GIFT OF ENGINEERING LIBRARY ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY : THEIR Generation, Measurement, Distribution, and Application. AUTHORIZED AMERICAN EDITION. BY GISBERT KAPP, C.E., MEMBER OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS ; MEMBER OF THE INSTITUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS. WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY WILLIAM STANLEY, JR. NEW YORK: THE W. J. JOHNSTON COMPANY, LTD., 41 PARK Row (TIMES BUILDING). 1893. Reprinted from Professional Papers of the Corps of Royal Engineers, by permission of the Committee of the R. E. Insti- tute, and with the consent of the author. GIFT OF LIBRARY INTRODUCTION. THE writings of Mr. Kapp have always interested American engineers. In fact, whenever a new branch of our science develops into attractive im- portance and requires "treatment," we expect that Mr. Kapp will place the matter before us in simple terms and illustrate the points of interest by exam- ples possessing practical importance. The follow- ing pages accord with the previous writings of Mr. Kapp in this respect. Starting with the assumption that the reader is acquainted with the behavior of steady currents in circuits whose constants are readily obtainable, he proceeds to explain the growth of a periodic cur- rent, and in so doing beguiles the student into 865686 4 INTRODUCTION. mastering a few simple mathematical methods, a knowledge of which is fundamentally necessary. As the volume advances its scope becomes appar- ent, for it treats in a simple and yet effective man- ner of periodic currents in general, of the phase relations of impressed and induced E. M. F's pos- sible in simple circuits, of Alternators (somewhat in detail), of the requirements of Central Stations (briefly), of Alternating Current Motors, and finally of Multiphase Currents. One does not expect ex- haustive treatment of any one of these subjects within the compass of a small book. From an educational standpoint Chapters I. and II. are of especial importance. These forty pages might well be increased fourfold, for al- though they contain a summary of the elemental knowledge necessary for a correct understanding of the principles operating alternating currents in simple circuits, possessing resistance and self- induction, they do not treat of capacity effects and the problems incident thereto. In Chapter IV. we have some of the formulae for calculating induced INTRODUCTION. 5 E. M. F.s (whether occurring in alternators or in transformers) with constants for particular cases of armature coils. Chapter V. is devoted to Machine Construction, and points out the dependence of efficiency on core wastes, giving a curve of the relation of watts per ton of core metal lost by hysteresis, to the induction density. Chapter VI. is devoted to transformers and briefly points out the necessity for careful design in this, the simplest of alternate current apparatus. The chapters on Central Stations are of interest, as they not only describe a few English plants, but also give us the author's criticisms on various distribution methods. The chapters on Alternate Current Motors and Mul- tiphase Currents complete the little volume. There are one or two opinions expressed by the author to which exceptions may be taken, notably the statement on page 143 that the resultant field produced by quarter-phase currents varies 40$, and that the Dobrowolski-Tesla arrangement of three phased currents produces a shifting field of more constant value than the quarter-phased or two- 6 INTRODUCTION. phased arrangement. For a discussion of these points the reader may consult The Electrical World, vol. xix., p. 249, Kelly; vol. xx., p. 4, Dolivo- Dobrowolski; p. 36, Kelly, Steinmetz; p. 114, C. E. L. Brown. In general, however, Mr. Kapp's statements are clear, true, and convincing, and are of interest and value to every American engineer. WM. STANLEY, JR. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY, . . . 9 II. MEASUREMENT OF PRESSURE, CURRENT, AND POWER, . 37 APPENDICES, . . ,. ' ~^ 44 III. CONDITION OF MAXIMUM POWER, . . . . -49 APPENDIX, . * ^.." , . . 5& IV. ALTERNATING CURRENT MACHINES, . . 5& V. MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION OF ALTERNATORS, . 73 VI. DESCRIPTION OF SOME ALTERNATORS, . . . . 82 VII. TRANSFORMERS, . . VIII. CENTRAL STATIONS AND DISTRIBUTION OF ALTERNATING CURRENTS, '. - ' I0 5 IX. EXAMPLES OF CENTRAL STATIONS, . , . XI 7 X. PARALLEL COUPLING OF ALTERNATORS, . . - .123 XI. ALTERNATING CURRENT MOTORS, I26 XII. SELF-STARTING MOTORS, I36 XIII. MULTIPHASE CURRENTS, . . I4 Alternating Currents of Electricity: THEIR GENERATION, MEASUREMENT, DISTRIBUTION, AND APPLICATION. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY. WHEN we think or speak of electric currents we are accustomed to regard them in the light of ma- terial currents, of something which flows along a path formed by the conductor, and has, therefore, a direction. We say that electricity flows along the conductor or through the conductor from the place of higher to that of lower potential; in the same way that water will flow from , the higher to the lower level through a pipe. Such a view is, of course, purely conventional. As a matter of fact we do not know whether it is the positive electric- 9 10 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. ity that flows ip. t a : given direction, or the negative electricity that^febws in the opposite direction, or , l = 2itn, and its angular position at the time t is a = W, counting the time from the moment that the radius is horizontal. Let I be the length of the radius, which also repre- sents the maximum of the current strength, or crest of the wave, then the instantaneous value of the current at the time / is / = I sin tot (i), and the electromotive force of self-induction at that moment is e a Lwl cos wt (2), L being a coefficient which depends on the perme- ability of the core, the magnetic reluctance of the whole magnetic circuit, and the number of turns in the coil. At the time when the current passes through zero we get the maximum value of the electromotive force, which is E. = LI (3), INTRODUCTORY. 29 and we can also write the equation for the instan- taneous value of the electromotive force of self- induction in the form e a = E 8 cos w/, or e a = - E 8 sin ( ut - - ) (4), from which you will see that this value may also be graphically represented by a sine curve, but lag- ging behind the current curve by 90 degrees. To obtain the electromotive force curve, which is shown dotted in Fig. 7, we must therefore imagine a crank OE 8 rigidly attached to the crank OI (Fig. 8) at an angle of 90 degrees, and we must plot the projections of this second crank on the vertical as ordinates in Fig. 7. A study of this diagram (Fig. 7) will help you materially to an understanding of 30 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. the phenomena of self-induction. As time pro- gresses, from left to right you see that at first the current is positive and increases. But self-induc- tion opposes the increase, and its electromotive force is therefore negative. The dotted curve is below the axis. This opposition becomes fainter as the current approaches its maximum value, since the rate of change of the induction becomes less and less. When the current has reached its posi- tive maximum, the rate of change has become zero, and the opposition of self-induction has vanished. The dotted curve passes through the axis. A moment later, the current is still positive, but is now decreasing. Again self-induction opposes the change ; its tendency is to keep the current up at its maximum strength. The electromotive force of self-induction tries to push on the current ; it is positive, and the dotted curve rises above the horizontal. This tendency to push on the current increases until the current has become zero, and begins to flow in the reverse direction. The nega- tive current is now opposed by the positive electro- motive force of self-induction, but the opposition grows fainter as the current grows stronger, and so INTRODUCTORY. 3! the see-saw of pushing on and checking back the current is kept up. The point which interests us most is what must be the electromotive force given by the machine A, in Fig. 6, to produce the current shown by the curve in Fig. 7. To simplify our investigation we shall assume that the ohmic resistance of the coil S and machine A is negligible in comparison with the ohmic resistance of the bank of lamps B, or that it is included therein ; also that the only part of the circuit having self-induction is the coil S. Then it is immediately obvious that a voltmeter placed across the terminals of this coil will indicate the electromotive force of self-induction, and a voltmeter placed across the lamps will indicate the electromotive force corresponding to the product of current and the resistance of the bank of lamps. But it is not immediately obvious that the sum of these two readings will give us the electromotive force as measured by a voltmeter across the ter- minals of the machine, and I will show you pres- ently, by theory and by experiment, that this is not the case. Assuming the resistance of the bank of lamps to be a fixed quantity r, it is clear that the 32 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. instantaneous lamp volts equal the product r X /, and that they can be represented by a sine curve e r of the same phase as the current curve. In Fig. 8 FIG. 8. the radius of maximum lamp volts OE r must there- fore coincide with the radius of maximum current OI. The radius of maximum volts of self-induc- tion is OE 8 , and this, as I have already shown, lags behind the current radius by 90 degrees. To find the machine volts at any instant, we must combine the curves e r and e s , but remember to take the lat- ter with the opposite sign, for the self-induction opposes the current. This gives us the curve e in Fig. 7. To find the machine volts from Fig. 8 we have to draw a radius of such length and position that it may be regarded as the resultant of the lamp INTRODUCTORY, 33 volts E r , and an electromotive force diametrically opposed to that of self-induction. We prolong, therefore, the line E 8 O beyond O, and make OE/ = OE 8 . Completing the parallelogram, we thus find the resultant OE, which gives us the maximum machine volts, or "impressed electromotive force." The diagram (Fig. 8) is very instructive. In the first place, it enables us at once to find an expres- sion for the angle of lag . You see that the tan- gent of this angle is given by the ratio of the elec- tromotive force of self-induction to that usefully expended over the lamps. I must here remark that when I speak of electromotive force and cur- rent I mean, for the present, always their maxi- mum values. Retaining the notation previously employed, we have, therefore tan

t) d ( r Q \ / \. i?! a) r 2 r And since w = r E = MEASUREMENT OF PRESSURE, CURRENT, AND POWER. 45 APPENDIX II. Mean current, as determined by electrolysis, is cou- lombs divided by time T Ut =. 7T. 2 Mean current C = 7^- / * i. t = I sin (/) A 2 The effective current is I 46 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. therefore or very nearly c = 0*9 /. APPENDIX III. Work done by current during one cycle is wT, and per second it is i /T = = I etdt. 1 /o IE / 27 r , w = ;7p / Sin a sin (a 4- y) da. W ~~ ~27tJo 27r OS ^ S ^ n ' "^ + S ^ n ^ S ^ n a COS a ^ a - lEr / i x /T = ilT L COS ^ vl ~ ~ sm a cos a j-f sin ^ I -^ sin 8 a IE r -i IE w == r I cos ^ or w = cos > or / = /V cos

be the angle of lag in the circuit, the power given to which is to be measured, and let d be the angle of lag in the fine wire coil of the wattmeter, due to its self-induction. Let I be the current through the thick wire coil, and / the current through the fine wire coil, then the power indicated by the wattmeter, if the cur- rents were steady, would be Kri I where K is the co- efficient of the instrument, and r the resistance of the fine wire coil. The true watts of the alternating cur- rent of E volts are W = IE cos / cos (

- 3) I. Therefore, to get true watts, we must multiply the watts indicated by cos cos d cos > - 8 48 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. which expression can also be written in the form i + tanM i + tan 3 tan

