iliiiH^^^^^^ . i ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B^H^H^^B-^ il^^l^^H^ lilltilliliiilli IP m .;!fi > » 3 J 3 y . . . • • • • • • • • • • • t • • • • • • • • • • • * • . • GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF MINNESOTA. N. H. WiNCHELL, State Geologist. THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE FORAMINIFERA Recent and Fossil, INCLUDING EOZOON and RECEPTACULITES. 1565-JAN. I, 1886. Bv A^IVTMOIV^' WOOOAV^VJll). Part VI of the annual report of progress for the year 1885. ST. PAUL: J. W. CUNNINGHAM & CO., STATE I'RISTEBS, li^ Weat Fourth Street. !>■ 'b d,^ X 1 u G. E. Slecherl & Co A:frr'l llafiirr New York F Note. — This paper is iutroductory to a contemplated work on the foraminifera and other microscopic organisms of the Cretaceous of Minnesota. According to present plans this work will be done by Messrs. Woodward and Thomas, jointly, and it will be published in one of the volumes of the final report of the survey. N. H. W. PREFACE. This bibliography, which is the result of five years of research, is based largely on facilities afforded by the libraries of the Amer- ican Museum of Natural History and of the New York Academy of Sciences, — facilities which are not enjoyed by many scientific students. At the beginning I had no idea of presenting this work to the scientific Avorld. When I began the study of the foraminifera I had no knowledge whatever of that which had been done in this branch of science. After I commenced look- ing up the subject the references accumulated so rapidly that I thought it might be well to collect and put them in shape so that they might be useful to others as well as to myself. After three years' labor I applied to Mr. H. B. Brady, P. R. S., for information pertaining to the subject. He at once informed me that he had in press a bibliography of the sai^e character, and kindly offered to give me any assistance he could. When the British Association for the Advancement of Science met at Montreal, in 1884, I met in New York Mr. James Thom- son, F. G. S. , a member from Scotland, to whom I spoke of my work, asking his advice about proceeding with it. He urged me to continue, and to finish it, as it would become accessible to a great number of workers who could not possess the valuable monograph of Mr. H. B. lirady. I do not presume that this list is complete; since titles are liable to be found in obscure publications tliat have not fallen 4iJ()li92 under my notice. Some of those that are here listed mayat first appear not to pertain to the subject, but many of the discussions, criticisms, notes, etc., to which reference has been made, although some of them are in general works on microscopy, are of much interest and value to the student, and will be found useful to those who have not access to large libraries. The list is divided under the following heads : (1) — Eozoon. (2) — North and South America, Bermuda, Lee- ward and Windward Islands. (3) — England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. (,4)— France and Italy. (5)— Austro-Hungary, Bel- gium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Holland, Netherlands, Nor- way, Sweden, Switzerland. (6)— Russia and Turkey. (7) — Africa and Asia. The authors* names are then arranged alpha- betically and their works according to the date of publication. I mast ask those who may notice omissions or detect errors, to kindly inform me of the same so that I may be able to make cor- rections in a completed supplement. I am under great obligations, and return my sincere thanks to the following gentlemen