with a new preface, in 1663.] Severn. A statement of the objects and constitution of the United Association for preserving the fisheries of the river Severn and its tributaries ; with a summary of the laws affecting the fishery. Worcester : printed by Chalk and Holl. 1843. pp. 22. 12°. Shaw (Rev. George). Our Filey fishermen : with sketches of their manners and customs, social habits and religious con- dition. London, Hamilton, Adams and Co., etc. 1867. pp. viii. 148. 8°. Shell (John B.) Observations on the salmon fisheries of Ulster; urging their claims to legislative protection. London, printed for the author. 1842. pp.71. 8°. Shetland. See Scotland. An... account of the greatest white herring fishery in Scotland, etc. 1750. 4°. Simmonds ( P. L.) The commercial products of the sea, or, marine contributions to food, industry and art. With illustra- tions. London, Griffith and Farran, 1879. pp. viii. 484. 8°. Sinclair (William). The Irish fishery laws. A letter to the Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel. Bart., Chief Secretary for Ireland. London, Cox and Wyman, 1863. 8°. The Irish fishery laws. A second letter to... Sir Robert Peel, etc. London, Hardwicke, 1863. 8°. 2 plates. Analysis of amendments to Irish fishery bill. London, 1863. 8°. Smart ( J.) Remarks on the present condition and prospects of the British fisheries. Aberdeen, 181 8. 12^. Smith ( John). The trade and fishing of Great Britain dis played ; with a description of the islands of Orkney and Shetland. London, 1661. 4°. Smith ( Simon). The herring-bvsse trade : expressed in svndry particulars, both for the building of Busses, making of deepe sea-nets, and other appurtenances, also the right curing of the FISHERIES. 301 herring for forreiiie vent. London, printed by E. P. for Nicholas Bourne, 1641. pp. iv. 44. 4°. A true narration of the royall fishings of Great Brit- taine and Ireland. Instituted anno 1632, and prosecuted by... Earle of Pembrook...and his associates untill 1640, from the river of Thames, etc. By Simon Smith, agent for the Royall fishing. London, Nicholas Bourne, 1641. pp. iv. 8. 4°. South Kensington. Report of the salmon fishery congress, held at the Horticultural Gardens, South Kensington, Friday, 7th June 1867. London : published for the Commitiee. 1867. pp.43. 8°. Statutes. The Statutes of the Realm [concerning the fisheries, etc.'] *^* Those in force are printed in the larger type. 3 Edward I, c. 20 (1274). Offences committed in parks and ponds. [Repealed : 7 & 8, Geo. IV, c. 27 ; 9 Geo. IV, c. 53.] 13 Edward I, c. 47 (1284). A penalty for taking of salmon at certain times of the year. [Repealed : 24 & 25 Vict., c. 109.] 17° Edward II, St. i, c. 1 1 ( Ruffhead). His prerogative in having the wreck of sea-whales and sturgeons. 31 Edward III, st. 2 (1357). The order and time of bringing and sel- ling of herring at Yarmouth Fair. How many herring shall be accounted an hundred, and how many a last. Who shall govern the Fair. [ Repealed : 7 & 8 Vict., c. 24.] 31 Edward III, st. 3. What great officers shall take order for selling and buying of fish. [ Repealed \ ^ &^ Vict., c. 24.] 36 Edward III, (1360). An Ordinance of herring. All persons may buy herring in the Fair at Yarmouth openly and not privily. No man shall enter into a bargain of herring until the first chapman have done with it. [ Repealed : 7 & 8 Vict., c. 24.] 13 Richard II, c. 19 (1389-90). An act for the preservation of fish. [ Repealed : 24 & 25 Vict., c. 109.] 17 Richard II, c. 9 (1393-4). Justices of the Peace shall be Conser- vators of the Statutes made touching salmon. [Repealed : 24 & 25 Vict., c. 109.] 2 Henry VI, c. 14 (1423). The several measures of vessels of wine, eels, herrings and salmon. [ Repealed : 3 Geo. IV. c. 41, etc^ c. 19. No man shall fasten nets to any thing over rivers. [Repealed : 24 & 25 Vict., c. 109.] 5 Edw. IV, c. 6 (Parliament of Ireland). An act that no ship or other vessel of any foreign country shall go to fish in the Irish countries ; and for custom to be paid off the vessel that cometh from foreign lands to fishing. [ Repealed : 5 & 6 Vict., c. 106.] 302 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 2 2 Edward IV, c. 2 (1482-3). An act for packing of barrelled fish. [ Repealed : 5 Geo. IV, c. 74 and S. L. R. Act, 1863.] 4 Henry VII, c. 21 (1488-9). An act that no engines shall be used for destroying of fry of fish in Orford Haven in Suffolk upon pain of forfeiture of ^10 for every offence. [Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] 7 Henry VII, c. 9 (1491). An act for the preservation of the spawn of fish within the Nasse and Haven of Orford. [Repealed: 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] II Henry VII, c. 23. The selling of salmons and eels; their vessels, packing and gauging of them, [Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1863.] 23 Henry VIII, c. 18 (1431-2). For pulling down of piles and fish- garths in the rivers Ouse and Humpy. [Repealed : 24 & 25 Vict., c. 109.] 25 Henry VIII, c. 4. Only such persons as be Merchants Adventurers of Iceland for salt-fish, stock-fish, ling, haberdine or lob-fish or Doggermen...or such as be fishermen... shall buy any kinds of the same fish... to sell again at any of the Fairs of Sturbridge. [Repealed : 35 Hen. 8, c.'7.] c. 7. No person with any nets, engines or device shall take any fry or spawn of eels or salmon in any waters during ten vears upon pain of forfeiture of v li. and his nets, etc. [Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1863.] 28 Hen. VIII, c. 22 ( Parliament of Ireland). An act for the wears upon the Barrow and other waters in the county of Kilkenny. [ Repealed in part : 5 & 6 Vict., c. 106.] 31 Henry VIII, c. 2 (1539). An a-^t that fishing in any several pond, or mote, with an intent to steal fish out of the same is felony. [Repealed : 7 & 8 Geo. IV, c. 27.] 33 Henry VIII, c. 2. An act concerning the buying of fish upon the sea. [ Repealed : 3 Geo. IV, c. 41.] 35 Henry VIII, c. 7 (1543-4). An act for the repealing of a certain statute concerning the bringing in of salt-fish and stockfish. [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1862.] 2 & 3 Edvv. VI, c. 13, sec. 1 1. ( Payment of fish tithes in parishes by sea coast.) 1° Elizabeth, c. 17 ( 1558-9). An act for preservation of spawn and fry of fish. [Repealed in part : 18 Geo. Ill, c. 33 ; 24 & 25 Vict., c. 109 and S. L. R. A. 1863. The restriction on the size of fish to be taken and nets to be used remains in force.] 5 Eliz., c. 5. An act touching certayne politique constitutions made for the maintenance of the Navye. [Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] c. 21. An act for punishing of unlawful taking of fish, deer, or hawks. [Repealed : 7 & 8 Geo. IV, c. 27.] II Eliz., c. 4 (Parliament of Ireland). An act for the preservation of salmon fry and eel fry. [ Repealed : 5 «& 6 Vict., c. 106.] FISHERIES. 303 10 Car., sess. 2, c. 24 (Parliament of Ireland). An act for the better preservation of fishing in the Counties of Dubhn, VVicklovv, Wex- ford, Waterford, Cork, Kerry, Clare, Gahvay, Mayo, Sligo, and all other counties and places within the realm of Ireland and the dominions thereof adjoining to the sea coast, and for the relief of Balkers, Corders and Fishermen against malicious suits. [ Repealed : 5 & 6 Vict., c. 106.] sess, 3, c. 14 (Parliament of Ireland). An act against the killing of young spawn and fry of eels and salmon. [Repealed : 5 & 6 Vict., c. 106.] 1° James I, c. 23 ( 1603-4). ^'"^ ^^^ ^^^' ^^ better preservation of the fishing in the Counties of Somerset. Devon and Cornwall and for the relief of Balkers. condors and fishermen against malicious suits. 3 James I, c. 12 (1605-6). An act for the better preservation of sea fish. [ Repealed : 24 & 25 Vict., c. 109.] 14 Charles II, c. 28 (1662). An act for the regulation of the pilchard fishery in Devon and Cornwall. [ Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] 15 Charles II, c. 16 (1663). An act for regulating the herring and other fisheries, etc. [Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1863.] 30 Charles II, c. 9 (1678). An act for the preservation of fishing in the river Severn. [Repealed : 24 & 25 Vict., c. 109.] 4 & 5 William and Mary, c. 17 (1692). An act for the regaining, encouraging and settling the Greenland trade. [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1867.] 7 «& 8 Will, and Mary, c. 33 (1695). An act for the better encourage- ment of the Greenland trade. [Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1867.] 10 Will. Ill, c. 13 (1698). An act for making Billingsgate a free market for the sale of fish. [Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] c. 14. An act to encourage the trade to Newfoundland. [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1867.] I Ann, c. 10 (1702). An act for the enlarging the Greenland trade. [Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1867.J 4 & 5 Ann, c. 8 (1705)- An act for the increase and better preserva- tion of salmon and other fish within the counties of Southampton and Wilts. [ Repealed : 24 & 25 Vict., c. 109.] 9 Ann, c. 26 (17 10). An act for the better preservation and improve- ment of the fishery within the river Thames and for regulating and governing the Company of Fishermen of the river. [Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] I George I, st. 2, c. 18 (1714-6). An act for the better preventing fresh fish taken by foreigners being imported into this kingdom ; and for the preservation of the fry of fish ; and for the giving leave to im- port lobsters and turbots in foreign bottoms ; and for the better preservation of salmon within several rivers in that part of this 304 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. kingdom called England. [Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] 2 Geo. I, c. 21 (Parliament of Ireland). An act to prevent the destruc- tion of salmon fry, and better preserving the salmon fishery in this kingdom. [Repealed : 5 & 6 Vict,, c. 106.] 5° George I, c. 20 ( 17 18-9). An act for recovering the credit of the British Fishery in foreign parts, etc. [ Repealed in part : S. L. R. Act, 1867. Section 14, providing an annuity out of public revenue for promotion of the fishery in Scotland, remains in force.] 50 George I, c. 16. An act for encouraging the Greenland fishery. [Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1867.] 12 Geo. I, c. 7 (Parliauient of Ireland). An act for the better preserving the salmon fishery of this Kingdom. [Repealed : 5 '& 6 Vict., c. 106.] 13° George I. c. 30 ( 1726-7). An act for encouraging and pro- moting fisheries and other manufactures and improvements in Scotland. 2° George II, c. 19 (1728-9). An act for regulating, well- ordering, goveining and improving the oyster fishery in the river Med way and waters thereof, under the authority of the Mayor and citizens of Rochester. [ Repealed by inadvertence : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45 ; revived 31 & 32 Vict., c. 63.] 5 Geo. II, c. 28 (1731-2). An act for encouraging the Greenland fishery. [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1867.] — c. II. ( Parlimnent of Ireland). An act for explaining and amending an act made in the 28 Hen. VIII, intituled, an act for the wears upon the Barrow and other waters in the County of Kilkenny. [ Repealed in part : 5 & 6 Vict., c. 106.] <6 George II, c. 33 (1732-3). An act for the further encouragement of the whale fisherv carried on by His Majesty's British subjects. [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1867.] 9° George II, c. 33 (1735-6) An act to render the law more effectual for preventing the importation of fresh fish taken by foreigners ; and to explain so much of an act made 13th and 14th year of Charles II as relates to ships exporting fish to the ports of the Mediterranean, and for the better preser- vation of the fry of lobsters on the coasts of Scotland. [ Repealed in part : S. L. R. Act, 1867.] 22 George II, c. 45 (1748-9). An act for the further encouragement and enlargement of the whale fishery and for continuing such laws as are therein mentioned relating thereto, and for the naturalization of such foreign protestants as shall serve for the time therein men- tioned on board such ships as shall be fitted out for the said fishery. [Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1867.] FISHERIES. 305 c. 49. An act for making a free market for the sale of fish in the City of Westminster ; and for preventing the forestalling and monopolizing of fish and for allowing the sale of fish under the dimensions mentioned in a clause contained in an act of the ist vear of his late Majesty's reign, in case the same are taken with hook. [Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1867.] 23 George II, c. 24 (1749-50). An act for the encouragemant of the British white herring fishery. [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1867.] 26 George II, c, 9 ( 1753). An act to explain, amend and render more effectual [23 Geo. II, c. 24]; and for regulating the said fishery according to the calendar now in use and for other purposes therein mentioned. [Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1867.] 28 George II, c. 14 (1754-5). An act to explain, amend and render more effectual the act [ last mentioned] ; and for giving further encouragement for the carrying on of the said fishery and for other purposes therein mentioned. [Repealed : S. L. R. Act 1867.] c. 20. An act for continuing, explaining and amending the several acts of Parliament made for the further encouragement of the whale fishery carried on by His Majesty's subjects and to authorize the payment of bounty to T. Hood and others upon three ships fitted out for the said fisherv and lost in the Greenland seas. [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1867.] 29° George II, c. 23. An act for encouraging the fisheries in that part of Great Britain called Scotland. [Repealed by 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45, excepting sections i & 17 as far as they relate to Scotland.] c. 39. An act for explaining, amending and rendering more effectual 22 Geo. II, c. 49. [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1867.] 30° George II, c. 21 (1756-7) An act for the more effectual preservation and improvement of the spawn and fry of fish in the Thames and waters of the Medway ; and for the better regulating the fishery thereof. [ Repealed in part : 27 & 28 Vict., c. 113.] c. 30. An act for allowing a further bounty on vessels employed in the white herring fishery ; and for giving liberty to alter the present form and size of nets used in the said fishery and for other purposes therein mentioned. [Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1867.] 31 Geo. II, c. 13 (Parliament of Ireland). An act to explam and amend the several laws made in this Kingdom for the effectual preservation of salmon fish. [ Repealed : 5 & 6 Vict., c. 106.] 33 George II, c. 27 (1759-60). An act to repeal so much of an act passed in the 29th year of his present Majesty's reign concerning a free market for fish at Westminster, as requires fishermen to enter 3o6 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. their fishing vessels at the office of the Searcher at Gravesend ; and to regulate the sale of fish at the first hand in the fish markets at London and Westminister ; and to prevent salesmen of fish buying fish to sell again on their own account ; and to allow bret and tur- bot, brill and pearl, although under the respective dimensions mentioned in a former Act, to be imported and sold ; and to punish persons who shall take or sell any spawn, brood or fry of fish, un- sizeable fish or fish out of season or smelts under the size of 5 inches ; and for other purposes. [Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] 2° George III, c. 15 ( 1761). An act for the better supplying the cities of London and Westminster with fish, and to reduce the present exorbitant price thereof; and to protect and encourage fishermen. [Repealed in part : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45. Sec. 7, permitting the carriage of fish on Sundays alone remains in force.] 4 George III, c. 22 (1763-4). An act for continuing several Acts of Parliament made for the encouragement of the whale fishery car- ried on by His Majesty's subjects. [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1867.] c. 29. An act for the encouragement of the whale fishery in the Gulf and river St. Lawrence and on the coasts of His Majesty's Colonies in America. [Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1867.] George III, c. 14 (1765). An act for the most effectual preservation of fish in fish-ponds and other waters, etc. [ Repealed : 7 & 8 George IV, c. 27.] c. 22. An act for the further encouragement of the British white herring fishery. [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1867.] 8 George III, c. 27 (1767-8). An act for the further continuing several Acts of Parliament made for the encouragement of the whale fishery carried on by his Majesty's subjects. [Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1867.] n George III, c. 27 (1770-1). An act for regulating and improving the fisheries in the river Tweed, and the rivers and streams running into the same ; and also within the mouth or entrance of the said river. [ Repealed : 11 Geo. IV and i Will. IV, c. 54-] c. 31. An act for the encouragement of the white herring fishery. [Repealed in part : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] c. 38. An act for the better support and establishment of the Greenland whale fishery. [Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1861.] 12 George III, c. 58 (1772). An act for the further encouragement of the herring fishery on the coasts of the Isle of Man, and for obviating a doubt which has arisen with respect to the allowing the bounties upon the British white herring fishery in 1 771. [Repealed : S. L. R. Act, i86i.] FISHERIES. 307 13 & 14 Geo, III, c. 41 C Parliament of Ireland.) An act. prevent the destructive practice of trawling for fish in the Bay of Dublin, etc. [ This act was amended and rendered more effectual by 15 & 16 Geo. Ill, c. 31. Both repealed : 5 & 6 Vict., c. 106.] 15 George III, c. 31 (1774-5). An act for the encouragement of the fisheries carried on from Great Britain, Ireland and the British dominions in Europe ; and for securing the return of the fishermen, sailors and others employed in the said fisheries to the ports thereof at the end of the fishing season. [Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1871.] c. 46. An act for amending and rendering more effectual II George III, c. 27. [Repealed : 11 Geo. IV and i Will. IV, c. 54.] 16 George III, c. 36. An act for the encouragement and improvement of the pilchard fishery carried on within the Bay of St. Ives in (Cornwall. [Repealed : 4 & 5 Vict., c. 57.] c. 47. An act for the encouragement of the whale fishery ...and for regulating the fees by the Officers of Customs in the Island of Newfoundland. [Repealed : 26 Geo. Ill, c. 50 and 6. Geo. IV, c. 105.] 17 & 18 Geo. Ill, c. 19. (Parliament of Ireland). An act for the better preservation of fish in rivers, lakes and inland waters. [ Repealed : 5 & 6 Vict., c. 106.] 18° George III, c. 33 (1777-8). An act for the better preserva- tion of fish and regulating the fisheries in the rivers Severn and Verniew. [ Repealed in part: 24 & 25 Vict, c. 109 and 41 & 42 Vict., c. 39.] 19 George III, c. 26 (1778-9). An act to continue and amend 11 Geo. Ill, c. 31, for encouragement of the white herring fishery. [ Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] 20 George III, c. 60 (1779-80). An act to explain and amend two acts made in the 15th and i6th years of H. M's. reign with respect to the limits of the Greenland seas and Davis Straits and the seas adjacent thereto, and to enlarge the time for the return of the ves- sels engaged in the whale fisheries. [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1861.] 22 George III, c. 19. An act for granting an additional bounty for ships employed in the Greenland and whale fishery for a limited time. [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1871.] 23 & 24 Geo. Ill, c. 40. ( Paliament of Ireland). An act for the pro- tection and improvement of the inland fisheries of this kingdom. [ Amended and explained by 26 Geo. Ill, c. 50. Both repealed : 5 & 6 Vict., c. 106.] 25 George III, c. 58 (1786). An act for the encouragement of the pilchard fishery by allowing a further bounty on pilchards taken and cured and exported. [Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1861.] c. 65. An act for the further encouragement of the British fisheries. [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1861.] X 2 308 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 26 George III, c. 26. An act to amend and render more effectual the several laws now in force for encouraging the fisheries carried on at Newfoundland. ..and for granting bounties, etc. [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1871.] c. 41. An act for the further support and encouragement of the fisheri^ carried on in Greenland seas and Davis Straits. [Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1861.] c. 45. An act to continue and amend the Act 25 Geo. Ill, c. 58. [ Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] c. 50. An act for the encouragement of the southern whale fishery. [ Repealed : 35 Geo. Ill, c. 92.] c. 81. An act for the more effectual encouragement of the British fisheries. [ Repealed (excepting section 19) by 31 & 32 Vict., c, 45 ; and in full by S. L. R. Act, 1872.] c. 106. An act for incorporating certain persons therein named, by the name and stile of The British Society for extending the fisheries, and improving the sea coasts of this Kingdom ; and to enable them when incorporated, to subscribe a Joint Stock, and therewith to purchase lands, and build thereon free towns, villages and fishing stations in the Highlands and Islands in that part of Great Britain called Scotland ; and for other purposes. 27 George III, c. 10 ( 1787). An act to extend the provisions of 26 Geo. Ill, c. 81. [Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] 28 George III, c. 20 (1787-8). An act for amending 26 Geo. Ill, c. 50 and for making further provision for that purpose. [Repealed : 35 Geo. Ill, c. 92.] c. 35. An act to enable His Majesty to make such regu- lations as may be necessary to prevent the inconvenience which may arise from the competition of His Majesty's subjects and those of the Most Christian Kmg in carrying on the fisheries on the coasts of Newfoundland. [Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1871.] 29 George III, c. 53 (1789). An act for further encouraging and regulating the Newfoundland, Greenland, and Southern whale fish- eries. [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1861.] 30 George III, c. 54 (1790). An act for vesting the estate and property of the Trustees of the Westminster Fish Market in the Marine Society, etc. [ Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] 31 George III, c. 45 (i 790-1). An act for the encouragement of the pilchard fishery by allowing a further bounty upon pilchards taken, cured and exported. [Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] c. 51. An act for the better protecting the several oyster fisheries within this kingdom. [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1861.] FISHERIES. 309 32 George III, c. 22 (1792). An act to continue and amend several laws relating to the encouragement of the fisheries carried on in the Greenland seas and Davis Straits ; and to amend the laws now in force for the encouragement of the fisheries carried on to the southward of the afore-mentioned. [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1861.] c. 40. ( Parliamejit of Ireland). An act for reviving and continuing certain temporary statutes. [ Repealed as far as relates to the river Anna Liffey or any right of fishing therein, by 5 & 6 Vict., c. 106.] 33 Geo. Ill, c. 50. (Parliament of Ireland). An act for the encourage- ment of the fisheries in this kingdom, and for continuing certain acts respecting the same. [ Repealed : 5 & 6 Vict., c. 106.] c. 58 (1792-3). An act to allow to ships carrying on the Southern whale fishery to the North of the Equator, the same premium they are now entitled to if they do not pass the Equator. [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1861.] 34 George III, c. 22 (1794). An act for allowing vessels employed in the Greenland and whale fishery to complete their full number of men, at certain ports, for a limited time. [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 187 1.] 35 George III, c. 54. An act for the encouragement of the mackarel fishery. [Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] c. 56. An act to continue and amend an act, made in the 26th year of his present Majesty, intituled, an act for the more eflfectual encouragement of the British fisheries. [ Repealed: 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] c. 92, An act for further encouraging and regulating the Southern whale fisheries. [ Repealed : 6 Geo. IV, c. 105.] c. 122 s. 3. (Sanctions the signature of leases in Scotland by mark in fishing villages of British Society.) 36 George III, c. 77. An act to amend an act made in the last Session of Parliament, intituled, "An act for the encouragement of the mackarel fishery. * [ Repealed : '31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] c. 118. An act to authorize the sale of fish at Billingsgate by retail. [Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] 36 Geo. Ill, c. 52. (Parliament of Ireland). An act for continuing and amending the several acts for the further improvement and extension of the fisheries on the coasts of this Kingdom. [Repealed : 5 & 6 Vict., c. 106.] 