University of California • Berkeley I VINDICATION ^-^ OF THE CHARACTER AND PUBXXC SSRVZCES IN REPLY TO THE RICHMOND ADDRESS, SIGNED BY CHAPMAN JOHNSON. AND TO OTHER EliECTIONEERING CALUMNIES. ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN THE NASHVILLE REPUBLICAN, AND ATTRIBUTKD TO MAJOR HENRY LEE, OF VIRGINIA. BOSTON : True and Greene, Prinleri 1828. TO THE PEOPLE. The following is a most ably written and conclusive argument. It has not had, in that respect, its superior during the present canvass. We solicit for it the candid perusal of all men, who are willing to know the truth, and knowing it, to vindicate it against error or designed mis- representation. No man has rendered more important services to his country, than Andrew Jackson. They have shed upon that country and upon his own name, imperishable glory. For these services, his country is grateful ; and for them and his merits, for his republican character and attachments, and for his determination to bring into the councils of the nation the old Democracy instead of the Federalism and Aristocracy which now govern us, his country will place the highest of her gifts within his hands. But these great services and deeds of devotion to the general welfare, ami the perilous defence of his native soil, are the sources of envy in the minds of malignant partizans and bad-hearted men. They hate what they cannot imitate ; and in nearly all cases, they condemn now what they condemned during a war which they opposed, and the defenders and supporters of which they then vilified. Such men have filled the country with gross misrepresentations of the character and conduct of Gen. Jackson. Every act of his life is gainsayed or perverted. No man, elevated and noble as has been his devotedness under great emergencies and in the most tryingr times, has been so much traduced. No man has been more foully slander- ed. The inmost recesses of his family, the honor of his wife, his domes- tic peace, — all have been invaded, to serve the purposes and prop up the hopes of a falling party — to sustain an administration, which coming into power without the consent of the people, seeks by such means to deceive that people into its support. Like Tompkins, he has been hunted down by his enemies and the enemies of his country. Not content with these assaults and calumnies upon the private character and domestic life of a ven- erable citizen, they attempt even to scandalize the coimtiy, and in the very language and manner of the pensioned writers of the British press, de predate the honors and underrate the victories of the nation. These calumnies have called out the following vindication. It is worthy of the 4 author, of the subject, and of the country. Let every lover of his coun- try read it. — Albany Argus. [From the Nashville Republican.] To the Editors of the Richmond Enquirer. Gentlemen : — The address of the Adams men in Richmond, published in your paper of the 26th November, is not more remarkable for the re- spectable names attached to it, than for its prodigious errors, both of fact and inference. Such a conflict between persuasive authority and repul- sive misrepresentations, is rarely seen, and is difficult to account for, unless we suppose the address was fabricated by the editor of the Whig-, and signed under the influence of some unhappy hallucination. Mr. Chapman Johnson appears to have given in his adhesion with scru|)les and reserva- tions, inconsistent with that act of fraternity, and incompatible with the sentiments of the party he joins. But his standing as a local politician being high, and his name not unknown as an attorney, the signers, devo- ted to their cause, and careless of their principles, receive him with open arms. They have peifect confidence in the probity and honor of Messrs. Adams and Clay — he has none. They apprehend no attack on public lib- erty, or immediate danger to our institutions, from the election of General Jackson — he is solemnly convinced (poor man !) that " General Jackson is al- together unfit and eminently dangerous." They consider the opposition factious and unprincipled-— /te does not. These' discordances are hard to reconcile — unless we reflect on the improbability of finding any varieties, of opinion sufficient to place the brother-in-law of the Attorney-General, the Attorney of the United States, ana the would-be-successor of Chief Justice Marshall, in fair opposition to the Court. One of the first positions taken in the address, is, that the election of General Jackson is to be de- precated, " as ominous of the decay of that spirit by which alone our in- stitutions can be upheld and perpetuated ;" and I perceive, ai a trashy meeting of Mr. Southard's King George's, this spurious sentiment is adopted, and traced to a jealousy of military fame, discoverable in the constitution of the United States — an instrument which was framed under the eye and auspices of General Washington, and was by him recommend- ed to the American people, who made him their first President, when his sword was scarce cold in his scabbard, and when the sounds of war were just hushed in the land ! It is neither more nor less than another repetition of Mr. Clay's charge of Military Chieftainship — an avowal that General Ji<-ckson's services in repelling the invaders of his country, constitute a just ground for his exclusion from civil office. The Legislature of this state, who know the General at least as well as the readers of the Whig, did not think so, when they made him Senator of the United States ; nor did Mr. iVJunroe, when he appointed him Minister to Mexico. The laws of society require of every man the exertion of his abilities and the hazard of his life, in defence of the community of which he is a member. The laws of this country place arms in the hands of the citizen, and devote his life to this most sacred duty. If he shrinks from the glorious task, he is consigned to ignominy : if he performs it with superior skill and courage, he forfeits for ever, in the opinion of the Richmond meeting, public confi- dence and civil honors. In their political ethics, the best and the worst conduct are equally culpable ; and the only military services which entitle a citizen to political promotion, are such as some of themselves perform- ed — viz. wearing uniform, taking pay, and doing nothing. So, because Governor Barbour tied himself to a broad -sword, and rode behind pistols two or three times to Norfolk, and two or three times back, sounding louder than an empty barrel all the while, he was made Senator of the United States, in postponement of Mr. Wirt, a man of acknowledged ability. It is very true, that neither Mr. Adams nor Mr. Clay is obnoxious to this ostracism of the Richmond meeting. While GeneralJackson was braving the ambushed shaft of the Indian, and foiling the discipline shock of Brit- ish columns ; was performing toilsome marches ; was enduring thirst and hunger, relieved only by the fruit of the oak and the wave of the torrent; was periling his life and pledging his fortune, to save the lives and fortunes of his countrymen, these diplomatic gentlemen " were brewing mysteries of ruin" against each other, in sumptuous chambers at Ghent — were prepar- ing that hostile rivalship, which, in due dramatic succession, rose into the production of separate interests, and sunk into the soft catastrophe of the coalition. Mr. Adams carefully duplicating his charges against our " weak and penurious government," and Mr. Clay gratifying his love of pleasure by excursions to Paris ! Such are the services, and such the am- bition, which, according to Messrs. Call. Cabell, and Stanard, it is the interest of the American people to cherish and reward, in preference to the noble patriotism and incorruptible virtue of the laurelled farmer of Tennessee ! Absurdity and mjustice like this, gentlemen, can never find favour in the renowned commonwealth which gave birth to Washington, and was the theatre of his greatest military exploit. The state of public intelligence is so high in Virginia, that politicians who attempt to effect a delusion, prefer hazarding a downright mis-state- ment to a train of sophistical reasoning — counting more on want of suspi- cion, than want of judgment in the people. With this view, and with a claim to this desperate excuse, the Richmond meeting charge General Jackson with " an unreasonable desire to fill the office of President." I should like to know what circumstances in the conduct of General Jackson, indicate even colourably, the " unreasonable desire " here spoken of. How are the Richmond meeting to palliate such defamation 7 Will they refer to his letter to Carter Beverly, which was expressly intended to pre- vent misrepresentations, and was published under circumstances of indeli- cacy by Mr. Clay himself; or will they rely on his colloquial answer to the intrusive question of that person, which haviug been shown to be true, by the testimony of Messrs. Trimiile, Buchanan, Isacks and Eaton, is cer- tainly blameless. Was General Jackson bound in violation of his princi- ples, and his nature to conceal by evasion or falsehood, any facts connectec with the last election, out of tenderness to the reputation of Messrs. Ad- ams and Clay, who had been for months paying the public money to Binns, Hammond and Gales, for slandering himself and his wife ? Or was he to commit the incivility of refusing an answer to Mr. Owen's letter of inquiry upon points of his public conduct, against an official misrepresentation of which, from the war-office, that gentleman was contending at the risk of his political fortune ? Would it have been criminal or censurable in Mr. Jefferson, to reply to a letter asking for information respecting any topic of his history, when his claims were opposed to the elder Adams, and his person and his fame vilified by the younger ? No man, enjoying in so large a degree, as General Jackson, the admiration and gratitude of the public,ev- er endeavoured so studiously to elude its gaze. Buried in our western woodg he remains, and though unrestrained by the dignityor duty of office, resists the importunity of his eminent friends in all quarters of the Union, and even his t)wn liberal curiosity ; and has forborne for many years, the usual recreation of tours for health or pleasure. While Mr. Adams and Mr. Clay, in the enjoyment of salaries, and under the responsibility of office, can find time for frequent and distant excursions — to a festival in this state — a parade in that — an election in Kentucky — a review in Massachusetts — and an ebony and topaz entertainment in Baltimore. The discernment of the Richmond meeting- is so keen, that they can discover egregious ambi- tion and a lust for office, in the noiseless retirement and rural pursuits of General Jackson ; while in the shameless and unexampled electioneering of the cabinet, they see nothing but Political chastity, and concious recti- tude. Is this the exercise of "that benevolence and Christian charity" which they pleat in favour of the coalition ? Is it not rather an eruption of that abominable spirit, which, to use their own words, " ascribes an ac- tion to the worst and most dishonourable motive that could produce it ?" However delightful it may be to them, to offer this sacrifice of truth and jus- tice to the gods of their idolatry, they are too wise not to calculate on pro- voking by it, general ridicule, if not public contempt. On this subject, they have another assertion which has about as much reality for its foun- dation, as Banquo's ghost, or Redheffer's perpetual motion. They declare that they have " seen with inevitable regret. General Jackson descend from his high dignity, to mingle in person in the contest waged for his own election." The sincerity of their regret may be best estimated, by reflect- ing on the torture to which their invention must have been subjected, for the incident from which it flows — the pain of which operation, might have been spared them, had the delicacy of General Jackson not been illustrated by contrast, with the meddlesome eflTrontery and corrupting circulation of the executive officers ; had he met Mr. Adams at Baltimore, Mr. Clay in Pitts- burgh, Mr. Southard in Virginia, Mr. Barbour at Annapolis — or had it not required the invitation of a sovereign state to draw him from his home, to participate in the celebration of a great event in his own and his coun- try's story. But the temper of the Richmond meeting, their attention to the progress of events, the phases of character, and all the circumstances belonging to the problem involved in the comparison of General Jackson with Mr. Adams, and in the designation of the latter for President, is best explained by their own declaration — viz : that they " now think of General Jackson as they always did." Tt is very well known that about the time Algernon Sidney' drew his impatient pen et in celeres iambos misit furentem against the Hero of New- Orleans, the latter was regarded by many persons in Virginia with much such sentiments as during the heat of the revolution prevailed in England towards General Washington. They believed the execution of Arbuthnot and Ambrister to be, in the language of Mr. Clay, (who was then attack- ing Mr. Munroe, through the reputation of General Jackson, for appoint- ing Mr. Adams Secretary of State in preference to himself,) murder.* That the pursuit of the Seminole Indians to their places of refuge and recruit in Florida, was lawless and unauthorized — and that General Jack- son's character was ferocious — his propensities vicious — habits profligate, and conduct outrageous. Whereas, now that the excitement of that sea- son has subsided, and that time has cast its impartial light upon the matter, it is universally known that the execution of Arbuthnot and Ambrister was in strict conformity with the laws of nations and usages of v;ar ; was perfectly justifiable upon the principles of a prudent retaliation ; and was a measure of justice far less opposed to mercy than the execution of the unfortunate Andre. That the invasion of Florida was no violation of the neutrality of Spain — it being necessary that neutrality should exist before it can be violated, and it being both notorious and attested, that the sove- reignty of that province was, like the embraces of a harlot, " open to all comers," and particularly prostituted to our enemy. That this prudent * Mr. Clay uttered this outrageous charge in debate, but in the report of his speech sup- pressed it. i and effective measure corresponded with the orders and policy of the government, and like the execution of Arbuthnot and Ambrister, gave serious offence to no statesmen on earth but our own designing politicians. It is also known that by the quiet force of virtue General Jackson has lived down the calumnies of his private character, and that a jury of his vicinage, unbought and unsolicited — as respectable for numbers, for knowl- edge, for talents, and for worth, as the Adams men of Richmond, have furnished undeniable evidence of his spotless integrity, amiable virtues, and unblemished honor. And yet Messrs. Cabell, Call, Stanard & Co. " think of General Jackson as they always did !" Examples of intellectual perfection! On a subject so complex, progressive and variable as human character — to fix which the canonizing seal of death is required, and to ascertain which the patient research of the historian is often insufficient, their impeccable opinions .are neither to be enlightened by time nor mqdi- fied by evidence ! They listen not to the increasing plaudits of his coun- trymen, 01 to the unvarying testimony of his neighbours — they regard not the faithful energy with which he has filled civil offices, nor the easy grandeur with which he resigned them — and they turn their eyes from an act of moderation and magnanimity which has no parallel in the history of Grecian or of I' oman greatness. To preserve the freedom of Corinth, Timoleon permitted the as8assinati(>n of his own brother. In defence of liberty and law, Brutus stabbed his friend in the capitol ; and poetry and oratory delight to portray him brandishing his bloody dagger over the body of ('sBsir, and congratulating Cicero on the freedom of the state. But this splendid act, described in the immortal eloquence of Tully, or in the classical numbers of Akenside, must lose its lustre if compared with General Jackson's rejection of Buchanans' overture.* The highest object of human ambition was placed within reach of the American patriot. No law of the republic was to be violated, no feeling of the heart to be outraged, no prejudice cf mankind to be shocked — but the secret virtue of his inmost soul could not be turned from the path of honor, and he subdued th ^ powerful temptation as he subdued the foes of his country. Still he is charged with an '• unreasonable desire to fill the office of Presi- dent" — is thought of ''just as he always was" by the Richmond meeting! It is impossible to conceive that this noble act of General Jackson was un- known to the gentlemen. Nor are they bound to dissent from the general admiration of it, in order to arrive at a perfect faith in the purity of the coalition. The most favourable account that can be given of their en- deavour to undervalue or discredit it, is to impute it to a feeling, like that of the Athenian citizen, who voted for the banisiiment of Aristides because he could not bear to hear him called the Just. But men who show no mercy to facts, can do little justice to character. In approaching" the subject of Mr. Adams' merits, they found their zeal in his favour upon sympathy excited by the strong and general opposition which his election and his measures have provoked — a sentiment for which they justly claim the credit of generosity, it being evident that zeal for the re-election of Mr. Adams, cannot proceed from a noble love of liberty, a prudent regard to the interests of the country, or a proper respect * "'Caesare interfecto inquit statim cruentum alte extollens Marcus Brutus puffionem Ciceronem nominatim exclamavit atque ei recuperatam libertatem eat gratulatus.