who have rendered me invaluable assist- ance in sending manuscript lists of their papers. Rev. P. B. Brodie, M. A., F. G. S., R. V., Warwich, England; Dr. R. Haensler, Sussex, England; Prof. W. C. Williamson, Manchester, England; H. J. Carter, F.R. S., Budleigh, Salterton Devon, England; Joseph Wright, F. Gr. S., Belfast, Ireland; Sir J. W. Dawson, Montreal, Canada; R. J. Lachmere Guppy, F. L. S., F. G. S., Trinidad; M. 0. Terquem, Paris, France; Dr. A. Schneider, Breslau; Prof. Dr. H. B. Geinitz, Dresden, Ger- many; Prof. Dr. Leopold Auerbach, Breslau, Germany; Prof. Hertwig, B(3nn, Germany; Prof. Dr. Carl W. Gumbel, Munich, Germany; Prof. Dr. Haeckel, Jena, Germany; Prof. Dr. Vale- rian Moeller, St. Petersburg, Russia. It is hoped that this bibliography will be of some service to the student. The writer will then feel that his years of tedious and constant labor have been well repaid. Anthony Woodward. New York, March 1, 1886. CONTENTS. I. Eozoon. II. North aud South America, Bermuda, Leeward and Wind- ward Islands. III. England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. IV. France and Italy. V. Austro-Hungary, Belgium, Denmark. Finland, Germany, Holland, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland. VI. Russia and Turke}'. VII. Africa and Asia. PART I. EOZOON EOZOON. Anon. Anorganischer Ursprung des Eozoon. <^Verhandl. d. geol k. k. Reiclisant., p. 58. 1872. Anon. Eozoon canadense. <^Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc. Lond , vol. ii. pp. 275, 276, 744, 745, 902. 1879. Anon. Eozoon canadense. ^^J5. (Nicholson in Wliite and Nicholson's Bib. p. ^7.) 12 178 FOURTEENTH ANNUAL RErOllT. Cakpenteu, W. B. Further Observations on the Structure and Affinities of Eozoon canadense. In a letter to the president. S'iY2. d. k. Akad. d. Wiss., vol liii, pp. 14-25. 1866. HocnsTKTTEK, (Prof v.) Dr. W. 13, Carpenter in London. Neuer Fund von Eozoon canadense. -^K. K. geol. ReicJi. Ver. 1868, pp. 69, 70. 1868. Hoffmann, K. On the Mineralogy of Eozoon canadense. <^Amer. Journ. Sei , vol. i, 3d sot., pp. 378. 379. 1871. Udnt, T. S. Laurentian Kbizopods of Canada. (Extract of a letter from T. Bterry Hunt, F. K. S , to J. I). Dana, April 2, 1864.) Amer Journ. Set., vol., XXX vii, 2(1 ser, p. 431. 1864. Hunt, T. S. On the Mineralogy of Eozoon canadense. 0, p. 425. Reprinted in the ninth annual report of the Minnesota survey. A remark on the probable Silurian or Cambrian age of the Eozoon-bearing rocks of Canada, based on the age of the Norian rocks of Minnesota. WiNCHELL, N. H. Geology of Minnesota, vol. i, of the final report, p. 283. 18S4. Aote on Eozoou. PART II. NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA, INCLUDING BERMUDA, LEEWARD AND WINDWARD ISLANDS. 190 FOURTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT. NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA. Anon. The Nummiilites of North America. <^Amer. M. Micro. Journ., vol. iv, pp. 1-2. 1883. Arnold, J. W. B. Microscopical Examination of Specimens of Deep Sea Soundings, taken during a cruise of the "Nautical School-ship Mercury," 1871-2. <_Rept. Coram, of Pub. Charities and Cm'rections, pp. 13-16. 1872. Agassiz, L. Report upon deep-sea dredgings in the Gulf Stream during the Third Cruise of the United States Steamer Bibb, addressed to Prof. Ben- jamin Pierce, Superintendent United States Coast Survey. < XT. S. Coast Survey Report, 1869, pp. 208-219. 1872. Agassiz, A. On the Explorations in the Vicinity of the Tortugas, during March and April, 1881. (Pelagic Fauna of the Gulf Stream). <^Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. ix, pp. 145-149, 1881; also Nature, vol. xxiv, p. 592. 