AN INTRODUCTORY COURSE OF QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, WITH EXPLANATORY NOTES AND STOICH10METRICAL PROBLEMS. HENRY P. TALBOT, PH.D., ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY IN THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. NEW YORK: THE MACMILLAN CO. LONDON : MACMILLAN & Co., Ltd. 1897. T3 COPYRIGHT, 1897, BY HENRY P. TALBOT. ^ ; PREFACE. THIS Introductory Course of Quantitative Analysis has been prepared to meet the needs of students who are just entering upon the subject, after a course of qualitative analysis. It is primarily intended to enable the student to work successfully and intelligently, without the necessity for a larger measure of personal assistance and supervision than can reasonably be given to each member of a large class. To this end the direc- tions are given in such detail that there is very little oppor- tunity for the student to go astray; but the manual is not, the author believes, on this account less adapted for use with small classes, where the instructor, by greater personal influence, can stimulate independent thought on the part of the pupil. The method of presentation of the subject is that suggested by Prof. A. A. Noyes' excellent manual of Qualitative Analysis. For each analysis the procedure is given in considerable detail, and this is accompanied by explanatory notes, which are believed to be sufficiently expanded to enable the student to understand fully the underlying reason for each step prescribed. The use of the book should nevertheless be supplemented by classroom instruction, mainly of the character of recitations, and the student should be taught to consult the larger works, such as those of Fresenius, Mohr, and Sutton. The general directions of Part I are intended to emphasize those matters upon which the begin- ner in quantitative analysis must bestow special care, and to offer some helpful suggestions. The student can hardly be ex- pected to appreciate the force of all the statements contained in these directions, or, indeed, to retain them all in the memory, after a single reading, but the instructor, by frequent reference 4 PREFACE. to special paragraphs as suitable occasion presents itself, can soon render them familiar to the student. The analyses selected for practice are those comprised in the course of " preliminary quantitative analysis " at the Massachu- setts Institute of Technology, and have been chosen, after an experience of some years, as affording the best preparation for more advanced work, and as satisfactory types of gravimetric and volumetric methods. From the latter point of view, they also seem to furnish the best insight into quantitative analysis for those students who can devote but a limited time to the sub- ject, and who may never extend their study beyond the field cov- ered by this manual. The author has had opportunity to te^t the efficiency of the course for use with such students, and has found the results satisfactory. In place of the usual custom of selecting simple salts as mate- rial for preliminary practice, it has been found advantageous to substitute, in most instances, approximately pure samples of ap- propriate minerals or industrial products. The difficulties are not greatly enhanced, while the student gains in practical experience. It has been found expedient with large classes, to allow the whole class to work simultaneously upon the same procedure, for example, that for the determination of chlorine in sodium chlo- ride, since classroom instruction can then be made more effective. Each individual is, however, permitted to work as rapidly as his capacity admits, and to such students as exhibit unusual facility in manipulation, extra analyses are assigned. The author has been unable to find any work in which such stoichiometrical problems as are constantly met with in the experi- ence of an analyst are dealt with in such detail as to enable the student to fully understand the underlying principles. A chap- ter has therefore been added in which such problems are pre- sented, and the solutions of certain typical cases are explained. A table of atomic weights and a table of four-place logarithms are appended for convenience. PREFACE. 5 The analytical procedures, as detailed in this manual, are those dictated by experience in the laboratories of the Institute. The author has received many suggestions from standard works, but no attempt has been made to enumerate these in full ; nor, on the other hand, is any considerable credit claimed for originality. Criticisms or corrections will be welcomed. The author desires to express his obligation to Drs. W. H. Walker and F. J. Moore, Instructors in Analytical Chemistry at the Institute, for helpful suggestions, and much kind assistance in the preparation of this work. HENRY P. TALBOT. MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, February, 1897. PART I. INTRODUCTION. A COMPLETE chemical analysis of a body of unknown composition involves the recognition of its component parts by the methods of qualitative analysis, and the determina- tion of the proportions in which these components are pres- ent by the processes of quantitative analysis. The quali- tative examination is indispensable if intelligent and proper provisions are to be made for the separation of the various constituents, under such conditions as shall insure accurate, quantitative estimations. It is assumed that the operations of qualitative analysis are familiar to the student, who will find that the reactions made use of in quantitative processes are not infrequently those employed for the qualitative detection of the same element ; but it should be noted that the conditions must now be regulated with greater care, and in such a manner as to insure the most complete separations possible. For example, in the qualitative detection of sulphates by pre- cipitation as barium sulphate from acid solution, it is not necessary, in most instances, to regard the solubility of the sulphate in hydrochloric acid, while in the quantitative de- termination of sulphates by this reaction, this solubility be- comes an important consideration. The operations of qual- itative analysis are, therefore, the more accurate, the nearer they are made to conform to quantitative conditions. The methods of quantitative analysis are sub-divided, ac- cording to their nature, into those of gravimetric and vol- iimetric analysis. In gravimetric processes the constituent to be determined is isolated in the form of some compound possessing a well-established and definite composition, which can be readily and completely separated by filtration, and 8 GENERAL DIRECTIONS. weighed either directly, or after ignition. From the weight of this body the amount of the constituent in question is determined. In volumetric analysis, instead of the final weighing of a definite body, a well-defined reaction is caused to take place, wherein the reagent is added in the form of a solution, of which the strength (and hence the value for the reaction in question) is accurately known. The volume of -this solution required to complete the reaction then becomes a measure of the substance acted upon. An example will make the distinction clear. The percentage of chlorine in a sample of sodium chloride may be determined by precipitation of the chlorine from a weighed portion as silver chloride, which is separated by filtration, ignited, and weighed (a gravime- tric process) ; or the sodium chloride may be dissolved in water, and a solution of silver nitrate, containing an accu- rately known amount of the silver salt in each cubic centi- meter, may be cautiously added until precipitation is com- plete, when the amount of chlorine may be calculated from the number of cubic centimeters of the silver nitrate solu- tion involved in the reaction. This is a volumetric process and is equivalent to weighing without the use of a balance. Volumetric methods are generally more rapid, and fre- quently capable of greater accuracy, than gravimetric methods. GENERAL DIRECTIONS FOR QUANTITATIVE WORK. The following suggestions should be carefully and thought- fully read ; their adoption will lead to work of a high grade of excellence, while their rejection may often lead to unsat- isfactory or careless work. NEATNESS. The laboratory desk, and all apparatus, should be scrupu- lously neat and clean at all times. A sponge should always be ready at hand, and desk and filter-stands should be dry and in good order. Funnels should never be allowed to drip upon the base of the stand. Glassware should always be wiped with a clean, lintless towel just before use. WASH-BOTTLES AND DESICCATORS. g WASH-BOTTLES. Wash-bottles, for distilled water, should be made from flasks of about 750 cc. capacity and be provided with grace- fully bent tubes, which should not be too long. The jet should be connected with the tube entering the wash-bottle by a short piece of rubber tubing, in such a way as to be flexible, and should deliver a stream about one millimeter in diameter. The neck of the flask may be wound with twine, or covered with wash leather for greater comfort when hot water is used. It is well to provide several small wash-bottles for liquids other than distilled water, which should invariably be clearly labelled. DESICCATORS. Desiccators should be filled with fused, anhydrous calcium chloride, over which is placed an iron triangle wound with platinum foil at those points which come into contact with a hot crucible. The cover of the desiccator should be made air-tight by the use of a thin coating of tallow. Pumice moistened with sulphuric acid may be used in place of the calcium chloride, and is essential in^ special cases, but for most purposes the calcium chloride, if re- newed occasionally and not allowed to cake together, is equally efficient. Desiccators should never remain uncovered for any length of time. The dehydrating agents rapidly lose their efficiency on exposure to the air. CRUCIBLES. Platinum crucibles should be employed for all ignitions . and fusions, when possible. All crucibles, whether of plat- inum or porcelain, must be heated and cooled in a desic- cator before use. This is to insure parallel conditions in separate weighings, which could not be obtained if the cru- cible were cooled in contact with the air, since a layer of moisture is then condensed on its surface, the amount vary- ing with the humidity of the atmosphere. In the dry air of the desiccator this difficulty is avoided. io GENERAL DIRECTIONS. Crucibles should be cleaned, heated, and weighed before each analysis. Platinum crucibles should be frequently scoured, either with sea sand or some preparation of the general character of "sapolio." Constant heating causes a slight crystalliza- tion of the surface of the platinum, which, if not removed, penetrates into the crucible. Gentle abrasion of the sur- face destroys the crystalline structure and prevents further damage. If sea sand is used great care is necessary to keep it from the desk, since beakers are easily scratched by it, and subsequently broken on heating. Platinum crucibles stained by iron may often be cleaned by the use of potassium acid sulphate, or by heating with ammonium chloride. If the former is used, care should be taken not to heat so strongly as to expel all of the sul- phuric acid, since the normal sulphate expands so rapidly on cooling as sometimes to burst the crucible. Bodies containing metals which might be reduced, with the formation of metallic buttons, must not be treated in platinum crucibles. Fusible alloys of platinum may be formed which ruin the crucible. Compounds of phospho- rus or arsenic must not be heated under reducing condi- tions, since these elements, by contact with the platinum, render it brittle. Liquids containing free chlorine, aqua regia, or ferric chlo- ride all exert a solvent action upon platinum, the ferric chlo- ride to a lesser degree than the others. Care must be taken to prevent the introduction' of platinum into analyses by a disregard of these facts. Caustic alkalies and peroxides of the alkalies attack plat- inum freely. Fusions with these fluxes should be made in silver crucibles. EVAPORATION OF LIQUIDS. Too great care cannot be taken to prevent loss of solu- tions during processes of evaporation, either from too vio- lent ebullition, from evaporation to dryness and spattering, or from the evolution of gas during the heating. It may be REAGENTS. II stated in general that evaporation upon the steam bath is to be preferred to other methods on account of the im- possibility of loss by spattering. If the steam baths are well protected from dust, solutions should be left without covers during evaporation, but solutions which are boiled upon the hot plate, or' from which gases are escaping, should invariably be covered. In any case a watch-glass may be supported above the vessel by means of a glass triangle, or other similar device, and the danger. of loss of material or contamination by dust be thus avoided. It is obvious that evaporation is promoted by the use of vessels which admit of the exposure of a broad surface to the air. Liquids which contain suspended matter (precipitates) should always be cautiously treated, since the presence of the solid matter is frequently the occasion of violent " bump- ing," with consequent risk to apparatus and analysis. Liquids should never be transferred from one vessel to another, nor to a filter, without the aid of a stirring rod held firmly against the side or lip of the vessel. When the vessel is provided with a lip it is not usually necessary to use tallow or vaseline to prevent the loss of liquid by run- ning down the side ; whenever this seems imminent a very thin layer of tallow, applied with the finger to the edge of the vessel, will suffice. The stirring rod, down which the liquid runs, should never be drawn upward in such a way as to allow the solution to collect on the under side of the rim of a beaker. REAGENTS. All reagents should be measured, and a record of the amounts used should be made in the notebook. Whenever it is practicable, the amount of the reagent required should be calculated, and a large excess avoided. Many analyses are spoiled by a neglect of this precaution. Reagents should be carefully examined for impurities. If these are found, blank analyses must be made, using only the reagents, and the amounts thus found deducted from the weights of contaminated precipitates. Under these cir- I2 GENERAL DIRECTIONS. cumstances, the value of the first suggestion in this para- graph is obvious. The stoppers of reagent bottles should never be laid upon the desk, unless upon a clean watch-glass or paper. The neck and mouth of all such bottles should be kept scru- pulously clean, and care taken that no confusion of stoppers occurs. PRECIPITATION. From theoretical considerations it appears that no sub- stance is to be regarded as absolutely insoluble in a spe- cific medium, although the solubility of many, which we term insoluble bodies, is less than can be measured by the means at our disposal. Successful precipitation must in- volve conditions which insure the nearest approximation to insolubility of the precipitated body, and the precipitate must also be in a form favorable for filtration and washing. For crystalline precipitates, the latter condition is fulfilled when the crystals are relatively large. This is often attained by allowing the. fine crystals, which first separate, to digest in contact with the hot liquid from which they have fallen. During this digestion the smaller crystals, which are very slightly more soluble than the larger ones, redissolve, and the solution, which is supersaturated as regards the larger crystals, allows the latter to separate. This transfer is fur- ther promoted by the influence of surface tension, which tends to reduce the surface of the solid, i. e., to increase the size of the individual crystals. Certain amorphous bodies, such as ferric hydroxide, alu- minum hydroxide, and silicic acid may pass into a colloidal state, in which they form semi-solutions. This may happen if an attempt is made to precipitate them from solutions which are free from other salts. These rarely occur in anal- ysis, but during the washing of these precipitates such semi- solutions may sometimes be formed, unless some salt is added to the wash water. In cases where the addition of a salt to the wash water is impracticable, the precipitate should be digested for some time on the steam bath with the original solution, a procedure which lessens its ten- dency to pass into the colloidal state. FILTRATION. 13 In all precipitations the reagent should be added slowly, with constant stirring, and should be hot when circumstances permit. The slow addition is less likely to occasion contam- ination of the precipitate by the inclosure of other substances which may be in the solution, or of the reagent itself. For the complete removal of precipitates from containing vessels, it is often necessary to rub the sides of these ves- sels to loosen the adhering particles. This can best be done by slipping over the end of a stirring rod a piece of soft rubber tubing, which has been well washed to remove loose fragments, or by using a piece of sheet rubber, which may be folded over the rod and cemented together by moisten- ing the surfaces with benzene. The sides of the beaker can o then be rubbed with the covered rod. All stirring rods should have the ends rounded in the flame to avoid scratching the beakers. FILTRATION, AND THE TESTING OF FILTRATES AND WASHINGS. Distilled water should be employed in all quantitative work, and nitration should be made only through " washed filters," i. e., those which have been treated with hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids, and which, on incineration, leave a small and definitely known weight of ash. Such filters are read- ily obtainable in the market. , Funnels should be selected which have an angle as near 60 as possible, and with a narrow stem about six inches in length. The- filter should be accurately folded to fit the funnel, and placed so that the top of the filter is about one- fourth inch below the top of the funnel. Under no cir- cumstances should the filter ever extend above the edge of the funnel, as it is then utterly impossible to effect com- plete washing. To test the efficiency of the filter, fill it with distilled water ; this water should soon fill the neck completely, forming a continuous column of liquid which, by its hydro- static pressure, produces a gentle suction, materially pro- moting the rapidity of filtration. Unless the filter allows 14 GENERAL DIRECTIONS. a free passage of water under these conditions, its use is likely to prove a source of annoyance. The use of a vacuum pump to promote nitration is rarely altogether advantageous in quantitative analysis, if paper fil- ters are employed. The tendency of precipitates to pass through the pores of the filter is increased, and this source of danger more than compensates for the possible gain in time. Exception may be made in the case of such precip- itates as the hydroxides of chromium, aluminum, or iron, and of silicic acid, but whenever suction is applied, the point of the paper filter must be supported by a perforated platinum cone or a small " hardened filter " of parchment. The rate of filtration is often greater when an asbestos felt (Gooch filter) is used (see page 27 for a description), and the pos- sibility of a substitution of this for the paper filter should always be considered. When the filtrate is received in a beaker, the stem of the funnel should touch the side of the receiving vessel to avoid loss by spattering. Neglect of this precaution is a frequent source of error. The vessels which contain the initial filtrate should always be replaced by clean ones, properly labelled, before the wash- ing of a precipitate begins. In many instances a finely di- vided precipitate, which shows no tendency to pass through the filter at first, while the solution is relatively dense, ap- pears at once in the washings. Under such conditions the advantages accruing from the removal of the first filtrate are obvious, both as regards the diminished volume requir- ing refiltration, and also the lesser amount of washing sub- sequently required. Much time may often be saved by washing precipitates by decantation, /'. e. t by .pouring over them, while still in the original vessel, considerable volumes of wash-water and al- lowing them to settle. The supernatant, clear wash-water is then decanted through the filter, so far as is practicable without disturbing the precipitate, and a new portion of wash-water is added. This procedure can be employed to special advantage with gelatinous precipitates, which fill up the pores of the filter paper. As the medium from which IGNITION OF PRECIPITATES. 15 the precipitate is to settle becomes less dense, it subsides less readily, and it becomes necessary to transfer it to the filter and complete the washing there. A precipitate should never fill the filter completely, and the wash-water should be applied at the top of the filter, above the precipitate. It may be shown mathematically that the washing is most rapidly accomplished by filling the filter well to the top with wash-water each time, and allow- ing it to drain completely after each addition, but that when a precipitate is to be washed with the least possible volume of liquid the latter should be applied in repeated small quan- tities. For a discussion of this matter and the phenomena of adsorption, the student is referred to Ostwald's Founda- tions of Analytical Chemistry, page 15, et seq. Gelatinous precipitates should not be allowed to dry be- fore complete removal of foreign matter is effected. They are likely to shrink and crack, and subsequent additions of wash-water pass through these channels only. Solutions should be filtered while hot, as far as possible, since the motion of the liquid through the pores of a filter is retarded by internal friction, and this, for water at 100 C., is less than one sixth of the resistance at o C. All filtrates and wash-waters without exception should be properly tested. In testing the latter an amount not less than 3 cc. should be taken for the final test. It is impossible to trust to one's judgment with regard to the washing of precipitates ; the washings from each pre- cipitate of a series simultaneously treated must be tested, since the rate of washing will often differ materially under apparently similar conditions. No exception can ever be made to this rule. The habit of placing a clean filter paper under the receiv- ing .beaker during filtration, is one to be commended. On tnis paper a record of the number of washings can very well be made as the portions of wash-water are added. IGNITION OF PRECIPITATES. The larger number of precipitates may, if proper precau- tions are taken, be ignited without previous drying. If, how- T 6 GENERAL DIRECTIONS. ever, such precipitates can be dried without loss of time to the analyst (as,. for example, over night), it is well to submit them to this process. It should, nevertheless, be remem- bered that a partially dried precipitate requires as much, or more care during ignition than a thoroughly moist one. The precipitate, with the filter folded over it, should be placed well at the base of the crucible, which should then be placed so far above the flame of the lamp that no vio- lent escape of steam is possible. When the filter and con- tents have dried, the crucible should be placed on its side without the cover, and the heat should be gently increased until the filter chars, but should never be increased beyond this point until all volatile matter from the dry distillation of the filter paper has been expelled without taking fire. Much annoyance will be avoided by observing this point. During this preliminary heating the flame should be placed near the mouth of the crucible, but in all subsequent heat- ing the flame of the lamp should be well at the base of the crucible, as it is inclined upon its side, to allow a ready access of oxygen and to avoid the entrance of unburned (reducing) gases. When the filter has charred, the heat should be raised to redness until ignition is complete. The heating of precipitates over the blast lamp is to be avoided unless specially directed. The limited number of instances in which the precipitate must be separated from the filter preliminary to ignition will be treated of as they occur. USE AND CARE OF BALANCES. The analytical balance is a delicate instrument, which will perform excellent service under careful treatment, but such treatment is an essential condition if its accuracy is to be depended upon. The following rules may be regarded as embodying the important points involved in the use of a bal- ance, but no rules can do away with the necessity for a sense of personal responsibility on the part of each student, since by carelessness he can render inaccurate not only his own analyses, but those of other students using the balance : USE OF BALANCES. 17 1. The balance pans should be brushed off and the ad- justment of the balance tested before use, particularly where several persons use the same instrument. To determine whether or not the balance is in adjust- ment, note (i) whether it is level; (2) whether the pointer rests at zero when the beam is lifted from its knife-edges, and also when lowered so that the pan arrests touch the scale pans ; (3) that the mechanism for raising and lowering the beams works smoothly; (4) that the pan arrests touch the pans when the beam is lowered ; and (5) that the needle swings equal distances on either side of the zero-point when set in motion without any load on the pans. If the latter condition is not absolutely fulfilled, the balance should be adjusted, unless the variation is not more than one division on the scale ; it is often better to make a proper allowance for this zero error rather than to disturb the balance by an attempt at correction. Unless a student thoroughly understands the construction of a balance he should never attempt to make adjustments, but should apply to the instructor in charge. For a dis- cussion of the construction and essential characteristics of a balance the student is referred to Fresenius Quantitative Analysis. 