I Irving Strin(>ian •ffltth. Dcpti a. ^ I- 1 4 mj LESSONS ON RIGID DYNAMICS. LESSONS ON RIGID DYNAMICS: BY THE : , ' : . , REV. G. PIRIE, M.A., FELLOW AND TUTOR OF QUEENS' COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE; AND LATELY EXAMINER IN THE UNIVERSITY OF ABEKDEEN. L Hontron : MACMILLAN AND CO. 1875. [All Rights reserved.] vr l*ilth. O.o Cambritigc : PRTNITED BY C. J. CLAY, MA. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. PKEFACE. It will be generally acknowledged, I think, that there is no subject of Natural Philosophy, equal in importance to that familiarly known as Rigid Dynamics, of w^hich the study is so exclusively restricted to the more advanced students of Mathematics. Yet this restriction cannot be said to be necessary, for the treatment of the subject involves none of the higher mathematical methods ; and it must be allowed to be unfortunate, for the science of motion is the basis of Mechanical Engineering, and furnishes the explanation of many interesting terrestrial and cosmical phenomena. This restriction of the study is chiefly due to the fact that, while the conceptions and reasoning peculiar to the subject are somewhat difficult, the explanations of its lead- ing principles, given in the books commonly used by stu- dents, are for the most part very brief, and often, through brevity, obscure. It is this deficiency of explanation which I have at- tempted to supply in the following little book. It is not my purpose to acquaint the student with the splendid gene- ralizations of Lagrange and of more recent philosophers. For that the books in present use leave nothing to be desired. My aim is to render more general the study of this interesting science, by presenting as simple a view of its principles as is consistent with scientific accuracy, and to give a sound foundation to the student who is to proceed higher. vi PllEFACE. It is my hope that tlie book may be useful not only to students of Natural Philosophy, but also to engineers. Most of them possess a knowledge of the principles of Me- chanics, of the method of Co-ordinate Geometry, and of the Integral Calculus ; and that is all that is here required. The principle on which this science is based has been so Ions: connected with the name of D'Alembert that it would hardly be recognised under any other. Nevertheless there is no doubt that Euler has more claim to its author- ship, inasmuch as he first used it. D'Alembert admits this, but says that Euler gave no proof. I believe D'Alembert's real merit to be, that his explanation was exactly suited to clear away the difficulties which Avere perplexing men's minds. The works to which I am principally indebted are : — Thomson and Tait's Natural Philosophy; Routh's Rigid Dynamics ; Resal's Cinematique Pure; Rankine's Machinery and Millworh ; Walton's Mechanical Prohlems; Whewell's History of the Inductive Sciences; Willis' Principles of Me- chanism; Muller's Lehrhuch der kosmischen Physik ; Mon- tucla's Histoire des Mathematiques; D'Alembert's Traite de Dynamique, and Euler's Mechanik. My thanks arc due to Dr Campion, of Queens' College, for many valuable suggestions which he has made; and to several of my pupils for their frank statement of their difficulties. G. PIRIE. Queens' College, Cambridge. December, 1874. CONTENTS. Lessox page I. Geometry of Motion 1 II. Geometry of Motion 12 III. D'Alembert's Principle 19 rV. Keduction of the erpressiona for the effective forces . . 36 V. First Applications 49 TI. Moments and Products of Inertia ..,,.. 60 VII. Moments and Products of Inertia ...... 69 "N^II. Moments and Products of Inertia 73 IX. Problems, Without Eotation 82 X. „ Fixed Centres 89 XI, „ One Kigid Body 102 Xn. ,, A System of Bodies 117 Xni. Energy 142 XIV. Precessional Motion 163 XV. Differential Equations 171 Miscellaneous Problems 177 Notes on the Examples 180 GEOMETRY OF MOTION. I. 1. A RIGID body is an assemblage of particles such that the distance between each pair is unchangeable. The movements of such a body are very different from those of a set of independent points. Its fixed connec- tions introduce a common movement. Any straight line or any plane of particles in the body must remain pJways a straight line or plane. If all such planes remain parallel to themselves, the motion is one of translation. But if any such plane makes an angle with its former position the motion is rotational. And the velocity of rotation— angular velocity — is measured by the rate at which the plane is de- scribing angles. Thus the connecting rod of the driving wheels of a goods' locomotive has only a translational motion; — so also (ap- proximately) the axis of the earth in its yearly motion round the sun. In a well-thrown quoit the motions are combined. 2. From this definition of rotation it follows that a point cannot rotate. It may revolve about another point, but it contains no lines nor planes which can describe angles. For rotation there must be an extended system. A point in motion may be said to be revolving about any point whatever situated in the line through it at right angles to its direc- tion of motion, for it is moving at the moment in a circle with the point as centre. But the body of which this is a point may not be rotating. For rotation it is necessary that the different points of the body should be at the moment revolving about the same axis. P. G. .. " 1 2 EOTATIOX AND REVOLUTIOX. Suppose a man to move round a column viewing its parts in succession. In this case he is also rotating. Were he to move without rotation, he must work round the column sometimes forAvards, sometimes sidewards, sometimes back- wards, but always facing the same point of the compass. 3. From the definition it follows also that rotation is di- rectional, i.e. it takes place not so much about an axis or point as about a direction or in a plane. The bod}^ AB lias rotated in passing to the position AB'; but the amoimt of the rota- tion is measured by the angle between the straight lines AB and A'B'. It matters not to the angular velocity of a car- riage-wheel whether it is rolling along a level road or up a hill, or whether the wdiecl, being raised from the ground, is whirled round its own axle. Or on a larger scale, whether a ship rounds a promontory or swings with her anchor fixed through the same angle is indifferent to the amount and direction of the rotation performed. There is indeed in general an axis round whicli the body may, in a stricter sense, be said to rotate, for every point of the body moves in a circle about it. This rotation is the more easily imagined, but it ought not to be allowed to expel the idea of the other. It is a pity there are not separate words to distinguish them. We will in future speak of them as rotation round a point or axis, and rotation round a direction or in a plane. SIMULTANEOUS MOTIONS. o 4. The method which mathematicians adopt in treating of simultaneous motions is to consider them one after the other. A velocity is the describing of a certain length or angle in a certain time. Properties of small linear and angular displacements are properties of linear and angular velocities. If, therefore, a body is subject to two inde- pendent motions, as rotations about two axes or a rotation and a translation, it is considered to obey them in turn each for a very short time. A rifle bullet moving towards the target and rotating all the time is supposed to approach the target without turning, through an infinitely small space, and then to turn round through an infinitely small angle, much like a man descending a spiral staircase. This is not the actual motion, any more than a polygon is a curve, but it differs as little as Ave please from the real motion, and it clears our ideas and enables us to apply mathematical methods to the problems. If a body is solicited to two different motions by two simultaneous causes, it will in reality follow neither ; but it may be supposed to have followed both. Thus the very extravagant idea of some of the earliest writers on projectiles that a cannon-ball went straight until it had exhausted the force of projection and then fell down straight under gravity, had in it, notwithstanding its grievous confusion of force with velocity, a germ of truth, (viz.) that the causes of motion must be considered separately. A skater describing circles, the nut of a screw, a crank rod one end of which moves in a straight line while the other describes a circle, the arms of a common form of reaping m.achine which rotate about an inclined axis while carried forwards by the machine, and hundreds of other familiar cases, supply examples of translation combined v/ith rotation. Examples of combined rotations are seen in the screw or paddles of a steamer, which are rotating about a horizontal axis while the steamer may bo moving round a curve 1—2 4 PARALLEL AXES. and thus rotating about the vertical; or in the common gyroscopic toy, where a metal ring rotates about a diameter of a circle, and is borne along also by the rotation of this circle about the vertical ; or in the sails of a windmill, which may have rotations about their own axis, about the vertical (if the wind veers) and with the whole body of the windmill round the polar axis of the earth. 5. Motions in one plane and in ixiralUl planes. Let A be a point of a rigid body which is moved to A'. Bisect AA' perpendi ularly by the straight line -^^A^ On NX take any point B. We may suppose that the point A has been moved to A! by the body having been caused to ro- tate about an axis through B at right angles to the plane of the paper. In this case the line of particles AB has taken up the position A'B. Now cause the body to rotate about an axis through A' perpendicular to the plane of the paper through an equal and opposite angle. The line A'B takes up the position AB' parallel to AB, whence we infer that a displacement of translation is equivalent to two equal and opposite displacements of rotation about two parallel axes. If these displacements are small, yl^' is at right angles to AB, and the proposition becomes that two equal and opposite angular velocities about two parallel axes are equivalent to a translational velocity in a direction at right angles to the plane of the axes. PARALLEL AXES. O It will be convenient to denote sucli axes perpendicular to the plane of the paper by the point where they cut this plane. Thus we might have spoken of A' and B as axes. This important proposition may be reduced to the paral- lelosfram of linear velocities. Let P be any point of a body which has simultaneous equal and opposite rotations round A and B. The velocities of P due to these are represented by Pa and Ph perpendicular and proportional to PA and PB respectively. The resultant velocity is represented by the diagonal PB of the parallelo- gram on Pa, Ph. But this parallelogram is similar to that whose sides are PA, PB. Hence the velocity of Pis propor- tional and perpendicular to AB. As this holds for every point of the body, the wliole is being translated at right angles to AB, and v/ith velocity proportional to it. 6. From the definition of rotation it is clear that two equal and opposite rotations cannot produce a rotation ; for they turn a straight line in the body through equal but opposite angles. For the same reason the angular velocity of a body rotating about two parallel axes is the sum or difference of their separate angular velocities. Let P be any point of a body which has angular velocities in the same direction round A and B. And take on PB a point G such that PB and PC are proportional to the angu- lar velocities round ^ and P respectively. Then the linear TARALLEL AXES. velocities of P will be at right angles to PA and PB, and proportional to PA . PB and PB . PC respectively, i. e. to PA and PC. Hence, joining AC and bisecting it in N, the result- ant velocity of P is at right angles to PN and is measured by twice Pk. P may therefore be taken to be revolving about any point in PN. Let PN produced cut AB in R ; we can shew that R is the same point wherever P is, and therefore the whole body is rotating about R. The angular velocity has been settled independently. Produce CP to C, making PC equal to PC. Join A C PNR is parallel to A C, and therefore AR :RB:: C'PiPB; or R divides AB inversely as the angular velocities round A andB. 7. Any displacement whatever may be given to a body by a translation and a rotation about an axis. jB For to bring AB to A'B' it is only necessary to translate the body till a point A reaches its new position A\ and then to rotate the body about A\ INSTANTANEOUS AXIS. / Thus ill general any motion of a body may be composed of a rotation round an arbitrary point and a translation. And this point may generally be so chosen that the move- ment of translation shall not be required. In other words, there is one point which is unaffected by the change of posi- tion. To find this point. Bisect A A' and BB' perpendicu- larly, and let the bisectors meet in K Join NA, NA\ NB, NB\ Then ^''A is equal to JS^'A' and NB to NB'. If, then, we can shew that the angle ANA' is equal to the angle BNB', we shall have proved that when the body is rotated about N, so as to move A to A', B is brought to B', and so for any other point. For ^ is a point of the body, since the triangles ANB and A'NB' are equal in all respects. Now the triangles ANB, A'NB', have all their sides equal each to each; therefore the angles ANB and A'NB' are equal. Take away the common angle A'NB, and the remainder ANA' is equal to the remainder BNB'. Hence any motion of a rigid body, except one of transla- tion, is one of rotation round some axis ; and this is called the instantaucous axis. If the body be a plane one, and be moving in its plane, this axis cuts the plane in the instantaneous centre. To find its position it is only necessary to take two points whose directions of motion are known, and to draw perpendiculars from them to these directions. Their intersection gives the centre required. ROLLING. 8. For the illustration of these principles consider the motion of a circular hoop C, rolling on another cylinder 0, which is fixed. The rolling of the hoop from position (1) to an infinitely near position (2) may be considered as takiii! place in one of three principal ways. First, by two rotati(^us. The whole hoop may rotate througli a small angle round 0, thus coming into position (o), and then a rotation round C will bring the hoop into position (2). ROLLING. Secondly : The hoop may be translated into position (4), and then brought by a rotation round C to position (2). Thirdly : By one rotation round the instantaneous centre. This point must lie in 00; for 00 is at right angles to the direction of motion of 0. To get another line on which it lies, consider the motions of points veiy near to N. These are moving away from or towards 0. Hence iVmust be the instantaneous centre. That the body is at the moment rotating round N will be better seen by looking on the circles as many-sided polygons of equal sides. Each angular point becomes in turn the centre of rotation. But the axis is continually changing, and if the question considered be one of change of velocity, the motion must not be con- sidered as if it were round a fixed point at N. If n be the angular velocity of revolution of C about 0, measured by the angle at 0, the velocity of rotation of the hoop round in the first method will be measured by the angle at 0; and since the arcs of the tv/o circles which have been in contact are equal, it wdll be ^^ ON ' If w^e combine these by Ai^t. 6, they give a resultant rotation round JSl. 10 EXAMPLES. Tn the second method the linear velocit}^ is measured by the distance the centre has moved, i.e. by OC.D., and the angular velocity by the angle between CJS^ (fig. 4) and CJ^ (fig. 2), i.e. by (/ (9+^C) (fig. 2). It is therefore O + II . -.-^ or ^•cw ojsr c. oc To reduce this to either of the others, consider the linear velocity OC.H as the resultant of two equal and opposite angular velocities. The single angular velocity in the third method is the same as in the second, but it is about N. For the whole rotation must be measured by the same angle whatever be the axis. Or we may see it thus. Calling it w, the linear velocity of G due to it is w ON, and this must be the same as that found by the last method, viz. Q. .00. EXAMPLES. 1. If two points are rigidly connected, their velocities in the direction of the straight line joining them are equal. 2. A mirror rotates about a vertical axis with an angular velocity w, and a ray of light falls on it from a distant fixed point on the horizon. What is the angular velocity of the reflected ray ? 3. Express a velocity of 100 revolutions a minute in units of angular velocity. 4. Compare the velocity of rotation of the earth with the mean angular velocity of revolution of its centre. 5. If V be the linear velocity in Art. 5, which is equiva- lent to tlie angular velocities w, - w about A and B, shew that v = AB,(o. G. Where is the instantaneous centre when a ladder is slipping down iu a vertical plane between a wall and the ground ? EXAMPLES. 1 1 7. The paddle-wheel of a steamboat is rotating with velocity co, and the vessel is moving with velocity v ; whore is the instantaneous axis of the paddle-wheel ? 8. Prove that any motion of a rigid body of which the points move in parallel planes may be represented by sup- posing a right cylinder fixed in the body to roll on a right cylinder fixed in space. 9. What are these cylinders in the case of question 7 ? 10. If a straight rod be moving in any manner in a plane, the directions of motion of all its points will in general touch a parabola. 11. AF, BQ are two arms moveable round the fixed centres A, B; and the points P and Q are connected by a link (rod) PQ ; shew that the angular velocities of the arms AP, BQ are inversely proportional to the segments into which the link, or its direction produced, divides AB. II. GEOMETRY OF MOTION. 1. We now come to the case of simultaneous rotations about axes inclined to one another. The motions of points are no longer in one plane or in parallel planes. It will be neces- sary to represent the axes themselves. The way in which an angular velocity is geometrically represented is as follows : take the axis xx ; on it [take a point ; let Ox be the di- rection which is considered positive. Place a watch at with its face towards x. A rotation whose direction coincides with the direction of motion of its hands is considered positive. It is measured by the line OA, which contains as many units of length as the angular velocity contains units of angular velocity. An angular velocity in the opposite direction is represented by a straight line measured along Ox'. With this convention a positive angular velocity round Ox — one of a rectangular system of axes as usually drawn — will tend from Oy to Oz ; one round Or/ from Oz to Ox ; one round Oz from Ox to Oi/. The basis of this subject is the proposition called the parallelogram of angular velocities, which is : // a body have simultaneous angular velocities about two inclined intersecting axes, and if these he represented by the adjacent sides of a j^^if^^dleloyram, then shall the resultant angular velocity he about the diagonal wJiich passes through their intersection and proportional to it in magnitude. INCLINED AXES. 13 Let a body be rotating simultaneously about OA and OB with velocities proportional to OA and OB, taking Then, first, the points on OG are at rest. For, such a point P and drawing PM, PN at right angles to OA and OB, P's linear velocity due to its rotation round OA is upwards from the plane of the paper, and proportional to OA . PM\ while that due to rotation round OB is downwards and proportional to OB . PN. As these products are twdce the areas of the triangles OPA, OPB respectively, they are equal. As they are opposite the point P is at rest. The body is therefore rotating about G. To settle its angular velocity about OC', draw a perpen- dicular to the plane ^405 through 0, and on this take a point Q. 14 GEOMETRY OF MOTION. The angular velocities of the body round A, OB wiW l>e proportional to the linear velocities of Q perpendicular to these, i.e. Oa, Ob, which are drawn in the plane of A OB, at right angles to OA, OB and proportional to them respec- tively. The resultant angular velocity about OC will be repre- sented by the resultant linear velocity of Q, i.e. by Oc, the diagonal of the parallelogram Oa, Oh. But the parallelograms OA, OB and Oa, Ob are similar, the latter being turned round through a right angle. Therefore the diagonal Oc is proportionar^nd perpendicular to 00. And the resultant angular velocity of the body is proportional to OC. 2. Angular velocities, then, are quantities which obey the parallefogram law, and all its consequences will hold good for them. A body rotating with velocity co about any axis may be considered to have a component angular velocity CO cos a about any other axis inclined to the former at an angle a. There will be a parallelopiped of angular velocities: and in general the analogy between angular velocities and forces in" Statics is complete. "We will take for the illustration of this the pendulum experiment by Foucault, by which the rotation of the earth is rendered visible. Draw a circle representing a section of the earth through its polar axis NS. Let be the centre, and A any place on its surface. In tliis experiment, a pendulum is set swinging in a.ny vertical plane at A. We assume that wherever the point of suspension may be, the plane in wliich the pendulum swings will remain parallel to itself. If the earth were rotating about OA, the effect of this would be that the plane of the pendulum would be left behind by the earth, and would appear to an observer, unconscious of the earth's motion, to follow the sun. Now this is in part what happens. The earth does not indeed rotate about OA; ils rotation is about NS; but this is equivalent to one about OA pro- portional to cos NOA, and one about a perpendicular to OA GEOMETRY OF MOTIOX. 15 proportional to sin NOA. This latter is what carries the building and the whole apparatus eastward. It does not affect the present question. But the other rotation — that about OA — causes the plane of the pendulum to follow that of the sun with an angular velocity, which is to that of the earth as cos NOA to 1. This experiment requires the greatest care for its exhibi- tion. If the pendulum move in even the most elongated oval, instead of swinging in a plane, the axis of this oval will rotate from a very different cause, viz. the resistance of the air. When Foucault exhibited his experiment in Paris to the French * savants,' he used a heavy ball hung from the roof of the Obsorvatory, and set it off by burning a threa^d which held the ball out of the position of rest. 3. If a rigid body has one point fixed, there is at any moment a straight line of points at rest. In other words, any displacement of a rigid body, one point of which is fixed, may be effected by a single rotation about some axis through that point. The proof is the same as that by which we shewed that any displacement of a plane body in its plane can be given by a rotation round one point ; if instead of a plane we consider a sphere in the body with the fixed point as centre. The points, then, represent straight lines through the centre; the straight lines in the figure become arcs of great circles and represent planes passing through the centre ; but the reasoning is precisely the same. Any displacement may therefore be given to a rigid body by translating it so that a chosen point comes into its new posi- tion, and then making it rotate round some axis through that point. The direction of this axis and the angular displace- ment remain the same whatever point be chosen. The direction and amount of translation may change, but the translation cannot affect the angular movement. The point may be chosen so that the direction of transla- tion is that round which the rotation takes place. For let 0' be the new position of G, and let C X be the axis of rota- tion. Let AB represent a plane in the body perpendicular to this axis. Let A"B' be its final position. This is parallel 16 GEOMETRY OF MOTION. to AB; for neither the translation nor the rotation about C'X affects its direction. If, then, we first translate the Avhole body along a parallel to C'X until AB comes to A'B' in the same plane with A"B", we shall be able by one rotation about a parallel to C'X to brincr A'B' to A"B", i. e. the direction of translation will be the axis of rotation. Hence every small motion is reducible to that of a screw in its nut. And all points of any rigid body are at the same moment moving in coaxial helices. If the pitch of the screw be zero the motion will be one of rotation simply, if it be infinite it will be a translation. It is of course not always equally easy to see what these axes and directions are. In the case of a rifle bullet, for example, the motion is already reduced. In the general case the first point is to find out the series of planes w^hich remain parallel, 01- — what is the same thing — to find the direction of rotation. Thus suppose we are considering the motion of the earth at alay instant. This consists of a rotation round its polar axis and a revolution of its centre in the plane of the ecliptic round the sun. And suppose we wish to reduce it to the screw motion. We observe that the planes which remain parallel are those parallel to the ec[uator. Hence the axis of the screw is perpendicular to the equator. To find the actaal position of this axis we must consider all velocities projected on a plane parallel to the equator. Then the motion is similar to that of the hoop in Lesson I. Art. 8, which rotates about its centre while the centre revolves about a fixed point. GEOMETRY OF MOTION. 17 Let H be tlie velocity of rotation of the earth, V the component velocity of its centre in the plane of the equator, E the distance between two axes each perpendicular to the equator, through the centres of the sun and earth respec- tively. By Lesson i. Art. 8, V and H are equivalent to two angular velocities, -p about the axis through the sun, and V O — 51 about the axis throus^h the centre of the earth. And these are equivalent to an angular velocity round a parallel . V axis in the plane of the others, distant -^ — 7y from that through the sun. This last is therefore the axis of rotation. 4. An extremely elegant geometrical conception of the motion of a body round a fixed point was introduced by Poinsot. Any such motion may be completely represented by imagining a cone fixed in the moving body to roll on a cone fixed in space. For every body with one point fixed is rotating about a certain axis. As the motion changes, this axis takes up different positions, and describes a cone whose vertex is the fixed point. Now by reasoning exactly similar to that of Lesson i. Art. 8, any cone rolling on another with the same vertex has for its instantaneous axis its line of contact with the other. This axis therefore describes a cone whose vertex is the fixed point. But this is precisely the motion to be represented. The ra.te of rotation will depend on the dimensions of the rolling cone. As an example of this take the case of a top spinning with angular velocity co about its axis G, while that axis is rotating with angular velocity 12 about the vertical V, to which it is inclined at an angle a. By the parallelogram of angular velocities the resultant axis is OB — between G and OV — inclined to (7(7 at an angle given by sin BOG _n sin {^OL — BOG) co' Hence the motion is the same as if an imaginary right circular cone in the top, whose axis was the axis of the top, and whose semivertical angle was BOG, were to roll on the P. G. 2 18 EXAMPLES. cone in space whose axis was OF and semivertical angle HOV. As &), the anguhxr velocity of the top about C, is in general large compared with fl, the angular velocity oi 00 about V, the angle EOG will be small. If a series of concentric coloured circles round be drawn on the head of the top, that which corresponds to R will be the only pure colour seen as the top spins. EXAMPLES. 1. Prove that the proposition (Art. 1) holds for angular accelerations. 2. If a ship is rolling and pitching with equal angular velocities, what is her actual motion ? 3. Two circular discs can turn about fixed perpendicular intersecting axes. If the axes be so placed that the circum- ference of one of the discs (which is rough) presses against the plane of the other, and if the former disc be caused to rotate about its axis with given angular velocity, find the angular velocity of the other. 4. A heavy cylindrical crushing stone rolls on a hori- zontal table round a vertical axis. Represent its motion (1) as two rotations, (2) as a single rotation. 5. Two bevil-wheels, with fixed axes, roll together ; prove that the ratio of their angular velocities is that of the cosecants of their semivertical angles. 6. Prove tliat if a motion be reduced, as in Art. 3, to that of a screw in its nut, the translational velocity will be less than if it had been reduced in any other manner. 7. Prove that the rotation is not altered however the motion is reduced. IIL D ALEMBERT S PRINCIPLE. 1. The ideas of force and matter would seem to be equally fundamental. One cannot be conceived except as acting on or being acted on by the other. Force is 'that which changes or tends to change the state of rest or motion of matter ;' or as Newton's first law of motion might be ex- pressed, ' without force a body can experience no change either in the. quantity or direction of its velocity.' The second law is that the force in any direction is proportional to the quantity of motion it produces in that direction. Two lumps of matter (masses) are defined to be equal, when the same force acting during equal times on both generates in them equal velocities. Two forces are defined to be equal, when acting on the same mass for equal times they generate in it equal velocities. Then it is found hy experiment, that double forces acting on the same mass for equal times generate double velocities ; and in general that the whole force in any time is proportional to the product of the mass moved and the velocity generated. And this product is called the quantity of motion or momentum. The force at any moment is measured by the rate of change of quantity of motion, i.e. by the product of the mass and the rate of change of the velocity. 2. Such are the laws by which the motions of a single particle are determined. Newton's third law, promulgated ^—2 20 EARLY ATTEMPTS. m 1087, — tliat action and reaction between connected bodies Avh ether at rest or in motion are equal and opposite — gives the means of determining the motion of a system of particles. But this was not at first appreciated. The student will find in the second volume of Whewell's History of the Inductive Sciences, or in Walton's Mechanical Problems^ an interesting sketch of the errors into which mathematicians fell, and the difiiculties they overcame before arriving at that principle first correctly stated by D'Alembert in 1742. The first Kigid Dynamics problem which \vas solved on correct principles had been proposed by Mersenne in 1646. It Avas 'to find the centre of oscillation/ or the length of the simple pendulum which swings in the same time as any given rigid body swinging about a horizontal axis. This was solved by Huyghens in 1673 by the help of the correct principle, that if a pendulum in the shape of a rigid rod loaded with any weights make part of an oscillation, and if then the weights be disengaged from the constraining rod and reflected upwards with the velocities acquired, the centre of gravity will rise to the same height as it came from. But the main difficult}^ in the transition from a particle to a system still remained, viz. what effect motion impressed on one part of a rigid body has on another part. Tn 1686 James BernoulU gave expression to this difficulty by proposing to physicists the following query : '• Given m, m two ecpial bodies attached to an inflexible straight rod, which is capable of motion in a vertical plane about one end which is fixed; let r, r denote the distances of m, iii from this end ; v, v their velocities for any position of the straight line in its descent from an assigned position ; u, ii! the velocities they would have acquired in descending the same arcs unconnectedly. Then through the connection m has lost u — V, and m has gained v' - it, (Query) Whether the relation (similar to that of forces and arms in a lever) u — v:v—u'::r':r be the correct expression of the circum- stances of the motion ?" The nearness of this to the true expression — which is, that u, V, u', V must be the velocities acquired in an infinitely d'alembert's principle. 21 small time — illustrates strikingly the groping of mathema- ticians for the principle which was to be the pillar supporting this science. Bernoulli's query was shortly afterwards correctly an- swered by the Marquis de I'Hopital. In 1716 a solution of Mersenne's problem was given by Hermann, founded, (says Whewell), " on the statical equi- valence of the solicitations of gravity and the vicarious solicitations which correspond to the actual motion of each part, or, as it has been expressed by more modern writers, the equilibrium of the impressed and effective forces." In 1736 Euler published his Mechanics, in which, while recosrnizincr the correctness of the solutions of individual problems by other philosophers, he complains that a new geometrical solution is required for each separate problem, and therefore tries to reduce their methods to analysis. Thereafter the impulse .^iven by D'Alembert in 1742 caused this science to spring almost at once into the maturity of the present day. Before the death of Euler the solution of the problems of the subject was pushed as far as the knowledge of differential equations would allow. 3. The following is a translation of D'Alembert's own statement of his principle. It will be better understood, if it be borne in mind that forces may be measured by the quantities of motion they give or would give were they allowed; in fact, that for purposes of reasoning force and motion produced are convertible. Also that a principle proved for any number of rigidly connected particles is proved ibr a rigid body. " Given a system of bodies related to one another in any manner whatever ; and supj^ose that on each of these bodies a particidar motion is impressed, which it cannot folloiu on account of the constraint of the other bodies; to find the motion which each body tuill take. 22 DYNAMICS. " Solution. Let A, B, C, &c. be the bodies which compose the system, and suppose that the movements* a, h, c, &c. have become impressed on them, which they are forced by their mutual actions to change into the movements a , h', c\ &c. It is clear that we can regard the movement a impressed on A as composed of the movement a which it has taken, and of another a; that in the same way we may consider the movements h, c, &c. as composed of the movements 6', ^ ; c, 7, &c. ; whence it follows that the movements of the bodies A, B, C, &c., among one another would have been the same if, instead of giving them the impulses a, h, c, &c., we had given them the double impulses a, a;b',^; c, 7; &c. "Now by the supposition the bodies^, 5, (7, &c., have of themselves taken the movements a, b', c, &c., hence the movements a, /3, 7, &c., must be such that they do not derange anything in the movements a, h', c, &c., that is to say, that had the bodies only received the movements a, /§, 7, &c., these movements must have destroyed one another and the system have remained at rest. " Whence results the following principle for finding the motion of several bodies which act on one another. Decom- pose the movements a, h, c, &c., impressed on each body, each into two others a, a ; h\ ^ ; c\ 7, &c., which are such that, had the bodies only received the movements a, h', c, &c., they might have kept these movements without interfering with one another; and had they only been subject to the movements a, 13, 7, &c., the system would have remained at rest. It is clear that a, h', c\ &c. will be the motions which these bodies will take." 4. Thus if the impressed forces are such as would make a certain body acquire the velocity represented by Aa, while its actual velocity is AA', A' a represents a velocity which the * a on A, h on B, c ou C, &c. D ALEMBERT S PRINCIPLE. 23 body is invited to take but does not. Aa being proportional to the impressed force, AA' is proportional to that part of it which is effective in producing motion, while A' a is propor- tional to the force of constraint which that body exercises on those arouDd it, and a A' is proportional to the force of con- straint which they exercise on it. We may look on this triangle in three ways : (1) that the impressed force is the resultant of the part which has gone to cause motion, and of the part gone to balance the force of constraint ; (2) that the impressed forces and the force of constraint on the body have as their result the motion pro- duced ; or (3) that the force of constraint on the body balances the impressed force and gives the motion. Any one of these forces is the resultant of the other two, or any one reversed is in equilibrium with the other two. So much for one body or element of mass. When the rigid system is considered, of which this body is a part, the forces of constraint are in equilibrium among themselves, and there- fore the remaining two sets, the impressed and reversed effective forces, are in equilibrium. . 5. The first problem to which D'Alembert applies his principle is — to find the velocity of a rod CB, fixed at C, and loaded with any number* of bodies A, B, R ; supposing that these bodies, if the rod did not hinder them, would have * A,BfR here and elsewhere denote not only the positions but the masses. 24! d'alembert's ppjnciple. described in equal times the infinitely short lines AO, BQ, itj([^j)erpendicular to tlie rod. The Avliole difficulty consists in finding the length RS traversed by one of the bodies R in the time in which it would, unconstrained, have traversed RT \ for then the velocities EG, AM oi the other bodies will be known. Now consider the impressed velocities RT, BQ, AO i\^ composed of the velocities RS, ST; BG, - QG ; AM,-OM. By our principle the lever CAR would have remained at rest if the bodies R, B, A had only received the velocities ST, — QG, - OM. Hence A,MO.AC-^B. GQ.BC=R.ST. OR (since A . MO is proportional to the force which produces the motion MO in the body A) ; that is A.ACiAM-AO)+B.BC{BG-BQ) = R.CR {RT-RS). Now AM : RS :: AC : CR, and BGiRS r.BCiCR. Substituting these values of AM and BG, there results a simple equation for RS. D'Alembert's solution, given above, is geometrical. The analytical expressions and methods (introduced by Euler) are so much more convenient and powerful, that they have been universally adopted. Our future proceedings will consist in finding convenient expressions for the effective forces, and then solving problems by any statical method. The reasoning by which D'Alembert's principle is esta- blished is obviously applicable to any system of bodies how- ever connected ; as, for instance, to fluids. The science of fluid motion does not branch off until we come to introduce the condition of rigidity in finding expressions for the re- sultant of the effective forces. C. The impressed or external forces are the cause of the motion and of all the other forces. Which are the impressed forces will appear by the particular system which happens to IMPEESSED FORCES. Zo be under consideration. The same force may be external to one system and internal to another. The constraining force on A (Art. 5) is internal when the whole system GABB is under consideration; but did we wish to find this force of constraint, CA would be considered as a system in motion, and the action of BR on A would be one of the external forces. The pressure between the foot of a man and the deck of a ship on which he is, is external to the ship and also to him, and is the cause of his own forward motion and of a shght backward motion of the ship; but if the man and ship be looked on as parts of one system the pressure is internal, and the man may dash himself as violently as he pleases against any part of the vessel without quickening the voyage for himself and his fellow-passengers. It is most important that the student should have in every problem a clear idea as to the system which he is con- sidering. 7. Before the time of Poinsot (early in the present century), mechanicians had no better idea of the effect of a system of forces than that it could be reduced to two or more forces acting at separate points. The action of a door on its hinges was taken as consisting of forces acting at the different hinges. This has disadvantages. When the hinges are more than two, the forces cannot be found by the formulse for rigid bodies. And when problems of motion are considered, it becomes very inconvenient to have no cause for rotation other than the moment of a force, which is different round different axes. This defect is supplied by Poinsot's theory of couples. He was led to it by considering what could be the resultant of two parallel and equal forces acting in opposite directions. In this theory the force P acting at A is equivalent to the parallel force P at any point and to the couple (PP), which is reducible to no single resultant. The effect of the force P Sit A on a given body must be the same whatever point we may choose, for it will not be altered by our looking at it ; but in certain cases, the most conve- nient position of will be suggested. Thus might be 26 COUPLES. a fixed point round which the body could turn. In that case, P at will be a pressure, and the couple will make o ■-A. Y IP the body rotate. If it be objected that the couj^le, to /P P\ cause rotation about 0, should be f -^ , -^ j , with an arm double OA ; the answer is, that rotation is not about a line or point, but about a direction or in a plane; and that these two couples are in fact exactly equivalent. Of course a single force need not always be resolved into a force and a couple. If A were such a point that a force acting there trans- lated the whole body, it would not simplify our conceptions, but the reverse, to look on it as a force causing partly trans- lation, partly rotation. In this theory the united actions of all the hinges of a door would be a single force and a single couple. The couple is the same with respect to all parallel axes, but varies in magnitude as the line of action of the force changes. Couples exist uncombincd in nature in the case of mag- nets. There is no pressure on the point of support of a magnet due to the earth's magnetic action ; for that consists of two equal and opposite forces acting on the North and South poles respectively. 8. Forces are also divided in Kinetics into impulsive and FORCES AND BLOWS. 27 accelerating forces, i. e. into blows and finite forces. The impulse, generating a finite momentum instantaneously, is the simpler in theory. Time is no element in the calculation. The other forces require time to develop a finite quantity of motion, and their effect in an infinitely small time is as nothing compared with that of the class of blows. They are called finite forces. Attractions, tensions of elastic strings, pressures of gases, are examples of this class. There is probably in nature no perfect impulse which takes absolutely no time in its action ; but it is usual to consider as such all forces which produce an appreciable change of motion in an inappreciable time, as explosions and impacts. A blow is measured by the momentum or quantity of motion it generates. A constant finite force is measured by the momentum it generates in a unit of time ; a variable one by the quantity of motion it would generate in the unit of time if it had throusfhout that time the same mao^nitude as . . . at the moment of consideration, or, in other words, by the rate of generation of momentum, or the momentum generated in an infinitely short time (during which it may be supposed constant) divided by this time. The total force daring a finite time, or the force at a moment, is comparable in effect with a blow ; but not the force during an infinitely small time. The same laws of motion apply to both classes. Mo- mentum o^enerated is the measure of both. Hence the fio^ures and reasoning of DAlembert are applicable to both. The dynamics of impulses introduces only algebraical equations ; that of finite forces depends on differential equa- tions. The equations of either can be deduced from those of the other. A finite force may be looked on as the limit of a series of small impulses ; an impulse as the limit of the total of a very large finite force acting during a very short time. The student must be cautioned ag-ainst reofardino^ a sudden change or annihilation of a finite force as an impulse. If a cricket-ball is struck by a bat, it moves off with a measurable velocity. If it is let fall, it begins to move with an infinitely small velocity. What is finite is the ac- 28 d'alemceet's principle. celeration. Ao-aio, if it is movino: in one direction and is struck by a bat, it is sent off at once in a different direction ; but a ball rolling off a table moves at first horizontally. But although the direction of motion experiences no imme- diate change, the curvature of the path does ; for there is a sudden accession of downward force, and therefore of downward acceleration. If a body be supported by two strings, and if one be cut, the tension of the other will be instantaneously but not impulsively changed. No finite change of a finite force can convert it into an impulse. 9. The effective force is that component of the impressed force which is effective in causing motion. It is found, not from the impressed force, but from its being the force neces- sary to produce the actual motion, for the same motion must alwa3^s be caused by the same force. It is the force which is required for producing the deviation from the straight line and the change of velocity. If a particle is revolving with constant velocity round a fixed axis, the effective force is the centipetal force. If a heavy body falls without rotation, the whole force of gravity is effective. But if it is swinging about a horizontal axis, the weight goes partly to balance the pressure on the axis. If the motion is known, the force requisite to produce it is easily found. But the problem of this science is in- verse. It is : " Given the forces, find the motion." Now the method of treating any inverse problem is to solve it as if it were a direct problem, and thus get equations for the un- known quantities. If the question is one of an impulse, we suppose an element hm to have the components of its velocity along the axes changed from ti, v, w to it, v\ lu. The change of momentum is then hm{ii —u), Bm{v—v)y Em(w' — w), and these are the measures of the components of the effective force. If the motion is accelerated, the rate of increase of momentum is 8?h -, , ^m-f-, Bm-. ; and those are the dt at at measures of the comjoonents. If the co-ordinates of the element hn be x, y, z, the velo- EFFECTIVE FORCES. 29 O T (til UZ cities u, V, w are -^ , -j^- , -,,-, and the accelerations are d^x d'^2f d^z — r , -vi , —r; . We will in s^eneral work with the velocities, df ' df ' di' * because the connection between impulsive and accelerating forces is brought out ; but if in any problem the position of the system be required, it will be necessary to use the co-ordinates. (It will be as well to mention here that for purposes of abbreviation we will use the fluxional nota- dx d'x tion. Thus --. =x, -.-^ ='x\ so that %i = x and ii = x. A.^ t is (tt Ctu always the independent variable, this can cause no am- biguity.) There may be effective forces when there are no im- pressed forces, as in the case of a circular ring set rotating about a vertical axis and then left to itself. The effectives are then in equilibrium among themselves. They are in that case the centripetal forces. It is convenient to suppose the velocity and acceleration to increase, and therefore to suppose that the effective forces act in the direction towards which the co-ordinates or angles are positive. The result shews by its sign whether the velocity is in that direction or the other, and whether the acceleration is a retardation or not. Example. A carriage-iuheel, whose radms is a, is rolling ivith constant velocity v along a road. What is the force which gives its motion to a particle (Sm) of mud on it just passing the top of the luheel ? The question is : What is the acceleration of this particle ? Now this in any direction is equal to its value relatively to any point, (say) the centre, together with the absolute ac- celeration of this point. The acceleration of the centre is zero. And the only acceleration of Bm relatively to it is the centripetal one (o^a (co being the angular velocity). V Since the point of contact with the road is at rest, co=- . Therefore the effective force acts towards the centre and is Bm . — . a 30 LOST FORCES. If the particle were now to leave the wheel and to move freely with an acceleration P which would be vertically down- wards, the force necessary to give this would be hn.^. Whence we may infer that the force of adhesion to the wheel is 3m [ - - /3j downwards. 10. The internal forces, or forces of constraint, or the lost forces, — as some have called them, in contrast to the effective forces — which are in equilibrium among them- selves, can exist only in a system of particles. They are stresses, or couples -which we call tendencies to break, or any molecular forces in a rigid body ; or they may be pressures, tensions, attractions between the bodies of a system. They vanish not collectively only, but separately, when the im- pressed forces on the particles of the system are entirely effective in producing motion. Thus there are no internal pressures between a number of bricks falling in a block with- out rotation. To find these forces at any point, we must consider a system to which they are external, i. e. we must reduce the system to one bounded by the point at which they act. 11. If then a system be acted on by impressed forces XYZ^, X^Y.^Z.,, &c. acting at various points, and if S^^^ 3.7??, &c. be elements of mass at points whose co-ordinates i x^y[z^, xij/..^, &c. and whose velocities are u^v^io^, '^^^.^^^ ^ the system of forces X^Y^Z^, X^Y^Z^, &c., and the system are 5, du^ 5. diL _ dv, ^ dw. dil, ^ dio.^ acting at x^y^z^, ^^^A' librium. ... all taken together i d'alembeet's principle. 81 If the impressed forces are impulsive, they are in equi- librium with - \m [u; - w J, - ^^m {v; - v^), - 8^m (w^ - w,). 12. It will illustrate the application of D'Alembert's principle if we solve the following problem. A and B are Uuo masses connected hy a rigid massless frameiuoi'h. They receive impidses tuhich luoidd, if they were unconnected, gener^ate in them given velocities Aa, Bb. What velocities and directions will they take ? The force of constraint must act along AB, for an impulse along that line is that which neither body can obey. If then we measure from the points a and b, aA' and IB', to represent the velocities caused by the constraint, they will be parallel to AB and opposite in direction, and A,aA:=B.hB' (1), for these represent the forces of constraint. If, further, AB' = AB (2), AA' and BB represent the velocities of A and B. The process above indicated is a reverse one, and although in the above case the positions of A' and B' can be found by a geometrical construction, in general an equation is required. Such is the geometrical solution. The analytical one is derived from the condition — which is equivalent to (1) — that the forces A.Aa, B.Bh, -A.AA', -B.BB are in equilibrium. Writing down the statical equations to which this gives rise, and the geometrical equation that the components of A A and BB' along AB are equal — equivalent to (2) — we can determine AA' , BB', and their directions. 32 EXAMPLES. 13. Let us suppose that the lever in D'Alembert's example (Art. 5) is supported at an angle a with the vertical and then let go, and that it is required to find the initial accelerations The accelerations will afterwards be partly along the rod and partly at right angles to it, but as each body begins _ to move in a perpendicular to the rod, the initial acceleratioii will be in that direction. If the angular velocity be called &j, the accelerations will be ^Ot- BC'^^, BC'^. dt .dt dt The forces causing tliese must be A.AC^, B.BO^, B.Bcf^, aciing at A,B,R perpendicularly to CABR. These reversed are in equilibrium with the weights Ag, Bg, Rg, and the pressure on the axis C. Taking moments about (7, {A.AC'-VB.BC'-VR.RC')^^^ = g. sma. {A. AC +B.BG+R.RC), which determines the initial angular acceleration. This solution should be carefully compared with that in Art. 5. 14. To illustrate this subject farther we will answer the following question. In the case of the compound pendulum^ (a rigid body swinging about a horizontal axis), find the force which acts on any infinitesimal part of the whole mass to balance iif^ weight and to give it its acceleration. Hence shew that if an infinitely small mass be hung by an infinitely short cord from a point (x, y) of the pendulum, the inclination of the cord to X will he , - r/ sin ^ — d.x + w^y tan"' — ^ 3- ; — r^ , ^ cos ^ + w^/ + w iC FORCE OF CONSTRAINT. 33 the axis of x hein(/ the line through the point of support and a fixed point in the pendulum, and co, (o heing used to denote jr , j.^ respectively. It will save repetition if we mention that we shall in future adhere to these meanings of the symbols and also use hm for an element of mass, so that %hn is the mass of the whole body, r for the distance of hn from an axis of rotation, 6 for the angle between a fixed line in the body and a fixed line in space. That -jT is the same for all lines fixed in the body may be seen by considering one whose vectorial angle is ^ + a. This angle a is quite independent of the time or motion, being the angle between tv,^o lines or planes of particles. And -,- IS thereiore equal to — ^^ —- . -77 is m fact the dt ^ dt dt angular velocity of the body. We are here asked to find the constraining force on any element Sm situated at a point x, y, for that is the resultant of the reversed impressed forces and the effective forces ; in other words, it balances the weight and gives the acceleration. Let be the point of intersection of the plane of the P. G. 84 d'alembert's principle. paper by tlie axis of suspension, OV the vertical, Ox a convenient line fixed in the pendulum ; P the position oi 8m on the positive side of Ox from V; PN a perpendicular on Ox. Then ONisx; PN, y. The impressed force is hm . g, parallel to V, Eeversing this it is equivalent to — hn g cos 6 parallel to Ox, BrngsinO „ „ Oy. The accelerations of P are «"?' from P to ; and cor at right angles to OP and away from V. These are resolvable into — co'^x along and — co'^y perpendicular to Ox, -0)1/ „ „ (i)X „ „ „ Ox. H>enc-e the effective forces on P are hn (— oi^x — (oy) along and ] ^ hn (— &>"?/ 4- wx) perpendicular toj The required constraining force is then tlie resultant of hyi (— gcosO — co^x — coy) along and hm {g sin 6 — cory + cjx) perpendicular to Ox. In answer to the second part, we observe that if the ele- ment be connected with its neighbours only by a short cord, the tension of that cord is the constraining force whose value we have just found. The direction of the cord will therefore be the direction of the resultant found above, or wdll be inclined to Ox at an angle whose tangent is — g sin + (o'y — cox g cos 6 + co'^x + (oy EXAMPLES. 1. A and B are two masses connected rigidly. If A receives a blow wliicli is fitted to impress a velocity AC, and if it actually takes the velocity A C' ; shew that CC is parallel to A B. EXAMPLES. 35 2. A ball A is in motion. A blow is given which would (were it at rest) impress a velocity AB on it. It moves instead with velocity AB', With what velocity and in what direction was it moving before ? S. A cricket-ball is rotating with velocity co round the direction of the line of wickets ; on touching the ground it is acted on by an impulsive couple, which would have given it if at rest an angular velocity co' about a horizontal line perpendicular to this direction. Round what direction will it actually rotate ? 4. Does the grooving of a rifle increase or diminish the force of recoil ? 5. A blow and a constant finite force acting for half a second produce in the same mass the same velocity. Prove that the measure of the force is double that of the blow. 6. If i^ be a finite force which acting during a time t causes the same momentum as a blow P, prove that p= rFdt, J 7. How must a particle move that the effective forces may vanish 1 8. A carriage-wheel is rolling with given velocity and acceleration along a road. Find the force which gives its motion to a particle of mud passing the top of the wheel, 9. A circular ring of mass m and radius r is rotating with constant velocity about its centre. It can bear without breaking a stretching force T; prove that the angular velocity must not exceed •! [ • [ mr J 3—2 IV. EEDUCTION OF THE EXPEESSIONS FOPw THE EFFECTIVE FORCES. 1. Any system of forces is equivalent to a single re- sultant force acting at any point and to a resultant couple. This must be the case with the effective forces of any moving- system. These consist, if the change of motion be sudden, of a force on each element of mass 8m whose components are 8m {u — ti), Sm (y' ~ v), 8m (lu — w) ; if the change be gradual, of ^ du -, (Iv J dw cm —=- , dm J- , dm ,- • at dt dt If X, y, z be the co-ordinates of S??z, referred to any origin, and S denote summation over the whole system, the resul- tant force will be the resultant of S 8m {iL —u)y S 8m {y —v), S 8m {lu — w) acting at the origin. If the motion be accelerated, of ^ ^ du ^^ dv ^ , dto and the couple will be the resultant of 1cm [y [iv - xo) - z {u - v)}, 18m [r. [u -ii)-x (^w' - w)], 18m [x {v -v)— y {ii - w)l J CENTRE OF MASS. 87 or, if the motion be accelerated, of ^^ f dw dv\ ^^ f du dw\ ^^ f dv du\ round the directions Ox, Oij, Oz. The symbol S introduced above has clearly the following properties : (1) that if a be a quantity which is the same for every point, 2 i^m . a) = a .^Bm; (2) that 2 (Sm U)±^ {Sm V) = S Sm ( U± F), in which U and V are an}^ functions of x, y, z or their differ- ential coefficients; (3)tliat |.2(S«F) = S(S»»^). We proceed to put the above expressions into forms more suitable for practical purposes. 2. Let m^, ini^... be any masses; x^y x^... their distances from a fixed plane. If m^cCj + 77i^a?2 + . . . = (^^1 + m^ + • . ■)'x, x may be said to be the average distance from the plane of all the masses. The point determined by this and similar ecpiations for y and i is called the Centre of Mass; a name which was first used by Daniel Bernoulli. As masses are proportional to their w^eights at the same locality, this point coincides with the centre of gravity. If we differentiate the above equation with respect to the time, we have m^u^ + m^u^ + . . . = {m^ + m^+ ...)u, whence the proposition ; that the sum of the linear momenta of any masses in a given direction is equal to the momentum in that direction of their united masses moving with the velocity of the centre of mass. From this property the point is called the Centre of Inertia. 88 CENTRE OF INERTIA. Differentiating once more we have and so for the other component accelerations. Hence the single resultant of the effective forces is that force which would be necessary to move the whole mass collected at the centre of inertia with the motion of the centre of inertia. These equations may be written S i^nx) — X ^m, S (mu) = u Xrrif ^ ( du\ du ^ ^ rdt) = dt -'"• This point will in future be denoted by the letter G, It is obvious that if G lie on the plane yz, m^x^ + m,^x^+ = 0. If it be moving in or parallel to the plane of yz, m^u^ + m^u.^ + = 0, and so for higher differentials. 3. Let any fixed point be taken as origin of coordinates. Let the co-ordinates of any point P referred to be x, ?/, z ; while those of P referred to parallel axes through G are f , 7], f, and tliose of G with respect to are x, y, z. Then x = x-\-^, y = y + 'ny z = z-\-^. If 7?ij + m^ + = ^^, we have by definition QH^x^ + m.jr^ + = Mx, and m^^^ + 7n^^., + =0, whence w , - ,/ + m„ , / + = 0, ^ dt ^ dt and so for higher differentials and for the other co-ordinates. CENTRE OF INERTIA. 39 dw . d'^z Now consider terms of tlie form my -j- , i.e. my -^ d\ , d\ ^ r- , ^ (d"^ . dX\ + d'~~ dx d% - / d% d% \ The last two expressions vanish and there remains d^z. d?z,, , ^ d'z d't dX + ™.'7.^ + mA^; + ^^ d"z -.jr-d'^z , ^-, d^K By similar reasoning Hence .a..g=.wf.sa»rS 40 PROPERTIES OF THE The left-hand expression is the moment of all the effec- tive forces about Ox, whence we have the important result : the moment of the effective forces on a system about any axis is equal to their moment about a parallel axis through the centre of inertia taken as if this axis were fixed, together with the moment of the effective force on the whole mass supposed collected at the centre of inertia and moving witli it, about the original axis. Now suppose that G is passing through at the moment whose circumstances Vv^e are considering. The interpretation of this is that the' moment of the effec- tive forces about an axis through the centre of inertia is the same as if that point were fixed. Precisely similar results hold in the case of the following functions ; (all of them of the greatest importance). ^hmyz, %hnzx, l.Smxij, thus l,hnx?/=Mx7/-{-tSm^r}; l.Bm (/ + ^'), ^^'n (r + x~), ^hn (x' -\- /), thus or their sums, CENTRE OF INERTIA. 41 «- -^'4S-^S)=^^(^i-^ dy ^^ dx\ _^ ^j. f- dy _ _ dx ~^'dt %Sm^. tSm^, tSm^, thus SS,.5=iff + SS„.f . We leave the working out of these to the student. These equalities must be carefully distinguished from the somewhat similar equations which arise from the properties of relative velocities and accelerations. If G were anij point iuhatever it would be true that dx dx d^ di^'di'^'dt' d^^d^ d^^ de ~ de ^ de ' But these are purely geometrical. There is in them no mention of mass. Now the equations which we have proved above are physical. They are true only when G is the centre of inertia. 4. It will be noticed that the effective forces would reduce to a force acting at any point and a couple ; but the centre of inertia is that point at which the resultant effec- tive force would produce the actual motion of the point on the whole mass collected there ; and it is also the point which may be taken as fixed while we consider the ro- tation. It will, therefore, in general be convenient to choose our origin, so that the centre of inertia is just passing through it. But — it may be objected — our co-ordinate axes are fixed ; velocities and accelerations must be measured by reference to fixed points and lines. How then can we choose our origin to be coincident with a moving point ? The answer is : Our origin is fixed, and the centre of inertia is passing 42 FURTHER REDUCTION. throiigli it at the moment under consideration. The equa- tions are found from the consideration of the motion at an instant chosen to embrace its most general conditions : and provided we find the acceleration or velocity rightly at the moment we consider, it matters not where the origin may be, after or before. If, however, the mind of the student insists on contemplating the motion in successive intervals, the pro- ceedings of the origin (as we must imagine them) can easily be represented. Suppose the centre of mass a material visi- ble point, and suppose it illuminated by a series of electric sparks (which do not remain on the eye, and therefore shew a moving body as if it were fixed), then the centre of mass will be seen by the light of the successive sparks standing still in its different positions. The student has already come across the same difficulty in the case of the accelerations of a point measured along and perpendicular to a revolving line. 5. So far our conclusions are true for any system of con- stant mass; for systems of free particles, for strings, for fluids. There remains to introduce the condition of rigidity, i. e. to reduce for one rigid body the couples 'S.Sm (f (y' — v) — r}{u— t/-)}, and 28,«(^?^-,-^- to a form directly connected with rotation. In the general case this is beyond the limits proposed in these introductory Lessons. Whatever problems involving three dimensions we attempt shall be considered with the help of the unreduced expressions. We suppose then henceforth that the rotation is alto- gether about the direction of Oz, The following Lemma will be of service. If x, y be the rectangular, and r, 6 the polar co-ordinates of a point, dy dx _ ^ dd ONE RIGID BODY. 43 For dii dx „ d dt -^ dt dt © .de Now let r and 6 be the radius vector and the vectorial angle of an element of mass of a rigid body, which can onlv rotate round a fixed axis, -y- is the rate of chano^e of the dt ^ angle between a line of particles in the body and a line fixed in space. Therefore -j- and -j-^ are the same for every element, being in fact the angular velocity and angular acceleration of the body. Denote tlie former by w. Also during the motion and for the same element Sm, r does not change. Hence dif dx dt'^^di differentiating ^"^"^^ = ^^^7 dv du\ day ^^ „ dt Hence 2Sm^^^^^-y^J If the change of motion be sudden, ^Sm [x {v —v)—y {ii — ii)} = {ay — w) ^hm r^. These are the moments of the effective forces round the fixed axis. The single resultant through the axis is the same as through any other point, and is therefore the resultant effective force of the whole mass collected at the centre of inertia. If there is no fixed axis the centre of inertia is taken as the point, the motion of which and the motion round which determine the circumstances. The resultant effective 44 ANGULAR MOMENTUM. force is that of the Avhole mass collected there and moving with its motion. And the motion round it is the same as if it were a fixed point. The forces therefore reduce to Mi^iL-ii), MXv'-v) acting at the centre of inertia, and a couple {w - co) Shnr"^', or, if the motion be accelerated, to ■n.du -nrdv dt ' dt ' and a couple -^ ^dm r~, (r being the distance of Bm from the centre of inertia). ^ If the system consists of rigid bodies not rigidly connected these forces may be reduced to one at the common centre of mass, but the couples must be taken for the separate bodies. G. The expression ^Bm (xv — yu) or l.hn ( ?•" -y- ) is called the angidar momentum about the origin. It has sometimes been called the moment of the momentum. These names might with advantage be kept separate. If there is a fixed axis of rotation, If not, ^Sni {xv — 1/u) = M {xv — yu) + co SBm 7'^, in which r is the distance of the element Sm, from the axis through the centre of inertia. Let the term " moment of momentum" be kept for the whole mass collected at the centre of inertia, i.e. for the expression 31 (xv — yu), and let the term coXSmr^ be called the ''quantity of rotational motion." ]iound a fixed axis or round the centre of inertia, angular momentum is tlien the same as quantity of rotation. It is important to notice that the quantity of rotational 7notion of an element is measured by the square of the distance from the axis. Wlieu Newton attacked tlie problem of precession, he proved that if a rotating ring commuui- ANGULAR MOMENTUM. 45 cated motion to a mass attached to it, the whole quantity of motion would remain the same. This is right; but Newton measured the quantity of motion by the sum of the linear motions of the elements, which is wrong. In Rigid Dynamics we introduce a new kind of motion — rotation — caused by another kind of force (viz. a couple). Now a couple is measured by the moment of a simple force ; quantity of rotation therefore is measured by the moment of a momentum. Imagine a fly-wheel whose mass is m and radius a, rotating about its centre with velocity o). Every point is moving with linear velocity aw. And therefore in one sense (ex- cluding the idea of direction) the whole quantity of linear momentum is maco. The impulse which applied at a point on the wheel will stop the motion is mao). There is some- times an advantage in considering the motion thus ; but our knowledge of the Geometry of motion indicates distinctly that the only complete way of treating problems of motion will be to consider a body as animated by a directional translation and a rotation. The whole linear momentum, in any direc- tion, of the wheel mentioned above is zero; the angular momentum is moJ^co. In this view the force which stops the motion is a couple, and there is also a single force, — a pressure on the axle. 7. Our present results applied to those of Lesson III. enable us to assert that the impressed forces are in equi- librum with the forces M—r and M-^ actino^ at the centre at at ^ of inertia, reversed, and the couple — XSjnr^ reversed. If ■^ at the forces are impulsive they are in equilibrium witli M (u' — u), M (jj' — v) and («' — co) 1,hm r^ all reversed. 8. The reduction of the expressions for the effective forces is now theoretically complete. They have been shewn to be equivalent, when the motion is continuous, to a resultant force M -^ , M -rr acting at the centre of inertia and to a 46 THE KESULTANT FORCE. resultant couple. But practically the solutions of problems may be much simplified by a proper choice of co-ordinates. Thus if we use the above expressions or those in x, y when the motion is referable to a fixed point, it is obvious that we shall have for each problem to work through those differenti- ations which shew that ^ and -^^, parallel to the axes are equivalent to .,. - W ^J along and - ^-^ (,- ^) at nght angles to the radius vector. It might be convenient to employ the expressions for the accelerations along the tangent and normal to the path of the centre of inertia. Or, yet again, if the motion of G is best defined by reference to a point A which is itself moving, we can use the proposition that the acceleration (or velocity) of G in any direction is equal to that of G relatively to A (supposing A fixed) in that direction, together with the acceleration (or velocity) resolved in the same direction. In o-eneral in every analytical solution of a motion of a rio-id system equations are required connecting the velocities of^ different parts. These are called the geometrical equa- tions, and may often be simplified or reduced in number by a proper choice of variables. 9. A system consisting of two masses A and B rigidly connected by a straight massless luire is moving without rota- tion with velocity Y. A j^oint of the luire hetiveen A and the centre of inertia suddenly becomes fiived, and the system m-oceeds to rotate about O with angular velocity w. It is required to find the resultant impidsive forces which must have caused this change of motion. The momentum of translation has suffered a change, B.OJJ.co-A.OA.co- {A + i?) V. This therefore is the measure of the force which acting at (7 at ri^ht angles to AB would cause the change. EXAMPLES. 47 The angular momentum about G has been changed from zero to [A.AG' + B.BG') (o. This expression is therefore the measure of the couple which must have caused the change. 10. Given that a circular hoop of radius a is rolling with uniform velocity/ v aloug a road. What are the resultant effective forces (1) on the ichole, (2) on a given part 9 (1) As the centre of inertia is moving uniformly in a straight line, the resultant force is zero. To find the angular velocity (w), consider the motion of the point in contact with the ground. This is carried forwards with velocity v by the motion of translation. It is carried backwards by the rotation round the centre with velocity aco, and its resultant velocity is zero ; for it is the instantaneous centre. Hence v = a(o, or the rotation is also uniform. Hence the couple effective in producing rotation is zero also. (2) Let 771 be the mass and G the centre of inertia of the part AB, the effective forces on which are to be found. The acceleration of G in any direction is equal to that of C in that direction, together with that of G relatively to C measured in the same direction. Now G moves uniformly and G moves uniformly about G. Hence the only accelera- tion of G is towards G and is co^. CG. The resultant effec- 48 EXAMPLES. tive force on AB is therefore mco'OG, and acts at G to- wards 6'. The moment of the effective couple is -, '^Smr^, where r is the distance of Bm from G. As w is constant this vanishes. EXAMPLES. 1. Prove that the centres of mass and inertia necessarily coincide; but that the centre of gravity does not coincide with these unless tlie weights of the different parts of the body may be supposed to act in parallel lines. 2. A grindstone is rotating about its axle. Shew that its angular momentum is the same round all axes parallel to this. 8. A cannon-ball whose mass is 30 lbs. is fired with a velocity of 1000 feet per second. What is its momentum at the moment of discharge ? What is the moment of its momentum about a point 10 feet immediately above the mouth of the gun ? 4. How is the centre of inertia of a rigid body moving when the resultant effective force is zero ? 5. Find a general expression for all functions of co-ordi- nates and differential coefficients for which the properties of Art. (3) are true. G. Find the effective forces for the systems in Art. 10, supposing the hoop to be rolling with given acceleration v. 7. Two uniform rods OA, AB, of lengths 2a, 2h are hinged at A — being fixed — and they rotate in one plane with angular velocities o), co'. Prove that the force which causes the motion of translation of AB is the resultant of the following : mass AB . (o)'\ h + 2a)'a cos ^-2 -^ a sin <^j along BA, and mass AB T ^ . 6 + 2 -,^ a cos + 2a)- a sin (/>! , at right angles to BA ; (/> being the angle between AB and OA pro- duced. V. FIRST APPLICATIONS. 1. We have now proved that the forces on each element of a rigid body, which are effective in causing the motion, are together equivalent to that force which, acting on the whole mass collected at the centre of inertia, would cause the actual motion of that point ; and, to a couple which, were the centre of inertia fixed, would cause the actual motion of rotation of the body. The impressed forces are also reducible to a single force at a point and to a couple. The reversed effective forces are in equilibrium with the impressed forces. Putting these together, we infer (1) that the motion of the centre of inertia is the same as if the whole mass were col- lected there, and the impressed forces acted at that point each in its own direction ; (2) that the eifect of the impressed forces to cause rotation is the same as if the centre of inertia were fixed. These principles are fruitful of important consequences. From (1): If there be no impressed force or no resultant impressed force, the centre of inertia must either remain at rest or move on with velocity unchanged in magnitude or direction. When a shell explodes in the air before striking, the forces of explosion are all internal ; and the centre of inertia of all the fragments moves on in the same curve as if nothing had occurred. A plank sliding on smooth ice will move so that its centre of inertia will describe a straight line with con- stant velocity. Supposing the solar system to be so far from the stars that their attraction may be neglected ; the centre P. G. 4 50 MOTION OF AND ROUND of inertia of the sun and planets must be at rest or moving uniformly in a straight line. If there are no external forces in a particular direction, or if their resultant is at right angles to that direction, then the velocity of the centre of inertia or the linear momentum of the system in that direc- tion remains constant. The impressed forces acting on a chain- shot are vertical. Hence the horizontal velocity of its centre of inertia is constant. In an old and instructive problem it is supposed that a man is placed upon a perfectly smooth hard sheet of ice, so that skates avail him nothing. How is he to get off ? The only external forces are his weight and the support of the surface. These acting down and up cannot help him along. His centre of mass will not move by any action internal to his person. He must get external force. Let him throw away something that he has about him. This becomes a body external to himself, and its reaction gives him an im- pulse backwards. Or the projected body may be looked on as still part of his system ; in which view the common centre of mass remains at rest, but as the body moves in one direction, his centre of mass must move in the other. The resistance of water is very small to a boat moving slowly through it ; and, accordingly, every one has noticed that on his moving to the end of a boat, in order to get out, the boat, if not previously fastened to the shore, moves back. The common centre of mass, however, of himself and the boat has not moved. Nor will it move although he springs out, until by the pressure of his feet on the land he intro- duces an external force. Again, whatever the impressed forces may be, or vrlier- ever they may act, they produce the same effect on the motion of tlie centre of inertia as if they acted there. If a ship be pulled to shore by a rope of given tension, it matters notliing to the motion of the centre of inertia at what point the rope is attached. A billiard-ball struck horizontally will move off ecpially quickly wherever it is struck, provided the force of the blow be the same. Every one has noticed how a table-napkin ring, squirred out between the THE CENTRE OF INERTIA. 5l finger and the table, keeps rotating, but soon stops moving away and comes back. The only impressed force is the friction of the table. And this, though acting at the rim, first stops the velocity of the centre and then causes it to acquire a velocity in the opposite direction. And this effect of the force is the same as if it acted at the centre. 2. From (2) : If a body at rest, or moving \Yithout rotation, be acted on by a blow or force whose line of action passes through the centre of inertia, it will move on without rotation : if in such a case the motion of the centre of inertia be stopped, the whole motion vv^ill be stopped. To pull a boat to land without making it rotate, pull it by this point. A sportsman once told the author that a certain salmon he hooked gave him much trouble. He tried as usual to get the fish's head down stream, but could not. When at last the fish was landed, he found that he had hooked it by the belly. The scientific expression of this is, that he had been pulling at the centre of inertia, and con- sequently had been unable to turn the fish round. Example. AB is a smooth fixed inclinedj straight wire. CO is a rod furnished with a ring O at one end by which it hangs bZ CONSERVATION OF from the wire. CO is taken, and being held at right angles to AB is then let go. What will he the inotion ? There are only two impressed forces, the weight and the pressure. Both these act through the centre of inertia. Hence they have no moment about it, and there will be no rotation. Thus the rod GO will slide down, keeping always perpendicular to AB. 8. The resultant effective couple ^^ / dv du\ is the rate of change of the angular momentum ^Sm {xv—yu). This couple reversed is equal to the moment of the impressed forces about the point taken as origin. Hence angular mo- mentum plays the same part in rotation that linear momentum does in translation. If there are no impressed forces, the angu- lar momentum about any axis is constant. If the resultant of the impressed forces has no moment about a certain axis, as by passing through it or acting parallel to it, the whole angular momentum of the system about that axis remains constant. In the general case, the angular momentum of any body about any axis is equal to the moment of the momentum of the mass collected at the centre of inertia about that axis, viz. m (^^ — 2/ w), together with the angular momentum about a parallel axis through the centre of inertia, w .^Bmr\ In the solar system — there being no external force — the sum of the moments of the momenta of the sun and planets about any axis, together with the sum of their angular momenta about parallel axes through their centres,is constant. When an iceberg becomes detached from near the jDole where its motion round the polar axis of the earth is small, and floats to near the equator where its motion is large, the angular momentum of the earth must have diminished as much as the moment of the momentum of the iceberg has increased. (The angular momentum of the iceberg about an axis in itself is neglected.) When Don Quixote was lifted up by the windmill and became a part of its system, the only impressed force external to both being an impulse on the ANGULAR MOMENTUM. 5S axle of the mill, the angular momentum of the sails about the axle must have diminished as much as his increased. If a number of particles moving freely becomes rigidly connected, this does not change their united angular mo- mentum. If a rotating body contains liquid, and this liquid solidifies, the angular momentum remains unchanged. It has been mentioned that rotation takes place not so much about a point as about a direction. If a watch that is going be finely enough poised horizontally on a point, it will be seen to make small oscillations. These are due to the oscillations of the balance-wheel inside it. The angular momentum of the whole watch is at every moment zero. Hence the angular momentum of the balance-wheel, together with its moment of momentum, is equal and opposite to the angular momentum of the rest of the w^atch. Spin a top on a plate, and float the plate in water. When the top has come to rest, its angular momentum must have been communi- cated to the floating system. The angular momentum about a fixed axis or one through the centre of inertia of a rigid body is Hence ^ve are enabled to assert that if a body is rotating about a fixed direction under the action of no impressed forces, or of impressed forces whose resultant passes through the fixed axis or through the centre of inertia, the angular velocity remains constant. A grindstone set rotating and left to itself, or any heavy body thrown up into the air and rotating in the plane of projection, or an awkward man upon a slide, are examples of this. 4. It has been stated before, that the tendencies of forces and couples are to cause translation and rotation respectively. We now see that it would be more correct to say that they cause translatioa of the centre of inertia and rotation round it. A couple does not necessarily cause rotation about the direction of its own axis. We shall soon see when this is the case. All we can at present say is that the impressed couple 54< EXAMPLE. is in equilibrium with the reversed effective couples neces- sary to produce the motion. We have previously seen the complete analogies which subsist between the theory of forces and that of rotations. This analogy must not be con- fused with the physical connection mentioned above, which is between couples and rotations. In 1777, shortly after our science had been established on its present basis, an English mathematician of some emi- nence, called Land en, wrote a treatise, in which he professed himself dissatisfied Avith the principles and conclusions of Euler and D'Alembert ; and in v^hich he gave a new theory of motion of his own. This theory gave rise to a good deal of discussion in England. When carefully examined it is found to depend on the principle, that any force whose effect in causing rotation in a body is the same as that of a given force may be substituted for it. This is fallacious ; for it takes no account of the action of a force in causing trans- latioD. Since that time there has been no doubt thrown on the accuracy of our principles. 5. A body is rotating ivith no impressed forces and with constant angular velocity (o about the axis Oz, which is fixed. PKESSURES ON A FIXED AXIS. 55 What pressures has the axis to sustain in consequence of the motion ? Suppose tlie axis acted on by forces X, F at (there will evidently be none along Oz), and by a couple whose components are G^, Gy about the directions Ox, Oy. Consider the motion of an element of mass hn at P. PMQL is a plane parallel to xy. PM, PL, PN are the co- ordinates of P. The acceleration of P is ay\PQ along PQ. This is equivalent to — w\ PM along Ox-, - w\ PL along Oy, The effective force at P is therefore — hn oy^PM along Ox, and - Bm co'^ PL along Oy, These reversed and taken all over the body are in equi- librium with X, Y and G^, Gy. Hence X-\-o>'SBmPM= 0, . Y+oy^l.BmPL = 0, G,-co'XBmPL.PN=0, Gy-Vco'tBniPM.PX=:0. It must be remembered that rotation is positive from x to y, from y to z, and from z to x. These equations give the pressures on the axis. Suppose the whole of Oz set free except the point 0, and that we wished to know whether the forces of the motion would permit the body to continue rotating about O2. This will be the case if G^ and Gy are zero. Hence tBmPL.PM and tBmPM.PN must both be zero. If these conditions hold, Oz is called an axis of permanent rotation, or a principal axis of the body. 56 FIRST APPLICATIONS. If the "whole axis be set free, and the body still continiie to rotate about it, X and Y must be zero. Hence S^mPil/and tBmPL must be zero. This means that the axis O2; must pass through the centre of mass. It is easy to see how the axis may suffer a breaking couple, but no single pressure. Take a rod and attach it rigidly to a fixed axis at its centre of mass. Let this axis be inclined to it. If it be now made to rotate it will endeavour to get into a position perpendicular to the axis, but if it were set free the centre of mass would not move. 6. A raft of any form, whose Qiiass is M and lulwse centre of inertia is C, is at rest on the surface of still luater. A man whose mass is m, who is standing at a given j^oint P of the raft, commences to move with velocity v relatively to the raft in a direction at right angles to CP. WJiat motion of the raft will this cause ? We take the man to be a moving point, and the water not to hinder the motion of the raft. The common centre of mass of the raft and man remains at rest : in other words, there is no resultant linear mo- mentum. The velocity of C must then bo in a direction opposite to that of the man. Let V be this velocity of C. Let O be the angular velocity with which the raft begins to move. Then the absolute velocity of the man is v — V— CF.D.; the momenta are ilf Fand m [v — V— CP .fl), and - MV+ m {v - V- cr.n) = 0. Secondly ; as there are no horizontal external forces, the wliole angular momentum about any vertical axis re- mains unchanged. . EXAMPLES. . 57 Consider tlie angular momentum round C. The angular momentum of the raft is in which r is the distance of an element Silf from C. The moment of momentum of the man round C is miy+^.GP) CP due to the motion of the raft, and — mv . CP due to his own on the raft. Hence ,n ( F_ V + n . CP) CP+ I12S ilfr^ = 0, which gives H in terms of known quantities. These two equations give V and O in terms of v and known quantities. It is indifferent whether the unknown quantities V and H are assumed to be in the direction in which from previous considerations we know them to be, or in some assumed positive direction. 7. We can now write down the equations of motion for any system moving under any forces in one plane or in parallel planes. Let there be one rigid body acted on by impressed forces reducible to forces X, Y along the axes, and whose moment is L round the centre of inertia ; then (iv. 6) if the forces are impulsive, M {a' -u)= X, M [v - r) = 7, (o)'- o})XBmr^= L. If they are finite, dt 58 EXAMPLES. If vv^e desire to take moments about another point than the centre of inertia; let the co-ordinates of the centre of inertia Avith respect to it be x, y, and let the moment of the forces about it be L' ; then, the other (quantities remaining as before, the third equation will become (o)' — (d) ^hmr^ + M[x{v —v)—y {u -u)]= L\ If there are a number of bodies in the system similar equations hold for each or for any number taken together. EXAMPLES. 1. A person, who has been standing on smooth ice, falls down. In what line does his ceutre of inertia move ? 2. The earth in cooling contracts. Does this make the day longer or shorter? 3. A man walks across the deck of a small yacht. Has the yacht rotated ? Has its centre moved ? 4. Two smooth spheres rest one above another on a smooth horizontal plane. If the equilibrium be disturbed, in what line will their common centre of gravity move ? 5. A straight uniform rod can slide with its ends on two smooth fixed straiglit wires placed at right angles to one another in a horizontal plane. It is set moving. Prove that its angular velocity will remain constant. 6. How does it appear that linear and angular momenta obey the parallelogram law ? 7. A rigid body attached to a string is allowed to fall until the string becomes tight. Shew that if it f^iU so that there is no immediate rotation, there will be no subsequent rotation. EXAMPLES. 59 8. A man is being weighed in one scale of a large balance. If he jump straight up, what will be the effect on the machine? and what will be the result when he meets the scale as^ain ? 9. Explain how it is that a boy in a swing can increase his arc of swing by crouching Avhen at the lowest point. 10. If a rigid body previously at rest be set in motion by a single blow ; prove that after moving for any time it can be again reduced to rest by an equal and opposite blow acting in the same line. 11. The centre of gyration of a rigid body capable of revolving about a fixed axis is the point at which the whole mass must be collected, that the angular velocity communi- cated by a given couple may be the same as before. If h be the distance of this point from the axis, prove that 12. A man is placed in a canoe without a paddle or any means of touching the water. Can he work round the head of the canoe ? YI. MOMENTS AND PRODUCTS OF IXEUTIA. 1. We have had occasion to remark that tlie quantity '^07)1 r", in which r is the distance of an element hn from an axis, and the summation extends over the whole of a rigid body, will be of constant occurrence in problems of rotation. It is called the moment of inertia of the body about the axis. We have also found that expressions of the form ^hnyz^ Xhnzx, XBmxi/, are of common though less frequent occurrence. These have been called products of inertia. It wdll save us much repetition if we investigate once for all some of the properties of these moments and products, and their values for the most common axes pf the most com- mon bodies. The values of moments and products of inertia must de- pend ultimately on summation or integration for the various elements of the body ; but after this has been accomplished for the simplest axes possible, they can be found without summation for any other axes. 2. The moment of inertia of a iinifonn rod of mass m and length 2a about an auis thvoufjh its middle point at I'lgJtt angles to it. Suppose tlie rod a line of particles. Let the distance of one of those from the middle j^oint be r, and its mass jihr, so that fi2a is m. MOMENTS OF INERTIA. 61 The moment of inertia is X/jiSr . 7^^ Supposing Sr to dimi- nish indefinitely this becomes //-/r^ dr, the limits of r being —a and + a. The value of this integral is —^— . But fjL.2a = m, 3 2 hence the required moment of inertia is m.-z. o It is clear from the nature of the expression SSmr^ that every moment of inertia will be the product of the mass and a square. It is usually written mF. A; is called the "radius of gyration." It is the distance of the centre of gyration from the axis. (See Less. V. Ex. 11.) The value of k in the above example is --= . The product of inertia of the rod about two axes x, y through the middle point and in the same plane with it, of which X makes an angle a with the rod, is ^fiSr.xT/, i.e. S/aS?^ . r sin a . r cos a. In the limit /z, sin a cos a I r^ dry or /^ si^ ^ <^^s a . -^ , o but /jb.2a = m, therefore the product of inertia is a' m . sm a . cos a . -- . o 3. The moment of inertia of a uniform circular j^lctte of mass m and radius a about an axis through its centre 2)er- pendicular to its j^lctne. Imagine the circle composed of narrow concentric rings. Let the radius of one be r, its breadth 8r, its mass fi . 27rr8r, so ihut /jL.Tra^ = 7n. The moment of inertia of this ring is fi 27rrSr . r^, for all points are equidistant from the centre. Therefore the mo- 62 SUMMATION. ment of the wliole is fi27rr^ dr, i.e. /xtt . — . Now/x7ra-=77?; therefore the moment of inertia is ??i — , and tlie radius of . a Of y ration is --. . V2 The product of inertia of the circle about this perpen- dicular and a diameter is plainly zero ; for the co-ordiuato perpendicular to the circle of every element vanishes. The product of inertia about any two axes in its plane is also zero. For each of the axes divides the body symmetri- cally. Hence for every element Sm at w, y Avhose product is hm.xy, there is an element hm dX—cc,y for which the pro- duct is — hm xy ; and the sum will consequently vanish. 4. The moments of inertia of any body about the axes of co-ordinates are 23m (2/^ -{- z"), ISm {^ + x') , tSm {x' + /). In the case of a body altogether in one plane (x, y), one co-ordinate {z) is ahvays zero. Hence the moment of inertia of such a body about an axis perpendicular to its plane is equal to the sum of the moments of inertia about two axes at right angles to one another in its plane. Hence Ave can infer that the moment of inertia of a circular plate about a diameter is m -r . 4 The products of inertia of such a body about axes, one of ■which is perpendicular to it, are zero. 5. TJie moment of inertia of a uniform rigid circular cone hounded by a iilane i:^erpendicular to the axis about its axis. Imagine the cone made up of a great number of equally thin circular disks. Let the distance of one of these fi-om the vertex be x, its thickness hx. If the semivertical angle be «, its radius will be MOMENTS OF INERTIA. G^ X tan a. Let its mass be /llttx^ tair a . Sx. Its moment of in- trtia about tlie axis of the cone is mass x - tan" a, x^ or fjix^ tan" airSx . — tan" a. The moment of inertia of the Avhole cone will be the sum of all these, each indefinitely diminished, or fjL tan^ ttTT r '' 4 , _ fJbiT tan* a. , 5 where li is the cone's height. '^ o « 1 o Nov*" the mass of the cone is | ^i.i:x^ tan' adx — .^ ^l tan" octtA". Whence fJUlX -J 7j = 7i tan a -y 10 6. T7ie product of inertia of an isosceles triangular plate ABC about the base BC, a?zcZ a line through B a^ right angles to BC. Take BC as the axis of ^ and the perpendicular as that of y. Draw AD to the middle point of BC. Let AD = h. Imagine the triangle made up of infinitely narrow strips parallel to BC, of thickness Sg, one of which is FQ, cutting AD in L. From P, Q draw FM, QM at right angles to BC. 04 SUMMATION. Consider an element of mass ^^x .hy d - a) cos (l9 - a) = 0, but we have seen that this is equivalent to %Bm xy — 0. 4. Farther, the moment of inertia about any line Ox' in- clined at an angle a to Ox {5 a cos^ a + 6 sin^ 0L — 2f sin a cos a. YoxXBm{y"-\-z') = XBm r' sin' (<9 - a) + XBm z" = cos'^ a XBm r^ sin'^ 0—2 cos a sin a SSm r' sin 6 cos ^ + sin* a %Bm r^ cos" ^ + (cos^ a + sin^ a) tBm ^ = cos'' a tBm (/ + ^') + sin* a SSwi (a;' + s*) — 2 cos a sin a ^Bni xy — a cos* a + Z* sin* a — 2/ sin a cos a. INCLINED AXES. 75 If y = 0, or if Ox, Oy are principal axes and the moments of inertia about them are A and B, this becomes A cos^ 0L + B sin^ a. 5. The moment of inertia of a rectangular plate about a diagonal. If the lengths of the sides are 2a, 2h, the moments of inertia about two lines through the centre parallel to the sides are ' b' a'' And h tan a = - , a whence ^°" ^- a'-vh'' therefore the moment required is a' a' h^ 2m a%^ = — r^ J^ . 3 o:' + F' 6. To find the position of the principal axes of a uni- form rectayigidar plate ABCD at the point A. The moment of inertia about AB is m — ^r— , that about AD w> m — ^ . The product about AB, ADis'^^.AB. AD, 7G MOMENTS OF INERTIA. Hence, substituting in Art. % if a be the angle wbidi one of the required axes makes with AB, tan 2a = %,AB,AJ) Li AB"" AD' _ S AB.AD ~2AB'-AB'' 7. There are at every j^oint of a rigid body three axes at right angles to one another, for which the products of inertia vanish. We might apply the same method as before, but an indirect method is here more simple. Given the moments of inertia a, h, c about three axes Ox, Oy, O^at right angles; and the products d,e,f\ [^hnyz, l^Sni zx, '%hn xy respectively) let us find the moment of inertia about a line Ox inclined at angles a, /?, 7 to Ox, Oy, Oz. Let OL, LM, MP be the co-ordinates x, y, z of an ele- . INCLINED AXES. 77 ment of mass Sni at a point P. From Plet fall P^ perpen- dicular to Ox\ Projecting 0L3IP on Oi/, OJS^ = OX cos a + />i/ cos y5 + 2IF cos 7, and FN' == OP' -OF'-, /. PjV'^ = ix^^ + y + £^ — (:c cos a + ?/ cos /3 + 2 cos y)'^ = x\l- cos' a) + ?/' (1 - cos' ^) + 5' (1 - cos' 7) — 2j/z cos /3 cos 7 — 22X cos 7 cos a — 2;cy cos a cos /?. But cos' a + cos^ /3 + cos' 7 = 1; .-. FN' = ^' (cos' /3 + cos' 7) + 7/ (cos' 7 + cos' a) + ;s' (cos' a + cos""/8) — 2j/;<; cos /8 cos 7 — 2zx cos 7 cos a — 2x2/ cos a cos l3 = cos' a (?/' + s') + cos'/3 (^' + x') + cos' 7 (x' -f- ?/') ~ 2^^ cos l3 cos 7 — 2zx cos 7 cos a — 2x2/ cos a cos /3 ; .% SS//i PiV = a cos' a + Z> cos' /3 + c cos' 7 — 2(f cos /3 cos 7 — 2e cos 7 cos a — 2y cos a cos /5. To represent this geometrically take a point Q on ON. Let its distance from be p^ and its co-ordinates ^, rj, f ; then f = p cos a, 7j = pcos jS, ^ = p cos 7, and S8..P^-==-g^-^^-^'^-^-^-f^^-^^^^-^^^^ Now the equation af + hrf + or - 2c^;?r- 2erf - 2f^rj = 1 denotes an ellipsoid whose centre is at ; for a, h^ c are necessarily positive. If then Q is a point on this tBmFN' = \, P 1 78 MOMENTAL ELLIPSOID. or the moment of inertia about any line through 0, is mea- sured by the square of the reciprocal of the radius vector of this ellipsoid which coincides with the line. This is called the momental ellipsoid. It has no physical existence, but is an artifice to bring under the methods of geometry the properties of moments of inertia. The mo- mental ellipsoid has a definite form for every point of a rigid body. If this ellipsoid be referred to another set of axes, and its equation become a'P + 6V + cV - ^d'v^- 2e'r? - 2/f77 = 1, the coefficients a\ b', c will be the moments of inertia about the new axes, and d', e, f will be the products. Now every ellipsoid has three axes, to which if it is referred its equation takes the form. With respect to these axes, the products of inertia vanish. 8. Hence we see that the moment of inertia about one of the principal axes is the greatest, and about another the least possible. It was from this property that Euler, who first thoroughly investigated the subject, gave them the name. It is now clear, that for all questions depending only on moments and products of inertia, any body may be' replaced by its momental ellipsoid. And farther, that any two systems which have the sfime momental ellipsoid at a point, are about that point kinetically identical. If the moments of inertia of a body about three axes at right angles through a point are equal, the ellipsoid becomes a sphere. They are therefore equal about all axes, and every axis is a principal axis. The body is then said to be kinetically symmetrical with respect to that point. Thus a cube is kinetically synnnetrical about its centre. KINETIC CENTRE. 79 • The following question is of some interest. 9. Under what circumstances is there a j)oint in a hody such that the moments of inertia about all axes through it are equal ? If there is such a point, all sets of axes through it are principal axes. Let the co-ordinates of the point referred to the principal axes at the centre of mass be a, h, c. Then the products of inertia of the body about the parallel axes through the point are m .he, m . ca, m . ah^ for those about the axes through the centre of mass are zero. If all axes at the point are to be principal axes, these must be so ; .'. he = 0, ca— 0, ah = 0, equations which require that two of a, h, c should be zero. Let & = 0, c = 0, then the point required lies on the axis of X, — one of the set of principal axes at the centre of mass. But further, it is necessary that the moments of inertia about these axes should be equal. Let A, B, G be the moments of inertia about the axes through the centre of mass. Then those about the parallel axes through the point required are A, B+ ma^, C + ma^ If thfese are to be equal, we have B=G and A-B = ma\ Hence our condition is, that two of the principal mo- ments at the centre of mass should be equal. In other words, the momental ellipsoid at the centre of mass must be a spheroid. And then the point lies on the unequal axis at a distance from the centre equal to 80 EXAMPLES. 1. Given A, B the moments of inertia of a body about two principal axes Ox, Oy, prove that the product of inertia about axes Ox , Oy in the same plane, inclined to the former set at an angle a, is 2. Prove that any two of the principal moments of inertia are together greater than the third. 3. No ellipsoid except a sphere can be its own mo- mental ellipsoid at its centre. 4. Every elliptic plate is similar to the section of its momental ellipsoid made by its own plane. 5. If a, h, c are the semiaxes of the momental ellipsoid of a rigid body in order of magnitude, shew that ah c is greater than Va-' + Z/^ 6. Given the angular velocity of a body which is ro- tating about a fixed point; about what axis must it be rotating, so that the angular momentum shall be greatest 1 7. Two systems of equal mass have the same principal axes, and the same moments of inertia about them at some one point; prove that they have the same principal axes at any point, and the same moments of inertia about any axis. 8. Prove that there can always be foimd three points, one on each of the three principal axes of any system at any point, such that the momenta and products of inertia of EXAMPLES. 81 three suitable equal masses collected at them, are equal to the moments and products of inertia of the system about any axes whatever through that point. 9. If these equal masses be each one-third of the mass of the system {m), shew that the distances of the three points along the axes are (3 (B+C-A) [^ r3 {Cj-A-BY i^ j 3 (A -{- B - C) ]^^ [2 m J ' [2 m } ' -[2 m J * 10. In a triangular plate ABC, D is the middle point of BG, and E the foot of the perpendicular let fall from A on BG. Shew that the middle point of DE is the point at which i?(7 is a principal axis. 11. Shew that the difference of the moments of inertia of a body round two axes in a given plane which are equally inclined to a fixed line in the same plane, is proportional to the sine of the ande between those axes. P. G. IX. €ASES OF MOTION WITHOUT EOTATIOX. 1. The complete solution of a problem of motion would involve the finding of the position of the system at a given time, of the velocities at a given time or in a given position, and of the values of any previously unknown forces, such as pressures or frictions which may act on the system. If the forces are impulsive, only velocities and forces can be re- quired ; for the position is unaltered during the impulse, and to follow the subsequent changes belongs to a separate pro- blem of the other kind. Questions of impulsive motion can then always be solved, for the changes of velocity and the forces appear as unknown quantities in equations which are in general simple algebraical equations. But if the forces are of the kind called finite, the equations of motion are differen- tial equations of the second order as regards co-ordinates of position. In some simple cases these can, be completely solved and the requirements of the above solution satisfied ; but in more complicated cases we can get no farther than a first integral, that is, an algebraical equation giving the velo- cities. In such a case to find the position at a given time is impossible. Our demands must be limited by what we can get; and the words "to find the motion" have come to mean, "to find the velocities of the system in any position." We will therefore in general use velocities and their first differential coefficients in the expressions for the effective forces; but if, in any case, the co-ordinates of position must ■enter, we can use their first and second differential coefii- -oients to express velocities and accelerations. NATURE OF PEOBLEMS. 80 The imknown external forces can nsually be found, for they depend on accelerations and velocities which by the solution have been made to depend on the co-ordinates of position. An important class of problems has to do with finding the stresses or internal forces at a given point of a body. The action of one part of a body on another is threefold. It may consist of a longitudinal stress, normal to the plane of separation, a transverse or shearing stress, tangential to the plane of separation, and a bending or breaking couple. These are found by considering them as forces external to one part of the body. As in the case of the external pressures, the motion of the whole must first have been investigated. The first difficulty of a problem in Eigid Dynamics is overcome when by the reversing of the efiective forces the whole is reduced to a system in equilibrium. Any method which is available to find the forces or the position of equili- brium of a system is equally available here to find the un- known forces or the state of motion of a system. In a problem of any complexity it is an assistance to draw two diagrams ; one kinematical, representing the changes in the velocities or the accelerations; and the other dynamical, representing the resultant reversed effective forces, and the impressed forces. This is done in Art. 4 of the pre- sent Lesson. 2. A uniform rod AB of mass m and length 2a is let fall in a horizontal position. After falling through a height h it is brought to rest by its ends striking two fixed sup- ports at the same level. What will he the breaking couple at a point P ? The stress couple or, as we may call it, the bending or breaking couple in a system in equilibrium is equal and opposite' to the moment of all the other forces acting on either of the parts of the body which are separated at the point imder consideration. The rod in falling through h acquires a velocity ^l2gh. G— 2 84f PROBLEMS. This is stopped suddenly by two equal pressures. Heiiee each . 711 \/'2(j/l 01 these is — ^ . Consider the part AP. It is in equilibrium under the 012/ r ■ jiction of BP, the stopping blow -~ \l:Lgh acting upwards at A, and the reversed effective force acting at the middle point of AP. This is the force which has changed the momentum from mass AP x \l''lgh to zero. It is therefore — m -^ . ^'Igh, acting downwards. j[p Reversed it becomes on — — . x ^/2qh, actin^^ downwards. AB ^ ^ The action of BP on AP may be composed of a force and a couple. Taking moments about P we shall avoid the force, .111 i-T~T A-ry ^P /^V~r ^P and the couple = — . \/:igli . AP - m --r . V Zgli . — ^ m ,-—^ AP.PB 2 ^ Ah 8. A siraiglit rod AB of mass m hangs from a fiived point O bg an elastic string {natural length, a, modulus of elasticity A.), n.vhich is fastened to the end A. It is pulled down and then let go. Find the longitudinal stress at any point P, ivhen the j^oint A is at a distance x heloiu O. The part BP is in equilibrium under the stress of AP upwards, its own weight downwards and the revei'sed effec- tive force at its centre of inertia. To know the effective force we must first know the acceleration. Thus we must first consider the whole rod AB. This is in equilibrium under the tension, its own weight and its own resultant effective force reversed. Let the downward velocity of the centre of inertia be v. NO ROTATIOX. 85 The effective force is then m -r- or mv -r- actin^^ down- dt ax ° wards. Then the forces mg downwards and niv j- and T (the tension) acting upwards are in equilibrium ; dv rrr , 1 ^ ^ ^ — <^ ,*. mv -1- =— I +mq, and 1 =X : dx ^ a dv ^ x — a .'. mv ~j- = — \ h mq. dx a '^ Were the velocity required we should integrate this. As it is we can return to the consideration of BP. The accele- ration of every point on the rod is the same. Hence the effective force on BP is mass BP x v . -r- downwards, dx BP dv ^. , , or m . -T-h • '^ ~r actmg downwards. BP is in equilibrium under this reversed and the stress, and m . -r^ . q acting^ downwards. AB ^ ^ Hence the stress is BP BP dv ''''AB^-'''AB''dx' but onv -r- has been found above. Substitutino- • dx ^ p ^ x-a BP stress at P = \. . —rj^ . a AB 4. A wedge B whose angle is a and whose faces are smooth, rests with one of them in contact luith a horizontal table. A rigid body A with a pla7ie face is placed on the other with the plane face in contact luith it. What luill he the velocity of each at any subsequent time ? 86 PROBLEMS. Taking both bodies as one system, the impressed forces are all vertical. Hence the common centre of inertia will have no horizontal velocity; or — what is equivalent — there will be no horizontal momentum of the system. If u be the velocity of the wedge, and v be that of A relatively to the wedge, i.e. down the incline, the horizontal velocitv of ^ is u — v cos a. Hence A {u — v cos a) + Bu = . .. . Next consider A, Its effective forces are (1). du dv A -77 horizontally, A -y- down the incline, dt dt and its impressed forces are its Aveight and the pressure which acts at right angles to the incline. Therefore re- versing the effectives and resolving along the incline, at A -J- cos a = Ag . sin a (2] A-i^ /A; These two equations suffice to determine u and v at any time. The investigation may bo continued by finding the pres- sure between B and A, also by finding the actual positions of A and B in terms of the time. 87 EXAMPLES. 1. A railway train is going along a level with constant velocity. The friction of the rails is for each carriage one- hundredth part of the pressure. What is the tension of the couplings of the last carriage if its mass is 2 tons ? 2. Find this tension ; supposing the mass of the carriage to be m, the coefficient of friction ^la, and the train to be running down an incline of one in h, with an acceleration /3. 3. Prove that the transverse stress at P, in the system of Art 2, is -.J'lgh -j^ . 4. A man is placed on a long boat which rests on the surface of still water. Shew that if he could walk with absolutely constant velocity along it, there would be no horizontal force between his feet and the boat except when starting and stopping. 5. A system consisting of two uniform rods A C, CB, rigidly connected at right angles at C, falls without rotation in°a vertical plane, and strikes a smooth horizontal plane at B ; if there is no rotation produced by the impact, shew that the inclination of BG to the horizon is , _,BC{2.AC+BC) tan -jjf, . Find in that case the in^pulsive breaking couple at C. 6. Two small balls each of mass m, are placed at the ends of a diameter within a circular tube of mass 4^m lymg on a smooth horizontal table, and the balls are connected by elastic strings within the tube which are stretched to twice their natural length. One of the strings suddenly breaks. Prove that when the other resumes its natural length, the 88 EXAMPXES. centre of the tube is moving with a velocity (-^^Y, where a denotes the radius of the circle, and e the original tension of the string. Find all the circumstances of the problem when the balls meet. 7. A wedge B, whose angle is ^, is laid on an inclined plane whose inclination is a + /3, with its edge toward the upper part of the plane. The wedge being at rest on the l^lane, a body M is projected along its upper surface from the base with a velocity due to a height a tan /S, where a is the length of the upper side of the wedge ; the coefficient of friction for either surface of the wedge is tan jS, and the motion takes place in one vertical plane. Shew that during the motion of the body on the wedge, the wedge will not slip provided the ratio of M to B is greater than that of tan a to tan /5. Shew also that the body comes to rest before reach ino- the edge of the wedge, and that the wedge will immediately begin to slide down the incline, but that the body will not .slide on the wed ere. X. FIXED CENTRES. 1. It will be remembered that the effective forces on a rigid body of mass m, whose centre of inertia is (7, rotating about a fixed axis 0, and having a radius of gyration h about an axis through G parallel to the fixed axis, were reduced, if the change of motion was sudden, to a force mOG [m - «) acting at G at right angles to G, and a couple mlc^ («' - «), or, which is equivalent, to a force m 0G{(o' — (o) at and a couple m (Jc^ + OG'^) (ft)' — ft)) ; if the motion was accelerated they were reduced to forces at G,mOGo)^^ along GO and mOG~p at right angles to GO, and to a couple '^^^-j^ > or, what is the same thing, to a force at G, mOGw^ along (rO, a force mOG -y- at 0, and a couple m ik'^ -i-OG^) -j,. In our diagrams we will represent couples by arcs of circles. The positions of these may be any whatever, for the effect of a couple is absolute, mic' will always be employed to denote the moment of inertia about the centre of inertia. 2. The problem of determining the law under which a heavy body swings about a horizontal axis is one of the most important in the history of science. A simple pendulum is a thing of theory ; our accurate knowledge of the acceleration of gravity depends therefore on our understanding the rigid (or compound) pendulum. We have seen that it was the first problem to wdiich D'Alem- bert applied his principle. 90 PROBLEMS. The name of the problem in those days was the ^centre of oscillation.' It was required to find if there were a point at which the whole mass of the body might be concentrated, so as to form a simple pendulum whose law of oscillation was the same. Let the plane of the paper be that in which G the centre of inertia swings. Let be the intersection of the axis with that plane. Take G as the line in the pendulum by which its rotation is measured. Let 6 be the angle which OG makes with the vertical. Let k be the radius of gyration about an axis through G parallel to the fixed axis ; let OG be called h, and let m be the mass of the body. 771 Q» The only impressed force which has a moment about is mfj, the weight acting at G. The anovular acceleration is ./ , and the rate of mcreasc of the angular momentum (It (T-e m (/j^ + 7r) is the measure of the effective couple. COMPOUND PENDULUM. 91 Reversing this, it must be equal and opposite to the mo- ment of mg round 0. Therefore m (F + ¥) -^ + mgh sin ^ = 0, d^O ah . Q cw W'=-vvl?-''''^ ^''- Multiplying hy 2 -7- and integrating If the pendulum began to move when 6 was equal to a. It + /J ^^"'i fiy=/ii('^°^^-'^°'"^ ^'^- This equation cannot in general be integrated farther. It is therefore not possible to- find the position in terms of the time. Equation (2) enables us, what is very important, to find how far the pendulum will go with a given initial angu- lar velocity ; for a gives the position of instantaneous rest. If then the angular velocity is O when 6 is zero, If a = .r, O - ' ^'' kr^lt" this is the least angular velocity at the lowest point which will send the body right round. If VL is less than this, the motion will be one of oscillation about the lowest position. o'^ COMPOUND PENDULUM. 3. The most important case is when the angle of oscillation is very small. Then — ^— differs infinitely little from unity, and the equation (1) becomes cr0_ gh df A•^ + ^•'' The solution of this (Lesson XV.) is and indicates an oscillation, called a simple harmonic motion, whose complete period is lir a/ — -.— . If I be the length of a simple pendulum its equation of motion is df I • ^' If the times of oscillation of these are equal, , ¥ + 1=' , // If a length 00' equal to this be measured along OG, 0' is the centre of oscillation. It is clear that OG. 0'G=]c\ Hence and 0' are convertible. If the pendulum be hung up by 0', will be the centre of oscillation. In the above work the assumption has been made tliat the solution of APPLICATIONS. 93 differs infinitely little from that of when 6 becomes infinitely small. The time of oscillation of a compound pendulum depends on li -{- Y' Ii^ calculating the value of g from pendulum experiments, the main advantage is that the time of ope oscillation can be very accurately measured. The difficulties are the determination of h and k. The point G cannot be got at, and as every body is more or less irregular and variable in density, k cannot be calculated with sufficient accuracy. These quantities must therefore be determined from experiments. Bessel observed the times of oscillation about different axes, the distances between which were very accurately known. Captain Kater employed the property of convertibility. 4. Another interesting application of the present problem is the old way of measuring the velocity of a bullet or cannon- ball. The ball was fired into a mass called Eobins' ballistic pendulum ; which was thereby set off with a certain angular velocity about its axis. The angle through which the mass ascended was found by the length of a piece of tape which w^as fastened to a point in the pendulum, and came through a slit immediately below the axis. Hence by equation (2) the initial angular velocity was calculated. But, the mass of the cannon-ball being m, its velocity F, the common initial angular velocity of it and the mass (if) o), the distance of its passage below the axis p, the angular momentum of the bullet about the axis before im- pact was m Vp, and after it sticks in the mass, mp^co. Now the angular momentum gained by the mass must be equal to the moment of the momentum about the axis lost by the bullet. For, considering the two as parts of one system,^ there is no external force that has any moment round the axis. Hence mVp- mp'^co = M {k^ + h^)o). From this V can be found. 94 CENTRE OF PERCUSSION. Hutton used to suspend his cannon as a pendulum, and measure the angle through which it was raised by the dis- charge. 5. A plane hodi/ at rest has a fixed point in it. It is struck hy a bloiv in its oiun plane. Hoiu must this act that there may he no pressure on the fixed p)oint ? Let be the fixed point, G the centre of inertia, mJc'^ the moment of inertia about G, co the angular velocity produced, P the blow, p the distance of its line of action from 0. The velocity of G is changed from zero to OG . w, which requires a force ')nOG . « at G. And the angular momentum about G has been changed from zero to mFo), which requires a corresponding couple. If there is no action on the fixed point, P is in equilibrium with a force — m . OG . co, and the couple — mk'-co. Hence P must act at right angles to G, and P = vi.OG.(o, P (p - OG) = mJrco, yr.2 wdience p= 0G+ -^-^ . The name 'centre of percussion' has been given to the point of action of P when there is no pressure on the axis. If there be no fixed j^oint and if the blow act at this point, the point will be the centre of siDontaneous rotation. G. A body is moveable about a fixed j^oint 0. It begins to move luith given angular acceleration t: about the line Oz. What cojiple has p)roduced this motion "^ Let the magnitude of the couple be G, and let its axis make angles a, (3, y with the axes Ox, Oy, Oz, The impressed forces are the couple G, and the action of 0. We will take moments about axes through 0, and so avoid this latter. EFFECT OF A COUPLE. 95 If X, y, z are the co-ordinates of an element Zm, and r its distance from Oz ; its accelerations are o)^ . r towards Oz and — r parallel to the plane xy, and perpendicular to r. Now at in the very beginning of the motion w is infinitely small, but — is finite. Therefore the latter is the only acceleration dt that requires an effective force. This effective force <^^^ ^ r is equivalent to tvro, viz. ^ ^"^ -J. V parallel to Ox, and dm -^ x parallel to Oy. (See fig. Y, 5.) at Keversing these for all the elements, and taking moments about the axes, G.cosa jT. Xhnxz = 0, dt G cos/3 J, ^^>ny^ = ^\ 6^ cos 7 Yj. SSm?'^ = 0. dt Whence the cosines of the angles which the axis of the re- quired couple makes with the axes are proportional to the products and moment of inertia e, d^ c (Lesson viii.) ; and the moment of the couple is The student of solid geometry will have no difficulty in proving that this axis is the radius of the momental ellipsoid of the body at 0, diametral to the plane of the couple. Similar reasoning holds in the case of an impulsive couple. So that in general a couple will tend to cause rotation round its own axis only when this is parallel to one of a set of principal axes. 96 FIXED AXES. 7. A uniform triangular j^lctte ACB right-angled at C, V.y rotating about CA as a fixed liorizontal axis. Find the ivrench couple in the vertical j^lctne through the axis when the 2)late comes to he horizontal in its descent. ■rrifj - m a}IS Q- Let tlie angular velocity in that position be &). Let G be the centre uf gravity, LtN a perpendicular to CA. Let m be the mass, and let a and h be the lenoths of CB, CA. The moment of inertia about CA is, by Lesson VJ, m Hence the value of the angular acceleration in this position is, by Art. 2, 2.7 The impressed forces are the Aveight and the actions of the axis. We are only concerned Avith that one of them which is a couple in the plane VGA, Call it L. The effec- tive forces are mw^ KG along ON at G, and m - NG ver- at tically downwards at G, of which only the latter has a COMPONENTS OF STRESS. 97 moment about BC) and a couple round an axis through G parallel to GA, which has no moment about BC, Reversing these and taking moments about CB, L + mg . Cy- m -NG"^^^. CN =^ 0, and CN= ^ , o whence X = ~- . 8. A uniform rod OA, of mass m and length 2a, sivings as a pendidum about O. Find the components of stress at a point P distant 2b from A, when the rod has reached a position inclined at an angle to the vertical. We know from Art. 2 that the angular acceleration -^ is equal to % sin ' 4 is O, therefore v is at first less than aco, and there is slipping. During this motion, F= fxR = /jLing. Hence ^. = mg, v = /j.gt, and the distance travelled in time t is —-- . ^''° di—2-a' «-<»-•' '^^^ 2 a When V becomes equal to aw, the problem changes. Complete rolling begins. F is no longer equal to /z/f, but instead, we have a geometrical equation v = aco, 1 dv dco whence -- = «-, . at dt The dynamical equations are the same. OF ONE BODY. 105 „ . dv 2 doj 1 rom them y^ = — ^ a -j . at D at Hence -r and -j- are botli zero. F is also zero; and the at at sphere rolls on with constant velocity. The above reasoning holds good for all circular bodies like wheels or barrels, for the only difference would be in the moment of inertia. That the constant velocity is never in practice attained, is due to the imperfect rigidity of the body, and to imperfect flatness and roughness of the plane. It should be observed that, to determine the rolling motion, only one dynamical equation is necessary. For taking moments about N, 2 ^cZft) , dv ^ m-a -J- +m-7^ ,a = 0, o at at an equation which results from the elimination of F from the former two. 3. A uniform rigid circidar hoop (mass m, radius a), cracked completely at one j^oint C, 'is rolling on a rough hori- zontal plane. Find the breaking couple at the point A opposite C, when the diameter through C is inclined to the horizon at an angle a. The angular velocity is (by the last example) constant. Let this be w. Consider the upper part of the hoop from C to A. Let G be its centre of inertia. Join G to the centre of the circle. The part which we are considering is in equilibrium under its weight at G, the action of the other part at A, and the reversed effectives. The action at A is composite. Let the couple be called L. The effective forces are equivalent to a single force ^ co^ . OG from G to 0, and a couple ^F-, J, in which k is the radius of gyration about ^ at G (Lesson iv.. Art. 10). The couple vanishes because co is 106 GENERAL MOTION constant. Eeversing the force and taking moments about A, L+ ,y (J ' ((^coa a+ G sin a) — -^ cd^ . 6r . a = 0, an equation for L. 4. A square hoard whose mass is m, and luliose length of side is 2a, is rotating freely about one diagonal with angular* velocity w. One end of the other diagonal is suddenly fixed. What luill he the subsequent motion ? It will clearly be a rotation about an axis through the fixed point parallel to the former axis of rotation. Let the new angular velocity be «'. As the only impressed force is the impulse at the point which becomes fixed, the angular momentum about that point remains unchanged. Now the moment of inertia about a line through the centre parallel 2 to either side is m , This therefore is also the moment of o inertia about the diagonal. Hence m-^ (o was the quantity o of rotation, and was the angular momentum about any axis parallel to the diagonal. The angular momentum has become m ■a' .3 + 2a' ft) 1 = - ~ ft) / Equating these, Consider the question another way. Let V be the velocity of the centre after the impact. Let P be the force of the blow. The momentum of translation has been changed from zero to 'inv'. And the angular momen- tum about the centre of inertia has been changed by m -^ (a) — ft)j. OF ONE BODY. 107 Hence P at tlie fixed point, — mv at tlie centre, and the couple — Qii — (ft)' — ft)), are in equilibrium ; o whence mv = P, m^(ft)'-ft>) + PaV2 = 0. o Also since the centre moves round the end of a diao-onal, V =a sj^ , ft)'. Eliminatin<:j v and P we have the same result as be- fore. 'O 5. A rough imperfectly elastic hoop is j^rojected horizon- tally straight foriuards from a mans hand, an underhand twist being given it so as to make it rotate about a horizontal axis. Prove that on striking the ground it will rebound verti- cally into the air, if the coefficient e of frictional elasticity he 1 _j_ e y given by the equation = — ; a being the radius of the J- — e aft) hoop, and v, co the linear and angular velocities of pro- jection. Prove that if the hoop be perfectly elastic and the coefficient of frictional elasticity be ^, the hoop tuill rebound into the o throiuers hand if slco = 2v. In this problem the vertical velocity does not come under consideration until the second part. The horizontal velocity and the angular velocity remain constant until the ground is touched. Then the point touching the ground gets stopped by friction. When its velocity is zero the friction has ex- hausted its force, but the friction of restitution begins, and finally, when the contact with the ground ceases, the hori- zontal velocity of the centre is known to be destroyed. There are therefore two periods and two motions. 108 PROBLEMS. At the end of the first period v is changed into an un- known velocity F, and co into an unknown velocity I>. But the velocity of N' is zero ; .-. V+an = (1). If F be the friction, the reversed effective forces iti ( V— v) and Dilc' (O — co) in equilibrium with this give F+m{V-v)=0 (2), Fu + mlJ" (fl-w) = 0.... (3). In the second period the friction is Fe ; the velocity V is changed to zero, and 12 to an unknown velocity a)\ The equations will therefore be Fe + m{O-V) = (4), Fe . a + mk" {w - n) = (5). No. (5) is for our purpose useless; but from (1), (2), (3), (4) we deduce 1 + e V . J = — , smce /J = a. 1 — e ao) The rule for elimination in all such cases is : by means of the geometrical relations find the value of F or other un- known quantities ; then substitute these values and find the final motion. In the second part the hoop is supposed perfectly elastic ; its centre will then rebound with the vertical velocity with which it came down. If the horizontal velocity be exactly reversed, it will bound back the same way as it came. Hence equations (4) and (5) become Fe + m{-v- V)=0 (C), Fe. a + mk' {oy' -n) = i). Putting e = ^, k = a, and using (1), (2), (3), (6) we have the required result. ONE BODY. 109 6. A sphere of mass m and radius a, whose centre of in- ertia G is distant h from its centre of figure C, is ^ilaced upon a 'perfectly rough tabic. Find the time of an oscillation luhen the oscillations are very small. Here C is geometrically, G kinetically important. Let the ande between CG and the vertical be 0. Then o 6 measures the angular velocity, 6 the angular acceleration of the body. Let v be the velocity of C. This is horizontal. Let it be measured in the direction corresponding to an in- crease of 0. Let mk^ be the moment of inertia of the sphere about a horizontal axis through G. The impressed forces are the weight, friction, and pressure. To c^et the effective forces. The acceleration of G is com- posed (1) of that relative to G, i.e. 6'^b tov^ards (7, and 6b at right angles to CG, and (2) of that of C, i. e. v horizontally. The effective forces are therefore reducible to m6rh, mOb, mv at G, and a couple mk"^ 0. Keversed they form with the impressed forces the system in the figure. Now as the motion is always very small, 6 may be nesflected. 110 ONE BODY. Taking moments about JS' to avoid F and B, we liave inv {a — h cos 6) + mhd (h — a cos 6) + mk 6 + mr/h sin ^ = 0. Also since there is perfect rolling, v = a6 and v = a6. And ultimately cos 6 = 1, sin ^ = 6. Hence (a' + A^^^ + Z>' ~ 2a?)) 6 = - hcjO, an equation which gives the time of a small oscillation. 7. We have seen that in cases of motion whose differen- tial equations do not admit of complete solution, the time of oscillation can be found when the motion is small. In the same way when the motion does not remain small, initial circumstances of motion can be found ; such as the values of unknown forces, the direction of motion of a point, or the curvature of its path at the commencement of the motion. Such problems are not of much physical interest. They are valuable as giving examples of successive approximation. To find the initial value of a force is usually very simple. A uniform rod AB, of mass m, and length 2a, rests hori- zontally, being partly snpjyorted by a smooth peg O. On all siij^poi't but that of O being luithdratun, find the pressure at and approximate to the initial motion. Let OG = r, and let 6 be the angle AB makes with the horizon. Let B be the pressure. INITIAL MOTIONS. The general equations of motion are 111 m d\ dt m d — mg sin 6, (1). a^ d^Q On eliminating i^, an equation presents itself whicli is once integrable and leads to ©■-©■(--^•)=%"=-«- But no otlier equation involving velocities only can be got, and therefore H cannot in the general case be found since it depends on dr , de Putting for 6, But the initial value of B can be found -T- , -J" zero, and for r its initial value r^,, we have initially dt = 0, d^ df a^d'e 'inr,-^^=mg-R, f ^s-di^-^''^ (2): from which ^-^^^ --^ df %n a'^ + 3r, It is probably needless to remark that equations (2) are not differential equations, and cannot be integrated. 112 ONE BODY. Let us now endeavour to find tlie initial radius of curva- ture of the path of G. This involves a closer approximation to the initial motion than Avas necessary in finding R. Quantities which were neglected in that operation must not be neglected. G^ begins to move downwards. Hence the normal is horizontal. If ON, GN are x and ?/, tlie radius of curva- 2 f\ ture is initially — . As this assumes the form - it must be evaluated. Differentiatinoj numerator and denominator and dx , dy putting X, y, -y, and -r- zero, ^^' d£ de Now either by differentiating x = r cos 6, y =^r sin Q, or from the properties of relative accelerations, d^y {d\ (de\-\ . ^ 1 d f ,de\ . ^^" = \,„-r{-r] h sin ^ + - T I' 7 cos 6, df \df \dtJ ) rdt\ dt) whence df^"^'^' In differentiating to find -J^^' , we may in the last differ- ntiation neglect all vanishing terms, and in the next last 11 squares and products of vanishing terms, INITIAL CURVATURE. 113 d'x .(d'r _ d9 d'd\ df = '''^[W-^'dfdl^) d'e .de . .( d'i dt' dt \ dtV dt' " dt' '\dfj ' ^''\df Now df d' + 3r/ ' and differentiating the equation a r ~dt zr —, — TV = Q cos o* -77 df dt dt' ^ di :. p d\ at M^h^' dt' ' 8r 3r; .9./ '^df -n a"^ To find the initial radius of curvature of a point when the system is set off with a finite velocity is simple enough ; for sq. of velocity of point ^ ~~ normal acceleration ' and the normal acceleration is known when the impressed forces are known. P. G. 8 114 PROBLEMS FOR SOLUTION. If, however, as in the above problem, the system starts from rest, the value of p assumes the form -, and when the direction of the normal is not known the evaluation is tedious. PROBLEMS FOR SOLUTION. 1. A uniform rod AB is whirled away on the surface of smooth ice. Prove that the longitudinal stress at a given point P is constant throughout the motion, and proportional to AP.FB. 2. A uniform rod has a ring at one end, by which it slides on a smooth straight horizontal wire. If it starts from rest in any position in the vertical plane with the wire, find the motion and the supporting pressure of the wire, and prove that the other end of the rod moves in an ellipse. 3. A wheel in the form of a cylinder of radius B and thickness A has an axle of radius r and length a cut out of the same piece, the axes and centre^s of gravity being coinci- dent. The whole is suspended with the axis horizontal by three vertical strings, one of which is coiled round the wdieel and the other two round the axle at equal distances on either side of the wheel ; prove that if the first string be drawn up or let down in any way the tensions of the other two will not be altered provided a _ R' (B - 27-) A 7'(2B-r)'^ 4. A cylinder unrolls itself from a vertical string, the other end of which is fixed. Prove that the motion is uni- formly accelerated. 5. A cube is rotating with angular velocity co about a diao-onal, when one of its edges which does not meet that diagonal suddenly becomes fixed ; shew that the angular velocity about this edge as axis will be — -, , . PROBLEMS FOR SOLUTION. 115 6. The ends of a rod of length 2a are constrained to move on the smooth arc of a vertical circle of radius c. If the rod be displaced from its position of unstable equi- librium, find the breaking couple at any pomt in any position. 7. A uniform rigid bar, suspended at one end by a thread, rests on a perfectly smooth horizontal plane at a given angle with it ; if the thread be cut, shew that the con- tact with the plane will be unbroken during the motion. 8. A circular ring hangs in a vertical plane on two pegs. If one be removed, prove that, P^, P^ being the instantaneous pressures on the other peg calculated on tlie supposition that the ring is (1) smooth, (2) rough, tan'^ a P' : P: :: 1 : H- where a is the angle which the line drawn from the centre to the peg makes with the vertical. 9. A uniform inelastic rod falls without rotation inclined at any angle to the horizon, and hits a smooth fixed peg at a distance from its upper end equal to one-third of its length. Prove that the lower end begins to descend vertically. 10. A rod of length 2a has a ring at one end which slides upon a smooth fixed horizontal rod. The former being initially vertical, an angular velocity « is impressed upon it about the ring in the vertical plane containing the fixed rod ; prove that the greatest angle it will make with the vertical is _j / ao)' ' V 1^/ 2 sin" - v^ 11. A uniform inelastic rod, inclined at an angle with the vertical, falls without rotation and strikes a smooth hard horizontal plane. Shew that its centre of gravity imme- diately moves with a velocity V. 1 -i- 3 sm' V being its previous velocity. 116 PROBLEMS FOR SOLUTION. 12. An inelastic ball of given radius is dropped from the window of a carriage travelling uniformly along a level road upon the wheel, which it hits at the highest point ; deter- mine the subsequent motion of the ball relatively to the car- riage, the rim of the wheel being perfectly rough. 13. The end of a uniform rod of weight W can slide by a smooth riug on a vertical rod ; the other end sliding on a smooth horizontal plane. The rod descends from a position inclined (3 to the horizon. Shew that the rod does not leave the plane during the descent, and that its minimum pressure ., . W , ^ on it IS -i-cos p. 4 14. A triangular lamina ABC is suspended horizontally by vertical strings attached to its angular points. If the strings at B and G be simultaneously cut, shew that there will be no instantaneous change of tension in the string at A, provided AD=GD . cos ADC, D being the middle point of BC. 15. An imperfectly elastic sphere descending vertically comes in contact with a fixed rough point, the impact taking place at a point angularly distant a from the lowest point, and the coefficient of elasticity being e. Shew that it will commence moving off horizontally after the impact if . 2 ^^ tan a = — XII. PROBLEMS. A system of rigid bodies. 1. In these problems tlie expressions for the effective forces are written down for each body of the system sepa- rately. The equations of motion are always easily written down in whatever co-ordinates the changes of velocity are expressed. But their solution and the geometrical equa- tions are much simplified by a judicious choice of variables. As a general rule it is best to take co-ordinates which are all independent of one another. We get by this means the least possible number of variables, and so avoid having to differentiate geometrical equations. Suppose for example that two spheres, A and B, were placed A above B on a plane and were disturbed, and that it was required to find the motion so long as they were in contact. We might take the co-ordinates of the centre of B as x^, ?/j, those of A as x^, ?/,, and denote their angles of rotation by other symbols. But it is clear that x^, y^ are not independent of x^, y^, but connected by the relation that the distance between the centres is constant. Hence it would be better to denote the co-ordinates of ^'s centre relatively to i5's by r, 6. Then r is constant and no other geome- trical equation is needed. The properties of relative accele- rations enable us to express at once the absolute acceleration of A's centre in any direction. It is not necessary nor even expedient, in drawing the necessary diagrams and finding the effective forces, to con- 118 A SYSTEM sider in what direction velocities actually are or actually increase. Measure them in the positive direction of the co-ordinates, and the result will shew by its sign in which direction they are, and in which they increase. Forces of connection which are independent of one an- other and also of the position of the system (as rolling frictions and normal pressures, but not sliding frictions nor tensions of elastic strings), may be avoided when the motion only is required by grouping the various systems, so as to make these forces internal, and by resolving and taking moments in suitable ways. The equation arrived at by con- sidering a whole system, is just the equation which would have been arrived at, had each body been separately con- sidered and the mutual actions eliminated. 2. A bullet of onass m, moving with velocity V, strikes perpendicularly at the centre a uniform rectangular door of mass ^I and breadth 2a. If the bullet sticks, find the angular velocity of the door. Let this be a, and let the measure of the blow on the door be P. Then the blow suffered by the bullet is — P. Consider (1) the bullet. This has its velocity changed from V to aco. The force necessary to do this is m (aco — Y). This reversed is in equilibrium with — P; .*. P -f m (ao) ^ V) = 0. Consider (2) the door. The moment of P round the line of hinofes orencratcs a 4-a^ quantity of angular momentum J/— cd. Hence the couples Fa and — M ~ w are in equilibrium ; o OF RIGID BODIES. 119 Eliminating P, we have 3m (ao) - F) + AaMco = ; SmV ,'. ft) = ,{3m + 4:M)' For example, m = 1 ounce, 31 = 200 lbs., 2a = 3 feet, F= 500 feet per second, 1500 1000 „^o 1 " = |(3TiT20l)7l6)=12803 = -'''«'^^^'^'^'- As tlie unit of angular velocity is, when the unit of circular measure is described in one second, the door de- scribes •078ofo7\2^, or about 4J*^ per second. (a) Solve the problem by the principle that the whole angular momentum about the line of hinges is not changed by the impact. (^) Find the resultant impulsive pressure on the line of hinges^ by taking moments for the door about the centre, and then substituting the value of co. [ , mMV \ Answer -z r-TTr) • V dm + 4:MJ (7) Find this pressure by considering the two together, and resolving at right angles to the plane of the door. 3. A uniform cylinder of mass M and radius a, has a hollow of any form in it filled with fluid of the same density and of mass m. The cylinder being allowed to roll down a perfectly rough plane inclined at an angle a. to the horizon with its axis horizontal, find the motian. Here the fluid is supposed not to rotate. As far as trans- lation is concerned the whole is one, but the moment of inertia must be calculated for the solid part alone. 120 RIGID BODY Take a section of the cylinder at right angles to its axis. Let G be the centre, which is also the common centre of inertia of the solid and fluid. Let v be the velocity of C, ■and ty the angular velocity of the cylinder. Then v = a(D and dv _ day The effective forces of translation are reducible to one, acting at C parallel to the incline. The couple is due to the "motion of the solid part alone, and is therefore equivalent to MK^ ~j, , MK" being the moment of inertia about the centre of inertia of the solid. To calculate this, call this point G\ and suppose the whole cylinder solid. Its moment of inertia round C would be - (ilf + m) a\ But this is made up of il/ii" round G, and of the moment of inertia of the part which in our problem is replaced by fluid. Let its centre of gravity be 6r', and its moment of inertia about it ml^. Then Suppose MK^ found from this equation. The impressed forces are the weight (il/+ m)g at C, and the friction and pressure at the point of contact. Eevcrsing the effectives and taking moments about this point ; (il/ + m) a ^J + MK'' -^^ - (J/+ 7^0 ga . sin a = 0. Since -u = ci , . the motion is uniformly accelerated. CONTAINING LIQUID. 121 (a) Prove that the cyKnder will roll down faster than if it had been solid. (/3) Calculate 3IK^, supposing the hollow a concentric cylinder of radius h. Ans. M."^. (7) Prove that the friction acts up the plane and is constant. T . /TT- \ f • civ It is {M + m) igsma—'-T: (S) Prove that the normal pressure is constant. Sup- posing the liquid to be in an excentric cavity, would it tend to cause the cylinder to jump off the plane ? Would it have this tendency if it were of different density from the solid ? 4. A smooth circular tube (mass M) has a particle (mass m) inside of it, and is set in motion in any manner luith every point touching a smooth inclined j^lane. Prove that the parti- cle will move with constant velocity round the centre of the tube, and that if co be this angidar velocity and a the radius of the tube, the pressure of the j^article on the tube is constant and equal to MnW M + m' The impressed forces on the tube are its own weight and the normal pressure of the particle. These have no moment round the centre, and therefore the angular velocity of the tube remains constant. Let co be the angular velocity of the particle round the centre of (not relatively to) the tube. Let ii, V be the accelerations of the centre in and at right angles to the direction of the particle at any moment. Also let \g, fig be the component accelerations in these directions of the force of gravity on a unit mass. 1^2 A SYSTEM Then tlie accelerations of the particle are ii — a(xP' and v + aw. Let R be the normal pressure, inwards on the particle, outwards on the tube. Then the tube would be in equi- librium under M\g, R and Mit reversed, and ^^f^!J> ^.nd 21 v Tlie particle would be in equilibrium under m\g,—R and m(u — aM^) reversed, and 'mf^g, and 7n{v -{- aco) Resolving p^g ^ y = 0, fjig — V — a^ = ; whence w = 0, or tlie particle moves round the tube with constant velocity. Kesolving again, MXg + R — 31 ii = 0, and tnXg — R — m (d — aco') = 0. Whence, R(-y.+ —] = aa)^ \l\i mj (a) Supposing 12 the angular velocity of the tube, what will be the time in which the particle will come round to the same point of the tube again ? (/5) Shew from first principles that gravity has no effect in altering the relative motion of the tube and particle, or the mutual pressure. (7) In wliat path does the common centre of inertia move ? (S) About what point is the whole angular momentum constant ? (e) Prove by moans of this principle that the angular velocity of the particle is constant, assuming that the angular velocity of the tube is constant. OF RIGID BODIES. 123 5. Tiuo uniform rods AB, BC, of masses m, m', and lengths 2a, 2a', are connected by a joint at B, and are lying in a straight line. A blow P is struck at C, in a dwection perpendictdar to ABC. With what velocities will the system begin to move ? The immediate effect of P upon BG will be to make its centre move off in a direction parallel to that of P, and to make it rotate. Hence the point JS must begin to move at right angles to BC. Hence the action at B between the rods will at first be in this direction, and in general there will be no motion nor force at first along ABC. Let V, V be the velocities with which the centres of inertia of AB, BC move off. Let w, «' be the initial angular velocities measured in any but the same direction. The im- pressed forces are P and the action at B. This latter we will avoid. The effective forces are mv and mv at the centres 2 'a of inertia, and couples m%Wy m' -r-co' on AB, PC respec- tively. Eeversing these, as in the figure, and resolving for the whole system : 7nv -\- m'v — P = (1). yi j3 Takinsf moments for AB round P, mv . a — m CO = (2). Taking^ moments for BC round P, P. 2a - m'v'. a — m' — w' = (3). o 124 A SYSTEM Also, since B is common to AB and BC, V — dw — v-V aw (4). These are four simple equations to determine the un- known quantities v, v\ co, co\ These are probably the most convenient equations. There are many others equivalent to the above, which might have been chosen. Thus, taking moments for the whole about 0, 2 '2 7n~co — mv [Za + a) + m --- o) — m v a = 0. O it Supposing the action of BC on AC to be a force X at right angles to AB ; we have, on resolving for xii? at right angles to AB, X—mv = 0. Considering BC, and resolving, P-X-m'v' = 0, which two are equivalent to (1). Taking moments for AB about its centre of inertia, A. — m &j = I), o and so on. (ot) Justify, by writing down equations of motion, the assumption that there is no force nor motion along ABC. (/3) Prove that AB begins to turn about a point onc- tliird of its length from A. (7) Solve this problem by the statical method of virtual velocities. (See Art. 7.) 6. A little squirrel clinr/s to a thin rough hoop, the plane of which is vertical, and whicJi is rolling along a perfecthj rough horizontal plane. The squirrel makes a point of keep- ing at a constant height above the p)lane, and selects his place OF RIGID BODIES. 125 on the hoop so as to travel from a position of instantaneous rest the greatest possible distance in a given time. Prove that, m heing the mass of the squirrel and M that of the hoojy, the inclination of the squirreVs distance from the centre of the hoop to the vertical is equal to m cos m + ^M' Here the impressed forces are the weights, the friction, and the pressure of the ground. There are also the forces by which the squirrel clings to the hoop ; but we will take both as one system, and so these will be internal. The linear accelerations of the squirrel and hoop are the same. Let this be v. If the angular acceleration of the hoop be w, the effective forces are m'v at >S^, Mi) at (7, and a couple Ma^w, [a being the radius of the hoop). Reversing these, and taking moments for the Avliole system about N, mg a sin C — onb (a — a cos C) — Mv a — Ma^co = 0. Also, since there is perfect rolling, V = ad) I .*. V [m (1 - cos G) -f 2ilf } = mj sin C, \ 126 A SYSTEM Hence the acceleration is constant wbile . the squirrel keeps to the same place. And therefore the greatest possible distance Avill correspond to the greatest possible acceleration. Now V is to be made a maximum by the variation of C. Hence, differentiating sin G 'IM -\-m — m cos C with respect to C, and equating the result to zero, we have cos C = - „,^. We will write down some equations of motion by which the problem might have been solved. Suppose F and li the friction and pressure at N. Let T and Q be the tan- gential and normal forces of the hoop on the squirrel, and reversed of the squirrel on the hoop. Considering the squirrel, we have, by resolving along the radius CS and perpendicular to it, mcf cos C — Q — mh sin C = 0, — mg sin C + T— mv cos (7=0. Consider the hoop. Resolving horizontally and vertically, and taking moments about C, F-v QsinC- Tcos C - Mv = 0, Jl-Mg- QcosC-TsmC=(), Fa — Ta + ^hrio = 0. It is evident that on eliminating jP from the last and first of this last set we shall have the equation of moments for the hoop alone about iV^; and that on eliminating F, Q, T ^\c shall have the single equation in the former solution. It is also clear that F, 7?, T and Q can be found in terms of the accelerations from the above equations. ^ OF RIGID BODIES. 127 In general, by writing down the equations of motion for each body and the connecting equations, we obtain sutficient equations to determine the motion and the forces of con- nection. 7. A rectangle is formed of four uniform rods of lengths 2a and 2b, tuhich are connected by hinges at their ends. The rectangle is revolving about its centre on a smooth horizontal plane with an angular velocity n, when a jjoint in one of the sides of length 2a suddenly becomes fixed. Sheiv that the angidar velocity of the side of length 2b becomes immediately 3a +b . n. Oa-i- 4b It was mentioned that any convenient statical method might be applied to the solution of problems on motion. We shall for this problem use the method of virtual velocities. The virtual moment of a force is the force multiplied by the displacement in its direction of the point of application. The virtual moment of a couple is the sum of the virtual moments of the two parallel forces which compose it. This is easily seen to be the product of the measure of the couple and the angular displacement of the body on which it acts. The rectangle has been revolving about the centre with velocity n; hence the middle points of the rods have been moving with velocities bn, an, and the rods have been rotating about their centres with angular velocity n. The point becomes fixed. Opposite sides, as ^5 and CD, will still remain parallel; and, since they must make equal angles with any direction, their angular velocities must be equal. Let them be w. Let the angular velocity oi BG and A I) he co\ Then the velocities may be all expressed in terms of ay and ft)'. For let M, N, M' , N' be the middle points of the sides, and let OM be called p. Then the velocity of B is {a-\-p) ft). That of N is the same as that of B in the airec- tion of jBJV, and is bwi' in the perpendicular direction. And so on, as represented. 128 Now subtracting from these the previous velocities, we have the chang-es in the velocities. These will be : for AB, for BC, for CD, for DA, 29CO, — hi, 0) — n; {a +2^) <« — «?^) ^<^'j <^' ~ '^ ) 2JW, 2h(o' — hi, (o — n; {a — jj) CO — an, hco' , w — n. If we multiply the changes in the linear velocities by the masses, which are proportional to 2a, 26, and the changes 2 7 2 in the angular velocities by 2a. -^, 26. -^, and reverse them, we shall have a system in equilibrium with the one im- pressed force, the impulse at 0. These reversed forces will then be (as to magnitude) : on AB, 2ap(D, 2a6?i, at M and a couple, 2a • v- (<^ ~ ^0 5 on BG, 2 (a +p) 6a) - 2a6«, 26V; at N and a couple, 26 .- . (w - n) ; VIRTUAL VELOCITIES. 129 on CD, 'lapco, 4)}+e;)j|m2.^-^} = m^(a+^')sin^; 134 A SYSTEM OF eliminating co between this and (2), {a + I) (7J/+ 4.m) = r/ sin 6/ (4??2, + 5JJ), whence multiplying by 20 and integrating, 6' {a + h) (7if + 4m) = 0- 2^ cos 6^ (5i/+ 4»0. Now at the beginning of the motion 6 was zero, and cos 6 was 1 ; .-. C=--2fj{5M+4m), ' _ 2g (1 - cos 6) 5il/+ 4m Substituting this in (1) and making R zero, the equation which gives 6 when the bodies separate is 27 (1 — cos 6') ^^-^TT — ;r- = 7 cos 6, . 10i¥+ 8m whence cos U = - ^ , ^ , ., ^ . l/i]i + 12m (a) Calling i^ the friction at N, acting at right angles to OG, but upwards on the sphere and downwards on the cylinder; prove that F— mg 'An 6 ■\- m . {a -{• I) = 0, F=-^h(o. (/S) What forces would be introduced if we resolved for the whole system at right angles to 00? (7) What forces would be introduced if we resolved for the cylinder along ON 'I 10. A string luithout rueight is coiled round a rough horizontal solid cylinder, of whicli the mass is M and radius a, and which is capable of turning about its axis. To the free end of the string is attached a chain of mass xn and length 1/ if the chain he gathered vp close and then let go, p)rove RIGID BODIES. 135 that, if 6 he the angle through which the cylinder has turned after a time t, before the chain is full g stretched, This problem illustrates the fact that an infinite number of infinitely small blows has the effect of a continuous force. The uncoiled part of the chain and the cylinder are moving with finite acceleration, and the coil is falling like a free heavy body. But at every instant a link passes from the coil to the straight part, and so has its velocity instantane- ously changed by a finite amount. There is therefore an impulsive tension on the uncoiled part as often as a link is added to it. This impulsive tension is the opposite of that which changes the motion of the link, and if the whole be taken as one system it will be internal and disappear. The whole increase of angular momentum about the axis of the cylinder is caused by the weight mg. But the rate of change of angular momentum is the measure of the rotational effect of a force. 'J'he statement of this is what is meant by taking moments about a certain axis. Hence the rate of increase of angular momentum about the axis is mga. The rate of increase- of the angular momentum of the cylinder is Mrf ere 2 • di'' Let z be the length of the uncoiled part of the chain at rJO any time. Then its velocity is « ^, and the rate of increase of the moment of its momentum about the axis is d hnz ^dO dt\T^lt for s is variable as well as 6, 13G SERIES OF IMPULSES. 1-2 The coil moves with velocity gt, and its mass is m —j— Hence the rate of chans^e of its moment of momentum is The sum of all these is mga, o d^f l-Z dt Ma" d'd ma d ( de\ m d ri n Integrating once dO Ma ma dO m ,j . mn .t ,^. di-T+T'dt+i'^-'^^'-ir w- Now since the coil is moving with velocity gt, and the straight part with velocity a -j, , the rate of uncoiling, —, is dO 1 equal to gt — a~^^, and therefore z= -gf — a6, since z, 6 and t all bes^in from zero tosfether. 1 , ^ dO dz d^Mal^^^ dz dt m ^"^ ' dt' Til, Integrating MaQ = -j . z"^. i (of) Shew that the impulsive tension caused by the un- coiling of a link ^z is — ^ [gt — a -,- ) . (/3) Shew that the finite tension due to the weight of the strai<]rht part is ,^, £ ~. ^ ^ M + 2mz (7) Compare these. PROBLEMS. 137 PROBLEMS. 1. Two infinitely rough wheels revolving uniformly in the same plane are suddenly brought into contact and their axes are kept fixed ; determine what changes are made in the angular velocities. 2. Two particles of any elasticities and of masses m and m', joined by an elastic string, are placed in a vertical line; the string is stretched and they are simultaneously let go. Prove that whenever m comes to rest, m is moving with a velocity gt , — . 3. A string has two particles m and m' attached to its ends. The mass m lies on a smooth horizontal table, and m is held so that the string is horizontal with a length a beyond the edge of the table. If m be let drop, prove that the initial l-\ ; 4. A little animal, the mass of which is m, is resting on the middle point of a thin uniform bar, the mass of which is on and the length 2a, the ends of the bar being attached by small rings to two smooth fixed rods at right angles to each other in a horizontal plane. Supposing the animal to start off along the bar with a relative velocity V, prove that, 6 being the inclination of the bar to either rod, the angular velocity initially impressed upon the bar will be 3m Fsin2^ 3m 4- 4m' ' a 5. A thin hollow smooth ring (mass M and radius a), of which the plane is vertical, and which contains a bead of mass m, is placed upon a smooth horizontal plane. Prove that the bead, having been placed near the lowest point of the ring, will oscillate synchronously with a pendulum, the length , , . , . 3Ia 01 which IS m + M' 133 niOBLEMS G. Two equal heavy spheres, one solid, tlie other hollow, and the hollow filled with fluid, are rotating with the same angular velocity about a horizontal axis, and are laid side by side on a rough horizontal plane, the coefficient of friction for both being fju ; if the interior radius of the sphere be one-half of the exterior, and the density of the fluid be equal to that of the solid, find the distance between them at any time, supposing that they move in parallel lines. {Iiesult. Let H be the initial angular velocity, a the radius of each. Then the distance which the solid sphere has covered is -^- before perfect rolling begins, and f^OK\^~i)] ^fterw^ards, where t = S . - . The same results hold for the other, only _m an '^- '61 >^-^ 7. A cylinder rolls down the rough upper face of a wedge which is capable of moving on a smooth horizontal table ; prove that the accelerations are uniform. 8. An iceberg floats without change of volume from latitude \ to latitude X^. Shew that the angular velocity of the earth is diminished (very nearly) by the fraction - -. ^ (cos \ — COS X J of itself, m and il/ being the masses, and the earth supposed spherical and homogeneous. 9. A heavy circular disk is rotating in a horizontal plane about its centre, which is fixed. An inject walks from the centre with constant velocity along a certain radius, and then flies away. Determine the whole motion. 10. A loaded cannon is suspended from a fixed horizontal axis, and rests with its axis horizontal and perpendicular to the fixed axis, the supporting ropes being equally inclined to the vertical ; if ^; be the initial velocity of the ball, whose FOR SOLUTION. 139 mass is -tli of the mass of the cannon, and h the distance n between the axis of the cannon and the axis of support, shew that when it is fired off, the tension of each rope is im- mediately changed in the ratio v^ + T^gh : % (71 + 1) gh. (The moment of inertia of the cannon about its centre is neglected.) If a cannon be supported in a gun-boat in the manner described, what would be the effect of firinsr it off ? 11. A rod whose centre is fixed is rotating uniformly in a vertical plane. A perfectly elastic ball of equal mass is dropped from a height equal to one-fourth of the circum- ference of the circle described by the end of the rod, and strikes it when horizontal at one extremity. After eight revolutions of the rod the ball again strikes it ; prove that the rod was horizontal when the ball was dropped. 12. An imperfectly elastic ball is let fall upon a smooth hoop, of which the mass is equal to that of the ball, and which is suspended from a point in its circumference about which it is capable of moving freely in a vertical plane ; prove that, if e be the modulus of elasticity, and a the inclination to the vertical of the radius passing through the point at which the ball must strike the hoop in order that it may re- 2e bound horizontally, tan^ a = — . o 13. A square formed of equal and similar uniform rods, jointed freely at the ends, is revolving with constant velocity about its middle point. Shew that if one of the angular points suddenly becomes fixed while the four joints remain free, the angular velocity of each rod will be at once di- minished in the ratio 5:2. 14. Four equal uniform rods, jointed at their ends, when falling freely as a square with one diagonal vertical, are caught by means of a light hook at the middle jDoint of one of the lower rods. Prove that that rod will be brought to rest by the impact, and will remain at rest during the rest of the motion. 140 PHOBLEMS 15. ABCD is a uniform heavy chain whose length equals ol, which is fastened to a peg at A, hangs down to a distance I, and passes over a smooth peg at C, which is very near A. If the chain be slightly disturbed so that its end D descends, prove that the impulsive pressures at A and C at the moment when it has run entirely down are m . \/2lg and 2m ^Itlg, m being the mass of the chain. 16. A mass M attached to the end ^ of a chain AC, is placed (with the chain) on a horizontal plane in such wise that a portion AB of the chain forms a straight line, the re- maining portion BG being heaped up at jB : the mass M is then set in motion in the direction B to A with a given velocity, and so moves in a straight line, dragging the chain; determine the motion. 17. Two uniform rods OA, AB, of lengths 2a, 2h, and of masses proportional to their lengths, are jointed together at A, and are rotating round the fixed hinge in the same straight line, and with equal angular velocities, when the outer AB comes against a fixed obstacle P. If the position of this be such as to reduce both rods to rest, prove that Sa + 2h 2a~ + bab + So" 18. Three equal particles, each repelling with a force varying as the distance, are at rest at the corners of an equi- lateral triangle, being connected by three fine inextensible strings, which form the sides. If one of the strings be cut, shew that the tension of each of the other two is instan- taneously increased by one-fifth of its previous amount. 19. CP, AP are two equal uniform heavy beams, con- nected by a free hinge at P. The beam CP turns freely in a vertical plane about a fixed horizontal axis through C, while A slides freely on a vertical groove of which C is the liighest point; prove that if the system make small oscillations about its position of equilibrium, the length of the simple CP isochronous pendulum is - . o FOR SOLUTION. 141 20. A uniform string hangs at rest over a smooth peg. Half the string on one side is cut off. Shew that the pressure on the peg is instantaneously reduced by one-third. 21. A smooth sphere 11 is on a horizontal plane, and another sphere m resting on it is just disturbed from its position of unstable equilibrium. The spheres being sup- posed homogeneous, shew that, whatever their radii or weights, the upper sphere will leave the lower before the 2 line of centres is cos~^ ~ from the vertical. o XIII. ENERGY. 1. We have now to consider a method into -which the element of 'time' does not directly enter ; in which force is considered not as generating a certain acceleration, but as pulling through a certain space; in which position and velocity are therefore the language, but never time nor ac- celeration. The question which of these two was the proper ex- pression of the effect of force caused a controversy very memorable in the annals of mathematics. We can now see that both sides were right. All our methods hitherto have been based on the former. We now turn to the latter. 2. When a force P drags its point of application through a small space, of which Sp is the measure in the direction of the force, it is said to have done work FSj). And if the point has been forced back Sj) against P, work PSj} has been done against the force. Thus in this system the effect of a force is work, in the other it was momentum. The Avork of a couple L, which moves a body through an angle B6, is LhO, The accumulated work of a force P is clearly jPdp, the limits being the values of j3 in the extreme positions. Thus the work done by gravity on a stone of mass 7n, moving from a height h^ to a height //^, is mg (h^ — /^J ; and this is the same by whatever path, constrauicd or free, the stone has reached the lower level. The work done by a radial force P, in pulling a body from a distance r^ from the centre of force to a distance r^, is Bdr. I woiiK. 14 3" And in general tlie work done by any force, wliose com- ponents are X, Y, Z, in bringing its point of application from x^, y^, z^ to a?^, y^, ^o, is ^{XqIx-^ Ydy^-Zdz), the limits being given by these points. For if P be the force of which X, Y, Z are components, and if QQ' be an element of the arc {hs) traversed by the point of application, I^_ Q F,hp = P. QN'= P cos NQQ\ QQ\ But the sum of the components of any forces in any direction is equal to the component of their resultant in that direction ; therefore whence, in the limit, Pdp = Xdx + Ydy + Zdz. To measure work we must have some constant and easily accessible force. Take the force of gravity acting on a pound of matter at a given locality. Then tbe work expended in raising this pound to the height of one foot will be the unit of work. And any quantity of work will be measured by the number of feet to which it would suffice to raise the pound. 8. The work done by an impulse I, which causes the velocity of its point of application to change from u to u, is For suppose I the limit of a very great constant finite force P, acting during a very short time r. Let a be the acceleration of the point of action of P resolved in its own direction. The space described by a point moving with 14-i WORK. finite acceleration a is „ — , where v-u is tlie increase of 2a velocity. This holds good also in the heginning of every accelerated motion whatever be its law. Hence the work done, P^p, _ u"-u' ~ 2a • But II -u = a.T; u' + u therefore work done =Ft . . And when t is infinitely small, I=Pt, whence the formula. A very general proof of this is to be found in the 808th section of the first volume of Thomson and Tait's Natural Philosophy. From this we see that if a ball strikes perpendicularly a fixed hard surface and rebounds with equal velocity there is no work done. 4. When a body or system possesses the power of doing work it is said to have energy. Thus a moving cannon-ball could force back a resisting body through a certain space before exhausting its own motion ; this energy is called kinetic. Or the Avater in a mill-dam could do work before falling to a lower level ; it has energy which is called poten- tial, and which is due to a position of advantage relatively to a force. A mass of gunpowder has in it a store of the energy of chemical affinity. Steam in the boiler of an engine has the energy of heat ; a man not utterly prostrate possesses a certain amount of another form of energy ; and so on. It is not often that the whole of any form of energy possessed by a body can be made avaiLable for work. A stone at the top of a tower has energy due to its height above the bottom. At the bottom its available poten- PRINCIPLES. 145 tial energy is exhausted, but it is clear that if there ^yere a pit at hand the stone could do additional work before getting to the bottom of that. Its total energy due to the attraction of the earth would never be exhausted till it had reached the centre. The amount which cannot be made available was called by Clausius the Entropy. It has been proposed to give this name to the amount which can be made available. As the usage in English works has come to be different from that in foreign works, we will avoid the word altogether. 5. There are two general principles to which this method has led. Imagine a system A which possesses a certain store of energy, and which can be completely isolated so that no energy can pass out or in. Let it be connected in any way with a system B possessing similar properties, and let no energy pass except between these. Then the total energy of all the different forms in A and B remains the same as before. This is the law of the conservation of energy. But the available energy is now less than when the systems were separate. For that depends on the excess of energy which one possessed over the other ; and by the passage of energy between them the amount possessed by the one is lessened and by the other increased. The two systems are in fact brought more nearly to a level. Now, as no system in nature can be completely isolated and made energy-tight, every such system as A is always com- municating its energy to those around it, as B, which pos- sess less. And the available energy of all is being lessened. This is the law of the dissipation of energy. These laws are proved by experiment ; it is found that energy which disappears in one form reappears in some other, and to an equal amount. But for those forms of which we can take cognizance in this science (viz.), the energy of motion and of position, the conservation law can be deduced from the laws of motion. G. The potential energy of a system relatively to a force is measured by the work which it can do against the force, P. G. 10 146 CONSERVATION OF or by minus tlie work which the force can do upon it before it reaches the position of zero force. It is therefore for one force the limits being given by the actual position and the position of zero force ; for a number of forces it is -^^{Xdx-\-Ydij-\-Zdz). It is almost needless to remark that the origin from^ which these co-ordinates are measured is a matter of convenience. The kinetic energy of a particle of mass 7?i, moving with velocity v, is the work it can do before being stopped. This may be measured against any force. Let us choose gravity. A particle of mass m projected upwards with velocity v will move through a space ^ before stopping. It has thus pushed back the point of application of the force tti^^ through a space 7/ . , , . v^ i^(v^ m • — Hence the work it has done is mg x— or —j-. ims '2g ^ , -^ - may of course be expressed in any co-ordinates, as m. \fdx\^ ,duV . fdz\^ dt) ^ \dt) 'Z \\dtl \ or in one plane '^ Ig^) -r r (^^-) j . The kinetic energy of a moving rigid body is J'-»-l(S)'*©'- 7. To establish the law of the conservation of energy, we have then to shew that the gain or loss of kinetic energy while the sy.stem passes from one configuration to another is equal to the loss or gain of potential energy. Let X, ;/, z be the co-ordinates of an element^ S;?i of the system; ii, r, w its component velocities; A", Y, Z the com- ENERGY. 147 ponents of the impressed forces. Then these are in. equi- librium with the reversed effective forces. These last are -^'"d-f -^"'dt' -^'"df dii _ du dx _ dit _1 du'^ dt dx dt dx 2 dx ' Thus the reversed effective forces may be expressed Bm diu^ __ hn d{v^) _ hn d {uf) "^fdx ' '2. dy ' 2 "dz ' Hence, by the principle of virtual velocities, if the point X, y, z receive a displacement whose projections parallel to the axes are hx, By, oz^ jMow suppose (1) that the displacements 3.r, %, Bz are consistent with the geometrical relations of the system ; for example, that they involve no breaking of connections. Then in this equation X, Y, Z come to represent the im- pressed forces whose virtual moments do not vanish. Of all possible displacements one must be the displace- ment due to the actual motion. If we suppose this to be the one given to the system, dx . d]! ly. in which Is is the element of arc described bj x, //, Whence the equation '2 \dx dij ^ Liz becomes = t(Xhx-hYhiji-Zh^) ^^^'\d. ^ ds^'ds)—^C^ tlf~ 1^h-a' whence the period of oscillation is ^tt lU — ^ -, SYSTEMS. 151 11. A uniform ladder of mass va., slips down between a smooth wall and a smooth hoi^izontal plane always keeping in a vertical 'plane perpendicular to their intersection. Find the motion. Let the planes be those of y and x, and let 6 be the angle which the ladder makes with the vertical at any time. Then the angular velocity is ~j- and the linear velocity of the centre of inertia is OG . -j. , since G keeps at a constant distance from 0. Hence the kinetic energy is o. fd6' f(o^'.//)Q The potential energy is due to the height of G above Ox, and is therefore mg . OG cos 0; therefore ~{0G' + F) f ^ j + ^ . 6> 6^ cos ^ = constant. If the motion began when AB was vertical, this constant isg. OG. 1j2 ■ CONSERVATIVE \dt) ~ OG' + k' wliicli can be aGfain inteo^rated, and 6 found in terms of t. /f7(9\^ 2g.0G,{l- cos 6) Whence i \ - ^ ^ ^ '' -eft 12. If the object of our investigation is to find, not the whole motion, but the motion in some particular position or the position of instantaneous rest, this method has a great advantage over earlier methods. In these, integration is almost always necessary. The general problem is worked out and the particular case deduced. Here the particular case is the easier. Thus, suppose that in the above problem it were required to find the angular velocity of the ladder just before it reaches the ground. The kinetic energy is zero at first, and the potential energy at last. Therefore the kinetic energy at last, -^m (OG^ -{■ If) oy^, must be equal to the po- tential energy at first, (viz.) mr/ . - AB. 13. A j^ci'^^t^cle is attached to the circumference of a massive cylinder, and starting from the end of a horizontal diameter pidls up another jiarticle hanging at the end of a string tuoiind round the cylinder, by making the cylinder rotate about its axis, which is liorizontal. Prove that if the former particle first readies the loiuest point the ratio of the TT masses of the pa^rticles is ^ . Here, both at first and at last the kinetic energy is zero. Hence the potential energy gained by one particle is equal to that lost by the other. But tlie cylinder turns through a right angle ; therefore the particle attached to it descends a depth equal to the radius ; while the other ascends a height equal to one-fourth of the circumference. And these spaces arc inversely as tlie masses of the particles. Therefore the masses are in the ratio of the arc of the quadrant to the radius. SYSTEMS. lo3 14. A uniform tube in the form of a common helix (screw) of mass M can move round a vertical axis coincident with one of the generating lines of its own cylinder. ^ A imr- ticle of mass m is dro2:)ped in at the top. ^ Find its velocity and the angular velocity of the tube when it has reached any 2)osition. There are two principles which will give two equations of motion. 1st, That the angular momentum of the whole about the axis of rotation must remain zero ; and, 2nd, That the kinetic energy at the end must be equal to the potential energy lost by the descent. Let the radius of the cylinder be a. Let the inclination of the curve of the screw to the vertical be a ; let « be the angular velocity of the tube at any moment, v the velocity of the particle relatively to the tube. Then its vertical velocity is v cos a, and its horizontal velocity is compounded of the velocity of the point of the helix at which it is, which is OP . co at right angles to OP; and of v sin a relatively to the helix at vhAit angles to CF. o o The figure represents a horizontal section of the cylinder of the screw, through the particle. is the axis of revolu- tion, C that of the screw, F the particle. Let /POO be called 6. Then ^OFC='^--^, and OF =■ 2a . sin - . The moment of the momentum of F about the vertical axis through is mv sin a (a - a cos 6) + m. OF^ . w. 154 CONSERVATIVE That of tlie tube is M2a^(o. Hence, by the first princij)le, d mv sin in a . a (1 - cos ^) + m^a^ sin'^ -.(o-\- M 2a^a) = 0, for initially the system was at rest. Again, the square of the velocity of P is v^ cos" a + v" sin" a + OP V + 2y sin a . OP e CO . sni The moment of inertia of the tube about the axis through is 2Ma\ Its kinetic energy is therefore Md'o}\ The total kinetic energy is J/aW + -^iv'^ -\- 4a" sin^ -, co^ + 4a sin" -vsma.co This must be equal to the loss of potential energy, which if the height fallen through by the particle be It, will be mgh. , These two equations sufifice to give v and o). 15. A square formed of four similar iiniform rods jointed freely at their ends, is laid upon a smooth horizontal table, one of its angular points being fixed ; if angular veloci- ties O, II' be communicated to the two sides containing this angle, shew that the greatest value of the angle (2(p) between them is given by the equation 5 (a -a')' Let be the fixed point. The angular velocities of OA and BG will be equal since these must remain parallel. Let this be 0). And let that oi 00 and AB be w'. SYSTEMS. 155 We will use for the solution of this the facts that the whole angular momentum round remains unchanged and that the kinetic energy remains constant. The masses of the rods are equal, and will divide out of each term in the equation. We may therefore take each as unity. Let the length of each be 2a. The angular momentum of OA is - - co. The angular momentum of AB about is equal to the angular momentum about its centre of inertia G, which is ^^^ «', tosrether with the moment of momentum of its mass, 3 o concentrated at G, about 0. Draw GM and GN perpen- dicular to ^0 and AB. Now the velocity of G is com- pounded of the velocity of A, 2aco along MG, and of its own relative velocity, aco' along GN. And the moment of the resultant momentum about any point is equal to the sum of the moments of the separate momenta. It is therefore 2a(o . 0M+ aco' . ON, or 2aw (^la + a cos 2(^5) + acd' (a + 2a cos 2.^). Hence the whole angular momentum about is 4f (o) + o)') + ''^ (o) + o)') + (« + a>') 2a' (2 -i- cos 2^), + (« + w')a'(l + 2cos2^). Now this is always equal to its initial value. But initi- ally (o was fl, w was Q! and 2(f> was a right angle. In the final circumstances Avhich the question contemplates, tlie angle 2(f> has a maximum or minimum value. Hence co and (a are equal. Equating the values of the angular momentum in these states '5a^ . o . . o ^ A /^ . ^/v /5a^ 2a) f -^- + oa' + 4a' cos 20) = (11 + ^') f -7^-+ 5a^ 156 ENERGY. Consider next the kinetic energy. That of OA is ^ «' ; that of AB is o — 0)'^ + -ia^o)^ + a^co'^ + 4(rwa)' cos 2^. o The whole will be '--,- + oa'^^ + Scro) &)' cos 2(^. The initial and final values of these also are equal. AVhence 2co' . --;; +Sco"- cos 2(^ - {n' + n'^) "., . \\ hence w' = _,^. ^, ^ (2). 10 + cos 2cf) ^ ^ Eliminating co from (1) and (2) we have the required result. 16. The following general proposition*, which is due to Clausius, is of such simple demonstration and of such value ill molecular theories, that it ought to be better known in England than it is. Let X, y, z be the coordinates of an element hn of a system not necessarily rigid. Tlien — ^hnar = llhmx -r- , dt at and j2S.^ = 2V8..f-f2VS,H(g;. cPx and Sm , .3 is the component in the direction of the axis of x, of the whole force, whether external or constraining, which acts uiiSm. Call this X, ■* I am iudobted to Professor ]Max\Yell for my iulroducliou to this subject. VIRIAL FUNCTION". 157 JsW = 22S».X.+ 228«.gt so ^ SSm/ = 2tSm Yy + 2tSm (j^J, and ~ t^mz" = 2^hnZz + ^thn Q\ . Now let A, B, C be tlie moments of inertia of the system about the axes. Then Xhn {x' + tf + z') r=:]^ {A -\- B -\- C). Adding the above equations we have -^«»{©'-(S)"-@)l- Now su^Dpose the system to be such that A+B+ (7 does not vary during the interval of time U. This will be the case if the system be at rest: and 1st, if the system be a rigid body rotating about certain fixed axes ; 2nd, if the system be a homogeneous fluid whose particles are in motion but which always occupies the same portion of space, for then any element hm which moves away from a point is replaced by another equal element ; 8rd, if the system consist of a number of molecules each moving with a periodic motion whose period is much smaller than ht ; for then the different values of x, y, z for any molecule will recur many times in the course of ht ; and in various other cases of motion. All these kinds of motion are called "stationary." For such we have The right-hand expression is twice the kinetic energy of the system ; that on the left hand Clausius proposes to call the virial function. The virial equation holds whenever 1(^ + 5+0=0. 158 ENERGY. If tlie S3rstem is at rest, then the viiial fuQctlon vanishes because Xy Y, ^separately vanish for every particle. The above equation expresses that the virial function is equal to twice the kinetic energy. The ptxrt of this function which depends on internal forces admits of being simplified. 17. Suppose the forces between any two particles at a distance r to be R, Let it be considered positive when it is repulsive. Then there are two terms in the above sum which arise from the action between two particles at j:^, y^, z^, and x^,y^_, z^ respectively. These terms are Xx^ — Xoc,,, >2 or -R -^ ' .x. + R -^ X. or R —^^- • Now r^ = {x^ - rr J' + (y. - y^ + (.?, - z^. Whence 2- [Xx + Yy -^ Zz) = -V ^Rr. If then the forces in any system are partly external, sym- bolized by X, Y, Z; and partly internal actions symbolized by R, the equation becomes - % {Xx + Yy + Zz) + - Siir = kinetic energy. The proposition will hold good for any direction and for any number of particles. If the action R between the particles is attractive the term %Rr is negative. 18. This equation is evidently of very general applica- tion. It gives, through SiiV, a measure of the internal forces in bodies, whatever the nature of these forces may be, and whether the particles of the body are at rest or in motion. Its most important application hitherto has been to the kinetic theory of gases. This is beyond our limits ; but we will shew how to apply it in one or two very simple cases. Suppose a thin ring of mass m and radins «7, composed of a number of particles, to be rotating with angular velocity VmiAL EQUATION. 159 0) in its plane about its centre. Let B be the tension. Let 8s be the arc between two adjacent particles. Then by the equation SPtSs = ma^cD^. But R is the same for all points of the ring, and SSs = ^air ; ■R _ "^^^^'^^ These equations can easily be verified by other methods. Again, suppose a network of light cords in equilibrium under any external forces A^, Y, Z acting at points x, y, z, and let T be the tension along a cord of leugth r, then EXAMPLES. 1. Prove that a flywheel of radius a rotating w^ith velocity « has in it energy enough to raise a mass equal to its own to a height — p- . 2. A cannon-ball of mass M raises by its recoil a mass M to a height of h feet. If the mass of the cannon-ball is m^ shew that its velocity of projection is — .T-^gK m' -^ J 8. A weight is attached to an elastic string which is fastened to a point. Apply the principle of energy to de- termine its motion when it falls from rest, the strmg being initially vertical and unstretched. 4. A nut slides smoothly on its screw. If this be placed in a vertical position and the nut be allowed to 1(J0 EXAMPLES. run down, prove that its angular velocity when it has descended a space h, will be (/j" + oJ^ tan'' a) in which a is the radius of the screw-cylinder, a is the in- clination of its tangent to the horizon, and k is the radius of gyration of the nut about the axis. 5. A thin uniform smooth tube of length 2a is balancing horizontally about its middle point which is fixed ; a uniform rod whose mass is - th of that of the tube and whose n length is 2a, is placed end to end in a line with the tube, and then shot into it with such a horizontal velocity that its middle point shall only just reach that of the tube; prove that if V is the velocity of projection of the rod, the an- gular velocity of the tube and rod when their middle points coincide is f >V \^ 6. A circular ring is free to move on a smooth hori- zontal plane on which it lies ; and a uniform rod has its extremities connected with and moveable on the smooth arc of the ring ; the system being set in motion on the plane, shew that the angular velocity of the rod is constant ; and describe the paths of the centres of the rod and ring. 7. A narrow smooth semicircular tube is fixed in a vertical plane w^ith its vertex upwards, and a heavy flexible string passing through it hangs at rest; shew that if the string be cut at one of the ends of the tube, the velocity which the longer portion of the string will have attained when it is just leaving the tube will be (nr/7)'' |27r-^(7r=-4) I being the length of the longer portion, and a the radius of the tube. EXAMPLES. 161 8. A particle is suspended so as to oscillate in a cycloid wliose vertex is at the lowest point ; if it begin to move from a point distant a from the lowest point measured along the curve, and the medium in which it moves give a small resistance kv^ to the acceleration, prove that before it next conies to rest energy will have been dissipated, which is —^ of its original value. o 9. A fine circular tube carrying within it a heavy par- ticle is set revolving about a vertical diameter. Shew that the difference of the squares of the absolute velocities of the particle at any two given points of the tube, equidistant from the axis, is the same for all initial velocities of the particle and the tube. 10. A rough cylinder of radius a loaded so that its centre of gravity is at a distance h from its axis is placed on a board of n times its mass w^hich can move on a smooth horizontal plane. Find the time of a small oscillation, and prove that if I be the length of the simple equivalent pendulum ?i + 1 ^ ' where h is the radius of gyration of the cylinder about a horizontal axis through its centre of gravity. 11. A mass M of fluid is running round a circular channel of radius a, with velocity u ; another equal mass is running round a channel of radius h, with velocity v ; the radius of the one channel is made to increase and the other to diminish till each has the original value of the other. Shew that the work required to produce the change is 12. A smooth thin tube in the shape of a quadrant of a circle, of radius a, is fixed in a vertical plane with its lowest radius horizontal. A heavy uniform inextensible P. G. 11 1G2 EX^^IPLES. string, of length -^ , is held wholly within the tube and then let go. Find the velocity during the subsequent motion. 13. A uniform imperfectly elastic beam, of length 2a moving parallel to itself impinges on a fixed obstacle. Prove that the kinetic energy after will be to that before impact as 3c^ + eV to 8c^ + «^ ; c being the distance from the middle point to the point of impact, and e the modulus of elasticity. 14. A plane body is struck by a blow in its own plane. Prove that the work done by the bloAV will be greater if the body be free than if a point of the body were fixed. 15. Which of the systems described in the Problems at the end of Lessons XI. and XII. are conservative ? 16. If A^ B, G be the moments of inertia round three axes at right angles of a uniform cylinder rolling with constant velocity along a plane ; prove that -^^{A + B+ C) is constant. 17. Verify the virial equation in the case of a uniform chain hanging in the common catenary. xiy. PRECESSIONAL MOTIOK", 1. We have, in these introductory Lessons, avoided the more complicated phenomena of motion. But there is one class of motions of such paradoxical appearance and such im- portant nature that we will state the phenomena and give a general explanation of their cause. Every one knows that a rapidly spinning top not only rotates about its axis but with its axis about the vertical. The explanation of the seasons depends on the fact that the earth, while rotating and revolving, keeps its axis always parallel to itself. But when its directions in successive years are compared with one another, they are found not to remain parallel but to move in a cone, pointing to different fixed stars in the course of ages, and to take nearly 26,000 years to return to the same direction. This is called the precession of the equinoxes. 2. The whole of these phenomena can be illustrated by one piece of apparatus, called Fessel's. Let i^ be a metal disc or ring which can rotate freely about the rod BA a.t the point A, but cannot move along it. is a point at which the rod is supported either by a pivot or by a long cord. Let there be means for suspending irom the other side a weight W, of such size that it can Ijalance B or overbalance it, or be overbalanced by it. Now let B be set rapidly spinning in the direction of the arrow head, and the system afterwards left to itself. And (1) let W be so placed that it exactly balanced B when all was at 11—2 1G4. EXPERIMENT. rest. Then it is found that the axis COB continues to point constantly in the same direction. In fact, if the workman- ship is so good that R will spin for some considerable time, the apparatus may be used, like Fouconlt's pendulum, to give a visible proof of the earth's daily rotation. For, as the earth rotates, the axis GOB wdiose direction is abso- lutely fixed in space appears to rotate slowly backwards. This is the case of a coin thrown up into the air and made to rotate in its own plane. The only force is that of gravity which acts through its centre of inertia. Hence it will continue to rotate about the same direction unless it is disturbed. (2) Let R overbalance W, as in the case of the common top or the gyroscopic toy, in which indeed every- thing on the left of is wanting. Then it is found that the axis GOB rotates about the vertical, so that B approaches and G recedes from us. (3) Let W overbalance R when at rest. Then it is found that in the motion GOB rotates about the vertical, so that B recedes and G approaches. From this experiment it is clear that the motion of the axis is caused by the couple due to gravity acting round a horizontal axis. In the case of the earth the couple is the attraction EXPLANATION. 165 of tlie sun on tlie protuberant parts of the earth. Were the earth a sphere there would be no process ioru The explanation of these phenomena, which we will now give, is confessedly imperfect, but on its own suppositions it is satisfactory. It is applied to the complete explanation of precession and to accurate calculation in Airy's Mathemati- cal Tracts. 3. Imagine a sphere rotating freely about a diameter AOA' with angular velocity 11, and struck by an impulsive couple which would, if the sphere were at rest, generate an angular velocity co about a perpendicular axis OB. Then the resultant angular velocity will be \/Q^^ + a)^ and the sphere will rotate about OD where tan AOD = -^. Now suppose that co is small compared with O, i. e. either that the sphere is rotating rapidly or that the impulsive couple is small. Then (^j may be neglected in comparison Avith -^ , and thus we may say that the velocity of rotation will not be altered by the blow, whereas the axis will. (That OD will lie on the same side of OA as OB will be seen by considering the resultant velocity of C.) Now let another impulsive couple act on the sphere tend- insr to cause rotation about an axis at ridit angles to OB, not 1C6 CONE IN SPACE. in the plane A OB, but so that the planes of both the couples pass through one line OK Then the body will begin to rotate about the direction OD', DD' being at right angles to the plane ODN\ and the angular velocity will be unchanged. And if a number of such impulses act one after the other, their planes all containing ON, the axis will proceed to describe a pyramid (not necessarily re-entering) in space with as vertex. But if the couples be equal and at equal intervals, the pyramid will be regular and re-entering. And again, if these impulses are numerous and small, so as to approach the case of an accelerating couple, the pyramid becomes a riii^ht circular cone, with as vertex and OiT as axis. Suppose that the impulse takes place at intervals of time ht. Then in each interval the axis describes an angle equal to AOD, i.e. to ^ . Now to complete a revolution it must cover the whole cone. Let the semivertical angle be a. To complete a revolution the axis must describe "Itt sin a. And this it will do in time 27r sin a' ' 6) 4. Such are tlie proceedings of the axis of rotation in space. If the end of each axis on the sphere were marked CONE IN THE BODY. lO*' with chalk, how would the successive marks appear when the sphere was stopped ? Suppose the sphere to be beginning to rotate about J. Let D, n be the positions in space of the ends of the next two axes ; and let R, E' be the points of the sphere which are to coiDcide with them when they become axes. Let the lines in the figure represent planes through the centre of the sphere. Then BAD is the angle through which the sphere must turn while it rotates about A ; and R'Ba must be equal to BAD and D'Da together. Now AD, DD\ &c. form an equiangular pyramid. Hence, as the sphere rotates with constant velocity, and the impulses take place at equal intervals of time, the locus of R — the successive chalk marks — will be the angular points of an equiangular polygon. If the impulses be all equal the polygon will also be equi- lateral. In the limiting: case the marks will trace out a circle on the sphere. Let its radius be p. Then AD = AB, And AB = /3 . / B'Ba in the limit And since y:r ultimately vanishes AB = pnu. Again, AD (fig. Art. 3) = ^ z AOD = i? ^^ , in which B denotes the radius of the sphere ; therefore p^U = ^Ty and p = B ^2gT • 168 PHECESSIONAL The time in which the instantaneous axis passes through all these positions in the sphere is-^y > i*®. the same as one complete revolution of the sphere. This latter circle is there- fore a very small one, and very quickly described compared with that which its centre describes in space. 5. "We have considered a sphere, in order that every axis might be a permanent axis of rotation. For if an axis of rotation is not a principal one the forces introduced by the motion tend themselves to alter the axis. Happily in the important case of motion this supposition is not far wrong. The earth is itself very nearly a sphere, and 12 is so large compared with co that the circle described on the surface by the locus of the end of the real axis of rotation is exceedingly small (a few feet in radius), and may for all purposes be neglected. The momental ellipsoid of a top is not so nearly a sphere. It is an oblate spheroid. But here again the rotation is so fast that the true axis is never far from the axis of figure, and the centrifugal or other effective forces of motion have never any effect that would interfere with the above reason- ing. If the rotation is not fast the wobbling which sets in shews that the axis of rotation is far from the axis of figure. We see, then, that a top or the sphere described above is not in general rotating about its axis of figure, but about a not principal axis very close to it. This goes through its various positions in the course of a single revolution of the body, and the axis which is the mean of all these describes in space a cone of finite size. EXAMPLES. 1. A perfectly balanced gyroscope is rotating Avith given angular velocity ; supposing it to be acted on by a small constant couple in a vertical plane through its axis, find the precession. MOTION. 169 2. Prove tliat the finite couple corresponding to « in Art. 3 is ^- , A being the moment of inertia of the sphere about an axis through the centre. 3. Assuming that the polar axis of the earth changes its direction by 20*5" every year, and that the angle (a) between the poles of the ecliptic and equator is 23J degrees ; find the time which the polar axis takes to complete a revo- lution in space. 4. Find the radius of the circle in which the axis of rotation cuts the surface of the earth. (Radius of earth is nearly 4000 miles.) 5. What time does it take to describe this circle ? 6. A top of mass m, whose centre of gravity is distant h from its vertex, and whose radius of gyration about an axis through the vertex at right angles to its axis of figure is k, is rotatinof with its axis inclined at a to the vertical. Prove that CO gh sin a It ^ ¥ • 7. Assuming that the rotation will be always about an axis very near the axis of figure, prove that if the axis of the top is observed to make a complete revolution about the ver- tical in time T, the angular velocity of the top is ghT XV. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 1. The complete analytical solution of a physical pro- blem depends in general on that of a differential equation. And each physical science depends in general on equations of a particular type. It is therefore necessary for the student of a department like the present to have a working ac- quaintance with the class of equations peculiar to it. Hap- pily this is easily acquired. A little practice, without systematic study of a treatise on Differential Equations, is all that is necessary. The solution of Differential Equations being a reverse process is to some extent guess work. A knowledge of the nature of the result seldom fails to suggest its form. In the following brief notes on differential equations, which have been put together chiefly for reference, the student must not expect a regular exposition of the subject, but must be content to assume some of the principles and solutions. 2. Many of the differential equations which present themselves to the student of Rigid Dynamics are not capable of complete solution. Those which are soluble, are mostly of the class called "linear with constant coefficients"; i.e. in which the differential coefficients and the dependent variable appear only in the first power, and with constant coefficients. Here are some of the most common. (1) ^^ + ax=bf{t). PROPERTIES. 171 (3) S-.4f...=o The order of a differential equation is the order of the highest differential coefficient which occurs in it. The complete solution of a differential equation must contain as many arbitrary constants as the number which expresses the order of the equation. For a differential equation is formed by eliminating the constants in an ordi- nary equation from the results of successive differentiations. We can see that the solution of a physical problem requires such constants; for, taking the case of pendulum motion, all such bodies move after one law, but the velocity or position of any one at any time will depend on the velocity and position at starting. Hence in physical problems the arbitrary constants are determined from the circumstances of the motion being known in some one position or at some one time. Thus equations of the form (1) contain one constant, of (2) two constants, and of (3) two each. Linear differential equations have farther these properties. (1) If the order is n, the addition of n independent values of .r, each with an arbitrary constant, gives the com- plete solution. For it satisfies all the conditions of a complete solution. (2) That part of the solution which contains the arbi- trary constants is the same for all equations having the same terms involving the dependent variable and its dif- ferential coefficients. Thus the solution of (2) is found from that of by adding any particular value of x (without arbitrary constants) which makes If'^^di^^^ equal to cf[t). 1/2 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. Lastly, every particular solution of a differential equa- tion corresponds to a possible motion or other physical condition. 3. First form. j^+ax = lf{t). Multiplying by e"^ Integrating cce''' = A-\-hJG'''f{t)dt (1). The following are important cases : / \ dx The solution is x = Ae ■at dx (/5) --J- + ax = h sin nt. The part of the solution involving the constant is ic = ^e""'. For the second part we remark that x = p sin nt + q cos nt will satisfy the equation provided p and q be properly determined. To secure this, differentiate and substitute; then dm + qa) cos nt + {im — qn) sin nt = h sin nt If these are identical, p7i + qa = 0] pa — qn = h\ whence the solution is X = Ae'"* + -5 o (a sin nt — n cos nt). n' + a ^ The solution might have been obtained from (1) by remembering that Jc"' sin nt dt is of the form e"' {p sin nt + q cos nt). SOLUTIONS. 17o The first part {Ae'""') of the solution indicates a gradually diminishing or (if a be negative) increasing motion ; the second indicates a motion of oscillation superimposed on this. 4. Second form. Consider first g+„J+ J,; =,/(<). S+4>^-« it is clear that x = Ae"^* will satisfy it if m^ + am + Z» = 0, Let 7?ij, iy\ be the roots of this quadratic. Then the solution is x^^Ae'^'^^ + Be'''^*. : If the roots of the quadratic are impossible, and of the form a±l3j-l, the solution is x = e^ {A cos ^i-\-B sin ^t) . For the particular value that must be added when cfif) is not zero, we must in general depend on happy thoughts. The rules are. too long to be given here for all the cases. The following are important : Solution. w=Ae"'^Be-'". Solution. x^A(io^{nt^B) or A^mni^ Bo^o^rd, (7) "^j^ + '^^ ~ ^ ^^^ ^® expressed i(«-a-''(-5)-°- C^) -^ + w^^ = a sin mi. 174 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. The solution of at And it is clear that a; =^ sin 7nt will make -7,5, + n^x = a sin mf, at if p have the right value. To determine p, differentiate J) sin mt twice and substitute. Then ~ pm^ + 7i^p = a ; whence « = -^ :, , and the complete solution is ^ n — m X = .4e"' + Be-""' + ^-^72 sin mt The equation (/3) indicates a motion of oscillation whose central point is the origin, and whose period is — -; (7) indi- n cates a similar motion with the central point at a distance a ti from the origin. 5. Equations of the form (3) are in general the ex- pression of co-existent oscillations, and the coefiQcients v/ill be such as give a solution in sines and cosines. d^x , dy . ^ "1 d'y , ,dx .r ^ j Assume x = A sin (iit + B), 9/ = A' con {nt + B), It is evident that these will satisfy the equations, if A, A' be suitably determined. To do this, dif{:erentiatc and sub- stitute - Atv" - Ana + hA = 0} -A'n'''^cuiA-\-h'A' = 0i' SOLUTIONS. 175 A' From these the ratio . is found, and also a quadratic for n\ Let the vakies of n^ be ??^^ r?/. Suppose them positive. And suppose A' = /ji^A. Then x = A^ sin {nj; + B,) + A^ sin (n.jt + ^,), y = fiAj^ cos (Wj^ 4- B^) + /i,^2 ^^s (^^-Z + -^2)- In this ?i,, 7?2 and /i have definite values ; A^, A^, B^, B^ depend on the initial circumstances. As there are here four constants no extension of generality is gained by taking the roots —n^, — n^ of the biquadratic for ?i. The solution indicates that there are two independent oscillations going on together in x, and two also in y. If the values of ri^ are not positive, x and y will involve exponentials. 6. "When the Differential Equations, at which we arrive by eliminating unknown forces, are not completely in- tcgrable, they can frequently be integrated once. The equation is of constant occurrence, especially in problems of sliding triction. Assume i-j,] — lz\ ^^^"^ dt ' df ~ dt ' d'O dz ^^^ ^dJ^-de' The equation may therefore be written J+2/(6). = <^(e). Multiplying by e-ff^^'^'^^, both sides become perfect in- tegrals. Integrating, ^e^//(^)^^ = A +/(/)(6')e^//(^>'^^ . d9. 176 EXAMPLES. EXAMPLES. 1. What kind of motion is indicated by the equation x—ct sin nt ? 2. Of what differential equation is x^at-^- Ae""^ the solution ? Solve the following equations : dx , . 3. -r- -{■ ax = oe . at . (Fx _ cZic . „ d^x ^dx . df dt d^x „ G. -TT + ri^^ = « cos 7h/. - dx ^1 7. 5i + «^ = 0| J 8. -^^+"^ = dv -^; + «a? = c sm mt dt Prove that the equations represent an oscillatory motion. C 177 ) MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS, 1. A rigid body in wliicli A, B, C are three points, moves so that these come into the positions a, h, c. Aa, Bh, Co being very small spaces given in magnitude and direction, find the motion of translation and of rotation of the body. 2. A flywheel is driven by a piston acting on a crank alternately up and down with a force P; find the limits between which the velocity varies. 3. If a mass is animated by simultaneous velocities, its moment of momentum about any axis is equal to the sum of the moments of the separate momenta about that axis. How does this appear ? 4. A lamina rotating in its plane about its centre of inertia is suddenly brought to rest by sticking a two-pronged fork into it. Shew (1) that the impulses on the prongs are equal, (2) that they are of the same magnitude wherever the fork is stuck in. 5. A w^heel of which an axle projecting on each side forms a part, is supported in a vertical plane by having the axle on each side resting on a pair of friction wheels each of which is just like the first wheel and is similarly sup- ported, and so on indefinitely; compare the inertia of the whole system in relation to a rotation of the first wheel Avith that of the first wheel alone. 6. A pendulum performs small oscillations in a medium of which the resistance varies as the square of the velocity ; given the number of oscillations in which the arc of oscilla- tion is reduced one half, compare the original resistance with the weight of the pendulum. P. G. 12 178 MISCELLANEOUS 7. Shew that when the centre of gravity of any system of material particles in motion passes through a point of contrary flexure, the momentum of the system is in general a maximum or minimum, and the resultant of the effective forces is zero. 8. Two points B, C oi s. circular ring moveable in its own plane about its centre are connected with a fixed point A by elastic strings the natural length of each of which is equal to the shortest distance c, between A and the ring. Supposing the ring turned through any angle and let go, calculate the motion and shew that the time of a small -^ J , where m is the mass of the ring, and \ the modulus of elasticity of the string. 9. A uniform bar of length 2a is suspended hori- zontally by two parallel strings each of length I attached at distances c from the middle point. It receives a small angular disturbance so that it oscillates about a vertical axis. Prove that it makes small oscillations in the same time as a simple pendulum of length -^ . oC 10. Prove that if any straight line (taken to be the axis of z) is a principal axis at some point (not necessarily , ... Xhuyz ^Smxz the orio^in) — =^— = - — ^ — . "^ ' y X 11. A uniform rod of length 2a has its ends on two straight lines meeting at right angles in a point 0, and makes an angle with one of them. Every point of the rod is attracted to the point with a force .. y. Prove that if p be the distance of an element of mass v^p from the middle point of the rod p sin lOciedp {p' + a' - 'lap 12. A uniform revolving rod the centre of gravity of which is initially at rest, moves in a plane under the action uf a constant force in the direction of its length ; prove that 2 KXd. + Yd, + Zd.) = 2,.. j_^ / , ^^^^ _ ^^ J^, PROBLEMS. 179 the square of the radius of curvature of the path of the rod's centre of gravity varies as the versed-sine of the angle through which the rod has revolved at the end of any time from the beginning of the motion. 13. A particle is attached by a string to the end of a rod n times as long as the string, which rotates in a given manner about the other end; the whole motion taking place in a horizontal plane. If 6 be the inclination of the rod and string, and &> the angular velocity of the rod at the time t, prove that 14. A uniform circular disc, whose upper surface is im- perfectly rough, rests on a smooth horizontal table. A par- ticle is tied by a stretched inextensible string to the centre and then projected along the disc at right angles to the string. Prove that the particle will come to rest on the disc before the strinsf becomes slack. ^& 15. A Catharine wheel is constructed by rolling a thin casing of powder several times round the circumference of a circular disc of radius a. If the wheel burn for a time T, and the powder be fired off with relative velocity V along the circumference, shew that the angle turned through by the wheel will be niii clo-fl-f-^)|, where 2c is the ratio of the masses of the disc and powder. The casing is supposed so thin that the distance of all the powder from the centre of the disc is a. ( l^->0 ) SUGGESTIONS AND RESULTS FOE, THE EXAMPLES AND PROBLEMS. I. Page 10. (3) The unit of angular velocity is when the unit of cir- cular measure is described in one second. (4) The earth rotates once in 28 hours oG minutes (nearly). (7) At a distance — from the axis of the paddle-wheel. (8) The reasoning is given in Lesson li. Art. 4. (9) The cylinder fixed in space becomes a plane. (10) The focus is at the instantaneous centre. (11) The velocities of P and Q are proportional to their distance from the intersection of ^P and JJQ. XL Page 18. (3) The points of contact are moving with the same velocity. (4) It has one rotation round the vertical axis and another round the line of contact with the table. (6) and (7) These appear from the identity of the laws for the composition of forces, and those for the composition of anovular velocities. NOTES ON THE EXAMPLES. 181 III. Page 84. (2) With a velocity represented by BB\ (3) Round a horizontal axis inclined to the line of CO wickets at tan - . CO (4) Diminishes. (8) li V, (a be the acceleration of the centre and the angular acceleration, the force required will be that found in the Example Art. 9; and also a horizontal force hm {;o + ad)). TV. Page 48. (2) The centre of inertia is fixed. (3) 30,000; 300,000. (4) With constant velocity in a straight line. (5) Any function of the forms or the sum of such terms. (6) On the whole hoop; the effective force is horizontal, and is mass of hoop x ^ ; the couple is mass . d' . co. On the part AB; the force acts at G, and is compounded of m.CG. co' along GO, mv horizontally, and m.CG.co ^t right angles to GC. The couple is c6 (moment of inertia about G) and v = aco. (7) Calling the centre of inertia of AB, G; the accelera- tion of G relatively to A along GA is co" . b. That of A is compounded of o)\2a along AG and ~^. 2a at right angles to A 0. Hence the acceleration of A measured along BA is 182 NOTES ON THE 6)" . 2a COS (h ,- . 2a sin 6. The whole acceleration of G at ^ along BA is o)"^b + &)^2a cos — ^1.' 2a sin (^. y. Page 58. (2) The angular momentum remains constant while the moment of inertia diminishes. (4) Vertically downwards. (5) The angular momentum about the instantaneous centre remains constant, (7) The direction of the string must pass through the centre of inertia. (8) (Second part). There has been no external force, and therefore all will come to rest again. (9) He increases the angular momentum of projection. (10) The angular and linear momenta do not alter in the interval between the blows. (12) Yes. By swinging his arm round in a horizontal plane. VI. PageGG. (5) The only two bodies are a particle and a straight od. n (7) The side, its perpendicular bisector and the normal to the plane. (8) See Art. G. EXAMPLES. 183 (10) An axis parallel to an edge. (16) «^. VII. Page 71. (3) ^"^^i^ + i^Ti^a). YIII. Page 80. (6) The moment of inertia must be greatest. IX. Page 87. 4 (1) A force equal to the weight of 44 - lbs. o (2) Neglecting the square of -r , the tension is lb (5) If V be the velocit}^ just before striking, and the angle just found be called a, the couple will be , ^ Fsin a. AC mass AC X ^ . X. Page 99. (1) Because the long rod takes longer to fall. (4) Let V be the velocity of the plate, and 2a the edge of the cube. Then the cube will begin to rise up about its 3V edge with angula.r velocity ^—, oci (5) See Art. 6. (6) The distance of each from the fixed axis ddpends on the moment of the resultant effective couple. 184 NOTES ON THE (13) If be the fixed point, OA tlie rod, P the point where the blow is struck, Q the required point, G the middle point of QA^ 0A' = 2.0P.AQ.0a. XI. Page 114. (2) The lengtli of the rod being 2a, and the angle it makes with the vertical at first being a ; the angular velocity when the angle with the vertical becomes 6 is the square root „ 6g cos ^— cos a m . n •. • X- of -^.-= ^ ■ ■■ ,, . ihe centre oi gravity moves m a verti- cal straight line. (5) The angular momentum about that edge is un- chansred. o (6) First find the value of the pressure at one end. The motion is the same as that of a compound pendulum. (7) Prove that the pressure never vanishes. (12) The ball starts forwards with four-sevenths of the velocity of the centre of the wheel. It remains in contact with the rim and rolls off backwards, leaving the wheel when its direction from the centre makes an angle with the vertical whose cosine is ^V- -^10 + -= — ; ^i^r , V heincr the velocity 17 [ 7 (j{r + B)) ' * -^ of the wheel and r, R the radii of the ball and wheel. XIL Page 187. (1) Consider each as acted on by an impulsive friction, and take moments for each about its centre. (3) Ths external force is {m + ni)g, (4) The angular momentum about the instantaneous centre of the bar remains zero. (12) At the moment of greatest compression the velocity of the ball and of the point it touches resolved along the nor- mal are equal. EXAMPLES. 185 (17) Displace the system, keeping and P fixed. Or take moments for AB about A and for the whole system about 0. (19) Use the method of virtual velocities and give the natural displacement. (22) There is no rotation. XIII. Page 159. (3) Supposing m the mass, a the unstretched length of the string, x the distance from the point of suspension, and taking the point of suspension as the origin, the potential energy due to the tension is I Tdoc, and that due to gravity is — mgx. Whence ^ mv^ -i-XJ- — ^ dx - mgx = - mga, X being the modulus of elasticity. (6) The common centre of inertia will move in a straight line with uniform velocity ; and the centres of the ring and rod will describe circles relatively to it. (11) The angular momentum of each remains constant, and the work goes to increase or diminish the kinetic energy. (12) Observe that the velocities of all points of the string are at any moment equal. XIY. Page 168. (1) If L be the couple and A the moment of inertia ; the axis will rotate about the vertical in time ^ . (3) The true time is 25,868 years. Take sin 23J° to be •41.' (4) Nearly four feet. (5) One day. P. G. 13 186 NOTES ON THE XY. Page 17G. (1) Oscillations of an increasing magnitude and constant period about the same central point. (2) -^-mx = a(l — mt). (3) x = Ae-'' + (b-a)e\ (4) x = Ae' + Be'' (5) The additional terms must be of the form p + qt (6) X = A sin 7it +5 cos nt + —. ^ cos mt (8) Differentiating the second and substituting for -^ from the first, we find -tX — a Y^ = c sm mt, dt dt the solution of which is y = A + Be"'"'^ + p sm 7nt + q cos mt, in which A and B are arbitrary while p and q can be found by differentiating and substituting. (9) Solve as in Art. 5. MISCELLANEOUS PROBLEMS. (1) If a direction can be found along which the com- ponents of Au, Bb, Cc are all equal this will be the direction of translation. To this end, from any point draw Oa, Oh\ Oc parallel and proportional to them, and on these as diame- ters describe spheres. If these intersect in p, Op is the re- quired direction. (2) The variation of kinetic energy is equal to the variation of the potential energy. (3) It follows from the parallelogram law. EXAMPLES. 187 (5) The angular velocities diminish in geometrical pro- gression. (10) Suppose it is a principal axis at a distance c from the origin. Using the symbols of Lesson viil. Art. 2, we must have Xdmzr cos {0 — a) = 0, Xdmzr sin (6 — a) = 0. (11) X^x + YSy -\-Ztz for one element is ^ . Sr ; and the variation of r is due to the displacement of the whole body. (13) Resolve at right angles to the string, and introduce the expressions for relative acceleration. (15) The whole angular momentum is constant. THE END. CAMBEIDGE: PRINTED BT C. J. CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVEKSIIT PKESS. September, 1874. A Catalogue of Educational Booics, Published by Macmillan and Co., Bedford Street^ Strand^ London, CLASSICAL. iEschyluS.— THE EUMENIDES. The Greek Text, with Intro- duction, English Notes, and Verse Translation. By Bernard Drake, M.A., late Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. 8vo. 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Wolstenholme.— A BOOK OF mathematical PROBLEMS, on Subjects included in the Cambridge Course. By Joseph Wolstenholme, Fellow of Christ's College, some- time Fellow of St. John's College, and lately Lecturer in Mathe- matics at Christ's College. Crown 8vo. cloth. Si'. 6d. '* Judicious^ symmetrical^ and well arranged^— Guardian. SCIENCE. ELEMENTARY CLASS-BOOKS. It is the intention of the Publishers to produce a com- plete series of Scientific Manuals, affording full and ac- curate elementary information, conve)^ed in clear and lucid English. The authors are well known as among the foremost men of their several departments ; and their names form a ready guarantee for the high character of the books. Subjoined is a list of those Manuals that have already appeared, with a short account of each. Others are in active preparation ; and the whole will constitute a standard series specially adapted to the requirements of be- ginners, whether for private study or for school instruction. ASTRONOMY, by the Astronomer Royal. POPULAR ASTRONOMY. With Illustrations. By SlR G. B. Airy, K.C.B., Astronomer Royal. New Edition. i8mo. cloth. dfS. 6d. Six lectures^ intended " to explain to intelligent persons the principles on which the instruments of an Observatory are constructed^ and the principles on which the observations 7nade with these instruments are treated for deduction oj the distances and iveights of the bodies of the Solar System.''^ ASTRONOMY. ELEMENTARY LESSONS IN ASTRONOMY. With Coloured Diagram of the Spectra of the Sun, Stars, and Nebuloe, and numerous Illustrations. By J. Norman Lockyer, F.R.S. New Edition. i8mo. ^s. ()d. " Full, clear, sound ^ and worthy of attention, not only as a popular expo- sition, but as a scientific 'Index.''' — Athen^.um. *' The 7nost fasci- nating of elementary books on the Sciences.'' — NONCONFORMIST. SCIENCE, 17 Elementary Class- Books — cofitirmed. QUESTIONS ON LOCKYER'S ELEMENTARY LESSONS IN ASTRONOMY. For the Use of Schools. By JOHN FORBES- RoBERTSON. i8mo. cloth limp. is. 6d. PHYSIOLOGY. LESSONS IN ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY. With numerous Illustrations. By T. H. Huxley, F.R.S., Professor of Natural Flistory in the Royal School of Mines. New Edition. i8mo. cloth. 4^'. 6d. ** Pure gold throughotU. " — Guardian. " Unquestionably the clearest and most complete elc77ientary treatise on this subject that we possess in any language." — Westminster Review. QUESTIONS ON HUXLEY'S PHYSIOLOGY FOR SCHOOLS. By T. Alcock, M.D. i8mo. is. 6d. BOTANY. LESSONS IN ELEMENTARY BOTANY. By D. Oliver, F.R.S., F.L.S., Professor of Botany in University College, London. With nearly Two Hundred Illustrations. New Edition. iSmo. cloth. 4J-. (>d. CHEMISTRY. LESSONS IN ELEMENTARY CHEMISTRY, INORGANIC AND ORGANIC. By Henry E. Roscoe, F.R.S., Professor of Chemistry in Owens College, Manchester. With numerous Illus- trations and Chromo-Litho of the Solar Spectrum, and of the Al- kalies and Alkaline Earths. New Edition. i8mo. cloth. 4^.6^. " As a standard general text-book it deserves to take a leading place." — Spectator. '* IVe unhesitatingly pronounce it the best of all our elementary treatises on Chemistry." — MEDICAL TiMES. POLITICAL ECONOMY. POLITICAL ECONOMY FOR BEGINNERS. By Millicent G. Fawcett. New Edition. i8mo, 2s. 6d. ** Clear, compact, and comprehensive.''' — Daily News. " The relations of capital and labour have never been more simply or more clearly expounded." —Co^T'E.yivo'SiXKV Review. LOGIC. ELEMENTARY LESSONS IN LOGIC ; Deductive and Induc- tive, with copious Questions and Examples, and a Vocabulary of Logical Terms. By W. Stanley Jevons, M. A., Professor of Logic in Owens College, Manchester. New Edition. i8mo. 3^. 6d. *■'■ Nothing can be better for a school-book." — Guardian. ''■\A inanual alike simple, interesti^tg, and scientific." — AtheN/CUM. PHYSICS. LESSONS IN ELEMENTARY PHYSICS. By Balfour Stewart, F.R.S., Professor of Natural Philosophy in Owens College, Manchester. With numerous Illustrations and Chromo- B i8 EDUCATIONAL BOOKS. Elementary Class- Books — continued. liths of the Spectra of the Sun, Stars, and Ncbulse. New Edition. iSino. 4J". 6;/. " The beau ideal of a scientific text-hook, clear, accurate, and thorough." Kducational 7"xmes. PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY. THE OWENS COLLEGE JUNIOR COURSE OF PRAC- TICAL CHEMISTRY. By Francis Jones, Chemical Master in the Grammar School, Manchester. With I'reface by Professor RoscoE. With Illustrations. New Edition. i8mo. is. bd. ANATOMY. LESSONS IN ELEMENTARY ANATOMY. By St. George MiVART, F.R.S., Lecturer in Comparative Anatomy at St. Mary's Hospital. With upwards of 400 Illustrations. iSmo. 6s. 6d. "// may be questioned ivhethcr any other work on Anatomy contains in like compass so proportionately great a mass ofinformatioii." — La ncet. " The ivork is excellent, and should be in the hands of every student of human anatomy.'"- — Medical Times. STEAM.— AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE. By John Perry, Bachelor of Engineering, Whit worth Scholar, etc., late Lecturer in Physics at Clifton College. With numerous Woodcuts and Numerical Examples and Exercises. iSmo. 4.*-. 6c/. MANUALS FOR STUDENTS. Flower (W. H.)— an introduction to the oste- OLOGY OF THE MAMMALIA. Being the substance of the Course of Lectures delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England in 1870. By W. H. Flower, F.R.S., F.R.C.S., Hunterian Professor of Comparative Anatomy and Physiology, With numerous Illustrations. Globe 8vo. ']s. 6d. Hooker (Dr.)— THE STUDENT'S FLORA OF THE lUUTISH ISLANDS. By J. D. IIoo^cer, C.B., F.R.S., M.D., D.C.L., President of tlie Royal Society. Globe 8vo. icy. td. ** Cannot fail to perfectly fulfil the purpose for zohich it is intended^ — Land and Water. — " Containing the fullest and most accurate ■manual of the kind that has yd appeared:'— YhiA. Mall Gazette. Oliver (Professor).— FIRST BOOK OF INDIAN botany. By Daniel Oliver, F.R.S., F.L.S., Keeper of the Herbarium and Library of the Royal Gardens, Kew, and Professor of Botany in University College, London. W^ith numerous Illustrations. Extra fcap. 8vo. ds. 6d. *' It contains a 7i'ell-digested summary of all essential knoioledge pertain- ing to Indian botany, ivrought oict in accordance -anth the best pritu-ifles of scientific arram^ement:' — Allen's Indian Mail. Othet volumes of these Manuals will follow. SCIENCE. 19 NATURE SERIES. THE SPECTROSCOPE AND ITS APPLICATIONS. By J. Norman Lockyer, F.R.S. With Coloured Plate and numerous illustrations. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. 3^. 6^. THE' ORIGIN AND METAMORPHOSES OF INSECTS, By Sir John Lubbock, M. P. , F. R. S. With numerous Illustrations. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. 3^. (>d. " We can most cordially recommend it to young naturalists.^^ — Athe- N^UM. THE BIRTH OF CHEMISTRY. By G. F. Rod well, F.R.A.S., F.C.S., Science Master in Marlborough College. With numerous Illustrations. Crown 8vo. 3^. dd. " We can cordially recommend it to all Students of Chemistry. '^ — Chemical News. THE TRANSIT OF VENUS. By G. Forbes, M.A., Professor of Natural Philosophy in the Andersonian University, Glasgow. Illustrated. Crown Svo. 3J. 6^. Other volumes to follcnv. Ball (R. S., A.M,)~EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS. A Course of Lectures delivered at the Royal College of Science for Ireland. By R. S. Ball, A.M., Professor of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics in the ^Royal College of Science for Ireland. Royal Svo. i6j. Clodd.— THE CHILDHOOD OF THE WORLD: a Simple Account of Man in Early Times. By Edward Clodd, F.R.A.S. Third Edition. Globe Svo. 3^. Also a Special Edition for Schools. iSmo. \s. Professor Max Muller, in a letter to the Author, says: ''I read yoicr book with great pleasure. I have no doubt it imll do f^ood, and I hope you will continue your zvork. Nothing spoils our temper so mjich as having to tmlearn in youth, manhood, and even old age, so many things which we luere taught as children. A book like yours will prepare a far better soil in the child's miftd, and I zms delighted to have it to read to my children.''^ Cooke (Josiah P., Jun.)— FIRST PRINCIPLES OF CHEMICAL PHILOSOPHY. liy Josiah P. Cooke, Jun., Ervine Professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy in Harvard College. Third Edition, Revised and Corrected. Crown Svo. \2s. Thorpe (T. E.)_A series OF CHEMICAL PROBLEMS, for use in Colleges and Schools. Adapted for the preparation of Students for the Government, Science, and Society of Arts Ex- aminations. With a Preface by Professor Ro.'^coE. iSmo. cloth. \s. Key. \s. B 2 20 EDUCATIONAL BOOKS. SCIENCE PRIMERS FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. The necessity of commencing the teaching of Science in Schools at an early stage of the pupil's course has now become generally recog- nized, and is entorced in all Schools under Government inspection. For the purpose of facilitating the introduction of Science Teaching into Elementary Schools, Messrs. Macmillan are now publishing a New Series of Science Primers, under the joint Editorship of Professors Huxley, Roscoe, and Balfour Stewart. The object of these Primers is to convey information in such a manner as to make it both intelligible and interesting to pupils in the most elementary classes. They are clearly printed on good paper, and illustrations are given whenever they are necessary to the proper understanding of the text. The following are just published : — PRIMER OF CHEMISTRY. By H. E. Roscoe, Professor of Chemistry in Owens College, Manchester. iSmo. is. Third Edition. PRIMER OF PHYSICS. By Balfour Stewart, Professor of Natural Philosophy in Owens College, Manchester. i8mo. \s. Third Edition. PRIMER OF PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. By Archibald Gkikie, F.R. S., Murchison-Professor of Geology and Mineralogy at Edinburgh. Second Edition. i8mo, is. Everyone ought to knew something about the air we breathe and the earth we live 7tpon, and about the relations between them; and in this little work the author tvishes to shoiu what sort of questions may be put about some of the chief parts of the book ofnattcre, and especially about tvjo op them — the Air and the Earth. The divisions of the book are as follozvs :—The Shape of the Earth— Day and Night— The Air— The Circulation of Water on the Land — The Sea — The^ Inside of the Earth. PRIMER OF GEOLOGY. By Professor Geikie, F.R.S. With numerous Illustrations. Second Edition. iSmo. cloth, is. In these Primers the authors have aimed , not so much to give inforina- tioHy as to endeavour to discipline the mind in a xuay which has not hithei'to been custojuary, by b}-itiging it into immediate contact ivith Nature herself. For this purpose a series of sitnple experiments (to be performed by the teacher) has been devised, leading up to the chief truths of each Science. Thus the power of observation in the pupils will be awakened and strengthe?ied. Each Man^ial is copiously illustrated, and appended are lists of all the necessary apparatus, zoith prices, and directions as to hon.v they may be obtained. Professor Huxley's introduc- tory volume has been delayed through the illness of the author, but it is now expected to appear very shortly. " They are wonderfully clear atui lucid in their instruction, simple in style, and admirable in plan.''' — Educational Times. MISCELLANEOUS. 21 Science Primers — co7itinucd. PRIMER OF PHYSIOLOGY. By Michael Foster, M.D., F.R. S. With numerous Illustrations. i8mo. \s. In preparatio7i : — INTRODUCTORY. By Professor Huxley. PRIMER OF BOTANY. By Dr. Hooker, C.B., F.R.S. PRIMER OF ASTRONOMY. By J. Norman Lockyer, F.R.S. MISCELLANEOUS. Abbott.— A SHAKESPEARIAN GRAMMAR. An Attempt to illustrate some of the Differences between Elizabethan and Modern English. By the Rev. E. A. Abbott, M. A., Head Master of the City of London School. For the Use of Schools. New and Enlarged Edition. Extra fcap. 8vo. 6s. "A critical inquiry, conducted ivith great skill and knowledge^ and zuith all the appliances of modern philology .... We venture to believe that those who consider themselves most proficient as Shakespearians will find something to learn from its pages.'" — Pall Mall Gazette. " Valuable not 07tly as an aid to the critical study of Shakespeare, but as tending to familiarize tlu reader with Elizabethan English in gener-al.^'' — Athen^um. Barker. — FIRST LESSONS IN THE PRINCIPLES OF COOKING. By Lady Barker. i8mo. \s. ^' An unpretending but invaluable little work .... The plan is admirable in its completeness and simplicity ; it is hardly possible that anyone who can read at all can fail to understand the practical lessons on bread and beef, fish and vegetables ; while the explanation of the chemical composition of our food must be intelligible to all who possess sufficient education to follow the argtcment, in which thefeivest possible technical terms are used.'''' — SPECTATOR. Berners.— FIRST LESSONS ON HEALTH. By J. Ber- NERS. iSmo. IS. Third Edition, Besant. — STUDIES IN EARLY FRENCH POETRY. By Walter Besant, M.A. Crown 8vo. Sj. dd. '* In one moderately sized volume he has contrived to introdttce us to the very best, if not to all of the early French poets.''— K-YYiY^iimjUL. ''In- dustry, the insight of a scholar, and a gemmie enthusiasm for his subject, combine to make it of very considerable value." — Spectator. Breymann.— A FRENCH GRAMMAR BASED ON PHI- LOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES. By Hermann Breymann, Ph.D., Lecturer on French Language and Literature at Owens College, Manchester. Extra fcap. 8vo. 4^. dd. *' We dismiss the work with every expression of satisfaction. It can- not fail to be taken into use by all schools which endeavour to make the 2 2 EDUCA2I0NAL BOOKS, study of French a means towards the higher cuUiirey — Educational Times. ^^ A good, sound, valuable philological grajnmar. The author presents the pupil by his method and by detail, with an enormous amount of informatio7i about French not usually to be found in grammars, and the information is all of it of real practical value to the student who really wants to know French well, and to understand its spirit . . . At tJu end a long chapter called ' Reasons and Illustrations ' forms an exceedingly interesting and valuable dissertation 7ipo?i French philo- Z^^/."— School Board Chronicle. Calderwood.— HANDBOOK of moral PHILOSOniY. By the Rev. Henry Calderwood, LL.l)., Professor of Moral Philosophy, University of Edinburgh. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. 6s. " A compact and useful work .... will be an assistance to many students outside the author'' s own University.'^ — Guardian. Deiamotte.— A BEGINNER'S drawing book. By p. H. Delamotte, F.S.A. Progressively arranged. New Edition, improved. Crown 8vo. 3^-. 6d. '* We have seen and exa?nined a great many drazving-books, but the one now before us strikes us as being the best of them all." — Illustrated Times. ^* A concise, simple, and thoroughly practical zvork. The letterpress is throughout intelligible and to the poitit." — Guardian. Goldsmith. — the traveller, or a Prospect of Society; and THE DESERTED VILLAGE. By Oliver Goldsmith. With Notes Philological and Explanatory, by J. W. Hales, M. A. Crown 8vo. (>d. Green.— A history of the English people. By the Rev. J. R. Green, M.A. For the use of Colleges and Schools. Crown 8vo. Hales. — longer English poems, with Notes, Philological and Explanatory, and an Introduction on the T*eaching of English. Chiefly for use in Schools. Edited by J. W. Hales, M.A., late Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Christ's College, Cambridge, Lecturer in English Literature and Classical Composition at King's College School, London, &c. &c. Extra fcap. 8vo. ^. 6d. Helfenstein (James).— a COMPARATIVE GRAMMAR OF THE TEUTONIC LANGUAGES. Being at the same time a Historical Grammar of the English Language, and comprising Gothic, Anglo-Saxon, Early English, Modern English, Icelandic (Old Norse), Danish, Swedish, Old High German, Middle High German, Modern German, Old Saxon, Old Frisian, and Dutch. By James Helfenstein, Ph.D. 8vo. i8j. Hole.— A GENEALOGICAL STEMMA OF THE KINGS OF ENGLAND AND FRANCE. By the Rev. C. Hole. On Sheet. IS. MISCELLANEOUS. 23 Jephson. — SHAKESPEARE'S "TEMPEST." With Glossarial and Explanatory Notes. By the Rev. J. M. Jephson. Second Edition. i8mo. is, Kington-Oliphant.— THE SOURCES OF STANDARD ENGLISH. By J. Kington-Oliphant. Extra fcap. 8vo. ds. " Mr.piipkant^s look is, to our 7?iind, one of the ablest and most scholarly contributions to our standard English we have seen for many years. . . . The arrangei)ient of the ivork and its indices make it in- valuable as a work of reference, and easy alike to study and to store, when studied, in the memory:'— "^QWQox. Board Chronicle, " Comes nrarer to a history of the English language than anything that we have seen since such a history could be written without confusion and con- tradictionsy — Saturday Revi ew. Martin. — the POET'S HOUR: Poetry Selected and Arranged for Children. By Frances Martin. Second Edition. i8mo. 2j. (>d. Nearly 200 Poems selected frovi the best Poets, ancient and modern^ and intended mainly for children betzveen the ages of eight and twelve, SPRING-TIME WITH THE POETS. Poetry selected by Frances Martin. Second Edition. iSmo. y. 6d. Intended mainly j or girls and boys bettveen the ages of twelve and seven- teen. Masson (Gustave).— a COMPENDIOUS DICTIONARY OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE (French-English and English- French). Followed by a List of the Principal Diverging Deriva- tions, and preceded by Chronological and Ili.-torical Tables. By Gustave Masson, Assistant-Master and Librarian, Harrow School. Square half-bound, 6s. This volutne, though cast in the same form as other dictionaries, has several distinctive features which increase its value for the student. In the Erench- English fart, etymologies, founded on the researches of Messrs. Littrc, Scheler, and Bracket, are given. The list of diverging deriva- tions, at the end of the volmne, zvill be very useficl ^ to those ^ who are uitcrested in tracing the various dcvtlofments of original Latin words. But that zvhich makes it almost indispensable to students of the political and literary history of France, is to be found at the beginning oj the work, where M. Masson has drawn up clear and complete tables of historical events., vienjed in connection with the developments of literature and lan- guage, between the death of Charlemagne, 814 A.D., and that of Louis Philippe, 1850. These tables are illustrated l)y remarks on the various social moods, of which the works produced were the expression. Appended also is a list of the principal Chronicles and Memoirs on the History of Erance zvhich have appeared up to the present time; the French Re- publican Calendar y compared zoith the Gregorian; and a Chronological list of the principal Erench iVezvspapers published during the Revolution and the Eirst Empire, 2 4 EDUCATIONAL BOOKS. Morris. — Works by the Rev. R. Morris, LL.D., Lecturer on English Language and Literature in King's College School. HISTORICAL OUTLINES OF ENGLISH ACCIDENCE, comprising Chapters on the History and Development of the Language, and on Word-formation. Third Ediiion. Extra fcap. 8vo. 6s. " It makes an era in the study o/ the English tongue^ — SATURDAY Review. ^^ He has done his work unth a ftdness and completeness that leave nothing to be ^./."— Nonconformist. ^' A genuine and sound book. " — Athen^um. ELEMENTARY LESSONS IN HISTORICAL ENGLISH GRAMMAR, Containing Accidence and Word- formation. i8mo. 2s. 6d. Oppen.— FRENCH READER. For the Use of Colleges and Schools, Containing a graduated Selection from modern Authors in Prose and Verse ; and copious Notes, chiefly Etymological. By Edward A. Oppen. Fcap. 8vo. cloth. 4^. 6d. Pylodet. — NEW GUIDE TO GERMAN CONVERSATION: containing an Alphabetical List of nearly 800 Familiar Words similar in Orthography or Sound and the same Meaning in both Languages, followed by Exercises, Vocabulary of Words in frequent use, Familiar Phrases and Dialogues; a Sketch of German Literature, Idiomatic Expressions, &c. ; and a Synopsis of German Grammar. By L. Pylodet. i8mo. cloth limp. 2s. 6d. Sonnenschein and Meiklejohn. — the ENGLISH METHOD OF TEACHING TO READ. By A. Sonnenschein and J. M. D. Meiklejohn, M.A. Fcap. 8vo. COMPRISING : The Nursery Book, containing all the Two-Letter Words in the Language. id. (Also in Large Type on Sheets for School Walls. 5J-.) The First Course, consisting of Short Vowels with Single Consonants, ^d. The Second Course, with Combinations and Bridges, con- sisting of Short Vowels with Double Consonants, ^d. The Third and Fourth Courses, consisting of Long Vowels, and all the Double Vowels in the Language. 6d. " These are admirable books, because they ateconstrtcctcdon a principle^ and that the \simplest principle on which it is possible to learn to read English. " — S ipECTATOR. Taylor.— WORDS AND PLACES ; or, Etymological Illus- trations of History, Ethnology, and Geography. By the Rev. Isaac Taylor, M.A. Third and cheaper Edition, revised and compressed. With Maps. Globe 8vo. 6j-. Already been adopted by many teachers, and prescribed as a text-book in the Cambridge Higher Exa7ninations for IVoincti. HISTORY. 25 Thring. — Works by Edward Thring, M.A., Head Master of Uppingham. THE ELEMENTS OF GRAMMAR TAUGHT IN ENGLISH, with Questions. Fourth Edition. i8mo. 2s. THE CHILD'S GRAMMAR. Being the Substance of "The Elements of Grammar taught in English," adapted for the Use of Junior Classes. A New Edition. i8mo. is. SCHOOL SONGS. A Collection of Songs for Schools. With the Music arranged for four Voices. Edited by the Rev. E. Thring and H. Riccius. Folio. 7^-. 6d. Trench (Archbishop). — HOUSEHOLD BOOK OF ENG- LISH POETRY. Selected and Arranged, with Notes, by R. C. Trench, D.D., Archbishop of Dublin. Extra fcap. 8vo. ^s. 6d. Second Edition. " The Archbishop has cottferred in this delightful vohime an impor- tant gift on the whole Ejtglish- speaking population of the world.'''' — Pall Mall Gazette. ON THE STUDY OF WORDS, Lectures addressed (originally) to the Pupils at the Diocesan Training School, Winchester. Fom-teenth Edition, revised. Fcap. 8vo. 4^. ^d. ENGLISH, PAST AND PRESENT. Eighth Edition, revised and improved. Fcap. 8vo. 4.^. 6<:/. A SELECT GLOSSARY OF ENGLISPI WORDS, used formerly in Senses Different from their Present. Fourth Edition, enlarged. Fcap, 8vo. 4J-. 6^/. Vaughan (C. M.) — A SPIILLING BOOK OF WORDS FROM THE POETS. By C. M. Vaughan. i8mo. cloth. Whitney. — Works by William D. Whitney, Professor of San- skrit and Instructor in Modern Languages in Yale College ; first President of the American Philological Association, and hon. member of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland ; and Correspondent of the Berlin Academy of Sciences. A COMPENDIOUS GERMAN GRAMMAR. Crown 8vo. 6j-. A GERMAN READER IN PROSE AND VERSE, with Notes and Vocabulaiy. Crown 8vo. 7^, 6^/. Yonge (Charlotte M.)— the abridged book of GOLDEN DEEDS. A Reading Book for Schools and General Readers. By the Author of "The Heir of Redclyffe." i8mo. cloth. IS. HISTORY. Freeman (Edward A.)— old -ENGLISH HISTORY. By Edward A. Freeman, D.C.L., late Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford. With Five Coloured Maps. Third Edition. Extra fcap. Svo. half-bound. 6x. 26 EDUCA770NAL BOOKS. **Ihave, I hope,'' the author says, *' shown that it is perfectly easy to teach children, frojn the very first, to distinguish trtie history alike from legend and from wilful invention, and also to understand the nature of historical authorities and to lueiiih one state77ient against another. I have throughout striven to cofinect the history of Englaiid with the general history of civilized Europe, and I have especially tried to make the book serzie as an incentive to a more accurate study of historical geography.''' In the present edition the whole has been carefully revised, and such improraements as suggested themselves have been introduced. ' • The book indeed is full of instruction and interest to students of all ages, and he must be a well-ififormed man indeed xvho will not rise from its pe}-usal with clearer and more accurate ideas of a too much neglected portion of English History." — SPEcrATOR. Historical Course for Schools. — Edited by Edward A. Freeman, D.C.L., late Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford. The object of the present series is to put forth clear and correct views of history in simple language, and in the smallest space and cheapest form in which it could be done. It is meant in the first place for Schools ; but it is often found that a book for schools proves useful for other readers as well, and it is hoped that this may be the case with the little books the first instalment of wliich is now given to the world. The General Sketch will be followed by a series ot special histories of particular countries, which will take fc^r granted the main principles laid down in the General Sketch. In every case the results of the latest historical research will be given in as simple a form as may be, and the several numbers of the series will all be so far under the supervision of the Editor as to secure general ac- curacy of statement and a general harmony of plan and sentiment ; but each book will be the original work of its author, who will be responsible for his own treatment of smaller details. The first volume is meant to be introductory to the whole course. It is intended to give, as its name implies, a general sketch of the history of the civilized world, that is, of Europe, and of the lan'ds which have drawn their civilization fnvn Europe. Its object is to trace out the general rela- tions of difjei-ent periods and diffej'Oit countries to one another, tvithoul going minutely into the a ff'airs of any particular country. TJiis is an object of the first importance, for ivithout clear notio)is of genei'al history, the history of particular countries can fiever be rightly undei^stood. The narrative extends from the earliest movements of the Aryan peoples, down to the latest events both on the Eastern and Western Continents. The book consists of seventeen moderately sized chapters, each chapter beinicof the 7?iost i)istrtictive a)id valuable books that has been published for many years. ' ' — S pectator . Ramsay. — the CATECHISER'S manual; or, the Church Catechism Illustrated and Explained, for the use of Clergymen, Schoolmasters, and Teachers. By the Rev. Arthur Ramsay, M.A. Second Edition. iSmo. is. 6d. A clear explanation of the Catechism, by way of Question aiui Ariswer. " This is by far the best Manual on the Catechism' we have met 7vithy —English Journal of Education. Simpson. — an epitome of the history OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. By William Simpson, M.A. Fifth Edition. Fcap, 8vo. 3^. bd. Swainson.— A HANDBOOK to BUTLER'S ANALOGY, By e, A. Swainson, D.D., Canon of Chichester. Crown 8vo. is. 6d. DIVINITY. 31 Trench. — synonyms OF the new TESTAMENT. By R. Chenevix Trench, D.D., Archbishop of Dublin. New Edition, enlarged. 8vo. cloth. \2s. Seventh Edition, car^fllIly revised, and with a considerable number of new synonyms added. Appended is an Index to the Synonyms, and an Index to other words alluded to in the work. ' ' He is a guide in this de- partment of knotvledge to whom his readers may intrust themselves with cotifidence. His sober jiidgment and sound sense are barriers against the misleading influence oj arbitrary hypotheses.''— Ktyiy.'^mxs^. WestCOtt.— Works by BROOKE FOSS WESTCOTT, B.D., Canon of Peterborough, A GENERAL SURVEY OF THE HISTORY OF THE CANON OF THE NEW TESTAMENT DURING THE FIRST FOUR CENTURIES. Third Edition, revised. Crown 8vo. 10s, dd. " Theological students, and not they only, but the general public^ owe a deep debt op gratitude to Mr. Westcott for bringing this subject fairly before them in this candid and comprehensive essay Asa theo- logical work it is at once perfectly fair and impartial, and imbued with a thoroughly religious spirit; and as a manual it exhibits, in a lucid fo7'm and in a narroiv compass, the results of extensive research and accurate thought. We cordially recommend it." — Saturday Review. INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF THE FOUR GOSPELS. Fourth Edition. Crown 8vo, los. 6d. ^^ To lea?-ning and accuracy which commands respect and confidence, he unites what are not always to be found in union zaith these qualities, the no less valuable facidties of lucid arrangement and graceful and facile ex- pression.'' — London Quarterly Review. THE BIBLE IN THE CHURCH. A Popular Account of the Collection and Reception of the Floly Scriptures in the Christian Churches. New Edition. 18 mo. cloth. 4.5-. 6^/. ^' We would recommend rccry one who loz'es and studies the Bible to read and ponder this exquisite little book. Mr. Westcott' s account of the ' Canon' is true history in its highest sense?' — Literary Churchman. THE GOSPEL OF THE RESURRECTION. Thoughts on its Relation to Reason and History. New Edition. Fcap. 8vo. 4.r. 6d Wilson.— THE BIBLE STUDENT'S GUIDE to the more Correct Understanding of the English translation of the Old Testament, by reference to the Original Hebrew. By William Wilson, D.D., Canon of Winchester, late Fellow of Queen's College, Oxford. Second Edition, carefully Revised. 4to. cloth, 25^. ^' For all earnest students of the Old Testament Scriptures it is a most valuable Manual. Its arrangement is so simple that those who possess only their mother-tongue, if they will take a little pains, may employ it ivith great profit." — Nonconformist. 32 EDUCATIONAL BOOKS. Yonge (Charlotte M.)~scripture readings for SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES. By Charlotte M. Yonge, Author of " The Heir of Redely ffe." First Series. Genesis to Deuteronomy. Globe 8vo. is. 6d. With Comments. Second Edition, ^s. dd. Second Series. From Joshua to Solomon. Extra fcap. 8vo. is. 6d. With Comments, 3^-. 6d. Third Series, 'The Kings and the Prophets. Extra fcap. 8vo. IS. 6d. With Comments, y. 6d. Actual ficed has led the author to endeavou?' to prepare a reading book con- venient for study tuith children, containifig the very words of the Bible, xvith only a frji) expedient omissions, and arranged in Lessons of such length as by experience she has found to suit zuith children's ordinary power of accurate attentive interest. The verse form has been retained, because of its con- venience for children reading in class, and as more resembling their Bibles ; hut the poetical poitions have been given in their lines. When Psahns or portions from the P?'ophets illustrate or fall in with the narrative they are given in their chronological sequence. The Scripture portion, zuith a very fav notes explanatory of mere words, is bound up apart, to be used by children, while the same is also supplied with a brief comment, the purpose of lijhich is either to assist the teacher in explaining the lesson, or to be used by more advanced yotiug people to zuhom it may not be possible to give access to the authorities whence it has been taken. Professor Huxley, at a meeting of the London School Board, particularly mentioned the selection made by Miss Yonge as an example of hoiv selections might be made from the Bible for School Reading. .S"^^ Times, March 30, 187 1, London: r. crAV. sons, and t.wlok, rKiNiKics. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BOIOIOWED ASTRON-MATH-STAT. LIBRARY Tel. No. 642-3381 This book is due before Library closes on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. 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