1881. Bailey, J. W. Fossil Foraminifera in the Green Sand of New Jersey. <^Amer. Journ. Sci., vol. xli, pp. 213, 214. 1841. Bailey, J. W. American Polythalmia from the Upper -Mississippi; and also from the cretaceous formation on the Upper Missouri. <^Amer. Journ. Sci., vol. xli, pp. 400, 401; 4 wood cuts. 1841. Bailey, J. W. On fossil Foraminifera in the calcareous marl from the cre- taceous formation on the Upper Missouri, and on silicified wood found near Fredericksburg, Va. ^4!'), pp. 37-91. 1849. 13 . 194 FOURTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT. Ehkenbekc, C. G. Verbreitung und Einfluss des mikroskopischen Lebens in Sud und Nord Amerika. i., and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. xvii, p. 414, pi. xviii. 1876. Brady, H. B. Zittel's Handbook of Pala3ontology. 208 FOURTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT. Brady, H. B. Note ou the Keramosphara, a new Type of Porcellanous Foiaminifera. . J870. Carpkntf:r, W. P.. On tlie Rhi/.opodal Fauna of the ort Brit. Assoc, (Brighton meeting), Trans. Sec., p. 126. 1872. Carter, H. J. On the Structure of the larger Feraminifera. <^Ann. and Mag. Nat., vol. viii, p. 246. 1861. Carter, H. J. On two New Species of the Foraminiferous Genus Squamu- lina; and on a New Species of Difflugia. <^Ann. and Mag. Nat. Mist., ser. 4, vol. v, pp. 309-326; pis. iv, v. 1870. Carter, H. J. Notes on the Branched Variety of Squamulina scopula. Z. 3fa^., dec. II, vol. ix, pp. 485-491, pi. xi. 1882. Kent, W. S. The Forarainiferal Nature of Haliphy-scraa Tumanowiczie, Bow. (Squamulina scopula, Carter) demonstrated. CAnn and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. ii, p. 68, pis, iv, v. 187t>. Kent, W. S Ob.servation8 of Professor Ernst Ilaeckcl's Group of llie I'liy- seraaria, and on tlie Affinity of the Sponges Ann. and Mag. Nat. J fist , ser. 5, vol. i, p. 1-17. 1878. KiNd, W. A Catalogue of the Organic licmains of the Permian Rocks of Northumberland and Durham. 8 vo. Newcastlc-on.Tyno, 1848. 218 FOURTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT. King, Wm. A Monograph of the Permian Fossils of England. London, 1850. King, W. On the Occurrence of Permian Magnesian Limestone at Tully- connel, near Artrea, in the County of Tyrone. ton, W. G., and Rackett, Rev. T. A Descriptive Catalogue of the British Testacea. 'ot seen. Beudakt, F. S. Cours El^mentaire d' Histoire Naturelle. La Mindralogie et la G^ologie, pp. 116-118, 5th edition. Paris, 1851. Beudant, F. S. Cours E lament aire d' Histoire Naturelle. La Mindralogie et la G<5ologie. Calcaires a Nummulites, pp. 239-240, 5 edit. Paris, 1851. Blaikville, H. M. Ducrotay de, Traitd de Malacologie. Paris, 1825. BLArsviiXE, H. M. Dncrotay de, Manuel de Malacologie et de Conchyliologie, &c. Paris, 1825-27. Blainville, H. D. de. Faune Frangaise, Malacazoaires on Animaux Mollus- ques. Paris, 1820-30. BLAtNviLLE, H. D. de. Manuel de 1' Actinologie ou de Zoophytologie. 8vo. Paris, 1834. Blaikville, H. D. de. Dictionaire des Sciences Naturelles. Paris, 1814-30. Boehm, G. Contribuzione alio studio dei calcari grigidel Veneto. <5oW. d. R. Com. Geol. d.' Italia , ser. ii, vol. vi, pp. 156-165. 1885. (G. B. C.^ Bonissent, — Essai G(5ologique sur le D(?partment de la Manche, 9e E poque. — Sol Secondaire. Terrani Cr(5tac(5. <^Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. Cher., vol. xi, pp. 217-228. 1865. Bonissent, — Essai G(5ologique sur le Dtjpartment de la M!.nche, lOe Epoque. — Sol Tertiaire. <^Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. Cher., vol. xiii, pp. 5-34. 