UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES To iearn to classify is in itself an education Alex. Bain Decimal Classification and Relativ Index for libraries, clippings, notes, etc. Edition 10, revized and enlarged By .'?.; Melvil Dewey MA LL D Forest Press Lake Placid Club N Y 1919 Nr E Matter of interest to users of this book will be sent from time to time to recorded owners. Prompt notis of any change in the address given on the slip inserted opposit this note should therefore be sent to Forest Press Lake Placid Club Essex co. N. Y. Copyright by Melvil Dewey 1876; 1885; 1911; 1913; 1915; 1919 Copyright by Library Bureau 1888; 1891; 1894; 1898 Spelling The simplified spellings used are strongly recommended for general adoption by both the American and English Philological Associations, including nearly all the prominent scholars in English now living. The publishers regret the prejudis that certain readers will feel against these changes, but after careful study of all objections urged against them, they find the weight of scholarship and reason wholly in their favor, and feel compeld to bear a share of the prejudis which some must endure before the great benefits of a rational orthografy can be secured. Full information on request from Simplified Spelling Board, I Madison av. New York CONTENTS Page EXPLANATION 6 INTRODUCTION Description 7-20 Origin and growth 7 Extent of use 8 What is the system ? 8 Decimal form 9 Best known decimal form 9 Relativ Subject Index 10-12 What the Index includes 12 Explanation of tables 12 Choice and arrangement of heads . . . . .13 Sequence of allied subjects . . ' . . . .13 Co-ordination . . . . . . . . .13 New subjects . . . . . . . . .14 Catch titles . . . . . . . 14 Form distinctions ........ 14 Minute classification 15 Mnemonics . . ... . . . . . 1617 Decimalism . . . 1 7~*9 Sizes on shelves ........ 19 Catalogs 20-21 Name catalog ... .... 20 Shelf-list 20 Subject catalog .20 Dictionary catalog . . . . , . . .21 Advantages ......... 2124 Shelves . 21 Shelf-list 21 Accession book , . 22 Pamflets . . . . . . . . . . 22 Sale duplicates ( . . 22 Charging system 22 Subject references 23 Recataloging . . . 23 Adaptability 23 Arabic numerals 23 Endowment of special departments .... 24 Summary .... .... 24 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Suggestions to users ....... 25-31 Plan of tables ......... 2 5 " Index ......... 25 Numeration ......... 25 Familiarity with classification . . . . . . 25 How to find subject of book ...... 26 Assigning class numbers . . . . . . . 26-28 Number of figures used in class numbers . . . . 28 Bilding numbers ....... 29 Book numbers ... v ..... 30 Variations practicable . . . . . . . 31-37 Cautions . . . . . . . . . 31 Letter notations for changes . . . . . . 32-35 Fiction and juvenils . . . . . -33 Biografy . .... 33 Travel . ....... 34 Parallel libraries ....... 34 Combining language and literature . . . . 34 Reference library . . . . 34 Contractions for specialists . . . . . -35 Alf abet or chronology for final subdivisions . . . 35 Broken order ......... 36 Pro and con division of topics . . . . . . 37 Other uses 37-39 Bookstores . . . . ... . . . 38 Scrapbooks ....'..... 38 Index rerums . 38 Topical indexes ........ 39 Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . 40-41 Note to 7th edition ...... .41 Notes to editions 8-10 ...... 46 Index to Introduction . ...... 47-48 CONTENTS TABLES AND INDEX First summary the 10 main classes r pa g e Second " the 100 main divisions .... z Third " the 1000 sections 10 p a g es Tables of the Subsections of General works . 28 " Philosofy ri Religion 2t Sociology 4 8 Philology 6 Natural science .... ^ Useful arts I02 Fine arts 18 " T , Literature 44 TT . , History . g- u Page Index abbreviations C6-16 Explanation of Index ;6c-66 Relativ subject index 567-024. Alfabetic table of topics divided geograficly 925-927 form divisions p 2 g languages 928-29 philologic divisions 930-3 1 literatures 932-33 Biscoe and Olin booknumbers 934-36 (5) EXPLANATION The field of knowledge is divided into nine main classes and these are numbered by the digits, I to 9. Cyclopedias, periodicals, etc., so general in character as to belong to no one of these classes are marked nought, and form a tenth class. Each class is similarly separated into 9 divisions, general works belonging to no division having nought in place of the division number. Divisions are similarly divided into 9 sections and the process is repeated as often as necessary. Thus 512 means Class 5 (Natural Science), Division I (Mathematics), Section 2 (Algebra), and every Algebra is numbered 512. The books on the shelves and the cards in the subject catalog are arranged in simple numerical order, all class numbers being decimals. Since each subject has a definite number, it follows that all books on any subject must stand together. These tables show the order in which subjects follow one another. Thus 512 Algebra precedes 513 Geometry and follows 511 Arithmetic. Summaries. The first summary shows the ten Classes into which all topics are divided. The second summary shows the nine Divisions of each of the ten classes, and is useful as a bird's-eye view of the whole scheme on a single page. Then follow ten pages, one for each class, showing the nine Sections into which each of the nine divisions of each class are divided. These pages are to be used for a synoptic view on a single page of the scope of each class. Sub-sections. Following these three summaries is the complete classification, which repeats, in proper order, all the classes, divisions, and sections with all the sub-sections given under each section. Synonymous terms, examples, brief notes, dates, and various catch-words are often added to the simple heads for the convenience of the user, who thus gets a fuller and clearer idea of the field which each number covers. Therefore all references to numbers should be looked up in the full tables of sub-sections; never in the Summaries, which are really only a table of contents of the Complete Tables. Index. After the tables is an index, in which all the heads of the tables are arranged in one simple alphabet, with the class number of each referring to its exact place in the preceding tables. This index includes also, as far as they have been found, all the synonyms or alternative names for the heads, and many other entries that seemed likely to help a reader find readily the subject sought. Though the user knows just where to turn to his subject in the tables, by first consulting the index he may be sent to other allied subjects, where he will find valuable matter which he would otherwise overlook. Full explanations. Detailed illustrations and rules for the many applications of this system and full explanations of its mnemonic and other important features will be found in the introduction. (6) INTRODUCTION [The simplified spellings used are strongly recommended for general adoption by both the American and English Philological Associations, including nearly all prominent scholars in English now living.] Origin and growth. The plan of the following Classification and Index was developt early in 1873. It was the result of several months' study of library economy as found in some hundreds of books and pamflets, and in over 50 personal visits to libraries. In this study the author became convinced that the usefulness of these libraries might be greatly increast without added expenditure. Only a fraction of the good possible could be gotten from a library without catalogs, indexes, and aids, to tell librarians and readers what the collection containd on any given subject; yet, by the methods then used, this could be done satisfactorily only at a cost so great as to be prohibitiv to all but a few wealthy libraries. With rare exceptions, libraries were growing rapidly. Catalogs, made at great cost, became anti- quated soon after being finisht. The methods used involvd frequent remarking and re-arrangement of the books and remaking of catalogs and indexes, as the only escape from a confusion that seriously crippled usefulness. In this repetition of work experience and skill of previous librarians were largely lost. The great need was a system which should enable each librarian to stand on the shoulders of his predecessors, and fully utilize their labors ; which should make the work done to-day permanent, instead of something to be superseded within a few years, and therefore not worth doing in the best way ; which should supply the best appliances, instead of leaving the young librarian not only to learn how to work, but to make all his own tools. Seventeen years' practical use of the system here explaind proves that it will accomplish this result ; for with its aid catalogs, shelf lists, indexes, and references, essential to this increast usefulness, can be made faster and cheaper than by any method not having its essential features, and, when done, are better and vastly more permanent. Practical utility and economy are the keynotes of the entire system, and no theoretical refinement has been allowd to modify the scheme, if it would detract from its usefulness or add to its cost. It was chiefly necessary to find a method that would index books and pamflets on the shelves, the cards of a catalog, clippings and notes of scrap-books and index rerums, references to all these items, and indeed any literary material in any form, as readily as an ordinary index guides (7) DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION to the proper page of a bound book. This difficult problem has been solvd by using no reference marks except the simplest symbols known to the human mind the Arabic numerals and by aiding their simplicity with many practical mnemonic devices. The system has been found on trial equally valuable for cataloging and indexing, and for numbering and arranging books and pamflets on the shelves. For notes on other uses, see p. 37. When the first edition was published in 1876, 12 pages of tables containing the thousand sections were criticised as being altogether too elaborate for use even in a large library. As fast, however, as the Relativ Index with its remarkable powers became known, users askt for further subdivisions, and both tables and Index have steadily grown since it has been found so easy to gain the admitted great advantages of close classification, and yet avoid the old difficulties by means of the Relativ Index. Extent of use. The register of libraries which have actually adopted the system, though growing rapidly, is known to be very incomplete. Names are often added of libraries which have used the system for five or 10 years without our learning the fact. A careful registry is kept of the buyer of each classification printed, but we make no assumption that a library has adopted the system because it has ordered a copy of the book. We print below a brief table showing the growth of the four editions. The nearest estimate possible gives from 200-300 libraries, besides, a large number of private book owners and literary workers having the system in daily use. No. of pages Edition Date Preface, etc. Tables Index Total Copies printed 1 1876 12 12 1 8 42 I,OOO 2 1885 66 162 86 314 500 3 1888 4 227 185 416 500 4 1891 41 234 191 466 1,000 What is the system ? A Relativ Index 1 with a subject classifica- tion, so numberd or letterd that reference is compact, accurate, and quickly made, is the essential feature, and anything beyond this is merely the application of this plan with various helps and accessories. *Tho the author is interested only in the usefulness of the system, not in questions of priority of its invention, extended investigation by others fails to show that this most impor- tant feature of the system the relativ index, on which all else hinges had ever before been used as here to index by a single reference the most diverse material. The relativ loca- tion had been used, but not in the present combination with the subject index, which gives it most of its value. The tables of classification, while adopting suggestions from many sources, are original in their system of arrangement and notation, and in many minor features. The decimal form and many mnemonic features of the system have not been found in earlier use, tho since their invention in 1873, this as well as the subject index and other features have been very frequently copied, often with, but oftener without, acknowledgment of their source. But the author is glad to find this system, which has cost him so much labor, doing good service even for those who neglect to mention where they found so valuable a labor-saving literary 1001 (8) DECIMAL FORM OF THE SYSTEM Any subject classification with a relativ index in which the one entry indexes a book in the ordinary way, and at the same time indexes shelves, cards, clippings, or any other literary material, is a form of this system. Decimal form of the system. The author has devised and experi- mented with several different plans of classification and notation by means of numbers, letters, and combined numbers and letters, with bases of 26, 35, (the latter accepted by Mr Cutter and now most admir- ably workt out in his Boston Athenaeum classification), 50, 100, and 150, yet none have seemd good enough to warrant fully working out and publishing details, except that here printed, based on Arabic numerals used decimally. The wide adoption of this system is largely due to the fact that no one ever complains that a classification is too simple, while there is great danger of the complaint of complexity. The simplicity of the decimal form has so commended itself that many think of it as the only form, tho obviously it would be just as much the "relativ index system" if the classification were wholly markt by letters. The Subject Index is the simplest application of the symbols next in simplicity to i, 2, 3 ; viz. a, b, c. This use of the simplest two sets of symbols known, with their common meanings, has given the system its reputation as the simplest yet proposed. Best known decimal form. The decimal form means simply that the heads are groupt and numberd with the common arithmetical fig- ures used decimally. As the system here printed is the only decimal form that has thus far been carefully elaborated and publisht, it is com- monly thought and spoken of as if it alone were the only possible form of the author's original plan ; tho obviously an infinite variety of " relativ index systems " in decimal form could be made by filling the outline with different heads, or with the same heads in different order. To make out a new set of heads would involve labor and cost vastly beyond the dreams of any person who has not tried exactly this work. The time actually spent on the tables as here printed, by various com- petent workers, would aggregate several years and cost thousands of dollars. The uniform and urgent advice of the experienced is to adopt a poorer scheme already made rather than undertake so herculean a labor. When done, the maker may possibly be better suited with it, but it is doubtful if many others will be. It is vastly wiser for any man whose time is of value, to use it in something more practically useful to himself and his library than in trying to construct a "satis- factory " scheme of classification. No one yet ever wholly suited him- self or any one else, and probably no one ever will. By adopting this scheme already workt out he saves much time and money, gains the immense advantage of using a system in common with hundreds of (9) DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION others, so that he may utilize their labors and investigations and share with them the economies of cooperation. Relativ Subject Index. The alfabetical Index, the most impor- tant feature of the system, is as complete as could be made by com- bining the headings of leading catalogs and bibliografies, and adding such as users of the system have found desirable in 17 years' expe- rience. After all these efforts, new headings will still be needed, and will be added in each new edition. The Index is designd to guide both in numbering and in finding books. In assigning numbers, the most specific head that will contain the book having been determind, reference to that head in the Index gives the class number which should be assignd. Conversely, in finding books on any given subject, reference to the Index gives the number under which they are to be sought on the shelves, in the shelf list, or in the subject catalog. _ Whenever a new subject comes up, it and its syno- nyms, with the class-number decided on, should be interlined in the Index, so that the classifier may be uniform with himself in future work. The Index aims to give similar or synonymous words, and the same words in different connections, so that any person of intelligence will hardly fail to get the right number. A reader wishing to know some- thing of the tariff looks under T, and, at a glance, finds 337 as its class- number. This guides him to the shelves, to all the books and pam- flets, to the shelf catalog, to the subject catalog on cards, to the index of books charged at the loan desk, and, in short, in simple numerical order, thruout the whole library to anything bearing on his subject. If he turns to the tables, he will see that it means class 3, Sociology ; division 3, Political economy ; section 7, Protection and free trade ; but the number alone is enough to classify the book or to find it, for either cataloger or reader. If he had lookt under P for protection, or F for free trade, or D for duties, or C for customs, or under any other leading word relating to his subject, he would have been referd to 337, or some one of its sub-divisions. Had he lookt for " railroad " he would have found after it 16 separate entries, each preceded by a catchword indicating the phase of the sub- ject in the scheme. A book on railroads may be a treatise on the desirability qf government ownership, control, etc., and then is clearly a question of social science ; or it may be a practical hand-book for an employe, explaining business methods of railroading, running trains, handling freight, etc., when it is as clearly one of the useful arts. The cataloger knows to which of these heads his book belongs, and the reader knows in which of its phases he wishes to examin the subject. Moreover, the 3 and 6 beginning the numbers indicate clearly the character of each class. But even if the significance of these figures were entirely disregarded, no confusion would result, for, on consulting either of the numbers in the catalog, in the scheme, or on the shelves the difference would be clearly seen. do) RELATIV SUBJECT INDEX In other cases, it is more useful to keep the books on the same sub- ject together, tho treated from different standpoints. A glance at the Index tells either reader or classifier which plan has been adopted for each case. All topics printed in black-face type in the Index are further divided in the tables, where one may see the subheads. This saves reprinting all these subdivisions which would increase the bulk of the Index many-fold; e. g. if one having a book on "prison labor" looks in the Index for "Convict labor" or "Prison contracts," he finds at once its special number 331.5; but if, on the other hand, he thinks to look only for the general subject "Labor," he finds in black-face type the entry " Labor, political economy, 331," and turning to the tables hv Sodium. 33 34 35 Then find each of these heads in the index and cancel all figures after 546.3, e. g. : Potassium, inorganic chemistry, 546. 3 Rubidium, " " 546.34 This plan has special value in this place, as new elements are discoverd from time to time, and can readily be inserted in alfabetic place. Still many chemists think it valuable to have similar metals groupt together for convenience of study, and to cover books written on the group as a whole, and also think it important to have a number (36) BROKEN ORDER. PRO AND CON DIVISION for rejected elements, because the literature and references about them remain, and must be provided for. The insertion of new elements is provided for, as explained on p. 14*. 4. Broken order. Another common and often desirable variation for shelf arrangement is to break the sequence of the numbers, in order to get books most used nearest the delivery desk. The theory is to keep the whole 1000 numbers in strict sequence ; but a higher rule to be obeyed everywhere is to sacrifice any theory for a sub- stantial gain. Practically it will seldom happen that it is not best to break the order of the classes. Often divisions are best arranged out j)f numerical place; e. g. 520 Astronomy may be wanted in a room accessible at night ; fiction, juvenils, and biografy are always wanted near the delivery desk in a public library, and in strict order are as likely to come at the most distant point. Numberless local reasons may make a broken order desirable. There need be no hesitation in adopting it if enough is gaind, but there should be charts clearly showing where each division starts; e. g. after 430 "Preceding 830;" after 520 "In observatory," it being necessary to specify room for books entirely removed from the general library arrangement. The page of 100 divisions is reprinted by the publishers, on cards with wide margins, for just this use. Opposit each division is markt its beginning on the shelves, and it is easy to vary the order as much as necessary, tho of course the nearer the divisions run in regular order I to 99, the easier it is for a stranger to find his way about. Varia- tions in the order of the sections are less wise and seldom necessary. If made, a wood or card-board dummy in the regular place should have markt on its side the present location of the section removed. This broken-order plan is best for bringing together the philology and literature of each language without altering numbers or prefixing any letter. Let 420 be shelvd just ahead of 820, 430 ahead of 830, and so for all languages, making the general note that all 400*5 are shelvd just ahead of the corresponding 8oo's, and remembering that after the main languages four or more figures are required to indicate language alone, so that Portuguese philology goes between 868 and 869, Russian between 891.69 and 891.7, and Welsh between 891.65 and 891.66. 5. Pro and con division of topics. It is very useful in many cases to separate the books on a topic with strongly markt sides, so that either set of views and arguments may be seen by itself. This has been done by subdivision in some cases, e. g. 337, Protection and Free trade. In others it is equally useful, and can be indicated by an added mark, e. g. 324.3, Woman suffrage. The number may be used for general works, giving facts, etc., and advocates and opponents may be separated by -f- and for positiv and negativ, or by p and c, the initials for pro and con, which tho short, are too long for a circulat- (37) DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION ing library to charge. In reference libraries, on carpls, etc., most will prefer to write out pro and con, to distinguish the two groups. The order on the shelves is, of course, alfabetical, viz. 324.3, 324. 3c, 324^5 ; or if + and ar used, the usual order is followed : +, These five notes suggest the range of variations that may be made in the Decimal Classification and illustrate its adaptability to widely different conditions. For book numbers which decide the order of material after it is groupt into its final classes, see page 30. OTHER USES Tho the system was devised for library catalog and shelf arrange- ment, 17 years have developt many new applications. Nearly every administrativ department feels directly the great economy, and in every field of literary activity this classification has been found a labor- saving tool, whose practical usefulness has exceeded the most sanguin hopes of its early friends. Bookstores. The plan is a great convenience to both dealers and customers, when applied to the miscellaneous stock of a bookstore. Very often a much wanted book, specially if not recently publisht, is reported "not in stock," when such an arrangement by subjects would have reveald its place at once. Specialists often find on the shelves books that they would never have orderd, but are glad to buy after examination. Experience proves it a profitable thing for' a dealer to arrange his books so that each person may find those in which he is interested without examining the entire stock. Scrap-books. The plan has proved of great service in preserving newspaper clippings. Scrap-sheets of uniform size are used, with the class number of the subject written in the upper corner of the front edge of the page, and clippings are mounted on the sheet as in a common scrap-book. When one sheet is full, another is inserted at the exact place. Thus perfect classification is kept up without blank sheets, and at the smallest outlay of money and trouble. This " L. B. Scrap Book " is for most persons the best form. These sheets are then arranged numerically like the subject card catalog, the sheets of each class being farther arranged, when desirable, under alfabetic subheads. Scraps thus mounted are shelvd either in manila pamflet cases or in patent binders. Index rerums. These are best made on the standard P size (7.5 x 12.5 cm.), card or slip. Long study and experience prove that the stock " L2OO " is best for private indexes, etc. It costs only half as much as the "Br. 400," which is largely used for public library cata- logs, takes only half the room, and gives great satisfaction. The class number is written in the upper left-hand corner, any alfabetic subject head follows at the right, and notes fill the card below. The cards are then filed in order of class numbers like the subject card catalog. (38) TOPICAL INDEXES. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS the cards of each class being further arranged, as in case of the scrap sheets, according to any alfabetical subheads. Scores of devices for convenient handling and storage of these slips and of scrap sheets and pamflets are already manufactured. Details cannot be given here, but maybe found in the fulldescriptiv and illustrated catalog of the Library Bureau, 43 Federal street, Boston. Another admirable form is similar to the L. B. Scrap Book or shelf list ; in fact, is simply a shelf list without the printed headings and down lines. The subject number goes in the upper corner, and all notes on that subject are written on the sheet below. This book fits an ordinary shelf, has the advantage of a full letter page in sight at once, and holds over five times as much as the P card. Of course the system can be applied to slips or sheets of any size, but there are lit erally hundreds of accessories and conveniences exactly adapted to these two sizes, which are used tenfold more than all others combined ; so it is folly for one to begin on another size, and lose the advantages of this uniformity. If intermediate sizes must be had, the ones most used and least objectionable are Billet 10x15 cm., Note 12^ x 20 cm., and Ms. 15x25 cm. There are repeated cases where users of some other size have finally found it profitable to change to either the P,7> x I2j^, or to the L,2OX25 cm., even at the cost of re-writing many notes. Note books are best in this last described form. The much poorer method is to take a bound blank book, and assign the class numbers in order, giving about the space it is thought each will require, and, when the pages so assignd are full, note at the bottom where the rest of the material may be found. This has all the objections of the old fixt location as compared to the relativ, and will hardly be adopted by any person who has ever seen the simplicity and economy of the shelf-list system. Topical indexes. The class numbers are used in indexing books read, usually by making the entries in the Index Rerum under proper numbers. The number takes the place of a series of words, and the results can be handled, arranged, and found much quicker because of the simple numerals. The advantages that the system possesses for making topical indexes of collected works, periodicals, transactions, etc., will be evident to every librarian. These consolidated indexes may be arranged together with the card catalog of the books, or by themselves, as seems best in each case. It would exceed the limits of this brief description to notice all the varied applications of the system. Enough have been mentiond to show its wide adaptability to the wants of the librarian and the student. Tho much elaborated and in some points alterd, the essential char- acter of the plan has remaind unchanged from the first. Doubtless (39) DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION other improvements are still possible, and users of the scheme are invited to suggest any needed new heads, and to note any omission to be supplied in the Subject Index. In this brief account the author has probably faild to meet some objections which may be raisd, and which he could easily answer. He therefore asks the privilege of replying personally to any such objections, where they arise, believing that it will be possible to answer, if not all, at least a very large proportion. The labor involvd in preparing the Classification and Index has been wholly beyond the appreciation of any who have never attempted a similar task. Much valuable aid has been renderd in many depart- ments by specialists, over 100 of whom have assisted in developing the scheme. Among these are many well-known scholars, and to all a most cordial acknowledgment is made. Without such assistance, the present edition could not have been made, for many minds were necessary to supply the technical and special learning absolutely necessary in filling the minute heads. Indeed, in many subjects the author's share in the work has been limited to the modification neces- sary for technical adjustment to his scheme of the material prepared by specialists. To many prominent librarians the author is indebted for valuable suggestions and appreciativ criticism. While these Imaginary 099 Other rarities Curiosa THIRD SUMMARY Philosofy 100 Philosofy 15 101 Utility 151 1 02 Compends 152 103 Dictionaries 153 104 Essays 154 105 Periodicals 155 1 06 Societies 156 107 Study and teaching 157 108 Polygrafy Maxims 158 109 History 159 1 10 Metaphysics 160 in Ontology 161 112 Methodology 162 113 Cosmology 163 114 Space 164 115 Time 165 116 Motion 1 66 117 Matter 167 118 Force 168 119 Quantity Number 169 120 Metaphysical topics 170 121 Knowledge: origin, limits 171 122 Causation Cause and effect 172 123 Liberty and necessity 173 124 Teleology Final causes 174 125 Infinit and finite 175 126 Consciousness Personality 176 127 Unconsciousness Automata 177 128 The soul 178 129 Origin of the individual soul 179 130 Mind and body 180 131 Mental physiology and hygiene 181 132 Mental derangements 182 133 Occultism Witchcraft Magic 183 134 Mesmerism Clairvoyance 184 135 Sleep Dreams Somnambulism 185 136 Mental characteristics 186 137 Temperaments Personality 187 138 Physiognomy 1 88 139 Phrenology Mental photografs 189 140 Philosofic systems 190 141 Idealism Transcendentalism 191 142 Critical philosofy 192 143 Intuitionalism 193 144 Empiricism 194 145 Sensationalism 195 146 Materialism Positivism 196 147 Pantheism Monism 197 148 Eclecticism 198 149 Other philosofic- systems 199 SECTIONS Mental faculties Intellect Sense perceptions Understanding Memory Imagination Reason Intuitiv faculty Sensibility Emotions Instincts Appetites Will Logic Dialectics Inductiv Deductiv Assent Symbolic Algebraic Sources of error Fallacies Syllogism Enthymemc Hypotheses Argument and persuasion Analogy Correspondence Ethics Theories of ethics State ethics Family ethics Professional and business ethics Ethics of amusements Sexual ethics Social ethics Temperance Other ethical topics Ancient philosofers Oriental Early Greek Sophistic and Socratic Platonic Aristotelian Pyrrhonist New Platonist Epicurean Stoic Early Christian and medieval Modern philosofers American British German French Italian Spanish Slavic Scandinavian Other modern THIRD SUMMARY SECTION'S Religion 200 Religion 201 Philosofy 202 Compends 203 Dictionaries 204 Essays 205 Periodicals 206 Societies 207 Education 208 Polygrafy 250 Theories 251 252 253 254 255 256 Theologic schools 257 258 209 History of theology 259 210 Natural theology 260 211 Deism and atheism 261 212 Pantheism Theosofy 262 213 Creation Evolution 263 214 Providence Theodicy Fatalism 264 215 Religion and science 265 216 Evil Depravity 266 2 1 7 Prayer 267 218 Future life Immortality 268 219 Analogies Correspondences 269 220 Bible 270 221 Old Testament 271 222 Historic books 272 223 Poetic 273 224 Prophetic " 274 225 New Testament 275 226 Gospels and Acts 276 227 Epistles 277 228 Apocalypse 278 229 Apocrypha 279 230 Doctrinal Dogmatics 280 231 God Unity Trinity 281 232 Christ " Christology 282 233 Man The fall Sin 283 234 Salvation Soteriology 284 235 Angels Devils Satan 285 236 Eschatology Deth Judgment 286 237 Future state 287 238 Creeds Catechisms 288 239 Apologetics Evidences 289 240 Devotional Practical 290 241 Didactic 291 242 Meditativ 292 243 Hortatory 293 244 Miscellany Fiction 294 245 Hymnology Religious poetry 295 246 Ecclesiology Symbolism 296 247 Sacred furniture, vessels, etc. 297 248 Personal religion Asceticism 298 249 Family devotions 299 Homiletic Pastoral Parochial Homiletics Preaching Sermons Pastoral visitations Evangelistic Cleric support Celibacy Brotherhoods Sisterhoods Societies for parish work Gilds Parochial schools, libraries, etc. Parish care of sick, fallen, etc. Other ministrations and .work Church Institutions Work Church Ecclesiastic polity Sabbath Lord's day Sunday Public worship Ritual Sacraments Ordinances Missions Home and foren Associations Y M C A, etc. Sunday schools Revivals Retreats Religious history Monastic orders Monasteries Persecutions Heresies Europe Asia Africa North America South America Oceanica Christian churches and sects Primitiv and oriental Roman catholic Anglican and American P E Continental protestant Presbyterian Congregational Baptist Immersionist Methodist Unitarian Minor Christian sects Ethnic and other religions Comparativ & general mythology Greek and Roman Teutonic and Northern Brahmanism Buddhism Parseeism Judaism Mohammedanism Mormonism Minor nonchristian religions Theories 300 Sociology 301 Philosofy 302 Compends 303 Dictionaries 304 Essays 305 Periodicals 306 Societies 307 Education 308 Polygrafy 309 History of sociology 310 Statistics 311 Theory Methods 312 Population 313 Special topics 314 Europe 315 Asia 316 Africa 317 North America 318 South America 319 Oceanica 320 Political science 321 Form of state 322 Church and state 323 Internal or domestic relations 324 Suffrage Citizenship 325 Colonies and immigration 326 Slavery 327 Foren relations 328 Legislativ bodies and annals 329 Political parties 330 Political economy 331 Capital Labor Wages 332 Banks Money Credit Interest 333 Land Ownership Rights & rent 334 Cooperation 335 Socialism and communism 336 Finance Public funds Taxation 337 Protection and free trade 338 Production Manufacture Prices 339 Consumption Pauperism 340 Law 341 International law 342 Constitutional law and history 343 Criminal law 344 Martial law 345 U. S. statutes and cases 346 British statutes and cases 347 Treatises: American and British 348 Canon law 349 Foren law Roman THIRD SUMMARY SECTIONS Sociology 350 Administration Army 351 Administration of central gov't 352 Local government: city, town 353 United States and state 354 Foren states 355 Army Military science 356 Infantry 357 Cavalry 358 Artillery 359 Navy Naval science 360 Associations Institutions 361 Charitable 362 Hospitals Asylums 363 Political 364 Reformatory 365 Prisons Disciplin 366 Secret societies 367 Social clubs 368 Insurance 369 Other 370 Education 371 Teachers, methods, and disciplin 372 Elementary Kindergarten 373 Intermediate 374 Self education and culture 375 Curriculum 376 Education of women 377 Religious, ethical and secular 378 Colleges and universities 379 Public schools State education 380 Commerce Communication 381 Domestic trade 382 Foren trade Consular reports 383 Postoffis 384 Telegraf Cable Telefone 385 Railroad and express 386 Canal & highway transportation 387 River and ocean transportation 388 City transit 389 Weights and mesures Metrology 390 Customs Popular life 391 Costume and care of person 392 Birth, home and sex customs 393 Treatment of ded 394 Public and social customs 395 Etiquet 396 Woman's position and treatment 397 Gipsies Nomads Outcast races 398 Folklore Proverbs, etc. 399 Customs of war THIRD SUMMARY SECTIONS Philology 400 Philology 45o Italian 4Oi Philosofy 451 Orthografy 402 Compends 452 Etymology 43 Dictionaries 453 Dictionaries 404 Essays 454 Synonyms 405 Periodicals 455 Grammar 406 Societies 456 Prosody 407 Study and teaching 457 Dialects. 408 Polygrafy 458 School texts 409 History of language 459 Rumansh and Wallachian 410 Comparativ 460 Spanish 411 Orthografy Alfabets 461 Orthografy 412 Etymology 462 Etymology 413 Dictionaries 463 Dictionaries 414 Phonology 464 Synonyms 415 Grammar 465 Grammar 416 Prosody 466 Prosody 417 Inscriptions 467 Dialects 418 Texts 468 School texts 419 Hieroglyfics 469 Portuguese 420 English 470 Latin 421 Orthografy 471 Orthografy 422 Etymology 472 Etymology 423 Dictionaries 473 Dictionaries 424 Synonyms 474 Synonyms 425 Grammar 475 Grammar 426 Prosody 476 Prosody 427 Dialects 477 Dialects 428 School texts 478 School texts 429 Anglo-Saxon 479 Minor Italic 430 German 480 Greek 431 Orthografy 481 Orthografy 432 Etymology 482 Etymology 433 Dictionaries 483 Dictionaries 434 Synonyms 484 Synonyms 435 Grammar 485 Grammar 436 Prosody 486 Prosody 437 Dialects 487 Dialects 438 School texts 488 School texts 439 Minor Teutonic 489 Minor Hellenic 440 French 490 Minor languages 441 Orthografy 491 Minor Indo-European 442 Etymology 492 Semitic 443 Dictionaries 493 Hamitic 444 Synonyms 494 Scythian Turanian 445 Grammar 495 Eastern Asiatic 446 Prosody 496 African 447 Dialects 497 North American 448 School texts 498 South American 449 Provencal 499 Malay-Polynesian and other THIRD SUMMARY SECTIONS Natural science 500 Natural science 501 Philosofy 502 Compends 503 Dictionaries 504 Essays 505 Periodicals 506 Societies 507 Education Museums 508 Polygrafy 509 History 510 Mathematics 511 Arithmetic 512 Algebra 513 Geometry Conic sections 514 Trigonometry 515 Descriptiv geometry 516 Analytic geometry Quaternions 517 Calculus 518 519 Probabilities 520 Astronomy 521 Theoretic 522 Practical and spheric 523 Descriptiv 524 Maps and observations 525 Earth 526 Geodesy 527 Navigation 528 Ephemerides 529 Chronology 530 Physics 53 1 Mechanics 532 Liquids Hydraulics 533 Gases Pneumatics 534 Sound Acoustics 535 Light Optics 536 Heat 537 Electricity 538 Magnetism 539 Molecular physics 540 Chemistry 541 Theoretic 542 Practical and experimental 543 Analysis 544 Qualitativ 545 Quantitativ 546 Inorganic 547 Organic 548 Crystallografy 549 Mineralogy 550 Geology 551 Physical and dynamic geology 552 Lithology Petrografy 553 Economic geology 554 Europe 555 Asia 556 Africa 557 North America 558 South America 559 Oceanica Polar regions 560 Paleontology 561 Plants 562 Invertebrates 563 Protozoa Radiates 564 Mollusks 565 Articulates 566 Vertebrates 567 Fishes Batrachia 568 Reptils " Birds 569 Mammals 570 Biology Ethnology 571 Prehistoric archeology 572 Ethnology Anthropology 573 Natural history of man 574 Homologies 575 Evolution Species 576 Origin and beginnings of life 577 Properties of living matter 578 Microscopy 579 Collectors manuals 580 Botany 581 Physiologic and structure! 582 Phanerogamia 583 Dicotyledonae 584 Monocotyledonae 585 Gymnospermae 586 Cryptogamia 587 Pteridophyta 588 Bryophyta 589 Thallophyta 590 Zoology 591 Physiologic zoology 592 Invertebrates 593 Protozoa Radiates 594 Mollusks 595 Articulates 596 Vertebrates 597 Fishes Batrachia 598 Reptils Birds 599 Mammals THIRD SUMMARY SECTION'S Useful arts 600 Useful arts 601 Philosofy 602 Compends 603 Dictionaries 604 Essays 605 Periodicals 606 Societies Fairs Exhibitions 607 Education, schools of technology 608 Patents Inventions 609 History of useful arts 610 Me diem 61 1 Anatomy 612 Physiology 613 Hygiene Gymnastics Training 614 Public helth 615 Materia medica Therapeutics 616 Pathology Diseases Treatment 617 Surgery Dentistry 618 Diseases of women and children 619 Comparativ medicin Veterinary 620 Engineering 621 Mechanical 622 Mining 623 Military Naval 624 Bridge and roof 625 Road and railroad 626 Canal 627 River and harbor 628 Sanitary Waterworks 629 Other branches 630 Agriculture 631 Farm, farmsted Soil 632 Pests Hindrances Blights Insects 633 Grains Grasses Fibers Tea, etc. 634 Fruits Orchards Vineyards 635 Kitchen garden 636 Domestic animals 637 Dairy: milk, butter, cheese 638 Bees Silkworms 639 Fishing Trapping 640 Domestic economy 641 Food Cookery 642 Serving Entertaining 643 Shelter; house, home 644 Heat, light, ventilation 645 Furnishing Decoration 646 Clothing Toilet 647 Household administration 648 Sanitary precautions 649 Nursery Sickroom 650 Communication Commerce 651 Offis equipment and methods 652 Writing : materials, typewriters 653 Abbreviations Shorthand 654 Telegraf Cables Signals 655 Printing Publishing Copyright 656 Transportation Railroading, etc. 657 Bookkeeping Accounts 658 Business manuals Methods Tab'es 659 Advertising and other topics 660 Chemic technology 66 1 Chemicals 662 Pyrotechnics Explosivs 663 Beverages: wines,liquors,ales,etc. 664 Foods: sugar, starch, etc. 665 Lights: gas, oil, candles, etc. 666 Ceramics: glass,clay,cement,etc. 667 Bleaching Dyeing Inks Paints 668 Other organic chemic industries 669 Metallurgy Assaying 670 Manufactures 671 Articles made of metals 672 Of iron & steel ; stoves, cutlery 673 Of brass and bronze ; bells, etc. 674 Lumber & articles made of wood 675 Lether " lethcr 676 Paper " " paper 677 Cotton, wool, silk, linen, etc. 678 Rubber & articles made of rubber 679 Celluloid and other 680 Mechanic trades 68 1 Watch and instrument making 682 Blacksmithing Horseshoeing 683 Lock and gun making 684 . Carriage and cabinet making 685 Saddlery & shoemaking Trunks 686 Bookbinding 687 Clothesmaking Hats 688 689 Other trades 690 Eliding 691 Materials Processes Preservativs 692 Plans and specifications 693 Masonry Plastering, etc. 694 Carpentry Stairbilding 695 Roofing Slating and tiling 696 Plumbing Gas and steam fitting 697 Heating and ventilation 698 Painting Glazing Paperhanging 699 Carbilding THIRD SUMMARY Fine 700 Fine arts 701 Philosofy Esthetics 702 Compends 703 Dictionaries 704 Essays 705 Periodicals 706 Societies 707 Education Study 708 Art galleries 709 History of art 710 Landscape gardening 711 Public parks 712 Private grounds Lav 713 Walks Drives 714 Water: fountains, lakes 715 Trees Hedges i 716 Plants Flowers Conse: 717 Arbors Seats Outl 718 Monuments Maus 719 Cemeteries 720 Architecture 721 Architectural construction 722 Ancient and oriental 723 Medieval Gothic 724 Modern 725 Public bildings 726 Ecclesiastic and religious 727 Educational and scientific 728 Residences 729 Design and decoration 730 Sculpture 731 Materials and methods 732 Ancient 733 Greek and Roman 734 Medieval 735 Modern 736 Carving Seals Dies 737 Numismatics Coins 738 Pottery Porcelain 739 Bronzes Bricabrac 740 Drawing Decoration 74 1 Freehand Crayon 742 Perspectiv 743 Art anatomy Life 744 Mathematic drawing 745 Ornamental design: carpet, etc. 746 Art needlework 747 Interior decoration 748 Staind and iridescent glass 749 Artistic furniture SECTIONS arts 750 Painting 751 Materials and methods 752 Color 753 Epic Mythic Idealistic 754 Genre Still life 755 Religious Ecclesiastic 756 Historical Battles, etc. 757 Portrait 758 Landscape Marine 759 Various schools 760 Engraving 761 Wood ms 762 Copper Steel 763 Lithografy 764 Chromoli thograf y shrubs 765 Line Stipple vatories 766 Mezzotint Aquatint x>ks '767 Etching Dry point oleums 768 Banknote Machine 769 Collections of engravings 770 Photografy in 771 Photografic chemistry 772 Processes: silver, etc. 773 Gelatin and pigment 774 & printer's ink Albertyp 2 775 Photolithografy, etc. 1 776 Photozincografy, etc. 1C 777 Photoengraving Phctoelectrcs 778 Special applications 779 Collections of photografs 780 Music 781 Theory 782 Dramatic 783 Sacred 784 s&focal 785 Orchestral Gems 786 Piano and organ Medals 787 Stringd instruments 788 Wind 789 Percussion and mechanical 1 790 Amusements 791 Public entertainment 792 Theater Opera hool 793 Indoor amusements 794 Games of skill Chess >ct, etc. 795 Games of chance Cards 796 Outdoor sports 797 Boating and ball glass 798 Horsemanship Racing 799 Fishing Hunting Shooting THIRD SUMMARY SECTIONS Literature 800 Literature 80 1 Philosofy 802 Compends 803 Dictionaries 804 Essays 805 Periodicals 806 Societies 807 Study and teaching 808 Rhetoric Treatises 809 History 810 American literature 811 812 Poetry Drama 813 Fiction 814 Essays 815 Oratory 816 Letters Satire Humor Miscellany 817 818 819 820 English literature 821 Poetry 822 Drama 823 Fiction 824 Essays 825 Oratory 826 Letters 827 Satire Humor 828 Miscellany 829 Anglo-Saxon literature 830 German literature 831 Poetry 832 Drama 833 Fiction 834 Essays 835 Oratory 836 Letters 837 Satire Humor 838 Miscellany 839 Minor Teutonic literatures 840 French literature 841 Poetry 842 Drama 843 Fiction 844 Essays 845 Oratory 846 Letters 847 Satire Humor 848 Miscellany 849 Provencal literature 850 Italian literature 851 Poetry 852 Drama 853 Fiction 854 Essays 855 Oratory 856 Letters 857 Satire Humor 858 Miscellany 859 Rumansh and Wallachian 860 Spanish literature 861 Poetry 862 Drama 863 Fiction 864 Essays 865 Oratory 866 Letters 867 Satire Humor 868 Miscellany 869 Portuguese literature 870 Latin literature 871 Poetry 872 Dramatic 873 Epic 874 Lyric 875 Oratory 876 Letters 877 Satire Humor 878 Miscellany 879 Minor Italic literatures 880 Greek literature 88 1 Poetry 882 Dramatic 883 Epic 884 Lyric 885 Oratory 886 Letters 887 Satire Humor 888 Miscellany 889 Minor Hellenic literatures 890 Minor literatures 891 Minor Indo-European 892 Semitic 893 Hamitic 894 Scythian Turanian 895 Eastern Asiatic 896 African 897 North American 898 South American 899 Malay-Polynesian and othei THIRD SUMMARY SECTIONS History 900 History 950 Asia 901 Philosofy 951 China 902 Compends Chronologies 952 Japan 903 Dictionaries 953 Arabia 904 Essays 954 India 905 Periodicals 955 Persia 906 Societies 956 Turkey in Asia 907 Study and teaching 957 Siberia [chistan 908 Polygrafy 958 Afghanistan Turkistan Balu- 909 Universal histories 959 Farther India 910 Geografy and travels 960 Africa 911 Historical 961 North Africa 912 Maps 962 Egypt Nubia 913 Antiquities 963 Abyssinia 914 Europe 964 Morocco 915 Asia 965 Algeria 916 Africa 966 North Central Africa 917 North America 967 South Central Africa 918 South America 968 South Africa 919 Oceanica Polar regions 969 Madagascar Mauritius 920 Biografy 970 North America 921 Of philosofy 9/1 British America 922 " theology 972 Mexico Central America 923 " sociology 973 United States 924 " philology 974 North Atlantic states 925 " science 975 South Atlantic states 926 " useful arts 976 South Central or Gulf states 927 " fine arts 977 Northeast Central or Lake " 928 " literature 978 Western or Mountain " 929 . Genealogy Heraldry 979 Pacific states 930 Ancient history 980 South America 931 China 981 Brazil 932 Egypt 982 Argentina Patagonia 933 Judea 983 Chile 934 India 984 Bolivia 935 Medo-Persia 985 Peru 936 Kelts 986 Colombia Ecuador 937 Rome Italy 987 Venezuela 938 Greece 988 Guiana 939 Minor countries 989 Paraguay Uruguay 940 Europe 990 Oceanica Polar regions 941 Scotland Ireland 991 Malaysia 942 England Wales 992 Sunda 943 Germany Austria 993 Australasia 944 France 994 Australia 945 Italy 995 New Guinea 946 Spain Portugal 996 Polynesia 947 Russia 997 Isolated ilands 948 Norway Sweden Denmark 998 Arctic regions 949 Minor countries 999 Antarctic regions Complete tables including all the General oio Bibliografy .1 Theory, utility, etc. .2 Compends .3 Dictionaries .4 Essays .5 Periodicals .6 Societies .7 Education, training, see also 020.7; .8 Polygrafy .9 History on General bibliografies Universal catalogs OH is by Authors. If by Subjects they go in 016 Properly a catalog is of a special collection and so tells where the works may be found. A bibliografy disregards actual location and tells what there is, but its con- tents can seldom be found in any one library 012-016 include both bibliografies and catalogs. 017-019 is limited to catalogs of general collections 012 Of individuals Alfabeted by subjects of bibliografies (bibliografees), not by compilers; e. g. Chaucer, Dante, Ruskin, etc. A bibliografy of an Individual may include either works about or by the individual, or both Authors on whom special collections are being made (e. g. in 800) attract their bibliografies to same number, leaving only a reference here. Other individual bibliografies class here, unless clearly limited to some subject; e. g. artists or musicians, bibliografy of Wagner 016.782 013 Of special classes of authors Subdivided like the general classification, as indicated below. Lists of writings of such classes, if limited to a special subject, class with that subject; e.g. list of historical works by Jesuits 016.9. But in exceptional cases the bibliografy of a special class of authors may be put with that class; e.g. bibliografy of women's writings 396.58, tho 013.396 would be the better number in a general library .0206 Writings of members of A L A .064 " " " " French academy .282 " " Roman catholics 378744 " " Harvard graduates .9 Writings of foren residents in a special country Often extended to one or more generations of descendants. This provides for bibliografies in which nationalty, not subject, is the important idea .91 Authors from special country Divided like 930-999 by country of origin and farther subdivided with o like 930-999 by country of adoption; e.g. 013.91485 bibliografy of writings of Swedes outside Sweden, 013.91485044 writings of Swedes in France, 013.9148507 of Swedes in America. This groups under mother country; e.g. gathers together all lists of works by emigrant Swedes .930-999 Foren authors in special country Usually preferable to .91. Divided like 930-999 by country of adop- tion and farther subdivided with o like 930-999 for country of origin; e.g. 013.944 foren authors in France; 013.973 foren authors in U S, 013.9730485 Swedish authors in U S; 013.9485073 American authors in Sweden. Ordinarily 013.94807 would be explicit enough; the longer number is not advised. This groups under adopted country; e.g. gathers under a given country all its foren authors 014 Of special forms : anonyms, pseudonyms, etc. .1 American .2 English .3 German, etc. BIBL1OGRAFY 015 Of special countries Books publisht in the country. Publishers lists, current publications. Subdivided by countries like 940-999; e. g. 015.42, Bibliografy of books publisht in England, as Lowndes or English catalog The history of literature, i. e. belles lettres, poetry, drama, fiction, etc. goes, of course, with those topics in 800; but the literary history of any given place or period covering the writings on all subjects as well as in literature, is bibliografy, and goes usually in 015, tho the literary history of some special class is 013 016 Of special subjects Subdivided like the main classification, from 000-999; e. g. 016.01 Bibliografy of bibliografies; 016.091, of manuscripts; 016.5, of science; 016.942, of English history, etc. See also next note Library and sale catalogs Catalogs of any special subject, whether subject, author, or dictionary, go under its subject number, in 016, which is the ruling heding wherever it conflicts with another. 017-019 therefore includes only catalogs of general collections, limited to no one class or subject Under 017-019, 4 means catalogs of books for sale, not publisht, by booksellers. For publishers catalogs see 015 017 Clast catalogs: systematic or logical .1 Public .2 Private .3 Auction .4 Booksellers Class here author and subject lists bound together, as they are much oftener used to Bee what has been written on some subject than whether a library has a certain book For all forms of alfabetic subject catalogs, see 019; See 016 for Bibliografies Ol8 AuthOr CatalOgS See on for Bibliografies .1 Public .2 Private .3 Auction .4 Booksellers A volume containing both author and subject catalogs is more useful in 017. For auction catalogs of private libraries use 018.2, not 018.3. 018 includes accession, chronologic, and any other forms (except subject and dictionary) of catalogs of col- lections 019 Dictionary catalogs Alfabeticoclast, etc. .r Public .2 Private .3 Auction .4 Booksellers 020 Library economy SUMMARY 020-025 Science and administration of libraries in general 02 1 Scope, founding, supporting 022 Bildings and grounds . 023 Government and servis 024 Regulations 025 Administration 026-027 Special libraries and collections; history, description and management 026 Libraries on special subjects 027 General libraries 028-029 Allied subjects 028 Reading and aids 029 Literary methods REFERENCES TO OTHER MATERIAL oio Bibliografy 090 Book rarities 020.1 Theory .14 Library terms, definitions, etc. Discussion. For dictionaries, glossaries, etc. see 020.3 .? Compends .3 Dictionaries .4 Essays .5 Periodicals DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 0^0.6 Societies, associations, clubs, conferences .61 Official institutions; government departments For library commissions see 021.82 .62 Societies not under government control .621 International associations .622 National " .623 State .624 Local clubs .625 Associations of special groups State librarians, or class in 027.506 Medical " " 026^106 Sunday school " " "027.8 Library dcp't of N E A or class, with subject in 021.3 .626 Mutual benefit associations Or class in 023 .59, if preferd .627 ALA publishing board For library leags see 021 .3 .63 Congresses, conferences, meetings, temporary organizations .65 Commercial establishments Library Bureau For commercial circulars see 020.85 7 Education Training Library schools .71 Instruction, schools Standards, location, cost, etc .711 Library schools Use letter for each school, and if desired divide like 378 A-Z .712 Summer schools .713 Apprentis classes Training classes .714 Correspondence schools .715 Library institutes Similar to teachers institutes; local meetings with a conductor, for dis- cussion of practical problems .716 Courses in colleges and universities .717 Courses in normal and high schools .718 .719 Private schools and instruction .72 Research work 73 .74 Museums, exhibits Collections of illustrativ appliances, blanks, etc 75 .76 .77 Special pedagogic methods .78 .79 Competitions, prizes, traveling scholarships .8 Polygrafy .81 Individual polygrafy .82 Collectiv .822 Extracts, maxims, anthologies .83 Recipes .84 .85 Commercial circulars See also 020.65 Commercial establishments .86 .87 Curiosa, anecdotes, library humor, dummy book titles .9 History of library economy For history of libraries both public and private see 027 Lives of librarians are clast in 920.2. To keep them with the subject use 020.92, and for fotografs of librarians 020.921. Collected lives may be sepa- rated from individual by use of the Olin booknumbers (following Index) LIBRARY ECONOMY 02 1 Scope, usefulness and founding of libraries Also scope and founding of combined libraries and museums. Support, develop, ment .oi Arguments for libraries: purpose, benefits Impressivness of libraries. Discussion of free public libraries is better clast here than in 027.4 .02 Arguments against libraries: evils of libraries For paternalism in library see 021 .201 .03 Progress and future of libraries Reforms, improvements, projects, plans, profesies, library ideals .04 Ideals for special communities e.g. what a library can do for a manufacturing community .i Library as a storehouse . 1 6 Character of material appropriate to library .2 Library as an educator; people's university Material on private reading is better in 028 than >n 021.2 While the work of a library is nearly all educational in a broad sense, the rela- tions of the library to special classes of the community, outside of direct educa- tional work thru schools and home education work, ar best clast with libraries for special classes in 027.6, or when a special subject predominates, in 026 .201 Paternalism in library See also 024.58 Library censorship of news, 02*4.64 Restriction of immoral books, 025.217 Exclusion of immoral or il made books .25 Library as a publisher .26 " bookseller .28 Work for special classes of users Physicians, lawyers, clergymen, women, foreners, etc. See also 021.3 .3 Library in relation to schools and the young This is mainly for relations of general public libraries to school work. Class a library ownd by and kept at the school in 027.8. School libraries, 371.6, is only to keep all school material together under 370. Class general work for children with children's libraries in 027 .6 .31 Relations to teachers .32 pupils Librarian's talks to pupils, either at schoolhouses or at library, on use of library .33 Special libraries for schools Specially selected from general library and lent to school either for class or general school use. Duplicates for schools 34 .37 Work of individual libraries with schools ^Alfabeted by library; e.g. accounts of work with schools by Hartford public library under Hartford, by Osterhout library at Wilkesbarre under Osterhout DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 021.4 Home education This includes all servises or added fields of work undertaken by the library outside the use of books. For programs, reports, etc. of home education agen- cies, see 374. 1-.9 .41 Study clubs Reading circles, etc. .42 Conferences, conventions, institutes, etc. .43 Lectures For extension courses, see 021 .44 .44 Extension courses Lecture study .45 Entertainments: dramatic, musical, etc. .46 Museums and temporary exhibits .47 Science museums -or collections .48 Art galleries .5 Library as a recreation Serving refreshments; e. g. tea .6 Library extension and cooperation For work done by the state see 021.8 .6 1 Deliveries See also 025 .6 and 022. 16 .62 Branches See also 022. 15 .63 Centralization Grouping of libraries .64 Cooperation between libraries Cooperation in any special department is clast with the department; e.g interlibrary lending 025.6 .65 Traveling libraries A collection (usually 25 to too volumes) either general or on one subject, lent to a community, library, study club or other organization. Book wagon .66 House libraries A small traveling library for use of a person or household. Originated at New York state library for isolated students 67 Home libraries Small libraries for children, each library kept at home of some child for use of a group, under supervision of a visitor. The libraries travel from group to group. Originated by Boston Children's aid society .7 Founding Developing and maintaining interest This is mainly for starting a library, interesting people and bringing them to the library. For most special methods of interesting those who ar alredy readers see 025.5 and 025 .6 .71 Personal canvass, visits and correspondence .72 Circulars .73 Advertizing In newspapers, posters, street cars. etc. .74 Press Publicity Discussion of use of newspaper colums (editorials, articles, letters, new book lists, etc.) to secure interest .75 Schools and teachers .76 Churches and ministers Pulpit .77 Literary and other organizations and institutions .78 Lectures Public meetings and addresses .79 Library propaganda Societies, local or general, for encouragement and stimulation LIBRARY ECONOMY 021.8 Libraries and the state Library legislation .81 State supervision .82 Library departments or commissions Special work done by commissions is clast by its subject. Reports of com- missions, if largely a summary of the public libraries of the state, go in 027.4 If important to keep all work of commissions together, class their reports here .83 Government aid .831 State grants of money .832 Local subsidies .84 Gifts of books .841 Public documents, etc. .8n India, 283.54 RELIGION 284 Continental protestant sects Protestantism .1 Lutheran Reformd See also 285.7, Reformd church in America German reformd church in United States .2 Calvinist Zwinglian see 285. and 286.1 .3 Hussites Anabaptists Leyden see 286.1 .4 Albigenses Waldenses Vaudois see 272.3 .5 HugUenOtS See 272.4 .6 Moravian .7 Scandinavian Swedish .8 Old catholic Here are classt those denying papal infallibility, or for other cause cut off from Rome, tho catholic in other respects .9 Other 285 Presbyterian Reformd Congregational Next 2 subdivisions are sectarian, not geografi: .1 Presbyterian church in America Subdivided geografkly; e. g. 285.173 Presbyterian church in United States. 285.173 Southern presbyterian church .2 Presbyterian church in Great Britain .3 Cumberland presbyterian .4 United presbyterian .5 Reformd presbyterian .6 Minor presbyterian sects .7 Reformd (Dutch) church in America e. g . 285.77471, in N. Y. city .8 Congregational .9 Puritanism 286 Baptist Immersionist .1 Calvinistic or Regular Including Arminian or general b:.ptists,r.unit:d with Calvinistic in iSoi .2 Free wil .3 Seventh day .4 Old school (Primitiv, Antimission or Hardshel) .5 Other baptist sects May be clast if preferd with any of the larger sects which they most closely resemble or of which they ar offshoots .6 Disciples (Campbellite or Christian) .7 Adventists .9 Other immersionists DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 287 Methodist .1 Wesleyan methodist .2 Calvinistic methodist .3 Welsh Calvinistic methodist .4 Primitiv methodist .5 Primitiv Wesleyan .6 Methodist episcopal .7 Methodist protestant .8 African methodist .9 Minor methodist sects 288 Unitarian s ee ai so 313 . 4 289 Other Christian sects .1 Universalist .2 3 .4 New church or Swedenborgian .5 Christian science .6 Quaker Friends Hicksites .7 Mennonite .8 Shaker MyStiC For Mystic heresy see 273.2 .9 Minor Christian sects 290 Ethnic and other religions Including comparativ religion and general histories of religion where an equal or minor place is given to Christianity 391 Comparativ and general mythology 292 Greek and Roman mythology 293 Teutonic and Northern mythology 294 Brahmanism Buddhism For other Indie religions, see 299.11. See also 891.2 Sanskrit literature; 177-5 Caste 295 Parseeism Zend Avesta For other Iranic religions, see 299.15. See also 891.52 Zend literature For other Semitic religions, see 299.2 297 Moha medanism 298 MOrmOnism See also 173.2 Polygamy 299 Minor nonchristian religions Subdivided ethnicly like 491-499; e. g. Egyptian religion, 299.31; Afghani religion , 209.158 Sociology 300 Sociology in general 301-309 all have Sociology in general as their subject, but it is treated in these various forms. A periodical on Education is 370.5, not 305, which is only for periodicals on Sociology in general. In Sociology, most works in these forms are limited to one division ; e. g. to Political economy, Education, Law, etc. All these have the same subdivision of General works; i. e. essays on the various divisions are 310.4, 320.4, 330.4, and so on to essays on Manners and Customs in general, 390.4. A naught in any class number show.. the subject to bs general, not specific 301 Philosofy, theories See also 901 Philosofy of history; 320.1 Theory of state 302 Compends, outlines 303 Dictionaries, cyclopedias, etc. 304 Essays, lectures, addresses 305 Periodicals, magazines, reviews 306' Societies: transactions, reports 307 Education: teaching, study, etc. s e ea!so 3 7o 308 Polygrafy: collected works, extracts, etc. Put here collected works of statesman; e. g. works of Adams, Jefferson, etc. 309 History of social science .1 Social surveys Divided like 940-999 Better clast by general libraries in 914-919 310 Statistics 311 Theory, methods Science of statistics Principles of tabulation, grafic charts, etc. Methods of gathering daia oU'T* ^^f~U^- c "k-P r >-C 312 Population (progress of) Vital statistics: births, deths, mortality, longevity See also 614.1 Registration and vital statistics Statistics are divided geograficly like 930-999; e. g. Population of Maine 312.741 313 Special topics 314-319 General StatistiCS Divided Brandy like 940^99 The statistics of any special matter are put with the subject, e. g. of Domestic animals in 636, of Shorthand in 653, of French novels in 843, of Theaters in 792, etc. Statistics too general to be included in any topic are divided by countries. Statistics of New York city would be 317.471. but the statistics of Mcdicin in New York would be put with 610, Medicin; i. e. the topic outranks the locality POLITICAL SCIENCE 320 Political science .1 Theory .11 Origin of the state .12 Nation and territory .121 Ethnografic People of same race comprise the nation .124 Geografic Unity of territory .126 Expansion Acquisition of territory i By discovery 3 " occupation and possession 5 " cession Annexation 7 * purchase or exchange 9 * conquest or revolution .127 Alienation of territory .128 Frontiers Boundaries i Natural boundaries a Mountains 4 Rivers 6 Lakes 8 Coast 9 Artificial boundaries .15 Nature, entity, concept of the state .151 Juridic theory .152 Political theory .153 Social and evolutionary theories .154 The state as a moral organism .157 Soverenty See also 341 International law .158 Allegiance Loyalty, etc. Patriotism See also state ethics 172.1 Duties of citizens .159 National growth and decay .18 Symbolism, emblems: arms, flag, seal, etc. Better clast in 929.8 and 929.9 .2 Compends, statecraft .3 Dictionaries .4 Essays .5 Periodicals .6 Societies .7 Education .8 Polygrafy .9 History of political science, divided like 930-999 321 Form of state .01 Simple state Soveren state .02 Mixt state .021 Federal state Bundestaat Federation .022 Confederation of states Staatenbund Union of soveren states Alliance .023 Suzerain states .025 Semisoveren, dependent and vassal states .026 Mediatized state .027 Protected state Protectorates, sphe:es of influence Vassal states Empire, imperialism .04 World state .041 Internationalism POLITICAL SCIENCE 321.07 Ideal state Utopias See also 335 Co n nanism and socialism .09 Change of form of state .092 Revolution .094 Coups d'etat .1 Family Patriarchal age .2 Tribes Clans Marks Village communities See also 333.2 Community ownership of land .3 Feudalism 4 Democracy Pure; e. g. Athens, town meeting ,e ' Aristocracy e - 8- Italian republic; medieval German cities .6 Absolute monarchy .7 Constitutional monarchy .8 Republic Modern democracy, delegated powers 322 Church and state See also w** state ethics: 26t ? The church Political aspects of combination or separation of state and church affairs 323 Internal relations with groups and individuals .1 Movement and questions of nationalities, races and lan- guages Divided by country like 930-999; e. g. struggle of nationalities in Austria 323 . 1436 For emigrant nationalities in a country see 325 .2 Political struggles and troubles Revolutions, revolts; riots, uprisings. See also 321.09 .3 The state and social groups Classes, orders, estates .31 Nobility, aristocracy; ^el thy class .32 Middle class, bourgeoisie .33 Proletariat, laboring classes, pesantry See also political economy, 331.8 Laboring classes .34 Serfs Vlllenage See 326. 3 Serfs and serfdom .4 The state and the individual Natural rights, individual rights, individualism .41 Equality of individuals, races, etc. .42 Equality before the law; justis, etc. .43 Life .44 Liberty .441 Freedom of action .442 " conscience .443 " speech .444 Academic freedom See 378.121 Freedom of teaching .445 Freedom of the press See also journalism 070.13; administration 351.751 .446 Freedom of drama .447 " " art .45 Family .46 Property DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 323.47 Right of assemb y, association .48 Right of petition . 49 Limitation and suspension of individual rights and guaranties .491 Martial law .492 State of siege .6 Citizenship .6l LaWS Divided by country like 930-999 .62 Naturalization .63 Alien races and citizenship .64 Loss and restoration of citizenship .65 Duties and obligations of citizens Scholar as citizen .67 Rights of aliens .68 Eligibility to offis 324 Suffrage .1 Qualifications, conditions and bases . 1 1 Age For sex see 324.3 Woman suffrage .13 Property Household suffrage .14 Education Competency Capacity .15 Nationality Race Religion .16 Residence, domicil Length of residence .162 Voting by soldiers .164 " " students .17 Exclusion from and suspension of suffrage .171 Incompetency, incapacity Insane, idiots See also 324. 14 .172 Bankruptcy .173 Pauperism .174 Conviction of crime; bribery, selling vote .177 Government servis Military servis: soldiers and sailors Civil servis, police offisers .178 Other special classes Students, domestic servants, etc. .2 Forms of suffrage Systems Voting, etc. .21 Electoral systems .211 Universal suffrage .212 Partial suffrage, limited .213 Plural vote .214 Class vote, class system .215 Compulsory voting .216 Short ballot Aiming to reduce number of electiv offises POLITICAL SCIENCE 324.22 Constituencies and representation of interests .221 Single member constituency Scrutin d'arrondissement .222 Multimember constituency Scrutin de liste, block vote, general ticket .223 Minority representation Single vote, limited vote, cumulativ vote, proxy system .224 Proportional representation Prefe:ential: alte: nr.tiv, contingent, transferable \ ote. Quota: simple. Droop, d'Hondt, substitute or Gove method. Graduated system. List system. For second ballot see 324.248 .227 Economic and social groups .23 Selection of candidates Declaration and presentation of candidacy .231 Nomination of candidate .233 Party organization Conferences .235 Caucus primary .237 Direct " .239 Platform .24 Voting procedure .241 Electoral lists: formation, revision .242 Registration system Poll lists and tally sheets .243 Jurisdiction Examination of credentials Appeal, petition .244 Open voting .245 Secret ballot .246 Voting place .247 Absent voting Voting by mail Traveling salesmen, railway employees, mail clerics, etc. .248 Second ballot .249 Indirect voting Electoral college .25 Ballot 251 Unofficial ,252 Official .253 Party ballots 254 Blanket ballots .255 Party colums .256 Offis groups Australian ballot 257 258 Voting machines .26 Results and announcements Inspectors of election, meeting, etc. .261 Count of ballot .262 Majority elects Absolute majority .263 Plurality " Relativ majority .268 Announcement of vote DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 324.27 Corruption Electoral fraud .271 Bribery and undue influence: intimidation, selling votes .272 Fraud in voting: personation, repeating, illegal voting, colonizing .273 Election contributions and expenditures Limitations on expenditures; publicity. Restriction on contributions, political assessments .274 .275 Fraud in counting Miscount of ballots; certification of false returns .276 .277 Election contests 28 Suffrage reform .3 Woman suffrage .4-.Q Suffrage by country Divided like 940-999 325 Colonies and immigration .1 Immigrants See also 323. 6 Citizenship .2 Emigrants ^ K) J ^ Divided by country of origin like 930-999. This brings together material on emigrants of a special country or race; e.g. Chinese emigrants 325.251. Material on emigrants is usually most important in respect to country of origin, so is best clast in 325.2. Most libraries will have little except on immigrants to their own country, hence in United States 325.2 will relate almost wholly to specific nation- alities in United States; e. g. 325.26 Negro question .3 Colonization Divided by mother country like 930-999; e. g. 325.342 British colonies. This brings together colonies planted by a special country, but does not specify location of colony 4-.Q In special countries Divided ike 940-999, by country in which planted; e. g. 325.73. Foren population of United States. See note to 325.2 for a given nationality *j 2- 5 . Vo 1 See also 973.7 Civil war; 371.974 Education of freedmen .1 Slave trade .2 Coolies and contract slaves .3 Serfs and serfdom .4 Antislavery documents .5 " periodicals .6 " societies .7 Proslavery .8 Emancipation and freedom ,Q History Of Slavery Divided geograficly like 930-999 .92 Biografy of slaves 327 FOren relatiOnS Divided geograficly like 930-999 328 Legislation, lawmaking Legislativ bodies and annals .1 Parliamentary law POLITICAL SCIENCE 328.2 Legislation .21 Interpretation of law .22 Uniform laws Uniformity of law on same subject in different states or countries .23 Codification .24 Policy Tendencies .241 Overlegislation .243 Special legislation For private and local bills see 328.378 .25 Legislativ powers .251 Juridic .252 Executiv " .253 Implied " .256 Restrictions and checks on legislation See also 328.349 .26 Direct legislation .261 Initiativ Voters by petition originate legislation .264 Referendum . 2 7-. 2 9 Subjects of legislativ action Divided like 351.7-351.9 .3 Legislatures Summary 328.3 Legislatures .31 Upper house ' .32 " Lower " .33 Membership Election .34 Prerogativs and powers .35 Sessions .36 Internal organization and disciplin .37 Legislativ procedure .39 Form of legislature .31 Upper house .32 Lower " .33 Membership Election .331 Conditions of membership, eligibility Age, residence, property Membership without voting power .332 Exofficio members 1 Cabinet and government offisers 2 Expresi dents 3 Other exoffisers 4 Clergy, bishops 333 Compensation Annual salaries, per diem payment. Milage, traveling expenses. Special sessions. See also 328.347 Privileges .334 Representation 1 of states 2 territories 3 colonies and dependencies 4 classes Universities, landowners, Irish and Scotch peers 5 of election districts Apportionment Equalization of representation; unfair apportionment; ' rotten boros ' reapportionment 6 Gerrymandering 9 Number of members DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 328.335 Methods of appointment Election 1 Appointment by government or crown For life or for a term 2 Hereditary right 3 4 5 Election by direct vote : plurality or majority 6 Length of term Entire or partial renewal of membership; holdover member 7 Vacancies, resignations Method of filling vacancies; special elections 8 Contested elections .338 Official membership lists, directories 339 Unofficial lists or directories .34 Prerogativs and powers Restrictions .341 Power over revenue and appropriation .342 to judge of elections .343 over members Power to investigate or punish members .344 Power of expulsion .345 " over government offisers Power of investigation for impeachment, see 351. 96-. 99 " to imprison citizens .346 Treatymaking power .347 Privileges Franking privilege, postage and stationery; railroad passes; free distribution of books .348 Immunities From arrest .349 Restriction Offisholding Instructions by electors Direct mandate See also 328.26 Direct legislation .35 Sessions .351 Method of summoning Parliamentary writ .352 Date of session Fixt or movable 353 Frequency of sessions Annual, biennial, quadrennial .354 Length of session Life of legislature .355 Recess .356 Adjournment Prorogation Dissolution .357 Executiv session : procedure .358 Special session Extra session POLITICAL ECONOMY 328.36 Internal organization and disciplin Verification of powers, credentials .361 Oath of offis .362 Offisers: appointment, election 1 Presiding offiser, speaker 2 President protem 3 Secretaries, clerks Bill clerk Enrolling, engrossing clerks 4 Sergeant at arms 5 Pages, messengers, door keepers 6 Payment of employees: gratuities, fees, extra pay Unnecessary attendants 7 Committees Standing, special, joint 8 Special commissions For investigation, not administrativ commissions .363 Records .364 Supplies: daily papers, postage stamps Telegraf and telefone bills .365 .366 Disciplin: suspension, investigation .367 Bribery Illegal practises Graft bills, blackmail .368 Lobbying Including that by heds of depts and institutions .37 Legislativ procedure .371 Rules, manuals See 8 under 328. 4-. 9 divided by country .372 Petition, addresses Parliamentary inquiries, commissions Recommendations from executiv .373 Bills Technic: bill drafting, introduction Printing, enrolling, engrossing .374 Action by legislature before passage 1 Readings: ist, 2d 2 Reference to committees Committee work or procedure: investigation, hearings, conferences 3 3d reading 4 Contest over passage 5 . Party caucuses, logrolling .375 Final passage Rules committee, ' lifting ' committee, ' steering ' committee Vote: viva voce, by roll call; by ballot; obligation of voting in person, pairing Required majority. Veto, see 353.03 Passing over veto. Bills left in hands of executiv: 30 day bills, pocket veto Bills which become law without executiv action .376 Special bills Financial, omnibus riders 377 Joint resolutions .378 Local and private legislation .379 Procedure in special cases I Impeachment DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 328.39 Form of legislature .391 One chamber .392 Two chambers See also 328.31 Upper chamber; 328.32 Lower chamber 393 Other forms .394 Reform 395 Abolition ? 4-.Q Of special countries Divided by countries like 940-999, and under each, works may be divided: 1 Jurnals 3 Abstracts 5 Rules 9 History of bodies 2 Debates 4 Documents 8 Legislativ manuals 329 Political parties Party conventions 329.01 U. S. presidential campain documents of all parties, arranged by campains .1 Federal .2 Anti-Federal .3 Democratic A Whig .5 American Knownothing .6 Republican 7 .8 Minor parties .81 Prohibition, see also 178.5 Ethics; .82 Greenback, see also 332.5, Paper money; .83 Woman suffrage, see also 324-3 Woman suffrage; .84 People's; .85 Labor see also 331.8 Laboring classes .9 Parties in Other COUntrieS Divided geograficly like 940-999 POLITICAL ECONOMY 330 Economics Political economy .j Theory .11 General conception Nature and character Definition Limits and extent .12 Classification Divisions .13 Importance Utility .14 Language, terminology, symbols, abbreviations .15 Scientific systems .151 Mercantil system .152 Physiocrats .153 Laissez faire .154 Historic school .19 Relations to other classes &*^ vs .4 Rosicrucians See also 371.83 College secret societies 367 Social clubs DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 368 Insurance See alsj 334.3 Cooperativ insurance .1 Fire .2 Marine .3 Life .3 1 Annuities See also 336.35 Public annuities; 519.5 Probabilities .4 Accident Liability .5 Animal and crop, agriculture .6 Plate glass .7 Boiler .8 Credit and bonds Land titles .91 Government control Commissioners .9l~. 99 divided geograficly like 940-999; e. g. Insurance in New York (inclu Jin? stats reports, etc.) is 368.9747 369 Other associations and institutions .1 Hereditary and patriotic societies (American) .11 General associations .in Regular army and navy union .112 Society of veterans of the regular army and navy .113 Military and naval order of the United States .114 Medal of honor legion .115 Military order of foren wars of the United States .116 Order of the old gard Incorporated 31 Jan. 1896; organized 15 Oct. 1896 .117 Naval order of the United States .118 Society of American wars .119 .12 Colonial societies .121 Society of colonial wars .122 Society of colonial dames of America A New York society with chapters in uther states; known also merely as Colonial dames of America .123 National society of colonial dames of America A fe Jeration of separately incorporated societies in about 40 different states .124 Society of the Mayflower descendants .125 Order of the founders and patriots of America .126 Colonial order of the acorn .127 " society of Pennsylvania .128 " daughters of the ijth century .129 .13 Revolutionary societies .131 Society of the Cincinnati .132 Society of the daughters of the Cincinnati .133 Sons of the American revolution .134 Sons of the revolution .13*5 Daughters of the American revolution .136 Daughters of the revolution .137 Children of the American revolution SOCIOLOGY 369.14 .141 Society of the war of 1812 .142 United States daughters of 1776-1812 .143 Military society of the war of 1812 .144 Society of the second war with Great Britain in the state of New York .145 Aztec club of 1847 .146 National association of veterans of the Mexican war .147 .148 149 .15 Civil war societies, Union .151 G. A. R. (Grand army of the republic) .152 Military order of the Loyal legion .153 Society of loyal volunteers .154 Union veterans union .155 Union prisoners of war association .156 Society of the army and navy of the Gulf .157 National association of naval veterans .158 Society of the army of the Cumberland 159 .16 .161 Woman's relief corps .162 Woman's veteran relief union 163 .164 .165 Society of the sons of veterans, U. S. army .166 .167 .168 .169 .17 Civil war associations, Confederate .171 Confederate survivors association .172 Confederate veterans association .173 United sons of confederate veterans .174 " confederate veterans .175 Daughters of the confederacy .18 .181 Spanish war veterans .182 Society of the army of Santiago de Cuba .183 Naval and military order of the Spanish American war .184 .185 .186 Societies arising from Great war of 1914-19 .4 Young peoples societies , For religious societies see 267.6 .41 Mixt: boys and girls .42 Boys See also 136.77 The 'gang' .43 Boy scouts .46 Girls .47 Campfire girls DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 370 Education Discip'.in in broad sense .1 Theory of education Meaning Aim Including philosofy of education, science of education and general method- ology. Not limited to any curriculum, school or class of schools. For specific methods, pedagogics, see 371 .109 History of educational theory .15 Psychology applied to education Imitation, suggestion, play, etc. Divided like 150 Psychology, e. g. function of memory in education 370.154 .2 .3 Dictionaries Cyclopedias .4 Essays Addresses .5 * Periodicals General. For periodicals limited to a special topic see that topic; e.g. kindergarten magazines 372.205. See also 371.805, 378.05 .59 Educational almanacs and kalendars for teachers .6 Organizations Conventions .61 .62 Associations Clubs Permanent societies, their meetings and reports. Divided like 940-999 .63 Congresses Conventions Occasional congresses and conferences: international or interstate .7 Study of education Institutions and organizations for training teachers Means and methods, including normal schools, institutes, etc. For need of training, kind and amount, see 371.12 .71 Teachers meetings Class meetings of teachers of a single institution (faculty meetings) with the institution; see table for school and college publications under 37S.4--9 .711 Plan and organization Frequency, time, place, control, cost, etc. .712 Programs, courses of study .714-9 In special places Divided geograficly like 940-999 .72 Teachers institutes Divide like 370.71 above .73 Normal schools Institutions primarily for training teachers; e.g. state normal schools, Teachers college of Columbia university; often with attacht 'model' or practis schools, in which normal students teach under supervision of their instructors. For training classes attacht to regular schools see 370.75 .731 Plan and organization Aims and functions Scope Length and time of terms. Support: public, private .732 Courses, programs Credentials .733 Adjuncts: practis or model schools .734-9 Special countries and schools Divided geograficly like 940999 .74. Education museums Including exhibits at international expositions, state and county fairs, etc. .75 Training classes Class here teachers classes attacht to regular schools. For normal schools see 370.73 .8 Polygrafy .81 Collected writings of a single author I f not limited to a definit topic; e g. Horace Mann, Henry Barnard, etc. .82 Collected writings of several authors SOCIOLOGY 370.9 History, description General worKs covering both ancient and modern history, and including history of institutions, practis. and description of conditions. See also 136.791 The child among uncivilized and semicivilized peoples .92 Educational biografy Preferably clast in 923.7 .93-9 History of education in special countries Subdivided like 930-999 .9401 Medieval Europ: .9405 Modern Europe 371 Teachers Methods Disciplin Practical methods. See 370.1 for theories of education. The following divisions concern instruction of all grades .1 Teachers Teaching personnel Professors, masters, instructors See also 370.7 Training of teachers .101 Duties and responsibilities Missioi .102 Personal influence .103 Relations to parents Mutual duties of parents and' teachers .104 Relations to community Public status .105 Social status . 1 1 Qualifications Personality S^e also 371.18 .12 Need of training; kind and amount Discussion of special preparation of teachers and professors for their vocation. For teachers training schools and classes, see 370.7 .13 Examination Certificates Certified teachers Licenses .14 Appointment Organization of teaching force .142 Appointment Contract Discharge Tenure .143 Appointing body Board, committee, principal .145 Agencies Bureaus and associations tor supplying teachers .15 Professional status Permanent profession vs stenpingstone theory .16 Salary and promotion Compensation Amount .of servis For pensions and insurance see 371.17 .161 Salary .162 Fees .163 Allowance for expenses .164 Residence Living expenses .165 Promotion Advance in rank For salary promotion see 371.161 .166 Hours Daily or weekly servis .167 Vacation Yearly servis .168 Sabbatic year DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 371.17 Pensions and insurance for teachers Carnegie pension fund .18 Women as teachers Feminization of teaching force .19 Other topics .2 School organization School records Diary. ' Logbook." For government of students, disciplin, see 371.5. For school supervision see 379.15 .21 Admission Enrolment Matriculation For college entiance requirements see 371.214. Standards of individual schools are clast with the school .211 .212 Grammar or intermediate school admission standards Including standards of German burgerschulen .213 High school standards Including standards of German gymnasia, French colleges and lyce'es .214 College standards Undergraduate and nonprofessional graduate courses in (American) colleges and universities .215 Professional and technical school standards .22 Tuition fees Free tuition Scholarships See also 371.162 Professors fees; 379.13 Tuition fees of nonresident pupils in public schools; 378.34 Scholarships .23 Terms Vacations Holidays Breaking up See also Hygiene of vacations and holidays 613.76, 613.77; Closing for diseases, 371.712 .234 Terms in 2 or more places For floating schools see 371.392 .24 Hours Recess For exercise see 371.73 Care of body . 2 5 Classes Grades For grading of schools, see 379.17. See also 371.394 Individual instruction .253 Length of school courses; e. g. 6 year course See also 378.241 Length of college course .26 Marking system .27 Examinations: oral, written Cramming See also 428.9 Language For competitiv examinations see 371.53 .28 Promotions Degrading .29 Other topics .291 Graduation Diplomas May be subdivided like 371.21 See also 3 78. a College degrees SOCIOLOGY 371.3 Methods of instruction and study Under the beds below class discussion of pedagogic value of these methods' For methods of teaching specific subjects, see those subjects; for their educa- tional value see 375 Curriculum; e. g. teaching of mathematics 510.7, place of mathematics in curriculum 375.51 .3 1 Rote or concert teaching .32 Textbooks Recitations "^T^.jSrc. Use of textbooks. Textbooks themselvs are clast with the subjects treated .33 Lectures Oral and visual instruction .335 Visual instruction Lantern slides .34 Developing or inductiv method .35 Art of questioning Catechetic method .36 Topical method .363 Correlation .365 Special days Historical days: Discovery day, Flag day, Memorial day, Constitu- tion day, Independence day. Birthdays: authors and other noted persons; Washington's birthday. Nature: Arbor day. Bird day. Other: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, etc. .37 Seminary method .38 Laboratory method .39 Other .392 Floating schools or colleges Combining travel and shipboard instruction .393 Trips, excursions, visits .394 Individual instruction Batavia system By regular teacher or tutor, at home or at school. See also 373.1 Private instruction .395 Small classes See also 371.47 Quincy system .4 Systems of education For Frobel's system see 372.2 Kindergarten .41 Bell and Lancaster, or monitorial Mutual system .42 Fellenberg or manual training; vocational schools, industrial education For equipment and cost of manual training schools or departments see 371.623 Machine shops, 371.676 Apparatus, etc. For subjects of study see 375.01 .9 For individual schools see 607 or 378.99 .421 Educational value .422 In elementary schools .423 In secondary schools .424 In special schools .429 History and development DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 371.43 Military organization Military instruction .44 Pestalozzian Class here all Pestalozzi's educational writings . 4 5 Jacotot 46 .47 Quincy system .5 Government Disciplin Authority . 5 1 Rules .52 Attendance Truancy Tardiness Absences See also 379.23 Compulsory education .53 Rewards Prizes Favors Approbation .535 Interschool literary contests Competitiv examinations. For interschool and intercollegiate de- bates see 374.245 For interschool athletics see 371.73 .54 Punishment Disciplinary penalties Limits of school jurisdiction. Disciplin of consequences .55 Corporal punishment .56 Other punishments Confinement; tasks; expulsion; suspension; discharge .57 Personnel responsible for disciplin Monitors .58 Moral government Alcott system .59 Student self government College systems 595 School city Ray system .6 School premises and equipment .61 Grounds Site School playgrounds .62 Bildings Requirements peculiar to schools. See also 727 Architecture ot educa- tional institutions. The following subdivisions apply to both special rooms and separate bildings .621 Study, lecture and assembly rooms .622 Library and museums Art, science, etc. See also 022 Library bildings: 371.64 Function of school libraries; 021.3 Relation of libraries an.l schools; 027. 7-. 8 Reports of college and school libraries .623 Laboratories Observatory Machine shop See also 542.1 Chemic laboratories; 522.1 Observatories 371.66 Scientific apparatus and supplies .624 Gymnasium See also 725.85 .625 Other special rooms or bildings Dormitories, clubs, infirmaries, Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. .626 Sanitation Lavatories .627 Lighting .628 Heating and ventilation .629 Accessories Elevators, lifts, telefones. etc. SOCIOLOGY 371.63 Furnishing and decoration .631 Furniture Blackboards, desks, chairs, benches. For globes and maps see 371.66 .632 Musical instruments .633 Floors: bare, coverd See also 721.6 Architectural construction 022.96 Library bildings 645 House decoration .634 Walls: tints, covering .635 Decoration See also 729 Architectural decoration .636 Pictures, frescoes Glass .637 Sculpture .638 Plants .639 Other decoration .64 Libraries Character and functions. For relation to public library see 021.3; for relation to other school rooms and bildings see 371.622. See also 027.8 School libraries: 027.7 College libraries .641 Relations of library to faculty and students .642 School traveling libraries .643 School reading lists See also 028.5 Reading of young .644 .645 Elementary school libraries .646 Secondary school libraries .647 College and university libraries Departmental and seminar libraries .648 Professional and technical school libraries In 371.645-8 may be clast matter pertaining to desirability and scope of such libraries, tho it is better in 027.7- 8 with reports and other matter pertaining to their management .65 Museums: character and functions Divided if wisht like 010-999: e.g. 371.655 Science museums; 371.657 Art museums. Limited to character and functions of museums attacht to teaching institutions: see also 708 Art museums, and form division 074 under special subjects .66 Scientific apparatus, laboratory equipment and supplies Divided like 500; e.g. 371.662 Astronomic observatory .67 Other apparatus, equipment and supplies Divided if wisht like 010-999; * 8- 37 I -679i Globes, maps, etc. .7 School hygiene .71 Helth of students Overstudy Fatigue .711 Sanitary conditions and inspection Board of helth. For sanitary engineer's side see 371.626 .712 Medical inspection For personal conditions affecting helth and intellectual progress; e.g. clenliness, contagious diseases, nervous disorders, defectiv eyes, ears or teeth. Closing schools on account of epidemic or contagious diseases DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 371.713 Posture See also 371.631 Furniture (ill designd desks and seats) .716 School meals Discussion. Administrativ problem?: spa:e, cost, whether wholly or partly free, etc. For management of lun^h room, suitable food, etc . see 642.58 .718 Open air schools .72 Care of eyes Effect of study .73 Care of body Gymnastics Calisthenics For systems of gymnastics or physical training, and books of exercises see 613.71 .731 Educational influence of physical training .732 Gymnastics Calisthenics 2 In elementary schools 3 In secondary schools 4 In colleges 5 In special schools 6 In girls' schools .733 Military drill For military organization of school see 371.43 .734 Fencing 735 Swimming Bathing .736 Riding 737 Walking School promenades .74 Recreations Games, etc. Athletics , Di- versions See also 371-61 School playgrounds; 613.74 Hygiene of play; 796 Outdoor sports .75 Championship games Boat races Inter- school athletics For other relations see Games in Relativ index following Tables .79 Other special topics .8 Student life and customs Various aspects of student life and student activities outside regular courses of study See also 784.6 College songs; 378.29 College costumes .805 Student periodicals Discussion here. Periodicals themselvs preferably with their schools .81 Student honor Cribbing Cheating Keys Ponies Copying .82 Fagging and hazing Bullying German student duels .83 Student organizations German corps .836 Ancient student societies .84 Literary societies .85 Secret societies Class all college chapters here, thus bringing the fraternity together, with reference from the college. See also 366 Secret societies .86 Society premises Society houses Halls Temples , etc SOCIOLOGY 371.87 Student houses Lodgings Dormitories .88 Commons Student restaurants Eating clubs .89 Celebrations Customs Triumfs, burn- ings, etc. Anniversaries Ceremonious receptions Student banquets .895 School plays Divided by language like 400; e.g. a English. 3 German .896 Class days Of special institution, with institution . C"Vs ~> .9 Education of special classes General questions; kind and methods of education for these classes For institutions see 362, 364. For study of abnormal children see 136.76 .QI Physically defect iv See also 362.4 Asylums for blind and def .911 Blind See also 655.38 Printing for the blind .912 Def Finger alfabet See also 378 for degreeconferring colleges .913 Blind-def .916 Crippled .92 Mentally defectiv Divided like 132. See also 362.3 Idiot asylums, 920.8 Lives of idiots, cranks, etc. .93 Morally defectiv Delinquents See also 364 Reformatories. Criminal classes .94 Other abnormal classes See also 136.764-9 in Childstudy .945 Exceptionals Precocity .947 Dependents See also 362 Hospitals, asylums and allied societies ', -95 .96 Special ranks See also 375.002 Courses for different social classes .961 Princes .962 Nobles .97 Special types See also 136.77 Boys, the ' gang ' .974 Freedmen Negroes See also 378. 75-. 76 for deRreeconferring colleges .975 Indians .976 Orientals .98 Special nationalities Special schools for foreners; e. g. Germans, Hungarians, Russians, Japanese in United States .99 Coeducation of races DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 372 Elementary education Primary schools. Dame schools. Infant schools (under 7 years) See also Day nurseries 362.7; Minding schools 362.5 or 362.7; CrSches 362.7 .01 Pedagogics and didactics of primary schools .1 May be used like 136.7 by those who insist on having childstudy with education .2 Kindergarten See also 371.44 Pestalozzian, for theory and early history. Put Frobel's work and development of his system here .201 Theory Principles .202 .203 .204 Essays .205 Periodicals .206 Societies .207 Training of kindergartners .208 209 History Divided if wisht like 940-999 .21 Methods .211 Gifts and occupations .212 Gifts .213 Occupations .214 Stories .215 Songs and games .22 Influence of kindergarten .23 Relation to other schools .3 Observing powers Object teaching Science .3$ Nature study Divided like so~S99; e.g. Birds 372.35982 .36 Gardening .4 Reading Alfabet Fonics and word methods Spelling See also 428.6 Elementary readers .45 Simultaneous teaching of reading, writing and spelling .5 Elementary writing and manual work See also 741 Freehand drawing . 5 1 Writing First efforts, imitating printed roman letters .52 Drawing Design See also 741 Drawing .53 Clay modeling .54 Sewing, etc. .55 Elementary basketry, weaving and braiding SOCIOLOGY 372.6 Elementary grammar Language lessons See also 400 Philology, subdivision 3 under each language .61 Mother tung .65 Second language .7 Elementary arithmetic Including mental arithmetic. See also 511. For Abacus see 511. a .8 Other studies /-kJtXvw, Divided if wisht like 010-999; e.g. 372.82 Religion C.J>Vv. Out. .89 Elementary geografy See also 910.7. Elementary textbooks may be put with their subjects, but a primer of geografy is more useful to a student of elementary schools and methods than to one interested in Geografy, Description, and Travel. Text books, except primary, go with their subjects .9 Special countries and schools: history, reports, etc- Divided like 940-999; e.g. 372.942 English elementary schools. Put here elementary schools whether public, endowd or private 373 Secondary Academic Preparatory Class here discussions of general theories, methods, etc. pertaining specifically to secondary education, regardless of source of support. Class here also all private or endowd secondary schools for boys or both sexes; but class all public (taxsupported) schools in 3 79. 4-. 9, all primary schools (regardless of support) in 372.9, all schools and colleges solely for women in 376, and all colleges for men or coeducation in 378. Class methods and questions peculiar to monastic, diocesan and parochial schools in 377, but class the schools them- selvs in 372, 373, 378, etc. according to their grades For specific topics see 371 .1 Private instruction: tutor, governess, coach .11 Relativ advantages of instruction at home and in school See also 371.394 Individual instruction .2 Day schools Boarding schools 4-.9 Special countries and schools : history, reports, etc- Divide like 940-999; e. g. 373.42 Higher English schools, Eton, Harrow, etc. DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 374 Home education Self education and culture Cultural, personal aspect of education Subdivided by o with form numbers if wisht; e.g. 374.05 magazines pertaining to this work, 374.06 Conferences, conventions, institutes, general meetings. The term Home education covers the broad field of adult self education thru private reading, study clubs and reading circles, summer, vacation, evening and correspondence schools, lecture courses and other forms of extension teaching and other agencies for extending more widely opportunities and facilities for education outside the usual teaching institutions. For relations of this work to libraries, the natural centers for such activities, see 021. a See also 378.13 University extension With or without personal guidance .1 Solitary study Private reading Conversation Advantages to be derived from reading. Study alone with or without aid of reading lists, syllabuses, etc. Reading lists themselvs, syllabuses and other aids to study belong with other bibliografies (016) or with compends under their subjects. They may however, if preferd, be kept together under 374.19, divided like the classi- fication; e.g. syllabus on English history 3 74. 19942; on library economy 374.19* See 028, for preparation of guides, policy, methods, etc. Vocational guidance Choice of vocation is clast here because usually discust with self education and closely related to it and preparation for life, and is also often determind thru personal advice or conversation .2 Associated study Clubs .21 Study clubs Class here ' travel clubs ' which study about places without traveling to see them. See also 374.25 .22 Reading circles Book and periodical clubs .23 Lyceums Literary clubs .24 Debating societies Oratorical clubs .245 Interschool and intercollegiate debates For interschool literary contests see 371 .535 .25 Traveling clubs Educational value of travel Clubs which travel for education. See also 371.392, 371.393, 374-21 .28 Community centers Whole community as a club of varied interests. Put here discussion of use of school bildings for various community purposes 3 With personal guidance Either alone or in groups, clubs or classes .4 Correspondence teaching Manuscript aids Including methods of correspondence teaching .43 Societies for encouraging home study .44-. 49 Correspondence schools General schools divided like 940-999. Special schools are better clast with their subject, with only a reference here: e.g. correspondence schools of agriculture 630.714 .5 Lectures Single lectures, or series of lectures on different subjects; courses on the same subject unsupported by any other of the 7 factors of a complete exten- sion course: i.e. 1 Lectures 3 Class 5 Guided reading 7 Examination 2 Syllabus 4 Papers 6 Club SOCIOLOGY 374.6 Extension courses Lecture study .62 Lecture study 3 or more lectures on the same subject, with a or more of the 7 factor^ .64 Extension courses S or more lectures on the same subject with 4 or more of the 7 factors .8 Continuation schools Summer, winter, vacation, night (adult) etc. German auxiliary school s Divided like 940-999 For evening or night schools see also 379.19 .9 Central organizations, state departments, institutes N.Y. state home education dept, Brooklyn institute. Cooper institute Chautauqua, etc. 375 Curriculum .001 Order of studies .002 Single course .003 Parallel courses .004 Optional courses Electiv system .005 Balanced courses Group system Special topics .006 Overcrowding curriculum .007 Courses for different classes of society 1 For bredwinning vs culture 2 Failure of course to develop efficiency .008 Courses for schools of special kinds Courses in schools of Roman catholic order of St Ann; outline of study for common schools; courses in French lyces, etc. See also special schools under their respectiv subjects .009 Courses for institutions in special countries Divided like 900. See also 3 79. 4-. 9 .OI-.Q Subjects of study Divided like the classification 010-999; e.g. 375.5 Place of science in the curriculum, 375.84 French literature in the curriculum, 375.88 Classics in the curriculum Methods of teaching individual subjects, also textbooks, may be kept with educational literature by adding letters to 375 as follows: A general, B edu- cational value of specific subjects, C place in curriculum, D methods of teaching specific subjects, E textbooks; e.g. 375.32 B Educational value of political science 375 32 C Place of political science in the curriculum 376 Education of women See also 396.4 .1 Physical capacity of women .2 Mental capacity of women See also 136 i Mental characteristics as influenced by sex .3 Home or domestic instruction By tutor or governess. See also 374 .4 Fashionable education * Finishing ' schools Discussion. For prospectuses, catalogs, etc, see 376.9 .5 Convent education Discussion. For prospectuses, catalogs, etc, see 376.9 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 376.6 Higher education of women Secondary and college .63 Secondary: preparatory schools for girls All between primary and college. Discussion. For girls highschools see 3 79. 4-. 9; for private preparatory schools see 376.9 .64 Influence of college education on women .66 Associations of college women Association of collegiate alumnae. Alumnae of a single college with tha 1 college .7 Coeducation Segregation Separation Discussion pf collegiate education of women in separate institutions or those for both sexes, whether in the same or separate classes. See 378 for coedu- cational institutions, 376.8 for separately organized colleges, either affiliated like Barnard and Radcliffe or independent like Vassar, Smith, 'etc. Class here by attraction general discussion of coeducation of sexes in college and secondary school .8 Colleges for women Degreeconf erring colleges go here. Arrange material of each college by "Table for school and college publications" following 378.9.9. All other schools for women go in 376.9 .9 Special countries and schools: history, reports, etc. Subdivided like 940-999; e.g. 376.943 Education of women in Germany 377 Religious, ethical and secular education Relations of religious to secular education. For inculcation as well as actua teaching of definit ethical or religious doctrins see 375; e. g. instruction in duties of citizenship, patriotism 375.172, course in Christian evidences 375.239. Class catalogs, history, etc. of a denominational school' regardless of religious affiliation, but class here books dealing in general with schools of a certain denomination or order; e.g. educational system of the Jesuits 377.35 .1 Religious instruction Bible in public schools Including sectarian instruction or influence in public schools. Public school teachers in religious garb. Conscience clause of English elementary school code .2 Ethical education Ethical training, without religious teaching, as advocated by ethical societies See also 170.7 Study of ethics; 375.17 Place of ethics in curriculum .3 Monastic or abbey schools Ecoles congre'ganistes. Divide like 271. See also 271 Monastic orders- 376.5 Convent education of girls .4 Diocesan schools Cathedral schools Domschulen, stiftschulen .5 Parochial schools See also 257 Parochial schools .6 Missionary schools Establish ment ar.d conduct of schools as part of mission work. See also 266 Missions .7 Charity schools Mainly for elementary education. See also 361 Charitable institutions .8 Church and education Subdivided like 280; e.g. 377.82 Relation of Roman catholic church to education. Discussion of denominational schools or educational associations e.g. 377.82 Association of Catholic colleges of United States See also 261.5 Church and intellectual development .9 Nonchristian religions and education Subdivided like 290: e.g. 377.97 Relation of Mohammedanism to education SOCIOLOGY 378 Colleges and universities With power to confer degrees. For men only and for both sexes. For women s colleges see 376.8 .01 Definition of college and university Aim Advantages and influence of college training; e.g. on business capacity .014 College terminology, ' slang ' Including also student slang. See also 427, 437, etc. .05 Academic periodicals Periodicals devoted to college and university interests. Those issued by colleges, schools, etc. are scatterd either by subject or under college numbers .06 General college associations Association of New England colleges See also 370.6 .068 Associated alumni Universify clubs For alumni associations of any one college, see T under college number .069 Duties of college men as a body .1 Organization Government Location Scope, field Classes, colleges, graduate departments, etc. .11 Administrativ offisers .113 Disciplinary offisers, judicial corps, university court President, deans, etc. .12 Teaching staff Faculty Exchange of professors. For qualifications see 371.11 .121 Freedom of teaching See also political science, 323.444 .13 University extension Conducted by universities. See also 374 . 1 4 College year Summer or vacation instruction All the year session .15 Location and size Large vs small .153 City vs country colleges .16 '7 .2 Academic degrees and costume College colors See also 614.21 Medical degrees Degrees .21 Degree conferring body and powers College, university or state. See also 614.21 State regulation of medical education .22 Graded degrees Pass, honor, cum laude, magna cum laude, etc. .23 Degrees in course Advanced degrees conferd at specified periods on graduates in good standing, without evidence of advanced attainments DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 378.24 Degrees for completion of courses \Vith or without examination .241 Time and residence required Length of college course .242 Subjects allowable for liberal degree Whether technical courses should be credited toward liberal degrees .243 Differentiation of degrees: B.\. B.S. B.L. etc. .244 Degrees on examination With or without residence .25 Honorary degrees .26 Degrees by 4 purchase or forgery Insignia .27 Seal Coat of arms Motto .28 Colors: institution and class College flags .29 Academic gowns and hoods .3 Endowment of research Fellowships Scholar- ships Student aid 3i .32 Endowment of research Carnegie institution. Incentivs to research. Prizes. Opportunities for research. Nobel prizes. Competitions .33 Fellowships .34 Scholarships Rhodes scholarships Traveling scholarships 35 .36 ' Student income and expenses .362 Loan funds Student aid societies .364 College employment bureaus Faculty committees Other organizations for securing work for students .365 Student earnings Working way thru college Ways of earning .368 Student expenses : extravagance, economy 4-.g8 Special countries and colleges: history, reports, etc. For women's colleges, see 376.8 Subdivide like 940-999; e.g. 378.42 English universities; 378.741 Maine colleges The various colleges of any section may be given each a number or be arranged alfabetically. Under each college arrange publications by the following table, placing these letters after the letter (or letter and figures) used to designate the college; e.g. a history ot Harvard college would be markt 378.744 H E, and a second history would be numberd 378.744 H Ei. The practical convenience of this plan outweighs the objection that it introduces classification into the book numbers If preferd, colleges and universities may be arranged alfabetically under continent number, insted of being clast first by country or state; e.g. European universities under 378.4 in alfabetic order regardless of country. United States colleges and universities all in one alfabet under 378.73 SOCIOLOGY 378.09 Professional, technical and other special schools Professional education Best kept with subject, but may be compactly groupt here. Divided like the classification: e.g. 378.992 Theologic schools. 378.9934 Law schools, 378.9961 Medical schools TABLE FOR SCHOOL AND COLLEGE PUBLICATIONS A Charter and statutes B Trustees Regents Resolutions, reports, etc C Administration President, chancellor Reports, etc D Finances Tresurer's reports E History Foundation, growth, etc F Biografy Necrology G General catalogs Triennials, etc H Annual catalogs Attendance, registers, etc I Handbooks Circulars of information J Bulletins Official periodicals K Commencements, inaugurals, etc Baccalaureate and other addresses L Programs Tickets Memorabilia M Faculty (as a body) Publications Regulations Certificates for admission N Lectures Class manuals Examination questions O Student theses Orations, essays, etc P Student catalogs Society annuals, etc Q Student periodicals R Student societies, including periodicals S Student miscellany Songs Class day, etc T Alumni Societies, committees, etc U Classes Histories, records, etc V Pictures Class albums W Bildings and grounds Descriptions, maps, etc Z Schools: divinity, law, medical, etc 379 Public schools Relation of state to education .1 Public school system .11 School funds .12 Natiorial and state aid to education .121 Public aid to private and sectarian schools .123 Land grants See also 336.14 Pablic finance .124 Subsidies .13 Local support Taxation Bonds Endowment Nonresidjnt tuition See also 336.28 Taxation DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 379.14 School laws and regulations School age Divided like 940-999 .15 School supervision and control: national, state and local Centralization .151 National .152 State: department, inspectors, etc. .153 Local: superintendent, school committee, board Supplies, free textbooks, etc. For school meals see 371.716 .154 Individual : parents and others .156 State textbooks .16 Pub-ic colleges and universities: national, state and local Only discussion here; for individual colleges see 3 78. 4-. 9 .17 Secondary schools Discussion. For individual schools see 3 79. 4-. 9 .171 Highschools Academies 6 year highschools .172 Grammar schools .173 Rural schools .175 Central plan Conveying pupils .18 Primary schools Kindergartens Questions of public maintenance. For individual schools see 372.9 .19 Evening schools See also 374.8 .2 Illiteracy Instruction of illiterates .21 Illiteracy and crime Education and crime Criminal illiterates .22 II iteracy and pauperism Indigent illiterates See also 339 Pauperism; 362.5 Pauper asylums .23 Compulsory education See also 371.52 Truancy .24 .3 Public vs private and endowd schools 4-.Q Special countries, sections, cities, etc. Subdivided like 940-999: e.g. 379.73 Reports of U.S. commissione of education; 379.744 Education in Massachusetts; 379.7471 in New York city. Keep state departments separate from city and other local systems by numbering state reports. Ai-A8, using A.g followd by author's initial (lower case) for history of schools of any state; e.g Fitch's New York public schools 379-747 A9f SCCIO1CCY 380 Commerce Communication Public utilities. The technical side of these.'questions goes mostly in 650 Uful arts . Here belong discussions of social and political relations. ] 16 Government control of public utilities i +~~ ' 381 Domestic trade 382 Foren trade Consular reports - k, &*, Trade between mother country and colony ^ , _^ 383 Postal servis See also 353-4 U. S. administration 384 Telegraf Cable Telefone See also 62,. 38 and 654 ^ 385 Railroad and express Government ownership or control. Interstate commerce coaa-nission. See also 656 Railroading 386 Canal and highway transportation See also useful arts, 656 Transportation 387 River and ocean transportation History of shipping. ' Ship subsidies Se also useful arts, 656 Tr.insporta-.ion 388 Local transit: city and interurban See also engineering 625 389 Weights and mesures Metrology See also, 658 Business manuals DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 390 Customs Costumes Popular life These beds are for discussions by topic. Customs, etc. ot any special country go in 913-919. Books on a special topic in a special country go here, as the grouping by topics is the more important; e.g. Marriage in Japan is 392.5. but Japanese customs, 915.2. For customs of primitiv man, see 571 391 Costume and care of person See also 646 Clothing; 613.4 Hygiene .1 Costumes of men .2 " " women .3 " " children .4 Extremities: hats, gloves, sandals, shoes, stockings, etc. .5 Haii dressing Barbers Ste also 646.7 Toilet 6 Care of person Bathing Toilet .7 Ornaments and jewelry .8 392 Birth, home, and sex customs .1 Birth customs: christening, circumcision .2 Sacrifice and exposure See also ethics, 173.4 Infanticide .3 Family and home relations .4 Betrothal .5 Marriage .6 Sex relations Concubinage 393 Treatment of the ded See also 6 1 4.6 Public helth .i Earth burial See also 719 Cemeteries .2 Cremation .3 Embalming, mummies .4 Exposure .9 Special funeral customs: wake, suttee 394 Public and social customs .1 Eating, banquets .2 Shows and diversions .3 Games Dances, etc. .4 Ceremonies .5 Processions .6 Fairs .7 Chivalry Tournaments .8 Dueling Suicide For other relations see Dueling in Relativ index following Tables SOCIOLOGY 395 Etiquet Codes of social procedure and behavior. For social ethics see 177 396 Woman's position and treatment For costumes, see 391.2; biografy, 920.7 If a special library about women is wisht, 396 is the best place for it. Suffrage, education, and employment can then be put here, with references from 324.3, 376, 331.4, tc. but it would be unwise to bring everything about women here, e. g. to remove 618, Diseases of women, from the rest of medicin. Books on won an in general go in 396 .1 Emancipation .2 Legal status, property, rights, etc. .3 Political status See 324.3, Suffrage; 329.83, Woman suffrage party .4 Education See also 376, Education of women .5 Employment See 331.4, Labor of women; 371.18, Teachers Divided like the general classification; e. g. woman as scientist, 396.55; woman's exchange, 396.56; woman as painter, 396.575; woman as author, 396.58, etc. .6 Woman in home .7 Delineation of woman in art .8 Delineation of woman in literature .9 Woman in history, politics, war Amazons 397 Gypsies Nomads Outcast races People without nationalities who do not coalesce with the ruling people among whom they live. This includes Gipsy language, which till recently had no place in the linguistic groups of 400, as the Gipsy people have no place in the geografic divisions of history 398 Folklore Proverbs, etc. See also 291-3 Mythology This section is for material needed in studying Folklore. Mere stories for children, unless having a value to students of folklore, go in 823, or in J, if there is a Juvenil collection .1 Primitiv traditions .2 Legends, tales, traditions .3 Folklore, traditional beliefs and customs, popular super- stitions .4 Fairies, elvs, ogers, monsters, etc. Bogies, gnomes, dragons, vampires, werewolvs .5 Chapbooks .6 Riddles .7 Dream books .8 Song books Including only poouUr collections, hardly ranking with Poetry or Music, but useful in the study of Folklore, etc. .9 Proverbs 399 Customs of war Wepons War dances Treatment of captivs Scalping Mutilation Burn- in.; Cannibalism S*e also 623.4 Firearms Rhilology 400 Philology in general In philology the general works put under 400-419 deal almost entirely with the Indo-European languages. They are put here because they cover most of the divisions of this class, and in practis are most convenient here. Under 439, 479 and 489 are placed books limited to the Teutonic, Romance, or Hellenic groups, and under 491 are placed only such general works as are specifically limited to the Indo-European group 401 Philosofy Origin of language 402 Compends, outlines 403 Dictionaries, cyclopedias 404 Essays, lectures, addresses 405 Periodicals 406 Societies, transactions, etc. 407 Education, teaching languages 408 Polygrafy Collections .9 Universal language .91 Volapiik 409 History of language 410 Comparativ 419 includes comparattv works in general and also th 411 Orthografy Orthoepy Alfabets 412 Etymology, derivation 413 Dictionaries, lexicografy 414 Phonology Visible speech See also 612.78 Physiology of speech 415 Grammar, morfology, syntax 416 Prosody 417 Inscriptions Paleografy See 421.7, 471 7, 481.7, etc. Rare early mss are put in 091 418 Texts 419 Hieroglyfics See also 493.1 .1 Sign language For def mute alfabets, see 371.91 j PHILOLOGY 420 English philology .1 Philosofy .2 Compend-- ' .4 Essays .5 Periodicals .6 Societies .7 Study and teaching .8 Collsctiv works .9 History of the language 421 Orthografy See also this hed treated in general grammars placed under 425 .1 Alfabet For def mute alfabet. , see 371.912 .2 Vowels Difthongs Aspirates .3 Consonants .4 Phonetic spelling Spelling reform .5 Orthoepy .6 Accent .7 Paleografy Inscriptions .8 Abbreviations For stenografic and other uncommon contractions and abbreviations, see 653 Shorthand .9 Punctuation 422 Etymology Derivation 422 is limited to derivation. For inflection, also called etymology, >ee 425 I .1 Origin and laws of language .2 Prefixes Suffixes .3 Reduplication 4 Foren elements .5 Noun forms: case, number, diminut'vs .6 Adjectival forms Degrees of comparison .7 Pronominal forms: personal, possessiv, relativ, etc. .8 Verbal forms: moods, tense, voice, etc. .9 Particles: adverbs, prepositions, etc. 423 Dictionaries Idioms .1 Idioms .2 English .3 Germar>, etc. Put a dictionary of two languages with the less known language. Under 423 put only English- English dictionaries. Put an English-French dictionary with French, 443.2; a French-Latin dictionary with Latin. 473.4. If in several languages, pui with 413, or with least known. Put F, ench-French dictionaries 443, not 443. j, so that the standard home dictionaries shall ccme first in each language. This plan brings together under each of the less known, all the dictionaries for translating either into or from that language. Some prefer to put each dictionary under the first language; i. e. that by which it is alfabeted. This gives under eich language, regardless- of its familiarity, all dictionaries for translating Jrom it, but none for translating into it. These must be sought under the language from which the translation is to be made. For a cosmo- politan library this plan is simplest and best; but in an English library, the first plan, with only English dictionaries in 423, ana both in and out dictionaries together under little known tungs is more convenient. References in either case show what may be fcun-1 in the other place 424 Synonyms Homonyms DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 425 Grammar 415 includes general works, covering also orthografy and prosody .1 Morfology Inflection Divided like 425.2 Syntax; e. g. .5 Nouns, etc. See 422 .2 Syntax .3 Arrangement of words and clauses .4 Particular sentences: conditional, hypothetic, etc. .5 Nouns .6 Adjectivs Articles .7 Pronouns .8 Verbs .9 Particles 426 Prosody See also the bed Prosody, in general grammars 423 .1 Quantity and accent .2 Versification .3 Feet .4 Figures of prosody .5 Meters .6 Rimes .7 Strophe and antistrophe .8 Textbooks for writing verse 9 427 Dialects Early forms of language Slang Subdivided by geografic divisions like 942. The Yorkshire dialect is 427.74; Gloucestershire dialect 427.41. The dialects of other languages take the geografic subdivisions of their countries. Dialects not provided for in these beds are placed with the last; e. g. American and Scotch with 427.9. The division by time is made with a sth figure after o: the earliest form of the language is markt .01; .09 is used for modern slang, e. g. 427.01 Old English 428 School books Texts for learning the language Including only books for learning the language, with grammatic or philo- logic notes, etc. For other works see literature of the language, 820 .1 Spelling books .2 First lessons Elementary composition For Rhetoric see 808. Including in other languages books like Fasquelle, Ollendorff , . Chardenal, Latin prose, etc. See also 372.6, Elementary grammars .3 Errors of speech Vulgarisms Use of words See 427.09 Slang; 424 Synonyms .6 Elementary readers See also 372.4 Education For primers and primary readers sea 372.4. Class here 3d and 4th readers, and put higher readers with literature collections; 808.8 if general, 820.8 if English or English and American, etc. .7 Selections .3 Texts of individual authors With grammatic notes and questions. Preferably clast in 800 with cross references here .9 Examination papers 429 Anglo-Saxon PHILOLOGY 43 German 437.01 Old High German; 437.02 Middle High German 439 Minor Teutonic Including general works on Teutonic group .1 Low German .2 Frisian Old Saxon .3 Dutch Flemish .4 Plattdeutsch .5 Scandinavian .6 Old Norse Icelandic Faroese .7 Swedish .8 Danish Norwegian .9 Gothic 440 French 447.9 Canadian and Creole French, etc. 449 Provengal Old French, as the earliest form of the langua e. is 447.01 45 Italian 459 Wallachian .9 Rumansh 460 Spanish 469 Portuguese 470 Latin 479 Minor Italic Medieval Latin Including general works on Romance group 480 Greek Divide 487, Greek dialects, like 930; e. g. 487.2 Alexandrian Greek; 487 3 New Testament Greek; 487.81 Macedonian; 487.923 Ionic, etc. 489 Minor Hellenic Modern Greek Including general works on Hellenic group Works on Latin and Greek together, unless vary clearly most useful in Latin, go with Greek, which here as well as elsewhere is made to include general works on the ancient classics DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 490 Minor languages Each language subdivided if wisht like 420 English 491 Minor Indo-European Besides Teutonic, 420-439; Italic, 440-479; and Hellenic, 480-489 This hed, 491, includes general works on the Indo-European tungs, but general works on the Teutonic languages go in 439, on the Romance group in 479, on the Hellenic group in 489, while most of the material placed under 400-419 is really Indo-European; but see also 410 .1 Indie .2 Sanskrit .27 Sanskrit dialects Prakrit .3 Pali .4 Modern East Indian languages Excluding Dravidian, which is 494 .41 Sindi .42 Panjabi .43 Hindustani Hindi .44 Bengali .45 Uriya Orissa .46 Marathi .47 Gujerati .48 Singhalese 49 .5 Iranic .51 Old Persian .52 Zend (Avestan) Old Bactrian .53 Pehlevi (Huzwaresh) .54 Armenian .55 Modern Persian .56 Ossetic .57 Kurdish .58 Afghani 59 .6 Keltic .61 Gadhelic group .62 Irish .63 Gaelic or Scotch .64 Manx .65 Cymric group .66 Welsh or Cymric .67 Cornish .68 Armorican or Bas Breton .69 Basque .7 Russian .79 Ruthenian PHILOLOGY 491.8 Other Slavonic Southeast Slavonic group .81 Bulgarian (Church Slavonic) .82 Serbian .83 Kroatian .84 Slovenian West Slavonic group .85 Polish .86 Bohemian .87 Moravian Slovakian .88 Serbian .89 Polabian .9 Lettic . 9 i Old Prussian .92 Lithuanian .93 Lettish (Livonian) 492 Semitic Northern group % .1 Aramaic . I9 Babylon and Nineveh cuneiform .2 Chaldee .3 Syriac (Peshito) Central group .4 Hebrew .5 Samaritan .6 Phenician (Carthaginian) Southern group .7 Arabic .8 Ethiopic (Amharic) .9 Himyaritic 493 Hamitic .1 Old Egyptian See 419 Hieroglyfics .2 Coptic 494 Scythian Ural-Altaic Turanian Dravidian Tamil Finnish Turkish Magyar, Hungarian 495 Eastern Asiatic Chinese Japanese 496 African Excluding 493 Hamitic, 492.8 Ethiopic, etc. included in families above 497 North American 498 South American 499 Malay-Polynesian and other Natural Science 500 Science in general 501-509 all have Science in general as their subject, but it is treated in these various forms. A periodical on Chemistry goes with 540.5, not 505, which is only for periodicals on Science in general, o in any class number in any part of the classification shows the subject to be general, not specific 501 Philosofy, theories, utilities, etc. 502 Compends, outlines Ancient and medieval science 503 Dictionaries, cyclopedias 504 Essays, lectures, addresses 505 Periodicals, scientific magazines 506 Societies: transactions, etc. 507 Education, methods of teaching and study Museums 508 Polygrafy: collected works, extracts, etc. .1 Extracts .2 .3 General scientific travels .4 .9 Travels and surveys (if general) divided geograficly like 940-999 509 History of science 510 Mathematics Works on Mathematics in general not limited to any one or two sections, are groupt by form of treatment like Science in general above; i. e. into Mathe- matical 510.1 Philosofy .2 Collections, compends .3 Dictionaries .4 Essays, papers tracts, letters .5 Periodicals .6 Societies .7 Education .8 Logarithmic and other tables, instruments .9 History 511 Arithmetic See 372.7 Teaching elementary arithmetic .1 Systems of arithmetic See also 512.81 Theory of numbers .2 Notation and numeration Fundamental rules Abacus .3 Prime numbers .4 Fractions .5 Analysis Permutation and combination .6 Proportion and progression .61 Magic squares .7 Involution and evolution .8 Mercantil rules Interest Alligation Mensuration Gaging See also 658 Business manuals .o Problems and tables NATURAL SCIENCE 512 Algebra .1 Systems of algebra .2 Numeric equations Imaginary expressions .21 Equations, ist to 4th degrees .22 Higher numeric equations .23 Indeterminate equations Diophantin analysis 24 Imaginary expressions .3 Algebraic equations Maxima and minima .4 Series Fractions Binomial theorem Taylor's theorem .5 Combinatory analysis .6 Proportion and progression .7 Involution and evolution .8 Higher algebra .Si Theory Of numbers See sn.i Systems of arithmetic .82 Theory of equations Complex variable See also 517.8 .83 Determinants . 8 4 Symmetric functions .85 Elimination: eliminants and discriminants .86 Transformations Substitutions .87 Quant ics .88 Invariants Co variants Contra variants .89 .9 Problems and tables 513 Geometry Plane and solid geometry bound together is put 513. Descriptiv geometry is 515 e also 744 Mathematic drawing . ~~ v .1 Plane geometry \ . 1 1 Right lines .12 Intersecting lines .13 Parallel lines . 1 4 Triangle's . 1 5 Quadrilaterals . 1 6 Other polygons .17 Similarity . 1 8 Areas .19 Maxima and minima .2 Curvs . 2 1 Circles .22 Coriic sections .23 Ellipse .24 Hyperbola . 2 5 Parabola .26 Higher plane curvs DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 513.3 Volumetric or solid geometry .31 Lines and planes .32 Intersecting planes .33 Parallel planes .34 Polyedrons 35 Pyramids .36 Prisms .37 Regular .4 With curvd surfaces .41 Sphere .42 Cone .43 Cylinder .5 Modern geometry .51 Points Lines Planes Duality .52 Transversals .53 Cones Conies Involution .54 Radical axes and centers of similitude .55 Poles and polars Reciprocal polars .56 Harmonic and anharmonic properties .57 Correspondence Correlation of figures .58 Quadric surfaces: spheroconics, curvs of double curvature .59 Surfaces of higher order: cubics .6 > .8 Absolute or non-Euclidean geometry - .9 Problems 514 Trigonometry .1 Trigonometric functions General formulas See 522.7 .2 Trigonometric series .3 Exponential formulas .4 Solution of trigonometric equations .5 Plane trigonometry : solution of plane triangles ; analytic .6 Spheric trigonometry General formulas .7 Solution of spheric triangles .8 Differences of triangles, plane and spheric .9 Problems NATURAL SCIENCE i Descriptiv geometry and projections See also 744 Mathematical drawing .1 Orthogonal projection on 2 planes .11 Straight lines Planes . 1 2 Single curvd lines .13 Double curvd lines .14 Single curvd surfaces . 1 5 Double curvd surfaces .16 Surfaces of revolution . 1 7 Warpt surfaces .18 Intersections of surfaces .2 Isometric and analogous projections .3 Oblique projection .4 Conic projection .5 Spheric projection See 526.8 Map projection . 5 1 Orthografic . 5 2 Globular .53 Stereografic .54 Polar .55 Gnomonic .56 Conic .57 Cylindric .6 PerSpCCtiv See also 742 Drawing .61 Plane Parallel Oblique Angular See also Scene painting .62 Cylindric See also Panorama painting .63 Shadows; natural and artificial light .64 Reflections .65 Circles, cylinders and spheres .66 Distortions and corrections .67 Human figure .68 New methods Special devices .7 Shades and shadows .8 Stereotomy .8l StOneCUtting See also 693.12 Masonry; 730 Sculpture .82 Carpentry See also 694 finding .83 Stairbilding See also 694.8 Bilding; 729-39 Architectural desigr DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 516 Analytic geometry .1 .11 .12 13 14 .2 .21 .22 23 .24 25 .26 , g 3 .31 5 32 33 34 4 .41 .42 43 44 45 .46 5 Si 52 ,53 54 55 56 57 58 59 .6 7 .8 9 Plane loci Right lines Transformation of coordinate^ Curvs Conic sections Ellipse Hyperbola Parabola Higher plane curvs Loci in space Right lines Planes Transformation of coordinates Curvd surfaces Conicoids or quadric surfaces Ellipsoid Hyperboloid Paraboloid Surfaces of higher order Modern analytic geometry Systems of coordinates Abridged notation Conies Higher plane curvs Poles and polars Reciprocal polars Harmonic and anharmonic properties Method of projection Quadric surfaces : spheroconics, curvs of double curvatures Surfaces of higher order : cubics Quaternions : calculus of direction and position Problems NATURAL SCIENCE 517 Calculus .1 Infinitesimal Method of exhaustions Differential and Integral calculus, bound together, is put here .2 Differential .21 Series .22 Indeterminate forms .23 Change of the independent variable .24 Theory of plane curvs Curv tracing 25 .26 Theory of curvd surfaces .27 Maxima and minima .28 .29 Problems .3 Integral .31 Formulas of reduction and integration .32 r Definit integrals Eulerian integrals .33 Rectification Quadrature Cubature .34 Multiple integrals .35 Laplace's functions Bessel's and allied functions .36 Elliptic and hyperelliptic functions Abelian functions 37 .38 Differential and partial differential equations .39 Problems and tables .4 Of variations .5 Of functions hjL^JL iM-n. .6 Of finite differences .7 Of operations .8 Of imaginaries Complex variables see also 512.82 .9 Problems 519 Probabilities .1 General principles Direct and inverse probabilities .2 Mathematical and moral expectation .3 Testimony: decisions of juries and tribunals .4 Probability of future events deduced from experience .5 Life contingencies : annuities, life insurance see 368.3 .6 Errors of observation Mean or average values 7 .8 Method of least squares .9 Problems DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 520 Astronomy 520.1 Astrology, see 133.5 520.2 Compends 520.3 Dictionaries 520.4 Essays 520.5 Periodicals 520.6 Societies 52). 7 Study and teaching of astronomy 520.8 Collections, etc. 520.9 History of astronomy See also note under Natural science in general, 500-509 521 Theoretic astronomy Mathematical investigation of celestial motions, specially of the Solar system. Motions of individual bodies are clast under separate heds in 523 .1 Celestial dynamics .11 General laws of equilibrium and motion See also 53 1.2 .12 Law of universal gravitation and motion relativ to the sun See also 531.51 .13 Problem of 3 bodies .14 Figures of hevenly bodies . 1 5 Rotation of hevenly bodies .2 Geocentric and heliocentric place .21 Plane of orbit in space .22 Position of orbit in its plane .23 Position of body in its orbit .24 Position of body in space .25 Heliocentric longitude and latitude .26 Geocentric longitude and latitude .27 Variations of right ascension and declination .28 Variations of longitude and latitude .29 .3 Orbits .31 Definitions of orbits .32 Determination from 3 observations .33 Determination from 4 observations .34 Variation of elements of orbit .35 Correction of approximate elements of or!)it .36 Application of method of least squares .37 Kepler's problem .38 Equation of center and radius vector 39 .4 Perturbations .41 Mutual action of planets .42 Action of satellites .43 Nonsphericity of planets .44 Resisting medium .5 Theory of planets .6 Theory of satellites .7 Theory of comets .8 Theory of eclipses .9 Precession and nutation See also s22.9s-.96 NATURAL SCIENCE 522 Practical and spheric .1 Observatories .11 General plan, location .12 Material and mechanism of dome, drum, etc. .13 Transit bildings, wings, etc. .14 High altitude observatories .15 Portable .19 History, reports and serial publications of observatories .2 TeleSCOpeS See also S3S.83 Optics .21 Reflecting .22 Refracting .23 Eye piece and accessories .24 Object glass .25 Mounting, tube, etc. .26 Equatorial mounting .27 Transit mounting .28 Observing chairs, etc .29 Famous telescopes .3 Meridional instruments .3 1 Finding meridian line .32 Mural circles .33 Meridian circles .34 Transit: placing in position .35 Collimation constant .36 Level constant .37 Azimuth constant .38 Other constants, flexure, index error, etc. .4 Extra meridional instruments .41 Sextant and quadrant, reflecting circle, astrolabe .42 Altazimuth .43 Zenith telescope .44 Transit out of meridian .45 Heliometer .46 Equatorial .47 Prime vertical .5 Auxiliary instruments .51 Sidereal clock and chronometer .52 Electrochronograf .53 Micrometers .54 Personal equation machine See 522-97 .55 For illumination .56 For solar observation .57 Artificial horizons .58 Heliostat DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 522.6 Auxiliary observations .61 .62 Photometry See 335.2 Optics .63 PhotOgrafy See 535-85 Optics; 770 Photografy .64 .65 Polarization s 52 533.5 Optics .66 .67 SpSCtfOSCOpy See also 535-84 Technic; application to astronomy a nd use with telescope. 523-37, 523-57, 523-67, 523-77, 523-87 .68 .69 7 Spheric astronomy See also 514-6 7i Celestial sphere Spheric coordinates 72 Rectangular coordinates 73 Transformation of coordinates 74 Differential variations of coordinates 75 Interpolation -76 Meridian line Variation of compass 77 Reduction of observations to the meridian .78 Use of globes 79 9 Corrections .91 Parallax .92 Refraction See 535-3 Optics 93 Semidiameter of celes tial bodies 94 Aberration 95 Precession See 521.9 .96 Nutation 97 Personal equation See 522.54 .98 Instrumental errors 99 523 Descriptiv astronomy .1 Universe .11 Structure of universe .12 Nebular hypothesis 13 Plurality of worlds .14 Space and its temperature 15 Resisting medium .16 Cosmic dust 17 Repulsiv force For results see NATURAL SCIENCE 523.2 Solar system .21 Distributiv laws of planets .22 .23 Conjunctions and oppositions .24 Motion of solar system in space .25 Constitution of planetary system .26 Stability of solar system Ecliptic .27 .28 Orrery, planetarium, gyroscope, etc. See 331.34 Rotation .29 Zodiac .3 Moon .31 Constants: size, mass Distance and parallax .32 Heat and light Phases .33 Orbit and motions Sidereal month, tropical, perigee and apogee, sun and earth's attraction, librations. See also 521.6 for Orbit .34 Features of surface: mountains, plains, etc. .35 Atmosphere .36 Physical condition .37 Spectrum .38 Eclipses .39 Charts, photografs, etc. .4 Planets .41 Mercury and intramercurial .42 Venus .43 Mars .44 Asteroids 45 Jupiter .46 Saturn .47 Uranus .48 Neptune and transneptunian .49 Charts, photografs. etc. .5 Meteors and zodiacal light . 5 1 Aerolites .52 Fireballs ' .53 Meteoric showers, radiant points, etc. .54 Systems of meteors 55 .56 Connection of comets and meteors .57 Spectrum .58 Hight of atmosphere from observation .59 Zodiacal light Aurora (borealis and australis) DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 523.6 Comets .61 Appearance and development .62 .63 Orbits .64 Remarkable comets 65 .66 Physical constitution .67 Spectrum .68 .69 Charts, photografs, etc. .7 Sun .71 Constants, dimensions .72 Heat and light: theories as to source .73 Apparent motion Rotation See 525-38 Tables .74 Spots, faculas, and other features of surface .75 Prominences, chromosphere, corona .76 Theories of physical constitution . 7 7 Spectrum .78 Eclipses .79 Charts, photografs, etc. .8 Stars .81 Stellar parallax, distance .82 Heat and light Photometric observation? Magnitude Visibility .83 Proper motion, stardrift .84 Variable, double, and multiple stars .85 Clusters and nebulas .86 Physical constitution .87 Spectrum .88 .89 Constellations, maps, catalogs, etc. .9 Transits and occupations .91 Transits of Mercury .92 Transits of Venus and solar parallax .93 Delisle's method .94 Halley's method .95 Photografic method .96 Transits of Venus to 1874 .97 Transit of 1882 .98 .99 Occultations NATURAL SCIENCE 524 Maps, observations, and tables Series of observatory publications may be kept together under 524, or under 522.19 with the history and reports of the observatory. Special maps or observations, e. g. on Sun or Moon, are better placed in subsections 9 under thist heds in 523, with charts and photografs, e. g. 523.79, thus leaving these bracketed numh^rs 524 to 524.9 blank They are printed to provida a place in cas^ it is wisht to keep all maps and observations together 3 Of mOOn See also 523.39 .4 Of planetS See also 523-49 5 .6 Of COmetS See also 523-69 7 Of SUn See also 523.79 .8 Star catalogs see also 523.89] 525 Earth .1 Constants. . 1 1 Mass Weight . 1 2 Density .13 Dimensions, diameter .14 Figure: geomorfy, equatorial belt . 1 5 Distance from sun .16 Parallax .2 Heat Light .3 Orbits and motions .3 1 Period of revolution .32 Obliquity of ecliptic to equator .33 Eccentricity .34 Perturbations .35 Rotation .36 Foucault's pendulum . ] 7 Deviation of falling bodies and projectils .38 Tables of the sun Apparent motion See 523.73 Sun .4 Geografic coordinates .41 Finding latitude See also 527.1 .42 By meridian altitudes .43 By Pole star .44 'By altitude of 2 or more stars .45 By other methods .46 Finding longitude See also 527.2 .47 Terrestrial means: chronometers, telegraf, signals .48 Celestial signals: eclipses, occupations, transits .49 Lunar methods .5 Seasons .51 Effect of inclination of equator to ecliptic .52 Effect of eccentricity of earth's orbit .53 Secular changes of seasons .54 Seasons on Mars and other planets DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 525.5 Tides .61 Mathematical theory .62 Effect of sun and moon in producing tides .63 Distribution, diurnal inequality, spring arid neap, priming and lagging .64 Establishment of a port Coast form modification .65 Velocity of hight of tide wave .66 Tides on inland seas .67 Supposed effect in retarding Earth's revolution .68 Tide registering and predicting machines .69 Tide tables .7 Twilight 526 Geodesy S26.2-.8 apply to surveys of large tracts, requiring allowance for earth's curva- ture and more exact methods of determination. For lo^al surveys see 529.6 .1 Theory and determination of Earth's figure . 1 1 Potentials of ellipsoids . 1 2 Equilibrium of rotating spheroid .13 Law of ellipticity .14 Airy's and Pratt's theories as to attraction of mountains .15 Determination of figure by Airy, by Bessel, and by Clarke .16 Ellipsoidal figure and position of axes . 1 7 Geoidal figure .2 Base mesuring and apparatus .21 Standards of length and temperature .22 Apparatus of Struve, Bessel, Colby, U. S. coast survey, U. S. lake survey, etc. .23 Adjustments of apparatus .24 Location of base line .25 Field operations .26 Calculation of results and corrections . 2 7 Verification .3 Field work of triangulation .3 1 Reconnaissance .32 Stations Names, signals, tripods, scaffolds and towers, surface and underground monu- ments .33 Observations, instruments and records .34 Reduction to station's center .35 Corrections for phase of signal and eccentricity .36 Spirit leveling T, , . * These are methods. See 551.53, .3 7 Barometric leveling for results _ lists of hights> etc .38 Trigonometric leveling 39 NATURAL SCIENCE 523 4 Computation of triangulation .41 Spheric excess .42 Legendre's theorem .43 Chord process .44 By spheric trigonometry .45 'By spheroidal trigonometry See also application of least squares, 522.6 .46 L M Z formulas and applications .47 Direct deduction by Bessel .48 Deduction by Puissant .49 Tables for computation .5 ' Theory of least squares in adjustment of figures, etc. .51 Method of independent angles .52 Adjustment of a quadrilateral .53 Adjustment of triangulation net .54 Method of directions .55 Adjustment for closure of a circuit .56 Method of repetitions .57 Adjustments of base mesures .58 Adjustments of leveling .6 Astronomic determinations and their connection with geodetic results .61 Latitude determinations .62 Longitude determinations .63 Azimuth determinations .64 Effect of irregularities of Earth's surface on latitude, longitude and azimuth .65 Effect of same on angles of triangle ' .7 Gravity experiments and results .71 Mathematical theory .72 Pendulum apparatus .73 Pendulum operations . 7 4 Corrections . 7 5 Reduction of results .8 Map projections See siS-5 Spheric projections .81 Prospectiv projections .82 Orthomorfic projections .83 Development projections .84 Zenithal projections .85 Equivalent projections .9 Surveying 91 Instruments and methods See 526.2 .92 Mesurement of distances DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 526.93 Mesurement of angles .94 Mesurement of bights .95 Leveling 866526.36-38 .96 Plotting ; Computation of areas .98 . Topografic drawing .99 For special purposes: military, naval, railroad, mining, etc. 527 Navigation .1 Finding latitude at sea See also 525.41 .2 Finding longitude at sea See also 525.46 .3 Finding time at sea See also 529-74 .4 Stunner's method .5 Great circle sailing 528 Ephemerides Nautic almanacs .1 American .2 English .3 German .4 French .5 Italian .6 Spanish .7 Slavic .8 Scandinavian .9 Construction of ephemeris 529 Chronology .i Sidereal and solar day Apparent and mean time, equation of time, causes of inequality 2 Solar year, months .3 Calendars; including early and Oriental .4 Calendar of Julius Caesar .5 Calendar of Gregory, 1582- Almanacs .6 Ecclesiastic calendar: determination For feasts, etc. and calendars themselvs, see 264.021, 264.031, etc. .7 Horology .71 Finding time by transit .72 Finding by equal altitudes .73 Finding by single altitude .74 Finding by sextant See also 5-':.. i .75 Time systems, and standards .76 Distribution of time .77 Cosmic time .78 . Instruments for mesuring: dials, hourglasses, clocks watches, etc. See 522.51 for Sidereal clocks and cbro lometers See 68 1 for Clock and watch making NATURAL SCIENCE 530 Physics Like Science in general: viz, general works only are arranged 530.1 Philosofy .2 Compends, textbooks .3 Dictionaries 4 Essays, lectures, etc. .5 Periodicals .6 Societies .7 Education, methods of teaching, experiments .8 Physical units, mesuring instruments .9 History 531 Mechanics .1 Pure motion Kinematics \2 Statics (jrafic statics .21 Force and its mesure .22 Composition of forces and motions .23 Moments .24 Parallel forces Center of gravity .3 Dynamics Kinetics .31 Rectilinear motion .32 Vibration .33 Undulation .34 Rotation .35 Centrifugal and centripetal force .4 Work Friction See 621.89 Lubrication .41 Unit of work .42 Diagram of work .43 Laws of friction Modulus of machines .44 Sliding friction .45 Rolling friction .5 Gravity .51 Law of universal gravitation .52 Laws of falling bodies .53 Pendulum .54 Mass, density, etc. .55 Projectils .58 Apparatus for illustration .6 Conservation of energy 7 .8 Machines Transmission of force See also 621.8 Mechanism of transmission .81 Lever and balance .82 Wheel and axle .83 Cord and catenary .84 Pulley .85 Inclined plane .86 Wedge .87 Screw .88 .9 Tables Problems Questions DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 532 Liquids Hydrostatics Hydraulics .1 Properties of liquids Pressure .2 Equilibrium of liquids .3 Buoyant effects Floating bodies .4 Specific gravity Hydrometer .5 Liquids in motion Hydrodynamics .51 Theoretic flow .52 Orifises, adjutages, fluid vein 53 Weirs, overfalls .54 Pipes, open channels, rivers .55 Bends, valvs, sudden enlargements and contractions .56 Efflux; variable pressure .57 Hydrometry Velocity .58 Impulse and resistance .59 Theory of waves .6 Capillary attraction .7 Osmose Absorption .8 Applications Machines See 62 1.2 Water engins Except for libraries making Physics much more prominent than Useful arts, all the ' Applications ' will be more useful under their proper beds in Useful arts. It is better to keep all the material in one place, refe.-ring to it from the other, rather than attempt division .81 Hydraulic press See also 621.266 .82 Hydraulic engin See also 621.25 .83 Water ram See also 621.27 .84 Water wheels see also 621.21 .85 Water blast See also 621.269 .9 Tables Problems Questions 533 Gases Pneumatics .1 Properties of gases and vapors Adsorption .2 Laws of compressibility .3 Atmosphere .4 Barometer .5 Air pump .6 Aeronautics .7 Kinetic theory of gases .8 Applications See 621.6 Blowing and pumping engins Preferably clast in Useful arts, see 532.8. note .82 Manometer Pressure gages See 621.18 Steam generation .83 Condensing pump .84 Force pump .85 Suction pump .86 Diving bell .87 Forge bellows .88 Pneumatic dispatch .9 Tables Problems Questions NATURAL SCIENCE 534 Sound Acoustics .1 Theory Undulations .2 Propagation of sound: velocity, diffraction 3 Musical SOUnd Tuning forks See also 781.1 Theory of music .4 Analysis of sounds Resonators .5 Superposition of vibrations .6 Grafic representations .7 Physiologic : ear and larynx For other relations see Ear, Larynx, in Relativ index following Tables .8 Applications Preferably clast with topics elsewhere See 532.8, note .Si .82 .83 Signals in navigation See also 6s4-9 Communication .84 Applications to architecture .85 Musical instruments See also 780 Music .86 Phonograf .9 Tables Problems Questions 535 Light Optics .1 Theory .2 Propagation Velocity Mesurement of light .3 Reflection Refraction Absorption See also 522.92 Astronomy .4 Dispersion Diffraction Interference .5 Polarization Polariscope Dotible refraction .6 Color .7 Physiologic: eye Optical principles of sight. See also Eyes in Rtlativ index .8 Applications Preferably clast with topics elsewhere See 532-8, note .81 Lenses and prisms .82 Microscopes and magnifiers See also 578 Microscopy .83 TeleSCOpeS See also 522.2 Astronomy .84 Spectroscopes and spectrum analysis Most general number. See also Spectroscopy, Spectrum, in Relativ index for other relations and applications .85 PhotOgrafy See also 770 .86 Other applications of lenses .87 Mirrors and reflecting instruments .88 Lighthouses See also 627.9 Harbor engineering; 656 Commerce .89 .9 Tables Problems Questions DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 536 Heat .1 Theory Nature .2 Communication .3 Action of bodies on heat .31 Reflection .32 Refraction .33 Radiation .34 Absorption .3 5 Diathermancy .4 Effects Action of heat on bodies .41 Expansion .42 Liquefaction .43 Solidification .44 Vaporization and condensation .45 Incandescence .46 Combustion Flame 5 Temperature See also 551-52 Meteorology; 613.18 Hygiene . 51 Thermometry .52 Pyrometry .53 Electric methods of mesuring .6 Calorimetry .7 Thermodynamics Mechanical equivalent .8 Applications Preferably go in Useful a rts . See 532.8, note .8l Steam enghlS Sae 6ii.t Engineering .82 GaS enginS See 621.43 Engineering .83 Heating See 697, 621.19. 6 2 8.s, 644 .84 Ventilation 866697,622.4,6^8.8 .9 Tables Problems Questions 537 Electricity See also 621.3 Electric engineering .1 Theory Nature .2 Static .21 Quantity, potential .22 Conduction, distribution .23 Machines .24 Condensers . 2 5 Electrometers 3 .4 Atmospheric Lightning rods .5 Dynamic .51 Theory of coils Constants .52 Induction spark .53 Induction spark in rarified gases .6 Electro dynamics .7 Electric mesurements NATURAL SCIENCE 537-8 Applications Preferably clast in Useful arts. See 621.3, and 532.8, note ,8l Telegraf F r telegraf business see 654 .82 Telefone Microfone For telefone business see 654.6 .83 Dynamos Electric lighting .84 Tranmission of power Storage .85 Electrometallurgy .86 Galvanometers Batteries Coils .87 Medicin See also 615.84 .88 Electric signals See 654.9 .9 Tables Problems Questions 538 Magnetism For Animal magnetism, Mesmerism, etc., see 134 .1 Theory Properties of magnets Lines of force .2 Communication Induction Touch .3 Electromagnetism .4 Diamagnetism 5 .6 .7 Terrestrial magnetism .8 Applied Magnetic machines .9 Tables Problems Questions 539 Molecular physics .1 Theory Molecular structure vortex rings cCS*^***- *? .2 Properties of solids .3 Elasticity Torsion .4 Strength of materials See also 620.1 Engineering materials .5 Permanent displacement of molecules .51 Malleability .52 Ductility .53 Hardness .54 Tempering .6 Intermolecular forces 7 .8 .9 Tables Problems Questions DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 540 Chemistry Pure or theoretic chemistry .1 Theories, alchemy, phlogiston .2 Compends .3 Dictionaries, cyclopedias .4 Essays, lectures, etc. .5 Periodicals .6 Societies .7 Education, methods of teaching .8 Collsctiv works .9 History SUMMARY 541-542 General chemistry 541 Chemic theories 542 Operativ and experimental chemistry 543-545 Analytic chemistry 543 Analysis 544 Qualitativ analysis 545 Quantitativ analysis 546 Inorganic chemistry 547 , Organic chemistry REFERENCES ( 12.015 Physiologic chemistry 660 Chemic technology 615 Medical 669 Metallurgy 6x6.076 Pathologic 770 Photografy 541 Theoretic chemistry Physical chemistry Modern chemic theories General properties of bodies from chemic point o view Composition Constitution Elements and compounds Affinity Fo-mu'as Nomenclature .1 .2 Atomic theory Ultimate constitution of matter. Nature and phases of ultimate particles: atoms, ions, anions, kations, electrons. Atomicity. Relationship of mass to chemic properties of bodies. Laws of chemic combination: weight, definit proportions, equivalence, multiple proportions. Laws of volume for gases. Simple or compound nature of chemic elements. Molecules. Atomic and molecular weights; methods of determination. Atomic and molecular volumes Laws fundamental to atomic theory; see also 541 .9 Classification, periodic law, etc. See also physics, 532.4 Specific weights .3 Physical chemistry Borderland between physics and chemistry. Including densities in different phases; chemic affinity, statics and dynamics; thermochemistry and electro- chemistry .31 Solid state See also physics, 536.43 Solidification; 539.2 Properties of solids .32 Liquid state See also physics, 532.1 Properties of liquids; 536.42 Liquefaction; 541.34 Solution .321 General Surface tension, vapor tension, viscosity, capillarity Special types of liquids : gelatinous liquids Inorganic liquids Organic liquids Gaseous state Subdivide like 541.32. See also physics, 533.1 Properties of gases; 536.44 Vaporization NATURAL SCIENCE 541.34 Solute state Solubility .341 General Surface tension, viscosity, diffusion, osmosis, conductivity. See also 532.7 Osmose of liquids; 542.7 Dissolving 1 Theories : kinetic, hydrate and dissociation 2 Laws Terminology .342 Solution pressure Solubility Tables of solubility .344 Solubility and solution of different forms i Solids a Liquids 3 Gases Absorption .345 Solution types 2 Colloid solutions Emulsions Including general discussion of colloids .346 Solvents . 3 5 Photochemistry Relation of light to chemic action, of polarized light to chemic structure, etc. .36 Thermochemistry Relationship of heat to chemic properties of bodies. Thermodynamics and energetics applied to chemistry. Relations between specific heat and chemic constitutions. Molecular heats; atomic heats; latent heats of physical, allotropic, and chemic transformations. Principle of initial and final phases. Study of changes of phase. Melting points and boiling points. Liberation and absorption of heat in reactions. Exothermic and endothermic reactions. Variation with temperature of the quantity of heat used in transformations. Principle of maximum work .37 Electrochemistry .378 Magnetochemistry .38 Radiochemistry Chemistry of radioactiv substances .39 Chemic dynamics, statics and equilibrium Affinity Homogeneous and heterogeneous chemic equilibriums. Kinetic theory of chemic equilibriums (of Guldberg and Waage, Pfaundler. van't Hoff); thermodynamic theory (of Willard Gibbs, of Horstmann, of van't Hoff, of Duhem, etc) Reaction velocities. Accelerating and retarding influences. Catalysis. See also in physics 536.7 Thermodynamics and energetics Variation of affinity with physical conditions. Valence. Combinations. Unlimited and limited decomposition. Dissociation, efflorescence, limits of dissociation and maximum dissociation. Combustion .4 Various types of compounds Acids, bases, salts, alloys .5 Molecular types .6 Compound radicals Stereochemistry Formulas of structure .7 Allotropy Isomerism Amorfous and crystallin states Tautomerism Polymerism Class here material on structure not included in 541.6 .9 Other general subjects Classification Nomenclature Notation Formulas Stoichiometry Tables Periodic law DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 542 Practical and experimental chemistry Manipulations Chemic operations For analyses see 543-545 .1 Laboratories Interior construction and installation General arrangements For archi- tecture see 727.5 .2 Apparatus and manipulations For special apparatus see 542. 3-. 9 .21 Manipulations Arrangements Procedure .22 Preparation of substances Mechanic separation: trituration, pulverization, porphyrization; mortars and pestles, crushers, sifting and sivs. Disintegration by wetting heated mass. Levigation .23 Laboratory receptacles and their accessories For uses of receptacles see also various processes and operations .231 Glass and quartz Beakers, bottles, flasks, retorts, test tubes, funnels, adapters, glass rods and tubing 5 Glass manipulation: blowing, grinding 232 Porcelain Evaporating dishes, tubes, retorts. Refractory pottery: crucibles, plates .233 Metallic Containers made of platinum, silver, iron, nickel, aluminum, etc. .24 Supports Fixt. adjustable, wood. Triangles, tripods, clamps .25 Stoppers Glass, cork, rubber Corkborers .26 Rubber tubing Luting and cements .29 Other appliances .3 Mesuring apparatus .32 Determination of weights and density Balances and weights Descriptions and directions for use 33 Specific gravity apparatus Class preferably in 532.4 .35 Determination of volume Mesuring volume of liquid Calibrated vessels Graduated pipets, burets and cylinders .4 Heating Distillation See also 536.5 Mesurement and regulation of heat; 542.53 Blowpiping .41 General .42 Heating with coal Laboratory furnaces: trough, cupola, reverberatory, tubular, cupel, blast ' Tube furnaces for organic analysis .43 Heating with liquid fuels, etC. Lamps; special burners .44 Heating with gas Coal gas, carburetted air, acetylene, etc. Fishtail and Bunsen burners; gas furnaces and grates; pressure regulators .46 Indirect heating Baths and heaters: water baths; salt, metal and oil baths; metal plates or wire gauzes .47 Electric heating Heaters, muffles and furnaces; kryptol furnaces See also 542.8 Electric and galvanic manipulations .48 Operations Melting, fusing, boiling. Vaporization, distillation. Distilling apparatus, alembics or stills. Deflegmators. Vacuum operations Evaporation with heat: sublimation, dessication. For evaporation in vac- uum see 542.77 .49 Other heating operations NATURAL SCIENCE 542.5 Flames Blowpipes See also 544.2 Dry methods of analysis; 669.9 Assaying .51 Flame Nature of flame; candle flame; oxidizing and reducing flames .52 Coloration of flame Beads, colord beads Composit flames .53 Blowpipes Varieties of blowpipes and how to use them For applications see Blowpiping in Relativ index following Tables .6 Aqueous and liquid treatment Dissolving, aqueous separation, levigation, etc; alcohol, ether, carbondisulfid, hydrocarbons, etc. .61 Dissolving Solution Solvents, maceration, digestion, decoction, lixiviation .62 Determination of solubility Supersaturation Supersaturated solution .63 Diffusion Lowering the solidification point or surfusion .64 Dialysis Dializers i See also qualitativ analysis 544.5 Dialysis .65 Solidification Precipitation, crystallization, crystallizers .66 Decantation Decantation funnels, Florentin receivers, sifons, pipets .67 Filtration and filters Filtration with textils, with paper, thru cotton, asbestos, powders, etc. Hot filtration Filtration in seald vessels, by suction, by compression Filter presses .68 Expression and presses Drying of press residues; drying machines - .69 Washing Continuous, automatic; decantation, wash bottles .7 Gas manipulation See also 545.7 Eudiometry .71 General .72 Gas production .73 Gas collecting and decanting Pneumatic trof, gas sampling-tube, gas pipets; displacement and decant- ing .74 Washing and dissolving gas Wash bottles Apparatus for drying and absorbing gas . 7 5 GaS Storage Gasometers, rubber bags .76 GaS meSUrement Graduated tubes, meters .77 Rarefaction of gas Pumps: air, vacuum, mercury; blowing engins, bellows, suction gasometers; manometers; vacuum regulators; trompes See also physics, 533.5 Air pumps .78 Gas compression Seald tubes and bulbs, bellows, compression pumps, gasholders .79 Gas liquefaction and solidification Faraday tubes Apparatus for expansion; of Thilorier; of Cailletet and Linde DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 542 8 Electric and galvanic manipulations See also physics, ^37 .85 Applications of electricity to chemistry. Class here only apparatus for preparing chemic substances, not apparatus for study of phenomena. For analytic apparatus see special substance under $43 or special process under $44 or 545 .9 Other operations Attacks by acids and gates: oxidations, reductions etc 543-545 Analytic chemistry 543 Analysis Divided by material analyzed, whether qualitativly or quantitativly; i.e. substance takes precedence of process. Class in 543 general works covering both qualitativ and quantitativ analysis See also 614.3 Adulterations .1 Analysis of food and drink See also 613.2 Hygiene, 613.31* Nutrition .2 Dairy products Milk See also agriculture, 637 Dairy products .3 Water See also hygiene 613.31 Water as a beverage; and therapeutics 615.79 Min- eral waters .4 Analysis of drugs and medicins See also 614.35 Inspection of drugs; 615 Medicin . 5 Poisons See also 615.9 Toxicology .6 Analysis of rocks and ores See also 549 Mineralogy, 669.9 Assaying, 631 Agricultural chemistry .7 Analysis of inorganic products in general For general works and special matter not provided for in previous subdivisions of 543 .8 Analysis of organic products in general For general works and special matter not provided for in previous subdivisions of 543 .9 Analysis of organic products of animal origin For general works and special matter not provided for in previous subdivisions of 543 See also 577 Biology NATURAL, SCIENCE 544 Qualitativ analysis Determination of chemic element* of substances General processes and methods .1 Wet method . 1 1 Reagents .12 Determination of bases .13 Determination of acids .2 Dry method See also 669 . 9 Assaying See also 543.53 Manipulation. 549.1 Mineralogy .4 Gas analysis Reactions Identifying an isolated gas Analysis of gaseous mixtures See also 545-7 Eudiometry .5 Dialysis For technic see 542.64; for electric dialysis see 542.8 . Spectrum analysis See also physics, 535.84 Spectrum analysis .7 Polariscopic analysis See also physics, 535.5 Polarization .8 Microscopic examinations .9 Other methods Electro analysis .92 Capillary analysis 545 Quantitativ analysis .1 Gravimetric Analysis by weighing, sampletaking .2 Wet method Titration solution, alkalimetry, acidimetry .3 Electric methods See also physics, 537.85 Electrometallurgy For galvanoplastics see 671 .711 Constant current analysis .312 Constant voltage analysis .36 Catalytic analysis .4 Dry method Quantitativ analyses with blowpipe, cupellation etc See also 669.9 Assaying .5 Titrometric methods in general .6 Volumetric analysis of liquids See also 542.3 Mesuring apparatus .7 Volumetric analysis of gases Eudiometry and eudiometers; gas burets, absorption pipets See also 544.4 Gas analysis .8 Other methods Colorimetric Polarimetric Refractometric .9 Synthesis General processes .97 Electric synthesis DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 546-547 Inorganic and organic chemistry 546 Inorganic chemistry .1 Nonmetallic elements .11 Hydrogen .12 Halogen group 13 Chlorin .14 Bromin 15 lodin .l6l Fluorin I? Nitrogen group Nitrogen .18 Phosphorus .191 Arsenic .2 Oxygen group .21 Oxygen .22 Sulfur 23 Selenium .241 Tellurium -25 Carbon group .26 Carbon .27 Boron .28 Silicon .29 Helium group .291 Helium .292 Neon 293 Argon 294 Krypton 295 Xenon 3 Metals .31 Alkali group 32 Potassium 33 Sodium 34 Lithium 35 Rubidium 36 Caesium 37 38 39 4 Alkalin earths Calcium and magnesium groups considerd together .41 Calcium .42 Strontium 43 Barium 432 Radium See alsi 541.3 .44 Magnesium group 45 Beryllium or glucinum 46 Magnesium 47 Zinc 48 Cadmium .49 NATURAL SCIENCE 546.5 Led and silver group .51 Led .52 Thallium .55 Silver group .56 Copper .57 Silver .58 Mercury 59 .6 Cerium group Rare earths .6 1 Yttrium .62 Cerium .63 Lanthanum .64 Didymium .642 Praseodymium .643 Neodymium .65 Erbium .652 Ytterbium .653 Terbium .66 Aluminum .67 Indium .68 Gallium .69 Other metals of rare earths .691 Scandium .692 Samarium or decipium .694 Gadolinium .695 Germanium .696 Europium .697 Thulium .7 Iron group Iron and chromium groups considerd together . 7 1 Manganese .72 Iron .73 Cobalt .741 Nickel .75 Chromium group .76 Chromium .77 Molybdenum .78 Tungsten or wolfram .791 Uranium See also 541.38 .8 Tin group Tin and vanadium groups considerd together .81 Tin- .82 Titanium .83 Zirconium .841 Thorium See alsD 541-38 .842 Actinium See also 541-38 .85 Vanadium group .851 Vanadium .86 Antimony .87 Bismuth .88 Tantalum .891 Niobium or columbium .892 Polonium See also 541-38 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 546.9 Platinum group .91 Gold .92 Platinum .93 Indium .94 Osmium .95 Ruthenium group .96 Ruthenium .97 Rhodium .98 Palladium .99 False and putativ elements x Arrange alfabeticly 547 Organic chemistry .1 Cyanogen and its compounds .2 Hydrocarbons Fatty series For occurrence as minerals see 549-8 .21 Paraffins .22 Olefins .23 Acetylenes .24 Valylene Dipropargyl, etc. .25 Aromatic series .26 Benzenes .27 Diphenyl group .28 Naphthalene Anthracene Phenanthrene .29 Higher series The 7 beds S47.3-S47.9 are subdivided like 547.2 .3 Alcohols Phenols .4 Ethers: simple, compound; haloid .5 Aldehydes .6 Ketones Quinones .7 Acids: acid halids, acid anhydrids, sulfo-acids .8 Nitroderivates: amins, compound ammoniums, amids, amic acids, azo-bodies, azoxy-bcdies, hydrazo-bodies, diazo-bodies .9 Compounds with metals NATURAL SCIENCE 548 Crystallografy General; phenomena of a special mineral balon? with that mineral; e. g. cleavage of borates 549.73 .1 Systems of crystallization .2 Twin crystals Crystallin aggregations .3 Cleavage Isomorfism Polymorfism .4 Irregularities Internal imperfections .5 Formation and growth of crystals .6 Pseudomorfs .7 Mathematic: mesurement of angles .8 Physical .9 Optical 549 Mineralogy .01 Philosofy, classification .02 Compends .03 Dictionaries .04 Essays, papers, etc. .05 Periodicals .06 Societies .07 Study and teaching, museums .08 Col- lectiv works .09 History .1 Determinativ Blowpiping See also 543.6 Methods of analysis of rocks and ores See 542.53 Blowpipes and their manipulation. For other relations see Blow- piping in Relativ index following Tables .2 Nativ elements .3 Sulfids, tellurids, selenids, arsenids, antimonids, bismuthids .4 Compounds of chlorin, bromin, iodin, and fluorin .5 Oxygen compounds: oxids .6 Silicates .61 Anhydrous .65 Hydrous .7 Other ternary oxygen compounds .71 Tantalates Columbates .72 Phosphates Arsenates Vanadates Antimonates Nitrates .73 Borates .74 Tungstates Molybdates Chromates .75 Anhydrous sulfates .76 Hydrous sulfates .77 Tellurates .78 Carbonates .79 Oxalates .8 Hydrocarbons Occurrence as minerals. For chemistry of hydrocarbons see 547 J; fot economic geology see 553-2 .9 Geografic distribution DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 550 Geology 550. i Philosofy, theories, geologic time .2 Compends .3 Dictionaries .4 Essays papers, tracts, letters .5 Periodicals .6 Societies .7 Study and teaching, museums .8 Collectiv works .9 History 551 Physical and dynamic geology Including geophysics (physiografy, physical geografy) and geochemistry broadly treated; see also 551.94. For Cosmic geografy, see 523 .1 Structure of earth as a whole . 1 1 Interior of earth .12 Internal heat .13 Earth's crust .14 Conductivity of rocks .2 Seismology .21 Volcanoes .22 Earthquakes .23 Hot springs, geysers .24 Oscillations of the earth's crust .3 Erosion and deposition .3 1 Glaciers and glacial phenomena .32 Moraines .33 Transported materials, till .34 Icebergs .35 Aqueous erosion .36 Coast changes .37 Aerial erosion .4 Surface features of the earth Physical geografy /- , . Division of Oceans for use under .46 .41 Continents and .47 42 ! Atlantic North sea Baltic .43 Mountains Valleys Orology 2 Mediterranean Black sea 44 CaveS 3 Gulf of Mexico Caribbean A* Plains 4 Southern Atlantic .46 Oceans s Pacific 6 Eastern Pacific or American coast .47 Ocean currents ' 7 Indian Bay of Bengal Red sea .48 Rivers Lakes 8 Arctic .49 Springs Wells Ground water 9 Antarctic . 5 Meteorology Climate .51 Atmosferic currents Winds .52 Thermometry, heat For other relations see Heat, Temperature, in Re'.ativ index following Tables .53 Hypsometry, elevations See 526.36-8 for methods .54 Barometry, pressure .55 Storms See also 537.4 Atmosferic electricity .57 Moisture: rainfall, flow of streams, floods .58 Prairies, forests, and deserts NATURAL SCIENCE 551.6 Metamorfism .7 Stratigrafic geology .71 Arch can .72 Primary, paleozoic, Cambrian .73 Silurian .731 Lower Silurian .732 Upper Silurian .74 Devonian Old red sandstone .75 Carboniferous .76 Secondary, mesozoic, triassic and Jurassic: lias, oolite .77 Cretaceous .78 Tertiary, cenozoic .781 Eocene, oligocene .782 Miocene .783 Pliocene .79 Quaternary Postpliocene Glacial .791 Recent .8 Structural geology .81 Stratification .82 Curvature and contortion .83 Ripple marks and sun cracks .84 Joints Cleavage Polarity in rocks .85 Dip Outcrop Strike .86 Anticlinal Synclinal .87 Faults and folds Dislocations .88 Veins Dykes Necks Bosses .89 .9 Agents of geologic work .91 Frost .92 Water .93 Atmosphere .94 Geochemistry Chemic changes: heat. See also note to 551 .95 Animals .96 Coral reefs .97 Plants .98 Segregation and concretion .99 Other agents DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 552 Lithology Petrografy Petrology .1 Igneous rocks .2 Volcanic rocks .21 Lavas Scoria .22 Volcanic ashes Volcanic tufa Tuff .23 Obsidian Pumis Pitchstone .24 Trachyte .25 Rhyolite .26 Andesite Dacite Phonolite .27 Felsites .28 Basalt .29 Other volcanic rocks .3 Plutonic rocks .3 1 Porphyry Porphyrite .32 Syenite .33 Granit .34 Diabase and gabbro .35 Dolerite .36 Diorite .37 Norite .38 Peridotite .39 Other Plutonic rocks .4 Metamorfic rocks .41 Granits and syenites .42 Gneiss .43 Schists .44 Slates Argillite Phyllite .45 Quartzite Novaculite Itacolumite .46 Marble Crystallin limestone .47 Serpentine .48 Chrysolitic rocks .49 Other metamorfic rocks .5 Sedimentary rocks .51 Sandstone Conglomerate Sand Gravel .52 Shale Clay Silt 53 Gypsum Salt .54 Limestone Marl Ooze .55 Dolomite .56 Oolite .57 Infusorial or diatomaceous earth .58 Glauconite Greensand .59 Other sedimentary rocks .6 Meteorites .7 Decay of rocks NATURAL SCIENCE S32..8 Microscopic petrografy .81 Determination of rock minerals .82 Rock structure Seealso622 Mining engineering .1 Ore deposits . 1 1 Formation and structure . 1 2 Classification .13 Superficial: placers .14 Stratified: beds, etc. . 1 5 Unstratified .16 Disseminated thru eruptiv rocks .17 Stockwerks Fahlbands Contacts .18 Chambers and pockets Impregnations .19 Mineral veins .2 Carbon series While the history of all f\ Y n^f^Pi 1" other products goes in 553, .22 Lignite and jet history of metals is more .23 Cannel coal Bituminous shale useful in 669. Metallurgy .24 Bituminous and semibituminous coals .25 Anthracite and grafitic anthracite .26 Grafite Plumbago .27 Asfalt and asfaltic coals Ozocerite .28 Petroleum Natural gas .29 Fossil gums and resins .3 Ores of iron .4 Ores of metals other than iron .41 Ores of gold .42 Ores of silver .43 Ores of copper .44 Ores of led .45 Ores of zinc and tin Mercury .46 Ores of manganese and chromium .47 Ores of antimony and arsenic .48 Ores of nickel and cobalt .49 Other metallic ores .5 Bilding stones .51 Marbles and limestones .52 Granits and syenites .53 Sandstones .54 Slates .55 Serpentines Soapstones .56 Porphyries 57 Trap .58 Tufa Peperino .59 Other bilding stones DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 553.6 Earthy economic minerals .61 Fire clays Brick clays Potter's clays .62 Sands .63 Rock salt Gypsum .64 Phosphates Apatite Guano See also 631,85 .65 Emery Corundum .66 Hevy spar Sulfur .67 Asbestos, etc. .68 Limes and mineral cements .69 Other earthy economic minerals .7 Mineral waters Divide general works with o geograficly like 930-999; e.g Mineral waters of Germanv. 