2. The beam should never be set in motion by lowering it forcibly upon the knife-edges, nor by touching the pans, but rather by means of the rider (unless the balance be provided with some of the newer devices for the pur- pose), and the swing should be arrested only when the needle passes the zero on the scale, otherwise the knife- edges become dull. For the same reason the beam | should never be left upon its knife-edges, "nor should weights be removed from, or placed on the pans without supporting the beam, except in the case of the small frac- tional weights. 3. In testing the weight of a body, the weights should be applied in the order in which they occur in the weight-box (not at haphazard), and the weight should be recorded first by noting the weights missing from the weight-box, and that record subsequently checked as th'ese weights are 1 8 GENERAL DIRECTIONS. taken from the pan. This practice will often avoid or detect errors. 4. The balance-case should always be closed during the final weighing, when the rider is used, to protect the pans from the influence of air currents. Before the final determination of an exact weight the beam should always be lifted from the knife-edges and again lowered into place, as it frequently happens that the scale pans are twisted by the impact of the weights, the beam being virtually lengthened or shortened. Lifting the beam restores the proper alignment. After the weighing is finished, the weights should always be replaced in their proper places in the weight-box and the rider taken from the beam. 5. No chemical substance should ever be placed directly upon the balance-pan. Every substance or vessel weighed should be dry and cold. A warm object occasions the for- mation of air currents, which vitiate the accuracy of the weight. 6. Above all, if any damage be done to a balance, if any substance be spilled upon the pans, or if the mechanism appear to be deranged, the matter should receive imme- diate attention, and should be reported at once to the in- structor in charge. In the majority of instances serious damage can be averted by prompt action, when delay might ruin the balance. NOTEBOOKS. Notebooks should contain, beside the record of observa- tions, descriptive notes. All records of weights should be placed upon the right-hand page, while that on the left is reserved for the notes, calculations of factors, or the amount of reagents required. The neat and systematic arrangement of the records of analyses is of the first importance, and is an evidence of careful work and an excellent credential. Of two notebooks in which the results may be, in fact, of equal value as legal ECONOMY OF TIME. 19 _ evidence, that one which is neatly arranged will carry with it greater weight. All records should be dated, and all observations should be recorded at once in the notebook. The making of rec- ords upon loose paper is a practice to be deprecated, as is also that of copying original entries into a second notebook. The student should accustom himself to orderly entries at the time of observation. The descriptive notes should mention any special diffi- culties encountered in the analyses and the remedies applied, and also incidents in the course of the analysis, if any, which may possibly influence the results injuriously. All analyses should be made in duplicate, and in general a close agree- ment in results should be expected. It should, however, be remembered that a close concordance of results in "check analyses " is not conclusive evidence of the accuracy of those results, although the probability that such is the case is, of course, considerably enhanced. The satisfaction in obtain- ing " check results " in such analyses must never be allowed to interfere with the critical examination of the procedure employed, nor must they ever be regarded as in any meas- ure a substitute for absolute truth and accuracy. ECONOMY OF TIME. An economical use of laboratory hours is best secured by acquiring a thorough knowledge of the character of the work to be done before undertaking it, and then by so arranging the work that no time shall .be wasted during the evapora- tion of liquids and like time-consuming operations. To this end the student should read thoughtfully not only the pro- cedure, but the explanatory notes as well, before any step is taken in the analysis. Several analyses should be in progress at once and con- fusion carefully guarded against by a free use of labels. In general, economy of time results from the filtration of several solutions at once, since the washing of five or more precipitates may frequently be accomplished in the time re- quisite for any one, if taken alone. 20 GENERAL DIRECTIONS. ACCURACY AND INTEGRITY DEMANDED. The fundamental conception of . ..rmtitative analysis im- plies a necessity for all possible care in guarding against loss of material, or the introduction of foreign matter. All filters and solutions should be covered to protect them from dust, just as far as is practicable, and every particle of solu- tion or precipitate must be regarded as invaluable for the success of the analysis. In this connection it must also be emphasized that only the operator himself can know the whole history of an an- alysis, and only he can know whether his work is worthy of full confidence. No work should be continued for a moment after such confidence is lost, but should be resolutely dis- carded as soon as a cause for distrust is fully established. The student should determine to put forth his best efforts in each analysis ; it is well not to be too ready to condone failures and to "begin again," as much time is lost in these fruitless attempts. Nothing less than absolute integrity is or can be demanded of a quantitative Analyst, and any disregard of this principle, however slight, is as fatal to success as lack of chemical knowledge or inaptitude at manipulation can pos- sibly be. ' * * -BF -" * PART II. t GRAVIMETRIC , TALYSIS. -- DETERMINATION OF CHLORINE IN SODIUM CHLORIDE. PREPARATION. ; THE preparation of chemically pure sodium chloride from the commercial article may be effected as follows : Procedure. Weigh out, upon rough balances, about 50 grams of a sample of "table salt," cover this with 129 cc. of distilled water, stir until the water is saturated, and filter. To the filtrate add concentrated hydrochloric acul (sp. gr. i. 20) until the chloride begins to separate, then pass into the solution gaseous hydrochloric acid. This acidithould be generated in a flask, from rock salt and commercial sulphu- ric acid. The gas should be washed, by passing it through concentrated, aqueous hydrochloric acid, and the delivery- tube should terminate in a 2-inch funnel, placed mouth downward, to prevent the clogging of the delivery-tube by the separated salt. When the separation of ''the salt has apparently ceased, remove it by filtration upon a paper disc placed upon a perforated porcelain plate (a Witt filter), and drain by suction. Wash the chloride with 25 cc. of hydrochloric^ acid (sp. gr. 1.12) in successive small portions, allowing the precipitate to drain completely after each addition. Wash finally wfth a small quantity (5 cc.) of water, and test this wash-water for sulphates. If sulphates are found, the washing with hydrochloric acid must be con- tinued. When freed f n sulphates, transfer. the precipitate to a porcelain or platinum dish, or crucible, and heat until decrepitation ceases. The chloride should then be allowed 22 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS, to cool in a desiccator, and be placed in a weighing-tube (like a small test-tube), which should be kept tightly stoppered. Notes. i. The commercial grades of table salt contain, beside sodium chloride, chlorides or sulphates of magnesium, calcium, or potassium, the two first-named causing the salt to absorb moisture. When hydrochloric acid is added to a saturated solution of the salt, sodium chloride is thrown down, leaving the impurities in solution. The principle un- derlying this separation may be briefly stated by saying that the solution is saturated with respect to chlorine radi- cals (chlorine ions, more properly), and when more of these chlorine ions are added, in the form of the readily soluble hydrochloric acid, some of those in combination with sodium are forced out of solution in the form of the relatively insol- uble sodium chloride. 2. The precipitation of the sodium chloride might be ef- fected more quickly by the addition of liberal quantities of concentrated aqueous hydrochloric acid, but its purity is less certain under those conditions. The slow separation, caused by the absorption of the gas, is more favorable to the isola- tion of a pure product, and the process is also somewhat more economical. 3. Since the sodium chloride is not insoluble in either the acid or the water used for washing, it is essential that these should be used in as small quantities as is practicable. Note the statement on page 15 concerning the most efficient method of washing a precipitate with a limited quantity of liquid. 4. The heating of the chloride is essential to expel any excess of hydrochloric acid held by the salt, and to remove moisture inclosed, between crystal surfaces. The escape of this moisture is the cause of decrepitation. Even the pure salt is slightly hygroscopic ; hence the necessity for cooling in the dry air of the desiccator and for preservation in stop- pered tubes. ANALYSIS. The sodium chloride, prepared as above, is ready for analy- sis, and if the preparation has been carefully made, the per- centage of chlorine found on analysis should agree closely with that calculated from the symbol. DETERMINATION OF CHLORINE. 23 Procedure. Carefully clean the weighing-tube containing the sodium chloride, handling it as little as possible with the moist fingers, and weigh it accurately to o.oooi gram, re- cording the weight at once in the notebook. Hold the tube over the top of a No. 3 lipped beaker, and cautiously remove the stopper, noting carefully that no particles fall from it, or from the tube, elsewhere than into the beaker. Pour out a small portion of the chloride, replace the stopper, and de- termine by approximate weighing how much has been re- moved. Continue this procedure until 0.25-0/30' gram has been taken from the tube, then weigh accurately and record the weight beneath the first in the notebook. The differ- ence of the two weights represents the weight of the chlo- ride taken for analysis. Again weigh a second portion of 0.25-0.30 gram into a second beaker of the same size as the first. The beakers should be plainly marked to corre- spond with the entries in the notebook. Dissolve each portion of the chloride in 150 cc. of distilled water, and add about ten drops of nitric acid (sp. gr. 1.20). Calculate .the volume of a silver nitrate solution required to effect com- plete precipitation in each case, and add slowly about 5 cc. in excess of that amount, with constant stirring. Heat the solutions cautiously to boiling, stirring occasionally, and con- tinue the heating and stirring until the precipitates settle promptly, leaving a nearly clear supernatant liquid. This heating should not take place in direct sunlight. The beaker should be covered with a watch-glass, and both boiling and stirring so regulated as to preclude any possi- bility of loss of material. Add to the clear liquid one or two drops of silver nitrate solution, to make sure that an excess of the reagent is present. Prepare two washed fil- ters (9 cm. in diameter), bearing in mind the precautions mentioned on pages 13 and 14, and pass the liquid through the filter, leaving the chloride in the beaker as far as pos- sible. Wash the precipitates two or three times with hot water, by decantation, transfer them to the filter by means of a stream from the wash-bottle, with the aid of a feather or a rubber tip on a stirring rod, if need be. Fi- nally remove the main filtrate, replace by a clean beaker, 2 4 GRA VI ME TRIG ANAL YS1S. and wash the filters and precipitates until 3 cc. of the wash- ings show no cloudiness with a drop of hydrochloric acid. The funnels should then be covered with a filter paper which has been previously moistened and stretched over the sides of the funnel, to which it will adhere on drying. It should be properly labelled with the student's name and desk number, and then placed in a drying closet, at a tem- perature of about 100-110 C., until completely dry. Put the filtrate containing the silver nitrate aside in a suitable receptacle for "silver residues," from which the silver can be recovered. The perfectly dry filter is then opened over a circular piece of clean, smooth, glazed paper about six inches in di- ameter, placed upon a larger piece about twelve inches in diameter. The precipitate is removed from the filter as completely as possible, by rubbing the sides gently to- gether, or by scraping them cautiously with a feather, which has been cut close to the quill and is slightly stiff. In either case, care must be taken not to rub off any con- siderable quantity of the paper, nor to lose silver chloride in the form of dust. Cover the precipitate on the glazed paper with a watch-glass, to prevent loss of fine particles and to protect it from dust. Fold the filter paper care- fully, as it was when it came from the funnel, roll it into a small cone, and wind loosely around the top a piece of small platinum wire. Hold the filter by the wire over the proper porcelain crucible, ignite it, and allow the ash to fall into the crucible. Place the crucible upon a clean clay triangle, on its side, and ignite, with the flame well at its base un- til all the carbon of the filter has been consumed. Allow the crucible to cool, add two drops of nitric acid and one drop of hydrochloric a,cid, and heat very cautiously, to avoid spattering, until the acids have been expelled ; then trans- fer the main portion of the precipitate from the glazed paper to the cooled crucible, placing the latter, for the pur- pose, on the larger piece of glazed paper and brushing the precipitate from the smaller piece into it, sweeping up all particles belonging to the determination. Moisten the precipitate with two drops of nitric acid and DETERMINATION OF. CHLORINE. 25 one drop of hydrochloric acid, and again heat with great caution until the acids are expelled and the precipitate is white, after which the temperature is gradually raised until the silver chloride begins to fuse. The crucible is then cooled in a desiccator and weighed, after which the heat- ing (without the addition of acids) is repeated, and it is again weighed. This must be continued until the weight is constant within 0.0003 gram in two consecutive weigh- ings. Deduct the weight of the crucible, and calculate the weight of chlorine in the silver chloride, and subsequently the percentage in the sample of sodium chloride taken for analysis. Consult Part IV, page 105. Notes. i. The nitric acid is added before precipitation to lessen the tendency of the silver chloride to carry down with it other substances which may be present in the solu- tion. A large excess of the acid would exert a slight solvent action upon the chloride. 2. The solution should not be boiled after the addition of the nitric acid, before the presence of an excess of silver nitrate is assured, since a slight interaction between the nitric acid and the sodium chloride is possible, by which a loss of chlorine, either as such or as hydrochloric acid, might ensue. The presence of an excess of the precipitant can usually be recognized at the time of its addition, by the increased readi- ness with which the precipitate clots together and settles. 3. The precipitate should not be exposed to strong sun- light, since by its action a reduction of the silver chloride is effected, accompanied by a loss of chlorine. The superfi- cial alteration which the chloride undergoes in diffused day- light is not fatal to the accuracy of the determination, since the slight loss of chlorine may be counteracted by the treat- ment of the precipitate with nitrohydrochloric acid, as noted below. 4. The precipitate must be washed with hot water until it is absolutely free from silver and sodium nitrates. It may be assumed that the sodium is also completely removed when the wash-water shows no evidence of silver. It must be borne in mind that silver chloride is somewhat soluble in hydro- chloric acid, and only a single drop, should be added. The 26 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS. washing should be continued until no cloudiness whatever can be detected in 3 cc. of the washings. 5. The separation of the silver chloride from the filter is essential, since the burning carbon of the paper would reduce a considerable quantity of the precipitate to metallic silver, and its complete reconversion to the chloride within the cru- cible, by means of acids, would be accompanied by some un- certainty. The small amount of precipitate which adheres to the filter is partially reduced to metallic silver during the ignition, but this small quantity can be dissolved in the nitric acid which is added, and completely reconverted to chloride by the hydrochloric acid. The subsequent addition of these two acids to the main portion of the precipitate restores the chlorine to the chloride reduced by the sunlight. The platinum wire is wrapped around the top of the filter during its incineration, to avoid contact with any reduced sil- ver which might come from the reduction of the precipitate. If the wire was placed nearer the apex, such contact could hardly be avoided. 6. Silver chloride should not be heated to complete fu- sion, since a slight loss by volatilization is possible at higher temperatures. The temperature of fusion is not always sufficient to destroy filter shreds ; hence these should not be allowed to contaminate the precipitate. 7. The ignited precipitate of silver chloride should be placed in the jar for "silver residues." The crucible may be cleaned by placing in it some granulated zinc and sul- phuric acid. The chloride is soon loosened, and may be detached. 8. Silver chloride is practically insoluble in water and di- lute nitric acid, slightly soluble in strong nitric acid, and ap- preciably so in strong hydrochloric acid. It is also slightly soluble in hot concentrated solutions of silver nitrate. The chloride is readily soluble in aqueous ammonia and in solu- tions of potassium cyanide and sodium thiosulphate. 9. Stoppers in weighing-tubes are likely to change in weight from the varying amounts of moisture absorbed from the atmosphere. It is, therefore, necessary to confirm the recorded weight of a tube which has been unused for some time, before weighing out a new portion of substance from it. DETERMINATION OF CHLORINE. 27 DETERMINATION OF CHLORINE IN SODIUM CHLORIDE, WITH THE USE OF A GOOCH FILTER. A commercial sample of table salt may advantageously be substituted for the pure sodium chloride, if the latter has already been examined. The table salt should be heated until decrepitation ceases, and cooled in a desiccator. Procedure. (&) Weigh out two portions of the sub. stance, each weighing about 0.25 gram, and precipitate the silver chloride as described in procedure (a). Mean- while prepare a Gooch filter as follows : Select a small glass funnel, I to ij inches in diameter, and stretch over its mouth a piece of rubber-band tubing (" bill-tie tubing") about i inch wide and ij. inches long. This should be drawn down on the sides of the funnel until it holds firmly, leaving an opening at the center of the mouth of the funnel, into which a perforated porcelain crucible (Gooch crucible) is fitted. The rubber should be drawn up around the sides of the crucible until it is air-tight. Fit the glass funnel into the stopper of a filter bottle, and connect it with the vacuum pump. Suspend some finely divided asbestos, which has been washed with acid, in 20 to 30 cc. of water ; allow this to settle, pour off the very fine particles, and then pour the rest cautiously into the crucible until an even felt of asbestos, not over -fa inch in thickness, is formed. A gentle suction must be applied while preparing this felt. Wash the felt thoroughly with distilled water until all fine or loose particles are removed, then place the cruci- ble in a small beaker, and place both in a drying closet at 130 C. for 30 to 40 minutes. Cool the crucible in a des- iccator, and weigh. Heat again for 20 to 30 minutes, cool, and again weigh, repeating this until the weight is constant within 0.0003 gram. The filter is then ready for use. Replace the crucible in the funnel, and apply a gentle suction, after which, pour in the solution to be filtered, with- out disturbing the asbestos felt. When pouring liquid into a Gooch filter, hold the stirring rod well down in the cru- 2 8 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS. cible, so that the liquid does not fall with any force upon the asbestos. Transfer the whole of the precipitate to the filter, and wash thoroughly with hot water until free from soluble sil- ver salts, then dry, at 130 C, to a constant weight. The percentage of chlorine may be calculated from the weight of silver chloride. Notes. i. The asbestos should be of the finest quality and capable of division into minute fibrous particles. A coarse felt is not satisfactory. The use of the Gooch filter commends itself strongly when a considerable number of halogen determinations are to be made, since successive portions of the silver halides may be filtered o.n the same filter, without the removal of the pre- ceding portions, until the crucible is about two thirds filled. The use of a perforated disc of porcelain or platinum, which may be placed upon the top of the asbestos felt, serves to protect it in some measure, but it is obvious that care should be taken to avoid loosening the felt at the edges as the liquid is poured upon it. If the felt is properly prepared, filtration and washing are rapidly accomplished on this filter, and this factor, combined with possibility of collecting several precip- itates on the same filter, are strong arguments in favor of its use with any but gelatinous precipitates. If perforated platinum crucibles are employed, which can be fitted into a platinum cap after removal from the funnel, the precipitates can be ignited over the flame of a lamp as in an ordinary platinum crucible. The asbestos is apt to curl away from the edges during such heating, and if the same filter be used for a second time, great care is required to prevent loss of asbestos. 2. A funnel tube, made from stout glass tubing about ij inch inside diameter and 3 inches long, to which is at- tached a tube of suitable size and length to pass through a rubber stopper, may be substituted for the glass funnel above prescribed. It is then only necessary to cover the upper edges of this tube with rubber. The crucible may be pressed into it, and makes air tight connections. FERROUS AMMONIUM SULPHATE. 29 DETERMINATION OF IRON AND OF SULPHUR IN FERROUS AMMONIUM SULPHATE. FeSO 4 . (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 . 6H 2 O. DETERMINATION OF IRON. Procedure. Select a quantity of perfectly clear crystals of the salt sufficient to fill a weighing tube. Weigh out, into two No. 4 lipped beakers, two portions of about i gram each, and dissolve these in 50 cc. of water, to which I cc. of hydrochloric acid (sp. gr. 1.12) has been added. Heat the solution to boiling, and while at the boiling point add nitric acid (sp. gr. 1.42), drop by drop (noting the quantity used), until the brown coloration, which appears after the addition of a part of the nitric acid, gives place to a yellow or red. Avoid a large excess of nitric acid, but be sure that the ac- tion is complete. Pour this solution cautiously into about 200 cc. of water, containing a slight excess of ammonia. Calculate for this purpose the amount of aqueous ammonia required to neutralize the acids added, and also to precipitate the iron as ferric hydroxide from the weight of the ferrous ammonium sulphate taken for analysis. The volume" thus calculated will be a slight excess over that actually required, since a part of .the acids are consumed in the oxidation proc- ess, or are volatilized. Heat the solution to boiling, and allow the precipitated ferric hydroxide to settle. Decant the clear liquid through a washed filter (9 cm.), keeping as much of the precipitate in the beaker as possible. Wash once by decantation with 100 cc. of hot water, and then transfer the bulk of the precipitate to the filter. Dissolve the iron from the filter with hot hydrochloric acid, and col- lect the solution in the beaker in which precipitation took place. Add 3 cc. of nitric acid (sp. gr. 1.42), boil for a few moments, and again pour into an excess of ammonia. Wash the precipitate twice by decantation, and finally throw it on the filter, and wash continuously with hot water until 3 cc. of the washings show no evidences of the presence of chlo- rides when tested with silver nitrate, acidified with nitric 3 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS. acid. The filtrate and washings are combined with those from the first precipitation. The moist precipitate is placed in a platinum crucible which has been previously heated, cooled in a desiccator, and weighed. It is then treated according to the directions for "Ignition of Precipitates," page 16. When the volatile matter of the filter has been expelled, raise the temperature to the full heat of the burner for fifteen minutes, and finally heat over the blast lamp, with the crucible covered, for three minutes. Cool and weigh. Repeat the strong heating until the weight is constant within 0.0003 gram. Exercise great care when heating over the blast lamp that a small flame is used, and that this is directed against the bottom of the crucible in such a way as to preclude the entrance of unburned or reducing gases into it, by reflection from the edges of the cover. From the weight of ferric oxide (Fe 2 O 3 ) calculate the weight of iron (Fe) and the percent- age of the latter in the sample. Notes. i. If a selection of pure material for analysis is to be made, those crystals which are cloudy are to be avoided, on account of loss of water of crystallization ; and also those which are red, indicating the presence of ferric iron. If, on the other hand, the value of an average sample of the material is desired, it is preferable to grind the whole together, mix thoroughly, and take from the mixture a sample for analysis. 