GIFT OF \VWAAAAU2k *V A f Mine and Industrial Haulage Supplies GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY SUPPLY DEPARTMENT SCHENECTADY, N. Y. Bulletin No. 4916 Copyright, 1911 by General Electric Company MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES LOCOMOTIVES Appreciating that purchasing agents, superintendents and other officials having in charge the ordering of materials, must frequently have difficulty in drawing up or checking specifications for repair parts, the portion of this catalogue devoted to locomotive repairs has been so arranged that A Modern 8-ton Mine Locomotive knowledge only of the serial number of a locomotive is adequate for determination of an accurate description of all parts of it: First is given a Pilot Table in which appear in order of their serial numbers all mining and industrial locomotives shipped from the beginning of the year 1900 and opposite each The First Electric Mine Locomotive Built in the United States number appear catalogue numbers of many of the mechanical repair parts and also complete type and form letters and figures for the various electrical devices with which the locomotives were equipped when shipped. After the Pilot Table, detailed descriptions with complete identification data are given in the usual manner, the various parts being segregated and arranged to facilitate the selection of parts most often required. The Pilot Table by means of catalogue numbers, types and forms, provides a ready guide for selection of parts from the detailed lists and descriptions following it. 249117 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY o( O S.S Q MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES a n i V a, 5 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C CCCCCC CSCiCOCCCCiaciCCCCC oooooooooooooooo o oooooo oooooooooooooooo u 2 ( (MCDCN rq 1 "? '3 1> ?Sc "F^fe QQOQMMwQQQQQQQwQ ^ QQOQQ^^PQQQDQQQiWooQQQMQo g C ! J^> H SSSSSSSSpiSeiSS^SSSSSSS^SS S^SSSSSSS^rtS^S^^ H sit IllliiiiilllllllT^lilili HililMlSIS8 w . 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O-l CM CM CO CM CO CO o o S3 J3 $8 3 a a 5- Jjg'^'wfe^s's S S 2 2 S 2 >- < 5 !l 11 1 ij 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 ' BRAKE SHOES Cat. No. Si 11 C*a t*CM CM OCO O O X O M 00 00 00 OCM CO C-l CM C-l CMCO CM TO CO O CO CO CM CO CO CO COCM 1C CM CO CO CMCM CM CMCO CM CM CM CM CM CM CM M COCM CO CM CM CM iC iC O O 1C 1C 1C 1C iC 1C 1C 1C O 1C iC iC 1C iC COCOCOCOCMCOCOCOCDCOCOCOCOCMCO COCOtO CO CO OS 1C X CO CD T CO CO CO CD i.CCO 5 CO ;?1~ COOCMXCOCO COCOCOCDO'COCOCO fl 7 - | ~| 71 CO M C-l CM CM M CM CM CO CM CO CM CM CM CO CO ; COM CO CO CO CO CD CD CO CO IN CO CM CO CO C!5 5T be C 5 x 13 K U 6 H 15 3 1- o 3CQ MO -T 0-1 T M C-l M T CM C-l CM OS CM CM CM O O -3 Or- O X O O I^-O O O ?1 C-l C-l CM CM C-l C-l OS OS CM CM OS CM CM CM CM CM CM CM i~ ,- j- .- 3. it OS OS OS i-O i-C OS 1C OS 1C 1C i-C 'O O COCO CO CO-- CO -< CO CO CD CO CD CO CO CO CDCD T TOO CO CO -f CC CD CM CO T O CO CO X S -f. -. X S - 1- X - X l~ X X X CD CO 71 7-1 OS OS C-l OS CM CM CM TO; O: O os T os Os os OS -t o: T OS -f 'O -f OS Os O CD O CO '3 0* t U i. ?\ s$iigssssfe$fej$.sa X C-l X OS C: O X 00 CM <-> CM CM--! 00 >* X X 01 71 Ol fl T"I ?"l C-l C-l CM CM CM CM CM CM CM 01 "M C-l 73 I V ^ " Id be c rt ^\1^-^H^V p> * JL ^-C-l^T i ' '^j'^^^CM "; j, ,; "^ j. f ', o fc PQ fe <:,: ^ ,j o ^ i^ 2^ ^^2 = 4222 SS " ^ S ci a 4J J J >J J J J p-4 J Ji-J J J i-J J _ O T OS C-l O o r^ op x x qs " c * Combin MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 39 LOCOMOTIVES Outside Frame Locomotive Inside Frame Locomotive Four-Ton Gathering Locomotive (Inside Frame) 40 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY LOCOMOTIVES Listed on the following pages will be found repair parts for all of the mining locomotives shipped by this Company since the beginning of the year 1900 and in addition the various tables have been so prepared that they include parts which will be required for a majority of the locomotives to be furnished hereafter while present standards prevail. From the nature of the service conditions met it is apparent that wide varients have entered the design of locomotives; differences in gauge and weight and operating voltage have demanded many standards, while almost innumerable less important conditions have brought minor variations of the standards. However, to the ultimate benefit of both the user and the manufacturer it has been possible to so equip the majority of locomotives that the chief wearing parts adhere to standards and it is, therefore, practicable to give them catalogue numbers in addition to the usual names. Parts other than those to which catalogue numbers are assigned are carefully described by lettered cuts and names. When ordering parts to which Cat. Nos. are assigned give the Cat. No. and name of each part wanted: if parts wanted have no Cat. Nos. give the names and in addition the serial number of the locomotive for which they are ordered. WHEELS AND AXLES FOR LOCOMOTIVES Fig. I Wheels and Axle of Outside Frame Locomotive (Plate Type Chilled Iron) Fig. II Wheels and Axle of Inside Frame Locomotive (Spoke Type Chilled Iron) Fig. Ill Wheels and Axle of Outside Frame Locomotive (Plate Type Steel Tired) Fig. IV Wheels and Axle of Inside Frame Locomotive (Spoke Type Steel Tired) The catalogue numbers of wheels and axles appearing in the Pilot Table preceding, designate material just as was furnished on the Locomotives when shipped, with the exception that in a com- paratively few instances we have been called on to furnish renewal wheels different from the original and in such cases the catalogue numbers designate material as furnished on the renewal order. The following table shows the material used for every catalogue number and in the absence of instructions to the contrary repair orders will be filled as here indicated. It should be noted, however, that when desired steel tired wheels can be supplied to replace chilled iron and vice versa. Wheels of outside frame locomotives are of the plate type, Fig. I, and of inside frame locomotives are of the spoke type Fig. II. Each catalogue number in the table includes one axle and two wheels mounted on it. Separate wheels can be furnished rough bored when desired and orders for them should read "separate wheels for Cat. No " specifying the Cat. No. of the corresponding axle complete with wheels. We do not recommend the purchase of separate wheels otherwise than rough bored as it is impossible to guarantee proper fit on the axle unless the axle is in our possession. An order for a "set" of wheels and axles is interpreted to mean sufficient to equip a locomotive-. Careful use of the catalogue numbers will obviate difficulty in this respect. MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 41 DIMENSIONS IN INCHES DIMENSIONS IN INCHES Cat. No. Diam. Gauge of Wheels Diam. of Axle at Gear Fit Overall Length Fig. No. Cat. No. Diam. Gauge of Wheels Diam. of Axle at Gear Fit Overall Length Fig. No. 119915 17 22 3 37% I 119980 30 22 3% 43% Ill 119916 18 20 2% 31% I 122825 30 22 Z 1 A 45% I 119917 18 20 2% 34% I 119981 30 22 3% 45% III 119918 18 20 2% 34% I 119982 30 22 3% 45% I 119919 18 20 2% 34% I 119983 30 22 3% 51% I 119920 18 20 2% 34% I 119984 30 24 3% 45% I 119921 18 20 2% 35% I 119985 30 24 3% 45% III 119922 18 20 2% 37% I 119986 30 24 3% 46% I 119923 18 22 3 31% I 119987 30 28 4 49% I 119924 20 20 2H 33% I 119988 30 28 4 49% I 119925 20 20 34% I 119989 30 28 4 49% I 119927 22 20 2% 35% I 119990 30 28 4 49% I 119928 22% 20 2% 39 I 122822 30 33 4/4 50% I 119929 *23 20 2H 36% I 119991 30 33 4/4 46% I 119930 23% 22 2H 37% I 119992 30 33 4^4 50% I 119931 23% 28 4 44^4 III 119993 30 33 4/4 50% I 119932 24 14 224 37% I 119994 30 33 4/4 50% III 119933 24 14 37M III 119995 30 33 4J4 50% I 119934 24 20 2%. 37% I 119996 30 33 50 y 2 I 119935 24 20 2% 37% I 119997 30 33 4/4 50% III 119936 24 22 2% 37% I 119998 30 33 4J4 50% III 119937 24 22 2% 37% I 119999 30 33 4M 50% III 119938 24 22 2% 41% I 120000 30 33 4& 50% I 119939 24 22 q 37% I 120001 30 33 4& 50% III 119940 24 22 3 37% I 120002 33 22 3 46% I 119941 24 22 3 39 I 120003 34 22 3% 49% III 119942 24 22 3 43% I 120004 35 22 3 48% I 119943 24 22 3 1 A 37% I 123487 35 28 4 55% T 119944 24 22 3% 39% I 120005 35% 22 3% 51 I 119945 24 28 4 41% III 120006 35% 22 3% 51 I 119946 24 28 4 43% I 120007 35% 28 4 55% I 119947 24 28 4 44 M III 120008 35% 28 4 55% I 119948 24 28 4 44% I 120010 35% 28 4 55% I 119949 24 28 4 46% I 120011 35% 28 4 55% I 119950 24 28 4 48% I 120012 35% 28 4 55% I 119951 24 33 4M 40% I 120013 35% 28 4 55% I 119952 24 33 4J4 50 Vi I 120014 35% 28 4 55% I 119953 24 33 414 50% I 120015 35% 28 4 55% I 4>1 19954 24 33 4}4 50% I 120016 35% 30 4^4 55% I 119955 26 20 2% 30& II 120017 35% 30 4/4 55% I 119956 26 28 4 46% III 120018 35% 30 4 J4 55% I 119957 i 26 33 4}4 50% I 123745 36 14 2% 4924 III 119958 26 33 4M 50% I 120019 36 22 2% 49% III 119959 2TY2 22 i 3 4024 I 120020 36 22 2% 49% I 126376 28 20 i 2% 41% I 120021 36 22 3 49% I 119960 28 20 2% 41 % I 120022 36 22 49% I 119961 28 22 2% 41% I 120023 36 22 3 49% I 119962 28 22 3 43% I 126377 36 22 3 49% I 119963 28 22 3% 43% I 120024 36 22 3 52% I 119964 28 28 4 47% I 120025 36 22 3% 43 II 119965 28 28 4 49% I 120026 36 22 3% 49% I 119966 28 33 4^4 50% I 120027 36 24 3% 43 II 119967 28 33 4^4 50% I 120028 36 24 3% 43 IV 119968 28% 22 3 43% I 120029 36 24 3% 51% I 119969 29 24 3% 45 III 120030 36 24 3% 51% III 119970 29% 22 3 43% I 120031 36 28 3% 49% I 119971 29% 22 q 43% I 120032 36 28 4 43 II 119972 29% 22 3 43% I 120033 36 28 4 43 IV 119973 30 22 2% 43% I 120034 36 28 4 43 II 119974 30 22 o 43% I 120035 36 28 4 43 Special 119975 30 22 3 43% I 120036 36 28 4 43 Special 119976 30 22 3 43% III 120037 36 28 4 43 III 119977 30 22 3 43% I 126451 36 28 4 43 IV 119978 30 22 3 45% I 120038 36 28 4 50 M I 119979 30 22 3 51% I 120039 36 28 4 53^4 I *In one instance used on 23% in. gauge. ^Wheels have no Flange. 42 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO.W7M .V f WHEELS AND AXLES FOR LOCOMOTIVES DIMENSIONS IN INCHES DIMENSIONS IN INCHES Cat. No. Gauge Diam. of Wheels Diam. <>f Axle Overall at Length Gear Fit vJ?' Cat. No. Gauge Diam. of Wheels Diam. of Axle at Gear Fil Fig. Overall No. Length 120040 36 28 4 551/2 I J20104 40 28 4 47 IV 120041 36 28 4 55% I 120105 40 28 4 47 IV 120042 36 28 4 55^ III 119433 40 28 4 47 II 120043 36 28 4 55 l / 2 I 120106 40 28 4 47 IV 120044 36 28 4 55 l / 2 I 120107 40 28 4 57% I 120045 36 28 4 55% Special 120108 40 28 4 59^ I 120046 36 28 4 55% III 120109 40 28 4 59^ I 120047 36 28 4 55^ I 120110 40 28 4 5Q% I 120048 36 28 4 55% I 120111 40 28 4 59^ I 120049 36 28 4 55J/2 I 120112 40 28 4 59^ I 120050 36 28 4 55% III 120113 40 28 4 59^ I 120051 36 28 4 55% III 120114 40 28 4 60k III 120009 36 28 4 55y 2 I 120115 40 28 4 62 Special 120053 36 28 4 55y 2 I 120116 40 30 4 59 y 2 I 120054 36 28 4 I 120117 40 30 4% 57% I 120055 36 28 4 5514 I 120118 40 30 4k 59 y 2 I 120056 36 28 4 55% I 120119 40 30 4k 59 y 2 I 120057 36 28 4 55 y 2 I 120120 40 30 4k 59 y 2 III 120058 36 28 4 551/6 I 120121 40 30 4k 59 y 2 I 120059 36 28 4 55y 2 I 120122 40 30 4k 59 y 2 III 120060 36 28 4 I 120123 40 30 4k 61 % I 120061 36 28 4 55 % I 120124 40 30 4k 61% III 120062 36 28 4 55% I 120125 41 24 48 IV 120063 36 28 4 I 120126 41 28 4 61 % I 120064 36 28 4 55% III 120127 41 33 4k 48 IV 120065 36 28 4 55 l /> III 120128 42 22 3 49 II 120066 36 28 4 55% I 120129 42 22 3 49 II 120067 36 28 4 55% II 120130 42 22 3 55 % I 120068 36 28 4 56k I 120131 42 22 3 55% I 120069 36 28 4 56k I 120132 42 22 3 55% I 120070 36 28 4 I 120133 42 22 3% 49 II 120071 36 28 4 56% I 120134 42 22 3% 49 IV 120072 36 28 4 56k I 120135 42 22 3% 49 II 120073 36 28 4 58% I 120136 42 22 3% 49 II 120074 36 28 4 65% I 120137 42 22 3% 49 IV 120075 36 30 4 53V I 120138 42 22 3% 49 IV 120076 , 36 30 53% I 120139 42 22 3% 58% I 120077 36 30 4 53% III 120140 42 24 3% 49 IV 120078 36 30 4 55% I 120141 42 24 3% 49 II 120079 36 30 4k 55y 2 I 120142 42 28 4 49 II 122826 36 30 4k 56 I 120143 42 28 4 49 II 120080 36 30 4k 59 % I 120144 42 28 4 49 IV 120081 36 30 4k 60% I 120145 42 28 4 49 II 120082 36 30 4k 56% I 120146 42 28 4 49 IV 120083 36 30 4k 56% I 120147 42 28 4 49 II 120084 36 30 4k 57% I 120148 42 28 4 49 II 120085 36 30 4k 57% I 120149 42 28 4 49 II 120086 36 30 4k 58% III 120150 42 28 4 49 IV 120087 36 30 4k 59 y 2 I 120151 42 28 4 49 IV 120088 36 30 4k 60^ III 120152 42 28 4 49% Special 120089 36 33 4k 43 IV 120153 42 28 4 59% I 120090 36 33 4k 43 II 120154 42 28 4 61 J^ I 120091 36 33 5 56^ HI 120155 42 28 4 61 }/Yi 49 IV 120243 47% i 30 4% 67^ III 120179 42 33 4% 49 IV 120244 47% 30 4% 67^ HI 120180 42 33 4% 49 II 120245 48 22 3 Ql]/s I 120181 42 33 4% 62^ I 120246 48 22 3>Yi 55 II 120182 42 33 5 61 Yi I 120247 48 24 3>Yi 55 IV 120183 42 33 5 61 Yi III 120248 48 28 3% 65% I 120184 42 33 5 61 Yi I 120249 48 28 4 55 II 120185 42 33 5 62 Yi I 120250 48 28 4 55 IV 120186 43 28 4 50 II 120251 48 28 4 55 IV 120187 43 30 4% 63 I 120252 48 28 4 55 IV 120188 43 Yi 28 4 63^ I 120253 48 28 4 55 y s Special 120189 44 22 3 51 II 120254 48 28 4 65% I 120190 44 22 3 51 II 120255 48 28 4 67^ I 120191 44 22 3 51 II 120256 48 28 4 67^ I 120192 44 22 3 59 H I 120257 48 28 4 67^ I 120193 44 22 "3>Yi 51 II 120258 48 28 4 67^ I 120194 44 22 2>Yi 51 II 120259 48 28 4 67^ I 120195 44 22 *&Yi 51 IV 120260 48 28 4 68% I 120196 44 24 3^2 51 IV 120261 48 28 4JL 55 IV 120197 44 24 "&Yi 51 II 120262 48 28 4 55 IV 120198 44 24 "&Yi 51 II 122823 48 28 4 55 IV 120199 44 24 3>Yi 51 IV 120263 48 30 4% 67 Yi I 120200 44 24 3V 51 II 120264 48 30 4% 67^ I 120201 44 24 3M 51 Yi IV 120265 48 30 4% 67K HI 120202 44 28 4 51 II 120266 48 30 4% 67 % i 120203 44 28 4 51 II 120267 48 30 4% 68 in 120204 44 28 4 51 II 120268 56^ 22 63 y* ii 120205 44 28 4 51 IV 120269 56 ^ 28 4 63^ ii 120206 44 28 4 51 II 120270 56 Yi 28 4 63 ^ ii 120207 44 28 4 51 IV 120271 56 Yi 28 4 63 Yi ii 120208 44 28 4 51 IV 120272 56 H 28 4 76 i 120209 44 28 4 51 IV 120273 56 Yi 28 4 77% i 120210 44 28 4 61% I 120274 56^ 28 4 77% i 120211 44 28 4 63^ I 120275 56^ 28 4 80^ I 120212 44 28 4 63 Yi I 120276 56 H 28 4 80% i 120213 44 28 4 63 Yi I 121449 56 Yi 28 4 80% i 120214 44 28 4 63 Yi I 120277 56^ 29 4 63^ 1 IV 120215 44 28 4 63 Yi I 120278 56 Yi 30 4 80% i 120216 44 28 4 63 J/ I 120279 56 .^ 30 4% 63 Yi IV 120217 '44 28 4 63^ Special 120280 56 Yi 30 4% 63^ II 120218 44 28 4 63 Yi I 120281 56 Yi 30 4% 76 III 120219 44 28 4 63 Yi I 120282 56 l / 2 30 4H 79% Special 120220 44 28 4 63 Yi I 120283 56 Yi 30 4M 79% I 120221 44 28 4 63 Yi I 120284 56 Yi 33 ^Yi 77 J^ I 126375 44 28 4 63 Yi I 120285 56 Yi 33 4H 79% I 120222 44 28 4 64 Yi I 120286 56 1 A 33 i 4^ 79% I 120223 44 28 4 64^ I 120287 i 56K 33 4^ 79% I 123746 44 28 4 64% III 120288 56^ 33 4H 82% I 120224 44 28 4 67 Yi I 120289 56^ 33 4% 79% I 120225 44 28 4 69 III 120290 56 y 2 33 5 76 I 120226 44 30 4% 51 IV 120291 56 Yi 33 5 79% Special 120227 44 30 4% 61 % I 120292 56 Yi 33 5% 79% I 120228 44 30 4% 63^ I 120293 56;Mj 33 5% 82% I 120229 44 30 4% 63 Yi I 120294 56 Yi 36 5 82% Special 120230 44 30 4% 63 Yi I 120295 56 Yi 28 4 81 % III 120231 44 30 4% . IN U . Length Outside Diam. 9739 5 5V 2 ' / G 119740 { H 119741 4.92 3% 9742 5/- A Brake wheel handle B Brake handwheel C Brake stand D Brake tension screw E Brake screw nut F Chain eye link for brake stand G Brake stand equalizer H Pin for brake stand equalizer I Chain pulley J Washer for bearing of brake tension screw K Pulley pin for brake stand L Washer for brake tension screw (|-4 in. by 2 in. by -& in. special) M Cap screw, Cat. No. 382 N Stay plate for brake stand and brake tension screw O Bolt(Hin.-ll,l^in. hex. H.) P Spring cotter, Cat. No. 16064 Q Spring cotter, Cat. No. 52517 Fig. IV Vertical Screw Brake Stand for Center Location Fig. V Vertical Screw Brake Stand for Side Location Ra Brake stand Bb Brake tension screw Cb Nut for brake tension screw Db Equalizer for brake stand Eb Pin for brake stand equalizer Fb Spring cotter (-ft in. by 1 Y in.) Gb Pin for chain roller Hb Lower bearing for brake stand Ib Washer for lower bearing MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 51 BRAKE SHOES AND HEADS FOR LOCOMOTIVES Right Hand Left Hand Removable Brake Shoe and Head All G.E. brake shoes are made from a good grade of cast steel and the brake shoe heads are cast iron. The shoes are of the removable type and are held to the heads by a set screw. Replacement of a worn shoe therefore is a very simple operation. It will be noted that individual catalogue numbers are given to right- and left-hand shoes and heads, and the accompanying cut is shown to assist in distinguishing between them. Left Pattern numbers are cast on all brake shoes and heads and may in some cases be useful as a means of identification. 52 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY CAT. NO. OF SHOE PATTERN NUMBERS Diam. of Wheel Used With CAT. NO. OF SHOE-HEADS USED WITH Right Left Right Left Right Left 65186 65200 122460 E 122460 F 22 120367 120368 65206 65222 122973 A 122973 B 99 / 120367 \ 120369 120368 120370 65226 65227 111144 M 111144 N 28 120371 120372 65228 65230 120009 C 120009 D 28 120371 120372 65231 65232 122928 G 122928 H 28 / 120371 1 120379 120372 120380 65234 65235 122917 A 122917 B 30 120385 120386 65236 65238 103972 M 103972 N 30 120381 120382 65239 65240 102689 XB 102689 XC 33 / 120390 \ 126446 120391 126447 65242 65243 228338 A 228338 B 33 / 120390 1 126446 120391 126447 65244 65246 227095 A 227095 B 33 120383 120384 65954 * 65955 34455 34454 20 * 65956 * 65957 122378 A 122378 B 20 * 65958 * 65959 120969 A 120969 B 22 * 120303 * 120304 34454 C 34455 D 20 * 120305 *120306 34454 34455 20 * *120307 * 120308 122337 A 122337 B 20 * *120309 *120310 123322 A 123322 B 22 * M20311 *120311 39448 OC 39448 OC 22 * *120312 "120313 96675 A 96675 B 22 * *120314 *120315 98061 E 98061 F 22 * "120316 *120317 112520 G 112520 H 22 * *120318 *120319 122268 A 122268 B 22 * * 120320 *120321 159245 A 159245 B 22 * * 120322 120323 881112 C 881112 D 24 120369 120370 120324 120325 111144 M 111144 N 28 120371 120372 *120326 *120327 98791 C 98791 D 28 * * 120328 120329 111144 P 111144 R 28 120432 120433 120330 120331 123029 M 123029 N 28 120375 120376 * 120332 *120332 166550 B 166550 B 28 * * *120333 *120333 30515 D 30515 D 28 * * 120334 120335 123022 G 123022 H 28 120377 120378 120336 120337 839186 A 839186 B 28 120371 120372 120338 120339 835168 C 835168 D 28 120379 120380 120340 120341 246810 A 246810 B 29 120379 120380 120342 120343 160386 A 160386 B 30 120381 120382 * 120344 * 120344 27814 27814 30 * * "120345 * 120346 839792 A 839792 B 30 * * * 120347 * 120348 97610 G 97610 H 30 * * 120349 120350 236112 C 236112 D 30 120383 120384 120351 120352 862163 A 862163 B 30 120379 120380 120353 120354 871142 C 871142 D 30 120385 120386 120355 120355 95258 C 95258 C 30 120387 120387 *120356 *120356 39269 D 39269 D 30 * * 120357 120358 819199 C 819199 D 33 120388 120389 * 120359 * 120360 80346 C 80346 D 33 * * 120361 120362 92969 I 92969 J 33 120392 120393 120363 120364 122277 M 122277 N 33 120394 120395 120365 120366 855137 A 855137 B 36 120396 120397 121540 121541 111358 M 111358 N 30 120385 120386 126444 126445 102689 XD 102689 XE 30 120390 120391 * 126449 "126450 39471 39472 20 * * 126452 126453 122277 P 122277 R 30 120394 120395 126454 126455 122277 M 122277 N 33 120394 120395 126456 126457 122277 P 122277 R 30 120394 120395 126458 126458 122002 K 122002 K 33 126459 126460 126461 126462 102689 XG 102689 XF 33 126446 126447 126463 126464 160581 P 160581 E 33 126465 126466 * Shoe and head combined in one casting. MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 53 BRAKE SHOES AND HEADS FOR LOCOMOTIVES BRAKE SHOE HEADS COMPLETE WITH SET SCREW CAT. NO. PATTERN NUMBERS CAT. NO. OF SHOES USED WITH Right Hand Left Hand Right Hand Left Hand Right Left 120367 120368 122460-C 122460-D f 65186 1 65206 f 65200 \ 65222 120369 120370 811132-A 811132-B / 120322 I 65206 f 120323 I 65222 : 65226 65227 65228 65230 120371 120372 111144-K 111144-L 65231 - 65232 120324 120325 120336 120337 120375 120376 123029-K 123029-L 120330 120331 120377 120378 123022-J 123022-K 120334 120335 f 65231 f 65232 120379 120380 233159-A 233159-B 120338 120340 J 120339 I 120341 1 120351 1 120352 120381 120382 103972-L 103972-K f 65236 \ 120342 f 65238 I 120343 120383 120384 227094-A 227094-B f 65244 1 120349 f 65^246 I 120350 : 65234 f 65235 120385 120386 111358-L 111358-K - 120353 \ 120354 [ 121540 [ 121541 120387 120387 95258-B 95258-B 120355 120355 120388 120389 102689-W 102689-XA 120357 120358 f 65239 f 65240 120390 120391 102689-S 102689-T 65242 \ 65243 1 126444 1 126445 120392 120393 92969-E 92969-F 120361 120362 f 120363 f 120364 120394 120395 122277-E 122277-F 1 126452 126454 126453 126455 [ 126456 [ 126457 120396 120397 855137-C 855137-D 120365 120366 f 120328 f 120329 120432 120433 248187-A 248187-B \ 65226 \ 65227 I 65228 [ 65230 120434 120435 122991-A 122991-B 65234 65235 f 65239 f 65240 126446 126447 102689-XJ 102689-XK 65242 65243 [ 126461 [ 126462 * 126459 126460 122002-J 122002-H 126458 126458 126465 126466 102689-XH 102689-XL 126463 126464 * For front brake shoes. For rear brake shoes. 54 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY SANDING DEVICES FOR LOCOMOTIVES The sanding devices consist of the parts shown in the accompanying cuts. There have been man; minor modifications to suit special conditions, but they all conform to the same general arrangement shown here. When ordering repair parts give name of part wanted and the locomotive serial number. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Fig. I Sanding Device for Outside Frame Locomotives having Structural Steel Sides Sand box, rear right hand and front left hand Sand box, rear left hand and front right hand Bolt for front and side connecting rod bracket and sand box Lever for front connecting rod and valve rod Lever for rear connecting rod and valve rod Lever for front and side connecting rods Set screw for levers and handles Hose for sand pipe Clamp for sand pipe and hose Operating handle for rear sand valves Operating handle for front sand valves Sand valve release spring Spring cotter for levers, handles and valve rods Bolt for operating handle bracket Bolt for front and side connecting rod lever and bracket Pin for connecting rods, levers and handle Sanding device rod, side Rod for sand valve Bracket for front and side connecting rod lever Sand pipe. Cover for sand box Sand valve Bracket for operating handles Shaft for operating handles Nut for operating handle shaft Spring cotter for valve rod and valve MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 55 A B C D E F G H I K L M A B C D E F G H I K SANDING DEVICES FOR LOCOMOTIVES I A Fig. II Sanding Device for Inside Frame Locomotives having Structural Steel Sides Lever for front connecting rod and valve rod N Lever for rear connecting rod and valve rod O Sand box, rear right hand and front left hand P Sand box, rear left hand and front right hand Q Sand pipe R Hose for sand pipe S Clamp for sand pipe and hose T Pin for connecting rods, levers and handles U Operating shaft for handles V Nut for operating handle shaft W Operating handle for rear sand valves X Operating handle for front sand valves Y Lever for front and side connecting rods Spring cotter for levers, handles and valve rods Spring cotter for valve rod and valve Cover for sand box Sanding device rod, side Sanding device rod, front Sanding device rod, rear Bolt for front and side connecting rod lever Bracket for handle Sand valve Rod for sand valve Sand valve release spring Set screw for levers and handles Fig. Ill Sanding Device for Locomotives having Cast Iron Sides Bolt for locomotive frame and sand box bottom L Lever for connecting rods and valve rod, front N left hand O Valve rod, rear left hand . P Sand pipe Q Sand valve release spring R Valve rod, except rear left hand S Side connecting rod for valve rods Front connecting rod for valve rods T Rear connecting rod for valve rods U Sand box bottom, rear right hand and front left hand V Spring cotter for valve rods and valves W Pin for connecting rods and levers * Clamp for sand pipe and hose * Hose for sand pipe * Sand pipe Operating handle for rear sand valves Set screw for handles and levers Lever for connecting rod and valve rod, except front left hand Sand valve Operating handle for front sand valves Spring cotter for levers, handles and valve rods Sand box bottom, rear left hand and front right hand * In the above illustration two styles of Sand Pipes are shown: the Iron Sand Pipe and the Iron Sand Pipe with Rubber Hose. The Iron Pipe with Rubber Hose is recommended. 56 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY CABLE REELS FOR LOCOMOTIVES MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 57 REPAIR PARTS OF CABLE REELS FOR LOCOMOTIVES There are but two types of cable reels used on G.E. gathering locomotives, the Type VR which operates from the locomotive axle and the Type MVR which is motor-operated. Minor modifications of these types are indicated by the various form letters and numerals. TYPE VR, FORM A3 CABLE REEL Cat. No. illustration Letter (Fig. 1) Description 31839 Y-l Base 31840 W Cap for base 31841 F Short sleeve bearing cap 31842 D-2 Long sleeve bearing cap 31843 B Sprocket bearing cap 405 Cap screw fastening No. 31840 to base (^ in.-13, 1J^ in. hex. h.) 15887 Cap screw fastening bearing caps to base (% in. 11, 2J< in. hex. h.) 31848 R-l Cable clip 56740 S-l Screw for cable clip (14-24, Yt in. r.h.) 31849 B-l Bevel pinion (20 teeth, 5 pitch) 31850 L-2 Long sleeve for pinion 31851 A-l Short sleeve for pinion 31852 G-2 Bevel gear (74 teeth, 5 pitch) 31872 D Key for sprocket (% in. by ^ in. by 4 ^5 in. round ends) 31873 L-l Bushing for No. 31852 31874 G Reel sprocket (15 teeth, 1^ in. pitch) 31853 Clutch, complete, includes parts indented below 31854 M-2 Clutch pawl 31855 C-l Pin for pawl (^ in. by 2^g in.) 4030 Spring cotter for pin (^ in. by ^ in.) 31856 I Ratchet with pin 31857 H Pin for ratchet (% in. by 2^g in.) 31858 K Roll for ratchet (^ in. diam., |f in. long) 31859 Z Roll race 31865 X Bushing for No. 31859 31860 E Roll retainer 9624 Screw fastening No. 31860 to roll race (6-32, ^ in. f.h.) 31861 K-2 Tension spring for clutch 31862 Y Pin for spring (% in. by 1$ in. sp'l) 4030 Spring cotter for pin (^ in. by ^ in.) 31866 A Stop for clutch (-fg in. by 1^ in.) 31863 U-2 Shaft 31864 U Taper pin for shaft 31867 F-l Shifting lever 31845 Cap screw for No. 31867 (% in.-ll, 1& in. hex. h. sp'l) 31877 Stop with rivets for shifting lever 31868 E-l Shipper 31869 D-l Collar with pin for shipper 31870 C Friction disc, large 31871 V Friction disc, small 104302 F-2 Screw fastening No. 31870 in position (No. 14, 1 in. f.h.; 56743 Screw fastening No. 31871 in position (14-24, ^ in. f.h.) 31875 No. 00 tiger grease cup 31876 T Terminal for motor cable 31891 P-2 Cable strap 31881 S Reel bushing 31923 P-l Screw for No. 31881 (No. 14, % in. f.h.) 66047 P Insulated contact and connector 31883 O-l Gear insulation 31884 Z-2 Reel ring 31885 Y-2 Lower reel bar 104304 X-2 Upper reel bar 31886 A-3 Rivet for Nos. 31885, 104304 104305 O-2 Screw for No. 31885 (No. 16, \Yz in. f.h.) 31897 Screw for No. 104304 (No. 16, 1 in. f.h.) 31888 W-l Terminal for reel cable 31890 T-i Bolt for cable terminal (^ in. -16, 1% in. hex. h.) 31889 V-l Washer for No. 31890 (yf in. by 1 in. by ^ in. thick copper) 6529 U-l Nut for No. 31890 (H in.-16, hex. brass fin. st'd) 31892 M Supporting ring for cover (2 thicknesses) 58 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY REPAIR PARTS OF CABLE REELS FOR LOCOMOTIVES TYPE VR, FORM A3 CABLE REEL (Continued) Illustration Cat. No. Letter Description (Fig. 1) 31900 L Cover 31894 H-l Contact plate 31898 K-l Spring for contact plate, with rivets 31895 N-l Flexible connection 31896 N Equalizer 31897 O Screw for No. 31896 (No. 16, 1 in. f.h.) 31899 M-l Rivet for Nos. 31895, 31896 (% in. by J< in.) 31901 R Cap insulation 31902 Guard ring 31903 C-2 Ballast with pins 31904 Dowel pin for No. 31903 (J-6 in. by 2^ in.) 31905 B-2 Reel disc 121536 Cable hook, complete 121537 Clamping block for cable hook 31980 Screw for No. 121537 (A in.-18, % in. r.h.) TYPE VR, FORM Al CABLE REEL Following are the parts of the Type VR, Form Al cable reel which differ from those i the Type VR, Form A3: 121570 Y-l Base 121571 W Cap for base 121572 F Short sleeve bearing cap 121573 D-2 Long sleeve bearing cap 121574 B Sprocket bearing cap 121575 Cable hook, complete TYPE VR, FORM A2 CABLE REEL Following are the parts of the Type VR, Form A2 cable reel which differ from those i the Type VR, Form A3: 121576 Y-l Base 121571 W Cap for base 121572 F Short sleeve bearing cap 121573 D-2 Long sleeve bearing cap 121574 B Sprocket bearing cap 121575 Cable hook, complete TYPE VR, FORM A4 CABLE REEL Following are the parts of the Type VR, Form A 4 cable reel which differ from those i the Type VR, Form A3: 64458 Cable hook, complete TYPE VR, FORM A5 CABLE REEL 121577 121578 31912 31913 Following are the parts of the Type VR, Form A5 cable reel which differ from those c the Type VR, Form A3: Y-l Base Cable hook, complete Insulation for cable hook Screw for No. 31912 (No. 14, 2 in. f.h.) MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 59 REPAIR PARTS OF CABLE REELS FOR LOCOMOTIVES TYPE VR, FORM AlO CABLE REEL Fig. 2. Type VR Form AlO Cable Reel 60 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY REPAIR PARTS OF CABLE REELS FOR LOCOMOTIVES TYPE VR, FORM A8 CABLE REEL Illustration Cat. No. Letter Description (Fig. 2) Following are the parts of the Type VR, Form A8 cable reel which differ from those' c the Type VR Form AS: t 64451 CLUTCH, complete 1 64452 J Ratchet 1 64453 K Roll for ratchet (% in. diam. $ in. long) 1 64454 Z Roll race 1 64455 E Roll retainer 1288 Screw for roll retainer (10-24, % in. f.h.) 64458 Cable hook 66047 Insulated coritact and connector, complete TYPE VR, FORM AlO CABLE REEL Following are the parts of the Type VR, Form AlO cable reel which differ from those'j. the Type VR, Form A3: 105952 B-l Cap for base t 64451 Clutch, complete t 64452 L Ratchet t 64453 K Roll for ratchet (Yz in. diam., 5 in. long) t 64454 Z Roll race t 64455 E Roll retainer 1288 Screw for roll retainer (10-24, ^ in. f.h.) 122019 Stop with rivets for shifting lever t 122020 C Friction disk, large t 122021 B-2 Reel disk 122022 D-l Support for brush-holder studs 122023 C-l Screw fastening Nos. 122020, 122022 to reel disk (% in.-16, 2K in. f.h.) 122024 . . Screw fastening No. 122020 to reel disk (No. 16, \Yi in. r.h.) 122025 Z Washer for No. 122023 (H in. by 1M in. by 0.0625 in.) 4031 A-l Nut for No. 122023 (H in. -16, hex. cham. one side) 122026 E-l Bushing for bevel gear t 122027 X-2 Upper reel bar 122028 Guard ring 122029 E Supporting ring for cover 122030 D Cover, complete, with insulation 122031 Cap screw fastening No. 122029 to reel disk (%, in.-16, 6% in. hex. h.) 122025 Washer for No. 122031 (H in. by 1^ in. by 0.0625 in.) 4031 Nut for No. 122031 (% in.-16, hex. cham. one side) 122032 Lag screw fastening No. 1220*30 to supporting ring (Yi in., 3 in. long sp'l) 16076 Spring cotter for No. 122032 (Y* in. by 1 in.) 122033 J Collector ring 122034 H Collector ring shell 122035 K Stud for collector rings (%, in. -16, 3H in. long) 21392 Y Washer for No. 122035 (Jf in. by % in. by 0.0625 in.) 9616 L Nut for No. 122035 (% in. -16, Y in. thick, fe in. across flats hex. cham. one side) 122036 W Mica bushing for stud (% in. by Yi in. by $f in. long) 122037 V Mica washer for No. 122036 (Yi in. by lyj in. by K in. thick) 122038 Set screw for No. 122034 (14-24, %'in. headless sp'l) 122039 S Punched copper tube terminal for collector ring cable 10063 T Screw fastening No. 122039 to collector ring (14-24, % in. fill, h.) 110624 Positive lock washer for No. 10063 (& in. by -jfa in. by -^ in. thick) 122040 N Contact shaft for collector rings 122041 Key for contact shaft and cap for base (% in. by Y in. by 3H in. round end) t See illustration on page 56. MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 61 Cat. Xo. 122042 122053 122054 122055 122056 122057 31897 REPAIR PARTS OF CABLE REELS FOR LOCOMOTIVES TYPE VR, FORM A10 CABLE REEL (Continued) Illustration Letter (Fig. 2) c u F X G P A Description Key for contact shaft and collector ring shell (^ in. by % in. by 3Ji in. round end) Long stud for brush-holder (^ in. -11, 6% in. long) Short stud for brush-holder (% in. -11, 5% i n - long) Insulation sleeve for No. 122053 Insulation sleeve for No. 122054 Strap for cables Screw fastening No. 122057 in position (No. 10, 1 in. f.h.) Fig. 3 Cat. No. Illustration Letter (Fig. 3) Description 122043 BRUSH-HOLDER, complete, with terminal, without studs 122044 C Brush-holder body 119774 G Clamping screw for No. 122044 (14-24, % in. hex. h. blued cap screw) 32537 D Punched copper tube cable terminal 122045 H Cap screw fastening No. 32537 to brush-holder body (14-24, Yi in. hex. h. blued) 14426 J Washer for No. 122045 (H in. by Yi in. by 0.060 in. brass) 122046 M Pressure spring for carbon brush 122047 L Spring holder 122048 N Hinge pin for spring 122049 K Spring cotter for No. 122048 G&- in. by % in. blued) 122050 F Lever for spring 62060 I Screw fastening No. 122047 to brush-holder body (10-32, % in. fill. h. blued) 122051 E Thumbscrew for carbon brush pigtail terminal (10-32, % in. brass sp'l) 122052 B Carbon brush with pigtail and terminal (2J4 in. long, % in . wide, % in. thick) Two required for each holder, six for each cable reel 62 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY REPAIR PARTS OF CABLE REELS FOR LOCOMOTIVES Cat. No. 104287 31840 405 104288 104289 104290 1871 104291 104292 104293 104294 9825 104295 122617 31841 31842 15887 31848 33828 31849 31850 31851 31852 31873 31853 31854 31855 4030 31856 31857 31858 31859 31865 Illustration Letter (Fig. 4) Cb Aa Fa Pa Ka Ma Oa Na La Qb Rb Vb Sb Ua Qa Ab Za Ib He Ga Jb Ya Wa Lb Tb Kb Va Fig. 4. VR Form B Cable Reel TYPE VR, FORMS Bl AND B5 CABLE REELS Description MECHANISM BASE Cap for mechanism base Cap screw fastening No. 31840 to base (Y>. in. -13, 1 1 / in. hex. h.) Gear (34 teeth, 5 pitch) Sprocket (11 teeth, 1^ in. pitch) with pin Shaft for gear and sprocket Set screw for gear (% in. -16, 1 in. sq. h.) Key for gear (% in. by z /% in. by 2% in. long, round ends) Key for sprocket (% in. by % in. by \Y in. long, round ends) Bearing for gear and sprocket shaft Bearing cap Cap screw fastening Nos. 104293, 104294 to base (% in.-ll, 2% in. hex. h.) Oil pipe for Nos. 104293, 104294 (J4 in. pipe, 1% in. long) Pipe coupling for oil pipe (J4 in. pipe) Short sleeve bearing cap Long sleeve bearing cap Cap screw fastening Nos. 31841, 31842 to base (% in.-ll, 2J4 in. hex. h.) Cable clip holding cable to cap for mechanism base Screw fastening No. 31848 in position (14-24, % in. r.h.) Bevel pinion (20 teeth, 5 pitch) Long sleeve for pinion Short sleeve for pinion Bevel gear (74 teeth, 5 pitch) Bushing for No. 31852 CLUTCH, complete, includes parts indented below Clutch pawl Pin for pawl (J4 in. by 2% in.) Spring cotter for pin (& in. by % in.) Ratchet Pin for ratchet (% in. by 2% in.) Roll for ratchet (% in. diam., M in. long) Roll race Bushing for No. 31859 MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES REPAIR PARTS OF CABLE REELS FOR LOCOMOTIVES TYPE VR, FORMS Bl AND B5 CABLE REELS (Continued) Illustration Cat. Xo. Letter Description (Fig. 4) 31860 Ub Roll retainer 9624 Mb Screw fastening No. 31860 to roll race (6-32, fV in. f.h.) 31861 Sa Tension spring for clutch 31862 Xa Pin for spring (J4 in. by lyf in. sp'l) 4030 Wa Spring cotter for pin (^ in. by 5"g in.) 31866 Stop for clutch (-5^ in. by 1^ in.) 104299 Gb Pinion (20 teeth, 5 pitch) 104300 Nb Key for pinion (% in. by % in. by 2^ in long, round ends) 104301 Bb Shaft for bevel pinion and clutches 31868 Ob Shipper for clutches 31869 Eb Collar with pin for shipper 31870 K Friction disc, large 31871 Z Friction disc, small 104302 L Screw fastening No. 31870 in position (No. 14, 1 in. f.h.) 56743 Da Screw fastening No. 31871 in position (14-24, y> in. f.h.) 31875 Db No. 00 tiger grease cup 31876 Terminal for motor cable 31881 Fc Bushing for reel 104303 1 Reel ring 31885 F Lower reel bar 104304 G Upper reel bar 31886 Gc Rivet for Nos. 31885, 104304 (% in. by 1 in. f.h.) 104305 Screw for No. 31885 (No. 16, 1^ in. f.h.) 31897 D Screw for No. 104304 (No. 16, 1 in. f.n.) 103942 I Guide ring for upper reel bar 31888 Terminal for reel cable 31890 O Bolt for cable terminal (% in. -16, 1 % in. hex. h.) 31889 N Washer for No. 31890 (M in. by 1 in. by 0.0625 in. copper) 6529 M Nut for No. 31890 (% in.-16, hex. brass) 31900 W Cover for contacts 31892 E Supporting ring for cover (2 thicknesses) 103943 Q Screw fastening cover and supporting ring in position (No. 16, 2J^ in. r.h.) 31913 H Screw fastening No. 31892 to reel disk (No. 14, 2 in. f.h.) 103944 B Ballast with pins 66047 Ca Insulated contact and connector 31883 X Gear insulation 104305 Y Screw fastening No. 31883 in position (No. 16, 1^ in. f.h.) 31891 la Cable strap 31923 Ja Screw fastening No. 31891 in position (No. 14, % in. f.h.) 31894 R Contact plate 31898 U Spring for contact plate 31895 P Flexible connection 31896 s Equalizer 31897 T Screw for Nos. 31896, 31898 (No. 16, 1 in. f.h.) 31899 Rivet for Nos. 31895. 31896 (% in. by l / 4 in.) 31901 Ba Cap insulation 103945 C Reel disc 64458 Pb Cable hook, complete 31877 Ta Stop with rivets for shifting lever 31845 Fb Cap screw for fastening shifting lever (^ in. -11, !