553.7043 .71 Alkalin .72 Salin .73 Chalybeate, ironbearing .74 Sulfuric .75 Calcic See also 55 1*23 .3 Gems Ornamental stones . Other economic minerals 554 GeOlOgy Of KurOpe S54-559 subdivided by countries like 940-999 555 Geology of Asia 556 Geology of Africa 557 Geology of North America 558 Geology of South America 559 Geology of Oceanica Polar regions 1J Q 1 f* ATI 4*/*| jOO f V * C*I.VUll.lAJlVgjr ^ se f rrn divisions as in 550^ and divide .9 geograficly like 930-099: e.g. Paleontology of England is 560.942 56i is subdivided like Botany, 580 562 Invertebrates 562-569 is subdivided uke zoology, 592-5 563 Protozoa Radiates 564 Mollusks 565 Articulates 566 Vertebrates 567 Fishes Batrachia 568 Reptils Birds 569 Mammals NATURAL SCIENCE 570 Biology Archeology 570. i Philosofy .2 Compends .3 Dictionaries .4 Essays, lectures, etc. .5 Periodicals .6 Societies .7 Study and teaching, museums; nature study .8 Collectiv works .9 History 571 Prehistoric archeology For Customs, see 390 For Archeology of special countries, see 913 .1 Paleolithic, or early stone age .11 Drift remains .12 Cavemen .13 Remains of animals Shells .14 Chipt stones .15 Flint flakes Arrow heds -Knives, etc. . 1 6 Other stone remains .19 Other remains .2 Neolithic, or late stone age .21 Stone quarries .22 .23 Remains of animals .24 Polisht stones .25 Sharpend stones: celts, tools, wepons .26 Perforated stones: spindles, net sinkers, pipes .27 Hollowd stones: mortars, cups, food vessels .28 Other stone remains .29 Other remains .3 Bronze age .31 Ancient copper and tin mining .34 Bronze remains .35 Tools Wepons, etc. .'37 Cups Vessels .39 Other remains .4 Iron age .5 Other remains .51 Implements of wood .52 Implements of bone .53 Basket work .54 Textil fabrics .55 Pottery .56 Glass .6 .7 Rudiments of art Ornaments .71 Drawings .72 Paint .73 Sculptures .74 Beads DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 571.8 Dwellings .81 Natural caves .82 Earth houses Pit dwellings Weems .83 Lake dwellings Crannoges .84 Cliff dwellings .85 Pueblos .86 Tents as dwellings .9 Mounds and monuments .91 Mounds and mound bilders .92 Grave mounds .93 Kitchen middens Shell banks .94 Monoliths Cromlechs .95 Circles Labyrinths .96 Cairns 97 .98 99 572 Ethnology Anthropology See also 136.4 Mental race characteristics .i Unity of the human race .2 Diversity of races .3 Migrations of men .4 Original home of man : Eden, Atlantis, etc. -5 .6 .7 Savages : races divided by practises Class description of savages of special country in 914-919; e. g. Australian bush- men 919.4 .8 Races divided by language like 400 .9 Races divided by countries like 930-999 Divide by countries where possible. Use language divisions for groups like Semitic, Aryan, Teutonic, English, etc. 573 Natural history of man Somatology .1 Man's place in nature .2 Origin of man .3 Antiquity of man .4 Influence of climate and surroundings .5 Color in man .6 Anthropometry .7 Craniology .8 Dwarfs and giants .9 Monstrosities See also 611.012 Teratology; 613.91 Congenital defects; 617.3 Deformities NATURAL SCIENCE 574 Homologies 575 Evolution See also 213 Creation; 215 Religion and science; 239.8 Apologetics .1 Heredity For other relations see Heredity in Relativ index following Tables .2 Variation See also 591.15 Physiologic zoology 3 Environment See also 136.2 Mental; 573.4 4 Natural selection Survival of the fittest .5 Sexual selection .6 Development .7 Degeneration .8 Origin of species 9 Origin Of SeXeS See also 591.36 Embryology 576 Origin and beginnings of life ts76 - 577 " ***** revision that will change .1 Spontaneous generation some numbers and great .2 Protoplasm Bioplasm j y enlarge them in a late 3 Cells edition) .4 Beginnings of motion and sensation 5 .6 577 Properties of living matter .1 Chemic: difference between organic and inorganic .2 Life : difference between ded and living matter .3 Difference between vital and physical phenomena 4 Conditions of life : moisture, temperature .5 Difference between plants and animals .6 Vital force 7 Deth See also 612.013 .8 Sex in nature 9 578 Microscopy see a i so 535.82 o P ti CS .i Varieties of microscopes .2 Optic parts .3 Mechanical parts .4 Accessory apparatus and management of microscope . 5 Illuminating apparatus .6 Preparation and mounting of objects .7 Special preparation and study of inorganic material .8 botanic material see 581.8 Histology .9 zoologic material -5918 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 579 Collectors manuals .1 Preparing skeletons .2 Preservativs and hardening fluids .3 Injections .4 Taxidermy .5 Mounting specimens .6 Collecting .611 Alluring; bait, light, etc. .612 Hunting; nets, collecting bottle, etc. .613 Killing .614 Exchange Purchase .615 Rearing .616 Transporting .7 Arrangement of specimens in museums .71 Cabinets .72 Labels .8 Preservation of specimens .81 Museum pests .82 Pestifuges .83 Prevention of moisture .84 Re- tention of colors 9 NATURAL SCIENCE 580 Botany 580.1 Philosofy, classification, nomenclature .2 Compends .3 Dictionaries, cyclopedias .4 Essays .5 Periodicals .6 Societies .7 Study and teaching, herbariums, botanic gardens .8 Collectiv works .9 History 581 Physiologic and structural botany Subdivided where wished like 591 .1 Physiology .2 Pathology Teratology .21 Diseases .22 Teratology .23 Parasites .3 Embryology Germination .4 Morfology Comparativ anatomy .5 Habits .6 Economic .7 Organografy Descriptiv anatomy .8 Histology See 578.8 .9 Geografic .91 Distribution of plants Subdivide .93-99 like 930-999 Use .92 for ocean, marine flo a This Geografic classification is to be used only for general works and cross references 'Flora of North America,' is put 581.97; but 'North American cryptogams' is clast 586 with a reference from 581.97, but North American phanerogams go with 581.97 because it so completely covers the subject General works covering both Phanerogamia and Cryptogamia are put under 580 as books covering Vertebrates and Invertebrates are put under 590 In applying these numbers to Fossil plants, 561, note that one more figure must be used than in fossil animals. The Zoology numbers are alredy given in the 3d place in Paleontology, e. g. 592 Invertebrates, 562 Fossil invertebrates, and so on to 599 Mammals, and 569 Fossil mammals. But in Fossil plants, 561 , all 8 sections are groupt together and the section number must be repeated. Fossil phanerogams are 561.2 not 562, which is assignd to Invertebrate zoology as more important. Lichens are 561.91, etc. In the same way the Fossil flora of North America is 561.197, i. e. the first 2 Botany figures, 58, are changed to 561 to give the corre- sponding Fossil botany number, while in zoology the only change is from 59 to 56 for first 2 figures, except in 591 which can not change to 561, which is assignd to Botany. The Fossil fauna of North America must therefore go among general works under 560.97 582 See also 715 Trees; 6 34 .9 Forestry The subsections below are taken from the recognized authority, Bentham and Hooker's Genera planlarum 583 Dicotyledons .1 Polypetalae .11 Ranales .in Ranunculaceae .112 Dilleniaceae .113 Calycanthaceae .114 Magnoliaceae .115 Anonaceae .116 Menispermaceae .117 Berberideae .118 Nymphaeaceae DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 583.12 Parietales .121 Sarraceniaceae .122 Papaveraceae .123 Cruciferae .131 Capparideas .133 Resedaceae .134 Cistineae .135 Violarieae .137 Canellaceae .138 Bixineae .14 Polygaline .141 Pittosporeae .142 Tremandreae .143 Polygaleae .145 Vochysiaceae . 1 5 C ary o phy llin e ae .151 Frankeniaceae .152 Caryophylleae .153 Sileneae .154 Alsineae .155 Polycarpeae .156 Portulaceae .158 Tamariscineae .16 Guttiferales .161 Elatineae .162 Hypericineae .163 Guttiferae .166 Ternstroemiaceae .167 Dipterocarpeae .168 Chlaenaceae .17 Malvales Malvaceae .18 Sterculiaceae .19 Tiliaceae .21 Geraniales .211 Lineae .213 Humiriaceae .214 Malpighiaceae .221 Zygophylleae .223 Geraniaceae .23 Rutaceae .241 Simarubeas .245 Ochnaceae .247 Burseraceae .251 Meliaceae .255 Chailletiaceae NATURAL SCIENCE 583.26 Olacales .261 Olacineae .269 Ilicineze .27 Celastrales .271 Celastrineae .274 Stackhousieae .275 Rhamneae .279 Ampelideae .28 Sapindales .281 Sapindaceae .291 Sabiaceae .292 Anacardiaceae .297 Anomola .298 Coriarieae .299 Moringeee .3 Resales .31 Connaraceae .32 Leguminosae .37 Rosaceas .38 Saxifrageae .39 Crassulaceae .393 Droseraceae .394 Hamamelideae .396 Bruniaceae .398 Halorageae .4 Myrtales .411 Rhizophoreae .414 Combretaceae .42 Myrtaceae .43 Melastomaceae .441 Lythrarieae .445 Onagrarieae, oenotheras .45 Passiflorales .451 Samydaceae .453 Loaseae .455 Turneraceae .456 Passifloreae .461 Cucurbiyaceas .468 Begoniaceae .469 Datisceas .47 Ficoidales .471 Cactese .475 Ficoideas .48 Umbellales .481 Umbelliferi .491 Araliaceae .497 Cornaceas DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 583.5 Gamopetalae .51 Rubiales Caprifoliaceae .52 Rubiaceae .53 Asterales .531 Valerianeae .541 Dipsaceae .546 Calysereae .55 Compositae .57 Campanales Stylidieae .58 Goodenovieas .59 Campanulacese .6 Ericales .61 Vacciniaceae .62 Ericaceae .63 Monotropeae .64 Epacridese .65 Diapensiaceae .66 Lennoaceae .67 Primulales .671 Plumbagineae .672 Primulaceae .677 Myrsineae .68 Ebenales .681 Sapotaceae .685 Ebenaceac .686 Styraceae .7 Gentianales .71 Oleaceae .716 Salvadoraceae .72 Apocynaceae .73 . Asclepiadeae .74 Loganiaceae .75 Gentianeae .76 Polemoniales .761 Polemoniaceae .764 Hydrophyllaceae .77 Boragineae .78 Convolvulaceae .79 Solanaceae .8 Personales .81 Scrophularineae .82 1 Orobanchaceae .825 Lentibularieae .829 Columelliaceas .83 Gesneraceae .84 Bignoniaceae .85 Pedalineae .86 Acanthaceae .87 Lamiales .871 Myoporineae .876 Selagineae .88 Verbenaceae .891 Labiatae .899 Ordo anomalus Plantaginese NATURAL SCIENCE 583.9 Apetalse .91 Curvembryeae .911 Nyctagineae .912 Illecebraceae .913 Amarantaceae .914 Chenopodiaceae .915 Phytolaccaceae .916 Batideae .917 Polygonaceae .92 Multiovulatae aquaticae .921 Podostemacese .922 Multiovulatae terrestres Nepenthaceae .923 Cytinaceae .924 Aristolochiaceae .925 Micrembryeae PIperaceae .926 Chloranthaceae .927 Myristiceae .928 Monimiaceae .93 Daphnales .931 Laurinese .932 Proteaceae .933 Thymelaeaceae .934 Penasaceas .935 Elaeagnaceae .94 Achlamydosporeas .941 Loranthaceae .943 Santalaceae .947 Balanophoreae .95 Unisexuales .951 Euphorbiaceae .961 Balanopseae .962 Urticaceae .971 Platanaceae .972 Leitnerieae 973 Juglandeae 974 Myricaceae .975 Casuarineas .976 Cupuliferae .98 Anomali .981 Salicineae .983 Lacistemaceae .984 ' Empetraceae .987 Ceratophyllese 584 Monocotyledon* .! Microspermeae n Hydrocharideaa ^3 Burmanniaceae _! Orchideas DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 584.2 Epigyneae .2 1 Scitamineae .22 Bromeliaceae .23 Haemodoraceae .24 Irideae .25 Amaryllideae .26 Taccac2ae .27 Dioscoreaceae .3 Coronarieae .31 Roxburghiaceae .32 Liliaceae .34 Pontederiaceae .35 Philydraceae .36 Xyridese .37 Mayaceae .38 Commelinaceae .39 Rapateacese .4 Calycineae .41 Flagellarieae .45 Juncaceae .5 Palmae .6 Nudifloreae .61 Pandaneae .62 Cyclanthaceae .63 Typhaceae .64 Aroideae .68 Lemnacea? 7 Apocarpeae .71 Triurideae .72 Alismaceae .74 Naiadaceae .8 Glumaceae .81 Eriocauleae .82 Centrolepideae .83 Restiaceae 84 Cyperaceae 9 Gramineae 585 Gymnospermse .1 Gnetaceae .2 Coniferae .9 Cycadaceae 586 Cryptogamia 587 Pteridophyta .1 Isoeteae .2 Equisetas .3 Filicinae .9 Lycopodinae NATURAL SCIENCE 588 Bryophyta .1 Sphagna .2 Musci .3 Hepaticae .4 Characeae 589 Thallophyta .1 Lichenes .11 Basidiolichenes .15 Ascolichenes .16 Angiocarpae .17 Gymnocarpas .18 Gelatinosae .19 Byssaceae .2 Fungi .21 Carposporeae .22 Basidiomycetes .22 1 Gasteromycetes .222 Hymenomycetes .224 Tremellinse .225 Uredineas .227 Ustilagineae .229 Entomophthoreas .23 Ascomycetes .231 Tuberaceae .233 Discomycetes .235 Pyrenomycetes .238 Gymnoasceae ^ .24 Oosporeae .25 Peronosporeae .26 Saprolegnieae .27 Zygosporeas .28 Zygomycetes .29 Myxomycetes, mycetozoa .3 Algae .4 Carposporeae .41 Florideae .47 Coleochaeteae .5 Oosporeae .6 . Zygosporeae .61 Conjugateae .67 Zoosporeae .7 Protophyta .8 Chlorophyllaceas .9 Achlorophyllaceae .91 Saccharomycetes Yeast .95 Schizomycetes Bacteria Microbes For other relations see Bacteria in Relativ index following Table DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 590 Zoology 590.1 Philosofy, classification .2 Compends .3 Dictionaries .4 Essays, lectures, etc. .5 Periodicals .6 Societies .7 Study and teaching, zoologic gardens, aquaria, museums .8 Collectiv works .9 History 591 Physiologic zoology .1 Physiology .11 Circulation .12 Respiration .121 Nature .122 Dermal .123 Aquivascular .125 Branchial .126 Tracheal .127 Pulmonary .129 Exhalation of aqueous vapor .13 Nutrition .131 Acquisition of food .132 Digestion of food .133 Assimilation of food .134 Growth .135 Development ,136 Repair of waste .137 Production of organic material .138 Conditions of nutritiv activity .139 Longevity, vitality .14 Secretion and excretion .141 Mucous and sebaceous .142 Sericeous .143 Digestiv: salivary, gastric, pancreatic .144 Odoriferous, sweet, etc. .145 Poisonous, gall formation, caprification .146 Mammary, spermatic .147 Lacrimal .148 Biliary .149 Urinary and fecal . 1 5 Variation See also 575.2 Evolution .151 Polymorfic .152 Geografic . 1 53 Heterofagic .154 Poly goneutic .155 Mimetic .156 Sexual .157 Colorational .158 Hybrids .159 Monstrosities NATURAL SCIENCE 591.16 Generation .161 Abiogenesis .162 Parthenogenesis, neuters .163 Metagenesis, pedogenesis, nurses .165 Fission and gemmation .166 Fecundation .167 Hermaphrodites .168 Vivipara .169 Superfetation . 1 7 Histogenesis .171 Development of sperm cells .172 Development of germ cells, micropyle .179 Reparation of wounds .18 Nervous functions and sensation .19 Physiologic chemistry .2 Pathology .3 Embryology .33 Development of embryo .34 Metamorphosis, larva, pupa, molting . 3 5 Hypermetamorphosis .36 Production of sexes See also 575.9 Origin of sexes .4 Morfology Comparativ anatomy Homologies .41 Circulatory organs .42 Respiratory organs .43 Nutritory organs .44 Secretory and excretory organs 45 .46 Generatory organs .47 Motory organs .48 Nervous system .49 Integument Dermoskeleton Skeleton .5 Habits and behavior Including popular books; animal stories, except fiction .51 Instinct Reason .52 Abode Migration .53 Food .54 Seasons Hibernation .55 Sociability .56 Philoprogenitivness Breeding .57 Means of protection Fascination 58 .59 Other habits DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 591.6 Economic .61 Usefulness .62 In nature .63 As food and medicin for man .64 In chemistry and manufactures .65 Noxiousness .66 Offensiv animals .67 Animals causing diseases [substances .68 Injuring vegetable and animal products and inorganic .69 Injuring living plants and animals Parasites .7 Organografy Descriptiv anatomy Subdivided like 591.4 Morfology .8 Histology See also 578.9 Microscopic zoology .9 Geografic distribution of animals Subdivide like 930-909, using .92 for ocean, marine fauna 592 Invertebrates 593 Protozoans Radiates .1 Protozoans .11 Rhizopoda .12 Foraminifera .13 Heliozoa .14 Radiolaria Polycystina .15 Infusoria .16 Flagellata .17 Ciliata .18 .19 Gregarinidae .2 Radiates .3 Coelenterata Acalepha (old use of term, now limited to 593-73) .4 Sponges Porifera Spongia .5 Cnidaria .6 Actinozoa Polyps Corals and sea anemones .61 Rugosa Tetracorolla .62 Alcyonaria Octocorolla .63 Zoantharia Hexacorolla .64 Antipatharia .65 Actinaria .66 Madreporaria .7 Hydrozoa .71 Hydromedusae .72 Siphonophora .73 Acalepha .74 Calycozoa .76 Marsupialida .77 Discophora Jelly fish .8 Ctenophora Jelly fish NATURAL SCIENCE 593-9 Echinodermata .91 Crinoidea, sea lilies .92 Asteroidea, star fish .93 Stelleridea .94 Ophiuridea 95 Echinoidea, sea urchins .96 Holothuroidea, sea cucumbers . .97 Pedata .98 Apoda .99 Enteropneusta 594 Mollusks .1 Lamellibranchiata Bivalvs .2 Scaphopoda .3 Gastropoda Univalvs : snails, slugs see also 632 Pests .4 Pteropoda Wingd shells .5 Cephalopoda Squids and cuttle fish .6 Molluscoidea .7 Bryozoa (Polyzoa) Sea mats .8 Brachiopoda Lamp shells .9 Tunicata (Ascidia) Sea grapes 595 Articulates .1 Worms Vermes see also 632 Pests .2 Arthropoda .3 Crustacea .31 Entomostraca Cyclops, shrimps, etc. .32 Phyllopoda .33 Ostracoda .34 Copepoda .35 Cirripedia Barnacles, etc. .36 Malacostraca Sandbugs, crabs, lobsters, etc. .37 Arthrostraca .38 Thoracostraca .39. Gigantostraca Trilobites .4 Arachnida Spiders Scorpions Mites See also 632 Pests .5 Onychophora .6 Myriopoda : centipedes, etc. See also 632 Pests .7 Insects Insecta Hexapoda see also 632 Pests .71 Thysanura: bristletails, springtails, etc. .72 Orthoptera: grasshoppers, etc. .73 Pseudoneuroptera: dragon-flies, white ants, etc. .74 Neuroptera: caddis flies, etc. .75 Rhynchota: (hemiptera) bugs, etc. .76 Coleoptera: beetles .77 Diptera: flies, etc. .78 Lepidoptera: butterflies, moths .79 Hymenoptera: bees, wasps, etc. DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 596 Vertebrates 597 Fishes Pisces .1 Pharyngobranchii Lancelet .2 Marsipobranchii Lampreys .3 Elasmobranchii Sharks, rays, etc. .4 Ganoidei Sturgeons, garpikes, etc. .5 Teleostei : true bony fishes .6 Batrachia (Amphibia) .7 Ophiomorpha .8 Anura Toads, frogs .9 Urodela Salamanders 598 Reptils Birds .i Reptils . 1 1 Lacertilia Lizards .12 Ophidia Snakes .13 Chelonia Turtles .14 Crocodilia Crocodiles .15 Ichthyopterygia . 1 6 Sauropterygia . 1 7 Anomodontia .18 Pterosauria .19 Dinosauria .2 Birds Aves .3 Grallatores, waders .4 Natatores, swimmers .5 Cursores, runners .6 Rasores, scratchers .7 Scansores, climbers .8 Insessores, perchers .9 Raptores, birds of prey 599 Mammals Mammalia .1 Monotremata Duckbild platypus .2 Marsupialia Kangaroos, opossums .3 Edentata Rodentia Insectivora Sloths Rodents Moles .4 Cheiroptera Bats .5 Cetacea Sirenia Whales, etc. .6 Proboscidea Hyracoidea Elephants Hyrax .7 Ungulata Carnivora Domestic mammals See also 636 .8 Quadrumana Apes .0 Bimana Man See also 573 Nat. hist, of man; 610 Medicin Useful Arts 600 Useful arts 601 Filosofy Theories, etc. 602 Compends, outlines 603 Dictionaries, cyclopedias 604 Essays, lectures, addresses 605 Periodicals, magazines, reviews 606 Societies Fairs Exhibitions Special exhibitions go with their topics. This is general only 607 Education Schools of technology Divided like 940-999 608 Patents Inventions 609 History of useful arts in general For its history, . ee each special department \ DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 610 Medicin 610.1 Pilosofy. theories .2 Compends .3 Dictionaries, cyclopedias .4 Essays .5 Periodicals .6 Societies .7 Study and teaching .71 Medical schools; divided like 940-999 .72 Medical education of women .73 Training schools for nurses .77 Medical museums .8 Collections .9 History of medicin 611 Anatomy See also 591.4 Comparativ anatomy; 591.8 Zoologic histology SUMMARY 611.01 Theory .012 Teratology .013 Embryology .014 Anthropologic anatomy .016 Paleontologic " .018 Histology .019 Comparativ anatomy .1 Circulatory system .2 Respiratory .3 Digestiv .4 Glandular and lymphatic system .6 Genito-urinary system .7 Motor and integumentary system .8 Nervous system .9 Regional anatomy .01 Theory .0111 Notion, definition, value .0112 Classification, division .0114 Terminology .012 Teratology Anomalies To be subdivided like revised 617.3 Orthopedic surgery .013 Ontogeny Embryology See also physiology, 612.6 Reproduction and development 1 Germinativ cells 1 1 Sperm 12 SpermatOgenesis See also 611.63 Male genital organs 15 Ovum 1 6 Ovogenesis See also 611.65 Female genital organs 17 Maturation Corpus luteum 2 Copulation Fecundation Fertilization See also Fecundation, in botany 581.166; in zoology 591.3 3 Germ layers 31 Segmentation Cleavage Blast ula 314 Blastula 32 Gastrula 33 Primitiv streak 34 Blastopore Primitiv mouth 35 Archenteron Primitiv gut 36 Neurenteric canal 37 Entoderm, entoblast, hypoblast or endoderm 38 Ectoderm, epiblast or ectoblast 39 Mesoderm or mesoblast 395 Mesenchyme 4 Entodermic, entoblastic or hypoblastic organs 41 Notochord 5 Ectodermic, epiblastic or ectoblastic organs Epidermal layer 51 Neural furrows, folds and canal or medullary plates See also 611.8 Nervous system MEDICIN: ANATOMY 611.0136 Mesodermic organs 6 1 Proto vertebrae Mesoblastic somites, or primitiv vertebrae 64 Somatopleure, body wall, or musculocutaneous plate Outer lamella of lateral plates 65 Splanchnopleure, fibrous wall of alimentary canal, or gut fiber plate Inner lamella of lateral plates 66 Coelom, pleuroperitoneal or body cavity See also 611.389 Coelom 68 Blood or primitiv vessel wall See also 611.0185 Histology of blood 7 External form of embryo 8 Fetal appendages 8 1 Vitellin sac 82 Allantois 83 Amnion 835 Amniotic fluid 84 Chorion 85 Placenta Umbilic cord 9 Experimental embryology .014 Anthropologic anatomy See also 572 Anthropology .016 Paleontologic anatomy See also 560 Paleontology .018 Histology Microscopic structure of organs 1 Cells Cytology See also 576.3 Cytology For special cells see tissues to which they belong 1 1 Protoplasm 13 Nucleus 15 Cell division See also 611.01331 1 6 Centrosome 1 8 Cilia Cellular membrane 2 Connectiv tissue Connectiv, cartilage and bone tissue together known as ' sup. porting tissues ' 21 Connectiv tissue cells 22 Connectiv tissue fibers 23 Ground substance or matrix 24 Reticular and adenoid tissue Areolar or interstitial tissue Reticulum 25 Mucous or gelatinous tissue Mesenchyme See also embryolocy, 611.013395 Mesenchyme 26 Adipose or fat tissue 27 Elastic or yellow fibrous tissue 28 Fibrous or white fibrous tissue 29 Pigment and pigment cells 3 Cartilaginous tissue True or hyalin cartilage, cartilage cells or chondroblasts For Elastic, yellow fibrocartilage, or reticular cartilage see 611.01827; for Fibrocartilage, fibrous or white fibrocartilaKe see 611.01828 14 Per.chondrium 611.0184 Bone or osseous tissue 41 Bone cells Osteoblasts Osteoclasts Howship's lacunae Myelo- plaques of Robin 43 Ground substance or matrix Spongiosum, spongy substance, or cancellated or spongy bone Compact substance Structure: lacunae, canaliculi, lamellae, Haversian canals Volkmann's canals 44 Periosteum Osteogenetic layer or cells; fibers of Sharpey 46 Bone marrow or medulla 5 Blood See also physiology, 612.11 Blood Fo: sperm, see 611.01311 and 612.616 57 Lymf See also 612.42 lymphatic system 6 Muscular tissue Sarcoplasm 61 Smooth, unstriped, unstriated or involuntary muscle 62 Striped, striated or voluntary muscle Sarcolemma 63 Cardiac muscle 64 Histology of muscular contraction 7 Epithelial tissue 72 Glandular system 73 Mucous membranes 74 Serous Endothelia 8 Nervous tissue 81 General structure Tectology Neurone | Regeneration 82 Nerv cells Protoplasm: Nissl's bodies; reticular, fibrillar, and canalicular structures; pigment. Nucleus. Centrosome. Cell membrane and division 83 Prolongations and nerv fibers Cylinder-axis process; cylinder axis. Appendixes, varicosities 833 Neurilemma Schwann's sheath 834 Myelin Ranvier's nodes Medullary sheath 835 Adventitious sheath, perineurium Epineurium Endoneurium 837 Dendrites 84 Neuroglia Ependymal cells, amyloids 86 Terminations 861 Motor terminations 866 Sensory " .019 Comparison with anatomy of lower animals Usually better clast in 591.4 Form divisions .02 Compends .03 Dictionaries Cyclopedias .04 Essays Addresses .05 Periodicals .06 Societies Clubs MEDICIN: ANATOMY 611.07 Teaching Methods .072 Laboratories Dissection .077 Pedagogic methods .078 Instruments Apparatus .08 Polygrafy .09 History .1 Circulatory system . 1 1 Pericardium . 1 2 Hart .122 Left hart .133. Right hart .124 Ventricles 2 Right 3 Left .125 Auricles 2 Right 5 Left .126 Endocardium 3 Valvs 4 Auriculoventricular valvs 41 Mitral or bicuspid valvs 46 Tricuspid valvs 5 Valvs of aorta and of pulmonary artery Sinuses of Valsalva 5 a Aortic valvs 56 Pulmonary or semilunar valvs 6 Valvs of right auricle 2 Eustachian 5 Coronary .127 Myocardium .13 Arteries .131 Pulmonary artery 2 Right branch 5 I-eft branch .132 Aorta 1 Aortic arch Ascending aorta 2 Coronary arteries 2 Right 5 Left 5 Innominate artery .133 Carotid arteries 1 Common carotid 2 External " 21 Superior thyroid 22 Lingual 93 , Facial, or external maxillary 24 Ascending pharyngeal 25 Posterior auricular 26 Occipital 27 Superficial temporal 28 Internal maxillary 281 Sphenopalatin arteries 289 Middle or great meningeal 3 Internal carotid 32 Ophthalmic artery 33 Cerebral arteries, anterior and middle For posterior cerebral artery see 611.13.19 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 611.134 Subclavian arteries 1 Axillary Superior thoracic, acromiothoracic, long thoracic or external mammary, alar thoracic, subscapular, posterior and anterior circumflex 2 Brachial or humeral Superior and inferior profunda, nutrient, anastomotica magna, muscular 3 Forearm arteries 31 Radial 35 Ulnar 4 Hand arteries 5 Internal mammary Superior epigastric 6 Costocervical trunk 7 Thyrocervical trunk 8 Posterior, or dorsal scapular, transversa colli 9 Vertebral Basilar, posterior cerebral, circle of Willis .135 Thoracic aorta and branches i Parietal branches 4 Intercostal " Subcostal, diaframatic, vas aberrans 5 Visceral branches Bronchial, esofageal, pericardia!, mediastinal .136 Abdominal aorta and branches 1 Inferior frenic 2 Lumbar 3 Middle sacral ; caudal 4 Celiac axis Celiac mesenteric, umbilic mesenteric or cmphalomestrterica 41 Hepatic Pyloric, gastroduodenal. superior pancreaticoduodenal, right gastro-epiploic, cystic 43 Splenic, lienalis Pancreatic, vasa brevia, left gastro-epiploic 43 Left gastric, gastric, or coronary gastric 5 Mesenteric 51 Superior mesenteric Kami intestini tenuis, or branches of small intestin; inferior pancreaticoduodenal; middle, right and ileocolic; terminal and appendicular branches 54 Inferior mesenteric Left colic, sigmoid, superior hemorrhoidal 6 Middle suprarenal 7 Renal 8 Spermatic 9 Ovarian .137 Iliac arteries 1 Common iliac 2 Hypogastric, or internal iliac 3 Parietal branches 4 Lateral sacral 5 Obturator MEDICIN: ANATOMY 611.1376 Gluteal 6 1 Superior gluteal 65 , Inferior gluteal Sciatic 7 Visceral branches 71 Umbilic. superior vesical 7 Inferior vesical and deferential 73 Uterin and vaginal 74 Middle hemorrhoidal 75 Internal pudic 8 External iliac artery 8 1 Inferior epigastric, or deep epigastric 82 Deep circumflex iliac 83 Femoral 84 Deep femoral, profunda femoris a External circumflex 5 Internal circumflex 85 Arteria genu suprema, or anastomotica magna 86 Popliteal 87 Anterior tibial Q Tibiofibular trunk, truncus tibioperoneus 91 Posterior tibial 92 Peroneal 93 Arteries of foot 94 Dorsalis pedis Tarsal, metatarsal, dorsal interosseous, dorsalis hallucis 95 Plantar . 1 4 Veins .141 Pulmonary .142 Cardiac or venae cordis .143 Subintestinal, or fetal portal vein .144 Cardinal .145 Superior vena cava Innominate veins Veins of neck 1 Internal jugular vein Thyroid veins ii Cerebral veins Sinuses of dura mater 13 Emissary vein 15 Superior of thai mi c 1 6 . Inferior 17 Facial 2 External jugular 3 Posterior external jugular and vertebral 4 Subclavian and axillary 41 Deep veins of upper extremity 46 Superficial veins of upper extremity a Basilic 5 Cephalic 6 * Azygos 7 Spinal veins DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 611.146 Inferior vena cava 1 Lumbar veins 2 Renal 3 Suprarenal " 4 Hepatic " 5 Inferior frenic 6 Spermatic Pampinifortn or spermatic plexus 7 Ovarian .147 Iliac veins 1 Hypogastric or internal iliac Hemorrhoidal plexus 2 External iliac 3 Femoral Popliteal 33 Long, or internal saphenous 37 Tibial veins 38 Short, or external saphenous 39 Veins of foot .149 Portal vein i Superior mesenteric a Inferior 3 Ventricular coronary, gastric, or venae gastricae Pyloric 4 Splenic, or lienalis 5 Cystic 7 Fetal hepatic veins Omphalomesenteric Ductus venosus Aranzii, or sinus venosus large vein passing directly thru fetal liver 8 Umhilic . 1 5 Capillaries .2 Respiratory system .21 Nose See also 6 1 1.86 Organs of smell .an External nose . 2 2 Larynx .221 Cartilages Epiglottis, thyroid, arytenoid, cuneiform, cornicular .223 False vocal cords .a*4 Ventricles .225 Cavity of larynx Glottis True vocal cords Rima glottidis or chink of glottis .227 Ligaments .229 Muscles of larynx .23 Trachea and bronchi .231 Trachea .233 Bronchi See also 611.24 below .24 Lungs, or pulmones .25 Pleura .26 Diafram .27 Mediastinum .38 , Gills See comparativ anatomy, 591.42 Respiratory organs .39 Other organs, including air bladder swimming bladder See 591.42 MEDICIN: ANATOMY 611.3 Digestiv system .31 Mouth, biiccal cavity or cavum oris .313 Tung 5 Papillae .314 Teeth .315 Palate, palatum, or roof of mouth Soft palate, or velum pendulum palati Uvula .316 Salivary and other glands of mouth i Submaxillary and sublingual glands 5 Parotid glands Stenson's duct .317 Lips .318 Cheeks .32 Pharynx Esofagus .321 Pharynx .322 Tonsils .323 Faucial tonsils .324 Pharyngeal or Luschka's tonsils .325 Lingual, buccal or 4th tonsil .326 Other tonsils: laryngeal, nasal .327 Topografy or regions of pharynx i Nasal or epipharynx a Oral, buccal, or meso pharynx 3 Laryngeal or hypo pharynx 4 Back 5 Sides .329 Esofagus i Cervical a Thoracic section 3 Abdominal section including diaframatic .33 Stomach Gastric glands: true, oxyntic or peptic; pyloric; cardiac .333 Cardia .334 Pylorus .335 Greater curvature, or lower convex surface .336 Lesser " " upper concave " .34 Intestin .341 Small intestin 2 Meckel's diverticulum 3 Peyer's patches, or tonsillae intestinales 4 Plicae circulares 5 Glands of Lieberkuhn and solitary glands .348 Duodenum Brunner's glands .343 Jejunum .344 Ileum 345 ""' Cecum 1 Ileocecal valv 2 Vermiform appendix .347 Large intestin Including cecum Appendices epiploicae .348 Colon a Ascending 3 Transverse 4 Descending .349 Sigmoid flexure .35 Rectum Anus . 3SI Rectum Houston's or rectal valvs .352 Anus .353 Perineum See also 611. g 5 Variations: alteration of generations or metagenesis, pedogenesis, partheno- genesis .605 Morfogenesis in general Heredity See 5 75 Evolution . 1 Heredity 2 Variation, including artificial 3 Hybridization 4 Tumors Only for physiologic aspect, for pathology see 616.992 .606 Proportion and determination of sexes See also Biology, 577-8 Sexes in nature, sexuality .607 Consanguinity Incest .698 Hermafroditism .609 Theory of evolution Natural selection, darwinism See 575 Evolution .61 Male functions of generation For semen see 612.616 .612 Erection Including also the function in general, in either or both sexes See also 612.188 .613 Copulation and fecundation 1 Artificial " 2 Parthenogenesis 21 Artificial parthenogenesis .016 Testicles Orchitic fluid Sperm 1 Effects of castration Resection or injury, experi- mental or pathologic, of testicles or of sexual glands in general 2 Physiology of spermatozoa 3 Testicles as internal glands Interstitial cells .617 Appendages of male organs: seminiferous ducts, seminal '" vesicles .62 Female functions of generation Ovulation See also 612.612 and 612.6161 .021 Physiology of ovaries See also 612.6303 i Ablation or injury of ovary, experimental or patho- logic See also 612.6161 .622 Physiology of ovum .627 Physiology of uterus i Uterin circulation 8 Innervation of uterus DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 612.63 Impregnation Pregnancy Parturition See also 612.612 or Period of pregnancy 03 Ovary in pregnancy Corpus luteum .64 Development of embryo For embryology see 611.013: for abnormal development see 611.012 Tera- tology, 617.3 Deformities .646 Physiology of embryo .647 " fetus .648 " newborn .649 Appendages of embryo Amniotic fluid See also 611.0138 Fetal appendages (in embryology) .65 Growth after birth See also 612.64 .651 Metamorfosis of lower animals Larvae .66 Period of full development .661 Puberty .662 Menstruation .663 Fecundity .664 Lactation and milk Physiology of mammary glands i Physics and chemistry of milk 1 2 Sugars 13 Fats Butter 14 Albuminoids 16 Mineral substances 17 Lactic fermentation Milk ferments 171 Milk curdling ferments Coagulation of milk 1 8 Other constituents 181 Abnormal substances 19 Comparison of milk of various animals 191 Human milk 3 Lactic secretion 31 Quantity 33 Formation of sugars 33 " fats 34 " albuminoids 3 5 Colostrum 36 Effect of various agents on secretion 4 Action of poisons on milk secretion and their elim- ination 5 Physiologic morfology of milk 6 Pathologic changes in lactic secretion 7 Digestion of milk 8 Inner vation of mammary glands .67 Period of decline Deth See also 577.7 .68 Longevity See also 368.3 Life insurance; 519.5 Probabilities; 614.12 Deth rates MEDICIN: PHYSIOLOGY 612.7 Motor and vocal apparatus Skin . 7 1 Protoplasm See also 612.014 General physiology of cells and organisms .72 Vibratil cilia .73 Smooth muscle Divided like 612.74 .74 Striped muscle Muscle in general, including smooth muscle .741 Muscular contraction 1 Myografy 12 Single contraction of muscle fiber Jerk contraction 13 Tetanic contraction 14 Tonic contraction 15 Influence of chemic substances on muscles 1 6 Myografy in disease 2 Change of volume of muscle 3 Muscle wave 4 Elasticity of muscle Myotonometry Effect of weight Tension 6 Muscular irritability Influence of blood 6 1 Circulation in muscles 62 Effect of stimulation 63 " " electricity 7 Latent period Time ^elapsing between moment of stimulation and response by an activ tissue 8 Muscle murmur 9 Physiologic morfology of muscles Histologic phenomena of contraction .742 Muscles after deth Rigor mortis i Chemic phenomena after deth : autolysis .743 Electric phenomena of muscles .744 Chemistry of muscle 1 Normal composition 1 1 Carbohydrates See also 612.35218 Glycogen of muscles 14 Albuminoids 15 Other organic substances 1 6 Mineral substances Including water Muscle salts 17 Gases 2 Chemic effects of muscular contraction a i Fatigue an Ergograf y Dynamometry Work in general 22 Consumption of oxygen and production of CO i in work 23 Function of carbohydrates 24 Relation of chemic changes to work Metabolism ;n relation to work .745 General effect on organism of muscular contraction or work See also 612.532 i Dynamic effects 3 Thermic " 5 Relations between work and heat DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 612.746 Pathologic physiology of muscles i Contractures 4 Tremors Shuddering 5 Nutrition of muscles Atrofy Degeneration Regeneration Including nerv influence See also 612.818 .75 Bones, joints and connectiv tissues .751 Chemic composition of bone and connectiv tissue See also 613.398146 1 Bone 2 Cartilage 3 Connectiv tissue .752 Nutrition of bones 753 Growth, cicatrization and regeneration of bone .754 Periosteum Perichondrium 755 Tendons .76 Locomotion Principles of animal mechanism; comparativ study of locomotion prefer ably clast in 591.47 .761 Chronof otograf y : technic .763 Special movements Combined movements Physiology of violin playing, etc. .766 Human locomotion 1 Physiology of exercise and work 2 Rest .767 Animal locomotion Special organs of locomotion Swimming bladder of fishes .768 Flight .769 Biologic adaptation of movement .77 Electric and phosphorescent animals Preferably clast 591.59 .771 Electric animals .772 Phosphorescent animals .78 Voice and speech See also 784.9 Vocal hygiene; 808.5 Elocution; 534.7 Sound .781 Sensibility of larynx .782 Movements and innervation of larynx 1 Influence of spinal accessory nerv See also 612.819923 2 Influence of pneumogastric See also 612.819917 3 Laryngoscopy 4 Movements of glottis 5 Epiglottis .783 Artificial larynx .784 Singing Timbre, quality Voice register .785 Larynx in deglutition and other laryngeal functions See also 612.3 I2 .786 Organs of sound in lower animals .788 Larynx of birds MEDICIN: PHYSIOLOGY 612.789 Speech Language 1 Function of mouth and nose 2 " lips and soft palate 3 Innervation of organs of speech Aphasia See also 616.855 4 Vowels and consonants 5 Ventriloquism See also 791 Ventriloquism as an amusement .79 Skin .790:5 Chemic composition .791 Absorption See also 613.384 1 Penetration by solids 2 Absorption of fats 3 " " solutions 4 " " liquids 5 " " gases .792 Cutaneous glands and secretion i Swet Chemic composition 12 Toxic action of swet 4 Action of chemic substances on swet secretion 42 Elimination of poisons by swet 5 Physiologic morfology of swet 6 Pathologic changes of swet 8 Action of nervous system on cutaneous exhalation 9 Other cutaneous secretions 793 Cutaneous respiration 4 Effect of suspended transpiration; closing pores by liniments, etc. 5 Effect of chemic substances on skin See also 612.7924 .794 Cutaneous sensibility 795 Electric conductibility and resistance of skin See also 612.014422 .796 Chromatophores and skin pigments .798 Trofic nerves of skin 799 Growth and physiology of nails and hair DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 612.8 Nervous system .801 Theory of nervous system and inner vation 1 Dynamogenesis and inhibition a Action of nervous system on chemic phenomena 3 Effect on morfogeny and evolution See also 612.605 .81 Peripheral nervous system Nerv fibers .811 Distinction between sensory and motor nervs 3 Ganglions of sensory nervs 4 Influence of sensibility on movement and of move- ment on sensibility .812 Recurrent sensibility .813 Electric phenomena of nervs and muscles Muscle-nerv experiments as indicativ of nervous process For muscle phenomena see 613.743 2 Negativ variations 3 Electrotonus .814 Chemic and thermic phenomena of nervous stimu- lation For stimulation of nerv centers see 612.8222 .815 Physiologic morfology of nervous stimulation * 1 Sensory terminations 2 Motor " .816 Irritability of nervs and muscles Nerv-muscle or nerv-gland physiology 1 Action of electricity 2 Theories of nerv waves 3 Nervous conductibility 4 Effect of blood on nervs Anemia 5 Rapidity of nerv waves 6 Nerv fatigue 7 Action of chemic substances on nervous irritability .817 Effect of nervs on muscles and glands 1 Chemic substances Curare poisons 2 Voluntary contraction 3 Tonicity Atrofy of muscles after cutting nervs, etc. See also 613.7465 .818 Trofic nervs 5 Degeneration, regeneration and cicatrization i Degeneration a Regeneration 3 Cicatrization MEDICIN: PHYSIOLOGY 612.819 Special nervs Whenever possible class according to function rather than according to a particular nerv, classing here only special nerv physiology 1 ist pair: olfactory 2 2d pair: optic See also 612.843 3 3d pair: motoroculi or oculomoto 31 Innervation of iris See also 612.8422 32 Innervation of eyelids See also 612.847 33 Innervation of eye muscles 4 4th pair: trochlear or pathetic 5 5th " : trigeminal 52 Sensory action 53 Trofic action 6 6th pair: external oculomoto or abducent 7 yth " : facial 71 Effect on facial muscles 73 " " respiration 74 " " hearing 75 " " deglutition and taste 77 " " salivation Chorda tympani See also 612.31387 78 Pathology Facial paralysis 8 8th pair: auditory See also 612.8385 9 gth pair: glossopharyngeal 91 icth " : pneumogastric or vagus 91 1 Effect on hart and circulation See also 612.1781 912 ' Effect on respiration See also 612.287 913 Effect on digestiv organs See also 612.328, 612.338, 612.148. 612.358, 612,368 915 Effect on kidneys and other glands See also 61 2.4 917 Effect on voice production See also 612.7822 918 Section of vagus and pneumcgastric 92 ! nth pair: spinal accessory 921 Anastomosis with vagus 922 Innervation of respiratory organs See also 612.28 923 Innervation of vocal organs See also 612.7893 93 i2th pair: hypoglossal 94 Spinal nervs in particular 941 Phrenic nerv DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 612.82 Nervous centers Brain .821 Physiologic psychology Usually better clast in 130 Mind and body 1 Time of reaction to stimulation Psychometry 2 Attention Memory Association Imagination 3 Instinct Intelligence Emotions Sensibilitv 3 1 Comparativ psychology - 311 Nonautomatic actions of animals Anticlisis 312 Automatic " " " For physiologic aspect see 612.829 313 Instincts of animals Behavior See also 591.5- 33 Emotions Sensibility 34 Inhibition of movement Will Habit Impulse 35 Associated movements 4 Action of poisons on intelligence See also 613.8 Hygiene of nervous system " " 615.9 Toxicology 41 Alkaloids 42 Nonalkaloid anesthetics See also Therapeutics, 615.96 Cerebral poisons 44 Alcohol See also Therapeutics,' 6 15. 964 Alcohol as cerebral poison Pathology 616.861 Alcoholism 5 Effect of disease on intelligence 6 Psychic reflexes 7 Sleep Hypnotism See also 135 Sleep, Dreams 71 Hypnotism See also 134 Mesmerism, Hypnotism 73 Theories of sleep 74 Cerebral circulation in sleep 75 Chemic phenomena of organism in sleep 76 Dreams 8 Sense in general and theories of perception 88 Psychophysical laws 89 Sensory delusions For optic illusions see also 612.84374 .822 Nerv cells and nerv centers 1 Chemistry of nervous tissue Metabolism in nervs 2 Chemic fenomena of nervous excitation For stimulation of nerv fibers see 612.814 3 Electromotiv fenomena of nervous excitation" 4 Thermic " ' 5 Physiologic morfology " " " 53 Effects of fatigue 54 " " poisons 56 Degeneration and regeneration of centers 6 Effects of removal and experimental, pathologic or teratologic lesion of nerv centers 61 Movement in a circle (motus circularis, manage) 7 Decapitation 8 Action of central nervous system on chemic phenomena of organism See also 612.01538, 612.8012 81 Effect of chemic changes on centers ' t MEDICIN: PHYSIOLOGY 612.823 Weight and general morfology of brain 5 Conduction in centers .824 Cerebral circulation 1 Neurolymf, neurolympha or cerebrospinal fluid Meninges Choroid plexus 2 Brain movements 3 Cerebral vasomotors 4 anemia 5 Pressure on nerv centers 55 Compression and concussion of brain Abnormal pressure 6 Temperature of blood in nerv centers Effect of abnormal pressure .825 Cerebral convolutions (cortex) 1 Cortical excitability 2 Psychomotiv centers Localizations 23 Inhibitory actions See also 612.8338 24 Localization in man 249 Speech Aphasia See also 612.7893 25 Localization in animals 26 Topografy of localizations 261 Frontal lobe 262 Occipital " 263 Parietal " 264 Temporal " 265 Central " 266 Olfactory " 3 Cortical epilepsy See also 616.853 5 Sensory functions of convolutions Convolutions a scat of senses 54 Sight 55 Hearing 56 Smell 57 Taste 58 Muscular sense See also 612.885 59 -. Touch See also 612.88 8 Intellectual functions Only for physiology of these functions .826 Cerebral ganglions, commissures, etc. 1 Optostriate body and callosum Or optic thalami, striatum and callosum 2 Conduction in the brain See also 612.8235 3 Crura or cerebral peduncles Epiphysis Infundi- bulum 5 Quadrigeminum Optic lobes 7 Cerebellar peduncles or prepeduncles 8 Pons DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 612.827 Cerebellum .828 Medulla oblongata or postoblongata .829 Special physiology of central nervous system of invertebrates See also 612.8226 i Regulating effect of ganglia Circular movements (manage) a Chain of ganglions Network of nervs, or rete nervosum 3 Refl;x movement Locomotion in respect to physiology of narvous system 31 Reflexes proper 33 Rhythm Refractory period 33 Tonicity Tonic reflex 34 Coordination .83 Spinal cord or niyel .831 Conduction in the cord See also 6 12. 8231; .832 Excitability of cord .833 Reflex action Subdivide like 612; e. g. 612.83317 Cardiac reflexes 612.83362 Uterin " 612.8337 Limb reflexes; knee jerk 8 Action of superior nerv centers on reflexes 9 Other phenomena of reflex action 91 Rapidity of reflexes 92 Pathology 93 Effect of anemia 94 Action of poisons on reflexes 95 Rhythm in general 951 Refractory period 96 Coordination 97 Other fenomena e. g. reflexes according to nature of impulse: fatigue, eic. .834 Cord as center of innervation .835 Degeneration and regeneration of cord Atrofies .84 Physiologic optics Sight .841 Fibrous tunics of eye i Cornea Conjunctiva Anterior chamber 5 Sclera .842 Vascular tunics Iris Choroid Ciliary body 1 Iris accommodation See also 612.844 for general papers on accommodation 1 1 Pupillometers 2 Action of nervs and nerv centers on pupil 3 Effects of light 4 Action of chemic substances on iris Atropin See 615.784 5 Choroid Eye pigments 6 Ocular circulation Intraocular pressure 61 Ofthalmometers MEDICIX: PHYSIOLOGY 612.843 Optic nerv Retina Sse also 612.8192 zd pair of cranial nervs; optic 1 Physiologic morfology Retinal purple 12 Ofthalmoscope 13 Retinal circulation 14 " purple 15 Physiologic morfology of retina 2 Irradiation 3 Color sense Chromatic sensibility 31 Color sight Power to distinguish colors For color blindness see 612.8455; 617.75 32 Sensitivness to color lor pathology of chromatic sensibility see 612.845; 34 Mixture of colors 35 Contrast of colors 4 Entoptic fenomena 5 Persistence of retinal impressions 6 Field of vision Visual acuteness and sensibility 61 Photometry Photometric technic 62 Field of vision 63 Visual acuteness and sensibility 7 Conduction in the brain Perception 71 Histology of fibrillae Center of sight 72 Optic perceptions Localization of image in space 721 Binocular perception Stereoscopy Perception of distance, size and form Perception of differences in hight of surface For movement see 612.8462 73 Impression of color suggested by sound, auditus coloratus 74 Optic illusions 75 Observations on those born blind 78 Degenerations of optic nerv and fibrillae .844 Refractory apparatus Ocular refraction Sec also 612.8421 i Crystailin lens 4 Aqueous humor 7 Vitreous humor .845 ' Functional disorders or pathology of sight See also 617.73 1 Myopia 2 Hypermetropia 3 Astigmatism 4 Presbyopia 5 Daltonism Color blindness See also 612.84331 Color sight; 617.75 Disorders of vision 6 Hemeralopia DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 612.846 Movements of eye 2 Binocular vision For perception see 612.843721 3 Action of 3d cranial or oculomoto nerv 4 " 4th " or trochlear nerv. 6 " 6th " or abducent nerv 8 Strabismus Diplopia .847 Palpebral and lacrimal apparatus .85 Hearing .851 External ear: functions .854 Middle ear .855 Tympanic membrane or drumhed Tympanum .856 Eustachian tube .857 Bones .858 Internal ear 1 Conduction of sound in internal ear 2 Utricle Saccule 3 Semicircular canals See also 612.8863 and 616.841 Vertigo 4 Cochlea Corti's organ or fibers Spiral organ 5 Acoustic nerv 6 Endolymph 7 Acoustic perception Conduction of acoustic exci- tation in the brain 71 Auditory acuteness 72 Auditory center in brain See also 612.82555 73 Subjectiv sensations 74 Musical physiology and psychology Distinction of tones and quality or tone color (timbre) 75 Binaural hearing 751 Localization of sound in space Estimation and effect of distance 76 Sensibility of living beings to sound and vibrations Otocysts 8 Auditory reflexes .86 Smell See also 612.82556 Seat of smell .867 Perceptions Conduction in the brain .87 Taste .875 Function of lingual nerv See also 612.8195 .877 Function of chorda tympani See also 612.81977 .879 Function of gltfssopharyngeal nerv See also 6i2.8i9v MEDICIN: PHYSIOLOGY 612.88 Touch Tactil sense Equilibrium .881 Notion of space .882 Sense of temperature .883 Sense of pressure Including all related phenomena; e. g. tickling i Esthesiometers .884 Sensibility to pain .885 Muscular sense Power sense .886 Sense of equilibrium 1 Sense of direction and orientation 2 Seasickness 3 Vertigo See also 61 2.8583 9 Function of special organs Function of lateral line of fishes and other special organs of ewe animals .887 Anesthesia, hyperesthesia, synesthesia .89 Sympathetic nervous system .8903 Trofic action .8905 Reflex phenomena .891 Cervical ganglions and plexus .892 Thoracic .893 Abdominal " .896 Action on eyes ; iris See also 612.8422 .897 Action on hart See also 612.1782 .898 Action on digestiv tract ; alimentary canal See also 612.3 and special subdivisions .899 Effect on blood vessels See also 612.18 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 613 Personal Hygiene Care of Health; Prophylaxis; Individual Health; Laws of Health. .01, Compends; .03, Dictionaries, Cyclopedias; .04, Essays; .05, Periodicals; .06, Societies; .07, Study and Teaching; .08, Sanitary Appliances; .09, His tory. Description, Reports, etc., divided like 930-999. .1 Air and Light. For Air Analysis, see 543.7; Air Pollution, 614.7; Ventilation, 628.8. .11 Climate. Acclimation. See ssi-5. Meteorology; 615.834, Therapeutics: 614.42, Geographical distribution of disease. .12 Health Resorts. Mountain. Sea-shore. Regions exempt from special diseases. .13 Seasons. Time of Day. .14 Malaria. Moisture. Ground Air. See Public Health, 614.775. 614.773 and 614.772. . 1 5 Purification of Air. .16 Special Influences. Ozone, Electricity, etc. . 1 7 Quantity of Air Necessary. .18 Temperature. See also 536.5. Heat; 551-52, Meteorology. .19 Sunlight. .2 Food. Dietetics. For Food Analysis, see 543.1; Adulterations, 614.31; Digestion and Nutrition, 612.3. .21 Dietaries. Including food for special classes of people; literary men, soldiers, etc. .22 Food for Infants. .23 Food for the Sick. Including means for giving nutrition, baths, enemeta, forced alimentation, etc. .24 Fasting. Famine. Starvation. .25 Excess of Food., .26 Vegetable Food. .27 Fruits. .28 Animal Food. Meats. .29 Fish, Oysters, etc. .3 Beverages. For alcoholic beverages, see 613.81 and 178, Temperance Ethics; Inspection of beverages, 614.34. .31 Water as a Beverage. .32 Impurities in Water and Ice. See also 628.16, Water supply of towns. .33 Microscopical Analysis. For Chemical Analysis, see 543.3. .34 Biological Analysis. .35 Purification. Filtration, Boiling, Chemical, etc. See also 628.16, Water Supply. .36 Cold Drinks. .37 Hot Drinks. Tea, Coffee, etc. See also 614.347, Adulterations. .38 Mineral Waters, Carbonated Waters, etc. See also 614.348, Adultera- tions; 615.79, Therapeutics .39 Other Beverages. MEDICIN: HYGIENE 613.4 Cleanliness of Body. Clothing. See also 646, Clothing, Toilet, etc.; 391, Customs, Care of Person. Bathing. Toilet. For Therapeutic baths, electric, sulphur, etc., see 615.67. .41 Baths. .42 Warm. .43 Cold. For Swimming, see 796. .44 Douche or Shower. .45 Sea. Salt. .46 Hot Air. Turkish. Russian. Roman, etc. 47 Public. .48 Clothing. 1, Material, wool, cotton, etc. 2, Quantity. 3, Cleanliness. 4, Pressure. Corsets, garters, tight boots, support from hips, etc. .49 Care of special parts of body. .5 Human Habitation and Resort. For Heating, see 697; Ventilation, 628.8; House drainage, 628.6; Sanitation of towns, 628.4; Industrial sanitation, 628.3. These subjects, partly Public and partly Private Hygiene, are for convenience grouped together here. .51 Homes. .52 Hotels. .53 Tenements. .54 Schools. Colleges. See School hygiene, 371.7. .55 Churches, Theaters, Halls, etc. .56 Hospitals. Asylums. .57 Prisons. Reformatories. .58 .59 House Furnishing. 1, Bed and Bedding. 2, Curtains. Tapestries. 3, Carpets. Rugs. Floors. 4, Wall Paper. 9, House Cleaning. .6 Hygiene of Employment. For Labor of children, see 331.3; Mining dangers arid accidents, 622.8; see also Laboring classes, 331.8; Industrial sanitation, 628.5; Nuisances, 614.7. .61 Over-hours. Over-work. Occupations made Injurious. .62 By Inhalation of Vapors and Gases. Bleachers, match-makers, lard refiners, etc. .63 By Inhalation of Dust or by Absorption. Grinders, stone-cutters, millers, wool operatives, hair pickers, type founders, grocers, etc. .64 By Elevated, Low, or Variable Temperature. Bakers, forgemen, mariners, fishermen, farmers, laborers, etc. .65 By Over-use of certain Organs. By Constrained Attitude and Sedentary Life. Engravers, public speakers, copyists, printers, salesmen, clerks, literary men, etc. See also Mental hygiene. 131. .66 By Accidents. See Public health, 614.8. Protection from accidents. Machinists, quarrymen, caisson-workers, manufacturers of ex- plosives, etc. .67 Military Hygiene. Barracks, Camp and Tent Life. .68 Naval Hygiene. Ship Life. .60 Hygiene of Travel and Exploration. DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 613.7 Hygiene of Recreation and Sleep. .71 Gymnastics. See also 371.73, School Hygiene, Care of Body For Curative gymnastics, see 615.82, Massage. .72 Athletics and other Muscular Exercise. See also 796, Out-door sports. .73 Training and Overstrain. See also 371-75, Championship games. .74 Amusement or Play. See also 796, Out-door sports, and 371.74, Recreations. .75 Parks. Some subjects more properly placed in Public Health, are grouped here by attraction. .76 Vacations. See also 371.23, School Vacations. .77 Holidays. See also 371.23, School Holidays. .78 .79 Rest and Sleep. Late Hours. See 613.86, Insomnia. .8 Hygiene of Nervous System. Including the action of Stimulants and Narcotics. See also 615.78, Drugs acting on Nervous System; 615.95, Neurotic Poisons. For Mental overwork, see 131, Mental Hygiene. See also 178, Temperance ,8l Alcohol. See also Temperance, 178; Beverages, 613.3 ; Inspection of Beve. ages, 614-34. .82 Opium and Hashish. See also 178.8. .83 Chloral and Caffeine. See also 178.8. .84 Tobacco. See also 178.7. .85 Other Narcotics. .86 Insomnia. See also' 613.79, Rest and Sleep. .87 Morbid Habits. Bad Social Customs. See also Social Ethics, 177. .88 Luxury. Privation. .89 Celibacy. Monogamy. Polygamy. See also Polygamy and Monogamy, 173.2; Sexual Ethics, 176; Celibacy of Clergy, 254; Asceticism, 248. .9 Hygiene of Offspring. Heredity. See also Heredity, 575.1. .91 Congenital Defects of Body. See also Monstrosities, 573.9; and Orthopsedic Surgery, 617.3. .92 Inherited Mental Disability. See also Mental heredity, 136.3; Mental derangements, 132; and Mental physiology and hygiene, 131. .Q3 Transmitted Disease. See also special diseases in 616. .94 Stirpiculture. Eugenics. MEDICIN: PUBLIC HELTH 614 Public helth Public hygiene Public sanitation State m;dicin Preventiv medicin See also 628, Sanitary engineering; 332.4 Boards of helth .02 Compends .03 Dictionaries, cyclopedias .04 Essays .05 Periodicals .06 So- cieties. conventions .07 Education .08 Sanitary appliances, exhibitions .09 His- tory, description, legislation, reports, etc. divided like 930-999. e. g. 614.0942 Public helth in England .1 Registration and vital statistics see also 312 Population . 1 1 Births and birth rates . 1 2 Deths and deth rates Divided geograficly like 930-999, e. g. Deth rate in England, 614.1242 .13 Mortality at different ages For life insurance, life tables, biometry, etc. see Life insurance, 368.3, and Life contingencies, 519.5; Longevity, 612.68 .131 .Stillbirths .132 Infant mortality .133 Mortality in childhood .134 " " adult life .135 " " old age .14 Mortality of sexes, races, etc. .141 " " the sexes .142 i43 .144 " " races: colored, white, indian, etc. .145 " city and country .146 " " different occupations See also 613.6 .147 " from special diseases Causes of deth .15 Morbidity .16 . 1 7 Marriage .l8 Divorce See also 1 73. i Family ethics .2 State control of medicin .21 Medical education and degrees See 610.7; 378.2 Academic degree* .22 Anatomy and vivisection laws See 179.4 Ethics .23 Expert testimony and other medico-legal relations See 340.6 Medical jurisprudence .24 Registration of physicians, dentists, pharmacists, etc. License to practis .25 Regulation of medical practis See 174.2 Professional ethics, physicians .26 Quackery and malpractis .27 Nostrums and patent medicins See also 614.353 Adulteration* .28 Sale Of poisons See 615.9 Toxicology .29 Medical police DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 614.3 Adulterations: inspection of articles liable to affect public helth Pure food laws Public analysts State laboratories For chemic analysis see 543 .31 Inspection Of food For chemic analysis see 543-1 ; Hygiene 613.2 .311 Sugars Sirups Confectionery .312 Cereals Starches Bred , .313 Lards FatS Oils See 614.325-6 Butter, oleornargarin .314 Spices Condiments .315 Yeast Baking powders Cream of tartar .316 Fresh food Vegetables, fruits .317 Meats Fish (fresh) .318 Cand or preservd food Vegetables, fruits .319 Meat Fish Oysters (preservd) .32 Milk and milk products .321 Milk analysis See also chemistry, 543.2; dairy, 637.1^77 .322 Milk of known purity .323 Milk sold to consumer .324 Cream Skimd milk Conienst milk Buttermilk Kumiss .325 Butter and its imitations .326 Oleornargarin .327 Cheese and its imitations .33" Other articles of food .34 Inspection of beverages For chemic analysis see 543.1; hygiene, 613.3 .341 Fermented .342 Wine .343 Brewd 344 Beer .345 Distild .346 Fruit drinks: lemonade, shrub, etc. .347 Tea Coffee Chocolate Coco Sse also 613.37. H/gie.ia .348 Mineral waters Soda water See also 613.38, Hygiene; 615.79 Therapeutics .349 Mixt drinks 35 Inspection Of drugs For chemic analysis see S43-4 .351 Officinal or pharmacopeial drugs .352 Nonofficinal drugs .353 Empiric or patent medicins 833 also 614.27 state control .354 Cosmetics .355 Poisonous cosmetics .36 Inspection of tobacco .37 Inspection of pigments, wall and other papers, textil fabrics, toys, etc. .4 Contagious and infectious diseases: general .41 Causes and origin See 589.93 Bacteria, microbss; 616.01 Germ theory of disaass .42 Geografic distribution Climatology .43 Modes of propagation and communication MEDICIN: PUBLIC HELTH 614.44 Prevention and restriction See also Ambulances. 614.882 .45 Isolation, lazarettos, etc. .46 Quarantine, etc. .461 Maritime quarantine .462 Inland .463 Control of rags, etc. .47 Protectiv inoculation .471 Against smallpox See also 616.912, Pathology -472 Variolation 473 Vaccination 1 Bovine vaccination 2 Humanized vaccination 3 Vaccinal syphilis 4 Revaccination . 5 Vaccinisation 6 Revaccinisation 7 Retrovaccination 8 Compulsory vaccination 9 Optional vaccination .474 Antivaccination 475 Against cholera See also 616.932, Pathology .476 " . yellow fever See also 616.928 Pathology 477 " hydrophobia Pasteurism See also 616.953 Pathology .48 Disinfection Houses, clothing, rags, workshops, cars, ships, camps, air, soil, persona, sewers, vaults, excreta. Ded, see 614.64 Embalming, etc. .481 Fumigating and other apparatus 1 Stationary 2 Portable .482 Disinfectants Antiseptics Deodorizers Treated with reference to public helth. See also Materia medica 615.777 and 615.778 .483 Heat .484 Chemic disinfectants .485 Carbolic .486 Salicylic .487 Chlorids .488 Copperas .49 Epidemics . Plagues .5 Contagious and infectious diseases: special These heds are for public helth discussions only. For treatment, etc. see Pathology, 616 .51 Filth diseases .511 Typhoid or enteric fever .512 Diftheria .513 Diarrheal diseases .514 Cholera .515 " Cholera-infantum .516 Dysentery .517 Diarrhea DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 614.52 Exanthemata .521 Smallpox .522 Scarlet fever .523 Measles .524 Rotheln, rubella, rubeola .525 Chickenpox .526 Typhus .53 Malarial fevers .531 Intermittent fever .532 Remittent fever .54 Other contagious and infectious diseases .541 Yellow fever .542 Phthisis Tuberculosis 543 Whooping cough .544 Mumps .545 Puerperal fever See also 618.72 .546 Leprosy .547 Syphilis .548 Gonorrhea .55 Parasitic diseases .56 Diseases communicated from lower animals .561 Anthrax Charbon .562 Trichiniasis .563 Hydrophobia .564 Glanders .6 Disposal of the ded See customs, 393 Treatment of the ded .61 Burial .611 Earth burial .612 Tomb burial .613 Burials in churches Intramural .614 Use of perishable coffins .62 Cremation Crematories .63 Transportation of the ded .64 Embalming and disinfection of the ded Use of ice See 614.48 Disinfection; 615.777 Disinfectants .65 Effect of cemeteries on helth .651 By water pollution .652 air MEDICIN: PUBLIC HELTH 614.7 Hygiene of the air and ground Nuisances See 613.1 Air (Hygiene); 613.6 Hygiene of employment; 628.5 Industrial sanitation .71 Air pollution by dust and smoke [works .72 Air pollution by noxious gases, mineral trades, chemic .721 Carbon compounds .722 Carbonic oxid, carbonic acid, carburetted hydrogei. .723 Illuminating gases Gas works .724 Mineral oil refining .725 Sulfur compounds .726 Chlorin " .727 Nitrogen " .728 Phosphorus " .729 Other .73 Air pollution by vegetable trades .731 Brewing .732 Distilling .733 Vinegar making .734 Sugar refining .735 Charcoal burning .736 Varnish making .74 Air pollution by animal trades .741 Slaughter houses Abattoirs Fish .742 Rendering works Boneboiling Tripe and gut cleaning .743 Pork packing Lard refining .744 Soap making .745 Tanning .746 Glue making .747 Lampblack .748 Commercial fertilizers .75 Storage and handling of noxious and offensiv materials .76 Other air pollutions See 628 Sanitary engineering .761 Stables Stable manure .762 Hog stys .763 Offal Ded and diseased animals and fish .764 Vaults Cesspools Water closets, privies, urinals, night soil .765 Sewers and sewer outlets Sewer gas .77 Conditions of soil as affecting helth Topografy Sanitary Surveys .771 Analysis Of SOils See 543.7 Chemistry .772 Soil moisture Hygiene of natural water courses and of marshes. See 613.14 Hygiene .773 Ground atmosphere See 613.14 Hygiene .774 Solid constituents of soil 775 MalarioUS SOils See 613.14 Hygiene .776 Recovery of soils from pollution DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 614.78 Air and ground in towns .781 Laying out of towns and streets .782 Subways and elevated ways See 628.47 Sanitation of towns .783 Parks Air spaces .784 Hight of bildings and proportion of occupiable area See 614.85 Bilding laws .8 Protection of human life from accidents, casualties, etc. See 613.66 Hygiene of employment .81 Drowning .811 Rescue of the drowning .812 Resuscitation of the drownd First help Pulmotors .82 Suffocation By gases, in vaults, mines, etc, ; see also 622.8 Mining dangers. By illuminat- ing gases .83 Explosions .831 Manufacture and storage of explosivs and combustibles See also 662 Chemic technology .832 Gunpowder .833 Dynamite, etc. .834 Inspection of kerosene, etc. .835 " of illuminating gas .836 " of electric apparatus .837 " of steam boilers .84 Fires .841 Fire prevention .842 " detection .843 " extinction See 352.3 Fire department .844 Automatic .845 Chemic extinguishers .846 Fire engins Water towers See 621.68 Pumping engins .847 Fire escapes and other apparatus .848 " exits, etc. from public bildings .85 Bilding laws Inspection of bildings See 614.784 Hight of bildings .86 Protection of travelers .861 Travel on land .862 " " highways .863 " " railroads .864 " " water .865 . Lighthouses, buoys, etc. .866 Pilots .867 Boats, life preservers, etc. .868 Rescue of shipwreckt Lifesaving servis .87 Exposure to cold Hospice of St Bernard .88 Aid to injured .881 Ambulance .882 Ambulance for contagious diseases See also 614.44 .883 Bed wagon MEDICIN: THERAPEUTICS 614.9 Hygiene of animals Veterinary sanitation .91 Infectious diseases of domestic animals .92 Parasites Of animals See 591-69 Economic zoology .93 Animal diseases communicable to man See also 614.56 .94 Care and housing of animals .95 Feeding of animals .96 Transportation of animals .97 Methods of slaughtering .971 Painless extinction of animal life 615 Materia medica and therapeutics .02 Compends .05 Pharmaceutic journals .06 Pharmaceutic societies .07 Education, schools of pharmacy .09 History .1 Materia medica Drugs Pharmacology For examining boards, laws, etc. see 614.24 Registration of pharmacists. See also 614.35 Adulteration of drugs; 543.4 Chemic analysis . 1 1 Pharmacopoeias .12 Dispensatories .13 Formularies .14 Prescription writing Posology .2 Inorganic drugs Divided like 546. 615.218 Phosphorus; 615.258 Mercury; 615.272 Iron. See also note to 615.7 3 Organic drugs See also note to 615.7 .3 1 Carbon Compounds Divided chemicly Iike"s47 .32 Vegetable products Divided botanicly like 580 .33 Vegetable products Divided by character i Starches 2 Sugar 3 Glucosids 4 Tannins 5 Gums 6 Drugs containing alkaloids 7 Bitters 8 Organic acids .34 Fixt oils and acids .35 Ferments: diastase, pepsin, etc. .36 Organotherapy .3 7 Serotherapy Opsonic theory; see also physiology, 612.118223 Vaccine therapy; see also public helth, 614.473 Vaccination .4 Practical pharmacy .5 Therapeutics Action of medicins in general .51 Certainty of medicins .52 Antagonism of medicins .53 Law of similars Homeopathy Homeopathic works are clast with the subjects treated. This bed is for Hahnemann's theory only .54 Influence of age Infant therapeutics Therapeutics of old age .55 Influence of sex .56 Influence of environment .57 Influence of idiosyncrasy DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 615.6 Administration of medicins .61 By stomach .62 a rectum 63 " subcutaneous tissue Hypodermic medication .64 U lungS Inhalation See also 612.335 Absorption .65 " veins Transfusion of blood .66 " serous and mucous membranes Peritoneum, vagina, etc. See also 612.387 Absorption .67 " skin Baths See also physiology 612.384 .7 Medicins groupt by effects Treatises on specific drugs, digitalis, ergot, etc. are clast in the divisions of materia medica, 615.2-615.3; iron, 615.272; digitalis, 615.32381 .71 Drugs acting on circulatory system .711 Stimulants Alcohol, ammonia, digitalis, coffee, ergot .716 Depressants Aconite, veratrum group, nitrites .72 Drugs acting on respiratory system .721 Expectorants .726 Errhines Sneezing .73 Drugs acting on digestiv system .731 Emetics Ipecac, mustard, metallic salts, apomorphin .732 Cathartics i Laxat vs 2 Salines 3 Purgativs 4 Hydragogs 5 Drastics 6 Mercurials .733 Anthelmintics .734 Aids to digestion i Bitters, tonics 2 Ferments, pepsin, pancreatin, etc. 3 Acids, antacids .735 Demulcents, emollients, etc. Bismuth, oxalate of cerium, etc. .74 Drugs acting on glandular system .741 Sialagogs (Saliva) .742 Cholagogs (Bile) .743 Diaphoretics (Perspiration) Pilocarpin, heat, exercise .75 Antipyretics Antiperiodics Quinin, salicylates, coal-tar products, kairin, antipyrin, antifebrin, cold, baths. See also 613.41 Baths .76 Drugs acting on genito-urinary system .761 Diuretics Water, citrates, acetates, digitalis, caffein, copaiba .766 Uterins Oxytocics .Viburnum, ergot, etc. MEDICIN: THERAPEUTICS 615.77 External agencies .771 Irritating .772 Astringents .773 Rubefacients .774 Epispastics Blisters .775 Escharotics Caustic potassa .776 Protectiv Emollient Pats, oils, powders, starch, bismuth, oxid of zinc .777 Deodorants Disinfectants See 614.48 Disinfection; 614.64 Disinfection of ded .778 Antiseptics Germicides .78 Drugs acting on nervous system See also 615.95 Neurotic poisons .781 Anesthetics Chbroform, ether .782 Hypnotics Chloral, bromids .783 Analgesics Opium .784 MydriaticS Belladonna .785 Excitants Strychnin .786 Depressants Conium .788 .789 Other drugs Camfor, valerian, asafetida 79 Mineral Waters See also 613.38 Hygiene; 553.7 Occurrence in nature .8 Other remedies .81 Mechanical remedies .811 Bloodletting Venesection Cupping .812 Setons and issues .813 Bandages Ligatures .814 Acupuncture .815 Pneumatic aspiration .82 Manipulation Exercize See also Hygiene, Massage, Osteopathy, curativ gymnastics .83 Imponderable remedies .831 Light Blue glass .832 Temperature: heat, cold 833 Moisture .834 Climate See also 613.1 Hygiene .835 Altitude Decrease of oxygen and increase of nitrogen with increasing elevation .836 Pneumatic differentiation .837 Music .84 Electricity Electrotherapeutics Radiotherapy See also 537-8? and 621.3015 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 615.85 Cures .851 Mind cure Influence of mind on body Mental condition as affecting disease; occupation as remedy See also 130 Mind and body .852 Faith cure Christian science See 265.8 Religion See also state control of medicin, 614.24; Christian science theology, 230.95; sects 289.5 .853 Hydrotherapy Water cure .854 Food cures: grapes, milk, beef, etc. .855 Thomsonianism Herb doctors .856 Perkinism j Metallic tractors .86 .87 .88 Patent medicins .89 Ancient and medieval remedies Including those of modern uncivilized peoples .9 Toxicology Poisons For other relations see Poisons, in Relativ index following Tables .91 Irritant poisons .92 Mineral irritants .921 Acid poisons .922 Alkalin poisons .923 Nonmetallic poisons .924 Phosphorus See also 615.218 Drugs .925 Metallic poisons .926 Arsenic See also 615.219 Drugs .927 Mercury See also 615.258 Drugs .928 Led Painters colic See also 615.251 Drugs .929 Copper See also 615.256 Drugs .93 Vegetable irritants Hellebore, aloes, croton oil, etc. .94 Animal poisons Cantharides, diseased meat, ptomains, tyrotoxicon, etc. .95 Neurotic poisons See also 615.78 Drugs acting on nervous system .96 Cerebral Or narCOtic poisons Carbonic oxid and acid .961 Opium .962 Prussic acid .963 Cyanids .964 Alcohol .965 Ether .966 Chloroform .967 Chloral hydrate .97 Spinal poisons Nux vomica, strychnia .98 Cerebrospinal poisons Aconite, belladonna, lobelia .99 Cerebrocardiac poisons . Digitalis, tobacco MEDICIN: DISEASES 616 Pathology Diseases Treatment May be subdivided by o like 610, if wisht. Use 6t6.oi for etiology, germ theory, bacteriology, classification of diseases. Use 616.07 for diagnosis, study of disease, and subdivide it as follows: i Pulse 2 Tung 3 Eye, skin, etc. 4 Aus- cultation, percussion 5 Thermometry 6 Chemistry, urin analysis 7 Mi- croscopy, radioscopy, etc. 8 Pathologic anatomy 9 Postmortem examination .1 Diseases of circulatory system .11" Membranes of the hart .12 Hart Angina pectoris .13 Arteries .14 Veins . 1 5 Blood .2 Diseases of respiratory system .201 Croup .202 Hay asthma, hay fever .203 Influenza, epidemic catarrh .204 Whooping COUgh See also 614.543 .205 Coryza, catarrh .206 Asphyxia .21 Nose Naso-pharyngeal space .22 Larynx .23 Trachea Bronchi Bronchitis Asthma .24 Lungs .241 Pneumonia, lung fever .242 Congestion .243 Hemorrhage .244 Abscess .245 Gangrene .246 Phthisis, tuberculosis, consumption See also 614.542 .247 Embolism and aneurism of pulmonary artery .248 Emphysema .249 Collapse .25 Pleura Pleurisy .3 Diseases of the digestiv system For diseases of teeth see 617.6 .3 1 -Mouth : tung, fauces Sore throat, quinsy, mumps See also 614.544 .32 Pharynx Esophagus .33 Stomach Gastritis, dyspepsia, vomiting .34 Intestins Hernia, diarrhea, constipation, colic .35 Rectum Anus Piles .36 Liver Gall bladder Jaundis .3 7 Pancreas .38 Peritoneum Omentum Mesentery Peritonitis .39 Dietetic diseases Surfit, starvation, scurvy, dyspepsia DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 616 .4 Diseases of lymphatic system and ductless glands .41 Spleen .42 Lymphatics : thoracic duct .43 Thymus .44 Thyroid body Goiter, Graves disease .45 Suprarenal bodies .5 Dermatology Skin diseases .51 Inflammatory affections Diffuse, papular, scaly, nettlerash, hives .52 Catarrhal, vesicular, pustular Eczema, shingles See also 614.561 .53 Disorders of sebaceous glands .54 Hypertrofies Atrofies Corns, warts, white hair, baldness .55 New formations Pigmentary changes Albinism, freckles .56 Disorders of swet glands .57 Parasitic diseases See 616.96 Parasitic diseases .58 Other skin diseases Chilblain, frostbite, chaps .6 Diseases of genito-urinary system For diseases of women, see 618 .61 Kidneys Ducts B right's disease .62 Bladder Calculus .63 Urinary disorders Diabetes .64 Male urethra .65 Prostate .66 Penis .67 Scrotum .68 Spermatic cord Testes .69 Functional .diseases of male generativ organs Sper- matorrhea, impotence .7 Diseases of organs of locomotion .71 Bones (except spine) .72 Joints (except spine) .73 Spine Curvature .74 Muscles .75 Tendons Fasciae .76 Bursas Sheaths of tendons .77 Connectiv tissue .8 Diseases of nervous system .81 Diseases relating to cerebrospinal circulation Apoplexy .82 Diseases relating to cerebrospinal meninges .83 Structural diseases of brain and cord MEDICIN: DISEASES 616.84 Functional diseases of brain and cord For insanity see 132.1 .841 Vertigo .842 Paralysis .843 Neurasthenia .844 Spinal irritation .845 Eclampsia, Convulsions See also obstetrics, 618.75 .85 Neuroses .851 Chorea, St Vitus dance .852 Hysteria See 135 Somnambulism. 132.4 Catalepsy, 132.3 Hypochondr .853 Epilepsy .854 Tetanus, lockjaw .855 Aphasia .856 Anesthesia, hyperesthesia .857 Megrim, sick hedake .86 Neuroses due to special poisons .861 Alcoholism See also Dipsomania, 132.7 .862 Metallic tremor .87 Diseases of nervs Neuralgia, cramp .88 Diseases of sympathetic system .9 General diseases .91 Infectious diseases . .911 Eruptiv fevers .912 Small pOX See also 614.471 and 614.521 .913 Cowpox .914 ChickenpOX See also 614.525 .915 Measles See also 614.523 .916 Rubella, rubeola, rotheln See also 614.524 .917 Scarlet fever, scarlatina See also 614.522 .92 Other fevers General works on fevers See also 612.57 Animal heat .921 Dengue, breakbone fever .922 Typhus See also 614.526 .923 Plague ' .924 Relapsing fever, famin fever .925 Cerebrospinal fever .926 Simple continued fever .927 Enteric fever, typhoid fever .928 Yellow fever See also 614.476 and 614.541 .93 Diftheria Cholera Malarial fever .931 Diftheria See also 614.512 .932 Asiatic cholera See also 614.475 and 6I4-5U 933 Sporadic cholera .934 Epidemic diarrhea See also 614.51? .935 Dysentery See also 614.516 .936 Malarial fever See also 614.53 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 616.94 Septic diseases .941 Phagedena .942 Erysipelas .943 Pyemia .944 Septicemia .95 Venereal diseases Hydrophobia, etc. .951 Syphilis See also 614.54? .952 Gonorrhea See also 614.548 953 Hydrophobia See also 614.477 and 614.563 .954 Glanders See also 614.564 .955 Horsepox .956 Splenic fever .96 Parasitic diseases See also 614.55 .961 Animal parasites See 591.69 Economic zoology; 614.92 Parasites of animals .962 Entozoa .963 Trematoda, flukes .964 Cestoda, tapeworms .965 Nematoda Round worms, thredworms, trichinae See also 614.562 .966 Acanthocephala, thornheded worms .967 Insecta parasitica Maggots .968 Ectozoa I Insecta parasitica: mosquitoes, gnats, bedbugs, fleas, lice 5 Arachnida parasitica: mites, ticks 8 Suctoria parasitica, leeches .969 Vegetable parasites See 581.69 Economic botany 97 Effects Of poisons See 615.9 Toxicology .98 Effects of injuries and climate .981 Presence of foren bodies .982 Mechanical injuries .983 Excessiv exertion and strain .984 Excessiv venery .985 Privation .986 Exhaustion .987 Chemic agents .988 Climate .99 Other general diseases .991 Rheumatism, rheumatic fever Gout .992 Tumors 993 Nonmalignant: cysts, wens .994 Malignant: cancer .995 Tubercle .996 Scrofula Rickets .997 Myxedema Cretinism .998 Leprosy See also 614.546 MEDICIN: SURGERY 617 Surgery May be subdivided by o like 610, if wisht .1 Injuries . 1 1 Burns and scalds .12 Lightning and electric shock .13 Contusions and abrasions . 1 4 Wounds .141 Incised .142 Contused .143 Lacerated .144 Punctured .145 Gunshot See 617.99 Military surgery .146 With lodgment of foren bodies .147 With complete separation of parts .148 Poisond See 615.9 Toxicology . 1 5 Fractures .16 Dislocations .17 Sprains .18 Asphyxia .2 Results of injuries Constitutional effects and other complications. See also 616.94 Septic diseases .21 Shock . 2 2 Inflammation .23 Abscess Sinus Fistula .24 Ulcers Sores .25 Mortification Gangrene .26 Traumatic fever .27 TetanUS See also 616.854 .3 Orthopedic surgery Deformities For convenience the whole subject of deformities is clast here, tho many of them have no surgical treatment. See also 573-8 Dwarfs and giants; 573-9 Monstrosi- ties 611.012 Terafclogy; 613.91 Congenital defects .31 Incomplete development or growth Divided like 611 Anatomy .32 . Incomplete coalescence of parts: harelip .33 Coalescence of parts .34 Extension of commissure (Apparent duplication) .35 Coalescence of fetuses Siamese twins .36 Supernumerary parts or organs: extra fingers or toes .3 7 Disproportionate growth of parts .38 Transposition or displacement of parts .39 Congenital distortions, including talipes, club foot DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 617.4 Surgical operations .41 Circulatory system .42 Respiratory system .43 Digesti v system .44 Glandular and lymphatic system .46 Genito-urinary system .47 Motor and integumentary system .48 Nervous system .5 Regional surgery . 5 1 Hed Trephining .52 Face Mouth See 617.6, Dentistry; 617.7, Eye; 617.8, Ear .53 Neck Throat .54 Chest .55 Abdomen .56 Pelvis .57 Upper extremities Artificial arms, hands, etc. .58 Lower extremities Artificial legs, feet, etc. .6 Dentistry Diseases of teeth .61 Diseases of dental pulp .62 Diseases of dentin and cementum .63 Diseases of dental periosteum .64 Malposition and malformation of teeth .65 Odontalgia, toothake .66 Extraction of teeth .67 Stopping teeth .68 Transplanting teeth .69 Artificial teeth .7 Ophthalmic surgery Diseases of the eye .71 Conjunctiva Cornea Sclerotic Ophthalmia .72 Iris Choroid Ciliary body .73 Optic nerv Retina .74 Lens and its capsule Vitreous humor Affections of the globe Cataract .75 Disorders of vision Myopia, shortsightedness, astigmatism, colorblindness, daltonism. See also physiolgy, 612.845 .76 Muscular apparatus Lacrimal apparatus Strabismus, squint .77 Eyelids .78 Orbit and neighboring parts .79 Artificial eyes MEDICIN: SURGERY 617.8 Diseases of the ear .81 Affections of external ear .82 Auricle .83 Auditory canal .84 Affections of middle ear .85 Membrana tympani .86 Eustachian tubes .87 Mastoid cells .88 Affections of internal ear .89 .9 Operativ surgery See 615.781 Anesthetics .91 Armamentaria Surgical instruments .92 Orthopedic appliances Splints, trusses, etc. See 617.3 Orthopedic surgery .93 Surgical dressings .94 Amputation Resection .95 Plastic surgery .96 97 .98 .99 Military surgery 618 Diseases of women and children .1 Gynecology Diseases of women . 1 1 Ovary . 1 2 Fallopian tube .13 Periuterin diseases .14 Uterus and cervix . 1 5 Vagina .16 Vulva .17 Functional and symptomatic disorders Diseases of menstruation Leucorrhea Sterility .18 .19 Diseases of brest DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 618.2 Obstetrics .21 Pregnancy Physiology .22 Diagnosis Signs of pregnancy .23 Duration .24 Hygiene Management .25 Multiple pregnancy: twins, etc. .3 Pathology of pregnancy Diseases of pregnancy and their treatment .3 1 Ectopic gestation Extra-uterin pregnancy .3 2 Pathology of ovum .33 Deth and retention of fetus .34 Pathology of fetal appendages .3 5 Decidua s36 Placenta .37 Amnion .38 Umbilic cord .39 Abortion Miscarriage Stillbirth Molar pregnancy See 173.4 Infanticide; 340.6 Medical jurisprudence; 343 Criminal law .4 Parturition Labor Physiology .41 Mechanism of labor .42 Presentations Positions .43 Clinic course and phenomena .44 Conduct of normal labor Management .5 Pathology of labor Abnormal labor from faults .51 of powers Anomalies of expellent forces .52 of passages Mechanical obstacles to expulsion of fetus 53 Of Child Abnormalities Of fetUS See 617.3 Deformities Complications .54 Hemorrhage .55 Rupture or laceration of genital tract .56 Retention of placenta .57 Inversion of uterus .58 Prolapsus funis .59 Other complications MEDICIN: SURGERY 618.6 Puerperal state Physiology Management, including care of child .7 Pathology of puerperal state Puerperal diseases .71 Diseases of lactation: milk fever, mastitis, etc. .72 Puerperal fever See 614.545 Public heith .73 Metritis Peritonitis See also 616.38 Cellulitis .74 Septicemia See also 616.944 Pyemia See also 616.943 .75 Convulsions See 616.845 Eclampsia .76 Puerperal mania See 132.1 insanity .77 Phlebitis Venous thrombosis Phlegmasia dolens See 616.14 Diseases of veins .78 Other puerperal affections .79 Sudden deth after delivery .8 Obstetric operations .81 Application of lever and forceps .82 Version .83 Embryotomy .84 Dilatation of os and cervix .85 Symphyseotomy .86 Caesarian section .87 Removal of placenta .88 Induction of labor Removal of ovum .89 Intra-uterin injections Antiseptics in midwifery .9 Pediatrics Diseases of children 619 Comparativ medicin Veterinary .1 Horses .2 Cattle .3 Sheep, goats .4 Swine .5 Poultry .6 Birds .7 Dogs .8 Cats .9 Other DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 620 Engineering See also 690 Bilding; 721 Architectural construction SUMMARY 620.1 Applied mechanics Engineering materials 621 Mechanical engineering . i Steam engineering . 2 Hydraulic engins or motors .3 Electric engineering .4 Air and g$s engins and other motors .5 Pneumatic machinery Refrigerating machines .6 Blowing and pumping engins . 7 Mills Factories Engineering works . 8 Millwork Hoisting and- conveying machinery .9 Machine tools 622 Mining engineering 623 Military and naval engineering .8 Naval architecture 624 Bridges and roofs 625 Railroad and road engineering 626 Canal engineering 627 River, harbor and general hydraulic engineering 628 Sanitary engineering 629 Other engineering industries .01 Statistics .02 Quantities and cost .03 Contracts and specifications .04 Designs and drawings .05 Executiv .06 Working and maintenance .07 Laws and regulations .08 Patents .09 Reports .1 Applied mechanics Engineering materials Class here general works on materials with reference to their fitness in engineer- ing See also 691 Bilding materials . 1 1 Strength' of materials General theory General works considering various materials. For particular materials see 620. 1 2-. 19 Provision is made below for classing tests on 2 different bases: i) by character of test, 2) by material tested. Class under material rather than under test when the two conflict. See also note under 620.112 For theory or mechanics of structures see 624; for theories of construction of bildings see 690.1 .in General This hed is left for specialists wishing to analyze general works or collect clippings and notes too limited for .n yet not specific enough to be put with a particular test or material. Libraries are unlikely to need any general hed except 620.11 STEAM ENGINEERING 620.112 Tests Factors affecting strength Kinds of tests. Directions for making various tests, laboratory manuals See note to 620. n 1 General: influence of temperature, selection of test pieces, etc. 2 Corrosion Wethering Protection against deteriorating influences 3 Elastic limit tests: plasticity, fatigue, deformation See also 620.11246 Repeated stress 4 Tension, compression, torsion, flexure, shearing Class here combined tests as well as general works covering these test* If wisht, subdivide farther as follows: 41 Tensil tests 42 Compression tests 43 Torsion 44 Flexure (transverse) tests 45 Shearing tests 46 Repeated stress tests 5 Impact Repeated shock tests Crystallization and formation of cleavage planes 6 Hardness tests 7 Special tests Varying for different materials 8 Tests on special shapes and forms 82 Plates and structural shapes Bars, rods, angles, beams: T, bulb, I, and channel beams 83 Colums, bilt colums Tubes, pipes, cylinders 84 Rollers Spheres, solid or hollow Ball bearings 85 Springs 86 Hooks Chains Hoops Rings 87 Rivets Bolts Screws Nails Riveted joints of plates 88 Wire Wire rope Cables Hawsers 89 Other forms 9 Other tests .12 Tests of timber See note to 620. n .13 Stone Cement Concrete .132 Stone .135 Cement .136 Concrete .137 Reinforced concrete .139 Other: artificial stone .14 Brick, tile, etc. For glass see 666.1 Manufacture of glass, 691 .6 Glass as a bilding material. In engineering it is an accessory material not requiring a place under strength tests .15 Masonry adhesivs Cement, mortar, plaster of paris, etc. See also bilding materials 691.5 Lime, plaster, cement .17 Iron and steel .18 Other metals .19 Other materials .195 Mineral: asbestos, mineral wool .196 Asphalt Tar .197 Vegetable: paper, hemp, etc. .198 Animal: hair, hide, -bone, etc. .199 .2 Compends Handbooks Kent, Trautwine .3 Dictionaries, cyclopedias .4 Essays .5 Periodicals .6 Societies .7 Study and teaching Instruments .8 Tables and calculations .9 History of engineering DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 621 Mechanical engineering May be subdivided like 6ao.o and by form numbers .1 Steam engineering Subdivide like 620 and 620.0, but use 631.101 as below. Other generalities o( steam engineering are in 621.11 and 621.18 .101 Applied thermodynamics Theory and use of steam in steam engin General energy considerations Steam economy i General Expansion, entropy; extension of expansion approaching vacuum (con- densers) superheating, cylinder condensation, jacketing, etc. For condensers, superheaters, etc. see 621 . 197 . 1 1 Mechanism of steam engin Design of engin parts .in General .112 Types of engins: structural Reciprocating engins in general. Types specified below are all recipro- cating, except i Primitiv and 9 Other i Primitiv 2i_ Single acting 22 Double acting 3 According to transmission of motion 32 Direct connected 33 Indirect: beam connected 4 According to position 42 Horizontal 44 Vertical 45 Oscillating 46 Inclined 5 According to terminal pressure 52 Condensing In early period called 'low pressure" 53 Noncondensing In early period called 'high pressure" 6 According to expansion 6 1 Single expansion 62 Compound 63 Double expansion: cross compound 64 tandem 65 " " angle " 66 Triple expansion 67 Quadruple expansion 9 Other types 95 Steam turbins Better clast 621.165 96 Rotary engins Better clast 621 . 166 .12 Marine engins For propulsion see 623.8 Naval architecture .121 General See also 621.11 and 621.18 .122 Types of marine engins i Primitiv Inventions of Papin, Perier, Fulton, Stevens, etc a Beam and side lever engins 4 Horizontal, inclined, vertical engins 5 Oscillating 8 Launch engins 9 Other special engins .123 Marine steam turbins See also 621 . 165 STEAM ENGINEERING 621.13 Locomotivs .131 Theory of the locomotiv i Adhesion Tractiv force Horsepower 2 3 Tests .132 Types Variations modifying tractiv force and speed, and affecting more than i class of mechanism. For variations in steam apparatus (oil burning locomotivs, etc.) see 621.133 and 621. 134 i Primitiv forms 2 3 Types according to distribution of wheelbase and load Exprest by Whyte nomenclature for wheel combinations 5 6 Types according to purpose 62 Freight or goods engins Hog engin 63 Yard, switch or shunting engins 65 Passenger engins 67 Mountain " 68 Mining 69 Other special locomotivs 8 Peculiar types Combined 'engin and coach wagon' 9 Types in different countries Subdivided like 940-999; e.g. English locomotivs 621.132942 .133 Locomotiv boilers Production of steam Better clast in 621.18423, as boilers of locomotiv type serv many other purposes For boiler management see 621 . 193 1 Combustion Fuels , Petroleum Fuel consumption See also 621 . 18357 2 Grate and ashpit Firebox Stays See also 621 .1835 3 Shell and tubes 4 Smokebox and stack Spark arresters See also 621. 1838 5 Exhaust pipe 6 Dome 9 Miscellaneous fittings Gage cocks, safety valvs, whistles, pumps, injectors, etc. .134 Engin of the locomotiv 1 Driving mechanism Cylinders, pistons, rods 2 Steam distribution Valvs and valv gears 22 Special types of valvs and valv gear 3 4 Compound principle Distribution in compound locomotivs 5 Lubrication of locomotiv 9 Other parts of locomotiv: throttle, etc. .135 Running gear .136 Tenders 1 Design, weight, brakes, etc. 2 Appliances 3 Taking water without stopping; track tanks; water scoops 139 Miscellaneous parts Cowcatcher or pilot, hedlight, whistle, bell, sandbox DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 621.14 Traction engins Road locomotivs Selfpropelling engins for hauling over roads or ground, or doing other work by locomotion. For railway engins see 621.13. For stationary hauling engins see 621.162 Hauling may be accomplisht either by engins applying their power directly and moving with the load, i.e. locomotiv (621.13) over rails; or traction engins (621 . 14) over ground or roads; or by engins applying their power indirectly thru cables, etc. and standing in a fixt position either temporarily (621.15) or permanently (621.16) .141 Theory General .142 .143 Boilers Better clast in 621.18423; 621.143 if used is limited to discussion of those suitable to traction engins .144 Types Traction engins for special uses .145 Compressing machines Steam rollers .146 Agricultural: plows, reapers, etc. .15 Portable engins Engins that may be moved from place to place, but that remain in a fixt position when working. If selfpropelling, the selfpropulsion is incidental. For fire engins and other pumping engins see 621 .64 .151 Theory General .152 Types, structural, etc. .153 Boilers Better clast in 621.18423. If used, limited to discussion of those suit able to portable engins .154 Portable engins for special purposes Hoisting, dredging, drilling, etc. See also 621.86 Hoisting and convey- .ing machinery; 621 .68 Fire engins; 627.7 Dredges .156 Agricultural: threshers, etc. .159 Semistationary engins Various types .16 Stationary engins Engins fixt in position; e.g. those running factory machinery, cables, ele- vators, etc. For management see 621 . 193. For boilers see 621 . 18424 .161 Theory and general .162 Types by use: hauling, dredging, etc. For pumps see 621 .64. For types clast by engin mechanism see 621 . 164 .163 Stationary boilers Better clast in 621 . 18424 with only reference here .164 Types according to characteristics of engin mechanism or steam distribution When mechanism and steam distribution conflict, class according to mechanism; e.g. compound releasing-gear engins 621.1644 rather than 621.1647. Each type may be subdivided like 621.11; e.g. vertical throttling engins 621 . 1642244 i General a Throttling engins 3 Automatic shaft governor engins 4 Releasing gear (Corliss) engins Drop cutoff 5 Single acting engins: Westinghouss or Willans type 6 Simple engins 7 Compound engins, triple expansion, etc. STEAM ENGINEERING 621.165 Steam turbins See also 621.123 Marine steam turbins i Theory i 1 Methods of calculation 13 Vanes and buckets 13 Guide vanes and nozles 14 Stresses in rotor or disc 1 5 Windage i Types 22 Velocity turbins 23 Pressure turbins 24 Combined velocity and pressure turbans 3 Construction Details of design 3 2 Vanes Buckets 33 Guide vanes Nozles 34 Rotor Discs 35 Valvs, governors, safety devices 36 Thrust balancing 57 Mass 38 Casing, etc. 39 Bearings, etc. .166 Rotary engins .169 .18 Steam generation and transmission Fuels, furnaces, boilers, piping, power plants For steam heating see 697 . 5 .181 General .182 Fuels Combustion i Fuels for boiler beating For fuels in general and fuel analysis see 662.6 22 Solid fuels: coal, lignite, wood, sawdust, peat 23 Liquid fuels: tar, petroleum, alcohol 24 Gaseous fuels: gas from blast furnaces, coke ovens; natural gas 25 . Composit fuels: city refuse, coal dust, trash 3 Fuel consumption Practical experiments with a single fuel 4 Comparativ consumption Practical experiments with various fue's .183 Furnace Draft i General Heating and grate surfaces 3 Types of furnaces 5 Furnace parts and construction details 5 2 Grates 53 Stationary grates 54 Shaking, dumping and step grates 55 Ashpits Furnace doors 51 Burners for liquid fuel 6 Mechanical stokers 62 With traveling grate 63 " recking " 64 " step grate (Roney grate) 65 " plunger 66 " screw 7 Other appliances 77 Pulverized fuel appliances 78 Fuel and ash conveyers Ash removers See also 621.86 Hoisting and conveying machinery 8 Chimneys Stacks Draft appliances Smoke consumers. For smoke prevention see 621.1941 Firing 82 Natural draft Dampers Uptakes 84 Induced draft 85 Forced draft DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 621.184 Boilers For boiler plants see 621.19 i General 13 Boiler economy Tests Feedwater a Types aa Marine 23 Locomotiv, traction, portable 34 Stationary 25 Firetube boilers (tubular) 25* Internally fired 253 Externally " 26 Water tube boilers (tubulous) 27 Flash generators Instantaneous vaporizing boilers 5 Boiler construction Setting Parts 52 Shell Heds Tubesheets Domes Drums Riveted joints, staying and bracing 53 Tubes Ferules Rings 54 Casing 55 Inspection and cleaning parts: man and hand holes, cleanouts, covers 56 Setting and hanging 57 Foundations: masonry, flues, etc. 7 Boiler accessories 72 Water gages, floaters, gage glasses, warning whistles 73 Pressure gages, manometers, safety valvs 79 Other: air cocks and blowout valvs, zincs, steam collectors .185 Steam transmission and distribution Piping i General; laws of flow, condensation, friction 3 Connections; mains, auxiliary piping 4 Valvs Stop, safety, reducing Pressure regulators 5 Drains and traps Receivers and distributing valvs 6 Covering Insulators Nonconductors for high, low and medium temperatures 7 Joints and cements Expansion joints 8 Utilization of exhaust steam See also 69 7. 5 Steam heating . 1 9 Steam boiler and power plants Central stations See also bilding, 697.5 Steam heating; and Boiler, Boilers in Relativ index .191 General .192 Arrangement and housing of apparatus 5 Provision for enlargement .193 Care and management of steam apparatus .194 Boilers 1 Firing 2 Feeding Put here general discussion of feeding and feedwater appliances. For separate description of appliances see 621 . 197 3 Treatment of feed water: purification, softening 4 Scale prevention Incrustation 7 Inspection Tests Rating .195 Engins: oiling, packing, adjusting .196 Duration Wear 5 Corrosion .197 Steam plant accessories Economic appurtenances 2 Feedwater appliances Tanks, heaters, economizers, filters, purifiers, regulators 3 Pumps Injectors Return traps 4 Separators 5 Superheaters 6 Condensers and cooling towers 62 Surface condensers 63 Jet condensers 64 Cooling towers 67 Condenser accessories 7 Instruments Indicators, tachometers, gages, dynamometers, thermometers, pyrometers, lubricators, etc. ENGINEERING 621.2 Hydraulic engms or motors Industrial use of water as motiv power, including machines run by water under pressure produced by accumulators and also constructions and appliances for distributing and regulating supply of water to motors For hydraulic engineering (dam, breakwater, etc.) see 627; for pumps see 6ai.6; for reservoirs, aqueducts, etc. see 628.1; for theory of mechanics of liquids see 532 .21 Water wheels Theory, classification, parts (e.g. paddles, vanes, buckets) water gates, cul- verts .22 Overshot or bucket wheels Brest wheels .221 Overshot wheels of low velocity .222 Overshot wheels of high velocity .223 Brest wheels Fairbairn wheels .224 Sluice gate or Sagebien wheels .23 Undershot or impulse wheels and floating wheels .231 Ordinary undershot wheels .232 Wheels with curvd vanes or buckets Pelton wheel .233 Vertical impulse wheels .234 Current suspension wheels .235 Floating wheels .24 Turbins See also 621 . 165 Steam turbins .241 General: parts (e.g. distributors, buckets, guide vanes) regulators .242 Reaction or pressure turbins .243 Outward flow Early forms: Barker's mill .244 Inward flow .245 Downward flow .247 Impulse or Girard turbins .25 Water pressure engins Accumulators .252 Hydraulic pumps .253 Piping for high pressure .254 Accumulators .26 Hydraulic machinery and appliances For theory see 532.81 .262 Funicular engins Hydraulic tackle .263 Hoists Elevators Cranes Class preferably in 621.86; i.e. purpose outweighs motiv power .264 . Special handling and lifting machinery for steel works, etc. .266 Presses Forging and stamping machines .267 Accessories: injection pumps .269 Mining, tunneling and other hydraulic appliances Hydraulic giant, Brandt's hydraulic gun .27 Hydraulic rams For theory see physics 532.83 .272 Lifting rams Montgolfier ram. Bolle ram, etc. .273 Pumping rams Leblanc ram See also 621 .64 Pumps .274 Compressing rams Sommelier ram .29 Flood gates Dams Mill sluices Hed and tail races Adaptation to hydraulic motors. For methods and orinciples of construc- tion see 627.8 Hydraulic engineering DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 621.3 Electric engineering ooi Statistics; 002 Quantities and cost; 003 Contracts and specifications; 004 Designs and drawings; 005 Executiv; 006 Working and maintenance; 007 Laws and regulations; 008 Patents; 009 Reports May also be subdivided for form with o like 620. i-.9 SUMMARY 621.31-7 Hevy .current engineering .3 1 Generation of electricity .3 1 1 General .319 Central stations 3*3 Dynamoelectric machinery .314 Stationary induction apparatus .315 Electrostatic apparatus .316 Accessories and parts .317 Control and central station wiring .319 Transmiss on .3 2 Electric lighting .33 Electric traction 35 Voltaic cells and batteries -36 .37 Electric mcsurements and testing .38 Weak current engineering .382 Telegrafy . .384 Wireless communication .385 Telefony .39 Other applications of electricity 62i.3i-.37 Hevy current engineering .31 Generation of electricity Dynamoelectric machinery Transformers Transmission .311 General .312 Central stations: metropolitan, rural Divided by 001-009 like 621.3 with the following additions to 006: 006 Working and maintenance 4 Operation and running 5 Regulation and control 8 Testing 9 Repairs and renewal Administrativ point of view; a specific repair belongs with the part repaird 13 General central stations Combined power, traction, light, etc. stations 132 Steam driven -133 Gas 134 Hydraulic 135 Composit 2 Stations for lighting only Divided by source of power like 621.31213 3 Stations for traction only Divided like 621.31213 5 Storage battery pressure regulating equipment 6 Substations 63 Transformer substations 64 Converter 6s Accumulator " ENGINEERING 621.313 Dynamoelectric machinery 1 General; construction, installation 2 Direct or continuous current machinery 2 1 Theory 22 General types 23 Continuous-current generators 3 Series wound 3 Shunt wound 4 Compound wound 24 Continuous current motors Subdivided like 621.31323 above 245 Constant speed motors 246 Multispeed motors 247 Adjustable speed motors 248 Varying " " (railway motors) 25 Continuous-current converters 26 Dynamotors and motordynamos 2 7 Compensators or balancers 28 Continuous-current boosters 29 Other 2 ij i Acyclic or homopolar machines 3 Alternating- current machinery 32 General types of alternating current machinery 321 Single phase machinery 322 a 323 3 325 Other polyphase machinery 4 Synchronous machinery 41 ' Theory 42 General types 43 Alternating-current generators 44 Synchronous motors 5 Alternating-current converters 51 Theory 52 General types Description 53 Synchronous converters 54 Phase converters 5 5 . Frequency converters 56 Double-current generator- 57 Motor converters 6 Asynchronous machines 6 1 Theory 62 63 Induction generators 64 " motors 65 Series alternating-current motors 66 Repulsion motors 67 Frequency converters 68 Phase converters 7 Rectifying apparatu-s 72 Mechanical rectifiers 73 Arc 74 Electrolytic " DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 621.314 Stationary induction apparatus 1 Theory 2 General types and description 3 Transformers 32 Constant-current transformers 33 Constant-potential transformers 34 Phase-changing transformers 38 Meter transformers 4 Auto transformers 5 Potential regulators 5 1 Compensator potential regulators 52 Induction " " 53 Magneto 6 Reactors or choke coils 7 Induction coils .315 Electrostatic apparatus: condensers .316 Details of electric machinery Parts Armatures, field cores, etc. .317 Central station wiring Control devices and switchboards For meters and mesuring instruments see 621.37 1 General 2 Panels 22 Generator panels 23 Motor 24 Feeder 25 Transformer " 26 Converter " 27 Lighting " 28 Accumulator " 3 Switches 3 1 General 32 Knife switches 33 Dial 34 Plug 35 Oil 36 Circuit breakers 4 Rheostats and control devices 5 Signal devices 6 7 Barriers and compartments 8 Station protectiv devices (fuzes, lightning arresters, etc.) .318 Manufacturing processes Proce varnis : acturing processes cesses peculiar to electric machinery and apparatus: e.g. insulating, nishing, baking, armature stamps and dies ENGINEERING 621.319 Transmission of electric energy Limited to transmission of current from control to substations (stepdown transformers) and to questions common to all lines. For transmission sys- tems for a special application see subject; e.g. traction lines 621 333 1 General 12 Systems 122 Direct or continuous current systems Including a wire systems 123 3 wire (or Edison) and other 129 Other direct current systems 13 Alternating current systems 131 Single phase systems 132 2 phase (or quarter phase) systems 3 3 wire system 4 4 133 3 phase systems a Delta or mesh connections 3 Star or Y connections 139 Other polyphase systems 15 Composit systems Direct and alternating current combined 2 Lines and conductors For local wiring see specific application; e.g. electric light wiring 621.328 2 1 General Interaction of parallel lines, heat losses. For traction lines see 621.332; for interior wiring for electric light see 621.328, for telegraf see 621.382, for telefones see 621.385-7 22 Overhed or aerial lines 222 Systems 223 Poles: foundations, guys. etc. 224 Cross arms Pins 225 Towers 23 Underground lines 232 Systems 233 Condits 234 Manholes 3 , Cables and conductors Insulating materials 32 Uninsulated conductors ' Bare wire 33 Insulated " Wire and cable 34 Cables 37 Insulating materials Leakage Influence of chemic composition 4 . Insulators 8 Protectiv devices 82 Line lightning arresters For proteition of central stations see 621.3178 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 621.32 Electric lighting Illumination Class here works limited to electric lighting, but more general than any of the subheds below. This number is for matter differentiating lighting from other branches of electric engineering, but not for subjects which lighting has in common with other branches. For generation and control of electricity (including central stations) see 621.31, for transmission and wiring see 621.319, for mesuring see 621.37 For theory of electric light see 537.83 Electric lighting .321 General .325 Arc lighting Including systems and lamps 1 General: efficiency, cost, etc. 2 Constant- current or series systems 3 Constant potential or parallel systems 4-5 Arc lighting according to 4 Type of arc If emphasis is on form of current, class under 621.3253 If there is conflict, prefer 621.3254 42 Open arc 421 422 ' " direct current 423 " " alternating current 43 Inclosed arc 431 433 " direct current 433 " " alternating current 5 Form of current If emphasis is on type of arc, class in 621.3254 5 a Direct current 52J 522 '' open arc 593 " inclosed arc 53 Alternating current 53 539 " open arc 533 " " inclosed arc 6 Composit electrode arcs Flaming arcs. Carbid, Bremer magnetite, titanium oxid arcs 7 Details Accessories Arc light carbons 8 Applications For welding see physics 537.85, and metallurgy 669 " therapeutic applications see 615.84 and 621.3915 82 Searchlights .326 Incandescent lighting Including lamps and systems 1 General: efficiency, cost, etc. 2 Systems (Edison 3 wire system) 3 Carbon filament lamps 31 Metalized filaments 32 Other carbon filaments 4 Metal filament lamps 41 Platinum filaments 42 Tantalum " 43 Tungsten " 44 Osmium 45 Other metal filaments 5 Glowers of other materials 53 Nernst lamps ENGINEERING 621.327 Incandescent vapor lighting and lamps Other electric lighting 3 Vacuum or incandescent vapor lamps 4 Mercury vapor lamps For mercury rectifiers see 621.3137 5 Carbon vapor lamps Moore lamp 7 Vacuum lamps for special radiations: Crookes tubes, etc. .328 Apparatus at servis end of line i Underwriters requirements National electric code 1 House wiring 3 Panels 4 Fuzes 5 Insulators, etc. 6 Meters See also 621.37 Electric mesurements and testing 7 Switches & 9 Other apparatus .33 Electric traction See 623 for construction of route; 656 for business management main- tenance; 654 for communication and signals; 699 for car bilding; 725 3 for architecture of stations, terminals, carsheds, shops, round houses, etc. This number is concernd properly only with the apparatus and appli- ances for transmission and use of the current after it enters the line. .331 General 2 Systems 4 Systems according to current 42 Direct current 43 Alternating current 431 Single- phase 432 3 phase 433 3 Phase 439 Others 5 Systems according to delivery of power 52 Trolley systems 53 Overhed trolley 54 Underground trolley 56 Third rail systems 562 Unprotected third rail 564 Protected .332 The line (including track) 1 General Interaction of parallel lines, heat losses, etc. are better clast in 621.3192 i 17 Feeders and return systems 2 Overhed wire Trolley lines 23 Catenary suspension 25 Trackless trol'ey 3 Third rail ' 5 Underground conductor or contact 6 7 Accessories 9 Other types of line .333 Track 1 General 16 Deteriorating influences 167 Electrolysis Leakage 2 Rails 4 Bonding DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 621.334 Rolling stock For nonelectric rolling stock see 656 for administration, 699 for con. struction i Locomotivs 3 Motor tramcars 4 Accessories and parts Control systems Motor, controller, current collecting devices, etc. Multiple unit control 5 Locomotiv and car wiring 7 Running gear and other nonelectric details .35 Chemic electricity Voltaic cells and generators Primary and secondary .351 General E.m.f, counter e.m.f, polarization, weight, capacity; efficiency, life, crumbling, deterioration and detrimental influences; residues .352 Parts and accessories of cells and accumulators i Containers: jars, trofs, vats, etc. a Electrodes and their accessories: positiv and negativ plates or elements Grids, supporting frames, insulating rods, etc. 3 Diaframs and partitions 4 Electrolytes Depolarizers Packing 5 Circulators Condits and piping 6 Connections Terminals Binding posts 7 Regulating apparatus 8 9 Other apparatus .353 Primary cells See also 537-5 Voltaic electricity; 541.37 Electrochemistry i General 3 Single fluid 4 Double " Hevy current cells 5 Open circuit or nondepolarized 6 Closed circuit or depolarized 7 Accessories and parts 8 Classification according to use or operating methods .354 Accumulators or storage batteries Secondary cells and batteries i General 18 Care and handling of accumulators 7 Accessories and parts 355 Led accumulators I General 1 8 Care and handling a Naturally formd: Plants type 3 Artificially formd: Faure type 4 Combined Plante'-Faure types 5 Other led accumulators 52 . Complex oxid types 55 Led element accumulators 56 Copper led 57 Zinc 58 Cadmium " .356 Alkalin accumulators 357 Other types of accumulators Thallium, gas, etc. .358 Other classifications of accumulators According to use or operation .359 Other topics pertaining to chemic generation of electricity 2^ Vacant for future use; perhaps for direct transformation of heat or fuel energy ENGINEERING 621.37 Electric mesurements, meters and testing .371 General Tariffs may be clast here, tho better put in 654 .372 Standards Calibration of instruments .373 Meters General types Recording meters. See also special meters, 621.384 Prepayment meters. See also special meters, e.g. 621.3745 Watt hour .374 Special meters and mesurements 2 Resistance meters: inductance, capacity Wheatstone bridges, ohmmeters, resistance boxes 3 Potential meters: voltage Voltmeters, electrometers, standard cells 4 Intensity meters: current Galvanometers, ammeters, coulometers, Ampere-hour meters 5 Quantity or work meters Watt-hour meters 6 Power meters Watt meters 7 Frequency meters Oscillografs 9 Other meters and mesurements 9 1 Phase meters Power-factor meters Synchronizers .379 Other electric mesuring instruments For other than electnc mesurements; e.g. electric thermometers Weak current engineering .38 Electric communication: telegrafy, telefony, wireless Libraries have too much material clast in 654 to make it practicable to abolish that number for construction and instruments; but for electric engineers and new libraries who prefer it, the detaild technical classification is developt here. For overhed or underground lines see 621.311*2 .381 General .382 Telegrafy Systems When systems and instruments conflict, classify according to systenu. For business administration, see 654; for wireless see 621.384 15 Codes 152 Morse i5.s Continental 154 Phillips (press code) 2 ABC, dial, needle telegraf, etc. 2 1 Early experimental forms 22 ABC 23 Dial 24 . Needle 2 5 Pointer 2Q Other 3 Hand operated code telegrafy 3 1 Simplex 3 1 1 Open circuit 312 Closed circuit 3 2 Duplex 3 2 i Differential duplex systems 322 Stearns duplex 323 Polar duplex 325 Bridge duplex systems DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 621.382 34 Quadruplex 35 Multiplex 36 Synchronous multiplex: Delany 37 Harmonic " '. Gray 4 Automatic code telegrafy High speed systems 41 Electrochemic automatic : Bain, Morse 44 Ink recording or embossing 45 Wheatstone 46 Pollak-Virag 47 Teiepost (Delany) 5 Printing telegraf 51 Tape printing: stock tickeis 53 Other tape printing : Hughes 55 Page printing: Buckingham, Murray, Baudot 57 Multiple page printing : Rowland 6 Writing telegrafy Transmitting and recording characters while being written; Gray's telautograf 7 Facsimile telegrafy Sometimes cald fototelegrafy 8 Submarine cable telegrafy 9 Other wire systems 94 Induction telegrafy; from moving trains, etc. 95 Combined telegrafy and telefony Fantom circuits .383 Telegraf instruments 1 Transmitting: keys, senders, etc. 2 Intermediate and accessory: relays, repeaters, switches ai Relays 22 Differential relays 23 Polarized " 24 Repeaters, for simplex; Milliken, Ghegan, Toye, etc. 25 " duplex or quadruplex 26 ' Half ' repeaters 27 Switches and distributing apparatus 28 Protectiv apparatus 29 Miscellaneous telegraf accessories 3 Receiving instruments Sounders, recorders, etc. Subdivided, if wisht. like 621.38248 .384 Wireless electric communication: telegrafy, telefony 1 General 2 Wireless telegrafy Systems 2 1 Spark telegrafy : by free oscillations 25 Continuous-train telegrafy; by forced oscillations 3 Instruments 31 Sending apparatus 35 Antennae, aerials, and their substitutes 36 Receiving instruments and apparatus 4 Applications, adaptations, specific installations 5 Wireless telefony systems 6 Apparatus 6 1 Sending apparatus 65 Aerials, etc. 66 Receiving apparatus 7 Applications, adaptations, specific installations & Vacant for possible development of visual transmission by wireless ENGINEERING 621.385 Telefony Systems See also 621.3845 Wireless telefony 1 General 2 Party line When 2 and 3 or 2 and 4 conflict, 3 or 4 prevails 2 2 Series 23 Bridging 24 Selectiv 3 Intercommunicating systems Without central switchboard 32 Common return systems; selectiv at each station 34 Radial common return systems; selectiv at one station only 36 2-wire systems; separate returns 4 Central switchboard systems Manual; for automatic see 621.3857 42 Local battery or magneto systems 46 Common battery or central energy systems 5 Multiple switchboard systems 6 Trunking Transfer systems 6 1 Trunking 63 Transfer system 7 Semiautomatic and automatic systems 72 Semiautomatic 75 Automatic 76 Strowger system (Automatic Electric Co) 8 Private exchanges .386 Telefone instruments Terminal; subscriber's instruments 2 Transmitters 3 Receivers 4 Induction coils 5 Condensers 6 Hook or other switches 7 Call receiving apparatus 8 Call sending 9 Miscellaneous accessories 92 Coin collecting devices 94 Protectiv devices 96 Current supply (local batteries) .387 Central switchboards and other station equipment 1 General 2 Switchboards, manual 22 Local battery or magneto 26 Common battery 3 Multiple switchboards 35 Divided multiple 4 Trunks Transfer boards 4 1 Trunks and trunking 43 A boards 45 B boards 47 Multiple plug transfer 5 Switchboard parts and accessories DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 621.387 6 Power plant equipment and accessories 62 Accumulators 63 Charging generators 64 Ringing " 7 Automatic and semiautomatic switchboards Including accessories. Subdivided like 621.3857 8 Telefone transmission For transmission common to other branches of electricity see 621. 31$ Put here only that peculiar to telefony 81 83 Long distance 83 Transposition 84 Telefone cable construction 85 Loading 86 Pupin coils 9 Other central station accessories 92 Distributing frames and racks; main 93 " intermediate or secondary 94 Protectiv devices See also 621.3178 and 621.31988 96 Meters and counters See also 621.3286 Electric light meters} .388 Vacant for visual transmission by wire .389 Other electric communication .39 Other applications of electricity Subdivide like 600; e.g. electricity applied to mining 621.3922, applied to medicin 621.3915. This place is provided for specialists who prefer to mass all their material under 621.3. Libraries should class rather by pur- pose of the application; e.g. books on electric heating will be more useful in a general library under 697.7 with the question of heating than in 621.3997 with a general assortment of unrelated applications. References here show a library's resources on special applications . .4 Air and gas engins, etc. .41 Hot air engins .42 Comprest or rarefied air or gas engins .43 Internal combustion engins .431 General theory of internal combustion engins .432 Cycles and systems of operation 1 4-cycle systems Otto cycle 2 2-cycle systems 3 Other and modified systems .433 Gas turbins .434 Internal combustion engins clast by fuels Engins for gaseous fuels Engins for natural gas " " illuminating gas " " blast furnace gas " " producer gas. For gas producers see 665.8 Engins for acetylene gas 2 Engins for liquid fuels 2 1 Engins for gasolene 22 " " kerosene 23 " " other petroleum oils 24 " alcohol 3 Engins lor solid fuels ENGINEERING 621.436 Special engins or motors Those not limited to a single system or fuel; e.g. description or discussion of Diesel motor. Arrange alfabetically by name of machine .437 Parts and accessories of internal combustion engins .438 Special applications 3 Selfpropeld machinery Engins for farm machinery, fire engins. roadrollers. etc. See also special machines 4 Selfpropeld vehicles Class here only adaptation and application of internal combustion engins to motor vehicles. See also 629.2 for motor vehicles 5 Motors for small boats 6 . i ar ge vessels 7 Airship motors For airships see 629.15 .44 Binary vapor engins .45 Windmills .46 Animal motors Tredmills .47 Solar engins .49 Power plants and central stations .5 Pneumatic machinery Mechanical refrigeration . 5 1 Air compressors .515 Dry air compressors .517 Wet " 52 .53 Comprest air transmission and distribution .532 Details of transmission Piping, mains, gages, etc. Designs of transmis- sion .54 Applications for comprest air For pneumatic hoists, etc. see 621.86 .541 Comprest air motors .542 Pneumatic tools: drills, hammers, etc. See also 821.9 Machine tools 543 .544 Special applications in railway servis .545 Comprest air locomotivs .546 Pumping by comprest air .549 Other applications Pneumatic cleaning, sandblasts, tubes .55 Rarefied air and vacuum appliances Vacuum cleaners: general discussion and description. See also domesti c economy 648.52 Methods of sweeping and dusting .56 Refrigeration For cold storage see 664.8 .564 Refrigerating fluids .565 Refrigerating systems and plants 1 Brine system 2 Direct expansion system .566 Design Calculation of piping, refrigerating surface, etc. DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 621.57 Refrigerating machines .572 Ammonia compression machines .573 Ammonia absorption .574 Carbonic acid machines .575 Air machines, vacuum machines, etc. .579 Other .58 Icemaking .581 Can system .582 Plate system .6 Blowing and pumping engins .61 Piston blowers Blast furnace blowing engins, etc. .62 Rotary blowers .63 Centrifugal blowers Including fans: exhaust and plenum .64 Power pumps and pumping engins Regardless of motiv power .641 General theory Design and construction .642 Tests of pumps and pumping engins .65 Direct acting pumps .652 Piston pumps .654 Plunger " .66 Rotary pumps .67 Centrifugal pumps .68 Fire engins .69 Other blowing and pumping devices Steam jets, ejectors, etc. ENGINEERING 621.7 Mills Factories Engineering works Engineering questions affecting es- In 621.7 is considerd the disposi- tablishment and conduct of manu- tion of the material for which the facturing plants. Arrangement of architect constructs the shell, the shops and departments (including assembling into a unit of elements storehouses, offises, etc.) with refer- essential to a great factory. A works ence to sequence of processes, econ- manager may wish to keep all his omy of power and handling; also notes on his own plant here, includ- equipment and internal arrangement ing machines and processes for his of each shop. See also special product, but a general library 651 Offis methods and equipment should class manufactured articles, 657 Accounting, costkeeping, esti- with the special means and methods mates of producing them, under the number 658 Business methods for the article; e.g. a library would 659 Advertizing, etc. . class material on spindles and looms 670 Manufactures: articles, and in 677, but the manager of a woolen methods and machines for mill might prefer to class them in making them 621.7983 as an integral part of his 725.4 Architecture of factories plant, tho classification under the regular number will usually prove more satisfactory in all cases .701 Location With reference to supply of raw material, market for finisht product, shipping facilities, relativ cost of freight on material or product; e.g. the much greater cost of carrying a bulky car than an equal weight of com- pact raw material as a factor in locating an automobile factory .704 Organization and administration Managers and engineers, professional staff; artizans and laborers regarded as machine accessories; hours and shifts considerd solely with reference to effect on output. For wages and other economic aspects see 331 Capi- tal, labor and wages; for factory legislation (protection and welfare of employees) see 338.9. For organization of clerical force, see 651 .705 Mechanics and laborers ' .71 Drafting room .711 General .712 Arrangement .713 Equipment .714 Materials and supplies .715 Methods and processes .719 Other .72 Woodworking shop Pattern shop May be subdivided like 621 .71 .73 Forge shop May be subdivided like 621.71 .74 ' Foundry May be subdivided like 621.71 .75 Machine shop May be subdivided like 621.71 .76 Blast furnace Maybe subdivided like 621.71 .77 Rolling and drawing mils May be subdivided like 621.71 78 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 621.79 Other shops and departments .792 Boiler and sheet metal shops Stamping and punching May be subdivided like 621 .71 .794 Special process shops Galvanizing, plating, etc. May be subdivided like 621.71 .795 Finishing shop Painting, glazing, grinding, buffing, testing. May be subdivided like 621.71 .796 Storehouses 3 Materials and supplies 4 Explosivs 6 Products Shipping department .798 Department turning out main product Processes and machines Varying for different kinds of factories and provided only for factory use, see note to 621.7. Libraries should leave vacant May be subdivided like 621 .71 .799 Other minor shops and departments .8 Principles of mechanism Power transmission Hoisting and conveying machinery .81 General Principles of mechanism Machine design .82 Journals, shafting, etc. .821 Journals .822 Bearings: ball, roller, etc. Hangers Bearing metals .823 Shafting .8235 Flexible shafting .825 Couplings and clutches Universal joints Friction clutches .826 Shaft brakes .83 Tootht gears and cams .831 General: theory, forms of teeth, tooth curvs .832 Efficiency of gears Tests Friction of gears .833 Design of gears 1 Spur gears 2 Bevel and skew bevel gears 3 Worm and spiral gears Screws for transmitting motion, endless screws .834 Construction: gear cutting and casting .835 Chain gearing .837 Ratohet gearing: pawls, dogs .838 Cams .84 Valv motions and gears General, trade catalogs; for special valvs see subject .846 Valvs and cocks .85 Machinery and mill gearing Class here transmission by flexible connections .852 Belt connection .853 Hemp rope transmission ^~ .854 Wire rope " .856 Pulleys Sheaves .858 Friction gearing ENGINEERING 621.86 Hoisting and conveying machinery For dredges see hydraulic engineering, 627.7 Dredgin?, dred^in? marhin ery See also 621.26 Hydraulic machinery 621.18*7$ Fae! and ash conveyers .861 .862 Hoists: blocks and tackle .863 Mechanical tackle Chain blocks .864 Winches Capstans Windlasses .865 Power shovels .867 Conveyers Telferage 4 ) Belt or bucket conveyers 5 Belt: moving sidewalks 6 Bucket: escalators, moving stairs 9 Other conveyers: cash carriers, etc. 868 Telfers 4 Selfpropelling .869 Other: jacks, etc. .87 Cranes and elevators .8 71 .872 Derricks .873 Revolving cranes 621,873-5 may be subdivided like 621.8771-5 by kind of power if wisht; e.g. 3 Steam 4 Hydraulic 5 Electric .874 Traveling cranes .875 Locomotiv cranes .876 ,877 Elevators 1 Handpower 2 Belt driven 3 Steam, gasoline 4 Hydraulic 5 Electric 6 7 For special' purposes 71 Passenger elevators 72 i Freight For mines see 622.17 .68 73 74 Dum waiters Book lifts Lifts for small objects 8 Apparatus 8 1 Car and guides 82 Power transmitting devices 83 Counterbalancing weights and guides 84 Control devices 85 Safety 86 Accessories DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 621.88 Fastenings .882 Screws and bolts Systems of screw threds For screws for transmitting motion see 621 .8333 .883 Keys and cotters .884 Rivets Design of riveted joints .89 Friction Lubrication Lubricants .9 Machine tools Manipulation Discussion and catalogs of different kinds and makes of metalworking tools. For manufacture of various tools, see 672. For wood- working tools, see 674 Wood manufactures; also 684 Cabinet making, 694 Carpentry, 736 Wood carving .91 Planing and milling machines .912 Metal planers, shapers, and slotters .92 Grinding and filing Abrasivs .922 Cylinder and surface grinding machines Lapping machines .923 Emery wheels .924 Filing machines .93 Cutting and sawing 93 1 .932 Metal sawing and cutting machinery .94 Turning .941 .942 Metal turning lathes 943 .944 Pipethreding machines .945 Boring mills .95 Perforating machinery 95 1 .952 Drilling machinery Drills 953 .#54 Reamers .955 Tapping machines .96 Punching and shearing machinery .97 Hammers Riveting tools .98 Bending, straightening, and shaping .981 .982 Bending machinery .983 Straightening machinery .984 Flanging and die press machinery 99 \ ENGINEERING 622 Mining engineering, see ^0338.2 Mining products; 332.41 coin- age metals May be subdivided like 6ao and 620.0; e. g. Societies, 622.06; Reports, Osz.oo.* .1 Exploration and Prospecting .11 Theory Anplied Geology, etc. .12 Prospecting. Practical Methods. Including Divining Rods. .13 Mineral Survtys. .14 Mine Surveying. .15 Magnetic Surveys. .16 Theory of Faults. See 551-87 and 553.19 '7 .18 .19 Mining Prospectuses. See 553 .2 Practical Mining. .21 Excavation. 22 Quarrying. 23 Drilling and Blasting. .24 Deep Boring. .a 5 Shaft Sinking. .26 Tunneling and Drifting. .27 Sloping. .28 Timbering. Masonry lining See also 633.56.' .3 Working of Mines. Exploitation. 31 Open Workings. .32 Hydraulic Mining and Sluicing. .33 Coal Mining. See 553.2. .34 Metal Mining. See 553.3 and .4. 35 Working Thick Deposits. .36 Salt Mining. See 553.63. DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 6224 Ventilation and lighting of mines .41 Theory Gases met with, etc. .4.2 Natural ventilation .43 Furnaces Steam jets, etc. .44 Fans See 621.62 .45 Airways Stoppings Regulators .46 Mesurement of ventilation .47 Lighting Safety lamps, etc. .5 Drainage .51 Theory of infiltration of water ..S2 Natural drainage .53 Cornish pumps See 621. 6 .54 Steam pumps See 621.64 .55 Hoisting of water .56 Dams and watertight linings See also 622.28, Timbering .57 Acid waters .6 Extraction Hoisting and transportation .61 Handling mineral in working place .62 Underground roads .63 Mine cars Trams, etc. .64 Gravity roads and planes .65 Tramming and animal haulage See 625.7 .66 Mechanical haulage .67 Hoisting engins Drums Ropes Whims .68 Cages Skips Buckets .69 Surface transportation Including mineral roads, wire ropeways, transhipment, loading and unload- ing, etc. .7 Mechanical preparation Ore dressing .71 Theory Preliminary operations .72 Hand dressing .73 Crushing Stamping engin .74 Screening 75 Jigging O re concentrators .76 Slime treatment .77 Magnetic separation .78 Coal washing .79 Dressing works .8 Dangers and aCCidentS See also 613.6 Hygiene; 331.82 Laboring oiasse; .81 Explosions of firedamp .82 Mine fires .83 Crushing and fall of ground .84 Flooding of mines .85 Accidents to miners .86 Rescue and relief .87 .88 .89 ENGINEERING 623 Military and naval engineering For military and naval science, maneuvers, strategy and tactics see 355-35.} SUMMARY 623.1 Fortifications: field and permanent .3 Siege operations: mines, etc. .3 Defensiv operations .4 Ordnance and projectils .5 Gunnery .6 Military roads and bridges .7 Military signals: telegraf, ballooning, etc. .8 Naval architecture .9 Armor Torpedoes, etc. .1 Fortifications: field and permanent . 1 1 Principles of fortification .in Profiles .112 Plans 113 .114 Defilading "5 .116 Details: bastions, curtains, glacis, etc. .117 Accessory defenses Flanking defenses; outworks, palisades: moats, obstacles etc. .12 Construction of permanent fortifications .122 Earthwork .123 Masonry: concrete .124 Armor .13 Systems of forts .131 Central fort .132 Citadel .133 Fortified positions .134 Barrier forts .15 Temporary fortifications Field works .19 Special forts Divided like 930-999; e.g. history of the fortress of Gibraltar 627.1946 .2 Siege operations Mines Class here only engineering operations. For conduct of sieges, see 355 44 .21 . Siege works investment, establishing camps .22 Circumvallation and countervallation .23 Establishing parallels and advancing batteries .24 Zigzags Saps Trenching, blindage, gabionades .25 Breaching batteries Breaches For assaults see 355.44 .26 Land mines and torpedoes See also 623.9 Submarine torpedoes .27 Other means of demolition Firing and exploding devices DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 623.3 Defensiv operations For maneuvers see 355.44 .34 Defense of trenches .3 5 breaches .36 Countermines .4 Firearms, ordnance and projectils Arsenals Including ammunition in general and fireworks. For manufacture of explosivs see 662. For general history of war customs and wepons, and of ancient engins of war see 399. Class here wepons for gunpowder and similar exr-losiv., .41 Artillery material Clast according to use .412 Field artillery material .413 Mountain " .414 Landing " " .415 Siege .416 Fortress " " Including large guns (fortress, coast and naval) considerd together .417 Coast artillery material ".418 Naval " .42 Guns .421 Guns according to form and construction See also 623.5 Gunnery; 623.47 Gunmaking 1 Early forms: bombards, culverins, etc. For blunderbuses and other early forms of small arms see 623.441 2 Guns proper or long cannon 3 Short cannon or howitzers (shell guns) 4 Mortars 5 Guns made in a single piece 6 Bilt up guns 6 1 Hoopt guns 62 Jacketed guns 63 Hoopt and jacketed guns 64 Wirewound guns .422 Guns according to mode of loading and operating 1 Muzzleloading guns 2 Breech loading " 3 Rapidfire guns 4 Machine " 42 Multiple tube guns Gatimg guns, Hotchkiss revolving cannon 43 Single tube guns 5 Automatic and semiautomatic guns Hotchkiss, Maxim, Colt .423 Form and interior arrangement of guns 1 General plan 2 Outside form 3 Hooping 4 Jacketing 5 Bore 6 Rifling 7 Chamber ENGINEERING 623.424 Breech and firing mechanisms 1 Breech closing apparatus 1 i Block 1 2 Wedge 13 Screw 2 Firing apparatus Vent Vent bushing Firing pin 3 Safety apparatus : gas checks, etc. .425 Sighting attachments For detacht apparatus, sec 623.462 1 Backsight, sliding notch, eyehole, etc. 2 Sight Foresight .43 Mounts and carriages Including their parts and accessories .43 1 Field and mountain mounts and carriages 1 Field mounts 2 Mountain mounts 3 Machine gun mounts 4 Caissons and, limbers 5 Ammunition chests 6 Battery carriages (i. e. tenders) . .432 Siege mounts and carriages 1 Siege gun mounts 2 Howitzer mounts 3 Mortar mounts 4 Siege carriages (i. e. tenders) .433 Fortress, coast and naval mounts For accessories see 623.435 1 Casemate mounts Pedestal and pivot mounts 2 Barbet mounts 3 Disappearing mounts 4 Turret mounts .434 Naval mounts For discussion limited to naval use .435 Mechanism of mounts Platforms, circular pintle block and pivots 1 Checks and transoms 2 Chassis and crosshed slides 3 Mechanism for maneuvering and going into battery: wheels trucks, rollers 4 - Sighting apparatus 5 Recoilchecking mechanism Breeching Vent plug 6 Recoil mechanism Brakes 6 1 Automatic friction recoil checks 62 Screw brakes 63 Hydraxilic brakes 64 ' Pneumatic 65 Trail spades 7 Reactionary mechanism Devices for restoring guns to firing position after recoil 71 Spring recuperators 72 Pneumatic recuperators DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 623.436 Maneuvering appliances x Levers, handspikes, roller handspikes 2 Breeching tackle 3 Shot barrows, shell barrows 4 Projectil hoists , See also 621.86 Hoisting and conveying machinery .44 Small arms Mechanism and military efficiency For small arms practis see sss-S " manufacture of small arms see 683 " wepons prior to firearms see 399 .441 Primitiv forms of firearms Blunderbus, harquebus, etc. .442 Rifles, muskets, carbines, musketoons Including also bayonet as part of the complete wepon 1 Single shot, muzzleloading 2 * ' " breechloading 3 Repeating rifles j T With magazine 32 " loader 4 Automatic guns .443 Pistols and revolvers 1 Single shot pistols 3 Automatic pistols 4 Revolvers .444 Side arms Cutting arms For halberds, axes, dirks, poniards, and other antiquated forms see 399 2 Swords 3 Bayonets : saber bayonets, sword bayonets 4 Lances .45 Ammunition and fireworks Kinds and relativ efficiency for military purposes. For details of manu- facture of powder and explosivs see 662 .451 Artillery projectils Including exploder as part of projectil 1 Spheric projectils 11 Solid shot 12 Bombs 13 Shells: early shrapnel 14 Grenades 2 Elongated projectils 22 Case shot: canister and grape 25 Elongated bullets 3 Shells 4 Modern shrapnel 5 Segment and ring shell 6 Incendiary shells For illuminating shells see 623.45446 7 Shells with high explosiv Torpedo shells 8 Armorpiercing shells and other projectils ENGINEERING 623.452 Powders Explosivs See also 662.2 Powder manufacture 1 Gunpowder 2 Other powders 9 Other explosivs .453 Fixt ammunition .454 Exploding devices and fireworks See also 662 Pyrotechnics, explosivs, matches, etc. 1 Matches and fuzes 1 1 Slow matches and fuzes 12 Quick matches and fuzes 2 Exploders 21 Percussion caps 2 2 Primers 23 Projectil fuzes 24 " detonators 29 Other exploders, etc. 3 Fireworks, bombs, etc. For torpedoes see 623.9 3 1 Incendiary devices 32 War rockets 33 34 Petards 35 Camouflets 4 Illuminating fireworks 4 1 Links 42 Torches 43 44 Signal rockets 45 46 Illuminating projectils Star shells .455 Small arms ammunition For powder see 623.452 1 Spheric bullets 2 Elongated bullets Minie ball 3 Cartridges Fixt ammunition 32 Jacketed bullets 35 Prohibited bullets: dumdum or expanding; explosiv Those prohibited by Hague conference .46 Artillery accessories .461 . Battery tools .462 Instruments i Sighting apparatus: rear sight, quadrants, elevating arcs, range scales 5 Range finders 463 Implements: rammers, swabs, levers 47 Arsenals Subdivide like 621.7 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 623.48 Preservation and care of munitions Reception, tests, accidents .481 Preservation 1 Magazines 2 Guns 3 Carriages 4 Small arms .482 Reception Tests Buying 1 Inspection 2 Acceptance tests 3 Function of commissions Experimentation .483 Accidents Explosions; preventiv mesures 1 Accidents to persons 2 " material 2 1 Accidents to arms 22 in transit Damage to boats, cars, etc. 23 Accidents to structures .5 Gunnery Theoretic and experimental; efficiency of artillery system as a whole. See also 'Projectils' in Relativ index following Tables .51 Theory and strength of guns 52 .53 Interior ballistics Effects of powders; experiments .54 Exterior ballistics .55 Sighting and firing .551 Field and mountain guns .552 Siege guns 553 Fortress, coast and naval guns .554 Naval target practis .56 Effect of projectils .561 On living targets: impact, gases .562 " inanimate targets 1 Earthworks 2 Masonry Concrete 3 Armor .57 Reaction of mounts .571 Rigid rolling mounts .572 " sliding " .573 Theory of braking .574 Mechanically controld recoil .575 Nonrecoil mounts .58 Traction of carriages ENGINEERING 623.6 Military roads, bridges and bildings From the special point of view of military servis For construction in genera) see 690.1 and 721; for bridges, roads and railways see 624 and 625; for seacoast walls, see 627 Hydraulic engineering .61 Military bildings Duplicating 725.18 for military engineers. Libraries should use 725.18 and leave 623.61-. 614 vacant; for construction of fortifications see 633.1 .611 .612 Barracks .613 Military establishments Groups of bildings forming a unit; e.g. military schools, army posts .614 Magazines .62 Military roads and thorofares See also 625.7 Construction of roads .63 Military railways See also 625 Railway construction .63; .632 Destruction of tracks 633 634 .65 Military bridges For permanent bridges see 624 .651 .652 Pontoon bridges .653 Trestle bridges .65 xj Other temporary bridges .66 Bridge material .7 Military signals Aeronautics, etc. Special military applications of science . 7 1 Military topograf y Special processes and instruments. See also 526 Topograf y in general . 7 2 Photograf y Reproductiv processes applied to military art. See also 770 Photografy 73 Signaling Military telegrafy .731 Visual signals: heliografs, searchlights, etc. .732 Military telegrafy Both wire and wireless. See also 621.382 and 654 Telegrafy 733 Military telefony Both wire and wireless. See also 621.385 and 654.6 Telefony .74 Military aeronautics For principles see 533.6 Aeronautics: for construction of airships see 629.13 Class here only military utility .741 Machines lighter than air .742 Free balloons .743 Dirigible balloons .744 Captiv balloons 745 .746 Machines hevier than air: aeroplanes .749 Other .75 Military sanitation Camp sites: soil, water, drainage, etc. For personal hygiene see 613.6, DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 623.8 Naval architecture Shipbilding Including warship accessories. Class here comprehensiv works on shipbilding. Subdivide with 001-009 and 02-09 like 620. For ship design and theory see 623.81 Design; for principles of flotation see 532.3 Floating bodies .81 General Design Class here also separate discussion of such general questions as flotation, dis- placement, stability, strength, resistance, propulsion and design; i. e. speed and power, coal endurance and steaming radius, passenger or cargo capacity, etc. .82 Types of ships and boats .821 Primitiv and early forms 2 Rafts, catamarans, dugouts; galleys .822 Modern sailing vessels 5 Caravels, sailing yachts, etc. See also 797 Yachting; 623.824 Power yachts .823 Engin driven vessels Steam, internal combustion, electric, etc. Tugs and lighters 2 lugs ana iignters 4 Ferry boats: passenger, freight and train \ Passenger and cargo vessels 824 River, lake or ocean liners; power yachts, etc. For tugs, ferryboats, small motor boats, etc. see 623.823 .825 Warships Fighting vessels: battleships, cruisers, gunboats, monitors, torpedo boats, submarines. For sailing men-of-war see 623.822 .826 Other government vessels Transports, hospital ships, store and fuel ships (supply, food, refrigera- tion, ammunition ships; colliers, oilers, mineplanters, etc.) repair ships, lightships and lighthouse tenders, police boats, revenue cutters, fish commission boats, fireboats, etc. .828 Other power vessels Ships for cable laying, icebreakers, trawlers, etc. For dredges see 627.7 .829 Other boats Flatboats, scows, lighters, canal boats, barges, rowboats and canoes, life- boats, surf boats .83 Appliances peculiar to shipbilding Model tanks and experiments, including also Froude's tests on full size ships; launching ways and launching; dry or graving docks; moldloft and scriveboard .84 Hull and its accessories Stiuctural: watertight compartments; systems of construction (wood, corn- posit, iron and steel), structural details (framing, bulkheds, etc.) Nonstructural: joinery, nonstructural decks .85 Hull accessories: masts and spars; rudder and steering gear; drainage, etc. Lighting, ventilating, heating, refrigerating; electric plant and lighting for ship installation only; see also 621.3 Electric engineering Ship fittings: doors, hatches, etc. .86 Equipment and outfit Superadded, not bilt in, but necessary for effectiv use of ship Sails and rigging; anchors, chains, cables, hawsers; compasses, sounding machines, speed logs; boats, rafts, life preservers, buoys Furniture, saloon and cabin furnishings; table and galley (kitchen) outfit. See also domestic economy, 645 .87 Propelling machinery Vibration and balancing. For theory of propulsion see 623.81 See also 621.12 Marine engins; 621.165 Steam turbins; 621.18 Boilers .9 Armor and armament Distribution, armoring; proper bight, etc; battery For manufacture of armor plate see metallurgy, 669.1 Iron and steel .Q^ Torpedoes Launching tubes and other accessories ENGINEERING 624 Bridges and roofs Viaducts Subdivide if wisht like 620.1-. 9 and 620.0 .1 General . 1 2 Purpose Highway, foot bridges, etc. regardless of structural type 13 .14 Location x^pproaches .15 Foundations General works Foundations of bildings are better clast 72 1 . 1 .151 Foundation bed Nature of soil .152 Excavation, timbering, shoring 624. 153-. 157 may be subdivided like 72i.i3-.l7 .153 Material for bilding foundations For material for superstructure see 624.01 .154 Pile foundations : general Material .155 methods of sinking .156 Platform foundations .157 Subaqueous foundations Processes: cofferdam, caisson, freezing .16 Piers and abutments Wood, masonry, metal. Subdivided like 620.1 .17 Stresses and strains General; if limited to a special type, class with that type .171 General Computation of stresses .172 Loads Ded, live or moving loads .173 Highway ,174 Railway .175 Wind pressure .176 Working stresses .2 Girders and girder bridges Including floor systems; see .25 below .21 Girders Continuous; discontinuous or independent .22 Solid beams .222 Wood .227 Metal .23 Plate girders Lattis girders .24 Trestles .25 Floor systems .27 Girder bridges .3 Trusses and trussed bridges Constructed of systems of braced girdeis 31 .32 Simple truss .33 Continuous truss .35 Cantilever truss Balance bridge .4 Tubular bridges Box-girder bridge DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 624.5 Suspension bridges .52 Flexible Rope bridge .53 Rigid .55 Cables .56 Towers or piers . 5 7 Anchorage .6 Archt bridges .62 Wood .63 Masonry Stone, brick, concrete, reinforced concrete .67 Metal : iron and steel .63 Hinged arch .7 Compound structures Structurally compound; e. g. plate girder and suspension, trussed arch .8 Movable bridges Drawbridges .82 Bascule: counterpoise, folding .83 Swing: pivot, swivel, turning .84 Lifting Whole bridge lifted vertically .85 Rolling Floating; see also 624.87 .85 Aerial and other traveling bridges .87 Pontoon bridges: floating, boat or raft .9 Roofs For other relations see Roofs in Relativ index 625 Railroad and road engineering May be divided by o and oo like 620. For railway operation see 656 .1 Way and works . 1 1 Route Reconnaissance, preliminary and locatiig; surva/s; center lins; grades; . curvs; switchbacks . 1 2 Permanent way Roadbed Earthwork: surveys, computation, classifi nation, cuts and fi'.ls. Drainage .13 Structures: tunnels, culverts, snowsheds Class hera general works on tunnels; sse also mining 622.26 For bridges and trestles see 624; for transportation biliinj; sje 7.13.3 .14 Track: ballast, ties and tieplates, strains Including also rails and their accessories .146 Monorail tracks . 1 5 Rails and accessories Rail braces, rail joints, chairs, track bolts, nut locks, spikes .16 Track accessories Turnouts, switches, sidings, bumping posts; crossings; signals; turn- tables; ashpits, track tanks; cattle gards . 1 7 Road maintenance and repair Materials ' .18 Road equipment Fences, gates, platforms, track scales, yards, etc. Stations, depots, shops, etc. considerd as road accessories For stations, depots, roundhouses, etc. see 725.3 For shops see 621.7 .19 Other topics ENGINEERING 625.2 Trains and accessories Interrelati6ns of road and rollin* sto:k; strain and weir For car bilding see 699 For time tables, traffic, etc. see 656 .21 Running gear Trucks, bogies and Bissell bogies; wheels, axles, tires, balancing; axle boxes and gards; lubrication Suspension, bearing springs .2 2 Cars See also 699 car bilding Transverse section of car and track gage Effect of length of car in rounding curvs .23 Passenger cars .24 Freight and combination cars .25 Brakes Buffers and couplings .26 Power requirements Length and weight of tra'.ns. Speed See also 621.13 Steam engins; 621.3342 Electric engins; 621.43 Gas engins .27 .28 Monorail rolling stock .3 Inclined and mountain railways .32 Funicular railways .33 Rack railways .4 Elevated and underground roads, subways .5 Cable roads .6 Street railways, tramways See also 621.33 Electric traction; 625.4 Elevated end underground railways; * 625.5 Cab!e roads; 699 Carbild'ng .7 Roads, highways, streets See also local government, 352.7 Streets, highways; for pavtm?r.te s_-e 625.8 . 7 1 Road systems .711 Rural .712 Urban .72 Location Preliminary and locating surveys Grades Curvs .73 Roadbed, foundation Earthwork Subsurface drainage .74 Dirt roads Crowning Drainage .75 Surfacing Oil and other binders .76 Maintenance and repair .77 Trees Parkings .78 Subsurface condits, pipes, etc. Sewers; water, steam and gas pipes as affecting roa Is .79 Other topics DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 625.8 Pavement , .Si Flagstone .82 Stone blocks and br!ck Including cobblestone. R:quirem2n.s of paving stones For vitrified brick see 625 87 .83 Wood pavements Corduroy, p'.an'c, blocks .84 Concrete pavements .85 Asfalt -*' .86 Stone roads Macadam, t^lford and other broken stone processes .87 Metal, vitrified brick, reinforced blocks For other brick pavemenis see 625.82 .88 Sidewalks Mav be divided like 62S.8I-.8; .888 Curbs .8; Other topics .9 Ship railways 626 Canal engineering .1 Route .2 Water supply .3 Size and shape .4 Locks .5 Lifts and inclined planes .6 Canal boats: size, shape, etc. See623.829Shi P biidin 2 .7 Towing; power, etc. .3 Irrigation canals and other irrigation works .9 Ship canals 627 River, harbor, and general hydraulic engineering Sse also 624.157 and 721.17 Subaqueous foundations .1 Rivers: force of water, discharge, bars River improvement .2 Harbors Breakwaters .3 Docks Piers Quays Shipping facilities .4 Dikes and levees, embankments .5 Other protection and reclamation of land from tides and Waves, drainage For agricultural drainage see 631.6 .6 Jetties Diedg'ng Dredging machinery Dams . Lighthouses Buoys 628 Sanitary engineering Waterworks .01 Theories, utility .02 Compends .03 Dictionaries .04 Essays .05 Period- icals .06 Societies .07 Study and teaching .08 Polygrafy .09 History and description of sanitation and general sanitary works, il.vided geograficly like 930-999 .1 Water Supply Of tOWnS For isolated supply see 628.7 . 1 1 Sources of water supply Lakes, rivers, springs, wtlls, and pumping .12 Pumping vs gravitation systems Pump well, standpipe, h ; fjh servis. Holby system ENGINEERING 628.13 Storage and servis reservoirs .14 Condits, aqueducts, tunnels See 6*5 . 1 5 Mains and servis pipes Freezing, iron, led .16 Impurities and their removal: filter basins, etc. .17 Public (sprinklng, fire, flushing), manufacturing, and domestic use and waste; meters .2 Sewerage works ..21 Sewerage systems .211 Combined system .212 Separate system .213 Liernur system .214 Shone system .215 Berlier system .216 Other systems .217 Outfall .218 Depth and alinement .219 Grade and velocity .22 Shape and size of sewers .221 Stormwater flow .222 Ordinary flow .223 , Circular section .224 Ordinary eg shape .225 Other eg shapes .226 Other forms .228 Formulas for size .23 Ventilation of sewers .231 Openings in streets .232 Lamp posts .233 Flues in houses .234 Pipes on houses .235 House drains .236 Chimneys and furnaces .237 Charcoal and chemicals to deodorize sewer gas .238 Special mechanism .239 Special construction .24 Design and construction of sewers .25 Sewer appurtenances .251 Junctions .252 House connections .253 Manholes and lampholes .254 Flushing shafts and fixtures .255 Catch basins and inlets .256 Traps and ventilators .257 Valvs and penstocks .258 Overflows and regulators .259 Miscellaneous DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 628.26 River crossings .27 Intercepting and outfall sewers .28 Reservoirs and tank sewers .29 Pump ng stations .3 Sewage and its disposal .3 1 Physical properties of sewage .32 Deodorization and disinfection of solids and liquids See also 628.237 .33 Subsidence .34 Precip tation .341 Precipitation tanks .342 Mixing machinery .343 Filter presses .344 Precipitation by salts of alumina .345 By lime .346 By salts of iron .347 By other methods .348 Disposal of sludge .349 Miscellaneous .35 Filtration .36 Irrigation .361 Broad irrigation .362 Ridge and furrow irrigation .363 Flatbed irrigation .364 Subsurface irrigation .365 Intermittent downward filtration .366 Carriers and appurtenances .367 Drains and drainage of sewage farms .368 Filtration areas .369 Miscellaneous .37 Sewage farming Required modifications of ordinary methods .38 Sewage manures see also agriculture, 631-8423 .39 Discharge into sea, etc. .4 Sanitation of towns .41 Middens and privies .42 Pail systems .43 Earth closet systems .44 Domestic ashes, garbage and refuse .45 Public urinals and latrines .46 Street cleaning and sprinkling .47 Pavements and subways .48 Trees in streets and squares .49 Manufacture of fertilizers from town wastes ENGINEERING 628.5 Industrial sanitation .51 Factories and trades .511 Prevention of dust and fumes .512 Protection of throat and eyes .513 . Protection against infection .519 Special trades .52 Effluvium nuisances .521 Situation of works .522 Use of high chimneys .523 Condensation in water .524 Combustion in furnaces .529 Special trades .53 Smoke nuisance .538 From steam generators .539 From special industries .54 Disposal of solid and liquid wastes .541 Discharge into streams .542 Absorbing wells and burial 543 Clarification by subsidence .544 Chemical treatment .545 Filtration .546 Purifica ion by the soil .549 Special methods and rpecia! trades .6 House drainage .7 Rural water supply: villages and country houses .8 Ventilation and heating This bed is chiefly for ventilation. Most matter on heating goes in 697 See also Heating, Ventilation, in Relativ index following tables .9 Lighting For other relations and applications see Lighting in Relativ index 629 Other branches, of engineering \ h >-*A TixoVw e. . \-f\ AjAAT^V*.* 13 Aeronautics Aerial navigation Usual form division .09 to include general accounts of voyages, but class special voyage with type of machine used ~. V .141 Aerostatics .142 Aerodynamics, bird flight, soaring .143 Meteorologic conditions; wind currents, etc. .144 Aerodromes, flying grounds, parks Expeiiment stations, landing places, sheds, hangars .145 Navigation Atmospheric roads, airways; aerial maps, topogtafy; airsickness; disasters .148 Laws, international and local DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 629.15 Aircraft lighter than air Aerostation .151 Nondirigible Hot air balloons, montgolfieres ; pilot balloons; balloon sonde; kite and captiv balloons .154 Dirigible Airships 155 Rigid .156 Semirigid .157 Nonrigid . 1 6 Construction .161 Gas envelop, material Balloon fabrics, netting, gas used, apparatus for inflation .162 Car or basket, cabin, seats Method of attaching to gas envelop .163 Motors See 621.4387 .164 Propellers .165 Steering apparatus .166 Balancing: gyroscope .167 Landing apparatus: anchors, parachutes . 1 7 Aircraft hevier than air Aviation .171 Kites .172 Gliders . 1 73 Monoplanes .174 Biplanes .175 More than 2 planes .176 Helicopters .177 Ornithopters or orthopters 179 Special adaptations: hydroaeroplanes, aviets . 1 8 Construction .181 Structure Planes, wings, ailerons, etc. .182 Seats, cabin, etc. .183 Motors See 621.4387 .184 Propellers .185 Steering apparatus .186 Stability, balancing apparatus .187 Starting and landing apparatus .19 Applications of aeronautics .2 Motor vehicles, automobiles Mechanically propeld and motor vehicles for highways: bicycles, motor cycles, etc. For highway vehicles for separate tractors (animal or mechanical) see 68 USEFUL ARTS 630 Agriculture SUMMARY 631 Farmstei Soil 632 Hindrances 633 Field crops 634 Fruits Vinyards Forestry 635 Garden crops 636 Domestic animals 637 Dairy and dairy products 638 Bees, silkworms, etc, 639 Hunting, trapping, fish culture .1 Rural life Rural exodus. Improvement of country life conditions ..2 Compends .23 Agricultural physics .24 " chemistry .28 " botany .29 zoology Only for general treatises. Those relating to a fpectal subject ar dast with the subject: e. g. chemistry of milk 637.127 .3 Dictionaries, cyclopedias .4 Essays .5 Periodicals .6 Societies, clubs, conferences .61 Official institutions; government departments .62 Voluntary associations Not.under government control .621 International (International institute of agriculture) .624-9 Associations divided by country Subdivided like 940-999: e. g. 630.6244 French agricultuial societies, 630.6273 Patrons of Husbandry, including state and local granges; Farmers alliance, etc. Societies of limited scope ar clast with their subjects; e. g. horse breeders associations 636.106 .63 Congresses, conferences, temporary organizations .7 Study and teaching For agriculture as a school subject see 375-63; for school gardens see 372.36 .71 Instruction, schools .711 Colleges Alfabetic; but may be subdivided like 940-999 if preferd .712 . Schools Arranged like .711 colleges .713 Short courses 2 Summer 5' Winter .714 Correspondence courses .715 Institutes Farmers institutes .716 Courses in nonagricultural institutions .717 Extension work County agent, boys and girls clubs .719 Other instruction .72 Research work Experiment stations 74 Museums, exhibits .77 Special pedagogic methods .775 Normal training classes 79 Competitions, prizes, etc. .9 History, divided like 930-999 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 631 The farm, farmsted Soil SUMMARY 631.1 Farm economics .2 " bildings .3 * machinery and tools .4 Land, soil, soil chemistry .5 Tillage and farm operations .6 Drainage and reclamation .7 Irrigation and conservation of moisture .8 Fertilizers .9 Climate, roads, etc. .09 Geografic distribution of cultivation .091 Zones and physical regions 1 Arctic regions 2 Temperate zone 3 Tropics 4 Mountains 631.1 Farm economics Farm and estate management .11 Selecting and acquiring a farm Land settlement guides Location: nearness to market; means of communication, by wate-, by land (railways, highways), climate and rainfall .112 Purchase Cost, valuation, taxes .113 Rent .114 Share systems (Metayage) See also 631.1153 . .115 Systems of working a farm 1 Owner his own farmer 2 By a manager 3 Share system From owner's point of view See also 631.114 from worker's point of view 4 Renting From owner's point of view See also 631.113 from renter's point of view .116 Scale of farm i Large farm 2 3 Small farm (One-man farm) .12 Laying out farm Locating bildings, fields, farmsteds, roads and lanes 13 .14 Types of farms .141 Crop farm .142 Vegetable farm .143 Fruit " .144 Woodlands See 634.9 Forestry .145 Stock farm See 636 Domestic animals; 637.113 Dairy farms .146 Fish culture in ponds See 639 Hunting, trapping, fishing AGRICULTURE 631.16 Finances and accounts Bookkeeping records .17 Expenses .171 Buying supplies Purchases .173 Wages .175 Insurance: bildings, stock, crop See also Insurance business 368.3 .177 Packing, shipment For methods see 631.564 .18 Returns Selling products Marketing .2 Farm bildings For architecture, see 728.67 Farm houses; 728.9 Outbildings .21 Houses Dwellings .22 Barns Poultry houses Stables .23 Granaries Silos ,24 Carriage houses .25 Machine sheds .26 Other bildings .27 Fences, walls, hedges .28 Roads, bridges, etc. .3 Farm machinery Tools, appliances, etc. Care and repair of farm machinery .31 Clearing and soil working: general tools .311 Digging tools, machines, etc. 1 Spade: turf, ditching, post, polisht-drain, longhandled garden spades Shovel: prongd shovel For steam shovel see 621.863 Spud 2 Small too's Trowel, for mason's trowel see 693. Dibble, dibber or dibbler. See also seeders 3 Pesthole digger Pesthole auger or borer. Spudding bit 4 Forks; for digging, etc. Dung-fork For hay forks, pitchforks, see 631.3535 5 Digging machines Spaders, rotary spaders, horse shovel, road scraper 6 Crow or crowbar Pick. See also mining picks 622. Pickax, mattock, grubbing hoe, grubbing ax 7 Stump extractor or puller Stone gatherer Bush sithes .312 Plows 1 Common plow; walking plow; hand plow 2 Riding plow ; sulky plow Double plow, double-furrow plow, 2-furrow plow Balanst plow Gang plow, multiple-furrow plow 3 Power plow Steam plow, traction engin, stationary engin; oil or gas engin; electric DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION* 631.3124 Reversible plow, turning moldboard plow Sidehil or hilside plow, turn-wrest plow, cne-way plow, dril plow, also sometimes called double plow and swin^ plow 5 Breaking plow Paring plow, sod plow, prairie plow, skim plow 6 Pulverizing plow, stubble plow, digging plow Subsoil plow, mole plow Double mold board plow, doublebrested p ow Middle " buster " or burster, middle breaker 7 Other special plows Vinyard plow Stump jumper, or stumpjump plow Seeding plow Skim colter plow Scooter Bul-tung and calf-tung plow 8 Disk plow ,.313 Harrows 1 Smoothing harrows Bush harrows; plank-scraper; fist and adjustable tooth, fiame harrow 2 Chain harrow 3 Spring-tooth harrow 4 Curvd knife-tooth harrow, pulverizer 5 Revolving harrow 6 Disk harrow: ful disk, cutaway 7 Spading harrow, scuffle harrow 8 Special uses Orchard disk harrow .314 Rollers, etc. 1 Rollers Wood, stone, metal. Hand, horse, riding, power 2 Disk rollers 3 Clod crushers, clod breaker 4 Subsurface packer 6 Flanker, plank drag ,315 Hand gardening tools 1 Hoe Draw, field, bayonet, garden 2 Thrust, Dutch, push, scuffle, D hoe 3 Scarifier or scraper 4 Weeder Hand weeder, finger weeder, weed-hoe, weeding forceps, weeding tork, weeding iron, weeding pincers, weeding tongs 5 Weed cutters Weed hook, weeding chisel, weeding shears 6 Garden rakes: wood, iron .316 Cultivators 1 Wheel hoe. hand cultivator 2 Horse cultivators Walking cultivators, horse hoe, shovel plow Scarifier, scooter, scuffler, hasp, sweep, grubber 3 Riding or sulky cultivators Balance frame 4 Surface or gofer cultivator Heel scrape, scrape 5 Disk cultivator 6 Stalk cutter AGRICULTURE 63 r .33 Seeding and sowing machinery .331 Seed sowers, seeding machines 1 Broadcast sowers, seeders Hand machines 2 Walking 3 Riding 4 Land and row markers 5 Furrow sowers Drils 6 Walking 7 Riding 8 Special sowers .332 Planters 1 Hand, foot 2 Walking 3 Riding 4 Check rowers 8 Special planters 333 Fertilizer distributers 1 Hand machines 2 Walking 3 Riding 4 Liquid fertilizer 5 Pulverized " 6 Farmyard manure, manure spreders .334 Mixt spreders Both fertilizer and seed 335 Propagation apparatus Cutting benches, layering pots, etc. .336 Transplanters i Bailers 6 Tree conveyers Equipment for care of plants, trees, etc. Grafting, etc. implements and material Budding knife, grafting knife, grafting wax .342 Pruning 1 Shears or pruner Hedge trimmer 2 Knife or hook 3 Chisel 4 Bil hook 5 Ax or hatchet 6 Saw 7 Scraper .344 Protection and shelter See also 632.1 and 632.9 1 Bel glasses 2 Cold frames 3 Hot beds 4 Greenhouses 5 Forcing houses DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 631-345 Supports 1 Vertical cords and wires 2 Poles, stakes, stays, props 3 Trellises, espaliers Horizontal wires or cords 4 Fruit walls .346 Receptacles: pots, boxes, etc. .3 5 Harvesting .351 Hand tools, primitiv tools 1 Sickle, reaping hook, grass knife, grass hook 2 Sithe 3 Cradle, cradle sithe .352 Mowers 7 Lawn mowers 353 Other haying implements 1 Hay spreders, tedders 2 Hay rakes, gatherers, binders, windrowers 3 Hay loaders 4 Hay stackers 5 Hay forks and carriers .354 Reapers 1 Self binders 2 Harvester Combined harvester and thresher 3 Heders Clover heders 355 Corn harvesters 1 Corn shockers 2 Stubble cutters 3 Corn pickers 4 Strippers 5 Toppers .358 Special crops i Fruits, nuts 3 Legumes, peas, beans, etc. 4 Root crops, etc. 5 Fiber crops: cotton, flax, hemp 6 Sugar cane 7 Other crops 8 Tree products Maple (sap), pine (turpentine), gums, resins, gutta percha, AGRICULTURE 631.36 Machinery, tools, etc. used in preparing for storage or transport .361 Threshers, etc. 1 Primitiv tools Flails, drags, wain 2 Mechanical threshers 3 Huskers 4 Shellers .362 Cleaning i Primitiv tools Shovel, siv, fan Winnowers, fanning machines 3 Sorters, sifters 6 Washers for roots and tubers .363 vSilo machinery Ensilage cutters .364 Packing for transportation or storage 1 Bundlers 2 Balers Baling presses 3 Bunchers 4 Packers: baskets, boxes See 631.3721 .37 Power, power transmission appliances Transport 37 1 Motiv power 1 Human power 2 Animal power 3 Water power 4 Windmils 5 Steam engins 6 Gas engins, oil and alcohol 7 Electricity 372 Tractors 1 Steam 2 Gas, oil, alcohol 3 Electric 373 Transport appliances 1 By carrying Baskets, boxes, bags, etc. handbarrows 2 On animals backs: packs, saddlebags, etc. 3 Drags Sleds Stoneboats 4 Hand-carts, wheelbarrows 5 Wagons Chute wagons Drays Dumping wagons, hayracks, lumber wagons, trucks 6 Motor trucks 9 Other vehicles .374 Harness Saddles .38 Implements for care of farm animals DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 631.4 Land, soil .41 Soil chemistry Chemic properties and constitution of soil .411 Composition according to geologic origin .416 Inorganic chemistry .417 Organic chemistry .42 Analysis and experiments Methods of investigation: chemic, mechanical .43 Soil physics .431 Specific weight (gravity) of soil .432 Humidity Water Ground water Soil moisture: hygroscopic, capillary Permeability Absorption .433 Atmosfere: air, gases .436 Temperature Warmth of soils .44 Soil classification Adaptability Alkali lands; soils for special crops, tobacco, etc. .45 Soil fertility: maintenance, exhaustion See also 631.8 Fertilizers .46 Soil bacteriology:. microbes, ferments, sterilization .47 Soil surveys .49 History .5 Tillage and farm operations .51 Soil preparation and working .511 Spading, digging, forking .512 Plowing, subsoiling .513 Blasting, use of explosivs .514 Harrowing .515 Rolling, planking .516 Hoeing, raking, weeding .517 Cultivating .52 Selection, breeding, etc. .521 Selection Seed selection " cata ogs 5 Plant selection 4 Nursery catalogs .522 Plant breeding .52- a Hybrids Crossing Creation of new varieties .524 Introduction of new kinds .525 Acclimatization AGRICULTURE 631.53 Methods of plant multiplication .531 Seedage Seeds 1 Sowing broadcast 2 Drilling, in rows 3 Planting in hils or separate seeds 7 Spores .532 Separation of growing plant 1 Young bulbs, offsets Bulbels, bulbules or bulblet; separation of small from parent bulb 2 Tubers Cutting into " sets " each with an eye 3 Division or partition of tufted growing plants .533 Detaching of separate plants i 'Suckers, root suckers, stem suckers a Runners, stolons 3 Proliferous buds .534 Layering 1 Ordinary ; each shoot makes one new plant 2 Multiple, serpentine, or trench 3 Mound or stool layering See also 631.5323 4 Circumposition, potted, aerial, air or Chinese layering 6 Layering trees and shrubs 7 " vines .535 Cuttings 1 Choice of cutting 2 Preparation for planting 3 Piant'ng 4 Branch or stem cuttings 5 Short cuttings: cuttings of single eye or bud 6 Root cuttings 7 Leaf and bulb scale cuttings .536 Transplanting For grafting and budding see 631.54 .54 Caring for plants For protection against injuries, see 632 .541 Grafting For bridge grafting, sometimes called bark grafting, see 632.8 i " Selection of stock and scion, affinity 2 Suitab'e age and season 3 Methods of grafting Scion grafting 31 Cleft grafting 32 Splice " 33 Whip 34 Saddle " 35 Veneer " 36 Bark In England and France called crown grafting, see 63 1.541 4 J; and sometimes used to mean bridge grafting, see 631.541 37 Herbaceous grafting DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 631.5414 Grafting according to position of scion 41 Root graft ng 42 Crown " See also 631.54136, note 43 Stem grafting (on main stem or trunk) 44 Top " (in top or branches) 5 Bud grafting Budding Formerly called inoculation Flute graftin? 6 Grafting by approach, marching 7 Binding and protecting grafts 8 Indoor grafting .542 Pruning 1 Winter pruning 1 1 Theories of pruning 12 Methods of pruning 13 Heading in 14 Thinning of branches 15 Scraping 1 7 Time to prune 2 Summer pruning Work on green wood 2 1 Pinching in 22 Nipping off buds 23 Clipping 24 Ringing, girdling 27 Thinning fruit 3 Trimming (to secure definit shape) 543 .544 Forcing 1 Bel glasses 2 Cold frames 3 Hotbeds 4 Greenhouses 5 Forcing houses .545 Retardation .546 Training i Vertical, poles, stakes, cords 3 Espalier or trellis training 4 Wall training 5 Arbor training 6 Cordon training .547 Stages of plant growth 1 Seedling 2 Increase, growth 3 Maturity 4 Flowering 5 Fruitage 6 Ripening AGRICULTURE 631.55 Harvesting, storage, preservation These numbers treat of the material operations of harvesting. Class anything about a definit crop under its special number; e. g. 633.11 Wheat crop. See also 631.56 for preparation of crop for market, 636.085 for preparation of food for cattle, etc. For farther preparation of agricultural products net usually done by the farmer at the present day, see the various divisions of commerce, technology and manufactures .552 Mowing .553 Hay making, stacking, etc. .554 Reaping 555 Corn harvesting .556 Harvesting other special crops For cutting and felling trees see 634.9 Forestry 1 Fruits, nuts, etc. 3 Legumes: peas, beans, etc. 4 Root crops and tubers 5 Fiber crops: flax, hemp, cotton picking 6 Sugar cane, etc. 7 8 Saps, gums, resins, etc. 9 Other crops .56 Preparation for storage and transport See note under 631.55 .561 Preparing grains 2 Threshing, etc. 3 Husking corn, etc. 4 . Shelling corn .562 Cleaning, etc. 2 Winnowing 3 Sorting, sifting 6 Washing (roots, tubers, etc.) . 563 Storing green fodder Cutting, and filling silos .564 Packing for transportation or storage 2 Baling 4 Packing in baskets, boxes and barrels 57 .58 Special methods .581 Fallowing .582 Crop rotation .583 Intensiv farming .584 Catch crop culture 585 .586 Dry farming Deep soil culture 537 .588 Application of special forces 1 Electro culture 2 Radio DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 631.6 Reclamation Drainage .61 Initial operations .611 Prairies .612 Waste lands: rocks and bushes .613 Hilsides: terracing .614 Forests .615 Marshes Swamps .616 Lands under water Polders .617 Deserts See 631.7 Irrigation .62 Drainage methods Ditches Drains (open, coverd, tile) .63 Drainage systems Plans, layouts .64 Dikes and embankments .65 Water removal by machinery Pumps, windmils, etc. .7 Irrigation, water supply Conservation of moisture. Rainfall, streams .71 Source of water: wels, reservoirs .72 Irrigating canals .73 Systems of irrigation Plans, etc. .74 Mesure and distribution of water .75 Cost of water .76 77 .78 Machinery .79 Methods of conserving moisture Mulching See also 631.586 Dry farming; 631.8 Fertilizers, amendment of soils .8 Fertilizers .81 History, nature, uses .811 Nutrition of plants; necessary principles .812 Production, preparation, collection, conservation .813 Composition .814 Loss of fertilizing principles .815 Economic value .816 Use Methods of application and distribution .817 Purchase Transport Cost .818 Frauds Adulterations Control; legislation, inspec- tion, analysis Any special fertilizer may be subdivided like 631.81; e. g. 631.8525 Economic value of bone as a fertilizer 631.8733 Composition of seaweed AGRICULTURE ,1.82 Mineral amendments .821 Lime, gypsum, plaster .822 Marl .825 Sulfate of iron .83 Potash fertilizers .831 Wood ashes, vegetable ashes, burning turf .832 Chlorids .833 Sulfates .84 Nitrogen fertilizers .841 Ammonia .842 Nitrates i Calcium cyanid 5 Sewage .843 Animal industry residues: skin, etc. Slaughter house refuse. See also 831.852 Bone .844 Fish .845 Blood .846 Tankage .847 Vegetable nitrogen fertilizers Cotton seed meal, castor beans, pomace 1 Nitrifying crops 2 Soil inoculation Bacteria Nitrification For soil conditions see 631.46. Here class introduction of bacteria to improve the soil. The difference is the same as between 631.45 Soil fertility and 631.8 Fertilizers .848 Azotin, ammonite, etc. .85 Fosforic acid .851 Natural rock .852 Bone .853 Slags .854 Guano .855 Superf osf ates .86 Farmyard and stable manures, etc. Subdivided like 636; e. g. 631.862 Cow manure .87 Vegetable manures .871 Muck .872 . Leaves .873 Seaweed .874 Green manures .875 Vegetable compost .876 Residue from vegetable industries .88 Fertilizer experiments .9 Climate, roads, etc. DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 632- Hindrances: blights, pests, insects Including those injurious to either plants or animals, but material relating to diseases of animals is better clast in 619 or 636.089 and may attract all matter specially relating to animals .1 Elemental destruction Protection .11 Low temperature, frost, freezing .in Methods of protection .112 Warnings: wether bureau, thermometers .113 Covering .114 Artificial clouds .115 Fires .116 .117 .118 Repairing damages . 1 2 Excessiv heat and drout 13 .14 Hail .15 Lightning .16 Wind and rain .17 Floods, inundations .18 Fires: forest and prairie .19 Other destructiv agents Earthquakes, fumes, gas, etc. .2 Galls Cecidiology No subdivision at present .3 Bacteria and bacterial diseases No subdivision at present .4 Fungi Divided like 589.2 .5 Parasitic and injurious plants .58 Weeds 59 Plants injurious or poisonous to animals AGRICULTURE 632.6 Injurious animals Divided like 590, but class injurious insects in 632.7 insted of 632.657 .7 Injurious insects Divided '.ike 595.7 .71 Thysanura, etc. Bristle tails or silver fish, spring tails .72 Orthoptera Grasshoppers, locusts, roaches, earwigs, leaf insects. See also 632.75 f-ir leaf hoppers .73 Pseudoneuroptera Dragon flies, thrips .74 Neuroptera Lacewing flies, caddis flies .75 Rhynchota, hemiptera Afids, biting lice, cicads, grass flies, scale insects, chinch bug, squash bug. mealy bug, leaf hoppers. See also 632.72 for other leaf insects .76 Coleoptera Beetles, flat-hed and round-hed borers, weevils, wire worms .77 Diptera Flies, mosquitos, gnats, midges, fleas, root maggots, army worm, Hessian fly .78 Lepidoptera Butterflies, moths, caterpillars . 7 9 Hymenoptera Ants, bees, wasps; saw, gall, and ichneumon flies .8 Diseases and injuries Other than coverd by 632.2-.? .9 Means of protection Other than coverd by 632.1; e. g. netting and covers, screens, gards, scarecrows .94 Methods and apparatus Spraying, dusting, fumigating .95 Preparations and materials .951 Insecticides .952 Fungicides .953 Antiseptics .96 Natural enemies of pests May be subdivided like 590 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 633 Field crops: grains, grasses, fibers, etc. SUMMARY .1 Cereals, grains .a Grasses .3 Legumes .4 Root crops .5 Fiber crops .6 Sugar plants and starch .7 Alkaloidal plants .8 Perfumes, spices, condiments, etc. .9 Other plants .1 Cereals . 1 1 Wheat .12 Buckwheat .13 Oats .14 Rye .15 Corn, maize .16 Barley .17 Millet, sorghum, etc. .171 Millet .172 Panic grass .173 Prosos .174 Sorghum For sweet sorghum see 633.62 .175 Broom corn .176 Shallu .177 Kafir, milo maize White kafir, blackhul kafir, red kafir .178 Durra, Jerusalem corn Yellow milo, brown durra, white durra, rice corn, white Egyptian corn Egyptian corn .18 Rice .19 Other .2 Forage crops: grasses Class here general treatises on forage crops. Divided according to Hackel .21 Blue grass Poa .22 Orchard grass Dactyl-is .23 Red top, bent grass Agreslis .24 Timothy Phleum .25 Cereal grasses Divided like 633.1 Cereals .26 Other cultivated grasses .261 Bermuda grass Cynodon .262 Bromus .263 Rye grass Lolium .264 Fescues Festuca .265 Oat grass Arrhenatherum .266 Paspalum .267 Phalaris .27 AGRICULTURE ',3.28 Other grasses Class here only such grasses as hav no specific number Divided like Hackel in 633.2i-.267 .281 Maydeae Zoysicae Tristegineae .282 Andropogonae .283 Paniceae .284 Oryzeae Phalarideae .285 Agrostideae .286 Aveneae .287 Cklorideae .288 Festuceae .289 Hordeae Bambuseae .3 Forage crops: legumes, etc. .3 1 Alfalfa Medicago Black medic, bur clover .32 Clovers, berseem Trifolium .33 Cowpeas Vigna .34 Soybean Glycine .35 Vetches Vicia 36 .361 Sainfoin Onobrychis .362 Kidney vetch Anihyllis .363 Velvet bean Mucuna .364 Japan clover Lespedeza .365 -Beggar weed Meibomia Desmodium .366 Sweet clover Melilotus .367 Lupin Lupinus .37 Other legumes .371 Sophoreae .372 Podalyrieae Genisteae 373 Trifoliae .374 Loteae 375 Psoraleae Galegeae .376 Hedysareae .377 Valbergieae .378 Vicieae 379 Phase oleae 38 .39 Other forage crops DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 633.4 Root crops These ar practically all also clast as vegetables in 635.1 end .2 and for con- venience of correspondence the same arrangement is followd here: 633 4 divided like 635.1 and 633.49 divided like 635.2 .41 Beet Beta vulgaris See also 633.63 Sugar beet .416 Half sugar mangel .417 Mangel and mangel wurzel .42 Turnip Brassica rapa .42 5 Hybrid turnip .426 Rutabaga Brassica campestris .43 Carrot Daucus carota .44 Parsnip Pastinaca sativa .49 Tubers and bulbs .491 Potato Solanum tuber osum .492 Sweet potato Ipomaea batatas .494 Jerusalem artichoke Helianthus tuber osis .5 Textil fibers, cordage, plaiting, basket, etc. . 5 1 Cotton Gossypium .52 Flax Linum .53 Hemp Cannabis For other fibers known as hemp, see 633.s6-.57. .Brown and Indian hemp ar indefinit. For ' true Indian hemp ' see 633.567 .54 Jute Cor chorus .55 Ramie, China grass Boehmeria .56 Other soft fibers .561 China jute Abutilon .562 Sunn hemp Crotalaria Bengal, Bombay, Conkanee, false, Konkan, Madras or Saisette hemp or Travancore flax; also incorrectly Dekkan or Ambari hemp. Jubbidpore or Jabbalpur hemp .563 Ambari or Dekkan hemp Hibiscus Kanoff and Gambo hemp. Dekkan hemp also known in rr.ariret r.s Bir>- lipatam jute .564 Majagua Paritium Hibiscus, titiaceus .565 Olona Touchardia .566 Colorado river hemp Sesbania .567 Canada (or Indian) hemp Apocynum True Indian hemp; also called black Indian hemp .57 Hard fibers .571 Manila hemp, Abaca Musa .572 New Zealand hemp Phorminm .573 Mauritius hemp Furcraea .574 Bowstring hemp Sansevieria .575 Bromelia fibers .576 Pineapple fiber Ananas AGRICULTURE 633-577 Agave fibers 1 Sisal, henequen Agave rigida 2 Ixtle, istle, tampico Agave heteracantha Jaumave istle Agave lophantha Tula istle Agave Leclieguilla; also A. uniriltala. .1. carrulescens, A. Kerchoevii Palm istle Palma samandoca. Samuela carntrcsana. Palma Ptla, Yucca treuleana 3 Manila maguey Agave Cantula 4 Aloe fiber 5 Maguey fiber Agave atrovirens, A. collina, A. Potosina, A. Tequilana, A. vivipara 6 Zapupe. " zapupe verde ", " zapupe azul " .58 Fibers for plaiting, basket and wicker work; ruf weaving .581 Coir, coconut fiber Cocos .582 Raffia Raphia .583 Esparto grass, alfa, half a Stipa .584 Hat fibers Jipijapa plant Carludovica Panama hats Yaraw or hat palm Inodes Straw, wheat, rye, barley, rice; in agricultural aspect better clast in 633.1 .585 Rushes and sedges Juncus Cyperaceae .586 Reeds Arundo .587 Bamboo .588 Osier, willow Salix Other woods, splints, rattan .59 Fibers for other industrial uses Filling or stuffing fibers, calking natural fibers: Cuba bast, etc. brush fibers, broom root, paper materials, usually better clast from agricultural standpoint with other uses of the material .6 Sugar plants and starch .61 Cane Saccharum .62 Sorghum Andropozon sorghum Brot. S. vulgar e Linn. .63 Sugar beets Beta .64 Maple Acer saccharum Marsh .65 Palm .66 Other sugar plants .68 Starch Single plants usually better clast from agricultural standpoint with other uses of these plants; e. g. wheat, corn, rice, potatoes, etc. .7 Alkaloidal plants For those chiefly medicinal see 633-88 .71 Tobacco Nicotiana .72 Tea Canellia thea Link Thea Linn. .73 Coffee Coffea .74 Cacao, coco, chocolate Thesbroma .75 Poppy (opium) Papaver .76 Kola or cola .77 Mate Ilex Brazil or Paraguay tea, Jesuits tea, yerba .78 Chicory, succory C ichor ium DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 633.8 Perfumes, spices, condiments, etc. .81 Perfumery See also 668.5 .811 Floral: rose, jasmin, violet .812 Herbal: lavendar, rosemary, geranium, patchouli .813 Citrin: bergamot .814 Woods: sandalwood, cedar .815 Roots: orris, vetiver .816 Balms and gums: myrrh, benzoin .82 Flavoring .82 1 Vanilla .822 Mints Mentha .823 Wintergreen Gaultheria .824 Sassafras .825 Ginger Z 'in giber .83 Spices See also 664.5 .831 Allspice .832 Cloves .833 Cinnamon .834 Nutmeg .84 Condiments .841 Pepper Piper .842 Red pepper, paprika Capsicum .843 Chili Capsicum, specially c. fastigatum .844 Mustard .845 Capers .846 Horseradish .85 Oil producing plants Usually better clast from agricultural standpoint with the purpose for which the oil or plant is used .86 Vegetable dyes, dye plants .861 Yellow .862 Blue .863 Red .864 Green .87 Tanning material Usually better clast from agricultural standpoint with the tree or plant from which the material is derived .871 Sumac Canaigre .88 Medicinal plants .80 Other AGRICULTURE 634 Fruits, orchards, vinyards, forestry SUMMARY .1 Pomaceous fruits .2 Drupaceous " .3 Citrous .4 Minor fruits .5 Nut .6 Palmaceous fruits .7 Small fruits .8 Grapes .9 Forestry .i Pomaceous or pome fruits .11- Apple Pyrus mains .12 Crab apple .13 Pear Pyrus .14 Quince Cydonia . 1 5 Medlar Mespilus .16 Loquat, Japan plum Eriobotrya Japonica .2 Drupaceous or stone fruits Prunus .21 Apricot Prunophora .22 Plum Prunophora .23 Cherry Cerasus .24 Racemose cherries: wild cherry, choke cherry, padins, sand cherry .25 Peach Amygdalus or Prunus Persica '.26 Nectarin (variety) .3 Citrous fruits: orange family, etc. .3 1 Orange Citrus aurantium .32 Varieties .321 Trifoliate C. trifoliata .322 Mandarin, tangerine, kid glove orange C. nobilis .323 Grape fruit, pomelo, shaddock C. decumana .324 Kumquat C. Japonica .33 Citron group C. medica .331 Citron var. genuina .334 Lemon " limon 337 Lime " acida or limetta .34 Other .341 Glycosmis G. aurantiaca .342 Lime berry, bergamot lime Triphasia trifoliata or aurantiola 343 White sapota, cochil sapota Casimiroa edulis .36 Moraceous fruits Mulberry family .37 Fig Ficus Carica .38 Mulberry Morus .39 Bred fruit Artocarpus incisa DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 634.4 Minor fruits .41 Anonaceous fruits, custard apple family .411 Sour-sop Anona muricata or Asiatica .412 Sweet-sop, sugar apple A. squamosa .413 Cherimoya; Jamaica apple A. cherimolia .414 Pond apple; mamon A. glabra or laurifolia .415 Custard apple ; bullocks hart A. reticulata .418 Northern papaw Asimina triloba .42 Myrtaceous fruits, myrtle family .42 1 Guava Psidium .422 Rose apple; jamrosade Eugenia jambos .423 Surinam cherry: Cayenne cherry; pitanga Eugenia unifiora or Michelii .43 Sapotaceous fruits, star apple or sapodilla family .431 Sapodilla, naseberry Achras sapota .432 Marmalade tree or plum Mammae sapota, Lucuma mammosa .433 Star apple Chrysophyllum Cainito .44 Anacardiaceous fruits, cashew family .441 Mango Mangifera Indica .442 Jew plum, Pomme Cythere, sweet Otaheite apple Spondias dulcis .443 Spanish plum Spondias pur pur ea .45 Ebenaceous fruits; ebony family .451 Kaki; Japan persimmon Diospyros Kaki .452 Persimmon D. Virginiana .46 Leguminous fruits; bean family .461 Tamarind Tamarindus Indica .462 St Johns bred; carob; karoub; algaroba Ceratonia siliqua .5 Nut fruits Nuciculture . 5 1 Walnut Juglars .511 Persian or English walnut /. regia .512 Black walnut J.nigra 5 I 3 Japan walnut /. Sieboldiara .518 Butternut, white walnut J.cinerea .52 Hickory nut Hicoria .521 Pecan H. pecan .522 Shagbark or little shelbark hickory H. ovata .523 Big or bottom shelbark hickory H. laciriosa .524 Pignut H. glebra AGRICULTURE 6 34- 53 Chestnut Castanea .531 European chestnut C. saliva or vesca .532 American chestnut C. americana 533 Japan chestnut C. crenata or Japonica .537 Chinkapin C. pumila .54 Filbert, hazelnut, cobnut Corylus ,55 Almond Prunus .551 Almond P. amygdalus .552 Russian almond P. nama .555 Tropical almond Terminalia Catappa .57 Miscellaneous nuts .571 Litchi, Leechee Nephelium Litchi .572 Ginkgo G. biloba 573 Cashew Anacardium occidental .574 Pistachio Pistacia vera .58 Peanuts Arachis hypogaea .6 Palmaceous fruits Palm family and miscellaneous tree fruits .61 Coconut, coco palm Cocos nucifera .62 Date palm Phoenix dactylifera .63 Oliv Olea Europea .64 Pomegranate Punica granatum .651 Papaw; melon papaw, melon zapote Carica .652 Spanish lime Ginep Melicocca bijuga .653 Alligator or Avocado pear Persea gratissima Aquacata, midshipmans butter .654 Mammee apple, S. Domingo apricot Mammea Amer- icana .661 Hovenia .662 Jujube Zizyphus .663 Myrica .664 Seagrape; shore grape Coccoloba uvifera .665 Pigeon plum Coccoloba Floridara .666 Otaheite gooseberry Phyllanthus distichus .667 ' Strawberry tree Arbutus unedo .7 Small fruits, bush fruits and herblike fruits .71 Rubaceous, cane or bramble fruits Rubus .711 Raspberries i European 2 Black cap 3 Red .712 Oriental raspberries, wineberry, Japanese wineberfy .713 Blackberry .714 L oganberry .717 Dewberry i Northern 2 Southern 3 Pacific DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 634.72 Ribaceous fruits Groselles Ribes .721 Currants .722 Garden or common currant R. rubrum .723 Black currant 1 European R. nigrum 2 American R. Americanum 3 California R. bracteosum .724 Buffalo, Missouri, flowering or golden currant R. aureum .725 Gooseberry .726 European R. grossularia .727 American R. oxycanthoides .73 Huckleberry, blueberry, etc. .731 Blue tangleberry or dangleberry Gaylussacia frondosa .732 Black huckleberry G. resinosa .734 Low or dwarf blueberry V actinium Pennsylvanicum .735 Canadian blueberry V. Canadense .736 Low or pale blueberry V. vacillans 737 Swamp blueberry, high huckleberry V. corymbosum .74 Miscellaneous bush fruits .741 Juneberry Amelanchies .742 Buffalo berry Lepargyraea argentea Shepherdia argentia .743 Goumi Elaeagnus longipes or multiflora .744 Caraunda Christ'sthorn Carissa Carandas .745 Cranberry bush, high or tree cranberry Viburnum opulus .746 Barberry Berberis .747 Elderberry .7 5 Strawberry Fragana .751 Garden strawberry, pine strawberry F. chiloensis .752 Hautbois strawberry F. moschata .753 Alpin and perpetual strawberry F. vesca .754 Scarlet or Virginia strawberry F. Virginiana .76 Cranberry V actinium macrocarpor, etc. .77 Nonwoody or herblike fruits .771 Musacious fruits Musa .772 Banana Musa sapientium .773 Plantain banana, cooking banana, Adam's fig var. paradisiaca .774 Pineapple Ananas sativus .775 Cactaceous fruits i Prickly pear, tuna Opuntia tuna 4 Indian fig Opuntia ficus Indica 7 Barbados gooseberry, lemon vine, blad apple Pereskia aculeata .776 Miscellaneous herblike fruits 1 Cyphomandra; tree tomato Cyphomanira, betacea 2 Ceriman Monstera deliciosa AGRICULTURE 634.8 Grapes, vinyards .9 Forestry 635 Garden crops; kitchen and market gardening SUMMARY .1 Edible roots, including tubers and bulbs .2 Tubers and bulbs .3 Edible 'leaves or flowers .4 . Greens, pot herbs .5 Salads .6 Edible seeds and fruits .7 Condimental and sweet herbs .8 Mushrooms, truffles .9 Floriculture .1 Edible roots .11 Beet . 1 2 Turnip Usually a field crop. See 633.42 .126 Rutabaga Swedish turnip Turnip-rooted cabbage .127 Navew, French turnip .128 Celeriac, turnip-rooted celery .13 Carrot .136 Turnip-rooted chervil .137 Chicory Better in 633.78 .14 Parsnip . 1 5 Radish .16 Salsify, oyster plant, vegetable oyster .166 Scorzonera, black salsify .167 Scolymus, Spanish salsify .2 Edible tubers and bulbs .21 Potato .22 Sweet potato, Spanish potato, batata .23 Yam .24 Jerusalem artichoke, topinamber .25 Onion .26 Other plants of Allium family .261 Leek .262 Garlic .263 Shallot, scallion .264 Cibol, Welsh onion (French, ciboule) .265 Cive, chive DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 635.3 Edible leaves, flowers and stems .31 Asparagus .32 Artichoke .327 Cardoon, chardoon .33 Sea kale .34 Cabbage .346 Kale or borecole .347 Collards .348 Kohlrabi .35 Cauliflower .356 Broccoli .36 Brussels sprouts .4 Greens .41 Spinach .42 Chard, sea-kale beet, Swiss chard .43 Orach, French spinach .44 Mustard .45 Sorrel Dock .46 Dandelion Purslane (pusley) .48 Rubarb .5 Salads .51 Bitter salads Dandelion. See 635.46 Cardoon. " 635.327 .52 Lettuce Lactuca saliva .53 Celery Apium graveolens .54 Chicory or succory Cichorium intybus Also used as pot herb and root .55 Endive Cichorium endivia .56 Piquant or warm salads Class any species or variety with its genus; e. g. bitter cress, cardamins amara with 635.562 .561 Water cress Nasturtium officinale .562 American water cress Cardamine rotundifolia .563 Garden cress Lepidium salivum .564 Winter cress Barbaria vulgaris .565 Swine cress Senebiera coronopus .566 Indian cress Tropaeolum majus For mustard see 635.44 .57 Neutral salads Lamb's lettuce, corn salad, fetticus AGRICULTURE 635.6 Edible seeds and fruits .61 Melons .611 Muskmelon: cantaloup, nutmeg, winter, etc. .615 Watermelon: preserving or " citron " .618 Zit kwa, wax gourd Chinese preserving melon, Chinese watermelon .62 Squashes .621 Summer or bush squashes Crooknecks, scallop or pattypan, pineapple .622 Fall and winter, or longrunning squashes Canada crookneck, Hubbard .623 Vegetable marrow .624 Pumpkins .627 Luffa, rag gourd, dishcloth gourd, vegetable sponge .63 Cucumbers Gherkins Martynia .64 Tomato .646 Egplant, guinea squash, aubergine .647 Physalis, husk tomato, strawberry tomato .648 Okra or gumbo .65 Beans .651 Broad bean .652 Kidney bean: garden, snap and string bean; haricots .653 Lima or sugar bean .654 Dolichos .655 Soy or soja bean 866633.34 .66 Peas .667 Chick pea Cicer arietinum .668 Lentils Lens esculenta .67 Sweet corn .677 Pop corn .7 Condimentar and sweet herbs For the regular condiments of commerce see 633.84 and 664.5 .71 Seasoning leaves and flowers .72 Garden mint, spearmint .74 ' Flavoring for pickles, vinegar, etc. Dil, tarragon, samfire, costmary .75 Seeds for flavoring Anis, coriander, carraway .76 77 .78 Garnishes: parsley, leaf chervil .8 Mushrooms, truffles .9 Floriculture DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 636 -Domestic animals .08 Zootechny The breeding and keeping of animals in domestication SUMMARY .081 Selection Economics .082 Formation of stock, races, breeding .083 Care .084 Feeding .085 Food; general questions .086 Foods; divided like 633 .087 Other foods .088 Utilization and training .089 Hygiene Diseases oSi Selection Economics, etc. 1 Selecting and acquiring stock 1 1 Capture Of wild animals and of domesticated animals allowd to run wild. " Round up " of western ranches in Capture by snares, traps, nets, etc. 112 " wepons, guns, etc. 113 " help of other animals, dogs, horses, ferrets, hawks, etc. 12 Purchase Original cost j 3 Barter Horse trade 14 Standards of excellence Points 15 Soundness Imperfections Blemishes 1 6 Estimating age 2 Brands and branding and other marks of ownership 28 Catalogs of brands 3 Stock farms Ranches 31 Descriptions of individual farms Alfabetic 6 Finances and accounts 7 Expenses 71 Supples, food, etc. 73 Wages 75 Insurance 8 Returns, yield, profit 8 1 Weight tables 87 Stock farm catalogs 88 Catalogs of sales AGRICULTURE 636.082 Formation of stock Races, breeding, heredity, etc. 1 Character of herd, flock, colony, etc. ii Species, races, breeds, strains; heredity, variation 2 Herd books, stud books, flock books, etc. 3 Composition of herd, flock, colony; sexes Including notes and articles about the different kinds 31 Male 32 Female 33 Neuter (of bees) 34 Castrated male Gelding 35 " female 36 Young animals 37 Males 38 Females 4 Breeding Reproduction 41 Breeding in and in Line breeding. Animals closely related 43 Cross breeding 431 Hybrid Individuals of different species 432 Mtissage Individuals of different races 44 Choice of parents 45 Generation 451 Sexual excitement: heat, rut .453 Sexual union 454 Impregnation Fusion of male and female element 46 Laying of egs 461 Nests 47 Incubation Hatching 471 Natural 474 Artificial Incubators .083 Care of animals 1 Bilding and installation Stalls, boxstalls, pens, nests 2 Care of stables or houses Clenliness, bedding 3 Care of animals Grooming, clipping 37 Special care of young Brooders 636.3 4 Care of feet Shoeing 5 Care of animals outdoors Shepherds, watch dogs, etc. 6 Acclimatization 6 1 Protection from cold: blanket? 62 " " heat 66 " " wind and rain 7 Care of harnesses and accouterments DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 636.084 Feeding 1 Feeding of young 1 1 Suckling 12 Weaning 13 Hand or artificial feeding 2 General methods of feeding 21 In stables, houses, etc. 22 In pasture 23 Mountain pastures, ranches 31 Special provisions: water, salt, etc. 4 Ordinary, rational feeding 41 Rations Amount and proportion 42 Kind and times of feeding 45 Substitutions Variety 5 Feeding for special purposes 51 For breeding time 52 For increast production: milk, egs, etc 53 For work 55 For fattening 56 Forced feeding, cramming .085 Food 1 Composition 2 Nutritiv value 3 Food experiments 4 Commercial value 5 Different kinds of food For individual foods see 638.086 and .087 51 Fresh or green fodder 52 Ensilage 54 Dry fodder Hay, straw, grains 57 Prepared foods Industrial residues Cakes of oily grain or fruit 6 Preparation and use of food 9 Adulterations of foods for animals .086 Foods Divided like 633 13 Oats 15 Corn 2 Forage crops, hay 25 Straw 255 Cornstalks 32 Clover 41 Beets AGRICULTURE 636.087 Other foods 4 Fruits Divided like 634 5 Garden crops Divided like 633. Use only for material not coverd by subdivisions of 633 6 Animal food 7 Mineral foods: salt, condiments .088 Utilization and training of animals 1 For breeding purposes 2 For work 3 For production of food: meat, egs, etc. 4 For animal products Wool, skins, fethers, etc. 6 Breaking, training, etc. 61 To saddle, etc. for carrying purposes 62 To harness, for work 66 Special training 66 1 Carrying messages 662 Hunting ,089 Hygiene, diseases, etc. Hygiene is usually better clast 614.9, and Diseases 6iy i Anatomy 2 3 Hygiene . 5 Remedies, materia medica 6 Diseases 7 Surgical operations .1 Horse . 1 1 Oriental horse Arabian, Persian, Tartar, Turkish, Barb .12 Speed horse, race horse, light type, ' hot blooded ' .121 .122 English thorobred or running horse .127 Other European i Russian Orloff trotters .128 American trotter or pacer i Morgan .13 Saddle horse Hunter; military (charger, cavalry horse, etc.), American saddle, Kentucky saddle, cob, park hack, palfrey DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 636.14 Coach or carriage horses Harness horse .142 English coach 1 Cleveland bay 2 Yorkshire coach 3 Hackney . r 43 German coach East Prussian or Trakehner, East Friesland. Rhenish Prussian, Mecklen- burg, Schleswig, Hanoverian, Oldenburg, Holstein .144 French coach, ' demisang ' .145 Italian: Corsican . 1 5 Draft horse, cart horse, hevy type, ' cold blooded ' .152 English 1 Clydesdale 2 Suffolk punch or draft 3 Black or shire draft .154 French and Belgian 1 Norman, Percheron 2 Ardennais 3 Boulonnais 4 Breton 5 Nivernais 8 Belgian draft, Flanders dray, Flemish horse .158 American draft Conestoga . 1 6 Ponied .161 Ponies for special purposes : polo .162 Scotch, English and Welsh 1 Shetland 2 Galloway 4 Exmoor 5 Dartmoor 6 New Forest 9 Welsh .168 American Mustang, bronco, Indian pony . 1 8 Allied animals .182 Ass: jackass, donkey, burro Asiatic, Catalonian, Italian, Maltese .183 Mule, hinny .184 Zebra, quagga, etc, .^85 Zebrule, zebroid AGRICULTURE 636.2 Cattle Greater ruminants May be divided like 636.o8i-.o8g. but for utilization use .21 .21 Uses Subdivide !ike 636.088 See note above .22 English cattle .221 Old stocks Forest cattle, wild white. Chillingham .222 Beef breeds 1 Short horns 2 Durham 3 Teeswater 4 Lincolnshire 5 Red shorthorn 6 Hereford whitefaced 7 Polled Hereford 8 Sussex .223 Scotch, Welsh and Irish beef breeds 1 Aberdeen Angus Angus doddie, Buchan humb'.ies. polled Aberdeen 2 Galloway Blue gray 3 West highland: Kyloe 6 Black Welsh .224 Dairy breeds 1 Channel Hand cattle 2 Alderney 3 Jersey 4 Guernsey .223 Scotch and Irish dairy 1 Ayrshire 2 Dunlop 3 Cunningham 6 Kerry Dexter Kerry, Dexter shorthorn .226 Dual purpose breeds 1 Devon North Devon, Rubies, South Devon 2 South Hams Hammers 3' Polled Durham 4 Red polled 5 Norfolk 6 Suffolk 7 East Anglian 8 Longhorn (English) Dishley DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 636.23 German, Dutch and Swiss cattle .232 Beef breeds .234 Dairy breeds 1 Hoistein 2 Hoistein Friesian 3 East Friesian 4 Oldenburg .235 Dutch i Dutch Friesian, Netherland, North Holland 4 Dutch belted: Lakenfelds, Lakenvelders, Veldlaker? 6 Danish 7 Jutland .236 Dual purpose .237 Swiss 1 Brown Swiss 2 Simmental 3 Bernese 4 Spotted race .24 French and Belgian .242 Beef .244 Dairy i Breton, Brittany .245 Belgian dairy 1 Flamande, Flemish 2 Rosenstein .246 Dual purpose 1 Norman 2 Cotentin .27 Other European .271 Russian Kolmogorian .28 Other countries .282 American beef breed i Longhorn, Texas steer .283 American dairy breed 1 American Holderness, Holderness 2 French Canadian, Quebec Jersey .29 Allied* animals .291 Brahmin sacked cattle; zebu .292 Bison family 1 Bison; American buffalo 2 Cattalo Hybrid of bison and cow 3 European bison AGRICULTURE 636.293 Buffalo or water buffalo 'Bubalus Bhains, mhains. arna, ami (Hindu) Moonding (Sudan) Karbo or Karbon (Malay) Carabao (Philippines) .294 Deer, reindeer .295 Camel: Arabian, Bactrian; dromedary .296 Lama, llama, alpaca .2971 Yak 2 Gayal, gaur 636.3 Sheep, goats Smaller ruminants May be divided like 636.o8l-.o89, but for utilization use .31 .31 Uses Subdivide like 636.088 See note above .32 English breeds .321 Longwool breeds (coarse wool) 1 Cotswold 2 Leicester English Leicester, New Leicester or Dishley, Bakewell's Leicester 3 Border Leicester Halfbred or Leicester-Cheviot or Cheviot-Leicester or Upland Leicester 4 Lincoln 5 Kent or Romney marsh 6 Wensleydale Bluefaced Wensleydale, Wensleydale longwool, Wensleydale blueface, Teeswater 7 Devon longwool, Southam nolts, Bampton nolts 8 South Devon or South Dum 9 Roscommon .322 .323 Shortwool breeds Medium- wool; middle-wool; down sheep; mutton sheep 1 Southdown, Sussex, Sussex down Including Underbill and Upperdown 2 Hampshire down, improved Hampshire down, Wiltshire brook, Berkshire knot, Wiltshire hornd 3 Dorset or West country down, Dorset horn, hornd Dorset 4 Oxford or Oxfordshire down Before 1859 calld Down-Cotswold 5 Suffolk down, old Norfolk, hornd Norfolk 6 Shropshire down, Morfe common .3241 Dorset and Somerset horn 2 Ryeland or Lempster 3 Clun Forest, Wicklow (Irish) 4 Kerry Hill (Irish) 5 Radnor DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Mountain breeds 1 Cheviot 2 Blackfaced Scotch blackface or blackfaced Scotch, Linton Forest, Lammermuir, Tweeddale, blackfaced highland 3 Herdwick 4 Lonk or Lank Lancashire blackfaced 5 Penistone 6 Limestone, Limestone Crag 7 Ruf Swale dale 8 Shetland, Orkney, Hebrides .3261 Derbyshire gritstone 2 Dartmoor 3 Exmoor Exmoor horn 4 5 6 Cornwall 7 Welsh mountain .33 German and Dutch breeds Swiss .331 Low country or marsh sheep Hornless and short taild i Dutch Texel 4 Friesian East and North Friesland, Eiderstedt, Ditmarsh, Butjading, Zealand 7 Northeast German Vaga, Elbingen 333 Upland sheep, heath sheep (German heidsnucken) 1 Pomeranian or Polish, Mecklenburg (Spiegelschaf) 2 Hessian 3 Bavarian or Zaupel Franconian (Frankenschaf) 4 Rhine 5 Hanoverian, Miinster 6 Styrian or Carinthian .34 French and Flemish breeds .342 Central plateau breeds i Auvergne 2 3 La Marche 4 5 Limousin 6 7 Saintonge .34.4 Loire basin and north France breeds 1 Berrichonne (Crevant, Cher, Indre) 2 Solognote (Sologne) 3 Comtoise (Franche-Comtd) 4 Ardennes (Poitou) 5 Perch eron (Perche) 6 Angevin (Anjou) 7 Cotentin 8 Bretagne 9 Chirmoisa (Loir et Chsr) AGRICULTURE 636.346 Pyrenese breeds 1 Basquaise 2 Bearnaise 3 Landaise 4 Gasconne 5 Lauraguaise 6 Lot 7 Albigeois 8 Aveyron Varieties: Larzac, Lacaune, Olempe, Cevennes, Causss 9 Barbarins Varieties: Millery, Lahune, Marthold .3 5 Italian Neapolitan: long, broad or fat taiid Bergamasker; Paduan; Italian cr Sar- dinian, mountain .36 Spanish breeds Merinos, etc. .361 Escurial or Estramadura .362 Guadaloupe .363 Pavlar .364 Infantado .365 Nigretti .366 Other Spanish Aguirre, Atwood, Montares, Leonese, Churra .367 Other European merino breeds 2 British 3 German 3 1 Prussian 32 Hanoverian 33 Saxon 34 Silesian 37 Hungarian 4 French: Rambouillet 8 Danish, Swedish, etc. .368 Other merino breeds 1 American 2 Delaine 3 4 Australian .37 Other European sheep .371 Russian .372 North Europe: Scandinavia, Iceland, Faroe ilands Ovis brachyura borealis 373 Southeast Europe Long tail, broad or fat tail: Macedonian or Clementine Long tail and small tail, mixt wool: Cretan, Macedonian, \Vallach\aa , Moldavian or Hungarian DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 636.38 Other countries .385 Asiatic Short tail, nornd: Tartar, Kalmuck, Kinghir, Buriat fat rump (ovis steatopyga); stump tail (ovis brachycerca). See also 636.386 Short tail, hornless: Mecca fat rump, Chinese (ongtischaf), Persian Long tail, broad or fat tail, dumba (ovis platyura): Syrian, Anatolian, Karamanian or Levant, Persian, Bokhara Arabian or Bedouin Kabardian or Circassian .386 African sheep Long tail, broad or fat tail: Egyptian, Tunisian, Berber or Algerian Long and small tail, hevy fleece: Bischarin (Nubian), dinka (sheep with manes, ovis africana), high leg or Guinea sheep (Konsjo), Morvan (longipes), Libyan or Fezzan, Zunu or Angola Stump tail (ovis brachycerca). See also 636.385 .39 Goats May be divided like 636.081-. 089, but for utilization use .391 .391 Uses Subdivide like 636.088 See note above .392 British goats Irish goat, longhaird English goat, shorthaird 393 German and Austrian goats Hartz mt, Hinterwald, Hungarian, Langensalza, Saxony, Schwarzwald, Starkenburg, Westphalian, Wiesental 6 Swiss goats Alpine or common goat Blackneckt Valais, Schwarzhals or Schwarztal, Glacier, saddle Guggisber g 7 Toggenburg 8 Appenzell or flat-heded 9 Saanen or Sarnen, Gessenay or Gassenay .394 French goats: Tarentaise .395 Italian goats : Maltese .396 Spanish goats Hornless, Granada, Malaga Shorthaird reds, Spanish- Maltese .397 Other European goats .398 Other goats i American goats 5 Asiatic goats Tibet (China), Angora (Persia), Syrian 54 India Kashmir (or shawl Tibet). Nepal (variety of Nubian), Surats, Tarh (shaggy brown Himalayan goat) 6 African goats Abyssinian (or Nubian), Guinea 62 Egypt Egyptian (or Nile), Theban, Zaraibi AGRICULTURE 636.4 Swine May be divided like 636.08 i-.oSp. but for utilization use .41 .41 Uses Subdivide like 636.088. See note above .42 English breeds .421 Small black breeds Use also for small breeds in general 1 Essex 2 Sussex 3 Suffolk .422 Small white breeds 1 Windsor 4 2 Small Yorkshire 3 Coleshill .424 Large white breeds 1 Yorkshire 2 Lancashire 3 Cumberland 4 New Leicester 5 Lincolnshire 6 Suffolk .426 Medium colord breeds Use also for medium breeds in general 1 Black Berkshire 2 Red Tamworth 3 Red Berkshire .427 Medium white breeds i Middle Yorkshire 3 " Suffolk .43 German and Dutch breeds .431 Lowland breeds Southern Germany Use this also as general number for short-ear swine Bavarian Franconian Halle Suabian Dusseltaler Glanschwein Luzern Wurtemberg .432 Hungarian short ear Carpathian, Bergschlag Bakonyer or Bakouner Szalontaer 433 Western and Northern Germany Use this also as general number for large-ear. Large Polish, Meissner .434 German marsh swine, large ear Danish ilands Holland Mecklenburg Schleswig-Holstem Hanover Jutland Oldenburg Westphalia DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 636.44 French .441 Large-ear French Celtic breed Northeastern France Champagne .443 Northwestern France Breton Norman Aujeronns Craonnoise Mancelle Angevin .445 Southwestern France Spanish origin French Perigord Quercy Limousin Gasconne Bdarnaise .447 Southeastern France Provence Roussillon Languedoc Bressane .449 Swiss Orison Bundener .45 Italian, Neapolitan, Maltese, Tuscon, Romagnole .46 Spanish and Portuguese .47 Other European .47 1 Curly bristles Southeastern Europe .472 Serbian Syrmian Mongolicza or Mangalicza Curly-bristle Hungarian Milos Sumadia or Obrenovics .473 Croatian .474 Rumanian, Moldavian Anatolian Albanian .475 Russian .48 Other countries .481 American breeds .482 Poland-China .483 Red Jersey or Duroc- Jersey .484 .485 Asiatic: Chinese, Tonkin, Siamese .486 Africa Cape breeds, Sennaar. Guinea .489 Oceania Papuan AGRICULTURE 636.5 Poultry May be divided like 6j6.o8i-.o89, but for utilization use .51 .51 Uses Subdivide like 636.08?; e. g. 636.513 Capon. See note above .52 English breeds .521 Dorking .522 Sussex or Surrey .523 Kent .524 Orpington .525 Redcap .526 Other English Lincolnshire buffs .527 Scotch grays .528 Other Scotch Scotch bakies or dumpies Jumpers Dumbartonshire . 53 German and Dutch breeds .531 Hamburg .532 Lakenf elder 5 3 3 Ramelsloher .536 Styrian .537 Bohemian .538 . Other East Friesian, Westphalian, Thuringian, Alsatian, Nassau, Augsburg, etc. Magyar .54 French and Belgian breeds .541 Crevecoeur .542 Houdan .543 La Fleche Le Mans Caux .544 La Bresse, Louhans, Bourg, Bourbourg, Barbe"zieux, Coussade, Courtes-pattes .545 Faverolles .546 Gournay, Pavilly, Caumont .547 Other Coucou, French cuckoo, Mantes, Estaires .548 Belgian breeds Campenes or Campines, or Brackel; Brabant. Huttegen Bredes or Guelders or Guelderlands. Coucou de Malines. Bruges .55 Italian breeds Use also as general number for Mediterranean breeds .551 Leghorn .552 Paduan or Polish (in England) Also called Pompadour, Padouse, Polanders .553 Polverara .554 Ancona DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 636.56 Spanish breeds .561 Castilian .562 Minorcan .563 Black Spanish .564 Blue Andalusian .565 Prat .57 Other European .571 Pavloff (Russian) .572 Siberian fetherfooted .573 Sultans .58 Other countries .581 American breeds 1 Dominican, Dominique, Dominiker 2 Jersey blue 3 Bucks county 4 Java 5 Buckeye 6 Winnebago .582 Plymouth rock .583 Wyandotte .584 Rhode Island red .585 Asiatic breeds 1 Cochin China Shanghai 2 Brahmaputra Brahma, Gray Chittagong 3 Langshan 4 Malay 7 Japanese fowls White Yokohama Phoenix .587 Special varieties i Bantams 1 1 Common 12 Game 13 Polish 14 Asiatic 15 Japanese .588 Other 1 Game 1 1 Azeel or Aseel 12 English game 13 Sebright (a bantam only) 14 Cornish Indian, or Indian (in England), or Cornish (in America) 15 Malay 2 Deformd Rumpless or tailless or WaHikiki; Turkey necks, naked necks, Gilli- kins, nude 3 Silkies 4 Frizzles AGRICULTURE 636.59 Other fowls .592 Turkey 1 Original species 11 American, or N. American ' original ' or wild turkey (mele- agris Americana) 12 Mexican wild turkey (meleagris Mexicana) 13 Honduras wild turkey (meleagris ocellata) 14 Crested turkey 2 Bronze English Cambridge turkey 3 Narragansett 4 Buff 5 Slate or Austrian whites (in England) 6 White, or White Holland (in America) 7 Black, or Norfolk or black Norfolk (in England) 8 Bourbon red, or Bourbon butternut, or Kentucky red .593 Guinea fowl .594 Fezant .595 Peacock .596 Pigeons 1 High class fancy pigeons 1 1 Pouters 12 English carrier 13 Runt 14 Barb 15 Shortface tumbler 2 High class toy pigeons 21 Fantail 22 Owls 23 Turbits 24 Frilbacks 25 Jacobins 26 Trumpeters 27 Scandaroons 28 Florentine amalgamated, Hen 31 Dragoon, Horseman 32 Priests 33 Brunswick 34 Oriental frils 35 Homers, white homing, Antwerp 4 5 Other toy pigeons DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 7 636.597 Ducks 2 English breeds 2 1 Aylesbury 22 Indian runner 23 Blue Swedish 4 French breeds Rouen, colord Rouen, also cald Rhone and Roan 8 Other countries 8 1 American 82 Cayuga, black Cayuga Also called Big black and Lake duck 83 Muscovy Colord Muscovy, Musk duck, white Musccvy 85 Asiatic: Pekin, white Pekin By Chinese cald Mandarin .598 Goose 3 German: Emden, white Emden 4 French: Toulouse, gray Toulouse 7 Sebastopol 8 Other countries . 8 1 Wild or Canadian Gray wild 85 Chinese: white, brown 86 African Also cald Indian, gray African and Guinea 87 Egyptian Colord Egyptian 89 Spurwing (Australia) .6 Birds For poultry see 636.5. Here are clast domesticated birds useful for plumage or work, and pet birds .61 Birds useful for their f ethers For geese see 636.598 .611 Ostriches .62 .68 Song and ornamental birds .681 Swan .686 Cage and aviary birds .7 Dogs May be subdivided like 636.081 .089, but for uses see 636.72 .765 .71 Breeds .72 Utility dogs .73 Draft and other work dogs .74 Watch dogs, herd dogs .75 Hunting and sleuth dogs Carrier dogs .76 Pet dogs .765 Toy dogs .77 Dogs in art See also 758 Animal painting .78 Dogs in literature Essays, stories, biografy, etc. .79 Other topics AGRICULTURE 636.8 Cats .81 Breeds .87 Cats in art See also 758 Animal painting .88 Cats in literature Essays, stories, etc. .9 Other: rabbits, guinea pigs, etc. 637 Dairy and dairy products .1 Milk . 1 1 Economics .113 Dairy farms Description of individual farms .116 Finances and accounts .117 Expenses .118 Returns .1185 Sale price . 1 2 Production and composition .121 Choice of dairy cows .122 Special food .124 Milking Milk pails, milk stools, milking tube .125 Artificial milkers .127 Composition of milk 1 Fat 2 Lactose, milk sugar, lactin; galactin 3 Casein 6 Milk testing Creamometer Lactobutyrcmeter Lactodensimeter Lactoscope Galactometer Lactocrite Lactometer Percent tube 7 Milk analysis .13 Care of milk .131 Bildings, dairies .132 Installation, apparatus 1 Refrigerating apparatus, milk cooler 2 Heating apparatus 3 Pasteurizers 7 Receptacles Storage Milk pans .133 Preservation 1 Chilling 2 Heating 3 Pasteurizing .135 Transportation and sale of milk Milk cars, milk wagons, bottles, cans DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 63 7 . 1 4 Utilization Consumption .141 Whole milk .142 Condenst milk .143 Milk powder .144 " farina .145 " sugar .146 Fermented milk Kumis .147 Skim milk .148 Cream .16 Accidents Alterations Diseases Impurities Adul- terations .17 Milk other than cow's milk .171 Mare's milk .172 Ass's " .173 Ewe's a .174 Goat's " .18 Substitutes for milk .181 Vegetable milks .2 Butter .21 Economics .216 Finances and accounts .217 Expenses .218 Returns .2185 Sale price .22 Composition .221 Character and properties of butter .222 Constituents of butter .223 Grades of butter .225 Butter testing .227 " analysis .23 Preparation of butter .231 B Mings Creameries Butter factories .232 Installation, apparatus 1 Separators 1 1 Skimmers 12 13 14 Centrifugal separators 2 Churns 3 Washers 4 Workers 8 Presses, molds, stamps, etc. AGRICULTURE fr 637.233 B utter making 1 Separating cream 2 Churning 3 Washing 4 Working 5 Salting 6 Pasteurization 7 Ripening .235 Transportation and packing i Methods of packing Receptacles .24 Utilization Consumption Including residues .247 Buttermilk .26 Alterations Diseases Impurities Adulterations .27 Renovation .28 Substitutes for butter .281 Oleomargarin .282 Butterin .3 Cheese .31 Economics .316 Finances and accounts .317 Expenses .318 Returns 5 Sale prices .32 Character and composition .321 Character and properties .322 Constituents .323 Grades of cheese .325 Cheese testing .327 Cheese analysis .33 Cheese manufacture .331 Cheese factories .332 Installation, apparatus ' 1 Borlen 2 Curd mils . 3 Presses .333 Cheesemaking 1 Curdling Rennet 2 Refining 3 Pressing 4 Heating 8 Putting in molds 335 Transport, packing, etc. 1 Packing 2 Storage DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 637.34 Utilization Consumption Including by-products .345 Milk sugar .347 Whey butter .35 Varieties .351 Rennet cheese from cow's milk .352 Soft cheese, fresh, unripend .353 " ripend 2 English 3 German: Limburger 4 French: Brie, Camembert, Neufchatel 5 Italian: Gorgonzola .354 Hard cheese 2 English: Cheshire, Cheddar, Sage, Stilton 3 German, Swiss, etc.: Emmental, Edam 4 French: Gruyere. Gex 5 Italian: Parmesan 6 7 Other European 355 Rennet cheese from other than cow's milk 1 From sheep's milk : Roquefort, Texel 2 " goat's " < > 3 " reindeer " 4 " buffalo " .356 Sourmilk cheese from cow's milk Cottage cheese, Dutch cheese, pot cheese, smear -case 357 Sourmilk cheese from other than cow's milk 638 Bees, silkworms, etc. Insects whose products ar useful for food or manufactures .1 Bees, honey, wax .2 Silkworms .3 Cochineal 639 Hunting, trapping, fish culture, etc. See also 799 for sporting side .1 Hunting, trapping, game preservs, etc. Fox, skunk, etc. farms .2 Fishing as an occupation .3 Fish culture Pisciculture Including turtle, terrapin, frogs .4 Oysters and other moflusks Shelfish Oyster, clam, mussel, snail, pearlfishing. scallop, quohog, cockle, winkle, periwinkle .5 Crustaceans Lobsters, crabs, crawfish, shrimps, prawns .6 Other sea food Sea urchin, echinus 7 .8 Leeches DOMESTIC ECONOMY 640 Domestic economy Public as well as private household administration covering work of housekeeper, matron, steward, janitor, etc. in hotels, clubs, apartments, boarding houses, schools, restaurants, factories, offis and other commercial bildings. churches. cheaters, railway stations, ships and other public gathering places. For economics of consumption, including standards of living, see 339; for care of library bildings see 025.9. Numbers for allied subjects in army and navy will be provided under military and naval science. See also 331.83 Food, clothes and shelter of laboring classes .1 .2 3 .7 SUMMARY 641 Food, cookery 642 Serving entertaining 643 Shelter, house, home 644 Heat, light, ventilation 645 Furniture, furnishings 646 Clothing, toilet 647 Administration, household 648 Sanitary precautions, cl 649 Nursery, sickroom Theories, utility, etc. Cotnpends Dictionaries, cyclopedias Study and teaching Decoration management eaning 4 5 .6 Essays Periodicals Societies Schools of housekeeping, experiment stations. Investigations of home con- ditions. For cooking schools see 641 .07 .71 Schools and experiment stations See 630.7 Agricultural schools, farmers institutes: 630.6 Farmers associa- tions, granges, etc; 371.42 Manual training coursss; 371.6764 Labora- tory equipment for home economics courses; 375.64 Place in curriculum; educational values. 640. 711-. 74 may be used for keeping all phase of the subject in 640 711 College and university courses and departments Schools of college grade .712 Secondary courses; high school .713 Elementary courses; below high school .714 Extension work Courses for special needs: woman's clubs, farmers' wives, etc. .72 Research work: experiment stations, graduate courses For Sage foundation see 306 73 Normal courses, teachers institutes, etc. .74 Exhibits Museums .9 History 641 Food Cookery For physiology of nutrition, see 612.39; for dietetics and dietary standards, 613 .2; for food values, 641 . i .01' Gastronomy Epicurism Plesures of eating, esthetics of cookery, epicures (gourmets). For gluttony, see 178.91 and 613.25 .02 Compends .03 . ' Dictionaries, cyclopedias .04 Essays, addresses, lectures 05 Periodicals .06 Societies .07 Study and teaching Cooking schools, classes and clubs .08 Polygrafy .09 History and description Divided like 930-999. Including foods characteristic of different peooles. but for preparation of specific dishes (i. e. recipes) peculiar to special countries see 641.59. DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 641.1 Food chemically considerd Food values Tables For methods of chemical analysis see 543.1; for adulterations see 614-3; for commercial preparation or manufacture see 664; for physiology of nutrition nee 613.39; for dietetics see 613. 2 612.39 treats of physiologic effect of different kinds and quantities of foods from purely scientific point of view, without regard to benefit or injury 613.2 treats of food requirements in special conditions of age or disease and of the beneficial or injurious effects of different kinds of foods 641.1 translates scientific facts into familiar terms for cook and housekeeper, treats of the required amount of the different constituents and their propor- tion as tounu in various foods . 1 1 Organic food constituents . 1 2 Proteids or nitrogenous foods Meat, egs, nuts, legumes, etc. See also 612.398 .13 Carbohydrates or nonnitrogenous foods Vegetables, cereals, fruits, sugar See also 612.396 .14 Fats, oils See also 612.397 .15 Inorganic food constituents . 1 6 Water .17 Salts, mineral or ash constituents .3 Animal and vegetable foods Class here also works dealing both with food material and its preparation Subdivided like 630 e.g. 641.33, Cereals, 641.34 Fruits .31 Prices Relativ cost Quality and other factors in buying for table .4 Food preservation Markets Subdivide like 664 (not yet completed) For commercial methods see Chemic technology 664. 8-. 9; tor transportation see 656 (subdivision not completed) .5 Cookery Cook books General recipes, specific directions, in whatever form (books, cards, etc) for preparing food Distinction between 612.39, 613.2 and 641.5: in 641.5 class cook books and collections of recipes in which physiologic and hygienic effects of foods (if treated at all) are secondary; in 613.2 class dietaries and selection and prepara- tion of food for special systemic conditions, with recipes subsidiary or with recipes and diet about evenly balanced: in 612.39 class the scientific study of physiologic effects of various foods, regardless of benefit or injury See also 641.59 Recipes peculiar to special countries: 641.6 Cookery of specific substances; 641.7 Cookery by specific processes; 641.8 ComposJt dishes, ices, confectionery, beverages .52 Brekfast .53 Luncheon, afternoon tea, supper .54 Dinner .55 Economic cookery .56 Special conditions Under limitations of age, helth, ethical or religious theories, etc. .562 Children .563 Invalids and aged Hospital cookery .564 Ethical limitations .565 Religious limitations .566 Seasons and days : Lent, fast days, etc. .567 Cults : Jews, Buddhists, etc. DOMESTIC ECONOMY 641.57 Special situations Adaptation to large numbers, large variety, and limitations of time, place or appliances .572 Hotel and restaurant cooking .573 Army and navy cooking See also 355 .574 Shipboard cooking Exclusiv of navy .575 Camp and travel cooking .576 Railway dining and buffet cars .577 Itinerant companies; circuses, etc. Methods of feeding large numbers en route or in temporary sheinsrs .578 Camp cooking .58 Special utensils or fuels .583 Cooking by oil Including oil and gas together .584 Cooking by gas .585 Cooking by alcohol Chafing dish recipes .586 Cooking by electricity .587 Cooking by apparatus heated by steam or hot water .588 Cooking by slowly applied heat Aladdin ovens, fireless cookers .59 Cookery of special countries Class here descriptions of national cookery or recipes for dishes character- istic of special countries or regions .591 Frigid zone and cold wether .592 Tropics and hot wether Divide farther like 930-999, using these numbers preferably only for reference and shelving books under 64 1.5-. 578 .6 Cookery; clast by material Subdivide like 641.3 .7 Cookery; clast by process .71 Baking, roasting .72 Braising .73 Boiling, simmering Soups .74 Stewing, .75 Steaming .76 Broiling, grilling .77 . Frying, sautering .8 Composit dishes Ices, confectionery, beverages, etc. See also 641.53 Luncheon, afternoon tea, supper .81 > .82 Entrees Made dishes .83 Salads .84 Sandwiches .85 Confectionery, candies, sweets, bonbons .86 Ices: ice cream, sherbet, water ices, etc. .87 Beverages Soft drinks See also 663 Manufacture of beverages; 663.8 Bartenders manuals, mixing drinks; 613 .3 Hygiene of beverages DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 642 Serving Table Entertaining See also 395 Etiquet .1 Home and family meals Brekfast, lunch, dinner, supper. Menus and servis For tables of chemic constituents and calories see 641 . t .2 Refreshments Afternoon tea, sandwiches, ices, soft drinks .3 Camp, picnic and travel lunches Lists of supplies; suitable food and dishes; packing and accessories. For recipes see 641.53; for camp cookery see 641.578 .4 Entertaining .41 Private entertainments .42 Small numbers Luncheons, dinners, etc. .43 Large numbers Receptions, balls, garden parties, etc. .45 Public entertainments Banquets, dinners, clambakes, etc. For history of banquets, eating, etc. see 394.1 under Public and social customs. For dining room see 643.4 .48 Toasts Table anecdotes and conversation See also table talk in literary miscellany .5 Table systems for large numbers .51 Table d'hote .52 American plan .53 European plan, k la carte .54 Club: choice of combinations .55 Harvard Memorial hall plan Harvard university plan of a fixt charge for essentials, and coupons (alimentary milage) for extras .56 Mixt plan Table d'h6te and a la carte; table d'hote and club .57 Lunch counters Cafeteria .58 School lunch rooms Management, prices, rules for payment, suitable food, freedom of choice, etr. See also 371.716 School meals .6 Serving Carving Directions for setting table, changing courses, etc. .7 Table furnishings Linen, china, glass, plate, etc. Preferably clast here, tho possible to be con- siderd part of 645.66 Dining room furnishings .8 Table decoration Selection and effectiv arrangement of flowers, colors, lights, centerpieces, etc. DOMESTIC ECONOMY 643 Shelter: house, home For types of houses and plans see 725, 727 and 728; for materials and construction see 690; for heating and ventilation see 628.8, 644 and 697; for lighting, 628.9 ar.d 644.3; for plumbing and gasfitting see 696; for furnishing see 645 .1 Location, site Social and religious character of neighborhood; accessibility, railways, tramways, etc; nearness to churches, schools, markets, etc. Property increasing or decreas- ing in value For hygiene of soil and grounds (city, village or country) see 614.77; for Sanita- tion, water supply and drainage see 628 .2 Plan Requirements of house for convenient and economic administration; rclativ situation and intercommunication of rooms, amount and direction of light, etc. Special rooms: kitchen, dining room, baths, etc. For detacht rooms and bild- ings see 728.9; for furnishing see 645; for architectural aspect of structural parts of house (foundation, floors, walls, etc.) see 721; for wall finish see 729.31 .3 Kitchen and its equipment .31 Plan: situation and arrangement Relation to rest of house. Housekeeper's requirements as guide to architect. Light. For plans see 728 Residences, and 728.93 Detacht kitchens .3 2 Ventilation Carrying off odors, etc. .33 Stoves, ranges, cookers, hot tables, fuels See also 641 .58 Cooking by special utensils or fuels .331 Fireplaces, open fires: turnspit, crane, etc. .332 Coal and wood Stoves and ranges 333 Oil and oil stoves .334 Gas and gas stoves Including natural gas and acetylene .335 Alcohol and alcohol stoves Chafing dish .336 Electricity and electric stoves .337 Steam heated cooking appliances Steam tables .338 Slow and fireless cookers Aladdin oven. Norwegian haybox. See also 641 .588 .34 Machinery and laborsavers .3 5 Utensils .36 Pastry room .37 Storeroom, larder Refrigerators .38 Care of kitchen and accessory rooms 39 .4 Dining room and adjuncts .45 Serving room Butler's pantry .47 Other pantries .48 Cupboards .5 Other special rooms .52 Baths, lavatories, toilets .57 Sun rooms, solariums: sleeping balconies, etc. .58 Laundry Place in house; for equipment sec 648. See also 728.93 Cetacht laundries .6 Laborsavers General: bells, telefones, tubes, lifts, chutes, door openers and cbsers. etc. See also special subjects; e.g. 648.52 Vacuum cleaners .7 Repair DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 644 Heat Light Ventilation .1 'Systems of heating Desiderata, relativ advantages for household For varieties of apparatus and installation see 697; for sanitary engineering see 628 . 8 .15 Fireplaces Family harthstone Open fire as household institution; mental influence Sanitary advantages. See also 749 Artistic fireplaces .19 Portable heaters: bedwarmers, warming pans, footwarmers .2 Fuels Relativ cost; clenliness; labor involved, e.g. hauling and carrying wood or coal and removing ashes. Chimney sweeping .21 Wood .22 Coal .23 Oil, gasoline, etc. .24 Gas .26 Electricity .3 Systems of lighting Fixtures, fittings, accessories. Class here general discussion covering fixtures and medium, their relativ advantages, etc. For medium alone see 644.31; for fixtures see 644.32 .31 Lighting medium See also Chemic technology 665 .311 Candles .312 Oil .313 Gas .314 Acetylene .315 Electricity See also 621.32 Electric lighting .319 Other .32 Apparatus and accessories Subdivide each, if wisht, like 644.31 .321 Hand lamps Candlesticks .322 Lanterns .323 Table, banquet and piano lamps .324 Standards .325 Wall lamps Sconces .326 Chandeliers Ceiling fixtures .5 Ventilation Most material belongs elsewhere: hygienic influence of air and light 613.1; sanitary engineering 628.8; ventilating apparatus 697.9. For advantages of fireplaces see 644. 15 DOMESTIC ECONOMY 645 Furniture, carpets, upholstery Decoration For plan and furnishing treated together see 64? See also hygiene 613.59; architectural decoration 721; design 745; artistic furni- ture 749; manufactures of cotton, wool. etc. 677 .1 Floor coverings: carpets, rugs .2 Wall coverings .3 Window and door furnishings Screens, shades, awnings, draperies, wether strips .4 General furniture See also 643.6 Furnishings for special rooms .41 Chairs Footstools .42 Couches Settees .43 Tables .44 Desks .47 Cushions, pillows, etc. .48 Linen Removable furniture covers, centerpieces, etc. See also 642.7 Table fur. nishings; 645.67 Bedroom furnishings .49 Other .5 Ornaments Clocks, vases, pictures, statuary, etc. See also 739 Bronzes, brasses, bricab ac .6 Special rooms For kitchen see 643 .3; for laundry see 648 " .61 Hall and stairs Hatracks, umbrella stands, etc. .62 Drawing room Reception room Parlor .63 Library .64 Study or offis .65 Living room Class here furnishings of room used as combined reception room, library and living room .66 Dining room For table equipment and decoration see 64 2. 7-. 8 .67 Bedrooms and nursery Sleeping balconies, open air bedrooms. Beds and bedding, linen, etc. For nursery see also 649 .68 Bathrooms Lavatories Toilets Fittings and supplies. See also 646 . 7 Bathing 69 Other rooms Music, billiard and ball rooms, picture gallery, servants rooms, cellar, attic .8 Outdoor space Verandas, balconies, roof gardens For sleeping balconies see 645.67. See also 712 Private grounds; 717 Arbors. seats, outlooks DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 646 Clothing Toilet See also ethics of dress, display 177.4; ecclesiastic costume 247.7; clothing a related to economics of laboring classes 331 .83; bleaching and dyeing 667.1-. 3; academic costume 378.29; history of costume 391; clothesmaking 687; hygiene of clothing 613.48; adulteration of textils 614.37; for uniforms and liveries see occupations to which .they pertain .01 Psychology and economics of fashions Reasons for change of fashions; expense of fashionable dressing .02 Compends .03 * Dictionaries, cyclopedias .04 Essays, lectures, addresses .05 Periodicals .06 Societies Dress reform societies .07 Study and teaching .08 Polygrafy .09 Adaptation to climate or season .091 Clothing for cold wether and frigid zones .092 " " hot " " tropics .1 Materials Textils and fibers With reference to domestic use, or domestic use and hygiene combined. For hygiene of materials see 613.481; for general works on textils and fibers see 677 Manufacture of textils . 1 1 Cotton .12 Linen Flax Hemp .13 W^OOl Mohair, alpaca, camel's hair, rabbit's hair, etc. .14 Silk . 1 5 Lether .16 Fur .17 Other animal materials: fethers, hair, whalebone .18 Other vegetable materials .181 Rubber .182 Paper .183 Celluloid .184 .185 Straw Raffia .186 Other fibers: jute ,IQ Other materials Tinsel, aluminum, asbestos, etc. .2 Sewing Knitting Crochet For fancywork see 746 .21 Plain sewing Running, backstitching, hemming, overhanding, etc. .24 Mending Darning .26 Knitting and crochet Tatting For machineknit goods see 677 .27 Crochet .3 Clothing divided by wearers Class here trade catalogs; e.g. Liliputian bazar catalog 646.36 See also 391 Costume; 687 Clothesmaking as a trade 3 2 Clothing for men .34 " women .36 " " children DOMESTIC ECONOMY 646.4 Clothing divided by purpose Including directions to amateurs for cutting and making, economic use of material, suitability of material for purpose, adaptation of style to material and purpose, choice of color, etc. For limitation to special kinds of garments see subdivisions below; e.g. patterns or catalogs of underwear 646. 4 2 Subdivisions .4 2-. 48 may be farther divided by 2 Men, 4 Women, 6 Children .42 Underwear .43 Outer house garments Gowns or dresses, coats, trousers, etc. .45 Outdoor garments Cloaks, coats, overcoats, shawls, sweters, etc. See also 646.5 Hedgear, millinery; 646.48 Accessories: gloves, mufflers, etc. .46 Outer footwear For hose see 64.6.42 .47 Garments for special purposes Negligee, lounging or smoking, yachting, bathing, hunting, riding, etc. .48 Accessories Neckties, collars, cuffs, belts, aprons, caps, handkerchiefs, gloves, mufflers, garnitures, etc. For outdoor hedgear see 646.5 .5 Millinery Outdoor hedgear See 687 Millinery as a business .52 Hats, caps, etc. for men .54 Hats and bonnets for women .55 Other outdoor hedgear for women Hoods, scarfs, etc. .56 Hedgear for children .57 For boys .58 " girls .6 Cleaning Drycleaning For laundry see 648 . i 7 Toilet Cosmetics Bathing Care of hair, nails, teeth, etc. For historic customs see 391. 5-. 6. See also hygiene, 613.4 care of body 647 Household organization and administration .1 Household accounts: finances, cost See also bookkeeping 657 .2 Personnel Intelligence offis, employment bureau Class here regular employees or assistants; for occasional employees see 647.29. For ethical considerations, see 173.8. See also political economy, 331 Labor and wages . 2 1 Manager Superintendent, housekeeper, steward. See also 640.8 .22 Male employees .23 Female " .24 Foren Races and nationalities: orientals, negroes, etc. DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 647.25 Indoor servis Cook, butler, waitress, parlor maid, lady's maid, chambermaid, nurse, laundress, furnaceman, etc. For housekeeper, steward, etc. see 647.21; for outdoor servis see 647.3 .29 Other employees Emergency help, household registers .3 Servis outside the house Coachman, gardener, laborers .6 Wages Hours Duties .9 Cooperativ and collectiv housekeeping Hotels, clubs, apartments, commercial bildings, churches and other public and semipublic establishments or rooms See also 692.9 Bilding laws; 728 Residence architecture .91 Tenements See also 728.1 Tenement house architecture; 331.83 Housing of laboring classes, including tenement house laws; 613.53 Hygiene of tenements .92 Apartments, flats See also 728.2 Apartment house architecture .93 Cooperativ housekeeping See also 334.4 for economic aspect .94 Hotels Clubs See also 728.4 Clubhouse architecture; 728.5 Hotel architecture .95 Restaurants, tea rooms, etc. See also 642.5 Table systems for large numbers .96 Public bildings Institutions General administration and care affecting helth and convenience of occu- ~ants and public; janitor's duties. May be subdivided if wisht like 7 as; e.g. 647.962 Administration of offis bildings, or 647.9623 if so close classification is preferd See also 362 Hospitals, asylums, etc; 365 Prisons .97 Cottage systems 648 Sanitary precautions: laundry, cleaning .1 Laundry Washing Private, cooperativ, public. For other processes of clothes cleaning see 646.6 Dry cleaning. For sanitary precautions see 648. 5-. 6; for pests see 648.7 . 1 1 Administration Accounts . 1 2 Marking . 1 4 Equipment Collectiv: specifications and cost. Class specific appliances with processes to which they belong .15 Hand equipment .16 Power " .18 Supplies Soap, starch, bluing, powders, reagents .2 Washing Requirements of temperature, ingredients, etc. for different materials Wash- ing directions .22 Washing by hand .23 u machine .25 Starching .27 Bluing Tinting DOMESTIC ECONOMY 648.3 Drying Driers Extractors Wringers Confined or open air Temperature Effect on dyes of freezing, etc. .4 Ironing .42 By hand Sad irons Electric and gas heated irons, etc. .43 By machine Collar and shirt machines, fluting irons, etc. .45 Power machinery Mangle .5 Cleaning and sanitation of house or bilding See for sanitary engineering 628; for plumbing 696; for dry cleaning 646.6; for chimney sweeping 644.2 .52 Sweeping and dusting Floors, walls, moldings, furniture; implements, vacuum cleaners, etc. .54 Washing Porcelain, glass, windows, mirrors, paint, including table ware, bricabrac and fixtures. For washing textils see 648 . 2 .55 Polishing Silver, knobs, scutcheons, pipes and other metals 6 Disinfecting Waste pipes, traps, etc. Household disinfectants. See also 649.8 Care of sickroom; and public helth, 614.48 Disinfecting apparatus *\ Pests; traps, poisons, insectifuges r 649 Nursery Sickroom This provides for persons requiring special adjustment of household administra- tion: children and invalids .1 Care of children See also 136.7 Child study; 173.3 Duties of parents . 2 Rooms Nursery .? Food See also 613 .22 Diet of infants; 641 .5 Cookery for children ,4 Clothing and care of body See also 646.36 Childrens clothing, outfit and making; 646.4 delimit; lor various purposes; 613.4 Hygiene of bathing and clothing .5 Exercise Recreation See also 613.7 Hygiene of recreation; 790 Amusements .55 Amusements: toys, dolls, games .6 Manners Habits See also 173 .6 Duties of children 7 .8 Care of invalids and the infirm Sickroom DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 650 Communication Commerce 651 Offis equipment and methods See tentativ table in separate herewith 652 Writing; material, typewriters, cipher 653 Abbreviations Shorthand .01 Theories Available material Shading Position Detacht vowels .02 Practicability for general use Teaching in public schools For methods see 653 . 07 .03 Speed See also 653.046, Verbatim reporting .04 Applications .041 Personal notes and records .042 Correspondence .043 Amanuensis work .044 Newspaper work .045 Shorthand job offises .046 Official- reporting, court and legislativ .047 .05 Periodicals If strictly limited to one system, class with that system .06 Societies * * .07 Education Shorthand schools Teaching, privately or in classes .08 .OQ History Divided by countries like 930-990 .1 Abbreviations Omissions of silent letters, vowels, etc. Covers desirability, dangers, lists, and all general matter about use of recognized abbreviations. See also 421.4 Phonetic spelling; 421.8 Abbreviations .2 Abbreviation systems Brief longhand. Fonoscribing, etc. For telegrafic codes, see 652 Covers only systems of quick writing with common characters. .3 Stenografies Includes both discussions and systems with arbitrary signs and new characters .31 Before 1837 .32 Gurney .33 Gabelsberger .34 Stolze (Dettmann) .35 Taylor (Baker; Harding; Odell) .36 Cross .37 Scovil .38 Duploye (Pernin, Sloan) .4 Phonetic shorthand Phonografies Limited to phonetic stenografy, i. e. brief sound writing. .5 and .6 include only systems using Izaac Pitman's consonants .41 Before Pitman (1837) .42 Bell .43 Jones 44 Williams 45 USEFUL ARTS i 653-5 Pitman old vowel scale systems .51 Benn Pitman .52 Graham .53 Scott-Brown .54 Marsh .55 Thornton .56 Haven .57 Allen 58 .6 Pitman new vowel scale systems .61 Izaac Pitman .62 Munson .63 Longley .64 Burnz 65 .7 Connected vowel systems . 7 1 Lindsley 's takigrafy .72 Everett .73 Barrows .74 Bishop .8 9 Foren Systems Divided by languages like 400 The heds above are fc r English systems or (as in 653.3) foren systems adapted to and used for English. Other systems are groupt here by languages, but history of shorthand in special countries is in 653 . 09 654 Telegraf Cables Signals Forcod e6s2 .1 Telegrafic instruments .2 Duplex, quadruplex, multiplex telegrafs, etc. .3 Printing, perforating, dial telegrafs, etc. .4 Telegrafic construction; poles, wires, condits, etc. 5 'Cables Submarine .6 Telefones .7 Alarms ; burglar, fire Annunciators, bells .8 Speaking tubes Pneumatic tubes 9 Signals See also 534.83 Navigation signals; 623.7 Military signals DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 655 Printing Publishing Copyright .1 History of printing .11 Origin, invention .in Claims of Gutenberg, Mainz .112 Claims of Coster, Haarlem .12 Celebrations, anniversaries .121 1640 .122 1740 .123 1823 .124 1840 .13-. 1 9 Printing in special countries Divided like 930-999 .2 Type and typesetting .21 Type founding Tools of the art .22 Electrotyping and stereotyping, etc. Patent blocks For Photoelectrotyping, see 777 .23 Patent types, logotypes, etc. .24 Faces, sizes, styles Specimen books .25 Typesetting: composition, proofreading Artistic composition: taste, display, job work .26 .27 Imposition Locking up, etc. .28 Typesetting and distributing machines Linotype, monotype 3 Practical printing For Calico printing see 667. 3 .3 1 Printing presses .32 Press work: making ready Color printing Cuts .33 Drying: hydraulic pressing, etc. 34 .35 Stamps, stencils, etc. .36 Machines: paging, numbering, addressing, etc. See also 634.3 Printing telegrafs; 652 Typewriters .37 Nature printing F rom plants, etc. .38 Printing for blind s eeals 37i.9i Education of blind .4 History of publishing and bookselling Divided by countries like 930-999 .5 Publishing and bookselling .51 Selection of mss For freedom of press vs censorship, see 323; Morals of press 170. i .52 Relations to authors Copyright payments, prices of mss bought .53 Format Size, paper, type, illustrations, binding .54 Cost of manufacture Retail prices and discounts to dealers .55 Advertising, press copies and notices s2 659.1 Adve.tsing .56 Retail bookselling Prices and discounts to buyers .57 Subscription book publishing, canvassing .58 Publishing societies .59 Publishing by governments, institutions, etc. USEFUL ARTS 655.6 Copyright Literary property .61 Perpetual or common law right Including ethics of copyright .62 Copyright in other matter than books Music, mss, lectures, trademarks .63 International copyright See also 341 .5 International private law .64-.6g Copyright in special countries Divided like 940-999 ' 656 Transportation: railroading, etc. L Running of trains, train and toek-ttmetables, luggage and freight handling, lists of sailings: crews and shifts, jjja:plin, etc. For mechanical interrelations of track and rolling stock s;e 625. 2 For reports, government regulation, rats schsdifles, etc. s^e 385 for railroads, 386 for canal and 387 for river and ocean transportation 657 Bookkeeping Accounts 658 Business manuals Methods Tables See tentativ table in s;pirate herewith 659 Other topics .1 Advertising 660 Chemic technology .1 .2 Compends .3 Dictionaries, cyclopedias .4 Essays .5 Periodicals .6 Societies .7 Study and teaching .8 .9 Historv of chemic technology 66 1 Chemicals .1 Chemic elements Divided ifc 54 e > .2 Acids: sulfuric, nitric, etc. .3 Alkalies : potash, soda, ammonia .4 SaltS For common salt sec 654 4 .5 Ammonia salts .6 Sulfates and nitrates . 7 Cyanids 662 Pyrotechnics Explosivs, matches, etc. .1 Pyrotechnics .2 ExplosivS See 622.23 Blasting; 6?3- 4 Ordnanco .3 Gunpowder .4 Fuses, percussion caps .5 Matches .6 Fuel: coal, peat, natural gas, etc. - Charcoal, COke See also 644.22 Domestic economy 669.8 Metallurgy ,g Artificial fuel See also 644.2 Domestic economy 669.8 Metallurgy DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION See also 178 Temperance 614.35 Adulterations .1 Fermented .2 Wine .3 Brewd .4 Beer .5 Distild .6 Artificial mineral waters : soda water 7 .8 Mixing drinks Barkeepers manuals .9 Chocolate, coco Commercial mixing of teas, coffees, etc. 664 Foods For Adulterations see 614.31 Public helth. See also 641 Domssttc economy .1 Sugar, molasses, glucose, etc. .2 Starch, tapioca, sago, etc. .3 Artificial butter, oleomargarin Lard, compound lard For butter, milk, and cheese see 637 Dairy .4 Salt .5 Spices Condiments .6 Yeast Baking powder For bred see 641.631 Cookery 7 .8 Methods of preservation: fruits and vegetables .9 Preservation of meat and fish 665 Oils Gases Candles Lamps .1 Candles Torches .2 Animal oils and fats See also 664.3 Foods .3 Vegetable oils and fats .4 Mineral oils : paraffin, ozocerite, asphaltum .5 Petroleum, kerosene .6 Lamps See also 644.32 Domestic economy .7 Illuminating gases Calcium light .8 Other gases 9 666 Ceramics Glass, etc. . I GlaSS See also 748 Staind glass .2 Enamel .3 Ceramics See also 738 Pottery, porcelain .4 Clay See also 553.61 Economic geology .5 Porcelain .6 vStoneware, earthenware, pottery 7 Bricks TileS See also 69 1.4 Bilding material- 5695.3 Roofing .8 Artificial StOne See also 691.3 Bilding materials .Q CementS LimeS Mortars See also 691. S Bilding materials USEFUL ARTS 667 Bleaching, dyeing, etc. .1 Bleaching .2 Dyeing Artificial colors Silk and wool .3 Cotton dyeing and calico printing .4 Inks : writing inks, indelible inks .5 Printing inks .6 PaintS and pigments See also 698.1 House painting; 7SI Pine arts .7 Varnishes Polish Lacker s ee also 698.3 varnishing .8 Japan Blacking 9 668 Other organic chemic industries .1 Soap .2 Glycerin .3 Glue .4 Gums and resins .5 Essences, perfumery, essential oils and ethers, etc. See also 646.7 Toilet .6 Fertilizers See also 631.8 Agriculture .7 Distillation : coal tar, etc. 669 Metallurgy and assaying History of metals goes here, noi m 553, 622, nor 671 .1 Iron and steel .2 Gold and silver .3 Copper .4 Led .5 Zinc .6 Tin .7 Mercury and other metals .8 Fuels and furnaces Slags .9 Assaying 670 Manufactures Specific topics go where of most interest. These heds are for the general subject of metal wood, etc. manufactures, and for such specific manufactures as are .not of more interest elsewhere. But an account of a specific manufacture is commonly most useful with its own subject; e. g., a steam engin is certainly made of metal, but its manufacture should go under 621 . i, not 672. The character of the library often decides the place of greatest interest. An agricultural library would prefer the manufacture and everything about wood churns with the dairy, 637, while a manufacturing library might prefer it with other wood manufactures in 674. A general library will incline to the special subject, as a more minute classification is thus obtained, and references under 670 answer inquiries for all the library has on the subject of brass or rubber or paper manufactures. Whether groupt by use or material, if sought from the other standpoint, the references show the resources promptly. As a rale the use is the better classification, being more nv.nute and oftener wanted. But if the uses are various the general hid is better; e. g. bells are for scores of distinct uses, but their manufacture is a unit; but all churns are for the dairy DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 671 Articles made of metals 672 Of iron and steel; stoves, cutlery, etc. 673 Of brass and bronze ; bells, etc. see also 739 674 Lumber and articles made of wood 675 Lether " " " " lether 676 Paper " " paper 677 Cotton, wool, silk, linen, etc. 678 Rubber and articles made of rubber 679 Celluloid and other 680 Mechanic trades Amateur man- uals 681 Watch and instrument making Catalogs of miscellaneous instruments. Class special instruments with their subjects 682 Blacksmithing See also Zootechny, 636.0834 Shoeing .1 Horseshoeing 683 Lock and gun making 684 Carriage and cabinet making Furniture. See also 749 Artistic furniture; 694.7 Fine joinery, interior finish. Highway vehicles for separate tractors, either animal or motor. For motor vehicles see 629.2 685 Saddlery and shoemaking Trunks 686 Bookbinding 687 Clothesmaking Hats 688 689 Other trades 690 Bilding For Architectural construction, see 721 .1 Theories of construction .2 Compends, manuals .3 Dictionaries, cyclo- pedias .4 Essays, lectures .5 Periodicals .6 Societies, exhibitions .7 Education, study, training, apprentisship, tools and their use (for use of special tools see special trade) .8 Collections, patents, inventions .9 History of bilding construction 691 Material Processes Preservativs Waterproofing See also 620.1 Strength of materials .i Wood Creosoting, etc. .2 Natural stone Paraffining, etc. .3 Artificial stone Concrete .4 Bricks Tiles Other ceramic products .5 Lime Cement Plaster .6 Glass .7 Iron Steel Antirust processes .8 Other metals .9 Other materials USEFUL ARTS 692 Plans Specifications, etc. .1 General drawings .2 Detail drawings .3 Specifications .4 Contracts Agreements Bids Advertisements .5 Estimates Quantities Costs .6 Superintendence .7 Supervision of accounts ____.8 ___ .Professional servises __ Fees Commissions 680 . Manual arts Jtanual Primary handwork Paper and cardboard Weaving and basketry 684 Pottery and clay Mechanic draw Woodwork *1 Cabinet work Carving 6C7 tal work 688 Book binding Other manual arts 1 leather .3 btrengtnena oeams .4 PoStS ColumS See also 721.31 .5 Paneld and lattist construction .6 Joinery, general For Finishing, varnish, polish, etc. see 698 .7 Ornamental joinery Cabinet work For cabinetmaki->3 see 684 .8 Stairbllding See also 51 5-83 Stereotomy .9 Other branches See also 721. 87-.9 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 671 Articles made of metals 672 Of iron and steel; stoves, cutlery, etc. 673 Of brass and bronze ; bells, etc. see also 739 674 Lumber and articles made of wood Lether " " " " lether " paper Waterproofing bee ... __ .1 Wood Creosoting, etc. .2 Natural stone Paraffining, etc. .3 Artificial stone Concrete .4 Bricks Tiles Other ceramic products .5 Lime Cement Plaster .6 Glass .7 Iron Steel Antirust processes .8 Other metals .9 Other materials USEFUL ARTS 692 Plans Specifications, etc. .1 General drawings .2 Detail drawings .3 Specifications .4 Contracts Agreements Bids Advertisements .5 Estimates Quantities Costs .6 Superintendence .7 Supervision of accounts .8 Professional servises Fees Commissions .9 Bilding laws Liabilities of architects, owners, and contractors 693 Masonry Plastering Fireproofing .1 Stone construction . 1 1 Bonds of stone work .12 Cutting and dressing of stone See 515.8 Stsreotomy; 736 Stone carving .2 Brick construction .2 1 Bonds of brick work .22 Adobe or sundried brick, etc. .3 Terra cotta construction Tile .4 Hollow tile and porous terra cotta construction .5 Concrete and beton construction .6 Plastering .61 External plastering and stucco .62 Internal plastering .63 Ornamental plaster work .64 Scagliola .65 Wooden lath .66 Metal lath (Wire, etc.) .67 Mineral wool linings, etc. 7 .8 Fireproofing 9 694 Carpentry: joinery, stairbilding .1 Wood construction; general .2 Joints of woodwork Framing .3 Strengthend beams .4 Posts ColumS See also 721. 3i .5 Paneld and lattist construction .6 Joinery, general For Finishing, varnish, polish, etc. see 698 j .7 Ornamental joinery Cabinet work For cabinetmaki-i;? see 684 .8 Stairbilding See also 5 IS- 83 Stereotomy .9 Other branches Seeaiso7ar.87-.89 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 695 ROOfing: Slating, tiling Porroof construction see 721. 4 .1 Wood: shingle .2 Slate 3 Tile .4 Metal: tin, copper, led, zinc .5 Iron .6 Asfalt Tar Concrete (Melted) .7 Felt Asbestos Paper (In rolls) .8 Textil: duck, canvas .9 Thatch and other coverings 696 Plumbing Gas and steam fitting, etc. .1 Plumbing For principles of sanitation see 628 .2 Gasfitting .3 Steamfitting .4 Rivets and riveted joints .5 Screws and screw joints .6 Rust or calkt joints .7 Anchors Band irons .8 Other branches .9 Plumbing laWS See also 614 Public helth 697 Heating and ventilation See also sanitary engineering, 628 .8; domestic economy, 644. For lighting see 62? .9 .1 Fireplaces .2 Stoves .3 Furnaces .4 Hot water, high and low pressure .5 Steam, high and low pressure For boilers, see 621.184; for power plants, see 621.19 .6 Gas : coal gas, water gas, natural gas .7 Electric and other methods .8 Smoke flues and chimneys .9 Ventilation : air ducts, condits, fans 698 Painting Glazing Paperhanging .1 Painting Oil .2 Distemper and fresco .3 Varnishing Polishing .4 Other modes of protection 5 Glazing For Staind glass see 748 .6 Paperhanging .7 Textil hangings : tapestry For tapestry design, see 745 .8 Relief work: lincrusta, stampt lether, etc. .9 Other branches 699 Carbilding Railway and tramway cats, passenger and freight, with or without mo'ors. For highway cars see 629.2 Kine Arts 700 Fine arts 701 Philosofy: theories, utility, esthetics 702 Compends, outlines 703 Dictionaries, cyclopedias 704 Essays, lectures, addresses 705 Periodicals, magazines, reviews 706 Societies: transactions, reports, etc. 707 Education: study and teaching of art 708 Art galleries and museums .1 American: Corcoran, Metropolitan, Boston .2 English: National, Hampton Court, Windsor 3 German: Dresden, Munich, Berlin, Vienna 4 French: Louvre, Luxembourg 5 Italian: Vatican, Sistine, Pitti, Medici, Borbonico .6 Spanish: Madrid, Seville 7 Russian: St Petersburg, Hermitage 8 Scandinavian: Copenhagen 9 Other countries 709 History of art in general Divided uke W Sculpture 731 Materials and methods 732 Ancient 733 Greek and Roman 734 Medieval 735 Modern 736 Carving Seals Dies Gems Cameos 737 Numismatics Coins Medals Artistic and historic side See also 332. 4 Coins and coinage, as money 738 Pottery Porcelain 739 Bronzes Brasses Bricabrac DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 740 Drawing Decoration Design Arts and crafts 741 Freehand Crayon Sketching from nature Caricatures Cartoons Collections on any subject go with that subject with reference from 741 742 Perspectiv s ee a i so S i 5 .6 743 Art anatomy Life school 744 Mathematic and scientific drawing s ee S i 5 Instructions for architectural and other mathematical drawing, with demonstration s (if any) subsidiary. Textbocks with mathematical demonstrations in scientific order ar better in 515 745 Ornamental design: woven fabrics, carpets, wall paper, etc. " &^***Ju^ 746 Art needlework Fancy work 747 Interior decoration Distemper Fresco Polychrome 748 Staind and iridescent glass F 0r iedm g , see 698.5 749 Artistic furniture Fireplaces Frames, etc. 750 Painting 751 Materials and methods 752 ColOr See also 535. 6 Optics 753 Epic Mythic Idealistic s ee 759.3 German SC h 00 754 Genre Still life Sea 7S9.4 French; and 759.9 Belgian 755 ReligiOUS, eCCleSiaStiC See 759.5 Italian; and 7S9.6 Spanish See also 246 Ecclesiology 756 Historical, battle scenes 757 Portrait 758 Landscape and marine Animals Flowers 759 Various schools of painting .1 American .2 English .3 German .4 French .5 Italian .6 Spanish .7 Slavic .8 Scandinavian .9 Other schools FINE ARTS 760 Engraving 761 Wood 762 Copper and steel 763 Lithografy 764 Chromolithografy 765 Line and stipple 766 Mezzotint and aquatint 767 Etching Dry point 768 Bank note and machine 769 Collections of engravings 77 Fotografy 77 ij Materials Fotografic chemistry 772 Processes Silver: daguerreotype, talbotype Collodion: ambrotype, etc. Dry plate Color fotografy 773 Gelatin and pigment: woodburytype Carbon: lambertype, autotype, etc. 774 Gelatin and printers ink Alb^rtype, hslintype, artotype, etc. 775 Fotolithografy, etc. 776 Fotozincografy, etc. 777 Fotoengraving and fotoelectrotyping 778 Special applications Moving pictures. See also 522.63 Astronomy; 578 Microscopy 779 Collections of fotografs DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 780 Music .1 Philosofy and esthetics of music .2 Compends .3 Dictionaries .4 Essays .5 Periodicals .6 Societies .7 Education, conservatories .8 Polygrafy, libraries .9 History, divided by countries, like 930-999 All beds include the music itself and everything about it: score, libretto, history, criticism, etc. 781 Theory of music .1 Mathematic and physical .2 Elementary and general .3 Harmony Thorobass ".4 Counterpoint .5 Musical form .6 Composition and instrumentation .7 Oriental theories and forms Russian music .8 Ancient Grecian theories, modes, and forms 9 782 Dramatic music .1 Grand opera .2 Epic Wagnerian .3 Other German grand opera .4 French grand opera .5 Italian grand opera .6 Comic and satiric .7 Opera bouffe .8 Operettas and cantatas see 783.4 .9 Pantomimes, masks, etc. 783 Sacred music See 245 Hymnology, sacred poetry, for hymns alone; if with tunes they go in 783.9; 786.8 Organ; 246.7-8 Evangelistic use and Eucharistic music; 264.2 Public worship .1 Organ and orchestral Accompaniment .2 Cathedral servises: masses, vespers, etc. .21 Mass Communion servises .22 Common of the mass: kyrie, gloria in excelsis, credo, benedictus, Agnus Dei .23 Proper of the season: offertory, sequence, gradual, tract .24 Choral servis : antiphonal, responsiv .25 Plain song .26 Litanies .27 Lenten and penitential: Good Friday, reproaches .28 Festival: Christmas, Easter, etc. .29 Processional Recessional FINE ARTS 783.3 Oratorio Passion music .4 Anthem Motet Sacred cantata Polyphonic school, Palestrina. i6th century .5 Chant: Gregorian, Anglican .6 Chorale Tune Carol .7 Evangelistic: mission, revival Sunday school .8 Choir: men and boys Quartet Chorus .9 Congregational singing Psalmody Hymnody 784 Vocal music .1 Glee Madrigal Round Catch .2 Aria Cavatina Recitative e. g. in oratorio, mass, opera .3 Ballad and song Romantic, idyllic, sentimental; e. g. modern German .4 Popular ballads Volkslied; e. g. Irish, Scotch, etc. .5 Festival; e. g. sangerbund, eisteddfod Competitiv .6 College, society songs, and choruses .7 Negro minstrelsy, plantation songs .8 Collected songs .81 Solos .82 Duets .83 Trios .84 Quartets .85 Other part songs .86 Choruses .87 Collections for male voices .88 Collections for female voices .89 Other special collections .9 Vocal hygiene, culture, development, and methods Tonic sol-fa 785 Orchestral music For dramatic orchestral music, see 782; sacred, 783.1 .1 Symphony Three or more movements; e. g. adagio, andante, allegro, allegretto, scherzo, finale, etc. 2 Dramatic, illustrativ, descriptiv, program, imitativ e. g. Mendelssohn's Midsummer night's dream .3 Romantic, idyllic 4 .5 Overture: e. g. Beethoven's Leonores .6 Concerto: orchestral with solo instrument .7 Chamber music .8 Suite .9 Arrangements, transcriptions, potpourris DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 786 Piano and organ .1 Piano History .2 Manufacture Tuning Temperament 3 Instruction 4 Piano music General collections For piano concerto, see 785.6 4i Sonata Sonatina Rondo 42 Fantasia Arabesque 43 Nocturne Meditation Romantic Descriptiv Songs without words 44 March and march form Polonaise Polka Mazurka 45 Dance form: national, classic, idealized . 4 6 Modern dance music Society, festiv 47 Etudes Artistic ,For etudes for instruction, see 786.3 .48 Variations, transcriptions 49 Arrangements Four hands and more; e. g. orchestral music arranged for piano 5 Organ History .6 Bilding 7 Instruction .8 Organ mUSiC See also 783 Sacred music .81 Sonata .82 Fugue 83 Preludes .84 Interludes 85 Postludes .86 Offertories 87 Voluntaries Improvisations .88 Organ and piano .89 Organ, piano, and orchestra 9 Cabinet organ Melodeon 787 Stringd instruments ing with lents is p Bowd Including with each, history, manufacture, instruction, music, etc. Music for 2 instruments is put with the one most prominent in the composition .1 Violin .2 Viola .3 Violoncello .4 Double bass Contra bass Plectral .5 Harp .6 Guitar Lute Mandolin, etc. .7 Banjo .8 Zither .9 Other stringd instruments Harpsichord FINE ARTS 788 Wind instruments Including with each, history, manufacture, instruction, music, etc. Brass .1 Trumpet: slide and valv .2 Trombone .3 Cornet .4 Horns and other brass wind instruments .41 French horn .42 Saxhorn .43 Saxophone .44 Euphonium .45 Ophicleide .46 Key bugle .47 Valv bugle .48 Bass Tuba and contrabass tuba Serpent .49 Other Wood: flute group .5 Flute Waldflute Piccolo Fife Flageolet Wood: reed group .6 Clarinet Bass clarinet Bassethorn .7 Oboe D'amore Da caccia Cor anglais .8 Bassoon Double bassoon Bombardon .9 Other reed wind instruments : bagpipe 789 Percussion and mechanical instruments Percussion .1 Drum .2 Cymbals .3 Triangle .4 Tambourine Castanets Bones .5 Bells: chimes, carillon .6 Other percussion instruments : xylofone Mechanical .7 Orchestrion .8 Music box , .9 Other mechanical instruments M DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION AlUllSBlIlCIltS For ethics of amusements, see 175 791 Public entertainment Concert, panorama, circus, menagerie, summer resort, garden, rink, museum fair, festival 792 Theater Pantomime Opera Passion plays. Fotoplays. See also 782 Dramatic music 793 Indoor amusements Private theatricals, tableaux, charades, dancing 794 Games of skill Chess, checkers, billiards, bowling, bagatel 795 Games of chance Cards, dice, backgammon, dominoes 796 Outdoor sports Children's sports, athletic sports, coasting, skating, cycling, quoits, archery , croquet, lawn tennis 797 Boating and ball Rowing, yachting, baseball, football, cricket, polo 798 Horsemanship and racing 799 Fishing, hunting, target shooting Literature The classification, of literature is by language, not and complete works which can not be divided, country, except that North and South American Books on other subjects go with their propel are separated from other English. Canadian subjects, unless a ' special library ' attracts all the French goes with 840; Australian and Indian authors' works, lives, etc. An author writing in 2 English with .820; South American Spanish with periods has all his books put in the one where 860. etc. Numbers assignd to individual authors most of them belong, include only their literary works of that section 800 Literature: general works 801 Philosofy Theories Literary esthetics 802 Compends, outlines 803 Dictionaries, cyclopedias 804 Essays, lectures, addresses 805 Periodicals, magazines, reviews 806 Societies: transactions, reports, etc. 807 Study and teaching of literature 07, ( Rhetoric Treatises Collections Divided .1 Poetry .2 Drama .3 Fiction .4 Essays .5 Oratory, see also 784.9 Vocal culture .6 Letters, epistolografy .7 Satire, humor .8 Collections too general to go with any one language, e. g. a book of quotations from many languages These heds, and the same under 809, include only works about poetry, etc. regard 1 less of language I 809 History of literature in general In :luding general histories of books and knowledge; e. g. Hallam's Literature of the middle ages Divided like 808 .1 Poetry .2 Drama .3 Fiction, etc. DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 810 American literature Includes Canadian English, which may be kept separate by prefixing C;e. g. C 811 Canadian poetry .1 Philosofy .2 Compends .3 Dictionaries .4 Essays on American literature .5 Periodicals .6 Societies .7 Study and teaching .8 Collections .9 History of American literature 811 American poetry .1 .II .12 13 .14 .16 .2 .21 .22 23 24 25 .26 27 .28 .29 3 3i 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4 41 42 43 44 45 >4 6 47 . 4 8 49 5 .02 Dramatic .03 Romantic and epic .06 Descriptiv .07 Satiric and humorous American poetry Colonial 1607-1776 Sandys, George Bradstreet, Anne Wigglesworth, Michael Green, Joseph ' Livingston, William Ferguson, Elizabeth Post-revolutionary 1776-1830 Trumbull, John D wight, Timothy Barlow, Joel Freneau, Philip Alsop, Richard Pierpont, John Dana, Richard Henry Sprague, Charles Minor poets Middle ipth century 1830-61 Halleck, Fitz-Greene Poe, Edgar Allan Bryant, William Cullen Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth Read, Thomas Buchanan Whittier, John Greenleaf Lowell, James Russell Whitman, Walt Later igth century 1861-1900 Stoddard, Richard Henry Hayne, Paul Hamilton Stedman, Edmund Clarence Winter, William Miller, Cincinnatus Hiner (Joaquin) Taylor, Bayard .04 Lyric, ballads .05 Didactic .08 Collections ,09 History of 1577-1644 1612-72 1631-1705 1706-80 1723-90 I739-I80I I750-I83I I752-I8I7 I755-I8I2 1752-1832 1761-1841 1785-1866 1787-1879 I79I-I875 1790-1867 1809-49 1794-1878 1807-82 1822-72 1807-92 1819-91 1819-92 1825-1903 1831-86 1833-1908 1836-1918 1841-1913 1825-78 Early. 20 f th century 1901- LITERATURE 812 .1 .II .12 13 .2 .21 .22 23 .24 25 3 3i 32 33 34 4 .41 813 .1 .2 .21 .22 23 24 '25 26 27 28 .29 -3 31 32 -33 34 35 36 .37 38 39 4 .41 .42 43 44 45 '.46 47 .48 49 5 American drama Colonial 1607-1776 Warren, Mercy Godfrey, Thomas Post-revolutionary 1 776- 1 830 Tyler, Royall Dunlap, William Hillhouse, James Abraham Ingersoll, Charles Jared Middle ipth century 1830-61 Ritchie, Anna Cora Mowatt Mathews, Cornelius Boker, George Henry Later ipth century 1861-1900 Early 2oth century 1901- American fiction Colonial 1607-1776 Post-revolutionary 1776-1830 Brackenridge, Hugh Henry Rowson, Susanna Brown, Charles Brockden Cooper, James Fenimore Ware, William 'Neal, John Middle i9th century 1830-61 Thompson, Daniel Pierce Kennedy, John Pendleton Hawthorne, Nathaniel Judd, Sylvester Simms, William Gilmore Melville, Herman Stowe, Harriet Beecher- Later i9th century 1861-1900 Alcott, Louisa May Eggleston, Edward Howells, William Dean Aldrich, Thomas Bailey Harte, Francis Bret James, Henry . Hawthorne, Julian Burnett, Frances Hodgson Minor novelists Early 2oth century 1901- 1728-1814 1736-63 1757-1826 1766-1839 1789-1841 1782-1862 1818-70 1817-89 1823-90 1748-1816 1762-1824 1771-1810 1789-1851 1797-1852 1793-1876 1795-1868 1795-1870 1804-64 1813-53 1806-70 1819-91 1812-96 1832-88 1837-1902 1837- 1836-1907 1839-1902 1843-1916 1846- 1849- DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 814 American essays .1 Colonial 1607-1776 .2 Post-revolutionary 1776-1830 .21 Rush, Benjamin 1745-1813 .22 Webster, Noah 1758-1843 .23 Channing, William Ellery 1780-1842 .3 Middle ipth century 1830-61 .31 Ossoli, Margaret Fuller 1810-50 .32 Giles, Henry 1809-82 .33 Tuckerman, Henry Theodore 1813-71 .34 Holland, Josiah Gilbert 1819-81 35 Whipple, Edwin Percy 1819-86 .36 Emerson, Ralph Waldo 1803-82 See also 191.3 .37 Curtis, George William 1824-92 .4 Later ipth century 1861-1900 .41 Burroughs, John 1837- .42 43 44 .5 Early 2oth century 1901- 815 American oratory .1 Colonial 1607-1776 .11 .12 .2 Post-revolutionary 1776-1830 .21 Hamilton, Alexander 1757-1804 .22 Ames, Fisher 1758-1808 .23 Wirt, William 1772-1834 .24 Randolph, John 1773-1833 .25 Clay, Henry 1777-1852 .26 Calhoun, John Caldwell 1782-1850 .27 Webster, Daniel 1782-1852 .28 .39 .3 Middle igth century 1830-61 .31 Everett, Edward 1794-1865 .32 Choate, Rufus 1799-1859 .33 Sumner, Charles 1811-74 .34 Phillips, Wendell 1811-84 .35 Chapin, Edwin Hubbell 1814-80 .36 Beecher, Henry Ward 1813-87 .4 Later ipth century 1861-1900 .41 .42 43 .5 Early 2oth century 1901- 816 American letters subdivided by periods, nke 8 n LITERATURE 817 American satire and humor .i* Colonial 1607-1776 .11 Ward, Nathaniel .12 Alsop, George .13 Byles, Mather .14 Hopkinson, Francis .15 Peters, Samuel Andrew Post-revolutionary 1776-1830 Story, Isaac Fessenden, Thomas Green Paulding, James Kirke Irving, Washington Verplanck, Gulian Crommelin .2 .21 .22 23 .24 25 .26 .27 3 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4 41 .42 43 44 45 .46 47 5 Middle ipth century 1830-61 Neal, Joseph Clay Holmes, Oliver Wendell Shelton, Frederick William Shillaber, B P (Mrs Partington) Saxe, John Godfrey Cozzens, Frederick Swartout. Browne, C: F (Artemus Ward) Haliburton, Thomas Chandler Minor satirists and humorists Later ipth century 1861-1900 Warner, Charles Dudley Locke, David Ross (P V Nasby) Burdette, Robert J Clemens, S: L (Mark Twain) Carleton, William Shaw, Henry W (Josh Billings) Early 2oth century 1901- 818 American miscellany .3 Middle i9th century 1830-61 .31 Thoreau, Henry David .32 Mitchell, Donald Grant (Ik Marvel) .4 Later i9th century 1861-1900 .5 Early 2oth century 1901- 1570-1653 1638- ? 1706-88 1737-91 1735-1826 1774-1803 1771-1837 1779-1860 1783-1859 1786-1870 1807-47 1809-94 1814-81 1814-90 1816-87 1818-69 1834-67 1796-1865 1829-1900 1833-88 1844-1914 1835-1910 1845-1912 1818-85 1817-62 1822-1908 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 820 English literature 821 .11 .12 13 .14 5 .16 17 .18 .-FT, .2 .21 .22 23 .24 25 .26 .27 .28 .29 3 3i 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4 .41 .42 43 .44 45 .46 47 .48 49 Canadian literature may bj clast as British, if preferd, but separated by prefixing C to 820. Se2 nota to 810 Sao. i Philosofy .2 Compends .3 Dictionaries .4 Essays on English literature .5 Periodicals .6 Societies 7 Study and teaching .8 Collections .9 History English poetry .02 Dramatic .03 Romantic and epic .04 Lyric, ballads .05 Didactic .07 Satiric and humorous .08 Collections .09 History of .06 Descriptiv English poetry Early English 1066-1400 Layamon Ormin R,otert of Gloucester Minot, Lawrence Langland, William J Barbour, John Chaucer, Geoffrey Gower, John Pre-Elizabethan 1400-1558 Lydgate, John Skelton, John , Dunbar, William Douglas, Gavin Hawes, Stephen Lyndsay, Sir David Wyatt, Sir Thomas Surrey, Henry Howard, earl of Minor witesc Elizabethan 1558-1625 Spenser, Edmund Sidney, Sir Philip Daniel, Samuel Drayton, Michael Davies, John Drummond, William Fletcher, Giles and Phineas Herbert, George Minor writers Post-Elizabethan 1625-1702 Suckling, Sir John Crashaw, Richard Herrick, Robert Waller, Edmund Lovelace, Richard Cowley, Abraham Milton, John Dryden, John Minor writers 1150-1207 1187-1237 1245-1307 1313-52 1332^9 1316-95 1340-1400 1325-1408 1369-1461 1460-1529 1460-1520 1474-1522 1483-1509 1490-1555 1503-42 1517-47 1553-99 1554-86 1562-1619 1563-1631 1569-1626 1585-1649 1585-1650 1593-1632 1609-42 1616-50 1591-1674 1605-87 1618-58 1618-67 1608-74 1631-1700 LITERATURE 821.5 .51 .52 .53 .54 .55 .56 .57 .58 .59 .6 .61 .62 .63 .64 .65 .66 .67 .68 .69 .7 .71 .72 .73 .74 .75 .76 .77 .78 .79 .8" .81 .82 .83 .84 .85 .86 .87 .88 189 .91 822 Queen Anne Early isth century 1702-45 Prior, Matthew 1664-1721 Parnell, Thomas 1679-1717 Pope, Alexander 1688-1744 See also 827.55 Ramsay, Allan 1686-1758 Young, Edward 1684-1765 Thomson, James 1700-48 Collins, William 1721-59 Shenstone, William 1714-63 Minor writers Later i8th century Pre-revoiutionary 1745-1800 Gray, Thomas 1716-71 Akenside, Mark 1721-70 Chatterton, Thomas 1752-70 Goldsmith, Oliver 1728-74 See also 823.64 and 824.66 Cowper, William 1731-1800 Macpherson, James 1738-96 Burns, Robert 1759-96 White, Henry Kirke 1785-1806 Minor writers Early i9th century Post-revolutionary 180037 Wordsworth, William 1770-1850 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 1772-1834 Southey, Robert 1774-1843 Scott, Sir Walter 1771-1832 See also 823.7.1 Moore, Thomas 1779-1852 Byron, George Gordon Noel, 6th lord 1788-1824 Shelley, Percy Bysshe 1792-1822 Keats, John 1795-1821 Minor writers Victorian period 1837-1900 Tennyson. Alfred, ist baron 1809-92 Browning, Elizabeth Barrett 1809-61 Browning, Robert 1812-89 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel 1828-82 Morris, William 1834-96 Swinburne, Algernon Charles 1837-1909 1901- - Minor writers Early 2oth century .1 .11 .12 .13 English drama Early English 1066-1400 Chester plays Coventry plays Townley plays DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 822.2 .21 .22 23 3 3i 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4 .41 42 43 44 45 .46 47 .48 .49 5 5i 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 .6 .61 .62 63 .64 65 .66 .67 .68 .69 7 71 72 Pre-Elizabethan Hey wood, John Udall, Nicholas Bale, John Elizabethan 1558-1625 Greene, Robert Marlowe, Christopher Shakespere, William Jonson, Ben Beaumont, Francis and Fletcher, John Webster, John Massinger, Philip Ford, John Minor writers Post-Elizabethan 1625-1702 Davenant, Sir William Etherege, Sir George Crowne, John Wycherly, William Otway, Thomas Congreve, William Vanbrugh, Sir John Farquhar, George Minor writers Queen Anne Early i8th century 1702-45 Dennis, John Sou theme, Thomas Centlivre, Mrs Susannah (Freeman) Gibber, Colley Rowe, Nicholas Gay, John Lillo, George Minor writers Later i8th century 1745-1800 Garrick, David Foote, Samuel Colman, George, the elder Home, John Cumberland, Richard Sheridan, Richard Brinsley Inchbald, Mrs Elizabeth (Simpson) 1400-1558 1506-65 1505-64 1495-1563 1561-92 1564-93 1564-1616 1574-1637 1584-1616 1579-1625 1582-1652 1584-1640 1586-1639 1605-68 1637-88 1644-99 1640-1715 1651-85 1670-1729 1666-1726 1678-1707 1657-1734 1660-1746 1668-1723 I67I-I757 1674-1718 1688-1732 1693-1739 1716-79 1721-77 1732-94 1724-1808 1732-1811 I75I-l8l6 See a'.so 825.64, I753-I82I Minor writers Early ipth century 1800-1837 Baillie, Joanna Knowles, James Sheridan ^Victorian period 1837-1900 Early ioth century 1901- 1762-1851 1784-1862 LITERATURE 823 .X .2 4 .41 .42 43 44 5 5i 52 .6 .61 .62 -63 .6 4 > -65 .66 .67 .68 .69 7 71 .72 73 74 75 .76 77 .78 79 .8 .81 .82 .83 .84 .85 .86 .87 .88 .89 .91 English fiction Early English 1066-1400 Pre-Elizabethan 1400-1558 More's Utopia Elizabethan 1558-1625 Lyly's Euphues Post-Elizabethan 1625-1702 Harrington, James 1611-77 Bunyan, John , 1628-88 Mackenzie, George 1636-91 Behn, Aphra 1640-89 Queen Anne 1702-45 DeFoe, Daniel 1661-1731 Fielding, Henry 1707-54 Later i8th century 1745-1800 Richardson, Samuel 1689-1761 Sterne, Laurence 1713-68 Smollett, Tobias George 1721-71 Goldsmith, Oliver 1728-74 See also 821.64 and 824.66 Mackenzie, Henry 1745-1831 Arblay, Frances (Burney), madame d 1 1752-1840 Minor writers Early ipth century 1800-37 Lewis, Matthew Gregory 1775-1818 Edgeworth, Maria 1767-1849 Scott, Sir Walter 1771-1832 See also 821.74 Austen, Jane 1775-1817 Porter, Jane 1776-1850 Peacock, Thomas Love 1785-1866 Gait, John 1779-1839 Marryat, Frederick 1792-1848 Minor writers Victorian period 1837-1900 Bronte, Charlotte 1816-55 Thackeray, William Makepeace 1811-63 Dickens, Charles 1812-70 Lytton, Edward George Bulwer. 1st baron 1803-73 Kingsley, Charles 1819-75 Beaconsfield, Benjamin Disraeli, ist earl of 1805-81 Trollope, Anthony 1815-82 Cross, Mary Ann (Evans) Lewes [George Eliot] 1819-80 Minor writers Early 2oth century 1901- DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 824 English essays 3 *- ^J 4 5 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 .6 .61 .62 63 .64 65 .66 67 .68 .69 7 71 .72 73 74 75 .76 77 78 79 .8 .81 .82 83 .84 .85 .86 .87 .88 .89 .91 Elizabethan 1558-1625 _ Francis Bacon 1561-1626 Post-Elizabethan 1625-1702 John Locke 1632-1704 Queen Anne 1702-45 Shaftsbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3d earl of 1671-1713 Addison, Joseph 1672-1719 Steele, Sir Richard 1671-1729 Budgell, Eustace 1686-1737 Later i8th century 1745-1800 Moore, Edward 1712-57 Kames, Henry Home, lord 1696-1782 Johnson, Samuel 1709-84 Hume, David 1711-76 Hawkesworth, John I7i5~73 Goldsmith, Oliver 1728-74 See also 821.64 and 823.64 Gibbon, Edward I737~94 Minor writers Early igth century 1800-37 Mackintosh, Sir James 1765-1832 Smith, Sydney 1771-1845 Jeffrey, Francis, lord 1773-1850 Brougham, Henry, ist baron 1778-1868 Lamb, Charles 1775-1834 Hazlitt, William 1778-1830 Hunt, Leigh 1784-1859 Minor writers Victorian period 1837-1900 De Quincey, Thomas 1785-1859 Carlyle, Thomas 1795-1881 Macaulay, Thomas Babington, ist baron 1800-59 Helps, Sir Arthur 1817-75 Arnold, Matthew 1822-88 Ruskin, John 1819-1900 1901- See also 192.4 Minor writers Early 2oth century LITERATURE 825 .6 .61 .62 63 .64 65 .66 826 .2 5 51 52 53 .6 .61 .62 827 .2 .21 3 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4 .41 42 43 44 45 .46 47 .48 49 English Subdivided by periods like 821 Later i8th century 1745-1800 Chatham, William Pitt, 1st earl of Burke, Edmund Fox, Charles James Sheridan, Richard Brinsley Grattan, Henry Pitt, William English letters For 'speakers' seeSoS.S 1708-78 1729-97 1749-1806 1751-1816 See also 822.66 1750-1820 1759-1806 Subdivided by periods like 821 Pre-Elizabethan 1400-1558 Paston letters Queen Anne 1702-45 Montagu, Lady Mary (Pierrepont) Wortley 1690-1762 Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th earl of 1694-1773 Later i8th century 1745-1800 Orford, Horace Walpole, 4th earl of Montagu, Mrs Elizabeth (Robinson) English satire and humor Pre-Elizabethan 1400-1558 Barclay, Alexander Elizabethan 1558-1625 Gascoigne, George Harington, Sir John Hall, Joseph Marston, John Donne, John 1717-97 1720-1800 H75-I552 1537-77 1561-1612 1574-1656 1575-1634 I573-I63I Post-Elizabethan Wither, George Butler, Samuel Marvell, Andrew D'Urfey, Thomas Oldham, John Brown, Thomas King, William Garth, Sir Samuel Minor writers 1625-1702 1588-1667 I 6? 2-80 1620-78 1625-1723 1653-83 1663-1704 1663-1712 1665-1719 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 827.5 51 52 -53 54 55 56 57 58 .6 .61 .62 63 .64 -65 .66 .67 .68 7 71 72 73 74 75 .76 .8 ,81 .82 83 .84 85 .86 Queen Anne 1702-45 Ward, Edward Swift Jonathan Mandeville, Bernard de Arbuthnot, John Pope, Alexander Later i8th century 1745-1800 Churchill, Charles Amory, Thomas Whitehead, Paul Junius pseud. Wolcott, John [Peter Pindar] Early igth century Gifford, William Hood, Thomas Victorian Jerrold, Douglas 1800-37 1837-1900 .91 Early 2oth century 1901- 828 English miscellany 1667-1731 1667-1745 1670-1733 1675-1735 1688-1744 1733-65 1691-1788 1710-74 1679-1772 1738-1819 1757-1826 1798-1845 1803-57 See also 821.53 Anecdotes, ana, epigrams, quotations, etc. if illustrativ of any special subject (e. g. biografy, history, science, art), go with that subject. If general they go in 828; if limited to any period, they take the same divisions as 821. For riddles, see 398.6; Proverbs, see 398.9. The same rule applies to other languages in 838, 848, etc. 829 Anglo-Saxon literature .1 Poetry .2 Caedmon .3 Beowulf .4 Cynewulf .5 Homilies and religious .6 JElfric .7 Alfred the Great .8 Miscellaneous .9 Historic and biografic LITERATURE 830 German literature 830.1 Philosofy .2 Compends .3 Dictionaries .4 Essays, lectures and addresse* on German literature .5 Periodicals .6 Societies .7 Study and teaching .8 Col- lections .9 History 831 German poetry .02 Dramatic .03 Romantic and epic .04 Lyric, ballads .05 Didactic .06 Descriptiv .07 Satiric and humorous .08 Collections .09 History of German poetry .1 Before the Crusades 1150 . 1 1 Hildebrandslied .12 Otfried .13 Ludwigslied .14 Muspilli .2 Middle high 1150-1300 .2 1 Nibelungenlied .22 Gudrun, and minor folk epics .23 Heinrich von Veldeke -1200 See also 839.3112 .24 Wolfram von Eschenbach .25 Gottfried von Strassburg .26 Hartmann von Aue 1170-1220 ..27 Walther von der Vogelweide 1170-1230 .28 Ulrich von Lichtenstein 1199-1276 .29 Minor writers .3 Period of decline 1300-1517 .31 Horneck, Ottokar von .32 Hadamar von Laber .33 Hermann von Sachsenheim -1458 .34 Buheler, Hans Die sieben weisen meister 1414- 35 Kaspar von der Rohn Das heldenbuch .36 Theuerdank .37 ' Die Haimonskinder .38 Mastersingers .39 Minor writers .4 Reformation; new high 1517-1625 .41 Agricola, Martin 1486-1556 .42 Waldis, Burkard 1490-1558 .43 Alberus, Erasmus 1500-53 .44 Sachs, Hans 1494-1576 .45 Ringwaldt, Bartholomaus 1530-99 .46 Rollenhagen, Georg 1542-1609 .47 Andrea, Johann Valentin 1586-1654 .5 Period of imitation 1625-1750 The Silesian schools .51 Opitz von Boberfeld, Martin 1597-1639 .52 Flemming, Paul 1609-40 53 Logau, Friedrich von 1604-55 .54 Gerhardt, Paul 1607-76 .55 Hofmannswaldau, Christian Hofmarm von 1618-79 .56 Zesen, Philipp von 1619-89 .57 Brockes, Barthold Heinrich 1680-1747 .58 Bodmer, Johann Jakob 1698-1783 .59 Minor writers DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 831.6 Classic period 1750-1830 For Gothe and Schiller, see 832.6 .61 Gellert, Christian Fiirchtegott 1715-69 .62 Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb 1724-1803 .63 Burger, Gottfried August 1748-94 .64 Herder, Johann Gottfried von 1744-1803 .65 Voss, Johann Heinrich 1751-1826 .66 Korner, Karl Theodor 1791-1813 .67 Holderlin, Johann Christian Friedrich 1770-1843 .68 Platen Hallermunde, August, graf von 1796-1835 .69 Minor writers .7 Postclassic period 1830-56 .71 Arndt, Ernst Moritz 1769-1860 .72 Eichendorff, Joseph, freiherr von 1788-1857 .73 Uhland, Johann Ludwig 1787-1862 .74 Ruckert, Friedrich 1789-1866 .75 Heine, Heinrich 1799-1856 .76 Niembsch von Strehlenau, Nikolaus 1802-50 .77 Auersperg, Anton Alexander, graf von [Anastasius Grun] 1 806-8 1 .78 Freiligrath, Ferdinand 1810-76 .79 Minor writers .8 Later ipth century 1856-1900 .81 Schefer, Leopold 1784-1862 .82 Kinkel, Johann Gottfried 1815-82 .83 Geibel, Emanuel 1815-84 .84 Bodenstedt, Friedrich Martin 1819-92 85 .86 .87 .88 .89 Minor writers .91 Early 2oth century 1901- 832 German drama .5 Period of imitation 1625-1750 .51 Gryphius, Andreas 1616-64 .52 Lohenstein, Daniel Casper 1635-83 53 Weise, Christian 1642-1708 .54 Gottsched, Johann Christoph 1700-76 .55 Gottsched, Luise Adelgunde Victorie (Culmus) 1713-62 .6 Classic period 1750-1830 .61 Lessing, Gotthold Ephraiin 1729-81 .62 Gbthe, Johann Wolfgang von 1749-1832 .63 Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich 1759-1805 .64 Klinger, Friedrich Maximilian 1753-1831 .65 Iffland, August Wilhelm 1759-1814 .66 Kotzebue, August Friedrich Ferdinand von 1761-1819 .67 Werner, Friedrich Ludwig Zacharias 1768-1823 .68 Kleist, Heinrich Bernt Wilhelm von 1777-1811 .69 Minor writers LITERATURE 832.7 .71 .72 .73 .74 .75 .76 .77 .78 .79 .8 .81 .82 .83 .84 .85 .89 .91 .5 .51 .52 .53 .54 .55 .6 .61 .62 .63 .64 .65 .66 .67 .68 .69 .7 .71 .72 -.73 .74 .75 .76 .77 .78 , .79 Postclassic period 1830-56 Grabbe, Christian Dietrich Griepenkerl, Wolfgang Robert Grillparzer, Franz Birch-Pfeiffer, Charlotte Munch-Bellinghausen, Eligius Franz [Friedrich Halm] Laube, Heinrich Hebbel, Friedrich Gutzkow, Karl Ferdinand Minor writers Later igth century 1856-1900 Benedix, Julius Roderich Mosenthal, Salomon Hermann Brachvogel, Albert Emil Gottschall, Karl Rudolph Lindau, Paul Minor writers Early 2oth century 1901- 1801-36 1810-36 1791-1872 1800-68 Joseph 1806-66 1806-84 1815-63 1811-78 1811-73 1821-77 1824-78 1823-1909 1839- Period of imitation 1625-1750 Buchholtz, Andrew Heinrich 1607-71 Grimmelshausen, Hans Jakob Christoffel von 1625-76 Anselm, Heinrich 1653-97 Robinsonaden Der Neue A madis Classic period 1750-1830 Wieland, Christoph Martin 1733-1813 Richter, Jean Paul Friedrich 1763-1825 Hardenberg, Friedrich von [Novalis] 1772-1801 Hoffmann, Ernst Theodor Wilhelm 1776-1822 La Motte Fouque", Friedrich H; C; 1777-1843 Arnim, Ludwig Achim von 1781-1831 Hauff, Wilhelm 1802-27 Chamisso, Adelbert von 1781-1838 Minor writers Postclassic period 1830-56 Zschokke, Johann Heinrich Daniel 1771-1848 Brentano, Clemens 1778-1842 Tieck, Ludwig 1773-1853 Postl, Karl [Charles Sealsfield] 1793-1864 Haring, Wilhelm [Wilibald Alexis] 1798-1871 Hahn-Hahn, Ida, grafin von 1805-80 Gerstacker, Friedrich 1816-72 Hacklander, Friedrich Wilhelm 1816-77 Minor writers DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 833.8 Later igth century 1856-1900 .81 Auerbach, Berthold 1815-82 .82 Freytag, Gustav 1816-95 .83 Scheffel, Joseph Viktor von 1826-96 .84 Spielhagen, Friedrich 1829-1911 .85 Heyse, Paul Johann Ludwig 1830-1914 9i Early 2oth century 1901- 834 German essays subdivided by periods uke s 3 i 835 German oratory 836 German letters 837 German satire and humor .2 Middle high : minnesingers 1150-1300 .21 [Strieker, Der] Der Pfaffe Amis und Beispiele .22 Salomon und Morolf .3 Period of decline 1300-1517 .31 Reineke Vos See also 839.371 .32 Brant, Sebastian 1458-1521 .4 Reformation : new high 1517-1625 .41 Murner, Thomas [Tyll Eulenspiegel] I475~ I 537 .42 Fischart. Johann 1550-89 .5 Period of imitation 1625-1750 .51 Moscherosch, Johann Michael 1601-69 .52 Rachel, Joachim 1618-69 53 Wernicke, Christian 1660-1720 .54 Liscow, Christian Ludwig 1701-60 .6 Classic period 1750-1830 .61 Rabener, Gottlieb Wilhelm 1714-71 .62 Blumauer, Aloys 1755-98 838 German miscellany See 828, note LITERATURE 839 Minor Teutonic literatures Subdivided by form, poetry, drama, etc. like 830 .1 Low German .2 Frisian Old Saxon .3 Dutch literature Flemish .31 Dutch poetry .3" Middle ages 1200-1450 I Jacob van Maerlant 1235-91 (2 Heinrije van Veldeke 1200. see 831.23) 3 Jan van Brabant 1250-94 4 Melis Stoke 1310 5 Dire Potter 1428 .312 .Chambers of rhetoric 1450-1600 i Antonius de Rovere 1482 2 Anna Bijns 1500 3 Matthijs de Caste- lein 1488-1548 4 Cornelis Everaert 1550 5 Jan Baptist Houwaert 1533-99 6 Dirk Volkerszoon Coornhert 1522-00 7 Philipp Marnix 1538-98 8 Cornelis van Ghistele 1600 9 Minor writers .313 Period of the Republic 1600-1700 i Jacob Cats, 1577-1660 2 Joost van der Vondel 1587-1679 3 Marie Tesselschade Visscher 1594-1649 4 Constantijn Huygens 1596-1687 5 Reyer Anslo 1626-69 6 Geraert .Brandt 1626-85 7 Jan Antoniszoon van der Goes (Antonides) 1647-84 9 Minor writers .314 Poetic societies 1700-1800 i Lucas Rotgans 1654-1710 2 Hubert Corneliszoon Foot 1689-1733 3 Arnold Hoogvliet 1687-1763 4 Sybrand Feitama 1694-1758 5 Willem van Haren 1710-68 6 Jacob Bellamy 1757-86 7 Hieronymus van Alphen 1746-1803 9 Minor writers .315 Modern period 1800- i Willem Bilderdijk 1756-1831 2 Jan Frederik Helmers 1767-1813 3 Cornelis Loots 1765-1834 4 Hendrik Tollens 1780-1856 5 Isaac da Costa 1798-1860 6 Jan Jacob Lodewijk ten Kate 1819-89 9 Minor writers .32 Dutch drama .323 Period of the Republic 1600-1700 i Gerbrand Adriaenszoon Bredero 1585-1618 2 Corneliszoon Hooft 1581-1647 3 Samuel Costa 1580-1650 4 Jan Vos 1620-67 5 Guillelmus Ogier 1619-89 6 Joachim Oudaan 1628-92 9 Other .324 Poetic societies 1700-1800 i Pieter Langendijk 1683-1756 2 Andries Pels 3 Balthasar Huyde- coper 1695-1778 4 Onno Zwier van Haren 1713-79 5 Jan N'omsr 1738-1803 9 Minor writers .325 Modern period 1800- i Samuel Iperaszoon Wiselius 1769-1845 2 Helvetius van den Bergh 1795-1865 3 Hendrik Jan Schimmel 1825-1906 .33 Dutch fiction .334 Pbetic societies 1700-1800 i Elisabeth Bekker Wolff 1738-1804 2 Agatha Deken 1741-1804 3 Rhijnvis Feith 1753-1824 .335 Modem period 1800- i Adriaan Loosjes 1761-1818 2 Jacob Vbsmaer 1783-1834 3 Jan Frederik Oltmans 1800-54 4 Jacob van Lennep 1802-68 5 Hendrik Conscience 1812-83 6 Anna Louisa Geertruida Bosboom- Toussaint 1812-86 .34 Dutch essays .344 Poetic societies 1700-1800 Justus van Effen 1684-1735 .345 Modern period i Johannes Henricus van der Palm 1763-1840 2 Reinier Cornelis Bakhuizen van den Brink 1810-65 3 Everhardus Johannes Potgieter 1808-75 4 Nicolaas Beets 1814-1903 5 Coenraad Busken Huet 1826-86 .37 Dutch satire and humor .371 Middle ages 1200-1450 Reinaert (van den vos Reinaerde) see 837.31 .374 Poetic societies Arend Simonszoon Fokke 1755-1812 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 839.38 Dutch miscellany The subdivisions of 8 show the leading writers in other branches of knowledge. In classification, books are placed with their subjects, theology, history, etc. .381 Middle ages 1200-1450 Jan van Boendale (Jan de Clerc) Chronicles, 1280-1365 .384 Poetic societies 1700-1800 Simon Stijl, History, 1731-1804; Jan Wagenaar, History, 1709-73 .4 Platt Deutsch .5 Scandinavian .6 Old Norse Icelandic Faroese .7 Swedish literature .71 Swedish poetry .711 Middle ages 1200-1520 i Nicolaus Hermanni 1391 2 Bishop Tomas 1443 3 Ericus Olai 1486 4 Ballads (Folkvisor) .712 Reformation 1520-1640 I Olaus Petri 1496-1552 2 Laurer.tius Petri 1499-1573 .713 Age of Stjernhjelm 1640-1740 i Georg Stjernhjelm 1598-1672 2 Lars Johansson (Lucidor) 1640-74 3 Haquin Spegel 1645-1714 4 Israel Holmstrom 1660-1708 5 Gunno Eurelius Dahlstjerna 1661-1709 6 Johan Runius 1679-1713 7 Jacob Frese 1691-1729 8 Samuel von Triewald 1688-1743 9 Minor writers .714 Age of Dalin 1740-80 i Olof Carelius 1758 2 Olof von Dalin 1700-03 3 Hedvig Charlotta Nordenflycht 1718-63 4 Anders Odel 1718-73 5 Gustaf Filip Creutz 1729-85 6 Gustaf Fredrik Gyllenborg 1731-1808 7 Olof Bergklint 1733-1805 9 Minor writers 715 Age of Gustavus 1780-1800 i Karl Mikael Bellman 1740-1795 2 Johan Henrik Kellgren 1751-95 3 Bengt Lidner 1757-93 4 Johan Gabriel Oxenstjerna 1750-1818 5 Tomas Thorild 1759-1808 6 Anna Maria Lenngren 1754-1817 7 Karl Gustaf af Leopold 1756-1829 8 Frans Mikael FrazSn 1772-1847 9 Minor writers .716 Modern period 1800- i Per Henrik Ling 1776-1839 2 Johan Olof Wallin 1779-1839 3 Esaias Tegndr 1782-1846 4 Erik Johan Stagnelius 1793-1823 5 Per Daniel Amadeus Atterbom 1790-1855 6 Karl Jonas Ludwig Almqvist 1793- 1866 7 Johan Ludwig Runeberg 1804-77 8 Karl Vilhelm Bottiger 1807-79 9 Minor writers .72 Swedish drama .722 Reformation 1520-1640 i Johan Messenius 1579-1637 2 Magnus Olai Asteropherus -1647 3 Andreas Johannis Prytz 1590-1655 .733 Ae of Stjernhjelm 1640-1740 IsakBork -1701 .725 Age of Gustavus 1780-1800 I Karl Israel Ha'.lman 1732-1800 2 Gustaf 3 (king) 1746-92 3 Olof Kex61 1743-96 4 Karl Evallsson 1756-1806 .726 Modern period 1800- i Johan B5rjesson 1700-1865 2 Bsrnhird von Beskow 1796-1868 3 August Teodor Blanche 1811-68 4 Johan Kristofer Jolin 1818-84 5 Frans Hedberg 1828-19^8 6 Par Johan Edvard Backstrom 1841-86 .73 Swedish fiction .734 Age of Dalin ^740-1780 I Jakob Henrik M5rk 1714-63 2 Jakob Vallenberg 1746-78 73 $ Modern period ' 1800- i Sofia Margareta von Knorring 1797-1848 2 Magnus Jakob Cru- senstolpe 1795-1865 3 Fredrika Bremer 1801-65 4 Karl Anton Wet- terbergh (Onkel Adam) 1804-89 5 Emilie Flygare Carl6n 1807-92 6 Zakris Topalius 1818-98 7 Viktor Rydberg 1829-95 9 Minor writers LITERATURE 839.74 Swedish essays .746 Modern period 1800- i Benjamin Karl Henrik Hoijer 1767-1812 2 Lorenzo Hammar*k6ld 1785-1827 3 Bernhard Elis Malmstrom 1816-65 4 Karl Juliui Lenstrom 1811-93 5 Gustaf Hakan Jordan Ljunggren 1823-1905 6 Karl Rupert Nyblom 1832-1907 .77 Swedish satire and humor .776 Modern period 1800- i Johan Anders Wadman 1777-1837 2 Erik Sjaberg (Vitalis) 1794- 1828 3 Kristian Erik Fahlcrantz 1790-1866 4 Vilhelm Augut Detlof von Braun 1813-60 5 Gunnar Wennerberg 1817-1901 .78 Swedish miscellany The subdivisions of 8 show the leading writers in other branches of knowl- edge. In classification, books are placed with their subjects, theology, history, etc. .781 Middle ages 1200-1520 Canon Mattias, Bible translation, -1350; Peder Mansson, Encyclopedia, -1534 .783 Reformation 1520-1640 I Peder Andersson Svart, History, -1562 2 Erik Goransson Tegel, History, 1580-1636 3 ^Egidius Girs, History, 1580-1639 4 Gustavug Adolphus (king), History, 1594-1632 .783 Age of Stjernhjelm 1640-1740 i Olof Rudbeck, Medicin, 1630-1702 2 Urban Hjarne 1641-1724 3 Johan Peringskjold, History, 1654-1720 4 Anders Rydelius, Philosofy 1671-1738 5 Anders Celsius, Astronomy, 1701-44 6 Emanuel Svedenborg, Theology, 1688-1772 784 Age of Dalin 1740-1780 i Karl Gustaf Tessin, History, 1695-1770 2 Karl von Linn6, Botany 1707-78 3 Johan Ihre, Philology, 1707-80 4 Sven Lagerbring History, 1707-87 5 Anders Johan von Hopken, History, 1712-89, 6 Olof Celsius, History, 1716-94 7 Anders af Botin, History, 1724- 90 8 Torbern Olof Bergman, Chemistry, 1735-84 Karl Vilhelm Scheele, Chemistry, 1742-86 .786 Modern period 1800- i Erik Gustaf Geijer, History, 1783-1847 2 Anders Magnus Strinnholm, History, 1786-1862 3 Anders Fryxell, History, 1795-1881 4Frederik Ferdinand Carlson, History, 1811-87 .8 Danish and Norwegian literature .81 Danish and Norwegian poetry .8x1 Middle ages 1100-1500 i Anders Sunesen 2 Ballads (Kjsempeviset) .813 Reformation 1500-1560 Hans Tavsen 1494-1561 .813 Learned period 1560-1700 i Anders Arrebo 1587-1637 2 Anders Bording 1619-77 3 Peder Syv 1631-1702 4 Thomas Kingo 1634-1703 5 Peder Dass 1647- 1708 6 Dorthe Engelbrektsdatter 1635-1716 7 Soren Terkelsen 1 66 1 8 Jacob Vorm 1642-93 ' .814 Age of Holberg 1700-1750 i Jorgen Sorterup 1662-1723 2 T6ger Reenberg 1656 1742 3 Kristian Falster 1690-1752 4 Hans Adolph Brorson 1694-1764 5 Ambrosiut Stub 1705-58 6 Kristian Frederik Wadskjar 1712-79 .3x3 Period of enlightenment 1750-1800 I Kristian Braunmann Tullin 1728-65 2 Johannes Evald 1743-8 1 3 Johan Herman Vessel 1742-85 4 Edvard Storm 1749-94 5 Kristen Henriksen Pram 1756-1821 6 Jens Baggesen 1764- 1826 7 Knud Lyne Rahbek 1760-1830 8 Malte Konrad Bruun 1775- 1826 9 Minor writers 816 Modern period 1800- i Adam Gottlob Oehlenschlager 1779-1850 2 Bernhard Severin Inge- mann 1789-1862 3 Nicolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig 1783-1872 4 Johannes Carsten Hauch 1790-1871 5 Henrik Wergeland 1808-45 6 Ludvig Bodtcher 1793-1874 7 Frederik Paludan-Muller 1809-76 8 Carl Ploug 1813-94 9 Minor writers DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 839.82 Danish and Norwegian drama .833 Learned period 1560-1700 I Hieronimus Justesen Rauch 1339-1607 2 Hans Kristensen Sthen 1544-1603 3 Peder Jensen Hegelund 1542-1614 4 Hans Thomsen Stege -1628 5 Jens Lonberg 1663-1700 .824 Age of Holberg 1700-1750 i Ludvig Holberg 1684-1754 .825 Period of enlightenment 1750-1800 I Charlotte Dorothea Biehl 1731-88 2 Johan Nordal Bruun 1745- 1816 3 Ole Johan Satnsoe 1759-96 4 Enevold Falsen 1755-1808 5 Thomas Thaarup 1749-1821 6 Kristian Levin Sander 1756-1819 7 Olaf Kristian Olufsen 1764-1827 8 Peter Andreas Heiberg 1758- 1841 9 Minor writers .826 Modern period 1800- i Casper Johannes Boye 1791-1853 2 Johan Ludvig Heiberg 1791- v - - 1860 3 Henrik Hertz 1798-1870 4 Thomas Overskou 1798-1873 5 Christian Knud Frederik Molbech 1821-88 6 Henrik Ibsen 1828- 1906 .83 Danish and Norwegian fiction .836 Modern period 1800- i Thomasine Christine Gyllembourg-Ehrensvard 1773-1856 2 Steen Steensen Blicher 1782-1848 3 Christian Winther 1796-1876 4 Hans Christian Andersen 1805-75 5 Meyer Aaron Goldschmidt 1810- 87 6 Holger Drachmann 1846-1908 7 BjSrnstjerne Bjarnson 1832-1910 .84 Danish and Norwegian essays .845 Period of enlightment 1750-1800 Rasmus Nyerup 1759-1829 .846 Modern period 1800- I Niels Mathias Petersen 1781-1862 2 Soren Aaby Kierkegaard 1813- 55 3 Rudolph Keyser 1803-64 4 Peter Andreas Munch 1810- 63 5 Johan Sebastian Cammermeyer Welhaven 1807-73 6 Georg Morris Cohen Brandes 1842- .87 Danish and Norwegian satire and humor .875 Period of enlightenment 1750-1800 i Peder Magnus Trojel 1743-96 2 Peder Kofoed Trojel 1754-84 3 Thomas Kristoffer Bruun 1750-1834 .88 Danish and Norwegian miscellany The subdivisions of 8 show the leading writers in other branches of knowledge. In classification, books are placed with their subjects, theology, history, etc. .881 Middle ages 1100-1500 i Saxo (Longus) Grammaticus, History, -1208 2 Svend Aagesen, History .882 Reformation 1500-1560 i Kristiern Pedersen (Father of Danish literature) 1480-1554 2 Povel Eliesen, Sermons, 1480- 3 Hans Mikkelsen, Bible translation, -1532 4 Peder Plade (Palladius) 1503-60 5 Henrik Smith, Medicin, -1563 .883 Learned period 1560-1700 History: Hans Svaning 1508-1584 Anders Sorensen Vedel 1542-1616 Peder Klausen 1545-1614 Arild Hvitfeld 1549-1609 Klaus Lyskander 1558-1623 Ole Worm 1588-1654 Peder Resen 1625-88 Theology: Niels Hemmingsen 1513-1600 Holger Rosenkranz 1574- 1642 Jesper Brochmand 1585-1652 Science: Tyge Brahe, Astronomy, 1546-1601 Kaspar Bartholin, Medicin, 1585-1629 Thomas Bartholin, Anatomy, 1616-80 Ole Borch, Medicin, 1626-90 Niels Stensen, Anatomy, 1638-86 Ole Romer, Astronomy, 1644-1710 .884 Age of Holberg 1700-1750 i Erik Pontoppidan, History, 1698-1764 2 Jacob Langebek, History, 1710-75 3 Frederik Kristian Eilschov, , 1725-50 4 Gerhard Schoning, History, 1722-80 5 Peder Frederik Sahm, History, 1728-98 .0 Gothic LITERATURE 840 French literature 840.1 Philosofy .2 Cotnpends .3 Dictionaries .4 Essays, lectures, and addresses on French literature .5 Periodicals .6 Societies .7 Study and teaching .8 Collections .9 History 841 French poetry .02 Dramatic .03 Romantic and epic .04 Lyric, ballads .05 Didactic .06 Descriptiv .07 Satiric and humorous .08 Collections .09 History of French poetry .1 Early French 842-1400 .11 Chanson de Roland Chanson de geste .12 Wace, Robert .13 Marie de France .14 Chrestien de Troyes -1191 .15 Quesnes de Bethune -1228 .16 Thibaut 4, comte de Champagne 1201-53 .17 Rutebeuf 1230- .18 Roman de la rose Guillaume de Loris, 1195-1260 Jean de Meung, 1280-1320 .19 Minor poets .2 Transition period 1400-1500 .21 Chartier, Alain 1386-1458 .22 Orleans, Charles due d' 1391-1465 .23 Coquillart, Guillaume 1421-1510 .24 Baude, Henri I 43 O ~95 .25 Villon, Francois 1431-85 .26 27 .28 .29 Minor poets .3 Renaissance 1500-1600 .31 Daurat, Jean 1510-88 .32 Du Bellay, Joachim 1524-60 .33 Belleau, Remy 1528-77 .34 Ronsard, Pierre de 1524-85 .35 Thiard, Pontus de 1521-1605 .36 Balf, Jean Antonie de 1532-89 .37 Saluste du Bartas, Guillaume de I544~9O .38 Desportes, Philippe 1546-1606 .39 Minor poets .4 Classic period 1600-1715 .41 Malherbe, Francois de 1555-1628 .42 Maynard, Francois 1582-1646 .43 Racan, Honorat de Bueil, marquis de 1589-1670 .44 Chapelain, Jean I595-I 6 74 .45 La Fontaine, Jean de 1621-95 .46 Deshoulieres, Antoinette (du Ligier de la Garde), Madame i637~94 .47 Chaulieu, Guillaume Amfrye de 1639-1720 .48 .49 Minor poets DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 841.5 1 8th century 1715-89 5i Rousseau, Jean Baptiste 1670-1741 52 Racine, Louis 1692-1763 53 Pompignan, Jean Jacques de Franc, marquis de 1709-84 54 Delille, Jacques 1738-1813 55 Roucher, Jean Antoine 1745-94 56 Che'nier, Andr6 Marie de 1762-94 57 Parny, Evariste Desire" Desforges, vicomte de I753*i8i4 58 59 Minor poets .6 Revolution and empire 1789-1815 .61 Lebrun, Ponce Denis Ecouchard 1729-1807 .62 Fontanes, Louis, marquis de 1757-1821 63 Parseval Grandmaison, Frangois Auguste 1759-1834 .6 4 Luce de Lancival, Jean Charles Julien 1764-1810 65 D6saugiers, Marc Antoine Madeleine 1772-1827 .66 Campenon, Francois Nicolas Vincent 1772-1843 67 Millevoye, Charles Hubert 1782-1816 .68 .69 Minor poets 7 Constitutional monarchy 1815-48 7i Beranger, Pierre Jean de 1780-1857 .72 Delavigne, Jean Frangois Casimir 1793-1843 See 84 2. 7 2 73 Deschamps, Emile 1791-1871 74 Lamartine, Alphonse Marie Louis de Prat de 1792-1869 75 Reboul, Jean 1796-1864 . 7 6 Vigny, Alfred Victor, comte de 1799-1863 See 842.75 77 Musset, Louis Charles Alfred de 1810-57 See 842. 76 . 7 8 Hugo, Victor Marie, comte 1802-85 See also 842.78 and 843.78 .79 Minor poets .8 Later i9th century 1848-1900 .8i Laprade, Pierre Marin Victor Richard de 1812-83 .82 Dupont. Pierre 1821-70 83 Banville, Theodore Faullain de 1820-91 .8 4 Sully-Prudhomme, Rene" Francois Armand 1839-1907 85 Coppe'e, Francis fidouard Joachim 1842-1908 See 842.88 .86 Deroulede, Paul 1846-1914 87 .88 .8 9 Minor poets .91 Early 2oth century 1901- 842 . b^ FrqBch drama .1 Early French 842-1400 .11 Mysteries and miracles .12 Adam de la Halle 1240-86 13 Bodel, Jean .14 .15 .16 17 .18 .19 Minor dramatists LITERATURE 842.2 .21 .22 23 .24 25' .26 27 .28 .29 3 3i 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4 .41 42 43 44 45' .46 47 .48 49 5 51 .52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 .6 .61 .62 63 .64 65 .66 .67 68 69 Transition period Gresban, Arnoul Michel, Jean Gringoire, Pierre 1400-1500 -1493 1480-1544 Minor dramatists Renaissance 1500-1600 Le Coq. Thomas Baif, Lazare de La Peruse, Jean Bastier de Jodelle, Etienne Gre"vin, Jacques La Taille, Jean de Gamier, Robert Larivey, Pierre de Minor dramatists Classic period 1600-1715 Corneille, Pierre Moliere, Jean Baptiste Poquelin, called Corneille, Thomas . Boursault, Edme Racine, Jean Brueys, David Augustin de Dufresny, Charles Riviere Baron, Michel Boyron, called Minor dramatists 1 8th century 1715-89 La Motte, Antoine Houdart de Crebillon, Prosper Jolyot de Destouches, Philippe Nericault Marivaux, Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Piron, Alexis Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet de Sedaine, Michel Jean Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin Caron de Minor dramatists Revolution and empire 1789-1815 Ducis, Jean Francois Collin-Harleville, Jean Francois La Harpe, Jean Francois de Fabre d'Eglantine, Philippe Francois Nazaire Andrieux, Francois Guillaume Jean Stanislas Chenier, Marie Joseph Picard, Louis Benoit Lemercier, Louis Jean Ne'pomucene Minor dramatists 1530-55 1532-73 1538-70 1540-1608 1545-1601 1550-1612 1606-84 1622-73 1625-1709 1638-1701 1639-99 1640-1723 1648-1724 1653-1729 1672-1731 1674-1762 1688-1763 See 843-52 1689-1773 1694-1778 See 843. 54 1719-97 1732-99 1735-1806 1739-1803 See 84461 1755-94 I759-I833 1764-1811 1769-1828 1771-1840 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 842.7 Constitutional monarchy 1815-48 71 Soumet, Alexandra 1788-1845 72 Delavigne, Jean Frangois Casimir 1793-1843 See 841.72 73 Scribe, Augustin Eugene 1791-1861 74 Ancelot, Jacques Arsene Frangois Polycarpe 1794-1864 75 Vigny, Alfred Victor, comte de 1799-1863 See 841 . 76 .76 Musset, Louis Charles Alfred de 1810-57 See 841.77 77 Dumas, Alexandra, the elder 1806-70 See 843.76 .78 Hugo, Victor Marie, comte 1802-85 See also 841.78 and 843.78 79 Minor dramatists .8 Later io,th century 1848-1900 .81 Labiche, Eugene Marin 1815-88 .82 Ponsard, Frangois 1824-67 83 Augier, Guillaume Victor Emile 1822-89 .84 Dumas, Alexandre, fils 1824-95 85 Bornier. Henri de 1825-1901 .86 Sardou, \fyctorien 1831-1908 .87 Pailleron, Edouard 1834-99 .88 Coppe'e, Francis fidouard Joachim 1842-1908 See 841.85 .89 Minor dramatists .QI Early 2oth century 1901- 843 French fiction .2 Transition period 1400-1500 .21 Christine de Pisan 1363-1431 .22 Jean de Tuim 23 La Sale, Antoine de 1398-1462 24 Chastelain, Georges 1403-75 25 .26 .27 .28 29 Minor writers 3 Renaissance 1500-1600 3i Marguerite de Navarre 1492-1549 32 Desperriers, Bonaventure 1500-44 33 Herberay, Nicolas d' -1552 34 Du Fail, Noel -1585 35 Bouchet, Guillaume 1526-1606 36 37 Beroalde de Verville, Frangois 1558-1612 38 39 Minor writers 4 Classic period 1600-1715 .41 Urfe, Honord d'. 1568-1625 .42 Gomberville, Marin Le Roy de 1600-47 43 La Calprenede, Gauthier de Costes de 1602-63 44 Scuddry, Georges de 1601-67 45 Scude"ry. Madeleine de 1607-1701 .46 Cyrano de Bergerac, Savinien 1620-55 47 Perrault, Charles 1628-1703 .48 Lafayette, Marie Madeleine Pioche de la Vergne, comtesse de 1634-93 49 Minor writers LITERATURE 843.5 51 52 53 -54 55 56 57' .58 59 .6 .61 .62 63 .64 65 .66 .67 .68 .69 7 -71 -72 73 74 75 .76 77 .78 79 .8^ .81 .82 83 .84 85 -.86 .87 .88 .89. .91 8 44 4 .41 42 i8th century 1715-89 Le Sage, Alain Ren6 Marivaux,' Piarre Carlet de Chamblain de PreVost d'Exiles, Antoine Frangois Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet de Crbillon, Claude Prosper Jolyot de, fils Rousseau, Jean Jacques Restif de la Bretonne, Nicolas Edme Florian, Jean Pierre Claris de Minor writers Revolution and empire 1789-1815 St Pierre, Jacques Henri Bernardin de Stael Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine (Necker), baronne de 1766-1817 Constant de Rebecque, Henri Benjamin 1767-1830 Maistre, Xavier de 1763-1852 Chateaubriand, Frangois Auguste Rene, vicomte de 1768-1848 1668-1747 1688-1763 See 842. 54 1697-1763 1694-1778 See 842 56 1707-77 1712-78 1734-1806 1755-94 I737-I8I4 Minor writers Constitutional monarchy 1815-48 Beyle, Marie Henri [de Stendhal] Nodier. Charles Balzac, Honore de Sue, Marie Joseph, called Eugene Souvestre, Emile Dum^s, Alexandre, the elder Gautier, The"ophile Hugo^Victor Marie, comte Sec also 841.78 and 842.78 Minor writers Later igth century 1848-1900 Me'rim'e'e, Prosper Dudevant, Amantine Lucile Aurore Dupin [George Sand] Feuillet, Octave Flaubert, Gustave Erckmann-Chatrian \ Erckmann, fimile Via. Chatrian, Alexandre About, Edmond Frangois Valentin Cherbuliez, Victor 7 Daudet, Alphonse Minor writers Early 2oth century 1901- French essays Renaissance 1500-1600 Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de Classic period 1600-1715 Du Vair, Guillaume Saint-Evremond, Charles de Marguetel de Saint- Denis de 1783-1842 1790-1844 1799-1850 1804-57 1806-54 1806-70 1811-72 1802-85 1803-70 1804-76 1822-90 I82I-8I 1822-99 1826-90 1828-85 1829-99 1840-97 See 842 77 3 - la. - 1533-92 1556-1621 1613-1703 o~\ DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 1657-1757 1689-1755 1717-83 I739-l803 See 842.63 1754-1824 1772-1825 1770-1846 1782-1854 1790-1870 1808-57 1804-69 1801-73 1804-74 1806-88 1803-75 1823-92 1828-93 844-5 * 8th century 1715-89 .51 Fontenelle, Bernard le Bovier de .52 Montesquieu, Charles le Secondat, baron d .53 Alembert, Jean le Rond d' .6 Revolution and empire 1789-1815 .61 La Harpe, Jean Francois de .62 Joubert, Joseph .63 Courier de Me"re\ Paul Louis .64 Senancour, Etienne Pivert de .7 Constitutional monarchy 1815-48 .71 La Mennais, Hugues Felicite" Robert de .72 Villemain, Abel Francois .73 Planche, Jean Baptiste Gustave .74 Sainte Beuve, Charles Augustin .75 Saint-Marc Girardin .76 Janin, Jules Gabriel .77 Nisard, Jean Marie Napoleon De'sire' .8 Later i9th century 1848-1900 .81 Quinet, Edgar .82 Renan, Ernest .83 Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe Early 2oth century 1901- French oratory subdivided by periods uke & 4 i rench letters . .subdivided b y ^MB 1^8,1 a^>-t^*- >^ir~ou dLftTVj oA^-^*A. - ^V,y. _W\. -*~~ r .^ f ^^ tm _ t e^ch satire and humor !,arlyFrench 842-1400 .11 Guyot de Provins .12 Roman du Renard See 837.31 and 839.371 .13 Deschamps, Eustache 1320-1400 .3 Renaissance 1500-1600 .31 Marot, Cle'ment 1495-1544 .32 Rabelais, Francois 1 495-1553 .33 La Satyre Menippee 1594 .34 Aubigne", Theodore Agrippa d' 1550-1630 35 Regnier, Mathurin 15/3-1613 .4 Classic period 1600-1715 .41 Viau, The'ophile de 1590-1626 .42 Saint Amant, Marc Antoine GeYard 1594-1661 .43 Scarron, Paul 1610-60 .44 Benserade, Isaac de 1612-91 .45 Furetiere, Antoine 1620-88 .46 Boileau Despreaux, Nicolas 1636-1711 .47 Regnard, Jean Francois 1655-1709 .5 i8th century 1715-89 .51 Cresset, Jean Baptiste Louis 1709-77 .52 Gilbert, Nicolas Joseph Laurent 1751-80 .7 Constitutional monarchy 1815-48 .71 Barthdlemy, August Marseille 1796-1867 .72 Barbier, Henri Auguste 1805-82 848 French miscellany subdivided by periods , LITERATURE 849 Provengal literature .c Provencal poetry .11 ist period 900-1100 Poetry in hands of clergy. No folk poetry preservd. Form mainly epk Language not yet fixt. Country under rule of counts, nominally subject to emperor, really independent till 1486, then reunited to France .in Epic poetry Boethius .112 Lyric poetry .119 Minor poetry Didactic .12 Golden age 1100-1300 Poets mainly knights, but after 1250 almost exclusivly burghers. Lyric most important .121 Romances of chivalry Girart de Rossilho .122 Historical poetry Croisade centre les Albigeois .123 Romans d'a ventures Flamenca .124 Lyric poetry .125 Bernart de Ventadorn, flourisht about 1140-95 .126 Born, Bertran de 1180-95 .127 Arnaut. Daniel 1180-1200 .128 Borneill, Guiraut de 1175-1220 .129 Minor poetry Nearly 500 poets named beside anonymous poems. Form prevails over content; great variety of poetic forms. These lyric poets are the real Troubadours .13 Aftermath 1300-1500 Downfall of language and literature owing to lack of content and to political and social causes, specially the crusade against the Albigenses .131 Poets of school of Toulouse Arnaut Vidal, first recipient of the Golden Violet, 1324. Poetry artificial, a craft. Las Leys d'Amors is the code of poetic laws, by Guillem Molinier, chancellor of ' Consistory de la gaya sciensa ' establish! at Toulouse 1324. First prize a golden violet. When in danger of perishing, consistory revived in 1484 and poetic exercises styled 'J eux floraux' .132 La Noble Leyczon Religious poetry of Waldenses .139 Minor poetry . 1 4 Decadence 1500- Provencal sinks to position of a dialect de? pite 1 fitful attempts to revive it, tli most recent, that connected with publication of Li Provencalo 1852 .141 Goudouli, Pierre de 1579-1649 .142 Despourrins, Cyprien 1698-1755 .143 Jasmin, Jacques 1798-1864 .144 Roumanille, Joseph 1818-91 .145 Aubanel, Jos. Marie J. Baptiste The'odore 1829-86 .146 Mistral, Fre'de'ric 1830-1914 .149 Minor poetry DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 849.9 Catalan literature .91 Catalan poetry .911 ist period 1200-1350 Catalonia before 1137 ruled by French counts, then united to Aragon Language is closely allied to Provengal, in which first poets wrote. Mss scatterd; few as yet printed. Literature begins with James I (1213-76) who made Catalan the state language For Ramon Muntaner see 849.9813 I Raimon Lull 1225-1315 2 Febler 1250 9 Minor poets .912 ad period 1350-1450 Imitation of Neo Provencal, French and Italian, specially of Dante, Pe- trarch and Boccaccio. Some flashes of originality. Fra Rocaberti. Imita- tion of Dante .913 Age of perfection 1450- From i6th century, Catalan literature merged in Spanish, tho some writers still employ idiom, e. g. ' Balaguer ' i March, Ausias -1460, greatest of Catalan poets 2 Fenolla, Bernard 3 Jacme Roig- (satiric) 4 Fairer 5 Serafi 6 Pujol 7 Garcia 9 Minor poets .93 Catalan fiction .933 Age of perfection 1450- Joanet Martorel -1400. Tirant lo Blanch, a chivalric romance .98 Miscellany .981 ist period 1200-1350 Prose superior to poetry. Chronicles of great importance, culminating in Muntaner i James I (The Conqueror) 1213-76 2 Desclot, Bernardo 3 Mun- taner, Ramon 1265-1340 4 Ximenes 9 Minor authors .982 2d period 1350-1450 Prose resists foren influences better than poetry. Many philosofic and theologic writings beside historical works i Tomich 2 Turell 9 Minor writers LITERATURE 850 Italian literature 850.1 Philosofy .2 Compends .3 Dictionaries .4 Essays, lecture* and addresses on Italian literature .5 Periodicals .6 Societies .7 Study and teaching .8 Collections .9 History 851 Italian poetry .02 Dramatic .03 Romantic and epic .04 Lyric, ballads .05 Didactic .06 Descriptiv .07 Satiric and humorous .08 Collections .09 History of Italian poetry .1 Early Italian Age of Dante -1375 To deth of Boccaccio, 1375 .11 Protonotario, StefancP -1250 .12 Arezzo, Guittone d' -1294 .13 Guincelli, Guido -1276 .14 Cavalcanti, Guido 1260-1300 .15 Alighieri, Dante 1265-1321 .16 Pistoia, Cino da 1270-1336 .17 Uberti, Fazio degli -1369 .18 Petrarca, Francesco , 1304-74 .19 Minor poets .2 Period of classic learning 1375-1492 From deth of Boccaccio, 1375, to deth of Lorenzo il Magnifico, 1492 .21 Frezzi, Federigo -1416 .22 Bojardo, Matteo 1430-94 .23 Medici, Lorenzo dei (II Magnifico) 1448-92 .24 Poliziano, Angelo 1454-94 .25 Benivieni, Girolamo 1453-1542866852.22 .26 Sannazzaro, Jacopo 1458-1530 .29 Minor poets .3 Age of Leo the Tenth 1492-1542 From deth of Lorenzo il Magnifico, 1492, to convocation of council of Trent, 1542 .31 Bembo, Pietro 1470-1547 .32 Ariosto, Lodovico 1 474-1533 .33 Rucellai, Giovanni 1475-1526 .34 Molza, Francesco 1483-1544 See 853.33 .35 Tasso, Bernardo 1493-1569 .36 Alamanni, Luigi 1 495-1556 .37 Guidiccioni, Giovanni 1500-41 .38 Casa, Giovanni della 1503-56 .39 Minor poets .4 Later i6th century 1542-85 From convocation of council of Trent, 1542, to pontificate of Sixtus 5, 1585 .41 Costanzo, Angelo di 1507-91 .42 Rota, Bernardino 1509-? 5 .43 TansiUo, Luigi 1510-68 .44 Magno, Celio 1536-1602 .45 Guarini, Giovambattista 1537-1612 .46 Tasso, Torquato I544~95 .47 Baldi, Bernardino I553~i6i7 .49 Minor poets DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 851.5 Period of decline 1585-1748 From pontificate of Sixtus 5, 1585-90, to peace of Aix-la-Chapelle, 1748 .51 Chiabrera, Gabriello 1552-1637 .52 Marini, Giovambattista 1569-1625 .53 Testi, Fulvio 1593-1646 .54 Filicaja, Vincenzo 1642-1707 55 Guidi, Alessandro 1650-1712 .56 Manfredi, Eustachio 1674-1738 .57 Frugoni, Carlo Innocenzo 1692-1768 .58 Algarotti, Francesco 1712-64 .59 Minor poets .6 Period of renovation 1748-1814 From peace of Aix-la-Chapelle, 1748, to congress of Vienna, 1814 .61 Paradisi, Agostino 1736-83 .62 Mascheroni, Lorenzo 1750-1800 .63 Pindemonte, Ippolito 1753-1828 .64 Monti, Vincenzo 1754-1828 . .65 Cassi, Francesco 1778-1846 .66 Foscolo, Ugo 1779-1827 .67 Arid, Cesare 1782-1836 .68 Sestini, Bartolommeo 1792-1822 .69 Minor poets .7 Early igth century 1814-59 From congress of Vienna, 1814, to war of Independence, 1859 .71 Berchet, Giovanni 1783-1851 .72 Rossetti, Gabriello 1783-1854 .73 Manzoni, Alessandro 1785-1873 See 853. 72 .74 Marchetti, Giovanni 1790-1852 .75 Leopardi, Giacomo 1798-1837 .76 Carrer, Luigi 1801-50 -.77 Regaldi, Giuseppe 1809-83 .78 Prati, Giovanni 1815-84 .79 Minor poets .8 Later igth century 1859-1900 From war of Independence, 1859, to 1900 .81 Aleardi, Aleardo 1810-78 .82 Zanella, Giacomo 1820-88 .83 Gnoli, Domenico 1839- .84 Carducci, Giosue 1835-1907 .85 Fogazzaro, Antonio 1842-1911 .86 Rapisardi, Mario 1844- .87 Guerrini, Olindo 1845- .88 .89 Minor poets .91 Early 2oth century 1901- 852 Italian drama .1 Early Italian Age of Dante -1375 .2 Period of classic learning 1375-1492 .21 Belcari, Feo 1410-84 .22 Poliziano, Angelo 1454-94 See 85 1.24 .29 Minor dramatists LITERA.TUR3 852.3 31 32 33 34 35 39 4 41 42 43 44 45 49 5 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 59 .6 .62 63 .64 65 .66 67 .69 7 71 72 73 74 75 79 .8 .81 .82 83 .84 85 .86 .87 .88 .89 Age of Leo the Tenth 1492-1542 Machiavelli, Niccolb 1469-1527 Dovizi, Bernardo (Cardinal Bibbiena) 1470-1520 Trissino, Gian Giorgio 1478-1550 Aretino, Pietro 1492-1556 Ambra, Francesco d' -1558 Minor dramatists Later i6th century 1542-85 Speroni, Sperone 1500-88 Giraldi, G. B. Cinzia 1504-73 Cecchi, Giovanni Maria 1517-87 Asinari, Federigo 1527-76 Porta, Giovambattista della 1538-1615 Minor dramatists Period of decline 1585-1748 Buonarroti, Michelangiolo jr 1564-1646 Rinuccini, Ottavio 1565-1622 Andreini, Giovambattista 1578-1650 Gigli, Girolamo 1660-1722 Zeno, Apostolo 1669-1750 Maffei, Scipione 1675-1755 Trapassi, Pietro (Metastasio) . 1698-1782 Minor dramatists Period of renovation 1748-1814 For Manzoni, see 851.73 and 853.72 Goldoni, Carlo 1707-73 Gozzi, Carlo 1722-1806 Capacelli Albergati, Francesco 1728-1804 Alfieri, Vittorio 1749-1803 Nota, Alberto 1775-1847 Biondi, Luigi 1776-1839 Benedetti, Francesco 1785-1821 Minor dramatists Early igth century 1814-59 Niccolini, Giovambattista 1782-1861 Pellico, Silvio 1788-1854 Giacometti, Paolo 1816-81 Gherardi del Testa, Tommaso 1818-82 Ferrari, Paolo 1822-89 Minor dramatists Later i9th century 1859-1900 Bersezio, Vittorio 1830-1900 Cossa, Pietro 1833-82 Carrera, Valentino i834~95 Marenco, Leopoldo 1831-99 CavaUotti, Felice 1842-98 Torelli, Achille 1844- See alto 854.31 See also 853.44 Minor dramatists Early 2oth century 1901- DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 853 Italian fiction 1504-73 -1560 See also 852.42 .1 Early Italian Age of Dante -1375 .11 " Cento Novelle Antiche " (Gualteruzzi's collection) .12 Barberino, Francesco da 1264-1348 .13 Pisa, Guido da -1350 .14 Gubbio, Bosone da .15 Boccaccio, Giovanni 1313-75 .19 Minor writers .2 Period of classic learning 1375-1492 .21 Sacchetti, Franco -1400 .22 Fiorentino, Ser Giovanni .23 Manetti, Antonio 1423-97 .24 Mangabotti, Andrea dei .25 Prato, Giovanni da .29 Minor writers .3 Age of Leo the Tenth 1492-1542 .31 Salernitano, Masuccio .32 Bandello, Matteo 1480-1561 .33 Molza, Francesco 1483-1544 See also 851.34 .34 Firenzuola, Agnolo 1493-1548 .39 Minor writers .4 Later i6th century 1542-85 .41 Grazzini, Antonfrancesco (Lasca) 1503-83 .42 V Doni, Antonfrancesco 1513-74 .43 r i Erizzo, Sebastiano .44 ^ x Giraldi, G. B. Cinzio .45 Parabosco-, Girolamo .49 Minor writers .5 Period of decline 1585-1748 .6 Period of renovation 1748-1814 .7 Early i9th century 1814-59 .71 Rosini, Giovanni 1776-1855 .72 Manzoni, Alessandro 1785-1873 See also 851 73 .73 Grossi, Tommaso 1791-1853 .74 Guerrazzi, Francesco Domenico 1804-73 .75 Bresciani, Antonio 1798-1862 .76 Cantu, Cesare 1807-95 .77 Carcano, Giulio 1812-83 .78 Azeglio, Massimo d' 1800-66 .79 Minor writers .8 Later i9th century 1859-1900 .8: Castellazzo, Luigi 1827-90 .82 Barrili, Anton Giulio 1836-1908 .83 . Capuana, Luigi 1839- .84 Verga, Giovanni 1840- .85 Faldella, Giovanni 1846- .86 Farina, Salvatore 1846- .87 Giovagnoli, Raffaele 1838- .88 Serao, Matilde 1856- .89 Minor writers .91 Early 2oth century 1901- LITERATURE 854 1 Italian essays .1 Early Italian Age of Dante -1375 .11 Cavalca, Fra Domenico -1342 .12 Passavanti, Fra Jacopo -1357 .2 Period of classic learning 1375-1492 .21 Alberti,. Leone Battista 1404-72 .22 Palmieri, Matteo 1405-75 23 Bisticci, Vespasiano da 1421-98 .24 Collenuccio, Pandolfo -1504 25 Vinci, Leonardo da 1452-1519 .29 Minor essayists 3 Age of Leo the Tenth 1492-1542 3i Machiavelli, Niccolb 1469-1527 32 Nardi, Jacopo 1476-1555 33 Castiglione, Baldassare 1478-1529 34 Guicciardini, Francesco 1482-1540 35 Giannotti, Donate 1494-1573 36 Giambullari, Pier Francesco 1495-1555 37 Gelli, Giovambattista 1498-1563 38 Varchi, Benedetto 1503-66 39 Minor essayists 4 Later i6th century 1542-85 .41 Castelvetro, Ludovico 1505-71 .42 Piccolomini, Alessandro 1508-78 43 Borghini, Vincenzo 1515-80 44 Davanzati, Bernardo 1529-1606 45 Salviati, Leonardo 1540-89 .46 Ammirato, Scipione 1531-1601 47 Partita, Paolo 1540-98 .48 Botero, Giovanni 1540-1617 49 Minor essayists 5 Period of decline 1585-1748 51 Sarpi, Paolo 1550-1623 52 Galilei, Galileo 1564-1642 53 Bartoli, Daniele 1608-85 54 Dati, Carlo 1619-75 55 Gravina, Giovanni Vincenzo 1664-1718 56 Muratori, Ludovico Antonio 1672-1750 57 Giannone, Pietro 1676-1748 58 Zanotti, Francesco Maria 1692-1777 59 Minor essayists .6 Period of renovation 1748-1814 .61 Bettinelli, Saverio 1718-1808 .62 Denina, Carlo 1730-1813 63 Tiraboschi, Girolamo 1731-94 .64 Lanzi, Luigi 1732-1810 .65 Becca'ia, Cesare 1735-93 .66 Filangeri, Gaetano 1752-88 67 Cesari, Antonio 1760-1828 .68 Perticari, Giulio 1779-1822 .69 Minor essayists See also 852 31 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 854.7 Early igth century 1814-59 .71 Costa, Paolo 1771-1836 .72 Giordani, Pietro 1774-1848 .73 Troya, Carlo 1785-1859 .74 Balbo, Cesare 1789-1853 .75 Capponi, Gino 1792-1878 .76 Mamiani della Rovere, Terenzio 1800-85 .77 Gioberti, Vincenzo 1801-53 .78 Tommase'o, Niccol6 1802-74 .79 Minor essayists .8 Later igth century 1859-1900 .81 Sanctis, Francesco de 1818-83 .82 Bonghi, Ruggiero 1827-95 .83 Conti, Augusto 1822-1905 .84 Villari, Pasquale 1827- .85 Ardigb, Roberto 1828- 86 Comparetti, Domenico 1835- .87 Zumbini, Bonaventura 1840- .88 Panzacchi, Enrico 1841-1904 .89 Minor essayists .91 Early 2oth century 1901- 855 Italian oratory 856 Italian letters 857 Italian satire and humor .1 Early Italian Age of Dante -1375 .11 Gemignano, Folgore da San .12 Chitarra, Cene dalla .13 Angiulieri, Cecco .14 Pucci, Antonio -1377 .19 Minor writers .2 Period of classic learning 1375-1492 .21 Burchiello, Domenico 1395-1448 .22 Pulci, Luigi 1432-84 .23 Vinciguerra, Antonio .29 Minor writers .3 Age of Leo the Tenth 1492-1542 .31 Folengo, Teofilo (Merlin Cocai) 1491-1544 .32 Berni, Francesco 1496-1535 .39 Minor writers .4 Later i6th century 1542-85 .41 Nelli, Pietro .42 Beccuti, Francesco 1509-53 .43 Caporali, Cesare 1531-1601 .49 Minor writers LITERATURE 857.5 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 .6 .61 .62 63 .64 65 .66 67 .69 7 71 .8 .91 8 5 8 .8 .81 .82 Period of decline Tassoni, Alessandro Bracciolini, Francesco Lalli, Giovambattista Lippi, Lorenzo Rosa, Salvatore Menzini, Benedetto Sergardi, Ludovico Fortiguerri. Niccolo Minor writers Period of renovation Gozzi, Gasparo Passeroni, Gian Carlo Casti, Giovambattista Parini, Giuseppe Baretti, Giuseppe Elci, Angelo Maria d' Pananti, Filippo Minor writers Early igth century Giusti, Giuseppe Later ipth century Early 2oth century 1585-1748 1565-1635 1566-1645 1572-1637 1606-64 1615-73 1646-1704 1660-1726 1674-1735 1748-1814 1814-59 1859-1900 1901- 1713-86 1713-1803 1721-1803 1739-99 1716-89 1754-1824 1766-1837 i 809-50 Italian miscellany Later igth century 1859-1900 Gubernatis, Angelo .de Amicis, Edmondo de 1840- 1846-1908 859 Wallachian literature .1 Poetry .2 Drama .3 Fiction .4 Essays .5 Ora'ory .7 Satire and humor .8 Miscellany Rumansh literature Subdivided like 859 860 Spanish literature 860.1 Philosofy .2 Compends .3 Dictionaries .4 Essays .3 Periodicals .6 Societies .7 Study and teaching .8 Collections .9 History 861 Spanish poetry .02 Dramatic .03 Romantic and epic .04 Lyrfc, ballads .05 Didactic .06 Descriptiv .07 Satiric and humorous .08 Collections .09 History of Spanish poetry .1 Early Spanish -1369 In 711 the Visigothic kingdom, founded in the sth century, was overthrown by Arabs: 711-1492 Arabic period or Age of reconquest Literature began in first half of I2th century. Earliest poetry, epic; subjects national, themes war and religion (861 . 11-12). These were followd by an erudite tendency toward classic tradition neglecting national themes (861.13 and .14) which were however revived toward the close of the period (86 r .15) by continued victories over Moors under Alfonso nth, 1312-50, thereafter reaction again toward didactic (861 . 16). Under Alfonso the Wise, 1252-84, a general intellectual awakening, but leading to greater results in prose than in poetry. Thru him (i) Provencal (and Galician) and (2) Oriental influences were introduced. In Provencal literature chief attention was given to perfection of poetic form. The Oriental was didactic in content, symbolic in form. . 1 1 Primitiv monuments .12 Poema de mio Cid .13 Berceo, Gonzalo de 1196-1266 .14 Segura de Astorga, Juan Lorenzo 1250 .15 Yanez Ruy (Cronica del Rey Alfonso Onceno) .16 Sem Tob, Rabbi 1350 .19 Minor poets .2 Age of imitation 1369-1516 Henry 2d to Carlos ist, Charles sth of Germany. 1479, Union of Castile and Arragon. Under Ferdinand and Isabella all Spain was brought under one scepter. Provengal and didactic tendencies continue; a third element was Italian influence. There were 3 distinct schools: 1 Provencal, specially influential at court 2 Italian (Dante) or Allegoric, introduced by Francisco Imperial, a Genoese. .(Mena, 861.22) 3 Didactic. A protest against the Italian school in behalf of national literary traditions. (Ayala, 86 1 .21) .21 Lopez de Ayala, Pedro 1332-1407 .22 Mena, Juan de 1411-56 .23 Mendoza, Inigo Lopez de, Marque's de Santillana 1398-1458 .24 Manrique, Jorge 1440-79 .25 Los Cancioneros ] ~ .. , \ Collections of poetry .26 Los Romances j .27 Romancero del Cid ' Romances ' popular poetry, peculiar to Spain, and generally anonymous period of production, from earliest times to i8th century. Golden Age during reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, a grand reawakening coming with the fall of Granada, 1492 .29 Minor poets LITERATURE 861.3 Golden age 1516-1700 Rule of House of Austria. Painting culminates in this period: Morales 1509-86 Coello 1513-90; Joanes 1523-79; The Herrera i6th century; Ribera 1588-1656;' Zurbaran 1598-1662; Velazquez 1599-1660; Cano 1601-67; Murillo 1618-82 etc Fierce opposition to the Reformation intensified religious sentiment and produced a school of mystics. The sentiment of nationality became a dream of universal monarchy. The chivalric cult of woman was replaced by an exaggerated con- ception of female honor, the least suspicion of frailty being visited with deth Great number of poets. Nothing notable in epic; lyric very prominent; at first Italian influences more intensified, Petrarch the model. This movement, begun by Juan Boscan isoo(?)-i5 43 , culminated in Garcilaso (861.31). The protest against this in favor of national traditions is best represented by Castillejo (861.32). Mendoza (861.36) represents a conciliation. A fusion of a school* follows in which the Italian wins the major influence. Thereafter appear a new schools: 1 Classic, opposed to the fusion and represented by Leon (86 1 .33) and the Argensolat (861.34) and 2 Sicilian or Oriental (inspired specially by the Bible) of which Hen-era (861.35) is standard bearer. First manifestations of ' bad taste \ appear (founder of school, Alonso de Ledesma 1552-1623) represented by Gongora (861.37) which despite opposition (Rioja 861.38) produces rapid decadence. Bad taste consisted in artificialities, exaggerations, obscurities, etc. 3i Vega, Garcilaso de la 1503-36 .32 Castillejo, Crist6bal de 1494-1596 .33 Leon, Luis Ponce de 1528-91 Leon is equally important in prose .34 Los Argensolas: Lupercio 1563-1613 Bartolome' Leonardo 1564-1631 .35 Herrera, Fernando de 1534-97 .36 Mendoza, Diego Hurtado de 1503-75 .37 G6ngora y Argote, Luis de 1561-1627 .38 Rioja, Francisco de 1600-59 39 Minor poets .4 1 8th century 1700-1800 At deth of Carlos zd (1700) wdr of succession resulted in firm establishment of house of Bourbon, which, with brief interruptions, has continued to rule. Spanish political importance lost. At opening of century complete decadence, ' bad taste ' every where dominant. Attempts made to regenerate Spanish letters according to principles of French classicism. Little advance, however, till close of century, despite foundation of academies (Spanish academy, 1714) and doctrinal reform in French sense, proclaimd by Luzan (1702-54) in La poetica, etc. Thereafter a kind of revival. 3 schools formed: 1 Classic French. Moratin the elder (861.41); Cadalso (861.42); Yriarte (861.45) and Samaniego (861.44) 2 Antique national, protesting against introduction of French taste. Huerta (861.43) 3 Salamanca school, an attempt to reconcile the first 2, avoiding their extravagances and conserving what was good in each. Valdes (861.46); Iglesias (861.47); Cienfuegos (861.48); Moratin the younger (862.42) and Jovellanos (868.42). ' Prosaism ' production of exaggerated opposition to Gongorism or ' bad taste ' also characterizes period. Influence of French encyclopedism also manifest. Development of science checkt by religious (Inquisition) and political despotism. Rich development of fables and apologs in verse. Samaniego (861.44) and Yriarte (861.45). In epic, complete poverty .41 Moratin (the Elder), Nicolas Fernandez de 1737-80 .42 Cadalso, ]os6 de 1741-82 .43 Huerta, Vicente Antonio Garcia de la 1734-87 .44 Samaniego, Felix Maria de 1745-1801 .45 Yriarte, Tomas de 1750-91 .46 Valde's, Juan Melendez 1754-1817 .47 Iglesias de la Casa, Jos6 1748-91 .48 Cienfuegos, Nicasio Alvarez de 1764-1809 .49 Minor poets 86i.s 862 .21 .22 3 32 33 34 35 36 37 39 4 .41 42 43 49 5 52 53 59 .6 1 9th century 1800-1900 Abdication of Carlos 4th, 1808; Joseph ist (Bonaparte) 1808-13. Ferdinand 7th restored. Salic law abrogated, opening succession to daughter Isabella. Carlist insurrections (upholding Salic law) queld. Isabella driven from throne by revolution 1868; 1870-73 Amadeo (Savoy house), 1873, Amadeo abdicates and republic proclaimd; monarchy restored with Alfonso I2th in 1875 Age, till close of Ferdinand's reign, very unfavorable to letters. Under Carlos 4th (1788-1808) despotism reintroduced and revolution followd. Policy of Ferdinand 7th, after restoration (1813-33), retrograde. An interregnum in letters. First real awakening with Espronceda (861.57). Same fluctuations as in previous period. Romantic school introduced by Zorrilla (861.53) Quintana, Manuel Jose" Espronceda, Jose" de Zorrilla y Moral, Jos6 Gutierrez, Antonio Garcfa Gil y Zdrate, Antonio artzemhusch, Juan Eugenio 1772-1857 1810-42 1817-90 1812-84 1792-1861 1806-80 Early 2oth century 1901- Spanish drama ofA ^ . , f . .. #o ^^**X^*^- r *.&** <-*_><->-fc-N/v->* Age of imitation 1369-1510 Evidences of existence of ' mysteries ' but no remains Enzina, Juan del (?) 1468-1 534 Vicente, Gil (?)i45o-i536 Golden age 1516-1700 Drama of this period isxhief glory of Spanish letters; writers show a phenomenal fecundity (at 70 ' Lope ' had written 1500 dramas), 30,000 dramas composed by beginning of 1 8th century. At opening of period Church tried to check develop- ment of profane drama, placing nearly all in the Index. Torres Naharro (works pub. 1517) and Lope de Rueda (d. 1567) form transition from preceding period. Latter, reputed father of national theater. Lope de Vega (862.31) real founder. Drama culminates in Calderon (862 35); thereafter decadence Vega Carpio, Lope Felix de 1562-1635 Castro y Belvis, Guillen de 1567-1621 Tellez, Gabriel (Tirso'de Molina, pseud.) (?) 1570-1648 Alarcon y Mendoza, Juan Ruiz de (?) 1580-1 639 Calderon de la Barca, Pedro 1 600-81 Rojas y Zorrilla, Francisco de 1607- Moreto y Cabana, Agustin 1618-69 Minor dramatists i8th century 1700-1800 Complete decadence of drama in last years of old monarchy. Revival in i8th century, following French classic drama. Culminates in Moratin the younger (863.42). Opposition of National school voiced in Huerta (86 1 .43). Discussions provoke abundant productions, fecundity rather than merit characterizing mass- of write 8, Cornelia (862.41) Period of unrest; old ideas can not he recsiablisht, new can not be naturalized. For Moratin the elder, see 861.41; Huerta, 861.43 Cornelia, Luciano Francisco 1716-79 Moratin, Leandro Fernandez de 1760-1828 Cruz, Ramon de la (Light comedies) I73i~95 Minor dramatists ipthjcentury 1800-1900 Zorriila (861 .5.?'). GuUrrre/. (861.54)- and Rub: (862.52) represent ' romantic ' movement in Spanish drama. For Gil y Zdrate, see 861.55: Hartzembusch. 861.56 Martinez de la Rosa, Francisco 1789-1862 Rodriguez Rubi, Tomas 1817-90 Bret6n de los Herreros, Manuel 1796-1873 Minor dramatists Early 2oth century * 1901- \ v-v 0^-v.a. LITERATURE . .2 Age of imitation 1369-1516 Immense vogue of books of chivalry despite legislation till publication of Don Quijote; thereafter only one written. (First part of Quijote printed 1605! ,21 Books of chivalry .22 Amadis de Gaula .23 Celestina .3 Golden age 1516-1700 Real novel replaces old books of chivalry about 1500. Picaresca,' or ' rogue' novel characteristic of this period; a result of the state of society following wars of Charles ist and Philip 2d, e. g. Mendoza's Lazarillo de Tormes. For Mendoza. see 861.36 .31 Montemayor, Jorge de 1520-61 .32 Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de 1547-1616 .39 Minor novelists .4 i8th century 1700-1800 .5 1 9th century 1800-1900 For Bret6n da los Herreros, see 862.53; and Rodriguez Rubi, 862.52 .51 Larra, Mariano Jose" de [Figaro] 1809-37 .52 Mesonero y Romanos, Ram6n de 1803-82 .53 Arrom, Cecilia Boehl de [Fernan Caballero ] 1797-1877 .59 Minor writers .6 Early 2oth century 1901- 864 Spanish essays 865 Spanish oratory Hardly any forensic and little sacred eloquence. When language and culture advanced, privileges of Cortes restraind. Sacred eloquence less employd by Spanish church than by French or English. Gongorism or ' bad taste ' conquers here as elsewhere .1 Early Spanish -1369 .2 Age of imitation 1369-1516 .3 Golden age 1516-1700 For Luis de Leon, see 861.33; and Luis de Granada. 868.32 .4 1 8th century 1700-1800 For Jovellanos, see 868.42; and Vald6s, 861.46 .5 i9th century 1800-1900 .51 Olozaga, Salustiano de 1803-73 .5^ Castelar, Emilio 1832-99 .6 Early 2oth century 1901- 866 Spanish letters .3 Golden age 1516-1700 Naturalness of old times changed with majestic court and rigid etlquet of Chrle 5th. For Santa Teresa, see 868 .33 .31 Avila, Juan de 1502-69 .32 Perez, Antonio i54-i6n .39 Minor writers f>ECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 867 Spanish satire .1 Early Spanish -1369 Ruiz, Juan (Arcipreste de Hita) 1350 .2 Age of imitation 1369-1516 Coplas de Mingo Revulgo .3 Golden age 1516-1700 Quevedo Villegas, Francisco Gomez de 1580-1645 .4 1 8th century 1700-1800 For Cadalso, see 861.42; and Moratin the younger, 862.42 .41 Jorge Pitillas (a pseudonym) r \- v N K o 86$ Spanish miscellany .1 Early Spanish -1369 .11 Alfonso i o, el Sabio 1221-84 .12 Sancho el Bravo (4th of Castile) 1258-95 .13 Manuel, Juan 1282-1347 .14 .> Alfonso ii 1310-50 .19 Minor writers .2 Age of imitation 1369-1516 General and special histories, books of travel, works cald forth by Boccaccio's Corvaccio, etc. .3 Golden age 1516-1700 Didactic prose. Considerable development, tho less than poetry, owing in great mesure to political and religious restraints. ' Bad taste ' manifests itself here as elsewhere. Luis de Granada, Santa Teresa, San Juan de la Cruz, Pedro de Riva- deneyra and Luis de Leon, representativs of Mystic school For Luis de Leon, see 861.33; and Quevedo y Villegas, 867.3 .31 Mariana, Juan de, founder of Spanish history 1536-1623 .32 Granada, Luis de 1504-88 33 Teresa de Jesus, Santa 1513-82 .34 Cruz, San Juan de la 1542-91 .35 Rivadeneyra, Pedro de 1527-1611 .36 Saavedra Fajardo, Diego de 1584-1648 .39 Minor writers .4 1 8th century 1700-1800 Under Carlos 3d (1759-88) scientific studies took a fresh start, due largely to Feij6o, who attempted intellectual emancipation of Spain. Prose advances under French influence, Gallicisms introduced .41 Feijdo y Montenegro, Benito Jer6nimo 1676-1764 .42 Jovellanos, Gaspar Melchor de 1744-1811 .49 Minor writers .5 i9th century 1800-1900 For Hartzembusch, J E, see 861.56 .51 Gayangos, Pascual de 1809-97 .52 Rios, Jose" Amador de los 1818-78 .53 Mild y Fontanals, Manuel 1818-84 .59 Minor writers .6 Early 2oth century 1901- 869 Portuguese literature .1 Poetry .2 Drama .3 Fiction .4 Essays .5 Oratory .6 Letters .7 Satire and humor .8 Miscellany LITERATURE 870 Latin literature .1 Philosofy .2 Compends .3 Dictionaries, cyclopedias .4 Essays .5 Periodicals .6 Societies .7 Study and teaching .8 Collections .9 History of Latin literature 871 Latin poetry in general See Dramatic, Epic and Lyric below .1 Lucretius Carus, Titus .2 Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso) .3 Hyginus, Caius Julius .4 Faliscus, Gratius .5 Manilius, Marcus .6 Phaedrus .7 Lucilius Junior tna .8 872 Latin drama .1 Andronicus, Livius .2 Naevius, Cnaeus .3 Plautus, Titus Maccius .4 Ennius .5 Terence (Publius Terentius Afer) , .6 Seneca, Lucius Annaeus s ee also &-s 5 7 873 Latin epic poetry .1 Virgil (Publius Vkgilius Maro) .2 Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus .3 Flaccus, Caius Valerius 4 Silius Italicus, Caius 5 Statius, Publius Papinius .6 874 Latin lyric poetry .1 Catullus, Tibullus and Propertius .2 Catullus, Valerius .3 Tibullus, Albius .4 Propertius, Sextus Aurelius .5 Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus) see also 877.3 .6 Calpiirnius Siculus 7 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 875 Latin oratory .1 Cicero, Marcus Tullius: complete works For Cicero's letters see 876.1 . 2 Orations .3 Rhetorical works .4 Phllosofic WOrks See also 186.3 .5 Messala Corvinus, Marcus Valerius .6 Quintilian (Marcus Fabius Quintilianus) 7 876 Latin letters .1 Cicero, MarCUS TulliuS For his other works see 875 .1-875 1 .2 Pliny (Caius Plinius Caecilius Secundus) .3 Fronto, Marcus Cornelius 4 877 Latin satire and humor .1 Lucilius, Caius .2 Cato, Valerius .3 Horace see 874.5 .4 Persius Flaccus, Aulus .5 Petronius Arbiter, Caius .6 Martial (Marcus Valerius Martialis) .7 Juvenal (Decimus Junius Juvenalis) 878 Latin miscellany .1 Caesar, Caius Julius .2 Sallust (Caius Sallustius Crispus) .3 Nepos, Cornelius .4 Livy (Titus Livius Patavinus) .5 Seneca, Lucius Annaeus See also 872.6 and iss.6 .6 Tacitus, 6*rass Cornelius .7 Suetonius Tranquillus, Caius .8 Curtius Rufus, Quintus (P 1 SiiMA C -9 Minor writers 879 Medieval and modern Latin Subdivided like 820. .1 Poetry .2 Drama .3 Fiction .4 Essays .5 Oratory .6 Letters .7 Satire and humor .8 Miscellany LITERATURE 880 Greek literature Classic literature .1 Philosofy .2 Compends .3 Dictionaries .4 Essays on Greek literature .5 Periodicals .6 Societias .7 Study and teaching .8 Collections .9 History of Greek literature 88 1 Greek poetry in general See Dramatic. Epic, and Lyric, below .1 Theognis .2 Aratus .3 Lycophron .4 Babrius 882 Greek dramatic poetry .1 ^Eschylus .2 Sophocles .3 Euripides .4 Aristophanes .5 Epicharmus .6 Menander , 883 Greek epic poetry . i Homer .2 Hesiod .3 Apollonius Rhodius .4 Oppian .5 Orphic poems 884 Greek lyric poetry .1 Tyrtaeus .2 Sappho .3 Anacreon .4 Simonides of Ceos .5 Pindar .6 Theocritus .7 Bion .8 Callimachus .9 Minor Greek lyric poets DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 885 Greek oratory .1 Andocides .2 Lysias .3 Isaeus .4 Isocrates .5 ^Eschines .6 Demosthenes .7 Hyperides .8 Lycurgus .9 Minor Greek orators 886 Greek letters .1 Themistocles .2 Alciphron .3 Phalaris 887 Greek satire and humor For comedies of Aristophanes see 882.4 .1 Archilochus .2 Simonides of Samos .3 Hipponax 888 Greek miscellany . .1 Herodotus .2 Thucydides .3 Xenophon .4 PlatO See also 184.1 Platonic philosofy .5 Aristotle See also 185.1 Aristotelian philosofy Or if preferd, the works of Plato and Aristotle maybe put in 184.1 and 185,1 .6 JEsop .7 Lucian .8 Plutarch See also i86.a .9 Minor writers .t Poetry .2 Drama .3 Fiction .4 Essays ".5 Oratory .6 Letters .7 Satire and humor .8 Miscellany 889 Medieval and modern Greek .1 Poetry .2 Drama .3 Fiction .4 Essay; .7 Satire and humor .8 Miscellany 890 Literature of minor languages Subdivided like 490, Philology of minor languages. If wisht i Poetry; 2 Drama, etc., can be used after the language number; e. g. Russian drama is 891.72, Hebrew poetry 892.41, Bengali poetry 891.441 History 900 History in general 901-909 all have History in general as their subject, but it is treated in these various forms. A periodical on English history goss with 94*. not 903, which is only for periodicals on history in general. Naught (o) in any class number in any part of the classification shows the subject to be general, not specific 901 Philosofy, theories, etc. History of civiliza- tion 902 Compends, chronologies, charts, outlines For chronology as a science, see 529 903 Dictionaries, cyclopedias, etc. 904 Essays, lectures, addresses 905 Periodicals, historical magazines 906 Societies, transactions, etc. 907 . Education, methods of teaching, writing, etc. See also 371.3 908 Polygrafy, collected works, extracts, etc. 909 Universal and general modern histories ' For general Ancient histories, see 930 .1 A. D. 476 H99 o 15001599 .2 1200 1299 .6 1600 1699 3 1300 1399 .7 1700 1799 .4 1400 1499 .8 1800 1899 Including topografy, maps, antiquities, descriptions, etc. For map projection, see 526.9. See also 310 Statistics, 390 Customs and costumes For directories, guidebooks, gazetteers, etc. of special countries or geografic sections see under those sections, 914-919 .1 .2 Traveler's manuals, guidebooks .3 Dictionaries, gazetteers .4 " Circumnavigations, ocean travel, shipwrecks and disasters, piratic adventures .5 Periodicals .6 Societies .7 Study and teaching of geografy : school map drawing For primary teaching of geografy see 372.89 .8 Collections of travels, etc. .9 History of geografy, travels, explorations, etc. DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 911 Historic Growth and changes in political divisions, etc. subdivided uke 930-999 912 Maps, atlases, plans of cities, etc. Subdivided like 930-999 913 Antiquities, archeology, of special countries See also 220.93 Biblical antiquities; 340.3 Legal antiquities; 571 Prehistoric arche- ology; 930 Ancient history; 390 Special customs. 913 is divided like 930-999. Note that this 3 is not the ancient history 3. Keltic antiquities are 913.36, not 913.6, which is African Q T A T"MirODP 914-919 is subdivided like 940-999. Whenever these -7 i main geografic hedings occur they may be subdivided Q T ^ A C1 Q exactly like History. The full list of subheds is -^ O printed only under 940-999. In assigning numbers QT/-\ AfriPJ-l to trave ^ s > use t * le history tables, insert I after the initial 9, and move the decimal point; e. g. Guide QI 7 N"orth AmPrica t0 N - Y - citv * s 917.471, for N.Y. city in history tables 918 South America 919 Oceanica and Polar regions 920 Biografy Including autobiografy, diaries, personal narrativs, eulogies, biografic dictionaries, etc. All biografy is here groupt together under the main classes, and subdivided in the same way with the variations indicated below for Philosofy, Theology, and Sociology, i. e. the biografy of science is divided like science itself, see 500-599. Lives of chemists are 925.4; of botanists, 925.8; of sailors, 926.56; of actors, 927.92; of the inventor of hard rubber, 926.78, etc. The rule is to give each life the number of the subject it illustrates most, or to the student of which it will be most useful. Another plan is to scatter biografy with the other books, leaving 920-928 blank, or using them only for general works, cross references, etc. This simply omits the first a figures 92, and the life of a botanist is 580 insted of 925.8, and goes with botanic books Lives which will not go under any hed without ' forcing ' are best put in a single alfabet under the 3 figures 920 for men and under 920 . 7 for women General and collectiv by localities Including only collected lives too general to go under any subject heding .o i Universal .02 Partial collections not limited to any special country or subject .03 Ancient .04 Of Europe .05 " Asia .06 " Africa .07 " North America .08 " South America .09 " Oceanica BIOGRAFY 920 Individual and collectiv by subjects .1 Bibliografers .2 Librarians .3 Encyclopedists .4 Publishers Booksellers .5 Journalists .6 Academicians 7 Women Collected, and individual live* not clearly going with any lubject .8 Eccent^cs, cranks, fools, insane, etc. seeaiso 132.1 insanity .9 Other special classes not included in 921-928, e. g. phrenol- ologists, somnambulists, mindreaders, magicians, etc. Q2i Of philosofy .1 American .2 English Scotch .3 German .4 French .5 Italian .6 Spanish .7 Slavic .8 Scandinavian and other modern .9 Ancient Oriental Patristic Scholastic s^ iso-isg 922 Of religion: clergy, missionaries, preachers 922.1-922.88 may be subdivided for nationality like 930-999 .1 Primitiv apostles, fathers, etc. oriental, Greek, Russian See 225.9.2 New Testament biografy .2 Roman catholic: popes, cardinals, etc. .21 Lives of popes .3 Anglican and protestant episcopal .4 Continental protestant : Lutheran, Huguenot .5 Presbyterian and congregational .6 Baptist Immersionist .7 Methodist .3 Unitarian, universalist and other .81 Unitarian Universalist '.84 New church or Swedenborgian 85 Christian science 86 Quaker .87 Mennonite .88 Shaker .89 ' Other minor Christian sects DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 922.9 Ethnic and other .91 Atheists .92 93 .94 Brahman Buddhist .95 Parsee .96 Jews .97 Mohammedan .98 Mormon .99 Minor nonchristian religions 923 Of sociology 923.1-923.8 may be subdivided for nationality, as in 930-999; e. g. the life of an English king is 923.142; of a Russian czar, 923.147; of a Chinese general, 923.551 .1 Chief rulers: kings, queens, emperors, presidents .2 Political science: legislativ dep't, governors, politicians, statesmen, nobles, etc. For slaves, see 326.92 .3 Political* economy : bankers, capitalists, financiers .4 Law: judiciary dep't, lawyers, judges .41 Criminals .5 Administration: army and navy, civil servis .6 Associations and institutions Philanthropists, etc. .7 Education: teachers, school offisers, educators .8 Commerce and communication: railway officials, merchants, etc. .9 Manners and customs : society, travelers, discovery 924 Of philology 925 " science 926 927 " fine arts 928 " literature useful arts See note under 920 about subdividing. It is seldom wise to use more than 4 figures, unless in a large special collection; e. g. in a music library, lives of pianists may be separated as 927.86. Professors known as special- ists go with the subject taught rather than with teach- ers; e. g. a professor of geology 925.5; but if more prominent as an educator than as a geologist he goes in 923.7 In adding figures for the subdivisions of literature, as in 810-899, class historians with miscellaneous authors as 8; i. e. Gibbon's life is 928.28; 928.31 is life of a Ger- man poet, and 928.691 is life of a Portuguese poet BIOGRAFY 929 Genealogy and heraldry .1 Genealogies .2 Families -3 Registers of births, baptisms, marriages, deths 4 Names of persons and places .5 Epitafs .6 Heraldry .7 Peerage, precedence, titles of honor Royal houses 7i Orders of Knighthood 7ii St John of Jerusalem 7*2 Templars 713 Teutonic knights 7M Garter 715 Golden Fleece .716 ( Holy Ghost 717. .718 .719 72 Great Britain and Ireland . -721 Peerage Royal houses 722 Baronetage 723 Knightage 7 2 4 Dignities, precedence 7 2 5 Landed gentry 726 Visitations Alfabeted by counties 73 Germany 74 France .75 Italy 76 Spain 77 Russia 78 Scandinavia 79 Minor countries Divided like 949; minor countries out side' Europe are put together in 929.709 8 Coats of arms, crests 9 Flags 930 Ancient history 475 A . D . 931- China 932 Egypt 933 Judea 934 India Divided DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 935 Medo-Persia .1 Chaldea .2 AssjTia Nineveh .3 Media .4 Babylonia .5 Persia .6 Parthia .7 New Persian or Sassanian .8 Mesopotamia .9 Susiana 936 Kelts 937 Rome Italy Period divisions .01 Kings 753-509 B. C. .02 Republic 509- 31 " .03 Conquest of Italy 509-264 ". '.04 Punic wars 264-146 " .05 Civil strife 146- 31 " .06 . Empire 31 B. C.-476 A. D. .07 Constitutional 31 " -284 " Augustus Illyrian emperors .08 Absolute 284-476 " .09 Division of empire 395~4~6 " Barbarian conquests and fall of western empire Geografic divisions .1 Liguria .2 Gallia Cisalpina .3 Venetia Istria .4 Umbria Picenum Sabini, etc. .5 Etruria .6 Latium, Rome .7 Southern Italy: Campania, Samnium, Apulia, etc. .8 Sicily, Syracuse .9 Sardinia Corsica 938 Greece Period divisions .01 Mythical age -776 B. C. .02 Growth of states 775-5^0 " .03 Persian wars Union of Greece 500-479 " .04 Athenian supremacy , 479-431 " .05 Peloponnesian war 431-404 " .06 Spartan and Theban supremacy 404-362 " .07 Macedonian supremacy 362-323 " .08 Roman conquest of Greece 323-146 " .09 Greek subjection 146 B. C.-323 A. D. Byzantine empire is clast 949.5 ANCIENT HISTOR1" Geografic divisions of Greece 938.1 Macedonia .2 Thessaly Epirus .3 Acarnania ^tolia Locris Doris Phocis Ithaca .4 Boeotia Megaris Euboea .5 Attica 6 Peloponnesus .7 Corinthia Achaia .8 Elis Arcadia Argolis .9 Messenia Laconia Sparta 939 Minor countries .1 Grecian archipelago .II Northern ilands: Thasos, Lemnos, etc. .12 Lesbos .13 Chios, etc. .14 Samos, etc. .15 Cyclades .16 Rhodes, etc! .17 Carpathos .18 Crete .2 Western Asia Minor .21 Mysia, Troas .22 Lydia .23 Ionia .24 Caria .25 Bithynia .26 Phrygia .27 Pisidia .28 Lycia .29 Pamphylia .3 Eastern Asia Minor .31 Paphlagonia .32 Galatia .33 Pontus .34 Cappadocia .35 Cilicia .36 Commagene .37 Cyprus .4 Syria .41 Upper Syria .42 Coele Syria .43 Palmyra .44 Phenicia, Tyre .45 Palestine: Hittites, Philistines, etc.. .46 Edom. Moab, Bashan, etc. .47 Arabia .48 Arabia Petraea, Sinai .5 Nprthwestern Asia .51 Scythia.. .52 Sarmatia Asiatica .53 Colchis .54 Iberia .55 Armenia .56 Albania .6 South Central Asia .61 Sogdiana .62 Hyrcania . .63 Margiana .64 Bactriaca .65 Ariana .7 Minor African countries .71 Mauritania .72 Numidia .73 Africa Propria, Carthage .74 Syrtica Regio .75 Cyrenaica .76 Marmarica .77 Libya, Gaetulia .78 Ethiopia .8 Southeastern Europe .81 Sarmatia Europa .82 Dacia .83 Vindelicia .84 Rhaetia .85 Noricum .86 Pannonia .87 Illyria .88 Moesia .89 Thracia Modern history 94 Europe .1 .11 .14 17 .18 .181 .182 -183 .184 .185 .186 .187 .188 .189 .2 .21 .22 23 24 25 .26 .27 .28 .29 3 From fall of the Western empire (Rome) A. D. 476 Medieval Europe 476-1453 For Byzantine empire see 949.5 Rise of new nations 476- 800 Age of feudalism 800-1100 See also 321.3 Feudalism (Political science) Charlemagne 768-814 Norman conquests Age of chivalry 1100-1453 To fall of Eastern empire (Constantinople) 1453 Crusades 1096-1270 See also church history, 270. 4-. 5 ist crusade 1096 (Peter the Hermit) 2d " 1147 (St Bernard) 3d 1190 (Richard Coeur de Lion) 4th " 1 202 (Baldwin of Flanders) 5th " 12 1 2 (Children's crusade) 6th " 1217 (Capture of Jerusalem) 7th " 1228 8th " 1248 (St Louis) 9th " 1270 Modern Europe ' . 1453- Renaissance period 1453-1517 Discoveries and inventions Age of the reformation 1517-1789 30 years war Napoleonic period 1 9th century 1618-48 1789-1815 1815-1914 1914-19 '.312 Great war Political history Causes Efforts to preserv peace See also 940.32 Diplomatic history \ 314 Results: terms of peace MODERN HISTORY .940 .3 1 5 Relations of special classes Subdivided like the classification, using 9 for refugees, divided like 940-999 by country of origin. For classes not thus provided for see 940.316 2 Clergy Church Subdivide .3152-28 4ike 280. but use .315289 for sects in 289; e. g. .31521 Greek catholic church 22 Roman " " Pope 2895 Christian scientists Use .31529 like 290; e. g. .315296 Jews 297 Mohammedans Holy war .316 Other special classes 1 Noncombatants 2 Pacifists 3 Enemy sympathizers 317 .318 Relations of special interests Aspects Divided generally like the c'-assification .32 Diplomatic history See also 94o.3i-.3i4 Political history .33 Groups of countries: allies and neutrals As a body; for individual countries see 94O.34-.39 .332 Entente .334 Teuton allies, Central powers .335 Neutrals 34~-39 Individual countries cA Divided like 940-999 Under each country farther subdivision may be made with the following numbers, if its part in this war is clast here insted of with the rest of it history: 01 Political history Causes 02 Diplomatic * 03 Local (states, counties provinces, cities) 04 Military organization Class operations in 949.4 05 Aspects: economic and other 06 Celebrations ** *^' 07 Prisons, etc. 08 Personal narrativ 09 Illustrativ .4 Military history .405 Frightfulness, atrocities As military expedient. For other relations see Atrocities in RelatiV index. But, since the avowd policy of one group of belligerents was ' frightfulness ', it pervades all literature of this war. .41 Land operations .42- .43 Special campains and battles .44 Air warfare .45 Naval history .46 Celebrations, commemorations Usually better clast with event commemorated. For American patriotic societies of this war .see 369.186 .461 War meetings .462 . 463 Flag presentations .464 Decorations: presentation HISTORY 940.465 Monuments, memorials General, of the war or a country's part in it; but class memorials of a special event with that event 4~9 By Country Divided like 940-959 .467 Rolls of honor Lists of ded .468 .47 Prisons, hospitals, charities .471 .472 Prisons Divided like 940-999 and including internment camps .473 Exchange of prisoners 474 .475 Medical department, surgeons, nurses See also 616 and 617 4~9 By country maintaining Divided like 940-999 .476 Hospitals, hospital sketches 34-39 By country in which located Divided like 940-999 4-9 By country maintaining .477 Welfare work 1 Red Cross 2 Salvation Army 3 YM C A 4 YWCA 5 Knights of Columbus 6 Young Men's Hebrew ass'n 7 Other: college units, etc. 8 By country conducting Divided like 940-999 9 By country in which conducted Divided like 940-999 .478 Religious life, chaplains, etc. .48 Personal narrativs, secret servis When relating to some special battle 01 event, cla.s with subject .481 Entente allies .482 Central powers .483 Army life, Entente allies .484 (Central powers .485 Secret servis, spies .486 .487 German secret servis .488 .489 .49 Illustrativ material Subdivided like 973.79 For pecial collections; but most material should be clast with its subject : poetry, drama, etc. with the literatures to which they belong .5 Later 20th century Including works on aoth century as a whole DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 941 Scotland .01 .02 03 .04 05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .1 .2 Period divisions Gaelic period English period Struggle for national freedom Independent kingdom The Jameses Reformation Union of crowns and parliaments Hanover Later Hanoverian -1097 1097-1314 1314-1424 1424-1557 1557-1603 1603-1707 1707-1837 1837- Geografic divisions Northern Scotland .11 Shetland .12 Orkney .15 Cromarty .16 Ross North central Scotland .21 Inverness .22 Nairn deen .26 Kincardine South central Scotland .31 Forfar .32 Perth mannan .36 Sterling Southern Scotland .41 Renfrew .42 Ayr burgh .45 .47 Roxburgh .13 Caithness .17 Hebrides .14 Sutherland .23 Elgin .24 Banff .25 Aher- .33 Fife .34 Kinross .35 Clack- .37 Dumbarton .38 Argyll .39 Bute .43 Lanark .44 Linlithgow, Edin- Haddington, Berwick .46 Peebles, Selkirk .48 Dumfries .49 Kirkcudbright, Wigton 941.5 Ireland Period divisions .51 Early history -1086 .52 Separate kingdoms 1086-1172 Conquest by Henry 2 .53 Plantagenet 1172-1399 .54 Lancaster and York 1399-1485 .55 Tudors 1485-1603 .56 Stuarts 1603-91 Closing with treaty of Limerick .57 Hanover 1691-1801 Closing with the union .58 igth century 1801-1900 .591 Early 2Oth century HISTORY Geografic divisions of Ireland 941.6 Ulster .61 Antrim .62 Londonderry .63 Donegal .64 Tyrone .65 Down .66 Armagh .67 Monaghan .68 Fermanagh .69 Cavan .7 Connaught .71 Leitrim .72 Sligo .73 Mayo .74 Galway .75 Ros- common .8 Leinster .81 Longford, West Meath .82 Meath, Louth .83 Dublin .84 Wicklow .85 Kildare .86 King's co. .87 Queen's co. .88 Carlow, Wexford .89 Kilkenny .9 Munster .91 Waterford .92 Tipperary ^.93 Clare .94 Limerick .95 Cork .96 Kerry 942 England Including works on Great Britain Period divisions For specially minute work the 6th figure printed for each soveren may be used; e. g. Henry 7 is 942.051 .01 Anglo-Saxon B. C. 55-A. D. 1066 Prehistoric, Roman, British, Danish .02 Norman 1066-1154 I William I 1066-87 2 William 2 1087-1100 3 Henry I 1100-35 4 Stephen H35~54 .03 Plantagenet 1154-1399 I Henry 2 1154-89 2 Richard I 1180-99 3 John 1199-1216 4 Henry 3 1216-72 5 Edward I 1272-1307 6 Edward 2 1307-27 7 Edward 3 1327-77 8 Richard 2 I377~99 .04 Lancaster and York 1400-85 Wars' of the roses 1455-85 (Lancaster, red; York, white) I Henry 4 1399-1413 2 Henry 5 1413-22 3 Henry 6 1422-61 4 Edward 4 1461-83 5 Edward 5 1483 6 Rich- ard 3 1483-85 .05 Tudor 1485-1603 I Henry 7 148.5-1509 2 Henry 8 1500-47 3 Edward 6 1547-53 4 Mary 1553-58 See also 272.6 5 Elizabeth 1558-1603 See also 272.7 .06 Stuart 1603-1714 I James I 1603-25 2 Charles I 1625-49 3 Commonwelth 1649-53 4 Oliver Cromwell 1653-58 5 Richard Cromwell 1658-59 6 Charles 2 1660-85 7 James 2 1685-88 8 Wil- liam 3 1689-1702 9 Anne 1702-14 .07 Hanover 1714-1837 I George I 1714-27 2 George 2 1727-60 3 George 3 1760- 1820 4 George 4 1820-30 5 William 4 1830-37 .08 Later Hanoverian 1837- i Victoria 1837-1901 2 Edward 7 1901-10 3 George 5 1910- DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Geografic divisions 942.1 Middlesex London .2 Southeastern .21 Surrey .23 Kent .25 Sussex .27 Hants .28 Isle of Wight .29 Berks .3 Southwestern .31 Wilts . .33 Dorset .34 Channel ilands .35 Devon .37 Corn- wall .38 Somerset .4 West Midland .41 Gloucester .43 Monmouth .44 Hereford .45 Salop .46 Stafford .47 Worcester .48 Warwick .5 North and South Midland .51 Derby .52 Notts .53 Lincoln .54 Leicester, Rutland .55 Northampton .56 Huntington, Bedford .57 Oxford, Buck- ingham .58 Hertford .59 Cambridge .6 Eastern .61 Norfolk .64 Suffolk .67 Essex .7 Northwestern and Yorkshire .71 Cheshire .72 Lancashire .74 Yorkshire .8 Northern .81 Durham .82 Northumberland .85 Cumberland .88 West- moreland .89 Isle of Man .9 Wales .91 Anglesey .92 Carnarvon, Merioneth .93 Denbigh, Flint .94 Montgomery . 95 Cardigan .96 Radnor, Brecknock .97 Glamorgan .98 Carmarthen .99 Pembroke HISTORY 943 Germany and Austria Period divisions .01 Formativ period Wars with Rome Charlemagne 800-814 Louis i 814-840 Lothaire I 840-843 .02 Empire before the reformation 1 Carolingian 843-011: Louis 2 843-876 Charles 2 876-877 Charles 3 877-887 Arnulf 887-809 . Louis 3 900-911 2 House of Franconia: Conrad i 911-918 House of Saxony, 010-1024: Henry I 010-036 Otto I 036-073 Otto 2 073-083 Otto 3 983-1002 Henry 2 1002-24 3 House of Franconia 1024-1125: Conrad 2 1024-39 Henry 3 1039-56 Henry 4 1056-1106 Henry 5 1106-25 House of Saxony: Lothaire 2 1125-3-7 4 House of Hohenstaufen 1137-97: Conrad 3 1138-52 Fred- erick i 1152-90 Henry 6 1190-97 5 House of Hohenstaufen and Interregnum 1198-1272: Philip 1198-1208 Otto 4 1208-12 Frederick 2 1212-50 Conrad 4 1250-54 William of Holland 1254-56 Richard of Cornwall 1256-72 6 Houses of Hapsburg, Luxemburg, etc. 1273-1378: Rodolph i i 2 73-9i Adolphus 1291-98 Albert i 1298-1308 Henry 7 1308-13 Louis 4 1313-47 Charles 4 1347-78 7 Interregnum 1378-1437: Wenceslaus 1378-1400 Rupert 1400-10 Sigismund 1410-37 8 Albert 2 1438-39 Frederick 3 1440-93 9 Maximilian I 1493-1519 03 Reformation to 1618 1517-1618 i Charles 5 1519-1556 2 Ferdinand i 1556-64 3 Maxi- milian 2 1564-76 4 Rodolph 2 1576-1612 5 Matthias 1612-19 .04 Disintegration . . 1618-1705 i Thirty years' war 1618-48 2 Ferdinand 2 1619-37 3 Fer- dinand 3 1637-57 4 Leopold i 1658-1705 .05 Rise of Prussia 1705-89 i Joseph i 1705-11 2 Charles 6 1711-40 3 1740-42 4 Charles 7 1742-45 5 Francis i 1745-65 6 Seven years war 1756-63 7 Joseph 2 1765-90 .06 Napoleonic wars ^1789-1815 Leopold 2 1790-92 Francis 2 1792-1806 Confederation of the Rhine 1806-15 .07 Reorganization 1815-66 .08 New German empire 1866-1918 i North German confederation 1866-71 2 Franco-German war 1870-71 3 William I 1871-88 4 Frederick 1888 WU- liam 2 1888-1918 ; Great war 1914-19 and downfall of empire .085 German republic 1918- DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Geografic divisions of Germany and Austria 943.1 Prussia and Northern Germany By peace of Versailles, 1919, most of Posen (.13) and parts of East Prussia (.11) of West Prussia (.12) and Silesia (.14) were restored to Poland. Danzig (.12) as port of Poland made free city with 729 sq. mi. of territory .11 East Prussia .12 West Prussia, Danzig .13 Posen .14 Silesia .15 Brandenburg .16 Pomerania .17 Meck- lenburg and Lubeck .18 Prussian Saxony .19 Anhalt .2 Central Germany .21 Saxony .22 Thuringia .23 Saxe- Weimar ^24 Saxe- Altenburg .25 Saxe-Gotha-Coburg .26 Saxe-Meiningen .27 Schwartzburg .28 Reuss .3 Bavaria .31 Upper Franconia .32 Middle Franconia .33 Lower Franconia .34 Upper Palatinate .35 Lower Bavaria .36 Upper Bavaria .37 Suabia .4 Southern Germany In 1019 by peace of Versailles 382 sq. mi. of Rhenish Prussia (.42) including Moresnet, Malm6dy and Eupen were ceded to Belgium, and 783 sq. mi. of Saar valley to France subject to plebiscit in 1934. Alsace (.44) and Lorraine (.45) taken from France in 1871 were restored. See 944.38 .41 Hesse Darmstadt .42 Rhenish Prussia .43 Rhenish Bavaria .44 Alsace .45 Lorraine .46 Baden .47 Wurtem- burg .48 Black Forest and Danube .49 Hohenzollern .5 Northwest Germany By peace of Versailles in 1919 part of Schleswig-Holstein (.51) was restored to Denmark .51 Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg .52 Oldenburg and Bremen .53 Hanover .54 Brunswick .55 LSppe .56 West- phalia .57 Waldeck .58 Hesse-Nassau .6 v Austria By peace of Versailles, 1919, Italia Irredenta, i. e. Tyrol (.64) Istria (.68) and part of Dalmatia (.69) were ceded to Italy; the rest of D.ihuam and all Carniola (probably) to Jugoslavia .61 Lower Austria .62 Upper Austria .63 Salzburg .64 Tyrol .65 Styria .66 Carinthia .67 Carniola .68 Istria .69 Dal- matia .7 Czechoslovakia .71 Bohemia .72 Moravia .73 Silesia .74 Galicia .75 Bukowina '.8 Poland Including history before the division Extinct as state from 3d partition in 1795 til 1919. when its soverenty was restored by the peace of Versailles. See also 943.1 1-.I4. 913 73--T4 and 947-4--S 9 Hungary, etc. By the peace of Versailles 1919 the union of Transylvania (. .439 Boone 10 331 HISTORY : UNITED STATES West Virginia : Ohio valley 975-44 Southwestern border counties .441 Guyandotte valley Population IQIO .442 Cabell 46685 .4421 Huntington 31 161 443 Lincoln 20 491 444 Logan 14476 445 Wyoming 10392 .446 Tug valley .447 Wayne 24 08 1 448 Mingo 19 43i 449 McDowell 47856 45 Central plateau 451 Monongahela valley 452 Monongalia 24334 453 Morgantown 9J50 454 Marion 42 794 455 Taylor 16554 456 Doddridge 12 672 457 Harrison 48381 .458 Clarksburg 9 201 459 Barbour 15858 .46 Central counties .461 Lewis 18 281 .462 Upshur 1 6 629 .464 Elk valley 465 Webster 9 680 .466 Braxton 23 023 .467 Clay 10233 .468 Gauley valley .469 Nicholas 17699 47 , New River valley .471 Fayette 5i 903 473 Raleigh 25633 474 Mercer 38371 .476 Summers 1 8 420 .478 Monroe 13055 .48 Alleghany crest Mountain counties .481 Cheat valley Population IQIO .482 Preston 26341 .483 Tucker 18675 484 485 Randolph 26028 .486 Greenbrier valley .487 Pocahontas 14740 .488 Greenbrier 24833 .489 White Sulphur Springs 338 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION West Virginia 975.49 Eastern Panhandle .491 Pendleton .492 Grant 493 Hardy .494 Mineral 495 Hampshire .496 Morgan 497 Berkeley .498 Potomac valley 9349 7838 9 163 1 6 674 II 694 7848 21 999 499 Jefferson 15 889 .5 Virginia 17 Ap. 1861 seceded; 26 Jan. 1870 readmitted Area 40,262 sq. mi. Population 2,061,612 in 1910 too counties Sobriquets: Old Dominion, Mother of Presidents Capital- Richmond .6 North Carolina 20 May 1861 seceded; 25 June 1868 readmitted Area 48,740 sq. mi. Population 2,206,287 in 1910 98 counties Sobriquet: Old North state Capital: Raleigh .7 South Carolina 20 Dec. 1860 seceded; 25 June 1868 readmitted Area 30,495 sq. mi. Population 1,515,400 in 1910 43 counties Sobriquet: Palmetto state Capital: Columbia .8 Georgia 19 Jan. 1861 seceded; 25 June 1868 readmitted Area 58,725 sq. mi. Population 2,609,121 in 1910 146 counties Sobriquet: Cracker state Capital: Atlanta .9 Florida 1512 discoverd by Ponce de Leon; 1565 settled by Spaniards; 22 Feb. 1819 bought of Spain 30 Mar. 1822 organized as territory 3 Mar. 1845 admitted as 2?th state 10 Jan. 1861 seceded; 25 June 1868 readmitted Area 54,861 sq. mi. Population 752,619 in 1910 47 counties Sobriquets: Everglade, Gulf state Capital: Tallahassee 976 South Central or Gulf .1 Alabama 1702 settled by French 14 Dec. 1819 admitted as 22d state ii Jan. 1861 seceded; 25 June 1868 readmitted Area 51,279 sq. mi. Population 2,138,093 in 1910 67 counties Sobriquet: Land of Flowers Capital: Montgomery .2 Mississippi 7 Ap. 1798 organized as territory; 10 Dec. 1817 admitted as 20th state 9 Jan. 1861 seceded; 17 Feb. 1870 readmitted Area 46,362 sq. mi. Population 1,797, 114 in 1910 79 counties Sobriquet: Bayou state Capital: Jackson .3 Louisiana 1699 settled by French 30 Ap. 1803 bought of France I Oct. 1804 organ- ized as Territory of Orleans 8 Ap. 1812 Louisiana admitted as iSth state 26 Jan. 1861 seceded; 25 June 1868 readmitted Area 45,409 sq. mi. Population 1,656,388 in 1910 60 parishes Sobriquets: Pelican state, Creole state Capital: Baton Rouge HISTORY : UNITED STATES 976 South Central or Gulf .4 Texas 20 Dec. 1835 independence from Mexico declared; 2 Mar. 1836 republic formd 29 Dec. 1845 annext as 28th state i Feb. 1861 seceded; 30 Mar. 1870 readmitted Area 262,398 sq. mi. Population 3,896,542 in 1910 245 counties Sobriquet: Lone Star state Capital: Austin 5 .6 Indian Territory Oklahoma 30 June 1834 assignd to Indians (part of Louisiana purchase) Area 30,790 sq. mi. Population 800,000 in 1906 Oklahoma, organized as separate territory 2 May 1890 16 Nov. 1907 admitted as 46th state Area 69,414 sq. mi. Sobriquet: Sooner state Capital: Guthrie .7 Arkansas 4 June 1812 included in Missouri territory; 2 Mar. 1819 organized as Arkansas territory 15 June 1836 admitted as 25th state 6 May 1861 seceded; 22 June 1868 readmitted Area 52,525 sq. mi. Population 1,574,449 in 1910 75 counties Sobriquet: Bear state Capital: Little Rock .8 Tennessee 1769 settled from Virginia; 14 Dec. 1784 organized by settlers as state of Franklin (or Frankland) i June 1706 admitted as i6th state 8 June 1861 seceded; 24 July 1866 readmitted Area 41,687 sq. mi. Population 2,184,789 in 1910 96 counties Sobriquet: Big Bend state Capital: Nashville .9 Kentucky 1775 settled by Daniel Boone; 29 May 1790 territory organized i June 1792 admitted as isth state Area 40,181 sq. mi. Population 2,289,905 in 1910 119 counties Sobriquet: Blue Grass state Capital: Frankfort 977 North Central or Lake .1 Ohio 19 Feb 1803 admitted as I7th state Area 40,760 sq. mi. Population 4,767,121 in 1910 88 counties Sobriquet: Buckeye state Capital: Columbus .11 Northwest counties Population 1910 .in Williams 25 198 5 Fulton 23 914 .112 Lucas 192 728 .113 Toledo 168497 .114 Defiance 24 498 .115 Henry 25 119 .116 Wood 46 330 .117 Paulding 22 730 .118 Putnam 29972 .119 Hancock 37 860 i Findlay 14 858 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Ohio 977.12 Central north counties Population 1910 .121 Ottawa 22 360 4 Sandusky 35 i?i .122 Erie 38327 I Sandusky (city) 19 989 .123 Lorain 76037 I Lorain (city) 28881 .124 Seneca 42 421 I Tiffin II 894 125 Huron 34206 .126 Wyandot 20 760 .127 Crawford 34036 .128 Richland 47667 I Mansfield 20768 .129 Ashland 22975 13 Northeast counties 131 Cuyahoga 637425 .132 Cleveland 560 663 133 Lake 22 927 6 Geauga 14670 134 Ashtabula 59547 i Ashtabula (city) 18 266 135 Medina 23 598 .136 Summit 1^8253 i Akron 69 067 137 Portage 30307 138 Trumbull 52 766 139 Mahoning :i6 151 i Youngstown 79 066 .14 Central west counties .141 Van Wert 29 119 5 Mercer 27536 .142 Allen 56 580 i Lima 30508 143 Auglaize 31 246 .144 Hardin 30407 145 Shelby 24 663 .146 Logan 30 084 5 Champaign 26351 .-147 Darke 42933 .148 Miami 45047 i Piqua 13388 .149 Clark 66435 i Springfield 46 02 1 HISTORY: UNITED STATES Ohio MS Central counties Population I9IO -151 Marion 33971 I Marion (city) 18232 6 Morrow 16815 152 Knox 30 181 153 Union 21 871 5 Delaware 27 182 .154 Licking 55 590 i Newark 25 404 i55 Madison 19 902 .156 Franklin 221 567 i57 Columbus 181 5/1 .158 Fairfield 39 201 159 Perry 35 396 .16 Central east counties .161 Wayne 38058 .162 Stark 122 987 i Canton 50 217 3 Massillon 13879 .163 Columbiana "6 619 i East Liverpool 20387 .164 Holmes 17909 .165 Coshocton 30 121 .166 Tuscarawas 57035 .167 Carroll 15 761 .168 Harrison 19 076 .169 Jefferson 65423 i Steubenville 22 3QI 17 Southwest counties .171 Preble 23834 .172 Montgomery 163 763 173 Dayton 116 577 .174 Greene 29733 175 Butter 70271 i Hamilton (city) 35 279 .176 Warren 24497 5 Clinton 23 680 .177 Hamilton 460 732 .178 Cincinnati 363 591 .179 Clermont 29 551 6 Brown 24832 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Ohio 977.18 Central south counties Population IQIO .181 Fayette 21 744 5 Pickaway 26 158 .182 Ross 40 069 i Chillicothe 14508 .183 Hocking 23650 7 Vinton 13 096 .184 Highland 28 711 7 Pike 15 723 .185 Jackson 30791 .186 Adams 24 755 .187 Scioto 48463 i Portsmouth, 234*1 .188 Lawrence 39488 i Ironton 13 147 .189 Gallia 25 745 .19 Southeast counties .191 Muskingum 57488 i Zanesville 28 026 .192 Guernsey 42 716 193 Belmont 76856 .194 Morgan 16 097 195 Noble 18 601 .196 Monroe 24244 .197 Athens 47798 .198 Washington 45 422 i Marietta 12 923 .199 Meigs 25 594 HISTORY I UNITED STATES 977.2 Indiana 1809 Indiana territory with present boundaries establish! n Dec. 1816, Indiana admitted as ipth state Population 2,700,876 in 1910 92 counties Area 36,350 sq. mi. Sobriquet: Hoosier state Capital: Indianapolis .21 Southeast counties Population in ipio .211 Dearborn 21 39 6 .212 Ohio 4329 Switzerland 9914 .213 Jefferson 20483 .214 Ripley 19452 215 Franklin 15 335 .216 Decatur 1 8 793 .217 Jennings 14203 .218 Scott 8323 Clark 30 260 Jeffersonville 10 412 .219 Floyd 30293 New Albany 20 629 .22 Central south counties .221 Harrison 2O 232 .222 Washington 17445 .223 Jackson 24727 .224 Bartholomew 24813 .225 Brown 7975 Monroe 23 426 .226 Lawrence 30625 .227 Orange 17 192 .228 Crawford 12 057 .229 Perry 18 078 23 Southwest counties .23* Spencer 20 676 .232 Warrick 21 911 233 Vanderburg 77 438 ' Evansville 60 647 234 Posey 21 670 235 Gibson 30 137 -.2 3 6 Pike 19 684 237 Dubois 19843 .238 Martin 12 950 Daviess 27 747 239 Knox 39 183 .24 West central counties .241 Sullivan 32 439 .242 Greene 36873 243 Owen 14053 .244 Clay 32 535 245 Vigo 87 930 Terre Haute 58 157 .2 4 6 Vermilion 18865 Parke 22 214 .247 Fountain 20439 .248 Montgomery 29 296 249 Putnam 2O 52O DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Indiana 977.25 Central counties .251 Morgan Population IQIO 21 182 Johnson .252 Marion \ 20394 263 66 1 Indianapolis .253 Hendricks 20 840 233 650 .254 Boone 24 673 .255 Clinton Tipton 26 674 1 7 459 .256 Hamilton 27 026 .257 Madison 65 224 Anderson 22 J76 .258 Hancock 19 030 T/ ** .259 Shelby 26 802 .26 East central counties .261 Rush 19 349 .262 Fayette I44I5 Union 6 260 .263 Wayne 43 757 Richmond .264 Henry 29758 22324 .265 Delaware Muncie 24 O05 .266 Randolph 29 013 .267 Jay 24961 .268 Blackford 15 820 .269 Grant 51 426 .27 Northeast counties .271 Huntington 28982 .272 Wells 22 418 .273 Adams 21 840 .274 Allen 93386 Fort Wayne 63 933 .275 Whitley 1 6 892 .276 Noble 24 009 .277 Dekalb 25 054 .278 Steuben 14274 .279 Lagrange 15 148 .28 Centra! north counties .281 Elkhart 49 008 .282 Kosciusko 27936 .283 Wabash 26 926 .284 Miami 29350 .285 Howard 33 177 .286 Cass 36368 Logansport 19 050 .287 Fulton 1 6 879 .288 Marshall 24 175 .289 St Joseph 84312 South Bend 536S4 HISTORY: UNITED STATES Indiana 977.29 Northwest counties Population IQIO .291 Laporte 45 797 Michigan City jo 027 .292 Starke 10 567 Pulaski 13 312 293 White 17 602 294 Carroll 17 970 295 Tippecanoe 40 063 Lafayette 20 081 .296 Warren 10 899 .297 Benton 12 688 Newton 10 504 Jasper 13 044 .298 Porter 20 540 .299 Lake 82 864 .3 Illinois 1809 Illinois territory formd 3 Dec. 1818 Illinois admitted Area 56,043 sq. mi. Population 5,638,591 in 1910 102 counties Sobriquet: Prairie state Capital: Springfield 2 135 283 29807 25 97f> 34670 14253 45 401 17567 Population IQIO 31 Cook 2 405 233 Chicago 3? Northeast counties .321 Lake 55058 .322 McHenry 3 2 509 3-23 Kane 91 862 Aurora Elgin 324 Dupage 33 432 325 Will 84371 Joliet .326 Kendall 10777 Grundy 24 161 327 Lasalle 90 132 Streator .328 Dekalb 33457 329 Boone 15481 33 Northwest counties 331 Winnebago 63 153 Rockford 332 Ogle 27 864 333 Stephenson 36821 Freeport 334 Jo Daviess 22 657 Carroll 18035 335 Whitesid- 34507 43t Lee 27750 337 Bureau 43 975 Putnam 756i -338 Henry 41 736 339 Rock Island 70404 Rock Island (cityj Moline Mercer 19723 24 335 24 199 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Illinois 977-34 341 West central counties Henderson Population 1910 9 724 Warren 2 3 313 342 McDonough 26 887 343 Hancock 30638 344 Adams 64 588 Quincy .?' 587 345 Pike 28 622 Scott 10 067 346 Morgan 34 420 Jacksonville 7T ?2 / '' Cass 17 372 347 Brown i397 Schuyler 14852 348 Fulton 49 549 349 Knox 46 159 35 Central counties 351 Stark 10 098 Marshall 15679 352 Pcoria 100255 Pearia (city) 66 950 353 Woodford 20 506 354 Tazewell 34 027 355 Mason 17377 Menard 12 796 356 Sangamon 91 024 Springfield 51 678 357 Logan 30 216 358 Macon 54 1 86 Dfcatur 31 140 Dewitt 1 8 906 359 McLean 68 008 Bloomington 25 768 36 East central counties .361 Livingston 40 465 .362 Ford 17096 363 Kankakee 40752 364 Iroquois 35 543 365 Vermilion 77996 Danville 27 8?i 366 Champaign 51 829 '367 Piatt 16376 Moultrie 14630 368 Douglas I959I 369 Edgar 27336 HISTORY: UNITED STATES Illinois 977-37 Southeast counties Population IQIO 371 Clark 23 517 372 Coles 34517 373 Cumberland 14 281 -374 Jasper I8I57 375 Crawford 26 281 376 Lawrence 22 66l 377 Richland 15970 378 Wabash 14913 379 I Edwards 10 049 2 Wayne 25697 3 Jefferson 29 III 4 Marion 35094 5 Clay 1 8 66 1 6 Effingham 20055 1 7 Fayette 28075 8 Shelby 3i 693 38 Southwest counties -381 Christian 34594 .382 Montgomery 353H 383 Macoupin 50685 384 Greene 22363 .385 Calhoun 8 610 Jersey 13954 386 Madison 89847 Alton 387 Bond 17075 Clinton 22 832 388 Washington 18759 -389 StClair 119 870 Belleville East St Louis -39 Southern counties 391 Monroe 13508 -392 Randolph 29 1 2O 393 Perry 22 088 394 Franklin 25943 395 Hamilton 18 227 396 White 23 052 -397 Gallatin 14628 -398 Hardin 7015 399 I Pope II 215 2 Saline 30204 3 Williamson 45098 4 Jackson 35 H3 5 Union 21 856 6 Johnson I433I 7 Massac 14 200 8 Pulaski 15650 9 Alexander 22 741 Cairo 7752* 21 122 58 547 14540 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 977.4 Michigan 1805 Organized as separate territory 1837 Admitted Area 78,915 sq. mi. Population 2.810,173 in 1910 83 counties Sobriquets: Wolverine, Lake state Capital: Lansiiw Lower peninsula .41 Southwest counties Population igic 411 Berrien 53 622 .412 Cass 20 624 .413 Van Buren 33 ^5 .414 Allegan 39 819 .415 Ottawa 45 301 .416 Barry 22 633 .417 Kalamazoo 60 427 .418 Kalamazoo (city) jp 437 .419 St Joseph 25 499 .42 Central south counties .421 Branch 25 605 .422 Calhoun 56 638 Battle Creek 25 267 423 Eaton 30 490 424 Clinton 23 129 .425 Shiawassee 33 246 .426 Inghani 53 310 .427 Lansing j/ 22 Q .428 Jackson 53 426 Jackson (city) ?/ 4jj .429 Hillsdale 29 673 .43 Southeast counties .431 Lenawee 47 907 .432 Monroe 32 917 .433 Wayne 531 591 .434 Detroit 465 766 435 Washtenaw 44 714 .436 Livingston 17 736 .437 Genesee 64 555 .438 Oakland 49 576 .439 Macomb 32 606 .44 Southeast central counties .441 St Clair 52 341 Port Huron 18 863 .442 Lapeer 26 033 .443 Sanilac 33 930 .444 Huron 34 758 .445 Tuscola 34 913 .446 Saginaw 89 290 Saginaw (city) 50 510 ' .447 Bay 68 238 Bay City 45 166 West Bay City Annext to Bay City in April 1903 .448 Midland 14 005 .449 Gratiot 28 820 HISTORY: UNITED STATES Michigan 977.45 Southwest central counties Population 1910 451 Isabella 23 029 452 Mecosta 19 466 453 Montcalm 32 069 454 Ionia 33 550 455 Kent 159 145 456 Grand Rapids 112 571 457 Muskegon 40 577 Muskegon (city) 24 062 458 Newaygo 19 220 459 Oceana 1 8 379 . 4 6 Northwest central counties .461 Mason 21 832 .462 Manistee 26 688 Manistee (city) 12 381 463 Benzie 10 638 Leelanau 10 608 464 Grand Traverse 23 784 465 Kalkaska 8 097 .466 Missaukee 10 606 467 Wexford 20 769 .468 Lake 4 939 .469 Osceola 17 889 47 Northeast central counties 47i Clare 9 240 472 Gladwin 8 413 473 Arenac 9 640 474 losco 9 75? 475 Ogemaw 8 907 476 Roscommon 2 274 477 Crawford 3 934 478 Oscoda 2 O27 479 Alcona 5 703 . 4 8 Northern counties .481 Alpena 19 965 482 Presque Isle ii 249 483 Montmorency 3 755 484 Otsego 6 552 485 Antrim 15 692 .486 Charlevoix 19 157 487 Cheboygan 17 872 488 Emmet 18 561 489 Manitou Annext to Charlevoix and Leelanau in 1896 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Michigan 977-49 Upper peninsula Population 1910 .491 Chippewa 24472 .492 Mackinac 9 249 Luce 4004 493 Alger 7675 Schoolcraft 8681 .494 Delta 30 1 08 495 Menominee 25648 Menominee (city) Dickinson 20524 .496 Marquette 46739 Ishpeming 497 Baraga 6 127 Iron 15 164 .498 Gogebic 23 333 Ontonagon 8650 .499 Houghton 88 098 Keweenaw 7 156 70507 12 448 Isle Royale Annext to Keweenaw in 1897 .5 Wisconsin 1836 organized as territory 29 May 1848, admitted as 3Oth state Area 56,040 srj. mi. Population 2,333,860 in 1910 71 counties Sobriquet: Badger state Capital: Madison .51 Northwest counties Population 1910 .511 Douglas 47422 .512 Superior 40384 .513 Bayfield 15987 .514 Burnett 9026 .515 Washburn 8 196 .516 Sawyer 6227 .517 Polk 21 367 .518 Barren 29 114 S X 9 Rusk (formerly Gates) n 160 Name changed from Gates to Rusk in 1905. Gates organized from Chippewa in 1901 .52 Central north counties .521 Ashland 21 965 n 594 Ashland (city) 522 Iron 8306 523 Vilas 6 019 524 Price 13 795 525 Oneida ii 433 526 Taylor 13641 52? Lincoln 19 064 528 Clark 30074 529 Marathon 55054 Wausau 16 HISTORY: UNITED STATES Wisconsin 977.5.3 Northeast counties Population ipio 531 Forest 6 782 532 Florence 333i 533 Marinette 33812 534 Marinelte (city) 14 610 535 Langlade 17 062 536 Shawano 31 884 , 537 Oconto 25 657 .538 Waupaca 32 782 539 Outagamie 49 102 Applet on 16 773 54 Central west counties 54i St Croix 25 910 542 Pierce 22 079 543 Dunn 25 260 544 Chippewa 32 I0 3 545 Eau Claire 32 721 .546 Eati Claire (city) 18310 547 Pepin 7 577 548 Buffalo 16 006 549 Trempealeau 22 928 55 Central counties 551 Jackson 17 075 552 Wood 30583 553 Portage 30945 554 Monroe 28881 555 Juneau 19569 556 Adams 8 604 557 Waushara 18 886 . . -558 Marquette 10741 559 Green Lake I549I 56 Central east counties .561 Brown 54098 Green Bay (city) 25 236 .562 Kewaunee 16 784 563 Door 18 711 5 6 4 Winnebago 62 116 565 Oshkosh 33 062 .566 Calumet 16 701 567 Manitowoc 44978 Manitowoc (city) 13 027 .568 Fond du Lac 51 610 Fond du Lac (city) 18797 569 Sheboygan 54888 Sheboye,an (city) 26398 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Wisconsin 977-57 Southwest counties Population 1910 571 La Crosse 43 996 572 La Crosse (city) 30 417 573 Vernon 28 116 574 Crawford 16288 575 Richland 18 809 576 Sauk 32 869 577 Grant 39007 578 Iowa 22 497 579 La Fayette 20075 58 Central south counties 581 Columbia 31 I2r 582 Dodge 47436 583 Dane 77435 584 Madison 25 53i .585 Jefferson 34306 .586 Green 21 641 587 Rock 55 538 Janesville 13 894 588 Beloit '5 125 589 Walworth 29 614 59 Southeast counties 591 Washington 23 784 592 Ozaukee 17 123 593 Waukesha 37 10 594 Milwaukee 433 187 595 Milwaukee (city) 373 857 596 Racine 57424 597 Racine (city) 38 002 598 Kenosha 3 2 929 599 Kenosha (city) 21 371 .6 Minnesota 3 Mar. 1849, organized as territory from Northwest territory and Louisiana purchase ii May 1858, east part admitted as 32d state; west part merged in Dakota territory i86j Population 2,075,708 in 1910 Area 80,858 sq. mi. 86 counties Sobriquet : Gofer state Capital : St Paul Iowa 12 June 1838, organized as a territory 28 Dec. 1846, admitted as zgth state Area 56,025 sq. mi. Population 2,224,771 in 1910 99 counties Sobriquet: Ha wkeye state Capita!: Dss Moines HISTORY: UNITED STATES Iowa 977-71 Northwest counties Population IQIO .711 Lyon 14 624 6 Osceola 8956 .712 Dickinson 8 137 5 Emmet 9 816 7i3 Sioux 25248 7M O'Brien 17 262 7i5 Clay 12 766 5 Palo Alto 13 845 .716 Plymouth 23 129 717 Cherokee 16741 .718 Buena Vista I598I .719 Pocahontas 14808 .72 Central north counties .721 Kossuth 21 971 .722 Winnebago It 914 723 Worth 9950 4 Mitchell 13 435 .724 Hancock 12 731 "25 Cerro Gordo 25 on .726 Floyd 17 119 727 Humboldt 12 182 4 Wright 17 951 .728 Franklin 14 78O 729 Butler 17 119 -73 Northeast counties 731 Howard 12 920 5 Chickasaw 15375 732 Winneshiek 21 729 733 Allamakee 17328 734 Bremer 15843 735 Fayette 27919 736 Clayton 25576 737 Blackhawk 44 865 i Waterloo 26 693 738 Buchanan 19748 5 Delaware 17 888 739 Dubuque 57450 i Dubuque (city) 38 491 74 Central west counties 741 Woodbury 67616 I Sioux City 47 828 .742 Ida II 296 4 Sac 1 6 555 743 Calhoun 17 090 744 Monona 16633 745 Crawford 20 041 .746 Carroll 20 117 6 Greene 16023 747 Harrison 23 162 .748 Shelby 16552 6 Audubon 12 671 -749 Guthrie 17374 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Iowa * 977-75 Central counties Population 1910 751 Webster 34629 i 752 Fort Dodge Hamilton 19 242 13374 753 Hardin 20 921 7 Grundy X 3 574 754 Boone 27 626 6 Story 24 083 755 Marshall 30279 i Marshalltown 13 374 756 Tama 22 156 757 Dallas 23628 758 Polk 110438 i Des Moines 86368 759 Jasper 27034 6 Poweshiek 19589 .76 Central east counties .761 Benton 23 156 .762 Linn 6O 72O i Cedar Rapids 32811 763 Jones 19 050 .764 Jackson 21 258 765 Iowa 18 409 5 Johnson 25914 .766 Cedar 17 765 .767 Clinton 45 394 i Clinton (city) 25 577 .768 Muscatine 29 505 i Muscatine (city) 16 178 .769 Scott 60 ooo i Davenport 43 028 77 Southwest counties .771 Pottawattamie 55832 i Council Bluffs 29 292 .772 Cass 19047 773 Adair 14 420 774 Mills 15811 775 Montgomery 16 604 .776 Adams 10 998 777 Fremont 15623 7,78 Page 24002 779 Taylor 16312 .78 Central south counties .781 Madison 15621 .782 Warren 18 194 783 Marion 22995 .784 Mahaska 29 860 785 Union 16 616 6 Clarke 10736 .786 Lucas 13 462 5 Monroe 25 429 787 Ringgold 12 904 5 Decatur 16347 .788 Wayne 16 189 789 Appanoose 28 701 HISTORY : UNITED STATES Iowa 977-79 Southeast counties Population igio .791 Keokuk 21 160 .792 Washington 19925 6 Louisa 12855 793 Wapello 37 743 i Ottumwa 22 OI2 -794 Jefferson I595I 795 Henry 1 8 640 .796 Des Moines 36 145 i Burlington 24 324 797 Davis I33I5 .798 Van Buren 15 020 799 Lee 36 702 i Keokifk (city 14 008 .8 Missouri 7 Dec- 1812, organized as a territory 10 Aug. 1821, admitted as 24th state Population 3.293t335 in 1910 114 counties and St Louis Sobriquets: Bullion state, Iron state Capital: Jefferson Area 69,415 sq. mi. ..8r Northwest counties Population in 1910 .811 Atchison 13 604 5 Holt 14 539 .812 Nodaway 28 833 6 Andrew 15 282 813 Buchanan 93 020 i St Joseph 77 403 5 Platte 14 429 .814 Worth 8 007 5 Gentry 16 820 .815 Dekalb 12 531 5 Clinton 15 297 .816 Clay 20 302 .817 Harrison 2O 466 .818 Daviess 17 605 5 Caldwell 14 605 .819 Ray 21 45 1 .82 Central north counties .821 Mercer 12 335 ' 5 Grundy 16 744 .822 Livingston 19 453 5 Carroll 23 098 .823 Putnam 14 3 8 5 Sullivan 18 598 .824 Linn 25 253 .825 Chariton 23 53 .826 Schuyler 9 062 4 Adair 22 700 .827 Macon 30 868 .828 Randolph 26 182 l Moberly w 923 5 Howard i5 653 .829 Boone 3 533 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Missouri 7 83 Northeast counties Populate .831 Scotland ii 869 5 Knox 12 403 .832 Shelby 14 864 5 Monroe 18 304 .833 Audrain 21 687 5 Callaway 24 400 834 Clark 12 8l I 5 Lewis IS 514 .835 Marion 3 572 i Hannibal 5 Rails 12 913 .836 Pike 22 556 .837 Lincoln I? 33 .838 Montgomery 15 604 6 Warren 9 123 .839 St Charles 24 695 .84 Central west counties .841 Jackson 283 522 I Kansas City .842 Cass 22 973 843 Bates 25 869 .844 Vernon 28 827 845 Lafayette 30 154 5 Johnson 26 297 .846 Henry 27 242 6 St Clair 16 412 .847 Saline 29 448 .848 Pettis 33 913 i Sedalia .849 Ben ton 14 881 6 Hickory 8 741 85 Central counties .8 5 I Cooper 20 311 .852 Moniteau H 375 853 Morgan 12 863 854 Camden ii 582 855 Cole 21 957 i Jefferson City 856 Miller 16 717 857 Pulaski ii 438 858 Osage 14 283 859 Maries 10 088 4 Phelps 15 796 .86 Central east counties .861 Gasconade 12 847 .862 Crawford 13 576 .863 Franklin 29 830 .864 Washington 13 378 .865 St Louis 82 417 .866 St Louis (city) 687 O29 .867 Jefferson 27 878 .868 St Francois 35 738 .869 Ste Genevieve 10 607 4 Perry 14 898 18 341 248 381 17 822 ii 850 HISTORY: UNITED STATES Missouri 977.87 .871 .873 Southwest counties Barton Jasper 1 Joplin 2 Webb City .873 Newton 6 McDonald .874 Cedar 5 Dade .875 Lawrence .876 Barry .877 Polk .878 Greene i Springfield .879 Christian 4 Stone 7 Taney .88 Centra! south counties .881 Dallas 13 5 Laclede .882 Webster 5 Wright .883 Douglas 5 Ozark .884 Texas .885 Howell .886 Dent .887 Shannon 5 Oregon .888 Iron 5 Reynolds .889 Carter 4 Ripley .89 Southeast counties .891 Madison .892 Wayne .893 Butler .894 Bellinger .895 Stoddard .896 Cape Girardeau .897 Scott .898 Mississippi 5 New Madrid .899 Dunklin 6 Pemiscot 747 673 136 539 080 613 583 869 56i 831 832 559 134 181 363 377 3i5 664 926 458 065 245 443 681 563 SQ 2 54 099 273 181 624 576 807 621 372 557 488 328 559 32 073 II 817 35 201 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 978 Western or Mountain Including general works on ' the West ' .1 Kansas 1541 explored by Spanish 30 May 1854 organized as separate territory, after succesdv incluuo.i in Louisiana and Missouri territories 29 Jan. 1861 admitted as 34th state Area 81.774 sq. mi. Population 1,690,949 in 1910 105 counties Sobriquet: Garden of the west Capital: Topeka .2 Nebraska 30 May 1854 territory organized out of Missouri territory 1 Mar. 1867 admitted as 37th state Area 76,808 sq. mi. Population 1,192,214 in 1910 92 counties Sobriquet: Black water state Capital: Lincoln .3 South Dakota Including works on Dakota as a whole 2 Nov. 1889 admitted as 4Oth state (Dakota ter. organized 3 Mar. 1861. divided into North and South Dakota) Area 76,868 sq. mi. Population 583,888 in 1910 68 counties Sobriquet: Coyote state Capital: Pierre .4 North Dakota 2 Nov. 1889 admitted as 39th state (Dakota ter. organized 2 Mar. 1861, divided into North and South Dakota) Area 70,183 sq. mi. Population 577,056 in 1910 49 counties Sobriquet: Flickertail state Capital: Bismarck 5 .6 Montana 26 May 1864 territory organized. Name means Mountain land 8 Nov. 1889 admitted as 4ist state Area 146,201 sq. mi. Population 376,053 in 1910 28 counties Sobriquet: Treasure state Capital: Helena .7 Wyoming 25 July 1868 Wyoming territory organized 10 July 1890 admitted as 44th state Area 97,594 sq. mi. Population 145,965 in 1910 15 counties Sobriquet: Stub Toe state Capital: Cheyenne .8 Colorado 28 Feb. 1861 Colorado territory organized 1 Aug. 1876 admitted as 38th state Area 103,658 sq. mi. Population 799,024 in 1910 60 counties Sobriquet: Centennial state Capital: Denver .9 New Mexico 2 Feb. 1848 ceded by Mexico 9 Sep. 1850 territory organized; enlarged 1853 by Gadsden purchase 6 Jan. 1912 admitted as 47th state Area 122,503 sq. mi. Population 327,301 in 1910 26 counties Capital: Santa F6 979 Pacific .1 Arizona 2 Feb. 1848 ceded by Mexico, and enlarged by Gadsden purchase 1853 24 Feb. 1863 territory organized 14 Feb. 1912 admitted as 48th state Area 113,810 sq. mi. Population 204,354 in 1910 13 counties Sobriquets: Valentine, Hassayampa state Capital: Phoenix .2 Utah 2 Feb. 1848 ceded by Mexico 9 Sep. 1850 territory organized 4 Jan. 1896 admitted as 45th state Area 82,184 sq. mi. Population 373.351 in 1910 27 counties Sobriquet: Salt Lake state Capital: Salt Lake City .3 Nevada 2 Mar. 1 86 1 territory organized 31 Oct. 1864 admitted as 36th state Area 109,821 sq. mi. Population 81,875 in 1910 15 counties Sobriquet: Silver state Capital: Carson HISTORY: UNITED STATES 979.4 California Admitted 9 Sep. 1850, as 3ist state Area 155,653 sq. mi. Population 2i377.549 in 1910 58 counties Sobriquet: Golden state Capital: Sacramento Northern or Superior California Use 979-41 as a general number, including .41-. 43 .41 Coast range counties, north Population in igio .411 Del Norte 2 417 .412 Humboldt 33 857 .414 Trinity 3 301 .415 Mendocino 23 929 .417 Lake 5 526 .418 Sonoma 48 394 .419 Napa 19 800 .42 Northeast counties .421 Siskiyou 18 801 .423 Modoc 6 191 .424 Shasta 1 8 920 .426 Lassen 4 802 .427 Tehama ii 401 .429 Plumas 5 259 43 North central counties 431 Glenn 7 172 432 Butte 27 301 433 Colusa 7 732 434 Sutter 6 328 435 Yuba 10 042 .426 Sierra 4 098 437 Nevada 14 955 438 Placer 18 237 Central California Use 979.44 as a general number, including .44-.4S 44 East central counties .441 El Dorado 7 492 .442 Amador 9 086 443 Alpine 309 444 Calaveras 9 I7i 445 Tuolumne 9 979 .446 Mariposa 3 956 447 Yosemite .448 Mono 2 042 45 Central counties 451 Yolo 13 926 , 452 Solano 27 559 453 Sacramento 67 806 454 Sacramento (city) 44 696 455 San Joaquin 50 73i 456 Stockton 23 253 457 Stanislaus 22 522 458 Merced 15 148 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION California 979.46 West central counties San Francisco group .461 San Francisco co. and city 416 912 .462 Marin 25 144 463 Contra Costa 3i 674 465 Alameda 246 131 Alameda (city) 23 383 .466 Oakland 150 174 .467 Berkeley 40 434 .469 San Mateo 26 585 47 Coast range counties, south 471 Santa Cruz 26 140 473 Santa Clara 83 539 474 San Jose 28 946 475 San Benito 8 041 .476 Monterey 24 146 .478 San Luis Obispo 19 383 .48 South central counties .481 Madera 8 368 .482 Fresno 75 657 '483 Fresno (city) 24 892 48^ Kings 1 6 230 .486 Tulare 35 440 .487 Inyo 6 974 .488 Kern 37 715 Southern California 49 Southern counties .491 Santa Barbara 27 738 Hands: San Miguel, Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara .492 Ventura 18 347 Hands: Anacapa, San Nicholas 493 Los Angeles 504 131 Hands: Santa Catalina, San Clemente 494 Los Angeles (city) 319 198 495 San Bernardino 56 706 .496 Orange 34 436 497 Riverside 34 696 498 San Diego 6 1 665 San Diego (city) 39 578 499 Imperial 13 591 HISTORY / 979.5 Pacific States Oregon 14 Aug. 1848 territory organized 14 Feb. 1859 admitted as 33d state Area 96,607 sq. mi. Population 672,765 in 1910 34 counties Sobriquet: Beaver state Capital: Salem .6 Idaho 3 Mar. 1863 territory organized. Part of Louisiana purchase. First included in Oregon, later in Washington territory 3 July 1890 admitted as 43d state Area 83,354 sq. mi. Population 325,594 in 1910 23 counties Sobriquet: Gem state Capital: Boise . .7 Washington 2 Mar. 1853 territory organized; earlier, part of Oregon territory ii Nov. 1889 admitted as 42d state Area 66,836 sq. mi. Population 1,141,990 in 1910 38 counties Sobriquet: Evergreen state Capital: Olympia .8 Alaska 30 Mar. 1867 ceded by Russia 24 Aug. 1912 organized as territory Area 590,884 sq. mi. Population 64,356 in 1910 Capital: Sitka DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 980 South America 981 Brazil 982 Argentina Patagonia 983 Chile 984 Bolivia 985 Peru 986 U. S. of Colombia Panama New Granada Ecuador 987 Venezuela 988 Guiana 989 Paraguay Uruguay Oceanica Polar regions Malaysia .1 Borneo .2 Celebes .3 Moluccas or Spice ilands .4 Philippine ilands 992 Sunda .1 Sumatra .2 Java 993 Australasia .1 New Zealand .2 New Caledonia .3 Loyalty ilands .4 New Hebrides .5 Solomon ilands .6 New Britain, New Ireland .7 Admiralty ilands 994 Australia . I Western Australia .2 South Australia .3 Queensland .4 New South Wales .5 Victoria .6 Tasmania 995 New Guinea 996 Polynesia .1 Fiji, Friendly and Navigator ilands .2 Society, Austral and Cook's ilands .3 Marquesas ilands and Low Archipelago .4 Minor Polynesian ilands .5 Micronesia .6 Caroline and Pelew ilands .7 Ladrone ilands .8 Marshall and Gilbert ilands .9 Hawaii 997 Isolated ilands 998 Arctic regions General number for Polar regions 999 Antarctic regions RELATIV SUBJECT INDEX INDEX ABBREVIATIONS Cutter forename abbreviations Most common forenames of men are denoted by initial and colon; of women by initial and double period. A.. Anna A: Augustus B.. Beatrice B: Benjamin C: Charles C.. Charlotte D: David D.. Delia E: Edward E.. Elizabeth F.. Fanny F: Frederick G: George G.. Grace H.. Helen H: Henry I: Isaac I.. Isabella J.. Jane jrjohn K: Karl K.. Kate L: Lewis L.. Louisa M: Mark M.. Mary N.. Nancy N: Nicholas O.. Olivia O: Otto P.. Pauline P: Peter R.. Rebecca R: Richard S: Samuel S.. Sarah T.. Theresa T: Thomas U: Ulrich U.. Ursula V: Victor V.. Victoria W.. Wilhelmina W: William Z.. Zenobia Other abbreviations exclusiv of common geografic abbreviations and others self explanatory ; e. g. those made by omitting final -ment, -ogy, -rafy, -tion, -ture, obscure syllables, etc. adj. adjutant anal. analysis anat. anatomy anc. ancient antiq. antiquities arch. archeology architecture ass'n association astr. astronomy bibliog. bibliografic biog. biografy bldg bilding bus. business ch. church chem. chemic chemistry chr. Christian civ. civil CO. county cont. contagious cost. costume crim. criminal Dan. Danish dec. decoration descr. description descriptiv diff. different dis. diseases discov. discovery doc. doctrin -al dom. domestic dram. drama dwel. dwelling eccles. ecclesiastic ecclesiology economic -y elec. electric -ity eng. engineering eth. ethical, ethics exped. expedition fest. festival fie. or fiction net. gard. gardening gen. general geod. geodesy geog. geografic geol. geology geom. geometry gov. or government gov't histol. histology hist. historic -y hum. humor hyg- hygiene mstr. instrument lang. language lib. library -ian lig- ligament lit. literature loc. local -ity mach. machine -ry manuf. manufactures mech. mechanic ment. mental meth. methods mfg manufacturing mil. military min. mineral mining misc. miscellany mon. monastic na't. natural, nature nonchr. nonchristian ord. order, orders ordn. ordnance org. organ -ic orig. origin -al phil. philosofer -y philol. philology phot. photografic -y phys. physical physiologic -y poet. poetry pol. or political or polit. politics prac. practical pres. presidency president prob. probabilities prot. protection psych. psychologic -y pub. public reg. region relig. religion, -ous rit. ritual sat. satire sci. science, -tific serm. sermons soc. social, society stat. statutes subj. subject tech. technology theol. theologic -y theor. theoretic therap. therapeutics wks works HOW TO USE THIS INDEX Find the subject desired in its alphabetical place in the index. The number after it is its class number and refers to the place where the topic will be found, in numerical order of class numbers, on the shelves or in the subject catalogs. All class numbers are dec- imals ; i. e., 571.34, Bronze remains, comes before 571.4, Iron age, and both of them before 572, Eth- nology. Printed labels on the shelves or drawer fronts guide readily to the class number sought. Under this class number will be found the resources of the library on the subject desired. Other sub- jects near the one sought may often be consulted with profit ; e. g., Communism is the topic wanted and the index refers to 335.4, but 335, Socialism, and even the inclusive division 330, Political economy, also con- tain much on this subject. The reverse is equally true ; the full material on Socialism can only be had by looking at its divisions 335.3, Fourierism, 335.4, Communism, etc. The topics which are thus sub- divided are plainly marked in the index by heavy faced type. THIS INDEX CONTAINS in a single alphabet all the subjects named in the Com- plete Tables of the Decimal Classification together with their synonyms and such other useful topics as could be found in a selection of the largest dictionary and subject catalogs. Where nothing is found under any number it shows that the library does not yet possess any book on that topic. IT DOES NOT INCLUDE all names of places, minerals, plants, etc., but gives only those used in the full tables and a farther selec- tion of the most common and useful. It is not a biographical dictionary and gives no names of persons as biographical headings, but only such as appear in the tables in connection with some subject like Phil- osophy, Literature, or History. To avoid swelling the index by frequent repetitions of long lists of sub-divisions under every country, lan- guage, etc., five general tables have been prepared; viz. i, Geographical divisions; 2, Form divisions; 3, Languages ; 4, Philological divisions ; 5, Literatures. These are placed at the end and referred to from all such topics in the index. Explanations precede each index table. Relativ Subject Index ABC telegraf ALA publishing board A la carte table system Aagesen, Svend Abaca agri Abacus arit Abandond childr ents Abattoirs architecture public helth sanitary engineering Abbassides h Abbeville, treaty Abbey schools Abbeys arch history Abbot of misrule Abbots monast Abbreviations English paleografy Greek Latin 3 other languages literary methods shorthand Abchasian language Abdication absolute monarchy constitutional Abdomen an sui Abdominal aorta esophagus lymph glands lymphatics muscles oblique muscles sympath. ganglions nervs Abdomino-aortic glands anati Abducent nerv anatomy eye phj nucleus a Topics in black face type ""are subdivided. Super elec. eng. 621 .38222 Abduction criminal law 343 board 020.627 Abductors anatomy ystem 642.53 digiti quinti brevis 611.73776 Dan. misc. 839.8812 hallucis 611.7389 Iture 633.571 of thum, long 611.73767 netic 511.2 short 611.73773 ,seeDepend- Abecedarians christ. sect 284.3 Abelard medieval philos. 189.4 Abelian functions 517.36 725-28 1 Aberdeen, Scot. history 941.25 614-741 travels. 914. 125 ering 628.549 Angus cattle 636 . 223 1 story 956 Aberration inter, law 341 .2 astronomy corrections 522.94 education 377.3 chromatic optics 535-4 tecture 726.7 mental disease 616.8 ry 271 hospitals 362.2 customs 394 insanity 132 ic orders 271 puerperal 618.76 spheric optics 535-3 rafy 421.8 Abeyance 347-6 481.8 Ability, human doctrin 233 4 471-8 nrpo Abiogenesis s es> animals 591.161 * 029.4 biology 576.1 653- I plants 581.161 ige 494 Abipones history 982 -chy 321.6 J Abitibi co. Que. history 971412 listory 342 Abjuration lonarchy 321.7 oath of relig. hist. 283.42 omy 611.95 Ablation ery 617.55 of brain physiology 612.8226 liver " 612.359 anatomy 611. 136 stomach " 612.3235 " 611.3293 Ablativ Latin syntax 475-5 611.465 Ablaut Eng. orthografy 421.2 (11.42x5 Ger. 431.2 611.736 other languages s " 611.7363 Ablution Anglican ritual 264.035 ions " 611 .899 Abnormal physiol. 612 .893 children child study 136 . 76 s anat. 611.8393 education 37 1. 9 my 61 1 . 4652 development of embryo 617.3 labor obstetrics 618.5 ly 611.8316 Abo, peace of treaties 341-2 612.8466 Abode of animals ogy 612.8196 geografic distribution 59*-9 >my 611.8175 habits 59 T -52 or figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 567 568 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Abolition movement U. S. hist, of legis. bodies pol. sci. slavery " " U. S. hist. Abolitionists biografy Aborigines American antiquities 913 . 7 ethnology 5/2-97 history 970 . i prehistoric archeology 571 Abortion ethics 173-4 - law 343 pathology of pregnancy 618.39 About, E.F.V. French fie. 843 . 86 Abrasions surgery 617.13 Abrasivs engineering 621.92 Abraxas gems 736 gnostics 273.1 Abridged notation modern analyt. geom. 516.52 Abridging literary meth. 029 . 4 shorthand 653 Abridgments Eng. law 346.5 U. S. law 345-5 'Abruzzo, Italy history 945.71 travels 914.571 Abscess in lungs diseases 616.244 surgery 617.23 Absence leave of laboring classes 331.816 military sci. 355 . 1 1 permits school rewards 371.53 Absences school disciplin 371.52 Absent voting suffrage 324 . 247 Absenteeism Irish hist. 941.5 Absentmindedness psych. 151.4 Absolute geometry 5*3-8 majority suffrage 324 . 262 the ontology 1 1 1 Absolution sacrament 265.6 Absolutism pol. sci. 321.6 predestination 234.9 Absorbent system animals 591 . 13 man 612.3 plants 581 . 13 Absorbing wells sanita. 628.542 Absorption by skin physiology soil agriculture hygiene of employment 612 631.- 613 ,791 432 63 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index Absorption in intestin physiology 612.3327 large intestin " 612.364 peritoneum physiol. 612.3391 stomach 612.3227 urin. passages " 612.4672 lymphatic 612.426 of heat physics 536.34 light 535.3 liquids 53 2 -7 in lungs physiol. 612.2159 physiology 612.38 Abstinence asceticism 248 temperance 178.2 Abstracting lit. methods 029.4 Abstraction philosofy 153.3 Abstracts of titles law 347.2 Abutments bridges 624.16 Abyssinia history 963 language 492 . 8 travel 9*6. 3 Abyssinian milk goat 636.3986 Academic degrees and costume 378.2 education 373 freedom education 378.121 pol. sci. 323-444 sermons 252.5 Academicians, biografy of 920 . 6 Academies architecture 727.2 female 376 . 9 learned gen. societies 060 2 of special subj. see subj. national gen. societies 060 2 of special subj. see subj private, for boys 373 girls 376 . 9 mixt 373 public, history 379 theory 379.171 scientific 506 Academy, new Gk philos. 186.2 older " 184 J Acadia, Nova Scotia hist. 971.6 Acalepha zoology 593 . 73 Acanthaceas botany 583.86 Acanthocephala parasites 616.966 Acanthopteri zoology 597-5 Acapnea physiol. 612.2842 Acaridae animal parasites 616.9685 zoology 595 . 4 Acarnania, Greece ancient 938.3 RELATIV INDEX 569 Acceleration of the moon 523-33 Accent 3 pronunciation Eng. lang . 421 . 6 3 prosody 426 . i Access to library shelvs 024.56 Accession book library admin. 025.24 dep't 025.2 Accessories accumulator elec. eng. 621.3547 architectural 729.9 arc-light elec. eng. 621.3257 artillery mil. " 623 . 46 boiler steam " 621.1847 chemic receptacles 542 23 electric machinery elec. eng. 621 .316 rolling stock " " 621.3344 traction line " " 621.3327 gasoline engins 621.437 hydraulic machinery 621 .267 library bildings 022.349 of dress domest. econ. 646.48 primary cell elec. eng. 621-3537 school bildings 371.629 steam plant 621 . 197 telegraf 621 .38329 voltaic battery engin'g 621.352 Accessory nuclei anatomy 611.8187 obturator nerv anatomy 611.83561 Accidence English language 425-1 3 other languages Accident insurance business 368.4 economics 33I-25 Accidents dangerous occupations 613.66 industrial 614.83 medicin 617.1 military explosivs 623 483 milk 637-16 miners 622.85 police mesures 351-78 protection of public 614.8 railroad 656 Acclimatization animals 59I-52 evolution 575-3 hygiene 613.11 man 573-4 mental influence 136.2 Acclimatization plants agric. botany zootechny Accommodation, optic disorders of physiology Accomplises crim. law Accordeon music Accountability doctrin Accounts book-keeping butter business cheese farm household dom. econ. laundry library admin. milk business stock farming supervision of bilding Accouterments 631-525 581.52 636 . 0836 612 . 842 i 343 788.9 233-4 657 637.216 637.316 631 16 647-1 648.11 025 . 114 637.116 636.0816 692.7 agriculture 63 6 . 083 7 mil. science 355.81 Accubation soc. customs 394.1 Accumulation capital 331 Accumulator panels elec. eng. 621.31728 substations " " 621.31265 Accumulators electric engineering 621.354 hydraulic 621.254 physics 537-84 telef one stations 621.38762 Accusativ etymology, Greek 482 . 5 Latin 472.5 3 other languages syntax, Greek 485.5 Latin 475-5 3 other languages Acephala zoology 594-1 Acetabulum anatomy 611.7181 Acetates diuretics 61-5.761 Acetonuria physiol. 612.46661 Acetylene chemic technology 665 . 8 heat prac. chem. 542.42 light dom. econ. 644.314 lib. " 022.753 stoves 643.334 Acetylenes organ, chem. 547.23 Achaia, Greece anc. hist. 938.7 Achaian leag " " 938.08 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 570 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 583.94 Acting ethics *75- 2 589 9 theater 792 535-4 Actiniaria zoology 593 . 6 Actinism optics 535-85 612 .3212 photografy 771 615.921 Actinium chemistry 546.842 622.57 Actinometer physics 536.6 545-2 Actinotherapy medicin 6 1 5 . 83 1 Actinozoa zoology 593 . 6 6i5-7343 Action legislativ procedure 328 . 374 661 .2 Actions legal procedure 347 . 9 614 .484 Actors biografy 927.92 6i5-34 Acts 547-7 and resolvs Am. stat. 345 . i 544-13 Eng. " 346.1 541-4 of learned societies gen. 060 615-338 for spec, subjects see topic 61 i . 692 legislativ bodies, U. S. 345 . i 615 5 the Apostles 226.6 Aculeata zoology 595 . 79 583-111 Acupuncture therapeutics 615.814 615.323111 Acute diseases 616 615.98 Acyclic machines elec. eng. 021.313291 615.716 Ad valorem duty 369 . 126 customs 336.26 protection 337 611.8318 taxes 336.26 612.8585 Adages 612.8198 English literature 828 612.8587 5 other literatures folklore 398.9 534-84 1 Adair co. la. history 977-773 781.1 Mo. " 977.8264 534 Adam, Onkle Swed. fict. 839.7364 Adam de la Halle Fr. dram .842 . 12 025 . 22 Adamites heresy 2 73-9 631.11 Adam's fig fruit culture 634 . 773 636.0811 Adams, J: presidency of 973.44 320. 126 J:Q- " 973-55 597-1 'Adams co. 111. history 977.344 595-73 travels 917.7344 Ind. history 977.273 791 la. 977.776 I75-I O. 977.186 586 Pa. 974.842 61 1 . 72724 Wis. 977-556 611.7171 ! Adana, Asiatic Turk. hist. 956.4 611.1341 Adaptability of soil 631 .44 Adaptation evolution 575-3 722.8 Adapters prac. chem. 542.231 9I3-385 Adding machines 510.8 828 J Addington co. Ont. hist. 971-359 593-65 Addison, J. Eng. essays 824.52 Achlamydosporeae botany Achlorophyllae botany Achromatism optics Acid in gastric juice physiol. poisons therapeutics waters mining eng. Acidimetry chemistry Acids aids to digestion chemic technology disinfectants fixt materia medica organic chemistry . qualitativ analysis theoretic chemistry vegetable drugs Acini of brests anatomy Acology medicin Aconite botany medicins poisons therapeutics Acorn, colonial order of the 369 . 126 Acoustic nerv anatomy physiol. of ear " " nervs perception " Acoustics applications to architect. music physics Acquisition library methods of farm stock zootechny territory pol. sci. Acrania zoology Acrididae entomology Acrobats amusements ethics Acrogens botany Acromioclavicular joint Acromion anatomy Acromiothoracic arteries Acropolis architecture Grecian antiquities Acrostics Eng. language Actinaria zoology Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 57i Addison co. Vt. history 974.35 travels 917.435 Addison's disease 616.45 Addition arithmetic 511.2 Addresses American literature 815 5 other " and petitions control of admin. 351 .97 legislativ procedure 328 . 372 library propagandism 021.78 on education 3 70 . 4 2 spec, topics see topic U. S. history civil war 973.794 revolution 973.394 war of 1812 973 .5294 Addressing machines print. 655.36 Adductors of thigh anatomy 611.73824 toes. " 611.7389 pollicis " 611.73773 Adenoid tissue histology 611.01824 Adenoids pathology 616.21 surgery 617.42 Adhesion physics 539 .2 Adipogenic function physiology 612.3522 Adipose bodies anatomy 611 tissue histology 6 1 1 Adiposity physiol. 612 Adirondacks travel 917 Adjectiv forms 3 etymology Eng. lang. 422 5 inflection " " 425 3 syntax " " 425 3 other languages Adjournment legis. bodies 328 . Adjustable speed motors 621 . tooth harrow 631 . Adjutages 532, Adjutant general's rpt, U. S. 353, Administration engineering works 621 . household dom. econ. 647 individual libraries 025 . library 025 of medicins therapeutics 615. political science 350 Administrativ action, subjects of 3SI-7 bildings architecture 725 . i control 351.91 law 350 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior 39 01826 3977 4753 6 16 6 356 3*3247 3131 52 ,6 704 18 6 Administrativ reform rooms lib. bldgs Administrator law Admirals biografy Admiralty English navy foren countries 1 ilands history law Admission school Adnexa, uterin anatomy Adobe masonry Adolescence childstudy ration during 022.62 347-6 923 5 354.427 354 993-7 347-7 371.21 611.65 693.22 136.7 physiol. 612.394 Adolphus German hist. 943.026 Adonhiramite free masonry 366 . 1 Adoption family law 347-6 Adoptionists heresies 273.9 Adsorption pneumatics 533.1 Adult mortality Adulterations butter chemic analysis technology fertilizer agric. milk public helth Adultery ethics law Advent pub. helth 614. 134 637.26 543 660 631.818 637.16 614 3 176.6 343 Anglican festivals 264 . 03 1 second christol. 232.6 Adventists, second biog. 922 . 6 sect 286 . 7 Adventitious nerv sheath histology 611.018835 Adventures biografy 923.9 travels, etc. 910 Adverbs, etymol. Eng.lang. 422 . 9 other lang. syntax Eng. lang. 425 . 9 other lang. Adverse possession law 347.2 Adversity pauperism 339 Advertising bilding contracts 692 . 4 commerce 659.1 department journalism 070.36 library propagandism 02 1 . 73 publishing 655.55 self newspaper expenses 076.348 methods 070.336 Advocacy 347.92 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 57* DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Advocates, Faculty of 347.06 lives 923 4 Advowsons canon law 348 .-Ediles Roman antiquities 913 .37 JElfric Angli Saxon lit. 829.6 ^Eolian harp music 787.5 ^Eolic dialect Greek lang. 487 .921 Aerated bred cookery 641.6 waters chem. tech. 663 . 6 hygiene 613.38 Aeration water purification 628 . 16 Aerial bridges engineering 624 . 86 erosion geology 551-37 layering agriculture 631.5344 lines elec. eng. 621.31922 maps aeronautics 629.145 navigation see Aeronautics operations Great war 940.44 topografy aeronautics 629 . 145 Aerials wireless telefony 621.38465 telegrafy 621.38435 Aerobic cells physiol. 612.01411 Aerodromes aeronautics 629 . 144 Aerodynamics engineering 629.142 physics 533-6 Aerolites astronomy 523.51 geology 552.6 Aerometers prac. chem. 542 . 32 Aeronautic sickness respiration in physiol. 612.27511 Aeronautics military engineering 623.74 physics 533- 6 useful arts 629 . 13 Aerophytes lichens 589 . i orchids 584.15 Aeroplanes construction 629.17 military 623 . 746 Aerostatics engineering 629.141 physics 533 . 6 Aerostation aeronautics 629.15 ^Eschines Greek oratory 885.5 .(Eschylus drama 882 . i ^Esop fables 888.6 ^Esthetics, see Esthetics -iEther, see Ether ^Ethiopia ancient history 939.78 "AZtna." Latin poem 871.7 ancient history 938.3 leag Greek hist. 938.08 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior Affections physioir psych. 612.82133 psychology 157 Affidavits 347.94 Affinity chemistry 541.39 family law 347-6 Affixes English language 422.2 other languages Affliction ^Afghani language 491 . 58 religion 299.158 'Afghanistan history 958 travel 915 .8 Afids pests 632 . 75 Africa .antiquities 913.6 botany 581.96 geology 556 history 960 statistics 316 travels 916 other topics see table i 1 North history 961 travels 916.1 Central history 966 Propria, ancient " 939-73 1 South " 968 1 Central " 967 African colonization sociology 325.6 discovery of America 973 . 1 1 geese 636 . 59886 languages 496 * Ethiopic 492 . 8 Hamitic 493 methodist church 287.8 mortality public helth 614.144 sheep 636 . 386 slave trade 326.1 swine 636 . 486 After brain anatomy 611.818 Afternoon tea dom. econ. 642 . 2 lib. " 021.5 recipes 641.53 Agamogenesis animals 591.165 Agave fibers 633 . 577 Age influence therapeutics 615.54 mental characteristics 136.5 of animals zoology 591 . 139 zootechny 636 . 08 1 1 6 legislators pol. sci. 328.331 man physiology 612.68 somatology 573-3 statistics 312 pla nts grafting 63 1 . 54 1 2 figures refer to the tables at the end of this ndex RELATIV INDEX 573 Age of pupils readers the world voters school Aged cookery for diet for homes for 379-14 024. i i 55-i 324.11 379-14 dom. econ. 641 . 563 613.21 725-56 architec. institutions 362.6 Agencies domestic servis employment pol. econ. YM CA student aid teachers Agents, consular external 647-2 331-86 267.3562 378-364 341-8 therapeu. 615.77 geologic 551 .9 law 347-4 Ages, archeologic 571 geologic 551-7 Agglutinating substances physiology 612.11144 Agglutination philology 401 Agiotage stock exchange 332.6 Agnosticism nat. theol. 211 philosofy Agnostics relig. heresy Agnus Dei music Agrarian laws political science Roman history Agreements bilding ethics law Agricola, M. Ger. poetry Agricultural banks pol. econ. botany . chemistry classes pol. econ. colleges colonization colony laboring classes 331 .8 credits banking 332 .311 experiment stations 630 . 72 geology agriculture econ. geol. implements insurance law machinery 149-7 273-8 783.22 333 937 692.4 174-7 347-4 831.41 332.311 630 . 28 630.24 331-8 630.711 325 630 . 25 553 . 6 631.3 368 . 5 347.2 631.3 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior Agricultural pests agriculture 632 zoology 591 . 69 products pol. econ. 338.1 societies 630.6 system pol. econ. 330.1 Agriculture 630 cooperativ 334-6 departments of 630 . 6 1 gov't relations 35 1 . 823 indians 970.6 rent of land 333-5 Agrippa medieval phil. 189.5 Agrostideae grass crops 633 . 285 'Aguascalientes, Mex. hist. 972.4 Ague diseases 616.936 Aguirre sheep, Spanish 636 . 366 Aid societies charitable 361 cooperation 334 student 378.362 state, to education 379.12 libraries 021.83 to the injured 614.88 Aides de camp mil. sci. 355-33 J Aidin, Asia Turk. hist. 956.2 Aids mil. science 355-33 to digestion therapeu. 615.734 readers lib. econ. 028.8 ref. work 025.5 Ailerons aeronautics 629.181 Ailes library bldgs 022.434 Aim of college and university 378.01 education 3 70.1 'Ain, France history 944 . 44 Air abnormal physiology 612.2231 analysis chemistry 543.7 baths, hot hygiene 613.46 bladder comp. anat. 6n .29 phys. 612. 767 brakes railway eng. 625 . 2 cocks steam eng. 621.18479 compressors mech. eng. 621.51 comprest, see Comprest air confined, respiration in 612.233 disinfection cont. dis. 614.48 ducts ventilation 697.9 engins mech. eng. 621.4 expired physiology 612.231 gun mil. engineering 623.4422 mech. trades 683 hygiene 613.1 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 574 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Air in towns pub. helth 614.78 layering agriculture 631.5344 liquid physics 533-2 machines refrig. 621.575 mesology 612 .014464 meteorology SSi-S normal physiol. 612 .2208 operations Great war 940.44 passages anatomy 6ll .2 diseases 616.2 physiology 612.2 plants lichens 589.1 orchids 584-I5 pneumatics 533 pollution by cemeter. 614.652 pub. helth 614.7 pressure of meteorol. 551-54 pump 533-5 residual physiology 612 .24 soil physics agriculture 631-433 spaces pub. helth 614.783 ventilation 628.8 Aircraft hevier than air 629.17 lighter " " 629.15 Airships engineering 629.154 military engin'g 623 - 74 theory 533-6 Airsickness aeronautics 629.145 physiology 612.27511 Airways aeronautics 629.145 mining engin'g 622.45 Airy's theory geodesy 526.14 Aisles library bldgs 022.434 'Aisne, France history 944-34 Aix-la-Chapelle international congress 34I-I treaties 341-2 Akenside, M : Eng. poetry 821.62 Akkad ancient history 93'5 4 J Akron, O. history 977.1361 Alabama claims arbitration 34i 6 Eng. history 942 .08 claims internat. law 34i neutrals 341-3 U. S. hist. 973.722 ship and Kearsarge 973-754 privateers 341-3 U. S. civ. war 973-757 state admission U. S. hist. 973-54 1 history 976.1 Alabama, state secession U. S. hist. 973 . travel 917. Aladdin oven kitchen equipment 643 recipes 641 Alamanni, L. Ital. poetry 851. hist. .3224 . 124 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of tais index city, Cal. hist. 979 1 co. 979. Alar thoracic artery 611. Alarcon y Mendoza 862 . Alarms, fire local government 3 5 2 protection of public 614. signals 654. Alaska 1 history 979- purchase U. S. hist. 973. travel 917. Alba anatomy 611 Albania Asia anc. hist. 939 1 Turkey mod. hist. 949 travels 914 Albanian swine 636 . Albany 1 city N. Y. history 974. convention U.S. hist. 973 1 co. N. Y. history 974 Albemarle, ship U.S.civ.war 973 . Albert i German history 943 2 " 943 !Albert co. N. B. hist. 97I nyanza travels 916 'Alberta, Canada history 971. Alberti, L. B. Ital. essays 854 Albertypes 774 Alberus, Eras. Ger. poetry 83 1 Albicans anatomy 611 Albigenses persecutions 272 sect ^ 284 secular hist. 944 Albigensian sheep 63 "j Albinism animals 591 dermatology 616 Albuginea anatomy 611 Albuminoid derivates, nonnitrogenous physiol 612 substances, dialysis of physiol. 612 Albuminoids' gastric digest. physiol. 612 in blood 612 713 61 3 3 8 588 36 465 465 1341 34 3 .842 .7 .81 .98 .824 -56 . 6 .96 474 .743 .26 .742 . 754 .026 -028 -53I .76 .23 . 2 1 . 43 .8142 .3 .4 .023 . 3467 .157 .55 .6313 .398197 .3824 RELATIV INDEX 575 physiol. physiology physiology Albuminoids in milk muscles intestinal digestion physiologic chemistry physiology quantity in food and tis. transforma. in organism tryptic digestion vegetable physiology Albuminoses Albumins in blood nutrition Albuminuria physiologic toxic physiology urin in " Albumose Alchemy Alciphron Alcohol as a- 1 food physiology cooking appliances denatured chem. tech. engins engin'g heat cookery heating prac. chem. hygiene narcotic poisons physiologic psychology stimulants stoves kitchen equip. tractors agriculture Alcoholic drinks physiology Greek letters 612 . 612 . 612 . 612 . 612. 612 . 612 . 612 . 612 , 612 . 612 612 612 , 612 . 612 612 , 540, 886 612 . 643 661 621. 641 , 542. 613 615 612 , 6i 5 643 631 66414 74414 3324 398 3987 3982 3424 124 398 461269 4642 46622 i 2 3931 335 43424 585 43 81 964 82144 711 335 3722 ethics 178 physiology 612.3931 ferments phys. chem. 612.015161 liquors manufacture 663 temperance 178 Alcoholism diseases 616.861 Alcohols organic chem. 547-3 J Alcona co. Mich. hist. 977.479 Alcoran Mohammedanism 297 Alcott, A. B. moral gov. 371 .58 L.. M. Am. fiction 813.41 Alcoves lib. bildings 022.422 Alcyonaria zoology 593.62 Aldehydes organ, chem. 547.5 Aldermen local govt. 352 . o Alderney cattle 636.2242 iland travel 9 1 4 . 234 Aldine editions rare books 094 Aldrich, T:B. Am. fiction 813 Topics in black face type are subdivided Aleardi, A. Ital. poetry 851.81 Alembert, J. Le R.d' 844 . 53 Alembics prac. chem. 542.48 Aleppo, Asia Turk. hist. 956.8. Alert, ship Am. re vol. 973-363 Ales manufacture 663.3 Aleutian ilands history 979.8 Alexander 2 Rus. " 947.08 947-08 977-3999 hist. 'Alexander co. 111. Alexandria, Egypt ancient history 1 modern " travels Alexandrian Greek dialects library philosofy Alfa fibers Alfabet elementary education English orthografy 3 other languages Alfabetic subject catalog classification Alfabetico-clast catalog cataloging 932 962 . i 916.21 487.2 027.032 186.4 633.583 '372.4 421.1 025-3 025.4 catalogs Alfabeting Alfabets cataloging ornamental philology Alfalfa agriculture Alfieri, V. Ital. drama Alfonso 10 Span. lit. 1 1 12 historv 025-3 019 025.3 745 411 633-3I 852-64 868.ii 868.14 946.08 13 " " 946.08 Alfred the Gt Ang.Sax.lit. 829.7 Algae botany 589.3 Algaroba fruit culture Algarotti, F. Ital. poetry Algebra higher Algebraic logic *Alger co. Mich. Algeria, Africa history Algerine sheep war Alg. hist. U.S. " history travels district, Ont. hist. Algrafy lithografy Algiers, Africa 634.462 851-58 512 512.8 164 977-493 965 636.386 965 973-53 965 916.5 971 313 763 -44 Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 576 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Alhambra architecture history U. S. history Alien act laws races citizenship Alienation of territory Alienism mental pathol. Aliens international law naturalization owners of land Alighieri, Dante 723 946 973 34i 323 320 132 -44 5 63 127 341 323 pol. econ. 333 Ital. poet . 85 1 5 .62 4 Alignment of sewers 628.218 Alimentary canal anatomy 611.3 physiology 612.3 sympathetic system 612.898 Alimentation calorimetry 612.5121 forced hygiene 613.23 relations to glycogenesis 612.3529 Alimony law 347-6 Alinement of sewers 628.218 Alismaceae botany 584.72 Alkalies chemic technol. 661.3 chemistry 546.31 Alkalimetry quan. anal. 545.2 Alkalin accumulators elec. eng. 621.356 earths chemistry 546 . 4 poisons therapeutics 615.922 waters econ. geology 553.71 Alkaloidal plants agric. 633 . 7 Alkaloids drugs mat. med. 615.336 physiologic psychology 612.82141 ptomains 612.398195 Alkoran Mohammedanism 297 All fools day customs 394 All hallow eve " 394 Ang. festivals 264. 264. 977- 612 . 611 6ri All Saints All Souls 'Allamakee co. la. hist. Allantoin physiology Allantois embryology pedicle of anatomy Allatoona. Ga. U.S.civ.war.973 . 'Allegany co. Md. hist. 975. travels 917. 'Alleghany N. Y. hist. 974. 1 crest W. Va. history 975. travel 917. mountains travels 9*7- Topics in black face type are subdivided. 031 031 733 461263 01382 622 7372 294 5294 784 48 548 5 Superior 'Allegheny City Pa. hist. 1 ' co. ' " Allegiance Eng. priv. law internat. law naturalization political science 5 Allegories Eng. literature religious 'Allen co. Ind. history travels Mich, history 1 O. " shorthand system Allergy medicin Alliance Evangelical Holy treaties ship Amer. revol. Alliances internat. law pol. science 'Allier, France history Allies Entente Great war Teuton " " Alligation arithmetic Alligator pear Alligators Alliteration prosody rhetoric Alliterativ poems Eng. Allodium land ownership law Allopathy medicin Allo{ment system Allotropism chemistry Alloys manufactures tests theoretic chem. Allspice agriculture Aliuvium geology Almanacs for teachers general nautic statistical Almond nuciculture See also distinguishing names nucleus anatomy 611.81314 Almqvist,K:J.L. Sw. poetry 839.7166 Alms ethics i?7-7 Almshouses 362.5 architecture 725.55 pauperism 339 Aloe fiber 633 . 5774 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 974.887 974.885 347-1 341-5 323.62 320.158 828 244 977.274 917.7274 977-4M 977.142 653-57 615-37 206 341-2 973-357 34i 2 321 .022 944-57 940-332 940-334 511.8 ( >?4 653 59S- 14 416 808 821.1 333-3 347-2 6i5-5 333-5 541-7 671 620.18 541-4 633 831 551 35 373-59 529-5 528 310 634-55 RELATIV INDEX 577 Aloes poisons 615.93 Alopecia dermatology 616.54 Alpaca domestic animals 636 . 296 fabrics dom. econ. 646.13 'Alpena co. Mich, history 977.481 travels 917.7481 'Alpes Basses, France hist. 944.95 1 Hautes 944.97 1 Maritimes " " 944 94 Alphabet, etc. see Alfabet Alphen, H. van Dutch poet. 839.3147 Alpine co. Cal. hist. 979 . 443 goat 636.3936 plants botany 581.9494 strawberry 634 . 753 travels 914-94 'Alps history 949 . 4 travel 914.94 1 Alsace French history 944 . 383 'Alsace-Lorraine French hist. 944.38 Germ. hist. 943.44 Alsatian poultry 636 . 538 Alsineae botany 583.154 Alsop, George Am. satire 817.12 Richard " poetry 811.25 Altar cloths sac. ornam. 247.7 Altars architec. accessor. 729.91 ecclesiology 246.6 Alt-azimuth instruments 522.42 Alterations butter 637.26 milk 637.16 Alternate generation zool. 591.163 Alternating current action on organisms 612.0144245 arc light elec. eng. 621.32552 electrophysiol. technic 612 .0144215 machinery elec. eng. 621.3133 traction lines " " 621.33143 Alternativ vote suffrage 324 . 224 Altitude ' imponderable remedies 6 r 5 . 83 5 physiologic effects 612.2751 1 Alton, 111. history 977.386 riot U. S. history 973.57 'Altoona, Pa. history 974.876 Altruism ethics 171.8 Aluminum in articles of dress 646 . 19 inorganic chemistry 546.66 metallurgy 669.7 Alumnae associated 376.66 Alumni associated 378.068 biografy 378 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior Alveolar limbus anatomy 611 .71641 Alwato universal lang. 408.9 Amadeus Spanish hist. 946.08 Amadis de Gaula Span. net. 863 . 2 2 'Amador co. Cal. history 979 . 442 Amalgamated pigeons 636.59628 Amalgamation metallurgy 669 . 2 Amalgams manufactures 671 Amanuenses shorthand 653.043 Amarantaceae botany 583.913 Amaryllidete " 584.25 Amateur cataloging 025.3 manuals mech. trades 680 theatricals amusements 793 ethics 1 7 5 . 2 Amaurosis diseases of eye 617.73 Amazon river travel 918.1 Amazons customs 396.9 Ambari hemp 633 . 563 Ambassadors internat. law 341 .7 pol. science 327 Amber geology 553- 2 9 jewelry 391 . 7 mineralogy 549-8 Ambidexterity 612 . 763 Ambiguous nucleus anat. 611.81875 Ambra, F. d' Ital. drama 852.35 Ambrosia antiquities 913.38 mythology 292 Ambrosian chant ecclesiol. 246 . 8 music 783.5 Ambrotype 772 Ambulances 614.881 for contagious diseases 614 . 882 Ameboid cells physiology 612.112 Amendments U. S. const. 342.731 America discovery 973- 1 Norwegian 948.02 1 history 970 travel 917 i Central history 972-8 travel 917.28 ' North history 970 travel 917 other topics see table i 1 Russian history 979-8 travels 917.98 1 South history 980 travel 918 American aborigines 970 . i antiquarian society 9*3-7 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 578 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION American antiquities 913 . 7 art galleries 708 . i auxiliaries in revolution 973 . 346 beef cattle 636.282 bibliografy 015.7 biografic dictiona ries 920.07 black currants 634 . 7232 buffalo 636.2921 chestnut 634 . 532 civil war U. S. hist. 973 . 7 colleges 378 . 7 colonies history 973 . 2 constitution 342 . 73 1 constitutional history 342 . 739 copyright leag 655.63 cyclopedias 03 1 dairy cattle 636 . 283 draft horse 636 . 158 ducks 636.59781 gooseberry 634 . 727 hereditary societies 369 . i Holderness cattle 636 . 2 83 1 independence U. S. hist. 973 .313 indians 970.1 languages North Am. 497 South Am. 498 literature 810 newspapers 071 painting 759 .1 party 329-5 patriotic societies 369 . i periodicals 051 philosofers biografy 921.1 philosofy 191 plan meal systems 642.52 poetry 811 poets biografy 928.11 political parties 329 poultry 636 . 581 P. E. church 283 . 7 prisons Amer. revol. 973-372 private law 347 rebellion U . S. history 973 . 7 revolution Canada history 971.024 children of 369. 137 daughters of 369.135 sons of 369 .133 U. S. history 973 . 3 sheep 636.3681 saddle horses 636 . 1 3 slavery 326 American Spanish war U. S. hist. 973 . statutes law 345 swine 636 trotter 636 turkey 636 wars, society of 369 water cress 635 , Americana history 970 Americanisms 427 Amerigo Vespucci 973 Ames, Fisher Am. oratory 815 *Amharic language 492 , Amherst college 378. Amic acids organ, chem. 547 . Amicis, E. d' Ital. misc. 858. Amideo fishes 597- Amidic acids physiology 612. Amids organic chem. 547- Amiens, peace of treaties 341. Amins organic chem. 547. Amistad case U. S. hist. 973. Ammergau passion play 792 Ammeters elec. eng. 621. Ammirato, S. Ital. essays 854 . Ammonia absorption machines 62 1 . chemic technology 66 1 , compounds physiol. 612. compression machines 621 . fertilizers agric. 631. salts chem. tech. 66 1. stimulants 615. Ammonite agriculture 631 . Ammoniums org. chem. 547 . Ammunition chests ordnance 623 . military engineering 623 . ships shipbilding 623 . Amnesty 341. Amnion embryology 6 1 1 . pregnancy 6 i 8 . Amniotic fluid embryology 6 1 1 . physiology 612. Amoeboid cells physiol. 612 . Amorfous state chem. 541. Amory, T: Eng. humor 827. Amos, book of Bible 224. Ampelidese botany 583 . Ampere-hour meters eng. 621. Amphiarthrosis anatomy 6 1 1 . Amphibians 597 . 89 481 .128 59211 .118 562 9 ,16 . 22 .8 744 .8 .82 4 398192 ,8 24 ,8 57 573 3 398194 572 841 5 711 4315 45 826 3 01383 37 649 112 62 8 279 3844 7294 6 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 579 Amphictyonic council Amphipods zoology Amphitheater antiquities architecture, ancient modern Amputation surgery Amsterdam history travels Amusements children's dom. econ. ethics hygiene of laboring classes school Sunday Amygdalin nutrition Amygdaloid tubercle anat Amyloids nutrition histology 938 595- 913- 722. 725- 617. 949- 914. 790 649. 175 613. 331- 37i- 263. 612 . 611. 612 . 6n. Amylolytic ferments phys. 612. Amyotrophy physiology 612. 5 Ana English literature 828 literature 808 Anabaptists sects 284 Anacanthani zoology 597 'Anacapa, Cal. hist. 979 Anacardiaceas botany 583 Anacardiaceous fruits 634 Anacreon Greek poetry 884 Anaemia, see Anemia Anaerobic cells physiol. 612.01411 5 Anagrams Eng. literature 828 37 376 7 82 94 2 92 5 74 84 74 6 39 6l 75 81314 398146 01884 01515 7465 8 3 5 492 .292 44 3 pseudonyms Analgesics therapeutics Analogous projections descriptiv geometry Analogy comparativ anatomy English language 3 other languages logic plants theology Analysis air chemistry arithmetic 014 615. 733 515-2 blowpipe botanic butter capillary cheese chemic chemistry chemistry 422 . 169 581. 219 543 5"- 544. 58i 637 544 637 543 7 5 3 .227 .92 327 Analysis combinatory algebra 512. diophantin 512. electro chemistry 544- fertilizers agriculture 631 . gas chemistry 544 . grammar English 425. 3 other languages logic 1 60 microscopic 578 milk adulterations 614. agriculture 637 . chemistry 543 . mineralogy 549 . polariscopic chem. 544. qualitativ chem. 544 quantitativ chem. 545 soil hygiene 614. soils 631 . sounds acoustics 534 . spectrum astronomy 522, chemistry 544. optics 535. water biol. hygiene 613, chemistry 543 . micros, hygiene 613, Analysts, public adulter. 614, Analytic chemistry 543 geometry 516 trigonometry 514 ^nam, Asia history 959 Anaphylaxis medicin 615 Anarchism socialism 335 Anastatic printing 655 Anastomotica magna artery elbow anatomy 6 1 1 knee " 6 1 1 Anathema church discip. 262 Anato buttermaking Anatolian sheep swine Anatomy animal zootechny anthropologic art comparativ medicin plants zoology dental descriptiv human animals plants 637. 636. 636. 636 611. 743 611 581 611. 591 611 5 23 9 818 4 3 321 1277 2 I 7 771 42 4 67 6 84 34 3 33 3 5 .8 37 1342 13785 9 26 385 474 .0891 .014 .019 4 -4 3H 7 7 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 58o DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Anatomy laws public helth 614 paleontologic 6 1 1 pathologic 616 regional 611 Anaxagoras Gk philosofers 182 . Anaximander " " 182 Anaximenes " 182 Ancelot, J. A. F. P. Fr. lit. 842 Ancestry Anchor boring evolution genealogy mental science spirit, heredity traductionism 575 929 136 233 129 22 016 078 9 8 i i 74 I I 3 3 2 architecture engineering ice physical geol. Anchorage bridgebilding 721.152 624.1552 55L3I 624-57 Anchors, landing aeronautics 629. 167 696.7 623 . 86 plumbing shipbilding Ancient architecture 722 countries description 913. customs 913. customs and costume 390 geografy description 911. history 930 law 349 . maps 912 . music 781. philosofers biografy 921. philosofies 1 80 science 502 sculpture 732 student societies 371. therapeutics 615. Ancients, council of French legislature 328. revolution 944 . Ancona poultry 636 A nconaeus muscle anat. 611. 'Andalusia, Spain history 946 . travel 914. Andalusian fowls 636. Andersen, H. C. Dan. net. 839. 'Anderson, Ind. history 977. Anderson ville pris. U.S.hist.973. Andes description . 918 Andesite lithology 552 Andocides Gr. oratory 885 'Andorra history 946. 836 89 44 045 554 737 2 5 8 68 564 8364 257 7711 .26 . i 7 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior Andre", John Am. revol. 973.386 biografy 923 . 542 Andrea, J. V. Ger. poetry 831 .47 Andreini, G. Ital. drama 852 . 53 1 Andrew oo. Mo. history 977.8126 Andrieux.F.G.JP S. Fr. lit. 842 .65 Andronicus, L. Lat. " 872.1 Andropogonae grass crops 633 . 282 Andros, Edmund U.S. hist. 973 .24 ^ndroscoggin co. Me. hist. 974 . 18 trav. 917.418 Anecdotes legal 340.9 library 020.88 miscel. Eng. literature 828 personal, see Biografy religious 244 table 642 . 48 on spec, topics, see subjects Anemia cardiac physiology 612.1721 cerebral 612.8244 diseases of blood 616.15 nervs physiology 612.8164 quantity of blood 612.1162 reflexes physiology 612.83393 Anemometer meteorology 551.51 Aneroid barometer 533-4 Anesthesia diseases 616.856 physiology 612.887 Anesthetics effect on hart physiol. 612.1742 mesology 612.014465 physiologic psychology 612.82142 therapeutics 615.. 781 Aneurism pulmon. disease 616.247 surgery 617.41 Angels 235 Anger ethics J79-8 Angevin architecture 723 . 44 sheep 636 . 3446 swine 636 . 443 Angina pectoris diseases 616.12 Angiocarpae botany 589.16 Angiulieri, C. Ital. satire 857. 13 Angle, facial craniology 573-7 visual physics 535-7 physiology 612.84362 Angles crystallografy 548 . 7 mesurement of astron. 526.93 strength of materials 620.11282 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX Anglesey cattle 1 history Anglican church biografy brotherhoods chant music creed missions ordination 636 942. 922 271 783 238 266 262 persecution by, Eng. hist. 942 relig. hist. 272 of Eng. " 942 , relig. " 272 religious hist, of Eng. 274 ritual 264 sects 283 sisterhoods 271 Anglicisms English lang. 427 Angling 799 Anglo-catholics 283 Anglo-Saxon emigration 325 foren relations 327 history 942 homilies 829 language 429 literature 829 poetry 829 race characteristics 136, Anglomania customs 390 'Angola, Africa history 967, sheep 636 'Angora, Asia Turk. hist. 956 goat 636 AngouleTne, house of French history 944 Anguilla zoology 597 . Angular perspectiv geom. 515. drawing 742 Angus doddie cattle 636 'Anhalt, Germany history 943 , Anharmonics analytic geometry geometry Anhydrids organic chem. theoretic " Anhydrous silicates mineralogy sulfates Anilin colors chem. tech. Animal 2236 91 5 3 3 i7 55 7 054 6 2 03 516 513 547 54i 549 549. 667 242 73 01 5 i 4 3 386 3 3985 028 5 61 2231 19 56 56 7 4 61 75 2 chemistry analysis organic chem. 543 547 Animal diseases medicin 619 pub. helth 614 zoology 591 infectious pub. helth 614. electricity mind and body 134 physiology 612, zoology 59i. chem. technology 665 . 93 2 >,l 2 3 128 3928 9 0876 .42 52 .602 . 1 1 5 821313 94 .971 fats food domestic econ. 641 hygiene 613 physiology 612 preservation 664 zootechny 636 . forms decorat'n, painted 729 relief 729 . grafting comp. physiol. 612 heat physiol. zoology 591 physiology 612 instincts comp. physiol. 612 irritant poisons 615 kingdom 590 life painless extinc. of 614 magnetism, see Animal elec- tricity motors engineering 621.46 oils chem. technology 665.2 parasites diseases 616.961 zoology 591.69 plagues vet. med. 619 power agriculture 631.3712 residues fertilizers 631.843 species and respiration 612.229 stories zoology 591-5 substances chem. anal. 543 .9 engin'g 620.198 trades air pollution 614.74 worship nonchr. relig. 290 Animalculae 593 Animals 590 agents of geol. work 551 . 95 Bible 220.859 care of animal hygiene 614.94 carriers of diseases 614 . 43 cruelty to ethics 179 . 3 ded air pollution 614.763 diff. fr. plants biology . 577.5 physiol. 612.0135 diseases pub. helth 614.93 vet. medicin 619 zoology 59i-2 domestic 636 electric comp. physiol. 612.771 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index Animals evolution 575 feeding animal hyg. 614.95 zootechny 636.084 folklore 398 . 4 geografic distribution 591-9 hibernating 612.58 hygiene pub. helth 614.9 inanition 612.3919 insurance 368.5 intelligence zoology 591.5 localization in comp. physiol. 612.82525 j locomotion comp.phys. 612.767 zoology 591.47 menageries 590 .7 mind in 591 . 51 mythology 291 organs of sound comp. physiol. 612.786 paleontology 560 parasitic econ. zool. 591.69 phosphorescent comp. physiol. 612.772 plants injurious to 632 . 59 psychology zoology 591.51 ration comp. physiol. 612.3943 subsistence 612.39523 working 612.39513 remains early stone age 571.13 late " " 571.23 reviviscent mesology 612.0144611 scent glands comp. phys.6i2 .493 econ. zool. 591 .66 phys. " 591.144 symbolic religious art 246 . 5 traind 79 1 transportation hygiene 614.96 uric acid in comp. phys. 612.461254 vocal organs " " 612.786 Animation, suspended med. 616.206 Animism metaphysics 128 Anis agriculture 635 . 75 'Anjou, France history 944.18 Ankle anatomy 611.985 bone anatomy 611.71871 joint 611.7284 Annapolis 1 city, Md. history 975.256 travels 917.5256 co. X. S. history 97 1. 633 Anne, Queen architecture 724 . 5 Eng. hist. 942.069 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior 'Anne Arundel co.Md. hist. 975. 255 Annealing manufactures 671 molecular physics 539-54 Annelida worms 595 .1 Anne's, Queen.war U.S.hist-973 .25 Annexation intern, law 341 pol. sci. 320. 1265 Annihilation doctrins 2 37-3 nat. theology 218 Anniversaries of invention of printing 655 . 12 student life 3 7 1 . 89 U. S. history civil war 973 . 76 Mex. 973.626 revolution 973 . 36 Span, war 973 . 896 war of 1812 973.526 Annotations by readers lib. econ. 024.81 for readers 028.8 Announcement of vote elections 324 . 268 Annuals, statistical 310 special, see subject Annuities insurance 368.31 mathematics 5*9-5 public finance 336.35 Annunciation, feast of Anglican ch. 264.031 Annunciators signals 654.7 Anodynes therapeutics 615.78 Anointing sacraments 265 Anomala botany 583 . 297 Anomali 583 . 98 Anomalies anat. 611.012 Anomodontia reptils 598.17 Anonaceae botany 583.115 Anonaceous fruits agric. 634.41 Anonyms bibliografy 014 Anopheles, see Mosquitoes Ansa lenticularis anat. 611.8147 peduncularis " 611.8147 l Ansayrii history 955 Anselm medieval philos. 189.4 Anselm, H. Ger. fiction 833.53 Anslo, Reyer Dutch poet. 839 .3135 Ant insects 595-79 pests 632 . 79 Antacids aids to diges. 615.7343 Antagonism of medicins therapeutics 615.52 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 583 Antarctic current ocean currents 551 .47 explorations travels 919-9 ocean physical geog. 551.469 regions travel 919-9 Ante-Xicene church 100-325 281 .3 Antennae animals 591.48 wireless teleg. 621.3 843 5 Ante -reformation relig.hist.2 70 . 5 Anterior poliomyelitis, see Paralysis, infantil Anterolateral colum of spinal cord anat. 611.825 Anthelmintic drugs therap. 615.733 Anthems music 783 . 4 pub. worship 264 . 2 religious poetry 245 5 Anthologies Eng. lit. 820.8 Anthracene org. cherh. 547.28 Anthracite economic geology 553-25 fuel dom. econ.. 644.22 engineering 621.1822 metallurgy 669 . 8 Anthracosis diseases 616.24 Anthrax public helth 614.561 Anthropoid apes zoology 599 . 8 Anthropologic anatomy 611.014 Anthropology mind and body 130 natural hist, of man 573 religious doctrin of man 233 Anthropometry 573-6 Anthropomorphism metaphysics 125 Anthropophagy cannibalism399 Antiburghers sects 285.6 Anti-Christ 235 Anticlinal strata geology 551.86 Anticlisis comp. psych. 612.821311 Anticorn law leag 337 .2 l Aritico-ti iland, Que. hist. 971.417 Antidotes materia medica 615.9 Antietam, Md. battle U. S. civ. war Antifebrin therapeutics Antifederal party KAntigonish co. N. S. I Antilles history travel Antimasonry Antimission baptists Antimonates Antimonids hist. 973-733 6 6l 5-75 329.2 971.614 972.9 917.29 366.1 286.4 mineralogy 549.72 mineralogy 549-3 Antimony chemistry ores Antinomianism Antipatharia zoology Antiperiodics therapeu. Antiphonal choral servis music 546. 553' 273- 593- 615. 783- readings public worship 264. Antiputrefactiv properties of gastric juice physiol. 612. Antipyretics therapeu. 615. Antipyrin " 615. Antiquarian societies 913 Antiquarians' lives 923 . Antiquities biblical 220. classic 913 countries 913 customs 390 Jewish antiquities 9*3- history 933 religion 296 legal 340. prehistoric archeology 571 see also special subjects Antiquity of man 573 . Antirust processes bldg 691. engin'g 620 86 47 6 64 75 24 4 3225 75 75 38 tests Antiseptics agriculture 632 . inesology 612. obstetrics 618. public helth 614. therapeutics 615. Antislavery documents 326. periodicals 326. societies 326. U. S. history 973 - Antisthenes Greek phil. 183. Antistrophe English prosody 426. Greek prosody 486 . 3 other languages Antitoxic action of liver physiol. 612 .3542 Antitoxins digestion 6 12. 3145! in blood physiology 612.11821 nutrition 612.3988 Antitrinitarians heresies 273.4 Unitarians 288 Antivaccination pub. helth 614 . 474 3 7 1122 953 014466 89 482 778 4 5 6 7111 4 7 7 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Antivivisection, see Vivisec- Apollo Belvedere sculpt. 733 tion worship 292 Antonides Dutch. poetry 839.3137 Apollonius Rhodius Gk lit. 883 . 3 'Antrim co. Ireland history 941.61 Apologetics theology 239 Mich. " 977-485 Apomorphin emetics 615.731 Ants insects 595-79 Apoplexy diseases 616.81 pests 632 . 79 Apostasy heresies 273 white " 595-73 Apostles 'Antwerp history 949 . 3 acts of 226.6 travels 914.93 creed ,238 . i pigeons 636.59635 lives scriptural biog. 225.92 Anura batrachia 597-8 Apostolic Anus anatomy 611.352 age apologetics 239 . i diseases of 616.35 canons apocrypha 229.9 Anvil anatomy of ear 61 1 . 857 Cathplic sect 289.5 Anvils blacksmi thing 682 church 281 . i 3 Aorist Greek etymology 482 . 8 persecutions 272.1 syntax 485 . 8 Apostolic Aorta constitutions 281.1 abdominal anatomy 611.136 epistles 229.9 anatomy 611.132 fathers 281.1 thoracic anatomy 611.135 period religious hist. 270.1 Aortic succession 262 . 1 1 arch anatomy 611.1321 Apothecary 615.4 valvs 6 i i . 12652 5 Apothems Eng. literature 828 Apartment folklore 398.9 and offis bildings 725.22 houses architecture 728.2 'Appanoose co. la. hist. 977.789 dom. economy 647.92 Apatite economic geol. 553.64 fertilizers 631:851 mineralogy 549.72 Apparatus buttermaking 637 . 232 care of milk 637 . 132 cheesemaking 637 . 332 manufacture 68 1 Apes zoology 599 . 8 Apetalae botany 583 . 9 Aphasia diseases 616.855 localization of speech 612. 825249 mental derangements 132.8 physical 530.7 practical chemistry 542 . 2 protectiv agriculture 632.94 see also special subject Apparent motion earth 525.38 vocal physiology 612.7893 sun 523.73 Aphelion astronomy 521.3 Aphids pests 632 . 75 Aphonia diseases 616.22 time 529 . i Apparitions 133 . i Appeal voting procedure 324 . 243 5 Aphorisms Eng. literat. 828 folklore 398.9 Appellate proceedings law 347.9 Appendages of embryo Apiary bees 638.1 embryology 611.0138 Apnea physiology 612.2842 physiology 612.644 Apocalypse 228 Appendicitis diseases 616.34 Apocarpeae botany 584 . 7 surgery 617.55 Apocrypha 229 Appendix Apocryphal gospels Bible 229 . 8 vermiform anatomy 611.3452 Apocynaceae botany 583 . 72 physiology 612.363 Apoda zoology 593-98 Appendixes, nerv histol. 611.01883 Apogee moon 5 2 3-33 Appenzell goat 636 . 3938 tides 525-63 ! Appeti te physiology 612.3913 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 585 Appetites mental facul. 158 temperance 178 Roman antiq. 913 . Appian way Roman antiq. 913.37 Apple culture 634 . i I custard 634.415 Jamaica 634.413 Mammee 634 . 654 moth 632 . 78 pond 634.414 rose 634 . 422 star 634.433 sugar 634.412 sweet Otaheite 634.442 'Appleton, Wis. history 977-539 Application of fertilizers agric. . 631.816 Applied arts 600 chemistry chem. tech. 660 mechanics mech. eng. 621 science schools 607 Applique" work 746 Appointment of civil servis offisers 351 . i legislativ offisers 328 . 362 legislators 328.3351 library offisers 023 . 2 teachers education 371.142 Appointments, presidential 353.03 Appomattox, Va. U.S. hist. 973.7384 -Apportionment representation 328 . 3345 taxation 336 . 2 Appraisal of books 0288 Apprentises duties of ethics 174.8 labor polit. econ. 331-55 library economy 023 . 75 Apprentisship bldg trade 690 . 7 polit. econ. 33 1 . 86 Approach, grafting by 631 .54146 Approaches bridgebilding 624.14 Approbation sch . go v ' t 371.53 Appropriation bills legislativ powers 328 . 341 U. S. finance 336.73 Appropriations library finances 025 . 1 12 support 021 .91 Approximations algebra 512.22 Apricot culture 634.21 S. Domingo 634.654 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior 626 9*3 628 anat.6n 8156 , 2 376 14 8l 5 6 erosion humor April ig.anniv. Am. revol. 973.362 Aprons domestic econ. 646.48 Apulia, It. ancient hist. 937-7 modern " 945-75 travels 9*4-575 Aquaria 5 9 -7 Aquataca 634.653 Aquatic animals effect of baro- metric pressure 612.279 rights law 347 .2. pol. econ. 333-9 Aquatint engraving 766 Aqueduct of Sylvius anat. 6n Aqueducts canals Roman antiquities waterworks Aqueductus cerebri Aqueous geology anatomy physiology rocks geology treatment prac. chem. Aquinas medieval phil. Aquivascular respiration zoology Arabesques decoration, painted relief design piano music Arabia ancient history 1 modern history travels Arabia Petraea ancient history 1 modern " travel Arabian horses sheep Arabic architecture discovery of America 4 language 5 literature numerals arithmetic philosofy Arabs in Spain Span. hist. 946.02 Arachnida parasitica ectozoa 616.9685 zoology 595-4 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 551-35 611 .8449 612.8444 552 5 542.6 189.4 729-4 729.5 745 786.42 939 953 915 47 939-48 953-1 9I5-3I 636.11 7 2 3 973 492 892. 5" 189 3 II 7 7 a 3 586 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Arachnoid membrane anatomy 611.8293 villi 611.8193 'Aragon, Spain history 946 . 5 Araliaceae botany 583.491 4 Aramaic language 492 . i Araneida zoology 595 . 4 Arantius, venous duct of 61 1 . 1497 Aratus Greek poetry 881.2 Arbitrage stock exch. 332.6 Arbitrary power absol. monarchy 321.6 Arbitration capital and labor f 33 1 . i international ethics 172.4 law 341.6 law 347-4 Arblay, F. (Burney) d* 823 . 66 Arbor day horticulture 715 school celebrations 371.365 training agriculture 631.5465 vitae anatomy 611.81715 botany 5^5-2 Arboretums architecture 7 2 7-5 botany 580 . 7 Arboriculture forestry 634.9 land. gard. 715 Arbors landscape gard. 717 Arbuthnot, J : Eng. humor 827.54 Arc, Joan of Fr. history 944.026 Arc lighting elec. eng. 621.325 rectifiers 621.31373 Arcades architectural construction 721 .26 design 7, 2 9-33 Arcadia Greek anc. hist. 938 . 8 Arcani disciplina primitiv church 281.1 Arcesilaus Greek philosofy 186.2 Arch, aortic anatomy 611.1321 hinged bridges 624 . 68 ' trussed 624.7 Archaean age geology 551.71 3 Archaisms Eng. language 427 'Archangel, Russia history 947 . 2 Archbishops ecclesiastic polity 261.12 lives Anglican 922 . 3 Roman catholic 922 . 2 Arched constructions arch. 721.4 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Supsrior Archegony biology 576.1 physiologic zoology 591 . 16 Archenteron embryology 611.01335 Archeology ancient description, etc. 913 Biblical 220.93 prehistoric 571 Archery 796 Arches architectural design 7 2 9 3 3 construction 721.4 engineering 624 . 6 triumph al Rom . antiq . 913.37 Archilochus Greek satire 887.1 Archimedes screw physics 532.8 Archipelago 1 East Indian history 991 Greek ancient history 939 . i modern " 949 . 9 Architectonics, architecture 720.1 Architects liability of bilding 692.9 lives 927.2 Architectural accessories 729 . 9 construction 721 decoration 729 design 729 drawing 744 Architecture 720 acoustics 534.84 military bildings 623 . 61 castles 728.81 fortifications 623 . i naval bilding 623 . 8 engineering 623 . 8 plans 692 warships 623 . 8 Architraves arch, constr. 721.86 Archives, see History, Manu- scripts of special topic see topic Archons Greek history 938 Archt construction architecture 721.4 bridges 624 . 6 Arctic currents 551-47 explorations travels 919.8 explorers lives 923.9 ocean physical geografy 551.468 figures refer to the tab'.es at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 587 Arctic 1 regions agriculture 630.0911 history 998 travels 919.8 'Ardeche, France history 944.82 'Ardennes, France history 944.31 draft horse 636 . 1 542 sheep 636 . 3444 Ardent spirits manufactures 663 temperance 178 Ardigo, I. Italian essays 854.85 Area, occupiable, proportion of ground hygiene 614.784 Areas geometry 513.18 surveying 526.97 1 Arenac co. Mich. history 977 . 473 Areola anatomy 611.691 Areolar tissue anatomy 611.76 histology 611.01824 subcut. anat . 611.779 Areometer spec, gravity 532.4 Areopagus Greek antiq. 913.385 Aretino, Pietro Ital. dram. 852 .34 Arezzo, G. d' " poetry 851.12 Argand lamp chem. tech. 665 .6 dom. econ. 644.323 Argensola, B. L. Sp. poetry86i .34 L. " " 861.34 1 Argentsuil co. Que. history 971 .423 Argentina administration 354.82 botany 581.982 finance 336.82 geology 558.2 1 history 982 maps 912.82 schools, public 379.82 statistics 318.2 travel 918.2 treaties 341.282 other topics see table i Argillite geology 55 2 -44 Argolis Greek anc. hist. 938.8 Argon inorgan. chem. 546.293 Argonauts Greek myth. 292 Argot French language 447-09 3 other languages Argument from design apologetics 239 metaphysics 124 law 347 -9 2 logic 1 68 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior Argumentation rhetoric 808 Argus, ship U. S. war 1812 973 . 5253 'Argyll, Scotland history 941.38 Aria vocal music 784 . 2 Ariana, Asia ancient hist. 939 .65 Arianism heresies 2 73-4 Arici, Cesare Ital. poetry 851.67 'Arie'ge, France history 944.88 Ariosto, Lodovico It. poet. 851 .32 Aristippus Gk philosofers 1 83 . 5 Aristocracy form of state 321 .5 social classes 323 .31 Aristolochiaceae botany 583.924 Aristophanes Gk drama 882.4 Aristotelian philosofy 185 Aristotle Greek liter. 888 . 5 philosofy 185.1 Arithmetic elementary education 372.7 mathematics 511 mechanical 510.8 political statistics 310 Arithmetical progression algebra 512.6 arithmetic 511.6 Arithmometer, instrument 510.8 Arizona, U. S. acquisition Mex. war 973.621 discovery U. S. hist. 973.16 1 history 979- 1 travel 917.91 For mil. hist, see subd. of Special campains and Mili- tary history under 973.7 and 973.89 Arkansas, U. S. admission U. S. hist. 973. 1 history 976. For mil. hist, see subd. of Special campains and Mili- tary history under 973.52, 973.7 and 973-89 secession 973 travel 917 Arm anatomy 6 1 1 lymphatics of anat. 611 muscles " 611 Armada, Span. Eng. hist. 942 Span. " 946 'Armagh, Ireland history 941 Armament shipbilding 623 Armamentaria surgery 617 Armaments ordnance 623 56 7 .67 .972 .42172 -7372 55 .04 .66 9 .91 -4 Armature stamps elec. eng. 621 .318 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Armatures elec. eng. 621.316 Armd neutrality inter, law 341 .3 Armenia ancient history 939.55 modern " 956 . 6 Armenian architecture 723.2 church 281.6 4 language 491 .54 5 literature 891.54 Armies military engineering 623 science 355 U. S. history civil war 973 . 74 Mex. " 973.624 revolution 973 . 34 , Spanish war 973 . 894 war of 1812 973.524 war customs 399 Arminian baptists 286 . 1 Arminianism continental prot. sects 284.9 methodism 287 Armistis internat. law 341.3 Armor fortifications 623.124 plate manufacture 672 shipbilding 623 . 9 war costumes 399 Armord vessels mil. eng. 623.9 4 Armorican language 491.68 Armories architecture 725.18 mil. eng. 623.48 Armor-piercing shells 623.4518 Arms artificial 617 .57 coats of college or univ. 378.27 heraldry 929.8 cross elec. engin'g 621.319224 gunmaking 683 military engineering 623 . 4 science 355 sergeant at 328 . 3624 war customs 399 'Armstrong co. Pa. hist. 974.888 Army and navy union, regular 369 . 1 1 1 British 354.426 chaplains U. S. civ. war 973 . 778 cookery dom. econ. 641.573 corps mil. science 355 .31 corps U. S. civ. war 973.7416 foren countries 354 355 i 973-783 973-784 940.484 940.483 354 353-6 355 923 5 973-74H 355 353-6 632.77 636.293 591-69 849-127 831-71 833-66 Army life military science U. S. civil war, north south Great war Cent, allies Entente " lists foren United States military science officials lives organization mil. science 355.31 posts mil. engineering 623.613 regular U. S. civil war regulations revivals U. S. civil war 973 . 778 Salvation relig. assns 267.15 United States worm agriculture Arna cattle zoology Arnaut, Dan. Prov. poet. Arndt, E. M. Ger. poetry Arnim, L ; A. von " fiction Arnold, Benedict Can. exped. Am. revol. 973.3316 in Conn. naval hist. " " treason " " Arnold, M. Eng. essays Arnold's ganglion anat. Arnulf German history Aroideae botany Aromatic compounds physiology plant products chem. tech.668 . 5 Arondissement Fr. loc. govt 352 .0445 Aroostook 1 co. Me. history war U. S. history Arrangement of duplicates lib. econ. words Eng. syntax other languages Arrearages law 347-7 Arrebo, Anders Dan. poetry 839.8131 Arrest civil trials 347 9 criminal law 343 immunity of legislators 328 . 348 Arresters, see Protectiv devices Arrom, C. B. de F. C. 863.53 973-3377 973-35 2 973-382 824.85 611 .89156 943.021 584.64 612 398196 974.11 973-57 025 . 264 425-3 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 589 Arrow Arteries bed inscriptions 492.1917 circulation in physiol. 612.133 heds, stone prehist. arch. 571.15 diseases of 616. 13 Arrows archery 796 Artesian wells san. eng. 628 . 1 1 war implements 399 'Arthabaska co. Que. hist. 971.4565 Ars signorum univ. lang. 408.9 Arthrodia anatomy 611.72961 Arsacidae history 935-6 Arthropathy pathology 616.72 Arsenals architecture 725.18 Arthropoda zoology 595 . 2 military eng. 623.47 Arthrostraca " 595-37 Arsenates mineralogy 549.72 Arthur, C. A. presidency 973.84 Arsenic Arthurian romances 398-2 drugs 615.219 Artichoke edible leaves 635.32 inorganic chemistry 546 . 19 Jerusalem " tubers 635.24 medical jurisprudence 340 . 6 field crops 633 . 494 ores 553-47 Articles poisons 615.926 English syntax 425.6 ArseViicism toxicology 615.926 Greek syntax 485.6 Arsenids inorganic chem. 546. 19 other languages mineralogy 549 . 3 of confederation 1781-89 Arson criminal law 343 U. S. constitu. hist. 342 . 73 Art history 9 73 -318 anatomy drawing 743 biografy 927 Thirty-nine Ang. creed 238.3 Articulates paleontology 563 Christian ecclesiology 246 zoology 595 decorativ furniture 749 Articulatio coxae anat. - 611.7282 delineation of children 136 71:7 Articulations anatomy 611.72 \J 1 J I education 707 Artificial embroidery 746 boundaries pol. science 320.1289 fine 700 butter chem. technol. 664.3 / *** freedom pol. sci. 323.447 colors " " 667.2 galleries 708 eyes 617.79 architecture 727.7 feeding zootechny 636.08413 / / - / with libraries 021.48 flowers ornam. design 745 gallery library bldgs 022.656 history 709 foods physiology 612.3929 fuel chem. tech. 662.8 industrial useful arts 600 horizons astronomy 522.57 interior decoration 747 ice manufacture 621.58 / " / material lib. admin. 025.177 larynxes physiology 612.783 museums inter, affairs 3 <; i . 8 ? T, light perspectiv 5 1 5 . 63 \J -J JO needlework 746 lights chem. tech. 665 / T v religious 246 dom. econ. 644.3 rudiments, prehistoric 571-7 lib. bildings 022 . 75 sacred furniture 247 limbs 617.5 schools 707 mineral waters 663 . 6 It studios architecture 727.7 respiration physiol. 612.2163 useful 600 stone bldg materials 691.3 woman in 306 7 chem. technol. 666.8 oy u - / Arterial blood physiol. 612.113 piers and colums 721.33 ___ ii_ Arteries walls 721.23 teeth dentistry 617.69 anatomy 611.13 Artillery blood pressure 612 . 143 army department 358 . i vasomotors 612.182 gunnery mil. eng. 623.5 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Ashburton treaty 623 4 international law 341-2 973-7417 U. S. history 973 .58 926 Ashes 749 fertilizers 631.831 remo val of sanitation 628.44 927 volcanic lithology 552.22 944 27 Ashland 774 1 co. O. history 977.129 1 Wis. history 977.521 740 Ashpits OOO locomotiv boilers 62 1 . 1332 700 railway engineering 625 . 16 927 steam engineering 621.18355 700 Ashtabula 600 ~.. 1 city, O. history 977.1341 920 1 co. O. history 977.134. 481.7 'Ashuanipi co. Que. history 971.419 Asia antiquities 9*3 5 491 botany 581 . 95 891 geology 555 572.891 1 history 950 615.789 statistics 315 travels 915 553-67 N Asia Minor 620.195 1 history, modern 956 646. 19 travels " 9*5 6 695-7 Eastern ancient hist. 939 . 3 Western " tt 939-2 232 .5 Asiatic 521.27 bantams 636.58714 cholera diseases 616.932 533-6 ducks 636.59785 273.2 languages 491-495 248 eastern 495 594-9 poultry 636.585 616.38 sheep 636 . 385 5 8 3 -73 societies 490 . 6 589 is swine 636 . 485 589 23 Asinari, F. Ital. drama 852.44 636.58811 Asparagus agriculture 635.31 Asphalt, Asphaltum, see Asfalt 665.4 Asphyxia pathology 616.206 553-27 physiology 612.232 620. 196 surgery 617.18 625.85 Aspirates Eng. language 421.2 695.6 Greek " 481.2 other languages 612 .3926 Aspiration 621.18378 pneumatic therapeutics 615.815 967.2 Ass dairy 637.172 916.72 domestic animals 636. 182 966. 7 zoology 599 . 7 Artillery ordnance mil. eng. U. S. civil war Artisans biografy Artistic furniture Artists biografy Artois, France history Artotype photografy Arts and crafts trades fine biografy of grafic fine arts useful biografy of Arundel marbles Gkinscrip. 481 . 7 Aryan languages literatures races ethnology Asafetida therapeutics Asbestos economic geology engineering materials fabrics domestic econ. roofing Ascension of Christ christology right theoretic astron. Ascensions balloon aeronautics Asceticism personal relig. Ascidia zoology Ascites diseases Asclepiadeae botany Ascolichenes Ascomycetes Aseel fowls Asfalt chemic technology economic geology engineering materials pavements road engin'g roofing Ash constituents of food removers steam eng. J Ashango land history travel 'Ashanti history Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 'Assam, India history Assassination crirn. law Assassins lives Persian hist. Assault and battery law Assaults military eng. sci. Assaying Assembly legislativ rooms library bldgs school " Assent logic Assessment civil servis lib. econ. taxes Assignats Fr. finance " revolution Assignments law Assimilation of food animals man plants Assistants 954-1 343 923-4I 955 343 623.2 355-44 669 .9 328 022 . 371. 163 651 621 024.2 336-29 33 6 -44 944.04 347-7 612.39 581.133 dom. econ. 647 . 2 lib. " 023.74 Assize, courts of law 347.99 Associated press journalism 070.4312 study self education 374 . 2 Association mental faculties 153 . 2 physiologic psychology 612.8212 public order 351 . 752 Associationalism philos. 149.4 Associations bilding loan inst. 332.32 cooperation 334 . i business " 334 charitable 361 college 378 . 06 women 376.66 for supplying teachers 371 . 145 gilds 338.6 labor 331.88 library benefit 023.59 religious Y. M. C. etc. 267 see also special subject and table 2 Assurance 368 Assyria ancient history 935.2 antiquities 913.352 architecture 722.5 4 Assyrian language 492 . 19 Astacidae lobsters 595-36 Topics in black face type are subdivide!. Superior Asterales botany Asteroidea zoology Asteroids astronomy Asteropherus, M. O. Swedish drama Asthenopia accommodativ muscular Asthma diseases Astigmatism " of eye physiology Astragalocalcaneal ligam't Astragaloscaphoid " Astragalus bone Astringents external irritants Astrolabe astronomy Astrology astronomy Astronomers biografy Astronomic almanacs chronology clocks determinations geod. instruments 583 593 523 53 92 44 839.7222 maps observations maps photografy physics Astronomy descriptiv in relation to geodesy physical practical spheric theoretic Astrophysics Astrophytidae star fishes ^sturias, Spain history Asylum right of legal antiquities Asylums architecture hygiene inebriate architecture temperance sociology Asynchronous machines elec. eng. Atalanta, ship Am. rev. Atavism evolution Ataxia, locomotor diseases 617 617 616. 617, 612 . 6n. 6n. 6n. 615 522 133 520 925 529 522 526 522 524 522 524 522 521 520 523 526 521 522 522 521 523 593 946 75 76 23 75 8453 72851 72851 71871 .772 5 . i . 2 5 5 1 6 10 U4 I 340.3 725 613 725 178 362 621 973 575 616. 3 5" "5 6 3136 357 i 83 figures refer to the at the eii of this index 592 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 'Atchison co. Mo. history 977.811 Athanasian creed 238. i Atheism apologetics 239 natural theol. 211 Atheists biografy 922.91 Atheneum libraries 027 . 2 Atheneums, Dutch educ. 379.492 Athenian suprem. Gk hist. 938 . 04 Athens ancient history 938 . 5 modern " 949 ..5 travel 914.95 history 977-r97 1 co. O. Athletic clubs sports hygiene amusements hygiene interschool school hygiene training hygiene Atlanta campain U. S. civ. war 613- 796 613. 371. 37i- 613. 973- 737i U. S. warof 1812 973.5255 ship Atlantic cable, see Telegraf 1 co. N. J. history 974- ocean phys. geografy 551. travel 910. squadron U. S. civ. war 973 . U. S. war with Spain 973 . states For military history of N. or S. division or individual states, see subdivisions of Special campains, and Mil- itary history under 973.3, 973-53. 973-6. 973-7 and 973.89 telegraf communication 654. elec. eng. 621 . sociology 384 Atlantis antiquities 913. mythology 292 orig. home of man 572 . Atlanto-axial joint anat. 611. At lanto -odontoid joint " 611. Atlas vertebra " 6 1 1 . Atlases celestial astronomy 524 geografy 912 school apparatus 371. see also special topics Atlo-axoid joint anatomy 611. Atmosfere erosion 551. farm 631 . Topics in black face type are subdivided. 984 461 4 756 895 5 3828 39 4 7215 7215 7112 6791 7215 Atmosfere geologic agent ground pub. helth hight of astronomy meteorology moon pneumatics Atmosferic currents electricity engins pneumatics pressure physiology railways roads aeronautics vibrations sound 551-93 614.773 523-58 551-5 523-35 533 3 SSI-Si 537-4 533 8 533-4 612.27 625-5 629.145 534-1 tomic theory weights 541, Atomistic philosofy 182. Atoms stereochemistry 541 . theory 541 . Atonement christology 232. Atrium middle ear 611 Atrocities, see Cruelties Atrofies muscular physiology 612. of spinal cord " 612. skin diseases 616 Atropin effect on hart physiol. 612. iris mydriatics6i5 . physiol. 612. saliva " 612. materia medica 615 Attack means of comp. physiol. 612 2 6 6 2 3 854 7465 835 54 1741 784 8424 31342 336 016 57 zoology 591 military engineering 623 . 2 science 355 . 4 Attacks on laborers strikes 331-891 Attendance church 264 school 371.52 Attendants lib. economy 023 . 794 Attention physiol. psychol. 612.8212 Atterbom, P. D. A. 839 .7165 Attic domestic economy 645 . 69 middle ear 611.8545 Attica Greek ancient hist. 938.5 Attitude, constraind hyg. 613.65 Attollens muscle anat. 611.7324 37 433 Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 593 Attorneys law lives Attraction capillary liquids chemic affinity gravity magnetism of mountains geodesy sun and earth Attrahens muscle anat. Attributes of God Atwood sheep, Spanish Aubanel, J. M. Prov. poetry ^ube, France history Aubergine Aubigne", T. A. d' Fr. satire 847 Auburn prison system Auction catalogs author clast dictionary Auctions book library buying . business methods law of 'Aude, France history Audifone acoustics Auditing Audition, see Hearing Auditory acuteness physiology canal ear diseases center physiology nerv anatomy physiology path, central anatom reflexes physiology 612 subjectiv sensations " Auditus coloratus " 'Audrain co. Mo. history J Audubon co. la. history societies ' Auerbach, B. Ger. fiction Auersperg, A. A. " poetry Auger, posthole agric. Augeronne swine Augier, G. V: E. Fr. dram; *Auglaize co. O. history 'Augment Gk etymology Augsburg confession church hist, cneeds Lutheranism 284 poultry Topics in black face type are subdivided 340 Augury 133-3 923 4 Augustine mediev. philos. 189.2 Augustinian monks 271.4 532.6 Augustinism doctrins 230.14 541-39 Auk zoology 598.4 53i 5 Auricle ear diseases 617.82 538 Auricles of hart anat. 611.125 526.14 Auricular 523-33 artery, posterior anat. 611.13325 611.7324 confession ordinances 265.6 23*.4 nerv, large anat. 611.83332 636.366 valvs, fight " 611 .1266 849.145 Auriculoventricular valvs 611 . 1264 944-33 Aurora, 111. history 977-323 635.646 Auroras 523.59 847-34 Auscultation pathology 616.074 365 Austen, J. English fiction 823-74 Austerlitz Europ. hist. 940.27 018.3 French " 944.05 017-3 Austin friars 271.4 019.3 1 Austral ilands hist. 996 .2 'Australasia 993 025 .224 Australia 658 administration 354 94 347-7 botany 581.994 944.87 finance 336 94 534-7 geology 559 4 657 1 history 994 maps 912.94 schools, public 379 94 612.85871 statistics 319 4 617.83 travel 919.4 612.85872 other topics see table i 611.8318 Australian 612.8198 ballot suffrage 324-256 611 .83181 sheep 636.3684 612.8588 Austria 612.85873 administration 354 436 612.84373 antiquities 913 436 977-833 architecture 720.9436 977.7486 botany 581.9436 179-3 colleges 378.436 833-8i constitutional law 342.43 83I-77 education 370 9436 631-3113 finance 336.436 636.443 geology 554 36 842.83 1 history 943 6 977-143 laws 349 43 482.8 maps 912.436 religious history 274 36 270.6 schools, public 379 436 238.4 statistics 314 36 284.1 travel 914 36 636-538 treaties 341 2436 vided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this inde 594 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Austria zoology 591 9436 other topics see table i Austrian architecture, Romanesque 723 .43 ascendancy in Italy 945 .07 Netherl'ds 949.202 succession, war U.S. hist. 973 . 26 whites turkeys 636 . 5925 Authenticity of Scripture 220.1 Author bibliografies, individual 012 catalog lib. admin. 2 5-3 catalogs bibliografy 018 Authority church and ministerial 262.8 ethics 171.1 school 371 Authors and publishers 655 anonymous bibliografy 014 birthdays school observ. 371 5 52 365 .6 7 52 individual bibliog. 012 lives 928 rights of copyright 655 law 347 special classes bibliog. 013 wages 655 Authorship Bible 220.1 literary methods 029 . 6 Autobiografy 920 Autocracy form of state 321.6 Auto-da-fe" Span, history 946.04 " inquis. 272.2 Autodigestion of stomach 612.3234 Autoelectrolytic processes practical chemistry 542 . 8 Autografs book rarities 091 Autolysis physiol. chem. 612.015349 Automata, mechanical 791 metaphysics 127 Automatic actions of animals phys. 612.821312 checks gun mounts 623.43561 fire extinguishers 614.844 guns ordnance 623.4225 small arms 623 . 4424 pistols , " 623.4433 rifles small arms 623.4424 shaft-governor engins 621.1643 switchboards telef ony 621.3877 Automatic telefone systems 621.38575 telegraf elec. eng. 621.3824 Automobile torpedoes naval engin'g 623 . 95 Automobiles engin'g 629 . 2 Autonomy ethics 171.6 pol. sci. 320. i Autopsy pathology 616.079 Autotomy comp. physiol. 612.0161 zoology 59L57 Autotransformers eng. 621.3144 Autotypes 773 Autumnal catarrh diseases 616 . 202 'Auvergne, France hist. 944.59 sheep 636.3421 Auxiliaries, Amer. in revol. 973 . 346 *Ava, Burmah history 959.2 Avalanches phys. geology 551.31 Avaris ethics Avars history Avatars Brahmanism Aveneae grass crops Average maritime law probabilities values, alligation Averroes mediev. philos. 4 A vesta, Zend language literature religion ^veyron, France hist. sheep Aviation amusements engineering physics Avicenna mediev. philos. Aviculture Aviets aeronautics Avignon council of relig. hist. 174.5 95 294 633-286 347-7 519.6 511.8 189-3 491 52 891.52 295 944 - 74 636.3468 796 629. 17 533-6 189.3 636.6 629.179 270.5 A villa, J. de Span, letters 866.31 Avocado pear 634.653 Avoirdupois weights 389 Avon, ship U.S. war 1812 973.5255 Awnings dom. eonomy 645 . 3 ship outfit 623 . 86 Ax, grubbing 63 1 . 3 1 1 6 pruning 631.3425 Axes, position of geqdesy 526.16 Axilla anatomy 611.971 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 595 Axillary artery anatomy 611.1341 glands " 611 .4671 muscle " 611.7371 veins " 611.1454 Axis bone anatomy 611.7113 cerebrospinal " 6 1 1 . 8 u Axle physics S3 1 - 82 transmission mechanism 621.822 Axles railway engineering 625.21 A /lesbury ducks 636 . 59 7 2 1 1 Ayr, Scotland history 941.42 Ayrshire cattle 636 .2251 Azeel fowls 636.58811 Azeglio, M. d' Ital. fiction 853 . 78 Azimuth constant 522.37 determinations 526.63 instrument astronomy 522.42 Azo-bodies organ, chem. 547 .8 Azoic rocks stratigraf. geol. 551.71 Azores history 946 . 99 Azotin fertilizers 631.848 Azoxy-bodies organ, chem. 547. 8 Aztec architecture 722.9 club of 1847 369.145 history 972.014 language 497 Azygos veins anatomy 611.1456 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior Baalbec ancient history 939.42 Babies, see Infants Babism Moham. sect 297 Babrius Greek poetry 881.4 Babylon ancient history 935-4 architecture 7 2 2 S * language, cuneiform 492 . 19 religion 299.219 Baccalaureate sermons 252 . 5 colleges 378 Bacchanalia soc. customs 394-1 Bacchus mythology 292 Bachelors celibacy 176.2 Back, bursae of anatomy 611.753 Backbone anatomy 611.711 Backgammon ethics 175-5 games 795 Backsight ordnance 623.4251 Backstitching dom. econ. 646.21 BackstrOm, P. J. E. 839 .7266 Bacon, Francis British philosofers 192 . i empiricism 144 English essays 824.3 Baconian philosofy 192 . i Bacon's rebellion Va. hist. 975.5 Bacteria agriculture beneficial 631.8472 injurious 632 . 3 . botany 5 8 9-95 fermentation 663 . i theory of diseases 6 1 6.01 Bactericidal properties of blood physiology 612.118223 Bacteriology ofintestin physiology 612.3363 saliva " 612.31363 soil agriculture 631.46 stomach physiology 612.3263 pathology 6 1 6.01 4 Bactrian, Old language 491 .52 Bactriana ancient hist. 939 .64 Bad social customs hyg. 613.87 "Baddeck, N. S. history 971-693 l Baden, Germany history 943 . 46 Badges heraldry 929.8 Badminton games 796 Baffin bay travels 919.8 Bagatelle amusements 794 *Bagdad history 95 6 -7 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 596 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Bagging manufacture 677 Baggesen, Jens Dan. poetry 839.8156 'Bagot co. Que. history 971.4525 Bagpipe 788.9 Bags agriculture 63 1 . 372 1 manufacture 677 'Bahamas history 972.96 travel 917.296 Balf, J: A. de Fr. poetry 841 . 36 Fr. drama 842.32 Bail criminal law 343 Bailiffs local go v't 35 2 - 2 Baillie, Joanna Eng. drama 822 . 71 Bailments 347-4 Bain automatic telegraf 621 .38241 Bait for specimen collecting 579 .611 Bakauner swine 636.432 Baker shorthand 653.35 Bakers' occupation hygiene 613 .64 Bakewell's Leicester sheep 636.3211 Bakies, Scotch 636.528 Baking cookery 641.71 powder adulterations 614.315 chem. tech. 664.6 Bakonyer swine 636 . 432 Balance bridge engineering 624 . 35 frame cultivator 631 .3163 machines 531.81 metrology 389 of power polit. science 320.1 trade commerce 382 spring watchmaking 68 1 Balanced courses educ. 375.005 plow 631.3122 Balancers elec. eng. 621.31327 Balances, chemic 542.32 Balancing apparatus aviation 629.186 ballooning aeronautics 629.166 machinery shipbilding 623 . 87 running gear railrd eng. 625.21 Balanophoreae botany 583.947 Balanopseae " 583.961 Balbo, Cesare Ital. essays 854 . 74 Balb6a disco v. of Amer. 973.16 Balconies, sleeping furnishing dom. econ. 645.67 location 643.57 Balcony furnishings 645 . 8 Baldi, Bernardino It. poet. 851.47 i Baldness dermatology 616.54 Bale, J : English drama 822 . 23 Balearic Islands history 946 . 7 Balers 631.3632 Baling 631.5642 ^alize history 972.82 travels 917.282 Balkan states history 949-6 Ball and socket joint anat. 611.72963 bearings engineering 621.822 strength 620.11284 playing amusements 797 school hygiene 371.74 Ballads Danish poetry 839.8112 5 English literature 821.04 song books 398.8 Swedish poetry 83 9 . 7 r 1 4 vocal music 784 . 3 | Ballast railway engin'g 625.14 transportation 656 Bailers 631.3361 Ballet amusements 792 ethics *75- 2 Ballistics exterior mil. engin'g 623 . 54 interior " " 623 . 53 Balloon sonde aeronautics 629.151 Ballooning aeronautics 629.15 military 623 . 741 physics 533 . 6 Ballot suffrage 324 . 25 Balloting legislativ procedure 328 . 375 see also distinctiv name Ballots count of suffrage 324.261 miscount of " 324.275 Ballroom furnishings 645 . 69 Ball's Bluff , Va. U. S. hist. 973 . 7318 Balls dancing 793 domestic economy 642 . 43 ethics 175.3 projectils ordnance 623.45111 small arms 623.4551 Balm garden crop 635 . 73 Balms field " 633.816 Baltic provinces, Rus. hist. 947.4 sea phys. geog. 551.461 travels 914.74 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 597 'Baltimore city history 975 travels 917 Md. history 975 973 958 729 Fr. fiction riot U. S. civil war 'Baluchistan history Balustrades arch, design Balzac, H. de Bamboo fibers Bambuseae grass crops Bampton holts sheep lectures Banana agriculture See also distinguishing name Band irons plumbing saws machine tools Bandages surgery therapeutics Bandello, Matteo Ital. fie. Banditti biografy law 'Banff, Scotland hist. 'Bangkok history travel Bangorian controversy Banishment crim. law Banjo Bank note engraving notes counterfiting money of England economics the U.S. U.S. national U.S. hist. Bankers biografy Banking Bankrupt laws Bankruptcy Banks and banking law architecture cooperativ cooperation political economy savings banking state control Banners heraldry 929. sacred ornam'ts 247. Banquets domestic economy social customs student life Bantams Banting dietetics 843 633 633 636 239 634 696 621 6i5 853 923 343 941 959 915 283 343 787 768 332. 332. 332. 332. 973- 923 332. 347- 347- 347- 725- 334- 332. 332. 35i- 26 526 2 7i 73I3 .8 .39 73 587 289 3217 .01 772 7 93 93 813 32 4i 24 3 93 42 2 7 9 5 15 11 41 3 1 7 7 7 24 2 I 2 825 642. 394 . 3 7 1 . 636. 613. 45 1 89 5871 24 Banville, T.F. de Fr. poet 841 Baptism of infants 265 sacrament 265 Baptismal fonts sacred furniture 247 regeneration salvation 234 Baptisms registers of 929 Baptistery sac. furniture 247 Baptists 286 biografy 922 persecution by Puritans 272 Bar association 347 keeper's manuals legal biografy tending ethics 'Baraga co. Mich, history Barb horse 83 i 1 pigeon 'Barbados 663 340 923 178 977 636 . 636. 972 917. 634- history travels gooseberry Barbarians antiquities see country invasion of Rome 937. N. American Indians 970 . prehistoric archeology 571 S. American indians 980 war customs 399 Barbarins sheep 636 . Barbarism vs church 261 . Barbarisms Eng. lang. 428. other languages Barbarities, see Cruelty 'Barbary States history 961 wars U.S. hist. 973. Barbd wire manufacture 672 Barberini vase pottery 738 Barberino, F. da Ital. fie. 853. Barberry 634 . Barbers 39* - Barbet armor shipbilding 623 . mounts ordnance 623 . Barbzieux poultry 636 . Barbier, H.A. Fr. satire 847. Barbizon school painting 759. Barbour, J : Eng. poetry 821. 'Barbour co. W. Va. hist. 975. 'Barcelona history 946 . travel 914. Barclay, A. Eng. satire 827. 4 4 497 1 1 59614 98 298 7757 09 i 3469 .3 .3 47 12 746 -5 . 9 4332 544 72 4 16 459 7 67 21 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 593 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Bards and minstrels Barthe'lemy, A.M. Fr. sat. 847.71 English literature 82 1 Bartholin, Kaspar Dan. lit. 839.883 French 841 T: 839.883 German 83 1 Bartholini's glands anat. 611.677 other literatures phys. 612 .494 Bare wire elec. engin'g 621.31932 Bartholomew Barebones parliament 942.064 1 co. Ind. history 977.224 Baretti, G. Ital. satire 857.65 fair public customs 394-6 Barges shipbilding 623 . 829 St religious persecu. 272.4 Barium inorganic chem. 546 . 43 Bartoli, D. Italian essays 854 . 53 Bark grafting 631.54136 1 Barton co. Mo. history 977.871 Barley agriculture 633 . 1 6 Baruch Apocrypha 22 9-5 brewing 663 . 3 4 Bas Breton language 491.68 Barlow, Joel Am. poetry 811.23 Basalt geology 552.28 Barnacles zoology 595-35 Bascule bridges engin'g 624 . 82 Barns agriculture 631.22 Base architecture 728.95 line geodesy 526.24 ^arnstable co. Mass. hist. 974 . 49 mesures, adjust, of geod. 526.57 ^aroda, India history 954-7 mesuring " 526 . 2 Barometer pneumatics 533 . 4 Baseball amusements 797 Barometric school hygiene 371 . 74 leveling geodesy 526.37 Bases pressure mesology 612.01441 library furniture 022.915 physiol. effects 612 . 27 qualitativ analysis 544 . 12 respiration 612.2232 theoretic chemistry 5 41. 4 Barometry hypsometry 551.53 wage political econ. 331.23 meteorology 551.54 walls 721.25 Baron, M.B. Fr. drama 842.48 Bashan ancient history 939.46 Baronage heraldry 929 . 7 Bashfulness ethics J 79-9 Baronetage " 929 . 7 Basidiolichenes botany 589.11 Barons war Eng. hist. 942.034 Basidiomycetes " 589.22 Baroque style ' architec. 724.19 Basilar Barracks architecture 725.18 arteries anatomy 6n . 1349 hygiene 613.67 phalanges of foot " 611.71891 military eng. 623.612 i hand " 611 . 71791 Barrages engin'g 627.1 Basilic veins " 611.145462 Barrel organs music 789.9 Basilica architecture 726.5 Barrels agriculture 631.5644 Roman antiqui. 913.37 manufacture 674 Basilican code law 349-37 Barricade military eng. 623.15 ^asilicata, Italy history 945.77 Barrier forts military eng. 623.134 Basilisk legends 398.2 Barriers elec. engineering 621.3177 zoology 598.11 Barrili, A.G. Ital. fiction 853 . 82 Basin ; Barron co. Wis. history 977.518 docks shipbilding 623 . 83 Barrows, British archeol. 571.92 Basins hand 631.3721 catch sewers 628.255 shorthand 653.73 filter waterworks 628.16 ^arry co. Mich, history 977.416 physical geograf y 5 5 1 . 43 1 Mo. " 977-876 Basis pedunculi anat. 611.81542 Bars harbor engineering 627.1 Basket ball games 796 strength of materials 620.11282 fibers 633.58 Barter commerce 380 Basketry zootechny 636.08113 elementary education 372.55 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 599 Basketry manufactures ornamental prehistoric Baskets balloon aeronautics packing agric. appliances " transport " 'Basle history travel Basque 4 language 5 literature 1 provinces history sheep 1 Basra history Bas-relief sculpture Bass fishing zoology Bass clarinet wind instrum. horn " Basses 1 Alpes, France history 1 Pyre"ne"es " " Bassethorn music Bassoon " Bastardy law Bastile prisons French history Bastions fortifications Batata 'Batavia history travel Batavia system educa. 'Bates co. Mo. history Bath, order of the heraldry Bathing customs domestic economy hygiene school hygiene suits dom. econ. Bathroom furnishings location Baths admin, of medicin by antipyretics antiquities Greek Roman architecture hydrotherapy hygiene nutritiv hygiene 674 745 571-53 629.162 631.5644 631.3644 63I-373I 949-4 914.94 491 . 69 891.69 946.6 636.3461 956.7 736 799 597-5 788.6 788.48 944-95 944-79 788.6 788.8 347-6 365 944.041 623 . 116 635.22 992 .2 919 .22 37!-394 977- 8 43 929.71 391.6 646.7 613.41 371-735 646.47 645-68 615-67 615-75 9 J 3-3 8 9I3-37 7 2 5-73 615-853 613.41 613.23 612 .541 542.4 583-916 567.6 597 6 599-4 355-31 356 623.23 621.354 537 86 623.9 623.4 621.354 Baths physiologic effects practical chemistry Batideae botany Batrachia paleontology zoology Bats Battalion mil. science drill " tactics Batteries advancing siege works electric engineering physics floating naval eng. military mil. " storage elec. " Battering ram war customs 399 Battery carriages ordnance 6 2 3 . 43 1 6 tools mil. engin'g 623.461 'Battle Creek, Mich. hist. 977.422 Battle paintings 756 wager of legal antiq. 340.3 Battledoor outdoor sports 796 Battleflag day U.S.civ.war 973 . 763 Battles Great war 1914-19 940 42 land military science 355.48 naval naval " 359 U. S. history civil war 973 . 73 Mex. " 973 623 revolution 973-33 Span, war 973.893 war of 1812973.523 see also hist, of other countries Battleships shipbilding 623 . 825 Baude, Henri Fr. poetry Baudot printing telegraf Bauxite econ. geology metallurgy history travels history travels 1 Rhenish history travels 1 Upper history travels Bavarian swine sheep Bay 1 City, Mich. history 'Bavaria 1 Lower 841 .24 621.38255 553-49 669.7 943-3 914 33 943-35 914-335 943-43 9U-343 636.431 636.3333 977-447 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 6oo DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Bay 1 co. Mich. history of Bengal phys. geog. windows architec. design Bayeux tapestry decoration 746 ^ayfield co. Wis. hist. Bayonet drill mil. science hoe military efficiency wepons Bays hydrografy Beaches, formation of Beacons navigation river engin'g Beaconsfield Eng. fict. Beads archeology blowpiping prac. chem decoration devotional ornaments Beadwork Beagle expedition Beakers prac. chem. Beam and scales metrology side-lever engins Beams bilding iron bridgebilding strength of materials strengthend carpentry wood bridgebilding Bean family fruit culture harvesters shellers Beans field crops garden " . gathering Bearbaiting customs Beards " Bearings engineering steam turbin design 'Beam, France history B6arnaise sheep swine Beasts agriculture zoology Beatitudes Gospels Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 'Beauce co. Que. history 971.471 977-447 'Beauharnois co. Que. " 971.432 55I-467 Beaumarchais - Fr. drama 842.58 729-38 Beaumont, F. Eng. drama 822.35 746 5 Beauties, select'ns Eng. lit. 828 977-5*3 Beauty esthetics 701 personal " 701 356 Beaux social ethics 177-6 631-3151 1 Beaver co. Pa. history 974.892 623.4443 Beaver animals 599-3 399 Beccaria, C. B. Ital. essays 854 . 65 526.99 Beccuti, Francesco" satire 857.42 55I-36 'Bechuanaland history 968 . 9 656 travels 916.89 627.9 Becquerel rays chemistry 541.38 823.86 mesology 612.014482 Bed 571-74 room furnishings 645 .67 542.52 . wagon aid to injured 614.883 746 warmers 644.19 247.9 Bedbugs animal parasites 616.9681 391-7 household pests 648 . 7 746 zoology 595 . 75 508.3 Bedding domestic econ. 645.67 542.231 hygiene 613.591 zootechny 636:0832 389 Bedford co. England history942 . 56 621 . 1222 Pa. " 974-871 Bedouin sheep 636 . 385 694 Bedouins 624 . 22 Arabian history 953 620 . 11282 travel among 9 1 5 . 3 6 94-3 Beds 624.222 domestic economy 645.67 hygiene 613.591 634.46 Beecher, H : W. Am. orat'y 815.36 63I-3563 Beef 631.3614 cattle Belgian 636 . 242 633 3 Dutch 636 .232 635 65 English 636 . 222 63I-5563 French 636 . 242 394-2 German 636 . 232 391-5 Swiss 636 .232 cure therapeutics 615.854 621 .822 food 641.3 621. 16539 production agriculture 636.2 944-79 economics 338.1 636.3462 Bee-keeping 638 . i 636.445 Beer adulterations 614.344 636 analysis, chemic 543 . i 599 drinking ethics 178.1 226. 2 manufacture 663 . 4 RELATIV INDEX 601 Bees culture 638 . i insects 595-79 pests 632 . 79 wax agriculture 638 . 1 Beet lifters 631.3584 sugar chem. technol. 664.1 Beethoven's overtures 785.5 sonatas piano music 786.41 symphonies orches. " 785 . i Beetles insects 59 5 .76 paleontology 565.76 pests agriculture 632 . 76 Beets, N. Dutch essays 839.3454 Beets garden crops 635 . 1 1 field crops 633.41 See also distinguishing name zootechny 636.08641 Beggar weed 633 . 365 Beggars charity 1 7 7 . 7 pauperism 339 Begging pub. administra. 351 . 763 Begoniaceae botany 583.468 Behaim, M. disc, of Am. 973.11 Behavior 177 Beheading punishments 343-2 Behemoth Bible 220 . 859 folklore 398 . 4 Behistun inscription 492.1917 Behn, Aphra Eng. fiction 823 . 44 Behring, see Bering Being, nature of ontology 1 1 1 Beispiele German satire 837.21 Bel and the dragon Apocr. 229.6 Bel book and candle church 262 .9 glasses forcing 631.5441 protection 631.3441 ringing 7 89 .5 system education 371.41 shorthand 653.42 Belcari, F. Ital. drama 852.21 Belfast history 941.61 travels 914.161 'Belfort, France history 944.45 Belgian cattle 636.24 draft horse 636.1548 1 Kongo history 967.5 poultry 636.548 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior Belgium administration 354-493 antiquities architecture botany colleges 9 J 3-493 720.9493 581.9493 378.493 constitution, law 342.493 education 370.9493 finance 336.493 geology 554-93 1 history 949 . 3 laws 349.493 maps 912.493 religious history 2 74 . 93 schools, public 379-493 statistics 314.93 travel 914.93 treaties 341.2493 zoology 591.9493 other topics see table i Belief salvation 234 theory of knowl. 121 'Belize history 972.82 travels 917.282 'Belknap co. N. H. hist. 974.24 Bell, see Bel Belladonna cerebrospinal poisons 615.98 mydriatics 615.784 Bellamy, J. Dutch poetry 839.3146 Belleau, Remy Fr. " 841.33 ^ellechasse co. Que. history 971 .473 Belles-lettres 800 Belleville, 111. history 977.389 Belligerents, rights of 34* -3 Bellman, K:M. Swed. poet. 839. 7151 Bellows prac. chem. 542.53 Bells, see Bels Bell's respiratory nerv 611 . 83336 Belmont battle U. S. civil war 973 . 75 1 i co. O. history 977 .193 'Beloit, Wis. history 977 .588 1 Beloochistan 958-8 Bels diving hydraulic eng. 627 domestic economy 643 . 6 manufacture 673 music 789 . 5 signals 654.7 Belt conveyers mech. eng. 62 1 . 8675 courses walls 721.25 equatorial 525.14 waterline shipbilding 623.9 Belted cattle 636.2354 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 602 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Belting mech. eng. 621.852 Belts domestic economy 646.48 of Jupiter descr. astron. 523.45 Bembo, Pietro Ital. poetry 851.31 Bemis Heights Amer. rev. 973.3333 Benares history 954 . 2 travel 915.42 Bench and bar biografy 923 . 4 Benches cutting agriculture 631.335 school 371.631 Benches school 371.631 Bending machines 621.982 Bends hydraulics 532 .55 Benedetti, F. Ital. drama 852.67 Benedictine monks 271.1 Benediction 264 . 9 Benedictus sacred music 783.22 Benedix, J. R. Ger. drama 832 .Si Benefactors biografy 923 . 6 Beneficence ethics 1 7 7 . 7 Benefices cleric support 254 Benefit of clergy legal antiq. 340.3 societies insurance 368 Benevolence ethics J 77-7 Benevolent institutions 361 societies 361 parish work 256 Bengal bay of phys. geografy 551.467 1 India history 954 -i 'Bengali language 491.44 Bengel burners prac. chem. 542.44 'Benguela history 967.3 Benivieni, G. Ital. poetry 851.25. Bennington, Vt. battle 973-3332 co. Vt. hist. 974.38 Benserade, I. de Fr. satire 847.44 Bent grass agriculture 633 . 23 'Benton co. Ind. history 977.297 la. " 977-76i Mo. 977.839 Benzenes organ, chem. 547.26 'Benzie co. Mich. hist. 977.463 Benzoin perfume plants 633.816 Benzole light chem. tech. 665.7 Beowulf Anglo-Sax, poet. 829.3 Bequests law 347-6 library 021.94 Beranger, P. Jl de Fr. poet. 841 . 71 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior Berber sheep 636 Berberideae botany 583 Berbers description 916 Berceo, G. de Span, poetry 86 1 Berchet, G. Italian " 851 Bereft charities 362 . Bergamot perfume plants 633 . lime fruits 634 . 1 Bergen, Norway hist. 948 co. N. J. " 974 Bergh, H. van den 839 Bergklint, O. Swed. poetry 839 Bergman, T. O. " misc. 839 386 117 i I 3 7* 6 8i3 342 3 921 Bergmasker sheep Bergschlag swine Bering sea arbitration treaty strait ' travel Berkeley, G : 636 636 U.S.hist. 973 973 917 Brit, philos. 192 idealism 141 'Berkeley city, Cal. history 979 1 co. W. Va. hist. 975 ^erks co. England history 942 1 Pa. 974 'Berkshire co. Mass. hist. 974 Berkshire Knot sheep 636 swine, black 636 red 636 Berlier sewerage system 628, J Berlin history 943 , travels 914 congress internat. law 341 . decree 341 . Bermuda grass forage crops 633 . Hundred U. S history 973 . history 972 . travel 917. Swedish hist. 948. Bernardines monastic ord. 271. Bernart de Ventadorn Provencal poetry 849 . 'Berne history 949 . travels 914. Bernese cattle 636 . Berni, F. Italian satire 857. Beroalde de Verville, F. French fiction 843 . Berrichonne sheep 636 . 'Bermudas Bernadotte ^errien co. Mich. Berries fruits 1 Berry, France history 977 634 history 944 7M7 7848 35 432 .86 ,- 9 8 3 .467 497 .29 .816 4i 3232 4261 4263 215 I 3 261 7365 99 299 07 79 125 4 94 2373 3 2 36 3441 411 7 55 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 603 Berseem forage crops 633 . 32 Bersezio, V. Ital. drama 852.81 'Berthier co. Que. history 971.443 Bertillon system anthropol. 5 73 . 6 Berwick, Scotland history 941 .45 Beryllium inorgan. chem. 546.45 Beskow, B. von Swed. lit. 839.7262 Bessel's base mesuring apparatus 526.22 deduction L. M. Z. formu.526.47 determ. of earth's figure 526.15 functions 5J7-35 Bessemer process metallurgy 669 . i steel engin'g materials 620.17 Best reading 028 Betel botany 583.925 narcotics 613.85 Bethel ch. Va. U.S. civ. war 973 . 7313 Beton chemic technology 666 . 8 construction masonry 693 . 5 engineering materials 620 . 13 Betrothal customs 392.4 Betterments law 347 .2 Bettinelli, S. Ital. essays 854.61 Betting ethics I 75-9 news journalism 070.446 lib. econ. 024. 58 Beverages adulterations 614.34 alcoholic hygiene 613.81 temperance 178 hygiene 613 . 3 manufacture 663 recipes 641.87 water hygiene 613.31 Beyle, M. H. French fiction 843 . 71 Bdzique amusements 795 Bezoar stones medicin 615.89 Bhagavat Ghita Bhains cattle 'Bhotan, India Bible and science antiquities classes Sans. lit. 891 . 2 636.293 history 954-1 220 apologetics 239.8 220 . Jewish 913. Sunday schools 268 Y. M. C. A. 267. cyclopedias dictionaries geografy anc. geog. 220 220 220 911 93 33 3S 2 3 3 3 9 1 33 I Bible history 220.95 Jewish history 933 in public schools educ. 377.1 legends of 398- r revision English 220.52 societies 206 Bibliofiles biografy 920 . i Bibliofily oio . Bibliografers biografy 920 . i Bibliografies general on Bibliografy oio national 015 of special authors 012 subjects 016 Bibliomania bibliografy oio Bicameral legislature 328 . 392 Biceps brachii anat. 611.73721 femoris " 611.73827 Bicuspid valvs anat. 611.12642 Bicycle amusements 796 manufacture 629 . 2 rinks architecture 725.86 room lib. bildings 022.687 Bids bilding 692.4 Biehl, C. D. Dan. drama 839.8251 Biennial legislation 328.353 Big Bethel, Va. battle 973 . 73 13 Bigamy ethics J 73- 2 law 343 Bigelow's ligament anat. 611.7282 Bignoniaceae botany 583.84 Bigotry ethics i?9-8 Bijns, Anna Dutch poetry 839.3122 Bil hook agriculture 63 1 . 3424 Bilderdijk, Wil. " 839.3151 Bilding 690 accidents inter, affairs 351.781 accounts, supervision of 692 . 7 architecture 720 associations coopera. 334 -i loan insti. 332 .32 construction history of 690 . 9 contracts 692 . 9 laws, bilding 692.9 protection of life 614.85 rent of land for 333 . 6 stones econ. geol. 553 . 5 materials 691.2 Bildings buttermaking 637.231 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 604 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Bildings dairy 637.131 farm 631.2 hight of public helth 614.784 inspection of 614.85 library 022 architecture 727.8 lib. admin. 025.9 military engineering 623.6 out architecture 728.9 public 725 local government 352 . 5 transit astronomy 522.13 Y. M. C. A. 267.32 architecture 726.9 zootechny 636.0831 Bile ducts absorption in 612.35772 anatomy 611.361 obliteration of 612.35765 physiology 612.3577 effect of pancreatic juice 612. 34251 physiology 612.357 therapeutics 6 1 5 . 742 with gastric juice Biliary acids physiology calculi " surgery physiology physi. 612 .3226 excretion fistulas pigment in urin salts " secretion animals secretion man substances, abnormal Bilious fever diseases Biliousness " Bill hook agriculture of exchange banking law rights English Billiard room furnishings library bldgs saloons architecture Billiards ethics game 612.35764 6i7-43 612.3577 612.35711 612.35713 physi. 612.46667 612.35715 591.148 612.3573 612.35769 616.36 616.36 63I-3424 332-45 347-7 342.429 645.69 022 .664 725-84 175-4 794 Billings, Josh Am. humor 817.46 Billon coins and coinage 332.41 Bills and notes law Bills checking lib. e< legislativ before ] passage procedure of credit law mortality s I sale law Bilt-up guns Bimana mammals Bimetallism Binary stars vapor engms Binaural hearing Binders agriculture 63 1 library employees 023 temporary lib. fittings 025 Binding book library 025 mechanic trades 686 publishers' 655 rare 095 posts elec. eng. 621 1 Binghamton, N. Y. hist. 974 Binocular vision optics 535 physiology . 612 Binomial theorem algebra 512 :on. 025.234 >assage 328.374 328.375 re 328.373 347-7 tistics 312 b. helth 614. 12 r 347-3 623 .4216 s 599-9 ige 332.42 onomy 523-84 I 621 .44 physiol. 612.85875 Biogenesis Biografic sermons zoology 3541 771 7 53 3526 776 7 8462 4 16 biografy homiletics Biografy New testament of educators 920 252 920 225. 923 of gipsies indians pirates slaves hist, of educ. 370 397 970 923 326 Old testament 221 scriptural 220 Biologic laboratories archi-727 Biology 570 Biometry life insurance 368 Bion Greek lyric poetry 884 Biondi, L. Ital. drama 852 Bionomics 575 Bioplasm 576 Biplanes aeronautics 629 . Birch-Pfeiffer, C. Ger. dram. 832 , Bird day, school 371 , 92 7 .92 . 2 41 .92 92 92 5 -3 7 .66 3 . 2 174 74 365 347-7 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 605 Birds agricultural aids pests cage domestic pets diseases of egs oology flight aerodynamics comp. physiology migration game sports nests 'of zoology paleontology poultry protection Birmingham, Eng. history travels Birth customs growth after physiol. marks obstetrics rates public helth Birthday customs Birthdays, public schools Births registers of registration pub. helth statistics Bischarin sheep Bishop shorthand Bishops ecclesiastic polity in legislativ bodies lives of Bismuth drugs digestiv system external agents inorganic chemistry Bismuthides mineralogy Bison cattle hunting zoology Bissell bogies railway eng. Bisticci, V. da Ital. essays Bithynia anc. history 'Bitlis history Bitters aids to digestion vegetable drugs Bitumen economic geol. Bituminous coal shale Bivalvs paleontology zoology Bixineae botany Bj5rnson, B. Norweg. fie. Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 598.2 Black 632.96 art magic 133 . 4 632.698 boards school fittings 371.631 636.686 cap raspberry 63 4 . 7 1 1 2 619.6 Cayuga duck 636 . 59782 598.2 currant 634 . 723 629 . 142 See also distinguishing name 612.768 deth plague 614.49 591-52 draft horse 636 . 1 523 799 duck, big 636.59782 598.2 1 Forest, Germany hist. 943.48 568.2 trav. 914.348 636-5 friars Dominicans 271.2 179-3 Hawk war U. S. hist. 973.562 942.48 hills, S. Dak. geology 557 -83 9i4- 248 1 history 978.3 paleon. 560.9783 392.1 travel 9 1 7 . 83 6i2 .65 hole, Calcutta 954 -i 617.3 huckleberry 634 . 732 618.2 medic 633.31 614. ii monks Augustinians 271.4 392.1 Benedictines 271 . i 371-365 Norfolk turkey 636 . 5927 raspberries 634 .713 929-3 salsify 635.166 614. ii sea travels 914.77 312 Spanish fowls ' 636 . 563 636.386 swine, English 636.421 653-74 turkey 636.5927 walnut 634.512 2 62 3 Welsh cattle 636 . 2236 328.3324 Blackberry 634.713 922 Blackfaced sheep 636.3252 1 Blackford co. Ind. hist. 977.268 6i5-735 trav. 917.7268 615.776 ^lackhawk co. la. hist. 977-737 546.87 Blacking chem. technol. 667.8 549-3 Blacklisting 636.292 labor strikes 331 .894 799 Blackmail law 343 599-7 legislativ abuses 328 . 367 625.21 journalism 070.16 854-23 Blacksmithing 682 939-25 Blad apple 634.7757 956-6 Bladder anatomy 611.621 6J5-734I diseases 616.62 6i5-337 ph ysiology 612.4671 553-24 air comp. anat. 611.29 553 - 2 4 physiology 612.767 564.1 gall anat. 611.366 594-1 physiology 612.35771 583-138 swimming comp. anat. 611.29 839.8367 phys. 612.767 6o6 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Bladensburg U.S. war 1812 973 . 5238 Blocks, patent printing 655.22 1 Blair co. Pa. history 974.875 reinforced roads 625.87 Blanc, Mont travels 914.449 Blood Blanche. A: T. Swed. dram. 839 . 7263 changes in respiration 612.23 Bland silver act U.S. hist. 973 . 83 diseases 616.15 Blanket ballot suffrage 324 . 254 examination 616 .076 Blankets zootechny 636.08361 fertilizers 631-845 Blanks laborsavers 029 . 2 histology 611 .0185 library 025.121 letting therapeutics 615.811 for special purpose see subject making physiology 612 . 119 Blasphemy ethics 179-5 muscular irritability 612'. 7416 law 343 physiology 612. i Blast poisoning diseases 616.94 furnace engin'g works 621.76 leucocytes 612 . 1126 metallurgy 669 . 8 red corpus. 612 .1114 prac. chem. 542 .42 pressure physiol. 612.14 Blasting agriculture 631.513 purification " 612.23 mining eng. 622 . 23 serum, albuminoids of 612 .39812 submarine 622.23 sugar of physiol. 612.35212 Blastopore embryology 611.01334 transfusion 612 . 1163 Blastula 611.013314 therapeutics 615-65 Blazonry heraldry 929.8 vessels anatomy 611 .1 Bleachers' occupation hyg. 613 .62 embryology 611 .01368 Bleaching 667.1 sympath. syst. 612 . 899 Bleeding therapeutics 615.811 zoology 59I.II wounds 617.14 Bloody assizes Eng. hist. 942.067 Blemishes domestic animals 636 .08115 Bloomer costume 391 . 2 Blicher, S. S. Danish fie. 839.8362 'Bloomington, 111. history 977-359 Blights agriculture 632 Blowing engins 621.6 bacteria 589.95 Blowout valvs steam eng. 621 . 18479 Blind Blowpipe asylums architecture 725.54 apparatus 542.5 sociology 362.4 Blowpiping education of 371.911 mineralogy 549-1 libraries for 027.6 qualitativ analysis 544-3 observat'n of congenitally 612. 843 75 quantitativ " 545-4 printing for 655.38 rock analysis chem. 543 6 schools " 371.911 Blue Blindage mil. eng. 623.24 Andalusian fowls 636.564 Blind-def education 37i-9 I 3 books lists of officers 351.2 Blindness 617.7 parliamentary 328.42 Blinds arch, construe. 721.87 United States 328.73 Blisters therapeutics 615.774 glass .therapeutics 6 i 5 . 83 i Blizzards . meteorology 551-55 grass 633-21 Block books 092 gray cattle 636.2232 1 Island, R. I. hist. 974.58 language univ. lang. 408.9 trav. 917.458 laws Connecticut 345-22 pavement reinforced 625 . 87 prints photografy 771 stone 625 . 82 Swedish duck 636.59723 wood 625.83 tangleberry 634.73I vote suffrage 324 . 222 vegetable dyes 633.862 Blockade internal, law 341-3 Blueberry 634-73 U. S. civ. war 973.758 See also distinguishing name Topics in black face type ate subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 607 Bluing laundry process 648 . 2 7 supplies 648. 1 8 Blumauer, Aloys Ger. sat. 837.62 Blunderbus firearms 623 Blunders 3 Board of helth Eng. language 428 other languages 44i 3 trade reports Boarding schools etiquet city gov't medicin reports of sanitary eng. architecture 395 352.4 614 614.09 628 7 2 5-2; 38i architec. 727 .2 educa. Boards Boat bilding bridges houses racing timber engineering architecture ethics school hygiene amusements 373-2 674 623.8 624.87 725-87 175-7 371-75 797 623.8 725-34 839 58 8166 Boating Boats life, see Life boats shipbilding wharf architecture see also qualifying words Boccaccio, Giov. Ital. fie. 853.15 Bodel, Jean French dram. 842 . 13 Bodenstedt, F ; M. Ger. lit. 83 1 . 84 Bode 's law astronomy 523.21 Bodily strength athletics 613.72 Bodleian library 02 7 . 742 Bodmer, J ; J. Ger. poetry 83 1 Bodtcher, L. Dan. poetry Body and mind care of hygiene nursery school hygiene clenliness of hygiene congenital defects development childstudy 136.71 physiol. mental influence cures mesurements of natural and spiritual symmetry of art anat. temperature of physiol. training of hygiene weight anthropometry 130 613 649 37i 613 4 613.91 4 73 612.6 615.851 573-6 233-5 743 612.56 6i3-73 573-6 Boendale, J. van Dig;, misc. 839 . 381 Bceotia ancient history Boer war Boers history Boethius Provencal poet'y Bog iron ore Bogies folklore railway engin'g 'Bohemia history travel Bohemian brethren sects Bohemian fowls 4 language 5 literature Bohemianism customs Bohlen lectures Bohme medieval philos. Boileau-Despreaux, N. Boiler accidents pub. helth steam eng. construction economy steam eng. explosions " " fuels houses " " inspection pub. helth steam eng. management " " plants " " setting steam eng. shop engin'g works Boilers insurance locomotiv portable engin traction engin Boiling cookery heat points ' chemistry practical chemistry Boils diseases Bojardo, M. Ital. poetry Boker, G: H. Am. drama Bokhara history sheep Bolak universal lang. 'Bolivia history Bollandists mon. orders Bolle ram hydraulic mach. 'Bellinger co. Mo. history 'Bologna history travels 93 8 -4 968.2 968 849 .in 553-3 398.4 625.21 943-71 914-371 284-3 636.537 491.86 891.86 394 239.04 189.5 847.46 614.837 621.1947 621.1845 621 . 18413 621 . 1947 621.1822 621 . 192 614.837 621 . 1947 621 . 194 621 . 19 621 . 18456 621 . 792 621 . 184 368.7 621.133 621.153 621.143 641.73 536.44 541.36 542.48 616.52 851.22 812.33 958.6 636.385 408.9 984 27I-5 621 .272 977.894 945-4 9*4-54 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Bolometer thermometry Bolshevism Rus. hist, sociology Bolting pol. parties Bolts machinery strength of materials track railway engin'g Bombardon wind instr. Bombards ordnance 'Bombay, India history travel Bombs dynamite chem. tech. military engineering Bon Homme Richard Bonaparte Joseph in Spain Napoleon consulate empire *Bonaventureco. Que. history 971 Bonbons cookery Bond co. 111. history Bondage slavery Bonded warehouses arch. Bonding elec. engineering Bonds and stocks civil trials criminal law finance insurance of municipal of brick work masonry stone " public schools Bone boiling air pollution caves prehist. archeol. chemic composition engineering materials fertilizers histology implements archeology Bones descriptiv anatomy diseases of human anatomy musical instruments of ear anatomy paleontology physiology skeleton of animal Bonghi, R. Italian essays Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 536.51 Bonn conference rel. hist. 284.8 347 08 Bonnets costume 39 r -4 335 toilet 646 . 54 3 2 9 Bonus efficiency pol. econ. 331.225 621.882 Book 620. 11287 auction catalogs author 018.3 625-15 clast 017.3 788.8 dict'ry 019.3 623 .4211 auctions 655.56 954-7 binding see Binding 9I5.47 buying lib. administrat. 025.22 cases library bildings 022 . 4 662 .2 private libraries 645 . 63 623.45112 catalogs author 018 973-355 clast 017 dictionary 019 946 .06 publishers 015 944.046 subject 017 944-05 clubs self -culture 374.22 971.478 collecting 025 . 2 641.85 collectors biograf y 920 . i 977.387 fees library economy 024.22 326 furniture, special 022.93 725-14 holders lib. fittings 022.934 621.3334 office equip. 651 illustration 33 2 .6 inserted plates 096 347-91 printing 655.32 343 publishing 655.53 336.31 library 025.114 368.8 lifts library econ. 022 . 945 332.5 making typografy 655 693.21 numbers lib. admin. 025.8 693.11 of common prayer episc. 264.03 379-13 ownership rarities 097 plates library economy 025.253 614.742 rarities 097 571.81 theft by readers 024.83 612.751 rarities 090 620 . 199 rejection lib. economy 025 .217 631-852 stacks library bldgs 022 . 43 611 .01841 thefts abuses 024.86 57L52 trade business . 655 . 5 history 655 . 4 591-79 trucks lib. economy 022.942 616. 71 . wagon " " 021.65 611 .71 worm " " 025.8 789.4 Bookkeeping 611.857 accounts 657 566 agriculture 631.16 612.75 buttermaking 637.216 591-49 cheesemaking 637 . 3 1 6 854-82 dairies 637.116 RELATIV INDEX 609 Bookkeeping Boone co. library 025.114 1 la. history 977-754 stockf arming 636.0816 1 Mo. " 977.829 Bookmarks laborsavers 029 . 2 1 W. Va. " 975-439 Books Boosters elec. eng. 621.31328 and reading, prof 'ships of 028.6 Bootmaking 685 bibliografy oio Boots, tight hygiene 613.484 censorship lib. rejection 025.217 Booty law 34* -3 " re striction 024.674 Boragineae botany 583.77 prohibition 098 Borates mineralogy 549 . 73 chaind lib. econ. 025.8 Borch, Ole Dan. misc. 839.883 classification of lib. econ. 025.4 1 Bordeaux history 944 . 7 1 cleaning " admin. 025. 7 travels 914.471 commonplace " econ. 029.4 Border ballads, Scottish condemd to be burnt 098 Eng. poetry 82 1 enemies of lib. economy 025.8 ruffians Kan. hist. 978.1 extra special privileges 024.71 U.S. - 973.66 guides to selection 028 Bording, Anders Dan. poet. 839 .8132 library economy 020 Bore, gun ordnance 623.4235 lists of best subj. bib. 016 Borecole 635.346 mending " admin. 025.7 B orer , pesthole 63 1 . 3 1 1 3 new, for rent lib. econ. 024.78 Borers agric. pests 632 . 76 library bookbuying 025-221 Bores social ethics 177 number borrowable 024 . 61 Borghini, V. Ital. essays 854.43 of prints 769 Boring machinery 62 1 . 945 old lib. bookbuying 025.223 min. eng. 622 . 24 prayer 264 BOrjesson, J. Swed. dram. 839.7261 preservation of lib. econ. 025 . 9 Bork, Isak " " 839.723 privately printed rarities 094 Borlcn apparatus dairy 637.3321 lib. gifts 025 .227 Born, B. de Provenc. poet. 849.126 prohibited -098 Borneill, G. de " " 849.128 propagandist lib. gifts 025.227 'Borneo history 99 1 - 1 reading and aids 028 travel 919.11 reference lib. admin. 025.5 Bornier, H: de Fr. drama 842 .85 relending by borrower 024.65 Boron inorg. chem. 546.27 repairing lib. admin. 025.7 Borough 352.0422 restricted lib. economy 024.67 'Bosnia history 943.95 selection of " admin. 025.21 Bosphorus travels 914.96 selectors of " economy 025.214 Boss Amer. politics 329 sizes of " " 025 .3 Bosses geology 551-88 tariff on " " 021 .861 Boston weight of " " 022.438 1 Mass. history 974-46 ' withdrawal " " 025.218 travel 917.446 Bookseller, library as 021 . 26 massacre Amer. re vol. 973.3113 Booksellers port bill " " 973.3116 catalogs author 018.4 schools, public 379.7446 clast 017.4 siege Amer. revol. 973 33*3 dictionary 019.4 statistics 317.446 lives biograf y 920 . 4 tea party Amer. revol. 973.3115 Bookselling publishing 655 . 5 other subjects see table i Boomerang wepons 399 Botanic Boone co. chemistry 581 . i 1 111. history 977.329 gardens architecture 727.5-, 1 Ind. " 977.254 botany 580.7 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 6io DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Botanic museums botany 580.7 Botanists biografy 925.8 Botany 580 agricultural 630 . 28 classification of 580 . i fossil 561 geografic distribution 581 . 9 medical 615 of Bible 220.858 structural 581 systematic 580 Botero, Giovanni It. essays 854 . 48 Botin, A. af Swed. misc. 839.7847 Bottiger, K : V. " poet. 839.7168 Bottle charts physiografy 551.47. Bottles, milk 637 . 135 Bottom inner shipbilding 623 . 84 of ocean botany 581.92 phys. geog. 55I-4 6 zoology 591.92 shelbark hickory 634 . 523 iBouches du Rhdne Fr. hist. 944 . 9 1 Bouchet, Guillaume Fr. fie. 843 .35 Boulders drift 55 I -33 Boulonnais draft horse 636 . 1 543 Boundaries law 347- 2 national foren relations 327 internal, law 341 political sci. 320 . 128 Boundary Mexican U. S. history 973.621 Northeast " " 973-58 N. W. Oreg. U. S. history 973.611 San Juan" " 973.82 Texas " " 973.621 Venezuela " " 973-87 Bounties army 355-22 protection 337-4 U. S. army 353 .6 " civil war 973-7413 wage scales 331 . 225 "Bounty" mutiny, 1789 Pitcairn's iland 997 Bouquet's exped. U.S. hist. 973.27 Bourbon turkey 636.5928 'Bourbonnais, France hist. 944.57 Bourbons history restoration history restoration French Spain 944 03 944 . 06 946.054 946.07 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index Bourbourg fowls 636 . 5 14 Bourg fowls 636 . 544 Bourgeoisie soc. classes 323 . 32 Boursa, Turkey trav. 915.61 Boursault, E. Fr. drama 842.44 Bourse stock exchange 332.6 Bovine vaccin. cont. dis. 614.4731 Bowen, Francis Am. philos. 191.7 Bowling alleys architecture 725.84 library Hidings 022 . 665 amusements 796 Bowstring hemp agric. 633 . 574 Box girder bridges 624 . 4 stalls zootechny 636.0831 Boxer ship U. S. war of 1812 973.5253 uprising Chinese hist. 951 Boxes axle railway engin'g 625.21 electric motor cars 621 .3347 packing agric. 631.5644 appliances " 631.3634 plant " ' 631.346 resistance 62 1 . 3/42 transport agric. 631.3731 Boxing athletics 796 Boy problem childstudy 136.77 scouts societies 369 . 43 Boycotting labor strikes 331.893 Boye, C. J. Dan. drama 839.8261 Boyle lectures apologetics 239.02 Boys childstudy 136.77 dept Y. M. C. A. 267 . 357 religious societies 267 . 7 societies sociology 369 . 42 Brabant fowls 636 . 548 Bracciolini, F. Ital. satire 857.52 Bracelets jewelry 391-7 Braces boiler engin'g 621.18452 carpentry 694 . 3 railway track 625 . 15 Brackel fowls 636 . 548 Brachial artery anatomy 611.1342 plexus 611.8334 Brachialis muscle " 611.73723 Brachiopoda paleontology 564.8 zoology 594-8 Brachvogel, A. E. 832.83 Brachygrafy shorthand 653 Bracing engineering 624 . 3 Brackenridge, H.H: 813.21 RELATIV INDEX 6n Braddock's defeat U.S.hist. 973 .26 Bradford co. Pa. history 974.857 Bradstreet, Anne Am.poet. 811.12 Brahe, Tyge Dan. misc. 839 . 883 Brahma fowls 636 . 5852 Brahmanism 294 Brahma ns biografy 922.94 Brahmaputra fowls 636 . 5852 Brahmin sacred cattle 636.291 Brahmo Somaj Ind. relig. 299 . 1 1 Braiding elem. educat. 372.55 Braille system printing 655.38 Brain anatomy 611.81 functional diseases of 616 . 84 mental derangements 132 physiology 131 morfology 612.823 physiology 612.82 structural diseases of 616.83 weight physiology 612.823 Braising cookery 641.72 Brakes electric motor cars 62 1 . 3347 gun mounts 623.4356 railroad engineering 625.25 shaft power transmis. 621.826 Braking electric motor cars 621.3347 gun mounts 623.573 Bramble fruits 634.71 Branch 1 co. Mich. history 977.421 cuttings 631.5354 libraries library bldgs 022.15 " extens. 021.62 Branchial respiration zool. 591.125 Brandenburg, Ger. history 943-15 travels 914.315 Brandes, Georg Dan. essays 839 . 8466 Branding zootechny 636.0812 Brandt, Geraert Dut. poet. 839.3136 Brandt's hydraulic gun 62 1 . 269 Brandy hygiene 613.81 manufacture 663 . 5 physiologic psychology 612 . 82 144 physiology 612.3931 stimulant 615.711 temperance 178 Brandywine, battle 973 . 333 6 Brant Joseph Amer. revol. 973-3345 Sebastian German satire 837.32 Topics in bkck face type are subdivided. Superior ^rant co. Ont. history 971 .347 ^rantford, Ont. 971 .348 Brass instruments music 788 manufacture 673 Brasses, monumental ecclesiology 247.3 sculpture 739 Braun.V.A.D.von Swed.sat.839 . 7764 Bravery ethics 1 79 . 6 ^raxton co. W. Va. hist. 975.466 Brazil administration 354 . 81 botany 581 .981 finance 336.81 geology 558.1 history 981 maps 912.81 schools, public 379.81 statistics 318.1 travel 918.1 treaties 341.281 tea 633.77 other topics see table i Brazing plumbing 696 . i Breach of promis law 347-6 Breaches defense of mil. eng. 623.35 of disciplin mil. sci. 355-13 honor " " 355 .13 Breaching " eng. 623.25 Bread, see Bred Breakbone fever diseases 616.921 Breaker, middle 631.3126 clod 631.3143 Breakers circuit elec. engin'g 621.31736 Breakfast, see Brekfast Breaking plow 631.3125 up, school 371 2 3 zootechny 636.0886 Breakwaters harbor eng. 627.2 Breast, see Brest Breathing animals 59* - 12 man 612 . 2 Breathings Greek lang. 481.2 Brecknock, Wales history 942 .96 Bred adulterations 6i4-3 12 and-cheese war, 1491 Neth.g49 . 202 as food physiology 612.39274 cookery 641.6 fruit 634.39 Breda fowls, Belgian 636 . 548 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 612 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Bredero, G.A. Dutch dram. 839.3231 Bredstuffs production 338.1 Bredwinning courses educ. 375 .0071 Breech mechanism ord. 623.424 Breeching tackle ord. 623.4362 Breechloading guns ordnance 623 4222 small arms manufact. 683 mil. efficiency 623 . 442 Breeding domestic animals 636 . 0824 feeding for zootechny 636.08451 plant 631.522 raising for zootechny 636.0881 zoology 59L56 Breeds domestic animals 636 . 082 1 1 Brehon laws Irish law 349.415 Brekfast cookery 641.52 foods 641.3 meals 642 . i 'Bremen, Germany hist. 943.52 travel 914 -35 2 Bremer Fredrika Swed. fiction 839.7363 Bremer co. la. history 977.734 magnetite arcs 621.3256 Brentano, C. Ger. fiction 833 . 72 Bresciani, A. Ital. fiction 853.75 'Breslau history 943.14 travel 914.314 Bressane swine 636.447 Bresse fowls 636 . 544 Brest anatomy 611.69 bone anatomy 611.713 diseases of women 618. 19 wheels engineering 621.223 hydraulics 532.84 Bretagne, see Breton Brethren, United sects 284.6 Bret6n de los Herreros, M. Spanish drama 862 Breton cattle 636. draft horse 636 . language 491 . literature 891 . sheep 636 . swine 636 . Breves spinae anatomy 611. Breviaries Greek church 264. Roman cath. 264 Brewd beverages adulterations 614 chemic tech. 663 53 2441 1544 68 68 3448 443 7317 019 02 343 3 Breweries architecture 725 Brewing air pollution 614 chemic tech. 663 Briar creek Amer. revol. 973 Bribery criminal law 343 electoral fraud 324 . legislativ abuses 328 . Bricabrac 739 Brick and hollow tile floors arch. 721 42 73i 3 3357 271 367 iron ceilings " 721 structures " 721 bilding material 691 bildings, library 022 city houses, detacht 728 party- wall 728 city houses, semidetacht 728 clays economic geol. 553 construction masonry 693 manufacture 666 pavement 625 piers 721 road engineering 625 strength of materials 620 sun-dried masonry 693 village houses architec. 728 vitrified pavements 625 walls architecture 72 1 work, bonds of masonry 693 works architecture 725 Bridal customs 392 Bridge bilding 624 duplex telegrafy 621 grafting agric. 632 material mil. eng. 623 Wheatstone engin'g 621 physic; 537 Bridges administration 351 agriculture 631. engineering 624 local government 352 military eng. 623 ^ridgeton, N. J. hist. 974 Bridgewater treatises 215 Bridging telefone lines 62 1 Brie cheese 637. Brief longhand abbrevia. 653 Brigandage crim. law 343 Brigands law 343 lives 923 'Brighton, Eng. history 942 travel 914 B right's disease of kidneys 616 63 73 97 4 .21 38 32 35 .61 .2 7 .82 34 .82 .14 . 22 63 .87 .24 . 21 .48 5 .382325 ,8 .66 3742 7 815 28 7 65 995 38523 3534 . 2 41 25 225 61 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 613 Brine system refrig. 621.5651 Brink, R. C. B. van den 839.3452 Bristle tails insects 595-71 pests agriculture 632.71 dom. econ. 648.7 Bristoe campain 973-7353 Bristol 1 co. England history 942.41 Mass. 974.48 1 R.I- 974-55 Briticisms philology 427 British 1 America history 971 army 354.426 barrows prehist. arch. 571.92 1 Burma history 959- 1 travels 915.91 colonies polit. sci. 325 1 Columbia history 971 . 1 constitution 342 . 42 1 East Africa history 967 . 6 1 empire history 942 Guiana boundary U.S. hist. 973.87 1 history 988 travel 918.8 1 Honduras history 972.82 1 India history 954 travel QiS-4 merinos 636 . 3672 museum library 027.542 navy 354.427 N. America act Can. hist. 971.049 philosofers 192 regime Canada history 971 statutes 346 Britons history 942 Brittany, France history 944 . i Broad bean 635 . 65 1 church Anglican ch. 283 ligament anat. 611.6672 Broadcast sowers 63 1 . 33 1 1 Broadsides lib. admin. 025.174 Broadtaild sheep African 636 . 386 Asiatic 636 . 385 European 636.373 Italian 636.35 Broca's area anatomy 611.8133 convolutions " 611.81311 Broccoli 635.356 Brochmand, J. Dan. misc. 839 . 883 Brockes, B. H; Ger. poet. 831 .57 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior Broiling cookery 641.76 Brokerage law 347-7 'Brome co. Que. history 971.464 Bromelia fibers 633 . 575 Bromeliaceae botany 584.22 Bromids hypnotics 615.782 Bromin compounds mineralogy 549.4 inorganic chemistry 546 . 14 Bronchi anatomy 611.233 physiology 612.2151 B ronchial arteries anat. 611.1355 Bronchitis diseases 616.23 Bronco 636.168 Bronte, C. Eng. fiction 823.81 ^ronx co. N. Y. history 974 . 7275 Bronze age prehist. archeology 571.3 fine arts 739 manufactures 673 remains prehist. arch. 571.34 Bronze turkey 636 . 5922 Brooders 636 . 508337 Brook Farm socialism 335-97 J Brooke co. W. Va. hist. 975.413 Brooklyn, N. Y. history 974.723 travels 917.4723 Brooks assault on Sumner 973 . 71 14 Broom corn 633 . 1 75 root 633.59 'Broome co. N. Y. history 974.775 Brooms domestic econ. 648.52 Brorson, H. A. Dan. poet. 839.8144 Brothels ethics 176.5 Brotherhoods monks 271 parish work 2 55 Brothers, Christian monks 271.78 Brougham, H : Eng. essays 824.74 Brown, C:B. Am. fiction 813.23 Thomas Eng. humor827.46 Brown 1 co. 111. history 977-347 travels 917.7347 1 Ind. history 977.225 1 O. history 977.1796 1 Wis. history 977.561 coal economic geology 553.23 Swiss cattle 636.2371. Browne, C : F. (Artemus Ward) Amer. humor 817.37 Brownian motion molecular physics 539-6 Brownies folklore 398 . 4 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 6i 4 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Browning, E.. B. Eng. poet. 82 1 . Robert " " 82 1 . Brownists sects 285. Brown's, John, raid causes of U. S. civ. war 973 . history of slavery 326. U. S. history 973. Virginia " 975. Brownson, O. A. Am. phil. 191. Browntail moth 632 . 'Bruce co. Ont. history 971 . Bruevs, D : A. de Fr. dram. 842 . Bruges fowls 636 . Brumaire French history 944 . Bruniacece botany 583 . B runner's glands anat. 611 Brunswick 1 Germany history house of 943 Eng. history 942 636. trav. 82 83 8 7116 973 68 '5 ,2 78 321 46 548 045 396 342 54 .08 59633 .61 -59 3 93 -36 5 1 .8252 8158 8753 33 . 2 pigeons Brusa, Turkey trav. 915 Frush fibers 633 ! Brussels history 949 travel 914 sprouts 635 Brutes, immortality of 591 Bruun, J. N. Dan. drama 839 M. K. " poetry 839 T. K. " satire 839 Bryant, W: C. Am. poetry 811 Bryology botany 588 Bryophyta botany 588 Bryozoa molluscoidea 594 . 7 Bubble Mississippi Fr. finance 336.44 South sea stocks " 332.6 Bubonic plague pub. helth 614.49 Buccal cavity anatomy 611.31 physiol. 612.31 of speech 612 . 7891 muscles anat. 611.7326 pharynx " 611.3272 tonsil " 611.325 Buccaneers adventures 910.4 biografy 923 .41 law 343 Buccinator muscle anat. 611.7326 Buchan hu mblies cattle 636.2231 Buchanan, J. presidency of 973 . 68 'Buchanan co. la. history 977.738 Mo. -'' 977-8I3 'Bucharest history 949 . 8 travel 914.98 Buchholtz, A. H. Ger. fie. 833.51 Buck sithe 63 1 . 3 1 1 7 Bucket conveyers mech.eng.62 1 . 8676 Buckets mining engineering 622 . 68 steam turbin construe. 621. 16532 theory 621.16512 Buckeye fowls 636 . 581 5 'Buckingham, Eng. hist. 942.57 'Bucks co. Pa. history 974.821 Bucks co. fowls 636.5813 Buckshot war Penn. hist. 974.8 Buckwheat 633 . 1 2 5 Bucolic poetry Eng. lit. 821.06 Bud grafting 631.5415 'Buda Pesth history 943.91 Buddhism 294 Buddhist architecture 722.4 cookery 641.567 Buddhists biografy 922.94 Budding 631.5415 knife 631.341 Budgell, E. Eng. essays 824.54 Budget English finance 336.42 financ. admmis. 351 .72 Buds, nipping off' pruning 631.54222 Buena Vista battle Mex. war 973-6235 1 co. la. history 977.718 'Buenos Ayres history 982 travels 918.2 Buff turkey 636 . 5924 Buffalo, 1 city N. Y. history 974.797 Panamer. expos. 606 travels 917.4797 1 co. Wis. history 977.548 Buffalo zoology 599 . 7 American cattle 636 . 292 1 berry 634.742 currant 634 . 724 milk cheese 637 . 3554 water cattle 636 . 293 Buffers railroad engin'g 625 . 25 Buffet cars trav. cookery 641 .576 Buffets fixt furniture 729.94 Bugle, key wind instru. 788.46 valv " " 788.47 Bugs rhynchota 595-75 Buheler, H. Ger. poetry 831.34 Buhlwork 749 Building, see Bilding Built-up guns ordnance 623.4216 'Bukowina history 943-75 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 615 Bui fights amusements ethics Golden Germany tung plow Bulbels Bulblet 791 175 342 631. 631. 631. Bulbo-urethral glands anat.6 1 1 Bulbs edible floriculture horticulture Bulbules " Bulbus olfactorius anat. vestibuli " 'Bulgaria history 4 language Bulkheds shipbilding Bull, see also Bui Bull Run ist battle U. S. hist. 2d " " Bulletin boards lib. econ. 635 716 631 631 611 611 949 491 623 973 973 022 Bulletins Bullets lib. publications 025 ordnance small arms Bullion coins and coinage Bullock's hart Bulls and bears stock ex. Ferry, N.Y. Am.revol Irish Eng. humor papal eccles. polity Rom. ch. Bullying student life 371 Bulwer, E: G: Eng. fiction 823 Bumping posts railrd eng. 625 Bunchers crop packing Bundener swine Bundesrat Ger. empire Bundestaat pol. sci. Bundlers agriculture Bundling customs Bunker hill battle Amer. re vol. 973 monument " 973 landscape arch. 718 Bunsen burners prac.chem542 pump pneumatics 533 Bunyan, John Eng. fiction 823 Buonarroti, M. Ital. dram. 852 Buoys harbor engin'g 627 protection of life 614 ship equipment 623 Bur clover forage 633 623 623 332 634 332 973 827 262 282 631-, 636., 354- 321. 631-; 392. ,6 43 3127 5321 5321 627 2 I 5321 5321 8133 675 7 81 84 73H 7328 924 125 451 455 4 415 .6 3365 Burchiello, D. Ital. satire 857. Burdach's tract anat. 611. Burdette, R. J. Am. hum. 817, 'Bureau co. 111. history 977. Bureaucracy administra. 351. Bureaus architecture 725 cabinet making 684 college empl oyment 378 servants " 647. teachers " 3 7 1 , Y M C A employment 267. Burets practical chem. 542 Burger, G. A ; Ger. poetry 83 1 , Burgher schools, German 379, Burglar alarms signals 654 Burglary criminal law 343 Burgoyne's campain Am. rev. surrender " ^Burgundy, France Burial cemeteries church rituals customs public helth 973 973 history 944 719 265 393 614 21 826l 43 337 i 13 364 2 145 3562 35 63 43 7 3332 3333 4 8 i 6r 8 385 62 societies cooperation 334 Buriat fat rumpt sheep 636 Burke, E. Eng. oratory 825 Burking criminal law 343 5 Burlesque Eng. litera. 827 'Burlington, la. hist. 977.7961 1 co. N. J. " 974.961 'Burma history 959 . 2 1 British " 959 . i Burmanniaceae botany 584.13 Burmese architecture 722.4 Burners for liquid fuel steam engineering 621 . 18357 Burnett, P. H. Am. fiction 813 .48 1 co. Wis. history 977.514 Burney, Frances Eng. fie. 823.66 Burning glass optics 535.81 of libraries 022 . 26 the ded customs 393 .2 turf fertilizers 631.831 Burnings customs of war 399 student life 3 7 r . 89 Burns, R. Eng. poetry 821.67 Burns and scalds surgery 617.11 Burnside exped. U.S. hist. 973.7324 Burnz shorthand 653.64 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refjr to the tables at the end of this index 6i6 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Burr, Aaron, conspiracy trials 343-1 U. S. hist. 973-48 Burro 636.182 Burroughs, J: Am. essays 814.41 Bursae anatomy 611.75 diseases of 616.76 Burseraceas botany 583-247 Burying grounds cemetery 719 pub. helth 614.65 Bush fruits 634 7 harrow 631-3131 squash 635.621 Business arithmetics 511.8 bildings architecture 725-2 capacity college train 'g 378.01 colleges 650.7 commerce sociology 380 cooperation J 334 ethics 174 law 347-6 manuals 658 methods 658 schools 650.7 vices 174.4 1 Busra history 956.7 Butchershops 641.4 1 Bute, Scotland history 941-39 Butjading sheep 636.3314 Butler Samuel Eng. humor 827 .42 *Butler co. la. history 977.729 1 Mo. 977-893 1 0. 977-175 Pa. 974.891 Butlers dom. econ. 647.25 pantry " 643.45 'Butte co. Cal. hist. 979-432 Butter adulterations 614.325 artificial chem. tech. 664.3 as food physiology 612 .39286 dairy 637.2 in milk physiology 612 .66413 Butterflies fossils 565-78 pests 632.78 zoology 595-78 Butterin 637 . 282 Buttermaking 637 233 Buttermilk adulterations 614.324 dairy 637.247 Bylaws lib. government 023 . i Byles, Mather Am. satire 817.13 Byron, G : G. N. Eng. poet. 82 1 . 76 Byssaceae botany 589.19 Byzantine architecture 7 2 3-2 art 709-495 ecclesiology 246 . i i empire history 949 5 Buttons Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 617 Cabal, Conway Am. revol. Cabalistic art Cabbage 'Cabell co. W. Va. history Cabin aviation ballooning furnishings shipbilding Cabinet council, English offisers in legis. bodies U. S. gov't organ musical instrum. work joinery Cabinetmaking Cabinets museum equip. Cable roads city transit road eng'ng Cablelaying ships Cables bridgebilding electric engineering manufactures ship outfit strength of materials submarine communica engineering 621 telefone telegraf business engineering sociology Cabot, John & Sebastian discovery of America 973 Cabs city transit manufactures 'Cabul, Afghanistan hist, trav. Cacao Cachet, lettres de Fr. hist. Cactaceous fruits Cacteae botany Cadalso, J. de Span, poetry 86 1 Ca:dastration taxation Caddis flies pests zoology Cadets military schools 'Cadiz history travels Cadmium accumulators elec. eng. inorganic chem. Caedmon Ang. Sax. poet. 829. 'Caen history travels Topics in black face type are subdivided 973-349 Caesar Latin literature 878.1 133 Caesarian section obstetrics 618.86 635-34 Caesars lives 923.137 975-442 Roman history 937 Caesium inorg. chem. 546.36 629. 182 Cafe's architecture 725.71 629. 162 cooking for 641 . 572 623.86 table systems 642.5 Cafeteria 642 . 57 354.4205 Caff ein diuretics 615.761 328.3321 hygiene 613.83 353-05 Caff res history 968.6 786.9 Cage birds domestic pets 636 . 686 694.7 Cages mining eng. 622.68 684 Cailletet apparatus chem. 542 . 79 579-71 Cairns prehist. archeology 571.96 388 'Cairo, Egypt history 962 . i 625-5 travels 916.21 623 . 828 111. history 977-3999 Caisson 624-55 disease physiology 612.274 621.31934 ordnance 623 . 43 i 4 677 process bridge engin'g 624.157 623.86 workers hygiene 613.66 620.11288 'Caithness, Scotland hist. 941.13 -654-5 Cake cookery 641.6 621.3828 'Calabria, Italy hist. 945 . 78 621.38783 trav. 914.578 654 'Calais history 944 . 2 7 621.3828 travels 914.427 384 Calamus scriptorius anat.6i i .8185 'Calaveras co. Cal. hist. 979 . 444 973- 1 ? Calcaneoastragaloidlig.anat.6n . 72851 388 Calcaneocuboid " " 611.72853 684 Calcaneonavicular " " 611.72851 958.1 Calcaneoscaphoid " " 611.72851 915.81 Calcaneum " 611.71873 633-74 Calcarin fissure " 611.81317 944.03 Calcic waters econ. geol. 553.75 634-775 Calcimining 698 . 2 583-471 Calcium 861.42 cyanid fertilizers 63 1 . 842 1 336.22 inorganic chemistry 546.41 632.74 light chemic tech. 665.7 595 74 salts as food physiol. 612.39263 355-07 Calculating machines 510.8 946.8 Calculations engin'g 620.8 914 .68 Calculators mathematics 510.8 Calculi 621.35558 biliary physiology 612.35764 546.48 salivary 612.31364 829.2' urinary 612.4661 944.22 Calculus 914.422 diseases 616.62 ivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this inde 6l8 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Calculus Callosum anatomy 611.8139 mathematics 517 Calmucks history 950 of direction anal. geom. 516.8 Caloric engins 621.41 'Calcutta history 954 -i physics 536 travels 915.41 Calorimeter " 536.6 Calderon de la Barca, P. 862.35 Calorimetry 'Caldwell co. Mo. history 977.8185 direct physiology 612.511 'Caledonia history 941 indirect " 612.512 i co. Vt " 974-33 physics 536.6 Calendar 529 Calotype photografy 772 ecclesiastic, Anglic. 2 64. 031 Calpurnius Siculus.Lat. poet. 874 . 6 Calendars for teachers 370 . 59 Calsomining 698 . 2 Calendering paper manuf. 676 'Calumet co. Wis. history 977.566 textil fabrics 677 'Calvados, France " 944.22 Calf-tung plow 631.3127 Calvaria anatomy 611.7141 Calhoun, J: C. Am. orat. 815.26 'Calvert co. Md. history 975.244 Calhoun Calvinism sects 284.2 1 co. 111. history 977-385 vs free will theol. 234 travels 9 I 7-738s Calvinistic baptist church 286 . i 1 la. history 977-743 confession 238.4 1 Mich. 977.422 methodist ch . 287.2 W. Va. " 975 .429 Calvinists biografy 922 4 Calibrated Calycanthaceae botany 583.113 vessels prac. chem. 542 . 35 Calycereae " 583 546 Calibration elec. instrum. 621.372 Calycineae " 584.4 instrum. mak'g 68 1 Calycozoa zoology 593 . 74 Calico manufactures 677 Cambistry metrology 389 printing chem. tech. 667.3 money 33 2 -45 California 'Cambodia history 959-6 blackcurrants 634.7233 Cambodian architecture 722.4 1 Lower hist. 972 . 2 'Cambria, Wales history 942 . 9 California, U. S. co. Pa. " 974.877 acquisition Mex. war 973.621 Cambrian age geology 551.72 admission U. S. hist. 973.64 'Cambridge, Eng. history 942.59 Fremont in Mex. war 973.6232 travels 914.259 1 history 979 . 4 univer. 378.42 mil. hist. U. S. civ. war 973.7494 Mass, history 974.44 Spanish war 973 . 89494 travels 917.444 travels 917 .94 confession 238.5 Califs Mohammedanism 297 platform 238 . 5 Caligrafs writing mach. 652 turkey agriculture < 636.5922 Caligrafy writing 652 Camden Calisthenics hygiene 613.71 Ark. exped. U. S. civ. war 973 . 7363 sch. hygiene 371.732 ' city, N. J. hist. 974.988 Calking fibers 633 . 59 1 co. Mo. " 977.854 Calkt joints plumbing ' 696.6 1 N. J. 974.987 Call apparatus, in telefone 62 1 .3867 S. C. battle Am. re vol. 973-3363 out " 621.3868 Camel domestic animals 636 . 295 'Callaway co. Mo. history 977.8335 zoology 599 . 7 Callimachus Gk lyr. poetry 884 . 8 Camels hair dom. econ. 646.13 Callosal gyre anatomy 611.81314 Camembert cheese 637 . 3534 Callosomarginal fissure " 611.81314 Cameos 736 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 619 Camera photografy lucida microscopy 578. optics obscura Cameralistic science 'Cameron co. Pa. history Cameronians sects Camfor therapeutics Camisards sects Camouflets mil. eng. Camp cookery disinfection cont. dis. life hygiene mil. science lunches dom. econ. meetings 1 Campagna, Italy history travel Campains political U. S. history civil war Mex. " revolution Span, war war 1812 Campanales botany Campania anc. history 1 mod. Campanulaceae botany Campbellism sects Campbellites biografy J Campeche, Mexico hist. Campenes poultry Campenon, F. N ; V. Campfire girls societies Camphor therapeutics Camping out Cams mech. engineering Can system icemaking Canada administration botany finance geology 1 history literature, see 810 note and and 820 note maps schools, public statistics travels campain Amer. revol. U. S. war 1812 973 771 Canada 578-4 crookneck squash 635.622 535-86 discovery of America 973 . 18 535-86 . 1 East history 97 14 771 travels 917 . 14 336 1 West history 971 . 3 974 .866 travels 917.13 285-5 other topics see table i 615.789 Canadian blueberry 634 . 735 284 . 244 exped. Am. rev. 973.3315 623-45435 French 447 . 9 641.578 goose 636.59881 614.48 Canaigre 633.871 613.67 Canal boats shipbilding 623 . 829 355-12 Canalicular nerv structures 642.3 histology 611.01882 269 Canaliculi, bile anatomy 611.361 945-6 Canals 9*4-56 drainage 631.62 engineering 626 329 interoceanic engin'g 626.9 973 73 irrigation 631.72 973 623 transit sociology 386 973 33 transportation 656 973-892 see also special names 973 523 Canary birds care of 636.686 583 57 zoology 598.8 937-7 1 iles history 946 . 8 945-72 Cancer diseases 616.994 583-59 Cancioneros, Los Sp. poet. 861.25 286.6 Candfood pub. helth 614.318 922.6 'Candahar history 958.2 972.6 travels ' 915 .82 636.548 Candidacy suffrage 324 . 23 841.66 Candidates " 324 . 23 369-47 Candlepower elec. lighting 621.321 615.789 Candles chemic tech. 665 . i 796 dom. lighting 644 .311 621.838 Candlesticks dom. econ. 644.321 621.581 Candor ethics J 77-3 354-71 Candy adulterations 614.311 581.971 Candymaking 641.85 336.71 Cane fruits 634.71 557-1 harvesters 631.3566 971 sugar agriculture 633.61 botany 584.9 Canellaceae " 5 8 3-i37 Caney, El battle 973-893 912.71 Canister ordnance 623.45122 37O. 71 o / y 9 117. 1 Carinabis agriculture 633 . 53 73-735i harbor, 1 86 1 " " " ^73.7311 harbor, 1864 U. S. civ.war 9: f .3-7364 history 97 : x, 7 naval hist. U. S. civ.war 973 1753 figures refer to the tables at the end of i >is index RELATIV INDEX 629 Charleston, S. C. siege Amer. re vol. 973-3362 travels 9*7-57 Charleston, W. Va. hist. 975.438 'Charlevoix co. Mich. " 977.486 1 < Que. hist. 971.449 Charlotte co. N. B. " 971-533 'Charlottatown, P. E- 1. " 971-75 Charmoise sheep 636 . 3449 Charms occultism J33-4 Charters lib. government 023 . i of cities 352 Chartier, A. .Fr. poetry 841.21 Chartism Eng. const, hist. 342.42 Chartists " polit. party 329.942 Chartografy maps, etc. 912 Charts . geografy 912 history 902 library administration. 025.176 maps 912 of comets astronomy 523.69 moon " 523-39 planets " 5 2 3-49 stars " 523.89 statistics 311 sun astronomy 5 2 3 79 2 special topic see subject Chase hunting 799 printing 655 . 27 Chasing sculpture 736 Chassis gun mounts 623.4352 Chastelain, G: Fr. fiction 843.24 Chastity ethics 176.1 Chateaubriand, F. A: R. 843.65 ^hat^augayco. Que. hist. 971 433 Chateaux architecture 728.82 Chatham, earl of Eng. orat. 825 .61 Chatrian, A. Fr. fiction 843.85 Chattanooga-Ringgold cam- pain U. S. civ. war 973 . 7359 Chattel mortgage loans 332.313 Chattels law 347-3 Chatterton, T : Eng. poetry 82 1 . 63 Chaucer, G. " " 82 1 . 1 7 Chaulieu, G. A. de Fr. poetry84i .47 Chautauqua self-educat. 374-9 io. N. Y. hist. 974.795 'Cheat vail f W. Va. t: 975- 4i Cheating ethics 174-7 student life 371 .81 ^heboygan co. Mich, hist. 977.487 Checkers 794 Checkrowers 631.3324 332- 347- 623. 328. 637- 6n 179 37i 614 637 612 Checks banks commerc. law gun mounts on legislation Cheddar cheese Cheeks anatomy Cheerfulness ethics Cheers, college Cheese adulterations dairy physiology Cheiro- see Chiro- Chelonia reptils Chemic affinity 541 agents, effects of diseases 6 1 6 analysis 543 apparatus 542 disinfectants cont. dis. 614 effects of muse, contrac. 61,2 electricity engineering 621 elements chem. tech. chemistry equations fenomena, physiologic nervous influence on of sleep fire extinguishers industries jurisprudence law laboratories architecture manipulation nomenclature 256 3542 ,318 9 ,89 327 3 09285 598-I3 541 .39 987 2 484 7442 35 661.1 546 541-9 612 612 614 660 340 542 727 542 54i phenomena, see fenomena physics 541 physiology 591 stimulation of nerv cells 612 nervs 612 technology 660 treatment of wastes 628 works air pollution 614 Chemicals manufacture 66 1 in sewers 628 Chemigraf printing 655 Chemistry 540 agricultural 630 analytic 543 and natural religion 215 physics 541 applied to the arts 660 economic zoology 591 industrial chem. tech. 660 inorganic 546 8228 82175 845 6 i 5 2 9 3 i 8222 814 544 72 237 32 24 3 -64 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 630 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Chemistry Chick pea 635 . 