2. The hydrochloric acid is added to prevent the precipi- tation of basic ferric salts during solution, as a result of a par- tial oxidation o*f the iron in the absence of free acid. The nitric acid oxidizes the ferrous iron, after attaining a mod- erate strength, with the formation of an intermediate nitroso- compound similar in character to that formed in the "ring- test" for nitrates.' The nitric oxide is driven out by heat, and the solution then shows by its color the presence of ferric chloride. A drop of the oxidized solution may be tested on a watch-glass with potassium ferricyanide, to insure the absence of ferrous salts. This oxidation of the iron is necessary, since ferrous salts are not completely precipitated by ammonia. 3. The ferric hydroxide tends to carry down some sul- phuric acid in the form of basic ferric sulphate. This ten- DETERMINATION OF IRON. 31 dency is lessened if the solution of the iron is added to an excess of ammonia, since under these conditions immediate and complete precipitation of the hydroxide ensues ; whereas, by the gradual neutralization with ammonia, the opportunity for the local formation of a neutral solution within the liquid, and consequent deposition of a basic sulphate, is favored. Even with this precaution the entire absence of sulphates from the first iron precipitate is not assured. It is, there- fore, redissolved and again thrown down by ammonia. The organic matter of the filter paper may occasion a partial re- duction of the iron during solution, with consequent possibil- ity of incomplete precipitation with ammonia. The nitric acid is added to reoxidize this iron. 4. By the ignition of ferric oxide with ammonium chlo- ride, volatile ferric chloride is formed, with consequent loss of iron. The precipitate must, therefore, be completely washed. The washings are acidified with nitric acid, before testing with silver nitrate, to destroy the ammonia, which is a solvent of silver chloride. The use of suction to promote filtration and washing is permissible, though not prescribed. The precipitate should not be allowed to dry during the washing, for reasons stated on page 15. 5. To avoid errors arising from the solvent action of ammoniacal liquids upon glass, the iron precipitate should be filtered without unnecessary delay. 6. The directions for the ignition of precipitates must be closely followed. A ready access of atmospheric oxygen is of special importance, to insure the reoxidation to ferric oxide of any iron which may be reduced to magnetic oxide during the combustion of the filter. The final heating over the blast lamp is essential for the complete expulsion of the last traces of water from the hydroxide. 7. Ignited ferric oxide is somewhat hygroscopic, on which account the weighings must be promptly completed after re- moval from the desiccator. In all weighings after the first, it is well to place the weights upon the balance pan before removing the crucible from the desiccator. It is then only necessary to move the rider to obtain the weight. 8. Ferric hydroxide is practically insoluble in ammoniacal liquids, in the presence of ammonium salts, but the corre- 32 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS. spending hydroxides of aluminum and chromium are partially redissolved by an excess of ammonia. Chromium hydroxide is much the most soluble of the three. In other respects the gravimetric determination of these two metals is compar- able with that of iron. For a further statement of the properties of these bodies the student is referred to Fresenius* Quantitative Analysis, under "Forms." DETERMINATION OF SULPHUR. Procedure. Add to the combined filtrates from the ferric hydroxide, hydrochloric acid in moderate excess, and evapo- rate to dryness on the water bath. Add 10 cc. of hydro- chloric acid (sp. gr. 1.12) to the residue, and again evaporate to dryness on the bath. Dissolve the residue in water, fil- ter if not clear, transfer to a No. 5 lipped beaker, dilute to about 400 cc., and cautiously add hydrochloric acid until the solutiolTsriows a distinctly acid reaction. Heat the solution to boiling, and add very slowly, and with constant stirring, 20 cc. in excess of the calculated amount of hot barium chlo- ride solution (which should contain about 20 grams BaCL 2 , 2H 2 O per liter). Continue the boiling for about two min- utes, allow the precipitate to settle, and decant the liquid at the end of a half hour. Replace the beaker containing the original filtrate by a clean beaker, wash the precipitated sulphate by decantation with hot water, and subsequently upon the filter, until it is freed from chlorides. The filter is then transferred to a platinum crucible and ignited, as de- scribed on page 16, until the weight is constant. To test the purity of the precipitates, mix each, in the cru- cible, with five to six times its weight of sodium carbonate. This can best be done by placing the crucible on a piece of glazed paper and stirring the mixture with a clean, dry stir- ring rod, which may finally be wiped off with a small frag- ment of filter paper, the latter being placed in the crucible. Cover the crucible and heat over a Bunsen or Tirrill burner until a quiet liquid fusion ensues. As the fused mass cools, insert in it a piece of platinum wire, colled so that it will hold securely in the solidified mass. When solidification is v\ DETERMINATION OF SULPHUR. 33 complete, replace the lamp under the crucible and heat only long enough to cause the outside of the mass to fuse. Now allow the crucible to cool completely, when the mass may frequently be at once drawn out of the crucible by the wire. If it still adheres, a cubic centimeter or so of water may be placed in the cold crucible and cautiously brought to boiling, when the cake will become loosened, and may be removed on the wire and suspended in about 250 cc. of distilled water to dissolve. Extract the residue of barium carbonate thoroughly with water, taking care to clean the crucible completely. Filter off the carbonate, and wash it with hot water, testing the washings for sulphate, and preserving any precipitates which appear in these tests. Acidify the filtrate with hy- drochloric acid until just acid, bring to boiling, and add hot barium chloride solution slowly, as before. Add also any tests from the washings in which precipitates have appeared. Filter, wash, ignite, and weigh. Compare the results with those first obtained, and calculate the weight of sulphur in the barium sulphate, and from that the percentage in the ferrous ammonium sulphate. Notes. i. Barium sulphate, in a larger measure than most substances, tends to carry down other bodies which are present in the solution from which it separates, even when these other bodies are relatively soluble. This is notably true in the case of nitrates and chlorates of the alkalies, and of iron, and, since in this analysis ammonium nitrate has re- sulted from the neutralization of the excess of nitric acid added to oxidize the iron, it is essential that this should be destroyed by repeated evaporation with a relatively large quantity of hydrochloric acid. During evaporation a mutual decomposition of the two acids takes place, and the nitric acid is finally decomposed and expelled by the excess of hydrochloric acid. 2. The precipitation of the sulphur as barium sulphate might take place in the presence of the iron, but under these conditions the likelihood of contamination of the sulphate by iron would be considerable, and a purification of the precip- itate would be unavoidable. On the other hand, ferric chlo- 34 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS, ride exerts a slight solvent action upon the barium sulphate. For these reasons it is preferable to precipitate the iron be- fore proceeding to the determination of the sulphur. 3. Barium sulphate is slightly soluble in hydrochloric acid, even dilute ; hence only the smallest excess should be added over the amount required to acidify the solution. Recent investigations show that the presence of an excess of the ba- rium chloride lessens the solubility of the sulphate in the acid. An addition of 20 cc. of solution in excess is, there- fore, prescribed, but, for the reasons stated in Note i, this excess of chloride should not be too large, and for the same reasons the reagent should be added very slowly, and with constant stirring. It has been shown that the rapid addition leads to a slight co-precipitation of the chloride, which can- not be washed out of the sulphate. 4. The precipitation of the barium sulphate is probably complete at the end of a half-hour, and the solution may safely be filtered at the expiration of that time, if it is desired to hasten the analysis. As noted on page 12, many precipitates of the general char- acter of this sulphate tend to grow more coarsely granular if digested for some time with the liquid from which they have separated. It is, therefore, well to allow the precipitate to stand in a warm place for several hours befpre filtration, whenever practicable, to promote ease of filtration. The filtrate and washings should, however, always be carefully examined for minute quantities of the sulphate which may pass through the pores of the filter. This is best accomplished by impart- ing to the liquid a gentle rotary motion, when the sulphate, if present, will collect in the center of the beaker. All fil- trates in this, and other determinations, must be tested for complete precipitation, by adding to them a small quantity of the reagent and allowing them to stand. 5. A reduction of barium sulphate to the sulphide may be caused by the reducing action of the burning carbon of the filter, but subsequent ignition, with ready access of air, re- converts the sulphide to sulphate, unless a considerable reduc- tion has occurred. In the latter case it is expedient to add one or two drops of sulphuric acid, and to heat cautiously until the excess of acid is expelled. 6. Most impurities which are inclosed by the sulphate DETERMINATION- OF SULPHUR. 35 cannot be removed by washing with water ; treatment with hydrochloric acid, even if it accomplishes the removal of these impurities, dissolves some of the sulphate-, which must be re- covered. It is advisable, then, in any case, and essential when the contamination is due to iron, alumina, or silica, to purify by fusion with sodium carbonate, as described in the proce- dure. By this process the impurities are either rendered in- soluble, and are removed by filtration with the barium carbon- ate, or, if they pass into solution with the sodium sulphate, they are present in such small amounts relatively, that they fail to be carried down by a second precipitation of the sul- phate. It is obvious that the excess of alkaline carbonate must be destroyed by hydrochloric acid, and that the same care must be taken in the addition of the barium chloride the second time, as was taken at first. The reaction during fusion is the following : BaSO 4 + Na 2 CO 3 = Na 2 SO 4 -f BaCO 3 . 7. The removal of the fused mass from the crucible is fa- cilitated by the procedure outlined, because, after the second short heating, the crucible, by its more rapid cooling, springs away from the mass inside. The boiling with water is some- times necessary to dissolve a slight ring of carbonate, which solders the mass to the crucible at its upper edge. For a further statement of the properties of barium sul- phate, the student is referred to Fresenius' Quantitative Analy- sis, under " Forms." 3 6 , GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS. DETERMINATION OF PHOSPHORIC ANHYDRIDE IN APATITE. The sample of apatite selected for analysis should be as nearly pure as possible. Specimens of the mineral which leave but a slight siliceous residue are not difficult to secure. Procedure. Grind the mineral in an agate mortar until no grit is perceptible. Transfer the substance to a weigh- ing tube, and weigh out two portions, not exceeding 0.20 gram each, into two No. 2 lipped beakers. Pour over them 20 cc. of nitric acid (sp. gr. 1.2), and warm gently until sol- vent action has apparently ceased. Unless the absence of soluble silicates is assured, evaporate the solution cautiously to dryness, heat the residue, for about two hours, to 130 C, and treat it again with nitric acid,. as described above; sep- arate the residue of silica by nitration on a small filter (7 cm.) and wash with warm water, using as little as possible (see p. 1 5). Receive the filtrate in a No. 3 or No. 4 lipped beaker. Test the washings with ammonia for calcium phosphate, but add all such tests, in which a precipitate appears, to the original filtrate. The filtrate and washings should not ex- ceed 100 cc. in volume. Add aqueous ammonia until the precipitate of calcium phosphate first produced just fails to redissolve, and then add a few drops of nitric acid until this is again brought into solution. Warm the solution until it cannot be comfortably held in the hand, and, after re- moval from the lamp, add 75 cc. of ammonium molybdate solution (68 grams MoO 3 per liter), which has been gently warmed, but which must be perfectly clear. Allow the mix- ture to stand at a temperature of about 50 to 60 C. for twelve hours. Filter off the yellow precipitate on an 9 cm. filter, and wash by decantation with a solution of ammonium nitrate made acid with nitric acid.* Allow the precipitate to remain in the beaker as far as possible. Test the wash- ings for calcium with ammonia and ammonium oxalate. * This solution is prepared as follows: Mix 100 cc. of ammonia solution (sp. gr. 0.96) with 325 cc. of nitric acid (sp. gr. 1.2), and dilute with 100 cc. of water. DETERMINATION OF PHOSPHORIC ANHYDRIDE. 37 Add 10 cc. of molybdate solution to the filtrate, and leave it for a few hours. It should then be carefully examined for a yellow precipitate ; a white precipitate may be neg- lected. The filtrate should not be thrown away, but should be placed in a suitable receptacle for "molybdenum resi- dues," from which the molybdic acid may be recovered. Dissolve the precipitate upon the filter, by pouring through it dilute aqueous ammonia (one volume of ammonia (sp. gr. 0.96) and three volumes water, which should be ckrefully measured}, and receive the solution in the beaker containing the bulk of the precipitate. The total volume of filtrate and washings must not exceed 75 cc. Calculate the volume of magnesium ammonium chloride solution ("magnesia mixture") required to throw out the phosphoric acid, assuming 40 per cent. P 2 O 5 in the apatite. Measure out not more than 2 cc. in excess, and add this quantity to the cold ammoniacal solution, by dropping it from a glass tube, stirring the solution constantly. The rate of addition must not be greater than 10 cc. in a min- ute. Continue the stirring for a few moments, and set the solution aside, at the temperature of the laboratory, over night. (Or it may be stirred constantly for a half-hour, when the precipitation should be complete.) The magne- sium ammonium phosphate is then removed by filtration and washed with a mixture of one part ammonia (sp. gr. 0.96), one part alcohol, and three parts water, until 3 cc. of the washings show no evidence of chlorides. The washings must be acidified with nitric acid before the silver nitrate is added. Test the filtrate carefully for complete precipi- tation by adding more magnesia mixture and allowing it to stand. Cover the funnel with a paper, dry the filter completely in the drying closet, and then ignite, using great care to insure the presence of plenty of oxygen during the com- bustion of the filter paper, thus guarding against a possible reduction of the phosphate, with disastrous consequences both to crucible and analysis. Do not raise the tempera- ture above moderate redness until the precipitate is white. (Keep this precaution well in mind.) Ignite finally at the 3 8 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS. highest temperature of the Tirrill burner, and repeat the heating until the weight is constant. From the weight of magnesium pyrophosphate (Mg 2 P 2 O 7 ) obtained, calculate the weight of phosphoric anhydride (P 2 O 5 ), and the percentage of the latter in the sample of apatite. Notes. i. Apatite may contain, beside calcium phos- phate, either calcium fluoride or chloride. It is evident that the direct precipitation of the phosphoric acid in combination with magnesium is impracticable in the presence of any metal which forms compounds with phosphoric acid which are insol- uble in ammoniacal liquids; such, for example, as iron, alumi- num, chromium, and the alkaline earths. The previous isola- tion of the phosphoric acid in combination with molybdenum, which can be effected in nitric acid solution, is then neces- sary. The phospho-molybdate is soluble in ammonia, and from this solution the phosphoric acid may be separated as magnesium ammonium phosphate. 2. As a result of the slight solubility of magnesium am- monium phosphate, as noted below, the unavoidable errors of analysis are greater in this determination than in those which have preceded it, and some divergence may be expected in duplicate analyses. It is obvious that the larger the amount of substance taken for analysis, the less will be the relative loss or gain due to experimental errors ; but in this instance a check is placed upon the amount of material which may be taken, both by the bulk of the resulting precipitate of am- monium phospho-molybdate, and by the excessive amount of ammonium molybdate required to effect complete separation of the phosphoric acid, since a liberal excess above the theo- retical quantity is demanded. Molybdic acid is one of the more expensive reagents. 3. Soluble silicic acid might, if present, partially separate with the phospho-molybdate, although not in combination with molybdenum. Its previous removal by dehydration is therefore advisable. 4. Nitric acid is chosen as a solvent because the phospho- molybdate is slightly soluble in hydrochloric acid. An excess of nitric acid also exerts a slight solvent action, while ammo- nium nitrate lessens the solubility; hence the neutralization of the former by ammonia. DETERMINATION OF PHOSPHORIC ANHYDRIDE. 39 5. The composition of the "yellow precipitate" undoubt- edly varies slightly with varying conditions at the time of its formation, and on this account the precipitate is not com- monly separated and weighed as such. Its structure may probably be represented by the symbol, (NH 4 ) 3 PO 4 . 12 MoO 3 . H 2 O, when precipitated under the conditions prescribed in the procedure. Whatever other variations may occur in its composition, the ratio of 12 MoO 3 : i P seems to hold, and this fact is utilized in volumetric processes for the determina- tion of phosphorus, in which the molybdenum is reduced to a lower oxide and re-oxidized by a standard solution of potas- sium permanganate. 6. The precipitation of the phospho-molybdate takes place more promptly in warm than in cold solutions, the tempera- ture should not exceed 60 C. during precipitation ; a higher temperature tends to separate molybdic acid from the solu- tion. This acid is nearly white, and its deposition in the filtrate on long standing should not be mistaken for a second precipitation of the yellow precipitate. The addition of 75 cc. of ammonium molybdate solution insures the presence of a liberal excess of the reagent. 7. When washing the siliceous residue, the filtrate may be tested for calcium by adding ammonia alone, since that re- agent neutralizes the acid which holds the calcium phosphate in solution and causes precipitation ; but after the removal of. the phosphoric acid in combination with the molybdenum, the addition of an oxalate is required to show the presence of calcium. 8. Magnesium ammonium phosphate is not a wholly insol- uble body, even under the most favorable analytical condi- tions. It is least soluble in a liquid containing one fourth of its volume of aqueous ammonia (sp. gr. 0.96), and this pro- portion should be carefully preserved, as prescribed in the procedure. On account of this slight solubility, the volume of solutions should be kept as small as possible, and the amount of wash-water limited to that absolutely required. The addition of alcohol to the wash-water lessens the sol- ubility of the magnesium compound in it. 9. A large excess of the magnesium solution tends both to throw out magnesium hydroxide (shown by a flocculent pre- cipitate), and to cause the phosphate to carry down molybdic 40 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS. acid. The latter, if its presence be suspected, may be removed from the phosphate by dissolving the precipitate in hydrochloric acid, and passing sulphuretted hydrogen through the warm solution from three to four hours. 10. The magnesium ammonium phosphate should be per- fectly crystalline, and will be so if the directions are followed. The slow addition of the reagent is essential, and the stirring not less so. Stirring promotes the separation of the precip- itate and the formation of larger crystals, and may therefore be substituted for digestion in the cold. The stirring rod must not be allowed to scratch the glass, as the crystals ad- here to such scratches and are removed with difficulty. The remarks on page 12, regarding the formation of large crystals by digestion with the solution, have peculiar force in connection with the magnesium ammonium phosphate, which is a relatively soluble body. 11. During ignition, the magnesium ammonium phosphate loses ammonia and water, and is converted into magnesium pyrophosphate. 2 NH 4 MgP0 4 = Mg 2 P 2 7 + 2 NH 3 +.H 2 O. The precautions mentioned on page 16 must be observed with great care during the ignition of this precipitate. The danger here lies in a possible reduction of the phosphate. The phosphorus then attacks and injures the crucible, and the determination is valueless. If extreme care is employed, it is possible to safely ignite this precipitate without previous drying, but the student is not advised to attempt this until some general experience has been gained. For a further statement of the properties of ammonium phospho-molybdate, magnesium ammonium phosphate, and magnesium pyrophosphate, the student is referred to Fre- senius* Quantitative Analysis, under " Forms." DOLOMITE. 