^^ — 2d Philippic. " Brutus rose, Refulgent from the stroke of <;i«sar"s fate, Amid the crowd of patriots and hia arm Aloft extendi'!?:, like eternal Jove When guil" brings down the thunder, call'd aloud On nlly's name and shook his crimson steel. And bade the father of his country hail ! For, lo • the tyrant ! prostrate in the dust, And Rome again is free." 8 for its institutions. They thus sum up their articles of faith in the divine right of John the 2d ; " He is pure and upright in intention — patriotic, however occasionally mistaken — prudent and indefatiirable in the discharge of his public duties — blameless and irreproachable in private life." That honest and sagacious traveller Lemuel Gulliver, declared that the shade of Homer was introduced to the shades of his commentators, in his presence ; and that the parties appeared to have been totally unacquainted before. Should the shade of Lemuel ever visit our country, know Mr. Adams, and read this character of him, he would sware he was a stranger to his best friends. They have drawn the character of Madison, and given it to the public for that of Adams. — Was Mr. Adams, pure and upright in brib- ing Mr. Clay to elect him ; in betraying the federal party with falsehoods to Mr. Jefferson, and reclaiming it by promises to Mr. Webster — m charg- ing a double salary and for a constructive journey, while minister, and pay- ing that dishonest charge to himself while Secretary of State ? Was he pat- riotic when writing his letter to Levitt Harris, undervaluing the resources and ridiculing the spirit of his country, wiien that country was involved in the casualties of a bloody war ? Did patriotism inspire his mind when he urged the surrender to England of the free navigation of the Mississippi ; or when he negotiated away the Colonial trade ; Was he patient and faith- ful in the discharge of his duties when he forced on the Post Master Gen- eral the appointment of the present deputy at Nashville, and repulced with petulence tiie representations of this state, whilst respectfully deprecating that act of oppression ? His private life, in so far as it can be seperated from his public conduct, does not reach beyond the years of puberty — for his youth, his manhood, and his age, have been spent in lucrative connex- ion with the public treasury. But if the Richmond meeting will answer the questions above proposed, with only a "small approach" to acknowl- edged facts in the conduct of Mr. Adams, they will render perfectly harm- less a warmer zeal and a larger minority, than they represent or express. The opposition in this free and enlightened country, stern and general as it is, it comports with the modesty and tolerance of these gentlemen, to de- nounce, " as a studious misrepresentation of the President's measures," " a perversion of his most careless language" — a wanton attack on his character and that of his cabinet, as premature and unsupported by the real character of the Administration. In such estimation are the motives of Macon, Calhoun, Van Buren, and Tazewell, held by gentlemen, who see in the career of Mr. Clay nothing but patriotism and virtue! It is very true that an opposition to the re-election of Mr Adams, was manifested in the country, before his Administration was organized, or the course of his policy had pointed towards arbitrary power and cabinet succession. But the Richmond meeting do not require to be told, that this opposition was the natural effect of his unfair election, and was therefore necessarily an- terior to the organization of his government, and independent of the char- acter of his measures. An equitable, enlightened and prudent administra- tion, might indeed have allayed this original opposition ; but the prudence of Mr. Adams' measures has not exceeded the purity of his election, and his friends, who are continually boasting of his skill and experience, have the mortification to find the policy of his government as fruitful a source of opposition as its origin. And it may be fairly affirmed, that when we consider his impure election, his extravagant doctrines, and mischievous im- policy, the opposition is as temperate, as a sentiment so strong and general, actuating a body politic as sensative and robust as the American public, can well be expected to be. Which of his measures are conceived to have been " studiously misrep- resented" I cannot conjecture, but if the Panama mission, and the negotia- tion respecting the Colonial trade, are the subjects of this misrepresenta- 9 tion, the advisers ofMr. Adams in Richmond, would relieve his feputationj and add to their own very much, if they would hasten to convince the coun- try, that the mission of Mr. Sergeant eventuated in any thing- better tlian indelible ridicule and prodigal expense — and that our profitable trade with the British West Indies has really not been transferred to the ports ot the St. Lawrence — and the north of Europe. But they tell the people of Virgin- ia that the monarchial declarations of Mr. Adams, in his first message, were not serious, were merely " his highness's levity" — " his most careless lan- guage." What must ! e think of the heads of these loyal Virginians, who can invent no better apology for his solemn and considerate expressions ; or what must we think of his, for having forced his advocates to such damn- ing extremities of excuse. — It is, however, easier to suppose that these gentlemen in;iulged in " most careless language" in framing this absurd apology than that Mr. Adams did, when he asserted in a message to both Houses of Congress, and re-asserted to the Senate on the nomination of Messrs. Anderson and Sergeant, the " constitutional competancy of the executive" to institute embassies and to commission envoys, without the ad- vice or consent o! the senate ; and when he counselled the national repre- sentatives to proceed in promoting the general welfare and in executing schemes of internal improvement — in building " Light houses of the sky," and watching the radiance and revolutions of the planets — without being " palsied by the will of their constituents." The object of these and other apologists of the President, is to reconcile the country to his unwarrentable pretensions upon the ground that they are mere abstract opinions, casually conceived and " carelessly" expressed ; which he lias never attempted and never will attempt to reduce to practice, and which, in the instance of the Panama mission, he actually abstained from enforcing. As if the principle were not every thing, and the prac- tice in any particular case, nothing ? Hamden did not regard the amount of ship money levied upon him, but he resented and resisted, at great cost and peril, the principle which this tax of 20s. involved. And his factious opposition is called by the loyal Hume himself, " a bold stand in defence of the laws and liberties of his country"—" by which he merited great re- nown with posterity." The factious opposition of our ancestors to the Stamp Act. was not to the particular law or to the modicum of exaction, but to the principle of taxing the people of this country without the consent of their representatives, as the Adams men may learn by consulting Marshall's history of the American Colonies. The same important work will remind them, that when that irritating measure was exchanged for the more in- vidious one of duties on certain articles of importation, the same principle of oppression was descried by the sagacity, and opposed by the indepen- dence, of our fathers ; and that when it was attempted to conciliate them, by a repeal of all the duties except that on tea, it was regarded as an as- sertion, not a surrender, of the odious principle of taxation without repre- sentation, and that the spirit of patriotic- resistance, instead of being as- suaged, rose higher and higher, until it flamed forth in open rebellion., Marshall observes (page -388) " The contest with America was plainly a contest of principle, and had been conducted entirely on principle by both parties. The amount of taxes proposed to be raised was too inconsidera- ble to interest the people of either country. But the principle was, in the opinion of both, of the utmost magnitude." So the contest between the President and the People of the United States is" plainly a contest of prin- ciple," and as such has been " conducted by both parties." He maintains the twice declared doctrine of his " constitutional competancy." They complain that it militates directly against that principle cf the constitution, which limits the control of the executive over the objects and expense of 2 10 our diplomatic intercourse. — This principle is of the " utmost magnitude," and it differs from that maintained with so much blood and treasure by our forefathers, in this, that it is expressly defined and guaranteed by that written constitution, which Mr. Adams swore " to preserve, protect, and detiend." Now Mr. Marshall, who placed Mr. Adams under the " solem- nities of this oath," tells us that so far from the right insisted on by our an- cestors, being defined and settled by any written instrument, it existed only in their natural sense of justice, and inbred love of liberty, (p. SS^O " The degree of authority, which might rightfully be exercised by the mother country over her colonies, had never been accurately defined. In Britain it had always been asserted that Parliament possessed the power of binding them in all cases whatever. In America, at different times and in different provinces, different opinions had been entertained on this sub- ject." The enforcement of this plausible authority, going only to the col- lection of an inconsiderable tax, and infringing no written charter of liber- ty, roused our ancestors to arms. And yet their sons are persuaded by the Richmond meeting to submit to a palpable violation of their bond of Union and Government, subjecting them to unlimited expense, and involv- ing a vital change of its provisions ! Verily, the patriotism of this conven- ticle " passeth all understanding !" Taking counsel of their loyalty, they evidently deem lightly of the prin- ciple at issue between the country and the cabinet, and conceive that the practical waiver of it, on the part of Mr. Adams in the case of the Panama mission, ought, of rigiit, to have prevented the opposition, which they as- cribe to " a personal and vindictive spirit." In this sentiment they will probably be pleased to learn, that they coincide with that prince of novel- ists and tories. Sir Walter Scott. In attempting the life of JVapoleon^ he reproa«;hes the people of France with " a rancorous and vindictive opposi- tion," because they objected to the king's assuming the right of granting a constitution to the nation, and insisted on the constitution's emanating from the people. Sir Walter favors the arrogance of the Monarch, and says "the objections of the French people were, practically speaking, of no consequence." " It signifies nothing," says he, " to the people of France, whether the constitution was proposed to the King by the National Rep- resentatives, or by the King to them." In the same spiric, the Richmond meeting conceive that the limitations of executive power " are, practically speaking," of equal value, whether they are secured by the provisions of the constitution, or granted by the indulgence of Mr. Adams. But, if they do not regard the existing encroachments and actual misrule of the Pres- ident of sufficient importance to warrant a transfer of power to more able and honest hands, let them remember that Mr. Adams came into office with " a smaller approach to unanimity" than any of his predecessors, and that his first message and his first term are to be taken as the lowest range of his ambition. Elect him again, and ratify his missayings and misdoings by the voice of Virginia — that State which, in the language of Burke, once was foremost to " augur misgovernment at a distance, and snuff the ap- proach of tyranny in every tainted breeze" — will not his high-born spirit, which looks above the constitution for the sources of power, take a bolder and a loftier flight ? May he not aim at transforming the line of safe pre- cedent into the power of appointing his successor, which would show his noble disdain of " the will of his constituents," his diplomatic intimacy with the spirit of foreign monarchies, and would rise above his present preten- sions about as far as they are above the level of the Constitution ? The first year of Charles the Second's reign, after he was restored to the throne of his father, are admitted on all hands, by round-head and cav- alier, whig and tory, to have been legal and moderate. — But as soon as he 11 got firmly seated, he showed tlie people that love of pleasure was inferior to lust of power, and that " the most careless language" often escaped from the most determined tyrant. Louis the XVIII. for the first year or two, was moderate and gentle in his sway, but he soon muzzled the press, and effected a complete despot- ism. And why should we think that what is true of a Stuart, or a Bour- bon, is not true of an Adams? Shall we act prudently to ourselves, and gratefully to our ancestors, or justly to our posterity, if for no other object than the emolument and grat- ification of a few unworthy men, we risk our rights and liberties, our in- heritance of glory and freedom, in their unclean and incapable hands ? When the Richmond meeting ask the people of Virginia " what benefit they expect to derive, what triumph of principle they expect to achieve by the election of Gen. Jackson," they may be answered, that they expect to vindicate the purity of election, by the exemplary punishment of its viola- tion, the safety of the constitution, by withholding power from its avowed enemy ; and the liberty of the press, by relieving the treasury from the ex- pense of its corruption. That they expect to restore dignity and truth to our foreign intercourse, economy and justice to our domestic government, fidelity to the representative and influence to the constituent, supremacy to the law, and satisfaction to the people. The Richmond meeting having disinterred from " the tomb of the Cap- ulets," the old charges connected with Gen. Jackson's defence of New-Or- leans and occupation of Pensacola, I beg leave to invade your columns briefly in his defence, at the risk of being denounced, in the same wise and equitable spirit, for a violation of the laws of courtesy, and the limits of ed- itorial neutrality. Their accusations branched out into the criminating accounts of an indictment, and reiterated with the spiteful tautology of at- tornies, amount to these two : "that General Jackson has invaded a neu- tral country in defiance of orders, and in violation of that provision of the constitution, which intrusts the power of peace and war to the President," and " has suspended the writ of habeas corpus upon his individual authority." How far the invasion of Florida was in defiance of orders^ may be deter- mined by reference to the following documentary abstract. On the 9th of December, 1817, the Secretary of War ordered Gen. Gaines "should the Indians assemble in force on the Spanish side of the line, and persevere in committing hostilities, within the limits of the United States in that event, to exercise a sound discretion^ as to the propiiety of crossing the line for the purpose of attacking them and hreaking up their towns' On the 16th of December, he writes to the same, " should the Seminole Indians still re- fuse to make reparation for their outrages and depredations on the citizens of the United States, it is the wish of the President^ that you consider your- self at liberty to march across the Florida line, and attack theni unthin its lim- tanish authorities, or their unwillingness to preserve tow- ards us the general obligations of neutrality, or to comply with the pobitive stipulations of a treaty binding them to restrain the Indians, within their limits, from hostilities against the citizens of the United States, brought Geneial Jackson's military operations, in Florida, strictly within the num- ber of these means. But whether regarded as they relate to the constitu- tion of this country, or as they effected the rights of Spain, they are equal- ly insufficient to inculpate General Jackson. He acted like other com- manders, under the orders of his government, and these orders he execu- ted vvith his usual energy and address. He was not responsible for their nature, or for the extent of operations which they commanded, and therefore needed no defence. And the fact is, that in the despatch of Mr. Adams, when Secretary of State, to our Min- ister in Spain, dated 28th November, 1818, (which has been so invidiously — and I may say ignorantly lauded as an able and liberal defence of Gen- eral Jackson, and which so far as it re^arards this matter, is nothing more than a verbose and declamatory rehersal of the evidence and arguments furnished by the General himself, in explanation of his measuref) the name of Jackson is introduced for no other than the usual diplomatic purpose of making the officer the scape-goat for the government. The next charge of the Richmond meeting, " he has suspended the writ of habeas corpus upon his individual authority," besides the fault of expression, in using individual where official was required, and the glar- ing incongruity between a belief in these charges and the e-rly declara- tion of the meeting, that they apprehend from the General " no attack on public liberty," and " repose undiminished confidence in his love of coun- try ;" an incongruity which shows that the end of their address had for- gotten the begining, contains a positive mis-statement of fact. General Jackson did not suspend the writ of habeas corpus. I am perfectly aware, that the true questi placed to the subject, imposed on me an obligation to pay some re-pecl to dt^licacy :ind decorum.'' Mere he declares to his constitu- ents that he was tardy in the declaration of his intentions, after he became transformed into an (Hlector for the people, both because he was beset by heated pa tisans, and bec.Tis*" his new relation lo the election imposed on him obligations of delicacy and decorum But in his pamph- let, his last, or rather, his latest atempt at justification, he says, (p. 18.) "Mr. Bonliiiuy, Senator from Louisiana, bore to me the first .Kthentic information which I received otthe vote of Louisiana, and consequently of my exclusion from the house. And yet in our first interview, in answer to an inquiry which he made, I t In the very " first interview," and on the very first inquiry, after he " found himself, placed in the new attitude of elector for the people," so far from being tardy, delir -ite or decorous, on the subject, he avows his intentions " to vote for Mr. Adams in preference to Gen. Jackson 25 be so far beguiled by the sophistry of Mr. Clay and his parasites as to hope for any relief to his reputation from Mr. Kremer's failure