A P FT ''■^& ' c-'^^^i^'-'f. V:-^'f-:-.-'^^i ■0Vp'^^>- ; - '$m^% UC-NRLF B ^ SDb mo o >^ nil 1^ .QW UNCORRECTED PROOF JOINT FINDING LIST OF FOREIGN NEWSPAPERS Trlnceton \jLn\versiT\j( . L\braru. Princeton The University Library 1918 -:^'x A Joint list of foreign newspapers currently taken, bound and kept on file in Ameiican libraries during the present war. Tbis list is being compiled for tbe National Board for Historical Service and this edition was prepared for tlic Proceedings of tbe American Library Institute. It has been compiled from information given by a few libnuics and some published information. Tbe seperate will be sent somewhat widely, and any corrections and auditions to tbe same will be welcome. It thoould be noted that to date as regards German papers meats up to the time of the embargo in the spring of 1916 only iu general. The abbreviations used are those of Richardson's Collections on European History. Canadian p.ipers are not reckoned as foreign for this purpose. Tbe practical object of the list Is to lo- cate somewhere some copy of a paper for the use of research students working on the subject of the war, and especially in the matter of current editorial opinion. Anson Ely Morse Princeton University Library, Historical Reference Department, April 26, 191? 3774^0 AftfUiKisten, Dly. I liristlana. Ch. P Afteiil'iisten. Dly Copenliagen. EoP LC Aft'.iilil.iilct. Dly. Stockholm, wk'ly. (190o-date) Age. Dly. Melbourne. LST (1911-date) Akropolis Dly. Atl.pn.s. LC (To date) Algonii'cn Haiulelsbiad. Dly. Amsterdam. LC OhP AUseiiK'ine zeitur.:< iles judenthums. Wkly. Bei'lin NYPdSOO-date) Anivricau Bulletin. London. BoP (Aug. ]2-Sei)t 14. 1914 Do Amstei-dammei-. Wkly. Amsterdam. NYP (1000-date) CliP AnAiili:iltischer staats-anzeiger. Dly. Dessau, Germany. NYI» (lti02-date) Au^tlali.•.I. Worker. Sydney LST (1910-date) .Australasian Wkly. Melbourne. LST (1910-date) Arbeiter-zeitung. AVkly, semi-wkly. dly. Vienna. NYP (1800-date (To date) L'Aurove. Wkly. Constantinople. NYP (1913-date) Australasian woo. Id Wkly. London. (1907-date) Australian town and country journal. Wkly. Sydney. NYP (1903-date) LC (To date) The BIngalee. Ca.cutta. LC (To date) Eergpns Tidende. Dly. Borgen. ChP Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger. Berlin. Pr. (1915-1910) Berliner tageblatt una handels-zeitung. Dly. Berlin, NYP (1907-date) CincP (To April 1916) (not bound)ChP Berliner Tageblatt Woeken Ansgabe, BerUn. ChP Blbar & Orissa gazette. Patna, India. NYP (1912-date) Boletln oficial de la repfiblica argentina. Dly. Buenos Aires. NVP (1899-date) Borsszern Janko. Wkly. Budapetl. ChP Biitish Australaslnn. Weekly. Lond. NYP (1914-date) British Columbia gazette Victoria. NYP (1900-date) Biitish North Borneo herald and fortnightly record. Sandakan. NYP (1902-date) Kritish South Africa company government gazette. Salisbury, Rhodesia. NYP (1910-date) British Trade Journal. London. BoP (1808-date) Budapest! kozlbny. Budapest. NYP (1900-date) Budiluik. Wkly. Mo.scow. NYP (1911-date) Bulletin communal. Schaerbeek, Belgium. NYP (1906-date) Bulletin ■iiunicipal. Caen, France. NYP (1895-date» Bulletin municipal officiel de la ville de Alger. Algiers, NYP (lOol-date) Bulletin municipal cl'ficiel de la ville de Dijon. Dijon, Prance. NYP (1898-date) (5) I'.uUetin Liiunu-ipa" dfficiel Je la ville de Paris. Paris. NYP (1901-date) r.f.llclin (ifficicl (lu Congo licl^e. Brussels. NYP (1908-fiate) 'I 111' ImlU-tin. Wk!.\ -S.vdiip.v. NYP (1907-(iate) LST (1907-ilate) Di'r 1 '.1111(1. ];frn. LC CliP I'.i.inilesMiitt dor Mliwt'iztnschcn cidgenossenschaft. Bern. NYP (187t>-date) Caliiitta gazette. Calcutta. NYP (li)04-date) Canadian Gazette Wkly. London. NVP (lt)14-date) Caiie Argus. Capo lown. LC ('J'o date) Capo tiinos. Cape Iciwn. XYP (ltil3-date) CUP Ceylon governnienf gazette. ColonilK), Ce.vlon. NYP (1002-date) 'J'hj elarion. Wkly London. NYP (1802-date) Coinnionwealtli of Australia gazette. Melbourne. NYP (1901-date) Cork Weekly E.xiuniner. Cork. ChP t.'jrriere della Seia Milan. LC Pr (1915-to date) iul.i< News. Wkly Havana. NYP (1913-date) Cyprus gazette. Nicosia, Cyprus. NYP (1898-date) Dagsbladet. Dly Christiana. NYP (1905-date) Daily Jewish express. London. NYP (1908-date) Tl.i'ly News. Lonilon. ChP Daily I'ews. Peking. LC (To date) Daily shipping index of Australasia. Melbourne. NYP (1911-date) Daily Telagraph. Lcndon. P.oP (1914 date) Darke. (le Coliuia, Mexico. NYP (1910-date) La estiflia de I'aniMua. Wkly. I'lnpma. NYP (1877 date) Kveninsr I'ost. Wellington. New Zealand. LC (To date) E.\aininer. Cork. CneP. (To date) (not bound) FalUlanl Islands gazette. Port Stanley, I'M. NYP (1902-date) Tederateu Malay statts government gazette. Knala Lumpur. NYP (1910-date) Le ['igaro. Paris Pr (1014-datc CineP (To date) (Not bound) Car LibPgh (1902-date)ChP Pinantleel weekbiad voor ilen fendsenhanclel. Amsterdam. NYP (1913-date) I'rankfurter zeitii.ig. Dly. Frankfurt. NYP (1904-date) CincP ^To April 1910) (Not bound) Pr (1914-191(1) FrevM'ian'.s journa' and national press. Dly. Dublin. NYP(1914-date)CineP(Todate) (Not bound)Car LibPos.ChP Freie Presse. Vienna. CincP (To April 1910) (Not Iwund) Die Preie Zeitung. P.iwkly. Bern. (1917-to date) La gaceta. Tegucgalpa, Honduras. NYP(1892-date) ChP (to date) ki. Dly. Warsaw. ChP Knjer Iwow;ki. Dly. Lwow, Austria. NYP (1914-date) Labour Leader, London. BoP (1144-1916) (8) I,aiU-r. Melbourne. I-vS'L (1898-date) I ■ ' ; • Levant Herald. C'on.