4 r precisely the same expression as obtained above for al- ternating currents. CHAPTER IV. ALTERNATING CURRENT MACHINES. When discussing the electromotive force of self- induction, we have seen that this is produced by the change in the total induction passing through the electric circuit, or, which comes to the same thing, by the cutting of wires across magnetic lines of force. In a choking coil the magnetization changes, and we thus obtain an electromotive force without the necessity of moving the wire; but when the strength of the field is a constant, and its position in space remains the same, then we must move the wire in order to get an electromotive force, and this is precisely what we do in our alternating cur- rent machines or "alternators." The most simple conceivable form of alternator is shown in Fig. 13. Here we make use of the vertical component of the earth's magnetic field, and the electromotive force is a maximum when the wire is either at its high- 58 ALTERNATING CURRENT MACHINES. 59 est or lowest position (crank vertical), and when the wire is in the extreme right or left position (crank horizontal) the electromotive force is zero. The apparatus shown in Fig. 13 is, in fact, simply t > FIG. 13. a mechanical model of the clock diagram. In this figure the bearings and standards supporting them are represented as forming the terminals ; and wires attached to them as shown, and led to a solenoidal electromagnet, will energize the latter. Provided the strength of the field were sufficiently great, we could, when the crank is rapidly rotated by a cord and pulley, produce with the electromagnet the effects I have shown you when the coil was con- nected to a transformer. But the strength of the field provided by the earth is not nearly sufficient. 60 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. We must resort to an artificial field produced by electromagnets, such, for instance, as is shown in Fig. 14, where NS are the polar surfaces of two electromagnets, between which a coil C is rotated. If the polar surfaces extend some distance beyond the diameter D of the coil, we may assume that the field within the space swept by the coil is uniform, and then the number of lines or total induction s FIG. 14. passing through the coil at any instant will be pro- portional to the sine of the angle the coil forms with the vertical. The electromotive force will then be proportional to the sine of the angle the coil forms with the horizontal. Calling H the field intensity, / the length of the coil, v the velocity, and r the number of wires counted on both sides, ALTERNATING CURRENT MACHINES. 6l the maximum electromotive force in C.G.S. meas- ure, when the coil is vertical, will be Hztfr. It is convenient to introduce instead of H, the number of lines per square centimetre, the total induction F passing through the coil ; and instead of the linear velocity, the number of revolutions per second, which, in this case, where we have to do with a two-pole machine, is equal to the fre- quency n. A simple algebraical operation, which need not be reproduced, here gives us the following formula for the maximum electromotive force : E = 27tnF -. 2 The effective electromotive force is obtained by dividing this expression by the square root of two, and if we wish to get the electromotive force in volts we multiply by 10 to the power of minus 8, or in symbols e = 2 -22, Fr# io" 8 ................ (n). Now suppose we remove the armature shown in Fig. 14, and replace it by one wound to give a 62 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. continuous current. We use the same total length of wire, but spread the turns evenly all round the circle and put on a commutator. As you know, the electromotive force of this machine will now be e Yrn io" 8 . The current flows through the armature in two parallel circuits, and if we allow the same current density in the armature wires, we shall obtain a continuous current of twice the strength of the alternating current. On the other hand, the alter- nating current will have 2*22 times the voltage, so that the output of the alternator will be 1 1 per cent, greater than that of the continuous current machine. In the alternator we save the commuta- tor, and you see, therefore, that for equal output the alternator is a cheaper and lighter machine than the continuous current dynamo. The alternator shown in Fig. 14 is, however, not the kind of machine used in practice. I have only chosen it as a simple example to show the relation between continuous and alternate current machines. In practice the latter are made with a number of poles in order to bring down the speed to reasona- ALTERNATING CURRENT MACHINES. 63 ble limits, and the wire is not bunched together, but is spread more or less over the surface of the armature. There is also this difference : that the poles of the field surround the armature more closely, and consequently the transition from a north to a south field is more abrupt, than in Fig. 14. Notwithstanding these differences, the elec-, tromotive force of alternators as practically made is very nearly that given in Formula (i i), and the comparison of weight and cost which we found just now holds good for the machines as actually built. You will see from the diagram on the wall that alternators are all characterized by two main fea- tures a corona or ring of magnet poles and a ring of armature coils, either one or the other being movable. The particular shape of the poles, their arrangement mechanically, the method of winding the armature coils, and many other details, may be changed in many ways, but the main features re- main the same. For purposes of study it is convenient to imagine the pole ring and the armature ring cut open and spread into straight lines. We need then only 64 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. consider one coil and two or three poles, as shown in Fig. 15. The electromotive force at any mo- ment is obviously proportional to the number of wires which happen at that moment to be covered by one or both poles, care being taken to count, in LnJ FIG. 15. the latter case, the difference in the number of wires, since the poles act differentially. We can thus plot a curve giving the resultant electromotive force as a function of the position of the coil in front of the poles, and since at constant speed this position changes proportionately with the time, the curve also gives us the electromotive force as a function of the time. Now you will easily see that the shape of this curve depends on the width of the poles and length of coil. It also depends on their relative shape. But not to complicate our investigation too much, I assume that both poles and coils are rectangular, which in machines of the ALTERNATING CURRENT MACHINES. 65 Westinghouse and Lowrie Hall type is strictly, and in most other machines is approximately, true. As an extreme case regarding the width of poles, we may take a machine in which the north and south poles are placed so close as almost to touch each other. In this case the width of poles is equal to their distance or pitch. Machines with alternate poles set so closely are not made ; but the Mordey, in which poles of the same sign, separated by equal intervals of blank or neutral spaces, is a practical illustration of the same principle. Suppose now that we put into such a field an armature, the whole surface of which is covered by coils, then the length of each coil must also equal the pitch, and there will then be only one position, namely, that in which the centre of the coil coincides with the centre of the pole, when all the wires in the coil are producing electromotive force in the same di- rection. In every other position the electromotive force in one part of the coil is opposed to that in the other part. In such a machine the wire is not used to the greatest advantage, and the electromo- tive force curve becomes a zigzag line as shown in Fig. 1 6. The question which interests us most is 5 66 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OP ELECTRICITY. that of the effective electromotive force represented by this curve. Experimentally we can, of course, easily determine it. We need only connect a Car- dew voltmeter to the terminals of the coil and take a reading ; but it is important to know beforehand, that is, before the machine is built, what volts we may expect to get. Consider for a moment what it really is that the voltmeter measures. It is the NORTH SOUTH OR ) NEUTRAL NORTH 1 IHttlllllli ARMATURE X FIG. 16. amount of heat developed per second in its wire. With the quick alternations produced by the ma- chine there is no time for the wire to change its temperature, and its resistance is therefore con- stant. The amount of heat dissipated per second is then the square of the effective volts divided by the resistance, and this is also equal to the integral of the square of the instantaneous volts multiplied ALTERNATING CURRENT MACHINES. 67 by the differential of the time, the integration being extended over one second; or we may ex- tend the integration only over the time occupied by one half period and divide the result by that time; this will also give us the heat per second. But as we want to know the volts and not the heat generated per second, we need not concern our- selves about the resistance of the voltmeter wire at all, and simply take the square root of the integral dt; this gives the effective volts. To do this graphically, as shown in Fig. 16, scale theordinates of the zigzag line, square the readings, and plot to an arbitrary scale the result. Thus we obtain the tent-like figure shown in the diagram, the area of which is the integral, or, to speak quite correctly, is proportional to the integral of square of instan- taneous volts and time. The height of a rectangle, of equal base and area, is the square of the effective volts. It is thus possible to determine beforehand, for any given arrangement of field poles and arma- ture coils, what the effective volts will be, and, roughly speaking, the larger the shaded area, the higher will be the voltage of the machine. For instance, in Fig. 17, I have assumed that the field 68 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. of Fig. 1 6 has been retained, but that the armature coils have been made only half the length for the same number of turns. Only half the surface of \ FIG. 17. the armature is now covered by wire, and the max- imum electromotive force is maintained for a quar- ter period instead of being momentary as before. This gives a trapezoidal line for the electromotive force curve, and the shaded area is now considera- FIG. 18. \ bly larger than before. Let us now go back to the first armature, and run it in a field the poles of which are only half the width, the total induction being, however, the same. Here again we get a ALTERNATING CURRENT MACHINES. 69 trapezoidal electromotive force curve (Fig. 18), and the same voltage as in Fig. 17. If we now shorten the coils, we come back to the zigzag lines, but the peaks are higher (Fig. 19), and the voltage, as shown by the shaded area, is again increased. The arrangement shown in Fig. 19 is that usually met with in modern alternators, but owing to the fringe of lines at the corners of the pole pieces, the elec- \ FIG. 19. tromotive force curve is not quite as sharp as here shown. The peak is rounded off and the sides are more wavy, the curve approaching, in fact, very nearly to a true sine curve. Leaving, however, such refinements aside, it is easy to work out an expression for the effective volts in each given case either graphically by the use of such diagrams as Figs. 1 6 to 19, or analytically. The operation 7s> 1 .(17), 1 0007 or if the induction B is given in English lines per square inch Power = -160 B 1 - 65 (18). The power is given in kilowatts per ton of iron when the frequency is 100 complete cycles per sec- ond. For a different frequency the power is pro- portionally altered. * Steinmetz in his classical researches on hysteresis gives the exponent as 1.6. MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION OF ALTERNATORS. 79 There being necessarily always some waste of power, if the armature has an iron core it was nat- ural that inventors should turn their attention to the construction of an alternator with a coreless armature. In fact, the Meritens machine, which was one of the first commercial alternators, and is used to this day in lighthouse work, has no iron in the armature. Then there comes the Siemens, also without iron, the Ferranti, and the Mordey. In all these machines the loss by hysteresis is avoided, and if this were the only consideration, they would undoubtedly be better than their rivals with iron- cored armatures. But as I have said before, every design is a compromise, and it is quite possible that the machine with iron in its armature is as good a compromise as one without iron. The fact that the majority of American machines, all the German machines, including those now made by Messrs. Siemens and Halske, and a good half of the English machines have iron-cored armatures, is in itself sufficient proof that the hysteresis loss is not an insurmountable obstacle. There are es- pecially two points in favour of using iron. The first is that we are thereby enabled to give the 8o ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. armature greater mechanical strength than can be done in machines where the armature coils are at- tached singly and held by insulating material. The second is that the presence of iron tends to dimin- ish the magnetic resistance of the air-gap, and thus saves exciting energy. In Mr. Brown's three- phaser, for instance, the total exciting energy does not amount to more than y 2 per cent, of the total power. I have, a moment ago, spoken of the differences between alternators and dynamos from an electrical and mechanical point of view. There remains yet to notice an important point of difference, namely, the absence in alternators of a commutator and brushes. You all know that these are the most delicate parts of a dynamo, and although in modern machines of moderate voltage these parts are per- fectly reliable and easily handled, the case is dif- ferent when we attempt to build dynamos for 1,000 or 2,000 or more volts. We encounter then diffi- culties which are absent from alternators, and it is mainly on this account that engineers who have to design power transmission schemes over long dis- tances are beginning to turn their attention to some MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION OF ALTERNATORS. 8 1 forms of alternator as the most certain means of solving such problems. I shall have something more to say on this subject in the third lecture. For the present I must limit my remarks to the machines as required for lighting. 6 CHAPTER VI. DESCRIPTION OF SOME ALTERNATORS. In the limited time at my disposal it would be impossible for me to give you anything like an exhaustive account of the various machines now in use. I shall therefore only describe a few of them as being representative examples. i. The Ferranti Alternator. The field magnets are wrought-iron bars of trapezoidal section (Fig. FERRANTI. FlG. 21. 21), cast into massive yoke rings, which can be drawn apart at right angles to the shaft, so as to expose the armature for examination and repair. 