to convict him, suppose for a moment that Paulding, Williams and Van Wart, who cap- tured Andre and led to the detection of Arnold's treason, had only charg- ed him with intendins; to deliver up West Point for a lucrative appoint- ment in the British Army. Suppose Arnold had then demanded an inves- tigation of this charge before a military tribunal, and had challenged its supporters to the proof. Suppose these patriots had failed, as they must have done, to convict hira — that he had then held the treasonable corres- pondence with Sir H. Clinton and received the lucrative appointment — would it be possible to extract any proof of his innocence from the result of the investigation ? Could any friend of his, attempt such an imposition on the common sense of mankind ; or would the most sceptical historiah consider this circumstance as diminishing by a grain of doubt the mass of evidence against him ? The parrellelism of these cases cannot be denied ; and the only historical variation between them is that Arnold's emmissary was apprehended, and that Clay's has not been. How cruelly absurd then is it, for the adherents of the Secretary of State to recur to this mock investigation in chanting his praise ; and how desperate must be the condition of that man's character, vt^hich, when criminated by the circum- stances of his own conduct, can be vindicated only by a mode of justifica- tion, which leads directly to the demonstration of his guilt ? The author of the address adds to this absurdity, another which, as he is an expert and approved attorney, is as remarkable as it is obvious. He asserts that General Jackson has given the sanction of his name to the charge of cor- ruption under which the Secretary labours. It will be remembered that Mr. Clay himself has eagerly assumed this position. But it is in direct op- position to truth. Gen. Jackson has never adopted the charge or given it the sanction of his name. He has only testified to a fact having connec- tion with it, and instead of being a prosecutor, he is a witness — a distinc- tion, to which no ordinary intemperance of zeal could have blinded Mr. Johnson. These abortive attempts to justify the last election and to criminate all who were offended by its impurity, are preliminary to a formal vindication of the conduct and doctrines of the President, and to a studied and detailed misrepresentation of every feature in General Jackson's character, and every act of his ife. In conformity with this division of h'S subject, Mr. Johnson imputes the general dissatisfaction which succeeded the first mes- sage of Mr. Adams " to unwarrantable inferences " drawn from some of his expressions by the " factious opposition :" — thus, notwithstanding his loyal hatred of military chieftains, adopting the old military maxim of carry- ing the war into the enemy's country. The phrase " palsied by the will of Now suppose a man to come to his death by being poisoned with arsenic 5 and that a sus- pected person when arraigned for the murder, should, upon his first examination affirm, that the arsenic which he bought was .ill used in poisoning rats, and on his second, that he had bought no arsenic at all, would not his contradiction rivet on the minds of the jury a convie- lion of his guilt? And yet it is not so flagrant as that of Mr. Clay— for one branch of his is carried out into a camplamt against " heated partisans," and into a claim to ihe refinement of " delicacy and decorum." Again.— He insists (p 18.) that on the 15th Dec. when the vote of- Louisiana and his consequent exclusion from the House, were only conjectured from report, not authentically known, and of course when he was but half " transformed into an elector for the people, he told Mr James Barbour, who had himself just been transformed from an " eager partisan " of Mr. Crawford, to an " eager partisan of At. Adams, that " in the event of the contest being narrowed down to Mr. Adams and General Jackson, he was in favor of Mr. Adams." And to prove still f.irther his " tardiness," " delicacy and decorum," he avers (pp. 19, 20.) that immediately after the 20th of Dec when Mr. IJouligny gave him the first authentic information of his exclusion from the House, and consequent transformation into '• an elector for the people," he told General La Fayette "that he had concluded to vote for Mr. Adams." These contradictions carry the evidence against JUim as far aa the force of moral proof can go. 26 our constituents," he declares, " has been torne from its context, misinter- preted ; and used as the authority upon which the President is charged with the heresy, that the representative owes no obligation to the will of his constituents." The spirit of a recent convert seems here to animate the languid formality of Mr. Johnson's style, and there is something soft if not tender, in his lament, over the fate of this sxquisite figure of Mr. Adams. — *' Oh, hadst thou cruel ! been content to seize, Hairs less in sight, or any hairs but these." But Mr. Johnson has evidently nothing of poetry in his soul, but the fiction, and his sorrow will accordingly be found to be more causeless than that of Belinda. In that paragraph of the message which begins, " The spirit of improvement is abroad upon the earth," the representatives of the nation are told that Liberty is power ; that the nation blessed with the largest portion of liberty," (intimating his inbred opinion that even the freest na- tion ought to be under a wholesome reservation of liberty by their rulers,) " must in pro})ortion to its numbers, be the most powerful nation upon earth ; and that the tenure of power by man, is, in the moral purposes of the creator, upon condition that it shall be exercised to ends of beneficence, to improve the condition of himself and his fellow men. While foreign nations, less blessed with that freedom which is power, than ourselves, are advancing with gigantic strides in the career of public improvement, were we to slumber in indolence, fold up our arms, and proclaim to the world, that we are palsied by the will of our constituents, would it not be to cast away the bounties of Providence and doom ourselves to perpetual in- feriority ?" It must be confessed that this passage, which would be as well placed on a page of Newton's Principia, as in a President's message, is sufficiently tumid and obscure, and not be charged with any very direct signification. But its import when carefully interpreted, certainly amounts to this. There are two rules of political action fo^ out government — one^ derived^ from that condition^ [jure divino) which i^ the execution of his moral purposes the creator attaches to the tenure of power and the possession of liberty which is power ^ by man. 7 he other, that which tminatesfrom the will of the p:ople. Under the operation oj the first rule, foreign nations evjoy- infr less of" that liberty which is power, than ourselves, arid consequently less energetically impressed by the condition attached by the creator, to its tenure, are advancing with gigantic strides, in the career of public improvement and exerting their power to " ends of beneficence,'*^ in conformity with the moral purposes of our creator. If we do not also advance " ivith gigantic strides in the career of public improvement — if we forbear to exert our power " to ends of beneficence,^^ we shnll " cast away the bounties of Providence and doom ourselves to perpetual inferiority to foreign nations.'''* Shall revolt from the great rule which is imposed by the creator upon free nations, and shall in fact proclaim to the ivorld that we are reduced by the will of our constituents, to a political impotence a3 feeble and uncouth as the muscular action of a palsied frame. It must be admitted that not only are the two rules here proposed, but that the power of contrast, and the effect of comparison are exerted to the best of Mr. Adams' ability to induce Congress to prefer the first and to despise the second. But in case Mr. Johnson should be disposed to dis- pute this point, it may be well to add a little more of the precious context from which this " morsel for a King" has been torn by the ruthless republi- cans. Mr. Adams proceeds — "In the course of the year now drawing to its close we have beheld, under the auspices and at the expense of one State of this Union, a new university unfolding its portals to the sons of science, and holding up the torch of human improvement to eyes that seek 27 the light. We have seen under the persevering and enlightened enter- prise of another state, the waters of our western lakes mingled with those of the ocean. If undertakings like these have been accomplished, in the compass of a few years, by the authority of single members of our con- federation, can we, the representative authorities of the whole union, fall behind our fellow servants in the exercise of the trust committed to us for the benefit of our common sovereign, by the accomplishment of works important to the whole, and to which neither the authority nor the resources of any one state can be adequate.'*' Here evidently another standard of power is recommended to the Congress, hardly less indefinite and alarming than the former. It is urged that inasmuch as the authority and resources of Virginia and New York, have been adequate to the erection of a new University, and the completion of the Grand Canal, it is the duty of the representative authorities of the whole union to exercise power and resources sufficient for the construe tion of works and the ex- pansion of improvement, as much beyond these particular enterprises as the resources of the whole union exceed those of either of these states. And the authority of the general government, instead of being measuied by the grants and reservations of the constitution, is to be regulated by the inverse proportion which the whole confederacy bears to a particular state. Thus according to Mr. Adams the moral condition of our exis- tence, and the physical circumstance of our union, conspire to absolve the representative from obedience to the will of his constituents. And it can- not fail to be perceived, that under his florid and umbrageous diction, lurks the offensive idea of patronizing the people and improving the states, which all men with a spark of freedom in their souls must abhor, as strenuously as nature does a vacaum. With equal zeal and success it is attempted to justify the terms of infinite assumption and imperious menace with which Mr. Adams reprehended certain proceedings of the state of Georgia. I have not before me that remarkable communication, but I am willing to take Mr. Johnson's extenuated statement of its substance, in order to prove how richly both its author and its advocate deserve the rep- robation of an enlightened people. The latter says " he made an obvious though not an avowed referance to his oath of office, as imposing an ob- ligation above all human law." Now this is either an intellectual absurdity or a political sin. The constitution of the United States, denominated by Mr. Johnson himself, " the supreme law of the land" prescribes certain duties for the President, among which is that of taking the oath of office. To say that the performance of this one duty imposes on the President an obligation above the supreme law of the land, and the very law which prescribes it, is to say that the creature is above the creator ; and that the sanction of a religious ceremony to the obligation of the President to ^re- serve, protect and defend the constitution, endows him with a right to violate his oath and to destroy the constitution. Again — to say that his oath of office imposes an obligation above the supreme law, or requires at his hand the performance of other duties, than those prescribed by the constitution, is avowing at once that this is not a government of laws, and that the execu- tive branch is above the control of the constitution. In the first sense, the expression is absurd, in the second criminal, in both sufficiently offen- sive, and to be fair with Mr. Johnson, he is welcome to ascribe it as he pleases, either to want of sense or want of principle, in his hero. In palliating the more questionable demerits of the president in regard to his equivocal support of that policy which inclines to an exorbitant tariff of duties on imports, for the purpose of encouraging domestic manufac- tures, Mr. Johnson shines more as a panegyrist than as an economist or civilian. All liberal men agree that error of opinion on this subject in- 23 volves no radical defect of principle. Large divisions of our territory and population, are the seats of adverse doctrines on this momentous and yet experimental matter, and as they are all animated by undoubted patriotism, there is every reason to hope that the true point beyond which the right of taxation vested in the federal government ought not to be carried, will be seasonably determined by the luminous collision of their respective sys- tems. Already important light has been shed on the matter by the author of Brutus, in the Charleston Mercury. He maintains that the exercise of the taxing power was intended by the framers of the constitution to be confined to the purpose of revenue, and that whenever it might become expedient for the industry of any quarter of the Union, to encourage the production of a particular commodity, it was designed that the state or states interested therein, should assume the qualified exercise of taxing power, " with the con^^ent of Congress, and on condition, that the duties so raised should be paid into the Treasury of the United States." Who- ever reads his essays will feel persuaded that his explication of many im- portant questions involving the powers of the Geneial Government, is both original and profound, and promises the establishment of a fiscal poli- cy consonant to the spirit of the constitution and conducive to the preser- vation of the Union. I wish it could be said that either of these great ob- jects was likely to be advanced by the dissertation of Mr. Johnson the polarity of whose mind seems insensible to their high attraction, and to turn with trembling constancy to the foot of the throne. The right of the government, accordingly, he deduces from its practice, as an attorney es- tablishes principle by precedent, and as if the goverment of the United States were to impiove every thing but its own practices. He insists that the doctrine of indirect taxation was practised upon by the Administration of Washington, and by that of all his successors — giving into a fallacy which though it makes his argument plausible, renders it unsound. The power of taxation, like other powers vested in the general govern- ment, has an object direct and objects resulting. Its direct object is the raising of reveni'e ; among its resulting objects is the encouragement of domestic manufactures. This i.^ clearly secondary in intention and subor- dinate in importance to the first object. It must accordingly be increased or diminished, as the scale of taxation is enlarged or contracted. But it is an inversion of the order of things, as well as a perversion of the mean- ing of the constitution, to say that the scale of revenue is to be enlarged not to supply the necessary expenses, or to pay the debts of the nation, but to increase the resulting action of the taxing power — a power which plainly would never have been intrusted to the general government but for the necessity which exists in all governments for its direct object, revenue. Hence it does not follow, as Mr. Johnson labours to shew, because Gener- al Washington established a tariff'of duties, and succeeding administrations increased it, that his policy and the policy of his successors was, in this respect, the same. General Washington's policy went no further than the direct object of the taxing power required. The lightest duty on the importation of English boots communicates some degiee of encouragement to American boot makers and tanners ; and as that no similar duties must be imposed in order to provide in the most convenient way for the expenses of government, it is certainly a mitigation of the necessary evil of taxation, that a useful branch of domestic industry should be promoted by it. But the mitigation of an evil does not make it a good. And the objection which Jies against the policy of Mr. Adams, and in a less degree against that of Mr. Munroe, is, that it proposes to exercise the taxing power not for its direct object, and no doubt constitutional end, but for its resulting objects — not for a sufficient revenue, but for a multitude of manufactures ; thus trans- 29 tending the particular design and violating the general spirit of the con- stitution, by taxing one part of the community for the benefit of another 5 making the relative condition of the Southern States worse than it was before the union, giving the manufacturing States greater privileges than they would have enjoyed without it; and burthening a great, salutary and venerable branch ot human industry for one less extensive and less favor- able to the physical wants and moral condition of mankind. — Let the re- port of i\lr. Secretary Rush, in which he proposes the artificial and oppres- sive system of England as a model for the' financial policy of this country, and talks about resculatvig every fibre of labor, and every species of pro- perty in this vast confederacy of free States, by a nicely balanced ma- chinery of encouraging taxation, be examined, and the inordinate and un- constitutional excess of \lr. Adams' policy in the employment of the tax- ing power, will at once be perceived. Nor, will the force of this contrast be at all weakened by the fact which Mr. Johnson relies on — viz. that the law of '89, laying the first duties imposed under the constitution, and advocated by Mr. Madison, then a member of Congress, recites in its preamble, that the laying of duties " was necessary for the support of government, for the discharge of the debts of the United States, and the encouragement and protection of domestic manufactures.''