«tantinople. LC (To date) l/neriKiol Weekly Post. Liverpool. CliP Lloyd's Pegister L< ndon. BoP (1897-date) Lloyd s Weekly Nf wspapcr. ChP I^jiidon ^'azette. ^'enii-wkly. London. NYP (lOfio-date) P.oP (in20-datei Malta feuvernnient ga?ette. Wkly. Valletta. Malta. NYP (lOOS-date) Manchester GnarOiaii. Manchester. Ch.P. Mainitius froveruiiiert gazette. Port Louis, Mauritius. NYP (1897-date) VA Merj,'Hrio. Dly. Valparai.so. Har. (1911-date) Ministerial-biatt fiir die preusslsclie innere verwaltung. P.erlin. NY'P (1908-date) Moayad, Al-.Dly. Cairo. NYP (1908-date) Le nionde econoiniqi^e. Wkly. Paris. NYP (1891-date) Moniteur beige. P.rus-sels. NYP (1901-date) Monitonil oficlal. Bucharest. NYP (1895-date) Morgenbladet, Chnstlana. BoP Morning Herald. Sydney, Australia. LC (To date) Morning Post. Hongkong. LC (To date) Moseo vski ja Wyedonwsti. Dly. Moscow. ChP Miincliener allgemeine zeitung. Wkly. Munich. NYP (1908-date) Pen (1908-date) Bryn M(1908-date)OhP Bop Municipal gazette. Shanghai. NYP (1908-date) BoP (1908-date) Munster News. Cl'P Naroilni !isty. Dly. Prague- ChP TJie Neat East. WUly. London. (1911-date) De Nederlaudsche I'jnancier. Amsterdam. LC (To date) Neue freie presse Dly. Vienna. NY'P (189,j-date) LC (To April 1910) ChP Neue Aiirichcr Zeitung. Zi'rich. BoP Now South Wale- government gazette. Sydney. NYP (1841-date) New York Herald. I'arls Ed. Pari?. LC Nieuve Rotterdf.ui«che Courant. Dly. Rotterdam. ChP Nieuws \an den -lag. Dly. Amsterdam. NYP (1899-date) Niva. Wkly. Petrograd. NYl' (1899-date) STL(To date) BoP(1871-Nov, 1917) Car lib Pgh ChP Nord dentsche allge. zeitung. Dly. Berlin. Pr. (1915-1916) NorthCliinaheraldaudsupremecourt&consular gazette. Wkly. Shanghai. NYP(1895-date)BoP(1895-date)OhU(T Northern Rhodesia government gazette. Livingstone, Rhodesia. NYi? (1914-date) Northern Wliig. Wkly. Belfast. CincP (To date) (not bound) ChP Nouvelles de France et bulletin des Francois residoni i1 I'Etranger. Wkly. Paris. STL (9) Novaya .'liizn. Diy. Petrograd. St L Novoyp vrom.va. Dl.v. St. Peterslmrg. NYP {1900-date) ChP BoP Nowa ISffonna. Dly. Craccw. ChP Odesskya Novosli Dl>. Odessa. Uussia. P.op ChP orficial gazette. P.ridfc'etown. liarlmdos. NYP (18(i7-date) Official frazette. .Vassaii, Bahama Islands. NYP (1902-date> offiiiiil ftnzitte )f British (iiiiana. Seuii-Wkly. Georgetown. NYP (18r)2-date) v)fn(ial gazette of the East Africa Protectorate. Nairobi, E. Africa. NYP (1009-date) offi Osaiid a.sahi sliinilun. Dly. Osaka. Japan. NY'P (1904-date) Osservatore Romano. Rome. BoP (1909-date) Oxford re/iew. Dly. Oxford. NYP (1905-date) Pall Mall Gazette Dly. Lrndon. CSX. (1887-date) Panama star & hr-ald. Wkly. Panama. NYP (1879-date) BoP a903-date) Period! 'O ofioial del estado de Chihuahua. Chiquahua, Mexico. NYP (1900-date) Periodico oflcial del gobierno del estado de Vericruz-Llave. Tri-wkly. Jalapa-Enrlquez, Mexico. (1900-date) Perlodlro oflcial eel gobierno del estado libre y soberano de Guanajuato. Guanajuato, Mexico. NYP (1900-date Periodico oflcial utl gobierno del estado libre y soberano de Nuevo-Leon. Monterrey, Mexico. NYP (1883-date PeriMlcc oficial. Estado de Chiapas. Tuttla, Gutierrez, Moxi(o. NYI» (1914-date Pester Lioyd. Budapest. LC (To April 1910) Pesti Naplo. Dly. Budapest. CiiP Petit .Tournal. Pari>. LC Pr (1914-date) Politiken. Copenhagen. LC ChP Politiken. Dly. Copenhagen. NYP (1914-date) Ya. LC Car lib Pgh (Not bound) ChP I'ost and .Mercury Liverpool. CincP (To date) (not bound) Pravitelstvenny v;.('stnik. Dly. Petrograd. NYP (1901-date) Pravo. Wkly. Petrograd NYP (1900date» La prensa. Dly. Havana. NYP (1913-date) Har (1912-date^ Priroda 1 lyudi. Wkly. Petrograd. NYP (1893-date) Public Opinion. L^f.ndon BoP (1801-date) Queensland governoient gazette. Brisbane, Queensland. NYP (1898-date) Qneeaslander. Wk.j. Bri.sbane. NYP (1905-date) Rech, Dly. Petrograd. LC CliP Kegierungs-Blatt fiir das grossherzogtuni Mecklenburg-ScUwerin. Schwerin, Germany. NYP (1857-date) Regiersblatt f:ir das konigreich Wurtemberg. Stuttgart. NYP (1882-date) Keviie du commerce ext^riur. Paris. NYP (1897-date) Royal gazette. Halifax. NYP (1903-date) (10) Royal ffazette, Btrnriirta commercial and general advertiser and recorder. Hamilton. NYP (1828-date) Kuskija Weiiomosti, Moscos. Bol' Russkija vyedoii.osti. Dly. Mcscow. NYP (1903-date) LC Kyech. Dly. Petrogrnd. NTP (1906-date) Rygos garsa. Wkly. Riga, Russia. NYP (1913-date) St. Lucifc gazette. Castries, St. Lucia. NYP (1897-date) St. Vincent government gazette. Kingstown, St. Vincent. NYP (1900-date) Sarawak gazette. I.uching. Sarawak. NYP (1908-date) Sarawak governiutnt gazi tte. Kuching. Sarawak. NYP (1908-date) Satirikoa. Wkly. Pttrograd. NYP (1908-date) Schwabisoher Meiksur. Dly. Stuttgart. OIiP Scotsman. Wkly. E'dinburg. CincI' (not bound) ChP 11 Secola. Milan. LoP ChP Sierra l^eone noyal gazette. Freetown, Sierra Leone. NYP (1902-date) Social Demokralei:, Dly Copenhagen. Bop ChP Hoocial Oemokrattii, Stockholm. BoP Sonda;;.s Nlsse. Wuly. Stockholm. BoP S:rg, Austria. NYP (1898-date) BoP(1910-July 24.1915) Car lib Pgh \'cr.l{-iiM (Jaiisj;. Dly (■liri>tiana. ChP \i< V..VU ;,'overnme:it gazette. Mellwunie. NYP (1901-date) Vienybe lietuvniku. Wkly. Plymouth, Kng. NYP (1897-date) \okriis svyeta. Wkly. Petrograd. NYP (1895-date) Vorwiirfs. Dly. Berlin. NYP (1891-date) Vossische zeitung Dly. Berlin. Ills (1909-date)LST(1914-) Weekly News. Aukland, New Zealand. BoP (1899-date) Weekly Press. Clirisi church. New Zealand. LC (To date) Weekly Times. IHarila. P. 1. LST(1913-date) Westminster Gazette. London. ChP Die WcKle. Wkly. Berlin. LST (1915-1910) The rtorker. Brisbane. Australia. NYP (1891-date) Wsohod. Lwow. Austria. NYP (1905-date) Zentralblatt tiir das deutsche reich. Berlin. NYP (137G-date) Zlata Praha. Wk'y. Prague. ChP Zukunit. Berlin. Ills (1907-191G) ChP LST (1914-1910) (12) Caylord Bros. Make YD" 07167 Syracye«, N Y. Mf . IMt. 24. I90t i THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAJVIPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. APR 6 1«^7