41 DETERMINATION OF CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM IN DOLOMITE. The sample of dolomite chosen for practice should leave little or no residue insoluble in hydrochloric acid. DETERMINATION OF CALCIUM. Procedure. Grind the mineral to a fine powder. Weigh out, into 1 50 cc. casseroles, two portions of about one gram each. Pour over them 30 cc. of hydrochloric acid (sp. gr. 1.12), first having covered the casseroles; add i cc. of ni- tric acid (sp. gr. 1.20) and boil five minutes. Filter off the residue on a small filter, wash it with hot water until free from chlorides, and ignite the filter in a platinum crucible. Cover the filter ash and residue with a small quantity (per- haps 0.5 gram) of sodium carbonate, heat to fusion, and dis- integrate with a- little water, by cautiously boiling it in the crucible. Add this solution, with any suspended matter, to the main filtrate from the insoluble residue; evaporate the solution to dryness, and heat the residue in the hot closet for two hours at 130 C., to dehydrate any soluble silicic acid. Moisten the residue with hydrochloric acid, warm gently, dilute, and bring to boiling. Add aqueous ammonia in slight excess, and, if the qualitative analysis has shown manganese to be present, add 5 cc. of bromine water and boil for five minutes, adding more ammonia, if need be. If manganese is absent, omit the bromine. In either case, finally neutral- ize the excess of ammonia until a faint odor only can be detected, and filter off the silicic anhydride, together with the iron, aluminum, and manganese hydroxides. The filtra- tion must take place promptly after the addition of the am- monia. Without washing the precipitate, re-dissolve it on the filter in hydrochloric acid, receiving the solution in a clean beaker. Wash the filter five times with water, and throw down the hydroxides from the solution as before. Wash this precipitate with hot water until free from chlo- rides. The precipitate may then be discarded. Treat one of the filtrates as follows : (a) To the filtrate, concentrated to 250 cc. and heated to boiling, add ammo- 42 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS. nium oxalate solution in moderate excess, stirring well, and adding the reagent slowly. Boil for two minutes, allow the precipitated calcium oxalate to settle for a half-hour, and decant through a filter. Test the filtrate for complete pre- cipitation by adding a few drops of the precipitant. If no precipitate forms, make the solution slightly acid with hydro- chloric acid, and proceed with the magnesium determination. Re-dissolve the calcium oxalate in the beaker, and from the filter, with hydrochloric acid, washing the filter five times, and finally pouring through it aqueous ammonia. Dilute the solution to 250 cc., bring to boiling, add i cc. ammonium oxalate solution and ammonia in slight excess; boil for two minutes, and set aside for a half-hour. Filter off the calcium oxalate upon the filter first used, and wash free from chlorides. The filtrate should be made barely acid and combined with the first filtrate. The precipitate of calcium oxalate may be ignited without drying. It should be ignited at the highest heat of the Bun- sen or Tirrill burner, after destroying the filter, and finally for three minutes at the blast lamp. Repeat until the weight is constant. As the calcium oxide absorbs moisture from the air, it must be weighed as rapidly as possible- (Compare Note 7, on p. 31.) From the weight of the oxide* calculate the weight of calcium, and the percentage of the latter in the dolomite. Treat the second filtrate from the iron precipitate as fol- lows : (b) Add hydrochloric acid to decided acid reaction. Calculate the volume of ammonium oxalate solution required to combine with both the calcium and magnesium, assuming the presence of 20 per cent, of each. Add this volume to the solution and, if a precipitate forms, dissolve it in hydro- chloric acid. Dilute the whole to 1000 cc. and bring it to boiling. Remove it from the hot plate and slowly add ammonia in moderate excess, with constant stirring. Allow the solution to stand for a half-hour, filter off the calcium oxalate, and wash the precipitate with hot water until freed from chlorides. Treat this precipitate as described in pro- cedure (a). Barely acidify the filtrate from the calcium oxalate with DETERMINATION OF MAGNESIUM, 43 hydrochloric acid, and proceed with the magnesium deter- mination. DETERMINATION OF MAGNESIUM. Procedure. Evaporate the acidified filtrates from the cal- cium precipitates until salts begin to crystallize, but do not evaporate to dryness. Dilute until these salts are brought into solution. Add a volume of aqueous ammonia (sp. gr. 0.96) equal to one third the volume of the solution. (To do this, measure into a beaker of equal size a volume of water equal to the volume of the solution. Note the number of cubic centimeters and take one third as many of ammonia.) Calculate the volume of hydrogen sodium phosphate solution required to precipitate the magnesium, assuming 20 per cent, to be present. Add the sodium phosphate to the cold solution drop by drop from a glass tube, at a rate not greater than 10 cc. per minute; stir thoroughly, set aside for some hours, and treat the precipitate of magnesium ammonium phosphate as prescribed for the determination of phosphoric anhydride, on page 37. Notes. i: The mineral Dolomite is a native isomorphous mixture of calcium and magnesium carbonates, in which the relative proportions may vary widely, ferrous iron and man- ganese are not infrequently present, and most specimens leave a larger or smaller residue on treatment with hydrochloric acid. Since this residue may contain calcium or magnesium, it must be rendered soluble by fluxing, and brought into solu- tion. This may be quickly accomplished, if the directions are closely followed with regard to the use of a small quan- tity of the sodium carbonate and disintegration of the small fused mass within the crucible. If it is definitely known, from a qualitative examination, that the residue insoluble in hydrochloric acid contains no calcium or magnesium, its treatment may be omitted, and the solution may be at once evaporated for the dehydration of the silica, without filtration. The insoluble residue may be filtered off with the hydroxide precipitate. 2. The addition of nitric acid is necessary to oxidize fer- rous iron to ferric, and to insure its complete precipitation by 44 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS. ammonia. Manganese is not oxidized by nitric acid, but is oxidized by bromine in ammoniacal solution to a hydrated dioxide, in which form it is precipitated and removed with the iron and alumina. The possible presence of alumina makes it necessary to finally neutralize all but a slight excess of ammonia before filtration. (Compare Note 8, p. 31.) 3. The iron precipitate should be filtered off promptly, since the alkaline solution absorbs carbon dioxide from the air, with consequent precipitation of the calcium as carbon- ate. This is possible even under the most favorable condi- tions, and for this reason the iron precipitate is re-dissolved and thrown out again, to free it from calcium. 4. The separation of calcium and magnesium as oxalates requires special precautions. It is necessary either to re- dissolve the first precipitate of calcium oxalate, and make a second precipitation, as in procedure (0), or to separate in dilute solution and in the presence of sufficient ammonium oxalate to combine with both metals, as in procedure (). In (0), the first calcium precipitate contains magnesium, but when dissolved, the proportion of magnesium to the calcium in solution is small, and the second calcium precipitate may be considered to be pure. In (b\ it is sought to accomplish the same end by liberal dilution in the presence of an excess of ammonium oxalate, lessening in this way the tendency of the magnesium to separate with the calcium. Method (a) probably yields results which are more certainly accurate than (b\ for large amounts of the two metals, while (b*) is accurate for small quantities. 5. The small quantity of ammonium oxalate solution is added before the second precipitation of the calcium oxalate, to insure the presence of a slight excess of the reagent, which promotes the separation of the calcium compound. 6. On ignition the calcium oxalate loses carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, leaving calcium oxide. CaC 2 O 4 = CaO + CO 2 + CO. For small weights of the oxalate (0.5 gram or less), this reaction may be brought about at the highest temperature of a Tirrill burner, but it is well to ignite larger quantities than this over the blast lamp until the weight is constant. 7. The calcium oxide tends to absorb moisture to form the hydroxide ; hence the necessity for rapid weighing. AZOTES. 45 8. The filtrate from the calcium oxalate should be made slightly acid immediately after filtration, in order to avoid the solvent action of the alkaline liquid upon the glass. 9. The precipitation of the magnesium should be made in as small volume as possible, and the ratio of ammonia to the total volume, of solution should be carefully provided for, on account of the slight solubility of the magnesium ammo- nium phosphate. This matter has been fully discussed in connection with the phosphoric anhydride determination. (Compare Note 8, p. 39.) to. If the magnesium ammonium phosphate precipitate is not wholly crystalline, as it should be, the difficulty may some- times be remedied by filtering the precipitate and. without washing it, re-dissolving in a small quantity of hydrochloric acid, from which it may be again thrown down by ammonia, after adding a few drops of sodium phosphate solution. If the flocculent character was occasioned by the presence of magnesiutu hydroxide, the second precipitation, in a smaller volume, containing fewer salts, will often result more, favor- ably. The removal of iron or alumina from a contaminated precipitate is a matter involving a long procedure, and a re- determination of the magnesium from a new sample, with additional precautions, is usually to be preferred. For a further statement of the properties of calcium oxalate and calcium oxide, the student is referred to Frcs&iiuJ Qua*- titatn* Analysis, under " Forms." 4 6 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS. DETERMINATION OF LEAD, COPPER, AND ZINC IN BRASS. DETERMINATION OF LEAD. Procedure. Select clean, bright chips or borings, or, if the brass is in the form of wire, polish a piece of suitable size by rubbing with emery, cleaning it carefully afterward. Weigh out two portions of about 5 grams each, and dissolve them in covered casseroles in 30 cc. of nitric acid (sp. gr. 1.2). When the solution is complete, cool, wash off the cover glass,, and add slowly 10 cc. of sulphuric acid (sp. gr. 1.84). Evaporate under a hood until heavy white fumes of sulphuric anhydride are evolved, keeping the casserole well covered meanwhile; cool, add 125 cc. of water, and boil until the sulphates of copper and zinc have dissolved, and set the solution aside until perfectly cold. Filter off the lead sulphate, wash it by decantation with dilute sulphuric acid (one volume of concentrated acid to twenty volumes of water) until the washings are free from copper, as shown by the ferrocyanide test. Set the filtrate aside for the deter- mination of copper and zinc, and transfer the lead sulphate to the filter, finally washing the filter free from sulphuric acid, with alcohol diluted with an equal volume of water. Be sure that all the sulphate is removed from the casserole. Discard the alcoholic washings, if they are entirely clear. Dry the filter, and, if practicable, separate the lead sul- phate from it, as described on page 24. Prepare a No. 7 porcelain crucible for use, by heating and weighing, burn the filter on a platinum wire, as described on page 24, and when cold, add to the ash two drops of nitric acid and one drop of sulphuric acid. Ignite with great care until the acids are expelled. Transfer the precipitate which was separated from the filter, to the crucible, and ignite at a moderate red heat. Repeat the heating until the weight is constant. From the weight of the lead sulphate, calculate the weight of lead, and the percentage of the latter in the brass. DETERMINATION OF LEAD. 47 Notes. i. It is obvious that the brass taken for analysis should be untarnished, which can be easily assured when wire is used, by scouring with emery. If chips or borings are used, they should be well mixed, and the sample for analysis taken from different parts of the mixture. 2. The small percentage of lead usually found in brasses makes it necessary to weigh out a considerable quantity in order to secure accuracy. The amount taken, 5 grams, is too large to use directly for the determination of copper and zinc, on account of the bulk of the precipitates which would then have to be handled. An aliquot part of this filtrate is, there- fore, used for these analyses, as noted under the determina- tion of copper. 3. Lead sulphate is slightly soluble in nitric acid; hence the latter is removed by heating with sulphuric acid until the more volatile acid is expelled. This point is indicated by the appearance of the heavy, white fumes. 4. Lead sulphate is least soluble in dilute sulphuric acid (i : 20). The sulphuric acid solution is, therefore, diluted to secure this ratio, and a wash-water of the same strength is used. The sulphuric acid of the wash-water, if allowed to remain on the filter, would char it during the drying, making subse- quent handling difficult or impossible. It is accordingly removed by washing with dilute alcohol ; but the alcohol is not added to the main filtrate, as its presence is not advantageous during the subsequent operations. 5. The lead sulphate must be separated from the filter for the same reasons which apply in the case of silver chloride. (Compare p. 26.) The addition of nitric acid to the ash dis- solves any reduced lead, and the sulphuric acid converts it to sulphate. A slight loss of lead is possible if the reduction of any considerable quantity of the precipitate takes place, and it is evident that the ignition of this precipitate in platinum is 'impracticable. 6. It is possible to determine the percentage of lead in the brass by solution in nitric acid, partial neutralization of the excess of acid, and deposition of the lead by an electric current as peroxide (PbO 2 ) on the anode ; but the relatively large percentage of copper makes the simultaneous deter- mination of that element difficult, if a sufficiently large quan- 4 g GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS. tity of the brass be taken for analysis to also secure an accu- rate determination of the lead. For the determination of small quantities of lead alone, this method might be employed. For a further statement of the properties of lead sulphate, the student is referred to Fresenius' Quantitative Analysis, under " Forms." DETERMINATION OF COPPER. Procedure. Transfer the filtrate from the lead sulphate to a 500 cc. graduated flask, washing out the beaker care- fully. Fill the flask with distilled water until the lowest point of the meniscus is exactly level with the mark on the neck of the flask. Carefully remove, with a strip of filter paper, any drops of water which are on the inside of the neck of the flask above the graduation ; make the solution thoroughly uniform by pouring it out into a dry beaker, and back into the flask several times, and finally stopper the flask. Measure off one tenth of this solution as follows : Pour into a 50 cc. graduated flask about 10 cc. of the so- lution, shake the liquid thoroughly over the inner surface of the small flask and pour it out. Repeat the same op- eration. Fill the 50 cc. flask until the lowest point of the meniscus is exactly level with the mark on its neck, remove any drops of solution from the upper part of the neck with filter paper, and pour the solution into a plain beaker of about 80 cc. capacity, of rather tall form. Wash out the flask with small quantities of water until it is clean, adding these to the main solution. (Consult also note on p. 62.) When the second portion of 50 cc. is measured out, re- member that the flask must be twice rinsed out with solution "as prescribed above, before the final measurement is made. Add to the copper solution I gram of .ammonium nitrate. The solution is then ready for the electrolytic deposition of the copper. Meanwhile, four platinum electrodes, two anodes and two cathodes, should be cleaned by scouring with sapolio and treatment with acid, and the two cathodes ignited gently and cooled in a desiccator. Weigh them carefully, and place one anode and one cathode in each solution. The connections DETERMINATION OF COPPER. 49 should then be made with the binding posts (or other device for connection with the electric circuit), in such a way that the copper will be deposited upon the larger electrode. If a gravity battery is used, this electrode should be connected with the zinc pole ; if a dynamo-current is used, a previous qualitative experiment is necessary to determine the nega- tive pole. Subject the solution to the action of the cur- rent from eight to fifteen hours, as indicated by the rate of deposition. It is well to leave the solution over nfght, if practicable. When the solution is colorless, and the deposition of copper seems to be complete, break the circuit as follows : Lift the cathode in the binding post until it is nearly, but not wholly, out of the liquid, and wash the exposed portion with distilled water. Then break the circuit by removing the electrode entirely, and complete the washing promptly. Pour over the electrode and copper enough alcohol to remove adhering water, and dry for a few moments at 105 C. Cool in a des- iccator and. weigh. Test the solution for copper by the addi- tion of ammonia in excess, to about 5 cc. of the solution. If copper is found, clean the electrodes and place the solution in the circuit a second time. Whether copper is found or not, return the test portion to the main solution. The increase in weight of the electrode represents directly the weight of copper from one tenth of the solution, from which the percentage in the brass may be calculated. Notes. i. The removal of one tenth of the solution for the determination of copper and zinc is necessitated by the difficulties which would be encountered if the precipitation of such large quantities of these metals as would come from 5 grams of the brass, was attempted. The solution is, therefore, diluted to a definite volume (500 cc.), and exactly one tenth (50 cc.) is measured off. To attain, this end it is evident that the solution must be thoroughly uniform, which is brought about by careful mixing, and that it must not be diluted by water adhering to the small flask. This is insured by rinsing out this flask several times with the solu- tion, instead of drying it, which would consume much time. The two flasks must be graduated at the same temperature, 5 GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS. and if, as is usual, the small flask is graduated to contain 50 cc., it must be rinsed out with water before all the copper and zinc belonging to one tenth of the solution are obtained. This, and other kindred considerations, are discussed under Volumetric Analysis, page 62. A pipette might properly be substituted for the small flask, if desired. 2. The presence of sufficient ammonium nitrate to react with the sulphuric acid in the solution, lessens the tendency of the copper to deposit on the cathode in a spongy condition. The amount of the nitrate added should not greatly exceed i gram. 3. The electrodes should be freed from all greasy matter before using, and after scouring, those portions upon which the metal will deposit should not be touched with the fingers. 4. Under the conditions named in the procedure, the cop- per may be deposited in satisfactory condition by a current from three cells of a "gravity battery," in series, or by the current which passes through three lo-candle Edison lamps, in series, on a tio-volt circuit. The deposition is usually complete after ten to twelve hours. It is not well to leave the solution in the circuit for an ex- cessive length of time, since, after the deposition of the cop- per, the nitric acid is slowly reduced to ammonia by the nascent hydrogen, with the possible production of an alkaline solution from which zinc may be thrown down. 5. The electrodes should be washed as far as possible before the current is broken, to prevent re-solution of the copper. If several solutions are connected in the same cir- cuit, some provision must be made by which the breaking of the current shall be avoided when the electrodes in any one solution are removed. This can be easily accomplished by springing a piece of brass between the binding posts, before removing the electrodes. The current at first passes through both spring and solution, and when the current is broken in the latter, it passes through the spring instead, and no copper is dissolved from the electrodes in other solutions. 6. The electrode is washed with alcohol to promote rapid- ity of drying. The copper should not remain in the hot closet a moment longer than is necessary, as it tends to oxidize at the higher temperature. 7. A dark deposit on the anode indicates a precipitation DETERMINATION OF ZINC. 5 1 of lead as peroxide. Such deposition is not infrequent, as the lead sulphate is not absolutely insoluble in the acid liquid from which it separates. This electrode may be weighed with the precipitate, then cleansed and again weighed, and the amount of lead calculated from the weight of the perox- ide added to that found as sulphate in the corresponding solution. For a further statement of the properties of copper and of lead peroxide, the student is referred to Fresenius* Quantita- tive Analysis, under " Forms." DETERMINATION OF ZINC. Procedure. Transfer the solution, from which the copper has been removed, to large porcelain casseroles (500 cc. capacity or more). Cover these casseroles and add sodium carbonate solution to distinctly alkaline reaction ; boil until no odor of ammonia can be detected from the hot solution. Again add I cc. or 2 cc. of the sodium carbonate solution and boil to insure complete removal of the ammonia. Fil- ter off the basic zinc carbonate, using two filters for each determination, if the precipitate is too bulky to be properly held by one ; wash the precipitates three times by decanta- tion with hot water, and finally on the filter until freedlrom carbonate. Test the filtrate and washings for complete precipitation by the addition of a few drops of ammonium sulphide, and allow it to stand ; if zinc sulphide separates, collect it on a filter, wash with water containing a very little ammonium sulphide, ignite in a porcelain crucible, and weigh as oxide. Dry the precipitated basic carbonate in the drying closet, and separate the carbonate as completely as possible from the filter, as described on page 24. Clean, heat, and weigh a No. 7 porcelain crucible, burn the filter on a wire above it, allow the ash to fall into the crucible, and ignite until the carbon is all destroyed. Transfer the main portion of the precipitate to the crucible and ignite at a red heat, until the weight is constant. From the weight of zinc oxide, cal- culate the weight of zinc and the percentage of the latter in the brass, remembering that but one tenth of the solution was used for this determination. GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS. Notes. i. Porcelain or platinum vessels are required when strongly alkaline solutions are to be boiled, as in this determination, to prevent the introduction of silica from the glass into the solution. 2. Sodium carbonate throws down a basic zinc carbonate, the exact composition of which probably varies with varying conditions. This precipitate is partially soluble in the pres- ence of either ammonia or ammonium salts, and in the pres- ence of carbon dioxide. Both of these may be removed by continued boiling with an excess of sodium carbonate. The precipitate is frequently very voluminous, though it varies widely in this respect under apparently similar condi- tions. The student is therefore not to suppose that errors have been made if one precipitate should appear much larger than the other. 3. The filtrate should always be tested for zinc by the ad- dition of ammonium sulphide ; but when the boiling before filtration is sufficiently prolonged, no weighable quantity of zinc should be found in the filtrate. The zinc sulphide, if any appears, must be washed with water containing ammo- nium sulphide to prevent oxidation. 4. The basic zinc carbonate loses water and carbon diox- ide on ignition, leaving the zinc oxide. This oxide may be reduced to metallic zinc by contact with burning carbon, and the zinc may volatilize ; a separation of the main portion of the precipitate from the filter is, therefore, necessary. This separation should be made as complete as possible, without an admixture of shreds from the filter paper. It is well to .test the ignited zinc oxide, after weighing, with moist litmus paper for alkaline reaction. If this is found, the presence of alkali in the precipitate is indicated. It should then be boiled with water and again ignited, with the same precaution as before. For a further statement of the properties of basic zinc car- bonate and of zinc oxide, the student is referred to Fresenius 1 Quantitative Analysis, under " Forms." PART III. VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS. GENERAL DISCUSSION. IT has already been pointed out in Part I, that the meas- urement of the volume of a solution required for a definite reaction, takes the place in Volumetric Analysis which is occupied by the weighing of the precipitated body in Gravi- metric Analysis. It is plain that the analytical balance is equally requisite as a starting point for both systems ; and it will be seen that the processes of volumetric analysis demand, beside an ac- curate balance, standard solutions ; i.e., solutions of accu- rately known value ; graduated instruments in which to measure the volume of such solutions ; and finally, some means which shall furnish an accurate indication of the point at which the desired reaction is completed. Those sub- stances which furnish such information are called indicators. The last-named will be treated of in connection with the dif- ferent analyses. The process whereby a standard solution is brought into reaction is called tif ration, and the point at which the re- action is exactly completed is called the end-point. The indicator should show the end-point of the titration. The processes of Volumetric Analysis are easily classified, according to their character, into : I. Saturation Methods ; such, for example, as those of acidimetry and alkalimetry. II. Oxidation Processes ; as exemplified in the determina- tion of ferrous iron, by its oxidation with potassium bichro- mate. III. Precipitation Methods ; of which the titration for silver with potassium sulphocyanate solution is an illustration. 