HP nil University of California College of Agriculture Agricultural Experiment Station Berkeley, California STATISTICAL DATA ON THE 1947 OUTLOOK FOR CALIFORNIA CANNING TOMATOES By Walter D. Fisher November, 1946 Contribution from the Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics Mimeographed Report No. 88 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY OOLLBCE OF AGRICULTURE DAVtS TABLE OF CONTENTS Charts and Summary Tables Pages Acreage, Yield, and Production ...... 1 - 4 Utilization 6 - 6 Shipments and Stocks 7-11 Civilian Consumption 12-15 Prices 16 - 17 Appendix Tables Acreage, Yield, and Production 18-20 Utilization and Pack ........... 21 - 22 Conversion Factors 23 Pack, Shipments, and Stocks ....... 24 - 27 Foreign Trade 28 Civilian Consumption ,.,,.» 29 - 32 Prices 33-34 Fig. 1— ACREAGE, TOIiATOES FOR PROCESSING - UNITED STATES AND CALIFORNIA, 1918-1946 Thousand acres 600 400 200 A / ^^-^ \ /"-United States California '1920 t925 " 1930 1935 1940 1945 Summary Data Crop year Acreage^ California United States Thousand acres Averages 289.0 .1918-1920 39.2 1921-1925 23.1 248.9 1926-1930 35.9 306.8 1931-1935 . 42,7 339.4 1936-1940 68.0 406.1 1941-1945 116.1 549.2 Estimate 1946 132.0 596.8 ^ Conaneroial harvested acreage. Source of data: Table 2. Fig. 2 — YIELD, TOMATOES FOR PROCESSING - UlIITED STATES AND CALIFORNIA, 1918-1946 Tons per aore 10 i— \ \ /\ .'\ / \ California v / \ / • United States 1920 1925 1930 1935 1940 1945 Suinmarv Data Crop ye ar C Averages 1918-1920 1921-1925 1926-1930 1931-1935 1936-1940 1941-1945 Estimate 1946 Source of data: Table 2. Fig. 3 — PERCENTAGE OF UlIITED STATES ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION OP TOIMOES FOR PROCESSING BY REGION, 1936-1946 ACREAGE California j i i i I Mountain and central^ 43^ Eastern^ i Z8% 3 5/0 t i 1936-1940 1941-1945 PRODUCTION 1946 estimate California 2Z% 29% SB% Mountain and central^ 56% Z9% Eastern^ Z8% Z5% 1 ZZ% 1936-1940 1941-1945 1946 estimate Includes all listed states west of the eastern region except California and miscellaneous group not listed separately. Includes listed states east of the Ohio and I''ississippi Rivers •• Source of data; Table 3. 4. Table 1 Tomatoes for Processing: Acreage in California by District, 1936- 1946 Average Average Distriot 1936- 1941- Estimate 1940 1945 19' Thousand acre 3 Contra Costa 3,914 4,249 2,2 245 Alameda and Santa Clara 14,229 22,366 17,' ?4lt Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Cruz 5,997 6,110 8,, 536 Sonoma and Napa 980 2,165 2,231 oHcrdinenxo , loio, anci ooiano 15,378 33,116 37,' ■'85 Butte, Placer, Colusa, Yuba, and Sutter 889 1,434 3,f 322 San Joaquin and Stanislaus 15,404 30,141 41, 3140 Fresno, Kern, Madera, Merced, and Tulare 1,253 4,349 3,248 Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, and Ventura 6,818 5,661 5,573=1 Riverside, Orange, San Bernardino, San Diego, and Imperial 5,021 6,334 3.C 365 All other counties 149 135 6,: ^40® Total state 68,032 116,060 132, ( DOO Per cent of total state Contra Costa 5.75 3.56 1 .70 Alameda and Santa Clara 20.91 19.27 13 .44^ Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Cruz 5.88 5.27 6 ,48 Sonoma and Napa 1.44 1.86 1 .69 odoramenxo, lOio, ana ooiano 22.60 28.53 28 .62 Butte, Placer, Colusa, Yuba, and Sutter 1.31 1.24 2 .74 San Joaquin and Stanislaus 22,64 25,97 31 .53° Fresno, Kern, Madera, Merced, and Tularo 1.84 3,75 2 .46 Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, and Ventura 10.02 4.88 4 ,22 X ) \J\jCi X , r