82 DESCRIPTION OP SOME ALTERNATORS. 83 The latter is of disc pattern, and the coils are in- serted in pairs. The conductor is a corrugated copper strip wound with a strip of vulcanized fibre of equal width upon a laminated brass core. The conductor is thus insulated from the core, and the latter is insulated from the supporting" ring. This double insulation is an important feature of the machine. The core is held in gun-metal cheeks, which are provided with side wings for ventilation. The attachment of each pair of cheeks to the sup- porting ring is by means of a shank passing through insulating washers into a cavity in the ring, and secured by a nut. The cavity is cast out with sul- phur. To avoid too great a loss by eddy currents the conductor is made very thin; the winding is split up into two, four, or more parallel circuits. I may here incidentally mention that where an arma- ture winding is thus split up, great care must be taken to have all the magnets of equal strength, as otherwise there would be created with the arma- ture differential currents, which would waste far more power than the eddy currents, which the ar- rangement was intended to avoid. The Ferranti machines now working at Deptford are giving an 8 4 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. electromotive force of 10,000 volts, and to prevent flashing over to the magnets the latter are provided with double caps of ebonite. 2. The Mordey Alternator. This is also a coreless machine of the disc pattern, but the armature is fixed whilst the magnets revolve. The armature coils (Fig. 22) are wedge-shaped, and the conductor 1 FIG. 22. is a thin copper strip wound on a slate core, the layers being separated, as in the Ferranti coils, by a thin strip of insulating material. The attach- ment is made at the outer and wider end of the coil to a gun-metal supporting ring. The magnets are of cast-iron, and so shaped as to require only one coil C of exciting wire. This is wound on a cen- DESCRIPTION OF SOME ALTERNATORS. 85 tral cylindrical partjj/, to both sides of which are pole pieces of peculiar star-like form. Thus the poles on one side of the armature are all of the same sign, and those on the other side are of the opposite sign, the lines of force passing from N to S at right angles through the surface of the arma- ture, and all in the same direction. There is thus, properly speaking, no reversal of magnetization, but merely a change from full induction when a wire is between opposite poles, to no induction when it is between neighbouring poles, and the general effect is the same as if we had half the field strength alternating. To apply our formulae for the electromotive force of this machine we must, therefore, introduce not the whole field strength F or Z, but half its real value. 3. The Westinghouse Alternator. As a good ex- ample of an alternator, the armature of which con- tains iron, we may take the Westinghouse machine, which, in its important details, is very .similar to the Thomson-Houston. The armature is cylindri- cal (Fig. 23), and is covered by link-shaped coils, with the wires parallel to the shaft, the rounded ends of the coils C being bent inwards, and secured 86 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. to the end faces of the armature core. In the Thorn son- Houston machines the coil ends are not turned inwards. The field magnets NS are set radially outside the armature, and their outer ends are connected by a yoke ring Y. According to our theory, the best arrangement as regards width of. coil is half the pitch, which means that the central space of the coil should have the same width as the magnet, but Professor Thomson, when experiment ~ ing with various coils, found that a coil having a slightly smaller internal space gave a higher elec- tromotive force when the machine was working under full load. His explanation is that the cur- rent in the armature wires alters the original mag- netization of the field, tending to concentrate the lines towards the leaving edge of the pole piece, and thus produces a more intense but narrower DESCRIPTION OF SOME ALTERNATORS. 87 field. The inner space of the coils, which is free from winding, should therefore also be made nar- rower. 4. The Kapp Alternator. In this machine (Fig. 24) the armature is of the disc pattern, and con- tains an iron core A made by coiling a strip of thin charcoal-iron with a strip of paper upon a support- ing ring. The coils are wound transversely round the core. The field magnets in the larger ma- chines are of wrought iron, with expanded pole shoes, and are set parallel to the shaft on both sides of the armature core, presenting the same poles NN SS on opposite sides. The outer ends of the magnets are joined by cast-iron yokes YY. Owing to the angular position of the pole shoes, each wire does not enter the field simultaneously over its 88 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. whole length, but the entry is a little more gradual, whereby the sharp peaks in the line of electromo- tive force (Fig. 19) are toned down, and the curve is made to approach a sinusoidal form. The cur- rent is collected by rubbing contacts from insulated rings, which are set on opposite sides of the arma- ture, that is, so far apart that it is impossible for a man to touch both simultaneously. The coeffi- cient K for this machine varies between 2-3 and 2 /, according to the particular design chosen. 5. The Kingdon Alternator. In all the machines described up to here, the wire, either on the field or on the armature, is in motion, but in the King- don machine all the wires are at rest, the only re- volving part being an armature containing no wire. The machine consists of a laminated iron cylinder, with radial teeth projecting inwards, and the arma- ture and field coils are wound over alternate teeth. The revolving part is a wheel provided with half as many laminated iron keepers as there are teeth in the stationary part, and these keepers are so arranged as to bridge magnetically neighbouring teeth. Thus the- teeth over which the armature coils are wound become alternately parts of a posi- DESCRIPTION OF SOME ALTERNATORS. live and negative magnetic circuit, and an alternat- ing current is produced. 6. The Kennedy Alternator. Mr. Kennedy has further developed this idea, mainly by reducing the number of armature and field coils, and avoiding the generation of an alternating current in the lat- FIG. 25. ter. The machine (Fig. 25). has two armature and two field coils wound in pairs, and placed into re- cesses in a skeleton frame of soft iron laminated bars. There are two keeper wheels on the spindle, but stepped in relation to each other by half a period, so that when the keepers of one wheel have 90 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. completely closed the magnetic circuits around one pair of field and armature coils, the keepers of the other wheel are midway between the fixed bars, and the magnetic circuits around the second pair of armature and field coils are interrupted. The elec- tromotive force in those coils is at that moment zero, and it is also zero in the other coils, through which the induction is a maximum. Half a period later the induction becomes a maximum in the sec- ond, and zero in the first pair of coils, and this change of induction produces an alternating elec- tromotive force in all the coils. Now it is obvi- ously possible to couple the two field coils in series, and in such way that the electromotive force created in one is opposed to that in the other, and thus to neutralize the reaction of the keeper on the exciting circuit. The exciting dynamo has then merely to overcome the ohmic resistance of the two coils, as in any other machine. The two arma- ture coils may be coupled in series or parallel. CHAPTER VII. TRANSFORMERS. I have already drawn your attention to the fact that alternators are generally designed for high voltage. The reason is obvious. If we wish to carry the current, be it for lighting or power, to any distance, we must use a high voltage, in order to bring the section of our conducting wires or mains down to a size which makes the whole enter- prise commercially possible. But to give our cus- tomers a current of some thousands of volts would be dangerous and inconvenient, for glow lamps re- quire a current of about 100 volts when arranged in parallel, that is, in the way in which they are of most use to private consumers. The question therefore arises what to* do with our high-pressure current when we have brought it to the place where its energy is required for lighting lamps. Obvi- ously we must transform it ; we must lower its volt- 91 p2 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. age and increase its strength. Now there are two ways in which this may be done. We may use the current to work a motor, and use the power given out by the motor to drive a dynamo of 100 or 200 volts. The direct current can then be distrib- uted to the lamps in the usual way, and we may even supplement the installation by secondary bat- teries, so as to be able to shut down our machinery during the hours of minimum demand. As far as I know, this system of transformation has only, up to now, been used in one installation, namely, at Cassel, in Germany. At the first glance it may seem complicated and costly, but it has many ad- vantages, which will probably lead to its adoption in other towns. The other system which is at present in general use is that of direct transformation by means of induction coils. Here we need no moving machin- ery, but simply a stationary apparatus consisting of a laminated iron core and two coils (Fig. 26). One of these consists of many turns of fine wire, and is technically termed the primary coil P, and the other of fewer turns of stouter wire called the secondary coil S. The high-pressure current is TRANSFORMERS. brought by the mains w, and the low-pressure cur- rent is supplied to the lamp L by the secondary mains W. You will observe that there is abso- lutely no connection between the two sets of mains, and this is a great guarantee for the safety of the system. The action of this apparatus, which is technically known under the name of "trans- w w \Vv\j w PIG. 26. former," will be clear to you from what I have said in the first lecture about the generation of an alter- nating electromotive force. The primary coil mag- netizes the iron core in alternate directions, and at each reversal the lines of force cut through the wires of the secondary coil. The latter must there- fore become the seat of an alternating electromotive force. If we denote by F the total induction, and 94 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. call n the frequency, the maximum electromotive force generated in each turn of wire is and the effective electromotive force is this value divided by the square root of 2. If the coil con- tains T U turns, the total effective electromotive force in the large circuit will be e^ 4-45 7/FT a io" 8 volts ............ (19). The changing induction affects, however, not only the secondary, but also the primary coil, and in the latter there will be developed an electromo- tive force which we compute by the same formula, only substituting for r a the number of primary turns T,. You see, therefore, that the transforming ratio is given by the ratio of the turns of wire in each coil ; but this is only approximate, since not the whole electromotive force generated in the sec- ondary reaches its terminals. We must deduct the electromotive force used up in overcoming the ohmic resistance of the secondary coil. In like manner the electromotive force which opposes the current in the primary coil is a little smaller than the terminal electromotive force, because the ohmic TRANSFORMERS. $5 resistance also opposes the primary current. The transforming ratio therefore varies with the load, but I may at once say that in good transformers the variation as determined by ohmic resistance is exceedingly small, generally about 2 per cent. There is, however, another cause of variation, namely, magnetic leakage, and a transformer made as shown in Fig. 26 would exhibit this phenom- enon in a most objectionable degree. You see that the two coils meet in the middle of the core. Now the primary wants to magnetize the core in one direction and the secondary wants to magnetize it in the opposite direction. The result is that the two streams of induction come, so to speak, into collision about the middle of the core, and some of the lines which the primary coil tries to shoot through the secondary are squeezed out sidewise, and contribute nothing to the secondary electro- motive force. You might perhaps think that this is of no moment, for we can make up for the loss of these lines by putting a few more turns of wire on the secondary. But if we did that we should get too much electromotive force at light loads. To see this clearly let us begin with no load on the g ALTERNATING CURRENTS OP ELECTRICITY. secondary. Then there is no current in S and no collision. The lines created by the primary pass without opposition through the secondary, and F in Formula (19) has its full value. Now switch on some lamps and a secondary current will flow. We shall have some collision of lines, and F in the for- mula, and therefore the electromotive force, will become smaller. The more lamps you switch on, the more current flows through both coils, and the more violent becomes the collision, and therefore the number of lines lost. In a word, we generate more lines than we can utilize. The obvious rem- edy for this defect is to place the coils relatively to each other into such a position that the lines gen- erated by the primary cannot evade passing through the secondary. For instance, we can wind one coil over the other, or we can split up the coils into short sections and place them alternately over the core. Even with these precautions there is some magnetic leakage, but this does not as a rule lower the voltage by more than i or 2 per cent. Thus in a good transformer we may expect to get, with con- stant primary voltage, a terminal pressure varying between 102 and 99 or 98 volts, when the load is TRANSFORMERS. 97 increased from zero to full out-put. These figures refer to small transformers of 50 or 100 lamps. With large transformers it is quite possible to limit the total voltage drop to something under 2 per cent. The transformer shown in Fig. 26 is defec- tive in other ways besides its great voltage drop. The lines passing through the core have to come back through air, and the great magnetic resistance of their path through air requires a strong magne- tizing current, or, in other words, the primary cur- rent will be considerably greater than in a trans- former, in which the return path is made more easy. One way of doing this is to increase the surface of the core ends, and this Mr. Swinburne has done in his " Hedgehog " transformer. The core consists of iron wires which at the ends are curved outwards. Thus part of the return path is through iron. Another method, and this is gen- erally used, is to make the whole return path of iron. We may, for instance, employ a closed iron frame (J, Fig. 27), and wind the primary and sec- ondary coils C over each other on two opposite sides of this frame. The iron frame or core is composed of thin plates, more or less insulated from each 7 9 8 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. other to avoid eddy currents. This type of trans- former is called a "core transformer." Or we may employ only one coil and surround it by a double FIG. 27. frame, as in Fig. 28, a kind of iron shell, and this construction is called a "shell transformer." Both figures have been drawn to represent transformers of equal out-put. The depth of the core is sup- posed to be equal, and its width in Fig. 28 is twice as great as in Fig. 27, to make up for their being only one coil. At the first glance it is difficult to say which is the better transformer, though prac- tically the balance of advantages seems to lie with, the shell type, which is most in favour with the makers of this kind of apparatus. If we enquire what it is we must aim at in the design of a good TRANSFORMERS. 99 transformer, we find that the length of wire should be small in order to reduce ohmic resistance and cost, that there should be as little iron as possible, and that the magnetic circuit should be short. Now these are contradictory conditions. To reduce the length of wire we must work with a high total in- duction, so that a small number of turns should give us the required electromotive force. But a large induction means either a great loss by hys- teresis or a stout core, and a stout core means that the length of each turn of wire is great. It further means a longer magnetic circuit and a greater FIG. 28. weight of iron, which again increases the loss by hysteresis. You see here again the successful de- sign must be a compromise, but a compromise in 100 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. which a preponderance of weight is given to hys- teresis. We must remember that a transformer is continuously at work whether we take current from it or not, and hence the hysteresis loss goes on day and night. Even an extra loss of y 2 per cent, by hysteresis will therefore be felt in the all-day effi- ciency of the apparatus, and is, therefore, more serious from an economical point of view than a loss of several per cent, by copper resistance, be- cause transformers, when used for lighting, only work a very short time daily under full load. On the other hand, we must not allow an excessive copper loss, as this would disqualify the transformer on account of too great a voltage drop. We are thus hemmed in on all sides by conflicting condi- tions, and the design of a good transformer is by no means so easy a task as might appear at the first glance. As a starting point, we may take it that the magnetic and the electric circuit should be as short as possible, and this condition will be best fulfilled by a circular or square shape, or as near an approach to such a shape as possible. In fact, if you examine the successful transformers in the market, you will find that this condition is fulfilled TRANSFORMERS. IOI in either one or the other circuit, but not in both. I have not succeeded in estabHs-hi^g; ^nd I "can therefore not give you any, h^fd-and-fasfc rules j for the construction of transformers, b\lt 'hi "ordei* ^a enable you to see what enormous influence slight alterations in the proportions have on the weight and cost of the apparatus, I have prepared for your proceedings some 27 different designs, all for a loo-light transformer. Four of these designs are given full size in Plates I. and II., pages 156-7. In all these the copper loss is 2 per cent. The hysteresis loss is given in each case. You can see at a glance what a great difference there is in the amount of copper required, and how by a skilful choice of the proportions the cost of the apparatus can be reduced without lowering its efficiency. Before concluding this part of my subject, I wish to draw your attention to the relation existing be- tween the linear dimensions of a transformer and its out-put and hysteresis loss. Imagine that after designing a score or so of transformers you have at last arrived at a type with which you feel satisfied ; but suppose it is not the size you want. How will you alter its linear dimensions? Let us try what 102 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. we shall get if we make everything twice as big, ' including; tti^' size of the wire. We retain the in- di;et.ion per square "centimetre at the 4,000 or 5,000, k wliich'we found" will give us a loss of say \y 2 per cent, by hysteresis. We also retain the number of turns in both coils. The total induction is then four times as great, and the electromotive force also four times as great. The resistance of the coils has been reduced to one-half its former value (area of wire four times as great, and length twice as great). If we are satisfied to have the same copper loss, we can allow a current which will give us four times the previous voltage loss, but as the resistance has been halved the current will be eight times its former value. Thus the current is eight times and the volts are four times as great as be- fore; the out-put will, therefore, be 32 times as great. But 32 is two to the fifth power, and hence we see that the out-put of a transformer varies as the fifth power of its linear dimensions. The weight, cost, and hysteresis loss, on the other hand, all vary as the cube of the linear dimensions, and the weight per kilowatt of out-put varies inversely as the square of the linear dimensions. Or, in fig- TRANSFORMERS. 103 ures, if 40 Ibs. of copper and iron were required for each kilowatt produced by the small transformer, only 10 Ibs. per kilowatt will be required in the larger ; and if the small transformer wasted 2 per cent, of its power in hysteresis, the large trans- former will only waste ^ per cent. Let the large transformer have x times the out-put of the small one, then linear dimensions must be proportional to x\. Weight and cost per kilowatt and percen- tage loss by hysteresis will be proportional to x$. This calculation neglects, however, the working temperature which, for obvious reasons, must not exceed a certain limit. In practice it is found that for every watt lost by hysteresis, eddy currents, and ohmic resistance a cooling surface of from five to ten square inches must be provided. As the larger transformer has, relatively to its out-put, a smaller external surface than the smaller transformer, it is not possible to take full advantage of the law be- tween linear dimensions and out-put here given. In part, owing to the difficulty of heating, we very soon arrive at a limit of out-put when a further increase of dimension varies the out-put scarcely faster than the weight and cost. Thus in practice 104 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. it is found that although a transformer of 12 kilowatts does not weigh nearly as much as four transformers of 3 kilowatts, a transformer of 60 kilowatts weighs and costs very nearly twice as much as a transformer for 30 kilowatts. CHAPTER VIII. CENTRAL STATIONS AND DISTRIBUTION OF ALTER- NATING CURRENTS. The principal reason for the use of alternating currents in connection with the supply of light from a central station to private customers is that in con- sequence of the high pressure which can safely be used we are able to take on customers, whether near or far, and thus carry on the business of light purveyors on a larger scale, and presumably with a greater profit, than if we were restricted to those customers only who live near the station. In a general sense this argument is perfectly sound, but it would be a mistake to apply it indiscriminately and say that in all cases the supply by means of alternating currents is preferable to that by con- tinuous currents. Whether an engineer has to de- sign works himself, or merely to inspect and approve works carried out by others, it will always be his 106 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. first concern to see that the works shall be a com- mercial success. We cannot build central stations or any other works without the aid of the financier, and the financier cares very little for any technical perfection ; all he cares for is that the work should pay, and unless the engineer can give him that as- surance he will not co-operate. Hence it is the business of the engineer not only to design his works so as to be technically a success, but also commercially. In considering the relative merits of the two sys- tems, we must take into account a variety of local circumstances, some of which not only are beyond the reach of mathematical representation, that is, representation by concrete figures which we can use in our calculation, but may even be but vaguely known at the time the station is being designed. For instance, the number of lamps which will be required in any given district, the daily lighting time of each lamp, and the distribution of lamps between the different classes of houses in the dis- trict, are matters which we cannot foretell with ab- solute certainty. We can but make a guess based on previous experience. Another matter of some CENTRAL STATIONS AND ALTERNATING CURRENTS. 107 importance, but about which it is extremely diffi- cult to form an estimate beforehand, is the danger of being served with an injunction for noise or vibration by some of the kind neighbours, who are always on the look-out how to make a little money out of the difficulty of others. This danger is evi- dently greater in the direct current system, because with it we have not a very wide choice as to the position of our station, but must place it fairly near to and preferably in the centre of the district to be lighted. With the alternating current system we can afford to go farther afield with our station, into a neighbourhood the inhabitants of which are not so particular as to noise and vibration. Then there is the question of the total extent of the dis- trict to be lighted, the possibility of working by water power, or if not, the cost of coal and water, the quality of the latter, the possibility of obtaining condensing water, and many other points which have to be considered. If we have to do with a compact and densely lighted district, where most of the lamps can be placed within a few hundred yards of the station (or at any rate within a radius of about 1,000 108 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. yards), then the direct current system is generally the best. One of its greatest advantages lies in the fact that we can supplement the dynamos by storage batteries, and use the latter during the hours of minimum demand. For economical reasons we are obliged to use compound engines, but, as you know, a compound engine, except when condens- ing, does not work with economy when lightly loaded, and it is therefore advantageous to shut down the engines altogether in the early hours of the morning and during the daytime, putting the batteries on for the supply of the few lamps re- quired. In this respect the direct current has a distinct advantage, but this advantage becomes less and less felt as the total power of the station is in- creased, because in a large station the number of lamps, even in the daytime, will be large enough to fairly load a small engine, and if we can obtain condensing water the engine, even if only partly loaded, will work with fair economy. A point at present in favour of direct currents is the ease with which they can be used for motive power, but there is every prospect that ere long alternate current motors will become a practical CENTRAL STATIONS AND ALTERNATING CURRENTS. IOQ success. At any rate, the use of motors on town circuits has with us not yet become so popular that we need attach any great weight to this point. The principal advantage of the alternating current sys- tem is that we can use small mains, and yet keep the pressure throughout the district very nearly constant. With continuous currents not only do we require more copper in the mains and feeders, but where the feeders are long, the loss of pressure in them amounts sometimes to as much as 20 per cent, of the total or station voltage, and in such cases some complicated arrangements are required for the regulation of the voltage, so as to keep the pressure at the feeding centres at least approxi- mately constant. There are two ways in which we can use trans- formers. We can bring the high-pressure mains right into the house of each customer and give him his own little transformer, or we can place large transformers at certain sub-stations, and lay through the streets a second system of low-pressure mains, with house connections, in the same way as if the supply were by direct currents, only that in this case the low-pressure mains need not be so large, 110 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. since we can put down as many sub-stations as we please, and thus reduce the distance to the lamps to any desired limit. The system of a separate transformer for each customer has hitherto been most used, but it is not the best. It is true that by it we save the cost of the secondary mains and the cost of the sub-stations, items which a company in its early pioneering days, when customers were few and far between, could not easily afford. On the other hand, the objections to the use of separate transformers are great, and as time goes on, that is to say, as the use of the electric light extends, these objections acquire additional weight. In the first place, there is some danger in having a high- pressure apparatus in one's house. You may put your transformer into the cellar in a fireproof case and lock it up, but when you have thousands of transformers in as many houses, the chances are that in one or two cases the locking up may be for- gotten, and some inquisitive person may touch a terminal. A further objection lies in this : that a number of small transformers cost more money and waste more energy than one large transformer. Let us take for example twenty houses, each wired CENTRAL STATIONS AND ALTERNATING CURRENTS. Ill for fifty lamps. Each house must get its so-light transformer. The whole of the fifty lamps will not be lighted simultaneously every day. Probably not more than half-a-dozen times in the year will each transformer be worked at its full out-put, and there is the hysteresis loss going on in it day and night. This loss means waste of power and devel- opment of heat ; indeed, I have heard of one case in which the heat given out by a transformer placed in a wine cellar was sufficient to keep the cellar at a nice even temperature all the year round. General experience tells us that scarcely more than J^, or at most 60 per cent., of the lamps wired in a district are ever alight simultaneously. The maximum joint demand for current of our twenty houses will therefore never exceed 600 lamps, and we can substitute for the twenty separate trans- formers of fifty lights each, one single transformer of 600 lights. From what I have said before about the influence of size on the cost of transformers, you will see that the single large transformer will cost scarcely more than a third the money required for the twenty small ones, and that even if we put down two large transformers so as to keep one in 112 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. reserve, we shall do it for little more than half the money. Similarly, the loss of power by hysteresis will be reduced to one quarter, and this is a very important consideration. Take for instance a sta- tion designed for 20,000 lamps, of which 12,000 will be alight simultaneously during the two or three hours of maximum demand. The average lighting time of each lamp fixed is in London about 500 hours per annum. If we allow with small transformers a loss of 2 per cent, by hysteresis, the power continuously absorbed by all the transform- ers connected to the central station will be equiva- lent to that required by 400 lamps. We are wast- ing, therefore, day and night current which could feed 400 lamps. In a year we waste not less than 3,500,000 lamp hours, whereas our total income from the 20,000 lamps is only 10,000,000 lamp hours. This means that even if there were no other sources of loss we would have to send out energy from our station representing 13,500,000 lamp hours, but we could only get paid for 10,000,- ooo lamp hours. This is only 74 per cent, effi- ciency. Now suppose we use sub-stations and large transformers, the hysteresis loss will fall to CENTRAL STATIONS AND ALTERNATING CURRENTS. 113 i per cent. , and the efficiency will rise to over 90 per cent. We can further improve the efficiency by putting down at the sub-station not one trans- former only, but two or more of different size, and make arrangements for the insertion or withdrawal of transformers from the two circuits (the high and low-pressure circuits), in accordance with the de- mand for current, so that during the hours of light load the hysteresis loss will only take place in the smallest transformer of the group. Mr. Ferranti, Mr. Gordon and myself have, independently of each other, devised an apparatus which switches in and takes out the transformers automatically. The employment of large transformers at sub- stations has this further advantage: that the total length of high-pressure mains is thereby consider- ably reduced, and that there are no branch connec- tions on these mains. We are thus able to get higher insulation. You know that an insulation of many hundreds of megohms per mile can be easily attained in a continuous cable, but after the cable has been laid, and branch connections have been made, the insulation is much lower, the reason being that at every joint the insulation has first to 8 114 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. be stripped, and then made good again. Now it is one thing to put on the insulation in the factory, where every precaution can easily be taken to en- sure perfect work, and it is quite another thing to do the same kind of work at the bottom of a trench or pit in the street. No matter how careful we are, the insulation put on under these circumstances can never be so good as that put on by the covering machines in the cable factory. For this reason a system of simple mains radiating from the central stations to the sub-stations must show a higher in- sulation than a complicated network of mains cov- ering the whole district. I have given you here the main reasons for the adoption of transforming sub-stations in connection with alternate current distribution, but, in applying them to each given case, you must not forget to take into account the commercial element. A sys- tem of working may be scientifically the best, and yet not the best financially. Thus the system gen- erally applied at the present time in London in alternating current stations is that of a separate transformer for every customer, not because it is theoretically the best, but simply because it is com- CENTRAL STATIONS AND ALTERNATING CURRENTS. 115 mercially the only feasible system. I have, how- ever, no doubt that as the use of the light becomes more general, the various companies will find it advantageous to change to the system of sub-sta- tions. I have hitherto not said anything as to the comparative cost of continuous and alternate cur- rent stations, and it is indeed very difficult to state it in any definite way. The cost of boilers, en- gines, and accessory apparatus will be about the same in both systems. The alternators will be a little cheaper than the dynamos, and there will also be the cost of the battery against the continu- ous current system. On the other hand, we have to remember that the whole engine power may be slightly less, since during the hours of heavy light- ing the battery assists the engines. Taking, then, one thing with another, there will not be any very great difference in the cost of the plant at the cen- tral station on the two systems. The difference is mostly outside. If the district is large, the extra cost of the heavy feeders and mains will, with con- tinuous currents, be much greater than that of the high-pressure feeders and low-pressure mains if alternating currents are used, and the margin left Il6 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. will be more than sufficient to pay for the trans- formers at the sub-stations. If the district be small, and the lighting compact, then the balance will be the other way. The cost of mains will be about the same in the two systems, but we shall not be able to save enough on the cost of the feed- ers to pay for the cost of the transformers. Each case must, in fact, be judged on its own merits, and what I have said here about comparative cost is merely intended as a guide in forming such a judgment. CHAPTER IX. EXAMPLES OF CENTRAL STATIONS. As examples to illustrate this lecture, I choose three types of central stations, distinguished from each other mainly by the character of the motive power employed. In the first type the motive power is steam, in the second it is water power, and in the third it is electricity. I . The Sardinia Street Station of the Metropolitan Electric Supply Company. The boilers are of the Babcock Wilcox type, and placed on the ground- floor. The battery of boilers is parallel to the two rows of engines in the adjoining room, also on the ground-floor, but at a slightly higher level. This arrangement of boilers and engines has the great advantage of reducing the length of steam-piping, and minimizing the inconvenience resulting from a failure of any particular length of steam-pipe. The steam-pipe forms what is technically termed 117 Il8 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. a ring main, and valves are inserted at suitable points, so that any length can be cut out without disturbing the supply of steam through the rest of the piping. Adjoining the boiler-room, and con- nected with it by a tram line, is a vast underground coal store; a very admirable arrangement, espe- cially in a station situated, as is that of Sardinia Street, in a district where coals can only be deliv- ered by cart, and where, consequently, the delivery may, in times of heavy frost or fog, be interrupted for some days or weeks. The engines are of the compound high speed Westinghouse type, and drive by belt Westinghouse alternators placed on an upper floor. Alongside one wall of the machine- room is placed the switchboard, by means of which any desired combination between the alternators and external circuits can be quickly made. During the hours of light load all the circuits are put on to one or two machines, but as the load increases other machines are started, and some of the cir- cuits are transferred to them. The machines are not worked in parallel. As regards the mains, I must mention an ingenious arrangement due to Mr. Bailey, the engineer to the company. In EXAMPLES OF CENTRAL STATIONS. 1 19 order to avoid trie difficulties connected with the insulation of joints, when these are made in the streets Mr. Bailey makes, as far as possible, all connections of the high-pressure mains by terminal blocks on the customer's premises. Under this arrangement the insulation is only stripped at the ends which enter the terminals, and which them- selves can be perfectly insulated. It is true that under this arrangement the total length of cable required is slightly increased, namely, by the length of the bight taken into each house ; but this is only a small percentage of the straight run of main. Further, we have the advantage that each house is, so to speak, served by duplicate mains, namely, one on either side, and that, therefore, the house need not be cut off even if one length of main in the street should for any reason have to be discon- nected. We have here, in fact, the electrical equiv- alent of the ring main between the engines and boilers. 2. The Lynton Station. This is worked by water power from the River Lyn on a fall of 96 feet, the water being supplied to the turbine through a 30- inch pipe. Owing to the high fall the speed is 120 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. sufficient for driving the alternators, which are Mordey machines directly coupled one on either side of the turbine. Each alternator is capable of developing 37*5 kilowatts. The speed is regulated by a slide valve in the main water supply pipe worked by a hand-wheel. The mains are lead-covered Cal- lender bitumen cables laid underground. 3. The Keswick Station. This is also worked by water power obtained from the River Greta, but since the fall is only 20 feet, the alternators are driven by belt from the turbine shaft. The plant comprises two 3O-kilowatt Kapp alternators, the necessary exciting machine, switchboards and in- struments, and a boiler and Westinghouse engine to serve as an auxiliary source of power in case of drought or frost. The mains are insulated cables placed overhead on oil insulators, but for a certain distance they had to be taken underground, and then a Brookes' pipe line is used. 4. The C asset Station. This is an example of a central station where the motive power is electricity. There are two stations in the town in which dyna- mos are driven by Kapp alternators working as motors. The alternating current is supplied from EXAMPLES OF CENTRAL STATIONS. 