^ The government was then new and just getting into operation. The important and searching power of taxation was then first to be applied to the inhabitants and property of a number of free states who had confided it reluctantly, with many misgivings and hesitations, to the federal head. Under these circumstances, it was the duty of Congress, and no doubt their aim, to make the first act of taxation as palitable as possible, to recommend it as strongly as they could to the people, upon whose opinion they knew the whole fabric of government rested. They therefore recited in the preamble, the two great circumstances which ren- dered taxation necessary, and the one which was most likely to render it acceptable. The first was addressed to their patriotism, the second to theii honor, the third to their interest — powerful appeals to paramount motives. This was the object of the preamble, as the least insight into the circumstance of the period would have tought Mr. Johnson, and as is apparent from the fact, that subsequent bills of revenue contain no such recitations. It is hard to forbear a smile at reflecting on the derisions and surprise with which the sages of '89 would look on this attempt to legal- ize a broad and encroaching system of policy, not by expounding the terms of analysing the spirit of the constitution, but by italicising a phrase " torn from its context" in the c< rner of a preamble to an act. But he contends that whether Mr. Adams be right or wrong in respect to the tariff, or his " ineffably gigantic" schemes of internal improvement, his friends may applaud and the nation trust him, because his opinions are at least as right as those of General Jackson. This, although it will turn out to be an improvement upon the old ELOsurdhy of ignotum per ignoiius, is probably the most fair and formidable inference in the address, for, ag Hooker has said, that change even from the woi'se^ is sometimes inconven- ient, there might be some color of reason in advising the American people to rest satisfied with Adams, seeing that Jackson's opinions coincided with his. But unfortunately for Mr. Johnson, even this slender argument is denied him by the assertion of the Richmond meeting, by which his con- vention stands publicly affiliated, and to which he sent in his memorable adhesion. That assertion is not disavowed or disputed, and is of course adopted by Mr. Johnson's address, and it declares that " Gon, Jackson shrouds bis opinions of the tariff in im penetrable mystery." While these opinions are thus concealed in " impenetrable mystery," how does Mr, 30 Johnson discover that they coincide exactly with those of Mr. Adams ? The detection of such an insidious inconsistency as this, in the grave, earnest and public affirmations of a man of Mr. Johnson's standing, must affect even his adversaries with more regret than pleasure ; and excite a feeling of tender abhorrence, like that which induces us to pity aud ap- prove "the execution of a criminal. Having with these infelicitous errors, both of argument and assertion, endeavored to justify the doctrines of Mr. Adams, (avoiding carefully all mention of " the constitutional competency,") and having enjoined upon the American people (what was no doubt modestly meant) the duty of ap- plying to the consideration of the President's conduct, that indulgent rule of construction which insures impunity to guilt rather than security to in- nocence. Mr. Johnson proceeds with a sudden change of temperature, to make a portentious reference to the vast and delicate duties of the chief magistrate, and fierce allusions to the temper and actions of General Jack- son. No part of the address discovers a colder prejudice or a more fer- vent loyalty than this. The Richmond, is like the Roman courtier, m odio SfBVus^ hlandiloquentia comis. It is really surprising to see the same pen running with the lightness of Camilla's step over the faults of the man in power, and falJing with the demolishing tread of an elephant on the virtues of a private citizen. Like the "lithe probosis" of that shrewd animal, how- ever, it handles tenderly what is frail, and what is sound, rudely : and the quick-sighted people of Virginia will neither be inflamed into injustice by Mr. Johnson's violence, nor deceived into submission by his gentleness. As if emphasis were not ridiculous in stale misrepresentations, and a tone of deep-mouthed vituperation natural to those whose accisations are unsup- ported by fact, he tells them with an air of amazing confidence, that Gen- eral Jackson has " trampled on the laws and constitution of his country, has sacrificed the lives and liberties of men, and made his own arbitrary will the rule of his conduct." But his fundamental position is this — " ca- pacity for civil aflfairs in a country like ours, where the road to preferment is open to merit in every class of society, is never long concealed, and sel- dom left in retirement." It is then added, that " General Jackson has liv- ed beyond the age of sixty years, and was bred to the profession best cal- culated to improve and display the faculties which civil employments re- quire ; but the history of his pifblic life in those employments is told in a few brief lines in a single page of his biographer. He filled successively and for very short periods, the office of member of the Tennessee Conven- tion, which formed their State Constitution, Representative and Senator in Congress, Judge of the Supreme Cmrt of Tennessee, and again Senator in C'Ongress of the United States." Where a man is so vei-y didactic as Mr. Johnson is, accuracy of knowledge and precision of detail might be ex- pected. But these humble constituents of truth lie far beneath the range of his romantic fancy, as the reader who chooses to consult Eaton's work will find.* The account of Jackson's " civil employments" is not contain- ed on a " single page" of that work, and Mr. Johnson's summary of it is defective as to the very important office of Attorney General, which Wash- ington, no mean judge of merit, himself conferred. But if we admire the fidelity of his statements we shall be amazed at the accuracy of his rea- soning. He concludes, that as capacity for civil offices is in this country *See pages 17, 18. GeneralJackson, though no set-fast in office, was eight years Attorney Cteneral of the Territory, and six years Judge of the highest court of the Sute. His resignation of this last station was accepted on the 24th July, 1804, thirteen days after Hamilton was shot by Burr, and a year at least before the appearance of Burr in the W^estern country, with whom, as a Judge, the secret slanderers under the management of Mr. Johnson, attempt to associa'e him. 31 " never long concealed and seldom left in retirement," the frequent appoint- ment and repeated election of General Jackson is proof positive of his no- torious incapacity to fill them. There is somethinof transcendental in this syllogism. And if we reflect that in addition to Mr. Johnson's corrected list of civil offices, General Jackson has filled the important ones of com- missioner for receiving the cession of Florida, of Governor of that Territo- ry under the Spanish laws, and negociator of several of our most important Indian treaties, that he never solicited an office in his life, or abused the confidence which his constituents reposed in him — that Mr. Adams never filled one which connected him immediately with the people the great central fire which distributes warmth and life to our whole system ; and that his services were recommended to one party by descent, and to the other by purchase, its value as a political argument may be correctly estimated. The evident distortion of Mr. Johnson's judgment seems to be chronically confirmed by the fact, that General Jackson resigned several of these offices, manifesting a preference for private life, in unison with the taste of Cincinnatus, of Washington, and of all the greatest patriots of the world, ^nd in opposition to that low ambition which cannot exist out of the purlieus of the treasury. The classical reatler will remember how the Roman writers celebrate the reluctance with which the Dictator ahAratro left his farm, and the satisfaction with which, crowned with laurels, he re- tired to it. The same disposition was seen and admired in our beloved Washington. In a letter to a member of Congress, who was persuading him to accept the office of President, then just created, he thus expressed himself: " You are among the small number of those who know my invin- cible attachment to domestic life, and that my sincere wish is to continue in the enjoyment of it solely, to my final hour. My increasing fondness for agricultural amusements, and my growing love of retirement, augment and confirm my decided predilection for the character of a private citizen.'* And he concludes — " You will perceive, my dear sir, from what is here ob- served, that my inclinations will dispose and decide me to remam as I am, unless a clear and insurmountable conviction should be impressed on my mind, that some very disagreeable consequences, must in all human proba- bility result from the indulgence of my wishes." This letter was written when Washington was in his 57th year, and Jackson was ,58 when he made his last and most splendid resignation. This is the temper and these are the habits that render " military chieftains" the defenders of the repub- lic in war, and its guardians in peace ; and it is not the least extravagant of Mr. Johnson's paralogisms, that in the same breath he should descant on the dangerous influence of military renown, and reproach its possessor with an obstinate predilection for private life. Mr. Clay and Mr. Adams, it is true, have never yet offered to the world that best and most lovely evidence of merit, which modesty displays, have never resigned one office without the prospect of another, and are not likely to impose on their eulogists the task of portraying the grand but quiet virtue of disinterestedness. Yet, Washington, the military chieftain, served eight years without giving rea- son to doubt his wisdom or integrity^ while Messrs. Adams and Clay, the diplomatist and the orator, have effected in less than half that time, a gen- eral conviction that they are destitute of both. But, says Mr. Johnson, General Jackson not only " resigned three, but passed through all these offices, acknowledging his unfitness in two in- stances, manifestly feeling it in all, an 1 leaving no single act, no trace be- hind, which stamps his qualifications above mediocrity." Such allegations as these are enough (to use Mr. Johnson's peculiar dialect) "to stamp their author below mediocrity" — as they abound in misstatement and miscon- struction. An individual is appointed to one office, and successively pro- 32 woted to two others, and because he vacates the subordinate ones in order to reach the liighest in the series, these acts of resiofnation are interpreted into a confession of his own unfitness. Did Mr. Clay acknowledge his un- fitness for the Speaker's chair, when he resigned it and took office in the cabinet of Mr. Adams ? Does a Colonel evince a conscious incapacity when he accepts the commission of General ? General Jackson resigned his seat in the House of Representatives to fill a place in the Senate, and this station he resigned with a patriotism and liberality highly honorable to him, to make room for General D miel Smith, his neighbor and friend — a gentleman whose superior age and scientific attainments gave him pecu- liar claims to public confidence, and inspired a hope that he would prove a useful accession to the party which was then opposed to the administration of the elder Adams. This disinterested act, which few of the many who can make long speeches, would be capable of, is urged in the address as fur- ther proof of incapacity, and the formidable array of evidence to that point, is completed by the assertion that " no trace," that is. no speech is left be- hind him in his civil career, placing him above mediocrity. But before the conclusion here designated can be admitted,it must be ascertained whether a long speech in Congress, is not in nine cases out of ten,at least a proof of me- diocrity.* A member of Congress, who, without the possession of rare orato- rical powers, makes long speeches, is known to have given full exertion to his abilities,and has no claim to a reputation higher than that which is acquir- ed by a large portion of his comrades. Whereas a silent member is regard- ed as possessed of such strength of mind and dignity of taste, as to disdain the slender repute which one or more speeches create, and is, tor that very reason, considered far above mediocrity. When Patrick Henry was ask- ed "who he thought the greatest man" in the famous Congress of '74, from which he was just returned, he replied — " If you speak of eloquence, Mr. Rutledge of South Carolina, is by far the greatest orator; but if you speak of solid judgment and sound information, Co onel Washington is unques- tionably the greatest man on that floor."f Yet Washington "passed through and resigned" this and other civil offices, without leaving "a trace" behind, which in the accurate style and estimation of Mr. Johnson, "stamped his qualifications above mediocrity." It is rather unfortunate for one, who undertakes to instruct the people of Virginia, that his most oracular opinions should conflict with the dictates of common sense — the judgment of Patrick Henry, and the example of Washington. The temper of General Jackson is said to be as unsuitable as his capa- city, and " the spirit of domination displayed in his celebrated letter to Gov. Rabun," is referred to as evidence that the office of President should not be entrusted to his " impetuousity of temper " and " fiery misrule." In a deep prophetic tone it is added, a foreif^m war may come, may rage with violence, and may find General Jackson at the head of the civil gov- ernment and commander in chief of the land and naval forces. Dissenti- ent views among the statesmen may arise — controversies grow up between the state and federal authorities — as discussions and controversies have heretofore arisen — and who then, we pray you, can answer for the conse- quences of that spirit which said to Gov. Rabun, " when I am in the field you have no authority to issue a military order." It may be thought singu- lar that Mr. Johnson, after having so bitterly reviled and lamented the un- fairness of tearing " from their context " the expressions of the President, should when urging a charge so personal in its nature as this againsl. his rival, and attaching to it, as a consequence, " the dissolution of the Union, * Frank Johnson made a speech five days long, t Wirt's life of Henry, page 113. 33 and death to the hopes of every free government upon earth," be guilty of this very unfairness himself witli a violence too, which cannot be conceiv- ed without attending lo the following summary of facts : When General Jackson assumed the direction of the Seminole war he found General Gaines near Hartford, in Georgia, at the head of the con- tingent force of that State, which he speedily put into motion. Advanc- ing with his raw force of one thousand men, in the direction of Fort .-Scott, he passed on rude rafts and scarce practicable routes, the fenny sv/amps and flooded rivers of that region, impelled by the energy of his character and the hope of finding the supplies which had been ordered there, at Fort Early. Jiut when he reached that place, the danger of famine was not abated, there being only a barrel and a half of flour and a few bushels of corn in the Fort. In the neighbourhood lived a small tribe of Indians, the Chehaws, whose friendship, though doubted, now proved sincere. To these sons of the forest in his extremity, he applied, desiring them to bring in such supplies of corn, peas and potatoes as they could spare, and prom- ising liberal pay for them. They immediately brought a small supply, and on the General's encamping near their village, which lay directly in his route to Fort Scott, their aged Chief, Howard, the survivor of many wars with the kings of the forest and the foes of his tribe, received him as a brother, and the simple-hearted community emptied almost to exhaus- tion, to relieve the wants of their guests, the small stock of food which had been collected for their subsistence through the winter. Enthusiasm succeeding their kindness — the few warriors of the village joined the American standard, and it was only in compliance with Jackson's request, that the grandson of Howard, a youth of eighteen, was left to assist that patriarch of the woods, in attending to the old men, women and children. Thus confiding in the honor of General Jackson, and in the faith of the United States, the Chehaw villagers were left in complete exposure. But what had they to apprehend, or what had General Jackson to appre- hend for them ? To the commanding officer of the small garrison left at Fort Early, he had given instruction to consider the Chehaws as friends, and there was no power behind him that could be dangerous to the allies of the United States. Having clasped the right hand of Howard in friend- ship, marshalled the warriors of the tribe, and assured the women of peace and protection, who, with their " young barbarians," witnessed his depar- ture, he hastened onward to the theatre of war. Where the lion walks harmless, the wolf prowls most ferociously. A Captain Wright, of the Georgia militia, upon some false imformation, conceived and communicated to the Governor, the impression, that after the march of General Jackson from the vicinity of Hartford, hostilities had been committed on that section of the frontier by the Philonees and Oponees — subordinate or rather incorporated septs of the Chehaw tribe. The Governor, on this erroneous representation, issued a very inconsider- ate order, empowering the Captain to march at the head of two compa- nies of cavalry, and such infantry as could be drawn from the garrison of Fort Early, against the supposed aggressors. It was in vain that the commanding officer there assured Captain Wright of the friendship and innocence of the (.Chehaws, and informed him of their recent aid and hos- pitality to General Jackson. But why prolong the dreadful recital ! The Governor's party had the power and the will to destroy. They burst like a tempest on the devoted village. Helpless age and unresisting infancy they confounded in one torrent of destruction. The bayonet, red with the blood of the infant, was plunged into the breast of the mother. The aged Howard supported by his grand-son, advanced with a white flag, and was shot with that emblem of mith and peace in his feeble hand. The same 34 cruel volley despatched his grand-son — the village was given to the flames — the women and children to the edge of the sword, or they fled frotn in- stant slaughter in terror and exile, to famine. Wilder scenes of desola- tion have indeed been spread on the face of the globe, when hyder de- scended like a thundercloud from the mountains of Mysore, upon the plains of tiie Carnatio — or when Turreau left La Vendee .shrouded in soli- tude and ashes. But a deeper stain of dishonor or a more intense visita- tion of wo was never seen or inflicted, than at the ^ecluded village of the Chehaws. The massacre of Wyoming was mercy to it, and the revenge of Brandt far less cruel than this amity of the United States. It violated at one blow, humanity, friendship, and the faith of treaties — the obligations of justice, gratitude and honor— and involved in its consequences the dis- grace of the nation, the murder of our citizens, and the probable renewal of the war, which was then almost concluded. Against this shameful outrage, the heart of Jackson arose, and he resented it with indignation, but not without dignity, complaining to the executive of the United States and remonstrating with that of Georgia. To the former he says, (7th May 1818.) " The outrage which has been committed on the super-anuated warriors, women and children of the Chehaws, whose sons were then in the field, in the service of the United States, merits the severest chastise- ment. The interference too of the Governor of Georgia, with the duties imposed on me, claims the early attention of the President. All the ef- fects of my campaign may by this one act be destroyed, and the same scenes of massacre and murder with which our frontier settlements have been visited, again repeated."