37 George III, c. 48 (1796-7). An act for amending, altering and rendering more effectual two acts made in the nth and 15th years of the reign of His Majesty for the regulation and improvement of the fisheries in the river Tweed and the rivers and streams running into the same, and also within the mouth or entrance of the said river. [Repealed : 11 Geo. IV and i Will. IV, c. 20.] 310 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. c. 94. An act to continue an act made in the 31st year of the reign of His Majesty, intituled : An act for the encouragement of the pilchard fishery by allowing a further bounty upon pilchards, taken, cured and exported. [ Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c, 45.] c. 95. An act to amend two acts made in the 4th year of the reign of Queen Ann and the ist year of Geo. I for the preser- vation of salmon and other fish in the rivers within the counties of Southampton and Wilts. [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1871.] c. 121. An act to explain an act passed in the 35th year of His Majesty's reign intituled, An act for further encouraging and regulating the Southern whale fisheries. [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1861.] 38 George III, c. 57 (1797-8). An act for the further encouragement of the Southern whale fisheries. [ Repealed : 6 Geo. IV, c. 105.] — c. 58. An act to continue until the 1st of March 1799, an act made in the 35th year of H. M. reign, intituled : An act to continue and amend an act made in the 24th year of H. M. reign, intituled : An act for the more eflfectual encouragement of British fisheries. [ Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] 39 George III, c. 65. An act for allowing until the 24th June 1805 a further bounty upon pilchards exported, and for amending an act made in the 38th year of the reign of H. M. relating to the salt duties. [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1861.] c. 100. An act to revive and continue until the end of the session of Parliament, an act made in the 35th year of the reign of H. M., to continue and amend an act made in the 26th year of H. M., enlituled : An act for the more effectual encouragement of the British fisheries ; and to amend an act made in the 26th year of H. M., for extending the fisheries and improving the sea coasts of this Kingdom. [ Repealed in part : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45. Sections 2-3, relating to the British Society for extending the fisheries — their premiums, loans and investment of funds — remain in force,] c. loi. An act to continue several laws relating to the further support and encouragement of the fisheries, carried on in the Greenland seas and Davis Straits until 25th Deer. 1800, etc. [Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1871.] c. 102. An act to revive and continue until ist January 1801, the bounties granted by an act made in the 26th of H. M. for encouraging the fisheries carried on at Newfoundland and parts adjacent, from Great Britain, Ireland and British dominions in Europe. [Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1871.] c. 51. (Parliament of Ireland.) An act to revive and amend [26 Geo. Ill, c. 50]. [ Repealed : 5 & 6 Vict., c. 106.] FISHERIES. 311 39 & 40 George III, c. 85 (i 799-1 800). An act to continue until ist April 1 801 and amend an act of the last session of Parliament for continuing several acts for the encouragement of the British fisheries. [ Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] c. 107. An act to permit until six weeks after the commencement of the next session of Parliament the importation of Swedish herrings into Great Britain. [ Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] 41 George III, Sess. 2, c. 77 (1801). An act for allowing until 1st August 1802 the importation of certain fish from Newfoundland and coast of Labrador and for gra;iting a bounty thereon. [Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1872.] c. 97. An act to continue several laws relating to encouraging the fisheries, etc. [Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] c. 99. An act for granting bounties for taking and bringing fish to the Cities of London and Westminster and other places in the United Kingdom. [ Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict,, c. 45.] 42 George III, c. 3 (1801-2). An act to revive and continue until 25th March 1803, so much of an act made in the 41st year of H. M., as relates to permitting the use of salt duty free in preserving fish and to discontinuing the bounty payable on white herrings exported, and to indemnify all persons who have issued or acted under any orders for delivering salt duty free, for the purpose of the said act mentioned. [Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] • c. 18. An act for continuing premiums allowed to ships employed in and for enlarging the limits of the Southern whale fishery. [ Repealed : 6 Geo. IV, c. 105.] c. 19. An act to amend so much of [29 George II, c. 39] as relates to the sale of eels. [ Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45,] c. 22. An act for continumg until the 25th December 1804 the bounties granted for the encouragement of the Greenland whale fisheries and for continuing and amending the regulations respecting the same. [ Repealed : 6 Geo. IV, c. 105,] c. 77. An act to permit British built ships to carry on the fisheries in the Pacific Ocean without licence from the East India Company or of the South Sea Company. [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1861.] c. 79. An act to revive and continue until 5th April 1804 and to amend several acts passed in the 27th, 35th and 39th years of His Majesty's reign for the more effectual encouragement of the British fisheries, eic. [ Repealed 131 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] c. 114. An act for extending the provisions of two acts of the 35th and 38th years of his present Majesty so far as relate to the encouragement of persons coming to Milford Haven for the purpose of carrying on the Southern whale fishery. [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1872.] 312 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 42 George III, c. Ixxxviii ( local). An act for repealing so much of an act made in the 2nd year of his present Majesty, intituled : "An act for the better supplying the Cities of London and Westminster with fish, and to reduce the present exorbitant price thereof ; and to protect and encourage fishermen," as limit the number of fish to be sold by wholesale within the said City of London, and for the better regulation of the sale of fish by wholesale in the market of Billingsgate within the said City. [ Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] 43 George III, c. 29. An act to revive and continue, until March ist, 1806. ..allowing the use of salt, duty-free, in the preserving of fish, in bulk or in barrels, and to the discontinuing the bounty payable on white herrings exported, to 25 Mar. 1804, etc. [ Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] ■« c. 32. An act for allowing vessels employed in the Green- land whale fishery, to complete their full number of men at certain ports for the present season. [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1872.] c. 90. An act for enlarging the limits of the Southern whale fishery. [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1861.] c. 61 floealj. An act to alter and amend 13 Edw. I and 13 Ric. II, for the preservation of salmon and other fishes in the rivers Teign, Dart and Plym. [ Repealed as to salmon by 24 & 25 Vict., c. 109.] 44 George III, c. 23 (1803-4). An act for allowing vessels employed in the Greenland whale fishery, and clearing out from any port in Great Britain, to complete their full number of men for the season. [Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1872.] c. 44. An act to exempt vessels in the Newfoundland trade from the provisions of an act passed in the last session of Parliament for regulating vessels carrying passengers from the United Kingdom. [Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1861.] c. %6. An act for reviving, amending and further con- tinuing several laws relating to the more eff"ectual encouragement of the British fisheries until 5th April, 1806, etc. [Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] c. 45 (local). An act for better regulating and improving the fisheries in the arm of the sea between the County of Cumberland and the Counties of Dumtries and Wigton and the Stewartry of Kircudbright, and also the fish- eries in the several streams and waters which run into or com- municate with the said arm of the sea. [ Repealed \n part by 4 & 5 Vict., c. xviii and 24 & 25 Vict., c. 109.] 45 George III, c. 9 (1805). An act for allowing vessels employed in the Greenland whale fishery to complete their full number of men at certain ports for the present season. [Repealed : 6 Geo. IV, c. 105.] FISHERIES. 313 c, 96. An act for continuing the premiums allowed to ships employed in the Southern whale fishery. [ Repealed : 6 Geo. IV, c. 105.] c. 102. An act to revive and continue an act made in the 31st year of H. M., intituled : an act for the encouragement of the pilchard fishery by allowing a further bounty upon pilchards taken, cured and exported. [Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] c. 33 (local). An act for the preservation of Salmon and other fish in the rivers... of Carmarthen. [ Repealed : 24 & 25 Vict., c. 109.] 46 George III, c. 9 (1806). An act for alloAving, until the signature of the Preliminary Articles of Peace, vessels employed in the Greenland whale fishery to complete their full number of men at certain ports. [Repealed : 6 Geo. IV, c. 105.] c. 34. An act for further continuing until 25th March 1807 an act made in the 39th year of H. M. for the more effectual encouragement of the British fisheries. [ Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] c. 156. An act for appropriating certain balances arising from the forfeited estates in Scotland to the use of the British fish- eries, etc. [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1872.] c. 19 (local). An act for the regulation of the oyster, sole and salmon fisheries, within the harbour of Milford, in the County of Pembroke, and the river running into the said harbour. [Repealed as to salmon by 24 & 25 Vict., c. 109.] 47 George III, Sess. 2, c. 22 (1807). An act to continue until the 29th Septr. 1817, an act passed in Ireland in the 36th year of his present Majesty, for the improvement and extension of the fisheries on the coasts of Ireland. [ Repealed ; S. L. R. Act, 1872, (No. 2).] c. 51. An act to revive and continue, until the 25th' March 1808, an act of the 39th year of his present Majesty, for the more effectual encouragement of the British fisheries. [ Repealed 131 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] c. 67. An act to permit until the end of the next session of Parliament, the importation of Swedish herrings mto Great Britain. [ Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] sess. I, c. 29 (local). An act to amend and render more effectual 11 Geo. Ill, c. 27, 15 Geo. Ill, c. 46, and 37 Geo. Ill, c. 48 for the regulation and improvement of the fisheries of the river Tweed. [ Repealed by 11 Geo. IV and i Will. IV, c. 54, local^ 48 George III, c. 20 (1808). An act to continue until the 29th March 1810, several laws relating to the encouragement of the Greenland whale fisheries ; to the admission to entry in Great Britain of oil and blubber of Newfoundland taken by His Majesty's subjects carrying on the fishery from and residing in the said island ; and to 314 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. the allowing the importation of fish from Newfoundland to the Coast of Labrador. [Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1872 (No. 2).] c. 68. An act for extending the bounty now payable on pilchards exported to the West Indies or Mediterranean to pilchards exported to any parts beyond the seas. [Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1861.] c. 86. An act to revive and continue until 25th March 1809, an act of the 39th year of his present Majesty, for the more effectual encouragement of the British fisheries. [Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] c. no. An act for the further encouragement and better regulation of the British white herring fishery; until the 1st June 18 13, and from thence to the end of the next session of Parliament. [Repealed in part by 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45, eU.] c. 124. An act for continuing the premiums allowed to ships employed in the Southern whale fishery. [Repealed : 6 Geo. IV, c. 105.] c. 144. An act for the more effectual protection of Oyster fisheries and the brood of oysters m England. [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1873.] 49 Geo. Ill, c. 2 (local). An act for amending 44 Geo. Ill, c. xlv as far as relates to the fishery in the Derwent. [Repealed : 24 & 25 Vict., c. 109]. c. 76 (local). An act for regulating and improving the port and harbour of Kinsale and the fisheries thereof. 50 George III, c. 11 (1810). An act to continue, until 25th March 1815, several laws relating to the encouragement of the Greenland whale fisheries. [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1872 ( No. 2).] •■ c. 41, s. 23. (Dispenses with licence for hawkers selling fish). c. 54. An act to revive and continue, until 25th March 181 1, an act of the 39th year of his present Majesty, for the more effectual encouragement of the British fisheries. [Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] 108. An act to amend and enlarge the powers of an act passed in the 2nd year of his present Majesty, for the encouragement of the fisheries of this Kingdom, and the protection of the persons employed therein. [ Repealed in part : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] 51 George III, c. 34. An act for continuing the premiums allowed to ships employed in the Southern whale fishery. [ Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.J c. loi. An act for amending an act of the 48th year of his present Majesty, for regulating the British white herring fishery. [ Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] FISHERIES. 315 53 George Til, c. 42 (181 2). An act for amending the laws relating to the allowance of the bounties on pilchards exported until the 24th June 1819. [Repealed ; 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] c. 103. An act for the more easy manning of vessels employed in the Southern whale fishery. [Repealed: 53 Geo. Ill, c. 11 1.] c. 153. An act to rectify a mistake and to carry into more effectual execution the purpose of an act made in the last Session of Parliament, relating to the British white hernng fishery. [Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1861.] 53 George III, cm (181 2-3). An act for the more easy manning of ships and vessels employed in the Southern whale fishery. [ Repealed : 6 Geo. IV, c. 105.] 54 George III, c. 102. An act to continue, until the end of the next Session of Parliament, several acts relating to the British white herring fishery. [ Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] 55 George III, c. 39. An act to revive and continue, until 25th March 1820, several laws relating to the encouragement of the Greenland whale fisheries, etc. [ Repealed : S. L, R. Act, 1873.] c. 45. An act for continuing the premiums allowed to ships employed in the Southern whale fishery. [ Repealed : 6 Geo. IV, c. 105.] c. 94. An act to continue and amend several acts relating to the British white herring fishery. [Repealed in part : 14 & 15 Vict., c. 26, etc^^ 57 George III, c. 69 (1817). An act to continue until 28th Sept. 1818 and to amend an Act passed in Ireland in the 36th year of his Majesty's reign, for the improvement and extension of the fisheries on the coast of Ireland. [Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1873.] c. 15 (1818). An act to amend [26 Geo. Ill, c. 41] for the encouragement of the fisheries carried on in the Greenland seas, etc, as far as relates to the oaths therebv required to be taken. [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1873.] c. 43. An act for preventing the destruction of the breed of salmon and fish of salmon kind, in the rivers of England. [Repealed : 24 & 25 Vict., c. 109.] c. 94. An act to continue until 29th Sept. 1819 the act above in 57 c. 69.] [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, i86i.] 59° George III, c. 38. An act to enable His Majesty to make regulations with respect to the taking and curing fish on certain parts of the coasts of Newfoundland, Labrador, and His Majesty's other possessions in North America, according to a Convention made between His Majesty and the United States of America. c. 77. An act to continue until 24th June 1826, an Act 3i6 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. for amending the laws relating to the allowance of the bounties on pilchards exported. [ Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] c. 109. An act for the further encouragement and improvement of the Irish fisheries. [ Repealed by : 5 & 6 Vict., c. 106, excepting section 66 which permits the Lord Lieutenant to apply ;^5ooo a year to the encouragement of the coast fisheries.] c. 113. An act for continuing the premiums allowed to ships employed in the Southern whale fishery. [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1861.] I George IV, c. 33. An act to continue until 31 Deer. 1823 several laws relating to the encouragement of the Greenland whale fisheries, etc. [Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1873.] c. 82. An act to amend [ 59 Geo. Ill, c. 109] for the encouragement and improvement of the Irish fisheries. [ Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] c. 103. An act for the further encouragement and improvement of the British fisheries. [ Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] I & 2 George IV, c. 79 ( 182 1). An act to repeal certain bounties granted for the encouragement of the deep sea British white herring fishery and to make further regulations relating to the said fishery. [ Repealed in part : 30 & 31 Vict., c. 52, etc^ 5 George IV, c. 51 (1824). An act to repeal several laws relating to the fisheries carried on upon the banks and shores of Newfound- land, etc. [Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1873.] c. 64. An act to amend several acts for the encourage- ment and improvement of the British and Irish fisheries. [ Repealed by 5 & 6 Vict., c. 106, etc., excepting that portion which sanctions the expenditure of money for repairs of piers and of boats of poor fishermen in Scotland and Ireland.] 7 George IV, c. 34 (1826). An act to amend an act of the 5th year of His Majesty for amending the several acts for the encouragemen" and improvement of the British and Irish fisheries. [ Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] c. 30 (private). An act to carry into effect an exchange of the lands and estate of Alves Kirton, in the Shire of Elgin and Forres, belonging to his grace Alexander, Duke of Gordon, for certain entailed salmon fishings in the river Spey, of the Rt. Hon. Francis, Earl of Moray, in the same Shire. 9° George IV, c. 39 ( 1828). An act for the preservation of the salmon fisheries in Scotland. [ Repealed in part : S. L. R. Act, 1873.] FISHERIES. 317 10 George IV, c. 17 (1829). An act to continue until 31st Deer. 1832 certain acts relating to the Island of Newfoundland and the fisheries carried on upon the banks and shores thereof. [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1873.] c. 33. An act to amend the several acts for the encourage- ment of the Irish fisheries. [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1873.] 11 Geo. IV & I Will. IV, c. 54 (1830).. An act to revive, continue and amend several acts relating to the fisheries. [ Repealed : 5 & 6 Vict., c. 106, etc.'] c. 54 (local). An act for the more effectual preservation and increase of the breed of salmon, and for better regulating the fish- eries in the river Tweed, and in the rivers and streams running into the same, and also within the mouth or entrance of the river. [ Repealed by 20 & 21 Vict., c. 148, local.] 1 & 2 William IV, c. 33, s. 106 ( 1831). An act for the extension and promotion of public works in Ireland. [ Repealed in part : but section 106, making the Public Works Commissioners the Commissioners for the Irish fisheries, remains in force.] 2 & 3 William IV, c. 79. An act to continue until 31st Deer. 1834 an act of the 5th year of his late Majesty relating to the fisheries in Newfoundland. [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1874.] 4 & 5 William IV, c. 20 (1834). An act to explain and amend an Act passed in the 33rd year of his late Majesty, to regulate the convey- ance and sale of fish at first hand. [Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] 6 & 7 Will. IV. c. 7, s. 90. [Excepts tithes of fish from Com- mutation acts.] c. 65 (local). An act to alter, amend, and enlarge the powers of an act passed in the eleventh year of the reign of His late Majesty, intituled An Act for the rnore effectual Preservation aiid Increase of the Breed of Salni07i, a?id for better regulating the Fisheries in the River Tweed, and the Streams runni7ig into the same, and also within the mouth or Entrance of the said River. [Repealed by 20 & 21 Vict., c. 148, local, i.e. The Tweed Fish- eries Act, 1857.] c. cxxx (local). An act for establishing a Joint Stock Company for the prosecution and extension of the fisheries off the shores of Ireland, and for the improvement of the sea coast in connexion with such fisheries. 7 Will. IV and i Vict. c. Ixxxix (local). An act to enable Edward Joshua Cooper Esquire to establish and protect a salmon fishery upon the lakes and rivers Owenmore and Arrow, and also within the Bay of Ballisodare, in the county of Sligo in Ireland. .[ 5^^ 5 & 6 Vict., c. 106, s. I.] 3i8 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 1 & 2 Victoria, c. 76 (1837-8). An act to explain and* amend certain provisions in the Acts of the Parliament of Ireland for the protec- tion of fisheries in that kingdom. [ Repealed : 5 & 6 Vict., c. 106.] 2 & 3 Victoria, c. 96 (1839). An act to authorize Her Majesty, until six months after the commencement of the next session of Parlia- ment, to carry into effect a Convencion between Her Majesty and the King of the French relative to the fisheries on the coasts of the British Islands and France.' [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1874 ("o- 2).] 3 & 4 Vict., c. 69. An act to continue for six months after the com- mencement of the next session of Parliament, an act of the last session of Parliament, for carrying into effect a Convention between Her Majesty and the King of the French, relative to the fisheries on the coasts of the British Islands and of France. [ Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1874 (no. 2).] c. 74. An act for the better protection of the oyster fisheries in Scotland. c. 44, sec. 61 (local). An act for regulating and improving the harbour of Workington in Cumberland and other purposes relating thereto. c. 59 (local). An act for granting certain powers to the Faversham Oyster Fishery Company. 4 & 5 Vict., c. 18 (local). An act for the more effectual preser- vation and improvement of the fisheries in the river Annan in the County of Dumfries, and in the streams and waters running into the same, and on the shores or sea coast adjacent to the mouth or entrance of the said river. c. 57 (local). An act to repeal the Act 16 Geo. Ill, c. 36 for the encouragement and improvement of the pilchard fishery carried on within the Bay of St. Ives, and making other provisions in lieu thereof. 5 & 6 Vict., c. 63. An act to continue until Aug. ist, 1843, an Act for carrying into effect a Convention between Her Majesty and the King of the French relative to the fisheries on the coasts of the British Islands and of France. [Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1874 (no. 2).] c. 106. An act to regulate the Irish fisheries. [ Repealed in part : 5 & 6 Vict., c. 56, etc. The section relative to the registry of fishing vessels remains in force.] c. 63 (local). An act for regulating and maintaining the fisheries in the river Tyne [ Repealed : 24 & 25 Vict., c. 109.] 6 & 7 Vict., c. 79 ( 1843). An act to carry into effect a Con- vention between Her Majesty and the King of the French concerning the fisheries in the seas between the British Islands and France. [Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45; revived in part: 40 & 41 Vict., c. 42.] FISHERIES. 319 7 & 8 Vict., c. 95. An act to amend an act of 9° Geo. IV for the preservation of the salmon fisheries in Scotland. c. 108. An act to amend an act of the 6th year of Her present Majesty, intituled, an act to regulate the Irish fisheries ; and to empower the Constabulary Force to enforce certain provisions respecting the Irish fisheries. [Repealed in part : S. L. R. Act, 1872 (no. 2).] 8 & 9 Vict., c. 26 ( 1845). An act to prevent fishing for trout or other fresh water fish by nets in the rivers and waters of Scotland. [ Repealed in part : S. L. R. Act, 1875.] c. 108. An act for the further amendment of an act of the 6th year of Her present Majesty, for regulating the Irish fisheries. [ Repealed in part : S. L. R. Act, 1875, elc."] c. 144 (local). An act... providing for the manage- ment of the oyster fisheries in the borough of Quinborowe in the county of Kent. 9 & 10 Vict., c. 3. An act to encourage the sea fisheries of Ireland, by promoting and aiding with grants of public money the construction of piers, harbours and other works. [ Repealed by 9 & 10 Vict., c. 86. etc.