121 a water-power station four miles distant. Fig. 29 shows the arrangement diagrammatically. At the power station a turbine drives two Kapp alterna- tors, each designed to give 30 amperes at 2,200 Op o D 2 _J_ D 3 | JD 4 J 999 FIG. 29. volts. The machines are coupled in parallel, and the current is taken by a concentric lead-covered cable to Cassel, where the cable splits into two branches each leading to a lighting station. At each of these lighting stations there is a 6o-kilo- watt alternator coupled direct to two 3O-kilowatt 122 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. dynamos wound for 1 10 volts, one dynamo on each side of the alternator. The dynamos are arranged on the three-wire system, and work on to a three- wire network common to both stations. At one of the stations there is also a battery of storage cells, from which the town is supplied during the hours of minimum demand. Towards evening, when it is necessary to supplement the batteries by dynamo power, or when it is desired to re-charge the batteries, the dynamos are switched on to the network, and receive current from it. This sets them in motion, and, working for the time being as motors, they run up the alternators to synchro- nizing speed. The alternating current is then switched on, and the action between the machines is reversed, the alternators acting as motors, and driving now the dynamos. The two stations sup- ply at present current for 2,600 i6-candle-power lamps burning simultaneously, or 3,500 lamps wired, but provision has been made to extend the plant, so as to eventually supply 12,000 lamps wired. CHAPTER X. PARALLEL COUPLING OF ALTERNATORS. I have already pointed out that for economical reasons it is advisable to work the engines at a station as nearly as possible at their full load, and you will easily see that this condition can most easily be fulfilled if the alternators can be worked in parallel. For were it only possible to work each machine quite independently of the other machines, we should be obliged to keep a larger number of machines working on small loads, and as the hours of light load greatly exceed those of full load, the engines would be used under very uneconomical conditions. But if we can couple the alternators parallel, then we can put on and take off machines exactly in accordance with the demand for current, and have our engines fairly well loaded at all times. Some years ago it was believed that alternators had to be designed specially for working in parallel, 123 124 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. and certain makers claimed this quality of their machines as something specially in their favour. If parallel running succeeded it was put down to the credit of the particular type of alternator ; if it failed the design of the alternator was considered faulty. It is only recently that we have come to recognize that the real difficulty of parallel run- ning is not in the alternator at all, but in the en- gine. Any alternators when driven by turbines which have an absolutely constant angular speed will run in parallel perfectly, but if you drive the machines from slow speed steam engines by means of belts or ropes, any irregularity in the angular speed of the engines is magnified by reason of the multiplication of speed, and the machine becomes alternately a generator and a motor, the transition from one state to the other being accompanied by heavy mechanical and electrical strains, which render anything like smooth working impossible. The condition of successful parallel working is, therefore, a direct-coupled engine having a very even angular speed. This is a point of great prac- tical importance, and it is intimately connected with the general question of alternators used as PARALLEL COUPLING OF ALTERNATORS. 125 motors, since when the engine fails to keep up its even angular speed the alternator steps in and compels it to do so ; it acts, in fact, for a moment, as a motor, and controls the engine. CHAPTER XL ALTERNATING CURRENT MOTORS. When investigating the transmission of power by alternating currents, we may consider the cir- cuit as consisting of three parts : a line having a definite resistance; an alternator working as gen- erator at one end ; and another alternator working as motor at the other end. Such a conception would be the most obvious, but it is not the best, because we are thereby compelled to investigate simultaneously the behaviour of two machines. To simplify the treatment I shall assume the following case : Given a pair of terminals, between which by some means we maintain a constant alternating electromotive force at constant frequency, and the source from which this electromotive force is sup- plied shall be so abundant that we may take any amount of energy from the terminals, or put any amount of energy into them, without altering in 126 ALTERNATING CURRENT MOTORS. 127 any way either the pressure or the frequency. Such a pair of terminals would, for instance, be the omnibus bars at a central station, if from them we supply a small motor. Suppose the motor run up to synchronizing speed, and then switched on to the omnibus bars. We now want to know the re- lation between the mechanical power obtained, the current through the armature, and the strength of field. This apparently complex problem can be solved graphically by means of a clock diagram in a very simple manner. It is self-evident that we can only obtain power from the motor if it runs at such a speed that the frequency of the electromotive force developed in its armature coils is exactly the same as that of the current which drives it, and that the electromotive force of the motor must be opposed to the current. We must, therefore, at first employ some exter- nal source of power to run the motor up to the proper speed before switching on. But how are we to know when the proper speed has been reached ? No tachometer or speed counter can give us this in- formation with sufficient accuracy, especially since there may be slight variations in the frequency of 128 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. the supply current. If we wish to put two alter- nators in parallel, we also must know exactly when their phase and frequency coincide, and for this purpose we use an instrument called a " synchro- nizer." It consists mainly of two small transform- ers (Fig. 30) the primaries of which are connected vwwvwSwww p/WV r P/W-I > ' FIG. 30. to the terminals of the two alternators which are to be coupled parallel. Two of these terminals may, of course, be permanently connected, as shown in the figure, but the other two must only be con- nected by the switch S when the machines are in step. The secondaries of the two transformers are connected as shown, and into this circuit are placed some incandescent lamps. By following out the connections you will easily see that if the two ma- ALTERNATING CURRENT MOTORS. 129 chines are in opposite phase, that is, in a condition when you must not couple them, there is no elec- tromotive force on. the lamps, but that when the machines are in the same phase, or, as we call it, "instep," then the lamps get the full electromotive force of the two transformers coupled in series. We thus know that when the lamps are dark the machines are out of step, and when they light up the machines are in step. But complete darkness or complete brightness can only occur when the frequencies are absolutely the same. Generally, the frequencies will be different, and the lamps will flicker. Thus, suppose one machine is running at its normal speed, and the other is being started up, at first there will be very rapid flickering in the lamps. As the speed of the second machine in- creases, the flickering becomes less rapid, and by de- grees, namely, as the speed approaches that which is required for synchronism, there appear regular beats in the light of the lamps, which get longer and longer. You watch your opportunity, and throw the switch on in the middle of a beat when the lamps are alight. The machines are then so nearly in the right step that the first rush of current pulls 9 1 30 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OP ELECTRICITY. them dead into step, and they remain, as it were, interlocked in that condition. The electrical coup- ling is, in fact, comparable to a kind of interlocking, which is as secure as if the two armature spindles were connected by spur gearing. To test the reli- ability of this electrical interlocking, I have run a 60 and a lo-kilowatt alternator in parallel, supply- ing the power from two independent sources. I have then cut off the power from the small machine. It ran on exactly as before. Next, I put a load on the small machine, and increased it to 25 horse- power; still the machine ran on. I left the load on for some hours, and then suddenly withdrew and again put on a large portion of the load, but the machine kept in step. There is, of course, for every machine a certain load at which it will be torn out of step, just the same as there is for every spur wheel a load which will strip its teeth. In the machine with which I experimented it should be possible to break down the synchronism with a load of about 30 horse-power, that is, twice the normal load, but I was not able to determine the breaking off load experimentally because the belt by which power was taken from the motor began ALTERNATING CURRENT MOTORS. 131 to slip at 25 horse-power. The machines with which I experimented were of my own type, but, as I have said before, there is no particular virtue in the design, any modern alternator with a smooth armature core, and having a fair efficiency, will be- have in exactly the same manner. Having now given you some practical results of parallel running and transmission of power, I must briefly explain the theory of it. Fig. 3 1 represents the condition of a machine supplying current to a non-inductive resistance. OB is the electromotive force which it would at its then excitation give on open circuit, AB is the electromotive force required to overcome its self-induction with the current it actually gives, AR is the electromotive force re- quired to overcome the armature resistance, and RO is the electromotive force available for the ex- ternal circuit. If in a central station we have already a number of machines running in parallel, OR would be the electromotive force on the omni- bus bars, and if we wish to switch in a new ma- chine we would, in order to have it in the same condition as the others, excite it to such a degree that on open circuit it will give the electromotive 13* ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. force OB. We run the machine up to the right frequency and switch it on. For the sake of the present investigation, I will assume the new ma- chine can be mechanically geared with one of the other machines in such a way that its electromotive force shall lag or lead in comparison with the om- nibus electromotive force by any desired angle. Thus in Fig. 32 OR represents the omnibus electro- FIG. 31. motive force, and OB the machine electromotive force, the angle between the two being ensured constant by the mechanical gearing. By drawing the parallelogram ORCB we find the resultant elec- tromotive force in the new machine OC, and this can be regarded also as the resultant of the electro- motive force of self-induction CD, and that lost in armature resistance OD. If we regard the coefficient ALTERNATING CURRENT MOTORS. 133 of self-induction constant, then the angle ?>, which OD makes with OC, is the same as that which in Fig. 31 RA makes with RB, and the direction of the line OD in Fig. 32 is at once defined. The FIG. 32. point D is found by dropping a perpendicular from C on this line. Since OD represents the electromo- tive force used up in resistance, and since we know the resistance, it is easy to calculate the current. We know then the direction and magnitude of the current as well as of the electromotive force, and we can find the work done by the machine. For this purpose we multiply the current with the electromo- 134 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. tive force, and with the cosine of the angle enclosed between the two lines. The work thus found, we mark off on the line OB or its prolongation . Now let us shift our mechanical gearing and find in the same manner the current and work for a different angle between the omnibus and machine electromotive force, and repeating the construction for various phase angles, we obtain the curves on Fig. 33, which show current, and work as functions of the phase angle. The outer curve on the left repre- FIG. 33. sents the work given out by the machine when its phase angle lags from O to about 180, the inner curve represents the work absorbed by the machine (when working as motor) when its phase angle lags from 1 80 to 360. The curves on the right repre- sent similarly the work given to or taken from the ALTERNATING CURRENT MOTORS. 135 omnibus bars. You will notice that about half of the curves are dotted. The dotted parts refer to an unstable condition of working, and the diagram shows at a glance why it is impossible to run two al- ternators in series if they are independently driven, that is, not mechanically geared together, as I have assumed to be the case for the purpose of explaining how this diagram is obtained. You will also see that a moderate difference in the phase angle is sufficient to transform the machine from a strong generator into a strong motor. The difference of position in the two cases is about 90, but you must remember that the diagram represents a two-pole machine. In reality the machines are made with many more poles, and the angle is much smaller. For instance, if there were eighteen poles the angle would only be about 10, and this explains why it is essential for parallel working, and also for power transmission, to employ engines which will impart to the machines an almost absolutely constant an- gular velocity. CHAPTER XII. SELF-STARTING MOTORS. From what I have here said you will conclude that there is no difficulty in transmitting power by a single alternating current, but that the motor is not self-starting. The system is thus encumbered by the necessity of providing a separate machine and some storage of power to set this in motion. The most convenient way is to use the exciter for this purpose, and drive it by a storage battery. When the alternator is working as a motor it drives its own exciter, and the latter may at the same time be used to charge the battery up again ready for the next start. The complication and cost of this arrangement are not very serious objections when we have to deal with large powers, but for the distribution of small parcels of power the neces- sity of providing a separate exciter and a storage battery, in addition to the motor proper, is a fatal 136 SELF-STARTING MOTORS. 137 objection, and various attempts have been made to design a self-starting alternate current motor. One of these, and I may at once say the most successful one, is due to Mr. Zipernowsky, whose firm (Ganz & Co., of Budapest) showed at the Frankfort Exhi- bition several of these machines at work. In the limited time at my disposal I cannot attempt to give you a detailed description of these, nor enter into the many refinements of construction which have been found necessary in developing the ma- chine practically. I must content myself to give you the main principle of it. In Fig. 34 M is a laminated magnet and A an armature wound with a single coil, the ends of which are brought to a two-part commutator. It is, in fact, the well- known Siemens shuttle armature, also employed in the small Griscom motor, and the apparatus, as here shown, is nothing else than a very simple form of continuous current motor, which is self-starting from almost any position. The only position when the motor will not start is when the armature is placed so that the brush on each side touches both commutator segments at once. To start the motor from this position, it is of course necessary to 138 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. slightly shift the brushes to one side or the other of the dead centre. From what I have said in Chapter I., you will easily see that this kind of FIG. 34. motor will also start and work with an alternating current, but its power will at first be very slight. Observe now what happens when the alternating current is switched on whilst there is no load on the motor. It will start and gather speed as all series wound motors do. If the current were con- tinuous, the motor would very soon begin to race, but with an alternating current this cannot happen, because in trying to get up a racing pace the arma- ture must pass through that speed which corre- sponds to the frequency of the supply current. At SELF-STARTING MOTORS. 139 the moment when this happens, the reversal of cur- rent produced by the commutator coincides exactly with the reversal of the supply current, and the re- sult is that the current flowing through the arma- ture does not any more change its direction. The armature has virtually been transformed into a field magnet, excited by a continuous current, and what was at starting the field magnet has now be- come the armature of an ordinary alternator. The moment when the machine jumps into step can be easily noticed by the behaviour of the brushes. At starting there is violent sparking and a peculiar noise. As the machine gathers speed the sparking gets less, and suddenly there is a kind of jerk, after which both noise and sparking cease and the load may be put on. The motor, when once in step, will even stand a considerable overload. CHAPTER XIII. MULTIPHASE CURRENTS. The motor I have just described will start itself, but it will not start with a load. The sparking is also an objection which renders the machine use- less for flour mills, cotton mills, and any works where an explosion may be caused by sparks. We can therefore not regard this motor as the final so- lution of the problem of transmitting power by alternating currents, but must look for the solu- tion in quite another direction. This direction has been first indicated by Professor Galileo Ferraris, of Turin, some six years ago. Quite independent of Ferraris, the same discovery was also made by Nikola Tesla, of New York ; and since the practical importance of the discovery has been recognized, quite a host of original discoverers have come for- ward, each claiming to be the first. With these various claims we need not concern ourselves at 140 MULTIPHASE CURRENTS. 141 present. I will merely describe the apparatus used by Ferraris. He employed two vertical coils AB (Fig. 35) set at right angles to each other, and a copper cylinder C suspended between them. Two alternating currents of the same frequency, but with a phase difference of 90 degrees, were sent though the two circuits, and the copper cylinder was thereby set in rotation. The explanation is as FIG. 35. follows: Each coil taken by itself produces an oscillating magnetic field, the lines of which are at right angles to the face of the coil. The two coils together produce a resultant .field which revolves round the vertical axis of the apparatus. The sur- face of the copper cylinder is therefore being con- 142 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. tinuously cut by lines of force as they sweep round ; currents are induced in the copper which by Lenz's law are in such directions as to resist motion ; and since the cylinder is freely suspended, its endeavour to resist the motion of the field results in its being set in motion itself. Experiment Lantern and Model. In translating this laboratory experiment into practical work we must, of course, make many alterations and im- provements. We must, for one thing, employ iron to get a more compact and a stronger apparatus. We must also sub-divide the two coils in order to get a machine which will run at a moderate speed, and finally we must substitute for the plain copper cylinder an armature properly wound. A machine designed on these lines will be, generally speaking, a great improvement on the original apparatus, but in one respect it will not be so good. In Fig. 35 the coils are at right angles, and the currents are at right angles. As you have seen by the model, the effect of this combination is an absolutely con- stant magnetic field revolving round the axis with constant speed. But if we split up the two coils into a number of sections, and wind these alter- MULTIPHASE CURRENTS. 143 nately side by side on a cylindrical core, as we wind a Gramme armature, one of our conditions, namely, that of the right angular position of the two coils, has been lost, for the coils are now very nearly in line with each other all the way round, and the result is that the field is not any more ab- solutely constant. I can show you this by means of the model. By setting the cranks at the wrong angle you see immediately that the vector of the resultant field is no longer the radius of a circle, but of a curve resembling an ellipse. To find the variation in the strength of the resultant field we need only draw the two current curves and add up their ordinates as I showed you in Chapter I. If you do this you will find that the maximum strength of the field is about 40 per cent, greater than its minimum value. The field is now not only a rotating one, but it also pulsates. The ro- tation is what we want, but the pulsation is objec- tionable, as, in consequence of it, useless currents are made to circulate in the armature conductors, producing heat but no power. It is the great merit of Herr von Dobrowolsky to have been the first to clearly recognize this defect in machines based ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. he Tesla- Ferraris motor. The evil once un- derstood, a remedy was soon found. Dobrowolsky adopted three currents instead of two, and thus re- duced the pulsation of the field at once to some- thing like 14 per cent. ; but even this was not quite satisfactory. He went, therefore, a step further and re-arranged the winding of the field in such a way as to produce the effect of six distinct currents, though still only using three wires in the line of transmission. A reference to Fig. 36 will make this clear. Let abc represent the three coils of a two-pole drum armature, such, for instance, as the armature of a Thomson- Houston machine, but in- stead of joining the coils to a common centre and to a three-part commutator, as is done in this type MULTIPHASE CURRENTS. 145 of machine, let them be joined as shown, and let the points of junction ABC be three contact rings by which the currents are received from the line. According to Kirchoff's law, the algebraical sum of the three currents ABC must at all times be ero, for if this were not the case there would be an accumulation of electricity in the machine which is obviously impossible. Any of the cur- rents may therefore be regarded as the resultant of the other two currents. Here we have a simple three-phase winding and a rotating field, the pulsa- tions of which are about 14 per cent, of its mini- mum strength. Now to reduce these pulsations, Dobrowolsky adopts the following expedient. In- stead of bringing the junction between b and c di- rect to the contact ring A, he attaches to the junc- tion a stouter wire and winds this round the armature in a coil placed midway between b and c. Similarly B is wound so as to split up the phase difference between a and c, and C is wound in be- tween a and b. We have now six coils on the armature, but only half the former phase difference between neighbouring coils. Fig. 37 shows a two- pole armature so wound, and in this way the pulsa- 10 146 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. tion is reduced to about 4 per cent. Were the winding not split up in the manner shown, the tendency to produce fluctuations in the strength of FIG. 37. the resultant field would cause currents to circulate in the induced part of the winding, and these cur- rents would prevent, to a certain extent, the fluctu- ations. But as they must necessarily circulate in coils which at the moment cannot contribute any- thing to the torque by reason of their position at right angles to the resultant field, these currents represent simply so much waste of power by ohmic resistance. Hence Dobrowolsky's method of split- ting up the winding, although not indispensable, MULTIPHASE CURRENTS. 147 is a useful device for increasing the out-put obtain- able from a given mass of iron and copper, and for increasing the efficiency. I have called the part of the motor represented by Fig. 37 an armature, but this was merely to point out the analogy with a Thomson- Houston armature. It would be more correct to call this part, which receives the currents from the line, the field, because its function is to produce the revolving field. The armature of the machine is a hollow cylinder of laminated iron, built up of thin plates in the usual way, and pro- vided with a winding which is closed on itself. To understand the principle of this winding, imagine a Gramme ring, the winding of which is altered in the following way. Instead of joining the inner end of each coil with the outer end of the next coil, so as to produce a spiral winding, let the two ends of each coil be joined together. You will then have covered the Gramme core with a number of distinct coils, each closed on itself. Now put a field magnet into the inner space of the armature and revolve this magnet. The poles sweeping past the closed coils of the armature will create in them very powerful currents, and the mechanical reaction 148 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. of these currents on the poles will require the ap- plication of a considerable twisting couple or torque to keep up even a moderate speed. You can test this for yourselves very easily by means of any continuous current dynamo. Excite its field sepa- rately, and short-circuit the brushes by a thick wire. If you then turn the armature by hand you. will find that even exerting considerable force it will only creep round slowly, and you will thus realize how a great torque may be developed by a small angular speed of the armature in relation to the field magnet. This is an important fact, and helps us to understand two things in connection with rotary field motors. The first is that the speed of such a motor does not vary much when the load varies, since small variations of the rela- tive speed between field and armature produce large variations in the torque ; and the second is that the torque at starting is very large, the reason being that at starting the relative speed between arma- ture and field is a maximum. It is, however, neces- sary to observe here that to get this large torque, resistance must be inserted in the armature circuit, for were this not done, the current in the armature MULTIPHASE CURRENTS. 149 coils would be so strong as to demagnetize the re- volving field, thus again reducing the torque. We may now go back to Fig. 37, and see how this works out in practice. You have seen how a three- phase current passing through the winding pro- duces a sensibly constant field, which revolves round the centre with a speed corresponding to the frequency. The armature surrounds the part shown in Fig. 37, but is omitted from the diagram. The lines of the field, in sweeping past the arma- ture conductors, create in them very strong cur- rents, and the mechanical reaction between these currents and the lines of the field tends to rotate the armature with great force. If the armature were movable it would thereby be set in rotation. But in the particular machine I am describing, the armature is fixed, whilst the field magnet, that is, the part shown in Fig. 37, can rotate. We have then a twisting couple between the armature and field ; the armature cannot move, and therefore the field must move. Let us now see what is the effect of this movement. Say that the direction of the cur- rents is such as to produce, when the central part of the machine is at rest, a clockwise rotation of the 150 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. lines of force. The speed of rotation between the lines and the wires corresponds, of course, always to the frequency. If the wires are stationary the lines revolve in relation to any fixed object in space (for instance, the wires of the armature) with the full speed given by the frequency, say, for instance, thirty revolutions per second if the frequency is thirty and our machine is wound for two poles, as shown in Fig. 37. Each wire of the armature will therefore be cut thirty times by a north field, and thirty times by a south field in each second, and the torque produced will set the central drum rotat- ing counter-clockwise. Say, for instance, that the central drum runs backwards with a speed of twenty revolutions per second. The relative speed be- tween the central drum and the lines of force is, of course, still thirty revolutions per second, but of these thirty revolutions twenty revolutions are made up by the backward rotation of the drum, leaving only ten revolutions of forward speed for the lines of force in relation to any fixed point in space. The wires of the armature are now cut only ten times per second by a north field, and ten times per second by a south field. If we allow the drum MULTIPHASE CURRENTS. 151 to run faster still, the speed of cutting lines will be still further reduced. If, for instance, the central drum is so lightly loaded that it can acquire a speed of twenty-nine revolutions, the absolute speed of the field in relation to the armature will be reduced to one revolution, and each armature wire will be cut by a north field only once a second, and by a south field also once a second. You see, therefore, that the less the load on the motor the faster it will run, and this is precisely the same condition as ob- tains in an ordinary continuous current motor. At starting, when the drum is at rest, we have the greatest torque, and as the speed increases the torque diminishes. This is a very important prop- erty cf the three-phase motor, since in consequence of it the machine not only becomes a self-starting motor, but one which will start with a large load. How large the starting load may be depends on the more or less skilful design of the motor. There are, as already pointed out, certain reactions of the armature on the field which tend to decrease the starting torque, but the subject is too difficult and intricate to be treated in the limited time at my disposal. I have merely given you a bare outline 152 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. of the action of this class of machine, so that you may understand in a general way the principle of working. The difference in speed of the drum and the field is technically termed the magnetic slip of the mo- tor, and you will easily see that, to obtain a small magnetic slip, and therefore a close approach to a constant speed, we must employ an armature of small resistance. Here, again, there is a close analogy between the three-phase motor and an or- dinary continuous current motor with shunt or sepa- rately excited magnets. In practice, the magnetic slip need never exceed 10 per cent., and is generally between 3 and 5 per cent. This means that the speed of the motor only varies 5 per cent, between full load and no load. In the machine which I have described the inner revolving part is the field magnet, but you will easily understand that the design could also be reversed by making the outer ring the fixed field magnet, and the inner drum the revolving armature. This arrangement is, in fact, adopted for small motors, because in this way we avoid altogether the neces- sity of using rubbing contacts, but it has the disad- MULTIPHASE CURRENTS. 153 vantage of increasing the loss from hysteresis. I have shown you that the speed with which the field sweeps through the iron of the armature is very small, namely, that corresponding to magnetic slip, whereas the speed with which the field sweeps through the iron of the field magnet is that due to the frequency, or about twenty times as great. The hysteresis loss in the armature is therefore trifling as compared with that of the field, and it is obviously of advantage to have less iron in the field than in the armature, which is done by mak- ing the inner drum the field, and the outer cylinder the armature. In small machines, where efficiency is not of paramount importance, the opposite ar- rangement is adopted, because of its greater sim- plicity and reduced cost. The three-phase motor has several advantages over its two rivals, the ordinary continuous current motor and the ordinary alternate current motor, whilst, in a certain measure, it combines the good qualities of both. It is better than the continuous current motor, because of its greater simplicity. There is no commutator, and there are no brushes. There can be no sparking, and the motor may 154 ALTERNATING CURRENTS OF ELECTRICITY. therefore safely be used in coal mines and other places where a machine that is liable to sparking would be dangerous. As a matter of fact ; Mr. Tesla has already constructed motors for coal-cut- ting machines. Its greater simplicity, and more robust construction, renders it also applicable on board ship and other places where it is exposed to rough usage. It would, for instance, be perfectly feasible to design a three-phaser which will stand being drenched with sea- water, and yet work on as if nothing had happened. Another advantage is that the distance over which power has to be trans- mitted can be much increased. With ordinary continuous current motors this distance is limited, because we cannot make such machines, especially if of small power, for high voltages. With a three- phaser there is no such narrow limit to the voltage, for it is always possible to work through transform- ers, raising the voltage at the generating station, and letting it down again at the motor station, and this can be done with very small loss. Thus, in the Lauffen transmission of power, the voltage of the generating machine was only 50 volts (meas- ured from any of the three terminals to earth), MULTIPHASE CURRENTS. 155 whilst the voltage of any line wire measured in the same way was 160 times as great in some experi- ments, and 320 times as great in others. Ordinary alternators offer, of course, the same facility of transmitting power at high voltage and utilizing it at low voltage, but they do not offer the same facility for distributing the power in small parcels, because each motor must be provided with some source of independent electrical energy for starting and field excitation. It is also claimed by Her von Dobrowolsky that the total weight of cop- per in the line is better utilized if arranged in three wires for the three-phase current than in two wires for a single-phase current, but on this point I can- not give you my own opinion, as I have not yet in- vestigated it. One of the objections against the three-phase current is that it does not admit of a variable speed of motor, which, for many purposes, especially for traction work, is an absolute necessity. This, no doubt, is a serious drawback, but we may reasonably expect that the men who have succeeded in transmitting something like 200 horse-power over a distance of 1 10 miles will, in time, also suc- ceed in solving this problem. SHELL TRANSFORMERS, OUTPUT OF ALL 6 K. W. Plate I Item, 96 Ibs". Iron, 100 Ibs. Copper, 340 " Copper^ 450 u Hygferesisi 1,3* ^\ Hysteresis, 1.45$ Iron, 90 Ibs. Copper, 160 " Hysteresis Iron, 105 Ibs. Copper, 120 " Hysteresis, Iron, Copper, "Hysteresis, '102 IBs. Iron, Copper, Hysteresis, 108 Ibs. Iron, 119 Ibs. Copper, 54 w Hysteresis,. Iron, 154 Ibs. Copper, 25 " JHysteresis, 2.2* SHELL TRANSFORMERS. OUTPUT OF ALL 6 K. W. jtebH T LEOFFEE r\ i. Iron, 94 Ibs. Copper, 116 " Hysteresis, 1.3# Plate Iron, 105 Ibs. Copper, 93 " Hysteresis, 1.53* Iron, 103 Ibs. Copper, 59 " Hysteresis, 1.55* Iron, 114 Ibs. Copper, 48 " Hysteresis, 1.7* D D Iron, 120 Ibs. Copper, 33 " 'Hysteresis, 1..7W Iron, 115 Ibs. Copper, 19 " 'Hysteresis, Irpn, 135 Ibs. Copper, 27 " Hysteresis, 1.94j< Iron, 173 Ibs. Copper, 15 " Hysteresis, 2.5556 INDEX. AIR-GAP, Resistance of, diminished with iron arma- tures, 80 Alternators, Advantages of, 80 compared with continuous current machines, 62 Conductors of, 74 Coreless, 79 Cores of, 74 Description of, 82 Design of, 71, 74 in parallel, 128 Experiment with, 130 in series, 135 Mechanical construction of, 73 Practical forms of, 62, 63 Simple form of, 59 Alternators, Brown's three-phase, 74, 80 Ferranti, 79-82 Kapp, 87 Kennedy, 89 Kingdon, 88 Lowrie-Hall, 65 Meritens, 79 159 160 . INDEX. Alternators, Mordey, 79, 84 Siemens, 79 Thomson-Houston, 85 Westinghouse, 65, 85 Alternating current machines, 57 motors, 126 Alternating currents, Clock diagram of, 18 Combining, 20 described, 11 Distribution of, 105 Graphical representation of, 15 Sinusoidal curve of, 16 Zeuner diagram of, 19 Ampere-balance, Thomson's, 39 Armatures, Advantage of iron cores in, 80 Alternating machine, 65-74 Coreless, 79 Losses by hysteresis in, 78 of three-phase motors, 147 Split up, to avoid eddy currents, 83 with no wire, 88 Average volts and current, 40, 45 AILEY'S system of mains, 118 Blakesley, 37, 41 Brown, C. E. L., 6 Three-phase machine of, 74, 80 C ENTRAL STATION, Cassel, 122 Keswick, 120 Lynton, 119 Sardina St., Met. E. S. Co., 117 INDEX. l6l Central stations, 105 Alternating vs. continuous current, 107, 115 Choking coil, 15 Coefficient of E. M. F. of alternator, 71 Numerical values of, 72, 88 of self-induction, 28, 35 Clock diagram, of alternating currents and E. M. F., 18 Motor, 127 Commutator, Advantage of absence of, in alternators, 80 Conductors of alternators, 74 Construction, Mechanical, of alternators, 73 Precautions necessary in, 74 Cooling surface of transformers, 103 Core transformers, 98 Cores of alternators, 74 Current, Average, 40, 45 Effective, 39, 45 Work of, 46 Currents, Alternating, explained, u Conventional view of, 9 Direction of flow of, 10 Quarter-phase, 5 Three-phase, 5 Curve, Sinusoidal, 16 Trapezoidal, of E. M. F., 68 DESIGN of alternators, 71, 73, 74 Dobrowolski, 6 motor, 143 EDDY currents, Cure for, 74 Losses from, reduced, 83 Thomson, Elihu, on, 75 ii 162 INDEX. Effective currents and E. M. F., 39 determined analytically, 44, 45 determined graphically, 67 E. M. F., Average, 40, 44 Coefficient of, 71, 72 Counter, 53 and self-inductive, Relation between, 54 Curve of, actual, 69 sinusoidal, 16 trapezoidal, 68 Effective, 39, 45> 6l > 62 Expression of, for alternators, 7 1 Factors of, of alternators, 70, 71 Formula of maximum, 61 of self-induction, 28, 53 Ewing, 76 alternator, 79, 82 Ferraris, Prof. Galileo, 140 Motor model of, 141 Field, Intensity of, 60 Strength of, in Mordey alternator, 85 Fleming, 34 Frequency, 14, 20, 53, 61 Effect on motor of lowering, 55 motor, 55 HEAT developed a measure of E. M. F. and current, 66 Hysteresis, 73, 76 How to reduce loss from, 77 INDEX. 163 Hysteresis, Losses from, 76, 99, 101, 103, in, 153 Loss in kilo-watts, 78 INDUCTANCE, 32 * Induction and current curve, 25 Change of, 25 Coefficient of self-, 28, 35 Total, 6 1 Instantaneous values of current and E. M. F., 28, 29 Impedance, 34 KAPP alternator, 87, 121, 122 Kelly, 6 Kennedy alternator, 89 Kingdon alternator, 88 LAG of E. M. F., 29, 32 Angle of, 33, 43 Lines of force, 24 MAGNET poles of alternators, 64, 65 Influence of, on shape of curve of E. M. F., 65, 66 Lowrie-Hall type of, 65 Mordey form of, 84 should be of equal strength, 83 Westinghouse type of, 65 Magnetic friction or hysteresis, 76 leakage, 95 Effect of, 96 slip, 152 Measurement of pressure, current and power, 37 164 INDEX. Meri ten's alternator, 79, 84 Mordey alternator, 79, 84 Motor, Dobrowolski, 144 Ganz, 55 Tesla-F'erraris, 143, 154 Zipernowsky, 137 Motors, Alternating current, 52-55, 126 Effect of lower frequency on, 55 Multiphase, 141 Self-starting, 136, 151 Starting, 55, 122 Theory of alternating, 131 Three-phase, 140 Two-phase, 140 Motor-transformer, 92 Multiphase currents, 140 PARALLEL coupling of alternators, 123 Theory of, 131 Period of current, 53 Permeability, 25 Phase, 20 Angle of, 133 Power, maximum, Analytical deduction of, 56 Condition of, 49 Graphical representation of, 51 Pulsation of multiphase current field, 143, 145, 146 UARTER-PHASE currents, 5 p OTARY field, Action of, 148 INDEX. 165 SELF-INDUCTION, 24, 26, 27, 29, 50 Coefficient of, 28, 35 E. M. F. of, 28, 53 Phenomena of, 30 Self-starting motors, 136 Shell transformers, 98 Siemens alternator, 79 dynamometer, 39, 40, 43 Sinusoidal curve of alternating currents and E. M. F., 16 Stanley, Wm., Jr., 3-6 Steinmetz, 6 Storage battery for starting motors, 136 Sub-stations, Transforming, 109, 114 Swineburne's hedgehog transformer, 97 Synchronizer, 128 TESLA motor, 143, 154 Nikola, 140 Thomson's ampere-balance, 39 Thomson, Elihu, on eddy currents, 75 experiments with armature coils, 86 Thomson-Houston alternator, 86 Three-phase alternator, 74 currents, 5 motors, 144 Advantages of, 153 Objections to, 155 Transformers, 91 Core, 98 Hedgehog, 97 Magnetic leakage in, 95 Motor- 92 1 66 INDEX. Transformers, Principles of, 92, 99 Relation between dimensions of, 101 Shell, 98 Small vs. large, 109, 113 Temperature of, 103 Transforming ratio of, 95 Variation of E. M. F. in, 94, 97 Transforming sub-stations, 109 Transmission of power, Theory of, 131 Two-phase motors, 140 motor model, 141 V OLTMETER, Cardew, 39, 66 Copper-electrolysis, 40 Correction of readings of, with alternating currents, 37, 42 measures heat developed, 66 WATTMETER, 43 Correction for, 48 Theory of, 47 Watts, apparent and true, 42, 46 Westinghouse alternator, 85, 118 'TEUNER diagram of alternating currents and E. M. F., L, I9 Zipernowsky motor, 137 IF YOU WISH TO KNOW The latest and best work or works on the principles and theory of Electricity, or relating to any particular ap- plication of Electricity, The Electrical World will be pleased to promptly furnish the information, personally or by letter, free of charge. If you live in or near "New York, and would like to examine any electrical books, you are cordially invited to visit the office of The Electrical World and look them over at your leisure. 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