1867. Bornemai?n, L. G Sopra una Specie mediterranea del genere LinguUnopsis. <^Atiidella Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat., vol. vi, fasc. 1, and plate. 1883. Bosc, L. a. G. Histoire Naturelle des Coquilles. Paris, 1802. Boup:, a. Observations sur le travail de M. Adolplie dc ^lorlot rel-Uif a la position du calcaire u Nummulites relativement, au grrs a Fucoides do Vienne et de Trieste et au calcaire cr(^lac(^ a Kudistes. -^ Bull, de la Soc. Geol. de France, hXr. 2, vol. v, p. 68. 1^47. Boubee, N. Observations sur la note de M. d' Arcliiac relative aux fossiles du terrain^ a nummulites de Bayonne et de Dax. raRiE. Mdmoire sur un nouveau type pyr^n^en. <^Mem. Societe Oeol. de France, vol. iv. 1851. Letmerie, A. Observations sur quelques terrains de la Provence. <^BuU. de la Soc. Geol. de France, ser 2, vol. viii, pp. 202-207. 1851. Letmerie, A. Note sur quelques localities de I'Aude, et particulierement sur certains gites (jpicr(itacCfs. <^BuU. de la .Soc. Geol. de France, ser 2, vol. X, pp. 511-519. 1853. Letmerie, A. Note sur le massif d'Ausseing et du Sabotli Haute- Garonne. <^BuU. de la Soc. Geol. de France, s<5r. 2, vol. x, pp. 519-528. 1853. LocARD, A. Description de la Mollasse raserino et d'eau douce du Lyonnais et du Dauphin^. <^Arch. du Mus. de Lyon, vol. ii. (Foraminiferes, pp. 198,199.) 1878. LoRT, C. Note sur les terrains du Ddvolny (Hautes-Alpes). <^Bull. de la Soc. Geol. de France, s(5r. 2, vol. x, pp. 20-33. 1853. LovisATO, D. Riassunto sui terreni e posterziari del Circondario di Cataw- zaro. iats- breichte der Konigl. Akad. der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, p. 324. 1858. Ehrenberg, C. G Ueber die Tiefgrund-verliilltnisse des Oceans am Eingane d. Davisstrass und bei Island <^Sitz. d. phys-matJi kl. Mona*sb. ok. Wiss Berlin. 1S62, pp. 275 315. 1862. Ehrenberg, C. G. Mikrogeclogiscbe Studien iiber das Kleinste Leben der Meeres-Tiefgriinde aller Zonen und dessen geologischen Eiafluss. . Ak. Forh. 1883, pp. 29-35, with fig. I?ot seen. Graveshorst, J. L. C. A'js derlnfursorienwelt, 4o. 1832. Gronovius, L. T. Zoophylacium Gronoviaaum, etc. Lugduni Batavorum, 17C3-84. Grubkr, a. Der Theilungsvorgang bei Euglypha alveolata. <^Jenaische Zeilschr. f. tciss Zool., vf 1. xxxv, pp. 432-439, pi. xxiii. 1880. GCJTBEL, C. W. Die Streiterger Schwammlager und ihre Foraniiniferen- Einschliisse. <^Jahres]tefte d. Vereins fur vaterlande Xaturkunde in Warttemburg. 1861. GtJMBEL, C. W. Die Streitberger Schwammlager und ihre Foraminiferen- < Wurttemh. naturw. Jahreshefle, xviii, pp. 192-238, 2 plates. 1862. (Abridge.) Gdmbel, C. \V. Nummuliten-fiihrende Schichten des Kressenberges und die Lethaea geognostica von Siidbayerii. Eljendas. 18C5. S. 129. GUMBEL, C. W. Comatula Oder Belemnites in den Nummuliten-Schichten des Kress-enbergs. -^ N. Julirb. fur Min. etc. 18G6. S. 563. GusiBEL, C. W. Skizze der Gliederung der obercn Schichten der Kreide- formation (Pliluer) in Br.hmen. <^Neue8 Jahrbuch. fur Min. etc., 1867, pp. 795-809, plate (5. 1>>G7. Gt'MBEL, C. NV. Foraininifcren in den Cassianer ii Raibler Schichten. .'2AQ. 1871. Sars, G. O. Indberetninger til Departementet for det Indre om de af ham i Aarene 1864-1878, anstillede Undersogelser angaaende Saltvandsfiskeri- erne. Christiania, 1879. Sars, M. Om de i No.sge forekommende fossile Dyrelevninger fra Quartaer- peiroden, et Bidrag til vor Faunas Historic. <^Universitetsporogram for foate halvaar, 1864. Christiania, 1865. Sars, M. ForsatteBemaerkningerover det dyriske Lire Udbredning i Havets Dybder. ;cn Arlm von Seesande. -^ Neue Litleratur und lieitrage zur KenntniM der Naturge- schichte, sonderlich der Conchylien und der !Steine, 8vo. Leipzig. 