^ excepting sections author- ising grants and loans by Public Works Commissioners for erecting of piers, etc., and for promoting the sea fisheries.] c. 86. An act to extend and consolidate the powers hitherto exercised by the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland, etc. [ Repealed in part : S. L. R. Act, 1875.] c. 114. An act for the further amendment of an act of the 6th year of Her present Majesty, for regulating the Irish fisheries. [Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1875O 10 & II Vict., c. 75. An act for the further improvement of the fishery piers and harbours of Ireland. [Repealed : S. L. R. Act, 1875-] c. 91. An act to increase the number of Trustees for the herring fishery and to direct the application of funds granted for manufactures in Scotland. [ Repealed in part : S. L. R. Act, 1875.] c. 92. An act for the protection of mussel fisheries in Scotland. [Repealed in part : S. L. R. Act, 1875.] ii & 12 Vict., c. 52 (1847-8). An act to explain the acts for preventing the destruction of the breed of salmon and fish of the salmon kind. [ Repealed : 24 & 25 Vict., c. 109.] c. 92. An act for the protection and improvement 320 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. of the salmon, trout and other inland fisheries of Ireland. [ Repealed in part : S. L. R. Acts, 1875 & 1878.] 13 & 14 Vict., c. 88 ( 1850). An act to amend the law relating to engines used in the rivers and on the sea coasts of Ireland for the taking of fish. [ Repealed in part : 24 & 25 Vict., c. 45, etc.'] 14 & 15 Vict., c. 26 ( 1 851). An act to amend the acts relating to the British white herring fishery. [ Repealed in part : 30 & 31 Vict., c. 52, e/c] 16 & 17 Vict., c. 136. An act. ..for transferring to counties certain works constructed wholly or in part with public money. [Repealed in part by S. L. R. Act, 1875, and 40 & 41 Vict., c. 27. Section 15, etc., regarding piers, quays, etc., remain in force.] 17 & t8 Vict., c. 94, An act to alter the mode of providing for certain expenses now charged upon certain branches of the public revenue and upon the Consolidated Fund. [ Schedule B. transfers the payments to the White Herring Fishery Board under 5 Geo. IV, c. 64 and for improving the fish- eries in Scotland under 5 Geo. I, c. 20, fi-om the Consolidated Fund to the Excise.] c. loi. An act for the more effectual execution of the Convention between Her Majesty and the French Government concerning the fisheiies in the seas between the British Islands and France. [Repealed : 31 & 32 Vict., c. 45.] 18 & 19 Vict., c. 3. An act to carry into effect a Treaty between Her Majesty and the United States of America. [19th of February 1855.] [Extends to United States fishermen the liberty, in common with British Subjects, to take, cure, and dry fish (except shell fish, etc.) on the sea coasts, etc., of Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward's Island, and the several islands adjacent thereto.] 19 & 20 Vict., c. 37. An act to amend [16 & 17 Vict., c. 136] for transferring to counties in Ireland certain works con- structed wholly or in part with public money. 20 & 21 Vict., c. 148 (local). An act to consolidate and amend the acts for the more effectual preservation and increase of salmon, and the regulation of the fisheries in the river Tweed. 21 & 22 Vict., c. 69 (1857-8). An act to impose fees on the branding of barrels under the acts concerning the herring fisheries in Scotland. c. 26 (local). An act to regulate the annual close time for salmon fisheries in the River Tay and its tributaries, and on the sea coasts adjoining. FISHERIES. 321 c. 141 (local.) An act to confer additional powers on the Tees Conservancy Commissioners ; to regulate the fisheries in the river Tees, etc. [Repealed in part by 24 & 25 Vict., c. 109.] 22 & 23 Vict., c. 70 (local.) The Tweed Fisheries Amendment Act, 1859. c. 72 (local.) An act for the regulation and im provenient of the oyster fishery in the river Orwell within the Borough of Ipswich. 23 & 24 Vict., c. 45. An act to extend the act of 8 & 9 Vict., cap. 26, for preventing fishing for trout or other fresh-water fish by nets in the rivers and waters in Scotland. c. 92. An act to amend the law relative to the Scottish herring fisheries. [Repealed in part : 28 & 29 Vict., c. 22, etcT^ 24 & 25 Vict., c. 72 ( 1861). An act to make further provision for the regulation of the British white herring fishery in Scotland. [ Repealed in part : 30 & 31 Vict., c. 52.] c. 96. An act to consolidate and amend the statute law of England and Ireland relating to larceny and other similar offences. [ Sections 24-26 deal with fishing or destroying fish in private fishery, the seizure of angler's tackle and the stealing of oysters.] 97. An act to consolidate and amend the statute law of England and Ireland relating to malicious injuries to property. [Section 32 deals with injuries to the dams of fisheries and poisoning fish.] c. 109. An act to amend the laws relating to fisheries of salmon in England. 25 & 26 Vict., c. 63. An act to amend " The merchant shipping act, 1854," ^^'^• [ Section 13 provides that part III of the Act of 1854 shall apply, with certain exceptions, to registered sea going vessels exclusively employed in fishing on the coasts of the United Kingdom.] c. 97. An act to regulate and amend the law respecting the salmon fisheries of Scotland. [Repealed in part : 26 & 27 Vict., c. 50, etc^ 26 & 27 Vict., c. 10 ( 1863). An act for prohibiting the export- ation of salmon at certain times. c. 50. An act to continue the powers of the Commissioners under the salmon fisheries ( Scotland) act until January ist 1865. and to amend the said act. [ Repealed in part : S. L. R. Act, 1875.] ^21 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. c. 114. An act to amend the laws relating to fisheries in Iieland. 27 & 28 Vict., c. 113. An act to anientl the laws relating to the Conservancy of the river Thames ; and for other purposes relating thereto. c. 118 ( 181^4). An act to amend the acts relating to salmon fisheries in Scothind. [Repealed in part : S. L. R. Act, 1875. J 27 & 28 Vict., c. 280 (local ). An act incorpoiating the Heme Biy, Hampton and Reculver Oyster h^ishcry Company, etc. 28 & 29 Vict., c. 22 ( 1865). An act to amend the acts relating to the wScottish iierring fisheries. [ Repealed in part : 30 & 31 Vict., c. 52, tract ot liie Coaipiiiies DVe-iaws and ordinances, 1697. 8", The case of" tiie Comoany of Fiee Fishermen of th.^ Ri\'er ot Tiiames (who>e bounds by their C^iarter are limilled from S'.a ne>-Bridge in Middlesex, Westwaids, to Harwich in Essex. E istwanls). >:To date. s. sh. fol. Tne oaching. By an old sportsman, title, pp. 23. 8°. Reports on the natural history and habits of salmonoids in the Tweed and its tributaries. Published by authority of the Tweed Fishery Commissioners (R. Hodgson, D. M. Home, A. Robertson). Edinburgh [printed], London, 1867. 8^, Walpole (Spencer). A manual of the law of salmon fisheries in England and Wales, with a copious index, London, 1877. 8°. Watson (Smith) and Allington (John). To the Kin<; and both Houses of Parliament, in Parliament assembled. Printed by H. Brugis in the year 1677. s.^h. fol. [Proposing that an Act "may pass for building and fitting out 500 busses. be imploy'd in fishing for herrings, cod and ling." Signed " S. Watson, Jo. Allitigtoji, Neaphew." Reprinted in "The Somers Tracts," 1748-52, vol. 2, pp. 399-4 ; 1809-15. vol. 8, pp. 477-9. Among the Additional MSS. in the British Museum, is (28,079 Art. il): "A setting forth to His Majesty [Charles II] ye Great Ritches of seas. By S[mith] W[atsonJ, S[imonj \V[atson], and John Allington, their Nephew ; followed by other papers relating to fisheries. ] Whateley (G. N.) Hints for the improvement of the Irish fisheries. London, 1803. 8°. Whitbourne (Richard). A discourse and discovery of New- found-land, etc. London, Felix Kingston. 1622. 4°. [ Incidentally treats of the fisheries. An abstract, with the title " Westward Hoe for Avalon in the New-found-land," edited by Mr. Whitburn of Guildford, was published by Low & Co. in 1870.] White ( P.) Observations upon the present state of the Scotch fisheries, and the improvement of the interior parts of the Highlands. Edinburgh, printed for the author. 179 1. pp. 202. 12°. [ Highland Society prize-essay in 1790.] Williams ( Griffith). An account of the Island of New- foundland, with the nature of its trade, and method of carrying on the fishery, with reasons for the great increase of that most valuable branch of trade. I->ondon, 1766. 8°. FISHERIES. 329 Williamson (Rev. Dugald S.) Thoughts on the present scarcity of salmon. Stranraer, Jas. Smith. 1852. pp. v. 39. 8°. Woods ( W. Fell). Letters on oyster fisheries : the causes of scarcity ; the remedies, etc. Reprinted from the " Fields London, 1877. 8°. Worthington ( Robert). The fisheries considered as a national resource, with comments upon the laws relating to them : being a collection of articles on the state of the Irish fisheries, published at different periods. With an appendix. Dublin, Milliken, 1856. pp. xi. 203. 8°. Wye. The state of the rivers Wye and Lugg in Herefordshire, in respect of portation and fishing ; concerning which a bill having been passed by the... House of Commons, is now humbly presented to the... Lords... (n. d.) s. sh. fol. Yarrenton (Andrew). England's improvement by sea and land. To out-do the Dutch without fighting, to pay debts without moneys, ^/iT. London, Tho. Parkhurst. 1677. pp. xx. 195. fol. ; — -• — England's improvement by sea and land. The second part...iii. A method for improving the Royal Navy, lessening the growing power of France, and obtaining the fishery, etc. London, t68i. pp. viii. 212. Yeats (John). The natural history of commerce. London, Cassell. 1870.^ 8°. [Contains': " British fisheries," " Fish and fisheries."] Young ( Andrew). The natural history and habits of the salmon ; with reasons for the decline of the fisheries. And also how they can be improved, and again made productive ; also an account of the artificial incubation of salmon. London, Longman, 1854. pp. xii. 108. 8°. Young (Archibald). Notes on the salmon fishery Acts of 1862 & 1868. With suggestions for their improvement. Edinburgh, 1874. pp. iv. 59. 8°. On some of the defects in the laws relating to the salmon fisheries in Scotland, and their appropriate remedies ... Read before the Social Science Congress at Edinburgh, October 9, 1880. Edinburgh : printed bv Neill and Co., 1880. pp.14. 8°. ^ . . , [ " Issued by the Scotch fisheries improvement association, Jan. 1881." The "Second annual report" of this Association (Edin- burgh, 1882) contains, (appendix, iv), a "Report on the Inter- national fisheries exhibition, held in the Waverley Market, Edinburgh, in April 1882, drawn up by Archibald Young, Esq., Advocate, Com- missioner of Scotch Salmon Fisheries."] 330 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. See HoLDSWORTH ( E. W. H.) and Young (A.)... Salmon fisheries. By A. Y. 1877. 12°. Zetland. ^S^^ Scotland An. ..account of the greatest white herring fishery. the island of Z.tlanJ. 1750. 4°. FISH-CULTURE. (A n exhaustive list of books on this subject has not been attempted and of the papers to be found in periodicals and the transactions of Societies only the earlier and more important have been included. With very few exceptions the works recorded are in the British Museum Library, in the Denison Collection or in the possession of the Editor. The old writers on fishponds of the pre-scientific era are contained in our main or angling list, but refer- ences to them are here inserted.) Ackerhof ( A. D.) Die Nutzung der Teicbe und Gewasser durch Fischzucbt und Pfianzenbau. Quedlinburg, 1869. 8°. American. Transactions of tbe American Fisli Cullgural Association. Tenth Annual Meeting, held at the Directors' rooms of tbe Fulton Market Fisb-niongers' Association, in the City of New York. March soth and 31st, 1881. New York, 1 88 1, pp. 136. 8°. [The latest report of a vigorous Societ^y established in 1871 and supported by the leading fish-culturists of the States. Tlie papers read include " A contribution to the biography of the commercial cod of Alaska," by Dr. Tarleton H. Bean ; "Epochs in the hisiory of fish-culture," by Prof. G. Brown (loode ; "Fishes which can live in both salt and fresh-water," by Fred. Mather ; " Poachers," by James Annin, Jr.; " The eel question," by Prof. G. Brown Goode ; and " The chemical composition and nutritive value of fish," by Prof. W. O. Atwater.] Armistead (J.) A short history of the art of pisciculture. Leeds, 1870. 8°. Ashworth ( Edmund and Thomas). A treatise on the propa- gation of salmon and othc" fish. Stockport [printed], London, 1853. pp. 68,//^/^. 8°. Ashworth (Edmund). Remarks on the artificial propagation of salmon at Stormontfield, near Perth. Bolton, tlasler and Co., printers, 1875. 8°. See Stormontfield. Report of a Committee upon the experiments... at Stormontfield. 1857. 8°. Atkins (Charles G.) Cheap fixtures for the hatching of salmon. [With woodcuts.] Washington, Government Printing Oflfice, 1879. pp. 25. 8°. [Also appended to Report of U. S. Fish Commissioner for 1878. Mr. Atkins, a prominent American fish-culturist, has contributed to 332 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. the appendices of these annual reports: The Salmon of Eastern North America and its artificial culture. 1872-3 ; On fish-ways, 1872-3 ; The Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salarj, 1873-4, 1874-5 ; and Report on the collection and distribution of Schoodic Salmon eggs, 1875-6, 1877, 1878.] Bauditten ( Eben). Carp culture, chiefly in its relation to agriculture. Report of \_C/. S. Fish'\ Commissioner for 1878. Washington, 1880. 8°. Beaumont (Emile Henri de). Etudes theoriques et pratiques sur la pisciculture. Paris, 1869. 12°. Belgique. Societe de pisciculture de Belgique. Instructions pratiques pour le repeuplement des cours d'eau. Bruxelles, Deltombe, 1865. pp.20. 8°. Benecke ( Berthold ). Fische, Fischerei und Fischzucht in Ost und West Preussen. Konigsberg, 1880. 8°. Benk ( Friederich). Kurzer Leitfaden fiir kunstliche Forellen- zucht... Wurzburg, 1881. pp.31. 16°. Bergerie. See Rougier de la Bergerie ( J. B.) Beta {Yi€n\\\z\>i) pseud. [z>. Heinrich Bettziech]. Die Bewirth- schaftung des Wassers und die Ernten daraus. Mit einem Vorvvorte von Dr. Brehm. Leipzig und Heidelberg. Winter, 1868. 8°. Neue Werke und Winke fur die Bewirthschaftung des Wassers. Leipzig, Winter, 1870. 8°. ["Der wirthschaftliche Werth der Wassernutzung durch Fisch- zucht," by this writer, is contained in the following work" : Virchow (R.) und Holtzendorff-Vietmansdorf (F. von), Sammlung gemein- verstandlicher wissenschaftlicher Vortrage, etc. Ser. VIII, Hft. 174. Berlin, 1866, etc.'\ Biermann (A.) Neuestes illustrirtes Fischereibuch... nebst Belehrung iiber Teichwirthschaft und Andeutungen liber die kunstliche Fischzucht. Hamm, 1865. 8°. Blanchard (Emile). Les poissons des eaux douces de la France ...pisciculture, legislation concernant la peche. Avec 151 figures. Paris, Bailliere. 1866. pp. xvi. 656. 8°. Blanchere ( H. de la). Industrie des eaux. Culture des plages maritimes. Peche — elevage — multiplication... Avec une preface par M. Coste. Paris, Rothschild. 1866. front. ^ title^ pp. viii. 276. 16°. [Deals with "crustaces et mollusques" only. The "Revue des deux mondes," for September 1870, contains an article by M, Blanchere on "Le depeuplement des eaux de France, la pisciculture, etc:''] De I'aquiculture Americaine appliquee au repeu- FISH-CULTURE. 333 plement de la Loire, et du role de I'Erdre dans cette operation. Nantes, Paris, 1877. pp. 19. 8°. [ A paper read before the " Association fran^aise pour I'avance- ment des sciences," at Nantes in 1875.] Bloch (D. M. E.) Herr D. M. E. Bloch von der Ausbriitung der Fische. Nebst einer Kupfertafel. Hannoversches Maga- zin, ( pp. 337-360). Hannover, 1782. 8°. Bloch. 5"^^ Boccius ( G.) Die FIuss... Fischerei. 1851. 12^ Boccius ( Gottlieb). A treatise on the management of fresh- water fish, with a view to make them a source of profit to landed proprietors. London, Van Voorst, 184 1. pp. vi. 38. 8°. Fish in rivers and streams : a treatise on the produc- tion and management of fish in fresh-waters, by artificial spawning, breeding and rearing : showing also the cause of the depletion of all rivers and streams. London, Van Voorst, 1848. pp. viii. 38. 8°. — ■ Die Fluss-Bach-und Teich-Fischerei, oder iiber das kiinstliche Ausbriiten und Auferziehen der wichtigsten, schmackhaftesten und beliebtesten Fische in Flussen, Bachen und Teichen, etc. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt und mit einem Anhang, enthaltend : Loudon's Fischcultur in Gross- britannien ; A. de Quatrefage, Abhandlung uber kiinstliche Befruchtungen behufs der Fischzucht namentlich die Lachs- zucht betr ; Milne Edwards, iiber die Anreicherung der i lusse, mit Fischen, etc.] Chinefischer Verfahren, die Fischbrut zum Auskriechen zubringen. Bloch's Monographic des Karpfen- geschlechtes. Von Arn Gunderlich. Weimar, 1851. 12°.; Zweite vermehrte Auflage. Weimar, Voigt, 1861. 12°. Bon ( — de). Notice sur la situation de ostreiculture en 1875. Nancy et Paris, 1875. pp. 27. 8°. [ Reprinted from " La Revue maritime et coloniale."] Bont ( J. de). Verslag over inrigting voor piscicultuur op de Diergaarde aanwezig. Nederlansch Tijdschrift voor de Dierkimde ( I, pp. 25-29). Amsterdam, 1863, 8"^. La culture pratique du saumon et de ses congeneres, et la piscicultuVe au Jardin Zoologique d' Amsterdam. Amster- dam, Van Es freres. 1872. 8°. Borne ( Max von dem). Die Fischzucht. Berlin, Weigandt und Hempel, 1875. 8°. [Included in the " Thaer-Bibliothek, etc,"' Bd. 11. Berlin, 1874, etc., 8vo., and appended to "Die angelfischerei " of 1881. The "Report of the U. S. Commissioner" for 1873-4, 1874-5, contains " On stocking lakes and rivers with fish."] Bouchon-Brandely (G.) Traite de pisciculture pratique et 334 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. d'agiiculture en France et dans les pays voisins. Av^ec une preface de M. Michel Clievalier. Paris, Goin, 1876. pp. xxiii. 472. 8°. Rapport... relatif a I'ostreiculture sur le littoral de la Manche et de I'Ocean. Pai is, Wittersheim. 1877. pp 127. 8°. [Reprinted from "Journal officiel"' of 22nd, 24th, 25th, & 26th January, 1877.] Rapport. ..sur la pisciculture en France et ostreiculture dans la Mediterranee. Paris, Wittersheim. 1878. pp.103. 8°. Bout ( H.) 'Notice historique sur la pisciculture. Nancy et Paris, 1879. pp. 35. 8°. [Reprinted from "Revue maritime et coloniale."] Cou 1 d'oeil sur la pisciculture et ses procedes. Nancy et Paris, Berger-Levrault, 1880. pp. 17. 8". Bowlker (R. & C.) The art of angling. ..breeding of carp. 1774, etc. See pp. 39-40. Bradley (Richard). A philosopical account of the works of natine. 1721. 4°. ^SV^p. 41. [Directions for breeding fish are also contained in other works by this writer at the above reference.] Braithwaite (George F.). Fishes and their food, being a paper on the salmon family. Kendal. T. Atkinson, 1863. 12°. Brighton. Life bjneath the waves, and a description of the Brighton aquarium ; with numerous illustrations, including ground plans of the Aquarium. London, Tinsley, 1871. S"". Brion (C.) Pisciculture. Memoire sur I'appareil rotatif Cecile Brion pour I'incubation des oeufs fecondes et I'elevage des jeunes poissons. Verdun, 1866. 8^. Broca (Phillippe de). Etude sur I'industrie huitriere des Etats-Unis, etc. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1864. i8'\ [ A translation is appended to the " Report of the [U. S. Fish] Commission," 1873-4, 1874-5.] Brown (William). The natural history of the salmon, as ascertained by the recent experiments in the artificial spawning and hatching of the ova and rearing of the fiy, at Stormont- field, on the Tay. Glasgow, The. Murray, 1862 front. ^ pp. \i^, plate. 8°. Bruyssel (Ernest van). Histoire d'un aquarium et de ses habitants. Paris, Het^el, 1865. 8°. Buckland ( Francis T.) Fish hatching. [ With an appendix]. London, Tinsley, 1863. pp. xv. 268. 8°.; FISHCULTURE. 335 Manual of salmon and trout hatching; or an explanation of the fish -hatching apparatus at the Rox'al Horticultural Gardens, ^/c. London, Tinslev. 1864. pp.36. 12°. [The 1881 edition of the author's "Natural history of British fishes," treats of fish-culture.] Buist (Robert). The Stormontfield piscicultural experiments, 1853-66. Edinburgh, Edmonston and Douglas. 1866. pp.32. 12°. [ No 14 of " Odds and ends."] Butler (Henry D.) The family aquarium ; or, aqua vivarium ...being a familiar and complete instructor upon the subject of the construction, fitting up. stocking, and maintenance of the fluvial and marine aquaria, or *' river and ocean gardens." New York, Dick and Fitzgerald. [1868.] pp. 121. 12°. Calder (J. E.) Oyster culture. 'A compilation of fact. [With three plates.] Tasmania, [Hobart Town], 1868. 8°. Capel (Charles C.) Trout culture. A practical treatise on the art of spawning, hatching and rearing trout. London, Hardwicke. 1877. pp. vi. 93. 8^. Cancrin ( F. L. von). Abhandlung von dem Anlegen...und besonders der Fischteiche. Frankfurt, 1791. 8°. See p. 50. Carbonnier ( Pierre). Guide pratique du pisciculteur. Paris, Lacroix, 1864. 12°. L'ecrevisse. Moeurs — reproduction — education. Paris, 1869. 12°. Caron (Ch.) Experiences faites a I'establissement departe- mental de pisciculture de I'Ain. Beauvais, Derjarduis, 1854 & 1865. 8°. [ Extracted from the " Memoires de la Societe Academique de I'Oise."] Caumont ( Arcisse de). Note sur les essais de pisciculture tentes dans le Calvados, dans I'Eur, e^c. Caen, Delos, 1854. 8°. Chabot ( ). Reflexions sur la pisciculture. Versailles, Bc;anjeune. 1854. 8°. Chauvassaignes (Franc). Le repeuplement des eaux, efc. Clermont-Ferrand, 1880. pp.42. 8°. Chinese. The Chinese Repository, 1833-51. See p. 64. [Vols. 3 and 6 contain articles on fish rearing in China.] Clercq ( G. A. De). See De Clercq ( G. A.) Columella. De re rustica lib. xii. See p. 64. Comarmond (Ambroise). De la pisciculture de la truite, et en particulier de cette du lac de Saint-Front et des deux ruisseaux les plus voisins, efc. Lyon, 1853. 8°. 336 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Contributions to natural history, ^/c. 1865. 8°. 5^^ p. 65. [ By Dr. Esdaile. Treats largely of salmon culture.] Coste (Jean Jacques M.) Notice historique sur I'etablissement de pisciculture de Huningue. Paris, 1850. 8°. Instructions pratiques sur la pisciculture, suivies de memoires et de rapports sur le meme sujet. Paris, Masson, 1853. 12°.; 2^ ed. 1856. pp. vi. 144. 12°. — Die neuesten und wichtigesten Verbesserungen in der Fischzucht. Quedlinburg, 1855. 8°. [ A translation of previous entry.] — Voyage d'exploration sur le littoral de la France et de I'ltalie... Paris, 1855. 1861 & 1866. 8°. [ The later editions have much additional matter.] See JouRDiER ( R.) La pisciculture. ..Avec une introduc- tion par M. Coste. 1856. Coste ( P.) Recherches sur la domestication des poissons et sur I'organisation des piscines. Compies Rendus^ ( vol. xxix, pp. 797-801). Paris, 1849. 8". Acclimatation des poissons. Btilletin de la Socie'te Zoologique d^ Acclimatation (I, pp. 11-13). Paris, 1854. ^°' Memoire sur les bancs artificiels d'huitres du lac Fusars. Comptes Rendus (xxxvi, pp. 809-14). Paris, 1853. 8°- Note sur les huitrieres artificielles des terrains emergents. Comptes Rendus^ (lv, pp. 681-4). Paris, 1862. 8°. Crescenze (Pietro de). Ruralium commodorum lib. xii. 147 1. fol. See p. 70. Coumes ( Jules Leon). Notice historique sur retablissement de Huningue. Strasbourg, 1862. 8°. Rapport sur la pisciculture et la peche fluviatile en Angleterre, en Ecosse et en Irlande, etc. Strasbourg, 1863. 8'^ Country. The country gentleman's companion. 1733. See p. 66. [ Treats of the making and ordering of fish ponds.] Courcy. L'empire du Milieu, ^/c. Paris, 1867. 8°. 5"^^ p. 67. Dabry de Thiersant ( Pierre). La pisciculture et la peche en Chine. 1872. fol. See p. 75. Davaine (Dr.) Recherches sur la generation des huitres. Paris, 1853. 8°. Dawes (M.) The Holbeach fish-ponds. Spalding, 1761. 8°. FISH-CULTURE. 337 De Clercq ( G. A.) Rapports adresses a Monsieur le Min. des Travaux Publics. Bruxelles, Van Dooren, 1855. 8°. La pisciculture et repeuplement des eaux Beiges. Rapport ^/c Bruxelles, Weissenbruch , 1881. pp. ^j. plate. 8°. Dubravius (Janus). De piscinis...lib. v. 1552, etc. See pp. 81-2. Duhamel Du Monceau (H. L.) Traite general des pesches... Paris, 1769-82. fol. [ Part ii, pp. 209 s^^. contains a translation of Jacobi's memoir.] Dumreicher (Armand von). Gesammt-iiberblick iiber die Wasserwirthschaft des nordvvestlichen Oberharzes. Clausthal, Grosse, 1868. 8°. Dutruch ( A.) Notice sur I'huitre elevee dans le vassin d'Arch- achon. Paris, Maulde et Cock, 1878. pp. 7. 8°. Dyhrn (Ernst). Kurze Anweisung zur Teichwirthschaft. Breslau, 1873. 8°. Eckhardt (R.) Experiments in propagating Maifische/^^4/o^^ vulgaris)^ in 1876 and 1877. Report of \_U. S. F.'\ Commis- sioner for 1877. Washington, 1879. 8°. [ Translated by H. Jacobson from "Circular No. 5 des Deutschen Fischerei-Vereins," Berlin, July 17th, 1877.] Edwards (Henri Milne). Rapport sur la pisciculture. Annates des Sciences JVaturelles, Zoologie., (Vol. xiv, pp. 5 3-6 7). Paris, 1850. 8°. See Boccius (G.) Die Fluss-Bach -und Teich-Fisch- erei. Weimar, 1851. 12°. Estienne (C.) L' agriculture et maison rustique. 1564. See pp. 87-8. Feddersen (A.) 5^^ Tidsskrift for Fiskeri. 1S66, etc. Ferguson ( Thomas B.) Paris Universal Exposition, 1878. Reports of United States Commissioners. Pisciculture, [n. p. or d.] pp. 535, 2^ plates. 8°. Fernandez ( Cesareo). Anuario de la Comision permanente de pesca para 1869. Resumen de sus trabajos...por el Vocal Secretario C. F. Ano Segundo. Madrid, 1869. 8°. [Pp. 161-279, "Ostricultura."] Fernandez de los Senderos ( Francisco). Memoria sobre las pescas que se cultivan en las costas meridionales de Espana, etc. Huelva, 1850. 