* To the latter (i^Iay 7; after referring to the massacre as " base and cowardly," and to an enclosed copy of General Glascocks letter detailing it, he observes "That a Governor of a State should make war against an Indian tribe at perfect peace with and under the protection of the United States, is assuming a responsibility that I trust you will be able to excuse to the United States, to which you will have to answer," and he adds, "you as Governor of a State within my Diilitary division, have no right to give a military order when I am in the field." This last is the phrase which Mr. Johnson has "torn from its context," and repeated with an aggrevating abbreviation, and in alarming italics. * General Jackson was informed of this calamity by a letter from General Glascock, dated the 30th April 18.8, written at Fort Karly ou his return to Georgia, with the contingent of th-^t state. The following is an extract : " On arriving within thirty miles of the Chehaw vil- lage, I sent on Major obinson, with a detachment of twenty men, to procure beef •, On his arriving there the Indians had fled in every direction, the Chehaw town having been consumed about four days before, by a party of men consisting of 2:30, under Captain Wright, now in command at Hartford. It appears that after he assumed the commandof thatplare, he obtained the certificates of several men on the frontier, that the Chehaw Indians were engaged in a skirmish on the Big Bend. He immediately sent or went to the Governor and obtained orders to de-troy the town of PhiUemee and Open- e. Two c-mpanies of cavalry were immediately ordered out and placed under his command, and on the 22d he reached this place. He ord; jcd Capt. Bothwell to furnish him with twenty-five or thirty men to accompany him ; having been authorized to do so by the (Governor, t»'e order was complied with. Captain Bothwell told him that he could not accompany him himself ; disapproved the \ Ian and informed ( apt. Wright that there could be no doubt of the friendship of the Indians in that quarter and stated thatOponee had on that day, brought in a public horse that had been lost. This availed nothing, mock patriotism burned in their breasts. 1 hey crossed the river that night and push- ed for the town. When arriving near there, an Indian was discovered graying ^onJe cnttle ; he was made a prisoner. I am informed by sergeant Jones, that the Indian proposed to go with the interpreter and bring one of the Chiefs, for the C; ptain to talk with. It was not attended to -an advance was ordered the cavalry pushed forward and commenced the massacre. Even after the firing and murder commenced. Major Howard, an old Chief, who furnished you with considerable corn, came out from his house with a white flag. It was not respected ; an order for a general fire was given and nearly four hundred gi iis were dis- charged at him before it took effect. He fell and was bay< netted. His son f grand son) was also kHled." After continuing such horrid details as above. General Glascock adds. '• Since thet, three of my command, who were left at Fort Scott, obtained a furlough, and o.i their way to this place, one of them was shot." So that the outrage produced by the order of the Governor of Georgia, was already being retaliated on his fellow citizens. 35 "When I am in the field you havl no right to issue a military order." Now, although the negation may at first appear too general, yet the context plainly limits it to the field of command on which Jackson was then em- ployed. It obviously was not his intention to say that the Governor had no right to regulate the militia concerns of his State, or to order.out quotas in the service of the United States, but that he had no right, as Governor of Georgia, to interfere with his duties, by operations extraneous to the sovereignty of the J^tate, and hostile to the Indians at peace with and under the protection of the United States. In this he was perfectly right, and evinced a disposition to preserve rather than to disturb the harmony so desirable between the States and the general government. The power of making war is vested exclusively by the constitution in the fed- eral government, and the equivalent duty imposed on it of guaranteeing the integrity and independence of the several States. This duty, the federal government was then in the act of discharging in favor of the State of Georgia ; and yet, according to Mr. Johnson, the Governor of Georgia was to interrupt its military operations, and to murder its friends and allies, without the voice of remonstrance or admonition. Let us sup- pose fur a moment, that after General Brown had concluded a friendly agreement with the BufFaloe Indians, and with their supplies of provisions and men, had invaded Canada, Governor Tompkins had come on his track, burnt the friendly village, and destroyed or dispersed its inhabitants. Would it have been an unpardonable offence in General Brown to remon- strate against that outrage, and to inform Governor Tompkins that he had transcended his authority ? Would it have displayed a "dangerous spirit of domination," or an honorable feeling of justice and humanity ? And would it have exposed Gen. Brown to the suspicion and execration of his fellow citizens, or entitled him to their approbation and support ? Mr. Johnson's acquaintance with history will remind him that the taking of Saguntum, while in alliance with the Romans, was the immediate cause of the second Punic war, and that the destruction of that city excited a dignified resentment in the Roman people, which defeat after defeat, and slaughther after slaughter, could not subdue, and gave a moral interest as well as a political force to the vengeful expression of the elder Cato, " de- lenda est Carthagro." Not to mention other examples of feeling repugnant to the sentiments with which Mr. Johnson contemplates the sensibility of General Jackson for the fate of the Chehaws, the pride which on a late occasion England took in stretching forth her power as an agis over her " ancient ally" may be cited — when Mr. Canning, as the organ of his country, declared to the nations in a tone of generous defiance, that when the march of foreign conquest touched the frontiers of Portugal, it must stay its haughty step. Yet, while we admire the spirit of the Roman people and of the English Statesman, we are persuaded to believe, by Mr. John- son and his star chamber judges, that when our own patiiot protested against an outrage on humanity a violation of faith, and usurpation of au- thority, acquiescence in which would have stained with disgrace our com- mon sense, our common nature and our common country, he displayed a "fiery misrule of temper," and "a dangerous spirit of domination." It may perhaps, be within the extensive circle of his sophistry to contend that the Governor of Georgia, as the head of a sovereign state, had a rip^ht to make war on the Indians, the right of war being an inci- dent inseparable from sovereignty. Waiving the constitutional pact be- tween the states and the federal government, and the laws of Congress, placing the Indian tribes under the control and keeping of the United States, which would at once defeat this course of argument, it will be enough to observe, that even if the Governor had the right of waging this 36 war, he was bound to prosecute it according to the law of nations and the usaf^es of war. These would have rendered it his duty to ascertain first, whether the injury he complained of was really committed by the Che- haws — and if it were, secondly, whether the authorities of that tribe would make or refuse proper reparation. This is the practice of all civi- lized states— is that of the United States — and was exemplified in the late disturbance with the Winnebagoes. So that, conceding the right of war to the Governor, his violation of the laws and usages of war to the injury of the Chehaws, justly exposed him to the remonstrances of General Jackson, who, as an officer of the United States, the guest of the venera- ble Howard, and the commander of the Chehaw warriors, was in strict alliance with that tribe, and bound to protect it. The fact is, that the Governor of Georgia was for a time, so infatuated, as to consider his offi- cial dignity invaded, and his power encroached upon by this remonstrance of the General, and under that impression wrote a lettef to him, remind- ing him of Georgia's "bleeding frontier,'' and taunting him with affecting " a military despotism." The fact is too, that this his letter, made its gas- conading appearance in a Georgia Journal, before it was received by the General, and fell into disreputable oblivion soon after. And the probabil- ity is, that Mr. Johnson, who though prodigal in charges, is penurious in proofs, has been guided to this buried slander by a sense for defamation as keen and creditable as that which leads certain winged gnostics to the carcases of the dead. But it has as little truth as fragrance. For from the time the Georgia Brigade encamped on the Oakmulgee, and under the conduct of General Jackson, marched by the way of Fort Early to Fort Scott, up to the close of the war, the southern frontier of that State could neither have bled nor been exposed. A thousand men either sta- tioned on that frontier, or penetrating from it into the Indian country, na- turally bore off" any thing like hostility ; and accordingly General Jacksoii met with no opposition until he reached the Mickasuky towns, at least 150 miles south of Hartford. Besides, the Tennessee contingent consist- ing also of ] 000 men, had marched on the 14th of February from Fay- etteville in Tennessee, under the command of Colonel Hayne, of the Uni- ted States Army, and after reaching Fort Mitchell, on their way to join General Jackson at Fort Scott, had from information that their rations which had given out could not be replenished in the direction of Fort Scott, filed off to the left, and by a route nearly parrallel to the advance of Jackson," had passed into Georgia, at Hartford ; where Colonel Hayne with 400 men remained for the protection of that frontier, until after the period of which Governor Rabun represented it to be " bleed- ing."* There could therefore have been no real cause, as there was no possible justification for the attack on the Chehaws ; and of this the Gov- ernor himself was soon sensible, for in a letter of the 11th May, from Milledgeville, General Glascock says to General Jackson — " I had an in- terview with the agent and the Governor, and they have concluded that a talk will immediately be held with the chiefs of that place — ascertain the amount of property destroyed, and make ample reparation for the same. This is at once acknowledging the impropriety of the attack, and not in the least degree throwing oft' the stigma that will be attached to the State." The next charge is headed with the following important dictum. " Mi- litary men should never be allowed to forget that the obligation to obey, being the sole foundation of the authority to command, they should incui- *See the despatch of General Jackson to the war department of the 25th March, from Fort Gadsden, three weeks before the massacre of the Chehawa, and also his letter of the 11th of August to Governor Rabun. 37 ivBite subordination not by precept only, but by example." And it is alleg- ed that in defiance of it, General Jackson has committed a threefold of- fence. " He has offered indignity to the Secretary of War in the very let- ter assigning his reasons for disobeying- the order to disband his troops — he has placed his own authority in opposition to that of the War Depart- ment, by a general order forbiding the officers of his command, to obey the orders of the Department, unless they passed through the channel which he had chosen to prescribe — and he disobeyed the order of the Go- vernment in his military operations in the Spanish territory." Sweeping charges are almost always unfounded, because in order to make them plausible it is necessary to suppress the very circumstances which qualify the actions they inculcate. In the precise tone of Mr. Johnson, an Eng- lish essayist might say that the Congress of '76 offered an indignity to the King of Great fintain, in the declaration of independence assigning their reasons for disobeynisr his authority. Every case of the kind is character- ized only by its circumstances, and when an expert disputant trained to the tricks of the forum, advances a charge and omits the circumstances explanatory of its foundation, it is strong evidence that he is himself con- scious of its injustice. Now it turns out that the alleged disobedience of General Jackson was justified by the circumstances of the case, was ap- proved by the government and sanctioned by events. Under the acts au- thorising the President to accept the services of 50,000 volunteers. Gen- eral Jackson, then commanding the 2d division of that militia which he soon rendered so famous — tendered to the Government of the United States the services of himself and two thousand five hundred men of his division, and the tender was accepted The detachment having been em- bodied and organized, was ordered to proceed by water to New Orleans. Subsequently to his departure, General Jackson was advised to halt near Natchez, and in compliance with it, he took a position in the neighbor- hood of that city. Here while attending to the health and discipline of the corps, he received the laconic mandate from the War Department, with disobedience to which he is so grievously reproached. It is first to be noticed, that as all men have some degree of fallibility, and some de- gree of discretion, and as the imperfections of language and the interpo- sition of distance, give ample scope for the operation of both, it may well happen that the non-execution of an order is the best possible mode of obeying the government. When an officer receives an order, which the exercise of a sound discretion convinces him, would not have been issued had the condition of the circumstance in which it was to operate been known to the authority from which it proceeded, the spirit of his duty comes in direct opposition to the letter of his order. Obedience in such a ease, consists not in a blind submission to the words, but in a zealous fulfilment of the intentions of the government. The order of the Empe- ror, it is true, authorized Grouchy to continue his unprofitable contest with the Prussians, but the spirit of his duty required his presence and exertions at Waterloo. By disregarding the signal which recalled him from fight. Lord Nelson fulfilled the wishes of his Government, shook the throne of Denmark, and shattered the confederacy of northern powers. So obvious is the distinction betvveen nominal and real obedience, that it could not have escaped the attention of Mr. Johnson, but for the loyal amazement with ,which he is afferted at the idea of indignity to the head of a department. This seems to overcome all his better faculties, and t« leave him nothing but the powers of genuflection and obloquy. He for- gets that an order may be obscure, and therefore liable to misconstruction, and that it may contain imperfections of date, or expression which bring into doubt its genuineness. In the case now considered, all these causes 38 operated against a strict execution of the order. General Jackson could not be easily convinced that it was the intention of the President, after accepting the services of his volunteers, and removing them six hundred miles from their homes in an inclement season, pregnant with disease, and beyond a vast wilderness filled with hostility, to deprive them of food to save them from hunger^ — to strip them of tents to cover them from the weather and of arms to defend them from savages. Yet, on the I5th March, he received the duplicate of an order addressed to him at New- Orleans, requiring him, '' on its receipt, to consider his corps dismissed from public service," and to " deliver over to General Wilkinson all arti- cles of public property which may have been put mto its possession" — not leaving the men a mouthful of food — in the hands of the detachment a musket or cartridge — in the possession of the corps a single tent or wa- gon, or the smallest accommodation for their sick, of whom there were more than 150. He received another copy of the same order, which was dated nearly a month earlier (before General Armstrong, whose signature it bore, had come into the war department,) and contained variations of expression which made it appear not to be an exact copy. However he determined to obey it with as much exactness and as little delay as possible. He saw, what Mr. Johnson does not perceive, that its declara- tory part effected itself. He and his detachment were dismissed the ser- vice of the United Slates. The order was not a direction to disband, but a notification of dismissal, so far effected itself, and required in no degree the agency of General Jackson. This Mr. Johnson may assure himself of by conceiving that General Jackson, or any other General, were di- rected to consider