1784. 278 FOURTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT. iScnuLTZE, Max. Uber den Organismus der Polythalamien (Foraminiferen) Nebst Bemeikungen uber die RbiZdp.xlen im Allegemeiaen. S. F. 7 plates. 1854. SCHULTZE, M. Beobachlungen iiber die Fortpflanzung der Polytlialamien. l(\,-p.2'^^. 1870. ScHWAGER, C. Ueber die palaontologische Entwicklung der Rhizopoda. <^Bronn''s Klasatn und Ordnungen des Thir-Beichs., Edit. Biitschli, pp. 242-260. 1881. STATE GEOLOGIST. 279 ScHWEiGGER, A. F. Handbuch der Naturgeschichte der Skektlosen ungegli- ederten Thiere. Leipzig, 1830. StEBOLD, C. T E. V. Bericht iiber die im Jahre 1841 und 1S42, erschienenea Arbeiten in Bezug auf die Classen der Echinodermen, Acalephen, Poly pen und Infusorien. < Wiegmann's Archiv. Jaglir. 1843, vol. II. SpeisGLER, L. Bcskrivelse over nogle i Havsandet nylig opdagede Kokillier; in Nye Samling af det Kong. Danske. Viden. Selskabs Skrifter; Kioben- havn, vol. i. 1781. Spkkgler, L. Schiiften der naturforsch. Gesellschaft in Kopenhagen. 1793. Speyer, O. Die Tertiar- Fauna von Sollingen bei Jerxheim in Herzoglhuni Braunschweig, 4to. Cassel, 1864. Stache, G. Die Eocengebiete in Inner-Kraia und Isbriea. <^Jahrbuch d. K. K. Geol. Reich., vol. xiv, pp. 11-114. 1864. Stache, G. Geologische Reisenotizen aus Istrien. - 33-120. 1803. Liet of Foraminifciio \>\>. H2, fi3. Stur, D. v. Fossilien aus den neogenen Ablitgerungcn von Holiiliica bei Pieniftky, siidlich von Brody im osliichcn Galizien. Jahrbuch, d. K. K. Geol. Reich , vol. xv, pp. 278-282. 18t;5. 280 FOUKTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT. Stur, D. Betriige zur Kenntniss der stratigraphiscben Verlialtnisse der marinen Stufe des Wiener Beckens. <^Jah>'buch, d. K. K. Oeol. Reich., vol. XX, pp. SOl-342. 1870. Stxjr, D. Geologic der Steierinark. Gratz, 1871. Taranek, K. J. Bohemian Nebelidae. <^Journ. R. Micro. Soc, ser. ii, vol. iv, pp. 247-249, 1884, (Trani^lation). See also Abh. Bohm. Gesell. Wiss., vol. si, (1882) 55 pp. (5 pis.) Thurmann, J. and A. Etallon. Lethsea Bnmtrutana ou Etudes paldoutolc- giques et stratigrapbiques sur le Jura Bernois et en parliculier les En- virons de Porrentruy, partie 1, 4to. 1861. TiETZE, (Dr ) E. V. Beitrage zur Geologic von Lykien. <^Jahrh. d. K. K. Geol. Reicfis., vol. xxxv, pp. 283-386. 1885. TouLA, F. Die Tiefen der See — Ein Vortrag Plate and map. Vienna, 1875. TouLA, F. Die Tiefsee — Unlersuchungcn und ihre •wichtigsten Resultate. ir. ile Moscow, vol. iii, pp 301-306, plate xxviii. 1834. Zbowzewski, a. Rarel(53 Microscopiciues Podolienne.s et Voliiynienncs Microphylozoa pi. xix. 1872. Jones, T. R., in Dr. G. A. Mantell's — Notice of the Remains of the Dinornis and other Birds, and of Fossils and Rock Specimens, recently collected by Mr. Walter Mantell in the Middle Island of New Zealand, with Additional Notes on the Northern Island. <^Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond., vol. vi, pp. 319-342, pis. xxviii, xxix. 1850, Jones, T. R., in Heaphy's paper on New Zealand — Foraminifera from Orakei Creek. Auckland. <^Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond., vol. xvi. p. 251. 1860. Jones, T. R. Notes on some Specimens of Nummulitic Rocks from Arabia and Egypt. <^QuaH. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond., vol. xxv, p. 38. 