8°. Fiedler (H. V.) See Tidsskrift for.Fiskeri. 1866, etc. z 338 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Figuier (Louis). L'annee scientifique et industiielle. Paris, Hachette, 1857, etc. 12°. [Contains articles on fish-culture.] Filippi ( Filippi de). Importanza economica dei pesci e del loro allevamento artificiale. Torino, 1853. 8°. Fleming (Dr.) See Stormontfikld. Report of a committee upon the experiments at...S. 1857. 8^. Flowerdew ( Henry). The parr and salmon controversy, with authentic reports of the legal judgments... on the parr question, etc. Edinburgh, 1871. pp. 147. 8°. Fraas ( Carl). Die kiinstliche Fischerzeugung, nach den Erfah- rungen der kiinstlichen Fischzuchtanstalt des General-Comite des landwirthschaftlichen Vereins von Bayern, etc. Miinchen, 1854. 8°.; Zweite Auflage. Miinchen, 1854. 8°. Fraiche (Felix). Traite des procedes de multiplication naturelle et artificielle des poissons, etc. Paris, Bouchard-Huzard, 1863. 12°. Guide pratique de I'Ostreiculteur, ^/c. Paris, [1865]. 12°. [ Part of the " Bibliotheque de professions industrielles, etc.""] Francis ( Francis). Fish-culture : a practical guide to the modern system of breeding and rearing fish. London, Rout- ledge, 1863. /row/., pp. xviii, 267. 8°.; Second edition, revised and enlarged. London, Routledge, 1865. pp. xx. 320. 8°. [Mr. Francis was associated with Messrs. John A. Blake, M.P., Thos. F. Brady and G. W. Hart in the inquiry instituted by Lord Mayo, in 1868, "with a view to the introduction of improved methods of cultivation of oysters into Ireland." The " Report of the Commission," is an exhaustive treatise on the subject and pro- fusely illustrated. See Par. Papers p. 288.] Fric (A.) Die kiinstliche Fischzucht in Bohmen. Ein Bericht iiber die Forstschritte der Lachs-und Forellenzucht in den Jahren 187 1-4, nebst einer kurzen Anleitung zur kiinstlichen Fischzucht. Prag, 1874. 8°. Fry (W. H.) A complete treatise on artificial fish-breeding: including the reports on the subject made to the French Academy and the French Government ; and particulars of the discovery as pursued in England. Translated and edited by W. H. Fry. Illustrated with engravings. New York, Appleton & Co., 1854 & 1866. 8°. Galbert fLe Comte Alphonse de). Documents de pisciculture applicables a toutes les masses d'eaux, principalement a celles des pares et jardins, pour I'education naturelle et artificielle des poissons, et en particulier de la truite, avec plan et legende. Grenoble, 1865. 8°. FISH-CULTURE. . 339 Garlick (Theodatus, M.D.) A treatise on the artificial pro- pagation of certain kinds of fish with the description and habits of such kinds as are the most suitable for pisciculture. Giving the author's first experiments contained in a paper read before the Cleveland Academy of Natural Science [in February 1854], etc. Cleveland, Ohio, 1857. ^°-\ Second edition, (enlarged). Published by the Kirtland Society of Natural Sciences, Cleveland, Ohio. Cleveland, O.: J. B. Savage, printer, 1880. pp. 128. 8°. [ Dr. Garlick is regarded as the Father of fish-culture in America. The paper '■'■ On the artificial reproduction of fishes," read before the Cleveland Academy in 1854, and printed in 1857 in the "Ohio Farmer," forms the introduction to the above work.] Garnett (Thomas). Some facts on the natural history and habits of the salmon, and some opinions on the laws affecting them, with suggestions for their improvement. Printed for private distribution. Clitheroe, [1867.] 8°. [ Mr. Garnett was one of the earliest experimentali^s in fish- culture in the United Kingdom.] Gauckler ( Ph.) La pisciculture et le repeuplement des cours d'eau. Epinal. 1879. pp- 18. 8°. Les poissons d'eau douce et la pisciculture. Paris, Germer Bailliere et Cie. 1881. pp. 299. 8°. Gehin (Antoine) et Remy (J.) Rapport sur la fecondation artificielle des poissons. Paris, 1851. 8°. Anweisung zur kiinstlichen Fortpflanzung der Fische, oder die Kunst Fische zu saen wie man Getreide saet, etc. Grimma, 1851. 16°. See GoDENiER ( C. E. P.) De la fecondation... des oeufs de poisson. .1852. 8°. Gentleman. The gentleman angler... how to improve barren ground by turning it into fish-ponds. 1726. 12°. 5^^ p. 105. The gentleman farmer...improving meadow grounds fish-ponds. 1726. 12°. See p. 105, and North (Roger). Gervais (Paul). Essais de pisciculture, entrepris en 1861 dans le departement de I'Herault. Montpellier, [1862]. pp.7. 8°.; pendant I'annee 1863. Montpellier, [1864]. pp.7. 8°.; pendant I'annee 1864. Montpellier, [1865]. pp. 4. 8°.; pendant I'annee 1865. Montpellier, [1866]. pp. 7. 8°. Giquel ( Prosper). Note sur I'ostreiculture en Chine. Traduit du Chinois. Paris, 1878. 8°. [Reprinted from the "Bulletin de la Societe d'acclimatation,'' March, 1878.] Girard (O.) France et Chine. Vie publique et privee des z 2 340 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Chinois anciens et modernes. Passe et avenir de la France dans I'extreme orient. Paris, Hachette, 1869. 8°. [Treats of fish-culture and its antiquity in China.] Gleditsch ( J. G.) Exposition abregee d'une fecondation arti- ficielle des truites et des saumons qui est appuyee sur des experiences certaines, faites par un habile naturaliste [Jacobi]. Memoir es de V Academie Roy ale des Sciences et Belles Leitres, 1764. Tom. XX (p. 47). Berlin, 1766. 8°. Gobin ( A.) La pisciculture d'eau douce et salee a I'Exposition universelle de 1878. Paris, Lacroix, 1879. pp- vi. 80. 8°. Godenier ( C. E. P.) De la fecondation et de I'eclosion arti- ficielles des ceufs de poisson, et de Teducation du frai, suivant le procede de MM. Gehin et Remy...d'apres les renseignements fournis par M. Gehin, etc. Grenoble et Paris. 1852. 8°. Goode ( G. Brown). Epochs in the history of fish-culture. Transactions of the American Fish Cultural Associatio7i^ March, 1881, (pp. 34-58). New York, 1881. 8°. [ This excellent paper, by a master of methodical arrangement, shows step by step the successive improvements in manipulation made since the discovery of the art was announced by Jacobi in 1763. It is however chiefly remarkable as a record of the energy and success which have attended the practice of the art in America. Professor Goode read, on the same occasion, a paper on " The eel question" which in a more extended form and with illustrations from anatomical designs, is published in the Bulletin of the U. S. Fish Commission, vol. i, 1881. To the " Proceedings of the American Association for the advancement of Science," 1880, (vol. xxix) he contributed : " The first decade of the U. S. Fish Commission, its plan of work and accomplished results, scientific and technical," in which pisciculture has prominent notice. Professor Goode is a very important member of the Commission of which he is the historian and an able ichthyologist and statistician.] Graeffe ( Eduard). Das Siisswasser- Aquarium, etc. Hamburg und Leipzig, 1861. 8°. Graells ( Mariano de la Paz). Manual practico de piscicultura 6 Prontuario para servir de quia al piscicultor en Espana, y a los empleados de la administracion publica en nuestras aquas dulces y saladas. Madrid, 1864. pp. xxiii, 264, i ( Fe de erratas). 8°. [ With woodcuts in text.] Aqiiicultura. Estudios y observaciones sobre los estab- lecimientos piscicolas, ostricolas, etc. Memoria presentada al ...Ministro de Marina. Madrid, Diaz y Lopez, 1867. pp. 218. iv (Index and errata)^ 12 plates. 4°. [ Arcachon, Aiguillon, Port-de-Bac, Isle de Re, Concarneau, Hun- ingue, etc., are described and illustrated with plans and drawings.] FISH-CULTURE. 34 ^ Gray (J. H.) China. 1878. .S^^ p. 108. [ Fish-culture in chap, xxx.] Grazier. The complete grazier... directions for making fish- ponds, etc. 1677. 12°. See p. 108. Greely ( H.) and Case ( L.) The great industries of the United States. Hartford, Burr and Hyde, 1872. 8°. [ Fish-culture and artificial breeding.] Green ( Seth). Trout culture. Published by Seth Green and A. S. Collins, Caledonia, N. Y. Rochester, N. Y. 1870. port.^ pp. 92. 8°. See Roosp:velt (R. B.) and Gkken (S.) Fish hatching, etc. 1879. 12°. Gudme (A. G.) Anweisung...zur Fischzucht. 1827. See p. 109. Gunderlich (A.) Die Fischvermehrung bis in's Unendliche durch die kiinstliche Befruchtung des Rogens mittelst der Milch. Nach dem eigenthiimlichen, selbsterfundenen Ver- fahren des franzosichen Fischers Remy, etc. Weimar, Voigt, 1854 & 1861. 12°. [ A translation of Dr. Haxo's '' Guide du pisciculteur." See also Boccius.] Guy ( J. R.) Second edition of pamphlet on stocking. ( Stirling, 1882). pp.35. 8°. [ Mr. Guy is the Secretary of the Howietown fishery, Stirling.] H (R.) The angler's sure guide... How to make, store, order and preserve fish-ponds, stews and fish. 1706. 8°. See^^. no. Haack (H.) Die rationelle Fischzucht. Eine kurzgefasste An- leitung fiir den praktischen Fischziichter. Leipzig, 1872. 8°. Haime (Jules). History of fish culture in Europe from its earlier records to 1854. Report of [U. S. F.] Commissioner for 1872-3 (pt. ii, pp. 465-492). Washington, 1874. 8°- [A translation of this essay from the "Revue des Deux Mondes," June 1854, had previously appeared in the Report of the Massa- chusetts Commission for 1857.] Hannoversches Magazin. See Jacobi (S. L.) and Bloch (D. M. E.) Hanover Magazine. See Jacobi (S. L.) Translation of a letter in the Hanover Magazine. London, 1778. 8°. Harding ( Charles W.) Prize essay. National Fisheries' Exhi- bition, Norwich, 1881, on the utilization of localities in Nor- folk and Suffolk suitable for the cultivation of mussels and other shell fish. [ King's Lynn, 1881.] pp.3, fol. Essay on the artificial propagation of anadromous 342 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. fish other than the salmon and the restocking the tidal waters of our large rivers artificially with smelts, etc. King's Lynn, Thew and Son, 1881. title^ pp. 11. fol. Hartig (Ernst Fr.) Lehrbuch der Teichwirthschaft. Cassel, Krieger, 1831. 8°. Haus-Buch. Niirnberg, 1710. 5^^ p. 113. Hausser ( ) L'industrie huitriere dans le Morbihan... Paris, 1875. 12°. Haus-Vater...(von der Fisch-Zucht, etc). Leipzig, 1721. See p. IJ3. Haxo (Dr. J.) Reflexions sur I'ichthyogenie, ou reclosion arti- ficielle des oeufs de poissons. Epinal, 1851. 12°. De la fecondation artificielle, et de I'eclosion des ceufs de poissons. Epinal et Paris, 1853. 8°. [ This work has been translated into German :] Die kiinstliche Fisch- Erzeugung. Die Befruchtung und Ausbriitung der Fische auf kiinstlichem Wege als eine der Nutzenbringendsten Entdeckungen dargestellt. Leipzig, 1853. 8° ; Zweite...Auflage. Leipzig, 1855. 8°. Guide du pisciculteur d'apres des notes et des documents fournis par J. Remy, recueillis, rediges et publics par le Dr. _Haxo, etc. Paris, A. Goin, 1854 & i860. 12°. [ One of a series entitled : " Bibliotheque Rurale."] Herault. Essais d'acclimatation du saumon dans I'Herault et ensemencement des huitres dans I'etang de Thau. Montpel- lier, Grollier, [n. d.] pp. b. 8°. Heresbachius (C.) Rei rusticae lib. iv. Colon. 1570. See pp. 1 16-7. Hermann (Christ. Ghld.) Kurzer Unterricht fiir den prak- tischen Landwirthschaft, neue Fischteiche mit wenigen Kosten anzulegen, etc. Freiburg, 1791. 8°.; Zittau, 1795. 8^. Hibberd (Shirley). The marine aquarium. London, 1856. 8°. Hoare (J.) To lxQvorpo(f)eioy. A treatise on fish-ponds, addressed to the nobility and gentry of Sussex. London, Wyman and Sons, 1870. pp. iv. 47. 8°. The perpetual angling association. (Under distinguished patronage.) [ London, j 874 .? ] 8°. [ The Association was projected for the purpose of giving practi- cal effect to the suggestions of Mr. Harris, contained in a paper read at the Meeting of the British Association at Belfast in 1874, and previously propounded in the preceding pamphlet. Mr. Harris FISH-CULTURE. 343 proposed to emasculate and fatten salmon, and preserve them in ponds, all the year round, for food and angling.] Hogg (John). On the artificial breeding of salmon and trout, with remarks on the modes of fecundating their ova. Pro- ceedings of Linnean Society (II, pp. 246-7). London, 1848- SS- 8°- On the distribution of certain species of fresh-water fish and on the modes of fecundating the ova of the salmonidae. Read before the Tyneside Naturalists' Field Club, Feb. 21, 1856. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1856. 8°. [ Reprinted from Transactions of Club, III, pp. 73-87.] Hohberg (W. H. von). Georgica curiosa aucta. Niirnberg, 1 701. fol. See p. 119. [ Fish ponds are treated of.] Holle ( K. F.) Handleiding voor de taelt van Zoetwater visch. Batavia, 1861. 8°. Holmberg ( Heinrich Job.) Ueber Fischcultur in Finnland. Bulletin de la Societe de Natiiralistes de Moscou. (Vol. 33, pp. 321-449. ; vol. 34, pp. 201-83 ; vol. 35, pp. 148-213 ; vol. 36, pp. 127-200). Moscou, 1860-3. 8°. Horak (Wenzel). Die Teichwirthschaft, mit besonderer Riick- sicht auf das siidliche Bohmen, etc. Prag, Calve, 1869. 8°. Hubbard ( W. F.) Salmon hatching at the Clackamas hatchery. Report of the [U. S. I^.] Commissioner for 1878. Washington, 1880. 8°. Humphreys (H. Noel). River gardens : being an account of the best methods of cultivating fresh-water plants in aquaria, in such a manner as to afford suitable abodes to... fish. London, Sampson Low. 1857. ^^.v'ni. lo*], coloured plates. 8°. Jacob (Giles). The country gentleman's vade-mecum... fish- ponds. 17 1 7. See p. 123. Jacobi (Stephen Ludwig). Nachricht vom Ausbriiten der Fische. Hannover sches Magazin^ (pp. 363-6). Hannover, 1763. 8°. [ An anonymous account of this important discovery and the first notice in print that we are aware of.] Abhandlung iiber das Ausbriiten der Forellfen. ^<3r;/- 7tov er sches Magazin^ (^p. ()']'] -<^2). Hannover, 1765. 8°. [This paper was communicated by the " Father of fishculture" himself, and is signed " S. L. Jacobi, zu Hohenhausen in der Grafschaft Lippe." A translation was given by Duhamel Du Monceau in his " Traite general des pesches," (pt. ii, p. 209), Paris, 1773.] Translation of a letter in the Hanover Magazine, No 23, 344 BIBLIOTHECA PlSCA'l'ORlA. March 21st 1763. Giving an account of a method to breed fish to advantage. London, printed by W. Macintosh, 1778. pp.50. 8°. [ The name of " S. L. Jacobs " is appended to this letter. It is a translation of the penultimate entry and the first notice in English of fish-culture.] Jacobson ( H.) Wagner's establishment for raising gold-fish at Oldenburg, Germany. Report of the \^U. S. /^.] Commis- sioner for 1878. Washington, 1880. 8°. [ Mr Jacobson also contributed to the Report for, " The best food for young salmonoids and for larger salmonoids in ponds/' a translation from " Circular No. 4 des Deutschen Fischerei-Vereins." See EcKHARDT ( R.)] Jardine fSir William). See Stormontfield. Report of a Committee upon the experiments... at S. 1857. 8°. Joigneaux (Pierre). Pisciculture et culture des eaux. Bruxelles, 1864. 12°. Paris; Montereau, [printed, 1864]. 12°. Joly ( Nicolas). Coup d'oeil sur les origines de la pisciculture fluviale et sur I'etat actuel de cette Industrie en France. Toulouse, 1866. 8°. Jouffroy fLe Comte J. de). La peche et les lois economiques de la production. Besan^on, 1865. 8°. Jourdier (Auguste). Rapport sur I'exposition de pisciculture faite en Cornice de Chelles en 1853. Meaux, Dubois, 1854. 8°. La pisciculture et la production des sangsues. Avec une introduction par M. Coste. Paris, Hachette, 1856. pp. viii. 210. 8°. [ One of the series entitled " Bibliotheque des Chemins de Fer."] Kemmerer (Dr.) Des ruches tuilees et de la culture des huitres sous le rapport commercial. Paris, 1861. 16°. L'ostreicullure, son passe, son present, son avenir. Graine d'huitres. 3^ ed. La Rochelle, 1875. pp. 11. 8°. Koltz (J. P. J.) Traite sur la multiplication artificielle des poissons, public en langue hollandaise... traduction annotee par J.P.J. Koltz. Luxembourg, Buck. 1857. 8°.; 2^ed. Luxem- bourg, Lacroix et Baudey, 1858. 12°.; Traite de pisciculture pratique, ou des precedes de multipli- cation et incubation naturelle et artificielle des poissons d'eau douce. Paris, Victor Masson. 1866. pp. vi. 160. 12°. Kriinitz (J. G.) Oeconomische Encyclopadie. Berlin, 1773- 1858. 8°. 5^^ Additions, ^/c. La Blanchere (H. de). See Blanchere (H. de la). Lafont (A.) Note sur les huitrieres d'Arcachon. Paris, 1874. 8°. FISH-CULTURE. 345 Lamiral ( E.) Memoire sur la pisciculture et sur la culture des plantes sousmarines. Paris, Bouchard-Huzard. 1851. 4°. Culture et peche des huitres et des moules. Marseille, 1880. pp.48. 16°. La Morvonnais ( A. de). L'ostreiculture, son avenir et ses progres. Vannes, 1876. pp. 35. 12°. Lamy (Isidore). Elements de pisciculture, ou resume des experiences faites au Chateau de Maintenon. Chartres, [printed], Paris, (1855). 12°.; 2^ ed. Entierement refondue. Paris, Goin ; Chartres, Petrot-Garnier. 1866. pp. viii. 93. ii. 12°. Lanza (A.) Abeilles, vers a soie et pisciculture. Paris, 1862. 12°. Leach ( F. S.) Plain instructions for the management of the aquarium or tank for gold and other fish, water plants, insects, etc. [Edited by J. Bishop]. London, Dean, 1856. 8°. Lessona (M.) Gli acquari. Torino, Seb. Franco, 1864. 8°. Leuchs (Johann Carl). Vortheilhafte Beniitzung der Fische, des Fischrogens, der Fischteiche. Nebst G. Leuchs' Verfahren Albumin aus Fischrogen darzustellen, ^/c. Niirnberg, Leuchs, 1862. 8°. Liger (Louis). See pp. 133-4. [ Fish-ponds are' treated of in all the works of this author.] • Lobb (Harry). Successful oyster culture. London, 1867. 8°. MacCuUoch (John). On the possibility of changing the residence of certain fishes from salt water to fresh. Quarterly Journal of Science^ (vol. xvii, pp. 209-231). London, 1824. 8°. On the naturalization of fish. Quarterly Journal of Science, (vol. ii, pp. 320-328). London, 1828. [ Included in Froriep's "Notizen," xx, 1828.] Maceroni ( Col.j Memoirs of the life. ..of Col. M. 1838. See\). 137. [Contains a project tor salmonizing the Rhone, dated 1828.] Mackenzie (Sir Francis A.) Brief and practical instructions for the breeding of salmon and other fish artiftcially. Annals of Natural Jljstojy, {vol. viii, pp. i6b-()). London, 1842. 8". [Included in Froriep's "Notizen," xxi, 1842.] Madrid. Memorial literario, instructivo y curioso de la coi tc de Madrid. Madrid, 1786. 8°. [No 28 of April, 1786, contains a paper entitled : "' Observacion sobre la propagacion de los peces, y modo de trasladarlos a otras lagunas 6 rois, aunque se hallen distantes."] 346 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Markham ( Gervase). Cheape and good husbandry... making of fish-ponds. London, 1616, etc. 4°. See p. 145. [See also "Markham's farewell to husbandry," 1620.] Marsh ( George P.) Report made under authority of the Legislature of Vermont on the artificial propagation of fish. Burlington, 1857. 8°. Marshall (Charles). A plain... introduction to... gardening, with hints on fish-ponds. 1796, etc. 8°. See p. 148. Maslieurat-Lagemard (Dr.) De la pisciculture. Gueret, 1875. pp.40. 8°. Mather ( Frederick). Account of trip to Europe with eggs of Quinnat salmon. Report of [U. S. /^.] Commissioner for 1877. Washington, 1879. 8°. The experiment of transporting turbot and soles from England to America. Report of \U. S. jF.] Commissioner for 1877. Washington, 1879. 8°. Fishes which can live in both salt and fresh-water. Transactions of American fish cultural association^ New York, 1881. 8°. [Mr. Mather was one of the original members of the "American Fish Culturists' Association," and as the fishery editor from 1872 to 1875 of the "Live Stock Journal," of New York and Buffalo; of the " Chicago Field " from 1878 to 1880 ; and of " Forest and stream" from 1880 to the present time, his many articles on fish- culture, and his energy and skill as a practical fish-culturist, have greatly contributed to the extraordinary development which the art has received in America.] Mayer (J.) Die praktische Zucht der Forelle und ihrer Ver- wandten. Prag, 1876. 8°. Mayre (A. N.) Etude sur I'aquiculture et sur le repeuple- ment des nos fleuves et de nos rivieres. Melun, 1875. pp. 24. 8°. Meyer (J.) Der praktische Fischzuchter oder der rationelle Fischzuchtbetrieb nach den neuesten Erfahrungen. Mit 35 Holzschn. Stuttgart, Schickhardt, 1877. 8°. Handbuch des Fischerei-sport... Fischzucht. 1881. See p. 151. Miller (Phillip). The practical gardener... with a treatise on... fish-ponds... London, 18 10. 8°. See p. 151. Millet (C.) Recherches sur les fecondations artificelles. Comptes Rendus, xxxvii, pp. 992-5. Paris, 1853. 8°. Repeuplement des eaux de la France. Paris, Leantry, 1854. 8". FISH-CULTURE. 347 Essais de pisciculture. Fecondations naturelles et arti- ficelles des ceufs de poissons. V Institute xxii, pp. 257-9. Paris, 1854. 8°. Rapport sur les fecondations artificelles des ceufs de poissons. Bulletin de la Socieie cfAcclim.^ ii, pp. 193-203. Paris, 1855. 8°. Pisciculture pratique. Rapport sur les mesures a prendre pour assurer le repeuplement des cours d'eau de la France. Batignolles, 1856. 8°. Pisciculture. Considerations generales et pratiques sur la pisciculture marine. Paris, Gros, 1856. 8°. La culture d'eau... Illustrations par Freeman. Tours, Mame, 1870. pp.364. 8°. kS^^ QuATREFAGES ( A. de). Pisciculture. Paris, 1854. Milner (James). On the artificial culture of the shad. Ap- pended to Report of [U. S. F.] Commissioner for 1872-3. Washington, 1874. 8°. [ Papers on the " Propagation and distribution of the shad," "On the transportation of shad," " The Triana trip," etc.^ are printed with the same Reports for the years 1873-8.] Mobius ( Karl ). Profitable cultivation of the oyster. Append- ed to Report of [U. S. F.] Commissioner for 1877. Washington, 1879. 8°. Molin ( Rafael ). Die rationelle Zucht der Siisswasserfische, etc. Wien, BraumuUer, 1864. 8°. Montgaudry (Baron de). Observations sur la pisciculture. Paris, Victor Masson, 1854. 8°. Mordant (John). The complete steward. London, 176 1. 8°. [ Fish ponds are treated of.] More (Sir John). England's interest... breeding of fish. 1703, etc. See p. 153. Mortimer (J.) The whole art of husbandry, 1707, ^/c. See P- 153- [ Bo6k vi, cap. 21, treats of fish ponds.] Mouls (L'Abbe). Les huitres. Paris, 186 1. 8°. Nardo (Giovanni Domenico). Sulla coltura degli animali aquatici del Veneto dominio. etc. Venezia, Antonnelli, 1864. 8°. Neu ( J. F.) Die Teichfischerei, die Teichwirthschaft und der Teichbau. Bautzen, 1859. ^°- 348 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Noel (Eugene). Pisciculture, pisciculteurs et poissons. Paris, Chamerot, 1856. 8°. Norris (Thaddeus). American fish-culture ; embracing all the details of artificial breeding and rearing of trout ; the culture of salmon, shad and other fishes. Illustrated. Philadelphia, Porter and Coates ; London, S. Low. 1868 & 1869. front. ^ pp. 304. 12°. North (Roger). A discourse of fish and fish-ponds, 17 13, etc, 8°. See^. 157. Ostreiculture. Lyon, 1876. pp. 8. 4°. Palladius. De re rustica lib. xiv. (de piscinis). See p. 166. Parliamentary Papers. Oyster culture in France... Copy *' of translation of a report made to the Minister of Marine in France, by M. Brocchi, relative to oyster culture on the shores of the Channel and of the Ocean, and published in the * Journal Officiel de la Republique Fran^aise ' of the 8th November, 1881, (in continuation of Parliamentary Paper, no. 220, of Session 1877)." [ See also pp. 288, 292 & 338.] Peard(W.) Practical water-farming. Edinburgh, Edmonston and Douglas, 1868. pp. xiv, 256. 8°. Piguenit (W. C.) The salmon ponds and vicinity, New Nor- folk, Tasmania. Illustrated by W. C. P. (1867.) 4°. [ Eight lithographs including title with two pages of letter press respecting the introduction of salmon into Tasmania.] Piscarius. The artificial production of fish. By Piscarius. London, Reeve and Co., 1852. pp. 22. 8°. [ Some copies have " third edition " on title-page and are dated 1854-] Pisciculture. Pisciculture. Instructions pratiques pour le repeuplement des cours d'eau. Paris, Bouchard-Huzard. i860, pp.31. 8°. [ " Publiees par la Direction generale des forets et I'Etat."] Pizetta (Jules). L'aquarium, d'eau douce — d'eau de mer, etc. Paris, Rothschild ; Strasbourg [printed], 1872. 8°. La pisciculture fluviale et maritime en France. Avec un traite sur l'ostreiculture...par M. de Bon. Paris, Roths- child, 1880. 212 grav. 8°. Poppe ( Robert A.) Introduction and culture of carp in Cali- fornia. Appended to Report of [U. S. F.] Commissioner for 1878. Washington, 1880. 8°. Pouchet (Georges). Rapport sur les etablissements de pisci- culture d'Huningue et de Wolfsbrunnen. Rouen, Peron, 1856. pp.31. 8'^. FISH-CULTURE. 349 Puvis ( Marc Anloine). Des etangs, de leur construction, de leur produit et de leur dessechement. Paris, Bouchard- H lizard. [844. 8^ Quatrefages ( Armand de). Des fecundations artificielles ap- pliquees a I'eleve des poissons. Comptes Rendus, 1848, (Vol. xxvii, pp. 413-6). Paris, 1848. 8". Note sur la propagation des huitres par les fecon- dations artificielles. Comptes Rendus, 1849, (Vol. xxviii, pp. 291-3). Paris, 1849. 8°. Experiences sur la fecondatioii aitificielle des oeufs de hermelles et de tarets. Annales des Sciences Nalurelles, (Vol. xiii, pp. 126-140). Paris, 1850. 8°. Sur la reproduction artificielle des poissons. Jour- nal de Pharmacie (Vol. xx, pp. 282-6). Paris, 1851. 8°. Pisciculture. Rapport sur le repeuplement des cours d'eau et sur les travaux de pisciculture de M. Millet, etudes sur la fecondation artificielle des oeufs de poissons. Paris, Goin, 1854. title^ pp. 20. 8°. Quenard ( ) Notions et preceptes sur la pisciculture pratique, et sur I'eleve et la multiplication des sangsues. Paris, Bouchard-Huzard, 1855. title^ pp. 11. 8°. Ramsbottom ( Robert). The salmon and its artificial propa- gation. London, Simpkin ; Manchester [printed]. 1854. pp. 69. 8°. [ Inscribed to Mr. Garnett.] Raveret- Wattel ( C.) Progres de la pisciculture aux Etats- Unis. Paris, 1874. pp. 26. 