54 VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS. From a somewhat different standpoint the methods may be sub-divided into (a) Direct Methods, in which the sub- stance sought is directly determined by titration with a standard solution to an end-point ; and (b) Indirect Methods^ in which the substance itself is not measured, but a quantity of reagent known to be an excess, with respect to a specific reaction, is added, and the unused excess determined by titration. Examples of the latter class will be pointed out as they occur in the procedures. Volumetric processes are, as a rule, more rapid and fre- quently more accurate than gravimetric processes having the same ends in view. The number of reactions capable of adaptation as volumetric methods is, however, somewhat limited. STANDARD SOLUTIONS. The strength or value of a solution for a specific reaction is determined by a procedure called Standardization, in which the solution is brought into reaction with a definite weight of a substance of known purity. For example, a definite weight of pure sodium carbonate may be dissolved in water, and the volume of a solution of hydrochloric acid necessary to exactly neutralize the carbonate, accurately de- termined. From these data the strength or value of the acid is known. It is then a standard solution. Standard solutions may be made of a purely empirical strength, dictated solely by convenience of manipulation, or the concentration may be chosen with reference 'to a system which is applicable to all solutions, and based upon chemical equivalents. Such solutions usually bear some simple rela- tion to a Normal Solution of the specific reagent ; i. e., they are, for example, deci-normal or centi-normal solutions. A Normal Solution, as defined by Mohr (Titrirmethode, p. 56), contains in one liter " one equivalent of the active re- agent in grams." The " equivalent in grams " may be defined as " that quantity of the active reagent which con- tains, replaces, unites with, or in any way, directly or indi. rectly, brings into reaction one gram of hydrogen." The application of this general statement to specific cases is pointed out below. NORMAL SOLUTIONS. 55 A liter of normal acid sohition should contain such a quantity of the reagent as will furnish I gram of hydrogen replaceable by a base. Accordingly, the normal solution of hydrochloric acid (HC1) should contain 36.45 grams of the gaseous compound, since that amount furnishes the requisite i gram of hydrogen. On the other hand, the normal solu- tion of sulphuric acid (H 2 SO 4 ) should contain only 49.04 grams, one half of its molecular weight. A normal alkali solution should contain sufficient alkali in a liter to replace I gram of hydrogen in an acid. This quan- tity is represented by the molecular weight in grams (40.05) of sodium hydrate (NaOH), while a sodium carbonate solu- tion (Na 2 CO 3 ) should contain but one half the molecular weight in grams (i.e., 53.05 grams) in a normal solution. A normal solution of an oxidizing agent should contain one equivalent of available oxygen ; that is, sufficient oxygen to unite with i gram of hydrogen to form water. The amount, for example, of potassium bichromate (K 2 Cr 2 O 7 ), which will furnish one equivalent of available oxygen is seen from the following considerations : The bichromate yields on reduction, a salt of potassium, corresponding to the oxide K 2 O, and a salt of chromium, corresponding to the oxide Cr 2 O 3 . The residual and available oxygen is repre- sented by three atoms (K 2 Cr 2 O 7 = K 2 O + Cr 2 O 3 -f O 3 ). Accordingly, i gram-molecule of the bichromate will fur- nish six equivalents of oxygen, or enough to oxidize 6 grams of hydrogen to water, as seen from the equation 6H 2 + 3O 2 = 6H 2 O. The definition, therefore, demands only one sixth of the molecular weight (or 49.08 grams) for a normal solution. A liter of a normal solution of a reducing agent must have the same reducing power as i^grarn^ of hydrogen. For example, a solution of stannous crTTonde" must contain one half of its molecular weight in grams per liter (99.97 grams), as indicated by the equations, SnCl 2 -f- 2FeCl 3 = SnCl 4 -f- 2FeCl 2 and H 2 + 2FeCl 3 = 2HC1 + 2FeCl 2 . One gram- molecule of the stannous chloride is plainly equivalent to 2 grams of hydrogen. Normal solutions, since they rest upon a common founda- 5 6 VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS. tion, have the advantage of uniformity. A liter of a normal solution of an acid must, of necessity, exactly neutralize a liter of normal alkali solution, and one of an oxidizing agent exactly react with a liter of a normal reducing solution, and so on. It must at the same time be remembered that the same substance may have different equivalents when used under varying conditions ; as, for example, potassium perman- ganate, two molecules of which yield three atoms of availa- ble oxygen (equivalent to six hydrogen atoms) in neutral solution, and five atoms of oxygen (equivalent to ten atoms of hydrogen) when used in acid solution. These facts must be considered when reference is made to a normal solution of that reagent, and the statement must specify the condi- tions of use. Beside the advantage of uniformity, the use of normal solutions simplifies the calculations of the results of analyses. This is particularly true if, in connection with the normal solution, the weight of substance for analysis be chosen with reference to the molecular weight of the constituent to be determined. For illustrations of this, consult Part JV, page 107. The preparation of an exactly normal, half normal, or deci- normal solution requires considerable time and care, as noted on page 68, and is usually carried out when a large number of analyses are to be made, or when the analyst has some other specific purpose in view. It is, however, a compara- tively easy matter to prepare standard solutions which differ but slightly from the normal or half normal solutions, and these have the advantage of practical equality. That is, two approximately half normal solutions are more convenient to work with, than two which are widely different in strength. It is, however, true, that whatever advantage pertains to the use of normal solutions as regards simplicity of calculations is, to a considerable extent, lost when using these approxi- mate solutions. GRADUATED INSTRUMENTS. A burette consists of a glass tube which is made as uni- formly cylindrical as possible, and of such a bore that the CALIBRA TION. 57 divisions which are etched upon its surface shall correspond to actual contents as far as is practicable. The tube is contracted at one extremity, and terminates in either a glass stopcock and delivery tube (a Giessler bu- rette), or in such a manner that a piece of rubber tubing may be firmly attached, connecting a delivery tube of glass. The rubber tubing is closed by means of a pinchcock or by a glass bead (Mohr burette). The graduations are usually numbered in cubic centime- ters, and the latter are subdivided into tenths. A pipette may consist of a narrow tube, in the middle of which is blown a bulb of a capacity a little less than that which it is desired to measure by the pipette ; or it may be a miniature burette, without the stopcock or rubber tip at the lower extremity. In either case, the flow of liquid is regu- lated by the pressure of the finger on the top, which pre- vents the admission of the air. Graduated, or measuring flasks are similar to the ordinary flat-bottomed flasks, but are provided with long, narrow necks in order that slight variations in the position of the meniscus with respect to the graduation, shall represent a minimum volume of liquid. The flasks must be of such a capacity that, when filled with the specified volume, the liquid rises well into the neck. CALIBRATION OF INSTRUMENTS. If accuracy of results is to be attained, the correctness of all measuring instruments must be tested. None of the ap- paratus offered for sale can be implicitly relied upon, unless it be those more expensive instruments which are accompa- nied by a certificate from the Physikalische Reichsanstalt in Berlin, or other equally authentic source. The bore of burettes may readily vary, and as the gradua- tions must be applied without regard to such variations of bore, local errors are the result. The same consideration ap- plies to pipettes, while even the graduations upon flasks are often incorrect for the temperatures given. It is the custom in most laboratories to purchase the flasks ungraduated, and to graduate them for the standard in use. 5 8 VOL UME TRIG ANAL YSIS. The process of testing these instruments is called Calibra- tion. It is usually accomplished by comparing the actual weight of water contained in the instrument, with its appar- ent volume. The unit of volume commonly adopted for volumetric work is the so-called " Mohr liter," which is the volume occupied by 1000 grams of water at 17.5 C., and the cubic centimeter represents one thousandth of that volume. This varies somewhat from the true liter, which is the volume of 1000 grams of water at 4 C. The objection to the latter lies in the fact that the temperature at which the instru- ments would be correct by this standard, differs essentially from laboratory temperatures. The maintenance of a tem- perature of 4 C. during calibration would be accompanied by no little annoyance, and an attempt to calibrate at ordi- nary temperatures, by making allowance for the expansion of the water, is accompanied by some uncertainty. On the other hand, the temperature at which the Mohr liter is the standard does not differ greatly from the laboratory temper- ature and, except when extreme accuracy is essential, no corrections are necessary. The calibrations are also easily effected. It is obvious that some temperature must be chosen at which all measuring instruments in use in the same labora- tory are calibrated. That is, if a 50 cc. measuring flask is to be capable of measuring exactly one tenth of the liquid contained in a 500 cc. measuring flask, both must be correct at the same temperature. It is equally desirable that the burettes and pipettes used should accord with the same standard, and the one most commonly adopted is based upon the Mohr liter, 17. 5 C. It is also plain that a lab- oratory for volumetric work should possess as uniform a temperature as possible. CALIBRATION OF BURETTES. Each student should calibrate at least one burette, as follows : Procedure. Clean the burette thoroughly, by pouring into it a warm solution of chromic acid in concentrated C A LIBRA TION OF B URE TTES. 59 sulphuric acid. Stopper the burette and bring the acid in contact with its entire length by shaking. Pour the acid back into its receptacle, and wash out the burette thor- oughly with water. Unless the water runs from the bu- rette without leaving drops upon the sides, the process must be repeated. When clean, fill the burette with distilled water, allow it to run out through the stopcock, or rubber tip, until convinced that no air bubbles are inclosed. Fill the burette to the zero mark and draw off the liquid until the meniscus is just below the zero mark. To take the exact reading, wrap around the burette a piece of colored paper, with its straight, smooth edges held evenly together (color turned inside), and held two small divisions below the meniscus. Move the eye so that the edge of the paper at the back of the burette is just hidden by that in front, and note the position of the lowest point of the meniscus of the water. Estimate the tenths of the small divisions, corresponding to hundredths of a cubic centimeter, and record the reading in the notebook. Weigh a 50 cc. flat-bottomed flask (of thin glass), which must be dry on the outside, to the nearest centigram. Re- cord the weight in the notebook. Place the flask under-the burette, and draw out into it about 10 cc. of water, removing any drop on the tip by touching it against the inside of the neck of the flask. Do not attempt to stop exactly at the 10 cc. mark, but do not vary more than o. I cc. from it. Note thejtime, and at the expiration of three minutes (or longer), take the reading upon the burette accurately, and record it in the notebook. Meanwhile, weigh the flask and water to. centigrams and record its weight. Draw off the liquid from io cc. to about 20 cc. into the same flask without emptying it ; weigh, and at the expiration of three minutes take the reading, and so on throughout the length of the burette. When it is completed, re-fill the burette and check the first calibration. The differences in readings represent the apparent vol- ume, the differences in weights, the true volumes. For example, if an apparent volume of 10.05 was found to weigh 10.03 grams, it may be assumed with sufficient accuracy that 60 VOL UME TRIG ANAL YSIS. the error in that 10 cc. amounts to 0.02 cc., or 0.002 for each cubic centimeter. The records may conveniently be made in the notebook under these headings : Readings ; Differences ; Weights ; Differences ; Calcu- lated Corrections. Notes. i. The inner surface of the burette must be abso- lutely clean, if the liquid is to run off freely. Chromic acid in sulphuric acid is usually found to be the best cleansing agent, but the mixture must be warm and concentrated. This solution can be prepared by adding to concentrated commer- cial sulphuric acid a few crystals of potassium bichromate, and i cc. of water. Warm the mixture gently and pour off the solution. It is convenient to have such a solution ready at hand, as burettes frequently need cleaning. The rubber tip should be removed before the cleansing agent is added. 2. It is always necessary to insure the absence of air bubbles in the tips by running the liquid rapidly through them. These bubbles may otherwise escape during titration, and vitiate results. 3. To obtain an accurate reading, the eye must be on a level with the meniscus. This may be attained by the use of a paper, or by using a float. The latter is useful, provided it moves freely in the burette, but care must be taken that such is the case, otherwise a float is worse than useless. 4. The eye soon becomes accustomed to estimating the tenths of the divisions. If the paper is held as directed, two divisions below the meniscus, one whole division is visible to correct the judgment. It is not well to attempt to bring the meniscus exactly to a division" mark on the burette. Such readings are usually less accurate than those in which the hundredths are estimated. 5. It is obvious that it would be useless to weigh the water with an accuracy greater than that of the readings taken on the burette. The latter cannot exceed o.oi cc. in accuracy, which corresponds to o.oi gram. The student should clearly understand that all other weigh- ings except those for calibration, should be made accurately to- o.oooi gram. 6. A small quantity of liquid adheres to the side of even a clean burette. This slowly unites with the main body of CALIBRATION OF FLASKS, 6l liquid, but requires an appreciable time. Three minutes is a sufficient interval, but not too long, and should be Adopted in every instance throughout_the whole volumetric practice, before final readings are recorded. 7. Should the error discovered in any interval of 10 cc. on the burette exceed cc., it is advisable to weigh smaller portions (even i cc.), to locate the position of the variation of bore in the tube, rather than to distribute the correction uni- formly over the corresponding 10 cc. The latter is the usual course for small corrections, and it is convenient to calculate the correction corresponding to each cubic centimeter and to record it in the form of a table or calibration card, or to plot a curve representing the values. 8. Burettes may also be calibrated by drawing off the liquid in successive portions through a 5 cc. pipette which has been accurately calibrated, as a substitute for weighing. If many burettes are to be examined this is a more rapid method. 9. Pipettes are calibrated in the same general way as bu- rettes. Thej^rjiust_b_e_cleaned, and are then filled with water, and the latter is drawn oflTand weighed. A definite interval must be allowed for draining, and a definite practice adopted as regards the removal of the liquid which collects at the end of the tube, if the pipette be designed to deliver a specific volume when emptied. This liquid may, at the end of a ^defi- nite interval, be removed either by touching the side of the vessel or by gently blowing out the last drops. Either prac- tice must be uniformly adhered to. CALIBRATION OF FLASKS. Procedure. Clean the flask and dry it carefully outside and inside. Tare it accurately, and place on the opposite balance-pan the number of grams corresponding to the vol- ume desired ; pour water into the flask until the weight of the latter counterbalances the weight on the pan. Remove the flask from the balance, stopper it, place it in a bath at the desired temperature, usually 17.5 C, and after an hour, mark on the neck with a diamond, the location of the lowest point of the meniscus. Notes. i. The allowable error in counterbalancing the water and weights varies with the volume of the flask. 62 VOL UME TRIG ANAL YSIS. It should not exceed one ten-thousandth of the weight of water. 2. Other methods are used which involve the use of cali- brated apparatus, from which the desired volume of water may be run into the dry flask, and the graduation marked directly upon it. For a description of one of these, the stu- dent is referred to the Am. Chem. J., 16, 479. 3. Flasks may be graduated either for " contents " or for "delivery." In the former case they contain the specified volume when filled to the graduation ; in the latter case the flask will deliver the specified volume, if allowed to drain for a definite time. By placing two marks upon the flask it may be graduated for both contents and delivery. To calibrate a flask for delivery, it should be filled with water, then emptied and allowed to drain for a definite inter- val (three minutes). It is then tared, the requisite weights are placed upon the balance pan, and water added to counter- balance these. It is then placed in a bath at the required temperature and, after an hour, marked. Flasks thus calibrated will deliver a definite volume of a solution without being washed out. It is, however, a more general custom to graduate flasks for contents. GENERAL DIRECTIONS. It is essential to the success of analysis that uniformity of practice shall prevail throughout all volumetric work, with respect to those matters which can influence the accuracy of measurement of liquids. Whatever conditions are imposed, for example, during the calibration of a burette, pipette, or flask, (notably the time allowed for draining), must also pre- vail whenever the flask or burette is used. The student should be constantly watchful to insure par- allel conditions during both standardization and analysis, with respect to the final volume of liquid in which a titration takes place. The standard of the solution is only accurate under the conditions which prevailed when it was determined. It is plain that the standard solutions must be scrupu- lously protected from concentration or dilution, after their value has been established. Accordingly, great care must be taken to thoroughly rinse out all burettes, flasks, etc., GENERAL DIRECTIONS. 63 with the solutions which they are to contain, in order to remove all traces of water, or other liquid which could act as a diluent. It is best to wash out a burette at least three times with small portions of a solution, allowing them to run out through the tip, before assuming that it is in a con- dition to be filled and used. It is, of course, possible to dry the measuring instruments in a hot closet, but this is tedious and unnecessary. To the same end, all solutions should be kept stoppered, and away from direct sunlight or heat. The bottles should be shaken before use, to collect any liquid which may have distilled from the solution and condensed on the sides. Care should be taken when selecting a spot for volumetric work, that no source of heat is sufficiently near to raise the temperature of the solutions. The temperature should always be as near 17.5 C. as is practicable. Much time may be saved by estimating the approximate volume of a standard solution which will be required for a titration (if the data are obtainable), before beginning the operation. It is then possible to run in rapidly approxi- mately the required amount, after which it is only necessary to determine the end-point with accuracy. In such cases, however, the knowledge of the amount probably to be re- quired should never be allowed to influence the judgment regarding the end-point. 64 VOL UME TRIG ANAL YSIS. I. SATURATION METHODS. ALKALIMETRY AND ACIDIMETRY. GENERAL DISCUSSION. STANDARD solutions of acid and alkali are required for these processes, together with such indicators as will accu- rately designate the point of saturation. Standard Acid Solutions may properly be prepared from either hydrochloric, sulphuric, or oxalic acids. Hydrochloric acid has the advantage of forming soluble compounds with the alkaline earths, but its solutions cannot be boiled without loss of strength ; sulphuric acid solutions may be boiled without loss, but the acid forms insoluble sulphates of three of the alkaline earths ; oxalic acid can be accurately weighed for the preparation of solutions, and its solutions may be boiled without loss, but it also forms insoluble oxal- ates with three of the alkaline earths, and cannot be used with certain of the indicators. Standard Alkali Solutions may be prepared from sodium or potassium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, barium hydrox- ide, or ammonia. Of sodium and potassium hydroxide, it may be said that they can be used with all indicators, and their solutions may be boiled, but they absorb carbon dioxide readily, and attack the glass of bottles ; sodium carbonate may be weighed directly, if its purity is assured, but the presence of the carbonic acid of the carbonate is a disad- vantage with many indicators ; barium hydroxide solutions may be prepared which are entirely free from carbon diox- ide, and such solutions immediately show by precipitation any contamination from absorption, but the hydroxide is not freely soluble in water ; ammonia yields a clean solution, and does not absorb carbon dioxide as readily as the caustic alka- lies, but its solutions cannot be boiled, nor can they be used with all indicators. INDICA TOftS. Half-normal () or deci-normal ( T ^) solutions are employed in most analyses (except in the case of the less soluble ba- rium hydroxide). Solutions of the latter strength are con- venient, when small percentages of acid or alkali are to be determined. INDICATORS. An indicator, to be of service in acidimetric processes, must be a substance of basic or acid character, which, like litmus, will show by a change of color, the presence of the slightest excess of free acid or alkali. The number of or- ganic bodies which have been proposed as indicators is large, but of these a few only have come into general use. The most important among the latter are presented in the table below, with their characteristics : . .y s 31.62 grams. In neutral solution the permanganate is decomposed as indicated by the equation 2 KMnO 4 = K 2 O. 2 MnO 2 . O 3 . The normal solution for such purposes should contain one sixth of two gram-molecules; i. e., 52.7 grams. Potassium permanganate is acted upon by hydrochloric acid ; the action is rapid in hot or concentrated solutions but slow in cold, dilute solutions. The use of the perman- ganate in the presence of hydrochloric acid, or its salts, may therefore be attended by the possibility, of error, and it is usually preferable to replace the hydrochloric acid of iron solutions by sulphuric acid, before titration. This may be done by evaporation with an excess of the latter until the heavy, white fumes of sulphuric anhydride appear. The greater solubility of iron compounds in 1 hydrochloric acid makes it desirable to titrate, if possible, directly in such solutions, and experiments made with this end in view have shown that in cold, dilute hydrochloric acid solutions, to which considerable quantities of manganous sulphate or chloride, and an excess of phosphoric acid have been added, it is possible, with practice, to obtain satisfactory results ; but the end-point is less permanent than in sulphuric acid solutions. Such a process is described in the J. Am. Chem. Soc. t 17, 405. The reaction between hydrochloric acid and the permanganate is : 2KMn0 4 +'i6HCl=2 KC1 + 2 MnCl 2 + 5C1 2 + 8 H 2 O. Potassium permanganate has an intense coloring power, and, since the solution resulting from the oxidation of the iron and the reduction of the permanganate is colorless, the latter becomes its own indicator. The slightest excess is indicated with great accuracy by the color of the solution, which renders the titration one of the most satisfactory known. The commercial salt is rarely sufficiently pure to admit of direct weighing to form a standard solution, but it may be purified by re-crystallization. The more common practice is 86 VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS. to standardize the solution, which may be accomplished by comparison with iron wire, ferrous ammonium sulphate, ox- alic acid, potassium tetroxalate, or potassium acid oxalate. Other substances have been proposed, but the foregoing are those in common use. The remarks on page 75 referring to the use of iron wire and ferrous ammonium sulphate apply with equal force here. The pure oxalic acid, or the oxalates, must be freshly pre- pared, and with great care ; they are likely to lose water of crystallization on standing. It must also be borne in mind that the reaction with the oxalates takes place only in hot solution. The reducing agents available for the necessary reduction of the iron before titration, are zinc, sulphurous acid, or sul- phuretted hydrogen ; stannous chloride is excluded unless the titration is to be made in the presence of hydrochloric acid. Since the excess of both the gaseous reducing agents can only be expelled by boiling, with consequent uncertainty regarding the re-oxidation of the iron, zinc is the more satis- factory agent ; but for prompt and complete reduction it is essential that the solution should be brought into intimate contact with the zinc. This is brought about by the use of a modified Jones reductor, as shown in the figure, page 87.