1869. Kareer, F. Die Foraminiferen-Fauna des tertiaren Griinsandsteines der Orakei- Bay bei Auckland. Ieridionale. Page 194, line 10 from bottom — for Krede read Kreide. Page 194, lines 12, 13 from top— torpolvthalmia read polvth'damid. Page 196, line 1 from top— for 2881 read 1831. Page 196, line 14 from top— for Lepidoiites read Lepidolilea. Page 197, line 6 from top— for Om read On. Pnge 197, line 1 from bottom— for Carribean read Caribbean. Page 198, line 10 from top — for South read Southern. Page 198, line 8 from bottom— for Foraminifera reail Foraminiferen. Page 20(J, line 2 from top— for Alurry read Murray. Page 201, line 14 from top— for Palaontologre read Palaontologle. Analysisler read Anal- yslrter. Page 204, line 17 from top— for tnl)los read tabaloaa. Page 206, line 3 from bottom— for vii read Iv. Page 208, line 23 from top— for vll read vill. Page 210, line I'J from top— for Polders read Polytremata. Page 211, line 2 from top— for Hoy read Kay. Page 212, line 24 from top— for Polylhemata read Polytremata. Page 212, line 1 from bottom— for v read III. Page 213, line 13 from bottom— for 18H2 ren Daday, E. V • 258 D'Allard, d. S 238 Dana, J. D 179, 192 D'Archiac, A. (L. V.) 179,237, 238 D'Arcbiac et Haime, J 238 D'Audebard, E. 1 241 Dawson, G. M li'2. 193 Dawson, J. W 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 186, 193, 213 Deane, II 213 De Chi istofori, J 238 Deecke, W 259 De Favanne 238 De Folin 214, 238 Defrance, J 238 De Grateleup, J. P. S 238 De Groot, M. C • 291 DeliHarpe. P 238,239,259, 291 Delbos, J 231) DelucG. A 239 De Monnet 244 300 FOURTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT. PAGE. Deshayes. G. P 239 Dcslongchamps, E 239 De Stefani, C 240 Dewalque, F 259 Diesing, CM 359 Dillwyn, L. W 240 Dixon. F 213 Doderlein, P 240 D'Orbigny, A 193,201, 240,259, 291 DujardiD.F 240, 241 Duncan, P. M 201, 213, 286 Dunikowski, (Dr.) E. v 259 Dunker, W 268 Duthiers, H. L 241 E Edwards, A. M 182 Egger, J. G 259 Ehrenberg, C. G 193, 194, 201, 241, 259, 260, 261, 286 Ehrlich, C 261 Eichwald, E 286 Elcock, C 213 Eley, (Rev.)H 213 Ertborn, O. v 261 Etallon, A 280 Etheridge, (Jr.) R 213,220, 292 Ewald, J 241 F Fabricius, O 194 FaujasdeS. F. B 261 Fauverge, H. G 241, 261 Ferry, H. de 241 Ferussac, B 241 Fichtel, L. A. V 261 Fischer, P.... 241 Fischer de Waldheim, G 286 Fleming, J 214 Folin, M. de 214, 261, 262 Fontannes, F 241 Forbes, E 241 Fornasini, C 241 Fortis, C. A 242 Fortis, J. B 242 Forskal, P 262 Franzenau, A 262 Franzenau, V 262 Frauscher, C. F 262 Fric, A. (Dr ) 182 STATE GEOLOGIST. 301 PAGE. Fritsch, A 1S2, 275 Fucbs, T 242, 262 Fuss, C 262 G Gabb, W. M ] 94 Galeotti, H. G 194^ 262 Gardner, J. S 231 Gaudin, C. T 242 Geddes, P 214 Geioitz, F. E 263 Geinitz, H. B 194, 262, 263, 292 Gemmellaro, G. G '. 242 Gervais, P 242 Gesner, C 263 Giebel, C. G 263 Ginanni, G. (Comte) 242 Gmelin, J. F 263 Goes, A , 263 Gosse, P. H 214 Grant 292 Gravenhorst, J. L. C 263 Gray, J. E 214 Green, J 214 Gregorio, A. de 242 Grewingk, C 286 Grimm, O. A 2S6 Gronovius, L. T 263 Gruber, A .• 263 Gualtieri, N 242 Guettard, J. E 242 Gumbel, C. W 1S2, 214, 242, 263, 264 Guppj, R. J. L 201, 214 H Haan, G. de 264 Ilaeckel, E 264, 265 Haeusler, R 265 Hagenow, F. V : 265 Hahn, O 1S3, 265 Hall, J 183, 195 Ilaidinger, W 265, 266 Haime, J 238 Hamilton, A 292 Hamilton, W. J 242, 292 Hamlin, F. M 195 Hardman, E. T 214 Harper, L 195 Harting, P 266 302 FOURTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT. PAGE. Hrtuer, M 183 Hauer, T. V 266 Harvey, W. H 195 Haydeu, F. V 195, 197 Ht^bert, E 243, 266 Herbert, E 243 He ilpriu, A 195 Heneken, T. S 201 Hertwig, R 266 Hilber, V 266 Hilgard, E. W , 195 Hisinger, W 266 Hitchcock, C. H 183,195 Hitchcock, E 292 Hitchcock, R 196 Hochstetter, R. F 183 Hochstetter, Prof. V 183 Hoeven, J. Van Der 214 Hoifmann, R 183 Homersham, C ' 217 Honeyman, D 196 Hooke, R 214 Hopliins, F. V 196 Howse, R 214 Huguenia, J 292 Hun, E ." 