8°. [Reprinted from the "Bulletin de la Societe d'Acclimatation," November, 1873.] Rapport sur la pisciculture ^ I'Exposition Universelle de 1878. Paris, 1879. pp. 10. 8°. [Reprinted from the "Bulletin de la Societe d'Acclimatation/' March, 1879.] Remy (Joseph). See Haxo (J.) Guide de pisciculteur, d'apres des notes... fournis par J. R. Paris, 1854. 8°. Renaud (J.) Essais sur Thuitre portugaise. Bordeaux, 1877. pp.32. 8^. Rico (B.) L'aquiculture en Auvergne. Paris, 1876. pp.27. 8°. [ Reprinted from Bulletin of " Societe d'Acclimatation," Mar., 1876.] Rimbaud ( J. B. A.) L'industrie des eaux salees. 1868. See p. 177. 350 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Riviere (Baron de). L'aqniculture ; necessite de fonder des fermes modeles pour I'etudier et I'enseigner, etc. Nismes, 1866. 8°. Roosevelt (Robert Barnwell) and Green (Seth.) Fish hatching and fish catching. Rochester, N. Y. 1879. pp. 245. 12°. [ A paper by Mr. Roosevelt entitled " Apergu general de I'etat actuel de la pisciculture dans tous les etats du Nord de TAmerique," was read at the seventh session of the " Congres international de Statistique," at the Hague in 1870.] Rossmaessler (Emil Adolf). Dass Siisswasser- Aquarium. Leipzig, 1857. 8°.; Zweite Auflage, Leipzig, Mendelsohn, 1869. 8°. [ A Dutch translation : Het zoetwater-aquarium. Leiden, 1872. 8vo.] Rougier de la Bergerie ( J. B.) Manuel des etangs, ou traite de I'art de les construire. Paris, 1819. ^°- Anweisung, Fischteiche, ^/c. Quedlinburg, 1839. 8°. See p. 30. Rusconi ( ) Fecondazione artificiale ne' pesci. Milano, 1835. 8°. Sopra lo svilluppo dei Ciprini, e norme sulla fecond- azione artificiale dei pesci. Pavia, 1854. 8°. S (J.) The true art of angling. 1697. 24°. See p. 181. [ " To feed fish in ponds."] Schram ( M. A.) Rapport de la Societe de pisciculture Beige. Bruxelles, 1863. 8°. Serres (Olivier de). Le theatre d'agriculture. 1600, etc.^ fol. See p. 192. [ L'estang and le vivier are treated of in Bk. v, chap. 13.] Sha^v (John). An account of some experiments and obser- vations on the parr; and on the ova of the salmon, proving the parr to be the young of the salmon. The Edinbtti'gh New Philosophical Journal^ (vol. xxi. pp. 99-110). Edinburgh, 1836. 8°. Experiments on the development and growth of the fry of the salmon from the exclusion of the ovum to the age of seven months. The Edinburgh New Phil. Journal^ (vol. xxi V, pp. 165-176, ;^/«/^). Edinburgh, 1838. 8°, Account of experimental observations on the develop- ment and growth of salmon-fry, from the exclusion of the ova to the age of two years. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh^ (vol. xiv, pp. 547-566, 2 plates). Edinburgh, 1840. 4". FISH-CULTURE. 351 — ' — On the growth and migrations of the sea-trout of the Sol way ( Salmo trutta). Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh^ (vol. xv, pp. 369-375). Edinburgh, 1844. 4°. Observations on the growth of salmon fry. London, Longman, 1840. 4°. [ Mr. Shaw's experiments, chiefly undertaken to establish the identity of the parr and salmon, were the beginnings of fish-culture in Great Britain.] Silva Ferro ( Ramon de). Memoria referente a la industria de pesquerias representada en la Exposicion Universal de Paris en 1878. Londres, 1879. /row/., pp. viii, 183. 8°. [Chapter 13, " Piscicultura. Establecimientos en el Canada"; Chap. 14, "Manipulacion del salmon." There are 38 woodcuts.] Sivard de Beaulieu (G.) Essai sur la multiplication des poissons par les methodes naturelles et artificielles : de son application sur les cotes et dans les rivieres du departement de la Manche. Caen, Delos, 1854. 8°. Slack (J. H. M.D.) Practical trout culture. New York, 1872. 12°. [ The appendix to Report of the U. S. Fish Commissioner, 1873-4, 1874-5, contains a paper on "Hatching and distribution of Califor- nian salmon," by Dr. Slack.] Smith (John). England's improvement reviv'd... fish-ponds, 1673. 4^ See p. 196. Soubeiran ( J. L.) Rapport sur une proposition de M. Salles relatif a la multiplication de la Tortue franche dans la Med- iteranee. Paris, 1862. 8°. et Moquin-Tandon. Etabl is semen ts de pisciculture de Concarneau et de Port-de-bouc. Paris, 1865. 8°. See Dabry de Thiersant (P.) La pisciculture... en Chine... precede d'une introduction... par J. L. S. Paris, 1872. fol. Stoddart ( Thomas Tod). The artificial breeding of salmon, in its connection with the Tay and the Tweed ; with sugges- tions as to how the fry-stock of the latter river may be increased at a trifling expense. ( Reprinted from the Kelso Mail). Kelso : printed by Alex. Elliot, 1854. pp.26. 8°. [ A reprint of articles in a local newspaper.] Stoelter (Georg Friedrich). Ueber die moglichst gewinn- reiche Beniitzung von Bachen und Teichen zur kiinstlichen Fortpflanzung von Fischen, so wie iiber die Zucht von Blute- geln in Sumpfen und sumpfigen Wiesen, etc. Hildesheim, Lax, 1859. 8°. Weitere Mittheilungen aus der Praxis der kiinst- lichen Fischzucht, etc. Hildesheim, Lax. i860. 8°. 352 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Stone (Livingston). Domesticated trout. How to breed and grow them. Boston, Osgood and Co., 1872. 16°.; Second edition. Boston, 1873. PP- x. 347. Third edition, revised and enlarged. Charleston, N. H., for sale at the Cold Spring trout ponds. 1877. pp.367. 12°. Illustrations. Report of operations at the salmon-hatching station on the Clackamas river, Oregon, in 1877. Appended to Report of [U. S. F.] Commissioner for 1877. Washington, 1879. 8°. Report of operations at the United States salmon- hatching station on the M'Cloud river, California. Appended to Report of [U. S. F.] Commissioner for 1877. Washington, 1879. 8°. Stormontfield Report of a Committee upon the experiments conducted at Stormontfield, near Perth, for the artificial propa- gation of salmon, by Sir W. Jardine, Dr. Fleming and E. Ash worth. Repot' t of the British Association for the advance- ment of science, {^^. j\S^-j[S^), i?>c^(i. London, 1857. 8°. Strauss ( ). Betreibung der kleinstlichen Fischzucht. Straubing, 1879. 8°. Systema Agriculturae. 1681. fol. 5"^^ p. 204. [ Treats of fish, carp, trout and oyster ponds.] Taverner (John). Certaine experiments concerning fish. 1600 4°. See p. 205. [ The breeding and treatment of fish in ponds, etc."] Thiemen ( J. C.) Haus- Feld-...und Wunderbuch. 1682. 4°. See p. 208. [ The 15th division treats of fish-ponds.] Things. Notable things. 1697. 12°. See ip. 20%. [ " To get the seed of all sorts of fish," p. 74.] Tidskrift. Tidskrift for Fiskferinaring och Aquikultur, utgifen af Dr. A. Malmgren. Helsingfors, 1869. 8'^. Tidsskrift. Tidsskrift for fiskeri. Udgivet af H. V. Fiedler... og A. Feddersen. Aarg. 1-7. Kjobenhavn. 1866-73; con- tinued as Nordisk Tidsskrift for Fiskeri. In progress. 1874, etc. 8°. [ Mr. Feddersen has also published separately several useful papers on fish culture.] Turrel ( L.) La pisciculture. Son role dans les eaux douces, ses pretentions dans les eanx salees. Paris, Martinet, 1872. 8°. La pisciculture et les pares k coquillages de la rade de Toulon. Paris, 1878. pp. 10. 8°. [Reprinted from the "Bulletin de la Societe d'Acclimatation," March, 1878.] FISH-CULTURE. 353 United States. United States Commission of fish and fisheries. Parti. Report. 1871 & 1872; Part II. Report of the Commissioners for 1872 and 1873 ; Part III. ..for 187^-4 and ■ 1874-5 ; Part IV... for 1875-6 ; Part V...for 1877 ; Part VI... for 1878. Washington, 1873, 4, 6, 8, 9, 80. 8°. [ This Commission was appointed by resolution of Congress on the 9th February 1871, and up to 1880 476,200 dollars had been appropriated to its use. Thanks to the selection of an able Com- missioner in the person of Professor Spencer F. Baird, the work done has been commensurate with the expenditure. The "propa- gation of food fishes '' forms the staple of the Reports, and several excellent papers, original and translated, are included in the Appendices. The more important will be found in our pages under the names of their respective writers. See Atkins, Eckhardt, GooDE, Mather, etc.'] Varro. De re rustica lib. iii. See p. 212. [ Bk. 3, cap. 17. de piscinis.'] Vibraye ( — de). Observations sur la pisciculture. Paris, Racion, 1854. 8°. Vidal (Jerome Leon). Pisciculture marine. Etude sur le littoral frangais de la mediterranee au point de vue piscicole. Paris, 1866. 8°. Peche et pisciculture marine. Considerations sur la pisciculture appliquee a la production des especes marines comestibles, etc. Marseille, Arnaud, Cayer et Cie. 1867. 8°. Pisciculture marine. De Taction du froid sur les poissons eleves en stabulation. Marseille, 1871, Voel ( Eugene). Pisciculture, pisciculteurs et poissons. Paris, Chaumerot, 1856. 8°. Vogt { Carl). Die kiinstliche Fischzucht. Leipzig, Brockhaus, 1859. pp. viii. 158. 8°.; Nebst einem Anhange (iber kreb- zucht. Zvveite.-.Auflage. Leipzig, Brockhaus, 1875. pp. x. 195. 8°. S'^abbild. La piscicoltura. Prima versione dal Tedesco del Dott. In. Regazzoni. Como, Carlo Franchi, 1865. pp. xi. 185. 8°. Wergeland ( N.) Value of the Norwegian lakes and rivers as a field for fish culture. Report of the [ U. S. Fish'] Commis- sioner f 07' 1878. Washington, 1880. 8°. Wilmot (Samuel). Report of Samuel Wilmot, Esq., on fish breeding operations in the Dominion of Canada during the year 1881, with remarks on the decline of the salmon fisheries. Ottawa, 1882. 8°. [A "Sessional paper" of the Dominion of Canada. The Sup- plements of the " Annual Reports of the Minister of Marine and Fisheries," nos. 1-14, for the years 1868-1881, give full particulars 2 A 354 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. of the operations of the several fish breeding establishments sup- ported by the Government of the Dominion.] Wilson (Sir Samuel). Salmon at the Antipodes, being an account of the successful introduction of salmon and trout into Australian waters. London, Stanford, 1879. pp. viii. 252. 8°. [Reprinted from annual report of "Zoological and Acclimitization Society of Victoria" for 1878. The AthencBuiJi, 1868 (vol. i, pp. 391 -2), contains a paper by Mr. H. E. Watts on the " Introduction of salmon into Australia,"] Wood (J. G.) The fresh and salt-water aquarium. London, Routledge, 1867. 12°. Wright ( William). Fishes and fishing. Artificial breeding of fish, etc. London, 1858. 8°. See p. 243. Yarrell (William). On the growth of the salmon in fresh water. London, 1839. fol. [ Incorporated with the third edition of " British Fishes."] Young ( Andrew). The natural history and habits of the salmon, from a long series of experiments and observations. London, Wick, 1848. pp. 48. 12°.; London, Longman, 1854. 8°. Zenk (F.) Kurzer Leitfaden fur kiinstliche Forellenzucht. Wurzburg, Thein, 1878. 8°. APPENDIX. Collection of citations touching on angling and fish- ings from old English authors^ dramatists and poets, Shakespeare (Wm.) Measure for Measure, "Act I, sc. ii. Mrs. Overdone. Well ; what has he done ? Pompey. A woman. Mrs. Over. But what 's his offence ? Pom. Groping for trouts in a peculiar river." "Act II, sc. ii. Angelo. O cunning enemy, that, to catch a saint, With saints dost bait thy hook ! " The Merchant of Venice, ♦' Act I, sc. i. Gratiano. I'll tell thee more of this another time : But fish not, with this melancholy bait, For this fool gudgeon, this opinion." "Act III, sc. i. Salarmo. Why, I am sure, if he forfeit, thou wilt not take his flesh : what 's that good for .? Shylock. To bait fish withal : if it will feed nothing else, it will feed my revenge." AlVs Well that Ends Well. "Act V. sc. ii. Clown. Here is a pur of Fortune's, sir, or of Fortune's cat — but not a musk-cat, — that has fallen into the unclean fishpond of her displeasure, and, as he says, is muddied withal : pray you, sir, use the carp as you may." " Act V. sc. iii. Bertram. She knew her distance and did angle for me, Madding my eagerness with her restraint." Hamlet, "Act II, sc. i. Polonius. See you now ; Your bait of falsehood takes this carp of truth." 556 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. " Act IV, sc. iii. Hamlet. A man may fish with the worm that hath eat of a King; and eat of the fish that hath fed of that worm." •' Act V, sc. ii. Hamlet. Thrown out his angle for my proper life, and with such cozenage." Antony and Cleopatra. "ACTlI, sc. V. Cleopatra. Give me mine angle, — we'll to the river : there, My music playing far oft', I will betray Tawny-finn'd fishes ; my bended hook shall pierce Their slimy jaws ; and as I draw them up, I'll think them every one an Antony, And say, "Ah, ha ! you're caught," Charmian. 'Twas merry, when You wager'd on your angling ; when your diver Did hang a salt-fish on his hook, which he With fervency drew up." Pericles. "Act II, sc. i. First Fisherman. What, ho, Pilch ! Sec. Fisherman. Ho ! come, and bring away the nets ! * * * * Sec. Fisherman. Canst thou catch any fishes, then 1 Pericles. I never practised it. Sec. Fisherman. Nay, then, thou wilt starve sure ; for here's nothing to be got now-a-days, unless thou canst fish for it. But, master, I'll go draw up the net." "ACTIV, sc. iii. Boult. I warrant you, mistress, thunder shall not so awake the beds of eels, as my giving out her beauty stir up the lewdly inclined. I'll bring home some to night. Much Ado about Nothing. "Act II, sc. iii. Claudio. Bait the hook well ; this fish will bite." "Act III, sc. i, Ursula. The pleasant'st angling is to see the fish Cut with her golden oars the silver stream, And greedily devour the treacherous bait. So angle we for Beatrice ; who even now Is couched in the woodbine coverture : Fear you not my part of the dialogue. Hero. Then go Ave near her, that her ear lose nothing Of the false sweet bait that we lay for it." The winter^ s tale. "Act I, sc. ii. Leontes. To your own bents dispose you : you'll be found, Be you beneath the sky. — (aside) I'm angling now, Though you perceive me not how I give line." APPENDIX. 357 " Act I, sc. ii. Leontes. His pond fish'd by his next neighbour, by Sir Smile his neighbour." '* Act IV, sc. i. Polixenes. I fear the angle that plucks our son thither." " Act V, sc, ii. Third Gent. One of the prettiest touches of all, and that which angled for mine eyes (caught the water though not the fish,) was when, etc!' Titus Andronicus. " Act IV, sc. iv. Tamora. Then cheer thy spirit ; for know, thou emperor, I will enchant the old Andronicus With words more sweet, and yet more dangerous, Than baits to fish, or honey-stalks to sheep ; When as the one is wounded with the bait, The other rotted with delicious feed." Tempest. "Act II, sc. ii. Caliban. Til fish for thee. Caliban. No more dams Fll make for fish." Ki7ig Lear. " Act III, sc. vi. Edgar. Frateretto calls me ; and tells me, Nero is an angler in the lake of darkness. Pray, innocent, and beware the foul fiend." \st part of King Henry IV. " Act IV, sc. iii. Hotspur. And, by this face, This seeming brow of justice, did he win The hearts of all that he did angle for." 2nd part of King Henry IV. " Act II. sc. iv. Pistol. Hold hook and line say I." " Act III, sc. ii. Falstaff. I'll be acquainted with him, if I return ; and it shall go hard, but I will make him a philosopher's two stones to me. If the young dace be a bait for the old pike, I see no reason, in the law of nature, but I may snap at him." Henry V. "Act IV, sc. vii. Fluellen. There is a river in Macedon ; and there is also moreover a river at Monmouth ; it is called W^^e, at Monmouth ; but it is out of my prains, what is the name of the other river ; but 'tis all one, 'tis so like as my fingers is to my fingers, and there is salmons in both." 355 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Trot his and Cressida. "Act III, sc. ii. Cressida. Perchance, my lord, I show'd more craft than love, And fell so roundly to a large confession To angle for your thoughts." " Act IV, sc. iv. Troilus. Whiles others fish with craft for great opinion, I with great truth catch mere simplicity." Romeo and Juliet. '* Act II. Prologue. Chorus. But to his foe supposed he must complain. And she steal love's sweet-bait from fearful hooks. Twelfth Night. "Act II, sc. V. Maria. Lie thou there ; for here comes the trout That must be caught by tickling. Beaumont and Fletcher. Wit without Money. (1639.) "Act III, sc. i. " Shorthose. May't rain above all almanacks, till The carriers sail, and the King's fishmonger Ride like Arion upon a trout to London ! " The Faithful Shepherdess, (circa i6ii.) " Act III, sc. i. " God. I will give the for thy food No fish that riseth in the mud ; But trout and pike, that Ipve to swim Where the gravel from the brim Through the pure streams may be seen ; Orient pearl fit for a Queen, Will I give, thy love to win, And a shell to keep them in ; Not a fish in all my brook That shall disobey thy look, But, when thou wilt, come sliding by, And from thy white hand take a fly." " Act IV, sc. ii. Clorin. I thank thee honest Satyr. If the cries Of any other, that be hurt or ill. Draw thee unto them, pr'ythee do thy will To bring them hither. Satyr. And when the weather Serves to angle in the brook, I will bring a silver hook, APPENDIX. 359 With a line of finest silk, And a rod as white as milk, To deceive the little fish : So I take my leave, and wish On this bower may ever dwell Spring and summer." Rule a Wife and have a Wife, (1624.) Act II, sc. iv. " Clara. Hast thou married him ? Estifania. What, dost thou think I fish without a bait, wench ? I bob for fools : He is mine own, I have him. I tell thee what would tickle him like a trout, And as I cast it, so I caught him daintily. Act IV, sc. i. Estifania. Here comes another trout that I must tickle, and tickle daintily. I've lost my end else." The False One. (circa 161 8.) Act I, sc. ii. Apollodorus. Did you tell her Of the sports I have prepared to entertain her ? She was used to take delight, with her fair hand. To angle in the Nile, where the glad fish. As if they knew who 'twas sought to deceive them, Contended to be taken. Monsieur Thomas, (before 1621.) Act I, sc. iii. " Dorothea. Fare you well. The fool shall now fish for himself. Alice. Be sure then His tewgh be tith and strong ; and next, no swearing ; He'll catch no fish else." Four Plays in One. (circa 161 1.) " Martins. Oh, how thou confut'st divinely, and thy words Do fall like rods upon me ! but they have Such silken lines and silver hooks, that I Am faster snared." The Two Noble Kinsmen. (1634.) Act I, sc. i. Third Queen. Lady, lady, alack, He that with all the treasure know o' the earth Must know the centre too ; he that will fish For my least minnow, let him lead his line To catch one at my heart." Act IV. sc. i. " yailor. But why all this haste. Sir ? Wooer. I'll tell you quickly. As I late was angling 36o BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. In the great lake that Hes behind the palace, From the for shore, thick set with reeds and sedges, As patiently I was attending sport, I heard a voice, a shrill one, and attentive I gave my ear ; when I might well perceive 'Twas one that sung, and, by the smallness of it A boy or woman. I then left my angle To his own skill, came near, but yet perceiv'd not Who made the sound, the rushes and the reeds Had so encompass'd it." The Night Walker, (1640.) Act IV, sc. v. ''Lurcher, Sit down. Sir ; A short nap is not much amiss — So, so ! he's fast, Fast as a fish m the net." Jonson, Ben. The Alchemist. ( 1 6 1 1 .) Act II, sc. i. " Subtle. Has he bit ? Has he bit ? Face. And swallowed too, my Subtle. I have given him line and now he plays i'faith. Sub. And shall we twitch him ? Face. Through both the gills." ♦ * * " Face. If I can strike a fine hook into him now. The Temple-church, there have I cast mine angle. Well, pray for me. I'll about it. Sub. What more gudgeons ?" Catihne. (161 1.) Act I, sc. i. '* Catiline. Yet they cannot tame. Or overcome their riches ! not by making Baths, orchards, fish-pools." Bartholomew Fair. (16 14.) Act III, sc. i. ''Busy. They are hooks and baits, very baits, that are hung out on every side, to catch you and to hold you, as it were by the gills and by the nostrils, as the fisher doth." The Sad Shepherd, f circa 1636.) Act I, sc. ii. "Much. All choice that plenty can send in ; Bread, wine, acates, fowl, feather, fish or fin. For which my father's nets have swept the Trent." The Forest. " And if the high-swoln Medway fail thy dish, Thou hast thy ponds, that pay thee tribute fish ; APPENDIX. 361 Fat aged carps that run into thy net, And pikes, now weary their own kind to eat, As loth the second draught or cast to stay, Officiously at first themselves betray, Bright eels that emulate them, and leap on land, Before the fisher, or into his hand." Lilly (J.) Eiidimion. (1591). Act IV, sc. ii. "■ Samias. Worse and worse, but how wilt thou live ? Epiton. By angling ; O tis a stately occupation to stand foure houres in a colde morning, and to have his nose bitten with fi'ost before his baite be mumbled with a fish. Dares. A rare attempt." Sapho and Phaon. (1584). Act I, sc. i. " Venus. To passe the time in thy boate, canst thou devise any pastime 1 Phao. If the winde be with mee, I can anajle, or tell tales : if against mee, it will be pleasure for you to see mee take paines. Venus. I like not fishing : yet was I born of the sea. Phao. But he may blesse fishing, that caught such a one in the sea. Venus. It was not with an angle, my boye, but with a nette." My das. (1592). " Coryn. Hee that fishes for Lesbos, must have such a wooden net, as all the trees in Phrygia will not serve to make the cod, nor all the woods in Pisidia provide the corks. Draipon. Nay, he meanes to angle for it with a hooke of gold and a baite of golde and so strike the fish with a pleasing baite that will slide out of an open net." Barry ( Ludowick.) Ram- Alley ., or Merry Tricks. (161 1). Act II, sc. i. " Adriana. I took you for a novice ; and I must think You know not yet the inwards of a woman, Do you not know that women are like fish. Which must be struck when they are prone to bite, Or all your labours lost." William Small-shanks. Has the gudgeon bit ? Frances. He has been nibbling." Middleton ( T.) and Dekkar (T.) The Roaring Girle : or Moll Cut-Purse. (161 1). Act I, sc. i. ^^ Moll. Fish that must needs bite, or themselves be bitten ; Such hungry things as these may soon be took 2 B 362 BIBLIOTHECA P18CATORIA. With a worm fastened on a golden hook. These are the letcher's food, his prey, he watches For quarrelling wedlocks, and poor shifting sisters ; 'Tis the best fish he takes. But why, good fisherman, Am I thought meat for you, that never yet Had angling rod cast towards me ?" '■''Mistress Openwork. A Goshawk ? a Puttock ; all for prey ; he angles for fish, but he loves flesh better." Dekkar (Thos.) The Honest Whore. (1604.) Act I, so. xii. ^^ Doctor. I sent for him, my lord : at last he came. And did receive all speech that went from me, As gilded pills made to prolong his health. My credit with him wrought it. For some men Swallow even empty hooks. * ♦ * « Castruchio. • Are you a fisherman, father ? 15/. Madman. No, I'm neither fish nor flesh. Flucllo. What do you with that net, then ? 15/. Madman. Do'st not see fool ! there's a fresh salmon in it... I am fishing here for five ships, but I cannot have a good draught ; for my net breaks still, and breaks ; out, you gulls, you goose caps, you gudgeon- eaters ! " Tomkis ( ) Albtimazar. (16 14). ( Tomkins, according to Collier, who believes him to be the person addressed by Phineas Fletcher as Mr. Jo. Tomkins, in a copy of verses appended to the " Purple Island." 1633.) Act III, sc. iv. " Albumazar. As an attentive angler, Fixing his steady eyes on the swift streams Of a steep tumbling torrent, no sooner turns His sight to land, but giddy, thinks the firm banks And constant trees, move like the running water ; So you that thirty years have lived in Trincalo, Chang'd suddenly, think y'are so still ; but instantly These thoughts will vanish." Anon. Conflict of Conscience. (1581). " Avarice. The fish once taken, and 'scaped from bait, Will ever hereafter beware of the hook." Robert Wilson. The Three Ladies of London. (1584). " Tom. And here's Wiley Will, a good a fellow as your heart can wish, APPENDIX. 363 To go a-fishing with a crank through a window, or to set lime twigs to catch a pan, pot or disli. * * ♦ * Usury. Fellow : Simony, this fell out pat, so well as heart could wish, We are cunning anglers : we have caught the fattest fish." Three Lords and Three Ladies of London. (1590). ** Simplicity. O boy ! who is the elder ? Hast thou not heard, give flounders to thy elder. Wit. You mistake the fish ; trust me, I am sure 'tis give plaice ; but begin with a good grace." May ( Thos.) The Heir. (1633). Act I, sc. i. *'■ Roscio. Others will come, my lord, all sorts of fish Will press upon your nets. * * * * No doubt, my lord. So fair a bait would catch a cunning fish ? " Massinger. The Fatal Dowry. (1632). Act V, sc. ii. " Man Set, Phoebus, set ; a fairer sun doth rise From the bright radiance of my mistress' eyes, Than ever thou begat'st : I dare not look ; Each hair a golden line, e:ich word a hook, The more I strive, the more still am I took." The Old Law. Act IV, sc. i, " Simonides. Never by prince were such young judges made, But now the cause requires it : if you mark it. He must make young or none ; for all the old ones He hath sent a fishing." Still (John). Gammer Gitrton^s Needle, (circa 1575). *^ Hodge, Hase she not gone, trowest now thou, and lost her neele ? Diccon. Her eele, Hodge ! who fysht of late 1 that was a dainty dysh. Tush, tush, her neele, her neele, her neele, man, tys neither flesh nor fysh." Tancred and Sigismnnda. ( 1568). ( Said to be the production of five gentlemen, students at the Inner Temple.) Act III, sc. i. "Chorus 4. But he gives poison so to drink in gold. And hideth under pleasant baits his hook."' 364 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Killegrew ( Thos.) The Parsonh Wedding, (circa 1664). Act V, sc. V. *' Widow. I wonder at nothing so much as Mr. Jolly's mirth to day ! where lies his part of the jest ? cozen'd, or refus'd by all, not a fish that stays in's net. Jolly. No; what's this? [Jolly hugs wanton] — show me a fairer in all your streams." Webster (J.) The DeviVs Law-Case. ( 1623). Act I, sc. i. " Romelio. I would wish my noble venturer take heed ; It may be while he hopes to catch a gilt-head, He may draw up a gudgeon." Congreve (William). The Moitrning Bride. ( 1697). Act V, sc. i. *^ Manuel. Ha ! stir not, on thy life ! for thou wert fix'd And planted here to see me gorge the bait. And lash against the hook." Vanbrugh ( Sir John). The Relapse^ or Virtue in Danger. Act I, sc. ii. ^'Fashion. Why, how wouldst thou have me treat him ? Lory. Like a trout — tickle him." Field (Nathaniel). A Woman is a Weather-cock, (circa 1612). Act I, sc. i. "Pendant. Sir Abraham now I hope will buy the pool where I will fish, Thus a quick knave makes a fat fool his dish." Newcastle (Margaret, Duchess of). (1662). The first part of Nature's three daughters, Beauty, Love and Wit. Act IV, sc. xiii. " Gra?id Esprit. But most Noble and Right Honourable, my explan- ation of this discourse is, that since Self-love is the Fountam of and in Nature from whence issue out several springs to every several Creature, wherein mankind, being her chiefest and supreme work, is filled with the fullest springs from that Fountain which is the cause that mankind is more industrious, cruel and insatiable, to and for his self-ends, than any APPENDIX. 