QX X , U X P 70*^ San Benito c , d / 0 /i '^1 P 1 A1 X X , 4XO P A AP , O D^ 7Aft ,^ t f O fi SfiS PI R O y X O Sonoma and Napa i. , 014 1 nxi J. , UOJ. Qnn 0«J o 1 OAO P IAS ) x^o ^ , xoo P SS7 Sacramento B , f DO in 1 Qi lu , xy i R QAQ 0 , yoy 7 ARP ft 7Pfi 1 1 7SA XX ) f O^i 1 1 "^A XO 9 XOHt 1 111 XO , XXX 1 fi fi-ld ^ QPA X«J f >7 o*x I oio T no D , luy 7 x^n / , oou *i , DOO A XAP »t , 04c A Q"^! D ) y «JX XU ) xoo XO 9 oo«j 1 A 'iflP X O , OQCJ PI QRn CX , i70W PP QPR ooiano 1 "^n 1 1 , oux 77 7 1 pqfi X , <^^o 1 AT P P QDA X , -±57 ( >J , X r 7 P PS1 Sutter and Colusa 1 A 7 9 1 XAn X , ODU 1 AP X PAQ CO i7 SI A 1 1 7P X y X f £^ •J t j 7 fiA7 / , OD / 1 nfi7 xo , uo / 1 7 fiQ7 pp nft7 ■^D PT Q Pd. Pftfl C'i , CO O ?Q 7fi'^ ■=^P '^R7 Stanislaus 7 -1 Q 0 , / 4B p xnn c , ouu 1 'n/i X , iv4 1 7 A1 X , / ox P77 T OOP p nQx P XXI c , oox 07 A Merced 0 A 57 c , De; ( 1 ni Q X , uxy 1 APft X , 4co oo** X ) -± j*J 1 7 A7 X , / O / C , ' Jr *i C 1 Q71 X , y / X Made ra APA c o ^ QPR y CO ASA O *J D Fresno, Tulare, and Kern 225 22 5 — 143 603 3,632 3,224 600 270 Santa Barbara 100 1 ,600 630 723 1,042 744 818 1,507 1,080 1,132 Ventura 1,868 2,793 489 2,350 1,015 1,522 901 1,654 1,804 1,435 Los Angeles 4 , oyo c 1 no P 7t^P npo ■t , ucy ■i , 040 ^ , I'io O 1 QP C y X^C p 77 c; C , ' / D Orange 2,878 5,313 2,696 1,750 1,039 2,123 1,985 2,688 3,087 1,335 Riverside 1,464 568 69 141 194 573 2,793 1,488 1,585 1 ,487 San Bernardino 443 457 589 1,120 1,640 2,953 3,046 1,583 1,748 1,178 San Diego and Imperial 1,609 1,949 251 378 561 261 712 366 226 449 All other 493 24 50 54 125 30 88 208 305 42 Total state 81,474 83,029 46,481 j 57, 641 71,531 89,937 124,678 112,677 132,179 120,819 Source of data: California Crop and Livestock Reporting Service, Vegetable Crops in California , annual issues* o Table 5 Estimated Utilization of California and United States Commercial Tomato Crop Fresh Tonnage Basis, 1935-1946^ Processed Per cent of total processed Shipped Canned Sauces Canned Sauce s fresh toma- toes J uice Puree^ 1 Paste^ and soups^ Total toma- toes J uice Puree'- Dc r>+ and soups ThniiRfiriH tons farm weieht Per cent California 1 1 oo . X 1 on n 1936 99 89 51 42 123 151 456 19-5 11 .d 1937 88 77 55 38 151 127 448 1 ? 3 8.5 33.7 28 .3 100.0 116 51 26 27 108 72 284 TO A lo .U Q y . 3 Oo . u 25.3 100.0 1939 109 71 30 18 122 139 380 18 .7 7 •y 4 . f 1 od . X OO • 0 XUU . o 1940 119 132 58 34 173 182 579 22 .8 10.0 Z) <;y . y OX • 1 1 nn n 1941 133 158 64 44 198 211 675 23.4 o .o 6 0.0 1.3 83 .3 17.4 9 . 1 5«2 0.0 5,5 0,0 1.2 TOOK 84.9 18.2 6»9 5.8 0.0 5,0 0.0 0.7 80.3 15.6 9.7 7.5 0.0 7,6 0.0 1.9 T no r7 103.8 12 .1 10.4 6.7 0.0 8.6 0.0 1.7 1 0 114 .0 9.5 11 r\ 4.1) 0.0 13,1 0.0 c ,4 147.4 16.5 in Q 4 . y 0.0 10.4 0.0 1 A 1 .4 75.2 11.6 5.7 2.9 0,0 5.2 0.0 0,6 iyoi 91.6 12.2 10.4 4.6 0,0 3.2 0.0 1.0 1 n "2 f3 ( C tC ii .4 7.3 4.0 0,0 2 ,6 0,0 0.7 T 1^ "J 1933 76.0 11.4 8.4 1,9 0,0 2.7 0.0 0.6 1934 76.3^ 12.2^ 6.6 2 .0 0,0 3.1 0,0 0.5 1935 65.0 6.5 4,7 1.8 0,0 3.5 0,0 0.4 1936 61.4 10.5 4.4 2 .5 0.5 3.9 2.0 0.6 1937 55.4 8.3 3,6 1,8 7,5 3,8 3 .3 1.6 1938 71.6 8.6 4.7 2 .0 3,9 4,7 2.7 1.3 1939 37.5 6.9 2,4 11.8 8.6 3.9 3.0 2.1 1940 1.9 0.3 0-1 5,9 5,0 2,5 C.J. 1941 11.0 0.0 0.4 107 .4 8.6 4,1 4.7 5.0 1942 3.1 0.4 0.2 8.3 16,5 2.2 2,7 1,8 1943 0.0 2.5 0.2 26,9 24.0 1.4 1,0 3.5 1944 4.6 3.0 0,5 34,7 26.8 1,9 1.2 3.4 1945 0.5 0.1 0.0 J 8.9 9.9 7,2 91.7 4.4 Includes otherwise prepared, if any. Imports for consumption only beginning 1933, Sources of data: Cols, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7: United States Department of Agriculture, Year- book of Agriculture , 1932, Table 251 (for years 1923-1928), and Agr iculturaT " Statistics , 1945, Table 319 (for years 1929-1944); United States Bureau of Census, United States General Imports of Merchandise , and United States Exports of Domostio and Foreign Merchandise , monthly issues (for Juljr, 1945, through Juno, 1946). Col. 3: Sum of cols. 1 and 2 converted to farm weight using a factor of 2,005 for canned tomatoes and 4,06 for paste, divided by col, 4 of Table 14. Col. 8: Sum of cols. 4, 5, 6, and 7 converted to farm weight and divided by col. 6 of Table 2. Conversion factors from Vifar Food Administration, Conver- sion Factors and VJoights and Measures for Agricultural Conmioditios and Their r ill I . . . ^ III i 29. Tablo 13 United States Civilian Consumption^ of Tomat o Products , Farm y/eight Basis, 1934-1946 Puree , Marketing Canned Tomato paste. Estimated All year^ tomatoes juice catsup. tomato produci: ,s and sauce soup combined 1 2 3 4 5 Million pounds farm weight 1934 1,482 252 — — 1935 1,653 412 — -- 1936 1,476 601 1,332 324 3,733 1937 1,562 622 1,429 394 4,007 1938 1,607 525 1,267 405 3,804 1939 1,682 584 1,621 502 4,389 1940 1,670 664 1,757 545 4,636 1941 1,825 844 1,690 556 4,915 1942 1,613 882 1,773 583 4,851 1943 1,338 706 2,015 394 4,453 1944 938 613 2,408 518 4,477 1945 944 1,071 2,762 540 5,317 1946° 1,384 1,029 2,690 540 t 5,651 ^ Apparent commercial consumption not including home processing. ° Yoar beginning July 1 or August 1. ° Estimated. Sources of data : Shipments to civilians converted to farm weight by use of conversion factors list ud in Table 7. Col. 1 from Table 9, col. 5. Col. 2 from Table 10, col. 5. Col: 3: Civilian shipments for catsup and puree direct from source cited in Table 11; for paste and sauce. combined totals giver I by United States Department of Commerce aro broken doivn using assumed ratios for annual pack and for stocks. Col. 4: United States Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commorc Industry Re port. Canned Fruits and Vegotablos : Production and Vfhole - sale Distribution, August-Soptomber , 1945, Tabl es 17-18, and June, ] 94 ( Table 27; for 1943-1946 civilian shipments of tomato soup converted; for 1936-1942 civilian shipments of tomato soup assumed to be one third those of all canned soups. Col. 5: Sum of cols. 1, 2, 3, and 4* ■ . , ^ . , ■ ■ '■' t - ' ' - ' " ■ ■ ' ! <■■■^ ■ 1 •■T-'' .\ ■ ■ ■ * ^ * ■ ■ : ■ ■ V - ■ ■ . ' . ; ■ \ " : ■ ■ ' . . ' . - •■■ . ■ . ; '--r-., ■ ; ^- • ; ! ■■ ■ -^■^!■■:£5l^^&^^:m>■(^^^^■:'^■^^??.-'^ :9 i<^^%'£^fS:l^'tTi, . •u? Table 14 30 United States Civilian Consumption^ of Tomato Products, Farm Weight Basis, 1918-1946 Total consumption Per-capita consumptio n Puree , Puree , Marketing Canned Tomato paste , 1 All Canned Tomato paste , All year^ tomatoes juice sauces , jproducts tomatoes juice sauces , P roducts and soups jcombxned and soups combined 1 2 3 ! 4 5 6 7 ! 8 Ivlillion pounds farm v/eight Pounds farm weight 1918 1,549 0 1,582 5,131 15.0 0.0 15.3 30.3 1919 1,054 0 1,168 2,222 10.1 0.0 11.2 21.3 1920 1,109 0 1,091 2,200 10.4 0.0 10.2 20.7 1921 762 0 540 1,302 7.0 0.0 5.0 12,0 1922 1,295 0 1,113 2,408 11.8 0,0 10.1 21.9 Lyc6 1,340 0 899 2,239 12.0 0.0 8.0 20.0 1364 1,456 0 1,159 2,615 12.8 0.0 10.2 22.9. Iblco 1,853 0 1,690 3,543 16.0 0.0 14.6 30.6 1 09 ft ItfC 0 1,235 0 1,075 2,310 10.5 0.0 9.2 19.7 lyt / 1,359 0 1,110 2,469 11.4 0.0 9.3 20.7 iy