* To prevent needless consumption of the zinc, it is first amalgamated by dissolving 5 grams of mercury in 25 cc. of concentrated nitric acid, diluted with an equal bulk of water, and pouring into this solution (diluted to 250 cc. in a 1000 cc. flask), 500 grams of granulated zinc, 20-30 mesh. The whole is shaken thoroughly for two minutes, the solution poured off, and the zinc washed thoroughly. It may then be preserved in bottles. The tube A has an inside diameter of 18 mm., and is 300 mm. long; the small tube has an inside diameter 6 mm., and extends 100 mm. below the stopcock. At the base of the tube A is coiled a piece of stout platinum wire ; on this is placed a plug of glass wool, about 8 mm. thick, and upon *The details of the reductor and preparation of the zinc are taken from Blair's Chemical Analysis of Iron, page 95 et seq. PERMANGANATE PROCESS. this a thin layer of asbestos, such as is used for Gooch filters, i mm. thick. The tube is then filled with the amal- gamated zinc to within 50 mm. of the top, and on the zinc is placed a plug of glass wool. The 60 mm. funnel B is fitted into the tube with a rubber stop- per, and the reduc- tor is connected with a suction bottle, F. The bottle D is a safety bottle to pre- vent contamination of the solution by water from the pump. The iron solution during its passage through the reduc- tor comes into in- timate contact with the zinc, and is re- duced by the nascent hydrogen evolved. The column of zinc should never be less than five inches in length. Great care must be used to pre- vent the access of air to the reductor after it has been washed out ready for use. If air enters, hydrogen peroxide forms, which reacts with the permanganate, and the results are worthless. It is also possible to reduce the iron by treatment with zinc, in a flask from which air is excluded, the zinc being completely dissolved. This method is, however, less con- venient and more tedious than the reductor. Potassium permanganate solutions are not usually stable for long periods, and change more rapidly when first pre- pared than after standing some days. This is probably 88 VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS. caused by interaction with the organic matter contained in all distilled water, except that distilled from an alkaline permanganate solution. The solutions should, however, be protected from the light as far as possible, since sunlight induces decomposition, with a deposition of manganese diox- ide, and it has been recently shown* that the decomposition proceeds with considerable rapidity, with \ the evolution of oxygen, after the Jlioxide has begun to form. As commer- cial samples of the, permanganate are likely to be contami- nated by the dioxide, it is advisable to filter solutions through asbestos before standardization. Such solutions are rela- tively stable. The permanganate solution cannot be placed in burettes with rubber tips, as a reduction takes place upon contact with the rubber. The solution has so deep a color that the lower line of the meniscus cannot be detected ; readings must therefore be made from the upper edge. \ STANDARDIZATION OF A POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE SOLUTION. Procedure. Dissolve about 3.25 grams of potassium per- manganate crystals in 200 cc. of water, in a beaker, warm- ing to hasten solution. Filter through a layer of asbestos, cool, dilute to about 1000 cc., and mix thoroughly. Fill a glass-stoppered burette with this solution, observing usual precautions, and fill a second burette with the ferrous am- monium sulphate solution prepared for use with the po- tassium bichromate. Run out into a beaker about 40 cc. of the iron solution, add 10 cc. of dilute sulphuric acid (i : 5), and run in the permanganate solution to a slight perma- nent pink. Repeat, until the ratio of the two solutions is fixed. Weigh out into beakers two portions of iron wire of about 0.25 gram each. Dissolve these in dilute sulphuric acid (5 cc. of concentrated acid and 100 cc. of water), warming to promote solution. Meanwhile prepare the reductor for use * Morse, Hopkins, and Walker, Am. Chem.J., 18, 401. PERMANGANATE PROCESS. 89 as follows : Connect the suction bottle with the vacuum pump, fill the reductor while the stopcock is closed (or nearly so) with warm dilute sulphuric acid (5 cc. of acid in 100 cc. water), and then open the stopcock so that the acid runs through slowly. Continue to pour in acid until 200 cc. have passed through, then close the cock while a small quantity of liquid is still left in the funnel. Remove the fil- trate, and again pass through 100 QC. of the warm, dilute acid. Test this with the permanganate solution. A single drop should color it permanently ; if it does not, repeat the washing. Be sure that no air enters the reductor. Pour the iron solution while hot (but not boiling) through the reductor at a rate not exceeding 50 cc. per minute. Wash out the beaker with dilute sulphuric acid, and fol- low the iron solution, without interruption, with 175 cc. of the warm acid, and finally with 75 cc. of distilled water, leaving the funnel partially filled. Remove the filter bottle, and cool the solution under the water tap. Add 10 cc. of dilute sulphuric acid, and titrate to a faint pink with the permanganate solution directly in the filter bottle. Should the end-point be overstepped, the ferrous ammonium sul- phate solution may be added. From the volume ^of the solution required to oxidize the iron in the wire, calculate the value of each cubic centimeter in terms of metallic iron (Fe). The results should be concordant within o.ooooi gram. Notes. i. A careful study of the "General Discussion" should be made in connection with the steps of this and the following procedure. 2. The funnel of the reductor must never be allowed to empty, and if it is left partially filled, the reductor is ready for subsequent use without the previous washing. A prelim- inary test is always a safeguard against error, however. If more than a small drop of permanganate solution is required to color 100 cc. of the dilute acid after the reductor is well washed, an allowance must be made for the iron in the zinc. The rate of filtration of the iron solution should not ex- ceed that prescribed, but the rate may be increased some- what when the wash-water is added. It is well to allow the VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS iron solution to run nearly, but not entirely, out of the funnel before the wash-water is added. If it is necessary to inter- rupt the process, the complete emptying of the funnel can always be avoided by closing the stopcock. It must be borne in mind that only the nascent hydrogen is efficient as a reducing agent. That which is visible is molecular hydrogen and without influence upon the ferric iron. 3. The dilute sulphuric acid for washing must be warmed ready for use before the reduction of the iron begins. 4. The end-point is more permanent in cold than hot solutions, possibly because of a slight action of the perman- ganate upon the manganous sulphate formed during the titra- tion. If the solution turns brown, it is an evidence of insuf- ficient acid, and more should be immediately added. The results are likely to be less accurate in this case, however, as a consequence of secondary reactions between the fer- rous iron and the manganese dioxide thrown down. 5. The potassium permanganate may, of course, be diluted and brought to an exactly T ^ solution from the data here obtained. The percentage of iron in the iron wire, as estab- lished by gravimetric methods, must be taken into account in the calculation. DETERMINATION OF IRON IN LIMONITE. Procedure. Weigh out two portions of the powdered limonite, roast, and bring them into solution as described on page 80, but dissolve finally in casseroles. Add cau- tiously to the solution 5 cc. of concentrated sulphuric acid, and evaporate on the steam bath until the solution is nearly colorless. Cover the casseroles and heat over the flame of the lamp until the heavy white fumes of sulphuric anhy- dride are freely evolved. Cool the casseroles, add 100 cc. of water, and boil until the ferric sulphate is dissolved; pour the warm solution through the reductor, proceed as described under standardization, and titrate with the per- manganate solution in the filter flask, using the ferrous ammonium sulphate solution, if need be. From the volume of permanganate solution used, calculate the equivalent quantity of iron (Fe), and the percentage in the limonite. PERMANGANATE PROCESS. 9 1 Notes. i. The preliminary roasting is probably neces- sary, even though the sulphuric acid subsequently chars the carbonaceous matter. Certain .nitrogenous bodies are not rendered insoluble in the acid, and would be oxidized by the permanganate. 2. The hydrochloric acid, both free and combined, is dis- placed by the less volatile sulphuric acid at its boiling point. The ferric sulphate separates at this point, since there is no water to hold it in solution, and care is required to prevent bumping. 3. The ferric sulphate usually has a silky appearance, and is easily distinguished from the flocculent silica which remains undissolved. A small quantity of glass wool may be placed in the neck of the funnel to prevent the passage of this silica into the reductor. 9 2 VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS. DETERMINATION OF THE OXIDIZING POWER OF PYROLUSITE. Pyrolusite, when pure, consists of manganese dioxide. Its value, as an oxidizing agent and for the production of chlorine, depends upon the percentage of MnO 2 in the sample. This percentage is determined by an indirect method, in which the manganese dioxide is reduced and dissolved by an excess of ferrous sulphate or oxalic acid, and the unused excess determined by titration with per- manganate. Procedure. Grind the mineral in an agate mortar until no grit whatever can be detected when the powder is placed between the teeth. Dry the ground sample on a watch-glass at 110 C. for an hour, transfer it to a stoppered weighing tube, and weigh out two portions of about 0.5 gram into No. 3 beakers. Calculate the weight of oxalic acid (C 2 H 2 O 4 . 2 H 2 O) required to react with the weights of pyrolusite taken for analysis, assuming it to be pure manganese dioxide : MnO 2 -f- C 2 H 2 O 4 (2 H 2 O) + H 2 SO 4 = MnSO 4 -f- 2 CO 2 + H 2 O + (2 H 2 O). Weigh out about 0.2 gram in excess of this quantity of pure oxalic acid into the corresponding beakers, weighing the acid accu- rately, and recording the weight in the notebook. Cover the beakers, and pour into each 25 cc. of water and 50 cc- of dilute sulphuric acid (i 15); warm the liquid gently, until the evolution of carbon dioxide ceases. If a residue re- mains which is sufficiently colored to obscure the end-reac- tion of the permanganate, it must be removed by nitration. Finally, heat the solution to a temperature just below boiling, and, while hot, titrate for the excess of the oxalic acid with potassium permanganate solution. From the cor- rected volume of the solution required, calculate the amount of oxalic acid undecomposed by the pyrolusite ; subtract this from the total quantity of acid used, and calculate the weight of manganese dioxide which would react with the bal- ance of the acid, and from this the percentage in the sam- ple. Consult Part IV, page 107. PYROLUSITE. 93 Notes. i. The success of the analysis is largely depend- ent upon the fineness of the powdered mineral. If properly ground, solution should be complete in fifteen minutes or less. 2. The ground pyrolusite is somewhat hygroscopic. It should be dried at a low temperature (no ), as a higher heat tends to expel water of constitution from hydrated oxides which may also be present. 3. A moderate excess of oxalic acid above that required to react with the pyrolusite is necessary to promote solution ; otherwise the residual quantity of oxalic acid would be so small that the last particles of the mineral would scarcely dissolve. It is also desirable that a sufficient excess of the acid should be present to react with a considerable volume of the permanganate solution during the titration. 4. Care should be taken that the sides of the beaker are not overheated, as oxalic acid would be decomposed by heat alone, if crystallization should occur on the sides of the vessel. Strong sulphuric acid also decomposes the oxalic acid. The dilute acid should, therefore, be prepared outside the beaker. 5. Ferrous ammonium sulphate or iron wire may be substituted for the oxalic acid. The reaction is then the following: 2 FeSO 4 + MnO 2 + 2 H 2 SO 4 = Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3 + MnSO 4 -|- 2 H 2 O. The excess of ferrous iron may also be determined by means of potassium bichromate, if desired. Great care is required to prevent the oxidation of the iron by the air, if ferrous salts are employed. 6. Other volumetric processes may be employed for this determination, one of which is outlined in the following reac- tions : MnO 2 + 4HC1 = MnCl 2 + C1 2 + 2 H 2 O ; Cl, + 2 KI = I 2 + 2 KC1 ; I 2 + 2 Na 2 S 2 O 3 = Na 2 S 4 O 6 + 2 Nal. The chlorine generated by the pyrolusite is passed into a solution of potassium iodide. The liberated iodjne is then determined by titration with sodium thiosulphate, as described on page 97. This is a direct process, although it involves three steps. It is also possible to absorb and weigh the liberated carbon dioxide evolved during the reaction with the oxalic acid, and from this weight to find the percentage of manganese dioxide in the sample. This is a gravimetric process. 94 VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS. IODIMETRY. GENERAL DISCUSSION. The titration of iodine against sodium thiosulphate, with starch as an indicator, may perhaps be regarded as the most accurate of volumetric processes. It may be used both in acid and in neutral solutions to measure free iodine, and the latter may, in turn, serve as a measure of any substance capable of liberating iodine from potassium iodide under suitable conditions for titration. For exam- ple : the quantity of potassium bromate in a commercial sample of that salt may be determined through the follow- ing reactions : KBrO 3 + 6 KI + 3 H 2 SO 4 = 3 K 2 SO 4 + KBr + 3 I 2 + 3 H 2 0, and I 2 + 2 Na^O, = Na 2 S 4 O 6 + 2 Nal. Another illustration is afforded by the process outlined in note 6, page 93. Iodine is an oxidizing agent, and, as such, must conform to the same conditions as other similar bodies, with re- spect to its normal solutions. From the equation SO 2 + I 2 + H 2 O = SO 3 + 2 HI, it is plain that 126.85 grams of iodine suffice to liberate the oxygen necessary to oxidize I gram of hydrogen, and that, accordingly, that weight of iodine is requisite for a normal solution. Deci- and centi- normal iodine solutions are commonly used. Iodine acts as an oxidizing agent either through the de- composition of water, in the presence of an oxidizable body, as illustrated by the reaction As 2 O 3 + 2 I 2 + 2 H 2 O As 2 O 5 + 4 HI, or by increasing the proportion of the neg- ative constituent of a compound through the direct with- drawal of the positive component, as typified by the equations : 2 Na 2 S 2 O 3 + L> = Na 2 S 4 O 6 + 2 Nal, and H 2 S + I 2 = 2 HI + S. The tendency of the iodine to combine with hydrogen is not sufficient to cause it to decompose water, unless some body be present which will readily combine with the oxygen thus set free. A complete equipment for iodimetric work requires solu- IODIMETRY. 95 tions of iodine, sodium thiosulphate, potassium iodide, and starch. Commercial iodine requires re-sublimation before it can be regarded as sufficiently pure to be weighed for a standard solution. It should be sublimed between watch-glasses, after the addition of potassium iodide to unite with any chlorine present in combination with the iodine, and should be subsequently dried over sulphuric acid. It may then be dissolved in a stoppered flask, in a solution of potassium iodide {about 18 grams of the iodide to 12 of the iodine), and diluted to a definite volume. Its solutions are decomposed by sunlight, with the forma- tion of hydriodic acid, and a high temperature tends to vol- atilize the iodine. They are not stable for long periods,, and require frequent standardization, against arsenious acid, anhydrous sodium thiosulphate, or standard solutions of the latter. Iodine solutions act upon rubber ; hence only burettes, with glass stopcocks should be used. Sodium thiosulphate (Na 2 S 2 O 3 . 5 H 2 O) is rarely wholly pure as sold commercially, but may be purified by crystalli- zation, if need be. The carbon dioxide absorbed from the air by distilled water decomposes the salt, with the separa- tion of sulphur ; and if standard solutions are to be pre- pared directly, boiled water, which has been cooled out of contact with the air, must be used. Solutions of the thiosulphate must be protected from light and heat, both of which promote decomposition. They may be standardized against pure iodine, or with the intervention of potassium iodide against potassium bromate, potassium iodate, or potassium bichromate. The reactions on page 94 indicate the principle involved. It should be noted that chlorine and bromine oxidize the thiosulphate to sulphate, while the iodine leads only to the formation of sodium tetrathionate, Na^Og. Commercial potassium iodide generally contains a small quantity of iodate, which, in acid solution, liberates iodine, as indicated by a yellow coloration. The reaction is: KIO 3 + 5 KI + 3 H 2 S0 4 = 3 K 2 S0 4 + 3 I, + 3 H 3 O. The 9 6 VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS. ioclate is not necessarily uniformly distributed through the iodide, and, in order that an accurate blank test for iodate may be made, which shall apply to each analysis, it is neces- sary to bring a considerable quantity of the iodide into solu- tion, and to take a measured volume of this solution for each analysis. The strength is adapted to the work in hand. The starch solution, for use as an indicator, must be freshly prepared. A soluble starch is now obtainable which serves well, and a solution of 0.5 gram of this starch in 25 cc. of boiling water is sufficient. It is ready for use when cold, and from i cc. to 2 cc. suffices. If soluble starch is not at hand, potato starch may be used. Mix about I gram with 5 cc. of cold water to a smooth paste, pour 1 50 cc. of boiling water over it, warm for a moment on the hot plate, and put it aside to settle. De- cant the supernatant liquid through a filter and use the clear filtrate. 5 cc. of this solution are needed for a titration. The solution of potato starch is less stable than the sol- uble starch. The solid particles of the starch, if not re- moved, become so colored by the iodine that they are not readily decolorized by the thiosulphate. The iodo-starch blue is discharged by caustic alkalies, or normal carbonates of the fixed alkalies, but not by the bicarbonates. STANDARDIZATION OF IODINE AND SODIUM THIOSULPHATE SOLUTIONS. Procedure. Weigh out, on the laboratory balances, 13 grams of commercial iodine. Place it in a mortar with 18 grams of potassium iodide and triturate with small portions of water until all -is dissolved. Dilute the solution to IOOO CC.* Weigh out 25 grams of sodium thiosulphate, dissolve it in water, and dilute to 1000 cc. * It will be found more economical to have a considerable quantity of the solution prepared by a laboratory attendant, and to have all unused solutions returned to the common stock. IODIMETRY. 97 Place these solutions in burettes (the iodine in a glass- stopped burette), observing the usual precautions to prevent dilution. Run out 40 cc. of the thiosulphate solution into a beaker, dilute with 150 cc. of water, add I cc. to 2 cc. of the soluble starch solution, and titrate with the iodine to the appearance of the blue of the iodo-starch. Repeat, until the ratio of the two solutions is established. (Method A.) Weigh out, into No. 4 beakers, two portions of 0.175 0.200 gram each, of pure arsenious acid. Dissolve in 10 cc. of sodium hydroxide solution, with stirring. Dilute the solutions to 150 cc. and add hydrochloric acid until the solution contains a few drops in excess, and finally add a concentrated solution of 5 grams of sodium bicarbonate (HNaCO 3 ). Cover the beakers to avoid loss. Add the starch solution, and titrate with the iodine to the appear- ance of the blue of the iodo-starch, taking care not to pass the end-point. From the corrected volume of the iodine solution used to oxidize the arsenious acid, calculate the quantity of iodine in each cubic centimeter, and its relation to the normal. From the ratio between the solutions, calculate similar val- ues for the thiosulphate solution. (Method B) Weigh out into No. 4 beakers two portions of about 0.1500.175 gram of potassium bromate, or potassium iodate. Dissolve these in 59 cc. of water and add a suf- ficient volume of potassium iodide solution to furnish 3 grams of the salt. Add to the mixture 10 cc. of dilute sulphuric acid (i 15), allow the solution to stand for three minutes, and dilute to 1500:. ; run in thiosulphate solution from a burette until the color of the iodine is nearly de- stroyed, then add I cc. to 2 cc. of starch solution, titrate to the disappearance of the iodo-starch blue, and finally add iodine solution until the color is just restored. Make a blank test for the amount of thiosulphate solution re- 9 8 VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS, quired to react with the iodine liberated by the iodate in the potassium iodide solution, and deduct" this from the total volume used in the titration. From the data obtained, calculate the weight of thiosulphate in each cubic centimeter of the solution, and its relation to a normal solution, and, subsequently, similar values for the iodine solution. Notes. i. The two methods of standardization seem to yield equally satisfactory results, and the student is advised to try both. The arsenious acid and the potassium salts both require careful examination to establish their purity. The former usually requires re-sublimation, and the two latter re-crystallization. 2. The color of the iodo-starch is somewhat less satis- factory in concentrated solutions of alkali salts, notably the iodides. The dilution prescribed obviates this difficulty. 3. Arsenious acid dissolves more readily in caustic alkali than in the bicarbonates, but the presence of caustic alkali during the titration is not admissible. It is, therefore, de- stroyed by the addition of acid, and the solution is then made alkaline with the bicarbonate. Normal carbonates of the fixed alkalies cannot be used. The reaction during titration is the following : Na 3 AsO 3 + I + 2 HNaCO 3 = Na 3 AsO 4 + 2 Nal + 2 CO 2 + H 2 O. As the reaction between sodium thiosulphate and iodine is not always free from secondary reactions in the presence of even the weakly alkaline bicarbonate, it is best to avoid the addition of any considerable excess of iodine. Should the end-point be passed by a few drops, the thiosulphate may be used to correct it. 4. The potassium iodide should be measured from a stock solution for the reasons stated on page 95. It is then pos- sible to make an accurate blank test for the iodate. DETERMINATION OF ANTIMONY IN STIBNITE. The sample for analysis should be pure, leaving, at most, only a siliceous residue. IODIMETRY. gg Procedure. Weigh out two portions of about 0.35-0.40 gram of the mineral (which should be well ground), into two small dry beakers (No. 2). Pour over the stibnite 5 cc. of hydrochloric acid (sp. gr. 1.20) and warm gently, but keep well below the boiling point. When the residue is white, add to each I gram of solid tartaric acid. Dilute the solu- tion very cautiously by adding water in portions of 5 cc.,. stopping as soon as the solution turns red. It is possible that no coloration will appear, in which case cautiously con- tinue the dilution to 125 cc. If a red precipitate or colora- tion does appear, warm the solution until it is colorless and again dilute cautiously. Continue this to a total volume of 125 cc., and boil for a minute. Meanwhile, dissolve 6 grams of sodium bicarbonate in 200 cc. of water, in a No. 6 beaker ; pour the cold acid so- lution of the antimony into this, avoiding loss by efferves- cence. Make sure that the solution contains an excess of the bicarbonate, and then add I cc. to 2 cc. of starch solu- tion and titrate with iodine solution to the appearance of the blue, avoiding an excess. From the corrected volume of the iodine solution required to oxidize the antimony, calculate the weight of the latter in the solution and the percentage in the stibnite. Notes. i. The success of this determination is largely dependent upon close adherence to the directions as given, particularly with respect to the amounts of reagents and the dilution. 2. Antimony chloride is volatile with the steam from its concentrated solutions ; hence these solutions must not be boiled until they have been diluted. 3. The separation of antimony oxy-chloride from solutions of the chloride, on dilution with water, is prevented by the addition of the tartaric acid. 4. Stibnite is native antimony sulphide, and upon solu- tion in hydrochloric acid sulphuretted hydrogen is liberated, a part of which is absorbed by the acid, unless the heating is long continued. Upon dilution, a point is reached at which the sulphide of antimony, being no longer held in so- lution by the acid, separates. If the dilution is immediately I00 VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS. stopped and the solution warmed, this sulphide is again brought into solution and at the same time some of the sul- phuretted hydrogen is expelled. This procedure must be continued until the sulphuretted hydrogen is all removed, since it reacts with iodine. (H 2 S -j- I 2 = 2 HI -f- S.) If no precipitation of the sulphide occurs, it is an indica- tion that it was all expelled immediately after solution. 