365 other Creature ; he spares nothing that he hath power to destroy, if he fears any hurt, or hopes for any gain, or finds any pleasure ; or can make any sport, or to employ his idle time. He Hunts, he Fowls, he Fishes for sport, with Guns, Nets and Hooks ; he cruelly causeth one creature to destroy another, ^/^■." Gower (John). Confessio Amaniis. ( 1483). Liber tertius. " And as the fisher on his bait Sleeth, when he seeth the fishes faste, " So when he seeth time ate last, That he may worche an other wo. Shall no man tornen him ther fro, That hate will his felonie Fulfill and feigne compaignie." Liber octavus. " There came a fisher in the wey. And sigh a man there naked stonde." Chaucer (Geoffrey). The Canterbury Tales, (circa 1475). " At Trompington, not fer fro Cantebrigge, Ther goth a brook, and over that a brigge. Upon the whiche brook ther stout a melle ; And this is veray sothe, that I you telle, A miller was ther dwelling many a day, As any peacok he was proude and gay ; Pipen he coude, and fishe, and nettes bete, And turnen cuppes, and wrastlen wel, and skate." '* The Complaynte of Mars and VenusP " Hit semeth he hath to lovers enemyti, And lyke a fissher, as men al may se, Bateth hys angle-hoke with summe pleasaunce Till mony a fissch ys wode so that he be Sesed therwith ; and then at erst hath he Al his desire, and therwith all myschaunce, And thogh the lyne breke he hajih penaunce ; For with the hoke he wounded is so sore, That he his wages hathe for evermore." Spencer (Edmund). The Ruins of Time. ( 1591). " There also, where the winged ships were seene In liquid waves to cut their fomie waie, And thousand fishers numbred to have been. In that wide lake looking for plenteous praie Of fish, which they with baits usde to betraie, Is now no lake, nor anie fishers store. Nor ever ship shall saile there anie more." 366 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. The Mourning Muse of Thesiylis. (1587). "The Medwaies silver streames that wont so still to slide, Were troubled now and wrothe ; whose hidden hollow caves, Along his banks with fog then shrouded from mans eye, Ay Philip did resound, aie Phillip they did crie. His nymphs were seen no more (though custom still it craves) With haire spred to the wynd themselves to bath or sport, Or with the hooke or net, barefooted wantonly, The pleasant daintie fish to entangle or deceive." Epithalamion. ( 1595). "Ye Nymphes of Mulla, which with careful heed The silver scaly trouts do tend full well, And greedy pikes which use therein to feed ; ( Those trouts and pikes all others do excell ;) And ye, likewise, which keep the rusty lake, Where none doo fishes take ; Bynd up the locks the which hang scattered light. And in his waters, which your mirror make Behold your faces as the christall bright." Herrick (Robert). Hesperides. (1648). " Upon Reape. Reape's eyes so raw are, that, it seemes, the flyes Mistake the flesh, and fly-blow both his eyes ; So that an angler, for a dales expense. May baite his hooke with maggots taken thence." Sandys (George). A Paraphrase upoji Job. (1638). " Chapter xli. Canst thou with a weak angle strike the whale, Catch with a hook, or with a noose enthrale .'' Drag by a slender line unto the shore ?" Shakespeare. Venits and Adonis. (1593). "Fair queen," quoth he " if any love you owe me, Measure my strangeness with my unripe years ; Before I know myself, seek not to know me ; No fisher but the ungrown fry forbears." Passionate Pilgrim . (1599). " But whether unripe years did want conceit, Or he refused to take her figured proffer. The tender nibbler would not touch the bait. But smile and jest at every gentle offer." APPENDIX. 3^7 Wyatt ( Sir Thomas). Poems. (1557). " A Renouncing of Love. Farewell, Love, and all thy laws for ever ; Thy baited hooks shall tangle me no more." Brome (Alexander). Songs and other Poems. (1664). " On a Fisherman. A Fisher while he angled in a brook, A dead-mans skull by chance hung on his hook ; The pious man in pity did it take To bury it, a grave with 's hand did make ; And as he digg'd, found gold; Thus to good men, Good turns with good turns are repayM again." Newcastle ( Margaret, Duchess of) Poems and Fancies. (1653). " Poets have most pleasure in this Life.'" " Here doth the Poet hawk, hunt, run a Race, Until he weary grows, then leaves this Place, Then goes a Fishing to a River side. Whose waters cleare, where Fancy flows high Tide : Angles with wit, 'to catch the Fish of Fame, To feed his memory, and preserve his Name." Quarles. Shepheard^s Eclogues. ( 1644). " The broad-side bream, The wary trout that thrives against the stream ; The well-grown carp, full laden with her spawn ; The surest way To take the fish, is give her leave to play, And yield her line." Bastard (Thomas). The author of " Christoleros " (published in 1598, and reprinted in 1842 at the Beldornie Press), addresses two epigrams ad Henricum Wottonum, in one of which he says. *'Wotton, the country and the country swayne. How can they yield a poet any sense ? How can they stir him up, or heate his brain 1 How can they feede him with intelligence ?" And he recommends him therefore, to come to "■ London, Englande's fayrest eye." It is not very unlikely that their friendship was occasioned or confirmed by their mutual love of fishing, for in another epigram, De Piscatione, Bastard observes : — 368 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. " Fishing, if I, a fisher may protest, Of pleasures is the sweet'st, of sports the best, Of exercises the most excellent ; Of recreations the most innocent. But now the sport is marde, and wott ye why Fishes decrease, and fishers multiply." Collier's " Poetical Decameron," Vol. 2, p. 108. Sir John Stradling. " Divine Poems ^"^ (1625). "Like Birds for whom the Fowler spreads his net, And traynes them in with whistle and a stale : Or fish when bayted hookes old Anglers set, Which bitten, brings them soone vnto their bale. So that old Angler-for-mens-soules, some Wynnes With sweetned baytes, and some with subtle gynnes." Interlude of the Foiw Elements. (15 19). Anon. ExperieJis. " Within this twenty years, Westward be found new lands, * * * Fish they have so great plenty, That in havens take and slain they be With staves, withouten fail. Now Frenchmen and others have found the trade, That yearly of fish there they lade Above a hundred sail." Bunyan (John). "You see the ways the Fisherman doth take To catch the fish : what engines doth he make .'* Behold ! how he engageth all his wits : Also his snares, lines, angles, hooks and nets ; Yet fish there be, that neither hook nor line Nor snare, nor net, nor engine can make thine ; They must be grop'd for, and be tickled too. Or they will not be catch'd, whate'er you do." APPENDIX. 369 A skeleton chronicle of dated^ redated^ and undated editions and reprints^ with dissimilar imprints^ oflzaak Walton s ^ Compleat Angler^ enumerated in this work : DATE. PLACE. PUBLISHERS. EDITORS. PAGE 1653 London Marriot 217 1655 )) »» Author 218 1661 » M 1664 )» Marriot ; Gape » 219 1668 )> Marriot ; Harper » II 1676 ,, Marriott )i II 1750 ,, H. Kent Moses Browne 220 1759 X »t ,, II 1760 »» T. Hope and others Hawkins 221 1766 )t J. Rivington and others M 222 1772 ,J R. & H. Causton Moses Browne II 1775 >l J. & F. Rivington Hawkins II 1784 »» J., F. & C. Rivington >) 223 *i79i I» '.' " ,, II 1792 M Rivington and others »» M 1797 >» M M M II 1808 )) S. Bagster ,, 224 1810 ,, i> II 1815 M »» Hawkins and Ellis II 1822 It J. Smith Hawkins 225 1823 John Major R. Thomson II *i824(?) n(?) Maunder (?) (?) II 1824 M John Major Thomson and Major ,, 1824 1) Tegg Hawkins 226 1825 M Dove, printer M II 1821; >» Pickering II 1826 ,, ,, II 1826 >l Tegg Hawkins II [1828 ?] )) W. Cole II 1833 Edinburgh, &c. Chambers and others Hawkins, Rennie 227 1834 London, &c. A. Bell and others II II *i834 London A. Bell & Simpkin n 11 *i834 Edinburgh, &c. Eraser and others )> II 1835 London John Major Thomson, Major 1835 London, &c. Tegg and others Hawkins, Rennie 228 1836 London Pickering Nicolas II 1836 1) A. Bell Hawkins, Rennie 229 *i836 Edinburgh, &c. Eraser and another n II 1837 London, &c. C. Tilt and others II Those marked with a star have escaped previous notice. 2 C 370 BIBLIOTHECA BISCATORIA. DATE. PLACE. PUBLISHERS. EDITORS. PAGE 1839 London Lewis Major 229 *I84I M Chidley 1842 » Washbourne Major j^ *i844 »> Sherwood & Bowyer 230 *[i844?] >> Piper & Co. xxiii 1844 »» Bogue ; Wix Major 230 *i844 Manchester S. Johnson Hawkins, Rennie p *i846 M >) yi 11 *i847 Dublin W. Curry >> *i847 Manchester T. Johnson jj M 1847 New York Wiley & Putnam Bethune 231 1848 t' )) »> ,, >> *i848 Liverpool T. Johnson Hawkins, Rennie *i849 London, &c. J. Johnson, etc. If )l [1849?] Manchester T. Johnson M 1851 London H. Kent Causton Moses Browne 232 *i85i Manchester T. Johnson Hawkins, Rennie M 1852 New York Wiley & Putnam Bethune )) 1853 London Ing^ram, Cooke & Co. " Ephemera " )t 18H >> N. Cooke M >> 1856 Hohn E. Jesse *i857 Manchester Johnson Hawkins, Rennie 233 1857 Halifax Milner & Sowerby )) >) 1858 London Groombridge >) 1859 >> Routledg^e " Ephemera" >> *i859 New York Wiley & Putnam Bethune )) 1859 Hamburgh Solomon "Ephemera" i1 i860 London Nattali & Bond Nicolas >} 1861 M Bohn Jesse >» 1863 )) Bell & Daldy, Low 234 1864 n Bell & Daldy Ticknor & Fields >> 1866 Boston )> 1866 Little, Brown & Co. Major )> 1866 New York Wiley & Sons Bethune J> 1867 Boston Little, Brown & Co. Major M 1869 London A. Murray >) 1870 >> Bell and Daldy ' Jesse xxiii 1872 A. Murray 234 1875 ji Chatto & Windus Nicolas 235 1876 M G. Bell & Sons Jesse M 1876 )} E. Stock >> [1878] [1878] » Routledge *' Ephemera" n It F. Warne G. C. Davies 236 1878 J1 Ward, Lock & Co. >» 1878 )) G. Bell & Sons M 1879 M ' Fishing Gazette ' >• 1880 New York Wiley & Sons Bethune J) 1881 London, &c. Routledge " Ephemera" '» [1881] Philadelphia Lippincott Major >> [i88f London Strahan & Co. M " ... [1882 >> William Griggs] xxiii Those marked with a star have escaped previous notice. INDEX. A., J. F. 10 A., J. L. i^ Abbondio, G. xiii Abbott, Samuel, xiii Aberdeenshire salmon fisheries, 264 " Abhandlung von der Fischerei," 82 Absolon, John, 230 " Accomplist lady's delight," 128 " Account of the present state," 263 Ackerhof, A. D. i. 331 Actius Sincerus, i.e. Sannazaro, 188 Adam, Victor, i Adam, William, xiii, i Adams, H. G. i Adamson, John, 65. Adirondacks, 114, 161, 238 " Advantages, On the," 2 " Adventures of a salmon," 2 ^Ifric, Archbp. 2 ^lianus, 2 " Afield and afloat," 3 Agothocles, 164 Akerman, J. Y, 3, 7 Alaska cod (Bean), 331 Alcock, James, 247 Albin, Eleazar, 3 Aldam, W. H. 3, 33, 99 Aldeburgh, visit to, 99 Aldrovandi, Ulysse, 3 Alexander, Sir J. E. 3 Alexander, Wm, 3 Alfred, H. J. 165 Aiken, Henry, xiii, 4 Allerton, R.'G. 4 Allington, John, 328 Almanac, Rural, 4 ; Angler's 6-7 ; Sporting, 198 Almond, angling on the, 91 Alquen, F.L. H, d', 4 Alvenstod, S. M. 4 Alwine, River, 65 Amazon, fishing in the, 126 America, P. Papers, 271, 274, 283; Acts, 315 " American anglerVguide," 4 ; ang- ler's book, 157 ; fish-culture, 332, 348 ; Fish Cultural Association, 331 ; game, 116 ; fishery, 257 ; sportsman, xiii Amman, Jost, 151 " Amusemens de la campagne," 134; de la chasse, xiii, 4 Andaman Islands, angling in, 154 Anderdon, J. L. i Anderson, Dr. 265, 299 Anderson, Adam, 247 Anderson, James, 247 Anderson, J. P. xi Androscoggin river, 90, 211. " Angel-fischer, Der," 170 "Angel-Kalender," 5 " Angler, The," 5-6 " Angler and swimmer," xiii-iv, 6-7 " Angler in Ireland," 122 "Angler's almanac," 6-^ assistant, xiii, 7 companion, xiii, 7 complete assistant, 7 desideratum, 8 diary, 8 evenings, xiv, 8 guide, 8-9 — — handbook, 9 instructor, xiv magazine, 9 manual, 10 note-book, 2, 10, 74, 116, 18 — own book, 1 1 — pocket-book, xiv, 11 — pocket companion, 11 — register, ii — remembrancer 1 1 — sure guide, no 37^ BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. vade mecum xiv " Angler's tent " 242 "Anglican friar," 15 Angling 15-16 "Angling, a poem," 15, 86 " Angling, shooting and coursing," 130 " Annals of sporting," 16 Anna Liffey, 309 Annan, River, 318, 326 Anspach. Rev. L. A. 247 Antonius, G. 16 Appleby, Rev. Mr. 52 " Aquatic sports-," 200 Arber's "Garner," 73 Archachon, 337, 344; Exposition at, 99-100 Arcere, L. E. 16 Arctic fishery, 134 Ard, Loch, spring fishing in, 169 Ardennes, fishing in the, 124-5 Arderon, Wm. 16-7 Aristotele, Nic. di. 166 Armiger, Charles, xiv, 17 Armistead, J. 331 Armstrong, Ch. 17 Armstrong, John, 17 Arran, Fisheries of 261 Arrow, River 317 "Art de...peche," 17 "Art of angling,"" xiv, 17-8 " Arte del pescare," 18 " Artificial production of fish," 348 "Arundo," 18 Ascham, Anthony, 173 Ash worth, Edmund, 331, 352 Ashworth, Thomas, 247, 331 " Association for relief of poor," 248 Assynt, Streams of, 118 - Astragus, River, 2 Athlone, 285 Athenaeus, 164 Atkins, Charles G. 331 Atkinson, Rev. J. C. 18 Atwater, Prof. W. O. 331 Aube, 174 Audinet, 224 Australia, Field sports of, 48 ; sal- mon, in, 353 Austria, Fly-fishing in, 119-20; fish- ery laws of. 170 Ausonius, 18-9 " Autobiography of S. Salar, Esq." 19 Auvergne, fish-culture in, 349 Avon, River, xv, 19, 272 ; Jack fishing in, 45 " Avon, a poem," 19 Awe, Loch, 242 " Axe, Book of the," 173 Ayrton, William, 2 B,, J., see Blagrave B. T. i.e. Boosey, T. 19 Bach, Godf., printer, 36 Baddelev, John, 20 Badham', C. D. 20 Baer, K. E. v. 20 Bagnall, George, 20 "Bailey's. of angling," xv, 38 Bailey, William, xv, 20 Bailey's magazine," 20 Bainbridge, G. Cole, 20, 140 Baird, Spencer F. 353 Baines, J. 137 Baker, Sir S. W. 26 Buker, Thomas, 248 Bakhuizen see Brink Baldi, Bern. 21 Ballads, 5, I3, I93 Ballina, 285 Ballymahon, 285 Ballisodare, 317 Banks, J, 208 Banks, H. C. 21 Barker, Thomas, 21, d"], 140, 201. " Barker's Delight," 21 Barlow, Francis, 23-4 Barnard Rev. AL R. 24 Barnes, Dame Julyans, 24-29, 54 "Barnwell," see Roosevelt, 179 Barry, Jas. Redmond, 248 Barry, John, 248 Barry, Ludovick, quoted, 361 Barry, William, 29 Barrow, River, 302, 304 Bartlett, John, xi Bassus, Cassianus, xv, 213 Bastard, T., quoted, 367 Bastien, J. F. 29 Bathurst (Rev. C.) 29 Bauditten, Eben, 332 Baudnllart, J. J. 29 Bean, Dr. Tarleton H. 331 INDEX. 373 Beaufoy, Henry, 248 Beaumont and Fletcher, quotations from, 358-9 Beaumont, E. H. de. 332 Beckmann, J, V. 30 Beleze, G. 30 "Belgique, So. de pisciculture de," 332 Belgium, Angling excursions in, 33; Fishery Convention with, 283 Bellamy, J. C. 30, 248 "BelFs life in London," 30 Belton, 122, 161 " Bemrose's guide to Derbyshire," 217 Benecke, Berthold, 30, 332 Benk, Friedrich, 30, 332 Bennet, J. H. 30 Berardino, S. 30 Beresford Hall, i, 3, 66, 71, 78 Bergerie, see Rougier de la Bergerie Berisch, C. L. 31 Bernard, Sir T. 248 Berners or Bernes, see Barnes Bertram, Jas. G. 248-9 Berwick, 276 " Best and most approved method," 262 Best, Thomas, xvi, 31 " Beta, Heinrich," 332 Bethune, George, W. 52-3, 190, 231-4, 236 Bettziech, Heinrich. 332 Bewick, Thomas, 31-2, 35, 93, 2?6 " Bibliotheca piscatoria," 52 Bibra, F. L. von, 112 Biermann, A. 32, 332 Biggar, Walter, 249 Bill, John, 269 Billingsgate, View of 212 ; Acts, 303 » 309, 312 ; P. Papers, 275 Binnell, Robert, 32 Birt, Theodor, 166 Bischoff, Wilhelm, 32 Bishop, J. 345 Blackhsh, Acts, 325 " Black's guide to Moffat," xvi Black mountains, fishmg hi the, 199 " Black Palmer," xvi Blacker, William, xri, 32-3 Blackwater, River, 285, 287-8 ; Oyster Fishery Company, 286, 292 Blackwood's Mag. 33 Blagrave, Jos. xvi, 33 Blairie, D. P. 33 Blake, John, 274 Blake, John A. 249, 338 Blakey, Robert, 16, 33, 34, 162 Blanchard, Emile, 332 Blanchere, H. de la 35, 332 Bloch, 333 Bloch, D. M. E. 333 Blome, Richard, 35, 249 Blythe, River, 178 Board of white herring fishery, 280, 282-3, 295-6, 305-6, 3 14-5,' 320-1 323 ; of public works in Ireland, 282 ; of Trade reports, 296 Boaz, Herman, 35 Bocer, Henr. 35 Boccius, Gottlieb 333 Bockler, G. A., 35 Boecxken, xvi, 35-7 Bohemia, Fish-culture in, loi, 338, 343 Bol, J. 37 Bologna, xvi Bon, — de 333 Bon manager," 71 Bonefonius, ib. Bonge, Dan. 37 Bont, J. de 333 Bonvalot, E. T. 37 " Book of sports," 37-8 ; of field sports, 151 ; of knowledge, xvi Boosey, Thomas, 20 " Border angler," 38 Border counties, angling in, 178 Borne, Max von dem, 38, 333 Boroughs, Sir John, 249 Bose, K. A. H. von, 38 Bosgoed, D. M. 53 Bosham, 290 Bossow, P. 39 Boston Deeps, 288 Bouchon-Brandely, G. 333 Boulogne fishery exposition loo Boult, Cecil, 179 " Boult's sportsman's companion " 39 Bounties on fish 275-276; on Irish fish 277 Bourquin, E. J. 164 Bout, H. 334 374 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA Bowden, Rev. J. 39 Bowditch, Mrs. T. E. 39 Bowles, Rev. W. L. 39 Bowlker, R. &. C. xvi, 14, 39-40, 89 Bowls, W. 188 Bowness, George, 189 " Boy's book of sports." xvi " Boy's handybook," 40 own book, ib. own hand book, ib. own illustrated handbook of angling, xvi own magazine, 40 Walton, 48 Boyle, Frederick 40 Boyle, Robert, 40-1 Brabazon, Wallop, 249 Brady, Thomas, F. 48, 249, 338, Bradley, Richard, 41, 61 Braithwaite, G. F. 41, 334 Brander, F. R. 41 Brehm Dr. 332 Bremner, D. 249 Breton nerie, De La, 41 Bride, River, 285 " Brief detail of home fishery," 266 Briggs J. J. 42 "Briggs, Mr., and his doings," 133 Brighton aquarium, 334; fishery, 250 Bring, Sven, 42 Brink, R. C. B. van den, 42 Brion, C. 334 Bristol, 273 Britaine, William de, 250 " Britaines Busse," 297 "Britain's golden mines," 250 " Britains honour,'" 252 " Britannias gold mine," 250 " British angling flies," 135 British Columbia, Fishing in, 136 "British field sports," 190 British fisheries, 250-1 ; Reports on 295-6 ; P. Papers respecting, 270 -293 "British fishery recommended," 250 British fishes, see Fishes. "British society for extending the fisheries," 248, 265 ; P. Papers 276 ; Acts 308-9. " British sports," ( Trollope) 42 or 211 " British sportsman," 165 British white herring fishery Board, 280, 282-3, 296; Acts 305-6, 314 -6, 320-1, 323 Brittany, Fly rod in, 113 ; fishing in, 126 Broca, P. de, 334 Brome, A., angling citation, 367 Brookes, Richard, 42-3, 94 Brooks, C. J. 19 Brooks, C. and R., xvii Brousse, 43 Brown, John, M.D. 132 Brown, John, J. 4 Brown, Peter, 251 Brown, Thomas, 43 Brown, Wm. 334 Browne, H. K., 174 Browne, Rev. Moses, 43-4, 220-2 Browne, William, 44 Bruckmann, Fr. 45 Brule River, Trouting on the, 112 Bruyssel, E. van, 334 Buchan, Col. John, 299 Buchanan, Rev. J. L. 252 Buc'hoz, P. J. 45 Buckland, F. T. 45-6, 130, 169, 252, 289, 334-5 Buchon-Brandeley, G. 333 Buechlin, 46-7 Buist, Robert, 335 Bulger, G. E. 47 Bund, J. W. W. 162, 252 Bunyan, John, quoted, 368 Burckhard, J. 48 Burdett-Coutts, Baroness, 48, xxiv Burgess. J. T. 48 Burgh, H. engraver, 220-1 Burke, Ulick J. 48 Burmah, Fish and fisheries of, 254 Burn, James, 48 Burn's reprints, 22 Burnham, 271, 272 Burrist, Onslow, 252 Burton, R. F. 48 Burroughs, 5^^ IBoroughs " Bushman, The old," 48-9 Butler, H. D. 335 C, H. 49 C, I. E. B. 49 C, R. O. 186 INDEX. 375 Cabaret-Dupaty i66 Caecilius 164 Cairncioss ( David) 49 " Cairn-Lorgh," pseud, 49 Caithness 276 " Calabar, Old " 49 Calder, J. E. 335 " Caledonian fisher," see Rose, J. California, fishing in, 121; carp cul- ture in, 348; salmon hatching 351 Calmo, Andrea, 49 " Cambridge essays " 49 Camerarius Joach., 49, 81 " Campagne, La," 50 C.impaux, A. F. 50 Campeltown, 274 Canada, salmon fishing in, 3; ang- ling in, 50, 76, 130, 204; sports- man in, 127, 180, 210 ; game laws of, 102. Canadian sport, 112, 138; fisheries 267, 268,276, 280, 290. Cancrin, F. L, von, 50 Capaccio, G. C. 50 Capel, C. C. 335 Carbonnier, P., 335 "Cariboo," 180 Carleton, J. W. 199 Carmarthen, Acts.^ 313 Caron, Ch. 335 Carpenter, Wm. 50 Carpentier, J. 50 Carr, John, 50 Carroll, VV. 50 Carruthers, Walter, 51, 169. Carter, Robert, xvii (^artwright, Rev. W, 61 Cascapaedia, 51 Case, L., 341 "Case of several merchants," 270 CasselFs handbook," 51 technical educator, xvii, 51 Cassender, 185 Cathrall, W. 57 Cats, Jacob, 57 Caumont, A. de, 355 Caux, J, W. de, 252 Cawood, Francis, 252 Cederstrom, G. C. 57 Celsius, M,, xvii Chabot, 335 Chailland, 57 Chaleur, Bay of, 274, 294 "Chalk stream studies," 127 Chalmers and Covvie, 275 Chambers Edinburgh Journal, 58 Champon, C. 58 Channel, fisheries, 254 Chapus, Eugene, 58 "Charfy, Gumiad," 58, 68, 189 Charles II. 253 Charleton, T. W. 58 " Chasse et la peche," 58-9 Chateaugay woods, 112 Chatterton, G. J. 59 Chatto, W. A. 2, 13, 37, 150, 159 Chaucer, quoted, 365 Chauvassaignes, F. 335 Chavalier, Michel, 334 Chavannes de la Giraudiere, H. de, 59 Cheek, John, 59 Cheshyre, H. T. N. 59 Chesshyre, E., xvii Chetham, Jas., xvii, 59-60. Chicago Field," 60 Chile, Fishing in, 157 China, Fishing and fish-culture in, 60, 67, 108, 339, 341 " Chinefischer," 333 Chitty, Joseph 60 Chomel, Noel, 61 "Christopher North," 242 " Chronicle of the complete angler," 239 "Chronicler, The," 177 Chrysanaleia, 154, 269 " Chubb, Davy," pseud., 61 Chubb, Mr. 119 " Cigar, The," 61 Clackamas hatchery, 343, 352 Clam and bait beds. P. Papers: 293 ; Acts: 324 Clark, G. 61 Clark, J. H. 92 Clave, J. 61 Clemente, Africo, 61. Clements, L. see " Wildfowler/' Clercq, G. A. de, see De Clercq. Clericus, i.e. Rev. W. Cartwright, 61 "Cleveland Academy of Nat. Science," 339 Cliffe, J. H. 62 376 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. "Clifford, Chas." pseud. 62 "Clinton, Lord," 176 Coad, J. 108 Cocheris, Hyppolyte. 97 Cockayne, Benj. 141 "Cockney Sports, The book of," 193 Code le la peche, xviii Coetlegon, D. de, ib. Colburn, Henry, 62 Cole, John, 253 Cole, Ralph, 62 Cole, Thomas, 253 Coler, Johann, 62 Collaert, Adrian, 63 "Collection of Acts of Parliament, 250, 298 ; of advertisements 256; of tracts," 253 Collier, John Payne, 175 Collins, A. S. 341 Collins, John, 353 Collins, Wilkie, 253 Colquhoiin, John, 63 Columella, 64 Comarmond, A. 336 Comenius, J. A. 64 " Company of free fishermen of Thames," 267, 327 ; of the Royal Fishery, 256-7 "Competent troUer, The," 211 " Competenz spharen," 64 *' Compleat and experienced angler," 147 "Compleat fisher," Sep. S. J., 181-4 "Compleat Gentleman," 167 "Compleat servant-maid," 192 "Complete angler," 12 "Complete angler's guide," 12 "Complete familv piece," 90 "Complete fisherman," 43, 94 Concarneau, 351 " Concise... treatise," 210 Congreve, quoted, 364 Connecticut lake and river, 90 Conringius, H. 81, 116, 213 " Considerations upon ... fisheries, 253 Constantines, xv " Contemplative angler, The," 237, " Contributions to Natural history." 65 Conwav, James, 65 Cook, engraver, 225 Cooling, Mr., of Derby, ']^ Cooper, Alfred W., 48, 99, 114 Cooper, E. Joshua, 317 Cooper, William, 249 Coppini, C. F., 65 Coquet, River, 65 ; Dale, 65 ; -side, 69, 158 ; " Hey for" 169 Cormorant fishing, xix, 67 Cornarius, J. xv. Cornhill Magazme 65 Cornish, J., 254 Cornwall fisheries 30, 258, 271-2, (Acts) 303, 307 ; Fishing town 253 ; Pilchard fishery 253-4 't Trout flies of 197 " Corrigidorus " 253 Corser, Rev. T., Sale cat., 56-7 Corvin-Wiersbitzki, Otto von, 198 "Cosmopolite," 122 Coste, J. J. M., 332, 336, 344 Coste, P., 336 Costello, Dudley, 65 Cotes, Rev, Henry, 158 Cothi, Vale of, fishing club, 180 Cotton, Charles, i, 3, 4, dd, 219-237; his fishing house, 224, 228 Cotton, Rev. H. S., Sale cat., 55 Cotton, Lynch, Sale cat., 56 Couch, Jonathan, 66, 169, 254 Coumes, J, L., 336 Couteulx de Canteleu 67 "Country contentments" 146 '"Country gentleman," xviii, 41, 66 " Country housewife," 41 " Country-man," 66 "Country pursuits," xviii Courcy, 67 Coutts, T., 273 Cox, Horace, 99 Cox, Irvine E. B. 8, 90, 99 Cox, Nicholas, 67-9 Crab and lobster fisheries: P. Papers 291-3, Acts 324 ; Dublin, 264 "Craven," 199 Crawford, Oswald J. F. 131 Crawhall, Joseph, 24, 69-70, 160 Crayon, Geoffrey, 122 Creech, 208 Creeper fishng, 244 Crescentius, see Crescenze Crescenze, Pietro de, 70, 83, 213 INDEX. 