& in. hex. h. sp'l) TYPE VR, FORM B2 CABLE REEL Following are the parts of the Type VR, Form B2 cable reel which differ from those of the Type VR, Form Bl: 122624 Ma Shaft for gear and sprocket 122625 Qb Bearing for gear and sprocket shaft 122626 Rb Bearing cap for No. 122625 64 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY REPAIR PARTS OF CABLE REELS FOR LOCOMOTIVES TYPE VR, FORM B4 CABLE REEL Cat. No. 122629 122630 122631 122632 10805 21937 64451 64452 64453 64454 64455 1288 121536 121537 31980 Illustration Letter (Fig. 4) CB Ma Qb Vb Lb Tb Kb Ub Pb Description 122627 Cb t 104308 C-l t 104309 E-l t 104310 D-l t 104311 U t 104312 T 104313 1382 t 104314 A-l t 29449 B-l t 104315 H-l t 104316 F-l t 104317 M t 104318 G-l t 104319 N t 1209 G t 104320 L 104321 C t 104322 J-l t 104323 E t 13919 V-l f 24262 F t 104324 W-l t 104325 X-l 122628 B Following are the parts of the Type VR, Form B4 cable reel which differ from those of the Type VR, Form Bl: MECHANISM BASE Collector Collector ring Support for Nos. 104308, 104309 Base for No. 104310 Screw fastening base to support (6-32, % in. f.h. brass) Screw fastening collector ring to support (12-24, % in. f.h. brass) Screw fastening collector to support (10-24, ^g i n - f-h. brass) Insulating bushing for contact Screw fastening No. 104314 to support (10-24, % in. f.h. brass) Terminal for motor cable CONTACT FINGER with spring and shunt, for collector Contact finger with spring and shunt, for collector ring Guard for No. 104316 Guard for No. 104317 Screw fastening contact finger in position (No. 10, 1 in. r.h.) Insulating washer for contact finger Reel disc Long bolt fastening reel cable terminal and contact finger in position (fa in. -18, 1J^ in. hex. h. brass) Short bolt fastening reel cable terminal and contact finger in position (fa in.-18, \y in. -13, 1 J^ in. hex. h.) Nb Gear (34 teeth, 5 pitch) Lb Sprocket (11 teeth, l*/g pitch) with pin Qb Shaft for gear and sprocket Ob Set screw for gear (^ in. -16, 1 in. sq. h.) Pb Key for gear (% in. by Y% in. by 2% in. long, round ends) Mb Key for sprocket (% in. by % in. by 1% in. long, round ends) Large bearing for gear and sprocket shaft Ja Small bearing for gear and sprocket shaft Bearing cap for No. 122654 Bearing cap for No. 122655 Rb Collar with pin for No. 122653 la Cap screw fastening bearings and bearing caps to base (% in. -11, 2% in. hex. h.) Oil pipe for bearings (J4 in. pipe, 1% in. long) Pipe coupling for oil pipe (J4 in. pipe) Cable clip Screw fastening No. 31848 in position (14-24, Y^ in. r.h.) Qa Bevel pinion (20 teeth, 5 pitch) Ua Sle.eve for pinion Ic Bevel gear (74 teeth, 5 pitch) Jc Bushing for No. 31852 CLUTCH, complete, includes parts indented below Va Clutch pawl Oa Pin for pawl (J4 in- by 2^ in.) Za Spring cotter for pin (^ in. by Y% in-) Ya Ratchet with pin Pin for ratchet (^4 in. by 2% in.) Jb Roll for ratchet (% in. diam., f in. long) La Roll race Ma Bushing for No. 31859 Hb Roll retainer Xa Screw fastening No. 31860 to roll race (6-32, -& in. f.h.) 70 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY REPAIR PARTS OF CABLE REELS FOR LOCOMOTIVES TYPE VR, FORM Cl CABLE REEL (Continued) Cat. No. Illustration Letter (Fig. 6) Description 31861 Ka Tension spring for clutch 31862 Na Pin for spring (Y in- by lf| in. sp'l) 4030 Za Spring cotter for pin (^ in. by % in.) 31866 Stop for clutch (j^ in. by 1^ in.) 104299 Bb Pinion (20 teeth, 5 pitch) 104300 Cb Key for pinion (% in. by % in. by 2% in. long, round ends) 122659 Sa Shaft for bevel pinions and clutches 31841 Ib Bearing cap for No. 122659 15887 Kb Cap screw fastening No. 31841 to base (% in. -11, 2J4 in. hex. h.) 31868 Eb Shipper for clutches 31869 Ta Collar with pin, for shipper 31870 L Friction disk, large 31871 Z Friction disk, small 104302 K Screw fastening No. 31870 in position (No. 14, 1 in. f.h.) 56743 Ba Screw fastening No. 31871 in position (14-24, Yz in. f.h.) 31875 Db No. 00 tiger grease cup 31876 Terminal for motor cable 31881 W Bushing for reel 122660 B Reel ring 122661 I Lower reel bar 122662 G Upper reel bar 122663 E Guide ring for upper reel bar 31886 Rivet for Nos. 122660, 122661 (^ in. by 1 in. f.h.) 122664 Rivet for Nos. 122662, 122663 (% in. by % in. f.h.) 122665 I Reel disk 15107 C Screw fastening No. 122661 to reel disk (No. 16, 1% in. f.h.) 104305 D Screw fastening No. 122662 to reel disk (No. 16, 1 Yz in. f.h.) 31888 Terminal for reel cable 31890 Q Bolt for No. 31888 (% in.-16, 1% in. hex. h.) 31889 Washer for No. 31890 (H in. by 1 in. by 0.065 in. copper) 6529 Nut for No. 31890 (% in.-16, hex. brass) 31900 R Cover for contacts 31892 103943 F T Supporting ring for cover (2 thicknesses) Screw fastening supporting ring and cover in position (No. 16, 2J^ in. r.h.) 31913 H Screw fastening No. 31892 to reel disk (No. 14, 2 in. f.h.) 122628 A Ballast 31891 Da Cable strap 31923 Ca Screw fastening No. 31891 in position (No. 14, % in. f.h.) 66047 X Insulated contact and connector 31883 U Gear insulation 104305 V Screw fastening No. 31883 in position (No. 16, \Yz in. f.h.) 31894 P Contact plate 31898 s Spring for contact plate 31895 o Flexible connection 31896 N Equalizer 31897 Kc Screw for Nos. 31896, 31898 (No. 16, 1 in. f.h.) 31899 Rivet for Nos. 31895, 31896 (% in. by Yt in.) 31901 Y Cap insulation 64458 Sb Cable hook, complete 31877 Fa Stop with rivets for shifting lever 31845 Ab Cap screw for fastening shifting lever (^ in.-ll, 1-fc in. hex. h. sp'l) TYPE VR, FORM C2 CABLE REEL 122666 122667 13394 122668 Wa . . . . Pa Following are the parts of the Type VR, Form C2 cable reel -which differ from those of the Type VR, Form Cl MECHANISM BASE Bearing cap for gear and sprocket shaft Cap screw fastening No. 122667 to base No. tiger grease cup in. -10, ^Yi in- hex. h.) MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 71 REPAIR PARTS OF CABLE REELS FOR LOCOMOTIVES TYPE VR, FORM C4 CABLE REEL Cat. No. 122666 122667 13394 64451 64452 64453 64454 64455 1288 122668 Illustration Letter (Pig. 6) Wa Ya Jb La HB XA Pa Description Following are the parts of the Type VR, Form C4 cable reel which differ from those of the Type VR, Form Cl: MECHANISM BASE Bearing cap for gear and sprocket shaft Cap screw fastening No. 122667 to base (% in. -10, Clutch, complete Ratchet with pin Roll for ratchet Roll race Roll retainer Screw for No. 64455 (10-24, V 8 in. f.h.) No. tiger grease cup in. hex. h.) 122666 122669 122667 13394 64451 64452 64453 64454 64455 1288 122633 122634 122668 122635 31897 122670 122636 122637 122638 122639 122640 122641 9681 104313 122642 122643 122644 9508 122645 122646 122647 122648 104325 13919 122649 Wa Aa Ya Jb La HB Xa Jc L Pa W j F TYPE VR, FORM C5 CABLE REEL Following are the parts of the Type VR, Form C6 cable reel which differ from those of the Type VR, Form Cl: MECHANISM BASE Cap for mechanism base Bearing cap for gear and sprocket shaft Cap screw fastening No. 122667 to base (% in.-lO, 2% in. hex. h.) Clutch, complete Ratchet with pin Roll for ratchet Roll race Roll retainer Screw for No. 64455 (10-24, % in. f.h.) Bushing for bevel gear Friction disk, large No. tiger grease cup Bushing for reel Screw fastening No. 122635 to reel disk (No. 16, 1 in. f.h.) Reel disk Supporting ring for cover (two thicknesses) Collector Collector ring Support for Nos. 122637, 122638 Base for No. 122639 Screw fastening base to support (14-24, 1J^ in. f.h.) Screw fastening collector to support (10-24, ^ in. f.h. brass) Screw fastening collector ring to support (12-24, J^ in. f.h. brass) Terminal for motor cable CONTACT FINGER with contact tip Contact tip Screw fastening No. 122644 to spring and shunt (6-32, ^ in. r.h. brass) Guard for contact finger Spacing block for contact finger Leatheroid insulation for contact finger Bolt fastening Nos. 122643, 122645, 122646 in position (fg in.-18, 1% in. hex. h. brass) Washer for No. 122648 (ft in. by \Y K in. by 0.0625 in.) Nut for No. 122648 (& in. -18 hex. brass ctiam. one side) Screw fastening contact finger in position (No. 14, 1J4 in. r.h.) 72 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY REPAIR PARTS OF CABLE REELS FOR LOCOMOTIVES TYPE MVR CABLE REELS The Type MVR cable reels are all of the same general construction and Fig. 7 illustrates the principal repair parts. Fig. 8 shows the current collector brush-holder. 122685 122686 122687 122674 122675 Fig. 7 Types *MVR-36, MVR-40, MVR-45 and MVR-49 Cable Reels TYPE MVR-36, FORM Bl CABLE REEL Illustration Cat. No. Letter Description (Fig. 7) 122671 c REEL DISK 122672 I Upper reel ring 122673 H Lower reel ring 122674 G Upper reel bar 122675 A Lower reel bar 122664 B Rivet for Nos. 122672, 122674 (H in. by % in. f.h.) 31886 Rivet for Nos. 122673, 122675 (H in. by 1 in. f.h.) 122676 Screw fastening No. 122674 to reel disk (No. 16, \Y in. f.h.) 104305 Screw fastening No. 122675 to reel disk (No. 16, \Y 2 in. f.h.) 122677 E Collector ring 104305 K Screw fastening No. 122677 to reel disk (No. 16, 1% in. f.h.) ' 122678 Washer for No. 104305 between collector ring and reel disk ($| in. by 1 Yi in. by YS in. thick, fiber) 122679 Cable terminal for collector ring 40158 Screw fastening No. 122679 to collector ring (& in.-18, Y% in. f.h.) 122680 D Gear (67 teeth, 8 pitch) 122681 Cover for gear 33828 Screw fastening cover to gear (14-24, Yt in- r.h.) 122682 J Screw fastening gear to reel disk (% in. -16, 1% in. f.h.) 4031 Nut for No. 122682 (% in.-16, hex. cham. one side) 122025 Washer for No. 4031 (M in- by 1 Y in. by 0.0625 in.) 122683 Ball race C I H G A TYPE MVR-40, FORM Al CABLE REEL REEL DISK Upper reel ring Lower reel ring Upper reel bar Lower reel bar * The MVR-36 Cable Reel has an internal gear instead of the one shown in Fig. 7. MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 73 REPAIR PARTS OF CABLE REELS FOR LOCOMOTIVES TYPE MVR-40, FORM Al CABLE REEL (Continued) Illustration Cat. No. Letter (Fig. 7) Description 122664 B Rivet for Nos. 122686 and 122674 (J4 in. by % in. f.h.) 31886 Rivet for Nos. 122687, 122675 (M in. by 1 in. f.h.) 122676 Screw fastening No. 122674 to reel disk (No. 16, 1 j in. f.h.) 104305 Screw fastening No. 122675 to reel disk (No. 16, iy% in. f.h.) 122688 E Collector ring 122024 Screw fastening No. 122688 to reel disk (No. 16, 1 1 A in. r.h.) 122678 Washer for No. 122024 between collector ring and reel disk (j in. by 1 J^ in. by i^ in. thick, fiber) 122689 Brass cable terminal for collector ring 322 Screw fastening No. 122689 to collector ring (% in. -16, 1 in. f.h.) 122690 D Gear (108 teeth, 8 pitch) 22735 J Screw fastening No. 122690 to reel disk (Y% in.-16, 2 in. r.h.) 120487 Washer for No. 22735 (^ in. by 1*4 in. by 0.094 in.) 4031 Nut for No. 22735 (% in. -16, hex. cham. one side) 122691 Ball race TYPE MVR-40, FORM A2 CABLE REEL 122692 122693 122694 122695 9616 C I Following are the parts of the Type MVR-40, Form A2 cable reel which differ from those of the Type MVR-40, Form Al: REEL DISK Upper reel bar Punched copper tube cable terminal for screw fastening gear to reel disk Screw for cable terminal and gear (% in. -16, 2 in. r.h. threaded 1 Yi in. sp'l) Nut for No. 122695 (% in.-16, l / in. thick hex. cham. one side) 122696 E TYPE MVR-40, FORM A3 CABLE REEL Following is the only part of the Type MVR-40, Form A3 cable reel which differs from those of the Type MVR-40, Form Al: Collector ring TYPE MVR-45, FORM Al CABLE REEL 122704 C REEL DISK 103942 I Upper reel ring 104303 H Lower reel ring 104304 G Upper reel bar 31885 A Lower reel bar 31886 B Rivet for reel rings and bars (J4 in. by 1 in. f.h.) 31897 Screw fastening No. 104304 to reel disk (No. 16, 1 in. f.h.) 15107 Screw fastening No. 31885 to reel disk (No. 16, 1% in. f.h.) 122701 E Collector ring 122702 K Screw fastening No. 122701 to reel disk (No. 12, 1 1 / in. r.h.) 15190 F Bolt fastening cable terminal to collector ring (^ in. -16, 1^4 i n - S Q- h-) 4031 L Nut for No. 15190 (Y% in. -16, hex. cham. one side) 122690 D Gear (108 teeth, 8 pitch) 22735 J Screw fastening No. 122690 to reel disk (% in. -16, 2 in. r.h.) 120487 Washer for No. 22735 (if in. by 1 1 A in. by 0.094 in.) 4031 Nut for No. 22735 (% in.-16, hex. cham. one side) 122691 Ball race 74 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY REPAIR PARTS OF CABLE REELS FOR LOCOMOTIVES TYPE MVR-49, FORM A2 CABLE REEL Cat. No. Illustration Letter (Fig. 7) Description 122699 c REEL DISK 122663 I Upper reel ring 122660 H Lower reel ring 122700 G Upper reel bar 122661 A Lower reel bar 122664 B Rivet for Nos. 122663, 122700 (k in. by % in. fih.) 31886 Rivet for Nos. 122660, 122661 (M in. by 1 in. f.h.) 104305 Screw fastening No. 122700 to reel disk (No. 16, 1}4 in . f.h.) 15107 Screw fastening No. 122661 to reel disk (No. 16, 1% in f.h.) 122701 E Collector ring 122702 K Screw fastening No. 122701 to reel disk (No. 12, 1^ in . r.h.) 122694 Punched copper tube cable terminal for collector ring ( -| in. bolt hole) 15190 F Bolt fastening No. 122694 to collector ring (% in.-16, 1 J4 in. sq. h.) 4031 L Nut for No. 15190 (% in.-16, hex. cham. one side) 122695 Screw for cable terminal and gear (% in.-16, 2 in. r.h., threaded, \% in. sp'l) 9616 Nut for No. 122695 (% in.-16, % in. thick hex. cham. one side) 122690 D Gear (108 teeth, 8 pitch) 22735 J Screw fastening No. 122690 to reel disk (% in.-16, 2 in . r.h.) 120487 Washer for No. 22735 (H in. by 1 M in. by 0.094 in.) 4031 Nut for No. 22735 (37 P F B I N A Q s H I) T H G TYPE PA, FORM R, 250 VOLT RHEOSTAT, complete Type PA, Form R, 500 volt rheostat, complete Following are the parts: End casting, drilled for connection screws End casting, not drilled for connection screws Perforated cover Screw fastening cover to end castings (14-24, % in. r.h. blued) Washer for No. 19682 (H in. by l / 2 in. by 0.0625 in.) RESISTANCE UNIT, complete, .for No. 121444 Resistance unit, complete, for No. 121446 Tie rod for resistance units (% in. -16, 63^ in. long) Nut for No. 120486 (% in. -16, H in. thick, H in. across flats, hex. cham. one side) Lock washer for No. 9616 Washer for No. 120486 (H in. by 1 J 4 in. by 0.094 in.) Spacing pipe for resistance unit (% in. pipe, 1 % in. long) Connection screw for resistance unit (14-24. 1% in. r.h. brass) Washer for No. 22245 (H in. by ]/> in. by 0.060 in. brass) Washer for No. 22245 (If in. by % in. by 0.060 in. brass) Washer for No. 22245 (J| in. by 1 in. by 0.060 in. mica) Mica sleeve for No. 22245 (^/\ in. by ^g in. by % in. long) Washer for No. 120490 (M in. by 1 in. by 0.060 in. mica) Nut for No. 22245 (14-24, f in. thick, Y^ in. across flats, hex. brass cham. one side) Positive lock washer for No. 48385 (^ in. by ^ in. by ^ in. thick) Punched copper tube cable terminal MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 79 FRAMES, BUMPERS, CLIMBING STRAPS, COUPLING DEVICES, COVERS AND SUSPENSIONS FOR LOCOMOTIVES The frames of G.E. mining locomotives are made from both structural steel and cast iron. On all sizes up to and including six tons the frames are structural steel and the sand boxes, trolley sockets, etc., are bolted on. Above six tons weight the side frames are of cast iron and the end frames generally channel steel, though the heaviest locomotives have cast iron end as well as side frames. With cast iron side frames the sand boxes, trolley sockets, etc., are cast integral with the frames. Structural Steel Frame Cast Frame with Channel Ends Two types of bumpers are used, cast iron and wood. The wood bumpers are protected by steel protection plates. Climbing straps are bolted on top of the bumpers to prevent cars climbing on the locomotive. The various coupling devices used are the draw hook, single and double draw eye and the draw pocket; the different forms are shown in the accompanying illustrations. Draw HooK Single Draw Eye Double Draw Eye 80 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY FRAMES, BUMPERS, CLIMBING STRAPS, COUPLING DEVICES, COVERS AND SUSPENSIONS FOR LOCOMOTIVES Special End Frame for Single Bumper Car with Link Coupling Standard End Frame with Cast Iron Pocket in Recess Draw Pockets The top covers are made of sheet steel and are bolted to the frame. Top Cover The motor suspension bars are of various designs depending upon style and type of locomotive; one of the most general types is shown in the accompanying illustration. Motor Suspension Bar When ordering any of the above parts be sure to give the locomotive serial number. A Supporting bolt for motor suspension bar B Spacer for motor suspension bar bolt C Spring cotter for motor suspension bar bolt D Spring cotter for motor suspension bar pin E Crown nut for motor suspension bar bolt F Pin for motor suspension bar and locomotive frame G Washer for motor suspension bar bolt and spring H Motor suspension bar, complete I Spring for motor suspension bar, upper J Spring tor motor suspension bar, lower MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 81 MOTOR PARTS FOR Locomotives, Cranes, Hoists, etc. GE-60 Motor GE-79 Motor HM-709 Motor All motor repair parts are made of the same materials and in exactly the same manner as the parts entering into the motors originally. Supply part orders may, therefore, be placed with the assurance that the parts supplied will be of the highest grade of material and workmanship and will be perfectly interchangeable with the parts to be replaced. Locomotive Motor Armature Complete armatures for locomotive motors are listed in the following table. Prices for armatures for crane and hoist motors will be quoted promptly on application, and inquiries or orders for them should invariably give the serial numbers of the motors for which the armatures are wanted. 82 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY ARMATURES FOR LOCOMOTIVE MOTORS Motor Cat. No. Turns Volts NWP-2K 100352 14 220/250 NWP-2M 100353 26 500 LWP-5 51920 10 250 CB-14 122833 10 125 CB-14 51987 6 250 CB-14 51991 10 250 CB-14 51990 17 500 CB-15 30780 16 250 CB-15 30781 30 500 GE-800 108538 1 110 GE-800 108539 2 250 GE-800 * 18224 4 500 GE-800 t 19345 4 500 GE-51 108531 1 250 GE-51 122834 4 500 GE-52 47903 3 250 GE-52 14584 6 500 GE-53 52593 ' 2 220/250 GE-53 52590 4 500 GE-53 52591 5 500 GE-55 119199 2 500 GE-55 108533 3 500 GE-57 108535 2 250 GE-57 50257 3 500 GE-57 108536 4 500 GE-58 66338 2 250 GE-58 66340 3 250 GE-58 50454 6 500 GE-59 122835 2 250 GE-59 61046 3 250 GE-59 100354 6 500 GE-60 52380 3 250 GE-60 52378 6 500 GE-61 39387 4 250 GE-61 39388 4 500 GE-71 122836 1 250 GE-71 122837 2 500 GE-77 61051 3 250 GE-77 61052 6 500 GE-79 61053 3 250 GE-79 61054 6 500 GE-95 66343 7 250 GE-96 61055 3 250 GE-96 61056 6 500 GE-97 61057 2 250 GE-97 61058 2 500 HM-701 100572 3 250 HM-701 100573 6 500 HM-702 104599 2 250 HM-702 104601 4 500 HM-703 100574 2 250 HM-703 100575 4 500 HM-704 104607 4 500 HM-708 104610 3 250 HM-709 100576 2 250 HM-709 100577 2 500 HM-710 100574 2 250 HM-710 100575 4 500 HM-711 100576 2 250 HM-711 100577 2 500 HM-713 100572 3 250 * Coils wound with No. 10 wire, t Coils wound with No. 9 wire. MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 83 ARMATURE COILS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST MOTORS Armature coils furnished by the General Electric Company, being taken from the same stock as coils for use in original equipments, are perfectly interchangeable, and fit accurately in the slot, which is necessary to avoid either abrasion in winding or destructive vibration in service. The individual conductors are insulated with a double cotton covering 33 per cent, heavier than the covering of standard magnet wire, which provides a very elastic insulating cushion and greatly reduces liability to abrasion between adjacent turns. The slot portion of all armature coils is moulded in steam heated presses to exact dimensions and in no other way is it possible to provide against vibration in the slot and consequent deterioration of the insulation in service. Except in bar wound coils for certain of the larger motors in which mica is employed, the insulation of the complete coil is accomplished by the use of varnished cambric manufactured expressly for the purpose. GE-800 f Cat. No. Turns Voltage Conductor If Coils per Set 27385 \ 110 (4) No. 10 B.&S. 105 27387 2 250 (2) No. 10 B.&S. 105 A17472 4 500 t No. 10 B.&S. 105 15173 4 500 t No. 10 B.&S. 105 * 59479 4 500 t No. 10 B.&S. 105 18222 4 500 No. 10 B.&S. 105 t 60309 4 500 No. 10 B.&S. 105 19347 4 500 t No. 9 B.&S. 105 GE-1000 14778 14779 3 4 500 500 No. 9 B.&S. No. 9 B.&S. 93 93 * Like Cat. No. 15173 except leads are not flattened. t Light insulation. t Like Cat. No. 18222 except leads are not flattened. AFlexible leads. Stiff leads. H The Cat. No. in each case is for a single coil. 84 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY MOTOR ARMATURE COILS GE-1200 1 Cat. No. Turns Voltage Conductor 1 Coils per Set 24971 1 250 (3) (0.105 in. x 0.15 in.) 105 A18098 2 500 (2) No. 10 B.&S. 105 18068 2 500 (2) No. 9 B.&S. 105 A 18099 3 500 No. 10 B.&S. 105 18069 3 500 0.105 in. x 0.15 in. 105 A18189 4 500 No. 10 B.&S. 105 18070 4 500 No. 9 B.&S. 105 GE-51 24915 122838 1 4 250 500 (4) No. 7 B.&S. No. 7 B.&S. 37 37 GE-52 24921 14586 3 6 250 500 (2) No. 11 B.&S. No. 11 B.&S. 29 29 GE-53 *5759 55755 55756 55757 55758 2 3 4 5 6 220/250 500 500 500 500 (2) No. 8 B.&S. (2) No. 10 B.&S. No. 8 B.&S. No. 8 B.&S. No. 10 B.&S. 33 37 33 33 37 GE-54 11352 3 500 No. 10 B.&S. 29 GE-55 24940 24944 2 3 500 500 (3) No. 10 B.&S. (2) No. 10 B.&S. 47 47 GE-57 24950 50258 24953 2 3 4 250 (3) No. 9 B.&S. 500 (2) No. 9 B.&S. 500 No. 8 B.&S. 33 33 33 GE-58 24956 24958 50456 2 3 6 250 250 500 (3) No. 9 B.&S. (2) No. 9 B.&S. No. 9 B.&S. 33 33 33 AFlexible leads. Stiff leads. II The Cat. No. in each case is for a single coil. MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 85 MOTOR ARMATURE COILS GE-59 1 Cat. No. Turns Voltage Conductor I Coils per Set 24956 24958 50455 50456 2 3 4 6 250 250 500 500 (3) No. 9 B.&S. (2) No. 9 B.&S. No. 8 B.&S. No. 9 B.&S. 33 33 33 33 GE-60 52399 52490 52397 52398 2 3 4 6 250 250 500 500 (3) No. 11 B.&S. (2) No. 11 B.&S. No. 10 B.&S. No. 11 B.&S. 37 37 37 37 GE-61 24960 24962 4 4 250 500 No. 8 B.&S. No. 8 B.&S. 41 41 GE-66 * 24870 1 t 24871 / 1 500 0.065 in. x 0.65 in. 39 GE-67 36848 24964 3 4 500 500 No. 9 B.&S. No. 9 B.&S. 37 25 GE-69 * 33731 1 t 33732 / 1 500 0.55 in. x 0.115 in. 31 GE-70 36848 3 500 No. 9 B.&S. 37 GE-71 122839 122840 1 2 250 500 (4) No. 8 B.&S. (2) No. 8 B.&S. 39 39 GE-77 52490 52398 3 6 250 500 No. 11 B.&S. No. 11 B.&S. 37 37 * Upper coil, t Lower coil. H The Cat. No. in each case is for a single coil. 86 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY MOTOR ARMATURE COILS GE-79 1 Cat. No. Turns Voltage Conductor 1 Coils per Set 60611 60612 3 6 250 (2) No. 11 B.&S. 500 No. 11 B.&S. 41 41 GE-80 36848 3 500 No. 9 B.&S. 3ff i GE-81 11352 3 500 No. 10 B.&S. 29 GE-87 43097 2 500 (2) No. 10 B.&S. 43 GE-88 100789 3 500 No. 9 B.&S. 37 GE-90 43095 2 500 (2) No. 10 B.&S. 29 GE-95 61876 250 No. 13 B.W.G. 33 GE-96 60634 60635 3 6 250 500 (2) 0.076 in. T.C.C. 0.076 in. T.C.C. 37 37 GE-97 60636 60637 2 2 250 500 (4) No. 10 B.&S. (2) No. 10 B.&S. 25 29 GE-202 59150 3 600 No. 9 B.&S. 25 GE-204 61074 2 600 (2) No. 10 B.&S. (Twinned) 29 The Cat. No. in each case is for a single coil. MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 87 MOTOR ARMATURE COILS GE-205 1 Cat. No. Turns Voltage Conductor ' H Coils per Set 64299 100668 2 2 600 600 (2) No. 8 B.&S. (3) No. 10 B.&S. 25 41 GE-210 59893 3 600 No. 7 B.&S. 25 GE-216 61159 3 600 No. 9 B.&S. 25 GE-218 100795 3 600 (2) No. 10 B.&S. 41 GE-219 61159 o 600 No. 9 B.&S. 25 HM-701 100584 100585 3 6 250 500 No. 9 B.&S. No. 9 B.&S. 39 39 HM-702 104611 104612 2 4 250 500 (2) No. 8 B.&S. No. 8 B.&S. 41 41 HM-703 100586 100587 2 4 250 500 (2) No. 11 B.&S. No. 11 B.&S. 37 37 HM-704 104613 4 500 No. 7 B.&S. 37 HM-708 24958 3 250 (2) No. 9 B.&S. 33 HM-709 60636 60637 2 2 250 500 (4) No. 10 B.&S. (2) No. 10 B.&S. 25 29 If The Cat. No. in each case is for a single coil. 88 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY MOTOR ARMATURE COILS HM-710 If Cat. No. ' Turns Voltage Conductor 1 Coils per Set 100586 100587 2 4 2*50 500 (2) No. 11 B.&S. No. 11 B.&S. 37 37 HM-711 60636 60637 2 2 250 500 (4) No. 10 B.&S. (2) No. 10 B.&S. 25 29 HM-713 100584 3 250 (2) No. 9 B.&S. 39 CO-2001 24915 24917 1 2 220/250 500 (4) No. 7 B.&S. (2) No. 7 B.&S. 37 37 CO-2002 24919 24921 14585 24908 14586 2 3 4 5 6 220/250 220/250 500 500 500 (3) No. 11 B.&S. (2) No. 11 B.&S. No. 10 B.&S. No. 10 B.&S. No. 11 B.&S. 29 29 29 29 29 CO-2003 * 24935 \ t 24936 J 24940 24944 1 2 3 220/250 500 500 0.187 in. x 0.50 in. (3) No. 10 B.&S. (2) No. 10 B.&S. 31 47 47 CO-2004 24956 24958 50455 50456 2 3 4 6 220/250 220/250 500 500 (3) No. 9 B.&S. (2) No. 9 B.&S. No. 8 B.&S. No. 9 B.&S. 33 33 33 33 * Upper coil. t Lower coil. If The Cat. No. in each case is for a single coil. MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 89 MOTOR ARMATURE COILS CO-2005 If Cat. No. Turns Voltage Conductor t Coils per Set 27385 1 110/125 (4) No. 10 B.&S. 105 27387 2 220/250 (2) No. 10 B.&S. 105 A17275 3 500 t No. 10 B.&S. 105 A15170 3 500 No. 10 B.&S. 105 15161 3 500 t No. 10 B.&S. 105 18221 3 500 No. 10 B.&S. 105 19346 3 500 t No. 9 B.&S. 105 15173 4 500 t No. 10 B.&S. 105 * 59479 4 500 t No. 10 B.&S. 105 18222 4 500 No. 10 B.&S. 105 I 60309 4 500 No. 10 B.&S. 105 19347 4 500 t No. 9 B.&S. 105 A 17472 4 500 t No. 10 B.&S. 105 15204 6 500 t 0.10 in. x 0.063 in. 105 CO-2006 122841 1 220/250 (2) No. 7 B.&S. 37 122842 2 500 No. 7 B.&S. 37 CO-2007 24948 1 220/250 (4) No. 9 B.&S. 37 24950 2 220/250 (3) No. 9 B.&S. 33 19221 2 500 (2) No. 9 B.&S. 37 50258 3 500 (2) No. 9 B.&S. 33 24953 4 500 No. 8 B.&S. 33 21490 6 500 No. 9 B.&S. 33 * Like Cat. No. 15173 except leads are not flattened. t Light insulation. t Like Cat. No. 18222 except leads are not flattened. AFlexible leads. Stiff leads. f The Cat. No. in each case is for a single coil. 90 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY FIELD COILS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST MOTORS Fig. 1 Section of Impregnated Coil Fig. 2 In the manufacture of wire wound field coils for General Electric motors each turn is properly seated so as to avoid a burnout as a result of abrasion of the insulation by vibration. The insulation of all wire wound coils consists of a special asbestos and cotton covering; the insulation between turns of ribbon wound coils is asbestos paper, so laminated as to prevent any danger of short circuit between turns by reason of impurities in the asbestos. All coils, unless otherwise noted in the tables, are further protected by being impregnated while in a vacuum, with an asphaltum compound which penetrates all the interstices of the winding, her- metically sealing the coil against the entrance of moisture and so improving its thermal conductivity that the heat generated is rapidly dissipated, thus considerably increasing the capacity of the coil. NWP-2 1/2 Cat. No. Arm. Turns Voltage Conductor Turns Illustration Fig. No. 64851 14 220/250 No. 9 B.&S. 200 1 64852 26 500 No. 11 B.&S. 335 1 LWP-5 50633 10 250 No. 5 B.&S. 156 1 CB-14 122843 10 125 No. 4 B.&S. 73 1 51972 6 & 10 250 No. 5 B.&S. 190 1 51974 17 500 No. 8 B.&S. 350 l 1 CB-15 30769 30770 16 30 250 500 No. No. rj 10 B B &S. &S. 200 400 1 1 WP-30 15448 Standard 500 No. 7 B.&S. 374 1 WP-50 15952 Standard 1 500 No. 4 B.&S. 202 1 GE-800 27388 1 110 (2) No. 4 B.&S. 62 1 27388 2 250 (2) No. 4 B.&S. 62 1 * 17142 1 t 17749 J 4 500 No. 6 B.&S. 203 1 * Upper coil. t Lower coil. MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 91 MOTOR FIELD COILS GE-1000 - Cat. No. Arm. Turns Voltage Conductor Turns Illustration Fig. No. 14768 3 & 4 500 No. 4 B.&S. 143^ 1 GE-1200 24972 18020 18021 1 2 & 3 4 250 500 500 0.050 in. x H in. 0.045 in. x f in. No. 5 B.&S. 68 138 198 1 1 1 GE-51 24916 122844 1 4 250 500 1% in. x 0.060 in. 1M in. x 0.040 in. 36 100 2 GE-52 t 24922 t 21489 3 6 250 500 No. 5 B.&S. No. 6 B.&S. 77H 185^ 1 1 GE-53 52567 52564 52565 52566 2 3 & 4 5 6 220/250 500 500 500 1 in. x 0.0625 in. 1 in. x 0.035 in. 1 in. x 0.035 in. No. 4 B.&S. 58 120 140 250 Y 2 2 2 1 1 GE-54 11348 3 500 No. 6 S.W.G. 128^ 1 GE-55 * 24941 1 t 24942 / * 24945 \ t 24946 / 2 3 500 500 f IJi in. x 0.070 in. 1 1^ in. x 0.070 in. / 1^ in. x 0.045 in. { 1% in. x 0.045 in. 86 43 126 63 2 2 2 2 GE-57 24951 50240 24954 2 3 4 250 500 500 IfV in. x 0.080 in. 1& in. x 0.035 in. 1& in. x 0.030 in. 50^ 110M 124 2 2 2 GE-58 J 24957 I 24959 t 19212 2 3 6 250 250 500 (2) (2) No. 3 B.&S. No. 4 B.&S. No. 6 S.W.G. 58 Y 2 75y 2 175^ 1 1 1 * Top and bottom coil. t Side coil. j Not impregnated on account of restricted space. 92 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY MOTOR FIELD COILS GE-59 Cat. No. Arm. Turns Voltage Conductor Turns Illustration Fig. No. t 24957 t 24959 t 40578 t 62463 2 3 4 6 250 250 500 500 (2) No. 3 B.&S. (2) No. 4 B.&S. No. 5 B.W.G. .218 in. Asb. & S.C.C. 58 y 2 75 H 137^ 166^ 1 1 1 1 GE-60 t 52284 t 52285 t 52282 t 52283 2 3 4 6 250 250 500 500 (2) No. 5 B.&S. (2) No. 6 B.&S. No. 5 B.&S. No. 6 B.&S. 75 y 2 84y 2 149 H 171K 1 1 1 1 GE-61 t 24961 t 24963 4 4 250 500 (2) No. 5 B.W.G. No. 3 B.&S. 5sy 2 nsy 2 1 1 GE-66 * 24844 1 t 24845 / 1 500 / l l /8 in. x 0.120 in. 1 1 in. x 0.120 in. 56 2 29 2 GE-67 55857 24965 3 4 500 500 No. 5 B.W.G. No. 5 B.W.G. uoy 2 125K 1 1 GE-69 * 33735 1 t 33736 / 1 500 [2 in. x 0.110 in. \ 2& in. x 0.110 in. 35 35 2 2 GE-70 55857 3 500 No. 5 B.W.G. 110^ 1 GE-71 TT 122845 1 A 122846 1 122847 II 122848 J 122849 1 2 250 500 0.080 in. x 1 in. 0.080 in. x 1 in. 29 y 2 Qoy 2 1 1 GE-77 t 52285 t 52283 3 6 250 500 No. 6 B.&S. No. 6 B.&S. 84 y 2 niy 2 1 1 GE-79 * 60639 \ t 60638 J * 60641 \ t 60640 / 3 6 250 500 / No. 3 B.&S. \ No. 3 B.&S. / No. 6 B.&S. I No. 6 B.&S. 104 51 210 104 1 1 1 1 * Top and bottom coil. t Side coil. t Not impregnated on account of restricted space. TT Top coil. A Bottom coil. Suspension side coil. Axle side coil. MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 93 MOTOR FIELD COILS GE-80 Cat. No. Arm. Turns Voltage Conductor Turns Illustration Pig. No. 55857 3 500 No. 5 B.W.G. noy 2 1 GE-81 11348 3 500 No. 6 S.W.G. 1282/6 1 GE-87 43100 2 500 No. 4 B.&S. 87^ 1 GE-88 100796 3 500 No. 5 B.W.G. 110H 1 GE-90 43098 2 500 No. 2 B.&S. 90 y 2 1 GE-95 61878 7 250 No. 8 B.&S. 250 1 GE-96 60642 3 250 60643 6 500 No. 5 B.&S. No. 8 B.&S. 185 355 1 1 GE-97 60644 2 250 60645 2 500 No. 2 B.&S. No. 5 B.&S. 38^ 80 1 1 GE-202 A61071 1 59142 J 3 600 No. 5 B.W.G. No. 5 B.W.G. 70 58 1 1 GE-204 A61075 1 o 600 i 61076 / I No. 4 B.&S. 46 1 1.3 in. x 0.05 in. 40 1 GE-20S t 64265 1 * 64264 t 64266 TT 64267 J t 100665 * 100664 J 100666 b TT 100667 2 2 600 600 f 1 in. x 0.075 in. 1 1 in. x 0.075 in. ] 2 in. x 0.040 in. [ 2 in. x 0.040 in. f 1 in. x 0.075 in. I 1 in. x 0.075 in. ) % in. x 0.095 in. [ 7 /s in. x 0.095 in. 40 40 40 40 56 56 37.5 37.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * Exciting coil, side. t Exciting coil, top and bottom. J Commutating coil (top axle and bottom suspension sides). TT Commutating coil (top suspension and bottom axle sides). Commutating coil. AExciting coil. s For use with spring flange. 94 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY MOTOR FIELD COILS GE-210 Cat. No. Arm. Turns Voltage Conductor Turns Illustration Fig. No. A59890 } 59891 \ t 88958 j 3 600 f No. 2 B.&S. 1.75 in. x 0.030 in. [ 1.75 in. x 0.030 in. 63 58 58 1 GE-216 A61162 \ 61164 J 3 600 / No. 5 B.W.G. \ No. 5 B.W.G. 70 62^ 1 1 GE-218 A 100807 \ 100808 / 3 600 f 1 in. x 0.055 in. \ 0.07 in. x 0.8 in. 66 Y 2 52y 2 1 1 GE-219 A61162 \ 61164] / No. 5 B.W.G. { No. 5 B.W.G. 70 62 y 2 1 1 HM-701 100588 3 250 100589 6 500 (2) No. 4 B.&S. No. 4 B.&S. 71 142 1 1 HM-702 104616 104617 2 250 4 500 0.035 in. x 1^ in. 0.035 in. x 1^ in. 61 122 1 1 HM-703 t 100590 1 * 100591 / t 100592 1 * 100593 J 2 250 4 500 f No. 6 B.&S. 1 No. 6 B.&S. / 0.172 in. \ 0.172 in. 67 92 135 185 1 1 1 1 HM-704 104617 4 500 0.035 in. x Iffc in. 122 1 HM-708 104622 3 250 (2) No. 4 B.&S. 73^ 1 HM-709 100594 2 250 100595 2 500 0.054 in. x l^ in. (2) No. 5 B.&S. 38.5 80 1 1 AExciting coil. Commutating coil. * Top and bottom coil. t Side coil. J For use with spring flange. MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 95 MOTOR FIELD COILS HM-710 Cat. No. Arm. Turns Voltage Conductor Turns Illustration Fig. No. 104625 1 t 104626 / 2 250 / (2) No. 7 B.&S. 81 \ (2) No. 7 B.&S. Ill 1 1 104627 1 t 104628 J 4 500 / No. 7 B.&S. 169 1 No. 7 B.&S. 231 1 1 HM-711 103777 2 250 (3) No. 4 B.&S. 38.5 1 103778 2 500 (3) No. 7 B.&S. 80 1 HM-713 104631 250 (2) No. 4 B.&S. 71 1 CO-2001 24916 1 220/250 \Y in. x 0.060 in. 36 2 24918 2 500 1*4 in. x 0.080 in. 56 2 CO-2002 f 24920 2 220/250 No. 4 B.&S. 62 Y 2 1 If 24922 3 220/250 No. 5 B.&S. 77y 2 1 H 15761 4 & 5 500 No. 5 B.&S.. 155^ 1 68244 4 & 5 500 No. 5 B.&S. 166H 1 If 21489 6 500 No. 6 B.&S. 185M 1 CO-2003 J 24937 \ 24938 j 1 220/250 / 1% in. x 0.1875 in. \ 1 3 / S in. x 0.1875 in. 36 17 2 2 t 24941 1 24942 J 2 500 / iy% in. x 0.070 in. \ 1-Hi in. x 0.070 in. 86 43 2 2 t 24945 1 24946 J 3 500 / 1% in. x 0.045 in. { 1% in. x 0.045 in. 126 63 2 2 CO-2004 1f 24957 2 220/250 (2) No. 3 B.&S. 58^ 1 1 24959 3 220/250 (2) No. 4 B.&S. 7sy 2 i 1 50420 4 500 No. 5 B.W.G. 144 M 1 60329 4 500 No. 5 B.W.G. 137H 1 If 19212 6 500 No. 6 S.W.G. 175^ 1 CO-2005 27388 j 110/125 (2) No. 4 B.&S. 62 1 27388 2 220/250 (2) No. 4 B.&S. 62 1 * 17142 \ q * 4 t 17749 / 3 & 4 500 No. 6 B.&S. 203 1 * 24913 \ (. t 24970 J 500 No. 7 B.&S. 259 1 * Upper coil. t Lower coil. t Top and bottom coil. Side coil. f Not impregnated on account of restricted space. 96 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY MOTOR FIELD COILS CO-2006 Cat. No. Arm. Turns Voltage Conductor Turns Illustration Fig. No. 122850 122851 2 220/250 500 0.325 in. x 0.325 in. 0.229 in. x 0.229 in. 44 88 1 1 CO-2007 24949 1 220/250 1& in. x 0.090 in. 44 2 24951 2 250 IfV in. x 0.080 in. so y 2 2 19222 2 500 IfV in. x 0.045 in. 90 2 50240 3 500 IfV in- x 0.035 in. 1101^ 2 24954 4 500 l& in. x 0.030 in. 124 2 21492 6 500 No. 4 B.&S. 150 2 COMMUTATOR SEGMENTS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST MOTORS The General Electric Company's Commutator Segments are made of hard drawn copper bars and the finest homogeneous amber mica, from which all flint and other hard substances found in the natural mica have been removed. Amber mica contains, in its natural state, large quantities of impurities which, if not carefully removed, cause high spots in the segment insulation and a consequent sparking and deterioration in service. In the General Electric Company's product such impurities are thoroughly removed. This ''cleaning" is accomplished by splitting to a maximum thickness of one and one-half mils, and then excluding all but perfectly clean, homogeneous mica. The splittings thus obtained are pasted together to the required thickness and subjected, at high temperatures, to hydraulic pressure to exclude the surplus binder. Experience has perfectly borne out our belief, reached some years ago, that the expense involved in splitting and pasting segment insulations is much more than justified by the longer life obtained, and, apart from the question of foreign substances, pasted insulations, being softer and more yielding than dry unsplit mica, wear down more evenly with the copper. It is, however, essential to the maintenance of a tight commutator that softening from heat in operation should not result in any portion of the binder flowing out. The special varnish used by the General Electric Company and the machinery and methods of pasting which have been developed, which, as far as we know, are not employed by any other manufacturer, are necessary to the production of segment insulations which will withstand the high temperatures and pressures to which all commutator parts are subjected in service. Commutator Segments MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 97 MOTOR COMMUTATOR SEGMENTS NWP-2 1/2 GE-1000 Cat. No. Arm. Turns Voltage Remarks Cat. No. Arm. Turns Voltage Remarks 64850 14 64850 26 220/250 16390 500 16391 3 & 4 3 & 4 500 500 Form 2 Form 3 LWP-5 GE-1200 51907 10 250 2 3 & 4 3 & 4 3 & 4 3 & 4 250 500 500 500 500 500 Form 7 Form 8 Form 1 Form 2 Form 4 Form 5 55778 CB-14 55790 122853 10 51997 6 & 10 51997 17 55775 125 55776 250 14501 50S 55777 CB-15 GE-51 51997 16 51997 30 250 500 14529 122854 l 4 250 500 GE-80 GE-52 27366 1 27367 2 16388 4 16389 4 52985 4 110 250 500 Form 4 500 Form 6 55779 500 Form 7 14531 3 6 250 50C GE-53 GE-59 Cat. No. Arm. Tu rns Voltage Cat. No. Arm. Turns Voltage 52990 2 220/250 122855 52987 3 500 61069 52988 4 & 5 500 40579 52989 6 500 62464 2 3 4 6 250 250 500 500 GE-54 I GE-60 55780 3 GE-5i 500 52390 52391 52388 52389 2 2 4 6 250 250 500 500 250 & 500 i 24943 2 24947 3 GE-5^ 500 500 r 55786 GE-61 4 24952 2 50287 3 24955 4 250 GE-66 500 24876 ' 500 GE-Si 55785 2 55784 3 50449 6 J GE-67 250 250 55788 500 24966 3 4 500 500 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY MOTOR COMMUTATOR SEGMENTS GE-69 GE-97 Cat. No. Arm. Turns Voltage Cat. No. Arm. Turns Voltage 33738 1 500 60587 60610 2 2 250 500 33739 GE-70 GE-202 3 500 59152 3 600 GE-71 GE-204 122856 122857 1 2 250 500 61073 2 600 GE-77 GE-205 36864 3 250 36865 6 500 * 100669 f64315 2 600 2 600 GE-79 GE-210 60583 60584 3 250 6 500 59895 3 600 GE-80 GE-216 33739 3 500 61165 3 600 55780 GE-81 GE-218 3 500 100788 3 600 GE-87 GE-219 43104 2 500 61165 3 600 GE-88 HM-701 100784 3 500 100578 100579 3 6 250 500 GE-90 43101 2 GE-95 500 HM-702 104593 104594 2 4 250 500 64849 7 250 HM-703 GE-96 100580 100581 2 4 250 500 60585 60586 3 6 250 500 * For use with 41 coil armature, t For use with 25 coil armature. MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 99 MOTOR COMMUTATOR SEGMENTS HM-704 CO-2003 Cat. No. Arm. Turns Voltage Cat. No. Arm. Turns Voltage 104595 4 500 24939 24943 24947 1 2 3 220/250 500 500 HM-708 61069 3 250 CO-2004 55785 55784 50448 50449 2 3 4 6 220/250 220/250 500 500 HM-709 100582 100583 2 2 250 500 CO-2005 HM-710 100580 100581 2 4 250 500 Cat. No. . Arm. Turns Volts Remarks 27366 1 110/125 27367 2 220/250 16388 3, 4 & 6 500 Form 4 16389 3, 4 & 6 500 Form 6 52985 3, 4 & 6 500 Form 7 HM-711 100582 100583 2 2 250 500 CO-2006 HM-713 100578 3 250 Cat. No. Arm. Turns Voltage 113990 113991 1 2 220/250 500 CO-2001 14529 14528 1 2 220/250 500 CO-2007 CO-2002 55782 24952 55783 50287 24955 24989 1 2 2 3 4 6 220/250 220/250 500 500 500 500 24923 55779 14530 14531 2 3 4 & 5 6 220/250 220/250 500 500 100 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY BRUSH-HOLDERS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST MOTORS Fig. 6 Fig. 5 Fig. 7 Fig. 10 Fig. 9 Fig. 8 Motor Volts Illustration Fig. No. CAT. NO. STUD OR SUPPORT COM- PLETE WITH BRUSH- HOLDER Cat. No. Yoke Com- plete with Brush- CAT. NO. BRUSH-HOLDER COMPLETE Cat. No. Tension Spring Right-Hand Left-Hand Holders Right-Hand Left-Hand NWP-2J^ 220/250/500 5 100450 100450 100451 100451 100452 LWP-5 250 50663 50665 50670 50672 50677 CB-14 125 3 123425 123426 123427 45407 CB-14 250/500 5 51950 51951 51958 51958 51961 CB-14 250/500 3 45399 45401 45402 45407 CB-15 250/500 ."