himself and his corps evgnsred with the enemy, and re- flecting whether that would be deemed an order for attack. Its manda- tory clause relating to public property and admitting of some exceptions, he conceived it his duty, both to the government and to his men, not to carry into full execution. Viewing ours as a just and paternal govern- ment, he considered his detachment pretty much as the law considers a pre-termitted child, and determined to do that for his men which the go- vernment had, it appeared forgotten to do. In a letter to the Governor of Tennessee, under whose authority the order of the Secretary had repla- ced him, he says, " I have, however from the necessity of the case, deter- mined to keep some of the tents, and to march the men back in as good order as possible, and I will make every sacrifice to add to their comfort. I have required of the contractor here twenty days rations, which will take my men to Colbert's ; and I must trust in Providence and your exer- tions to furnish them with supplies from there to Nashville." To General Wilkinson who had enclosed the order, he says, " I have had the honor of receiving your letter of the 8th inst. with its enclosures, containing direc- tions for me to deliver over public property to you, which is in possession of my detachment. The order will be complied with, except a small re- seivation of tents for the sick, and some other indispensible articles. I acknowledge the order was unexpected ; but I coincide with you in senti- ment that those who are bound must obey." Let the reader recollect that the law under which the services of this corps had been accepted, made the arms and accoutrements of the soldier his private property at his discharge — operating like a bounty on enlistments — that of course Gen. Jackson had no right to apply it to this species of military property, and that he only suspended its execution so far as to retain a few tents and other articles indispensable to the care of the sick, until he could get his corps through the wilderness, which was already the scene of those Indian murders that soon brought on the Creek War. That to effect this patri- otic and honorable purpose he borrowed 5000 dollars on his own private 39 account* — and that the government itself sanctioned his proceeding, and then determine the degree of credit to which Mr. Johnson's charge is en- titled. Let it be also remembered that this chivalric corps contained the Cotfees and the Carrols, who fought wherever they could find a foe, and the Lauderdales and the Donelsons who fell with so much glory and that' had Gen. Jacksofi, through fear of " indignity," disbanded his troops and left them uncovered, unfed, undefended victims to disease, to want and to murder, the patriots of Tennessee would have been justly disgusted with a service, which, when inspired with gratitude and affection for their faith- ful leader, they adhered to with such signal zeal and triumphant efficiency. It appears, then, that so far from deserving censure for the modified execution of the order m question, he merits the praise of prudence and generosity, and is entitled to the gratitude of his country for that season- able and enlightened independence which had the effect of attaching* to him and to her the materials of future safety and honor. As to the indig- nity offered to the Secretary of War, at which our modern Macsycophant is so bustling and booing, it is probable that the Secretary, who was by no means dull of app.'-ehension. did not perceive it. But if he did, he could only consider it a private injury, as, by his own act. General Jackson was no longer under his authority ; and was, therefore, out of the rule of obe- dience, upon which Mr. Johnson founds the right to command. fJis let- ter, after representing the discrepancy between the date of the order, (5th Jan.) and the official notification of Gen Armstrong's entrance into the War Department, (3d Feb.) assures the Secretary of his determination "to obey the order, and to deliver over to the quarter master of the de- partment all public property in my hands that can be spared from the con- venience and health of my men, on their return to Nashville ; it being the place where they were rendezvoused by the orders of the President of the United States ; and to which place I shall march them as soon as the necessary supplies can be had for the purpose." He then expatiates on the los.-s of public spirit and of patriotic lives, and on the great distress which would attend the immediate dispersion of his men — expresses his conviction that their arms belonged to them, and his surprise that an order so neglectful of their feelings and interests, should have been traced by the hand "of an old revolutionary soldier, who knows the privations of a sol- dier's life ; who exercisefl his talents, (not at a very prudent moment) in their behalf, at the close of the last war." Now this, so far from offering an inlignity, really conveyed a delicate allusion to the Newburg letters. Gen Armstrong had not the folly to consider it an indignity, and Gen. Jackson being out of service, not the right to consider it an offence. He was, no doubt, gratified at his prudence in not putting that interpretation on his laconic order, which might have been a natural one in situations so safe, near and plentiful as Niagara and Norfolk, but which would have been incalculably distressing to the Tennesseans at Natchez. When it is taken into consideration too, that the tender of this corps had been ac- cepted in August, that they had been assembled in December, had em- barked on the Cumberland in January, that after voyaging, often through floating ice and stormy weather, more than 1000 miles, they had encamped near Natchez on the 21st February, and had then been dismissed without ceremony or accommodation on the 15th March — the reader will be apt to conclude that more moderation on the part of Jackson, would have been mean spirited, would have betrayed a want of that sensibility to the claims of friendship and neighborhood and fellowship, which he so heroically felt — which did him so much honor as a man, and were so fortunate in the event to his country. *0f a merchant of Natchez. 40 The winding course of Mr. Johnson's defamation, brings next into view the charsfe of disobedience to the War Department, in the shape of " a general order ;" and if a man can lose reputation by making unjust at- tacks upon the fame of another, it will tend as little to his honor as those which have already been refuted. The circumstances explaining this case are the following : — while Gen. Jackson was in the service of the United States, it occurred several times, and at seasons of the greatest pressure, that officers to whom he had assigned important duties, were silently withdrawn from their posts by orders from some subaltern in the line, stationed as a deputy in the adjutant and inspector general's office, at Washington. On the 1st of October, 1814, for example, just a fortnight after the first attack on Fort Bowyer, and while the whole British arma- ment was hovering between Mobile and New Orleans,* an order was is- sued from the War Department, signed John R. Bell, deputy inspector general, directing Col. Sparks, and the officers of the 2d regiment, inclu- ding the gallant Major Lawrence, to proceed forthwith on the recruiting service ! This order was received whde Gen. Jackson was effecting the timely expulsion of the British from Pensacola, and had left Mobile in charge of Col. Sparks, and Fort Bowyer in that of Major Lawrence. — With commendable prudence these officers declined obedience, and re- mained at th'^ir posts. General Jackson complained of it to the govern- ment, pointed out the serious consequences that might have been produced by it, and suggested the propriety of communicating in future, all orders to his subordinates through him, inasmuch as his capacity to defend the extensive and defenceless line of territory committed to his charge, would be destroyed, if the officers on whose vigilance and exertions he depended were removed from their stations without his knowledge. This representation received no effectual attention from the government and the anomalous practice it condemned, continued at intervals to pre- vail. A forcible instance occurred in the person of Major Long, who having reported himself under a regular order to Gen. Jackson for duty, was directed by him to the Upper Mississippi for the purpose of sketching the topography of a district in that quarter, upon which a contest with the Indians was then apprehended. The next thing the General heard of his •Engineer was, while he was anxiously expecting his leport, through a newspaper notice in New-York, that the Major had sometime since estab- lished himself in that city, in obedience to an order from the War De- partment. Gen. Jackson (4th March, 1817) again appealed to Mr. Mon- roe (then President) on the subject, reiterated his former reasons against the irregularity, and deprecated with much earnestness its prevalence in his division when no emergencies of war existed to require it, and when his head quarters were at Nashville, a point of convenient distribution lor orders directed by mail to the various military stations in the south and west. This communication, like the former, proving ineffectual, deter- mined no longer to have more responsibility than power, he took measures to bring the subject before the government in a way that would admit of no further neglect. On the 22d April he issued a general order forbid- ding the officers of his division to obey any order from the War Depart- ment which did not pass through the office of his Adjutant General. — About two months after this, the President still declining any decision on the matter, and suffering it to fester by delay, an order was issued from the War Department to General Ripley, then in command at New Or- leans, which, in compliance with Jackson's general order he did not obey. Finding one of his officers involved in difficulty by an act of military sub- * See despatch from Mr. Monroe to Gen. J. of the 27th Sept. and from Gen. J. to Mr. M. «f the 24th and 37th August. 41 ordination and fidelity, Jackson immediately assumed an attitude whicli none but a Martinet or an Attorney can fail to admire. In a letter to the President, (I'Mi Aug. 1817) he referred to his former communications on this subject, and to the cases which had produced them — repeated the substance of his general order, and stated the dillemma of General Rip- ley, and with his characteristic spirit and honor thus relieved him from all responsibility. " This has given rise to the proper disobedience of Major Gen. Ripley to the order of the Department of War above alluded to, for which I hold myself responsible." He adds — "In the view I took of this subject on the 4th of March, I had flattered myself you would coincide, and had hoped to receive your answer before a recurrence of a similar infringmeut of mditary rule rendered it necessary for me to call your at- tention tfiereto. None are infallible in their opinions, but it is neverthe- less necessary that all should act agreeable to their convictions of right. My convictions in favour of the course I have pursued are strong, and should it become necessary, 1 will willingly meet a fair investigation be- fore a military tribunal. The good of the service, and the dignity of the commission I hold, alone actuate me. My wishes for retirement have al- ready been made known to you, but under existing circumstances, my duty to the officers of my division forbids it, until this subject is fairly un- derstood." The final decision when it came was, that orders to inferiors should pass through the commanding officer of the division, always there- after, Mn/e55 in case o/* necc55%. Admitting the principle contended for by Jackson, and terminating a practice, which under the aspect of legal authority, was subversive of discipline, injurious to service, and repugnant to justice. It is true that by the Constitution the President is Comman- der in Chief of the army, and that by a custom almost equivalent to law, the orders of the Secretary are considered the orders of the President, and that among the illegitimate descendants of this custom, was the f>ractice of confiding the power of the Department to Lieutenants of the ine, whose enormous deviations from propriety, as in the order to Col. Sparks, brought it into question and disrepute. But the President is Com- mander in Chief, only in the same sense in which the General is com- mander of his division, has no stronger claim to the obedience of the General than the latter has to the obedience of the Colonel, and his or- ders, whether issued under his sign manual, or through the Secretary of War, or the imposing instrumentality of a subaltern, are to be restrained by the laws of Congress and the principles of the Constitution. No man will contend that his authority in the army is absolute — that he can of his own accord inflict capital punishment on a soldier — can make a lieu- tenant command a captain, a colonel a general, or exact duty from either without allowing him his proper rank. Now the essence of rank consists in the superiority of command which it confers, and any order of the President, making an inferior disobey the orders of his superior, is a de- rogation of the rank of that superior, and produces a disorder, the remo- val of which necessarily exposes to disturbance in a similar and equivalent degree, the authority of the President over the superior. The order to Col. Sparks required a direct and violent disobedience to Gen. Jackson's command, as that to Major Long effected it. To have rendered these or- ders entirely legal and expedient, they should have been communicated through the commanding General. They would then have preserved the just equality between responsibility and power, which the nature of dele- gated authority requires. And instead of causing one act of obedience, and one of disobedience, they would have produced two acts of perfect obedience, through agents related in due subordination to each other. — The course pursued by the government moreover, involved the signal in- 6 42 justice of tixing" publicly the proportion between Gen. Jackson's power and responsibility, upon which proportion, it must be presumed, he con- sented to assume the latter, and then privaieh/, and without his knowledge reducing the former below that proportion, by a proceeding much in the nature of an expost facto law. The silence and hesitation persevered in respecting his remonstrances, while they tended to produce an impression that the reasons he advanced were not disapproved, created a strong de- mand for the decisive measures he adopted, and the fact which is but too apparent that the irregularity he complained of was calculated, if contin- ued, to disappoint the department, as well as the General, as it might be retorted by the latter in various perplexing ways, furnishes another strong objection to it. Its only excuse is a complete justification of it, where it can be shewn, and a marked condemnation of it, where it cannot be shewn, viz. necessity. To this fair adjustment and full redress, Gen. Jackson brought this abuse in the service, and for the spirit and judgment he displayed on that occasion alone, he deserves the gratitude of the ar- my and the respect of his fellow citizens. Havmg in a former number shewn to your readers that his military ope- rations in Floriiia, were in direct obedience to the orders of the War De- partment, I shall not be detained by Mr. Johnson's repetition of that un- founded charge further than to advert to the clumsy dexterity with which he shifts his ground — at one moment inveighing against the General, for disobedience to the orders of the Department, and at the next reviling him for conduct in direct obedience to them. From this dilemma he cannot escape unless he can prove that the orders vesting General Jackson " with full powers to conduct the war in the manner he might think best " — au- thorizmg him " to march across the Florida line and attack the Seminoles within its limits " — and requiring him to collect a force sufficient " to beat the enemy and terminate the conflict," did not justify his invasion of Flor- ida, within the limits of which " the enemy " was situated ; or his tempora- ry occupation of the Spanish Posts, of which, in defiance of the stipulations of a treaty and the duties of a neutral, the Seminoles held either hostile control or military possessions. A disposition to avoid labor and repeti- tion, suggests the propriety of a similar reference for a refutation of the charges grounded upon the mis-called declaration of martial law — an act of vigor and forecast, which In its origin and consequences was vindi- cated by urgent necessity, justified by powerful analogies, sanctioned by examples, and ratified by events ; covering that city with glory and pro- tection, endearing its performer to all who were willing to fight in its de- fence, and thrilling every patriotic heart in this Union with emotions of joy and triumph. ^ These ofiences against the law and the Constitution being disposed of, we come to those with which Mr. Johnson declares " mercy and humanity imite in accusing General Jackson." They stand in his catalogue in the following order; — "The cold-blooded massacre at the Horse Shoe" — " the decoyed and slaughtered Indians at St. Marks " — " the wanton and unexampled execution of Ambrister " — " and of the still more injured Ar- buthnot, a trader and an advocate for peace." With respect to " the cold blooded massacre at the Horse-Shoe," as no order for one was ever given by General Jackson, it is a calumny on the courage and humanity of his officers and men, who have added unfading laurels to those which they gained on that desperate day — many of whom, in their unrivalled cam- paigns, found honorable wounds or glorious death — and some of whom have filled and occupy the highest stations in the esteem and government of a grateful country. My business is confined to the correction of the more intentional injustice of the address, and therefore, after assuring thfi 43 reader that there is no foundation whatever in truth or in history for sucli a charge, T nhall do no more than submit this inexcusable misrepresenta- tion to that sort of destruction which the testimony of a witness undergoes, when it is proved, that in order to establish a certain point of interest, he has made solemn declarations, which had no foundation in fact, and could have none in his own knowledge. General Carroll, the late Governor of Tennessee, and a distinguished disciple of General Jackson in war, v^'hose rank and presence in this action, gave him a minute acquaintance with its features, upon reading Mr. Johnson's address, furnished the following statement: — '* I have seen the address of the anti-Jackson Convention of Virginia, in which General Jackson is charged with the cold blooded massacre of the Indians at the Horse Shoe. During the whole of the Creek war, I serve;^ as Inspector General of the Army — was present at the battle of the Horse Shoe, and can say, of my own personal knowledge, that the charge is wholly destitute of foundation. Tow ards the close of the action, after the breast-works had been taken by assault, a number of Indians took refuge under a quantity of brush and logs. General Jackson advanced within a short distance of the place of their concealment, and directed his interpreter, George Mayfield, to assure them, that if they would surrender, that they should be treated with the greatest humanity. They answered the proposition by firing upon and wounding Mayfield severely in the shoulder. A similar proposition was also made Ity Jim Fife.orold Chinnebee, and the fire of the Indians was the only roply it re ceived. After a number of our men were killed and wounded by those Indians, and after they had twdce refused to surrender upon any terms, the brush was set on fire, and but few of them escaped death. The pris- oners taken on that day, including a large number of women and children, were humanely treated by General Jackson. I have made the above statement in justice to General Jackson, and the brave men who fought the battle of the Horse Shoe."