377 Crignelle, H. de, 71 Cnsp, W. F. 71 Cron, J. 71 Cross, D. W. 71 Croston, James, 71 "Crowquill," "Alfred" 192 Cruikshank, R. 62, 175, 193 Cube, J. von, 165 Cumberland, Fisheries. P. Papers, 312; Fly-fishing in, 162 "Cupid's IJee-hive," 71 Curiosities of art and nature, 133 Curtius, M. C. 64 Curzon, H. 72 Cussac, J., see Pisciceptologie, xxii Cutcliffe, H. C. 72 D., J., xviii, 72, 141, 175 Dabry de Thiersant, P., 75 Dahl,'Soren, 75 Dance, C, 75 Daniel, George, Sale cat, 56 Daniel, Rev. VV. B., 76 ; his " Rural sports," 51, 73, 212 Danube salmon 32 Darces, Jean, 166 Dart, River, 312 Dartmoor, fishing, 76 "Das edle Fischbiichlein " 47 Dashwood, R. L. 76 Davaine, Dr. Davies, Rev. E. W. L. 76 Davies, G. C. xviii, 76-7, 93, 236. Davis, E. 77 Davy, Sir H. xviii, 77 Davy, Dr. John, 77 Dawes, M. 77 Dawson, George, 77 Dax, Louis de, 77 Dav, Francis, 78, 254 De'Clercq, G. A. 337 Dee, River, 2, 264 ; fishing grant on, 141 Dekkar, T., quoted, 361-2 De la Marre 82 De la Verte-Piliere 78 " Delices de la campagne" 180 Democritus, xv Dempster, George, 254 Dempster, Henry, 254 Denison, Alfred, 78 ; his Collection, 22, 51-2, loi, 103, 140, 142, 151, 226 2 D Dennys, John, 73, 146, see D. J. Derby, meeting at, 297 Derbyshire fishing stations, 217 ; streams, i, 3 ; views in, 78 Derwent, River, 238, 287, Acts 314 "Description and plat" 257 Deslandes, A. F., 78 Desormeaux, A. P., 78 Dessaix, J., 78 D'Ewes, J., 78 "Deutsche Angelfischer," 92, 162 - "Deutscher Fischerei Verein." 344 Devil fishing 176 Devon fisheries, 30 ; (P. Papers) 271-2, 276 ; (Acts) 303 ; streams 72 ; trout flies 197 De Witt, John, 264 Deyeux, Th., 79 " Dialogues of Creatures," 79 Diaper, 164 Dibdin, Dr., quoted, 57, 79 Dick, St. John, 79 Dickens, Charles, 79 Dictionaries, 79-80 " Dictionarium rusticum," 78 " peches," 82 Dipple, Edwin, 80 Dirom, Lt, Gl. 254 " Discourse concerning the fishery," 257 " Dissertation sur la peche," 80 "Dit boecxken leert," 35 Dixon, John, 254 Dixville notch, 90 Donibristle, 287 Donovan, E. Sale cat. 54 Don, River, 136, 264 Doubledav, Thomas, 65, 158-160 Dougall, J. D. 80 Dove, River, i ; dale, 71, 119, 217 " Downs society," 255 Doyle, Martin, 255 Doyle, William, 255 Drake, Peter, 80 Dralet, 80 Drayton, Michael, 81 " Driffield angler," 137-8 Drummond, John, 81, 255 Dry den, Adam, 81 Du Bartas, G. S. 81 Dublin Bay 307 ; crab and lobster fisheries, 264 378 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATOKIA. Dubravius, Janus, xviii, 81-2, 213 Ducie, Lord, 82 Duhamel du Monceau, H. L. 82-3, 337 Dutch fisheries, 247, 252, 298 ; in Zetland, 298 ; on English coasts, 255 "Dutch gold mine," 257 " Dutch placart," 256 " Dutch usurpation," 250 Dutruch, A. 337 Dumeril, A. 35 Dumfries, 312 Dumreicher, Armand von, 337 Duncombe, Rev. J. 212 Dundonald, Earl. 255 " Dunker's Fischerei-Kalendar," 83 Dunsmore, Mr. 280 Duport, Dr. 245 Duval de la Lissandriere, P. N. 83 " Dyalogus creaturarum," 79 Dydimus, xv Dyhrn, Ernst, 83, 337 Dynamite, P. Papers, 291-2 ; Acts 324 Dyson, Arthur, 83 E., E. M. 51 Eagles, Rev. J. 61 Eckhardt, R. 337 *' Ecole du chasseur," 83 Eden, River. P. Papers., 293 Edgewood, 83 Edinburgh angling club, 83 ; joint- stock fishing Co., 256 ; Fisheries Exhibition, 329 " Edle Fischbiichlein/' 47 Edmonston, Arthur, 256 Edwards, Henri Milne, 333, 337 Eels, measure of. Acts 301-2, 311; fry of. Acts, 302-3 Egan, Pierce, 84 Ehler, Joh. 84 Ehrenkreutz, Baron von, 84-5 "Ein Buchlin," 47 " Ein wunder...Buchlin" 46 Elking, Henry, 256 Ellacombe, Rev. H. N., xviii, 23 Elliot, Henry, 85 Elliott, Hon. W. 85 Elhs, Sir Henry, 51, 73, 225 ; Sale catalogues, 54, 57 Ellis, William, xviii. Elver fishing. P. Papers, 2^1) Acts, 324 Emsworth, 288 Encyclopjedias, 85 " P^ncyclopedie methodique," 82 Rngelmann, W. 52 England, Sea coasts of, 257 ; sports of, 85, 200 "England's great interest," 256 " England's path to wealth," 295 "England's royall fishing," 297 " England's safety," 297 English country life, 152 ; rivers, 34 ; right to American fishery, 257 ; river fisheries, 284 "English husbandman," 144 " English. ..vermin killer," 85 Enslin, T. C. F., 52 "Epicure, Innocent" 75, 86 "Ephemera" 33, 85-6, 232 " Epitome of angling" 86 Epsom, handbook of, 204 Erasmus, Desiderius, 87 " Erfahrene Fischer, Der," 84 Erne, fly fishing in the, 155 Erswicke, John, 257 Esdaile, D., 65 Eslenburg, C, 42 "Essay on angling, xviii, 87; On right of angling, ib.; upon the British fisheries, 251 ; for raising a national fishery, 257 Essex, Earl of, 271 Essex, P. Papers., 271 Estcourt, Chas., 53 Esterno, M. d\ 87 Estienne, Charles, 88 Ettingsall, Thomas, 88, 89, 108 " European Magazine," 89 Evans, Arthur, xxiii Evans, W., 89 Every, S. F., 89 " Every boy's book," 40 Ewsum, Johan van, 91 " Exact and authentic account," 298 Exe, 276 Exmoor, iii "Experiments," 89 "Exposition, Universelle" in 1867, 61 ; in 1878, 340, 349-50 Eyton, T. C. 53 INDEX. 379 F., Greville, i.e. Fennell Greville, 89-90 *' Facts and useful hints," 90 Fairfax, Thomas, 90, 153 Fall, Robert, 257, 299 Falmouth, 292 '' Family jewel,' 90 Fardon, Glover, 258 Farrar, Chas. A. J. 90-r " Faversham ovster fishery Co.," 318 Fawkes, Francis, 207-8 Fayle, Frank, 91 Fea, James, 258 Feddersen, Arthur, 91, 352 Feith, H. O. 91 Feltham, John, 258 *' Female angler," 13, 128-9, ^92 Fennell, Greville, 89-90 Fernandez, C. 337 Fernandez de los Senderos, F. 337 Ferriere, — de la, 91 Fibigius, G. 91 Fiedler, H. V. 352 Field, Nat., quoted, 364 "Field," 91 "Field book," 91-2 " Field sports," 120, 197 ; Book of, 151 ; Foreign, 92 Fife, 273 Figuier, Louis, 92, 338 Filey fishermen, 300 Filippi, Filippi de, 338 Finland, Fish-culture in, 343 Fiordiano, Mai. 92 Fischbuch, 46, 92 Fischbiichlein, 46-7, 92 Fischfang, 93 Fischgeheimnisse, 93 Fischjagd, 93 Fischer, C. 92 Fischer, F. M. 92 Fischer, V, F. S. 92 " Fischer, Der erfahrene," 84 Fischers, Sal. von A. 92 Fish. P. Papers: curing, 273 ; de- stroying, 270 ; drawback on, 273 ; duty on, 273 ; seized, 278 ; Ex- portation of, 273, 276-7, 279-81, 284-5; importation of, 271-3, 288; price of, 270, 275 ; packing, 271; sale of, 270-1, 273-4; stealing 270-1, 274 ; tithes, 271, 278, 280, Acts: Importation of, 302-4,311, 313 ; packing of, 302, 335-6 ; sale of, 301-2, 311, 317; tithes, 302, 317 " Fish Association," 258 " Fish and how to catch them," 93 " Fish and oyster Breeding Co." P. Papers, 286 Fish and ring, 118 Fish-days, 257 " Fish supply of London," 267 Fisher, James, 93 Fisher, John, 167-8 " Fisher, Panl," i.e. W. A. Chatto, 93 " Fish'^r, Boy," 94 Fishes, British : Buckland, 45 ; Couch, 254; Pennel, 168; Yar- rell, 243 " Fisheries considered," 258 " Fisheries revived," 250 " Fishing," 94 '■'' Fishing," a poem, 254 "Fishing and hunting," 94 " Fishmg Gazette," 94 " Fishing gossip," 169 " Fishing, The royall, revived," 258 " Fishing rod," 94 Fishing vessels. P. Papers, 277-8, 281-5, 289, 293 Fisherman, 94 " Fisherman's magazine," ib. Fishmongers' Hall, 95 Fishmongers' pageant, 154 " Fiskaren, Uppriktige," 95 Fitzgibbon, Edward, 85-6, 194 Fitzpatrick, B. M., xviii, 95 Fleming, Dr. 352 Flemming, H. F. von, 95 Flemish book, Early, see Boecxken and Denison, A. Fletcher, Phineas, 95 Flibbertigibbet, 93 "Flood, field and forest," 179 Florentinus, xv Florida, sport in, 1 11 "Flourish the herring fishery," 262 Flowerdew, Henry, 338 " Fly-fishing," 95-6 Fly-lists ( Froggott ) 102 Ford, James, xviii 38o- BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA Ford, Simon, 96 Ford, Thomas, 96 " Foreign field sports," 92 Forest and stream, 96 Forester, Frank, see Herbert, H. W. Forester, Thomas, 96 Forrester, Alfred, 192 Forst-Kalender,-lexikon 96-7 Fortin, Francois, 180 Forth, Firth of, P. Papers, 288 ; Acts 326 Foster, David, xix Fournival, Richard de, 36, 97 Foyle, Lough, fishery case, 259 Fraas, Carl. 338 Fraiche, Felix, 338 France, administration des eaux, 61 ; code de la peche, 62 ; droits de peche en, 115 ; field sports of 161 ; fishing in, 33, 58, 77-8, no; fish culture in, 332-4, 344, 348 ; sport in, 185 ; sportsman in, 210. See French, Franck, Richard, 100 " Frampton, Rev. Josiah," 97 Francis, Francis, 20, 85, 98-100, 259, 338 Francis, Henry R. 49, 169 Fraser, A. Lord Snltoun. 259 Fraser, Hugh C. 259 Fraser, John, loi Fraser, Robert, 259 Fraser s Miigazine, loi, 127 Fiaserburgli, 276 Free British Fishery Company, P. Papers, 274 Freeman, G, E., loi French fishermen : P. Papers^ 279- 81, 283, 287 ; fishery convention, 284, 318, 320, 323 ; ovster culture, 288, 292. 338, 348 Fric, Ant., loi, 338 Friis, J. A., 102, 136, xix Fritsch, A., 102 Froggott, W., 102 Frondius, N., I02 Fry, W. H., 338 Fundy, Bay of, 294 Fur, fin and feather, 102, xix Furse, Thomas, 259 G., C, 90, 102 G., W., see Gryndall, Wm. Gail, J. B., 208 Galbert, Alphonse de, 338 Galle, Philip, engraver, 37 Gallo, A., 102 Gahvay fisheries, 249 ; Bay of 280 Gamon, Ch. de, 102-3 Gander, Joseph, 259 "Gardener's Chronicle," 103 Gardiner, Jas. 103 Gardiner, Samuel, 103 "Gartenbuch," 104 Garlick, Theodatus, 104, 339, xix Garnett, Thomas, 339 Gauchet, Claude D., 104, xix Gauckler, Ph., 339 Gay, John, 104, xix Geliin, Antoine, 339 " Gentleman-angler," 104 " Gentleman farmer," 104 "Gentleman fisher," 18, 105 Gentleman, Tobias, 259-260 "Gentleman's recreation," 67-9, 105 "Geoponika," xv, 213 George, William, xviii German fisheries, 134, 154; fish names, 105 Germany, fiy -fishing in, 119-20; sport in, 185 Gervais, Paul, 339 "Gesetze iiber die Bestrafung" 105 Gesner, Conrad, 105, 166 "Gewise vnd bewerthe kiinste," 47 Giannettasuis, N. P., 106 (jilbert, William, 106, 182 Gillmore, Joseph, 326 Gihnore, Parker, 107, 211 Gilpin, Rev. W., 97-8 Giquel, Prosper, 339 Girard, O., 339 Girvan, river, 264, 266 '' G\qv\^v\," pscud^ loy Glenmahra, 177 Glover, Matthew, 107 Glovez, A., 107 Gobin, A., 107, 340 Godenier, C. E. P., 340 Goffe. William, 260 "Golden Fleece, The, 213 " Goldkorner," 107 Goode, G. Brown, 107, 33 1> 34° Googe, Barnabe, 11 6-7 INDEX. 381 Gordon, Duke of, 268 Gordon, Thomas, 260 Gorge, Sir F., 271 Gorrie, Daniel, 260 Gosden, 224-5 Gould, 107 Goulding, Rev. F. R, xix Gower, John, quoted, 365 " Gowrie," pseud., 107-8 xix Grace, Sheffield, Sale cat., 55 Graeffe, Eduard, 340 Graells, Mariano de la Paz, 340 Graff, T. Up de, 108 " Grand concern of England," 257 Grandi, Lazaro, 108 Grant & Co., 260 Grant, Sir James, 260 Gratius, 166 Gray, J. H., 108 Grazier, The complete, 108 Great Britain, Fisheries of, 260-1 " Great fisheries of the world," 258 Great Grimsby, Fishery at, 267 Greely, H., 341 Green, George, 80 Green, Seth, 179, 341, 350 Green's " Pandosto," 185 Greene, William, 158 "Greendrake," G., i.e. J. Goad, 108 Greenland fisheries, 154,256; (P. Papers) 273, 291 ; (Acts)i02,-s, 308, 310-6, 324 Grego, Joseph, xi Grenville library, 24, 27 Greshernish, 289 " Greydrake," /)5^«rt'', 108, 210 " Greydrake, Gvegovy," pseud, 108 Gribou, Jean, 65 Griffiths, Roger, 108 Grivel, F., xix Grosett, Charles, 261 Grosse, G., 213 Grotius, 300 Gryndall, Wm., 109 Gudme, A. G., 109, 341 Guichard, A. C., 109 "Guide du pecheur,'' 109 Guild, W., 109 Guillemard, N., no Gunderlich, Arnold, 333, 341 Gunther, Albrecht, 169 Gunther, J. A., no Guy, J, R., 341 H., R., no Haach, H., 341 Hackney River, 106, 182 Hagen, J. L., in Hahn, Just, in Haime, Jules., 341 " Halcyon," 216 Hale, Thomas, xix '' Halieutica," 106, 163-4 Halieuticon, see Ovid, 165-6 " Halifax Fisheries Co.," 293 Hall, E.H., III Hall, H. B., Ill Hall, Peter, in Hall, S. C. & A.M., Ill Hallock, Charles, in Hamble, River, 287 Hammond, S. H., 112 Hampshire waters, 99 " Handboekje," 112 " Handbookof summer sports," 112 " Handbuchlein," 112 " Hannoversches Magazin," 343 " Hanover Magazine," 343 Hansard, Geo. Agar, 112 Harding, C. VV., 341 Hardy, Campbell, 112 Hare wood, H.,psued, 113 Harrison, George, 113 Hartig, Ernst Fr., 342 Hartig, G. L., 113 Harting, J. E., xix Hartlepool, fishing costume of, 252 Hartung, E,, 113 Harvey, E. G., 261 Haslewood, Joseph, 26, 28, 113, Sale Cat., 54, 56 Hassell, J., 113 Haupt, 166 Haus-Buch, 113 Haus...Regeln, 113 Haus Vater, 113 Hausser, 342 Hawker, P., 113-4 Hawkins, Sir John, 150, 221-33 Haworth, R., Sale Cat., 54 Haxo, Dr. J., 342 Hazlitt, W. C, 170 Headley, J. T., 114 Headrieic, Rev. James, 261 382 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. " Healthful amusements," 5 Hearder, 114 Hearder, J. N., 262 Hebrides, 252 Heineken, quoted, 23 Heins, W., 195 Heinze, J., 114 Hempel, J. A., 114 Henchelin, Casp., 35 Henderson, Wm., 114-5 Hengelaar, 115 Henning, St, M., 115 Henriques, J., 115 Henry VIII, of England, 115 Henshall, Jas. A., 115 Heppe, C. W. Von, 115 "Heraldry of fish," 154 Herault, 342 Herbert, H. W., 11 5-6, xviii-xix Heresbach, Conrad, 83, 11 6-8, 141, 213 Hermens, F, P., 118 " Heme Bay... oyster fishery Co., 262, 291, 322 Herrick, Robert, quoted, 366 Herring-driving, 162 ; fishing in Moray Frith, 269 Herring fishery, 262, (P. Papers), 270-8, 280-2, 284-7. 290, 292-3 ; (Acts), 301-2, 305, 3 1 1-2, 314-6, 319-20, 322-6; Reports on, if)'^-^ "Herring fishery," a poem, 258 Herrman, C. G., 118, 342 Herro, John, 184 Hesse Darmstadt, 203 Hesse, Fishing in, 100 Heyrick, Thomas, 118 Heywood, Abel, Junior, xi Hibberd, Shirley, 342 Hicklin, J., 118 Hickman, Wm., 118 Hicks, J., 118 Higgs, W. S.,- Sale Cat., 54 " Highland handbook," 118 Highlands, fisheries of, 261-2 ; fish- ing in, 63, 238 ; fishing stations in, 242 ; lochs and streams, 118 ; notes from the, 107 ; salmon fish- ing in, 65, xiii ; sporting tour in, 209; sports of. III, 149, 185; sportsman m, 122 ; tour through the, 298 ; West, 107, 177 Highley, Samuel, xx Histoire et tableau," 118 " History of the fish and ring," 1 18 Hitchcock, Robert, 262 Hoare, J., 262, 342 Hockenhull, quoted, 23 "■ Hocus Pocus," 240 Hofland, T. C, 11 8-9 Hogan, J. Sheridan, 262 Hogg, John, 343 Hohberg, W. H. von, 119 " Holbeach fish-ponds," 77 Holdsworth, E. W. H., 85, 262 Hollar, W., 23 Holle, K. F., 343 Holmberg. H. J., 343 Holy Loch, 287 Home, D. M., 263 Hone, William, 119, 204 Hood, Thomas, 37, 119, 305 Hooswinckel, E. ab., ii9', Horak, W., 343 Hore, H. F., 263 Hornsey, New River at, 119 Horrocks, John, 11 9-1 20 " Horse and Groom," 7, 8 Horsfall, J. H., 120 " Hortus sanitatis," 165 " Houghton, fishing club," 168 Houghton, Sir Harry, 274 Howietown fishery, 341 Howitt, Samuel, 10, 54, 92, 120 Howitt, William, 120 Howlett, Robert, no "How to angle," 121 Hubbard, L. L., 121 Hubbard, W. F., 343 Huckell, Rev. J., 19 Huish, Robert, 121 Humbli, Nils., 102 Humphreys, H. Noel, 343 Humpy, River. Acts, 302 Hungary, Fishing in, 59 Huningue, 336, (bis), 348 Hunt, Leigh, 121 " Hunting. ..and fishing," 121 Hutchings, Jas. M., 121 Hutchingson, R. D., 121 Huth, Alfred H., xii ; his collection, 15, 24 Hutten, Ulric de, 12 1-2 INDEX. 383 Iceland, 270, 273 ; Angling in, 15 1; fisheries, 294 " Ichthyothera," 263 Idle, Christopher, 122 " Illustrated book of sports," 37 " India, The rod in," 208 Indian fish and fishing, 149 ; fish- eries ; 254, 297 ; river fisheries, 287 " Innocent epicure," 86 " Inquiry into the present state," 262 Inskipp, 228, 238 Inspectors of salmon fisheries, P. Papers^ 288, 290-I ; of Irish fish- eries, 290 ; Board of Trade, 292 "Interest of Great Britain con- sidered," 260 " Interest of Scotland considered," 298 " Ipolperroc," 2154 Ireland, S. W. H., 49, 62 Ireland, Angler in, loi, 122, 161, 167 ; angling excursions in, 108 ; Commissioners of fisheries, 284 ; deep-sea fisheries, 252 ; fisheries of, 248-9, 259, 261, 267, 268, 329; fisheries of West coast, 327 ; fishery laws of, 267, 300, 285 ; rights of fishing in, 285 ; salmon fisheries, 263-4, 285 ; sea fishing of, 262 ; sportsman in, 99 ; P. Papers relating to, 276-293 ; Statutes relating to, 301-5, 307, 309-10, 313, 315-20, 322-3 Irish fish and fishing, 209, fishery Board, 277, 279 ; fishery harbours, 283-4, fishery piers, 319, 322 ; flies, 88 ; lake fisheries, 263 ; oyster fisheries, 249 ; reports on fisheries, 296 ; street ballad, 193 " Irish fisheries Company," 263 "Irish salmon question," 263 " Irish society," 263 Irving, Washington, 122 Isachius, Alfonsus, 122 Italian lakes, trolling in, 30 Italy, sport in, 185 Jackson, John, 122-3 Jacob, Giles, 123 Jacobi, Stephen Ludwig, 343 Jacobs [Jacobi], S. L., 344 Jacobson, H., 337, 344 Jacquot, Charles, 123 Jag. "Neuw Jag...Buch," 123 Jagemann, F., 123 Jardine, Alfred, 99 Jardine, Sir W,, 352 Jeans, Thomas, 123 Jedburgh, guide to, 195 Jesse, Captain, 71 Jesse; Edward, 124, 232, 234 ; Sale Cat. S7 Jessup's river, trouting in, 238 "Jewell for gentrie," 124 Jobey, C, 124 Johns, Rev. C. A., 125 Johnson, T. B., 124 Johnson, Dr., 265 Joigneaux, Pierre, 344 Joint-stock fishing company, pro- spectus of, 256 Jokisch, Karl, 124 "Jolly angler," see March, J. Joly, Nicolas, 344 Joly, Victor, 124 Jones, G. E., 125 Jones, James, xi Jones, J., 125, 2IO Jones, J., 164 Jones, William, 125 " Jones's guide to Norway," 210 Jonson, Ben, citations from, 360 Jopp, Alexander, 264 Joudier, Auguste, 344 Jouff"roy, J, de, 344 Jourdeuil, E., 125 " Journal der Fischerei," 85 " Journal of a tour," 298 Jukes, J. Bute, 264 K., R. de, 125 Kiimmerer, Ferd., 125 Karr, Alphonse, 125 Kater, R. de, 125 Keene, J. H., 125-6 Keill, James, 126 Keller, Franz., 126 Kemmerer, Dr., 344 Kemp, Samuel, 126 Ken, Thomas, DD., 39 Kennebec river, 91 Kennebago lake, 90 384 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Kennedy, T. F., 264 " Kentish angler," 126 Kett, Rev. Henry, 126, 142, 209 " Kettle of fish,"^ 93 Keymor or Keymer, John, 264 Khraisser, Sabastian, 127 Kidd, William, 127 Kilbourne, S., 107 Killegrew, Thomas, quoted, 364 King, John Lyle, 127 King, W. H., 264 King, Wm. Ross, 127 King's prerogative. Acts. 301 Kingsley, Charles, 127 Kinsale, Acls, 314 Kinnahan, J. R., 264 Kinnoull, Earl of, 265 Kirby, John, 194 Kircudbright, Acts, 312 Kirkbride, John, 127 Kirkwall, 274 Knox, A. E., 127 Knox, John, 265 Knox, Robert, M.D., 127, 265 Kohl, J. G., 127 Koleffel. M, J., 48, 128 Koltz, J. P. J., 344 Kreysig, G. C., 51 Kresz, C. Aine, 128. 171 Kroyser, Henrik, 128 Kriinitz, J. G., xx Kuhn, J. P., 128 " Kurtzer Begriflf," 30 Laan, A. van der, 151 Labrador fisheries : fP. Papers) 2I (Acts) 311, 315 Labrador, salmon fishing in, 211 " Laboratory, The," 196 " la peche," 128 La Chesnage des Bois, 128 Lady, see Accomplish'd, 128 Lafont, A,, 344 Lake district, fishing in, 77 Lamb, Charles, quoted, 81 Lambert, James, 129 Lambert, Osmund, xx, 129 Lambert, St. Ange, 129 Lamiral, E., 345 Lamont, J,, 129 La Morvonnais, 345 Lamy, Isidore, 345 Lakeland, R., 129 " Land and Water," 130 Landau, Georg, 130 Landor, W. S., 130 Langston, 288, 323 Laing, S:;muel, 129 Lanman, Charles, 130 Lanza, A., 345 Lapland, Spring., 48 Lascelles, Robert, 130 Lastri, Marco, 51 Latouche, John, fyseud, 131 Lathy, Thomas P., 131 Lauder, Sir Thomas Dick, 132, 265, 280 Laurent, Ph., 132 Lauro, P., xv Lauson, see Lawson, W. Lawrence, John, xxii Laws of fishing in Austria, 170 ; in Belgium, 175; in Canada, 102; in England : Baker 248, Bund 252, Chitty 60, Clark 61, Jacobs 123, Nelson 155, Oke 16 1-2, Paterson 166, Paul 166, Walpole 328; in France 83, 123, I74j 176, I79 ; i" Germany 128, 177 ; in Ireland 263 267; in Norway 161 ; in Scotland 202, 297 ; Young 329 ; in United States 102 ; Wurtemberg 189 Laws of salmon fisheries, see Baker, Bund, Young, Walpole Law-suit, 132 Lawson, A., 132 Lawson, William, 23, 72-3, 132 " Lav of last angler," 132 " Lav of the Lea," 169 Lea,' River, 132, 273; angling re- sorts, 239 ' Bridge fishery, 8 ; places for angling in, 165 Leach, F. S., 345 Lee, J., 132 Leech, John, 133 Lefevre, Jean, 97 Lefevre, Mr. J. G. Shaw, 283 Leistoft or Lowestoft, 270, 271 Leith, 278 Lemerv, Nic, 133 Lennox, Lord W. P., 133 Leonhardi, F. G., 38 Leonidas, 164 Le Rosemont, peche dans, 37 INDEX. 385 Leslie, James, 266 Lessona, M., 345 L'Estrange, Sir Roger, 264, 265 " Letter ... concerning the Free British fisheries," 251 " Letter, from a gentleman," 270 " Letter to a gentleman," 266 " Letter to a member of Parlia- ment," 263 " Letter to member of Parliament," 251 " Letter to a proprietor," 87 " Letter to court of Directors," 251 "Letter to the Right Hon. C. Abbot," 298 Leuchs, G., 345 Leuchs, J. Carl., 345 Lews, 133 " Libro della agricoltura," 71 Liddell, Rev. Robert, 133 Liebault, John, 88 Liersel, C, 176 Liffey, River, Acis, 309 Liger, Louis, 17, 29, i33-4> 180 Lilly, J., quoted, 361 Limerick, 285 Limes, J. M., 164 Lincolnshire Wolds, trout fishing in, 238 Lindemann, Moritz, 134 Lindesay, P., 266 Linperis, pool, 5 Lippius, L., 163 Lister, J, Lupton, 135 "List of flies," ( Theakston) 135 " Little boy's own book," 40 Little, George, xx " Liure des prouffits champestres," 71 Llewellyn, Martin, 135 Lloyd, John, 135 Lloyd, John, Junior, 266 Lloyd, L., 135 Lobb, Harry, 345 Lobsters, reasons for adding them to Bill, 295 " Loch and river side," 136 Loch, David, 266 Loch, Captain G. G., 282 " Lochleven angler," 136 Lock, VV. G., 136 Locke, James, 136 2 E Lockman, John, 266 Lombart, Pierre, 217 London, angling resorts near, 230 ; Bridge, barbel at, 106 ; fish by land carriage, 270, 274 : Free fish- ermen, 266-7 ; markets, 266-7 ; P. Papers relating to, 274-6, 278 ; Statutes concerning, 306, 31 1-2 "Xondon and West of Ireland fish- ing Company," 327 " London angler's book," 20 "London fishery laid open," 266 "London's blame, if not its shame," 266 London, South, angling club, 180 Londonderry, 285 Longfield, Robert, 267 Longsight, T. D., 136 Lonicer, J. A., 136, 166 Lonquety, P., 267 Lonsdale's, Lord, fishery, 294 ; P. Papers concerning, 287 Lord, John Keast, 136 Lord, Wm. Barry, 136-7, 169 Lorrame, Leopold de, 137 " Loudon's Fischcultur," 333 Lowestoft fishing, 71 ; P. Papers relating to, 270-2 Lowndes, Henry, Sale Cat., 55 Lubbock, R., 137 Lugg, River, 329 Lundie, W. T., 267 Lyall, J. Watson, 137 Lybster Harbour, 282 Lycoming, camping in the, 108 Lynn Deeps, P. Papers., 289 Lysaght, W., 267 M., G., see Markham, 144-8 M., L., see Mascall, 137 iVrCloud river hatchery, 352 Mac Culloch, John, 345 McCulloch, Lewis, 267 Mac Dougall, A., 267 McDougall, W., 267 Macdonough, R, A., 198 Maceroni, Col., 137 McEwen, Daniel, 267 Macgregor, John, 268 Mackenzie, Sir F. A., 345 Mackenzie, Murdo, 268 Mackintosh, A., 137-8 386 BIBLIO rHECA PISCATORIA M'Lauren, Jo., 268 McMahon's salmon fishery bill, 263, 267 Madr.n, F., xi Madden, John, 268 Madeira rivers, fishing in, 126 "Madrid, memorial.," 345 Magrath, J. W., 138 Maine lakes, fly-fishmg in, 202 ; trout fishing in, 211 "Maison rustique," 29, 88, 133 Mains, 166 Maintenon, Chateau de, 345 Major, John, 52, 225, 230, 234, 236 "Maiden oyster fishery Co.," 286 Malmgren, Dr. A., 352 Man, Isle of, fishery in 1797, 258; fishing in, 107 ; trout fishing in, 210; P. Papers, 289; Statutes, 306 " Manchester angler's association," xiv, 18 Mangin, Arthur, 268 Mangolt, Gregory, 46 Maniey, Rev. J. J., 139 Manning, F., i, 66 "Manual of British rural sports," 204 " Manual of rural sports," see Stone- hen ge Manuscripts, xxi, 139-143, 268 Manwood, 68 Manx lady, poem by, 258 March, (J) 13, 143-4 Markham, Gervase, xxi, 23, 83, 117, 132, 144-8 Marsh, George, P., 346 Marshall, Charles, 148 Marshall, Henry, 268 Marshall, William, xxi Marston, R. B., xi Martin, Emile, 148 Martin, Rev. James, 7, 148 Martin, R. Montgomery, 149, 268 Martin, J. W., xxi Martin, William, 149 " Martingale," pseud., 58, 59, 149 Martino see San Martino " Marvel, Ike," pseud, 83 Mascall, Leonard, 137 Maslieurat-Lagemard, Dr., 346 Massachussetts, fishes of, 196 Massas, Charles de, 50, 149 Massie, J., 268 Massinger, quoted, 363 Mast, Isaac, xxi Mather, Frederick, 331, 346 Mathiesen, J. M., 149 May, Thos., quoted, 363 Maydman, Henry, 268 Mayer, John, 149-150 Mayer, J., 346 Mayer, J. F., 213 Mayo, sporting sketches in, 179 Mayre, A. N., 346 " Maxims and hints, ' see Penn Maxwell, W. H., 92, 149 Medices, Sebastian, 150, 173 Mediterranean of America, 198 Med way. River, 207, 287 ; Acts, 304-5, 323 Med win, Thomas, 150 Megalloway, river, 90 Meier, Joach., 150 Meissner, J. B., 150 "Memorandum, a perpetual," 150 "Memorial alphabetique," 150 " Memorial shewing advantages," 299 " Menage de la ville," 150 Menai Straits, 290 "Men Miracles," 128, 135 Merchant adventurers of Iceland," 302 Metastasio, Pietro, 150 Metcalfe, Rev. F., 151 Methuen, James, 269 Meulen, S. van der, 151 Meurer, Noe, xxi, 151 Meyer, J., 151, 34^ Michigan, grayling fishing in, 161 Michon, Victor, xxi Middleton, T., quoted, 361 Miles, W. A., 269 "Miles's Boy," 201 Miles, H. D., 151 Milford Haven, Acts, 311, 313 Milford, John, 151 Millard, E. E., 51 Miller, Hugh, 269 Miller, Philip, 151 Miller, Thomas, 15 1-2 Millet, C. 346-7, 349 Millikin, R. A., 152 INDEX. 387 Mills, John, 152 Milner, James, 347 Milner, John, Sale Cat., 54 Milner, William, Junior, 190 Minto, Earl of, 152 Mitchell, Donald G., 83 Mitchell, John M., 269 Mitchell, W. A., 152 Mitford, Mary R., 152 Mobius, Karl., 347 "Modern angler," 13 " Modern curiosities," 133 Moerbe, Joh., 152 Moffat, A. S., 152 Moffat, guide to, xvi Mole, fishing in the, 204 Molin, Rafael, 347 Monilaws, J. L., 152 Monnis, Sir Thomas, 272 Monteil, A. A., 152-3 Montgaudry, Baron de. 347 Moray Frith, herring fishing in, 269; Moquin-Tandon, 351 Morand, C. L., 153 sport in, 185 Morbihan, 342 Mordant, John, 153 Mor de Nigro Monte, G., 153, 173 More, Sir John, 153 Morgan, George, 153 Morhard, Joan, 153 Moriceau, xxii, 153, 169 Morris, Alexander, 262 Mortimer, J., 153 Moselle, River, 18-9 Mouat, F. J., 154 Moubach, Abr., 154 Moule, Thomas, 154 Mouls, L'Abbe, 347 Mullyon, 261 Munday, Anthon}', 154, 269 Munro, Martin, 269 Murray, Alex., 234-5 Murray, J. F., 207 Murray, W. H. H., 154 Murta, E. N., 169 Murtola, Gasparo, 154 Mussel fisheries, P. Papers, 282, 287, 290; Acts, 319, 322 "Nail's Yarmouth guide," 269 Napier, C. O. G., 154 Nardo, G. D., 154, 347 "Narrative of the royal fishings,'' 261 Nash, Frederick, 225 Nashe, Thomas, 269 Nau, B. S. von, 154 "Necessity of founding villages," 299 Neckam, Alex., 154-5 " Nederlandsch Tijdschrift," 155 Needham, R., xv Needham, T. H., 155 Needier, Henry, 155 Neil, A., 155 Neill, Patrick, 270 Nelme, L. D., 266 Nelson, Wm., 155 Netherclift, J., 10 Netherlands sea fisheries, P. Papers, 289 Nets, P. Papers, 271, 280-1, 284-5, 290 Nettle, Richard. 