> 30762 30763 51958 51958 51961 CB-15 250/500 3 123428 45401 45402 45407 WP-30 500 16590 16591 9606 WP-50 500 16564 16565 10409 GE-800 Form B 110 4 113128 113133 113133 13731 GE-800 Form B 250 3 111881 111882 111883 13731 GE-800 Form B 500 3 17488 17238 17239 13731 GE-1000 500 3 14752 14755 14756 14763 MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE .SUPPLIES 101 MOTOR BRUSH-HOLDERS CAT. NO. STUD OR SUPPORT COM- Cat. No. CAT. NO. Motor tf u Illustration PLETE WITH BRUSH- Y k e U 9- BRUSH-HOLDER Cat. No. Volts HOLDER P lete Wlth COMPLETE Tension Brush- bpring Right-Hand Left-Hand Holders Ri g ht . Ha nd ! Left-Hand GE-1200 500 3 18045 18048 18048 19348 GE-51 250 3 100453 100455 100457 100459 GE-ol 500 3 100454 100456 100458 100460 GE-52 250 3 47886 47887 47888 45174 GE-52 500 3 15604 15627 15628 14763 GE-53 220/250 4 52547 52552 52552 b 52553 GE-53 500 3 k 52531 52534 52535 14763 GE-53 500 3 e 52532 52534 52535 14763 GE-54 500 3 11338 11339 11340 45182 GE-55 500 7 50512 50513 50516 119184 , 50520 GE-57 250 3 100461 100462 100463 100464 GE-57 500 3 H38580 19213 | 19214 55853 GE-57 500 3 f 50226 50228 50229 14763 GE-58 250 3 A66679 66681 66683 i 14763 GE-58 250 3 66680 66682 66684 14763 GE-58 500 3 50418 14755 14756 14763 GE-59 250 3 A123429 123430 123431 45160 GE-59 250 3 45152 45154 45155 45160 GE-59 500 3 100465 100466 100467 45160 GE-60 250 3 52272 52274 52275 14763 GE-60 500 3 52271 15627 15628 14763 GE-61 250 4 39344 39348 39348 b 39355 GE-61 500 4 39345 39349 39349 b 39355 GE-66 500 1 24577 24578 24581 24582 f a24589 GE-67 500 3 * 47795 47797 47798 55853 GE-67 500 3 47794 55847 55848 55853 GE-69 500 7 38641 38642 38643 38644 \ _ o o/? i f* [ aoob4b GE-70 500 3 34059 34060 34061 55853 GE-71 250 4 123432 123435 123435 b 123436 GE-71 500 4 123433 123435 123435 b 123436 GE-77 250 3 45169 52274 45171 45174 GE-77 500 3 45168 15627 45170 14763 GE-79 250 4 c 100471 100475 100475 100477 GE-79 250 4 d 100472 100476 100476 100478 GE-79 500 4 c 100473 100475 100475 100477 GE-79 500 4 d 100474 100476 100476 100478 GE-80 500 3 40400 34060 34061 55853 GE-81 500 3 45180 11339 11340 45182 GE-87 500 3 45188 45190 45191 55853 GE-88 500 2 J 108032 t 108032 108033 108033 108034 GE-88 500 2 H 119100 If 119100 108033 108033 108034 GE-90-A 500 3 45200 45202 45203 55853 GE-90-B 500 3 45335 45202 45203 55853 GE-95 250 12 100479 100481 100483 100485 100487 GE-96 250 11 x 100488 x 100489 100496 100497 100504 GE-96 250 11 100490 100491 100498 100499 100487 GE-96 500 11 x 100492 x 100493 100500 100501 100504 GE-96 500 11 100494 100495 100502 100503 100487 GE-97 250 3 100506 100508 100510 100512 GE-97 500 3 100507 100509 100511 55853 GE-202 600 3 60338 59130 59131 59138 GE-204 600 3 100513 100514 100515 55853 GE-205 600 8 64127 64129 64138 64141 55853 GE-210-A 600 3 59886 59887 59888 45182 i ': * Four turn armature. f With old type spring. J New style with straight terminal. Three turn armature. 1 Old style with bent terminal. || With barrel type spring. ATwo turn armature, a Left-hand spring. b Pressure spring complete. c Single stud brush-holder. d Double stud brush-holder. e Six turn armature. h Right-hand spring. k Three, four and five turn armatures. x Metal body only. 102 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY MOTOR BRUSH-HOLDERS Motor Volts Illustration Fig. No. CAT. STUD OR SU PLETE WIT HOL Right-Hand NO. PPORT COM- H BRUSH- DER Left-Hand Cat. No. Yoke Com- plete with Brush- Holders CAT. NO. BRUSH-HOLDER COMPLETE Cat. No. Tension Spring Right-Hand Left-Hand GE-210- C, D & E 600 2 t 112124 } 112124 112125 112125 108034 GE-210-B & C 600 2 If 100516 If 100516 100517 100517 59138 GE-216 600 2 t 108041 t 108041 108042 108042 108034 GE-216 600 2 11 61175 1 61175 61182 61182 59138 GE-218 600 2 108045 108045 108046 108046 108034 GE-219 600 2 t 108041 } 108041 108042 108042 108034 GE-219 600 2 If 61175 If 61175 61182 61182 59138 HM-701 250 10 100610 100610 100612 100612 55853 HM-701 500 10 100611 100611 100613 100613 55853 HM-702 250 6 104740 104740 104742 , 104742 111856 HM-702 500 6 104741 104741 104743 104743 111856 HM-703 250 10 100610 100610 100612 100612 55853 HM-703 500 10 100611 100611 100613 100613 55853 HM-704 500 6 104744 104744 104745 104745 111856 HM-708 250 9 104751 104751 104752 104752 108034 HM-709 250 6 100614 100614 100616 100616 55853 HM-709 500 6 100615 100615 100617 100617 55853 HM-710 250 10 100610 100610 100612 100612 55853 HM-710 500 10 100611 100611 100613 100613 55853 HM-711 250 6 100614 100614 100616 100616 55853 HM-711 500 6 100615 100615 100617 100617 55853 HM-713 250 10 100610 100610 100612 100612 55853 CO-2001 220/250 3 100453 100455 100457 100459 CO-2001 500 3 100454 100456 100458 100460 CO-2002 220/250 3 47886 47887 47888 45174 CO-2002 500 3 15604 15627 15628 14763 CO-2003 220/250 7 127039 127040 127041 127042 127043 CO-2003 500 7 50512 50513 50516 50516 50520 CO-2004 220/250 3 A66679 66681 66683 14763 CO-2004 220/250 3 66680 66682 66684 14763 CO-2004 500 3 50418 14755 14756 14763 CO-2005 110/125 4 113128 113133 113133 13731 CO-2005 220/250 3 111881 111882 111883 13731 CO-2005 500 3 17488 17238 17239 13731 CO-2006 220/250 3 123437 123439 123441 b 123443 CO-2006 500 3 123438 123440 123442 b 123443 CO-2007 220/250 3 100461 100462 100463 100464 CO-2007 500 3 * 38580 19213 19214 55853 CO-2007 500 3 t 50226 50228 50229 14763 * With barrel type spring. t With old type spring. t New style with straight terminal. Three- turn armature. H Old style with bent terminal. ATwo turn armature. b Pressure spring complete. MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 103 CARBON BRUSHES FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST MOTORS MOTOR BRUSHES Motor Voltage Cat. No. DIMENSIONS IN INCHES Length Width Thickness NWP-2H 220/250/500 100370 2 1H M LWP-5 250 50681 2 1H CB-14 125 122858 1% iM K * CB-14 250/500 51971 1M W CB-14 250 1500 61834 IH i N * CB-15 250/500 51971 IH ^ WP-30 500 16086 2y 4 i 3 /4 H WP-50 500 16212 2M 2% H t GE-800 110/250 15389 2y 2 2^ K t GE-800 500 17086 2A 2J4 Yi GE-1000 500 14764 2M 1 Yi GE-1000 500 50396 2^ 2M X % GE-1200 250 36071 2^ 2^ n J GE-1200 500 17086 2^ 2J4 Yi GE-51 250 36062 2^ 2 1 * GE-51 250 58964 2^ 2 1 GE-51 500 36063 2M 2 GE-52 250 36064 2M IX 1 * GE-52 250 58965 2M 1H 1 GE-52 500 15698 2^ 1M ^ GE-52 500 50395 2^ 2^ H GE-53 220/250 52563 2^ IH M * GE-53 220/250 58966 2^ 1H M GE-53 500 52546 2M i % GE-54 500 11347 2^ 3 N GE-55 500 50534 2 1M A GE-57 250 36066 2K l IK * GE-57 250 58967 2^ l IK GE-57 500 18167 2^ 1% H GE-58 250 36067 2M i 3 /^ i A* GE-58 250 58968 2M i 3 /^ . K * GE-58 250 58969 2M ! 3 /8 1M GE-58 500 50396 2^ 2M H GE-58 500 14764 2^ l 3 /^ H * GE-59 250 122859 2M 1^ IK GE-60 250 52281 2^ 1M H GE-60 500 50395 2^ 2H M GE-60 500 15698 2^ i-H K GE-61 250 36069 2^ 2 H GE-61 500 36070 2M 2 5^ GE-66 500 24843 2^ 3^ A GE-67 500 55856 2Y 3 3 /^ J^ GE-69 500 36321 2 2^ 5 /^ GE-70 500 34070 2y 4 1% Yi GE-71 250/500 122860 2X IK H GE-77 250 52281 2Y* IH H GE-77 500 50395 2K 2H GE-79 250/500 100372 2^ l.H A GE-80 500 34070 2^ 1% H GE-81 500 11347 2J4 3 N GE-87 500 42911 2M 2 Yi GE-88 500 34070 2^ IK H GE-90 500 42912 2H 1H A GE-95 250 100233 IK 1 A GE-96 250 100373 1H 1H H GE-96 500 100374 IH 1H A * GE-97 250 100375 2H iM i GE-97 500 100376 2H i A * Clip and pigtail, t Beveled. Two turn motor. AThree turn motor. 104 (;i-:\l'lRAL ELECTRIC COMPANY CARBON BRUSHES FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST MOTORS MOTOR BRUSHES (Continued) Motor Voltage GE-202 600 50395 GE-204 600 59987 GE-205 600 100663 GE-210 600 59889 GE-216 600 61176 GE-218 600 107579 GE-219 600 61176 HM-701 250 100608 HM-701 500 100609 * HM-702 250 104591 HM-702 500 104592 HM-703 250 100608 HM-703 500 100609 HM-704 500 104592 * HM-708 250 100371 * HM-709 250 100375 HM-709 500 100376 HM-710 250 100608 HM-710 500 100609 *HM-711 250 100375 HM-711 500 100376 HM-713 250 100608 CO-2001 220/250 36062 * CO-2001 220/250 58964 CO-2001 500 36063 CO-2002 220/250 36064 * CO-2002 220/250 58965 CO-2002 500 15698 CO-2002 500 50395 CO-2003 220/250 36065 CO-2003 500 50534 CO-2004 220/250 36067 A* CO-2004 220/250 58968 * CO-2004 220/250 58969 CO-2004 500 50396 CO-2004 500 14764 i CO-2005 110/125/250 15389 I CO-2005 500 17086 CO-2006 220/250 114002 CO-2006 500 114003 CO-2007 220/250 36066 * CO-2007 220/250 58967 CO-2007 500 18167 Length 2 2 IX 2 2% 2K IX IX 2K 2K DIMENSIONS IN INCHES Width Thickness IX 2X y 2 H i A i 16 i i i i j| IK y 2 * Clip and pigtail. % Beveled. Two turn motor. AThree turn motor. MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 105 BEARING LININGS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST MOTORS In the design of motors for mining and industrial service, different types of bearing linings have been employed. In some cases the choice of type has been determined by the necessity for economy of space or other features of machine design; in others, operating conditions require a given type, but wherever possible the choice of one type or another is left to the customer as his operating conditions may indicate. Thus where size of axle permits, axle linings for most motors are made both in babbitt and bronze and every effort is made to meet the requirements of service under all conditions. BRASS LININGS Brass or bronze linings are made of compositions which have been thoroughly tested during many years of service. Much cheaper linings can be made by the employment of cheaper mixtures. In fact brass linings can be made for almost any price, but the standard product which is identical with that used in original equipments, will give a MINIMUM MAINTENANCE COST PER MILE OF SERVICE. LUMEN LININGS Lumen linings are made from a special patented alloy. It is a very excellent material for use under certain conditions, having in a certain degree the anti-friction qualities of babbitt metal com- bined with sufficient strength to allow its use without a supporting shell where the housing allows room for sufficient thickness. It is not furnished in any case for armature linings. BABBITTED LININGS Babbitted linings are iron shells filled with babbitt metal. BRASS AND BABBITT LININGS Brass and babbitt linings are brass shells with a facing of babbitt metal yg- in. thick sweated to the brass. The shells are provided with dovetail grooves with which the babbitt engages, and which serve to anchor it securely. These linings are employed for armature bearings only, and since the thickness of the babbitt is less than the air gap between the armature core and pole face, the bearing may run hot enough to melt out the babbitt without dropping the armature on the poles. BABBITT METAL The General Electric Standard Babbitt Metal for locomotive, crane and hoist motors is a tin base babbitt having a specific gravity of 7.27, which should be taken into account in comparing its price with that of lead base or other heavier babbitts which, although costing less per pound, are, by reason of their higher specific gravity, actually no cheaper. Its virtue lies not only in the proportions of its ingredients but in the method of mixing, handling, etc., employed, and it cannot be duplicated by other manufacturers by merely using the proportions shown by its analysis. For the best results the shells and mandrels should be heated to about 100 deg. centigrade before the metal is poured, and the metal should be well peened into the shell before being bored out. In the case of solid linings a tapered arbor slightly larger than the unfinished bore should be forced through in order to thoroughly seat the babbitt metal in the shell. Price for Babbitt Metal quoted on application. 106 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY ARMATURE LININGS .Motor COMMUTATOR END PINION END Material Cat. Xo. Type Cat. No. Type NWP-2H 33617 Split 33618 Split Gun metal LWP-5 50657 Split 50658 Split Brass CB-14 51946 Split 51947 Split Brass CB-15 30760 Split 30761 Split Brass WP-30 & 50 15453 Split 15996 Split Brass GE-800 17096 Solid 17095 Split C. I. & Bal). GE-800 17559 Solid 17558 Split Brass GE-1000 14729 Solid 14728 Split C. I. & Bab. GE-1000 48772 Solid C. I. & Bab. GE-1000 14730 Solid 14727 Solit Brass GE-1200 18010 Solid 18009 Split C. I. & Bab. GE-51 33410 Solid 33411 Solid C. I. & Bal). GE-52 14581 Solid 14582 Split C. I. & Bab. GE-52 109967 Solid 109968 Split Brass GE-53 52529 Solid 52530 Solid Brass & Bab. GE-54 14581 Solid 14582 Split C. I. & Bab. GE-54 109967 Solid 109968 Split Brass GE-55 50510 Solid 50511 Solid Brass & Bab. GE-57 50223 Solid 50224 Solid C. I. & Bab. GE-58 50414 Solid 50415 Solid C. I. & Bab. GE-58 50416 Solid 50417 Solid Brass GE-59 60524 Solid 60525 Solid C. I. & Bab. GE-60-A 52268 Solid 52269 Solid C. I. & Bal). GE-61 33412 Solid 33413 Solid Brass & Bab. GE-66 24575 Solid 24576 Solid Brass & Bab. GE-67 55843 Solid 55844 Solid C. I. & Bab. GE-69 33418 Solid 33419 Solid Brass & Bab. GE-70 33420 Solid 33421 Solid Brass & Bab. GE-71 122865 Solid 122866 Solid Brass & Bab. GE-77 38692 Solid 38693 Solid C. I. & Bab. GE-79 41064 Solid 41065 Solid Brass GE-80 38694 Solid 38695 Split Brass & Bab. GE-81 41066 Solid 41067 Split Brass & Bab. GE-87 43093 Solid 43094 Split Brass & Bab. GE-88-A & C 100068 Solid 100069 Solid Mall. I. & Bab. GE-88-B & D 100070 Solid 100069 Split Mall. I. & Bab. GE-90 38694 Solid 38695 Split Brass & Bab. GE-95 64854 Solid 64856 Solid Brass GE-96-A 60526 Solid 60527 Solid Mall. I. & Bab. GE-96-B 66083 Solid 66084 Solid Mall. I. & Bab. GE-97 60528 Solid 60529 Solid Mall. I. & Bab. GE-202 61901 Solid 61902 Split Brass & Bab. GE-204 59820 Solid 59821 Split Brass & Bal). GE-205 49739 Solid 49740 Solid Brass & Bab. GE-210 59823 Solid 59824 Solid Brass & Bab. GE-216 61325 Solid 59127 Solid Brass & Bab. GE-218 100071 Solid 100072 Solid Brass & Bab. GE-219 100070 Solid 100069 Solid Mall. I. & Bab. HM-701 100602 Solid 100603 Solid Brass & Bab. HM-702 104680 Solid 104581 Solid Brass & Bab. HM-703 100604 Solid 100605 Solid Brass & Bab. HM-704 104580 Solid 104581 Solid Brass & Bab. HM-708 104586 Solid 104587 Solid Mall. I. & Bab. HM-709 100606 Solid 100607 Solid Brass & Bab. HM-710 100604 Solid 100605 Solid Brass & Bab. HM-711 100606 Solid 100607 Solid Brass & Bab. HM-713 100602 Solid 100603 Solid Brass & Bab. CO-2001 33410 Solid 334 1 1 Solid C. I. & Bab. CO-2002 14581 Solid 14582 Split C. I. & Bab. CO-2002 109967 Solid 109968 Split Brass CO-2003 50510 Solid 50511 Solid Brass & Bab. CO-2004 50414 Solid 50415 Solid C. I. & Bab. CO-2004 r>()416 Solid 50417 Solid Brass CO-2005 1 7096 Solid 17095 Splii C. I. & Bab. CO-2005 1 7559 Solid 17558 Split Brass CO-2006 122862 Solid 122863 Solid C. I. & Bab. CO-2007 50223 Solid 50224 Solid C. I. & Bab. MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 107 AXLE LININGS _>j M_ Diam. of Flange ntitFrome Thickness ofFlanqe ffadius V X^^- \ < ~1 Diam.ot r/anqe t Rare \ \ \ t | \ Diam. \ \ / A Length overall *4 Axle linings with radius "A" are used with axles having larger diameter in gear fit than in motor axle bearings. Axle linings with radius "B" are used with motors having ends of axle brackets counterbored to fit lining as shown. Cat. No. Motor Bore Diameter of Flange Thickness ^utside of Flange ^^f RADIUS Length Overall Material A B 33604 NWP-2J^ 2M 3?4 M 3^ 4K Gun metal * 50655 LWP-5 2% 3?4 A 3^ 4.15. ^32 Brass t 50656 LWP-5 2M 334 A 3 l /8 4M Brass * 51942 CB-14-A & H 2M 3M A 3^ 3 3^ 4M Brass t 51943 CB-14-A & H 2H 3M A 3^ A 4M Brass * 51944 CB-14-A & H 3 4 A 3% 4M Brass 151945 CB-14-A &H 3 4 A 3^ 41 Brass * 59437 CB-14-T 3 4^ H 3^ 6 Brass t 59438 CB-14-T 3 4^ H 3^ 6 Brass * 51942 CB-15-G 2% 334 A 3K A 4M Brass t 51943 CB-15-G 2?4 3M A 3K A 4M Brass 15451 WP-30 & 50 3^ 6^ ^ 4^ 7^ Brass 16666 WP-30 & 50 334 6^ ^ 4Ys 7^ Brass 17240 GE-800-B 3^ 5 5 /8 4^ 654 C. I. & Bab. 17556 GE-800-B 3^ 5 ^ 43^ 6 34 Brass 104459 GE-800-B 3^ 5^ 5 /8 4% 6M Mall. I. & Bab. 17229 GE-800-B 3% 5 ^ 43^ 6 3 ^ Brass 33751 GE-800-B 4 5^ ^ 4^ 63^ Brass 14722 GE-1000-A 3^ 6 % 5Ji 8 Mall. I. & Bab. 14725 GE-1000-A 3^ 6 M 5^ 8 Brass 14748 GE-1000-A 3^ 6 H 5M 8 Mall. I. & Bab. 14721 GE-1000-A 3M 6 ^ 5^ 8 Mall. I. & Bab. 14724 GE-1000-A 3M 6 % 514 8 Brass 14723 GE-1000-A 4 6 M 5^ 8 Mall. I. & Bab. 14726 GE-1000-A 4 6 M 5M 8 Brass 33605 GE-1000-A 4^ 6 M 5M 8 Brass 33425 GE-1000-A 4H 6 M 5M 8 Brass 18012 GE-1200-B 4 6 ^ 5 8 Brass 33424 GE-51-B 5 8 H 53^ 11 Brass 14722 GE-52-A 3^ 6 % 5J4 8 Mall. I. & Bab. 14725 GE-52-A 3^ 6 H 5J4 8 Brass 14748 GE-52-A 3^ 6 % 5M 8 Mall. I. & Bab. 14721 GE-52-A 3% 6 % 5K 8 Mall. I. & Bab. 14724 GE-52-A 3M 6 M 5% 8 Brass 14723 GE-52-A 4 6 M 5M 8 Mall. I. & Bab. 14726 GE-52-A 4 6 M 5^ 8 Brass 33605 GE-52-A 4}4 6 M 5^ 8 Brass 33425 GE-52-A 4^ 6 54 5^ 8 Brass 52526 GE-53-A 3*A 6 ^ 4% 7 Brass 52527 GE-53-A 3M 6 H 4% 7 Brass 52528 GE-53-A 4 6 Yi 4^ 7 Brass 33606 GE-53-A 4H 6 H 4Ji 7 Brass 14722 GE-54-A 3% 6 54 5M 8 Mall. I. & Bab. * Commutator end. t Pinion end. 108 <;i-.\ERAL ELECTRIC COMI'.\.\Y AXLE LININGS OntcirlA RADIUS Cat. No. Motor Bore Diameter Thickness of Flange of Flange Diameter of Shell Length Overall Material A B 14725 GE-54-A 33/6 6 M 5J4 8 Brass 14748 GE-54-A 3% 6 54 5)4 8 Mall. I. & Bab. 14721 GE-54-A 3% 6 % 5/4 8 Mall. I. & Bab. 14724 GE-54-A 334 6 % 5J4 8 Brass 14723 GE-54-A 4 6 3^ 5>4 8 Mall. I. & Bab. 14726 GE-54-A 4 6 % 5 J4 8 Brass 33605 GE-54-A 4/4 6 % 5/4 8 Brass 33425 GE-54-A 4)4 6 /4 5J4 8 ' Brass 50507 GE-55-A 4M s y s 6 K 1Q34 Brass 50508 GE-55-A 5 8 % 6 ^8 1034 Brass 50509 GE-55-A 5/4 s y s 6 Z A 1Q34 Brass 33426 GE-55-H 6 IOA y 7A J4 1034 . Brass 49036 GE-55-H 6^ IOA % 7A J4 1034 Brass 49037 GE-55-H 6.693 7 A 7A J4 1Q34 Brass 50222 GE-57-A 334 6/4 % 5/4 9 Brass 50221 GE-57-A 4 6^ % 5/4 9 Brass 50220 GE-57-A 4/4 5J4 9 Brass 50219 GE-57-A 4M 634 5 A 5 J4 /4 9 Brass 33427 GE-57-H 5 7/^j 6 9 Brass 60502 GE-57-H 5/4 71^ 5 A 6 9 Brass 33428 GE-57-H 5)4 8 5 A 6 J/6 9 Brass 14722 GE-58-A 3% 6 *A 5 ]A 8 Mall. I. & Bab. 14725 GE-58-A 3*A 6 34 5J4 8 Brass 14721 GE-58-A 334 6 % 5/4 8 Mall. I. & Bab. 14724 GE-58-A 334 6 34 5^4 8 Brass 14723 GE-58-A 4 6 3 /4 5/4 . 8 Mall. I. & Bab. 14726 GE-58-A 4 6 H 5/4 8 Brass 33605 GE-58-A 4/4 6 H 5J4 8 Brass 61867 GE-58-A 110-MM 6 5/4 8 Brass 33429 GE-59-A 4 6 P 5J4 7J4 C.I.& Bab. 100052 GE-59-A 4^ 7 H 5/4 fa 7J4 Brass 14722 GE-60-A 3% 6 % 5)4 8 Mall. I. & Bab. 14725 GE-60-A 33/6 6 M 5/4 8 Brass 14748 GE-60-A 3% 6 % 5J4 8 Mall. I. & Bab. 14721 GE-60-A 3% 6 % 5J4 8 Mall. I. & Bab. 14724 GE-60-A 3% 6 % 5/4 8 Brass 52267 GE-60-A 100-MM 6 % 5 J4 8 Mall. I. & Bab. 14723 GE-60-A 4 6 24 5/4 8 Mall. I. & Bab. 14726 GE-60-A 4 6 H 5 J4 8 Brass 52266 GE-60-A 105-MM 6 % 5/4 8 Mall. I. & Bab. 52528 GE-61-A 4 6 J^ 4% 7 Brass 33606 GE-61-A 4/4 6 y> 4% 7 Brass 33430 GE-61-A 4^ 6% y 2 5 7 Brass 33606 GE-61-B 4)4 6 K 4% 7 Brass 24567 GE-66-A 5 834 6 A 1034 Lumen 24568 GE-66-A 5 834 H 6 A 1034 Brass 24569 GE-66-A 5)4 834 A 1034 Lumen 24570 GE-66-A 5)4 8/4 6 A 1034 Brass 33609 GE-66-A 5)4 834 6 ^ 24 1Q34 Brass 43335 GE-66-A 6 934 7 J4 A /4 1Q34 Brass 33464 GE-66-B 5)4 934 7 J4 A 1034 Brass 24571 GE-66-B 6 934 || 7H A 1034 Lumen 24572 GE-66-B 6 934 M A 1034 Brass 33610 GE-66-B 6 934 7)4 /4 1034 Brass 33465 GE-66-B 6)4 934 714 A 1Q34 Brass 24573 GE-66-B 6 1 A 9?4 7)4 A 10% Lumen 24574 GE-66-B 6H 934 7)4 A 1Q34 Brass 104460 GE-66-B 6ii 934 7J4 1 A 10% Brass 100062 GE-66-C 5H 9M 7^ A 1034 Mall. I. & Bab. 100062 GE-66-E 5^ 9% 7*4 A /4 lOM Mall. I. & Bab. 46220 GE-66-H 6}/ 9% 7% A J4 10% Lumen V)841 GE-67-A 3% 6 M- 5H 8 Mall. I. & Bab. 55840 GE-67-A 3M 6 34 5H 8 Mall. I. & Bab. 55839 GE-67-A 4 6 34 5^2 8 Mall. I. & Bab. 55838 GE-67-A 4)4 6 34 5J/2 8 Mall. I. & Bab. 55842 GE-67-A 4J4 6 3/4 5 * 8 Brass * Diameter of flange next frame 6H in- MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES AXLE LININGS Cat. No. Motor Bore Diameter of Flange Thickness of Flange Outside Diameter of Shell RADIUS Length Overall Material A B 60345 GE-67-A 4% 6% % 5 1 A 8 Brass 27927 GE-69-B 6^ 10J/2 25 n \/ /\ 2 3/g" /4 ll/^ Brass 33434 GE-69-B 6% 10M 27 7 1 / ~32 < 72 7^ M iiA Brass 43336 GE-69-C 7 11 27 O 1 / 3^ 072 A ^ HA Brass & Bab. 33435 GE-70-A 4 8 5% A M 9 Lumen 46632 GE-70-A 4% 8 It 5% A M g Lumen 33436 GE-70-A 4H 8 It 5% A /4 9 Lumen 33437 GE-70-A 5 8 It 5% M 9 Lumen 47853 GE-70-A 5 8 If 5% A M- 9 Brass 122864 GE-71-A 5 8% 27 * 32 O 10% Brass 38648 GE-77-A 3% 6 % 5% 7 C. I. & Bab. 38650 GE-77-A 4 6 % 5% 7 C. I. & Bab. 41057 GE-79-A 4 6 It 4% A y& 7 Brass 42994 GE-80-A 3A 8 5% A % 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 38649 GE-80-A 3% 8 ft 5% A % 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 43316 GE-80-A 3% 8 5% A / 9 Brass 38696 GE-80-A 4 8 It 5% A % 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 43317 GE-80-A 4 8 |f 5% A M 9 Brass 38697 GE-80-A 4% 8 It A ** 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 43318 GE-80-A 4% 8 5% 16 9 Brass 38698 GE-80-A 8 It 5% A M 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 43319 GE-80-A 4/^ 8 It 5% A M 9 Brass 42995 GE-80-A 4H 8 5% A 1 A 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 59813 GE-80-A 4ii 8 MK 3y^ 0/4 A % 9 Brass 43320 GE-80-A 4% 8 It 5% A % 9 Brass 38699 GE-80-A 5 8 It 5% A M 9 Brass 41058 GE-80-B 4 8 if 6V A N 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 45270 GE-80-B 4H 8 A % 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 45271 GE-80-B 5 8 61/g A 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 45495 GE-80-C 4 8 6^ 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 46144 GE-80-C 4/^ 8 6H N 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 38554 GE-80-C 5 8 23 a i/ 32 78 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 46587 GE-81-A 3% 6% 5% A A 8 7f Mall. I. & Bab. 41059 GE-81-A 6% 5% A A 7fi Mall. I. & Bab. 102706 GE-81-A 4% *6 5% Tff Te 7fi Brass 102707 GE-81-A 6% It 5% A 7f Brass 46588 GE-81-A 4:^2 *6 It 5% A T6 7|^ Brass 100051 GE-81-B 3% 6% 23 T2 5% A 7|| Mall. I. & Bab. 42996 GE-87-A 4 8 6% A 4 H 10% Mall. I. & Bab. 42997 GE-87-A 4% 8 % 6% A y 8 10% Mall. I. & Bab. 42998 GE-87-A 8 % 6% A 10% Mall. I. & Bab. 42999 GE-87-A 5 8 Z A 6% A y s 10% Mall. I. & Bab. 45421 GE-87-A 5 8 % 6% A y 8 10% Brass 45420 GE-87-A 5% 8 % 6% A 10% i Brass 45412 GE-87-A Q 1/rt 8 % 6M A P 10% : Brass 114736 GE-87-B 4 /^) 8 % 6% A 10% Brass 47855 GE-87-B 5 8 % 6% A % 10% ! Brass 43090 GE-87-B 5J/2 8 % 6J-I A N 10% Brass 100916 GE-88-A 4 9 27 32 6H 5/C N 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 100053 GE-88-A 4H 9 27 6H & y 8 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 100057 GE-88-A 5 9 27 6H ^ y* 9 i Mall. I. & Bab. 104461 GE-88-A 5 9 6/^ ^ y 8 9 Brass 100916 GE-88-B 4 9 6J/8" % y 8 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 100053 GE-88-B Yi 9 6K N y 8 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 100057 GE-88-B 5 9 6K ^ y 8 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 104461 GE-88-B 5 . 9 6H N y 8 9 Brass 100916 GE-88-C 4 9 27 C 1 / 3~2 tX8 5^ y 8 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 100053 GE-88-C 4M 9 6H ^8 y 8 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 100057 GE-88-C 5 9 6^ /^ y 8 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 104461 GE-88-C 5 9 6^ ^8 % 9 Brass 100916 GE-88-D 4 9 n 6M 5^ y 8 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 100053 GE-88-D 4^ 9 Y% |l y 8 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 100057 GE-88-D 5 9 H~ 63/g 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 104461 GE-88-D 5 9 27 I/ 3"2 "78 5i 8 9 Brass 42994 GE-90-A 3A 8 It 5% 5 I/ 16 /4 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 38649 GE-90-A 3% 8 It j 5% A M 9 Mall. I. & Bab. * Diameter of flange next frame 6% in. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY AXLE LININGS Cat. No. Motor Bore Diameter of Flange Thickness of Flange Outside Diameter of Shell RADIUS Length Material Overall A B 38696 GE-90-A 4 8 \ ' 5M A ^ 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 38697 GE-90-A 4% 8 \ 5M A ^ 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 38698 GE-90-A 4^ 8 \ 5% A J 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 42995 GE-90-A 4^ 8 \ 5M A M 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 38699 GE-90-A 5 8 \ 5M A J 9 Brass 45270 GE-90-B 4M 8 \ 63^ A N 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 45271 GE-90-B 5 8 6^ A N 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 64853 GE-95-A 2% 4% y s 3H 4^ Brass 60522 GE-96-A sy 2 5% B 4 6M Brass 60522 GE-96-B 3^ 5% H 4 6M Brass 60523 GE-97-A 5 8 if 5% H % 9^ Brass 60523 GE-97-B 5 8 5M N N $y% Brass 41058 GE-202-A 4 8 If G 1 A A M 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 59425 GE-202-A 4K 8 H 6K A N 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 45270 GE-202-A 4^ 8 If 6^ A N 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 47856 GE-202-A 5 8 H 6^ A N 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 114737 GE-204-A 4^ 9 7 A 7 M N 10% Mall. I. & Bab. 62562 GE-204-A 5 9 7 A 7 H N 10% Mall. I. & Bab. 62352 GE-204-A 5M 9 7 A 7 K N 10% Mall. I. & Bab. 59814 GE-204-A 6 9 H 7 1 A N 1051 Brass 47857 GE-205-A 5 *8% H 7 y* N 10 y Mall. I. & Bab. 60582 GE-205-A 5M *8|2 H 7 y* N 10% Brass 100063 GE-205-A 5K *8% H 7 y* ^ io|| Mall. I. & Bab. 100662 GE-205-A 5^ *8% H 7 y* N 10% Brass 47858 GE-205-A 6 *8% 27 7 y* N 10% Brass t 102708 GE-205-B 6 9^ fl 7 y* N 10% Brass ir 112140 GE-205-B 6 $ 1 A 2 7 y* N iiM Brass 114738 GE-205-B 4^ 9K 27 72 7 1 A % 10% Mall. I. & Bab. 47857 GE-205-B 5 *8% H 7 H y 10% Mall. I. & Bab. 60582 GE-205-B 5% *8% , H 7 y* N 10% Brass 100063 GE-205-B 5^ *8% 27 32 7 1 A H 10% Mall. I. & Bab. 100662 GE-205-B 5 1 A *8% II 7 1 A H 10% Brass 47858 GE-205-B 6 *8% H 7 1 A N 10% Brass 104462 GE-205-B 6 9^ 7 1 A N 10% Brass & Bab. t 107614 GE-205-B 6 9H H 7 1 A ^ IOA Brass -n- 107615 GE-205-B 6 9 1 A 2ff 7 y* N 12H Brass 114742 GE-205-D 6^ 9K ff 7^ 1 A N 10% Brass 59816 GE-210-A 4^i 8 % 5H A A 9 Brass 59816 GE-210-B 4^ 8 % 5^ A A 9 Brass 114739 GE-210-B 4K 8 H 5^ N A 9 Brass 100054 GE-210-C 4^ 10 & 6^ H A 9H Mall. I. & Bab. 100056 GE-210-C 4% 10 H 6H N A 9H Mall. I. & Bab. 100058 GE-210-C 5 10 H 6H N A 9^i Mall. I. & Bab. 100064 GE-210-C 5^ 10 % 6^ 5^ A 9M Brass 114740 GE-214-A 5 1 A 10 H 6% ^ 3 A 10% Brass 114741 GE-214-A 5 1 A 10 8 6^ N H 10% Mall. I. & Bab. 104463 GE-214-A 5 1 A 10 H 6% N y* 10% f Damascus \ Nick. brz. 107616 GE-216-A 4 9 ^ 5 r 6^ N N 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 1 14304 GE-216-A 4^ 9 j r 6^ N N 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 60947 GE-216-A 5 9 '> r 6J^ N H 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 100059 GE-216-A 5 9 \ r 6J^ N H 9 Brass 100060 GE-216-C 5 8 i 6^ N N 9 Brass 100055 GE-218-B 4 1 A 9 '-. -> 6 ^ 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 100061 GE-218-B 5 9 27 6 N N 9 Brass 100916 GE-219-A 4 9 || 6^ N H 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 100053 GE-219-A 4^ 9 | 1 6>g ^ 3 A 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 100057 GE-219-A 5 9 i 1 6^ N H 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 100916 GE-219-B 4 9 ^ 1 6^ H y s 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 100053 GE-219-B 4^ 9 i 1 6J^ H H 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 100057 GE-219-B 5 9 ft 6H ^ N 9 Mall. I. & Bab. 41057 HM-701-A & B 4 6 H 4^ A 1 A 7 Brass 33606 HM-702-A & B 4% 6 Yz 4^ 7 Brass * Diameter of flange next frame 9^ in. t Commutator end. ic Pinion end. MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 111 AXLE LININGS Cat. No. Motor Bore Diameter of Flange Thickness of Flange Outside Diameter of Shell RADIUS Length Overall Material A B 60522 HM-703-A & B 3y 2 5% & 4 6 ^ Brass 33606 HM-704-A & B 4% 6 % 4% 7 Brass 104579 HM-708-A & B 4 6 5% % 7/4 Mall. I. & Bab. 52528 HM-709-A 4 6 Yl 4/ / 8 7 Brass 33606 HM-709-C 4% 6 Yl 4/^ 7 Brass 60522 HM-710-B 5% H 4 6% Brass 33606 HM-711-C 4j| 6 4j/s 7 Brass 41057 HM-713-B 4 6 H 4% A H 7 Brass 33424 CO-2001 5 819 3~2 5% 11 Brass 14722 CO-2002 33^ 6 % 5% 8 Mall. I. & Bab. 14725 CO-2002 3^8 6 % 5% 8 Brass 14748 CO-2002 o 5/ o / s 6 % 5% 8 Mall. I. & Bab. 14721 CO-2002 3% 6 % 5% 8 Mall. I. & Bab. 14722 CO-2002 3% 6 % 5% 8 Brass 14723 CO-2002 4 6 % 5% 8 Mall. I. & Bab. 14726 CO-2002 4 6 % 5% 8 Brass 33605 CO-2002 4}4 6 % 5% 8 Brass 33425 CO-2002 4^3 6 % 5% 8 Brass 50507 CO-2003 ^Yi 8 ^ 6 y% 10% Brass 50508 CO-2003 5 8 6 % 10% Brass 50509 CO-2003 5% 8 J/ 6 % 10% Brass 33426 CO-2003 6 IOA x 7& % 10% Brass 49036 CO-2003 6/^ 10ft 7A X 10% Brass 14722 CO-2004 33^ 6 % 5/4 8 Mall. I. & Bab. 14725 CO-2004 3% 6 % 5% 8 Brass 14721 CO-2004 3% 6 % 5% 8 Mall. I. & Bab. 14724 CO-2004 3% 6 % 5% 8 Brass 14723 CO-2004 4 6 % 5% 8 Mall. I. & Bab. 14726 CO-2004 4 6 % 5% 8 Brass 33605 CO-2004 4% 6 % 5M 8 Brass 17240 CO-2005 3% 5 % 4y / 8 6% C. I. & Bab. 17556 CO-2005 3% 5 5 /8 43/8 6% Brass 104459 CO-2005 3>Yi 55^ 4J^ 6% Mall. I. & Bab. 17229 CO-2005 3% 5 rf 43/8 6% \ Brass 33751 CO-2005 4 5 5 /8 5 /8 4^ 6% Brass 122861 CO-2006 3.442 7 9 C. I. & Bab. 50222 CO-2007 3% 6% H 5% 9 Brass 50221 CO-2007 4 6% 5 /8 5% 9 Brass 50220 CO-2007 4% 6% H 5M 9 Brass 50219 CO-2007 6% 5 /8 5% /4 9 Brass 33427 CO-2007 5 5 /8 6 9 Brass 60502 CO-2007 5% 7 H H 6 9 Brass 33428 CO-2007 5% 8 5 /8 6 /i 9 Brass \ 112 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY GEARS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST MOTORS Motor Pinion and Split Gear When ordering gears give the S.G. number and also the axle diameter. Pinions should be ordered by catalogue number and also the grade letter. NWP-2 1/24 PITCH 2 1/4 IN. FACE SPLIT SOLID No. of Hub Di Teeth in I imeter Axle Diameter n. in In. No. Axle Diameter M in In. 58 4j tf m S.G.-2085 LWP-5 4 PITCH 3 IN. FACE 60 2%-3 S.G.-2097 CB-14 AND -154 PITCH 3 IN. FACE 66 4J 4 2 M-3 S.G.-2086 WP-30 AND -503 PITCH 4 1/2 IN. FACE 67 5 MHK S.G.-2001 64 5 67 5 67 6 GE-800 3 PITCH-4 1/2 IN. FACE 3?J-4 4 4 -4^ S.G.-1001 S.G.-2001 S.G.-2005 4 -4J S.G.-3004 GE-1000 3 PITCH 4 1/2 IN. FACE 67 6 67 63 69 6 69 63 69 6?, A -\ 1^ 5 ^ 4 -4J^ 434-5 S.G.-2005 S.G.-2011 S.G.-2006 S.G.-2012 S.G.-2013 3M-4^ S.G.-3004 4 -5 S.G.-3010 3M-4M S.G. -3005 4 S.G.-3011 4^-5 S.G.-3012 MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 113 GEARS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST MOTORS GE-1200 3 PITCH 5 IN. FACE SPLIT SOLID No. of Teeth 60 Hub Diameter in In. Axle Diameter XT Axle Diameter x. T in In. No - 6 3%-43^ S.G.-1058 GE-51 3 PITCH 5 IN. FACE Use same gears as for GE-57 GE-52 3 PITCH 4 1/2 IN. FACE 67 67 6 3^-43^ S.G.-2005 4M-5 S.G.-2011 3J4-4K S.G.-3004 4 -5 . S.G.-3010 GE-53 3 PITCHI 1/2 IN. FACE 69 69 6 4 -AYz S.G.-2046 4 -4> S.G.-3048 4 -4}^ S.G.-1038 4 -4Ji S.G.-3050 GE-54 3 PITCH 4 1/2 IN. FACE 64 64 67 67 6 6 6% 3K-43^ S.G.-2003 33^-43^2 S.G.-2009 3K-4K S.G.-2005 4M-5 S.G.-2011 3 3^-4 Yz ' S.G.-3002 33^-4 Y 2 S.G.-3008 3M-4M S.G.-3004 4 -5 S.G.-3010 GE-55 2 1 12 PITCH (On Application) GE-57 3 PITCH 5 IN. FACE 57 59 63 65 65 66 66 69 69 69 70 71 71 8 8 8 8 4 6% 8 8 3%-5 S.G.-2014 4 -5 S.G.-3013 Sj-i-5 S.G.-2015 4 -5 S.G.-3014 5 -6 S.G.-2024 5 -6 S.G.-3023 4^-5 S.G.-2027 4M~5 S.G.-3026 5M-6 S.G.-2028 5M~6 S.G.-3027 4 -5 S.G.-2018 4 -5 S.G.-3017 5 S.G.-2019 5 S.G.-3018 3^-4% S.G.-2020 3K-4% S.G.-3019 4 -5M S.G.-2031 4 -4% S.G.-3031 5 -6 S.G.-3032 4 -5 S.G.-1059 4 -4% S.G.-2033 4 -4% S.G.-3034 5 -6 S.G.-2034 5 -6 S.G.-3035 GE-58 3 PITCH 4 1/2 IN. FACE 69 6 4 -4^ S.G.-2046 4 -4^ S.G.-3048 1 GE-59 3 PITCH 1 IN. FACE 69 6 33/2-4^ S.G.-2048 33/-4K S.G.-3051 GE-60 3 PITCH 4 1/2 IN. FACE 65 67 6 6 3M-4^ S.G.-2044 3%-4K S.G.-3046 3M-4M S.G.-2045 3^-434 S.G.-3047 114 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY GEARS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST MOTORS GE-61 3 PITCH 3 1/2 IN. FACE SPLIT SOLID No. of Teeth Hub Diameter in In. Axle Diameter in In. No. Axle Diameter in In. No. 81 6 4 -4)4 S.G.-2049 4 -4)4 S.G.-3052 GE-66 2 1 12 AND 3 PITCH (On Application) GE-67 3 PITCH 4 1/2 IN. FACE Use same gears as for GE-1000 GE-69 2 1/2 PITCH (On Application) GE-70 3 PITCH 5 IN. FACE 67 67 69 69 70 71 71 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 4 -4% 5 -5% 3H-4H 5 -5H 4y 2 -5y 2 4 -5 5M-6 S.G.-2037 S.G.-2038 S.G.-2039 S.G.-2040 S.G.-2032 S.G.-2041 S.G.-2042 4 -5 5%-5% 4 -5 5M-5M 4y 2 -5y 2 4 -5 5M-6 S.G.-3039 S.G.-3040 S.G.-3041 S.G.-3042 S.G.-3033 S.G.-3043 S.G.-3044 GE-71 3 PITCH 4 1/4 IN. FACE 81 8H 5 S.G.-1060 GE-77 3 PITCH 3 1/2 IN. FACE 67 6 3y 2 -4 S.G.-2069 3^-4K S.G.-3073 GE-79 3 PITCH 3 IN. FACE 69 6 3M-4M S.G.-2070 GE-80 3 PITCH 5 IN. FACE Use same gears as for GE-70 GE-81 3 PITCH 4 1/2 IN. FACE 64 64 67 67 6 6^ 6 6^ sy 2 -4y 2 3y 2 -4y 2 3%-4M 4J4-5 S.G.-2003 S.G.-2009 S.G.-2005 S.G.-2011 sy 2 -4y 2 sy 2 -4y 2 sy 4 -4y 2 4 -5 S.G.-3002 S.G.-3008 S.G.-3004 S.G.-3010 GE-87 3 PITCH 5 IN. FACE 69 69 71 71 8 8 8 8 4 -5)4 5X-5y 2 4 -4% 5 -6 S.G.-2031 S.G.-2031 S.G.-2033 S.G.-2034 4 -4% S.G.-3031 r> -5^ S.G.-3032 4 -4% S.G.-3034 5 -6 S.G.-3035 GE-88 3 PITCH 5 IN. FACE Use same gears as for GE-216 MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 115 GEARS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST MOTORS GE-90 3 PITCH 5 IN. FACE SPLIT SOLID No. of Teeth Hub Diameter in In. Axle Diameter in In. No. Axle Diameter in In. No. 70 8 4/ / ~5 }/2 S.G.-2032 4K-5K S.G.-3033 71 8 4 -4% S.G.-2033 4 4/4 S.G.-3034 71 5 -6 S.G.-2034 5 -6 S.G.-3035 GE-95--1 PITCH 2 IN. FACE 58 4M 2^-3 S.G.-2071 GE-96-^ PITCH 5 IN. FACE 66 5M 3^-4 S.G.-2072 GE-97 3 PITCH 3 IN. FACE 72 8 4^-5K S.G.-2073 4^-5^ S.G.-3074 GE-202 3 PITCH 5 IN. FACE Use same gears as for GE-90 GE-204 2 1/2 PITCH 5 IN. FACE 58 9 5^-6^ 60 95 -5^2 S.G.-2076 6^-7 S.G.-2077 6 -7 S.G.-3077 S.G.-3078 GE-205 2 1/2 PITCH 5 IN. FACE 55 57 57 57 58 8M 8M 8% 9^ 8% 5^-6 5M-5^ 6 -7 6^-7^ 6 -Q l / 2 S.G.-2054 S.G.-2093 S.G.-2056 S.G.-2094 S.G.-2057 5M-6K 5M-6K 6^-7 6^-7^ 6 -6^ S.G.-3058 S.G.-3095 S.G.-3060 S.G.-3096 S.G.-3061 GE-210 3 PITCH 5 IN. FACE 67 69 69 69 71 71 10 8 10 10 10 10 4H-5^ 4^-5M 5^-6 4 -5 5M-6 S.G.-2031 S.G.-2083 S.G.-2091 S.G.-2084 S.G.-2092 5 -6 4M-4% 4M-5H 5^-6 4H-5^ S.G.-3088 S.G.-3031 S.G.-3086 S.G.-3089 S.G.-3090 GE-216 3 PITCH 5 IN. FACE 67 69 69 71 71 9 9 9 9 9 5 -6 4 -5 5^-6 4 -5 5M-6 S.G.-2078 S.G.-2079 S.G.-2080 S.G.-2081 S.G.-2082 5 -6 4 -5 5J4-6 4 -5 5K-6 S.G.-3079 S.G.-3080 S.G.-3081 S.G.-3082 S.G.-3083 GE-218 3 PITCH 4 1/2 IN. FACE 71 9 4y 2 -5y 2 71 9 5^-6 S.G.-2087 S.G.-2088 GE-219 3 PITCH 5 IN. FACE Use same gears as for GE-216 116 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY GEARS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST MOTORS HM-701 3 PITCH 3 IN. FACE SPLIT SOLID No. of Hub Diameter Axle Diameter Teeth in In. in In. 69 6 3K-4K No. Axle. Diameter N in In. S.G.-2070 HM-702 3 PITCH 3 1/2 IN. FACE 81 64 -4H S.G.-2049 4 -4^ S.G.-3052 HM-703 4 PITCH 3 IN. FACE 73 5^ 3 -3Y 2 S.G.-2098 HM-704 3 PITCH 3 1/2 IN. FACE 81 6 4 -4^ S.G.-2049 4 -4J^ S.G.-3052 HM-708 3 PITCH 3 1/2 IN. FACE 69 6 3^-4^ S.G.-2048 3M-4^ S.G.-3051 HM-709 3 PITCH 4 1/2 IN. FACE 72 6 4^-4^ S.G.-2099 HM-710 4 PITCH 3 IN. FACE 73 5M 3 -3y 2 S.G.-2098 HM-711 3 PITCH 4 1/2 IN. FACE 72 6 4M-4Ji S.G.-2099 HM-713 3 PITCH 3 IN. FACE 69 6 3^-4^ S.G.-2070 CO-2001 3 PITCH 5 IN. FACE Use same gears as for GE-57 CO-2002 3 PITCH 4 1/2 IN. FACE 61 6 2%-3 l A S.G.-1061 61 6 3%-4J4 S.G.-1062 62 6 3%-4 S.G.-2002 3%-4 S.G.-3001 62 4^-43/ S.G.-2007 4J4-4K S.G.-3006 63 6 4 3^-4 S.G.-1063 63 6^4 41^41^ S.G.-2008 4&-4H S.G.-3007 65 6 3^-41^ S.G.-2004 3^-4^ S.G.-3003 65 6% 3H~4K S.G.-2010 3^|-4ji S.G.-3009 67 6 33^-41^ S.G.-2005 3M-4M S.G.-3004 67 6K 4J4-5 S.G.-2011 4 -5 S.G.-3010 MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 117 GEARS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST MOTORS CO-2003 2 1/2 PITCH (On Application) CO-2004 3 PITCH 4 1/2 IN. FACE SPLIT SOLID Xo. of Teeth Hub Diameter in In. Axle Diameter in In. No. Axle Diameter in In. No. 61 6 3^-4 S.G.-1064 63 6 3^-4 S.G.-1065 67 6 3M-4M S.G.-2045 3M-4M S.G.-3047 67 6M 4 -4^ S.G.-2047 4 -4H S.G.-3049 69 6 4 -4^ S.G.-2046 4 -4J/2 S.G.-3048 69 6 3 /4 4 -4K S.G.-3050 CO-2005 3 PITCH 4 1/2 IN. FACE 61 5 3M-3M S.G.-1066 61 6 2^-3^ S.G.-1061 61 6 3M-4M S.G.-1062 64 5 3 iHi-3 M S.G.-1001 65 6 3M-4J4 S.G.