University of California Berkeley I i University of California Berkeley GIFT OF CLAIRE BEHM US, tke Motto or (o/(j 7y />(/). A Cdtilla/ a n)uoc)o c)io THE ART LITHOGRAPHIC PUBLISHING c YORK. /s \ olumbu) v at e cou Kf gift tfyat fyeav)en gi\)es for tym." vin. no success, unknown seaman, Christopher Columbus, first Went to rung )ofyn th/e Second, of Portugal, and told fyim of belief in tfye Wonderful land in tf?e ($est, offering to go upon Ooyage of discovery. But tfye King declined fyis offer and Columbus tfyen Went to tl^e courts at @enoa and Venice, meeting ' - .-^; 5 sent l^is brother Bart^olpm'eW. to present fyis case to {fenry tl?e e\^entl7, of England, .'" * * W^ile fy'fc ^sailed for Sbain.. . > "pe l^ad^' in a manner, to be<5 _ . jj s Way from court to court, to offer to princes tfye discovery of a World." 0$asf?ington / v ( o 1 u rr) b uj, (713 t' "09ouldst %>u fyatfe me go and beg?" it. v^bout fyalf a league from Palos, on a solitary height overlooking tfye sea-coast and surrounded by a forest of pine trees, tfyere stood, and stands . at tlje present day, a0 r ancien|f, " '-, ;*vf'-, consent of pranciscarv^fi^f^ . dedicated to anta Msfffa de l^ : aSida. o \ r ^ A stranger, traOe'Hin,| on foot,- accomjDanied by a young boy, stepped one at tfye gate of tf?e consent, and asked of tfye porter a little bread and Water for fyis cfyild ....... ipljat stranger Was Columbus accompanied by fyis young son Diego." ling's bife of Columbus. w / bejWef e (und " ttys learning! Wfyat a ttyng it is!" Taming of ti?e inand of in listened to tfye ideas of Columbus, and, bein a cautious^ monarcfy, called a meeting of learned men to discuss ttye question, fpfye conference Was l]eld in tl?e consent of t. itejafyen, at Salamanca. u^ t}?e navigator argued Well, and boldly presented l?is case, tf?e council could not belietfe t[?e eartl? to be round, and in^ definite eOer came of it. by t^ecc a ^ier, not lose by it." gaming of % t?rew. Columbus Was on tl?e point of lea\)in Spain, Weary and disheartened Witfy fyis fruitless quest. fte !?ad arrived at tfye Bri^d.^, of Pinos, near t^at city, a courier from ^ueen Isabella v -. - :.'. o V e r t o o R 1? i m : ,% , " - ' ' ," . .. - x and requested .tym to return, to r jAtas informe'd ', . '- .- ; - - . ' ^ u e e n positively undertaken enterprise. mafce a good vto^age of nothing." - .- ,3 -"' from afar, and believed t^at fye . Y.''^"S:, " come to land, and at two o'clock -^ *^' ' ' t . -"' t . in t^e morning a ^un from tfye pinta -'^ x Verified fyis belief. v t^e daWn of day a large and beautiful island burst upon tfyeir sigfyt. /**"' (olumbu5 October 312? H92 "1 am in ood name and fame." iv., s d part. IV Wn landing, Columbus threw Himself upon his fcnees, Kissed \\\e earth, and returned thanks to @od With tears of joy. (phis example Was followed by his com- ;.. , l r panions . . . V. Columbus^ rising drew his sWord, displayed the VL t -TtVT>- <& ' ^?t ? * ' ' i.*' ; , ' ' A-'^P^' standard, and tool? possession, - ' 7 - --.TV,'. --- ""--.'-->"- . '** -' * in tfye names of Castillian soUere t^e island name of Salvador." in^'s bifc of Columbus. Yv^ by of u n\ b gods mafte this a happy day." tflnflprty and Cleopatra. natives of the island, When at the daWn of day, they beheld the ships holering on the coast, had supposed them s<%e monsters Which had issued from the deep during the ni & 0$hen the strangers approa fled to the Woods, but gradually grew bolder, until they came and examined the navigators closely, submitted to their touch Without question, fphe saOages noW sup posed that the ships had sailed out of the crystal firmament Which bounded their horizon, or that they descended from above on their ample Wings. Wonders of tf?e World abroad." T^o (Sentlemen of Verona. . V^vfter a \)ery stormy Uoyage the Admiral Columbus, With his single ship, anchored in the riOer ^agus, op posite l^astello, on March "(Phe tidings of this Wonderful barK. ^ \ ~j I v-^ f freighted With the people and pro- . " 4l ^|3|^ti -- ductions of a neWly dis- coOered World, filled all foisbon Wi- kL i / astonishment, for several days the gus Was coOered With boats and barges going to and from it." >) Kecepno-r? " ' j joy for tys return." ^itus ^Indronicus. 'polumbus received a Wonderful oOation at Barcelona. ix Indians accompanied fyim, and a large body of panisl? cavaliers acted as ,an escort. ' ' .j /.--'. i. r\ i n g a n d - u e e n tl^eir throne placed in public, under a canopy of gold, a,jid, as Columbus approached, tl]e sovereigns rose and greeted fyim almost as an equal. "o appears tfyis fleet majestical." v. departure of Columbus on tyis second Ooya^e of discovery presented a brilliant contrast to fyis gloomy embarkation at Palos. n tr/e of September, (1/f9), at tfye daWn of day, tf^e bay of Cadi? Was Whitened by ^is fleet, Were t^ree lar^e sfyips of ^ea\)y burden, and fourteencaraOels. "09e fyavte no temple but tfye Wood." <*AS ^>ou bite it. *)ne of caramels Was shipwrecked upon tfye island of fHspaniola* on tfye nil?t of December fpfye creW and Columbus Were rescued on Cfyrisim - Da^, and for J^at reason l?e called iqe place ba )4aOidad, or ^r^e )4atiOity. A fort Was built from ttye Wreck, and thirty-nine men Were left in cfyar^e .: until Columbus could return to pain. ^p^is Was t^e first Colony in eAmerica, but tl|e colonists all died, or Were killed before tfye sl^ips returned. oion X OUt Witty [fortune." /proilus and Cressida. le Columbus Was in ttye fleW C^orld upon tyis ttyird Voyage, a commissioner Was sent from pain to investigate tyis conduct relative to ttye sla\)er^ of ttye Indians, ^tyis commissioner, Don prancisco de Bobadilla, jalaced Columbus in chains, and so sent tyim to pain. Immediately upon tyis arrival Columbus Was received by tyis sovereigns, Wtyo promised to restore tyim to rank and Vindicate tyis tyonor in every W x-= ( o I u rrv b u^ carried 1o n l7onor and renoWn." ^s ^>ou biKe it. &f /^"vfter l?is fourtty v)oya^e and return to pain, Columbus Was neglected by tfye Court, fyis patron, Isabella, bein ill. aAfter ^er deat^ fye Was unnoticed by t^e Kin, and on t^e 20 fl ? of Marcfy, 1506, a^ed about seventy years, l7e passed aWay. pfre Was first buried at Valladolid, bain, then in tl?e ^r^4: cathedral of t^e city of an Domingo, {iispaniola. Afterwards tfye body Was conveyed to jiaOana and buried much pomp in tfye cathedral t^ere, on December 20^, 1795. of (olumbus bod I ^* ' ,/ $/g /t- b ''&