270 Neu, J. F., 155, 347 " Neue und bewahrte Recepten," 46 Neues allgemein...Worterbuch," 39 " Neuesten vollstandiges... Kalen- der," 96 " Neuw jag...Buch," 123 " New book of knowledge," xvi New Brunswick, 276, 280, 281 ; fish- eries of, 169, 294 Newcastle, Duchess of, quoted, 364, Newcastle fishers' garlands, 83, 142, 157-160 " Newcastle topographical society," 152 " Newcastle Waltonian Club," 152 "New curiosities," 133 Newfoundland cod fishery, 264; fish- eries, 247, 268-9, 294, 328 ; P. Papers, 271, 275-8, 282; Statutes, 303, 307-8, 310-1, 313, 315-7 Newland, Rev. H., 155-6 " New monthly magazine," 126 New Norfolk salmon ponds, 348 New South Wales fishing, 92 " New sporting almanack, 199 ; magazine," 200 New Zealand, angler's sketches in, 192 388 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Niclas, J. N., XV Nicol, Robert, 159 Nicolas, Sir Harris, 73, 142, 216, 228, 233, 235 Nile, River, fishing in, 21 Nimrod, 165 Nipisaguir, 76, 118 Nobbes, Robert, xxii, 7, 11, 31, 143, 156 Noble, Robert, 139 *■ Nobleman and gentleman's recre- ation," 68 Noel, Eugene, 348 Noel, S. B. de la M., 157 Nonnus, L., 157 Noorthouck, J., 270 " Nordisk tidsskrift," 352 Norfolk, fishing, 76 ; fisheries, 271, 291-3, (Acts), 324 Norfolk broads, angling in the, 137 ; pike fishing in, 205 Normandy, fishing in, 157 Norris, Thaddeus, 157, 348 North America, fishing in, 115, 130, 177; game, 107; game fish, iii -2, 179 ; sportsman in, 211 ; torch light fishing in, 92 North Britain, 270 North British fishery, 252 " North, Christopher," 176 "North country angler," 13, 69 North country anglers' garlands, 157 -160 North, Leith, 278 "North, Oliver," pseud., 157 North, Roger, 3, 157 North sea fishery, see Ramsay, A., ^295 North seas, 273 North Wales, angler's guide to, 172 -3 "Northern Memoirs," loo-i Northrup, A. Judd, 161 Northumberland, fiy-fishing in, 162 "Northumberland angling cTub," 180 Norway, angling in, 151, 161, 242 ; field sports of 135 ; fisherman in, 155-6; fisher's guide to, 125, 210 ; fisheries of, 39, 174; fishing in, 129, 241, 243 ; fishing laws of, 161 ; fiy-fishing in, 121 ; hints to anglers in, 96 ; pisciculture in, 198 ; salmon fishing in, 151, 142 ; sporting in, 136 ; waters of, 353 Norwich angling, 71 Norwich fisheries exhibition, 341 " Notable things," 208 Nottingham system of angling, 20 Nova Scotia, P. Papers, 276, 280 " Number of the fish," 161 Numenius, 164 Nymph fishing bank, 255 Nyth, 274 Oakleigh, Tom, 165 "Observations," 171 ; on the fishery laws," 263; regarding salmon fish- ery," 299 Observations see Piscator and Trent O'Connor, R., 161 " Odd volume," 193 Oesterreich, wegweiser fiir angler durch, 38 "Off the chain," see Gowrie Ogden, Jas., 161 Ogle, W. G. W., xxii O Gorman, 161 " Ohio farmer," 339 Oke, George, 16 1-2 Olavsen, 6., 162 " Old house by the river," 120 "Old sports of England," ^s Oldys, VV., 221 Olivier, M. A., 162 Oliver, Stephen, (i.e. Chatto), 37, 162, 242 Ongaro, Antonio, 162-3 Onomatologia, 163 " On the existing state," 262 Oppian, xxii, 163-4 " Oquossoc angling association," 4 Orwell, River, Acts, 321 "Oracle," 164-5 Orford Haven, 271, 302 "Oriental field sports," 242 Orkney fisheries, 248, 260,270, 274, " Orpheus Junior," 213 " Ortus sanitatis," 165 Osbaldiston, W. A., 165 Ostreiculture, 348 Oswestry, angling at, 57 "Otter," i.e. H. J. Alfred, 165 Oudenhoven, Jac. von, 165 INDEX. 389 Ouse, Ads, 302 Overall, W. H., xii, 327 Ovid, 97, 165-6 Owen, Rev. Thomas,xv, 166, 212 Owen more, Ads, 317 "Oxonian in Norway;" in Thele- marken ; in Iceland, 151 Oyster culture in France, 348 ; P. Papers about, 288, 292 Oyster fisheries, 329 ; P. Papers concerning, 276-7, 279, 280, 283- 4, 286-8, 290-1 ; Statutes con- cerning, 304, 308, 313-4, 318-9, 321-4 Paciersio, G., 166 Paez, Ramon, 166 Paglesham, 290 Pollard, Richard 184 Palladius, 166 " Palmer, Hackle," (Le. R. Blakey) 33 Pancrates, 164 " Parfait guide manuel," 109 Parkhurst, A., 270 Parliamentary papers, 270-293, 348; Reports, 295-6 Pas-de-calais, 9 Paterson, James, 166, 294 Paterson, J. H., 166 Patterson, R. L., 166 Paul, John, 166-7 Paulin, G., 170 Pay ton, Charles A., 167 Peacham, H., 167 Peake, R. B., 193 Peard, William, 167, 348 Pearson, Edwin, 167 "Peche, La, 167-8 "Pecheur," 168 Peck, Philip. 294 Peel, Sydney, xxii Peifer, D., 163 Pembroke, Earl of, 272, 300 Penobscot river, 91 Pennant, 265 Pennell, H. C, 94, 168-9, 203, 286, 288 Pepvs, S., 189 Pepys, W. H,, Sale Cat., 56 Perfey, M. H., 169, 294 Pesson-Maisonneuve," 169-70 " Petit guide," 109 Peto, Sir Morton, 294 Petrus, Prior, 91 Penn, Richard, 168 Peyner, see Peyrer Peyrer, Carl, xxii, 170 Pfundheller, J., 170 Phelps, S., 294 Philip, George, 170 Philips, John Leigh, xxi Phillips, Henry, 170 Phillips, Jerome, 41 Philoparchi, G., 170 "Phiz," 174 Pickering, William, 20, 52 ; Sale Cat., ss Piers of Fulham, 170 Pierre, Anthoine, xv Pigoreau, C. B., 170 Piguenit, W. C, 348 "Pike, book of the," 168 Pilchard fishery : P. Papers, 271-2, 275 ; Acts, 303, 307-10, 313-5, 318 ; in Cornwall, 253-4. "Pilchard fishery," a poem, 259 Pinkerton, W., 169 " Pipe, the social," 171 " Piscarius," 348 "Piscator," 130, 171 (dts), 173, 178 Piscatory Eclogues, see Fletcher, P., and Browne, M. " Pisciculture," 348 " Pisciceptologie, xxii, 171 Pitcaini, George, 294 Pizetta, Jules, 348 " Plan for the improvement," 327 " Plan of national improvement," 261 " Plans and proposals," 251 Plat, Sir Hugh, 171 " Pleasures of Princes," 144 Pliny, 213 Pluche, Abbe, 198 Plym, River, Acts, 312 Pohl, Friedrich, 171 Poitevin, B., 171 Pollard, Richard, xxii, 172 Pollen fishing, (P. Papers), 293 Pollution of rivers, 294 Polperro, history of, 254 Pope, Alexander, 172, 188 Poppe, Robert A., 348 390 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Port-de-Bouc, 351 Portuguese, oyster, 349 Posidonius, 164 Pouchet, George, 348 Pozzuoli, 172 "Practical angler," 171, 203 "Practical observations on angling," 211 " Praise of the red herring," 269 Preservation of fish : P. Papers^ 270 -4, 276-8, 280-2, 284-5, 292 ; Acts, 301-7, 309, 312-5, 317-320, 324-6 Price, B., 283 Price, Edward, 96 Price, Martin, 172 Price, Sir Rose Lambert, 172 Prime, W. C, 172 Primrose, Mr., 267 Prince Edward's Island, 276, 281 Prince, S2.le cat. 55 " Principes," 172 Pritchard, W., 172 "Proceedings of Irish society," 263 Procida, 172 " Profit and pleasure united,', 196 -" Prognosticacion," 173 " Proposal for granting annuities," 261 "Proposal for raising a stock," 261 " Prospect of plenty," a poem, 295 Prueckmannus, F., 173 Prussia, fishing in, 332 Publicus, 295 Puckle, James, 295 Pulman, George, P. R., xxii, 173 Puvis, Marc Antoine, 349 Pye, engraver, 225 Quarles, quoted, 367 Quatrefage, A. de, 333, 349 Queenborough see Quinborowe Quenard, 349 Quinborowe, Acts, 319 "Racing and chasing," 174 " Rail and the rod," 89-90 Raimondi, Eug., 174 Raisson, H,, 174 Raleigh, Sir Walter, 295 Ramsay, Allan, 295 Ramsbottom, Robert, 349 Randall, J., 174 "Random casts," 51 Rangeley lakes, 90-1 ; trout fishing in, 191 Rapin, Nic, 174 Rapport, 174 Rasch, H., 174 Ravenstein, E. G., 174 Rawlinson, Dr. John, 41 Ray, quoted, 69 Raymond, Oliver, 174 Rayson, Alston and Gibbs, 283 Read, Dr. R., 238 " Reasons for improving the fish- eries," 299 "Reasons for improving the fisheries of Scotland," 299 " Reasons humbly offered," 327 Reck, M. von der, 175 "Recreation," 174-5, 183 " Recreator," 175 Recueil des lois, 175 Red fish (Scotch Acts), 325-6 "Red Spinner," i.e.^N. Senior, 191 Reeves, Boleyne, 175 Reeves, John, 295 Regazzoni, In., 353 Reider, J. E. von, 176 Reiman, J. F., 176 "Remarks on a pamphlet," 299 Remy, Joseph, 239, 342 Renaud, J., 349 Renauld, L. B., 176 Rene, A., 176 Rennie, Rev. James, 176, 227-233 Renouard, C, 130 "Reports on the advantages," 261 "Reports on...salmonoids of Tweed" 328 Reports to Parliament, 295-6 "Representations and resolutions," 251 "Resources of solitude," 176 Restigouche river, 76 " Review of the domestic fisheries," 261 Revoil, B. H., 176-7 "Revue des deux mondes," 332 " Rheinisches Rural- Gesetzbuch," 177 Rhone, salmonizing the, 137 Rhumelius, J. C, 177 INDEX. 391 Ribble, River, P. Papers^ 273, 274 Ribble, Hodder and Calder fisheries Association, 180 Richardson, H. D., 177 Richardson, Sir John, 244 Richardson, Sir J. S., 296-7 Richardson lakes, 90 "Rich cabinet. A, 239 Richters, J. G. O., 177 Rico, B., 349 Right of fishing, 177 Riley's "Memorials of London," 327 Rimbaud, J. B. A., 177, 349 Rippelmeier, 177 Rittershusius, C,, 51, 163 Riva, G. da, 188 Riviere, Baron de, 350 "Roach, Book of the," 91 ''Roach fishing," (Wix) 215 Roach, river, 286, 288 Roberts, Sir A., 177 Robertson, H. R., 177 Robertson, John, 178 Rochester, Earl of, 178 " Rochester Oyster Fishery Co.," 322 " Rod and gun," xiii Roe, Sir Thomas, 297 Roman fish-ponds, 212 Ronalds, Alfred, 178 Rondonneau, 179 Rooke, Mr., 188 Rooper, George, 19, i79 Roosevelt, R. B., 179, 350 Rose, J., 297 Rosenhane, G., 179, xxii Ross, William, Jnr., 297 Rossmaessler, E. A., 350 Rota, Berardino, 179 Roth bury, 65 Rougier de la Bergerie, J. B. 30, 350 Rousselot, X., 213 Routledge, Edmund, 40 Routledge, George, 179 Rowan, John J., 180 " Rowsley, The Peacock at," 42 " Roxburgh ballads," 71, 175 Roxby, Robert, 65, 158-9 "Royal British fishery," 250-1, 256 "Royal Fishery Company," 256-7, 295, P. Papers about, 272-3 " Royal fishing of Great Britain and Ireland," 253, 300 " Royal Irish Fisheries Company," 263, 284 " Royall fishing revived," 258 "Royal recreation of jovial anglers," 175 Royle, J. F., 297 Rubbi's " Parnasso Italiano," 179 Riihlich, C. F. R., 180 " Rural sports," see Daniel, Gay, and Stevenson Rusconi, 350 " Ruses innocentes," 180 Russel, Alexander, 169, 180 Russia, fishing scenes in, i8i ; sport in, 185 • " Rustic sketches,' 173 Rutherford, Mr. of Kelso, xi Ryland, engraver, 221-2 S., E., 297 S., G., 10 S., J., see Epicure, Zd S. J., see Smith, J., 196 S., J., 181-5, 72 S., T. F., i.e. T. F. Salter, 185 Sabie, Francis, 185 Sabin, Joseph, 53 Sagot, Dr., xxii Saguenay, river, 130 " St. Albans, book of," 25, 28, 29, 36 St. Anthony, sermon of, 194 St. John, C. W. G., 185, 242 St. John, Frederick, 185, 283 St. John, river, 91 St. Ives, Bay of. Acts, 307, 318 St. Lawrence fisheries, 294-5 ; P. Papers concerning, 270, 274 ; Acts, 306 St. Lo, George, 297 " Salad for the solitary," 186 Salcombe, 289 Salles, Mons, 351 " Salmo Salar, Esq.," 19 " Salmon and sea fisheries," 263, 298 Salmon disease, P. Papers, 293 Salmon, exportation of, Acts^ 321, 323-4 Salmon fisheries, P. Papers^ '2-T^-9, 281, 284-93 ; Acts, 301-4, 310, 312-3, 315-7, 319-325 ; report of Inspectors, 296 ; Ashworth on, 392 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. 247; Cornish 011,254; Marshall on preserving, 268 ; Surtees on, 327 ; Meeting at Derby, 297 ; Congress at South Kensington, 301 ; see Inquiry, 263 Salmon fisheries of Scotland, 254, 296-9 Salmon fishing in Canada, 3 ; in Norway, 39 ; " Ephemera" on art of, 86 " Salmon fishing," 186 Salmon rivers of England and Wales, P. Papers^ 289 ; of Ireland, P. Papers, 290 ; Northern, 49 ; of Yorkshire, 100 " Salmon ia," see Davy, Sir H. Salt, drawback on : P. Papers^ 273 ; duties on, 248, P. Papers, 276-7 ; Acts, 310-2 Salter, Robert, 186 Salter, T. P., 185-7 Salvin, F. H., loi Salvini, A. M., 164 Sandys, George, quoted, 366 Sanez Regnart, Don A., 79 Sang, William, 187 San Martino, M., 188 Sannazarius, see Sannazaro Sannazaro, Jacopo, 50, 188 Sansavino, 166 Savoure-Mourlot, E., 189 Satchell, Thomas, 188-9 Saunders, James, 189 Saunders, W., 298 "Scandinavian adventures," 135 Scheffer, S., 91 Schilling, E. M., 189 Schmidlin, J. G., 189 Schneider, F. W., 53 " School of recreation," no Schram, M. A., 350 Schreber, D. J., Schreiner, W. H., 189 Schukius, M., 142 Schultes, Henry, 189, 298 Schuylkill, xxii, 190 " Schweiz, Wegweiser fiir. angler durch," 38 " Scotch fisheries improvement association," 298 Scotcher, George, 190 " Scotch loch fishing," xvi Scotland, angler's guide to, (Young), 244 ; art of angling in, (Stoddart), 203 ; atlas for angler in, 170 ; guide to rivers, ( Blakey), 34 ; handbook of angling, (Robertson) 178; lawsof fishing in, (Stewart) 202, (Baker), 248, (Ross) 297 ; loch fishing in, (Idle) 122, ("Black Palmer") xvi fisheries of, (Wilson) 242; (Anderson) 247 ; (Bremner) 247 (Knox) 265 ; (Lindesay, Loch) 266 ; ( Pitcairn) 294 ; ( White) 328; P. Papers relating to, 273, 275, 277-287, 290, 291-3 ; Acts relating to, 298 ; Reports of Fish- ery Board, 296 fishery harbours of, 283 herring fisheries of, 249, 267, 269, 277 salmon fisheries of, (Dirom) 254 ; (Home) 263 ; (Mackenzie) 268; (Anon.) 299; P. Papers relating to, 277-82, 284 Scott, Genio C, 190 Scott, Dr. Thomas, 6, 75, 131 Scott, W. H., xxii, 54, 190-1 Scott of Islay, 157 "Scottish field sports," (Dougall) 80 ; rivers, (Lauder) 132 ; sports, (Hall) III " Scribner's Magazine," 191 Scrope, William, xxiii, 191, 242 "Secrets de.. .agriculture," 102 " Secrets of angling," see D., J. & G., C. "Secrets, Valuable, in arts," 191 Selden, John, 300 " Select essays on... fisheries,"" 257 Seleucus, 164 Selys-Longchamps, M. E. de 191 Senior, William, 19 1-2 Serbievius, Casimir, 213 " Servantmaid, the compleat," 192 Serres, Olivier de, 192 Severn, River, 300 ; P. Papers relat- ing to, 272, 274-5, 291 ; Acts concerning, 303, 307 ; valley of, 174 Severn, Wye and Usk fishery, 266 Seymour, Ed., 191 Seymour, R., 168, 192-3 INDEX. 393 Shakespeare, citations from, 355-8 Shaw, Rev. George, 300 Shaw, John, 350-1 Shannon, River, 267; fisheries of, 264 Sheil, John B., 300 Shepherd, R. Heme, 193 "Shepherd's daughter," 193 Sherer, John, 194 Shetland, modes of fishing in, 258 ; fisheries of, 270 ; see Zetland Shillinglaw, Rev. T., 142 Shipley, William, 194 Shirley, Thomas, 194 Shorthouse, Dr, 199 " Sicelides," 95 Sidney, Sir Philip, 195 Sigurdsson, Jon, 195 Silos, Guiseppe, 195 Silva Ferro, Ramon de, 351 Silvester, Rev. Tipping, 96 Simeon, Cornwall, 195 Simmonds, P. L., 300 Simon Peter's fish, 161 Sinceri, Alex., 195 Sinclair, William, 300 Sivard de Beaulieu, G., 351 Skeat, Rev. W. S., 2 Slack, J. H., 351 Sligo Bay, P. Papers, 287 ; Acts, 317 Small, Thomas, 195 " Small collection of tracts," 263 Smart, J., 300 Smeeton, Geo., printer, 58 Smith, Arthm-, 195 Smith, George, 9, 196 Smith, John, 196 (bis) Smith, John Russell, 34, 53 Smith, Herbert H., 191 Smith, Horatio, 196 Smith, Jerome V. C., 196 Smith, John, 300 Smith, Simon, 300-1 Smith, Thomas, 197 Smith, W. Anderson, xix, 197 Smith, W. R., engraver, 225 Smith's royal fishing, 72 " Snapshot," 240 Snart, Charles, 211 Snart, R., 197 " Snobson's seasons," 193 "Societe d'acclimatation," 347, 349, 352 2 F Societe de pisciculture de Belgique, 332, 350 " Society for managing British white herring fishery," 213 " Society for improving the British fisheries," 257 " Society of the free British fishery," 251, 260, 266 Soland, A. de, 197 Sole fishery. Acts, 313 Soltau, G. W., 197 Sol way Firth, P. Papers^ 284, 292-3 ; Acts, 325 ** Some considerations," 299 Somerset, P. Papers, 271 ; Acts, 303 Somerville, William, 197 " Songs of the chase," 197 Soubeiran, J. L., 75, 198, 351 South American fishery, 166 South Kensington, Fishery congress at, 301 " South-sea company," 294 South,Theophilus/.^.Ed.Chitty,i98 Southampton, P. Papers, 273 ; Acts, 310 Soval fishing, 133 " Soveraignty of the British seas/' (Boroughs) 249 Spanish fish culture, 337, 34i. 345 " Spectacle de la nature," 198 Spencer, Earl, xii ; book in his col- lection, 26 Spey, Autumns on the, 127; fisheries of the, 260 ; fishery dispute, 268; Acts concerning the, 316 Splidt, P., Sale Cat., 53 Sporting almanac, 165, 198 ; Anec- dotes, 198 ; Dictionary, 205 ; Ga- zette, 199 ; Life, 201 ; Magazine, 128, 199; Repository, 199 ; Re- view, 199 ; Sketch book, 199 ; Times, 199 "Sporting capabilities ofIreland,"i 2 2 " Sports," 200 " Sports and pastimes," 152 " Sports of... England," (Strutt) 204 " Sportsman," 200 " Sportsman in Ireland," 132 " Sportsman's cabinet, 200 ; Calen- dar, 191, 200; Cyclopaedia, 200; Dictionary ; Magazine of life in London, 200-1 394 BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Staentzl de Cronfels, A. L., 20i "Stagna," 212 Stahl, J. F., 163 Stahl, ix. J. Hetzel, 201 Stark, F. A., 201 Statutes of England concerning fisheries, etc., 301-324 ; of Scot- land, 324-328 Steele, J. S., xxiii, 201 Steele, Sir Richard, 326 Stefano, Carlo, see Estienne Steinbock, E. F. von, 201 Sterbridge, P. Papers^ 270; Acts^ 302 Stevens, C. W., 202, Stevens, Charles, see Estienne Stevens, Samuel, 202 Stevenson, Matthew, 202 Stevenson, William, 202 Stewart, Charles, 202 Stewart, W. C, 202-3 ) his worm tackle, 152 Still, John, quoted, 363 Stillingfleet, Edward, 97 Stocker, John, 47 Stockfishmongers, Corporation of, 270 Stockhausen, 203 Stoddart, T. T., 169, 203, 242, 351 Stoelter, G. F., 351 Stone, Harry, 203 Stone, Livingston, 352 " Stonehenge," i.e. J. H. Walsh, 204 Stornoway, 299 Stormontfield experiments, 334, 335, 352 Stothard, T., artist, 228, 238 Stoyle, Sale Cat. 57 Stradanus, Joannes, 204 Stradling, Sir John, quoted, 368 Straet see Stradanus Strauss, 352 Stretton, Charles, 204 Strickland, Major S., 204 Strutt, Joseph, 204 Sturbridge see Sterbridge Suffolk fisheries, P. Papers, 271, 279, 292 ; Acts, 302 "Suggestions," 299 Sulivan, Captain, 283 " Superior fishing," 179 Surfleet, Richard, 88 Surtees, Scott F., 327 Sutherland, angler's guide to, (Young) 244 Sutherlandshire, sportsman in, 185; trout fishing in, 238 " Swanquill, Sylvanus," 37-8 Swansea, 288 Sweden, field sports of, 48 ; fishing in, 135 ; fisherman in, 155-6 Swedish herrings, P. Papers^ 275 Swete, C. J., 204 Sylvester, Josuah, 81 Symonds, Thomas E., 327 " Systema agriculturas," 204-5 Talley-pools, pike fishing in, 199 Tanganyika Lake, fishing in, 48 Taplin, William, 205 Tarentinus, xv Taschenbuch, 205 Tasmania, 348 ; angler's sketches in, 192 Tate, 188 Taunt, H. W., 205 Taverner, John, 205 Taw, P. Papers, 291 Tay, Loch, 100 Tay, fisheries of, 327 ; salmon breed- ing in, 351 ; Acts concerning the, 320 Tayleure, Sale Cat.., 54 Taylor, J., 205 Taylor, John Ellor, 205 Taylor, Samuel, 205-6 Teale, Rev. W. H., 206 Tees, river, P. Papers., 291; Acts,i2i " Teesdale angler," 129 Teichmann, J. C. F., 206 Teign, river, Acts^ 312 Tempesta, Antonio, 206 Teignmouth, Lord, 206 Tenby, sea fishing at, 135 Tenorio, J. M., 206 Teviot, angler's guide to, 195 Thames, river, angling resorts on the, 165, 239 ; description of, 20, 32, III, 207; fishery and fishermen of, 327; fishing in, 177-8; juris- diction of, 108 ; maps of, 10, 174, 206; rights of angling in, 137; rules, orders, etc., of, 207 ; salmon in the, 213 ; sports on the, 113 ; INDEX. 395 P. Papers relating to, 271-3 ; Statutes concerning, 303, 305, 322 " Thames and Tweed," 179 "Thames angler," xxiii, 195, 206 " Thames angler's instructor," 126 " Thames angling preservation society," 207 Thames Ditton, angling at, 119 Thau, 342 Thelemarken, angling in, 151 Theocritus, 207-8 Thevenin, N., 208 Thibault, 208 Thiemen, J. C, 208 Thomas, H. S., 208 Thomas, T. M., xxiii Thompson, F. B., 208 Thompson, J., 209 Thompson, W. Gill., 158-160 Thompson, W., 209 Thomson, James, 209, 328 Thomson, R., 225 Thornton, Col. Thomas, 131, 209 Thorne, James, 209 Thurso, angling at, 100 "Tidskrift for Fiskferinaring," 352 " Tidsskrift for Fiskeri," 352 Titius, J. D., 177 " Tobo," pseud, 38 Tod, S. M., 107, 210 Tolfrey, Frederic, 210 Tomkis, quoted, 362 " Tommiebeg shootings," 123 Torgoch or charr, 5 Torridge, P. Papers, 291 Toulon, fish culture at, 352 Toussaint, 210 Tracey, Richard, 215 " Trades increase, The," 328 Train, J. K. von, 153 " peche," 210 " Traite des etangs," 157 "Trattado dell' agricoltura," 71 Travers, Rev. Henry, 96 Trawling, P. Papers, 293 ; Acts, 307 "Treasures of the deep," 258 "Treatise on fishing," 257 Trent, angling in, 100, 211 ; verses on the, 197 " Trent fisher. The," 205 Trinity College, Dublin, Acts, 322 "TroUer, The competent," 211 Trolling, early writers on, 156 Trollope, Anthony, 42, 211 Trout, Brook, fishing, 4 Troyes, L'Eglise de, 140 " True and exact description," 298 " True art of angling," 1 81-184 ; its authorship, 184, 196 " True case of Company of Fisher- men," 327 " True interest of Great Britain/' 261 Truro, P. Papers, 291 Tscheiner, D. J., 211 Tugwell, Rev. G., 211 Turrel, L., 352 Turton, John, 211 Tweddell, G. M., 211 Tweed, River, angling guide to, 9 ; angling as practised in, 244 ; des- criptive list of tributaries, 244 ; guide to, 38 ; rambles by, 203 ; salmon-casts, 244 ; salmon breed- ing in, 351 ; salmon fishing in, 191 ; a tribute to, 132 ; worm fishing in, 152 ; P. Papers r^ialm^ to the, 274, 284, 290-1 ; Acts concerning the, 306, 309,313, 317? 320-1; 325-6 " Tweed and Don," 136 " Tweed fisheries act," 328 " Tweed fishery commissioners," 328 " Tweed, Thames and," 179 Tyne, River, Acts, 318 ; fishing in, 162 "Tyne-side," 158 " Tyne fisher's farewell," 158 " Tyne fisher's call," 159 Ubique i.e. Parker Gillmore, 211 Ulster salmon fisheries, 300 United States, angler in, 130; fishery treaty with, 283; Fish commission, 340, 353 ; fish-culture, 349, 35° ; fishing in, 115 ; game fishes of, 107 ; game laws, 102 ; statutes concerning, 320 Universal angler, 14, 219 " Uppriktige Fiskaren," 95 Upton, 275 Usk, River, lOO, 266 Ustonson, Onesimus, 184 39^ BIBLIOTHECA PISCATORIA. Valentine, Rev. W., Sale cat., 55 Valverde, 211 Vanbrugh, Sir J., quoted, 364 Vancouver Island, fishing in, 136 Van der Goes, {M..), printer, 36 Vanhaecken, A., 212 Van Hotte [Hove], F. H., 214 Vaniere, Jacques, 212 Van Siclen, G. W., 29 Varro, 212 "Vast importance of the herring fishery," 262 "Vates," 165 Vaughan, engraver, 213-4, 217 Vaughan, Henry, 213 Vaughan, Thomas, 213 Venables, George, xxiii, 213 Venables, Robert, 213-4, 219 Veneta laguna, 154 Vermin- killer, The, 215 Verniew, River, Acts, 307 Vianelli, G. V., 215 Vibraye, — de, 353 Victoria, river rambles in, 215 Vidal, J. Leon, 353 "Vie a la campagne," etc., 215 "View of the present state," 299 Villifranci, Giovanni, 215 Visscher, N. J., 63 Vitelli, N., XV Voel, Eugene, 353 Vogt, Carl, 353 " Voice from Scottish fisheries," 299 Voigt, J. F., 215 Volckhart, J., 215 " Vollkommene Fischer," 216 " Vollstiindiges Forst...Lexikon," 96 Vorsterman, W,, printer, 36 Voss, J. H., 208 " Voyage d'un chasseur," 215 "Vox piscis," 215 W., 240 W., H., 215-6 W., J, 204 W. W., 215 Wade, Henry, 2 Wagner, G. J., 216 "Waidweryk," 216 Wales, angling in, 62, 99 ; fishing excursions in, 143 ; fishing in, 112 Wales, North, angler's guide to. 118 ; fishing in, 2, 9 Wale, 221, 224, 225 Walflete, 271, 272 Waller, Sir William, 216 Wallis, Alfred, xi, 217 Wallon, E., 217 Walhvork, James, 217 Walpole, Spencer, 328 Walsh, James, Sale Cat.., 55 Walton, Izaak: editions of Compleat Angler, 217-237; mentioned, 39, 83, 120, 124, 142, 214 xxiii Chronicle of editions, 369-70 Walton and Cotton, 71, 171 " Walton and Cotton Club," 237 Walton, Life of, ( Teale ) 208 ; (Zouch) 245 Walton, Tweddell on, 211 " Walton, Izaak," a drama, 75 "Walton, Izaak," (Watkins) 238 " Waltoniana," (Shepherd) 195; ( Zouch) 245 " Waltonian Society," 237 Walwyn, R., 237 Waterford fisheries, 247 Ward, Edward, 237 Warde, William, 23 Waring, G. E., 19 Washington, Captain, 282 Warren, Samuel, 237 Warren, J. R., 237 Watkins, Rev. M. G., 29, 237-8 Watkins, William, 238 Watson, Simon, 328 Watson, Smith, 328 Watt, William, 238 Watts, H. E., 354 Wayth, C, 238 '' Way to get wealth," 146 " Way to save wealth," 148 "Wealth of Great Britain," 261 Webber, C. W., 238 " Webb's fishing book," 238 Webster, Thomas, quoted, 364 Wecker, John, 238 Wergeland, N., 353 Weirs, P. Papers^ 272, 285-6, 288, 290 ; Acts, 302, 304 Weld, C. R., 130 Wells, Joseph, 239 Welsh experiences, 211; salmon poacher, 125 INDEX. 397 Westminster fish market, P. Papers, 273, 274; Acts, 305-6, 311-2 " Westward Hoe for Avalon," 328 Westmorland, fly-fishing in, 162 Westwood, Thomas, 53, 169, 239 ; on " Secrets of angling," 74 ; his "Chronicle," quoted, 228-31 Whale fishery, Acts^ 304, 306-316 Wharton, Dr. Thomas, 228 Whateley, G. N., 328 Wheatley, Hewett, 239 Wheeldon, J. P., 239 Wheelwright, H. W., 48-9 Whitadder, guide to, 9 Whitbourne, Richard, 328 White, John, 239 White, P., 328 White, Wm., 143 Whitehaven, 274 " White Horse fishery," 7, 8 White of Crickhowell, 5 1 Whitney, John, 240 " Whole art of angling," 18 "Whole art of fishing," 18 Wigton, Acts, 312 Wilcocks, J. C., 240 Wild, C. R., 238 " Wildfowler," 240 "Wildrake," 199 " Wild sports of the world," 200 Wilkinson, A. G., 191 Wilkinson, James, 54 Williams, F. T., 240 Williams, Griffith, 328 Williams, Samuel, 241 Williams, W. Mattieu, 241 Williamson, Rev. D. S., 329 Williamson, James, 143 Williamson, John, 241 Williamson, T., 241 Wilson, James, 52, 85, 242 Wilson, John, 242 Wilson, Robert, quoted, 362 Wilson, Sir Samuel, 353 Wilson, W. R., xi Wilts, Acts, 308, 310 Winkler, T. C, 243 Wirth, J. G., 243 Witter, 208 Wix, Henry, 215-6 Woelfer, A. M., 243 Wolff", F., 213 Wolfsbrunnen, 348 Wood, J. G., 354 Woods, Nicholas, 243 Woods, W. Fell, 329 Wooler trout streams, 162 Workington, 318 ; P. Papers, 287 Worlidge, J., 204 Worship, Wm. D.D., 41 Worthington, Robert, 329 Wotton, Sir Henry, 243 Wrangham, Archdeacon, 245 Wright, William, 243 Wurtemberg fish laws, 189 Wyatt, Sir Thomas, quoted, 367 Wye, River, 266, 329, P. Papers, 291 Wyndham, F. M., 243 Yarmouth, angling, 71; Guide to, 269 Yarmouth Fair, Acts, 301 Yarmouth, Great, P. Papers, 271-273 Yarrell, William, 243-4, 354 Yarrenton, Andrew, 329 Yeats, John, 329 Yorkshire fishing match, 45 Yorkshire rivers, 9 Young, Alfred, 244 Young, Andrew, 86, 244, 329 Young, Archibald, 244, 263, 329 Young, Lambton, I. H., 244 "Young angler's assistant," '14 " Young angler's companion," 14 "Young angler's guide,' 15 " Young angler's instructor,'' xiv " Young angler naturalist," 14 " Young fisherman," 94 /' Young man's companion," 138 " Young sportman's instructor," 146-7 " Young sportsman's delight," 147 " Young sportsman's miscellany," 201 Younger, John, 244 Zaires, Acts, 325-6 Zanotti, 166 Zeller, Phil., 245 Zenk, F., 354 Zetland Islands, fisheries of, 256, 298 Zouch, Thomas, 225, 245 Omitted. Aurivillius, xv Cockayne, Benjamin, xxi ADVERTISEMENTS. Vol. VII commenced with Number 298 for Jan 6., 1883. THE FISHING GAZETTE, DEVOTED TO ANGLING, RIVER, LAKE AND SEA FISHING AND FISH CULTURE. Published every Week, Folio, 16 Pages, Price Id, Occasionally Illustrated. Edited by R, B. MARSTON, Member of the General Committee of the London International Fisheries Exhibition of 1883 ; Hon. Sec. of the National Fish Culture Association of Great Britain and Ireland. 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