5. If, for any reason, a white precipitate of the oxy- chloride separates during dilution (which should not occur if the directions are followed), it is best to discard the deter- mination and to start anew. 6. The reaction between the iodine and the antimony is parallel with that between iodine and arsenious acid. BLEACHING POWDER. IOI CHLORIMETRY. V GENERAL DISCUSSION. Under chlorimetry are included those processes by which not only free chlorine, but also bromine, hypochlorous and hypobromous acids are estimated. The reagent employed is arsenious acid, in bicarbonate solution. In this weakly alkaline solution the reaction between chlorine and the arsenious acid is parallel with that of iodine. A solution of arsenious acid which has been prepared from the pure acid may be used without standardization, and is stable for long periods, but the commercial acid re- quires re-sublimation to remove arsenic sulphide, which may be present in small quantity. To prepare the solution, dissolve about 5 grams of the powdered acid, accurately weighed, in 10 cc. of a concentrated sodium hydroxide so- lution, dilute the solution to 300 cc., and make it faintly acid with hydrochloric acid. Add 30 grams of sodium bicarbonate, and dilute the. solution to 1000 cc. in a meas- uring flask. If desired, the value of this solution may be checked by titration against the standardized iodine solution. The indicator required is made by dipping strips of filter paper in a starch solution, to which i gram of potassium iodide has been added. These strips are allowed to drain and spread upon a watch-glass. When touched by a drop of the solution, the paper turns blue until an excess of the arsenious acid has been added. The paper must be moist when used. DETERMINATION OF THE AVAILABLE CHLORINE IN BLEACH- ING POWDER. Procedure. Weigh out from a stoppered test-tube into a porcelain mortar, about 3.5 grams of bleaching powder. Keep the mortar away from the door of the balance case, to avoid injury to the balance. Triturate the powder in the mortar with successive portions of water, until it is well ground and transferred to a 500 cc. measuring flask. Fill 102 VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS. the flask to the graduation and shake thoroughly. Meas- ure off 25 cc. of this semi-solution in a measuring flask, or pipette, observing the precautions named on page 70, and the further precaution that the liquid removed shall contain its proportion of suspended matter. Empty the flask into a beaker and wash it out. Run in the arsenious acid solution from a burette, until no further reaction takes place with the starch-iodide paper when touched by a drop of the solution of bleaching pow- der. From the volume of solution required to react with the bleaching powder, calculate the percentage of chlorine in the latter, assuming the titration reaction to be that be- tween chlorine and arsenious acid. Note that one twenti- eth of the total weight of bleaching powder enters into the reaction. Notes. i. Bleaching powder may be regarded as con- taining both calcium chloride and hypochlorite. Its effi- ciency, when treated with acids, depends upon the quantity of the latter constituent, since the hydrochlorous acid yields as bleaching agents both oxygen and chlorine. It is cus- tomary, however, to express the value of the bleaching agent in terms of available chlorine, as though only that were a factor in its efficiency. The chlorine present as chloride is, of course, not available for bleaching purposes. 2. Bleaching powder readily loses chlorine on exposure to the air, as a result of the absorption of carbon dioxide. The sample must be carefully protected, but even then it is rarely possible to obtain closely agreeing results from sepa- rate samples. For technical purposes, it is usually sufficient to examine one sample. The student should check his re- sults by titrating two portions from the 500 cc. 3. The powder must be triturated until it is fine, other- wise the lumps will inclose calcium hypochlorite, which will fail to react with the arsenious acid. The clear supernatant liquid gives percentages which are below, and the sediment percentages which are above the average. The liquid meas- ured off should, therefore, carry with it its proper proportion of the sediment. SULPHOCYANATE PROCESS. 103 III. PRECIPITATION METHODS. SULPHOCYANATE PROCESS FOR THE DETER- MINATION OF SILVER. GENERAL DISCUSSION. The addition of a solution of potassium or ammonium sulphocyanate to one of silver in nitric acid, causes a depo- sition of silver sulphocyanate, as a white curdy precipitate. If ferric nitrate is also present, the slightest excess of the sulphocyanate, over that required to combine with the sil- ver, is indicated by the deep red which is characteristic of the sulphocyanate test for iron, The reactions involved are: AgNO 3 + KSCN = AgSCN + KNO 3 , and 3 KSCN + Fe(NO 3 ) 3 = Fe(SCN) 3 + 3 KN0 3 . The normal solution of the sulphocyanate should contain a sufficient quantity of the salt to combine with I gram of hydrogen to form sulphocyanic acid ; i. e., a gram-molecule, or 97.23 grams KSCN. The sulphocyanate cannot be accu- rately weighed ; its solutions must, therefore, be standard- ized against silver nitrate, either in the form of a standard solution, or by weighing out small portions. The reaction with silver may be carried out in nitric acid solution, and in the presence of copper, if the latter does not exceed 70 per cent. Above that percentage it is neces- sary to add silver, in known quantity, to the solution. The liquid must be cold at the time of titration and en- tirely free from nitrous compounds. A saturated solution of ferric alum, to which a moderate quantity of nitric acid has been added, serves as an indi- cator. The volume used is 5 cc. and should be the same for each titration. 104 VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS. STANDARDIZATION OF A POTASSIUM SULPHOCYANATE SOLUTION. Procedure. Crush a few crystals of silver nitrate in a mortar, transfer them to a watch-glass, and dry for an hour at 110 C. Protect the nitrate from dust or organic matter. Weigh out two portions of about 0.5 gram each. Dissolve these in 50 cc. of water and add 10 cc. of nitric acid (sp. gr. 1.2), which has been recently boiled, and 5 cc. of the indicator solution. Run in the sulphocyanate solution from a burette, until a faint red tinge can be detected in the solu- tion after vigorous stirring. From the corrected volume used, calculate the value of the solution in terms of metal- lic silver, and its relation to a normal solution. Repeat, until the results are concordant. Notes. i. The crystals of silver nitrate sometimes inclose water, which is expelled on drying. If the nitrate has come into contact with organic bodies, it suffers a reduction and blackens during the heating. 2. It is plain that a standard solution of silver nitrate (made by weighing out the crystals) is convenient or neces- sary, if many titrations of this nature are to be made. In the absence of such a solution, the liability of passing the end- point is lessened by setting aside a small fraction of the silver solution, which can be added at the close of the titration to counteract any accidental excess of sulphocyanate. DETERMINATION OF SILVER IN COIN. Procedure. Weigh out two portions of the coin, of about 0.5 gram each. Dissolve them in 15 cc. of nitric acid (sp. gr. 1.2), and boil until all the nitrous compounds are ex- pelled ; cool the liquid, dilute to 50 cc., add 5 cc. of the in- dicator solution, and titrate with the sulphocyanate to the appearance of the faint red coloration. From the corrected volume of the sulphocyanate solution required, calculate the weight of silver present, and the percentage in the coin. Note. These solutions, containing the silver precipitate^ as well as those from the standardization, should be placed in the receptacle for " silver residues." PART IV. STOICHIOMETRY. The stoichiometrical problems with which the analytical chemist has to deal are not, as a rule, difficult either to solve or to compre- hend. The student will find that a moderate time devoted to the thoughtful study of these problems will do much to prevent em- barrassment in later professional experience, where the ability to make the necessary calculations for the interpretation of analyt- ical data is no less important than the manipulative skill by which the data are obtained. Detailed solutions of a few typical problems are given below. The student should study these carefully, and assure himself that they are fully understood. i. A "chemical factor" expresses the ratio between a spe- cific quantity of a chemical compound and the equivalent quantity of some other body. For example, if it is wished to determine the weight of sulphur which corresponds to a specific weight of barium sulphate, the latter is multiplied by the factor, or ratio represented by the fraction EaSQ , or ^' _ 7 Q = 0.1373. It may 233-5 32-07 also be expressed by the proportion BaSO 4 : S = wt. BaSO 4 : x, from which it is plain that x = 3 ' 7 . wt. BaSO 4 . 233-5 Again, ff the weight of FeO in Fe 2 O 8 is desired, the factor becomes = = 0.9000. Similarly, the factor for Fe 2 O 8 160.04 the conversion of KC1 to K 2 O is ^^ = - : = 0.6320. The logarithmic equivalents of these values are called log factors. In the calculation of these factors, the atomic or molecular rela- tions of the two substances must be kept clearly in mind ; thus, it is plainly incorrect to express the ratio of ferrous to ferric oxide by FeO the fraction ^ p^-, since each molecule of the higher oxide must re 2 u 3 correspond to two molecules of the lower. Carelessness in this respect is one of the most frequent sources of error. 106 STOICHIOMETRY. 2. To calculate the volume of a reagent required for a specific operation, it is necessary to know the exact reaction which is to be brought about, and, as with the calculation of factors, to keep in mind the molecular relations between the reagent and the sub- stance reacted upon. For example, to estimate the weight of barium chloride necessary to precipitate the sulphur from o.i gram 488.70 of pure pyrite (FeS 2 ), the proportion should stand 2 BaCl 2 . 2 H 2 O : 120.16 FeS 2 = x : o.i, where x represents the weight of the chloride required. Each of the two atoms of sulphur will form a mole- cule of sulphuric acid upon oxidation, which, in turn, will require a molecule of the barium chloride for precipitation. To determine the quantity of the barium chloride required, it is necessary to in- clude in its molecular weight the water of crystallization, since this is inseparable from the chloride when it is weighed. This applies equally to other similar instances. If the strength of an acid is expressed in percentage by weight, due regard must be paid to its specific gravity. For example, hy- drochloric acid (sp. gr. 1.12) contains 23.8 per cent. HC1 by weight; i. c., 0.2666 gram. 3. No rules for universal application to " indirect gravi- metric analyses " can be laid down. A single example will be explained. Given a mixture of KC1 -f- NaCl weighing 0.15 gram, which contains 53 per cent, chlorine, to calculate the weight of KC1 and- of NaCl in the mixture. The weight of chlorine in the mixture is (0.15 X Q-53) or 0.0795 gram. Assuming that this chlorine was all in combination with potassium, the corresponding weight of KC1 would be 0.1672 gram (Cl : KC1 ~ 0.0795 : 0-1672). This is an excess of 0.0172 gram over the actual weight of the mixture, and it is plain that this difference is occasioned by the replacement of certain of 'the molecules of potassium chloride, weighing 74.56 units, by mole- cules of sodium chloride weighing 58.50 units. To express this, let it be supposed that the mixture is made up of n molecules KC1 and n' molecules NaCl ; then it may be said that n KC1 -j- 58.50 74-56 74-56 n f NaCl = 0.15 gram, and n KC1 -f- n' KC1 = 0.1672 gram, then by subtracting the first equation from the second it is shown 74.56 58.50 that ri (KC1 NaCl) = 0.0172 gram. That is, the differ- ence in weight is equal to n' times the difference in the molecu- .S 1 TO 1C HIO ME TRY. 107 lar weights of the two chlorides. The actual weight of NaCl present (x) is equal to 5 8. 50;*', or, since ' = ~ - , x = / 0.0172 \ 58.50^ fi~I JT~ /' This may be expressed in the form (74.56 5^.50) : 58.50 = 0.0172 : x, from which x = 0.0626. The weight of NaCl subtracted from that of the mixture gives the weight of KC1. The weights of the chlorides may also be calculated algebra- 35-4S ically by solving the equations x -\- y = 0.15 and > x -\- o y = -795 where x is the weight of KC1 and y is the 5 8 -5 weight of NaCl in the mixture. 4. It is sometimes desirable to weigh out such a quantity of substance for analysis, that the number of cubic centimeters of standard solution entering into the reaction shall represent directly the percentage of the desired constituent. This may be readily done, by considering the relation of the solution to a normal solu- tion and the atomic or molecular weight of the desired component. For example, suppose it is desired to calculate such a weight for K 2 CO 3 in pearlash, when a half-normal acid solution is used. Since half-normal acid and alkali solutions are equivalent, and since, by definition, the half-normal K 2 CO 3 solution contains 34.55 grams per liter, each cubic centimeter of the acid solution must be equivalent to 0.03455 gram K 2 CO 3 . Hence, 100 cc. would neu- tralize 3.455 grams pure K 2 CO 3 , and this becomes the desired weight of the pearlash. Similarly, the required weight of limonite, where the iron (Fe) is to be determined by means of a deci-normal K 2 Cr 2 O 7 solution, is 0.5602 gram. 5. One of the most frequently recurring cases in volumetric analysis is that in which it is wished to express the value of a spe. cific solution in terms of some substance other than that against which it has been standardized ; as, for instance, the value of a permanganate solution which has been standardized against oxalic acid, in terms of iron. Although such problems apparently vary widely, there are common principles which can be applied to them all. These are stated below, and the student should assure him- self that they are fully understood. Suppose, for example, it is desired to find the iron value (Fe) of a permanganate solution, of which i cc. is equivalent to 0.0063 gram C 2 H 2 O 4 . 2 H 2 O. ! o8 ? TO I C HI O ME TR Y. From a comparison of the reactions on page 84, it is seen that 10 molecules of ferrous sulphate and 5 molecules of oxalic acid each react with the same amount (2 molecules) of the perman- ganate. These two quantities being, then, equivalent to the same third quantity, must be equivalent to each other ; in other words, 10 molecules of ferrous sulphate and 5 molecules of oxalic acid have the same reducing power. But, as stated above, the value is desired in terms of metallic iron (Fe), not FeSO 4 , but as it is plain that 10 FeSO 4 are equivalent to 10 Fe, it is proper to make the proportion 560.2 630.25 10 Fe : 5 C 2 H 2 O 4 . 2 H 2 O = x : .006302 in which x = 0.005602 gram. Here, again, as in example 2, it is necessary to include the water of crystallization in the molecular weight of the oxalic acid, as it is weighed with it. The same conclusion is arrived at, if we consider the relation of the solution to the normal. As given, it is deci-normal and must, therefore, be equivalent to a deci-normal solution of iron. From the equations cited, it is seen that 10 FeSO 4 unite with 5 O, there- fore each molecule is equivalent to i hydrogen atom in reducing power. The normal solution must, then, contain i gram-molecule of ferrous sulphate, or 56.02 grams Fe, and each cubic centimeter of the deci-normal solution would contain 0.005602 gram, the value obtained above. Again, suppose the value of the same permanganate solution were desired in terms of molybdenum (Mo), the reactions with permanganate being 5 Moi 2 Oi9 + 17 Mn 2 O 7 60 MoO 3 -f- 34 MnO, and 5 C 2 H 2 O 4 . 2 H 2 O -f Mn 2 O 7 2 MnO + ioCO 2 + 15 H 2 CX (Mn 2 O 7 is the anhydride of HMnO 4 .) It is plain that in these equations as they stand, the molecular quantities of oxidizing agent are not equal. They can be made so by simply multiplying the second equation by 17, and they then become, 5 Mo 12 Oi9 -\- 17 Mn 2 O 7 = 34 MnO -|- 60 MoO 3 , and 85 C 2 H 2 O 4 . 2 H 2 O + 17 Mn 2 O 7 = 34 MnO + 170 CO 2 + 255 H 2 0. It is now possible to reason in the same way as before, and to conclude that 85 molecules of the oxalic acid have the same reduc- S TO 1C If IO ME TRY. 109 ing power as 5 molecules of the oxide Mo 12 O 19 , or 60 atoms of molybdenum. Accordingly, 575.88 10714.25 60 Mo : 85 C 2 H 2 O 4 . 2 H 2 O = x : 0.006302 in which x = 0.0003387 gram. Since 5 Mo 12 O 19 unite with 85 O, a normal solution of the former as a reducing #gent, would contain T ^ of the 5 gram-mole- cules or 3.387 grams Mo, and the deci-normal solution 0.3387 grams per liter. This agrees with the values already obtained. 6. It is sometimes necessary to calculate the value of solutions according to the principles just explained, when several successive reactions are involved. Such problems may be solved by a series of proportions, but it is usually possible, after stating these, to eliminate the common factors and solve but a single one. For example, suppose it is desired to express the value of a permanganate solution, of which i cc. 0.008 gram iron (Fe), in terms of calcium oxide (CaO). The reactions involved in the volumetric determination of calcium are the following : CaCl 2 -4- (NH 4 ) 2 C 2 O 4 = CaC 2 O 4 + 2 NH 4 C1 ; CaC 2 O 4 + H 2 SO 4 + 2 H 2 O = CaSO 4 4- C 2 H 2 O 4 . 2 H 2 O ; 5 C 2 H 2 O 4 . 2 H 2 O + 2 KMnO 4 + 3 H 2 SO 4 = K 2 SO 4 + MnSO 4 + 10 CO 2 + 18 H 2 O. From the considerations stated under 5, the following propor- tions may be made : 10 Fe : 5 C 2 H 2 O 4 . 2 H 2 O = .008 : x 5 C 2 H 2 O 4 . 2 H 2 O : 5 CaC 2 O 4 = x : y 5 CaC 2 O 4 : 5 CaO = y : z Canceling the common factors, there remains simply 560.2 280.4 10 Fe : 5 CaO = .008 : z Similarly, from the reactions given in note 6, page 93, the equiv- alent of the iodine liberated may be calculated in terms of MnO 2 as follows : Supposing the weight of iodine to be 0.5 gram, then 2 I : 2 KI = 0.5 : x 2 KI : 2 Cl = x : y 2 Cl : 2 HC1 = y : z 2 HC1 : MnO 2 = z : w Canceling the common factors, there remains 2 I : MnO 2 = 0.5 : w no S TOICHIOME TR Y. To solve such problems as 5 and 6, it is necessary to know the reactions involved, and the way in which the various components break up ; then to compare the reactions and to search for those molecular quantities of the compounds in question, which are equivalent in their action upon a common agent. Having found these, as shown above, express the molecular ratio between them 253.7 86.99 in the form of a proportion; as, for example, 2 1 : MnO = 0.5 : w. Expressed in the form w = - - 0.5, it is plain that this ratio is OO' / in no way different in principle from the chemical factor men- tioned in paragraph i ; indeed, it is the factor for the conversion of iodine to manganese dioxide. PROBLEMS. (The reactions necessary for the solution of these problems are either stated with the problem, or may be found in the earlier text. The atomic weights used are those given in the table on page 117.) GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS. 1. Calculate the chemical factors for (a) (NH 4 ) 2 O from 2 (NH 4 )C1. PtCl 4 ; (b) for K in 2 KC1. PtCl 4 ; (c) for P in Mg 2 P 2 O 7 ; (d) for Fe 2 O 3 from Fe 3 O 4 . Answers : (a) 0.1175, (b) 0.1611, (c) 0.2787, (d) i.o^. 2. If 0.5 gram of platinum remains after the ignition of the precipitate of the double salt, 2 NH 4 C1. PtCl 4 , derived from 1 gram of an ammonium compound, calculate the percentage of NH 3 in the latter. 2 NH 4 C1. PtCl 4 = 2 NH 3 + 2 HC1 + 2 C1 2 + Pt. Answer: 8.76 %. 3. What weight of Mn 3 O 4 corresponds to i gram of Mn 2 P 2 O 7 ? Answer : 0.5375 gram. 4. How many cubic centimeters of aqueous ammonia (sp. gr. 0.96) containing 9. 90, -per cent. NH 3 by weight, will be required to precipitate the iron as Fe(OH) 3 from i gram of (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 . FeSO 4 . 6 H 2 O ? Answer: 1.37 cc. 5. How many cubic centimeters of HNO 3 (sp. gr. 1.135) con- taining 20 per cent. HNO 3 by weight, are required to oxidize the iron in i gram of FeSO 4 . (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 . 6 H 2 O, in the presence of sulphuric acid? 6 FeSO 4 + 2 HNO 3 + 3 H 2 SO 4 = 3 Fe 2 (SO 4 ) 3 -f 2 NO + 4 H 2 O. Answer: 0.24 cc. PROBLEMS. ! j j 6. The ignited precipitate of Fe 2 O 3 -f- A1 2 O 3 from 1.5 grams of a silicate weighs 0.4069 gram ; this mixture loses 0.0200 gram when ignited in hydrogen. What is the percentage of Fe 2 O 3 . and A1 2 O 3 in the sample ? Fe 2 O 3 + 3 H 2 = 2 Fe -f- 3 H 2 O. Answer: 22.68 % A1 2 O 3 ; 4.44 % Fe 2 O 3 . 7. How many cubic centimeters of " magnesia mixture " (64 grams MgCl 2 per liter) will be required to precipitate the arsenic from 0.2 gram As 2 S 3 , after oxidation to arsenic acid? H 3 AsO 4 -j- MgCl 2 + 3 NH 4 OH = MgNH 4 AsO 4 + 2 NH 4 C1 + 3 H 2 O. Answer : 2.42 cc. 8. How many cubic centimeters of an ammonium oxalate so- lution [(NH 4 ) 2 C 2 O 4 . H 2 O] (40 grams per liter), are required to- precipitate the calcium as oxalate from i gram of apatite (Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 . CaCl 2 ) ? How many cubic centimeters of " magnesia mixture " (containing 64 grams MgCl 2 per liter) are necessary to combine with the phosphoric acid in the same weight of apatite ? Answer : 33.73 cc. and 7.06 cc. 9. If a calcium oxalate precipitate (which is contaminated by silica) from 0.83 gram of dolomite be ignited under such condi- tions that the decomposition products may be passed through Ba(OH) 2 solution, and the resulting precipitate of barium carbonate be found, on drying, to weigh 0.9500 gram, what is the percentage of CaO in the sample? Answer: 32.51 J . 10. How many cubic centimeters of a potassium tetroxalate solution (KHC 2 O 4 . C 2 H 2 O 4 . 2 H 2 O), containing 50 grams per liter, would be required to precipitate the calcium from i gram of a sample of dolomite yielding 2 % Fe 2 O 3 , 10 % MgO, and 45 % CO 2 , assuming the iron, magnesium, and calcium to be present wholly as carbonates, the iron as ferrous carbonate ? Answer : 19.05 cc. 11. How many cubic centimeters of sulphuric acid (sp. gr. 1.75), containing 81 per cent. H 2 SO 4 by weight, are necessary to replace the nitric acid in the nitrates formed from 5 grams of a brass containing 65 % Cu, 34.5 % Zn and 0.5 / Pb ? Answer: 5.37 cc. 12. If 5.23 grams of brass yield 0.0345 gram PbSO 4 , and sub- sequently 0.0031 gram PbO 2 on electrolysis of the filtrate, what is the percentage of Pb in the brass? Answer: 0.5 %. 13. If in the analysis of a brass containing 65 / copper, an error is made in weighing a 5 -gram portion, by which o.ooi gram ! T 2 S TOICHIOME TR Y. too much is weighed out, what would be the percentage of copper, as determined ? If the same error is made in weighing 0.2 gram of apatite containing 40 % P2O 5 , what will be the apparent per- centage ? What will be the percentage error in each case ? Answers : 65.01 % Cu ; 40.2 % P 2 O 5 ; 0.02 % and 0.5 %. 14. If the dry cupric sulphide from 0.82 gram of brass loses 0.1345 gram on ignition in hydrogen, what is the percentage of copper in the brass ? 2 CuS == Cu 2 S + S. Answer . ^^ %> 15. If 1.5 grams of glass yield 0.38 gram KC1 -f- NaCl, from which 0.646 gram 2 KC1. PtCl 4 is obtained, what is the percentage of Na,0 in the glass ? ^^ . 6.43 %. 1 6. A mixture of BaO and CaO weighing 0.2438 gram yields 0.4876 grams of mixed sulphates. What is the weight of each oxide in the original mixture ? Answer: 0.1288 gram CaO ; 0.1150 gram BaO. 17. Calculate the percentage of pure Na 2 CO 3 in an impure sample, from the following data : Crucible -f- SiO 2 = 20.0697 grams; crucible -+- SiO 2 + Na 2 CO 3 (impure) = 20.3264 grams; crucible -|- SiO 2 (excess) -f- Na 2 SiO 3 (after fusion) = 20.2239 grams. Assume the reaction to be Na 2 CO 3 + SiO 2 = Na 2 SiO 3 -f- CO 2 . Answer: 96.25 %. 1 8. A sample of pyrite weighing 0.5 gram yields 1.6 grams BaSO 4 . Calculate the percentage FeS 2 in the sample. Answer: 82.35 %. VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS. 1. How much crude cream of tartar should be taken for an analysis in order that the number of cubic centimeters of NaOH solution required to react with it, shall represent directly the per- centage of KHC 4 H 4 O 6 ? How much oxalic acid in order that each cubic centimeter of -^ KMnO 4 may represent i % C 2 H 2 O 4 . 2 H 2 O ? KHC 4 H 4 O 6 + NaOH = KNaC 4 H 4 O 6 + H 2 O. Answer: 0.409 gram KHC 4 H 4 O 6 ; 0.6302 gram C 2 H 2 O 4 . 2 H 2 O. 2. What weight of potassium ferrocyanide, K 4 Fe(CN) 6 . 3 H 2 O, should a normal solution contain, for use as a reducing agent? 10 K 4 Fe(CN) 6 . (3 H 2 O) + 2 KMnO 4 + 8 H 2 SO 4 = 10 K 3 Fe(CN) 6 + 6 K 2 SO 4 + 2 MnSO 4 + 8 H 2 O + (30 H 2 O). PROBLEMS. n 3 3. Calculate the percentage of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) in a sample of calcium carbonate from the following data : Total volume HC1 = 35 cc. ; total volume T N ^ NaOH = 15 cc. ; weight carbonate i.oo gram. Answer : 35.20 / . 4. Calculate the weight of KHC 2 O 4 . C 2 H 2 O 4 . (2 H 2 O) neces- sary for a liter of normal solution, (V) as a standard acid solution (compare note 7, on page 69), (b) as a reducing agent. KHC 2 O 4 . C 2 H 2 O 4 . (2 H 2 O) + 2 MnO 2 + 3 H 2 SO 4 = 2 MnSO 4 + KHSO 4 + 4 CO 2 + 4 H 2 O + (2 H 2 O). Answer : (a) 84.72 ; (fr) 63.54 grams. 5. Given the following data, calculate the percentage purity of the oxalic acid : Standardization: Weight CaCO 3 1.050 gram; HC1 solution used 45 cc. ; NaOH solution used = 4.8 cc. ; i cc. NaOH solution 1.042 cc. HC1 solution. Analysis: Weight oxalic acid = 1.500 gram; NaOH solution used = 42.5 cc. ; HC1 solution used = 0.5 cc. Answer: 96.52 / . 