667 legal law 340 . 6 Chickamauga, Ga. campain 973 .7355 medical materia med. 615 'Chickasaw co. la. hist. 977.7315 of bile physiology 612.3571 Chicken farming 63 . 65 cells " 612.0141 pox diseases 616.914 muscle " 612.744 pub. helth 614.525 poisons chem. anal. 543 . 5 Chicory field crop 633 . 78 toxicology 615.9 garden crop 635 . 137 soil 631.41 salads 635.54 organic 547 'Chicoutimi co. Que. history 971 .416 physiologic physiology 612.015 Chief justises biografy 923 . 4 zoology 591.19 librarian lib. econ. 023.4 study of disease 616.076 'Chihuahua, Mexico hist. 972.1 Chemists biografy 925.4 travel 917.21 Chemotaxis mesology 612.014467 Chilblains skin disorders6i6.58 Chemotropism " 612.014467 Child labor polit. econ. 331.3 'Chemung co. N. Y. hist. 974.778 welfare 362 . 67 formation geol. 551.74 Childbirth obstetrics 618.2 'Chenango co. N. Y. hist. 974-773 Childhood 136.79 Chenier, A. M. de Fr. poet. 841 . 56 Children M. J. de " drama 842 . 66 abnormal child study 136.76 Chenopodiaceae botany 583.914 education 371-9 Cheques, see Checks asylums for architecture 725 .57 'Cher, France history 944.55 sociology 362.7 Cherbourg, Fr. U.S.civ.war 973 . 754 care of 649 . i Cherbuliez, V : Fr. fiction 843.87 clothing for dom. econ. 646.36 Cherimoya 634 .413 cookery " " " 641.562 1 Cherokee co. la. history 977.717 cruelty to ethics *79- 2 Cherry 634 . 23 delineation of 136.75 Cherry Valley massacre 973-3345 diseases of 618.9 Cherub, ship war of 1812 973.5255 duties of ethics *73-6 Chesapeake, ship " " 973-5 2 53 education of 372 1 Cheshire, England hist. 942.71 games of nursery 649.55 1 co. N. H. " 974.29 outdoor 796 cheese 637.3542 habits of dom. econ. 649 . 6 Chess amusements 794 hedgear for " " 646.56 ethics 175-4 hospitals for 362.7 room lib. bildings 022.662 labor of pol. econ. 331-3 Chest anatomy 611.94 manners of dom. econ. 649 . 6 diseases 616.2 moral care for 377 surgery 617.54 of American revolution 369.137 Chester co. Pa. history 974.813 Children's plays Eng. drama 822 . 1 1 crusade European list. 940 . 185 ' Chesterfield " letters 826.52 point of view child study 136.74 Chestnut 634 . 53 room lib. bildings 022.58 Cheviot sheep 636.3251 Childstudy 136.7 Leicester sheep 636 .3213 Chile administration 354 . 83 Chiabrera, G. Ital. poetry 851.51 botany 581.983 'Chiapas, Mexico history 972.7 finance 336-83 Chiasma opticum anatomy 611.8144 geology 558.3 'Chicago history 977-31 * history 783 travels 917.731 maps 012.83 Chicanery ethics 174-7 schools, public 3 79 . 83 Chichimec period Mex. hist. 972 .012 statistics 3 1 S . 3 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this ind RELATIV INDEX 631 Chile travels 918.3 Chinese treaties 341-283 religion 2 99-5 other top. see table i servants dom. econ. 647.24 controversy U. S. hist. 973.86 sheep 636.385 Chili agriculture 633 . 843 swine 636 . 485 Chiliasm millennium 236.3 watermelon 635 . 6 1 8 'Chillicothe, O. history 977.1821 Chinkapin 634.537 Chilling dairy 637.1331 Chinook language 427 Chillingham cattle 636.221 Chios ancient history 939.13 Chills and fever diseases 616.936 modern " 949 . 93 pub. helth 614 . 53 travels 914.993 Chimes of bells music 789 . 5 Chippewa, battle war 1812 973 .5237 Chimney co. Mich. hist. 977.491 money taxation 336.27 Wis. " 977-544 pieces architecture 729.95 Chirognomy palmistry 133-6 sweeping dom. econ. 644 . 2 Chirografy penmanship 652 Chimneys Chiromancy palmistry 133.6 architecture 729.35 Chiropody surgery 617.58 heating 697.8 Chiroptera mammals 599-4 high sanitary eng. 628.522 Chirosofy palmistry 133-6 masonry 693 Chisel, pruning 631.3423 se wer ventilation 628.236 weeding 631.3155 steam engineering 621 . 1838 Chitarra, C. dalla It. satire 857 . 12 China administration 354-5* Chitin physiology 612.396172 botany 581.951 Chittagong fowls 636 . 5852 finance 336.51 I 'Chittenden co. Vt. hist. 974.31 geology 555 . i Chivalry, age of Europ.hist. 940 . 17 history, ancient 931 customs 394 . 7 1 modern 951 Chive agriculture 635 . 265 maps 912.51 Chlasnaceas botany 583.168 schools, public 379 .51 Chloral hydrate poisons 6 1 5 . 967 statistics 3*5 * hygiene 613.83 travels 915 .1 hypnotics 615.782 treaties 341.251 temperance 178.8 other top. see table i Chloranthaceas botany 583.926 grass fibers 633 . 55 Chlorideae forage crops 633 . 287 jute 633.561 Chlorids fertilizers 631.832 ware dom. econ. 642 . 7. as disinfectants 614 . 487 fine art 738 /~*i_i Chlonn useful arts 666 . 5 Chinch bug pests 632 . 75 compounds air pollut. 614.726 mineralogy 549 . 4 Chinese architecture 722.1 inorganic chemistry 546 . 13 salts in urin physiol. 612.46161 art 709-5 1 discovery of America 973.12 exclusion act U. S. hist. 973.86 geese 636.59885 immigration 325.251 Chloroform anesthetics 615.781 poisons 615.966 Chlorophyll botany 581.8 Chlorophyllaceae botany 589.8 labor polit. economy 331.6 Chlorosis diseases 616.15 language 495 Choate, Rufus Am. oratory 815.32 layering 631.5344 Chocolate adulterations 614.347 literature 895 agriculture 633 . 74 melon 635.618 beverages 641.87 philosofy 181.1 manufactures 663.9 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 632 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Choctaw language 497 Christian literature 897 Brothers monks 271.78 Choice church 260-289 freedom of metaphysics 123 commission U.S. civ. war 973.7781 psychology 159 connection sects 289 . 9 of editions 028.2 1 co. 111. history 977.381 vocation 374 . i 1 Mo. 977.879 Choir music 783 . 8 doctrins 230 Choke cherry 634 . 24 education 377 coils elec. eng. 621.3146 ethics 171.1 Cholagogs therapeutics 615.742 evidences 239 Choledic duct anatomy 611.367 fathers reh'g. hist. 270 Cholemia physiology 612.35765 works of 281.1 Cholera iconografy relig. art 246 diseases 61693 sculpture 732 infantum pub. helth 614.515 institutions 260 protecti v inoculation 614.475 life personal religion 248 public helth 614.514 names . 929.4 Cholesterin blood 612.123 philosofy patristics 189.2 nutrition 612.39781 science church 289 . 5 Chondrocostal joints 61 1 . 723 biografy 922 . 85 Chondrostei fishes 597 . 4 healing law 614.24 Chondrosternal joints 61 1 . 723 theology 230.99 Choral servis sacred music 783 . 24 therap. 615.851 Chorale " " 783.6 sects 280 Chord process geodesy 526.43 socialism 335-7 Chorda tympani anatomy 6 r i . 83 1 7 5 Sunday 263.3 salivation 612.81977 union 280 taste 612.877 unions, young men's 267.233 Chorea diseases 616.851 ! Christiania, Norway hist. 948 . 2 Choriambics Gk prosody 486.3 trav. 914.82 Chorion embryology 611.01384 Christianity Choroid anatomy 611.8423 and science apologetics 239.8 eye diseases 617.72 evidences 239 physiology 612.8425 history 270-289 plexus anatomy 611.8192 primitiv 2 70 . i physiology 612.8241 Christians biografy 922 Chorus college songs 784.6 sect 286.6 sacred music 783.8 biografy 922.6 vocal " 784 . 86 'Christiansand, Nor. hist. 948.3 Chosen history 95 T 9 Christine de Pisan Fr. fie. 843 . 2 1 travel 915 .19 Christmas Chrestien de Troyes Fr.poet.84i . 14 customs 394 3 Chrestomathy Eng. lang. 428.7 festival music 783.28 Christ doctrinal theol. 232 school holiday SI 1 -3^5 life of 232.9 Christology doctrin. theol. 232 Christening baptism 265.1 Christ's thorn agriculture 634 . 744 customs 392.1 Chromates mineralogy 549.74 Christian Chromatic apologetics 239 aberration optics 535-4 architecture, eccles. 726 scale theory of music 781 medieval 723 Chromatics 'optics 535-6 art 246 Chromatogrnf y 752 associations 267 Chromatolysis physiol. 612.01424 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tab'.es at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 633 Chromatophores physiol. 612 Chromium econom. geol. 553 inorg. chem. 546 group " 546 Chromolithografy 764 Chromomstry colorimetry 545 Chromophotografy 770 Chromosome bodies phys. 612 Chromosphere sun 523 Chromoxylografy 761 Chronic diseases pathol. 616 Chronicles Bible 222 history see special subj. Chronofotografy physiol. 612 Chronograf astronomy 522 instruments 529 manufacture 68 1 Chronograms 529 Chronologies history 902 Chronology astronomy 529 biblical Bible 220 Chronometer 796 46 76 75 01424 75 761 5 2 78 -94 astron. instruments 522.51 longitude determination 5 2 5-47 manufacture 681 Chrysanthemums horti. 716.2 Chrysippus stoic philos. 188.3 Chrysolitic rocks 552.48 Church 260-289 and clergy law 348 education 377-8 state eccl. polity 261 . 7 ethics 172-3 persecutions 272 polit. science 322 Apostolic 281.1 architecture 726 attendance 264 authority 262.8 bells manufactures 673 music 789-5 benefises cleric support 254 ' biografy 922 calendar, Anglican 264.031 Christian 260-289 decoration sacred orn. 247 disciplin eccles. polity 262.9 'entertainments 259 fathers 281.1 fellowship 265.2 festivals worship 264 furniture 247 government 262 history 270-289 Church membership ordinances 265. music 783 needlework 247 of England 283 R:>m3 282 Scotland 285. polity 262 primitiv 270. property monastic foundations 271 polit. science 322 taxation 336 . rates cleric support 254 religious history 270- sacraments 265 schools 377 sects 280 servises pub. worship 264 4 Slavonic language 491. sociology 322 unity 280 vestments 247. work 260 yards cemeteries 719 Churches and American revolution 973 . Great war 1914-19 940. U. S. civil war 973 . architecture 726. burials in pub. helth 614. hygiene 613. library propagandism 021. national vs organic unity 261 . various Christian 280 Churchill, C: Eng. satire 827. Churning agriculture 637. Churns " 637 . Churra sheep " 636. Churubusco, battle 973. Chute wagons farm transport 63 1 Chutes domestic econ. 643 Chyle bloodmaking 612 digestion 612 Chyliferous vessels physi. 612 Chyluria " 612 Gibber, Colley Eng. dram. 822 29 289 Si 315 3152 715 5 613 55 76 Cibol 635 . Cicada agriculture 632 econ. zoology 591 syst. 595 . Cicatrization of bone physiology 612, liver " 612, 61 2332 2322 366 6238 .3725 6 "9. 3327 33273 46662 54 264 75 69 75 753 359 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 634 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Cicatrization of nerv centers physiol. 612.82256 nervs " 612.81853 physiology 6 1 2 . 603 Cicero complete works 875 . i Greek philosof y 186.3 letters 876.1 life 928.75 orations 875.2 philosofic works 875.4 rhetorical works 875.3 Cid, Poema de mio 86 1 . 12 Romancero del 861.27 Cider chem. technology 663 . i Cienfuegos, N.A. de 861 . 48 Cifer writing 652 Cigar making 679 see also Tobacco Cilia anatomy of eye 611.8475 histology 611.01818 physiology of eye 612.847 vibratil physiology 612.72 Ciliary body anatomy 611.8425 eye diseases 617.72 physiology 612.842 ganglion anatomy 611.89152 glands - 611.775 muscle " 611.8425 processes " 611.8425 Ciliata zoology 593 . 1 7 Cilicia ancient history 939-35 modern " 956.4 travel 915.64 Cinchonia materia med. 615.336 Cincinnati 1 city, O. history 977.178 travels 917.7178 society of 369. 131 daughters of 369 . 132 Cinematics mechanics 53 1 . i Cinerary urns customs 393.2 Cinerea anatomy 611.822 Cinnamon agriculture 633 . 833 Cipher writing 652 'Circassia history 947-9 Circassian sheep 636 . 385 Circle Ger. kcal gov. 352.0433 of Willis anat. 611.1349 sailing, great 527.5 Circles perspecti v 515.65 plane geometry 513.21 prehist. archeol. 571 .95 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior Circuit breakers elec. eng. 621.31736 court reports, U. S. 345.41 Circular arches architec. 721.41 domes " 721.46 functions trigo. 514.1 section of sewers 628.223 Circulars, lib. propagandism 021 . 72 Circulating dept hours lib. econ. 024.36 libraries 027 . 3 Circulation and blood physiology 612.1 arterial " 612.133 artificial " 612.1721; capillary 612.135 cerebral 612.824 in sleep " 612.82174 cerebro-spinal diseases 6 1 6 . 8 1 effect of glands on physiol. 612 . 402 on glands 612.401 respiration on " 612.213 special organs on " 612.19 embryonic " 612.179 hepatic - 612.3515 hydraulic princip. of " 612.13 in animals zoology 591 . 1 1 lungs physiology 612.2158 muscles " 612.74161 plants botany 581.11 spleen physiology 612.412 intestinal " 612.3355 lymfatic " 612.423 money 332 oceanic ocean currents 551.47 ocular physiology 612.8426 of blood history 612.109 prenatal physiol. 6 1 2 . 1 79 pressure in physiology 612 . 14 renal " 612.4634 retinal " 612.84313 uterin " 612.6271 venous " 612.134 Circulators elec. eng. 621.3525 Circulatory organs comp. anat. 591.41 descr. " 591.71 system anatomy 611.1 diseases of 616. i drugs acting on 615 . 71 system physiology 612.1 surgery 617.41 Circumanal glands anat. 611.776 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 635 Circumcision customs surgery Circumflex axillary arteries anat. iliac artery, deep extern . " Circumnavigations Circumpolar stars maps Circumposition layering Circumstantial evid. law Circumvallation mil. eng. Circuses amusements ethics feeding Cirripedia zoology Cissoid curvs anal, geom Cistercian monks Cisterns rural water sup. 628. Cistineae botany Citadel mil. engineering Cits ouvrieres architec. Cities administration ancient description beautification buried description free German gov. growth of administration 352 . statistics helth of plans of scavenging of water and sewerage wks Citizens, duties of ethics Citizenship constitutional amendment U. S. history 973 law political science Citrates diuretics Citrin perfume plants Citron group fruits melon . . Citrous fruits agric. City governments adminis. halls architecture homes of poor " hotels houses " life mortality pub. helth Topics in black face type are subdivided 392.1 City 617.46 planning 710 special cities 914-919 611 . 1341 property local gov. 352.1 611 . 13782 transit sociology 388 611.137842 vs country colleges 378.153 910.4 Cive agriculture 635 . 265 523-89 Civil 631.5344 authority local gov. 352 347-94 engineering 620 623 .22 government polit. sci. 320 791 and the church 322 I75-I ethics 172.3 64L577 relig. 261.7 595-35 law 349 516.26 liberty polit. science 323.44 271 . 12 lists 351-2 628.7 pensions administra. 351.5 583-I34 procedure law 347 . 9 623.132 rights constitutional law 342 728.13 legal capacity 347 . i act U. S. hist. 973.82 352 servis administration 351 913 3 library econ. 023 . 2 710 municipal gov. 352 .005 913 3 officials, lives 923 . 5 354.4309 suffrage 324-173 352.001 reform admin. 351.6 312 1871 U.S.hist-973.82 614.145 1883 ,-..* 973-84 912 trials 347 . 9 628.4 war ass'ns, confederate 369. 17 628.09 Union 369.15 172 . i ethics 172.4 slavery 326 j U. S. history 973 . 7 973 81 Civility ethics 1 7 7 . i 7 1 O Civilization and the church 261.6 347 - 1 323 6 history 901 o j 615 . 761 philosofy of 901 J / 633-813 634.331 primitiv 571 Clackmannan, Scot. hist. 941.35 634 33 Claims against governments 336 635-6I5 U.S. court of hist. 347.99 634.3 reports345 . 41 Clairvoyance 134 352 Clambakes dom. econ. 642.45 725-I3 Clamps practical chem. 542.24 728.11 Clams cul ' ure 639 . 4 728.51 zoology 594 . i 728.3 Clans genealogy 920.2 political science 321.2 614.145 Scottish history 941 ivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this ii 636 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 'Clare co. Ireland i Mich. Clarinet wind instru. 'Clarion co. Pa. history 'Clark co. 111. history travels history history 941 977 788 974 977 917 977 977 977 977 977 93 47i 6 869 Ind. 1 Mo. 1 O. i Wis. 'Clarke co. la. history Clarke's colum anatomy 611 Clark's exped. Am. revol. 973 'Clarksburg, W. Va. hist. 975 Class days student customs 371 feeling ethics 177 meetings pub. worship 264 representation pol. sci. 328 re-unions colleges student cus. room lib. bildings system suffrage Classed catalogs bibliog. lib. adm. Classes of library constituency school organization social, courses for different375 . political sci. 323 . Classic antiquities 9*3 biografy 920. education 375. geografy 912. literature 880 Greek 880 Latin 870 mythology 292 4 philology Greek lang. 480 * Latin " 470 schools, private educ. 373 public " 379 Classics Greek literature 880 218 834 149 528 7856 8223 3348 458 896 5 3344 3 88 Latin Classification chemistry library of animals zoology books lib. econ. diseases medicin of economics knowledge languages 870 54i. 025. 590. 025 . 616. 330. methodol. 112 philology 401 Classification of plants botany 580.1 primary cells el. eng. 621.3538 sciences nat. sci. 501 soils 631 .44 philosof y 112 Claustrum anatomy 611.81323 Clavichord mus. instrum. 786.1 Clavicle anatomy 611.7172 Clay, Henry Am. oratory 815.25 Clay chemic technology 666.4 co. 111. history 977-3795 travels 9I7-73795 Ind. history 977.244 la. 977-7I5 Mo. 977.816 W. Va. " 975-467 modeling elem. educ. 372 .53 petrografy 55 2 -52 Clays economic geol. 553 .61 'Clayton co. la. history 977.736 Clayton-Bulwer treaty 973 . 64 Cleaners library servis 023 . 796 vacuum -dom. 60.648. 52 engin'g 621.55 Cleaning chem. tech. 667.1 dom. econ. 648 dry domestic econ. 646.6 farm operations 631.562 laundry domestic econ. 648 . i pneumatic 62 1 . 549 tools for agriculture 631 .362 Cleanliness, see Clenliness Clean thes stoic philos. 188.2 Clean-up week sanitation 628.44 'Clearfield co. Pa. history 974.861 Clearing house banking 332 for lib. dupli. 025 . 267 Cleavage crystallografy 548.3 geology 55 I - 8 4 Cleft grafting 63 1 . 54 1 3 1 Clemency ethics 179-9 Clemens, S: L. Am. humor 817.44 Clement philosof y 189.2 Clementine sheep 636 . 373 Clementines Apocrypha 229.9 Clenliness of body hygiene 613.4 clothing " 613.483 markets dom. econ. 641.4 zootechny 636.0832 Cleopatra's needle monu. 718 Clepsydra chronology 529.78 Cleptomania derangem'ts 132.6 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 637 Clerc, Jean de Dutch misc. 839.381 Clergy and Amer. revolution 973- 3*5 Great war 940.3152 U. S. civil war 973 .715 benefit of legal antiqui. 340.3 canon law 348 celibacy ethics 176.2 pastoral theol. 254 ethics 174-1 holy orders 262 . i in legislativ bodies 328 . 3324 abrary propagandism 021.76 lives of 922 pastoral work 250 reservs Can. hist. 971-3 Cleric support 254 tithes 336.21 Clerical servis lib. econ. 023 . 76 Clerks legislativ employees 328 . 3623 lib. econ. 023 . 763 occupation hyg. 613.65 ^lermont co. O. history 977 . 179 Cleveland, G. ist presidency973 .85 2 d " 973- 8 7 'Cleveland, O. history 977 -i travels 9 17 . 7 1 Cleveland bay horse 636 .1421 Cliff dwellings archeol. 571.84 Climacterics physiology 612.66 vital statis. 614.13 Climate effects of diseases 616.988 mental char. 1 36 . 2 therapeutics 6 1 5 . 83 4 farm economics 631 . 1 1 hygiene 613.11 influence on man 573-4 physical geology 551 - 5 relation to ration physiol. 612 . 3955 seasons 525 . 5 Climatology con tag. dis. 614.42 phys. geog. 551.5 Climbers birds 598.7 Climbing plants habits 581.5 Clinics medical educa. 610.7 'Clinton city, la. history 977.7671 1 co. 111. " 977-387 travels 917.7387 Ind. history 977.255 la. " 977-767 Mich. " 977.424 Mo. 977-8i55 N. Y. " 974-754 'Clinton, Pa. history 974.854 Fort Am. revol. 973- 333., Clinton's advance " " 973-3335 Clipping pruning 631.54223 zootechny 636 . 0833 Clippings lib. adminis. 025.175 lit. methods 029.3 Clitoris anatomy 611.675 Cloakmaking dom. econ. 646.45 trade 687 Clock, sidereal 522.51 Clockmaking 68 1 Clocks artistic furniture 749 chronology 529 . 78 dom. economy 645 . 5 lib. " 022.923 Clod breakers 63 1 . 3 1 43 crushers 631.3143 Cloisterd nuns 271.96 Cloquet's canal anat. 611.8447 Close communion baptists 286 sacrament 265.3 vs broad classification 025.4 Closed circuit cells eng. 621.3536 Closet, earth san. engin'g 628.43 water air pollution 614.764 san. engin'g 628.6 Closing of libraries lib. econ. 024 . 4 Cloth manufactures 677 Clothes dom. economy 646 Clothesmaking trade 687 Clotheswringers dom. econ.648.3 Clothing adapted to season 646. care of children 649 disinfection, contag. dis. 614 . domestic economy 646 for frigid zones dom. ec. 646 . tropics " " 646 . hygiene 613 of laboring classes 331 . physiology of 612. support from hips 613 . Clouds meteorology 551. artificial agriculture 632 . Clover heders 631 . Clovers forage crops 633 . zootechny 636. Cloves spice plants 633 . Club foot surgery 617. houses architecture 728 libraries 027 table system 642 09 4 48 091 092 48 83 5211 484 57 114 3543 32 08632 832 39 4 2 54 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 638 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Clubs boys sociology 369.42 agric. 630.717 domestic economy 647.94 girls sociology 369.46 agric. 630.717 library economy 020.62 literary education 374 2 social 367 workingmen's architec. 725-93 Clun Forest sheep 636.3243 Clusters and nebulae stars 523-85 Clutches mech. engin'g 621 .825 Clydesdale horse 636.1521 Cnidaria zoology 593 5 Coach bilding mech. trade 684 horse 636.14 Coaching amusements 798 business 656 Coachman dom. econ. 647-3 Coagulation of blood leucocytes 612 . 1125 physiology 612.115 Coal economic geology 553 2 fuel chemic technology 662.6 domestic economy 644 .22 metallurgy 669.8 gas domestic lights 644-3*3 heating 697.6 illuminating 665.7 heating prac. chem. 542.42 mineralogy 549-8 mining 622.33 oil chemic tech. 665.4 domestic lights 644.312 economic geology 553-28 mineralogy 549-8 tar colors chem. tech. 667 . 2 products " " 668.7 therapeutics 6I5-75 trade 338.2 washing ore dressing 622 . 78 Coalescence fetuses deformities 6I7.35 embryology 6ll .012 incomplete deformities 617.32 of parts " 617.33 Coast artillery gunnery 623.553 mil. engin'g 623.417 changes erosion 551.36 defense military eng. 623.3 frontier pol. sci. 320.1288 Coast mounts ordnance pilot survey, U. S. geodesy tides Coasting sports Coasts, hydrografy of Coatroom lib. bildings attendants, lib. Coats, indoor dom. econ. of arms heraldry outdoor dom. econ. Cobalt inorg. chem. ores econom. geol. Cobnut Cobs horse Coca hygiene Cocain anesthetics Cocainism ethics hygiene medicin Coccygeal joints anatomy gland " muscles " nervs " Coccyx " Cochil sapota 'Cochin China, Fr. history fowls Cochineal agriculture dyeing Cochlea anatomy physiology Cochlear nerv anat. nucleus " path, " Cock fighting ethics Cockles culture Cockroaches dom. econ. zoology Coco adulterations agriculture beverages manufacture palm fruit culture Coconut fruit culture fiber Cocoon silkworms Cod fishery fishing Code Napoleon Fr. law telegrafy, hand operat. 623.433 656 526 525-64 796 526 .99 022 .685 023.794 646.43 929.8 646.45 546 . 73 553-48 634-54 636.13 613-85 615.781 178.8 613-85 616.86 611 . 7218 611.48 611.7369 611.836 611. 7118 634-343 959-7 636.5851 638.3 667.2 611 .8521 612.8584 611.83181 611 .8177 611.83181 791 175-6 639.4 648.7 595-72 6i4.347 633-74 641.87 663.9 634.61 634.61 633.581 638.2 639.2 349-442 621.3823 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 639 Codes American law telegrafic elec. eng. Codices Bible mss Codification legislation of law U.S. law Coeducation of races Coele Syria anc. history Coelenterata zoology Coeliacus plexus anat. Coelom embryology Coffee adulterations agriculture botany commercial mix. of 663 domestic economy 641 houses customs hygiene physiology stimulants Cofferdams bridgebilding river eng. Coffins burial customs perishable pub. helth6i4 Cognition metaphysics Cogwheels mech. eng. 'Cohahuila, Mex. hist. Coherers wireless teleg. Cohesion physics Coils choke elec. engin'g elec. apparatus physic induction elec. engin'g 621 theory of dynam. elec. 537 Coin collectors, telefone Coinage administration 351 polit. economy act U. S. history Coins numismatics Coir agriculture Coke chemic tech. domestic, econ metallurgy Cola 'Colchester co. N. S, histor Colchis, Asia ancient hist. Cold antipyretics baths hygiene drinks " exposure to pro tec. of life 614 345 22 Cold 621.38215 frames forcing 631.5442 220.4 protection 631.3442 Harbor, Va. U.S.civ. war 973 .7368 328.23 imponderable remedies 615.832 345-2 physics 536 376.7 physiologic effects 6 1 2 . 59 371-99 protection of animals 636 . 0836 939-42 storage architecture 725.35 593 3 food preservat. 641.4 611.83931 wether cookery 641 . 591 611.389 Colds catarrh 616.205 611 .01366 'Cole co. Mo. history 977-855 6i4-347 Colenso controv. Pentateuch222 . i 633 73 Coleochaeteae botany 589.47 583-52 Coleoptera pests 632 . 76 663.9 zoology 595 . 76 641.87 Coleridge, S: T. Eng. poetry 821 . 72 394-1 'Coles co. 111. history 977-372 6i3-37 Coleshill swine 636.4223 612.3932 Colic diseases 616.34 615.711 painters poisons 615.928 624.157 'Colima, Mexico history 972.3 627.8 Coliseum Rom. antiq. 913.376 393-1 Collapse lung diseases 616.249 614.614 Collar bone anat. 611.7172 126 Collards 635.347 621.83 Collars toilet 646 . 48 972.1 Collation library econ. 025.235 621.3843 Collected biografy 920 539-2 sermons 252 travels 910.8 621 .3146 works, see subject 537-86 Collecting 621.3147 biology 579.6 537-51 book library econ. 025.2 621 .38692 bottle biology 579.612 351 .822 business methods 658 332.4 Collection of fertilizers 631 .812 973 82 taxes finance 336 . 29 7 1 J Collections 737 art galleries 708 633 . 581 engravings 769 662 . 7 of poetry Amer. liter. 811 .08 644.22 Eng. 821.08 669.8 photografy 779 633-76 special library rooms 022.64 971.612 useful knowledge 602 939-53 vocal music 784 other topics, see subject 6i5-75 Collectiv housekeeping 647 . 9 6i3-43 Collectors elec. traction 621.3344 613-36 manuals biology 579 614.87 Collects Anglican ritual 264.036 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 640 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION College cheers student customs 3 7 1 . 89 degrees 378 . 2 education, cost of 378.368 electoral suffrage 324 . 249 entrance requirements 371.214 founders' lives 923 . 7 journalism colleges 378.05 journalism 070.489 libraries 027 . 7 functions 371.647 men in Amer. revolution 973.315 men in U. S. civ. war 973-715 responsibilities 378.069 regattas athletics 37*-75 relief units Great war 940.4777 settlements labor, classes 331 .85 societies student life 371.83 songs 784.6 sports 37*-74 Y. M. C. A. 267.361 Colleges agricultural 630.711 and universities 378 architecture 727.3 business 650 . 7 for women 3 76 . 8 separate vs coed. 376.7 gymnastics in 371.7324 hygiene 613.54 in American revolution 973.315 U. S. civ. war 973 -7 1 5 Collegiants sects 284.9 Collegiate education women 376 . 6 Collenuccio, P. Ital. essays 854 . 24 Collier controv. Shakspere 822.33 Collieries mining eng. 622.23 Colliers shipbilding 623 . 826 Collimation constant astron. 522.35 Collin-Harleville, ]'. F. 842 . 62 Collins, W: Eng. poetry 821.57 Collisions at sea marit. law 347 . 7 Collodion process photog. 772 Colloids mesology 612.0144625 theoretic chem. 541.3452 Colman, G : sr Eng. drama 822 . 63 'Cologne history 943-42 travel 914.342 1 Colombia, S. Am. history 986 travels 918.6 Colon anatomy 611.348 Colonial dames of Amer. 369 .122 nat'l soc. of 369. 123 daughters of i7th century 369. 128 Colonial history, U. S. 973 . 2 law English statutes 346.1 order of the acorn 369 . 126 representation pol. sci. 328 . 3343 societies 369.12 society of Pennsylvania 369 . 127 system political science 325 wars, society 369 . 1 2 1 Colonies political science 325 Colonization, African 325.6 hist, of Africa 960 political sci. 325.3 Colonizing electoral fraud 324 . 272 Colonnades arch, design 729.32 walls 721.26 Colony character stockbreeding 656.0821 composition 656 . 0823 Colophons incunabula 093 Color blindness eye diseases 617 75 physiology 612.8455 fotografy 772 in man nat. hist, of man 573 . 5 plants botany 581.157 of animals zoology 591.157 blood physiology 612.111 optics 535 6 painting 752 printing 655 . 32 sense mental faculty 152.1 sight physiology 612.84331 suffrage 324.15 Colorado, U. S. admission U. S. history 973.82 . discovery of America 973.16 1 history 978.8 mil. hist. U. S. civ. war 973 . 7488 war with Spain 973 .89488 river hemp 633 . 566 travel 917.88 Coloration of flame chem. 542. 52 Colorational variation zool. 591.157 Colord audition physiol. 612.84373 men Y. M. C. A. 267.365 races somatology 573.5 tiles roofs 721.56 swine, medium 636.426 Colorimetric analysis chem. 545.8 j Coloring butter 637.26 dyeing 667 . 2 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 641 Coloring matter of bile physiol. 612, urin " 612, matters org. chem. 547 Colors artificial chem. tech. 667. college 378 ecclesiology 246 . literary methods 029. manufacture of paints 667 . military science 355. painting fine arts 752 trade 698. practical printing 655, Colosseum Rom. antiq. 913 Colossians epistles 227 Colossus of Rhodes monum.7i8 Colostrum physiology 612 Colportage parochial Colt gun ordnance Colum, spinal anatomy Columbates mineralogy Columbia college Columbia co. N. Y. 1 Ea. 1 Wis. 1 Dist. of hist. 'Columbiana co. O. 2 59 623. 611 549< 378. 974 974. 977. 975- trav. 917. hist. 977 Columbium inorg. chem. 546 . Columbus disco v. of Amer. 973 . 1 Columbus O. history 977 day sch. observ. 371, Columelliaceae botany 583 . Colums architectural construe. 721 design 729 carpentry 694 carvd arch, decorat. 729 of cord, posterior anat. 611 painted arch, decorat. 729 sculpture 730 strength of materials 620 'Colusa co. Cal. hist. 979 Combat, judicial leg. antiq. 340 Combination arithmetic 511. cars railway engin'g 625 . Combinations industrial polit. econ. 338, of capital 33 1 labor " 331 Combinatory anal, algebra 512 35713 46127 2 28 6 i 6 15 32 376 7 66435 4225 711 7i 747 739 838 58i 3 53 163 891 i5 157 365 829 3 3 2 4 57 .826 47 .11283 433 3 5 24 i 8? 5 Combined harvester and thresher 631 . system of sewerage 628 . Combretaceae botany 583 . Combs customs 391. Combustibles, storage 614. Combustion chemistry 54 1- engins, internal 621 . heat 536 . in furnaces indus. sanit. 628. 621 621 822 862 523 523 523 524 523 521 steam generation locomotivs 5 Comedy Eng. drama Cornelia, L. F. Span. " Comets charts connection with meteors maps observations observation of theory 5 Comic journals Eng. liter. 827 journalism 070 music dramatic 782 5 works Eng. liter. 827 Commagene, Asia anc. hist. 939 Command mil. science 355 Commanders biografy 923 Commelinaceae botany '584 Commemorations Great war 1914-19 military science U. S. history civil war 3542 211 414 5 831 39 43 46 524 182 Mex. " revolution 940 355 973 973 973 Span, war 973 war of 1812 973 Commemorativ sermons 252 Commensalism zoology 591 Commentaries, Bible 220 law 347 Commerce, interstate 385 regulation law 347 sociology 380 useful arts 650 Commei cial agencies credit 332 arithmetics mathematics 5 1 1 bildings architecture 725 care of 647 establishments library 020 fertilizers air pollution 614 industry state control 351 law - 347 .6 .69 56 .6 .69 -7 .487 .6 -36 ' 5 3* 46 .16 .76 .626 36 .896 .526 9 5 -7 7 8 2 96 65 748 824 7 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 642 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Commercial morals ethics 174 panics polit. economy 332 travelers Y. M. C. A. 267.363 traveling commerce 658 Commissions bilding 692 . 8 library 027.4 middlemen pol. econ. 331.236 ordnance 623 . 4823 parliamentary legislat'n 328 . 372 special " 328 . 3628 Commissure extension of deformities 617.34 of cord, anterior anat. 611.8258 posterior " 611.8269 Committee procedure legislation 328 . 3742 Committee legislativ bodies 328 . library 023 . see also distinctiv name Common bantams 636 carriers law 347 currant 634 law, American 345 British 346 3627 3 587H 1 722 right copyr't 655.61 treatises 347 pleas, court of 347 . 99 prayer Ang. rit. 264.03 schools, public 379 Commonplace books 029.4 Commons, house of Eng. 328.42 student life 371.88 Common welth Eng. hist. 942.063 Rom. " 937.02 Common welths, ideal 320 . i Communal marriage 392.6 Commune, French loc. gov. 352.0446 Ger. " " 352.0434 of 1871 Fr. hist. 944. 08 polit. economy 335 Communes, age of, in Italy 945 .04 Communication administration 351.81 electric engineering 621 . 38 farm economics 631 . n heat 536.2 magnetism 538.2 mode of con tag. dis. 614.4,^ sociology 380 useful arts 650 335 335 374 333 Communion, close baptists 286 holy sacram. 265 servis mus. 783 Communism polit. econ. Communists, French Community centers of land pol. econ. Commutators elec. engin'g 62 1 physics 537 Compact ethics 1 74 Companies associations 360 joint stock law 347 Comparativ animals plants zoology anatomy S9i 58i embryology zoology 591 , legislation 340, medicin 619 mythology 291 philology 410 physiology zoology 591 . religion 290 theology dogmatics 230 wages polit. economy 331. Comparetti, D. Ital. essays 854. Comparison 3 signs of Eng. etymol. 422. inflection 425. Compass magnetism 538. variations of astron. 522, Compasses ship outfit 623. 2 Compends, see subject Compensation labor pol sci. 331 . legislatures 328 . Compensator potential regulators elec. eng. 621. Compensators " " 621. Competency of voters pol. sci. 324 . Competition prices 338 . wages 331 . Competitions agricultural 630 . school 37i- Competitiv examinations, civ. serv. 351. schools 371. music festivals 784 . Complex ores metallurgy 669 variables calculus 517. Complexus muscle anat. 611. Complications in labor obst. 618. 3 21 4 28 2 316 6 7 2 86 6 16 7 76 86 2 333 31327 5 2 719 535 3 27 5 . Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 643 Compline Anglican ritual 264.034 Composers biografy 927.8 Composit electrode arcs elec. light 621 .3256 floors and flooring 721 . 65 fuels steam engineering 621.18225 order of architecture 729.32 power electric plants 621.312135 ships shipbilding 623 . 84 structures arch, const. 721.94 Composite botany 583.55 Composition architectural design 729.11 artistic typesetting 655.25 butter 637 . 22 cheese 637.32 elementary English 428.2 fertilizers 631.813 food zootechny 636 . 08 5 1 milk 637 . 127 music 781.6 rhetoric 808 soil 631.411 typesetting 655 . 25 with creditors law 347-7 Compost heap agric. 631.875 Compound engins 621.11262 floors and flooring 721 .64 stationary engins 621 . 1647 structures bridgebilding 624.7 wound generators 621.313234 Compounds types of chem. 541.4 with metals org. chem. 547 . 9 Compressibility of air pneu .533.2 Compressing rams engin'g 621.274 Compression of brain physiology 612.82455 gases physics 533-2 strength of materials 620.11242 Compressor nasi anat. 611.7323 Comprest air engins 621.42 machinery 621 5 therapeutics 615.836 Compromise ethics 171 Missouri U. S. history 973 . 54 of 1850 ' civ. war 973.7113 " history 973- 6 3 tariff act " " 973-56 Compromises, slavery U. S. hist. 973-7II3 ^ompton co. Que. history 971 .468 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior Compulsory education 379-23 insurance 331.25 labor polit. econ. 331.57 vaccination pub. helth 614.4738 voting political sci. 324.215 Compurgation legal an tiq. 340.3 Computation arithmetic 511 bridge stresses 624. 171 Comte French philosofy 194.8 positivism 146 Comtoise sheep 636 . 3443 Concept mental philos. 153.1 of state pol. sci. 320.15 Conception immaculate Christology 232 . i physiology 6 1 2 . 63 Concert room lib. bildings 022.651 teaching 37I-3 1 Concertina music 786.9 Concerto orchestral mus. 785.6 Concerts amusements 791 Conchae anat. 611.7147 Conchifera brachiopoda 594 . 8 lamellibranch. 594.1 Conchoid curv anal. geom. 516.26 Conchology 594 Conclave, papal eccles. pol. 262 . 13 Concord, battle Am. revol. 973.3311 philosofy 191-3 Concordances, Bible 220.2 special, see subject Concordat eccles. polity 262 . 13 internat. law 341.2 Concrete bilding material 691 3 ceilings 721.75 chemic technology 666 . 8 construction 693 . 5 engineering material 620.136 floors architecture 721.62 fortifications mil. eng. 623.123 foundations 721.13 pavements engin'g 625 . 84 piers and colums 721.33 reinforced engineering 620.137 roofing 695.6 roofs architec. 721.52 sidewalks pavements 625.8 village houses 728.64 walls 721.23 see also special structures Concretion geologic agent 551.98 Concubinage sex customs 392.6 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 6 44 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Concussion injuries 617 of brain physi. 612 Condemd books rarities 098 Condensation action of heat 536 of effluvium sanit. eng. 628 vapor pneumatics 533 Condensed milk dairy 637 pub. helth 614 Condensers chemistry 542 elec. engin'g 621 electricity 537 steam engin'g 621 621 621 .21 82455 telefone Condensing engins pump pneu. 533 Condenst milk dairy 637 pub. helth 614 Condillac French philos. 194 Condimental herbs field crops 633 garden " 635 Condiments adulterations 614 chem. tech. 664 zootechny 636 Conditional immortality 237 sentences English 425 Greek 485 other lang. Conditions influencing ani- 44 523 . I .142 .324 .48 315 .24 .1976 3865 .11252 8 3 .142 .324 3 .84 7 3*4 5 .0877 3 4 4 612.54 mal temperature Condits electric lines subsurface roads telegraf ventilation waterworks Conduct of life ethics Conduction electricity heat Conductivity of rocks geol. 551. Conductors elec. engin'g 621. Condylarthrosis anat. Cone modern geometry solid Conestoga draft horse Confectionery adultera. Confederacy, daughters of Confederate navy U. S. civ. war 621 . 625.! 654- 697. ( 628. 170 537-: 536-: 6n . 5I3-. 636.1 641.) 614.; 369 . 973-757 Confederate states of Amer. formd 073.713 civ. war 973 . 7 survivors association 369.171 veterans " 369.172 united 369.174 united sons of 369 . 1 73 Confederation American colonies 973.318 Canadian provinces 971.05 form of state 321 .022 North German 943.081 of the Rhine 943 . 06 1783-89 U. S. history 973.318 Conference meetings, church264.7 Conferences legislativ procedure 328.3742 library 020 . 6 on candidates suffrage 323 . 233 Confession and absolution sacram 'ts 265.6 Augsburg creeds 238.4 auricular sacram 'ts 265.6 Confessional Roman ch. 282 Confessions creeds 238 of faith ritual 264.5 Confidence practises 174.6 Confinement obstetrics 6 1 8 . 4 punishment, crim. law 343.2 schools 371-56 solitary, crim. law 343 2 prison disciplin 365 Confirmation sacraments 265.2 Conflagrations 614.84 Conflict of duties 171 laws intern, la w 3 4 1 . 5 Conformity Anglican ch. 283.42 Confucianism religion 299.5 Confucius Chinese philos. 181 . i Congelation physics 536.43 Congenital defects of body hyg. 613.91 teratol. 611.012 distortions surgery 617.39 Congestion of the lungs 616.242 Conglomerate lithology 552.51 Congo, see Kongo Congregation eccle. polity 262.2 Congregational church 285.8 creed 238.5 orders 262 . 19 singing 7 8 3-9 Congregationalism sects 285.8 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 6 45 Congregationalists lives 922 . 5 Congress of nations intern, law Vienna Europ. hist, internat. law U. S. legisl. bodies Congresses, library 3 see also special subject Congressional debates, U. S. directories " documents 34i. 940. 34i. 328. 020. i 27 i , 73 63 73 2 738 734 Eng. drama 822 .46 328. 328. 328. Congreve, W: Conic projections descrip. geom. 515. spheric " 5 1 5 . sections analyt. geom. 516. geometry 513. Conicoids analytic geom. 516. Conies " 516. modern " 5*3- Coniferae botany 585 . Conium nervous depress. 615. Conjugate forms invariants 512. Conjugateae botany 589 . Conjugation Eng. gram. 425. Fr. " 445- Ger. " 435- Gk - 485. Lat. gram. 475. other lang. Conjunctions etymology English 422. Greek 482 . Latin 472 . 3 other lang. solar sj'stem 523. syntax English 425. Greek 485 . Latin 475. other lang. Conjunctiv mood, etymology Greek 482 . Latin 472 . other lang. syntax English 425, French 445 , Greek 485 Latin 475 3 other lang. Conjunctiva anatomy 611 eye diseases 617 physiology 612 Conjuring sorcery 133 . Topics in black face type are subdivided 4 56 22 22 42 53 53 2 786 88 61 18 18 18 18 18 S .8 8411 7i 8411 4 Conkanee hemp agric. 633 . 562 Connaraceae botany 583.31 'Connaught, Ire. history 941.7 Connecticut, U. S. Arnold in Am. revol. 973-3377 1 history 974 . 6 For military history see sub- divisions of Special campains and Military history under 973-3, 973-7 and 973-89 Pequot war 973 . 22 travel 917.46 Tryon in Am. revol. 973. 335 1 Connections, volt, cell eng. 621 .3526 Connectiv tissue anat. 61 1 . 76 diseases 616.77 histol. 611.0182 Conquest international law Norman Eng. hist, of Greece by Rome Mexico by Spain territorial pol. sci. Conrad i Ger. history 2 " " 3 4 Consanguinity law physiol. Conscience, H. Dutch fie. Conscience ethics freedom pol. science Consciousness philosofy Conscription mil. science 341-3 942 . 02 938.08 972 .02 320.1269 943.022 943 - 02 3 943.024 943 - 02 5 347-6 612 .607 839-3355 171 .6 323-442 126 355- 2 2 U. S. history 973.7414 265.9 252.7 Consecration sermons Conservation of energy physics 531 .6 fertilizers agric 63 i . 8 i 2 forces physics 531-6 moisture agric. 631.7 national resources 339 natural " 339 Conservatism 137 Conservatories architec. 728.98 music 780.7 plants 716.3 Consols Eng. finance 336.42 3 Consonants language 421.3 physiology 612.7894 Conspiracies crim. law 343 Constables 3 5 2 . 2 Constance, council of 1414-8, Hussites 284.3 religious history 270.5 Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 6 4 6 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Constant de Rebecque 843 . 63 Constant current analysis chem. 545.311 syst. arc light 621.3252 transformers 621.31432 potential syst. arc. light 62 1 . 3253 transformers 621.31431 speed motors 621.313245 voltage analysis chem. 545.312 Constantine the Great Byzant. hist. 949 . 501 Constantinople 1 history Latin conquest travels Turkish conquest Constantinopolitan creed Constants earth electricity moon Q49 949 914 949 238 525 537 523 sun 523 Constellation, ship U.S.hist. 973 Constellations astronomy 523 Constipation Constituencies 61 53 961 54 i i pathology 616. suffrage 324 Constituents butter 637 , cheese 637 Constitution and bylaws lib. econ. centennial U. S. hist, day school observ. English law of matter metaphysics physics of '57 Mex. history ship U. S. war of 1812 captures by " United States history law Constitutional act, Canada under 971 . conventions 342 diseases 616. history 342 law 342 monarchy pol. sci. 321. Constraind attitude hyg. 613 . Construction aircraft aerostation 629 . aviation 629 . architectural 721 carpentry 694 library bildings 022. masonry 693 023 973 37i 342 117 530 972. 973' 973' 973 342 45 89 34 22 222 322 I 85 365 42 I 06 5251 5257 4 73 03 9 16 18 Construction systems shipbilding 623 . 84 Consular reports 382 systems intern, law 341 Consulate, i st Fr. hist. 944. Consuls 327 Consulting librarian ' 023 Consumers leag 33 1 Consumption butter 637 . cheese 637. final pol. econ. 339 fuel steam engin'g 621 compar. " 621 lung diseases 616 milk 637 . productiv pol. econ. 331 8 046 4 8 24 34 1823 ,1824 246 14 5 6 91 4 5 Consumptiv assn cooperat-334. Contagious diseases domestic economy 648 . pathology 616. public helth, general 614. special 614. Containers elec. engin'g 621. prac. chem. 542 . Contemplativ pers. religion 248 sisterhoods 271. theology 242 Contested elections legislativ bodies 328 . suffrage 324 . legislation 328 . Conti, Augusto Ital. essays854. Contingent vote suffrage 324 . Continence ethics 176. Continental code elec. engin'g 621. congress U.S.hist. 973. leg. bod. 328. heraldry 929. protestant sects 284 travels 914 Continents phys. geog. 551.41 Continuation schools 374-8 Continued fever, simple 616.926 Continuous current machinery eng. 621.3132 systems transmission 621.319122 train telegrafy 621 .38425 truss bridgebilding '624 . 33 'Contra Costa co. Cal. hist. 979 . 463 Contraband of war int. law 341 .3 Contrabass tuba wind 788.48 23 96 3358 277 3744 83 224 3 382153 312 73 6 Topics in black face typ are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 647 Contrabasso stringd 787.4 Conversation Contract self education 3 74 T labor pol. econ. 331-54 table 642.48 prisons 365 Conversion personal relig. 248 Contractility revivals 269 of bile ducts physiol. 612.3577 Converter hart " 612.171 panels elec. eng. 621.31726 spleen ' " 612.413 substations " 621.31264 Contraction Converters elec. engin'g muscular histology 611.01864 alternating current 62 1 . 3 1 35 of muscles physiology 612.741 direct " 621.31325 Contractions shorthand 653.1 frequency, asynchronous 621.31367 Contractors liability bldg6g2.9 phase " 621.31368 Contracts Conveyances law 347 .2 bilding 692 . 4 Conveyancing realty 347-2 ethics J 74-7 Conveyers engineering 621.867 law 347-4 fuel " 621.18378 marriage family law 347-6 tree agricult. 631.3366 teachers 371.142 Conveying wage scales pol. econ. 331.22 machinery engin'g 621.86 Contra variants algebra 512.88 hydraulic " 621.264 Contreras, battle Mex.war 973.6238 pupils central plan 3 79 - 1 75 Contributions Convict labor pol. econ 331.51 election suffrage 324.273 Convicts criminal law 343 library rules 023 . 93 discharged reform 364 Control Conviviality social cust. 394-J devices electric stations 621.317 Convocation eccles. polity 262.4 fertilizer frauds 63 1 . 8 1 8 Convolutions anatomy 611.8131 over administration 3S r -9 physiol. 612.825 systems elec. traction 621.3344 Convolvulaceae botany 583.78 Controversial divinity 230 Convulsions diseases 616.845 sermons 252.2 puerperal 618.75 Contused wounds surgery 617.142 Conway cabal Am. revol. 973.349 Contusions surgery 617.13 J Cook co. 111. history 977 .31 Conundrums amusem'ts 793 Cook books dom. econ. 641 . 5 5 Eng. lit. 828' Cookers kitchen equip. 643 . 33 Conus medullaris anat. 611.8216 Cookery Convection heat 536.2 dietetics 613 . 2 Convent educa. of women 376.5 domestic economy 641.5 labor polit. econ. 331.53 esthetics of dom. econ. 641.01 Convention eccles. polity 262.4 of diff. materials 641 .6 French hist. 944.043 processes 641 . 7 Conventional forms decoration, painted 729.44 Cooking banana 634 773 schools 641.07 relief 729.54 Cooks domestic economy 647 25 Conventions polit. parties 329 see also special subjects look's iland history 996 . 2 Coolies 326.2 Convents 271 architecture 726.7 Cooling towers steam eng. 62 1 . 19764 Conversation Cooper, A. A. Eng. essays 824.51 art of 374-1 J. F. Am. fiction 813.24 ethics 177 -2 Cooper co. Mo. history 977 .851 library staff rules 023.91 Union education 374-9 rooms lib. Hidings 022.661 Cooperage manufactures 674 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 648 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Cooperation lib. econ. 021.64 lit. methods 029 . i polit. econ. 334 Cooperativ bilding associations 334 . i cataloging lib. admin. 025.3 housekeeping 647 . 93 insurance 334-3 Coordinates anal. geom. of space 516.34 geografic 5 2 5 4 modern analytic geom. 516.51 plane " 516.14 spheric astronomy 522 . 7 Coordination physiology 612 .82934 Coornhert, D.V. Dut. poetry 839 .3126 'Coos co. N. H. history 974.21 Copaiba diuretics 615.761 Copenhagen history 948 . 9 travel 9 i 4 . 89 Copepoda articulates 595-34 Copernican theory astron. 521 Copiers lib. economy 025.154 offis equipment 652 Coplas de Mingo Revulgo 867.2 Coppee, F. E: J. Fr. drama 842 .88 " poetry 841.85 Copper coins money 332.41 drugs 615.256 engraving 762 implements archeol. 571.34 inorganic chemistry 546 . 56 led accumulators 621.35556 manufacture 671 metallic poisons 615.929 metallurgy 669 . 3 mineralogy 549 . 2 mining prehist. archeol.57i .31 ores economic geology 553.43 roofing 695.4 toxicology 615.929 Copperas disinfectant 614.488 Coptic church sects 281.7 language 493 . 2 literature 893 . 2 Copts history 962 Copulation embryology 611.0132 ph y siology 612.613 zootechny 636 . 082453 Copy and proof lit. meth. 029.6 Copybooks elem. educat. 372.51 Copying processes writing 652 Copyists' occupation,hygiene6i3 . 65 Copyright books lib. aid 021. international law 341 law 347. publishing 655 Coquetry ethics 177. Coquillart, G. Fr. poetry 84 1 . Coracoacromial ligaments 6 1 1 Coracobrachialis anat. 6n Coracoclavicular joint " 611 Coracoid process " 6 1 1 Coral reefs geology 55 1 Corallines algae 589 Corals zoology 593 Cor- Anglais wind instr. 788 Cord machine physics 531 spinal anatomy 611 physiology 612 Cordage fibers agriculture 633 manufacture 677 Cordials liquors 663 Cordilleras description 918 Cordon training 631 . Cords plant support 631 . training 631. 'Corea history 951 Cores, field elec. eng. 621 Coriander 635 . Coriarieae botany 583 Corinth, Miss, battle 973 siege 973 Corinthia ancient hist. 938 Corinthians i epistles 227 2 227 Corium anatomy 611 K^ork, Ireland history 941 travel 914 Cork borers chemistry 542 Corliss engin 621 Corn cereals 633 clubs 630 duty on 337 foods zootechny 636 harvesters 631 harvesting 631 laws 337 salad 635 shellers 631 trade pol. econ. 338 vegetables 635 Cornaceae botany 583 Cornea anatomy 6 1 1 eye-diseases 617 physiology 612, 842 5 7 6 6 2 3 .72724 73722 72724 7^73 , 9 6 3 6 7 83 .82 83 5 5 5466 345i 9 .316 75 .298 7334 7325 7 2 3 778 95 25 1644 15 717 5 08615 355 555 5 57 3614 i 67 497 8413 8411 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 649 Corneille, Pi Fr. drama 842 T: " 842 Cornelius A grippa philos. 189, Cornell university 378. Cornet wind instrum. 788 Cornises archit. construe. 721, design 729 4 Cornish Indian fowls 636 language 491 pumps mine drainage 622. Corns dermatology 616. Cornstalks zootechny 636. Cornwall, England hist. 942 . Cornwall sheep 636. Cornwallis' surrender 973 . Corolli florae botany 583. Corona of sun 523 . Coronado discov. of Am. 973 Coronarieae botany 584. Coronary arteries anatomy 611. physiology 612. gastric artery anatomy 61 1 . nervs " 611. valv " 6n. Coronation ceremonies 394. Coroners law 347. local go v't 352. Corpora albicantia anat. 611. cavernosa " 611. 43 5 747 3 27 quadrigemina " Corporal punishment Corporate industries Corporation, city admin. Corporations business charitable law of mining municipal railroad Corps army U. S. civ. war univ. admin. judicial Corpulence Corpus callosum disease physiology 6n 37i 338. 352. 360 380 36i 347. 622 352 385 973 378. 616. 612. .58814 .67 53 54 086255 37 3266 3375 5 75 16 3 1322 . 1721 13643 8393 12665 4 96 9 8142 645 8i53 55 7 003 7416 JI 3 39 3977 anatomy 6 1 1 . physiology 612. luteum anatomy 6 1 1 . embryology 6 1 r . spongiosum anatomy 6 1 1 . Topics in black face type are subdivided. Corpus striatum anatomy physiology Corpuscles chemistry red physiol. white f* Corpuscular theory of light matter Correction, houses of arch. Corrections astronomy by readers lib. economy gravity experiments of orbit astronomy perspectiv Correlation method of teaching of figures mod. geom. forces physics Correspondence autobiografy commercial courses agricultxire 5 English literature letter writing library administration logic methods of teaching modern geometry natural theology schools self education shorthand Swedenborgian KHorreze, France history Corridors lib. bildings Corrosion chemistry eng. materials steam boilers Corrosiv sublimate antiseptics drugs pestifuges toxicology Corrugator supercilii anat. Corruption electoral suffrage official ethics Corsets hygiene Corsica, Italy, anc. hist, mod. " Corsican pony Cortereal, G. discov. of Am M. - - - 8261 652 01317 646 Superior figures refer to the tables at the enl of this index 611 .8132 612.8261 541-2 ' 612 in 6I2.II2 535-1 530-i 364 725-63 522.9 024.81 526.73 521.35 515-66 37 I -3 6 3 5I3-57 531-6 920 658 630.714 826 808.6 025.15 169 374 4 5I3-57 219 374 4 653 042 289.4 944-67 022.681 541-39 62O .1122 621 . 1965 615.778 6I5-258 648.7 615.927 611.7325 324 27 172.2 613.484 937-9 945-9 636.165 .973.16 650 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Cortes, H. disco v. of Am. 973 . 16 Mex. history 972 .02 Cortex, cerebral anatomy 611.8131 physiol. 612.825 Corticine dom. economy 645 . i lib. 022 .961 611 . 8522 Corti's fibers anatomy physiology 612 . 8584 ganglion anatomy 611.89181 organ " 611.8522 physiology 612.8584 Portland co. N. Y. hist. 974.772 Corundum chemic tech. 666 . 8 econ. geol. 553-65 mineralogy 549 . 5 Corve'e pol. econ. 331-57 Coryza diseases 616.205 'Coshocton co. O. history 977.165 Cosmetics adulterations 614.354 toilet 646 . 7 Cosmic dust astronomy 523.16 philosofy metaphys. 113 time chronology 529.77 Cosmogony metaphysics 113 natural theol. 213 Cosmografy phys. geog. 551.4 Cosmology metaphysics 113 natural theol. 213 Cossa, Pietro Italian drama 852 .82 Cossacks Russian hist. 947 Cost bilding 692 . 5 keeping accounts 657 of animals zootechny 636.08112 college education 378.368 farm agriculture 631.112 fertilizers " 631.817 food dom. econ. 641.31 political economy 338 Costa, I : da Dutch poetry 839 . 3 1 55 Paolo Ital. essays 854.71 S: Dutch drama 839.3233 'Costa Rica hist. 972.86 Costal cartilages anatomy 611.7125 Costanzo, A. di Ital. poetry 851.41 Coster hist, of printing 655.112 Costivness diseases 616.34 Costmary 635 . 74 Costocervical artery anat. 61 1 . 1346 Costochondral joints " 6 1 1 . 723 Costocla v icular ligam . " 611.7271 Costosternal joints " 61 1 . 723 Costovertebral " " 611.722 Costume academic 378.29 ecclesiastic 247 . 7 Costume fashion mag. hygiene military Costumes 'C6te d' Or, France hist. Co-tenancy law Co ten tin cattle sheep J C6tes du Nord, Fr. hist. Cotswold sheep Cottage cheese Cottages, laborers archit. mountain seaside " Cotters fastenings Cottoid fishes zoology Cotton agriculture clothing hygiene domestic economy dyeing chem. technol. expos, internat. U.S.hist. manufactures mills architecture picking agriculture trade pol. econ. worm pests Cottonseed meal fertilizers Cotyloid cavity anatomy Couches dom. economy Coucou poultry de Malines poultry Coughing physiology Coughs and colds pathol. Coulometers elec. eng. Council 1 Bluffs, la. history ecclesiastic polity ecumenic eccles. pol. relig. hist. general Fr. loc. gov't history, religious municipal Fr. loc. gov't of state French admin. Ger. privy Eng. " Counsel Christian relig. Counterfiting law pol. econ. Counterirritation therapeut Countermines mil. eng. Counterpoint music Counterpoise bridges 646.05 613.48 355-14 391 944.42 347-2 636 . 2462 636.3447 944.12 636.3211 637-356 728.68 728.7 728.7 621.883 597-5 633-5I 613.481 646. ii 667.3 973-84 677 725-4I 631-5565 338.1 632.78 631.847 611 . 7181 645-42 636.547 636.548 612 . 219 616. 205 621.3744 977.7711 262 .4 262.5 270.2 352.0442 270 352.0448 354.4405 354.4308 354.4204 241 343 332.9 .615.771 623.36 781.4 624 . 82 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 651 Counters library econ. 022.913 telefone stations 621 .38798 Countervallation mil. eng. 623.22 Country homes architecture 728 . 6 of poor " 728. 12 inns - 7 2 8.S3 laboring class in special 331 . 819 life 630 . 1 mortality pub. helth 614.145 schools 3 79 .1 73 seats architecture , 728 . 8 vs city colleges 378. 153 County agent agriculture 630 .717 government admin. 352 County government Eng. admin .352.0421 histories British U.S. libraries Couplings power transmission railroad engineering Coups d'elat pol. sci. Courage ethics Courier de Me're'.P.L' 'Courland, Russia Course length of college school Courses agricultural, correspond, extension 942 974-979 027.42 621 . 825 625.25 321.094 179.6 Fr.lit. 844 . 63 hist. 947.4 378.241 371-253 630 714 630.717 in nonagric. sch. 630.716 short belt walls curriculum of reading lib. econ. Court baron English law etiquet customs fools " houses architecture of arbitration claims U. S. law star chamber Eng. law 347 . 99 reporting shorthand 653.046 supreme U. S. law 347.99 university administration 378. 113 Courtes-pattes poultry 636 . 544 Courtesy ethics 1 7 7 . i lib. staff rules 023 . 96 630.713 721.25 375 028.3 347-99 395 . 394-2 725-15 34I-I 347-99 Courts administration I 351.94 authority of 340 ecclesiastical 262.9 history of 347-99 juvenil 364 martial 344 of honor mil. science 355.13 inquiry - " 355-13 organization 347 . 97 Courtship ethics 1 7 7 . 6 Cousin eclecticism 148 French philos. 194 . 7 Cousins, marriage of law 347.6 Coussade poultry 636.544 Coutumes French law 349.442 Covariants higher algebra 512.88 Covenant meetings pub.wor.264 . 8 Scotch creeds 238.5 Covenanters relig. hist. 274.1 Scot. " 941.06 Covenants for titles law 347.2 religious creeds 238 Coventry plays Eng. drama 822 . 12 Cover crop 631 . 584 Covering protection against frost 632 .113 steam pipe 621 . 1856 Coverture law 347-9 Covetousness ethics 1 79 . 8 Cowardis " T 79-6 Cowley, A. Eng. poetry 82 1 . 46 Cowpeas 633.33 Cowpens, S. C. Am. revol. 973.3372 Cowper, W: Eng. poetry 821.65 611 .627 616.913 637.121 619.2 636.2 599-7 6n . 7181 Am. humor 817.36 634-12 639-5 595 36 631-3513 631.3513 398.8 784.4 371.27 glands anat. Cowpox diseases Cows choice of dairy diseases of domestic animals zoology Coxae, os anatomy Cozzens, F : S. Crab apple Crabs fishery zoology Cradle agriculture sithe agriculture songs folklore music Cramming examinations Cramp zootechny diseases 636 . 08456 616.87 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Cranberry small fruits 634 . 76 bush " 634.745 Cranes and elevators eng. 621 . 87 hydraulic machinery 62 1 . 263 Cranial bones anatomy 611.715 ganglions " 611.891 nerrs " 611.831 physiology 612.819 sutures anatomy 611.7141 Craniidae zoology 594-8 Craniology nat. hist, of mans 73.7 Cranium anatomy 611.715 base of 611.7143 Crannoges prehist. dwel. 571.83 Craonnaise swine 636 . 443 Crashaw, R : Eng. poetry 82 1 . 42 'Crasis " lang. 421.2 Crassulaceae botany 583-39 Craters seismology 551.21 Crates Greek philosofers 183.4 Crawfish fishery 639 . 5 zoology 595-37 'Crawford co. 111. history 977.375 travels 917.7375 history 977.228 977-745 977-477 977.862 977.127 974.897 977-574 639-5 595-37 74i adulterations 614.324 dairy 637.148 of tartar adulterations 614.315 Creameries agriculture 637.231 Creamometer 637 . 1276 Creation evolution 575 metaphysics 113 natural theol. 213 Creativ power ment. facul. 155 Creator doctrinal theol. 231 . i Cre"billon,,nls Fr.fic.8 4 3 - 55 Fr.drama 842 .52 Creches institutions 362 . 7 Credentials academic 371.291 higher 378 . 2 electoral 324 '.243 legislativ bodies 328 . 36 Credibility of Scriptures 220 . i Ind. la. Mich. Mo. O. Pa. Wis. fishery zoology Crayon drawing Cream Crayfish Credit and bonds insurance 368.8 institutes loan instit. 332.31 institutions state contro^ 51.825 mobilier railroads 385 U. S. history political economy Credo Credulity Creeds sacred music 973.82 332-7 783.22 137 264.037 238 264.5 973-55 7366 639 Anglican ritual dogmatic theol. public worship Creek Indians removal Cremaster muscle anatomy 6 1 1 Cremasteric fascia " 6 1 1 Cremation of the ded customs 393 . 2 public helth 614.62 garbage san. engin'g 628.44 Crematories pub. helth 614.62 san. engin'g 628.44 Creole French dialect 447-9 Creosoting bldg materials 691.1 Cress 635.561 Crested turkey 636 . 592 1 4 Cresting roofs 721.56 Crests heraldry 929.8 Cretaceous era geology 5 5 1 . 7 7 fossils paleont. 560 Crete ancient history 939 . 18 modern -" 949.98 Cretinism diseases 616.997 'Creuse, France history 944.68 Creutz, G. F. Swed. poetry 839.7145 Crevasses glaciers 5 5 1 . 3 1 Crevecoeur fowls 636.541 Crewel work art needlewk 746 Crib open architec. foundations 721 . 172 Cribbage games 795 Cribbing student life 371.81 Cricket amusements 797 Cries, battle war customs 399 street folklore 398.5 Crime and illiteracy educ. 379 . 21 law 343 suffrage disqualificat'n 324. 173 'Crimea history 947-7 Crimean war English hist. 942.08 Russian " 947.07 Crimes and punishments 343-2 Criminal classes reform, assoc. 364 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 653 Criminal courts law administration international criminal law trials Criminals education of juvenil childstudy law lives Criminology Crinoidea zoology Crippled education Crises, commercial ( Criterion ethics Critical philosofy Criticism art biblical dramatic literary musical rhetoric Crittenden compromise 1 Croatia history 4 Croatian language 5 literature 343 341. 343- 371- 136. 643 923 3^4 593- 371 332 i7i 142 7oi 22O. 792 8oi 780. 808 973 943- 491. 891. 636. 646. 746 738 598. 365 945 4 i 93 763 41 916 swine Crocheting dom. econ. fancywork Crockery pottery Crocodiles Crofton system prisons Croisade contre les Albigeois Provencal lit. 849 1 Cromarty. Scot. history 941 Cromlechs prehis. arch. 571 Cromwell, O. Eng. hist. 942 R: " - 942 Crookes tubes elec. light. 621 Crookneck squash 635 Crop farming 63; farms 631 insurance 368 rotation 631 Crops agriculture 633 tools for cleaning 631 Croquet 796 Cross (G: Eliot) Eng. fie. 823 . Cross arms elec. lines 62 1 Christian symbol 247. Cross, legends concerninjr 398. system shorthand 653 . Crossbreeding zootechny 636 . Crossing plant breeding 631. 712 94 83 83 473 27 .362 Crossings, railway eng. 625.16 Crossopterygii 597-4 Croton aqueduct engin'g 628.14 oil toxicology 615.93 Croup diseases 616.201 Crowbar 631.3116 Crown appointments to legis. bod. 328.3351 grafting 631.54142 Crown Point, N. Y. battle Amer. col. hist 973.26 revol. 973-33I4 Crowne, J: Eng. drama 822.43 Crowning road engin'g 625 . 74 Crozier sacred furniture 247.6 Crucial ligaments anat. 611.72831 Crucibles metallurgy 669 prac. chem. 542 . 232 botany 583.123 sacred furniture 247.9 Cruciferae Crucifix Cruelty ethics Great war mil. hist. international law war customs Cruisers naval eng. Cruising boating Crura cerebri anatomy Crural muscle nerv, anterior 179.2 940.405 341-3 399 623 . 825 797 611.8154 anat. 611 . 73822 " 611.8355 of Winslow " 611.83561 Crus cerebri " 611.8154 Crusade, children's 940.185 Crusades Europ. history 940.18 relig. 270.4 Crusenstolpe.M.J. Swed. fie. 839.7362 Crushers agriculture 631.3143 chem. apparatus 542.22 hydraulic mach. 62 1 . 26 Crushing mining danger 622.83 ore preparation 622 . 73 Crust of the earth geol. 551.13 Crusta anatomy 611.81542 Crustacea paleontology 565 . 3 zoology 595 3 Crustaceans fisheries 639 . 5 Cruz, R. de la Span, drama 862 . 43 la Span. misc. 868.34 Crying physiology 612.219 Cryoscopy of blood physiol. 612.11817 organic fluids " 612.0144622 solutions chem. 541.341 urin physiol. 612.461179 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Cryptogamia 586 Cryptografic art relig. art 246.5 Cryptografy secret writ. 652 Crystallin aggregations crystallog. 548.2 lens anatomy physiology limestone state chemistry Crystallization practical chemistry strength of materials Crystallizers Crystallografy Crystalloids Ctenophora Cuba bast fibers 611 .8441 612 .8441 552.46 541-7 542.65 620. 1125 prac. chem. 542.65 548 541-345 593-8 633 59 zoology filibuster exped. U.S.hist. 973.64 1 history 972.91 Span, misrule U. S. hist. 973 . 891 travels 917.291 Cubature calculus 5 1 7 . 3 3 Cubics analytic geometry 516.59 modern " 513 .59 Cubital nerv anatomy 611.8336 Cuboid bone " 611.71875 Cuboidcuneiform joints " 611.72855 Cucumbers 635 . 63 Cucurbitaceae botany 583.461 Cuffs toilet 646 . 48 Culdees religious history 274.1 Cultivated plants horticul. 716 Cultivating tillage 631.516' Cultivation land geog. distribution 631.09 rent for 333 . 5 Cultivators farm machinery 631 .316 plants agriculture 631.54 Cults, religious cookery 641.567 Culture 301 Culture and religion 261.6 self education 374 vocal 784.9 Culverins ordnance 623.4211 Culverts railway engin'g 625 . 13 Cumberland, R : Eng. dram. 822 . 65 'Cumberland, Md. history 975.295 co. Eng. " 942 . 85 111. " 977-373 travels 9 1 7. 73 73 Me. history 974. 19 N. J. " 974-994 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior 1 Cumberland, N. S. hist. 971.611 Pa. " 974-843 army of U.S.hist. 973.7416 presbyterians sects 285.3 sheep 636.3253 swine 636 . 4243 Cumulativ vote suffrage 324 . 223 Cuneatus, fasciculus anat. 611.8182 Cuneiform ankle bones anatomy 611.71878 inscriptions 492.1917 4 language 492.19 wrist bones anatomy 611.71773 Cuneus anatomy 611.81317 Cunningham cattle 636.2253 Cupboards dom. economy "643 . 48 Cupel prac. chemistry 542 .42 Cupola furnace " " 542.42 Cupping therapeutics 615.811 Cups bronze age 57137 stone " 571.27 Cupuliferae botany 583.976 Curare poisons physiol. 612.8171 toxicol. 615.97 Curativ electricity therap. 615 . 84 gymnastics " ' 615. 82 Curbs road engin'g 625 . 888 Curd mils cheesemaking 637 . 3322 Curdling cheesemaking 637.3331 Cures, miraculous miracles 231 . 7 therapeutics 6 1 5 . 85 Curia regis 347-99 Curing food preserv. chem. tech. 664.8 dom. econ. 641 .4 Curiosa books 099 library economy 020 . 88 Curiosity 137 Curling amusements 796 Curly bristled swine 636.471 Currants 634.721 Currency banking 332.5 Current collecting devices 62 1 . 3344 suspension wheels 621.234 Currents atmospheric phys. geog. 551.51 electric physics 537-6 oceanic phys. geog. 551.47 Curriculum 375 Cursores birds 598.5 Curtains dom. economy 645.3 fortifications 623 . 1 16 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 655 Curtesy ethics lib. econ. Curtius Rufus, Quintus Curv tracing calculus Curvature geology of spine diseases stomach, greater lesser Curvd surfaces anal, g theory of cal( Curvembryeae botany Curvilinear motion ph Curvs analytic geometry geometry of double curvature modern anal, geom. 516 , geom. plane, theory of calculus railway engineering roadmaking Cushions dom. economy Custard apple family agric Custom houses architect. Customs and duties tariff manners bad social hygiene of primitiv man war student life taxation Cutaneous absorption physiology diseases pathology glands physiology nerv of neck anatomy thigh respiration physiology 612 . secretion " sensibility " Cutaneus surae lateralis Cuticle anatomy Cutis vera " Cutlery manufacture Cuts practical printing railway engineering Cutter, stalk Cutters, ensilage weed Cutting benches Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 177.1 Cutting machinery 621.93 023.96 of stone masonry 693 . 1 2 878.8 Cuttings 631.535 517-24 Cuttle fish 594-5 Cutworms agric. pests 632 . 78 551-82 'Cuyahoga co. O. history 977.131 616.73 Cyane, capture of U. S. hist. 973 .5257 611.335 Cyanids chem. tech. 661.7 611.336 narcot. poisons 615.963 516.4 Cyanogen organ, chem. 547.1 > 5 17.26 Cycadaceae botany 585 . 9 583 9i Cyclades ancient history 939. 15 5531 3 modern " 949.95 Cyclanthaceae botany 584 . 62 516.2 Cycles, motor engin'g 629 . 2 513 2 Cycling 796 Cycloidal curvs anal.geom. 516.26 516.58 Cyclones meteorology 551-55 513.58 Cyclopean remains Gk arch. 722 . 8 i 5*7-24 Cyclopedias, general 030 625.11 2 special, see subject 625.72 Cyclops zoology 595 31 645-47 Cyclostomi " 597-2 634-4I5 Cylinder 634 41 axis histology 611.01883 725-r4 bridge engineering 624.4 Cylinders 337 foundations architec. 721.172 390 solid geometry 513.43 613.87 graduated prac. chem. 542.35 571 perspectiv 5^- 65 399 steam locomotiv 62 1 . 1341 37I-89 strength of materials 620 . 1 1 2 83 336.26 Cylindric perspectiv descr. geom. 515.62 612.384 projections - " " 515-57 616 5 vaults architecture 721.43 612.792 Cymbals mus. instrum. 789.2 611.83333 Cymric group of languages 491 . 65 611.83544 language 491 66 612.793 5 literature 891.66 612.792 Cynewulf Ang. Sax. poet. 829.4 612.794 Cynic philosofy 183 . 4 611.83582 Cynicism 137 611.771 Cyperaceae botany 584.84 611.778 Cypher writing 652 672 Cyphomandra 634.7761 655-32 Cypriote architecture 722.3 625.12 Cyprus ancient history 939.37 631.3166 modern " 956.4 631-363 Cyrano de Bergerac, S. 843 . 46 63I-3I55 Cyrenaic philosofy 183 . 5 63I-335 Cyrenaica ancient history 939.75 656 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Cystic Dhoe 631-3152 artery anatomy 611.13641 Da caccia wind instrum. 788.7 duct " 611.366 Dacia ancient history 939.82 nervs " 611.8393 Dacites lithology 5S 2 - 2 6 vein " 611.1495 *Dade co. Mo. history 977-8745 Cysts diseases 616.993 Daguerreotype 772 Cytinaceae botany 583.923 Dahlstjerna, G.E. 839-7I35 Cytisin organ, chem. 547.25 'Dahna, Arabia history 953-7 'Czechoslovakia history 943.7 Dahomey, Africa " 966.8 Dairies architecture 728.96 Dairy bildings 637.131 cattle dairying 637.121 Belgian 636.245 Dutch 636.235 English 636 . 224 French 636 . 244 German 636.23 Irish 636.225 Scotch 636.225 farming 637 farms 637.113 products adulteration 614.32 chem. anal. 543-2 Dais architec. accessories 729.9 'Dakota, U. S. history 978-3 travel 9 i 7 83 Dalin, Olof von 839.7142 'Dallas co. la. history 977-757 1 Mo. 977.881 1 Dalmatia, Ger. history 943-69 travel 914.369 Daltonism eye diseases 617.75 physiology 612.8455 Damascus anc. history 939-42 modern " 956.9 travel 915.69 Damnation doct. theol. 237.6 D'amore wind instrum. 788.7 Dampers steam engin'g 621.18382 Dams mill engineering 621 .29 mining 622 . 56 river " 627.8 Dana, R : H : Am. poetry 811 .27 Dance form piano music 786.45 music modern " 786.46 of deth emblems 246.5 Dances, war customs 399 Dancing amusements 793 customs 394-3 ethics 175-3 Dandelion 635.46 Dandy fever 616.921 'Dane co. Wis. history 977-583 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 657 Danes English history 942 in Eng. and Normandy 948 Dangerous classes law 343 Dangers mining engineering 622 to lib. bildings 022 life protection agst 614 workmen Dangleberry polit. econ. 331 634 Daniel Bible 224 Daniel, S: Eng. poetry 821 Danish architec. Romanesque 723 cattle 636 England Eng. hist. 942 iland swine 636 merinos 636 Danish 4 language 5 literature Dante Alighieri 439 839 Ital. poet 851 'Dantzig history 943 travel 914 Danube river travels 914 'Danubian prov. history 949 travels 914 'Danville, 111. history 977 Daphnales botany 583 Darbyites sects 2 89 Dare, Jeanne Fr. history 944 1 Darfur, Egypt history 962 Darien expedition colonies 325 emigrants 325 foren trade 382 history 986 engineering 626, Dark ages Europ. hist. 940 , room lib. bildings 022, : Darke co. O. history 977 Darling, Ft, Va. U.S. hist. 973 Darning dom. econ. 646 . Dartmoor pony prison U. S. war 1812 sheep Dartos anatomy Darwinism biology physiology 1 isthmus ship canal 636 973 636 611. 575 612 . Dass, Peder Dan. poetry 839 . Date of session legislativ bodies 328 . palm fruit culture 634 . Dates chronology 902 o i 02 .8 .29 .8 .82 731 5 33 .48 2356 .01 434 .3678 8 8 IS 12 312 9 6 6 96 365 93 9 026 7 86 241 9 i 658 147 7365 24 1625 5271 3262 6384 609 352 62 Dati, Carlo Ital.'essays 854.54 Datisceae botany 583.469 Dativ case syntax Greek 485.5 Latin 475-5 other lang. Daudet, Alphonse Fr. fie. 843 . 88 Daughters 1776-1812, soc. of U. S. 369.142 colonial, of i7th century 369.128 of the Amer. revolution 369 . 135 Cincinnati, soc. 369.132 confederacy 369 .175 revolution 369.136 'Dauphin co. Pa. history 974.818 'Dauphiny, France hist. 944.96 travel 914.406 Daurat, Jean Fr. poetry 841.31 Davanzati, B. Ital essays 854.44 Davenant, W: Eng. dram. 822.41 Davenport, la. history 977.7691 Davies, J: Eng. poetry 821.35 1 Daviess co. Ind. history 977.238 Mo. " 977.818 Davis, John discov. of Am. 973 . 17 'Davis co. la history 977-797 1 Da wson, Yukon " 971.21 Day nurseries 362.7 of judgment doc. theol. 236.9 schools intermed. educ. 373.2 sidereal and solar 529 . i time of hygiene 613.13 Days library rules for readers 024.4 market dom. econ. 641.4 of the year chronology 529.2 week, names 5 2 9- 2 recipes for special 641.566 Dayton, O history 977-173 Deacon eccles. polity 262.15 Deaconess 262.15 religious orders 271.99 Dead sea travel 915.69 see also Ded Deaf, see Def 'Dearborn co. Ind. hist. 977.211 Death, see Deth Debates parliamentary 328 rhetoric 808.5 Debating soc. self -culture 374.24 Debility diseases 616.986 Debt, debtor, debts, fee Det, dettor, dets Decalog Bible 222.16 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 6 5 8 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Decantation prac. chem. Decapitation physiology punishments Decapods zoology 1 Decatur, 111. history travels co. Ind history la. Decay of rocks lithol. Deccan hemp fibers Decidua pregnancy Decimal system arithmetic weights and mesures Decipium inorgan. chem. Decision of character eth. Decisions of juries math. Decks shipbilding Declamation rhetoric Declaration of independence U. S. Savoy creeds war internat. law Declarations law Declension of nouns Eng. other lang. Declination, variations of Decline, period of physiol. Decoction prac. chem. Decomposition, chem. of Decoration architectural day U. S. history schools design domestic economy in relief architecture interior library bildings roof architecture school bildings Decorations heraldry presentations Great war table dom. econ. Decorativ art Decorum ethics libraries Decrees ecclesias. polity Decretals " " Rom. cath. church Ded animals air pollution 542.66 612 .8227 343-2 S9S-38 977-358 9I7-7358 977.216 977-7875 552.7 633-563 618.35 511.1 389 546.692 170 5I9-3 623 . 84 808.5 973-3I3 238.5 341-3 347-92 425-15 521.27 612 .67 542.6i 541-39 729 973.76 371-365 740 645 729.5 747 022.34 721.56 37I-635 929.7 940.464 642.8 740 177.1 024.52 262.6 262 .6 282 614-763 Ded disposal of the pub.helth list of Great war U. S. civ. war ministry of sacraments sea description transportation of treatment of the Dedication church ordin. sermons Deduction by Bessel geod. Puissant " mental faculties Deductions wage pol. econ. Deductiv logic Deeds law Deep boring mining eng. sea dredging scien. voy. life botany zoology sounding scien. voy. soil culture veins of upper extrem. Deer domestic animals zoology stalking sports Def and dumb asylums architecture child study education of institutions Defacement lib. of books rules laws law physiology Defamation Defecation Defectivs education psychology Defects of body congenital hygiene surgery teratology Defense means of comp. physiol. of religion apologetics Defenses fortifications Defensiv operations mil. Deferential artery anat. Defiance co. O. history Defilading fortifications 614.6 940.467 973.767 265.8 915.69 614-63 393 265-9 252.7 526.47 526.48 153-6 33I-I 162 347-2 622 . 24 508.3 581.92 59L92 508.3 631.586 611.14541 636.294 599-7 799 725-54 136. 7612 371.912 362.4 024 . 81 021 .89 347-5 612.365 37i 9 136.76 613.91 617-3 611.012 612 .016 239 623.1 623.3 611 . 13772 977.114 623.114 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX Definit integrals calculus 517.32 Definitions library 020.14 of orbits astr. 521.31 Deflections of beams, etc. 624.2 Deflegmators prac. chem. 542.48 Defness diseases 617.8 tone physiol. 612.85874 De Foe, D. Eng. fiction 823.51 Deformation engin'g 620.1123 Deformd poultry 636 . 5882 Deformities anatomy 611.012 surgery 617.3 Degeneration evolution 575-7 muscular 612.7465 of nervs physiology 612.81851 optic nerv 612.84378 spinal cord " 612.835 toxic, of nerv cells " 612.82256 Deglutition digestion 612.312 effect of facial nerv on 612.81975 larynx in 612 . 785 Degradation mil. science 355.114 Degrading school organiza.3 71.28 Degrees, academic 378 . 2 medical pub. helth 614.21 Deism natural theology 211 Deists apologetics 239 Deity doctrinal theology 231 ^ekalb co. 111. history 977 1 Ind. " 977 1 Mo. " 977 Deken, Agatha Dutch fie. 839 Delaine sheep 636 Delany multiplex telegraf 621 telepost telegraf y 621 Delavigne, J'- F.C. Fr. dram. 842 poet. 841 Delaware, U. S. history 975 For military history, see sub- divisions of Special campains and Military history under 973-3, 973.52. 973-7 and 973 89 1 Delaware 5 .328 .277 -815 3342 3682 .38236 38247 .72 .72 .1 Ind. la. N. Y. O. Pa. hist. 977 977 974 977 974 forts on Am. re vol. 973 'Delhi history 954 travels 915 Delille, J. French poetry 841 265 7385 736 1535 814 3337 5 45 54 Delineation of child in art childstudy 136 . 757 literature 136.758 women in art 396 . 7 literature 396.8 Delinquencies lib. loans 024.63 Delinquents education 37 1 93 institutions 364 psychology 136.763 Delirium tremens pathol. 616.861 De lisle 's method astron. 523.93 Deliveries lib. econ. 021.61 Delivery stations lib. bldgs 022.16 'Del Norte co. Cal. hist. 979.411 Delta connections elec. 621.3191332 co. Mich, history 977.494 Deltas physical geografy 551.48 Deltoid muscle anatomy 611.73711 Deluge Genesis 222.11 geologic agents 551.92 Delusions 133 Demagogy politics 329 Demand and supply prices 338.5 wages 331.2 Dementia 132 . i ^emerara history 988 travels 918.8 Demisang horse 636 . 144 Democracy form of state 321.4 social 335-5 Democratic party 329 . 3 Democritus Gk philosofers 182.7 Demograf y statistics 311 Demolition devices mil. 623.27 Demonetization 332.47 Demoniac possession theol. 235 Demonology dogmatics 235 witchcraft 1 3 3 . 4 Demosthenes Gk oratory 885.6 Demulcents therapeutics 615.735 Demurrage transportation 656 Denbigh, Wales history 942.93 Dendrites histology 611.018837 Dendrology botany 582 Dengue diseases 616.921 Denials, special apologet. 239.9 Denina. Carlo Ital. essays 854.62 Denmark administration 354 . 489 antiquities 913.489 architecture 720.9489 botany 581.9489 colleges 378.489 constitu. law 342 . 489 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 66o DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Denmark education 3 70 . 9489 finance 336.489 geology 554.89 1 history 948.9 laws 349.489 maps 912.489 . religious history 2 74 . 89 schools, public 379. 489 statistics 314.89 travel 914.89 treaties 341^.2489 zoology 591.9489 other topics see table i Dennis, J : Eng. drama 822 . 5 1 Denominations, Christian 280 Density gravity 531 .54 of blood physiology 612.121 earth astronomy 525.12 urin physiology 612.46112 'Dent co. Mo. history 977.886 Dental inspection school hyg. 371.712 periosteum, diseases of 61 7 . 63 pulp, diseases of . 617.61 Dentate nuclei anatomy 611.81713 Dentatum " 611.81713 Dentine diseases dentistry 617.62 Dentistry 617.6 Dentists, registration of 614.24 Denudation geology 55i-3 Deodorants exter. thera. 615.777 Deodorization of sewage 628.32 Deodorizers contag. dis. 614.482 Deontology 170 Department stores bus. methods 658 Departmental commission Fr. loc. gov.352 .0443 Departments ".".." 352.0441 lib. admin. 025 U. S. gov. 353-0*4 Dependent pension bill U. S. 973 . 85 states pol. sci. 321.025 Dependents child study 136.767 education 371.947 institutions 362 . 7 Dephlegmators prac. chetn. 542 . 48 Depolarized cells elec. eng. 621 .3536 Depolarizers " " 621.3524 Deposit of duplicates lib. econ. 025.269 money by reader 024. 14 Deposition geology 55 1 3 Depositions evidence 347.94 Deposits thick, working of min. 622.35 Depravity natural theol. 2 1 6 pessimism 149.6 total theol. 233.2 Depressants circulatory therapeutics 615.716 nervous " 615.786 Depressions trade commerce 381 money 332 production 338 Depressor alae nasi anat. 61 1 . 7323 labii inferioris 611.7326 nerv physiol. 612.1787 Depth of sewers 628.218 De Quincey, T : Eng. essays 824.81 Derangement, mental 132 1 Derby, England history 942.51 Derbyshire sheep 636.3261 Derivation of words comp. philol. 412 Eng. language 422 Dermal respiration zoology 591.122 physiology 612.793 Dermatology anatomy 611.77 animals 591 .49 pathology 616.5 physiology 612.79 Dermis anatomy 611.778 Dermoskeleton comp. anat. 591 .49 descrip. " 591.79 Deroulede, P. Fr. poetry 841.86 Derricks engineering 621.872 Dervishes 297 De"saugiers, MIA.M. Fr. lit. 841 .65 Descartes empiricism 144 Fr. philosofy 194. i Descent genealogy 929 of man evolu. 575.8 rules of law 347.6 Deschamps, Emile Fr. poet. 841 . 73 Eustache " sat. 847.13 Desclot, B. Catalan misc. 849.9812 travel Description Descriptiv anatomy 910 stock farms 636.08131 botany man zoology astronomy geometry 58i.7 611 SQi 7 523 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 66 1 Desertion from mil. servis 355.114 Deserts physical geografy 551 . 58 reclamation Deshoulieres, A. Fr. poet Design architectural arguments from apologetics natural theology- arts of elementary education metaphysics of library bildings shipbilding Designing decoration Designs engineering mosaic Desk fittings lib. econ. Desks domestic econ. library " offis equipment Desmidiaceae /algae *Des Moines city, la. hist. 1 co. " Desperriers, B. Fr. fiction 843.32 Desportes, P. poetry 841. 38 Despotism form of state 321.6 Despots Italian history 945.05 Despourrins, C. Prov. poet. 849 .142 Dessication prac. chem. 542.48 Destouches, P. N. Fr.dram. 842 . 53 Destruction elemental agriculture Destructors san. engin'g Det ethics floating pol. econ. local government public Detacht city houses archi. 631.617 841 .46 729 239 211 740 372.52 124 022.34 623.81 745 620 .04 architec. 729.7 022 .99 645-44 022 .913 651 589.61 977.796 632.1 628.44 174-7 336.32 352.1 336.3 728.3 vowels shorthand 653.01 Detection of fire prot. of life 614.842 Detectivs 3 5 2.2 Deterioration fertilizers agric. 631.814 Determinants algebra 512.83 Determination of earth's figure orbits astron. rock minerals Determinations, astr. 526.1 521.3 552.8i geod. 526.6 i Determinism doc. theol. 234 philosof y 159 Deth after delivery obstetrics 618 and resurrection 236 biology 577 by electric shock physiol. 612 dance of emblems 246 from cold physiology 612 heat nature of of fetus penalty physiology rates public helth theology Deths public helth registers of pregnancy criminal law 612 612 618 343 612 614 236 614 929 79 7 014425 5 592 59i 013 33 2 6 7 12 I 12 3 4 Determinativ mineralogy 549 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior registration, official 352 , statistics 312 Detonators projectil chem. tech. 662 mil. engin'g 623 Detritus geology 552, 'Detroit, Mich. history 977. surrender U.S. hist. 973 Dets, state and national 336 . Dettmann shorthand 653 . Dettor and creditor law 347. Deuteronomy Bible 222. 4 Deutsch, Platt language 439 5 literature 839. 'Deux Sevres, Fr. history 944 . Developing interest in lib. 021 method teach 'g 3 7 1 Development incomplete deformities 617. intellectual, and church 261 . nutrition 591- of embryo, abnor. anat. 61 1 . surg. 617. anatomy 611. physiology 612 zoology 59 * germ-cells zoology 591. sperm-cells embryol. 611. zoology 591. period of full physiol. 612 physiology 612 pro j ections geodesy 526. theory apologetics 239.8 evolution 575-6 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 4 45424 5i 434 5231 4-.9 '34 7 i5 4 4 .62 7 34 ,012 3 013 64 33 ,172 .01312 .171 .66 .6 83 662 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Deviation of compass magnetism 538.7 falling bodies astron. 525.37 Devices, safety, see Safety special, perspectiv 515.68 Devil, personal theology 235 worship 290 Deville gas apparatus chem. 542.72 gasometers chem. 542.75 Devils dogmatics 235 'Devon, England history 942.35 travel 914.235 cattle 636 . 226 longwool sheep 636 . 32 1 7 Devonian age geology 551.74 fossils paleon. 560 Devotional exercises pub. worship 264.1 sermons 252.4 theology 240 Dew meteorology 5 5 1 . 5 7 Dewberry 634.717 'Dewitt co. 111. history 977-358 Dexter shorthorn cattle 636 . 2256 Dextrins physiology 612.39612 Dextrose chem. technol. 664 . i Diabase lithology 552.34 Diabetes diseases 6 1 6 . 63 experimental 612.35213 urin in physiol. 612.46621 Diabolism doctrin 235 Diabolo game of skill 794 Diacele anatomy 611.8148 Diafram " 611.26 physiology 612.2171 Diaf ramatic artery anat. 611.1354 glands " 611.4641 Diaframs elec. engin'g 621.3523 Diagnosis of pregnancy 618.22 pathology 616.07 Diagram of work physics 531.42 Dial switches elec. eng. 621.31733 telegrafs communica. 654.3 elec. eng. 621.38223 Dialectics logic 160 ^Dialects Eng. language 427 literature Dialing 529.78 Dialogs entertainments 793 Dials chronology 529.78 Dialysis practical chem. 542 . 64 4 *-) qualitativ anal. 544-5 Diameter of earth 5*25 Diamonds econ. geology 553.8 mineralogy 549 Diapedesis physiology 612 Diapensiacea? botany 583 Diaphoretics therapeutics 615 Diaphragm, see Diafram 'Diarbekr, Asiat. Tur. hist. 956, Diaries biografy 920 Diarrhea, epidemic diseas. 616 pathology 616 public helth 614, Diarrheal diseases pub. helth 614 Diarthrosis anatomy 611, Diastase materia medica 615. Diastole physiology 612. Diatessaron harm, of gosp.226 , Diathermancy heat 536. Diatomaceous earth, petrog. 552 Diatoms 589, Diazo-bodies org. chem. 547. Dibber farm tools 631 . Dibble 631 . Dice ethics 175, games 795 Dickens, C: Eng. fiction 823. 'Dickinson co. la. history 977. 1 Mich. Dicotyledonae botany Dictation machines Dictatorship Dictionaries Eng. lang. 5 of quotations Eng. lit. 2 special, see subject Dictionary catalogs bibliografy library admin. 025 Didactic poetry Am. lit. 811. Eng. " 821. theology 241 Didactics education 371 Diderot Fr. philosofers 194. Didymium metals 546. Dielectrics dynamic elec. 537. Diencefal anatomy 611. Diencephalon " 611. Dies electric engin'g 621. mech. " 621. Diesel motor gasengins 621. Diesinking 736 Diet circle 352. hygiene 613 . Dietaries hygiene 613. 977 583 651 321 423 828 019 2 1124 65 743 934 34 517 513 7296 35 171 i 35 57 61 8 3112 3112 5 83 712 495 5 64 5 814 814 3i8 984 436 0433 2 21 Diamagnetism magnetism 538.4 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 663 Dietetic diseases pathol. 616.; Dietetics hygiene 613.: Differences, finite calculus 517.1 of triangles trigo. 514.: Differential calculus ;. 51 7. equations* calculus 5 1 7 . variations astron. 522. Differentiation degrees 378. evolution 575. Diffraction acoustics 534. optics 535. Diffuse affections of skin 616. Diffusion of gases physics 533 . physiology of absorption 612 .; practical chemistry 542 . ( theoretic 541 . , Diftheria diseases 616. pub. helth 614. Difthongs Eng. lang. 421. Digastric muscles anat. 611. *Digby co. N. S. history 971 . Digestion aids to therapeutics 615. animals 591. effects of spleen phys. 612. history of " 612 . human physiology 612. influence of vagus phys. 612. intestinal " 612. of milk " 612. plants 581 . practical chemistry 542 . theories of physiology 6 1 2 . tryptic " 612. Digestiv secretion in animals 59 1. system anatomy 611. diseases of 616. drugs acting on 615. surg. operations 617. tract, absorp. in physiol.6i2 . sympathet. system 612. Digests of cases, Amer. law 345. Eng. " 346 . statutes, Amer. " 345 . Eng. - 346. Digging tillage 631 . plow 631 . tools 631. Digitalis cerebro-card. pois.6is . diuretics 615, Digitalis materia medica 615.32381 stimulants 615.711 Digits, extra deformities 617.36 Dignities heraldry 929 . 7 Dignity of labor polit. econ. 331.013 Dikes engineering 627.4 geology 55 r -88 reclamation 63 1 . 64 Dil garden crops 635 . 74 Dilatation gases 533 . 2 obstet. oper. 618.84 Dila tores nasi anatomy 6n . 7323 Diligence ethics x 79-9 Dilleniaceae botany 583.112 Diluvial deposits geology 551.35 Dimension, fourth geom. 513.8 stone foundat. 721 . 1332 Dimensions of earth 525.13 lib. bkcases 022.442 sun 5 2 3-7i 3 Diminutivs Dimorphism crystallog. Dingley tariff act U.S.hist. 973 . 88 Dining car cookery domestic economy room dom. econ. furnish'g " Dinka sheep Dinner parties dom. econ. recipes " " Dinners, family " " public " Dinocerata paleontology Dinosauria reptils Diocesan schools educa. Diocese ecclesiastic polity 262.3 Diodorus Greek philos. 183.6 Diogenes " " Diophantin anal, algebra Dioptrics optics Diorite lithology Dioscoreaceae botany Dip of rocks geology Diphenyl group org. chem. 547.27 Diphtheria diseases 616.931 public helth 614.512 3 Diphthongs Eng. lang. 421.2 Diplomacy 327 internat. law 341.7 Diplomas school records 371.291 Diplomatic history Great war 1914-19 940.32 Lat. etymol. 472.5 548.3 641.576 642 643-4 645-66 636.386 642.42 641-54 642 . i 642.45 598.19 377-4 183-4 512.23 535-3 552.36 584-27 55I-85 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 664 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Diplomatic history United States civil war Mex. - revolution Span, war 973 72 973.622 973 32 973.892 war of 1812 973 . 522 421.7 Diplomatics Eng. lang. paleografy 417 Diplopia physiology 612.8468 Dippers baptist sect 286.5 birds 598 . 8 Dipropargyl org. chem. 547.24 Dipsaceae botany 583.541 Dipsomania mental derangements 132.7 temperance 178 Diptera insects 595-77 pests 632.77 Dipterocarpeae botany 583.167 Direct current arc light elec.eng. 621.32552 machin. " " 621.3132 systems " " 621.319122 trac. lines " " 621.33142 expansion refrigeration 621.5652 legislation polit. science 328.26 mandate legis. restriction 328.349 primaries suffrage 324.237 probabilities mathem. 519.1 taxation polit. econ. 336.21 vote election methods 328 . 3355 Direction calculus of anal. geom. 516.8 sense of physiology 612. 886 1 Directions, method of, geod. 526 . 54 Directories 914-919 legislativ, official 328 . 338 unofficial 328 . 339 newspaper 016.07 Directors library gov't 023 . 3 Directory, 1795-99, Fr. hist. 944.045 Dirigible aircraft aeronautics 629.154 torpedoes naval engin'g 623.95 Dirt roads engineering 625 . 74 Disabilities, polit. suffrage 324. 17 Disability, inherited mental 613.92 Disaccharids physiology 612.39614 Disappearing mounts ordn. 623 . 4333 Disarmament arbitration 341.6 Disasters aeronautics 629.145 at sea adventures 910.4 navigation 656 Disc stresses steam turbins 621.16514 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior Discharge from military servis 355.114 of pupils school gov't 371.56 sewage into sea 628 . 39 teachers 371.142 wastes into streams 628.541 water engin'g 4627.1 Disciples of Christ sects 286 . 6 biog. 922 . 6 Disciplin civil servis 3 5 1 . 4 ecclesiastic polity 262.9 education 371 . 5 legislativ bodies 328 . 366 mental education 3 70 . i military milit. science 355.13 prison 365 shop pol. econ. 33* -i Disciplinary offisers college & univ. 378.113 penalties school gov't 371.54 personnel " 37 l -57 power admin. 351.92 Discomycetes botany 589.233 Discophora zoology 593-77 banking 332.8 lib. bookbuying 025 . 222 theology 252 see subject biografy 923.9 geografy 910 science, hist. 509 useful arts 608 Discovery art of day school observance 371 of America U.S.hist. 973 Discount Discounts Discourses 2 Discoverers Discoveries Canada history .. 971 territorial pol. sci. 320 Discriminants algebra 512 Discs steam turbins 621 Discussion, freedom of 323 Disease bile in physiology 612 gastric juice in " 612 germs medicin 6 1 6 hart in physiology 612 leucocytes in " 612 myografy in " 612 nitrogen metab. in " 612 pulse in " 612 ration in " 612 red corpuscles in " . 612 respiratory exch. in * 612 -365 . I Oil I26l .85 ^6534 443 35766 3265 ,01 176 1126 74116 461236 166 3956 1116 226 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 66.S Disease temperature in physiol. 612 uric acid in " 612 urin in " 612 vasomotors in physiology 612. Diseased meat Diseases animals poisons 615 veter. med. 619 zoology 591 bacterial agriculture 632 zootechny 636 . classification of nosology 616 communicable to man anim. hyg. 614 pub. he 1th 614 contagious " " 614. of dom. animals 614 special pub. helth 614 inherited hygiene 613 mental medicin 616 mind and body 132 mortality pub. helth 614 of butter dairy 637 . children medicin 618 ear surgery 617 eye surgery 617. milk dairy 637, plants agriculture 632 botany 581 pregnancy 618 teeth dentistry 617 women pathology 618 pathology 616 puerperal obstetrics 618. Disfranchisement suffrage 324. Dishcloth gourd 635 . Dishes fine arts 738 tableware dom. econ. 642 . Dishley cattle 636 . sheep 636 . Dishonesty ethics 174 Dishwashing machines 648. Disinfectants contagious diseases 614 domestic economy 648 . external therapeutics 615. laundry domestic econ. 648 , Disinfection contagious diseases 614 of sewage 628 the ded pub. helth 614, Disintegration geol. agents 551 . 556 466256 4662 186 94 3 0896 01 93 56 4 9i 5 93 8 H7 26 9 8 7 16 21 3 6 7 i? 627 7 2288 3212 7 54 482 6 777 6 48 3 2 64 9 Disk cultivator harrow pile foundations plow rollers Dislocations 631.3165 631-3136 architec. 721 . 153 631.3128 631.3142 geology 551-87 surgery 617.16 Disorders of vision eye dis. 617.75 Dispensaries institutions 362.1 pharmacy 615.4 Dispensations absolution 265.6 Dispensatories mater, med. 6 1 5.12 535-4 539 5 617.38 623.81 655-26 177-4 628.3 614.6 628.54 6i7-37 204 823.86 SQi 7 611.07 179.4 614.22 Dispersion optics Displacement of molecules physics parts deformities of water shipbilding Display in printing social ethics Disposal of sewage san. engin'g the ded pub. helth wastes san. engin'g Disproportionate growth Disputations religion see subject Disraeli, B : Eng. fiction Dissection anat. animal human ethics laws Dissenters Eng. relig. hist. 274.2 Dissipation ethics 178 Dissociation chem. affin. 541.39 theory of solution chem. 541.3411 Dissolution legislativ bodies 328 . 356 Distance of earth from sun 525 . 15 moon 523.31 stars 523.81 Distances, mesurement 526 . 92 Distemper painting 698.2 Distild beverages adulterat. 614.345 chem. tech. 663 . 5 Distillation chemic tech. 668 . 7 prac. chem. 542 . 48 Distilleries architecture 725.42 Distilling air pollution 614.732 Distortions and corrections geom. 515 .66 congenital surgery 617.39 Distributing mach. printing 655.28 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 666 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Distribution architectural elevation 729.12 plan 729.22 methods of fertilizers 631.816 of animals 59* -9 fertilizers agric 631.816 plants 581.9 time chronology 529.76 political economy 338 static electricity 537.22 tide astronomy 525.63 welth polit. economy 331 Distributiv cooperation 334 S laws solar syst. 523 . 21 Distributors, fertilizer 631.333 District court reports, U.S. 345.41 1 of Columbia, U. S. hist. 975 3 Districts election representation 328 . 3345 Ditching spade 63 1 . 3 1 1 1 Dithyrambics Greek lyrics 884 Ditmarsh sheep 636 .3314 Diuretics physiology 612.4641 therapeutics 615.761 Diurnal inequality of tides 525 . 63 Divers birds 598.4 Divination magic J 33-3 Divine attributes doct. theol. 231.4 healing 265.8 humanity christology 232.8 justis doct. theol. 231.8 law " " 231.7 Providence " " 2 3 I -5 natural " 214 right of kings pol. sci. 321.6 servis public worship 264 Diving bells pneumatics 533.86 submarine 627 Divining rod 622 . 12 Divinity theology 230 schools architect. 727.4 theology 207 . Divorce ethics 1 73 . i law 347-6 public helth 614.18 Dobereiner gas apparatus 542 . 72 Dobruja history 949 . 8 Dochmii Greek prosody 486.3 Dock agriculture 635 . 45 bildings architect. 725.34 Docks harbor engin'g 627 . 3 shipbilding 623 . 83 Dockyards harbor engin'g 627 . Doctors' lives 926. Doctrinal sermons 252. theology 230 Doctrins, relig. heresies 273 theology 230 Documents, public 328 legislativ distribution 328 . special library material 025. storage lib. economy 025. ^oddridge co. W. Va. hist.975. 1 Dodge co. Wis. " 977. Dog captor zootechny 636 . diseases of compar. med.6i9. domestic animals 636 . fighting ethics 175 machine gearing 621 protector zootechny 636 tax polit. econ. 336 zoology 599 Dogma 230 Dogmas religious hist. 273 Dogmatic sermons 252 Dogmatics 230 Dolerite lithology 552 Dolichocephaly craniology 573 Dolichos 635 Dolls dom. economy 649 Dolmens prehist. arch. 571 Dolomite lithology 552 Domain, eminent law 347 state finance 336 Dome, boiler steam eng. 62 1 locomotiv boiler 62 1 Domes construction architec. 721 design " 729 observatories astron. 522 roofs architec. 721 Domesday book Eng. fin. 336 Domestic animals 636 infect, diseases of 614 architecture 728 ashes san. engin'g 628 duties ethics 173 economy 640 education 376 garbage sanitary eng. 628 mammals 599 medicin 616 relations law 347 347 1734 8 45 6 582 081113 7 7 .6 .837 0835 .27 7 35 7 654 55 94 55 , 2 I .18452 .46 34 . 12 57 .42 44 3 44 7 .02 .6 polit. science 323 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this indez RELATIV INDEX 667 Domestic servis , 647 trade 381 use and waste of water 628. worship family prayer 249 Domestication, effect on animals and plants 575-2 Domicil legal capacity law 347 . suffrage qualifications 324 Dominican fowls 636 . Dominicans mon. orders 271, Dominion of Canada history 971 . Dominoes games 795 Dompelaers baptist sect 286 Domschulen cathed. sch. 377, Donatists sects 281 , 'Donegal, Ireland history 941. Donelson, Ft U.S.civ.war 973. capture " " "973. 'Dongola, Egypt history 962 . Doni, A. F. Ital. fiction 853 . Donkeys dom. animals 636. Donne, J: Eng. satire 827. Door 1 co. Wis. history 977, furnishings dom. econ. 645 . keepers legis. employees 328 . mats lib.econ. 022. openers dom. " 643 . Doors arch, construction 721 . design 729. furnace steam eng. 621 . 'Dorchester co. Md. hist. 975. Que. " 971 . 'Dordogne, France " 944. Dorian migration Gk " 938. Doric order architecture 729. Doris ancient history 938. Dorking fowls 636 Dormers architec. constr. 721. design 729 . Dormitories architecture 727. student life 371. Dorr's rebellion U. S. hist. 973. Dorsal cord anat. 6 1 1 . interosseous artery " 611. muscles " 611. thorax " 6 1 1 . Dorsalis pedis " 6 1 1 . 'Dorset, England history 942 . Dorset down sheep 636 . 17 .1 ,16 5811 ,2 OS . i 4 4 63 752 7322 5 42 182 35 563 3 3625 965 6 8 38 Topics in black face type are subdivided. 227 472 72 01 3 2 3 521 55 35 2 87 58 8213 13794 731 946 13794 33 3233 Superior Dorset horn sheep, short- wool 636.3241 Dort confession 238.42 synod of 284.2 Dosology materia med. 615.14 Douay Bible Eng. version 220.52 Double bass stringd instrum. 787.4 bassoon wind " 788.8 curvature , geometry 513.58 mod.anal.geom.5i6. 58 of spine 616.73 curvd lines descr. geom. 515.13 surfaces " " 515.15 flowers floriculture morphology fluid cells elec. eng. moldboard plow plow refraction optics standard coins money 332.42 stars astronomy 523.84 Doublebrested plow 63 1 . 3 1 26 'Doubs, France history 944.46 Doubt metaphysics 121 Douche baths hygiene 613.44 Douglas, G. Eng. poetry 821 .24 'Douglas co. 111. history 977.368 1 Mo. " 977-883 716.2 S8i-4 621.3534 631-3126 631.3122 535-5 977-5" 611 .6674 Wis. pouch of anat. Dovizi, Bernardo Ital.dram. 852.32 Dower law 347-6 Down, Ireland history 941.65 sheep 636.323 Cotswold, sheep 636.3234 Doyere pipets prac. chem. 542 . 73 Drachmann, Holger Dan.fic. 839. 8366 Draco's code Grecian hist. 938.01 Draft furnace steam eng. horse Drafting bill legislation drawing military recruitment room mfg plant Drafts games U. S. civil war Drag farm implements transport plank 621.1838 636-15 328.373 744 355-2 621.71 794 973.7414 631.3611 631-3733 631.3146 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 668 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Dragon flies insects 595-73 pests 632 . 73 Dragonade persecutions 272.4 Dragons folklore 398.4 Dragoons pigeons 636.59631 Drain spade 631 .3111 Drainage agriculture 631.6 engineering 62 7 . 5 house 628.6 natural mining eng. 622.52 of cities 628 . 2 mines 622 . 5 sewage farms 628.367 public helth 614 . 77 road engineering 625 . 74 shipbilding 623 . 85 Drains reclamation agric. 63 1 . 62 steam pipe engin'g 621.1855 Drake, Francis discovery of Amer. 973.17 8 Drama American literature 812 English - 822 freedom pol. science 323.446 French literature 842 German 832 Greek " 882 Italian 852 Latin 872 miracle plays Eng. lit. 822 . i gen. hist. 809 . 2 religion 244 moral influence ethics 175.2 sacred 244 Spanish literature 862 Dramas Amer.civ. war 973.792 revolution 973.392 U.S.war 1812 973.5292 Dramatic amusements 792 art theater 792 biograf y actors 927.92 Eng . authors 928.22 composition 808 . 2 criticism 792 history 792 music 782 orchestral music 785 . 2 'Dramatists' lives, English 928.22 Draperies dom. econ. 645.3 Drastics cathartics 615.7325 Draughts games 794 Dravidian architecture 722. language 494 literature 894 Draw hoe 631 . engineering 3151 8 52 77 62 98 Drawbridges engineering 624 . Drawing 740 elementary educ. 372. see also special applications Drawing mills mfg plant 62 1 . room amusem'ts 793 furnishings 645 . topografic 526. Drawings architectural 729 classification * storage 025.177 detail bilding 692 . 2 engineering 620.04 general bilding 692 . i linear 741 mechanical engineering 621. 004 prehistoric archeology 571.71 Drawn work fancy work 746 Dray farm transport 631 Eng. poetry 821 folklore 398 135 612 Dray ton, M. Dream books Dreams physiologic psych. Dred Scott case causes U.S. civ.war 973 decision slavery 326 U. S. hist. 973 Dredges, steam engin'g 621 Dredging engineering 627 foundations 721 . machinery 627, scientific voy. 508 , 'Dresden history 943 travels 914 Dress costume 391 ecclesiastic 247 ethics 177 fashion 646 magazines 646 reform societies 646 Dresses domestic e. on. 046 Dressing hair 391 of stone masonry 693 ore mining eng. 622 works " " 622 Dressmaking 646 Drewry's Bluff, Va. U. S. civ. war 973 Driers laundry appli. 648 3735 34 7 82176 973 68 154 7 176 7 3 21 3 2I 7 4 01 05 06 43 5 12 7 79 43 7365 3 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 669 Drift, glacial geology remains prehis. arch. 571 Drifting and tunnel'g mir Dril military science plow Drilling mech. eng. mining " seedage Drils seeding machines steam engins for Drink chemic analysis Drinking, social ethics usages customs Drinks, see Beverages Drives landsc. gardening 713 Driving Dromedary domes, animals ^r&me, France history Droop system suffrage Dropsy diseases Droseraceae botany Drought agriculture meteorology Drowning protec. of life Drugs adulteration of analytic chemistry economic botany intoxicating ethics hygien< Druids Drum musical instrum. boiler steam eng. Drumhed of ear anat. Drumlins geology Drummond, W : Eng. poet. 1 Drummond co. Que. history 971 . light Drums mining eng. Drunkenness crim. law Drupaceous fruits Drury's Bluff, Va. battle ' Druses religion Dry cleaning dom. econ. docks engineering shipbilding farming goods trade production 338 method qualita. anal. quantita. " point engraving rot bilding Dryden, J : Eng. poetry Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 551-33 Drying .571.11 food preservation 641.4 . 622 .26 laundry process 648.3 355-5 practical chemistry 542.68 631-3124 printing 655.33 621 .952 Dryplate processes fotog. 772 622 . 23 Dualism ontology in 631-5312 Parsee heresies 273.2 631-3315 Parseeism 295 621 . 154 Duality mod. geometry 513.51 543 i Du Bellay, J. Fr. poetry 841 .32 178-3 1 Dublin, Ire. history 941.83 394-1 travel 914.183 university 378.415 713 *Dubois co. Ind. history 977.237 798 'Dubuque city la. history 977.7391 636.295 co. - " 977-739 944.98 Ducis, J. F. Fr. drama 842 .61 324-224 Duck roofing bilding 695.8 616 shooting 799 583.393 Duck-bild platypus zool. 599.1 632 . 12 Ducks poultry 636 . 597 551-57 zoology 598-4 614.81 Ductility molecular phys. 539.52 615.1 Ducts, air ventilation 697.9 614 35 kidney anatomy 611.61 543-4 diseases 616.61 581.63 see also qualifying word 178.8 Dudevant, A.L.A.D. Fr.fic 843 . 82 613.8 Dueling ancient law 3 40 .3 299. 16 criminal " 343 789.1 customs 394-8 621 .1845 ethics 179-7 611.855 student life 371 . 82 551-33 Duets vocal music 784.82 821.36 Du Fail, Noel Fr. fiction 843 . 34 97L456 'Dufferin co. Ont. history 971.341 665.7 Dufresny, G R. Fr. dram. 842.47 622 .67 Dugouts boatbilding 623.8212 343 'Dukes co. Mass, history 974.49 634.2 Dulcimer music 787.9 973 7365 Dum 297 asylums 362.4 bells gymnastics 613.71 646.6 education of 371.912 627.3 waiters dom. econ. 643 . 6 623 . 83 engin'g 621.87774 631-586 Dumas, A. fils Fr. dram. 842 . 84 338.4 A.D. pere " " 842 .77 544-2 fie. 843.76 545-4 Dumb, see Dum 767 Dumba sheep 636 . 385 691 . i 'Dumbarton, Scotland hist. 941.37 821.48 Dumbartonshire fowls 636 . 528 670 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Dumdum bullets 623.45535 "Dumfries, Scot. hist. 941.48 Dummy titles lib. econ. 020.88 Dumpies, Scotch poultry 636 . 528 Dumping grates st'm eng. 62 1 . 18354 wagons agric. 631.3735 Dunbar, W: Eng. poetry 821.23 'Dunbarton, Scotland 941-37 'Dundas co. Ont. history 971.375 Dunes geology 5 5 1 . 3 3 Dungfork digging tools 63 1 . 3 1 1 4 Dunkers baptists 286.5 "Dunklin co. Mo. history 977.899 Dunlap, W: Am. drama 812.22 Dunlop cattle 636 . 2252 Dunmore's, Lord, war 973 . 2 7 "Dunn co. Wis. history 977-543 Duns Scotus mediev. phil. 189.4 Duodecimals arithmetic 511.1 Duodenum anatomy 611.342 diseases of 616.34 'Dupage co. 111. history 977.324 Duplex telegraf commun. 654.2 elec. eng. 621.38232 Duplicate dep't lib. econ. 025 . 26 Duplicates libraries and schools 021 . 33 library accession routine 025.261 sale of lib. econ. 025.265 Duplicating machines offis equip. 6S2 ( notises, etc. lib. adm. 025.129 Duplication, apparent deformities 617.34 Duploye" shorthand 653.38 Dupont, Pierre French poet. 84 1 . 82 Dura mater, cerebral anat . 611.8195 sinuses of " 611.14511 spinal " 611.8295 'Durango, Mexico hist. 972.1 Durbar social customs 394 . 4 D'Urfey, T: Eng. humor 827.44 'Durham, England hist. 942.81 cattle 636.2222 1 co. Ont. hist. 971.356 Duroc Jersey swine 636 . 483 Durra cereals ~ 633.178 Dusseltal swine 636.431 Dust air pollution 614.71 cosmic descrip. astron. 523.16 inhalation of hygiene 613.63 prevention of, in factories 628.511 Dusting domestic economy 648 . 52 protection against pests 632 . 94 Dutch cattle 636 . 235 cheese, hard 637.3543 soft 637.356 1 East Indies history 991 1 Guiana " 988 travels 918.8 hoe 631.3152 4 language 439 3 5 literature 839.3 painting 759-9 poultry ' 636 . 53 reformd church 284 . i in Amer. 285 . 7 1 republic history 949 . 2 sheep 636.331 swine 636 . 434 "Dutchess co. N. Y. hist. 974.733 Duties and customs tariff 337 moral ethics 170 of children " J 73-6 citizens " 172.1 college men 378.069 husbands and wives 173.3 library staff 023 . 7 trustees 023.35 parents ethics 173.5 public offisers " 172.2 servants " 173 .8 dom. econ. 647 . 7 teachers education 371.101 public sermons 252.6 remitted library aid 021.861 social ethics 177 stamp polit. econ. 336.27 Duty religion 2 33-4 free importation 337-8 Du Vair, Guillaume Fr. lit. 844 .41 Dwarf blueberry Dwarfs biology Dwellings architecture farm hygiene laboring classes prehistoric sanitation 634-734 573-8 728 631.21 6i3.5 33I-83 57i 8 628.6 Dwight.Timothy Am. poet. 811.22 Dyadic arithmetic 511.1 Dyaks history 99 1 - 1 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 671 Dyeing chem. tech. 667 . 2 Ear Dyes agriculture 633 . 86 anatomy 611.85 anilin chem. tech. 667 . 2 care of hygiene 613.49 Dykes engineering 627.4 def and dum asylums 362 . 4 geology 551 arch. 725.54 Dynamic electricity 537-5 diseases surgery 617.8 engineering 621 hospitals 362 . i geology 551 architecture 725.51 Dynamics, celestial 521 . i muscles anatomy 611.7324 chemic 541.39 physics 534.7 Dynamics, electro- 5 37-6 physiology 612.85 physics 531-3 psychology 152.2 Dynamite chemic tech. 662 . 2 rings jewelry 39* -7 storage prot. of life 614.833 stones comp. anat. 591.48 Dynamoelectric machinery 621 . 313 human " 611.8526 Dynamogenesis physiology 612.8011 physiology 612.85876 Dynamometer physics 531.21 Early physiology 612.744211 Christian architecture 723.1 steam plant 621.1977 philosofy 189 Dynamos Christians history 270.1 electric engineering 621.313 education, elementary 372 electrodynamics 53 7 . 83 English text society 820.6 Dynamotors elec. eng. 621.31326 3 forms of Eng. language 427.01 Dysentery diseases 616.935 Greek philosofy 182 public helth 614.516 institutions pol. science 321.1 Dyspepsia dietetic diseases 616.39 printed books 093 digestiv diseases 616.33 rising hygiene 613.79 physiology 612.326 Earnings, student 378.365 Dyspnea 612.2842 Earth astronomy 525 attraction of moon 523 . 33 burial of ded customs 393 . i pub. helth 614.611 closet system sanitation 628.43 figure of 526 . i houses prehist. archeol. 571.82 Earth internal heat of geology 551.12 movements geology 551.24 physical geology 551 rotation of astronomy 525.35 structure of phys. geol. 551.1 surface features 551-4 irregularities 526 . 64 Earthenware chem. tech. 666.6 Earthquakes agriculture 632.19 geology 55^-22 Earths, rare inorg. chem. 546 . 6 Earthwork foundations architec. 721.1 engin'g 624 . 15 mining 622 . 2 1 railway engineering 625.12 roadmaking 625 . 73 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 6 7 2 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Earthworks fortifications 623 prehist. archeol.57i zoology Earthworms Earwigs pests Easels lib. fittings Easements law East and West, reli Anglian cattle Friesian cattle poultry Friesland horse India Company 1 Indian archipelago languages 1 Indies hi Dutch 1 Liverpool, O. 1 New Jersey 1 Prussia Prussian horse River bridge 1 Russia 595 632 022 347 122 9 i 72 933 2 St Louis, 111. Turkestan *. schism 270.3 636.2267 636-2343 636.538 636.143 y 382 lago hist. 991 ;es 491.4 story 954 991 977.1631 " 974-91 " 943-n travels 914.311 636.143 engin'g 624.5 history 947-8 travels 914.78 history 977-38 " 951.6 travels 915.16 Easter Anglican calendar 264 chronology music school observ. Eastern church churches 1 empire iland travel Pacific ocean phys.geog. 551 ' Panhandle, W. Va. hist. 975 question Turkish history 949 1 states U. S. " 974 Eating customs 394-* hygiene 613.2 plesuresof 641.01 'Eaton co. Mich, history 977.423 'Eau Claire city, Wis. " 977.546 1 co. 977-545 Ebenaceae botany 583 . 685 Ebenaceous fruits 634 . 45 Ebenales botany 583 68 Ebers, G; German fiction 833 . 86 Ebony family fruit culture 634 . 45 Eccentricity in manners ethics 177 Eccentricity of orbit of earth 525 seasons 525 Eccentrics, lives of 920 machinery 621 Ecclesiastes Bible 223 Ecclesiastic antiquities 209 architecture 726 art ecclesiology 246 biografy 922 calendar chronology 529. ceremonies customs 394 costume 247 councils 262 courts 348 fasts personal religion 248 public worship 264 feasts 264 furniture ecclesiology 247 history 270 Latin, modern philol. 479 law canon law 348 legends 209 for special topics see topic music polity statistics trials vestments Ecclesiastics Ecclesiasticus Ecclesiology ecclesiology biografy Bible church symbolism 783 262 209 262 . 247. 922 229 . 261 246 9 9 95 6 2 845 5 Echinoderms paleontology 563 zoology 593 Echinoidea " 593 Echinus fishery 639 . Echo acoustics 534. Eclampsia diseases 616. Eclectic medicin 615. philosofy 148 Eclipses, find'g longitude by 525.48 of moon 523.38 sun 5 2 3-78 theory 521.8 Ecliptic inclination of equator to 525.51 plane of astron. 525.32 solar system 523.26 Ecoles congre'ganistes 377-3 Ecology botany 581.15 evolution 575-3 zoology 591.15 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 673 Economic botany 581.6 chertlistry chem. tech. 660 cookery dom. econ. 641.55 geology 553 value of fertilizers 63 1 . 8 1 5 zoology 5QI.6 Economics butter business 63 7 . 2 1 cheese business 637.31 farm 631.1 milk business 637 . 1 1 nature of 330 . 1 1 of fashions dom. econ. 646.01 political economy 330 stockfarming 636.081 Economizers, feedwater 621 . 1972 Economy, domestic 640 ethics 174 library 020 political 330 student 378 . 368 Ecstasy religion 248 Ecstatics ment. derange. 132.5 Ecto blast embryology 611.01338 Ectoderm " 611.01338 Ectodermic organs " 611.0135 Ectopic gestation obstetrics6 18.31 hart physiology 612.1717 Ectozoa animal parasites 616.968 1 Ecuador history 986 travels 918.6 Ecumenic council eccles. polity 262.5 relig. hist. 270 . 2 Eczema dermatology 616.52 Edam cheese 637 . 3543 Eddas Norse literature 839.6 Eddy currents engin'g 621.311 physics 537-6 Edema physiology 612.381 Eden orig. home of man 572.4 Edentata mammals 599-3 *Edgar co. 111. history 977-369 Edgeworth, M. Eng. fiction 823 . 72 Edible bulbs garden crops 635.2 flowers " 635.3 fruits " 635 . 6 leaves " 635 . 3 roots " 635 . i seeds " 635 . 6 stems 635 . 3 tubers garden crops 635 . 2 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior Edict of Nantes Huguenots 284 . 5 Ediles Rom. antiquities 913.37 Edinburgh, Scot, history 941.44 travels 914.144 university 378.41 Editions, choice of reading and aids 028.2 Editorial work journalism 070 . 4 lit. meth. 029 .6 Edmund polyg. act U.S.hist.973 . 84 Edom ancient history 939.46 Education 370 and the church religion 261.5 sociology 377.8 general, for library servis 023 . 53 r in relation to labor 33 1 . 85 industrial systems 371.42 useful arts 607 of voter's 324 . 14 women 376 young 372 public state control 351.851 system 379 self 374 suffrage qualifications 324.14 systems of 371-4 useful arts 607 2 special, see subject Educational bildings architecture 727 ethics 171-? mesurements elem. educ. 372 . 102 paidology 1 36 . 702 psychology 370.15 reports, public 379 sermons 252.5 Educator, library as 021 . 2 Educators' lives 923 . 7 Edward i Eng. history 942.035 2 942 .036 3 942.037 4 942.044 5 942.045 6 " " 942-053 7 " 942.082 Edwards, J. Am. philos. 191.1 'Edwards co. 111. history 977.3791 Ferry,Va.U.S.hist.973.73i8 Eels zoology 597-5 Effect and cause metaphysics 122 perspectiv arch, design 729.15 Effen, J. van Dutch essays 839.344 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 6 74 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Efficiency and college training 378.01 school courses 375.0072 Efficiency bonus economics 331.225 business methods 658 Effigies, monumental 718 ^ffingham co. 111. hist. 977-3796 Efflorescence chemistry 541.39 Effluvium nuisances 628 . 52 Efflux hydraulics 532.56 Eg embryology 59* 3 Eggleston, E: Am. fiction 813.42 Egg, eggs, see Eg, egs Egina marbles anc. sculpt. 733 Egoism Egplant Egs ethics 171.9 635.646 641.665 613.28 641 . 12 598.2 cookery dietetics food value oology phys. of nutrition 612.39283 poultry 636.5 raising fowls for 636.0883 zootechny 636.08246 Eg-shape of sewers 628.224 Egypt administration 334 . 62 antiquities 9 1 3 . 3 2 architecture 722.2 art 709.32 botany 581.962 finance 336 . 62 geology 556 . 2 hieroglyphics 493 . i history, ancient 932 1 modern 962 language, old 493 . i maps 912.62 mythology 299.31 obelisks, an tiq. 913.32 monum. 718 philosof ers 181.2 pyramids, an tiq. 913.32 religion 299.31 schools 379.62 statistics 316.2 travel 916.2 treaties 341.262 other topics see table i Egyptian corn 633 . 1 78 goat 636 . 39862 goose 636 . 59887 sheep 636 . 386 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior *Egytian Sudan history 962.6 travels 916.26 Egyptology antiquities 913.32 Ehrensvard, T. C. Gyllem- bourg Danish fiction 839.8361 Eichendorff, J. Ger. poetry 831 . 72 Eiderstedt sheep 636.3314 Eight hour law pol. econ. 331.81 Eighth nerv anatomy 611.8318 physiology 612.8198 Eilschov, F. K. Dan. misc. 839 . 8843 Ejaculatory duct anat. 611.635 Ejectment law 347 . 2 Ejectors mech. engin'g 621.69 Elaeagnacese botany 583.935 Elasmobranchii fishes 597-3 Elastic tissue histology 611.01827 Elasticity of muscle physiology 612.7414 physics 539.3 pulmonary physiology 612.212 tests engineering 620.1123 Elastin nutrition 612.398146 Elateridae zoology 595-76 Elatinea? botany 583.161 Elbingen sheep 636 . 33 1 7 Elbow anatomy 611.973 joint " 611 . 7273 Elci, A. M. d' Ital. satire 857.66 Elderberry agriculture 634.747 Elders ecclesiastic polity 262 . 15 El Dorado folklore 398.3 1 co. Cal. hist. 979.441 Eleatic Greek philosof ers 182.3 Election doctrinal theology 234.9 frauds suffrage 324.27 u.s. 324-73 sermons 252 . 6 to legislativ body 328 . 3355 Elections city admin. 352 . 004 legislativ jurisdiction 328.342 U. S. law 324.73 voting procedure 324 . 24 Electiv franchise 324 system educat ion 375. 004 Electoral college suffrage 324 . 249 commission " 324 . 73 U. S. hist. 973 . 82 frauds suffrage 324.27 lists " 324.241 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 675 Electoral system polit. science 321 systems suffrage 324 Electric animals comp. physiol. 612 apparatus inspection 614 communication eng, cooking appliances elevators engin'g lib. bldgs engineering execution of criminals .21 furnace heating heating physics prac. chem. bilding dom. econ. prac. chem. 621. 643- 621 . 022 . 621. 343- 537- 542. 6 97- 644. 542. 612 . 644. 022 . 621 . 537- 623. 62!., 621.; 537-: 542. 621. 537- irritation of nervs light domest. econ. libraries mech. eng. physics lighting shipbilding stations machinery engin'g machines physics manipulation chem. mesurements engin'g physics mesuring of temperature 536 . methods qual. analysis 544. quan. " 545. phenomena physics 537- of muscles physiol.6i2 . nervs " 612. i skin " 612. plant shipbilding 623 . ) plow 63 1 . ; power stations eng. 621., transmission " 621.; railways " 621.; resistance mesology 6i2.< shock surgery 617.: signals physics 537 < stimulation of hart 612.: storms physics 538.; stoves kitch. equip. 643.; telegraf, communication 654 engineering 621.; physics 537.! testing useful arts 621.; traction stations 621.; vehicles engin'g 629.: vessels shipbilding 623 . i Electricians lib. econ. 023 Electricity 537 accidents from 614 animal mind and body 134 physiology 612 . zoology 591 . applied engineering 621 physics 537 cooking by 641, effect on muscles 612 , farm power 631 . generation useful arts 621 heating by dom. econ. 644 , hygiene 613. therapeutics 615. Electro- analysis qualitativ 544. quantitativ 545 . ballistic machines gun'ry 623 . biology v animal mag. 134 biology 577 blasting mining 622. chemic autom. teleg. 621 . chemistry 541. chronograf astronomy 522. culture crops 631 . dialysis prac. chem. 542 . dynamics 537. kinetics dynamic elec. 537. magnetism 538 . metallurgy 537. motors machines 621 . science 537. physiology anim. mag. 134 biology 577 physiology 612. plating metallurgy 537. Electrodes electrophysiol. 612. engineering 621. Electrolysis qual. anal. 544. quant. " 545 . Electrolytes elec. eng. 621. Electrolytic anal. chem. 545. rectifiers eng. 621. .772 ,836 014423 57 3 8 586 74163 3717 3i 26 16 84 9 3 5 23 38241 37 52 5881 8 6 5 3 85 313 83 01442 85 014421 3522 9 3 3524 3 31374 3743 25 Electrometers engin'g 621. physics 537. Electromotiv force of hart 612.1724 phenomena of nervous excitation 612. Electromotors elec. eng. 621 . Electrons chemistry 54 1. Electrostatic apparatus eng. 621 . Electrostatics static elec. 537 . 8223 313 2 315 2 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 676 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Electrotherapy Eligibility electric engineering 621.3915 to legislativ body 328 . 331 electrophy siology 612.014428 offis citizenship 323 . 68 medicin 615.84 Eliminants algebra 512.85 Electrotonus electrophys. 612.014423 Eliot, George Eng. fie. 823.88 physiology 612.8133 1 Elis ancient history 938.8 Electrotyping printing 655.22 Elixir of life alchemy 540.1 Eleemosynary institutions 361 Elizabeth, Queen Eng. hist. 942 .055 5 Elegiac poetry Eng. lit. 821.04 'Elizabeth, N. J. history 974.937 Gk - 884 Elizabethan persecutions 272.7 Latin " 874 style arch 724.4 Elemental destruction agric. 632 . i J Elk co. Pa. history 974.865 Elementary 1 valley, W. Va. " 975.464 education 372 'Elkhart co. Ind. " 977.281 forms arch, design 729 . 3 Elkhorn tavern, Ark. 3 readers Eng. language 428.6 U. S. civ. war 973-73 2 3 schools 372 . 9 Ellipse analytic geom . 516.23 gymnastics in 371.7321 geometry 5i3- 2 3 libraries for 371.645 Ellipsis Eng. language 425.3 manual training 371.422 8 other languages theory of music 781.2 Ellipsoid analytic geom. 516.43 Elements Ellipsoidal figure geodesy 526.16 chemic chem. tech. 661.1 Ellipsoids, potentials of 526.11 chemistry 546 Elliptic functions calculus 517.36 false 546.99 Ellipticity, law of geodesy 526.13 required architec. design 729.21 J Elmira, N. Y. history 974.779 Elephants mammals 599-6 Elocution 808 . 5 Eleusinian mysteries vocal culture 784.9 Greek antiquities 913.38 Elongated mythology 292 bullets ordnance 623.45125 Elevated small arms 623.4552 ground hygiene 613.12 projectils ordnance 623.4512 railroad city transit 388 Eloquence 808.5 engineering 625.4 5 Eng. oratory 825 stations arch .725.318 Elva folklore 398 . 4 temperature hygiene 613.64 Elzevir editions rarities 094 ways public helth 614.782 Emanation metaphysics 129. 5 Elevation archit. design 729 . i Emancipation lib. bildings 022.341 of slaves 326.8 Elevations meteorology 551.53 woman 396 . i Elevatormen lib. econ. 023 . 793 proclamation U. S. hist. 973 .714 Elevators Embalming customs 393 . 3 grain architecture 725.36 pub. helth 614.64 hydraulic machinery 621.263 Embankments reclamation 631.64 library bildings 022.95 river eng. 627 . 4 mech. engineering 621.877 Embargo martial law 344 Eleventh nerv anatomy 611.83192 of 1808-12 U.S. hist. 973.48 physiol. 612.8192 Embassadors interna. law 341.7 'Elgin, Scotland history 941.23 polit. sci. 327 city, 111. 977-3 2 3 Emblematic art ecclesiol. 246.5 co. Ont. 97*-334 Emblems 246 marbles 733 Embolism of pulmon . artery 616.247 Elian philosofers Gk phil. 183.7 Embossing book lib. econ. 025.252 Eliesen, Povel Dan. mis. 839.8822 telegraf eng. 621.38244 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 677 Embroidery Embryo anatomy physiology zoology Embryology animals botany experimen. human physiology Embryotomy obstet. opi Emden goose Emergencies surgery Emergency help dorn. econ. 647 Emerson, R.W. Am. lit. phil. transcendentalism 141 Emery econom. geol. wheels mach. tools 621 Emetics physiology therapeutics Emigrants polit. science Emigration Emilia, Italy history Eminent domain law Emissary vein anatomy Emmental cheese co. la. history Mich. external thera. 615 internal physiol. psych. 612 psychology Empedocles Gk philosofers Emperor Ger. empire Emperors biografy Empetracese botany Emphysema lung dis. 'Empire, Eastern history French ist " 2d " German gov't political science Roman hi Western, fall of Empiric medicins, see Patent medicins philosofy Empiricism in medicin Employees associations domestic occasional regular legislativ Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index Emollients Emotions 746 Employers 611 .013 and employed ethics 174.8 612.64 pol. econ. 331 . i 591-33 liability 331.82 591 3 insurance 33i- 2 5 5 8l -3 Employment 611 .0139 agencies, see Agencies 611.013 hygiene 613 . 6 612.64 of children pol. econ. 331-3 618.83 time ethics 179.9 636-5983 women customs 396 . 5 617.1 pol. econ. 33 x -4 647-29 Empresses biografy 923 . i 814.36 Emulation ethics 1 79 191.3 3 Enallage Eng. syntax 425.2 141 Enamel arch, decoration 729.65 553-65 chem. technology 666 . 2 621 .923 painting 751 612 .3278 sacred ornam. 247.4 615 . 731 Enarthrosis anatomy 611.72963 325 2 Encaustic painting 751 325 Encephalon anatomy 611.81 945-4 Enclosures of doors and win. 72 1 . 86 347-2 Encyclic letters eccles. pol. 262 . 8 611.14513 Encyclopedias, general 030 637-3543 2 special, see subject 977.7125 Encyclopedists, Fr. relig. 239.6 977.488 lives 920.3 615.776 Endbrain anatomy 611.813 615-735 Endemic diseases 616 612 .82133 Endemics med. geografy 614.42 I C7 Endive 635 . 55 j / Endless punishment theol. 237.7 I 2.5 screw mech. eng'g 621.8333 354.4305 Endocardium anatomy 611.126 923.1 583.984 616.248 Endoderm embryology 611.01337 Endodermic organs " 611.0134 Endogamy customs 392.5 949 5 Endolymf physiology 612.8586 944-05 Endometrium anatomy 611.662 944-07 Endoneurium histology 6 1 1 . o 1 883 5 354 4303 Endosmose liquids 532 . 7 321.03 Endowd libraries 027 . 4 937.06 schools education 373 937-09 vs public schools 379.3 Endowment library support 021.92 144 life insurance 368.3 614.26 of research colleges 378.32 public school support 379-13 331-88 Endowments 647-29 library finance 025.111 647-2 special subjects 025.211 328.362 Endyma anatomy 611.828 6;8 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Enemeta, nutritiv hygiene 613.23 England Enemies of pests agric. 632 . 96 private law 347 Enemy religious history 274.2 sympathizers Great war 940.3163 Romanesque architecture 7 2 3'42 Energy, conservation of 531-6 schools, public . 379-42 vital physiology 612.0137 sculpture 735 Engelbrektsdatter, D. 839.8136 slavery 326 Engin and coach wagon 621 . 1328 societies, general 062 driven vessels 623 . 823 statistics 314 2 houses architecture 725.19 travel 914.2 Engineering, civil 620 treaties 341 .242 dynamic 621 universities education 378.42 electric 621.3 zoology 591.942 illuminating 628.9 English industrial 658 Cambridge turkey 636.5922 locomotiv 621.13 carrier pigeon 636.59612 materials 620 . i cattle 636.22 mechanic 621 cheese, hard 637-3542 municipal 352.5 soft 637-3532 topografic 526.9 coach horse 636 . 142 Engineers lives 926.2 composition 808 military sci. 358. 2 cyclopedias 032 U. S. civ. war 973.7417 deists apologetics 2 39-5 Engins 621 discovery of America 973-1? England draft horse 636.152 administration 354 . 42 ducks 636 5972 anti quities 913.42 ephemerides 528.2 architecture 720 . 942 game poultry 636.58812 army 354.426 goat 636.392 bank of 332 . 15 language 42O biografy 920 . 042 literature 820 botany 581.942 newspapers 072 church 283 periodicals, general 052 colleges education 378.42 3 philology 420 constitution 342 . 42 pony 636 . l62 education 3 70 . 942 poultry 636 . 52 finance 336 . 42 prisons Amer. revol. 973-371 geology 554 . 2 U.S. war of 1812 973-527 1 government central 354 . 42 sheep 636.32 local 352 . 042 socialism 335-1 1 history 942 swine 636 . 42 3 language 420 ' thorobred horse 636.122 old 427.01 walnut 634-5II law 346 Engravers lives 927.6 libraries 027.042 occupation 613.65 literature 820 Engraving 760 local government 352.042 books of 769 maps 912.42 of seals and gems 736 navy 354-427 Engravings painting 759-2 cases for lib. fittings 022 .485 peerage, etc. 929 . 72 catalogs of 016. 76 philosofers 192 collections of 769 philosofers lives 921.2 special library material 025.177 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this indei RELATIV INDEX 679 Engrossing clerks, legislativ 328 . 3623 legislativ bills 328.373 Enharmonic organ music 786.9 Enigmas amusements 793 5 English litera. 828 Enlistment army 355 . 22 Ennius Latin drama 872.4 Enoch, Book of 229 Enrolment bill legislation 328 . 373 school organization 371 .21 Ensiform bone anatomy 611.713 Ensigns flags 929.9 Ensilage agriculture 633 crops agriculture 633.3 cutters " 63 1 . 363 zootechny 636.08552 Entail law 347 .2 Entente Great war 1914-19 940.332 Enteric fever diseases 616.927 pub. helth 614.511 Enterokinasis physiology 612.33284 Enteropneusta zoology 593-99 Enterprise, ship U. S. war of 1812 973.5253 Entertaining 5 collections Eng. lit. 828 domestic economy 642 . 4 Entertainments and libraries 02 1 . 45 library support 021.96 licenses for 352 .8 private dom. econ. 642.41 public amusements 791 dom. econ. 642 .45 Enthusiasm psychology 157 religious 269 Enthymeme logic 166 Entity ' of state political science 320. 15 Entoderm anatomy 611.01337 Entomology zoology 595 . 7 Entomophthoreae botany 589.229 Entomostraca zoology 595-31 Entoptic phenomena 612.8434 Entozoa parasitic dis. 616.962 zoology 595 .1 Entrance halls library bldgs 022.681 requirements educ. 3?i-2i Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior Entries cookery 641.82 Entropy engineering 621.1011 physics 536.7 Enunciation elocution 808 . 5 Envallsson, K : Swed. lit. 839.7254 Environment evolution 575-3 influence of physiol. 612.0144 therapeu. 615.56 on man 573-4 mental characteristics 136.2 Envy ethics J 79-8 Enzina, J. del Span. dram. 862 . 2 1 Eocene fossils paleontol. 560 period geology 551.781 Eolian harp music 787.5 Eolithic age prehist arch. 571 . i Epacrideae botany 583.64 Epencephalon anatomy 611.817 Ependyma " 611.828 Ependymal cells histol. 611.01884 Epervier, ship U. S. war of '1812 973-5 2 55 Ephemerides 528 Ephesians Bible 2 2 7 . 5 Ephesus, first council of 270 . 23 history, ancient 939.23 modern 956.2 Epiblast embryology 611.01338 Epic dramatic music 782 . 2 painting 753 5 poetry Eng. lit. 821.03 Greek 883 Latin 873 Epicharmus Gk drama 882 . 5 Epicranial muscles anat. 611.7322 Epictetus Gk philosofers 188.7 Epicurean philosofy 187 Epicurism dom. econ. 641.01 Epidemic catarrh diseases 616.203 monomania derangem'tsi32 . i Epidemics contagious diseases 614.5 diseases 616 library economy 024.47 public helth 614.49 Epidermal layer embryol. 611.0135 Epidermis anatomy 611.771 Epididymis " 611.632 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 68o DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Epigastric artery, inferior superior plexus region Epigenesis Epiglottis anat. 611 611 611 611 spontan. gener. 576 anatomy physiology Eng. literature botany 611 612 828 584 5 Epigrams Epigyneae Epilepsy cortical physiology 612. diseases 616. institutions 362 . Epineurium histology 611. Epiphany Anglican fest. 264. Epipharynx anatomy 6 1 1 . Epiphysis cerebri " 611. Epiploon " 6 1 1 . Epirus ancient history 938. Episcopacy sects 283 Episcopal charges serm. 252. church 283 in Scot. 283 . orders ministry 262. Episcopalians biografy 922 . Episcopate ministry 262 Epispastics therapeutics 615. Epistles Anglican ritual 264. Bible 227 Eng. literature 826 5 Epistolary writers, Eng. 928 . Epistolografy 808. Epistropheus anatomy 611. Epitafs genealogy 9 2 9- monuments 718 Epithalamus anatomy 611. Epithelial tissue histology 611. Epitheliums, glandular 612. 'Epithets Eng. language 426. Epitrochleal glands anat. 611. Epizoa parasites, zoology 591 . Epizootic diseases vet. med. 619 Epoophoron anatomy 611. 'Equador history 986 Equality legal political science 323 . of individuals " " 323 . races " 323 . social ethics 177. Equalization of representation pol. sci. 328 . Equation machine astron. instru. 522. Topics in black face type are subdivided. .13781 .1345 83931 951 I 221 7825 8253 853 8 018835 Q3 1 3271 8i45 382 17 3 12 774 036 8i4S 0187 409 8 4672 69 6676 42 41 41 5 3345 54 Equation of center orbits 521.38 time chronology 529.1 personal astron. correc. 522.97 Equations, algebraic 512.3 chemic 541 .9 indeterminate 512.23 numeric 512.2 theory of 512 .82 trigonometric 514.4 Equator, inclina. of seas'ns 525.51 Equatorial belt earth 525.14 mounting telescopes 522.26 telescope astron. 522.46 Equestrian exercise 798 Equilibrium astronomy laws 521.11 chemistry 541.39 of liquids physics 5 3 2.2 rotating spheroid 526.12 sense of physiology 612.886 Equinoxes astronomy 525.5 Equipment of armies 355 . 8 navies 359 ships 623 . 86 Equisetae botany 587.2 Equity law 347-8 of redemp. law 347.2 Equivalence of force phys .531.21 theoret. chem. 541 .2 Equivalent projec. on maps 526 . 85 Equivocation ethics 1 7 7 . 3 Erbium metals 546.65 Erckmann, Emile Fr. fie. 843.85 Erectil tissues vasomotors 612.188 Erection physiology 612.612 Erector spinae anatomy 611.7313 Erepsin physiology 612.3324 Eretrian philosofers 183 . 7 Ergograf physiology 612.744211 Ergot stimulants 615.711 uterins 615.766 Eric the Red discov. of Am. 973.13 Ericaceae botany 583.62 Ericales " 583 . 6 Ericson, Leif discov. of Am. 973 . 13 Erie canal U. S. history 973 .55 1 co. N. Y. " 974.796 O. " 977.122 1 Pa. "' 974-899 Ft, capture U.S. hist. 973.5237 Lake, battle " 973-5254 Eriocauleae botany 584.81 Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 68 1 Erizzo, S. Ital. fiction 853.43 'Essex co. Ont. history [97 1.331 Erlenmeyer flasks chem. 542 . 23 1 ' Vt. 974.32 Erosion geology 55 1 3 ship U.'S. war 1812 973-5255 Erotica ethics 176 swine 636.4211 Errata proofreading 655.25 Establisht church, Anglican 283 Erratic boulders geology 551.33 Estaires poultry 636 . 547 Errhines therapeutics 615.726 Estates law 347-6 Error, sources of logic 165 of the relm 328 3 Errors, gram. Eng. lang. 428.3 social classes 323 . 3 of obser v . probabil . 5 1 9 . 6 Esters organic chem. 547-4 speech Eng.lang. 428.3 Esther Apocrypha 229.2 popular occultism 133.7 Bible 222.9 4 Erse language 491 .61 Esthesiometers physiology 612. 883 r Eruptions volcanoes 551.21 Esthetics architecture 720.1 Eruptiv fevers diseases 616.911 fine arts 701 Erysipelas " 616.942 gastronomy 641.01 Erythrocytes physiol. 612.111 literature 80 1 ^rzerum, Asiat.Turk. hist. 956.6 'Esthonia, Russia history 947.4 Escalators mech. engin'g 621.8676 travel 914.74 E scapements watchmaking 6 8 1 Estimates bilding 692 . 5 Escharotics therapeutics 615.775 'Estramadura, Sp. history 946.2 Eschatology 236 sheep 636.361 Escurial sheep 636.361 Etchers biografy 927.6 Esdras Bible 229.1 Etching 767 Eskimo dress dom. econ. 646.091 Eternal life doc. theol. 237 history 998 punishm't " " 237.7 Esofageal Eternity doctrins 237.1 artery anatomy 611.1355 natural theol. 218 branches of vagus " 611.831919 Ether anesthetics 615.781 Esofagus anatomy 611.329 light 535-1 diseases of 616.32 physics 530 . i physiology 6 1 2-. 3 1 5 poisons 615.965 Espalier training 631 . 5463 temperance 178.8 Espaliers plant supports 631.3453 Etherege, Sir G: Eng. dram. 822 .42 Esparto grass fibers 633 . 583 Ethers chem. tech. 668 . 5 Esperanto language 408 . 9 organ, chem. 547-4 Espronceda, J. de Span. poet.86i .52 Ethical culture societies 170.6 Esquimaux dress 646.091 education 377- 2 history 998 ethics 170.7 Essayists, Eng. biografy 928.24 Ethics 170 Fr. " 928.44 legal 174-3 Ger. " 928.34 of copyright 655.61 5 Essays Eng. literature 824 relation to pol. econ. 330. 1917 general collections 040 social 177 2 special topic see subj. Ethiopia ancient history 939.78 Essence metaphysics 121 1 modern " 966 Essences chem. tech. 668 . 5 4 Ethiopic language 492 8 Essenes Jewish relig. 296 Ethmoid bone anatomy 611.7156 Essential oils chem. tech. 668.5 Ethnic religions 290 'Essex, England hist. 942.67 Ethnografic co. Mass. " 974-45 basis theory of state 320. 121 N. J. " 974-931 Ethnografy 572 N. Y. " 974-753 Ethnology 572 travel 917.4753 Ethnopsychology i3 6 -4 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 682 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Etiology medicin 6 1 6.01 Etiquet customs 395 ethics i?7-i Etruria ancient history 937.5 Etruscan architecture 722.6 4 language 477-5 Etudes piano music 786.47 3 Etymologies Eng. lang. 422 Etymology comparativ philology 412 3 inflection Eng. lang. 425.1 4 other Euboea ancient history 938.4 Eubulides Greek philos. 183.6 Eucharist sacrament 265.3 Eucharistic music religious art 246.8 vessels sacred furniture 247.8 Euchre amusements 795 Euclid Greek philosofers 183.6 Euclidian geometry 513 Eudemonism private ethics 171.4 public 1 7 1 . 5 Eudemus Greek philosofers 185 .3 Eudiometer exper. chem. 542 . 76 Eudiometry quant, anal. 545-7 Euganoids zoology 597-4 Eugenics evolution 575 - 1 hygiene 613.94 Eugubine tables Umbrian language 477-4 Eulerian integrals calculus 517.32 Eulogies biografy 920 sermons 252.9 Euphonium wind instr. 788.44 Euphorbiaceae botany 583.951 Euphuism rhetoric 808 ^ure, France history 944-24 1 et Loir, Fr. " 944 5 1 Euripides Greek drama 882 . 3 Europe antiquities 913 .4 botany s8i-94 eccles. hist. 274 geology 554 history 940 religious hist. 274 statistics 314 travels 914 European bison 636 . 2923 black currant 634 723 1 chestnut 634.531 gooseberry 634 . 726 plan table syst. 642 . 53 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior European politics parties 329.94 raspberries 634 .712 Europium inorg. chem. 546.696 Eurypterida fossils 565.3 Eustachian tube anatomy 611.856 ear dis. 617.86 physiol. 612 .856 valv anatomy 611.12662 Eutaw Springs Am. revol. 973.3373 Evald, Johannes Dan. poet 839 . 8152 Evaluation of books 028.8 Evangelic alliance relig. 206 Evangelist ministry 262.15 Evangelistic art 246.7 music ecclesiology 246.7 sacred music 783 . 7 work pastoral theol. 253 writings practical " 243 1 Evansville, Ind. history 977.233 Evaporating dishes chem. 542.232 Evaporation cutaneous physiol. 612.524 food preservation 641.4 heat chemistry 542.48 meteorology 551-57 physics 536 . 44 pulmonary ph y siol . 612.523 steam engineering 621.18413 vacuum chemistry 542.77 Evening opening lib. econ. 024.33 prayer Anglic, ritual 264.034 fam. devotions 249 personal " 248 schools pub. education 379.19 self 374 - 8 work lib. econ. 023.631 Everaert, Cornelis Dut. lit. 839.3124 Everett, Edward Am.orat. 815.31 shorthand 653.72 Evergreens coniferae 5 8 5- 2 horticulture 715 Everlasting punishment 237.7 Evidence circumstantial 347.94 law 347-94 logic 163 Evidences, Bible 220 i of Christianity 239 Evil eye 133-4 natural theology 216 origin of 216 pessimism 149-6 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 683 Evil sin 233 spirits 235 theodicy 231.8 Evolution algebra 512.7 apologetics 239-8 arithmetic 5"-7 . biology 575 effect of nervous system 612 .8013 ethics 171.7 natural theology 213 religion and science 215 theory of state 320.153 Ewes dairy 637.173 Ex libris 097 Exact reference lit. meth. 029 . i Examination civil servis 35i-3 Examination for academic degrees 378.244 of credentials suffrage 324-423 teachers education 371-13 * papers Eng. philol. 428.9 post mortem pathology 616.079 school education 371-27 Examinations competitiv civil servis 351-3 . schools 371-27 . Examining boards, med. 614. 24 Exanthemata contag. dis. 614.52 Excavating machinery 621.86 Excavation foundations architec. 721.12 . engin'g 624.152 mining 622 . 21 Excavations antiquities 913 Excellence standards zootechny 636.08114 Excess of food hygiene 613-25 Exchange bills of law 347-7 money 332.5 department lib. econ. 025 .266 international money 332-45 of duplicates lib. admin. 025 .266 prisoners Airier, revol. 973-373 Great war 94 -473 U.S. civ. war. 973-773 professors 378.12 specimens biology 579.614 stock 332.6 tables business 658 territorial pol. sci. 320.1267 Exchanges architecture library law methods telefone central private Exchequer Great Britain adminis. finance United States adminis. finance Excise laws offises architecture public funds Excitability cerebral physiol. of cord " Excitants therapeutics Exclusion from suffrage pol. sci. Excommunication eccl. pol Excrementa sewerage Excrements physiology Excreta, disinfection Excretion biliary physiol. physiologic zoology physiology Excretions, respiratory Excretory organs comparativ anatomy descriptiv Excuses, readers' lib. econ Execution criminal law Executiv legis. bodies department const, law lib. admin. offiser library gov't titles powers of legis. bodies session " " Executors law Exegesis Bible Exemplaria typographica Exemption from mil. servis taxation Exercise children's dom. econ. curativ therapeutics diaforetics " for library workers hygiene physiology of 725-25 021.85 025 .226 621.3854 621.3858 354-422 336-42 353-2 336.73 336-27 725-I4 336-27 612 .8251 612.832 615-785 324-I7 262 .9 628.2 612 .361 614.48 6I2.3S77 591 14 612.4 612.26 59L44 591-74 024.73 343-2 328.372 342 025.1 023.4 023.71 328.252 328.357 347-6 220 .6 OQO 355-22 336.29 649-5 615.82 615 743 023.54 613-7 612 . 7661 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 684 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Expenses 612.793 living teachers salaries 371.164 591.129 of college students 378 . 368 612.25 - traveling, of legislators 328 . 333 zoo techny 636.0817 616.986 Experience 631-45 Experiment stations, agric. 630.72 621.1335 Experimental chemistry 542 621.1858 psychology 6 1 2 . 82 1 O22 .931 Experiments 725.91 chemic 542 022 .657 fertilizer 631.88 600 . 6 food zootechny 636.0853 vyw . v 606 physics 530-7 7O8 soil agriculture 631.42 606 Expert, library 023 . 4 Exploding devices mil. eng.623 . 454 371.29 Exploitation mining 622 . 3 264.6 Exploration hygiene 613.69 mining 622.1 343-2 Explorations 910 177.8 history of 910.9 636. 1624 scientific 508 . 3 636.3263 Explorers biografy 9 2 3-9 222 . 12 Explosions history of 614.83 328.332 of ammunition 623 . 483 firedamp min. eng. 622.81 328 . 3323 protection of life 614.83 392 . 5 Explosiv bullets 623.45535 Explosivs I 33-4 . X agriculture 631.513 716 chemic technology 662 623.45535 factory storage 62 1 . 7964 manufacture hygiene 613.66 53.6-41 protec. of life 614 . 831 621 . 1857 military engineering 623 . 452 621.5652 mining dangers 622.85 320. 126 Exponential formulae trig. 514.3 341-5 Export duties U. S. tariff 336.26 615.721 Exportation commerce 382 le Exports " 382 508.3 free trade 337 618.51 Expositions useful arts 606 336 2 special see subject Expository sermons 252.8 371-163 Exposure of children customs 392.2 637.217 ded 393 . 4 637-3I7 to cold protection of life 614 . 87 637-II7 647 . i Expresidents W *T / J f\1"\ T "7 in legislativ bodies 328 . 3322 031 . I/ 025 . 1 16 Express companies sociol. 385 useful arts 656 Exhalation cutaneous physiology of vapor zoology water vapor physio Exhaustion effects of diseases of soil Exhaust pipe locom. boiler 621 steam, utilization Exhibition cases, library halls architec. room lib. bldg Exhibitions, bilding international of art industry school special see subj. Exhortations pub. worsh. 264 Exile punishments social ethics Exmoor pony sheep Exodus Bible Exofficio members of legis. bodies Exoffisers exofficio in legis. bodies Exogamy customs Exorcism Exotics horticulture Expanding bullets Expansion heat physics joints steam eng. system, direct refrig. territorial pol. sci. Expatriation Expectorants therapeu. Expedition, see specific name Expeditions, scientific Expellent forces obstet. Expenditure, pub. finance Expenses allowance to teachers butter business cheese business dairy domestic economy farm library finance Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV IN'DEX 685 611.98 617-58 611.97 6i7-57 612.381 611.8476 611.8475 611.847 physiol. 612.81932 6i7-77 522.23 Expression facial art anatomy 743 physiognomy 138 musical 780 . i practical chemistry 542.68 Expropriation realty 347-2 Expulsion legislativ bodies 328 . 344 school disciplin 371-56 Extatics mental derange. 132.5 Extemporaneous speaking 808.5 Extempore prayer 264. i Extension courses dom. econ. 640.714 education 374 . 6 relation to lib. 021 .44 of libraries 021.6 university 378.13 work agriculture 630.717 Extensometer 620 . 112 Extensor carpi radialis brevior 61 1 . 73763 longus 611.73762 ulnaris 611.73764 digitorum longus 611 . 73842 hallucis " 611.73843 of index finger 611 .73769 Extensors of fingers 611 . 73765 forearm 611.7376 thum 611.73768 External agencies therapeutics 615.77 ear anatomy 611.858 diseases of 617.81 physiology 612.851 motoroculi nerv, see Sixth nerv plastering and stucco 693 . 61 walls, incrusted architec. 729.61 windows arch, const. 721.84 Extinct animals paleon. 560 plants paleon. 561 Extinction of fire protec. of life 614.843 species 575-6 painless, of animal life 614.971 Extra books for readers lib. 024.71 fingers or toes surgery 617.36 pay legislativ patronage 328 . 3626 wage scales 331 . 225 session legislativ bodies 328 . 358 time for readers lib. 024.72 Extraction mining 627 . 6 . of teeth 617.66 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index Extractors laundry mach. 648 . 3 stump agriculture 631.3117 5 Extracts Eng. literature 828 chem. tech. 668.5 on special subjects see subject Extradition internat. law 341.4 Extraterritoriality 3 4 1 . 7 Extra-uterin pregnancy 618.31 Extravagance col. students3 78 . 368 Extreme unction sacram. 265.7 Extremities, lower, anat. surgery upper, anat. surgery Exudations physiology Eye, see Eyes Eyebrows anatomy Eyelashes " Eyelids " and motoroculi eye diseases Eyepiece telescope Eyes anatomy 611.84 artificial surgery 617.79 asylums for blind 362 .4 care of hygiene 613.49 school hygiene 371.72 diagnosis pathology 616.073 diseases of surgery 617.7 hospitals 362 . i architecture 725.51 muscles anatomy 611.7325 innervation of 612.81933 optics 535-7 physiology 612.84 protection in factories 628.512 psychology 152.1 Ezekiel Bible 224.4 Ezra " 222.7 686 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 'Fables Eng. literature Fabre d'Eglantine, P. F. N. Fabrics aeronautics . manufacture architecture 828 842 . 64 balloon aeronautics . 629.161 textil manufacture 677 Facades architecture 729 . i Face anatomy 611.92 bones anat. 611.716 lymfatic glands " 61 1 . 462 lymfatics 611.4212 surgery 617.52 Faces of type printing 655 . 24 'Facetiae Eng. literature 827 Facial angle craniology 573 . 7 artery anatomy 611.13323 muscles, effect of nervs on 612 . 81971 nerv anatomy 611.8317 nucleus " 611.8176 physiol. 612.8197 paralysis " 612.81978 veins anatomy 611.14517 Facsimile telegraf elec. eng. 621.3827 Facsimiles Class with originals Factories architecture 725 . 4 arrangement engin'g 621 . 7 butter 637.231 care of dom econ. 647 . 964 carriage and car arch. 725 . 45 cheese 637.331 cooperativ pol. econ. 334-6 furniture architecture 725 . 44 sanitation in 628 . 51 useful arts 670 Factors and brokers law 347 . 7 Factory inspection polit. econ. 33 1 . 82 laws* polit. econ. 338.9 management bus. meth. 658 system labor and wages 331 waste sanitary engin'g 628 . 54 Faculae sun 523 . 74 Faculty intuitiv mental science 156 libraries 023 . 73 schools 371 . i student aid 378.364 universities and colleges 378.12 Fagging student life 371-82 Fahlbands econom. geol. 553.17 Fahlcrantz, K. E. Swed. sat. 839 . 7763 Faience ware pottery 738 Failures, trade 332 . 7 Fair Oaks, Va. battle 973-73 2 7 Fairbairn wheels 621 .223 'Fairfield co. Ct. History 974 . 69 1 O. 977.158 Fairies 398 . 4 Fairs agricultural 630 . 6 amusements 791 commercial 381 industrial 606 library support 021 .96 social customs 394 . 6 Tairy tales Eng. lit. 823 folklore 398 . 4 mythology 291 Faith confessions of creeds 238 pub. worship 264 . 5 cure religion 265 . 8 therapeutics 615. 852 doctrinal theology 234 . 2 logic of assent 163 Falconry amusements ' 799 Faldella, G. Ital. fiction 853 . 85 Faliscus, Gratius Lat. poet 871 .4 Falkland ilands history 997 travels 919.7 Fall of ground mines 622 . 83 man doctr. theol. 233 . i squash 635.622 Fallacies logic 165 Fallen, parish care of 258 Fallieres French history 944 . 08 Falling bodies deviation astron. 525.37 laws physics 531-52 Fallopian tubes anatomy 611.656 gynecol. 618.12 Fallowing agriculture 631.581 False elements chemistry 546 . 99 returns elections 324.275 Falsehood ethics 177-3 Falsten, Enevold Dan. lit. 839.8254 Falster, Kristian " poet 839.8143 Falx cerebelli anatomy 611.8195 cerebri " 611.8195 Fame social ethics 177 Family devotions prac. religion 249 ethics 173 form of state 321.1 genealogies 929 . 2 histories 929 . 2 hotels architecture 728 . 2 Tonics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 687 Family law 347 6 libraries 027 . i meals dom. econ. 642 . i medicin 616.02 relations- customs 392 . 3 to state 323 . 45 worship 249 Famin fever diseases 616.924 hygiene 613.24 Famins 616.985 Fanariots description 914.961 Fanaticism religion 248 Fancy mental faculties 155 . i pigeons 636.5961 Fancywork 746 Fanning agriculture 631.3622 mills engineering 621.63 Fans blowing engins 621.63 mining engineering 622 . 44 revolving 648 . 7 toilet 391-7 ventilation 697.9 winnowing 63 1 . 362 1 Fantails pigeons 636.59621 Fantasia music 786 . 42 Fantom circuits tel. lines 621.38295 Fantoms occultism 133-3 Faraday tubes prac. ch. 542 . 79 Faradization elec. medicin 615 .84 Farces amusements 792 Eng. drama 822 Farewell sermons . 252.9 Farina, S. Ital. fiction 853.86 Farina milk products 637.144 Farinaceous foods domestic economy 641.13 Farm 631 houses agriculture 63 r . 2 1 architecture 728 . 67 laying out 631.12 machinery agric. 631.3 produce economics 338.1 purchase 631.112 selection 63 1 . 1 1 sewage san. engin'g 628 . 37 types 631.14 Farmacy economic botany 53 1 . 63 practical ma ten a med. 615.4 Farmer as owner 63 1 . 1 1 5 1 renter 631.113 Farmers general finance 336.19 institutes 630.715 occupation hygiene 613.64 wives clubs 640 .714 Farming agriculture 630 profits pol. econ. 338.1 Fannsted 6$i Farmyard manures 63 1 . 86 Faro amusements 795 ethics 1 7 5 . 5 Faroe iland sheep 636.372: Hands history 949 . i 4 Faroese language 439-6- literature 839.6 Farquhar, G: Eng. drama 822.48 Farrer Catalan poetry 849.9134 Farriery horse shoeing 682 . i vet. medicin 619.1 'Farther India history 959 Fascia dentata hippocampi 611.81314 Fasciae anatomy 611.74 diseases of 616.75 Fascination animals 591-ST Fashion customs 390 magazines 646.05 Fashionable educ. of women 376.4 Fashions costume 391 dom. econ. 646.01 Fast-day cookery 641.566 sermons 252.6 Fastening tools mech. eng. 621.97 Fastenings arch, constr. 721.88 mech. eng. 621.88 Fasti, Roman 529-3, Fasting asceticism 248 hygiene 613.24 temperance 178-9 Fasts Anglican church 264.031 Fat disease 616.39 in food and tissues phys. 612.3977 lactic secretions " 612 .66433 milk composition 63 7 . 1 2 7 1 production physiol. 612.3522. Fata Morgana mirage 535-3, Fatalism natural theol. 214 Fathers duties 1 73 . 5; of the church hist. 270 . B lives 922.1 works28i . i Fatigue muscular physiol. 612.74421 nerv physiologic morfol. 6 1 2 . 82253 Topics in bUck face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 688 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Features of surface moon 523 . 34 sun 5 2 3-74 Febler Catalan poetry 849.9112 Fecal secretion phys. zool. 591 . 149 Feces physiology 612.361 Fecundation botany 581.166 embryology 611.0132 physiologic zoology 591.. 1 66 physiology 612.613 Fecundity physiology 612.663 Federal gov't polit. sci. 321.8 party Am. politics 329.1 state pol. sci. 321.021 Federalism polit. science 321.8 Federalists U. S. history 973.4 Federation, imperial Brit. 354.4201 pol. sci. 321 .021 Feeble-minded asylums for 362.3 architecture 725.53 childstudy 136.762 education of 371.92 mental derangements 132.2 Feed mills architecture 725.47 Feeder electric traction 621.33217 panels elec. eng. 621.31724 Feeding boiler steam eng. 621.1942 of animals animal hyg. 614.95 zootechny 636.084 school children 371.716 Feedwater appliances '621.1972 boiler 621.1943 'Feejee ilands history 996.1 Feelings emotions 157 Fees bilding , 692.8 gratuities 331-238 legislativ employees 328 . 3626 membership library 021.97 nonresident tuition 3 79 .13 professional 33 1 . 2 7 readers lib. econ. 024 . 2 teachers 371.162 tuition education 371.22 Feet, artificial surgery 617.58 care hygiene 613.49 zootechny 636 .0834 costumes 39* -4 English prosody 426.3 human anatomy 611 .986 weights and mesures 389 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index Fatigue nerv-muscle physiol. 612.8166 of cells " 612 .01432 school hygiene 371-71 strength of materials 620 . 1123 Fats absorption by skin physiol. 612 .7912 in intestin 612.33273 stomach 612.32273 adulterations 6i4-3 I 3 animal chem. technol. 665.2 chemistry of food 641 . 14 digestion in intestin physiol. 612.3323 stomach 612.3223 in milk " 612 .66413 nutrition 612.397 organic chemistry 547 physiology 612.397 protectiv exter. agents 615.776 tryptic digestion 612.3423 vegetable chem. tech. 665-3 Fattaild sheep African 636.386 Asiatic 636.385 Italian 636.35 Southeast Europe 636.373 Fattening animals zootech 636.08455 Fatty substances in blood 612 . 123 Fauces anatomy 611.32 diseases of 616.31 Faucial tonsils anatomy 611.323 Faults structural geol. 551.87 theory of min. eng. 622 . 16 Fauna zoology 591 9 Faure accumulators eng. 621.3553 Faust legend legends 398.2 Faverolles poultry 636.545 Favorits, royal biog. 923-9 Favors school rewards 371-53 'Fayette co. 111. history 977-3797 travels 9 J 7-73797 1 Ind. history 977 .262 1 la. 977-735 1 0. 977.181 1 Pa. 974.884 W.Va. - 975-471 Fear physiol. psychol. 612.82133 psychology 157 Feasts Anglican church 264.031 Rom. cath. " 264.021 social customs 394-1 Feathers, see Fethers RELATIV INDEX 689 Feij6oy Montenegro, B. J. Spanish misc. 868.41 Feitama, Sybrand Dut. lit. 839 .3144 Feith, Rhijnvis Dut. fie. 839.3343 Felata ethnology 572.9663 Sudan travel 916.62 Feldspar econ. geol. 553-69 mineralogy 549 . 6 1 Fellenberg's system educa. 371.42 Fellowship, church 265.2 Fellowships colleges 378.33 Felons criminal law 343 . Felsites lithology 552.27 Felt roofing 695 . 7 Female colleges education 376.8 education 376 customs 396.4 employments 396 . 5 functions of generation 612.62 labor polit. economy 331.4 seminaries 376 . 9 servants dom. economy 647.23 sex duties 173 suffrage 3 2 4-3 Females adult zootechny 636 . 08232 young 636 . 08238 Feminization of teach, force 371.18 Femoral adductors anatomy 611.73824 artery 611.13783 biceps * 611.73827 glands " 611.4682 nerv 611.8355 quadriceps " 611.73822 veins " 611.1473 Femorotibial ligament anat. 611 .72831 Femur anat. 611.7184 Fences agriculture 63 1 . 27 law 347 . 2 railway equipment 625 . 18 Fencing amusements 796 school hygiene 371.734 Fenian invasion of Canada Canadian history 971.048 U. S. history 973 -81 Fenianism Irish history 941 . 5 polit. assoc. 363 Fenix folklore 398.4 Fenollar, B. Catalan poet. 849.9132 Fenomena in labor obstetrics nutritiv physiology vital biology Fens physical geol. public helth Ferdinand i German hist. Span. and Isabella 1 Ferghana, Turkestan " Ferguson, E.. Am. poetry Fermanagh, Ireland hist. Fermentation chemic technology effect of barometric press, lactic physiology yeast, etc. Fermented beverages adulterations chem. tech. temperance milk dairy Ferments aids to digestion fibrogenous physiology in blood " liver materia medica milkcurdling physiol. physiologic chemistry soil Ferneries horticulture Ferns botany paleontology 'Ferrara Italy history Ferrari, P. Ital. drama Ferrets zoology zootechny Ferries state control transportation Ferrotype photografy Ferry boats shipbilding bridges docks Fertility fecundity soil Fertilization botany zoology Fertilizer distributors experiments 618.43 612.39 577 551-49 614.772 943-032 943.042 943-043 946.056 946.07 946.03 958.7 811.16 941 .68 663.1 612 .276 612 .66417 589 9 614.341 663-1 178 637.146 612 . 11512 612 . 128 612.35111 6i5-35 612 .3216 612.0151 631 .46 716.5 587.3 56i.73 945-4 852.75 599-7 636.081113 35 J -8i4 656 772 623 . 8234 627.3 612 .663 631 45 581.16 591.166 63I-333 631.88 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 690 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Fertilizers agriculture 631.8 chemic technology 668 . 6 commercial air pollution 614.748 manufacture 668.6 from sewage 628 . 49 Fertilizing principles, loss of 631 . 814 Ferules, boiler steam eng. 62 1 . 18453 Fesant poultry 636, . 594 -Fessenden, T : G. Am.satire 817.22 Festiv piano music 786 . 46 -Festivals amusements 791 Anglican ch. 264.031 cathedral music 783 . 28 3abor holidays 33 1 . 8 1 7 of song music 784-5 Fetal appendages embryol. 611.0138 pat hoi. of 618.34 hepatic veins anatomy 611.1497 portal vein 6 1 1 . 1 43 Fetherfooted fowls 636.572 Fethers birds 598.2 compar. anat. 61 1 . 787 zoology 591.49 dom. materials 646 . 1 7 zootechny 636.0884 Fetishism 299 Fetticus salad plants 635.57 Fetus abnormalities of 618.53 deth and retention of 618.33 obstacles to expulsion of 618.52 physiologic zoology 591-3 physiology of 612.647 F ,-tuses coalescence of deform. 617.35 Feudal institutions 3 2I -3 law 3 2 1 . 3 tenure law 347-2 Feudalism, age of Eur. hist. 940 . 1 7 political science 321.3 Feuillet, Octave Fr. net. 843 . 83 Fever animal heat 612.556 lung diseases 616.241 typhoid public helth 614.511 Fevers, eruptiv diseases 616.911 gen. works on path. 616.92 Fezant poultry 636 . 594 *Fezzan, Africa history 961.3 sheep 636.386 Fiber crops gathering 631.5565 Topics in black face type are subdivided* Superior Fibers agriculture 633 connectiv histology 611. nerv physiology 612. teztil dom. economy 646 . Fibrillae physiol. of sight 612. Fibrillar nerv struc. histol. 61 1 . Fibrin physiol. of blood 612. nutrition 612. Fibrinogen physiology 612. Fibrinogens nutrition 612. Fibrinoplastic ferments physiol. 612. substances nutrition 612. Fibrinoplastin physiology 612. Fibrous coats of eye anatomy 611. materials agriculture 633 . manufacture 677 histology 6 1 1 . anatomy 6 1 1 . German philos. 193 . tissue Fibula Fichte idealism botany Ficoidales Ficoideae " Fiction American literature buying library econ. English literature Great war reading of U. S. hist. 141 583- 583- 813 025. 823 940. 028. 973- 973- 973- 808. civil war revolution war of 1812 writing Fictitious characters, dictionary of 803 imprints names pseudonyms titles of books 5 01822 81 i 84371 01882 "Si 398133 11512 398132 11512 398132 1151 841 5 01828 7186 3 47 475 216 493 4 793 393 5293 3 Fidelity Fief Field artillery books cores ethics 014 014 098 I77-. 3 political science 321.3 mil. eng. 623 .412 engineering 620.8 elec. " 621.316 crops 633 fortifications mil. eng. 623 . i guns firing 623.551 hoe 631.3151 mounts ordnance 623.431 of vision physiology 612.8436 operations geodesy 526.25 geology 550-7 figures refer to the tables at the end of t'v.s indei RELATIV INDEX 691 Field sports 796 work, triangulation geod. 526 . 3 Fielding, H: Eng. fiction 823.52 'Fife, Scotland history 941.33 Fife musical instruments 788 . 5 Fifth ner v anatomy 6 1 1 . 83 1 5 physiology 612.8195 Fighting, animal x 75-6 prize 175-6 vessels shipbilding623 . 825 Figs agriculture 634.37 botany 583.962 Figure human, in art art anat. 743 of earth astronomy 525 . 14 geodesy 526.1 windows arch, decor. 729.84 Figureheds carving 736 Figures correlation of geometry 513.57 cf hevenly bodies astron. 521.14 prosodv Eng. lang. 426.4 Gk - 486 . 4 Lat. " 476.4 other lang. rhetoric 808 'Fiji ilands history 996.1 travel 919.61 Filament lamps elec. light. 621 326 Filangeri, G. I tal. essays 854.66 Files letter lib. administrat. 025.156 literary methods 029.3 mechanical engin 'g 621.924 newspaper lib. econ. 022 . 935 offis equipment 651 vertical library econ. 022.916 Filial duty ethics 173-6 Filibuster exped. to Cuba U.S.hist. 973 .64 Walker's " " 973.66 Mex. " 972 .06 Filibustering piracy 910 .4 Filibusters criminal law 343 Cuban history 972.91 Filicaja, V. da Ital. poetry 851 . 54 Filicinae botany 587.3 Filing machines mech.eng. 62 1 . 924 Filioque controv. theology 231.3 Filipinos ethnology 572.9914 Fillets anatomy 611.8167 Filbert 634 . 54 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior Filling teeth dentistry 617.67 fibers for agriculture 633 . 59 Fillmore, M. presidency of 973 .64 Fills railway engin'g 625.12 Filter basins waterworks 628.16 presses sewage 628.343 Filters, feedwater engin'g 62 1.1972 Filth diseases pathology 616.93 pub. helth 614.51 Filtration areas sewage 628.368 hygiene 613.35 industrial sanitation 628 . 545 practical chemistry 542.67 sewage 628.35 water supply 628.16 Fimbria anatomy 611.81314 Final causes metaphysics 124, clauses Gk syntax 485.4 Finale orchest. music 785.1 Finance private political econ. 332 public " 336 Finances butter business 637.216 cheese " 637.316 dairy 637.116 dom. economy 647 . i farm " 631.16 lib. " 025.11 local gov't 352 . ii zootechny 636.0816 Financial administration civ. serv. 351.71 lib. gov't 023 .36 bills legislation 328 . 376 crises pol. economy 332 institutions " 332 Financiers biografy 923 . 3 Finches birds 598.8 Finding latitude 5 2 5 4 1 at sea 527 . i longitude 5 2 5 4<> at sea 527 .2 merid . line astron. 522.31 time 529 . 7 at sea 5 2 7-3 Findlay , O . history 977.1191 Fine arts 700 biografy of 927 Fines, capital and labor 331 . 1 imposition lib. econ.o 2 4 . 63 remission " " 024.73 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 692 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Finger alfabet, def and dumb 371.912 joints anatomy 611.7279 little, muscles of " 611.73776 prints anthropology 573-6 rings costumes 39 1 -? weeder 631.3154 Fingers anat. 611.977 extensors of " 611.73765 extra deformities 617.36 Finials roof decoration 721.56 Finishing painting 698 . 3 shop mfg plant 621 . 795 'Finistere, France history 944 . 1 1 Finite and infinit metaph. 125 differences calculus 517.6 'Finland, Russia history 947 . i travel 914.71 Finnish language 494 literature 894 Finno-Hungarian language 494 Fiorentino, G. Ital. fiction 853.22 Fire alarm stations archit. 725.19 alarms signals 654.7 arms ordnance 623 . 4 small army equip. 355.82 manufacture 683 mil. engin'g 623 . 44 balls meteors 523.52 boats shipbilding 623 . 826 chemistry 541.39 clays econom. geol. 553-6r" commission boats 623 . 826 departments administ. 352.3 engins mechan. eng. 621.68 protec. of life 6 1 4 . 846 escapes 614.847 exits " " " 614.848 extinction automatic 614.844 chemic 614.845 local gov't 352 . 3 insurance 368 . i physics 536 . 46 worshipers 295 Firebox locomotiv boiler 621.1332 Fireless cookers dom. econ 643 . 338 cookery " " 641.588 Firemen fire dep'ts 352.3 Firenzuola, A. Ital. fiction 853 . 34 Fireplaces artistic 749 domestic economy 644 . 1 5 heating 697.1 kitchen 643.33! Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior Fireproof bildings bilding 693 . 8 libraries 022.24 public helth 614.841 depositories architect. 725.24 piers and colums 721 .36 Fireproofing bilding 693.8 Fires agricultural hindrances 632.18 library lib. economy 022.26 local government 352 . 3 mines mining eng. 622.82 protection ag'st lib. econ. 022.25 of 'life 614.84 protectiv agriculture 632.115 state regulations 351 . 782 Firetube boilers engin 'g 621.18425 Fireworks chemic technology 662 . i destructiv mil. eng. 623 . 4543 illuminating " " 623.4544 Firing gunnery 623 . 55 boiler steam, eng. 621.1941 mechanism ordn. 623.4242 First cause metaphysics 122 editions rarities 094 lessons in Eng. lang. 428 . 2 nerv anatomy 611.8311 physiology 612.8191 Fischart, J; Ger. satire 837.42 Fish air pollution 614.741 as food dom. economy 641.392 hygiene 613.29 commission 639 boats 623.826 culture business 639 . 3 ded air pollution 614.763 diseases of 619.9 farms 631.146 fertilizers 631.844 fresh, inspection of 614.317 markets dom. econ. 641.4 preservation chem. tech. 664 . 9 preservd, inspection of 614.319 trade economics 338.3 Fisher, Ft, N. C. capture U.S. civ. war 973.7383 expedition " " " 973-7375 naval hist. " " " 973-754-5 Fisheries business 639.2 ownership polit. econ. 333-9 production " " 338.3 treaty, 1888 U.S.hist. 973.85 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 693 Fishermen's occupat. hyg. 613.64 Fishes paleontology 567 zoology 597 Fishing business 639 . 2 sports 799 Fishplates railroad engin'g 625.15 Fishtail burners chem. 542.44 Fishways fish culture 639.3 Fission physiol. zoology 591.165 Fistula surgery 617.23 Fistulas, intest. physiol. 612.3311 Fittings, library 022 . 9 ship 623 . 85 Fiume history 943.94 Five Forks, Va. battle. 973.7384 Fixt ammunition ordnance 623.453 sm. arms 623.4553 furniture arch, decor. 729.9 location lib. economy 025.8 oils and acids mat. med. 615.34 tooth harrow 63 1 . 3 1 3 1 Fixtures law 347-2 library 022.9 lighting dom. econ. 644.32 lib. bldgs 022 . 76 Flaccus, C.V. Lat. poetry 873.3 Flag day schools 37 1. 36 5 etiquet 929.9 Flagellants monas. order 271.79 Flagellarieae botany 584.41 Flagellata zoology 593.16 Flagellation relig. ascet. 248 Flageolet musical instr. 788.5 Flags college 378.28 Great war 940.463 heraldry 9 2 9-9 U. S. civ. war 973.763 Flails 631.3611 Flam ande cattle 636.2451 Flamboyant architecture 723.54 F.lamenca Provencal poet. 849 .123 Flames physics 536.46 prac. chem. 542 . 5 Flaming arcs elec. light 621.3256 'Flanders history 949-3 travel 914-93 dray horse 636. 1548 Flanging machinery 621.984 Flash boilers engin'g 621.18427 Flasks prac. chem. 542.231 Flat-bed irrigation sewage 628.363 Flatboats boatbilding 623 . 829 Flatheded borers pests 632.76 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior Flats architecture 728.2 housekeeping 647.92 Flattery ethics J77-3 Flaubert, G. Fr. fiction 843 - 84 Flavoring plants field crops 633 . 82 garden " 635.7 Flax agriculture 633.52 domestic economy 646 . 12 harvesting 631.5565 harvesters 631.3565 manufacture 677 Fleas animal parasites 6 1 6-. 9681 economic zoology 59 1 . 69 insects 595-77. pests 632 . 77 Fleets naval engin'g 623.8 science 359 cattle 636.2451 draft horse 636 . 1548 language 439 . 3 literature 839 . 3 Flemish painting 759-9 sheep 636.3317 Flemming, P. Ger. poetry 831.52 Fletcher, G. & P. Eng. poet. 82 1 ..3 7 J: " dram. 822.35 Fleur de lis heraldry 929.6 Flexible bridges engineering 624 . 52 shafting 621.8235 Flexor accessorius anatomy 611.7389 "carpi ulnaris " 611.73753 digiti quinti brevis anat. 611.7389 digitorum longus " 611.73858 profund. " 611.73755 sublimis " 611.73754 hallucis brevis " 611.7389 longus " 611.73859 pollicis " " 611.73756 Flexors of forearm " 61 1 . 7375 thum, short " 611.73773 Flexure engineering tests 620 . 1 1244 sigmoid anatomy 611.349 transit instrum. astron. 522.38 Flies insects 595-77 pests agric. 632.7*7 zoology 591-65 public helth 614.43 artificial fishing 799 horse econom. zoology 591.69 house domestic econ. 648.7 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 6 9 4 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Flight comp. physiol. 612.768 of birds migration 591.52 'Flint, Wales history 942 . 93 Flint chips early stone age 571.15 implements late " " 571.24 wepons war customs 399 Floaters steam engin'g 621.18472 Floating batteries naval eng. 623.9 bodies physics 53 2 -3 bridges engineering 624 . 87 det finance 336.32 docks shipbilding 623 . 83 schools 371.392 wheels water motors 621.235 Flock books zootechny 636 . 0822 character of 636 . 082 1 composition of 636.0823 Flogging in navy 359 punishments 343 . 2 school punishments 371.55 Floodgates hyd. mach. 621.29 Flooding of mines 622 . 84 Floods agriculture 632.17 meteorology 5 5 1 5 7 protection against 627.4 Floor coverings dom. econ.645 . i lib. " 022 .96 systems bridgebilding 624.25 Floors and flooring architecture 721.6 bilding joinery 694 . 6 library stacks 022.435 mosaic arch, decoration 729 . 73 school bildings 371-633 Flora, geografic 581 .9 Floral perfume plants 633 .811 Flore and Blancheflor 398 . 2 'Florence, Italy history 945 . 5 1 co. Wis. history 977.532 Florentine pigeons 636.59628 receivers chemistry 542 . 66 Florian, J: F Fr. fie. 843 . 58 Floriculture 635.9 landscape gardening 716.2 Florida ship U. S. civil war 973-757 state admission 973. 58 discovery 973.16 expedition 973-7364 French settlem't 973 . 18 history 975 . 9 purchase 973-54 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior Florida state secession 973. 713 For military history of state, see subdivisions of Special campains and Military history under 973-52. 973-7 and 973-89 war 1835-42 U. S. hist.- 973.571 Florideae botany 589.41 Flotation shipbilding 623.81 Flour manufacture 679 mills architecture 725.47 Flow in sewers 628.222 of blood physiol. 612.15 liquids physics 532.51 streams meteorology 551.57 Flower garden, landsc. gard. 716 Flowering currant agriculture 634.724 plant growth " 631.5474 plants botany 582 Flowerless plants 586 Flowers agriculture 635 . 9 botany 580 landscape gardening 716.2 language of 716.2 national 929 . 6 seasoning 635 . 7 1 J Floyd co. Ind. history 977.219 la. " 977.726 Flues sewer ventilation 628.233 smoke heating 697.8 Fluid vein hydraulics 532.52 Fluids physics 532 preservativ biol. 579-2 refrigerating 62 1 . 564 Flukes parasitic diseases 616.963 Flumes water power 621.29 Fluor mineralogy 549-4 Fluorescence light 535-3 Fluorin inorganic chem. 546.16 mineralogy 549-4 Flushing shafts sewers 628.254 Flute musical instrum. 788.5 grafting agriculture 631.5415 Flutina music 786.9 Fluting irons dom. econ. 648.43 Fluxes metallurgy 669 . 8 Fluxions calculus 517 Fly, see Flies Flycatcher birds 59 8 -8 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 695 Flying animal locomotion fish zoology grounds aeronautics machines engineering lenses 597 629 533 629 535 636 636 47 5 144 6 13 81 08554 08551 14 57 83 9 85 5i 88 374 82 87 3i 4 3 8 4 7114 568 Focimeter Fodder, dry zootechny fresh Foetal, foetus, see Fetal, fetus Fog hygiene 613 meteorology 551 signals applied acous. 534 commerce 654 Fogazzaro, A. Ital. poetry 851 FOhn meteorology 551 'Foix, France history 944 Fokke, A. S. Dutch hum. 839 Folding bridges (njgwr'lf'' 624. Folds- - geology . 551 Folengo, Teofilo Ital . satire 857 Foliage botany 581 Folklore 398 Folksong folklore 398 music 784 Folkvisor Swed. poetry 839 Follicles, see specific name 'Fond du Lac co. Wis. hist. 977 Fonoscribing shorthand 653 Font sacred furniture 247, Fon tana's spaces anatomy 611 Fontanelles " 6 1 1 , Fontanes, Louis Fr. poet 84 1 . Fontenelle, B. le B. de 844 . 5 1 1 Foochow history 9 5 1 . 2 travels 915.12 Food acquisition physiol. zool. 591.131 adulterations pub. helth 614.31 animal chem. tech. 664.9 econ. zoology 591.63 cand adulterations 614.318 chemic analysis 543 . i technology 664 chemistry of dom. econ. 641 . i children's " " 649 . 3 constituents, inorganic 641 . 15 organic 641.11 cost zootechny 636.08171 cures therapeutics 615.854 digestion and nutrition 612.3 zoology 591-13 8415 7141 62 Food domestic economy 641 hygiene 613.2 influence on respiration 612.224 inspection adulterations 614.31 of animals zoology 591-53 zootechny 636 . 085 dairy cows dairying 637.122 laboring classes 33 1 . 83 plants 581 . 13 physiology 612.392 preservation animal chem. tech. 664.9 vegetable " " 664.8 preservd adulterations 614.318 stuffs dom. econ. 641.3 pol. ". 338.1 values dom. " 641.1 vegetable econ. botany 581.63 zoology 591-53 Foods zootechny 636.086 adulterations 636.0859 prepared 636.0857 Fools customs . 394- 2 lives 920.8 mental derangem'ts 132.2 Foot arteries anatomy 611.13793 ball amusements 797 bridges engin'g 624.12 3 English prosody 426.3 human anatomy 6 1 1 . 986 lymphatics " 611.42186 mesures 389 muscles anatomy 611.7387 prints, fossil paleontol. 566 stools dom. econ. 645.41 warmers " 644.19 wear clothing 646 . 46 Foote, S: Eng. drama 822.62 Footmen dom. servis 647.3 Forage crops foods 636.0862 grasses 633 . 2 legumes 633.3 Foramen interventriculare 611.8148 of Monro 611 .8148 Foramina of metepicele 611.8185 Foraminifera zoology 593.12 Force and energy statics 531.2 its mesure mechan. 531.21 centrifugal and centripet. 531.35 composition of mechan. 531.22 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tab'.es at the end of this index 696 Force electric, storage of transmission physics intermolecular physics lines of magnetism metaphysics of water river eng'ng parallel mechanics pump pneumatics transmission of millv physics Forced alimentation draft steam feeding zoote Forceps obstetrics surg. instrum. weeding Forcing plant culture houses plant prote Ford, J : Eng. drama 'Ford co. 111. history Forearm ar arteries lymfatics muscles Forebrain Foreclosure law Foreign, see Foren Foreknowledge of God doct. t Foren banks polit. econ. bodies diseases surgery 8 elements Eng. langt ^ enlistment ml. sci. /help dom. econ. labor polit. econ. law missions relations internat. law polit. science states administration trade commerce wars of U. S. mil. Forensic chemistry medicin Foreordination salvation Foresight guns Forest cattle 1 f co. Pa. history 1 Wis. trees botany Topics in black face type are subdivided DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Forestry agriculture 634.9 ag. 621.35 landsc. gard. 715 621.319 Forests meteorology 55* -58 cs 537.84 ownership 333 . 7 =s 539.6 reclamation 63 1 . 6 1 4 538-1 state control 3 5 1 . 823 118 'Forfar, Scotland history 941.31 g 627.1 Forge bellows 533-87 ' 531-24 shop eng. works 621.73 533- 8 4 Forgemen's occupation hyg. 613 . 64 ark 621 .8 Forgery academic degrees 378.26 s S3I.8 law 343 rg. 613.23 polit. economy 332.9 ig. 621.18385 . Forging blacksmithing 682 ny 636.08456 machinery, hyd. 621 . 266 6i8.8z Forgivness of sin theology 234 n. 617.91 Forking tillage 63 1 . 5 1 1 631-3154 Forks, digging 63 1 . 3 1 14 hay 631.3535 63I-544 tuning acoustics 534 . 3 tion 631.3445 weeding 631.3154 822.38 Form 977.362 books law 347 . 93 it. 611.974 influence on respiration 612.2291 6ii.i343 musical 781.5 611 .4217 of embryo embryology 611.0137 611.73734 legislature pol. sci. 328.39 611.813 state " " 321 347-2 ontology in Formalde hy de che mistry 5 4 7 . 5 disinfect. 614.484 eol. 231.4 Format printing 655 . 53 Formatio reticularis anat. 611.8226 332.15 Formation 616.981 of character 374 617. 146 crystals crystallog. 548.5 ige 422.4 stock zootechny 636.082 355-22 'Formosa history 95 1 - 2 647.24 Forms 331-6 elementary arch, design 729 . 3 349 library printing 025.121 266 of suffrage 324.2 w 34i strength of materials 620.1128 :e 327 Formulae n 354 exponential trigonom. 514.3 382 L. M. Z. geodesy 526.46 ler 369.115 recipes, see special subj. w 340.6 theoretic chemistry 541.9 340.6 Formularies materia med. 615.13 >n 234.9 Fornication crim. law 343 623.4252 Fornix anatomy 611.8139 636.221 'Fort Dearborn massacre 977 . 3 1 f 974.868 1 Dodge, la. history 977.7511 977-53 1 1 Wayne, Ind. " 977.274 582 Forteguerri, N. Ital. satire 857 . 58 mbdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 697 Fortifications mil. eng. 623 . i Fortress artillery " " ^623.416 guns gunnery 623.553 mounts ordnance 623.433 Forts, special mil. eng. 623 . 19 systems of " " 623.13 'Fortune-telling 133 Foscolo, U. Ital. poetry 851.66 Fossil resins econ. geol. 553.29 Fossils 560 geografic distribution 560 . 9 man 569.9 antiqui. of man 573.3 Fotoplays amusements 792 censorship ethics 175-2 fotografy 778 scenario writing 808 . 2 Fototelegrafy signals 654 . 9 telegrafy 62 1 . 3827 ' Foucault's pendulum 525.36 Foulahs ethnology 572.9662 Sudan, trav. 916.62 Foundation bed bridge engineering 624.151 roadmaking 625 . 73 Foundations architec. construction 721.1 boiler steam engin'g 621.18457 bridge engin'g 624 . 15 electric lines 621.319223 Founders and patriots of America, order of 369 . 125 Founding of libraries 021 . 6 type printing 655.21 Foundling asylums arch. 725.58 sociology 362.7 Foundries architecture 725.43 engin'g works 621.74 metal manufac. 671 'Fountain co. Ind. history 977.247 Fountains landsc. gard. 714 Fouque", La Motte Ger.fic.833 .65 Four-wire electric systems 621.3191324 Fourierism communism 335-3 Fourth dimension geom. 513.8 nerv anatomy 611.8314 physiol. 612.8194 of July schools 371-365 U. S. hist. 973 .361 Fowling sport 799 Fowls domestic animals 636 . 5 Fox, C : J. Eng. oratory Foxes zoology Foxhunting- amusements Fractional currency, money Fractions algebra arithmetic Fractures surgery Frames artistic furniture Framing carpentry shipbilding France administration antiquities architecture botany colleges constitutional law education finance geology heraldry 1 history language laws literature local government maps peerages religious history schools, public statistics titles of honor travel treaties troubles with U. S. Fr. hist. U.S. " zoology other topics see table i 1 Franche Comte", Fr. hist. Franchise, elec. pol. sci. Francis i Fr. history 2 " Francis i Ger. history 2 Franciscan monks sisterhood Franco-German war French hist. German " Franconia house of German hist. 1 Lower " " " trav. 825.63^ 599-7 799 332-41 5 I2 -4 5II-4 617.15 749 694.2 623.84 ' 354 44 913 44 720.944 581.944 378.44 342-44 370 944 336.44 554-4 929.6 944 440 349-44 840 352.044 912.44 929-741 274.4 379 44 314 4 929 . 74 914.4 341.244 944.046 973-45 59i 944 944-45 324 944.028 944.029 943-055 943.06 271 3 271.973 944.08 943.082 943-023 943-33 914.333 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 698 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Franconia 1 Middle German hist. 943.32 trav. 914.332 1 Upper " hist. 943.31 " trav. 914.331 Franconian sheep 636 . 3333 swine 636.431 Frankeniaceae botany 583.151 Frankcnschaf 636 . 3333 1 Frankfort history 943 -58 travels 914.358 Franking privilege legislativ prerogativs 328 . 237 . library aid 02 1 . 862 post offis 383 Prankish emperors It. hist. 945 .02 Franklin, Tenn. battle U.S.civ.war 973 . co. 111. history travels history Ind la. 1 Me. 1 Mass. 1 Mo. 1 N. Y. - O. 'Franklin, co. Pa. history * Vt. ter. Can. " Franks Franze"n,F.M. Swed.poetry 839. Fraud electoral suffrage 324. 977- 917. 977- 977- 974- 974- 977- 974- 977- 974- 974- 971. 943- 7379 394 7394 215 728 17 42 863 755 156 844 3i 29 01 law 347 . Frauds art history 709 fertilizers 631. literary history 809 Fraudulent conveyances law 347. counting elections 324 . elections U.S. 324. voting suffrage 324 . Fraunhofer's lines spectre. 535. Freckles dermatology 616. Frederick new Ger. empire 943 . 1 Ger. history 943 . 2 " 943- 3 943- Frederick city, Md. hist. 975. co. Md. " 975 . Fredericksburg, Va. U. S. civ. war 973 . Topics in black face type are subdivided, 27 5 818 7 275 73 272 84 55 084 024 025 028 288 287 Free agency doctrinal theol. 234 baptists sects 286 church of Scotland sects 285 cities Ger. government 354, Ital. history 945 coinage of silver 332 , hand drawing 741 importation lib. aid 021 institutions love ethics 173 news and reading rooms 027 postage library aid 021 public libraries 027 religion 211 school system education 379 soil party polit. party 329 U. S. history 973 polit. science 323 biografy 922 eccles. polity 262 211 337 024 123 speech thinkers thought rationalism trade and protection use of libraries will metaphysics psychology 159 theology 234, Freebooters crim. law 343 Freedmen education of 371, in U. S. army U. S. hist. 973. slavery 326. Freedmen's bureau 361 Freedom and emancipation slavery 326. U.S. hist. 973 . metaphysics 123 of labor strikes 331 . 331- 233- 323. 6 439 04 4i 861 i 9 862 4 i 6 61 443 9 28 974 7 .8 man press strikes theory doct. theol, censorship journalism 070. public order 351. speech 323. teaching education 378 . pol. sei. 323. personal pol. sci. 323 . political liberty 323 . religious eccles. polity 262. salvation 234. Freehold land societies 334. law 347. Freeman's farm Am. rev. 973. 7U 891 Oil 7 445 13 443 121 444 44 4 8 9 i 2 3333 7339 Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 699 Freemasonry 366 . i French 'Freeport, 111. history 977-333 painting 759-4 Freewill baptists 286.2 Perigord swine 636.445 Freezing philosofers biografy 921.4 agricultural hindrances 632 . 1 1 philosofy 194 artificial ice machines 621.58 polish chem. tech. 667.7 food preservation 641.4 poultry 636 . 54 mixtures refrigeration 621.564 protestants, persecut. of 272.4 physics 536.43 regime Can. hist. 971.01 process foundations 624.157 republic, ist history 944.042 waterworks 628.15 2d 944-07 Freight 3d 944.08 boats shipbilding 623 . 824 cars railway engin'g 625.24 elevators lib. bldgs 022.9572 revolution 944 . 04 Romanesque architec. 723.44 roofs arch, construe. 721.5 mech. eng. 621.87772 ferryboats shipbilding 623 . 8234 houses, R. R. architec. 725.32 interstate commerce 385 sculpture 735 sheep 636.34 spinach 635.43 spoliations U. S. hist. 973.45 swine 636. 44 locomotivs steam eng. 621.13262 transportation 656 turnip 635.127 wars, early 973 . 25 Freiligrath, F. Ger. poetry 831.78 Freneau, Philip Am. poet. 811.24 Fremont in California Frequency U.S.warwith Mex-973 .6232 converters elec.eng. 621.31355 'Fremont co. la. history 977.777 asynch. " " 621.31367 French synchr. " " 621.31353 allies U. S. hist. 973.324 meters eiec. " 621.3747 and Indian war Can. hist. 971 .018 of hart beats physiol. 612.1722 U. S 9/3.26 sessions legislativ bodies 328 . 353 Canadian cattle 636 . 2832 respiratory physiology 612.216 catile 636 . 24 Fresco painting cheese, hard 637.3544 bilding 698 . 2 soft 637.3534 interior decoration 747 church, Gallican 282 .44 library bildings 022.344 coach horse 636 . 144 painting 750 1 Cochin China history 959-7 sacred ornaments 247.5 travels 915.97 school bildings 3 7 1 . 636 1 Congo history 967.2 Frese, Jacob Swed. poetry 839.7137 cuckoo 636 . 547 Fresh-air mission 361 discovery of America 973.18 Freshets meteorology 551.57 draft horse 636 . 154 Fresnel lens lighthouses 627.9 ducks 636.5974 'Fresno city, Cal. hist. 979.483 encyclopedists apologet. 239.6 1 co.' " " 979-482 goats 636.394 Fretwork 747 goose 636.5984 Freytag, G. Ger. fiction 833.82 1 Guiana history 988 Frezzi, F. Ital. poetry 851.21 travels 918.8 Friars monastic orders 271 horn wind instrum. 788.41 Friction 1 Kongo history 967.2 clutches mech. eng. 621.825 * language 440 gearing " 621.858 5 literature 840 mechanical engineering 62 1 . 89 merinos 636 . 3674 of gears mech. eng. 621.832 old language' 447.01 physics 53i 4 opera dramat. music 782.4 Frictional electricity 537 . 2 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at ths end of this indej 700 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Friedreich's disease 616.83 'Friendly ilands history 996.1 societies 334-7 Friends, society of sects 289.6 Friendship ethics i?7-6 Friesian cattle, Dutch 636.2351 East 636.2343 Holstein 636.2342 sheep 636.3314 'Friesland history 949 . 2 travels 914.92 . Friezes, carvd arch, decor. 729.56 painted ' 729.46 Frightfulness Great war 940.405 Frigid zone agriculture 631.0911 clothing 646.091 cookery 641.591 Frilbacks pigeons 636.59624 *Frisian language 439 . 2 literature 839 . 2 Frizzles poultry 636 . 5884 Frbbel's system educat. 372.2 Frobisher, M. discov. of Am.973 . 1 7 Frogs culture 639 . 3 zoology 597 . 8 Frolic, ship U.S.war 1812 973.5251 Fronde French hist. 944.033. Frontal bone anat. 611.7155 lobes of brain " 611.81311 'Frontenac co. Ont. hist. 971-371 Frontiers polit. science 320.128 Pronto, M. C. Lat. letters 876.3 Frost action geology 551.91 bites skin disord. 616.58 blight agriculture 632.11 meteorology 551.52 Froude's tests shipbilding 623 . 83 Fructification botany 581.16 Fructose nutrition 612.39613 Frugoni. C. I. Ital. poetry 851 .57 Fruit culture 634 drinks adulterations 614.346 dom. econ. 641 .87 hygiene 613.36 farms 631 . 143 gatherers 631.3581 gathering 631.5561 markets dom. ecori. 641 .4 trade economics 338.1 walls agriculture 631.3454 Fruitage plant culture 631.5475 Fruits 634 and seeds agriculture 634 organografy 581.76 Fruits as food dom. econ. 641.13 hygiene 613.27 physiology 612.39272 fresh, inspection of 614.316 preservation chem. tech. 664. 8 preservd, inspection of 614.318 zootechny 636.0874 Frying cookery 641.77 Fryxell, A. Swed. misc. 839.7863 Fuel artificial chem. tech. 662.8 chemic technology 662 . 6 conveyors steam eng. 621.18378 domestic economy 644 . 2 metallurgy 669 . 8 ships shipbilding 623 . 826 steam engineering 621.182 Fuels intern, combust, engins 621.434 special, cookery with 641.58 steam locomotivs 621 . 1331 Fugitiv slave law U. S. hist. 973.64 " slavery 326.973 slaves, causes '' civ. war 973.7115 Fugitivs from justis extrad. 341 .4 786.82 572.9662 916.62 612.66 814.31 662 .4 977-348 9I7-7348 977.287 974-747 977.1115 974.872 Fugue music Fulahs ethnology Sudan, trav. Full development, period of Fuller, Margaret Am. lit. Fulminating powders 'Fulton co. 111. history travels 1 Ind. history 1 N. Y. 1 O. 1 Pa. Fumes agricultural hindrances 632 . 19 prevention in factories 628 .511 Fumigating apparatus contag. diseases 614.481 Fumigation agriculture 632 . 94 Functional diseases of brain and cord 616 . 84 women 618.17 equations 517 Functions Bessel's, etc. calculus 517-35 calculus of 5 1 7 . 5 nervous physiology 612.8 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 701 Functions of generation female 612.62 male 612.61 motor apparatus 612.7 skin physiol. 612.79 symmetric algebra 512.84 trigonometric 514.1 Fund, wage polit. econ. 331.212 Funding system finance 336.31 Funds invested lib. finance 025.111 lib. subj . apportionment 025.211 336 Furrow sowers Furs clothing Fuses, see Fuzes Fusion-point physics thermochem. Future events probabilities judgment doctr. theol. life natural " of libraries punishment doctr. theol. Future state doctrinal theol. Fuzes electric stations explosivs local electric lighting military engineering Fylfot ecclesiology heraldry 63I-33I5 646. 16 54L36 5^9-4 236.9 218 021.03 237.6 237 621 .3178 662 .4 621 .3284 623.4541 246.5 929.6 public student loans 378.362 Funeral directors 393-9 rites customs 393 religions ordin. 265.8 sermons 252.9 Fungi botany 589 . 2 pests agriculture 632.4 vegetables " 635 . 8 Funicular engins, hydraulic 621 . 262 railways 625 . 32 Funis, prolapsus obstetrics 6 18 . 58 Funnels chem. appar. 542.231 decant'g " " 542 . 66 Fur dom. economy 646.16 trade pol. econ. 338- 1 Furetiere, A. Fr. satire 847.45 Furlo, military 355 .11 Furnaceman dom. econ. 647.25 Furnaces coal prac. chem. 542.42 electric 542.47 gas " 542.44 house warming 697 . 3 metallurgy 669 . 8 mining ventilation 622.43 steam engineering 621.183 ventilation of sewers 628 . 236 Furnishings, see qualifying word Furniture domestic economy 645 ecclesiastic 247 factories architecture 725.44 fixt arch, decoration 729 . 9 library economy 022.9 manufacture 684 offis equipment 651 school 371.631 ship equipment 623 . 86 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 702 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION G. A. R. associations 369.151 Gabbro plutonic rocks 552.34 Gabelsberger shorthand 653.33 Gabionades mil. eng. 623.24 Gables arch, construe. 721.28 design 7 2 9-37 roofs 721.58 4 Gadhelic language 491 . 61 Gadolinium chemistry 546 . 694 Gadsden purchase U.S. hist. 973 .66 'Gaelic language 49 1 63 Gaetulia ancient history 939.77 Gage cocks locomotiv boilers 621.1339 glasses steam eng. 621.18472 Gages, comprest air 621.532 steam power plant 62 1 . 1977 Gaging arithmetic 511-8 mesures 389 Galactin milk composition 637.1272 Galactometer dairy 637.1276 Galactophorus ducts anat. 611.693 Galactose nutrition 612.39613 Galatia ancient history 939.32 Galatians Bible 227.4 Galegae legume crops 633.375 Galena econ. geology 553.44 metallurgy 669 . 4 Gales meteorology 5 5 1 . 5 1 ^alicia, Austria history 943 . 74 1 Spain " 946 . i Galilei, G. Ital. essays 854.52 Gall bladder anatomy 611.366 diseases of 616.36 physiology 612.35771 ducts, see Bile ducts flies agric. pests 632 . 79 formation secretions 591.145 Gallantry ethics I 77-i 'Gallatin co. 111. history 977.397 Galleries and libraries 02 1 . 48 art 708 architecture 7 2 7 7 library bildings 022.656 library shelving 022.423 shooting architecture 725.89 Gallery study tables lib. bldgs 022.52 Galley outfit shipbilding 623 . 86 Galleys criminal law 343 . 2 shipbilding 623 . 82 1 2 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior Gallia Cisalpina ancient hist 937 . 2 1 co. O. history 977.189 Gallican church 282.44 Gallium chemistry 546.68 Galloway cattle 636.2232 pony 636.1622 Gallows criminal law 343.2 Galls pests 632.2 Gait, John English fiction 823.77 Galvanic batteries engineering 621 . 354 manipulation 542 . 8 physics 537 . 86 Galvanism 537 . 5 Galvanized iron manuf. 671 Galvanometers electric engineering 621.3744 electrophysiology 612.01442186 physics 537-86 Galvanoplasty electrometallurgy 537-85 manufactures 671 Galvanotropism electrophysiology 612.014427 >Galway, Ireland history 941.74 Gambling administration 351.762 ethics 174-6 of amusements 1 7 5 . 9 law 345 Game sport 799 bantams 636.58712 fowls 636.5881 laws hunting 799 preservs business 639 . i Games amusements 790 championship sch. hyg. 371.75 children's dom. econ. 649.55 customs 394-3 ethics 175 Greek 913.38 hygiene 613.7 kindergarten 372.215 of chance amusements 795 ethics 175-5 skill amusements 794 ethics J 75-4 Olympic Greek an tiq. 913.38 Roman 9 x 3-37 room for lib. bldgs 022.663 school 371.74 table and parlor 793 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 7<>3 Gaming, public state reg. Gamopetalae botany Gang plow Ganglia anatomy cerebral physiology comparativ " of hart " sensory nervs sympathetic system Gangliated cord anatomy Ganglions, see Ganglia Gangrene lung diseases surgery Ganoidei fishes Gaols, see Prisons Garages lib. bildings private arch, public sanitation Catalan poetry history Garbage Garcia *Gard, France Garden bean 35I-762 583-5 631.3122 611.89 612.826 612.829 612.1783 612 .8113 612.89 611.839 616.245 617.25 597-4. 022 .687 728.94 725-38 628.44 crops zootechny currants hoe parties dom. econ. rakes spade, longhandled strawberry tools, hand Gardeners dom. econ. Gardening elem. educ. flower agriculture art kitchen landscape market window Gardens botanic architecture public school zoologic architecture Gardianship law Gards, axle railrd engin'g Garfield, J. A. presidency of Gargoyles arch, decor. Garibaldi Italian history Garlic 944.83 635-652 635-563 635 636.0875 634.722 631-3151 642.43 631-3156 631.3111 634-75I 631 315 647-3 372.36 635-9 716.2 635 710 635 716.4 580.7 727-5 711 372.36 590-7 727-5 347-6 625.21 973-84 729-53 945-09 635.262 Garments for special purposes 646.47 outdoor dom. econ. 646.45 outer house " " 646 . 43 under " " 646.42 Gamier, Robert Fr. dram. 842.37 law] 347-7 635-78 646.48 642.8 975-297 822.61 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior Garnishee Garnishes Garnitures dress dom. econ. table 'Garrett co. Md. history Garrick, D : Eng. drama Garter, order of heraldry 929.714 Garters* hygiene 613.484 Garth, S : English satire 82 7 . 48 Gartner's duct anatomy 611.6676 Gas accumulators elec. eng. 621.357 aeronautics 629.161 as kitchen fuel 643 .334 checks ordnance 623.4243 coal heating 697.6 compression prac. chem. 542 . 78 cooking by 641.584 dissolving prac. chem. 542.74 domestic fuel 644 . 24 driven electric plants 62 i . 3 1 2 133 engins agriculture 631.3716 engineering 621.4 physics 536 . 82 exchange respiration 612.22 in blood " 612.23 fitting plumbing 696 . 2 fuel chem. tech. 662 . 6 generation prac. chem. 542 . 72 heating Hiding 697.6 prac. chem. 542 . 44 illuminating air pollut. 614.723 inspect, of 614.835 light dom. econ. 644.313 lib. " 022.752 liquefaction prac. chem. 542 . 79 manipulation " " 542.7 manufacture 665 . 7 mesuring prac. chem. 542.76 meters " " 542 . 76 natural econ. geology 553.28 heating 697.6 production prac. chem. 542 . 72 rarefaction prac. chem. 542.77 sewer air pollution 614.765 sanitary eng. 628.23 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 704 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Gas solidification prac. chem. 542 . storage u " 542. stoves, kitchen equipm't 643 . suffocation by prot.of life 614 . turbins engin'g 621. washing prac. chem. 542 . water heating 697. wells economic geology 553 . wo'rks air pollution 614. Gascoigne, G: Eng. satire 827. Gascon sheep 636 . swine 636 . Kjasconnde co. Mo. history 977. 'Gascony, France history 944. Gaseous fuels steam engin'g 621. state chemistry 541 . Gases absorption by skin 612. agricultural hindrances 632 . blood physiology 612. chemic technology 665 effect on books 025 . illuminating air pollution 614. in mines 622 . inhalation hyg. of employ. 613 . intestinal physiology 612. muscle physiology 612. noxious air pollution 614. of urin physiology 612. pneumatics 533 qualitativ analysis 544. quantitativ analysis 545 . respiratory exchange 612. soil physics 631 . volume of chemistry 541. volumetric analysis 545 . Gasoline engins 621. plow 631 . vehicles 629. tractors agric. 63 1 . Gasometers prac. chem. 542 . 79 75 334 82 433 74 6 28 723 3i 3464 445 86 1 77 18224 33 19 127 723 4i 62 Gasp^, burning Am. revol. 973. co. Que. history 971 Gassenay goat 636 . Gasserian ganglion 61 1 . Gasteromycetes botany 589. Gasteropoda zoology 594 . Gastric artery anat. 611. branches of vagus " 611. fistulas physiology 612. Topics in black face type are subdivided. Gastric glands anatomy 611.33 juice stomach 612.32 with pancreatic 612.34251 nervs anatomy 611.8393 secretions physiol. zool. 591 . 143 vein anatomy 611.1493 Gastritis diseases 616.33 Gastro- colic omentum anat. 6 1 1 . 382 duodenal artery " 611.13641 epiploic " left " 611.13642 right " 611.13641 nervs " 611 . 8393 hepatic omentum " 611.382 splenic " " 611.382 Gastrocnemius muscle " 611.73853 Gastronomy cookery 641.01 Gastropoda zoology 594-3 Gastrotomy surgery 617.55 Gastrula embryology 611.01332 'Gates co. Wis. history 977.519 Gates architectural construe. 721.8 railway equipment 625 . 18 Gatherers, hay 631.3532 stone 631.3117 Gatling guns mil. eng. 623.42242 Gauge, see Gage Gauging, see Gaging 'Gaul history 944 'Gauley valley, W. Va. hist. 975 . 468 Gaur domestic animals 636 . 2972 Gauss's theory magnetism 538. i Gautama Buddhism 294 Gautier, Theophile Fr. fict. 843 . 77 Gauze, wire prac. chem. 542.46 Gay, John Eng. drama 822 . 56 Gayal domestic animals 636 . 2972 Gayangos, Pascual de Spanish miscellany 868 . 5 1 Gazetteers 910.3 special country.see country9i4-9ip Gearing mill engin'g 621.85 Gears, tootht " 621.83 valv " 621.84 steam engins 621 . 1342 Geary exclusion act U.S.hist973.86 'Geauga co. O. history 977 . 1336 Geese hunting 799 poultry 636 . 598 i3 6 43 zoology 598.4 831919 Gehenna doctrinal theol. 237.5 3211 Geibel, E. German poetry 831.83 Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 74417 72 46164 4 7 22 433 2 7 43 3123 2 3722 75 3112 479 3939 8915 221 RELATIV INDEX 705 Geiger, E. G. Swed. misc. 839.7861 Geissler's tubes electricity 537.53 Gelatin manufacture 668.3 processes photo. 773 Gelatinosa anatomy 611.8224 Gelatinosas botany 589.18 Gelatinous liquids chem. 541.325 Gelding zootechny 636.08234 Gellert, C. F. Ger. poetry 831 .61 Gelli, G. Italian essays 854.37 Gem engraving 736 Gemara Judaism 296 Gemelli muscles anat. 611.73818 Gemignano, F. da San 857.11 Gemini muscles anat. 611.73818 Gemmation zoology 591.165 Gems economic geology 553.8 engraved 736 mineralogy 549 Gender Eng. language 422.5 Fr. " 442.5 Lat. " 472.5 other languages Geneagenesis zoology 591.162 Genealogy 929 General average law 347-7 council eccles. polity 262.5 religious history 270.2 secretary Y. M. C. A. 267.341 ticket suffrage 324 . 222 Generalization logic 161 Generals, lives of 923 . 5 Generation botany 581 . 16 of electricity 621.31 physiology 612.6 spontaneous biology 576.1 physiology 612.601 steam 621 . 18 zoology 591 . 1 6 zootechny 636.08245 Genet domestic animals 636.183 Generativ functions, female 612.62 male 612.61 organs anatomy 611.6 comp. anat. 591 .46 descrip. anat. 591 . 76 male func. dis. 616.69 Generator panels el. eng. 621.31722 Generators altern. current 621 charging telefony 62 1 direct current elec. erg. 621 double " " "621 induction " " 62 1 ringing telefony 62 1 voltaic engineering 621. 'Genesee co.Mich. history 977. 1 N.Y. - 974 Genesis Bible 222 Geneva award U. S. history 973. confession creeds 238 1 history , 949 travels 914 tribunal internat. law 341 , Geniculate bodies anatomy 611 ganglion " 6 1 1 Geniculum " 611 Genii folklore 398 Geniohyoid muscles 611 Genital plexus anatomy 611 tract, rupture of obstet. 618, see also Generativ Genitiv case Gk syntax 485 Lat. " 475 other languages Genito- crural nerv anat. femoral " urinary system 31343 38763 31323 31356 611 611 611 616. 617. anat. pathol. surgery t her a p. 615. Genius 151. hereditary 136. 'Genoa, Italy history 945. travels 914. Genre painting "754 Gentianales botany 583 . Gentiarieae " 583 . Gentlemen curtesy *77- Gentleness ethics 179. 'Gentry co. Mo. history 977. Geocentric place 521. Geochemistry geology 551. Geodesy 526 Geognosy 551 38764 35 437 792 ii 82 4 4 94 6 8146 8917 8146 4 7348 8359 55 5 5 83543 83543 6 6 46 76 7 75 i 9 8i45 2 94 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 7 o6 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Geografic George basis of pol. sci. 320 . 124 1 lake, N. Y. history 974.751 coordinates 525 . 4 travels 917.4751 discovery history of 910.9 George's, King,war,U.S.hist. 973 . 26 ' distribution agriculture 631.09 Georgia animals 59 1 9 1 Asia, history 947-9 fossils 560 . 9 travel 914.79 of. contag. diseases 614.42 1 Europe history 947-9 plants 581.9 1 U.S. local history 975-8 names 929.4 secession U. S. hist. 973 . 713 variation animals 591.152 settlement " " 973.26 plants 581.152 For military history see sub- Geografy divisions of special campains and Military history under ancient 912.3 973-3. 973-52. 973-7 and Biblical 220.91 973-89 commercial 380 Georgian bay, Ont. travel 917.131 descriptiv 910 style architecture 724.59 elementary education 372.89 Geotropism mesology 612.014477 historic 911 Geraniaceae botany 583.223 maps 912 Geraniales " 583.21 military 355-47 Geranium perfume plants 633.812 physical 551 .4 Gerhardt, P. Ger. poetry 831.54 political 910 Germ see also Boundaries cells botany 581.172 Geoidal figure of earth 526.17 zoology 591 . 172 Geologic reports 550 layers embryology 611.0133 surveys 554-559 theory biology 576 time 550 . i of disease bacteria 589.95 Geologists biografy 9 2 5-5 pathology 6 1 6 . o i Geology 550 German agricultural 63 1 . 4 baptist brethren 286 . 5 and religion apologet. 239.8 catholic church 282.43 applied mining eng. 622.11 cattle 636 . 23 dynamic 551 cheese, hard 637 . 3543 natural theology 215 soft 637.3533 speculativ 5 50.1 coach horse 636 . 143 Geomancy divination 133 .3 corps student life 371-83 Geometric dancing 793 drawing math, drawing 744 discovery of America 973 . 1 1 forms decora tion, pain ted72 9 .44 emperors Ital. history 945.03 relief 729.54 empire, new 943 . 08 windows arch, decora. 729.81 goose 636 . 5983 Geometricians biografy 925.1 4 language 430 Geometry 513 low 439 - 1 analytic 516 middle high 437.02 descriptiv 515 old " 437 - OI Geomorfology geol. 55 1 3 5 literature 830 Geomorfy 525.14 low 839. i George i English history 942.071 merinos 636 . 3673 2 942.072 mythology 293 3 .942.073 opera music 782 . 3 4 942.074 Wagnerian 782.2 5 942.083 painting 759-3 George Ft, U.S.war 1812 973-5235 philosofers' lives 921.3 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 707 German philosofy iQ3 poultry 636 . 53 reformation polit. hist. 943.03 relig. " 274.3 reformd church 284.1 republic 943 .085 sculpture 735 sheep 636.33 socialism 335-5 student dueling 371 . 82 swine 636.43 universities 378.43 Germanium chemistry 546.695 Germantown, Pa. Am.rev. 973 .3337 Germany administration 354-43 antiquities 913 .43 architecture 720 . 943 Romanesque 723.43 botany 581 . 943 constitutional law 342.43 education 370 . 943 finance 336 43 geology 554 3 heraldry 929 . 6 1 history 943 laws 349-43 local government 352 . 043 maps ' 912 43 peerage 929 73 religious history 274 . 3 schools, public 379 . 43 statistics 3 J 4-3 travel 914 3 treaties 34* 243 universities 378 . 43 zoology 591-943 Germicides disinfectants pub. helth 614.482 external therapeutics 615.778 Germinal, see Germ Germination botany 581.3 Germs, see Bacteria; Bacteriology; Germ theory of disease Gerrymandering representation 328.3346 'Gers, France history 944.77 Gerst acker, F ; Ger. fiction 833 . 77 Gerund Latin etymology 472.8 syntax 475-8 Gesneraceae botany 583.83 Gessenay goat 636 . 3939 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior Gesta Romanorum modern Latin fiction 879.3 Gestation ectopic obstetrics 618.31 obstetrics 618.2 physiology 612.63 Gesture language educ. 371.912 Gestures oratory 808.5 Gettysburg U.S. civ. war 973.7349 Gex cheese 637.3544 Geysers physical geol. 551.23 Ghebers Parseeism 295 Ghegan repeaters teleg. 621.38324 'Ghent history 949 . 3 travels 914.93 Gherardi, del Testa, T. 852 . 74 Gherkins garden crops 635 63 Ghibelines Ital. history 945.04 Ghistele, C. van Dut. poet. 839.3128 Ghost, Holy dogmatics 231.3 Ghosts occultism I33-I Ghouls folklore 398 . 4 Giacometti, P. Ital. drama 852 . 73 Giambullari, B.F. " essays 854.36 Giannone, P. " 854.57 Giannotti, D. " " 854.35 Giant, Cardiff humbugs 133.7 hydraulic 621.269 Giant's causeway descrip .914.161 Giants nat. hist, of man 573-8 Gibbon, E: Eng. essays 824.67 'Gibraltar history 946 . 8 travels 914.68 J Gibson co. Ind. history 977.235 Gifford, W: Eng. satire 827.71 Gifts kindergarten methods 372.212 library finance 025.111 of books lib. acquisition 025.227 law 021.84 support 021.93 duplicates by lib.- to lib. 025.268 money lib. support 02 1 . 93 Gigantostraca zoology 595-39 Gigli, G. Italian drama 852.54 Gil y Zarate. A. Span, poet 86 1 . 55 Gilbert, H. discov. of Am. 973 . 17 N: J. L. Fr. satire 847.52 'Gilbert ilands history 996.8 Gild houses architec. 725.9 Gilding 67 1 Gilds parish work 256 polit. economy 338.6 Gilead travels 915.69 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 708 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Giles, H : Amer. essays 814.32 Gillikin poultry 636.5882 Gills comparativ anatomy 611.28 skeleton of " 611 . 7166 'Gilmer co. W. Va. historj 975-427 Gin chemic technology 663-5 Ginep 634.652 Ginger 633-825 Ginkgo 634-572 Ginglymus anatomy 6n . 72964 Ginseng agriculture 633.88 Gioberti, V. Ital. essays 854.77 Giordani, P. 854-72 Giovagnoli, R. " fiction 853-87 Gipsies biografy 397 language 397 outcast races 397 Gipsy moth agriculture 632-78 zoology 595-78 Romany language 397 Giraldes. organ of anat. 611.633 Giraldi. G. B. C. Italian drama 852.42 fiction 853-44 Girard turbin I 621 .247 uirart fle Kossuho Prov. lit. 849. I 2} V Girder bridges engin'g 624.27 Girders bridge engin'g 624.21 Girdle bone anat. 611 .7181 Girdling agriculture 631.54224 Girls counsels to ethics 173-6 education 376 religious societies 267.8 schools, gymnastics in 371.7326 societies sociology 369 46 'Gironde, France history 944 -7 1 Girondists " " 944.04 Girs ^Cgidius Swed. misc. 839-7823 Giusti, G. Italian satire 857-7I Glacial drift erosion 551-33 period 551-79 Glacier goat 636.3936 Glaciers 551.31 Glacis fortifications 623 . 116 Gladiators customs 394-2 Gladiolus anatomy 6ii.7U 'Glad win co. Mich. hist. 977.472 'Glamorgan, Wales hist. 942.97 Gland, see special organ or qualifying term Glanders diseases 616.954 pub. helth 614 . 564 Glands, see also special organ or qualifying term Glands of skin anat. 611.772 Glandular system anatomy 611.4 drugs acting on 615.74 histology 611.01872 physiology 612.4 surgical operations 617.44 Glanschwein 636 . 43 1 Glane swine 636 . 43 1 Glasgow 1 Scotland history 941-43 travels 914.143 university 378.41 sloop Amer. re vol. 973-3S 2 Glass and iron structures 721 .98 wood " 721 .99 apparatus prac. chem. 542.231 bilding material 691 . 6 blowing prac. chem. 542.2315 iridescent 748 library bildings 022.21 manufacture 666 . i ornamental 748 painted . 748 prehistoric 571.56 roofs architec. 721.53 staind, design " 729 . 8 table dom. econ. 642 . 7 works architecture 725.48 Glauconite lithology 552.58 Glazing bilding 698 . 5 Glees vocal music 784.1 Gleet diseases 616.952 'Glengarry co. Ont. history 971.377 979-431 629 . i 72 516.26 617.74 371.6791 522.78 5I5-52 co. Cal. hist. Gliders aeronautics Glisettes curvs Globe of eye diseases of Globes school apparatus use of astronomy Globular projection Globules of blood, see Corpuscles Globulins physiology 612.398132 Globus pallidus anatomy Gloria in excelsis music Glossaries Eng. dialects 611.81322 783.22 427 language 423 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 709 Glossopharyngeal ganglion, superior anat 6n .8919 nerv " 611 .8319 physiology 612 .8199 taste 612 .879 nucleus anatomy 611.8186 Glottis 611 .225 physiology 612 .7824 'Gloucester co. Eng. hist. 942.41 N. B. " 971-512 1 N. J. 974.981 Gloves clothing 646.48 costume 39t-4 lether manufacture 675 woven " 677 Glucinum chemistry 546.45 Glucose chemic technology 664. i chemistry of blood 6l2 . 122 I digestion 612.39613 Glucosids nutrition 612.396175 vegetable drugs 6l 5 333. Glucosuria pancreatic physiology 612 .3491 pathologic 612 .4662 i physiologic " 612 .46182 physiology of liver 612.35216 toxic physiology 612 . 4644 Glue chemic technology 668.3 making air pollution 614 .746 Glumaceae botany 584-8 Gluteal arteries anatomy 611 .1376 muscle " 611.73814 nerv, inferior " 611.83572 superior " 6 1 1 . 83 5 7 1 Glutin nutrition 612 .398146 Gluttony hygiene 613-25 temperance 178.9 Glycerin chemic tech. 668.2 Glycogen in blood 6l2 . 1222 nutrition 6l2 .3961 12 Glycogenesis physiol. 612.3521 Glycolysis " 612.3962 Glycolytic ferments in blood 612 . 1223 physiologic chem. 612.01516 Glycoproteids nutrition 612.3981453 Glycosmis 634-341 Glyfografy engraving 762 Glyptics carving 736 Gmelin washbottles chem. 542 Gnats animal parasites 616 pests agriculture zoology Gneiss lithology Gnetacese botany Gnoli, Domenico Ital. poet. 851 Gnomes folklore 398 maxims Eng. lit. 828 folklore 398 Gnomic poetry Greek lit. Gnomonic projection descriptiv geometry Gnosticism philosofy Gnostics heresy Goats dairy 632 595 552 585 881 189 273 636 637 art diseases of compar. med.6i9 domestic animals Goatsmilk cheese Gobelin tapestry Goblins folklore God doctrins will of ethics Godfrey, T : Amer. dram. Gods ethnic religions mythology Goes, J. A. van der Goethe, J ; W. von Gofer cultivator l Gogebic co. Mich. Goitre pathology Gold chemistry 1 Coast, Africa history coinage cure alcoholism manufactures metallurgy mineralogy ores econ. geology political economy Golden bull Ger. const, hist. currant Fleece knights rule ethics Goldoni, Carlo Ital. dram. 852 . Goldschmidt, M.A. Dan. fie 839. Goldsmith, O. Eng. essays 824. fiction 823 . poetry 821 . 6 3 6 637 746 398. 231 171. 812. 290 291 Dut. lit 839. Ger. "832. 631 history 977. 616. 546. 966. 332. 616. 671 669. 549- 553- 332. 342. 929. 171. ,69 9681 77 '77 42 i 83 4 55 3 174 3 39 3552 3137 62 3164 498 44 9 4 86l 2 41 41 43 724 715 i 61 8365 66 64 64 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 7io DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Goldsmithing fine arts 739 useful " 671 Golf amusements 796 Coil's nuclei anatomy 611. tract " 611. Gomberville, M. Le Roy de French fict. 843 Gongora y Argote, L. de Spanish poetry 86 1 . Goniometry Gonorrhea Good Friday crystallog. pathology pub. helth 548. 616. 614- 8261 8a6i 42 37 7 952 548 031 27 7 87 06 58 9 3 Anglican ch. 264. special music 783 . 1 Hope, Cape of history 968. travels 916. Templars temperance 178. Goodenovieae botany 583. Goodness ethics 179. Goose, Mother folklore 398. Goose, see Geese Gooseberry bush fruits 634 . 725 Otaheite palm, fruits 634.666 Gopher cultivator 63 1 . 3 1 64 Gorgias Greek philos. 183.1 Gorgonzola cheese 637.3535 Gorham controv. baptism 265 . i Gorilla zoology 599-8 Gosnold, B. disco v. of Am. 973 . 1 7 Gospels Anglican ritual 264.036 Bible 226 harmonies of 226.1 pseudo 229.8 Gossip ethics 1 7 7 . 2 Gotama Buddhism 294 G6the, J;W.von Ger. dram. 832 .62 Gothic architecture ecclesiology kingdom Italian hist. Span. " * language 5 literature revival architecture Victorian " 'Gothland, Sweden hist. Goths " Gottfried von Strassburg German poetry 83 1 Gottschall, K : R. Ger. dram. 832 Gottsched, J;C. " "832 L.A.V. 832 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior 723. 246. 945' 946, 439 839 724 724 948 943 01 01 9 9 3 4 6 01 25 84 54 55 Gouache painting 751 Goudouli, P. de Prov.poet. 849.141 Goumi agriculture 634 . 743 Gourd, rag . 635.627 wax " 635.618 Gournay fowls 636 . 546 Gout diseases 616.991 Gove system suffrage 324 . 224 Governess private educ. 373 . i Governing board, library 023.3 Government appointment of legislators 328.3351 bildings architecture 725-1 central administration 331 foren states 354 church 262 control insurance 368.91 divine 2 3 I -7 family ethics 173 foren countries 354 forms of 321 libraries 027 . 5 library economy 023 loans finance 336 . 3 local administration 352 officers in legislativ bodies 328.3321 political science 320 publishing 655.59 school education 371 . 5 science of polit. science 320 U. S. and state administ. 353 vessels fighting 623 . 825 nonfighting 623 . 826 Governors biograf y 923 . 2 steam turbins 621.16535 Gower, J : English poetry 82 1 . 18 Gower's tract anatomy 611.8254 Gowns academic 378.29 dom. economy 646 . 43 Gozzi, Carlo Ital. drama 852.62 Gasparo " satire 857.61 Graafian follicles anat. 611.6512 Grabbe, C. D. Ger. drama 832 .71 Gracchi Roman hist. 937.05 Grace doctr. theology 234. i esthetics 701 Graces music . 781.2 mythology 292 Gracilis, fasciculus anat. 611.8182 muscle " 611.73825 Grade crossing railroads 625.1 of sewers san. eng. 628.219 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 711 Graded degrees, academic 378.22 Granada Grades butter 637 . 223 goat 636.396 cheese 637.323 Luis de Span, miscel. 868.32 railway engin'g 625. 11 1 Spain history 946.8 roadmaking 625 . 72 travels 914.68 schools 371-25 Granaries architecture 728.95 Grading engineering 625.12 farm bildings 631 . 23 Gradual cathed. music 783.23 Grand Graduated Army of the Republic 369 . 15 1 system suffrage 324 . 224 U.S.hist. 973.76 Graduates gulf, Miss. U. S. civ.war 973.753 college, and Amer. re vol. 973.315 1 Isle co. Vt. history 974.31 U.S.civ.war 973.715 1 Manan iland, N. B. hist. 971-533 Graduation schools 371.291 opera 782 Graeco- Russian church 281 .9 1 Rapids, Mich. hist. 977.456 stands architecture 725.82 Graffiti inscriptions 47i-7 1 Traverse co. Mich. hist. 977.464 Grafic Grangers associations 630.6273 arts fine arts 700 Granit bilding stone 553.52 prehist. archeol. 571 . 7 plutonic rock 552.33 representations of sound 534.6 Granits metamorf . rock 5 5 2 . 4 1 statics 531-2 Grant, U. S. presidency of 973.82 Grafics of light and shadow 515.7 'Grant co. Ind. hist. 977.269 Graft bills legislation 328.367 1 W. Va. " 975.492 business ethics 1 74 . 7 1 Wis. " 977-577 political " 172.2 Grants Grafting land finance 336.14 animal physiology 612.602 to schools 379. 12 bridge agric. 632 . 8 Grape plant materials 631.341 culture 634 . 8 methods 631.341 cure therapeutics 615.854 Krrafton co. N. H. hist. 974.23 shore agriculture 634 664 Grafts protection 63 1 . 54 1 7 shot ordnance 623.45122 Graham shorthand 653 . 52 sugar manufacture 664 . i Grail, holy legends 398.2 Grapefruit 634.323 Grain Graperies architecture 728.98 agriculture 633 . i Grapes 634 . 8 1 Coast, Africa hist. 966.6 Graphic, etc. see Grafic duty on 337-5 Graphite econ. geol. 553.26 elevators architecture 725.36 Graphitic anthracite " " 553-25 production pol. econ. 338.1 Grass flies pests 632 . 75 trade dom. trade 381 hook 631.3511 Graining house paint'g 698 . i knife 631.3511 Glasses Grains agriculture 633 . i Grallatores zoology 598 . 3 agriculture 633 . 2 botany 584.9 Gram machine electricity 537 . 83 ornamental 716.1 Gramineas botany 584.9 Grasshoppers pests 632 . 72 Grammar zoology 595-72 cpmparativ 415 Grates elementary education 372.6 fireplaces bilding 697.1 schools public schools 379.17 locomoti v boiler 621.1332 universal comp. philol. 415 steam engineering 621 . 18352 3 Grammars Eng. lang. 425 Gratings, timber architec. 721.15 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this inde 712 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 'Gratiot co. Mich. hist. 977.449 Gratitude ethics I 19-9 Grattan, H: Eng. oratory 825.65 Gratuities legislativ employees 328 . 3626 political economy 331 .238 Grave prehist. arch. 571 .92 mounds stones yards Gravel Graves monuments disease foundations petrografy 718 719 616.62 721.14 552.51 roads engin'g 625.7 roofing bilding 695 . 6 cemeteries 719 geodesy 531-24 526.7 53i 5 625.3 532.4 Eng. poetry 82 1 . 61 636.59886 636.5852 271.3 611 .81713 611.822 621.38237 621.3826 636.5984 636.59881 Graves' disease 616.44 Gravimetric anal. chem. 545 . i Gravina, G. V. Ital. essays 854.55 Graving docks hydraulic engin'g 627 . 3 shipbilding 623 . 83 Gravitation celestial dynamics 521.12 system waterworks 628.12 theories 53* -5* Gravity center of experiments physics railways specific Gray, Thomas Gray African goose Chittagong fowls friars Franciscans matter, cerebellar anat. of cord " multiplex telegraf telautograf Toulouse goose wild goose Grazzini, A. Ital. fiction 853.41 Grease chem. tech. 665.2 Great Britain antiquities 913.42 baronetage 929.722 church history 274 . 2 colonies 325.342 commerce 382 constitution 34 2 . 4 2 det of finance 336.42 dignities 929.724 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index Great Britain gentry, landed government heraldry 1 history knightage parliament peerage politics precedence society of 2d war with titles of honor Great circle sailing lakes, U. S. travel Great Russia 1 Northern history travels 1 Southern history travels Great Salt lake travels schism war 1914-19 history 940 Grecian bend fashions 391 Grecian, see also Greek Greco- Russian church 281.9 Greece ancient antiquities 913. architecture 722. art, history of 709 . history 938 modern administration 354 . botany 581 . finance 336. geology 554. 1 history 949 . maps 912. schools 379- statistics 3 J 4- travel 914. treaties 341 . ethics 179. 929 354 929 942 929 328 929 329 929 3 6 9- 929 527 917 947- 914. 947- 914. 917. 270. 725 42 723 42 ,721 ,942 .724 144 72 5 7 2 72 3 73 92 3 3 2 38 8 38 495 9495 495 95 5 495 495 95 95 2495 Greed Greek archipelago ancient hist. 939 mod. architecture calendar church classics dialects fire customs of war independence mod. hist. language modern 949 722. 529- 281. -880 487 399 949- 480 489 506 RELATIV INDEX 713 Greek literature 880 5 modern 889 mythology 292 orders of architecture 729. paleografy inscriptions 481. philosofy 180 revival architecture 724 . sculpture 733 theory of music 781 . Green, J. Amer. poetry 811. Green 1 Bay, Wis. history 977 . ' CO.'N. Y. 974- 1 Wis. " 977. fodder, storing 631. zootechny 636 . vegetable dyes 633 . 1 Lake co. Wis. history 977. manures agriculture 631 . mts, Vt. description 917. Greenback party 329. Greenbacks paper money 332 . U. S. finance 336. 'Greenbrier co. W. Va. hist. 975 . ' val. Greene, R. Eng. drama Greene co. 111. history 14 travels 975 822 977 917 737 586 563 08551 864 559 874 43 82 5 73 488 486 3 1 .384 7384 ,242 .7466 .878 174 .883 3 .98 5444 3444 Ind. history 977 la. - 977 Mo. " 977 O. " 977 Pa. 974 Greenhouses 716 architecture 728 plant forcing 631 protection 631 Greenland discovery of Scan. hist. 948.02 1 history 998 Greens kitchen garden 635.4 Greensand petrografy 552.58 molding foundry 621.745 Greensickness diseases 616.15 gynecology 618.17 Gregarinidae zoology 593 1 9 Gregariousness of animals 591.55 Gregorian calendar 5 2 9-5 chant ecclesiology 246.8 sacred music 783.5 Grenades ordnance 673.45114 'Grenville co. Ont. hist. 97I.-374 Gresban, Arnoul Fr. dram. 842 . 21 Gresset, J! B. L' " satire 847.51 GreVin, Jacques " dram. 842.35 GreVy, Jules Third repub. 944.08 Grey, see Gray 1 co. Ont. hist. 971.318 Grids elec. engin'g 621.3522 Griepenkerl, W. R. Ger.dra.832 . 72 Griffin folklore 398 . 4 heraldry 929 . 6 Grilles arch, construct. 721.87 Grilling cookery 641.76 Grillparzer, F. Ger. dram. 832.73 Grimmelshausen.H.J.C.von German fiction833 . 52 Grimm's law comp. philol. 412 Grinders' occupation hyg. 613.63 Grinding flour mills 679 machines mech. eng. 621.92 practical chemistry 542 .22 Grindstones 62 1 . 923 Gringoire, Pierre Fr. dram. 842 . 23 Grip diseases 616.203 public helth 614.5 Grison swine 636 . 449 Gristle chemic composition 612.7512 histology 61 1 . 01 83 Gristmills architecture 725.47 Gritstone sheep 636.3261 Groceries adulterations 614.3 Grocers' occupation hyg. 613.63 Grocery stores 641 . 4 Groind vaults architect. 721.44 Grooming zootechny 636 . 0833 Grooving machines 621.91 Groselles 634 . 72 Grossi, Tommaso Ital. fict. 853 . 73 Grotesque forms decoration in relief 729 . 53 painted decoration 729.43 Grottoes phys. geografy 551.44 Ground air hygiene 613.14 public helth 614.773 hygiene of " " 614 . 7 substance, bony histol. 611.01843 of connectiv tissue 611.01823 water agriculture 631.432 phys. geografy 55 1 49 Grounds, private 712 Group system curriculum 375.005 Groves landsc. gardening 715 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index "14 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION history history Groveton, Va. battle of Growth after birth physiology 612 biology botany disproportionate deforn incomplete of cities administration statistics library, provision for ration during physiol. zoology Grubber Grubbing ax hoe Grubs pests Grundtvig, N. F. S. Dan. poet. 'Grundy co. 111. 1 la. 1 Mo Gruyere cheese Gryphius, A. Ger. drama Gryphon folklore . heraldry 'Guadaloupe history travels Guadaloupe sheep Guanajuato, Mex. hist. Guano economic geology fertilizers Guaranties and sureties Guarantor, reader's lib. Guardianship law Guarini, G. Ital. poetry 'Guatemala history Guava agriculture Gubbio, Bosone da Ital. fi Gubernatis, Angelo de Italian miscellanySsS Gudrun German poetry 831 Guelderland fowls Guelders poultry Guelphs Italian history Guerilla life - military science warfare internat. law Guerillas northern U. S. civ. war southern " " " 'Guernsey co. O. history iland of " travels Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 973-7328 Guernsey cattle 636 . 2244 Guerrazzi, F. D. Ital. net. 853 . 74 612 .65 'Guerrero, Mexico hist. 972.7 577-3 Guerriere, ship U. S. hist. 973.5251 581.134 Guerrini, Olindo Ital poet. 851.87 6x7-37 Guggisberger goat 636 . 3936 617.31 'Guiana, South Am. hist. 988 352.001 Guicciardini, F. Ital. essays 854 . 34 312 Guidance, vocational 374-1 022 . 13 Guide 612.394 books 910 59i-i34 vanes steam turb. design62i .16533 631.3162 theory 621 . 16513 631.3116 ' Guides, railroad 656 631.3116 land settlement agric. 63 1 . 1 1 632.76 Guidi, Ales. Ital. poetry 851.55 Guidiccioni, G. " " 851.37 839.8163 'Guienne, France history 944 . 7 977.326 Guilds 977-7537 business polit. econ. 338.6 977.8215 parish work 256 637-3544 Guilford, N. C. Am. re vol. 973.3372 832.51 Guillotine law 343- 2 398.4 Guinea 929.6 1 Lower, Africa history 967.1 972.97 1 New history 995 917.297 travels 919-5 636.362 1 Upper, Africa history 966 . 5 972.4 Guinea fowls 636 . 593 goat 636 . 3986 553-64 goose 636 . 59886 631-854 pigs dom. animals 636 . 9 347-7 zoology 599 . 3 024. 14 sheep 636 . 386 347-6 squash 635 . 646 85I-45 swine 636 . 486 972.81 Guinicelli, Guido Ital. poet. 851 . 13 634.421 Guitar music 787.6 853 -14 'Gujerati language 491.47 Gulf ^858.81 of Mexico phys. geog. 551.463 831.22 society of army and 636.548 navy of 369. 156 636.548 squadron U.S.civ.war 973.756 945-04 1 states, U. S. history 976 For military history of all or individual states, see subdivisions 355- 12 of Special campains and Military 341-3 history under 973.52, 973-7 and 973.8Q 973-74I7 stream phys. geografy 551.471 973 742 Gulfs 977.192 hydrografy of survey'g 526.99 942.34 Gullet, diseases of 616.32 9M-234 Gum collectors 631 .3588 RELATIV INDEX 715 Gumbo 635 . 648 Gums anatomy 611.314 and resins chem. tech. 668.4 chemistry of nutrition 612.39612 fossil econom. geol. 553.29 gathering agric. 631.5568 perfume plants " 633.816 vegetable drugs 615.335 Gun boats shipbilding 623.825 carriages, traction of 623 . 58 cotton explosivs 662 . 2 making 683 mounts, reaction of 623 . 57 naval engineering 623 . 825 Gunnbiom disco v. of Amer.973 . 13 Gunnery mil. eng. 623.5 Gunning sports 799 Gunpowder care mil. engin'g 623.48 explosivs 662.3 manufacture hygiene 613.66 protec. of life 614.832 military engineering 623.4521 plot English history 942.061 Guns animal capture zootech. 636 . 08 1 1 1 2 military engineering 623 . 4 theory of 623 .51 Gunshot wounds surgery 617.145 Gunter's scale math, instr. 510.8 Gurne y shorthand 653.32 Gustaf 3 Swed. drama 839.7252 Gustation physiology 612.87 Gustavus Adolphus Swedish history 948.04 miscellany 839.7824 Gut, primiti v embryol. 611.01335 Gutcleaning air pollution 614.742 Gutenberg hist, of print. 655.111 H^uthrie co. la. history 977-749 Gutierrez, A. G. Span.poet.86i . 54 Gutta percha rubber manuf. 678 serena eye diseases 617.75 Guttiferae botany 583.163 Guttiferales " 583 16 Gutzkow, K: F. Ger. dram. 832.78 ^uyandotte val. W. Va. hist.975-44* Guyot de Provins Fr.satire 847 . 1 1 Guys elec. lines 621.319223 ; 'Guysborough co. N. S. hist. 971 .621 Gyllembourg - Ehrensvard, T. C. Danish fiction 839.8361 Gyllenborg, G: F. Sw.poet. 839.7146 Gymnasia Ger. schools 379.43 Gymnasiums architecture 725.85 library bildings 022.666 school " 371.624 Y. M. C. A. 267.327 Gymnastics curativ 615.82 hygiene 613.71 school hygiene 371-73 vocal elocution 808 . 5 vocal music 784.9 Gymnoasceae botany 589.238 Gymnocarpae botany 589.17 Gymnosophists philosof y 181.4 Gymnospermae botany 585 Gynecology 618.1 Gypsies, see Gipsies Gypsum economic geology 553-63 fertilizers 631.821 lithology 55 2 -53 Gypsy, see Gipsy Gyre, paracentral anat. 611.81316 Gyri operti " 611.81319 Gyroscope aerostation 523 . 28 astr ono my 523.28 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 716 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Habakkuk Bible 224.95 Habeas corpus law 347 . i Habena anatomy 611.8145 Habenula 611.8145 Haberdashery clothing 646.32 Habit mental faculties 158 physiologic psychology 612.82134 Habitations, animal 591.52 see also Dwellings Habits animals zoology 591 . 5 customs 390 laboring classes pol. econ.33 1 . 84 morbid hygiene 613.87 of children dom. econ. 649 . 6 plants p'hysiol. botany 581 . 5 Hack licenses loc. gov't 352 .8 Hackney coach horse 636. 1423 Hacklander, F ; W ; Ger.fict.833 . 78 Hadamar von Laber " poet. 831.32 'Haddington, Scotland hist. 941. 45 Hades ancient mythology 292 doctrinal theology 236.4 Hadley's quadrant astron. 522 .41 'Hadramaut, Arabia hist. 953.4 Haemodoraceae botany 584.23 Haem-, haema-, haemato-, haemo-, see also Hem-, hema-, hemato-, hemo- 'Hagerstown, Md. history 975 .292 travels 917.5292 Haggai Bible 224.97 'Hague, The history 949-2 travels 914.92 tribunal 341 . i Hahn Hahn, I. Ger. fie. 833 . 76 Hahnemann's theory med. 615.53 Hailstorms agriculture 632.14 meteorology 551-55 Haimonskinder, die 831.37 Hair anatomy 611.781 diseases of 616. 54 domestic materials 646 . 1 7 dressing customs 39J-5 toilet 646 . 7 dyes " 646.7 engineering materials 620 . 198 organic chemistry 547 physiology 612.799 pickers' occupation hyg. 613 . 63 Hakluyt society geografy 'Haldimand co. Ont. hist. Hale, Nathan Am. revol. Half sugar mangel timberd walls arch i tec. tone process photog. way covenant Haifa fibers Halfbred Leicester sheep Haliburton, T : C. Am. hum, Haliburton co. Ont. hist. Halicarnassus Gkantiqui. Halids organic chem. Halifax 1 city, N. S. hist. travel 1 co. N. S. hist. fishery award U. S. hist. Hall, J. English satire Hall furniture dom. econ. marks plate Halle swine Halleck, Fitz-Greene Am. lit. Haller's rete testis Halley's method astron. Hallman, K : I. Swed. dram Halloweve customs Halls central city exhibition " for lectures " music " public hygiene riding architecture society student life temporary architecture town " turn " Hallucinations mind and body physiology Halogen group chemistry Haloids organ, chem. Halorageae botany Halos optics religious art 'Halton co. Ont. hist. Hamamelideae botany Hamamelis therap. 'Hamar, Xorway history Hamatum, os anatomy lib. bildings architecture 910 971 973 633 721 777 285 633. 636 .817 971 9i3 547 971 917 971 973 827 645 736 636 Sn 611 523 339 394 022 725 725 725 725 613 7 2 5 37i 725 725 725 133 612. 546 547 583 535 246 971 583 6i5 948 611. ,6 337 385 583 3213 38 36i 39 2 4 7 .622 . 1622 .622 83' 33 .61 431 3i 6315 94 7251 13 9i 83 81 5 88 86 92 13 85 2 82189 12 4 398 4 5 353 394 323394 4 71778 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 717 'Hamburg, Ger. history travels fowls Hamilton Alexander Am. oratory Sir W : Eng. philos. 'Hamilton city, O. hist. 1 Ont. " co. 111. 1 Ind. - 1 la. N. Y. hist. Hamitic language races HammarskSld, L. Hammer anat. of ear Hammers machine tools 'Hampden co. Mass. 'Hampshire co. " 1 W. Va. down sheep Hammers cattle 'Hancock co. 111. 943 914 636. Ind. 1 la. 1 Me. 1 O. 1 W. Va. Hand arteries anatomy barrows carts chiromancy cultivators dressing of ore 815 192 977 971' 977 977 977 974 493 572 839 611 621 hist. 974 " 974 " 975 636 636. " 977 " 977 " 977 " 974. " 977 " 975 611 631 631 133 631 min. eng.622 352 395 256 752 752 893 7462 857 97 42 42 495 3232 .2262 343 .258 .724 14 .119 .412 1344 3731 3734 .6 .3161 .72 .15 .08413 .976 .321 .912 . 22 .42176 7377 equipment laundry 648 feeding zootechny 636 human anatomy 611 lamps dom. econ. 644 language def and dum 371 laundering 648 lymfatics anatomy 6 1 1 muscles '" 611 rollers 631 railing stair bilding 694 . 8 plow 631.3121 turning lathes 621.94 Handbooks of travel 910 Handicraft mechan. trades 680 Handkerchief customs 391.6 toilet 646 . 48 Handling minerals mining 622.61 Hands, artificial surgery 617.57 Handspikes ordnance 623.4361 Handwriting 652 Hangars aeronautics 629 Hangers mech. engin'g 621 Hanging punishments 343. Hangings textil bilding 698 . dom. econ. 645 'Hannibal, Mo. history 977 Hanover 1 Germany history 943 . travels 914- house of English hist. 942 . Irish 941. Scottish " 941 . Hanoverian horse 636 . merinos 636 . sheep 636 . swine 636 . Hanseatic leag hist. 943 . *Hants co. England " 942 . 1 N. S. 971. Happiness ethics 171- Hapsburg, house of, Ger. 943 . Harbor defenses fortifica. 623 . engineering 627 Harbors hydrografy of surveying 526 , Hard cheese 637 fibers 633 labor punishments 343 . Hardenberg, F ; von Ger.fic833 977 977 977 653 'Hardin co. 111. history 1 la. O. Harding shorthand Hardness engineering tests 620 . of molecules physics 539 . Hardshel baptists 286 . Hardware manuf. 671 'Hardy co. W. Va. history 975 , Harelip surgery 617. Harems ' customs 392 Haren.O.Z.van Dut. dram. 839 Willem van " poet. 839 Hares dom, animals 636 zoology 599, 'Harford co. Md. history 975. Haricots kitchen garden 635 . Hiiring, W; Ger. fiction 833, Harington, J: Eng. satire 827. Harlem Heights battle Amer. revol. Harlots ethics . 144 .822 7 3 8351 53 353 07 57 07 143 36732 3335 434 5 27 635 4 026-06 i 99 354 57 2 63 398 753 144 35 1126 53 4 493 S 2 6 3244 973 176 9 3 274 652 75 32 3324 5 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 718 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Harmar's exped. U.S.hist. 973.42 Harth money pol. econ. 336.27 Harmonic multiplex teleg. 621.38237 Hartmann von Aue Ger. lit. 83 1 . 26 Harmonics Harts analytic geometry 516.56 lymfatic comp. physiol. 612.424 modern " 5I3-5 6 Hartzembusch, J. E. Sp. lit. 861 . 56 music 781.1 Harvard Harmonists sects 289 . 9 table system 642 . 55 Harmonium 786.9 university 378.744 Harmony Harvesters music 78^.3 com 631.355 of colors optics 535-6 grain 631.3542 painting 752 Harvesting gospels Bible 226.1 machines 631.35 Harness operations 631.55 breaking to zootechny 636.08862 Harz mountain goat 636 . 393 care " 636.0837 ^asa, Arabia- history 953-6 farm transport 631 . 374 Hashish ethics 178.8 horse domestic animals 636.14 hygiene 613.82 Harnessmaking 685 Hasp cultivators 631.3162 Harp 787.5 Castings co. Ont. hist. 9/1-358 Harpers Ferry Hat fibers 633 . 584 1 W. Va. history 975 . 499 Hatchet, pruning 631.3425 invasion U.S. " 973.68 Hatching Harpsichord 787.9 artificial zootechny 636.08247 Harquebus firearms 623.441 engraving 762 Harrington, J. Eng. fie. 823 .41 Hate ethics 179-8 Harris, W:T. Amer. phil. 191.8 Hatmaking 687 Harrisburg, Miss. U.S. hist. 973 . 7372 Hatracks dom. econ. 645.61 i Pa. hist. 974.818 lib. " 022.921 insurrect'n 974 . 8 Hats clothing 646 . 5 Harrison, B : presidency of 973 . 86 costume 39*-4 W:H: " " 973-58 Hatteras inlet U.S. civ. war 973 . 751 Garrison co. Ind. history 977.221 Hauch, J. C. Danish poet. 839.8164 la. " 977-747 Hauff, W; German fie. 833.67 'Harrison co. Mo. history 977.817 Haulage 1 O. " 977.168 animal min. eng. 622.65 1 W. Va. " 975-457 mechanic " " 622.66 Harrowing 631.513 Haunted houses 133 . 1 Harrows 631.313 Hart Hautbois strawberry 634 . 752 Haute anatomy 611.12 diseases 616.12 1 Garonne, France history 944 . 86 IT- rt .L/oire 04.4.81 ectopic physiol. 612.1717 effect of sympathet. syst. 612.897 toxins physiol. 612.174 1 Marne " " 944-33 1 Sa6ne " 944-45 1 Savoie " " 944 . 49 vagus " 612.819911 in asphyxiation " 612.2323 1 Vienne " " 944.66 T_T membranes diseases of 616.11 Hautes physiology 612.17 1 Alpes, " " 944-97 valvs anatomy 611.1263 1 Pyrenees * " 944.78 Harte, F. Bret Am. fiction 813 .45 'Havana history 972.91 Hartford city, Ct. history 974.63 travels 917.291 conven. U.S. " 973.521 Haven shorthand 653.56 co. Ct. history 974.62 Haversian canals histol. 611.01843 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 719 Hearings legislativ procedure 328 . 3742 Heart, see Hart Hearth money pol. econ. 336.27 Heat agriculture 632 . 1 2 animal physiology 612.5 breeding zootechny 636.082451 diaphoretics 615.743 disinfection contag. dis. 614.483 effect on books 025 . 8 plants 581.54 engins air engins 621.41 food preservation 641 .4 geologic agents 551.94 imponderable remedies 6 1 5 . 83 2 mesology physiology 612.01443 meteorology 551.52 muscular physiology 612.7455 of earth 5 2 5 . 2 moon 523 .32 stars 523.82 sun 5 2 3-72 physics 536 physiologic effects 612.59 production, muscular 612.745 protection of animals 636 . 08362 slow, cooking by 641 . 588 thermochemistry 541.36 Heaters, feedwater 621.1972 portable 644.19 Heath sheep 636 . 333 Heathen apologetics against 239.3 art ecclesiology 246 . 2 missions to 266 philosofy vs the church 261.2 religions 290 -salvation of 234 Heathenism nonchr. relig. 299 Heating apparatus dairy 637.1322 bilding 697 cheesemaking 63 7 . 3334 domestic economy 644 houses sanitary engin'g 628.8 libraries 022 . 8 milk preservation 637 . 1332 physics 536.83 practical chemistry 542 . 4 school bildinga 371.628 shipbilding 623 . 85 ' steam plants 621 . 19 systems dom. econ. 644 . i Tophs in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 'Havre, France history 944-25 travels 914.425 Hawaii annexation U. S. hist. 973.88 1 history 996.9 travel 919.69 Hawaiian annexation treaty 973.86 language 499 Hawes, S. Eng. poetry 821.25 Hawkesworth, J: " essays 824.65 Hawking sports 799 business 639.1 Hawkins, J : discov. of Am 973-17 Hawk agricultural pest 632.682 captor zooteehny 636.081113 Hawsers ship outfit 623 - 86 strength of 620.11288 Hawthorne, J. Amer. fie. 8i3-47 N. 8i3-33 Hay agriculture 633 2 dry fodder zootechny 636.08554 fever diseases 616 . 202 gatherers 631-3532 making 631-553 rakes 63I-3532 spreders 63I-353I stackers 63I-3534 Haybox cookers 643-338 Hayracks 63I-3735 Hayes, R. B. presidency of 973-83 Hayne, P. H. Am. poetry Si i . 42 *Hayti history 972.94 travel 917.294 Haze meteorology 551-57 Hazelnut 634-54 Hazing student life 371.82 Hazlitt, W : Eng. essays 824.76 Head, Headgear, etc., see Hed, Hedgear, etc. Healing, divine 265.8 Health, see Helth Hearing acoustics 534-7 anatomy 611.85 asylums for def 362.4 diseases 617.8 ear hospitals 362.1 facial nerv 612 .81974 localization of sense 612.82555 physiology 612.85 psychology 152.2 720 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Heaven theology 237. Heavenly bodies figures of 521. rotation of 521. Heavy current engineering 6ai . Hebbel, F; Ger. drama 832. Hebraic Sabbath 263. Hebrew ancient history 933 language 492 . literature 892 . religion 296 Hebrews epistles 227. modern history 296 94i. 4 14 31-37 77 4 4 87 Hebrides New sheep history 993 . . travels 919. 636.; Hebrides, Hed ake diseases 616 anatomy 611 art anatomy 743 boiler steam engineering6 21 bones anat. 6n bursae 611 craniology 573 diseases 616 dress customs 391 lymfatic glands anat. 611 lymfatics " 6 1 1 muscles " 611 oblique muscles " 611 phrenology 139 surgery 617 Hedakes diseases 616 Hedberg, F. Swed. dram. 839 Heders 631 Hedge trimmer 631 Hedgear, indoor 646 outdoor 646 Hedges agriculture 631 landsc. gardening 715 Heding pruning 631 Hedjaz, Arabia history 953 Hedonism ethics 171 Hedstones monuments 718 mortu. design 247 legume crops 633 anatomy 6 1 1 Hedysareae Heel bone " 6 i i . scrape 631 . Hegel German philosofers 193. Hegelund, Pt J. Dan. dram.839, Hegesias Gk philosofers 183. Heiberg, J. L. Dan. dram. 839 Heiberg. P: A. 'Dan. dram. 839. 82 5 8 Heidelberg catechism 238.41 history 943 . 46 travels 914.346 Heideschnucken 636 . 333 Height, see Hight Heine, H , Ger. poetry 831 . 75 Heinrich von Veldeke 83 1 . 23 Heinrije van Veldeke 839 .3112 Heirs law 347-6 'Hejaz, Arabia history 953.2 Hektograf offis appliances 652 Heldenbuch Ger. poetry 831.29 das K.v.d.ROhn83i .35 Heliand Saxon epic poetry 839 . 2 Helicopters aeronautics 629.176 Heliocentric longitude and latitude 521 .25 place 521.2 Heliografs, military 623 . 73 1 Heliogravure photog. 777 Heliometer astronomy 522.45 Heliostat " 522.58 Heliotherapy medicin 615.831 Heliotropism mesology' 612.014447 Heliotypes 774 Heliozoa zoology 593 .13 Helium group chemistry 546 . 29 Hell theology 237.5 Hellebore irritant poisons 615.93 Hellenic languages, minor 489 Helmers, J. F. Dutch poet. 839.3152 Helminthology zoology 595 . i Help, see Servants Helps, Sir A. Eng. essays 824.84 Helps for laboring classes 331.85 Helta affected by soil 614.77 boards of local gov't 352.4 pub. helth 614 for library servis 023 . 54 laws hygiene 613 lift therapeutics 615.82 of students 371 .71 public 614 resorts hygiene 613.12 Helths drinking of customs 394 . i ethics 178.3 Hematin physiology 612.11116 Hematoidin 612.11116 Hematology, sec Blood Hematopoiesis physiology 612.119 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 721 Hematopoietic action of spleen 612.411 function of liver 612.356 Hematoxylin physiology 612.11116 Hematuria 612.46669 Hemeralopia 612.8456 Hemin 612.11116 Hemiplegia paralysis 616.842 Hemiptera insects 595-75 Hemlock therapeutics 615.786 Hemming dom. econ. 646 . 2 1 Hemmingsen, N. Dan. misc. 839 . 883 Hemocyanin physiol. 612.1118 Hemoglobin blood 612.11111 nutrition 612.3981452 Hemoglobinuria physiol. 612.46669 Hemolytic subst. 612.11145 Hemophilin " 612.11533 Hemorrhage in labor obstetrics 618.54 of the lungs diseases 616.234 physiology 612.1162 Hemorrhoidal artery, middle anat. nervs, plexus Hemorrhoids diseases HemGstasia physiology Hemp agriculture See also distinguishing name domestic economy engineering materials gathering harvesters manufactures Hen pigeons Henderson co. 111. hist. 'Hendricks co. Ind. " Henequen agave fibers Henri Deux ware pottery Henry i Eng. history Irish history Eng. history 611.13774 611.839 6ll .1471 616.35 612.11621 633-53 646.12 620. 197 631-5565 63I-3565 677 636.59628 977-341 977-253 633.5771 738 942.023 942.031 94I-52 942-034 942 . 041 942 . 042 942.043 942.051 942-052 Henry I French history Henry i Ger. history 2 3 4 5 'Henry co. 111. history 1 Ind. 1 la. 1 Mo. " 1 O. " Ft, capture U.S.civ.war naval hist. " Hens diseases of poultry Hepatic artery anatomy circulation physiology duct anatomy extract physiology nervs anatomy opotherapy physiology steatoses, toxic " vein anatomy Hepaticae botany Hepatitis diseases Hepatology physiology Heptarchy Eng. history Heraclitus Gk philosofy Heraldry ^erat, Afghanistan hist, trav. 'Herault, France history Herb doctors cures Herbaceous grafting Herbal perfume plants Herbariums architecture Herberay, N : d' Fr. fiction Herbert, G: Eng. poetry Herblike fruits Herbs garden crops Herculaneum description Herd books zootechny character composition Herder, J; G. von Ger. poet. Herdwick sheep 944.021 944.028 944.029 944.031 943.022 943.022 943-023 943-023 943-023 943.024 943.026 977-338 977.264 977-795 977.846 977-H5 973.7322 973-752 619-5 636.5 611 .13641 612.3515 611.362 612.3516 611.8393 612.35161 612.3541 611 .1464 588.3 616.36 612.35 942.01 182.4 929.6 958-3 915-83 944.84 615-855 631-54137 633.812 580.7 727.6 843-33 821.38 634 77 635.7 9I3.377 636.0822 636.0821 636 . 0823 831-64 636-3253 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 722 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Hereditary diseases hygiene genius mental charac. membership in legis. bod. societies, Amer. succession 613 136 328 369 347 321 law pol. sci. Heredity evolution 575 hygiene 613 mental 136 origin of the soul 129 physiology 612 spiritual doctrinal theol. 233 zootechny 636 'Hereford, England hist. 942 sheep 636 cattle 636 Heresies 273 Heretics, persecutions of 272 Herjulfson, B. Amer. hist. 973 'Herkimer co. N. Y. hist. 974 Hermann v. Sachsenheim 831 Hermanni, N. Swed. poetry 839 Hermaphrodites animals 591 man 573 Hermaphroditism physiol. 612 Hermeneutics Bible 220 Hermetic art alchemy 540 Hermits biografy 920 religious biografy 922 Hernia diseases 616 Herniotomy surgery 617 Herodotus Greek literat. 888 Heroism ethics 179 Herpetology 598 Herrera, F. de Herrick, R. Span, poetry 86 1 Eng. poetry 821 Herring fisheries 639 Herrnhuters sects ' 284 Hertford Eng. history 942 Hertz, Hcnrik Dan. dram. 839 Herzegovina history 943 . Hesiod Greek epic poetry 883 . 2 Hesse- 1 Darmstadt Ger. hist. 943 . 4 1 Nassau " " 943 . Hessian fly agric. pests 632 . sheep " 636 . Hessians Amer. re vol. 973- Hetaerism customs 392 . Heterocera, see Moths 93 3 .3352 .1 .6 .6 .1 9 3 2 605 3 .08211 44 3242 2226 13 761 33 7111 167 9 608 6 i 34 55 i 6 i 35 43 2 6 58 8263 96 58 77 3332 342 6 Heterogenesis alternate generation spontaneous " Heterophagic variat. zool. Heven theology Hevenly bodies, figures of rotation " Hevy current cells engineering Hexacorolla zoology Hexagons geometry Hexameters English prosody Greek Latin 3 other languages Hexapoda zoology Hexateuch Bible Heyse, P. J;L; Ger. fict. Heywood, J : Eng. drama Hiatus Greek prosody Latin " other languages Hibbert lectures religion Hibernation comp. phys. zoology Hickory nut Hickok, L. P. Am. philos. Hickory co. Mo. history Hicksites friends 1 Hidalgo, Mexico history Hide eng. materials Hierarchy, military Hieroglyphics Egyptian High altitude observatories church Anglican church cranberry huckleberry license temper, ethics pressure engins hot water heat'g piping hydraul. steam heat'g schools speed telegrafy treason law High velocity overshot wheels Higher algebra criticism Bible 591-163 591.161 59I-I53 237-4 521.14 521.15 621.3534 621. 31-. 37 593 63 426.5 486. 476. 595-7 822 .21 486.4 476.4 290 612.58 591-54 634 52 191.4 977.8496 289.6 972.4 62O . 198 355-33 419 493-1 522.14 283 634-745 634-737 178.4 621.11253 697.4 621.253 697-5 379-17 621 .3824 343 621 . 222 5" 8 220.6 Topics in black face type are subdivide!. Supsrmr fijarss refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX Higher education academies colleges of women numeric equations algeb. 512.22 *Highland co. O. history Highland blackfaced sheep Highlands, Scotland descr. 1 hist. Highmore's body anat. Hight of atmosphere bildings ground hyg. tide wave Hights, mesurem't survey'g526.94 Highway areas Eng. loc. go^ bridges engin'g Highwaymen law Highways administration law local government road engineering transportation. travel on protec.of life Hil sowing Hildebrand Italian hist. religious " Hildebrandslied Ger. poe' Hillhouse, J. A. Am. dram. 812 .23 'Hillsboro co. N. H. hist, ^illsdale co. Mich. Hilside plow Hilsides reclamation Himalayan architecture Himalayas phys. geog. travel Himyaritic inscriptions language Hindbrain anatomy 4 Hindi language Hindoo, see Hindu ^indostan history Hindrances farming Hindu architecture languages law philosofy religion Hinduism Hindustan history 4 Hindustani language Hinged arch bridge engin'g Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index Hinny domestic animals 636.183 373 Hinterwald goat 636 . 393 378 Hip 376.6 anatomy 611.981 . 512 .22 bone 611.7181 977.184 diseases of 616.7 636.3252 joint anatomy 611.7282 914.11 muscles " 611.7381 94I.I surgery 617.58 611.6315 Hipparion paleontology 569.7 Hippias Greek philos. 183.1 523-58 Hippocampal gyre anat. 611.81314 614. 784 sulcus " 611.81314 525-65 Hippocrates strainer chem. 542.67 ^526.94 Hippology see Horse . 352.0427 Hipponax Greek satire 887.3 624. 12 Hippophagy hygiene 613.28 343 Hippuric acid physiology 612 .461266 Hirudinidae medicin 616.9688 35i-8ii zoology 595 . i 347-2 Hirundinidae 598 . 8 352-7 Histogenesis " 591.17 625.7 Histology 386 animals 59* -8 614.862 botany 581.8 631-5313 human anatomy 611.018 945 -3 of muscular contraction 612.7419 270.4 Historians, English biog. 928.28 831.11 Historic 812 .23 atlases 911 974-28 books Bible 222 977-429 charts and tables 902 631.3124 geograf y 911 631.613 2 magazines 905 722.4 painting 756 55 J -43 school econ. systems 330.154 9I5-42 sermons 252.9 492-917 ^ societies 906 492.9 theology 209 611.817 History 9 491 43 ancient 930 constitutional 342 954 ecclesiastic 270 632 general modern 909 722.4 literary, general 809 491.1 modern 940-999 349-54 natural 590 181.4 naval, see spec, countries 294 of civilization 90 1 294 soil 631.49 954 philosofy of 901 49i 43 sacred 220 . 9 universal 909 624 . 68 * of special topics see subject 724 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Histrionics Hittites history Hives apiculture skin diseases Hjarne, Urban Swed. mis Hobbes materialism Hobbies Hobkirkshill.S.C. Am.rev 'Hoboken, N. J. history 'Hochelaga co. Que. " locking co. O. Hocky outdoor sports Hoe, grubbing horse hand Hoeing tillage Hoffmann.E.T.W; Ger.fict Hofmannswaldau " poet Hog diseases of domestic animals engin engineering stys air pollution Hohenstaufen, house of German histor} Hohenzollern " u Hoijer, B : K: H. Sw.essay; Hoisting engins min. eng. machinery " mining engin'g of water mining Hoists blocks and tackle hydraulic projectil ordnance Holberg, L. Dan. dram. Holderlin, J ; C. F ; Ger.poel Holderness cattle Holdover members legislatures Holiday opening library econ. work " Holidays customs hygiene laboring classes library economy school education Holiness doctr. theology Holland, J. G. Am. essays 814.34 Holland swine see also Netherlands 792 Hollow tile 939-45 construction bilding 693 . 4 638.1 floors arch, construe. 721.63 616.51 Holly system waterwks 628.12 =.839.7832 Holmes, O.W. Am. humor 817.32 146 'Holmes co. O. history 977.164 Holmstrom.I. Swed. poetry 839 . 7134 973-337 2 Holocephali zoology 597-3 974.928 Holothuroidea " 593 . 96 971.428 Holstein 977-i83 cattle domes, animals 636.2341 796 1 duchy of history 943.51 631.3116 Friesian cattle dom. anim.636 . 2342 631.3162 horse dom. animals 636.143 63I-3I5I 'Holt co. Mo. history 977.8115 63I-5I5 Holtz machine electricity 537.2 . 833.64 Holy 83L55 alliance European hist. 940 . 28 communion 265.3 619.4 Eastern church 281.9 636.4 Ghost, knights of 929 . 716 621 . 13262 theology 231.3 614. 762 grail legends 398-2 land history, ancient 933 ' 943. 024 mod. 956.9 943-49 pre-Israel. hist. 939.45 ,839.7461 travels 915.69 622 .67 leag French history 944.029 621.86 offis persecutions 272 . 2 622.6 Span. hist. 946 . 04 622.55 orders church 265.4 Roman empire 943 621.862 rood ecclesiology 247.9 621 .263 scriptures 220 623.4364 see 282 839.8241 Spirit theology 231.3 .831.67 war thret Great war 940.315297 636.2831 water ecclesiology 246.6 Homage feudalism 321.3 328.3356 Home, H: English essays 824.62 J: " dram. 822.64 024.43 Home 023.633 customs 392 domestic economy 643 394 economics 640 6i3-77 education library econ. 021.4 331-817 of girls 376.3 023.65 self-education 374 371-23 vs school 373 . ii 234.8 life ethics 1 73 . 7 814-34 meals domest. econ. 642 . i 636.434 missions 266 relations customs 39 2 -3 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 7 2 5 . Home rule Irish history 941.58 polit. parties 329.942 study, societies for 374.43 use of books lib. reg. 024 . 6 woman in 396.6 Homeopathy therap. 615.53 Homer Greek poetry 883 . i Homeric hymns 883 . 1 Homers pigeons 636.59635 Homes country architecture 728 . 6 foraged architecture 725.56 poor, city " 728. n country cottages 728.68 tenem'ts 728. 12 hygiene 613.51 soldiers architecture 725.59 institutions 362.8 Washingtonian architec. 725.65 working girls institu. 362.8 pol. econ. 331.83 Homested bill U. S. law 347.2 Homicide law 343 Homiletics theology 251 Homilies sermons 252 Homoeopathy 615.53 Homoiothermic animals, 612 .39196 Homologies biology 574 botany 581.4 zoology 591 . 4 Homonyms Eng. philol. 424 Homopolar mach. elec.eng. 621.313291 Homoptera entomology 595.75 Hondt system suffrage 324 . 224 Honduras 1 British history 972.82 1 Central America hist. 972.83 trav. 917.283 turkey 636.59213 Honesty ethics 1 74 . 7 Honey agriculture 638 . i Honeymoon customs 392 . 5 ^long Kong, China hist. 951-2 trav. 915.12 'Honolulu history 996.9 travels 919.69 Honor business ethics J 74-7 military 355 .13 roll of Great war 940.467 U. S. civ. war 973 . 767 student 371.81 system school gov't 371-59 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index Honorary degrees colleges 378.25 titles heraldry 929 . 7 Honors Great war 1914-19 940.46 military science 355-13 Hood, Robin legends 398 . 2 . T: Eng. humor 827.72 Hoods, academic 378.29 domestic econ. 646.55 Hooft, C. Dutch drama 839 .3232 Hoogvliet.Arn. " poetry 839.3143 Hook bone anatomy 611.71778 Hooks, bill 631.3424 grass 631.3511 pruning 631.3422 reaping 631.3511 strength of engin'g 620.11286 weed 631.3155 Hookworm disease 616.965 Hooping cough diseases 616.204 Hoops, gun ordnance 623.4233 strength of engin'g 620 . 11286 Hoopt guns ordnance 623.42161 Hoosac tunnel engin'g 622.26 Hopken,A.J.von Swed. misc. 839 . 7845 Hopkinsianism Calvinism 284.2 Hopkinson, Francis Am.sat.8i7 . 14 Hops agriculture 633 . 89 brewing 663 . 3 Horace Latin lyric poetry 874 . 5 satire 877.3 Hordeae grass crops 633 . 289 Horizon, artificial 522 . 57 Horizontal marine engins 62 1 . 1224 steam " 621.11242 Horn organic chemistry 547 wind instrument 788.4 Hornbill birds 598.8 Hornd cattle agriculture 636.2 dorset sheep 636.3233 Norfolk sheep 636.3235 Horneck, O. von Ger. poet. 83 1 . 3 1 Hornet and Peacock U. S. hist. 973 .5253 Penguin " 973-5 2 57 Hornless Spanish goat 636 . 396 Horns anatomy 611.788 drinking customs 394.1 gray spinal cord 611.822 Horology astronomy 529 . 7 watchmaking 68 1 Horoscope astrology 1 3 3 . 5 726 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Horse artillery mil. engin'g captor zootechny cars railroad eng. cruelty to cultivators diseases veterin. med. domestic animals fertilizers hoe pox diseases racing amusements ethics railway engineering sociology useful arts trade zootechny dom. animals rollers shoeing training zoology Horseman pigeons Horsemanship Horsepower, locomotiv Horseradish Hortatory theology Horticultural societies agric. Horticulture agriculture art Hose fire engins Hosea Bible Hosiery clothing costumes manufacture Hospice of St Bernard protec. of life Hospital cookery dom. econ. gangrene diseases ships shipbilding sketches Great war U. S. civ. war training schools Hospitalers knights Hospitality ethics Hospitals and asylums arch. Great war 1914-19 hygiene institutions 623.431 636.081113 625.6 179-3 631.3162 619. i 636.1 631.861 631.3162 616.955 798 175-7 625.6 386 656 631-3141 682.1 636.08113 636.1 599-7 636.59631 798 621 . 1311 633.846 243 716 630.6 630 716 614.846 224.6 646 .42 391-4 677 614.87 641 .563 616.941 623 . 826 940 476 973-776 610.73 929.711 177.1 725 5 940.476 613-56 362 Hospitals U. S. history civil war 973-776 Mex. " 973.627 revolution 973.376 Span, war 973 .897 war of 1812 973 . 527 Host eucharist 265.3 Hostilities, see War Hot air baths hygiene 613.46 engins 621.41 heating bilding 697.3 treatment 615.832 drinks hygiene 613.37 houses agriculture 63 1 . 5445 flower culture 716.3 springs physical geol. 551.23 water heating 697 . 4 wether cookery 641 . 592 Ho tblooded horses 636.12 Hotbeds forcing 631.5443 protection 63 1 . 3443 Hotchkiss gun ordnance 623.4225 revolving cannon 623.42242 Hotels architecture 728 . 5 cookery 641.572 family architecture 728.2 housekeeping 647 . 94 hygiene 613.52 Hottentots description 916.87 Houdan fowls 636 . 542 1 Houghton co. Mich. hist. 977.499 Hourglasses horology 529.78 system lib. econ. 023 . 64 Hours library regula. for read. 024 . 3 meal lib. econ. 023.62 of labor dom. econ. 647.7 newspaper offis 070.315 33 I - 8l 4 023 .61 371.166 37I-24 polit. econ. servis lib. econ. teachers school House bilding 690 care of dom. econ. 648 . cleaning " " 648. connections sewerage 628. domestic economy 643 drainage sewerage 628. drains " 628. 5 5 2 5 2 6 235 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 727 House Howitzers 623.4213 flies domestic pests 648.7 Hubbard squash 635 . 622 furnishing dom. econ. 645 Hubbardton, Vt. Am. rev. 973 .3332 garments " " 646.43 Huckleberry 634 . 73 of commons English 328.42 Huckster licenses local gov.352 . 8 correction 3 6 4 Hudson lords English 328.42 1 bay territory history 97 1 . 2 refuge 364 1 co. N. J. 974.926 representativs U. S. 328.73 river campain Am. rev. 973 . 332 1 painting bilding 698.1 description 917.47 repairs dom. econ. 643-7 Hudson's, H : voyage sanitation " " 648.5 N. Y. hist. 974.7 tax real estate 336.22 U. S. " 973.21 wiring elec. lighting 621 .3282 Huerta. V. A.G. de la 86 1 . 43 Household Huet, C. B. Dutch essays 839.3455 accounts dom. econ. 647.1 Hugh Capet Fr. history 944.021 administration 647 Hughes printing telegraf 621.38253 art decoration 747 Hugo, V. M. Fr. drama 842 . 78 organization 647 " fiction 843.78 registers of servants 647.29 " poetry 841.78 servis, indoor 647-25 Huguenots outdoor 647-3 church 284.5 Housekeeper dom. econ. 647.21 lives 922.4 Housekeeping 640 persecutions 272.4 cooperation 334-4 Hulsean lectures apologet. 239.03 schools dom. econ. 640.7 Human Houses ability doctrinal theol. 233.4 architecture 720 anatomy 611 care zootechny 636.0832 body art anatomy 743 disinfection in cont. dis. 614.48 temperature 6 1 2 . 56 farm 631.21 and mind 130 feeding in zootechny 636.08426 depravity doctr. theol. 233.1 flues in sewerage 628.233 excreta fertilizer 63 1 . 86 hygiene 613 5 faculties psychology 150 noble heraldry 929.7 figure perspectiv 5 1 5 . 67 pipes on sewerage 628 . 234 habitations hygiene 613.5 society student life 371.86 life protec. fr. accident 614.8 Housewifery 640 locomotion physiol. 612.766 Housing mind psychology 150 of animals hygiene 614.94 nature dogmatics 233 zootechny 636.0831 mental charac. 136 laboring classes 331-83 physiology 612 Houston's valvs rectum 6H-35 1 power agriculture 63 1 . 3 7 1 1 Houwaert, J.B. Dut. poet. 839.3125 race ethnology 572 Hovenia 634.661 resorts hygiene 613.5 Howard, H : Eng. poet. 821.28 rights pol. science 323 toward co. Ind. hist. 977-285 sacrifice nonchrist. relig. 290 1 la. 977-731 Humane societies 179-2 i Md. 975.281 Humanism literature 880 . 7 1 Mo. 977.8285 Humanism philosofy 149-9 1 Howell co. Mo. " 977.885 Humanitarianism sects 288 Howells, W: D. Am. fie. 8i3-43 theol. 230.8 Howe's campaign Am. rev. 973-3336 Humanity ethics *77-7 Howitzer mounts ordn. 623.4322 Humanized vaccination 614.4732 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 728 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 'Humboldt co. la. hist. Humbugs delusions Hume, D : Eng. essays philosofy Humeral artery anatomy Humero- radial joint anatomy spinal muscles ulnar joint " Humerus Humidity soil Humility ethics Humiriaceae botany Humming birds zoology Humor American literature revolution aqueous anatomy physiology 5 English literature Great war 1914-19 library U. S. civil war war of 1812 vitreous anatomy physiology Humoral pathology Humorists, Eng. biografy Hundred days Fr. hist. Hungarian fowls goat language merinos sheep swine, curly short eared 'Hungary history Hunger and thirst physiol. Huns history Hunt, Leigh Eng. essays 'Hunterdon co. N. J. hist. Hunters horses Hunting business sport suits dom. econ. training zootechny 'Huntingdon co. Pa. hist. 1 Que. " 'Huntington city.W.Va " co. Eng. " 1 Ind. " Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 977.727 'Huron co. Mich. " 977 . 444 133-7 1 o. 977-125 824.64 1 Ont. " 971.322 192.4 Huronian strata geology 551.71 611.1342 Hurricanes 551-55 Husband and wife ethics 173.3 611.72733 law 347-6 611.7311 Husbandry agriculture 630 611.72731 Husbands, duties of eth. 173.3 611.7174 Husk tomato 635 . 647 Huskers 631.3613 631-432 Husking, corn 631.5613 179.9 Hussites Christian sects 284.3 583-213 Huttegen fowls, Belgian 636 . 548 598.8 Huydecoper, Balthaser Dutch drama 839.3243 817 Huygens, Constantijn 973-396 Dutch poetry 839.3134 611 .8449 4 Huzwaresh language 491-53 612 . 8444 Hvitfeld, Arild Dan. mis. 839.883 827 Hyaloid canal anat. 611.8447 940.436 membrane " 611.8447 020.88 Hybrid turnip 633.425 973-796 Hybrids 973-5 2 96 animals zoology 591.158 611 . 8447 zootechny 636.082431 612 .8447 plant breeding 631 . 523 616.4 plants botany 581.158 928. 27 Hydatids of Morgagni 61 1 . 633 944-05 parasitic diseases 616.964 636.538 Hyderabad, India history 954. 9 636-393 Hydragogs cathartics 615.7324 494 Hydrations 636.36737 in organisms 612.01536 637-373 mesology 612.0144612 636.472 Hydraulic 636.432 brakes gun mounts 623.43563 943-9 1 elevators engineering 621.8774 612.391 lib. bldgs 022 . 954 95 engin mech. engin'g 621.25 824.77 physics 532.82 974.971 engineering 627 636.13 sanitary 628 639-1 giant engineering 621.269 799 machinery 621.26 646.47 mining engineering 622.32 636.088662 motors 621.2 974-873 press " 621.266 971-431 physics 532.82 975-4421 pressing printing 655.33 942.56 ram engineering 621.27 977.271 Hydraulics science 532 Hydrazo bodies chem. 547-8 RELATIV INDEX 729 Hydrocarbons 547 . 2 mineral. 549 . 8 Hydrocele diseases 616.68 Hydrocephalus " 616.82 Hydrocharideae botany 584.11 Hydrochloric acid physiol. 612.3233 Hydrodynamics physics 532 . 5 water engins 621.2 Hydroelectric plants 621 .312134 Hydrogen carburetted pub. helth 614.722 chemistry 546 . 1 1 Hydrogeology 5 5 1 . 92 Hydrografy surveying 526.99 Hydroidae zoology 593 .71 Hydrokinetics 532.5 Hydrology 551.46 Hydrolytic ferments physiologic chemistry 612.01512 Hydromechanics 532 Hydromedusae zoology 593.71 Hydrometry specific gravity chem. 542 . 33 physics 532.4 velocity " 532-57 Hydropathy 615.853 Hydrophobia diseases 616.953 protecti v inoculation 614.477 public helth 614.563 Hydrophyllaceae botany 583.764 Hydrostatics 532 Hydrotherapy 615.853 Hydrotimetry chem. anal. 543.3 Hydrous silicates mineralogy 549.65 sulphates 549 . 76 Hydrozoa zoology 593 . 7 Hygiene mental 131 military 613.67 naval 613.68 of air and ground 614.7 animals pub. helth 614.9 zootechny 636.0893 occupation 613.6 pregnancy obstetrics 618.24 travel and exploration 613.69 personal 613 prison 613.57 public 614 school education 371-7 vocal 784-9 Hyginus, C. J. Latin poet. 871.3 Hygrometry meteorology 551.57 Hygroscopic moisture agric. 631.432 Hylozoism metaphysics 146 Hymen anatomy 611.672 Hymenomycetes botany 589.222 Hymenoptera fossils 565.79 insects 595-79 pests 632 . 79 Hymn tunes music 783 . 9 Hymnody " 783 . 9 Hymnology sacred theol. 245 Hymns Homeric 883 . i hymnology 245 Hyoid bone anatomy 611.7165 muscles " 611.734 Hyperae-, see Hypere- H yperbola analytic geom.5i6.24 geometry 5i3- 2 4 Hyperbolic func. calculus 517.36 Hyperboloid analyt. geom. 516.44 Hyperboreans Gk mythol. 292 Hyperdulia Rom. cath.theol.230 . 2 Hyperelliptic func. calculus 517.36 Hyperemia diseases 616.1 Hyperesthesia " 616.856 physiology 612.887 Hypericineae botany 583.162 Hyperides Gk oratory 885 . 7 Hypermetamorphosis zool. 591.35 Hypermetropia physiol. 012.8452 Hypertrophies skin dis. 616.54 Hypnotics therapeutics 615.782 Hypnotism mesmerism 134 phys. psych 612.82171 Hypoblast embryology 611.01337 Hypochondria medicin 616.852 mental disease r 3 2 -3 Hypodermic injections med. 615.63 Hypogastric glands anatomy 611.4651 nervs " 611.839 region " 6n .957 veins 611.1471 Hypoglossal nerv anatomy 611.83193 physiology 612.81993 nucleus anatomy 611.8189 Hypopharynx " . 611.3273 Hypophysis " 611.8143 physiology 612.492 Hypothalamus anatomy 611.8141 Hypotheses logic 167 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 730 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Hypothesis, nebular 523.12 Hypothetic 8 sentences Eng. gram. 425.4 Hypsometry phys. geog. SSJ-SS Hyracoidea mammals 599 . 6 Hyrax " 599 . 6 Hyrcania ancient history 939 . 62 Hysteria diseases 616.852 Hysterics ment. derange. 132.5 Hysterology 425.3 Hysterotomy obstetrics 618.86 I beams engineering I.W.W. labor organizations lamblichus Greek philos. Iberia, Asia anc. hist. 'Iberville co. Que. hist. Ibsen, Henrik Dan. dram. Ice age geology breakers shipbilding dealers trades erosion and deposition formation of frost geologic agents houses architecture impure hygiene manufacture meteorology packing for the ded sports trade economics Icebergs physical geog. Icecream dom. econ. Iceland discovery Scand. hist. 1 history 4 language 5 literature sheep Ices domestic economy Ichneumonidae pests zoology Ichnology paleontology Ichthyology Ichthyopterygia reptils Iconoclasts heathen art Iconografy Christian Iconology emblems Icterus diseases pediatrics physiology *Ida co. la. history Idaho U. S. admission U.S. hist. 1 history mil. hist. U.S.civ.war war with Spain Ideal state pol. sci. Idealism philos. system Idealistic painting Idealized dance music Ideals, library for special places Ideas, innate psychology 620 . 11282 331-88 186.4 939-54 97I-46I 839.8266 551-79 623.828 689 551 3 551-57 55i-9i 728.97 613.32 621.58 55*>57 614. 64 796 338-3 55!-34 641.86 948.02 949.1 439 6 839 6 636.372 641.86 632.79 595 79 566 597 598-15 246.3 730 246 246.5 616.36 618.9 6l2 -357 6 5 977.742 973-86 979.6 973-7496 973-89496 321.07 141 753 786.45 021 .03 021 .04 156 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX Identity, mistaken law 347.94 personal 126 Idiocy . 132.2 Idiom neutral univ. lang. 408 . 9 3 Idioms Eng. language 423:1 Idiosyncrasies , mental 137 Idiosyncrasy influence of therapeu. 615.57 Idiots asylums 362.3 architecture 7 2 5 5 3 child study 136.7622 schools 371.92 Idleness ethics i?9-8 Ido univ. lang. 408 . 9 Idolatry nonchrist. relig. 290 Idumaea ancient history 939.46 Idyllic orchestral music 785 .3 " vocal music 784-3 Iffland, A ; W ; Ger. drama 832 . 65 Iglesias de la Casa, J. 86 1 . 47 Igneous rocks lithology 552 . i Ignition devices gas engins62 1.437 Iguanodon fossils 568.19 Ihre, Johan Swed. miscel. 839.7843 Hand of Reil anat. 611.81319 Hands isolated history. 997 of Langerhans anat. 611.377 physiol. 612 .349 physical geografy 551.42 for special ilands see name Iliac arteries anatomy 611.137 glands " 611.4651 muscle " 611.73812 veins 611.147 Iliad Greek epic poetry 883 . i Ilicineae botany 583.269 Ilio- cecal valv anatomy 611.3451 costal muscle " 611.73131 femoral ligament " 611.7282 hypogastric nerv, great 6 1 1 . 83 54 1 'inguinal nerv anat. 611.83542 psoas muscle " 611.73811 Ilium 611.344 bone " 611.71811 1 Ille et Vilaine, Fr. hist. 944.15 Illecebracea2 botany 583.912 Illegal practises legislation 328 . 367 voting suffrage 324.272 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior Illegitimacy law 347-6 Illinois, U. S. admission U. S. hist. 973 . 54 1 history 977 3 For military history, see 973.52473, 973-7473 and 973-89473 travel 9*7 -73 Illiteracy public schools 379 . 2 spelling reform 421 .4 suffrage 324.14 Illuminated books 096 manuscripts 091 Illuminati society 366.4 Illuminating apparatus microscopes 578.5 engineering 628.9 gases air pollution 614.723 chem. tech. 665 . 7 inspection of 614.835 Illumination decoration 745 electric 537-83 engineering 621.32 engineering 628.9 house lighting 644.3 instruments, astronomy 522.55 microscopy 578.5 sacred ornamentation 247.4 Illusions, mental 133 . 2 optic physiology 612.84374 sensory " 612.82189 Illustrated books rarities 096 Illustrations of books printing 655.32 publishing 655.53 rare 096 Illustrativ material Great war 940 .49 U.S. civ. war 973.79 Mex. " 973.629 revol. " 973 . 39 war 1812 973.529 orchestral music 785 . 2 Illyria ancient history 939.87 antiquities 9 1 3 - 398 7 Image worship idolatry 290 Images in churches eccles. 246.3 Imaginaries, calculus of 5 1 7 . 8 Imaginary books 098 expressions algebra 512.24 imprints 014 quantities algebra 512.24 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 732 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Imagination in art 701 science 50 1 influence on body 615, mental faculties 155 physiologic psychology 612 Imbecility ment. derange. 132 Imbecils, see Idiots Imbibition physiology ,612, Imitation education 37 Immaculate conception of Christ 232 Mary 230, Immersion baptism baptist doctrins sects Immersionists sects biografy colonies 851 8212 2 Immigrants Immigration Immoral . art literature 265 . 230. 286 286 922. 325. 325 ethics 176 lib. exclusion 025 restriction 024 Immortality conditional 237 doctrinal theology 237 metaphysics 128 natural theology 218 of animals 591 Immunity against venoms 612 diplomatic 341 legis. prerogs. 328 Impact engineering 620 Impeachment administration 351 constitutional law 342 criminal law 343 legislativ investigation 328 procedure 328 Imperfections crystallog. 548 zootechny 636 . Imperial federation Great Britain 3 54 7 217 674 robes ceremonies Imperialism pol. sci. Implements agricultural domestic labor savers kitchen laundry ordnance primitiv 394 321 4201 4 03 Implied powers pol. sci. 328.253 Imponderable remedies ther. 615 . 83 Importance of labor polit. econ. 331-013 Importation duty free for colleges 337-8 libraries 021.861 of books Imports lib. economy 025.221 commerce 382 duty on 337 Imposition printing 655.27 Impostors humbugs 133 .7 Impotence diseases 616.69 Impoverishment of soil 631 . 45 Imprecations ethics T 79-5 Impregnation physiology 612.63 zootechny 636.082454 Impressionist painting 759-9 Impressment, military 355-22 of seamen 359 Imprints, fictitious 014 Imprisonment punishm'ts 343 . 2 Improvisation org. music 786.87 Impulse of water hydraulics physiologic psychology turbins water motors Impure ice hygiene Impurities butter 637 . 26 foods public helth 614.3 milk 637.16 of well water hygiene 613.32 waterworks 628.16 Inability, human theol. 233.4 Inanition animal heat 612.543 nutrition 612.391 Inarching agric. 631.5416 Inaugurations ceremonies 394.4 532.58 612 .82134 621 .247 613.32 Inbreeding zootechny Incandescence heat Incandescent lighting elec. eng. gas vapor lighting Incantations 636.08241 536.45 621 .326 628.9 elec. eng. 621 .327 T 33-4 Incapacity suffrage 324 .171 Incarnation Christology 232 . i 631.3 Incas history 985 643 . 6 Incendiary devices mil. eng.623 .4543 1 643-3 Incense ecclesiology 247.9 648.1 Incest crim. law 343 623.463 physiology 612.607 571 Inchbald, Mrs E.. Eng. dram. 822 . 67 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 733 Incineration of ded public helth garbage sari, engin'g Incised wounds surgery Inclination of equat. to eclip.525 Inclined marine engins plane canal engin'g machines steam engins Inclines railroad engin'g Inclosed arc elec. lighting 621 Income public finance student tax finance law decis. U.S.his Incompetency suffrage Incomplete coalescence deform. development Increase plant culture Incrustation architectural decoration steam boilers Incubation zootechny Incubators " India 614.62 antiquities ancient 913 34 628.44 modern 913 54 617. 141 architecture 720.954 525-5 1 ancient 722.4 Mohammed. 723-3 621 . 1224 botany 58i 954 626.5 1 British history 954 531-85 1 Farther 959 621 . 11246 finance 336 54 625-3 geology 555 4 621.32543 history, ancient 934 modern 954 336 maps 912.54 378.36 rubber manufactures 678 336.24 schools, public 379 54 973-87 statistics 315 4 324-171 travel 915 4 other topics see table i 617.32 Indian 617.31 1 archipelago history 991 63L5472 bureau U. S. admin. 353-3 corn agriculture 633-15 729.6 cress 635 - 566 621.1944 depredations Am. revol. 973 - 3344 636.08247 4 East, languages 491.1 636 . 082474 modern languages 491.4 Incunabula Incurables hospitals for book rarities 093 362. architec. 725. Incus anatomy of ear 6 1 1 . Indelible inks chem. tech. 667. Indemnity internat. law 341 . Independence, Am. U.S.hist. 973 . day schools 371. Independency ch. polity 262. Independent angles geod. Independents sects Indeterminate equations algebra forms calculus Indeterminism mental faculties Index error prac. astronomy expurgatorius rarities making literary meth. rerums. " " Indexes biblical concord. see subject indext India administration 857 4 3 313 365 8 526.. 285., 512.: 517-: 159 522 098 029 029 22O 38 5 5 9 354 . 54 fig -634-7754 game poultry 636.58814 goose 636 . 59886 hemp 633 . 567 legends 398.2 missions 266 mortality pub. helth 614.144 mutiny Sepoy rebellion 954 ocean physical geog. 551.467 travels 910.4 philosof ers 181.4 pony 636.168 religions 299.7 runner duck 636 . 59722 1 territory, U. S. history 976.6 Indian wars in U. S. eastern 973.24 French and indian 973 . 26 Harmar's expedition 973 .42 King Philip's 973.24 William's 973.25 Modoc 973.82 Pequot 973.22 Queen Anne's 973 -25 St Clair's expedition 973 . 42 Seminole, first, 1818 973.541 2d, 1835-42 973-571 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 734 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Indiana, U. S. admission U. S. history 973.5 1 history 977-2 For military history see 973-5Z47a, 973-7472 and travel 'Indiana co. Pa. Indianapolis, Ind. Indians, American biografy hist. 917. 974 977, 970 970. British allies Am. re vol. 973 U.S.war 1812 973 education of 371 ethnology 572 language 497 literature 897 Y. M. C. A. 267 'Indie languages 491 Indicators library economy 025 steam power plants 621 Indictments criminal law 343 'Indies, East, Dutch hist. 991 travel 919 lib. staf rules 023 medicin 616 chem. tech. 667 psychology 137 72 889 252 I 2 343 5242 975 897 366 I 6 1977 Indifference Indigestion Indigo Idiosyncrasy Indirect heating chem. 542 . voting suffrage 324 . Indium chemistry 546 . Individual instruction education 371 legislators restrictions 328 . rights pol. sci. 323. soul, origin of 129 Individualism pol. econ. 330. sci. 323. Individuals and the state 172. bibliografy 012 Indo- European Ianguages,minor49i literatures ' 891 Germanic " "491 Indoor amusements 793 grafting 631. servis dom. econ. 647. Indorsement law 347. 1 Indre, France hist. 944 . et Loire, France " 944 . Induced draft steam eng. 621. I 96 33 2 40 249 6 7 394 343 4 i 4 .54 * 8 25 4 55 54 18384 Induction balance electricity coil physics coils elec. engin'g telefone generators elec. eng. logic magnetism motors elec. engin'g of labor obstetric oper. potential regulators reasoning faculty spark electricity telegrafy elec. eng. Inductiv logic sciences Indulgences Roman ch. doct. Industrial arbitration arts classes political econ. depressions " diseases, see Occupations drawing economy education exhibitions history insurance legislation museums political econ. 537-24 537-51 621.3147 621 .3864 621.31363 160 538-2 621.31364 618.88 621.31452 153-6 537-52 621.38294 161 500 282 230.2 33I-I 600 33i 338.8 744 330 371-42 606 609 368 338.9 606 347-5 614.7 628.5 607 33i 331-88 660 355 26 nuisances law public he 1th sanitation schools statistics political econ. workers of the world Industries chemic tech. mil. resources primitiv useful arts Industry ethics 179-9 Inebriate asylums archit. 725.65 Inebriate asylums 362 . 8 Inebriates temperance 178.6 Inebriety diseases 616.861 Inequality, diurnal, of tides 525.63 Infallibility divine 231". 6 of the church 262 . 8 papal eccles. polity 262.13 Roman doctrin 230.2 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 735 Infallibility Roman church 282 schism Old catholics 284.8 Infancy, psychology of 136 . 72 Infant baptism 265.1 education elemen. educ. 372 mortality public helth 614.132 ration physiology 612.3942 salvation 234 therapeutics 615.54 Infantado sheep 636 . 364 Infanticide customs 392.2 ethics J 73-4 law 343 Infantil paralysis diseases 616.83 "- /. pub. helth 614.54 Infantalism pediatrics 618.9 Infantry army 356 Infants care of 618 diseases of 618 food for hygiene 613 nursery 649 stillbirth obstetrics 618. vital statistics 614. Infections etiology 616, function of spleen 612. protection agst san. eng. 628. public helth 614. Infectious diseases of domestic animals pathology public helth 614. 616. 614. special 614. Infernal machines manuf. 662 . Inferrto lib. economy 024. Infidelity natural theol. 211 Infiltration of water mining eng. 622. Infinit metaphysics 125 Infinitesimal calculus 517. Infinitiv English syntax 425. Greek " 485 . Latin " 475 . other languages Infirm, care of dom. econ. 649 . Infirmaries architecture 725 . hospitals 362. school bldgs 371. Inflammation physiology 612 . surgery 617. 6 9 22 3 39 OI 416 513 4 4 5 2 674 51 I 625 556 22 332 425 Inflammatory affec. of skin 616 Inflation apparatus aeronautics 629 paper money 'Inflection English philol. Influence civil servis reform 351. educ. of phys. training 371. of college education 378 on women 376, kindergarten 372. personal, of teachers 371. sectarian pub. schools 377. Influenza diseases 616. public helth 614. Infraorbital nerv anat. 6n. Infraspinatus muscle " 611. Infundibula " 611. Infundibulum anat. of brain 61 1 . Infusoria zoology 593 . Infusorial earth econ.geol. 553. petrografy 552. Ingemann, B. S. Dan.poet. 839. Ingenuity inventions 608 Ingersoll, C : J. Am. drama 812 . 1 Ingham co. Mich, history 977. Ingram's rebellion Va. hist. 975 . Inguinal glands anat. 611. Inhalation administrat'n of med. by 615. of dust hyg. of occupat'n 613 . gases *'.*." 613 . Inheritance law 347 of soul metaph. 129. tax 336. see also Heredity Inherited disease ' hygiene 613. mental disability " 6ij . traits 136. Inhibition nervous system 612. physiologic psychology 612 . Initials bibliografy 014 decoration 745 Initiativ " democracy 321 .4 pol. sci. 328.261 Injection pumps hyd. mach.62 1 . 267 Injections collectors manuals 579-3 hypodermic 615.63 intra-uterin obstetrics 618.89 medicin 615.6 physiologv 612.11812 161 5 01 64 22 IO2 I 203 5 831542 73713 6 39 8143 15 69 57 8162 24 426 5 4681 64 63 62 6 2 27 93 9 2 3 Son 82134 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 736 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Injectors steam engin'g 62 1 Injured, aid to, protec. of life 614 Injuries agriculture effects of diseases results of surgery surgery to library books rules shelf dept 632 616 617 617 024 025. 347 torts Injurious animals agriculture 632 . zoology 591 . insects agriculture 632 . occupations hygiene 613. plants agriculture 632 . botany 581 . Ink, colord, for books 655 . manufacture 667 . Inland navigation engineering 626 transportation 656 1973 88 98 2 I 8 6 65 7 6 5 65 26 quarantine pub. helth 614.462 seas physical geografy 55I-48 tides on 525 .66 Inlay architec. decor. 729.63 art furniture 749 Inlets sewerage 628.255 Innate ideas 156 Innervation center of physiology 612.834 of hart 612.178 iris " 61? .81931 large intestin " 612.368 liver " 612.358 lungs 612.28 lymphat. syst." 612 .425 uterus 612.6278 vesical appar. " 612.4673 theories " 612 .801 Innominate artery anat. 611.1325 veins " 611 . 145 Innominatum, os 611 . 7181 Inns architecture 728.5 domestic economy 640 of court English law 340.7 Inoculation budding 631-5415 protectiv public helth 614.47 Inorganic and organic matter, differ.577 chemistry 546 of soil 631 .416 Inorganic drugs materia medica 615 liquids physical chem. 541 substances, analysis of 543 Inquests, coroners Inquiries parliamentary legislation 328 Inquisition persecut. by 272 Span. hist. 946 Insane asylums architecture criminal law hospitals lives of Insanity law mind and body 132 nervous diseases 616 Inscriptions, comparativ 417 Eng. language 421 648 725 340 362 920 347 2 326 7 372 . 2 .04 52 .6 Insect powders Insecta parasitica ectozoa 6 i 6 entozoic diseases 616 Insecticides agriculture 632 dom. econ. 648 . insectifuges " " 648 Insectivora mammals 599 Insects fertilization of plants 581 , injurious agriculture 632 library econ. 025 . zoology 591 . metamorphosis embryol. 591. variation 591 . paleontology 565 . productiv agriculture 638 zoology 595 . Insessores birds 598. Insignia, college 3 7 8. heraldry 929. military 355 . Insolvency law 347- Insomnia disease 616. hygiene 613. Inspection of Hidings 614. elections suffrage 324 . ezplosivs, etc. 614. fertilizers 631. food, etc. pub. helth 614. ordnance stores 623 . Inspiration Bible 220. Installation of ministers 262 . sermons 252 . . I .8 7 7 9681 .967 951 7 7 3 16 7 8 65 34 7 7 8 27-. 29 6 13 7 84 86 85 26 83 818 3 4821 i 16 6 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 737 Instantaneous boilers 62 1 . 1842 7 Instinct comp. physiol. 612.821313 physiol. psych. 612.8213 psychology 158 zoology 591.51 Instinctiv knowledge 158 Institute of France 064 Institutes farmers 630.715 library training 020.715 Roman law 349.374 self education 374-9 teachers 370 . 72 workingmen's architec. 725.93 Institutions Christian educational feudal 321.3 housekeeping 647.96 monarchic 321.6 musical 780 . 7 of credit pol. economy 332.31 state control 351.825 patriarchal 321.1 republican 321.8 sociology 360 Instruction education 370 methods 371 . 3 organ 786.7 piano 786.3 public worship 264.6 rooms lib. bildings 022 . 65 Instructions legislativ restrictions 328 . 249 Instrumental errors prac. astron. 522.98 music 780 pub. worship 264.2 Instrumentation music 781.6 Instruments astronomic 522 chronologic 529.78 drawing 744 engineering 620 . 7 engraving 760 geodetic field work 526.33 making 68 1 mathematical 510.8 musical 780 optic 535-87 ordnance 623 . 462 physical 530 . 8 Instruments steam power plant 621.1977 surgical 617.91 surveying 526.91 telefone communication 654.6 elec. engin'g 621.386 telegraf communication 654. i elec. eng. 621 .383 wireless telefone 621.3846 telegraf 621.3843 for other purposes see subject anatomy 611 .81319 zoology 591.91 botany 581.91 history, ancient 939 . i modern 949 . 9 Insulated conductors 621.31933 Insulating materials bilding 691.9 electric engineering 621.31937 steam transmission 621.1856 Insulators electric engineering 621.3194 lighting 621.3285 Insurance 368 animal zootechny 636.08175 bildings architecture 725.23 compulsory pol. econ. 331.25* farm economics 631 . 175 law 368 library 022.27 societies, cooperativ 334-3 state control 351.825 teachers 371.17 Insurgente, LI ship U.S.hist.973 .45 Insurrections internal relations 3 23 .2 Intaglios sculpture 736 Intarsia arch, decoration 729.63 Integral calculus 5 1 7 3 Integrity business ethics 174 Integument comp. anat. 591.49 descrip. " 591.79 Integumentary system anatomy 611.7 surgery 617.47 Intellect 151 Intellectual development education 370 . history 809 influence of church 261. relation of church 377- Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 738 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Intellectual functions physiol. psych. 612.821 physiology 612.8258 life self education 374 philosofy 150 property, see Copyright; Patents Intelligence action of poisons on 612.8214 mental science 151 of animals 591.51 offis domestic econ. 647 . a physiologic psychology 612.8213 Intemperance ethics 178 hygiene 613.8 Intensity meters elec. eng. 6.21 .3744 Intensiv farming 631.583 Interbrain . anatomy 611 .814 Intercalatum " 611.81541 Intercarpal articulation " 611.7275 Intercepting sewers 628.28 Interchondral joints anat. 611.723 Intercollegiate contests, athletic 371-75 literary 371-535 Intercolumnar fascia anat. 6 1 1 . 639 Intercommunicating systems telefony 621.3853 Intercommunication sociology 380 useful arts 650 Intercostal arteries anatomy 611.1354 glands 611.4643 muscles " 611.7356 nervs 611.8342 Intercuneiform joints anat. 611.72858 Interdicts excommunicat'n 262 . 9 labor strikes 331 . 894 Interest and usury law 347-7 calculation of arithmet. 511.8 physiologic psychology 612.8212 political economy 332 . 8 securities finance 336.31 tables business manuals 658 Interests electoral representation 324 . 22 relations to Great war 940.318 Interference optics 535 . 4 Interior decoration 747 department U. S. adm. 353.3 of earth geology 551.11 walls, incrusted architec. 729 .62 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 'Interjections Gk syntax 485.9 Interlibrary loans 024 . 68 Interlude Eng. drama 822 Interludes organ music 786.84 Intermarriages of families hygiene 613.94 races ethics I 73- 1 Intermediate education, private 373 public 379-17 school admission standards 371 .211 state theology 236.4 Interment customs 393 . i public helth 614.61 Intermetacarpal joints 611.7277 Intermetatarsal joints 611 . 7287 Intermittent fever pathology 616.936 public helth 614.531 Intermolecular forces, phys. 539.6 Internal affairs U.S. administration 351 . 73 capsule anat. 611.8137 combustion engins 621.43 ear anat. 611.851 diseases of 617.88 physiology 612.858 heat geology 551.12 improvements 620 plastering masonry 693 . 6 relations polit. science 323 revenue laws finance 336.27 windows arch, const. 721.85 International arbitration 341.6 association, the 335-4 coinage 33 2 -43 congresses 34i-i on special topics see subject copyright private law 341.5 publishing 655.63 ethics 172.4 exchange money 332.45 exchanges lib. econ. 021.852 exhibitions 606 law 341 library loans 024.681 meetings 020.681 relations pol. science 327 standard money 332.43 Internationalism international law 341 . 1 political science 321.041 RELATIV INDEX 739 Interoceanic canals Interolivary stratum Interosseous artery, dorsal muscles of foot hand Interpolation methods calculus spheric astronomy Interpretation of law legislation 3 Interrogativs Lat. Interschool contests, athletic literary Intersecting lines plane geon planes solid geoi surfaces descrip. Interspinales muscles Interstate commerce commission law sociology U. S. hist. Intersternal joints Intertarsal ligaments Intertransversarii mus. " Intertubular cell masses Intervention ir Intervertebral joints anat. Intestinal actio'n of bile Intestins anatomy comparativ anatomy pathology physiology surgery sympathetic system Intimidation electoral corruption labor strikes Intolerance religious ethics persect Intonation music Intoxicants, see Alcohol; Liquors; Stimulants Intoxicating drinks, traf. in Intoxication alcohc ethics Intoxications effect on respiration Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index eng. 626.9 Intramural interment 614.613 sociol. 386 Intransigentes Span. hist. 946.08 anat. 611 .8184 Intraocular pressure physiol.6i2.8426 Intrapleural " " 612.212 anat. 611 . 13794 Intra-uterin injections 618.89 " 611.7387 Intrenchments mil. eng. 623.15 " 6 "-73779 Intubation of larynx surgery 617.42 is 517-6 Intuition ethics 171.2 522.75 Intuitionalism phil. syst. 143 Intuitiv faculty 156 328.21 philosofy 143 syntax 4 7 5. 9 Inundations agriculture 632.17 371-75 meteorology 551.48 371-535 protection engineering 627.4 Inusitum nutrition 612.39619 netry 513.12 Invalids metry 513.32 care of dom. econ. 649 . 8 5i5-i8 charities 362 . 6 s anat. 61 1 . 73171 cookery for dom, econ. 641.563 diet hygiene 613.23 385 medicin 616 385 Invariants algebra 512.88 973-85 Invasion internat. law 341.3 anat. 611.723 Invention of printing 655 . 1 1 611.7285 rhetoric 808 . 5 is. " 611 .73176 Inventions bilding 690 . 8 sses patents 608 :reas 611.377 Inventors biografy 926 tat. law 341 .6 Inventory, closing lib. for 024 .45 anat. 611 . 7213 Inverness, Scot. history 941 ..21 ile 612.3572 1 co. N. S. " 971.691 Inverse probabilities 5 1 9 . i 611.34 Inversion of uterus in labor 618.57 my 591-43 Invertebrates paleontol. 562 616 34 zoology 592 612.33 Investigation 617-43 legislativ disciplin 328 . 366 m 612.898 Investigations administra. 351.98 Investiture eccles. polity 262.16 t 324- 2 7i Investitures, war of 1074-84 270.4 33I-89I Investments 332 Invincible armada, Span.hist.946 .04 172-3 Invocation of saints & angels 264 . i utions 272 Invoices accounts 657 781.2 Involution algebra 5 1 2 . 7 hoi; arithmetic 5 1 1 . 7 s mod. geom. 513-53 traf. in 178.4 Inward flow turbins 62 1 . 244 Dlism 616.861 J Inyo co. Cal. hist. 979.487 178.1 lodids mineralogy 549 . 4 lodin chemistry 546.15 on 612.226 compounds, min. 549 . 4 740 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION J Iona co. Mich, history 977.454 Ionia history, ancient 939 .23 1 " modern 956.2 Ionic Greek dialects 487.923 order of architecture 729.32 philosofy 182.1 Ions chemistry 541 . 2 physiology ' 612.0144624 ^osco co. Mich, history 977.474 Iowa, U. S. admission U. S. hist. 973.61 1 history 977 . 7 For military history see 973-52477, 973-7477 and 973.89477 1 co. la. history 977-76$ 1 Wis. " 977-578 Ipecac emetics 615.731 Iranian languages 491 . 5 Ireland administration 354.41 antiquities 913.415 architecture 720.9415 botany 581.9415 colleges 378.415 constitutional law 342 . 41 education 3 70 . 94 1 5 finance 336.415 geology 554-iS 1 history 94 1 5 laws 349 .41 maps 912.415 religious history 274. 15 schools, public 379-415 statistics 314 .15 travel 914 .15 zoology 591 .9415 other topics see table i Ireland forgeries Shakspereana 822.33 Irideae botany 584.24 Iridium chemistry 546.93 Iris anatomy 611.8421 eye diseases 617.72 motoroculi nerv physiol. 612 .81931 physiology 612.842 sympathetic system 612.896 Irish bards lives 928.9162 bulls Eng. humor 827 cattle, beef 636.2232 dairy 636.2256 church, Anglican 283.415 Roman catholic 282.415 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index Irish discovery of America goat home rule history polit. parties land question pol. econ. 4 language literature music politics Romanesque architec. sheep Iron age prehist. arch. architecture assimilation physiology bearing waters geol. bilding material bridges, archt engineering chemistry clads naval architec. colums architecture 1 co. Mich. history 1 Mo. 1 Wis. manufacture mask, man in biog. materia medica metallurgy mineralogy mining econ. geology architec. waterworks bilding piers pipes roofs ships strength of materials structures architec. sulfate of fertilizers water pipes san. eng. work manufactures ornamental architec. wrought arch, construe. Ironing laundry process fronton, O. history Irony rhetoric 1 Iroquois co. 111. history indians Irradiation of eye physiol. Irregularities crystallog. 973-" 636.392 941.58 329.942 333 491.62 891.62 784-4 329-94I5 723-41 636.3243 571-4 721.9 612.3924 553-73 691.7 624.67 624 546 . 72 623.9 721-35 977-497 977.888 977.522 672 920.8 615 .272 669. i 549 622.34 553-3 721-35 628.16 695-5 623 . 84 620 . 17 721.9 631.825 628.15 672 739 729 5 721 .92 648.4 977.1881 808 977-364 970-3 612 .8432 54,8.4 RELATIV INDEX Irrigation agriculture 631 canal engineering 626 sewage 628 Irritability cardiac physiol. 612 in plants botany 581 , muscular physiol. 612 of cells " 612, nervs " 612 Irritant poisons therapeu. 615 Irritants, external " 615. Irritation, spinal diseases 616. Irving, Washington lit. 817. Irvingism Cath. apostolic 289, Isaac i Byzantine history 949 . Isabella of Castile Span.hist-946 2 "'.'" 946. 'Isabella co. Mich. " 977. Isaeus Greek oratory 885 . Isaiah Bible 224. Ischium anatomy 611. 'Isere, France hist. 944. 'Ishpeming, Mich. " 977. Isla, J. F. de Span, satire 867 . Islam Mahometanism 297 Island nr 10, Ky. U.S. civ. war 973 , of Reil anatomy 6 1 1 . Islands, see Hands 'Isle de France history 944 . 1 of Man, Eng. " 942 . Wight " " 942 . 1 Royale co.Mich. " 977. 'Isles of Shoals " 974. travels 917. Isocrates Gk oratory 885 . Isoeteae botany 587. Isogonic lines 538 . Isografy 652 Isolation in con tag. disease 614. Isomerism chemistry 541. Isometric projections geom. 515. Isomorphism crystallog. 548. Isothermal lines physiog. 551. Isotony of corpuscles physiol. 612. Israelites history, ancient 933 modern 296 Issues therapeutics 615. Isthmian games Gk antiq. 913. Istle fibers 633 . Istria . history, ancient 93 7 . 1 modern 943 . 7 ,8 36 .172 ,18 7416 01431 816 91 - 771 844 24 5 503 07 07 45i 3 i 71812 99 496 42 752 81319 34 89 28 499 2 42 4 45 7 2 3 52 11117 812 38 5772 3 68 Itacolumite lithology 552.45 Italian art galleries 708 . 5 cheese, hard 637 . 3545 soft 637.3535 discovery of America 973 . 1 1 grand opera 782.5 4 language 450 5 literature 850 painting 759.5 philosofers biografy 921.5 philosofy 195 poultry 636 . 55 republics aristocracies 321.5 republics history 945.04 Romanesque architec. 723.45 school of Gk philosofy 182 . 2 sculpture, medieval 734 modern 735 sheep 636.35 swine 636 . 45 Italic languages, minor 479 Italy administration 354 . 45 an t i quities 913-45 architecture 720 . 945 botany 581.945 colleges 378.45 constitutional law 342.45 education 370 . 945 finance 336.45 geology 554.5 heraldry 929 . 6 history, ancient 937 1 modern 945' laws 349 45 maps 912.45 peerage 929 . 75 reformation in 274.5 religious history 274 . 5 schools, public 379-45 statistics 3 14 .5 titles of honor 929 .75 travel 9 14 -5 treaties 341 . 245 zoology 591-945 other topics see table i Itch parasitic diseases 616.9685 Ithaca, Greece anc. hist. 938.3 Itinerant cookery 641.577 Iturbide i Mexican history972.o4 Ivan 3 Russian " 947.04 4 947.04 5 " " 947-04 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 742 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Ivory carving 736 Jackass 636.182 'Coast, Africa hist. 966.6 Jacketed bullets sm. arms 623.45532 painting 751 guns ordnance 623.42163 supply 679 Jacketing ordnance 623.4234 Ivy landscape gardening 716.1 steam engin'g62 1 . 10 1 1 Ixodidae arachnida 595-4 Jackets clothing 646.45 Ixtle fibers 633 . 5772 Jacks, lifting mech. eng. 621.869 Jackson, Andrew presidency973 . 56 Jackson city Mich, history 977.428 co. 111. " 977.3994 Ind. " 977.223 la. " 977-764 Mich. 977.428 Mo. " 977.841 1 0. " 977-185 W. Va. " 975.431 Wis. 977.551 travel 91 7.7551 Jacksonville, 111. history 977.346 Jacobins French 944 . 04 monastic orders 271.2 pigeons 636.59625 political clubs 363 Jacobite church 281.5 Jacobites Eng. pol. party 329.942 Jacotot's system of educ. 371-45 Jacquerie French history 944.025 Jacques Cartier co. Que. hist.97i . 4285 Jade mineralogy 549.61 Jail fever pathology 616.922 pub. helth 614.526 Jails architecture 725.62 prisons 365 Jaina architecture 7 22 -4 Jainas Hindu sect 294 Jalisco, Mexico history 972.3 Jamaica " 972.92 apple 634.413 Jambs arch, construe. 721.86 James, St epistle 227.91 i Eng. history 942.061 2 " " 942.067 1-5 Scot. 941 .04 i of Aragon Catalan miscellany 849.9811 Henry Am. fiction 813.46 Jamestown, Va. U. S. hist. 973.21 Va. " 975.5 Jamrosade 634.422 Jan i van Brabant Dutch poetry 839 .3113 ^anesville, Wis. history 977.587 Janin, J. G. Fr. essays 844.76 Topic* in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 745 Janitor library econ. 023.791 Jaw joint anatomy 611.724 servis dom. econ. 647-25 diseases 616.72 lib. econ. 023.79 surgery 617.52 Janitor's 'Jay co. Ind. history 977.267 apartment lib. bldgs 022 .695 Jay's treaty U.S.' hist. 973.43 department admin. 025.9, Jealousy ethics I 79-8 Jansenism heresy 2 73-7 Jean de Tuim Fr. fiction 843.22 Japan Jeanne d'Arc " hist. 944.026 administration 354 52 'Jeddo history 952 botany 581-952 travel 9*5-2 chemic technology 667.8 Jefferson, T: presidency of 973 . 46 chestnut 634-533 'Jefferson city. Mo. history 977. 8551 clover 633-364 co. 111. " 977-3793 fauna 591-952 Ind. " 977.213 finance 336.52 la. 977-794 geology 555-2 Mo. 977.867 1 history 95? N. Y. - 974-757 maps 912.52 O. history 977.169 persimmon 634-45I Pa. " 974.862 plum 634.16 W. Va." 975-499 schools 379-52 Wis. - 977.585 statistics 3i5- 2 'Jeffersonville, Ind. history 97 7. 218 travel 915-2 Jeffrey, F. Eng. essays 824.73 treaties 341-252 Jehovah doctrinal theol. 231 walnut 634.513 ' Jejunum anatomy 611.343 Japanese Jelly fish zoology 593 . 8 architecture 722 . i Jelousy ethics 1 79 . 8 art 709.52 Jennet bantams 636.58/15 'Jennings co. Ind. history 977 .217 color prints 761 Jererniah Bible 224.2 language 495 Jeremy, epistle of Bible 229.5 poultry 636.5857 Jerrold, D. Eng. humor 827.81 servants dom. econ. 647-24 Jersey blue fowls 636 . 58 1 2 wineberry 634.712 cattle 636 . 2243 Japanning varnishing 698.3 City, N. J. history 974.927 Jars electric engineering 621.3521 co. 111. " 977-3 8 5 Jasher, book of 229 iland of " 942.34 Jasmin, J. Provencal poet 849-143 travels 914.234 Jasmin perfume plants 633.811 prison ship 973.3711 'Ja,sper co. 111. history 977-374 swine 636*483 1 Ind. 977-297 Jerseys, Washington in the 973.3325 1 la. 977-759 Jerusalem 1 Mo. 977-872 artichoke field crops 633 . 494 Jaumave istle 633-5772 garden " 635.24 Jaundis diseases 616.36 city history ancient 933 physiology 612.35765 1 " modern 956.9 Java travels " 915.69 fowls 636.5814 corn cereals 633.178 1 iland history 992 .2 St John of knights 929.711 travel 919 . 22 Jesters customs 394 . 2 ship U.S.war of 1812 973-525I 5 Jests Eng. literature 827 Jaw bone diseases 616. 71 Jesuit missions 266.2 lower anat. 611 . 7164 Jesuits religious orders 271.5 upper " 611.7161 tea agric. 633.77 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 744 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Jesus Christology society of relig. order Jet economic geology pumps prac. chem. Jets, steam engin'g Jettatura witchcraft Jetties engineering Jew plum Jewelry customs manufacture fine arts toilet Jewish architecture calendar cookery discovery of America 4 language 8 literature philosofy religion Jews apologetics against ' biografy disabilities of ethnology history, ancient modern restoration of Jigging mining engin'g Jipijapa plant fibers *Jo Daviess co. 111. hist. Joan of Arc Fr. history Job Bible Job work economics printing Jockeys horse racing Jodelle, Etienne Fr. drama Joel ' Bible Johansson, L. Swed. poet. John, King Eng. history St epistle i gospel of knights of Revelation of John i French history 2 Johnson, A. presidency of 973 S: Eng. essays Topics in black face type are subdivided 'Johnson co. 111. history 977.3996 232 Ind. " 977-25I 271-5 !a- 977-7655 553- 22 Mo. 977-8455 542.9 Joinery carpentry 694 . 6 621 .69 shipbilding 623 . 84 133-4 Joint 627.6 committees, legislativ 328.3627 634.442 resolutions legis. proced. 328.377 stock companies law 347 . 7 39i-7 Joints 671 anatomy 611.72 739 calkt plumbing 696 . 6 646.48 diseases of medicin 616.72 geology 55i- 8 4 722.3 injuries to surgery 617.47 529-3 mechanic engineering 621.88 641.567 of wood work carpentry 694.2 973 - 11 physiology 6 1 2 . 75 492-4 rail engineering 625.15 892.4 riveted engineering 620.11287 181.3 plumbing 696 . 4 296 rust " 696 . 6 screw " 696 . 5 239.2 steam pipe 621.1857 922 .96 toggle machinery 621.825 296 universal 62 1 . 82 5 572-933 5 Jokes English humor 827 933 ^oliet, 111. history 977 .32 5 296 'Joliette co. Que. history 971.442 296 Jolin, J. K. Swed. drama 839.7264 622.75 Jonah Bible 224.92 633-584 \Jones co. la. history 977.. 763 977-334 travel 917.7763 944.026 shorthand 653 . 43 223.1 Jongleurs French poetry 841.09 Jonson, B. English dram. 822.34 33I-23I 1 Joplin co. Mo. history 977.8721 655 .26 Jordan river antiquities 913.33 798 travels 915.69 842.34 Joseph i German history 943.051 224.7 2 " " 943-057 8 39-7i32 Joshua Bible 222.2 942.033 Joubert, Joseph Fr. essays 844 . 62 227.94 Journalism 070 227.95 Journalists, lives of 920.5 227 .96 Journals mill work 621.821 226. 5 Journeys round the world 910.4 929. 711 Span.lit. 868.42 228 Jubilee singers, Fisk univ. 784.7 944.024 Jubilees, military 355 .16 944.025 Judaism 296 ' 973-8i vs Christianity 239.2 824.63 ivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this inde: RELATIV INDEX 745 Jurisprudence 340 medical 340.6 Jurists, see Lawyers Jury trial law 340.4 Justice, see Justis Justification doct. theol. 234.7 Justis ethics 179-9 pol. sci. 323 . 42 Justises of the peace law 347.96 Jute agriculture 633 . 54 dom. econ. 646.186 manufactures 677 Jutland cattle 636.2357 swine 636 . 434 Juvenal Latin satire 877.7 Juvenil books reading and aids 028.5 see also subject courts 364 criminals law 343 literature 028.5 mortality pub. helth 614.133 reformatories 364 Juxta-aortic glands 61 1 . 465 2 1 Judd, Sylvester Am. fie. 813.34 Jude epistle , B ible 227.97 Judea ancient history 933 1 modern " 956.9 Judges, book of Bible 222.3 law courts 347-97 lives 923.4 Judgment mental faculties 153. 5 private ecclesias. polity 262 .8 theology 236.9 Judicial chemistry law 340.6 combat 340.3 control administration 351.94 corps univ. admin. 378.113 ordeal law 3 4 -3 Judiciary department U. S. gov't 353.5 electiv law 347-97 Judith Bible 229.2 Juggernaut 299.14 Jugglery 791 Juglandeae botany 583.973 Jugoslavia history 949-7 Jugular ganglion anat. 611.89191 glands " 611.4637 vein, external " 611.1452 internal " 611.1451 veins, posterior " 611.1453 Jugurthan war Rom. hist. 937.05 Juice, intestinal physiol. 612.331 Jujube 634 . 662 Julian calendar 529.4 Jumpers poultry 636 . 528 Jumping athletics 613.72 Juncaceae botany 584.45 Junctions railroad engineering 625 . i sewers 628.251 \Juneau co. Wis. history 977.555 Juneberry 634.741 *Juniata co. Pa. history 974.847 Junius letters Eng. satire 827.64 Jupiter astronomy 5 2 3-45 mythology 292 *Jura, France history 944.47 Jurassic age geology 551.76 Juridic powers legislation 328.251 theory of state 320 .151 Jurisdiction civil trials 347 . 98 suffrage 324 . 243 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 746 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Kabala Jewish philosofy 181. Kabardian sheep 636 Kafir agriculture 633 . 'Kaffraria, Africa history 968. 'Kafirs " 968. Kairin therapeutics 615. Kaiser German gov't 354, Kaki 634 'Kalamazoo city.Mich. his. 977. co. " " 977, Kale 635 Kaleidoscope optics 535, Kalendar 529 Kalifs Mohammedanism 297 'Kalkaska co. Mich. hist. 977 Kalmuck sheep 636 . Kalmucks description 915 history 950 Kalsomining 698 . 'Kamchatka history 957 'Kamerun, Africa hist. 967 . Kames, H : H. Eng. essays 824 . 'Kamouraska co. Que. hist. 971 . Kanawha 1 co. W. Va. history 975. 1 valley, W. Va. 975 . Little,W.Va. " 975 'Kane co. 111. history 977. Kangaroo zoology 599 . 'Kankakee co. 111. history 977. Kansas, U. S. admission U. S. hist. 973- 1 history 978. 3 385 177 6 6 75 4305 62 475 437 43 42 3 2 3 2 363 68 i For military Jiistpry, see sub- tarn pains tory, s divisions of Special ca and Military history 973.7 and 973-89 under struggle in U. S. hist. 973 . 'Kansas city, Mo. history 977. Kansas-Nebraska bill " 973- Kant critical philosofy 142 German " 193. Karananian sheep 636. Karbo domestic animals 636 . Karlsefne.T. discov. of Am. 973 . Karoub fruit culture 634 . 'Karput, Asia Turk. hist. 956. 1 Kartum, Egypt history 962 . 'Kashmir, India history 954. Kashmir goat 636 . Kaspar von der Rohn 83 r . 'Kastamuni, Asia Tur. hist.956. Kate, J. J. L. ten Dut. poet. 839. Kearny in New Mexico 973 . Kearsarge, ship U. S. hist. 973 . Keats, John Eng. poetry 821 . 78 Keeley cure alcoholism 616.861 Keels shipbilding 623 . 84 'Keewatin, Canada history 971 .26 travel 917.126 Kellgren, J. H. Swed. poet. 839 . 7152 Kelpies folklore Kelsen, S. T. Danish " Keltic ancient history languages Kempis, Thomas & 'Kendall co. 111. history 'Kennebec co. Me. " Kennedy, J : P. Am. fie. 'Kenosha city, Wis. hist. co. Wis. " 'Kent co. Del. " 398.4 trav hist. England 1 Md. 1 Mich. 1 N. B. " 1 Ont. R.I. Kent poultry sheep Kentucky, U. S. admission U. S. hist. 1 history 936 491.6 242 . i 977.326 974.16 813-32 977-599 977-598 975-14 9i7-5i4 942.23 975-236 977-455 971.522 971-333 974-54 636-523 636.3215 973-41 976.9 For military history, see sub- divisions of Special campains and Military history under 973-52, 973-7 and 973.89 travel 917.69 Kentucky horse 636.13 red turkey 636 . 5928 'Keokuk city, la. history 977.7991 co. la. " 977 . 791 Kepler's problem astron. 521.37 Keramics art 738 chemic tech. 666.3 Keratomalacia eye diseases 617.71 J Kern co. Cal. history 979 . 488 Kerosene chemic technology 665 . 5 heating chem. 542.43 inspection prot. of life 614.834 'Kerry, Ireland history 941.96 Kerry cattle 636 . 2256 sheep 636.3244 Ketones chemistry 547-6 'Kewaunee co. Wis. hist. 977 . 562 'Keweenaw co. Mich. " 977.499 Kexe"!, Olof Swed. drama 839.7253 Key bugle musical instru. 788.46 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 747 Keys and locks manufac. 683 machine fastenings 621 mathemat. student hon. 371 Keyser, R. Danish essays 839 Khita ancient history 939 , 1 Khiva history 958 travel 915 'Khodavendigar Asia hist. 956 . 'Khokand, Turkestan Kidglove orange Kidnapping crim. law Kidney bean vetch Kidneys action of vagus on anatomy diseases physiology surgery Kildare, Ireland history 1 Kilkenny, " l Killarney, " travels 958 634 343 635 633 612 611 616 612 617 941 941 941 914 611 973 Kilos anatomy Kilpatrick's expedition Kincardine, Scot, history 941. Kindergarten education 372 . Kindness ethics 177 Kinematics machinery 621 physics 531 Kinetic theory of gases 533 Kinetics physics 53 1 Kinetograf photografy 778 Kinetoscope " 778 King, William Eng. satire 827 King George's war U.S. hist. 973 883 8r 8463 45 5 85 I 7 .322 .652 .362 .819915 .61 .61 .46 46 85 .89 96 196 81711 7362 26 2 7 81 i 7 3 Philip's N.E. U.S. 973 974 973 636 Dan. poet. 839 267 William's Kinghir sheep Kingo, Thomas King's daughters Kings absolute monarchy 321 bench 347 book of, Bible 222 constitutional monarchy 321 co. Cal. history 979 Ireland New Brunswick New York Nova Scotia P. E. I. 941 971 974 971 971 47 26 24 25 385 8134 433 6 99 5 7 485 86 541 722 634 77 Kings divine right pol. sci. evil diseases lives mountain Am. revol. Kingship Kingsley, C : Eng. fiction Kingston, Ont. history Kinkel, J ; G. Ger. poetry Kinross, Scotland history Kinship customs genealogy Kipp gas apparatus chem. Kirkcudbright, Scot. hist. Kissing customs Kitchen domestic economy gardening middens archeology Kitchens architecture Kite flying meteorology mil. aeron. sports Kites aeronautics Kiva, Turkestan history Kjaempeviser Dan. poet. Kje"rkegaard,S.A. " es Klausen, Peder " misc. Kleist, H;B.W; von Kleptomania mental dis. Klinger, F; M. Ger. dram. 1 Klondike region history Klopstock, F ; G. Ger. poet Knee anatomy cap joint " Kneipp cure therapeutics Knife, grass grafting pruning switches elec. eng. Knifetooth harrow Knightage heraldry Knighthood chivalry orders heraldry Knights Hospitalers of Columbus Great war labor labor organiza. Malta Pythias secret soc. Rhodes St John 321.6 616.996 923 i 973-3364 321.6 823.85 971.372 831.82 941-34 392 929.1 542.72 941.49 392-3 643 3 635 571-93 728.93 55i-5i 623.746 796 629.171 958.5 839.8112 839.883 83 2 . 68 132.6 832.64 971 .21 83 1 . 62 611.983 611.71845 6l 1 . 7283 615.853 631.3511 631.341 631.3422 621 .31732 63 1 . 3 1 34 929 . 7 394 . 7 929 . 7 929.711 940.4775 331.88 929.711 366.2 929.711 929.711 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 748 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Knights Templars Knitting dom. econ. machines textils Knives cutlery stone, chipt polisht Knorring, S. M. von Knowledge, theory of unity of Knowles, J. S. Eng. dram Knownothing party U. S. history politics 'Knox co. 111. history travels history Ind. Me. 1 Mo. O. Knoxville campain Kobolds folklore Kodaks photografy Kohlrabi 'Kokand, Turkestan hist. Kola agriculture therapeutics Kolmogorian cattle Kola therapeutics 'Kongo, Africa history Basin travel Free State history sheep 'Konieh, Asia Turk. hist. Koomiss adulterations dairy products Koonawur, Punjab trav. ^oordistan history travels Koran Mahometanism ^ordofan, Egypt history KSrner, K ; T. Ger. poetry 'Kosciusko co. Ind. hist. Kosmos univ. language 'Kossuth co. la. hist. Kotzebue. A; F; F. von Koumiss adulterations dairy products Krishna Buddhism . 4 Kroatian language Krypton inorganic chem. Ku Klux Klan pol. ass'ns 929.712 646.26 677 672 57i-i5 57I-25 8 39-736i 121 121 822 .72 973 66 329-5 977-349 9 J 7-7349 977-239 974-15 977-83I5 977-I52 973-7358 398.4 771 635.348 958.7 633-76 615-32318 636.271 615.32318 967.2 967.5 916.75 96/.5 636-386 956.4 614.324 637.146 9I5-45 956.6 915.66 297 962.8 831.66 977-282 408.9 977-7 2 i 832.66 614.324 637-146 294 491.83 546.294 363 Kumiss adulterations 614.324 dairy products 637.146 Kumquat 634 . 324 Kunavvar, Punjab trav. 915.45 4 Kurdish language 491.57 'Kurdistan history 956.6 travels 9 1 5 . 66 'Kurile ilands history 952 travels 915.2 Kyloe cattle 636 . 2233 Kyrie sacred music 783.22 Topics in black face type are subdivide!. Superior figures refer to the'tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 749 L. M. Z. formulae geodesy Labels in museums Labia majora anatomy minora " Labiatae botany Labiche, E. M. Fr. drama Labor colony dep't estab. U. S. hist. induction of obstetrics laws obstetrics of children party polit. parties pathology of obstetrics political economy savers, domestic kitchen literary state control statistics polit. econ. unions " " Laboratories architecture biologic chemic architecture prac. chem. physical architecture school bildings equipment state adulterations Laboratory technic chemistry method of instruction Laborers cottages architecture domestic factory organization occupation hygiene political econ. Laboring classes laws, see Laws polit. econ. sociology Labrador discovery of America 1 history Labyrinth membranous anatomy osseous " Labyrinths prehist. arch. La Calprenede, Lacaune sheep Lacedaemon anc. history 526.46 579-72 611 .6732 611.6733 583.891 842.81 973 - 8 5 618.88 338-9 618.4 33i-3 3 2 9-85 618.5 331 643.6 643-34 029. 2 351.83 331 331-88 727-5 590-7 727.5 542.1 727-4 371.623 371.66 614.3 542 37L38 728.68 647.3 621 . 705 613.6 331-8 331 8 971.9 611.852 611.853 571-95 843 43 636.3468 938.9 Lacemaking art needlewk 746 manufac. 677 Lacerated wounds surg. 617. Laceration of genital tract 6 1 8 . Lacertilia reptils 598. Lacewing flies pests 632 . Lachine rapids, Que. trav. 917. Lachrymal, see Lacrimal Lacistemaceae botany 583 hist. 974 'Lackawanna co. Pa. Lacker work artistic furniture manufactures 1 Laclede co. Mo. history 977 Laconia ancient history 938 5 Laconics Eng. literature 828 Lacquer work artistic furniture manufactures Lacrimal apparatus anatomy physiology bone anatomy disorders eye diseases secretions zoology *La Crosse city, Wis. hist. 977 1 co. Wis. 143 55 ii 74 14285 983 836 749 667 749 667. 611 612 , 611. 617, 59* 7 8815 9 8464 847 games travel 917 797 76 147 572 977-571 757i Lacrosse Lactation diseases of obstetrics 618. physiology 612. Lacteals anatomy 611. Lactic fermentation physiol.6 1 2 . Lactiferous ducts_. anat. 611. Lactin milk composition 637 . Lactobutyrometer 637 , Lactocrite 637 . Lactodensimeter 637 . Lactometer dairy 637 . public helth 614 Lactoscope dairy 637 . Lactose milk composition 637 . nutrition 612. Lactose nutrition 612. Lacunae, urethral anat. 611. Ladders lib. econ. 022. Ladies in library reading rooms 024. maids dom. econ. 647. of the Sacred Heart 271. 'Ladrone ilands history 996 . travel 919. Lafayette, M. comtesse de 843 . 664 426 66417 693 1272 1275 1275 1276 1276 32 1276 1272 39614 39614 6234 941 53 25 93 7 67 48 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 750 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 'Lafayette, Ind. history 977. co. Mo. " 977 1 Wis. " 977 La Fleche fowls 636 , La Fontaine, ]' de Fr. poet 841 Lagerbring, S. Swed. misc. 839 x Lagrange co. Ind. hist. 977 La Harpe, Jt F. de Fr. dram. 842 essays 844 'Lahore, India history 954 Lahune sheep Laissez faire pol. econ. 'Lake Champlain history travels : Lake co. Cal. history 1 111. 1 Ind. 1 Mich. " 1 O. " drainage duck dwellings archeol. 1 George, N. Y. hist. 1 Megantic co. Que. " 1 of Bays dist. Ont. - 1 St John co. Que. " 1 states, U. S. " travel 636 330 974 917 979 977 977 977 977 627 636 57i 974 971 971 971 977 917 295 845 579 543 45 7844 279 63 61 5 3469 153 754 4754 417 321 ,299 468 133 5 59782 83 751 469 316 414 For military history of all or individual states, see subdivis- ions of Special campains and Military history under 973.52, 973.7 and 973.89 surveys geodesy 526 . 99 vessels shipbilding 623.824 Lakenf eld cattle 636 . 2354 Lakenvelder fowls 636 . 532 cattle 636 . 2354 Lakes artificial landsc. garden. 714 boundaries pol. sci. 320.1286 physical geograf y 551.48 water supply 628.11 Lalli, G. Italian satire 857.53 Lamaism 294 Lamartine, A. M. LI de P. de 841 . 74 Lamb, Charles Eng. essays 824 . 75 Lambertypes 773 Lambs lettuce 635 . 57 'Lambton co. Ont. history 971 .327 Lamellae, bony histology 6 1 1 . o 1 843 Lamellibranchiata zoology 594 . i La Mennais, H. F. R. de French essays 844 . 7 1 philosofy 194.6 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior Lamentations Bible Lamiales botany Lammermuir sheep LaMotte, Fr.dram, Fouque", F;H;C; Lamp black air pollution holes sewerage posts vent, of sewers shells zoology 5 Lampoons English satire Lampreys fishes Lamps arc elec. lighting bracket lib. bildings chemic technology filament elec. lighting incandescent vapor library bildings 1 Lanark, Scotland hist. 1 co. Ont. " 'Lancashire, England " sheep swine Lancaster and York 1 co. Pa. system Eng. hist. Irish " history education fishes side arms Lancelet Lances Land claims finance companies drainage engin'g farm economics grants finance to public schools law laws polit. economy markers nationalization of operations Great war political economy public polit. economy settlement guides slides geology soil state domain surveying tenure law titles, insurance of travel pro tec. of life under water drainage 224.3 583.87 636.3252 842.51 833-65 614.747 628.253 628 . 232 594.8 827 597-2 621.325 022 . 765 66 5 .6 621 .326 621.3273 022.751 941-43 9/I-3S2 942.72 636.5254 636.4242 942.04 941-54 974.815 37I-4I 597-1 623.4444 336-13 627.5 631.1 336-14 379-123 347-2 333 63I-33I4 333-i 940.42 333 333-1 631.11 551-3 631-4 336.1 526.9 347-2 368.8 614.861 631.616 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX Landaise sheep 636 . 3463 Landed gentry English heraldry 929.725 industry state control 351.823 J Landes, France history 944.77 Landing apparatus aviation 629.187 artillery mil. eng. 623.414 places aeronautics 629 . 144 Landlord and tenant law Landrat 347-2 polit. econ. 333 Ger. local gov't 352 .0433 Landscape drawing gardening painting photografs sketching 74i 710 758 779 74i Landtag Ger. cent, gov't 354 . 4308 local " 352.0431 Langebek, J. Dan. misc. 839.8842 Langendijk, P. Dutch dram. 839. 3 241 Langensalza goat 636 . 393 Langerhans, ilands of anat. 611.377 physiol. 612 .349 *Langlade co. Wis. hist. 977.535 Langland, W: Eng. poetry 821 . 15 Langshan fowls Language 3 English, origin of lessons elemen. educ. localization physiol. of flowers origin of physiology sign def and dum hieroglyfics universal Languages intranational migration philology see also qualifying names Langue bleue philology T Languedoc, France hist, trav. 636.5853 400 422 372.6 612 . 825249 716.2 401 612.789 371.912 419-1 408.9 323-1 400 408.9 944-8 914.48 636.447 636-3254 977.427 swine Lank sheep 1 Lansing, Mich. hist. Lantern astronomic 523 . 89 magic optics 535-86 slides education 371-335 lib. administra. 025 . 177 library cases for 022 . 487 Lanterns dom. economy Lanthanum chemistry Lanzi, Luigi Ital. essays 1 Laos, Asia history Laparotomy surgery 'Lapeer co. Mich, history La Peruse, j: Fr.drama 842 La Place's functions calcul. 517 Lapland, Russia history 947 travels 'La Plata history 'Laporte co. Ind. history Lapping machines Laprade, F. M. V:R:de 'La Prairie co. Que. hist. Larceny law Lard adulterations 614. chemic technology 664 . refiners' occupation hyg.6i3. 644 546 854 959 617 977 914 982 977 621 841 971 343 322 63 64 4 55 442 33 35 i 291 922 81 434 refining air pollution Larder dom. economy Large farm card swine, French German intestin anatomy physiology numbers, cooking for numbers, entertaining or small college Polish swine Suffolk " Larivey, Pierre de Fr. dram. 842 Larra, F. Span.fict. 863 Larva comp. physiol. embryology Laryngeal nerv, inferior anatomy superior " pharynx " tonsils " Laryngology pathology Laryngoscope " Laryngoscopy " physiology Laryngotomy surgery Larynx acoustics anatomy artificial physiol. diseases of 631 636. 636. 611. 612. 641 . 642 378. 636. 636. 6l2 611 611 611 611 616 616 616 612 617. 534 611 612 616 of birds comp. physiol. 612 . physiology 612. 3 62 743 37 1161 441 434 347 36 57 43 15 433 4246 38 5i 651 34 .831917 831916 3273 326 22 22 22 7823 42 7 22 783 22 788 78 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this ind ex 752 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 693 621 Larzac sheep 636 . 3468 La Sale, Antoine de Fr. fie. 843 . 23 'Lasalle, 111. history 977-327 Lassen co. Cal. history 979 . 426 travel 917.9426 L'Assomption co. Que. hist. 971 .4416 Last supper sacraments 265 . 3 La Taille, J'. de Fr. dram. 842.36 Late hours hygiene 613.79 Latent period physiology of brain 612.8211 hart 612.1723 muscle 612.7417 Lateral colum of cord anat line comp. physiology 612 Lath, metal plastering 693 wooden " Lathe work mech. eng. Latin antiquities 913. biografy 920. church 282 classics 870 epic poetry 873 erotica 874 geografy 912 hymns hymnology 245 literature 879, inscriptions 47 1. 4 language 470 5 literature 870 lyric poetry 874 4 medieval and modern 479 mythology 292 squares and rectangles mathematics 51 1 . union 33 2 Latissimus dorsi anat. 611 Latitude at sea navigation 527 determinations geodesy 526 finding 525 geocentric theor. astron .521 heliocentric " " 521 variations of " " 521 Latium ancient history 937 modern " 945 Latrines sanitation 628 Latterday saints Mormons 298 Lattis doors arch, constr. 721 girders engin'g 624 611.8256 8869 66 65 94 37 37 37 7 Lattist construction bild'g 694 Laube, H; Ger. drama 832 61 43 73112 I 61 4i 26 25 28 6 6 45 83 23 5 76 Laudonniere disco v. of Am. 973 . Laughing gas anesthetics physiology Laughter emotions hysteria Launch engins Launching tubes torpedoes ways shipbilding Laundresses dom. econ. Laundries architecture public dom. econ. Laundry accounts dom. econ. cooperativ " " domestic economy location of domestic Lauragaise sheep Laurinese botany Lava lithology 'Laval co. Que. history Lavatories domestic economy furnishings dom. econ library bildings school La Vende'e 1 French department insurrection Lavender perfume plants Law addresses and miracles and order leags dictionaries forms interpretation making merchant metaphysics moral ethics 170 of corporations 347- nations 341 nature science 501 sociology 340. special topics see subject parish ecclesias. polity 262 615. 612 . 157 616. 621. 623. 623. 647- 728 648. 648. 648 648. 643- 636. 583- 552. 971. 643 645, 022 371 944- 944 633. 340 347 theology 231. temp'nce 178 347 347 328. 328 347 18 781 2 19 8 5 2 1228 95 83 25 93 i pol. sci i 58 , 3465 93 * 21 427 52 68 686 626 61 043 812 04 7 4 3 93 21 reports schools Sunday American English architecture 345 346 34c 727 263 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX Lawn bowls 796 mowers 631.3527 tennis 796 Lawns 712 'Lawrence co. 111. history 977. Ind. " 977. 1 Mo. " 977. 1 O. 977- Pa. " 974. Laws aeronautics 629 . bilding bilding 692 . pro tec. of life 614. citizenship 323 . conflict of 341 . library lib. econ. 021 . medical license 614. practis 614. 3 of language English 422. plumbing 696 . school 379 . uniform legislation 328 . Lawyers and American revolution 973. ethics 174. lives 923 . Laxativs therapeutics 615. Lay ministry eccles. polity 262 Layamon Eng. poetry 821 Layering plant culture 631. pots 631 . Layettes clothing 646 . Laying of egs zootechny 636 . Laying out of farm 631. towns and streets eng. 625. public helth 614. Lazarettos contagious diseases 614. hospitals 362 . Lazarists monastic ord. 271. Lead, see Led Leading cases American law 345. English " 346. on special subjects see ' subject Leading glazing 698. Leaf chervil 635 . cuttings 63 1 . hoppers pests 632 . insects " 632 . Leag of nations 341 . Leags, law and order 1 78 . 376 226 875 1 88 893 148 9 85 61 5 894-9 24 2 I 9 1-4 22 315 3 4 73 21 14 ii 534 335 36 08246 12 7 781 45 i 77 Topics in black face type are subdivided 5 78 5357 75 72 i 4 Superior Leakage elec. power transmission 62 1 . railway engineering 621. Leanness physiol. 612. Learned societies 060 bildings arch. 727 Learning Leases law 347, Least squares computing orbits 521 in geodesy 526 probabilities 5*9- Leather, see Lether Leaves fertilizers 631 . shapes of botany 581 . 1 Lebanon co. Pa. history 974. Leblanc ram hyd. mach. 621. Lebrun, P. D. E. Fr. poet. 841 . 1 Lecce, Italy history 945. Lecithin blood 612. nutrition 612, Lecompton constitution Kansas history 978. slavery 326. U. S. history 973 Le Coq, Thomas Fr. dram. 842 Lectern sacred furniture 247. Lectionary Anglican ritu. 264. Lecture rooms lib. bilding 022 school 371 Lectures copyright of 655 5 English oratory 825 for laboring classes 331 halls for architecture 725 instruction methods 371 library 021 library propagandism 021 support 021 popular education 374 2 on special topic see subject Led accumulators elec. eng. 621 black economic geol. 553 chemistry 546 drugs 615 manufacture 671 metallurgy 669 mining 622 ores / economic geology 553 poisoning toxicology 615 roofs bilding 695 water pipes 628 Leding glazing 698 31937 333167 3977 9 2 36 5 872 4 819 273 61 76 11119 39782 973 68 032 651 621 62 85 83 33 43 78 96 5 355 26 5i 251 4 34 44 928 4 15 5 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 754 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Lee C: treason Am. re vol. 973 R. E: surrender U.S. hist. 973 ! Lee co. 111. history la Leechee Leeches culture medicin zoology 'Leeds city, Eng. history 1 co. Ont. " Leek 'Leelanaw co. Mich. hist. 'Leeward ilands trav. Left hart anatomy Lefthandedness Leg anatomy lymfatics " muscles surgical operations Legacies law taxation Legal anecdotes 340. bibliograf y o 1 6 . capacity of persons law 347. chemistry law 340 . education 340. ethics 174- hermeneutics 347 977 977 634 639- 616. 595- 942. 971. 635- 977- 972. 917 611 612 611 611 611 617 347 336 holidays lib. econ. 023. maxims 34.' medicin asphyxiation in 6 1 2 . jurisprudence 340. profession, see Lawyers status of woman 39^ tender paper money 332 Legendre's theorem geod. 526 Legends folklore 398 monastic ? 7 1 mythology 291 of the Madonna 225, Legerdemain 791 Leghorn fowls 636 . Legislation 328 American statutes 345 British 346 comparativ 340. fertilizers 631 . industrial 338 library founding of libs. 021, political science 328 public helth 614. 383 7384 336 799 5/1 8 9688 I 74 373 261 463 97 .297 , 122 , 7 6 .984 .42184 .7383 .58 ,6 27 9 34 i 6 7 3 652 9 232 6 2 5 42 2 9 2 551 818 9 8 09 Legislation sumptuary social ethics 177.4 wages 331.261 see also qualifying term Legislativ bodies and annals 328 manuals 328.371 reporting shorthand 653.046 Legislators powers 328 . 34 restrictions 328 . 34 Legislatures, see Legis. bodies Legitimacy family law 347.6 Legs, artificial surgery Legumes field crops food values garden crops harvesting nutrition Leguminosae botany Leguminous fruits 'Lehigh co. Pa. history Leibnitz Ger. philosofy ^Leicester, Eng. history travels 6i 7 . 633 641 . 635. 631, 612 . 583. 634- 974- 193- 942. 914. 636. 636. 941. 943- 914. 583- sheep border sheep ^einster, Ireland history *Leipzig history travels Leitnerieae botany 1 Leitrim, Ireland history 941 Le Mans fowls 636 Lemercier, L' Ji N. 842 Lemnaceae botany 584 Lemniscus anatomy 611 Lemnos ancient history 939 modern " 949 1 Lemoille co. Vt. history 974 Lemon vine 634 Lemonade adulterations Lemons fruit culture Lempster sheep Lemur zoology 1 Lenawee co. Mich. hist. Length of college course legislativ sessions term of offis 328 . working day econ. 331 . Lennep, J. van Dutch fie. 839. Lenngren, A. M. Swed.poet. 839 . Lennoaceae botany 583. 'Lennox & Addington co. Ont. history 971 . 614. 634- 636.; 599- 977- 378.: 328., Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 755 Lens crystallin anatomy 6 1 1 . physiology 612. eye diseases 617. Lenses optics 535- photografy 771 Le"nstr5m, K. J. Swed. lit. 839 . Lent Anglican church 264. Lenten cookery 641 . mass music 783. Lentibulariese botany 583. Lenticular nucleus anat. 611. Lentils 635 . Leo 3 Byzantine history 949. Leon L. P. de Span, poetry 861. Ponce de discov. of Am. 973 1 Spain history 946 . Leonese sheep 636. Leopardi, G. Ital. poetry 851. Leopold i Ger. history 943. 2 943 . Leopold, K. G. af 839 Lepidoptera agric. pests 632. zoology 595- Lepisma agric. pests 632. Leprosy pathology 616 public helth 6 1 4 Leptocardii 597 Le Sage, A. R. Fr. fiction 843 Lesbos ancient history 939 modern " 949 Leslie's Virginia exped. 973 Lesser circulation, pressure 612 Lessing, G. E. Ger. drama 832 Lether domestic econ. 646 manufacture 675 stampt bilding 698 Letter writing compo. 808 etiquet 395 Lettering, ornamental 745 3 Letters English alfabet 421 Iiterature826 patent patents 608 see also special subject Lettic languages 491 4 Lettish " 491 Lettuce 635 Leucocytes physiology 612 Leucocythemia diseases 616 Leucocytic ferments phys.6i2 Leucocytosis " 612 844 1 8441 74 8i 7464 031 566 27 825 81322 668 502 33 16 2 366 75 044 06 :7157 78 78 71 998 546 1 51 12 92 3361 148 61 .15 . 8 .6 Leucomains Leucorrhea gynecology 612 618 9 93 52 112 41 II2II 1126 398195 17 'Levant, Asia history 956 travels 915 .6 sheep 636.385 ship U.S. war 1812 973.5257 Levator anguli oris anatomy 611.7326 scapulae anatomy 611.73114 Levatores costarum anatomy 611 labii " 6 1 1 7354 7326 Levees hydraulic engin'g 627.4 Level constant astron. 522.36 Leveling adjustments geodesy barometric geodesy spirit surveying trigonometric Lever application obstetrics mechanics Levers ordnance implements Levigation prac. chem. 'Levis co. Que. history Levitation spiritism Leviticus Bible Lewes, Mrs G : H : Eng. fie. 823 . Lewis, M. G. Eng. fiction 'Lewis co. Mo. history 1 N. Y. W. Va. " Lex mercatoria law Lexicografy, comparativ Eng. language 3 Lexicons see Language 2 on special topics see subject Lexington, battle Am. rev. 973 .3311 ship " Liabilities bilding Liability acts, employers insurance business pol. econ. to military servis Lias geology Libby prison U.S. civ. war 973.7712 Libel law 347-5 Liberal Christianity rationalism 211 unitarianism 288 degree, subjects allowable 378 . 242 Liberality ethics i?9-9 'Liberia history 966 . 6 526.58 526.37 526.36 526.95 526.38 6 1 8 . 8 1 531.81 623 . 463 542.22 971-459 133-9 222.13 . 88 823 . 71 977-8345 974-759 975-461 347-7 413 423 973-353 692.9 331.82 368 . 4 331 .25 355 . 22 55I-7 6 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 756 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 347-1 323-44 262.8 233-7 347-1 323 44 234-9 261 . 7 172.3 Liberty civil law political science ecclesiastic polity metaphysics 123 of conscience eccles. pol. 262 . 8 press journalism 070.13 political science 323.445 will mental faculties 159 personal doctrin law political sci. salvation religious church state ethics Librarian apartment lib. bildinj chief duties hours qualifications Y. M. C. A. Librarians biografy Libraries architecture arguments against for for blind working classes lib. econ. pol. " lib. " free public 022 .691 023.4 023.7 023.6 023 Si 267.342 920.2 727.8 021 .02 O2I .OI 027.6 O27.6 33I-85 027.4 state control 35 i . 852 lib. econ. 027 " " 021.67 " " 02 i. 66 book rarities 098 025, .225 .8 .6 4 .8 general home house imaginary in block, buying parochial lib. econ. 027 parish work 257 private lib. econ. 027 regulations for readers 024 school education 371 lib. econ. 027 . scope and founding 021 special for schools 021.33 special subject 026 Sunday opening lib. econ. 024.41 theol. 263.7 traveling 021.65 in sense of series see subject Library administration 025 benefit associations 023 . 59 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior Library bildings 022 architecture 727.8 schools 371.622 Bureau 020.65 catalogs author 018 dictionary 019 subject 017 commission room bldgs 022.612 cranks lib. decorum 024.52 departments, state 021.82 economy 020 fires 022 .26 furnishings dom. econ. 645.63 furniture 022 . 9 fixt 022.349 government 023 legislation lib. econ. 021.89 meetings staf privilege 023.68 name on book binding 025 .254 post, cheap lib. law 021 .863 progress 021.03 property staff rules 023.94 rooms. Y. M. C. A. 267.325 schools 020 . 7 staff organization 023 . 7 Y. M. C. A. 267.3532 Librations moon 523.33 Librettos opera 782 Libya ancient history 939-77 Libyan sheep 636 . 386 Lice animal parasites 616.9681 biting agric. pests 632.75 License local government 352 . 8 of dentists pub. helth 614.24 pharmacists " " 614.24. physicians " " 614.24 teachers education 371.13 taxation 336.27 temperance 178.4 Licenses, maritime 387 Lichens botany 589 . i Licinian laws pol. econ. 333 Roman hist. 937.02 'Licking co. O. history 977.154 Lidner, Bengt Swed. poet. 839.7153 Lieberkuhn ' s glands 611.3415 Lieder vocal music 784 . 4 J Liege history 949-3 travels 914.93 Lien laws 347-2 Liernur system sewerage 628.213 figures refer to the tables at the end of this RELATIV INDEX 757 Life Light animal painless extinct. 614.971 electric engineering 621.32 appointment to legis. body 328.3351 lib. Hidings 022.754 army 355.1 physics 537-83 biology 570 houses engineering 627.9 boats protection of life 614.867 navigation 656 ship bilding 623 . 829 optics 535-88 outfit 623 . 86 houses protec. of life 614.865 conditions of biology 577-4 infantry mil. sci. 356 contingencies moth. 5*9-5 mesology 612.01444 elixir of alchemy 540.1 of earth 5 2 5-2 ethics .179-7 moon 523-32 future doctrinal theol. 237 stars 523-82 natural " 218 sun 523-72 insurance 368 . 3 optics 535 probabilities 519.5 perspectiv of shadows 515-63 metaphysics 1 1 1 photochemistry 541-35 nature of physiol. 612:013 polarization of 535-5 navy 355-1 therapeutics 615.831 of legislatures 328 . 354 zodiacal astronomy 523-59 origin of biology 576 Lighters boatbilding 623 . 829 polit. sci. 323 . 43 power 623 . 8232 preservers pro tec. of life 614.867 Lighthouse ship outfit 623 . 86 tenders shipbilding 623 . 826 properties of living matter 577 Lighting protection from accidents 614 . 8 decorativ fine arts 745 saving servis protection 614.868 electric engineering 621.32 transport. 656 physics 537-83 sedentary hygiene 613.65 engineering 628.9 tables life insurance 368.3 library bildings 022.7 Lifting mediums chem. tech. 665 bridges engineering 624 . 84 mines 622 .47 committee legislation 328 . 375 panels elec. eng. 621.31727 machinery hydraulic 621 . 263 school bildings 371.627 mech. eng. 621 . 86 shipbilding 623.85 rams " 621.272 systems dom. econ. 644 3 Lifts windows architecture 729.38 book library econ. 022.945 Lightning canal engineering 626.5 agriculture 632-15 domestic economy 643 . 6 arresters elec. line 621 .31982 mechanic engineering 621.87774 stations 621.3178 school equipment 371 .629 telefone central 621.38794 Ligaments anatomy 611.72 terminal 621 .38694 of larynx 611.227 telegraf 621.38328 uterus 611.667 deth by electrophysiol. 612 .014425 Ligatures therapeutics 615.813 physics 537-4 Light rods physics 537-4 and air hygiene 613 . i shock surgery 617.12 shade arch, design 729.14 Lights shadow, grafics of 5 1 5 . 7 and fuel dom. econ. 644 animal production physiol. 612.772 shades drawing 742 zoology 5 9 1. 5 9 perspectiv 5I5-63 effect on iris physiol. 612 . 8423 chemic technology 665 plants 581.1 ecclesiology 246.6 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 758 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 623.826 Lincolnshire buffs poultry 636.526 553-22 cattle 636.2224 937.1 sheep 636.3214 913.371 swine 636.4245 945.1 Lincrusta paperhanging 698.8 914.51 Lindau, Paul Ger. drama 832.85 584.32 Linde apparatus chem. 542.79 822.57 Lindsley's takigrafy 653.71 977.1421 Line 985 breeding zootechny 636.08241 918.5 electric traction 621.332 635-653 transmission 621.3192 623.4314 engraving 765 611.81314 Linear botany 583.211 236.7 ' Linear perspectiv 515.61 611.98 Linen 617.58 bed dom. economy 645.67 637-3533 fabrics " 646.12 furnishings " " 645.48 236.7 manufacture 677 236.6 'table dom. economy 642.7 Lines 634.342 analytic geometry 516 941.94 descriptiv " 515 941.56 electric engineering 621.319 691.5 geometry 513 666. 9 Ling, P. H. Swed. poetry 839.7161 614.48 Lingual artery anatomy 611.13322 553.68 tonsi " 611.325 631.821 Linguistics 400 634-337 Linguists biografy 924 552.46 Lingula anatomy 611.8185 553.51 Linings 552.54 masonry mining 622.28 636.3256 mineral wool masonry 693.67 watertight mining 622.56 324.273 Link motion mech. eng. 621.84 323 . 49 Linkages machinery 621.84 'Linlithgow, Scot, history 941.44 094 'Linn co. la. " 977.762 324.223 Mo. " 977-824 944.66 Linnaean system botany 580.1 636.3425 zoology 590.1 636.445 Linne", K;von Swed. misc. 839.7842 594.3 Linoleum 973 . 7 domestic economy 645 . i 942.53 library " 022.961 914.253 manufactures 679 974.15 Linotype 977-837 newspapers 070.3222 97I-35I printing 655.28 975-443 Lintels architec. constr. 721.86 977.527 Linton sheep 636.3252 Lions zoology 599-7 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index Lightships shipbilding Lignite econom. geol. Liguria, Italy history, anc. antiquities 1 history mod. travel Liliaceae botany Lillo, G : English drama 'Lima, O. * history 1 Peru travel Lima bean Limbers ordnance Limbic lobe anatomy Limbo eschatology Limbs anatomy artificial Limburger cheese Limbus infantum eschatology patrum " Lime, see Limes Limeberry 'Limerick, Ireland history treaty of Limes bilding material chemic technol. disinfectants economic geology fertilizers fruit culture Limestone crystallin econom. geol. lithology sheep Limitation election expenditures individual rights Limited editions vote suffrage 'Limousin, France history sheep swine Limpets zoology Lincoln, A. presidency of 'Lincoln co. Eng. history travels Me. history Mo. v*V Ont. W. Va. " Wis. RELATIV INDEX 759 Lip reading education 371.912 Lipoids in blood physiology 612.123 physiology of nutrition 612. 3978 Lipolytic ferments physiol. 612.3973 1 Lippe, Germany history 943.55 Lippi, Lorenzo Ital. satire 857.54 Lips anatomy 611.317 physiol. of speech 612 .7892 Liptocardii fishes 597 .1 Liquefaction heat 536.42 of gases chem. 542 . 79 physics 533 . 2 Liquid air physics 533 . 2 fertilizer distributors 631.3334 fuel chem. tech. 662.6 fuels steam engin'g 621.18223 state chemistry 541.32 treatment prac. chem. 542 . 6 wastes indus. sanitat'n 628 . 54 Liquids absorption by skin 612.7914 in lungs 612 .2159 physics 532 volumetric analysis 545-6 Liquor laws administration 351.761 license 178.4 prohibition 178.5 Liquors internal revenue 336.27 manufacture 663 taxation 336.27 traffic in temperance 178.4 use of " 178.1 1 Lisbon history 946 . 9 travel 914.69 Liscow, C. L; Ger. satire 837.54 VL'Islet co. Que. history 971.474 Lissauer's tract anatomy 611.8255 List system suffrage 324 . 224 Lists electoral suffrage 324 . legislativ bodies official 328 . unofficial 328 . Litanies sacred music 783 . Litany Anglic, church 264. 'Litchfield co. Ct. history 974. Litchi 634. 241 338 339 26 33 61 771 Literary addresses 804 on special topics see topic clubs self education 374.23 criticism, art of 80 1 with thing criticized see subject esthetics frauds and forgeries history institutions colleges men biografy diet for hygiene methods library econ. miscellanies, English occupations hygiene periodicals property law publishing student life rhetoric societies style Literature biografy of children delineated in classic (Greek and Latin) immoral ethics lib. exclusion medieval modern relation to pol. econ. woman delineated in Lithium Lithografy Lithology 8oi 809 809 378 928 613.21 029 828 613.65 805 347-3 655.6 371.84 808 800 928 136.758 880 176.8 025.217 restriction 024.674 800 800 330.198 396-8 546.34 763 552 552-8 593-6 617.46 617 .46 767 947-5 914. chemistry engraving geology microscopic zoology surgery Lithophytes Lithotomy Lithotrity " Lithozincografy Lithuania history travels 914.75 Lithuanian language 49 1 . 92 Litoral rights pol. econ. 333.9 Little Belt and President U. S. history 973 .51 1 Kanawha val. W. Va. hist. 975 . 42 1 Russia history 947-7 travels 914.77 shelbark hickory 634 . 522 sisters of the poor 271.95 Littre"'s gland anatomy 611.6234 Liturgies 264 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Lobsters fishery 639 . 5 zoology 595-38 Local government administ. 352 histories see name of place history room lib. bldgs 022.64 legislation 328.378 option temperance 178.4 taxation for pub. schools 379.13 taxes finance 336.28 Localizations cerebral physiology 612.8252 in animals comp. " 612.82525 Location of bridges engin'g 624.14 college or university 378.15 factories 621.701 farm 631.11 house dom. econ. 643 . i library bildings 022 . i observatories 522.11 roads engin'g 625 . 72 Loci in space analytic geom. 516.3 plane " " 516.1 Locke, D:R. Am. humor 817.42 J : Eng. philosofy 192.2 sensationalism 145 Locking up printing 655.27 Lockjaw diseases 616.854 Lockouts capital & labor 331.895 Locks and keys manufacture 683 architectural construction 72 1 . 88 canal engineering 626.4 nut railway engineering 625.15 Lockups architecture 725.62 Locomotion animal comp. anatomy 591 .47 communication 656 organs of pathology 616.7 ' physiology 612.76 Locomotiv cranes 621.875 Locomotivs comprest air 621.42 electric engineering 621.3342 railroading 656 steam engineering 621.13 Locomotor ataxia diseases 616.83 Locris, Greece anc. hist.- 938.3 Locusts econ. zoology : . 59 1 . 69 pests |.* y ! 632 . 72 Lodges, porter's architec. 728.91 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index Live stock agriculture 636 insurance 368.5 Liver anatomy 611.36 diseases of 616.36 physiology 612.35 secretions physiology 612.35 'Liverpool history 942.72 travels 914.272 Liverworts botany 588.3 Livery stables architecture 725.38 uniforms dom. econ. 647-33 Lives biograiy 920 of American indians 970.2 gipsies 397 slaves 326.92 Living cost of 647-1 matter, properties of 577 room dom. economy 645-65 wage polit. econ. 331-214 Livingston, W: Am. poet. 811.15. 'Livingston co. 111. hist. 977.361 1 Mich. 977.436 1 Mo. 977.822 1 N. Y. " 974.785 'Livonia, Russia " 947-4 travel 914.74 4 Livonian language 491 93 Livy Latin literature 878.4 Lixiviation prac. chem. 542.61 Lizards reptils 598.H Ljunggren, G. H. J. 839-7465 Llama domestic animals 636.296 Load bridge engineering 624.172 floor lib. bilding 022.438 Loaders, hay 631-3533 Loadstone economic geology 553-3 magnetism 538.1 Loan funds, student 378.362 institutes pol. econ. 332.3 systems lib. " 025.6 'Loango, Africa history 967.2 travel 916.72 Loans library lib. econ. 024.6 private finance 332.3 public 336.3 Loaseae botany 583-453 Lobbying legis. bodies 328.368 Lobelia cerebrospin. pois 615.98 RELATIV INDEX 761 Lodging houses for poor 361 Lodgings, student 371.87 Log book seamanship 656 'Logan co. 111. history 977. 1 O. " 977. W.Va. " 975. Loganberry agriculture 634 . Loganiacese botany 583 . 1 Logansport, Ind. hist. 977- Logarithms 510.8 Logau, F ; von Ger. poetry 83 1 . 53 Logging timber trade 674 Logia sayings of Jesus 229.9 Logic 1 60 Logical machines 164 Logos Christology 232.2 Logotypes printing 655.23 Logrolling legislation 328.3745 Logs speed ship outfit 623 . 86 Lohenstein, D. C. Ger.dram.832 . 52 'Loir et Cher, France hist. 944 . 53 Loir-et-Cher sheep 636.3449 'Loire France history 944 -5 8 basin sheep 636.344 Infgrieure, France hist. 944 . 14 'Loiret " " 944.52 Lollards religious sect 289.9 Lombard kingdom, Italy history 945.01 street banking 332 'Lombardy, Italy history 945. Lonberg, Jens Dan. drama 839 . 'London, Eng. history 942 . travel 914- 1 Ont. history 971 . 'Londonderry, Ire. history 941. Long distance telefony 621. card swine 636 . hornd cattle American 636 . English 636 , 1 Island, N. Y. history 974. battle Am. revol.973 ' Point iland, Ont. hist. 971 . running squash 635 , taild sheep 636 wool " 636 Longevity animals 591, librarians 023 life insurance 368, physiology 612 probabilities 519 statistics 312 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior Longfellow, H : W. Am. poet 811.34 'Longford, Ireland history 941 .81 Longissimus dorsi anat. 61 1 . 73 136 Longitude at sea navigation 527.2 determinations geodesy 526.62 geocentric theor. astron. 521 .26 heliocentric " " 521.25 methods of finding 525 . 46 variations theor. astron. 521 .28 Longley shorthand Longus Danish misc. Longus colli anatomy Lonk sheep 'Loo-choo ilands 653-63 839.8811 611.7336 636-3254 952 915-2 535 - 87 39i 973-7359 677 history travel Looking glasses optics toilet Lookout mt U.S. civ. war Loom, power manufact. Loosjes, Adriaan Dutch net. 839 .3351 Loots, Cornelis " poet. 839.3153 Lope de Rueda Span. dram. 86 2 . 39 Lope de Vega " " 862.31 Lopez de Ayala.P. " poet. 861.21 Lophobranchii fishes 597-5 Loquat fruit culture 634.16 'Lorain city, O. history 977.1231 ' co. O. " 977.123 Loranthaceae botany 583.941 Lord chancellors biografy 923.442 Lord's day 263.3 prayer 226.9 supper sacraments 265 .3 Loris, Guillaume de Fr. poet. 841 . 18 1 Lorraine, France history 944.38 i Germany " 943-45 'Los Angeles city, Cal. hist. 979 . 494 1 co. " " 979-493 Loss of animal heat physiol. 612 . 52 citizenship pol. sci. 323 . 64 fertilizing principles 631.814 Losses regimental U.S. civ. war 973.7419 Lost books book rarities 098 lib. economy 024.85 'Lot, France history 944-73 ' et Garonne, Fr. hist. 944.76 Lot sheep 636.3466 'Lotbiniere co. Que. hist. 971.458 Loteae legume crops 633 . 374 Lothaire i German history 943-01 2 943.023 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 7 62 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 6 6 31 8 544 Lotteries ethics 174 history of 174- IxDtus Egyptian religion 299. Lotze German philosofy 193 . Louhans poultry 636 Louis 6 French history 944.022 7 944.022 8 " 944-023 9 944-023 10 944.024 11 944.027 12 944.027 13 944.032 14 " 944-033 15 944.034 16 " " 944.035 18 " "firstemp. 944.05 " " restorat'n 944.061 1 German " 943 . o i 2 " 943.021 3 " 943.021 4 943-026 Napoleon French hist. 944.07 Philippe " 944.063 iLouisa co. la. " 977.7926 Louisburg U. S. hist. 973 .26 Louisiana, U. S. admission U. S. history 973.51 1 history 976.3 For military history, see subdi- visions of Special campainsand Military history under 973.52, 973.7 and 973-89 purchase U. S. history 973, secession " " 973 'Louisville, Ky. history 976 Lounging gowns 'Louth, Ireland Louvre gallery Love ethics history fine arts 646 941 708 177 feasts pub. worship 264, of God theology 231. psychology 157 Lovejoy, E. P. murder of 973 . Lovelace, R: Eng. poetry 821. Low blueberry, dwarf 634 pale 634 . countries history 949 travel 914 country sheep 636 . Dutch language 439 German literature 839 * Latin language 479 literature 879 46 713 9 47 82 4 6 7114 45 734 736 2 92 331 3 i Low pressure engins 621.11252 hot water heating 697 .4 steam " 697.5 velocity overshot wheels 621.221 Lowell, J. R. Am. poetry 811.37 Lowenthal's tract anat. 611.8256 Lower California, Mex. history 972.2 1 Canada history 971. i empire Byzantine 949 extremities anatomy 6n, bones 611. bursae 6 1 1 joints 611. lymf glands 611. lymfatics of 611. muscles 611 surgery 617. house legislativ bodies 328 . Silurian group geology 551. Lowland German swine 636. Loyal legion mil. order 369. volunteers, society 369. Loyalists Amer. revol. Can. hist. 971 . U.S. 973. Loyalty 1 ilands history 993 . political science 320 . state ethics 1 72 . 'Lozere, France history 944 'Lubeck, Germany " 943 . Lubricants 621. Lubrication mechanical engineering 621 . railway " 625. steam locomotiv 621. Lubricators steam plant 621. Lucan Latin epic poetry 873. 1 Lucas co. la. history 977. O. " 977- 1 Luce co. Mich. " 977- Luce de Lancival, ]' C' J. 841 . Lucernariae zoology 593 . Lucian Greek literature 888 . Lucidor Swed. poetry 839 . Lucilius, Caius Lat. satire 877. Junior " poetry87i . ^ucknow, India history 954. travels 915. Lucretius ancient philos. 187 Latin poetry 871. Ludwigslied Ger. poetry 83 1 . 4 5 98 718 7^3 728 468 4218 738 58 32 73 ^ 431 J 5 2 153 024 3 158 i Si 17 1977 2 786 112 492 64 74 ' 7 7132 i 7 2 42 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 763 Luffa 635 . Luke gospel 226. Lull, Raimon Catalan poet. 849 . Lullabies folklore 398. music 784. Lumbago diseases 616. Lumbar arteries anat. 611. cord " 6 1 1 . nervs " 611. region " 6 1 1 . veins " 6 1 1 . vertebrae " 6 i i . Lumber bilding material 691. manufacture 674 wagons farm transport 631 . Lumbosacral joints anat. 611. muscles " 6 1 1 . nervs " 611. Lumbricales of foot " 6 1 1 . hand " 6n. Lunacy law 347- mind and body 132 . Lunar caustic therapeutics 615. eclipses astronomy 523 . methods find 'g longitude 525. tables 523 . Lunatic asylums 362 . Lunatum, os anatomy 611. Lunch counters table systems 642 . rooms lib. bildings 022. school table sys. ' 642 . Luncheon recipes 641 . Luncheons entertaining 642 . Lunches dom. econ. 642 . Lundy'sLane U.S.war 1812 973 . 'Lunenburg co. N. S. hist 971 . Lungs absorption by 612. of liquids in 612. admin, of medicin by 615. anatomy 611. capacity of physiol. 612. diseases of 616. functions of 612. loss of heat in 612. Lupin forage 633 . Luray caverns description 551 . Luschka's tonsils anat. 611. villi " 6 1 1 . J Lusitania history 946 . Luster ware pottery 738 Lute stringd instruments 787. Topics in black face type are subdivided. 627 4 9111 8 4 74 1362 8214 835 959 1461 7116 3735 7216 7313 8353 7389 7377 ' i 49 2 7I77 : 57 684 58 53 42 3 5237 623 385 2159 64 24 24 24 2 523 367 44 324 8i93 9 Lutheran ch' rch 284 . i confession creeds 238.4 Lutherans biografy 922.4 Luting practical chem. 542.26 Luxemburg, house of 943 . 026 Luxfer prisms lighting 628.9 Luxury economics 339 ethics 177.4 hygiene 613.88 Luys, nucleus of anat. 611.8141 Luzern swine 636.431 1 Luzerne co. Pa. history 974.832 Lycanthropy insanity 132.1 Lyce'es French schools 379-44 Lyceum Gk philosofy 185 Lyceums self -education 374.23 Lycia ancient history 939.28 antiquities 9i3-39 2 8 1 Lycoming co. Pa. " 974.851 Lycophron Gk poetry 881.3 Lycopodinae botany 587.9 Lycurgus Gk oratory 885 . 8 Lyddite chem. tech. 662 . 2 Lydgate, J : Eng. poetry 821.21 Lydia ancient history 939.22 Lying ethics 1 7 7 . 3 Lying-in-hospitals architecture 725.51 institutions 362 . i Lyly, John Eng. fiction 823.3 Lymf histology 611.01857 Lymfatic duct, right anatomy 611.425 glands 611.46 harts comp. physiol. 612.424 system anatomy 611.4 diseases of 616.4 surg. opera. 617.44 vessels anat. 611.42 Lymfatics anatomy 611.42 diseases of 616.42 Lynch law 343-2 Lynchburg campain U. S. civ. war 973 . 7369 Lyndsay, D : Eng. poetry 82 1 . 26 J Lyon co. la. history 977.711 'Lyonnais, France history 944 -5 8 ^yons " 944-58 travels 914.458 Lyric drama, see Opera 6 poetry, English 821.04 Greek 884 Latin 874 Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 764 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Lysias Greek oratory 885 . 2 Lyskander, K. Dan. misc. 839 . 883 Lythrarieae botany 583.441 Lytton, E:G:B. Eng. fie. 823.84 Mabinogeon Welsh literat. 89 1 5 Macaronics Eng. " 827 Macaulay, T: B. " essays 824, Maccabees Bible 229 McCosh, James Am. philos. 191 J McDonald co. Mo. hist. 977. 1 McDonough co. 111. hist. 977 McDowell co. W. Va " 975 Macedonia Greek history 938 ship U. S. war 1812 973 Macedonian dialect Greek lang. 487. sheep agriculture 636 . supremacy Greek history 938 Maceration practical chemistry 542 . J McHenry co. 111. history 977 Ft U.S. war 1812 973 Machiavelli, N. Ital. dram. 852 essays 854 Machine design engineering 621, engraving 768 gun mounts ordnance 623 , guns mil. engineering 623; sheds agn culture 631, shop mfg plant 621 school equipm't 371 . architecture 725, mech. engin'g 621. shops tools Machinery engineering farm 621 631. inspection public safety 614. in industry pol. econ. 338. irrigating 631. kitchen 643 . propelling shipbilding 623 . transmission agric. 631 Machines digging 631 . distributing printing 655. hydraulic 532 . mechanics 531 . modulus of physics 531. practical printing- 655. typesetting* 655. washing dom. econ. 648 . see also specific subject Machinists' occupations hygiene 613. *McKean co. Pa. history 974. Mackenzie, G: Eng. fie. 823. H: " 823. 661 7 5 8736 342 449 i 5251 81 373 07 61 322 5238 81 4313 4224 25 75 623 43 9 3 838 4 78 34 87 37 3115 28 8 8 43 36 28 23 66 863 43 65 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 765 'Mackenzie ter. Can. hist. 971 . Mackerel fishery 639, 'Mackinac co. Mich. hist. 977, McKinley, W: presidency 973 tariff act U.S.hist. 973 Mackintosh, J. Eng. essays 824 'McLean co. 111. history 977 McMahon third republic 944 'Macomb co. Mich, hist. 977 'Macon co. 111. " 977 Mo. 977. 'Macoupin co. 111. " 977 Macpherson, J. Eng. poet. 821 Macula lutea anatomy 6 1 1 Mad houses 362 'Madagascar history 969 ! Madawaska co. N. B. hist. 971 . 'Madeira iland " 946 trav. 914, 'Madero co. Cal. hist. 979 , Madison, J. presidency of 'Madison city, Wis. hist. 1 co. 111. Ind. la. Mo. N. Y. O. Madness mind and body Madoc discov. of Am. Madonna in art ecclesiology fine arts painting legends mariolatry 'Madras, India history travel 973 977 977 977- 977- 977- 974. 977. 132. 973- 246 709 755 225, 230. 954. 9I5. 633. 593. 946. 914. 784. 839. 852. 22 2 492 88 86 7i 359 08 439 358 827 383 66 843 554 481 5i 584 386 25? 781- 891 764 155 Madras hemp Madreporaria zoology 'Madrid history travel Madrigal music Maerlant, Jacob van Maffei, S. marchese di Magalhaens discov. of Am. 9 73 . Maganetawan dist. Ont. hist. 971 . Magazine guns ordnance 623 . publisht by library 025. racks library economy 022 . rifles small arms 623 . 92 562 66 4 64 i 3111 56 16 315 4224 126 935 44231 Magazines general periodicals 050 literary 805 powder, care of 623 . 481 1 construction of 623 .614 2 special subject see subject 'Magdalen ilands,- Que. hist. 97 1 . 4797 'Magdeburg, Prussia " 943.18 trav. 914.318 Magellan straits discovery U. S. history 973.16 travels 918.2 Maggots parasitic diseases 616.967 Magic lanterns optics 535-86 natural 133 squares mathematics 511.61 Magicians lives 920.9 Magistrates law 347.96 Magna charta constitutional history 342 .42 English history 942.033 Magnesium chemistry 546 . 46 group chemistry 546 . 44 Magnetic machines 538.8 needle 538.7 observations 538.7 separation of ore 622 . 77 surveys mining 622.15 telegraf, business 654 elec. eng. 621 .382 Magnetism 538 animal mind and body 134 electrophysiology 612.014426 terrestrial 538.7 Magneto boards telefony 621 chemistry 541 dynamos electricity engineering 38722 378 83 313 eng. 621. 31453 537. 621 potential regulators Magnets properties of 538.1 Magnifiers optics 535-82 Magnitude of stars 523 .82 Magno, Celio Ital. poetry 851.44 Magnoliaceae botany 583.114 Magnum os anatomy 611.71777 Maguey fiber 633 . 5775 Magyar language 494 poultry 636.538 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 766 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Magyars history 943.91 Mahabharata Sanskrit lit. 89 1 . 2 'Mahaska co. la. history 977.784 Mahometanism 297 ^lahoning co. O. hist. 977.139 'Mahrah, Arabia " 953-4 4 Mahratta language 491.46 Mails postoffis 383 Maimonides oriental phil. 181.3 'Maine, France history 944.16 1 et Loire, Fr. " 944.18 Maine, U. S. admission U. S. hist. 973-54 1 history 974 . i indian war U. S. hist. 973.24 law temperance J 78-5 mil. hist. Span, war 973.89441 U. S. civ. war 973.7441 travels 917 .41 Maine, battleship Span, war 973 .891 Mains steam engineering 621.1853 waterworks 628.15 Maintenance roads engineering 625 . 76 soil 631.45 Maistre, Xavier de Fr. fie. 843 . 64 Maize agriculture 633.15 Majagua 633.564 Majolica pottery 738 1 Majorca history 946 . 7 travels 914.67 Majority election suffrage 324.262 to legisl. bod. 328 . 3355 vote legislativ procedure 328 . 375 Making redy printing 655.32 .'Malabar history 954-8 travels 915.48 'Malacca history 959-5 travel 915-95 Malachi Bible 224.99 Malacology zoology 594 Malacostraca " 595 . 36 "Malaga history 946 . 8 travels 914.68 goat 636.396 Malar bones anatomy 611.7163 Malaria hygiene 613.14 marshes 614.772 Malarial fever diseases 616.936 public helth 614.53 Malarious soils " " 614.775 Malay 1 archipelago history 991 travels 919 . i game poultry 636 . 588 1 5 1 peninsula history 959-5 Polynesian languages 499 poultry 636.5854 'Malaysia history 991 Male functions of generation 612.61 servants dom. econ. 647 . 22 Malebranche Fr. philos. 194.2 Males adult stockbreeding 636 . 0823 1 young 636.08237 Malformation of teeth 617.64 Malformations animal comp. anat. 591.159 human anatomy 611.012 somatology 573-9 surgery 617.3 vegetable botany 581.22 Malherbe, F. de Fr. poetry 841.41 Malignant tumors pathol. 616.994 Malines, coucou de 636.548 Malleability molec. phys. 539.51 Malleus anat. of ear 611 .857 Malmstrom, B. E. 839 . 7463 Malpighiaceae botany 5 83 . 2 1 4 Malpighian bodies anat. 611.415 Malposition of teeth 61 7 . 64 Malpractis law 343 public helth 614.26 Malt liquors brewing 663 . 3 'Malta history 945-8 knights of 929 .711 Malteries architecture 725.42 Maltese goat 636 . 395 swine 636.45 Malthusianism population 312 Maltose nutrition 612.39614 Malvaceae botany 583.17 Mai vales 583.17 Malvern Hill U. S. civ. war 973 . 7327 Mamelukes Egyptian hist. 962 Mamiani della Rovere, T. 854.76 Mammalia paleontology 569 zoology 599 Mammary artery, external anat. 611.1341 internal 611.1345 glands anatomy 611.69 physiology 612. 664 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 767 Mammary lymf glands anat. 6 1 1 . secretion animals 59 1. Mammee apple 634 . Mammillary tubercles anat. 6 1 1 . Mammonism ethics 174. Mammoth cave physical geografy 551. paleontology 569. zoology 599 . Mamon fruit culture 634. 1 Mamuret el Aziz hist. 956. Man anatomy 611 antiquity prehist. arch. 571 nat. hist, of man 573 . doctrinal theology 233 ethnografy 572 in the iron mask biog. 920. 1 Isle of history 942 . mammals 599 mental characteristics 136 faculties 150 natural history of 573 origin of evolution 575- nat. hist. 573 . theol. 213 physiology 612 Management farm economics in pregnancy library economy of household normal labor state properties puerperal state Manager, farm household Managers Y. M. C. A. Manassas, Va. 4642 146 654 8142 5 44 6 6 414 6 631. 618, 025 647 618. 336 618, 631 647 267 U. S. civil war ist battle 973 2d battle 973 Manasses, prayer of Apocr. 229 Mancelle swine 636 , 1 Manche, France history 944 'Manchester. Eng. " 942 travels 914 1 Manchuria, China history 951, Mandarin duck 636 orange 634 Mandeville, B. de Eng.hum.827 Mandible bone anatomy 611 joint " 611 I 24 44 1 1 6 1152 21 333 73*4 7328 6 443 2 I 72 272 8 59785 322 53 7164 724 Mandibular nerv anatomy 6 1 1 . 83 1 5 6 Mandolin stringd instrum. 787.6 Manetti, Antonio Ital. net. 853 .23 Maneuvering machinery 623 . 436 Maneuvers mil. science 355-5 Manfredi, E. Ital. poetry 851.56 Mangabotti, A. dei " net. 853 . 24 Mangalicza swine 636.472 Manganese chemistry 546.71 metallurgy 669 . 7 ores economic geology 553.46 633-416 633.417 648.45 Mangel, half sugar wurzel Mangle laundry mach. Manholes in sewers steam engineering underground elec. lines Mania mind and body puerperal obstetrics Maniacs lives Manichaeism heresies Manifolding writing Manila, battle Span, war 628. 621. 621. 132. 618. 920. 273- 652 973 253 Manilius, Marcus Lat.poet.87i Manipulation practical chemistry 542 therapeutics 615 1 Manistee city, Mich. hist. 977 319234 i 76 895 5 .82 .462 .462 .27 3155 567 co. 977 ^Manitoba, Canada " 971 ^anitoulin ilands, Ont. " 971 ^Manitowoc co. Wis. " 977 Manly exercizes sports 796 Manners and customs, general 390 local, see special countries of children dom. econ. 649 . 6 Mannose nutrition 612.39613 Manometer pneumatics 533.82 practical chemistry 542.77 steam engineering 621 . 1847 Manor houses architec. 728.83 Manors polit. economy 333.3 Manrique, Jorge Span. poet. 86 1 . 2 4 Mansard roofs architectural construction 721.59 design 7 2 9-35 1 Mansfield, O. history 977.1281 Mansions architecture 728 . 3 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 768 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Manslaughter law 343 Mansron, P. Swed. misc. 839.781 Mantels decoration 743 fixt furniture 729.95 Mantes fowls 636 . 547 Manual alfabets 371.912 training education 371.42 Manuals business commerce 658 collectors biology 579 legislativ procedure 328.371 2 special, see subject Manuel, Juan Span. misc. 868 . 13 Manufactories architec. 725 . 4 engin'g 621.7 Manufacturers credits 332.312 Manufactures 670 chemic technology 660 military resources 355 . 26 production 338 public helth 614.7 state control 351.824 Manufacturing processes elec. eng. 621.318 works engineering 621.7 Manure, stable agric. 631.86 air pollut. 614.761 spreders 631.3336 Manures fertilizers agriculture 631.86 sewage san. engin'g 628 . 38 vegetable agric. 631.87 Manuscript catalog Iib.econ.o25.3 Manuscripts Bible 220.4 book rarities 091 copyright 655.62 diplomatics 417 Latin diplomatics 47 1 . 7 8 other languages library administration 025.171 selection publishing 655.51 4 Manx language 491 . 64 Manzoni, Ales. Ital. fict. 853 . 72 poet. 851.73 Map cases library admin. 025.8 storage 022.485 drawing in schools 9 10 . 7 making 526.98 projection geodesy 526 . 8 Maple sugar plants 633.64 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior Maps 912 aerial aeronautics 629.145 astronomic, general 524 moon 5 2 3-39 planets 523.49 star 523.89 sun 523-79 classic 912.3 Great war 1914-19 940.49 removed from lib. books 024.83 school apparatus 371.67 special library material 025.176 U. S. history civil war 973 .799 Mex. " 973.6299 revolution 973.399 Span, war 973.8999 warof 1812 973.5299 4 Marathi language 491.46 J Marathon co. Wis. history 977.529 Marble economic geology 553 . 5 1 inscriptions 417 Greek 481.7 Latin 47 J -7 other lang. lithology 552.46 sculpture 731 March, A. Catalan poetry 849.9131 March form music 786.44 to the sea U.S. hist. 973.7378 ^arche, France history ' 944 . 68 Marche sheep 636 . 3423 1 Marches, Italy history 945-6 Marchetti, G. Ital. poetry 851.74 Marchi's tract anatomy 611.8256 Marconi wireless telegrafy 621 .3842 Marcus Aurelius philos. 188.8 Marenco, L. Ital. drama 852.84 Mare's milk dairy 637.171 Margaretta (ship) capture 973.351 Margiana ancient history 939.63 Marguerite de Navarre French fiction 843 .31 Marian persecutions in Eng. 272 .6 Mariana, J. de Span. -misc. 868.31 Marie de France Fr. poetry 841 . 13 Varies co. Mo. history 977.859 Marietta, O. " 977.1981 Marigold 635.73 'Marin co. Cal. history 979 . 462 Marine animals 591 .92 architecture naval eng. 623 . 8 ship bldg 623 . 8 figures refer to the tables at the end of this indei RELATIV INDEX 769 Marine boilers corps navy engins fauna zoology flora botany hospitals institutions insurance law plants surveying zoology Mariners compass magnetism occupation hygiene 'Marinette city, Wis. hist. 1 co. " Marini, G. Ital. poetry Mariolatry R. cath. theol. 1 Marion city, O. history 1 co. 111. 1 Ind. " la. Mo. O. W.Va. " Marionettes amusements 'Mariposa co. Cal. hist. Maritime affairs naval science discovery law quarantine pub. helth registry surveying Marivaux, P' C. de C. de French drama fiction Marjoram Mark, gospel of Market gardening agric. Marketing products agric. Markets architecture cattle architecture domestic economy Marking laundry dom. economy system education Marks , communities pol. sci. ownership zootechny Marl fertilizers agric. lithology 621 . 18422 359 621.12 59L92 581.92 362.1 368.2 347-7 581.92 526.99 591.92 613.64 977-534 977-533 851-52 230.2 977.1511 977-3794 977.252 977-783 977-835 977-I5I 975-454 791 979.446 359 910.4 347-7 614.461 355-22 526.99 842.54 843-5 2 635.71 226.3 635 631.18 725 .26 725.27 641.4 648.12 371.26 321.2 636.0812 631.822 552 54 Marlowe, C. Eng. drama 822 Marmalade plum 634 Marmarica anc. history 939 Marne, France history 944 Marnix, P. Dutch poetry 839 Maronites sects 281 Maroons hist.of Jamaica 972 Marot, Clement Fr. satire 847 Marprelate controversy 285 Marque and reprisals international law 341 'Marquesas ilands history 996. travel 919 Marquetry artistic furnit. 749 cabinet work 684 Marquette co. Mich, hist. 977, Wis. " 977 Marriage communal 392 . customs 392 ethics 173. law 347.6 registers genealogy 929.3 sacrament vital statistics Marrow, bone histology physiology 612 Marry at, F. Eng. fiction 823 Mars planets 523 seasons astronomy 525 Marseilles history travel Marsh shorthand Marsh sheep swine Marshall co. 111. history 1 Ind. - 265- 614. 611 .32 .432 -76 .3 2 .3127 .5 .92 -3I .9 -3 3 -63 -496 -558 9 5 5 17 01846 491 78 944 914 653 636 636 977 977 977 975 996 977 la. W. Va. " 1 ilands " Marshalltown, la. " Marshes drainage reclamation 63 1 . hygiene of pub. helth 614. physical geology 551 . Marsipobranchii fishes 597- Marston, J: Eng. comedy 827. Marsupialia mammals 599 . Marsupialida zoology 593 . Marthold sheep 636. Martial Latin satire 877. Martial law pol. sci. 323 . Martin co. Ind. history 977. Martinez de la Rosa, F. 862 . -9I .491 -54 .331 434 -351 .288" -755 -4i6 .8 -7551 615 772 49 2 34 2 76 3469 6 49I 238 51 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 770 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 1 Martinique history travels Martorel, Joanet Catal.fict. 849 Martyrs persecutions Marvel, Ik Am. miscel. Marvell, Andrew Eng.sat. 827 Mary queen of Eng. Eng. hist. 942 Scots Scot. Virgin biografy Rom. cath. theol.23o Maryland, U. S. hisl For military history, see subdi- visions of Special campains and Military history under 973.3, 973-S2- 973-7 and 973-89 travel Mascheroni, L. Ital. poetry 851 'Mashona, Africa hist( 'Maskinonge co. Que. hist. 971 Masks dramatic music Mason and Dixon's line slavery 326 history 972.98 Massage therapeutics 615.82 917.298 Masseter muscle anat. 611.73271 849-933 1 Massillon, O. history 977.1623 272 Massinger, P. Eng. drama 822.37 818.32 Master and servant f am.eth. 1 73 . 8 827-43 law 347-6 Mastersingers Ger. poetry 831.38 942.054 Mastication 941.05 muscles anatomy 611.7327 225.92 physiology 612.311 1.230.2 Mastitis obstetrics 618.71 975" 2 Mastmaking shipbilding 623.85 - Mastodon paleontology 569 . 6 d Mastoid cells anatomy 611.8547 917 52 ear diseases 617.87 851.62 glands anatomy 611.4632 968.9 Masts shipbilding 623 . 85 971.444 Matamoras 782.9 battle Me xican war 973.6234 1 history 97 2 -. i 326.97.. 'Matane co. Que. hist. 971-4775 977-355 Matches chem. tech. 662 . 5 977-46i mil. engin'g 623.4541 975-433 Matchmakers occupation hygiene 613.62 69I-5 Mat6 agriculture 633 . 77 620.15 Materia medica medicin 615.1 366.1 zootech. 636.0895 693 Material 624 . 63 appropriate to library 021.16 623.123 balloon aeronautics 629 . 161 622 .28 rooms for special lib.bldg 022.63 721.52 Materialism philosofy 146 728.6 Materials 366.1 bilding 691 793 bridge engineering 624.01 394-2 clothing dom. econ. 646 . i hygiene 613.481 621.16537 engineering 620 . i 264.025 factory storage 621.7962 783-2 foundation bridges 624.153 531-54 insulating elec. engin'g 621 .31937 525-11 library bildings 022 . 2 784-2 bookbinding 025.7 977-3997 bookcases 022.441 protectiv agric. pests 632 . 95 974-4 strength of engineering 620 . 1 1 >- molec. phys. 539 . 4 r Maternity 618 9 ethics 173 973-24 hospitals 362 . i 973-3 18 architecture 725.51 917 44 medicin 618 1 CO. 111. 1 Mich. 1 W. Va. Masonry adhesivs bilding engin'g anti- secret societies bilding bridges, archt fortifications lining mining roofs architecture village houses archit. Masons secret societies 366 Masquerades amusem'ts 793 customs Mass balancing steam turbins 621 catholic ritual sacred music law of gravity of earth recitativ music 'Massac co. 111. history Massachusetts, U. S. 1 history For military history, see sub divisions of Special campains and Military history under 973-3 , 973- 52. 973-7 and 973-89 King Philip's war Shay's rebellion travel Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 77i Mathematical Maya crystallografy 548 7 architecture 722 9 drawing 744 civilization antiq. 72 instruments 5io 8 Mex. hist. 972 015 probabilities 5 J 9 2 language 497 tables Sio 8 Mayaceae botany 584 37 theory gravity exper. 526 7i Maydeae grass crops 633 281 of music 781 i 'Mayenne, France hist. 944 16 tides 525 61 Mayflower descendants soc. 309 .124 Mathematicians biografy 925 i Maynard, F. Fr. poetry 841 42 Mathematics 510 'Mayo, Ireland history 941 73 Mathews, C. Am. drama 812 3 2 . Mayor Fr. local gov. 352 0447 Mathurins monastic order 271. 79 Mazurka piano music 786 44 Matins catholic ritual 264 023 Meal mills architecture 725 47 Matriculation schools 37i 21 Meals domestic economy 642 Matrimony, see Marriage Mealy bug pests Mean 632 75 Matter metaphysics physical chemistry 117 time solar day value probabilities Measles diseases 529 519 616 .1 6 915 physics properties of living 53 577 I public helth 614 Measurements see Mesurements 523 Matthew, gospel of 226 2 Measures, see Mesures Matthias German history 943 35 Measuring, see Mesuring Mattias, Canon Swed. misc. 839.781 Meat Matting dom. economy 645 I as food dom. econ. 641 3 lib. 022 962 food values 641 12 Mattock 631 3Il6 hygiene 613 28 Maturity physiology 612 66 phj'siology 612 39281 plant growth 631 5473 ' cookery 641 .6 Mauritania ancient hist. 939 7 1 fresh, inspection of 614 317 Mauritius hemp 633 S7"? markets dom. econ. 641 4 history 969 \J t \J preservation chem. tech. 664 9 Mausoleums 718 preservd, inspection of 614 3 J 9 Maxillarv production zootechny 636 0883 J artery, external anat. internal " bone, inferior " 611 611 6xi 13323 13328 7164 supply production 'Meath, Ireland history 'Mecca, Arabia history travels 3J8 941 953 915 i 82 2 superior " glands, internal " 611 611 7161 462 sheep Mechanic arts and trades 636 680 385 nerv, inferior " 611 8? i ?6 o o servis lib. econ. 023 77 superior " 611 83154 Mechanical Maxim gun ordnance 623 4225 arithmetic 5io 8 Maxima and minima drawing 744 algebra 512 3' engineering 621 - calculus 5i7 .27 equivalent heat 536 7 geometry 5*3 .T 9 haulage mining 622 66 Maximilian i Ger hist. 943 .029 injuries, effects of med. 616 982 2 " " 943 033 musical instruments 789 "Maxims Eng. literature 828 preparation mining 622 7 law 340 9 rectifiers elec. eng. 621 31372 2 on special topics see subject refrigeration ' engin'g 621 5 May i labor holidays 331 817 remedies therapeutics 615 81 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 772 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Mechanical stokers steam engin'g 621.1836 tackle engin'g 621.863 threshers 631.3612 trades 680 training 607 in schools 371 .42 Mechanics applied 620 . i factory organization 62 1 . 705 institutes exhibitions 606 liens law 347 .2 lives 926 physics 531 Mechanism animal physio). 612.76 engineering 621 . 8 of labor obstetrics 618.41 steam engin 621 . u Meckel's diverticulum 61 1 . 3412 ganglion 611.89154 Mecklenburg, Ger. hist 943.17 Mecklenburg declaration Am. revol. 973.313 horse 636.143 sheep 636.3332 swine 636.434 'Mecosta co. Mich, history 977.452 Medal of honor legion 369 . 1 14 Medallion windows arch, decora. 729.82 Medallions numismatics 737 Medals carving 736 numismatics 7,3 7 Media ancient history 935-3 Median nerv anatomy 611.8335 Mediastinal artery anat. 611.1355 glands " 611.4644 Mediastinum " 611.27 testis " 611.6315 Mediatized states political science 321.026 Medic, black forage crop 633.31 Medical analysis chemistry 543 . 4 biografy 926.1 books lib. restriction 024.673 botany econ. botany 581.63 materia medica 615 dep't Great war 940.475 U.S. hist. civ. war 973 .775 revol. 973 375 diagnosis 616.07 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior Medical education 610 . 7 state control 614.21 electricity elec. engin'g 621.3915 physics 537- 8 7 therapeutics 615.84 ethics 174.2 inspection of schools 371.712 jurisprudence 340.6 museums 610.77 police 614.29 practis pathology 616 state control of 614.25 profession, see Medicin; Physicians schools 610.71 societies 610.6 testimony 614.23 law 340.6 zoology 591 Medicated baths admin, of medicin 615.67 Medication admin, of medicin 615.6 hypodermic 615.63 Medici, L. de Ital. poetry 851 . 23 Medicin 610 chemic analysis 543 . 4 dental 617.6 economic botany 581.63 zoology 591-63 legal 340 . 6 prevent! v pub. helth 614 state control of 614 . 2 veterinary 619 Medicinal plants agriculture 633 . 88 materia medica 615 use of stimulants 178. i Medicins general action thera. 615.5 groupt by effects 615.7 patent adulterations 614.353 state control 614.27 the rapeu tics 615.88 Medico-legal relations 614.23 Medieval architecture 723 art, history of 709 customs and costumes 390 designs 745 Europe history 940 . i 8 Latin 479 philosofy 189 science 502 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 773 Medieval sculpture 734 therapeutics 615.89 1 Medina co. O. history 977.135 Mediotarsal joints anat. 611.72854 Meditations theology 242 Mediterranean sea physical geology 551.462 poultry 636.55 travels 910.4 Medium woold sheep 636.323 Mediums spiritualism J 33-9 Medlar 634.15 Medo-Persia anc. history 935 Medulla oblongata action on blood vessels 612.1812 hart physiol. 612 . 1785 respiration " 612.282 anatomy 611.818 physiology 612.828 Medullary layers embryology 611.01351 sheath histology 611.018834 velum, superior anat. 611.8163 Medusae zoology 593 . 7 Meekness ethics i?9-9 Meerschaum econ. geol, 553-61 Meetings library propagandism 021.78 staff privileges 023 . 68 of library trustees 023 .38 war Great war 940.461 U. S. civil war 973 .761 ^legantic co. Que. hist. 971.4575 1 Lake co. Que. " 971.469 Megaric philosofy 183.6 Megaris ancient history 938.4 Megatherium paleontol. 569.3 Megrim diseases 616.857 *Meigs co. O. history 977.199 Meissner swine 636 . 433 Melancholy mind and bodyi32 .3 Melanesia history 993 travels 9 J 9-3 Melaphyr lithology 55 2 -39 Melastomaceae botany 583.43 1 Melbourne history 994 . 5 travels 919.45 Meliaceae botany 583.251 Meliorism philosof. syst. 149 .5 Melissus Gk philosof y 182.3 Melodeon music 786.9 Melody theory of music 781 . 2 Melon papaw 634 . 65 1 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior Melons 635 . 6 1 Melting prac. chem. 542.48 points thermochem.54i .36 Melville, Herman Am. fie. 813.36 Members exofficio legis. bodies 328.332 number 328.3349 Membership fees, library 024 . 2 1 legislativ bodies 328 . 33 without vote 328 . 33 1 lists, legislativ official 328.338 unofficial 328.339 Membrana tympani ear diseases 617.85 Membranes admin, of medicin by 615 . 66 cellular histology 611.01818 of the hart diseases 616.11 Memoirs biografy 920 scientific soc. 506 Memorial day school observance 371.365 U. S. civil war 973 . 768 sermons biografy 920 sermons 252.9 Memorials American revolution 973 . 365 Great war 1914-19 940.465 U. S. civil war 973 . 765 Memory in animals zoology 591.51 mental derangements 132.8 faculties 154 physiology 612.8212 Memphis, Tenn. U. S. civil war 973 .752 Men, clothing for 646 .32 hedgear for 646 . 52 Mena, Juan de Span. poet. 86 1 . 22 Menageries amusements 791 zoology 590 . 7 Menander Greek drama 882 . 6 J Menard co. 111. history 977.355 Mencius oriental philos. 181 . i Mendelism botany 581.158 Mendicancy state control 351 . 763 Mendicant orders 271 Mending dom. econ. 646.24 'Mendocino co. Cal. hist. 979.415 Mendoza, 861.36 I. L. de 861.23 Menedemus Gk philos. 183.7 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 774 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Meningeal artery, great 61 1 . 133289 Meninges cerebrospinal diseases 616.82 of brain anatomy 611.819 physiology 612 . 8241 spinal cord anatomy 611.829 Meningitis diseases 616.82 Menispermaceae botany 583.116 Mennonite church 2 89 . 7 Mennonites biografy 922.87 1 Menominee city, Mich. hist. 977 . 495 co. Mich. " 977 .495 Men's clothing dom. econ. 646.32 hats " 646.52 Menstruation gynecology 618.17 physiology 612.662 Mensuration arithmetic 511.8 surveying 526 . 9 Mental capacity of women education 376.2 psychology 136.1 characteristics 136 derangements medicin 616.8 mind and body 132 development education 370 disability, inherited hyg.6i3-92 faculties 150 of animals zool. 591 . 51 healing 615.851 heredity mind and body 136.3 hygiene 131 overwork mental hyg. 131 philosofy 150 photografs 139 physiology mind & body 1 3 1 physiology 612.821 science 150 Menubrium anatomy 611.713 Menus domestic econ. 642 . i Menzini, B. Ital. sat. 857.56 Mercantil law 347 . 7 libraries 027 . 2-3 manuals rules arithmetic system econ. theory theory and practis 'Merced co. Cal. hist. Mercenaries Am. revol. 'Mercer co. 111. history 1 Mo. X.J. 1 O. 347 027 658 5" 330 658 979 973 977 977 974 977 458 342 339 821 965 1415 974.895 975-474 230.41 387 174.4 923.8 615.7326 546.58 615.258 615.927 669.7 553-45 523-41 523-9 1 621.3274 271 .92 522.31 522 . 76 522.3 843-81 636.36 942.92 J Mercer co. Pa. " 1 W. Va. " Mercersburg theology Merchant servis ocean Merchants bus. ethics lives Mercurials cathartics Mercury chemistry materia medica metallic poisons metallurgy ores economic geol. . planets transits astronomy vapor lamps elec. light Mercy, sisters of Meridian circles astron. instrum. line practical astron. spheric " Meridional instruments Me'rime'e, Prosper Fr. fie. Merino sheep 1 Merioneth, Wales hist. Merit system, see Civil service reform Mermaids folklore 398.4 Merovingians Fr. history 944.01 Merrimac and Monitor U.S.civ.war 973 .7324 1 co. N. H. history 974.27 naval hist. U.S.civ.war 973.752 sinking U.S.warw. Spain 973 .895 Merycismus physiology 612.3275 Mesencephalon anatomy Mesenchyme embryology histology Mesenteric arteries celiac umbilic nervs vein, inferior superior Mesentery diseases of Mesh connections elec. eng.62i .3191332 Mesmerism mind and body 134 Mesocele anatomy 611.8156 Mesodermic organs embry. 61 1 . 0136 Mesogastric region anat. 611.955 Mesology 6 1 2 . o 1 44 Mesonephros anatomy 611.619 611.815 611.013395 611 .01825 anat. 611.1365 611.1364 " 611.1364 611.8393 " 611.1492 " 6 i i . 1491 anat. 611.383 616.38 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 775 Mesopharynx Mesopotamia anatomy 6 1 1 anc. history 935 mod. 956-7 travel 915-67 Mesozoic period geology 551-76 Messala Corvinus Lat. lit. 875.5 Messengers legislativ employees 328.3625 library economy 023.78 public servis 385 train 'g animals as zoot. 636.088661 Messenia ancient history 938.9 Messenius, J. Swed. drama 839.7221 Messiah doctrinal theol. 232.1 Mesurements electric engineering 621.37 physics 537-7 mental elem. educ. 372.102 psychology 1 36 . 7 02 practical chemistry 542 . 3 Mesures and weights metrology 389 state control 351.821 Mesuring instruments metrology 389 physics 53-8 of angles crystallografy 548 surveying 526 distances " 526 heat electric me th. 536 hights surveying 526 light optics 535, ventilation mines 622. Metabolism of nitrogen in urea 612. plants 581 . physiologic chemistry 612. physiology 612. Metacarpal bones anat. 6 1 1 . Metacarpophalangeal joints 611 . Metacarpus anat. 6 1 1 . Metagenesis animals 591. Metal beams bridge engin'g 624 . filaments elec. lighting 621. lath masonry 693 . pavements engin'g 625 . rollers agriculture 631 . roofing bilding 695 . sheet, shop mfg plant 621. Metalized filaments elec. light 62 1 .3263 1 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior 7 93 92 53 94 2 4 6 46123 13 0153 39 7178 7278 7178 163 227 3264 66 87 3HI 4 792 Metallic ceilings architec. 721.74 doors " 721.82 floors and flooring " 72 1 . 64 ores econ. geol. 553 . 3-4 poisons therapeutics 615.925 roofs architecture 721.54 bilding 695.4 salts emetics 615.731 tractors cures 615.856 tremor diseases 616.862 Metallurgy 669 Metals bearing mech. engin'g 62 1 . 822 bilding materials 69 1 . 8 coinage 332.41 history 669 inorganic chemistry 546 . 3 manufactures 671 mining 622.34 organic chemistry 547-9 transmutation of 540 . i Metalwork, artistic 739 Metalworking tools, mach. 621 . 9 Metamorphic rocks geol. 552 . 4 Metamorphism phys. geal. 551.6 Metamorphosis botany 581.34 comparativ physiol. 612.651 of insects 595 . 7 zoology embryology 591.34 variation 591.151 Metaphors rhetoric 808 Metaphysics no Metapore anat. 611.8185 Metatarsal bones " 611.7188 Metatarsophalangeal joints 61 1 . 7288 Metathalamus anatomy 611.8146 Metayage 631.114 Metempsychosis metaphys.i29.4 Metencephalon anatomy 611.817 Meteoric points astron. 523.53 showers " 5 2 3-53 Meteorites lithology 552.6 Meteorology natural history of man 573-4 physical geology 55^-5 Meteors and comets 523 . 56 astronomy 523 . 5 systems of 523. 54 Meter transformers elec. eng. 621 .31438 weights and mesures 389 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 776 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Meters electric engineering 621 . electric light 621 1 English prosody 426 gas chemistry 542 . telefone stations 621. water 628 Methemoglobin physiol. 612. Method of directions geodesy 526. exhaustions calculus 517. independent angles 526. least squares orbits 521. probab. 519. repetitions geodesy 526. summoning legis. bodies 328. Methodist church 287 episcopal church 287. Methodists biografy 922 . Methodology metaphys. 112 Methods business 658 drainage agriculture 631 in special topics see subject literary lib. econ. 029 of education 371 feeding zootechny 636 statistics studying science surveying teaching chemistry protectiv agriculture Metric system metrology Mtissage zootechny Metritis obstetrics Metrology J Metz history travels Meung, Jean de Fr. poetry 841 'Meurthe et Moselle, Fr. history 'Meuse, France history Mexican indians 970 . war Mexican history 972. U. S. 973. nat'l ass'n of veterans 369. 31* 507 526 540 632 389 636 618 389 943 914 944- 944- . 373 .3286 .5 . 76 .38798 .17 .11116 .54 .1 .51 .36 .8 .56 351 6 7 62 0842 .91 7 94 .082432 73 45 345 ,18 382 pension act wild turkey Mexico administration antiquities architecture botany U.S. hist. 973 636 i 05 62 146 85 59212 973.6238 973-6239 972-5 917-25 336.72 557-2 551-463 972 912.72 379 72 317 2 917.2 341.272 766 636.293 977.284 977.148 553-9 224.93 354 72 913 72 720.972 581.972 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index Mexico city battles Mex. war capture " " history travels finance geology gulf of phys. geol. 1 history maps schools, public statistics travel treaties other topics see table i Mezzotint Mhains domestic animals J Miami co. Ind. history O. Mica economic geology Micah Bible Michael 6 Byzantine hist. 949.502 Angelo, jr Ital. lit. 852 .51 Michel, Jean French dram. 842 . 22 Michigan admission U. S. hist.973 .56 history 977 . 4 For military history see 973-52474, 973-7474 and 973-^9474 1 city, Ind. history 977.291 lake travel 917.74 'Michoacan, Mex. " 97 2 -3 Micrembryea? botany 583 . 925 Microbes " 589.95 soil bacteriology 631 .46 Microfone electrophysiology 612. 014421 82 physics 537.82 Microfotografy fotografy 778 microscorjy 578 . 4 Micrology, animal 59 J -8 human 611.018 Micrometers astronomy 522.53 1 Micronesia history 996.5 Micro-organisms etiology 616.01 Microphone electrophys. 612.01442182 physics 537.82 Microphotografy microscopy 5 7 8. 4 photografy 778 Micropyle zoology Microscopes optics 591 . 172 578 535-82 RELATIV INDEX 777 Microscopic analysis of water 613 .33 life invertebrates 592 material, preparation of 578 . 6 Microscopy 578 animal histology 591 .8 human " 611.018 lithology 552.8 study of disease 616.077 vegetable histology 581.8 Microspermeae botany 584 . i Microtome microscopy 578.4 Micturition physiol. 612.46711 Midbrain anatomy 611.815 Middens and privies scavenging 628.41 kitchen prehist. arch. 571-93 Middle ages European history 940 . i breaker 631.3126 burster 631.3126 class political science 323 . 32 ear anatomy 611.854 diseases of 617.84 physiology 612.854 High German language 437.02 poetry 83 1 . 2 1 States, U. S. history 974 For military history of all or [individual states, see subdi- visions of Special oampains 'and Military history under 973-3. 973-52, 973-7 and 973.89 Suffolk swine 636 . woold sheep 636 Yorkshire swine 636 . Middleman political econ. 331 . 'Middlesex co. Ct. history 974. Eng. Mass. " N.J. 1 Ont. " Middletown, Va. battle Midges pests 'Midland co. Mich. hist. 'Midlands, Eng. Midshipman's butter fruit Midwifery, antiseptics in obstetrics 'Mifflin co. Pa. history Fort Am. revol. Migrations of animals 591 men ethnology ^72 Mikkelsen, Hans, Dan. misc. 839 942. 974- 974- 971. 973- 632. 977- 942. 634. 618. 618. 974- 973- 4272 323 4271 236 66 i 44 941 325 7377 77 ,448 4-5 -653 89 2 846 3337 52 8823 Mila y Fontanals, M. 'Milan history travels Mildew agriculture botany Military academies aeronautics and naval arts 868.53 945- 2 9I4-5 2 632.4 589-2 355-07 623.74 355 naval order of U. S. 369 . 1 13 antiquities 355 .09 architecture, bildings 623 . 61 fortifications 623 . i balloons engin'g 623 . 74 biografy 923 . 5 bounties, see Bounties bridges 623 . 65 celebrations mil. science 355 . 16 disciplin 35 5 .13 drill school gymnastics 371.733 duels mil. science 355 . 13 engineering 623 geografy mil. science 355 . 47 hierarchy 355-33 history 355-48 of special countries see country history Great war 940.4 U. S. civil war 973 . 74 Mex. war 973 .624 revolution 973.34 Span, war 973 . 894 war 1812 973 524 honor 355-13 hospitals 362.1 hygiene 613.67 law 355 courts martial 344 lite 355 i order of foren wars U. S. 369-115 the loyal legion 369.152 organization in schools 371-43 pensions 35 I -5 phqtografy 623 . 72 railways 623.63 religious orders 929.7 roads mil. engin'g 623 .62 sanitation " " 623-75 science 355 servis suffrage 324.171 signals 623-7 society of the war of 1812 369-143 surgery 617.99 surveying geodesy 526.99 mil. eng. 623.71 Topics in black face type'are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 7/8 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Military telefony mil. eng. telegrafy topografy " " Militia Milk agriculture analysis adulterations chemistry and its products adult. as food physiology condenst dairy cooler cure dairy depots dietetics fever therapeutics dom. econ. obstetrics * Mills 623.733 paper arch. 725.46 623.732 manufactures 676 623.71 textil architec. 725.41 355 woodworking " 725.44 Milos swine 636 . 472 637 i Milton, John Eng. poet. 821.47 614.321 'Milwaukee city, Wis. hist. 977.595 543-2 co. " 977.594 614.32 Milwrighting engin'g 621.7 612.39284 Mimeograf offis fittings 652 637.142 Mimetic arts 792 637.1321 variation 591.155 615.854 Mimetism comp. physiol. 612.0162 637 I Mimicry " " 612.0162 641.4 social ethics 177.1 613.28 Mind 150 618.71 and body 130 613 .22 child study 136.7 637.1327 cure therapeutics 615.851 591.140 educational psychology 370.15 612.664 in animals zoology 591.51 637-345 physiologic psychology 612.821 637.1272 psychology 150 readers' lives 920.9 612 .3216 reading mesmerism 134 612 .664171 zoology 59 I -5 I 637.125 Mine 637.124 cars engineering 622.63 192.7 fires " 622.82 Run, campain U. S. hist. 973 . 7353 627.8 surveying engineer'g 622.14 621 . 29 Mineplanters shipbilding 623.826 621.85 Mineral 621 .922 amendments soil 631.82 621.8 cements chem. tech. 666 . 9 236.3 econom. geol. 553 . 68 811.45 constituents of food 641 . 1 7 977.856 1 co. W. Va. history 975.494 289.3 foods physiology 612.3926 613.63 zootechny 636.0877 636.3469 irritant poisons therap. 615.92 633.171 oil refining air pollut. 614.724 841.67 oils chemic tech. 665 . 4 621.38324 econom. geology 553.28 646.5 salts, dialysis of physiol. 612 .3821 687 in bile " 612.35714 621 .91 blood " 612.126 633-177 springs econom. geol. 553 . 7 substances in milk 612 66416 621.7 phys. chem. 612.01531 677 surveys 622.13 977-774 trades air pollution 614.72 725-47 veins ore deposits 5 53 .19 food for infants pans physiologic zoology physiology sugar cheesemaking milk composition Milkcurdling ferments gastric juice physiology Milkers, mechanical Milking Mill, J : S. British philos. Mill dams hydraulic eng. water engins gearing and machinery stones mechan. eng. work engineering Millennium theology Miller, Joaquin Am. poet. 'Miller co. Mo. history Millerites sects Millers' occupation hyg. Millery sheep Millet Millevoye, C : H. Fr. poet. Milliken repeaters teleg. Millinery clothing trades Milling tools Millomaiz cereals Mills and manuf'g works cotton, woolen, etc. 1 co. la. history flour, meal and feed arch Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 779 Mineral waters adulterations 614.348 artificial 663 . 6 econom. geol. 553.7 hygiene 613.38 therapeutics 615.79 wool linings masonry 693.67 Mineralogy 549 determinativ 549 . i of the Bible 220.8549 Minerals petrografy 552.81 Mines military engineering 623 . 26 mining 622 ownership pol. econ. 333 . 8 state control 351.823 suffocation in pub. safety 614 . 82 'Mingo co. W. Va. history 975.448 Miniature books 099 Miniatures painting 757 Minie ball small arms 623 Minima and maxima algeb. 512 geom.5i 3 Minimum wage polit. econ. 331 Mining companies min. engin'g 622 dangers and accidents 622 economic geology 553 engineering 622 engins steam eng. 621. laws 622. machinery, hydraulic 62 1 . practical 622 . products polit. econ. 338. prospectuses 622. reports 622 . Minisink Amer. revol. 973. Minister eccles. pol. 262. Ministerial authority 262 . Ministers ' French government 354. German state " 354- library propagandism 021. lives of 922 Ministration to sick and ded 265. Ministries of state architec. 725. war " 725. Ministry ecclesiastic polity 262 . German government 354. lay 262. parish work 258 religion 250 4552 3 19 215 06 8 13268 007 269 2 009 3353 14 4404 4308 76 12 12 I 4306 14 Mintlesingers Ger. poetry 83 1 . 2 Minnesota, U. S. admission U. S. hist. 973 1 history 977 For military history, see 973.S2476, 973-7476 and 973-89476 'Minorca history 946 , travels 914 Minorcan fowls 636 . Minority representation 324 . Minors law 347. Minot, L. Eng. poetry 82 1 . 5 Minstrelsy " " 821 negro voc.mus. 784 . Mints field crops 633 . garden " 635. polit. economy 332 . Minute books curiosa 099 Miocene period geology 551. ^iquelon ilands, N. F. hist. 971 . Miracle plays English literature general history religion theater Miracles doctrins New Testam't postbiblical optics 822 809. 244 792 68 6 7 67 562 223 6 M 7 822 72 46 782 8 I 2 226 2 3 I 535 Mirage Mirrors Miscarriage obstetrics 618.39 Miscegenation ethics I 73-i hygiene 613.9 law 347-6 Miscellanies see subjects 'Miscellany Eng. liter. 828 Miscount of ballots frauds 324 . 275 Misers, lives of 920.8 Mishna Judaism 296 Misrule, Spanish, in tuba U. S. history. 973 .891 Missals catholic ritual' 264.025 illuminated 096 J Missaukee co. Mich. hist. 977.466 Missing link evolution 575-8 Missionaries, lives of 922 Missionary Ridge, battle 973-7359 schools 377-6 Missions city 266 home and foren 266 music for sacred music 783 . 7 parish 269 Roman catholic 266 . 2 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Super nr figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 7 8o DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 'Missisquoi co. Que. hist. 971.462 Mississippi bubble loan institutes 332.31 1 co. Mo. history 977.898 river description 9 1 7 . 7 discov. U. S. hist. 973 . 16 state admission 1 history secession U. S. hist. 973.54 976.2 U. S. hist. 973. 7 13 For military history of state, see subdivisions of Special campains and Military his- tory under 973.52, 973.7 and 973-89 valley description 9^7-7 Missouri compromise U.S. civ. war 973.7113 currant 634 . 724 river description 917.78 state admission 973-54 history 977 . 8 For military history of state, see subdivisions of Special campains and Military history under 973-52, 973-7 and 973-89 'Mistassini co. Que. hist. 971.411 Mistral, F : Provencal poet. 849 . 146 Mitchell, D. G. Am. misc. 818.32 'Mitchell co. la. hist. 977 . 7234 Miter sacred ornaments 247.6 Mites animal parasites 616.9685 zoology 595-4 Mithradatic war Rom. his. 937 .05 Mithraic worship 295 Mitral valvs anatomy 611.12642 Mixing machinery sewage 62 8 . 342 Mixt drinks adulterations 614.349 chem. tech. 663 . 8 state pol. sci. 32 1 . 02 Mnemonic derangements 132.8 Mnemonics 154.1 Moab ancient history 939.46 Moabite stone 492.617 Moats fortifications 623.117 'Moberly co. Mo. Mobile, Ala. bay U.S.civ. war 973.7372 nav. his. " campain Mobs administration Mocking birds care of zoology Model tanks shipbilding history 977.8281 973-754 973-7388 35I-752 636.686 598.8 623.83 Modeling elem. educ. 372.53 sculpture 73 1 Models art study 707 l Modena history 945-4 travel 914 .54 Modern analytic geometry 516.5 architecture 724 church history 270.8 ' costumes and customs 390 dance music 786 . 46 European history 940 . 2 geometry 513 .5 4 Greek language 489 5 literature 889 history 940-999 3 Persian languages 491-55 philosofers 190 lives 921 Sabbath theology 263.2 sculpture 735 Modesty ethics *79-9 'Modoc co. Cal. hist. 979 . 423 indian war U.S.hist. 973 . 82 Modulus of mach. physics 531.43 Moesia ancient history 939.88 Moguls Indian " 954 locomotivs 621.13262 Mohair dom. econ. 646.13 manufactures 677 Mohammedan architecture 723 .3 biografy 922.97 cookery 641 . 567 Mohammedanism 297 Mohawk indians 9 7 -3 vallev massacre Am. rev. 973-3345 Moisture conditions of life 577-4 hygiene 613.14 physical geograf y 5 5 1 . 5 7 prevention in museums 579-83 soil agriculture 631.432 public helth 614.772 therapeutics 615.833 Molar pregnancy 618.39 Molasses chem. technol. 664.1 Molbeck, C. K. F. Dan. 1^.839.8265 Mold fungi 589 . 2 loft shipbilding 623 . 83 1 Moldavia, Rumania hist. 949.8 Moldavian sheep 637 . 373 swine 636.474 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 781 Moldboard plow, double 631 .3126 turning 631.3124 Molding cheesemaking 637.3338 metal manufac. 671 Moldings architecture 729.31 carvd arch, decoration 729.55 painted " " 729.45 Molds, butter 637.2328 Mole plow 63 1 . 3 1 26 Molecular physics 539 Molecules displacement of 539 . 5 theoretic chemistry 541.2 Moles zoology 599-3 Moliere, J- B.P. Fr. drama 842.42 Molirta, T. de* Span. " 862.33 ^oline, 111. history 977-339 Molinists heresies 273.7, persecution 272.5 Molino del Rey, battle 973.6239 'Mblise, Italy history 945.71 Mollusca paleontology 564 zoology 594 Molluscoidea 594 . 6 Mcl'.usks fishery 639.4 Molly Maguires labor organizations 33 1 . 88 Molting embryology 591.34 ^Moluccas history 99 J -3 Molybdates mineralogy 549.74 Molybdenum chemistry 546.77 Molza, F. M. Ital. fiction ' 853 .33 poetry 851.34 Moments statics 53 I - 2 3 Monachism theology 271 Monaco history 944.94 travel 914.494 ^onaghan, Ireland hist. 941.67 Monarch Eng. government354 .4203 Monarchic institutions 321.6 Monarchs biografy 923 . i of states Ger. gov't 354.4307 Monarchy, absolute 321 .6 constitutional 321.7 Monasteries architecture 726.7 theology 271 Monastic orders 271 schools education 377-3 Monasticism 271 Mondolingue univ. lang. 408.9 Monetary congresses 332.44 Money administration deposit by lib. borrower making commerce ethics paper prize military science soliciting library rules 'Mongolia, China history Mongolian languages Mongolicza swine Mongols history Russian history Monimiaceae botany Monism philosofy 332-4 351-822 024 . 14 658 174-4 332.5 355-13 023.93 495 636.472 95 947-03 583-928 147 'Moniteau co. Mo. history 977.852 Monitor and Merrimac U. S. hist. 973.7324 973- 371. 752 41 3 7 1 . 5 7 623 . 825 599 . 271 . 8 naval history Monitorial system of educ. Monitors school government warships naval eng. Monkeys zoology Monks religious orders Monmouth battle Amer. revol. 1 co. England N. J. history Monmouth's rebellion 'Mono co. Cal. hist. Monocacy, Md battle U. S. civ. war 973 . 7369 Monocotyledons botany 584 Monogamy family ethics hygiene Monograms design Monoliths prehist. arch. Monomania insanity 'Monona co. la. hist. 973-3342 942 . 43 974.946 942.067 979 . 448 173-5 613-89 745 571-94 132.1 977-744 'Monongahela val.W.Va.hist 975.451 'Monongalia co. W. Va. " 975.452 Monoplanes aeronautics 629 . 1 73 Monopolies trade 338-8 state finance 336.19 Monorail rolling stock engin'g tracks " Monosaccharids nutrition Monotony vs variety of library work Monotremata mammals Monotropeae botany 583.63 625. 625. 612 . 023. 599 28 146 39613 701 i Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the cad of this index 7 82 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Monroe, James presidency 973-54 'Monroe Ind. history 977.225 travels 917.7225 co. 111. history 977-391 la. " 977.7865 Mich. 977-43 2 Mo. - 977-8325 N. Y. 974.788 0. 977.196 Pa. 974-825 W. Va. 975-478 Wis. 977-554 doctrin foren relations 327-73 U. S. history 973-54 Monro's foramen anat. 611.8148 Mons veneris " 611 .6731 Monsoons meteorology 55i-5i Monsters, fabulous 398.4 Monstrosities animal 59I-I59 human anatomy 6ll .012 natural hist, of man 573-9 vegetable teratology 581.22 variation 58i.i59 Mont Blanc travels 914.449 Cenis tunnel 622 .26 Montagu, Mrs E.. Eng. let. 826.62 , M.. Lady " 826.51 Fr. lit. 844.31 Montana, U. S. admission U. S. history 973.86 1 history 978.6 military hist. Span, war 973.89486 U.S. civ. war 973.7486 Montanism heresies 273-9 Montares sheep 636.366 'Montcalm co. Mich. hist. 977-453 i Que. 971.441 Montemayor, Jorge de 863.31 'Montenegro history 949-7 Monterey, battle Mex. war 973 6235 1 co. Cal. hist. 979-476 Montesquieu Fr. essays 844.52 Montgolfier ram hyd. eng. 621 . 272 Montgolfieres aeronautics 629.151 Montgomery 1 co. 111. history 977-382 1 Ind. 977. J 4 8 1 la. 977 775 Md. 975-284 1 Mo. " 977-838 1 N. Y. 974 746 1 0. 977.172 Montgomery 1 co. Pa. " 974.812 Fort Amer. revol. 973-3335 1 Wales history 942.94 Montgomery's Canada exped. Am. rev. 973.3315 glands anatomy 611.691 Months, names of 529 . 2 Monti, Vincenzo Ital. poet. 851 .64 'Montmagny co. Que. hist. 971.4735 'Montmorency co. Mich. " 977 . 483 1 Que. " 971.448 Contour co. Pa. " 974 . 839 'Montreal, Que. " 971.4281 travel 917.14281 Monts de pie'te' loan institutes 332 . 33 state control 351.825 Monuments American revolution 973 . 365 antiquities 913 cemeteries 718 Great war 1914-19 940.465 prehistoric 571 .9 U. S. civil war 973 765 3 Moods, signs of Eng. 422 . 8 syntax Eng. 425.8 Moon astronomy 523 charts 523 effect on tides 525 maps observations 524 observation of 523 type printing for blind 655 Moonding domestic animals 636 . Moore Edward Eng. essays 824 Thomas poetry 82 1 lamp elec. lighting 621 Moorish architecture 723 kingdom Span. hist. 946 3 39 .62 3 39 38 293 .61 75 3 2 75 3 .02 3 7 .41 36 32 Moors, expulsion of " " 946 Moot courts 340 Mootan language 491 Moraceous fruits 634 . Moraines glaciers 551 Moral agency, free doc. theol. 233 . 7 education 377 expectations probabil. 519.2 government in schools 371.58 heredity metaphysics 129.2 theology 233.3 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 783 Moral philosofy 170 science ethics 170 sentiment " 171. systems 171 Morals and church 261 . history of ethics 1 70 . laboring classes pol. econ.33i . of the press ethics 179. journalism 070. war ethics 172. Mora tin, Span.dram.862. N.F. de poet. 86 1. 'Moravia history Moravian brethren sects language missions Morbid anatomy habits hygiene Morbidity public helth 'Morbihan, France hist. More, T: English fiction 'Morea history 1 Morelos, Mex. " l Moresnet history travels Moreto y Cabana, A. Morfe common sheep Morfogeny nervous system 612 physiology 612 Morfology animals comparativ philology 3 English language physiologic of intestin 612. leucocytes 612. milk 612. muscles 612. nervous stimulation 612. optic nerv 612. pancreas 612. salivary glands 612. secretions 612. stomach 612. swet 612. plants 581 . Morgagni's hydatids anat. 611. 'Morgan co. 111. history 977. Ind. " 977. Mo. " 977. O history 977. 1 W. Va. " 975- 943 284 491 266 616 613 614 944 823 949 972 949 914 862 636 591 415 425. 4 9 ' 84 i ii 4 42 41 72 6 8? 46 078 8? 15 13 2 5 4 3 93 37 3236 8013 605 335 1129 6645 84315 345 3*35 409 3 2 5 7925 4 633 346 251 853 194 496 Morgan horse Morganatic marriage customs ethics Morgan's Ohio raid 'Morgantown, W. Va. Moringeae botany MOrk, J. H. Swed. fiction Mormonism Mormons biografy Morning prayer Anglican ritual family devotions personal religion 'Morocco history travel Morphin habit ethics Morphogeny nervous system physiology Morris, W: Eng. poetry Morris 1 co. N. J. history 636.1281 392.6 i73-i 973-7342 hist. 975-453 583-299 839-7341 298 922 . 98 264.033 249 248 964 916.4 178.8 612 612 821 8013 .605 85 974-974 iland, S. C. U.S. civ. war 973 .7351 Morristown, N. J. Am. rev. 973 .367 'Morrow co. O. history Morse automatic telegraf code elec. " Mortality law of insurance statistics pub. helth Mortar bilding material engineering mounts ordnance Mortars chemic apparatus technology ordnance prehistoric archeology Mortgage companies Mortgages law Mortification surgery Mortmain law Morton's Ford, Va. U. S. civil war Mortuary bildings customs designs statistics 977.1516 621 .38241 -382151 621 368.3 312 614. 12 691 620 623.4323 542 . 666. 623 57I- 22 9 4214 27 347-2 617.25 347-2 973-7362 architecture Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior 726.8 393 sacred ornam'ts 247.3 population 312 registration 614.12 Morvan sheep 636.386 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 784 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Motor 222. I apparatus physiology 612.7 729-8S bicycle 629.2 747 boats, small 623 . 823 cars elec. traction 621.3343 729.7 converters elec. eng. 621.31357 721.67 cultivator agriculture 631.316 247-4 electric traction 621.3344 837.51 engins, see Motors 947-3 panels elec. eng. 621.31723 914.73 system anatomy 611.7 944.382 physiology 612.7 832.82 surgery 617.47 297 terminations of nervs 611.01886 726 . 2 vehicles 629.2 972.85 Motordynamos elec. eng. 621.31326 Motoroculi 632.77 nerv anatomy 611.8313 591.69 eye 612.8463 616.9681 physiology 612.8193 614.43 external, see Sixth nerv 595-77 nucleus anatomy 611.8155 588.2 Motors 589 3 aerostation engin'g 629.163 956.7 aviation 629.183 783.4 direct current elec. eng. 621 .31324 632.78 induction " 621.31364 repulsion " " 621.31366 173-5 series " " 621.31365 398.3 synchronous " " 621.31344 6x8 Motory organs animals 591.47 372.61 Mottos college 378.27 362.6 Eng. literature 828 632.78 Mould fungi 589.2 648.7 Moulding, see Molding 591.68 Moulting embryology 591.34 595-78 1 Moultrie co. 111. history 977.367 Fort, battle Am. revol. 973.3328 576.4 Mound layering 631 .5343 53 1 - 22 Mound bilders prehist. arch 571.91 615.82 U. S. history 973 . i 521. n Mounds prehistoric arch. 571.9 116 Mountain 525 3 artillery mil. eng. 623.413 532.5 climbing hygiene 613.72 58i.5 sports 796 581.11 cottages architecture 728.7 5 2 3-24 1 counties W. Va. history 975 . 48 531-8 engins steam engin'g 621.13267 guns gunnery 623.551 531-1 mounts ordnance, 623.431 53i.3i pastures zootechny 636.08423 631 371 railways 625.3 regions agriculture 630 . 09 1 4 Mosaic law Old Testament windows, architec. decor. work Mosaics architectural decoration floors and flooring religious ornaments Moscherosch, J ; M. Ger.sat. 'Moscow history travel 'Moselle, France history Mosenthal.S.H. Ger. dram. Moslems Mosques architecture 'Mosquito shore, Cent. Am. Mosquitoes agriculture animal parasites parasitic diseases public helth zoology Mosses botany sea algae 'Mosul history Motet sacred music Moth, gipsy Mother ethics Goose folklore maternity tung elem. educ. Mothers pensions Moths agriculture dom. econ. econom. zoology syst. " Motion beginnings of biology composition of physics in medicin massage laws of astronomy metaphysics of earth astronomy liquids hydraulics plants botany sap in plants botany solar system perpetual mechanics pictures, see Moving pure physics rectilinear " Motiv power, farm Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 785 Mountain resorts hygiene sheep, English German Italian sickness physiology Mountaineering hygiene sports Mountains attraction of geodesy in moon mesurement of natural boundaries physical geografy volcanic Mounting specimens telescopes Mounts ordnance Mourning customs Mouse traps Mouth anatomy diseases glands anatomy in speech physiol. muscles anatomy physiology primitiv embryology surgery Movable bookcases bridges civil eng. mil. Movables chattels Movement and sensibility physiol. cure therapeutics inhibition of phys. psy. muscular animal heat Movements associated of brain eye intestin " large intestin " plants botany special physiology stomach " Moving pictures amusements education see also Fotoplays sidewalks stairs Mowatt, A.. C. Am. dram. phys. psych, physiology physiology 613.12 636.325 636.333 636.35 612 .27511 613.72 796 526.14 523-34 551-53 320.1282 . 551-43 55i-2i 579-5 5 22 -25 623.43 393-9 648.7 611.31 616.31 611 .316 612 .7891 611 . 7326 612.31 611.01334 617.52 022.433 624.8 623.65 347-3 612 .8114 615.82 612 .82134 612.532 612 . 82135 612 . 8242 612.846 612.337 612 .367 581.5 612.763 612.327 791 371-33 621.8675 621.8676 812.31 Mowers ' 631.352 Mowing 631.552 'Mozambique history 967.9 *Mozul history 956.7 Mucilage manufacture 668.4 Muck fertilizers agric. 631.871 Mucous membranes, absorp. by 612.387 admin, of med. 615.66 histology 611.01873 physiology 612.38 secretion animals 591.141 tissue histology 611.01825 Mud architecture 693 .22 iland Amer. revol. 973-3337 Mudie's circulat'g libraries 027.342 Muffles, elec. prac. chem. 542.47 Muggletonians sects 289.9 Muhammedans 297 Mulberry fruit culture 634.38 silk " 638.2 family fruit " 634.36 Mulching 631.79 Mule domestic animals 636.183 zoology 599-7 Muller, F. P. Dan. poetry 839.8167 Mtiller's duct anatomy 611.669 Multangulum ma jus, os 611.71775 minus, os 611.71776 Multifidus muscle anat. 611.73165 Multimember constituency suffrage 324 . 222 Multiovulatae aquaticae botany 583 . 92 terrestres " 583 . 922 Multiplane aircraft engin'g 629 . 173 Multiple furrow plow 63 1 . 3 1 22 integrals calculus 517-34 layering 631.5342 pregnancy obstetrics 618.25 stars astronomy 523.84 unit control elec. tract. 621.3344 Multiplex telegrafs communication 654.2 electric engineering 621.38235 Multiplication of plants 631 . 53 Multispeed motors eng. 621.313246 Mummies 393-3 Mumps diseases 616.31 public helth 614.544 Munch, P. A. Dan. essays 839.8464 Miinch-Bellinghausen E.F.J.832 . 75 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 786 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 1 Muncie, Ind. Munich history travels 977' 943 914 Municipal bonds polit. economy 332 civil servis 352 corporations admin. 352 law 347 elections local gov't 352 engineering " " 352 government admin. 352 laundries dom. econ. 648 . law admin. 352 statutes 340 Municipalities admin. 352 Munitions of war mil. eng. 623 Munson shorthand 653 funster, Ireland history 941 travel 914 Munster sheep 636 . Muntaner, R. Catalan misc. 849 Mural circles astron. instrum. 522 decorations architec. 729 Muratori, L. A. Ital. essays 854 'Murcia, Spain history 946 Murder criminal law 343 Murfreesboro, Tenn. U. S. civ. war 973 Murmurs arterial cardiac muscle Murneer, T Murrain Murray printing telegraf Musaceous fruits ^uscatine city, la. co. " Musci botany Muscle histology 6n. reading 134 wave physiology 612. Muscles anaromy 611. chemic composition of 612 . diseases of 616. effect of nervs on 612 . glycogen of physiology 612 . of eye, external anat. 611. larynx " 6 1 1 . physiology 612. structure anatomy 611. 265 36 336 6 005 physiology 612 612 " 612 : Ger. satire 837 cattle disease 619 621. 634 977 977 588 hist. 4 62 9 19 3335 9813 32 56 7 7337 133 I7IS 7418 4i 2 38255 771 768l 768 2 0186 7413 73 744 74 817 8461 229 7 73 Muscovy duck Muscular arteries 636.59783 anatomy 611 contraction chem. effects 612 physiology 612 eye diseases 617 hygiene 613 disorders exercise movem't and animal heat 612 respiration 612 sense, localization of 612 mental faculties 152 physiology 612 system anatomy 611 physiology 612 tissue histology 611 Museum library bildings 022 material lib. adminis. 025 Museums and libraries 021 architecture 727 arrangement of specimens 579 art fine arts 708 state control 351 education 3 70 general 060 medical 610 of domestic science 640 school equipment 371 rooms 371 scientific natur. science 507 Sunday opening 263 2 other museums see subject Mushrooms botany 589 culture 635 . food 641 Music art 780 biografy 927 . box mech. instrum'ts 789 copyright 655 ecclesiology 246 Great war 1914-19 940 halls architecture 725, library administration 025 . public worship 264, room domestic econ. 645. library bildings 022. therapeutics 615. U.S.history civil war 973. revolution 973. war of 1812 973 . 1342 7442 741 76 72 532 2271 82558 6 885 73 7 0186 655 .179 4 6 6 7 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 787 Musical form instruments acoustics schools physiology acoustics biografy sensations sounds Musicians Musk duck 'Muskegon city, Mich. hist. CO. Musketoons small arms Muskets manufacture small arms ^uskingum co. O. hist. Muskmelon iMuskoka dist. Ont. lakes " trav. Muspilli Ger. poetry Musquitos, see Mosquitoes Mussels culture zoology Musset, LI Fr. dram, poet. Mustang pony Mustard emetics field crops garden " Mustelidas zoology Muster rolls Mutilations of library books war customs Mutiny maritime law of Penn. line Am.revol. Mutton sheep Mutual action of planets aid societies pol. econ. benefit soc. state control insurance pol. econ. system education Muzzleloading ordnance small arms Mycenae ancient history Mycetozoa botany Mycology botany Mydriatics physiology therapeutics Myel anatomy Myelencefal Myelencephalon " Myelin histology Mylohyoid muscles anat. 780 534.8s 371.632 612.85874 534-3 927.8 636.59783 977-457 977-457 623.442 683 623.442 977.191 635.611 971.316 917.1316 831.14 639-4 594-1 842.76 841.77 636.168 6i5-73i 633 844 635-44 599-7 355-5 024.82 399 347-7 973-349 636.323 521.41 334-7 351-825 334-3 37i-4i 623 .4221 623.4421 93.8-8 589.29 589.2 612 .8424 615.784 611.82 611.818 611.818 611 .018834 611.7346 Myocardium " 611.127 Myodynamics physiol. 612.74 Myograf y physiology 6 1 2 . 74 1 1 Myology anatomy 611.73 Myopia eye diseases 617.75 physiology 612.8451 Myoporineae botany 583.871 Myosin nutrition 612.398132 Myotonometry physiology 612 . 7414 Myrana univ. language 408 . 9 Myrica 634 . 663 Myricaceae botany 583.974 Myriopoda zoology 595-6 Myristiceaj botany 583.927 Myrrh perfume plants 633.816 Myrsineae " 583.677 Myrtaceae " 583.42 Myrtaceous fruits 634 . 42 Myrtales botany 583 . 4 Myrtle family fruits 634 . 42 Mysia ancient history 939.21 Mysore, India history 954-8 Mysteries drama, see Mystery plays occultism 133 Mystery plays Eng. lit. 822 . i history 809 . 2 religion 244 theater 792 Mystic philosofers 1 89 . 5 Mysticism heresies 2 73- 2 philosof y 149-3 Mystics medieval 189.5 Mythical Greek history 938.01 Mythology comparativ 291 German 293 Greek and Roman 292 Norse 293 Myths 291 Myxedema diseases 616.997 Myxomycetes botany 5 8 9- 2 9 Tonics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION N rays mesology 612.014483 Nabatheans ancient hist. 939.46 Naevius, Cnaeus Lat. dram. 872.2 Naftha 665.5 644 - 23 547-28 224.94 584-74 611.786 612 .799 620. 11287 941 .22 636.5882 chem. tech. domestic fuel Xafthalene organic chem. Nahum Bible Naiadaceae botany Nails anatomy physiology strength of materials 'Nairn, Scotland history Nakedneck fowls Names misspeld lib. access.dep't 025 . 232 of days of week 529 . 2 months 5 2 9- 2 persons and places 929.4 pen bibliografy 014 'Nantes history 944.14 travels 914.414 edict of relig. hist. 272.4 'Nantucket co. Mass. " 974.49 travel 917.449 'Napa co. Cal. hist. 979-419 Naphtha chem. tech. 665 . 5 domestic fuel 644 . 23 Naphthalene organ, chem. 547.28 'Napierville co. Que. hist. 971.435 Napkins customs 394-1 dom. econ. 642 . 7 'Naples, Italy history 945 . 7 1 city, " - 945-73 travel 914-573 Napoleon . i Fr. hist, first consul. 944.046 " emp. 944.05 3 French history 944-07 code law 349.442 Napoleonic period Europ. history 940.27 wars Ger. Russ. Scand. " 'Napoli, Italy history Narcotic habit 943.06 947.07 948.06 945-73 178.8 Narrativs, personal Great war 1914-19 940. U.S. history civil war 973 . Hex. 973. revolution 973 . Span, war 973 . war of 1812 973. Narrowgage railways 625. Nasal bone anatomy 6 1 1 . cavity " 6 1 1 . in speech physiol.6i2 . duct anatomy 6 1 1 . passages " 611. pharynx anatomy 6 1 1 . tonsils " 6 1 1 . Nasby, P. V. Am. humor 817. Naseberry 634 . Nashville, Tenn. U.S.civ.war 973 48 78 628 38 898 528 Nasmith societies 267. Naso-pharyngeal space diseases of 616. 'Nassau co. N. Y. hist. 974. poultry 636 . 'Natal, Africa history 968, Natatores birds 598 Natatoriums architecture 725 Nates anatomy 611 muscles " 611 Nation political science 320 . National 7158 7U7 7891 8469 21 3 2 7 r 326 42 431 7379 232 . 21 7245 538 4 4 74 9812 738i 12 poisons therapeut. 615.96 Narcotics action of hygiene 613.8 and stimulants ethics 178 moral use of 178.8 therapeutics 615.78 Nardi. Jacopo I tal. essays 854.32 Narranganset turkey 636.5923 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index aid to education 379-12 and state universities 378 policy 379.16 assembly 1789-92 Fr.hist. 944-041 1871 944.08 ass'n Mex. war veterans 369.146 naval veterans 369-157 bank, U. S. U. S. hist. 973-41 banks 33 2 - 11 cemeteries 719 churches vs organ, unity 261.8 conservation pol. econ. 339 cookery 641.59 costumes 391 customs, special 390 decay political science 320.159 det finance 336.3 electric code 621 .3281 flowers heraldry 929-6 growth political science 320.159 libraries 027.5 music 786.45 parks 711 RELATIV INDEX 789 National politics England 329.942 U. S. 329 resources conservation 339 school supervision 3 79 . 1 5 1 soldiers' cemeteries 719 songs music 784.4 Nationalities internal relations 323 . i special education 371.98 suffrage 324-15 Nationalization of land 333 . i Nations law of internal, law 341 leag of 34I-I origin of 901 rise of Europ. history 940. 1 1 Nativ American party 329-5 elements mineralogy 549.2 Natural body doctrinal theol. 233 . 5 boundaries pol. sci. 320.1281 draft steam engin'g 621.18382 drainage mining 622.52 gas chem. technology 662 . 6 econom. geology 553 . 28 heating 697.6 history, biblical 220 . 85 collectors handbks 579 Nature law of law light magic philosofy religion resources museums of countries man zoology science sociology shadows 507 508. 573 590 1.63 133 530 2IO conservation 339 500 SGI 340.1 "3 in science sociology metaphysics of being metaphysics respiration animals 591.121 the state pol. sci. 320.15 printing 655.37 study biology 570 . 7 elem. educ. 372-35 general 507 unity of metaphysics no science 50 1 Nautical astronomy 527 surveying 526.99 Naval and military order of Spanish- Amer. war 369.183 architecture engin'g 623 . 8 artillery military " 623.418 battles 359 see also special countries biografy 923-5 engineering 623 . 8 gunnery 623.553 history 3 59 -09 Great war 1914-19 940.^5 U.S. civil war 973-75 Mex. " 973.625 revolution 973 . 35 Span, war 973-895 war of 1812 973 525 hygiene 613.68 men, lives of 923 . 5 mounts ordnance 623.434 order of the U. S. 369 .117 see also special countries rights political science 323.4 rock fertilizers agric. 631.851 science 500 selection evolution 575-4 physiology 612.609 stone bilding material 691.2 engin'g " 620.132 system of botany 580 . i theology 210 ventilation mining 622.42 water courses, hygiene of 614.772 Naturalists biografy 925.9 Naturalization suffrage 323 . 62 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables atj .the end of this index ordnance 623.416 registers foren 354 U.S. 353-7 schools 359-Q7 science 359 shipbilding 623.8 stations, U. S. 353-7 surgery 617.99 surveying 526.99 veterans, national ass'n 369-157 war 359 iNavarre history 946.5 travels 914-65 Navew 635-127 Navicular bones, carpal 611.71771 tarsal 611 .71876 Navies 359 790 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Navigation acts Ame aerial, see Aer astronomy laws outfit shipbilding signals in coi ph useful arts 1 Navigator ilands Navigators' lives Navy administration cookery department, U. S. Neal, John J..c. Neap tides earth Neapolitan sheep swine Nearsightedness Nearsightedness Nebraska, U. S. admission U 1 history Kansas-, bill mil. hist. U. Nebulae Nebular hypothesis Necessity m Neck anatomy lymphatic glands lymphatics of muscles surgery Necks geology Neckties toilet Necrology bio col Necromancers Necroscopy Necrosis disi Nectarine Needle telegraf c e Needlework art dor Negligee toilet Negro conditions in U. S. education Negro vol. 973-3 112 race ethnology 572.96 avigation mentality 136.4 527 nat. hist, of man 573 . 5 347-7 political standing 324.15 ng 623 . 86 servants dom. econ. 647.24 municat. 6S4.9 slavery 326 sics 534.83 songs music 784.7 656 suffrage pol. sci. 324.15 history 996.1 U.S. hist. 973.8i 923-9 troops U. S. civ. war 973.7415 Negroes Y. M. C. A. 267.365 359 Nehemiah Bible 222.8 64L573 Neighborhood gilds 3. 353-7 social clubs 367 fiction 813.26 'Nejd, Arabia history 953-8 satire 817.31 Nelli, Pietro Ital. satire 857.41 h 525-63 Nematoda parasit. dis. 616.965 636.35 Nemean games Gk antiq. 913.38 636.45 Neocene period geology 551.782 medicin 6i7.75 Neodymium chemistry 546.64 schools 37I-72 N^o-Grec architecture 724.63 Neolithic age prehis. arch. 571 . 2 >. hist. 973-8i Neology rationalism 211 978.2 Neon inorganic chem. 546.292 . S. hist. 973.66 Neoplasms civil war 973.7482 pathology 616.992 Span. " 973.89482 physiology 6 1 2 . 6054 ;tronomy 523-85 Neoplatonism 186.4 s " 523-12 Neoplatonists, apolog. ag'st 239.4 hysics 123 Neostyle offis equipment 652 'Nepal history 954 .2 611.93 travel 915.42 ; anat. 611.463 Nepal goat 636 . 39854 " 611.4213 Nepenthaceae botany 583.922 " 6H.733 Nephrotomy surgery 617.46 617.53 Nepos, Cornelius Lat. his. 878.3 551-88 Nepotism civil servis 3 5 1 . i 646.48 Neptune descrip. astron. 523.48 Tafy 920 Nernst lamps elec. light 621.32653 ;ges 378 Nerv *33-4 cells histology 611.01882 616.079 physiology 612.822 ases 616.71 centers 634.26 function in speech 612.7893 jmmun. 654.3 physiology 612.82 ec. eng. 621.38224 superior reflexes 612.8338 746 fatigue physiology 612.8166 i. econ. 646.2 fibers " 612.81 646.47 roots, spinal anat. 611.827 waves rapidity 612.8165 325.26 theories 612.8162 371-974 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 79i Nervous conductibility 612.8163 functions of animals 591-18 physiology 612.8 prostration 616.843 system action of glands on 612 .407 on bloodvessels 612.181 cutaneous exhala.6i2 . 7928 glands 612 .408 intestin 612.338 liver 612.358 muscles 612.81 pancreas 612.348 stomach 612.328 and metabolism 612.01538 nitrogen excretion 612 .461238 central physiology 612.82 comparativ anatomy 591.48 descriptiv anatomy 59I-78 diseases of 616.8 drugs acting on 615-78 human anatomy 611.8 physiology 612.8 hygiene 613-8 pathology 616.8 surgical operations 617.48 sympathet. anatomy 611.839 physiol. 612.89 tissue histology 611.0188 Nervs anatomy 611.83 diseases of 616.87 histology 611.01883 nutritiv influ. on muscle 612 . 7465 of skin, trofic physiol. 612 . 798 peripheral 612.81 spinal anatomy 611 .832 Nestorian church 281.8 Nests birds zoology 598.2 breeding zootechny 636.082461 care of stock " 636.0831 Netherland cattle 636.2351 'Netherlands history 949.2 reform'n in 274.92 travels 914.92 Nets biology 579.612 toilet 646.48 zootechny 636.081111 Netting, balloon 629. 161 Nettlerash skin diseases 616. 51 Neufchatel cheese 637-3534 Neural furrows anat. 611.01351 Neuralgia diseases 616.87 Neurasthenia " 616.843 Neurenteric canal embry. 611.01336 Neurilemma histology 611.018833 Neuritis diseases 616.87 Neuroglia histology 611.01884 Neurology morf ology 591.48 organograf y 5 9 1 . 7 8 physiologic zoology 591 . 18 Neuroptera insects 595-74 pests 632 . 74 Neuroses diseases 616.85 due to special poisons 616 . 86 Neurotic poisons toxicology 615.95 Neuters physiologic zool. 591.162 zootechny 636 . 08233 Neutrality international law 341 .3 proclamation U. S. hist. 973.43 Neutrals Great war 940.335 Nevada, U. S. acquisition Mex. war 973 . 62 1 admission U. S. hist. 973.71 1 history 979-3 mil. hist. Spanish war 973.89493 U. S. civil war973 . 7493 1 co. Cal. hist. 979-437 New 1 Albany, Ind. history 977.219 Berne, N. C. U.S.civ.war 973 . 7362 books, cases for lib.econ. 022 .482 Britain, Australa. hist. 993.6 Brunswick, Can. " 971.5 Brunswick, N. J. hist. 974.942 Caledonia, Australa. " 993 . 2 Castile, Spain " 946.4 travels 914.64 church, Swedenborgian 289.4 biog. 922.84 1 England, U. S. history 974 campain 1779 Amer. re vol. 973.3351 war of 1812 973-5233 For military history of New England or its individual states, see subdivisions of Special campains and Military history under 973.3, 973.7 and 973.89 Forest pony 1 France, Canada 636.1626 history 971 travels 917.1 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this, index 792 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION New 1 Granada, S. A. history 986 1 Guinea " 995 1 Hampshire, U. S. " 974 . 2 For military history see 973.3442, 973-7442 and 973.89442 1 Haven, city, Conn. hist. 974.68 co. Conn. " 974.67 Hebrides, Austraia. " 993 . 4 Holland, Australia 994 Ireland, Austraia. " 993 . 6 Jersey, U.S. - 974.9 For military history, see sub- divisions of Special campains and Military history under 973-3. 973- 7 and 973.89 Jerusalem church 289.4 Leicester swine 636.4244 1 London co. Ct. history 974.65 1 Madrid co. Mp. " 977.8985 Market, Va. U.S. civ. war 973 . 7369 Mexican goat 636 . 398 1 Mexico, U. S. disco v. of America 973 . 16 1 history 978.9 Kearney in Mex. war 973.6231 For military history, see sub- divisions of Special campains and Military history under 973-7 and 973.89 Orleans, La. battle U.S. war 1812 973.5239 capture civ. war 973.7321 exposition 606 1 history 976.3 nav.hist. U.S. civ. war 973.752 travels 917.63 Platonism 186 Plymouth colony hist. 974.4 1 River valley, W. Va. " 975.47 1 South Wales " 994.4 1 Sweden, Penn. " 974.8 v Testament Bible 225 Testamen t biograf y 225.92 Greek dialects487 . 3 thought 131 year customs 394 1 York, U. S. history 974 . 7 For military history of state, see subdivisions of Special campains and Military history under 973-3. 973 52,973- 7and973. 89 New York point system 655 . soc. of 2d war\v.Gt.Br.369 Univ. of the State of 379 1 Zealand history 993 hemp 633 'Newark, N. J. history 974. O. - 977 'Newaygo co. Mich. " 977, Newborn care of 618 nourishment of physiol. 612 physiology 612 Newburg addresses Am. revol. Washington's hedquar. Newcastle co. Del. hist. Newfoundland " 'Newport city, R. I. hist. 38 144 747 i 572 932 1541 458 973 973 975 971 974 travels 917 co. R. I. hist. 974 French fleet at Amer. revol. 973 Newspaper cuttings preservation 029 directories 016 racks lib. econ. 022 . reporting shorthand 653 . Newspapers ethics 179 journalism 070 legislativ supplies 328 . library administration 025 mutilation in libraries 024. Newsrooms free 027 library bildings 022 location of branch 022 Newt zoology 598 'Newton co. Ind. history 977 Mo. " 977 Newton's binomial theorem 512 . Ngami, lake travel 916 Niagara history 974 /-.T A 974- war of 1812 973 . Ger. poet. 83 1 3942 .648 349 367 . ii .8 57 457 56 354 3 .07 935 .044 1 co. N. Y. 1 Falls, N. Y. travel 917 .47 city Brit, occupa. 973.3323 evacuation 973-339 history 974-71 travels 917.471 vicinage hist. 974.72 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index Ft, capture Nibelungenlied Nicaragua canal engineering sociology 1 history travel Niccolini, G. Ital. drama 364 1732 84 9 6332 i? ii .297 873 4 76 798 799 5234 21 626 387 972 917 852 85 285 71 RELATIV INDEX 793 *Nice history travel Nicene Ante, church 100-325 councils religious hist. creed Post, church 325-1054 Nicholas i Russian hist. 2 'Nicholas co. W. Va. Nicholls C.. (Bronte^ Nickel - coinage pol. econ. inorganic chemistry ores economic geol. 'Nicobar ilands history ^icolet co. Que. Niellowork arch, decora. Niembsch v.Streh^nau Ger. poetry l Nievre, France history Niger river description Night opening lib. econ. soil air pollution work labor'g classes Nigretti sheep Nihilism philosofy socialism Nile description goat agriculture 'Nimes history travel Nineteenth cent'y Eur. hist. 940 Ninety-six, Fort, S. C. Amer. re vol. 973 Nineveh anc. history cuneiform lang. Ninth nerv anatomy physiQlogy Niobium inorgan. chem. 'Nipal, India history travel 'Nipissing dist. Ont. hist. lake " travel 917 Nipple anatomy 6 1 1 Nirvana oriental philosofy 181 Nisard, j: M. N. D. 844 Nissl's bodies histology 611 Nitrates chem. tech. fertilizers mineralogy Nitric acid chemic tech. Nitrifying crops agric. 944- 914. 281. 270. 238. 281. 947- 947- 975- 823. 332. 546. 553- 992 971- 729. 3 3 i. 944- 916. 024. 614. 331- 636. 149. 335 916. 636- 944. 914, 94 494 3 2 I 4 07 08 469 81 74 48 455 64 76 56 6 34 764 812 365 935 492 611 612 546 954 971 661 631- 549- 661 39862 .83 .483 .28 3373 . 2 19 .8319 .8199 .89 .2 .42 314 I3H .691 4 77 .01882 .6 842 72 2 631.8471 Nitrites depressants 615. Nitro-derivativ org. chem. 547. Nitrogen assimilation physiol. 612. compounds air pollution6i4 . in blood physiol. 612. urea - 612. fertilizers agric. 631 . group inorganic chem. 546. metabolism phys.chem.6i2. Nitrogenous foods domestic econ. 64 1 . substances nutrition 612. crystallizable physiol. chem. 612. Nitroglycerin chem. tech. 662 . Nitrous oxid anesthetics 615. 'Nivernais, France history 944 . 636. 378. 929. 323- 177. 977' 977. draft horse Nobel prizes Nobility heraldry social classes ethics 'Noble co. Ind. history 1 O. Noble Leyczon, La Provencal poetry 849 Nobles biografy 923 education 371 Nocturne piano music 786 ^odaway co. Mo. history 977 Nodier, J! C E. Fr. fiction 843 Nodose ganglion anat. 611 Noise public helth Nomads outcast races Nomenclature anatomy botany physiology theoretic chemistry Nominalism philosofy Nominations suffrage Nomsz, Jan Dutch drama 839 Nonalkaloid anesthetics physiol. psychology 612 Nonautomatic actions of animals comp. phys.. 612 Nonchristian biografy 922 religions 290 and education 377 Noncombatants Great war 940 Noncondensing engins 621 614. 397 611 . 580. 612 . 54i 149. 324- 716 8 3922 727 125 4612 84 17 01533 12 398 015347 2 7 8l 56 1545 32 7 31 5 276 195 132 2 962 43 812 72 89191 0114 i 0114 9 i 231 3*45 82142 821311 9 3161 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 794 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Nonconformists Norsemen Scandin. hist. 948 English religious hist. 2 74 . 2 North sects 283.42 1 Africa history 961 Nondepolarized cells 621.3535 America geografy 917 Nondirigible geology 557 aircraft aeronautics 629.151 history 970 Noneuclidean geometry 513-8 languages 497 Nonjurors Eng. relig. hist. 274.2 statistics 317 Xonmalignant tumors 616.993 travels 917 Xonmetallic American turkey 636 . 592 1 elements chemistry 546 . i 1 Atlantic states U. S. hist. 974 poisons therapeutics 615.923 1 Canada " 971 . 2 Nonnitrogenous substances 1 Carolina, U. S. " 975 . 6 foods dom. econ. 641.13 travel 917.56 metabolism nutrition 612.398197 secession U.S. hist. 973-713 physiol. chem. 612.015346 For military history, see sub- urin constituents 612.4618 divisions of Special cam pains and Military history under Nonofficinal drugs adulter.6i4.352 973-3. 973-52, 973.7 and Q 73*89 Nonrigid dirigibles 629 . 157 Nonsphericity of planets 521.43 1 Central states history 977 Xonwoody fruit 634.77 Dakota, U. S. ^ord, France history 944.28 admission U. S. hist. 973.86 Nordenflycht, H. C. 839.7143 1 history 978 . 4 'Norfolk co. Eng. hist. 942.61 mil. hist. Spanish war 973 . 89484 Mass. 974 . 47 U. S. civ. war 973 . 7484 1 Ont. 971-336 travels 917.84 Norfolk cattle 636 . 2265 Devon cattle 636.2261 sheep 636.3235 east, see Northeast turkey 636.5927 German confederation 943.081 Noricum ancient " 939.85 Holland cattle 636 . 235 1 Norite Plutonic rocks 552.37 swine 636.433 Normal labor obstetrics 618.44 in U. S. civil war 973 . 741 schools 37-73 For military history of the North or its individual states, see sub- training agric. 630.775 divisions of Special campains Norman and Military history under 973-3, 973.52, 973.7 and 973.89 architecture, English 723.42 pole travels 919.8 French 723.44 Sicilian 723.45 sea physical geog. 551.461 west, see Northwest cattle 636.2461 conquest Eng. hist. 942.021 'Northampton co. Eng. hist. 942 . 55 1 T> O conquests Europ. hist. 940 . 14 ' draft horse 636. 1541 Pa. ' 974.822 Northeast German sheep 636 .3317 i ter. Can. hist. 971.28 swine 636 . 443 'Normandy, Fr. history 944 . 2 Northeastern Norse " 948.02 boundary U. S. hist. 973-57 Normans, England " 942 . 02 treaty " " 973 .58 'Norrland, Sweden " 948.8 passage 9 1 9 . 8 Norse Northern discovery of America 973 . 13 dewberry 634.7171 4 language 439-8 invasion Am. revol. 973-3366 5 literature 839.8 lights aurora borealis 523.59 mythology 293 mythology 293 4 old, language 439 . 6 Panhandle, W. Va. hist. 975.411 literature 839.6 travel 917 5411 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 795 Northern papaw 634.418 prisons U. S. civ. war 973 . 772 Northmen in Am. U.S.hist. 973 . 13 Scand. history 948 Northumberland co. 1 Eng. history 942 . 82 1 N. B. 971.52! 1 Ont. 971.356 1 Pa. 974.831 Northwest boundary, Ore. U.S.hist. 973.611 San Juan " 973.82 department of 1862 U. S. civ. war 973.7329 186 3 " " " 973.7341 events in 1778-79 Amer. revol. 973.3348 !779 " 973-33S8 passage travels 919-8 rebellion Can. hist. 971.054 1 Territories " " 971 . 2 1 territory U. S. " 977 travels 917. 7 Norway administration 354 . 48 1 botany 581.9481 finance 336.481 geology 554 .81 1 history 948 . i maps 912.481 schools, public 379.481 statistics 314.81 travel 914.81 treaties 341.2481 union with Sweden hist. 948.06 other topics see table i Norwegian haybox cookery 641.588 kitchen 643.338 4 language 439-8 5 literature 839.8 Romanesque architecure 723.48 Nose anatomy 611.21 diseases pathology 616.21 in speech physiology 612.7891 muscles anatomy 611.7323 physiology 612.2154 Nosology medicin 6 1 6.01 Nostrums state control 614.27 Nota, Alberto Ital. dram. 852 .65 Notaries public law 347.96 Notation abridged anal. geom. 516.52 arithmetic 511.2 for book sizes 025 .3 music 781.2 system of lib. classificat. 025.4 theoretic chemistry 541 .9 Notebooks liter, methods 029.4 Notes personal shorthand 653 . 04 1 promissory pol. econ. 332 . 7 public and priv. " 332 . 5 Notion mental faculties 153.1 Notochord embryology 611.01341 'Nottingham, Eng. history 942.52 travels 914.252 'Notts, England history 942.52 3 Nouns Eng. syntax 425.5 forms etymol. 422.5 " morfol. 425.15 'Nouvelle France history 971 'Nova Scotia 971-6 Novaculite lithology 552.45 Novel reading ethics 175 .8 lib. econ. 028.4 writing 808.3 Novelists, English biog. 928.23 Novels American civil war 973 . 793 5 English literature 823 Great war 1914-19 940.493 readers privileges 024.78 religious 244 'Novgorod, Russia hist. 947.2 Novilatlin univ. lang. 408 . 9 Noxious animals econ. zoology 591.65 gases air pollution 614.72 materials " 614.75 plants econ. botany 581.65 vapors hygiene 613.62 Noxiousness of animals, econ. zoology 591 . 65 Nozles steam turbin design62i . 16533 theory62i .16513 *Nubia, Egypt history 962.4 Nubian milk goat 636 . 3986 sheep 636.386 Nuciculture agric. 634 . 5 Nuck, canal of anatomy 611.6673 Nuclei, dentate 611.81713 plivaris super. " 611.81713 Nucleoalbumins nutrit. 612.398136 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 796 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Nucleoproteids nutrit. 612.3981451 Nucleus caudatus anatomy 611.81321 motorius 611.81741 of cell histology 611.01813 physiology 612.01422 Luys anatomy 611.8141 red 611.81544 taild " 611.81321 Nude fowls 636.5882 Nudifloreae botany 584 . 6 1 Nuevo Leon, Mex. hist. 972.1 Nuisances law 347-5 public helth 614.7 Nullification in South Carolina 973 . 561 U. S. constitut. law 342 . 73 Number accession lib. econ. 025.243 metaphysics 119 of library trustees 023 .32 members legis. bodies 328 . 3349 3 signs of Eng. etymol. 422.5 Numbering machines library 025.244 offis 652 printing 655.36 of pages bookmaking 655.27 Numbers book of Bible 222.14 prime arithmetic 5 1 1 . 3 shelf library econ. 025.8 theory of algebra 512.81 Numeration arithmetic 511.2 Numeric equations, higher 512.2 Numidia ancient history 939.72 Numismatics 737 Nunneries 271.9 Nuns 271.9 cloisterd 271.96 'Nuremberg history 943-32 travels 914.332 Nurseries day 362 . 7 Nursery catalogs agriculture 631.5214 domestic economy 649.1 food dom. econ. 649 . 3 hygiene 613.22 furniture dom. economy 645.67 lore folklore 398.3 rimes folklore 398 . 3 Nurses American revolution 973 . domestic servis 647. Great war 1914-19 940. physiologic zoology 59 1 . training of 610. U. S. civil war 973 . Nursing domestic econ. 649 medicin 610. Nusairian religion 297 Nut culture 634 . gatherers 63 1 . Nutation astron. correc. 522. theoret. astron. 521 . Nutmeg culture 633 . muskmelon . 635. Nutrient arteries anat. 6 1 1 . Nutriments physiology 612. Nutrition action of glands on 612. on glands 612. of bones physiology 612. muscles " 612. plants fertilizers 631 . physiologic botany 581 . zoology 591, physiology 612 Nutritiv baths hygiene 613 enemeta " 613 phenomena physiol. 612 Nutritory organs comp. anat. 591 descrip. " 591 Nuts agriculture 634 dietetics 613 domestic econ. 641 harvesting 631 . physiology 612 Nux vomica spin, poisons 615 Nyblom, K:R. Swed. lit. 839 Nyctagineae botany 583 Nyerup, R. Danish essays 839 Nymphaeaceae botany 583 376 25 475 163 73 776 73 5 356i 96 9 834 611 1342 302 403 404 752 7465 811 13 13 39 23 2 3 39 43 73 5 .27 3 5561 .39272 97 .7466 .911 .845 .118 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this indei RELATIV INDEX 797 Oak botany forestry 'Oakland city, Cal. hist. 1 co. Mich. Oases physical geografy Oat grass forage crops Oaths ethics ; legal of allegiance pol. sci. offis legislativ bodies Oats agriculture botany zootechny ^axaca, Mexico history Obadiah Bible Obedience doctr. theology family ethics Obelisks antiquities monuments Oberammergau pass'n play Obesity diseases physiology Obex anatomy Obituary addresses biog. serm. Object glass telescopes teaching education Objectivs microscopy Oblates monast. orders Obligations soc. ethics Oblique arches arch, construe, muscles, abdom. anat. of hed " perspectiv descr. geom. projection " " Obliquity of ecliptic Oboe musical instrum. Obrenovics swine 'O'Brien co. la. history Observation errors probabilities mental faculties Observations astronomy auxiliary of comets moon planets stars sun Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 583.976 Observatories 634.9 astronomy 522 . i 979 . 466 meteorologic 55*. 5 977.438 school apparatus 3 7 1 . 662 551.58 bildings 371.623 633-265 Observing chairs astronomy 522.38 179-5 powers education 372 . 3 347-94 Obsession demoniac 133.4 32.3.62 spiritism 133 .9 328.361 Obsidian lithology 552.23 633-I3 Obstetric operations 618.8 584-9 Obstetrics gynecology 618.2 636.08613 Obturator 972.7 artery anatomy 611.1375 224.91 externus " 611.73826 234.6 internus " 611.73817 173-6 Occipital 913.32 I artery anatomy 611.13326 718 bone 611.7151 792 glands of neck " 611.4631 616.39 lobe of brain " 611.81315 612.3977 Occipito- 611.8185 atlantal joints anatomy 611.7211 920 axial " " 611.7211 252.9 frontalis muscle " 611.7322 522.24 Occult sciences 133 372.3 Occultations 578-2 and transits, astronomy 523 . 99 271.76 finding longitude 525.48 177.8 Occultism 133 Occupation 721.42 choice of 374-1 611.7363 territorial pol. sci. 320.1263 611.7318 therapeutics 615.851 515-61 Occupations 515-3 injurious hygiene 613.6 525-32 mortality in pub. helth 614.146 788.7 special diseases from 616 636.472 Ocean 977.714 coast change s 551-36 1 co. N. J. history 974.948 519.6 currents phys. geog. 551.47 152 exploration 910.4 524 geografy maps 912 522.6 life zoology 591-92 523-69 liners shipbilding 623 . 824 523-39 mails 383 523-49 Pond, Fla. U. S. civ. war 973 . 7364 523-89 telegraf communication 654.5 523-79 elec. engin'g 621 .3828 tides 525 . 6 transportation sociol. 387 useful arts 656 79 8 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Ocean travels 910.4 'Oceana co. Mich, history 977.459 Oceania ecclesiastic history 279 geografy 9*9 geology 559 1 history 990 statistics 3 X 9 swine 636 . 489 travels 919 Oceanica, see Oceania Oceanology phys. geog. 551 .46 Oceans physical geografy 551.46 Ochnaceae botany 583.245 1 Oconto co. Wis. history 977-537 Octateuch Bible 222 Octocorolla radiates 593-62 Octroi local taxes 336 . 28 Oculomoto nerv, see Third nerv external, see Sixth nerv Od mind and body 134 Odd Fellows secret soc. 366.3 Odel, Anders Swed. poetry 839.7144 Ode 11 shorthand 653.35 1 Odessa history 947-7 O die force mind and body 134 Odontalgia dentistry 617.65 Odontografs mech. engin'g62 1 . 83 1 Odontology animal compar. anat. 591.43 descrip. 59 I -73 human 611.314. Odontornithes fossils 568 Odylic force 134 (Ecumenical councils ecclesiastic polity 262 . 5 religious history 270 . 2 Oedema physiology 612.381 Oehlenschlager, A. G. 839.8161 Oenotheras botany 583-445 Oesophagus, see Esophagus Offal air pollution 614.763 Offensiv animals econ. zoology 591.66 materials air pollution 614.75 Offertory alms 264.9 organ music 786.86 sacred " 783.23 Office, see Offis Official ballot suffrage 324 . 252 functions civ. ser. offisers 351.1 register, U. S. civ. serv. 351.2 Official reporting shorthand 653.046 residences architect. 725.17 Officinal drugs adulterat. 614.351 Offis and apartm't bldgs arch. 725.22 bildings " 725-23 bildings care of 647.962 equipment and methods 651 furnishings dom. econ. 645.64 groups blanket ballot 324 . 256 tenure of civil servis 3 5 1 . 4 training laweducat. 340.7 Offisers administrativ univ. 378.11 army and navy lives 923.5 mil. sci. 355.33 civil servis lives 923 . 5 organization 351.1 duties of public ethics 172.2 gov't, legis. power over 328 . 345 of legislativ bodies 328 . 362 presiding legis. bodies 328.3621 Offises excise architecture 725.14 post " 725.16 public " 725.13 record " 725.15 Offisholding legislativ restrictions 328 . 349 Offsets plant culture 631.5321 Offspring hygiene 613.9 Ofthalmia eye diseases 617.71 Ofthalmic artery anatomy 611.13332 nerv of Willis " 611.83152 surgery 617.7 vein, inferior anat. 611.14516 superior " 611.14515 Ofthalmology anatomy 611.84 diseases 617.7 physiology 612.84 Ofthalmometer physiol. 612.84261 Ofthalmoscope pathol. 617.7 physiol. 612.84312 'Ogemaw co. Mich, history 977.475 Ogier, G. Dutch drama 839.3235 'Ogle co. 111. history 977-332 Ogres folklore 398 . 4 Ohio 1 co. Ind. history 977.212 1 W.Va. " 975.414 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 799 Ohio state admission 1 history U.S.hist. 973 977 46 .1 For military history, see 973.52471. 973-7471 and 973-89471 travel 917 valley description 917 1 W. Va. history 975 Ohmmeters elec. eng. 621. Oil animal chem. analysis 543 . technol. 665. baths prac. chem. 542 . burning locomotivs 621 coal economic geology 553 . cooking by dom. econ. 641 , cookstoves " " 643 . domestic fuel " " 644 . 7 4i 3742 9 2 46 engins feeders heaters lamps light light painting mech. engin'g 621 lubrication dom. econ. 621 644 644 644 022 lib. bildings art 751 bilding 698 plants agriculture 633 refining, mineral air pol. 614 strainers lubrication 621 surface road engin'g switches elec. eng. tractors agriculture Oilcloth manufactures 625 621 631 679 623 Oilers shipbilding Oils adulterations 614, essential chem. tech. 668 , fixt materia medica 615. food constituents 64 1 . manufacture 665 protectiv external agents 615 . vegetable agriculture 633 chem. anal. 543 . tech. 665 . Ointments therapeutics 615. a Oise, France history 944. Oklahoma, U. S. 1 history 976. opening U. S. hist. 973 . travels 9 1 7 . Okra 635 . Olacales botany 583 . .28 .583 333 23 4342 .89 2 3 32 .312 751 . I -85 .724 .89 75 31735 3722 .826 34 14 776 85 8 3 776 35 6 86 66 648 26 Olacineae botany 583.261 Olai, Ericus Swed. poetry 839 Old age insurance pol. econ. 331 mortality pub . helth 6 1 4 pensions pol. econ. 331 physiology 612 therapeutics of 615 4 Bactrian language 491 1 Castile Spanish history 946 travels 914 catholic church 284 4 Egyptian language 493 3 English language 427 French " 447 gard, order 369 Norfolk sheep 636 4 Norse language 439 literature 839 4 Persian language 891 4 Prussian " 491 red sandstone geology 551 4 Saxon language 439 literature 839 school baptists 286 Testament 221 biografy 221 'Oldenburg, Ger. history 943 cattle 636 horse 636 swine 636 Oldham, John Eng. satire 827 Oleaceae botany Olefins organic chem. Olempe sheep Olecmargarin adulterations chemic technology dairy 583 547 636. 614 664 637 Oleron, laws of admiralty 347 Olf action physiology 612 psychology Olfactory bulb anatomy nerv physiology organs anatomy physiology tract anatomy Oligarchy polit. science Oligocene period geology Olivary bodies anatomy 152 6n 611 612 611 612 611 321 551 611 25 135 25 .67 54 52 3 63 .8 . i .01 .01 .116 3235 .6 .6 Si 91 74 .2 .2 4 .92 52 2344 143 434 45 . 22 3468 .326 3 281 7 .86 3 8311 .8191 .86 86 body, nucleus of superior 611 5 781 8183 81777 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 8oo DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Oliv oil chemic technol. 665 . 3 Olivs agriculture 634 . 63 Olona fiber crops 633 . 565 1 Olonetz Russian history 947.2 Olozaga, Salustiano de Span, oratory 865 . 5 1 Oltmans, J. F. Dutch fie. 839.3353 Olufsen, O. K. Dan. dram. 839.8257 Olustee, Fla. U.S. civ. war 973.7364 Olympiads chronology 529.3 Olympic games Gk antiq. 913.38 'Oman, Arabia history 953-5 travel 915-35 Omayyads Span. hist. 946.02 Omens occultism 133-3 Omentum anatomy 611.382 diseases of 616.38 physiology 612.339 Ommiads Span. hist. 946 . 02 Omnibus bill U. S. history 973 . 63 riders special legislation 328.376 Omnigraf engraving 760 Omnipotence doct. theol. 231.4 Omnipresence " 231.4 Omniscience 231.4 Omohyoid muscle anat. 611.7333 Omphalomesenteric artery anatomy 611.1364 vein " 611.1497 Onagrarieae botany 583.445 Oneida community socialism 335.973 1 co. N. Y. history 974.762 Wis. history 977 .52 5 indians 9 7 -3 Oneman farm 631 . 1163 Oneway plow 63 1 . 3 1 24 Ongtischaf 636 . 385 Onions agriculture 635 . 25 'Onondaga co. N. Y. hist. 974 . 765 indians 970.3 'Ontario, Canada history 971 . 3 co. N. Y. " 974.786 1 Ont. " 971-355 Ontogeny anatomy 611.013 zoology 591-3 Ontology philosof y 1 1 1 'Ontonagon co. Mich, hist. 977.498 Onychophora articulates 595-5 Oolite geology 551.76 lithology 552.56 Oology ornithology 598.2 Oordoo language 49 1 . 43 Oosporeae algae 589.5 fungi 589 . 24 Ooze lithology 552.54 Opal economic geology 553-8 Open air schools 371 .718 arc elec. lighting 621.32542 channels hydraulics 532.54 circuit cells elec. eng. 621.3535 reference shelvs lib. econ.024 . 55 shelvs lib. econ. 024 . 56 voting suffrage 324 . 244 workings mining 622.31 Opening, Sunday libraries 024.4 and museums 263 . 7 Openings in roofs arch, construe. 721.55 streets sewerage 628.231 Opequon, Va. battle U. S. civil war 973 . 7377 Opera amusement 792 bouffe dramatic music 782 . 7 dramatic music 782 ethics I 75- 2 houses architecture 725.82 recitative vocal music 784.2 Operations, calculus of 5 1 7 . 7 Operativ surgery 617.9 Operculum anatomy 611.81319 Operetta music 782 . 8 Ophicleide " 788.45 Ophidia reptils 598.12 Ophiomorpha fishes 597-7 Ophiuridea zoology 593-94 Ophthalmia eye diseases 617.71 Ophthalmic, see Ofthalmic Ophthalmology, see Ofthalmology Ophthalmometer physiol. 612.84261 Ophthalmoscope pathol . 617.7 physiol. 612.84312 Opitz v. Boberfeld Ger.poet.83i .51 Opium agriculture 633 . 75 analgesics 6 1 5 . 7 83 habit ethics 178.8 hygiene 613.82 narcotic poisons 615.961 traffic ethics 178.8 war, 1840-42 Chinese hist.95 1 Opossums mammals 599 . 2 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 80 1 Opotherapy therapeutics hepatic physiology Oppian Greek poetry Opposition of good and evil heresy Oppositions solar system Opsonic theory physiology Optic chiasm anatomy crystallografy disc anatomy illusions physiology lobes " nerv anatomy eye diseases physiol. of eye nervs " " nervs perceptions physiol. thalamus anatomy physiology tract anatomy Optics physics physiology Optimism philosofy Optional studies curriculum vaccination pub. helth Optostriate body physiol. Orach Oracles mind and body Oral examinations educat'n instruction pharynx anatomy Orange associations 1 city, N. J. polit. soc. history 1 co. Cal. 1 Ind. 1 N. Y. 1 Vt. family agriculture 1 Free State history Orangemen polit. ass'ns Oranges fruit culture 5 Orations Eng. literature Oratoric clubs educ. Oratorios sacred music Orators, English biografy Oratory sacred homiletics Orbicular muscles of eye 615-36 612 .35161 883.4 273.2 523-23 612 . 118223 61 i .8144 S48.9 611.843 612.84374 612 .8265 612.843 612 .8192 612.84372 611 .8147 612 .8261 61 i .8144 535 612.84 149-5 375.0014 614.4739 612.8261 635-43 133-3 371-27 371-33 611 .3272 363 974-933 979 496 977-227 974.731 974.36 634 3 968.5 363 634-31 825-3 374-24 783-3 928.25 808.5 251 611.7325 Orbicularis oris Orbit of comets astronomy earth eye, etc. diseases moon astronomy Orbits of eyes anatomy hevenly bodies 6n . 7326 523 525 617 523 6n 521 plane of, in space astron.52i position of, in plane 'Orcades, Scot. history Orchard disk harrow grass forage crops Orcharding agriculture Orchards agriculture Orchestral music sacred music Orchestrion music Orchids botany fertilization of, botany gardening Orchitic fluid physiol Ordeal, trial by law Order department lib. econ. of founders and patriots of America studies curriculum the Old gard public administration Orders holy ministry sacraments 521 941. 631 633 634 634 785 783. 789 584 58i 716 612 340 63 3 78 33 7146 3 21 22 12 3138 22 I 7 15 16 2 6x6 3 025.23 369 375 369 351 262 265 in council, 1 80 7-8 Eng.hist. 942 . the ministry eccles.pol.262 . monastic 271 of architecture 729. knighthood heraldry 929 . social pol. sci. 323 . Ordinal Anglican ritual 264. Ordinance of 1 787 973 . Ordinances Anglican rit. 264. city local gov't 352 local lib. " 023. religious 265 Ordination eccles. polity 262. sacraments 265. sermons 252. Ordnance mil. engin'g 623. stores, care of 623 . Ordo anomalus botany 583 . Ordoo language 491. 125 oon 116 75 16 4 73 16 32 71 3 37 318 035 16 4 7 4 48 899 43 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 802 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Ore cars mining engin'g concentrators min. eng. deposits econ. geol. dressing mining eng. sampling Oregon, U. S. admission boundary 1 history mil. hist. assaying 622 622 553 622 669 question U. S. history 973 973 979 U.S. civil war 973 Span, war 973 973 917 63 75 i 7 9 68 611 5 7495 89495 5 95 8875 6 3 U. S. hist, travel 'Oregon co. Mo. history 977 Ores chemic analysis 543 iron econom. geology 553 metallurgy 669 mineralogy 549 mining 622 non-iron econ. geol. 553-4 Orford.H.Walpole Eng.let.826.6i Organ bilding 786.6 cabinet 786.9 music 786 . 8 musical instrument 786 . 5 of Corti anatomy 611.8522 physiology 612 . 8584 sacred music 783 . i Organa lateralia anat. 611.889 Organic and inorganic matter 577-1 chemic industries 660 chemistry 547 chemistry of soil 631 .417 drugs materia medica 615.3 liquids physical chem. 541 .327 material zoology 591.137 products chem. analysis 543.8 remains paleontology 560 Organisms, physiology of 612.014 Organization central gov. foren states 354 U. S. 353 city local gov' t 352.004 civil servis 351 . i cooperation 334- 1 courts law 347-97 engineering works 62 1 . 704 internal legis. bodies 328.36 laboring classes 331 . 87 military forces 355 . 3 Organization party suffrage 324 . 233 schools education 371 . 2 Organizations labor pol. econ. 331.88 library propaganda 021.77 2 special purposes, see subject Organografy botany 581.7 zoology 591 . 7 Organs embryonic, human 611.013 of generation anatomy 611.6 comp. anat. 591.46 descr. " 591.76 overuse of hygiene 613.65 Oriels architectural design 729.38 Oriental architecture 722 art 709 . 5 churches 281 . 5 customs 915 frils pigeons 636 . 59634 history 950 horses 636 . 1 1 languages 490 literature 890 music theory 781.7 mythology 291 philosofers biografy 921.9 philosofy 181 question Turkey 949 . 6 raspberries 634 . 7 1 5 religions 290 societies 490 . 6 theologians biografy 922.1 Orientalia literature 890 Orientals dom. servis 647.24 education 371.976 Orientation ecclesiology 246 . r sense of physiology 612.8861 Orifises hydraulics 532 . 52 Origen early Chris, philos. 189.2 Origin of English language 422 . i evil natural theology 216 individ. soul metaphys. 129 knowledge " 121 language 40 1 life 576 man nat. hist, of man 573 .2 printing 655 . 1 1 religious belief 201 sexes evolution 575-9 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 803 Origin of species " 575-8 speech philology 40 1 state political science 320 . 1 1 Original home of man ethnology 572.4 sin doctrinal theology 233.2 Orinoco river travel 918.7 Oriskany Amer. revolution973 .3334 'Orissa, India history 954-1 language 49 J -45 Orkney sheep 636.3258 'Orkneys, Scotland history94i . 12 Orleans, C : due d' Fr. poet. 841 .22 'Orleans France history 944-5 house of Fr. " 944.063 1 He d', Que. " 971.448 'Orleans co. N. Y. " 974.791 1 Vt. 974.32 Ormin Eng. poetry 821.12 Ornament carvd arch, decorat'n 729.5 painted " " 729.4 Ornamental botany 716 design 745 gardening, landscape 710 joinery carpentry 694 . 7 plasterwork masonry 693 . 63 Ornaments costume 39* -7 domestic economy 645 . 5 prehistoric 57* -7 toilet 646.48 'Orne, France history 944.23 Ornithology 598 . 2 Ornithopters aeronautics 629.177 Orobanchaceae botany 583.821 Orology physical geog. 55 I -43 Orphan asylums architecture 7 2 5 5 7 institutions 362.7 U. S. civ. war 973 . 7772 Orphic poems Gk epics 883 . 5 Orpington poultry 636 . 524 Orrery astronomy 523.28 Orris perfume plants 633.815 Orthodox church Greek 281.9 Orthodoxy heresies 273 Orthoepy compar. philol. 411 8 English language 421 . 5 Orthografic projections 515.51 3 Orthografy Eng. lang. 421 Orthomorphic projec. geod. 526.82 Orthopedic appliances surgery surgery Orthoptera agriculture zoology aeronautics paleontology 617.92 6i7.3 632.72 595-72 629.177 560 633-284 618.84 977.858 977.7116 977.469 Orthopters Oryctology Oryzeae forage crops Os, dilatation obstetrics 'Osage co. Mo. history 'Osceola co. la. history Mich. Oscillating marine engins 621.1225 steam " 621.11245 Oscillations of earth's crust 551 .24 Oscillografs elec. eng. 621.3747 'Oscoda co. Mich, history 977.478 Osculation calculus 517.24 'Oshkosh, Wis. history 977.565 Osier fiber crops 633 . 588 Osmium filaments elec. lighting 621.32644 inorganic chemistry 546 . 94 Osmose of liquids 532 . 7 Osmosis absorption physiology 612.382 mesology 612.0144621 theoretic chemistry 541.341 Osmotic permeability of blood 612.11117 pressure of blood 612.11811 Osseous labyrinth anat. 611.853 4 Ossetic language 491.56 Ossian Eng. literature 82 1 . 66 Ossoli, M. (Fuller) d' 814.31 Ostend manifesto U.S.hist. 973 .66 Osteology animal descriptiv 591.79 comparativ 591.49 human anatomy 611.71 Osteopathy therapeutics 615.82 Ostracism Gk antiqui. 913.38 Ostracoda articulates 595-33 Ostrich farms agriculture 636 . 6 1 1 zoology 59 8 -5 'Oswego co. N. Y. history 974.767 'Otaheite history 996 . 2 travel 919.62 apple, sweet 634.442 gooseberry 634 . 666 Otfried German poetry 831.12 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 8o 4 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Otic ganglion anat. Otocysts physiology Otoliths, see Earstones Otology anatomy of ear diseases " physiology 'Otsego co. Mich. hist. 1 N. Y. Ottawa city, Ont. " 1 co. Mich. " 1 O. " ' Que. Otto i German history a 3 4 611 612 611 617 612 977 974 971 977 977 971 943 943 943 943 621 949 9.77 45 Otto cycle gas engins Ottoman empire history ^ttumwa, la. Otway, T: Eng. drama 822 . Oudaan, Joachim Dut. " 839. 'Oudh, India history 954. 'Outagamie co. Wis. " 977- Outbildings architecture 728 . Outcast races 397 Outcrop geology 551. Outdoor cookery 641. garments dom. econ. 646 . relief charity 361 pauperism 339 servis dom. econ. 647. sports 796 Outer house garments 646 . Outfall sewerage system 628. sewers 628. Outfit, ship 623 . Outlawry criminal law 343 I Outlines, compends, see subj. Outlining drawing 741 Outlooks landsc. garden'g 717 Outposts military science 355. Outward flow turbins 621. Outworks fortifications 623. Ouvroirs wages economics 331-53 Ovarian artery anat. 611. castration, physiol. effects 612 . veins anatomy 611. Ovaries anatomy 611. gynecology 6 1 8 . physiology 612. Topics in black face type are subdivided .89156 .85876 85 8 85 484 774 384 415 121 422 O22 O22 O22 O25 4321 6 2 539 9 85 578 45 43 217 27 86 41 243 117 1369 62 1 1 1467 65 1 1 621 Ovariotomy surgery 617.46 Overcoats dom. econ. 646.45 Overcrowding curriculum 375.006 Overfalls hydraulics 532.53 Overflows sewer appurten. 628.258 Overhanding dom. econ. 646.21 Overhed lines elec. transmission 621.31922 wire " traction 621.3322 Overhours" hygiene 613.61 Overlegislation pol. sci. 328.241 Overmantels fixt furniture 729.95 Overshot wheels mech. eng.62 1.22 Overskou, T: Danish dram. 83 9 .8264 Overstrain effect on library servis 023 . 644 staff 023 . 647 physical hygiene 613.73 Overstudy school hygiene 371.71 Overtime work lib. econ. 023 . 64 polit. econ. 331.814 Overture orchestral music 785 .5 Overuse of organs hygiene 613 . 65 Overwork hygiene 613.61 mental mental hygiene 131 Ovid Latin poetry 871.2 Ovogenesis embryology 611.01316 Ovulation physiology 612.62 Ovum embryology 611.01315 capsule of anatomy 611.6512 pathology of pregnancy 618.32 physiology 612.623 removal obstetric oper. 618.88 'Owen co. Ind. history 1 sound, Ont. " Owls pigeons Owners absentee and alien liability of bilding Ownership land pol. econ. marks lib. " zootechny municipal Oxalate of cerium therap. 615.735 Oxalates mineralogy 549.79 OxenstjernaJ.G. Swed. 1^.839. 7154 'Oxford, England history 942.57 travels 914.257 1 co. Me. history 974.17 travels 917.417 1 Ont. history 971.346 977-243 97I.3I8 636.59622 333-4 692 . 9 333 025.25 636.0812 352 5 Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 8os Oxford movement 283 Pa cchioni's glands anat. 611.8193 sheep 636.3234 Pacer, American 636 .128 university 378.42 Pachyderms zoology 599 . 6 Oxids mineralogy 549 . 5 Pacific theoretic chem. 541.4 coast U. S. civ. war 973 . 7389 Oxydants physiol. chem. 613.01511 dewberry 634.7173 Oxygen 1 ilands, Polynesia hist. 996 chemistry 546.21 travel 919.6 compounds mineralogy 549 . 5 ocean, discov. U.S.hist. 973.16 group inorganic chem. 546.2 phys. geografy 551 . 465 in blood physiol. 612.1272 1 slope, U. S. history 979 mesology 612.014464 1 states " " 979 muscular consump. of 612 . 74422 war of Chile history 983 Oxyhemoglobin physiol. 612.11111 Pack horse 636 . 15 Oxyntic glands, stomach 611.33 mules 636.183 Oxytocics therapeutics 615.766 Packers agriculture 631.3644 Oyster plant 635 . 1634 library employees 023 . 795 Oysters Pacifists Great war 940.3162 cookery dom. econ. 641.6 Packing fisheries 639 . 4 appliances for agric. 631.364 food dom. econ. 641.3 butter business 637 .2351 fossils 564.1 cheese 637.3351 fresh pub. helth 614.317 farm expenses 631 . 177 preservation chem. tech. 664. 9 of crops 631 .564 dom. econ. 641 .4 voltaic cells 62 1 . 3524 preservd pub. helth 614.319 Packs farm transport 631.3732 zoology 594 . i Paddlewheels shipbilding 623 . 87 *Ozark co. Mo. history 977-8835 Paddock lectures apologet. 239 .05 'Ozaukee co. Wis. history 977.592 Padins fruit culture 634.24 Ozocerite economic geol. 553.27 ' Padouse fowls 636.552 Ozone chemistry 546.21 'Padua, Italy history 945-3 hygiene 613.16 travel 914-53 Paduan fowls 636 . 552 sheep 636 . 35 Paediatrics medicin 618.9 Paedogenesis zoology 591.163 Pagan architecture 722 Paganism 290 'Page co. la. history 977-778 Page size newspapers 070.321 Pageants dramatic customs 394 . 2 scenario writ'g 808 . 2 theater 792 processional amusem'ts 791 Pages legislativ bodies 328 . 3625 library staff 023 . 78 numbering of printing 655 . 27 Paging machines 655 . 36 Paidology 136 7 Pail system sanitation 628.42 Pailleron, E' Fr. drama 842 . 87 Pain sense physiology 612. 884 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 8o6 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Painless extinction of animal life 614.971 Paint, prehistoric 571.72 Painted decoration arch. 729 . 4 Painters biografy 927.5 colic 615.928 Painting fine art 750 house, sign, etc. 698 . i Paintings collections of 708 engravings from 750 Paints chem. technol. 667.6 Pairing legislativ procedure 328 . 375 Palaces architecture 728 . 3 of rulers " 725. 17 peace 725.12 Palae- see Pale- Palate anatomy 611.315 bone anatomy 611.7162 muscles " 611.73276 soft, in speech physiol. 612 . 7892 Palatinate 1 Upper, Germany hist. 943-34 war of U. S. history 973 - 25 Pale blueberry 634 . 736 Paleobotany 561 Paleografy 3 English language 421.7 inscriptions 4 1 J Paleolithic age prehist.arch. 371 . i Paleontologic anatomy 611.016 Paleontologists biografy 925.6 Paleontology 560 Paleozoic geology 551 . 72 history 945 . 8 travels 914.58 ancient history 933 modern " 956.9 pre-Judaic hist. 939 . 45 travels 915.69 Palestrina sacred music 783.4 Palfrey horse 636.13 4 Pali language 491 . 3 Palimpsests rare mss. 091 Palingenesis metaphys. 129.4 Palisades fortifications 623.117 Palladium inorgan. chem. 546.98 Palladius Danish misc. 839.8824 Pallium anatomy 611.8131 sacred ornam. 247.6 period 'Palermo Palestine i Palm, J. H. van der 839.3451 Palm muscles anatomy 611.7377 sugar plants 633.65 family fruit culture 634 . 6 istle 633 . 5772 Palmaceous fruits 634 . 6 Palmae botany 584.5 Palmaris brevis anatomy 611.73772 longus " 611.73752 Palmieri. M. Ital. essays 854.22 Palmistry magic 133-6 Palmists biografy 920 . 9 Palms botany 584.5 horticulture 716.1 Palmyra ancient history 939.43 Palo Alto, battle Mex.war.973 . 6234 co. la. history 977.7155 Palpebrae anatomy 611.847 Palpebral apparatus sight 612 . 847 Palsy, see Paralysis Paludan-Muller.F. Dan.poet839 .8167 Pamflets cases for lib. econ. 025.8 miscellaneous collections 040 preservation of 025.4 special library material 025.172 on special topics see subject 958.6 939 611 188. Pamirs Pamphlets, see Pamflets Pamphylia ancient hist. Pampiniform plexus Panaetius Greek philos. Panama congress U. S. history 973 hat fiber 633 1 history 986 Pananti, Filippo Ital. satire 857 Pancreas anatomy diseases of physiology anatomy physiology Pancreatic artery duct juice secretions animals s Pancreatico-duodenal artery 611 616 612 611 611 612 inferior anatomy 611 superior " 611 Pancreatin aids to digest. 615 Pandaneae botany 584 Pandects Roman law 349 . Paneld construction carpentry 694 . 5 29 . 1466 4 '55 584 67 37 37 34 ,13642 373 34 143 13651 13641 7342 61 375 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 807 Panels carvd arch, decoration 729.56 central elec. station 621.3172 local electric lighting 621.3283 painted arch, decorat. 729.46 Panhandle 1 Eastern W. Va. history 975 . 49 travel 917.549 1 Northern history 975.411 Panic financial 1837 U.S.hist. 973.57 1873 " " 973.82 grass cereals 633.172 Paniceae forage crops 633.283 Panics commercial money 332 production 338 trade 381 4 Panjabi language 491 . 42 Pannonia ancient hist. 939.86 Panopticon prison syst. 365 Panoramas amusements 791 painting 750 Pantheism nat. theology 212 philosofy 147 Pantheon architecture 722.7 Panthers zoology 599 . 7 Pantografs elec. traction 621.33472 Pantomimes drama 792 music 782-9 Pantries dom. economy 643.47 Panzacchi, E. Ital. essays 854.88 Paoli Amer. revolution 973.3336 Papacy eccles. polity 262 . 13 Papal bulls eccles. polity 262 conclaves " " 262.13 infallibility " " 262 . 13 1 states, Italy hist. 945.6 supremacy, Ital. " 945.03 Papaver 633.75 Papaveraceas botany 583.122 Papaw, melon 634.651 northern 634.418 Paper covers library books 025.7 domestic economy 646 . 182 engineering materials 620 . 197 hanging trade 698.6 in books publishing 655.53 manufacture 676 materials fibers 633 . 59 mills architecture 7 2 5-46 money 33 2 -5 roofing Hiding 695.7 Topics in black fce type are subdivided. Superior 2 Papers on spec, topics, see subjects Paphlagonia ancient hist. 939.31 antiquities 913-3931 Paprika 633 . 842 'Papua history 995 Papuan swine 636 . 489 Papular affections of skin 616.51 Papyrus manuscripts 091 5 Parables English liter. 828 New Testament 226.8 Parabola analytic geom. 516.25 geometry 513.25 Paraboloid anal .geom. 516.45 Parabosco, G. Ital. fiction 853.45 Paraceles anatomy 611.8138 Paracelsus medieval philos. 189.5 Paracentral lobule anat. 611.81316 Parachutes aeronautics 629.167 Paradidymis anat. 611.633 Paradise garden of Eden Bible geog. 220.91 Genesis 222.11 primitiv home of race 572.4 theology 236.6 Paradisi, A. Ital. poetry 851.61 Paraffin chem. technol. 665.4 Paraffining bldg material 691 . 2 Paraffins organic chem. 547.21 Paraguay history 989 travel 918.9 tea agric. 633 . 77 Parallax, lunar astronomy 523.31 practical " 522.91 solar " 5 2 3-92 stellar " 5 2 3- Sl terrestrial " 525.16 Parallel courses education 375- OOI 3 forces physics 531.24 lines geometry 5 I 3- I 3 perspectiv descr. geom. 515.61 planes geometry 5*3-33 Parallelism Scripture 220.88 Parallels Gospels 226.1 siege works 623 . 23 Paralysis diseases 616.842 facial physiology 612.81978 infantil diseases 616.83 public helth 614.54 surgery 617.48 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 8o8 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Parasites animal diseases 616 of animals animal hyg. 614. pathology of animals 591. plants 581. vegetable diseases 616. Parasitic animals 59 1. diseases dermatology pathology public helth plants botany pests Parathyroids Parcel post Parchment Pardoning power law Parenchyma 616. 616. 614. 581. 632. anatomy 6n., physiology 612.. postoffis 383 manuf. 676 343- anatomy 6 1 1 . Parenchymatous absorption physiology 612. law 347 i73- 371 636 481. 938 611. 611. 583 611. 631- Parent and child Parents ethics and teachers choice of zootechny Parian chronicle Arundel marbles Greek history Parietal bone anatomy lobe of brain " Parietales botany Parieto-occipital fissure anatomy Paring plow Parini, Giuseppe Ital. satire 857 . 'Paris, France history 944 . travel 914. congress of, 1856 34! . expositions 606 peace of U. S. history 973 . treaty, U. S. war w. Spain 973 . Parish care of sick, fallen, etc. ecclesiastic polity government England law libraries missions theology work, societies for Park bildings architec. hack horse 2 665 388 6 5 103 08244 258 262 . 352. 352 027. 269 256 725- 636. Topic* in black face type are subdivided 7154 81312 12 8I3I5 3125 64 36 43 6 2 0423 8 *Parke co. Ind. history 'Parkersburg, W. Va. hist. Parkings road engineering Parks flying aeronautics hygiene of ground recreation public landscape gard. local governm't Parliament constitutional law England houses of architecture Parliamentary blue books control administration debates inquiries legis. proced. law practis legislat. bodies reform England writ legislativ bod. Parlor domestic econ. magic maids dom. econ. pastimes Parmenides Gk philos. Parmesan cheese Parnell, T : Eng. poetry Parny, E. D. D. Fr. poetry Parochial libraries schools and libraries education 5 Parodies English liter. Paroles U. S. civil war Parolfactoria anatomy Paroophoron " Parotid glands " Parovarium " Parquetry floors architec. Parricide criminal law Parrots domestic birds zoology 'Parry Sound dist. Ont. hist. Parsee dualism heresies Parseeism Parse val Grandmaison, F.A. Parsifal legends opera 3 Parsing Eng. grammar Parsis biografy religion 977.246 975.423 625 . 77 629.144 6 1 4 . 7 83 613.75 711 352.7 342.42 328 . 42 725.11 328.424 351.96 328.422 328 372 32 S i 328.1 328.42 328.351 645 . 62 793 647.25 793 182.3 637 . 3545 82 1 . 52 841 . 57 027 . 8 257 377-5 827 973.773 6ri 8133 6116677 611.3165 611.6676 721.66 343 636 . 686 598 . 7 971 . 315 273 . 2 295 841 .63 398.2 782.2 425 . 2 . 922.95 295 Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 809 Parsley 635 . 78 Passions philosof y 157 Parsnip field crops 633 . 44 physiology 612.82133 garden " 635.14 Pastel drawing 741 Part songs vocal music 784 . 8 Pasteurism pub. helth 614.477 Parthenogenesis Pasteurization buttermaking 637 . 2336 botany 581.162 infant diet 613 .22 physiology 612.6132 Pasteurizer dairy 637.1323 zoology 591.162 Pasteurizing " 637.1333 Parthenon architecture 722.8 Paston letters Eng. hist. 942.04 Parthia ancient history 935.6 liter. 826.3 Partial Pastoral stiff rage electoral systems 324.212 letters 252.1 3 Particles English etymol. 422.9 poetry Eng. literature 821.06 syntax 425.9 theology 250 Parties, political 329 visitations 253 social amusem't 793 Pastors ecclesiastic polity 262 . i dom. econ. 642.41 Pastry room dom. econ. 643.36 Partington, Mrs Am. hum. 817.34 Pasture Partisan warfare mil. sci. 355 feeding zootechny 636.08422 Partnership law 347-7 land pol. econ. 333 . 7 Partridge -shooting 799 Patchouli perfume plants 633.812 Parts electric mach. 621.316 Patagonia history 982 Parturition obstetrics 618.4 travel 918.2 physiology 612.63 Patella anatomy of bones 611 . 71845 Party knee 611.983 ballots suffrage 324.253 Patent caucuses legislativ proced. 328 . 3745 blocks printing 655.22 conventions polit. sci. 329 indexes literary meth. 029.5 feeling in religion, use of 280 law law 347-7 lines telefony 621.3852 patents 608 organization suffrage 324 . 233 medicins adulterations 614.353 Paruta, Paolo Ital. essays 854.47 state control 614.27 Parzival legends 398.2 therapeutics 615.88 *Pas de Calais, France hist. 944.27 room lib. bildings 022.64 Passage, final legislation 328 . 375 types printing 655.23 ^assaic co. N. J. history 974.923 Patents bilding 690 . 8 Passavanti, J. Ital. essays 854.12 engineering 620.08 Passenger useful arts 608 boats shipbilding 623 . 8234 Paternalism cars railway engin'g 625 . 23 in library 021.201 elevators lib. bldgs 022.9571 'Paterson, N. J. history 974.924 mech. eng. 621.87771 Pathetic nerv anatomy 61 1 . 83 14 engins steam eng. 621.13265 physiol. 612.8194 vessels shipbilding 623 . 824 nuclei anatomy 611.8155 Passeroni, G. C. Ital. satire 857.62 Pathogenesis 6 1 6 . o i Passiflorales botany 583 . 45 Pathologic anatomy diag. 616.078 Passifloreae " 583.456 Pathology Passion botany 581 . 2 music 7 8 3-3 medicin 616 plays English literature 822 . i mental 132 general history 809 . 2 of labor 618.5 Oberammergau 792 pregnancy 618.3 religion 244 puerperal state 618.7 Passionists monast. orders 271.6 zoology 591-2 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 8 io DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Patience ethics Patola garden crops Patriarchal institutions Patriarchs of Bible lives Patricide law Patriotic societies, American 369 Patriotism ethics pol. sci. Patriots biografy of America, order Patristic philosofers biografy philosofy theology Patron saints labor holidays Patronage ethics Pattern shop mfg plant Pattypan squash Paul i Russian history 947 Paulding, J. K. Am. humor 817 'Paulding co. O. history Paulus Hook Am. revol. Pauper asylums architec. labor Pauperism and illiteracy, pub. educ. 379 suffrage disqualifications Pavements road eng. sanitation Pavilly fowls Pavlar sheep Pavloff fowls Pawls mech. engin'g Pawnbroking, loan instit. 'Pawtucket, R. I. history Pay, extra pol. econ. Payment in kind wages methods " of legislativ employees Payrolls library finance Pea pickers Pea Ridge, Ark. civil wa: Peabody fund education Peace and war ethics conference U.S.civ.war 973 efforts for - Great war jubilee Boston society internat. ethics Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 179.9 Peaches fruit culture 634-25 635-627 Peacock, T : L. Eng. fie. 823.76 321.1 Peacock and 220.92 Epervier U.S. war 1812 973-5255 343 Hornet 973-5253 369 I Peacock poultry 636.595 172. 1 Peanuts nuciculture 634-58 320.158 Pearl fishery 639-4 Pearls gems 553-8 923 Pears fruit culture 634-13 369-"5 Peas garden crops 635-66 harvesting agric. 631-5563 921.9 Peasantry polit. econ. 331-8 189.2 social classes 323-33 230.1 Peasants war Ger. hist. 943-03I Peat 33I-8I7 economic geology 553-21 177-5 foundations architecture 721 . ii 621 .72 fuel chem. tech. 662.6 635.621 domestic econ. 644.22 947-07 Pecan 634 521 817.23 Pecquet, cistern of anat. 611.423 977.117 Pectineus muscle " 611.73823 973-3355 Pectoral glands " 611.4675 362.5 region 61 i .942 725-55 Pectoralis major " 6ii.735i 331-6 minor " 611.7352 339 Pedagogics 371 379-22 Pedalineae botany 583-85 324-I73 Pedata zoology 593-97 625.8 Pedersen, K. Dan. miscel. 839.8821 628.47 Pedestals arch, design 729.32 636.546 Pedestrianism 796 636.363 ethics 175-7 636.571 Pediatrics medicin 618.9 621.837 Pediculosis 616.968 332-34 Pedigrees genealogy 929. 2 974-53 Pediments arch, constr. 721.86 331-225 design 729-37 walls 721 .28 33I-235 Pedobaptism 265. I 331.235 Pedogenesis zoology 59I-I63 328.3626 Pedunculated bodies anat. 611.633 025.115 'Peebles, Scotland hist. 941.46 63I-3583 J Peel co. Ont. " 971-353 973-7323 Peerage heraldry 929.7 373-75 Pegs, husking 631.3613 4 Pehlevi language 491 S3 172.4 'Peking, China history 95i-i 973.712 travel 915.11 973.712 Peking duck 636.59785 940-312 Pelagianism heresies 273-5 780.973 Pelasgian architecture 722 .6 172.4 'Pelew ilands history 996.6 RELATIV INDEX 811 Pelican, ship U.S.war 1812 973 . 5253 Pellico, Silvio Ital. drama 852.72 Peloponnesian war Gk^hist.938 . 05 Peloponnesus ancient " 938.6 1 modern " 949.5 Pels, Andries Dutch dram. 839 .3242 Pelton wheel water motors62 1.232 Pelvic articulations anat. 611 .7281 bone " 611.7181 lymphatics " 611.4216 region " 611.96 Pelvimetry 618.52 Pelvis anatomy 611.96 diseases of women 618.13 surgery 617.56 Pelycosauria paleontol. 568 . i Pembroke, Wales history 942.99 1 Pemiscot co. Mo. history 977.8996 Penasaceae botany 583.934 Penal colonies crim. law 343.2 law 343 Penalties crim. law 343-2 school 371-54 Penance theology 265.6 Pencils writing materials 652 Pendleton civil servis act U.S. hist. 973 . 84 1 co. W. Va. " 975.491 Pendulum apparatus geodesy 526.72 operations " 526.73 physics S3 1 -S3 Penguin, ship U.S.war 1812 973.5257 Peninsular campain U.S. civil war 973.7327 1 Lower Mich. hist. 977-4 1 Upper " 977-49 war Spanish " 946.06 Penis anatomy 611.64 diseases of 616.66 Penistone sheep 636 . 3255 Penitential music 783 . 2 7 Penitentiaries 365 architecture 725.61 Penmanship 652 Pen-names bibliography 014 'Pennsylvania, U. S. hist. 974-8 For military history, see sub- divisions of Special campains and Military history under 973-3, 973-7 and 973-89 travel 917.48 Pennsylvania, colonial soc.of369. 127 Pennyro}'al agriculture 633 . 88 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior Penobscot 1 co. Me. history 974.13 expedition Am. revol. 973.3352 Penology criminal law 343 . 2 Pens writing 652 zootechny 636 . 083 1 Pension act, Mex. war U. S. hist. 973 . 85 bill, dependent " 973 .85 Pensions army and navy 35 1 5 civil servis 351 .5 library 023 . 8 mothers 362 . 6 old age pol. econ. 331-25 teachers 371.17 Penstocks sewer appurten. 628 . 257 Pentateuch Bible 222.1 Pentose nutrition 612.39619 Peonage political economy 331 .56 slavery 326 . 2 People's palace self -education 374-9 party U. S. politics 329.84 J Peoria city, 111. history 977.352 co. 111. - 977-352 Peperino economic geol. 553.58 1 Pepin co. Wis. history 977-547 Pepper adulterations 614.314 agriculture 633 841 Pepsin aids to digestion 615.7342 destruction in stomach 612 .3232 formation in stomach 612 .3232 in gastric juice physiol. 612 .3215 in urin " 612.32321 materia medica 615.35 Peptic glands anat. 611.33 Peptones change s in intestin 612.33274 gastric digestion 612.32245 in urin physiol. 612.461264 nutrition 612 . 39817 stomach absorption of 612.32274 Peptonuria physiology 612.46668 Pequot indian war . U.S.hist.973 .22 Percent tube dairy 637.1276 Perception physiol. psych. 612.8218 psychology 152 Perch fishes 597-5 Percheron draft horse 636.1541 sheep 636.3445 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 812 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Percussion caps chem. tech. mil. engineering diagnosis instruments music Perez, A. Spanish letters Perfection ethics Perfectionists sects Perforating stamp lib. econ. telegrafs communicat'n 654 elec. engin'g tools mech " Perfumery chemic tech. toilet plants Pericardial artery anat. Pericardium anatomy Perichondrium histology physiology Peridotite plutonic rocks Perigee moon Perigord swine Perineal region anatomy Perineum " female obstetric surgery Perineurium histology PeringskjSld, J. Swed. misc. 83 9 Period of decline physiology full development " revolution earth Periodic law theoret. chem54i Periodical clubs self e Periodicals general length of loan lib. e 2 on special topics see subject publisht by library Periosteum dental, dis. of dentis diseases histology physiology Peripatetic philosofers Peritoneum admin, of medicin by anatomy diseases of physiology Peritonitis diseases obstetrics Periuterin diseases of women 6 1 8 . Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index Periwinkle fishery 639 . 4 662 .4 Perjury law 343 623.45421 Perkinism cures 615.856 616.074 Permeability of soil 631 .432 789 Permian formation geology 551 . 75 866.32 Permutation arithmetic 511.5 171-3 Pernin-Duploye' shorthand 653 . 38 289.9 Peronaeus brevis anatomy 611.73852 025.252 longus " 611.73851 654.3 tertius 611.73846 621 .3822 Peroneal artery " 611.13792 621.95 Peronosporeae botany 589.25 668.5 fi * < H Perpetual motion 53 1 . 8 646.7 633.81 strawberry 634.753 Perrault, C: Fr. fiction 843.47 6 1 1 . ii Perrot burners prac. chem. 542 .44 6 i i .01834 'Perry co. HI. history 977-393 612 . 7C4 Ind. " 977.229 / rf~ 552. .38 Mo. " 977.8694 O. 977-159 523 -33 636 . 445 Pa. 974.845 611 .96 Perry's exped. to Japan 611 .353 U. S. hist. 973.66 3618.44 Persecutions theology 272 618.55 Perseverance of the saints 234.9 611 .018835 Persia ancient history 935-5 839-7833 antiquities 913-355 modern history 955 612 .67 travels 9 1 5 . 5 612.66 Persian architecture 7 2 3-3 525 * 3 * *54i -9 ancient 722.5 374.22 horse 636 . i I * language 491-55 050 * old 49i-5i 024.62 philosofers 181.5 ct sheep 636.385 025. 126 walnut 634.511 wars Greek history 938.03 617.63 Persimmons fruit culture 634 . 452 616.71 Persius Flaccus, Aulus 61 i .01844 Latin satire 877.4 612.754 Person of Christ doc. theol. 232 185 Personal appearance costumes 391 615.66 ethics 177.4 611.381 toilet 646 . 7 616.38 equation mach. astron. 522.54 612.339 prac. " 522.97 616.38 hygiene medicin 613 618.73 liberty English law 347-1 618.13 names etymology 9 2 9-4 RELATIV INDEX 813 Personal narrativs autobiografy Great war 1914-19 U. S. hist, civil war Mex. " revolution Span, war war of 1812 Eng. etymol. English law 3 pronouns property religion rights taxation polit. econ. use of lib. time by staff Personales botany Personality dogmatics for library servis teaching metaphysics psychology Personation electoral frauds Personnel domestic servis library " Persons, disinfection contagious diseases Perspectiv descriptiv geometry drawing effect architec. design linear projections geodesy Perspiration, see Swet Persuasion logic ^erth, Scotland history co. Ont. " Perticari, G. Ital. essays Perturbations earth of hevenly bodies Peru administration antiquities architecture ancient botany finance geology 1 history maps schools statistics 920 940.48 973-78 973.628 973.38 973.898 973-528 422.7 347-3 248 347-1 336-23 023.92 583-8 233-6 023.52 37I-H 126 137 324-272 647.2 023 614.48 515.6 742 729-15 5i5-6i 526.81 168 94I.32 971.323 854.68 525-34 521.4 354-85 9I3-85 720.985 722.9 581.985 336.85 558.5 985 912.85 379-85 Peru travel 918.5 treaties 341.285 Pesantry polit. econ. 331-8 social classes 323 . 33 Pesants war Ger. history 943 . 03 1 492 3 149-6 371-44 648.7 579-82 614.49 542.22 632 648.7 579-8i 4 Peshito language Pessimism philosofy Pestalozzian system educ. Pestifuges dom. econ. museums Pestilences public helth Pestles chem. apparatus Pests agriculture household dom. econ. in museums Petards mil. engineering 623.45434 Peter, St epistle i 227.92 2 227.93 the Great Rus. hist. 947.05 'Peterborough city, Ont. hist. 971 .368 1 co. 971.367 Peters, S: A. Amer. hum. 817.15 Petersburg, Va. battle U. S. civ. war 973 . 7365 lines, assault " 973-7373 Petersen, N. M. Dan. lit. 839.8461 Petition administration 351-97 electoral lists 324 . 243 legislativ procedure 328 . 372 right of Eng. const, hist. 342 . 429 Petit's canal anat. 611.8447 Petralogy lithology 552 Petrarca, F. Ital. poetry 851.18 Petri, L. Swed. poetry 839.7122 Olaus " " 839.7121 Petrifaction paleontology 560 Petroglyphs archeology 571-73 'Petrograd, Russia hist. 947-4 trav. 914.74 Petrografy 552 Petroleum chemic technology 665 . 5 domestic fuel 644 . 23 economic geology 553.28 heating prac. chem. 542.43 locomotiv fuels 62 1 . 133 1 mineral 549 . 8 products dom. fuels 644 . 23 Petrology geology 552 Petronius Arbiter Lat. sat. 877.5 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 814 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Petrosal ganglion anatomy 611.8919 nerv, great superficial 6 1 1 . 83 1 5 *Pettis co. Mo. history 977.848 Peutingerian tables ancient geog. 913 Pew rents cleric support 254 Pewter 739 Payer's patches anatomy 611.3413 Pfaffe Amis, der Ger. sat. 83 7 . 2 1 Phaedrus Latin poetry 871.6 Phagedaena diseases 616.941 Phagocytosis physiology 612.1123 Phalangeal joints anat. 611.7279 Phalanges of foot " 611.7189 hand " 611.7179 Phalarideae forage crops 633.284 Phalaris Greek letters 886 . 3 Phallicism 291 Phanariots description 914.961 Phanerogamia botany 582 Phansigars 299 . 1 1 Phantoms occultism 133 . i Pharmaceutic chemistry 615 Pharmacists' registration, state control of 614.24 Pharmacognosy 615.1 Pharmacology 615.7 Pharmacopoeial drugs adulterations 614.351 Pharmacopoeias mat. med. 615.11 Pharmacy economic botany 581 . 63 practical materia med. 615.4 Pharyngeal artery, ascending anat. 611.13324 tonsil " 611.324 Pharyngobranchii fishes 597.1 Pharynx anatomy 611.321 diseases of 616.32 muscles anatomy 611.73278 physiology 612.2154 Phase changing transformers elec. eng. 621.31434 converters asynchronous elec. eng. 621 .31368 synchronous " 621.31354 meters " 621.37491 Phaseolae agriculture 633 . 379 Phases of moon 523.32 Pheasant poultry 636 . 594 shooting 799 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior Phedo Gk philosofers 183.7 'Phelps co. Mo. history 977.8594 Phenanthrene org. chem. 547.28 Phenicia ancient history 939.44 modern " 956.9 travel 9 1 5 . 69 Phenician architecture 722.3 language 492.6 philosofers 181.8 Phenix folklore 398 . 4 fowls 636.5857 Phenols organic chem. 547.3 Phenomena, see Fenomena Phi Beta Kappa society 371.85 Philadelphia, Pa. capture Amer. revol. 973-3337 1 city history 974.811 travels 917.4811 1 co. history 974.811 evacuation Am. revol. 973.3343 exposition 1876 606 U.S. hist. 973.82 Philanthropists biografy 923 . 6 Philanthropy ethics 177-7 Philately postage stamps 383 Philemon epistles 227.86 Philharmonics societies 780.6 Philip German history 943.025 1 French 944.022 2 944.023 3 944-024 4 944.024 5 944.024 6 " 944-025 Philip 2 Spanish " 946.04 3 " 946.051 4 " 946.052 5 " 946.055 Philippians epistles 227.6 Philippine ilands history 991.4 travel 919.14 Philip's, King, war New England history 974 United States 973.24 Philistines ancient history 939.45 Phillips, Wendell Am. orat. 815.34 Phillips code telegrafy 621.382154 Philo Greek philosofers 186.4 Philologists biografy 924 Philology 400 classic 470-489 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 815 Philoprogenitivness phrenol.i39 zoology 591 ., Philosofers biografy 921 Philosofer's stone alchemy 540 . Philosofic apparatus 530 . ' classification of knowledge 112 instrument making 681 magazines 105 systems 140 Philosofy 100 biografy of 921 natural 530 2 of special topics see subject Philydraceae botany 584. Phimosis anatomy 611. surgery 617. Phlebitis diseases 616. puerperal dis. 6 1 8 . Phlebogram physiol. 612. Phlegmasia dolens 618. Phlogiston chemistry 540 . Phlorizin nutrition 612. toxic glycosuria 612. Phocis, Greece anc. hist. 938. 35 642 46 U 77 1342 77 i 4644 3 5255 44 9 4 5857 4 4 86 26 Phoebe, ship U.S. war 1812 973. Phoenicia ancient history 939. modern " 956. Phoenician, see Phenician Phoenix folklore 398 . fowls 636 . Phonetic shorthand 653 3 spelling Eng. language 421 Phonics elementary educa.372 . Phonograf acoustics Phonografy Phonolite lithology Phonology Phosphates as fertilizers agriculture economic geology in urin physiology mineralogy Phosphorescence of cells and org. physiol. 612 Phosphorescent animals comp. physiol. 612.772 zoology 59 I -59 Phosphoric acid agriculture 631.85 Phosphorus compounds air pollu. 614.728 in food physiology 612.39244 urin 612.46163 inorganic chemistry 546.18 materia medica 615.218 nonme tallic poisons 615.924 Photochemistry 5 4 1 . 3 5 Photo-electrotyping 777 Photo-engraving 777 Photograf cases, library 022 .486 Photografic chemistry 771 method transit of Venus 523.95 optics 535-85 Photografs collections of 779 library administration 025.177 of animals in motion art anatomy 743 zoology 59 J -47 comets 523.69 moon 523-39 planets 523.49 sun 523-79 Photografy art 770 astronomy 522.63 military 623.72 optics 535 . 85 Photogrammetry photog. 778 survey'g 526.91 Photogravure 777 Photolithografy 775 Photometric observa. stars 523 .82 Photometries optics 535-2 Photometry astronomy 522.62 visual physiol. 612 .84361 Photoplays, see Fotoplays Phototherapy therapeu. 615.831 Phototropism mesology 612.014447 Photo-zincograf y 776 3 Phrase books English language 428.2 Phrenic arteries, inferior anat. 611.1361 nerv " 611. 83-336 physiology 612.819941 sympathetic nervs anat. 611 .8393 veins, inferior " 61 1 . 1465 Phrenologists biografy 920.9 Phrenology 139 Phrygia ancient history 939.26 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 8i6 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Phthisis lung diseases 616.246 public helth 614.542 Phyllite lithology 552.44 Phylloe ry trin blood 612.1119 Phy llopoda zoology 595-32 Phylloxera agriculture 632.75 Physalis 635.647 Physical anthropology 573 astronomy 523 capacity of women educ. 376.1 chemistry 541 . 3 conditions mental char. 136.6 culture rooms Y.M.C.A. 267.327 department " 267.356 director " 267 . 343 education hygiene 613.7 school hyg. 371 .73 geografy 551.4 geology 551 laboratories architec. 727.4 properties of blood 612.11 crystals 548.8 sciences 500 surroundings ment. char.i36 . 2 theory of music 781 . i training education 371 . 73 units physics 530 . 8 Physicians ethics 174.2 lives of 926.1 registration state control 614.24 Physicochemic forces mesology 612.014462 Physicochemistry 541 . 3 Physics 530 agricultural 630 . 23 molecular 539 Physics, soil 63 1 . 43 2 Physiocrats polit. econ. 330.152 Physiognomy 138 Physiografy 551.4 Physiologic acoustics 534-7 botany 581 chemistry 612.015 zoology 591-19 optics 535.7 zoology 591 Physiology 612 animal 591.1 comparati v 612.019 mental i ? T Physiology of labor obstetrics pregnancy puerperal state vegetable vivisection 618.4 618.21 618.6 581 . i r 79-4 612.077 ethics method pub. helth 614.22 Physostomi fishes 597-5 Phytografy descr. botany 580 Phytolaccaceae botany 583.915 Pia mater, cerebral anat. 611.8191 spinal " 611.8291 Piano and organ 786 music 786 . 4 Pianola 789.9 *Piatt co. 111. history 977-367 Picard, Li B. Fr. drama 842.67 1 Picardy, France history 944.26 Picaresque novel 863 . 3 Piccolo musical instrum. 788.5 Piccolomini, A. Ital. essays 854 . 42 Picenum anc. history 937-4 Pick agriculture 63 1 . 3 1 1 6 *Pickaway co. O. history 977.1815 Pickax agriculture 631.3116 Pickers " 631.358 corn " 631.3553 Picketing labor strikes 331.891 Picking agriculture 631.556 Picnic lunches dom. econ. 642 . 3 Pictorial art fine arts 700 'Pictou co. N. S. history 971 .613 Picts ancient history 936 Scottish " 941 .01 Picture fittings lib. econ. 022.93 frames decoration 749 galleries fine arts 708 lib. bldgs 022 .6*56 econ. 021.48 gallery dom. econ. 645 . 69 Pictures domestic economy 645 . 5 Great war 1914-19 940.497 library treatment 025 . 177 school decoration 371 . 636 U. S. history civil war 973-797 Mex. war 973-6297 revolution 973.397 war 1812 973 . 5297 Picturesque beauty esthetics 701 views and tours 910 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 817 977-542' 811.26 Piecework payment wages 331-231 Piedmont, Italy history 945 . i Pierce, F. presidency of 973.66 fierce co. Wis. history Pierpont, J : Am. poetry Piers arch, construction design bridges river and harbor engin'g suspension bridges Pietists heresies Piety, practical Pigeon plum Pigeons poultry zoology 721.3 729.32 624. 16 627.3 624.56 273-7 240 634.665 636 . 596 598.6 Pigeonholes offis equipm't 651 Pigment histology 611.01829 nerv histology 611.01882 Pigmentary changes dermatology 616.55 Pigments bile composition 612.35713 origin 612.35733 chemic technology 667.6, eye physiology 612.8425 fine arts 751 inspection of pub. helth 614.37 physiologic chemistry 612.0154 skin anatomy 611.7785 physiology 612.796 urin 612.46127 Pigmies folklore 398.4 human biology 573-8 teratology 611.012 Pignut 634.524 Pigs diseases of 619.4 domestic animals 636.4 zoology 599-7 1 Pike co. 111. history 977-345 Ind. " 977.236 Mo. " 977-836 O. 977-1847 Pa. 974.824 Pilasters arch, construction 721.86 design 729.32 carvd arch, decoraf'n 729.57 painted " 729.47 Pile foundations material methods Piledriver foundations architecture 721 engineering 624. architecture 721 721. Piledriving Piles diseases foundations Piles, sand foundations Pilgrim fathers, Mass. Pilgrimages, religious architecture 721 engin'g 624. 624. 616. 721. 721 hist. 974 248 Pillow, Ft U.S. civil war Pillows dom. econ. Pilocarpin physiology therapeutics Pilot laws Pilots protection of life seamanship Pinching pruning Pindar Greek poetry Pindar, Peter Eng. satire Pindemonte, I. Ital. poet Pine strawberry Pineal gland anat. Pineapple botany fibers agriculture fruits squash Pines botany forestry mammals 973 645 6l2. 615 347 614. 656 631. 884. 827. 851- 634- 611. 584- 633- 634- 635- 585- 634- 599- 621 . 355- 923- 597- 696. 583 14 154 14 15 1551 i 35 16 41 48 47 Pinnipeds Pins for electric wires Pioneering tools mil. sci Pioneers biografy Pipefish zoology Pipefitting bilding Piperaceae botany Pipes elephant Amer. antiqui. 913. hydraulics 532 . on houses sewer ventil. 628. prehistoric archeology sewer steam heating transmission strength of materials subsurface road engin'g waterworks Pipethreding machines 743 7 .866 54221 5 65 63 751 8i45 22 576 774 621 2 9 7 319224 84 9 5 i 925 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 8x8 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Pipets practical chem. 542 gas - " 542 graduated " " 542 Piping comprest air 621 hydraulic pressure 621 refrigeration 62 1 shipbilding 623 steam engineering 621 *Piqua city, O. history 977 Piracy " 910 law 343 Pirates biografy 923 Piriformis muscle anat. 611 Piron, Alexis Fr. drama 842 Pisa, Guido da Ital. fiction 853 'Pisa, Italy history travel 'Piscataquis co. Me. hist. Pisces zoology Pisciculture business Pise* walls Pisidia ancient history Pisiform bones anat. Pissette wash bottles Pistachio 945 914 974 597 639 721 939 611 chem. 542 634 Pistoia, Cino da Ital. poet. 851 Pistols manufacture 683 mil. engin'g Piston blowers mech. eng. pumps engineering steam locomotiv Pit dwellings pre hist. arch. 571 . Pitanga 634 . 'Pitcairns iland history 997 travel Pitcher plants botany Pitchstone lithology Pitillas, Jorge Span, satire 867 Pitman, Benn shorthand 653 Izaac Pitt, William lord Chatham 1759-1806 Pittosporeae botany 'Pittsburg, Pa. history Landing battle Pituitary body anatomy physiology membrane anatomy Pius 4 creed Pivot bridges engineering .66 73 35 532 253 566 87 185 148 4 41 73816 55 13 5 55 12 3 2 3 27 71774 ,69 574 16 623 . 443 Pizarro discovery of Amer.973 Placenta embryology 611. obstetrics 618. removal in labor 618. retention in " 618. Placer co. Cal. hist. 979 . mining 622 . Placers economic geology 553. Places, names of 929. Placoids paleontology 567. zoology 597- Plade, Peder Danish misc. 839. Plagiarism lit. methods 029. Plagiostomi fishes 597- Plague diseases 616. Plagues, hist, of pub. helth 614. Plain song cathedral music783 . Plains of the moon astronomy 523. physical geograf y 5 5 1 . Plaiting fibers 633 Plan architectural design 729 . of house dom. econ. 643 . kitchen " " 643. library book cases ' 022. J 385 36 87 56 438 32 13 4 3 3 8824 6 3 923 49 25 34 45 5 2 2 31 443 73 i 85 I 21 61 96 5 912 181 32 1 1 i 5 5i 3i 28 25 44 4 21 4 4i 43 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 621 621 621 919 583 552 653 Eng. orat. 825 " * 825 583 974 973 611 612 611 238 6r 652 82 423 7 121 23 41 5 61 61 66 141 886 7326 8143 492 21 2 624.83 Planche, ]'. B. G. Fr. essays 844 . Plane geometry 513 . inclined physics 531. loci analytic geom. 516. of orbit in space astron. 521. perspectiv 515. table surveying 526. trigonometry 5 1 4 . Planers, metal 621. Planes aeronautics 629 . analytic geometry 516. descriptiv " 515. geometry 513 . inclined canal eng. 626. modern geometry 513. solid " 513 . Planetarium descr. astron. 523 . Planetary system astron. 523 . Planetoids astronomy 523 . Planets descriptiv astron. 523. distributiv laws 523. maps and observations 524. mutual action 521. nonsphericity 521. RELATIV INDEX 819 Planets observations of 523 . 49 theoretic astronomy 5 2 1 . 5 Planimetry surveying 526.97 Planing ma ch. mech. eng. 621.91 Planisphere astronomy 522.78 Plank drag 631.3146 foundations architecture 721 . 162 scraper 631.3131 Plankers agriculture 631.3146 Planking tillage 631.515 Plans architectural 720 for bildings 692 libraries lib. bildings 022 . 3 of cities maps 912 Plant tools agriculture 631. Plantagenets Eng. history 942 . Irish " 941. Plantagineae botany 583 . Plantain banana 634 . Plantar artery anat. 611, muscle " 6 1 1 . veins " 6 n . Plantation songs 784 . Plant^ accumulators elec. eng. 621. Faure " " " 621, Planters 631. Planting agriculture 63 1 Plants and animals differences 577, 34 03 53 899 773 13795 73855 14739 7 3552 3554 332 53 5 botany 580 classification of 580 culture agriculture 631 geologic agents 551 injurious agriculture 632 botany 581 landscape gardening 710 nature-printing from 655 nativ, society for protect 'g 580 nutrition agriculture 631 , ornamental 716 paleontology 561 school decoration 371 Plasma, blood physiology 612, Plaster bilding material 69 1 casts sculpture 730 ceilings arch, construe. 721 fertilizers agriculture 631 5 97 5 65 37 6 811 i 638 12 75 821 Plaster of paris fertilizers 63 1 . 82 1 art 731 eng. materials 620 . 15 Plastering masonry 693.6 Plastic surgery 617.95 Plasticity engin'g materials 620.1123 Platanaceae botany 583.971 Plate carving 736 domestic economy 642 . 7 girders bridge engin'g 624 . 23 glass manufacture 666 . i insurance 368.6 manufacture 671 system icemaking 621.582 Plateaus phys. geol. 551-43 Plated ware manufacture 671 Platen Hallermunde 831.68 Plates book see Book plates strength of materials Platform foundations architec. engin'g suffrage Plating books lib. econ. manufactures Platinum filaments elec. lighting inorganic chemistry Plato ancient philosofy Greek literature idealism Platonic philosofy Platonists, new 4 Platt Deutsch language literature 'Platte co. Mo. history Platysma myoides anat. Plautus Latin drama Play child study hygiene nursery Players, lives of Playgrounds laboring classes 331 . 84 public 796 school 37i.6i Playing cards 795 Playright 655.62 620 . 11282 721.16 624.156 025-253 671 621 .32641 546.92 184.1 888.4 141 184 1 86 439 4 839 4 977-8I35 611.7321 872-3 136.7479 6i3-74 649 5 927.92 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 820 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION B Plays English drama mystery history religion theater parlor amusements school student life Pleading 'Pleasants co. W. Va. Pleasure physiology psychology Plectognathii fashes Plectral stringd instrun Pleiocene period geol Plesure physiology psychology Plethysmografy phys Pleura anatomy diseases of physiology Pleurisy diseases Pleuroperitoneal cavity Pleuropneumonia cattle disease diseases Pliny Latin letters Plong, Carl Dan. p Plot of 1604-6 Eng 1679 Plotinus Gk philosofers Plotting surveying Plow agriculture shovel Plowing steam machinery Plum stone fruits Jew marmalade pigeon Spanish 'Plumas co. Cal. hist. Plumbagineae botany Plumbago econom. geol. Plumbing house dr laws Plums fruit culture Plunger pumps engm'g Plural vote electoral systems Plurality election suffrage tolegislat of worlds astron. Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index Plutarch Gk filosofers 186.2 822 literature 888 . 8 809 . 2 Plutology polit. econ. 330 244 Plutonic rocks lithology 552 . 3 792 Plymouth 793 brethren sects 289.9 37I-895 1 co. la. history 977.716 347-9 2 Mass. " 974.48 hist. 975 .421 Rock fowls 636 . 582 612.82133 settlement Mass. hist. 974.4 157 U.S. " 973- 22 597 -5 Pneumatic ents 787 aspiration therapeutics 615.815 >gy 551-783 brakes gun mounts 623.43564 612.82133 caisson foundations. 721.173 157 cleaning engineering 621.549 iol. 612.189 differentiation therapeu.6i5 .836 611.25 forcing foundations 721.175 616.25 pile foundations architec. 721.155 612.2155 pump physics 533 . 5 616.25 tools engineering 621.542 T 611.389 tubes communication 654.8 engineering 621.549 619.24 lib. econ. 022 .946 616.241 Pneumatics 533 876.2 Pneumatology metaphys. 128 etry 839.8168 Pneumogastric nerv, see Vagus hist. 942.061 Pneumograf y physiology 612.211 " 942.066 Pneumonia diseases 616.241 ers 186.4 Pneumotherapy 6 1 5 . 64 526.96 1 Pocahontas co. la. hist. 977.719 631.312 1 W.Va. - 975-487 631.3162 Pocket veto legislation 328.375 631 -5 12 Pockets, card lib. econ. 025 . 255 ry 621.146 Podalyrieae legume crops 633 . 372 634.22 Podophthalma 634.442 crustaceans 595 . 38 634-432 gastropods 594 . 3 634.665 spiders 595 . 4 634-443 Podophthalmata crustaceans 595 . 38 979.429 Podophthamia 595 . 38 y 583-671 Podophthalmidae spiders 595 . 4 20l. 553.26 Podostemaceae botany 583.921 696 Poe, Edgar Allan Am. poet 811.32 nage 628.6 Poetic 696.9 books of Bible 223 634.22 5 selections Eng. lite ra. 821.08 'g 621.654 Poetry American literature 811 ems 324.213 English - 821 French " 841 324 . 262 German " 831 body 328.3355 Great war 940.49 523-I3 Greek " 88 1 RELATIV INDEX 821 Poetry 5 humorous Eng. lit. 827 Italian literature 851 Latin " 871 5 macaronic Eng. lit. 827 philosophy of 808.1 sacred hymnology 245 5 satiric Eng. lit. 827 Spanish literature 86 1 other literature see table 5 U. S. history civil war 973.; Mex. " 973. ( revolution 973.; Span, war 973.! war of 1812 973 .; Poets, lives of 928 English 928.: French 928., German 928., Italian 928. Spanish 928.1 Poikilothermic animals comp. physiol. 612., Poincare" French hist. 944 . < Pointed architecture 723 . ; Pointer telegraf elec. eng. 621., Points animal excellence 636.1 modern geometry 513. Poisond wounds surgery 617. Poisonous cosmetics adulterations 614. Poisons elimination by bile 612.3575 gastric juice6 12.324 saliva swet urin thru milk house sanitation medical jurisprudence mesology neuroses from special sale of state control therapeutics 612.31341 612 . 79242 612.4643 612 .6644 648.7 340.6 612.01446 616.86 614.28 6159 vegetable econ. botany 581.69 944 .6 636.3444 795 175-5 491.89 943-8 947-7 49I-8S 891.85 947.06 947-5 636.482 636.552 plants agriculture 632 . 59 econ. botany 581.65 secretion animals 591.145 Poisons chemic analysis 543 . 5 domestic economy 648 . 7 effect on bile 612.3574 gastric juice 612.324 intelligence 612 . 8214 intestin 612.334 ins 612.8424 liver 612.354 milk secretion 612. 6644 nerv cells 612 .8225 nerv. irritability 612.8167 pancreas 612.344 reflexes 612.8339 effect on respiration 612.284 salivary glands 612.3134 swet 612.7924 temperature 6 1 2 . 544 urin secretion 612.464 effects of diseases 616.97 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 'Poitou, French history Poitou sheep Poker amusements ethics 4 Polabian language Poland 1 history insurrection of history 4 language 5 literature partition of history 1 Russian " Poland China swine Polanders poultry Polar duplex telegraf elec. eng. 621.382323 projections descr. geom. 515.54 regions agriculture 6 3 1 . 09 1 1 antarctic travel 919.9 1 arctic history 998 travel 919.8 Polarimeters quan. anal. 545-8 Polarimetry of urin phy si . 612.461176 Polariscope optics 535-5 Polariscopic anal. chem. 544-7 Polarity in rocks geology 551.84 Polarization of light astronomy chemistry optics Polars modern anal. geom. geometry Polders reclamation Polemic sermons theology Polemoniaceae botany Polemoniales " 522-65 544-7 535-5 516.55 5I3-55 631.616 252 .2 230 583-76I 583 76 822 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Poles aerial elec. lines 621.319223 modern anal. geom. 516.55 geometry 5*3-5$ plant support 631.3452 training 631.5461 telegraf communication 654.4 elec. eng. 621.319223 Police boats shipbilding 623 . 826 local government 352 . 2 medical state control 614.29 . mesures administration 351.74 sanitary 351 .77 stations architecture 725.18 Policy legislativ pol. sci. 328 . 24 Poliomyelitis, anterior, see Paralysis, ihfantil Polish chem. technology 667.7 Polish bantams 636 .58713 discovery of Amer. 973 . 1 1 fowls 636.552 language 491.85 5 literature 891 . 85 sheep 636.3331 swine 636.433 Polishing dom. econ. 648.55 painting 698.3 Politeness ethics i77-i etiquet 395 Political assessments suffrage 324 . 233 associations conventions economists' lives economy ethics history Great war U. S. civil war Mex. " revolution Span, war war 1812 organizations parties science sermons status of woman theory political sci. troubles internal relat. Politicians biografy 363 329 923 3 330 172 . i 900 940.31 973-71 973.621 973-31 973.891 973-521 363 329 320 252.6 396.3 320.152 323-2 923 2 Politics, American 329 British 329.942 morals of 172.1 relations to pol. econ. 330 . 1932 Polity, ecclesiastic 262 Poliziano, A. Ital. drama 852.22 .poetry 851.24 Polk, J. K. presidency of 973 .61 ^olk co. la. history 977-758 Mo. 977.877 Wis. 977.517 Polka piano music 786.44 Poll tax polit. econ. 336.25 Pollak-Vi rag telegraf 621.38246 Polled cattle Aberdeen 636.2231 Durham 636 . 2263 Hereford 636 . 2227 Pollen fertilization 581.3 Pollution air by cemeteries 614.652 public helth 614.7 water by cemeteries 614.651 supply of towns 628. 1 6 Polo amusements 797 pony 636.161 Polonaise piano music 786.44 Polonium inorgan. chem. 546.892 Polverara fowls 636 . 553 Polyandry customs 392.6 ethics 173.2 Polycarpeae botany 583.155 Polychromatic ornament 747 Polycystina zoology 593 . 14 Polyedrons geometry 513.34 Polygalese botany 583.143 Polygalineae " 583 . 14 Polygamy criminal law 343 customs 392.6 Edmunds act U. S. hist. 973 . 84 ethics I 73- 2 hygiene 613.89 Mormonism 298 Polyglot Bibles 220 . 5 dictionaries 413 Polygonaceae botany 583 . Polygoneutic variation zool. 591. Polygons geometry 5*3- Polygrafy special lib. 080 2 see subject for topical collec. Polyhedra geometry 513.34 Polymerism chemistry 541.7 Polymorphic variation zool .591.151 Polymorphism crystallog. 548.3 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 823 Polynesia history 996 languages 499 travel 919 .6 Polypetalae botany 583 . i Polyphase machinery elec. eng. 621.31332 traction systems " " 621.33143 transmission" " " 621.31913 Polyphonic school music 783.4 Polypnea respiration 612.223 thermic physiol. 612.534 Polyps zoology 593 . 6 Polypus diseases 616.992 Poly saccharids nutrition 6 1 2 . 396 1 1 Polytheism 290 physiology 612.4641 zoology 594 . 7 agriculture agriculture 631.847 634.1 634 i agriculture 634.64 history 943 . 16 636.3331 634 634-432 636.552 9*3-377 32 718 Polyuria Polyzoa Pomace fertilizers Pomaceous fruits Pome fruits agriculture Pomegranate Pomelo ^omerania, Ger. Pomeranian sheep Pomology agriculture Pomme Cythere Pompadour fowls Pompeii description Pompey's pillar Egyptian antiquities monuments Pompignan, J! J. de Franc de 841 . 53 Ponce de Leon Am. disco v. 973 . 16 Pond apple 634 . 4 1 4 Ponds artificial landsc. garden. 714 physical geology Ponies domestic animals student honor zoology Pons Varolii anatomy physiology Ponsard, Francois Fr. dram. 842 . 82 Pontederiacese botany 584.34 Pontiac, consp. of Can. hist. 971 . 02 U.S. 973-27 1 co. Que. hist. 971.421 Pontifical states Ital. hist. 945 .6 Pontificate, Rom. eccles.pol. 262 . 13 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior 55 I -48 636.16 371.81 599 611 612 7 8173 8268 Pontoon bridges engineering 624 . military engineering 623 . Pontoppidan, E. Dan. misc. 839 . Pontus ancient history 939 . Poolselling ethics 175. Poor , laws local government 352. pauperism 339 rates 336 . Poorhouses architecture 725. asylums 362 . pauperism 339 Poot, H. C Dutch poetry 839 . Pop corn 635 Pope Great war 94 Pope, Alex. Eng. poetry 821. satire 827. 'Pope CO. 111. history 977. Popery ecclesiastic polity 262 . Popes church history 282 lives 922. Popham colony Maine hist. 974 . Popish plot, 1679 Eng. hist. 942 . Popliteal anatomy artery glands muscle " space veins Poppy agriculture botany Popular ballads delusions education, public elections suffrage errors lectures science 611. 611. 611. 611. 611. 633- 583- 87 652 8841 33 9 28 55 5 3 J 42 677 31522 53 55 3991 i3 i 066 13786 4683 73856 983 1473 75 122 784. 133 379 324 133 self education 374. 500 soverenty U. S. hist. 973. summer schools self educ. 374 . tumults public order 351. Population statistics Porcelain art chemic technology painting vessels prac. chem, Porcupines zoology Porifera " Pork packing air pollut. 64 8 752 232 3 4 743 trichinae pub. helth 614.562 312 738 666. 738 542 599 593 614. figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 82 4 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Porosity, properties of solids 539 . 2 Porous terra cotta construe, bldg 693 . 4 Porphyrite lithology 552.31 Porphyrization prac. chem. 542 . 22 Porphyry Greek philos. 186.4 Porphyry econ. geology 553 .56 lithology 552 .31 Porpoises zoology 599 . 5 Port Hudson, La. siege 973-7347 Huron, Mich, history 977 . 441 Royal heresy 273.7 persecutions 272.5 S.C. U.S.civ.war973 .751 Porta, G. della Ital. dram. 852 .45 Porta anatomy 611.8148 Portable boilers engineering 621.18423 engins mechan. eng. 621.15 observatories astron. 522.15 'Portage co. O. history 977.137 Wis. " 977-553 Portal ligature physiology 6 1 2 . vein anatomy 6 1 1 . Portents 133. Porter, Jane Eng. fict. 823 . Noah Am. philos. 191. 1 Porter co. Ind. history 977. travels 917. Porters domestic servis 647 . library servis 023 . lodges architecture 728. Portio dura anatomy 611. Portland cement econ. geology 553. manufacture 666 . vase pottery 738 'Portneuf co. Que. hist. 971 . 'Porto Rico history 972 . Portrait painting 757 Portraits catalogs of 757 collections of painting 757 engraved 769 Ports, establishm't of tides 525 . shipbilding 623 . Portsmouth 1 England, history 942 . travel 914. 1 O. history 977. 1 Portugal history 946 . travel 914. Topics in black face type are subdivided. 149 3 75 6 298 7298 25 795 9 1 831? 68 9 4466 95 Portuguese discovery of America 973.16 East Africa history 967.9 * language 469 5 literature 869 Romanesque architecture 723.46 swine Portulacea? botany 'Posen, Germany history l Posey co. Ind. history Posidonius Gk philos. Position calculus of anal. geom. of body in orbit space orbit shorthand Positivism Posology Possession territorial 636.46 583-156 943-13 977-234 188.5 astron. philosofy materia med. 516.8 521. 521 521 653 146 615 23 24 22 01 14 320.1263 pol. sci. Possessiv pronouns English etymology 422 . 7 syntax 425.7 Post auricular glands anatomy 6 1 1 . 463 2 commissure " 611.8141 mortem exam, pathol. 616.079 Nicene apostolic church 281.4 pliocene period geology 551.79 spade 631.3111 Postage stamps 383 legis. supplies 328.364 Postal savings banks 332 . 2 servis 383 telegraf 3 84 Posterior commissure 611.8141 Posters advertising 659 . i cartoons 741 Pesthole digger 63 1 . 3 1 1 3 Postl, Karl Ger. fiction 833 . 74 Postludes organ music 786.85 Postoffis administration 351.816 clerks suffrage 324 . 247 dep't U. S. admin. 353 . 4 Postoffises architecture 725.16 sociology 383 Posts carpentry 694 . 4 army mil. engin'g 623.613 Pot cheese 637 . 356 Potash agriculture chemic technology 27 227 1871 9 69 Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 631 83 661.3 RELATIV INDEX 825 Potassium inorg. chem. 546.32 salts as food 612.39262 Potato botany 583 . 79 field crops 633.491 garden " 635.21 beetle agric. pests 632 . 76 diggers " x 631.3564 disease agriculture 632 . 4 botany 581.21 Potential meters elec. eng. 621.3743 regulators " " 621.3145 static electricity 537.21 Potentials law of attraction 531.51 of ellipsoids geodesy 526.11 Potentiometer elec. engin'g 621.3743 'Potenza, Italy history 945.77 Potgieter, E. J. Dutch lit. 839.3453 Potholes geology 551-92 Potomac, army of the U. S. civ. war 973 . 7416 valley W. Va. hist. 975.49 trav. 917.549 Potpourris orch. music 785.9 Pots, layering 631.335 ' plant 631.345 'Pottawattamie co.Ia. hist. 977.771 Potted layering 631 . 5344 Potter, Dire Dutch poetry 83 9 . 3 1 1 5 'Potter co. Pa. history 974.855 Potters clays econ. geology 553 .61 Pottery art 738 manufacture 666 . 3 painting 738 prehistoric 5 7* -55 refractory prac. chem. 542.232 works architecture 725.48 Poultry, diseases of 619.5 domestic animals 636 . 5 houses 631.22 manure agric. 631.86 Pouter pigeon 636 . 596 1 1 Poverty pauperism 339 Powder baking adulterations 614.315 chem. tech. 664 . 6 gun manufactures 662.3 manufacture 662.3 military engineering 623 . 452 milk 637 . 143 Powder protectiv external agents 61 5 . 776 toilet 646 . 7 Power balance of polit. science 320.1 delivery elec. traction 621.3315 farm 631.37 gas producers 665 . 7 meters elec. eng. 621.3746 of removal civil servis 351.92 plants, electric 62 1 . 3 1 2 gas engin 621.49 steam 621.19 plow 631.3123 pumps engin'g 621.64 railroad engin'g 625 . 26 roller 631.3141 ship design 623.81 transmission elec. eng. 621.319 mech. " 621.8 vessels shipbilding 623 . 823 yachts " 623 . 824 Powers legislativ pol. sci. 328 . 34 legislatures 328 . 34 of library trustees 023 . 35 separation of Eng. govt. 354.4202 Fr. " 354.4402 Ger. " 354.4302 U.S. - 353-02 'Poweshiek co. la. history 977.7596 Practical astronomy 522 chemistry 542 mining 622 . 2 pharmacy materia med. 615.4 religion 240 sermons 252.4 Practis of medicin 616 state control 614.2 Pragmatic sanction Byzantine empire 949-5 Gallic church 282 .44 political science 321 .6 Pragmatism 1 49 . 9 'Prague, Germany hist. 943.71 trav. 914.371 Prairie plow 63 1 . 3 r 25 Prairies phys. geografy 551.58 reclamation 63 1 . 6 1 1 Praise meetings. pub.worship264 . 2 4 Prakrit language 491-2 Pram, K. H. Dan. poetry 839.8155 Praseodymium inorg. chem. 546. 642 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 826 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Prat fowls Prati, Giovanni Ital poet Giovanni da * net. Prawns fishery zoology Prayer books, Anglican church ritual family gage natural theology Lord's gospels meetings natural theology of Manasses Apocrypha private personal relig. Preachers biografy Preaching friars Dominicans Pre-Ada mites 'Preble co. O. history Precedence heraldry Precession prac. astron. theoret. " Precious metals metallurgy mineralogy stones econ. geol. mineralogy Precipitation disposal of sewage practical chemistry Precocity child study education Precolumbian disc, of Amer. 973 . 1 1 Precribrum anatomy Precuneus " Predestination doc. theol. 234 Predicting machines tides Predictions Preemption state land Preexistence of the soul Prefect French loc. gov't Preferential vote 3 Prefixes English etymol Pregnancy obstetrics pathology of physiology Prehension of food physio Prehistoric archeology man nat. hist, of man Prejudis logic social ethics 636.565 Prelacy ecclesias. polity 262 . 12 .851.78 Preludes organ music 786.83 853-25 Premature interment 614.61 639-5 Prenatal circulation 612.179 595-3 Preordination doctr. theol. 234.9 Preparation 264 . 03 of butter 637.23 264. i crops for storage 631 .56 249 transport 631.56 217 fertilizers agric. 631.812 226.9 food zootechny 636.0856 264.7 soil 631.51 217 Preparatory schools, girls 376.63 229 .6 private 373 248 public 379. 171 922 Preparedness mil. science 355.21 < 251 Prepeduncles anatomy 611.8164 271.2 'Prepositions Eng. etymol. 422. 9 573-3 syntax 4*5.9 977.171 Prepuce anatomy 611.642 929.7 Preraphaelitism 759 . 9 522.95 C2 I Q Prerogativs D^ y legislativ bodies 328.34 669 . 2 Presages occultism 133-3 KAQ Presbyopia physiology 612.8454 OfV 553-8 Presbyter ministry 262.14 549 Presbyterian orders 262 .18 Presbyterians 285 628.34 lives 922 . 5 542 .65 Presbytery eccles. polity 262.4 Prescience divine attrib. 231.4 136.765 'Prescott co. Ont. history 971.386 371-945 Prescription -writing 615.14 973-H Presentations 611.8133 in labor obstetrics 618.42 611.81318 of decorations Great war 940.464 234.9 flags Great war 940.463 525-68 U. S. civil war 973 . 763 133-3 Presents, Christmas 394 336.13 Preservation 129.3 of crops 631.55 352.0444 fish chem. tech. 664.9 324-224 food chem. technology 664. 8 . 422 .2 dom. economy 641 . 4 618.2 fruits chem. tech. 664 . 8 618.3 meats " " 664.9 612.63 milk 637 . 133 .612 .311 munitions of war 623 . 481 vegetables chem. tech. 664 . 8 571 Preservative 573 bilding 691 165 zoologic collections 579 . 2 177-3 Preserving cookery 641.4 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 8*7 President French government 354 inauguration ceremonies 394 protem legis. bodies 328 ship, & Little Belt U.S.hist.97 3 capture war 1812 973 U. S. government 353 veto power U.S. 353 Presidential elections U. S. 324 succession act U. S. hist. 973 Presidents biografy 923 messages 353 'Presque Isle co. Mich, hist-977 Press clippings 029, agencies 029, code electric eng. 62 1 . hydraulic engineering 621. science 532. journalism 070 liberty of journalism 070. polit. sci. 323 . library propagandism 02 1 . morals of 179. printing 655. public order 351 . work printing 655. writing for lit. methods 029 . Presses baling 631 . butter 637 . cheese 637 . filter practical chem. 542 . hanging lib. economy 022 . hydraulic machinery 621. practical chemistry 542 . Pressing cheesemaking 637 . hydraulic print'g 655. Pressure arterial physiology 612 . barometric " 612 . gages pneumatics 533 . steam engin'g 621 . of air meteorology 551 . blood physiology 612. clothing hygiene 613 . liquids hydraulics 532 . regulation accumulators 621 . sense physiology 612. turbins steam engin'g 621 . wind bridge engin'g 624. Prestidigitation 791 'Preston co. W. Va. hist. 975 4403 4 3622 Si 5257 3 03 73 85 I 3 482 Pretenders English history 942 . Prevention of contagious diseases 614. cruelty ethics 179. fire protection of life 614. Prevost d' Exiles, A. F. French fiction 843 , Priapus mythology 291 'Price co. Wis. history 977 . Price's Missouri expedition U. S. civ. war 973 . Prices of books lib. admin. 025 . butter 637 . cheese 637 . food dom. economy 641 . milk 637 . political economy 338 . Prickly pear 634 . Pride ethics 179. Priest ministry 262 . Priesthood " 262 . Priests celibacy of 254 ethics 176. pigeons poultry 636 Roman cath. biografy 922 . Primacy eccles. polity 262 . Primaries suffrage 324 . Primary caucus suffrage 324 . cells electric engin'g 621. direct suffrage 324 . period geology 551 . schools methods 372 state system 379 . Prime meridian cosmic time geog. coordin. arithmetic astron. instru. numbers vertical Primers elementary educ. Primers military eng. Primeval man nat. hist, of man prehist. archeology Priming tides Primitiv apostolic church baptists sects boats shipbilding Christianity church cropcleaning tools 525- 5"- 522. 372. 623. 573 o? 44 2 841 53 524 7374 222 2185 3185 31 1185 5 775i 8 2 59632 2 13 23 235 353 237 72 18 77 46 3 47 4 45422 525-63 281. 286. 623- 270. 281 631 2 4 821 I .3621 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this indei 828 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Primitiv culture harvesting tools man, customs of Methodist church streak embryo threshing tools Wesleyan church Primogeniture law Primrose leag pd Primulaceae bota Primulales ' Prince 1 co. P. E. I. 1 Edward co. Ont. 1 Edward Is. Can. 1 George co. Md. Princes education Princeton, N. J. battle Amer. r< college 1 history travels Principles, general Printed catalogs li Printers biografy marks hist, of j occupation hyg Printing bill legislativ pi business calico chem. t inks " library administration presses telegrafs com elec trade Prints books of cloth chem. 1 Prior, Matthew Prisms geometry V library bildings lighting optics Prison associations contracts pol disciplin life Amer. 571 63L35I 571 b 287.4 logy 611.01333 631.3611 287-5 w 347-6 it. assoc. 363 ny 583-672 583-67 history 971.71 a 971.3587 history 971.7 travel 917 17 history 975.25I a 371.961 evol. 973.3326 378 . 749 974.967 917.4967 probab. 5I9-I ib. econ. 025-3 926.5 printing 655-1 jiene 613.65 rocedure 328.373 655 tech. 667.3 667.5 ation 025.12 655.3I unicat. 654-3 mgin'g 621.3825 655 769 :hnology 667-3 ng. poet. 821.51 513-36 022 . 73 628.9 535-81 365 econ. 331-5 365 vil war 973-77 369- 341. 365 725 613. 940 33L 973 973 973 973 Prisoners of war ass'n, Union internat. law Prisons and reformatories arch, hygiene Great war 1914-19 labor pol. econ. U. S. history civil war Mex. " revolution Span. \var war of 1812 973 Private banks 332 grounds landsc. garden. 712 international law 341 judgment eccles. pol. 262 legislation 328 , libraries 027 library catalogs, author 018 clast 017 dictionaryoig marks lib. economy 025, notes polit. " 33 2. ownership of land 333 , reading self -education 374. schools 373 public aid to 379.121 theatricals 793 ethics I 75- 2 vs public schools 379-3 worship 248 Privateering international law 341-3 Privateers 34*-3 U. S. history civil war 973-759 revolution 973.358 war of 1812 973 . 5258 Privately printed books library economy 025.227 rarities 094 Privation effects of diseases 616.985 hygiene 613.88 Privies air pollution 614.764 sanitation 628.41 Privileged communications, medico-legal 614.23 Privileges government library aid 02 1 . 86 legislatures 328.347 of library executiv 023.43 special, to library readers 024 . 7 155 3 6 57 472 5i 77 627 37 897 527 13 378 i 2 2 2 251 5 3 i Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 829 Eng. gov't 354.4204 '75- 355- 630. 37i- 34i. 020. 347- 519 347 364 521 7.6 5*7- 599- 347 328. Privy council Prize fighting ethics money mil. science Prizes agricultural. in school education international law library maritime law Probabilities mathematics Probate law Probation of malefactors Problem of three bodies Problems differen. calcu. integral see subject Proboscidea mammals Procedure law legislativ voting suffrage 324 . Process shops mfg plant 62 1 . Processes antirust bilding 691 . bilding materials 691 Processional cathed. music 783 . Processions customs 394- Proclus Gk philosofers 186. Proctor's creek, Va. battle 973. Prodicus Gk philosofers Produce agriculture Production feeding for zootechny for food stockraising of fertilizers agric. metals pol. econ. milk political economy wages pol. econ. Productions of the soil Products animal, stockraising for Profanity ethics Professional ethics remuneration pol. econ. 331. schools 378 . architecture 7 2 7 libraries 371. see also name of profession servises bilding 692 . Professors' salaries educ. 371. Professorships of books and reading 028. Topics in black face type are subdivided. 6 13 719 53 3 79 7 183. 633 636. 636. 631- 332. 637 338 331- 633 636. 177. 174 Profiles fortifications 623.111 Profit sharing pol. econ. 331.24 Profits capital and labor 331.1 stock farming 636.0818 Prognostications 133 . 3 Program music, orchestral 785 . 4 Progress civilization 90 1 of population, statistics 312 sociology 30 1 Progression algebra 512.6 arithmetic 511.6 Progressiv development of man 575-6 friends sects 289.6 wages economics 331.225 Prohibited books book rarities 098 bullets small arms 623.45535 Prohibition party polit. science 329.81 temperance 1 7 8 . 5 Projectil fuzes mil. eng. 623.45423 Projectils artillery ordnance 623.451 deviation of 525.37 ballistics 623.54 effect of mil. eng. 623 . 56 military engineering 623 . 45 physics S3 1 - 5 5 Projection of shadows perspectiv 5 1 5 . 63 Projections analytic geometry 5 1 6 . 5 7 descriptiv " 515 map geodesy 526 . 8 Prolapsus funis in labor 618.58 Proletariat social classes 323 . 33 Proliferous buds 631 . 5333 Prominences sun 523.75 Promis ethics *74-7 Promiscuity customs 392.6 Promissory notes law 347-7 pol. econ. 332 .7 Promotion of pub. welfare 351 .8 Promotions, military 3 5 5 . 1 1 of scholars 371 .28 teachers 371.165 Pronator muscle of forearm 61 1 . 7374 Prongd shovel 63 1 . 3 u i 161 *Pronominal forms Eng. etymol. 422 . 7 'Pronouns Eng. syntax 425.7 Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 29 39 6 9 37 24 794 29 5 4 7365 I 08452 0883 812 41 12 213 0884 27 99 4 648 830 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION shipbilding 623 . 87 Pronunciation Eng. lang. 42 1 . 5 Proof and copy lit. meth. 029.6 legal law 347-94 reading printing 655.25 Propaganda, library 021.79 Propagandism, library 021.7 Propagation appliances 631.335 of contagious diseases 614.43 light optics 535.2 magnetism 538 . 2 plants 631.53 sounds acoustics 534-2 zootechny 636.0824 Propellers aviation 629.184 ballooning 629 . 164 Propelling machinery Proper motions stars 523.83 names persons, places 929.4 of season cathed. music 783 . 23 Propertius Lat. lyric poet. 874.4 Property capital 331 church 254 city local taxation 352.1 law of title to 347 . 2 literary publishing 655 . 6 personal law 347 . 3 qualification legis. bod. 328.331 suffrage 324 . 46 real law 347 . 2 state finance 336.1 suffrage 324. 13 tax 336.21 theory of pol. econ. 335-i Prophecy Bible inspira. 220.1 Prophetic books of Bible 224 Proportion algebra 512.6 arithmetic 511.6 in art esthetics 70 1 of elevation arch, design 729.13 occupiable area ground hygiene 614.784 plan arch, design 729.23 Proportional representation 324 . 224 Proprietary libraries 027 . 2 Proprius muscle anat. 611.73843 Props, plant 631 . 3452 Propulsion shipbilding 623.81 Prorogation legis. bodies 328.356 Proscription crim. law 343-2 3 Prose composition Gk 488.2 Latin 478.2 Prosencephalon anat. Proslavery slavery Prosody comparativ philol. 3 English language 3 Greek 3 Latin Prosos cereals Prospecting min. engin'g Prostate gland anatomy diseases Prostitution administra. ethics hygiene Prostration, nervous Protagoras Gk philosofy Protaminic nucleus phys. Protamins nutrition Proteaceae botany Protection against destruction agric. pests " 611.813 326.7 416 426 486 476 633-I73 622.1 611.637 616.65 35I-764 176-5 613.87 616.843 183.1 612 .398191 612 .398138 583-932 632.1 632.9 dom. econ. 648 . 7 591-57 631 5417 of animals grafts human life from accid. 614 . 8 plants 631.344 political economy 337-3 Protectiv devices elec. line 621.3198 stations 621.3178 local telefone 621.38694 tele f one stations 621.38794 telegraf 621.38328 external agents, therapeu.6is 776 inoculation pub. helth 614.47 Protectorate Eng. history 942.064 Protectorates pol. sci. 321.027 Pro te ids chem. of food 641 . 12 physiology 612.398145 Proteolytic ferments in gastric juice 612.3215 nutrition 612.3983 physiologic chemistry 612.01513 Protestant episcopal church 283 episcopalians biografy 922 . 3 methodist church 287.7 reformation, see Reformation sects, continental 284 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 831 Protestantism 284 and Romanism 282 Protestants, French pen Protonotario, S. Protophyta bo Protoplasm animal physiology biology cell] nerv cell physiology muscles Proto vertebrae Protozoa pal zoology Provengal language literature Romanesque architec. swine 'Provence, Prance Proverbs, book of folklore 'Providence, R.I. 1 co. R Divine natural Province Ge of 3 Provincialisms Eng. lang. 427 Proxy system suffrage Pruning operations tools 'Prussia history Prussian 4 language, old 491 . merinos 636 1 Saxony, Germany hist. 943 . travel 9 14. mater, med. 615 . toxicology 615. Swed. drama 839 . utions of 272.4 tal. poet. 851.11 ay 589.7 y 591-17 576.2 >logy 611 .01811 . 611.01882 y 612 .01421 612 . 71 mbryol. 611 .01361 tology 563 f 593 449 849 hi tec. 7 2 3-44 636.447 history 944 9 Bible 223.7 398.9 hist. 974-52 . 974-51 : theol. 231-5 .1 " 214 :al gov. 352.0431 ida hist. 971.04 324.223 631 631 943 542 342 i Prussic acid Prytz, A. J. Psalmody music 783 . Psalms Bible 223 . hymnology 245 Psalter Anglican ritual 264. Pseudipigrafa 229 Pseudo gospels 229. Pseudocele anat. 611. Pseudomorfs crystallog. 548. 36731 18 3i8 34 962 7223 9 2 038 8 8i 6 Pseudoneuroptera insects 595-73 pests 632.73 Pseudonyms bibliografy 014 Psoraleae forage crops 633 . 375 Psychiatry, see Insanity Psychic influence on digestion 613.3281 medicin mental pathol. 132 nervous diseases 616 . 8 phenomena 134 reflexes physiol. 612.8216 research mind and body 130 Psychology comparati v physiology 6 1 2 . 82 1 3 1 of fashions dom. econ. 646.01 labor pol. econ. 331-015 pedagogic 3 70.15 philosofy 150 physiologic 612 821 Psychomancy divination 133.3 Psychometry physiology 612.8211 Psychomotiv centers " 612.8252 Psychophysical laws 612 . 82 1 88 Psychotherapy therapeu. 615.851 Psychrometry meteorol. 551-57 Pteridophyta botany 587 Pterodactyl paleontology 568.18 Pteropoda zoology 594-4 Pterosauria reptils 598.18 Pterygoid muscles anat. 611.73273 Ptomains animal poisons 615.94 physiology of nutrition 612.398195 urin 612.461262 Ptyalin salivary action 612.3132 tryptic digestion 612.3423 Puberty physiology 612.661 Pubic joints anatomy 611.7281 Pubis " 611.71813 Public accounts administra. 351.72 administration 350 analysts adulterations 614.3 annuities 336.35 baths 613.47 begging state control 351-763 bildings architecture 725 care of 647.96 local governm't 352 . 5 charities 361 charity state control 351.84 credit polit. econ. 336.34 customs 394 debt finance 336 . 3 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 832 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Public documents legis. bodies library aid preservation print 'g & distrib education administration finance gaming state control gardens -helth laws local gov't lands law libraries state control Jibrary author catalogs clast " dictionary " fee lib. econ. notes polit. econ. occasions sermons offisers, duties of ethics offises architecture safety administration sanitation schools education securities polit. econ. servis commissions shows ethics speakers hygiene speaking, oratory spirit patriotism urinals sanitation use and waste of water utilities commerce vs private schools welfare administration works " worship Publications, library Publicity election expenditures Publisher, library as Publishers and authors author catalogs circulars lives Publishing business history of societies Pucci, Antonio Ital. satire Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index , Pudendal plexus anat. 611.8359 328 Pudic nerv 61 1 . 83595 021 .841 plexus 611.8359 025.8 ^uebLa, Mexico history 972.4 655-59 Pueblos dwellings 571.85 379 Puerperal 35I-8SI diseases obstetrics 618.7 336 fever pathology 618.72 35I-762 public helth 614.545 711 state obstetrics 6 1 8 . 6 614 Pugilism amusement 796 614.09 ethics J 75-6 352.4 Puissant's deduction 336.1 L.M.Z. formulae 526.48 340 Pujol Catalan poetry 849.9136 027.4 'Ptdaski CO. IlL history 977.3998 35I-352 Ind. " 977.292 018.1 Mo. " 977-857 017.1 Pulci, Luigi Ital. satire 857.22 019.1 Puller, stump 63 1 . 3 1 1 7 024 . 26 Pulley physics 531.84 33 2 -5 Pulleys mech. engin'g 621.856 252 .6 Pulmonary 172 .2 artery anat. 611.131 725-13 aneurism and emb. 616.247 351.75 circulation, blood pressure 612 . 148 614 elasticity 612.212 379 muscles physiology 612.2153 336.3 respiration animals 591.127 380 valvs anatomy 611.12656 i75-i veins " 611.141 613-65 Pulmones anat. 611.24 808.5 . Pulmotor 172.1 first aid 617.18 628.45 drowning 614.812 628.17 suffocation 614.82 380 physiology 612 . 232 1 379-3 therapeutics 6 1 5 . 64 351.8 Pulp, dental 352-5 diseases of dentistry 617.61 264 Pulpit 025.122 clergy 262 . i eloquence homiletics 250 324-273 library propagandism 021.76 021.25 oratory 251 Pulpits 655-52 architectural accessories 729.92 015 sacred furniture 247 . i oiS Pulse 920.4 diagnosis pathology 616.071 655 5 physiology 612.16 655 4 venous physiology 612.1342 655.58 wave of blood physiol. 612.16 857-I4 Pulverization prac. chem.542 .22 RELATIV INDEX 833 Pulverized fertilizer distributor Pulverized fuel appliances Pulverizer harrows Pulverizing plow Pumis stone econ. geol. lithology Pump air pneumatics practical chem. condensing pneumatics force " suction " wells waterworks Pumping engins mechan. eng. rams, hydraulic stations sewerage wks vs gravitation waterwks Pumpkins forage kitchen garden 635 Pumps engineering hydraulic injection, hydraulic62i reclamation ship machinery steam plant Punching tools Punctuality lib. econ. 3 Punctuation Eng. lang. Punctured wounds surg. Punic wars Roman hist. Punishment capital criminal law corporal school eternal theology future " law military school J Punjab, India history travel Pupa embryology Pupil of eye anatomy physiology Pupillometers " Pupin coils telefony Puppet plays Purchase of animals zootechny college degrees farm fertilizers territory pol. sci. 631-3336 F 621.18377 I 631-3134 631.3126 I 553-69 I 552-23 I J 533-5 542 I 533-83 I 533-84 533-85 628.12 621 .64 I 621.273 I 628.29 I 628.12 I 633-39 '1 635.624 I 621 .64 I 621 . 252 I 1621 .267 1 631.65 1 623.87 t 621.1973 1 621 .96 1 023 .612 1 421.9 I 617.144 1 937-Q4 F 343-2 F 371-55 F 237-7 F 237-6 I 343-2 355-13 371-54 954-5 9I5.45 F 591-34 F 611 .8421 F 612 . 8421 F 612 . 84211 621.38785 792 F F 636.08112 F 378.26 i 631 .112 F 631.817 F 32O.I267 F Purchases farm economics Pure food pub. helth Purgativs physiology therapeutics Purgatory theology Purification of wastes Purifiers, feedwater Purin compounds nutrition Puritanism theology Puritans Eng. history relig. hist. Mass, history persecutions by Purpose ethics Purslane Pus medicin Puseyism theology Push hoe 4 Pushtu language Pusley Pustular affections of skin Putativ elements chemis. Putnam co. 111. history Ind. Mo. N. Y. O. W. Va. " Putrefaction bacteria ! Puy de D6me, Fr. hist, trav. 614 3 612.3344 236-5 628.546 621 . 1972 612.398195 285.9 942 .06 274.2 974-4 272.8. 171 635.46" 617.22 283 631.3152- 4Qi 58 635-4^ 616.52 546.99 977-337 977.249 977.823 974.73 2 977.118 975-435 944-59^ 9H 459- 793 616.943- Puzzles Pyemia diseases Pygmies, see Pigmies Pyknometers prac. chem. 542 . 3 Pyloric artery anatomy glands vein Pylorus Pyramidal tract of myel Pyramidalis abdominis Pyramids anatomy Egyptian geometry Pyrenean sheep Pyrenees mts travel Pyre'ne'es Orientales, Fr. hist. Pyrenomycetes botany Pyrites mineral Pyrografy 611 . 13641 611-33 611.8393 611.1493 611-334 oil .8252 611.7362 611.8181 913-32- 5I3-35 636.346. 914.6 944.89 589-235: 549-3 7.J6 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 834 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Pyrometry temperature 536.52 Pyrotechnics chem. tech. 662 Pyrrhonism Gk philosofy 186.1 Pythagorean philosofy 182 . 2 Pythias, knights of sec.soc. 366.2 Quackery delusions 133 . 7 medical state control 614.26 Quadrant astron. instrum. 522 .41 ordnance " 623.4621 Quadrate lobe anatomy 611.81318 Quadrature integral calculus 5 1 7 . 3 3 of circle geometry 513.21 Quadra tus femoris anat. 611.73819 lumborum " 611.7368 Quadric surfaces analytic geometry 516.42 modern analytic geom. 516. 58 geometry S^-S 8 Quadriceps femoris anat. 61 1 . 73822 Quadrigeminal arms 611.8153 Quadrigeminum anat. 611.8153 physiol. 612.8265 Quadrilateral adjustment of geodesy 526.52 Quadrilaterals plane geom. 5 13 . 15 Quadrumana zoology 599-8 Quadrupeds " 599 Quadruple expansion engins 621 . 11267 Quadruplex telegrafs communica. 654-2 elec. eng. 621.38234 Quagga 636.184 Quail shooting 799 zoology 598-6 Quakers lives 922.88 persecutions 272.8 sects 289.6 Qualifications of library executiv 023.41 staff 023.51 trustees 023.33 readers lib. econ. 024, i teachers education 371.11 voters suffrage 324.1 Qualitativ analysis chem. 544 Quality metaphysics in of food domestic econ. 641.31 Quantics algebra 512.87 Quantitativ analysis chem. 545 Quantities bilding 692.5 Quantity 3 English prosody 426. i metaphysics 119 meters elec. engin'g 621.3745 of albuminoids in tissues 612.3978 blood physiology 612. 116 in organs 612 . 189 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 835 Quantity of carbohydrates in tissues 6 12 .3967 clothing hygiene 613.482 fat in food & tissues 612 .3977 lactic secretion 612.66431 r intissues 612.0144613 administration 3 5 2 . 4 contagious disease 614.46 laws local government 352.4 Quarries, prehistoric 5 7 1 . 2 1 Quarrying min. engin'g 622.22 Quarrymen's occupation 6 13 . 66 Quartermasters mil. adm. 355.33 Quarters, servants archi tec. 728.92 Quartet sacred music 783 . 8 Quartets vocal music 784.84 Quartz lithology 55 2 -45 mineralogy 549-5 receptacles chem. 542.231 Quartzite lithology 552-45 Quaternary age geology 55 J -79 Quaternions mathematics 516.8 Quays harbor engineering 627.3 Quebec, Canada act Can. hist. 971.02 city, Que. capture U.S.hist.973 . 26 . i history 971.4471 i co. - u 971-447 Quebec Jersey cattle 636 . 2 832 1 province history 97 J 4 travels 917 14 Queen Anne architecture 724 5 1 co. Md. history 975.234 Anne's war U.S. " 973- 2 5 1 Charlotte ilands, B.C. hist. 971 . 1 941.87 97I-542 974.724 971.624 971-74 923-1 994-3 Quevedo Villegas, F. G. de Spanish satire 867.3 Quicksand foundations architecture 721.11 Quicksilver, see Mercury Quietism heresies 2 73-7 Quietists, persecution of 272.5 Quince 634.14 'Quincy, 111. history 977.344 system education 371.47 Quinet, Edgar Fr. essays 844.81 Quinin therapeutics 615.75 Quinones organic chem. 547.6 Quinsy diseases 616.31 Quintana, M. J. Span. poet. 86 1 . 51 Quintilian Latin oratory 875.6 Quohog fishery 639 . 4 Quoits amusements 796 Quota system suffrage 324 . 224 Quotas U. S. civil war 973 . 7412 'Quotations Eng. liter. 828 gener. collec. 808.8 Quotient, respiratory 612.231 Queens co. Ireland New Bruns. New York Nova Scotia P. E. I. lives of Queensland history Queenstown, battle U. S. war of 1812 973-5 3 33 Quercineae botany 5 8 3-97 6 Quercy swine 636.445 1 Quere'taro, Mexico history 972. 4 Quesnes de Bethune 841 . 15 Questioning, art of educat. 371.35 Questions, books of " 3 7 J 3 5 on special subject see subject Topics to black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the table* at the end of this index 836 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Rabbinic learning Judaism 296 Rabbits dom. animals 636.9 zoology 599-3 Rabelais, F. French satire 847.32 Rabener, G.W; Ger. " 837.61 Rabies see Hydrophobia Racan, H. de B. Fr. poetry 841 .43 Race betterment 613.94 horse amusements 798 domestic animals 636 . 12 influence on mind 136.4 mortality public helth 614.144 suffrage 324-15 Racemose cherries 634 . 24 Races, coeducation of 371-99 hed and tail 621 . 29 movements of pol. sci. 323 . 1 572 636.08211 837-52 842.45 841.52 of man zootechny Rachel, Joachim Ger. sat. Racine, Jean Fr. drama Louis poetry 'Racine city, Wis. history 977.597 co. " " 977-596 Racing amusements 798 ethics !75-7 news journalism 070.446 library econ. 024.58 Rack railways engineering Radial artery anatomy muscles nerv " Radiant energy of sun matter points meteors Radiates paleontology zoology Radiation of heat 625-33 611.13431 611.7376 611.8337 539- 1 5 2 3-53 563 2 593 2 physics 536.33 physiol. 612.52 Radical axes mod. geom. 513.54 Radicals, chemic Radicular fibers of cord Radiocarpal joint anat. Radiochemistry Radio culture Radiografy diagnosis pathology Radiolaria zoology Radiotelegrafy Radiotherapy 541-6 611.8268 611.72744 54I-38 631.5882 616.077 593-14 elec. engin'g 621 . 3842 medicin 615.84 72734 15 432 3 9 6 3245 582 87 86. 8212 627 7 463 48 8i57 938 3 863 Radioulnar joint, inferior 611 . 72741 superior 611.72734 Radioulnaris proximalis 61 1 , Radish 635 . Radium inorgan. chem. 546 Radius anatomy 611, vector astronomy 521, Radnor, Wales history 942 , sheep 636 , Raffia domestic econ. 646 fibers 633 Raft bridges engineering 624 . Rafts ship equipment 623 . shipbilding 623 , Rag gourd 635 . Ragged schools 377 Rags, control of pub. helth 614, disinfection " " 614. Rahbek, K. L. Dan. poetry 839. 'Rahway, N. J. history 974. Raiids fishes 597. Railroad accidents pub. helth 614. transportation 656 corporations 385 electric * 621.33 engineering 625 elevated 625.4 freight houses archit. 725.32 government admin. 351.812 horse mechan. engin'g 625.6 land grants pub. finance 336.14 law 385 locomotivs 621.13 men Y. M. C. A. 267.362 officials' lives 923 . 8 passenger stations arch. 725.31 passes, legislativ 328 . 347 rate regulation 385 reports, state 385 shops architecture 725.33 transportation business 656 sociology 3 85 travel protection of life 614 . 863 Railroading 656 Rails electric engineering 621.3332 railroad " 625.15 shipbilding 623 . 85 Railway bridges engin'g 624.12 cookery 641.576 employees suffrage 324 . 247 guides transportation 656 stations, care of 647.9631 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 837 Railways, military 623 . 63 Rain agric. hindrances 632 protection against zoot. 636 Rainfall farm economics 631 meteorol. 551 Rainless-regions " 551 'Rainy River dist. Ont. hist. 971 Raising library funds 021 'Rajputana, India history 954 Rakes, garden 631 hay 631 Raking 631 Ralegh. W. discov. of Am. 973 'Raleigh co. W. Va. history 975 1 Rails co. Mo. history 977 Ram, hydraulic engin'g 621 physics 532 Rambouillet sheep 636 Ramelsloher fowls 636 Ramie agriculture 633 botany 583 Rammers artillery 623 Ramsay, Allan Eng.poet. 821 Ramsour Mills, N.C. Am.rev.973 Ramus of mandible anat. 611 Ranales botany 583 Ranch, cattle 636 Ranches zootechny 636 Randolph, John Am.orat. 815 'Randolph co. 111. history 977 Ind. " 977 Mo. " 977 1 W. Va. 975 Range domestic economy 643 finders ordnance 623 . scales " instr. 623 . Rank heraldry 929 . Ranks, special education 371. Ranunculaceae botany 583 . Ran vier's nodes histology 611. Rapateaceae botany 584. Rape agriculture 633. botany 583 . law 343 Raphia fibers 633 . Rapidfire guns ordnance 623 . Rapidity of flow of blood physiology 612. Rapisardi, M. Ital. poetry 851 . Rappists sects 286 . Raptores birds 598 . Topics in black face type are subdivided. .16 .08366 . II 57 .58 9 4 3156 3532 SIS 473 8355 .27 83 3674 533 55 .962 463 54 71643 . ii . 2 0813 24 392 .266 .828 485 33 4625 4621 7 96 in 0188 3934 42 123 582 4223 15 86 7 9 Rare binding book rarities books lib. restrictions earths inorgan. chem. illustrations rarities printing " Rarissima 'Raritan, X. J. history Rarities bibliografy lib. admin. Rasores birds Raspberries Rat disease carrier domestic economy noxious animal zoology traps dom. economy 095 024.672 546.6 096 094 ooo 974.972 090 025.171 508.6 634 7" 614-43 648.7 591.68 599-3 648.7 Ratchet gearing engin'g 62 1 . 837 Ration during growth physio 1. 612.394 for adults 612.395 Rational feeding zootech. 636.0844 Rationalism nat. theology 211 Rationalistic age relig.hist.2 70 . 8 Rationalists.apologeticsagst 239 . 7 Rations zootechny 636.08441 Rattan fibers 633.588 Rattlesnake zoology 598.12 Rauch, H. J. Dan. drama 839.8231 Raven zoology 598 . 8 Raw materials, duties on 337 . 6 mil. resources 355.24 1 Ray co. Mo. history 977.819 system school gov't 3 7 1 . 595 Reaction of blood physiol. 612.121 time psychometry 612.8211 Reactors elec. engin'g 621.3146 Read, T:B. Am. poetry 811.35 Readers aids library economy 028 3 elementary, Eng. lang. 428.6 librarian's relations to 023.43 qualifications lib. econ. 024 . i rules 024 3 selections Eng. language 428.7 Reading and aids 028 art of 808.5 6 books, higher, English 820 8 clubs lib. relations 021.41 self education 374.22 courses 028.3 desks offis equipment 651 Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 838 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Reading elementary education first legislation for the young lists, school educ. of librarians library executiv private self education proofs printing room rules lib. econ. rooms, branch lib. bldgs 022 free, library econ. laboring classes library economy Y. M. C. A. second legislation third Readings, halls for archit. Ready-reckoners Reagents chem. anal. Real character universal lang. 408 estate law taxation pol. ecoi presence theology property law Realism philosofy Realty law Reamers machine tools Reapers agriculture steam engin'g Reaping hook Reapportionment representat'n Reason in animals zoology intuitiv faculty natural theology physiologic psychology Reasoning faculty " Rebellion Canadian history 1717,1745 Irish hist. political science southern U. S. hist. Reboul, Jean Fr. poetry Rebuses amusements Recall administration Receipt, see Receit Receit books cookery index library economy o 2 5 Topic* in black face typ are subdivided Receits 372.4 library economy 020.83 -328.3741 finance 025.114 028.5 medicin 615 371-643 useful arts 602 023-535 workshop chem. tech. 660 023.42 on special subjects see subject 374.1 Receivers law 347 . 7 655-25 telefone 621.3863 024.51 telegraf 621.3833 022 . 17 Receiving vaults archit. 726.8 027.9 Recent period geology 55 r . 791 33I-85 Receptacles prac. chem. 542 . 23 022.5 for butter 637 . 2351 267-3533 milk 637.1327 328.3741 plants 631.346 328.3743 Receptaculum chyli anat. 611.423 725-83 Reception 658 of goods lib. economy 025.233 544 1 1 room dom. " 645 . 62 Receptions " " 642.43 .408.9 Recesses in schools 371 .24 347-2 legislativ bodies 328 . 355 1.336.22 Recessional cathedral serv. 783 . 29 265-3 Recipe books cookery 641 . 5 347-2 Recipes, see Receipts 149-2 Reciprocal 347-2 polars analytic geom. 516.55 621.954 modern " 5*3-55 631 354 Reciprocating steam engins 621.112 621 . 146 Reciprocity free trade 337-9 63I-554 Recitation rooms archit. 727.1 631-3511 Recitations education 371.32 Recitative music 784.2 328.3345 Reclamation drainage agriculture 631.6 59i-5i engineering 627 . 5 156 irrigation agriculture 631.7 210 engineering 626 . 8 612 .8213 Recognition hereafter 153-6 doctrinal theology 237 Recoil 971.038 mechanism ordnance 623 . 4356 941.57 mounts mil. engin'g 623.574 323.2 Recommendations 973.7 legislativ procedure 328 . 372 841 . 7 C Reconnaissance geodesy 526.31 to Reconstruction U. S. hist. 973 . 8 793 Record 351-9 accession lib. econ. 025.241 clock library econ. 023.611 offises architecture 725.15 641 5 Recorders, telegraf 62 1 . 3833 025.236 Recording meters, elec. 621.373 Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 839 Records, legislativ 328 . school 371 . Recreation bildings architecture 725 hygiene 613 rooms lib. bildings 022 Recreations hygiene 613, laboring classes 331 . school hygiene 371 . Recreativ arts 790 Recruiting mil. science 355 Rectangular coordinates spheric astronomy 522, Recti capitis anatomy 6 1 1 . Rectifiers electric eng. 621 . Rectilinear motion dynam. 531 . Rectum administration of med. 615. anatomy 61 1 . diseases 6 i 6 . physiology 612. Rectus capitis anticus major anat.6i i . minor " 6 1 1 . lateralis " 6 1 1 . femoris " 611. Recuperators gun mounts 623 Red Bank, N. J. Am. revol. 973 cattle, polled 636 shorthorn 636 corpuscles physiology 612 proportion 612 Cross societies charities 361 363 2 8 66 74 84 74 .22 7 2 7319 3137 Great war 940 . globules of blood physiol. 612 kafir pepper raspberries river campain exped. rebellion 633 633 634 U.S.civ.war 973 " " " 973 Can. hist. 971 river settlement, Can. hist. 971 551 636 636 636 633 633 636 234 sea physical geografy swine, Berkshire Jersey Tamworth top vegetable dyes Redcap poultry Redemption theology Topics in black face type are subdivided. ,62 35 35 366 7337 7338 73i9 73822 4357 3337 2264 2225 .in .1128 4771 in 177 842 7363 754 051 27 127 467 4263 483 4262 23 863 525 3 Redemptionists mon. orders 271 . 79 Redeniptorists " 271.6 Reds, shorthaird goats 636 . 396 Reduced wages pol. econ. 331.5 Reducing val vs steam eng. 621.1854 Reduction in organisms phys.chem. 613.01536 of results geodesy 526.75 'Reduplication Eng.etymol. 422.3 Redwood botany 585.2 Redy reckoners 658 Reed wind instruments 788 . 9 Reeds 633 . 586 Reefs, coral geology 551.96 Reenberg, TOger Dan.poet. 839.8142 Reference books library admin. 025.5 restricted lib. econ. 024.671 use of aids 028.7 department lib. econ. 025.5 hours " " 024.36 exact literary methods 029.1 room lib. bildings 022.53 staff " economy 023.73 use of libraries 024 . 5 References, reader's 024.14 Referendum legislation 328 . 264 polit. science 321.4 Refiners' occupation hyg. 613.62 Refining oil public helth 614.724 cheesemaking 637 . 3332 Reflecting circle astron. instrum. 522.41 instruments optics 535-87 telescopes astron. 522.21 Reflection heat 536.31 light 535.3 mental faculty 153.4 Reflections perspectiv 515.64 Reflex action physiology 612.833 zoology 591.18 Reflexes cardiac physiology 612.1786 psychic " 612.8216 respiratory " 612.288 Reform bill, 1832 Eng. suffrage 324.42 civil servis 35* -6 legislativ bodies 328.394 prison sociology 365 schools 364 architecture 725.64 education 371-93 sociology 30 1 Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 840 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Eng. language Reform 3 spelling suffrage Reformation age of Europ. history German history religious Scandinavian history Swiss history Reformatories architecture hygiene temperance Reformatory associations Reformd church, Dutch in Amer. episcopal church presbyterian " Reformers biografy Refracting media of eye anat. 421 324 940 943 270 948. 949 725 613. 178. 3 6 4 284. 285. 283 *8 S 923 4 28 22 03 .6 .04 403 6 57 6n. physiology 612 . 522. i 7 5 6 844 844 22 32 844 75 3 92 3 8211 1723 82932 833951 7 telescopes Refraction heat 536. ocular physiology 612. ophthalmology 617. optics 535. practical astronomy 522. Refractometers optics 535- quan.anal. 545 . Refractory period brain physiol. psych. 612. hart physiology 612. reflexes compar. physiol.6i2 . physiology 612. Refreshment bild'gs arch. 725 . Refreshments dom. econ. 642 . 2 Refrigeration apparatus dairy 637.1321 mechanical engin'g 621.56 shipbilding 623 . 826 Refrigerators dom. econ. 643.37 Refuge, houses of 364 Refuse, see Waste Regaldi, G. Ital. poetry 851.77 Regattas amusements 797 college and sch. 371.75 Regencies Eng. admin. 354.4203 const. hist. 342 . 429 Regeneration of bone physiology 612. liver " 612. Topics in black face type are subdivided. Regeneration of muscle " 612.7465 nervs physiology 612.8185 physiologic zoology 591 . 16 physiology 612.603 theology 234.4 Regents library gov't 023.3 Reggio di Calabria, Italy history 945-79 travel 914.579 Regicides biografy 923.41 Regimen hygiene 613 Regiment mil. science 355-31 Regimental hist. U.S.civ.war 973 . 744-49 Regiments, history of state 353.9 Regional anatomy surgery Registers, family of births deeds law servants U. S. army offisers navy " Registration of conveyances ~ law land Torrens system readers lib. economy 024.15 public helth statistics system suffrage Regnard, Jl F. Fr. satire Regnault gasometers chem.542 . 75 Regnier, Mathurin Fr. sat. 847 .35 Regular army U. S. civ. war and navy union vet. soc. baptists sects Regulation of animal heat physics medical practis voltaic current eng. Regulations army military science navy naval " readers library econ. Regulators steam eng. elec. eng. 611 .9 617-5 929-3 929-3 347-2 647.29 353-6 353-7 347-2 333-3 614.1 3" 324.242 847-47 973-74H 369.111 369. 112 286.1 612.53 614.25 621.3527 355 359 024 feedwater potential sewerage vacuum see also special subject Reid, T . B ritish philos . intuitionalism Reign of terror Fr. hist. 621 . 1972 621.3145 628.258 prac. chem. 542 . 77 753 359 Superior figures refei to the tables at the end of this index 192-5 143 944-044 RELATIV INDEX 841 6n .81319 129.4 636.294 6 37.3553 Reil, iland of anatomy Reinaert Dutch satire Reincarnation Reindeer domestic animals milk cheese ship U. S. war of 1812 973.5255 zoology 599.7 "Reineke Vos" Ger.satire 837.31 Reinforced blocks roads 625 . 87 concrete engin'g 620.137 Reissner's fibers anat. 61 1 . 828 Relapsing fever diseases 616.924 Relations domestic, political science 323 f oren " 327 inte rnational 327 of capital and labor 33 1 . i church and state ethics 172.3 pol. sci. 322 librarian and staff 023 . 55 to public 023 . 43 teachers to community 371.104 parents Relationship Relativ location lib. econ. majority suffrage 3 pronouns Eng. etymol. syntax Relays, telegraf elec. eng. Releasing-gear engins Relics miracles Relief corps, women's decoration in architec. 729 . 5 bilding 698 . 8 maps phys. geog. special regions union, woman's veteran work charity parish 371-103 929.1 025.8 324.263 422.7 425.7 621.38321 621 . 1644 231-7 369,161 Religion and education 551-4 914-919 369 . 162 361 258 200 377 Christian comparativ natural practical suffrage qualifications Religions, non-Christian apologetics 239.8 nat. theol. 215 200 290 2IO 24O 324-I5 29O Religious anecdotes architecture art associations 244 726 246 206 general, for activ work 267 local parish work 256 of special sects 280 on special subjects see subj. biografy 922 ceremonies ritual 264 sacraments 265 controversy 270 on special subjects see subj. days lib. econ. 024.42 special cookery 641 . 566 education 377 of clergy 207 festivals 264 fiction 244 history 270 institutions 260 liberty 261.7 life Great war 940.478 U. S. civ. war 973 .778 limitations cookery 641 . 565 orders, monastic 271 painting art 755 ecclesiology 247.5 poetry 245 sects 280 societies see associations symbolism 246 Remainder sales books bookselling 655.56 library buying 025.223 Remains paleontology 560 Remedies, legal 347 . 95 pathology 616 therapeutics 615.5 zootechny 636.0895 Remittent fever pub helth6i4-532 Remonstrants "sects 284.9 Remuneration library economy 023.8 political " 331 2 Renaissance architecture 724.1 European history 940.21 fine arts 709 religious history 270 . 5 sculpture 735 Renal artery anatomy 611.1367 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Renal circulation physiol. 612.4634 diseases 616.61 function pathol. changes 612. 466 nervs anatomy 611.8393 veins anatomy 611.1462 Renan, Ernest Fr. essays 844.82 Renard the fox . Dut. satire 839 .371 Ger. " 837.31 Rendering works air pollu.6i4 .742 Renewals legis. membership 328.3356 hist. lib. econ. 'Renfrew, Scotland 1 co. Ont. " Rennet cheesemaking cheese cow's milk 'Rensselaer co. N. Y. Rent farm economics of state property political economy Renting farm systems Rents, pew cleric support Repair of waste physiol. zoology 591 . 136 physiology 612.395 ships shipbilding 623 . 826 Repairs bilding laws dom. econ. road engin'g Repeated stress engin'g Repeaters duplex telegraf half simplex " Repeating election frauds rifles small arms Repentance doctrin Repetitions, method 024 . 64 941-41 971.381 637.3331 637-355 637.35I 974-741 336 . i I 333 63I.H54 254 692.9 643-7 625 . 76 620.. 11246 621.38325 621 .38326 621.38324 324.272 623.4423 234.5 geod. 526. 56 Replevin law 347.95 Reporting journalism 070.42 shorthand 653. 046 Reports, law American 345 . 4 British 346.4 library administra. 025 . 123 mining 622.009 see also special subject Repousse" work fine arts 739 roofs 721.56 Representation 324 . 22 American revolution 973 . 3 1 14 legislatures 328 . 334 Representativ gov't pol.sci. Reprisal international law Reproduction botany embryology Reproduction human embryology physiology zoology embryology zootechny Reproductiv power psych. Reptils paleontology zoology Republic French history ist 2d 3d German history political science Roman history Spanish " Republican institutions party, U. S. Republicans U. S. history 321.8 341-3 581.16 611 .013 612.6 591.16 59i 3 636.0824 J 54 568.1 598.1 944.042 944-07 944.08 943-085 321.8 937 02 946.08 321.8 329.6 973-4 973.66 973-7 973 8 973.911-2 945-04 3 2 i-5 33 6 -3 6 621.31366 523-17 328.375 729.96 247-2 973-6234 Republics, Ital. history pol. sci. Repudiation finance Repulsion motors engin'g Repulsiv force astron. Required majority legislat'n Reredos fixt furniture sacred Resaca de la Palma. battle Research endowment education 378 . 32 psychic mind and body 130 Rescue from drowning 614.811 of shipwreckt 614 . 868 Resection surgery 617.94 Resedaceae botany 583.133 Resemblance protectiv zoology 591-57 Resen, Peder Dan. misc. 839.883 Reservation of bks lib.econ. 024 . 66 Reservoirs irrigation agriculture 631.71 sewerage 628.28 waterworks 628.13 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this indei RELATIV INDEX Residence compensation of teachers 371 eligibility legis. bodies 328 of readers lib. rules requirement for degree rooms lib. bldgs suffrage qualifications Residences architecture 024 378 022 324 728 . 164 331 . 12 .241 .69 .16 arch. 725.17 631 636 631 668. 553- 631 621 . 612 . 621 . 620. 539- official Residual calculus Residues animal fertilizers industrial zootechny vegetable fertilizers Resignations legislativ bodies Resins chemic technology fossil economic geol. gathering Resistance boxes elec. engin'g electric, of skin physiol. meters elec. engin'g of materials engin'g mol. phys. water hydraulics Resisting medium descriptiv astron. theoretic " Resolutions joint legis. procedure Resonators acoustics Resorts bildings hygiene helth summer architecture Resources conservation pol. econ. 339 military 355 Respiration animals 591 cutaneous physiology 612 effect of facial nervs on 612 vagus 612 on blood pressure 612 temperature 612 physiology 612 Respiratory exchanges and indirect calorimetry 612 movements physiology 612 organs comp. anat. 591 descriptiv anat. 59 1 843 08557 .876 328.3357 4 2 9 .5568 3742 795 3742 II 4 523 52i 328 534 6i3 613- 728. 15 44 377 -4 5 12 52 12 793 8i973 819912 1461 534 2 5"3 21 42 72 Respiratory system anatomy diseases of drugs acting on physiology surgery Responsibilities of library executiv teachers Responsibility human doct. theol. ethics of readers lib. econ. Responsiv choral servis 611 616 615 612 617. 023 37i. 233. 171 024. 783. public worship 264 615 612 725 641 647 6n 024 readings Rest and sleep hygiene cure therapeutics laboring classes physiology of Restaurants architecture cookery dom. econ. table systems 642 Restiaceae botany 584 Restif da la Bretonne, N. E. 843 Restiform bodies anat. 611 'Restigouche co. N. B. hist. 971 Restis anatomy Restitutions lib. econ. Restoration English history 942 . French " 944 of citizenship pol. sci. 323 . the Jews 296 Restriction election contributions 324 . of books lib. econ. 024 contagious diseases 614 Restrictions on legislation pol. sci. 328. legislators 328 . Results of civil war U. S. hist. 973 election suffrage 324 . Great war 940 Mex. war U. S. hist. 973. revolution " 973 , Spanish war " 973, war of 1812 " 973 Resumption of specie pay't U.S. hist. 973 U. S. finance 336. 2 2 72 2 42 43 101 4 14 2-4 4 85 81 7663 7i 572 95 5 83 57 8182 5n 8182 87 066 06 64 273 67 44 256 34 71 26 3M 621 3i 891 521 83 73 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this indes 844 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Resurrection Christology 232, doct. theol. 236. Resuscitation of the drownd 614 . Retail stores architecture 725. Retaining walls 624. Retardation plant culture 631 . Retictila spinal cord 6n. Reticular tissue histology 611. Reticulum " 611. Retina anatomy 611. eye diseases 617. physiology 612. Retirement from mil. servis 355. Retorts, glass prac. chem. 542 . porcelain ' 542 . Re trahens muscle anat. 611. Retreats, religious 269 Retribution doct. theol. 237. Retroauricular glands 6 1 1 . Retroperitoneal fossae 61 1 . Retropharyngeal glands 6 r i . Retrovaccination cont.dis. 614. Return systems elec. trac. 621. Returns butter business 637 . cheese " 637 dairy " 637 farm finances 631 , zootechny 636 Reuchlin medieval philos. 189. Reunion public order 351 'Reuss, Germany history 943. Revaccination contag. dis. 614. Revaccinization " " 614. Revelation, book of Bible 228 divine 231. Revenue cutters shipbilding 623 . legislativ power 328 . state finance 336 Reverberatory furnaces 542 . Reversible plow 631 . Reversionary payments finance 336.35 insurance 368.31 ^Reviews, see subject reviewd Revised statutes Amer. law 345 . 2 version Eng. Bible 220.52 New Test. 225.52 Old " 221.52 Revision of electoral lists 324 . 241 English Bible 220.52 812 21 I 545 8226 01824 01824 843 73 843 114 231 232 73 2 4 6 4632 384 4636 4737 33217 218 318 118 18 01818 5 752 28 4734 4736 826 341 Revival Gothic architecture 724 . 3 Grecian " 724 . 2 of letters, literary hist. 809 Romanesque arch. 724.8 Revivals army U. S. civ. war 973-778 music 783 . 7 religious 269 Re viviscent animals 612.01 446 1 1 Revolts internal relations pol. sci. 323 . 2 Revolution American history 973-3 daughters of the 369 . 136 English, 1688 history 942.068 form of state French, 1789 1830 1848 of the earth sons of the territorial expansion Revolutionary societies Revolutions internal rela. Revolvers manufacture military efficiency Revolving book cases cranes engin'g 621.873 harrow 631.3135 Rewards and punishments theol. 233.4 military 355-13 school 371-53 Reynard the fox Dut. sat. 839.371 Ger. " 837.31 'Reynolds co. Mo. history 977.885 Rhaetia ancient history 939.84 4 Rhaeto-Romansch Ianguage4$g Rhamneas botany 583.275 Rhenish 1 Bavaria, Germany hist. 943 . 43 1 Prussia " 943 - 42 Prussian horse 636 . 143 sheep 636.3334 Rheostats elec. eng. 621.3174 Rhetoric 808 sacred homiletics 251 Rheumatic fever diseases 616.991 Rheumatism 616.991 Rhine Confederation 943 . 06 travel 9*4-34 321 .092 history 944.04 944-063 944-07 astronomy 525.35 369-134 320.1269 369 13 323-2 683 623.4434 022 .914 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 845 Rhinencephalon anat. 611.8133 Rhinoceros zoology 599 . 7 Rhinology anatomy 6n.86 diseases 616.21 physiology 612.86 Rhinoplastic ope rations 617.95 Rhizophoreae botany 583.411 Rhizopoda zoology 593.11 'Rhode Island U. S. hist. 974 . 5 For military history, see sub- divisions of Special campains and Military history under 973-3. 973-7 and 973-89 636. 939- 929. 949- 378- 968. 546. 583- Rhode Island red fowls Rhodes ancient history knights of modern hist. scholarships 'Rhodesia, Africa hist. Rhodium inorgan. chem. Rhododendron botany Rhombencephalon, isthmus 611. Rhomboid ligament anat. 611. muscles " 6 1 1 . Rhomboidal sinus " 61 1 . 'Rh6ne, France history 944. Rh6ne ducks 636. sheep 636 . Rhubarb gardening 635. 'Rhymes English prosody 426. 3 Rhyming dictionaries, Eng. 426 . Rynchota insects pests lithology Rhyolite Rhythm cardiac in reflexes respiratory Ribaceous fruits physiology 595- 632. 552- 612 . 612 . 612. 634- 584 16 711 96 34 9 97 62 816 7271 73H3 828 58 ' 5974 3336 49 6 6 75 75 25 1722 82932 216 72 Ribault, Jl discov. of Amer. 973 . 18 Ribs anatomy 611.712 Rice cereals agriculture 633.18 corn 633.178 Richard i Eng. history 942.032 2 942.038 3 942.046 of Cornwall, Ger.his. 943 .025 Richardson, S: Eng. fif. 823.61 'Richelieu co. Que. history 971.451 river, Que. travel 917.145 'Richland co. 111. history 977-377 1 O. " 977.128 1 Wis. " 977-575 hist. Q77-6j 'Richmond, Ind. Va. For military history, see sub- divisions of Special campains under 973. 7 1 co. New York hist. Nova Scotia * 1 Que. Richter, Jt P. F; Ger. fie. Rickets diseases Riddles amusement popular life Rideau lakes, Ont. travel Riding cultivator habits clothing halls and schools arch. plow recreations roller school hygiene 974 971 971 833 616 793 398 917 631 646 725 631 798 631 371 Rial's rebellion ist Can. hist. 971 2d 971 Rifle manufacture 683 military engineering 623 . equipment 355. shooting amusement 799 Rifled ordnance mil. eng. 623 . Rifling mil. engin'g 623. Rigging shipbilding 623 Right ascension, variations of 521, hart anatomy 6it hereditary legis. bod. 328 lines analytic geometry 516 loci in space " 516. plane geometry 513. of assembly pol. sci. 323 petition 323 , search internal, law 341 standard of ethics 171 Righteousness pers. relig. 248 Righthandedness 612 Rights and liberties const, law 342 civil, see Civil rights land political economy 333 of aliens pol. sci. 323 . political science 323 water pol. econ. 333 Rigid dirigibles aeronautics 629 , suspension bridges 624. .726 .696 465 .62 .996 .6 1373 3163] 47 .88 3122 3141 -736 .051 054 442 82 42 4236 86 27 3 3352 1 1 3i II 7 76 I 67 9 155 53 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at ths end of this index 846 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Rigor mortis physiology 612.742 of muscles physiol. 612.7461 Rima glottidis anat. 611.225 3 Rimes English prosody 426.6 3 Riming dictionaries, Eng. 426.6 J Rimouski co. Que. history 971.477 Rinderpest veterin. med. 619.2 Ring shell ordnance 623.4515 'Ringgold co. la. history 977.787 campain U.S.civ.war 973.7359 Ringing agriculture 63 1 . 54224 Rings boiler steam engin'g 621 finger costume 391 sacred ornaments 247 strength of materials 620 Ringwaldt, B. Ger. poetry 831 Ringworm diseases 616 Rinks bicycle architecture 725 ethics 175 skating architecture 725 Rinuccini, O. Ital. dram 852 Rio Grande campain 973 J Rio Janeiro history 981 travels 918 Rioja, F. de Spanish poetry 86 1 Rios, J. A. de los " misc. 868 Riots internal relations pol. sci. 323 . law 343 local, see name of place state control 351 . Riparian rights pol. econ. 333 Ripening buttermaking 637 plant growth 631 'Ripley co. Ind. history 977. Mo. " 977. Ripplemarks geology 551. Ritchie, A. C.M. Am. dram. 812. 'Ritchie co. W. Va. hist. 975. Rites and ceremonies 394- Ritual public worship 264 Ritualism 264 Rivadeneyra, Pedro de 868 . River boats shipbilding 623 . crossing sewerage works 628. engineering 627 transportation sociology 387 Rivers engineering 627. frontiers pol. sci. 320 . Topics in black face type are subdivided. 7 6 11286 45 57 86 i ,86 52 6234 i 33 52 752 9 2337 5476 214 8894 83 3i 424 4 35 824 26 Rivers hydraulics 532 physical geograf y 551 pollution sanit. eng. 628 water supply 628 J Riverside co. Cal. hist. 979 Riveted joints mech. eng. 621 plumbing 696 Riveting tools mech. eng. 621 Rivets mechanical eng. plumbing strength of materials Ro universal language Roaches pests Road bed highway engin'g railroad " systems highway eng. Roadrollers gas engins roadmaking steam engins Roads agriculture and pavements engin'g cable " elevated " engineering " military mil. eng. stone engineering Roan ducks 'Roane co. W. Va. history 975 Roanoke iland, N. C. battle U. S. civ. war 973 naval hist. " " 973 Roasting cookery 641 Robbers biografy 923 Robbery criminal law 343 Robert 2 French history 944 of Gloucester 82 1 Robin Hood Eng. ballads 821 legends 398 Robinsonaden Ger. fiction 833 Rocaberti, Fra Catalan lit. 849 Rochester, N. Y. history 974 *Rock co. 111. history 1 Wis. Rock analysis chefnistry blasting engineering carvings archeology crystal, see Quartz drills machine tools 621 696 620 408 632, 625 625 625 621 , 625 621 631 625 625 625 625 623, 625 636 977 977 543 622 571 54 48 54i . 1 1 497 .884 4 97 .884 4 .11287 9 72 73 . 12 71 .4382 7 i45 .28 7 5 4 7 62 86 5974 436 7324 752 7i 41 O2I 13 04 2 54 9 12 789 339 587 6 23 73 621 i 1284 Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index foundations architecture 721 952 ii RELATIV INDEX Rock minerals determination 552.81 natural fertilizers 63 1 . 85 1 salt economic geology 553.63 structure lithology 552.82 1 Rock Island, 111. history 977.339 Rockets, signal mil. eng. 623.45444 'Rockfdrd, 111. history 977.331 l Rockingham co. N. H. hist. 974 .26 r Rockland co. N. Y. " 974.728 Rocks cleavage of geology 551.84 conductivity of " 551.14 lithology 552 polarity in geology 551.84 Rocky mts, U. S. travel 917.8 Canada " 917.12 Rococo style architecture 724.19 Rodentia zoology 599 . 3 Rodolph i Ger. history 943.026 2 943-034 Rodriguez Rubi, Tomas 862.52 Rods glass prac. chemistry 542.231 steam locomotiv 621.1341 strength of materials 620 . 1 1282 Roig, Jacme Catal. poetry 849.9133 Rojas y Zorrilla, F. de 862.36 Roland chanson de Fr. poetry 841.11 legends 398.2 Rolando's fasciculus cord 611.8261 medulla 611.8182 groove cerebrum 611.81312 Roll call . legislativ procedure 328 . 375 Rollenhagen, G; Ger.poetry 831.46 Roller bearings mech. eng. 621.822 shelvs 022.46 Rollers engineering 620.11284 farm machinery 631.314 Rolling bridges engineering 624 . 85 friction mechanics 531-45 mills manuf'g plant 621.77 metal manuf. 671 stock electric, eng. 621.334 railway " 625 . 2 tillage 631.515 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior Rolls of honor military 355.1 schools 37^-53 pianola lib. economy 025.178 Romagnole swine 636.45 4 Romaic language 489 literature 889 Roman architecture 722.7 art 709-37 baths hygiene 613.46 catholic church 282 catholics biografy 922 2 dominion in Spain 946.01 empire 93 7- 06 Holy 943 history, ancient 937 modern 945-6 inquisition persecutions 272.2 law 349 37 literature 870 mythology 292 orders monastic orders 271 of architecture 729.32 republic history 937 . 02 sculpture 733 supremacy relig. history 2 70 . 4 Roman de la Rose Fr.poet. 84 1 . 1 8 du Renard " satire 847. 12 5 Romance, English 823 languages 479 religious 244 Romances, Los Sp. poetry 861.26 Romanesque architecture 723 . 4 revival architecture 724 . 8 Romanism 282 Romanos, R. M. de Span. lit. 863.52 Romans, epistle to Bible 227. i Romans d'a ventures Provencal poetry 849 . 123 Romantic orchestral music 785.3 - piano music 786.43 vocal " 784-3 Romany gipsies 397 Rome ancient history 937 church of 282 missions 266.2 theology 230 . 2 city, ancient hist. 937-6 modern " 945 . 6 travels 914.56 ROmer, Ole Dan. misc. 839 . 883 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 848 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Romish church 282 Rosetta stone Romney marsh sheep 636.3215 Egyptian inscriptions 493 .117 Rondo piano music 786.41 Greek " 481.7 Ronsard, Pierre de Fr.poet. 841.34 Rosetti, D. G. Eng. poetry 82 1 . 84 Rood screen fixt furniture 729.96 G. Ital. " 851.72 sacred " 247.2 Rosicrucians secret soc. 366.4 Roof Rosini, Giovanni Ital. fie. 853 . 71 gardens dom. economy 645.8 Rosminian fathers 271 . 79 nuclei anatomy 611.81713 'Ross co. O. history 977.182 of mouth " 611.315 Scotland hist. 941.16 Roofs Rota, Bernardino Ital. poet. 851.42 architectural design 729 . 35 Rotary construction architec. 721.5 blowers engineering 621.62 coverings bilding 695 converters elec.engin'g 621.31357 engineering 624 . 9 engins engin types 621.11296 Rooms stationary 621.166 library, in other bilding 022.37 pumps engineering 621.66 plans 022.342 spaders 631.3115 school 371.62 Rotation special lib. bildings 022.6 in offis U. S. history 973.56 Root of earth 525-35 crops field 633.4 he venly bodies 521.15 garden 635 . i sun 523-73 harvesting 631 . 5564 physics 531-34 cuttings 631.5356 Rotatores muscle anat. 611.73168 grafting 631.54141 Rote teaching education 371.31 maggots pests 632 . 77 Rotgans. L. Dutch poetry 839 .3141 suckers 631.5331 Rotheln public he 1th 614.524 washers 631.3626 Rotifera zoology 595 .1 Roots edible 635 . i Rotor - perfumes 633.815 steam turbin design 621.16534 Rope stresses steam turbins 621.16514 hemp mill gearing 621.853 Rotten making 677 boros representation 328 . 3345 suspension bridge 624 . 52 Rotterdam history 949 . 2 walking entertainment 791 travel 914.92 wire mill gearing 621.854 Roucher, J. A. Fr. poetry 841 . 55 strength of 620.11288 J Rouen, Fr, history 944.25 Roquefort cheese 637.3551 travel 914.425 Rosa, Salvatore Ital. satire 857 . 55 Rouen ducks 636 . 5974 Rosaceae botany 583.37 Roulette amusements 795 Resales " 583 . 3 ethics 1 7 5 . 5 'Roscommon, Ireland hist. 941.75 Roulettes anal. geom. 516.26 co. Mich. " 977.476 'Roumania history 949-8 Roscommon sheep 636.3219 "Roumanian language 459 . 9 Rose botany 583.37 swine 636.474 culture 716.2 Roumanille, J. Proven. poet. 849 . 144 perfume plants 633 .811 Round apple fruits 634 . 422 bullets small arms 623.4551 Rosemary perfume plants 633 .812 dances amusements 793 Rosenkranz, H. Dan. misc. 839.883 ethics 1 75 . 3 Rosenmuller's organ anat. 61 1 . 6676 houses R. R. architec. 725.33 Rosenstein cattle . 636 . 2452 shot ordnance 623.45111 Roses, wars of Eng. hist. 942.04 table Arthurian romance 398.2 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 849 Round vocal music 784 worms parasit. diseases 616 Roundheded borers pests 632 Roundheds Eng. history 942 Roundup stock farming 636 Rousseau, J! B. Fr. poetry 841 J- J. " fiction 843 " philos. 194 Roussillon swine 636 Route canal engineering 626 railroad " 625 ^ouville co. Que. history 971 Rovere, A. de Dut. poetry 839 Row markers 631 Rowboats boatbilding 623 Rowe, N. English drama 822 Rowing sport 797 Rowson, Susanna Am. fie. 813 'Roxburgh, Scotland hist. 941 Roxburghiaceae botany Royal houses heraldry lives biografy Rubaceous fruits Rubarb agriculture Rubber dom. econ. manufactures Rubble stone foundations 721. Rubefacients therapeutics 6 1 5 . Rubeola diseases 616. public helth 614. Rubiacese botany 583. Rubiales " 583 . Rubidium inorgan. chem. 546. Rubies cattle 636 . econom. geol. 553 . manufacture 666 . Rubrics Anglican ritual 264. Rucellai, G. I tal. poetry 851. Ruckert, F. Ger. poetry 831. Rudbeck, Olof Swed. misc. 839. Rudder shipbilding 623 . Rugosa zoology 593 Rugs domestic economy 645. library " manufactures oriental Ruins antiquities 913 Ruiz, Juan Span, satire 867.1 Rulers biografy 923 . i palaces of architec. 725.17 Rules committee legis. proc. 327.; 584 929 923 634 635 646. 678 022 677 745 . i 965 .76 062 08111 5i 56 4 447 i v ii 453 3121 33H 829 55 22 47 3 1 7 i 71 49 181 1332 773 916 524 52 5i 35 2261 8 8 032 33 74 7831 85 61 i 964 Rules for readers library econ. 024. staff 023 . 9 legislativ procedure 328.371 of order, parliamentary 328. i school 271 .51 Rum chemic technology 663 . 5 'Rumania history 949-8 travel 914-98 Rumanian swine 636.474 Rumansh language 459-9 literature 859 9 Ruminants zoology 599 . 7 greater agriculture 636 . 2 small " 636.3 Rumination physiology 612.3275 Rumpless fowls 636 . 5882 Runeberg, J. L. Swed. poet. 839 . 7 167 Runes 439-6 Anglo-Saxon 429.17 German 437.01 Gothic 439.917 Runic inscriptions 439 . 6 r 7 Runius, Johan Swed. poet. 839. 7136 Runners library econ. 023.78 plant culture 631 .5332 Running gear electric cars 621.33347 locomotivs 62 1 . 1 3 5 railroad engin'g 625 . 2 1 horse 636.122 hygiene 613.72 pigeons 636.59613 sewing 646 . 2 1 sports 796 Rupert German history 943.027 Rupture of genital tract 618.55 surgery 617.55 Rural architecture 728 cemeteries 719 economy agriculture 631.1 free delivery postal serv. 383 libraries 027.42 life agriculture 630 . i newspapers 070.236 roads engineering 625.711 schools 379-173 sports 796 water supply 628 . 7 Rush, Benjamin Am.essays 814.21 'Rush co. Ind. history 977.261 Rushes agriculture 633 . 585 botany 584 . 9 375 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 850 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Ruskin, John Eng. essays 824.86 Rye 'Russell co. Ont. history 971.385 cereals 633 . 14 Russia grass forage crops 633 . 263 administration 354-47 House plot Eng. hist. 942 . 066 botany 581 . 947 Ryeland sheep 636.3242 finance 336 . 47 Ryswick, peace of treaties 341 .24 geology 554.7 heraldry 929 . 6 1 history 947 1 in Asia history 957 . maps 912-47 peerage 929 77 schools 379 47 statistics 314 7 titles of honor 929 . 77 travel 914 . 7 treaties 341.247 other topics see table i Russian almond 634 . 552 1 America, Alaska history 979.8 architecture 723.2 baths architecture 725.73 hygiene 613.46 cattle 636.271 church sects 281.9 horse 636.1271 4 language 491-7, 5 literature 891.7. music 781 . 7 poultry 636.571 sheep 636.371 swine 636 . 475 Russo- Japanese war Jap. hist. 952 Rus. " 947 . 08 Turkish war 1736-92 947.06 1853-56 947-07 1877-78 947-08 Rust, anti-, processes bldg 691 . 7 fungi 589-225 joints plumbing 696.6 Rut zootechny 636.082451 ' Rutabaga field crops 633.426 garden " 635 . 126 Rutacea? botany 583 . 23 Rutebeuf French poetry 841.17 Ruth Bible 222.3 ; Ruthenian language 491-79 Ruthenium inorg. chem. 546 . 96 ' 'Rutland co. Eng. history 942 . 54 Vt. " 974.37 Rydberg, V. Swed. fiction 839 . 7367 A Rydelius, Anders " misc. 839.7834 J Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 851 Saanengoat 636.3939 Saavedra, Fajardo, D. de Span, miscellany 868.36 Sabbatarians Christ, sect 289.9 Sabbath 263 schools 268 Sabbatic year librarians 023.664 teachers 371 . 168 Sabeism philosofy 181.7 Sabellian heresies 2 73-3 Sabiaceae botany 583.291 Sabini ancient history 937.4 Sabotage 331-89 'Saccc. la. history 977.7424 Saccharomycetes botany 589.91 Saccharose nutrition 612.39614 Saccharum agriculture 633.61 Sacchetti, Franco Ital. fict. 853 .21 Saccule anatomy 611.8524 physiology 612.8582 Sachs, Hans Ger. poetry 831.44 Sacral artery, lateral anat 611.1374 middle " 611.1363 cord " 611.8215 Sacramentals pub. worship 264.9 'Sacramento city Cal. hist. 979 . 454 i co. " " 979-453 Sacraments 265 Anglic, ritual 264.035 Sacred art 246 biografy 9 22 drama miracle plays 792 religion 244 furniture 247 history 270 music 783 poetry 245 rhetoric 251 Sacrifice birth customs 392.2 christology 232.4 Sacrifices Bible 220.93 sacraments 265.3 Sacrilege 265.9 Sacrococcygeal joints 611 . 7217 Sacroiliac j oints ,' 611.7281 Sacrosciatic ligament 611.7281 Sacrum anatomy 611.7117 Sad irons laundry 648 . 42 Saddle bags farm transport 631.3732 breaking to zootechny 636.08861 goat 636.3936 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior Saddle grafting 631.54134 horses 636.13 Saddlery trade 685 Saddles agriculture 631.373 Sadi-Carnot French hist. 944.08 Saengerbund music festival 784 . 5 Safe deposit bldgs archit. 725.24 storage " 7 2 5-35 Safes manufactures 672 Safety devices elec. line 621.3198 station 621.3178 elevators 621.87785 ordnance 623.4243 steam locom. 621.139 turbins 621.16535 telefone station 621. 38794 terminal 621.38694 telegraf 621.38328 lamps min. engin'g 622.47 valvs locomot. boiler 621.1339 steam " 621.18473 piping 621.1854 'Sagadahoc co. Me. hist. 974.18 Sagas, Norse 839 . 6 Sage cheese 637.3542 garden crops 635 . 7 1 foundation 306 'Saginaw city, Mich, hist. 977.446 1 co. 977-446 Sago chemic technology 664 . 2 'Saguenay co. Que. history 971.417 'Sahara desert history 966 . i phys. geog. 551.58 Sailing directions 656 great circle navig. 527 . 5 vessels, early 623.821 modern 623 . 822 Sailmaking trade 689 Sailors biografy 926 . 56 suffrage 324 - 1 77 Sails ship outfit 623.86 Sainfoin 633.361 Saint Albans raid U. S. hist. 973 . 722 >. Vt. " 974-3 Amant, M. A. G. Fr.satire 847 .42 Bartholomew massacre 272.4 Bernard, hospice of protection of life 614.87 Catherines city, Ont. hist. 971-351 1 Charles co. Mo. history 977.839 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 852 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Saint 1 Clair co. 111. history 977 Mich. " 977 Mo. 977 Clair's exped. U. S. hist. 973 1 Croix co. Wis. history 977 Evremond Fr. essays 844 1 Franfois co. Mo. history 977 1 Helena history 997 1 Hyacinthe co. Que. hist. 971 1 John city, N. B. "971 1 co. 971 lake, Que. travel 917 of Jerusal. knights of 929 John's bread co. Que. history Joseph co. Ind. history 634 971 977 977 977 974 971 977 917 977 Mich. " 1 Mo. 1 Lawrence co. N.Y. " river, Que. " 1 Louis city, Mo. " travel co. Mo. history Marc Girardin Fr. essays 844 1 Mary co. Md. history 975. 1 Maurice co. Que. " 971 . Petersburg, Russia " 947. trav. 914. Pierre, J. H: B. de Fr.fic. 843 . Simonism socialism 335- 1 Thomas city, Ont. hist. 971 . Vitus' dance diseases 616. Sainte Beuve, C: A. Fr. lit. 844 . 1 Gene vie ve co. Mo. hist. 977. Saintonge sheep 636 . Saints apostolic lives of 225. days labor holidays 331 . doctrin 235 in art ecclesiology 246 painting 755 Latter day biografy 922 . doctrin 298 lives of 922 Salads cookery 641 . garden crops 635 . see also special names Salamanders batrachia 597- Salaries legislatures 328 . library servis 023 . of teachers 371 . pol. econ. 331 . 389 441 8466 42 54i 42 868 452 532 532 1414 711 462 438 289 419 8131 756 4 866 7866 865 75 241 445 4 74 61 2 335 851 74 869 3427 92 8I 7 83 5 9 333 8 16 2 Salary loans payments lib. fin. Sale catalogs of books stock of duplicates lib.econ. milk state prop, finance "Salem city, N. J. history 1 co. Salernitano, M. Ital. fict. 'Salerno, Italy history Salesmen's occupation hyg. Salic laws Ger. law Salicin nutrition SalicinecB botany Salicylates therapeutics Salicylic acid org. chem. disinfec. cont.dis. Salin substances in urin waters econ. geology 'Saline co. 111. history 1 Mo. Salins cathartics Saliva physiology therapeutics Salivary glands anatomy physiology ' nucleus anatomy secretion physiol. zool. Salivation physiology Salles d'asile Sallust Latin literature Salmon fishes fishing amusem't business Salomon and Morolf Ger.sat Saloon furnishings ships Saloons architecture billiard " temperance 'Salop, England history Salsify Salt baths hygiene prac. chem. feeding zootechny food zootechny foods hygiene lithology manufacture mining rock economic geology 332.313 025.115 017019 636.08188 025 .265 637-I35 336.12- 974.992 974.991 853-31 945-74 613-65 349-43 2 612.39^ 175 583.98, 6i5.75 547-76 614.486 612 .4616 553-72 977-3992 977.847 615.7322 612.313 615.741 611 .316 612.313 611.81768 59i.i43 612 .81977 372.944 878.2 597-5 799 639-2 837.22 623.86 178.4 942'. 45 635-I6 613-45 542,46 636.08431 636.0877 613.28 552.53 664.4 622 .36 553.63 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 853 Salting buttermaking Saltpeter mineralogy Salts absorption physiology chemic technology chemistry of food in muscle physiology mesology nutrition physiology of ammonia chem. tech. stomach absorption of theoretic chemistry Saluste du Bartas, G. de French poetry Salvadoraceae botany Salvage maritime law Salvation doctr. theology army ass'ns Great war Salviati, L. Ital. essays 'Salzburg, Austria hist. Samaniego, F. M. de 4 Samaritan language Samaritans sects Samarium inorg. chem. Samfire agriculture Samnite wars Roman hist. Samnium ancient 'Samoa, Polynesia " Samos ancient " 1 modern 637. 549- 612 . 661. 641 . 612 . 612 . 612 . 661. 612 541 Samphire Samsoe, O Samuel Samydaceae 841 583 347 234 267 940. 854. 943 861 492 296 546 635 937 937 996 939 949 635 J. Dan. drama 839 Old Testament 222 botany 583 San Antonio, battle 973 . 1 Benito co. Cal. hist. 979 . 1 Bernardino co. " " 979 . 1 Clementeil. " 979 1 Diego city " " 979 . 1 co. 979 Domingo, annex, treaty U. S. history 973 apricot 634 1 Francisco city Cal. " 979 . 1 co. " " 979 1 Joaquin co. " " 979 . 1 Jos6 city " " 979 . scale pests 632 Juan boundary U.S. " 973 . 1 Luis Obispo co. Cal. " 979 . 1 Potosi, Mex. " 972 . 1 Mateo co. Cal. " 979 . 1 Miguel il. " " 979. 2335 72 3821 4 i7 74416 014463 39261 5 32275 4 37 716 7 15 4772 45 63 44 5 692 74 3 7 I 14 94 74 8253 4 45i 6238 475 495 493 498 498 82 654 461 461 455 474 75 82 478 4 469 491 San Nicholas il. 979-492 1 Salvador " 972 . 84 Sancho 4 Span, miscel. 868 . 1 2 Sanctification doctr.theol. 234.8 Sanctis, F de Ital. essays 854.81 Sanctuary legal antiq. 340 . 3 Sanctus sacred music 783.22 Sand, George Fr. fiction 843 . 82 Sand baths prac. chemistry 542.45 blasts pneumatic mach. 621 .549 cherry 634 . 24 filtration water supply foundation architec. petrology lithology piles architecture 721^141 storms 551 .51 Sandals costume Sandalwood perfumes Sandbugs zoology Sandemanianism sects Sander, K. L. Dan. drama 839.^256 Sands econ. geology 553.62 Sandstone lithology old red 'Sandusky city, O. hist co. - 628.16 72 1 . 1 1 552.51 39^-4 6 33-8i4 595 36 289.9 553-53 552-5I 551-74 977 977 1221 1214 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior 'Sandwich ilands history 996 . 9 Sandwiches cookery 641.84 Sandys, George Am. poet. 8ii.n 'Sangamon co. 111. history 977.356 Sangreal legends 398 . 2 Sanguification physiology 612.119 Sanhedrim Judaism 296 'Sanilac, Mich, history 977-443 Sanitariums helth resorts 613.12 institutions 362 . i Sanitary affairs public helth 614 appliances hygiene 613.08 pub. helth 614.08 commission U. S. civ. war 973 . 7771 commissions local gov't 352.4 U. S. 361 districts 352.0425 engineering 628 faiis U. S. civil war 973-7772 inspection of schools 371.711 laws public helth 614.09 mesures dom. econ. 648 public helth 614.09 police administration 351.77 reports public helth 614.09 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 854 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Sanitary science engineering 628 surveys public helth 614.77 Sanitation industrial engineering 628 . 5 military 623.75 of house dom. econ. 648.5 towns engineering 628.4 principles of " 628 public 614 school bildings 371.626 veterinary, pub. helth 614.9 Sannazzaro, J. Ital. poetry 851 . 26 4 Sanskrit language 491 . 2 literature 891 . 2 Santa 1 Barbara co. Cal. hist. 979.491 il. 979-491 1 Catalina il. " " 979 . 493 1 Clara co. " " 979-473 1 Cruz co. " " 979.471 il.. " 979-491 1 Rosa il. " 979-491 Santalaceae botany 583.943 Santiago 1 Chile history 983 travel 918.3 Cuba, siege U. S. hist. 973.893 de Cuba, soc'ty of army of 369 . 182 'Santo Domingo history 972.93 Santorini's duct anatomy 611.375 muscle " 611.7326 'Sa6ne et Loire, Fr. hist. 944.43 Sap, circulation of botany 581 . n collectors 631.3568 gathering 631.5568 Saphenous nerv, internal anat. 611.83554 vein, long 611.14733 short " 611.14738 Sapindaceae botany 583.281 Sapindales 583 . 28 Sapodilla agriculture 634.431 family " 634 . 43 Saponin nutrition 612., Sapota 634.343 Sapotaceae botany 583.681 Sapotaceous fruits 634 . 43 Sappers mil. science 358.3 Sappho Greek poetry 884 . 2 Saprolegnieae botany 589 . 26 Saps military engineering 623.24 'Saracen empire history 953 Saracenic architecture 7 2 3-3 Saratoga battle Am. revol. 973 co. N. Y. history 974 Sarcoma diseases 616. Sarcophagi burial customs 393 Sardinia ancient history 937 modern " 945 Sardinian sheep 636 Sardou, Victorian Fr. dram. 842 Sarmatia Asiatica anc. hist. 939 939 843 585 944 611 721 971 Europa " " Sarpi, Paolo Ital. essays Sarraceniacese botany 'Sarthe, France history Sartorius muscle anat. Sash arch, construction Saskatchewan, Can. hist. Sassacus, ship U.S.civ.war 973 . Sassafras 633 . Sassanian architecture 722 , Sassanians ancient history 935 . Satan doctrinal theology 235 Satanism 235 witchcraft 133, Satellites action of astronomy 521. theoretic " 521, 5 Satire Eng. literature 827 Satires, religious 244 Satiric music, dramatic 782 . Satirists, English lives 928, Saturn astronomy 523. Satyre Me'nippe'e.La Fr. sat. 847 J Sauk co. Wis. history 977' 'Sault Ste Marie, Ont. hist. 971 . Saurians Sauropterygia reptils Sautering cookery Savages ethnology Savannah, Ga. campain U. S. civ. war capture Amer. revol. 1 history siege Amer. revol. travels Savings banks architecture political economy school education state control Savory agriculture Savoy declaration doct. theol. 1 France history house of Ital. history 3333 748 992 i 9 9 35 86 52 81 Si 121 17 73821 83 24 754 824 5 7 6 27 46 33 576 313 I 16 77 7 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 855 Saw mills 674 Sawflies pests 632 . 79 Saws machine tools engin'g 621.93 pruning 631.3426 'Sawyer co. Wis. history 977.516 Saxe, J:G. Am. satire 817.35 'Saxe-Altenburg, Ger. hist. 943 . 24 Gotha-Coburg " " 943.25 1 Meiningen " " 943.26 Weimar " " 943 . 23 Saxhorn wind instrument788 .42 Saxifrageae botany 583.38 Saxo Grammaticus Dan. lit 839 . 88 1 1 Saxon 4 Anglo- language 429 literature 829 goat 636.393 4 old language 439-2 literature 839.2 Romanesque architec. 723.42 sheep 636.36733 'Saxony history 943.21 house of, Ger.hist.943 .022 Prussian " " 943.18 Saxophone wind instrum. 788.43 Saybrook platform creeds 238.5 Scabs labor strikes 331-891 Scagliola masonry 693 . 64 Scala media anatomy 611.8521 Scalds surgery 617.11 Scale contract wages 331 . 22 insects pests 632 . 75 prevention, boiler 621 . 1944 Scalenus anatomy 611.7339 Scales comparativ anatomy 611.785 mesuring instruments 530 . 8 music 781.2 practical chemistry 542.32 track railway engin'g 625.18 wage political economy 331.22 watch and in strum. mak'g68i weights and mesures 389 Scallion 635.263 Scallop fishery 639 . 4 squash 635.621 Scalping war customs 399 Scalvies diseases 616.9685 public helth 614.55 Scaly affections of skin 616.51 Scandal ethics 1 77 - 2 Scandaroons pigeons 636 . 59627 Scandinavia heraldry 929.6 1 history 948 Scandinavian 4 language 5 literature philosofers peerage 929.78 439 5 839 5 198 lives 921.8 protestants 284 . 7 sheep 636.372 Scandium inorgan. chem. 546.69 Scansores birds $98.7 Scaphoid bone, carpal anatomy 611.71771 tarsal " 611.71876 cuboid joints " 611.72856 cuneiform joints " 611.72856 Scaphopoda zoology 594-2 Scapula anatomy 611.7171 Scapular artery, dorsal anat 61 1 . 1348 Scapuloclavicular joint 611.72721 Scarecrows agriculture 632 . 9 Scarf skin anatomy 611.771 Scarfs, hed toilet 646.55 Scarifier, hand 63 1 . 3 1 53 horse 631.3162 Scarlatina diseases 616.917 Scarlet fever pathology 616.917 pub. helth 614.522 strawberry 634 . 7 54 Scarron, Paul Fr. satire ' 847.43 Scavenging of towns 628 . 4 Scene painting painting 750 theater 792 Scent glands comparativ physiol. 612. 493 economic zoology 591.66 physiologic " 591.144 protectiv organs 59 1 . 5 7 Scepticism, etc. see Skepticism Schedules tarif finance 336.26 Scheele, K : V. Swed. misc. 839 . 7848 Schefer, L. Ger. poetry 831.81 Scheffel, J. V; von Ger. fie. 833 . 83 Schelling Ger. philosofy 193.4 'Schenectady, N. Y. hist. 974.744 Scherzo orchestral music 785.1 Schiller, J ; C. F; Ger. dram. 832 . 63 Schimmel, H.J. Dut. " 839.3253 Schism Avignon 2 70 . 5 Eastern & Western ch. 270.3 in the church eccles. pol. 262 . 8 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tab'es at the end of this index 856 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Schists lithologv 552.43 Schizomycetes botany 589.95 Schleiermacher Ger. phil. 193.6 Schlemm's canal anat. 611.8415 Schleswig horse 636 . 143 1 Schleswig-Holstein,Ger.hist.943 .51 Holstein swine 636 . 434 'Schoharie co. N. Y. hist. 974.745 Scholars citizenship 323 . 65 Scholar's life self-culture 374 Scholarships research 378.34 school tuition 371.22 Scholastic philosofers' lives 921 .9 philosofy 189.4 Schoning, G. Dan. misc. 839.8844 School architecture 727 bildings education 371.62 boardroom lib. bldgs 022.612 city student gov't 37 x -595 districts Eng. loc. gov. equipment funds state education furniture el em. educ. gardens grounds hygiene libraries 352.0426 37i 6 37i 63 372.36 371.61 37i 7 371-64 education library econ. 027.8 lunch rooms 642 . 58 meals school hygiene 371.716 premises 371 . 6 promenades school hyg.. 371 .737 savings banks 3 7 * - 6 7 3 texts Eng. language 428 Y. M. C. A. work 267 . 361 'Schoolcraft co. Mich. hist. 977 . 493 Schools agricultural 630.712 and libraries lib. econ. 021.3 architecture 727 education 370 hygiene 613.54 library propagandism 021.75 training 020 . 7 of painting 759 parochial education 377-5 - parish work 257 public 379 reform 364 architecture 725.64 riding " 725.88 Schools special curriculums 375.008 higher educ. 378.99 Sunday 268 2 see special subject Schopenhauer Ger. philos. 193 . 7 'Schuyler co. 111. history 977.347 Mo. " 977.826 N.Y. ' 974.781 Ft Amer. revol. 973-3334 'Schuylkill co. Pa. history 974.817 Schwann's sheath' histol. 611.018833 'Schwartzburg, Ger. hist. 943.27 Schwarzhals goat 633 . 3936 Schwarztal " 636 . 3936 Schwarzwald " 636 . 393 Sciatic artery anat. 611.13765 Sciatica diseases 616.87 Science and religion apologetics 239.8 nat. theol. 215 applied ooo Bible 220.85 biografy of 925 elementary education 372.3 mental 150 military 355 moral 170 natural 500 naval 359 of religion 201 political 320 sanitary 628 social sociology 300 study teaching 507 Sciences, classification of 501 natural 500 occult 133 Scientific bildings architecture explorations, general management business men, lives of surveys, general systems economics I travels Scientists, apologetics ag'st ^cilly Islands history t travel Scion grafting Sciopticon optics ^cioto co. O. history Scitamineae botany 727 508 658 925 508 330 508 239 942 9 I 4 63 1 . 535 977 584 . 3 15 3 .8 37 - 2 37 541 r -86 .187 . 2 1 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 857 .8415 .8415 .8415 7i 4 .167 325 1363 3127 3162 Scotland treaties universities zoology 'Scotland co. Mo. Scott Dred, case U. S. civ. war 973 34i 378 SQi history 977 decision slavery U.S.hist. Walter Eng. fiction poetry 'Scott co. 111. history 1 Ind. la. Mo. Scott-Brown shorthand Scottish, see Scotch Scott's campain Mex. war 326 973 823 821 977 977 977 977 653 973 Scotus, Duns mediev. phil. 189 Erigena " Scovil shorthand Scows boatbilding ^cranton, Pa. history Scrap book methods books general collec. for special see subject Scrape horse cultivators Scraper hand tools Scrapers, pruning Scraping pruning Screen doors arch, constr. Screening min. engin'g Screens architectural construe. domestic economy fixt furniture food Screw brakes cutting gears jacks joints gun mounts mech. engin'g plumbing physics pile foundations propellers engineering shipbilding strength of materials threds mech. engin'g Screws fastenings Scribe, A. E. Fr. drama Script writing 189. 653- 623. 974- 029 . 040 6 3 I. 631. 631. 631. 721, 622 , 721. 645 729. 648. 623. 621 . 621 621 696 531 721 621 623 620 621 621 842 652 241 4i 941 831 7U5 973 68 73 74 345 218 769 897 53 6236 4 4 37 829 837 Sclera anatomy 6 1 1 physiology 6 1 2 Sclerotic coat anatomy 6 1 1 eye diseases 617 Scollop fishery 639 Scolymus 635 Sconces domestic econ. 644 Scoops, water steam locom. 62 1 , Scooter cultivators 631 . " plows 631 . Scope and usefulness of lib. 021 Scoria volcanic rocks 552.21 Scorpions zoology 595-4 Scorzon era 63 5 . 1 66 Scotch 1 border history 941-4 travel 914.14 episcopal church 283.41 poetry 821 cattle, beef 636.223 dairy 636.225 churches, presbyterian 285 covenant creeds 238.5 deists apologetics 239.5 English dialects 42 7 . 9 episcopal church 283.41 gray fowls 636.527 4 language 491-63 music, vocal 784.4 philosofers biografy 921.2 philosofy 192 poetry 821 ponies 636.162 poultry 636 . 528 presbyterians biografy 922.541 Romanesque architecture 723.41 sheep 636.325 Scotland administration 354 . 41 anti quiti es 913.41 architecture 720 . 941 botany 581.941 colleges 378.41 constitutional law 342 . 41 education 370.941 finance 336.41 geology 554 - 1 1 history 941 laws 349 . 41 maps 912.41 religious history 274 . i schools, public 379.41 statistics 3*4 - 1 travel 914 i Topics in biack face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 3164 3153 3427 54215 83 74 .87 3 .96 7 .43562 .882 8333 .869 5 .87 152 . 12 87 .11287 .882 882 73 858 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Scriptural biografy Bible N. T. O. T. 22O 225 221 220, 220. 22O . 22O . 226. 22O . Scripture chronologies commentaries concordances dictionaries harmonies of gospels histories readings public worship 264 Scriptures, holy Bible 220 Scriveboard shipbilding 623 . Scrofula diseases 6 1 6 Scroll-sawing 749 Scrophularineae botany 583 Scrotum anatomy 611 diseases of 616 Scrutin d'arrondissement suffrage 324 . de liste Scuddry, G! de Fr. fiction M. de Scuffle harrow hoe Scuffler horse cultivators Sculptors biografy Sculpture prehistoric sacred ornamentation school decoration Scurvy diseases Scutage feudalism Scythe, see Sithe Scythia ancient history Scythian language Sea anemones zoology aqueous erosion baths hygiene cow cucumbers zoology fishery business food fishery grape agriculture grapes zoology kale laws lilies mats mosses power serpent beet ... zoology algae delusions 324. 843 843 631 631. 631. 9 2 7- 730 571- 247- 371- 616. 939- 494 593- 551- 599- 593 639 639 634- 594- 635 635 347- 593- 594- 589. 359 J 33- 92 92 .92 .94 . 7 . 2 -3 . I -95 .3 83 .996 -81 .638 .67 221 222 44 45 .3137 3152 3162 3 73 3 637 39 3 Si 6 35 5 96 2 664 9 33 42 7 9i 7 3 Sea shore resorts hygiene 613.12 urchins fishery 639 . 6 paleontology 563 . 95 zoology 593 . 95 walls engineering 627.4 weeds botany 589 . 3 fertilizers 631.873 Seal engraving 736 fishing 639.1 Seals college 378.27 heraldry 929.8 zoology 599-7 Seamanship 656 Seamen's lives 926.56 Search light elec. engineering 621.32582 military " 623.731 right of internat. law 341.3 Seashore resorts hygiene 613.12 Seasickness diseases 616.33 physiology 612. 8862 Seaside cottages architec. 728.7 resorts hygiene 613.12 Season grafting 631.5412 vacation lib. econ. - 023.661 Seasoning leaves 63 5 . 7 1 Seasons astronomy 525 . 5 hygiene 613.13 zoology 591.54 Seating capacity architec. 729 . 2 Seats aviation 629.182 ballooning 629.162 country architecture 728 . 8 Seaweeds botany 589 . 3 fertilizers 631.873 Sebaceous glands anatomy 611.773 disorders of 616.53 secretion animals 591.141 'Sebastopol, Russia hist. 947.7 goose poultry 636.5987 Sebright game fowls 636 . 588 1 3 Secession church of Scotland 285 . 6 law 342 U. S. history 973 . 7 Secessionists in North U. S. civil war 973.718 Second advent of Christ 232.6 adventists sects 286-6 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 859 Second ballot suffrage 324 . 248 empire Fr. history 944.07 language elem. educ. 372.65 nerv anatomy 611.8312 physiology 612.8192 sight 133.3 war with Eng. U.S.hist. 973 . 52 Gt. Brit., soc. of 369. 144 Secondary batte rie s ele ctricity 537.84 cells elec. engineering 621.354 period geology 55 1.76 schools for girls 3 76 . 63 gymnastics in 371-7323 library equipm't 371 . 646 manual train'g in 371.423 public 379-17 Secret ballot suffrage 324 . 245 servis Amer. revol. 973 . 385 Great war 940 . 485 U. S. civ. war 973.785 war of 1812 973. 528 societies 366 bildin gs arch . 728.4 college 37!- 8 5 writing cryptografy 652 Secretaries legislativ bodies 328 . 3623 Secretion animals 591 . 14 intestinal action of nervs on 612.3381 pathologic changes 612.336 physiology 612.333 lactic physiology 612.6643 of liver " 612.35 physiology 612.4 Secretory organs animals comp. anat. 591.44 descriptiv anat. 591 . 74 Sectarian schools, public aid to 379 . 121 teaching in schools 377 . i Sects, Christian 280 Secular changes of season 525 . 53 education 377 Se"daine, M. Ji Fr. drama 842.57 'Sedalia, Mo. history 977.8481 Sedentary life hygiene 613.65 Sedges fibers 633.585 Sedimentary rocks lithol. 552 . 5 Sedition law 343 act U. S. history 973 . See eccles. polity 262. Seed catalogs 631 . selection 631. sowers 63 1 . Seedage 631 . Seeders 631. Seeding machinery 631 . plow 631 . Seedling plant culture 63 1 . Seeds % edible 635 . Segment shell ordnance 623 . Segmentation embryology 61 1 . Segregation geol. agents 551, vs coeducation 376 Segura de Astorga, J.L. 861 , Seigniories, abol'n Can. hist. 971 . 'Seine et Marne, Fr. hist. 944 . Oise, " " 944. Infe'rieure, " " 944 . Seismology 551. Selachii fishes 597. Selagines botany 583. Selecting lib. books, meth.of 025 animals zootech. 636 Selection natural evolution 575 physiology 612 of books, etc. lib. econ. 025 candidates suffrage 324 , farm 63 1 offisers civil servis 351 library trustees 023 , manuscripts publish. 655 plants 631 sexual evolution 575 zootechny 636 Selections Eng. philology 428, Selectiv system telefone 62 1 Selenids mineralogy 549 Selenium inorganic chem. 546 Self binders 631 culture 374 defense, art of athletics 796 education 374 government pol. sci. 321 school 371 Selfishness ethics 179 'Selkirk, Scotland history 941 44 3 5212 5211 331 531 3311 33 3127 5471 Q'33 1 98 7 14 4 37 36 25 2 3 876 215 0811 4 609 21 23 II I 31 5* 521 5 .081 7 3 23 3541 59 8 46 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 86o DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Sense mental faculties 152 631.18 physiology 612.8218 324-271 Sensibility 861.16 and movement physiol. 612.8114 419.1 chromatic " 612.8433 621.38572 cutaneous physiol. 612.794 611.8526 mental faculties 157 728.34 physiologic psychology 612.82133 recurrent physiology 612 .812 522.93 to pain " 612.884 sound " 612.85876 ' 611 . 71772 Sensitiv plant botany 583.32 611 .8915 physiol. bot. 581.5 611.8393 Sensory 61 i . 12656 and motor nervs, distinc. 612.811 611.73829 apparatus anatomy 611.8 r 6n .636 de lu sions physiology 612.82189 022.653 ganglions " 612.8113 terminations histology 611.018869 727.2 'Sentences, special Eng. 425.4 373 Sentimental music 784.3 207 Separate system of sewerage 628.212 t Separates lib. economy 025.232 371-37 Separation 611 .6311 of cream 637.2331 .612 .617 powers English gov. 354.4202 r French " 354.4402 973-541 German " 354.4302 973-571 U.S. " 353-02 629.156 Separators 321.025 cream . dairy 637.2321 611 .73161 steam engineering 621.1974 621 . 159 Sepia paint 751 611.73828 Sepoy war, Indian history 954 492 Septic diseases 616.94 892 Septicemia diseases 616.944 844. 64 obstetrics 618.74 872.6 Septuagint Bible 221.48 878.5 Septum lucidum anatomy 611.81324 1 88. 6 Sepulche rs ce me te r ie s 718 974.769 Sepulture customs 393- 1 ' 977.124 public helth 614.61 970-3 Sequence cathedral servis 783". 23 966.3 Serafi Catalan poetry 849.9135 962 .9 Serao, Matilde Ital. net. 853 . 88 636.486 Serapis, ship Amer. revol. 973.355 x Serbia history 949 . 7 576.4 4 Serbian language 491 . 82 591.18 swine 636.472 581.18 Serfs 152 emancipation Russ. hist. 947.08 612.8218 origin of " 947.04 o 70 . 1 6 slavery 326.3 M5 social classes 323 . 34 Selling products farm econ. votes suffrage Sem Tob, Rabbi Span, li Sematology philology Semiautomatic telefones Semicircular canals anat Semidetacht city houses Semidiameter of celestial bodies Semilunar bones, carpal anaton ganglion, cranial ganglions, symp. " valvs Semimembranosus muscle Seminal vesicles anaton Seminar room lib. bildings 022 Seminaries architecture education theologic religion 2 for special topic see subject Seminary method of instruc.37i Seminiferous ducts anat. physic Seminole wars, U. S. history 1818 1835-42 Semirigid dirigibles Semisoveren states pol. sci. Semispinalis muscle Semistationary engins Semitendinosus muscle Semitic languages literatures Senancour, E. P. de Fr. lit, Seneca, L. A. Latin drama misc. stoic phil. 'Seneca co. N. Y. history 1 O. indians 'Senegambia history 'Sennaar, Egypt " swine agriculture Sensation beginnings of biology in animals zoology plants botany mental faculties physiologic psychology Sensational journalism Sensationalism Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this indei RELATIV INDEX 86 857-57 Servis amount of teachers 371 . 16 328 . 3624 apparatus elec. light. 621.328 923.442 books Anglican ritual 264.03 02 5- I 73 clerical lib. economy 023 . 76 t emergency dom. econ. 647.29 '591.142 library 023 638.2 mechanic lib. economy 023 . 77 military science 355 5 5i 2 -4 suffrage 324.171 517.21 periods, military 3 5 5 . 1 1 621.31365 professional bilding 692 . 8 621 .38522 table dom. economy 642 . 6 5U.2 Servitude, military 355-22 621.313232 slavery 326 Sesamoid bones, foot 6 1 1 . 7 1 899 940-495 hand 611.71799 252 Session laws, American 345 . i 264.6 English 346. i 973-795 Sessions 973-395 legislativ bodies 329 . 35 ! 973-5 2 95 special legis. salaries 328 . 333 Sestini, B. Ital. poetry 85 1 . 68 612.3145 Se tons the rape utics 615.812 615-37 Sets tubers 631.5322 Settees dom. econ. 645 . 42 Setting table " " 642 6 612.387 type printing 655.25 615.66 Settlements, social 33 1 . 85 611 .01874 Seven 591-57 champions 398.2 2QI daybooks lib. econ. 024.62 days battles U. S. hist. 973.7327 553 55 Pines, Va. battle 973 .7327 631 .534 2 sages 398 . 2 55 2 -47 en R T 'y sleepers 398 . 2 59 IJ weeks war German hist. 943 .081 611 . 7312 wonders of the world 609 6 i.i . 7355 611 .7312 years war Canadian hist. 971.018 German " 943 . 056 612.1251 U.S. 973-26 Seventh 647.2 day adventists biog- 922 . 6 173.8 sects 286.7 347-6 baptists " 286.3 728.02 Sabbath 263.2 / 7 645 -69 nerv anatomy 61 1 . 83 1 7 189.5 physiology 612.8197 949-7 'Seville history 946.8 491 .82 travels 914.68 Sewage, disposal of 628 . 3 642 .6 Sewer gas air pollution 614.765 643-45 sanitary engin'g 628 . 23 Sergardi, Ludovico Ital. sat. 857 Sergeants -at-arms legislativ bodies 328 law lives Serials library admin. special, see subject Sericeous secretion zoology 591 Sericulture Series algebrA calculus motors elec. engin'g system < telefone trigonometry wound generators Sermons Great war 1914-19 homiletics public worship U. S. history civil war Serotherapy for venoms physiol. therapeutics Serous membranes absorption by admin, of medicin by histology Serpent charming worship Serpentine economic geology layering lithology Serpents zoology Serrati posteriores anat. Serratus anterior posticus " Serum staining substances Servants domestic economy ethics law quarters architecture dom. economy 645 Serve tus medieval phil. 'Servia history 4 Servian language Serving at table dom. economy 642 . room Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 862 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Sewerage city administration 352 . 6 engineering 628 . 2 systems 628.21 Sewers and outlets air pollut. 614 . 765 disinfection pub. helth 614.48 Sewing domestic economy 646 . 2 element'y manual train'g 372 . 54 machine 687 Sex customs 392 in education 376 nature 577-8 influence of therapeutics 615.55 mortality pub. helth 614.141 origin of evolution 575-9 production of embryol. 591.36 Sexes mental characterist. 136.1 proportion physiol. 6 1 2 . 60 6 zootechny 636.0823 Sextant astronomic instrument 522.41 finding time by horology 529.74 Sexual ethics 176 excitement zootechny 636.082451 organs anatomy 611.6 zoology 59 1 . 46 science 612.6 selection evolution 575-5 union zootechny 636 . 082453 variation animals 591.156 Shaddock 634.323 Shade and light arch. design 729.14 Shades and shadows descr.geom.5 15.7 window furnishings 645.3 Shading shorthand 653.01 Shadows perspectiv 5 x 5-63 Shaft sinking mining 622.25 Shafting mill work 621.82 Shaftsbury, earl of Eng. lit. 824 . 5 1 Shagbark 634 . 522 Shakers biografy 922.88 sects 289 . 8 Shaking grates engin'g 62 1 . 18354 Shakspere Eng. drama 822.33 Shale lithology 552.52 Shallot 635 . 263 Shallu 633.176 'Shanghai history 951.1 travels 915.11 Shanghai fowls 636. 1 Shannon co. Mo. history 977. ship U. S. war 1812 973 Shapers machine tools 621 Shapes strength of mater. 620 . Share system of rent agric. 631 . working " 631. Shares remuneration 331- stocks 332 Sharks fishes 597- fossils 567. Sharpsburg, Md. battle 973 . 'Shasta co. Cal. hist. 979 . Shaving customs 3 9* - 585 887 . 5253 .912 1 128 1 14 1153 235 . 6 3 3 7336 424 5 1 Sha wano co . Wis . history 977.536 Shawl goat 636.39854 Shawls clothing 646.45 Shay's rebellion Mass. hist. 974.4 U.S. - 973-3i8 Shearing strength of materials 620 .11245 tools mech. engineering 621.96 Shears machine tools 621.932 pruning 631.3421 weeding 631.3155 Sheaths of tendons anat. 611.75 diseases 616.76 Sheaves mill gearing 621.856 'Sheawasse co. Mich, hist. 977.425 'Sheboygan co. Wis. " 977.566 Sheds aeronautics 629.144 Sheep diseases of 619.3 domestic animals 636.3 hunting 799 zoology 599.7 Sheepsmilk cheese 637 . 355 1 'Sheffield history 942 . 74 'Shefford co. Que. history 971.463 Shel banks prehist. archeol. 571.93 boiler steam engin'g 621.18452 fish fishery 639.4 zoology 594 locomotiv boiler 62 1 . 1333 Shelbark hickory 634 . 523 'Shelburne co. N. S. history 971 .625 'Shelby co. 111. history 977-3798 Ind. " 977- 2 59 1 la. " 977-748 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 863 'Shelby co. Mo. " 977.832 - " 977-I4S Shelf dep't library econ. 025.8 Shellers 631.3614 Shelley, P. B. Eng. poetry 821.77 Shelling corn 631 .5614 Shels armor piercing ordnance 623 .4518 elongated 623.4513 paleontology 564 prehistoric archeology 571.13 pro jectils 623 . 45 zoology 594 Shelter domestic economy 643 of animals zootechny 636.0831 laboring classes pol. econ. 331 .83 plants 631.344 Shelton, F:W: Am. satire 817.33 Shelving library bldgs 022.4 Shelvs, library fixt lib.bldgs 022.444 for large bks.erect " " 022.445 flat " " 022 .46 material " " 022.45 public access " econ. 024.57 round sides of room 022 .42 Shemitic languages 492 Shenandoah ship U. S. civ. war 973 . 757 valley campain civ. war 973-7377 Shenstone, W: Eng.poetry 821.58 Sheol eschatology 236.4 Shepherds zootechny 636.0835 'Shepherdstown.W.Va. hist.975 .499 Sherbet cookery 641.86 ^herbrooke city, Que. hist. 971.466 1 co. " " 971.466 Sheridan, R : B. Eng.drama 822 . 66 oratory. 82 5 .64 Sheridan's ride U. S. civ. war 9 73 .7377 Sheriffs law 347.96 local governm't 352.2 Sherman silver act U.S. hist. 973 .86 Sherman's march to the sea 973.7378 'Shetland ilands history travels ii in pony sheep Shields heraldry wepons Shifts of work pol. econ. 941. 914. 636.1621 636.3258 929 .6 399 33I-8II Shillaber, B. P. Am.humor 817.34 Shiloh, Tenn. battle 973 Shingle roofs bilding 695 Shingles skin diseases 616 Shintoism 299 Ship bilding 623 canals engineering 626, sociology 3 86 equipment shipbilding 623 fever diseases 616 heating 623 life hygiene 613 lighting 623 outfit 623 propulsion mech. eng. 621, railways 625 ventilation shipbilding 623 641 cookery 656 621 , 387 347. 623. Shipboard Shipment farm expenses Shipping business useful arts dep't manuf'g plant history of sociology laws Ships armoring confederate U.S.civ.war 973 disinfection in con tag. dis. 614 naval architecture 623 transportation 656 Shipwrecks adventures 910 life saving methods 656 Shipwreckt, rescue of protection of life 614 Shire, draft horse 636 . 'Shoals, Isles of history 974 travels 917 Shock repeated engineering 620 result of injury 61 7 Shocker, corn 631 . Shoeing zootechny 636 . Shoemaking manufact'g 685 Shoes costume 391 domestic econ. 646 elec. traction 621 Shone system sewerage wks 628 Shooting galleries architecture 725 gunnery 623 sport 799 Shop girls labor of women 331 .7326 i 5' 5 8 9 86 922 85 68 85 .86 12 9 85 574 631.177 7966 9 757 48 .8 -4 .868 1523 .2 -42 .1125 . 21 3551 .0834 4 .46 3347 .214 .89 54 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 864 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Shops engineering works 621 . machine architecture 725. railway " 725. Shoregrape 634 . Shoring foundations architecture 721 . bridges 624 . Short ballot suffrage 324 . cuttings 631 . eard swine, German 636 . Hungarian 636 . horn cattle 636. wool sheep 636. Shorthand 653 typewriters 652 Shortsightedness eye dis. 617. physiology 612. Shot, case ordnance 623. solid " 623. Shoulder anatomy 6 1 1 . blade " 6 1 1 . joints " 611. muscles " 611. Shovel crop cleaning 631 . digging tools 631 . plow 631 . power engin'g 62 1 . steamengin'g 621. Shower baths hygiene 613, Shows entertainments 791 public customs 394 traveling feeding 641 Shrapnel, early 623 modern 623 Shrimps fishery 639 . zoology 595 Shriners, Mystic masons 366, 'Shropshire, Eng. history 942. down sheep 636 Shrub adulterations 614. Shrubbery landsc. gard'ng 715 Shrubs botany 582 layering horticulture 63 1 . Shuddering physiology 612. Shuntwound generators 62 1 . Shunting engins 62 1 . Shutters archit. const. 721. Sialagogs therapeutics 615. 'Siam history 959. Lower " 959. 7 43 33 664 12 152 216 5355 431 432 2221 323 75 8451 45122 45111 971 7171 7272 737i 3621 3111 3162 865 i54 44 2 577 45"3 45*4 5 31 i 45 3236 346 5346 7464 313233 13263 87 741 3 5 Siamese architecture 722.4 language 494 swine agriculture 636 . 485 twins deformities 617.35 nat. hist, of man 573.9 'Siberia history 957 Siberian fetherfooted fowls 636 . 572 Sibyllin books magic 133 .3 Sibyls divination J 33-3 Sicilian Norman architec. 723.45 Sicily ancient history 93 7 . 8 modern Sick food for hedake 945-8 hygiene 613.23 diseases 616.857 hospitals for 362 . i architec. 7 2 5-5i leave lib. economy 023.67 military life 355 . 1 1 ministry of sacraments 265 . 8 parish care of 258 room dom. economy 649 . 8 Sickle 631.3511 Sickness insurance pol. econ. 331.25 pensions 331.25 Side arms, military 623 . 444 Sidehil plow 63 1 . 3 1 24 Sidereal clock and chronometer 522 51 day chronology 529.1 month astronomy 523.33 chronology 529.2 Sidewalks local government 352 . 7 moving mech. engin'g 621.8675 pavements road " 625.88 Sidings railway engin'g 625.16 Sidney, P. English poetry 821.32 Siege artillery mil. engin'g 623.415 guns gunnery 623.552 mounts ordnance 623.432 operations mil. eng. 623 . 2 state of pol. sci. 323 . 92 warfare mil. science 355 . 44 'Sierra co. Cal. history 979 . 436 1 Leone " 966.4 Sieves crop cleaning 63 1 . 362 1 prac. chem. 542.22 Sifters crop cleaning 631.3623 Sifting 631.5623 Sighing physiology 612.219 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables zt the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 865 Sight anatomy asylums for the blind diseases of mental faculties optics physiology sensory functions Sighting apparatus g attachments gunnery Sigismund C Sigmoid artery flexure mesocolon Sign boards ad language t ] painting Signal devices servis m U Signaling communication military Signals electric in navigation military mil. railway engineering telegrafic Signatures prin Signs of deth pi pregnancy Sikh religion Sileneae botany Silesia, Austria Prussia Silesian merinos Silhouet Silicates mir Silicon inorgc Silius Italicus Silk culture domestic economy dyeing chem. to manufacture mills architect worm agricult zoology Silkies poultry Silo machinery Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index Silos 6x1 .84 farm bildings 63 1 . 23 blind 362.4 fodder storage 63 1 . 563 617.7 Silt lithology 552.52 152.1 Silurian age geology 551-73 535-7 Silver 612.84 act, Bland U. S. hist. 973.83 is 612.82554 act, Sherman U. S. hist. 973.86 Voorhees " 973.87 mounts 623.4354 inorganic chemistry 546.57 juns 623.423 metallurgy 669 . 2 623-55 mining 622.34 . history 943 .027 money 332-41 anatomy 61 1 . 13652 ores economic geol. 553.42 611.349 plating manufacture 671 i - 611.383 question pol. econ. 332.42 rtising 659.1 Silverfish pests 632.71 uc. of def 371 .912 Silversmiths work fine arts 739 jroglyfics 419.1 Silverware 698.1 domestic economy 642 . 7 ec. eng. 621.3175 fine arts 739 eorology 551.5 manufactures 671 ?. civ.war 973 . 7417 Simarubeae botany 583 . 24 1 ^imcoe co. Ont. history 971.317 654-9 Similarity plane geom. 513.17 623.73 Simmental cattle 636.2372 Simmering cookery 641.73 537-88 Simms, W. G. Am. fiction 813.35 coustics 534.83 Simonides ng. 623 73 of Ceos Greek lyrics 884 . 4 ng 625.16 Samos " satire 887.2 654.9 Simony canon law 348 tin g 655.27 eccles. polity 262.9 lysiol. 612.0131 Simple 618.22 state pol. sci. 321.01 299. i i stationary engins 621.1646 r 583-153 system suffrage 324 . 224 history 943 73 truss bridge engin'g 624 . 32 943.I4 Simplex telegraf engin'g 621.38231 sheep 636.36734 Sin doctrin 233.2 74i Sinai ancient history 939.48 dogy 549 6 1 modern " 953 . i chem. 546.28 Sinaitic inscriptions 492 . i t.poetry 873.4 ^inaloa, Mexico history 972.3 'Sind, India " 954-7 638.2 'Sindi language 491 .41 ly 646.14 'Singapore history 959-5 echnol. 667 . 2 travels 915.95 677 Singers, lives of 92 7 . 8 ture 725.41 'Singhalese language 49* 4$ ;ure 638.2 Singing 595.78 physiology 612.784 636.5883 public worship 264.2 631-363 vocal music 784 866 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Single acting engins stat'n'ry structure 621 altitude, finding time by course curriculum curvd lines descr. geom. fbfl surface " expansion engins fluid cells engineering member constituency phase electric mach. standard coinage tax vote suffrage Sinking fund finance Sintuism Sinus surgery pocularis anat. 'Sioux City, la. history co. la. Siphonophora zoology Siphons prac. chem. Sirenia mammals Sirocco meteorology Sirup adulterations Sisal fibers 'Siskiyou co. Cal. hist. Sisterhoods parochial work 2 5 5 relig. orders Sisters of Charity '?># Mercy Site dwellings dom. econ. library bfidings school bildings Sithe bush cradle harvesting tools harvesting tools Sittingroom furnishings 'Sivas, Asia Turkish hist. Sivs crop cleaning practical chemistry Sixth nerv anatomy eye nucleus physiology Size notation for books of college sewers Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index Sizes 621 . 1645 of books lib. econ. 025.8 621 . II22I publishing 655-53 529-73 standard literary meth. 029 . i 375.0012 type printing 655-24 SIS-" SjOberg, Erik Swed. satire 839.7762 SIS-M Skating 796 621 . II26l >> rinks architecture 725-86 621.3533 Skeeing sports 796 324.221 Skeleton 621.313321 human 611.71 33 2 -42 leaves fancy work 746 336.22 of animals comp. anat. 591-49 324-223 descrip. " 591-79 336-33 Skeletons, preparation of 579-i 299-5 Skelton, J: English poetry 821 . 22 617.23 Skepticism 6ti .6231 heresies 273-8 977.7411 natural theology 211 977-7I3 philosofic systems 149-7 593-72 philosofy 186.1 542 .66 Skeptics biografy 922 .91 599-5 Sketches 55i-5i hospital Great war 940.476 614.311 U.S. civ." 973-776 633-577I Sketching drawing 741- 979-421 Skew arches architecture 721.42 255 bevel gears engin'g 621.8332 271.9 Skiing sports 796 271.91 Skild labor pol. econ. 33 J .7 271.92 Skill, games of amusm'ts 794 ethics 175-4 643 i Skim colter plow 631-3127 022 . i milk dairy 637.U7 371.61 Skimmers dairy 637.23211 Skin 631.3117 absorption 612.384 63I-35I3 admin, of medicin by 615.67 631-3512 anatomy 611 .77 645-65 diagnosis pathology 616.073 956.5 diseases " 616.5 631.3621 dressing taxidermy 579-4 542 22 fertilizers agriculture 631.843 function physiology 612.79 611 .8316 grafting 617.47 612.8466 loss of heat 611.8175 by evaporation 612 .524 612 .8196 radiation 612 . 521 025.3 plow 631.3125 378-15 Skirmishing mil. science 355-42 628.22 Skull anatomy 611.91 bones 611 .714 craniology 573-7 'Skye, Scotland history 941.17 RELATIV INDEX 867 Skylights architec. construction 72 1 . 55 design 729-35 library bildings 022 . 722 Slags fertilizers agriculture 631.853 metallurgy 669 . 8 Slander ethics I 77-3 Slang college 378.014 English language 427 modern Eng. Ian. 427.09 2 5925 75 54 44 bilding 695- 636. 373- 553- 552- 695 Slate roofing turkey Slater fund education Slates bilding stones lithology Slating bilding Slaughter , house refuse fertilizers 631 houses air pollution 614. indust. sanit. 628. mt, Va. U. S. civil war 973 , Slaughtering industry 664 . method of animal hyg. 614. Slave holding slavery 326 labor polit. econ. 331 , law, fugitiv slavery 326 trade " 326 Slavery 326 abolition of, U. S. history 973. causes of U. S. civil war 973 constitut. amendment 342 U. S. hist. 973 emancipat'n proclamat'n 973 Slaves biografy 326 fugitiv U. S. civil war 973. Slavic languages 49 i literatures 891 philosofers 197 biografy 921 ^lavonia history 943 4 Slavonic church language 491 Sleds farm transport 631 . Sleep and rest hygiene 613 of plants botany 581 843 549 7328 o 97 58 973 i 7*4 .7111 73 .81 714 .92 physiology walking Sleeping balconies 612 .8 .8 7 93 .81 3723 79 54 .8217 furnishings location 645 643 Sleeping sickness 616.9681 Sleight of hand 791 Slide rule math, instrum. 510.8 Slides gun mounts 623.4352 lantern education 371-335 mounting of microscopy 578.6 Sliding friction mechanics 531.44 scale wages 331-22 shelvs lib. storage 022.46 'Sligo, Ireland history 941.72 Slime treatment ore dres. 622.76 Sloan shorthand 653.38 SlOjd education 371.422 Sloth ethics 1 79 . 8 Sloths mammalia 599-3 Blotters, machine tools 621.912 4 Slovakian language 491 . 87 Slovenian " 491.84 4 old 491.81 Slow cookers 643 . 338 Sloyd education 371.422 Slugs zoology 594 . 3 Sluice gate wheels 621.224 Sluices Small arms engineering Topics in black face type are subdivided. 57 Superior care of manufacture mil. efficiency farm fruits agriculture intestin anatomy numbers entertaining pox diseases inoculation public helth swine, black white vs large college Smearcase Smell anatomy physiology senses sensory functions Smelting metallurgy Smith, H. Danish misc. 621 .29 623.4814 683 623 44 631.1161 634.7 611.341 642 .42 616.912 614.471 614.521 636 421 636.422 378.15 637.356 611.86 612.86 152.3 612.82556 669.8 839.8825 S. English essays 824.72 Smith college educ. 376-8 ^mithfield, W. Va. hist. 975 .418 Smithsonian exchanges lib. econ. 021.852 institution 506 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 868 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Smoke air pollution 614.71 box locomotivs 621.1334 flues heating 697.8 nuisance sanitation 628 . 53 stack locomotivs 621.1334 stacks steam eng'ng 621.1838 Smoking ethics *7&-7 food preservation 641.4 hygiene 613.84 jackets 646.47 Smollett, T. G : Eng. fie. 823 . 63 Smooth muscles physiol. 612.73 Smoothing harrow 63 1 . 3 1 3 1 Smuggling criminal law 343 tarif 336 . 26 Smut agriculture 632.4227 fungi. 589.227 1 Smyrna, Asia history 956.2 travels 915.62 Snails culture 639 . 4 zoology 594.3 Snakes 598.12 Snap bean 635 652 Snares zootechny 636 . 08 1 1 1 1 Sneezing physiology 612.219 therapeutics 615.726 Snoring physiology 612.219 Snow meteorology 55* -57 removal 628.46 sheds railroad engin'g 625 . 13 Snowshoeing sports 796 J Snyder co. Pa. history 974.849 travels 917.4849 Soap laundry dom. econ. 648 . 1 8 making air pollution 614.744 chemic technol. 668. i Soapstones econom. geol. 553.55 Soaring aeronautics 629.142 Sobriquets bibliografy 014 Sociability animals 59 I -S5 Social centers 374.28 clubs 367 customs and manners 394 bad hygiene 613.87 democracy socialism 335-5 distinctions ethics 1 7 7 . 5 rank 929 . 7 drinking temperance 178.3 ethics 177 evil 176.5 Social obligations ethics science surveys sociology travel theories pol. sci. worship Socialism 177.8 300 3<>9 i 914.19 320.153 264.7 335 Socialistic communities U. 8.335 -973 Societies 300 American hereditary 369 . i patriotic 369 . i Bible 206 debating 374.24 dress reform 646 . 06 for home study 374-43 parish work 256 general 060 learned, bildings for 72 7 . 9 library 020 . 6 rooms for lib. bldgs 022.614 secret 366 bildings arch . 728.4 college 371-85 student aid 378.362 2 special see subject Society ethics 177 for ethical culture 170 6 houses student life 371.86 1 ilands history 996 . 2 libraries lib. econ. 027 . 2 of American wars 369 . 1 18 army & navy of the Gulf 369.156 Christian endevor 267.613 Jesus monastic ord. 271.5 nations internat. law 341.1 ad war with Gt Brit. 369 . 144 the army of Santiago 369. 182 the Cincinnati 369 . 13 1 songs music 784.6 Socitiians heresies 2 73-4 Unitarians 288 Sociology 300 biografy of 923 Socrates Gk philosof y 1 83 . 2 Socratic philosof y *&3-3 Sod plow 631 .3125 Soda chemic technology 661.3 water adultera. 614.348 chem. tech. 663 . 6 Sodalities parish work 256 Sodium inorganic chem. 546.33 salts physiology 612.39261 1 opics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 869 Soeurs de bon Secours sisterhoods 271.94 'Sofala, Africa history 968.1 Soft cheese, ripend 637.353 unripend 637.352 commissure anat. 611.8144 drinks recipes 641.87 Sogdiana ancient hist. 939.61 Soil conditions affecting helth 614 . 77 disinfection, in con tag. dis. 614 . 48 foundations architecture 721 . 1 1 bridge 624.151 Soils agriculture 631.4 chemic analysis 543 . 7 Soja bean field crops 633.34 garden " 635.655 Solanacens botany 583 . 79 'Solano co. Cal. hist. 979 . 452 Solar day chronology 5 2 9-i engins engineering 621.47 observation astron. instr. 522.56 parallax, transit of Venus 523.92 physics 523 . 7 plexus anatomy 611.83931 spectrum astronomy 523.77 system descrip. astron. 523 . 2 year chronology 529.2 Solariums dom. econ. 643.57 Soldiers cemeteries, national 719 food for hygiene 613.21 homes architecture 725.59 institutions 362 . 8 lives biograf y 923 . 5 military science 355 orphan schools 362.7 suffrage limitations 324 .171 voting by pol. sci. 324.162 Sole fishes 597-5 Soleus muscle anatomy 611.73854 Sol-fa method music 784.9 Solid beams bridge engin'g 624 . 22 fuels steam engin'g 621.18222 state chemistry 541.31 Solidification heat 536.43 prac. chem. 542.65 Solids geometry 513 3 properties of physics 539 .2 skin penetration by 612.7911 Solitary confinement punishm'ts 343 glands anatomy study self education vice ethics Solitude Solognote sheep 1 Solomon ilands history Solomon, Song of Bible Solos vocal music 611 374 176 177 636 993 223 784 Solubility theoretic chem. 541 Solution chemic 542 of plane triangles trigo. 514 spheric " "514 trigonometric equations 514 Solutions quantitativ anal. 545 skin absorption 612 Solvents prac. chem: 542 1 Somali, Africa history 967 Somatology anthropology 573 Somatopleure embryology 6 1 1 Somerset co. Eng. history 942 travels Me. history 1 Md. N.J. - 1 Pa. Somerset horn sheep 'Somme, France history 914 974 975 974 974 636 944 Sommelier ram Somnambuli sm Somnambulists' lives Sonata organ music piano " Song festivals music of Solomon Bible hyd. engins 62 1 135 920 786 786 784 223 the three children Bible 229. Songbooks folklore 398. Songs 784 8 and ballads Eng. lit. 82 1 . music 784. for female voices 784. male 784. kindergarten methods 372. with music 784 5 Sonnets Eng. literature 821 'Sonoma co. Cal. hist. 979 . 'Sonora, Mexico 972. Sons of the Amer. revolution 369. revolution 369. veterans, U. S. army, soc. 369 . 2 3445 . i 4 8 3442 5 9 Si 34 61 5 7 4 6 7913 61 7 01364 38 238 12 223 944 879 3241 20 2 74 9 81 04 3 88 87 215 418 i 133 '34 165 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 870 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Sophist philosofy Sophocles Greek drama Sophoreae forage crops 4 Sorbian language Sorcery Sore throat diseases Sores surgery Sorghum cereals manufacture sugar plants Sorterup, JOrgen Dan.poet Soteriology doct. theol. hygiene Soto, H. de discov. of Am. 1 Soudan, Africa history 1 Egypt Soul future life doct. theol. nat. " in animals metaphysics origin metaphysics theories physiology ^ulanges co. Que. hist. Soumet, A. French drama Sound mesology physics sensibility to physiol. Sounders, telegraf eng. Sounding machines ship outfit Soundings marine survey, physical geog. Soundness of animals zootechny Sound-producing organs comparativ physiology zoology Sounds muscular physiol. of hart respiratory systems of fonology Soup cookery physiol. of nutrition Sources of animal heat physiology Sourmilk cheese " cowsmilk Soursop South 1 Africa history travel Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 183.1 South 882.2 America description 918 633.371 eccles. history 278 491 . 88 geology 558 T 33-4 history 980 616.31 statistics 318 617.24 American languages 498 633.I74 American travels 918 664. i 1 Atlantic states history 975 633-62 1 Australia, " 994 . 2 .839.8141 1 Bend, Ind. " 977.289 234 travels 917.7289 613 Carolina, U. S. 973.16 1 history 975-7 966.2 secession U. S. hist. 973.713 962 .6 For military history, see sub- divisions of Special campains and Military history under 973.3, 237 973-52, 973.7 and 973.89 218 1 Central states Am. hist. 976 59 1 -5 1 travels 917.6 128 Dakota U. S. 129 admission U. S. hist. 973.86 612 .0134 1 history 978.3 971.4265 military hist. Span, war 973 . 89483 842.71 U. S. civ. war 973 . 7483 travels 917.83 612.01445 Devon cattle 636.2261 S34 sheep 636.3218 612.85876 Dum 636.3218 621.3833 G erman swine 63 6 . 43 1 Hams cattle 636.2262 623 . 86 Mt, Md. battle 973-7336 526.09 1 Russia history 947-7 55 1'. 46 travels 914.77 1 Sea ilands history 996 636.08115 travels 919.6 scheme stocks 332.6 612.786 1 U.S. history 975 591-77 For military history of the south or its individual states, see sub- 612 . 7418 divisions of Special campains and Military history under 973.3, 612.1715 973-52, 973.7 and 973-89 612 .2161 Southam holts 636.3217 414 Southdown sheep 636.3231 641 . 73 Southern 612 .39282 army life U. S. civ. war 973 . 784 Atlantic ocean 551.464 612.51 dewberry 634.7172 637.357 home life U. S. civ. war 973 . 784 637.356 1 Maryland history 975.24 634.411 prisons 973-7/1 < states, U. S. Amer. revol. 973 . 345 968 history 975 916.8 Southerne, T: Eng. dram. 822.52 RELATIV INDEX 871 Southey, R. " poet. 821.73 Souvestre, E. Fr. fiction 843.75 'Southwest U. S. history 978 travels 917.8 Soveren state political science 321.01 Soverens biografy 923 . i Soverenty pol. science 320.157 Sowers, special 631.3318 Sowing broadcast 631.5311 machinery 631.33 Soy bean forage crops 633 . 34 garden " 635.655 Space astronomy 523.14 metaphysics 114 sense physiology 612.881 Spaders machines 63 1 . 3 1 r 5 Spades digging tools 63 1 . 3 1 1 1 trail ordnance 623.43565 Spadiciflorae botany 584 . 6 Spading tillage 631.511 harrow 631.3137 Spain administration 354 . 46 anti quities 9 1 3 . 46 Arabs in history 946.02 architecture 720 . 946 botany 581 . 946 finance 336.46 geology 554-6 1 history 946 maps 912.46 peerage 929 . 76 schools 379-46 statistics 314-6 travel 914 .6 treaties 341.246 treaty with U. S. hist. 973.43 war " " 973 .89 other topics see table i Spanish 1 America history 972 travels 917-2 American war, naval and military order of 369 . 183 architecture, Romanesque 723 .46 armada Eng. history 942.055 Span. " 946.04 art 709.46 Austrian ascendency Ital. history 945 -7 discovery of America 973 . j 6 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior Spanish inquisition persecutions 272 . 2 3 language 460 lime fruit culture 634.652 literature 860 Maltese goat 636 . 396 misrule in Cuba U.S.hist-973 . 8y i philosofers biografy 921.6 philosofy 196 plum 634.443 potato 635 . 22 poultry 636.56 rule Mexican history 972.02 salsify 635.167 sheep 636.36 succession, war of U. S. history 973.25 ' . swine 636.46 war U. S. history 973 89 veterans, soc. of 369.181 Spar economic geology 553-66 Spars shipbilding 623 . 85 Spark arresters locomotivs 621.1334 induction electricity 537-52 telegraf y 621.38421 Sparring amusements 796 Sparrows agriculture 632 . 688 zoology 598.8 Sparta ancient history 938.9 Spartan supremacy Gk hist.g 38.06 Spas, Hidings for architec. 725 . 75 hygiene 613.12 Speakers legis. bodies 328 . 362 1 oratory 808 . 5 Speaking tubes communi. 654.8 lib. econ. 022.947 Spearmint 635.72 Special bills legislation 328 . 376 committees legislation 328 . 3627 days school methods 37 x -365 legislation pol: sci. 328 . 243 material lib. acquis. 025.29 admin. 025.17 nationalities, schools for 371 .98 procedure legislation 328 . 379 ranks education of 371.96 schools gymnastics in 371.7325 man. train'g in 371.424 sessions legislativ bodies 328 . 358 types education of 371-97 Specialization of libraries 025.212 figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 872 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Specie Speed circular U. S. history 973.56 ship design 623.81 payment banking 33 2 -4 shorthand 653 . 03 U. S. history 973.83 Spegel, Haquin Swed. poet. 839. 7133 Species Spelin universal lang. 408 . 9 of animals zootechny 636.08211 Spelling origin of 575 . 8 3 books Eng. lang. 428.1 Specific 3 phonetic " " 421.4 customs taxation 336.26 8 reform " " 421.4 gravity chemistry 54 2 -33 Spencer, Herbert " philos. 192.8 liquids phys. 532.4 'Spencer co. Ind. history 977.231 physics 53 I -54 Spenser, E. Eng. poetry 821.31 soil 631.431 Sperm cells development 591.171 Specifications for bildings 692 .3 embryology 611.01311 Specifics therapeutics 615 physiology 612.616 Specimen books printing 655.24 Spermatic Specimens artery anatomy 611.1368 arrangement in museums 579 . 7 cord " 611.639 mounting of 579-5 diseases of 616.68 preservation in museums 579 . 8 nervs anatomy 611:8393 Spectacles secretions phys. zool. 591.146 disorders of vision 617.75 vein anatomy 61 1 . 1466 optics 535-86 Spermatogenesis embryol. 611.01312 Specters I 33- 1 Spermatorrhea diseases 616.69 Spectroscope optics 535.84 Speroni, Sperone It. dram. 852.41' Spectroscopy Speusippus Greek philos. 184.2 astronomy 522.67 Sphagna botany 588.1 of blood physiology 612.11115 Sphenoid bone anatomy 611.7152 urin " 612.461175 Sphenopalatin Spectrum arteries anatomy 611.133281 analysis chemistry 544-6 ganglion " 611.89154 optics 535-84 SpTieres qualitativ anal. 544 . 6 of influence pol. sci. 321.027 of comets astronomy 523.67 perspectiv math. 5 1 5 . 65 meteors " 5 2 3-57 strength engin'g 620.11284 moon " 5 2 3-37 Spheric stars " 5 2 3-87 astronomy 522 . 7 sun 523-77 coordinates astronomy 522.71 Speculation banks 332.6 excess triangulation 526.41 ethics I 74-5 geometry 513.41 Speech projections descr. geom. 515.5 freedom of pol. sci. 323 . 443 shells ordnance 623.45113 _ impediments of * 612.78 trigonometry 514-6 organs of acoustics 534-7 trigonometry human anat. 611.2 computing triangulat'n 526 . 44 philology 400 Spheroconics anal. geom. 516.58 phonology 414 mod. " 5 J 3-5 8 physiology 612.78 Spheroidal trigonometry visible compar. philol. 414 computing triangulation 526.45 5 Speeches English oratory 825 Sphincter muscle of eyelid 611.7325 Speed Sphinx Egyptian mythol. 299.31 horse 636.12 Sphygmograf diagnosis 616.071 logs shipbilding 623 . 86 physiology 612.161 of trains railwy engin'g 625 . 26 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 87? Sphygmomanometry " 612, 1 Spice Hands history 991 , travel 919. Spices adulterations 614. agriculture 633 . chemic technol. 664. Spiders zoology 595. Spiegelschaf 636 . Spielhagen, F; Ger. fiction 833. Spies American revolution 973 . Great war 1914-19 940. international law U. S. civil war railway engin'g surgery 34i. 973. 625. 617. 635. Spikes Spina bifida Spinach Spinal accessory nerv anatomy 6 1 1 . larynx 612. physiol. 612. canal anatomy 611. colum " 6 ii. cord action on blood vessels 612. anatomy 611. functional diseases of 616. physiology 612. structural dis. of 616 curvature diseases 616. membranes anatomy 611. nervs " 611. ganglions of " 6 1 1 . poisons therapeutics 615. veins anatomy 611. Spinalis dorsi " 611. Spindles stone age 571. Spine, curvature of dis. 616. Spinning manufactures 677 Spino- costal muscles anat. 6 1 1 . dorsal " " 611. humeral " " 611. Spinoza German philos. 193. pantheism 147 Spiral ganglion anatomy 6 1 1 . gears mech. engin'g 621. Spirals anal, geometry 516. Spires architectural construction 721 . architectural design 729. Spirit doctrinal theol. 233 . leveling, geodesy 526. Spiritism ^33- 1611 3 13 3M 83 5 4 3331 84 385 485 3 785 15 3 2 41 83192 7821 81992 828 711 1813 82 84 83 83 73 829 832 892 97 1457 7315 26 73 73" 7313 73" 9 89181 8333 26 57 35 5 36 Spiritual body doctrinal theol. 233.5 heredity 233.3 mental charac. 136.3 metaphysics 129.2 Spiritualism metaphysics 1 1 1 modern '33-9 sects 289.9 Spirituous liquors chemic technology 663 temperance 178 ! Spitzenberg history 998 travels 919.8 Spitzka's tract anatomy 611.8255 Splanchnopleure embryol. 611. 01365 Spleen anatomy 611.41 diseases of 616.41 physiology 612.41 Splenic artery anatomy 611.13642 fever diseases 616.956 nervs anatomy 611.8393 vein 611.1494 Splenius muscle " 611.7314 Splenotomy physiology 612.412 . surgery 617.44 Splice grafting 63 1 . 54 1 32 Splints fibers 633 . 588 surgery 617.92 Splugen pass Alps 914.94 Spoils system civ. servis 351.6 Spongeosum histology 611.01843 Sponges fossils 563 . 4 zoology 593-4 Spontaneity metaphysics 127 Spontaneous combustion chemistry 541.36 generation biology 5 7 6.1 physiology 6 1 2 . 60 1 Sporadic cholera diseases 616.933 Spores horticulture 63 1 . 53 1 7 Sports, outdoor 796 parlor 793 Spots on the sun 523 . 74 Spotted fever diseases 616.925 race cattle . 636.2374 Spottsylvania C. H. Va. U. S. civil war 973 . 7367 Sprague, C: Am. poetry 811.28 Sprains surgery 617.17 Spraying agriculture 632.94 Spreders, hay 63 1 . 353 1 mixt 631.334 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 874 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Spring tides 'Springfield, III. 1 Mo. Springfield, N. J. 525 history 977 977 Am.rev. 973 63 356 ,8781 .3365 I49 1 21 23 7 49 11285 IT 7i 7i 46 3133 5332 3H3 O. history 977. Springs bearing railway engin'g 625. hot physic, geology 551, mineral economic geol. 553 . physical geograf y 551. strength of materials 620 . waterworks 628. Springtails pests 632 . zoology 595 . Sprinkling of streets sanitation of towns 628 . Springtooth harrow 631 . Spud farm tools 631 . Spudding bit 631 . Spur gears mech. engin'g 621. Spurwingd goose 636 . 59889 Squabs poultry 636.596 Squadron Atlantic U. S. civ. war 973 . 756 Span. 973.895 Gulf civ. war 973.756 military science 355-31 naval " 359 Squadrons, confederate U. S. civil war 973 . 757 Squalides fishes 597-3 Squares least geodesy 526.5 probabilities 519-8 magic arithmetic 511.61 tables of 510.8 Squaring the circle geom. 513.21 Squash bug pests 632 . 75 Squashes 635 . 62 Squatter soverenty constitutional history 342 . 73 slavery 326.973 U. S. history 973 . 64 Squids zoology 594-5 Squinting eye diseases 6 17.. 7 6 Squirrels pets 636 . 9 zoology 599.3 Staatenbund pol. sci. 321.022 Stability aviation 629.186 ship design 623.81 Stable manure air pollut. 614.761 fertilizers 63 1 . 86 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior Stables air pollution 6 1 4 . 76 1 architecture, private 728.94 public 725-38 care of zootechny 636 . 0832 farm bildings agric. 631.22 feeding in zootechny 636 . 0842 1 shelter " 636 . 083 1 Stackers, hay 631.3534 Stackhousieae botany 583.274 Stacks elec. lighted lib. bldg 022.77 library economy 022.43 Stadia surveying 526.91 Stadiums architecture 725.82 Stael Holstein.A.L.G. Fr.fic.843 . 62 Staf heds library economy 023.72 library economy 023 . 5 military science 355-33 music 781.2 Stafford, England history 942 .46 Stage ' coach transportation 656 ethics 175-2 theater 792 Stagnelius, E. J. Swed.poet.839 7 l6 4 Staind glass decoration 748 design architecture 729 . 8 library decoration 022.348 sacred ornaments 247.4 school decoration 371.636 Staining chemic technology 667.6 reactions of urin 612.461174 substances, physiol. chem. 612 .0154 Stair furnishing dom. econ. 645.61 Stairbilding bilding 694.8 stereotomy 5 1 5 . 83 Stairs architectur. design729 . 39 moving mech. eng. 621.8676 Stakes plant support 631.3452 training 631.5461 Stalactites and stalagmites 551.92 Stalk cutter 631 .3166 Stalls shelter zootechny 636.0831 Stammering 616.87 Stamp accession lib. economy 025.244 act English history 942.073 U.S. 973.3111 collecting 383 figures refer to the tables at Ue end of this indei RELATIV INDEX 875 Stamp embossing lib. economy 025.252 laws finance 336.27 perforating lib. economyo25 .252 Stamped lether bilding 698 . 8 Stamping books, etc. lib. econ. 025.252 designs fancywork 746 machines, hydraulic 621.266 Stamps butter dairy 637.2328 electric machinery 621.318 postage postoffis 383 practical printing 655.35 Stampt lether bilding 698.8 Standard library lib. economy 022.54 sizes literary methods 029.1 solutions volumet. anal. 545.6 time 529.75 Standards library lighting fixtures 022.764 of admission schools 371.21 excellence zootechny 636.08114 living laboring classes 3 3 1 . 83 Standing army 355 . 35 committees legis. bod. 328 . 3627 Standpipes waterworks 628.12 Stanhope, P. D. Eng.letters 826.52 'Stanislaus co. Cal. hist. 979 . 457 'Stanstead co. Que. " 971.467 Stanwix, Fort Am. re vol. 973-3334 Stapedius muscle 611.857 Stapes anatomy of ear 611.857 Star apple 634.433 family fruits 634 . 43 catalogs astron. observ. 524.8' descrip. astron. 523.89 chamber Eng. history 942.05 clusters 523.85 connections elec. eng. 621.3191333 drift 523 .83 fish fossils 563 92 zoology 593 . 92 shells mil. engin'g 623.45446 Starch adulterations 614.312 chemistry of food 641 . 13 composition physiology 612.396111 gastric digestion " 612.3221 laundry supplies 648.18 manufacture 664 . 2 Starch plants 633 . 68 protectiv external agents 615.776 tryptic digestion 612.3421 vegetable drugs 615.331 Starching laundry process 648 . 2 5 Starchy foods physiology 612.3927? 'Stark co. 111. history 977.351 O. " 977.162 'Starke co. Ind. " 977.292 Starkenburg goat 636.393 Stars descriptiv astronomy 523 . 8 Starting apparatus aviation 629.187 Starvation dietetic diseases 616.39 hygiene 613.24 State aid to libraries 02 1 . 83 1 and church, see Church individual pol. sci. 323 . 4 social groups " 323 . 3 wages political econ. 331 . 26 as moral agent pol. sci. 320. 154 banks 332.12 capitols architecture 725.11 control of cities adminis. 3 5 2 . 002 council French govti 354.4405 council Ger. gov't 354.4308 dep't U.S. 353.1 dets finance 336 . 3 education 379 ethics 172 governments 353 . 9 labor wages 33 1 . 262 laboratories adulterat. 614.3 law reports U.S. 345.42 laws, uniform 328.22 libraries 027 . 5 medicin 614 ministries of architec. 725.12 monopolies 336 . 19 ownership of land 333 . i political science 320 prisons archi tecture 725.61 properties finance 336 . 1 representation legis. bod. 328 . 3341 rights U . S. const, law 342 . 73 socialism 335-6 supervision of libraries 021.81 schools 379-15 trials criminal law 343-1 universities 378 state educat. 379 . 16 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this indei 876 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Statecraft 320.2 *Staten Island, N. Y. hist. 974.726 States general Fr. legislature 328.449 German government 354 . 4307 1 of the Church, Italy hist. 945 . 6 States' rights causes of U. S. civil war 973 . 7 1 1 7 constitutional law 342 . 73 Statesmanship polit. sci. 320.2 Statesmen biografy 923 . 2 Static electricity physics 537 2 cellphysiol. 612 .01442 12 531 2 541-39 Statics chemic Stationary boilers engineering 621.18424 engins 621.16 induction apparatus eng. 621.314 Stationery library correspondence 025.151 printing 025.121 paper manufacture 676 Stations central elec. engineering 621 .312 fire alarm architecture 725.19 police " 725.18 railway passenger " 725.31 Statistical methods 311 theory of wages 33 1 . 2 1 1 Statistics 310 labor 331 library administration 025.123 see also special subjects Statius, P. P. Lat. poetry 873.5 Statuary dom. economy 645 . 5 sculpture 730 Stature influence on respiration 612.2291 Status professional, of teachers 371.15 public 371.104 social 371.105 Statute law American 345 British 346 Stays locomotiv boiler 621.1332 plant support 631 .3452 Steam baths prac. chemistry 542.46 boiler inspection eng. 621.1947 prot. of life 614.837 Steam boilers engineering 621 collectors engineering 621 cooking appliances 643 distribution 621 locomotivs 621 dredges portable engins 62 1 drills " "621 engin agriculture 631 mech. eng. 621 physics 536 engineering 621 engins, management of 621 fitting 696 generation engin'g 621 heated apparatus, cookery 641 kitchen 643 heating jets bilding boiler plants mech. engin'g mine ventilation ' navigation sociology useful arts physics pipes engineering plow agriculture traction engins power electric plants plants pumps engineering mine drainage reapers traction engins 621 ships naval architecture 623 shovels portable engins 621 threshers " " 621 transmission engin'g 621 transportation, useful arts 656 697 621 621 622 387 656 536 696 621 631 621 621 621 621 622 turbins 621. 621 . 623. 614 . 641 . 612 . 547- 621 . engineering marine vessels shipbilding Steamboat inspection Steaming cookery Steapsin tryptic digest. Stearin organ, chem. Stearns duplex telegraf Steatoses, hepatic physiol. 612. Stedman, E. C. Am. poet. 811. Steel bilding material , 691. bildings, library 022. bridges, archt 624. engraving 762 manufactures 672 .18 .18479 337 .185 -I342 154 154 .3715 . I .81 . i 195 3 .18 587 337 5 19 .69 43 44 3 185 3123 , 146 312132 19 64 54 146 8 i54 156 185 165 123 823 864 75 3423 7 382322 3541 43 7 21 67 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 877 Steel metallurgy piers and colums ships strength of materials structures architec. works " engineering Steele, R : Eng. essays Steeplechaser arch. 721 . 623. 620 . 721. 725- 621. 824. 636. architecture 729 Steeples Steering apparatus aviation ballooning z 35 84 17 93 43 7 53 122 35 629.185 629 . 165 committee legis. proced. 328.375 85 gear shipbilding 623 . seamanship 656 Stege, H. T. Dan. drama 839. Stellar astronomy 523 . Stelleridea zoology 593 . Stem cuttings 631. grafting 631 . suckers 631 . Stencil decoration 747 Stencils prac. printing 655. Stenografers lib. corresp. 025. staff 023 . Stenografy 653 Stensen, Niels Dan. misc. 839 . Stenson's duct anatomy 611. Step grates steam eng. 621. Stephen English history 942 . 'Stephenson co. 111. " 977- Stepladders lib. economy 022. Sterculiacese botany 583. Stereochemistry 54 1 - organic 547- Stereografic projections Stereometer Stereometry Stereopticon 8234 8 93 5354 54H3 5331 35 152 761 165 5" 535 descr. geom. 515 spec.grav. 531 gaging optics education 371. Stereoscopes 535. Stereotomy descr. geom. 515. Stereotyping printing 655. Sterility diseases 616. gynecology 618. Sterilization, food preserv. 641. infant feeding 613 . Sterilization, soil 631 . 'Sterling, Scotland history 941 . Topics in black face type are subdivided. 024 333 941 18 6 53 54 8 86 335 86 8 22 6 9 17 4 22 4 6 36 Sterne, L. Eng. fiction 823. Sternoclavicular joints 61 1 . Sternocleidomastoid muscle 6n. 6a 7271 6ix. 611. 611. 612 . 616. 977- 974- 977- Sternohyoid muscle Sternothyroid muscle Sternum anatomy Stethometry physiology Stethoscope diagnosis 'Steuben co. Ind. history N. Y. 'Steubenville, O. Stevens, Ft, D.C. U.S. hist. 97 * . S>**'".-* vj^'^. btewara aom. economy 647. Stewart, Dugald Eng.phil. 192 . Stewing cookery 641 . Sthen, H. K. Dan. drama 839. Stiftschulen diocesan sch. 377. Stigmata devotional 248 Stijl, Simon Dutch misc. 839. Stil births pregnancy vital statistics life painting Stilling's canal anat. nuclei Stils chemic technol. prac. chem. Stillwater Amer. revol. Stilton cheese Stilts concrete arch, foundat. Stimulants action of hygiene and narcotics medicin ethics of using manufacture of circulatory system physiology Stimulation electrophysiology nervous chemic phenomena electric " 7332 7334 618. 614, 754 611. 611. 668. 542, 973 637 074 783 1691 7369 21 6 74 8232 4 384 39 8447 8223 7 48 3333 3542 721.166 613 6i5 178 663 615 612 8 78 711 393 612.01442 612 612 nervous histologic fenomena 612. physiologic psychology 612 . thermic phenomena 612. of hart physiology 612. muscle " 612. reaction to psychometry 612. Stipa fibers 633 Stipple engraving 765 Stirpiculture hygiene 613. Stirrup bone anatomy 6 1 1 . Stjernhjelm, G. Swed. poet. 839 . 814 813 8iS 8211 814 1727 74162 8211 583 94 857 Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this indet DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION taking tickers yards "Stockholm Stockings Stock exchanges priv. farm types catalogs farms formation of zoot grafting jobbing live agriculture raising zootechny selection " library econ. elec. engin'g architecture history travels costume toilet Stocks polit. eco Stockton, Cal. hist. Stockwerks econ. geol. Stoddard,. R : H : Am. l Stoddard co. Mo. hi Stoic philosofy Stoichiometry chem Stoke, Melis Dutch Stokers, mech. stea Stolons Stolze shorthand Stomach administration of m anatomy diseases of physiology Stone age, early late and iron structures artificial bilding materials chem. tech. piers and colums strength engin'g walls architec. bilding materials bildings, library boats farm transport carving sculpture ceilings arch, construe, colums " construction masonry 1 co. Mo. history cutters' occupation Stone nance 332 .6 cutting masonry 693 . 1 2 63I-I45 sculpture 73 r 636.08187 stereotomy 515.81 636.0813 diseases 616.62 iny 636.082 floors arch, construe. 721.62 631-5411 foundations architecture 721 . 1332 332.6 fruits 634 . 2 636 gatherer 631.3117 636.08 houses , city arch . 728.31 636.0811 detacht " 728.37 m. 025.8 semi " " 728.34 'g 621.38251 village " 728.62 re 725.27 natural bilding material 691 . 2 948.7 strength 620.132 914.87 pavements engineering 625 . 8 39 1 4 piers arch, construe. 721.32 646.42 quarries prehist. archeol. 571.21 omy 332.6 remains, neolithic 571 . 24 * 979-456 paleolithic 571.14 ol- 553-17 roads engineering 625 . 86 oetry 811 .41 rollers 631.3141 story 977.895 walls arch, construe. 721.22 1 88 ware manufactures 666 . 6 stry 541-9 work, bonds of masonry 693.11 oet. 839.3114 Stonehenge Eng. antiqui. 913.42 eng. 621 . 1836 Stones 631.5332 bilding econ. geol. 553-5 653-34 ornamental " " 553-8 d. by 615.61 River, Tenn. U.S. hist. 973.7337 Stonington, Ct. 6" 33 U. S. war of 1812 973.5236 612 . 32 Stony Point Am. revol. 973.3354 Stool layering 631 . 5343 57I-I Stoping mining engin'g 622.27 571-2 Stoppage of wages 331 . i irch. 721 .96 Stoppers prac. chem. 542.25 Stopping teeth dentistry 617.67 691.3 Storage 666.8 batteries elec. eng. 621.354 721-33 bildings architecture 725 . 3 620. 132 cheese business 637.3352 721.23 cold " 7 2 5-35 691 . 2 crops 631.55 O22 . 21 of electricity engin'g 621.35 ort 631.3733 science 537.84 736 explosivs, prot. of life 6 1 4 . 83 1 rue. 721.72 milk 637.1327 721.32 noxious materials ry 693 . i air pollution 614.75 977.8794 rooms lib. econ. 022.4 hyg. 613.63 safe deposit architec. 725.35 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 879 Store and apartment bildings 725 orders wages 331 ships shipbilding 623 Storehouse, library as 021 Storehouses mfg plant 621 R. R. archi. 725 Storeroom dom. econ. 643 Stores care and cleaning 647 cooperativ pol. econ. 334 department 658 retail architecture 725. wholesale " 725. 5 Stories English fiction 823 kindergarten 372. of animals 591 . Storm, Edvard Dan. poet. 839 , 'Stormont co. Ont. history 971 . Storms electric 538. meteorology 5 5 1 . wind meteorology 551. Story, Isaac Am. satire 817. J Story co. la. history 977- Story of Susanna Bible 229 . Stoves heating bilding 697. kitchen equipment 643 . , manufactures 672 Stowe, Mrs H. B. Amer. fiction 813. Strabismus eye diseases 617. physiol. 612. 'Strafford co. N. H. hist. 974.: Straight lines descr. geom. 515. Straightening tools 621.1 Strain, effects of diseases 6i6.< Strains bridge engin'g 624 . zootechny 636 . 'Strasburg history 943 . . travels 9^4-; Strategy 355.- Stratification geology 551.' Stratified ore deposits geol. 553. Stratigrafic geology 551 . ' Strato Greek philosofy 185., Straw fibers dom. economy 646. foods zootechny 636 . Strawberry fruit culture 634. tomato kitchen garden 635 . tree fruit culture 634. .22 235 826 , I 796 33 37 9621 5 21 21 214 5 8154 375 Streams pollution factory waste 628.541 sewage 628.39 'Streator.Ill. history 977-327 Street car stations architec. 725.317 cleaning 628.46 railways engineering 625.6 management 656 sociology 388 sprinkling 628.46 Streets engineering 625 . 7 laying out of, hygiene 614. 781 local administration 352.7 trees in san. engin'g 628.48 Strength of guns mil. engin'g 623.51 materials engineering 620 . 1 1 molec. phys. 539-4 Strengthend beams carpen. 694 . 3 Stresses bridge engineering 624 . 1 7 strength of materials 620 . 1 1 246 Stria corneae anatomy 611.81325 terminalis " 611.81325 Striae acusticae " 611.81778 Striate body " 611.8132 Strieker, der Ger. satire 837.21 Stricture of rectum dis. 616.35 Strike geology 55 I -8s Strikes political economy 331.89 String bean 635 . 652 Stringd instruments 787 Strinnholm, A. M. 839 . 7862 Striped muscles physiol. 612.74 Strippers, corn 631.3554 Strontium inorg. chem. 546.42 3 Strophe Eng. prosody 426 . 7 Strowger telefone system 62 1 .38576 Structural botany 581 diseases of brain and cord 616.83 geology SSi-8 Structure formulae chemistry 541.6 molecular physics 539 . i of the universe astron. 523.11 Structures composit architec. 721.94 iron " 721.9 Strychnia spinal poisons 615.97 Strychnin nervous excit. 615.785 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 88o DECIMAL CLASSFICATION Stuarts English history 942 . 06 Irish history 941 . 56 Stub, Ambrosius Dan. lit. 839.8145 Stubble cutter 63 1 . 3552 plow 631.3126 Stucco external masonry 693.61 village houses architec. 728.64 Stud books 636.0822 Student life and customs 371.8 self government 3 7 1 . 59 Students biografy college expenses 9 2 3 378.. 7 368 in U. S. civ. war 973 .715 36 32 164 378 O2I . income relations to library voting by pol. sci. Studies order of curriculum 375.0011 Studios, art architecture 727.7 Study- Bible 220 clubs, relation to library 021.41 self education 374.21 furniture home 645 . 64 offis 651 methods 371 .3 rooms library economy 022 .52 school architec. 727.1 equip. 371.621 self culture 374 of special topics see subj. Stuffing fibers 633 . 59 Stump extractor 631.3117 jumper 631.3127 taild sheep, African 636.386 Asiatic 636 . 385 Sturgeons fishes 597-4 Stuttering 616.87 'Stuttgart history 943.47 travels 914.347 Style costume 390 dom. econ. 646 library bil dings 022.341 literary rhetoric 808 Styles of 'type printing 655.24 Stylidieae botany 583.57 Stylohyoid muscle 61 1 . 7344 Styracea; botany 583.686 'Styria, Austria history 943.65 travel 9H-3 6 5 Sty s, hog air pollutions 614.762 Styrian fowls 636 . sheep 636 . 'Suabia, Germany hist. 943 . Suabian swine 636. Subaqueous foundations arch. 721. bridges 624 . Subarachnoid region 6 1 1 . Subclavian arteries 611. glands 611. muscle 6 1 1 . veins 611. Subcontract labor and wages 33 1 . Subcostal arteries 6 1 1 . muscle 6 1 1 . Subcrureus muscle 6 1 1 . Subcutaneous injections 615. tissue admin, of med. 615. anatomy 6 1 1 . Subiculum cornu ammonis 611. Subintestinal vein 6 1 1 . Subject bibliografies 016 catalogs bibliografy 017 library admin. 025. Subjectivity knowledge 121 Subjects allowable for arts degree 378. library accessions 025. of legislativ action 328 of study curriculum 375 . Sublibrarians lib. econ. 023. Sublimation prac. chem. 542 . Sublime and beautiful 701 Sublingual glands 611 , Submarine armor 627 cables communication 654, elec. engin'g ' ' 621, mines mil. " 623 , telegraf communication 654, elec. engin'g 621 sociology 384 tunnels mining engin'g 622, warfare mil. 623 naval 623 Submarines shipbilding 623 . Submaxillary ganglion 6 T i . glands 611. Submental glands 6 1 1 , Submerged vessels 623 . Submersion, asphyxia by 612. 536 3336 37 431 17 157 8194 134 4638 7353 1454 236 1354 7357 738225 63 63 779 242 211 27 OI-.9 72 48 3161 5 3828 9 5 3828 26 9 9 825 89156 3161 462 825 2322 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 88 1 Suboccipital nervs 6 1 1 . 83 3 1 Subscapular arteries 611.1341 muscle 611.73716 Subscription book publishing 655.57 dep't lib. privileges 024.78 libraries 027 . 3 to creeds eccles. polity 262.8 39 articles Ang. ch. 283.42 Subscriptions library staf rules 023 . 93 support 021.95 Subsidence of sewage 628 .33 Subsidies library local support 021.91 state aid 021 .832 protection 337-4 public school 379. 124 ship 387 wages political econ. 331.225 Subsistence ration 612.3952 Subsoil plow 63 1 . 3 1 26 Subsoiling tillage 631.512 Substance metaphysics in Substantia cinerea anatomy 611.8224 nigra , " 611 .81541 perforata anterior anat. 6n .8133 spongiosa " 611.8224 Substations elec. engin'g 621.3126 Substitute system suffrage 324 . 224 Substitutes butter 637 . 28 milk 637.18 Substitutions algebra 512.86 feeding zootechny 636 . 08445 Subsurface condits road engin'g 625.78 irrigation san. " 628.364 packer agriculture 631.3144 Subterranean telegraf communication 654 . 4 elec. engin'g 621.31923 Subthalamic tegmental reg. 6n .8141 Subways hygiene of ground 614.782 road engineering 625.4 sanitation 625.47 Success in life ethics 174 Succession apostolic eccles. pol. 262.11 monarchic pol. science 321.6 Succession to English crown 342 . 42 property law 347-6 Succory alkaloid plants 633.78 salads 635 . 54 Suckers, plant 631.5331 Suckling, J: Eng. poetry 821.41 Suckling zootechny 636 . 084 1 1 Sucroclastic ferments physiologic chemistry 612.01515 Suction pump physics 533-85 Suctoria parasitica ectozoa 616.9688 'Sudan Africa history 966.2 Egypt 962 . 6 Sudoriferous glands 61 1 . 774 Sue, Eugene Fr. fiction 843 . 74 Suetonius Latin literature 878. 7 Suez canal engineering 626.9 sociology 386 Suffixes Eng. etymology 422.2 Suffocation physiology 612.23; protec. of life 614.82 'Suffolk, co. England hist. 942 . 64 Mass. " 974.46 N. Y. history 974.725 Suffolk cattle 636.2266 down sheep 636.3235 punch horse 636.1522 swine, large 636 . 4246 middle 636.4272 small 636.4213 Suffrage political science 324 U. S. const, amendment const, hist. 342 . 739 history 973.82 pol. sci. 324.15 Sufism oriental philosof y 181.5 Sugar adulterations 614.311 amount in liver 612.35211 apple 634.412 bean 635.653 beets agriculture 633.62 blood physiology 612.35212 cane agriculture 633 . 61 duty on 337.5 \ food values 641 . 13 formation in lactic secre. 612.66432 harvesting 63 1 . 5566 house prison Am. revol. 973.372 in milk physiol. 612.66412 manufacture 664 . i milk 637.145 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 882 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Sugar Summer nutrition 612.396 closing lib. econ. 024.44 organic chemistry 547-3 dishes cookery 641.592 plants 633 . 6 houses arbors 717 refinery 664 . i 1 iles, Bermuda history 972.99 refining air pollution 614.734 iles, Bermuda travels 917.299 vegetable drugs 615.332 pruning 631.5422 Sugars resorts amusements 791 absorption in intestin 612.33272 architecture 728.52 stomach 612.32272 savory 635.71 changes in organism 612.3962 schools agriculture 630.7132 chemistry of food 641 . 13 lib. econ. 020. 712 digestion in intestin 612.3322 self education 374 . 8 stomach 612.3222 squash 635.621 in urin 612.46182 'Summers co. W. Va hist. 975.476 tryptic digestion 612.3422 'Summit co. O. " 977.136 Suggestion hypnotism 134 Summons therapeutics 615.851 legislativ bodies 328.353 Suhm, P. F. Danish misc. 839 . 8845 Sumner, C: A rn. oratory 815.33 Suicide customs 394-8 assault on U. S. hist. 973.7114 ethics 179-7 Sumner's method naviga. 527.4 Suits in equity law 347-8 Sumptuary laws ethics 177.4 Sulcomarginalis, fasciculus 611.8255 Suniter, Fort, S. C. Sulfate naval hist. U. S. civ. war 973 . 7351 of iron agriculture 631.825 U. S. civil war 973 .73(1 Sulfates agriculture 631 . 833 Sun chem. tech. 66 1 .6 baths therapeutics 615.831 Sulfids mineralogy 549-3 cracks geology 55 I - 8 3 Sulfur descriptiv astronomy 523 . 7 chemistry 546.22 dials horology 529.78 compounds air pollut'n 614.725 dried brick masonry 693.22 in food physiol. 612.39243 effect on tides 525 . 62 urin " 612.46163 light hygiene 613.19 waters econ. geol. 553-74 maps and observations 524.7 Sulfuric acid chem. tech. 66 1 .2 motors engineering 621.47 Sulky cultivators 63 1 . 3 1 63 pictures 770 plow 631.3122 rooms dom. econ. 643.57 1 Sullivan co. Ind. hist. 977.241 stroke injuries 616.988 1 Mo 977-8235 worship 290 1 N. H. " 974. 27 Sunbirds zoology 598.8 1 N. Y. 974-735 'Sunbury co. N. B. hist. 971.543 Pa. 974-859 >Sunda history 992 Sullivan's exped. Am. rev. 973 .3356 Sunday 263 Sully-Prudhomme Fr. poet.84i . 84 closing lib. and museums 263 .7 Sulphates chem. technol. 661.6 econ. 024.41 Sulphids mineralogy 549 . 3 law 263.8 Sulphur, see Sulfur observance 263 . 4 Sulpicians monastic ord. 271.75 opening lib. econ. 024.41 Sultans poultry 636.573 school Hidings arch. 726.4 Sumac botany 583.292 libraries 027 . 8 field crops 633.871 music 783 . 7 Sumadia swine 636 . 472 schools 268 'Sumatra history 992 . i work lib. econ. 023 . 632 travel 919.21 polit. econ. 331 .813 Topic* in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 883 Sundays labor holidays Sunesen, Anders Dan. poe Sunken tubes foundations wells " Sunn hemp Supercilia finat. Superfetation animals Superfosfates agric. Superheaters, steam Superintendence, bilding school Superintendent, household school Superior, Lake travels Wis. history Supernatural metaphys. theology Supernaturalism occultisn Supernumerary organs deformities Superphosphates agric. Supersaturation chem. Superstitions Supervision administration domestic economy of accounts bilding Supinators anat. Supper recipes dom. econ Supplies factory storage farm economics legislativ library admin, stock farming Supply and demand Support, library Supports plant practical chemistry shelf lib. econ. juppuration diseases Supraclavicular nerv Suprarenal artery, middle anat. bodies anatomy diseases of physiology anatomy 331-817 Sureties commercial law 347.7 t.839.8in Surf boats shipbilding 623 . 829 Surface 721.177 cultivator 63 1 . 3 1 64 721.176 features of the earth 551-4 633-S&2 geology 551 611 .8476 transportation mining 622.69 591.169 Surfaces 631-855 of revolution desc. geom. 515.16 621 . 1975 warpt " 515.17 692 .61 Surfacing road engineering 625 . 75 379-15 Surf it dietetic diseases 616.39 647 .21 Surfusion prac. chem. 542 . 63 379-153 Surgeon gen. U.S.A. reports353 . 6 9I7. 7 Surgeons 977.512 American re volution 973-375 125 biografy 926.1 23I-7 Great war 1914-19 940.475 133 U. S. civil war 973 . 775 'Surgery 617 617.36 Surgical 631.855 dressings 617.93 542 .62 instruments 617.91 133 operations medicin 617.4 zootechny 636 . 0897 351-93 pathology 617 647 'Surinam, S. Amer. hist. 988 692.7 Surinam cherry 634.423 611.7376 Surnames genealogy 929.4 64L53 Surrender of 621 . 7962 Burgoyne Am. re vol. 973-3333 63I.I7I Cornwallis " 973-3375 328.364 Lee U. S. civ. war 973 . 7384 025 . 116 Surrey, earl of Eng. poet. 821.28 636.08171 'Surrey co. England history 942 . 2 1 338 fowls 636.522 021.9 Surrogate courts 347-99 Surveying 63L345 geodesy 526 . 9 542.24 subterranean min. eng. 622.14 022.454 surveying 526.99 617.22 Surveys 611.83334 general scientific 508 . 3 sanitary public helth 614.77 611.1366 social sociology 309 . i 611.45 travel 914-19 616.45 soil 631.47 612.45 vocational education 371.429 611.8393 Survival of fittest evolution 575.6 6 i i . 1463 Surviving 611.73712 hart physiology 612 1726 262 . 13 organs " 612.0138 345-4 Survivors ass'n, confederate 369 .171 636.39854 Susanna, story of Bible 229.6 nervs veins " Supraspinatus muscle Supremacy, papal cl Supreme court reports, U. S. 345 . Surats goats Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 884 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Susceptibility emotions 157 Sweaters clothing 646.45 Susiana ancient history 935-9 Sweating system wages 331.236 Suspended Sweden animation medicin 616.206 administration 354 . 485 physiology 612.0131 Suspension -J*J*T * "*"*} antiquities 913 . 485 architecture 720 . 9485 bridges engineering 624 . 5 catenary elec. traction 621 .33223 of legislators 328 . 366 botany 581.9485 colleges'^ ! 378.485 constitutional law 342 . 485 rights pol. sci. 323 . 49 education 370 948"? suffrage " 324.17 %*/** y*T v " % 7 finance 336 . 485 running gear engin'g 625 . 2 1 ^Susquehannaco. Pa. hist. 974.834 1 Sussex co. Del. history 975.17 England " 942.25 geology 554.85 1 history 948.5 laws 349 . 485 travels 914.225 N. J. history 974.976 Sussex maps 912.485 religious history 274 . 85 schools, public 379 . 485 cattle 636.2228 down sheep 636 .3231 fowls 636 . 522 sheep 636.3231 swine 636.4212 statistics 314.85 travel 914.85 treaties 341.2485 zoology 591 . 9485 Swedenborgian church 289.4 1" o Sutherland, Scot, history 941.14 lives 922.84 Suttee treatm't of the ded 393.9 Swedish Gutter co. Cal. hist. 979-434 architecture, Romanesque723 . 48 Sutures anatomy . 611.7141 church sects 284.7 surgery 617.93 gymnastics hygiene 613.71 Suzerain * language 439 7 states pol. sci. 321.023 * literature 839 . 7 Svaning, Hans Dan. misc. 839.883 merinos 636 . 3678 Svart, P. A. Swed. " 839.7821 movement cure massage 615.82 ^vealand, Sweden history 948 . 7 turnip 635.126 travel 914.87 Svedenborg, E. Swed. misc. 839 . 7836 'Swabia, Germany history 943 .47 Sweep cultivators 631.3162 Sweeping dom. econ. 648.52 travels 914.747 Sweet 7 ~ * U U Tassoni, A. " satire Taste anatomy and criticism fine arts esthetics facial nerv action 331- 371- 994- 851. 851. 857. oil . 701 701 612. 231 56 6 35 46 87 81975 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 888 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Taste in printing 655 . 26 mental perceptions 152.4 physiology 612.87 Tatting domestic econ. 646.26 Tattooing customs 391-7 Tautomerism chem. 541 . 7 Taverns housekeeping 647 . 94 Tavsen, Hans Dan. poetry 839.812 Tax, military mil. sci. 355 . 2 titles law 347 . 2 Taxation causes of Amer. revol. 973 .3114 local government 352 . 1 political economy 336 . 2 school support 379 . 13 Taxes exemption from 336.29 farm economics 63 1 . 1 1 2 for raising library funds 021.91 tariff political econ. 337 Taxidermy 579-4 Taylor, Bayard Am. poet. 811.46 Z. presidency of 973.63 'Taylor co. la. history 977-779 W.Va. " 975-455 Wis. " 977.526 shorthand 653.35 Taylor's campain Mex. war 973 . 6233 theorem algebra 512.4 'Tazewell co. 111. history 977.354 Tea adulterations 614.347 beverages 641.87 commercial mixing 663 . 9 cultivation 633 . 72 hygiene 613.37 physiology 612.3932 rooms dom. econ. 647.95 tax on Amer. revol. 973.3115 Teachers and teaching 371 biograf y 923 . 7 cards lib. econ. 024.71 institutes education 370 . 72 library propagandism 021.75 relation to library 021.31 training 370 . 7 university faculty 378.12 Teaching freedom of education 378.121 pol. sci. 323-444 2 of special topics see subject Tear apparatus anat. 611.8464 physiol. 612.847 Teas, commercial mixing of 663 . 9 Technical dictionaries 603 on special topics see subject education 607 on special topics see subject school architecture 7 2 7 4 schools 378.99 libraries in 371.648 see also special subject troops military science 358 Technologic schools 607 on special topics see subject Technology chemic histology 600 660 611.01881 63I-353I 636 . 2223 636.3216 Tectology Tedders Teeswater cattle sheep Teeth animals 591-73 artificial dentistry 617.69 dentistry 617.6 diseases of 617.6 human anatomy 611.314 physiology 612.311 Teetotalism temperance 178.2 Tegel, E. G. Swed..misc. 839.7822 Tegmentum anatomy 611.81543 Tegne"r, E. Swed. poetry 839.7163 ^ehama co. Cal. hist. 979.427 Tehuantepec 1 Mexico history 972 . 7 ship canal engineering 626.9 Teichmann's crystals 612.11116 Telae choroideae anat. 611.8192 Telautograf elec. eng. 621.3826 Telefone bills, legislativ 328 . 364 booths lib. bildings 022.683 communication 654.6 electric engineering 621 . 385 electricity 537.82 electrophysiology 612.0144218; instruments elec. eng. 621.386 sociology 384 Telefones dom. econ. 643 . 6 interdep't lib. 022.948 school bldgs 371.629 Telefony and telegraf y, combined 621.38295 military 623 . 733 wire engineering 621.385 wireless " 621.3845 Topics in black face type are subdivided Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 889 Telegraf bildings architecture 725. bills,' legislativ 328 . codes writing 652 engineering 621 . electric applications 537 finding longitude by 525 military signals 623 sociology 384 Telegrafic construction commun. 654 engineering 621 instruments 654 engin'g 621 Telegraf one useful arts 621 Telegraf s administration 351 Telegrafy and telefony, combined 62 1 communication 654 wire engineering 621 wireless engineering 621 Telemeters, electric 621 gunnery 623. surveying 526 Telencephalon anat. 611 Teleology metaphysics 124 Teleostei fishes 597 Telepathy mind and body 134 Telephone, see Telefone Telephot photografy 778 Telepost elec. eng. 621 Telescope astronomy 522 optics 535 zenith astron. 522 Telescopes famous 522 Telferage mech. engin'g 621 Telfers 621 Tellez. Gabriel Sp. drama 862 38295 Tellurates Tellurids Tellurium mineralogy chemistry 549 549 546 Telpherage mech. engin'g 621 Telphers 621 ^Temiscouata co. Que. hist. 971 Temper ethics Temperament piano Temperaments Temperance ethics hygiene in laboring classes legislation reformatories Temperate regions agnc. 179, 786. 137 178 613. 33 1 ' 178. 178. 631- 3 82 47 2 83 43 29 867 868 33 77 3 24 867 868 476 8 Temperature animal heat 612. conditions of life 577 , elevated hygiene 613. hygiene 613. in diseases diagnosis 616, physiol. 612. influence on respiration 612 , low agriculture 632 . mesurement physics 536 physiol. 612, nitrogen excretion 612. of air meteorology 551 body physiology 612, earth geology 551 liver physiology 612 soil agriculture 631 urin physiology 612. pathology 616 physiologic chem. 612 physiology 612 sense physiology 612. therapeutics 615 variable hygiene 613 Tempering manufactures 671 molecular physics 539 Templars 366 knights 929 Temples architecture 726 student soc. 371 Temporal artery, superficial anat. 6n bone anatomy 6 1 1 lobe " 6 1 1 muscle - 6 1 1 power papacy 262 relig. history 270 Temporary halls architects Temporomandibular joint 6 1 1 Temporomaxillary joint 611 Temporosphenoid lobe 611 Temptation doct. theol. 233 Temptations of laboring classes 331 Tenants law 347. Tendency legisja. pol. sci. 328 . Tender, legal paper money 332 Tenders, locomotiv Tendons anatomy diseases of physiology sheaths of anatomy diseases of Topics in black face type are subdivided Si 84 4 6 0912 Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 621 611 616 612 611 616 84 2 24 5 136 74 75 755 -75 .76 890 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Tenements architecture domestic economy hygiene laboring classes Teneriffe description Tenia anatomy Tennessee, U. S. admission U. S. history 1 history For military history, see sub- divisions of Special campains and Military history under 973. S'. 973-7 and 973 -89 secession U. S. history travel Tennis, lawn parlor Tennyson, A. Eng. poetry 821 Tenotomy surgery 3 Tense signs Eng. etymol. 422 'Tenses Eng. syntax Tension engineering Tensor fasciae latae anat. vaginae femoris " Tent caterpillars pests life hygiene making mech. trade Tenth nerv anatomy physiology Tenting outdoor sports Tentorium cerebelli anat. Tents military science prehistoric dwellings Tenure of land law polit. economy offis civil sends library economy teachers Teratology anatomy animals monstrosities natural history of man plants surgery Terbium inorganic chem. Terence Latin drama Teres major anatomy minor " Teresa de Jesus Span. misc. Terminal cone of spinal cord 611 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index Terminals, voltaic eng. 621.3526 728.1 Terminations, nerv histol. 611.01886 647.91 Terminology anatomy 611.6114 613-53 economics 330.14 33 1. .83 metaphysics 112 9 14. '68 physiology 6I2.OII4 611 .81325 solutions 54L34I2 Termites zoology 595-73 973-43 Terms schools 371-23 976.8 definitions lib. econ. 020.14 Ternstrcemiaceae botany 583-166 s Terra cotta r and iron architecture 721.97 973-7I3 art 738 917.68 colums architecture 721.34 796 construction masonry 693-3 794 manufactures 666.6 821.81 piers architecture 721-34 617.47 porous, constr. masonry 693-4 422.8 works architecture 725-48 425.8 Terra del Fuego travels 918.2 620 . 1124 1 di Otranto, Italy hist. 945 76 trav 914.576 611.73815 Terraces phys. geology 551-35 611.73815 Terracing 631.613 632.78 Terrapin culture 639-3 613.67 zoology 598.13 689 x Terre Bonne co. Que. hist. 971.424 611.83191 i Haute, Ind. " 977-245 612.81991 Terrestrial 796 magnetism 538.7 61 1 . 8195 means of find'g longitude 525-47 Territorial representation 328.3342 355-81 Territory 571.86 acquisition pol. sci. 320.12 Tertiary age geology 551.78 347-2 Tertullian philosofy 189.2 333 Tessin, K: G. Swed. misc. 839.7841 351-4 Test 023.2 laws Eng. relig. hist. 274.2 371.142 tubes prac. chemistry 542-231 Testacea zoology 594 611 .012 Testament, New 225 591-2 Old 221 591-159 Testamentary law 347-6 573-9 Tester, milk 637.1276 581.22 Testes anatomy 611 .631 61? 3 physiology 612 .616 546.653 Testi, Fulvio Ital. poetry 851.53 872-5 Testicles anatomy 611.631 6IL737I5 physiology 612.616 611.73714 Testimony 868.33 expert evidence 347-94 611.8216 state control of 614.23 RELATIV INDEX 891 Testimony legal evidence probabilities Testing, butter cheese milk Tests boiler manufacture operation public safety chemic analysis educational suffrage electric engineering of engineering materials ordnance stores Testudinata zoology Tetanic muscular contract'n Tetanus diseases surgery Tetracorolla Teutonic knights minor languages literatures mythology race ethnology Texas ^o. Mo. history state annexation Mex. war resolution U. S. history 'history independence U. S. hist. 973 . 56 secession " For military history, see subdi- visions of Special campains and military history under 973.62, 973-7 and 973.89 travel steer Texel cheese sheep Textbooks 3 for writ'g verse Eng. pros. 426 . 8 free public schools instruction state public schools Textil fabrics dom. economy inspection manufactures prehist. archeol. factories architecture fibers agriculture Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index Textil 347-94 hangings bilding 698 . 7 519.3 dom. economy 645 . 2 637-225 roofing bilding 695 . 8 637-325 Texts 637-1276 comparativ philology 418 1 English philology 428 . 8 621.18413 3 for learning Eng. lang. 428 621 .1947 original Bible 220 . 4 614.837 Thaarup, T: Dan. drama 839.8255 543 Thackeray, W: M. Eng. net. 823.82 324-14 Thalamencephalon anat. 611.814 621.37 Thalamic radiation " 611.8147 62O. 112 Thalamus, optic " 611.8147 623 . 4822 Thales Greek philosofer 182.1 598.13 Thallium 612.74113 accumulators elec. eng. 621.357 616.854 inorganic chemistry 546 . 52 617.27 Thallophyta 589 593-61 Thames battle U. S. war of 1812 973 . 5235 929.713 river, Eng. description 914.22 439 Thanksgiving 839 day customs 394 293 schools 37I-365 572.83 sermons 252 . 6 Thar goat 636 . 39854 977.884 Thasos ancient history 939 . 1 1 1 modern " 949-91 973-621 Thatch roofing 695 . 9 973.58 Theater in library bilding 022 . 651 7 973-61 Theaters amusements 792 976.4 architecture 725 . 82 973 56 ethics 175-2 973-713 hygiene 613 . 55 >di- Theatricals, private 793 md 62, Theban goat 636 . 39862 supremacy Gk hist. 938 . 06 917.64 Thebes, Egypt history 962 . 3 636.2821 travel 916.23 637.3551 Theft law 343 636.3311 Thefts of library books 024 . 86 Theism natural theology 211 426.8 Themistocles Gk letters 886.1 379-153 Theocritus Gk lyric poetry 884 . 6 37L32 Theodicy God 231.8 379-I56 Providence 214 Theodolite surveying 526.91 646.1 Theodosius 3 Byzant. hist. 949.501 6I4-37 Theognis Greek poetry 88 1 . 1 677 Theologians biografy % 922 571-54 Theologic 725-4I doctrins 230 633 5 education religion 207 892 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Theologic seminaries architect. 727.4 religion 207 Theology 200 biografy of 922 natural 210 Theophanies 231 Theophrastus anc. philos. 185.2 Theoretic astronomy 521 chemistry 541 ethics 171 Theories of construction bilding 690 . i 1 special subject see subject Theosofy 212 6i5-S seismology 551 .23 Therapeutics Thermal springs Thermic centers physiology 612 . 535 effects of muscular contraction 612.7453 phenomena of hart action 612 . 173 nerv centers 612.814 nervs 612.8224 topografy physiology 612.563 Thermochemistry 541 . 36 Thermodynamic value, see Value, thermodynamic Thermodynamics 536 . 7 applied steam engin'g 621.101 Thermogenesis conditions affect'g physiol. 612 . 54 physiology 612.51 Thermolysis physiology 612.52 Thermometers agriculture 632 .112 electric engineering 621.379 manufacture 68 1 physics 536.51 steam plant 621 . 1977 Thermometry meteorology SSJ-S 2 pathology 616.075 physics 536.51 physiology 612.56 Thermoscope 536 . 5 Thermotaxis physiology 612.53 Thermotherapy 6 1 5 . 832 Thessalonians i Bible 227.81 2 " 227.82 Thessaly ancient history 938 . 2 Theuerdank Ger. poetry 831.36 Thian-Shan, E. Turkestan 915. 1 6 Thiard, Pontus de Fr. poet 841 . Thibaut4 " "841. 'Thibet, China history 951 . Thiers, presidency Fr. hist. 944. Thigh anatomy 611. lymfatics of 6n.. muscles 611. Thigmo taxis mesology 612. Thilorier apparatus chem. 542 . Thinning fruit pruning 631 ; of branches " 631 . Third nerv anatomy 611. physiology 612 . rail electric lines 621 . systems power deliv. 621. ventricle anatomy 61 1 . Thirst and hunger physiol. 612 . Thirty day bills legislation 328. years war Europ. hist. 940 . Ger. 943 . Scand. " 948 . Thirty-nine articles creeds 238 . Thistles agriculture 632 . botany 583 . Thomas a Kempis 242 . Aquinas 189. Thompson, D. P. Am. fict. 813. Thomson, J. Eng. poetry 821 . Thomsonianism cures 615. Thoracic aorta anatomy 611. arteries 611. bones 611. duct " 611. diseases of 616. physiology 612. esophagus anatomy 6n. ganglions, sympathetic anat. 611. 35 16 5 08 982 42182 7382 014478 79 54227 54214 8313 8iQ3 3323 33156 8148 3913 375 24 041 04 3 58 55 i 4 3i 56 855 135 physiol. 612 glands anatomy 611 lymfatics anatomy 611 muscles 611 nervs " 611 vertebrae 611 Thoracostraca zoology 595 Thorax anatomy 611 Thoreau, H: D: Am. misc. 818 Thorild, T. Swed. poetry 839 Thorium inorgan. chem. 546 Thornheded worms diseases 616 712 424 42 4231 3291 .8392 .892 .464 .4214 735 .834 -7115 38 94 31 7155 .84 .966 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 893 Thornton shorthand 6 53 55 Thymelaeaceae botany 583 933 Thoro bass music 781.3 Thymus anatomy 611.43 Thorwald discov. of Amer. 973 13 diseases of 616.43 Thought faculty 153 physiology 612.43 new 131 Thyrocervical trunk 611.1347 transference 134 Thyrohyoid muscle 611-7335 Thousand Islands, N. Y. Thyroid 1 history 974-758 artery, superior anat. 611.13321 travel 9I7-4758 body anatomy 611.44 Thracia ancient history 939 89 diseases of 616.44 Thred worms parasit. dis. 616.965 physiology 612.44 Three veins anatomy 611.1451 bodies, prob. of astron. 521.13 Thyroidectomy physiology 612. 445 phase elec. machinery 621.313323 surgery 617.44 trac. systems 621.331433 Thyroids, aberrant anat. 611.445 transmis. " 621.319133 Thyrotomy physiology 612.445 wire elec. " a.c. " 621.3191323 surgery 617.44 d.c. " 621.319123 Thysanura pests 632.71 incandescent light 621.3262 zoology 595-71 Threshers agriculture 631.361 Tian-Shan description 915-16 steam engin'g 62 i . i 56 ^ibet, China history 95i 5 Threshing 631.5612 travel 915 15 Thrift laboring classes 33I-84 Tibet, goat 636-3985 Thrips pests 632.73 Tibia anatomy 611 . 7185 Throat anatomy 611.93 diseases 616.31 protection in factories 628 . 512 surgery 617.53 Thrombin physiology 612.11512 Thrombosis, venous 618.77 ^hrondhjem, Norway hist. 948 . 4 travel 914.84 Thrones arch, accessories 729.93 Throttle, locomotiv 621 . 1349 Throttling engins 621.1642 Thrust balancing steam turbins 621 . 16536 hoe 631.3152 steam turbins 621.16536 Thucydides Greek liter. 888.2 Thugs 299 . 1 1 Thulium inorg. chem. 546.697 Thum extensors anat. 611.73768 flexor, long " 611.73756 muscles " 611.73773 Thunder 1 Bay dist. Ont. hist. 97*3" physics 537 4 storms meteorol. 55 I -55 Thurible sacred ornam'ts 247 . 9 'Thuringia, Germany hist. 943 . 22 Thuringian fowls 636 . 538 Thvme 635.71 Tibial artery, anterior anat. 611.13787 posterior " 611.13791 glands, anterior " 611.4684 muscle " 611.73841 posterior " 611.73857 vein " 611.14737 Tibiofibular joint, inferior anatomy 611.72841 ligaments 611.72838 trunk 611.1379 Tibiotarsal ligament " 611.72844 Tibullus, A. Lat. poetry 874.3 Tic douloureux diseases 616.87 Tichborne trial crim. law 343-1 Tickling physiology 612. 883 Ticks animal parasites 616.9685 Ticonderoga battle Amer. revol. 973-3314 capture U. S. col. hist. 973.26 evacuation Amer. revol. 973.3332 Tide tables 525.69 . waters law 347-7 Tides astronomy S 2 5 6 physical geografy SS 1 ^ protection from eng. 627.5 Tieck, L: German fiction 833 . 73 Tieplates railway engin'g 625.14 Ties, railroad 625.14 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figureslrefer to the tables at the end of this index 8 9 4 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION tiffin co. O. history Tigers zoology Tight boots hygiene lacing Tile and iron structures arch. 721 construction bilding 693 . drains reclamation 631 , floors, hollow architec. 721 hollow, construction bldg 693 roofing " 695 strength of materials 620 Tiles bilding material 69 1 colord roofs 721 floor covering 721 manufactures 666 with iron ceilings arch. 721 TiliacecE botany 583 Tiling masonry 693 . roofing 695 . Till physical geology 551. Tillage 631 . Timber architecture 724. bilding material 691 . forestry 634. gratings foundations 721. manufacture 674 piles foundations 721 . platforms " 721 . preservation of bldg 691. strength of materials 620 . trade 338. Timberd, half, walls arch. 721.21 Timbering foundations architec. 721.12 bridges 624.152 mines 622 . 28 Timbre, voice physiol. 612.784 Timbuctoo travels 916.62 Time chronology 529 cosmic 529.77 distribution of 529.76 . finding at sea S 2 7-3 keepers watchmaking 68 1 limit of library loans 024.62 lost library servis 023.641 metaphysics 115 of day hygiene 613.13 extra library loans 024.72 standard 529.75 systems and standard 529 . 75 97 3 62 63 4 3 .14 4 .56 .68 7 73 ,19 3 3 33 5 7 i 9 162 142 162 i 12 I Time tables railroad 656 wage bases 331.232 Times feeding zootechny 636 . 08442 Timon GreeTc philosofers 186.1 Tirnothy i Bible 227.83 2 227.84 Timothy forage crops 633 . 24 Tin chemistry 546.81 group chemistry 546 . 8 manufacture 671 metallurgy 669 . 6 mining 622 . 34 prehistoric 571.31 ores econ. geology 553.45 roofing bilding 695.4 Tinsel dom. economy 646.19 Tinting laundry process 648.27 Tintypes photograf y 772 'Tioga co. N. Y. history 974.777 1 Pa. " 974.856 Tippecanoe battle U. S. war of 1812 973.51 1 co. Ind. history 977.295 'Tipperary, Ireland history 941 .92 Tips political economy 331.238 l Tipton co. Ind. hist. 977 .255 Tiraboschi, G. It. essays 854.63 Tirant lo Blanch Catal.fict. 849.933 Tires railway engin'g 625.21 rubber manufacture 678 Molina Span. dram. 862.33 Tissue cellular, absorption by 612.388 connectiv anatomy 611.76 diseases of 616.77 histology 611.0182 physiology 612 . 75 subcutaneous admin, of medicin by 615.63 Tissues animal histology 591-8 elec. resistance physiol. 612.795 respiration of 612 . 26 uric acid in 612.461259 vegetable histology 581 . 8 Titanium inorganic chemistry 546 . 82 oxid arcs elec. lighting 621.3256 Tithes cleric support 254 taxation 336.21 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 895 Title catalog lib. admin. 025.3 to property, law of 347 . 2 Titles and duties lib. economy 023 . 7 changed book bibliog. 014 of honor 929 . 7 Titration solution quan. anal. 545 . 2 Titrometric methods " " 545 . 5 Titus Bible 227 . 85 ^Tlascala, Mexico history 972 . 4 Toadfish batrachians 597 . 6 fishes 597 . 5 Toads 597 . 8 Toadstools botany 589.22 Toasts entertainments 642 . 48 Tobacco cerebro-cardiac poisons 6 1 5 . 99 cultivation 633.71 ethics 178.7 hygiene 613.84 inspection of pub. helth 614.36 internal revenue 336.27 manufacture 679 pipes manufactures 679 state monopoly 336 . 19 Tobago, W. Indies hist. 972 . 98 Tobit Apocrypha 229 . 2 Tobogganing sports 796 Toe joints anatomy 611.7289 Toes * 611.987 extra deformities 617.36 Toggenburg goat 636.3937 Toggle joints engin'g 621.825 Toilet articles customs 391-6 domestic economy 646 . 7 room furnishings 645 . 68 rooms dom. economy 643 . 52 lib. bildings 022 . 686 Token money numismatics 737 pol. econ. 332 . 4 ^okio history 952 travel 915-2 Toledo, O. history 977 .113 Toleration, religious ethics 172.3 l Tolland co. Ct. history 974 . 64 travels 917.464 Tollens, H. Dutch poetry 839.3154 Tolls, road and bridge 352 . 7 Tol tec civilization hist. 972.011 Tomas, Bishop Swed. poet 839 . 71 12 635.64 634.7761 632.78 614.612 718 393-1 849 . 982 i Tomato tree worms pests Tomb burial pub. helth Tombs cemeteries disposal of ded Tomich Catalan misc. Tommase'o, N. Ital. essays 854.78 Tompkin? co. N. Y. hist. 974.771 Tone color acoustics 534 . 5 physiology 6 1 2 . 85874 Tones, distinction of phys. 612.85874 Tongue, see Tung Tonic muscular contraction 612.74114 sol-fa vocal music 784 . 9 Tonicity reflex movements 612 . 82933 Tonics aids to digestion 615.7341 tonkin history 959 . 9 swine 636.485 Tonnage gaging 389 shipping 656 Tonquin, see Tonkin Tonsillae intestinales . 61 1 . 3443 Tonsils anatomy 611.322 diseases of 616.31 physiology 612.3122 Tools agricultural 631.3 bilding 690 . 7 bronze age 571-35 machine 621.9 mechanic trades 680 mechanical engineering 621.9 printing 655 . 2 1 stone age 571-25 Toothake dentistry 617.65 Tootht gears 621.83 Top grafting 63 1 . 54 1 44 Topelius, Z. Swed. fiction 839 . 7366 Topical method instruction 371 . 36 Topinamber 635 . 24 Topografic drawing 526 . 98 geodesy 526.9 Topografy aerial 629.145 hygiene of ground 614 . 77 maps 9 12 military' 623.71 surveying 526 . 99 thejrmic physiology 612.563 Toppers, corn 631.3555 Torches chemic technol. 665 . 1 military engin'g 623 . 45442 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 896 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Torelli, Achille Ital. drama 852 Tories Amer. pol. parties 329, revolution 973 Eng. polit. parties 329 Tornadoes meteorology 551 Toronto, Ont. history 971 , Torpedo boats naval engineering 623 shells ordnance 623 . Torpedoes explosivs 662 , land military engin'g 623 naval " " 623 Torrens system 333 Torres Naharro, B. 862 Torsion engineering 620 molecular physics 539 Tortoises zoology 598 Torts law 347 Torture customs of war 399 law 340 persecutions 272 Total abstinence 178 depravity 4 OC - theol. 233 Totemism Touch anatomy magnetism mental faculties physiology sensory functions history 392 611 538 152 612 612 944 914 636. history 944 . travel customs travels 914 394 'Toulouse goose 'Touraine, France Tournaments Toussaint.A.L.G.B. Dut.fic. 839. Towers aerial elec. lines 621 . architectural design 729 . cooling steam plants 62 1 . suspension bridge 624 . water fire extinction 614. waterworks 628. Towing canal engineering 626 . Town halls architecture 725 . offisers local govt 352 Townley plays Eng. dram. 822 . 13 Towns German local govt 352 . 0435 government 35 2 laying out of hygiene of ground 614.781 sanitation of 628.4 86 8 3H 942 55 3541 825 4517 2 26 95 3 39 11243 3 13 5 2 2 88 2 5 88 82559 86 486 5984 54 454 7 3356 319225 36 19764 56 846 13 7 13 Township Ger. local gov. 352 . 0436 Toxic action of blood 612 .11822 swet 612.79212 To xicity , urinary 612.462 Toxicology therapeutics 615.9 Toxins in blood physiology 612.11821 physiology 6 1 2 . 3988 Toy dogs 636 . 765 pigeons 636.5965 high class 636 . 5962 Toys amusements 793 domestic economy 649 . 55 inspection of pub. helth 614.37 Trachea anatomy 611.231 diseases of 616.23 physiology 612.2152 Tracheal respiration zool. 591 . 126 Tracheotomy surgery 617.42 Trachoma eye diseases 617.77 Trachyte lithology 552 . 24 Track elec. engineering 621.333 road 625.14 scales " 625.18 tanks " 625.16 locomotiv 621.1363 Trackless trolley elec. eng. 621 .33225 Tract cathedral music 783 . 23 societies 206 Tractarianism Angl. ch. 283 Traction electric engineering 621.33 engin agriculture 631.3123 engins, steam 621.14 Tractors, farm 631 372 metallic cures 615.856 Tracts, religious, practical 240 on special topics see topic Trade acceptance pol. econ. 332 . 7 administration 3 5 1 .82 balance of commerce 382 boards of architecture 725 . 25 commerce 381 catalogs bibliografy 015 depressions commerce 381 money 332 production 338 domestic 381 foren 382 free 337 2 list of books, publishers 015 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 897 62 7 223 I 5i 6 818 .88 7 656 178. 623 . 8234 Trade marks copyright 655 . law 347 . patents 608 sales lib. book buying 025 . schools 607 slave 326 . winds meteorology 551 . Trades hygiene 613 . labor in special 331 . mechanic 680 unions polit. econ. 331 useful arts 680 Trading companies 338 stamps 658 Traditions ecclesiastic polity 262.7 folklore 398.1 Traduction orig. of the soul 129.2 Traffic commerce in intoxicating drinks "Tragedies Eng. literature 822 Train boats shipbilding Training classes agric. educ. domestic animals laboring classes pol. ec. 331 . library library schools 020 . qualifications of libiary executiv offis law education physical hygiene outdoor sports 796 school hygiene 371 . plants schools for teachers teachers 2 special topics, see subject Trains railroad engin'g 625. Traitors American revolution biografy Trakehner horse Tramps pauperism Tramways city transit electric engineering engineering mining engineering Trance hypnotism Topics in black face type are subdivided. 630 636 023. 023. 340. 613. 775 088 86 7 532 42 7 7 973 923- 636. 339 3 88 621. 625. 622 . 134 143 Transactions gen. society 060 2 special topics, see subject Transcendentalism 141 Transcriptions orchestral music 785.9 piano - 786 . 48 Transfer boards, telef one 621.3874 systems, telefone 621.38563 Transferable vote suffrage 324 . 224 Transformation of coordinates, loci in spaces 16 . 34 plane loci 516. 14 spheric astronomy 522 . 73 Transformations algebra 5 1 2 . 86 Transformer panels elec. engin'g 621.31725 substations " " 621.31263 Transformers, auto el.eng. 62 1 . 3 144 elec. eng. 621.3143 Transfusion of blood physiology 612.1163 therapeutics 615.65 Transit bildings astronomy 522.13 circle astron. instrum, 522.34 finding longitude by 525 .48 time by 529. 71 instrument 522 . 34 local sociology 388 mounting 522.27 out of meridian 522.44 Transits astronomy 523 . 9 of Mercury 523.91 Venus 523 . 92 Translating, art of 808 Translations Class with originals principle of comp. phil. 418 Transliteration comparativ philology 4 1 1 in cataloging 025.3 Transmigration of souls 129 . 4 Transmission heredity evolution 575-i hygiene 613.9 machinery of agric. 63 1 37 engin'g 621.8 of disease pub. helth 614.43 elec. power engin'g 621.319 physics 537- 8 4 force physics 53 1 .8 gases " 533 . i Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 898 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Transmission heat * power mech. eng. steam " " Transmitted disease hyg. Transmitters telefone wireless telefone Transmutation of energy physics metals chemistry species evolution Transoms gun mounts Transpiration cutaneous physiology of animals plants Transplanters Transplanting agriculture organs physiology teeth dentistry Transport agriculture bildings architecture butter cheese criminal law in mines military resources milk of animals animal hyg. fertilizers agric. the ded pub. helth sociology useful arts Transporter bridges engin'g Transports shipbilding Transposition of parts surg. Transubstantiation Transudations physiology 'Transvaal, Africa history Transversalis cervicis anat Transversals mod. geom. Transverse mesocolon anatomy system shipbilding Transversospinales anat. Transversus thoracis anat. 'Transylvania history Transylvanian sheep 536.2 621.8 621.185 6l 3-93 621.3863 621 .38461 531-6 54Q.I 575-2 623.4351 612.793 591.129 581.129 631.336 63I-536 612. 602 617.68 63L37 725 3 637.235 637.335 343-2 622.6 355-6 355-2? ' 637.135 614.96 631-817 614.63 380 656 624.86 623 . 826 617.38 265-3 612 .381 968.2 .611.7313 5I3-52 611.383 623.84 611.7316 611.7358 943-92 636.335 Trap economic geology 553-57 lithology 552.28 Trapassi, Pietro Ital. dram. 852.57 Trapezium anat. of bones 611.71775 nervs 611.81776 Trapezius muscle anat. 611.73111 Trapezoid body " 611.81776 bone " 611.71776 Trapping business 639.1 Trappists monastic orders 271 . 125 Traps agriculture 632 . 9 domestic economy 648 . 7 in sewers sanitary eng. 628.256 steam pipe 621.1855 zootechny 636.081111 Trash, domestic sanitation 628.44 Traumatic fever surgery 617.26 Traumatism 616.982 'Travancore, India history 954. 8 Travel clubs self educ. 374.21 cookery 641.575 hygiene 613.69 Travelers 8 conversation books, Eng. 428.2 lives 923 .9 manuals for 910 .2 protection of pub. helth 614.86 Traveling 910 . 2 624 . 86 374.25 621 .874 621 . 18362 021.65 371.642 324.247 910 508.3 art of bridges clubs cranes grates libraries salesmen engin'g self educ. engin'g lib. econ. school suffrage Travels, general scientific special, see subject Traverse tables surveying 526. Trawlers boatbilding Trays, book lib. econ. Treadmills mechan. eng. punishments Treason Amer. revolution law Treasury notes paper money U. S. administration Treaties international law 623 022 62 1 343 973 343 332 353 828 943 46 2 341 2 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 899 Treatises Am. and Eng. priv. law 347 on special topics see subject Treating temperance ethics 178. Treatment of captivs intern'l law war customs disease the ded 34i- 399 616 393 614. U. S. hist. 973- 973- 973 customs pub. helth Treaty Bering sea Hawaiian " of Paris Atner. re vol. Versailles Great war 940. U.S.warw.Spain973 . Washington 341. peace -American re vol. 973. powers legislativ bodies 328 . Santo Domingo 9 73 . with Spain 1795 U.S. hist. 973. 1898 - 973. 'Trebizond, Asia Turk. hist. 956 . 86 86 317 3H 891 273 317 346 82 43 891 5 46 Tredmills mech. engin'g 621 punishments 343 . 2 Tree conveyors 631.3366 cranberry 634.745 products harvesting 631.5568 tomato 634.7761 Trees botany 582 forestry 634.9 fruit culture 634 in streets, sanitation 628 layering 631 ornamental 715 road engineering 625 . tools for 631 Trefining surgery 617. Trellises plant support 631 training 631 Tremandreae botany 583 Trematoda parasitic dis. 616 Tremellinae botany 589 Tremors, muscular physi. 612 ^rempealeau co. Wis. hist. 977 Trench layering 631 Trenches, defense mil. eng. 623 Trenching mil. engin'g 623 Trent affair U. S. civil war 973 council of relig. history 270 creed of Pius 4 238 Topics in black face type are subdivided. .48 5346 77 34 51 3453 5463 ,142 963 224 ,7464 549 5342 34 24 Trenton, N. J. battle Amer. revol. 973.3326 'history 974.966 Trepanning surgery 617.51 Trepassey, ship Am. revo. 973.357 Trephining surgery 617.51 Trestle bridges mil. eng. 623.653 Trestles bridge engineering 624 . 24 Tresury notes paper money administration 332 353 U.S. Trial borings foundations by ordeal law civil court martial criminal ecclesiastic jury state Trials civil law criminal " in library servis military law Triangle musical instrum. Triangles differences of trigonom. plane geometry trigonometry practical chemistry spheric geometry trigonometry Triangularis sterni anat. Triangulation computation of geodesy 526 . 4 field work " 526 . 3 net theory of least sq. Triassic age geology Tribes form of state Tribunes arch, accessories Triceps brachii anatomy surae Trichinae econ. zoology parasitic dis. Trichiniasis public helth Trichoptera entomology Trickery bus. ethics Tricks, card amusements sleight of hand Tricuspid valvs anat. Tricycling 721.11 340-3 347 9 344 343-1 262.9 340.4 343-1 347-91 343-1 023 . 57 344 789.3 SH.S SH.S 542.24 513-41 5H-7 611.7358 526.53 55I-76 321.2 729.92 611.73724 611.73854 59i 69 616.965 614.562 595 74 174-7 793 . 791 6n 796 12646 Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index goo DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION 943-68 Trolley . 914.368 arms elec. traction 621.3347 839.7138 lines " " 621.3322 611.8315 systems deliv. of power 621.33152 633.373 Trolleys elec. traction 621.3347 634.321 Trollope, A. Eng. fiction 823.87 Trombone wind instrum. 788 . 2 611.8315 Trompes prac. chem. 542.77 611.8174 'Tromso, Norway hist. 948.4 612.8195 Troops 526 . 38 U. S. history civil war 973 . 74 514 Mex. " 973 624 565-39 revolution. 973.34 595 39 Span, war 973 894 631.3421 war of 1812 973.524 631 .5423 Trophic, see Trofic 972 . 98 Tropic almond 634 . 5 5 5 271.79 plants 581.9 979.414 Tropics 231 agriculture 631.0913 784 . 83 clothing suitable to 646 . 092 614.742 cookery for 641.592 hygiene 613.11 621.11266 Trotter horse 636.12 621.1647 Trotting racing 798 618.25 Troubadours 849 . i Troughs 526 . 32 pneumatic chemistry 542 . 73 542.24 voltaic cells engin'g 621.3521 961 . 2 Trousers 646 . 43 37 r -393 Trout culture fishing 639.3 611.71773 fishing sports 799 852 . 33 Trouveres Fr. literature 841 . i 633 . 28 1 Trowel, garden 63 1 . 3 1 1 2 594 3 Troy ancient history 939 . 2 1 542.22 ' N. Y. 974-741 371.89 Troya, Carlo Ital. essays 854.73 584.71 Truancy school disciplin 371.52 939.21 Truces international law 341.3 598 . 8 Truck farming 635 system labor 331.235 611.8314 Trucks 612.8194 book library econ. 022.942 6 1 1 . 8155 electric motor cars 621 . 3347 61 1 . 72965 farm transport 631 . 3735 railway engineering 625 . 2 1 612.798 Truffles gardening 635.8 612.818 'Trumbull. J: Amer. poet. 811.21 Trumbull co. O. history 977.138 542 . 73 ship Amer. revol. 973 . 356 621.3521 Trumpet wind instrum. 788.1 839.8752 Trumpeters pigeons 636.59626 839.8751 Trunk making 685 railways elec. eng. 621.33132 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 'Triest history travels Triewald, S. von Swed. poet Trifacial nervs anat. Trifoltae forage crops Trifoliate orange Trigeminus nerv anatomy nucleus physiology Trigonometric leveling Trigonometry Trilobites paleontology zoology Trimmer, hedge Trimming pruning 'Trinidad history Trinitarians mon. order trinity co. Cal. hist. Trinity doctrinal theology Trios vocal music Tripe-cleaning air pollu. Triple expansion engins stationary engins Triplets obstetrics Tripods field work geodesy practical chemistry 'Tripoli, Africa history Trips, school Triquetrum, os anat. Trissino, G. G. Ital. drama Tristegineae forage crops Tritons zoology Trituration prac. chem. Triumphs student life Triurideae botany Troas ancient history Trochilidae ornithology Trochlear nervs apatomy physiology nuclei anatomy Trochoid joint " Trofic nervs of skin physiology physiology Trofs pneumatic chemistry voltaic eels engin'g Trojel, P. K. Dan. satire P. M. RELATIV INDEX 901 Trunkfish zoology 597-5 Trunking telefone switchboards 621.38741 systems 621.38561 Trunks telefone lines 621.38741 Trussed arch bridge engin'g 624.7 bridges engin'g 624.3 Trusses bridge engineering 624.3 surgery 617 92 Trust companies banks 332.14 Trustees, library 023 3 room 022.611 Trusts and trustees law 347-7 corporations pol. econ. 338-8 monopolies " 338-8 Truth ethics 177-3 Tryon in Conn. Am. revol. 973-3351 Trypanosomiasis diseases 616.9681 Trypsin physiology 612.3424 Tryptic digestion physiol. 612.342 Tuba wind instruments 788 . 48 auditiva anat. 611.856 Tube, per cent dairy 637-1275 Tuber cinereum anat. 611 .8143 Tuberaceae botany 589-23I Tubercle diseases 616.995 Tuberculosis " 616.995 public helth 614.542 pulmonary diseases 616.246 Tubers field crops 633 49 garden " 635 2 harvesting 631-5564 plant culture 631-5322 washers for 631.3626 Tubes boiler engin'g 621.18453 domestic economy 643-6 Fallopian anatomy 61 1 . 656 locomotiv boiler 621.1333 pneumatic communica. 654.8 dom. econ. 643-6 lib. econ. 022 . 946 porcelain chemistry 542 . 232 speaking communica. 654-8 dom. econ. 643-6 lib. econ. 022.947 strength of materials 620.11283 sunken foundations 721.177 Tubing, glass prac. chem. 542-231 rubber " 542.26 Tubular boilers engin'g 621 . 18425 bridges " 624 . 4 furnaces prac. ch. 542 . 42 Tubuli recti anatomy 611.6311 Tubulous boilers engin'g 621.18426 Tucker co. W. Va. hist. 975 . 483 Tuckerman, H: T. Am. lit. 814.33 Tudor architecture 724 . 4 Tudors English history 942 . 05 Irish " 941 . 55 Tufa economic geology 553 . 58 lithology 552 . 22 Tuff 552.22 J Tug valley, W. Va. hist. 975 . 446 Tugs shipbilding 623 . 8232 Tuition fees schools 371.22 Tulaistle 633.5772 Tulare co. Cal. hist. 979 . 486 Tullahoma. Tenn. campain 973 . 7342 Tullin. K. B. Dan. poetry 839.8151 Tumbler pigeon 636 . 596 1 5 Tumors diseases 616 . 992 Tuna fruit culture , 634.7751 Tune sacred music 783 . 6 Tung anatomy 611.313 diagnosis pathology 616.072 diseases of 616.31 physiology 612.3123 Tungstates mineralogy 549 . 74 Tungsten filaments elec. lighting 621.32643 metals chemistry 546 . 78 Tungusic language 494 Tunicata zoology 594 . 9 Tunics of eye fibrous anatomy 611.841 physiology 612.841 vascular anatomy 611.842 physiology 6 1 2 . 842 Tuning forks acoustics 534 . 3 piano 786 . 2 J Tunis history 961 I travels 916.11 Tunisian sheep 636.386 Tunneling machinery, hydraulic 621.269 mining engineering 622 . 26 railroad " 625.13 Tunnels aqueducts 628.14 'Tuolumne co. Cal. hist. 979 . 445 Tupelo, Miss, battle 973 7372 Turanian languages 494 literatures 894 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of thi index 902 D ECIMAL C Turbin wheel hydraulic 621 .24 steam 621.165 Turbinate bones anat. 611 .21 Turbits pigeons 636.59623 Turck's fasciculus anat. 611 .8252 Turell Catalan miscel. 849.9822 Turf burning agriculture 631-831 spade 631.3111 Turin history 945-1 travels 9I4--5I 'Turkestan history 958.4 1 East 951-6 Turkey poultry 636.592 Turkey in 1 Asia history 956 Europe administration 354 496 botany 581.9496 finance 336.496 geology 554 96 1 history 949 6 maps 912.496 schools 379 496 statistics 314-96 travel 914.96 treaties 341 . 2496 Turkeyneck fowls 636.5882 Turkish architecture 7 2 3-3 baths architecture 725-73 . customs 391.6 hygiene 613.46 harems customs 392.6 horses 636.11 language 494 literature 894 power Greek history 949-SOS Turko-Russian war Russian hist. 947.08 Turn halls architecture 725-85 Turneraceae botany 583.455 Turning bridges engineering 624.83 lathes 621.94 moldboard plow 631.3124 Turnip field crops 633 42 garden " 635 12 rooted cabbage 635.126 celery 635.128 chervil 635-I36 Turnouts railway engin'g 625.16 Turnpikes road engin'g 625.7 Turntables railway" 625.16 Turnwrest plow 631.3124 Turpentine chem. tech. 665.3 collectors 631.3568 Turret mounts ordnance 623.4334 Turtles fishery 639 . 3 paleontology 568.13 zoology 598.13 Tuscan swine 636 . 45 Tuscany, Italy history 945 . 5 travels 9*4-55 ^uscarawas co. O. history 977. 1 66 Tuscarora indians . 970.3 1 Tuscola co. Mich, history 977.445 Tutor home education 373.1 Twain, Mark Am. humor 817.44 Tweeddale sheep 636 . 3252 Twelfth nerv anatomy 611.83193 physiology 612.81993 Twilight 525.7 Twins, etc. obstetrics 618.25 Two book system lib. ecpn. 024.611 furrow plow 631.3122 1 Mountains co. Que. hist. 971 .425 phase elec. machinery 621.313322 trac. systems 621.331432 transmis. " 621.319132 wire elec. 621.319122 telefone systems 621.38536 Tyler, J: presidency of 973 . 58 R. Amer. drama 812.21 J Tyler co. W. Va. history 975.419 Tympani, membrana anatomy 611.855 ear diseases 617 . 85 physiology 612.855 Tympanum anatomy 611.854 ear diseases 6 1 7 . 84 physiology 612. 854 Type and type setting printing 655 . 2 for books publishing 655.53 founders' occupat. hyg. 613.63 founding 655.21 writers communication 652 lib. admin. 025.153 servis 023 . 762 Types alternating current mach. 621 .31332 boat naval architecture 623 . 82 boilers engineering 621.1842 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index RELATIV INDEX 903 Types direct current machinery 621 farm 631 furnaces steam mach'y62i locomotivs " 621 molecules chem. 541 ship naval architecture 623 special, education of 371 steam engins 621 portable 621 stationary mechanism 621 use 62 1 traction 621 turbins 621 Typhaceae botany 584 Typhoid fever pathology 616 pub. helth 614 Typhus fever pathology 616 pub. helth 614 biografy 926 Typografers Typografy 655 Typology Bible 220, Tyre ancient history 939, Tyrian architecture 722, l Tyrol history 943 , travel 914 1 Tyrone, Ireland history 941. Tyiotoxicon animal pois. 615. Tyrtaeus Greek lyr. poetry 884 . i 31322 U 1832 132 5 82 97 112 J 5 2 164 162 144 1652 63 927 5" 922 526 5 6 44 3 64 3 6 4 64 94 Ubcrti, F. degli Ital.poetry 851.17 Udall, N: English drama 822.33 'Uganda, Africa hist. 967.6 Uhland, J ; L; Ger. poetry 831 . 73 'Ukraine, Russia history 947.7 Ulcers surgery 617.34 Ulna anatomy 611.7176 Ulnar artery " 611.13435 Ulrich von Lichtenstein German poetry 83 1 . 38 'Ulster co. Ireland history 941 .6 N.Y. - 974.734 Ultramontanism Cath. ch. 283 eccles. pol. 262 . 13 Umbellales botany Umbelliferae " Umbilic artery anatomy cord obstetrics mesenteric artery vein 583 48 583-481 611.137?' 618.38 anat. 61 1 . 1364 " 6n . 1498 Umbrella stands dom.econ. 645.61 lib. " 023.923 Umbria ancient history 93 7 . 4 modern " 945-6 3 Umlaut Eng. orthog. 421.2 Unciform bone anatomy 611.71778 Unconsciousness metaphys.127 Unction, extreme theology 265.7 Underground contact elec. traction 631.3335 railway slavery 326.973 U. S. civ. war 973-7115 stations arch. 735.319 roads engineering 635.4 mining engin'g 623.63 water phys. geog. 55 I -49 wiring elec. lines 621.31923 Underhill sheep 636.3231 Undershot wheels engin'g 621.23 Understanding psychology 153 Understudies lib. econ. 033.703 Underwear dom. " 646.42 Underwriters rules elec. lighting 631.3381 Undulation dynamics S3 1 -33 sound 534 i Undulatory theory of light 535 . i Unfair apportionment 328 . 3345 'Ungava, Can. history 971-28 Ungulata mammals 599 . 7 Unicameral legislature 328 . 391 Unicorns folklore 398 . 4 Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 904 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Unification of Italy Uniform laws legislation Uniformity act of Eng. relig. hist. Uniforms domestic library military equipment esthetics Uninsulated conductors, elec.62 1 Union act Can. history Canadian history 1 co. 111. history 1 Ind. 1 la. 1 N.J. 1 O. " 1 Pa. prisoners of war ass'n railroad stations arch soveren states veterans union zootechny Unipnidae zoology Unionists in South U. S. civil war 973 Unions English local gov't trade polit. economy Unique books rarities Unisexuales botany Unit of work mechanics Unitarian church Unitarians biografy United Americans polit. soc. brethren sects colonies N. Eng. U.S. hi confederate veterans Empire loyalists Can. hist. 97 1 1 Kingdom history 1 Netherlands presbyterian church seel 1 Provinces history servis, military and naval sons of confed. veterans United States of America administration antiquities architecture bank political econ. U. S. history botany Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index 945-09 United States of America 328.22 boundaries 973 Christian commission 267.11 274-2 U. S. hist 973-7781 coast survey 526 647 colleges 378 . 73 023-95 constitutional law 342 73 355-Si daughters 1776-1812 soc. 369-142 355-14 education 370 . 973 :.62i. 31932 finance 336.73 fine arts 709 . 73 971.039 geology 557-3 971 04 government admin. 353 977-3995 hereditary societies 369.1 977.262 1 history 973 977.785 laws 345 974-936 5 literature 810 977-153 maps 912.73 974-848 national bank U. S. hist. 973-41 369-155 patriotic societies 369.1 725-313 religious history 277-3 321.022 sanitary com. charity 36l 369-154 U S. hist. 973-7771 636.082453 schools, public 379 73 594-1 ship U. S. war of 1812 973 525 socialism 335-973 973-717 statistics 317 3 statutes 345 352.0424 travels in 917 3 331-88 treaties 34I-273 094 war of 1812, military soc. 369-I43 583.95 society 369.141 53I.4I zoology 591 973 288 United States of Colombia 922.81 1 history 986 Units electric 537-7 363 physical 530.8 284.6 Unity 973-23 metaphysics in 369-I74 of God doctrin 231 971-024 human race 572-1 942 knowledge 121 949 2 language 401 285.4 nature 501 949.2 territory pol. sci. 320.124 355 Univalvs mollusks 594-3 369-173 Universal gravitation, law of mech. 531-51 353 history 909 913 73 joints mech. eng. 621.825 720 973 language 408.9 332.ii military servis 355-22 973 - 56 suffrage 324-211 58i 973 Universala univ. lang. 408.9 Universalism sects Universalists biografy Universals metaphysics Universe astronomy Universities architecture state and national University clubs, general courts disciplin education extension libraries education lib. econ. of the State of New York people's, library as the Universology cosmology Unofficial ballot pol. sci. legislativ lists Unregenerate doct. theol. Unstratified ores econ.geol. Upholstering mechanic trades Upholstery dom. econ. Upland Leicester sheep sheep, German Upper 1 Austria history travels 1 Bavaria history travels 1 Canada history travels chamber legis. bodies 1 Egypt history travels extremities anatomy bones deep veins joints lymf glands lymfatics muscles superfic. veins " 1 Franconia history travels 1 Guinea history travels house legislativ bodies 1 Palatinate history travels Silurian group geology Syria ancient history KJSJ 869. Portuguese. 801.2 Prakrit. INDEX TABLES 933 849. Provencal. 891.91 Prussian, Old. 891.58 Pushtu. 859.9 Rhaeto-Romansch. 889. Romaic. 859. Roumanian. ,859.9 Y 891.7 Rumansh. Russian. ^ *" 891.79 Ruthenian. 892.5 Samaritan. 891.2 Sanskrit. 839-2 Saxon, Old. 839.5 Scandinavian languages. 891.63 Scotch or Gaelic. 891.82 Servian. 891.41 Sindhi. , 891.48 Singhalese. 891.81 Slavonic, Church. 891.87 Slovakian. 891.84 Slovenian. 891.88 Serbian. 86 Spanish. 839-7 Swedish. 892.3 Syriac. 891-45 Uriya. 859- Wallachian. 8gi.66 Welsh. 891.52 Zeni. 934 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Biscoe time and Olin biografy book numbers Biscoe time numbers This scheme provides for arranging books by years from 1000 B c-2ooo A D. Each number consists of a single initial letter followd by figures, and these again, if necessary, by letters. Any year of the ipth century, in which the greater proportion of our books belong, is designated by a letter and single figure. For the 3 preceding centuries a letter and 2 figures are needed, only incunabula and ancient writings requiring a letter and 3 figures. Few characters are wasted for the period when few books were written, as A, B, and C cover the years to 1499 A D. To D, E, F, which stand for centuries, 2 figures must be added, the number for a book publisht in 1652 being 52; in 1507, Do;. B, covering the first 10 centuries and C, covering 5 centuries, must be followd by 3 figures; thus a book issued in 1472 would be numberd 0472. Table of Biscoe numbers A B.C. J 1830-1839 S 1920-1929 B A. D. 1-999 K 1840-1849 T 1930-1939 C 1000-1499 L 1850-1859 U 1940-1949 D 1500-1599 M 1860-1869 V 1950-1959 E 1600-1699 N 1870-1879 w 1960-1969 F 1700-1799 O 1880-1889 X 1970-1979 G 1800-1809 P 1890-1899 Y 1980-1989 H 1810-1819 Q 1900-1909 Z 1990-1999 I 1820-1829 R 1910-1919 American books take their numbers from the last copyright date ; English and other foren books, from date of publication: e. g. Dana's Text book of geology, Phil. 1864, copyright '63 has as its booknumber M3; edition 2 of the same book publisht and copyrighted in 1874 is N4. Weller's Portable atlas of physical geography, London 1873, is N3. A series or set takes its number from the first volume, even tho that may be lacking in the library set; e. g. Popular science monthly, v. 10-20, is M2, the date of v. i not of v. 10. When more than one volume in the same class calls for the same number, these numbers are differentiated by adding lower case letters; e. g. Bradbury & Emery's Academic algebra, Sensenig's Numbers universalized, and Well's Short course in higher algebra all publisht in 1889 call for 69. Supposing them to come into the library in the above order, Bradbury would be 69; Wells Oga; Sensenig, O9b. In a closely clast library additions to final subdivisions are seldom more than one a year. In the exceptional cases, use of a letter allows for 26 additions; the numbers are therefore neither long nor complicated. If in dout, an approximate date may be used and corrected later when full information is acquired. Hunting down obscure dates consumes a BISCOE TIME NUMBERS 935 great deal of time and in the average library is not worth what it costs. L alone would mean a book publisht somewhere in the '503 of the present century, and Fg one of the last decade of the i8th (Fog being the mark for 1709). This occasional uncertainty is analogous to the case of anony- mous and pseudonymous books in an author arrangement. Dates B. C. may be treated in any one of the 3 ways suggested below. If numbers are given from date of writing or first publication there will be a few A books; but if from date of printing or copyright, none at all. Of the 3 ways below of treating dates B. C. the first is best: 1 Subtract the decade B. C. from gg and use the resulting number, thus securing correct order with a shorter number than in 2. This approximate date is close enough, since exact year of writing is difficult to determin and the number of books in any subject in a single decade small. Alternativs are: 2 Subtract the date B. C. from 1000 and use the resulting number, which will secure proper sequence. 3 Use actual B. C. date, since among so few books no great confusion would result from thus inverting the regular order. Resulting numbers would then be : Year . Complementary Complementary Actual B. C. decade (D year (2) date (3) ggg l Aoo Aooi | Aggg 563 oA 4 3 A 4 37 73 |Ag2 Aga; j- 45 3 A 95 A 95 5 A 4 5 Olin book numbers The best means of separating collectiv from indi- vidual biografy is Olin book numbers. They are used exactly like Cutter author numbers; but as they translate all surnames of compilers into A followd immediately by figures, they precede the first Cutter number, Aai and thus automatically shelv biografic compilations before the cutterd individual lives; e. g. Strickland's Queens of England would be AS* (Olin number) and stand before a life of Queen Anne, An; (Cutter number) whether clast gao or 923.1. See next page for table. 936 DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION Table of Olin numbers From Library journal 1 8 1144 Name Number Name Number Name Number Name Number A An Forr A 3 4 Lod As6 Sch A 7 8 Ba Al2 Ga A 35 Ma A S 7 Scr A 7 9 Bel Ai 3 Ges A 3 6 McT A 5 8 Sea ASi Boy Ai 4 Goe A 37 Mat As9 Sia A82 Ca AiS Grat A 3 8 Men- A6i Sma A83 Caro Ai6 Ha A 39 Mo A62 Squa A84 Cel Ai 7 Hat A4i Mos A6 3 Sva A8S Chim Ai8 Hesi A42 Na A64 Ta A86 Clar Ai 9 Hiu A4 3 Nee A6 5 Thau A8 7 Coh Aai Hov A44 O A66 To A88 Coom A22 I A45 Pa A6 7 Trum A8 9 Cs A2 3 Ja A 4 6 Per A68 u A 9 i Da A24 Ji A4 7 Pie A6 9 V A 9 2 Day A2 S Ka A 4 8 Q A 7 i Wa A 93 Dick A 2 6 Keno A 49 Ra A 7 2 Wats A 9 4 Doy A2 7 Klu A 5 i Rem A 7 3 Wha A 9 S Ea A 2 8 La A 5 2 Rim A 74 Wit A 9 6 En A2 9 Lann A S 3 Rol A 75 X A 9 7 Fa A 3 i Le AS4 Ru A 7 6 Y A 9 8 Fel A 3 2 Lind ASS Sa A 77 Z A 99 Fit A 33 If Cutter- Sanborn tables- (in which vowels like consonants are followd by figures) are used, mark collected biografy with A followd by a shortend Cutter-Sanborn number for author or compiler, writing the initial letter of the Cutter-Sanborn number with a lower case letter; e. g. Strickland's Lives of the queens of England, the Cutter-Sanborn number for Strickland being S 9 i 7) would be markt As 9 or Johnston's Leading American soldiers, the number for Johnston being J 73 , would be Aj 7 \ ""&> e*JUL~ J-*A UM 'U VOUX1^*--VO^^VM , ot I Al LOS ANGBLBfi LIBRARY