-2004 3^-4% S.G.-3003 67 5 3^-4 S.G.-2001 67 6 4 -4K S.G.-2005 4 -4^ S.G.-3004 CO-2006 3 PITCH Use same gears as for GE-57 CO-2007 3 PITCH Use same gears as for GE-57 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY PINIONS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST MOTORS Unless otherwise specified in the following tables all pinions are taper bored. NWP 2 1/24 PITCH LWP-5 4 PITCH No. of Teeth Cat. No. Face Bore in In. No. of Teeth Cat. No. Face 3 Bore in In. 14 18488 2K 1 J^ straight 14 18490 1 ^A straight CB-14 AND -15 i PITCH WP-30 AND -503 PITCH 14 18572 3 1.8093 14 14 18537 y 2 2^ straight 15677 4y 2 2& straight GE-800 3 PITCH GE-1000 3 PITCH 14 14 14 18537 4% 15677 4M 19351 4K 2-^g straight 2 Y straight 2-fg counterbored 15 15 17 28485 18494 18502 4 y> 4 y% 2% 2% GE-1200 3 PITCH GE-51 3 PITCH 17 18043 5 2% Same as GE-57 GE-52 3 PITCH GE-53 3 PITCH 14 19351 4H 2-fc counterbored 15 18469 VA 2% counterbored GE-54 3 PITCH GE-55 2 1/2 PITCH 14 17 19351 18501 ft 2rs counterbored 2f$ counterbored 17 18 18548 5M 3 1 A 18554 5M 3 1 A GE-57 3 PITCH GE-58 3 PITCH 16 17 22 18541 18938 18544 5 5 5 3 3 3 15 15 18494 18555 ft 2% 2% counterbored GE-59 3 PITCH GE-60 3 PITCH 15 18990 4 2% counterbored 14 16 19351 4^2 2^s counterbored 18580 4y 2 2& counterbored GE-61 3 PITCH GE-66 2 1/2 PITCH 14 18561 2% counterbored 17 22 28431 5 49895 5 m GE-66 3 PITCH GE-67 3 PITCH 19 19 18995 28434 5 5 $ Same as GE-1000 GE-69 2 1/2 PITCH GE-70 3 PITCH 18 18 19 28345 49945 28378 i iP 15 16 17 19 28387 28456 28350 28395 5 5 5 6 2% 2% 2% 2% MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 119 PINIONS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST MOTORS GE-71 3 PITCH GE-77 3 PITCH No. of Cat N F Teeth Bore in In. No. of Cat M O Teeth Face Bore in In. 16 18996 4M 3 14 18561 m 2% counterbored GE-79 3 PITCH GE-80 3 PITCH 14 28416 3 2% counterbored Same as GE-70 GE-81 3 PITCH GE-87 3 PITCH 14 19351 4^ 2& counterbored 16 28441 5 3y s 17 18501 4y 2 2fg counterbored 18 28457 5 3y 8 GE-88 3 PITCH GE-90 3 PITCH Same as GE-216 Same as GE-70 GE-95 4 PITCH GE-96 4 PITCH 14 28471 2 1 % counterbored 14 28472 3 2y s counterbored GE-97 3 PITCH GE-202 3 PITCH 15 28464 4* 3 Same as. GE-70 GE-204 2 1/2 PITCH GE-205 2 1/2 PITCH 17 28487 19 49802 5 5 3y 2 counterbored 3y 2 counterbored 16 28483 17 28487 19 49802 5 5 5 3y 2 counterbored 3y 2 counterbored 3y 2 counterbored GE-210 3 PITCH GE-216 3 PITCH 16 28491 18 49897 20 49913 5 5 5 i 15 49813 17 49812 19 49854 5 5 3 3 3 GE-218 3 PITCH GE-219 3 PITCH 16 49873 ^ 3M Same as GE-216 HM-701 3 PITCH HM-702 3 PITCH 14 28416 3 2H 14 18561 3* 2% counterbored HM-703 4 PITCH HM-704 3 PITCH 16 49881 3 2H 14 18561 3M 2% counterbored HM-708 3 PITCH HM-709 3 PITCH 16 49929 3M 2% 15 28464 4M 3 120 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMP.l.VI PINIONS FOR LOCOMOTIVE CRANE AND HOIST MOTORS HM-710 4 PITCH HM-711 3 PITCH No. of cat. No. Face Bore in In. No. of Teeth Cat. No. 1 ?ace . Bo / e in In. 16 49881 3 2K 15 28464 ^A o HM-713 3 PITCH 14 28416 3 1% in. CO-2001 3 PITCH CO-2002 3 PITCH 16 18541 19 18556 21 18546 28 18542 35 18584 5 5 5 5 5 3 14 3 16 3 18 3 19 3 20 19351 18580 18932 18571 18560 .^2 2^ counterbored % 2^6 counterbored I/ O 5 : /2 ^T6 -.}/<2. 2^ counterbored CO-2003 2 1/2 PITCH CO-2004 3 PITCH 17 18548 19 18981 21 18558 s ffl 15 17 21 23 18494 18502 18508 18512 "Y 2 2 y -f* 2 f 4 CO-2005 3 PITCH CO-2006 3 PITCH 14 19351 4^ 16 18580 4^ 17 18501 4^ 20 1*8560 4^ 2i"% counterbored 16 2^ counterbored 17 2^ counterbored 22 2j"% counterbored 28 18541 18938 18544 18542 3 :: 3 :: 3 :; 3 3 CO-2007 3 PITCH Same as CO-2001 MIXE A XL) INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 121 GEAR CASES FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST MOTORS The gear cases are malleable iron castings with supporting brackets cast together with one or both halves. Owing to the thin section of the cases and the relatively heavy section of the supporting brackets the production of castings for these cases is a difficult matter and requires a high degree of perfection of foundry practice. The greatest care is exercised in the inspection of all castings in order to insure freedom from shrinkage cracks in the supporting brackets, and distortion of shells. In the following table the various cases are designated by catalogue numbers and also by symbol or drawing list numbers. All gear cases have stamped upon them either a symbol number as (DE-6) or a drawing list number as (DL-37902), and any gear case may be readily identified by reference to the catalogue number corresponding to the symbol or drawing list number stamped on it. The table also gives the maximum gear teeth and maximum pinion teeth which the case will accommodate and the finished hub diameter of the gear with which it may be used. Motor Form Cat. No. DE or DL No. Max. Max. Gear Pinion Teeth Teeth Pitch Fin. Hub Diam. of Gear NWP-2^ A 100090 DE-104 58 20 4 4^ LWP-5 50696 DE-72 60 14 4 CB-14 A, H & T 51985 DE-73 66 14 4 4M CB-15 G 51985 DE-73 66 14 4 4^ WP-30 } 16514 67 17 3 5 WP-50 J * GE-800 B 17459 DE-41 67 18 3 5 GE-800 B 17140 DE-44 67 18 3 6 GE-1000 A 55869 DE-13 62 24 3 6 GE-1000 A 21693 DE-120 62 24 3 6M GE-1000 A 14795 DE-6 67 20 3 6 GE-1000 A 21687 DE-119 67 20 3 6M GE-1000 A 21690 DE-121 70 18 3 6% * GE-1200 B 18017 DE-57 62 22 3 6 GE-51 A 38621 DE-33 69 ' 22 3 7 GE-51 B 38622 DE-39 69 22 3 6% GE-51 B 38624 DE-63 69 22 3 8 GE-52 A 17986 DE-19 67 20 3 6 GE-52 A 24997 DE-149 67 20 3 6% GE-53 A 52586 DE-36 67 22 3 6 GE-53 A 52585 DE-35 69 17 3 6 GE-54 A 17986 DE-19 67 20 3 6 GE-54 A 24997 DE-149 67 20 3 6M GE-55 A 50566 DE-148 56 20 2^ 8 GE-55 H 39532 DE-194 60 22 2Yz 10M GE-57 A 38614 DE-3 61 33 3 6% GE-57 A 50249 DE-1 69 23 3 6% GE-57 H 38623 DE-52 65 28 3 8 GE-57 H 39529 DE-180 69 21 3 8 GE-57 H 38631 DE-176 71 21 3 8 * With dust guard. 122 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY GEAR CASES FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST MOTORS DE Max. Max. Fin. Hub Motor Form Cat. No. or DL Gear Pinion Pitch Diam. of No. Teeth Teeth Gear GE-58 A 50440 DE-2 69 19 3 6 GE-59 A 49558 DE-62 69 22 3 6 GE-60 A 52376 DE-8 67 21 3 6 GE-60 B 38619 DE-21 67 18 3 6 * GE-61 A & B 39381 DE-23 81 23 3 6 GE-66 A 24856 DE-114 72 23 3 8% GE-66 A 49568 DE-179 61 38 3 13 * GE-66 A 24854 DE-107 71 23 3 13 GE-66 B 24860 DE-125 76 29 3 9% GE-66 B 24858 DE-116 66 38 3 9% GE-67 A 55869 DE-13 62 24 3 6 GE-67 A 21693 DE-120 62 24 3 6% GE-67 A 14795 DE-6 67 20 3 6 GE-67 A 21687 DE-119 67 20 3 6% GE-67 A 55868 DE-14 70 18 3 6 GE-67 A 21690 DE-121 70 18 3 6% GE-69 B 39535 DL-37902 64 22 2y 2 lO l / 2 GE-69 B 49580 DE-161 63 22 2 l / 2 13 GE-69 C 43414 DL-37931 60 33 2^ 14 GE-70 A 35773 DL-37908 71 23 3 8 GE-71 A 49590 DE-214 81 19 3 8% GE-77 A 39528 DE-177 67 25 3 6 GE-79 A 43391 DL-37912 69 22 3 6 GE-80 A 39536 DL-37909 71 23 3 8 GE-80 B 45480 DL-37945 71 27 3 8 GE-80 C 45482- DL-37938 71 23 3 8 GE-81 A 42972 DL-37939 67 21 3 6 GE-81 A 46594 DL-37968 67 21 3 6 V GE-87 A 42973 DL-37927 71 28 3 8 GE-87 B 42975 DL-37946 67 28 3 8 GE-88 A & C 65139 DL-37997 71 23 3 9 GE-88 B & D 65141 DL-37999 71 23 3 9 GE-90 A 39536 DL-37909 71 23 3 8 GE-90 B 45480 DL-37945 71 27 3 8 GE-95 A 65961 DL-37962 58 19 4 4M GE-96 A & B 49606 DL-37959 66 20 4 5 1 A GE-97 A 49607 DL-37958 72 22 3 8 GE-97 B 49608 DL-37969 72 22 3 8 GE-202 A 49609 DL-37956 71 23 3 8 GE-204 A 49610 DL-37960 60 26 2 1 A 9 GE-205 A & B 48722 DL-37954 58 24 2 l / 2 8% GE-205 B 69098 DL-96147 50 30 2^ 8% GE-210 A & B 58138 DL-37972 69 24 3 8 GE-210 C 66617 DL-95184 71 24 3 10 GE-216 A 60503 DL-37993 71 23 3 9 GE-216 C 58136 DL-37979 71 23 3 8 GE-218 A 65142 DL-89181 71 23 3 9 GE-219 A & B 65141 DL-37999 71 23 3 9 * With dust guard. MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 123 GEAR CASES FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST MOTORS Motor Form Cat. No. . DE or DL No. Max. Gear Teeth Max. Pinion Teeth Pitch Fin. Hub Diarn. of Gear HM-701 A & B 65137 DL-37995 69 22 3 6 HM-702 A & B 65140 DL-37998 81 23 3 6J4 HM-703 A & B 65270 DL-95114 73 30 4 5/4 HM-704 A & B 65140 DL-37998 81 23 3 6/4 HM-708 A & B 103579 DL-104116 69 20 3 6 HM-709 A & C 65136 DL-37994 72 19 3 6 HM-710 B 65270 DL-95114 73 30 4 5M HM-711 C 65136 DL-37994 72 19 3 6 HM-713 B 65137 DL-37995 69 22 3 6 CO-2001 38622 DE-39 69 22 o 6% CO-2001 38624 DE-63 69 22 3 8 CO-2002 17986 DE-19 67 20 3 6 CO-2002 29178 DE-140 67 20 3 6 CO-2002 24997 DE-149 67 20 3 6% * CO-2003 38632 DE-191 56 20 2 }/2 8 CO-2004 50440 DE-2 69 19 3 6 * CO-2005 17459 DE-41 67 18 3 5 CO-2005 17140 DE-44 67 18 3 6 CO-2007 38614 DE-3 61 33 3 6% CO-2007 50249 DE-1 69 23 3 6% CO-2007 38623 DE-52 65 28 3 8 CO-2007 39529 DE-180 69 21 3 8 CO-2007 38631 DE-176 71 21 3 8 * With dust guard. 124 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY CONTROLLER PARTS FOR LOCOMOTIVES, CRANES, HOISTS, ETC. R-86 Controller Cover Removed R-109 Controller Cover Removed CONTACT FINGERS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST CONTROLLERS Many of these controller fingers have their catalogue numbers stamped upon them. Where this is impossible, fingers having the same catalogue number are assembled in a package and a tag giving catalogue and requisition numbers is attached. TYPE C CONTROLLERS SINGLE FINGERS SETS OF FINGERS Controller Operating Reversing Cat. No. Cat. No. Number in Set Cat. No. Number in Set Operating Reversing C-205 & C-205-A 103172 10 103172 6 103218 103221 TYPE K CONTROLLERS K-2 & K-2-A 37946 12 37947 8 38091 38088 K-6 & K-6-A 37911 15 37900 16 38095 38039 K-6-B 37911 15 37900 16 38095 38039 K-6-G 37911 15 37900 16 38095 38039 K-8 & K-8-A 110046 11 37930 8 38096 38097 K-9 & K-9-A 110046 11 37947 8 38096 38088 K-10 & K-10-A 110046 11 37947 8 38096 38088 K-ll & K-ll-A 110046 11 37930 8 38096 38097 K-ll-D 110046 10 37930 8 38037 38097 K-12 & K-12-A 110046 11 J 37930 1 o ^snofi ( 37929 / 38094 K-13 & K-13-A 110046 21 37749 24 38083 38084 K-13-C 110046 21 37749 24 38083 38084 K-13-E 1 10046 21 37749 24 38083 38084 K-15 & K-15-A 1 10046 42 37749 48 38085 38086 K-27 & K-27-A 110046 6 37930 8 38407 38097 1 37922 7 K-27-C 110046 6 37930 8 38407 38097 37922 7 K-28 & K-28-A 110046 14 33602 16 38031 3840!) K-28-B 110046 14 33602 16 38031 384()!i K-28-C 110046 14 33602 Hi 38031 38409 K-28-L 110046 14 33602 10 38031 3840!* K-34-E f A111077 9 ) 67459 10 111081 67470 \ t 111078 18 / K-35-C A111077 15 67460 16 111082 07471 K-35-E A111077 15 67460 16 111082 07471 Alncludes removable finger tip Cat. No. 111079. Includes removable finger tip Cat. No. 111080. MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 125 SINGLE FINGERS SETS OF FINGERS Controller Operating Reversing Cat. No. Cat. No. Number in Set Cat. No. Number in Set Operating Reversing R-6 & R-6-A 110046 22 37749 24 38426 38084 R-6-B 110046 22 38426 R-6-C 110046 22 38426 R-9 & R-9-A 110046 23 38429 R-ll & R-ll-A 37949 9 37930 4 38430 38431 R-ll-B 37949 9 37930 4 38430 38431 R-12 & R-12-A 37949 9 37930 8 38430 38097 R-13 & R-13-A 110046 14 38031 R-14 & R-14-A 37946 8 37969 8 38432 38433 R-14-C 37946 8 37969 8 38432 38433 R-14-E 37946 8 37969 8 38432 38433 R-15 & R-15-A 37949 18 37971 8 38434 38435 R-16 & R-16-A 37949 16 / 37930 1 \ OTAOA f 8 38437 38094 I 37929 J R-16-C 37949 16 f 37930 1 I 37929 / 8 38437 38094 R-16-D 37949 16 f 37930 \ 37929 o 4 / 38437 38438 R-17 & R-17-A 37949 9 37930 4 38430 38431 R-17-F 37949 9 37930 4 38430 38431 R-19 & R-19-A 37949 9 37930 8 38430 38097 R-19-B 37949 9 37930 8 38430 38097 R-19-C 37949 9 37930 8 38430 38097 R-19-D 37949 9 37930 8 38430 38097 R-19-E 37949 9 37930 8 38430 38097 R-21 & R-21-A 110046 14 38031 R-22 & R-22-A 37949 8 37973 8 38439 38442 R-22-C 37949 8 37973 8 38439 38442 R-22-E 37949 8 37973 8 38439 38442 R-22-F 37949 8 37973 8 38439 38442 R-27 & R-27-A 110046 14 38031 R-27-B 110046 14 38031 R-27-D 110046 14 38031 R-27-J 110046 14 38031 R-27-M 110046 14 38031 R-28 & R-28-A 37902 11 38053 R-28-F 37902 11 38053 R-28-G 37902 11 38053 R-28-N 37902 11 38053 R-28-P 37902 11 38053 R-28-V 37902 11 38053 R-29 & R-29-A 37949 9 f 37947 1 8 38430 108466 \ 37950 J R-32 & R-32-A 110046 14 38031 R-32-B 110046 14 38031 R-32-G 110046 14 38031 R-37 & R-37-A j 37949 J 56766 8 I 2 I 37973 9 38446 38447 R-37-B 37949 t 56766 8 1 2 / 37973 9 38446 38447 R-37-C 37949 J 56766 8 2 37973 37929 1 ) 38446 38448 R-37-D { L 37949 t 56766 2 37973 37929 ? } 38446 38449 R-37-E ( 37949 8 1 37973 9 38446 38447 I J 56766 2 / R-37-F f 37949 8 ) 37973 9 38446 38447 I J 56766 2 J R-38 & R-38-A ( 37946 8 j 21 37969 9 38449 43228 I J 56766 } R-38-B 37946 I 56766 8 2 37950 37969 1 1 Q 38449 43197 R-52 & R-52-A 110046 21 38083 R-53 & R-53-A 3707fi 38454 J Auxiliary finger. 126 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY CONTACT FINGERS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST CONTROLLERS TYPE R CONTROLLERS (Concluded) Controller SINGLE FINGERS SETS OF FINGERS Operating Reversing Cat. No. Cat. No. Number in Set Cat. No. Number in Set Operating Reversing R-53-B 37976 8 38454 R-53-C 37976 8 38454 R-53-D 37976 8 38454 R-53-G 37976 8 38454 R-55 & R-55-A 29362 29363 18 6 ] 37980 20 38456 38457 R-56 & R-56-A 34411 6 38458 R-60 & R-60-A 1 R-60-B / / 29362 I 29363 6 } J j 37749 10 38459 37940 R-60-C 29363 6 } 8 / 37749 10 38459 37940 R-65 & R-65-A 37968 6 \ 3 / 38462 R-69 & R-69-A 37902 17 38464 R-69-B 37902 17 38464 R-70 & R-70-A 37954 28 38465 R-70-B 37954 28 38465 R-75 & R-75-A 37989 7 38471 R-75-A-2 37989 7 38471 R-75-A-5 37989 7 38471 R-75-B 37989 7 38471 R-75-C-5 37989 7 38471 R-75-E-2 37989 7 38471 R-75-H 37989 7 38471 R-76 & R-76-A 37989 7 38471 R-76-A-2 37989 7 38471 R-76-A-5 37989 7 38471 R-76-B-2 37989 7 38471 R-77 & R-77-A 29362 29363 6 } 8 ] 37749 20 38459 38472 R-82 & R-82-A R-82-B / / 29362 I 29363 18 1 6 ) 37980 20 38456 38457 R-84 & R-84-A 37954 32 38478 R-84-C 37954 32 38478 R-84-D 37954 32 38478 R-86 & R-86-A 110046 37906 I } 37973 9 126916 38447 R-86-B 110046 37906 I } 37973 9 126916 38447 R-86-C 110046 37906 I } 37973 9 126916 38447 R-86-D 110046 37906 7 \ 2 J 37973 9 126916 38447 R-86-E 110046 37906 7 \ 2 / 126932 9 126916 126933 R-86-F 110046 37906 I } 126932 - 9 126916 126933 R-91 & R-91-A 29362 29363 1 37749 16 38482 38029 R-98 & R-98-A 61879 7 61881 I 61880 24 R-99 & R-99-A ( 61879 7 } 61881 1 61880 ^4 R-109 & R-109-A A111548 14 61844 9 111549 68987 R-109-B A111548 14 61844 9 111549 68987 R-109-C All 1548 14 61844 9 111549 68987 R-109-D All 1548 14 61844 9 111549 68987 R-112 & R-112-A A111548 24 61845 18 111550 68988 R-113 & R-113-A A111548 26 61845 17 111551 68989 R-114 & R-114-A A111548 26 61845 18 111551 68988 R-115 & R-115-A 61841 32 68984 R-121 & R-121-A 37902 16 38422 R-121-B 37902 16 38422 R-121-C 37902 17 38464 R-122 & R-122-A 121442 9 126191 R-128 & R-128-A 37902 . 11 38053 Alncludes removable finger tip Cat. No. 111079. MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 127 CONTACT FINGERS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST CONTROLLERS TYPE T CONTROLLERS Controller SINGLE FINGERS SETS OF FINGERS Operating Reversing Cat. No. Cat. No. Number in Set Cat. No. Number in Set Operating Reversing T-l & T-l-A 37902 12 None 38082 T-l-G 37906 12 None 69033 T-l-H 37906 12 None 69033 T-l-K 37902 12 None 38032 T-l-L 37906 12 None 69033 T-l-N 37906 12 None 69033 T-l-P 37906 12 None 69033 T-l-Q 37906 12 "None 69033 T-l-R 37906 12 None 69033 T-7 & T-7-A 37913 34401 ^ 34402 16 38501 38506 T-10 & T-10-A 36773 15 None 38507 T-10-J 110046 15 None 38500 T-10-N 110046 15 None 38500 T-10-P 110046 15 None 38500 T-ll & T-ll-A 110046 17 None 38508 T-20 & T-20-A 110046 37906 6 1 8 / None 38056 T-20-B 110046 37906 6 } 8 / None 38056 T-20-C 110046 37906 6 ) 8 / None 38056 T-21 & T-21-A 36773 14 None 38040 T-26 & T-26-A 37902 17 None 38464 T-27 & T-27-A 36773 16 None 38518 T-28 & T-28-A 110046 56 38009 18 38519 38520 T-29 & T-29-A 110046 56 None 38519 T-33 & T-33-A 38013 22 38015 8 38523 38524 T-34 & T-34-A 37902 14 None 38525 T-34-E 37906 14 None 69037 T-34-F 37906 14 None 69037 T-34-G 37906 14 None 69037 T-34-L 37906 14 None 69037 T-36 & T-36-A 37922 28 None 69038 T-40 & T-40-A 61918 16 None 61919 T-40-C 61918 16 None 61919 T-42 & T-42-A 37922 58 None 69043 T-42-C 37922 54 None 69044 T-42-D 37922 54 None 69044 T-42-E 37922 54 None 69044 T-52 & T-52-A 69029 28 None 69051 128 GENERAL ELECTRIC COA/7M.VF CYLINDER SEGMENTS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST CONTROLLERS Controller cylinder segments are made from pure rolled copper rod, cold dropped to proper radius and cut to exact span dimensions to insure simultaneous break of all contacts in series. /Si CONTROLLER * CYLINDER SEGMENTS i^^ *^S QUANTITY ^^ CAT. NO. REQ. NO. GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. SCHENECTADY, N. Y.. U. S. A. In order to facilitate the identification and assortment of segments by the customer, all segments having the same catalogue number are assembled in a substantial package and a tag is attached giving quantity and catalogue number. TYPE K CONTROLLERS OPERATING CYLINDERS K-2 and K-2-A Controllers 17617 17618 1 ;-* * i ^.n * I00|*-H76I9 44.'* I762O0 17618 - 128 *" I4O 17619 100 17622 10 I76f9*~f00] !76l9--*[0_<2 1*4 4"-J 1*44*- 17617 ! ---- 153* ----- H 17623 17617 17733 *-* 153 -< 17624 i 17623-401 17618 & M I4O * 17618 IAO -H l7623-;4&] Cat. No. 360* Description 39444 Complete set of segments, with screws and pins 17733 Screw for segments 17624 Pin for segments K-6, K-6-A, K-6-B and K-6-G Controllers 360" N Cat. Xo. 39445 17733 Description Complete set of segments, with screws Screw for segments MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 129 CYLINDER SEGMENTS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST CONTROLLERS TYPE K CONTROLLERS OPERATING CYLINDERS . K-8, K-8-A, K-9, K-9-A, K-10, K-10-A, K-ll, K-ll-A, K-13, K-13-A, K-13-C, K-13-E, *K-15 and K-ll-D, K-12 and K-12-A Controllers *K-15-A Controllers O 17617 17618 ; 71 B > / - e e e Q e e [0 [^17619 -44'* /JOi' *\/<$Q?*- e e o e ' e e I762O || 17618 e */.* .*g 6 " e L e e o e * 128* ~- i I4O- ^ e e e f ' e e -^A^jr e e *- 267OO *[0] | 1 7622>-*[0r 17619 -* I762C 69* <3<3 /aii*- e e e , I7794-* 17624*-- x 17623 O O ?<*; f 00 7\33 M^-A *,*+* 9 6 J lee e e 51 ~ > *T0 jj| J~/*>i-4ff e i| e ^f/^-47 e e | , <- /33 .-*,!--.-. /S7'- ' i /Sif*-\ Q J/'d-tfd e || e .f/-4-~| Q> (2) Cat. No. 39447 Description Complete set of segments, with screws and pins ....... 17733 Screw for segments 17624 Pin for segments K-28, K-28-A, K-28-B, K-28-C and K-28-L Controllers 360- H Cat. No. 33463 17733 Description Complete set of segments, with screws Screw for segments ..... MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 131 CYLINDER SEGMENTS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST CONTROLLERS TYPE K CONTROLLERS OPERATING CYLINDERS K-34-E Controller K-35-C and K-35-E Controllers Cat. No. 64062 17733 41033 Description Complete set of segments, with burning tips, screws and pins .... Screw for segments Pin for segments Cat. No. 64077 17733 41033 Description Complete set of segments, with burning tips, screws and pins .... Screw for segments Pin for segments 132 GENERA L ELECTRIC COMPANY CAT. NO. Controller Large Segment Small Segment Screw for Segment K-2 & K-2-A 14693 14692 10194 K-6 & K-6-A 14693 14692 19625 K-6-B 14693 14692 19625 K-6-G 14693 14692 19625 K-8 & K-8-A 14693 14692 10194 K-9 & K-9-A 14693 14G92 10194 K-10 & K-10-A 14693 14692 10194 K-ll & K-ll-A 14693 14692 10194 K-ll-D 14693 14692 10194 K-12 & K-12-A 14693 14692 10194 K-13 & K-13-A 19960 19961 9650 K-13-C 19960 19961 9650 K-13-E 19960 19961 9650 K-15 & K-15-A A30951 30952 9650 K-27 & K-27-A 14693 14692 10194 K-27-C 14693 14692 10194 K-28 & K-28-A 33789 17733 K-28-B 33789 17733 K-28-C 33789 17733 K-28-L 33789 17733 K-34-E 66900 66899 9650 K-35-C / t66903 1 { J66902 / 66901 1424 K-35-E f f66903 1 1 J66902 / 66901 14134 All-shaped segment. fLarge size segment. tMedium size segment. MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 133 CYLINDER SEGMENTS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST CONTROLLERS TYPE R CONTROLLERS OPERATING CYLINDERS R-6, R-6-A, R-6-B and R-6-C Controllers R-9 and R-9-A Controllers 17733- S3698-* 33839 -v E3900-*- 1 E3SOI-*- J -e 23Q93 0O - 134- 20*- O 23O94- - 154. M 23895 o _^ 134- M O 33896 C a3 O 897 K 94.0 ^ O O 239OI 1^74 O y O O k-54- *J O r o 61 23893 O . L^_- "^C t - 134- HZCfK^ 1 Cat. No. Description 39478 Complete set of segments, with screws 17733 Screw for segments ..... 1 - L. - 24346 00 - 00 Z4349 - 2434S 2435O |0T2435Tl&i 2435O 134 Hl3*- US" 134 M 24352 |0] pi 24352 1 5 HiN- -Ml3- 115 H .24353 p| |0| 24353 - 95 tl2l -HlS" 95 J 00 00 24354 - 76- -**? -JI2V 76--- 00 24355 ^ ^ 00 5T JI2V -4l2U ST 0V' 24356 24356^ ^ so*-* 0*1 4-24349 i2- 17733^ 24357JH? I-3W 24349-H ^ 17733 -rtBK 00 24346 00 00 00 J 1 34 Hl2> - *At* 134 00 00 24985 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 -^ Cat. No. 39479 17733 Description Complete set of segments, with screi Screw for segments .... 134 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY CYLINDER SEGMENTS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST CONTROLLERS TYPE R CONTROLLERS OPERATING CYLINDERS R-ll, R-ll-A, R-ll-B, R-12, R-12-A, R-17, R-17-A, R-17-F, R-19, R-19-A, R-19-B, R-19-C, R-19-D, R-19-E, R-29 and R-29-A Controllers 17634 17634 136^ HK 136^2 -i 17634 17634 17734^ 17731 tf 17636-- -- 74 -* 17636--* 17636--* L 17733 -17636 U- 74*- *l -'17636 M. - 74- * 17634 17634 I36X> *!'* 136^ * l 360* Cat. No. 39480 17733 17734 Description Complete set of segments, with screws and pins Screw for segments ..... Pin for segments R-13, R-13-A, R-21 and R-21-A Controllers | li 136 | IH36 | |_0"0 ) li 137' 149'- -~ 11137 | 1 4|V 41* PZ> | 11137 1 1 137 | | 4l' * 41 *- | | IH37 1 1 137 | | 11137 [00] | | IM3"? 41 * 4I*- 11137 | | | 0| IH37 - 41 *^ t- 41*- 11137 I I r"] M 137 41'- 41 - II 137 | | | | II 137 II 138 | 11 | IU36 -37V. *>-i'- I7733~[-0_0J MI37 | 9 O h* 136/2 o ** K l3G'/aO * O R-32-A, R-32-B and R-32-G Controllers a 14-50 C560 Cat. No. 39484 17733 Description Complete set of segments, with screws Screw for segments a II 190 0-K a II 190 | 0J III9I 17733 III9I | g^ | | 1 III9I (1191 | '0 | W3|V -5i | 1 III9I III9I | -0 | | 0J II 191 II 191 | ^ | II 191 | 1 | -0 1 II 191 III9I | -0 1 | | III9I III9I |0J |*a | III9I I7624H~0 1 II 193 i4ov II 190 III9O 1 1 190 | 011 192 0J II 190 e> | 0011 192 ! 149 " . |49'_ : |0 II 190 0| 1 1 190 Cat. No. Description 39485 Complete set of segments, with screws and pins . 17733 Screw for segments 17624 Pin for segments MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 137 R-27-J Controller TYPE R CONTROLLERS OPERATING CYLINDERS R-28, R-28-A, R-28-G, R-28-P, R-28-V and R-128-A Controllers 1 1 > 11217 1 11217 1 I e tii9O 1 i'H- 1 1 I 1 |L2 }~0^ 140 H k*- - - 140 U2I8I0 01 10 1 II2K k-50-rt M- 50** | | 1 1218 1 1 21 8 F g o "^1 11218 IIZI6[ 26647 2664 *- H i 218 ] a | i 7fo~l | e*^ // 11217 | 11217 * ll 1 < 9 11217 1 11217 Ij 1 1 1 1 1 < > 11217 1 |_ I . i _*| Cat. No. Description Cat. No with screws Description 120374 Complete set of segments, and pins .... 11220 Screw for segments 41033 Pin for segments 39486 '. '. '. 177 33 Complete set of segments, with screws Screw for segments ..... 138 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY CYLINDER SEGMENTS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST CONTROLLERS TYPE R CONTROLLERS OPERATING CYLINDERS R-52 and R-52-A Controllers e e e /2/S42 -i e e e Z/550^ /2/54Z U- /Z8 19^ 1/9*13 /20 W543 & |-/ 2/55/-A X-S'X^-f'^ U- /20- J/?"U- J/?"L /? /2/5S/ ) | e /Z/544 i* /Off' -J#*U- -HJ U- X^ - * /Z/545 e 1 \I2/S5I X/X55X 1 X/XJ-^5 | U 90- Ji/9'lt- .J#'- Complete set of segments, with screws Screw for segments ..... Cat. No. Description 107983 Complete set of segments, with screws and pins ...... 17733 ! Screw for segments ...... 107984 j Pin for segments MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 141 TYPE R CONTROLLERS OPERATING CYLINDERS R-65 and R-65-A Controllers R-60, R-60-A, R-60-B, R-60-C, R-77 and R-77-A Controllers 1 J 4 e e e ^ -J77<5 1 5' _ 9 e /07985 s / / | e e H fee K-JT<95- ^77JJ i H 9 j: ^ . A Q e | ^7777 m 1 91 ^>/07986'* ^/079Q7-^ ^/#79<3<5<^ ^ k 74" l tin* h /0 /079<9a* ? ^& ?' ^ /77JJ k 154' H ] i I079Q5 * b^ HJ . |^77^ | k ?t 5tf* U_ /28& e ^777^ e r 9 37772 e e j 7772 e i 9 37772 9 I --j< ^^ , "at. No. Description r Cat. No. Description 107992 Complete set of segments, with screws 17733 Screw for segments . 89585 Pin for segments 37719 Complete set of segments, with screws 17733 Screw for segments ..... 142 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY CYLINDER SEGMENTS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST CONTROLLERS TYPE R CONTROLLERS OPERATING CYLINDERS R-69, R-69-A and R-69-B Controllers R-70, R-70-A and R-70-B Controllers i |e a/ssj el I e 12/553 el 1 | e ,2/557 e+-//7jy ! f Q^BSftf.^! S3*-/jc-H3 fcaisss ,a | v*r~**^m a-** *^@ i ^\l/S54 12/554 [g @^, ^,@ i ^\/554 tf/554 [9J g^o tfcfvQ ! /77J j.g] /.< /!?/.?* ^T-S9585 S aLp *^@ B $]/S/5S4 /ZI354 \3\ ^-^^ ^ r , IE i \/2/SS4 00ff[3 gtfX5 /^U3g 1 v y* /5S4 /2/3S4 1 01 j-5],,,. us wsssfWi j^ /?/A55 |^ i e /ztssj e | e a/553 e | | e /AC5.5/ e | He /?/s53 e | e /2I5S3 e | [e KtS57 e | | e ^?/^/ e| e 2/5S3 e | |e ff/557 e| I le ///55 3 61 1 e X?/^5J e I Cat. No. Description Cat. No. Description 121560 Complete set of segments, with screw 121556 17733 89585 Complete set of segme'nts, with screws an " P ms and pins 17733 Screw for segments .... Screw for segments !!'.!"! Screw for segments Pin for segments 89 85 Pin for segments MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 143 CYLINDER SEGMENTS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST CONTROLLERS TYPE R CONTROLLERS OPERATING CYLINDERS R-75, R-75-A, R-75-A-2, R-75-A-5, R-75-B, R-75-C-5, R-76, R-76-A, R-76-A-2, R-76-A-5 and R-76-B-2 R-75-E-2 and R-75-H Controllers Controllers . I [ @ 4I It /39 -I 1 4IOZ6 H "1 U 123 "I 1 other screws 4O484 4IO32 U /^3 J Cat. No. 40982 40484 41032 41033 xo . Description Complete set of segments, with screws and pins ....... Screw for segments Screw for segments Pin for segments 4/O34 U /if5 | (g) \4I026 4/O33 0) \4I026 4O4Q4 /OJ of Cat. No. 41018 41033 40484 J Description Complete set of segments, with screws and pins Pin for segments Screw for segments 144 GEXERAL ELECTRIC COMPAM CYLINDER SEGMENTS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST CONTROLLERS TYPE R CONTROLLERS OPERATING CYLINDERS ^R-84, R-84-A, R-84-C and R-84-D Controllers R-86-A, R-86-B, R-86-C, R-86-D, R-86-E and R-86-F Controllers -^ 49326 < 49327 ~i * f .; 49327} - - 493Z& e ~ 493^9 ~ _ -r e ^ e 49329 e e 49326 49329 ~ ~ 17733 ~ ^ 49329 360- " Q3&532Q I Cat. Xo. Description 38532 17733 41033 49356 17733 Complete set of segments, with screws Screw for segments Description Complete set of segments, with screws and pins ...... Screw for segments Pin for segments MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 145 CYLINDER SEGMENTS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST CONTROLLERS TYPE R CONTROLLERS OPERATING CYLINDERS R-91 and R-91-A Controllers R-98, R-98-A, R-99 and R-99-A Controllers 37769 I e e \37770 | e Q~\}7770 I e e \3? $ Q \37770 \ e e \37?x> 37770 1 e e | .77777 6 I e j/77/ e || e j/77/ e |__e 3777^ e II e 37772 e Q 37772 6 ||e J777,? Q\ -1 k Cat. Xo. Description Cat. Xo. Description 121561 Complete set of segments, with screws 17733 Screw for segments ..... 61869 Complete set of segments, with screws 17733 Screw for segments 146 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY CYLINDER SEGMENTS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST CONTROLLERS TYPE R CONTROLLERS OPERATING CYLINDERS R-109, R-109-A, R-109-B, R-109-C and R-109-D Controllers R-112 and R-112-A Controllers " e e 1 e e e 1 e e /7733 e e 64076* /O5676 Q Q/03677Q -4r /ZZ" -)[ 79' " \> *' j /OS676 ~wru izr /03676 Q || Q/OS677Q i . 1| . lie /O5676 || /OS '6 79 J 1 ie e i e e e ie e e e /7733 ie e || e e ie e e '6^ , /OS676 e Q/O&77Q J - , 7 e || e ... ie /OS6SI | Q/05677Q J # 162" -II 79' Cat. No. Description Cat. No. Description 105680 17733 Complete set of segments, with burning tips and screws ..... Screw for segments 105683 17733 Complete set of segments, with tips and screws Screw for segments burning MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 147 CYLINDER SEGMENTS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST CONTROLLERS TYPE R CONTROLLERS OPERATING CYLINDERS R-113, R-113-A, R-114 and R-114-A Controllers R-115 and R-115-A Controllers i || i || i || />7J3 i e 3 3 i /*?.*> e 9/tf*vv ^,,1 IZZ . ^ --79 1 /O568Z SIS'- -- i 10 /OS676 -ui. i V- i |j | ,'05676 i| ]/, ' Ae el ' fe si is el le ei le el le el le ei le /osess e| le /asei s e ij t i*y- IJ t M Cat. No. Description r i e /Kaay.5 e~[ yH e e I La_ tfi. [2. ^J I e ei s: ; e /osess e| i e /aseas e] j. 1 1 . fK- J I. *r 4 105689 105690 17733 89585 Complete set of segments, with screws and pins for R-121- A .... Complete set of segments, with screws and pins for R-121-B .... Screw for segments ..... Pin for segments The cylinder development shown is for R-121-B. The development for R-121-A is identical with the R-121-B except that the two left-hand segments, Cat. No. 105688, are omitted:. Cat. No. 107677 17733 89585 Description Complete set of segments, with screws and pins ....... Screw for segments Pin for segments ..... MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 149 CYLINDER SEGMENTS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST CONTROLLERS TYPE R CONTROLLERS OPERATING CYLINDERS R-122 and R-122-A Controllers , v-^siw vrtSS*" 1 /Z/563 1 1 /Z/560 1 f* /26 l U- /26 1 hi /2/S63 1 j . /2/563 1 | /2/S60 1 j **. J 1 12/568 1 1 /?/5^ t 0* S- o 29383 9S8 ^ O o c * 29376 W2. o o 469- +29376 ^e \ 2938O ro Ql 10 *-2937S^ o o J o ^29375^ o 57Z &Z936/ Cat. No. Description 121961 Complete set ot segments, with screws and pins . 469 Screw for segments ..... 121962 Screw for segments 4024 Screw for segments 29383 Pin for segments 29382 Rivet for segments MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 153 CYLINDER SEGMENTS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST CONTROLLERS TYPE R CONTROLLERS REVERSING CYLINDERS R-55 and R-55-A Controllers R _ 77 and R _ 7? _ A Confrollers r~ " u- - , /2 .] 296O9 o .- e e R Fl ffl el 777Zv | e e 1 II 1 \ 777771^ V . 1 F]j777^ V PI @ e OJ y 29608 -J-77c?J e 8 i e *e > L77 / 7 / 77 e A e T i k- 74* e 29608 e _ e e T__> 1 f\37773 29609 o 3777G- -H e e o I 37773+ o SJel - 9~ 4 y !4- 1 1 l 296//-^( c, 296/2 '1 ^- -37774 e e fl ,/ 2i >6C _J ?<5 37773+ 37773 : i . B\ [Ua 9 e [e] l lej 29606 *u377c?/ 37763 1 e 9 37776 1 ^77^jT W 777 * e 9 1 377<37 K 3-7773 Tel I (el ^JT/3733 9 9 e El 37773?\ Isl J \37773 el E e O s ,P yff e| /384Q I) 3 e . 29608 ,e 37779 _ 9650 /\ J e * 377(30 *" e Cat. No. Description Cat. No. Description 37691 Complete set of segments, with screws 37759 Complete set of segments, with con- and rivets ...... nectors, pins and screws 9650 Screw for segments 13848 Screw for segments 29612 Copper rivet 19733 Pin for segments 154 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY CYLINDER SEGMENTS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST CONTROLLERS TYPE R CONTROLLERS REVERSING CYLINDERS R-82, R-82-A and R-82-B Controllers 1 Cat. No. 104906 10274 Description Complete set of segments, with con- nectors and screws .... Screw for segments R-86, R-86-A, R-86-B, R-86-C and R-86-D Controllers H e T 6 e e e J e e e e 38533 e e e e 38592 T e e e L 1 e e e T e e -360 .J Cat. No. Description 38536 Complete set of segments, with screws and rivets ...... 10437 Screw for segments 38595 Copper rivet MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 155 CYLINDER SEGMENTS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST CONTROLLERS TYPE R CONTROLLERS REVERSING CYLINDERS R-91-A Controller R-86-E and R-86-F Controllers I T~~ 1 L ///739\e \Q///740 6 i o ///743- T 5 29383 _ _ _/0437_ __ 3 _J Cat. No. 111745 10437 60992 29383 Description Complete set of seg- ments, with connec- tion strips, insulation plate, screws, rivets and pins . Screw for segments Rivet for segments Pin for segments i Cat. No. Description 103949 Complete set of segments, with connection strips, screws and rivets 10274 Screw for segments . 103951 Rivet for segments . R-109, R-109-A, R-109-B, R-109-C and R-109-D Controllers W07973 1 107968 \* 1 07970 1079 69_ __ > I 0797 I +I0797Z -107970 / 107968. 1060/0^ 0L 8 107974^ Cat. No. Description 108009 Complete set of seg- ments, with connec- tion strips, screws and rivets 1424 Screw for segments 108010 Rivet for segments 156 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY CRANE AND HOIST R-112 and R-112-A Controllers TYPE R CONTROLLERS REVERSING CYLINDERS R-113 and R-113-A Controllers 1 H - -" >// 14 080L \ e ? x ^ x J2 2 - / X * ^c Q & % 4 ^lOQL -1080 / _ ^, *- 3 % 1060 11"^ J>?^ 00 JS * /06 2 W4 ^-10801 r b. / ^/^ p .0 0/j IOQOIO ^ IOdO/5-* o QOII^ ^ l 10 ool f loo . ! _ P (^ ^2J^^ -J Cat. No. Description 108016 Complete set of seg- ments, with connec- tion strips, screws and rivets .... 1424 Screw for segments 108010 Rivet for segments R-114 and R-114-A Controllers ooi J^7* W5fl^ /<7(9ft H IOQOZ6[o> /060Z/ J Q) /O3023<^ *&& JO _J -A5?- VIOQQZ7 J0 0| 342/9\Q> 01 |0 0|3^^/9 10 \34ZZZ | 00 34ZZ3 | 34Z2J 34224- 3422.3 34224 34223 342Z3 Cat. No. r 34403 17733 T-ll and T-ll-A Controllers Q64.7I QQ470 Description Cat. No. ~1 d Complete set of segments, with screws 88473 Screw for segments ..... 17733 Description Complete set of segments, with screws Screw for segments ..... MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 159 TYPE T CONTROLLERS OPERATING CYLINDERS T-20, T-20-A, T-20-B and T-20-C Controllers r L 0~| 0- 0~ 0J| i * /Stf H[*~ 79"* I77J3- - 00 0|0 I )648Q QG43J 36469 ! -f7ff- J <9<94 ^ U /#* -1 U 96 - [c LC 5 z ? _ T-21 and T-21-A Controllers | e t/697/ //397/ 36O Cat. No. 88494 17733 Description Complete set of segments, with screws Screw for segments ..... Cat. No. Description 118972 Complete set of segments, with screws 17733 Screw for segments 160 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY CYLINDER SEGMENTS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST CONTROLLERS TYPE T CONTROLLERS OPERATING CYLINDERS T-26 and T-26-A Controllers T-27 and T-27-A Controllers r U- /33 Cat. No. Description 88623 Complete set of segments, with screws 17733 Screw for segments Cat. No. Description 118973 Complete set of segments, with screws 17733 Screw for segments MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 161 CYLINDER SEGMENTS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST CONTROLLERS TYPE T CONTROLLERS OPERATING CYLINDERS T-28, T-28-A, T-29, and T-29-A Controllers T-33 and T-33-A Controllers r u#. ~^~ I o | -/07976- Ij r~ CJ V \ 107978- /fal \ K- 107976 H ^J.^^J.JLS.L Cat. No. Description Cat. No. . Description 88626 Complete set of segments, with screws 17733 Screw for segments . . . . . 107979 Complete set of segments, with screws 17733 Screw for segments ..... 162 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY CYLINDER SEGMENTS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST CONTROLLERS TYPE T CONTROLLERS OPERATING CYLINDERS T-34, T-34-A, T-34-E, T-34-F, T-34-G and T-34-L Controllers r Cat. No. Description * 88627 Complete set of segments, with screws and pins 1 12 1080 Complete set of segments, with con- nection strips, screws and pins 17733 Screw for segments * 88982 Grounding screw for segments 41033 Pin for segments 1 120891 Connection strip J120892 Connection strip * For use with controllers having round shaft. f For use with controllers having hexagonal shaft. NOTE. The development of the cylinder for controllers having round shafts is identical with the above, except that the grounding screw Cat. No. 88982 is used and the connection strips Cat. Nos. 120891 and 120892 are omitted. T-36 and T-36-A Controllers .1 |"0 0] 00 1 _ I ! L I*-.3J f*-H dQ6i fcj* 01 _0J /^/^/T^TQ ^* 00 00 // r 77:f T/f/7" ^ Cat. No. 88640 17733 Description Complete set of segments, with screws Screw for segments .... MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 163 CYLINDER SEGMENTS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST CONTROLLERS TYPE T CONTROLLERS OPERATING CYLINDERS T-40, T-40-A and T-40-C Controllers 4/O33 Cat. No. Description 60446 40484 41033 Complete set of segments, with screws and pins ....... Screw for segments ..... Pin for segments ..... T-42 and T-42-A Controllers 62353 N ^ 0, ^ ~^^ ^^*> " 9 62354-<^ Gt * ^ 00 -- ^\ ^X?J^ ^ ^ - o -*- o 4O44 ^SJ^J Q 5 f} s 1 ^ ^^ ^\ T^ r**^ ^^j C/^C/c/i^cy VJ' vj' - ^. *v^ ^.^ -'S 62354^ e ^o ^ ^ -.. 3 rs ~| La _ eJ re ei Lfl _ aJ r si |_e _ eJ t d Cat. No. 105699 17733 Description Complete set of segments, with screws Screw for segments ..... 164 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY CYLINDER SEGMENTS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST CONTROLLERS TYPE T CONTROLLERS OPERATING CYLINDERS T-42-C Controller T-42-D and T-42-E Controllers e 1 & e J 1 -~B 5 e e ~ ' I773J e 9 e e * e e e e e e e e e e e /05694 e e % e 1 1 6 /.**: " 1 e ___ e e e _ ,S9"- H im c /^? -i J5q ~~ 6| |e 9 1 ^1 re-4] L el L -el I! el le el [e el | e | |~5 e] re e | le el le el LU La eJ rs e~i re ~ei re s~| rs el Le eJ L J le el L 5J rs e~i ie el (~S 8~l 1 e @| le el le el le_J [e eJ rs B"I J? ^ fe e~l \- -3i l ~L^/OS69 L it*_ J 1 j-j-H le el Te el EJLMM ' ^ S^-* "^ "Tel J __ at. No. Description Cat. No. Description 05700 Complete set of segments, with screws 105702 Complete set of segments, with screw 17733 Screw for segments 17733 Screw for segments . MINE A\D INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 165 CYLINDE1 * SEGMENTS FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST CONTROLLERS TYPE T CONTROLLERS OPERATING CYLINDERS T-52 and T-52-A Controllers e //4G96 e | e i/4896 | | e 114896 _ /4O ^ | 114896 | //4<397 | [ I/4B97> | | e e | felTI | ee | |ee | fe e | | e e | I e e | |e e | H i/e H I e e I I e e I [ee| fe e| re~e~l re~e~l I e e~| | H4899 e | | //4899 | ,. J 6 Q Cat. No. Description 114900 Complete set of segments, with screws 17733 Screw for segments 166 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY ARC DEFLECTORS AND PARTS FOR Locomotive, Crane and Hoist Controllers The following tables give catalogue numbers for Arc Deflectors complete, and separately for their insulation parts. The various parts are moulded to exact dimensions from a compound which offers high resistance to heat or puncture, is impervious to moisture, and uniformly strong and tough. TYPE C CONTROLLERS Controller Arc Deflector Complete Wide Strip Narrow Strip Division Plate Insulating Bushing for Screw Fastening Deflector to Pole Piece Misc. C-205-A 123724 22776 13635 s 123725 TYPE K CONTROLLERS K-2, K-2-A 17611 17612 17613 14994 13635 f A 56795 1 K-6, K-6-A, K-6-B 27539 56793 56794 \ B 51737 13635 1 c 27540 A 56795 K-6-G 27539 56793 56794 B 51737 \ 13635 ( c 27540 K-8, K-8-A, K-9, K-9-A, 1 K-10, K-10-A / 14991 14992 14993 / D 14994 1 1 c 56756 / 13635 K-ll, K-ll-A, K-ll-D 19873 14992 14993 ] D 14994 1 \ c 56756 ) 13635 E 19874 K-12, K-12-A 19876 14992 14993 14994 E 19877 K-13, K-13-A, K-13-C, 1 K-13-E / 19924 19925 19926 19928 13635 K-15, K-15-A *123726 123727 19925 123728 19926 37936 19928 19928 13635 13635 K-27, K-27-A, K-27-C 27486 27487 27488 f D 14994 1 I c 56756 / 13635 K-28, K-28-A, K-28-B, \ K-28-C, K-28-L 33761 H 33766 i 33767 f A 33764 1 \ B 33765 J 13635 j 33762 K-34-E 110073 110075 110076 110077 j 110074 f A 110084 K-35-C, K-35-E 110078 f K 110079 { L 110080 j 110081 J B 110085 I c 110082 [ M 110083 A-Large. B-Small. c-Upper end. D-Except upper end. E-Fiber shield plate. F-Long inside strip. G-Short inside strip. H-Long fiber brace for large division plates. i-Short fiber brace for large division plates. *Right hand. Left hand. j-Back plate. K-Outer. L-Inner. M-Lower end. N-Intermediate. o-Large intermediate. p-Medium intermediate. Q-Small, offset on lower side. R-Small, offset on upper side. s-Back plate with lining. MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 167 ARC DEFLECTORS AND PARTS FOR Locomotive, Crane and Hoist Controllers TYPE R CONTROLLERS Controller Arc Deflector Complete Wide Strip Narrow Strip Division Plate Insulating Bushing for Screw Fastening Deflector to Pole Piece Misc. R-6, R-6-A, R-6-B, R-6-C 22749 22725 22726 19928 13635 R-9, R-9-A 24320 24321 24322 19636 13635 R-ll, R-ll-A, R-ll-B, \ R-12, R-12-A J 17642 17643 17644 14994 13635 R-13, R-13-A 19891 19894 19895 19893 R-14, R-14-A, R-14-C, 1 R-14-E / 17690 17691 17692 f A 14994 1 \ B 56756 f 13635 R-15, R-15-A 19238 19239 19240 f A 14994 1 1 B 56756 J 19630 R-16, R-16-A, R-16-C, 1 R-16-D J 21433 21434 21435 14994 19630 R-17, R-17-A, R-17-F, R-19, R-19-A, R-19-B, 17642 17643 17644 14994 13635 R-19-C, R-19-D, R-19-E J R-21, R-21-A 19891 19894 19895 19893 R-22, R-22-A, R-22-C, 1 R-22-E, R-22-F / 17690 17691 17692 f A 14994 1 I B 56756 J 13635 R-27, R-27-A, R-27-B, 1 R-27-D, R-27-M J 56722 c 56723 D 56724 f c 110095 \ \ D 19636 / 19893 C r 1 1 ODQ^ 1 R-27-J 114311 c 56723 D 56724 f 1^ J. -L \j\jy *j i i D 19636 J 19839 R-28, R-28-A, R-28-P 56856 f A 56858 1 i i- CCOTA / 13635 E 56857 L B 5o87(J J R-28-F, R-28-N 56890 {C!0^7r\ f 13635 E 56857 B 5b870 J R-28-G, R-28-V 56856 f A 56858 1 1 n CfiOTA 1 13635 E 56857 L B 5b870 J R-29, R-29-A 17642 17643 17644 14994 13635 R-32, R-32-A, R-32-B, 1 R-32-G J 56722 c 56723 D 56724 / c 110095 1 I D 19636 J 19893 R-37, R-37-A, R-37-B, R-37-C, R-37-D, R-37-E I R-37-F, R-38, R-38-A, [ 17690 17691 17692 f A 14994 1 1 B 56756 J 13635 ' R-38-B R-52, R-52-A 124596 124597 124598 19636 13635 R-53, R-53-A, R-53-B, 1 R-53-C, R-53-D, R-53-G J R-55, R-55-A 49071 29335 29332 29333 f c 104839 1 1 D 19895 / 49072 13635 R-56-A 110096 110097 110098 19895 13635 R-60-A, R-60-B, R-60-C 37713 37714 37715 19895 13635 R-65-A 110099 110507 110508 110509 13635 R-69, R-69-A, R-69-B, 110529 19745 19893 E 110530 R-70, R-70-A, R-70-B, 124600 19745 19893 E 124601 R-75-A, R-75-A-2, . R-75-A-5, R-75-B, R-75-C-5, R-75-E-2, 41002 R-75-H, R-76-A, R-76-A-2, R-76-A-5, R-76-B-2 R-77-A 37713 37714 37715 19895 13635 R-82, R-82-A, R-82-B 29335 29332 29333 f c 104839 1 13635 \ D 19895 J R-84, R-84-A, R-84-C, 1 R-84-D J 110510 19745 19893 E 110511 R-86, R-86-A, R-86-B, R-86-C.R-86-D.R-86-E, \ 38528 38529 38530 J G 14994 1 IT^ C^ITCfi f 13635 R-86-F [ F 5b75o J R-91, R-91-A 124602 124603 124604 19895 13635 A-Intermediate and lower end. B-Upper end. c-Large. D-Small. E-Back plate. F-Upper and lower ends. G-Intermediate. 168 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY ARC DEFLECTORS AND PARTS FOR Locomotive, Crane and Hoist Controllers TYPE R CONTROLLERS (Continued) CAT. NO. Insulating Bushing Controller Arc Deflector Complete Wide Strip Narrow Strip Division Plate for Screw Fastening Deflector to Pole Misc. Piece R-98, R-98-A, R-99, \ f H 110512 33765 13635 E 110514 R-99-A [ i 110513 33765 13635 E 110515 R-109, R-109-A, R-109-B, 1 110516 110518 110519 110520 E 110617 R-109-C, R-109-D / R-112, R-112-A 110521 110523 110524 110520 E 110522 R-113, R-113-A, R-114, \ R-114-A / R-115, R-115-A R-1.21, R-121-A 1 10525 124605 110529 110527 110528 110520 19745 19745 !r 1Q74 c i 19893 19893 i E 110526 E 124606 E 110530 R-121-B, R-121-C 110531 \_ J7 * ^*J D 110532 19893 E 110530 124658 1 R-122-A 124654 1 f!24656 / E 12465.") R-128-A 56856 / A 56858 \ B 56870 13635 E 56857 i c-Largc E-Back plate i-Left-hand. D-Small H-Right-hand. tLower end A-Intermediatc and lower end B-Upper end TYPE T CONTROLLERS CAT. NO. || CAT. NO. Controller A-_ Controller A*-^ re Deflector Complete Division Back Plate Plate Arc Deflector Complete Division Plate Back Plate T-l, T-l-A, T-l-G, T-l-H ] 110533 T-34, T-34-A, T-34-E, 1 T-l-K, T-l-L, T-l-N, \ T-l-P, T-l-Q, T-l-R 110533 T-34-P, T-34-G, T-34-L 110541 T-7, T-7-A 124663 T-36, T-36-A 110536 T-10, T-10-A 110534 T-40, T-40-A 110542 110544 110543 T-10-J, T-10-N, T-10-P 110534 T-40-C 110542 110544 110543 T-ll, T-ll-A None None T-42, T-42-A 110536 T-20, T-20-A None None T-42-C 110536 T-20-B None None T-42-D 110536 T-20-C None None T-42-E 110536 T-21, T-21-A 110534 T-52, T-52-A 104999 T-26, T-26-A 110535 T-27, T-27-A 110534 T-28, T-28-A 110536 T-29, T-29-A 110536 [ * 110537 T-33, T-33-A t 110538 110539 [ 1 10540 * Upper end. t Lower end. i Intermediate with bushings. Intermediate without bushings. MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 169 HANDLES FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST CONTROLLERS General Electric Controller handles are made from a special brass alloy or malleable iron forgings- depending on conditions of operation. Each handle has a catalogue number stamped or cast on it, to assist customers in ordering. TYPE C CONTROLLERS Controller C-205-A OPERATING HANDLES REVERSING HANDLES Cat. No. Material Cat. No. Material 27345 Brass 11314 Brass TYPE K CONTROLLERS K2-, K-2-A * 16921 Brass / * 16922 { t 35594 Brass Mai. iron f * 51459 Brass K-6, K-6-A 34400 A11299 Mai. iron ( Brass f * 17778 Brass I 123911 Brass j K-6-B 56518 Brass None K-6-G * 51459 Brass * 17778 Brass K-8, K-8-A * 16921 Brass * 17778 Brass K-9, K-9-A * 16921 Brass * 17778 Brass * 16921 Brass 1 K-10, K-10-A 30365 TT 56779 A35312 Mai. iron | Brass ^ Brass [ f * 17778 1 1 33624 Brass Mai. iron A14430 Brass - J K-ll, K-ll-A * 16921 Brass * 17778 Brass K-ll-D * 16921 Brass * 17778 Brass K-12, K-12-A * 16921 Brass * 17778 Brass K-13, K-13-A s 38671 Mai. iron 17670 Brass K-13-C 29123 Mai. iron None K-13-E s 38671 Mai. iron 17670 Brass K-15, K-15-A 14419 Mai. iron 51432 Brass K-27, K-27-A * 16921 Brass * 17778 Brass K-27-C * 16921 Brass * 17778 Brass K-28, K-28-A * 51459 A 32431 Brass Brass * 17778 Brass V OS R * 51459 Brass M7778 Brass \ A 32431 Brass K-28-C * 51459 A 32431 Brass Brass * 17778 Brass K-28-L * 51459 Brass * 17778 Brass A 32431 Brass K-34-E 61868 Mai. iron 60916 Steel, D.F. K-35-C * 51459 Brass 60916 Steel, D.F. K-35-E * 51459 Brass 60916 Steel, D.F. * Similar mal. iron handles shown on page 177. Special malleable iron handle. ASpecial. t Special handle with flat knob. 1 Includes brass bushing and galvanized iron cap. s For 1% shaft extension. TT Special hand wheel. 170 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY HANDLES FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST CONTROLLERS TYPE R CONTROLLERS Controller OPERATING HANDLES REVERSING HANDLES Cat. No. Material Cat. No. Material R-6, R-6-A 38671 Mai. iron 17670 Brass R-6-B 56520 Mai. iron None R-6-C 56520 Mai. iron None R-9, R-9-A 51444 Brass None R-ll, R-ll-A 16921 Brass 16922 Brass R-ll-B 16921 Brass 16922 Brass R-12, R-12-A 16921 Brass 16922 Brass R-13, R-13-A 17799 Brass None R-14, R-14-A 16921 Brass 16922 Brass R-14, R-14-C 16921 Brass 16922 Brass R-14-E None 16922 Brass R-15, R-15-A 16921 Brass 16922 Brass R-16, R-16-A 16921 Brass 16922 Brass R-16-C 16921 Brass 16922 Brass R-16-D 16921 Brass 16922 Brass R-17, R-17-A 16921 Brass 16922 Brass R-17-F 16921 Brass 16922 Brass R-19, R-19-A 16921 Brass 16922 Brass R-19-B 16921 Brass 16922 Brass R-19-C 16921 Brass 16922 Brass R-19-D 16921 Brass 16922 Brass R-19-E 16921 Brass 16922 Brass R-21, R-21-A 17799 Brass None R-22, R-22-A 16921 Brass 16922 Brass R-22-C 16921 Brass 16922 Brass R-22-E 16921 Brass 16922 Brass R-22-F None 16922 Brass [ 89592 Mai. iron R-27, R-27-A B 17799 Brass None I TT 11478 Brass R-27-B 89592 B 17799 Mai. iron Brass None R-27-D 89592 B 17799 Mai. iron Brass None R-27-J A51463 Brass None R-27-M 89592 B 17799 Mai. iron Brass None f 89588 Mai. iron R-28, R-28-A B 14417 X29187 Brass Brass None I TT 11479 Brass +R-28-F None None R-28-G 89588 B 14417 Mai. iron Brass None R-28-N AH371 Brass None R-28-P 89588 B 14417 Mai. iron Brass None R-28-V 89588 B 14417 Mai. iron None R-29, R-29-A * 16921 Brass * 16922 Brass R-32, R-32-A 89592 B 17799 Mai. iron Brass None R-32-B 89592 B 17799 Mai. iron Brass None R-32-G 89592 B 17799 Mai. iron Brass None R-37, R-37-A * 16921 Brass / X 56752 \ 36699 Brass Brass R-37-B * 16921 Brass X 56752 Brass * Similar handles of malleable iron are shown on page 177. B Brass special. IT Operating wheel, rope drive. AMarine handle. XHand wheel. +No handle furnished. MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 171 HANDLES FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST CONTROLLERS TYPE R CONTROLLERS Controller OPERATING HANDLES REVERSING HANDLES Cat. No. Material Cat. No. Material R-37-C * 16921 Brass X 56752 Brass R-37-D * 16921 Brass X 56752 Brass R-37-E * 16921 Brass X 56752 Brass R-37-F * 16921 Brass X 56752 Brass R-38, R-38-A * 16921 Brass X 56752 Brass R-38-B * 16921 Brass X 56752 Brass R-52, R-52-A 51444 Brass None f 23912 Mai. iron None R-53, R-53-A 61897 Mai. iron I IT 100129 Brass R-53-B A33440 Brass None R-53-C A33440 Brass None R-53-D 23912 Mai. iron None R-53-G 23912 Mai. iron None R-55, R-55-A * 16921 Brass * 17778 Brass R-56, R-56-A 23912 Mai. iron None R-60, R-60-A * 16921 Brass 32330 Brass R-60-B * 16921 Brass 32330 Brass R-60-C * 16921 Brass 32330 Brass R-65, R-65-A 34161 Mai. iron None R-69, R-69-A 17799 Brass None R-69-B 17799 Brass None R-70, R-70-A 17799 Brass None R-70-B 17799 Brass None R-75, R-75-A 36536 X36319 Mai. iron Cast iron None R-75-A-2 36536 X36319 Mai. iron Cast iron None R-75-A-5 36536 X36319 Mai. iron Cast iron None R-75-B 36536 X36319 Mai. iron Cast iron None R-75-C-5 36536 X36319 Mai. iron Cast iron None R-75-E-2 36536 X36319 Mai. iron Cast iron None R-75-H 36536 X36319 Mai. iron Cast iron None R-76, R-76-A 36536 X36319 Mai. iron Cast iron None R-76-A-2 36536 X36319 Mai. iron Cast iron None R-76-A-5 36536 X36319 Mai. iron Cast iron None R-76-B-2 36536 X36319 Mai. iron Cast iron None R-77, R-77-A * 16921 Brass 32330 Brass R-82, R-82-A * 16921 Brass * 17778 Brass R-82-B * 16921 = 42421 Brass Brass * 17778 Brass R-84, R-84-A 17799 Brass None R-84-C 17799 Brass None R-84-D 17799 Brass None R-86, R-86-A * 16921 Brass / 36699 { X 56752 Brass Brass R-86-B * 16921 Brass / 36699 { X 56752 Brass Brass R-86-C * 16921 Brass / 36699 1 X 56752 Brass Brass R-86-D * 16921 Brass / 36699 \ X 56752 Brass Brass * Similar handles of malleable iron are shown on page 177. AMarine handle. XHand wheel. = Special. v Operating wheel, rope drive, special. 172 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY HANDLES FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST CONTROLLERS TYPE R CONTROLLERS OPERATIN J HANDLES REVERSIN G HANDLES Cat. No. Material Cat. No. Material R-86-E * 16921 Brass / 36699 1 X 56752 Brass Brass R-86-F * 16921 Brass f 36699 1 X 56752 Brass Brass R-91, R-91-A * 16921 Brass 32330 Brass R-98, R-98-A 17799 Brass None R-99, R-99-A 33941 Mai. iron None R-109, R-109-A 60917 = 110053 Mai. iron \ Brass / 51529 Brass R-109-B 60917 = 110053 Mai. iron \ Brass \ 51529 R-109-C 107644 = 110053 Mai. iron Brass / 51529 R-109-D 60917 Mai. iron 51529 R-112, R-112-A 60917 Mai. iron 51529 Brass R-113, R-113-A 60917 Mai. iron 51529 Brass R-114, R-114-A 60917 Mai. iron 51529 Brass R-115, R-115-A 17799 Brass None R-121, R-121-A 17799 Brass None R-121-B 17799 Brass None R-121-C 17799 Brass None R-122, R-122-A 23912 Mai. iron None R-128, R-128-A 89588 B 14417 Mai. iron None * Similar handles of malleable iron are shown on page 177. = Special. B Brass special. MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 173 HANDLES FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST CONTROLLERS TYPE T CONTROLLERS OPERATING HANDLES REVERSING HANDLES Controller Cat. No. Material Cat. No. Material 89588 Mai. iron * T-l, T-l-A B 14417 Brass TT 11479 Brass None A22976 Brass 89588 Mai. iron T-l-G B 14417 Brass None I TT 11479 Brass \ 89588 Mai. iron T-l-H B 14417 Brass None I Ti-11479 Brass . 89588 Mai. iron T-l-K B 14417 Brass TT 11479 Brass None 1 A 22976 Brass T-l-L TT 11479 Brass None T-l-P TT 11479 Brass None T-7, T-7-A 51444 Brass None r 89592 Mai. iron T-10, T-10-A B 17799 -^22975 Brass Brass None X33939 Brass T-10-J 89592 Mai. iron None T-10-N 1 B 17799 Brass J T-ll, T-ll-A 35596 Brass None T-20, T-20-A 35339 Brass None T-20-B 51530 Brass None T-20-C X 68976 Brass None T-21, T-21-A 17799 Brass None T-26, T-26-A 17799 Brass None T-27, T-27-A 17799 Brass None T-28, T-28-A 29123 Mai. iron None T-29, T-29-A 58416 Mai. iron None T-33, T-33-A * 51459 Brass * 17778 Brass T-34, T-34-A T-34-E 89588 i Mai. iron Brass \ None T-34-F B 14417 T-36, T-36-A 29123 Mai. iron None T-40, T-40-A 29700 Mai. iron None T-40-C TT 49240 Brass None T-42, T-42-A 29123 Mat. iron None T-42-C 29123 Mai. iron None T-42-D 29123 Mai. iron None T-42-E 29123 Mai. iron None T-52, T-52-A 17799 Brass None * Similar handles of malleable iron are shown on page 177. B Brass special. TT Operating wheel, rope drive. ASpecial. -r- Special handle with extension shaft socket. XHand wheel. 174 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY HANDLES FOR LOCOMOTIVE, CRANE AND HOIST CONTROLLERS MALLEABLE IRON HANDLES Special malleable iron controller handles are furnished to meet the demand for handles less expen- sive and less liable to loss by theft than the corresponding standard brass handles with which they are interchangeable. For protection of the iron from rust, these handles are sherardized and will withstand the standard marine acid test. They are provided with renewable brass bushings which prevent wear of the controller shaft. OPERATING REVERSING Malleable Iron Handle Cat. No. Interchangeable With Brass Handle Cat. No. Malleable Iron Handle Cal. No. Interchangeable with Brass Handle Cat. No. 30365 34400 16921 51459 35594 33624 16922 17778 BRASS BUSHINGS FOR MALLEABLE IRON CONTROLLER HANDLES * Brass Bushing Cat. No. For Use with Mall. Iron Controller Handle Cat. No. 65952 65953 38139 38139 30365 34400 35594 33624 The above brass bushings prevent wear on the controller shaft. They are easily renewable and are placed in the controller handles with a pressing fit. * Includes two halves. MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 175 UNION STANDARD TROLLEYS FORM D -3923 ~/975, ~J9753 -/97S2 /976O 380Q- 3Q/O- 38O9 3802 3693 3607 3Q!t 3805 3Q04- Cat. No. Description Cat. No. Description 3800 Form D Mining Trolley, complete, with pole, harp, wheel, contact blocks and protec- tion cap ........ 19751 Wood pole, plain (specify length) 19752 Pole head, with screws 19753 Harp 19756 Wheel axle pin 19754 Harp swivel screw 19755 Washer for swivel screw . . . . 19757 Cotter for wheel axle pin . 3923 Trolley wheel 3801 Trolley base, complete 3802 Trolley base ' . 3803 Bottom nut for base 3804 Pole socket 3805 Pole socket axle pin 16064 Cotter for socket axle pin . . . . 9689 Clamp screw for pole socket . . . 3806 Hook for pole socket 13687 9887 3817 19760 3818 10430 5250 Pin for pole socket hook .... Cotter for pole socket hook pin Chain, with rings Plunger Cross head for plunger . . . ... Cap screw for cross head Stop nut for plunger . - . . Rubber buffer for stop nut Compression spring Movable cable contact block, complete Stationary, controller cable contact block complete x . Soft rubber bushing for No. 3816 Cap screw for No. 3816 Protection cap for No. 3816 . Brass clips for cable Bracket for cable Screw for bracket Clamp screw for pole head .... 176 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY UNION STANDARD TROLLEYS FORMS D-4 AND D-5 38O2 * 28857 Cat. No. Description 27778 Form D-4 Mining Trolley, complete, with pole, harp, wheel, contact blocks and protection cap 38597 Form D-5 Mining Trolley, complete, with pole, harp, wheel, contact blocks and protection cap 19751 Wood pole, plain, 6 feet (Other sizes, prices according to length.) 27779 Pole head with screws 19753 Harp, less axle pin 19756 Wheel axle pin 19754 Harp swivel screw 27780 Washer for swivel screw 19757 Cotter for wheel axle pin 3923 Trolley wheel 27781 Trolley base, complete, less pole and cables, for Form D-4 mining trolley 108464 Trolley base, complete, less pole and cables, for Form D-5 mining trolley ..... 3802 Trolley base or cylinder, for Form D-4 mining trolley . 38598 Trolley base or cylinder, for Form D-5 mining trolley 28857 Bottom nut for base 27782 Pole socket 3805 Pole socket axle pin 16064 Cotter for socket axle pin 9689 Clamp screw for pole socket 3806 Hook for pole socket 3807 Pin for pole socket hook 19757 Cotter for pole socket hook pin 3808 Chain with rings 3809 Plunger pipe 3810 Cross head for plunger * 3812 Stop nut for plunger . 381 1 Cap screw for cross head 3813 Rubber buffer for stop nut 3814 Compression spring, for Form D-4 mining trolley 38599 Compression spring, for Form D-5 mining trolley 3815 Movable cable contact block, complete 3816 Stationary controller cable contact block, complete 13687 Soft rubber bushing for No. 3816 9887 Cap screw for No. 3816 3817 Protection cap for No. 3816 19760 Brass clips for cable 27783 Washer for pole hook pin 5250 Clamo screw for pole head MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 177 UNION STANDARD TROLLEYS FORM N /049/d 1049/7 104921 /04922 /049B8 /O493/ -/0493Z /049I4 . Cat. Xo. 104912 104913 104914 104915 104916 104917 104918 104919 104920 104921 104922 104923 104924 104925 104926 104927 104928 104929 104930 104931 104932 Description Trolley, complete Base ..... Cable, complete, with block Inside swivel Outside swivel . Outside trolley fork Inside trolley fork Right-hand gear socket . Left-hand gear socket Hinge cam Hinge fork Hinge pin with cotters Gear pin with cotters Swivel pin with cotters Hinge bolt and nut . Swivel cable cleat Bar cable cleat . Chain .... Tension spring . Lower bar .... Upper bar .... 178 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY UNION STANDARD TROLLEYS * No. 1 TROLLEY BASE AND FORM 6 HARP AND WHEEL Approximate Weight, 104 Lb. * The maximum length of pole to allow of successful operation of this base is 13 feet. If longer pole is desired, the General Electric Company must decline the responsibility for the successful operation of the trolley. Poles 1 % in. diameter at base. By adjusting the compression springs, the pressure on the trolley wire may be varied from 12 to 25 lb., with a 12 ft. pole, standard harp, and Form 6 wheel, at an angle of 45 degrees. Cat. No. Description 3901 120400 Form 40- A trolley wheel (standard low speed) .......... 3918 Form 6 trolley harp (standard low speed) takes Form 40-A wheel 1 Steel trolley poles (give length of pole) .... Repair parts for Cat No 3901 . 3902 Stand or foot with terminal binding screws ...... 3903 Swivel . .......... }Q04 Compression spring (4 required) .... 3905 Spring guide (2 required) ........ 3906 Nut for spring guide (4 required) . . ^Q07 Side rod with nuts (4 required) ..... 3908 End yoke (2 required) .......... 3909 3910 Pole socket, complete, with legs and pole clamp Pole socket axle pin with cotter (2 required) ...... 3911 Pole socket clamp ............... 3Q12 Bolt and nut for pole clamp (4 required) .... 3913 Pole socket body ........ 3914 Pole socket leg (2 required) ....... "3Q1 ^ Pole socket leg pin with cotter (4 required) ...... lOIQfi^ The U. S. 1 Base is used only where the trolley pole cannot be reversed by swiveling. % In ordering trolley poles care should be taken to state whether the specified length is the length of pole alone or pole equipment. The length of a pole equipment is taken from butt of pole to center of wheel. MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 179 UNION STANDARD TROLLEYS No. 2 TROLLEY BASE AND FORM 6 HARP AND WHEEL 26060 This is a modification of the No. 1 trolley base and is constructed in the same substantial manner. Cat. No. Description 3932 Trolley base, without pole .............. 120400 Form 40-A trolley wheel .............. 3918 Form 6 trolley harp, takes Form 40-A wheel .......... I Steel trolley poles (give length of poles) . . . . . . . Repair parts for Cat. No. 8932 26079 Stand or foot, with terminal binding screws .......... 26080 Swivel .................. 26081 Spring guide ..........'........ 3906 Nut for spring guide (2 required) ............ 26082 Side rod with nut (4 required) ............. 26083 Upper end yoke ........."....... 26084 Lower end yoke ................. 26085 Pole socket axle pin with cotter (2 required) ........... 26086 Side rod pin with cotter (4 required) ............. 26087 Pole socket, complete ................ 26088 Pole socket body ................ 26089 Pole socket clamp ................. 26090 Bolt and nut for clamp (4 required) ............. 26091 Compression spring (2 required) .............. J In ordering trolley poles care should be taken to state whether the specified length is the length of pole alone or pole equipment. The length of a pole equipment is taken from butt of pole to center of wheel. 180 <;/;.Y/-.AML ELECTRIC COMPANY UNION STANDARD TROLLEYS * No. 6 TROLLEY BASE AND FORM 6 HARP AND WHEEL Approximate Weight, 82 Lb. 3306 ^ 26093 3961 3962 * The maximum length of pole to allow of successful operation of this base is 13 feet. If longer pole is desired, the General Electric Company must decline the responsibility for the successful operation of the trolley. Poles 1 J^ in. diameter at base. By adjusting the compression spring the pressure on the trolley wire may be varied from 10 to 30 lb., with a 12 ft. pole, standard harp and Form 6 wheel at an angle of 45 degrees. Cat. No. Description 3934 120400 3918 3953 3954 26096 26097 26098 3906 3958 3961 3960 26099 3911 3912 3962 3956 26100 3959 3908 Trolley base, without pole Form 40-A trolley wheel (standard low speed) . Form 6 trolley harp (standard low speed) takes Form 40-A wheel % Steel trolley pole Repair parts for Cat. No. 3934 Stand or foot, with terminal binding screws .... Swivel with brass bushing Brass bushing for swivel Compression spring (2 required) ....... Spring guide Nut for spring guide (2 required) Side rod with nuts (2 required) Side rod pin with cotter (2 required) Pole socket, complete ......... Pole socket body Pole socket clamp Bolt and nut for clamp (4 required) Pole socket axle pin with cotters Brass washer for stand or foot ....... Cap screw for stand or foot ........ Buffer End yoke ............ I In ordering trolley poles care should be taken to state whether the specified length is the length of pole alone or of pole equipment. The length of a pole equipment is taken from butt of pole to center of wheel. MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 181 UNION STANDARD TROLLEYS * No. 7 TROLLEY BASE AND FORM 6 HARP AND WHEEL Approximate Weight, 197 Lb. 26/O9-* 39O6 26O96 2<8//5 26//<3 26/O2 26/77 * The maximum length of pole to allow of successful operation of this base is 12 feet. If longer pole is desired, the General Electric Company must decline the responsibility for the successful operation of the trolley. Poles lj^ in. diameter at base. By adjusting the compression springs the pressure on the trolley wires may be varied from 10 to 30 lb., with a 12 ft. pole standard harp and Form 6 wheel at an angle of 45 degrees. Cat. No. 26101 120400 3918 26102 26103 26104 26105 26106 26107 26108 26109 26110 26111 26112 26113 26114 26115 3906 26116 26117 26118 26119 26098 26120 26121 26122 Description Trolley base (double), without poles . Form 40-A trolley wheel (standard low speed) .... Form 6 trolley harp (standard low speed) takes Form 40-A wheel Steel trolley pole Repair parts for Cat. No. 26101 Stand or foot Swivel pin for stand or foot ........ Brass bushing for swivel pin Swivel or frame, with brass bushing . . . Brass bushing for swivel ........ Upper pole socket, complete . Upper pole socket clamp (large) Upper pole socket clamp (small) . . . . Upper pole socket clamping bolt and nut Lower pole socket, complete ........ Lower pole socket clamp . " Lower pole socket bolt and nut . . . . Lower pole socket body ......... End yoke Nut for spring guide ......... Buffer Pole socket axle pin ......... Side rod, with nuts . . . . . . . . . Side rod pin, with cotter ........ Spring guide Compression spring Insulator section Brass washer for swivel pin The U. S. 7 Base is for use with double trolley metallic return circuit. 18 inches. The distance between pole centers is } In ordering trolley poles care should be taken to state whether the specified length is the length of pole alone or of pole equipment. The length of a pole equipment is taken from butt of pole to center of wheel. 182 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY UNION STANDARD TROLLEYS * No. 8 TROLLEY BASE AND FORM 6 HARP AND WHEEL Approximate Weight, 173 Lb. * The maximum length of pole to allow successful operation of this base is 18 feet. If longer pole is desired, the General Electric Company must decline the responsibility for the successful operation of the trolley. Poles 2 in. diameter at base. By adjusting the compression spring the pressure on the trolley wire may be varied from 25 to 45 Ib. with a 15 ft. pole, Form 12 harp and Form 17 wheel at an angle of 45 degrees. DIMENSIONS Cat. No. FH r *kLr U /4"J Description 26123 Trolley base, without pole 120400 Form 40- A trolley wheel (standard low speed) 3918 Form 6 trolley harp (standard low speed) takes Form 40-A wheel | Steel trolley pole ..... Repair parts for Cat. No. 26123 26124 Stand or foot, with terminal binding screw 26125 Swivel, with bushing .... 26126 Brass bushing for swivel .... 26127 Compression spring (large) (2 required) 26128 Compression spring (small) (2 required) 26129 Washer for springs ..... 26130 Spring guide ...... 3906 Nut for spring guide (2 required) . 26131 Side rod with nuts (2 required) 26132 Side rod pin, with cotter (2 required) 26133 Pole socket, complete .... 26134 Pole socket body 26135 Pole socket clamp 26136 Pole socket axle pin, with cotters . 26137 Bolt and nut for pole socket (4 required) 26138 End yoke 26139 Buffer yoke 26140 Stop pin for stand or foot 26141 Connecting clamp screw for stand or foot The U. S. 8 base is designed for use only with extra long poles or when extra heavy upward pressure is required. } In ordering trolley poles, care should be taken to state whether the specified length is the length of pole alone or of pole equipment. The length of a pole equipment is taken from butt of pole to center of wheel. MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 183 MAGNETIC BLOWOUT SWITCHES TYPE MS Type MS switches are small, compact and thoroughly reliable. All parts are readily accessible for repair and inspection. In these switches the arc is definitely localized and quickly ruptured by the magnetic blowout and snap action of the switches. The switch consists of a neat, substantial metal box enclosing a moulded compound case or chute to which the lever carrying the handle and contact is pivoted. All live parts are thoroughly protected and the moulded compound used in the chute is not affected by any service temperature. TYPE MS-2 FORM A 15 AMPERES, 600 VOLTS Dimensions The upper left-hand terminal of this switch is the positive terminal. The switch is held in its last thrown position by the trigger spring at the lower left-hand corner; this spring also gives a positive snap action in opening the switch. 184 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Cat. \o. .30421 MAGNETIC BLOWOUT SWITCHES TYPE MS-2 FORM A Description MS-2 Form A Magnetic Blowout Switch, complete REPAIR PARTS 49357 BOX CASTING 49397 Cover for box casting, with arc chute cover .......... 49398 Arc chute cover with rivets ............. 48312 Screw fastening cover to box casting and arc chute in position (14-24, 1% in. r.h. blued) 49375 Bushing for leads for box casting 49399 ARC CHUTE body 49377 Terminal block, upper, with contact spring 49401 Terminal block, lower 49378 Contact spring for No. 49377 . . 23261 Binding screw for Nos. 49377, 49401 and screw fastening contact spring in position (8-32, Y in. r.h. blued) 1657 Screw fastening Nos. 49377, 49401 to arc chutes (8-32, % in. f.h.) 49379 Handle lever, with copper contact ............ 49380 Copper contact with rivets 49381 Handle with stud, collar and guard . . . . . . . . . . . . 49382 Handle guard 49383 Collar for handle 49400 BLOWOUT COIL, complete 49385 Pole piece, with fulcrum pin for handle lever .......... 49386 Spring washer for handle lever 49387 Washer for fulcrum pin (%% in. by % in. by 0.034 in.) . . 10110 Spring cotter for fulcrum pin (^ in. by Y^ in.) 49388 Screw fastening pole piece in position (14-24, % in. f.h. brass) 49389 Insulation bushing for No. 49388 49390 Spring for handle lever ............... 49391 Stop plate for handle lever 49392 Screw fastening Nos. 49390, 49391 to arc chute (6-32, ^ in. r.h.) 49393 Nut for No. 49392 (6-32, sq. bfass) 35829 Washer for No. 49392 (& in. by ffc in. by 0.030 in. brass) TYPE MS-5 FORM B, 15 AMPERES, 600 VOLTS MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 185 MAGNETIC BLOWOUT SWITCHES *TYPE MS-5 FORM B REPAIR PARTS Cat. No. 111784 111785 49460 4011 49461 111786 23691 58736 49463 111787 49465 10076 49466 111788 111789 111790 100440 100441 111791 111792 111793 111794 111795 111796 30511 49479 111797 48385 110624 Description SWITCH BOX Cover . Back plate for switch box . . . . . . . .... Screw fastening No. 49460 to box (No. 6, % in. f.h.) . Terminal block, right-hand ............... Terminal block, left-hand Binding screw for terminal blocks (8-32, Yi in. r.h. blued) ........ Screw fastening terminal blocks to box (8-32, f in. f.h.) Blowout coil, wound, complete Outer pole piece with bearing and terminal posts . . . . . *. Inner pole piece with blowout coil core ............. Screw fastening No. 111787 to blowout coil core (10-32, j^s in. f.h.) Mica insulation between inner pole piece and box Contact arm with copper contact and spring post .......... Copper contact Operating lever with handle, stud and guard . Handle Handle guard Bearing post for contact arm Bearing screw for contact arm and operating lever (10-32, l^ in. sp'l) Secondary operating lever with pin and spring post .......... Tension spring for secondary operating lever and contact arm (31 turns, 0.036 in. steel music wire, copper plated) ..... ........ Bearing post for No. 111793 Bearing screw for No. 111793 (10-32, & in. sp'l) Washer for No. 111796 (0.199 in. by % in. by 0.0625 in.) Knob holding cover in position Stud for No. 49479 (14-24, 1% in. long) Nut for No. 111797 (14-24, j^ in. thick, J^ in. across flats hex. cham. one side brass) Positive lock washer for No. 48385 (^ in. by ^ in. by ^ in. thick) * The MS-5, Form B Switch is listed for convenience of customers in ordering repair parts. TYPE MS-8 FORM A, 200 AMPERES, 600 VOLTS j/to/e Enclosed With Cover Removed Dimensions The Main Circuit Switch MS-8- A is suitable for equipments not exceeding 200 horse power. 186 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY MAGNETIC BLOWOUT SWITCHES TYPE MS-8 FORM A This switch is of the quick-break type, and has split fingers supported by springs in such a manner that in closing, a wiping motion is imparted to them, tending to clean the surfaces and insure good electrical contact. Cat. No. 36881 Description MS-8 Form A Magnetic Blowout Switch, complete . REPAIR PARTS 58666 49412 58667 58668 58669 58670 58671 58672 58673 44077 49419 58674 58675 58676 22345 58677 32895 2028 58680 58678 58679 58681 58682 58683 58684 58685 58686 58687 58688 58689 58690 58691 58692 58693 58694 58695 42595 58696 58697 58698 58699 9997 48135 3884 4030 58700 58701 58702 58703 58704 58705 51726 56743 58706 Cover for box casting Screw fastening cover to box casting (^ in. -18, % in. r.h. blued) Bushing for leads for box casting ARC CHUTE, complete Front plate Back plate ..... Side plate with pins, right-hand Side plate with pins, left-hand Bottom plate ................. Screw fastening bottom plate to back and side plates (10-32, % in. f.h.) .... Screw fastening arc chute to box casting (14-24, 2)4 in- fill- h-) Terminal block, right-hand, with stud and bushing Terminal block, left-hand, with contact tip and bushing Contact tip, for No. 58675 Screw fastening No. 58676 to block (14-24, Yi in. f.h. brass) Bushing for terminal blocks Binding screw for terminal blocks and screw fastening No. 58675 in position (14-24, % in. f.h. blued) Screw fastening No. 58674 in position (14-24, Y% in. f.h.) Terminal post .................. Nut for terminal block stud and terminal post (Yi in.-13, i^ in. thick, hex. brass cham. both sides) Lock washer for No. 58678 (H in. by 1 in. by 0.10 in. ph. brz.) Nut for terminal post (J^> in. -13, hex. brass cham. one side) . Contact lever with catch plate Catch plate Screw fastening No. 58683 to lever (6-32, ^ in. f.h. blued) CONTACT FINGERS, complete, with springs and laminated connections .... Contact finger, with rivets . Laminated connections with washers and rivets .......... Screw fastening springs and connections to contact lever and terminal post (10-32, Yi in. f.h. blued) ... Double washer plate for No. 58688 Handle lever Handle with stud and guard Handle guard Blowout coil core and fulcrum for contact and handle levers ........ Lock washer for No. 58693 (f in. by l}/8 in. by 0.10 in. ph. brz.) Retaining washer for handle lever (g in. by 1 % in. by ^ in. thick, countersunk hole) Screw fastening No. 58695 to blowout coil core (& in. -18, Y% in. f.h. blued) .... Compression spring for contact and handle levers (3^ turns, 0.091 in. ph. brz. wire) Catch lever with catch plate Catch plate with rivets Hinge pin for catch lever Large washer for No. 58699 (M in. by % in. by 0.060 in. brass) Small washer for No. 58699 (fi in. by 5 / s in. by 0.060 in. brass) Nut for No. 58699 (^ in. -18, Y in. thick, hex. brass cham. both sides) Spring cotter for No. 58699 (& in. by Y* in.) Tension spring for contact and catch levers BLOWOUT COIL Bushing for blowout coil core Fiber sleeve for bushing (% in. by 1 in. by % in. long) Pole piece Washer between pole piece and blowout coil (lj^ in. by 3 in. by 0.010 in. mica) Screw fastening pole piece to blowout coil core (^ in.-18, Y% in. f.h.) Screw fastening pole piece to arc chute (14-24, Yi in. f.h.) Insulation between blowout coil and arc chute MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 187 MAGNETIC BLOWOUT SWITCHES TYPE MS-13 15 AMPERES 600 VOLTS Dimensions The MS-13 Form B is the standard setting and tripping switch. The switch is normally held in its central position by the action of a strong spring. Cat. No. 112147 Description Type MS-13, Form B magnetic blowout switch, complete REPAIR PARTS 119564 100435 100436 4011 119565 119566 10259 119567 119568 119569 100437 100438 14434 1193 119570 100440 100441 100442 1C0443 17352 21392 49386 110774 119571 119572 119573 44071 44072 in. f.h.) in. r.h. blued) . in. r.h. blued) Switch box ...... Front cover for switch box Back cover for switch box Screw fastening No. 100436 to box (No. 6, Spring catch for No. 100435 Guard for No. 119565 Long screw fastening Nos. 119565, 119566 to box (6-32, Short screw fastening Nos. 119565, 119566 to box (No. 4, Washer for No. 10259 (& in. by ^ in. by 0.034 in.) Nut for No. 10259 (6-32, y$ in. thick, -f^ in. across flats hex. cham. one side) Terminal block, upper Terminal block, lower Binding screw for Nos. 100437, 100438 (8-32, */% in. r.h. blued) Screw fastening terminal blocks to switch box (8-32, */ in. f.h.) Handle lever with handle, stud, guard and contact Handle Handle guard . . . . . Copper contact with rivets Bearing post for handle lever . . . . , . Nut for No. 100443 (f> 35131 350 35132 375 :;.->! 33 400 MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 193 SNAP SWITCHES Cat. No. 107629 Cat. No. Description Std. Pkg. 107628 Combined switch and cutout, 10 amp., 600 volt, moulded compound, non- indicating, without fuse ......... 50 107629 Combined switch and cutout, 20 amp., 250 volt, moulded compound, non- indicating without fuse 50 28839 113239 107679 34955 Enclosed fuse, 3 amp., 600 volt, for use in Cat. No. 107628 .... Enclosed fuse, 5 amp., 600 volt, for use in Cat. No. 107628 .... Enclosed fuse, 10 amp., 600 volt, for use in Cat. No. 107628 .... Enclosed fuse, 20 amp., 250 volt, for use in Cat. No. 107629 .... 100 100 100 100 TRANSFER SWITCH Cat. No. 29327 Description S.P.D.T. knife switch, 200 amp., to change connection from cable to trolley pole 194 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY TYPE MR CIRCUIT BREAKERS These circuit breakers are designed especially for electric railway cylinder controller equipments up to 400 h.p. capacity, and are used for two purposes, viz., as a device to automatically break the main trolley circuit in case of excessive overloads or short circuits, and as a hand-operated main circuit switch. They are small, compact and thoroughly reliable, the operating mechanism being surrounded by a fiber lining of the metal box, thus preventing accidental contact with live parts. MR Circuit Breaker DIMENSIONS Contact is made by arcing fingers together with a heavy brush, which in closing are brought face to face against the fixed contact. The brush is designed to carry nearly all the current and the ringers are so located with reference to the brush that while closing they make contact approxi- mately 3/ in. ahead of the brush. They, therefore, thoroughly protect the brush by shunting and opening the circuit after the brush is well away from the contact block. The outer box is made of non-magnetic metal and has a cast iron cover which acts as part of the magnetic circuit for the blow-out and tripping mechanism. The cover is hinged to the box and held closed by a latch operated by a hinged screw. All parts of the breaker are, therefore, readily acces- sible for repair or inspection. RATED CAPACITY Cat. No. Type Description Minimum Maximum Maximum Calibration Calibration Voltage 104787 MR-10-D Front connected circuit breaker 50 amp. 150 amp. 600 104788 MR-ll-D Front connected circuit breaker 100 amp. 300 amp. 600 104789 MR-12-D Front connected circuit breaker 200 amp. 600 amp. 600 104790 MR-13-D Front connected circuit breaker 300 amp. 900 amp. 600 104791 MR-14-D Front connected circuit breaker 400 amp. 1200 amp. 600 MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 195 TYPE MR CIRCUIT BREAKERS REPAIR PARTS The following repair parts for the MR-10-1 1-12-13 and 14 Form D breakers are the same as for the MR-10-11-12 and 13 Form B and MR-14 Form A respectively. Form D differs from Form B of MR-10-1 1-12 and 13 and Form A of MR-14 in having different device for holding the cover closed. BLOWOUT COILS Cat. No. 105660 105661 105662 105663 105664 Description OVERLOAD AND BLOWOUT COIL, wound complete, with terminals, for No. 104787 Overload and blowout coil, wound, complete with terminals, for No. 104788 Overload and blowout coil, wound, complete with terminals, for No. 104789 . . . Overload and blowout coil, complete, for No. 104790 Overload and blowout coil, complete, for No. 104791 ARC CHUTE 105669 ARC CHUTE, complete TERMINAL BLOCKS TERMINAL BLOCK, right-hand, with stud and bushing, for Nos. 104787, 104788, 104789, 104790 Terminal block, right-hand, with stud and bushing, for No. 104791 ...... Terminal block, left-hand, with copper contact and bushing, for Nos. 104787, 104788, 104789, 104790 Terminal block, left-hand, with copper contact and bushing, for No. 104791 .... CONTACTS 105628 105629 105639 Laminated contact brush Contact fingers with springs and rivets (includes two fingers) Copper contact for Nos. 105635, 105636 .... LEVERS 105625 105647 105650 Contact lever with catch plate Tripping lever with wearing plate Catch lever SPRINGS 105627 Tension spring for contact lever . . 105643 Calibrating spring with holder . 105649 Spring for No. 105647 105652 Spring for No. 105650 105656 Compression spring for handle and contact levers CALIBRATING SCREW 105644 88038 Calibrating screw (10-24, 2^ i n - brass oxidized finish) Check nut for calibrating screw (10-24, ^ in. thick, % in. across flats hex. brass cham. both sides) 196 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY TYPE MR CIRCUIT BREAKERS FRONT CONNECTED, 650 VOLTS Cat. No. 23853 23854 23855 23856 Type MR-2-B MR-3-C MR-4-C MR-5-C Continuous Ampere Capacity CALIBRATION Min. Max. Superseded By 15 15 45 50 50 150 MR-10 100 100 300 MR-11 200 200 600 MR-12 Type MR Circuit Breaker * Cat. Nos. 23854, 23855 and 23856 are listed only for convenience in ordering repair parts. REPAIR PARTS WOODEN BOXES Cat. No. 29303 29302 Description Wooden box, complete, for Cat. Nos. 23854, 23855 Wooden box, complete, for Cat. No. 23856 32798 32799 32800 32801 BLOWOUT SPOOLS Blowout spool, wound, complete, with connection block, for Cat. No. 23853 Blowout spool, wound, complete, with connection block, for Cat. No. 23854 Blowout spool, wound, complete, with connection block, for Cat. No. 23855 Blowout spool, wound, complete, with connection block, for Cat. No. 23856 32819 32820 32821 32839 32840 32841 32842 32843 32844 32853 32854 32855 CHUTES Fiber chute, complete, for Cat. No. 23853 . Fiber chute, complete, for Cat. Nos. 23854, 23855 Fiber chute, complete, for Cat. No. 23856 . CONTACT BASES Contact base, complete, with finger and spring, for Cat. No. 23853 (right-hand) Contact base, complete, with ringer and spring, for Cat. Nos. 23854, 23855 (right-hand) Contact base, complete, with finger and spring, for Cat. No. 23856 (right-hand) Contact base, complete, with finger and spring, for Cat. No. 23853 (left-hand) . Contact base, complete, with finger and spring, for Cat. Nos. 23854, 23855 (left-hand) Contact base, complete, with finger and spring, for Cat. No. 23856 (left-hand) . Contact finger, complete, with spring and reinforcing strips, for Cat. No. 23853 Double contact finger, complete, with spring and reinforcing strips, for Cat. Nos. 23854, Double contact finger, complete, with spring and reinforcing strips, for Cat. No. 23856 23855 ARCING TIPS 32858 Arcing tip, with stud and pin fastening Cat. Nos. 32839, 32842 in position 32859 Arcing tip, with stud fastening Cat. Nos. 32840, 32843 in position 32860 Arcing tip, with stud fastening Cat. Nos. 32841, 32844 in position MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 197 TYPE MR CIRCUIT BREAKERS REPAIR PARTS CONTACT SUPPORTS Cat. No. 32870 32871 32872 32883 32884 32885 Description Contact support, complete, with fiber joint and contact head, for Cat. No. 23853 Contact support, complete, with fiber joint and contact head, for Cat. Nos. 23854, 23855 Contact support, complete, with fiber joint and contact head, for Cat. No. 23856 Contact segment, for Cat. No. 23853 " Contact segment, for Cat. Nos. 23854, 23855 . Contact segment, for Cat. No. 23856 MAIN AND TENSION SPRINGS 32896 32897 32898 32899 32900 32901 Main spring, for Cat. No. 23853 (1^ turns, 0.102 in. ph. brz. wire) ...... Main spring, for Cat. Nos. 23854, 23855 (lj^ turns, 0.144 in. ph. brz. wire) .... Main spring, for Cat. No. 23856 (1H turns, 0.182 in. ph. brz. wire) ...... Tension spring, for handle and contact support, for Cat. No. 23853 (11^ turns, 0.045 in. ph. brz. wire) ................ per 100 Tension spring, for handle and contact support, for Cat. Nos. 23854, 23855 (1 1 H> turns, 0.072 in. ph. brz. wire) ............ ..... Tension spring, for handle and contact support, for Cat. No. 23856 (8^ turns, 0.072 in. ph. brz. wire) ....... . ......... CATCH LEVERS 32902 Catch lever, complete, with spring and catch plate, for Cat. No. 23853 32903 Catch lever, complete, with spring and catch plate, for Cat. Nos. 23854, 23855 32904 Catch lever, complete, with spring and catch plate, for Cat. No. 23856 LOCKING LEVERS 32910 Locking lever, for Cat. No. 23853 32911 Locking lever, for Cat. Nos. 23854, 23855 32912 Locking lever, for Cat. No. 23856 CALIBRATING SPRINGS 32933 32934 32935 in. outside diam. Calibrating spring, with holder (16M turns, 0.045 in. oxidized steel wire, closed), for Cat. No. 23853 ............. Calibrating spring, with holder (18 Y^ turns, 0.050 in. oxidized steel wire, J^ in. outside diam. closed), for Cat. Nos. 23854, 23855 ........... Calibrating spring, with holder (16 turns, 0.089 in. oxidized steel wire, f in. outside diam. closed), for Cat. No. 23856 ............. 32936 32937 32938 CALIBRATING RODS Calibrating rod, with thumb nut, for Cat. No. 23853 Calibrating rod, with thumb nut, for Cat. Nos. 23854, 23855 Calibrating rod, with thumb nut, for Cat. No. 23856 198 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY TYPE MQ CIRCUIT BREAKERS Cat. No. Ampere Capacity * 14395 * 14396 * 14390 110 200 400 CALIBRATION Min. Max. 60 100 200 150 250 400 Style Handle Fixed handle Fixed handle Fixed handle Superseded by MR-10 MR-11 MR-12 * Includes wooden cover not illustrated here. These MQ circuit breakers are listed only for convenience in ordering repair parts. MQ Circuit Breaker REPAIR PARTS Cat. No. Description 3886 11067 11097 32778 32432 3881 11066 11098 32781 3872 3997 11099 32782 3967 11090 32784 3880 11065 3858 3979 3968 11092 3971 11078 11080 14516 3969 11093 Arcing tip, with studs, for Nos. 14395, 14396 ........... Arcing tip, with studs, for No. 14390 ............. Blowout spool, wound, complete, with connection block, for No. 14395 ..... Blowout spool, wound, complete, with connection block, for No. 14396 ..... Blowout spool, wound, complete, with connection block, for No. 14390 ..... Conducting strip, for Nos. 14395, 14396 ............ Conducting strip, for No. 14390 .............. Connection block, for Nos. 11097, 32778 ............ Connection block, for No. 32432 .............. Contact base, complete, with finger and conducting strip, for Nos. 14395, 14396 (left-hand) . Contact base, complete, with finger and conducting strip, for No. 14390 ..... Contact base, complete, with finger and conducting strip, for Nos. 14395, 14396 (right-hand) Contact base, complete, with finger and conducting strip, for No. 14390 (right-hand) Contact segment, for Nos. 14395, 14396 ....... ...... Contact segment, for No. 14390 .............. Calibrating spring, with holder (22 turns, 0.073 in. steel wire, oxidized finish) for Nos. 14395, 14396, 14390 ................. Double contact finger, complete, with spring and reinforcing strips, for Nos. 14395, 14396 Double contact finger, complete, with spring and reinforcing strips, for No. 14390 Fiber chute, complete, for Nos. 14395, 14396 ........... Fiber chute, complete, for Nos. 14390 ............. Fiber joint, for Nos. 14395, 14396 ............. Fiber joint, for No. 14390 ............... Handle, complete, with fulcrum, contact head and contact segment, for Nos. 14395, 14396 Handle, complete, with fulcrum, contact head and contact segment, for No. 14390 . Handle, with stud and ferrule, for No. 14390 ........... Handle, with stud and polished ferrule, for Nos. 14395, 14396 ....... Spring for handle, for Nos. 14395, 14396 (2% turns, 0.028 in. ph. brz. wire) Spring for handle, for No. 14390 (2 turns, 0.181 in. ph. brz. wire) MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 199 TYPE ML-2 CIRCUIT BREAKER ML-2 Circuit Breaker This circuit breaker is listed only for convenience in ordering repair parts. The breaker complete includes wooden cover not shown in illustration. CAT. NO. Ampere Capacity CALIBRATION Style of Handle Superseded by Front Connected on >i Inch Base Min. Max. 23207 500 100 800 Locking MR-13 REPAIR PARTS Cat. No. Description 32688 13978 32695 32700 32701 32703 32704 32706 32707 32708 32709 13987 13999 14236 32722 14256 Blowout spool, complete, with stud, insulation sleeve and cap Core with stud, for blowout spool and pole pieces Blowout chute, complete Support for secondary contact (right-hand) . . . . . . Support for secondary contact (left-hand) . Double contact finger, with spring and reinforcing strips, for secondary contact (right-hand) Double contact finger, with spring and reinforcing strips, for secondary contact (left-hand) Copper connection strip, for Cat. No. 32703 Copper connection strip, for Cat. No. 32704 Arcing tip Insulating joint, complete, with contact segment . . Main contact stud ....'.. Laminated contact brush, Spring for brush-holder (4 turns, 0.156 in. ph. brz. wire, closed) ...... Locking handle, with stud and ferrule Calibrating spring with holder (22 turns, 0.073 in. steel wire, closed) . . 200 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY HEADLIGHTS FOR LOCOMOTIVES INCANDESCENT Cat. No. 100545 100546 Description 250 volt incandescent headlight, complete 500 volt incandescent headlight, complete REPAIR PARTS FOR INCANDESCENT HEADLIGHTS L When ordering repair parts give the Cat. No. of the headlight for which they are wanted, as well as the names of the parts. A Frame B Screw Cat. No. '.tr,:;:, C Door for frame D Spring with pin for door E Reflector F Screw (4-80, ^ in. f.h. brass) G Rubber gasket for reflector H Glass face for headlight (2 halves) I Bolt Cat. No. 10180 J Rubber bushing K Cat. No. 2X7! >5 L Screw Cat. No. 10005 For 250 volt locomotive use 125 volt .'!2 candle-power P.S.-21 bulb, conical spiral filament lamp. POT 5(10 volt locomotive use 275 volt :!L' candle-power P.S.-21 bulb, conical spiral filament lamp. .MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 201 HEADLIGHTS FOR LOCOMOTIVES LUMINOUS ARC Cat. No. Description 60 137 Luminous arc mine headlight with plugs, cable and steadying resistance ...... 60138 Luminous arc mine headlight with plugs and cable, without steadying resistance .... 61328 Steadying resistance for 550 volts This headlight has not the reversing feature. It throws a very broad beam of light. Form E Mine Headlight REPAIR PARTS FOR LUMINOUS ARC HEADLIGHTS Ptn for Door iatcri Wng Hut for Door -/at Door Latch Contact Spring - Stjsning for Connect/on eafrtefvate Screen (wide forMecrtanfsm - - -Screw for0ra/n flange Nut forOrainf&taoe far Casing rbcMng Wirs W/ndotr ' -Screw for Contact /nsu/otson Terminal for Sar/ng Contact -Contact Srtsv/ot/ba &/octr for Contact Soriny 'onnectionfVug, ffetaining G//P Scren mny C/if> for foe/ring Pin for Clutch tfod and So/ance Chimney Screw forCnimney Posit ire ioc/r Waafusr Positive locft Wasr/er- ffef/ector Screw U/tperf/ectmds witfi Sneat/ng Reflector Clutch Stop Screw /vut for Connection >eod Screw Electrode C/amp Thumbscrew for/ectrcdeC/amp Lower ftectrodeHo/dar. Complete Armature (Jrl/ier) Afmetufe(0ut6r Mag/iet Spool wov ffeinforixment YoXe . Screw for Connect/on ieotSs Connect'Ofl ieadforMognet- C/utcnr?od Cfiitcfi Stop Ht/C Mica HbsnerP/aeefor. frame Set Screw inceiever p/n for Sato/tee ie rforcemeni Yo/re Sctvw '.in/t far r/angerand So/once lever -Gonnect/onleodforlfaperf/ect/ade -P/n for Hanger arid frame -MicaWasfierforSross Contact Brass Contact M/coMtast/erfltjeefbrlowerftectrodeHoJote M/caWasf/erfbrtou/er&ectroo'effoMer Hanger f or /ecirode Hotc/er Connect/on ieod for tower f feet/vote -BrassWasrterfor loner /ectrode Ho/ate Screw for tower /ec(rode Screw for frame ang 'Casing Otitcti Mectenisrr/ When ordering repair parts give the Cat. No. of the headlight for which they are wanted, as well as the names of the parts. 202 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY RAIL BONDS T Rail Bonded with One Form A-7 Unbalanced Ribbon Bond T Rail Bonded with One Form F-5 Bond, Spanning Both Inner Bolts Form D Bond Spanning Joint Plate of T Rail Form E Bond Spanning Joint Plate of T Rail Joint Bonded with Channel Pins and Wire The subject of rail bonding in mine work is too often considered unimportant and not infrequently neglected to the decided disadvantage of the haulage system. Loss of power due to excessive resistance in the track return circuit is a fruitful source of annoyance limiting the load and speed of the locomo- tives and unnecessarily loading the power plant. Assuming a fair degree of care in the installation of railbonds, so that the electrical resistance of contact between bonds and rails will not be excessive, it may be said that the total cross section of the bonds in both rails, should equal the cross section of the trolley wire plus the cross section of the feeder: or the bonding of each joint should have a cross section of half that value. MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 203 RAIL BONDS Exceptional conditions so often arise that it is impossible to make any hard and fast rule, and whenever possible, opportunity should be given to make recommendations for each case. The General Electric Company will gladly submit recommendations and drawings to meet any bonding conditions which may be referred to it. Requests for such information, in addition to stating the general condi- tions of load, size of trolley wire, feeders, etc., should be accompanied by the following: (a) Name of maker and section numbers of rail and joint plate, or a sketch showing section through rail and joint plate. (b) Distance from end of rail to center of first bolt hole, and distance between centers of first and second bolt holes. (c) Diameter of joint plate bolts. (d) Length of joint plate. Where conditions permit, the compressed terminal bond concealed under the joint plate is to be preferred. Its location on the rail protects it from injury from outside sources and prevents its being stolen. Its construction is such as to make it perfectly adapted to withstand both the vertical and the horizontal movements of the joint. Where the space available under joint plates is insufficient to accommodate the size of bonds required, compressed terminal bonds with cable or solid wire con- ductors spanning the joint plates give the best results. The method of applying compressed terminal bonds calls for the exercise of only ordinary care in drilling the holes and mounting the compressor and the uniformly good results obtained depend less upon the exercise of personal judgment by the bonding gang than is the case with any other type of bond. Notwithstanding this fact, however, there is a legitimate field for each of the methods of bonding shown in this catalogue. COMPRESSED TERMINAL BONDS COMPARED WITH CHANNEL PINS Bonding by means of channel pins and a wire is the least expensive in first cost and is satisfactory where the haulage service is exceedingly light, the tracks but temporary, and the cost of power low. If, however, these three conditions do not hold, the compressed terminal bonds offer the best means of bonding. In the channel pin method, electrical contact must be made from rail to pin and from pin to wire, and although the latter contact may be made highly efficient that secured between rail and pin, even though the pin is of soft steel and copper coated, is necessarily inefficient. Since the copper wire is considerably softer than the pin or the rail the force of the hammer blows driving the pin is largely expended in compressing the wire so that it is quite impossible by ordinary means to force the steel surfaces into anything like an intimate contact. On the other hand, the stud terminal of a rail bond makes contact with the rail direct and under the powerful force of the screw compressor, with which it is installed, is readily driven into intimate contact with the steel, filling even the minute pores of the harder metal. While it would be impossible without actual testing to state definitely the difference in contact resistance of joints bonded with channel pins and rail bonds in any particular case, from the foregoing it is evident that the resistance of the former is more than twice that through the rail bond and in all probability it is fully four times as great. COPPER EQUIVALENT OF STEEL RAILS The following table gives in circular mils the sectional area of copper equivalent to steel rails of various weights and having various resistance coefficients. RATIO OF RESISTANCE OF STEEL TO RESISTANCE OF COPPER weignt ot Kail in Lb. per Yard 10 11 12 13 14 15 cm. cm. cm. cm. cm. cm. 12 152788 138898 127323 117529 109134 101858 16 203717 185198 169764 156706 145512 135811 20 254647 231497 212206 195882 181890 169764 25 318309 289371 265257 244853 227363 212206 30 381970 347246 318309 293823 272836 254647 35 445632 405120 371360 342794 318308 297088 40 509294 462994 424412 391764 363780 339528 45 572956 520869 477463 440735 409253 381968 50 636618 578743 530515 489705 454725 424410 60 763942 694491 636618 587646 545670 509292 70 891266 810239 742721 685587 636615 594174 75 954927 868115 795773 734558 682087 636615 I 204 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY RAIL BONDS The ratio of resistance of steel ordinarily used for track rails (with the present tendency to use steel high in carbon), to the resistance of copper, averages closely 13 to 1. The area of the cross section of a rail is one-tenth of its weight in pounds per yard. A 40 pound rail will, therefore, have a sectional area of four square inches, the equivalent of 391,764 circular mils of copper at the 13 to 1 ratio. HOW TO DESCRIBE BONDS A complete description of a compressed terminal bond consists of the length between centers of the stud terminals, the cross section of the bond conductor, the diameter of the stud terminal and the form letter and numeral indicating style of bond and arrangement of conductor: Thus the rating 8 in. 2/0^ in. A-7 describes a bond measuring 8 in. between terminal centers, with a 2/0 conductor and terminals ^g in. in diameter, having a ribbon (flat wire) conductor unequally divided and tucked at its center. The length of Form A and Form F bonds is measured after bonds are formed and tucked: i.e., it equals the distance between centers of the bond holes in the rail. The length of Form D and Form E bonds is measured when they are straight and extended; Form M-l bonds are described by Form letter and conductor cross section only, terminal diameters and length of conductor being fixed for each size of conductor. Form M-2 bonds are described by form letters together with conductor cross section and length between terminal centers. The nominal diameter of all stud terminals is that of the holes in which they fit. When order-ing bonds give full rating with form letter and numeral, or else give the rating with form letter and instead of the form numeral give description of the joint to be bonded (same as when asking for recommendations) . TUCKING In all bonds installed under joint plates, provision is made for longitudinal expansion and contrac- tion by the tucking which is of liberal dimensions. Forms A and F bonds, in which the conductor is divided to span joint plate bolts, should be tucked at the point coming opposite the spacing between rail ends. Thus when one bond per joint is used, drilling for its terminals is generally made at points midway between first and second bolt holes in the two rails and, therefore, the bond is tucked at its center. When two bonds per joint are used, they are generally staggered making it necessary to offset the tucking from the middle of the bond so as to avoid interfering with the insertion of the joint plate bolts or the terminals of the other bond. On orders calling for offset tucking, unless otherwise specified, the tuck is made one inch off center. The Form B bonds are for use where the terminals must be put between the rail ends and first bolts. They are tucked in a wave or S shape and give as great flexibility as is possible in short lengths. TERMINAL LENGTH Unless otherwise specifically ordered, rail bonds are furnished having terminal lengths shown in the following table. These lengths have been found best suited to average conditions. DIMENSIONS OF TERMINAL Diameter Length APPLICATION OF BONDS Holes should be drilled with well sharpened tools so that the walls and edges of the hole will be smooth and free from burrs and other irregularities. Bond holes should be of the exact diameter of the bond stud to be inserted. MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 205 RAIL BONDS APPLICATION OF BOND (Continued) Oil should not be used in the drilling of holes, as all traces of it cannot readily be removed from the hole, and oil will prevent proper contact between the copper and the steel. A solution of soda and water or plain water may be used, but care should be exercised to see that the hole is wiped per- fectly dry before the terminal is inserted. Bonds should not be installed in damp weather. If these simple precautions be disregarded, the electrical efficiency of the bonding will be greatly affected. If bond holes have been drilled some time prior to the applying of the bonds, the holes should be reamed, as a clean, bright contact is essential. Rail bond terminals should be rubbed clean and bright with a piece of fine emery cloth before they are inserted in the rail. Compressed terminal rail bond studs should never be upset with a hammer. Hammering a terminal merely puts a rivet head over the hole, and does not force the copper back into contact with the steel surrounding the hole. The compression method of installing bonds is admitted generally to be the correct one. After the head of the bond has been drawn up tightly against the web of the rail by the outer screw of our special compressor, the inner screw forces the copper back into the hole. The compressing portion of this inner screw is so designed that a rivet head cannot be formed on the terminal until the hole has been completely filled, even to the pores of the steel. The rivet or button head seals the union, and insures practically a moisture-proof joint. A solution of red lead and linseed oil may be applied to the terminal and adjacent steel, after compression. This will effectually seal the joint against the admission of moisture. To effect radial expansion of the copper in the hole equally in all directions, the inner screw of the bond compressor should be centered in the depression in the end of the terminal. Bond holes should be located so as to allow for the spacing determined upon between the abutting rail lengths. For instance, in single bonding the holes for a 10 in. bond to be applied to rail lengths spaced rg- in. apart, should be drilled 4|| in. from the end of the rail. The General Electric Company strongly advises against the locating of bond holes close to the end of the rail. In most cases this sort of drilling provides for a bond too short to embody the necessary flexibility. Moreover, it has been found that where the shock caused by the wheels pounding on the joint is dissipated through the copper at the point where it is fixed rigidly to the rail, it has a tendency to shorten the life of the copper. The accompanying illustration shows in cross section a % in. diameter terminal compressed into a % in. diameter hole in a piece of steel % in. thick, representing the web of a rail. It was compressed with a double-screw compressor, exerting* a pressure of 20 tons, operated by one man with the standard 40 in. wrench. Two annular grooves r^ in. wide and Y$ in. deep were cut in the walls of the hole, and it will be observed that these grooves became completely filled with copper. This in- dicates that the studs are soft and malleable, flowing easily and evenly under the pressure of the screw, and that the compressor screw forces the copper back into the hole, entirely filling it before it forms the rivet head over the hole. We illustrate in the following pages all of the standard forms of compressed stud terminal bonds. They should be installed with our special, double-screw compressors. LIST PRICES OF FORMS A, B AND F BONDS T~li Q m LENGTHS BETWEEN TERMINAL CENTERS AND LIST PRICES PER 100 BONDS Conductor Uldlil. Terminal 1 in In. 4 In. 5 In. 6 In. 7 In. 8 In. 9 In. 10 In. 11 In. 12 In. 13 In. 14 In. 15 In. K $40.00 $41.50 $43.00 $44.50 ;$46.00 $47.50 i$49.00 $50.60 $52.20 $53.80 $55.40 $57.00 y* 42.50 44.00 45.50 47.00 48.50 50.00 51.50 53.10 54.70 56.30 57.90 59.50 00 H 45.00 46.60 48.20 49.80 51.40 53.00 54.60 56.30 58.00 59.70 61.40 63.10 00 % 50.50 52.10 53.70 55.30 56.90 58.50 60.10 61.80 63.50 65.20 66.90 68.60 000 H 54.20 56.60 59.00 61.40 63.80 66.20 68.60 71.10 73.60 76.10 78.60 81.10 000 J/ 8 56.20 58.60 61.00 63.40 65.80 68.20 70.60 73.10 75.60 78.10 80.60 83.10 0000 H 56.50 59.00 61.50 64.00 66.50 69.50 72.50 75.60 78.70 81.80 84.90 88.00 0000 7 A 59.00 61.50 64.00 66.50 69.00 72.00 75.00 78.10 81.20 84.30 87.40 90.50 206 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY RAIL BONDS FORM A RIBBON BONDS The Form A ribbon bond is furnished for use under the joint plate where, usually, the space is restricted, and extreme compactness of design is necessary. The conductor of this bond is composed of thin copper ribbons pressed into the desired shape. The relative movement of the rails is almost wholly in the vertical plane, therefore the laminations are horizontal so as to afford maximum flexi- bility in the vertical plane. The bonding space provided in most rail sections with standard angle bars is so distributed as to require the unbalanced form of bond, having more than half of the total conductor section in the lower branch. The balanced form of bond is suitable for use in the great majority of cases only under special angle bars and the patented joints. Bonds may be unbalanced to any degree desired but unless otherwise ordered, unbalanced bonds with 4/0 cross section will have 10 ribbons in the upper and 18 ribbons in the lower branch; and bonds of other cross section will be unbalanced proportionally. If the amount of unbalancing cannot be determined readily, order bonds of the size wanted and state they are to be divided to fit the joints on which used; giving maker's name and section number of rail. FORM A-5 RIBBON BOND The above style of bond is used for single bonding rail joints where the available space both above and below the bolts is sufficient to accommodate one-half the total cross sectional area of the bond. FORM A-6 RIBBON BOND This bond is similar to the Form A-5 excepting that the tucking in the equally divided conductor is offset from the middle of the bond. It is used for double bonding. FORM A-7 RIBBON BOND This bond is similar to the Form A-5 excepting that it has more ribbons in one branch than in the other. It is adapted for use where the available space on one side of the bolts is insufficient to accommodate one-half of the total conductor section. MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 207 RAIL BONDS FORM A-8 RIBBON BOND Form A-8 is similar to the Form A-7 excepting that the tuck is offset from the middle. It is used in'double bonding. '"3 T Rail Bonded with One Form A-7 Unbalanced Ribbon Bond T Rail Double Bonded with Two Form A-8 Unbalanced Ribbon Bonds FORM B RIBBON BOND Form B Ribbon Bond Where the inner bolt holes are located so as to permit the drilling of a bond hole between the end of the rail and the bolt hole, a short bond with undivided conductor in the form of a letter "S" may be installed. This bond must be made too short to embody the requisite flexibility and is recommended only for temporary work, where the rails are frequently shifted and the bond destroyed. It is an efficient bond at low cost for this class of work. T Rail Bonded with One Form B Bond 208 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY RAIL BONDS FORM F CABLE BOND The Form F bond is intended for use under the joint plate. It has cable wire instead of flat wire conductors. Cable conductors are equally flexible in all planes, and are well adapted for use where the bonding space is not restricted. The general recommendations that are given for selecting and installing flat wire bonds apply also to cable bonds. FORM F-5 CABLE BOND This bond is similar to the Form A-5 excepting the conductor is of extra flexible cable instead of ribbon. It is intended for use under the joint plate when the bonding space permits. FORM F-6 CABLE BOND This bond is similar to Form F-5 except the tucking is offset from the middle. It is adapted tc double bonding of joints. T Rail Bonded with One Form F-5 Bond, Spanning Both Inner Bolts T Rail Double Bonded with Two Form F-6 Bonds MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 209 RAIL BONDS FORM F-9 BOND FORM F-10 CABLE BOND In many sections of rail the bonding space is so distributed that it will not accommodate the standard forms of bonds with equal branches, there being more room below than above the joint plate bolts. When ribbon bonds are employed this condition is met by a bond having more ribbons in the lower branch than in the upper. This method of unbalancing the branches cannot be followed satisfactorily in the cable form of bond because the cable is not so compact as the flat wire conductor, and when a sufficient number of wires are transferred from the upper to the lower conductor to obtain the requisite clearance for the upper branch, the lower branch is too large to fit into the space below the bolts without being badly pinched between the rail and the plate. This pinching will very materi- ally shorten the life of the bond, as the conductor is not free to move. When the cable form of bond is desired for use where the rail conditions are such as described, this Company recommends that the standard balanced bond be used with the conductors pressed at the factory to a shape that will insure ample clearance between the bond and the joint plate. The accompanying illustrations, show the General Electric Company's Forms F-9 and F-10 cable bonds with the conductor pressed to approximately a triangular section excepting in the tuck, where the original round shape of the cable is preserved. The tuck coming between the bolts where there is ample room does not require a change in shape. Flexibility tests prove that the pressing of the conductor does not affect the life of the bond. Sectional View of 70 Lb. A.S.C.E. Rail with Standard Joint Plates, Showing 40 Bond with Round Cable Conductors in Dotted Lines and Pressed Cable Conductors in Solid Lines T Rail Bonded with One Form F-9 Bond 210 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY RAIL BONDS LIST PRICES OF FORMS D AND E BONDS LENGTHS BETWEEN TERMINAL CENTERS AND LIST PRICES PER 100 BONDS 11 . o o ,-oi Nominal Inside Diameter in In. Actual Outside Diameter in In. Thickness of Wall in In. Weight in Lb. per Ft. 1& 1.66 0.140 2.2 Wrought iron pipe . \Yi 1.90 0.145 2.6 2 2.375 0.154 3.6 \% 1.66 0.095 1.5 "A" tubing ... \y L 1.90 0.095 1.87 2 2.375 0.107 2.50 1& 1.66 0.140 2.2 "C" tubing ... \y in. pin holes and is suitable for the heaviest loads in all locations excepting corners, for which standard corner insulators are used. m Cat. No. 46012 Description Diameter Approx. Cat. No. Pin Hole Weight in In. per 100 46013 Insulator with top and side grooves for No. 0000 and smaller conductor 1 415 46012 Insulator with top and side grooves for 500,000 cm. and smaller conductor 1 |. 445 46007 Insulator with top and side grooves for No. 0000 and smaller conductor iy s 410 46006 Insulator with top and side grooves for 500,000 cm. and smaller conductor 1 Y 8 440 46005 i Insulator with top and side grooves for 800,000 cm. and smaller conductor i y s 520 46004 Insulator with top and side grooves for 1 ,500,000 cm. and smaller conductor 1 % 540 284 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY INSULATORS FEEDER WIRE, 600 VOLTS CLIP TOP WITH TOP AND SIDE BEARING The clip top insulators have sherardized malleable iron shells with the standard moulded com- pound insulation. They are listed for two sizes of pins and to accommodate cables up to 1,500,000 cm. cross section. The top clips being well malleableized are readily peaned over the feeder to hold it in place. It should be noted particularly that in all the General Electric Company 's iron clad insulators, the iron shells extend well below the lowest bearing point of the insulator pins thereby greatly strength- ening them against side strains. The clip top insulators are offered for any service excepting at corners, for which standard corner insulators are used. Cat. No. 46010 Cat. No. 61110 Cat. No. 46008 Diameter Appro*. Cat. No. Description Pin Hole Weight in In. per 100 46011 Insulator with top clips and side groove for No. 0000 and smaller conductor 1 390 46010 Insulator with top clips and side groove for 500,000 cm. and smaller conductor 1 415 46003 Insulator with top clips and side groove for No. 0000 and smaller conductor ........ w 385 46002 Insulator with top clips and side groove for 500,000 cm. and smaller conductor 1H 410 46000 Insulator with top clips and side groove for_800,000 cm. and smaller conductor IH 495 46001 Insulator with top clips and side groove for 1,500,000 cm. and smaller conductor i 520 WEDGE TOP WITH TOP AND SIDE BEARING This insulator is like the clip top insulator in general design but the clip tops are replaced by malleable iron clamping wedges, which are free to move up and down the inclined slots but effectually prevented from horizontal movement. This design makes it practically impossible for the feeder to be pulled from the insulator top by side strains. It is furnished with either 1 in. or l^g in. pin holes and for cables up to and including 1,500,000 cm. cross section. All metal parts are sherardized. Diameter Approx. Cat. No. Description Pin Hole Weight in In. per 100 61110 Insulator with top wedges and side grooves for No. 0000 to 500,000 cm. conductor 1 520 61109 Insulator with top wedges and side groove for No. 0000 to 500,000 cm. conductor 1% 515 61108 Insulator with top wedges and side groove for 600,000 to 1,500,000 cm. conductor IH 625 CORNER INSULATOR WITH SIDE BEARING ONLY The corner insulator is arranged with side bearing only and designed for use at street corners where the sharpest turns and greatest side strains are met. Like our other metal clad insulators, it is furnished with a sherardized malleable iron shell which extends well below the lowest bearing point of the pin. Diameter Approx. Cat. No. Description Pin Hole Weight in In. per 100 46014 For No. 0000 to 500,000 cm. conductor .... 1 390 46008 For No. 0000 to 500,000 cm. conductor .... IK 385 46009 For 600,000 to 1 ,500,000 cm conductor .... i*A 440 MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 285 Porcelain Clamp Insulator (Two Pieces) The porcelain clamp insulator consists of a cast iron seat, a steel strap, and a split porcelain bushing. The iron seat can be attached to any support before clamping the cable in place, thus giving the wireman the use of both hands while inserting the cable. The General Electric Company's clamp insulators are strong enough to support the heaviest cable, and can be furnished for cables from ^ in. to 3}/ in. in diameter. TWO-PIECE CLAMP INSULATORS, WITHOUT CLAMP Cat. No. Description Pica List Price per 100 Cat. No. Description Pke' List Price per 100 Cat. Description Std. Pkg. List Price per 100 9214 j^ in. hole 100 $5.00 9229 1 in. hole 100 $6.50 9244 2 in. hole 100 $18.00 9215 y% in. hole 100 5.00 9230 1 y s in. hole 100 6.50 65247 2^ in. hole 100 21.00 9216 y-i in. hole 100 5.00 9236 1 y in. hole 100 11.00 64487 2^ in. hole 100 21.00 9221 */% in. hole 100 5.50 9237 \y 8 in. hole 100 11.00 64934 2 3^ in. hole 100 21.00 9222 M in. hole 100 5.50 9238 \Yz in. hole 100 11.00 64488 ! 3 in. hole 100 25.00 9228 K in. hole 100 6.50 9243 1 y in. hole 100 18.00 64936 3^2 in. hole 100 25.00 CLAMPS, COMPLETE, FOR INSULATORS Cat. No. Description Std. Pkg. List Price per 100 Cat. No. Description Std. Pkg. List Price per 100 9499 For Nos. 9214, 9215, 9216 . 100 $15.00 22718 For Nos. 9214, 9215, 9216 . 100 $90.00 9498 For Nos. 9221, 9222 . 100 18.00 22750 For Nos. 9221, 9222 . 100 100.00 9361 For Nos. 9228, 9229, 9230 . 100 25.00 22751 For Nos. 9228, 9229, 9230 . 100 165.00 9360 For Nos. 9236, 9237, 9238 . 100 35.00 22752 For Nos. 9236, 9237, 9238 . 100 175.00 9359 For Nos. 9243, 9244 . 100 45.00 22753 For Nos. 9243, 9244 . 100 185.00 64489 For Nos. 65247, 64487, 64934 100 55.00 64490 For Nos. 65247, 64487, 64934 100 195.00 64938 For Nos. 64488, 64936 100 65.00 64940 For Nos. 64488, 64936 100 205.00 * These differ from clamps, Cat. Nos. 9359, 9360, 9361, 9498, 9499, 64489 and 64938, in that the straps are com- position metal instead of steel. FEEDER TAP INSULATORS FOR ATTACHING FEEDER TAP TO BRACKET ARM For use in pole bracket construction for insulating taps run from the feeder to the trolley wire. Opening in insulating bushings is 1 in. Cat. No. Description Appro*. Weight per 100 40207 For 1 Yi in. pipe (1.66 in. outside diam.) mall, iron, galv. 160 40208 For \y) Height, 1 Ji inches; diameter, 1*^ inches; hole, -fa inch; groove, yy inch; standard package, 2000. Cat. No. 9255 (No. 24) Height, 1% inches; diameter, 2 inches; hole, re inch; groove, % inch; standard package, 1000. Cat. No. 9252 (No. 3^) Height, 2 inches; diameter, 2 inches; hole, -fa inch; groove, Y& inch; standard package, 1000. Cat. No. 9249 (No. 11) Height, % inch; diameter, 1 inch; hole, J inch; groove, J^ inch; standard package, 3000. Cat. No. 9257 (No. 0) Height, 2M inches; diameter, 3 inches; hole, 1M inches; groove 1 inch; standard package, 350. Cat. No. Description Cat. No. Description 9250 No. 5} porcelain insulator 9252 No. 3} <2 porcelain insulator 9251 No. 4J - porcelain insulator 9249 No. 11 porcelain insulator 9255 No. 24 porcelain insulator 9257 No. porcelain insulator GLASS INSULATORS FOR TELEPHONE AND FEEDER WIRES Cat. No. 9322 Cat. No. 40271 Cat. No. 9312 DIMENSIONS IN INCHES Cat. No. Description Diameter Height Top Groove Side Groove Pin Hole Working Voltage per Barrel Weight Each 9322 Standard pony glass 2M 3H H 1 400 A 9312 Standard pony glass, double petticoat . . . 2% 3/^2 *A 1 300 M 40271 Glass transposition . . 3 J^ 41, 1 150 m MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 287 INSULATORS GLASS INSULATORS FOR TELEPHONE AND FEEDER WIRES Cat. No. 40275 Cat. No. 40276 Cat. No. 40278 DIMENSIONS IN INCHES No. Approx. Diameter Height Top Groove Side Groove Pin Hole Barrel Each 40275 sy 2 4M 1 % 1 110 2Ys 40276 3% 4 lYs 1 1 125 2 * 40277 4M 5M 1% IH 1 50 4 40278 4 4M IK IK IN 75 2% * Similar in appearance to Cat. No. 40276. PORCELAIN INSULATORS Cat. No. 74815 Cat. No. 74816 Cat. No. 40274 Cat. No. 40273 /ii L I -- Cat. No. 74817 Cat. No. 40279 DIMENSIONS IN INCHES No. Approx. Weight Diameter Height Top Groove Side Groove Pin Hole Barrel Each 74815 2% 3^ ^8 1 400 iMlb. 74816 2y 8 2% ^8 1 500 M Ib. 40274 3% 3 14 3 /^ 1 200 \Y Ib. 40273 3% 3K y 1 200 IMlb. 74817 33^ 3% H 1 150 IJ^lb. 40279 3K 3 IK H i i 200 IHlD. 288 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Cat. No. 40282 INSULATORS PORCELAIN INSULATORS FOR FEEDER WIRES Cat. No. 40280 Cat. No. 74818 DIMENSIONS IN INCHES No. Approx. Weight Each Cat. No. Diameter Height Top Groove IK IK IK Side Groove per Pin Hole Barrel 40282 4*4, 40280 3K 74818 3K 4K 3K l f 8 IK 100 1 200 IK 225 i FOR WORKING VOLTAGES UP TO 11,000 Cat. No. 100156 Cat. No. 100158 Cat. No. 100157 i DIMENSIONS IN INCHES No. Approx. Cat. No. Diameter H^ht J P ve Side Groove Pin Hole Test Voltage in Barrel Weight Each 100156 5% 4^ K K IK 50000 65 3 100158 6% 5K 1 A IK 50000 40 4/4 100157 5% 5K K ^ IK 50000 50 4H MIKE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 289 INSULATORS PORCELAIN INSULATORS FOR WORKING VOLTAGES UP TO 22,000 Cat. No. 100161 Cat. No. 100160 Cat. No. 100159 DIMENSIONS IN INCHES Cat. No. Test Voltage No. in Barrel or Crate Approx. Ship. Weight Each Diameter Height Top Side Pin Groove Groove Hole 100161 1Y 7 1 5 /8 iy% 70000 20 8 100159 6M 5M 5 /S i y 8 70000 35 6 100160 7 1 A 7 H 1 A IN 70000 26 6 290 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY INSULATORS PORCELAIN INSULATORS FOR WORKING VOLTAGES UP TO 33,000 Cat. No. 100164 DIMENSIONS IN INCHES Approx. No. in : Cat. No. Diam. Height Top Groove Side Groove Pin Hole Voltage Barrel or Crate Weight Each 100162 8 9 % X 1 Z /S 86000 15 9M 100164 8% 7*/8 % 5 /S i y 8 ssooo 16 10^ 100163 S l / 2 8J H - H 1 % 85000 15 11 PORCELAIN STRAIN INSULATORS STANDARD PORCELAIN INSULATOR FOR SPAN AND ANCHOR WIRES Cat. No. 110900 110901 Length DIMENSIONS IN INCHES Width 2% Groove MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 291 OVERHEAD LINE TOOLS Cat. No. 16914 Cat. No. 16914 100031 Description Trolley wire tightener, max. length 3 ft. 8% in., take up 1 ft. . Trolley wire tightener, max. length 5 ft. 8% in., take up 1 ft. 6 in. Cat. No. 100029 100029 1000.30 Trolley wire tightener, max. length 7 ft. 2 in., take up 2 ft. 2 in. Trolley wire tightener, max. length 10 ft. 2 in., take up 2 ft. 2 in. Cat. No. 16762 16762 Soldering copper for line work, weight 6 Ih. Cat. No. 19457 19457 Tongs for tightening cap and cone suspensions Cat. No. 35799 35799 Wrench for Form H mining suspensions Cat. No. 46765 46765 Wrench for Forms H, D and G straight line suspensions 292 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY OVERHEAD LINE TOOLS TROLLEY WIRE HAULING CLAMP Cat. No. Description 16915 Trolley wire hauling clamp Cat. No. 16915 TROLLEY TERMINAL CLAMP Cat. No. 27437 Cat. No. Description Weight per 100 27437 Terminal clamp for dead ending trolley wires, malleable iron, sherardized 355 SCHAPER GUY WIRE CLAMP 108530 Three bolt clamp for % in., ^ in., and % in. strand forged steel galvanized 225 CROSBY CLIPS Cat. No. 49211 Cat. No. Description Weight per 100 49211 Clip for } 4 in. strand ........... 30 49212 Clip for 2 ^ in. strand . . . . . . . . 37 49213 Clip for 1 g in. strand ........... 80 FEEDER STRAIN CLAMPS Cat. No. 100077 100076 100075 100074 Description For No. 0000 cable M.I. sherardized For 250,000-300,000 cm. cable M.I. sherardized For 400,000-650,000 cm. cable M.I. sherardized . For 700,000-1,000,000 cm. cable M.I. sherardized WIRE CABLE THIMBLES Cat. No. Diameter of Cable in In. 88390 88389 88388 88387 88386 88385 Approx. Weight per 100 6 7 10 14 18 25 DISTRIBUTING RINGS Cat. Xo. 100032 100033 100034 Description 2}/2 in. x ^ in. wrought iron ring 3 in. x % in- wrought iron ring 4 in. x K in- wrought iron ring MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 293 ANCHOR RODS AND ANCHORS ANCHOR RODS GALVANIZED Cat. No. 48838 Cat. No. Diameter in In. Length in Ft. Approx. Weight per 100 100035 H 5 425 100036 H 6 500 100037 y* 7 575 100038 X 8 650 100039 5 /8 5 650 48838 5 /s 6 750 100040 v% 7 850 100041 X 8 950 100042 H 6 1100 100043 % 7 1250 100044 H 8 1400 100045 K 10 1700 100046 i 8 2500 100047 i 10 2800 100048 i 12 3100 Above catalogue numbers cover anchor rods with nuts but without washers. CABLE SPLICER Cat. No. 43508 43509 43510 Size of Cable 250,000 cm. 300,000 cm. 400,000 cm. Cat. No. Size of Cable 500,000 cm. 750,000 cm. 1,000,000 cm. 43538 43539 43540 CABLE CONNECTOR 250,000 cm. 300,000 cm. 400,000 cm. 43541 43542 43543 500,000 cm. 750,000 cm. 1,000,000 cm. 294 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY MISCELLANEOUS ILLUSTRATIONS OF TROLLEY LINE CONSTRUCTION Method of Attaching Trolley Directly to Mine Roof Method of Attaching Trolley to Overhead Timbers MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 295 MISCELLANEOUS ILLUSTRATIONS OF TROLLEY LINE CONSTRUCTION Method of Attaching Trolley Directly to Side Wall (Using Form "D" Suspension) Method of Attaching Trolley Directly to Side Wall (Using Form "H" Suspension) 296 GENERAL l-.l.l-'.CTRH' COMPANY MISCELLANEOUS ILLUSTRATIONS OF TROLLEY LINE CONSTRUCTION Short Side Bracket Construction ' Pipe Span Construction Double Track MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES MISCELLANEOUS ILLUSTRATIONS OF TROLLEY LINE CONSTRUCTION 297 Under Braced Side Bracket Construction Trolley Construction in a Japanese Snow-shed 298 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY CONSTRUCTION NOTES Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 The following information contains suggestions intended to assist customers in installing line material in mines and industrial properties. The methods suggested have proven satisfactory for conditions ordinarily encountered in service and are generally recommended as good practice. SUPPORTING THE TROLLEY The illustrations, Figs. 1 to 5 inclusive, represent combinations of the standard devices the foregoing pages for suspending the trolley wire directly from the mine roof. The suspensions are provided with large circular bearing surfaces which when tightened against the mine roof successfully resist all side strains and maintain the suspension in a vertical position. Figs. G and 7 represent the suspension attached to the over- head timber of the mine entries etc. The special gimlet pointed lag screw is particularly adapted to this construction. Where the mine roof is of vary- ing heights above the track a length of standard !}/ in. pipe fastened in the roof and the sus- pension attached to the pipe by a combination clamp, as shown in Fig. 8 offers means for securing a good level trolley wire. When necessary to support the trolley from a side wall bracket or horizontal pipe construction as commonly used outside of the Fig. 5 listed in Fig. 4 MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 299 CONSTRUCTION NOTES Fig. 6 Fig. 7 mine, the same combination clamp shown in Fig. 5 may be used as in Fig. 9 and when so used fits standard !}/ in. pipe. Fig. 10 shows a suspension attached to a 1^ in. vertical pipe with standard roof bolt and wedges. This is a simple and efficient method easily installed and quickly removed. SPACING OF SUSPENSIONS On tangent track construction the suspension points should be located approximately 25 ft. apart and the trolley wire pulled up sufficiently tight to prevent excessive sagging between the Fig. 8 Fig. 9 300 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY CONSTRUCTION NOTES points of support. A loose wire is liable to injury at the clamping ear, or may ground the system against the roof. On curved track the distance between suspension points should be shortened so as to maintain the trolley wire within 4 inches either side of the center line of the trolley base. The following table gives a rough and ready method of determining the radius of a curve and the proper location of suspension points on it. Radius of Curve in Ft. (R) 40 50 60 75 85 100 200 300 410 573 Fig. 10 Chord in Ft. (C) Middle Ordinate in Inches (O) Distance Between Suspension Points (X) 10 3H 5 10 3 sy 2 10 2y 2 6 10 2 6M 10 1*4 7 10 iM 7y 2 10 % 10 10 j| 15 100 36 M 20 100 28H 26 ANCHORAGES Permanent lines should be anchored frequently by the use of half strain ears and insulated turnbuckles. Soldering the ear to the wire gives a positive and reliable grip. The soldering should be very carefully done as any overheating will injuriously affect the copper trolley wire. FROGS The following diagram shows an excellent method of properly placing the frogs on the line, and while certain variables will necessitate slight variation of setting, this location will be found so nearly correct that a very small alteration, which must be determined by experiment, will compensate for the variable conditions. TO LOCATE TROLLEY FROG From track switch point A, draw a line to center point D, of track frog distance BC, and from switch point B, draw a line to center point E, of arc AEC. Directly over the intersection of these two lines at F will be the proper location of the trolley frog. PROTECTIVE FINISH OF LINE MATERIAL To protect the iron and steel parts of line material from rapid deterioration due to the presence of corrosive water frequently encountered in underground workings, it is generally recommended that standard sherardized material be used and after installation given a coat of heavy asphaltum paint. Occasional subsequent coats will materially increase the length of service obtainable. MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 301 MISCELLANEOUS DATA Formula for determining radius of curvature from the chord of the arc subtended, the middle ordinate and the track gauge. n n. Formula : Radius (R)=OE = f~Y+BD 2 2 BD Example : If gauge (G) =36 in. Chord (AC) =20 ft. =240 in. Middle ordinate (BD) =20 in. Then R = + 20 2 2X20 For any given service the required weight of rail in pounds per yard may be determined by allowing 10 Ib. per yard for each ton of locomotive weight per driving wheel. This gives the minimum weight of rail permissible but much better results will be obtained by using the heavier rails recommended. Weight of Locomotive in Lb. Weight of Rail per Yard in Lb. Minimum Weight of Rail per Yard in Lb. Recommended 6000 16 20 9000 16 25 13000 16 30 16000 20 40 20000 25 45 26000 35 50 40000 60 302 GE\ERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY MISCELLANEOUS DATA WEIGHTS AND CAPACITIES OF COLLIERY CARS (WOOD BODIES) FOUR WHEELS, USUAL GAUGE 36 IN. TO 44 IN. Approx. Capacity in Bushels Run-of-Mine Coal Weight of Empty Car in Lb. Average Weight of Load in Lb. of Coal 15 500 1200 bituminous 20 600 1500 bituminous 25 850 1900 bituminous 30 950 2300 bituminous 33 1050 2500 bituminous 35 1150 2700 bituminous 40 1250 3000 bituminous 46 1400 3500 bituminous 54 1700 4100 bituminous iy 36 25 16M 85 14 7% 37 41 16H 86 52 8 38 57 16% 88 31 8% 40 13 17 90 12 8K 41 29 17% 91 54 BU 42 46 17^ 93 38 DECIMAL EQUIVALENTS OF EIGHTHS, SIXTEENTHS, THIRTY-SECONDS AND SIXTY-FOURTHS Fractions Decimals Fractions Decimals Fractions Decimals Fractions Decimals ^ =0.015625 41= 0.265625 if =0.515625 M= 0.765625 ^=0.03125 A =0.28125 H =0.53125 H =0.78125 &= 0.046875 H =0.296875 tf =0.546875 ft = 0.796875 3^=0.0625 ^ =0.3125 ft =0.5625 H =0.8125 A =0.078125 ft -0.328125 11=0.578125 M =0.828125 A =0.09375 H= 0.343 75 H= 0.59375 11=0.84375 ^=0.109375 f| =0.359375 11=0.609375 ff = 0.859375 y* =0.125 3^=0.375 % -0.625 K= 0.875 ^=0.140625 If =0.390625 |J = 0.640625 1=0.890625 A =0.1 5625 if = 0.40625 t= 0.65625 f|=0.90625 H =0.171875 1=0.421875 = 0.671875 f = 0.921875 A =0.1875 ^=0.4375 H =0.6875 = 0.9375 If -0.203125 11=0.453125 M =0.703125 It =0.953125 3*2 =0.21875 H= 0.46875 ff -0.71875 H =0.96875 M= 0.234375 |j -0.484375 ft -0.734375 f| =0.984375 %=0.25 H=0.5 %=0.75 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY MISCELLANEOUS DATA TABLE OF CIRCLES 1 (TRAUTWINE) DIAMETER IN UNITS AND EIGHTHS, ETC. Diameter Circumference Area Diameter Circumference Area .049087 .00019 2M 9.22843 6.7771 .098175 .00077 3 9.42478 7.0686 A .147262 .00173 A 9.62113 7.3662 A .196350 .00307 & 9.81748 7.6699 & .294524 .00690 A 10.0138 7.9798 y s .392699 .01227 M 10.2102 8.2958 & .490874 .01917 A 10.4065 8.6179 A .589049 .02761 H 10.6029 8.9462 TV .687223 .03758 TS 10.7992 9.2806 K .785398 .04909 H 10.9956 9.6211 A .883573 .06213 A 11.1919 9.9678 A .981748 .07670 H 11.3883 10.321 H 1.07992 .09281 H 11.5846 10.680 g 1.17810 .11045 H 11.7810 11.045 35 1.27627 .12962 13. 16 11.9773 11.416 T6 1.37445 .15033 K 12.1737 11.793 H 1.47262 .17257 H 12.3700 12.177 V* 1.57080 .19635 4 12.5664 12.566 H 1.66897 .22166 j_ 16 12.7627 12.962 A 1.76715 .24850 y s 12.9591 13.364 H 1.86532 .27688 A 13.1554 13.772 H 1.96350 .30680 H 13.3518 14.186 2.06167 .33824 ~16 13.5481 14.607 ii 2.15984 .37122 *A 13.7445 15.033 if 2.25802 .40574 A 13.9408 15.466 g 2.35619 .44179 M 14.1372 15.904 H 2.45437 .47937 A 14.3335 16.349 H 2.55254 .51849 5 A 14.5299 16.800 87 2.65072 .55914 H 14.7262 17.257 s 2.74889 .60132 H 14.9226 17.721 H 2.84707 .64504 15.1189 18.190 H 2.94524 .69029 % 15.3153 18.665 H 3.04342 .73708 15.5116 19.147 1 3.14159 .78540 5 15.7080 19.635 A 3.33794 .88664 A 15.9043 20.129 H 3.53429 .99402 H 16.1007 20.629 A 3.73064 1.1075 A 16.2970 21.135 8 3.92699 1.2272 M 16.4934 21.648 A 4.12334 1.3530 A 16.6897 22.166 H 4.31969 1.4849 3 /8 16.8861 22.691 A 4.51604 1.6230 A 17.0824 23.221 v* 4.71239 1.7671 Yi 17.2788 23.758 A 4.90874 1.9175 A 17.4751 24.301 H 5.10509 2.0739 % 17.6715 24.850 H 5.30144 2.2365 H 17.8678 25.406 % 5.49779 2.4053 % 18.0642 25.967 H 5.69414 2.5802 if 18.2605 26.535 H 5.89049 2.7612 % 18.4569 27.109 H 6.08684 2.9483 If 18.6532 27.688 2 6.28319 3.1416 6 18.8496 28.274 A 6.47953 3.3410 H 19.2423 29.465 v% 6.67588 3.5466 X 19.6350 30.680 A 6.87223 3.7583 y* 20.0277 31.919 S 7.06858 3.9761 H 20.4204 33.183 A 7.26493 4.2000 y s 20.8131 34.472 H 7.46128 4.4301 % 21.2058 35.785 A 7.65763 4.6664 7 A 21.5984 37.122 H 7.85398 4.9087 l 21.9911 38.485 A 8.05033 5.1572 H 22.3838 39.871 H 8.24668 5.4119 K 22.7765 41.282 H 8.44303 5.6727 23.1692 42.718 H 8.63938 5.9396 H 23.5619 44.179 H 8.83573 6.2126 H 23.9546 45.664 K 9.03208 6.4918 X 24.3473 47.173 MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 305 MISCELLANEOUS DATA TABLE OF CIRCLES 1 (Concluded) (TRAUTWINE) DIAMETER IN UNITS AND EIGHTHS, ETC. Diameter Circumference ] Area Diameter Circumference Area 7% 24.7400 48.707 10 31.4159 78.540 8 25.1327 50.265 X 31.8086 80.516 y* 25.5254 51.849 X 32.2013 82.516 Y 25.9181 53.456 X 32.5940 84.541 K 26.3108 55.088 X 32.9867 86.590 Yi 26.7035 56.745 N 33.3794 88.664 5 /8 27.0962 58.426 X 33.7721 90.763 % 27.4889 60.132 X 34.1648 92.886 y* 27.8816 61.862 11 34.5575 95.033 9 28.2743 63.617 y 8 34.9502 97.205 X 28.6670 65.397 M 35.3429 99.402 k" 29.0597 67.201 X 35.7356 101.62 ^8 29.4524 69.029 X 36.1283 103.87 X ' 29.8451 70.882 % 36.5210 106.14 % 30.2378 72.760 X 36.9137 108.43 % 30.6305 74.662 % 37.3064 110.75 % 31.0232 76.589 i 12 37.6991 113.10 TABLE OF CIRCLES 2 (TRAUTWINE) DIAMETER IN UNITS AND TENTHS, ETC. 0.1 0.314159 0.007854 3.8 11.93805 11.34115 0.2 0.628319 0.031416 3.9 12.25221 11.94591 0.3 0.942478 0.070686 4.0 12.56637 12.56637 0.4 1.256637 0.125664 4.1 12.88053 13.20254 0.5 1.570796 0.196350 4.2 13.19469 13.85442 0.6 1.884956 0.282743 4.3 13.50885 14.52201 0.7 2.199115 0.384845 4.4 13.82301 15.20531 0.8 2.513274 0.502655 4.5 14.13717 15.90431 0.9 2.827433 0.636173 4.6 14.45133 16.61903 1.0 3.141593 0.785398 4.7 14.76549 17.34945 1.1 3.455752 0.950332 4.8 15.07964 18.09557 1.2 3.769911 1.13097 4.9 15.39380 18.85741 1.3 4.084070 1.32732 5.0 15.70796 19.63495 1.4 4.398230 1.53938 5.1 16.02212 20.42821 1.5 4.712389 1.76715 5.2 16.33628 21.23717 1.6 5.026548 2.01062 5.3 16.65044 22.06183 1.7 5.340708 2.26980 5.4 16.96460 22.90221 1.8 5.654867 2.54469 5.5 17.27876 23.75829 1.9 5.969026 2.83529 5.6 17.59292 24.63009 2.0 6.283185 3.14159 5.7 17.90708 25.51759 2.1 6.597345 3.46361 5.8 18.22124 26.42079 2.2 6.911504 3.80133 5.9 18.53540 27.33971 2.3 7.225663 4.15476 6.0 18.84956 28.27433 2.4 7.539822 4.52389 6.1 19.16372 29.22467 2.5 7.853982 4.90874 6.2 19.47787 30.19071 2.6 8.168141 5.30929 6.3 19.79203 31.17245 2.7 8.482300 5.72555 6.4 20.10619 32.16991 2.8 8.796459 6.15752 6.5 20.42035 33.18307 2.9 9.110619 6.60520 6.6 20.73451 34.21194 3.0 9.424778 7.06858 6.7 21.04867 35.25652 3.1 9.738937 7.54768 6.8 21.36283 36.31681 3.2 10.05310 8.04248 6.9 21.67699 37.39281 3.3 10.36726 8.55299 7.0 21.99115 38.48451 3.4 10.68142 9.07920 7.1 22.30531 39.59192 3.5 10.99557 9.62113 7.2 22.61947 40.71504 3.6 11.30973 10.17876 7.3 22.93363 41.85387 3.7 11.62389 10.75210 7.4 23.24779 43.00840 306 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY MISCELLANEOUS DATA TABLE OF CIRCLES 2 (Concluded) (TRAUTWINE) DIAMETER IN UNITS AND TENTHS, ETC. Diameter Circumference Area Diameter Circumference Area 7.5 23.56194 44.17865 9.8 30.78761 75.42964 7.6 23.87610 45.36460 9.9 31.10177 76.97687 7.7 24.19026 46.56626 10.0 31.41593 78.53982 7.8 24.50442 47.78362 10.1 31.73009 80.11847 7.9 24.81858 49.01670 10.2 32.04425 81.71282 8.0 25.13274 50.26548 10.3 32.35840 83.32289 8.1 25.44690 51.52997 10.4 32.67256 84.94867 8.2 25.76106 52.81017 10.5 32.98672 86.59015 8.3 26.07522 54.10608 10.6 33.30088 88.24734 8.4 26.38938 55.41769 10.7 33.61504 89.92024 8.5 26.70354 56.74502 10.8 33.92920 91.60884 8.6 27.01770 58.08805 10.9 34.24336 93.31316 8.7 27.33186 59.44679 11.0 34.55752 95.03318 8.8 27.64602 60.82123 11.1 34.87168 96.76891 8.9 27.96017 62.21139 11.2 35.18584 98.52035 9.0 28.27433 83.61725 11.3 35.50000 100.2875 9.1 28.58849 65.03882 11.4 35.81416 102.0703 9.2 28.90265 66.47610 11.5 36.12832 103.8689 9.3 29.21681 67.92909 11.6 36.44247 105.6832 9.4 29.53097 69.39778 11.7 36.75663 107.5132 9.5 29.84513 70.88218 11.8 37.07079 109.3588 9.6 30.15929 72.38229 11.9 37.38495 111.2202 9.7 30.47345 73.89811 12.0 37.69911 113.0973 TABLE OF CIRCLES 3 (TRAUTWINE) DIAMETER IN FEET AND INCHES ^Diameter Circumference Feet Area Sq. Ft. Diameter Ft. In. Circumference Feet Area Sq. Ft. 1 0.261799 0.005454 2 7 8.11578 5.24144 2 0.523599 0.021817 8 8.37758 5.58505 3 0.785398 0.049087 9 8.63938 5.93957 4 1.047198 0.087266 10 8.90118 6.30500 5 1.308997 0.136354 11 9.16298 6.68134 6 1.570796 0.196350 3 9.42478 7.06858 7 1.832596 0.267254 1 9.68658 7.46674 8 2.094395 0.349066 2 9.94838 7.87580 9 2.356195 0.441786 3 10.21018 8.29577 10 2.617994 0.545415 4 10.47198 8.72665 11 2.879793 0.659953 5 10.73377 9.16843 1 3.14159 0.785398 6 10.99557 9.62113 1 3.40339 0.921752 7 11.25737 10.08473 2 3.66519 1.06901 8 11.51917 10.55924 3 3.92699 1.22718 9 11.78097 11.044(56 4 4.18879 1.39626 10 12.04277 11.54099 5 4.45059 1.57625 11 12.30457 12.04823 6 4.71239 1.76715 4 12.56637 12.56637 7 4.97419 1.96895 1 12.82817 13.09542 8 5.23599 2.18166 2 13.08997 13.63538 9 5.49779 2.40528 3 13.35177 14.18625 10 5.75959 2.63981 4 13.61357 14.74803 11 6.02139 2.88525 5 13.87537 15.32072 2 6.28319 3.14159 f 14.13717 15.90431 1 6.54498 3.40885 7 14.39897 10.49882 2 6.80678 3.68701 8 14.66077 17.10-423 3 7.06858 3.97608 9 14.92257 17.72055 4 7.33038 4.27606 10 15.18436 18.34777 5 7.59218 4.58694 11 15.44616 18.98591 6 7.85398 4.90874 5 15.70796 19.63495 i MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 307 MISCELLANEOUS DATA TABLE OF CIRCLES 3 (Concluded) (TRAUTWINE) DIAMETER IN FEET AND INCHES Diameter Ft. In. Circumference Feet Area Sq. Ft. Diameter Ft. In. Circumference Feet Area Sq. Ft. 5 1 15.96976 20.29491 8 7 26.96534 57.86312 2 16.23156 20.96577 8 27.22714 58.99213 3 16.49336 21.64754 9 27.48894 60.13205 4 16.75516 22.34021 10 27.75074 61.28287 5 17.01696 23.04380 11 28.01253 62.44461 6 17.27876 23.75829 9 28.27433 63.61725 7 17.54056 24.48370 1 28.53613 64.80080 8 17.80236 25.22001 2 28.79793 65.99526 9 18.06416 25.96723 3 29.05973 67.20063 10 18.32596 26.72535 4 29.32153 68.41691 11 18.58776 27.49439 5 29.58333 69.64409 6 18.84956 28.27433 6 29.84513 70.88218 1 19.11136 29.06519 7 30.10693 72.13119 2 19.37315 29.86695 8 30.36873 73.39110 3 19.63495 30.67962 9 30.63053 74.66191 4 19.89675 31.50319 10 30.89233 75.94364 5 20.15855 32.33768 11 31.15413 77.23627 6 20.42035 33.18307 10 31.41593 78.53982 7 20.68215 34.03937 1 31.67773 79.85427 8 20.94395 34.90659 2 31.93953 81.17963 9 21.20575 35.78470 3 32.20132 82.51589 10 21.46755 36.67373 4 32.46312 83.86307 11 21.72935 37.57367 5 32.72492 85.22115 7 21.99115 38.48451 6 32.98672 86.59015 1 22.25295 39.40626 7 33.24852 87.97005 2 22.51475 40.33892 8 33.51032 89.36086 3 22.77655 41.28249 9 33.77212 90.76258 4 23.03835 42.23697 10 34.03392 92.17520 5 23.30015 43.20235 11 34.29572 93.59874 6 23.56194 44.17865 11 34.55752 95.03318 7 23.82374 45.16585 1 34.81932 96.47853 8 24.08554 46.16396 2 35.08112 97.93479 9 24.34734 47.17298 3 35.34292 99.40196 10 24.60914 48.19290 4 35.60472 100.8800 11 24.87094 49.22374 5 35.86652 102.3690 8 25.13274 50.26548 6 36.12832 103.8689 1 25.39454 51.31813 7 36.39011 105.3797 2 25.65634 52.38169 8 36.65191 106.9014 3 25.91814 53.45616 9 36.91371 108.4340 4 26.17994 54.54154 10 37.17551 109.9776 5 26.44174 55.63782 11 37.43731 111.5320 6 26.70354 56.74502 12 37.69911 113.0973 U. S. STANDARD SCREW THREADS Diameter Threads in Inches per Inch Diameter at Root of Thread Inches Are'a of Bolt in Area of Root of Sq. Inches Thread in Sq. Inches M 20 0.185 0.049 0.027 TS 18 0.240 0.077 0.045 H 16 0.294 0.110 0.068 A 14 0.344 0.150 0.093 1 A 13 0.400 0.196 0.126 A 12 0.454 0.249 0.162 5^ 11 0.507 0.307 0.202 H 10 0.620 0.442 0.302 7^ 9 0.731 0.601 0.420 1 8 0.837 0.785 0.550 l/^ 7 0.940 0.994 0.694 1J4 7 1.065 1.227 0.893 \% e 1.160 1.485 1.057 1^ 6 1.284 1.767 1.295 308 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY MISCELLANEOUS DATA U. S. STANDARD SCREW THREADS (Concluded) Diameter Inches Threads per Inch Diameter at Root of Thread Inches Area of Bolt in Sq. Inches Area of Root of Thread in Sq. Inches 1% 5H 1.389 2.074 1.515 1% 5 1.491 2.405 1.746 1% 5 1.616 2.761 2.051 9 4^ 1.712 3.142 2.302 2Y 4H 1.962 3.976 3.023 2y 2 4 2.176 4.909 3.719 2% 4 2.426 5.940 4.620 3 3H 2.629 7.069 5.428 3M 3>i 2.879 8.296 6.510 3y* 3M 3.100 9.621 7.548 3% 3 3.317 11.045 9.641 4 3 3.567 12.566 9.963 4K 2K 3.798 14.186 11.329 4^ 2% 4.028 15.904 12.753 4^ 2% 4.256 17.721 14.226 5 2y 2 4.480 19.635 15.763 5K 2y 2 4.730 21.648 17.572 5 1 A 2% 4.953 23.758 19.267 5% 2*A 5.203 25.967 21.262 6 2X 5.423 28.274 23.098 DIMENSIONS OF STANDARD BOLT HEADS AND NUTS (Square or Hexagonal) Let X = diameter across flats of head or nut Y= thickness of head Let Z= thickness of nut D = diameter of bolt Rough Finished Then X = 1 /^ D -f- /^ in. 1J 4 D+^in. ' Y = ^X D-^in. Z = D D j 3 ? in. STANDARD SIZES OF WELDED WROUGHT IRON PIPE INSIDE DIAMETER IN INCHES Thickness in Inches Weight per Foot in Lb. Threads per Inch of Screw * Nominal Actual y* 0.270 0.068 0.24 27 % 0.364 0.088 0.42 18 % 0.494 0.091 0.56 18 V 0.623 0.109 0.84 14 % 0.824 0.113 1.12 14 i 1.048 0.134 1.67 11 1 A IM 1.380 0.140 2.24 11 H i /^ 1.611 0.145 2.68 11 /i 2 2.067 0.154 3.61 HH iy> 2.468 0.204 5.74 8 3 3.067 0.217 7.54 8 31^ 3.548 0.226 9.00 8 4 4.026 0.237 10.66 8 4J^ 4.508 0.246 12.49 8 C" 5.045 0.259 14.50 8 6 6.065 0.280 18.76 8 7 7.023 0.301 23.27 8 8 7.982 0.322 28.18 8 9 9.001 0.344 33.70 8 10 10.019 0.366 40.00 8 * Standard'iron pipe is known to the trade by its nominal inside diameter which differs from its actual diameter as shown in the table. MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 309 MISCELLANEOUS DATA DATA ON SOLID COPPER WIRE ROUND Size B.&S. Gauge Diameter Mills Circular Mills Square Inch Pounds per 1000 Ft. Pounds per Mile Breaking Strain Hard Drawn Breaking Strain Soft Drawn Ohms per Mile Soft Drawn 60 F. 0000 460 211600 0.166190 640 3376 8370 5650 0.259 000 410 168100 0.131793 508 2677 6580 4480 0.326 00 365 133225 0.104520 402 2123 5226 3553 0.412 325 105625 0.082932 319 1684 4558 2818 0.519 1 289 83521 0.065733 353 1059 3743 2234 0.656 2 258 66564 0.052130 201 839 3127 1772 0.824 3 229 52441 0.041338 159 666 2480 1405 1.04 4 204 41616 0.032784 126 528 1967 1114 1.312 5 182 33124 0.025998 100 419 1559 883 1.656 6 162 26244 0.020617 79 332 1237 700 2.09 7 144 20736 0.016349 63 263 980 555 2.62 8 128 16384 0.012966 50 209 778 400 3.35 9 114 12996 0.010284 40 166 617 349 4.23 10 102 10404 0.008153 31.3 137 489 277 5.27 11 91 8281 0.006467 24.9 104 388 219 6.63 12 81 6561 0.005128 19.7 82.6 307 174 8.37 13 72 5184 0.004067 15.7 65.6 244 138 10.6 14 64 4096 0.003225 12.4 51.9 193 109 13.4 15 57 3249 0.002557 9.84 41.2 153 87 16.9 16 51 2601 0.002028 7.81 32.7 133 69 21.1 17 45 2025 0.001608 6.19 25.9 97 55 27.0 18 40 1600 0.001275 4.91 20.5 77 43 34.2 19 36 1296 0.001011 3.88 16.3 61 34 42.4 20 32 1024 0.000802 3.09 12.9 48 27 53.7 DATA ON COPPER CABLE Size B.&S. Gauge No. of Wires in Strand Diameter of Wires in In. Diameter of Bare Cable in In. Nearest A In. Millimeter Lb. per 1000 Ft. Lb. per Mile 14 B.&S. 7 0.0243 0.0729 A 1.9843 13 68 12 B.&S. 7 0.0306 0.0918 A 2.3812 20 105 10 B.&S. 7 0.0386 0.1158 y 8 3.1749 32 168 8 B.&S. 7 0.0485 0.1455 * 3.5718 51 269 6 B.&S. 7 0.0613 0.1839 4.7624 81 427 5 B.&S. 7 0.0688 0.2064 M 5.1592 103 544 4 B.&S. 7 0.0773 0.2319 H 5.9530 129 682 3 B.&S. 7 0.0868 0.2604 H 6.7467 164 867 2 B.&S. 7 0.0974 0.2922 it 7.5404 206 1089 1 B.&S. 19 0.0664 0.3320 li 8.3342 259 1368 B.&S. 19 0.0746 0.3750 S A 9.5248 328 1733 00 B.&S. 19 0.0838 0.4190 & 10.715 414 2192 000 B.&S. 19 0.094 0.4700 M 11.906 520 2745 0000 B.&S. 19 0.1056 0.5280 13.493 658 3484 250,000 C.M. 37 0.0823 0.5754 14.684 775 4080 300,000 C.M. 37 0.0906 0.6342 - 16.272 843 4984 350,000 C.M. 37 0.0974 0.6818 11 16 17.462 1087 5476 400,000 C.M. 37 0.104 0.7280 if 18.653 1242 6566 450,000 C.M. 37 0.111 0.7770 ft 19.843 1415 7480 500,000 C.M. 61 0.0906 0.8154 20.637 1554 8222 550,000 C.M. 61 0.095 0.8550 ft 21.828 1709 9032 600,000 C.M. 61 0.0992 0.8928 II 22.621 1864 9852 650,000 C.M. 61 0.1033 0.9297 u 23.415 2020 10688 700,000 C.M. 61 0.1072 0.9648 H 24.606 2177 11506 750,000 C.M. 61 0.111 0.9990 25.3995 2333 12304 800,000 C.M. 61 0.1146 1.0314 i& 26.590 2487 13136 900,000 C.M. 61 0.1216 1.0944 1* 27.781 2813 14864 1,000,000 C.M. 61 0.1281 1.1529 1* 29.368 3110 16498 1,250,000 C.M. 91 0.1173 1.2903 i*i 32.940 3888 20534 1,500,000 C.M. 91 0.1284 1.4124 iff 36.115 4660 24610 1,750,000 C.M. 127 0.1173 1.5262 iff 38.893 5435 28700 2,000,000 C.M. 127 0.1255 1.6315 Hi 41.671 6212 32800 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY MISCELLANEOUS DATA THERMOMETER SCALES FAHRENHEIT COMPARED WITH * CENTIGRADE Deg. Fah. Deg. Cent. Deg. Fah. Deg. Cent. Deg. Fah. Deg. Cent. Deg. Fah. Deg. Cent. 212 100.0 145 62.8 78 25.6 11 -11.7 211 99.4 144 62.2 77 25.0 10 -12.2 210 98.9 143 '61.7 76 24.4 9 -12.8 209 98.3 142 61.1 75 23.9 8 -13.3 208 97.8 141 60.6 74 23.3 7 -13.9 207 97.2 140 60.0 73 22.8 6 -14.4 206 96.7 139 59.4 72 22.2 5 -15.0 205 96.1 138 58.9 71 21.7 4 -15.6 204 95.6 137 58.3 70 21.1 3 -16.1 203 95.0 136 57.8 69 20.6 2 -16.7 202 94.4 135 57.2 68 20.0 1 -17.2 201 93.9 134 56.7 67 19.4 -17.8 200 93.3 133 56.1 66 18.9 -1 -18.3 199 92.8 132 55.6 65 18.3 -2 -18.9 198 92.2 131 55.0 64 17.8 -3 -19.4 197 91.7 130 54.4 63 17.2 -4 -20.0 196 91.1 129 53.9 62 16.7 -5 -20.6 195 90.6 128 53.3 61 16.1 -6 -21.1 194 90.0 127 42.8 60 15.6 -7 -21.7 193 89.4 126 52.2 59 15.0 -8 -22.2 192 88.9 125 51.7 58 14.4 -9 -22.8 191 88.3 124 51.1 57 13.9 -10 -23.3 190 87.8 123 50.6 56 13.3 -11 -23.9 189 87.2 122 50.0 55 12.8 -12 -24.4 188 86.7 121 49.4 54 12.2 -13 -25.0 187 86.1 120 48.9 53 11.7 -14 -25.6 186 85.6 119 48.3 52 11.1 -15 -26.1 185 85.0 118 47.8 51 10.6 -16 -26.7 184 84.4 117 47.2 50 10.0 -17 -27.2 183 83.9 116 46.7 49 9.4 -18 -27.8 182 83.3 115 46.1 48 8.9 -19 -28.3 181 82.8 114 45.6 47 8.3 -20 -28.9 180 82.2 113 45.0 46 7.8 -21 -29.4 179 81.7 112 44.4 45 7.2 -22 -30.0 178 81.1 111 43.9 44 6.7 -23 -30.6 177 80.6 110 43.3 43 6.1 -24 -31.1 176 80.0 109 42.8 42 5.6 -25 -31.7 175 79.4 108 42.2 41 5.0 -26 -32.2 174 78.9 107 41.7 40 4.4 -27 -32.8 173 78.3 106 41.1 39 3.9 -28 -33.3 172 77.8 105 40.6 38 3.3 -29 -33.9 171 77.2 104 40.0 37 2.8 -30 -34.4 170 76.7 103 39.4 36 2.2 -31 -35.0 169 76.1 102 38.9 35 1.7 -32 -35.6 168 75.6 101 38.3 34 1.1 -33 -36.1 167 75.0 100 37.8 33 0.6 -34 -36.7 166 74.4 99 37.2 32 0.0 -35 -37.2 165 73.9 98 36.7 31 -0.6 -36 -37.8 164 73.3 97 36.1 30 -1.1 -37 -38.3 163 72.8 96 35.6 29 -1.7 -38 -38.9 162 72.2 95 35.0 28 -2.2 -39 -39.4 161 71.7 94 34.4 27 -2.8 -40 -40.0 160 71.1 93 33.9 26 -3.3 -41 -40.6 159 70.6 92 33.3 25 -3.9 -42 -41.1 158 70.0 91 32.8 24 -4.4 -43 -41.7 157 69.4 90 32.2 23 -5.0 -44 -42.2 156 68.9 89 31.7 22 -5.6 -45 -42.8 155 68.3 88 31.1 21 -6.1 -46 -43.3 154 67.8 87 30.6 20 -6.7 -47 -43.9 153 67.2 86 30.0 19 -7.2 -48 -44.4 152 66.7 85 29.4 18 -7.8 -49 15.0 151 66.1 84 28.9 17 -8.3 -50 -45.6 l.-.O 65.6 83 28.3 16 -8.9 -51 -4(1.1 ll'.i 65.0 82 27.8 15 -9.4 -52 -4fi.7 148 64.4 XI 27.2 14 -10.0 -53 -47.2 147 :{.. so 26.7 13 -10.6 -54 -47.8 146 JW.:$ 7'.) 26.1 12 -11.1 -55 -48.3 Centigrudc' readings If) the nearest decimal. MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 311 MISCELLANEOUS DATA CENTIGRADE COMPARED WITH FAHRENHEIT Deg. Cent. Deg. Fah. Deg. Cent. Deg. Fah. Deg. Cent. Deg. Fah. Deg. Cent. Deg. Fah. 100 212.0 62 143.6 24 75.2 -14 6.8 99 210.2 61 141.8 23 73.4 -15 5.0 98 208.4 60 140.0 22 71.6 -16 3.2 97 206.6 59 138.2 21 69.8 -17 1.4 96 204.8 58 136.4 20 68.0 -18 -0.4 95 203.0 57 134.6 19 66.2 -19 -2.2 94 201.2 56 132.8 18 64.4 -20 -4.0 93 199.4 55 131.0 17 62.6 , -21 -5.8 92 197.6 54 129.2 16 60.8 -22 -7.6 91 195.8 53 127.4 15 59.0 -23 -9.4 90 194.0 52 125.6 14 57.2 -24 -11.2 89 192.2 51 123.8 13 55.4 -25 -13.0 88 190.4 50 122.0 12 53.6 -26 -14.8 87 188.6 49 120.2 11 51.8 -27 -16.6 86 186.8 48 118.4 10 50.0 -28 -18.4 85 185.0 47 116.6 9 48.2 -29 -20.2 84 183.2 46 114.8 8 46.4 -30 -22.0 83 181.4 45 113.0 7 44.6 -31 -23.8 82 179.6 44 111.2 6 42.8 -32 -25.6 81 177.8 43 109.4 5 41.0 -33 -27.4 80 176.0 42 107.6 4 39.2 -34 -29.2 79 174.2 41 105.8 3 37.4 -35 -31.0 78 172.4 40 104.0 2 35.6 -36 -32.8 77 170.6 39 102.2 1 33.8 -37 -34.6 76 168.8 38 100.4 32.0 -38 -36.4 75 167.0 37 98.6 -1 30.2 -39 -38.2 74 165.2 36 96.8 -2 28.4 -40 -40.0 73 163.4 35 95.0 -3 26.6 -41 -41.8 72 161.6 34 93.2 -4 24.8 -42 -43.6 71 159.8 33 91.4 -5 23.0 -43 -45.4 70 158.0 32 89.6 -6 21.2 -44 -47.2 69 156.2 31 87.8 -7 19.4 -45 -49.0 68 154.4 30 86.0 -8 17.6 -46 -50.8 67 153.6 29 84.2 -9 15.8 -47 -52.6 66 150.8 28 82.4 -10 14.0 -48 -54.4 65 149.0 27 80.6 -11 12.2 -49 -56.2 64 147.2 26 78.8 -12 10.4 -50 -58.0 63 145.4 25 77.0 -13 8.6 HIGH TEMPERATURES JUDGED BY COLOR (KENT) The temperature of a body can be approximately judged by the experienced eye unaided, and M. Pouillet has constructed a table which has been generally accepted, giving the colors and their corresponding temperatures as below: Color Deg. C. Deg. F. Color Deg. C. Deg. F. Incipient red heat .... 525 977 Deep orange heat .... 1100 2021 Dull red heat ..... 700 1292 Clear orange heat .... 1200 2192 Incipient cherry red heat 800 1472 White heat 1300 2372 Cherry red heat .... 900 1652 Bright white heat .... 1400 2552 1500 2732 Clear cherry red heat 1000 1832 Dazzling white heat to to 1600 2912 312 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY MISCELLANEOUS DATA TABLE OF SPECIFIC GRAVITIES AND WEIGHTS (TRAUTWINE) The specific gravity of any substance equals its weight in grams per cubic centimetre. Substance Average Sp. Gr. Average Wt. in Lb. of One Cu. Ft. Aluminum .............. 2.6 162 Antimony, cast, 6.66 to 6.74 ....... . average 6.70 418 Brass (copper and zinc), cast, 7.8 to 8.4 ....... average Brass, rolled ............ average 8.1 8.4 504 524 Bronze, copper 8 parts; tin 1 (gun metal) 8.4 to 8.6 average Cement, hydraulic, American, Rosendale; ground, loose .... average Wide variations in weight of hydraulic cements often occur owing to want of uniformity in the composition of stone, process of manufacture and difficulty of measurement. Copper, cast, 8.6 to 8.8 8.5 8.7 529 56 542 Copper, rolled, 8.8 to 9.0 8.9 555 Granite, 2.56 to 2.88 average 2.72 170 Gneiss, Hornblendic, quarried, in loose piles ...... average Greenstone, trap, quarried, in loose piles average Gravel, about the same as sand, which see . Iron, cast, 6.9 to 7.4 ... ...... average 7.15 100 107 446 Iron, cast, usually assumed at average At 450 lb. a cubic inch weighs 0.2604 lb.; 8601.6 cubic inches a ton; and a Ib. = 3.8400 cubic inches; cast iron GUN METAL Iron, wrought, 7.6 to 7.9; the purest has the greatest sp. gr. . . average Iron, large rolled bars, usually assumed at average Iron, sheet .............. average 7.21 7.48 7.77 7.69 . 