214 Hunt, T. S 183, 184, 1S6 Huxley, T. H 215 Hyndman, G. L 215 I Issel, A 243 J James, F. L , 196 James, J. F 196 Jameson, R ; 215 Jaraieson, T. F 215 Jeffreys, J. G 210, 215, 292 Johnson, H. A 196 Joly, N 243, 244 Jones, F. W. O. Rymer 292 Jones, T. Rupert.. 1S4, 186, 196, 201, 202, 208, 211, 215, 216, 217, 221, 222, 231, 243, 271, 292, 293 J6zsef -tol, S 266 Judd, J. W 217 Julien, A. A 184 STATE GEOLOGIST. 303 K PAGE. Kanmacher, F 217 Karrer, F 196,262, 267, 268, 292 Karsten, H 268 Kaufmann, F.J 268 Keeping, W 217 Keferstein, C 268 Kent, W. S 217 Keyserling, C 287 Kinahan, G. H 217 King, W 184, 185, 207, 217, 218 Kirkby, J. W 214, 218, 222 Klein, J. T 268 Knorr 283 Koch, A 268 Koch, F 268 Koch, F. K. L 268 Kr.lliker. A 268 Kubler, J \ 268, 269 Lachmann 236, 269 Lafont, A 269 Lamarck, J. B. de 243, 244 Lamplugh, G. W 218 Lankester, E. R 218, 269 Latham, A. G 218 Lartet, L 292, 293 Latiei \i, P. A 244 Laube, G 185 Lea, 1 185, 196 Lebour, G. A 218 Ledcrmuller, >L F. . . , 269 Legg, M. S 218 Leidy, J 185, 196 Lc8.ser, \i 266 Leymerie, A 243, 244, 245 Linnaeu.s, C 269 Linnaeu8, C. A 269 Linton, J 218 Lister, M 218 Liversidge, A 218 Locard, A 245 Lt^gan, W. E 185, 186 Lomnicki, M 269 Lorid, (Dr ) J 209 Lory, C . . . ; : 245 Lovi.sato, I) 245 Lyell, C 196,197, 245 304 FOURTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT. M PAGE. MacCoy, F 218 Macdonald, J. D 218, 293 Macgillvray, W 219 Mackie, S. J 219 Maffit 192 Maitland, K. T 269 Mantell, G. A 219, 293 Mantell, W..... 293 Man ton, W. G 219 Marck, W. v. d 292 Mareschkowsky, K. S 287 Manzoni, A 242, 245 Marsson, T 269 Martens • 269 Martin, K 269, 293 Martini, F. H. W 269 Martonfi, L. A 270 Martonli, L . • .* 269 Massolongo 245 Maury, M. F 197 Mayer, K 270 McAndrew, R 219 M'Coy, T 219 Measures, J. W 219 Meek, F. B 197 Meneghini, G 248 Menke, C. F 245 Merian, P 270 Meyer, O 197 Michaud, A. L. P 247 Michelotti, G 245 Miller, H. J 270, 280 Milne-Edwards, A 245 Millet, F. W 205 Mivart, (Sr.) G 219 Mobius, K 186, 293 Moebius, K 186, 270 Moggridge, M 242 Moll, J. P. C 261 Mr)ller, V. v 270, 287 Montagu, G 220 Montfort, D 246 Moore, C 219 Moore, J. C 202 Morris, J 219 Mortillet, G. de .• 246 Morton, S. G 197 Moseley, H. N 219, 220 STATE GEOLOGIST J 305 PAGE. Muller, J 270 Munier Chalmas 220, 246 Murchison, R. 1 245, 287 Murie, J 186 :\Iurray, A 270 Murray, J 197, 220, 227 N Needham, T. V '. 220 Neugeboren, J. L 270, 271 Nevill, T. H 220 Nicholson, H. A 186, 220 Nicolis, E 246 Niedzwiedzki, J 271 Nilsson, S 271 Norman, AM 220 Northampton (Marquis of) 221 N. J 271 Nyst, H 271 o Olszewski, (Dr.) St 271 Owen, D. D 198 Owen, S.R.I 221 Packard, (Jr.) A. S 198 Pareto, L 246 Parfitt, E 221 Parker, W. K 186, 196, 202, 208, 211, 216, 217, 221, 222, 243. 271, 293 ParkiQSon, J 222 Pasteur, J. D 276 Paul, K. M 256, 272 Peach, C. W 223 Pennant, T 223 Perry, G 223 Perry, J 223 Perry, J. B 186 Peters, K. F 272 Philippi, H. A 246, 272 Pliillips, .1 223 Pictet, F. J 247, 271 Planclius, J 247 Plancus, J : 247 Potiez, V. L. V 247 Pourtales, L. F. de 1!'