* The testimony of numerous eye witnesses might be added to this state- ment, but no multiplication of certificates could render it more respecta- ble, or more completely effect the explosion of this " cold-blooded " slan- der. The reader must be struck with the emphatic, yet forbearing tone in which it is expressed, proving that although the writer was sensible of the injustice of Mr. Johnson's reflection on himself, he was not at all mov- ed by it. But perhaps it is intended to impress the public mind with the belief, that dislodging those desperate Indians who rejected quarter and prolong- ed the battle after resistance was vain, was of itself a " cold blooded mas- sacre." Are then, the enemies of the United States, when waging a sav- age unsparing war, to requite with w^ounds and death our offlers of human- ity and protection, and yet be saved from death or retaliation ? Are our commanders to begin an action — overpower by great effort, the main force of the enemy, and then abandon the field and the victory to a few despe- radoes ? General Jackson's duty to his country and his government, compelled him, if in his power, to defeat the enemy ; and that operation ne- cessarily involves the destruction of every adversary who refuses to yield. Had the desperate party at the Horse Shoe, been a detachment of Bona- parte's Imperial Guard, the veterans of fifty pitched battles, and command- ed by Ney or Soult, the^ must have suffered the fate of the Indians — as a garrison which refuses a summons, may by the laws of war, be blown into the air. But who were these determined and deluded savages? The * Ramsay's History, continued, published is 1818, gives an account similiar to this of Hen. ©airoll's, V. 3. p. 162. 44 same who, when the sudden hostility of their nation rose like an inunda- tion on the settlenjents of Alabama, herding- hundreds of women and child- ren into Fort Mimms, broke into that asylum with treachery, fire and murder. Who followed to that feast of butchery, where quarter was neith- er offered nor allowed, the volcanic voice of Weatherford ; and as it rose above the shouts of fury and the shrieks of despair, breathinor inextin- guishable rage and demanding relentless slaughter, obeyed its ferocious summons until but 17 out of 300 of our unarmed citizens were teft alive. They were the same men who, under cover of a truce granted for their benefit by General Jackson, had entrapped and slaughtered the son of Chinnibee — the Massanissa of the Creeks — the friend and the ally of the American people. * These are the beings, whose self-provoked destruc- tion, in a fair and hard-fought action.f the people of Virginia are advised to consider, in order to vilify a faithful officer, a " cold-blooded massacre !" The charges " of the decoyed and slaughtered Indians at St. Marks," is next in order and equal in truth. Its subject is indissolubly connected with the crimes and fate of Arbuthnot and Ambrister, and blends itself in- timately with the operations of Jackson in Florida. But the scene of these transactions was so remote and obscure — covered by untravelled wilder- nesses, unmeasured swamps, and undefined jurisdictions — the characters upon which they operated so notorious and yet so unknown, their allegiance so diversified, and their motives so various, that the attention even of a fair inquirer is often bedimmed and confounded in their study, as the strongest eye is mocked in pursuing the ever-changing reflection from agitated water. In their present state of indigestion, they form a mass of rubbish, behind which every scribbler who chooses to revile Jackson and hopes to delude the public, entrenches himself. I confess it was with as- tonishment, something like that which the reader of Tom Jones experiences on finding the philospher Square meditating on the fitness of things behind Molly Seagrim's blanket, I discovered C. Johnson ensconced within it And it is less to expose him, than to prevent the leader of any future con- venticlers, who may put their heads and their haunches together for the pur- pose of hatching public misrepresentations, that I invoke the patience of the reader's attention to the following details. * Chinnibee was the Chief of the Natchez tribe. A few days before the battle of the Horse Shoe, a party of the hostile Creeks commu nicated to him their wish to submit to General Jack- son, and join the friondly Creeks. For this purpose Chinnibee interceded, and pledged him- self as a hostage for their fidelity. They accordingly came into his fort, where they were re- ceived as friends. In the course of a few days, they mentioned that they had corn and some other provisions secreted in the neighboring hills, and asked for permission and assistance to convey it to the fort. L'hinnibee furnished them his horses, and sent with them his youngest son. After getting about fifteen miles from the fort they turned upon young Chinnibee, and murdered him with the indecency and cruelty peculiar to savages— carried off the horses- joined the hostile Creeks, and were engaged in the battle. To the honor of the noble father of this Tinfortunate son, it must be added, that after the action had commenced, (apt. Gordon, who commanded the spies discovered, just as the order for storming the Indian breast work was about to be given, that the women and childen who were within the works, might be aaved by the intervention of Chinnibee, and would otherwise be destroyed in a successful as- sault. He communicated this to General Jackson, who suspended the order, although his men were suffering from the fiie of the Indians, both those prepared to make the assault, and those who were swimming the river to support it, and desired old Chinnibee to endeavor to get the women and children to a place of safety. Although his son had been murdered so cruelly, with a humnnity truly christian, this old man mounted the breast woik at the haznrd of his life, and calling to the women, told them he was ready to save them and their children. They hastened towards him, he sprang into the fort, and the poor creatures clinging to his hunting shirt and clustering around him like a swarm of bees, were brought out of the fort and saved from destruction. The General then gave the order to storm, the works were car- riei', the enemy destroyed, and the victory gained. Does this look like a cold-blooded massa- cre ? And yet fifty witnesses will confirm it if Mr. Johnson is incredulous t The loss of the Americans in this action, was 55 killed and 146 wounded. Ainong the former were Major Montgomery, of the regular army, an officer of great promise, and Lieutenants Mouiton and Womerville. Among the latter, the present Generals Carroll and Houston, the late and the present Governor^of Tennessee. 45 The dramatis personce engaged in the catastrophe which Jackson is ac- cused of producing were — Lieut. Colonel Nichols, of the British artillery — Woodbine an English adventurer of fine address and desperate morals, trainer of hostile Indians, with the title if not the rank of Captain * and in that respect, adjunct and successor of Nichols — Arbuthnot, a Scotchman, who had left his wife in Europe, married a colored one in the ^^ est Indies, and with a son by the former one taken a trading position, in Florida, got himself elected Chief of the Indians at war with the United States, and as such as had sanctioned the butchery of Lieut.Scott and h's party — Am- brister, a half officer and half buccaneer, who, with the commission of " auxiliary lieutenant of colonial marines," given by Admiral Cochrane dur- ing the war with his country, was taken three years after the peace, leading the Indians and fugitive negroes in battle against the troops of the United States. Hambly and Doyle, subjects of Spain, agents of a commercial firm in Pensacola, driving the Indian trade in an establishment on the Apilachicola, and favorers of peace — Cook, clerk to Arbuthnot, also in fa^or of peace — Francis or Millis Hadgo, Chief of the prophets of the Creek Nation, appointed by Tecurnseh in his insurrectional visit to the Southern tribes in the fall of 1812, an inveterate enemy of the United States, had refused to unite with his countrymen in the capitulation of Fort Jackson, abandoned his country and at the head of the outlav/ed Redsticks, had taken refuge and protection with the Seminoles in Florida, instigated them to rapine and murder, and witnessed and encouraged the massacre of Lieutenant Scott and his party — Hemithlimaco, a Redstick Chief the principle warrior of the prophet, and principle perpetrator of that massacre.f The motives and liabilities of these men were as various as their names and nations. The motive of Nichols was success in his profession and ser- vice to his country, stained with the desiirn of debasino- the chivalry of w^ar, by the employment of savage associates. To this Woodbine added, and in a predominating degree, the infamous desire of plundei and profit. Lucre was the sole object of Arbuthnot, and his means for procuring it, were sagacious and unscrupulous — proposing to acquire an influeiice over all the surrounding Indian tribes, by means of it to disturb their ex- isting relations with their civilized neighbors, both as to territory and trade, and to engross the entire profits of the latter. A mixed and unprincipled thirst for gain and for fame, seems to have actuated Ambrister. Interest, which incited Arbuthnot and Ambrister to produce confusion: made Ham- bly and Doyle anxious to preserve peace. Cook was engaged to be mar- ried to a girl in New Providence, felt therefore an inordinate attachment to life, and little disposition to run the hazards of his employer, Arbuthnot. The " self exiled" Prophet, loving his country less than he hated her ene- mies, was filled with revenge for the disasters of the Creek war, for the loss of influences which they had occasioned him, for the severities which his refusal to submit to the capitulation^ of Fort Jackson had occasioned * Latour, page 37. t The Redsticks were a powerful tribe of the Creek Indians, whose national standard watj a red pole decorated with human scalps. " Besmeared with blood, " Of human sacrifice, and parent's tears.'^ Their possessions once reached from the Alabama to the Mississippi, and one of their princi- ple villages was on the latter river, where Baton Rouge (Red Staff) now stands 'J he '* out- lawed Redsticks" were that portion of this tribe who, refusing to abide by the capitulation of Fort Jackson, were outlawed by the Creeks. JThe agreement commonly called the treaty of Fort Jackson, was in reality, a military ca- pitulation, so designated and prescrib«»d by the government. In a letter from. the \^'ar depart- ment, of the 20th March, 1814, first addressed to Gen. Pinckney and then communicated to €fen. Jackson, it is said— "since the date of my last letter, it has occurred torae thai the pro- 46 him and for the '• examplary punishment" denounced against him by the order of the Secretary of War, {16th Jan. 1818) which was committed for execution to Gen. Jackson. He was further stimulated by the pride of character which a late visit to England, and a flattering reception from the Prince Regent had inspired, and by the hope of reviving the hostile spirit of the Creeks and regaining his former influence and possessions. With a hatred to the United States equally passionate and fierce, Himithlimaco was infuriated by a natural thirst of carnage, superstitions, reverence for the prophetical dignity of Francis, and habitual eagerness to execute his most brutal purposes. The agency of these individuals, impelling, moderating or counteract- ing each other, and deriving more or less encouragement and aid from the Spanish authorities, had kept up a state of hesitating war, but unremitting robbery and bloodshed on our southern frontier, ever since the termination of the Creek war, in August 1814. In its least offensive but most dan- gerous form, it was repelled by General Jackson, when he dislodged the British armament from Pensacola, in November of that year. It is the bu- siness of History to record how, with more than mother's care, a patriot's fire, and a statesman's foresight, on the first intelligence of its appear- ance there, he flew unordered to the protection of Mobile, and fortified and garrisoned Fort Bowyer. How, while he awakened by despatches, the vigilance of the cabinet, just composed after the capture of Washing- ton — he roused the patriotism of the people, and calling on Coffee and his volunteers with a voice in which they heard the triumph of Fame, he for- ced the British to abandon Pensacola, and the Spaniards to maintain their neutrality. How, after securing the left flank of his extensive line of de- fence, penetrable by rivers, and accessable by bays, he passed with in- credible expedition, to the banks of the Mississippi, with little other aid from the government than stale intelligence and diplomatic diredions* with arms, flints and money, collected by himself, with raw, unfurnished and in- ferior forces, he vanquished both in attack and defence, the most formida- ble veterans of Europe, and surpassed in skill and courtesy, her renowned and accomplished Generals. Since the peace with England these lawless disturbances had been continued by forays of rapine and murder, princi- pally on the southern borders of Georgia, which, after some movements of troops, many talks with the Indians, and much diplomacy with tSpain, were posed treaty with the Creeks should take a form altogether military, and should be in the na« ture of a capitulation.'''' Under this and similar orders, the capitulation was concluded. And yet Mr. Clay, in his spe ech (Jan. 18th, 1819,) on the Seminole war, attachei blame to Gen. Jack- son for " the dictorial terms" of this treaty^ as he calls it. So that then as now, if General Jackson executed the orders of the government lie was censured, and if he only appeared to transcend them, abused. *The first intelligence which General Jackson received from tlie government of the pro- jected attack on New Orleans, was in a letter from Mr. Monroe, (then Secretary of war) of the 7th Sept, 1814. But as early aa the 10th Aug. he had despatched by express the same in- telligence in a coroborated form to the Department, the receipt of which, and of four other despatches of that month, are acknowledged by Mr. Munroe on the 27th Sept. In the letter of the 7th, General Jackson is emphatically told, '' you should repair to New-Orleans as soon as your arrangements can be completed in the other parts of the di^^trict, unless your presence should be required at other jmints.'''' In a letter of the lO'h December, he is told in a spirit quite prophetical, considering he had no efficient supplies from the Department, that by ta- king a suitable position in the vicinity of JVew Orlearis, he will be enabled " to overwhelm the enemy whenever he jyrfsents himself,^' and this without the Secretary's having any definite knowledge of Jackson's strength or giving any information of the enemy's. Rut suppose the enemy had got possession of Mobile, which the same letter describes as of little importance, " comparatively a trifiing object with the British government." and which nothing but Jack- son's bold expulsion of them from Pensacola, and persevering maintenance, in spite of the order for the officers of the 2d regiment to go out the recruiting service, [of a garrison at Fort Bowyer,] prevented — their 14,000 men might have been passed up the 'I ombeckbee, re- kindling the Indian war all the way, and in four days march from the highest navigation of that liver, have readied the Mississippi at the Chickasaw Bluffs, cutting off New Orleans from supplies and support, ensuring both to themaelvea, and then New Orleans must have 15Ulen without a blow. 47 persevered in until the Fall of 1817 — murder and military execution wem committed on our unsuspecting soldiers and helpless women and children. Public opinion now appealed to the government, and the government to General Jackson. He took the field, and with that unerring aim of judg- ment and courage, which, like the noble instinct of the mastiff, springs right at the heart, he penetrated and destroyed the sources of this cruel and infamous war, with the utmost possible expedition and the least practi- cable bloodshed. Without provisions, and with a force of only 10()0 raw militia and Indians, to whom too, he was a stranger, he entered Florida, built Fort Gadsden, routed the Indians at Micasuky, found in their village near 300 old scalps, and on the prophet's red pole, 50 fresh ones, most of them recognized by the hair to have belonged to the unfortunate party of Lieut. Scott. Here ascertaining from the prisoners that a part of the enemy had fled to St. Marks, and also ascertaining the criminal complicity of the commandant, he formed a determination to prevent any further abuse of Spanish neutrality and American rights, and took possession of that for- tress — where he found " the advocate for peace," Arbuthnot, who with the innocent and vacant look, peculiar to his countrymen, when they medi- tate shrewd and dangerous designs,* sat an unconcerned guest at the table of the commandant. From St. Marks, discovering that the remnant of the routed Indians and negroes had retreated down the west coast of East Flor- ida, in the direction of Woodbine's grand depot of Virginia and Georgia runaway slaves, he pursued and overtook them near the Econfinnah swamp, where some were killed, many taken, and the only woman who escaped death from the murderers of Lieut. Scott, recaptured. The enemy re- treating to the Snawney were not allowed time to renew their strength or courage, but were again attacked and routed with such loss and dispersion, that the victors hoped tl^ey had finished the war. On this occasion Ambrister was made prisoner. The army returned to St. Marks, where the General having received information from the Gov- ernor of Alabama, that a large body of hostile Indians who had been committing fresh murders on the Alabama, were assembling near Pen- aacola, and were there freely admitted and constantly furnished with means of subsistence and war, he determined to cut oflTthis last head of the HydrsB — to supply any defect of will or power that might exist on the part of the Governor to observe his neutrality, and to occupy that place for a time also. Marching by the Ocheesee Bluffs, he was confirmed in his intention by finding the navigation of the Escambia occluded to his sup- plies. He therefore proceeded, and entering Pensacola on the 24th of May, he took Fort Barrancas on the 27th — having in his short campaign of three months, and with and undisciplined force, varying from one to two thousand, overrun a country larger than Italy — forced a Parthian ene- my three times to action, and though once inferior in numbers, thrice de- feated him ; without any materials for a military bridge, having passed rivers as large and as deep as the Po or the Adige — without other subsis- tence frequently than acorns, raw hides and water, having marched more than 800 miles ; with scarce any artillery, having taken by force or in- timidation three fortresses, and with little more than the energies of his own great mind terminated forever this savage, servile and piratical war. It was a subject of glory to Pompey the Great, that after having worsted Sertorions, he should agree to conduct the war a- gainst the Pirates. When General Jackson undertook the Seminole War, he had defeated the best troops, and among the finest Generals of Europe, and terminated the most glorious campaign of the age. Yet he is found as ardent and persevering against these hordes of savages ^aniu* to Lord Mansfield. Seott, passim. 48 and slaves, as sincerely devoted to the country as any young aspirant for fame, little dreaming that in the bosom of that country, ingrati- tude was to hatch a brood of Vampires ! During these operations, it hap- pened that the Prophet Francis and his instrument Kenhagee, king of the Mississukian. in whose town the 350 scalps were found, had after the mur- der of Lieut, Scott and his party seized Hambly and Doyle, at the instiga- tion of Arbuthnot, under whose authority as chief, and that of Francis they were tried in council and setitenced to be tortured to death, for their friendship to the United States. From this wretched fate they were res- cued by the spirited interference of a negro, jYero, the commander of 60 other negroes in the service of the hostile Chief Bowlegs, and were by his agency conveyed, as prisoners of Arbuthnot, and his Indians to St. Marks, for safe keeping. Here they were received by the commandant as prisoners, and here they saw numerous evidences of the participation of the Spanish authorities in the Seminole war, but escaping in a canoe, they were taken up by Lieut, M'Keever, of the United States' Navy, in the adjacent Bay. With a sort of dramatic coincidence, it came lo pass that the thirst for blood having risen in ihe breast of the prophet and his war- rior Himithlimaco, they soon repented the rescue of Hambly and Doyle, and came to St. Marks in quest of them, just after they had made their escape. With the ferocious perseverance of wolves they pursued their flight along the coast, hoping that weather or weariness would force them ashore, and soon descried a vessel at anchor, with British colours flying at the mast head. — After some reconnoitering they went aboard, were con- ducted into the cabin where they found ilambly and Doyle, who immedi- ately indentifyiHg them as the murderers of Lieut. Scott and his party, and their own captors and tormentors, they were put in irons by Lieut. M'Keever. These circumstances being all made known to Gen. Jackson, by a mass of proof and undisputed notoriety, in conformity with the order of the Secretary of War "to inflict exemplary punishment on the authors of the atrocities" — committed on Lieut. Scott's party, and Mrs. Garrett's family, he had them hung, in accordance with the principles of the law of Nations, and in obedience to the dictates of humanity, which their atroci- ties had outraged, anfl to which the terror and example of their fate was a just sacrifice, and proved a salutary propitiation. The reader will see that tiie only decoying was practiced by Lt. M'Kee- ver, and before he can agree to censure that, it must be shewn that our naval officers had no right to use such stratagems as the officers of other nations practice, although the colours of all nations are furnished them for this express purpose ; and it must be farther shown that it was the duty of Gen. Jackson to see that Lt. M'Keever should dress and manage his ship exactly to the taste of Mr. Johnson. These Indians were taken by stratagem and surprise as Andre was, and like that unfortunate officer, whenever violated a feeling of humanity, they were "slaughtered" — that is, they were hung. In this punishment, as justice, humanity, and the law of nations were satisfied, it is to be observed that they being out of the United States, our own laws were not concerned. Had they been brought within our limits all their crimes must have gone unpunished — for they had not violated our municipal, or maritime, or martial laws. — But the law of nations vests the right of retaliation in the commanding general, and the imbecility or dishonour of the Spanish authorities having justified the assertion of our beligerent rights, it was the duty of Gen. Jackson to fulfil the instructions of his government and bring these mur- derers to punishment.* ♦Although the feeling and common sense of every man must convince him that the death of the prophet and Himithlimaco was due to humanity and justice, yet it may be proper to 49 Let us now come to the case of Arbuthnot From the recaptured American woman, who was the sole remaining survivor of Lieutenant Scott's party — from Cook his Clerk — from Phenix his acquaintance — from letters andf apers found in a vessel of his, captured m the moutn of the Snawney, and others obtained from the Indians by our agent, it was prov- ed incontestibly that " this advocate for peace," by misrepresenting the terms of the Treaty of Ghent — the conduct of the American, and tne in- tentions of the British government, had incited, in time of peace, the Seminole Indians to hostilities against the United States. That to aid those hostilities, he had applied in behalf of the Indians, to various func- tionaries of Britain for supplies, and to disguise them for protection. — That he had furnished them with intelligence and ammunition for military purposes, and had given them advice and orders in the managepient of the war. That he had directed the seizure and presided at the condemnation of Hambly and Doyle in conseq ence of their being "the advocates for peace" with the United States. That he had instigated and countenanced the massacre of i^t. Scott and his party, consisting of about 40 American citizens. That as an Indian Chief, he had permitted our gallant officers to be assassinated, our brave soldiers to be butchered, and their helpless wives to be murdered, or with more horrible cruelty spared to see their infants " taken by the heels and their brains dashed out against the sides of the boat."* And that when one of the two women who had been spared (the wife of an American serjeant)was from pregnancy no longer able to keep up with the march of her captors, this "advocate for peace" ordered her to be put to death, and that accordingly she was bayoneted through the womb ! From the same and other sources of proof it was demonstrated that x\mbrister had not only instigated the Indians to war, against the United States, but had actually joined them with a party of runaway negroes and led them in battle — having used his commission as a British officer (a nation with which we were at peace) to promote his per- nicious influence among them, and having endeavoured by force to convert a Spanish fortress into a place of savage hostility against the United States. These are the men whose crimes had destroyed so many innocent lives, for the sake of Otter skins and runaway slaves, and whose punishment is lamented with such dignified sorrow by Mr. Johnson, for the sake of Messrs. Adams and Clay. The evidence against them satisfied a court of gallant and intelligent officers of their guilt — satisfied the representatives and the government of the nation — and convinced the Courts of Spain and of England of the justice of their punishment. And yet because it is too voluminous and intricate to be readily examined,! Mr. Johnson found fortify that well founded decision by respectable authority. Vattel says (520, 34) "When we are at war with a natioa which observes no rules and grants no quarter, they may be chastised in the persons of those of them who may be taken. They are of the number of the guilty, and by this rigjr the attempt may be made of bringing them to a sense of the laws of human- ity." The prophet and Himithlimaco were not only "among the guilty," but the leaders of the guilty. * Vide in the documents hereafter specified, Cook's letter, and the account obtained from the recaptured woman. ^: t For the evidence in these cases, see documents (35)^ccompanying the President's mes- sage of the 2d December, 1818, and those (65) accompanying that of the OSth Dec. following, panicuiarly tlje letter from Gen. Gaines of the 2d December, 1817, with its enclosures that from Gen. Jackson, of the 8th April, 18 18, and the report of Col. Butler of the 3d May, in the first set. In the second, Vos. 45, 46 and 6i, with the deposition of Lieut. M'Keever and the testimony of Phenix and Cook before the Court are chiefly apposite. In addition to the au- thority already produced for their execution, and in illustration of the principle that must have satisfied the foreign governments on the subject ; the following reference is made to Vattel, (52 o. 29.) " VVe may refuse to spare the life of an enemy who has surrendered, when the enemy has been guilty (a fortiori when he himself has) of some enormous breach 7 ■ . ^ 50 upon it imputations which with the rancourous, have the retributive pro- perty of injustice, and though aimed at the reputation of another, will only affect his own. There is one thing that ought to be mentioned as remarkable both in his ire and his grief — namely, his solemn affirmation that Arbuthnot who was hung, was "more injured" than Ambrister, who was only shot — bemg convinced, as if from experience, that death by hanging, is worse than death by shooting. When a writer has clearly established his title to disbelief, it cannot be necessary to oppose a formal refutation to each of his misstatements, es- pecially if, as in the case of Mr. Johnson, his errors have been exposed before. It appears that in the list of unfounded charges contained in the address, are two which had escaped my notice. They relate to the six militia men, and to the alledged usurpation of power to appoint militia- officers. The first of these charges is now before the House of Repre- sentatives, and as its determination by that body will not only have the authority of truth but of the nation, I shall not enter on the easy task of refuting it. The second was long ago demolished by the memorial of Gen. Jackson which was presented to the Senate on the 6th of March, 1820, and which convinced Mr. Jefferson of his "salutary energy" in the prosecution of the Seminole War. It will be enough to refer the reader to that document, and particularly to the deposition of Col. Hayne and to the letter of Cols. Dyer and Williamson, in its appendix for proof that the charge is absolutely and totally false. Would it were in my power to convince him that Mr. Johnson does not know it to be so. Having thus completed the exposure of this laboured attempt to degrade a great citizen and delude a great state, it remains to look at the charac- ter and condition of the body of which it purports to be the offspring. In individual character it is enviable, in numbers respectable, but in popu- lar influence and constitution, meagre and scant. Like a dying peach tree, it has all leaves and no fruit. It appears to be more numerous than the House of Delegates, the broadest representation known in the state, and yet, consisting as it does of detached and discontented politicians, its constituents would hardly form a brigade of militia — and they would be all against any thing military. It is, in truth, a "most forcible feeble," — and the address is the most enterprising experiment on record for pro- pelling falsehood by the force of authority. Of this experiment, it is but justice to say, Mr. Johnson appears to be the organ, the manager, the Mix. But now that his torpid /orperfo has exploded, what will he do with his corps of engineering judges, misguided by him into the defiles of dilem- ma and discredit ? Will he disband them in the wilderness of fallacy and falsehood, far from their sitting, and as it would seem their superior parts, bruising their delicate shins or bumping their tender rotundities against the stubborn obstructions of fact, and the bold projections of ar- gument, stragglin;ar and scrambling to make their way back to privacy and privilege without steam-boats and without mileage.* In opposition to of the laws of nations, and particularly when he has violated the laws of war." Arbuthnot and Ambrister had violated the laws of peace and war, of God and man — and to have treated them like ordinary prisoners of w<^ would have been encouragement. "Vattel (321) says, "retaliation may be exercised even on the innocent," a principle on which Gen. Washington acted in the case of bir Charles Asgill, (Marshall 3d, 391.) and that "when your army is out of your own territory the right of retaliation is in the Commanding General, and he has the right of sacrificing the lives of the enemy to his own safety or that of his people, if he has to contend with an inhuman enemy, and to treat him as his own people have been treated. — See also the details in the House of Lords, 11th May, 1819. * Some few years ago, a brace of these administration judges took a farcy to travel in steam-boats. One of them embarked high up on the 1 ctomac, ard having coasted an immense peninsula, landed in Richmond. The other took water on seme of the Western rivers, and 51 orders from Washington, he can never dare to "divulge their draggletail- ed show" in a regular retreat, as that might " offer an indignity to the Secretary of War," and produce his own dismission from service. The chaplain of the expedition too, the "oUy man of God," what will become of his reverence ? But this is a subject too serious for ridicule, too awful even for pleasantry. The God of Moses from Sinai's fiery top has said, "thou shalt not bare false witness against thy neighbour," and the Re- deemer of Mankind, the Lord of meekness and compassion, denounces punishment on "evil speaking," and says for every malicious word a man shall utter, "he shall give an account at the day of judgment !" For that account let the reverend gentleman prepare. In respect to Mr. Johnson it can hardly be said that modesty or elo- quence is pre-eminent among his political virtues, or that his professional ability is likely to be deci eased by infusions of talent into his general wri- tings. Of him ii will never be said — " How sweet an Ovid was in Murray lost." Acknowledging in his letter of adhesion, strong distrust and disapproba- tion of Mr. Adams, he yet insists that it is "ineffably stupid" in the peo- ple of Virginia, the most alert and spiritual devotees of liberty in the civ- ilized world, not to postpone their decided favourite to the object of his public die-esteem. Nor is he entitled to the praise of invention ; for, after labouring lustily in the field of fiction, he furnishes his party with nothing original. While all his charges are false, not one of them is new ; and though all his inferences are fallacious, most of them are trite. An in- delicate memory furnishes his premises, and an immoderate presumption regulates his conclusions. Insensible to the grandeur of the character he traduces, he seems forgetful of the intelligence of the people to whom he appeals. But it is strange that an individual so inconsiderate of others should not have more respect for himself He does not appear to consid- er that by repeating, he adopts these stones — partakes of the disgraceful motion of the scandal, and marked as "the tenth transmitter" of false- hood, descends with th^ progress of an impenitent sinner, who sinks in infamy as he advances m age. If these remarks should appear intolerant, it must be remembered that the re-action of injustice is proportioned to its violence ; and if long, that for the poison of concentrated slander, the most effectual antidote is expanded truth. JEFFERSON. made his way to the Treasury either by Wheeling or New Orleans. In imitation of (^ Adams they charged constructive viilease, when their legal milrage was en thegdiri ordinary route. The charge of one was tnrice the amount of his just claim, that of th^' about five times. The legislature made them disgorge, although Air. t lay had sane! the doctrme, in allowances, when Speaker, to his western friends. '. he matter occasion! some anger and much fun in Virginia, all at the expense of the steam-boat judges. V' Mti^ii^is^-: ,_ V.4 lie. BERKELEV LIBRARIES