450 467 485 480 485 At 480 lb. a cubic inch weighs 0.2778 lb.; and a lb. =3.600 cubic inches Light iron indicates impurity. Lead, of commerce, 11.30 to 11.47 either rolled or cast .... average Limestones and marbles, quarried in irregular fragments, one cubic yard solid, makes about 1.9 cubic yards perfectly loose; or about \% yards piled. In this last case, 0.571 of the pile is solid; and the remaining 0.429 part of it is voids: average, piled ............. 11.38 709.6 96 Mica, 2.75 to 3.1 2.93 183 Platinum, 21 to 22 21.5 1342 Quartz, quarried, loose, one measure solid makes full 1% broken and piled . Rosin ........... 1.1 94 68.6 Sand, of pure quartz; perfectly dried, and loose, usually 112 to 133 lb. per struck bushel ............. 90 to 106 Sandstones, quarried and piled, one measure solid makes about 1% piled Shales, quarried, in piles ........... average 86 92 Steel, 7.7 to 7.9; the heaviest contains least carbon _ average Steel is not heavier than the iron from which it is made; unless the iron had impurities which were expelled during its conversion into steel. Sulphur . ....... average 7.85 2.0 490 125 Tin, cast, 7.2 to 7.5 average 7.35 459 Trap, quarried, in piles ......... average 107 Water, pure rain, or distilled at 62 deg. F. barom. 30 in Although the weight of fresh water is generally assumed as sixty-two and one- third lb. per cu. ft., yet 62 J^ would be nearer the truth, at ordinary temper- atures of about 70 deg.; or alb. =27.759 cu. in.; and a cu. in. =0.5764oz. avoir.; or 0.5254 oz. troy; or 252.175 grains. The grain is the same in troy, avoirdu- pois and apothecary. Zinc or spelter, 6.8 to 7.2 average 1.0 7.00 62.355 437.5 MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 313 INDEX TO SUBJECTS PAGE . 300 . 293 . 303 204-205 . 166 . 166 167-168 . 168 304-307 . 106 .83-89 82 40-43 107-111 Anchorages Anchors and Anchor Rods Angular Measurements Application of Bonds ....... Arc Deflectors: TYPE C CONTROLLER TYPE K CONTROLLER TYPE R CONTROLLER TYPE T CONTROLLER Areas of Circles . Armature Bearing Lining Armature Coils Armatures, Crane Hoist and Locomotive Motors Axles, Locomotive Axle Linings B Babbitt Metal 105 Bearing Linings, Locomotive, Crane and Hoist Motors . 105-111 Blowouts (See Magnetic Blowout) Bolt Heads and Nuts, Standard Sizes 308 Bolts, Expansion 231 Bolts, Insulated 244-245 Bolts, Nuts and Washers 277-280 Bonds: RAILWAY TRACK . . . . 202-224 APPLICATION OF 204-205 CABLE BONDS, FORMS F, D AND E . . . ' . . 208-210 CHANNEL PINS 215 COMPRESSED TERMINAL vs. CHANNEL PINS .... 203 COMPRESSORS, DOUBLE SCREW 224 COPPER EQUIVALENT FOR STEEL RAILS 203 DESCRIPTION OF 204 DRILLING TERMINAL SHANKS 212 DRILLS AND ACCESSORIES 216-224 RIBBON BONDS, FORMS A AND B . . . . . 205-207 SOLDERED TYPE 214-215 STUB END BONDS, FORMS D AND E . . . ." .211 TERMINALS, LENGTH OF 204 TERMINALS, SEPARATE 211 TERMINALS, TWIN STUD, FORMS M-l AND M-2 . . 212-213 TUCKING 204 Braces, Cross Arms 276 Brackets: INSULATOR, WOOD 282 INSULATOR, IRON 282 POLE, FLEXIBLE, FORM Al 257 POLE, FLEXIBLE, FORM A2 258 POLE, COMBINATION, FORM B 258 POLE, RIGID, FORM C 259 WALL, CAST IRON 259 TROLLEY SUSPENSION 235-236 Brake Rigging for Locomotives 47-50 Brake Shoes and Heads 51-53 Brushes, Carbon, Locomotive, Crane and Hoist Motors . 103-104 Brush-Holders, Locomotive, Crane and Hoist Motors . 100-102 Bumpers, Locomotive 79-80 Bushings, Brass, for Controller Handles 174 Cables: CONNECTORS FOR 293 COPPER, WIRE TABLES 309 SPLICER 293 THIMBLES FOR 292 Cable Bonds 208-210 Cars: COLLIERY, WEIGHTS AND CAPACITIES ..... 302 CONTRACTORS', WEIGHTS AND CAPACITIES .... 302 Cartridge Fuses for Locomotives 191-192 Channel Pins 215 Channel Pin Bonds . . 203 Circuit Breakers and Repair Parts: TYPE MR TYPE MQ TYPE ML-2 Circles, Areas and Diameters of . Clamps: FEEDER STRAIN SCHAPER GUY WIRE TROLLEY WIRE HAULING TROLLEY TERMINAL Climbing Straps, Locomotive .... Clips, Crosby Color and Temperature . . . Coils: ARMATURE FIELD Commutator Segments Compressed Terminal Bonds .... Compressors, Hand for Track Bonds . Connectors for Wire Cables Construction, Illustrations of Trolley Line . Construction Notes (See Notes) Controller Parts: ARC DEFLECTORS: Type C Controller Type K Controller Type R Controller Type T Controller CONTACT FINGERS: Type C Controller ...... Type K Controller Type R Controller Type T Controller . . . HANDLES: Type C Controller ...... Type K Controller Type R Controller . . . . Type T Controller Brass Bushings for Malleable Iron CYLINDER SEGMENTS: Operating: Type K Controller ..... Type R Controller . Type T Controller Reverse : Type K Controller Type R Controller Copper Equivalent of Steel Rails .... Coupling Devices, Locomotive .... Covers Crane Hoist and Locomotive Motors . ARMATURE BEARING LINING .... AXLE BEARING LINING BRUSHES, CARBON BRUSH-HOLDERS COMMUTATOR SEGMENTS CONTROLLER PARTS (See Controller Parts) GEARS GEAR CASES PINIONS Cross Arms, Wood BRACES Crossings for Round, Grooved and Figure 8 Wire: INSULATED, FORM L UNINSULATED, FORM G .... Curvature, Radius of PAGE 194-197 . 198 . 199 304-307 . 292 . 292 . 292 . 292 79-80 . 292 , 311 83-89 90-96 96-99 . 203 . 224 . 293 294-297 . 166 . 166 167-168 . 168 . 124 124 125-126 . 127 . 169 . 169 170-172 . 173 . 174 174 128-131 133-149 157-165 132 150-156 . 203 79-80 79-80 81-174 . 106 107-111 103-104 100-102 112-117 121-123 118-120 . 276 276 D Data, Miscellaneous (See Tables) Decimal Equivalents Deflectors (See Arc Deflectors) 271-273 270-271 . 301 301-312 . 303 166-168 314 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY INDEX TO SUBJECTS Description of Bonds .... Distributing Rings Dimensions of Bolt Heads and Nuts . Drilling Terminal Bond Shanks Drills and Accessories: CLIMAX TRACK DRILL DOUBLE TWIN SPINDLE TRACK DRILL PAULUS TRACK DRILL RATCHET DRILL . E Ears for Figure 8 Trolley Wire: CURVE FEEDER MECHANICAL SCREW CLAMP, FORM A SPLICING .... STRAIN AND HALF STRAIN . Ears for Grooved Trolley Wire: MECHANICAL, FORM M SCREW CLAMP, FORM A SOLDERED CLINCH SPLICING SOLDERED Ears for Round Trolley Wire : AUTOMATIC .... CLAMPING, FORM B CLINCH FEEDER MECHANICAL, FORM M SCREW CLAMP, FORM A SOLDERED .... SPLICING .... STRAIN Equivalents, Decimal Expansion Bolts PAGE . 204 . 292 . 308 . 212 218-219 . 222 220-221 216-218 256 256 255 256 256 256 PAGE . 246 246-248 248-249 250 251 251 252 254 250 251 253 254 254 303 231 F Feeder, Strain Clamps for .... Field Coils Fingers (See Controller Parts) Finish, Protective, for Line Material . Frames, Locomotive Frogs for Round, Grooved and Figure 8 Wire Frogs, Location of Fuses and Fuse Boxes for Locomotives Gears, Locomotive, Crane and Hoist Motors Gear Cases, Locomotive, Crane and Hoist Motors Guy Wire Clamp, Schaper Handles, Controller (See Controller Parts) Hauling, Clamps for Trolley Wire Headlights for Locomotives: INCANDESCENT LUMINOUS ARC . 292 90-96 . 300 79-80 265-269 . 300 191-192 112-117 121-123 292 292 200 201 Insulators -Continued PORCELAIN .... 22,000 Volts 33,000 Volts Strain .... SECTION: Wood, Form L Automatic STRAIN: Giant Spherical .... Wood with Eyes, etc. Turnbuckles Insulator Pins, Wood and Iron Iron Pipe, Standard Sizes Journal Boxes and Linings Line Material (See Trolley Line Material) .... Line Material, Protective Finish for ..... Line Tools, Overhead (See Tools) Linings : BEARINGS OF CRANE, HOIST AND LOCOMOTIVE MOTORS AXLE BEARINGS BABBITT, BRASS, LUMEN Location Trolley Frogs Locomotive Motors, etc. (See Crane, Hoist and Locomotive Motors) Lumen Metal Luminous Arc Headlights . M Magnetic Blowout Switches: TYPES MS AND MS-2, FORM A .... TYPE MS-5, FORM B TYPE MS-8, FORM A TYPE MS-13 TYPE MS-40, FORM A AND FORM F . Material, Protective Finish for Line .... Measurement of Angles Milling Cutters, Hand . . . . Miscellaneous Data (See Data) Motors, Crane, Hoist and Locomotive Accessories . N Notes, Trolley Construction ANCHORAGES FROGS LOCATION OF TROLLEY FROGS PROTECTIVE FINISH LINE MATERIAL SPACING SUSPENSIONS SUPPORTING THE TROLLEY Nuts and Bolt Heads, Standard Sizes Nuts, Bolts and Washers 285-288 . 289 . 290 290 . 274 . 275 261-262 . 262 . 263 . 264 . 282 308 44-45 225-288 . 300 291-292 . 106 107-111 . 105 . 300 81-174 . 105 , 201 183-184 . 185 185-186 187-188 189-190 . 300 . 303 . 223 301-312 81-174 298-300 . 300 . 300 . 300 . 300 . 299 . 298 . 308 277-280 Hoist Motors, etc. (See Crane, Hoist and Locomotive Motors)81-174 Overhead Line Tools (See Tools) 291-292 Illustrations Trolley Line Construction Incandescent Headlights Insulated Bolts for Trolley Suspension DOUBLE CURVE SUSPENSION SINGLE CURVE SUSPENSION STRAIGHT LINE SUSPENSION Insulation, Special Heat Resisting Insulators: FEEDER WIRE GLASS 294-297 . 200 . 244 . 245 . 245 . 244 236 283-284 286-287 Pinions, Crane, Hoist and Locomotive Motors Pins: CHANNEL INSULATOR . Pole Brackets (See Brackets) Protective Finish for Line Material 1 IS 120 . 215 . 282 :.'.-> 7 -2:,'.) 300 Radius of Curvature Rail Bonds (See Bonds) 202-224 MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 315 INDEX TO PAGE Reels, Cable, Locomotive: TYPE VR: Form Al 58 SUBJECTS Suspensions Continued SURFACE CONSTRUCTION, FORM D: Cap and Cone Insulators Double Curve Suspension Double Trolley Straight Line Suspension Double Trolley Single Curve Suspension Double Trolley Double Curve Suspension . Single Trolley Single Curve Suspension Single Trolley Straight Line Suspension Single Trolley Strain Suspension .... SURFACE CONSTRUCTION, FORM H Straight Line Suspension Single Curve Suspension Double Curve Suspension SURFACE CONSTRUCTION, FORM S Bodies for Form S Suspension .... Straight Line with Wood Strain Insulators SURFACE CONSTRUCTION, FORM G Double Curve Suspension ..... Single Curve Suspension . . . . Straight Line Suspension Suspension Springs, Journal and Motor Suspensions, Locomotive Switches (See Magnetic Blowout) PAGE . 237 . . . 238 . 239 . 239 . 240 . 238 . 238 . 238 . 240-241 . 241 . 242 . 242 . 243 . 242 . 243 . 245 . 245 . 244 46 79-80 275 Form A2 58 Form A3 Form A4 57-58 58 Form A5 ........ 58 Form A8 60 Form A10 Form Bl Form B2 59-61 62-63 63 Form B4 64 Form Bo Form B6 62-63 64 Form B7 64 Form B8 65 Form B9 65 Form BIO . . . . Form Bll Form Cl Form C2 65-67 66-68 69-70 70 Form C4 71 Form C5 . .... 71 TYPE MVR36: Form Bl 72 TYPE MVR40: Form A 75 SNAP . 193 193 Form Al -. Form A2 72-73 73 T Tables, Miscellaneous Data ANGULAR MEASUREMENTS AREAS AND DIAMETERS OF CIRCLES CARS: Colliery . 301-312 . 303 . 304-307 302 Form A3 73 TYPE MVR45: Form A 75 Form Al 73 TYPE MVR49: Form A ......... 75 Contractors' COPPER CABLES COPPER WIRE, SOLID DECIMAL EQUIVALENT DIMENSIONS OF BOLT HEADS AND NUTS . LOCOMOTIVE ......... . 302 . 309 . 309 . 303 . 308 . 7-38 Form A2 74 Form A3 74 CABLE REEL MOTORS CABLE REEL RHEOSTATS Ribbon Bonds Rings, Distributing Rods, Anchor ......... 76 77-78 205-207 . 292 . 293 PIPE, STANDARD WROUGHT IRON .... RADIUS OF CURVATURE SCREW THREADS, STANDARD U. S SPECIFIC GRAVITIES AND WEIGHTS .... TEMPERATURE AND COLOR THERMOMETER SCALES TROLLEY WIRE GROOVED SECTIONS Temperature and Color Terminal Clamps Terminals: SEPARATE BOND TWIN STUD BOND ....... Thermometer Scales Thimbles for Cables Tools, Overhead Line Transfer Switch Trolley Line Material BOLTS, NUTS AND WASHERS BRACKET PINS, WOOD AND IRON .... BRACKET POLE CROSS ARMS AND BRACES CROSSINGS EARS (See Ears) FROGS ..... . 308 . 301 . 307 308 . 312 . 311 . 310-311 . 302 . 311 . 292 . 211 . 212-213 . 310-311 . 292 . 291-292 . 193 . 225-288 . 277-281 . 282 . 257-259 . 276 . 270-273 . 246-256 . 265-269 S Sanding Device Scales, Thermometer Schaper Guy Wire Clamps Screw Threads, Standard Sections Grooved Trolley Wire Section Insulators SWITCHES . 54-55 310-311 . 292 307-308 . 302 274-275 275 Segments: COMMUTATOR, CRANE, HOIST AND LOCOMOTIVE MOTORS CONTROLLER (See Controller Parts) Sherardized Malleable Iron Controller Handles Sleeves: MECHANICAL, FOR ROUND AND GROOVED WIRE SOLDERED, FOR ROUND AND GROOVED WIRE . Snap Switches ........ 96-99 . 174 . 260 . 260 193 Spacing Suspensions Specific Gravities and Weights Splicer Cable . 299 . 312 293 Splicing Sleeve (See Sleeves) Strain Insulators (See Insulators) Strain Feeder Clamp Supporting Trolley Suspensions: TROLLEY WIRE: Ceiling Suspensions, Forms H, D and G . . . Bracket Suspension, Forms H, D and G . . . Expansion Bolts Mine Roof Suspensions, Forms H and D . . . Wedges and Plugs ........ . 260 261-264 . 292 . 298 233-234 235-236 . 231 226-231 . 232 INSULATORS . 283-288 . 282 SECTION INSULATORS SPLICING SLEEVES STRAIN INSULATORS SUSPENSIONS FOR TROLLEY WIRE .... TURNBUCKLES TLIRNBUCKLES, INSULATED . 274-275 . 260 . 261-264 . 225-245 . 281 . 264 316 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY Trolleys, Union Standard: FORMS D, D4, D5 AND N No. 1 BASE, FORM 6 HARP AND WHEEL No. 2 BASE, FORM 6 HARP AND WHEEL No. 6 BASE, FORM 6 HARP AND WHEEL No. 7 BASE, FORM 6 HARP AND WHEEL No. 8 BASE, FORM 6 HARP AND WHEEL Trolley Frogs: ' LOCATION OF LINE CONSTRUCTION ILLUSTRATIONS SUPPORT WIRE, GROOVED, SECTION . Turnbuckles Tucking 175-177 178 . 179 . 180 . 181 . 182 . 300 294-297 . 298 . 302 . 281 , 204 W Washers, Nuts and Bolts Wedges Wheels, Locomotive Wire Tables: COPPER CABLES .... COPPER WIRE SOLID . Weights and Capacities: COLLIERY CARS .... CONTRACTORS' CARS . Weights and Specific Gravities Wrought Iron Pipe, Standard Sizes PAGE 277-280 . 232 40-43 . 306 . 309 . 302 . 302 . 312 . 308 MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 317 INDEX TO CATALOGUE NUMBERS No. Page No. Page No. Page No. Page No. Page No. Page No. Page 25190 3958180 996277 14417173 15453106 1727589 1806884 32273 3959180 9997186 14419169 15604101,102 17315215 1806984 40557,62,67, 3960180 1006360 1442661,77,78 15627101,102 17338251 1807084 69 3961180 10076185 14430169 15628101,102 17341244 1809884 469152 3962180 10110184,190 14434187,188 15677118 17352187,188 1809984 1193187,188 3967198 10143150 1450197 15698103,104 17400251 18167103,104 120964,68 3968198 10194132,150 14516198 1576195 17459121,123 1818984 128860,64,65, 3969198 10195 190 1452899 15819234 1747283,89 1822189 67,71 3971198 10259187 1452997,99 1588757,62, 17488 100,102 1822283,89 138264,68 3979198 10274154,155 1453099 67,70 17524 234 1822482 1397190 3997198 10409100 1453197,99 15901251 17553215 18469118 1424123,155, 4011185,187, 10430175 14581106 15902257 17556107,111 18488118 156 188 10437 154,155 14582106 15903257 17558106 18490118 1657184,190 4024152 1080564,65 1458482 1595290 17559106 18494118,120 187162,67,69 403057,62, 11065198 1458588 15993268 17570234 18501118,119, 2028186 63,67, 11066198 1458684,88 15996106 17611166 120 3800175 69,70, 11067198 14692 132,150 16034 253 17612166 18502 118,120 3801175 186 11078198 14693 132,150 16064175,176 17613166 18508120 3802175,176 403160,72, 11080 198 14721 107,108, 16086103 17617129 18512120 3803175 73,74 11090198 111 16212103 17618129 18537118 3804175 5089188 11092198 14722107,108, 16327263 17619129 18541 118,120 3805175,176 5250 175,176 11093198 111 16379251 17620129 18542120 3806175,176 652963,70 11097198 14723107,108, 16387231 17621129 18544118,120 3807175,176 7798282 11098 198 111 1638897,99 17622129 18546120 3808175,176 8744282 11099198 14724107,108, 1638997,99 17623129 18548118,120 3809175,176 8747282 11136134 111 1639097 17624128,130, 18554118 3810175,176 8749282 11137134 14725107,108, 1639197 136 18555118 3811175,176 8750282 11138 134 111 16394253 17642167 18556120 3812175,176 8751282 11190136,137 14726107,108, 16395268 17643167 18558120 3813175,176 8841282 11191136,137 111 16396234 17644167 18560120 3814175,176 9214285 11192 136,137 14727106 16399262 17670169 18561118,119 3816175,176 9215285 11193 136,137 14728106 16400262 17690167 18571120 3817175,176 9216285 11217137,139 14729106 16514121 17691167 18572118 3818175 9221285 11218137,139 14730106 16564100 17692167 18580118,120 3839190 9222285 11220137,139 14748107,108, 16565100 17701234 18584120 3858 198 9228285 11297270 111 16590100 17731134 18932120 3872198 9229285 11298270 14752100 16591100 17733128,129, 18938 118,120 3880198 9230285 11299169 14755100,101, 16666107 130,131, 18981120 3881198 9236285 11314169 102 16762291 133,134, 18990118 3884186 9237285 11338101 14756100,101, 16914291 135,136, 18995118 3886198 9238285 11339 101 102 16915292 137,138, 18996119 3901178 9243285 11340101 14763100,101, 16921169,170, 139,141, 19044 233 3902178 9244285 11347103 102 171,172, 142,144, 1921291,95 3903178 9249 286 1134891,93 14764103,104 174 145,146, 19213101,102 3904178 9250286 11352 84,86 1476891 16922169,170, 147,148, 19214101,102 3905178 9251286 11371170 1477883 174 157,158, 19221 89 3906178,179, 9252 286 11478170 1477983 16925237 159,160, 1922296 180,181, 9255286 11479173 14795121,122 16926237 161,162, 19238167 182 9257286 12900254,256 14991166 17086103,104 163,164, 19239167 3907178 9312286 1303477 14992166 17095106 165 19240167 3908178,180 9322286 1339470,71 14993166 17096106 17734134 19246150 3909178 9359285 13635166,167, 14994166,167 17140 8,9,12, 1774990,95 19247150 3910178 9360285 168 15022253 13,14,15, 17778169,171, 1934582 3911178,180 9361285 13687175,176 15026259 16,19,21, 173,174 1934689 3912178,180 9498285 13731100,102 15037259 23,33, 17794129 1934783,89 3913178 9499285 13848 150,151, 1510770,73,74 121,123 17799170,171, 19348101 3914 178 950865,71 153 15120254 1714290,95 172,173 19351118,119, 3915178 952957,63,70 1391964,67, 15121254 17194 282 179867,9,11, 120 3918178,179, 9606100 68,71 15138254 17207244 12,13, 19406272 180,181, 961660,73, 13978199 15157253 17221263 121,123 19407272 182 74,78 13987199 1516189 17222263 18009106 19410274 3923175,176, 962457,63,69 13999199 15170 89 17223264 18010 106 19424252 179 9650132,150, 14236199 1517383,89 17224215 18012107 19425252 3934180 153 14256199 1519074 17225215 18017121 19436250 3953180 968165,71 14390 198 1520489 17229107,111 1802091 19437250 3954180 9689175,176 14395198 15389103,104 17238 100,102 1802191 19438250 3956180 982562,67,69 14396198 1544890 17239100,102 18045101 19457291 3957180 9887175,176 14417170,172, 15451 107 17240107,111 18048101 19464 278 318 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY INDEX TO CATALOGUE NUMBERS No. Page No. Page No. Page No. Page Xo. Page No. Page No. Page 1948O 237 23853196 2491395 26080179 27383264 29362126 3185257,62,67, 19490271 23854196 2491584,88 26081179 2738583,89 29363126 69 19491274 23855196 24916 91,95 26082179 2738783,89 29375152 3185357,62,69 19625132 23856196 2491788 26083179 27388^90,95 29376152 3185457,62,69 19630167 23893133 2491895 26084179 27437292 29377152 3185557,62,69 19636167 23894133 2491988 26085179 27486166 29378152 31X5657,62,69 1968277,78 23895133 2492095 26086179 27487166 29379152 3185757,62,69 19733153 23896 133 24921 84,88 26087179 27488166 29380152 3185857,62,69 19745167.168 23897133 2492291,95 26088179 27539166 29381152 3185957,62,69 19751175,176 23898133 2492399 26089179 27540166 29382152 3186057,63,69 19752175 23899133 2493588 26090179 27627247 29383 152,155 3186157,63,70 19753175,176 23900133 2493688 26091179 27647130 2944964,68 3186257,63,67 19754175,176 23901133 2493795 26096180 27648130 29554140 70 19755175 23911169 2493895 26097180 27649130 29555140 3186357 19756175,176 23912171,172 2493999 26098180 27650130 29556140 3186457 19757175,176 23926128 24940 84,88 26099180 27651130 29557140 3186557,62,67 19760175,176 23927128 2494191,95 26100180 27652130 29558140 69 19839167 23928128 2494291,95 26101181 27653130 29559140 3186657,63,67, 19873166 23929128 2494397,99 26102181 27654130 29608153 69 19874166 23930128 2494484,88 26103181 27655130 29609153 3186757 19876166 23931128 2494591,95 26104181 27656130 29610153 3186857,63,67, 19877166 23932 128 24946 91,95 26105181 27657130 29611153 70 19891167 23933128 2494797,99 26106181 27778176 29612153 3186957,63,67, 19893167,168 23934128 2494889 26107181 27779176 29700173 70 19894167 23935 128 2494996 26108181 27780176 30365174 3187057,63,67, 19895167 23936128 2495084,89 26109181 277S1 176 30400 190 70 19924166 23937128 2495191,96 26110181 27782176 30421184 3187157,63,67, 19925166 2418995 24952 99 26111181 27783176 30459254 70 19926166 2426264,68 2495384,89 26112181 27927109 30460 254 3187257 19928166,167 24320167 2495491,96 26113181 28345118 3049277,78 3187357,62,67, 19960132,150 24321167 2495597,99 26114181 28350118 30511185 69 19961132,150 24322167 2495684,85,88 26115181 28378118 30609273 3187457 21392187 24348133 2495791,92,95 26116181 28387118 30610273 3187557,63,68, 21433167 24349133 2495884,85,87 26117181 28395118 30611273 70 21434167 24350133 88 26118181 28416119,120 30612273 3187657,63,70 21435167 24351133 2495991,92,95 26119181 28431118 30613273 3187757,63,68, 21441150 24352133 2496085 26120181 28434118 30614273 70 21442150 24353133 2496192 26121181 28441119 30615273 3188157,63,68, 21448135,136 24354133 2496285 26122181 28456118 30616273 70 21449135 24355133 2496392 26123182 28457119 30760106 3188357,63,70 21450 135,136 24356133 2496592 26124182 28464119,120 30761106 3188457 21456274 24357133 2496697 26125182 28471119 30762100 3188557,63,68, 21474191 24567108 2497095 26126182 28472119 30763100 73 2148991 24568108 2497184 26127182 28483119 3076990 3188657,63,68, 2149089 24569108 2497291 26128182 28485118 3077090 70,72,73, 2149296 24570108 24986133 26129182 , 28487119 3078082 74 21687121,122 24571108 24997121,123 26130182 28491119 3078182 3188857,63,68, 21690121,122 24572108 25726190 26131182 28839193 30951132 70 21693121,122 24573108 25976244 26132182 28847137,139 30952132 3188957,63,70 2193764,65 24574 108 25977244 26133182 28857176 31665253 31X9057,63,70 22013 188 24575106 2.YI78 -24-4.2-4.-) 26134182 29123169,173 31666 253 3189157,68,70 2224577,78 24576106 25980240 26135 182 29126267 31667253 3189257,63,70 22345186 24577101 25981245 26136182 29127267 31668253 3189458,63,70 22718285 24578101 25982245 26137182 29128267 3183957 3189558.63.70 22725167 24581101 25984^-245 26138 182 201. '',0-267 3184057.62,67 3189658,63,70 22726167 24582101 25985245 26139182 29131267 3184157,62,67. 3189757,58,61, 2273673 24588101 25989236 2C.1 10182 29132266 70 63,65,68, 2274!) 167 2458999,101 25990236 26141 182 21)1 33 266 3184257,62,67. 70,71,73 22750 285 24843103 25991 234,236 26150272 29134266 70 3189858,63,70 227.->l 285 2484492 25(192 235 2618278 291 35 266 3184357 3189958,63,70 22752285 24X45 92 2.V.KC', -235 27345169 29177190 3 1X4557,63,68, 3190058,63,68, 22753285 24856122 2.->!! 1 2736697,99 29178123 70 70 22770166 24858122 25995 236 2736797,99 29302196 3184857,62,69 31001 .-.X, (13,70 22975173 24860 -122 25!l<6 235 27370 2:::; 29303196 3184957,62,67, 3190258 22976173 2 is 7 085 25997235,236 27379262 29327193 69 3190358 23200199 2487185 25998234 273X0262 29332167 3185057,62,67 3190458 23261 184,190 2487697 25999234 273S 1262 29333167 3185157,62,67, 3190558 23691185 2490888 26079179 27382 262,264 29335167 69 3191258 MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 319 INDEX TO CATALOGUE NUMBERS No. Page No. Page No. Page No. Page No. Page No. Page No. Page 3191358,63,70 32901 197 33841130 35113192 37726150,151 38032127 38583144 31923 57,63,70 32902197 33842130 35114191 37727150,151 38037124 38584144 3198058,64,67 32903197 33843 130 35115192 37728150,151 38039124 38591154 32330171,172 32904197 33844130 35116 192 37749124,126 38040127 38592154 32431 169 32910197 33845130 35117192 37759153 38053125 38593154 32432198 32911197 33846130 35118192 37769 141,145 38056127 38594154 3253761,72,78 32912197 33939173 35119192 37770 141,145 38082127 38595154 3254075 32933197 33941172 35120192 37771141,145 38083124,125 38597176 32562253 32934 197 34059101 35121 192 37772141,145 38084124,125 38598176 32563253 32935197 34060101 35122 192 37773153 38086124 38599176 32564253 32936197 34061101 35123192 37774153 38088124 38614121,123. 32565253 32937197 34070103 35124192 37775153 38091124 386199,26,122 32568252 32938197 34113252 35125191 37776153 38094 124,125 386217,8,121 32569252 33410106 34114252 35126192 37777153 38095124 3862218,20,21, 32570252 33411 106 34115254 35127192 37778153 38096124 121,123 32571252 33412106 34116254 35128192 37779153 38097124,125 38623121,123 32572252 33413106 34119254,256 35129192 37780153 38139174 3862418,20,31, 32573252 33418106 34120254,256 35130192 37781153 38407124 121,123 32574252 33419106 34121254 35131192 37782153 38409124 38631121,123 32575 252 33420106 34122 254 35132192 37783 153 38422126 38632123 32576252 33421106 34123247 35133192 37784 153 38426 125 38641101 32577252 33424 107,111 34124247 35312169 37785153 38429125 38642101 32688199 33425107,108, 34125247 35339173 37786153 38430125 38643101 32695199 111 34127248 35594169,174 37787153 38431125 38644101 32700199 33426108,111 34135228 35596173 37800190 38432125 38645 101 32701199 33427 108,111 34136228 35685227 37801 190 38433125 38646101 32703199 33428 108,111 34137232 35686227 37802190 38434 125 38648109 32704199 33429108 34161171 35687226 37803190 38435125 38649109 32706199 33430108 34202 157 35688226 37804247 38437125 38650109 32707 199 33434109 34203157 35689232 37805247 38438125 38671169,170 32708 199 33435 109 34204157 35690232 37808247 38439125 38688234 32709199 33436109 34205157 35691232 37900124 38442125 38689234 3271075 33437109 34206157 35773122 37902125,126, 38446125 38690234 32722 199 33440171 34207157 35799291 127 38447125,126 38691234 32778 198 33463130 34208157 35829184,190 37906126,127 38448125 38692106 32781 198 33465108 34209157 36062103,104 37911124 38449125 38693106 32782198 33602 124 34210157 36063103,104 37913127 38454 125,126 38694106 32784198 33604107 34211 157,162 36064103,104 37922124,127 38456126 38695106 32798196 33605107,108, 34212 157,162 36065104 37929124,125 38457126 38696 109,110 32799196 111 34213157,162 36066103,104 37930124,125 38458126 38697109,110 32800 196 33606107,108, 34214157,162 36067103,104 37940126 38459126 38698109,110 32801196 110,111 34215157,162 36069103 37946124,125 38462126 38699109,110 32819196 33609108 34216 157,162 36070103 37947124,125 38464126 3893777,78 32820196 33610108 34217157,162 36071103 37949125 38465126 39344101 32821 196 33617 106 34218157,162 36310232 37950125 38471126 39345 101 32839196 33618 106 34219158 36313263 37954126 38472126 39348 101 32840 196 33624169,174 34220158 36319171 37968126 38478126 39349101 32841 196 3373185 34221158 36321103 37969125 38482126 39355101 32842196 3373285 34222158 36536171 37971125 38500127 393817,8,9,10, 32843196 3373592 34223158 36699170,171, 37973125,126 38501127 11,12,14, 32844 196 3373692 34224158 172 37976 125,126 38506127 15,16,17, 32853196 3373898 34400169,174 36773127 37979238 38507127 19,20,21, 32854196 3373998 34401127 3684885,86 37980126 38508127 22,23,24, 32855 196 33751107,111 34402127 3686498 37983238 38518127 25,26,27, 32858196 33761166 34403158 3686598 37986234 38519127 28,29,30, 32959196 33762166 34404 157 36881186 37989126- 38520 127 32,33,37, 32860196 33764166 34405157 37487267 37991 234 38523127 38,122 32870197 33765166,168 34406157 37488263 37995231 38524127 3938782 32871197 33766166 34411126 37489263 37997238 38525127 3938882 32872197 33767 166 34870275 37681231 38005235 38528167 39444128 32883197 33789132 34871275 37683129 38008235 38529167 39445128 32884197 33795190 34872275 37684129 38009127 32530167 39446128 32885197 3382862,67,69, 34955193 37690140 38010239 38532 144 39447130 32886197 72 35108 192 37691153 38013127 38536154 39478132 32897197 33837130 35109 192 37713167 38014239 38538 154 39479132 32898197 33838130 35110192 37714167 38015127 38554 109 39480134 32899197 33839130 35111192 37715167 38029126 38580 101,102 39481134 32900197 33840130 35112192 37719141 38031124,125 38582144 39482135 320 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPAXY INDEX TO CATALOGUE NUMBERS No. Page No. Page No. Page No. Page No. Page No. Page No. Page 39483135 40179276 40309275 41444251 43540293 -! <>(i4. "> 266 49388190 39484136 40180276 40311275 42398190 13641293 46646266 49389184,190 39485 136 , 40181276 40313275 42413271 43542293 46647 266 49390184,190 39486137 40182276 , 40315275 -42-127277 43543293 46740274 49391184,190 39488139 40183276 40317275 42428277 43683278 46765291 49392 184,190 39489152 40190276 40319275 42429277 43684277 4678777 49393184,190 3952815,16,17, 40191 276 40321 275 42430 277 43685277 47794101 49394 190 18,19,20, 40192276 40484139,142, 42431277 43686277 47795101 49395190 21,22,23, 40193276 143,149, 42432277 43687277 17797101 49397184 24,25,26, ; 40194276 163 42433277 44061188 47798101 49398184 27,28,29, 40195276 4057892 42434277 44071187 47853109 40400184 30,31.33, 40201282 40579 97 42435 277 4407277,187 47855109 40401184 34,37, 40207285 40780277 42436277 44077186 47856110 40412 186 122 40208 285 40781277 42437277 45152101 47857110 49419186 39529 121,123 40209285 40782277 42438277 45154101 47858110 49460 185 39532121 40210277 40783277 42448260 45155101 47886101,102 40461185 39535122 40211277 40784277 42449 260 45160101 47887101,102 49463185 39536122 40212277 40786277 42450260 45168101 47888101,102 49465185 39690240 40213277 40787277 42595186 45169101 4790382 49466 185 39700238 40214277 40788277 4285675 45170101 48135186 49479185 39701238 40215277 40789278 42911103 45171101 4838577,78, 10. -.30 9 39702238 40216277 40791278 42912103 45174101,102 185 495519 39703234 40217277 40793278 42972122 45180101 48433263 4955815,16,17, 39704231 40218277 40794278 42973122 45182101 48455247 19,20,21. 39705238 40219277 40795 278 42975 122 45188101 48722122 22,23,24, 39706235 40220277 40796278 42994109 45190101 48772106 25,26,27, 39707235 40221277 40797278 42995109,110 45191101 48837278 28,30,32, 39708239 40222277 40798277 42996109 45200101 48838293 33,34,36, 39709239 40223 277 40799277 42997109 45202101 49036 108,111 37,122 39710240 40224277 40802264 42998109 45203101 49037108 4956023 39876249 40225277 40803264 42999109 45270109,110 49071167 49568122 39877249 40226277 40937249 43090109 45271109,110 49072167 49580122 39878241 40227277 40939249 43093 106 45399100 49077139 4959025,32, 39879249 40228277 40941249 43094106 45401 100 49092139 122 39880249 40229277 40943249 4309586 45402100 49093139 4960624,25,26, 39881 249 40230277 40982143 4309786 45407100 49094139 27,28,29, 39882249 40231277 41002167 4309893 45412 109 49211292 30,31,32. 39884249 40232277 41018143 4310093 45420109 49212292 33,34,35, 39891249 40233277 41024143 43101 98 45421109 49213292 36,37, 39892249 40236281 41025143 4310498 45480 122 4923477 122 39894249 40237281 41026143 43197125 45482122 49240173 4960722,23, 39896 249,254 40238281 41027143 43228125 45487109 49312184 122 39927240 40239281 41028143 43229263 45488109 49326144 4960824,25,28, 40009257 40240281 41029143 43230263 45495109 49327144 33,34, 40010257 40241281 41030143 43231263 46000284 49328144 122 40011257 40242281 41031143 43232263 46001284 49329144 49609122 40012257 40243 281 41032143 43316109 46002284 49356144 IOC. 10 122 40013257 40244281 41033131,137, 43317109 46003284 49357184 10730106 40014257 40245281 143,144, 43318109 46004283 49370190 49740 106 40015258 40246281 149,162, 43319109 46005 283 49371190 49802119 40016258 40247 281 163 43320109 46006283 49372190 49812119 40017258 40248281 41034143 43335108 46007283 49373 190 49813119 40018258 40249281 41035143 43336109 46008284 " 49374190 49854119 40019258 K)2.-,0 281 41036143 4339117,18,19, 46009283 49375184,190 40S73 119 40020258 10251281 41047251 20,21,22. 46010283 49376190 49881119,120 40021258 lOL>.-,2 282 41048251 23,24,25. 46011284 49377184,190 49895118 40022258 40271286 41049251 26,27,28, 46012283 49378184,190 49897119 40023258 40273287 1 1 050 251 29,30,34. 46013283 -19370184,190 49913119 40024258 40274287 41057109,110, 35,122 46014284 49380184,190 49929119 40025258 40275287 1 1 1 43414122 46144 109 19,'iSl 184,190 49945118 40026258 101' 76 287 41058109,110 43508293 -1C. IS 1273 10382 184,190 r.0219 108,111 40027259 40277287 41059 lu'.i 1350!) 293 46184271 49383184,190 .-,0220108.111 40028259 40278 287 41064 106 43510293 -Ki220 108 49384190 50221108,111 40029259 40279 287 41065106 43511293 !:;<.-, -7, 10, 12, .">-',. ',3 23,24,25, 28,29,31, 38,52,53 121566149 12024333,43 15,17,21. 12034320,2230. 26,27,28, 32,33,34, 12043421,25,26, 121567149 12024434,43 22,2,:;x, 51,53 29,30,31, 35,36,52, 29,30,31, 121568149 12024515,43 52 1203448,52 32,33,34, 53 32,33,34, 121569149 MINE AND INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE SUPPLIES 327 INDEX TO CATALOGUE NUMBERS No. Page No. Page No. Page No. Page No. Page No. Page No. Page 12157058 12204961 12265669 12270074 122860103 124604167 12644513,20,31, 12157158 12205061 12265769 12270173,74 122861111 124605168 52,53 12157258 12205161 12265869 12270273,74 122862106 124606168 12644619,24,25, 121573 58 12205261 12265970 12270374 122863106 124654168 27,28,33, 12157458 12205361 12266070,73 12270473 122864 109 124655168 34,52,53 12157558 12205461 12266170,74 122821 41 122865106 124656168 12644719,24,25, 12157658 12205561 12266270 122822 37 122866106 124658 168 27,28,33, 12157758 12205661 12266370,74 12282337,38,43 123425100 124663168 34,52,53 12157858 12205761 12266470,72,73, 12282437,38,43 123426 100 124863263 12644910,52 121961152 12261762,67,69 ' 74 12282537,41 123427100 125328230 12645010,52 121962152 12262463,65 12266570 : 12282637,42 123428100 125329230 12645141 121965178 12262563,65 12266670,71 12282737 123429101 125330230 12645218,52,53 12201960 12262663,65 122667 70,71 122828 38 123430101 125331230 126453 18,52,53 12202060 122627 64 12266870,71 122829 38 123431101 125332230 12645418,20,31, 12202160 12262864,65,70 122669 71 ! 122830 38 123432101 125333230 52,53 122022 60 122629 64,65 122670 71 122833 82 123433101 125334230 12645518,20,31, 122023 60 122630 64,65 122671 72 122834 82 123435101 125336230 52,53 12202460,73 12263164,65 12267272 12283582 123436101 125337 230 12645619,22,27, 12202560,72 12263264,65 12267372 ; 12283682 123437102 125338230 52,53 12202660 12263365,71 12267472 12283782 123438102 125339230 12645719,22,27, 12202760 12263465,71 122675 72 122838 84 123439102 125340230 52,53 1 2202860 12263565,71 12267672,73 12283985 123440102 125341230 1264589,53 12202960 12263665,71 12267772 12284085 123441102 12535538 1264599, 52, 53 12203060 12263765,71 12267872,73 ! 12284189 123442102 12535638 126460 19,52,53 122031 60 12263865,71 12267972 : 12284288 123443102 126213217 12646119,52,53 122032 60 12263965,71 12268072 12284390 12348741 126214217 12646219,52,53 12203360 12264065,71 12268172 12284491 123488 13,42 126215217 12646319,52,53 12203460 12264165,71 12268272 12284592 123724166 126218 221 12646419,52,53 12203560 12264265,71 12268372 12284692 123725166 1263749 12646519,52,53 12203660 12264365,71 12268572 12284792 123726166 1263759.43 12646619,52,53 12203760 122644 65,71 122686 72 122848 92 123727166 12637610,41 12650246 122038 60 12264565,71 12268772 12284992 123728166 12637741 12650346 12203960 12264665,71 12268873 12285096 12374535,41 12637833,42 1265429,46 122040 60 12264765,71 12268973 : 12285196 12374643 1264359,45 1265439,46 12204160 12264865,71 12269073,74 12285397 124596167 1264369,45 127039102 12204261 12264967,71 12269173,74 12285497 124597167 12643713,20,31, 127040102 12204361 12265067 12269273 j 12285597 124598167 45 127041102 12204461 12265169 12269373 12285698 124600167 12643828,45 127042102 122045 61 12265269 12269473,74 12285798 124601167 12644235,45 127043102 12204661 122653 69 12269573,74 122858103 124602167 12644413,20,31, ] 2709029 12204761 12265469 12269673 122859103 124603167 52,53 128424241,242 12204861 12265569 12269974 GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY PRINCIPAL OFFICES. SCHENECTADY. N. Y. SALES OFFICES (Address nearest office) BOSTON, MASS 84 State Street Springfield, Mass Massachusetts Mutual Building Providence, R. I Union Trust Building NEW YORK, N. Y 30 Church Street Rochester, N. Y Granite Building Syracuse, N. Y. Post-Standard Building Buffalo, N. Y Ellicott Square Building New Haven, Conn Malley Building PHILADELPHIA, PA Witherspoon Building Baltimore, Md. Electrical Building Charlotte, N. C Trust Building Charleston, W. Va Charleston National Bank Building Erie, Pa Marine National Bank Building Pittsburg, Pa Oliver Building Richmond, Va Mutual Building ATLANTA, GA Third National Bank Building Birmingham, Ala Brown- Marx Building Macon, Ga . Grand Building New Orleans, La Maison-Blanche Building CINCINNATI, OHIO Provident Bank Building Columbus, Ohio Columbus Savings & Trust Building Cleveland, Ohio Citizens Building Chattanooga, Tenn James Building Memphis, Tenn Randolph Building Nashville, Tenn. Stahlman Building Indianapolis, Ind Traction Terminal Building Louisville, Ky Paul Jones Building CHICAGO, ILL Monadnock Building Detroit, Mich Majestic Building (Office of Soliciting Agent) St. Louis, Mo Wainwright Building Kansas City, Mo Dwight Building Butte, Montana Electric Building Minneapolis, Minn 410 Third Ave., North Milwaukee, Wis Public Service Building DENVER, COLO First National Bank Building Boise, Idaho Idaho Building Salt Lake City, Utah Newhouse Building SAN FRANCISCO, CAL Rialto Building Los Angeles, Cal 124 West Fourth Street Portland, Ore Electric Building Seattle, Wash Colman Building Spokane, Wash Paulsen Building For TEXAS and OKLAHOMA Business refer to General Electric Company of TEXAS, Dallas, Tex Lamar & Caruth Sts. El Paso, Tex Chamber of Commerce Building Houston, Tex Chronicle Building Oklahoma City, Okla. . Insurance Building FOREIGN SALES OFFICES Schenectady, N. Y., Foreign Dept. New York, N. Y.. 30 Church St. London, E. C., England, 83 Cannon St. For all CANADIAN Business refer to Canadian General Electric Co., Ltd., 'Toronto, Ont.