*^ Pratt, S. P 247 Prestwicli, J 223 Price, F. G.H 223 20 306 FOURTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT. PAGE Pritchard, A 223 Pulteney, R ' 223 Pusch, Geo. G 272 Pusyrewski, (Prof. ) P 186 Q Quekett, J ■ 219 B Rackett, (Rev.) T 219 Raulin, V 247 Reade, J. B 224, 247 Reade, T. M 186 Reichert, C. B 272 Reinsch, P. F 272 Renevier, E 243, 247 Reuss, A. E 198, 224, 272, 273, 274, 275 Riclieter, R 275 Richthofen, Bron. V 293 Richthofen, Fv. F 293 Risso, J. A 247 Robertson, D 205, 213, 224, 226, 258 Roemer, F 198, 293 Roemer, F. A 275, 276 Rogers, H. D 224 Roissy, F 246 Rolle, F 276 Rouault, A 247 Rouillier 287 Rousseau 287 Rowney, T. H 184, 185, 186, 218 Russegger, M 293 Riitimeyer, L 248, 276 Rutot, A 276, 281 Ryder, J. A 199 S Sage, F. G 248 Saint Fond, B. F 276 Salter, J. W 199, 225 Sandahl, 276 Sandberger, F 248, 276 Sander Rang, A 248 Sandford, (Mr.) 186 Sars, G. 276 Sars, M 276 Saussure, H. B. de 248 Savi, P ; 248 ScUafhaeutl, C. E. v 277 STATE GEOLOGIST. 307 PAGE. Schafhaeutl, K 277 Schafhaeutl, K. E. v .^. . . . 277 Scbardt, A 248 Schlicht, E. V 277 Schlotheim, E. F. v 277 Scblumberger, C 199, 220, 225, 246, 248 Schluter, C " 277 Schmarda 277 Schmelck, L 277 Scbmid, E. E 277 Schneider, A 248, 277 Schomburgh, R. H 202 Schreiber, K. v 277 Schroeter, J. 8 277 Schultze, M 278 Schultze, M. 8 186, 225, 278 Schulze, F. E 278 Schwager, C 248, 278, 293, 294 Schweigger, A. F 279 Scortegagna, F. O 248, 249 Sequenza, G 225, 249 Shacko, G 276 Shone, W 225 Shumard, B. F 199 Siddall, J. D 225 Siebold, C. T. E. v 279 Silvestri, O 249 Sinzo, J 268 Sismonda, A 249 Sismonda, E 249 Si X , Ach 249 Smith, E. A 199 Smith J. T 225 Soldani, A 250 Sollas, W. J 225, 226 Borby, H. C 226 Sowerby, G. B 226 Sowerby,.!. de C 294 Spencer, J. W 199 Spengler, L 279 Speyer, O 279 Spralt, T 287 Stache, G 250, U79, 2lt4 Steininann, G 279 Stewnrdson, G 226 Stewart, S. A 226 St. John, O. H 199, E 250 Stoliczka, F 294 308 FOURTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT. PAGE. Strickland, H. E 226 Studer, T > 250 Stur, D*. 280 Stur D. V 279 Suess, E 250 T Tallavignes 250 Taranek, K.J 280 Tate, R 226 Tcbihatchefl, P. de 250 Terrigi, G 252 Terquem, 250, 251, 252, 268 Thomas, B. W , 196, 20O Thompson, W 226, 227 Thomson, W 187, 226 Thorpe, C 227 Thurmann, J 280 Tietze, (Dr.) E. V 280 Tizard 227 Toula, F 280 Tournouer, (M ) R 252, 253 Tozzetti, G. T 253 Turton, W 227 Tute, J. S 227 U Uhlig, V 280 Vander Broeck, E 253, 270, 271, 280, 281, 2U Van Broeck, E 202 Vasseur, G 253 Verbeek, R. D. M ; 281, 294 Verneuil, E. de 199, 253, 287 Verneuil, E. P. de 294 Verrill, A. E 199 Yilanova, Y. P. J 187 Villa, C. G. B 253 Vincent, G 281 Vine, G. R 227 Von Alberti, F 25a Von Daday, E 281 Von der Marck, (Dr.) 281, 292 Von Dunikowski, E , 281, 282 Von Fritsch, K 294 Von Hagenow, A. E 282 It STATE GEOLOGIST. ^ 309 PAGE. Von Hantken, M 253, 282 Von Keyserling, G. A 287 Von Madarasz, S. E 282 Von Mereschkowsky, C 287 Von Robz, Z , 282 Von Schauroth, K. F .' 282 Von Schlotheim, E. F 282 Vorce, CM 199 Vosinaky 287 W Wadsworth, M. E 187 Walch, .1. E. J 282, 283 Walford, E. A , 227 Walker, G 227 Waller, E 227 Wallich, G. C 199, 227, 228, 229 Waters, A. W 253 Weaver, T 229, 2S3 Wehb, P 290 Wetherell, N. T 229 Whitaker, W 229 White, C. A 109 Whiteaves, J. F J 200 Whittield, R. P 200 Whitney, J. D 1S7 Wichmann 293 Wilson, E 229 Williamson, W. C 229, 230 Winchell, N. H 187 Winter, G 283 Wolf, H. V 283 Wood, J G 230 Wood, J. E. T 294 Wood, W 230 Woodward, A 200 Worlhen, A H 197 Wright, E. P 230 Wrl,'ht, J 20.-., 230 Wiii,'ht, T. S 230, 231 Wrisljerg 283 Wyatt, J 231 Y Young, J 20r,, 231 310 FOUKTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT. * * z PAGE. Zborzewski, A 287 Zigno, A. de 253 Zittel, (Dr.) 283 Zittel, K. A 283 Zsigraond}', W 283 Zwingli, H 268, 269 I 5*61 t^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below Form L-0 2.-m -10, '4-1(2491) 7q96 '\\oo<^^sd_^ uc SOUTHERN REGIONAL ^ ,BRftRY FACILITY AA 000 493123 4 Z 7&26 F72i;:8 fe