6. Given the following data, calculate the percentage purity of the cream of tartar (KHC 4 H 4 O 6 ) : Weight of substance = 2.500 grams ; NaOH solution used = 25.51 cc. ; H 2 SO 4 solution used 0.5 cc. ; i cc. H 2 SO 4 solu- tion = 1.02 cc. NaOH solution; i cc. NaOH 4 solution^ ^0.0255 gram CaCO 3 . Answer : 95.90 %. 7. Solutions of alkali carbonates with phenolphthalein become colorless as soon as the carbonate has changed to bicarbonate. Calculate the percentage NaOH in a sample of soda ash from the following data, assuming the hydrate to be neutralized before the carbonate is attacked : Weight of soda ash = i gram ; HC1 solution is . The solution becomes colorless when 25 cc. HC1 have been added, but requires 40 cc. for complete neutraliza- tion, after boiling out the carbon dioxide. Na 2 CO 3 -f- HC1 = HNaCOs + NaCl ; NaHCO 3 + HC1 = NaCl + CO 2 + H 2 O. Answer: 20.02 / . 8. If 10 cc. of a sulphuric acid solution yield 0.1220 gram BaSO 4 , how much must the solution be diluted for an exactly ^ solution? Answer: 1000 cc. to 1044 cc. 9. If i cc. of a potassium bichromate solution will oxidize 0.0066 gram iron, to what volume must 100 cc. of the solution be diluted to make a T $ 7 solution ? Answer: 100 cc. to 1178 cc. ! j 4 STOICHIOME TR Y. 10. Calculate the percentage of iron (Fe) in a sample of limon- ite from the following data : Weight of limonite = 0.55 gram ; K 2 Cr 2 O 7 solution used = 51.1 cc. ; i cc. K 2 Cr 2 O 7 solution = .0058 gram Fe ; FeSO 4 solu- tion used = 5 cc. ; 5 cc. of FeSO 4 solution contains 0.008 gram FeO. Answer: 52.74 / . 11. A sample of iron wire is dissolved, out of contact with air, in 30 cc. HC1, of which i cc. = 0.95 cc. J HC1. The iron re- quires 40 cc. yjj K 2 Cr 2 O 7 for oxidation. What excess of HC1 was used? Answer: 13.16 cc. 12. How much stannous chloride (SnCl 2 ) by weight will it require to reduce the iron from 0.5 gram magnetite (FeO. Fe 2 O 3 ), dissolved out of contact with air ? Answer : 0.4093 gram. 13. How many cubic centimeters of HC1 (sp. gr. 1.12) are required to dissolve 0.55 gram limonite (2 Fe 2 O 3 . 3 H 2 O), assum- ing the only impurity to be 1.5 per cent, quartz? Answer : 2.37 cc. 14. If 0.75 gram of a silicate yields 0.4 gram Fe 2 O 3 -f- A1 2 O 3 , and the iron present requires 20 cc. K 2 Cr 2 O 7 solution (i cc. = 0.0784 gram FeSO 4 (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 . 6 H 2 O), calculate the percentage FeO and A1 2 O 3 in the sample. Answer: 38.37 % FeO; 10.72 % A1 2 O 3 . 15. What weight of iron wire containing 99.85 / Fe will react with the chromium from 0.5 gram chromite (FeO. Cr 2 O 3 )? Answer: 0.7504 gram. 1 6. If i cc. of a potassium permanganate solution will oxidize 0.0085 g ram Fe, calculate the value of the same solution in terms of (a) KHC 2 O 4 .C 2 H 2 O 4 . 2 H 2 O ; (V) KNO 2 ; (c) Mn ; (d) K 4 Fe(CN) 6 . 3 H 2 O. 10 KHC 2 O 4 . C 2 H 2 O 4 . (2 H 2 O) + 8 KMnO 4 + 17 H 2 SO 4 = 9 K 2 SO 4 + 8 MnSO 4 + 40 CO 2 + 32 H 2 O + (20 H 2 O); 10 KNO 2 + 4 KMnO 4 + n H 2 SO 4 = 7 K 2 SO 4 + 4 MnSO 4 + 10 HNO 3 + 6 H 2 O; 3 MnO + Mn 2 O 7 = 5 MnO 2 , and 2 KMnO 4 = K 2 O. Mn 2 O 7 ; compare also problem 2. Answer: (a) 0.009640 gram; (b) 0.006463 gram; (c) 0.002502 gram; (d) 0.06414 gram. 17. Calculate the value of a permanganate solution, of which i cc. = 0.008 gram Fe, in terms of MoO 3 . Mn 2 O 7 + 10 FeO = 5 Fe 2 O 3 -\- 2 MnO ; 7 Mn 2 O 7 -f- Mo 24 O 37 = 24 MoO 3 -f- 14 MnO. Answer: 0.007051 gram. PROBLEMS. uij 1 8. Given the following data, calculate the percentage of iron in the limonite : Weight of limonite = 0.55 gram ; KMnO 4 solution used 30 cc. ; i cc. KMnO 4 solution = 0.0084 gram C 2 H 2 O 4 . 2 H 2 O. Answer: 40.74 %, 19. The calcium oxalate precipitate from 0.5 gram marble r when treated with sulphuric acid, liberates sufficient oxalic acid to reduce 43 cc. of permanganate solution (i cc. = 0.01150 gram Fe). Calculate the percentage of .calcium (Ca) in the marble. Answer: 35.38 %, 20. If i cc. KMnO 4 solution will oxidize 0.008 gram iron (Fe) r calculate the equivalent of the same solution in terms of hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ), and also the volume of oxygen which will be evolved by each cubic centimeter of the permanganate solution during the reaction, assuming that i cc. of oxygen weighs 0.00143 gram under the existing conditions. 5 H 2 O 2 -|- 2 KMnO 4 -|- 3 H 2 SO 4 = K 2 SO 4 . -f- 2 MnSO 4 -\- 5 O 2 + 5 H 2 O. Answer: 0.002431 gram; 1.6 cc, 21. Given the following data, calculate the percentage of MnO 2 in the pyrolusite : Weight of pyrolusite = 0.48 gram ; weight FeSO 4 . (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 . 6 H 2 O = 4.3501 grams; K 2 Cr 2 O 7 solution used = 10 cc. ; i cc. K 2 Cr 2 O 7 solution = 0.005 gram Fe. Answer: 92.45 %. 22. Given the following data, calculate the percentage of MnO 2 in the pyrolusite : Weight pyrolusite = 0.48 gram ; weight iodine liberated from KI = 1.296 grams. For reactions, see note 6, page 93. Answer: 92.62 %. 23. If i cc. iodine solution is equivalent in oxidizing power to 0.00149 gram KBrO 3 , to what volume must 100 cc. be diluted to make a ^ solution ? Answer: 107 cc. 24. Calculate the percentage purity of the sample of potas- sium bichromate from the following data : Weight of sample = 0.1237 gram ; Na 2 S 2 O 3 solution used = 25 cc. ; i cc. Na 2 S 2 O 3 solution = 1.004 cc. iodine solution ; i cc. iodine solution = 0.004975 gram As 2 O 3 . K 2 Cr 2 7 + 6 KI + 7 H 2 SO 4 = 4 K 2 SO 4 + Cr 2 (SO 4 ) 3 + 3 ^2 ~h 7 H 2 O. Answer: 100%. ! ! 6 -S- TOICHIOME TR Y. 25. Calculate the percentage purity of a sample of potassium iodate (KIO 3 ) from the following data : Weight of sample = 0.25 gram ; Na 2 S 2 O 3 solution used = 50 cc. ; i cc. Na 2 S 2 O 3 solution = 0.015 gram I. Answer : 84.34 / . 26. If i cc. of an iodine solution has the same oxidizing power as 0.0034 gram KIO 3 , calculate its value in terms of antimony (Sb). Answer : 0.005742 gram. 27. What is the relation of each of the following solutions to a normal solution of the reagent ? Na 2 S 2 O 3 . 5 H 2 O : i cc. = 0.001783 gram KIO 3 . KMnO 4 (acid solution) : i cc. = 0.006303 gram C 2 H 2 O 4 . 2 H 2 O. As 2 O 3 (as a reducing agent) : i cc. = 0.01772 gram Cl. As 2 O 3 (as an acid) : i cc. = 0.01061 gram Na 2 CO 3 . NaOH : i cc. = 0.1694 gram KHC 2 O 4 . C 2 H 2 O 4 . 2 H 2 O. n8 ATOMIC WEIGHTS. TABLE OF ATOMIC WEIGHTS.* O = 16.00. Aluminum . . Al 27.11 Mercury . . . Hg 200.0 Antimony . . Sb 120.43 Molybdenum Mo 95-9 8 Argon .... A ? Neodymium . . Nd 140.5 Arsenic . . . As 75-9 Nickel .... Ni 58.69 Barium . . . Ba 137-43 Nitrogen . . . N 14.04 Bismuth . . . Bi 208.11 Osmium . . Os 190.99 Boron .... B 10.95 Oxygen . . O 16.0 Bromine . . . Br 79-95 Palladium . . Pd 106.36 Cadmium . . Cd 111.93 Phosphorus . . P 31.02 Caesium . . . Cs 132.89 Platinum . . . Pt 194.89 Calcium . . Ca 40.08 Potassium . . K 39^ Carbon . . . C 12.01 Praseodymium . Pr M3-5 Cerium . . Ce 140.2 Rhodium . . . Rh 103. or Chlorine . . . Cl 35-45 Rubidium . . Rb 85-43- Chromium . . Cr 52.14 Ruthenium . Ru 101.68- Cobalt . . . Co 58.93 Samarium . . Sm 150.0 Columbium . . Cb 94.0 Scandium . . Sc 44.0 Copper . . . Cu 63.60 Selenium . . . Se 79.0 Erbium . . . Er 166.3 Silicon . . . Si 28.40 Fluorine . . Fl 19.03 Silver .... Ag 107.92 Gadolinium . . Gd 156.1 Sodium . . . Na 2 3-5 Gallium . . . Ga 69.0 Strontium . . Sr 87.61 Germanium . . Ge 7 2 -3 Sulphur . . S 32.07 Glucinum . . Gl 9.08 Tantalum . . . Ta 182.6 Gold .... Au 197.24 Tellurium . . . Te 127.0 Helium . . . He ? Thallium . ... Te 204.15 Hydrogen . . H 1-0075 Thorium . . . Th 232.63 Indium . In 1 1^.7 Tin Sn I IQ.OC Iodine .... I O / 126.85 Titanium . . . Ti 7 O 48.15 Iridium . . . Ir 193.12 Tungsten . . . W 184.84 Iron .... Fe 56.02 Uranium . . . U 2 39-59 Lanthanum . . La 138.6 Vanadium . . V 51.38 Lead .... Pb 206.92 Ytterbium . . Yb 173.0 Lithium . . . Li 7-03 Yttrium . . . Y 88.95 Magnesium . . Mg 24.29 Zinc .... Zn 65.41 Manganese . . Mn 54-99 Zirconium . . Zr 90.6 * F. W. Clarke, /. Am. Ghent. Soc. t 18, 213. REAGENTS. 119 STRENGTH OF REAGENTS.* GRAMS PER LITER. Ammonium Molybdate t (of MoO 3 ) 68 grams. Ammonium Oxalate, (NH 4 ) 2 C 2 O 4 . 2 H 2 O .... 40 grams. Barium Chloride, BaCl 2 . 2 H 2 O 20 grams. Magnesium Ammonium Chloride (of MgCl 2 ) ... 64 grams. Mercuric Chloride, HgCl 2 50 grams. Potassium Hydroxide, KOH (sp. gr. 1.27) .... 480 grams. Potassium Sulphocyanate, KSCN 5 grams. Silver Nitrate, AgNO 3 . . . . '. ' 4 25 grams. Sodium Hydroxide, NaOH 100 grams. Sodium Carbonate, Na 2 CO 3 150 grams. Sodium Phosphate, HNa 2 PO 4 . 12 H 2 O 100 grams.- Stannous chloride, SnCl 2 , made by saturating hydrochloric acid with tin, diluting with an equal volume of water, and adding a slight excess of acid from time to time. A strip of metallic tin is kept in the bottle. Aqueous ammonia, sp. gr. 0.96 contains 9.90% NH 3 by weight, at 15 C.t Aqueous ammonia, sp. gr. 0.90 contains 28.30% NH 8 by weight, at 15 C4 Ammonia (0.96) may be prepared by diluting four volumes of ammonia (0.90) with seven volumes of water. Hydrochloric acid, sp. gr. 1.12, contains 23.8% HC1 by weight, at 15 C. Hydrochloric acid, sp. gr. 1.20, contains 39.1% HCl by weight, at 15 C. Hydrochloric acid (1.12) may be prepared by diluting five volumes of hydrochloric acid (1.20) with four volumes of water. Nitric acid, sp. gr. 1.20, contains 32.4% HNO 3 by weight, at 15 c-ll Nitric acid, sp. gr. 1.42, contains 69.8% HNO 3 by weight, at 15 C.|| Nitric acid (1.20) may be prepared by diluting two volumes of nitric acid (1.42) with three volumes of water. *The concentrations given in this table are those upon which the proce- dures in the foregoing pages are based. It is obvious, however, that an exact adherence to these quantities is not essential. & t This solution is prepared according to the formula of Blair and Whitfield, J. Am. Client. Soc., 17, 760. J Lunge and Wiernik, Ztschr. angew. C/iem, 1889, 183. Lunge and Marschlewski, Ztschr. angew. Chem, 1891, 133. || Kolb. Dingl. pol.J., 182, 233. LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. Natural numbers. O I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PROPORTIONAL PARTS. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO oooo 0043 0086 0128 0170 02120253 0294 0334 0374 4 8 I 2 17 21 25 29 33 37 II 0414 0453 0492 053' 0569 0607 0645 0682 07190755 4 8 ii *s T 9 23 26 3 34 12 0792 0828 0864 0899 0934 0969 1004 I0 3P 1072] 1 106 3 7 10 1 4 i? 21 24 28 3i I 3 "39 "73 1206 1239 1271 !33 X 335 1367 J 399 r 43 3 6 10 J 3 1 6 IC_) 23 26 29 14 1461 1492 1523 1553 1584 1614 1644 1673 1703 1732 3 6 9 12 *S 18 21 2 4 27 '5 1761 1790 18x8 i8 47 1875 1903 1931 1959 1987 2014 3 6 8 II M 1 7 20 22 25 16 2041 2068 2095 2122 2148 2175 2201 2227 2253 2279 3 5 8 II ij 16 18 21 24 7 2304 2330 2355 2380 2405 2430 2455 2480 2504 2529 2 5 7 10 12 15 17 20 22 18 2553 2577 2601 2625 2648 2672 2695 2718 2742 2765 2 5 7 9 12 M 16 19 21 !9 2788 2810 2833 2856 2878 2900 2923 2945 2967 2989 2 4 7 9 II 13 16 18 20 20 3010 3032 3054 3075 3096 3 Il8 3 T 39 3160 3181 3201 2 4 6 8 I I r o IS J 7 19 21 3222 3243 3263 3284 3304 3324 3345 3365 3385 3404 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 22 3424 3444 3464 3483 3502 3522 354i 356o 3579 3598 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 T 5 17 2 3 3617 3636 3 6 55 3671 3692 37" 3729 3747 3766 3784 2 4 6 7 9 II !j IS 17 24 3802 3820 3838 3856 3874 3892 3909 3927 3945 3962 2 4 5 7 9 II 12 M 16 25 3979 3997 4014 403 1 4048 4065 4082 4099 4116 4133 2 3 5 7 9 10 12 14 J 5 26 415 4166 4183 42OO 4216 4232 4249 4265 4281 4298 2 3 5 7 8 10 II J 3 '5 27 43*4 433 4346 4362 4378 4393 4409 4425 4440 4456 2 3 5 6 8 9 II *3 14 28 4472 4487 4502 45'8 4533 4548 4564 4579 4594 4609 2 3 5 6 8 9 II 12 14 2 9 4624 4639 4654 4669 4683 4698 4713 4728 4742 4757 I 3 4 6 7 9 IO 12 13 30 477 1 4786 4800 4814 4829 4843 4857 4871 4886 4900 I 3 4 6 7 9 IO II 1 3 31 4914 4928 4942 4955 4969 4983 4997 5011 5024 5038 I 3 4 6 7 8 10 II 12 3 2 505 1 565 5079 5092 5 I0 5 5"9 5132 SMS 5^95^2 I 3 4 5 Z 8 9 I I 12 33 5185 5198' 5211 5224 5237 5250 5263 5276 5289 5302 I 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 34 53i5 5328 5340 5353 5366 5378 5391 5403 5416 5428 I 3 4 5 6 8 9 IO II 35 544 1 5453 5465 5478 5490 552 5514 5527 5539 555i I 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 II 36 5563 5575 5587 5599 5611 5623 5635 5647 5658 5670 I 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 II 37 5682 5 6 94 5705 57i7 5729 5740 5752 5763 5775 5786 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 38 5798 5809 5821 5832 5843 5855 5866 5877 5888 5899 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 39 59" 5922 5933 5944 5955 5966 5977 5988 5999 6010 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 IO 40 6021 6031 6042 6053 6064 6075 6085 6096 6107 6117 2 3 4 5 6 S 9 10 4i 6128 6138 6149 6160 6170 6180 6191 6201 6212 6222 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 42 6232 6243 6253 6263 6274 6284 6294(6304 6314 6325 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 43 6 335 6345 6355 6365 6375 6385 6395 6405 6415 6425 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 44 6435 6444 6454 6464 647.4 6484 6493 6503 6513 6522 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 45 6 53 2 6542 6551 656! 6571 6580 6590 6599 6609 6618 2 3 4 5 6 .7 8 9 46 6628 6637 6646 6656 6665 6675 6684 6693 6702 6712 1 3 4 "5 6 7 7 8 47 6721 6730 6739 6749 6758 6767 6776 6785 6794 6803 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 48 6812 6821 6830 6839 6848 6857 6866 6875 6884 6393 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 49 6902 6911 6920 6928 6937 6946 6955 6964 6972 698! 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 5 6990 6998 7007 7016 7024 7033 7042 7050 7059 7067 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 1 7076 7084 70937101 7110 7118 71267135 7 : 43 7152 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 2 53 7160 7243 7168 7251 717717185 7259 7267 7i93 7275 7202 7284 7210 7218 7292 7300 7226 7308 7235 73 l6 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 6 7 7 54 7324 7332 7340 7348 7356 7364 7372 73So 7388 7396 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. Natural numbers. O I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PROPORTIONAL PARTS. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 55 7404 7412 7419 7427 7435 7443 745 1 7459 7466 7474 I 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 56 7482 7490 7497 7505 7513 7520 7528 753 6 7543 755i I 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 57 7559 7566 75747582 7589 7597 7604 7612 7619 7627 I 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 58 7634 7642 7649 7657 7664 7672 76797686 7694 7701 I I 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 59 7709 7716 7723 773 1 7738 7745 7752 7760 7767 7774 I I 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 60 7782 7789 7796 7803 7810 7818 7825 7832 7839 7846 I I 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 61 7853 7860 7868 7875 7882 7889 7896 7903 7910 7917 I I 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 62 7924 793 1 7938 7945 795 2 7959 7966 7973 7980 7987 I I 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 63 7993 8000 8007 8014 8021 8028 8035 8041 8048 8055 I I 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 64 8062 8069 8075 8082 8089 8096 8102 8109 8116 8122 I I 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 65 8129 8136 8142 8149 8156 8162 8169 8176 8182 8189 I I 2 3 3 4 5. 5 6 66 8i95 8202 8209 8215 8222 8228 8235 8241 8248 8254 I I 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 67 8261 8267 8274 8280 8287 8293 8299 83068312 8319 I I 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 68 8325 833i 8338 8344 835i 8357 8363 8370 8376 8382 I I 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 "69 8388 8395 8401 8407 8414 8420 8426 8432 8439 8445 I I 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 70 8451 8457 8463 8470 8476 8482 8488 8494 8500 8506 I I 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 7i 8513 8519 8525 853i 8537 8543 8549 8555 8561 8567- I I 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 72 8573 8579 8585 8 59 T 8597 8603 8609 8615 8621 8627 I I 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 73 8633 8639 8645 8651 8657 8663 8669 8675 8681 8686 I I 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 74 8692 8698 8704 8710 8716 8722 8727 8733 8739 8745 I I 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 75 8751 8756 8762 8768 8774 8779 8.785 8791 8797 8802 I I 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 76 8808 8814 8820 8825 8831 8837 8842 8848 8854 8859 I I 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 77 8865 8871 8876 8882 8887, 8893 8899 8904 8910 8915 I I 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 78 8921 8927 8932 8938 8943 8949 8954 8960 8965 8971 I I 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 79 8976 8982 8987 8993 8998 9004 9009 9015 9020 9026 r I 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 80 9031 9036 9042 9047 9053 9058 9063 9069 9074 9079 I I 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 81 90859090 9096 9101 9106 9112 9117 9122 9128 9133 I I 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 82 9 I 3 8 9 I 43 9149 9 J 54 9159 9^5 9170 9175 9180 9186 I I 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 83 9191 9196 9201 9206 9212 9217 9222 9227 9232 9238 I I 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 84 9243 9248 9253 9258 9263 9269 9274 9279 9284 9289 I I 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 85 9294 9299 9304 9309 9315 9320 9325 9330 9335 9340 I I 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 86 9345 9350 9355 9360 93 6 5 9370 9375 9380 9385 939 I I 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 87 9395 9400 9405 9410 9415 9420 9425 943 9435 9440 I I 2 2 3 3 4 4 88 9445 945 9455 9460 9465 9469 9474 9479 9484 9489 I I 2 2 3 3 4 4 89 9494 9499 9504 959 9513 9518 9523 9528 9533 9538 O I I 2 2 3 3 4 4 90 9542 9547 9552 9557 9562 9566 957i 9576 958i 9586 I I 2 2 3 3 4 4 91 959 9595 9600 9605 9609 9614 9619 9624 9628 9633 I I 2 2 3 3 4 4 92 9638 96439647 9652 9657 9661 9666 9671 9675 9680 I I 2 2 3 3 4 4 93 9685 9689 9694 9699 9703 97089713 9717 9722 9727 I I 2 2 3 3 4 4 94 9731 97 3 6 974i 9745 975 9754 9759 9763 9768 9773 I I 2 2 3 3 4 4 95 9777 9782 9786 9791 9795 9800 9805 9809 9814 9818 I I 2 2 3 3 4 4 96 9823 9827 9832 9836 9841 9845 9850 9854 9859 9863 I I 2 2 3 3 4 4 97 9868 9872 9877 9881 9886 9890 9894 9899 9903 9908 I I 2 2 3 3 4 -4 98 9912 9917 9921 9926 993 9934 9939 9943 9948 9952 I I 2 2 3 3 4 4 99 9956 9961 9965 9969 9974 9978 9983 9987 999 i 9996 I I 2 2 3 3 3 4 1 ANTILOGARITHMS. ^ I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PROPORTIONAL PARTS. 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I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 50 5 1 3162 3236 3170 3243 3177 325 1 31843192 32583266 3199 3273 32.06 3281 3214 3289 3221 3296 3228 3304 I 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 r 6 7 7 5 2 33 11 33i9 332733343342. 335 3357 3365 3373 338i 2 2 3 5 r 7 53 3388:3396 340434123420 34-^8 3436 3443 345 1 3459 2 2 3 6 c 7 54 3467 3475 3483 349i 3499 3508 35'6 3524 3532 3540 2 2 3 ( ( 7 55 3548 3556 35653573 35i 3589 3597 3606 36M 3622 2 2 3 4 6 7 7 .56 363 1 3639 3648 3656 3664 3673 3081 3690 3698 3707 2 3 3 4 6 8 57 3715 3724 3733 374i 3750 3758 3767 3776 3784 3793 2 3 3 4 ( 8 .58 3802 3811 3819 3828 3837 3846 3855 3864 3873 3882 2 3 4 4 r 8 59 3890 3899 3908 3917 3926 3936 3945 3954 3963 3972 2 3 4 ( 6 8 .60 398i 3990 3999 4009 4018 4027 4036 4046 4055 4064 2 3 4 6 6 / 8 .61 4074 4083 4093 4102 4111 4121 4130 4140 4150 4159 2 3 4 6 7 ! 9 .62 4169 4178 41884198 4207 4217 4227 4236 4246 4256 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 ; 4266 4365 4276 4375 & 4295 4395 4305 4406 43*5 4416 4325 4426 4335 4436 4345 4446 4355 4457 2 2 3 3 4 4 6 6 7 7 0000 9 9 * 4467 4477 4487 4592 4498 4603 4508 4613 4519 4624 4529 4634 4539 4645 4550 4656 456o 4667 2 2 3 3 4 4 6 6 7 7 8 9 9 IO .67 4677 4688 4699 4710 4721 4732 4742 4753 4764 4775 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 .68 4786 4797 4808 4819 4831 4842 4853 4864 4875 4887 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 IO .69 4898 4909 4920 493 2 4943 4955 4966 4977 4989 5000 2 3 5 6 7 - 8 9 IO .70 5012 5 2 3 5035 547 5058 5070 5082 5093 5105 5H7 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 II 5 I2 9 5140 5152 5 l6 4 5^6 5188 5200 5212 5224 5236 2 4 5 6 7 8 IO II 72 5248 5260 5272 5284 5297 5309 5321 5333 5346 5358 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 II 73 5370 5383 5395 54o8 5420 .5433 5445 54^8 5470 5483 3 4 5' 6 8 9 10 II 74 5495 5508 5534 5546 5559 5572 555 5598 5610 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 75 5623 5636 5649 5662 5675 5689 5702 5715 5728 5741 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 12 .76 5754 5768 578i 5794 5808 5821 5834 5848 5861 5875 3 4 5 7 8 9 II 12 77 5888 5902 5929 5943 5957 5970 5984 5998 6012 3 4 7 8 IO II 12 79 6026 6166 6039 6180 6053 6067 6194 6209 6081 6223 6095 6237 6109 6252 6124 6266 6138 6281 6152 6295 3 3 4 4 6 7 7 8 9 10 10 II II 13 13 .80 6310 6324 6339 6353 6368 6383 6397 6412 6427 6442 I 3 4 6 7 9 IO 12 J3 .81 6457 6471 6486 6501 6516 653i 6546 6561 6577 6592 2 3 5 6 8 9 II 12 14 .82 6607 6622 6637 6653 6668 6683 6699 6714 6730 6745 2 3 5 6 8 9 II 12 14 83 6761 6776 6792 6888 6823 6839 6855 6871 68 7 6902 2 3 5 6 8 9 II 13 .84 6918 6934 6950 6966 6982 6998 7015 7031 7047 7063 2 3 5 6 8 10 II '3 15 8 5 7079 7096 7112 7129 7M5 7161 7178 7194 7211 7228 2 3 5 7 8 10 12 ,3 ! .86 7244 7261 7278 7295 73" 7328 7345 7362 7379 7396 2 3 5 7 8 10 12 Ij 15 .87 7413 7430 7447 7464 7482 7499 7534 755i 7568 2 3 5 7 9 10 12 14 16 .88 7586 7603 7621 7638 7656 7674 7691 7709 7727 7745 2 4 5 7 9 II 12 14 16 .89 7762 7780 7798 7816 7834 7852 7870 7889 7907 7925 2 4 5 7 9 II T 3 14 16 .90 .91 7943 8128 7962 8147 7980 8166 7998 8185 8017 $204 8035 8222 8054 8241 8072 8260 8091 8279 8110 8299 2 2 4 4 6 6 { 9 9 1 1 1 1 roro 15 17 17 .92 93 94 8318 8511 8710 8337 8531 8730 8356 8551 8750 8375 8570 8770 8395 8590 8790 8610 8810 8433 8630 8831 8453 8650 8851 8472 8670 8872 8492 8690 8892 2 2 2 4 4 4 6 6 6 8 8 8 10 10 10 12 12 12 M M II 16 17 18 18 95 8933 8954 8974 8995 9016 9036 9057 9078 9099 2 4 6 8 IO 12 15 17 19 .96 97 9120 9141 93339354 9162 9376 9183 9397 9204 9419 9226 9441 9 2 47 9462 9268 9484 92909311 9506 9528 2 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 II II 13 15 J 5 17 17 19 20 .98 99 9550 9772 9572 9795 9594 9616 9840 9638 9863 9661 9886 9908 9705 9727 9954 975 9977 2 2 4 5 7 7 9 9 II II 14 r 6 16 1 8 18 20 2O 1 INDEX. Acidimetry 64 Acid solutions, normal . . . . 55 standard ... 64 Accuracy demanded 20 Alkalimetry 64 Alkali solutions, normal . . . 55 standard ... 64 Ammonium nitrate, acid ... 36 Antimony, determination of . . 98 Apatite, analysis of 36 Asbestos filters .... 14, 27, 28 Atomic weights, table of . . .118 Balances, use and care of . . . 16 Bichromate process for iron . . 75 Brass, analysis of 46 Burette, description of .... 56 calibration of .... 58 cleaning of 60 reading of . . . . 59, 60 Calcium, determination of . . . 41 Calibration, definition of . . . 57 of burettes .... 58 of flasks . . . . 61 Chlorimetry 101 Chlorine, gravimetric determina- tion 21, 27 Chlorine, volumetric determina- tion 101 Chrome iron ore, analysis of . .82 Colloidal precipitates .... 12 Copper, determination of ... 48 Crucibles, use of 9 Crystalline precipitates . . . . 12 Desiccators .... Direct methods . . Dolomite, analysis of Economy of time . . End-point, definition of Evaporation of liquids 9 54 19 53 10 Ferrous-ammonium sulphate, an- alysis of 29 Filters, how fitted Filtration . . . . Flasks, calibration of graduated Funnels . . ... , . 13 . . . . 6i " < 57 .... 13 Gelatinous precipitates .... 15 General directions 8 General directions for volumetric analysis 62 Gooch filter 14, 27, 28 Gravimetric analysis 21 definition of, 7 Hardened filters 14 Ignition of precipitates . ... 15 Indicators, definition of . . for acidimetry . Indirect methods .... Integrity demanded . . . 53 65 54 20 lodimetry 94 Iron, gravimetric determination of, 29 volumetric determination of, 80,90 Lead, determination of . . . .46 Limonite, determination of iron in, 80, 90 Liquids, evaporation of . . . 10 Logarithms 120 Magnesium, determination of . 43 Mohr liter 58 Neatness . . . . . . Normal solutions . . . . advantages of . . preparation of . . Oxalic acid, strength of . . Oxidation processes . . . Oxidizing solutions, normal 8 54 56 66 . 72 53.74 55 Permanganate process for iron . 84 Phosphoric anhydride, determina- tion of 36 Pipette, description of .... 57 INDEX. I2 5 Platinum crucibles, care of . . 10 Precipitates, colloidal .... 12 crystalline .... 12 separation from filter, 24 Precipitation 12 Precipitation methods . . 53, 103 Problems no Pyrolusite, oxidizing power of . 92 Reagents Reducing solution, normal . Reductor, Jones .... II 55 86 Saturation methods . . . . 53, 64 Silver, determination of ... 104 Soda ash, alkaline strength of . 70 Sodium chloride, analysis of . . 22 preparation of, 21 Solubility, quantitative .... 7 Standardization, definition of . . 54 Standard solutions . . . . 53, 54 Stibnite, analysis of 98 Stirring rods 13 Stoichiometry 105 Strength of reagents 119 Suction, use of 14 Sulphocyanite process for silver . 103 Testing of washings 15 Titration, definition of .... 53 Vacuum pump, use of .... 14 Volumetric analysis 53 definition of . 8 Wash-bottles 9 Washed filters 13 Washing of precipitates ... 14 Washings, testing of 15 Zinc, determination of .... 51 ** "XiJjOvV o\/cr,^ iw *i.oo ON rut ^. F OURTH 1 SEVPMT,, DA ^ UDl UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY