CATALOGUE OP THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF LONDON INCLUDING THE LIBRARIES OF GEORGE GEOTE AND AUGUSTUS DE MORGAN. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE SENATE LONDON: riUNTED LY TATLOE AND FKANCIS, BED LION COTJET, FLEET STltEET. 1876. PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. 1TI ' 3EL-LED, <- 3RARY. PKEFACE. THE Library of the University of London, so far as at present formed, consists principally of the Library of George Grote, Esq., for many years Vice-Chancellor of the University, and of that of the late Professor Augustus de Morgan. Mr. Grrote's Library was bequeathed to the University by a Codicil to his Will dated the 9th May, 1871. The bequest was subject to any selection or disposition of the books which might be made by Mrs. Grote during her life; but the greater part of them was at once transferred by Mrs. Grote to the University. The " De Morgan Library," comprising a valuable collection of mathematical works, was purchased in its entirety by Lord Overstone, and was presented by his Lordship to the University " as a testimony of his appreciation of the service which that body has rendered to the extension and improvement of Educa- tion in all its branches throughout the United Kingdom, and in the hope that it may prove the first fruits of a Library which shall, ere long, become such in all respects as the University of London ought to possess ." Previously, however, to the above-named bequest and gift, Mr. Julian Goldsmid, with a view to the establishment of a first-class University Library, had offered a donation of j81000, payable by equal instalments in ten years, to be applied in the purchase of Classical (Greek and Latin) books; and other annual or special donations have been made by the Chancellor, Earl Granville, by the Vice-Chancellor, Sir John Lubbock, and by the Right Hon. Robert Lowe, Member for the University. PREFACE. Pending the completion of the Catalogue these donations have, for the most part, been allowed to accumulate, but will now be applied to the extension of the Library. The sole regular fund on which the Library depends for its maintenance and extension is a grant from the Treasury of 100 per annum. This item was first included in the Estimates of the University for 1873, and having been continued in subse- quent years, it may doubtless be regarded as a permanent source of income. But this grant is scarcely more than sufficient to meet current expenditure, and leaves only a slender balance applicable to the purchase of new works. This Catalogue was mainly compiled by Mr. Thomas Nichols, of the British Museum, under the direction of the Senate, and forms an interesting record of the Grote and De Morgan Libraries. It has been completed to the end of the year 1875, by the addition of a large number of Titles representing recent gifts, purchases, and a considerable further instalment of Mr. Grote' s Library, forwarded by Mrs. Grote to the University. CATALOGUE. D. M. Books from the Library of AUGUSTUS DE MORGAN, pre- sented by LOED OVEESTONE. G. G. Books from the Library of GEOEGE GEOTE, by bequest. I. O. Books from the EAST INDIA COLLEGE LIBEABY, presented by the Secretary of State for India. E. 0. Books received as presents from the PUBLIC BECOBD OFFICE. Abbadie (Jacques). Traite de la Verite de la Beligion Chretienne, . . Par J. A. Tom. I. II. La Haye, 1771. 12mo. Abbott (Francis). Eesults of Twenty-five years' Meteorological Observations for Hobarfc Town ; together with a two years' register of the principal Atmospheric Meteors, and Aurora Australis. ByE. A. To which is added, a Meteorological Sum- mary for Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, &c., &c. as compiled from their respective records. Tasmania, 1866. 4to. Abbt (Thomas). T. Abbts vermischte Werke. Zweyter Theil welcher 1 ) vom Tode f iirs Vaterland ; 2) Fragment der Portugiesischen Geschichte enthalt. Dritter Theil, welcher einen Theil seiner freundschaftlichen Correspondenz enthalt. Berlin, 1770-71. 8vo. . Vom Verdienste. Dritte Auflage. Th. I. Berlin, 1772. 8vo. Abbutt (Eichard). See ESTATES. The two estates. 'Abd al' Aziz. See BIBLE. Old Testament. Psalms. The first sixteen Psalms translated from the Arabic version into Swahili ly Sheilch 'A. a. A. Abdy (J. T.). See GAIUS. Commentaries. Abel (N. H.). Oeuvres completes de N". H. A., Mathematicien, avec des notes et developpements, redigees par ordre du roi, par B. Holmboe, professeur de mathematiques a TUniversite de Chris- tiania. 2 torn. [D. M.] Christiania, 1839. 4to. (Otto). Makedonien vor Konig Philipp. Von O. A. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1847. 8vo. Aberi (Eugene). Beponse de M. E. A. a un Article de M. le Prof. G. Libri (Journal des Savans, Juin 1844). Sur la question agitee a Florence au sujet des travaux de Galilee et de Eenieri sur les Sa- tellites de Jupiter. [D. M.] Florence, 10 Septembre, 1844. 8vo. 2 ABI AGO Abing'don. Chronicpn Monasterii de Abingdon. Edited by the Eev. Joseph Stevenson. 2 vol. I. From the foundation of the Monas- tery until the Norman Conquest ; II. Prom the Norman Conquest until the accession of Bichard the First. [CHRONICLES AND MEMORIALS.] [E. 0.] London, 1858. 8vo. Aboul Hapan Ali Ben Mohammed Alkalqadi. Traite d' Arithmetique. See WOEPCKE (F.). Abra de Kaconis (C. P. d'). Totivs Philosophise . . Auctore C. P. d' A. d. E. [G-. a.] Parisiis, 1637. 8vo. Abrahamus ben CHITA. nro-in on'M -? ^05 v^-in nns n^nif^n rvvis nap Sphaera Mvndi avtore Eabbi Abrahamo Hispano filio E. Haijre. Arithmetica secvndvm omnes species suas autore Eabbi Elija Orieiitali. Qvos libros Osvvaldvs Schreckenfuchsius uertit in liuguam latinam, Sebastianus uero Munsterus illustrauit annota- tionibus. [D. M.] Basileae, 1546. 4to. Abrahamus Eccliellensis. See APOLLONIUS Pergsous. Conicorum lib. v. vi. vii. Abii Beer Mohammed Ibn Zacariy Ar-rdzi (Commonly called EIIAZES). A Treatise on the Small-pox and Measles, by Abu . . Translated from the original Arabic by W. A. Greenhill, M. D. London (printed for the Sydenharn Society), 1848. 8vo. Abul-Kasim Mahmud Bin 'Omar Zamahsarius. Al-Mufassal, opus de Ee Grramnaatica Arabicum, auctore A.-K. M. B. O. Zamah- sario. Ad ndein codicum manu scriptorum edidit J. P. Broch. Breviter praefatus est C. A. Holuiboe. (Universitatis Pro- gramma anni MDCCCLIX semestri posteriori edituin.) Christianiae, 1859. 8vo. Academia Eegia Borussica. See PRUSSIA. Academia Regia Litterarum Borussica. See PRUSSIA. Academic des Sciences. See FRANCE. Institut. Academic des Sciences Morales et Politicoes. See FRANCE. Institut. Academic Franqaise. See FRANCE. Institut. Academic Imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg. See EUSSIA. St. Petersburg. Academie Eoyale des Sciences, des Lettres, et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique. See BELGIUM. Accademia della Crusca. See ITALY. Accorombonius (Felix). Felicis Accorombonii Nobilis Evgvbini Civis Eomani Interpretatio Obscvriorvm Locorum & Sententiarum omnium operum Aristotelis [&c.]. Et de fluxu & refluxu Maris breuis tractatus [&c.]. [G-. G.] Romae, 1590. fol. ACH ADA 3 Achaeus. Achaei Eretriensis quae super sunt, collecta et illustrata a Car. Lucl. Urlichs. [G. G-.] Sonnae, 1834. 8vo. Achilles Tatius. See EEOTICI SCEIPTOEES. (Didot.) . Isagoge ad Arati Phenomena. See PETAVITJS (D.). Urano- loc/ion. Ac! and (Henry Went worth). Eeniarks on the extension of Education at the University of Oxford, in a letter to the Eev. W. Jacobson, D.D., Regius Professor of Divinity, and Canon of Ch. Ch., Oxford. By II. W. A., M.D., F.E.S. [D. M.] Oxford, 1848. 8vo. . The Harveian Oration 1865. By H. W. A. [G. G.] London, 1865. 8yo. (T. D.). Some account of the origin and objects of the new Oxford examinations for the title of Associate in Arts .and Certi- ficates for the year 1858. Second edition. By T. D. A. London, 1858. 8vo. Acron. See HOEATITJS FLACCUS (Q.). Acronis et Porphyrionis com- mcntarii. Acusilaus. Fragmenta. See PHEEECYDES. Fragmenta, &c. Adagia. Adagia, Id est ; Proverbiorum, Paroemiarum et Parabolaruin omnium, quae apud Grsecos, Latinos, Hebrseos, Arabes, &c., in usu fuerunt, Collectio absolutissima in locos communes digesta. . . Adiecti svnt indices dvo accvratissimi, vnvs proverbiorum juxta orclinem alphabeti, alter reruni & verborum. [D. M.] Francofvrii, 1646. fol. Adams (Edwin). Geography Classified: a Systematic Manual of Mathematical, Physical and Political Geography. By E. A., F.E.G.S. [G. G.] London, 1863. 8vo. (Francis). See HIPPOCEATES. The genuine works of H., trans- lated by F. A. . See PATTLTJS ^EGINETA. The seven books of P. (John Couch). An explanation of the observed] Irregularities 'in the Motion of Uranus, on the hypothesis of disturbances caused by a more distant planet ; with a determination of the mass, orbit, and position of the disturbing body. By J. C. A., Esq., M. A. [From, the Appendix to the Nautical Almanac for 1851.] [D. M.] London, 1846. 8vo. . On the Secular Variation of the Moon's Mean Motion. By J. C. A. [From The Philosophical Transactions, 1853.] [D. M.] 4to. (John Quincy). Letters on the Masonic Institution. By J. Q. A. Boston [U. S.], 1847. 8vo. (Walter Marsham). Outlines of Geometry ; or, the Motion of a Point. An introductory treatise on the difficulties of ele- mentary geometry, and the general principles of the higher plane curves ; with especial reference to Euclid's elements. By W. M. A. [D. M.] Melbourne, 1866. 8vo. . Another edition. London, 1869. 8vo. B2 4 ADA AEL Adamson (J.). Notes on Cape Affairs. A Letter to C. B. Adderley, Esq., M.P. (July 12, 1851). By J. A., D.D. [D. M.] London, 1851. 8vo. Adamus (Melchior). Vitae Germanoruin jureconsultorum et politi- coruni : qvi superior! seculo, et quod excurrit, floruerunt : concin- natse a M. A. [D. M] Haidelbergce, 1620. 8vo. . Vita) Grernianorum medicorum : qvi seculo superior!, et quod excurrit, claruerunt: congestse & ad annum usque clolocxx. deducts a M. A. [D. M.] Haidelbergce, 1620. 8vo. . Vitse Germanorvm philosophorvrn : qvi secvlo svperiori, et qvod excvrrit, philosophicis ac humanioribus literis clari florue- runt. Collects) a M. A. [D. M.] Francofvrti, 1663. 8vo. . Vita) Grermanoruni theologorum, qvi superiori secvlo ecclesiam Christi voce scriptisqve propagarunt et propugnarunt, congests & ad annum usque clo loc XYIII. deductse a M. A. [G. G.] Francofvrti, 1653. 8vo. Addington (Right Hon. Henry), Viscount Sidmouth. The Life and Correspondence of the Eight Hon. H. Viscount S. By the Hon. George Pellew, D.D., Dean of Norwich. 3 vols. [G-. G.] London, 1847. 8vo. Addison (Joseph). Poetical Works of. See ANDERSON, British Poets. Vol. vii. Adelswaerd (Oscar d'). Du Systems Protecteur et de ses conse- quences, par 0. cV A. [G. G.] Nancy, 1860. 8vo. . La Liberte de Conscience en Suede par d' A. [G. G.] Paris, 1861. 8vo. Adelung (Johann Christoph). See DUFRESNE (C.). Lexicon manuale. . Grammatisch - Kritisches Worterbuch der Hochdeutschen Mundart . . von J. C. A. 4 Thle. Zweyte . . Ausgabe. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1793-1801. 4to. Admiralty, Works published by order of the Board of. The Nautical Almanac. See ALMANACS. CARKINGTON (E. C.) Circumsolar Stars observed at Redhill in the years 1854-56. MACLEAK (T.). Contributions to Astronomy and Geodesy. . "Works published by direction of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, and sold by J. Murray, Albemarle Street. [List.] [D. M.] London. 8vo. Aehrenfeld (M. von). See SCHAFAEIK (P. J.), Slawische Alterthumer. Aelbroeck (J.-L. van). L' Agriculture pratique de la Flandre, par J.-L. v. A. [G. G.] Paris, 1830. 8vo. . Memoire sur les Prairies Aigres. Par J. L. van A. [G. G.] Bruccelles, 1828. 8vo. Aelianus (Claudius) Pranestinus. KA. ATAIANOY SO*I2TOY noiKlAIl 1STOPIA, Cl. Aeliani Sophistae varia Historia, cum notis integris Conradi Gesneri, &c. . . & Interpretatione Latina Tiisti Vulteii . . curante Abrahino Gronovio . . 2 vol. [G. G.] Lugd. Bat. 1731. 4tc. AEL AES 5 Aelianus (Claudius). JEliani de natura animalium varia Historia EpistolsQ et Eragmenta. Eecognovit, annotatione critica et indi- cibus instruxit Eud. Hercher. Parisiis [Didot], 1858. 8vo. Aemilianus (Palladius Eutilius Taurus). De re rustica. See SCHNEIDER (J. G.). Aeneas, Tacticus. De toleranda obsidione. See POLYBITJS. AescMnes. See AISTTIPHON. . See BEKKER (I.) Omtores Attici, Tom, iii, . See DEMOSTHENES and J^schines. . See MTJELLERUS (C.). Orator es Attici. . Orationes. See EEISKE (J. J). Oratoruin GraDCorum quae supersunt. Pt. 5-7. . Aeschinis Oratio in Timarchvm. Eecensvit Eridericvs Eranke. Accedvnt Scholia Graeca avctiora. Editio secvnda. [G. G.] Qvedlinbvrgi, 1846. 8vo. . Aeschinis Socratici Dialogi tres Graece qvartvm edidit ex recensione sva indicemqve yerborvm Graecorvni adiecit Joh. Erider. Eischervs. [G. G.] Miseni, 1788. 8vo. Aeschylus. Lexicon. See LINWOOD (W.). . Septem contra Thebas. See TROLLOPE (G.). . Tragoediae. See GRAECAE TRAGOEDIAE PRINCIPIIM. . Worlcs. ^Eschyli TragoediaD qu.sB supersunt deperditarum fabularum Eragmenta et Scholia Gragca ex editione Thomas Stanleii cum versione Latina ab ipso emendata [&c.]. Accedunt variaa lectiones [&c.] quibus suas passim intertexuit Samuel Butler. 2 torn. [G. G.] Cantabriyice, 1809. 8vo. ' . ^schyli Tragoediaa quae supersunt [ac deperditarum frag- menta]. Eecensuit [ . . &c.] Chr. God. Schiitz. Vol. i-ii. iv. v. [G. G.] Oxonii $ Halae, 1810-21. 8vo. . AISXYAOS. JEschyli Tragoediae superstites et deperditarum Eragrnenta ex recensione G. Dindorfii. [G. G.] Oxonii, 1832. 8vo. . jEschyli Tragoediae. Eecensvit Godofredvs Hermannvs. 2 torn. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1852. 8vo. . Two or more separate works. Aeschyli quae supersunt edidit Dr. Eudolfus Henricus Klausen. Volunien I. Orestea. Sectio I. Agamemno. Sectio II. Choephorae. (Bibliotlieca Graeca. Vol. vii.) [I. 0.] Gothae, 1833-35. 8vo. . Vol. I. Sec. I. Agamemno. [G. G.] . Separate works. A12XYAOY AFAMEMNON. JEschyli Aga- memnon ad fidem manuscriptorum emendavit notas et glossariuni adjecit Carolus Jacobus Blomfield, S. T. P. [I. O.] Cantabrigice, 1818. 4to. . Dissertations on the Eumenides of ^Eschylus : with the Greek text and critical remarks. Erom the German of C. O Miiller. [I. O.] Cambridge, 1835. 4to. 8 AESAGE Aeschylus. AISXYAOY HEPS AI. ^Eschyli Persae ad fidem nianuscrip- torum emendavit notas et glossarium adjecit Carolus Jacobus Blom- field, A.M. Editio secunda. [I. O.] Cantabrigice, 1818. 4to, . Aeschyli Persae. . . edidit. (&c.) E. Merkel. [G-. G-.] Lipsiae, 1869. 4to. . AISXYAOY riPOMHOEYS AESMQTHS. Cum Stanleiana versione, Scholiis a, /3 (et y ineditis) amplissimisque variorum notis, quibus suas adjecit, necnon scholia de metro ac Anglicanam interpretationem T. Morell. [G. G.] Londini, 1773. 4to. . AISXYAOY IIPOMHOEYS AE^MOTHS. ^Eschyli Pro- metheus vinctus. . . emendavit . . Carolus Jacobus Blomfield. Editio secunda. [G. G.] Cantalrigice, 1812. 8vo. . JEschyli Prometheus Vinctus. Ad optimorum librorum fidem recensuit, integram lectionia varietatem notasque adjecit Augustus Wellauer. Cantabriyice, 1827. 8vo. . AISXYAOY EflTA EHI 6HBAS. ^Eschyli Septem contra Thebas . . emendavit [&c.] Carolus Jacobus Blomfield. Editio secunda. [G. G.] Cantabrigice, 1817. 8vo. Aesop, the Phrygian. See BABEITJS. Fdbulce ^Esopece. . See BENTLET (E.). Eables. . See L'ESTEANGE (Sir E.). Fables. . See PHAEDKTJS. . Select Fables of 2Esop and other Fabulists. In three books. [G. G.] Birmingham, 1764. 8vo. Agardh (Charles Adolphe). Essai sur la Metaphysique du Calcul Differentiel. Par C. A. A., Eveque de Carlstad. [D. M.] Stockholm, 1848. 8vo. Agathias. Agathiae Myrinaei Historiarum libri quinque cum versione Latina [&c.] Bon. Vulcanii. B. G. Mebuhrius Graeca recensuit. Accedunt Agathiae Epigrammata. [Hist. Byzant.~] Bonnae, 1828. 8vo. Agenor de Gasparin (Etienne), Oomte. La Ee'publique neutre cT Alsace par le C te A. d. G. Seconde edition. Geneve, 1870. 8vo. Agricola (Eodolphus). Eodolphi Agricolae Phrisii, De inuentione dialectica libri tres, cum scholijs loannis Matthsei Phrissernij. Loca item aliquot restituta. Parisiis, 1534. fol. Agriculture. Eeport of the Select Committee to whom the several petitions complaining of the distressed state of the agriculture of the United Kingdom were referred. Second edition. [G. G.] London, 1821. 8vo. . Tre Trattati riguardanti 1'Agricoltura. [G. G.] Venezia, 1840. 12mo. Agrippa (Henricus Cornelius). Heiirici Cornelii AgrippaB ab Nette- sheyni, de incertitudie & vanitate scientiarum declamatio inuectiua, qua vniuersa ilia sophoruni gigantomachia plus quam Herculea iinpugnatur audacia : doceturo^ nusqua certi quicquam, perpetui, & diuini, nisi in solidis eloquijs atque eminentia verbi dei latere. [D. M.] Colonial, 1531. 8vo. AGE Alii 7 Agrippa (Henricus Cornelius). The Vanity of Arts and Sciences. By H. C. A. [D. M.] London, 1684. 8vo. . Henrici Cor. Agrippae ab Nettesheyin . . De Occvlta Philo- sophia Libri iii. [D. M.] Lvgdvni, 1550. 8vo Ahrens (Henricus Ludolfus). De Graecae linguae Dialectis scripsit H. L. A. Liber primus. De Dialectis Aeolicis et Pseudaeolicis. [G. G.] Gottingae, 1839. 8vo. . Liber secundus, de dialecto Dorica. [G. G.] Gottingen, 1843. 8vo. - . Homerische excurse. [Phihloguq. VI. Jahrg. 1.] [G. G.] 8vo. Aikin (P.). See THOMSON (J.). The Seasons. Ainsworth (Robert). Thesaurus Linguaa Latinse compendiarius ; or a compendious Dictionary of the Latin Tongue : . . First published by Mr. E. A. A new edition. . . by Thomas Morell, D.D. 2 vol. [second, wanting title-page]. Latin.-Eng. ; Eug.-Latin. [G. G.] London, 1783. 4to. (William Francis). Travels and researches in Asia Minor, Mesopotamia, Chaldea, and Armenia, by W. F. A., F.G.S., [&c.]. In two volumes. London, 1842. 12mo . Travels in the track of the Ten Thousand Greeks ; being a geographical and descriptive account of the expedition of Cyrus and of the retreat of the ten thousand Greeks, as related by Xenophon. By W. F. A., F.G.S., [&c.]. London, 1844. 12mo. Air. On a method of cooling the air of rooms in Tropical Climates. [By C. Piazzi Smyth.] [D. M.] London I ]. fol. Airy (George Biddell). See ENCKE ( J. F.). On Encke's Comet. Enclce's Dissertation, translated by G. B. A. . See EOTAL OBSEEVATOEY, Greenwich. . See TEIGONOMETEY. . Account of Experiments on Iron-built Ships, instituted for the purpose of discovering a Correction for the deviation of the Compass produced by the iron of the ships. By G. B. A.f [D. M.] London, 1839. 4to. . Account of the Construction of the new National Standard of Length, and of its principal copies. By G. B. A.f [D. M.] London, 1858. 4to. . Account of the Northumberland Equatoreal and Dome, at- tached to the Cambridge Observatory. By G. B. A. Cambridge, 1844. 4to. . Address to the individual members of the Board of Visitors of the Eoyal Observatory, by the Astronomer Eoyal. Eoyal Obser- vatory, Greenwich, Sept. 25, 1843. [D. M.] 4to. . Address and Explanation by the Astronomer Eoyal, presented to the Board of Visitors of the Eoyal Observatory, Greenwich, at their special meeting of 1843, Nov. 10 ; and Eeport of the Astronomer Eoyal, read at the annual visitation of the Eoyal Observatory, 1844, June 1. [D. M.] 4to. 8 . AIR Airy ( George Biddell). An elementary treatise on Partial Differential Equations designed for the use of Students in the University. By G. B. A., Astronomer Eoyal [etc.]. [D. M.]. London, 1866. 8vo. . Astronomical Observations made by the Eev. Thomas Catton, B.D. . . reduced and printed under the superintendence of G. B. A., Esq. . . at the expense of Her Majesty's Government. London, 1853. 4to. . Explanation of a proposed construction of Zenith Sector : addressed to the Board of Visitors of the Eoyal Observatory, Greenwich. [D. M.] [ ], 1848. 4to. . Extracts of papers printed and manuscript, laid before the Commission appointed to consider the steps to be taken for restoration of the standards of weight and measure, and 'the subjects connected therewith. Arranged by G. B. A. Printed by order of the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury. [D. M.] London, 1840. 4to. . Gravitation : an elementary explanation of the principal per- turbations in the Solar System. (Written for the Penny Cyclo- paedia, and now previously published for the use of students in the University of Cambridge.) By G. B. A. [D. M.] London, 1834. 12mo. . Mathematical Tracts on the Lunar and Planetary Theories, the Figure of the Earth, Precession and Nutation, the Calculus of Variations, and the Undulatory Theory of Optics. Designed for the use of Students in the University. By G. B. A. Second Edition. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1831. 8vo. . Note on Oltmanns' Calculation of the Eclipse of Thales. By G. B. A.t [D. M.] [1858.] 4to. . Observations of Venus near her inferior Conjunction in the year 1830, made at the request of the Eoyal Astronomical Society, with a view to determine the Moon's Mass, according to the method proposed by Professor A.* [D. M.] 4to. . On Laplace's Investigation of the attraction of Spheroids differing little from a Sphere. . . By G. B. A.$ [D. M.] Cambridge, 1826. 4to. . On Sound and Atmospheric Vibrations, with the Mathematical Elements of Music. Designed for the use of Students of the University. By G. B. A. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1868. 8vo. . On the Algebraical and Numerical Theory of Errors of Observations and the Combination of Observations. By G. B. A. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1861. 8vo. . On the Computation of the effect of the Attraction of Moun- tain-masses, as disturbing the Apparent Astronomical Latitude of Stations in Geodetic Surveys. By G. B. A.t [D. M.] [1855.] 4to. [* Erom The Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society. f The Philosophical Transactions. + The Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.'] AIR 9 Airy (George Eiddell). On the Diffraction of an Object-glass with circular aperture. By G. B. A.J [D. M.] Cambridge, 1835. 4to. . On the Disturbances of Pendulums and Balances, and on the Theory of Escapements. By Gr. B. A. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1828. 4to. . On the Eclipse of Agathocles, the Eclipse at Larissa, and the Eclipse of Thales. With an Appendix on the Eclipse at Stik- lastad. By G-. B. A * 4to. . On the Eclipses of Agathocles, Thales, and Xerxes. By G. B.A.f [1853.] 4to. . On the Factorial Eesolution of the Trinomial cc n 2cos n a + By G. B. A.+ [D. M.] Cambridge, 1869. 4to. . On the Figure of the Earth. By G. B. A.f [D. M.] London, 1826. 4to. . On the Intensity of Light in the neighbourhood of a Caustic. By G-. B. A. + . [D. M.] Cambridge, 1838. 4to. . Supplement to a Paper on the Intensity of Light in the neighbourhood of a Caustic. By Gr. B. A.J [D. M.] Cambridge, 1848. 4to. . On the laws of the tides on the coasts of Ireland, as inferred from an extensive series of observations made in connection with the ordnance survey of Ireland. By Gr. B. A. (From the Philosophical Transactions. Part I. for 1845. With Map.) [D. M.] London, 1845. 4to. . On the Longitude of the Cambridge Observatory. By Gr. B. A, J [D. M.] 4to. , On the Substitution of methods founded on ordinary Geometry for methods based on general doctrine of Proportions, in the treatment of some Geometrical Problems. By G. B. A. J [D. M.] Cambridge, 1858. 4to. . On the Undulatory Theory of Optics, designed for the use of Students in the University. By G. B. A. A new edition. [D. M.] London, 1866. 8vo. . Reports of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors of the Royal Observatory. See ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH. . Results of the Observations made by the Rev. Fearon Fallows, at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, in the years 1829, 1830, 1831. Reduced under the superintendence of G. B. A.* 4to. . Suggestion of a proof of the Theorem that every Algebraic Equation has a Root. By G. B. A.J [D. M.] Cambridge, 1859. 4to. [* From The Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society. t The Philosophical Transactions. J The Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.'] 10 AIR ALC Airy (Q-eorge Biddell). Supplement to ' A proof of the Theorem that every Algebraic Equation has a Root/ By Gr. B. A.* [D. M.] Cambridge, 1860. 4to. . Tides and Waves. (From Vol. V. of the Encyc. Metrop.) [D. M.] 4to. Akenside (Mark). Poetical Works of. See ANDERSON, British Poets. Vol. ix Alanus (Henricus). Emendationes Livianae alterae. Accedunt in emendationes priores curae secundae. Scripsit H. A. Dublinii, 1867. 12mo. Albert! (Eduard). Zur Dialektik des Platon. Vom Theaetet bis zum Parmenides. Von E. A. [Gr. Gr.] Leipzig, 1855. 8vo. (Francesco). Nouveau Dictionnaire Frangois-Italien [& Italiano-Francese] par F. A. . . Seconde edition. . . 2 vol. [GL a.] Nice, 1778-80. 4to. (Joannes). See HESTCHITJS. Lexicon. Allbimis (Bernard Siegfried). Tables of the Skeleton and Muscles of the Human Body. By B. S. A. Translated from the Latin. Part II. containing the Muscles of the particular parts separate from the body. [Followed by :] A complete system of the Blood- vessels and Nerves, taken from Albinus's Edition of Eustachius, also from Euysch, Vieussens, Du Verney, Haller, Trew, and J. B. Surgeon at Avignon ; . . engraved on large copper plates, with tables of explanation, containing the text of Eustachius, Albums, &c. Translated into English. To which are prefixed three whole- length Anatomical Figures, representing the external parts of the Human Body in both sexes. London, 1749-50. imp. fol. . Another edition. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1777. fol. Albius (Eicardus). See WHITE (Richard). Albricus, PTiilosophus. Cum integris commentariis Jacobi Micylli [&c.] See STAVEEEN (A. van). Auctores Mytlwgraplii Latini. Alcaeus. Fragmenta. See ANACEEON. . Alcaei Poetae Lyrici Fragmenta. [D. Theod. Frid. Stange ed.] [a. a.] Halae, 1810. 8vo. Alchabitius. U Alkabitius Astronomie iudiciarie p3incipia tractas cu Joaiinis saxonij cometario O3dine textus nuperrime disticto. Additis annotatioibus et in margine 7 in textu_atcb glossa per magistrum Petru turrellum Astrophilu3 diuion. gymnasij rec- to3em: cum tractatulo de cognoscendis infirmitatibus appme Medicis necessario e multis autl^ib 9 per eude3 extracto. sine quo revera sepi 9 $ nauta sine remo medicus hebet onus : quo habito vjina videre no opus est. [D. M.] Lugd. Opera M. Guilhelmi Huyon calchographi. Impensis . . Bartholomei Trot bibliopole. [ ] 4to. [* From The Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.'] ALCALE 11 Alchabitius. Alchabitius cum comento. Libellus isagogicus ab dilazi. idest serui glo^iosi del : Qui dicitur alchabitius ad magisterius iudicio3u astrorum interpretatus a ioanne hispalensi scriptumque in eundem a ioanne saxonie editurn. [Damaged.] [D. M.] Venetiis, 1500. 4to. Alcidamas. See MUELLEETJS (C.). Omtores Attici. . Orationes. See EEISKE (J. J.) Oratorum Grsecorurn. quse supersunt. Pt. 15. Alciphron. Alciphronis Ehetoris Epistolae. Eecensuit [&c.] E. E. Seiler. [G-. G-.] Lipsice, 1853. 8vo. . 'AAKI'fcPONOS 'PH'TOPOS 'EIHSTOAAI'. Alciphronis rhetoris Epistolae qvarum major pars nunc primum editur. Eecensuit [&c.] Stephanus Bergler. [G. G-.] Lipsice, 1715. 8vo. Alcman. Fragmenta Alcnianis Lyrici collegit [&c.] Fridericus Theophilus Welckerus. [G. G.] 1815. 4to. Aldrich (Henry). Artis Logicse Eudimenta, from the text of Aldrich, with Notes and Marginal Eeferences. By the Eev. H. L. Mansel, B.D. . . Third Edition, corrected and enlarged. [D. M.] Oxford, 1849. 8vo. . Another edition. [D. M.] 1852. . Another edition. [See under LOGICA.] [D. M.] 1856. Aldridge (John). A first trip to the German Spas and to Vichy ; with an essay on the nature and uses of natural spas, and a tabular view of the composition of several natural waters. By J. A., M.D. [&c.] Dublin, 1856. 8vo. Alecmarianus (Petrus Nannius). See DEMOSTHENES. De Immvnitate adversvs Leptinem Oratio Petro N. A. interprete. Alembert (Jean Lerond d'). See EFCYCLOPEDIE METHODIQITE. Maihe- matiques. . (Euvres philosophiques, historiques et litteraires de d' Alembert. 18 torn. [D. M.] Paris, An xiii. (1805). Svo. . Traite de Dynamique, . . par M. d' Alembert, de 1'Academie Frangoise [&c.]. Seconde edition. [D. M.] Paris, 1796. 4to. Aleotti (Giovanni Battista). See HEEOK. Gli artificiosi, e cvriosi Moti Spiritali di Herone, tradotti da M. G. B. A. tfArgenta. Alexander Aphrodisceus. See AEISTOTLE. A. A. in priora reso- lutoria, &c. . See AEISTOTLE. A. A. in q/uatuor libros Meteoroloyicorum Aristotelis commentatio. . See AEISTOTLE. A. A. in octo libros topicorum, &c. . See AEISTOTLE. Annotationes A. A. in librum elenchorum, &c. . Libri duo de aniina, et de fato unus. See THEMISTIUS. . Problematum Libri duo. See AEISTOTLE. . Alexandri Aphrodisiensis qvae fervntvr Problematorvm liber III et IHI Herrn. Vsener ph. d. [G. G.] Berlin, 1859. 4to. . A'AE^A'NAPOY A'^POAI^IE'ilS E'lS TA' TO^IKA' API^TOTE' AOY^, Y'P OMNH'M ATA. Alexandri Aphrodisiei in Topica Aristotelis Commentarii. [G. G.] Venetiis, 1513. fol. 12 ALE ALG- Alexander, ZI1THMATA AAE^ANAPOY TOY fcYSlKA. PEPI *YXH2. H0IKA. . . Qvsestiones Alexandri Aphrodisiensis uatvrales. De Anima. Morales. [a. a.] [Venice], 1536. ol. . Alexandri Aphrodisiensis Quaestionmn Naturalium et Mora- Hum ad Aristotelis Philosophiam illustrandam libri qvatuor ex recensione Leonardi Spengel Monacensis. [G-. G-.] Monachii, 1842. 8vo. - (John). A synopsis of Algebra. Being the posthumous work of J. A., of Bern in Switzerland. Done from the Latin by Sam. Cobb. London, 1709. 8vo. Justinianus Ohio. See AEISTOTLE. Alfieri (Yittorio). Tragedie di Y. A. 4 torn. [G-. G-.] Pisa, 1817-18. 12mo. Algarotti (Francesco), Count. Sir Isaac Newton's Theory of Light and Colours, and his Principle of Attraction, made familiar to the Ladies in several entertainments. In two volumes. Trans- lated from, the original Italian of Signor A. [by Mrs. Elizabeth Carter]. [D. M.] London, 1742. 12mo. Algebra. Address to Students in Algebra. [? by James LoctcliartJ] [D. M.] {London, ? 1841.] 4to. . An explanation of the Affirmative and Negative Signs in Algebra. [D. M.] Cambridge [ ], 8vo. . Problems in some of the Higher Branches of Algebra. [D. M.] London, 1807. 8vo. . See HOEAE ALGEBRAIC AE. Alger (William Rounseville). A critical history of the doctrine of a future life. With a complete Bibliography of the subject. By W. E. A. [Q. G.] Philadelphia, 1864. 8vo. Algiers. A true Eelation of the Yictory and happy success of a Squadron of His Majesties Meet in the Mediterranean, against the Pyrates of Algiers. [D. M.] [London], 1670. 4to. Alglave (Eniile). See BEEFAED (C.). Cours de physiologic. Algorism[-us]. A Treatise on the Numeration of Algorism, from a MS. of the 14th century. See MOELAND (Sir S.). . Algoitm 9 linealis. Imp^essum Lipt3k p melchio3e Lotter Anno. 7 c. [1490.] [D. M.] 4to. . In clesem boechelge uync men ein kurtze wech vii glide inanier bald tzo leren rechen mit zyffereii nae der konst Al- gorismi. in dem gantze vii geb3oche sere siiuerlich vn niitzlich vur alle die soelche konst begere tzo leren. Ged3uckt jm jair. 1526. [D. M.] (Gedruckt tzo Collen by Seruays Cruffter.) 8vo. Algoritmus. See ALGOEISMUS. ALI ALM 13 Aliaco (Petrus de). Beueredissimi Domini Petri de aliaco Cardinalis & episcopi Cameracensis I [Sphgera loannis de Sacro Bvsto] quses- tiones subtilissiinse numero xiiii. See SACROBOSCO (J. de). Tecctvs Sphaerae ; <$fc. Alingham (William). A short account of the nature and use of Maps. As also some short discourses of the division of the Earth into Zones, Climes and Parallels ; with the properties of the several Inhabitants thereof. To which is subjoined a catalogue of the [Factories and Places now in possession of the English, French, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, and Danes, both in the East and West Indies. With several tables very useful in Geography and Navi- gation. By. W. A. [D. M.] London, 1705. 8vo. Allacen, the Mathematician. De causis Crepuscularum liber unus. See NONIUS (P.). Allais (E. P.). See VALERIUS MAXIMUS. Dictorum factorumqiic memorabilium libros novem. Allatius (Leo). See PCXSTIFICES. PKOCLTJS. Allemand (Judah d'). See BIBLE, OLD TESTAMENT. Biblia Hebraica. Allibone (S. Austin). A critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American authors living and deceased, from the earliest accounts to the latter half of the nineteenth century. By S. A. A. 3 vols. London, 1872. 8vo. Allihn (F. H. Th.). Ueber die Bedeutung des Studiums des grie- chischen Alterthuins f iir philosophische Bildung in gegenwartiger Zeit, Drei Vortrage gehalten. . . von F. H. T. A. [G-. G.] Nordluiusen, 1849. 8vo. Allman (Greorge Johnston). On the Attraction of Ellipsoids, with a new demonstration of Clairaut's Theorem, being an account of the late Professor Mac Cullagh's Lectures on those subjects. Compiled by G-. J. A., LL.D. [From The Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, Vol. xxii. Science.] [D. M.] Dublin, 1853. 4to. Almack's. Key to " Almack's," reprinted from the Literary Gazette of December 9, 1826. [D. M.] London, 1827. 8vo. Almanacs. See DIARY. The Gentleman's D., 1835-40. . The Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Ephemeris for the year 1840 [-56.]. Published by order of the Lords Commis- sioners of the Admiralty. [And 2nd edition of 1845.] [D. M.] London, 1837-55. Svo. . Another set, 1852-1868. . [Extracts from the years 1834-51.] [D.M.] London, 1833-47. Svo. . Interpolation Tables, used in the Nautical Almanac Office. [Constructed by W. Godward, Jun r .] [D. M.] London, 1857. Svo. . Nautical Almanac. Natural Versed Sines from to 125, and Logarithmic Versed Sines from to 135 or O h to 9 h , used in computing lunar distances for the Nautical Almanac. [Prepared by Mr. Farley.] . [D. M.] London, 1856. fol. 14 ALM AMI Almanacs. [Manuscript Almanac ; beginning 21st Nov. 1650, and end- ing 22nd Aug. 1657. "With astronomical and miscellaneous notes, many of the latter in shorthand. 1 E. Willis's system.'] . Old Poor Eobin. An Almanack . . for . . 1806. . . "Written by Poor Eobin. [D. M.] London. 8vo. Almansor, Astrologies. Propositiones ad Saracenorum regem. See FIKMICUS Maternus (J.). Ad Mavortivm Lollianum AstronomicuJn Lib. viii. Alphonso IX., King of- Castile [&c.]. Alfontij regis castelle illus- trissimi celestiu inotuu tabule : nee no stellajt fixaru Idgitudines ac latitudines alfontij tpe ad inotus veritate mira diligetia reducte. At pmo Joanis saxoniesis in tabulas alfontij canoes ojdinati incipiut faustissime. Imp3essionem qua emendatissima Erhard'ratdolt augustensis inira sua arte sua 7 impensa foeli- cissimo sidere coniplere curauit. Anno salutis 1483 [&c.]. [D. M.] 4to. Alquie (Francois Savinien d'). See HUARTE (J.). Vexamen des esprits, traduit de I'Espagnol par F. S. tt- Heva,} a-rravra. Archimedis Svracvsani philosophi ac geometrae excellentissimi Opera, quaa quidem extant, omnia, multis iam secilis desiderata, at% a quam paucissimis hactenus uisa, nuncqj primum & Gneco & Latine in lucem edita. . . Adiecta quocb sunt Evtocii Ascalonitae in eosdem Archimedis libros Commentaria, item Gra^ce & Latine, nunquam antea excusa. . . [D. M.] Basileae, 1544. fol. . Another copy. [D. M.] . APXIMHAOY2 TA SOZOMENA META TON EYTOKIOY A^KAAllNITOY YHOMNHMATON. Archimedis quao supersunt oninia cum Eutocii Ascalonita) commentariis. Ex recensione Josephi Torelli, Yeronensis, cum nova versione Latina. Accedunt Lectiones variantes ex codd. Mediceo et Parisiensibus. [D. M.] Oxonii, 1792. fol. . CEuvres d'Archimede, traduites litteralement, avec uu com- mentaire, par E. Peyrard, Professeur de Mathematiques et d'Astronomie au Lycee Bonaparte; suivies d'un Memoire du Traducteur, sur un noaveau Miroir ardent, et d'un autre Memoire de M. Delambre, sur 1'Arithmetique des Grecs. . . Seconde Edition. 2 torn. [D. M.] Paris, 1808. 8vo. ABC AIM 27 Archimedes. The Arenarius of Archimedes, translated from the Greek, with notes and illustrations, to which is added, the Dissertation of Christopher Clavius on the same subject, from the Latin. [By G. Anderson.] [D. M.] London, 1784. 8vo. Archytas. See GRTIPPE (0. F.). Ueber die Fragmente des A., $c. Arden (Joseph). See HTPEEIDES. Orations for Lycophron and for Euxenippus. Aretaeus. APETAIOY KAHnAAOKOY TA 2&ZOMENA. The extant works of Aretseus, the Cappadocian. Edited and trans- lated by Francis Adams, LL.D. London (printed for the Sydenham Society), 1856. 8vo. Aretirms (Carolus). Epistolae. See LAZEBI (P.). (Leonardus). Epistolse. See LAZEEI (P.). Argelander (Fridericus G-uilelmus Augustus). De Fide Uranome- triae Bayeri Dissertatio Academica. Scripsit D. F. G. A. A. [D. M.] Bonnae, 1842. 4to. Argens, J. B. de Boyer, Marquis d'. See BOTEK. Argenson (Eene d'). Notes de Eene d'Argenson, Lieutenant General de Police, interessantes pour I'Histoire des Mcaurs et de la Police de Paris a la fin du regne de Louis XIV. [Collection des Petits Memoires inedits publics par L. Larchey et E. Mabille.] Paris, 1866. 18mo. Argentine Confederation. Argentine Eepublic. Sanitary character of Andine Heights. [Extracted from an article by Dr. Scrivener in the " Eevista de Buenos Ayres."] London [ ]. 8vo. . Letters concerning the country of the Eiver Plate (the Argen- tine Eepublic) being suitable for Emigrants and Capitalists to settle in. 1869. [Issued by the Central Argentine Railivay. Com- pany."] London, 1869. 8vo. Argyre (Isaac). See PTQLEMAETTS (C). Tables manuelles astronomiques de Ptolemee et de Theon ; $c. . ISAAKOY MONAXOY TOY APIYPOY KANON HA2KA- AIO^. Eegle pour la Table Pascale, par le Moine Isaac Argyre de Constantinople, precedee d'un fragment du discours d'Apoli- naire Eveque d'Hierapolis en Syrie, traduits pour la premiere fois du Grec en Frangais, . . par M. FAbbe Halma. [D. M.] Paris, 1825. 4to. . KAN11N HA2XAAIOS ISAAKOY MONAXOY TOY APIT- POY. Table Pascale du Moine Isaac Argyre, faisant suite a celles de Ptolemee et de Theon, traduite pour la premiere fois du Grec en Frangaia par M. 1'Abbe Halma. [D. M.] Paris, 1825. 4to. Ariosto (Lodovico). L'Orlando Furioso di L. A. Tom. 1-4. [G. G.] Bassano, 1811. 12mo. Aristaenetns. API^TAINETOY EHI^TOAAI. Aristaeneti Epistola) Grsecse. Cum Latina interpret atione. [G. G.] Parisiis, 1596, 8vo. 28 AEI Aristaenetus. Aristseneti Epistolaa Grsocse cuin versione Latina et notis Josiac Merceri curante Joan. Cornelio de Pauw, en jus notae accedunt. [G-. Q-.] Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1737. 8vo. Aristaeus. See YIVIANI (V.). -De locis solicits secunda divinatio (jeotnetrica in quinque libros amissos Aristcei. Aristarchus. Hypercritics. See DUNCIAD. Samius. De magnitudinibus & distantiis Soils & Lunso, liber. See WALLIS (J.). . De Mundi Systemate. See MERSEKPOJS (M.). . See OSANNUS (F.). Anecdotum Romanum de nolis veterum criticis imprimis Aristarchi Homericis ; fyc. Aristides duintilianus. De Musica libri iii. See MEIBOMJUS (M.). Antique Musica) Auctores septem. (Aelius). Declainatio adversus Leptinem. See DEMOSTHENES. . Aristides ex recensione Guilielmi Dindorfii. 3 vol. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1829. 8vo. Aristobulus Cassandrensis. Eeliquiae. See PTOLEMAEUS. . Vita et Commentarii. Fragmenta. See PTOLEMAErs. Aristocratic. Von den Aristokratien, den Geschlechts-, Geld-, Geistes- und Beamten Aristokratien und der Ministerialverant- wortlichkeit in reinen Monarchien . . von einem Ungenannten. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1834. 8vo. Aristonicus. Aristonici IIEPI ^HMEKiN IAIAAOS reliquiae emen- datiores. Edidit Ludovicus Friedlaender. [G. G.] Gottingae, 1853. 8vo. Aristophanes. Prosopographia. See HALBEETSMA (T.). . Lexicon Aristophanicum. See SANXAT (J.). . Dissertatio de Sortitione Judicum apud Athenienses ad Scholl. Aristoph. Plut. v. 277. See SCHOEMAM* (G. F.). . A PISTOL ANOYS KOMOAIAI. Aristophanis Comoedia3 auc- toritate libri prseclarissimi saaculi decimi emendatse a Philippo Invernizio. Accedunt criticse animadversiones, scholia Grseca, indices, et virorum doctorum adnotationes. Vol. I. XI. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1794-1823. 8vo. . API2TO$ANOY2 KOM^IAIAI. Aristophanis Comcedia) cum scholiis et varietate lectionis. Becensuit Immanuel Bekkerus. Accedunt versio latina deperditarum comcediarum fragmenta . . 5 vol. [G. G.] Londini, 1828. 8vo. . APl^TO^ANH^. Aristophanis Comoedia>. Accedunt perdi- taruni fabularum fragmenta ex recensione G. Dindorfii. 3 torn. Oxonii, 1835-37. 8vo. . Aristophanis Comcediaa et perditarum fragmenta ex nova recensione Gulielmi Dindorf. Accedunt Menandri et Philemonis fragmenta auctiora et emendatiora. Graace et Latine cum indi- cibus. Parisiis [Didof], 1862. 8vo. AEI 29 Aristophanes. Aristophanis Comoediae qvae svpersvnt cvm perditarvm fragmentis. Tertiis cvris vsvi scholarvm accommodavit additis adiiotatione critica svininariis discriptione metrica Hvbertvs Holden LL.D. 2 vol. Cantabrigiae, 1868-69. 8vo. . Aristophanis Acharnenses. Edidit Albertus Mueller. [a. G-.] Hannoverae, 1863. 8vo. . APl2TO<&ANOY2 NE$EAAI. Aristophanis Nvbes cvm scholiis antiqvis e recens. L. Kvsteri . . cvm praefatione lo. Avgvsti Ernesti. [G-. Q-.] Lipsiae, 1753. 8vo. . APlSTOfcANOYS Kw/^mi Avo HAOrXOS ^ NE$E'AAI. . . Aristophanis Comoedise duae Plutus & Nubes. ' [G. G-.] Londini, 1732. 8vo. . API2TCX&ANOY2 HAOYTOS, META 2XOAU2N HAAAIOfN. Aristophanis Plutus, cum scholiis Graecis selectis. [G. G.] Etonoe, 1792. 8vo. . Aristophanis Plutus. Eecensuit et explicuit Bernardus Thiersch. Praemittuntur prolegomena in Aristophanem et 0. Ferdinand! Eanke commentationis de Aristophanis vita pars prima. [Tom. I. of Aristophanis Comoediae, Thiersch.'] [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1830. 8vo. . Scholia Graeca in Aristophanem cum prolegomenis grammati- corum, &c. . . cui sua qmedam inseruit Er. Diibner. Parisiis (Didot), 1842. 8vo. . The Plutus of Aristophanes : translated into English Verse, by Charles P. Gerard. [D. M.] London, 1847. 8vo. . Aristophanes edited by "W. C. Green, M.A. . . Classical Lecturer at Queen's College. The Acharnians. The Knights. [Vol. of the Catena Classicorum.] Cambridge, 1867. 8vo. . Aristophanes edited by W. C. Green, M.A. . . Classical Lecturer at Queens' College. The Clouds. [Vol. of the Catena Classicorum.] Cambridge, 1868. 8vo. . Aristophanes edited by W. C. Green, M.A. . . Classical Lecturer at Queens' College. The "Wasps. [Vol. of the Catena Classicorum.] Cambridge, 1868. 8vo. Byzantius. Aristophanis Byzantii Grammatici Alexandrin. Pragmenta collegit et disposuit Augustus Nauck. Accedit E. Schmidtii Comm. de Callistrato Aristophaneo. [G. G.] Halis, 1848. 8vo. Aristotle. See ACCOEAMBONIUS (F.). Interpretatio obscuriorum locorum <$f sententiarum omnium operum Aristotelis. . See ALEXANDEE, Aphrodisceus. De apparentibus redarguendi argumentis Aristotelis. . See ALEXANDER, Ajphrodisam. In Tapica Aristotelis, Com- mentarii. . See BARBAT (P.). Commentarius in Aristotelis Moralem. ~- . See BERNATS (J.). Die Dialoge des Aristoteles in ihrem Ver- hdltniss zu seinen iibrigen Werken. 30 AEI Aristotle. See BLANCANTJS (J.). Aristotelis Loca Mathematica ex vni- uersis ipsim operibus collecta, $c. . See BONTTZ (H.). Observationes criticae in Aristotelis libros Metaphysicos. . See BTJONEICCIO (A.). Anima d'Aristotile. . See CASTELUS (J.). In Aristotelis libros de coelo, generations, corruptione et anima commentarius. . Studia in Aristotelis libros Metaphysicos collata. See CHEIST (On.). . See CEAMEETJS (D.). Isagoge in Metaphysicam Aristotelis. . See CKELLIUS (J.). Ethica Aristotelica. . See CEEMONINI (C.). Apologia. . See DEXIPPUS. EIS TAS API2TOTEAOYS KATHFOPIAS AHOPIAI KAI AYSEIS. . See EGGEE (E.). Poetique d'Aristote. . See EABEE (J.). Prologus in paraphrasim librorum physicorum Aristotelis. . Die Metaphysik des Aristoteles. See G-LASER (J. C.). -. See G-EANT (A.). Tivo essays on the Ethics of A. . See HEITZ (E.). Die Verlorenen Schriften des Aristoteles. . See JOANNES Philoponus, Grammaticus. In posterior a resolvtoria Aristotelis, commentarivm ; &c. . Die Erkenntnisstheorie des Aristoteles. See KAMPE (E. F.). -. See LATJNOIUS ( J.). De Varia Aristotelis in Academia Parisiensi Fortuna, &c. . Conspectus Organi Aristotelis. See LoaiCA. Elementa Logicae ; fyc. -. See METEE (J. B.). Aristoteles ThierJcunde. . See MICHELET (0. L.). Examen critique de la Metaphysique d'Aristote. . See NTTNNESIUS (P. J.). Institutionum physicarum guatuor libri, &c. . See OEBELLIS (N. d'). Copendiosa 7 optima Expositio duode- cim Lib^o^. Metaphisice Aristotelis ; Sfc. . Aristotelis Doctrina de Sensibus. See PHILIPPSON (L.). YAH ANGP^niNA. . Liber de Sophisticis Elenchis. See PLATO. Euthydemus ; #c. . Aristoteles iiber die Earben. See PEANTL (0.). . See PEANTL (C.). ftymbolae criticae in Aristotelis Physicas Auscidtationes. . See BOSE (V.). De Aristotelis Librorum Ordine et Auctoritate commentatio. . See SAINT-HILAIEE (J. B.). De la Logique d'Aristote. . See SAINT-HILAIKE (J. B.). Traite de la production et de la destruction des choses. ABI 31 Aristotle. De Arte Ehetorica. See SCHHIDTIUS (M.). Commentatio de Tempore ; $c. . See SIMPLICITY. Omnium Aristotelis interpretum. . See STAHR (A.). Aristotdia. . See THIONYILLE (E.). De la tlieorie des lieux communs dans les Topiques d'Aristote ; fyc. . See VAHLEN (J.). Zur Kritik Aristotelischer Schriften (Poetih und Ulietorilc). . See ZABARELLA (J.). In libros Aristotelis pliysicorum com- mentarii. . Works. API2TOTEAOY2 TA EYPI2KOMENA. Aristotelis Opera qvse exstant. Opera & studio Eriderici Sylburgii Yeterensis. [G. G.] Francofvrdi, 1587. 4to. . API^TOTEAH^. Aristotelis opera onmia Graece . . recensuit . . . et novam versionem Latinam adiecit lo. Theophilus Buhle. 5 vol. [a. a.] Biponti, 1791 Anno YIII. (1800). 8vo. -. Aristotelis Opera Omnia. Editio stereotypa. 16 vol. [G. G-.] Lipsiae (Tauch.\ 1831-32. 18nio. . Aristoteles Latine interpretibus variis. Edidit Acadeinia Eegia Borussica. [Bekker.] [G. G.] Berolini, 1831. 4to. . Aristotelis Opera ex recensione Immanuelis Bekkeri. Accedunt Indices Sylburgiani. Tom. I.-IX., XI. Oxonii, 1837. 8vo. . API^TOTEAHS. Aristotelis opera omnia. Grsece et Latine. . . (Vol. I. 1848. n. s. d. in. 1854. IV. 1857.) [G. G.] Parisiis (Didot). 8vo. . Vol. I., another edition, 1862. . Aristoteles' "Werke. Griechisch und Deutsch und mit sacherklarenden Amnerkungen. [G. G.] (Bde. n. III.) Leipzig, 1857-60. 12mo. . Aristotelis Opera. Edidit Acadeinia Eegia Borussica. Volumen quintum [Bekker.] [G. G.] Berolini, 1870. 4to. . Two or more separate worlcs. IOANNHS O TPAMMATIKOS EIS TO PEPI TENESEOS, KAI 3>eOPAS-AAE#ANAPO2 O A^POAISIEYS EIS TA METEOPOAOFIKA. O AYTO2 PEPI MI^fEilS. loannes Grammaticvs in libros de generatione, et interitv. Alexander Aphrodisiensis in meteorologica. Idem de mixtione. [G. G.] Venetiis, 1534. fol. . API2TOTEAOY2 .HOA1TIKA KAI OIKONOMIKA. Aris- totelis Politica et (Economica ex editione Eriderici Sylburgii cum versione Latina Dionysii Lambini et synopsi analytica Gul. du Vallii. 2 torn. [G. G.] Oxonii, 1810. 8vo. . Aristoteles Politik und Fragment der Oeconomik. Aus dem Griechischen ubersetzt . . von J. G. Schlosser. 3. Abth. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1812. 8vo. 32 AEI Aristotle. Aristotelis Doctringe Moralis, ex decem libris ethicorum ad Mcomachum collecta, pro Academia Argentinensi, Epitome, per Theophilum Goliuin. Adjectus est . . IIEPI APETliN KAl KAKIiiN, hoc est De Virtutibus et Vitiis, Simone Gryruco interpretate. Editio nova. [Q-. G.] Ooconii, 1823. 12mo. . La Morale et la Politique d'Aristote, traduites du Grec Par M. Thurot. [G. G.] Paris, 1824. 8vo. . Animals. Histoire des Aniinaux d'Aristote, avec la traduction Erangoise, Par M. Camus. 2 torn. [G. G.] Paris, 1783. 4to. . Aristotelis de Animalibvs Historiae Libri x. Graece et Latine. Textvm recensvit Ivl. Caes. Scaligeri versionem . . recognovit Commentarivm . . adiecit lo. Gottlob Schneider. 4 torn. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1811. 8vo. . API2TOTEAOY2 IIEPI ZmftN MOPION BIBAIA A. Aris- toteles' Yier Biicher Ueber die Theile der Thiere. Griechisch und Deutsch . . von A. von Erantzius. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1853. 12mo. . APISTOTEAOYS IIEPI ZOON ISTOPIAS BIBAIA 0, E$' OIS KAI AEKATON TO N000N. EHIMEAEIA KAI AIOP0&SEI N. 2. HIKKOAOY. [G. G.] Paris, 1863. 8vo. . Aristotelis de Parfcibus Aniinalium libri quattuor ex recogni- tione Bernhardi Langkavel. [Vol. I. of B. L/s Aristotelis Opera.] [G. G.] Lipsiae (Teub.), 1868. 8vo. . APiSTOTEAOYS ISTOPIAI IIEPI Z&QN. Aristoteies Thier- kunde kritisch-berichtigter Text, mit Deutscher tlbersetzung, . . von H. Aubert und Er. "Wimnier. 2 Bde. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1868. 8vo. . Economics. APISTOTEAOY2 OIKONOMIKOS. ANilNYMOY OIKONOMIKA. $IAOAHMOY HEPI KAKION KAI TON ANTIKEIMENftN APETilN O. Coniuncta edidit et adnota- tioneni adiecit Carolus Goettlingius. [G. G.] lenae, 1830. 8vo. . ANtiNYMOY OIKONOMIKA. Anonymi Oeconomica, quae vvlgo Aristotelis falso ferebantvr e libris scrip tis et versione antiqva emendavit et enarravit lo. Gottlob Schneider. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1815. 8vo. . Ethics. Aristotelis Ethicorvm Mcomachiorum paraphras : s, Incerto Auctore, antique & eximio peripatetico ; ex bibliotheca Lugdunobatava nunc prinium Greece edita, eniendata & Latine reddita a Daniele Heinsio. [G. G.] Lugd. Batav. 1607. 4to. . API2TOTEAOYS HOIK^N NIKOMAXEI^N BIBAIA AEKA. Aristotelis Ethicorum Niconiacheorum libri decem. Codicum MSS. collatione recogniti . . a Gulielnio Wilkinson. Editio Altera. [G. G.] Oxonii, 1803. Svo. . Aristotelis Ethicorum Nicomacheorum libri deceni. . . recog- novit, commentariis illustravit, Latinamque Lambini interpre- tationem castigatam adiecit Carolus Zell . . 2 vol. [G. G.] Heidelbergae, 1820. Svo. AEI 33 Aristotle. Aristobelis Ethicorum Mcomaeheorum. libri decem. Ad codicum et vefcerum editionum fidein recoguovifc, varias lectiones adjecit, notis nonnimqiiam suis plerumque aliorum ilkistravit, indice denique uberiore ornavit Edvardus Cardwell. 2 vol. Oxonii, 1828-30. 8vo. . Aristotelis Ethicoruni Nicomacheoruin libri decem. . . edidit Car. Lud. Michelet. 2 vol. [2nd vol. " editio altera auctior" &c.] [G. G.] Berolini, 1835-48. 8vo. . Aristotelis Ethica Eudemia. Edidit Adolphus Theodorus Herrnannus Fritzschius. [G. G.] Hatisbonae, 1851. 8vo. . Morale d'Aristote traduite par J. Barthelemy Saint-Hilaire. 3 torn. [G. G.] Paris, 1856. 8vo. . The Ethics of Aristotle illustrated with Essays and Notes. By Sir Alexander Grant, Bart. . . Volume the First, containing Essays on the Ethics of Aristotle. Volume iJie Second, containing the Mcomachean Ethics Books i. to vi. With notes critical and explanatory. [G. G.] London, 1857-58. 8vo. . Heavens. SIMIIAIKIOY YIIOMNHMATA EIS TESSAPA BIBAIA API2TOTEAOY2 PEPI OYPA&OY, META TOY YfOKEIMENOY TOY AYTOY. Sirnplicii Commentarii in qvatvor Aristotelis libros de Coelo, cvm textv eivsdern. [G. G.] Venetiis, 1526. fol. . SIMIIAIKIOY EIS TA APISTOTEAOYS HEPI OYPANOY YHOMNHMA. [Simplicii commentarius in iv libros Aristotelis de Caelo ex recensione Sim. Karstenii mandate Regiae Academiae Disciplinarum Nederlandicae editus.] [G. G.] Traiecti ad Rlienum, 165. 4to. . Traite du ciel d'Aristote traduit en Frangais pour la premiere fois et accompague de notes perpetuelles par J. Barthelemy Saint-Hilaire. [G. G.] Paris, 1866. 8vo. . Logic. AMMONIOY TOY EPMEIOY YHOMNHMA EIS TO PEPI EPMIINEIAS APISTOTEAOYS- MAFENTHNOY MHTPOPOAITOY MITYAHNHS E^IirHSIS EIS TO AYTO. Ammonii Hermei Couimentaria in librvm peri Hermenias. Margentini Archiepiscopi Mitylenensis in evndem enarratio. [G. G.] Venetiis, 1503. fol. . Perlustratio comentaria in vetere arte Arestotelis. adiectis libris Pojphirij et sex pjincipiog Gilberti Pojretani. varijs ex flojibus logice quasi in fasciculum collecta, p3imu3 tamen ex illoju scriptis que doctrine sancti Thome Aquinatis extant cOfo3inia. et eiusde p3eceptis sparsim positis sentetialiter ?sona. Ad pfectu studentiu ingenuaru artium gymnici Montis Coloniensis intra sedeciui donios eminentis. Qua facile intelligent textuales difficultates diuersaru, atq3 qstionu ab ditissimas veritates. quib 9 quasi gradatim infantilia ingenia ad subh'mia philosophic assurgut q^facillime. [Copulata veteris artis iuxta frequentatum p3ocessum inagistrcg gymnasij Montis insignis uniuersitatis Coloniensis.] With the Interp3etatio scholastica none logice Aristotelis planis- D 34 AEI simis etsi comentarijs [&c.]. [Copulata none logice Aristotelis iuxta usitatu pcessu niagistrog burse Montis no3etissimi studij Colonief.] Impjessa Colonie in officina . . Henrici Quentell. [D. M.] 1505. fol. Aristotle. Simplicii svmmi peripatetici et Platonici commentarivni in decem cathegorias Aristotelis quse Pnedicainenta vocantur, excel- lentissinium cum sex principijs ab eodem Authore seditis, Nuper vero exactissime in linguam Latinam translatuni. Gvilelmo Dorotheo Veneto interprete. [Gr. G.] Venetijs, 1540. fol. . HAMMONII HEEMEAE in praedicamenta Aristotelis commen- tarii, per Bartholomaevm Sylvanivm Salonensem nvper Latine conversi. [Q-. Gr.] Venctijs, 1541. fol. . Alexandri Aphrodisiensis in priora resolvtoria Aristotelis Stagiritae explanatio. loanne Bernardo Peliciano interprete. [G. G.] Venetiis, 1542. fol. . Annotationes Alexandri Aphrodisiensis maximi peripatetici, in librvm Elenchorvm, id est de apparentibus redarguendi argu- mentis Aristotelis, nuper diligenti cura in latinum conuerse. Guilelmo Dorotheo Veneto interprete. [GK G-.] Venetijs, 1541. fol. . Annotationes Alexandri Aphrodisiensis Maximi Peripatetici, in librvm elenchorvm, id est de apparentibus redarguendi argu- metis Aristotelis, Nuper diligenti cura in latinum couersse. Guilelmo Dorotheo Yeneto interprete. [G. G.] Parisiis, 1542. fol. . Alexandri Aphrodisiensis in octo libros Topicorum Aristotelis Explicatio. In cseteris quidem libris usitatam interpretationem secuti sumus, sed multis partibus, quam antea, emendatiorem : Septimuui uero M. Antonius Muretus nunc primum latine & eleganter interpretatus est. [G. G.] Venetiis, 1554. fol. . loannis Grammatici cognomento Philoponi in dvos priores analyticos Aristotelis libros conimentarii Nunc demum ab Alexandro Ivstiniano Ohio . . in linguam latinam . . conuersi . . [G. G.] Venetiis, 1560. 4to. . APISTOTE'AOYS a'PFANON. Aristotelis Stagiritso peri- pateticorvm principis Organum, Hoc est libri omnes ad Logicam pertinentes, Grsece & Latine. Ivl. Pacivs recensuit . . [G. G.] Morgiis, 1584. 4to. . API^TOTEAOYS OPFANON. Aristotelis Stagiritae peri- pateticorvm principis organvm, Hoc est, libri omnes ad Logicam pertinentes, Graece & Latine. Ivl. Pacivs recensuit . . Editio Secunda. [G. G.] Francofvrti, 1597. fol. . Excerpta ex Aristotelis Organo ; De Simplicibus terminis, De Propositione, et De Syllogismo. Quibus accedunt Pselli de quinque vocibus liber, et Simplicii in Aristotelis Categorias pro- legomena. [G. G.] Oxonii, 1802. 8vo. . The Organon ; or, Logical Treatises of Aristotle. Translated from the Greek. With copious elucidations, from the Com- mentaries of Arnmonius and Simplicius. By Thomas Taylor. [D. M.] London, 1807. 4to. AEI 35 Aristotle. Logique d'Aristote traduite en Frangais pour la premiere fois et accompagnee de notes perpetuelles par J. Barthelemy Saint Hilaire. Tom. I. 1844. II. 1839. III. IV. 1842-43. [D. M.] Paris, 8vo. . Elementa Logices Aristotelicae. In TJsum Scholarum ex Aristotele excerpsit convertit illustravit Frider. Adolph. Trende- lenburg. Editio altera recognita et aucta. Berolim, 1842. 8vo. . Editio quarta retractatior. [Q-. G.] Berolini, 1852. 8vo. . Editio quinta auctior. [Q-. GK] Berolini, 1862. 8vo. . Elementa Logices Aristotelicae. By Prof. Trendelenburg. Translation from the Penny Cyclopaedia, separately struck off. [D. M.] . The Logic of Science : a translation of the posterior analytics of Aristotle, with notes and an introduction. By Edward Poste. [G-. G.] Oxford, 1850. 8vo. . The Organon, or logical treatises, of Aristotle. With the Introduction of Porphyry. Literally translated, with notes, syllogistic examples, analysis, and introduction. By Octavius Freire Owen. Tn two volumes. [Bohn's Classical Library.'] [D. M.] London, 1853. 8vo. . Aristotle on Fallacies or the Sophistici Elenchi with a trans- lation and notes, by Edward Poste. [D. M.] London, 1866. 8vo. . Mechanics. APISTOTEAOYS MHXANIKA IIPOBAHMATA. Aristotelis Quaestiones Mechanicae. Eecensuit . . Joannes Petrus van Cappelle. [Q-. G.] Amstelodami, 1812. 8vo. . Metaphysics. Martini Fogelii . . Lexicon Philosophicum . . sive Commentarium in Librum V. Metaph. Aristotelis solis bonis ex Auctorjbus Grsecis ac Latinis . . ab . . Johanne Yagetio. [G. G.] Hamburgi, 1689. 4to. . The Metaphysics of Aristotle, translated from the Greek, with copious notes . . To which is added, a Dissertation on Nullities and Diverging Series. By Thomas Taylor. [G. G.] London, 1801. 4to. . La Metaphysique d'Aristote traduite en Frangais (&c.) par Alexis Pierron et Charles Zevort. 2 torn. [G. G.] Paris, 1840. 8vo. . The Metaphysics of Aristotle. Literally Translated from the Greek, with notes, analysis, questions, and index. By the Eev. John H. M'Mahon. [BoJm's Classical Library. ,] [D. M.] London, 1857. 8vo. . Meteors. Alexandri Aphrodisiensis maximi Peripatetici, in qvatvor libros Meteorologicorvm Aristotelis, Commentatio luci- dissima, Alexandro Piccolomineo interprete. Cui accessit eiusdem Alexandri Piccolominei De Iride breuis tractatus : in quo quam- plurima Aristo. & Alexandri Aphrodisiensis, ac Olympiodori dicta planissime explicantur. Quaa omnia nuper maxima sunt diligentia castigata : addito indice. [G. G.] Venctiis, 1561. fol. D2 36 AEI Aristotle. Francisci Vicornercati Mediolanensis, in qvatvor libros Aris- tofcelis, Meteorologicorvni Commentarii. Efc eorvndem librorvm e Greco in Latinvm per evndem conversio. [G. G.] Venetiis, 1565. fol. . APISTOTEAOYS METEOPOApriKA[K&N] [BIBAIA A] Aristotelis Meteorologicorum Libri IV. (Graeca verba post Bekkeruin . . recensuit, novam interpretationem Latinam confecit) . . 2 vol. lulius Ludovicus Ideler. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1834-36. 8vo. . Meteorologie d'Aristofce traduite en Frangais . . avec le petit traite apocryphe du Monde par J. Barthelemy Saint-Hilaire. [G-. G.] Paris, 1863. 8vo. . Physics. SIMHAIKIOT YIIOMNHMATA EIS TA OKTli AFISTOTEAOYS $YSIKHS AKPOA2EOS BIBAIA META TOY YPOKEIMENOY TOY APISTOTEAOYS. Simplicii Commentarii in octo Aristotelis physicae Avscvltationis libros cvni ipso Aristo- teHs textv. [G. G.] Venetiis, 1526. fol. . Simplicii Commentarii in octo Aristotelis Physicae Avscvlta- tionis libros cvm ipso Aristotelis contextv a Gentiano Herveto Avrelio noua ac fideli interpretatione donati. [G. G.] Venetiis, 1551. fol. . K1ANNOY TPAMMATIKOY YPOMNHMA EIS TA PEPI ^YSIKHS TE2SAPA PP&TA BIBAIA TOY APISTOTEAOY2. loannis Grammatici in primos qvatvor Aristotelis de natvrali avscvltatione libros comentaria. [G. G.] Venetiis, 1535. fol. . Aristotelis Physica ex recensione Immanuelis Bekkeri seorsim edita. [G. G.] Berolini, 1843. 8vo. . In Aristotelis Placita De Physica Auscultatione vel de prin- cipiis dissertatio Academica. [G. G.] Paris, 1844. 8vo. . APISTOTEAOYS ^YSIKHS AKPOASEQ2 BIBAIA 9. Aris- toteles' Acht Blicher Physik. Griechisch und Deutsch und mit sacherklarenden Anmerkungen herausgegeben von Dr. Carl Prantl. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1854. 12rno. . Aristoteles Physik. Uebersetzt und mit Anmerkungen begleitet von C. H. Weisse. Erste Abtheilung die Uebersetzung enthaltend. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1829. 8vo. . Physique d'Aristote . . traduite en Prangais . . et accorn- pagnee d'une paraphrase et de notes . . par J. Barthelemy Saint- Hilaire. [G. G.] 2 torn. Paris, 1862. 8vo. . Plants. Phytologia3 Aristotelicse Fragmenta edidit Frider. "Wimmer. Pars prior. [G. G.] Vratislaviae, 1838. 8vo. . Poetry. APISTOTEAOYS HEPI IIpIHTIKHS. Aristotelis de Poetica liber ex versione Theodori Goulstoni. Lectionis varietatem . . adjunxit T. Winstanley. [G. G.] Oxonii, 1780. 8vo. . APISTOTEAOYS HEPI IIOIIITIKII2. Aristotelis de Poetica liber. Textum recensuit, versionem refinxit, et .animadver- sionibus illustravit, Thomas Tyrwhitt. Editio quinta. Oxonii, 1827. 8vo. ABI 37 Aristotle. Aristotelis Ars Poetica. Ad fidem potisslmum codicis anti- quissimi A c (Parisiensis 1741) ediclit Fridericus Uberweg. [G-. G-.] Berolini, 1870. 8vo. . Aristoteles liber die Dichtkunst ins Deutsche iibersetzt und mit erlauteriiden Anmerkungen und einem die Textkritik be- treffenden Anhang verselien von Friederich Ueberweg. [G-. G.] Berlin, 1869. 8vo. . Politics. Aristotelis Politicoruni libri octo superstates. Graeca recensuit emen davit illustravit, interpretationeinque Latinam addidit Jo. Gottlob Schneider. 2 vol. [G. G.] Francofurti ad Viadrwn, 1809. 8vo. . APISTOTEAOYS IIOAITIKQN BIBAIA OKTO. Aristotelis Politicoruni libri octo . . edidit . . Carolus Goettling. [G. G.] lenae, 1824. 8vo. . APISTOTEAOYS HOAITEION TA SOZOMENA. Aristo- telis Rerumpublicarum reliquiae. Collegit, illustravit atque pro- legomena addidit Carolus Fridericus Neumann. [G. G.] Heidelbergae, 1827. 8vo. . Aristoteles de Politia Carthaginiensium. Textum critice recognovit . . Fricl. Guil. Kluge. [G. G.] Vratulaviae, 1824. 8vo. . APISTOTEAOYS HOAITIKA. The Politics of Aristotle, from the text of Iminanuel Bekker, with English Notes. By J. E. T. Eaton. [G. G.] Oxford, 1855. 8vo. . Politique d'Aristote traduite en Frangais . . par J. Bar- thelemy-St-Hilaire. 2 torn. [G. G.] Paris, 1837. 8vo. . Seconde e'dition (1 vol.). Paris, 1848. 8vo. . Problems. Problematvm Aristotelis sectiones dusedequadra- ginta. Problematvm Alexandri Aphrodisiei Libri duo. Theodoro Gaza interprete. Ad haec, In utriusque Sectiones & Problemata copiosissimus index. [D. M.] Basilecw, 1537. fol. . Rhetoric. Petri Victorii commentarii In tres libros Aristotelis de arte dicendi. Positis ante singulas declarationes, valde studio & noua cura ipsius auctas, Graecis verbis auctoris, ijsque fideliter Latine expressis. [G. G.] Florentine, 1579. fol. . API2TOTEAOYS TEXNHS PHTOPIKH2 BIBAIA TPIA. Aristotelis de Bhetorica libri tres. [G. G.] Oxonii, 1805. 8vo. . Aristotelis Ars Ehetorica cum adnotatione Leonardi Spengel. Accedit vetusta translatio Latina. 2 vol. [G. G.] Lipniae, 1867. 8vo. . Ehetorique d'Aristote traduite en Frangais . . par J. Bar- thelerny Saint-Hilaii-e. 2 torn. [G. G.] Paris, 1870. 8vo. . Soul. Lvcilli Philalthaei. In libros tres Aristotelis de Anima Commentaria absolutissima. . . Post eius obitum a D. Gregorio Benvenvto . . edita. [G. G.] Amjmtce Taurinorum, 1579. 4to. . Aristoteles liber die Ewigkeit der Welt. Von H. Siebeck. [G. G.] [ ]. 8vo. 38 AEI Aristotle. Aristoteles von der Seele uiid von der Welfc. Uebersetzt und mit Anmerkungen begleitet von C. H. Weisse. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1829. 8vo. . Psychologic d'Aristote, traite de 1'ame, traduit [&c.] par J. Barthelemy-Samt-Hilaire. [G. G.] Paris, 1846. 8vo. . Aristotelis de Melisso, Xenophane et Gorgia disputationes, cum Eleaticorum philosophorum fragmentis et Ocelli Lucani qui fertur, de Universi natura libello, conjunctim edidit, recensuit, interpretatus est Erid. Guil. Aug. Mullachius. [G. G.] Berolini, 1845. 8vo. . APISTOTEAOYS HEPI YXHS. Aristotle on the vital principle. Translated from the original text ; with notes by Charles Collier. [G. GK] Cambridge, 1855. 8vo. . Valentini Rose Aristoteles Pseudepigraphus. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1863. 8vo. Aristoxenus. See MAIESTE (G. L.). Diatribe de Aristoxeno. . Harmonicorum Elementorum libri iii. See MEIBOMITJS (M.). Antiyice Musicce Awtores septem. . APISTO27ENOY APMONIKilN TA SliZOMENA. Die har- nionischen Fragmente des Aristoxenus. Griechisch und Deutsch mit . . Comnientar . . herausgegeben von Paul Marquard. [G. G.] Berlin, 1868. 8vo. Arithmetic. History of the Science [By G. Peacock]. [From the Encyclopaedia Metropolitana.~] [D. M.] . Arithmetica Universalis. See NEWTON (Sir I.). . Arithmeticse et Algebrse compendium. In Usum Juventutis Academics. [D. M.) Edinburgi, 1736. 8vo. . Arithmetics in nvmeris et speciebvs institvtio; quse tvm logisticse, tvm analyticse, atqve adeo totivs mathematics, qvasi clavis est. Ad nobilLsimvm spectatissimumque iuvenem Dn. Gvilelmvm Howard, Ordinis, quidicitur, BalneiEquitem, honora- tissimi Dn. ThomaB, Comitis Arvndelise & Svrriae, Comitis Mares- challi Angliae, &c. filium. [D. M.] Londini, 1631. 8vo. . Six Lectures on Arithmetic ; containing a familiar explanation of the principles and rationale of the general rules of arithmetic . . by the author of " a new introduction to the mathematics " [&c.]. [D. M.] London, 1842. 12mo. . Universal Arithmetick : or, a treatise of Arithmetical Com- position and Resolution [by Sir I. Newton]. To which is added, Dr. Halley's method of finding the roots of ^Equations arithme- tically. Translated from the Latin by the late Mr. Eaphson, and revised and corrected by Mr. Cunn. [D. M.] London, 1720. 8vo. . An Arithmetical Problem. [Several unequal numbers being given, it is required to divide each of them into two parts, and to find two other numbers such, that one of them multiply- ing one of the parts, and the other the other part, the sum of the products shall always be the same.] [D. M.] [ ] 4to. AEI AEN , 39 Arithmetic. Histoire de rArithnietique. [Extrait des Comptes rendus des seances de 1? Academic des Sciences, 1867.] [D. M.] Paris. 4to. Aries. II est terns de parler : ou Memoire pour la Commune d' Aries. [G. G.] Paris [ ], 8vo. Armstrong (John). Poetical "Works of. See ANDEKSON, British Poets. Vol. X. Army. See PAELIAMENTABY PAPERS. Arnauld (Antoine). Des Vrayes et des Fausses ide'es, contre ce qu'enseigne Fauteur de la recherche de la verite'. Par A. A. [G-. G.] Cologne, 1683. 12mo. . Defense de Mr. Arnauld Docteur de Sorbonne, contre la reponse au livre des Vrayes et des fausses idees. [Q-. G.] Cologne, 1684. 12mo. Arndt (Ernst Moritz). Versuch einer Geschichte der Leibeigenschaft in Pommern und Eiigen . . von E. M. A. [G. G.] Berlin, 1803. 8vo. Arndtsen (Adam). Physikalske Meddelelser ved A. A. [&c.]. [Uni- versitets-Program for 2det Semester, ; 1858.] Christiania, 1858. 4to. Arnobius Afer. Arnobii Afri Adversus Gentes Libri vii. Cum Eecensione Viri Celeberrimi, & integris omnium commentariis. Editio novissima. [G. G.] Imgduni Batavorwn, 1651. 4to. Arnold (August). Einleitung in die Philosophic durch die Lehre Platonis vermittelt. Von A. A. [G. G.] Berlin, 1841. 8vo. (Thomas). See THUCYDIDES. The History of the Peloponnesian War. . Principles of Church Eeform. By T. A., D.D. [G. G.] London, 1833. 8vo. (Thomas James). The law upon Church Eates, as laid down by the Attorney-General, vindicated. By T. J. A., Esq. [G. G.] London, 1837. 8vo. Arnoldt (Joh. Eriedr. Julius). Timoleon. Eine biographische Dar- stellung von J. E. J. A. [G. G.] Gwmbinnen, 1850. 8vo. Arnott (Neil). Arithmetic simplified for general use and adapted to aid students engaged in any departments of science or art, also to serve as a supplement to the Author's Elements of Physics, and other works on popular science. By N. A. [G. G.] London, 1867. 8vo. . A Survey of Human Progress, towards higher Civilization . . Second edition. Wi^h a new preface and other additions bearing on the question of government interference with national educa- tion. By N. A. London, 1862. 8vo. . Elements of Physics or Natural Philosophy. By N. A., M.D., F.E.S., &c. Sixth and completed edition. Part I. [G. G.] London, 1864. 8vo. 40 AltN AKR Arnott (Neil). On Educational Training, and modifications required to suit different classes in society ; with notices of great errors which have been committed, of which some still prevail. By N. A. [Printed for private circulation. ~] [G. G.] London, 1859. 8vo. . On the Smokeless Fire-place, Chimney-valves, and other means, old and new, of obtaining healthful warmth and ventilation. By N. A. London, 1855. 8vo. Arntzenius (Joannes). See AURELITJS VICTOK (S.). Historia Romana. Arouet de Voltaire (Erangois Marie). Chefs-d'CEuvre dramatiques de Voltaire. Tom. I.-III. [G. G.] Paris, 1813. 12mo. . (Euvres choisies de Voltaire. [Q-. G.] Amsterdam, 1760. 8vo. . Histoire de Charles XII. Eoi de Suede. Par Voltaire. New edition, with English notes, by Louis Direy. London, 1856. 8vo. . Lettre de M. de Voltaire a 1'Academie Erangaise lue dans cette Academic a la solemnite de Saint Louis le 25 Auguste 1776. [G-. G.] [ ] 8vo. . Soirees de Eerney ou confidences de Voltaire ; Becueillies par un ami de ce grand homme. [G. G.] Paris An, 1802. 8vo. . Testament Politique de M. de V . . . [G. G.] Geneve, 1770. 8vo. . Vie de Voltaire par Condorcet. Nouvelle Edition pre'cedee de 1' Epitre a Voltaire par Chenier et suivies des Memoires de Voltaire ecrits par lui-meme. [G. G.] Paris, 1822. 12mo. . The Elements of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy. By Mr. Voltaire. Translated from the Erench. Revised and Corrected by John Hanna, M.A. Teacher of the Mathematicks. With Explication of some Words in Alphabetical Order. [D. M.] London, 1738. 8vo. Arrian (Elavius). See CHTS (P. O. v. d.). Specimen Academicur/i Inauyurale eochibens Commentarium GeograpJiicum in Arrianum de Expeditione Alexandri. . See EPICTETUS. Dissertationes, &c. . Epicteti dissertationes ab Arriano literis mandate. See THEOPHEASTTJS. . Elavii Arriani Nicomediensis Opera. Graece ad optimas editiones collata studio Augusti Christiani Borheck . . Vol. I. Expeditio Alexandri Magni. [I. O.] Lemgovice, 1792. 8vo. . Arriani Anabasis et Indica. ex optimo codice Parisino emendavit . . Er. Diibner. Beliqua Arriani, et scriptorum de rebus Alexandri M. fragmenta collegit, Pseudo-Callisthenis His- toriam fabulosam ex tribus codicibus mine primum edidit, Carolus Miiller. [G. G.] Parisiis (Didot), 1846. 8vo. . Arriani Nicomediensis expeditionis Alexandri Libri septem. Eecensiti . . a Eriderico Schmieder. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1798. 8vo. AEK ASI 41 Arrian (Flavins). Arriani Mcomediensis expeditio Alexandri. . . editio stereotypa. [Q-. G.] Lipsiae, 1818. 8vo. . Arriani Nicomediensis De Expeditione Alexandri Libri septem. Recensuit . . lo. Ern. Ellendt. 2 torn. [Gr. Gr.] Reyimontii Prussorum, 1832. 8vo. . APPIANOY AAE#ANAPOY ANABASIS. Emendatam et explicatam edidit Carolus Guilelmus Kriiger. [G-. G-.] Berollnl, 1835-48. 8vo. . APPIANOY INAIKII. Arriani Historia Indica, cum Bonav. Vulcanii interpretatione Latina . . recensuit . . Fridericus Schmieder. [G-. G-.] Halls Magdeburcjids, 1798. 8vo. Ars. Magica. Ars Magica sive Magia Natvralis et Artificiosa, stvpendos et abstrusos effectus, virtutes, & secreta in Elementis, gemmis, lapidibus, herbis & animalibus secundum certas astrorum ac constellationum figuras & sigilla, horasque planetarias exhibens. Antehac nunquam visa, cognitave. Nvnc primum ex vetvstis- simis veterum Sophorum, & artis Magicao peritissimis Artificibus eruta, & ob insignem vtilitatem ac jucunditatem luci publics) commissa. Cui prseit Magia Svperstitiosa de daenionum variis generibus, faunis, satyris, lamiis & spcctris, eorumque opera- tionibus diversis disquisitio plane recondita. Cum elencho capitvm. [D. M.] Francofvrti, 1631. 12mo. Artaud (Alexandre Erangois). MacMavel, son Genie et ses Erreurs. Par A. F. A., Ancien Charge d' Affaires de Erance a Elorence [&c.]. 2 torn. [D. M.] Paris, 1833. 8vo. (Nicolas Louis). Fragments pour servir a 1'histoire de la Comedie antique. Epicharme, Menandre, Plaute par M. A. Avec une preface de M. Guigniaut. [G. G.] Paris, 1863. 8vo. Ascham (Eoger.). Eogeri Aschami Epistolarum, libri quatuor. Accessit Joannis Sturmii, aliorumque ad Aschamum, anglosque alios eruditos epistolarum liber unus. Editio novissima. [G. G.] Oannio!, 1703. 8vo. . The Scholemaster, by Eoger Ascham. Edited with notes by John E. B. Mayor. [G. G.] London, 1863. 8vo. Ascherson (Ferdinand). See BOECKH (A.). Orationes. Reden. Asclepius. Asclepij discipuli tres libelli. See PATEICIUS (F.). Ashe (Isaac). Medical education and medical interests. Being the essay to which was awarded the Carmichael Prize of 100, by the Council of the Eoyal College of Surgeons, Ireland, 1868. By I. A., A.B., M.B. [&c.]. Dublin, 1868. 16mo. Ashurst ("William Henry). Facts and reasons in support of Mr. Rowland Hill's plan for a universal Penny Postage. By ~W. H. A. Second edition. [D. M.] London, 1838. 8vo. Asms Fragmenta. See HESIOD. . See LEHES (F. S.). 42 ASP AST. Aspinall (James). The Crisis ; or, the Signs of the Times with regard to the Church of England at the present moment. A Sermon . . by the Rev. J. A., A.M. Eourth edition. [D. M.] Liverpool, 1831. 8vo. Aspley (John). Speculum Nauticum, a Looking Glasse for Sea-men : wherein they may behold a small Instrument called the Plain Scale : whereby all Questions Nauticall, and Propositions Astro- uomicall are very easily and demonstratively wrought. . . By I. A. The fifth edition corrected. [D. M.] 'London, 1655. 4to. Asser (Joannes), Menevensis, Bishop of Sherburn. Annales rerum gestarum JElfredi magni, auctore Asserio menevensi, recensuit Eranciscus Wise. [G. G.] Oxonii, 1722. 8vo. Assmann (Eridericus Guilielinus). See BEANDES (H. Gu.). Disser- tatio Pliysica. Assurance. See LIEE ASSUEANCE. Magazine [and Journal of the Institute of Actuaries]. Nos. I.-VIII. [Sept. 1850 July 1852, forming two vol.] Vol. III.-XII. [D. M.] London, 1850-66. 8vo. . General Index to the first ten volumes. [D. M.] London, 1864. 8vo. Ast[-ius] (Georg Anton Eridericus). See MOEGENSTEENITJS (C.). Symbolae criticae ad Platonis Politiam db Astio denuo editam. . See PLATO. (1) Leges et Epinomis. (2) Politia, &c. . Lexicon Platonicum sive vocum Platonicarum index. Condidit D. E. A. 2vol. [a. G.] Lipsiae, 1835-6. 8vo. . Platen's Leben und Schriften. Ein Versuch . . herausgegeben von E. A. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1816. 8vo. . Theologumena Arithmeticae ad rarissimum exemplum Parisiense emendatius descripta. Accedit Nicomachi Gerasini institutio Arithmetica ad fidem codicum Monacensium emendata edidit E. A. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1817. 8vo. . Another copy. [D. M.] Astronomica. Astronomica vetervni scripta isagogica Grseca & Latina. Auct. Grseci. Procli Sphaera. Arati Solensis Phenomena, & Prognostica. Leontivs Mechanicvs de con- structione Aratese Sphserse. His tribus adiuncta est inter- pretatio Latina, in qua ver- bum de verbo expressum est. Latini. Aratea Phsenomena cum poetica interpretatione. M. T. Ciceroiis, Eesti Evfi Auieni, Gernianici Cass. cu comentariis incerti auct. Vetervm Poetarum Eragmenta Astronomica. C. Ivll Hygini Poeticon Astro- nomicon. Opus non Astronomiae solum, sed & Poeseos studiosis apprime vtile. [D. M.] In Officina fianctandreana, 1589. 8vo. AST ATK 43 Astronomy. History of Astronomy. fTrom the Library of Useful Knowledge^ [D. M.] 8vo. - . Modern Astronomy. [By N. Bow ditch. ~] [From The North American Revieiv.~] [D. M.] Boston [U. #.], 1825. 8vo. Astruc (Jean). Traite des Maladies Veneriennes . . Traduit du Latin de M.A., Medecin-Consultant du Eoi . . Troisieme edition* 4 torn. Paris, 1755. 12mo. Athanasius, Saint. The Creed of Saint Athanasius proved by a ma- thematical parallel. [D. M.] London, 1839. 8vo. Athenaeum. The Athenaeum Journal of Literature, Science, and the Pine Arts. Nov. 1844 Dec. 1865. [Imperfect ; being, chiefly, numbers and selections containing contributions by A. De Morgan ; with original letters, &c.] [D. M.] London, 1844-65. 4to. Athenaeus. A6HNAIOY NAYKPATITOY AEIUNOSOcHETAI. Athenaei Naucratitae Deipnosophistarum libri quindecim ex optimis codicibus nunc primum collatis emendavit ac supplevit nova Latina versione et animadversionibus cum Is. Casauboni aliorumque turn suis illustravit [&c.] Johannes Schweighaeuser . . 5 torn. [G-. G.] Argentorati, An. ix. 1801-5. 8vo. - . Animadversiones in Athenaei Deip losophistas post Isaacum Casaubonum conscripsit Johannes Schweighaeuser. 10 torn. Argentorati, Anno ix. 1801-7. 8vo. - . Athenaeus ex recensione Guilielmi Dindorfii. 3 vol. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1827. 8vo. - . Athensei Naucratitae Deipnosophistarum libri quindecim [&c.] 5 vol. Argentorati, 1801. 8vo. - . 'ASrjvaiov Aenrt'OffoQiffrat. Athenaei Deipnosophistae libri xv. . . 4 torn. Editio stereotypa. [G. G.] Lipsiae (Touch.), 1834. 18mo. Athenagoras. TOY kv aylots irarpos r]nIAO2O'$OY XPISTI-aj/ov, wept ara^dffecas ru>v veKpwv. Athenagorae Atheniensis Philoso- phi Christiani, de resurrectione mortuorum, Petro Nannio Alec- marino ri erprete, Louanij in collegio Trilingui Latinarum lite- rarum Professore. [The translation imperfect."] [D. M.] Parisiu, 1541. 4to. - . AGHNArOPOY . . wept avas'affews TWV veKpuv. Athenagorae . . de E-esurrectione mortuorum Cum annotationibus L. A. Eechenbergi. [G. G.] Lipsice, 1685. 8vo. Athens. See GREECE. Atherstone (Edwin). Israel in Egypt : A Poem. By E. A. [D. M.] London, 1861. 8vo. Atkinson (Henry). A new method of extracting the Eoots of Equa- tions. By H. A. [D. M.] Newcastle, 1831. 4to. 44 ATK AUE Atkinson (Henry George). Letters on the Laws of Man's Nature and Development. By H. G. A., E. G-. S., and Harriet Martineau. [a. G.] London, 1851. 8vo. - (W. P.). Classical and Scientific Studies, and the Great Schools of England : a Lecture . . By W. P. A. "With additions and an appendix. Cambridge (U. S.), 1865. 8vo. Atorf (Hermannus). De Marco Aurelio Probo Homanorum Impera- tore. Dissertatio historica . . defendet scriptor H. A. Guest- falus. [G. G.] Monasterii, 1866. 8vo. Attfield (John). An introduction to Pharmaceutical Chemistry. By - J. A., Ph. D., E.C.S., [Ac.]. London, 1867. 8vo. Atwood (George). A dissertation on the construction and properties of Arches. By G. A., E.R.S. . [D. M.] London, 1801. 4to. Auber (T. C. E. Edouard). Institutions d'Hippocrate . . suivie d'un resume historique du naturisme, . . par T. A. [G.G.] Paris, 1864. 8vo. Aubert (H.). See ARISTOTLE. Thierkunde. Aubery (Louis), Chevalier, /Seigneur du Maurier. Memoires pour servir a 1' Histoire de Hollande, et des autres Provinces Unies . . Par Messire L. A. Paris, 1680. 8vo. Audubon (John James). The Birds of America . . by J. J. A., Esq. [G. G.] London, 1835. 8vo. . Ornithological Biography : or an account of the habits of the birds of the United States of America; . . By J. J. A. 3 vol. [G. G.] Edinburgh, 1831-35. 8vo. Auger (Athanasius.) See SOCRATES. Opera Omnia. See TRACTATTJS. Augier (Emile). Diane, Drame en cinq actes en vers. Par E. A, Deuxieme edition. Paris, 1853. 18mo. August (Ernestus Eerdinandus). See EUCLID. Elementa. . Zur Kenntniss der geometrischen Methode der Alten. . . Yon Dr. E. E. A. [G. G.] Berlin, 1843. 8vo. Augustus (Jo. Christian Guilielm.). See BIBLE. Old Test. Apocrypha. Augustus-Frederick, Duke of Sussex. Address of His Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex, K.G., &c. &c. &c. the President, read at the Anniversary Meeting of the Eoyal Society, on Thursday, Novem- ber 30, 1837. [D. M.'] London, 1837. 8vo. Aumale, Henri Eugene Philippe Louis d'Orleans, Due d'. See HENRI. Aurelius Antoninus (Marcus). Epistolae. See ERONTO (M. C.) . Commentarii. See THEOPHRASTUS. Characters, &c. . MAPKOY ANTONINOY AvroKpaTO^, ruv ets eavrov, BIBAIA if. Marci Antonini Imperatoris. De seipso & ad seipsum Libri xii. Eecogniti & notis illustrati. [G. G.] Oxonian, 1680. 8vo. AUK AUS 45 Aurelius Antonius (Marcus). MA'PKOY 'ANTONI'NOY TOY 'AYTO- KPA'TOPOS, TON 'EES 'EAYTO V N, BIBAI'A i/3'. Marci Antonini imperatoris, De rebus suis . . Libri xii. . . Versione insuper Latina Nova ; . . ac commentario . . Thorns Gatakeri. Huic secundsa edition! accessere Annotationes . . A. D'Acerii . . a G-eo. Stanhope. [G. G.] Londini, 1697. 4to. . MAPKOY ANT&NINOY AYTOKPATOPOS TON EIS EAYTON BIBAIA IB'. Marci Antonini Imperatoris Commentariorum, quos ipse sibi scripsit, Libri duodecim. . . interpretationem Latinam . . adjunxit, . . cum suis animadversionibus . . adjecit loannes Matthias Schultz. Vol. I. [GK G-.] Slesvici, 1802. 8vo. . Reflexions Morales de 1'Empereur Marc Antonin : avec des remarques de Mr. & de Mad. Dacier. Quatrieme edition. 2 torn. Amsterdam, 1710. 12mo. Olympius (Marcus). See OLTMPITJS. Victor (Sextus). Sexti Avrelii Victoris libri de Romanae gentis origine, Viris Illustribus, Imperatoribus, & Epitome. Quibus accessit Sexti E-vfi Breuiariuin Historiae Romanae. . . recensuit . . Christianvs Ivncker. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1704. 8vo. . Sexti AureKi Victoris Historia R/omana, cum notis integris Dominici Machanei [&c.], curante Joanne Arntzenio, JCto. [G. G.] Amstelodami, 1733. 4to. Ausonius (Decius Magnus). D. Magni Avsonii Bvrdigalensis Opera. Ex editione in vsvni Delphini. [G. G.] Mannhemii, 1782. 8vo. Austin (Alfred). Observations upon the unprofitable state of Country Equity, and Common Law Practice. By A. A. [G. G.] London, 1837. 8vo. (John). An outline of a course of Lectures on General Juris- prudence, to be delivered in the University of London, by J. A., Esq. [G. G.] London [1831]. 12mo. . A Plea for the Constitution. By J. A. [G. G.] London, 1859. 8vo. . The Province of Jurisprudence determined . . By J. A. London, 1832. 8vo. . Second edition. London, 1861. 8vo. . Lectures on Jurisprudence, being the sequel to [the above]. Vol. II. III. London, 1863. 8vo. (Sarah). See COUSIN (Victor). Australia, Victoria. Progress, Eeports, and Final Eeport of the Ex- ploration Committee of the Eoyal Society of Victoria, 1863. Melbourne, 1863. fol. Austria. Prague, University. Tomase ze Stitneho Knizky sestery o obecnych vecech Krestansk , ch. Vydany od university Prazske na pamatku jejiho zalozem pred 500 lety. Kterezto vydani die nejstar siho rukopisu c. kr. verejne knihovny Prazske zp sobeno, zivotopisem i vysvetlenim slov a vecf opatreno jest od Karla Jaromira Erbena. V Praze, 1852. 8vo. 46 AUT BAB Authors. The Author's Printing and Publishing Assistant. Second edition. [G. G.] London, 1839. 8vo. Auzout (Adrien). See MATHEMATIQUE. Avezac-Macaya (Marie Armand Pascal d'). Grands et petits Ge'o- graphes Grecs et Latins ; esquisse hibliographique des collections qui en ont ete publiees, entreprises ou projetces [&c.]. Par M. d'A. [G. GL] Paris, 1856. 8vo. Avienus (Eufus Festus). Aratea Phenomena cum poetica interpre- tatione F. E. Auieni. See ASTRONOMICA, veteruin scripta isagqgica. Axiochus. (Dialogus.) See SIMON. Dialogi quatuor ; <$fc. Ayleworthus (Gulielmus). Metaphysica Scholastica . . Auctore E. P. Gulielmo Aylewortho. [G. G.] Colonice, 1675. 4to. Azemar (L. P. V. M.). Trisection de Tangle, par L. P. V. M. Azemar, Ancien Chef du Bureau des Ponts et Chaussees, au Ministere de 1'Interieur ; suivie de recherches analytiques sur le meme sujet, par J. G. Garnier, Ancien Professeur a 1'Ecole Poly- technique et Instituteur a Paris. [D. M.] Paris, An 1809. 8vo. Babaud (Laribiere). Historie de 1' Assemblee Nationale Constituante. Par. B. L., ancien Eepresentant du Peuple. 2 vol. [G. G.] Paris, 1850. 8vo. Babbage (Charles). See DIVING-BELL. . See MENABREA (L. F.). Sketch of the Analytical Engine in- vented by C. B. . . Witli additions by Mr. B. . See SCEIPTOEES OPTICI. . A comparative View of the various Institutions for the As- surance of Lives. By C. B., Esq., M.A. F.E.S. L. & E. [Ac.]. [D. M.] London, 1826. 8vo. -. A Letter to Sir Humphry Davy, Bart., President of the Eoyal Society, etc. etc., on the application of Machinery to the pur- pose of Calculating and Printing Mathematical Tables : from C. B. [D. M.] London, 1822. 4to. . An Essay on the General Principles which regulate the appli- cation of Machinery to manufactures and the mechanical arts. By C. B. [From TJie Encyclopaedia Metropolitana.~\ [D. M.] London, 1827. 4to. . An Essay towards the Calculus of Functions. Part II. By C. B.* [D. M.] London, 1816. 4to. . An Examination of some questions connected with Games of Chance. By C. B.f [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1820. 4to. . Law of Mechanical Notation (for consideration). [D. M.] July, 1851. 4to. . Note sur la Machine suedoise de MM. Schutz pour calculer les Tables mathematiques par la Methode des Differences, et en imprimer les resultats sur les planches stereotypes ; par M. C. B. [Extrait des Com/pies rendus des seances de V Academic des Sciences, 1855.] [D. M.] 4to. [* From The Philosophical Transactions. t From The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.'] BAB 47 Babbage (Charles). Notes on a Letter addressed by the Secretary of the Royal Society to the President.* [D. M.] London, 1830. 8vo. . Notes on Dr. Eoget's Reply to Mr. Babbage. [D. M.] London, 1830. 8vo. . Observations on the Analogy which subsists between the Calculus of Functions and other branches of Analysis. By C. B.t [D. M.] London, 1817. 4to. . On some new methods of investigating the Sums of -several classes of Infinite Series. By C. B.t [D. M.] London, 1819. 4to. . On the application of Analysis to the discovery of Local Theorems and Porisms. By C. B. $ [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1822. 4to. . Passages from the Life of a Philosopher. By C. B. [D. M.] London, 1864. 8vo. . Reflections on the Decline of Science in England, and on some of its causes. By C. B. [D. M.] London, 1830. 8vo. . Table of the Logarithms of the Natural Numbers, from 1 to 108000. By C. B. Stereotyped. Second edition. [Coloured paper.] [D. M.] London, 1831; 8vo. . The Exposition of 1851 ; or, views of the industry, the science, and the government of England. By C. B. Second edition, with additions. [D. M.] London, 1851. 8vo. . Thoughts on the Principles of Taxation, with reference to a Property Tax, and its exceptions. By C. B. [D. M.] London, 1848. 8vo. Baber (Henricus Harveius). See BIBLE. Veins Testamentum Grcecum*. Babilone. La Princesse de Babilone. [G. G-.] Londres, 1768. 8vo. Babington (Churchill). See HIGDEN (R.). Polychronicon, &c. . See HTPEEIDES. AOPOS EIIITAfclOS. . See HTPEEIDES. Oration against Demosthenes. . See HTPEEIDES. Orationes duae. Post C. Babingfonem emen- davit F. G. Schneidewin. . See PECOCK (R.). The represser of over much blaming of the clergy. . Inscriptiones Sprattianse. [Prom the Cambridge Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology, 1855.] 8vo. Babrius. Babrii FabulaB JEsopea3, cum fabularum deperditarum fragmentis. Recensuit . . Georgius Cornewall Lewis. [G-. G.] Oxonii, 1846. 8vo. [* From The Philosophical Magazine. t From The Philosophical Transactions. $ From The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh .] 48 BAB-BAC Babrius. BabriiFabulsD'JSsopeaB, e codice manuscriptopartem secundam nunc primuin edidit Georgius Cornewall Lewis, A. M. [G-. G-.] London, 1859. 8vo. Bacchius, Senior. Introductio Artis Musicse. See MEIBOMIUS (M.). Antiques Musicce Auctores septem. Badhelier ( ). Catalogue des Livres de Ponds [&c.]. [D. M.] Paris, 1823. 8vo. Ba3het[-us] de Meziriac (Claude Gaspar). See DIOPHANTUS. Aritli- meticorum libri sex. . Commentaires sur les epistres d'Ovide par Messire Gaspar Bachet . . Nouvelle edition. Avec plusieurs autres Ouvrages du meme Auteur . . 2 torn. [G. G.] La Haye, 1716. 8vo. . Problemes plaisans et delectables, qvi se font par les nombres. Partie recueillis de diuers Autheurs, partie inuentez de nouueau auec leur demonstration. Par C. G. B., S. d. M. Seconde Edition, reueue, corrigee, & augmentee de plusieurs propositions, & de plusieurs Problemes, par le mesnie Autheur. Tres-vtile pour toutes sortes de personnes curieuses, qui se seruent de 1'Arithmetique, & Mathematique. [D. M.] Lyon, 1624. 8vo. Bachius (Mcolaus). Philetac Coi, Hermesianactis Colophonii atque Phanoclis Reliquiae : disposuit, emendavit, illustravit N". B. [G. G.] Halis Saxonum, 1829. 8vo. Bacon (Francis), Baron Verulam and Viscount St. Allans. . The Physical and Metaphysical Works of Lord Bacon, includ- ing his Dignity and Advancement of Learning, in nine books ; and his Novum Organum ; or, Precepts for the interpretation of nature. By Joseph Devey, M.A. [D. M.] London, 1853. 8vo. . Erancisci Baconis de Dignitate et Augmentis Scientiarum Libri ix. . . edidit vitamque auctoris adjecit Philippus Mayer. 2 torn. Norimberyae, 1829. 8vo. . Bacon's Essays and Colours of Good and Evil, with notes and glossarial index by W. Aldis Wright, M.A. Cambridge, 1868. 8vo. . Essays, moral, economical, and political. By F. B. London, 1864. 16mo. . Francisci Baconi de Verulamio, . . Novum Organum, sive Indicia vera de Interpretatione Naturae. [G. G.] Oxonii, 1855. 8vo. . The Advancement of Learning, edited by William Aldis Wright, M.A. [Clarendon Press Series.'] Oxford, 1869. 8vo. (Roger). Fr. Rogeri Bacon opera quaedam hactenus inedita. Vol. I. . . edited by J. S. Brewer. [R. O.] London, 1859. 8vo. . Fratris Rogeri Bacon, Ordinis Minorum, Opus Majus . . Ex MS. Codice Dubliniensi, cum aliis quibusdam collate, mine primum edidit S. Jebb, M.D. [D. M.] Londini, 1733. fol. BAD BAI 49 Badham (Carolus). See EURIPIDES. Ion. . See PLATO. Convivium, &c. . See PLATO. Euihydemus et Laches. . Adhortatio ad Juventutem Academicam Sydneiensem. Scripsit C. B. Professor. [GK 0-.] Sydneiae, 1869,- 8vo. Baeda. See BEDA. Baehr (Joannes Christianus Felix). See CTESIAS. Operum reliquiae. . See HERODOTUS. Musae. Baermann (Georg Mcolaus). Hamburgische Chronik von Entstehung der Stadt bis auf unsere Tage. . . abgefasst von Georg Mcolaus Barmann. 2 Thle. [G. G.] Hamburg, 1822. 8vo. Bagay (V.). Nouvelles Tables Astronomiques et Hydrographiques, contenant un traite abrege des cercles de la sphere ; la descrip- tion des instruments a reflexion ; diverses methodes pour obtenir les latitudes et les longitudes terrestres ; une nouvelle table des logarithmes, des sinus, cosinus, tangentes et cotangentes, de seconde en seconde, pour les quatre-vingt-dix degres du quart du cercle. Par V. B., Prof esseur d'Hydrographie. Edition stere'otype, gravee, fondue et imprime'e par MM. Firmin Didot pere et fils. [D. M.] Paris, 1829. 4to. Bagdedine (Machomet). See EUCLID. Euclid's Elements of Geometry, [with] a Treatise of the Divisions of /Superficies, ascribed to M. B. Bagot (Daniel). See HORATIUS Flaccus (Q.)- The Art of Poetry, with translations by the Very Rev. D. B. Baguet (Francois Me. Gisl.). Franc. Me. Gisl. B. de Chrysippi vita, doctrina et reliquiis commentatio a nobilissimo philoso- phorum et literatorum ordine in Academia Lovaniensi praemio ornata. [G. G.] Lovanii, 1822. 4to. Bailey (Samuel). Letters on the philosophy of the human mind. By S. B. 3 vol. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd series. [G. G.] London, 1855-63. 8vo. Bailie (Jacobus Kennedy). Fasciculus Inscriptionum, Graecarum potissimum, . . edidit J. K. B. [G. G.] Dublinii, 1846. 4to. Eaillet (Adrien). Jugemens des Savans sur les Principaux Ouvrages des Auteurs. Par A. B. Eeviis, corriges, & augmentes par M. De la Monnoye de 1' Academic Frangaise. 7 torn. [D. M.] Paris, 1722. 4to. . La Yie de M r Des-Cartes. Contenant 1'histoire de sa Philo- sophic & de ses autres ouvrages. Et aussi ce qui luy est arrive de plus remarquable pendant le cours de sa vie. Eeduite en abrege. Paris, 1693. 12mo. Baillie (Joanna). A collection of Poems, chiefly manuscript, and from living authors. Edited for the benefit of a friend by J. B. [G. G.] London, 1823. 8vo. (Eobert). Letters and journals written by the deceased Mr. E. B., Principal of the ."University of Glasgow. Carefully tran- scribed by Eobert Aitrie, . . with an account of the author's life prefixed, and a glossary annexed. 2 vol. [G. G.] Edinburgh, 1775. 8vo. 50 BAI Bailly (Jean S.). Lettres sur 1'Atlantide de Platon et sur Fancienne Histoire de 1'Asie. Pour servir de suite aux Lettres sur 1'origine des Sciences, adressees a M. de Voltaire par M. Bailly. [D. M.] London, 1779. 8vo. . Lettres sur 1'origine des Sciences, et sur celle des peuples de 1'Asie, adressees a M. de Voltaire par M. B., & precedees de quelques Lettres Voltaire a F Auteur. [D. M.] Londres, 1777. 8vo. . Memoires d'un temoin de la Revolution, ou journal des faits qui se sont passes sous ses yeux et qui ont prepare et fixe la Con- stitution Frangaise. Ouvrage posthume de Jean Sylvain Bailly. 3 torn. [GK GK] Paris xii., 1804. 8vo. Baily (Francis). Correspondence between Mr. Greorge Barrett and Mr. F. B. Also the original MS. letters, &c. See DE MORGAN ;(A.). . An Account of Mr. John Flamsteed, the first Astro- nomer-Eoyal ; compiled from his own manuscripts, and other authentic documents, never before published. To which is added, His British Catalogue of Stars, corrected and enlarged. By F. B., Esq. . . Printed by order of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. [D. M.] London, 1835. 4to. . [Supplement to the Account of the Rev. John Flamsteed, the first Astronomer-Royal. By F. B. Printed for distribution amongst those persons and institutions only, to whom the original work was presented]. [D. M.] London (January), 1837. 4to. . An Address to Astronomical Observers, relative to the im- provement and extension of the Astronomical Society's Catalogue of 2881 principal Stars. [D. M.] London, May 12, 1837. 4to. . An Epitome of Universal History, Ancient and Modern, from the earliest authentic records to the commencement of the present year. In two volumes. By F. B. [D.M.] London, 1813. 8vo. . Astronomical Tables and Formulae together with a variety of problems explanatory of their use and application. To which are prefixed the Elements of the Solar System. By F. B., Esq. F.R.S. [Ac.]. [D. M.] London, 1827. 8vo. . Catalogue of the . . Astronomical, Mathematical, and General Library of the late F. B. [8 ale-catalogue. ~] [D. M.] London, 1845. 8vo. . Experiments with the Torsion Rod for determining the mean density of the earth. Forming Vol. XIV. of the Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society. By F. B., Esq. Vice-President of the Society. [D. M.] London, 1843. 4to. . Further Remarks on the present defective state of the Nautical Almanac. To which is added an account of the new astronomical ephemeris published at Berlin. Extracted from the Appendix to Astronomical Tables and Formulae. By F. B. [D. M.] London, January, 1829. 8vo. BAI 61 Baily (Francis). Journal of a Tour in Unsettled Parts of North America in 1796 & 1797. By the late F. B., President of the Royal Astronomical Society. "With a Memoir of the Author. [By A. De Morgan, the Editor.'] [D. M.] London, 1856. 8vo. . On a Remarkable Phenomenon that occurs in Total and Annular Eclipses of the Sun. By F. B.* [D. M.] 4to. . On the correction of a Pendulum for the Reduction to a Vacuum : together with remarks on some anomalies observed in Pendulum experiments. By F. B. f [D. M.] London, 1832. 4to. . On the Solar Eclipse predicted by Thales. Read before the Royal Society, March 14, 1811. [D. M.] [Dated :] London, 1810. 4to. . On the Solar Eclipse which is said to have been predicted by Thales. By F. B. f [D. M.] London, 1811. 4to. . On the Solar Eclipse which took place on September 7, 1820. By F. B.J [D. M.] London, 1821. 4to. . Report on the New Standard Scale of the Royal Astronomical Society. By F. B.* [D. M.] London, 1836. 4to. . [Tables constructed from those of Burg and Delambre. MS.] [D. M.] 4to. . Tables for the Purchasing and Renewing of Leases, for terms of Tears certain and for Lives ; with rules for determining the value of the reversion of Estates after any such Leases ; and for the solution of other useful problems : adapted to general use. To which is added, An Appendix, Containing, besides the ana- lytical Demonstrations, some Remarks on the Method adopted by Dr Price and Mr Morgan for finding the Value of Annuities payable half-yearly, quarterly, &c. : together with some new formulae for determining the Rate of Interest in Annuities. By F. B., of the Stock-Exchange. The Second Edition. [D. M.] London, 1807. 8vo. . The doctrine of Interest and Annuities analytically investi- gated and explained; together with several useful Tables con- nected with the subject. By F. B., of the Stock-Exchange. [D. M.] London, 1808. 4to. . Another copy. [Mr. Baily 's corrected copy.~] . The Doctrine of Life- Annuities and Assurances, analytically investigated and practically explained. Together with several useful Tables connected with the subject. To which is now added an Appendix containing a new method of calculating and arranging such tables. In two volumes. Vol. I. Containing the Analysis. Vol. II. Containing the Praxis. By F. B. [Spurious edition.'] [D. M.] London, sold by John Richardson, Royal Exchange, 1813. 8vo. [* From The Memoirs of the Eoyal Astronomical Society. t From The Philosophical Transactions. J From The Transactions of the Astronomical Society of London."] E2 52 BAI BAK Baily (Francis). Theorie des Annuites Viageres et des Assurances sur la Vie, suivie d'une collection de tables relatives a ces matieres ; par F. B. Traduit de 1'Anglais par Alfred de Courcy, et public par la Compagnie d' Assurances generates sur la Vie. 2 torn. [D. M.] Paris, 1836. 8vo. . The Eights of the Stock-Brokers defended against the Attacks of the City of London: or, Arguments to shew that Persons buying or selling Stock only, by Commission, do not come within the meaning of the word Broker mentioned in the 6 Anne, c. 16. To which is added a statement of the proceedings on this subject that have lately taken place in the Court of Requests. By F. B., of the Stock-Exchange. [D. M.] London, 1806. 8vo. Bain (Alexander). Astronomy. Electricity. See CHAMBERS (W.) and (R.). Educational Course. . See MII/L (J.). Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind. . Logic. By A. B., LL.D., Professor of Logic in the University of Aberdeen. Part First. Deduction. Part Second. Induction. [D. M.] London, 1870. 8vo. . Mental and Moral Science. A Compendium of Psychology and Ethics. By A. B. [D. M.] London (Aberdeen), 1868. 8vo. . On the Study of Character, including An Estimate of Phre- nology. By A. B. [GK GK] London, 1861 . 8vo. . The Emotions and the "Will. By A. B. [a. 0-.] London, 1865. 8vo. . The Methods of Debate, an address delivered to the Aberdeen University Debating Society. By A. B. [GK GK] Aberdeen, 1863. 8vo. . The Senses and the Intellect. By A. B. [GK GK] London, 1855. 8vo. Bainbridge (Johannes). See PEOCLTJS. HPOKAOY S$AIPA' IITO- AEMAIOT HEPI YHOeESEliN IIAAMiMEN&N. . . Latine reddidit, fyc., J. B. Baiter (J. GK). See LEAKE (W. M.). Topographie Athens, uebersetzt von J. G. B., &c. . See PLATO. Opera. Bake (Janus). See CLEOMEDES. Circularis doctrinae de sublimibus libri duo. . See POSIDONIFS. Reliquiae doctrinae. Baker (David Erskine). Biographia Dramatica; . . containing his- torical and critical memoirs [&c.] of British and Irish Dramatic Writers, from the commencement of our theatrical exhibitions ; . . also an . . account . . of their works . . with an introduc- tory view of the rise and progress of the British Stage. Originally compiled, to the year 1764, by David Erskine Baker. Continued thence to 1782, by Isaac Reed, F.S.A., and brought down to the end of November 1811 . . by Stephen Jones. In three volumes. (Vol. I in 2 pt.) [D. M.] London, 1812. 8vo BAK BAL 53 Baker (Henry). Medulla Poetarum Bomanorum : or, the Most Beautiful and Instructive Passages of the Roman Poets . . With Translations of the same in English Verse. By Mr. H. B. 2 vol. [D. M.] London, 1737. 8vo. (Humfrey). The "Welspring of Sciences, Which teacheth the perfecte wojke and pjactise of Arithmeticke both in whole numbers & Fractions, with such easie and compendious instruc- tion into the saide art, as hath not heretof 036 been by any set out noj laboured. Beautified with most necessary Rules and Ques- tions, not onely profitable for Marchauntes, but also for all Arti- ficers, as in the Table doth plainely appere. Now newely printed and corrected. Sette forth by H. B., Citizen of London. Im- printed at London by Henry Denham . . [D. M.] Anno Domini 1564. 8vo. . The Well spring of Scjences. Which teacheth the perfect worke and practise of Arithmeticke, both in whole Numbers and Fractions : set fojthe by H. B., Londoner, 1562. And nowe once agayne perused augmented and amended in all the thjee partes, by the sayde Aucthour : where vnto he hath also added certain tables of the agreement of measures and waightes of diuers places in Europe, the one with the other, as by the table following it may appeare. 1583. Imprinted at London by Thomas Purfoote. [D. M.] 8vo. . [Another edition] . . Now newly perused, augmented, and amended in all the three parts : Whereunto is also added certaine Tables of the agrement of the measures and waights of diuers places in Europe, the one with the other: as by the Table appeareth. At London, Printed by Thomas Purfoot, An. Dom. [D. M.] 1617. 8vo. . [Another edition] . . And now again Perused, . . in all the three Parts by the said Authour. Whereunto are added certain Tables of the agreement of Measures and Weights of divers places in Europe, the one with the other . . London, [D. M.] Printed by E. & W. L. . . 1655. 8vo. (Samuel). See LEIGH (G-.) and SOTHEBT (S.), (Thomas). Clavis G-eometrica Catholica : sive Janua .^Equa- tionum reserata: methodus omnes JEquationes quomodolibet affect as, quartum gradum non excedentes ; nempe, Lineares, Quadraticas, Cubicas, Biquadraticas construendi ; ipsarumque omnes radices, tarn falsas quam veras eliciendi [&c.]. A Tho. B. [Latin and English.'] [D. M.] Londini, 1684. 4to. Bakius (Johannes). Scholica Hypomnemata. Scripsit I. B. Vol. IV. [G-. Gr.] Lugduni-Batavorum, 1852. 8vo. Balaeus (Joannes). Illvstrivm maioris Britanniae scriptorvm, hoc est, Angliae, Cambriae, ac Scotiae Summariu, in quasdam centurias diuisum, cum diuersitate doctrinaru atq ; annoru recta supputa- tione per omnes setates a lapheto sanctissimi Noah filio, ad annum domini M.DXLVIII. Avtore loanne Balaeo Svdovolca. [D. M.] Gippeswici in Anglia, 1548. 4to. 54 BAL Balaeus (Joannes). Scriptorvm illustriu maioris Brytannie;, quam nunc Angliam & Scotiam uocant : Catalogus : a lapheto per 3618 annos, uscfc ad annu hunc Domini 1557. exBeroso,Grennadio, Beda, Honorio, Bostono Buriensi, Frumentario, Capgrauo, Bostio, Burello, Trissa, Tritemio, G-esnero, loanne Lelando, atc^ alijs authoribus collectus, & IX centurias continens . . Autore loanne Baleo Sudouolgio Anglo [&c.] Accedunt his, Appendices. [D. M.] Basileae, 1557. fol. . Posterior pars, quinque continens centvrias vltimas, qvas avthor, I. B. Sudouolgius, Anglus, ex Lelando antiquario, alijsque probis authoribus, non paruo labore collegit. [Etc.]. [D. M.] Basileae, 1559. fol. Balam (Richard). Algebra : or, The Doctrine of Composing, Inferring, and Resolving an Equation. By which any Resolvable Question, requiring either a Number, or a Magnitude, may be fully satis- fyed, and consequently new, usefull & sometimes admirable Inventions, may infinitely be added to the Mathematicks. By R. B. London, Printed by J. Gr. for R. Boydell, in the Bulwarke neere the Tower, 1653. * [D. M.] 12mo. Balbus (Caecilius). Caecilii Balbi de jSTugis Philosophorum quae supersunt, . . edidit [&c.]. Eduardus Woelfflin. [GK a.] Basiliae, 1855. 4to. Baldi (Bernardino). Chronica de Mathematici o vero epitome dell' istoria delle vite loro : opera di Monsignor Bernardino Baldi da Urbino, Abate di G-uastalla. [D. M.] Urbino, 1707. 4to. Balduinns (Franc.). See MINFTITJS FELIX (M.). Octavius. Balesdens (Joan.) See MTTRNER (T.). Chartiludium Logicce. Balfonr (Edward). Statistics of Cholera. By Assistant Surgeon E. B., of the Madras Army. Madras, 1849. 8vo. . Statistics of Cholera by E. B., L.R.C.S.E. [&c.]. Second edition. Madras, 1870. 8vo. Ballantyne (James R.). See NycCya System of Philosophy. Ballard (Edward). A case of very extensive Grelatiniform Cancer of the Peritoneum, involving the lymphatic glands of the abdomen and the ovaries, and simulating ascites. By E. B., M.D. [From The Transactions of the Medico-Chirurgical Society. Vol. XXXI.] 8vo. . The Physical Diagnosis of Diseases of the Abdomen. By E. B., M.D. [&c.]. London, 1852. 12mo. and Garrod (Alfred Baring). Elements of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. By E. B., M.D., and A. B. Gr., M.D. London, 1845. 8vo. Ballot. A substitute for the Ballot. By one of the many. [G-. Gr.] Worcester, '1839. 8vo. . Objections to the Ballot, answered from the writings and speeches of Mill, Grote, &c. [D. M.] London, 1837. 12mo. . Public responsibility and the Ballot. By an Elector. [Gr. G-.] London, 1865. 8vo. BAL BAN 55 Ballot. On the Ballot [from The Westminster Review for July, 1830]. Third edition with corrections and additions. [G. G-.] London. 8vo. . Thoughts on the Ballot. [G. GK] London, 1837. 8vo. Baltus (Jean Frangois). Reponse a 1'histoire des oracles de Fontenelle. See MIGNE (J. P.). Dictionnaire des Sciences Occultes. Baltzer (Henricus Eichardus). See BBAKDES (C. G. H.). De Chordis Linearum et Superfirierum secundi gradus. Baluzius (Stephanus). See SALVIANTTS. Salviani et Vincentii Opera. Bancroft (George). History of the American Revolution. By G. B. 3 vol. [G. G.] London, 1852-54. 8vo. . History of the United States, from the discovery of the American Continent. By G-. B. [Vol. L-III. VII.-IX. various editions ; Vol. VII. 1st & 8th editions.] [G. G.] 1841-46. 8vo. Bandinel (Bulkeley). Catalogue of the . . Library of the late Eev. Dr. B., of the Bodleian, Oxford. [Sale-catalogue.'} [D. M.] [London] 1861. 4to. Banister (Elizabeth Euth). . . Letters, Plans, and Opinions. [D. M.] [London, 1858-59.] 4to. Bank of England. Historical sketch of the Bank of England, with an examination of the question as to the prolongation of the exclusive privileges of that establishment. [G. G.] London, 1831. 8vo. . A plain statement of the power of the Bank of England and of the use it has made of it ; with a refutation of the objections made to the Scotch system of banking, and a reply to the * Historical sketch of the Bank of England.' [G. G.] London, 1832. 8vo. . Letters on the Bank of England. By a Liverpool Merchant. [G. G.] London, 1836. 8vo. . Thoughts on the separation of the departments of the Bank of England. [G. G.] London, 1840. 8vo. Bank Charter. See SCROPE (G. Poulett). . See WELLS (Samuel). . A letter to the ' Editor of the Times ' on the question of the Bank Charter, shewing the inconsistency of some of the accounts lately furnished by the Bank to the Committee of the House of Commons. [G. G.] London, 1833. 8vo. . Letters to Lord Althorp in May and June 1832. By a Citizen of London. [G. G.] London, 1832. 8vo. . Letters of Mercator on the Bank Charter Act of 1844 and the State of the Currency. London, 1855-57. 8vo. Bank Law. A proposed Joint Stpck Bank Law, with observations thereon. [G. G.] Berwick, 1839. . A defence of Joint Stock Banks and Country Issues. By the Author of Money and its vicissitudes in value,' &c., &c. [G. G.] London, 1843. Svo. 56 BAN BAR Bankers of Scotland. Eeport of the Deputation from the Bankers of Scotland appointed to proceed to London pending the enquiry on Banks of Issue before a Select Committee of the House of Commons, Session 1841. [D. M.] London, 1841. 8vo. Banks. Thoughts upon the principles of Banks and the wisdom of Legislative interference. [GK G.] London, 1837. 8vo. Banks (Sir Joseph). Sir Joseph Banks and the Boyal Society. A popular biography, with an historical introduction and sequel. [D. M.] London, 1844. 8vo. Barbaro (Daniel). La Pratica della perspettiva di Monsignor D. B. eletto patriarca d'Aqvileia, Opera molto vtile a Pittori, a Scultori, & ad Architetti. Con due tauole, vna de' capitoli principali, Paltra delle cose piu notabili contenute nella presente opera. [D. M.] Venetia, 1569. fol. Barbay (Petrus). Commentarius in Aristotelis Moralem. Autore Magistro Petro B. . . Editio quinta. [G. G.] Parisiis, 1690. 8vo. . In universam Aristotelis Philosophiam introductio. Autore M. P. B. . . editio quinta. [G. G.] Lugduni, 1692. 8vo. Barber-Beaumont (J. T.). Thoughts on the causes and cure of the present distresses : with a plan of parliamentary reform. By J. T. B.-B. [a. GK] London, 1830. 8vo. Barbeyrac (Jean). Traite du Jeu, Ou Ton examine les principales Questions de Droit naturel et de Morale qui ont du rapport a cette Matiere. Par J. B. 2 torn. [D. M.] Amsterdam, 1709. 8vo. Barbier (E. J. E.). Journal historique et anecdotique du regne de Louis XV. Par E. J. E. .B. Publie pour la Societe de Thistoire de Erance d'apres le manuscrit inedit de la bibliotheque royale : par A. de la Villeguille. 2 torn. [GK GK] Paris, 1847. 8vo. Barclaius (Joannes). Evphormionis Lusinini sive loannis BarcLaii Satyricon partes quinque cum Clavi. Accessit Conspiratio Anglicana. [G. G..] Lugd. Batavorum, 1655. 12mo. Barclay (A. W.) Medical Errors : Fallacies connected with the ap- plication of the inductive method of reasoning to the Science of Medicine. By A. W. B., M.D. [GK GK] London, 1864. 8vo. (John). An inquiry into the opinions, ancient and modern, concerning life and organization. By J. B., M.D. [GK GK] Edinburgh, 1822. 8vo. Bardili (G-uilielmus Henricus). See NEPOS (C.). Quae exstard, Bareith (Erederique-Sophie-Wilhelmine Margrave de). Memoires de E. S. W. de Prusse, Margrave de B., Soeur de Erederic le Grand : ecrit de sa main. Quatrieme edition. 2 torn. [G. GK] Paris, 1813. 8vo. Barford (Gulielmus). In Pindari Primum Pythium Dissertatio habita Cantabrigian in Scholia publicis YII mo Kalend. Julias A.D.MDCCL. A Gulielmo B., M.A. Collegii Eegalis Socio. [G. G.] Oantabrigice, 1751. fol. BAR 57 Barham (Thomas Foster). See HEPHAESTION. . An introduction to Greek Grammar on a new plan. . . By T. F. B. [G. G.] London, 1829. 8vo. Barker (Joseph). Confessions of J. B., a convert from Christianity. [Eeprinted from the " Reasoner," No. 646-9.] [G. G.]. London, 1858. 8vo. (Thomas). An-account of the Discoveries concerning Comets,with the way to find their Orbits, and some improvements in construct- ing and calculating their Places. For which reason are here added New Tables, fitted to those purposes ; particularly with regard to that Comet which is soon expected to return. By T. B., Gent. [D. M.] London, 1757. fol. Barlaam. BAPAAAMOY TOY MONAXOY AOriSTIKH BIBAIOIS e us etyverara TrepieiX^yuerr?, NYN HPOTON EKAO0EISA IIPOU IOANNOY TOY XAMBHPOY AITAOY, [Dedicated to EAIZABET]. [D. M.] Parisiis, 1600. 4to. . Barlaami Monachi Logistica nvnc primvm Latine reddita, & scholijs illustrata a loanne Chambero Collegij Etonensis apud Anglos socio, Ad Sereniss. principem Elizabetham Reginam Anglise, &c. [D. M.] Parisiis, 1600. 4to. Barlow (Peter). An Elementary Investigation of the Theory of Numbers, with its application to the indeterminate and diophan- tine analysis, the analytical and geometrical division of the circle, and several other curious Algebraical and Arithmetical problems. By P. B., of the Royal Military Academy. [D. M.] London, 1811. 8vo. . A Table of Hyperbolic Logarithms, for all numbers from one to ten thousand. By P. B., of the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. [D. M.] London [ ]. 4to. . Barlow's Tables of Squares Cubes Square Roots Cube Roots Reciprocals of all integer numbers up to 10,000. Stereotype edition examined and corrected. [By A. De Morgan and R. Farley.] [LIBEAET OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE.] [D. M.] London, 1840. 12mo. . New Mathematical Tables, containing the Factors, Squares, Cubes, Square Roots, Cube Roots, Reciprocals, and Hyperbolic Logarithms, of all numbers from 1 to 10000 ; tables of powers and prime numbers ; an extensive table of formulae, or General Synopsis of the most important particulars relating to the doctrines of Equations, Series, Fluxions, Fluents, &c. &c. &c. By P. B., of the Royal Military Academy. . On the Performance of Fluid Refracting Telescopes. By P. B. [From the Philosophical Transactions^] [D. M.] London, 1831. 4to. [D. M.] London, 1814. 8vo. . On the probable Electric Origin of all the Phenomena of Ter- restrial Magnetism. By P. B. [From the Philosophical Trans- actions.'] [D. M.] London, 1831. 4to. 58 BAB Barlow (Thomas). Memoir of the late Griffith Davies, Esq., F.E.S., by his nephew, T. B., of the Metropolitan Life Assurance Society. [D. M.] [London] [1855 ?] 8vo. Barnes (G-. C.). See INDIA. Ludhiana District. Report on the Revised Settlement. (John). Pharmaceutical Diagrams. London, s. sh. [to 12mo]. (Eobert). A clinical history of the medical and surgical diseases of women. By E. B., M.D. London, 1873. 8vo. . Lectures on Obstetric Operations, including the treatment of Haemorrhage, and forming a guide to the management of difficult labour. By E. B., M.D. Lond. [&c.] London, 1870. 8vo. . Second editon, revised and extended. London, 1871. 8vo. . The Physiology and Treatment of Placenta Prsevia : being the Lettsomian lectures on Midwifery for 1857. By E. B., M.D. [Ac.] London, 1858. 8vo. Barocius (Franciscus). Procli Diadochi Lycii Philosophi Platonici ac mathematici probatissimi in primvm Evclidis Elementorum librum Commentariorvm ad vniversam mathematicam disciplinam prin- cipivm ervditionis tradentivm libri IIII. A Francisco Barocio Patritio Yeneto summa opera, cura, ac diligentia cunctis mendis expurgati : Scholiis, & Figuris, que in greco codice omnes deside- rabantur aucti : primum ia Eomane lingue venustate donati, & nunc recens erliti. Cum Catalogo Deorum, & Virorum Illustrium, atque Autorum : Elecho libroru, qui vel ab Autore, vel ab Interprete citati sunt : & Indice locupleti notabilium omnium in opere contentorum. [D. M.] Patavii, 1560. fol. Baron (Eichard). See GORDON (Thomas). Cordial for Low Spirits. Barral ( J.-A.). See ARAGO (F.). (Euvres, publiees sous la direction de J.-A. B. Barratt (Alfred). Physical Ethics or the Science of Action. An Essay by A. B., Fellow of Brasenose College, Oxford. [D. M.] London, 1869. 8vo. Barri (S. G-iraldus de), Cambrensis. Giraldi Cambrensis Opera. Vol. I.-IIL Edited by J. S. Brewer. [E. O.] London, 1861-63. 8vo. . Vol. V. VI. Edited by James F. Dimock. [CHRONICLES AND MEMORIALS.] [E> 0.] London, 1867-68. 8vo. Barriere (Fs.). See EOLLAND (Marie J. P.). Memoires particulieres. Barrington (Daines). Observations on the more ancient statutes from Magna Charta to the twenty-first of James I., cap. xxvii, with an appendix, being a proposal for new modelling the statutes. By the Hon. D. B. Third edition. [G. G.] London, 1769. 4to. Barrow (Isaac). Letters. See CORRESPONDENCE of Scientific Men of the Seventeenth century. . See EOTAL SOCIETY. Commercium epistolicum de varia re mathematica. BAR 59 Barrow (Isaac). Lectiones XVIII. Cantabrigise in Scholia Publicis habitae ; &c. See SCRIPTOKES OPTICI. . The works of the learned I. B., D.D. Late Master of Trinity- College in Cambridge. (Being all his English works.) In three volumes. Published by his Grace Dr. John Tillotson, late Arch- bishop of Canterbury . . [Third edition]. Vol. I. II. [I. O.] London, 1716. fol. . The Mathematical Works of I. B., Master of Trinity College, Cambridge. Edited for Trinity College by W. Whewell, D.D., Master of the College. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1860. 8vo. . Lectiones Geometric* : . . Auctore Isaaco Barrow. [G-. G.] Londini, 1670. 4to. . Geometrical Lectures : explaining the generation, nature and properties of curve lines. Eead in the University of Cambridge, By I. B., D.D. Professor of Mathematicks, [&c.]. Translated from the Latin edition, revised [&c.] by the late Sir Isaac Newton. By Edmund Stone, E.E.S. [D. M.] London, 1735. 8vo. . The usefulness of mathematical learning explained and demon- strated : being mathematical lectures read in the publick schools at the University of Cambridge. By I. B. To which is prefixed, the Oratorical preface of our learned author, spoke before the University on his being elected Lucasian Professor of the Mathe- matics. Translated by the Eev. Mr. John Kirby, of Egremond in Cumberland. [D. M.] London, 1734. 8vo. (John). An account of travels into the interior of Southern Africa in the years 1797 and 1798. By J. B. 2 vols. [G. G.] London, 1801. 4to. Barrozzi da Vignola (Giacomo). Le* dve Eegole della Prospettiva pratica di* M- lacomo Barozzi da Vignola con i comentarij del E. P. M. Egnatio Danti dell' ordine de Predicatori* Matematico dello Studio di Bologna. [D. M.] Roma, 1583. fol. Barth (Heinrich). Corinthiorum commercii et mercaturae historiae particula. Dissertatio inauguralis . . quam . . publice defendet Henricus B. [G. G.] BeroUni, 1844. 8vo. . Eeise durch das innere der Europaischen Tiirkei . . im Herbst 1862 von H. B. Mit. . . Karten [&c.] [G.G.] Berlin, 1864. 8vo. Barthelemy (Abbe). Voyage du Jeune Anacharsis en Grece dans le milieu du quatrieme siecle avant 1'ere vulgaire. Troisieme edition. 7 torn. [G. G.] Paris, 1790. 8vo. BartMus (Caspar). See CLATJDIANTIS (Cl.). . Index in Casp. BarthI libros CLXV-CLXXX adversariorvm ineditos. See NICEPHOBTJS BLEMMIDAS. Barthold (Eriedrich Wilhelm). Der Eomerzug Konig Heinrichs von Liitzelburg. In sechs Buchern dargestellt durch E. W. B. 2 Thle. [G. G.] Konigsberg, 1830-31. 8vo. . George von Erundsberg oder das deutsche Kriegshandwerk zur Zeit der Eeformation. Dargestellt durch E. W. B. [G. G.] Hamburg, 1833. 8vo. 60 BAE BAS Barthold (Friedrich "Wilhelm).T Johann von Werth im nachsten Zusammenhange mit der Zeitgeschichte. Dargestellt von F. W. B. [G. 0-.] Berlin, 1826. 8vo. ( J. W.). Geschichte der deutschen Stadte und des deutschen Biirgerthums. Von J. W. B. 2 Thle. [Bd. IV. V. of Das deutsche Volk.~] [G. Q-.] Leipzig, 1850-51. 8vo. Bartholdy (Karl Mendelssohn). Graf Johann Kapodistrias . . Von K.M.B. [Q-. Q-.] Berlin, 1864. 8vo. Bartholini (Gasp.). Casp. Bartholini Enchiridion Ethicvm: seu epitome philosophise moralis. [Q-. G.] Oxonii, 1633. 12mo. Bartholinus (Erasmius). See HELIODOEUS Uepl 'OTTTIKUV Btf\/a B'. . See SCHOOTEN (F. a). Principia Mafheseos Vniversalis ; tyc. Bartholmes (Christianus). De Bernardino Telesio scribebat C. B. [G. G.] Parisiis, 1849. 8vo. Bartholomew (Alfred). Hints relative to the construction of Fire- Proof Buildings. ... By A. B. [G. G.] London, 1839. 8vo. Bartoli (Cosimo). See FINAEUS (O.). Opere, tradotte da O. B. Bartschius (Jacobus). See KEPLERUS ( J.) and Bartschius ( J.). . Jacobi Bartschii Lauba-Lusati Philiatri Planisphaerium Stel- latum seu Vice-Globus Coelestis in Piano delineatus . . Cui adjectse sunt Ephemerides. V. Plane tarum ab Anno MDCLXII. ad MDCLXXXVI. Ephemeris Solis ad Annos. C. Stellarum fixarum numero, 1240. Longitudines, Latitudines, Magnitudines & Naturae. Catalogus Vrbium prascipuarum in Europa, Asia, & Africa. Tabulae Domorum ab Elevatione Poli. 42. gr. ad 60. gr. &c. Opera et studio Andreae Goldmayeri Matheniatici & Comit. Palat Caesarei. [D. M.] Norimbergce [ ? 1661]. 4to. Basel. See SWITZEELAKD. Basilides. Basilidis Philosophi Gnostici Sententias ex Hippolyti libro KATA IIASON AIPESEiiN nuper reperto illustravit J. L. Jacobi. [G. G.] Berolini, 1852. 8vo. Basing House. The History of Basing House, in Hampshire. . . . Fourth edition improved. [G. G.] Basingstoke, 1833. 8vo. Bassus (Cassianus). TEOIIONIKA Geoponicorvm sive de re rvstica libri XX. Cassiano Basso Scholastico collectore antea Constan- tino Porphyrogenneto a qvibvsdam adscripti Graece et Latine post Petri Needhami cvras ad MSS. fidem denvo recensi et illvstrati ab lo. Nicolao Niclas. 4 torn. [G. Q-.] Lipsiae, 1781. 8vo. Bastiat (F.). Incompatibility Parlementaires. Par M. F. B. [G. G.] Paris, 1849. 16mo. Bastine (Louis). Discours. See BELGIUM. Brussels. Universite libre. Bastwick (John). The second part of that book call'd Independency not Gods Ordinance : or, the Post-script, discovering the un- charitable dealing of the Independents towards their Christian brethren, with the jugglings of many of their Pastors and BAT BAU 61 Ministers, to the misleading of the poor people to the detriment of their own souls, and the hurt both of Church and State, and the danger of Novelties in Eeligion ; proving that Independency, is one of the most dangerous sects, that ever appeared in the world, since Mortality inhabited the Earth. In the which also there is a satisfactory answer given to the principall cavils of him that writ that railing pamphlet, stil'd The falshood of Mr. "Will. Prynnes Triumphing in the Antiquity of Popish Princes and Parliaments. With Doctor Bastwicks just defence against some calumnies in way of Preface. By J. B., Dr in Physick. [D. M.] London, 1645. 4to. Bate (C. Spence). Catalogue of the specimens of Amphipodous Crustacea in the collection of the British Museum. By C. S. B. [G-. G.] London, 1862. 8vo. Batesius (Gulielmus). Vitae selectorum aliquot Yirorum qui Doctrina, Dignitate, aut Pietate inclaruere. [D. M.] Londini, 1681. 4to. Bathurst ( ). Suggestions for readjusting the present Church Bate system. By Archdeacon B. [a. G.] London, 1835. 8vo. Batteux (Charles), Abbe. Histoire des Causes Premieres . . Par M. 1'A. B. [G. G.] Paris, 1769. 8vo. Battle (Gulielmus). See ISOCEATES. Aoyot e?rra KO.\ eTrtoroXat. Bauch (Ed.). Epaminondas und Thebens Kampf um die Hegemonie. Yon E. B. [G. G.] Breslau, 1834. 8vo. Bauer (Bruno). Kritik der evangelische Geschichte der Synoptiken. Von B. B. 3 Bde. [G. G.] Leipsig, 1841. 8vo. . Vollstandige Geschichte der Partheikampfe in Deutschland wahrend der Jahre 1842-1846. Von B. B. 2 Bde. [G. G.] Charlottenburg, 1847. 8vo. (Edgar.) Der Streit der Kritik mit Kirche und Staat. Von E. B. [G. G.] Bern, 1844. 8vo. Bauernkrieg. Der Bauernkreig im Jahr 1653, oder der grosse Volks- auf stand in der Schweiz. Aus handschriftlichen Chroniken . . dargestellt in vier Biichern. Zweite Auflage mit Abbildungen. [G. G.] Aarau, 1831. 8vo Baumeister (Augustus). See HOMEE. Hymni Homerici. Baunieisterus (Eridericus Christianus). M. Eriderici Christiani Baumeisteri . . Institutiones Philosophise rationalis Methodo Wolfii adornataB. Editio secunda Veneta, post XV. Wittem- bergensem auctior, et emendatior. [D. M.] Lacce, 1769. 8vo. Baumgarten (Siegemund Jacob). SEE STAECK (J. E.). Morgen- und Abend-Andachten, mit einer Vorrede Hrn. S. J. Baumgartens. Baumgarten-Crusius (Detl. Car. Guil.). See CEUSITJS. Baumgartner (Jakob). Erlebnisse auf dem Eelde der Politik . . Von Landammann J. B. [G. G.] Schaffhausen, 1844. 8vo. ( ). See SWITZEELAND. St. Gallen. Kommissionalbericht an den Grossen Rath, $c. 62 BAIT BAY Baumhauer (Aemilius Janus G-uilielinus). Commentatio Philosophico- Literaria in librum qui inter Hippocraticos exstat IIEPI $Y2IOS 'AN6P&IIOY, . . submittit A. J. G. v. B. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1843. 8vo. (Eduardus Henricus). Specimen inaugurale continens Sen- tentias veterum Philosophoruni Graecorum de Visu, Lumine et Coloribus . . submittit E. H. v. B., Bruxellensis. [Gr. Gr.] Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1843. 8vo. (Maria Matthaeus von). Disquisitio critica de Aristotelia Vi in Ciceronis scriptis . . submittit M. M. v. B. [G-. 0-.] Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1841. 8vo. Baomstark (Ant.). De Curatoribus Emporii et Nautodicis apud Athenienses disputatio . . scripsit A. B., Philosoph, Doctor [&c.]. [G. G.] Friburgi, 1828. 8vo. Bavaria. Altdorf . Observationes Astronomico-Physicae selectae in Specvla Altorfina ab anno novae eivs instavrationis MDCCXI vsqve ad praesentem annvm Academiae secvlarem MDCCXXIII habitae et cvm interspersis passim annotationibvs elvcidatae. Qvarvm pars prior praeside loh. Henrico Mvllero . . placidae commilitonvm disqvisitioni svbiicitvr a respondente loh. Ignatio Michahelle. [D. M.] [ ] 4to. . Munich. Konigl. Bayer. ATcademie der Wissenschaften. Monu- menta Secularia. See DEXIPPITS. . Oratorium Congregationis Majoris Latinae, Beatse Virginia Matris Propitiae ab Angelo Salutatas. -ZEternitas Paradisi con- sideranda in exemplo Lazari Mendici, Luc. 16. Dominica Tertia Quadragesimae, In Oratorio [&c.]. [D. M.] Monachii, 1733. 4to. . Wiirzberg. Canon Sinvvm, in gratiam Academicae Iwentvtis Herbipolensis. See CANON SINVVM. Baverus (Carolus Ludovicus). See THTJCTDIDES. De Bello Pelopon- nesiaco libri viii. Baxterus (Guilielmus). See HORATIUS ELACCUS (Q.). Eclogae. Bayer (Albertus). Adnotationes qvaedam in Theocriti Idyllion XY. . . svbmittet avctor M. A. B. [G. G.] Erlangae, 1*781. 4to. Bayle (Pierre). Commentaire philosophique sur ces paroles de Jesus- Christ, contrain-les d'entrer. . . Par Mr. B. Nouvelle edition. 2 torn. [G. G.] Rotterdam, M[D]CCXIII. 12mo. . Dictionaire historique et critique Par M r P. B. Troisieme, edition, revue, corrigee, et augmentee par 1'auteur. 4 torn. [D. M.] Rotterdam, 1720. fol. . Cinquieme edition, . . avec la vie de 1'auteur. Par Mr. Des Maizeaux. 4 torn. [G. G.] Amsterdam, 1740. fol. . Entretiens de Maxime et de Themiste, ou reponse a I'Examen de la Theologie de Mr. Bayle par Mr. Jaquelot. [G. G.] Rotterdam, 1707. Bayley ( J.). See CALENDAEIUM. Liquisitionum Post Mortem. BAY EEC 63 Bayley (W. H.). Hand-book of the Slide Rule, shewing its appli- cability to I. Arithmetic (including interest and annuities). II. Mensuration (superficial and solid, including land surveying). With Numerous Examples and Useful Tables. By W. H. B., H. M. East India Civil Service. [D. M.] London, 1861. 12mo. Baymas (J.). Realis Philosophise Institutionum Auctore J. Bayma S. I. Sac. in Collegio Saxosylvano Phil. Prof. 3 vol. [D. M.] Londini, 1861-63. 8vo. Baynes (Thomas Spencer). See POET ROYAL. The P.-R. Logic, trans- lated by T. S. B. . An Essay on the New Analytic of Logical Forms, being that which gained the prize proposed by Sir William Hamilton in the year 1846, for the best exposition of the new doctrine pro- pounded in his lectures : with an historical Appendix. By T. S. B. [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1850. 8vo. Beale (Lionel S.). How to work with the Microscope. A course of Lectures . . by L. S. B. Illustrated edition. . . [a. G.] London, 1861. 8vo. Beaumarchais (Pierre Augustin Canon de). CEuvres completes de M. de B. 5 torn. [G. G.] [ ] 8vo. Beaumont (Gustave de). L'Irlande, Sociale, Politique et Religieuse. Par G. de B. [G. G.] Paris, 1839. 8vo, . Rapport sur les Chemins de Fer. [G. G.] Paris, 1840. 8vo. (Marie Leprince de). Auszug aus der alten Geschichte, zur Unterweisung der Kinder. Nach dem Franzosischen der Frau le Prince d. B., fortgesetzet von Joharm Adolf Schlegeln. Zweiter Band. Leipzig, 1768. 8vo. (Thomas Wentworth). Plainte en Police Correctionelle de M. T. W. B. centre M. Somers, Membre de Parlement. [G.G.] Paris [ ] 8vo. (Francis) and Fletcher (John). The Works of Mr. F. B., and Mr. J. F. . . With notes. . . By the late Mr. Theobald, Mr. Seward. . . and Mr. Sympson. 10 vol. [G. G.] London, 1750. 8vo. Beaune (Florimondus de). See DESCARTES (R.). Geometria. Beaiizee (Nicolas). Grammaire generale, ou exposition raisonnee des elements necessaires du Langage, pour servir de fondement a 1'etude de toutes les langues. Par M. B. . . Professeur de Grammaire a 1'Ecole royale militaire. 2 torn. Paris, 1767. 8vo. Bechaux (A. H. L. S.). .Mechanical Geometry. An application to Geometry of some Propositions in Statics. By A. H. L. S. B., B.A. . . [D. M.] London, 1869. 8vo. Beck (Hermannus). Aristoteles de sensuum actione. Yon H. B. [G. G.] Berolini [ ] 8vo. Becker (Albert Gerhard). Demosthenes als Staatsmann und Redner. Historischkritische Einleitung zu dessen Werken. Yon A. G.B. [G. G.] Halle, 1815. 8vo. 04 BEG BED Becker (C. F.). A Grammar of the German Language. By C. F. B., M.D. [G. GK] London, 1830. 8vo. _ (Dietrich). Das Philosophische System Platen's in seiner Beziehung zum christlichen Dogma. Von D. B. [G. G.] Freiburg im Breisgau, 1862. 8vo. (J.). Beitrage zur Kritik des Pulgentius. [From the Mus. f. Philol. N. F. IV.] [G. G.] Bonn. 8vo. (Jacobus Aloysius). De Eomanorum censura scenica. Accedunt variae de Didascaliis Terentianis Quaestiones partim chronolo- gicae partim criticae. Scripsit I. A. B. Philosophiae Doctor [&c.]. [G. G.] Mogontiaci, 1852. 4to. (Joannes Jacobus Christianas Theodorus Florus). Nonnulla de Casu Myocarditidis. Dissertatio Inauguralis Medica . . scripsit 1. 1. C. T. F. B. , Kiliae, 1856. 4to. (Wilhelm Adolph). Charikles, Bilder altgriechischer Sitte. Zur genaueren Kenntniss des griechischen Privatlebens. Von W. A. B. 2 Thle. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1840. 8vo. . Handbuch der Romischen Alterthiimer nach den Quellen bearbeitet von W. A. B. [fortgesetzt von Joachim Marquardt]. 4 Thle. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1843-56. 8vo. Beckford (W.). Vathek. [D. M.] Londres [1815]. 8vo. Beckius (Christian Daniel). See THTJCYDIDES. De Bella Pelopon- nesiaco libri viii. Beckmann (John). A History of Inventions and Discoveries. By J. B., Public Professor of Economy in the University of Got- tingen. Translated from the German, by William Johnston, Second Edition, carefully corrected, and enlarged by a fourth volume. 4 vol. [D. M.] London, 1814. 8vo. Beclard (Jules). Tenette a mors articules du Docteur Amussat pre- sentee a TAcademie de medicine, . . 1870, par M. B. Paris. 8vo. Beda. The Venerable. Historiae Ecclesiasticae Gentis Anglorum libri quinque, auctore Sancto & Venerabili Baeda Presbytero Anglo-Saxone, Una cum reliquis ejus Operibus Historicis in unum volumen collectis. Cura et studio Johannis Smith, S. T. P. Cantabrigice, 1722. fol. Beddoes (Thomas). Observations on the nature of demonstrative evidence ; with an explanation of certain difficulties occurring in the elements of Geometry : and reflections on language. By T. B. [D. M.] London, 1793. 8vo. Bedwell (Wilhelm). See RAMTJS (P.). Via Regia ad Geometriam, translated, tyc., By W. B. . Mesolabivm Architect onicvm. That is, A most rare, and singular Instrument, for the easie, speedy, and most certaine measuring of Plaines and Solids by the foote : Necessary to be knowne of all men whatsouer, who would not in this case be notably defrauded : Inuented long since by M r T. B. Esquire : And now published, and the Vse thereof declared by Wilhelm Bedwell, his nephew, Vicar of Tottenham. [D. M.] London, 1631. 4to. BEG BEL 65 Beguelin (Nicolas de). Application du principe de la raison suffisante a la demonstration d'un Theoreme de M. Fermat sur les nombres polygonaux, qui n'a point encore ete demontre. Par M. B. (From the Nouveaux Memoires de 1' Academic Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres.) [ ] 8vo. Beherzigungen. Franckfurt am Mayn, 1761. 8vo. Behr ( ), Baron. Recherches sur 1'histoire des temps heroiques de la Grece, avec quatre cartes et un plan. Par M. le Baron B. [G-. G-.] Paris, 1856. 8vo. Beierus (Carolus). See CICERO (M. T.). De Officiis. Bekker[-us] (Immanuel). See ANTIPHON. ARISTOPHANES, Comcedice, &c. ARISTOTLE, Opera, &c. . See BYZANTINE History. . See COCCEIANTJS (0. D.). Rerum Romanarum libri octoginta. . See DEMOSTHENES. Orationes Selectae VII. . See LIYITTS (T.). Ab urbe condita libri. . See LTTCIAN. . See ORATORES ATTICI. . See PLATO. Scripta omnia. . See TACITUS (C. C.). Opera. . See THEOGNIS. Elegi. . Oratores Attici ex recensione Immanuelis Bekkeri. Tom. I. Antiphon, Andocides, Lysias. II. Isocrates. III. Isaeus, Dinarchus, Lycurgus, ^Eschines, Demades. IV. Demosthenes. Oxonii, 1823. 8vo. . Immanuelis Bekkeri, . . Anecdota Graeca. . . 2 vol. [G. G.] Berolini, 1814-16. 8vo. . Scholia in Homeri Iliadem, ex recensione Immanuelis Bekkeri. 2 torn. [G. G.] Berolini, 1825. 4to. Belcher (Sir E.), Vice-Admiral. See SMYTH (W. H.). Sailor's Word-book. Belfast College. Catalogue of the Public Library, and of the separate class Libraries, of Belfast College. For the use of the Students. Third edition. Belfast, 1831. 4to. Belgium. Annuaire de 1'Academie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres, et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique [1866, 1867, 1868, 1870]. Bruocelles. 8vo. . Brussels. UNIVERSITY LIBRE DE BRTJXELLES. 25 me Anni- versaire de sa fondation. Discours de MM. Ch. de Brouckere et Verhaegen suivis de 1'expose de la situation de TUniversite libre depuis sa fondation jusqu'a ce jour. 20 JNovembre 1859. Bruxelles, 1860. 8vo. . Annee Academique 1871-1872. Discours d'Ouverture pro- nonces en seance publique . . par M. Van Schoor, M. Bastine', et M. Van Bemmel. Bruxelles, 1871. 8vo. 66 BEL BEN Bellamy (George Anne). An apology for the life of George Anne Bellamy, late of Covent Garden Theatre. Written by herself. . . 6 vol. [G. G.] London, 1785. 12mo. (James). See ORIGKEN against Celsus. Bellegarde (Jean-Baptiste Morvan de). Eeflexions sur la Politesse des Moenrs, avec des Maximes pour la Societe civile. Suite des reflexions sur le Eidicule. Par Monsr. 1'Abbe de B. Troisieme edition. Amsterdam, 1703. 12mo. . Eeflexions sur le Eidicule, et sur les moyens de 1'eviter . . Par M. 1'Abbe de B. Huitieme edition. La Haye, 1720. 12mo. Bellendenus (Gulielmus). Gulielnii Bellendeni magistri supplicum libellorum Augusti Eegis Magnae Britannise, &c. De Statu libri tres. Editio secunda. [G. G.] Londini, 1787. 8vo. Bellonius (Petrus). Petri Bellonii Cenomani medici. De neglecta Stirpium Oultura, atque earum cognitione Libellus : . . Carolvs Clvsivs Atrebas e Gallico Latinum faciebat. [G. G.] Antverpice, 1589. 8vo. . Plvrimarvm singvlarivm & memorabilium rerum in Graecia . . ab ipso conspectarum Obseruationes, tribus libris expressse. Carolvs Clvsivs Atrebas e Gallicis Latinas faciebat. [G. G.] Antverpice, 1589. 8vo. Belustigungen des Yerstandes und des Witzes. Auf das Jahr 1744. Leipzig [1744]. 8vo. Belzoni (G.). Narrative of the operations and recent discoveries within the Pyramids, Temples, Tombs, and Excavations, in Egypt and Nubia ; and of a Journey to the coast of the Eed Sea, in search of the ancient Berenice; and another to the Oasis of Jupiter Arnmon. By G. B. [I. O.] London, 1820. 4to. Benares. See INDIA. Benary (Albertus). See EOSENBERG (C.). De Eleaticae Philosophiae Primordiis Dissertatio. (M.). See CARRIERS (M.). Teleologiae Aristotelicae Lineamenta. Bence-Jones (H.). On Animal Electricity : being an abstract of the discoveries of Ernil du Bois-Eeymond. Edited by H. B.-J., M.D. (etc.). [G. G.] London, 1852. 8vo, Bendixen (J.). Commentatio de Ethicorum Nieomacheorum integri- tate. Scripsit J. B., Professor. [G. G.] Ploenae, 1854. 4to. Benedict (Jules). Sketch of the Life and Works of the late Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy. By J. B. [G. G.] London, 1850. 8vo. (Traugott Freder.). See THFCTDIDES. De Bello Peloponnesiaco. Benedictus, Abbas Petroburgensis. Gesta Eegis Henrici Secundi Benedict! Abbatis. The Chronicle of the reigns of Henry II. and Eichard I. A.D. 1169-1192; known commonly under the name of Benedict of Peterborough. Edited, from the Cotton MSS., by William Stubbs. 2 vol. [CHRONICLES AND MEMORIALS.] [E. 0.] London, 1867. 8vo. BEN 67 Benedictus (Joannes Baptista de). Eesolvtio omnivm Evclidis Proble- matvm aiiorumq^ ad hoc necessario inuentorum vna tantummodo circini data apertura, Per loannem Baptistam de Benedictis inventa. [D. M.] Venetiis, 1553. 4to. . lo. Baptistae Benedict!, Patritii Yeneti, Philosophi praestan- tissimi. Speculationum Liber ; in qvo mira svbtilitate haec tractata continentvr. Theoremata Arithmetica. De rationibus operationuin perspectiuae. De Mechanicis. Disput. de quibus- dam placitis Arist. In Quintum Euclidis Libruni Physica, & Mathematica responsa per Epistolas. Cum Indice rerum me- morabiliuni locupletissimo. [D. M.] Venetiis, 1599. fol. Beneke (Eduard). Lehrbuch der Psychologie als Naturwissenschaft. Yon E. B. Dritte . . Auflage. Neu bearbeitet von Johann Gottlieb Dressier. [G-. Q-.] Berlin, 1861. 8vo. (Fridericus Eduardus). Syllogismorum analyticorum origines et ordinem naturalem demonstravit F. E. B., Dr. phil. [&c.]. [G. G.] Berolini, 1839. 4to. Benese (Sir Richard). The Boke of measuryng o Lande as well of Woodland as Plowland, & pasture in the feelde : & to corupt the true nomb^e of Acres of the Same. Newly co?rected, and com- piled by Sir Eicharde de B. Imprynted at London, by Thomas Colwell. [D.M.] [ ] 8vo. . This boke sheweth the maner of measurynge of all manner of lande, as well of woodlande, as of lande in the felde, and comp- tynge the true nombje of acres of the same. Newlye inuented and compyled by 873 Eycharde B. Chanon of Marton Abbay besyde London, d Pjynted . . by James Mcolson. [D. M.] [ ] 4to. Benfey (Theodor). tJber die Aufgabe des platonischen Dialogs : Kratylos. Yon T. B. [Aus dem zwolften Bande der Abhand- lungen der Koniglichen Oesellschaft der Wissenscliaften zu Gottin- gen.~\ Gottingen, 1866. 4to. Bengal. See INDIA. Bennett (James E.). Lecture introductory to the course of general Anatomy. [University of London, Session 1829-30.] [D. M.] [London.'] 8vo. Bensen (Heinrich Wilhelm). Die Proletarier. Eine historische Denkschrift von Dr. H. W. B. [Q-. Q-.] Stuttgart, 1847. 8vo. Bentham (Edward). Eeflections upon the nature and usefulness of Logick as it has been commonly taught in the Schools. By E. B., M.A. [D. M.] London, 1740. 8vo. . Another edition. [D. M.] Oxford, 1740. 4to. (Jeremy). An Introduction to the principles of Morals and Legislation. A new edition, corrected by the author. 2 vol. [G-. a.'] London, 1823. 8vo. . Church-of-Englandism and its Catechism examined . . by J. B. [G. G.] London, 1817. 8vo. 68 BEN Bentham (Jeremy). The Book of Fallacies, from unfinished papers of J. B. By a Friend. [G. G.] London, 1824. 8vo. . Canada : Emancipate your Colonies. An unpublished argu- ment by J. B. [G. GJ London, 1832. 8vo. . A Collection of Tracts. By J. B. [G. G.] London [ ]. 8vo. . Defence of Usury : shewing the impolicy of the present legal restraints on the terms of pecuniary bargains, in a series of letters to a friend. By J. B., Esq. [G. G.] London, 1787. 8vo. . Draught of a new plan for the organization of the judicial establishment in France. By J. B. [G. G.] 1790. 8vo. . Extract from the proposed Constitutional Code entitled, * Official aptitude maximised, expense minimised/ By J. B., Esq. [G. G.] London, 1816. 8vo". . A Fragment on Government : or a Comment on the Com- mentaries. By J. B., Esq. Second edition, enlarged. . Indications respecting Lord Eldon : including history of the pending Judges-Salary raising measure. By J. B., Esq. . Panopticon, or the Inspection House. By J. B. [G. G.] London, 1791. 8vo. . Panopticon Postscript. By J. B. 2 vol. [G. G.] London, 1791. 8vo. . Plan of Parliamentary Eeform, in the form of a Catechism, with reasons for each article. By J. B. [G. G.] London, 1818. 8vo. . " Swear not at all : " containing an exposure of the needless- ness and mischievousness as well as anti-Christianity of the ceremony of an oath. By J. B. [G. G.] London, 1817. 8vo. . Official aptitude maximized ; expense minimized. . . By J. B. [G. G.] London, 1830. 8vo. . Deontology ; or, the Science of Morality. . . From the MSS. of J. B., Arranged and edited by John Bowring. 2 vol. [G. G.] London, 1834. 8vo. . Justice and Codification Petitions. . . Drafts . . by J. B. [G. G.] London, 1829. 8vo. . Observations on the Poor Bill . . By J. B., . . Written February, 1797. Not for publication. [G. G.] London, 1838. 8vo. . Traites de legislation civile et penale ; ouvrage extrait des manuscrits de M. Jeremie B., Jurisconsulte Anglais, par Et. Dumont, Membre du Conseil representatif de Geneve. [Reprinted by order of the Senate of the University of London^] [6 copies.] Londres, 1858. 8vo. Bentivoglio (Guy). Memoires du Cardinal Bentivoglio. Avec la relation des guerres arrivees en Flandre . . Ouvrage tres-curieux . . Traduit de 1'Italien en Francois, par Mr. 1'Abbe de Vayrac. Tom. I. H. Paris, 1713. 12mo. BEN BEE 69 Bent-ley (Eichard). See LTTCBETIUS CAEIJS (T.). . See MESAJTDER. Menandri et Philemonis reliquiae. Accedunt JR. Bentleii . . emendationes. . A dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris : with an answer to the objections of the Hon. Charles Boyle. By Eichard Bentley, D.D. To which are added, Dr. Bentley's dissertation on the Epistles of Themistocles, Socrates, Euripides, and others ; and the Fables of ^Esop. [I. O.] London, 1777. 8vo. . Another edition. With an answer to the objections of the Hon. Charles Boyle, Esq. By E. B. [G. G.] London, 1816. 8vo. . Eichardi Bentleii Opvscvla Philologica dissertationem in Phalaridis Epistolas et epistolam ad loannem Millivm complec- tentia. [I. O.] Lipsiae, 1781. 8vo. Berard (E.). Doctrine des Eapports du Physique et du moral . . par F. B. [Q. G.] Paris, 1823. 8vo. (P.). Cours de Physiologie, fait & la faculte de Medecine de Paris. Par P. B. Tom. I.-III. [G-. G.] Paris, 1848-51. 8vo. Bergenroth (G. A.). See STATE PAPEES. Calendar. Foreign Series. England and Spain. Berghaus (Heinrich). Grundlinien der Ethnographie . . von Dr. H. B. Zweite Ausgabe. [Q-. G-.] Stuttgart, 1856. 8vo. Bergk (Theodor). Commentationum de reliquiis Comoediae Atticae antiquae libri duo. Scripsit T. B. [Gr. G.] Lipsiae, 1838. 8vo. Bergler (Stephanus). See ALCIPHEON. Epistolae. Berkeley (George). The works of G. B., D.D., late Bishop of Cloyne in Ireland. To which is added, An account of his life; and several of his letters to Thomas Prior, Esq., Dean Gervais, Mr. Pope, &c. 3 vols. [G. G.] London, 1820. 8vo. . The Works of G. B., Bishop of Cloyne. Including his letters to Thomas Prior, Esq., Dean Gervais, Mr. Pope, &c. &c. To which is prefixed An account of his Life. In this edition the Latin Essays are rendered into English, and the " introduction to human knowledge " annotated, by the Eev. G. N. Wright, M.A. . . In two volumes. [D. M.] London, 1843. 8vo. . The Theory of Vision vindicated and explained. By the Eight Eev. G. B. Edited, with Annotations, by H. V. H. Cowell, Associate of King's College, London. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1860. 8vo. Berkenhout (John). Biographia Literaria ; or a Biographical History of Literature : containing the Lives of English, Scottish, and Irish Authors, from the dawn of Letters in these kingdoms to the present time, chronologically and classically arranged. By J. B., M.D. Vol. I. From the beginning of the fifth to the end of the sixteenth century. [D. M.] London, 1777. 4to. 70 BEE Bermudez (Erancisco de Zea). La verite sur la question de succes- sion a la couronne d'Espagne. Par Don E. de Z. B. [G. G.] Paris, 1839. 8vo. Bern. See SWITZEBLAND. Bernard (Claude). Cours de Medecine du College de Erance. Legons sur la Physiologie et la Pathologic du Systeme nerveux, par C. B. Avec fibres intercalees dans le texte. Tom. I. II. [G. a.] Paris, 1858. 8vo. . Cours de Physiologie generale de la Eaculte des sciences de Paris. Legons sur les proprietes des Tissus vivants par C. B. Eecueillies . . par Emile Alglave. Avec 94 figures intercalees dans le texte. (Extrait de la Eevue des Cours Scientiques.) [G. G.] Paris, 1866. 8vo. (David). Light on Masonry : a collection of all the most im- portant documents on the subject of speculative Eree Masonry : embracing the reports of the Western Committees in relation to the abduction of William Morgan . . By Elder D. B. Utica, 1829. 8vo. Bernardus (Edwardus). See HUNTINGDON (E.). Epistolce ; tyc. . Edvardi Bernardi de Mensuris et Ponderibus antiquis libri tres. Editio altera, purior & duplo locupletior. [D. M.] Oxonice, 1688. 4to. Bernays (Jacob). Die Dialoge des Aristoteles in ihrem Verhaltniss zu seinen iibrigen Werken von J. B. [G. G.] Berlin, 1863. 8vo. . Ein Brief an Leonhard Spengel iiber die tragische Katharsis bei Aristoteles. [Erom the Mus. f. Philol. N. E. xiv.] [G-. 0-.] 8vo. Heraclitea. Particula I. scripsit . . et publice defendet I. B. Adversariorum partes suscipient Leopoldus Schmidt, Antonius Lowinski, Otto Seemann. [G. G-.] Bonnae, 1848. 8vo. . Joseph Justus Scaliger von J. B. [Gr. Gr.] Berlin, 1855. 8vo. . Zu Aristoteles und Clemens. Von J. B. [Gr. Gr.] 8vo. . Theophrastus' Schrift iiber Erommigkeit. Ein Beitrag sur Eeligionsgeschichte von J. B. Mit kritischen und erklarenden Bemerkungen zu Porphyrius' Schrift iiber Enthaltsamkeit. [G. G-.] Berlin, 1866. 8vo. Berner (Albertus Eridericus). De Divortiis apud Eomanos. Dis- sertatio . . defendet A. E. B. Marchicus. Adversarii erunt : E. Jhering, E. Ghihl, C. Erich. [Gr. Gr.] Berolini, 1842. 8vo. Bernhardy (Grodofredus). Godofredi B. Analecta in Greographos G-raecorvm Minores. Commentatio Academica. [G-. G.] Halis, 1850. 4to. . Eratosthenica. Composuit G. B. [G. G.] Berolini, 1822. 8vo. BEE 71 Bernhardy (Godofredus). Grundriss der Griechischen Litteratur; mit einem vergleichenden Ueberblick der Romischen. Yon G-. B. [Th. I. II. & 2< e Bearbeitung II er Th. I te Abth.] [G-. G-.] Halle, 1836-56. 8vo. . Grundriss der Eomischen Litteratur von G. B. [G. G.] Halle, 1830. 8vo. Bernier (Frangois). Voyages de F. B. Contenant la description des Etats du Grand Mogol de 1'Hindostan, de Kachemire, &c. 2 vol. [G. G.] Amsterdam, 1699. 12mo. , Abbe, pseud, [i. e. Paul Thyry, Baron d'Holbach]. Theologie portative, ou Dictionnaire abrege de la religion chretienne. Par M. 1'Abbe B. [G. G.] Rome, 1775. 8vo. Bernoulli (Jacobus). Jacobi Bernoulli, Basileensis, Opera. 2 torn. [D. M.] Genevce, 1744. 4to. . Jacobi Bernoulli-Profess. Basil. [&c.] Ars conjectandi, opus posthumum. Accedit tractatus de seriebus infinitis, et epistola Gallice scripta de ludo pike reticularis. [D. M.] Basilece, 1713. 4to. . Excerpta quaedam ex libro secundo Tractatus cui titulus est De Arte Conjectandi, a clarissimo viro Jacobo Bernoullio olim scripti. [By P. Maseres.] [D.M.] 4to. . A Translation of the three first chapters of the second part, or book, of Mr. James Bernoulli's excellent Treatise, intitled Ars Conjectandi ; or " The Art of forming probable conjectures con- cerning events that depend on chance." Appendix. By Francis Maseres, Esq., F.E.S. [D. M.] 4to. (Jean), Junior. See ETJLER (L.). Elements of Algebra. . Suite d'observations faites a 1'Observatoire Royal pendant le mois de Juin 1770. Par M. J. B. Calculus pour 1'Opposition de Jupiter en 1770. Par M. J. B. [From the Nouveaux Memoires de V Academic Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres.~\ [D. M.] . Sur les fractions decimales pe'riodiques. Par M. J. B. [From the Memoires de TAcademie royale des Sciences."] [D. M.] 1771. 4to. (Johannes), Senior. Commercium philosophicum et mathe- maticum. See LEIBITCTZ (G. G.). . Johannis Bernoulli, M.D., Matheseos Professoris, [&c.] Opera omnia, tarn antea sparsim edita, quam hactenus inedita . . 4 torn. [D. M.] Lausannce, 1742. 4to. Berosns. Berosi Chaldaeorum Historiae quae supersunt cum com- mentatione prolixiori de Berosi vita et librorum ejus indole auctore Joanne Dan. Guil. Eichter, Ph. Dr. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1825. 8vo. . Hemicyclivm Berosi, ex lacobi Ziegleri Landaui traditione. See VALDEBUS (I.). Berry (William), Herault du Roy. Le recouvrement de Normendie. See JSTOEMANDY. 72 BEE BET Berti (Domenico). Yita di Giordano Bruno da Nola scritta da D. B. [G. G.] Firenze, 1868. 8vo. Bertrand ( Alexandra) . Lettres sur les revolutions du Globe. Par A. B. 5 e ' me edition. [G. G.] Bruxelles, 1833. 12mo. - (Joseph). Demonstration de quelques theoremes sur les Surfaces orthogonales. Par M. J. B. [Extrait du Journal de VEcole royale Polytechnique.'] [D. M.] Paris, 1843. 4to. - . Demonstration d''un Theoreme de Geometrie. Par J. B.* [D. M.] [1842.] 4to. - . Determination de 1'Integrale definie f l Jo ParJ. B.* [D. M.] [1843.] 4to. . Les Eondateurs de 1'Astronomie moderne Copernic Tycho Brahe Kepler Galilee Newton. Par J. B. [G. G.] Paris [ ]. 8vo. - . Memoire sur la Theorie des Surfaces. Par M. J. B. [D. M.] 4to. - . Memoire sur le nombre de valeurs que peut prendre une fonction quand on y permute les lettres qu'elle renferme. Par M. J. B., Repetiteur d'Analyse a FEcole royale Polytechnique. [Extrait du Journal de Vticole royale Poly technique. ~] [D. M.] Paris, 1845. 4to. - . Memoire sur les Surfaces isothermes orthogonales. ParM. J. B.* [D.TV!.] [1844.] 4to. - . Note sur un passage de la Mecanique analytique. Par M. J. B.* [D. M.] [1842.] 4to. - . Note sur un point du Calcul des Variations. Par M. J. B. [D. M.] 4to. - . Note sur un Theoreme de Mecanique. Par J. B.* [D. M.] [1842.] 4to. - . Regies sur la Convergence des Series. Par M. J. B.* [D. M.] [1842.] 4to. Besant (W. H.). Conic Sections, treated geometrically. By W. H. B., M.A. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1869. 8vo. -- . Notes on Roulettes and Glissettes. By W. H. B. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1870. 8vo. Bessell (W.). Ueber Pytheas von Massilien und dessen Einfluss auf die Kentniss der Alten vom Norden Europa's insbesondere Deutschlands. Von W. B. [G. G.] Gottingen, 1858. 8vo. Besser (Leopold). Die Naturgeschichte der Arbeit als Grundlage fur die volkswirthschaftlichen Disciplinen. Von. L. B. [G.G.] Leipzig, 1855. 8vo. Betant (E.-A.). Lexicon Thucydideum confecit E.-A. B. 2 vol. [G. G.] Genevae, 1843-7. 8vo. [* Erom the Journal de Mathematiques pures et appliquees.'] BET BEV 73 Bethem. Centiloquium. De Horis Planetarum liber alius. See FIEMICTJS MATEENTJS (J.). Ad Mavortivm Lollianum Astro- nomics rr/s 'Eflvuc/js 'Etffletrews r/;s B'. 'OAv/ii7ru, 1832. 8vo. Church of England. A collection of articles, injunctions, canons, orders, ordinances, and constitutions ecclesiastical ; with other publick records of the Church of England chiefly in the times of K. Edward VI. Q. Elizabeth K. James, & K. Charles I. Published to vindicate the Church of England, and to promote uniformity and peace in the same. The third impression with additions. Also two tables of the principal matters, the one to the English, the other to the Latine. [By Anthony Sparrow, Bishop of Norwich.] [D. M.] London, 1675. 4to. . Statistics of the Church of England, as developed in the reports of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. [GK GK] London, 1836. 8vo. . The Church; its civil establishment indefensible, and its claim to a tolerant character disproved. In two letters, being an answer to a Charge of the late Archbishop Magee : by a lately beneficed clergyman. [GK GK] London, 1831. 8vo. Churchhill (Charles). Poetical "Works. See ANDERSON, British Poets. Vol. X. (Fleetwood). Essays on the Puerperal Eever and other Diseases peculiar to Women. Selected from the writings of British authors previous to the close of the eighteenth century. Edited by E. C., M.D. [&c.]. London (Printed for the Sydenham Society). 1849. 8vo. Chys (Petrus Otto van der). Specimen Academicum Inaugurale exhibens Commentarium Greographicum in Arrianum de Expedi- tione Alexandra. . . submittit P. O. v. d. C. Lugduni Batavorum, 1828. 4to. Chytraens (David). De ratione discendi et ordine stvdiorvm recte institvendo, commonefactiones aliquot & regulse vtiles, traditae a Davide Chytraeo. [D. M.] Vitebergw, 1562. 8vo. Cibrario (Lnigi). Dell' Economia Politica del Medio Evo del Cavaliere L. C. Vol. I. sec. ediz. [GK GK] Torino, 1841. 8vo. Cicatrices. Appareil protecteur des Cicatrices. [From the Journal de Medecine et de Chirurgie pratiques, 1870.] Paris. 8vo. Cicero (Marcus Tullius). Clavis Ciceroniana. See EENESTTJS (Augustus). 156 CIC Cicero (Marcus Tullius). Aratea phenomena cum poetica interpre- tatione M. C. Ciceronis. See ASTRONOMICA veterum scripta isa- gogica. MANILITJS (M.). Astronomicon, &c. . See GARATONITJS (G.). Notae in Ciceronis Orationes. . See HELMONTAFTJS (A.). Orationes Inuectiuce dvae, Sallvstii in Ciceronem, fy Ciceronis in /Sallustium. . See KELLER (F. L.). Semestrium ad M. T. C. libri sex. . Works. M. Tvllii Ciceronis Opera ex recensione Christ. Godofr. Schvtzii, additis commentary's. Tom. I.-.XVI. \Collectio Latinorvm Sc/riptorvm.~\ Avgvstae Tavrinorvm (Pomba), 182334. 8vo. . M. Tullii Ciceronis Opera quae supersunt omnia ac deperdi- torum fragmenta . . edidit lo. Casp. Orellius. 8 vol. [G. G.] Turici, 1826-37. 8vo. . M. Tullii Ciceronis Opera quae supersunt omnia ac deper- ditorum fragmenta recognovit et singulis libris ad optimam quamque recensionem castigatis cum varietate . . edidit lo. Casp. Orellius. Vol. I. II. (Pars 2) III.-VIII. Turici, 1826-38. 8vo. . M. Tullii Ciceronis Scripta quae manserunt omnia. Becog- novit Bheinholdus Klotz. Pars I. V. (Indices). [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1851-56. 8vo. . /Separate Works. M. Tvllii Ciceronis ad qvintvm fratrem dialogi tres de Oratore. Cvm integris notis Zachariae Pearce Edidit . . Gottlieb Christoph. Harless. Lipsiae, 1816. 8vo. . M. Tullii Ciceronis de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum libri quinque. D. lo. Mcolaus Madvigius recensuit et enarravit. Editio altera emendata. [G. G.] Hauniae, 1869. 8vo. . M. Tullii Ciceronis de Legibus libri tres. Becensuit, ac Petri Yictorii, Paulli Manucii, [&c.] notis suas adjecit Joannes Davisius . . Accedit Hadriani Turnebi Commentarius. - [G. G.] Cantabrigiae, 1727. 8vo. . M. Tullii Ciceronis de Natura Deorum libri tres, cum notis . . recensuit . . Joannes Davisius, . . Editio nova. Oxonii, 1807. 8vo. . M. Tullii Ciceronis libri tres de Natura Deorum ex recensione Joannis Augusti Ernesti et cum omnium eruditorum notis quas Joannis Davisii editio ultima habet. Accedit apparatus criticus . . digestus a Georg. Henrico Mosero. . . Copias criticas congessit Danielis Wyttenbachii selecta scholarum suasque animadversiones adjecit Fridericus Creuzer. Lipsiae, 1818. 8vo. . M. Tvllii Ciceronis de Officiis libri tres . . ex recensione loannis Georgii Graevii. Cum ejusdem notis ut & integris animadversionibus Dionysii Lambini, [&c.]. [G. GK] Amstelodami, 1688. 8vo. . M. Tullii Ciceronis de Officiis ad Marcum Filium libri tres. Notis illustravit [&c.] Zacharias Pearce. [G. G.] Oxonii, -1803. 12mo. CIC 157 Cicero (Marcus Tullius). Separate Works. M. Tvlli Ciceronis de Officiis libri tres . . editi a Carolo Beiero. Tom. I. liber i. Tom. II. liber ii. et iii. Lipsiae, 1820-21. 8vo. . M. Tullii Ciceronis de Officiis libri tres, ex recensione J. Mich, et J. Frid. Heusingerorum. Patrui majoris et patris sui animadversiones scholarum usibus accommodavit Conradus Heu- singer. Londini, 1824. 8vo. . M. Tvlli Ciceronis de Ee Pvblica qvae svpersvnt edente Angelo Maio. [GK GL] Romae, 1823. 8vo. . M. Tulli Ciceronis de Ee Publica libroruni reliqua. Ex emen- datione Caroli Frid. Heinrichii. Editio maior, commentarium criticum in lib. I. tenens. Accedit Franc. Me. Kleinii V. C. in Somnium Scipionis appendicula. [G-. G-.] JBonnae ad Ehenum, 1828. 8vo. . M. Tvllii Ciceronis Epistolarvm. libri xvi. ad Pamiliares ut vulgo vocantur, ex recensione loannis Georgii Graevii, cum . . notis integris Petri Victorii [&c.]. 2 torn. [G. G-.] Amstekdami, 1676. 8vo. . Marci Tullii Ciceronis Epistolarum ad Familiares libri xvi. Edidit, et commentario Anglico illustravit Joannes Eoss. 2 torn. [G-. G.] Cantabrigiae, 1749. 8vo. . M. Tullii Ciceronis libri de Divinatione et de Fato. Eecensuit, & suis animadversionibus illustravit [&c.] Joannes Davisius. Accedunt integrse notae Paulli Manucii, Petri Victorii [&c.] Una cum Hadriani Turnebi commentario in Librum de Fato. [G. G.] Cantabrigice, 1721. 8vo. . M. Tvllii Ciceronis Oratio pro A. Caecina. Eecensvit, scriptvrae varietatem adiecit [&c.] Dr. Carol. Adolph. lordan. [Vol. II. Pars I. of M.T.G. Orationes, edited by Car. Halm.'] [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1847. 8vo. . M. Tullii Ciceronis Tusculanarum Disputationum libri v. Cum commentario Joannis Davisii et Eichardi Bentleii emenda- tionibus. Editio nova. [G. G.] Oxonii, 1805. 8vo. . M. Tullii Ciceronis Verrinarum libri septem . . explicavit Car. Timoth. Zumptius. 2 Vol. [G. G.] Berolini, 1831. 8vo. . De M. T. Cicerone Grsecorum iiiterprete. Accedunt etiam loci Grsecorum auctorum cum M. T. Ciceronis interpretationibus et Ciceronianum Lexicon Grseco-Latinum fecit Victor Clavel. [G. a.] Paris, 1868. 8vo. . Lettres de Ciceron a Atticus, avec des remarques et le texte Latin de 1'edition de Graevius ; par 1'Abbe Mongault . . Nouvelle Edition. 4 torn. [G. G.] Lyon, 1808. 12mo. . Le Lettere di M. T. Cicerone disposte per ordine dei tempi tradotte [&c.] dal Cav. Luigi Mabil. 13 vol. [G-. G-.] Padova, 1819-21. 8vo. . The Academica of Cicero. The text revised and explained. By James S. Keid, M.L. Camb., M.A. London, 1874. 8vo. 158 C1C CLA Cicero (Marcus Tullius). The theology and philosophy in Cicero's Soninium Scipionis explained. Or, a brief t attempt to de- monstrate that the NEWTONIAN SYSTEM is perfectly agreeable to the notions of the WISEST ANCIENTS : and that mathematical principles are the only sure ones. [By George Home, afterwards Bishop.] [D. M.] London, 1751. 8vo. Cielz. La theo3ique des cielz / mouuemes / et termes p3actiques des sept planetes/nouuellement et tresclerement redigee en iangaige fracois, Auec les figures tresutiles en leurs lieux p3op3emet in- serees, (I Cum p3iuilegio, d A Paris, M, D, xxviij. fol. P Inip3ime a Paris par maistre Simon du bois impjimeur demourant au dit lieu en la rue Judas : pour Jeha Pierre de Tours / marchant demourant a Paris / au cloistre sainct Benoist Lan de grace mil cinq cens vingt huyt / se denier iour du niois Daoust. Cifre Arabiche. Menioria sulle Cifre Arabiche attribuite fino a' giorni nostri agl' Indiani ma inventate in un paese piu rimoto dell' India. [by J. Hager]. [D. M.] Milano, 1813. 4to. Cinaethon, See HESIOD, etc. Fragmenta. Circle. Geometrical Approximations to the Quadrature of the Circle. [D. M.] Earl's Colne, Aug. 20, 1851. 8vo. Circourt (A. de). La Bataille de Hastings. [Extrait des Nouvelles Annales des Voyages. Octobre 1858.] [G. G.] Paris. 8vo. . Cino de Pistoja. [Tire de la Bibliotheque Universelle. Sep- tembre 1858.] [G. G.] 8vo. . Macaulay. Histoire du regne de Guillaume III. [Tire de la Bibliotheque Universelle. November 1858.] [G. G.] 8vo. Civil Service. See PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS. Civil Service Commissioners. Eeports. See PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS. Clairaut (Alexis-Claude). Recherches sur les Courbes a double courbure. [D.M.] Paris, 1731. 4to. . Tables de la Lune, calculees suivant la Theorie de la Gravita- tion universelle. Par M. C. [D. M.] Paris, 1754. 4to. . Theorie de la lune, deduite du seul principe de 1' Attraction reciproquement proportionelle aux quarres des distances. Par M. C. . . Piece qui a remporte le Prix propose en 1750, par_ 1'Acade'mie de Petersbourg. Seconde e'dition, a laquelle on a joint des Tables de la lune. [D. M.] Paris, 1765. 4to. Clarendon (Edward Hyde), Earl of. The Life of Edward Earl of C., Lord High Chancellor of England, and Chancellor of the University of Oxford. . . . "Written by himself. Printed from his original manuscripts given to the University of Oxford by the heirs of the late Earl of Clarendon. 3 vol. [G. G.] Oxford, 1759. -8vo. CLA 159 Claretie (Jules). Les derniers Montagnards. Histoire de 1'insurrec- tion de Prairial An III. (1793), d'apres les documents originaux incdits. Par J. C. Deuxiurue edition. [G-. G.] Paris, 1868. 8vo. Clark (Gilbertus). Oughtredus explicatus, sive comnientarius in ejus Clavem Mathematicam. Cui additae sunt Planetarum Observa- tiones & Horologiorum Constructio. Authore Gilberto C. [D. M.] Londini, 1682. 8vo. ( J.). Observations on the nature of Annuities, Life Assurances, Endowments for children, and investment of money for accumu- lation [&c.]. By J. C. [D. M.] London, 1818. 8vo. (Sir James). Remarks on Medical E/eform, in a Letter ad- dressed to the Eight Hon. Sir James Graham, Bart. . . by Sir J. C., Bart., M.D., F.E.S. [&c.]. London, 1842. 8vo. . Eemarks [&c.] in a second letter [&c.]. London, 1843. 8vo. (Joan.). Formulae Oratorise in usum Scholarum concinnatas . . . accessit Dux Poeticus cum suis aliquot poematiolis. Editio un- decima, novissima auctoris opera multo limatior et emendatior. [G-. G-.] Londini, 1672. 12mo. (Samuel). The Laws of Chance : or, A mathematical investiga- tion of the probabilities arising from any proposed circumstance of play. Applied to the solution of a great variety of problems relating to cards, bowls, dice, lotteries, &c. By S. C., Teacher of Mathematics. [D. M.] London, 1758. 8vo. (Thomas). Cyanide of Potassium, an incidental product of the process for making Cast-iron in blast furnaces. By T. C., M.D. Professor of Chemistry in Marischal College, Aberdeen. [D. M.] Aberdeen, 1837. 8vo. (Thomas). Perpetuation or extinction of the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction in temporal concerns ; . . With remarks and cita- tions in reference to the High Court of Chancery and the Judicial Committee of Privy Council, and to Trial by Jury. By T. C. [G. G.] London, 1840. 8vo. (William George). See SHAKSPERE (W.). [Globe edition.'] . Peloponnesus : notes of study and travel. By W. G. C. [G. G.] London, 1858. 8vo. Clarke (Alexander Eoss). See ORDNANCE SURVEY. Determination of the positions of Feayhmain and Haverfordwest. . See ORDNANCE Trigonometrical Survey. . Comparisons of the Standards of Length of England, France, Belgium, Prussia, Eussia, India, Australia, made at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton, by Captain A. E. C., E.E., F.E.S., under the direction of Colonel Sir Henry James, E.E., F.E.S., &c. Published by order of the Secretary of State for War. London, 1866. 4to. (Francis). Medical Eeform : a letter to Lord Palmerston. By F. C. London, 1854. 8vo. 160 CLA Clarke (Henry). See CARNOT (L. N. M.). Animadversions on Dr. Dickson's Translation of Reflections on the Theory of the Infini- tesimal Calculus. By H. C. . The Summation of Series. See LORQNA (A. M.). A Disserta- tion on the summation of infinite converging series with algebraic divisors ; fyc. . See LORGNA (A. M.). A dissertation on . . converging series. . The Rationale of Circulating Numbers, with the investigation of all the rules and peculiar processes used in that part of Decimal Arithmetic. To which are added, several curious Mathematical Questions ; with some useful remarks on Adfected Equations, and the Doctrine of Fluxions. By H. C. A new edition. Illustrated with many copper-plates. [D. M.] London, 1794. 8vo. (John). See DITTON (H.). An Institution of Fluxions. . A demonstration of some of the principal sections of Sir Isaac Newton's Principles of Natural Philosophy. In which his peculiar method of treating that useful subject, is explained, and applied to some of the chief phenomena of the system of the world. By J. C., D.D., Dean of Sarum. [D. M'.] London, 1730. 8vo. (Samuel), D.D. See DES MAIZEAUX (P.). Mecueil de diverses pieces sur la Philosophic, &c. . See HOMEK. llias. . See NEWTON (Sir I.). Optice, Latine reddidit S. C. . See ROHAULTTTS ( J.). PJiysica. . . . Collection of Papers, which passed between the late learned Mr. Leibnitz, and Dr. Clarke, in the years 1715 and 1716. Relating to the principles of Natural Philosophy and Religion. With an Appendix. To which are added, Letters to Dr. Clarke concerning liberty and necessity ; from a gentleman of the University of Cambridge : with the Doctor's answers to them. Also remarks upon a book, entituled, A Philosophical Enquiry concerning Human Liberty. By S. C., D.D. Rector of St. James's Westminster. [D. M.] London, 1717. 8vo. Classenus (Joannes). See LET (E.). Theses. Claubergius (Johannes). Johannis Claubergii Opera omnia philo- sophica ; ante quidem separatim, nunc vero conjunctim edita [&c.]. Cura Joh. Theod. Schalbruchii. [G. G-.] Amstelodami, 1691. 4to. Claudianus (Claudius). Cl. Claudiani, Principum, Heroumque Poetae Prsegloriosissimi, Quse exstant, Caspar Barthius Ope septemdecim manvscriptorum Exemplarium restituit : Commentario . . ita illustravit : [&c.]. [G. G-.] Francofvrti, 1650. 4to. . Cl. Claudiani Quae exstant varietate lectionis [&c.] illustrata a lo. Matthia Gesnero . . 2 torn. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1759. 8vo. . Claudii Claudiani Opera, ex editione Petri Burmanni Secundi. [G._G.] Londini, 1819. 12mo. CLA CLE 161 Clausius (E.). The Mechanical Theory of Heat, with its applications to the Steam-engine and to the Physical properties of bodies. By E. C. Edited by T. Archer Hirst, with an introduction by Professor Tyndall. [G. G.] London, 1867. 8vo. Clavel (Victor). See CICERO (M. T.). De M. T. C. Grcecorum interprete, &c. Clavius (Christophorus). Dissertation on the Arenarius of Archi- medes. See AECHIMEDES. . See EUCLID. Elementorum libri vi., &c. . Sinvs. Lineae tangentes et Secantes. Triangvla rectilinea atqve Sphaerica. See THEODOSIUS, SpJiaericorum libri Hi., &c. . Christophori Clavii, Bambergensis, E. Societate lesv, Opera Mathematica V. Tomis distributa. Ab auctore nunc denuo cor- recta, et plurimis locis aucta. 5 vol. [D. M.] Mogvntice, 1612. fol. . Christophori Clavii, Bambergensis, e Societate lesv, Epitome Arithmetic* Practice. [D. M.] Romae, 1583. 4to. . Christophori Clavii, Bamberg., ex Societate lesv. In Sphscram loannis De Sacro Bosco Commentarivs. Editio postrema, ab avctore recognita, plerisque in locis locupletata. Accessit Geometrica, atque vberrima de Crepusculis Tractatio. [D. M.] Lvgdvni, 1618. 4to. Clay ("William). Speech of W. C., Esq., M.P., on moving for the appointment of a Committee to inquire into the operation of the Act permitting the establishment of Joint-Stock Banks. [GK G-.] London, 1837. 8vo. Clearchus, Solensis. See VERRAERT (J. B.). De Clearcho Solensi, PhilosopJio Peripatetico. Cleirac (Estienne). Explication des Termes de Marine, employez dans les Edicts, Ordonnances, & Eeglemens de I'Adrniraute. Ensemble les noms propres des Nauires, de leurs parties. [D. M.] Paris, 1636. 8vo. Clemens (F. J.). Giordano Bruno und Nicolaus von Cusa. Eine philosophische Abhandlung von F. J. C. [G. G.] Bonn, 1847. 8vo. (Titus Flavius). Titi Flaui dementis Alexandrini Opera omnia. 4 torn. [Pars III. Bibliotheca Sacra.] [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1831-34. 12mo. Clement, of Alexandria. KAHMENTOS AAE^ANAPEOS TA EYPISKOMENA. dementis Alexandrini Opera Grgece et Latine qvsB extant. Post accuratam D. V. Danielis Heinsii recensionem . . accedunt divers* lectiones [&c.] a Friderico Sylburgio collects, Editio nova. [G. G.] Colonies, 1688. fol. of Eome. A translation of the Epistles of Clement of Eome, Polycarp, and Ignatius ; and of the Apologies of Justin Martyr and Tertullian with an introduction . . illustrative of the Eccle- siastical History of the first two centuries. By the Eev. Temple Chevallier, B.D. [I. O.] Cambridge, 1833. 8vo. M 162 CL1S CLU Clement (A.). sur les causes de 1'Indigence. Par A. C. [G-. GK] Paris, 1846. 8vo. Cleomedes. De Mvndo, siue circularis inspectionis meteororum libri duo. See PROCLTJS. De Sphaera liber, $c. . KAEOMHAOYS KYKAIKH2 6EQPIAS METEQPilN BIBAIA AYO. Cleomedis circularis doctrinae de Sublimibus libri duo. Eecensuit, interpretation Latina instruxit, commentariumEoberti Balforei suasquue animadversiones addidit Janus Bake. [GK G.] Lugduni Batavorum, 1820. 8vo. Clericus (Joannes). See ERASMUS (D.). Opera omnia. . Joannis Clerici Opera Philosophica in quatuor volumina digesta. Editio quarta. 4 vol. [G. GK] Amstelodami, 1710. 12mo. . Joannis Clerici Logica, Ontologia, et Pneumatologia. Editio quarta. [D. M.] Cantabriyice, 1704. 12mo. Clerke (Gilbert). The Spot-Dial, very useful to shew the Hour within the House. Together with directions how to find a true Meridian, the Azymuth and Declination ; and how to draw a Dial upon a staff, upon the Cieling, upon any Pillar or Globe. Never befo3e published. By Gr. C. [D. M.] London, 1687. 4to. Clichtoveus ( Judocus), Neoportuensis. Praxis numerandi. See EABEB, (J.). Introductio in libros Arithmeticos Diui Seuerini Boetij, &c. Clinical Hospital. Hints to a Lover of Truth and Charity ; occa- sioned by " His thorough investigation of the accuracy of the statements " made by the advocates of the contemplated Clinical Hospital. By a Friend of Humanity and Science. Birmingham, 1840. 8vo. Clinton (Henry Eynes). An epitome of the Civil and Literary Chronology of Greece, from the earliest accounts to the death of Augustus. By H. P. C. [GK GK] Oxford, 1851. 8vo. . Fasti Hellenici. The Civil and Literary Chronology of Greece [and Eome]. [I. To the LVth Olympiad. II. To the CXXIVth Olympiad. III. To the death of Augustus.] By H. E. C., M.A. [G. GK] Oxford, 1824-34. 4to. . [Vol. II. 2nd edition, 1827.] [G. G.] . Easti Eomani. The Civil and Literary Chronology of Eome and Constantinople from the death of Augustus to the death of Justin II. By H. E. C. Vol I. Tables. [G. G.] Oxford, 1845. 4to. Clitodemus. See PHANODEMTJS. Clow (Jacobus). See SIMSON (E.). Opera. Clubs. The Clubs of London; with Anecdotes of their Members, Sketches of Character, and Conversations. In two volumes. [D. M.] London, 1828. 8vo. Clusius (Carolus). See BELLONITJS (P.). De neglecta Stirpium Caltura, T&c."! . COA COG 103 Coal. Observations on the Duty on Sea-borne Coal ; and on the peculiar duties and charges on coal, in the Port of London. [By M'Culloch.] -[D. M.] London, 1830. 8vo. Cobb (Samuel). See ALEXANDER (John). Cobbett (William). Cobbett's Paper against Gold. [G. G.] London [ ]. 8vo . Nine Lectures on the French Revolution. By W. G. [G. G.] London, 1830. 8vo. Cobden (Richard). Speeches on questions of Public Policy by R. C., M.P. Edited by John Bright and James E. Thorold Rogers. In two volumes. London, 1870. 8vo. . Some Reasons for Reform and the Ballot in a Letter to Richard Cobden, Esq. From a Retired Officer of Artillery. [G. G.] London, 1858. 8vo. Cobden Club. Works published or reprinted by. COBDEN CLUB ESSAYS, Second series, 18712. By EMILE DE LAVELETE, the HON. GEORGE C. BRODRICK, W. FOWLER, M.P., T. E. CLIFFE LESLIE, HERR JULIUS FAUCHER, HERR JOHN PRINCE SMITH, JOSEPH GOSTICK, JAMES E. THOROLD ROGERS, the HON. DAVID A. WELLS, LL.D., of the United States. London, 1872. 8vo. . NASSE (E.). On the Agricultural Community of the Middle Ages, and Inclosures of the Sixteenth Century in England. Translated from the German of E. N., by Colonel H. A. Ouvry. London, 1871. 8vo. . REPORT of the proceedings at the ANNUAL DINNER of the Cobden Club, June 24th, 1871. The Right Hon. Earl Granville, K.G., in the chair. With List of Members. London, 1871. 8vo. . REPORT of the Commissioners appointed to revise the Laws for the Assessment and Collection of TAXES in NEW YORK, 1871. Manchester, 1871. 8vo. . SECOND REPORT of the Commissioners appointed to revise the Laws for the Assessment & Collection of Taxes in New York, 1872. London, 1872. 12mo. . SYSTEMS of LAND TENURE in various countries. A series of essays published under the sanction of the Cobden Club. Second edition. London, 1870. 8vo. . WELLS (D. A.). Revenue of the United States. Official Report by D. A. W. London, 1870. 8vo. Cobet (C. Gabr.). See DIOGENES LAERTirrs. De clarorum Philosophorum vitis, 6fc., libri decem. Coccaeus (Jacobus). Epistola de Mundi, quae circumferuntur, syste- matis et novo alio illis certiore dialogismum paradoxum com- plexa : auctore Jacobo Coccseo. [D. M.] Amstelcedami, 1660. 4to. Cocceianus (Cassius Dion). Cassii Dionis Cocceiani Rerum Romanarum libri octoginta ab Immanuele Bekkero recogniti. 2 torn. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1849. 8vo. M2 164 COG Cockayne (Oswald). Leechdoms, Wortcunning, and Starcraft of Early England . . illustrating the History of Science in this country before the Norman Conquest. Collected and Edited by the Eev. O. C. Vol. I. III. [E. O.] London, 1864-66. 8vo. Cocker (Edward). Cocker's Arithmetick : being A plain and familiar Method, suitable to the meanest capacity, for the full under- standing of that incomparable art, as it is now taught by the ablest School-Masters in city and country. Composed by E. C., late Practitioner in the Arts of Writing, Arithmetick, and Engraving. Being that so long since promised to the world. Perused and publish'd by John Hawkins Writing-Master, near St. George's Church in South wark, by the author's correct copy, and commended to the world by many eminent Mathematicians and Writing-Masters in and near London. With many additions throughout the whole. [D. M.] London, 1685. 12mo. . Cocker's Arithmetick : being a plain and familiar Method [&c.] Composed by E. C. . . Perused and published by John Hawkins. The Twentieth edition, carefully corrected, with additions. [D. M.] London, 1700. 12mo. . Cocker's Arithmetick : being a plain and familiar Method [&c.] Compos'd by E. C. . . Perused and published by John Hawkins. The Thirty-third edition carefully co3rected, with additions. [D. M.] London, 1715. 12rno. . Cocker's Arithmetick. Being a plain and familiar Method [&c.] By E. C. Perused and published by John Hawkins . . The Fifty-fifth edition . . By George Pisher, Accomptant. [D. M.] London, 1758. 12mo. . A Treatise of Arithmetic. Being a plain and familiar Method [&c.] By E. C. A new edition, revised and corrected by John Mair, A.M. [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1765. 12mo. . Cocker's Arithmetic : being a plain and familiar Method [&c.] Composed by E. C. . . Perused and published by John Hawkins. . . Be vised and corrected by John Mair. [D.M.] Glasgow, 1771. 12mo. = . Cocker's Decimal Arithmetick : wherein is shewed the nature and use of Decimal Fractions, in the usual rules of Arithmetick, and in the Mensuration of Planes and Solids. Together with Tables of Interest and Bebate for the valuation of Leases and Annuities, present or in reversion, and rules for calculating of those Tables. Whereunto is added his Artificial Arithmetick, shewing the genesis or fabrick of the Logarithmes, and their use in the extraction of Boots, and solving of questions in Anato- cisme, and in other arithmetical rules in a method not usually practised. Also his Algebraical Arithmetick, containing the Doctrine of composing and resolving an Equation ; with all other rules requisite for the understanding of that mysterious art, according to the method used by Mr. John Kersey in his incom- parable Treatise of Algebra. Composed by E. C., late Practitioner in the arts of Writing, Arithmetick, and Engraving. Perused, corrected, and published by John Hawkins, Writing-Master at St. Georges-Church in South wark. [D. M.] London, 1685. 8vo. COC 165 Cocker (Edward). Cocker's English Dictionary, containing an explana- tion of the most refined and difficult words and terms in Divinity, Philosophy, Law, Physick, Mathematicks, Navigation, Hus- bandry, Military Discipline, with other Arts and Sciences : and the derivation of them from the Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Italian, Spanish, French, and other languages, likewise Historical Remarks. . . With brief observations upon the Reign of every English Monarch from King William the Conqueror to this time. [&c.] By E. C. . . Publish'd from the Author's Copy : and in this Second Edition very much enlarged and altered : By John Hawkins. The like never yet Extant. [D. M.] London, 1715. 8vo. . The Young Clerk's Tutor enlarged: being a most useful collection of the best presidents of recognizances, obligations, conditions, acquittances, bills of sale, warrants of attorney, &c. as also all the names of men and women in Latin, with the day of the date, the several sums of money, and the addition of the several trades or employments, in their proper cases, as they stand in the obligations. Together with directions of writs of habeas corpus, writs of error, &c. to the inferiour courts in cities and towns. Likewise the best presidents of all manner of concords of fines, and directions how to sue out a fine : with many judicious observations therein. With many other things very necessary, and readily fitting every mans occasion : as by an exact table of what is contained in this book, will appear. To which is annexed, several of the best copies both court and chancery-hand now extant. By E. C. The Eighth edition. * [D. M.] London, 1675. 12mo. . The Young Clerk's Tutor enlarged. . . By E. C. The Eighth edition. [D. M.] London, 1675. 8vo. Cockle (James). See HCXELE ALGEBRAIC^;. . Abstract of Sir W. Rowan Hamilton's Exposition of Abel's Argument. By J. C.f [D. M.] London, 1860. 8vo. . An Account of the Method of Vanishing Groups. By J. C.* [D. M.] 8vo. . Analysis of the Theory of Equations, with a few remarks on recent English works on the subject. By J. C. . . in a letter to T. S. Davies, . . with notes on some of the topics, by Mr. Davies*. [D. M.] 8vo. . Analysis of the Theory of Equations. Second and concluding Part. By J. C.* [D. M.] [1850.] 8vo. . Concluding Eemarks on a recent Mathematical Controversy. By His Honour J. C.* [D. M.] [1863.] 8vo. . Correlations of Analysis. By J. C.* [D. M.] [1863 ] 8vo. [* Erom The Philosophical Magazine. t TJie Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics.'] 166 COC Cockle (James). Fragment on Logic. By J. 0. [Dated :] Temple, June 7, 1847. [D. M.] 8vo. . Introductory Chapter on Coresolvents. By J. C.t [D. M.] [1863.] 8vo. . " Memorandum on the Evaluation of Integrals." By the Hon. Chief Justice C. [D. M.] [1867-68.] 8vo. . Note on the Remarks of Mr. Jerrard. By J. C.* [D. M.] [1861-62.] 8vo. . Note on Transcendental Eoots. By J. C.* [D. M.] [I860.] 8vo. . Notes on the Higher Algebra. By J. C.t [D. M.] [1860-61.] 8vo. . Notes on the Theory of Algebraic Equations. By J. C. Second Series. [Reprinted from The Mechanics' Magazine. 1 [D. M.] London, 1848. " 8vo. . Observations on the Theory of Equations of the Fifth Degree. By J. C.* [D. M.] [1857.] 8vo. . [Further papers .*] [1859-60.] 8vo. . On Abelian Cubics and on Symmetrical Equations. By J. C-.t [D. M.] [1862.] 8vo. . On Algebraic Equations of the Fifth Degree. By J. C.* [D. M.] 8vo. . On a New Species of Differential Equations. By J. C.* [D. M.] [1862.] 8vo. . On Approximation and Numerical Solution. By J. C. [He- printed from the " Diary" for 1854.] [D. M.] 12mo. . On certain Algebraic Functions. By J. C. [D. M.] [1847.] 8vo. . On certain Algebraic Functions. By J. C. . [D. M.] [1848.] 8vo. . On certain Functions resembling Quaternions, and on a new Imaginary in .Algebra. By J. C. . . In a letter to T. S. Davies, Esq.* [D. M.] 8vo. . On certain Functions resembling Quaternions, and on a new Imaginary in Algebra. By J. C. [D. M.] 8vo. . On certain Linear Differential Equations. By J. C. J [D. M.] [1862-63.] 8vo. . On certain properties of the roots of Algebraic Equations. By J. C.t [D. M.] [1862.] 8vo. . On certain Researches of Euler. By J. C.* [D. M.] [1858.] 8vo. . On certain Researches of Murphy. By J. C.* [D. M.] 8vo. [* From The Philosophical Magazine. t The Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. i The Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophical Society. The Cambridge and Dublin University Journal.'] COG 167 Cockle (James). On Critical and Spencian Functions, with remarks upon Spence's Theory. By. J. C.t [D. M.] [I860.] Svo. . On Linear Differential Equations of the Second Order. By J. C. [D.M.] [1862.] Svo. . Continuation. [No. 3, 1862.] . Continuation. [No. 4, 1862.] . On Series. By J. C. [D. M.] [1864.] 8vo. . On some Formulae which serve to indicate the limits of the application of Indeterminate Methods to the solution of certain Problems. By J. C.* [D. M.] Svo. On Symbolical Decomposition ; and on the last two papers of Mr.Jerrard. By J. C.* [D. M.] [1862.] Svo. . On Systems of Algebra involving more than one Imaginary ; and on Equations of the Fifth Degree. By J. C.* [D. M.] Svo. . On the Conversion of Integrals. By the Honourable Chief Justice C., President of the Queensland Philosophical Society. [D. M.] [1867.] Svo. . On the Finite Solution of Equations. By J. C.* [D.M.] Svo. . On the general forms of Critical Functions. By J. C.f [D. M.] [1861.] Svo. . On the Eesolution of Algebraic Equations of the Fifth Degree. ByJ. C.* [D. M.] [1856.] 8vo. . On the Eesolution of Quintics. By J. C.t [D. M.] [1859.] 8vo. . On the Solution of certain Systems of Equations. By J. C.* [D. M.] [1851.] Svo. . On the Theory of Equations. By His Honour J. C. $ [D. M.] [1863-64.] 8vo. . On Transcendental and Algebraic Solution. By J. C. * [D. M.] [1861.] Svo. . On Transcendental and Algebraic Solution. Supplementary Paper. By J. C.* [D. M.] [1862.] Svo. . Eesearches in the Higher Algebra. By J. C. || [D. M.] Manchester [1858.] Svo. . Second Chapter on Coresolvents. By J. C. (Continued.)t [D. M.] [1864.] Svo. . Sketch of a Theory of Transcendental Eoots. By J. C. * [D. M.] [I860.] Svo. . Solution of two Geometrical Problems. ByJ. C. * [D.M.] Svo. . Supplementary Eesearches in the Higher Algebra. By J C. |j [D. M.] Manchester [1859]. Svo. [* From The Philosophical Magazine. 1* ,, The Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. t The Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophical Society. The Cambridge, Oxford, and Dublin Messenger of Mathematics. || The Philosophical Transactions.^ 168 COD COL Coddington (Henry). A Treatise on the Reflexion and Refraction of Light ; being Part I. of a System oi Optics* By H. C., M.A. F.R.S. [Ac.] [D. M.] Cambridge, 1829. 8vo. . A Treatise on the Eye and on Optical Instruments ; being Part II. of A System of Optics. By H. C. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1830. 8vo. Codrington (Sir Edward). Memoir of the Life of Admiral Sir E. C. With selections from his public and private Correspondence. Edited by his daughter Lady Bourchier. 2 vol. London, 1873. 8vo. Cogan (Eliezer). Catalogue of the Classical, Theological, and Miscel- laneous Library of the late Rev. E. C. [&c.]. [Sale-catalogue.'] [D. M.] [London,] 1855. 4to. Cohen (Arthur). A Note on the Binomial Theorem. By A. ., B.A.* [D. M.] [1859.] 8vo. . Notes on Dynamics. By A. C.* [D. M.] [1859.] 4to. . Notes on Statics. By A. C.* [D. M.] [1859.] 4to. . On the Differential Coefficients and Determinants of Lines, and their application to Analytical Mechanics. By A. C.t [1862.] 4to. . On the Dynamics of a Rigid Body. By A.C.* [D. M.] [I860.] 4to. Coimbra. See PORTUGAL. Coinage (Decimal). See PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS. . Short Account of a plan for the new Silver Coinage, for improving the currency of the Kingdom, and introducing the Decimal principle into all money transactions. [By Hy. Goodwyn.] [D. M.] London, 1816. 4to. Colburn (Zerah). A Memoir of Z. C. ; written by himself . . with his peculiar methods of Calculation. [D.M.] Springfield, 1833. 8vo. Cole (Charles Augustus). See HENRY V., King of England. Memorials. (Henry). Documents illustrative of English History in the Thirteenth and Eourteenth Centuries, selected from the Records of the Department of the Queen's Remembrancer of the Exchequer ; and edited by H. C. [Record Commission.] [R. O.] London, 1844. fol. (J. S.). What is Euclid ? or, Inconsistencies in Education. By J. S. C., B.A. [D. M.] London, 1860. 8vo. Colebrooke (Henry Thomas). See BRAHMEGUPTA and Bhascara. Algebra. . Treatise on Obligations and Contracts. By H. T. C., Esq. Part I. [I. O.] London, 1818. 8vo. [* From The Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal. t The Philosophical Transactions.'] COL 169 Colecchi (Ottavio). Su i Problem! delle Tazioni, Meinoria di O. C., ove si addita il vero principio, di ctii dovette Apollonio valersi nel risolverli. [D. M.] Napoli, 1836. 8vo. Colenso (John William), D.D., Bishop of Natal. Arithmetic designed for the use of Schools, to which is added a chapter on Decimal Coinage. By J. W. C. New edition. [G. G.] London, 1862. 12mo. . Remarks upon the recent Proceedings and Charge of Robert Lord Bishop of Capetown . . at his primary Metropolitical Visitation of the Diocese of Natal. By the Right Rev. J. W. C., D.D. [G. G.] London, 1864. 8vo. . The Elements of Algebra designed for the use of Schools. By the Right Rev. J. W. C. Part I. New Edition, to which is prefixed a Sketch of the History of Algebra. [D. M.] London, 1869. 12mo. . The Pentateuch and Book of Joshua critically examined. By J. W. C. Part IV. [G. G.] London, 1863. 8vo. Coleridge (Henry Nelson). Introductions to the study of the Greek Classic Poets. Designed principally for the use of young persons at school and college. By H. N. C., Esq. M.A. Part I. Con- taining I. General Introduction. II. Homer. [D. M.] London, 1830. 8vo. (Herbert). A Glossarial Index to the printed English Litera- ture of the Thirteenth Century. By H. C. [G. G.] London, 1859. 8vo. (Samuel Taylor). The Friend : a series of essays, in three volumes, to aid in the formation of Eixed Principles in Politics, Morals, and Religion, with literary amusements interspersed. By S. T. C., Esq. A new edition. [I. O.] London, 1818. 8vo. Collesso (Vincentius). See MARTIALIS (M. V.). Epigrammatum libri xiv. Collier (Charles). See ARISTOTLE. On the Soul. (Georgius Eredericus). See CELSUS (A. C.). JDe Re Medica. (John Payne). See EGERTON Papers. . See STATIONERS' Company. Extracts from Registers. and Smyth (W. H.). Letters on certain passages in the Life of Admiral Sir John Haw T kins, (temp. Elizabeth,) from J. P. C., Esq., V.P.S.A. and Captain W. H. S., R.N. [Ac.]. [D. M.] London, 1850. 4to. Collingwood (J.). Mathematical and Philosophical Books, in various languages. Printed for, or sold by J. C. [D. M.] [London.] 8vo. Collins (A.). See WATTS (J.) and COLLINS (A.). (Johannes). Commercium Epistolicum D. Johannis C., et aliorum [Barrow, Oldenburg, Leibnitz, and Gregory], de Analysi promota, jussu Societatis Regise in lucem editum. [D. M.] Londini, 1712. 4to. 170 COL COM Collins (Johannes). Another edition . . et jam una cum ejusdem recensione prsemissa, & judicio primam,nit ferebatur, Mathematici subjuncto, iterum impressum. [See, also, BIOT (J.-B.) et LEFORT (F.) LEIBNITZ (W. Gr.), Baron. Mathematisclie Schriften; #c. EOYAL SOCIETY.] [D. M.] Londini, 1722. 8vo. (John). Geometricall Dyalling : or, Dyalling performed by a line of Chords onely, or by the Plain Scale . . Written by J. C. [D. M.] London, 1659. 4to. (Matthew). On Clairaut's Theorem, and other subjects con- nected with it. ByM. C., B.A. [D. M.] Liverpool, 1853. 8vo. (William). Poetical Works. See ANDERSON, British Poets. Vol. IX. Colonies. The Colonies and Great Britain must be incorporated and form one universal and indivisible Empire. [G-. G.] London, 1839. 8vo. . Colonial Policy of the British Empire. By the author of the History of the British Colonies, &c. [G. G.] London, 1837. 8vo. . The article " Colony," reprinted from the Supplement to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. [Gr. Gr.] London [ ]. 8vo. Colonna (Olimpia). See GROTE (G.). Storia della Grecia antica recata in Itdliano (^c.) da 0. C. Colson (John). See NEWTON (Sir I.). The Method of Fluxions, &c. . See TAYLOR (B.). New principles of linear Perspective; 3rd edition. Columbus (Christopher). Documens originaux et inedits de Christophe Colomb publics a Genes. [D. M.] Genes [ ]. 8vo. Columella (L. Junius Moderatus). See SCHNEIDER (J. Gr.). Scrip- torum Rei Rusticae veterwn Latinorum torn. II. Coluthus. Eaptus Helense. See LEHES (F. S.). . The Works of Coluthus Lycopolites. Translated from the Greek, by Mr. C . See ANDERSON, British Poets. Vol. XIII. Conibe (Monier de Claire). Le Negoce rendu facile, contenant une exacte suputation des Changes, des Poids & des Mesures des lieux les plus considerables de 1'Europe, par une nouvelle & universelle Pratique d'Arithmetique . . Ouvrage divise en deux parties & compose par le Sieur M. d. C. C. [D. M.] Londres, 1708. 4to. Combescure (Edouard). See BRIOSCHI (F.). Theorie des Determinants. Traduit par E. C. Comet. 1680. A Judgement of the Comet. Which became first generally visible to us in Dublin December XIII. about 15 minutes before 5 in the evening, Anno Dom. 1680. By a Person of Quality. [D. M.] Dublin, 1682. 4to. . Lettre d'un Gentil-homme de Province a une Dame de qualite. Sur le suiet de la Cornete. [D. M.] Paris, 1681. fol. . 1680-81. Descriptio Terribilis Comets Anni 1680, & 1681. [D, M.] [ .] s. sh. fol. COM 171 Comet. The Petitioning-Comet : or, a brief Chronology of all the Famous Comets, and their Events, that have happen'd from the Birth of Christ, to this very day. Together with a Modest Enquiry into this present Comet. [D. M.] London, 1681. fol. . 1682. An Astrological and Theological Discourse upon this present Great Conjunction. (The like whereof hath not (likely) been in some Ages.) usherd in by a Great Comet. And so far, upon the heavens, the Planets, and fixed Stars as is a necessary introduction into a distinct and full knowledge of the principal subject herein handled. [D. M.] London, 1682. 4to. . 1716. See Apparition in the Heavens. 1716. Comiers (Claudius). See VIVIAIST (V.). Enodatio problematum uni- versis geometris propositorum a C. C. ; fyc. Commandinus (Fredericus). See EUCLID. PAPPUS. . In Ptolemaei Planisphaerium commentarius. See PTOLE- MAETJS (C.). . Liber de Horologiorum descriptione. See PTOLEILEUS (C.). Liber de Analemmate. Commerce. A select collection of Early English Tracts on Commerce, from the originals of Mun, Eoberts, North, and others. With a preface and index. [GK G.] London, 1856. 8vo. . A select collection of scarce and valuable Tracts on Commerce from the originals of Evelyn, Defoe, Eichardson, Tucker, Temple, and others. With a preface and index. [GK G.] London, 1859. 8vo. . Another copy. Commercium epistolicum. See BIOT ( J.-B.) and LEFOBT (F.). EOTAL SOCIETY. Commercium philosophicum et mathematicum G. G. Leibnitii et J. Bernoullii. See LEIBNITZ (G. G.). Commodianus. Commodiani Instructiones adversus gentium Deos cum integris observationibus Nicolai Eigaltii. Eecensuit et notulas adspersit Joannes Davisius. [G. G.] Cantabrigice, 1712. 8vo. Commons, House of. Practical suggestions for the internal Eeform of the House of Commons. By a Parliamentary Secretary. [G. G.] London, 1832. 8vo. . The rotten House of Commons, being an exposition of the present state of the franchise, and an appeal to the nation on the course to be pursued in the approaching crisis, addressed to the working men of the United Kingdom, by the Working Men's Asso- ciation. [G. G.] London [ ]. 8vo. Commonwealth. The Government of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, & Ireland, and the Dominions thereto belonging ; as it was publicly declared at Westminster the 16. day of December 1653 . . at which time and place His Highness, Oliver Lord Protector of the said Commonwealth, took a solemn Oath for observing the same. Published by His Highness the Lord Protector's Special Commandmt. [Eeprinted in fac-simile for private circulation, 16th May, 1867.] London, 1653. fol. 172 COMCON Comparetti (Domenico). D. C., B/omano, Intorno all' Opera sulla Composizione del Mondo di Bistoro d'Arezzo recentemente pub- blicata dal Sig. Enrico Narducci. Roma, 1859. 8vo. Compton (Charles Douglas), Marquis of Northampton. Address of the most noble the Marquis of Northampton, The President, read at the Anniversary Meeting of the Boyal Society, on Saturday, Nov. 30, 1839. [D. M.] London, 1839. 8vo. on Saturday, Nov. 30, 1840. [D. M.] London, 1840. 8vo. on Monday, Dec. 1, 1845. [D. M.] London, 1846. 8vo. on Monday, Nov. 30, 1846. London, 1847. 8vo. Comte (Auguste). Cours de Philosophic Positive. Par M. A. C. 6 torn. [GL GL] Paris, 1830-42. 8vo. . Discours sur 1'Esprit Positif . Par M. A. C. [GK GK] Paris, 1844. 8vo. . Traite philosophique d'Astronomie populaire. Par M. A. C. [GL GL] Paris, 1844. 8vo. . The Positive Philosophy of A. C. Freely translated and con- densed by Harriet Martineau. Vol. II. [GL GL] London, 1853. 8vo. . The Positive Philosophy Critical. [ .] 8vo. (Charles). See SAY (J. B.). Oatechisme. . A Messieurs les Electeurs du 6 e College du Departement de la Sarthe. Addresse par C. C. [a. GL] Paris, 8vo. . Chambres Legislatives. Par M. C. C. [Extrait du Dic- tionnaire de la Conversation et de la Lecture.] [GKGk] Paris, 8vo. . De 1'impossibilite d'etablir une Monarchie Constitutionelle sous un chef militaire, et particulierement sous Napoleon. Qua- trieme edition. Par M. C. [GL GL] Paris, 1815. 8vo. . Du nouveau projet de loi sur la presse. Par M. C. [a. GL] Paris, 1817. 8vo. . Traite de la Propriete. Par C. C. 2 torn. [GL GL] Paris, 1834. 8vo. . Traite de Legislation. Par C. C., ou Exposition des Lois generates [&c.]. 4 torn. [GL GL] Paris, 1826-27. 8vo. Condillac (Etienne Bonnot de). (Euvres. 3 torn. 4 e Edition. Tom. i. Essai sur 1'origine des Connoissances humaines ; ii. Traite des Systemes ; iii. Traite des Sensations, &c. [GL GL] Paris, 1793. 8vo. Condorcet (Marie-Jean-Antoine-Nicolas Caritat de), Marquis. See ENCYCLOPJ&DIE MTHODIQTTE. MATHMATIQUES. . See AROIJET DE VOLTAIKE. . (Euvres completes de Condorcet. 21 torn. [GL GL] Brunswick et Paris, An xiii. = 1804. 8vo. . (Euvres de Condorcet publiees par A. Condorcet O'Connor et M. F. Arago. 12 torn. [GL GL] Paris, 1847-49. 8vo. CON 173 Condor cet (Marie- Jean-Antoine-Nicolas Caritat cle), Marquis. A sure and easy method of learning to Count, translated from a pos- thumous work of Condorcet. By Elias Johnstone. The third edition ; to which is prefixed a life of the author, [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1816. 12mo. . Eloges des Academiciens de 1' Academic B/oyale des Sciences morts depuis Tan 1666 jusqu'en 1790 ; suivis de ceux de THopital et de Pascal. 5 torn. [D. M.] Berlin, 1799. 12mo. . Essais d' Analyse. Par M. le Marquis de Condorcet. Tome Premier. [D. M.] Paris, 1768. 4to. . Esquisse d'un tableau historique des progres de 1'Esprit hurnain. Ouvrage posthume de Condorcet. Nouvelle edition, precedee de la notice sur la vie et les ouvrages de Condorcet par Diannyere. [G. G.] [ ], 1797. 8vo. . Essai sur Fapplication de 1'Analyse a la probabilite des Decisions rendues a la pluralite des voix. Par M. le Marquis de Condorcet, Secretaire perpetuel de 1'Academie des Sciences [&c.]. [D. M.] Paris, 1785. 4to. . Tableau historique des Progres de 1'Esprit humain. Par C. . . 3^ me ed. [G. G.] Paris, 1823. 12mo. Confessionen. Die Unduldsamkeit der christlichen Confessionen, vor den Eichterstuhl des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts gestellt von einem protestantischen Bayern, veranlasst durch die Kolner Angelegenheit. [G. G.J Nurnberg, 1838. 8vo. Confucius. See LEVESQUE ( ), Pensees Morales de C. Congreve (Eichard). Gibraltar : or, the foreign policy of England. By E. C., M.A. [G. G.] London, 1857. 8vo. . The Eornan Empire of the "West. Four lectures . . by E. C. [G. G.] London, 1855. 8vo. (William). Poetical Works. See ANDERSON, British Poets. Vol. VII. Conic Sections, Lines of the Second Order, or Conic Sections. [From the Encyc. Metrop.~] [D. M.] 4to. . The Elements of the Conic Sections with the Sections of the Conoids. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1818. 8vo. . Second edition. [D. M.] 1820. Conington (John). See HOMER. Connaissance des Terns. Additions a la Connaissance des Terns. [D. M.] Annee 1816, 1817. 8vo. Connon (Charles Walker). A system of English Grammar . . By C. W. C. [G. G.] Edinburgh, 1845. 12mo. Conolly (John). On the Nature and Treatment of Diseases. [D. M.] London, 1829. 8vo. Conringius (Hermannus). Epistola de Scriptis Caselianis. See DRAJSTSFELD ( J. a). Opus epistolicum. Conservative Peers. The Conservative Peers and the Eeform Ministry. [G. G.] London, 1836. 8vo. 174 CON COO Constant (Eilliet de). Le Valais cle 1840 a 1844. Suite a une anne'e de 1'Histoire du Valais, par M. E. d. C. [Gr. Gr.] Lausanne, 1845. 8vo. Constantine. Oration to the Convention of the Saints ; &c. See ETJSEBIUS. Constantinople. Historia politica et patriarchica Constantinopoleos. Epirotica. Ex recensione Imm. Bekkeri. [Hist. Byzant.] Bounce, 1849. 8vo. Constantinus Manasses. Constantini Manassis breviariuin historiae metricum. loelis Chronographia compendiaria. Greorgii Acro- politae Annales. Eecognovit Imm. Bekker. [Hist. Byzant.] Bonnce, 1837. 8vo. Constantinus Porphyrogenitus imperator. 3 vol. Vol. I.-II. De cerimoniis aulse Byzantinso libri duo grsece et latine e recensione Jo. Jac. Eeiskii ; cum ejusdein commentariis. Vol. III. De the- matibus et de administrando imperio. Accedit Hieroclis Synec- demus cum Bandurii et Wesselingii commentariis. Eecognovit Imm. Bekker. [Hist. Byzant.] Bonnce, 1829-1840. 8vo. . Constantinus Porphyrogenitus de Provinciis Eegni Byzantini. Liber secundus, Europa. Accedit Appendix. Novis curis edidit [&c.] Theophilus Luc. Eridericus Tafel. [CL GK] TuUncjae, 1846. 4to. Contzen (Adamus). Prselectiones Logicse et Metaphysicae, auctore Adamo C. Editio nova. Tomus tertius. [D. M.] Mechlinice, 1830. 8vo. Conversations. Conversations upon Knowledge, Happiness, and Education ; between a Mechanic and a Patron of the London Mechanics' Institution. [Gr. Gr.] London, 1829. 12mo. Coode (George). On Legislative Expression : or, the Language of the Written Law. By Q. C. [G-. 0-.] London, 1845. 8vo. Cooke (Thomas). See HESIOD. Works, translated ~by T. C. (Thomas Fothergill). Authorship of the practical Electric Telegraph of Great Britain. . . Edited in assertion of his brother's rights. By the Eev. T. E. C., M.A. Bath, 1868. 8vo. (William Eothergill). The Electric Telegraph : was it invented by Professor "Wheatstone ? By ~W. F. C., Esq. Part i. con- taining Pamphlets of 18546. Part ii. containing Arbitration Papers and Drawings. Fourth edition. London, 1866. 8vo. Cooper (Charles Henry) and Cooper (Thompson). Athenae Canta- brigienses. By C. H. C., E.S.A., and T. C. Vol. I. 1500-1585. II. 1586-1609. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1858-61. 8vo. (Edward J.). Catalogue of Stars near the Ecliptic, observed at Markree during the years 1848, 1849, & 1850, [1851 & 1852 ; 1852, 1853, & 1854 ; 1854, 1855, & 1856] and whose places are supposed to be hitherto unpublished. Vol. I. Containing 14,888 Stars; II. Containing 15,298 stars; III. Containing 15 018 stars ; IV. Containing 14,951 stars. [By E. J. C.] Dublin, 1851-56. 8vo. COO COP 175 . Cooper (Edward J.). Halley's Comet, as seen on the 22nd and 24th of October, 1835, in the 25 Feet Achromatic Telescope of E.J. C.,Esq.,M.P. [D.M.] 4to. - (John Gilbert). Poetical Works. See ANDEKSON, British Poets. Vol. X. . Letters concerning Taste. Second edition. [G. G.] London, 1755. 8vo. (Robert). The Immortality of the Soul religiously and philo- sophically considered. A series of Lectures by R. C. [GK G.] London, 1853. 8vo. - (Samuel). The Official Resignation of the Professorship of Surgery, in University College, London, with Observations, addressed to the President and Council. By S. C., E.R.S., late President of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, &c. &c. [D. M.] London, 1848. 8vo. (Thomas). Some information respecting America collected by T. C. Second edition. [GK GK] London, 1795. 8vo. (Thompson). See COOPER (Charles Henry) and COOPER (Thompson). Athenae Cantabrigienscs. Cope (E. M.). An introduction to Aristotle's Rhetoric with analysis notes and appendices. By E. M. C. [GK GK] London, 1867. 8vo. . A Review of Aristotle's System of Ethics. A "Brelection read before the Vice-Chancellor, and Council of the Senate, Feb. 16, 1867. By E. M. C. [GK GK] Cambridge, 1867. 8vo. . Plato's Theaetetus and Mr. Grote's Criticisms. A Paper read before the Cambridge Philosophical Society, May 21st, 1866. By E. M. C. [GK GK] Cambridge, 1866. 8vo. Copenhagen. See DENMAEK. Copernicus (Nicolaus). Nicolai Copernici Torinensis. Aslronomia instavrata, libris sex comprehensa, qui de Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium inscribuntur. Nunc demum post 75 ab obitu authoris annum integritati suae restituta, notisque illustrata, opera & studio D. Nicolai Mvlerii, Medicinae ac Matheseos Professoris ordinarij in nova Academia quae est Groningae. [D. M.] Amstelrodami, 1617. 4to. . De lateribvs et angvlis Triangulorum, turn planorum recti- lineorum, turn sphaericorum, libellus eruditissimus & utilissimus, cum ad plerasque Ptolemaei demons trationes intelligendas, turn uero ad alia multa, scriptus a clarissimo & doctissimo uiro D. Nicolao Copernico, Toronensi. Additus est Canon semissium subtensarum rectarum linearum in Circulo. Vittembergce, 1542. 4to. . Nicolai Copernici, Torinensis, de Revolvtionibvs Orbium Coeles- tium, Libri vi. [D. M.] Norimbergce, 1543. fol. . Nicolai Copernici, Torinensis, de Revolvtionibus Orbium Coelestium, Libri vi. . . Item, de libris revolvtionvm Nicolai Copernici Narratio prima, per M. Georgium loachimmn Rheticum ad D. loan. Schonerum scripta. [D. M.] Basileae, 1566. fol. 176 COP COR Coppello (N. I. B. Kappeyne van de). Observations criticae in Auctores veteres Graecos . . Pars prima. [G. G.] Noviomagi, 1850. 8vo. Copyright. See PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS. . A few words on the Copyright question, shewing it to be one of public interest : with some objections to Mr. Sergeant Talfourd's Bill to change the present law of Copyright. [D. M.] London, 1839. 8vo. Corbaux (Francis). A Letter to the Family Endowment Society; exhibiting the Errors and Vices of their System. By F. C., F.E.S. ' [D. M.] [London], 23d March, 1837. 12mo. . On the natural and mathematical Laws, concerning Popu- lation, Vitality, and Mortality ; the modifications which the law of mortality receives, when referred to different classes of people ; and generally the movements of population, in its progress of renewal ; with tables of mortality, applicable to five classes of each sex ; and other tables, expressing the relations between capital and income, under the operation of compound- interest. By F. C. [D. M.] London, 1833. 8vo. . The Doctrine of Compound Interest, illustrated and applied to Perpetual Annuities, to those for terms of years certain, to Life- annuities,#nd generally to prospective transactions ; with new and compendious tables, solving the questions that depend on com- pound interest, . . ; and other original tables, expressing . . the probabilities and the expectations of life at each age, also the correct values of annuities on single and on joint lives. By F. C. [D. M.] London, 1825. 8vo. Corippus. See MEROBATJDES. Corn. Cheap corn best for farmers, proved in a letter to George Holme Sumner, Esq., M.P. By one of his constituents. [G-. G.] London, 1825. 8vo. Corneille (Pierre) and (Thomas). Theatre de P. et de T. C. avec notes et commentaires. Tome I., II. Paris, 186162. 12mo. Cornelius Nepos. See NEPOS (C.). Corney (Bolton). On the New General Biographical Dictionary : a specimen of amateur criticism. In letters to Mr. Sylvanus Urban. [D. M.] London, 1839. 8vo. Cornucopiae. Cornv-copise. Pasquil's Night-cap : or, Antidot for the Head-ache. [Eeprinted 1819. 8vo.] [D. M.] London, 1612. Cornutus (L. Annaeus). L. Annaeus Cornutus de Natura Deorum . . recensuit . . Fridericus Osannus. [G-. G.] Gottingae, 1844. 8vo. Corpus Poetarvm Graecorvm. See Schaefer (G. H.). Scriptorum Historiae Byzantinae. See BYZANTINE HISTORY. Correspondance originale des Emigres, ou les emigres peints par eux- memes. [G, G.] Paris, 1793. 8vo. COK^-COS 177 Correspondence of Scientific Men of the Seventeenth Century, includ- ing letters of Barrow, Flam steed, Wallis, and Newton, printed from the originals in the collection of the Right Honourable the Earl of Macclesfield. In two volumes. [Edited by S. P. Eigaud.] [D, M.] Oxford, 1841. 8vo. . Contents and Index. Compiled by Augustus De Morgan. Oxford, 1862. 8vo. Gorssen (W.). Kritische Beitrage zur Lateinischen Formenlehre. Von W. C. Leipzig, 1863. 8vo. . Ueber Aussprache, Vokalisrnus und Betonung der Lateinische Sprache. .Yon der Koniglichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin gekronte Preisschrift. Von W. C. Zweite umgearbeitete Ausgabe. 2 Bde. Leipzig, 1868. 8vo. Corsini (Eduardus).. Edvardi Corsini . . Dissertationes iv. Agonis- ticae . . accedit Hieronicarvm Catalogvs. [Gr. GL] Lipsiae, 1752. 8vo. . Fasti Attici in quibus Archontum Atheniensium series, philo- sophorum, aliorumque illustrium virorum aetas atque praecipua Atticae Historiae capita per Olympicos annos disposita descri- buntur novisque observationibus illustrantur auctore Eduardo Corsino. [Gr. Gr.] Florentiae, 1744. 4to. Corsiirus (D.). His relation of the state of the inundations, S 'ale-catalogue.'] [D. M.] [London,] 1858. 4to. Croly (George). National Knowledge, National Power ... By the Rev. G. C., L.L.D. [G. G.] London, 1850. 8vo. Crombie (Alexander). An Essay on Philosophical Necessity. By A. C. [G. G.] London, 1793. 8vo. Crome (August Friederich Wilhelm). Die Staatsverwaltung . von Toskana unter der Regierung seiner Koniglichen Majestat Leopold II. Aus dem Italianischen iibersetzt und mit Anmer- kungen begleitet. Von A. F. W. C. 3 Bde. [G. G.] Leipsig, 1795. 4to. Cromwell (Thomas). The Soul and the Future Life. By T. C., Ph.D., F.S.A. The Philosophic Argument. London, 1859. 12mo. Crosse (John Green). A Treatise on the formation, constituents, and extraction of the Urinary Calculus ; being the essay for which the Jacksonian Prize for the year 1833 was awarded by the Royal College of Surgeons in London. By J. G. C. London, 1835. 4to. . The Retrospective Address, upon Medical Science and Literature, delivered at the Fourth Anniversary Meeting of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, held at Manchester, July 21st, 1836. By J. G. C., Esq. F.R.S. [From the Trans- actions of the Association.] Worcester, 1836. 8vo. Crouzas (Jean-Pierre de). Commentaire sur 1'Analyse des innniment petits. Par M. C., Professeur a Lauzanne. [D. M..] Paris, 1721. 4to. Cruan.te. De la Cruaute Religieuse. [G. G.] Londres, 1769. 12mo. [* From T\e Philosophical Transactions.] CEU CUN 185 Cruquius (Jacobus). See HOEATITTS FLACCUS (Q.). Crusius (Detlev Carl Wilhelm Baumgarten-). See MUELLER (W.). Homerische Vorscliule, mit Einleituny, tyc., von D. C. W. B.-C. Ctesias. Ctesiae Cnidii Operum reliquiae. Fragmenta collegit [&c.] Joannes Christianus Felix Baehr. [G. G.] Francofurti ad Moenum, 1824. 8vo. Cull (Eichard). Eemarks on the nature, objects, and evidences of Ethnological Science: an Address read at the Ethnological Society . . by E. C. London, 1851. 8vo. Culpeper (Nicholas). Culpeper's Last Legacy : left and bequeathed to his dearest wife for the publicke good, being the choicest and most profitable of those secrets which, while he lived, were lockt up in his Breast, and resolved never to be publisht till after his Death. By N. C., late student in Astrology and Physick. [Gr. G.] London, 1655. 8vo. . Composita : or a Synopsis of the chiefest compositions in use now with the Galenists. Collected by N. C. [G. G.] London, 1655. 8vo. , Febrilia : or a Treatise of Feavers in generall. By N. C. [G. G.] London, 1655. 8vo. Cumberland (Eicardus). De Legibus Naturae Disquisitio Philosophica, . . Quinetiam Elementa Philosophise Hobbianse, Cum Moralis turn Civilis, considerantur & refutantur. Authore Eicardo C. [G. G.] Londini, 1672. 4to. Cunn (Samuel). See ARITHMETIC. Universal A., fyc., revised by Mr. C. . See EUCLID. Appendix to Commanding s E. With an intro- duction by S. C. . See NEWTON (Sir /.). Universal Arithmetic^. Cunningham (Alexander). Archaeological Survey of India. 4 vol. Namely Four Eeports made during the years 1862-63-64-65, by A. C., C.S.I. [&c.]. 2 vol. Simla, 1871. 8vo. . Eeport for the year 1871-72 By A. C. Calcutta, 1873. 8vo. . Eeport for the year 1871-72. Delhi : by J. D. Beglars ; Agra, by A. C. L. Carlleyle, under the superintendence of Major- General A. C. Calcutta, 1874. 8vo. - (H. S.) and Newbery (Edward). The Code of Criminal Procedure, being Acts xxv of 1861 and viii of 1869, with the rulings of the Courts and copious notes, to which are appended the Acts affecting procedure and selected circulars of the Punjab Chief Court. By H. S. C., Esq., M.A., . . Officiating Judge of the Punjab Chief Court, and E. N., Esq., Personal Assistant to the Inspector General of Police Punjab. Lahore, 1870. 8vo. (John). Poetical Works. See ANDERSON, British Poets. Vol. X. 186 CUE Curabslle (Jacques). Examen des Oevvres dv S r Desargves. Par I. C. [D. M.] Paris, 1644. 8vo. Cureton (William). See EFSEBIUS, Bishop of Csesarea. History of the Martyrs in Palestine. . Vindiciae Ignatianaa ; or the genuine Writings of St. Ignatius, as exhibited in the ancient Syriac version, vindicated from the charge of heresy. By the Eev. W. C., M.A., F.K.S. [D. M.] London, 1846. 8vo. Currency. Currency Fallacies refuted, and Paper Money vindicated. By the author of " An Essay on Money," [&c.]. [D. M.] London, 1833. 8vo. . Currency : the wrong and the remedy. [G. G.] London, 1841. 8vo. . Further reflections on the state of the currency, and the action of the Bank of England. [Q-. Q-.] London, 1837. 8vo. . Letters addressed to the people on the currency. By James Peard Ley, M.A. [G. G.] London, 1841. 8vo. . Letters on the nature and operations of the Currency to Charles Wood, Esq., M.P. By William Johnson. [G. G.] Edinburgh, 1841. 8vo. . Letters to William Eayner Wood, containing remarks on the evidence of the members of the Manchester Chamber of Com- merce and others, given before the House of Commons on the currency, in the sitting of 1840. By William Leatham. [G. G.] London, 1841. 8vo. . On Currency. [D. M.] London, 1840. 8vo. . On the present derangement of the currency of the United States, with suggestions for its better regulation. [G. G.] London, 1839. 8vo. . Prospectus of an Association to promote the establishment of an uniform currency under one general head. By T. Joplin. [G. G.] London, 1840. 8vo. Curtius (Ernestus). Anecdota Delphica edidit E. C. Accedimt tabulae duae Delphicae. [G. G.] Berolini, 1843. 4to. . Die Akropolis von Athen. Ein Vortrag . . gehalten von Ernst C. [G. G.] Berlin, 1844. 8vo. . Griechische Geschichte. Von E. C. Erster Band. Bis zur Slacht bei Lade. [G. G.] Berlin, 1857. 8vo. . Olympia. Ein Vortrag im wissenschaftlichen Vereine zu Berlin am 10. Januar gehalten von E. C. [G. G.] Berlin, 1852. 8vo. . Peloponnesos. Eine historisch-geographische Beschreibung der Halbinsel von E. C. 2 Bde. [G. G.] Gotha, 1851-52. 8vo. (Georg). Corollarium Commeutationis de nomine Homeri scriptae. Kiliae, 1857. 4to. . De Nominum Graecorum formatione linguarum cognatarum ratione habita scripsit G. C. Philos. Dr. [G. G.] Berolini, 1842. 4to. CUE CUV 187 Curtius (Gcorg). Grundziige der Griechischen Etymologic. Von G. C. Vierte durch Vergleichungen aus dem Keltischen Sprachen von Ernst Windisch erweiterte Auflage. Leipzig, 1873. 8vo. . Quaestiones Etyinologicae. Kiliae, 1856. 4to. (Joachimus). See BRAKE (T.). De disciplines Mathematicis ratio, cum Prceloquio J. Curtii. Rufus (Quintus). Q. Curtius Eufus ad codices Parisinos recen- situs cum varietate lectionum supplementis Jo. Ereinshemii et selectis Schmiederi variorumque commentariis quibus notas excursus [&c.] addidit N. E. Lemaire. 3 vol. [G. G.] Parisiis, 1822-24. 8vo. . Qvintvs Cvrtivs de Eebvs gestis Alexandri Magni Eegis Macedonvm. [D. M.] Tubingce, 1513. fol. . Q. Curtii Eufi de Gestis Alexandri Magni Eegis Macedoiium libri qui supersunt octo. Mit kritischen und exegetischen Anmerkungen, besonders zum Schulgebrauch, herausgegeben von Julius Miitzell. 2 Th. [G. G.] Berlin, 1841. 8vo. . Q. Curtii Eufi de Gestis Alexandri Magni Eegis Macedonum libri qui supersunt octo . . recensuit [&c.] Car. Timoth. Zump- tius. Accedit tabula geographica expeditionum regis Alexandri. [G. G.] Brunsvigae, 1849. 8vo. . Quinte Curce de la Vie et des Actions d'Alexandre le grand, de la Traduction de Monsieur de Vaugelas, avec les Supplemens de Jean Freinsheniius traduits par feu M. du Eier. Berlin, 1746. 8vo. (Sebastianus). See EUCLID. Die seeks ersten Bucher Evdidis aus H. J. P. D. andern Edition verteutsclit durch 8. G. Curves. An Essay on Cycloidal Curves, with introductory Observa- tions. [By Dr. Thomas Young.] [From The British Magazine, 1800.] [D. M.] 4to. Cusa, or Cusanus (Mcolaus de). De Quadratura Circuli, deq3 recti ac curui commensuratione [&c.]. See EEGIOMONTA^US (J. M. de). . Haec accvrata recognitio trivm volvminvm opervm clariss. P. Mcolai Cvsae Card, ex Officina Ascensiana recenter emissa est. [/n primo volumine, De Docta ignorantia libri -tres [etc.]. In secundo volumine, De Deo abscondito dialogus [etc.]. Mathe- matica. In tertio volumine, De Catholica Concordantia libri tres.] [D. M.] Venice, 1514. fol. Cuvier (Georges Leopold Chretien Frederic Dagobert de), Baron. Legons d'anatomie comparee de G. C., recueillies et publiees par M. Dumeril [& G. L. Duvernoy]. Seconde edition . . Tom. I. III. 1835-45. IV. VII. 1835-40. VUI. Contenant les organes de la generation et des secretions, avec une legon complemen- taire des organes de relations. Par G. C. et G.-L. D. [D. M.] Paris, 1846. 8vo. . Eunerailles de M. le Chevalier Delambre. [Discours prononce par M. le baron .C. 21 aout 1822.] [Institut Eoyal de France. Academie Eoyale des Sciences.] [D. M.] 4to. 188 CYE DAE Cyriacus (Clemens). See ANDERSONUS (A.). Animaduersioms in F. Vietam. . Problemata dvo nobilissima, qvorvm nee Analysin Geometri- cam, videntur tenuisse loannes Eegiomontanus & Petrus Nonius ; nee demons trationem satis accuratam repraesentasse, Franciscus Vieta, & Marinus Ghetaldus, nunc demum a Clemente Cyriaco diligentius elaborata, & nouis analyseon formis exculta. Inscrip- tiones, praeterea figurarum non iniucundas. [D. M.] Parisiis, 1616. 4to. Cyrillus, Saint. Contra Imp. IULIANUM libri deceni. See JULIANUS. Opera; fyc. Czolbe (Heinrich). Die Grenzen und der Ursprung der menschlichen Erkentniss im Gegensaze zu Kant und Hegel. Naturalistische- teleologisehe Durchfuhrung des mechanischen Princips. Von Dr. H. C. [G. G.] Jena und Leipzig, 1865. 8vo. D * * *. [La Guerre d'ltalie, ou Memoires du Comte D * * *.] Cologne, 1702. 12mo. D ***** ( A ^ Traitte de 1'Ame et de la Connoissance des Betes. [G. G.] Amsterdam, 1691. 12mo. D. (N. E.). Biographical Account of John Hadley, Esq., V.E.E.S., the Inventor of the Q.uadrant, and of his brothers George and Henry. [D. M.] [ .] Svo. . History of Hadley's Quadrant. [From the Nautical Magazine, No. XXI.] [D. M.] 8vo. D'Aqarq ( ). Observations sur Boileau, sur Eacine, sur Crebillon, sur Monsieur de Voltaire et sur la Langue Erangoise en general. Par M. D'A. [G. G.] La ffaye, 1770. 8vo. Dacerius (Andreas). See FESTUS (S. P.). 8. P. Festi et M. Verrii Flacd de' Verborum significations, lib. xx. Dacier (Andre). See PLATO. 1. (Euvres, traduites, &c. [par A. D.]. 2. The works of Plato abridged ; &c. . Notice des Ouvrages de M. d'Anville, Premier Geographe du Eoi [&c.] ; precedee de son Eloge. [D. M.] Paris, An x. (1802). 8vo. . The Life of Pythagoras, with his Symbols and Golden Verses. Together with the life of Hierocles, and his Com- mentaries upon the verses . . By M. D. Now done into English. The Golden Verses translated from the Greek by N. Eowe, Esq ; [D. M.] London, 1707. Svo. and (Anne). See AUBELIUS Antoninus (M.). Reflexions morales : avee des remarques de Mr. AAHPEpS ttepi EPMHNEIAS. Demetrii Phalerei de Elocutione, sive Dictione Rhetorica. In hac editione, contextus Graecus . . emendatur, Versio Latina . . repurgatur [&c.]. [G. G.] Glasguae, 1743. 4to. Democritus, Democriti Abderitae Operum fragmenta collegit [&c.] Frid. Guil. Aug. Mullachius. [G. G.] Berolini, 1843. 8vo. Demogeot (Jacques). See LTJCANUS (M. A.). La Pharsale. and Montucci (H.). De 1'Enseignement secondaire en Angle- terre et en Ecosse. Rapport . . par MM. J. D. et H. M. Paris, 1868. 8vo. . Enseignement superieur. 1870. De Moivre (Abraham). Animadversiones in D. Georgii Cheynjei Tractatum de Fluxionum Methodo Inversa. Per A. D. M., R. S. S. [D. M.] Londini, 1704. 8vo. Demon. See PHANODEMTJS. DEM 197 Demonstratio de Deo: sive methodus ad cognitionem del naturalem brevis ac demonstrativa. Cui accedunt Epistolse quaedam miscellanese. De AnimaD natura & Immortalitate, de veritate religionis Christianse, de Universo, &c. [D. M.] London, 1710. 4to. Demonville (Antoine Louis Guenard). See GUNABD. De Morgan (Augustus). See BAILT (F.). Journal of a tour in North America. Edited by A. De M. . See COBEESPONDENCE of Scientific Men of the Seventeenth Century. . Discussion between Thomas Galloway and A. De M. on kernel's Cosmotheoria. See GALLOWAY (T.). . See PEACOCK (G.). Treatise on Algebra. (Review by A. De M.} . See BAMCHTJSTDBA. Treatise on Problems of Maxima and Minima. . See SCHEOEN (L.). Seven-Figure Logarithms, with a description of the tables by A. De M. . See UKEVEBSITY COLLEGE, London. . An Account of the Speculations of Thomas Wright of Durham. By Prof. De M. [From the Philological Magazine S. 3. Vol. 32.] [D. M.] . A short account of some recent discoveries in England and Germany relative to the Controversy on the Invention of Fluxions. [Companion to the Almanac for 1852.] [D. M.] (Dated :) London, Oct. 2, 1851. 8vo. . A Treatise on the Theory of Probabilities. By A. De M. [Extracted from The Encyclopedia Metropolitana.~\ [D. M.] London, 1857. 4to. . Account of a Correspondence between Mr. George Barrett and Mr. Francis Baily. By Professor De M. [Assurance Maga- zine, and Journal of the Institute of Actuaries. Vol. IV. pp. 185- 199. Also the original MS. letters, &c.] [D. M.] 4to. . De Morgan's Elements of Arithmetic. Translated into the Marathi Language. By Colonel George Eitso Jervis, Chief Engineer Bombay Presidency, assisted by Yishnoo Soonder Chutry, Gungadhur Shastri Phudkay, and Govind Gungadhur Phudtay. [D. M.] Bombay, 1850. 8vo. . First Notions of Logic (preparatory to the study of Geometry). By A. De M. Second Edition. [D. M.] London, 1840. 8vo. . [Letter to J. "W. Lubbock, Esq., London, Dec. 4, 1838. Ma- triculation Examination in Arts.] [D. M.] 8vo. . Methods of Integrating Partial Differential Equations. By A. De M.* [D. M.] 4to. [* From The Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.'] 198 DEM De Morgan (Augustus). On a point connected with the dispute between Keil and Leibnitz about the Invention of Fluxions. By A. De M. [D. M.] 4to. . ' _. p r oo. . On a Question in the Theory of Probabilities. By A. De M.* [D. M.] Cambridge, 1838. 4to. . On Ancient and Modern Usage in Reckoning. [Companion to the Almanac for 1850.] [D. M.] 8vo. . On Divergent Series, and various points of Analysis connected with them. By A. De M.* [D. M.] Cambridge, 1844. 4to. . On some points of the Integral Calculus. By A. De M.* [D. M.] Cambridge, 1851. 4to. . On the Additions made to the Second Edition of the Com- Hiercium Epistolicum. By Prof. De M.t [D. M.] [1848.] 8vo. . On the Authorship of the Account of the Commercium Epis- tolicum. By Professor De M.t [D. M.] [1852.] 8vo. . On the Early History of Infinitesimals in England by Pro- fessor De M.t [D. M.] [1852.] 8vo. . On the Foundation of Algebra. No. in. By A. De M.* [D. M.] Cambridge, 1844. 4to. . On the General Equation of Curves of the Second Degree. By A. De M.* [D. M.] Cambridge, [M]DCCCXXXI. 4to. . On the General Equation of Surfaces of the Second Degree. By A. De M.* [D. M.] Cambridge, 1833. 4to. . On the Geometrical Meaning of the General Equation of the Second Degree. [University College Mathematical Class J] [D. M.] 4to. (lith.) . On the structure of the Syllogism, and on the application of the Theory of Probabilities to Questions of Argument and Au- thority. . . By A. De M.* [D. M.] Cambridge, 1847. 4to. . On Triple Algebra. By A. De M.* [D. M.] Cambridge, 1844. 4to. . Professor de Morgan and the Albert Life Office. [Letter to the Editor of the Insurance Record. In N- for Jan. 28, 1870.] [D. M.] . Professor De Morgan's Review of [Ch. XI. of] Weld's History of the Eoyal Society. [From] The Athenceum, Oct. 14, 1848. Mr. Babbage's Calculating Machine. [D. M.] [London.'] 8vo. . Remarks on an Accusation made by the proprietors of the Encyclopaedia Metropolitana, against the author of an ' Essay on Probabilities, and on their application to Life Contingencies and Insurance Offices.' By A. De M. [D. M.] London, 1838. 12mo. [* From The Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. t The Philosophical Magazine.'] DEM 199 Be Morgan (Augustus). Eemarks on Elementary Education in Science. [D. M.] [London, .] 8vo. . Eemarks on Elementary Education in Science. An Intro- ductory Lecture, delivered at the opening of the classes of Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry, in the University of London, November 2, 1830. By A. De M. [D. M.] London, 1830. 8vo. . Short Supplementary Eemarks on the first six books of Euclid's Elements. [Companion to the Almanac for 1849.] [D. M.] 8vo. . Sketch of a method of introducing Discontinuous Constants into the Arithmetical Expressions for infinite series, in cases where they admit of several values. By A. De M.*- [D. M.] Cambridge, 1836. 4to. . Statement in answer to an assertion made by Sir William Hamilton, Bart., Professor of Logic in the "University of Edin- burgh. By A. De M., Sec. E.A.S., F.C.P.S., of Trinity College, Cambridge, Professor of Mathematics in University College, London. [D. M.] [London], 1847. 8vo. . Syllabus of a proposed System of Logic. By A. De M. [D. M.] London, 1860. 8vo. . Thoughts suggested by the establishment of the University of London : An introductory Lecture, delivered at the opening of the Faculty of Arts, in University College, Oct. 16, 1837. By A. De M. . , [Five copies.] London, 1837. 8vo. (Campbell). See TOMES (J.) and DE MOBGAN (C.). . On the Structure and Functions of the Hairs of the Crus- tacea. By C. D. M., Surgeon to the Middlesex Hospital. [From The Philosophical Transactions.'] [D. M.] [1858.] 4to. . To the Governors of the Middlesex Hospital. [Observa- tions, with a Statement of Facts.] [D. M.] [London,] Jan., 1848. 8vo. Demosthenes. See BEKKER (I.). Oratores Attici. Tom. IV. . See FKAKKE (F.). Prolegomena in Demosthenis Orationem de Falsa Legations. . Orationes ; Apparatus Critici ad Demosthenem ; Indices Operum Demosthenis. See EEISKE (J. J.). Oratorum Grcecorum Pt. 1-4 : 17-24. See WESTEEMAKN- (A.). De Litibus quas D. oravit ipse ; $c. Oratio de Corona. Commentarii. See WINIEWSKI (F.). In Demosthenem de Bello Philippi Olynthico Commentatio. See ZIEMAXNUS (A.). . Demosthenis Opera. Tom. I. [G-. G.] Lipsiae, 1812. 8vo. [* From The Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.'] 200 DEM Demosthenes, Demosthenis Opera. Tom. II IV. [G. G.] Lipsiae (Tauch.), 1817-18. 18mo. . Demosthenes ex recensione Gulielmi Dindorfii. 7 vol. [a. GK] Ooconii, 1846-49. 8vo. . AHMOSBENOYS AOFOI EKAEKTOI. Demosthenis Selectae Orationes . . recensuit [&c] Eicardus Mounteney. Prsefiguntur observationes in Commentarios vulgo Ulpianeos [&c.]. Editio tertia. Etonce, 1755. 8vo. . Demosthenis Orationes Philippicae novem. In usum scho- larum denuo edidit Eridericus Eranke. [G. G.] Lijpsiae, 1850. 8vo. . Demosthenis Orationes Selectae YII : ex recensione I. Bekkeri passim mutata. Prolegomenis [&c.] instruxit . . Eranc. Jos.Eeuter. Pars I. & II. [G. G.] Augustae Vindelicorum, 1833. 8vo. . Demosthenis Philippicae Orationes V. Et Libanii Vita Demosthenis [&c.]. Edidit [&c.] loannes Theodorus Voemel. [Gr. Gr.] Francofurti a. M., 1829. 8vo. . AHMOSGENOYS KATA fclAIIIIIOY B. Demosthenis Philip- pica II. Secundum codd. mcsr. recognita. Prolegomenis et annotatione perpetua illustrata ab loaune Theodoro Voemelio Gymnas. Erancof. Eectore et Prof. [Gr. Gr.] Francofurti a. M., 1832. 12mo. . Translation of Select Speeches of Demosthenes, with notes. By Charles Eann Kennedy. [Q-. G.] Cambridge, 1841. 8vo. . Demosthenis Philippica Prima Olynthiacae tres et De Pace selectis aliorum suisque notis instruxit Carolus Augustus Eiidiger. [&. GL] Lipsiae, 1818. 8vo. . Philippiques de Demosthene, avec des remarques. [By M. Tourreil.] Anvers, 1707. 12mo. . AHMOSGENHS KAT AISXINOY. Demosthenis Orationes contra Aeschinem De Corona et De Ealsa Legatione cum argu- mentis Graece et Latine. Eecensuit cum apparatu critico copio- sissimo edidit Dr. I. Th. Voemelius. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1862. 8vo. . Demosthenis Oratio in Aristocratem. Graeca emendatiora edidit . . Commentario [&c.] instruxit Ernestus Guilielmus Weber. [G. G.] lenae, 1845. 8vo. -. Demosthenis Oratio de Corona. Quam denuo recognovit et cum loa. Taylori, Hier. "Wblfii, ler. Marklandi, lac. Palmerii, loa. lac. Eeiskii suisque animadversionibus auctioribus iterum edidit Gottlieb Christophor. Harless. Lipsiae, 1814. 8vo. ~. Demosthenis Oratio adversus Leptinem cum scholiis veteribus et commentario perpetuo. Accedit Aelii Aristidis declamatio eiusdem caussae, in Germania nunc primum edita. Cura Erid. Aug. "Wolfii. [G. G.] Halis Saxonum, 1789. 8vo. . Demosthenis de Immvnitate adversvs Leptinem Oratio, Petro Nannio Alecmariano interprete, Louanij in Collegio Trilingui Latinarum Literarum Professore. [D. M.] Parisiis, 1542. 4to. DEM DEP 201 Demosthenes. Demosthenis Oratio in Midiam cum annotatione critica et exegetica. Curavit Philippus Buttmannus Dr. Editio altera aucta [Ac.]. [G. G.] Berolini, 1833. 8vo. . AHMOS9ENOYS O IIEPI THS nAPAIIPESBEIAS AOFOS. Demosthenis de Falsa Legatione. A new edition with a careful revision of the text, annotatio critica [&c.] by Richard Shilleto. [G. G.] Cambridge, 1844. 8vo. - and JEschines. AHMO29ENOYS KAI AI2XINOY TA 2ftZO- MENA. Textui, qui variorum est, apposita est lectio Eeiskiana. 2 torn. [G-. G.J Londini, 1824. 8vo. . Demosthenis et ^Eschinis quae exstant omnia . . illustravit Gulielmus Stephanus Dobson. Accedunt Animadversiones Eeiskii [&c.] 10 torn. [G. G.] Londini, 1827. 8vo. Denecourt (C. E.). Les delices de la Eoret de Eontainebleau . . Par D. Troisieme Edition. Carte, &c. [G. G.] Fontainebleau, [ .] 8vo. Denham (Sir John). Poetical "Works. See ANDEKSON, British Poets. Vol. Y. Denis ( J.). Histoire des Theories et des Idees morales dans 1'Antiquite par J. D. 2 Tom. [G. G.] Paris, 1856. 8vo. Denison (Joseph). A New Theory of Gravitation. By J. D., Esq. London, 1844. 12mo. Denmark. Copenhagen. Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskdb. Oversigt over det Kongelige Danske Yidenskabernes Selskabs Eorhandlinger og dets Medlemmers Arbeider. Kjobenhavn [ ]. 8vo. . Kongelige Ridderlige Academie. Konning Eriderich den Eierdes Eorbedrede og bekraeftede Stiftelser for det Kongelige Ridder- lige Academie udi Ki^benhavn af Konning Christian den Eemte, H^jlofligst Hukommelse, indraettede. [Danish, Latin, fy German.] [D. M.] Kifbenhavn, 1701. fol. . Koniglich Gesellschaft fur Nordische AlterthumsTcunde. Leitfaden zur Nordischen Alterthumskunde, herausgegeben von der konig- lichen Gesellschaft fiir Nordische Alterthumskunde. [G. G.] Kopenhagen, 1837. 8vo. . University of Copenhagen. XXIV. Documents relating to the University of Copenhagen. Copenhagen, llth December, 1837. fol. . . Remarks (MS.). fol. Dent (Edward J.). [Letter] to the . . Lord Mayor [&c.] of London. [Clock, New Royal Exchange.] [D. M.*] [Dated, London :] 8th April, 1844. fol. Deparcienx (Antoine). Essai sur les probabilites de la duree de la Vie humaine ; d'ou Ton deduit la maniere de determiner les Rentes viageres, tant simples qu'en Tontines . . accompagne d'un grand nombre de Tables. Par M. Deparcieux. [D. M.] Paris, 1746. 4to. . (With the " Objections ; " and " Addition," 1760. 4to.) 202 DEE DES Derham (William). See MISCELLANEA CUEIOSA. . A defence of the Churches Eight in Leasehold Estates. In answer to a book, called, An Enquiry into the customary Estates and Tenant-Eights of those who hold lands of the Church and other Foundations, &c. And published under the Name of Everard Fleetwood, Esq. By "W. Derham, D.D. [D. M.] London, 1731. 8vo. Desargues (Gerard). See BOSSE (A.). Maniere Vniverselle pour pratiquer la perspective, &c. . CEuvres de Desargues reunies et analysees par M. Poudra . . precedees d'une nouvelle biographie de Desargues, suivies de 1' Analyse des Ouvrages de Bosse [&c.] Avec planches. 2 torn. [D. M.] Paris, 1864. 8vo. Descartes (Eene). G-eometria . . . cum notis Florimondi de Beaune . . in linguam Latinam versa, &c. See SCHOOTEN (P. a.). . Musicae Compendium. See SCHOOTEN (P. a.). . Dioptrice. See SCRIPTOKES OPTICI. . CEuvres de Descartes. Nouvelle edition. . . precedee d'une introduction par M. Jules Simon. [G. G.] Paris, 1857. 8vo. . CEuvres choisies de Descartes. . . Nouvelle edition. [G. G.] Paris, 1865. 12mo. . Eenati Des-Cartes Opera Philosophica. Editio ultima. [D. M.] Amstelodami, 1692. 4to. . . Eenati Descartes Epistolae, partim ab Auctore Latino sermone conscriptae, partim ex Gallico translates. In quibus omnis generis quaestiones Philosophicae tractantur, & explicantur plurimae diffi- cultates quse in reliquis ejus operibus occurrunt. 2 Pt. [D. M.] Amstelodami, 1682. 4to. . Geometria, a Eenato des Cartes anno 1637 Gallice edita; postea autem una cum notis Florimondi de Beavne, in curia Blesensi Consiliarii Eegii, Gallice conscriptis in Latinam linguam versa, & Commentariis illustrata, opera atque studio Prancisci a Schooten, in Acad. Lugd. Batava Matheseos Professoris. Nunc demum ab eodern diligenter recognita [&c.]. [D. M.] Amstelodami, 1659. 4to. . Another edition. 1683. . Eene Descartes' Hauptschriften zur Grundlegung seiner Philosophie. Ins Deutsche iibertragen, &c., von Kuno Pischer. Neue Ausgabe. [G. G.] Heidelberg, 1868. 8vo. . Lettres de M r Descartes. Ou sont traittees plusieurs belles Questions touchant la Morale, Physiqve, Medecine, & les Mathematiqves. Novvelle edition, revev et avgmente. 2 torn. [Tom. 2. " Ou sont expliquees plusieurs belles difficultez touchant ses autres Ouvrages . . 1666 " ]. [D. M.] Paris, 1667. 4to. DES 203 Descartes (Eene). Eenati Des Cartes Meditationes De Prima Phi- losophia, in quibus Dei Existentia, & Animse humanse a Corpore distinctio, demonstrantur. His adjuncts sunt variee objectiones doctorum virorum in istas de Deo & Anima demonstrationes ; Cum Eesponsionibus Auctoris. Editio ultima prioribus auctior & emendatior. [D. M.] Amstelodami, 1698. 4to. . Eenatus Des-Cartes excellent compendium of Musick: with necessary and judicious animadversions thereupon. By a Person of Honour. [D. M.] London, 1653. 4to. . Eenati Des-Cartes Mvsicse Compendivm. [D. M.] Amstelodami, 1683. 4to. . E. Des-Cartes Opuscula posthuma, Physica et Mathematica. [D. M.] Amstelodami, 1701. 4to. . Eenati Des-Cartes Principia Philosophise. "Ultima editio cum optima collata, diligenter recognita, & mendis expurgata. [GK-GK] Amstelodami, 1685. 4to. . Eenati Des-Cartes Tractatus de Homine, et de formatione Foetus. Quorum prior Notis perpetuis Ludovici de la Eorge, M. D. illustratur. [D. M.] Amstelodami, 1686. 4to. . Commentaires sur la Geometric de M. Descartes. Par le E. P. Claude Eabuel, de la Compagnie de Jesus. [D. M.] Lyon, 1730. 4to. . The Life of Monsieur Des Cartes, containing the history of his Philosophy and works : as also, the most remarkable things that befell him during the whole course of his life. Translated from the Erench. By S. E. [D. M.] London, 1693. 8vo. . Histoire de la Conjuration faite a Stokolm centre M r Descartes. [D. M.] A Paris, 1695. 12mo. Desenfans (Noel). A Letter to Noel Desenfans, Esq., late Consul- General of Poland in Great Britain, occasioned by the second edition of his Catalogue, and his answer to what he terms " The complaints of Painters." By a Painter. [Martin Archer Shee.] [D. M.] London, 1802. 8vo. Desloges ( ). Des Enfans trouves, des femmes publiques et des moyens a employer pour en diminuer le nombre. Par Desloges. [G-. G-.] Paris, 1836. 8vo. Des Maizeanx (Pierre). See BATLE (P.). Dictionaire Jiistorique, avec la vie de Vauteur par Mr. Des M. . Eecueil de diverses Pieces, sur la Philosophic, la Eeligion naturelle, 1'Histoire, les Mathematiques, &c. Par Mrs. Leibniz, Clarke, Newton, & autres Autheurs celebres. 2 torn. [D. M.] Amsterdam, 1720. 12mo. Desmoulins (Camille). Le vieux Cordelier de D. Seule e'dition com- plete, precedee d'un essai sur la vie et les ecrits de Fauteur ; par M. Matton aine, parent de C. D. et possesseur de ses manuscrits. [G. G.] Paris, 1834. 8vo. 204 DES DEX Despois (Eugene). Le Vandalisme Revolutionnaire. Fondations lit- teraires, scientifiques, et artistiques de la Convention. Par E. D. [G-. G-.] Paris, 1868. 8vo. Desprez (Edouard). De 1'abolition de rEmprisonnement. Par E. D., Docteur en Droit. Paris, 1868. 12mo. Destutt de Tracy (Antoine-Louis-Claude), Comte. Commentaire sur 1'esprit des Lois de Montesquieu. Par M. le C te Destutt de Tracy. [Q-. G-.] Paris, 1819. 8vo. - . iElemens d'Ideologie. . . Par M. Destutt Comte de Tracy. Pt. I.-Y. [GL GK] Paris [1825-27]. 18mb. Detharding (G-eorg August). See HOLBERG (L.) Baron. Judische GeschicJite, ubersetzt von G. A.. D. Deuntzer (Henricus). L. Livii Andronici Eragmenta. Accedunt Homericorum Carminum. See LIVITJS ANDKONICUS (L.). Frag- menta ; fyc. Deuschle (Julius). Die platonische Sprachphilosophie. Dargestellt von J. D., Dr. phil. [G-. G-.] Marburg, 1852. 4to. - . Platons Protagoras. Eiir der Schulgebrauch erklart : von Dr. J. D. [a. G-.] Leipzig, 1861. 8vo. Deutinger (M.). G-eschichte der Philosophie. Von M. D. Bd. I. 2 Abth. \_Grundlinien einer positiven Philosophie. Th. VII.]. [a. G-.] Regensburg, 1852-53. 8vo. Deutsche Litteratur. Ueber die deutsche Litteratur, die Mangel die man ihr vorwerfen kann, die Ursachen derselben und die Mittel sie zu verbessern. Aus dem Eranzosischen ubersetzt. Berlin, 1780. 8vo. Deve (Thomas E-.). Eeview of the Debate in the Virginia Legisla- ture of 1831 and 1832. By T. E. D. [G-. GL] Richmond (U.S.}, 1832. 4to. Devey (Joseph). See BACON (E.). Physical and Metaphysical Works. Devil. An Inquiry into the Existence of a Personal Devil. [G-. G-.] London, 1848. 8vo. Devon (Frederick). See BEANTINGHAM (T. de). Issue Roll, translated ly F. D. - . Issues of the Exchequer ; being a collection of Payments made out of His Majesty's Revenue, from King Henry III. to King Henry VI. inclusive. With an Appendix. Extracted and translated from the original Rolls of the ancient Pell Office [&c.]. By E. D. [Pell Records.] [R. 0.] London, 1837. 8vo. - . Issues of the Exchequer ; being Payments made out of His Majesty's Revenue during the reign of James I. Extracted from the original records belonging to the ancient Pell Office [&c.]. By E. D. [Pell Records.] [R. 0.] London, 1836. 8vo. Dexippus. AE#IimOY $IAO2O$OY IIAATQNIKOY EI2 TAS APISTOTEAOYS KATHFOPIAS AHOPIAI KAI AY2EIS. Graece edidit Leonardus Spengel. [Monumenta Saecularia. Herausgegeben von der Koniglich Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.] [GK G-.] Monachii, 1859. 4to. DEX DIC 205 Dexippus (Publius Herennius). Dexippi, Eunapii, Petri Patricii, Prisci, Malchi, Menandri, historiaruin quoe supersunt e rec. Imm. Bekkeri et B. G. Niebuhrii C. E. Cum versione Latina per so. Classenum emendata. Accedunt eclogae Photii ex Olympiodoro, Candido, Nonnoso et Theophane, et Procopii Sophistse pane- gyricus gr. et lat. Prisciani paneygiricus, annotatione, H. Valesii, Labbei et Villoisonis et indices Classeni. [Hist. Byzant.] Bonnce, 1829. 8vo. Deycks (Eerdiuandus). De Megaricorum Doctrina eiusque apud Platonem et Aristotelem vestigiis. Scripsit E. D., Phil. Dr. [G-. G-.] Bonnae, 1827. 8vo. Dialogues. Dialogues o the Dead. The Second Edition. [By Lord Lyttelton.] ' [D. M.] London, 1760. 8vo. . English, Arabic, Haussa, and Bornu. See under VOCA- BULARIES. Diannyere (Antoine). Xotice sur la vie et les ouvrages de Condorcet. Par A. D. [ ] 1796. 8vo. Diary. The Gentleman's Diary, or, the Mathematical Repository ; an Almanack for the year of our Lord 1835 : . . Containing many . . Particulars, peculiarly adapted to the ingenious Gentleman engaged in the delightful Study and Practice of the Mathema- ticks. [D. M.] London : Printed for the Company of Stationers. 1836-1840. 12mo. . The Ladies' Diary, for the year of our Lord [1835-1840]. Being the third after Bissextile. Designed principally for the amusement and instruction of the Eair Sex. With an Appendix of curious and valuable mathematical papers, for the use of students. [D. M.] London. 12mo. Dibuadius (Christophorus). C. Dibvadii in Geometriam Evclidis Eioribus sex Elementorum libris comprehensam Demonstratio inealis. [D. M.] Arnhemii Geldrice, 1603. 4to. . C. Dibvadii . . Demonstratio Numeralis. [D. M.] Lugdvni Batavorvm, 1603. 4to. Dicaearchus. Dicaearchi Messenii quae supersunt composita, edita et illustrata a Maximiliano Euhr. [G. G.] Darmstadii, 1841. 8vo. Dicaiophilus, Cantabrigiensis. The Eights of Churches and Colleges defended : in answer to a pamphlet, call'd, An Enquiry into the customary estates and tenant rights of those who hold lands of church and other foundations, by the term of three lives, and twenty one years, &c. By Everard Eleetwood, Esq. ; With Bemarks upon some other pieces upon the same subject by D. C. [D. M.] London, 1731. 8vo. Dickinson (George). A new system : or Taxation no longer a burthen. By G. D. [G. G.] London, [ .] 8vo. (Joseph Joannes). Quid veteribus de precandi ad Deum officio placuerit locis classicis probatum exhibuit I. I. D. phil. Dr. [G. G.] Berolini, 1841. 4to. 206 DIG DID Dickson (Adam). The Husbandry of the Ancients. . . By A. D. 2 vol. [G-. G.] Edinburgh, 1788. 8vo. - (William). See CAKNDT (C.). Reflections on the Theory of the Infinitesimal Calculus, translated, fyc., by W. D., LL.D. Dictionaries (Anonymous). [For Anonymous biographical Dictionaries, see under BIOGRAPHY.] - . Dictionnaire encyclopedique des Arts et des Sciences. See HISTOIEE generale des dogmes et opinions philosophiques. - . Dictionnaire Encyclopedique des mathematiques. See ENCY- CLOPDIE M^THODIQTJE. MATHMATIQTTES. - . English-German. A new pocket-dictionary of the English and German languages. 3rd edition. [G. Q-.] Leipzig (Tauch.). 16mo. - . French. Dictionnaire de L'Academie Frangoise, revu, corrige et augmente par 1'Academie elle-meme. Ciiiquieme edition. 2 torn. [D. M.] Paris, 1811. 4to. - . Dictionnaire de 1'Academie Frangaise. Sixieme edition. 2 torn. Paris, [ ]. 4to. - . Complement du Dictionnaire de 1'Acade'mie Frangaise. Public sous la direction d'un Membre de 1'Academie Frangaise avec une Preface par M. Louis Barre. Paris, 1866. 4to. - . Law. A Dictionary of Law Terms. (No Titlepage.) London, 1563. 12mo. . - . Military-Naval. A Military Dictionary. Explaining [all difficult terms in Martial Discipline, Fortification, and Gunnery. The Third Edition, improv'd. To which is likewise added, a Sea- Dictionary of all the terms of Navigation. Both of them very useful (to all persons that read the Publick News, or serve in the Army, Navy, or Militia) for the Understanding the accounts of Sieges, Battels, and other warlike and marine expeditions, which daily occur in this Time of Action. By Officers who serv'd several Years at Sea and Land. [D. M.] London, 1708. 12mo. Diderot (Denis). (Euvres de D. D., publiees sur les manuscrits de 1'Auteur, par Jacques- Andre Naigeon. 15 torn. [G. G.] Paris, An viii. [1800]. 12mo. . _ . Memoires, Correspondance et ouvrages inedits de Diderot publics d'apres les manuscrits confies en mourant par 1'auteur a Grimm. 4 torn. Deuxieme edition, augmentee. [G. G.] Paris, 1834. 8vo. _ . Another edition. 2 torn. [G. G.] Paris, 1841. 8vo. Didot. Scriptorum Grsecorum Bibliotheca. Gr. and Lot. [Edited by Dindorf, Diibner, C. Miiller, and others.] Paris, 8vo. Volumes undermentioned : APPIATOJS. DlODORTJS SlCULUS. EPIGBAMMATITM ANTHOLOGIA PALATINA. DID DIG 207 Didot. EPISTOLOGEAPHI GR^JCI. . EROTICI SCRIPTORES. . EUEIPIDIS FBAGMEITTA. . HESIODI CAEMINA (etc.). . ORATOEES ATTICT. . PHILO. . POETAETJM COMICOEUM FEAGMENTA. . ARISTOPHANES. Scholia Grseca in Aristophanem. [Edited by Fr. Diibner.] . AEISTOTELES. . ARRIAN (et Pseudo-Callisthenes). . DIOGENES LAERTIFS. (Accedunt Olympiodori, Ammonii, lamblichi, Porphyrii et aliorum vitae Platonis, Aristotelis, Pytha- gorse, Plotini et Isidori, &c.) . FRAGMENTA HISTORICORFM GR^CORTTM. [Auxerunt 0. et T. Mulleri.] . FRAGMENTA PHILOSOPHORTJM GR^COEUM. Collegit F. G. A. Mullachius. . GEOGRAPHI GRJECI MINORES. Recognovit C. Miillerus. Tabulae. . ISOCRATES. . PHILO STRATUS ; Callistratus ; Eunapius ; Himerius. . PLATO. PLOTIKUS. PLFTARCHTJS. POLTEITJS. PORPHYRITTS. PRISCIANTJS. PROCLUS. THEOPHRASTUS. . THEOPHEASTTTS ; Marcus Antoninus; Epictetus; Simplicius; Cebes ; Maximus Tyrius. . THTJCYDIDES. XENOPHON. Didyinus CJudcenterus. Didymi Chalcenteri Grammatici Alexandrini Fragmenta quae supersunt omnia collegit et disposuit Mauricius Schmidt. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1854. 8vo. Diesterweg (F. A. W.). Ueber die Lehrmethode Schleiermacher's. Ein Yortrag. . . gehalten von F. A. ~W. D. [G. G.] Berlin, 1834. 8vo. Differential Calculus. AJI Introduction to the Differential Calculus on Algebraic Principles. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1825. 4to. Digges (Leonard). See DIGGES (Thomas). A Booke named Tec- tonicon. Briefly shewing the exact measuring, and speedie reckoning all manner of Land, Squares, Timber, Stone, Steeples, Pillers, Globes, &c. Further, declaring the perfect making and large vse of the Carpenters Euler, containing a Quadrant Geo- metricall : comprehending also the rare vse of the Squire. And in the end a little treatise adioyning, opening the composition and appliancy of an Instrument called the Profitable Staffe [&c.] Published by L. D. . . 1556. [D. M.] London, 1637. 4to. t -. Another copy [Title-page with slight variations in spelling and punctuation]. [D. M.] London, 1647. 4to. 208 DIG Digges (Leonard). A Prognostication euerlasting of right good effect, fruitfully augmented by the author, contayning playne, b3iefe, pleasaunt, chosen rules to iudge the Weather, by the Sunne, Moone, Starres, Cometes, Raynebowe, Thunder, Cloudes, with other extraojdinary tokens, not omitting the Aspectes of Planets, with a b3ief iudgement 03 euer, of plenty, lacke, sickenesse, dearth, warres, &c. opening also many naturall causes wo3thy to be knowen. To these and other nowe at the laste, are ioyned diuers generall pleasant Tables, with many compendious Rules, easye to be had in memory, manifolde wayes profitable to all maner of men of vnderstanding, published by L. D., gentleman. [D. M.] London, 1574. 4to. . A Prognostication euerlasting of right good effect, fruitfully augmented by the Author, contayning plaine, briefe, pleasant, chosen rules to iudge the Weather by the Sunne, Moone, Starres, Comets, Rainbow, Thunder, Clowdes, with other extra- ordinary tokens, not omitting the Aspects of Planets, with a briefe iudgement for euer, of plentie, lacke, sickness, dearth, warres, &c. opening also many naturall causes worthie to be knowne. To these and other now at the last, are ioyned diuers generall pleasant Tables, with many compendious Rules, easie to be had in memorie, manifold wayes profitable to all men of vnderstanding. Published by L. D. Gentleman. Lately cor- rected and augmented by Thomas Digges his sonne. [D. M.] London, 1594. 4to. . Practise, named Pantometria, diuided into three bookes, Longimetra, Planimetra and Stereometria, containing rules manifolde for mensuration of all Lines, Superficies and Solides : With sundjy straunge conclusions both by instrument and with- out, and also by perspectiue glasses, to set fojth the true descrip- tion 03 exact plat of an whole Region : framed by L. D. Gentle- man, lately finished by Thomas Digges his sonne. Who hathe also thereunto adioyned a Mathematicall treatise of the fiue regulare Platonicall bodies, and their Metamorphosis 03 trans- fojmation into fiue other equilater vnifoo3ine solides Geometricall, of his owne inuention, hitherto not mentioned of by any Geome- tricians. [D. M.] London, 1571. 4to. (Thomas). See DIGGES (Leonard). . A Geometrical Practical Treatize named Pantometria, diuided into three bookes, Longimetra, Planimetra, and Stereometria. . . First published by Thomas Digges Esquire. . . With a Mathe- maticall discourse of the fiue regular Platonicall solides, and their Metamorphosis into other fiue compound rare Geometricall bodyes, conteyning an hundred newe theoremes at least of his owne inuentiou, neuer mentioned before by anye other Geome- trician. Lately reviewed by the Avthor himselfe, and augmented with sundrie additions, diffinitions, problemes and rare theoremes, to open the passage, and prepare a way to the vnderstanding of his Treatize of Martiall Pyrotechnie and great Artillerie, here- after to be published. [D. M.] London, 1591. fol. DIG DIM 209 Digges (Thomas). An arithmeticall militare treatise, named Stra- tioticos : compendiously teaching the science of nubers, as well in fractions as integers, and so much of the rules and sequatious algebraicall and arte of numbers cossicall, as are requisite for the profession of a soldiour. Together with the moderne militare dis- cipline, offices, lawes and dueties in euery wel gouerned campe and armie to be obserued : Long since attepted by Leonard Digges Gentleman, Augmented, digested, and lately finished, by Thomas Digges, his Sonne. Whereto he hath also adioyned certaine Questions of great Ordinaunce, resolued in his other Treatize of Pyrotechny and great Artillerie, hereafter to bee published. [D. M.] London, 1579. 4to. . An arithmetical warlike treatise named Stratioticos compen- diously teaching the science of nombers as well in fractions as integers, and so much of the rules and sequations algebraicall, and art of nombers cossicall, as are requisite for the profession of a souldier. Together with the moderne militare discipline, offices, lawes and orders in euery well gouerned campe and armie inuiolably to be obserued. First published by Thomas Digges Esquire Anno Salutis 1579 . . lately reuiewed and corrected by the author himselfe, and also augmented with sundry additions. [D. M.] London, 1590. 4to. . AlaB sev Scalse Mathematics, quibus visibilium remotis.sima Coelorum Theatra conscendi, & Planetarum omnium itinera nouis & mauditis methodis explorari : turn huius portentosi syderis in mundi Boreali plaga insolito fulgore coruscantis, dis- tantia, & magnitude irnmensa, situsq ; protinus tremendus indagari, deiq ; stupendum ostentum, terricolis expositum, cog- nosci liquidissime possit. Thoma Diggeseo, Cantiensi, Stem- matis Generosi, Authore. [D. M.] Londini, 1573. 4to. Dillaire (Jacques). Le qve dira-t'on des Hvgvenots rebelles. ov est traicte de 1'obeyssance deue aux Superieurs. . . Par Jacqves Dillaire. [G. G.] Lyon, 1622. 12mo. Dillon (Wentworth). Earl of Eoscommoii. Poetical Works. See ANDERSON, British Poets. Vol. VI. Dilworth (Thomas). Miscellaneous Arithmetic : or a full account of the new Calendar ; with the several uses of the Logarithms, and of multiplication and division by money, &c. In seven parts. . . By Thomas Dilworth . . Schoolmaster in Wapping. [D. M.] London, 1773. 12mo. . The Schoolmaster's Assistant. Being a compendium of Arithmetic, both p3actical and theoretical. In five parts. . . The whole being delivered in the most familiar way of question and answer. . . To which is prefixt, An Essay on the Education of Youth. . . The nineteenth edition. By T. D. [D. M.] London, 1776. 12mo. . Another edition. [D. M.] 1784. Dimock (James F.). See BAERI (S. G. de). Opera. . See HUGH, Saint. Magna Vita S. Huyonis. p 210 DIN DIG Dinar chus. See - . See BEKKER (I.). Omtores Attici. Tom. III. - . See MUELLERUS (C.). Orator es Attici. - . See REISKE (J. J.). Oratorum Grsecorum quas supersunt. Pt. 8 and 16. - . Dinarchi Orationes III. Eecognovit [&c.] Eduardus Maetzner. [G. Gr.] Berolini, 1842. 8vo. Dindorfius (Guilielmus). See AESCHYLUS. ARISTIDES. ARISTOPHANES. EURIPIDES. SOPHOCLES. THEMISTIUS. - . Poetae Scenici G-raeci. Accedunt perditarum Fabularum fragmenta. Eecognovit et prefatus est Guil. Dindorfius. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1841. 8vo. - (Ludovicus). See XENOPHON. Convivium et Agesilaus. Expedite Cyri. - . See ZONARES. Epitome Historiarum. Dino (Francesco di). Qvesto e ellibro che tracta di mercatantie et vsanze de paesi. [Colophon. Finito ellibro di tvcti ichostvmi : cambi : monete : pesi : misvre : & vsanze di lectere di cambi : & termini di decte lectere che nepaesi sicostvma et in diverse terre. Per me Francesco di Dino di lacopo Kartolaio Fioretino.] [D. M.] Firenze, 1481. 4to. Diodorus Siculus. AIOAliPOS. Diodori Siculi Bibliothecae Historicae libri qui supersunt e recensione Petri Wesselingii cum interpre- tatione Latina Laur. Rhodomani atque annotationibus variorum integris indicibusque locupletissimis. Nova editio cum commen- tationibus III Chr. Gottl. Heynii et cum argumentis disputa- tionibusque ler. Me. Eyringii. 10 vol. [G. G.] Biponti, 1793-An ix. [1801]. 8vo. - . Diodori Siculi Bibliothecae Historicae quae supersunt. . Editio stereotypa. 6 torn. [G. G.] Lipsiae (Tauch.), 1829. 16mo. - . Diodori Siculi BibliothecaB Historicse quae supersunt ex nova recensione Ludovici Dindorfii Greece et Latine. Perditorum librorum excerpta et fragmenta ad integri operis seriem accom- modare studuit ; rerum indicem locupletissimum adjecit Carolus Muellerius. 2 vol. Parisiis (Didot), 1855. 8vo. Diogenes (Antonius). See EROTICI SCRIPTORES (Didot). ApoUoniates. See PANZERBIETER (F.). Diogenes Apolloniates. - Laertius. JPyrrhonis vita. See EMPIRICUS (S.). Adversus Mathematicos. . Diogenis Laertii de Yitis, Dogmatibus et Apophthegmatibus Clarorum Philosophorum libri x. Greece et Latine. Cum Annotationibus Is. Casauboni [&c.] Latinam Ambrosii Versionem coniplevit & emendavit Marcus Meibomius. Seorsum excusas JEg. Menagii in Diogenem Observationes auctiores habet Vol. II. TJt & ejusdem Syntagma de Mulieribus Philosophis ; Et Joachimi Kiihnii ad Diogenem Notas. 2 vol. [G. G.] Amstdcedami, 1692. 4to. DIG 211 Diogenes Laertius. Diogenis Laertii de Vitis, Dogmatibus et Apoph- thegmatibus Clarorum Philosopliorum libri decem. Graece et Latine. [Edited by J. P. Kraus.] [G. GL] Lipsiae, 1759. 8vo. . Diogenis Laertii de Vitis, Dogmatibus et Apophthegmatibus Clarorum Philosophoruin libri decem. Graeca emendatiora edidit . . Latina Ambrosii interpretatione castigata, appendice critica [&c.J instruxit Hemicus Gustavus Huebnerus. 2 vol. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1828-33. 8vo. . Diogenis Laertii de Clarorum Philosophorum Vitis, Dogma- tibus et Apophthegmatibus libri decem. . . recensuit C. Gabr. Cobet. Accedunt Olympiodori, Ammonii, lamblichi, Porphyrii et aliorum Vitse Platonis, Aristotelis, Pythagorae, Plotini et Isidori, Ant. "Westermanno et Marini vita Procli J. F. Boissonadio edentibus. Greece et Latine. [G. G.] . Parisiis (Didot), 1850. 8vo. . Les Vies des plus illustres Philosophes de 1'Antiquite, Avec leurs Dogmes, leur Systemes, leur Morale, & leurs Sentences les plus remarquables. Traduites du Grec de Diogene Laerce. Auxquelles on a ajoute la Vie de 1'Auteur, celles d'Epictete, de Confucius, & leur Morale : & un Abrege historique de la Vie des femmes philosophes de rAntiquite'. Nonvelle edition. 2 torn. [D. M.] Paris, 1796. 8vo. Dion Cassius. Cassii Dionis Cocceiani Historiae Eomanae quae supersunt. . . Editio stereotypa. 4 torn. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1829. 8vo. Chrysostom. Dionis Chrysostomi Orationes ex recensione To. lacobi Reiske . . cvm eivsdem aliorvrnqve animadversionibvs. 2 torn. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1784. 8vo. Dionysius Aeneus. 'Y/^oi. See AEATUS. Halicarnasseus. Dionysii Halicarnassensis Opera omnia Graece et Latine. Cvm annotationibvs Henrici Stephani, Frid. Sylbvrgii, Franc. Porti, Isaaci Casavboni, Fvlvii Vrsini, Henr. Valesii, lo. Hvdsoni et lo. lac. Reiske. 6 vol. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1774-77. 8vo. . Selecti Dionysii Halicarnassensis de Priscis Scriptoribus Tractatus, Greece et Latine. Grseca recensuit [&c.] Guilielmus Holwell. . . Subjicitur dissertatio de vero mediae vocis usu. Editio altera. [G. G.] Londini, 1778. 8vo. . . Dionysii Halicarnassensis Epistolae Criticae tres, quarum duae ad Ammaeum, una ad C 11 ' Pompeium. . . Edidit Henricus Van Herwerden. [G. G.] Groningae, 1861. 8vo. Periegetes. Descriptio orbis habitabilis. See PROCUIS. De Sphaera liber. Diophantus. Les quatre premiers livres d'Algebre de Diophante d'Alexandrie. See STEVIN (S.). Aritlimetique. p2 DIG DIS Diophantus. Diophauti Alexandrini Rerum Arithmeticarum Libri sex, quoru primi duo adiecta habent Scholia, Maximi (ut coniectura est) Planvdis. Item Liber de nvmeris Polygonis seu Multi- angulis. Opus incomparabile, uersa Arithmetics Logisticse perfectionem continens, paucis adhuc uisum. A Gvil. Xylandro Augustano incredibili labore Latine redditum, & Commentariis explanatum, in q ; lucem editum. [D. M.] Basileae, 1575. fol . Diophanti Alexandrini Arithmeticorvm libri sex, et de nvmeris mvltangvlis liber vnvs. Nunc primum Greece & Latine editi, atque absolutissimis Commentariis illustrati. Avctore Clavdio Gaspare Bacheto Meziriaco Sebvsiano, Y. C. [D. M.] Lvtetiae Parisiorvm, 1621. foL . Diophanti Alexandrini Arithmeticorvm libri sex, et de nvmeris mvltangvlis Liber vnvs. Cvm Commentariis C. G. Bacheti Y. C. & obseruationibus D. P. de Fermat Senatoris Tolosani. Accessit Doctrinse Analytic inuentum nouum, collectum ex varijs- eiusdem D. de Fermat Epistolis. [D. M.] Tolosce, 1670. foL , Diophantvs Geometra sive Opvs contextvm ex Arithmetica et Geometria simul; in quo Qusestiones omnes Diophanti, qua& geonietrice solui possunt, enodantur turn Algebricis, turn Geome- tricis rationibus. Adiectvs est Diophantvs Geometra Promotvs. . . Authore P. lacobo De Billy, Societatis lesv Sacerdote. [D. M.] Paririis, 1660. 4to. Dircks (Henry). Inventors and inventions, in three parts : I. The Philosophy of invention. . .II. The rights and wrongs of inventors. . . III. Early inventors' inventories of secret inven- tions. . . By H. D., C.E. [&c.] [D. M.] London, 1867. 8vo, . Perpetuum Mobile ; or, search for self-motive power, during the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. Illustrated from various authentic sources, in papers, essays, letters, paragraphs, and numerous patent specifications. With an introductory essay, by H. D., C.E. [D. M.] London, 1861. 8vo. Direy (Louis). See AEOTJET DE YOLTAIEE (F. M.). Histoire de Charles XII. . Grammaire Frangaise. Par L. D. London, 1858. 12mo, and Foggo (A.). English Grammar. By L. D, and A. F. London, 1858. 12mo. Dirksen (E. H.). Uber die Methoden, den Werth eines bestimmten Integrals naherungsweise zu bestimmen. Yon E. H. D. Gelesen in der Akademie der AYissenschaften am 3. Februar 1831. [D. M.] Berlin, 1832. 4to. (H. E.). Thesavri Latinitatis fontivm Ivris Civilis Eomanorvm specimen. Avctore H. E. D., Ivrisconsvlto. [D. M.] Lipsiae, 1834. 8vo. Disraeli (Eight Hon. Benjamin). See DISEAELI (Isaac). Curiosities of Literature by I. D. Edited ly B. D. DIS DOB 213 Disraeli (Isaac). Curiosities of Literature. By Isaac Disraeli. A New edition, edited, with memoir and notes, by his son, the Bight Hon. B. Disraeli, M.P. In three volumes. [D. M.] London, 1863. 8vo. . Catalogue of a portion of the extensive Library of the late L D'l., Esq. [D. M.] [London,] 1849. 4to. Dissen[-ius] (Ludolphus). See PINDAR. Carmina. . De Philosophia Morali in Xenophontis de Socrate commen- tariis tradita . . Scripsit L. D. [GK GK] Gottingae, 1812. 4to. Dissenters. An Address to Protestant Dissenters of all denomina- tions, on the approaching election of Members of Parliament, with respect to the state of Public Liberty in general, and of American Affairs in particular. [By Dr. Eichard Price.] [GK GK] London, 1774. 8vo. . The Case of the Dissenters in a letter addressed to the Lord Chancellor. Fifth edition with a postscript addressed to the Editor of the ' Times.' [GK GK] London. 8vo. Ditton (Humphry). See WHISTON (W.) and DITTON (H.). . An institution of Fluxions : containing the first prin- ciples, the operations, with some of the uses and applications of that admirable method ; according to the scheme prefix'd to his tract of quadratures, by (its first inventor) the incomparable Sir Isaac Newton. By H. D., late Master of the new Mathematical School in Christ's-Hospital. The second edition, revised [&c.] by John Clarke, D.D., Prebendary of Canterbury [<&c.]. [D. M.] London, 1726. 8vo. . The general Laws of Nature and Motion ; with their applica- tion to Mechanicks. Also the doctrine of the Centripetal Forces, and velocities of bodies, describing any of the conick sections. Being a part of the great Mr. Newton's principles. The whole illustrated with variety of useful theorems and problems, and accommodated to the use of the younger mathema- ticians. By H. D. [D. M.] London, 1705. 8vo. Dittrich (Ernestus Mauricius). De Cratylo Platonis. [Gr. GK] Berollni, 1841. 8vo. . Prolegomena ad Cratylum Platonis scripsit, M.D. [a. GK] Lipsice, 1841. 8vo. Diving-bell. [Article, by C. Babbage, from The Encyclopaedia Metro- politana.-] [D. M.] 4to. Dixon (Thomas). Who pays the taxes, and who ought to pay them ? A controversy between the man who has money and the man who has none, as well as between the owner of the soil and the eater of the produce. By T. D., Esq. [GK GK] Dublin, [ .] 8vo. Dobree (Petrus Paulus). See ANTIPHON (and ANDOCIDES). Dobson (Grulielmus Stephanus). See A-NTIPHON (and ANDOCIDES). . See DEMOSTHENES and ^EscmisrES. Quce exstant omnia. 214 DOB DOD Dobson (Grulielmus Stephanas). See LYSIAS. Qace exstant omnia. (William). See SCHLEIERMACHER (Friedrich). Introductions to the dialogues of Plato, translated by W. D. Dodd (James William). Ballads of Archery, Sonnets (&c.). By Rev. J. W. D. [G-. a.] London, 1818. 8vo. Dodge (Edwin). See UNITED STATES. New York. Second Report of the Commissioners appointed to revise the laws for the assessment and collection of Taxes in New Fork, 1872. Dodgson (Charles Lutwidge). An elementary treatise on Determinants with their application to Simultaneous Linear Equations and Algebraical Geometry. By C. L. D., M.A., Student and Mathematical Lecturer of Christ Church, Oxford. [D. M.] London, 1867. 4to. . The Formulae of Plane Trigonometry, printed with Symbols (instead of words) to express the " G-oniometrical Ratios." By C. L. D. [D. M.] Oxford, 1861. 4to. Dodsley (Robert). Poetical Works. See ANDERSON, British Poets. Vol. XI. Dodson (James). See WINGATE (E.). A plain and familiar method, &>. . Extract of a Letter from Mr. J. D. to Mr. William Moun- taine, F.R.S. [D. M.] [Dated :] May 26, 1753. 4to. . The Accountant, or, the method of Book-Keeping, deduced from clear principles, and illustrated by a variety of examples. By J. D., Teacher of the Mathematics. [D. M.] London, 1750. 4to. . The Anti-Logarithmic Canon. Being a Table of Numbers, consisting of eleven places of figures, corresponding to all Logarithms under 100000. Whereby the Logarithm for any number, or the number for any Logarithm, each under Twelve places of figures, are readily found. With precepts and examples, shewing some of the uses of Logarithms, in facili- tating the most difficult operations in common arithmetic, cases of interest, annuities, mensuration, &c. To which is prefix'd, An introduction, containing a short account of Logarithms, and of the most considerable improvements made, since their inven- tion, in the manner of constructing them. By J. D. [D. M.] 'London, 1742. fol. . The Calculator : being, correct and necessary tables for computation. Adapted to Science, Business and Pleasure. By J. D. [D. M.] London, 1747. 4to. . The Mathematical Repository. Vol. II. containing Alge- braical Solutions of a great number of problems, in several branches of the mathematics . . [Vol. III. has the title :] The Mathematical Repository. Vol. III. containing Analytical Solu- tions of a great number of the most difficult problems, relating to Annuities, Reversions, Survivorships, Insurances, and Leases dependent on Lives ; in which it has been endeavoured to exhaust the subject. By J. D., F.R.S. [D. M.] London, 1755. 12mo DOD DON 215 Do ilson (James). The Mathematical Repository. Containing analytical Solutions of near five hundred questions, mostly selected from scarce and valuable authors. Designed as examples to Mac- Laurin's and other elementary books of Algebra ; and to conduct beginners to the more difficult properties of numbers. By J. D. The second edition. [D. M.] London, 1775. 12mo. Dodwellus (Henricus). De veteribus Graecorum Romanorumque Cyclis, Obiterque de Cyclo Judaeorum aetate Christi, disserta- tibnes decem, cum tabulis . . Inseruntur tabulis fragmenta veterum inedita, ad rem spectantia Chronologicam . . Ab Henrico DodweUo A.M. [G-. G-.] Oatonii, 1701. 4to. Doederlein (Lud\vig). See HOMES. ' Glossarium. . See SOPHOCLES. Tragoediae. Doeff( Janus G-uilielmus Alexander). Theses Juridicae Inaugurales . submittit J. G. A. D. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1859. 8vo. Doehne (J. L.). A Zulu-Kafir Dictionary etymologically explained, with copious illustrations and examples, preceded by an intro- duction on the Zulu-Kafir language. By the Eev. J. L. D. Cape Town, 1857. 8vo. Doering (Frid. G-uil.). See CATULLUS (C. V.). Carmina. Doherty (Hugh). See FOUBIEB, (C.). Passions of the Human Soul. . Dolby (Thomas). The A. B. C. of Reform in Church and State. By T. D. [GK G-.] London, 1835. 8vo. Dollond (Peter). The construction and use of the Sea Quadrant, com- monly called Hadley's Quadrant [&c.]. [D. M.] London, 1766. 4to. Domckius (G-eorgius Petrus). Philosophies Mathematicae Newtonianae illustratae. Tomi duo. Quorum prior tradit Elementa Mathesews ad comprehendendam demonstrationem hujus Philosophiae scitu necessaria : Posterior continet 1) Definitiones & Leges motus generaliores ; 2) Leges virium centripetarum & Theoriam attrac- tionis seu gravitationis corporum in se mutuo ; 3) Muiidi Systenia. A G-eorgio Petro Domckio. [D. M.] Londini, 1730. 8vo. Domesday Book. Libri Censualis vocati Domesday-Book, addita- menta ex Codic. Antiquiss. [Vol. IV. and Indices]. Edited by Henry Ellis. [Record Commission.] [B. O.] [London,] 1816. fol. Donaldson (John William). See MUELLER (Karl O.). A history of the literature of Ancient Greece. (Thomas Leverton). Preliminary Discourse pronounced before the University College of London, upon the commencement of a series of lectures 011 Architecture. By T. L. D., Professor of Architecture. [D. M.] London, 1842. 8vo. Donkin (Rufane). A dissertation on the course and probable ter- mination of the Niger. By Lieut.-Gen. Sir R. D. [G. G.] London, 1829. 8vo. 216 DON DOW Donkin (W. F.). An Essay on the Theory of the Combination of Observations. By W. F. D., M.A., F.K.S. . . Savilian Pro- fessor of Astronomy. [D. M.] Oxford, 1844. 8vo. . On a Class of Differential Equations, including those which occur in Dynamical Problems. Pt. I. By "W. F. D.* [D. M.] [1854.] 4to. . On certain Questions relating to the Theory of Probabilities. ByW. F. D. Pt. I.-III.t [D. M.] [1851.] 8vo. . On the Equation of Laplace's Functions, &c. By W. F. D.* [D. M.] [1856.] 4to. . On the Geometrical Interpretation of Quaternions. By W. F. D.t [D. M.] 8vo. Donne (John). Poetical Works. See ANDERSON, British Poets. Vol. IV. Dorna (Alessandro). Catalogo delle Leoneidi o Stelle Meteoriche del periodo di Novembre osservate nel 1867 al Regio Osserva- torio di Torino dal Direttore Professore A. D. 4to. (obi.) Dorner (Augustus). De Baconis Baronis de Verulamio Philosophia scripsit A. D. Dr. Phil. [GK GK] Berolini, 1867. 8vo. Dorotheus (G-uilelmus). See ALEXANDER Aphrodisseus. ARISTOTLE. Annotationes Alexandri Aphrodisiensis in librum elenchorum, fyc. Dorr (James A.). See NAPOLEON-Louis Bonaparte. Napoleonic Ideas, translated by J. A. D. Don (H. Joann Petersz). See EUCLID. Die seeks ersten Bucher Evclidis aus H. J. P. D. andern Edition verteutscht. Donblet (P.). Histoire de 1'Intelligence. Par P. D. [G-. a.] Paris, 1865. 8vo. Douglas (G-eorge). An appeal to the Eepublic of Letters, in behalf of Injured Science, from the opinions and proceedings of some modern authors of elements of geometry. By GK D. [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1810. " 8vo. Donnamns (Greorgius). Commentarii in P. Kami Eegii Professoris Dialecticam, quibus ex classicis quibusque auctoribus praecep- torum Eameorum perfectio demonstratur, sensus explicatur, usus exponitur ; avctore Greorgio Dounamo, Logicse quondam apud Cantabrigienses prselectore, & Collegii Christi socio. [D. M.] Franeofvrti, 1616. 8vo. Douthwaite (W.). See GTRAY'S INN. Catalogue of the Books in the Library of the Honorable Society of Q. I. Downes (James John). An Account of the Processes employed in getting out the Mortality Experience of the Economic Life As- surance Society. [D. M.] [London,'] 1862. 8vo. [* From The Philosophical Transactions. t The Philosophical Magazine. ~\ DEA DEE 217 D[rach] (S[olomon] M[oses]). A Compendious Astronomical Cata- logue, on a new plan, for the middle of the Nineteenth Century. S. M. D. [D. M.] llth March, 1847. s. sh. 12mo. - . An easy Eule for Eormulizing all Epicyclical Curves with one moving circle by the Binomial Theorem. By S. M. D.* Sup- plementary Considerations. [D. M.] [1849, 50.] 8vo. - . A remarkably easy mode of approximating to the Circum- ference of the Circle. By S. M. D.* [D. M.] [1863.] 8vo. - . Mathematical Essays, by S. M. D. No. I. The Limits of the Atmosphere barometrically defined to be below Sixty Miles. [D. M.] London, 1840. 4to. - . On the Circle-Area and Heptagon-Chord. By S. M. D. [D. M.] [London,'] 1864. 8vo. - . On the Empirical Law in the Enumeration of Prime Num- bers. By S. M. D.* [D. M.] London, 1844. 8vo. - . Proof of Format's Undemonstrated Theorem, is only possible in whole numbers when n=l or 2. By S. M. D* [D. M.] 8vo. Mr. S. M. Drach's Thermometric Scale. [Letter, to the Editors of The Philosophical Magazine and Journal.'] [D. M.] London, Dec. 6, 1849. s. sh. 8vo. Drake (William). Notes critical and explanatory on the prophecies of Jonah and Hosea, with a summary of the history of Judah and Israel during the period when the prophecies of Hosea were delivered. By the Eev. William Drake, M.A. Cambridge, 1853. 8vo. Drakenborch (Arnold). See LIYIUS (T.). Historiarwn ab urbe con- dita libri qui supersunt. Dransfeld (Justus a). Opus Epistolicum, exhibens Joannis Caselii Epistolas ad principes, nobiles, viros celebres, propinquos, cives ac familiares, in Euchtiana & Vagetiana editionibus non com- parentes ; ex ipsius autoris adversary's & manuscriptis maximam partem adornatum, et in xvi. libros descriptum ; accurante Justo a Dransfeld. Prsemissa est Herm. Conringii Epistola de scriptis Caselianis, & annexa lucubratiuncula de artificio, & in primis charactere epistolico ex autoris Phalereo deprompta. [D. M.] Francofvrti, 1687. 4to. Drapeyron (L.). L'Empereur Heraclius et Tempire Byzantin au vii e siecle. Par L. D. [G. Q-.] Paris, 1869. 8vo. Drayton (Michael). Poetical Works. See ANDERSON, British Poets. Vol. III. Drechsler (Adolph). Die Stellung Des Eichteschen Systems im Ent- wickelungsgange der Philosophic oder Charakteristik der philoso- phischen Systeme von Thales bis Eichte . . Yon Dr. A. D. [G. G.] Dresden, 1862. 4to. [* Erom The Philosophical Magazine. ~] 218 DEEDUB Dressel (Alberfcus). See PEUDENTIUS (A.). Oarmina. . Dressier (Johann Grotlieb). See BEKEKE (E.). LeJirbuch der Psycho- logie neu bearbeitet von J. G. D. Dronke (G-ustav). Die religiosen und sittlichen Vorstellungen des Aeschylos uud Sophokles. Von GL D. [From the Jahrbucher fur dassische Philologie.~] [Gr. Gr.] Leipzig, 1861. 8vo. Droop (Henry Eichmond). On Methods of Electing Eepresentatives. [D. M.] London, 1868. 8vo. Droysen (Joh. Grust.X Greschichte Alexanders des Grrossen. Yon J. Gr. D. [Gr. Gr.] Hamburg [1833?]. 8vo. . Greschichte der Bildung des hellenistischen Staatensystemes. Yon. J. a. D. [G-. G.] Hamburg, 1843. 8vo. . Phrynichos, Aischylos und die Trilogie. Eine Abhandlung von J. GL D. [G-. GL] Kiel, 1841. 8vo. . Ueber die Aechtheit der Urkunden in Demosthenes Eede vom Kranz. Yon J. Gr. D. [Gr. Gr.] Berlin, 1839. 8vo. Drummond (Thomas). Memoir of the Professional Life of the late Captain Drummond. [D. M.] [ .] 4to. (William). Poetical Works. See AKDEESON, British Poets. Yol. IY. (Right Hon. Sir .William). Academical Questions. By the Et. Hon. AY. D., K.O. Yol. I. [Gr. Gr.] London, 1805. 4to. Dryander (Johannes). Novi Annvli Astronomici, per lohannem Dryandrvm Medicvm atqve Mathematicvm, nuper Anno uicesi- monono, excogitati, atque hactenus, ex crebra eiusdem iiistru- menti, in diuersis scholis professione, mirum in modum, aucti, canones, atque explicatio succincta. [D. M.] Marpurgi, 1536. 4to. . Annvlorvm trivm diversi generis instrvmentorum Astronomi- corum, componendi ratio atq ; usus, cum quibusdam alijs lectu iucundissimis, . . Per loan. Dryand. Medicum atq; Mathema- ticum Marpurgen. [D. M.] Marpurgi, 1537. 4to. Dryden (John). Poetical Works. See AKDEKSON, British Poets. Yol. YI. . See JUTENALIS (D. J.). Works, translated by, (and others). . See PERSITJS. Works, translated by J. D. . See YIEGILIUS MAKO (P.). Works, translated by J. D. Drysdale ( ). Prostitution medically considered, with some of its social aspects : a paper read at the Harveian Medical Society of London for 1866. By Dr. D. With a report of the debate. [Gr. Gr.] London, 1866. 8vo. Dublin, Law School. Proceedings of the Dublin Law School, compris- ing the four introductory Lectures of the several professors, and a Prospectus of the plans of Instruction to be adopted in the several departments of the institution. Dublin, 1840. 8vo. DUB DUD 219 Dubois (Joseph). Eelation de la maladie, de la confession, de la fin de M. de Voltaire, &c. Par J. D. : nouvelle edition, a laquelle on a joint un testament, trouve parmi ses papiers. [D. M.] Geneve, 1762. 8vo. (P.). Le Croyant detronipe, ou preuves evidentes delafaussete et de Fabsurdite du Christianisme, et de sa funeste influence dans la societe. Par P. D. 2 torn. [G. G-.] Paris, 1835. 8vo. Du Buat de Sassegnies ( ), Chevalier. Memoires sur la Mecha- nique. Par M. le Ch er Du Buat, Capitaine au Corps royal du genie. [D. M.] Paris, 1821. 4to. Due (L. Leouson Le). Voltaire et la Police. Dossier receuilli a Saint-Petersbourg parmi les raanuscrits Franc,ais originaux enleves a la Bastille en 1789, avec une introduction sur le nombre et Fimportance des dits rnanuscrits et un essai sur la bibliotheque de Voltaire. Par L. L. Le D. [G-. G.] Paris, 1867. 8vo. Du Cange (0. Dufresne), Seigneur. See DTJFEESKE. Ducas (Mich.). DUCSD Michaelis Nepotis historia Byzantina. Eec. et interprete Italo addito supplevit Imm. Bekker [Hist. Byzant.]. Bonnce, 1834. 8vo. Du Chatelet-Lomont (Gabrielle Einilie), Marquise. See NEWTON (Sir I.). Principes mathematiques. Ducius Victorinus (Laurentius). Lavrentii Dvcii Victorini de Inven- tione Medii liber vnvs. [D. M.] Lucae, 1550. 4to. Duclos (Charles). Memoires historiques de Charles Duclos . . Con- tenant 1'Histoire de France depuis la mort de Louis XIV jusqu'a 1'anne'e 1770. Avec des notes [&c.] par J. L. Soulaive .. . Tom l er [part of Collection des Memoires relatifs au regne de Louis XV.~]. [G-. G.] Paris, 1790. 8vo. . Memoires pour servir a 1'histoire des Mceurs du xviii. siecle. par M. D. [GL a.] Berlin, 1752. 8vo. (Charles Dineau). Memoires Secrets sur les regnes de Louis XIV. et de Louis XV. : par feu M. Duclos de TAcademie Frangoise, Historiographe de France (etc.). 2 torn. [O. G.] Paris, 1791. 8vo. Ducrest de St. Aubin (Stephanie Felicite), Comtesse de Genlis. Me- moires inedits de Madame la Comtesse de Genlis. Tom. viii. Paris. 8vo. . Les Voeux Temeraires, ou 1'Enthousiasme. Par M me la Comtesse de Genlis. Cinquieme edition. 3 torn. [G. G.] Paris, 1825. 8vo. . Sainclair, ou la Victime des Sciences et des Arts. Nouvelle par Mme. de Genlis. [G. G.] Londres, 1808. 12mo. Dudevant (Amantine-Lucile-Aurore). Moliere. A Drama in prose. By George Sand. Edited, with English notes [&c.] by Theodore Karcher, LL.B. London, 1868. 8vo. . Horace. Par George Sand. 2 torn. [G. G.] Bruxelles, 1842. 12mo. 220 DUD DUF Dudithius (Andreas). See ERASTUS (J.). De Cometis dissertationes novae clariss. virorvm . . Andr. Dmlithij \j3fc.~\. Duebner (Fridericus). See AEEIAN. Anabasis et Indica. . See DIDOT. Scriptorum Gfrcecorum Bibliotheca. . See JUSTINUS. Historice Philippicce. . See LEHES (F. S.). Hesiodi Carmina (etc.). . See METEEUS (H.). Oratorum Homanorum Fragmenta. . See PHILOSTEATTJS. . Porphyrii et Procli institutiones, &c., edidit F. D. See under PLOTINTTS. (Didot). . See PLUTAECH. . See THEOPHEASTUS. Characteres ; $c. . Christus Patiens, Ezechielis, et Christianorum Poetarum reliquiae dramatic ex codicibus euiendavit et annotatione critica instruxit A. D. Parisiis (Didot), 1845. 8vo. Duelling (Hermannus Henricus Adalbertus). De Metrodori Epicurei Vita et Scriptis. Accedunt Fragmenta collecta digesta illustrata. Scripsit H. H. A. D., Phil. Dr. Lipsiae, 1870. 8vo. Duentzer (H.). Die Fragmente der epischen Poesie der Griechen bis zur Zeit Alexander's des Grossen. Gesammelt von H. D. Eoln, 1840. 8vo. . Nachtrag. Koln, 1841. 8vo. . Von Alexander dem Grossen bis zum Ende des fiinften Jahrhunderts nach Christus. Koln, 1842. 8vo. Duerer (Albert). Alberti Dvreri Institvtionvm Geometricarvm libri qvatvor, in quibus, Lineas, Superficies, & Solida Corpora, ita tractavit, ut non Matheseos solum studiosis, sed & pictoribus, fabris serariis ac lignariis, lapicidis, statuariis, & universis demum qui circino, gnomone, libella, aut alioqui certa mensura opera sua examinant, sint summe utiles & necessarii : versi olim e Germanica in linguam Latinam, & nunc iterate editi, servato ordine & figuris, sicut ab ipso authore expressae fuerunt. [D. M.] Arnhemice, 1606. fol. Dufresne (Charles), Seigneur du Cange. Glossarium ad Scriptores Mediae & Infimse Latinitatis, in quo Latina vocabula novatee significationis, aut usus rarioris, Barbara & Exotica explicantur, eorum Notiones & Originationes reteguntur . . Auctore Carolo du Fresne, Domino du Cange, 3 torn. [D. M.] Lutetice Parisiorum, 1678. fol. . Glossarium mediae et infimae Latinitatis conditum a C. D. Domino du Cange, auctum a monachis ordinis S. Benedicti ; cum supplements integris D. P. Carpenterii et additamentis Adeluugii et aliorum digessit G. A. L. Henschel. 7 vol. Parisiis, 1840-1850. 4to. DUE DUM 221 Dufresne (Charles), Seignew du Gauge. Glossarium Latino-Grer- mauicuin mediae et infimae getatis a codicibus manuscriptis et libris iinpressis concinnavit Laurentius Diefenbach. 1 vol. Francofurti ad Moenum, 1857. 4to. . Lexicon Manuale ad Scriptores Mediae et Infimae Latinitatis, ex glossariis Caroli Dufresne D. Ducangii, D. P. Carpentaria, Adeluiighii, et aliorum, in compendium accuratissime redactum ; ou Recueil de mots de la basse Latinite. Dresse pour servir a 1'intelligence des auteurs, soit sacres, soit profanes, du moyen age, par W.-H. Maigne d'Arnis. Public par M. Abbe Migne, . . Tome unique. [D. M.] Paris, 1858. 8vo. Dufresnoy (N. Lenglet). See LENGLET. Dugit (Ernest). De Insula Naxo Thesim proponebat Facultati Lit- terarum Parisiensi E. D. Lutetice Parisiorum, 1867. 8vo. Duhamel (J. M. C.). Des Methodes dans les Sciences de Baisonne- ment. Par J. M. C. D. Premiere partie. [G-. G-.] Paris, 1865. 8vo. Duil[l]ierius (Mcolaus Eatius). Epistolae. See under HUGENITJS (C.). Fasc. II. . Nicolai Eatii Duillierii, H.S.S. Linese brevissimi descensus in- vestigatio geometrica duplex. Cui addita est Investigatio Geo- metrica Solidi rotundi, in quod minima fiat resistentia. [D. M.] Londini, 1699, 4to. Duke (Eichard). Poetical Works. See ANDEESON, British Poets. Vol. VI. Dukerus (Carolus Andreas). See ELOEUS (L. A.). Epitome. Dulaure (Jacques-Antoine). Esquisses Historiques des principaux evenements de la Re volution Eran^aise depuis la Convocation des Etats-Generaux jusq'au retablissement de la maison de Bourbon. Par Dulaure. 6 torn. [G-. G.] Paris, 1823. 8vo. . Histoire abregee de Differens Cultes . . Par J. A. D. ; 2 de edition. [G. G-.] Paris, 1825. 8vo. . Kritische Geschichte des Adels . . Von J. A. D. Aus dem Eranzosischen. [G-. G-.] [ , ] 1792. 8vo. . Memoires de Dulaure : avec une introduction par M. De la Sicotiere. [G-. G.] Paris, 1862. 8vo. Dulwich Picture Gallery. Beauties of the D. P. G. [G. G.] London, 1824. 12mo. Dumas (Alexandre). La Tulipe Noire. Par A. D. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1865. 12mo. Dumeril (Andre Marie Constant). See CTJTIEE (G.). Lemons cCanatomie, recueillies par M. D. Dumont (Etienne). See BENTHAM ( J.). Traites de legislation : ouvrage extrait par Et. D. 222 DUN Dunbar (George). An English-Greek Lexicon : with a short system of Greek Prosody, and two dissertations : I. On the versification of Homer. II. On metrical time in Iambic, Trochaic, and Ana- paestic Verse. . A Greek-English Lexicon : with addenda and critical remarks on various passages in the classic authors and the New Testa-- ment. To which is added an appendix of scientific terms [&c.]. 3rd edition. 2 vol. [G. G.] Edinburgh, 1850. 8vo. Duncan (Joannes M.). See DAMM (C. T.). Novum Lexicon Qrcecum. (Jonathan). A Letter to George Grote, Esq., M.P., on Fiscal Eeform. By J. D., Esq., B.A. [G. G.] London, 1841. 8vo. ( W.). The Elements of Logick. In four books. By "W. Duncan. [D. M.] London, 1748. 12mo. Dunciad. The Dunciad, in four books. Printed according to the complete copy found in the Tear 1742. With the Prolegomena of Scriblerus, and Notes Variorum. To which are added, several notes now first publish'd, the Hypercritics of Aristarchus, and his Dissertation on the Hero of the Poem. London, 1743. 4to. Buncombe (Edward). Church Eeform. By Eev. E. D., M.A. [G. *G.] London, 1835. 8vo. (John). A new Arithmetical Dictionary, or the accomptant's compleat assistant ; wherein not only the terms made use of in that art are carefully collected and fully explained, but also the art itself is largely treated of; with general rules for its application to business. The whole being a compleat system of integral and fractional arithmetic ; chiefly designed for the use of schools. To which is prefixed the author's plan of teaching arithmetic. By J. D., Inventor of the Dendrometer, and mathe- matical master at Mr. Crauford's Academy at Chiswick. [D. M.] London, [ .] 8vo. Dunkin (Edward). See LAKDNEK (Dionysius). Handbook of Astro- nomy. [D. M.] (Edwin). On the movement of the Solar System in Space, deduced from the Proper Motious of 1167 Stars. By E. D. [From the Memoirs of the R. Astronomical Society. ~] [D. M.] [1863.] 4to. . The Midnight Sky : familiar notes on the Stars and Planets. By E. D., of the Eoyal Observatory, Greenwich [&c.]. With thirty-two Star-maps and numerous other illustrations. [D. M.] London, [1869.] 4to. Dunn (Henry). National Education the Question of Questions : being an apology for the Bible in schools for the nation. By H. D. [G. G.] London, 1838. 8vo. Dunoyer (Charles). De la Liberte du Travail . . Par C. D. 3 torn. [G. G.] Paris, 1845. 8vo. DUP DTJT 223 Dupin (Charles) Baron. Compte de la Session de 1829, adresse par le Baron C. D., Depute du Tarn, a ses commettans. [D. M.] Paris, 1829. 8vo. . Discours sur quelques progres des Sciences mathematiques en France, depuis 1830. Par le Baron C. D.* [D. M.] 4to. . Essai historique sur les services et les travaux scientifiques de Gaspard Monge, Ancien Professeur a 1'Ecole du genie mili- taire [&c.]. Par C. D., eleve de Monge [&c.]. [D. M.] Paris, 1819. 8vo. . Funerailles de M. Hachette. Discours de M. le B. C. D., Membre de 1' Academic, prononce aux f unerailles de M. Hachette, le samedi 18 Janvier 1834.* [D. M.] 4to. . Notice necrologique sur M. Delambre. [Extrait de la Revue encyclopedique. Dec. 1822.] [D. M.] 8vo. Du Plessis (Armand-Jeaii), Cardinal, Due de Richelieu. Advis a Monseignevr reminentissinae Cardinal Dvc de Eicheliev. Sur la Proposition faicte par le Sieur Morin pour I'lnuention des Lon- gitudes. [D. M.] Paris, 1634. 4to. . Lettres du Cardinal Due de Richelieu. Ou Ton voit la fine politique & le secret de ses plus grandes negotiations. Paris, 1695. 12m o. Duplex (George). Matter : its forms and governing laws. By G. D. [G. G.] London, 1857. 8vo. Duportus (Jacobus). See HOMEK. Gnomologia. Dupuis (Charles Francois). Memoire explicatif du Zodiaque chrono- logique et mythologique . . Par D. [D. M.] Paris, 1806. 4to. Durand (David). Histoire du Seizieme Siecle. Part I VII. (qui contient, La Vie de M. de Thou, &c.). Londres, 1725-32. 8vo. Durantius (Constantius Felicius). See SALLUSTITJS Crispus (C). De Conjurations Catalinae; tyc. Durerus (Aibertus). See DTJEEEE (Albert). Du Rier (Pierre). See QUIETUS Curtius Rufus. Du Kondel (Jacques). See SACT (L. de). Traite de la Gloire avec une dissertation de M. du R. sur le meme sujet. Dutch. The Religion of the Dutch. Represented in several letters from a P3otestant Officer in the French Army, to a Pastor, and Professor of Divinity, at Berne in Swisserland. Out of the French. [D. M.] London, 1680. 4to. [* From the Memoires of the Academie Royale des Sciences de rinstitut de France.'] 224 DUT-EAB Dutens (Lewis). Origine des decouvertes attributes aux Modernes, Ou Ton demontre que nos plus celebres Philosophes ont puise la plupart de leurs connoissances dans les Ouvrages des Anciens, & que plusieurs verites importantes sur la Religion ont etc connues des sages du paganisme. Par M. L. D. Historiographe du roi de la Grande-Bretagne [&c.]. Troisieme edition, con- siderablement augmentee. [D. M.] Londres. 1796. 4to. Du Trieu (Philippus). Manuductio ad Logicam, sive Dialectica studiosae Juventuti ad logicam prseparandse, conscnpta A. E. P. Philippo d. T., e Societate Jesu, in Collegio Aquicinctino Duaei Philosophise Professore Primario. Ab editione Oxoniensi anni 1662 recusa. [5 copies G. G-. and D. M.] Londini, 1826. 12mo. Duvernoy (G-. L.). See CUVIER (G.). Lemons d'anatomie. Duvillard (E. E.). Analyse et Tableaux de I'influence de la Petite Verole sur la Mortalite a chaque age, et de celle qu' un preser- vatif tel que la vaccine peut avoir sur la population et la longevite. Par E. E. D. (du Leman). [D. M.] Paris, 1806. 4to. Dyer (George). [An account of the institution of the Society for the establishment of a Literary Fund.] [Wanting title-page.] 8vo. . An Address to the People of Great Britain, on the Doctrine of Libels, and the Office of Juror. By G. D., B.A. [D. M.] London, 1799. 8vo. . An Address to the Subscribers to the Privileges of the Uni- versity of Cambridge. By G. D. [D. M.] London, 1823. 8vo. . The Poet's Fate, a poetical dialogue. By G. D. London, 1797. 8vo. . The second edition. 1797. [D. M.] . To a Lady, requesting some verses on the Birth of her sister's First-born Child. By G. D. ' [D. M.] London, [ .] 8vo. (John). Poetical Works. See ANDEESON, British Poets. Vol. IX. Dyott (W. H.). A Vindication of the Tradesmen of Dublin from the late calumnious charges of Daniel O'Connell, Esq., M.P. ; being a letter addressed to that learned gentleman, by W. H. D. [G. G.] Dublin, 1838. 8vo. Eagle (William). The Acts for Marriages and Registration, 6 & 7 Will. iv. c. 85 & 86. With explanatory notes and index. By W. E. . . Barrister-at-Law. [D. M.] London, 1837. 16mo, Eames (John). See EOYAL SOCIETY. Philosophical Transactions, 1719-33. Earle (John). The Philology of the English Tongue. By J. E., M.A, Second edition, revised and enlarged. Oxford, 1873. 8vo. EAR ECO 225 Early English Text Society. Works published or reprinted by. Mani- pulus Vocabulorum by Peter Levins (1570). [G-. G-.] London, 1867. 4to. Earnshaw (S.). On the Notation of the Differential Calculus. By S. E., B.A. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1832. 8vo. - . On the Values of the Sine and Cosine of an Infinite Angle. By S. E., M.A. [Prom The Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.'] [D. M.] Cambridge, 1845. 4to. Earth. Figure of the Earth. [Article by T, Galloway from The Encyclopaedia BritannicaJ] [D. M.] 4to. East-India Company. Works published or reprinted by the Court of Directors. JOHNSON (M. L.). A catalogue of 606 principal Fixed Stars in the Southern Hemisphere . . By M. L. J., Lieutenant St. Helena Artillery. [D. M.] London, 1835. 4to. - . BAHCHTINDRA. A Treatise on Problems of Maxima and Minima, solved by Algebra. By R., late teacher of Science, Delhi College. Reprinted . . under the superintendence of A. De Morgan. [D. M.] London, 1859. 8vo. - - . Considerations on the renewal of the East India Company's Charter. [G. G.] Calcutta, 1829. 8vo. Easter (Jeremiah). See MTTTON (J.). Billiards. Easton (James). Human Longevity : recording the name, age, place of residence, and year, of the decease of 1712 persons, who attained a century, & upwards, From A.D. 66 to 1799, Com- prising a period of 1733 years. With Anecdotes of the most remarkable. By J. E. [D. M.] Salisbury, 1799. 8vo. Eastwood ( J.) and Wright (W. Aldis). The Bible Word-book : a Glossary of Old English Bible Words. By J. E., M.A. and W. A. W., M.A. Cambridge, 1866. 8vo. Eaton (Daniel Isaac). The trial of Daniel Isaac Eaton, for publishing a supposed Libel, intituled Politics for the People; or, Hog's Wash. At Justice Hall in the Old Bailey, February Twenty- Fourth, 1794. [G. G.] London. 8vo. - (J. B. T.). See AEISTOTLE. Politics. Ebert (loannes Fredericus). S^eXtwv sive Commentariorum de Sicilies veteris Geographia, Historia, Mythologia, Lingua, Antiquitatibus Sylloge. Edidit I. F. E. Yoluminis primi pars prior. [G. G.] Regimontii Prussorum, 1839. 8vo. Ecclesiastical Establishments. Ecclesiastical establishments indefen- sible, including a refutation of the arguments of the Rev. Dr. Kidd, the reviewer of Marshall and others, in their favour. By Yindex. [G. G.] London, 1832. 8vo. Ecclesiastical History Society. Works published and reprinted by. Athense Oxonienses. By A. A. Wood. New edition by P. Bliss. [D. M.] Oxford, 1848. 8vo. - . The Book of Common Prayer : With notes, legal and historical. By Archibald John Stephens, Barrister at Law. 3 vol. [D. M.] London, 1849-54. 8vo. Q 226 ECL EDIT Eclipses. A brief account of the causes and nature of Eclipses of y e Sun & Moon : being designed for lessning y e consternation that people ignorant of them will be put into at y e appearance of y e Great Eclipse of y e Sun that will happen on y e llth of May next [1724]. [&c.] [D. M.] [London.'] s. sh. foL Economical Tracts. A select collection of scarce and valuable Eco- nomical Tracts from the originals of Defoe, Elking, Franklin, Turgot, Anderson, Schomberg, Townsend, Burke, Bell, and others, with a preface, notes, and index. [G. G-.] London, 1859. 8vo. . Economic Politique. Eeligion St. Simonienne. Economic Politique, et Politique. [Articles extraits du Globe.] [G. G.] Paris, 1831. 8vo. Eden (Eicharde). See CORTES (M.). The Arte of Navigation, Eng- lijshed by R. E. . (Robert). The Pope's Movement : how Government may be expected to deal with it. By the Eev. E. E., M.A. [&c.]. [D. M.] London, 1851. 8vo. Edersheim (Alfred). See CHALYBAUS (H. M.). Historical develop- ment of Speculative Philosophy, from the German, by A. E. Edgeworth (Maria). Laurent le Paresseux, Tarlton, et la Fausse Clef, trois petits contes traduits de 1'Anglais de Miss Edgworth. [G. G.] Londres, 1829. 12mo. Edginton (George William). See HOMER. Odyssey, translated by G. W.E. Edinburgh Cabinet Library. MACGILLIVRAY, W. Lives of eminent Zoologists from Aristotle to Linnaeus [&c.]. [G. G.] Edinburgh, 1834. 8vo. Eeview (The). [Two Vol. of Extracts, 1829-39 ; 1830, 1832-36, 1839, 1848.] [D. M.] 8vo. , University of. See PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS. A Catalogue of the Graduates in the Faculties of Arts, Divinity, and Law, of the University of Edinburgh, since its foundation. Edinburgh, 1858. 8vo, Edleston ( J.). See NEWTON (Sir I.). Correspondence of Sir I. N. and Prof. Cotes; <$fc. Education. See PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS. . A few questions on Secular Education [&c.]. By the author of " The Outlines of Social Economy." [G. G.] London, 1848. 8vo. . Anti-National Education, or the spirit of Sectarianism morally tested by means of certain speeches and letters from the Member for Kilmarnock ; with an appendix. [G. G.] Edinburgh, 1837. 8vo< . A letter to the Eight Hon. Lord Stanley on National Educa- tion. By a clergyman of the Established Church. [G. G.] London, 1839. 8vo. EDIT EIC 227 Education. Reports of Lectures on National Education, delivered at the Chapel in South Place, Finsbury : by W. J. Fox. [G. G-.] 1840. 8vo. Central Society of. See CENTRAL SOCIETY OF EDUCATION. (Medical). See MEDICAL Education and Registration of the United Kingdom. Edward, the Confessor. Lives of Edward the Confessor. I. La Estoire de Seint Aedward le Rei. II. Vita Beati Edvardi Regis et Confessoris. III. Vita .^Eduuardi Regis qui apud West- monasterium requiescit. Edited by Henry Richards Luard. [Chronicles and Memorials.'] [R. O.] London, 1858. 8vo. Edwardes (H.). A Compendium of Logic, designed for the use of Students in the University. To which is added, a Catechetical Commentary. By Junius. In two parts. Part I. Containing the Hilary Examination of Junior Freshmen. Second Edition. [D. M.] Dublin, 1824. 8vo. Edwards (Edward). See HYDE, Monastery of. Liber. Effen ( J. Van.). Le Misantrope, par Mr. V. E. * * * Nouvelle edition, revue & augmentee de plusieurs discours importans. 2 torn. Tom. I. Lausanne, 1741. ] Q II. La Haye, 1726. J bm Egerton (Francis). Earl of Ellesmere. Obituary notice of F. first Earl of E. [GK G-.] [ ,] 1857. 8vo. Egerton Papers. The Egerton Papers. A collection of public and private documents, chiefly illustrative of the times of Elizabeth and James I. from the original manuscripts, the property of the Right Hon. Lord Francis Egerton, M.P. Edited by J. Payne Collier. [G. Q-.] London, Printed for the Camden Society, 1840. 4to. Egger (E.). Essai sur 1'Histoire de la Critique chez les Grecs, suivi de la Poetique d'Aristote et d'extraits de ses Problemes avec traduc- tion franchise et commentaire. Par M. E. E. [G. G.] Paris, 1849. 8vo. Ehstland. See ESTHONTA. Eichhorn (Johann Gottfried). Allgemeine Geschichte der Cultur und Litteratur des neueren Europa. Von J. G. E. 2 Bde. [G. G.] Gottingen, 1796-99. 8vo. . Antiqua Historia ex ipsis veterum Scriptorum Graecorum narrationibus contexta. Edidit J. G. E. Tom. I. Historia Asiae ; II. Historia Africae, Historia Graeciae. IV. Historia Italiae. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1811-12. 8vo. * (Karl Friedrich). Deutsche Staats-und Rechtsgeschichte. Von K. F. E. 4 te . . Ausgabe. 4 Thle. [G. G.] Gottingen, 1843-44. 8vo. Eichstaedt (Henricus Carolus Abraham). Advmbratio Qvaestionis de Carminvm Theocriteorvm ad genera sva revocatorvm indole ac virtvtibvs. Avctore H. Carolo A. E. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1794. 4to. Q2 228 ETC ELL Eichthal (G-ustave d'). HEPI THS HPAKTIKHS XPHSEQS TII2 EAAHNIKH2 rA&SSHS. [1. As above. By GL d'E. 2. IIEPI TOY HPOOPISMOY TOY EAAHNIKOY E0NOYS KAI THS EAAHNIKHS TAli22HS. By PENIEPHS. 3. SHMEmSIS. By rOYSTABOS EIX9AA.] [GL GL] EN HAPISIOIS, 1864. 4to. . De I'Usage pratique de la Langue grecque. [1. As above. By GL d'E. 2. De I'Avenir du Peuple grec et de la Langue grecque. By Renieri. 3. Note. By Gr. d'E.] [GL GL] Paris, 1864. 4to. Eisendecher (W.) Ueber die Entstehung, Entwickelung und Ausbil- dung des Biirgerrechtes im alten Rom. Von W. E. Mit einer Vorrede von A. H. L. Heeren. [Gr. Gr.] Hamburg, 1829. 8vo. Eisensclnnid[-ius] (Johannes Casparus). See KEPLERUS (J.). Tabulce Manuales Logarithmicce ; quibus accessit introductio nova curante j. a. E. . Jo. Casp. Eisenschmidii de ponderibus et Mensuris veterum Romanorum, Grraecorum, Hebraeorum ; Nee non de valore pe- cunise veteris, disquisitio. Accesserunt hac editione tabulae Scioppii Nummarise et ex variis auctoribus de Pecunia Romanorum excerpta. Editio altera, auctior. [D. M.] Argentorati, 1737. 8vo. Eisteddfod, Llandudno, 1864. HAMLET, Tywysog Denmarc. Gan "W. Shakspeare. Cyfieithiad Buddugol yn Eisteddfod Llandudno 1864. Wrexham, 1865. 8vo. Ekker (Albertus Henricus Arnoldus). Exeunte Octobri. Ad Pilio- lum. Carmen Alberti Henrici Arnoldi Ekker civis Campensis cui certaminis Poetici praemium e legato Jacobi Henrici Hoeufft adiudicatum est in consessu publico Academiae Eegiae Discipli- narum Neerlandicae Die IX M. Martii Anni CIOIOCCCLXYIII. Amstelodami, 1868. 8vo. Ekman (P.-N.). De punctis singularibus curvarum Algebraicarum simplicis curvatures disquisitio; auctore P.-N. E. [D. M.] Parisiis, 1842. 8vo. Election Committees. Defects in Election Committees and in the Courts of revising barristers, with a plea for improving them. [GL GL] London, 1838. 8vo. Electors. Hints to the electors on the approaching dissolution. [June 14, 1832.] [GK GL] London. 8vo. Elegiac Poems. [GL GL] London, 1843. 8vo. Electricity. [By ~W. Whewell.] [From The Encyclopedia Metropoli- tana:] ' [D. M.] 4to. Elijah, Rabbi. Arithmetica secvndvm omnes species suas autore Eabbi Elija Orientali. See ABRAHAMUS. Sphaera Mvndi. Ellendt (Eridericus). Historia Eloquentias Eomanae usque ad Csesares primis lineis adumbrata. See METER us (H.). Oratorum Roma- norum Fragmenta ; fyc. (Jo. Ern.). See ARRIAN. De eccpeditione Alexandri. ELL 229 Elliot (Gilbert). A Letter to a Yeoman in favour of abolition of Church Eates. By Rev. G. B. [G. G.] London, 1837. 8vo. (William). See STATUTES. S. of the Realm. Chronological Index. Elliotson (John). The Harveian Oration, delivered before the Royal College of Physicians, London, June 27, 1846, by J. E., M.D., E.R.S. With an English version and notes. [G-. G-.] London, 1846. 8vo. . Numerous cases of surgical operations without pain, in the mesmeric state. By J. E., M.D., Cantab., E.R.S. [G-. G-.] London, 1843. 8vo. Elliott (Grace Dalrymple). Journal of my life during the Erench Revolution. By G. D. E. [G. G.] London, 1859. 8vo. Ellis (Alexander John). See OHM (M.). The Spirit of Mathematical Analysis, translated by A. J. E. . On a more General Theory of Analytical Geometry, including the Cartesian as a particular case. By A. J. E.* [D. M.] [1855.] s. sh. 4to. . On Clinant Geometry, as a means of expressing the general relations of points on a plane, realising imaginaries, and extending the theories of Anharmonic Ratios. By A. J. E. [MS. Abstract printed in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, vol. xii.~] [D. M.] 4to. . On Early English Pronunciation with especial reference to Shakespere and Chaucer. See PHILOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Trans- actions. Extra Volume, 1869-70. . On the conditions, extent, and realization of a perfect Musical Scale on Instruments with Eixed Tones. By A. J. E.t [D. M.] [1864.] 8vo. . Self-proving examples in the four first rules of Arithmetic, simple and compound, especially adapted for self -practice as well as school or family use . . To which are added, examples in con- tracted division, square and cube root . . with an explanation of Guy's and Homer's rules. By A. J. E., B.A. [D. M.] London, 1855. 12mo. . Two Memoirs on the Theory of Musical Sounds. By A. J. E., F.R.S.t [D. M.] London, 1864. 8vo. (Sir Henry). See CAERNARVON. Registrum. . See JOHANNES de Oocenedes. (John). The human body described for the instruction of the young of both sexes. By J. E. [G. G.] London, 1856. 8vo. - (Robert). A treatise on Hannibal's passage of the Alps, in which his route is traced over the little Mt Cenis. By R. E., B.D. [G. G.] Cambridge, 1853. 8vo. [* From The Civil Engineer and Architect's Journal. t The Proceedings of the Royal Society.'] 230 ELL ELP Ellis (E.). See CATTTLLTJS (C. V.)- (Eobert Leslie). See CAMBRIDGE Mathematical Journal. . See GREGORY (D. F.). Mathematical Writings. . On the Method of Least Squares. By E. L. E., Esq., M.A.* [D. M.] Cambridge, 1844. 4to. . Eemarks on an alleged proof of the "Method of Least Squares," contained in a late number of the Edinburgh Eeview. In a letter addressed to Professor J. D. Forbes, by E. L. E. [D. M.] [1850.] 8vo. . Eeport on the recent Progress of Analysis (Theory of the comparison of Transcendentals). By E. L. E. [From The Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1846.] ' [D. M.] London, 1847. 8vo. Ellissen (A.). Zur Geschichte Athens nach dem Verluste seiner Selbstandigkeit. Von A. E. Erste Abhandlung. [Abgedruckt aus den Gottinger Studien, 1847.] [a. G.] Gottingen, 1848. 8vo, . Georgius Gemistus Plethons Denkschriften iiber die Angele- genheiten des Peloponnes nach M. Canter's edition (Antwerp 1575) und der florentinischen Handschrift zum ersten Male voll- standig herausgegeben und iibersetzt mit Einleitung und Anmer- kungen. Von A. E. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1860. 8vo. . Timarion's und Mazaris's Eahrten in den Hades, nach Hase's und Boissonade's Eecension und erster Ausgabe des Textes, griechisch und deutsch mit Einleitung und Ammerkungen heraus- gegeben. Von A. E. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1860. 8vo. Elmham (Thomas of). Historia Monasterii S. Augustini Cantuari- ensis, by Thomas of Elmham, formerly Monk and Treasurer of that foundation. Edited by Charles Hardwick. [Chronicles and Memorials.] [E. O.] London, 1858. 8vo. Elmsley (Peter). See EURIPIDES. Medea. . See SOPHOCLES. Scholia. Eloges. Eloges de Trois Philosophes [M. Jordan, Sieur la Mettrie, M. de Maupertuis, the last in a Lettre d'un Academicien de Berlin a un Academicien de Paris. With Eeponse de 1' Academi- cien de Paris a T Academicien de Berlin, Londres : 1753]. [D. M.] Londres, 1753. 8vo, Elphinstone (The Hon. Mountstuart). An account of the Kingdom of Cabul, and its dependencies, in Persia, Tartary, and India ; com- prising a view of the Afghaun nation, and a history of the Dooraunee monarchy. By the Hon. M. E. New and revised edition. In two volumes. [I. O.] London, 1842. 8vo. . The History of India. By the Hon. M. E. Vol. I. & II. [I. O.]. London, 1841. 8vo. [* From The Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. t The Philosophical Magazine. ~] ELS ENC 231 Eisner (Heinrich). Abriss cler Geschichte des aufgelosten Wiirtem- bergischen Landtags vom 15. Januar bis 23. Marz 1833 ; dar- gestellt durch H. E. [G. G-.] Stuttgart, 1834. 8vo. Emerson (William). The Method o Increments. Wherein the principles are demonstrated ; and the practice thereof shewn in the solution of problems. [D. M.] London, 1763. 4to. . The Principles of Mechanics, explaining and demonstrating the general laws of motion. London, 1811. 4to. Emilie. Das Brautgeschenk Von Emilie. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1861. 12mo. Empedocles. Empedoclis Agrigentini Eragmenta disposuit [&c.] Henricus Stein. Praemissa est de Empedoclis scriptis dispu- tatio. [G. G.] Bonnae, 1852. 8vo. Empiricus (Sextus). See SEXTUS, Empiricus. Encke (Johann Eranz). Uber die Methode der kleinsten Quadrate. See QUADRATE. . Extract of a Letter from Professor E. to Mr. Airy, dated 20th of December, 1841. (Translated from the German.) [Forward- ing, with remarks, Ephemeris of the Periodical (Encke 's) Comet, 1842.] [D. M.] 4to. . On Encke's Comet. Encke's Dissertation contained in No. ccx and ccxi of the Astronomische Nachrichten. Translated from the German by G. B. Airy, M.A. [&c.]. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1832. 8vo. . Tables. [From Encke's Article on the method of Least Squares, pp. 305-312.] [D. M.] 4to. Enckhuysen (David Cock van). De Cyfer-Konst, ISToyt voor desen den Leerlingen grondiger, noch ook duydelijcker, voorgestelt. Beschreven door David Cock van Enckhuysen. Den Vijfde Druck, van alle mis-djuck gesuyvert / verbetert / ende merckelijck vermeerdert / doo3 Dirck de Hollander, Italiaens Boeck-houder / Eeecken-Meester ende Liefhebber der Wis-konst. Amsterdam, 1686. 8vo. Encyclopaedias. . See ERSCH (J. S.) und GRUBER (J. G.). . See PATJLT (August). . See ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITAOTTICA. A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and General Literature. Ninth edition. Vol. I.-II. Edinburgh, 1875. 4to. . Encyclopaedia Britannica. Preliminary dissertations by Dugald Stewart, John Playfair, and William Thomas Brande. [G. G.] [ .] 4to. . The article " Government " reprinted from the Supplement to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. [G. G.] London, 1821. 8vo. 232 ENC ENG Encyclopaedias. Encyclopedic Methodique. Mathematiques. Dictionnaire encyclo- pedique des Mathematiques, par MM. d'Alembert, 1'Abbe Bossut, de la Lande, le Marquis de Condorcet, &c. 3 torn. [Tome Troisieme has the title Encyclopedic methodique : Mathematiques, and contains the Dictionnaire desjeux.~\ [D. M.] Paris, 1789-92. 4to. . Encyclopaedia Metropolitana, or Universal Dictionary of Knowledge, on an original plan, comprising the twofold advantage of a philosophical and alphabetical arrangement, with appro- priate engravings. 29 vol. Edited by Eev. Edward Smedley, M.A.,Eev. Hugh James Eose, B.D., and Eev. Henry JohnEose, B.D. London, 1845. 4to. . The English Cyclopaedia. A New Dictionary of Universal Knowledge. Conducted by Charles Knight. Arts and Sciences. Vol. I VIII. [D. M.] London, 1859-61. 4to. . Natural History, 4 vol. Geography, 4 vol. Biography, 6 vol. Index, 1 vol. London, 1854-1862. 4to. . L'Esprit de V Encyclopedic, ou choix des Articles les plus agreables, les plus curieux et les plus piquans de ce grand Dictionnaire . . 13 torn (including the Supplement). [D. M.] Paris, 1798-1808. 8vo. Endlicher (Stephan. Ladisl.). See PRISCIANUS. Enfield (William). The History of Philosophy, from the earliest periods : drawn up from Brucker's Historia Critica Philosophise. By W. E., LL.D. [D.M.] London, 1840. 8vo. Engel (Guilelmus). Quaestiones Naxiae. Scripsit Dr. G-. E. [G. G-.] Gottingae, 1835. 8vo. (Johann Christian von). Geschichte des Freystaates Eagusa. Von J. C. v. E. [G. G.] Wien, 1807. 8vo. (J. J.). Der Philosoph fur die Welt. Herausgegeben von J. J. E. 2 Th. Leipzig, 1775-77. 8vo. r (Karl Christian). Wir werden uns wiedersehn. Eine Unter- redung nebst einer Elegie von D. K. C. E. Zweyte . . Ausgabe. Gottingen, 1788. 8vo. (Wilh. Heinr.). Kypros. Eine Monographic von W. H. E. 2 Thle. [G. G.] Berlin, 1841. 8vo. Engelenberg (Johannes Eudolphus Arnoldus). Specimen Juridicum Inaugurate de Negotiis Gestis . . . submittit J. E. A. E. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1859. 8vo. Engelmann (Wilhelm). Bibliotheca Scriptorum Classicorum et Graecorum et Latinorum. Herausgegeben von W. E. Supple- ment-Heft : enthaltend die Literatur von Anfang des Jahres 1847 bis Ende 1852. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1853. 8vo. England. Eervm Anglicarvm Scrip tores post Bedam. See SAVILE (Sir H.). ENG EPI 233 England. Ancient Laws and Institutes of England . . also, Monu- menta Ecclesiastica Anglicana, from the seventh to the tenth century; and the ancient Latin version of the Anglo-Saxon Laws. 2 vol. [Eecord Commission.] [E. 0.] [London], 1840. fol. . Anglo-Saxon Laws and Institutes. Incunabula Juris Angli- cani. [Extracted from The British and Foreign Revieiv, No. xxiii.] [G. a.] London, 1841. 8vo. . Facsimiles of National Manuscripts from William the Con- queror to Queen Anne. Selected under the direction of the Master of the Rolls and Photozincographed by command of Her Majesty Queen Victoria by Colonel Sir Henry James, B.E., Director of the Ordnance Survey. Pt. 1-4, with Translations and Notes. Southampton, 1865-68. fol. . Le Livere de Beis de Brittanie e le Livere de Beis de Engletere. [By Peter of Ickham?]. Edited by John Glover. [CHRONICLES & MEMORIALS.] [E. 0.] London, 1865. 8vo. Ennius (Quintus). Ennianae Poesis reliqviae recensvit loannes Vahlen. [G. G-.] Lipsiae, 1854. 8vo. Ense (K. A. Varnhagen von). Aus dem Nachlass Varnhagen's von Ense. Tagebiicher. Von K. A. V. v. E. Bde. iv. vi. [GK G-.] Leipzig, 1862. 8vo. . Biographische Denkmale. Von K. A. V. v. E. 3 Thle. [G. GK] Berlin, 1845. 8vo. . Galerie von Bildnissen aus Bahel's Umgang und Briefwechsel. Herausgegeben. Von K. A. V. v. E. 2 er Th. [GK G-.] Leipzig, 1836. 8vo. . Leben des G-enerals Grafen Billow von Dennewitz. Von K. A. V. v. E. [G. G.] Berlin, 1853. 8vo. . (Bahel Antonie Friederike Varnhagen von). Bahel. Ein Buch des Andekens fiir ihre Freunde. Mit Bahel's Bildniss. 3 Thle. [G. GK] Berlin, 1834. 8vo. Ensor (George). Natural Theology : the Arguments of Paley, Brougham, and the Bridgewater Treatises on this subject examined : also the Doctrines of Brougham and the Imma- terialists respecting the Soul. By G-. E., Esq. [G-. G.] London, 1836. 8vo. Ephorus. Ephori Cumaei Fragmenta. Collegit atque illustravit Meier Marx. Praefatus est Frid. Creuzer. [G. G.] Caroliruhae, 1815. 8vo. Ephraemius. Ephrsemius ex recensione Imm. Bekkeri. [Hist. Byzant.] Bonnce, 1840. 8vo. Epicharmus. Fragmenta. See GEYSEE (C. J.). De Doriensium Comoedia Quaestiones ; fyc. . Epicharmi Fragmenta collegit H. Polman Kruseman. [G. GK] 'Harlemi, 1834. 8vo. Epictetus. Dissertationes. See THEOPHKASTTJS. 234 EPI EQTJ Epictetus. Epicteti quse supersunt Dissertationes ab Arriano collectae nee non Enchiridion et Fragmenta Greece et Latine in duos tomos distributa cum integris Jacobi Schegkii et Hieronymi Wolfii selectisque aliorum doctorum annotationibus. Eecensuit [&c.] Joannes Uptonus, Prsebend. Eoffensis. 2 torn. (G. G.) Londini, 1741. 4to. . Epicteti Enchiridion. Cebetis Tabula, Prodici Hercules, et Theophrasti Characteres Ethici. Greece et Latine . . Per Jos. Simpson. Editio quinta cui accedit Epicteti versio metrica per Ed Ivie. [a. G.] Oxonii, 1804. 8vo. Epicurus. Epicvri Fragmenta librorvm ii. et xi. de Natvra. See KosrNTUS (C.). . Epicuri Physica et Meteorologica duabus Epistolis eiusdem comprehensa. Graeca . . emendavit atque interpretatus est lo. G-ottl. Schneider. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1813. 8vo. . Syntagma Philosophiae Epicuri, cum Eefutationibus Dog- matum quse contra Fidem Christianam ab eo asserta sunt oppostis per Petrvm Gassendvm . . Prsefigitur Samuelis Sor- berii Dissertatio de vita ac moribus Petri Gassendi. [G. G.] Hagce Comitis, 1659. 4to. Epimenides. See HEINEICH (C. F.). Epimenides aus Kreta. Epistles. Elegant Epistles : being a copious collection of familiar and amusing letters, selected for the improvement of young persons, and for general entertainment . . With an appendix . . A New Edition, improved and enlarged. [D. M.] London, 1803. 8vo, Epistolae. Clarorum Virorum Epistolae Centum ineditae. See BKANT (J.). . Epistolse obscvrorvm virorvm. [D. M.] Lipsice, 1858. 8vo. Epistolographi Grasci. See HEECHEE (Eudolphus). Epps ( ). On the method of ascertaining the Comparative Eates of Chronometers, especially when a strict examination of their performance is required. By Mr. Epps. [From The Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. vi.] [D. M.] 4to, Equations. Observations sur la Resolution des Equations du troi- sieme degre par les formules de Tartalea, sur le cas irreducible, sur le probleme de la trisection de Tangle, et de la duplication du cube. Par un mathematicien. [D. M.] Lion, 1850. 8vo. Equitable Society. Tables showing the total number of persons assured in the Equitable Society from its commencement in Sep- tember 1762, to January 1, 1829 [&c.]. . The Deed of Settlement of the Society for Equitable Assur- ances on Lives and Survivorships . . with the Bye-laws and Orders. To which are appended Reports made on various occa- sions by the Court of Directors, and nine addresses by William Morgan, Esq., F.E.S., late Actuary of the Society. [With Ee- port and Case.] [D. M.] London, 1833. 8vo. EEA EBF 235 Erasmus (Desiderius). Claudij Galeni Pergameni contra Academicos & Pyrrhomos D. Erasmo interprete. See EMPIEICTJS (S.). Adversus Matliematicos. . Select Colloquies. See I/ESTEANGE (Sir E.). . Desiderii Erasmi Eoterodami Opera omnia emendatiora et avctiora, ad optimas editiones praecipve qvas ipse Erasmvs postremo cvravit sVmma fide -exacta, stvdio et opera Joannis Clerici cvm ejvsdem et aliorvm notis. In decem tomos distincta, quorum primo, in hac edition e, praefixa sunt elogia & epitaphia Erasmi, a viris doctis conscripta . . Cvm indicibvs totivs operis copiosissimis. [I. O.] Lvgdvni Batavorum, 17036. fol. . Des. Erasmi Eoterodami Colloquia, cum notis selectis variorum. Addito indice novo. Accurante Corn. Schrevelio. [D. M.] Amstelodami, 1693. 8vo. . Colloquiorum Desiderii Erasmi Eoterodami Familiarium Opus Aureum . . Eecensuit . . Samuel Patrick. [G. G.] Londini, 1740. 8vo. . The Colloquies, or Familiar Discourses of Desiderius Erasmus of Eoterdam. Eendered into English . . by H, M. Gent. [GK G.] London, 1671. 8vo. . D. Erasmi Eot. Epistolae Familiares. [G. G.] Antverpiae, 1552. 8vo. , Des. Erasmi Eot. Moriee Encomium, Cum Gerardi Listrii Com- mentariis, Epistote aliquot in fine additse. Una cum Erasmi responsione adversus Martini Lutheri Epistolam. [G. G.] Oanntas, 1668. 8vo. Erastus (Thomas). De Cometis Dissertationes novae clariss. virorvm Thorn. Erasti, Andr. Dudithij, Marc. Squarcialupi. Symon. Grynaei. [D. M.] [Heidetixrgas,'] 1580. 4to. Eratosthenes. Kara<7Tepi . See DIBTTADIIJS (C>). In prioribus sex Elementorumlibris demon- sir utio. . See GrOTTiGNiES (A. F. de). Logistica Vniversalis. . See HEEIGONE (P.). Les six premiers livres des Elements demonstrez par notes ; &c - . See HIESCH (M.). A Sequel to E. . See ISAACUS, Monachus. Scholia in elementorum Geometrice. - . See KAESTNER (A. Gr.). Geometriae Euclidis primam quae post inventam typoyraphiam prodiit editionem breviter describit A. G. K. < . See MASCOT (C* P.). . Euclidis Introductio Harmonica. See MEIBOMITJS (M.). Antiquce Musicce Auctores Septem. . Elements Books I V. Compendium Euclidis Curiosi. See MOXOK (J.). . Scholia in librum sextum elementorum Euclidis . See OSIASTDEB, (C. N.). . See PELETARITJS. In Elementa Geometrica demonstrationum libri sex. . First six books of E. See PLAYPAIR (J.). Elements of Geometry. . See PROCLUS. Philosophical and mathematical commentaries. . See E/YFP (P.). Qucestiones Geometricce. Geometria. See SACEOBOSCO (J. de). Textvs de Sphaera ; . Expositio et dilvcidatio libri qvinti element orvm Evclidis. See SETITEE (C. F.) and MAUCHAET (I. D.). . Explication du dixiesme liure d'Euclide. See STEVIN (S.). Arithmetique. . See THOMPSON (T. P.). Geometry without Axioms, &c. . See YOEGELIN (J.). Elementale Geometricvm, ex Evclidis Geometria. . See ZARAGOZA (J.). Euclides Nuevo-Antiguo. * . Works. [Mements.~\ P3eclarissimus liber Elementojum Euclidis perspicacissimi : in artem Geometric incipit qua foelicissime : Punctus est cuius ps no est [&c.] CE Opus elemento3U euclidis megarensis in geometria arte Jn id quoqb Campani pspicacissimi Comentationes finiut. Erhardus ratdolt Augustensis imp3esso3 solertissimus. venetijs imp3essit. Anno salutis M.cccc.lxxxij. Octauis. Calen. Juu. [D. M.] fol. 240 EUC Euclid. Works. [Elements.'] Preclarissimus liber Elementorum Euclidis perspicacissimi : in artem Geometric incipit qua foe- licissime : PVnctus est cui' ps no est. [&c.] Impresu3 Vincentise per Magistrum Leonard^ de Basilea & Gulielmu de Papia Socios. Anno salutis M.cccclxxxxi. Vigesimo. Calen. Juu. [D. M.] fol. . Euclidis megarensis philosophi acutissimi mathematico3um% omnium sine controuersia p3incipis opa a Campano interp3ete fidissimo tralata que cum antea libjar^um detestanda culpa medis fedissimis adeo defojmia eent : vt vix Euclidem ipsum agnosceremus. Lucas paciolus theologus insignis : altissima mathematical disciplinarum scientia rarissimus iudicio castiga- tissimo detersit: emendauit. A figuras cetum 7 vndetriginta que in alijs codicibus inuerse 7 defosmate erant : ad rectam symmetriam concinauit : 7 multas necessarias addidit. Eunde quoqb plurimis locis intellectu difficilem comentariolis sane luculentis 7 eruditiss. aperuit : enarrauit : illustrauit : Adhec vt elimatio3 exiret Scipio vegius mediol. vir vtraqk Hgua ; arte medica : sublimio^ibuscb studijs clarissimus diligetiam : 7 censura sua p estitit. [With a MS. " Tauola de tutti probleme de euclide".~] [D. M.] Venetiis, 1509. fol. . EYKAEIAOY TA 2OZOMENA. Euclidis quae supersunt omnia. Ex recensione Davidis Gregorii, M. D., Astronomise Professoris Saviliani, & E.S.S. [D. M.] Oxomw, 1703. fol. . EYKAEIAOY STOIXEIA. Euclidis Elementa ex optimis libris in usum tironum Graece edita ab Ernesto Eerdinando August, G-ymnasii Eegii Joachimici Professore [&c.]. 2 Pt. [D. M.] Berolini, 1826-29. 8vo. . Les CEuvres d'Euclide, en Grec, en Latin et en Erancais, d'apres un manuscrit tres-ancien qui etait reste inconnu jusqu' a nos jours. Par E. Peyrard, traducteur des osuvres d'Archimede. Ouvrage approuve par 1'Institut de France. 3 torn. [D. M.] Paris, 1814-18. 4to. . Praelectiones tresdecim in principivm Elementorvm Evclidis, Oxonii habits. M.DC.XI. [D. M.] Oxoniae, 1621. 4to. . EYKAEIAOY AEAOMENA. KAI MAPINOY d>IAO2O$OY EIS AEAOMENA EYKAEIAOY YHOMNHM A. Evclidis Data . . Clavdivs Hardy, Sebast. Eil., in suprema Parisiensi Curia Aduo- catus, e Eegis Christianissimi BibKotheca, Grsece nunc primum edidit, Latine vertit, scholijsq ; illustrauit. Adiectus est ex eadem Bibliotheca Marini Philosophi Commentarius Gra3ce & Latine, quo Dati natura Datorumque Euclideorum vtilitates explicantur. [D. M.] Lutetian Parisiorvm, 1625. 4to. * . Euclid's Elements of Plane Geometry; with copious notes, explanatory, corrective, and supplementary : to which is sub- joined a brief introduction to plane trigonometry. With a trigo- nometrical table. By John Walker, formerly Fellow and Tutor in the University of Dublin. [D. M.] London, 1827. 8vo. EUC 241 Euclid. Works. [Elements. ~] The Elements of Euclid ; with select Theorems out of Archimedes. By the learned Andrew Tacquet. To which are added, practical corollaries, shewing the uses of many of the propositions. The whole abridg'd, and publish'd in English, By William Whiston, M.A., Mr. Lucas's Professor of the Mathematicks in the University of Cambridge. The third edition. [D. M.] London, 1727. 8vo. . The Elements of Euclid, with dissertations, intended to assist and encourage a critical examination of these Elements, as the most effectual means of establishing a juster taste upon mathe- matical subjects, than that which at present prevails. By James Williamson, M.A., Fellow of Hertford College [&c.]. [D. M.] Oxford # London, 1781-88. 4to. . An Appendix to the larger edition of Euclid's Elements of Geometry ; containing additional Notes on the elements, a short tract on Transversals, and hints for the Solution of the Pro- blems, &c. By Eobert Potts, M.A. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1847. 8vo. . Les Ele'mens de Geometric d'Euclide, traduits litteralement, et suivis d'un traite du Cercle, du Cylindre, du Cone et de la Sphere ; de la mesure des Surfaces et des Solides ; avec des Notes. Par E. Peyrard, Bibliothecaire de 1'Ecole Polytechnique. Ouvrage approuve par 1'Institut National. [D. M.] Paris, An xii, [1804]. 8vo. . Boohs i.ocvi. Evclidis Elementorvm libri xv. Accessit xvi. de solidorvm Begvlarivm cuiuslibet intra quodlibet comparatione. * Omnes perspicuis demonstrationibvs, accuratisque Scholiis illus- trati, ac multarum rerum accessione locupletati : nunc tertio editi, summac^ diligentia recogniti, atque emendati. Auctore Christophoro Clavio Bambergensi, e Societate lesv. [D. M.] Coloniae, 1591. fol. . Euclides Elementes Bk. I. XVI. [Title-page wanting. With " lohn Dee his Mathematicall Praeface." Body of work trans- lated by Henry Billingsley. Book xv. after Hypsicles. xvi. after Elussas. And " Elussas's briefe treatise of mixt and composed regular solides."] [D. M.] London, Printed by John Daye, 1570. fol. . Evclidis Megarensis Mathematici Clarissimi Elementa, libri xv. Ad germanam geometriae intelligentiam, e diversis lapsibvs temporis inivria contractis restitvta, adimpletis praeter maiorvm spem, qvae hactenus deerant, solidorum regularium conferentijs ac inscriptionibus. Accessit decimussextus liber, ac solidorum regularium sibi inuicem inscriptorum collationibus. Nouissime collati sunt decimusseptimus & decimusoctauus, priori editioni quodammodo polliciti, de componendorum, inscriben- dorum, & conferendorum compositorum solidorum inuentis, ordine & numero absoluti. Avthore D. Erancisco Flvssate Candalla. [The colophon runs: "Lvgdvni, ex officina loannis Torn^sii, Typographi Eegii. M.D.LXXVIII."] [D. M.] Lvtetiae Parisiorvm, 1602. fol. 242 EUC Euclid. Works. [Elements. ~] Euclid's Elements of Geometry. In xv. books : With a supplement of divers propositions and co- rollaries. To which is added, a treatise of regular Solids, by Compane and Elussas. Likewise Euclid's data : and Marinus his preface thereunto annexed. Also a treatise of the divisions of superficies, ascribed to Machomet Bagdedine, but published by Commandine, at the request of John Dee of London ; whose preface [1570] to the said treatise declares it to be the worke of Euclide, the Author of these elements. Published by the care and industry of John Leeke and George Serle, Students in the Mathematics. [D. M.] London, 1661. fol. . EYKAEIAOT STOIXEION BIBA' IE- EK TON" GEftNOS 2YNOY2K1N. Eis rov avr& rov TrpwTov, c^riyrj/jdrM^ HpoK\8 /3tA. . Adiecta prsefatiuncula in qua de disciplinis Mathematicis nonnihil. [Simon Grynaeus, Ed.] [D. M.] Basileae, 1533. fol. . Evclidis Elementorvm libri xv. Graece & Latine, Quibus, cum ad omnem Mathematics scientiee parteni, turn ad quamlibet Geometric tractationem, facilis comparatur aditus. [St. Gracilis, Le Grele, Ed.] [D. M.] Parisiis, 1573. 8vo. . Evclidis Megarensis Geometricorum Elemetorum libri xv. Campani Galli trasalpini in eosdem comentariorum libri xv. Theonis Alexandrini Bartholamseo Zamberto Veneto interprete, in tredecim priores, commentariorum libri xiii. Hypsiclis Alexadrini in duos posteriores, eode Bartholamaeo Zamberto Veneto interprete, commetariorum libri ii. . . [lacobus Faber, Ed.]. [D. M.] Parisiis, 1516. fol. . Degli Elementi d'Evclide libri qvindici. Con gli scholii antichi. Yolgarizzati gia d'ordine del famosissimo Matematico Eederigo Commandino da Vrbino ; e com Commentarij illustrati. Et hora con diligenza reuisti, e ristampati. [D. M.] Pesaro, 1619. fol. . Les Qvinze livres des Elements d'Evclide. Traduicts de Latin en Erangois : Par D. Henrion Mathematicien. Cinqviesme edition. E-eueue, corrigee, & de beaucoup augmentee. [D. M.] Roven, 1649. fol. . Books i.xiv. Euclidis megaresis philosophi platomy. Mathe- maticaru3 disciplinaru Janito3is : Habent in hoc volumine quicuq^ ad mathematica substantia aspirat : elemetro^um Iib3os. xiij. cu expositione Theonis isignis mathematici. quibus multa quae deerat exlectioe graeca sumpta addita sub nee no plurima subuersa & p^epostere : voluta in Capani iterptatoe : ojdinata digesta & castigata sunt. Quibus etia nonnulla ab illo venerando. Socratico philosopho mirado iudicio structa habent adiucta, Deputatum scilicet Euclidi volume, xiiij. cu expositioe Hypsi. Alex. Itideq^ & Phaeno. Specu. & Perspe. cum expositione Theonis. ac mirandus ille liber dato cum expositioe Pappi Mechanici vna cu Marini dialectic! p3otheo3ia. Bar. Zaber. Yene. Interpte. [L>. M.] Venetiis, 1505. fol. EUC 243 Euclid. Works. [Elements.'] Books i.-xiii. EYKAEIAOY 5TOIXEION BIBAIA ly. Elementorvm Evclidis libri Tredecim. Secvndvm vetera exemplaria restituti. Ex versione Latina Eederici Com- mandini . . . multis in locis eastigata. [D. M.] Londini, 1620. fol. . Books i.ix. Les Neuf premiers livres des Elemens d'Evclide : tradvits & commentez par I. Errard de Bar-le-duc, Ingenieur du tres-chrestien Eoy de Erance & de Kauarre . . Eeueus & corrigez par 1'Autheur. [D. M.] Paris, 1605. 8vo. . Books i.-vi., xi., xii. EYKAEIAOY STOIXEKiN BIBAIA "EE HPOTEPA SYN 'ENAEKATO, KAI AOAEKATOi. Euclidis Elementorum Sex libri priores cum Undecimo et Duodecimo. Textum e Peyrardi recensione in usum Gymnasiorum edidit glossarioque in hos octo libros instruxit D. I. G. C. Neide. [D. M.] Halis Saxonum, 1825. 8vo. . Euclidis Elementorum libri vi. priores planorum, ac xi. et xii. Solidorum, cum explicationibus, & demonstrationibus Christophori Clavii, in usum Auditorum suorum adornati & editi ; a Joanne Henrico Van Lorn, Philos. Doctore, ejusdemque Eacultatis, ut & mathes. Professore Ordinario. Q.ui brevem narrationem historicam, de vita, ac Elementis Euclidis, addidit. Adjectis tabulis seneis. [D. M.] Amstelodami, 1738. Svo. . The Elements of Euclid, viz. the Eirst Six books, together with the Eleventh and Twelfth. In this edition, the errors, by which Theon, or others, have long ago vitiated these books, are corrected, and some of Euclid's demonstrations are restored. By Eobert Simson, M.D. Professor of Mathematics in the University of Glasgow. [D. M.] Glasgow, 1756. 4to. . The Elements of Euclid, Viz. The first Six books, together with the Eleventh and Twelfth. . . Also, to this second edition is added the book of Euclid's data. In like manner corrected. By Eobert Simson, M.D. [D. M.] Glasgow, 1762. 8vo. . The Elements of Euclid, viz. The first Six books, together with the Eleventh and Twelfth. . . Also the Book of Euclid's . data, in like manner corrected. [To this tenth edition are also annexed elements of plain and spherical trigonometry.] By Eobert Simson, M.D. [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1799. 8vo. . The Elements of Euclid for the use of schools and colleges ; comprising the first Six books and portions of the Eleventh and Twelfth books; with notes, an Appendix, and exercises. By I. Todhunter M.A., E.E.S. [BJfl.] Cambridge, 1862. 16mo. . An Appendix to the English translation of Commandine's Euclid ; w r herein the Eleventh and Twelfth books of the Elements are made easy to the meanest capacity, by exhibiting the Solids themselves to the eye. . . With an introduction. . . By Samuel Cunn. [D. M.] London, 1725. Svo. E2 244 EUC Euclid. Works. [Elements.'] Books i.-vi. Orontii Finaei Delphinatis, Eegii Mathematicarvm Lvtetiae Professoris, In sex priores libros Geometricorum Elementorum Euclidis Megaresis demonstrations, recens auctae, & emendatae : vna cum ipsius Euclidis textu graeco, & interpretatione latina Bartholamaei Zamberti Veneti. Omrda ad fidem geometricam, per eunde Orontium recognita. [D. M.] Lvtetiae Parisiorvm, 1544. fol. . Evclidis Megarensis, Philosophi & Mathematici exeellentissimi, Sex libri priores, de Geometricis principijs, Grasci & Latini, una cum demonstrationibus propositionum, absq3 literarum notis, ueris ac proprijs, & alijs quibusdam, usuin earum concernentibus, non citra maximum huius artis studiosorum emolumentum adiectis. Algebrae porro regvlae, propter nvmerorum exempla, passim propositionibus adiecta, his libris praemissae sunt, eaedemifr demonstrates. Avthore loanne Schevbelio, in inclyta Academia Tubingensi Euclidis professore ordinario. [D. M.] Basileae, 1550. fol. . lacobi Peletarii, Cenom., in Evclidis Elementa Geometrica demonstrationum libri Sex. . . Secunda editio, auctior & emendatior : cui & textus Euclidis Graecus additus est. Quid autem praecipue ad Euclidem contulerit Peletarius, id ad finem libri habes. [D. M.] [ ,] 1610. 4to. . Analyseis Geometricae Sex librorum Euclidis. Primi et qvinti factae a Christiano Herlino : reliqvae vna cvm commentariis, & scholiis perbreuibus in eosdem Sex libros Geometricos : a Cunrado Dasypodio. Cvm Indice PojOt fcara apidprjriKrjv xp r i ffl l J(JI)V ls rtv TOV HXaruvos Gellibrand (Henricus). Trigonometria Britannica. See BRIGGIFS (H.) and GELLIBRAND (H.). - . A Discovrse Mathematical on the variation of the Magneticall Needle. Together with its admirable Diminution lately dis- covered. By H. G, [D. M.] London, 1635. 4to, GEL GEN 281 Gellibrand (Henricus). An Institution Trigonometricall. Wherein demonstratively and perspicuously is exhibited the doctrine of the dimension of Plane and Sphericall Triangles after the most exact and compendious way by tables both of sines, tangents, secants ; and logarithmes. By H. G., Professor of Astronomy in Gresham Oolledge. [D. M.] London, 1635. 8vo. . Another copy. [D. M.] Gellius (Aulus). Avli Gellii Noctes Atticae. [G. G.] Lvgd. Batavorvm, 1644. 8vo. . Auli Gellii Noctes Atticae. . . illustravit [&c.] Albertus Lion. 2 vol. [G. G.] Gottingae, 1824. 8vo. Gemeiner (Karl Theodor). Ueber den TJrsprung der Stadt Regens- burg und aller alten Freistadte . . Ein Beitrag zur allgemeinen teutschen Handelsgeschichte von K. T. G. [G. G.] Regensburg, 1817. 8vo. Geminus Rhodius. Isagoge. See PETAYITJS (D.). Vranologion. . Introduction aux Phenomenes celestes. See PTOLEMAETJS (C.). KAN&N BASIAEK1N ; &c. Gemma (Reinier), Frisius. See APIANUS (Petrus). Cosmographie, corrigee par G. Prison, 6fG. . Methodus facilis Arithrneticae Practicae. See KECKER- MANNFS (B.). . Arithmeticae Practicae method vs facilis, per Gemmam Fri- sium, Medicum ac Mathematicum, iam recens ab ipso authore emendata, & multis in locis insigniter aucta. Hvc accesservnt lacobi Peletarii Cenomani annotationes : Eiusdem item de Erac- tionibus Astronomicis compendium : Et de cognoscendis per me- moriam Calendis, Idib., Nonis, Festis mobilibus, & loco Solis & Lunae in Zodiaco. Quibus demum ab eodem Peletario additse sunt Badicis vtriusquse demonstrationes. [D. M.] Parisiis, 1561. 8vo. . Arithmeticae Practicee methodus facilis, per Gemmam Frisium, Medicum ac Mathematicum. [D. M.] Witebergae, 1604. 8vo. . Gemma Phrysivs de principiis Astronomiae et Cosmographiae, deqve vsv Globi Cosmographici ab eodem editi. De Orbis divisione & Insulis, rebuso^ nuper inuentis. Eivsdem . . Annuli Astronomici vsu. loannis Schoneri De vsu Globi Astriferi opusculum. [D. M.] Antverpice, 1548. 8vo. . Gemmae Frisii, Medici et Mathematici, De Radio Astronomico & Geometrico liber. In quo multa quse ad Geographia, Opticam, Geometriam & Astronomiam vtiliss. sunt, demons trantur. [With Tabula Gnomonica Georgij Peurbachij.] [D. M.] Antuerpice, 1545. 4to. General Medical Council. Eeport of the Committee on Professional Education (1869). With three Appendices. (20 Copies.) London, 1869. 8vo. . State Medicine. Resolutions . . together with the Second Report and Appendix. July 1869. 8vo. 282 GEN GEO G-enesius (Joseph). See THEOPHTLACTUS SIMOCATTA. Geneve. Becueil de Documens relatifs a la prison penitentiaire de Geneve. [G. G.] Geneve, 1830-4. 8vo. Genlis (Stephanie Felicite), Comtesse de. . See DUCEEST DE ST. ATJBIN (S. F.), Comtesse de Genlis. Genneralli (Achille). Gli Scrittori e i Monumenti della Storia Italiana editi ed inediti dal sesto al decimosesto secolo grande raccolta . . riveduta sui testi [&c.] dal Cav. A. G. [G. G.] Firenze, 1854. 4to. . La Moneta primitiva e i Monumenti dell' Italia antica messi in rapporto cronologico e ravvicinati alle opere d'arte delle altre nazioni civili dell' antichita . . Dissertazione del Dottore A. G. [G. G.] Roma, 1843. 4to. Genocchi (Angelo). Bibliografia. [Articolo estratto dagli Annali di Scienze Matematiclie e Fisiche, Roma, 1857.] 8vo. . Intorno a tre Scritti inediti di Leonardo Pisano pubblicati da Baldassarre Boncompagni secondo la lezioiie di un codice della Biblioteca Ambrosiana di Milano nota di A. G. [D. M.] Roma, 1855. 4to. . Leonardo Pisano Matematico del Secolo XIII. Articolo del Signor A. G. (Stampato nella Rivista Contemporanea, Yolume nono.) [D. M.] Roma, 1857. 8vo. . Sopra tre Scritti inediti di Leonardo Pisano pubblicati da Baldassarre Boncompagni note analitiche di A. G. [D. M.] Roma, 1855. 8vo. Genthe (H.). See KRANICHFELD (G. E.). Gentleman's Diary. The Gentleman's Diary, or the Mathematical Repository ; an Almanack for . . 1806. [D. M.] London. 8vo. Monthly Miscellany (The). Vol.1. January 1, 1803. May], 1803. Nos. I.-V. [No more published.'] . [D. M.] London, [1803.] 8vo. Genuensis (Antonius). Antonii Genuensis in Begia JSTeapolitana Academia Philosophise Professoris Elementorum Artis Logico- Criticae Libri v. Editio novissima ab auctore in multis emendata, & aucta, nee non duabus epistolis de natura & origine idearum ad calcem locupletata. [D. M.] Bassani, 1773. 8vo. Genz (Frederich von). Schriften von F. von G. Ein Denkmal von Gustav Schlesier. 5 Bde. [G. G.] Mannheim, 1838. 8vo. Geographi Graeci Minores. See MUELLEE (0.). Geographiae Veteris Scriptores Graeci minores. Cum interpretatione Latina [&c.]. 4 vol. [G. G.] Oxonice, 1698-1712. 4to. Geometria. [Propositiones Geometricae, more Veterum demonstrate.] [Wanting title-page.'] [D. M.] Edinburgi, 1763. 8vo. Geometrical Analysis. A Dissertation on the Geometrical Analysis of the Antients. With a collection of Theorems and Problems, without Solutions, for the exercise of Young Students. [D. M.] Canterbury, 1774. 4to. GEO GEE 283 Geometry. Analytical Geometry. [By H. P. Hamilton. From the Encyc. Metrop.'] [D. M.] 4to. Querela Geometrica. See WHITE (T.). . The harmony of the Ancient and Modern Geometry asserted : in answer to the call of the author of the analyst upon the cele- brated Mathematicians of the present age, to clear up what he stiles, their obscure analytics. [By Eoger Paman.] [D. M.] London, 1745. 4to. George (D.). Eclaircissemens prealables et avis essentiels a ceux qui veulent aprendre a bien parler le Frangais et a bien ecrire en cette langue. Hambourg, 1776. 8vo. Georges (C. E.). Gnomologia sive veterum Latinorum Sententiae quae aut quid sit aut quid esse oporteat in vita breviter ostendunt. Collegit C. E. G. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1863. 8vo. Georgius Acropolita. See CONSTANTIUS MAKASSES. Cedrenus. Georgius Cedrenus, loannis Scylitzae ope ab Imm. Bekkero suppletus et emendatus. 2 vol. [Hist. Byzant.] Bounce, 1838-39. 8vo. Codinus. Georgii Codini Curopalatse de officiah'bus Palatii Constantinopolitani et de officiis rnagnae ecclesi* liber. Ex recen- sione Imui. Bekkeri. [Hist. Byzant.] Bonnce, 1839. 8vo. . Georgii Codini excerpta de antiquitatibus Constanti- nopolitanis ex recensione Imm. Bekkeri. . [Hist. Byzant.] Bounce, 1843. 8vo. . Monachus. See THEOPHAKES. . Pachymeres. Georgii Pachymeris de Michaele et Andronico Palaeologis libri xiii. Eecognovit Imm. Bekker. 2 vol. [Hist. Byzant.] Bonnce, 1835. 8vo. . Pisides. See PAULTJS SILENTIABIUS. . Phrantzes. Georgius Phrantzes, loannes Cannanus, loannes Anagnostes ex recensione Imm. Bekkeri. [Hist. Byzant.] Bonnce, 1838. 8vo. . Syncellus. Georgius Syncellus et Nicephorus Cp. ex recen- sione Guil. Dindorfii. 2 vol. [Hist. Byzant.] Bonnce, 1829. 8vo. Geppert (C. E.)j Die Gotter und Heroen der alten Welt. Kach klassischen Dichtern dargestellt von C. E. G. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1842. 8vo. Gerard (Charles P.). See AKISTOPHA*-ES. The Plutus of A., trans- lated into English Verse, by C. P. G. (John). The Herbal : or General History of Plants, enlarged by Thomas Johnson. [G. G.] No title-page, fol. Gerardus, Cremonensis. Gebri libri ix. de Astronomia Arabice script! & per Girardu latinitate donati. See APIANTJS (P.). Instrv- mentvm Primi Mobilis ; 6fc. . Gerardi cremonensis Theorica planetaru. See SACEOBOSCO (J. de). Spera Mundi. 284 GER Gerardus, Cremonensis. See NONIUS (P.). De Crepusculis liber unus, fyc. Gerbier (Sir Balthazar). The Interpreter of the Academie for For- rain Langvages, and all noble Sciences, and Exercises. To all Fathers of Families and Lovers of Vertve. The first part, by S r B. G., Knight. [French and English.'] [D. M.] London, 1648. 4to. Gerhard (Eduard). G-riechische Mythologie. Yon E. G-. 2 Thle. [G-. G.] Berlin, 1854^55. 8vo. . Hyperboreisch-Romische Studien fiir Archaologie. Mit Bei- tragen von K. O. Miiller, Th. Paiiofka, Otto B. von Stackelberg, F. G-. Welcker. Herausgegeben von E. G. Erster Theil. [G. G.] Berlin, 1833. 8vo. ^ Notice sur Flnstitut de correspondance archeologique. Par M. E. Gr. Secretaire fondateur de Flnstitut. [G-. G-.] Rome, 1840. '8vo. Gerhardt (Carolus Immanuel). Historia [$YJ.] Calculi Differ entialis. See LEIBNITZ (Gr. W.). Mathematische Schriften. . Die Entdecknng der Differentialrechnung durch Leibniz. Von Dr. C. J. G. [D. M.] Halle, 1848. 4to. . Explicatio atque dijudicatio praecipuorum modorum, quibus mathematici fundamenta calculi differentialis jacere conati sunt. Dissertatio math^matica . . defendet auctor C. I. G. Opponen- tibus F. Joachimsthal, A. Kramer, W. Schaeffer. [D. M.] Berolini, 1837. 4to. Gerlach (Franciscus Dorotheus). Commentatio de E-erum E.oma- narum primordiis scripsit F. D. G., Phil. Dr. [&c.]. Basilece, 1860. 4to. . Die Homische Censur in ihrem Verhaltniss zur Yerfassnng. Eine historische Untersuchung. Yon F. D. G. [G. G.] Basel, 1842. 8vo. Gerland (Georg). See WAITZ (T.). Anthropologie. Gerling (Carolus Guilielmus). Nonnulla de Musculorum serrati antici maioris et cucullaris paralysi quibus duo casus morbi adii- ciuntur. Dissertatio Inauguralis medica . . scripsit C. G. G. Kiliae, 1856. 4to. Germain (Sophie). Eecherches sur la theorie des Surfaces elastiques. Par M elle S. G. [D. M.] Paris, 1821. 4to. . E-emarques sur la nature, les bornes et 1'etendue de la question des Surfaces elastiques, et Equation generale de ces surfaces. Par M Ile S. G. [D. M.] Paris, 1826. 4to. Germanicus Caesar. Aratea Phaenomena cum poetica interpretatione Germanici Caes. See ASTRONOMICA veterum scripta isagogica. . Germanici Caesaris Aratea Phaenomena. [Latin and French.'] See ABATUS. 0>AINOMENA. Germany. Yerhandlungen des Yereins deutscher Philologen und Schulmanner. Zweites Lustrum. [G. G.] Cassel, 1844. 4to. GEE GIB 285 Gerrard (John). The Condition- of Catholics under James I. Father Gerard's Narrative of the Gunpowder Plot : edited, with his life, by John Morris, Priest of the Society of Jesus. [Printed from the MS. in possession of Stonyhurst College.'] London, 1871. 8vo. Gersdorf (E. G.). See BIBLIOTHECA Patrum Ecclesiasticorum. Gervinus (G. G.). Zur Geschichte der Deutschen Literatur. Von Dr. G. G. G. [Besonderer Abdruck aus den Heidelb. Jahrbuchern d. Literatur.'] [G. G.] Heidelberg, 1834. 8vo. Gesner (C.). See ATHENAGOKAS. Opera. Gesnerus (Jo. Matthias). See CLATJDIANUS (C.). Quae exstant. . See HOEATIUS Flaccus (Q,.). Eclogae. . See MATTHIAE (G.). Manuale Lexicon Latino- Germanicum, fyc. . See QTJINTILIANTTS (M. P.). De Institutione Oratoria. Geulinx (Arnoldus). Amoldi Geulinx Antverpiensis, Logica funda- mentis suis, a quibus hactenus collapsa fuerat, restituta. [G. G.] Amstelcedami, 1698. 12mo. . Arnoldi Geulinx Metaphysica Vera et ad mentem peripate- ticam, opus posthumum. [G. G.] Amstelaedami, 1691. 12mo. Gfroerer (A.). See SPINOZA (B. de). Opera phildsophica. < (A. P.). Kritische Geschichte des Urchristenthums. . . Durch A. F. G. 2 e . . Auflage. 2 Abth. [G. G.] Stuttgart, 1835. 8vo. Ghaligai (Francesco). Pratica d'Arithmetica di F. G. Fiorentino. Nuouamente riuista, & con somma diligenza ristampata. [D. M.] In Firenze, 1552. 4to. Gheldolf (A. E.). See WABNKOEKIG (L. A.). Histoire de la Flandre. Ghetaldus (Marinus). See ANDEKSONTJS (A.). Svpplementvm Apol- lonii B-edivivi, siue, Analysis Problematic ad Apollonij Pergcei doctrinam irepl i-evaewv, a M. Ghetaldo. . Marini Ghetaldi, Patritii Uagvsini, Apollonius Bediuiuus. Seu, Eestitvta Apollonii Pergaei Inclinationum Geometria. . Svpplementvm Apollonij Galli, seu, Exsvscitata Apollonii Pergaei Tactionum Geometriae pars reliqua. [D. M.] Venetiis, 1607. 4to. . Apollonivs Itediviws. Liber secvndvs. Venetiis, 1713. 4to. . Marini Ghetaldi . . Variorvm Problematvm collectio. [D. M.] Venetiis, 1607. 4to. Ghilini (Girolamo), pseud. Teatro d'Hvomini letterati aperto dall' Abbate G. G. Academico incognito. 2 vol. [D. M.] Venetia, 1647. 4to. Gibbon (Edward). Miscellaneous works of E. G., Esq., with Memoirs of his life and writings composed by himself: illustrated from his letters with occasional' notes and narrative, by John, Lord Sheffield. 3 vol. [G. G.] London, 1796. 4to. 286 GIB GIL Gibson (C. B.). The History of the County and City of Cork. By Eev. C. B. G-. 2 vol. [G-. G-.] London, 1861. 8vo. - (Edmund). See CAMDEN (W.). Britannia. With large addi- tions, fyc., published by E. 0. m - (Thomas). Syntaxis Mathematica : or, a constrvction of the harder Problemes of Geometry : With so much of the Conicks as is therefore requisite, and other more ordinary and usefull Pro- positions intermixed : and Tables to several purposes. . . By T. G. [D. M.] London, 1655. 8vo. - . Another copy, the date erased. [D. M.] Giese (Albert). Ueber den aeolischeu Dialekt. Zwei Biicher von A. G. [G. G.] Berlin, 1837. 8vo. Gieseler (Jo. C. Lud.). Disputatio de partibus Animae immortalibus secundum Platonem. [G-. G.] Gottingae, 1851. 4to. - . Quaestiones de Probole apud Atticos. [G. G.] Gottingae, 1847. 4to. Gifford (William). See MASSINGER (P.). Plays. Gilbart (J. W.).' The Logic of Banking. . . By J. W. G. [G. G.] * London, 1859. 8vo. - . An inquiry into the causes of the pressure on the Money Market during the year 1839. By J. W. G. ' [G. G.] London, 1840. 8vo, Gilbert (A. P. M.). Description historique de L'Eglise Metropoli- taine de Notre-Dame de Rouen. Par A. P. M, G. [G. G.] Rouen,, 1816. 8vo. Gilbert (Davies). On the expediency of assigning Specific Names to all such Functions of Simple Elements as represent definite physical properties ; with the suggestion of a new term in Mechanics ; illustrated by an investigation of the machine moved by recoil ; and also by some observations on the Steam engine. By D. G., V.P.K.S.* [D. M.] London, 1827. 4to. - . On the mathematical Theory of Suspension Bridges, with Tables for facilitating their construction. By D. G.* [D. M.] London, 1826. 4to. - . On the nature of Negative and of Imaginary Quantities. By D. G.* [D. M.] London,' 1831. 4to. - (J. T.). See IRELAND. Historic and Municipal Documents. - (Richard). The Parent's School and College Guide ; or Liber Scholasticus . . Second edition. London, 1843. 8vo. Gilbertus (Guilielmus). Gvilielmi Gilberti Colcestrensis, Medici Londinensis, de Magnete, Magneticisqve Corporibvs, et de magno Magnete Tellure ; Physiologia noua, plurimis & argumentis, & experimentis demonstrata. [De magneticis hisce libris, Edwardi Wrighti irapaiveffis eyjcwjuiortfo).] [D. M.] Londini, 1600. fol. [* From T7ie Philosophical Transactions.'] GIL GIB 287 Gilbertus (Guilielmus). Gvilielmi Gilbert! Colcestrensis, Medici Regii, de Mundo nostro sublimari Philosophia nova. Opus posthumum, ab authoris fratre collectum pridem & dispositum, nvnc ex duobus MSS. codicibus editum ex museio viri perillustris Gvilielmi Boswelli. [D. M.] Amstelodami, 1651. 4to. . Tractatvs sine Physiologia nova de Magnete, Magneticisqve Corporibvs et magno magnete Tellure sex libris compreheiisus a Guilielmo Gilberto Colcestrensi, Medico Londinensi. In quibus ea, quae ad hanc materiam spectant plurimis & argumentis & experiments exactissime absolutissimeq^ tractantur et expli- cantur. Omnia nunc diligenter recognita & eniendatius quam ante in lucem edita, aucta & figuris illustrata opera & studio Wolfgangi Lochmans, I. U. D. & Mathematiei. [D. M.] Sedani, 1628. 4to. Gildas. See SCHTTLZ (A.). Nennius und Gildas, Gildemeisterus (J.). See KALIDASA. Meghaduta et Cringaratilaka. Gildon (Charles). See BLOUNT (C.). The Oracles of reason, by Mr. G., and others. Giles (J. A.). See BIBLE. New Testament. Apocrypha, The Uncanonical Gospels. . See JOAKNES, Sarisburiensis. Opera omnia. . See TEBENTITTS (P.). Oomcedice. . Hebrew Records : an historical enquiry concerning the age, authorship, and authenticity of the Old Testament. Second edition. [G. G.] London, 1853. 8vo. Gill (Charles). Historical Sketch of the Life of C. G., Esq., late Actuary of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. [From the Assurance Magazine, 1855.] [D. M.] 8vo. Gillies (John). The History of Ancient Greece, its Colonies, and Conquests . . including the history of Literature, Philosophy, and the fine Arts. By J. G. 2 vol. [G. G.] London, 1786. 4to. Gilpin (Henry D.). The Character of Franklin. . . By H. D. G. [G. G.] Philadelphia, 1857. 8vo Giordano (Vitale). Brief -wechsel. See LEIBNITZ (W. G.). Mathe- matische Schriften ; Sfc. Girard (Albert). See STEVEST (S.). (Euvres mathematiques. . Invention nouvelle en 1'Algebre, par A. G. Mathematicien. Tant pour la solution des equations, que pour recognoistre le nombre des solutions qu'elles regoivent, avec plusieurs choses qui sont necessaires a la perfection de ceste divine science. [D. M.] Amsterdam, 1629. 4to. (Gabriel). Synonymes Frangois, leurs differentes significations, et la choix qu'il en faut faire pour parler avec justesse. Par 1'Abbe G., S.I.D.E. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1736. 12mo. 288 GIB GLI Girardin (Emile de). Questions philosophiques questions de mon temps, 1852 a 1857. [G. G-.] Paris, 1868. 8vo. Giraud (Charles). Becherches sur le Droit de Propriete chez les Bomains, sous la Bepublique et sous 1'Empire. Par C. G. Tom. I. [With the Pieces justificatives, including Les Etrusques par Ottfried Muller.] [G. G-.] Aix, 1838. 8vo. Giseke (Nikolas Dietrich). Sammlung einiger Predigten von N. D. G-. Rostock, 1760. 8vo. Gladisch (Aug.). Empedokles und die Aegypter. Eine historische Untersuchung von A. G., . . Mit Erlauterungen aus den aegyp- tischen Denkmalern von Dr. Heinrich Brugsch und Joseph Passalacqua. [Gr. G.] Leipzig, 1858. 8vo. . Einleitung in das Verstandniss der Weltgeschichte. Von. A. G. [G. G.] Posen, 1841. 8vo. Glaisher (J. W. L.). Tables of the Numerical Values of the Sine- integral, Cosine-integral, and Exponential-integral. By J. W. L. G. [From The Philosophical Transactions, 1870.]. [D. M.] 4to. Glanvill (Joseph). Plus Ultra : or, the progress and advancement of Knowledge since the days of Aristotle. In an account of some of the most remarkable late improvements of practical, useful learning: To encourage philosophical endeavours. Occasioned by a Conference with one of the Notional Way. By J. G. [D. M.] London, 1668. 8vo. Glareanus (Henricus). Henrici Glareani Helvetii, Poetae Lavreati de Geographia liber unus, ab ipso authore iam nouissime recog- nitus. [D. M.] Fribvrgi Brisgoiae, 1543. 4to. Glaser (Johann Carl). Die Metaphysik des Aristoteles nach Compo- sition, Inhalt und Methode dargestellt von J. C. G. [G. G.] Berlin, 1841. 8vo. Glasgow. Chamber of Commerce and Manufactures. See PAELIA- MENTAEY PAPEES. Glashorst (Fredericus Didericus Eranciscus Luyken). Theses Juri- dicae Inaugurales . . submittit E. D. E. L. G. Trajecti ad Rhenmn, 1860. 8vo. Glenco. See MASSACEE OF GLENCO. Glenie (James). Speech. See BOTAL SOCIETY. An Authentic Narra- tive of the Dissensions and Debates in the R. S. ; fyc. . The Antecedental Calculus, or a Geometrical Method of Beasoning, without any consideration of motion or velocity applicable to every purpose, to which Fluxions have been or can be applied ; with the Geometrical principles of increments, &c. and the constructions of some problems . . By J. G., Esq. M.A. and E.B.S. [D. M.] London, 1793. 4to. Glinka (Dimitry de). La Philosophic du Droit ou explication des Bapports sociaux. Par D. d. G. Troisieme edition. Paris, 1863. 8vo. GLO GOD 289 Globes. The Antiquity & Excellency of G-lobes. What a Globe is, and of the Circles without the Globe, what the Horizon is with the things described thereon, also what the Meridian is, the Poles, Axes, Houre circle and Index. Moreover of the Circles which are described on the superficies of the Globes ; of the Equinoctiall Circle, Zodiack, and Eccliptick, of the Tropicks, what the Artick and Antartick Circles are ; of the Vertical! Circles, and quadrant of Latitude, of the Zones and their numbers of Climates and Paralels. All which are proper to the Celestiail and Terrestriall Globes, with their uses, profitable for all that would be instructed in Geography. [D. M.] London, 1652. 4to. Gloucester. Historia et Cartularium Mouasterii Sancti Petri Glou- cestrise. 3 vol. Edited by William Henry Hart. [CHKONICLES AND MEMOBIALS.] [R. O.] London, 1863-67. 8vo Glover (John). See ENGLAND. Le Livere de Reis de Brittanie. . (Eichard). Poetical Works. See ANDERSON, British Poets. Vol. XI. Glueck (Chr. W.). Geschichtliche Darstellung der kirchlichen Ver- haltnisse der katholischen Schweiz von den friihesten Zeiten bis zur Helvetik. Von C. W. C. [Band I. " Pragmatische Erzah- lung.] [G. G.] Mannheim, 1850. 8vo. Glueckseligkeit. Unterweisung zur Gliickseligkeit nach der Lehre Jesu. Neue . . Auflage. Berlin, 1782. 8vo. Gmunden (Joannes de). Tractatus de Minucijs phisicis : compositus Vienne Austrie per magistrum Joannem de Gmunden. See BOETHIUS. Gobineau (Joseph Arthur de), Comte. Les Religions et les Philoso- phies dans 1'Asie centrale. Par M. le C. d. G. 2^ me edition. [G. G.] Ports, 1866. 8vo. Goclenius (Rodolphus). Rodolphi Goclenii Professoris Philosophiae in Academia Marpurgensi, Cosmographiae seu Sphaerae Mundi de- scriptionis hoc est Astronomiae & Geographiae rudimenta. In usum discentium Logicis institutis Legibuso^ congruenter ador- nata, publiceo^ explicata Marpurgi & in libros duos tributa. [D. M.] Lemgoviae, 1603. 8vo. Godvinus (Johannes). See CAESAR (C. J.). Quce extant. Godward (William), Junior. See ALMANACS. Interpolation Tables . . [constructed by W. G.,junr.~]. . Auxiliary Tables for computing an approximate Ephemeris of a Minor Planet where the angle of excentricity does not exceed twenty degrees. By W. G., jun 1 '., of the Nautical Office. [D. M.] London, 1866. 4to. Godwin (Henry). Bnrmah. Letters and papers written in 1852-53. By Major-General H. G. [G. G.] London. 8vo. (Parke). The History of France. By P. G. Vol.1. (Ancient Gaul.) [G. G.] London, 1860. 8vo. 290 GOD GOM Godwin (William). Enquiry concerning Political Justice, and its influence on Morals and Happiness. By W. G. 2nd edition. 2 vol. [G. G.] London, 1796. 8vo. . Memoirs of the author of a Vindication of the Eights of "Woman. By W. G. The second edition, corrected. [D. M.] London, 1798. 8vo. Goeller (Pranciscus). See THUCYDIDES. De bello Peloponnesiaco. . De situ et origine Syracusarum ad explicandam Thvcydidis potissimum historiam scripsit atque Philisti et Timaei rerum Sicularum fragmenta adjecit P. G. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1818. 8vo. Goethe (Johann Wolfgang von). Goethe's poetische und prosaische Werke in Zwei Banden. [G. G.] Stuttgart, 1836-37. 8vo. . Paust. Eine Tragodie von G. 2 Th. Neue Auflage. [G. G.] Stuttgart, 1833. 16mo. . . A Tragedy, by J. W. von G. Translated into English verse by J. Bird, Esq. Embellished with twenty-nine engravings on steel, after Moritz Eetzsch. [G. G.] London, 1839. 8vo. . Torquato Tasso. Ein Schauspiel von Goethe. Neue Auflage. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1816. 8vo. Goette (Wilhelm). Das Delphische Orakel in seinem politischen, religiosen und sittlichen Einfluss auf die alte Welt. Dargestellt von W. G. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1839. 8vo. Goettling[-ius] (Carolus). See ARISTOTLE. (1) OIKONOMIKOS ; ^r. (2) Politicorum libri octo. (C. W.). Gesammelte Abhandlungen aus dem classischen Alterthume. Von C. W. G. 2'Bde. [G. G.] Halle $ Munchen, 1851-63. 8vo. Goetzius (Prid. Lebr.). De Pistrinis Vetervm, ad illvstranda varia scriptvrse sacrse et profanorvm avtorvin loca, ex antiqvitatvm monvmentis disserit M. P. L. G., SS. Th. Bacc. et Diac. ad S. Oath. Cygn. Cvm indicibvs necessariis. [D. M.] Cygnece, 1730. 8vo. Goguet (Antoine-Yves De). The origin of Laws, Arts, and Sciences, and their progress among the most Ancient Nations. Translated from the Prench of President de G. In three volumes. [G. G.] Edinburgh, 1775. 8vo. Goldmayerus (Andreas). See BAETSCHITJS (J.). PlanispJicerium Stel- latum. Goldsmid (Anne Maria). See Philippsohn (Ludwig). Goldsmith (Oliver). Poetical Works. ' See ANDERSON, British Poets. vol. x: . The Vicar of Wakefield, together with the Poems of Oliver Goldsmith. A new edition. London, 1857. 8vo. Golius (Theophilus). See AEISTOTLE. Doctrince Moralis. Gompertz (Benjamin). See KEEIL (E.). On the use of the Equa- torial. Addition, ly B. G. GOM GOO 291 Gompertz (Benjamin). Hints on Porisms, in a Letter to T. S. Davies, Esq., F.H.S., F.S.A., &c., with a Scholium not contained in the letter. . . Being No. HI of Original Tracts. By B. G. [D. M.] London, 1850. 4to. . The Principles and Application of Imaginary Quantities, Book I ; to which are added some observations on Porisms ; being the first of a series of original Tracts on various parts of the Mathematics. By B. G. } Esq. [D. M.] London, 1817. 4to. . Book II ; derived from a particular case of Functional Projections. [D. M.] London, 1817-18. 4to. - (Lewis). See FOESTEE (T.). Philozoia. Gomperz (Theodoras). See PHILODEMTTS. De ira liber. . Demosthenes der Staatsmann. Ein popularer Vortrag gehalten zu Briinn den 17. Marz 1864 von T. G. [G. G.] Wien, 1864. 8vo. . [Review of Herodotos, erklart von Heinrich Stein ; &c. Zeit- schriftf. d. osterr. Gymnas. 1859. X. Heft.] [G. G.] Wien. 8vo. . Herkulanische Studien von T. G. Zweites Heft [" Philodem uber Frommigkeit"]. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1866. 8vo. . Die Herculanischen Bollen. Von T. G. [G. G.] Wien, 1866. 8vo. . Neue Bruchstiicke Epikur's ,, iiber die Natur." Hercula- nensium voluminum collectio altera. Tom. VI., Fasciculus I. [G. G.] Wien, 1867. 8vo. Goncourt (Edmond de) and (Jules de). Sophie Arnould d'apres sa Correspondance et ses Memoires inedits. Par MM. E. et J. d. G. [G. G.] Paris, 1857. 12mo. Good (J.). Measuring made Easy: or the description and use of Coggeshall's Sliding Rule, containing instructions for measuring all manner of timber, both by the common way, and the true way : with directions for taking the dimensions of trees, and the allowance for bark, &c. Performed both by the rule, and by arithmetick . . By J. G., Teacher of the Mathematicks. Care- fully corrected, and much enlarged by J. Atkinson, Sen. [D. M.] London, 1719. 8vo. (John Mason). See LTJCEETITJS CARFS (T.). The Nature of Things. Goodall (Charles). The Eoyal College of Physicians of London founded and established by law . . and an historical account of the College's proceedings against Empiricks [&c.]. By C. G., Dr. in Physick. [Only the Dedicatory Epistles. ~] [D. M.] London, 1684. 4to. Goodwin ("W. W.). Syntax of the Moods and Tenses of the Greek Verb. By W. W. G., Ph. B. [G. G.] Cambridge [U. S.], 1860. 8vo. u2 292 GOO GOE Goodwyn (Henry). A Plan for a new general system of Weights, as a supplement to the plan for the new Silver Coinage, published 22d June, 1816 ; with additional suggestions respecting the Currency of the Kingdom, and an abstract of the new Coinage- act, &c. &c. &c. [D. M.] London, 1816. 4to. . A Table of the Circles arising from the division of a unit, or any other whole number, by all the integers from 1 to 1024 ; being all the pure decimal quotients that can arise from this source. [D. M.] London, 1823. 8vo. . A Tabular Series of Decimal Quotients for all the proper vulgar fractions, of which, when in their lowest terms, neither the numerator nor the denominator is greater than 1000. [D. M.] London, 1823. 8vo. . A complete Table of Simple Interest at the rate of 5. per centum per annum. H. G. Inv. [D. M.] London, [ .] s. sh. fol. . A complete universal Table of Simple Interest at the rate of William Eowan). Elements of Quaternions. (Sir William Eowan). Abstracts of Communications to the Eoyal Irish Academy, made in the years 1847, 1848, 'and 1849. By &r W. E. H. [D. M.] Dublin, 1849. 8vo. . Abstracts of additional Communications on Quaternions, or on a new system of Imaginaries in Algebra [&c.]. By Sir W. E. H. [From the Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy] [D. M.] Dublin, 1846. 8vo. . Dargle Yerses. (1854. 1823.) [D. M.] 06s., Sept. 15, 1854. 4to. . Elementary Illustrations of the Anharmonic Quaternion and of Plane & Spherical Involution. [For Section A of the British Association at Grlasgow, Sept. 19, 1855.] [D. M.] s. sh. 4to. (lith.) 316 HAM Hamilton (Sir William Eowan). Elementary Proof, that Eight Peri- meters, of the regular inscribed Polygon of Twenty sides, exceed Twenty-five Diameters of the Circle. By Professor Sir W. E. H. [From the Philosophical Magazine, April 1862.] [D. M.] 8vo. . Elements of Quaternions. By the late Sir W. E. H., LL.D. [&c.]. Edited by his Son, "W. E. H. [D. M.] London, 1866. 8vo. . Lectures on Quaternions : containing a systematic statement of a New Mathematical Method ; of which the principles were communicated in 1843 to the Eoyal Irish Academy ; and which has since formed the subject of successive courses of lectures, delivered in 1848 and subsequent years, in the Halls of Trinity College, Dublin : with numerous illustrative diagrams, and with some geometrical and physical applications. By Sir W. E. H. [D. M.] Dublin, 1853. 8vo. . Memoir of Sir W. E. H. [Eeprinted from the Gentleman's Magazine, No. 1, New Series, 1866.] [D. M.] 8vo. . ' On a General Method in Dynamics. By W. E. H. [From the Philosophical Transactions. Part II. 1834.] [D. M.] London, 1834. 4to. . Second Essay. [Part I. 1835.] [D. M.] London, 1835. 4to. . On differences and differentials of functions of Zero. By W. E. H. [From the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy. Yol. XVII.] [A M.~] Dublin, 1834. 4to. . On Equations of the Fifth Degree : and especially on a certain System of Expressions connected with those equations, which Professor Badano has lately proposed. By Sir W. E. H. [From the Trans, of the E. L A. Vol. XIX. Part II.] [D. M.] Dublin, 1843. 4to. . On Fluctuating Functions. By Sir W. E. H. [From the Trans, of the R. I. A. Vol. XIX. Part II.] Dublin, 1842. 4to. . On the argument of Abel, respecting the impossibility of expressing a root of any general equation above the fourth degree, by any finite combination of radicals and rational func- tions. By Sir "W. E. H. [From the Trans, of the R. I. A. Vol. XVril. Part II.] Dublin, 1838. 4to. . On the Error of a received Principle of Analysis, respecting Functions which vanish with their Variables. By W. E. H. [With " Note " to the paper.] [From the Trans, of the R. I. A. Vol. XVI.] 1831. 4to. . On the Law of the Circular Hodograph ; or, on a new mode of geometrically conceiving, and of expressing in symbolical lan- guage, the Newtonian Law of Attraction. By Professor Sir W. E. H. [From the Proceedings of the R. I. A. Vol. in.] [D. M.] Ikiblin, 1846. 8vo. . Eesearches respecting Quaternions. First Series. By Sir W. E. H. [From the Trans, of the R. I. A. Vol. XXI. Part II. | Dublin, 1847. 4to. HAM HAE 317 Hamilton (Sir "William Rowan). The first part of an essay on the Theory of Systems of Rays. By W. R. H. . . Royal Astro- nomer of Ireland. ["With 3 Supplements.] [From the Trans, of the R. I. A. Vol.XV.-XVLL] [D. M.] Dublin, 1828-33. 4to. . Theory of Conjugate Functions, or Algebraic Couples ; with a preliminary and elementary essay on Algebra as the Science of Pure Time. By W. R. H. [D. M.] Dublin, 1835. 4to. Hammer (Joseph von). Die Geschichte der Assassinen, aus morgen- landischen Quellen, durch J. v. H. [G. G.] Stuttgart, 1818. 8vo. Hammond (James). Poetical Works. See ANDERSON, British Poets. Vol. VIII. (William A.). Military Medical and Surgical Essays prepared for the United States Sanitary Commission. Edited by W. A. H., M. D., Surgeon-General U. S. Army, &c. Philadelphia, 1864. 8vo. Hancock (John). Observations on the climate, soil, and productions of British Guiana, and on the advantages of emigration to and colonising the interior of that country. . . By J. H., M.D. Second edition. [G. G.] London, 1840. 8yo. Hanow (Fridericus). See USENER (H.). Analecta Theophrastea. Hanschius (Michael Gottlieb). See KEPPIERUS (J.). Epistolce, #c. . See LEIBNITZ (G. G.). Theoremata Metaphysica. Hansen (Carolus Ernestus Joannes). De Polydipsia. Dissertatio Inauguralis Medica . . Scripsit C. E. J. H. Kiliae, 1856. 4to. (Petrus Andreas). Commentatio de Gradus Praecisionis Coin- putatione. Auctore Petro Andrea H. Directore Speculae Ernes- tinae. Gothae, 1830. 4to. - (V.). See TRIER. Der Heilige Rock, &c. Hanson (Richard Davies). Science and Theology : a paper read before the Adelaide Philosophical Society. By R. D. H., Esq., Chief -Justice of South Australia. London, 1864. 12mo. Hanstein (J. F.). The Nymph of the Well and the Barber's Ghost. Translated from the German of Musaeus, by J. F. H. [G. G.] London [ .] 8vo. Harcourt (Levesoii Vernon). See ROSE (Right Hon. George). (Seymour). The Gaming Calendar, to which are added, annals of gaming, and prefixed a letter to Sir Robert Baker, Chief Magistrate of the Police. By S. H., Esq. Second edition. [D. M.] London, 1820. 8vo. (W. Vernon). Address by the Rev. W. V. H. [With Ap- pendix.] [British Association, 1839.] [D. M.] 8vo. Hardey (James Josiah). Dublin. Law School. Introductory Lecture on the Law of Property and Conveyancing . . By J. J. H., Esq. Dublin, 1839. 8vo. Harduhms (Joannes). See PLINIUS, the Elder. Historice Naturalis libri xa\wii. 318 HAE Hardwick (Charles). See ELMIIAM (T. of). Historia Monasterii S. Augustini Can tuariensis. Hardy (Claudius). See EUCLID. AEAOMENA. KAI MAPINOT YHOMNHMA. (Hill H.). Geometrical Theorems, exhibiting some newly- arrived-at properties of Polygons, with respect to points, lines, and circles. By H. H. H., A.M. [D. M.] Dublin, 1848. 8vo. (Peter). A new and general Notation for Life Contingencies. By P. H., F.E.S. Actuary to the Mutual Life Assurance Society [&c.]. [D. M.] London, 1840. 8vo. . Catalogue of the . . Library of the late P. H., Esq. F.E.S. [Sale-Catalogue.'] [D. M.] London, 1863. 8vo. . Another copy. {Priced.} . On Methods of Approximation. By P. H. [Eead before the Institute of Actuaries, 29th of April 1850.] [D. M.] London. 8vo. . On the Values of Annuities, which are to pay certain given Eates of interest on the purchase money during the whole term of their continuance, and to replace their original values, on their expiration, at certain other given rates. By P. H. [Eead before the Institute of Actuaries, 25th November, 1850.] [D. M.] 8vo. . Some considerations in the theories of Combinations, Proba- bilities, and Life Contingencies. .By P. H. . . Actuary to the London Assurance Corporation. [Eead before the Institute of Actuaries, 24th November, 1851.] [D. M.] London, 1852. 8vo. . The Doctrine of Simple and Compound Interest, Annuities and Eeversions, analytically and practically explained : with new and extensive Tables. By'P. H. [D. M.] London, 1839. 8vo. (Sir Thomas Duffus). See EOTTJLI. . See EYMEE (T.). Syllabus, $r. . See STATE PAPEES. . Descriptive Catalogue of Materials relating to the History of Great Britain and Ireland, to .the end of the reign of Henry VII. By T. D. H. Vol. I. Parts I. and II. From the Eoinan Period to the Norman Invasion. Vol. II. From A.D. 1066 to A.D. 1200. Vol. III. From A.D. 1200 to A.D. 1327. [E. O.] London, 1862-71. 8vo. . Eeport to the Eight Honourable the Master of the Eolls upon the Documents in the Archives and Public Libraries of Venice. By T. D. H. [G. G.] London, 1866. 8vo. (William). See WAVEIN (J. de). H are (Julius Charles). A Letter to the Very Eevereiid the Dean of Chichester, on the agitation excited by the Appointment of Dr Hampden to the See of Hereford. 'By J. C. H., M.A., Arch- deacon of Lewes. [D. M.] London, 1848. Svo. HAE 319 Hargreave (Charles James). An Essay on the Besolution of Alge- braic Equations. By the late C. J. H., LL.D., F.E.S., a Judge of the Landed Estates Court, Ireland. Printed for private circu- lation. [D. M.] Dublin, 1866. 8vo. . Analytical Researches concerning Numbers. By C. J. H., Esq., LL.B., F.E.S., Professor of Jurisprudence, University Col- lege, London.* [D. M.] [1849.] 8vo. . Applications of the Calculus of Operations to Algebraical Expansions and Theorems. By C. J. H.* [D. M.] [1853.] 8vo. . Differential Equations of the First Order. Extension of Iii- tegrable forms. By C. J. H * [D. M.] [1865.] 8vo. . General Methods in Analysis for the resolution of Linear Equations in finite differences and Linear Differential Equations. By C. J. H.t [D. M.] London, 1850. 4to. . On the Algebraic Couple ; and on the equivalents of Inde- terminate Expressions. By C. J. H. [From the Report of the British Association, 1857.] [D. M.] London, 1858. 8vo. . On the Calculation of Attractions, and the Figure of the Earth. By C. J. H., B.A.t [D. M.] London, 1841. 4to. . On the Solution of Linear Differential Equations. By C. J. H.t [D. M.] London, 1848. 4to. . [Essay, " To resolve an Algebraic Equation," &c.] [Wanting title-page.'] [D. M.] 8vo. Harington (James). The Oceana of J. H. and his other works, some whereof are now first publish'd from his own manuscripts. The whole collected, methodiz'd, and review'd, with an exact account of his life prefixed, by John Toland. [G. G.] London, 1700. fol. Harkness (E.) and Nicholson (Henry Alleyne). Additional Observa- tions on the Geology of the Lake-country. By Professor E. Harkness, F.E.S., F.G.S., and Henry Nicholson,* Esq. With a Note on two New Species of Trilobites, by J. W. Salter, Esq., F.G.S4: [1866.] 8vo. . On the Coniston Group.* . [1868.] 8vo. . On the Lower Silurian Eocks of the Isle of Man. By Pro- fessor E. H. and H. N. [1866.] 8vo. Harleian Manuscripts. Catalogue. See BRITISH MUSEUM. Harlesius. See HAELESS. Harless (Gottlieb Christophorus). See CICERO (M. T.). . See DEMOSTHENES. . See FABRICITJS (J. A.). [* From Tlie Philosophical Magazine. f The Philosophical Transactions. Tlie Proceedings of the Geological Society.'] 320 HAE Harley (Robert). A contribution to the history of the Problem of the Reduction of the General Equation of the Fifth Degree to a Trinomial Form. By the Rev. R. H.t [D. M.] [1863.] 8vo. . On Impossible and certain other Surd Equations. By R. H., Esq. [D. M.] 8vo. . On the Method of Symmetric Products, and on Certain Cir- cular Functions connected with that Method. By the Rev. R. H.* [D. M.] [I860.] 4to. Harmonia Trigonometrica. Harmonia Trigonometrica : or, a short treatise of Trigonometry : wherein the harmony between Plane and Spherical Trigonometry is clearly exhibited ; the similar cases of both being solved by Theorems materially, and almost verbally, the same. The second edition, improved and enlarged. [D. M.] London, 1764. 4to. Harms (Albertus). De Theorie der Spherische Beelden in hare toe- passing op de elektrische induktie. Academisch Proefschrift . . door A. H. Utrecht, 1870. 8vo. Harpocration (Valerius). Harpocrationis Lexicon cum annota- tionibus interpretum lectionibusque libri MS. Vratislaviensis. 2 vol. [G-. G.] Lipsiae, 1824. 8vo. Harriotus (Thomas). Artis Analyticae Praxis, ad ^Equationes Alge- braicas noua, expedita, & generali methodo, resoluendas : Trac- tatvs e posthumis Thomao Harrioti, Philosophi ac Mathematici celeberrimi, schediasmatis summa fide & diligentia descriptus : et illvstrissimo domino Dom. Henrico Percio, JSTorthvmbriae Comiti, qui haec primo, sub patronatus & munificentiaa suae auspicijs ad proprios vsus elucubrata, in communem Mathematicorum vtili- tatem, denuo reuisenda, describenda, & publicanda mandauit, meritissimi honoris ergo nuucupatus. [D. M.] Londini, 1631. fol. Harris (George). The Theory of the Arts ; or, Art in relation to Nature, Civilization, and Man. Comprising an investigation, analytical and critical, into the origin, rise, province, principles, and application of each of the arts. By G. H., F.S.A. . . In two volumes. London, 1869. 8vo. (John). See PAEDIES (Ignat. Gaston). Elements of Geometry [<.], rendered into English by J. H. . A new short Treatise of Algeb3a ; with the geometrical con- struction of Equations, as far as the fourth power or dimension. Together with a specimen of the nature and algorithm of Fluxions. By J. H., M.A. and Fellow of the Royal Society. [D. M.] London, 1702." 4to. (Richard). An Account of some Astronomical Tables in the Library of the Rev. C. Tumor, A.M., F.R.S. &c. By Mr. R. H. [From* the Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society. ,] [D. M.] 4to. [* From The Philosophical Transactions. f TJie Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathe- matics.'} HAR HAS 321 Harris (Sir W. Snow). Rudimentary Electricity . . By Sir W. S. H. 4th edition. '[G. G.] London, 1854. 12mo. . State of the question relating to the protection of the British Navy from Lightning . . as proposed by Mr. S. H., E.R.S. [G. G.] Plymouth, 1838. 8vo. Harrison (John). A narrative of the proceedings relative to the discovery of the Longitude at Sea ; by Mr. J. H., time-keeper ; subsequent to those published in the year 1763. [D. M.] London, 1765. 8vo. . Remarks on a pamphlet lately published by the Rev. Mr. Maskelyne, under the authority of the Board of Longitude. By J. H. " [D. M.] London, 1767. 8vo. (J. B.). A Discourse on the prospects of Letters and Taste in Virginia, pronounced before the Literary and Philosophical Society of Hampden-Sydney College, at their fourth anniversary, in September, 1827. By J. B. H. [D. M.] Cambridge (U. S.), 1828. 8vo. Hart (William Henry). See GLOUCESTER. HistoriaMonasteriiS.Petri. Harte (Walter). Poetical Works. See ANDERSON, British Poets. Vol. IX. Hartley (David). Theory of the Human Mind. See PRIESTLEY (J.). Hartmann (Johann Georg Clemens). Evangelische Predigten. Von J. G. C. H. Hannover, 1779. 8vo. Hartung (J. A.). Die Religion und Mythologie der Griechen. Von J. A. H. Erster Theil. Naturgeschichte der heidnischen Reli- gionen besonders der Griechischen. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1865. 8vo. Hartwell. Catalogue of Law Books in the Library at Hartwell. [The larger portion formerly belonging to Chief Justice Sir William Lee, and the Right Hon. Sir George Lee, Knight, Judge of the Arches Court of Canterbury.] [D. M.] London, 1855. 8vo. (Robert). See RECORDE (R.). Arithmetic^, 1648. Harvard, University of. Harvard University. A Descriptive Cata- logue of the Warren Anatomical Museum. By J. B. S. Jackson, M.D., Curator of the Museum. Boston [U. S.], 1870. 8vo. Harwood (Thomas). Grecian Antiquities ; or, an Account of the public and private Life of the Greeks [&c.]. By T. H. [G. G.] London, 1801. 8vo. Hase (Heinrich). The Public and private Life of the ancient Greeks. By H. H. Translated from the German. [G. G.] London, 1836. 8vo. Haskoll (W. Davis). Land and Marine Surveying in reference to the preparation of plans for roads and railways ; canals, rivers, towns, water supplies ; docks and harbours ; with description and use of surveying instruments. By W. D. H., Civil Engineer. [D. M.] London, 1868. 8vo. Y 322 HAS HAW Hasselquist (Frederick). Vc^ages and Travels in the Levant ; in the Tears 1749, 50, 51, 52 containing Observations in Natural History, Physick [&c.] . . Written originally in the Swedish Language, by the late P. H., M.D. Published, by order of her present Majesty the Queen of Sweden. By Charles Linnaeus. [G. G.] London, 1766. 8vo. Hatton (Edward). A new treatise of decimals ; &c. See BECOKDE (B.). Aritlimetick. . A Mathematical Manual : or, Delightful Associate. . . The whole very useful and pleasant. Published for the contemplation and diversion of gentlemen, and others, who are Mathematically inclined. By E. H., Gent. [D. M.] London, 1728. 8vo. . An Index to Interest : containing, I. The largest Tables of Simple Interest that have yet been made publick. . . II. A Table of Discount. . . III. Two Tables shewing . . the present worth of Annuities, and the purchase thereof. . . IV. An easie Table for the valuation of any number of Tears lapsed in a Church or College-lease of land. . . V. Tables of the amount and present worth of any sum of Money, and of Annuities to 61 years, and rules to apply them for 122 years. Also the full use of all the Tables . . likewise easie rules for valuation of 1, 2, and 3 Lives. Toogeher with a new invented Circle for the easie finding the number of days contain'd between any two in the year. . . By E. H., Philomath. [D. M.] London,' 1711. 4to. Hauksbee (Francis). See WHISTON (W.). A course of . . Experi- ments. Haureau (B.). De la Philosophic scolastique. Par B. H. 2 torn. [G. G.] Paris, 1850. 8vo. Hausmann (Joannes Fridericus Ludovicus). De Origine Saxorum, per Germaniae Septemtrionalis regiones arenosas dispersorurn comment atio. Auctore J. F. L. H. [G. G.] GoUingae, 1831. 4to. Hauthal (Ferdinandus). See HORATITTS FLACCTJS. Commentarii. Havercampus (Sigebertus). See JOSEPHUS (F.). Opera ; fyc. Hawkes (Samuel). A Sketch of the principles of the Differential Calculus, with an Appendix. By S. H., M.A. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1823. 4to. Hawkins (Aaron). The Gregorian and Julian Calendars : wherein are taught how to find arithmetically the Leap-years [&c.] : Together with an explanation of the Roman Indiction [&c.]. To which is now added, Memorial Verses, adapted to the Gregorian Account, or New Style . . By A. H. [D. M.] London, 1752. 4to. (Edward). See BRITISH MUSEUM. Catalogue of the Greek and Etruscan Vases. (Isaac). An Essay for the discovery of the Longitude at Sea, by several new methods fully and particularly laid before the publick. By I. H. [D. M.] London, 1714. 4to. HAW HAY 323 Hawkins (John). See COCKER (E.). (Thomas). Statement relative to the British Museum. T. H. [With Appendix.] [D. M.] London, 1848. 4to. Hawtrey (Edward Craven). Catalogue of the first division of the larger portion of the . . Library of the Rev. Dr. H., Provost of Eton. [Sale-catalogue. ~\ [D. M.] [London,'] 1853. 8vo. . Catalogue of the . . Library of the late Eev. Dr. H. [Sale- catalogue^ [London, 1862.] 8vo. Haycock (William). The Gentleman's Stable Manual. . . By W. H., Y.S. [&c.] Second edition. London, 1860. 8vo. . Treatise on the Principles and Practice of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery. By W. H. Part I. London, 1858. 8vo. Haydon (Frank Scott). See ETTLOGITJM (Historiarum sive Temporis). Hay (D. E.). The laws of harmonious colouring adapted to interior decorations, manufactures, and other useful purposes. By D. E. H. Third edition. [G-. G-.] Edinburgh, 1836. 8vo. Haye (T. D.). See TAINE (H.). English Positivism, translated ly T. D. H. Hayes (Charles). A Treatise of Fluxions : or, an introduction to Mathematical Philosophy. Containing a full explication of that method by which the most celebrated geometers of the present age have made such vast advances in mechanical philosophy. A work very useful for those that would know how to apply mathe- niaticks to nature. By C. H., Gent. [D. M.] London, 1704. fol. Haygarth (John). Observations on the Bill of Mortality, in Chester, for the year 1772. By Dr. H. For 1773. [From The Philoso- phical Transactions.'] [D. M.] 4to. Haym (E.). Hegel und seine Zeit. Vorlesungen . . von E. H. [G. G.] Berlin, 1857. 8vo. Hayman (Henry). See HOMEE. Odyssey. . A Letter to the Eev. H. L. Mansel, B.D., . . on the Public School Latin Primer, by H. H., B.D. . . shewing some grave errors of principle, and numerous faults of detail in that book. Oxford, 1867. 8vo. . Exercises in Translation from English Poetry into Greek and Latin Yerse. 1. Greek epic Hexameters. 2. Greek Iambics. 3. Latin Elegiacs. 4. Latin Hexameters. 5. Latin Lyrics. By H. H. ; B.D. London, 1864. 8vo. Hayter (Sir George). A descriptive catalogue of the historical pic- tures of the meeting of the first reformed House of Commons in 1833 : and of various other works, comprising upwards of eight hundred portraits of eminent personages, painted by Sir G. H., Knt. [G. G.] London, 1843. 4to. Hayward (A.). Some Account of a Journey across the Alps, in a letter to a friend. [D. M.] London (printed for private circulation), 1834. 12mo. T2 324 HAY HEO Hay ward (E. B.). An Interpretation and Proof of Lagrange's Equa- tions of Motion referred to Generalized Coordinates. By E. B. H., M.A. [Extracted from The Quarterly Journal of Pure, and Ap- plied Mathematics, No. 40, 1870.] [D. M.] 8vo. . On a direct method of estimating Velocities, Accelerations, and all similar quantities with respect to Axes moveable in any manner in space, with applications. By E. B. H. [From The Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.'] [D. M.] Cambridge, 1856. 4to. Haywood (Francis). See KANT (I.). Critick of Pure Reason, trans- lated ly F. H. Hazard. Essay d' Analyse sur les Jeux de Hazard. Seconde edition, revue & augmentee de plusieurs Lettres. [D. M.] Paris, 1713. 4to. Hazard (Rowland G.). Two Letters on Causation and Freedom in Willing, addressed to John Stuart Mill. With an Appendix, on the existence of Matter, and our notions of infinite Space. By E. G. H. [D. M.J London, 1869. 8vo. Headland (Frederick W.). See EOTLE (J. F.) and HEADLAND (F. W.). Hearn (George Whitehead). Investigation of an extensive class of Partial Differential Equations of the Second Order, in which the Equation of Laplace's Functions is included. By G. W. H., Esq.* [D. M.] London, 1846. 4to. . On the cause of the discrepancies observed by Mr. Baily with the Cavendish Apparatus for determining the mean Density of the Earth. By G. W. H.* [D. M. ] London, 1847. 4to. Heather (J. F.). A Treatise on Mathematical instruments, including most of the instruments employed in drawing, for assisting the vision, in surveying and levelling, in practical astronomy, and for measuring the angles of crystals : in which their construction, and the methods of testing, adjusting, and using them, are con- cisely explained. By J. F. H., M.A. Of the Eoyal Military Academy, Woolwich. [D. M.] London, 1849. 12mo. . Another edition, 1853. Hefoerle (J.-M.). Catalogue . . des Livres anciens et modernes. [Sale-catalogue.'] [D. M.] Bruxelles, 1851. 8vo. Hebert (Jacques-Eene). Vie privee et politique de J.-E. Hebert, auteur du Pere Duchene. Pour faire suite aux Vies de Manuel, Pction, Brissot et d'Orleans. [G. G.] Paris, L'an II de la Eepublique [1794]. 8vo. Hecataeus. Historica omnia. See CRETJZER (F.). Hecker (A.). De Oratione in Eratosthenem Trigintavirum Lysiae falso tributa. Scripsit A. H., Phil. Theor-Mag. Lit-Hum. Doct. [G. G.] [ .] 4to. [* From The Philosophical Transactions.'] HEE HEG 325 Heereboord (Adrianus). Adrian! H., . . EPMHNEIA Logica. Seu explicatio, . . Synops. Logic* Burgersdicianae . . Editio quinta. [G-. G.j Amstelcedami, 1666. 8vo. . 'EPMHNE'IA Logica, seu Synopseos Logica) Burgersdicianae explicatio, turn per notas turn per exempla ; Authore Adriano H. ; Phil. Profess. Acad. Leid. Primario. Editio nova accurata. Accedit ejusdem Authoris Praxis Logica. [D. M.] Cantabrigiof, 1680. 8vo. . Adriani H., Professoris (dum viveret) in Academia Patria Philosophi Ordinarii, Philosophia Naturalis, Nbvis Commentariis . . explicata. Accedit ejusdem auctoris Pneumatica, &c. [D. M.] Amstelodami, 1665. 4to. Heeren (Arnold Hermann Ludwig). See BIBLIOTHEK der alien Litteratur und Kutist. . See EISEKDECHEB, '(W.). Ueber die Entstehung [^o.] des Buryerrechtes im alien Rom. . See PEETZ (G. H.). Merowinyisclun Hammeier. . See STO.BAETJS (J.). Edoyarum PTiysicarum et Ethicarum libri duo. . Commentatio de Fontibus Geographicorum Ptolemaei Tabu- larumque iis annexarum : num ii Graecae an vero Tyriae originis f uerint ? Auctore A. H. L. H. [G. G.] Gottingae, 1827. 4to. . De fontibus et auctoritate vitarum parallelarum Plutarchi commentationes quatuor. Auctore A. H. L. H. [G. G.] Gottingae, 1820. 8vo. . De Fontibus Geographicorum Strabonis Commentationes duae, Begiae Societati Scientiarum exhibitae ab Arnoldo H. L. H. [G. G.] Gottinyae, 1823. 4to. . Historische Werke von. A. H. L. H. Th. VIII. IX. [G. G.] Gottinc/en, 1822. 8vo. . Ideen iiber die Politik, den Verkehr, und den Handel der vornehmstem Volker der alten Welt. Yon A. H. L. H. [l er Th. 1 & 2 Abth. 2 er Th. 1 & 2 Ab. 3 er Th. 1 Ab.] [G. G.] Gottinyen, 1815-21. 8vo. Heffter (August Wilhelm). Die athenaische Gerichtsverfassung. . . Von A. W. H. [G. G.] Coin, 1822. 8vo. (Moritz Wilhelm). Die Gotterdienste au Ehodus im Alter- thume. Dargestellt von M. W. H. Erstes Heft. [G. G.] Zerbst, 1827. 8vo. Hegel (Georg Wilhelm Friedrich). Logique de Hegel. Traduite pour la premiere fois et accompagnee d'une introduction et d'un com- mentaire perpetuel par A. Ve'ra, Docteur es-lettres de la Faculte de Paris. Tom. I. II. Pm. 1859. 8vo. 326 HEG HEI Hegel (G-eorg "Wilhelm Friedrich). The Subjective Logic of Hegel. Translated by H. Sloman, Dr., and J. Wallon. Revised by a Graduate of Oxford. To which are added some remarks by H. S. [G. G.] London, 1855. 12mo. . G. W. P. Hegel's Vorlesungen liber die Philosophic der Geschichte. Herausgegeben von Dr. Eduard Gans. Zweite Auflage besorgt von Dr. Karl Hegel. [Part of H.'s Werke]. [G. G.] Berlin, 1840. 8vo. . Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's Vorlesungen iiber die Aesthetik. Herausgegeben von H. G. Hotho. 3 Th. Zweite Auflage. [Part of H.'s WerJce.'] [G-. G.] Berlin, 1842-43. 8vo. (Karl). See HEGEL (G. W. F.) Vorlesungen. Heiberg (Carolus Fridericus). De Familiari Patriciorum nexu. Scripsit C. P. H. [G. G.] Slesvici. 1829. 8vo. Heigl (Georgius Antonius). See PLOTINUS. Ad Gnosticos liber. Heilbronner (Jo. Christoph.). Historia Matheseos Universse a mundo condito ad seculum P. C. N. XVI. Praecipuorum Mathemati- corum vitas, dogmata, scripta et manuscripta complexa. Accedit recensio elementorum, compendiorum et operum mathematicorum atque historia arithmetices ad nostra tempora autore J. C. H. [D. M.] Lipsice, 1742. 4to. Heilmann (J.). Das Kriegswesen der Kaiserlichen und Schweden zur Zeit des dreissigjahrigen Krieges [&c.]. Von J. H. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1850. 8vo. Heimsoeth (P.). Erklarungen zu Pindar. [Prom the Mm. f. Philoloy. N. P. V.] [G. G.] Bonn. 8vo. Heindorfius (Lud. Prid.). See PLATO. Heineccius (Jo. Gottlieb). lo. Gottl. Heineccl. Ic. . . Antiqvitatvm Romanarvm Ivrisprvdentiam illvstrantivm Syntagma. . . Editio secunda. . . 2 Pt. [G. G.] Argentorati, 1724. 8vo. Heinecke (Christian). Homer und Lykurg, oder das Alter der Iliade und die politische Tendenz ihrer Poesie. Ein Versuch . . von C. H. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1833. 8vo. Heinichen (Pridericus Adolphus). See ETTSEBIUS. Heinricli[-ius] (Carolus Pridericus). See CICERO (M. T.). De Re Piiblica librorum reliqua. . Caroli Prid. Heinrichii . . Demonstratio et E/estitutio loci corrupti e Platonis Protagora. [GK G-.] Kiliae, 1813. 4to. . Epimenides aus Kreta. Ein kritisch-historische Zusammen- stellung aus Bruchstiicken des Alterthums. Nebst zwey kleinern antiquarischen Versuchen. Von C. P. H. [G-. G.] Leipzig, 1801. 8vo. . Caroli Priderici Heinrichii Schedae Lycurgeae. Digessit suisque annotationibus auctas edidit loannes Preudenberg. [G-. G.] Bonnae, 1850. 4to^ HEI HEL 327 Heins (Valentin). G-azophylacium Mercatorio-Arithmeticum. Das 1st : Schatz-Kammer der Kauffmannischen Bechnung. . . mit . . die Solutiones . . Yon Valentino H. Editio quinta. Hamburg, [ .] 8vo. Heinsius (Daniel). See ABISTOTLE. Ethicorum Nicomacheorum para- - . See CLEMENT of Alexandria. Opera quce extant. - . Danielis Heinsii de Contemptv mortis libri iv. [GK Gr.J Lvgdvni Batavorum, 1621. 4to. Heitz (Emil). Die Verlorenen Schriften des Aristoteles. Von E. H., Professor am protestantischen Gymnasium in Strassburg. [GK G-.] Leipzig, 1865. 8vo. Helbig (Wolfgangus). Qvaestiones Scaenicae scripsit W. H. [Gr. Gr.] Bonnae, 1861. 8vo. Heliodorus Larissaeus. Damiani Philosophi Heliodori Lariss&i De Opticis libri II. Hypsiclis Anaphoricvs, sive De Ascensionibys. - . [I. AAMIANOT $IAOSO$OY TOY HAIOA&POY AAPI2- SAIOY irepl OnriKwv Bt?XZa /3'. Damiani Philosophi Heliodori Larissaoi De Opticis Libri II. Nunc primum editi, & animad- uersionibus illustrati ab Erasrnio Bartholino Gasp. Filio. . II. Y^IKAEOY ANA$OPIKOG. HypsicHs Anaphoricvs, sive de Ascensionibvs. Qua Grsece, qua Latine vulgatus per lacobvm Mentelivm. [D. M.] Parisiis, 1657. 4to. Heliodorus. See EEOTICI SCEIPTOEES (Didot). - . HAIOAQPOY AieiOHIKON BIBAIA AEKA, 'A x dpiv ee3(UKe perci IO2. The funeral oration of Hyperides over Leosthenes and his comrades in the Lamian War. The text edited with notes and an introduction by Churchill Babington. Second edition. [G. G.] Cambridge, 1859. 8vo. Hypsicles. See EUCLID. . Y^IKAEOYO ANA$OPIKOC . . Qua Gnece, qua Latine vul- gatus per lacobvm Mentelivm. See HELIODORTJS. I. (B.). Les Entretiens d'Ariste et d'Eugene. Troisieme edition. Paris, 1671. 8vo. lamblichus. Jamblichi de Mysteriis liber . . recognovit Gustavus Parthey. [G. G.] Berolini, 1857. 8vo. IAM IHtf 365 lamblichus. IAMBAIXOY XuAo&W, rfjs KoiXys Sup/as, IIEPI BIOY nYOArOPIKOY AOrOS. Jamblichi Chalcidensis, ex Coele-Syria, De Vita Pythagorica Liber, Graece & Latine : . . Notisque per- petuis illustratus a Ludolpho Kustero, Versionem Latinam . . confecit . . Ulricus Obrechtus. Accedit Malchus, sive Por- phyrius, de Vita Pythagorse : cum Notis Lucse Holstenii, & Conradi Rittershusii itemque Anonymus apud Photium de Vita Pythagoras [D. M.] Amstelodami, 1707. 4to. - . Jamblichus Chalcidensis ex Coele-Syria in Nicomachi Geraseni Arithmeticani Introductionem, et de Eato. Nunc primum editus, in Latinum sermonem conversus [&c.] a Samuele Tennulio. Accedit Joachimi Camerarii Explicatio in duos Libros Nicomachi. [D. M.] Artihemice, 1668. 4to. - (Syrus). See EEOTICI SCEIPTOEES (Didot). Ibrahim-Manzour-Efendi. Mc'moires sur la Grece et 1'Albanie pendant le gouvernement d'Ali-Pacha. Par Ibrahim-Manzour-Efendi . . Ouvrage pouvant servir de complement a celui de M. de Pouque- ville. Seconde edition. [G. G.] Paris, 1828. 8vo. Ideler (Christian Ludwig). Historische Untersuchungen iiber die astronomischen Beobachtungen der Alten. Von C. L. I. [G. G.] Berlin, 1806. 8vo. - . Recherches historiques sur les observations astronomiques des anciens. See PTOLEMAEUS (C.). KANilN BA2IAEK1N; &c. (Julius Ludwig). See ARISTOTLE. Meteorologicorum libri iv. -- See BITTER (C.). Die Erdkunde von Asien. Namen-und Sach- Verzeichniss. ( Ost- Asien. ) - . Meteorologia veterum Graecorum et Roman orum. Prolego- mena ad novam meteorologicorum Aristoteles editionem adornan- dam scripsit I. L. I. Phif. Dr. [G. G.] Berolini, 1832. 8vo. - (Ludwig). Handbuch der mathematischen und technischen Chronologie. Aus den Quellen bearbeitet von Dr. L. I. 2 B dc . [G. G.] Berlin, 1825-26. 8vo. Ignatius. Epistles. See CLEMENT of Rome ; fyc. Ignotus. No. II. A short discourse concerning the authority of the Church in matters of Faith, shewing that the pretences of the Church of Rome are weak and precarious in the resolution of it. By I. Edited by Robert Potts, M.A. London : printed in the year 1687. [D. M.] Cambridge : reprinted-in the year 1851. 8vo. - . No. III. Thirty plain, but sound reasons, why Protestants differ from Popery : to which are added, thirty-four points held by many Papists, which were never yet rationally proved by any one of them ; by I. Revised and amended, with notes, by Robert Potts, M.A. London : printed in the year 1688. [D. M.] Cambridge : reprinted in the year 1851. 8vo. lime ("W".). Researches into the History of the Roman Constitution ; with an Appendix upon the Roman K'nights. By "W. I. [G. G.] London, 1853. 8vo. 306 IKO IND Ikonoklastes (Thomas), pseud. Vademecum fiir Katholiken welche ihre Augen zum sehen gebrauchen wollen. Mit soiiderlichem Fleiss zusainmeugetragen von Bruder T. I. Utopia, im Jahre 1991. [a. a.] [ .] 8vo. Ilgen (Ernestus Constantius). Disquisitionis de Tribubus Atticis earumque partibus specimen . . defendet E. C. I. Opponenti- bus : Friderico Rosen, Philos. Doct., Henrico Stieglitz, DD., Ernesto Struve. [Q-. G.] Lipsiae, 1826. 8vo. Illingworth (William). See SCOTLAND. Rotuli. Index Librorum Prohibitorum usque ad diem 4. Junii Anni MDCCXLIV. regnante Benedicto XIV. P. O. M. Additis Prohibitionibus a S. C. emanatis usque ad annum MDCCLII. [D. M.] Roma, [? 1752.] 8vo. Librorum Prohibitorum sanctissimi domini nostri Pii Septimi Pontificis Maximi jussu editus. [With Deere ta 17 Dec. 1821 5 Sept. 1825]. [D. M.] Romce, 1819[-1825.] 8vo. India. See EAST-INDIA COMPANY. . Archaeological Survey of. See CUNNINGHAM (A.). . Archaeological Survey of Western India. See BURGESS (James). . Trigonometrical Survey. See WALKER (J. T.). . Works prepared under the authority of Her Majesty's Secre- tary of State for India in Council. WARING (E. J.). Pharma- copoeia of India. By E. J. W. London [1868]. 8vo. . BENARES. Sanskrit College. Lectures on the sub-divisions of Knowledge, and their mutual relations. Delivered in the Benares Sanskrit College. Part I. with an English version. Printed by order of Government, N.-W.P. [D. M.] Mirzapore, 1848. 8vo. . A Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in private Libraries of the North- West Provinces. Compiled by order of Government, N.-W. P. Part I. Benares, 1874. 8vo. . BENGAL PRESIDENCY. Worlcs issued under orders of the Govern- ment. Notices of Sanskrit MSS. By Rajendralala Mitra . . Published under orders of the Government of Bengal. Vol. II. Part II. Calcutta, 1872. 8vo. . BOMBAY. Sanskrit Series. No. XIV. The Vikramanka- devacharita ; a Life of King Vikramaditya Tribhuvanamalla of Kalyana. Composed by his Vidyapati Bilhana. Edited with an introduction, by George Biihler. Bombay, 1875. 8vo. , University of. Works published or reprinted by. LOCKE (John). Letters on Toleration by J. L. ByculUi, 1867. 8vo. . LUDHIANA DISTRICT. Eeport on the Eevised Settlement of the District of Ludhiana in the Cis-Sutlej-States, effected by H. Davidson, Esquire, B.C.S., and other officers, under the direction of G. C. Barnes, Esquire, Commr. and Supdt. Published by Authority. Lahore, 1859. fol. IND INS 367 India. THE PUNJAB. Annual Eeport on Meteorological Observations registered in the Punjab. By A. Neil, M.E.C.S.L. -[&c.]. 1868. Lodiana, 1869. fol. . Eeport on the Meteorolgy of the Punjab for the year 1870. By A. Neil . . Meteorological Eeporter for the Punjab. Lahore, 1871. fol. . Eeport on the Sanitary Administration of the Punjab for the year 1870. Lahore, 1871. fol. Indicateur (L') Cambresien. [G-. G-.] Cambrai, 1815. 8vo. Indigenous Races. Indigenous races of the earth ; or new chapters of ethnological inquiry. . . Contributed by Alfred Maury, Francis Pulsky. [G-. G.] London, 1857, 4to. Induction. An Inquiry into the Nature of Induction. Part first. [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1847. 8vo. Ingleby (C. Mansfield). An Introduction to Metaphysic. By 0. M. I., M.A., LL.D. Part I. On the Psychology of the Senses. Part II. On the Psychology of the Understanding. |[D. M.] Berlin, 1864. 8vo. . An Introduction to Metaphysic. In two books. Illustrated by eleven woodcuts. By C. M. I. [Division II. The Theory of Conditional Knowledge.] [D. M.] London, 1869. 8vo. . Certain Phases of Logic Contrasted and Harmonized. By C. M. I. [D. M.] London, 1857. 8vo. . Outlines of Theoretical Logic. Founded on the new analytic of Sir William Hamilton. Designed for a text-book in Schools and Colleges. By C. M. L, M.A. [&c.]. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1856. 8vo. Ingram (Alexander). See HUTTON (C.). A complete treatise on practical arithmetic, fyc. . See MELROSE (A.). Practical Arithmetic. Ingulphus, Croylandensis. Ingvlphi Abbatis Croylandensis Historiarum lib. I. See SATILE (Sir H.). Rervm Anglicarvm Scriptores post Bedam. Innes (C.). See SCOTLAND. Acts of the Parliaments. (George). Catalogue of the Library of the late G. I. . . Astro- nomical Calculator, Aberdeen. [D. M.] [ .] 12mo. Inscriptionum Graecarum, Corpus. See PRUSSIA. Academia Regia. Institute of Actuaries. Constitution and Laws of the Institute of Actuaries of Great Britain and Ireland. List of Members and Catalogue of Books. July 1851. [D. M.] London, 1851. 8vo. . Discussions at the Listitute of Actuaries. Session 1865-66 ; 186667. \lleprinted from the Insurance Record.^ [D. M.] London, 1866-67. 8vo. . The Mortality experience of Life Assurance Companies, col- lected by the Institute of Actuaries. [D. M.] London, 1869. 8vo. 368 INS IRE Institute of Civil Engineers. Charter, Bye-Laws, and List of Mem- bers of the Institution of Civil Engineers. [D. M.] London, 1873. 8vo. Insurance. See LIFE ASSURANCE. - . An Essay on the means of insurance against the casualties of Sickness, Decrepitude, and Mortality : comprising an article reprinted from the Westminster Review (No. XVIII.) for April 1828, with additional notes and corrections. [D. M.] London, 1836. 8vo. - . On the application of Mutual Insurance to Education. [D. M.] London, 1842. 8vo. - . Pernicious effects of Sea Insurance. [a. (>.] Kircaldy, 1834. 8vo. Insurance Guide. The Insurance Guide and Hand Book : [dedicated especially to Insurance Agents.] Together with a Chapter on Life Assurance as an Investment. By a Fellow of the Society of Arts [&c.]. [D. M.] London, [1857.] 8vo. Interlude. The Interlude of the Four Elements : an early Moral Play. Edited by James Orchard Halliwell, F.E.S. [&c.]. [Printed f or* the Percy Society. ~] [D. M.] London, 1848. 8vo. Irby (Hon. Charles Leonard), and Mangles (James). Travels in Egypt and Nubia, Syria, and Asia Minor ; during the years 1817 & 1818. By the Hon. C. L. I., and J. M., Commanders in the Royal Navy. Printed for private distribution. London, 1823. 8vo. Ireland, Queens University, fyc. See QUEEN'S University, Ireland. - , Schools and Education. See PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS. - -. Chronicum Scotorum. A Chronicle of Irish Affairs, from the earliest times to A.D. 1135 ; with a Supplement, containing the events from 1141 to 1150. Edited, with a translation, by William M. Hennessy. [CHRONICLES AND MEMORIALS.] [E. O.] London, 1866. 8vo. - . co5 d. J., Docteur et Professeur en Philosophic, par 1'Auteur meme. [D. M.] La Haye, 1762. 4to. Jones (Charles). See HOYLE (E.). HoylJs Games improved. (David). On the Value of Annuities and Reversionary Pay- ments, with numerous Tables. By D. J., Actuary to the Universal Life Assurance Office. 2 vol. [Library of Useful Knowledge.~\ London, 1843. 8vo. (Henry). See ROYAL SOCIETY. Philosophical Transactions, 1700-20. (Jenkin). A Series of Tables of Annuities and Assurances calculated from a new rate of Mortality amongst assured Lives : with examples illustrative of their construction and application, &c. &c. &c. By J. J., Actuary to the National Mercantile Life Assurance Society. [D. M.] London, 1843. 8vo. . What is Life Assurance ? . . By J. J., Actuary to the National Mercantile Life Assurance Society. [D. M.] London, 1847. 8vo. (John Winter). See BRITISH MUSEUM. List of the books of reference in the Reading Room. (Stephen). See BAKER (D. E.). Biographia Dramatica brought down to 1811 by S. J. (Sydney). See St. THOMAS'S HOSPITAL. Descriptive Cata- logue, <$fC. (William). Analysis per Quantitatum series, fluxiones, ac differentias : cum enumeratione Linearum tertii ordinis. [D. M.] Londini, 1711. 4to. 380 JON JOE Jones (William). Synopsis Palmariorum Matheseos : or, a new intro- duction to the Mathematics : containing the principles of Arithmetic and Geometry demonstrated, in a short and easie method ; with their application to the most useful parts thereof : as resolving of equations, infinite series, making the logarithms ; interest, simple and compound ; the chief properties of the conic sections ; mensuration of surfaces and solids ; the fundamental precepts of perspective ; trigonometry ; the laws of motion apply'd to mechanic powers, gunnery, &c. Design'd for the benefit, and adapted to the capacities of beginners. By W. J. [D. M.] 1706. 4to. (Sir William). A Grammar of the Persian Language. By Sir W. J. . . The ninth edition, with . . specimens of the finest Persian and Arabick hand writing . , By the Rev. Samuel Lee, B.D. [I. O.] London, 1828. 4to. . The history of the life of Nader Shah, King of Persia . . By W. J., Esq. [G. G.] London, 1773. 8vo. Jonsius (Joannes). De Historia Peripatetica dissertatio. See LATJ- NOITJS (J.). De varia Aristotelis in Acad. Parisiensi Fortuna ; tyc. Jonson (Benjamin). Poetical Works. See ANDERSON, British Poets. Vol. IV. Joplin (T.). An examination of the Eeport of the Joint Stock Bank Committee, &c. &c. By J. T. Third edition. [G.G.] London, 1837. 8vo. Jopling (Joseph). Examples of Entasis. By J. J., Architect. [D. M.] London, 1848. 8vo. Jordan (Carolus). See CICERO (M. T.). Oratio pro A. Oaecina. See ELOGES DE TEOIS PHILOSOPHES. - (William Leighton). A Treatise on the action of Vis Inertias in the Ocean. With remarks on the abstract nature of the forces of Vis Inertias and Gravitation, and a new theory of the Tides. By W. L. J., E.E.G.S. [D. M.] London, 1868. 8vo. Jordann (H.). See MICHAELIS (G.). De lineis brevissimis in datis Jordanus. Planisphaerium. See PTOLEMAETTS (C.). Planisphae- rum . lordanvs de Planisphaerii Eigvratione. See VALDERTJS (I.). . In hoc opere contenta. Arithmetica decem libsis demon- strata [Jo3dani Nemo3arij clarissimi viri Elemeiita Arithmetica : cu demostrati5ibus Jacobi Eabji Stapulensis]. Musica Iib3is de- monstrata quattuo} [wanting']. Epitome i Iib3os arithmeticos diui Seuerini Boetij Eithmimachie ludus q 7 pugna nuerog appellat. [Imperfect ; wanting shs. siy. f . g. and part of h.] [D. M.] Parhisii, 1496. fol. JOE JTTK 381 Jordanus. In hoc opere contenta Arithmetica decein libris demonstrata. [Jojdani Memojarij clarissimi viri Elementa Arithmetica : cu demostrationibus Jacobi Fabji Stapulesis.] Musica libris demos- trata quatuoj. Epitome in libjos Arithmeticos diui Seuerini Boetij. Eithmimachie ludus qui et pugna numeroju appelatur. [D. M.] Parisijs, 1514. fol. Jortin (John). The Life of Erasmus. [Translated in part from the French of Le ClercJ [G. G.] London, 1758. 4to. . The life of Erasmus. By the late Rev. J. J., D.D. 3 vol. [I. O.] London, 1808. 8vo. Josephus (Flavius). Flavii Josephi de Bello Judaico libri septem, ad fidem codicvm emendavit [&c.] Edvardus Card well. 2 vol. [G. G.] Oxonii, 1837. 8vo. . Flavii Josephi quae reperiri potuerunt, Opera omnia Graece et Latine, cum notis & nova versione Joannis Hudsoni [&c.]. Adji- ciuntur in fine Caroli Daubuz libri duo pro testimonio 11. Josephi de Jesu Christo [&c.]. Omnia collegit, & post Jo. Hudsonum . . recensuit [&c.] Sigebertus Havercampus. 2 torn. [G. G.] Amstelaedami, 1726. fol. Joubert (Leo). Essais de critique et d'histoire. Par L. J. [G. G.] Paris, 1863. 8vo. Joubin ( ). Memoire sur les Facteurs numeriques. Par J. [D. M.] Havre, 1831. 4to. Jourdain ( ). Geschichte der Aristotelischen Schriften im Mittel- alter. Eine gekronte Preisschrift von Jourdain. Aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt . . von Dr. Adolf Stahr. [G. G.] Halle, 1831. 8vo. Journal fiir die reine und angewandte Mathematik. See CEELLE (A. L.). Jouvencel (Paul de). Genese selon la Science [Vol. III.] Les Deluges. Par P. d. J. Premiere partie. Geologie. [G. G.] Paris, 1862. 12mo. . La Vie. Par P. de J. Deuxieme edition. [G. G.] Paris, 1862. 8vo. . Les Commencements du Monde. Par P. de J. Deuxieme edition. [G. G.] Paris, 1862. 8vo. Jowett (Benjamin). See PAELIAMENTAET PAPEES. Civil Service. Report ; with a Letter from the Rev. B. J. Juan, of Austria. Liber de Lavdibvs loannae Avstriacae. See Yic- TORIUS (P.). P. Victorii Epistolarvm libri X ; fyc. Judseo-Christianity. Judaeo-Christianity reexamined. By a Septua- genarian. [G. G.] London, 1850. 8vo. Judah d'Allemand. See BIBLE. OLD TESTAMENT. Biblia Hebraica. Jukes (Joseph Beete). The Student's Manual of Geology by J. B. J. A new edition, partially recast, and supplied with lists and figures of characteristic fossils. [G. G.J Edinburgh, 1862. 8vo. 382 JUL JUS Julianus. IOYAIANOY AYTOKPATOPOS TA 2OZOMENA, KAI TOY EN AFIOIS KYPIAAOY APXIEIHSKOIIOY AAE^AN- APEIAS EPOS TA TOY EN A0EOIS IOYAIANOY AOFOI AEKA. Ivliani Imp. Opera qvae svpersvnt omnia, et S. Cyrilli Alexandriae Archiepiscopi contra Impivm. Ivlianvm libri decem. Accedunt Dionysii Petavii in Ivliauvm Notae [&c.]. Ezechiel Spanhemivs Grsecum Ivliani contextum recensuit [&c.]. 2 torn. [G. GL] Lipsice, 1696. fol. . Juliaui Imperatoris quae feruntur Epistolae. Accedunt ejusdem Fragmenta breviora cum Poematiis nee non Galli Caesaris ad Julianum fratrem Epistola. Graece et Latine . . recensuit [&c.] Ludovicus Henricus Heyler. [G. 0-.]* Moguntiae, 1828. 8vo. Julius (Sextus), Jfricanus. Sexti lulii Africani OAYMIIIAAQN ANAFPA^H adiectis ceteris quae ex Olympionicarum Fastis supersunt. Recensuit [&c.] I. Rutgers, Phil. Theor. Mag. Litt. Hum. Doct. [G. G.] Lugduni-Batavorum, 1862. 4to. Juncker (Christianus). See AUEELIUS VICTOR (S.). Libri de Romanae gentis, fyc. Junius, pseud. The Letters of Junius. Complete in one volume. [D. M.] London, 1820. 12mo. . The genuine letters of Junius : to which are prefixed anecdotes of the author. [G. G.] London, 1771. 8vo. (Redivivus}. The rights of morality : an essay on the present state of Society in England. By Junius Redivivus. G. G.] London, 1832. 12mo. Jurin (James). A Reply to Mr. Robins's remarks on the essay upon distinct and indistinct Vision published at the end of Dr. Smith's Compleat System of Opticks. By J. J., M.D. Fellow of the College of Physicians, and of the Royal Society. [D. M.] London, 1739. 8vo. . A Letter to . . Esquire, in answer to Mr. Robins's full Con- futation of the reply to his remarks on the essay upon distinct and indistinct Vision. By J. J. [D. M.] London, 1741. 8vo. Justin, Martyr. Apologies. See CLEMENT of Rome, fyc. . Sancti Justini Philosophi & Martyris cum Tryphone Judaco Dialogus, cum Latina Joannis Langi versione [&c.]. Edita a Samuele Jebb. [G. G.] Londini, 1719. 4to. . Epistola ad Diognetum lustini Philosophi et Martyris nomen prae se ferens. Textum recensuit translatione Latiua instruxit [&c.] loann. Carol. Theod. Otto. Editio secimda. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1852. 8vo. Justinian, Emperor of Constantinople. See BOECKELMANNUS (J. F.). Compendium Institutionum Gees. Justiniani. . See HOLLAND (Thomas Erskine). . Institutes. See LAEICHE (L. E. A.). JUS KAL 383 Justinus. Justinus de Historiis Philippicis, et totius Mundi origini- bus, interpretatione & notis illustravit Petrus Josephus Cautel. . . In usum . . Delpliini. Editio tertia, ex nova recensione Davidis Durandi. Accessere Jacobi Bougarsii excerptiones chro- nologies. [G. G.] Londini, 1757. 8vo. . lustini Historiae Philippicae. Secundum vetustissimos codices prius neglectos recognovit [&c.] Fridericus Duebner. . [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1831. 8vo. Juvenalis (Decius Junius). The Works of Juvenal. Translated by John Dryden, Esq., and others. See ANDEESON^, British Poets. Vol. XII. . D. Ivnii Ivvenalis Satirae XVI. . . recensitae [&c.] a Ge. Alex. Evperti. [With the Commentarivs, 1803.] [G. G.] Gottingae, 1803. 8vo. . D. Junii Juvenalis Aquinatis Satirse XVI. . . a Georgio Alex. Euperti. Secundum editionem Gottingensem. [G. G.] Oxonii, 1808. 8vo. . D. Junii Juvenalis et A. Persii Flacci Satirae interpretatione ac notis illustravit Ludovicus Prateus . . in usum Serenissimi Delphini. [G. G.] Londini, 1805. 8vo. . Thirteen Satires of Juvenal ; with a commentary by John E. B. Mayor, M.A. Second edition enlarged. Part I. pp. 1-176. [G. G.] London and Cambridge, 1869. 8vo. Juventius (Josephus). Magistris Scholarvm Inferiorvm Societatis lesv de Eatione discendi et docendi ex decreto Congregat. Generalis XIV. Avctore losepho Ivventio, Soc. lesv. [D. M.] Francofvrti, 1706. 8vo. Juvigny (Jean Baptiste). Coup-d'Oeil sur les Assurances sur la Vie des Homines [&c.]. Quatrieme edition . . Par J.-B. J. [D. M.] Paris, 1825. 8vo. K. (J. C.). J. C. K. Schediasma de Pastoribus Paganis vulgo von Dorff-Priestern . . Editio altera auctior. [G. G.] Lipsice, 1719. 8vo. Kaestner (Abraham Gotthelf). Geometriae Evclidis primam qvae post inventam typographiam prodiit editionem breviter describit A. G. K., Math. P. P. E. Eeg. Scient. et El. Litt. Acad. Prvss. [&c.]. [D. M.] Lipsiae, 1750. 4to. . Geschichte der Mathematik seit der Wiederherstellung der Wissenschaften bis an das Ende des achtzehuten Jahrhunderts. Von A. G. K. 4 Bde. [D. M.] Gottimjen, 1796-1800. 8vo. Kahlius (Lud. Mart.). See STRTJVE (E. G.). BibliotJiecae Pliiloso- pliicae. Kalidasae. Kalidasae Meghaduta et Cringaratilaka ex recensione J. Gildemeisteri. Additum est glossarium. [I. O.] Bonnae, 1841. 8vo 384 KAL KAR Kalisch (M. M.). A historical and critical commentary on the Old Testament, with a new translation. By M. M. K., Ph. D., M.A. Leviticus, Part I., containing chapters I. to X. [G. Q.] London, 1867. 8vo. Kalischer (Salomon). De Aristotelis Rhetoricis et Ethicis Nico- macheis et in quo et cur inter se quum congruant turn differant. Commentationem . . scripsit Dr. S. K. [G-. G.] Halts, 1869. 8vo. Kampe (Friedrich Ferdinand). Die Erkenntnisstheorie des Aristo- teles. Von Dr. F. F. K. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1870. 8vo. Kane (Sir Robert). Queen's College Cork. Address delivered at the Public distribution of Prizes, on October 25, 1850. By Sir R. K., F.R.S. . . President of the College. [D. M.] Dublin, 1850. 8vo. Kant (Immanuel). I. Kant's Sammtliche Werke. Herausgegeben von Karl Rosenkrantz und Friedr. Wilh. Schubert. Th. 1-6, 8-10. 11 (Erste Abth.), 12. [With the Biographie.] [G. G.] Leipzig, 1838-42. 8vo. . Critik der practischen Vernunft. Yon I. K. Fiinfte Auflage. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1818. 8vo. . Metaphysical Works of the celebrated I. K., translated from the German, with a sketch of his life and writings, by John Richardson. . . Containing 1. Logic. 2. Prolegomena to future Metaphysics. 3. Enquiry into the proofs for the existence of God, and into the Theodicy, now first published. [D. M.] London, 1836. 8vo. . Critick of Pure Reason: translated from the original of I. K. Second edition, with notes and explanation of terms. By Francis Haywood. [D. M.] London, 1848. 8vo. . An analysis of Kant's Critick of pure reason. By the translator of that work. [D. M.] London, 1844. 8vo. . Critique de la Raison pure, par Em. K. Traduite de 1'Alle- mand, sur la septieme edition, par C.-J. Tissot, Professeur de philosophic. 2 torn. [D. M.] Paris, 1835-36. 8vo. . Critique of Pure Reason. Translated from the German of I. K. By J. M. D. Meiklejohn. [G. G.] London, 1860. 8vo. . Logique de K. Traduite de 1'Allemand par J h - Tissot. ' [D. M.] Paris, 1840. 8vo. . See BRETTE (P. H. E.). Karcher (Theodore). Rienzi: drame en cinq actes et en vers. ParM. T. K. (Extrait de la Revue du Progres.) [G. G.] Paris, 1864. 8vo. Kardel (Guilielmus Henricus). JSTonnulla de Encephalomalacia. Dis- sertatio Inauguralis Mectica . . Scripsit G. H. K. Ktiiae, 1856. 4to. KAE KEC 385 Karl Magnus ; &c. linger (C. T.). Christtania, 1859. 8vo. Karlamagnus Saga. See CHABLES L, called CHAELEMAGKE. Karschin (Anna Louisa). Auserlesene Gedichte. Von A. L. K. Berlin, 1764. 8vo. Karslake ("W. H.). Aids to the Study of Logic : being an attempt to exhibit a simpler view of the object and divisions of the Science. By W. H. K., B.A. Book I. Pure Analytical Logic. Book II. Applied Analytical Logic. [D. M.] Oxford, 1851. 8vo. Karsten (Hermanns). Commentatio critica de Platonis quae feruntur Epistolis, praecipue tertia septima et octava . . Submittet H. T. K. [G. G.] Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1864. 8vo. (Simon). See PAEMENIDES. . Philosophorum Graecorum veterum praesertim qui ante Pla- tonem floruerunt Operum reliquiae. Recensuit et illustravit S. K. 2 vol. [G. G.] Amstelodami, 1830-38. 8vo. Kastorches (Euthumias). AOrOS EK$ftNH0EIi: THi KH< NOEM- BPIOY 1871 HMEPAi THS EIH2HMOY EFKAOIAPYSEOS T&N NEftN APXiiN TOY E0NIKOY nANEIIISTHMIOY YHO TOY nP&HN HPYl'ANEOS KON2TAJNTINOY BOY2AKH rafc- TIKOV K(i6r]yr)Tov TJS (pvaio\oyias PAPAAIAONTO^ THN PPY- TANEIAN Tlii AIAAOXOt AYTOY EYOYMttli KAETOPXHi TUHTIKC!) KadrjyrjTrj rfjs ActTiviKrjs ^tXoXoytas. EN AOHNAIS, 1872. 8vo. . HEPI TH2 APXH0EN KOINtiNIAS TtiN EAAHN^N HPOS TOYS ITAAAOY2 KAI P^IMAIOYS KAI THS ENTEYOEN EHENEPFEIAS AYTliN EPOS EKHOAITI2MON TOYT11N. YHO EY0YMIO1 1 KA2TOPXH- 'Ev reXei TrposereGrj o TOVTOV \oyos KO.I o TOV A. BaXawpirov ets TO. cnroKaXvnTtipLa. TOV arSpiat'TOS TOV uoidiftov iruTpiap'xov Tprjyopiov TOV E'. A0HNH2I, 1872. 8vo. Katzenberger (Martin). Die Grundfragen der Logik. Yon Dr. M. K. [ Wissensc7iaft vom Logischen D^iken, l er Th.]. [G. G-.] Leipzig, 1858. 8vo. Kavanagli (Julia). Nathalie : a tale. By J. K. 3 vol. [G. G.] London, 1850. 8vo. Kearney (John B.). Mathematical Tracts on Elementary Mechanics, the Theory of Parallels, and the Theory of Quadratic Factors. By J. B. K. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1848. 8vo. Keckermamms (Bartholomseus). Gymnasivm Logicvm; id est, De vsv et exercitatione Logicae artis absolution & pleniori, libri III. Annis ab hinc aliqvot in Academia Heidelbergensi priuatis prae- lectionibus traditi a Bartholomaeo Keckermanno Dantiscano, S. Theologiaa Licentiate, & Gymnasii patrii Professore. Accessit corollarii loco duplex Tabula proprie ad Gymnasium Logicum spec-tans, authore eodem. [D. M.] Hanovice, 1608. 8vo. 2c 386 KEC KEL Keckermannus (Bartholomseus). Systema compendiosum totius Mathe- matices, hoc est Geometriae, Opticae, Astronomiae, et Geographiae publicis prselectionibus anno 1605 in celeberrimo Gymnasio Dan- tiscano propositum. A Bartholomaeo Keckermanno S.S. Theolog. Licentiato & Philosophiae Professore. In fine accessit breuis Commentatio Nautica, ab eodem autore ibidem proposita anno 1603. Adjecto indice capitum singulorum librorum. Demum, nt liber evaderet integer cursus mathematicus, accessit his omnibus brevissima in geographiam manuductio. Item methodus facilis arithmetics practices Per Q-emmam Frisium. [D. M.] Oxonii, 1661. 8vo. . Systema LogicaD Minvs ; svccincto prseceptorvm compendio tribvs libris : nvnc extrema cvra recognitvm . . vt seruire possit G-ymnasio Dantiscano et aliis scholis, in qvibvs AristotelicaB doctrinaB formula, cum Melanchthoniana perspicuitate, atque aliorum Logicorum vtilibus inuentis coniungitur. [D. M.] Hanovice, 1618. 8vo. Keil (Henricus). See PLINTUS, the younger. Epistularum libri novem. Keil[-ius] (Karl). 'A7ro\\ds ein acht griechischer name. [Philologus. VI. Jahrg. 1.] [G. G.] 8vo. . Sylloge Inscriptionum Boeoticarum. Curavit C. K., Professor Portensis. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1847. 4to. . Zwei Griechische Inschriften aus Sparta mid Gytheion. Erlautert von K. K. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1849. 8vo. Keill[-ius] (John). See E-OYAL SOCIETY. Commercium epistolicum ; fyc. -. An introduction to the true Astronomy : or, Astronomical Lectures, read in the Astronomical School of the University of Oxford. By J. K., M.D. Fellow of the Eoyal Society, and Professor of Astronomy in that University. The fifth edition, corrected. [D. M.] London, 1760. 8vo. -. Joannis Keill M.D. & E.S.S. in Academia Oxonieusi Astro- nomiae Professoris. Epistola ad Virum Clarissimum Joannem Bernoulli in Academia Basiliensi Mathematum Professorem. [D. M.] Londini, 1720. 4to. Keith (Thomas). The Complete Practical Arithmetician : containing several new and useful improvements. Adapted to the use of schools and private tuition. By T. K., Teacher of the Mathe- matics. pD. M.] London, 1788. 12mo. Kslland (Philip). Biographical Notice of the late Prof ess or Henderson. By Professor K. [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1845. 8vo. . Decimal Coinage. Answers to Lord Overstone's Questions. By Rev. P. K., F.E.S. Professor of Mathematics in the Uni- versity of Edinburgh. [D. M.] Edinburgh, March 6, 1858. fol. . Lectures on the Principles of Demonstrative Mathematics. By the Eev. P. K., A.M., F.E.SS. L. & E. [Ac.]. [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1843. 8vo. KEL KEN 387 Kelland (Philip). On General Differentiation. Parts I. & II. By the Rev. P. K.* [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1840. 4to. . On Superposition. By the Eev. P. K.* [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1855. 4to. . On the Dispersion of Light, as explained by the hypothesis of Finite Intervals. By P. K.f [D. M.] Cambridge, 1836. 4to. . On the Limits of our Knowledge respecting the Theory of Parallels. By the Eev. P. K.* [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1864. 4to. . On the theoretical Investigation of the absolute Intensity of Interfering Light. By the Eev. P. K.* [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1842. 4to. . Theory of Heat. By P. K.f [D. M.] Cambridge, 1837. 8vo. Keller (Frid. Lud.). Semestrium ad M. Tullium Ciceronem libri sex. Seripsit F. L. K. Vol. I. [G. G.] Turici, 1842. 8vo. (Otto). Untersuchungen iiber die Geschichte der griechischen Fabel. Yon Dr. O. K. [From the Jahrbucher f. dassische Philo- logie.'] [G. G.] Leipzig, 1862. 8vo. Kelly (John). The Life of John Dollond, F.E.S., Inventor of the Achromatic Telescope . . By J. K., LL.D. Third edition, with additions. [D. M.] London, 1808. 4to. (P.). The Elements of Book-Keeping : comprising a system of Merchants' Accounts, founded on real business, and adapted to modern practice : with an appendix on exchanges, banking, and other commercial subjects. By P. K., LL.D. . . Mathematical Examiner to the Trinity-house, London. The eleventh edition. [D. M.] London, 1839. 8vo. . The Universal Cambist and Commercial Instructor : being a full and accurate treatise on the exchanges, coins, weights, and measures, of all trading nations and their colonies. By P. K., LL.D. . . The second edition, corrected from verified standards by order and aid of Government and the East India Company : and kept correct during subsequent alterations by a series of supplements, comprising the new laws for establishing the Imperial system of British weights and measures. 2 vol. [D. M.] London, 1835. 4to. (William). Notes on the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Eomans : with a new translation. By W. K. London, 1873. 8vo. Kempnus (Carolus). See YALERIUS MAXIMUS. Factorum, $c., libri novem. Kenealey (Edward Yaughan). A new Pantomime. By E. Y. K., LL.D. [G. G.] London, 1863. 8vo. Kennedy (Charles Eann). See DEMOSTHENES. Select Speeches. [* From The Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. f ,, The Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.'] 2o2 388 KEN KEP Kenrick (John). See HEEODOTUS. . See MATTHIAE (A.). Greek Grammar. Kentish ("W. A.). A plan for the Redemption o the Public Debt, &c. By W. A. K. [G. G.] London. 8vo. Kepler[-us] or Keppler[-us] (Johannes). Dioptrice. See GASSEKDI (P.). Institutio Astronomica. . His reconcilings of Scripture texts, . M.] Fmncofvrti, 1635. 8vo. . Griindtlicher Bericht von einem vngewohnlichen Newen Stern / wellicher im October diss 1604. Jahrs erstmahlen er- schienen gestelt durch Johan Khepplern / Bom : Kay : May : Mathematicum. Gedruckt zu Strassburg bey Johann Carolo. [D. M.] Anno MDCIIII. 4to. . Nova Stereometria Doliorvm in primis Austriaci, figuraa omnium aptissimaD ; et usus in eo virgaD cubicaa compendiosissi- mus & plane singularis. Accessit Stereometrise Archimedeae Sup- plementum. Authore loanne Kepplero, Imp. Caes. Matthiae I. ejusq ; fidd. Ordd. Austriae supra Auasum Mathematico. [D. M.] Lincii, 1615. 8vo. . Joannis Keppleri S. C. M t1s . Mathematici Phaenomenon Singv- lare seu Mercvrivs in Sole, cum digressione de causis, cur Diony- sius Abbas Christianos minus iusto a nativitate Christi Domini numerare docuerit : de capite & anni Ecclesiastici. Impensis Thornse Schureri Bibliopolae. [Col. Lipsiae Typis Tobiae Beyeri. Valentin. Am Ende excudebat, Anno M. DC. IX.] [D. M.] 1609, Lipsice. 4to. . Tabulao E-udolphinae, quibus astronomicae scientiae, temporum longinquitate collapsse restauratio continetur . . I. K. . . Opus hoc ad usus praesentium & posteritatis, typus, numericis propriis, caeteris, & praelo Jonse Saurii, Eeip. UlmanaB Typographi, in pubiicum extulit, & typographicis operis UlmaB curator affuit. [D. M.] [ ,] 1627. fol. KEP KEY 389 Kepler-[us] or Keppler-[us] (Johannes) and Bartschius (J.). Joh. Kepleri, Mathem. Caes. & Jacobi BartschI Tabulae Manuales Logarithmicae ad Calculum Astronomicum, in specie Tabb. Ru- dolphinarum compendiose tractandum mire utiles. Ob defectum prioris editionis Saganensis multum hactenus desideratae. Quibus accessit in hac editione Introduction nova curante Joh. Gasp. Eisenschmid P..E. M. D. [D. M.] Argentorati, 1700. 8vo. Kerigan (Thomas). Additional Eacts and Arguments against the " Theory of the Tides." [D. M.] SoutTisea, March 1845. 8vo. Kerr ( J.). A Review of Public Instruction in the Bengal Presidency, from 1835 to 1851. By J. K., M.A. Principal of Hooghly College. Part I. London, 1853. 8vo. Kersers (A. Buhot de). Histoire de Theophile Malo de la Tour D'Auvergno (Corret). Premier Grenadier de Erance. Redigee d'apres sa correspondance et les documents les plus authentiques. Par A. B. de K. [G-. G.] Lille et Paris, [ .] 8vo. Kersey (John), senr. <$f junr. See WINGATE (E.). Kersseboom (Willem). Eenige Aanmerkingen op de Gissingen over den Staat van het Menschelyk Geslagt, Uitreekening van de Lyfrenten en 't Aanhangsel op beide, begreepen in het Boek, genaamt Inleiding tot de algemeene Geographic, door Nicolaas Struyck, onlangs te Amsterdam uitgegeeven. [D. M.] In s'Gravenhage, 1740. 4to. . Kort Bewys, dat op de Afstervinge, voorgevalleu in Een klein getal Persoonen van zeekeren Ouderdom, Geensins Een Generale Reegel van Leevenskracht voor andere te fundeeren is. Hier is bygevoegd Een Tafel of Eichtsnoer. [D. M.] Hage, 1738. 4to. . Observatien, waar in voornamentlyk getoont word, wat is gelyktydigheid, dewelke vereischt word in alle Calculatien, die tot voorwerp hebben de Probable Levenskracht van Persoonen van Eenigen voorgestelden Ouderdom. [&c.]. [D. M.] In s'Gravenhaye, 1740. 4to. . Proeven van Politique Eekenkunde, vervat in drie Yerhan- delingen over de Meenigte des Volks in de Provintie van Hol- landt en Westvrieslandt ; de Probable Leeftyt der Weduwen, de Duurzaamheid der Huwelyken, de Relatie van de Meenigte des Volks tegen het Getal der Geboorene, en dat der gehuwde Paaren &c. Als meede over de "Waardye van Lyfrente in Proportie van Losrente : Eerste Verzameling. Door den Herr W. K. Derde Dmk. [IX M.] In s'Gravenhage, 1748. 4to. Key (Thomas Hewitt). A Short Latin Grammar on the system of Crude Eorms. By T. H. K. London, 1852. 12mo. . Philological Essays. By T. H. K., M.A., E.R.S. [Ac.]. [D. M.] London, 1868. 8vo. . The Alphabet ; Terentian Metres ; Good, Better, Best, Well ; and other philological papers. By T. H. K. . . with a Letter on the Rev. J. W. Donaldson's Yarronianus. [D. M.] London, 1844. 12mo. 390 KEY KIP Key (Thomas Hewitt). The Mimetic Origin of Language illustrated. By T. H. K. [Philological Society, Nov. 13th, 1868.] [D. M.] 8vc. Kiehl (E. I.). Aeschylea. Specimen I. (Inaugurale). Scripsit E. I. K., Litt. Hum. Doct. fGr. G.] Lugduni Batavorum, 1850. 8vo. Kiel. See PRUSSIA. . Kieler philologische Studien. [G. G.] Kiel, 1841. 8vo. Kien-Long, Emperor of China, YAAAAION A'. [G. G.] EN A0HNAIS, 1860. 4to. . AOrOS EK*QNH0EIS TH 20 MAIOY 1853 KATA THN EHETEION EOPTHN THS lAPYSE^iS TOY HANEniSTH- MIOY O00NOS, YHO STE^ANOY A. KOYMANOYAH, EK- TAKTOY KAOHrHTOY THS AATINIKHS ^lAOAOFIAS, icar' evToX>]v rrjs 'AraOq/uair^s Svyc\//rov. EN AOHNAIS, 1853. 8vo. Koutorga (Stepan Semenovich de). Essai historique sur les Trapezites ou Banquiers d' Athenes precede d'une notice sur la distinction de la Propriete chez les Atheniens. Par M. de K. [G. G.] Paris, 1859. 8vo. . Essai sur 1'organisation de la Tribu dans 1'Antiquite. Par M. K., Docteur es lettres [&c.]. Traduit du Eusse par M. Chopin. [G. G.] Paris, 1839. 8vo. KOTJ KEA 397 Koutorga (Stepan Semenovich de). Examen de la Dissertation de Richard Bentley siir 1' Authenticity des Lettres de Themistocle. Par M. de .K., Professeur d'Histoire a I'TJniversite de Saint- Petersbourg. ' [G-. G-.] Paris, 1861. 4to. . Memoire sur le Parti persan dans la Grece ancienne et le procesde Themistocle. Par M. deK. [G-. G.] Paris, 1860. 4to. . E/echerches critiques sur I'Histoire de la Grece pendant la periode des G-uerres mediques. Par M. de K. [G. G.] Paris, 1861. 4to. . See KUTOEGA. Kozakes Tupaldos (Georgios). XITOHAAASSA *H HANTSA TAN- TPA (IIENTATEYXOS), Si/yy/oa^ema VTTO rov aoov BISNOY- SAPMANO2 KAI ^ITTAKOY MYGOAOriAI NYRTEPINAl, META^PASGENTA EK TOY BPAXMANIKOY HAP A AHMH- TPIOY TAAANOY, A6HNAIOY. . . Kai pera TrpoXe-yope^y Kv\aos. EN A0HNAIS, 1851. 8vo. Kra"binger ( Johann Georg). See SYNESITJS. Aegyptische Erzahlungen uber die Vorsehung. KrafiFt (Carolus). See LIVIUS ANDEONICUS (L.). Fragmenta; $c. Kramer (A.). Seo GEEIIAEDT (C. I.). Dissertatio mathematica. (Gustavus). See STEABO. Geographica. Kramp (Chretien). Analyse des Eefractions astronomiques et ter- restres. Par le citoyen K., Professeur de Chymie et de Physique experimentale. [D. M.] Strasbourg, An . . vi [1799.] 4to. Kraner (Friedrich). Hellenica. Die Geschichte Griechenlands . . Yon Dr. E. K. [G. G.] Meissen, 1842. 8vo. Kranichfeld (Guilelmus Eudolphus). Platonis et Aristotelis de IIAONIII Sententiae quomodo turn consentiant turn dissentiant perquirendo inter sese comparate. Dissertatio . . defendet auctor G-. E. K. Adversariorum partes tuebuntur : H. Genthe, E. H. G. Laas, E. Preuss. [Gr. G-.] Berolini, [1859.] 8vo. Kraus (Joannes Paulus). See DIOGENES LAEETIUS. Krause (Augustus). Vitae et Eragmenta veterum Historicorum Eoma- norum. Composuit A. K. [G. G.] Berolini, 1833. 8vo. (Johann Heinrich). Angeiologie. Die Gefasse der alten Volker insbesondere der Griechen und Eomer aus den Schrift-und Bildwerken des Alterthums in philologischer, archaologischer und technischer Beziehung dargestellt und durch 164 Eiguren erlau- tert von Dr. J. H. K. [G. G-.] Halle, 1854. 8vo. . Geschichte der Erziehung, des Unterrichts und der Bildung bei den Griechen, EtrusVern und Eomern. Aus den Quellen dargestellt von Dr. J. H. K. [G. G.] Halle, 1851. 8vo. 398 KEE KEU Krebsius (F. E. C.). Lectiones Diodoreae partim historicae partim criticae . . Conscripsit F. E. C. K. [G-. G-.] Hadamariae, 1832. 8vo. Kreil (Carl). Sammking der nothwendigsten mathematischen Formeln aus der Algebra, Trigonometrie, G-eometrie, Astronomie mid Mechanik. Zusammengestellt und herausgegeben von C. K., As- sistenten an der k. k. Sternwarte zu Wien. Mit einer Vorrede von J. J. Littrow. [D. M.] Wien, 1831. 8vo. (E.). On the Use of the Equatorial. By E. K. [From the Memoirs of the Astronomical Society of London.'] [D. M.] 4to. . Addition. By Benjamin Gompertz, Esq., F.E.S. [D. M.] 4to. Kreuser ( J.). Der Hellenen Priesterstaat mit vorziiglicher Eiiksicht auf die Hierodulen. In Kiirze dargestellt von J. K. [G. G.] Mainz, 1822. 8vo. . Vorfragen iiber Homeros, seine Zeit undGesange. Von. J. K. Erster Theil. [Q-. Q-.] Franlcfwrt am Main, 1828. 8vo. Kreyssigius (Joannes Theophilus). See Lrvms (T.). Historiarum libri qui supersunt. Kriegk (Qeorg Ludwig). Das thessalische Tempe, in geographischer und antiquarischer Hinsicht dargestellt von Dr. G. L. K. [Beitrasje zur Geographie von Hellas, Erstes Heft.^ [G. G-.] Leipzig, 1835. 8vo. . Schriften zur allgemeinen Erdkunde. Von Dr. G. L. K. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1840. 8vo. Krienen (Pasch van), Graf. Graf Pasch van Krienen. Abdruck seiner Italienischen Beschreibung des Griechischeii Archipelagus mit Anmerkungen und einer Abhaudlung ueber den Verfasser und seine Autfindung des Grabes Homer's auf los aus dem Nachlasse von Ludwig Eoss. [G. G.] Halle, 1860. Svo. Krische (August Bernhard). De Societatis a Pythagora in Urbe Crotoniataruni conditae scopo politico commentatio. Scripsit A. B. K. [G. G.] Gottingae, 1831. 4to. . Die theologischen Lehren der griechischen Denker. Eine Priifung der Darstellung Cicero's. Von A. B. K. [Forsclmngen auf dem Gebiete der alien Philosophie. l er Bd.] [G. G.] Gottingen, 1840. Svo. . Ueber Platon's Phaedros. Von Dr. A. B. K., Professor in Gottingen. [Abgedruckt aus den Gottinger Studien. 1847.] [G. G.] Gottingen, 1848. Svo. Kritzius (Fridericus). De Caii Sallustii Crispi Fragmentis, . . Com- mentatio. Scripsit F. K. [G. G.] Erfordiae, 1829. 4to. Kronecker ( ). See CRELLE (A. L.). Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik. Krueger (Carolus Guilielmus). See ABEIAN (F.). KKU KUT 399 Krueger (Carolus Guilielmus). De Authentia et integritate Anabaseos Xenophonteae disseruit C. G. K. [G. G-]. Halis Saxonum, 1824. 8vo. (K. W.). See XENOPHON. ANABASIS. Krug[-ius] (Wilhelm Traugott [Guilielnius Pistotheus]). Allge- meines Handworterbuch der Philosophischen Wissenschaften, nebst ihrer Literatur und Geschichte . . Von W. T. K. 2 C . . Auflage. 4 B de . [G. G.] Leipzig, 1832-34. 8vo. . See HERMANNTJS (G.) and KRTJGITJS (G. P.). Krummacher (Adolphus). See ERDMAISTN (D.). De Notionibus Ethicis Grnosticorum. Kruse (Friedrich Carl Hermann). Hellas oder geographisch-antiqua- rische Darstellung des alten Griechenlandes und seiner Colonien. . . Von E. C. H. K. . . mit Kupfern und Charten. 3'Th. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1825-27. 8vo. Kruseman (H. Polman). See EPICHAEMUS. Fragmenta. Kmsterus (Guilelmus). See ARISTOPHANES, Nubes. See XENOPIION. Oeconomicus. Kuehn (Albertus). De Aristotelis virtutibus intellectualibus. Von A. K. [G. G.] Berolini, [ .] 8vo. . De Dialectica Platonis. [G. G.] Berolini, 1843. 8vo. (Carolus Gottlob). See GALENUS (C.). Opera omnia. Kuehner (Eaphael). See XENOPHO^. Opera Omnia. . Ausfiihrliche Grammatik der griechischen Sprache . . Von E. K. 2 Thle. [G. G.] Hannover, 1834-35. 8vo. Kuinoel (Christianus Theophilus). See EISCHERTJS ( J. E.). . See PROPERTIUS (S. A.). Kummer[-us] (Ernestus Eduardus). See CKELLE (A. L.). Journal fur die reine und angeiuandte Matliematik. . Disputatio de numeris complexis, qui unitatis radicibus et nurneris integris realibus constant [&c.]. Vratislaviae, 1844. 4to. Kusterus (Ludolphus). See lamblichus. De Vita Pyfhagorica liber ; Ac. . See STTIDAS. Lexicon. Kutorga (Mikhail Semenovich). nEPCH^CKIfl BOHHbl . . Mux- aiua Kijmopiu. [G.G.] CAHKTIIETEPEyPrL. 1858. 8vq. . See KOUTORGA. Kutzen (Josephus Augustus). De Atheniensiuin Tmperio Cimonis atque Periclis tempore constituto. Commentatio Geographica et Historica I. Scripsit I. A. K., Philos. Dr. [&c.]. [G. G.] Grimae, 1837. 12mo. -. Perikles als Staatsmann wahrend der gefahrvollsten Zeit seines Wirkens. Von Dr. J. A. K. [G. G.] Grimce, 1834. 8vo. 400 KTS LAC Kyste. Kyste hematique occupant le cote droit du Cou depuis la Clavicule jusqu' a Tangle de la Machoire inferieure. Cauterisa- tion. Guerison. [Extrait de la Gazette des Jiopitausc, 1855.] Evreux. 8vo. L, (A. S.). See SANCTINIUS (A.), Lucensis. (J.). A brief sketch of English Scientific Literature. [Articles from The Magazine of Popular Science, 1837.] [D. M.] 8vo. . An Examination of the Astronomical Doctrine of the Moon's Eotation. [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1847. 8vo. (J. W.). On the Heat of Vapours. [D. M.] {London'], 1845. 8vo. Laas (E. H. G.). See KBANICHFELD (G. E.). La Barre Duparcq (Ed. de). Le Bonheur a la Guerre. Par E. d. 1. B. D. Paris, 1865. 8vo. Labatie ( ). Methode d'Elimination par le plus grand commun diviseur, entierement rectifiee, et appliquee a 1'elimination de deux inconnues entre trois equations de degres quelconques a trois inconnues. . . Par M. L. Deuxieme edition. [D. M.] Paris, 1835. 8vo. La Baune (Jacobus de). See PLINIUS, the younger. Panegyricus Trajano dictus. Labbaeus (Carolus). Caroli Labbsei Glossaria, Graeco-Latina et Latino-Graeca. Cum aliis opusculis. [G-. G.] Londini, 1816-26. fol. Laboulaye (Edouard). Etudes contemporaines sur 1'Allemagne et les Pays slaves. Par E. L. [G. G.] Paris, 1856. 12mo. . Histoire du Droit de Propriete fonciere en Occident. [G. G.] Paris, 1839. 8vo. Labouliniere (Pierre). Pre'cis d'Ideologie . . Par P. L. [G. G.] Paris, 1805. Svo. La Bruyere (Jean de). Les Caracteres. See THEOPIIEASTUS. . Les Caracteres de M. de la B. 2 torn. [G. G.] Paris, 1759. 12mo. . Maximes et Eeflexions morales, extraites de la Bruyere. [G. G.] Bruxelles, 1782. 12mo. La Chambre (Francois Ilharart de). Les characteres des Passions. Par le S r . de la Chambre, Medecin de Monseigneur le Chancelier. Amsterdam, 1658. 12mo. Lachmann (Karl Heinrich). Die spartanische Staatsverfassung in ihrer Entwickelung und ihrem Verfalle. Von Dr. K.H. L. Mit einer Einleitung iiber die Anfange der griechischen Geschichte und einer Beilage iiber die Epochen des Eratosthenes und Apollo- doros, von der Zerstorung Troja's bis zur ersten Olympiade. [G. G.] Breslau, 1836. Svo. LAC LAF 401 Lachmann (Karl Heinrich). G-eschichte Griechenlands von dem Ende des peloponnesischen Krieges bis zu deni Eegierungsantritte Alexanders des Grossen. Von K. H. L. 2 B de . Neue Ausgabe. [G. G-.] Leipzig, 1854. 8vo. Laclnnanims (Carolus). See BIBLE. Novum Testamentum. . Carol! Lachmanni in T. Lucretii Cari De rerum ISTatura libros Commentarius. [G. G.] Berolini, 1850. 8vo. Lacordaire (H.-D.). Discours de reception a 1'Academie Frangaise. Par le E. P. H.-D. L. des Freres Prechetirs le 24 Janvier 1861. [G. G.] Paris, 1861. 8vo. La Croix ( de). Of the Mechanism of the Motions of Floating Bodies. By M. de la Croix, Commissary of the Marine, &c. Extracted from the Memoires des Sciences fy des Beaux Arts, for April 1735. Article XXXV. With the Author's Expositions thereon. Translated from the French. [D. M.] London, 1746. 4to. Lacroix (Paul). See EABUTAUX (A. P. E.). De la Prostitution en Europe, avec une bibliographie par M. P. L. ' (Sylvain Frangois). Essais sur 1'Enseignement en general, et sur celui des Mathematiques en particulier. Par S. F. L. Troi- sieme edition, revue et corrigee. [D. M.] Paris, 1828. 8vo. . Traite du Calcul differentiel et du Calcul inte'gral. Par S. F. L. Seconde edition, revue et augmentee. 3 torn. (Tome troisieme, contenant un traite des differences et des series.) [D. M.] Paris, 1810-19. 4to. . Traite elementaire du Calcul des Probabilites. Par S. F. L. Deuxieme edition, revue et augmentee. [D. M.] Paris, 1822. 8vo. . An Elementary Treatise on the Differential and Integral Calculus. By S. F. L. Translated from the French. [By Babbage, Herschel, and Peacock.] With an Appendix and JNotes. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1816. 8vo. Lactantius (Lucius Coelius Firmianus). Lucii Coelii Lactantii Fir- miani Opera quae extant, . . a Tho. Spark. [G. G.] Oxonii, 1684. 8vo. , Pladdus. See STAVEEEN (A. van). Auctores Mythographi Latini. Ladies' Diary. The Ladies' Diary : or, Woman's Almanack, for . . 1806. [D. M.] London. 8vo. Lafaist ( ). Dissertation sur la Philosophic atomistique. Par M. L. [G. G.] Paris, 1833. 8vo. La Fontaine (Jean de). Select Fables of La Fontaine : with English Notes, . . by Ferdinand E. A. Gasc, M.A. London, 1857. 8vo. La Forge (Ludovicus de). See DESCAETES (E.). Tractatus de Nomine. 2D 402 LAP LAO La Fosse (G-. Touchard-). Histoire parlementaire et vie intime de Vergniaud chef des GKrondins. Par Gr. T.-L. [GK GK] Paris, 1847. 12mo. Lagarde ( J.). Constitution Frangaise de 1848 ; precedee d'une notice historique sur les Assemblies Legislatives dela France. (Deuxieme edition.) Par J. L. [GK GK] Paris, 1848. 12mo. Lagny (Thomas Fantet). JSTouveaux Elemens d'Arithmetique et d'Algebre, ou introduction aux Mathematiques. Par M. de L., de 1'Academie Royale des Sciences. [D. M.] Paris, 1697. 8vo. Lagrange (Joseph-Louis de). Demonstration d'un theoreme d'Arith- methique*. . Demonstration d'un Theoreme nouveau concernant les nombres premiers*. . Legons sur le calcul des fonctions, nouvelle edition, revue [&c.] par TAuteur. [D. M.] Paris, 1806. 8vo. . Librairie philosophique de L. [D. M.] Paris, [ .] 8vo. . Mecanique Analytique. Par J. L. Lagrange, de 1'Institut des Sciences [&c.]. Nouvelle edition, revue et augmentee par 1'auteur. 2 torn. [D. M.] Paris, 1811-15. 4to. . Nouvelles Reflexions sur les Tautochrones*. . Reflexions sur la resolution algebrique des equations*. . Suite des reflexions sur la Resolution algebrique des Equa- tions*. . Solutions analytiques de quelques problemes sur les Pyramides triangulaires*. . Sur differentes questions d'analyse relatives a la theorie des integrales particuliers*. . Sur la construction des Cartes Geographiques*. . Sur la forme des racines imaginaires des equations*. . Sur 1'attraction des Spheroides elliptiques*. . Sur le Mouvement des Noeuds des orbites planetaires*. . Sur les integrales particulieres- des equations differentielles*. . Sur les refractions astronomiques*. . Sur 1'Integration des equations a differences partielles du premier ordre*. . Sur une nouvelle espece de calcul relatif a la differentiation & a 1'integration des quantites variables*. . Theorie des fonctions analytiques, contenant les principes du Calcul differentiel, degagcs de toute consideration d'infiniment petits, d'evanouissans, de limites et de fluxions, et re'duits a 1'analyse algebrique des quantites finies. Par J. L. L. Nouvelle edition, revue et augmentee par 1'Auteur. [D. M.] Paris, 1813. 4to. [* From the Nouveaux Memoires de I'Acadeniie Royale, des Sciences et Belles-LeUres.~] LAG LAL 403 Lagrange (Joseph-Louis de). Traite de la resolution des equations numeriques de tous les degreX avec des notes sur plusieurs points de la theorie des equations algebriques. Par J-L. L. Troisitme edition, conform e a celle de 1808, et precedee d'une Analyse de 1'Ouvrage, par M.Poinsot. [D. M.] Paris, 1826. 4to. La Hire (Philippe de). Sectiones Conicae in novem libros distribvtse, in quibus quidquid hactenus observatione dignum cum a veteribus, turn a recentioribus Geometris traditum est, novis contractisque demonstrationibus explicatur ; multis etiam & exquisitis proposi- tionibus recens inventis illustratur. Accesserunt sectiones pyramidum super basibus parabolicis, ellipticis, & hyperbolicis, una cum sectionibus cylindrorum, quibus substermmtur circuli, aut conicse sectiones. Cum appendice de sectionibus conicis omnium generum, eadem & universali methodo, ac magna facili- tate demonstratis, et aliis curvis ex iisdem fontibus deductis. Adjecta demum est brevis expositio propositionum septem librorum Conico[r]um Apollonii Pergsei, quae cum superius demonstratis conferuntur. Autore P. d. 1. H. Kegio Matheseos Professore & Eegiaa scientiarum Academiae Socio. [D. M.] Parisiis, 1685. fol. Lahmeyer (Gustayus). De Libelli Plutarchei, qui de Malignitate Herodoti inscribitur, et auctoritate et auctore. Scripsit G. L. [G. G.] Gottingae, 1848. 4to. Laignel (Benjamin). Proces-verbal d'experiences, . . sur le Systcme- Laignel, de Courbes a petit rayon [&c.]. [D. M.] Paris, 1839. 4to. Laing (Samuel). Address to the Electors of Scotland. By S. L. [G. G.] Edinburgh, 1833. 8vo. . Journal of a residence in Norway during the years 1834, 1835, and 1836. . . By S. L., Esq. [G. G.] London, 1836. 8vo. Lalande (Joseph Jerome Le Francois de). See ENCTCLOP^BIE. Meilic- dique. Maihematiques. . See MAHCHAL (S.). Dictionnaire. . See MONTUCLA ( J. E.). Histoire des Maihematiques. . Bibliographic astronomique ; avec 1'Histoire de 1'Astronomie depuis 1781 jusqu' a 1802. Par J. d. 1. L., Ancien Directeur de FObservatoire [&c.]. [D. M.] Paris, An xi (1803). 4to. . Tables de Logarithmes, par J. d. L. Etendues a sept decimales, par E.-C.-M. Marie. Preccdees d'une instruction dans laquelle on fait connaitre les limites des erreurs qui peuvent resulter de Temploi des Logarithmes des nombres et des lignes trigonometriques ; par le Baron Eeynaud . . Edition stere'otypce par Fain. Paris, 1829. 12mo. *^ . Tables de Logarithmes . . precede'es de plusieurs tables con- tenant les bases des calculs les plus usuels. Par Ch. E. Guillery, Professeur a 1'Athene'e [&c.]. Edition stercotype'e par Ode et Wodon. Bruxelles, 1836. 12mo. Lallemand ( ). See MCDOTJGALL (Henry J.). 2D2 404 LAL LAM Lalovera (Antonio). Vetervm Geometria promota in septem de Cycloide libris, et in duabus adiectis appendicibus. Autore A. L., Societatis lesv. [D. M.] Tolosce, 1660. 4to. Lamartine (Alphonse de). Histoire des G-irondins. Par M. A. de L. 8 torn. [G-. G-.] Paris, 1847. 8vo. . Histoire de la Revolution de 1848. Par A. de L. 2 torn. [a. G.] Paris, 1849. 8vo. Lambert (Johann Heinrich). Neues Organon . . durch J. H. L. 2 Bde. [G-. G.] Leipzig, 1764. 8vo. . Zusatze zu den Logarithmischen und Trigonometrischen Tabellen zur Erleichterung und Abkiirzung der bey Anwendung der Mathematik vorfallenden Berechnungen. Ausgefertiget von. J. H. Lambert. [D. M.] Berlin, 1770. 8vo. ( ). Observations analytiques. Par M. L. [Prom the Nouveaux Memoires de I'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles- Lettres.~] [D. M.] Lambeth, Archiepiscopal Library at. An Index of such English Books, printed before the year MDC., as are now in the Archiepis- copal Library at Lambeth. Published with the permission of the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, by the Rev. S. R. Maitland, F.R.S. & F.S.A. Librarian to his Grace, and Keeper of the MSS. at Lambeth. [D. M.] London, 1845. 8vo. Lambton (John George). Earl of Durham. Lord Durham's speech on the Enfranchisement of the Metropolitan Districts in the Committee on the Eeform Bill in the House of Lords, May 22, 1832 ; with an appendix by the Editor. [G. G.] London, 1832. 8vo. . Report on the affairs of British North America. Presented to Her Majesty by the Earl of Durham, Her Majesty's jHigh Commissioner. [G. G.] London, 1839. 8vo. Lame' (Gabriel) and Chasles (A.). Rapport sur un Memoire de M. F. "Woepcke, intitule : Essai d'une restitution des travaux d'Apol- lonius sur les quantites irrationnelles, d'apres des indications tirees d'un manuscrit arabe. Commissaires, MM. Lame, Chasles rapporteur. [D. M.] Paris, [1853]. 4to. La Mennais (Hugues Felicite Robert de). Paroles d'un Croyant 1833. Par M. d. 1. M. Cinquieme edition. [G. G.] Geneve, 1834. 8vo. La Mettrie (Julien Offray de) Sieur. See ELOGES DE TEOIS PHI- LOSOPHES. . (Euvres philosophiques de Mr. d. 1. M. Nouvelle edition. [G. G.] Amsterdam, 1774. 12mo. Lamius (Joannes). Chronologia Virorvm ervdifcione praestantivm a mvndi ortv vsqve ad saecvlvm Christianvm xvi. Dedvcta loannis LamI ivvenilis et itineraria Ivcvbratio. Opvs posthvmvm. [D. M.] Florentiae, 1770. 8vo. La Monnoye (Bernard de). See BAILLET (A.). Jugemens des Savans. LAM LAN 405 Lampridius (Julius). See SALMATIUS (C.). HISTOKIAE AUGTJSTAE Scriptores sex. Lana (Erancesco). Prodromo ouero Saggio di alcune Inuentioni nuoue premesso all' Arte Maestra Opera che prepara il P. E. L. Bresciano della Compagnia di Giesv. Per mostrare li piu reconditi principij della Naturale Eilosofia, riconosciuti con accurata teorica nelle piu segnalate inuentioni, ed isperienze sin' hora ritrouate da gli scrittori di questa materia & altre nuoue dell' autore medesimo. [D. M.] Brescia, 1670. fol. Lancaster. Ducatus Lancastriae pars tertia. Calendar to Pleadings, Depositions, &c. in the reigns of Henry VII., Henry VIII., Edward VI., Queen Mary, and Philip and Mary ; and to plead- ings of the first thirteen years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Pars quarta. Calendar to the Pleadings from the fourteenth year to the end of the Eeign of Queen Elizabeth. [EECOED COMMIS- SION.] [E. O.] [London,'] 1827-34. fol. Lancetta (Troylus). See CEEMOKLNI (C.). Tractatus ires. Land Tenure. Systems of land tenure in various countries. A series of essays published under the sanction of the Cobden Club. Second edition. London, 1870. 8vo. Landen (John). Mathematical Lucubrations : containing new improvements in various branches of the mathematics. By J. L. [D. M.] London, 1755. 4to. . Mathematical Memoirs respecting a variety of subjects ; with an appendix containing tables of theorems for the calculation of Eluents. Vol. L, II. By J. L., E.E.S. [D. M.] London, 1780-89. 4to. . Of the Eotatory Motion of a Body of any form whatever, revolving, without restraint, about any axis passing through its center of gravity. By Mr. J. L. Eead March 17, 1785. Erom the PJiilosophical Transactions, Vol. Ixxv. [D. M.] 4to. . The Eesidual Analysis ; a new branch of the Algebraic Art, of very extensive use, both in pure mathematics, and natural philosophy. Book I. By J. L. [D. M.] London, 1764. 4to. Lander (William). David and Goliath ; or, an attempt to prove that the Newtonian System of Astronomy is directly opposed to the Scriptures, and, in very many instances, contrary to reason and fact. . . By W. L., Sen. [D. M.] Mere, 1833. 12mo. Langbaenius (Gerardus). Ethices Compendium, A viro cl. G. L. (ut fertur) adornaturn . . Accedit methodus Argumentandi Aristo- telica ad 'AKpififtav Mathematicam redacta disposuit [&c.] . . Johannes Hudsonus. [G. G.] Oxonii, 1745. 4to. Langdale (Eight Hon. Henry, Lord). Substance of a speech delivered by the Eight Hon. H., Lord L., Master of the Eolls, in the House of Lords, on the 13th June, 1836, on the motion made by the. Lord Chancellor for the second reading of the Bill for the better administration of Justice in the High Court of Chancery. [G. G.] London, 1836. 8vo. 406 LAN LAP Lange (Adolphus Gottlob). Vindiciae Tragoediae Romanae. Scripsit A. G-. L., Professor Scholae Portensis. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1822. 4to. (Georg). See MUELLEE (P. E.). Hddensage, ubersetzt von G. L. . Ueber die kyklischen Dichter und den sogenannten epischen Kyklus der Griechen. Yon Dr. G. L. [G. G.] Mainz, 1837. 8vo. Langhorne (John). Poetical Works. See ANDEESON, British Poets. Vol. XI. Langius (Carolus Henricus). See STOLLITJS (G.). Introductio in Historiam Litterariam. (Johannes Christianas). Inventvm novvm qvadrati logici vniver- salis : in triangvli qvoqve formam commode redacti . . Accedit dissertatio apologetica pro logica Aristotelica genvina maxime logica . . qua I. C. Langii commentariolvs logicvs . . ad nucleum logicae Weisiaiiae nuper editus . . Avtore I. C. Langio, P.P. Ord. [D. M.] Gissae Hassorvm, 1714. 8vo. - (Wilhelmus). Epistola. See MEIBOMITJS (M.). De propor- tionibus dialogus. Langkavel (Bernhardus). See AEISTOTLE. De partibm animalium. Langtoft (Pierre de). The Chronicle of Pierre de Langtoft, in French verse, from the earliest period to the death of King Edward I. Edited by Thomas Wright. 2 vol. [CIIEONICLES AND MEMO- EIALS.] ' [B.O.] London, 1866-8. 8vo. Lankester (Edwin). See MACGILLIVEAY (W.). Natural History of Dee Side and Braemar. Lansbergius (Philippus). Elenchvs CyclometriaB Novae. See AKDEE- SONUS (A.). Vindicice Archimedis. . Philippi Lansbergii Cyclometrise novae libri dvo. [D. M.] Middlebvrgi, 1616. 4to. Lansdowne, Lord. See GEANVILLE (George), Lord Lansdoivne. Poetical Works. Laonicus Chalcocondylas. Laonici Chalcocondylae Atheniensis his- toriarum libri x. Ex recensione Imin. Bekker. [Hist. Byzant.] Bonnes, 1843. 8vo. Laplace (Pierre Simon de). Marquis. Essai philosophique sur les Probabilites. ParM. le Comte L., Pair de France [&c.]. Seconde edition, revue et augmentee par 1'auteur. [D. M.] Paris, 1814. 8vo. . Cinquieme edition, revue et augmentee par 1'auteur. [D. M.] Paris, 1825. 8vo. . Exposition du Systeme du Monde. Par M. le Marquis d. L. ~&c.]. Cinquieme edition, revue et augmentee par 1'auteur. Tom. I. II. [D. M.] Paris, 1824. 8vo. . Memoire sur divers points d'analyse. Par M. L. [D. M.] 4to. LAP LAE 407 Laplace (Pierre Simon de). Mcmoire sur 1'usage du Calcul aux differ- ences partielles, dans la theorie des suites. Par M. d. L. [From the Mtmoires de T Academic royale des Sciences, 1777.] [D. M.] 4to. . Precis de 1'histoire de 1' Astronomic. Par M. le M. d. L. [D. M.] Paris, 1821. 8vo. . Theorie analytique des Probabilites. Par M. le C. L. [D. M.] Paris, 1812. 4to. . Theorie analytique des Probabilites. Par M. le Marquis de L. . . Troisieme edition, revue et augmentee par 1'auteur. [With Supplement ; Deuxieme Supp., Fevrier 1818 ; Troisitme Supp. ; and Quatricme Supp.] [D. M.] Paris, 1820. 4to. . Supplement a la Theorie de 1'action capillaire. [X e livre.] [D. M.] 4to. . Theorie du mouvement et de la figure elliptique des plane tea. Par M. d. L. [D. M.] Paris, 1784. 4to. . Traite de Mechanique celeste. Par P. S. L., Membre de I'lnstitut national de France [&c.]. 5 torn. [D. M.] Paris, An vii (1799) 1825. 4to. . Mecanique celeste. Ey the Marquis de Laplace. . . Trans- lated, with a Commentary, by Nathaniel Bowditch, LL.D. Vol. IV. With a memoir of the translator, by his son, Nathaniel Ingersoll B. [D. M.] Boston [U. &], 1839. 4to. . Supple'ment au 5 e volume du Traite de Mecanique celeste. Par M. le Marquis de L. [Imprime sur le manuscrit trouve dans ses papiers.] [D. M.] 1827. 4to. Laporte (Ferdinand de). Sur la Tombe d' Amussat. See LATOFE (A.). Amussat. Larcherus (Petrus Henricus). Observationes criticae in Etymologi- cum Magnum. See ORION. Larchey (L.). See AEGENSON (E. d'). Notes. Lardner (Dionysius). See EUCLID. TJie first six books of the elements of E. . A Treatise on the Ancient Geometrical Analysis, from The Encyclopedia Metropolitana. By the Eev. D. L., LL. D. [&c.]. [D. M.] 4to. . Cabinet Cyclopaedia. Natural Philosophy. Astronomy (Herschel). London, 1830. 8vo. . Cabinet of Natural Philosophy. Astronomy (Herschel). [Gr. G.] London, 1833. 8vo. . Handbook of Astronomy. By D. L., D.C.L., formerly Pro- fessor of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy in University College, London. Third edition, revised and edited by Edwin Dunkin, F.E.A.S. Superintendent of the Altazimuth Depart- ment, Eoyal Observatory, Greenwich. With illustrations on stone and wood. [D. M.] London, 1867. 8vo 408 LAE LAS Lardner (Dionysius). On Natural Philosophy and Astronomy. [D. M.] London, 1829. 8vo. . The Electric Telegraph. By Dr. L. A new edition revised and re-written by Edward B. Bright, F.E.A.S., Secretary of the British and Irish Magnetic Telegraph Company . . With 140 illustrations. [D. M.] London, 1867. 8vo. (Nathaniel). The "Works of N. L., D.D. In eleven volumes : containing Credibility of the Gospel History ; Jewish and Heathen Testimonies ; History of Heretics ; and his Sermons and Tracts; with General Chronological Tables, and copious indexes. To the first volume is prefixed The Life of the Author, by Andrew Kippis, D.D., F.E.S. and S.A. [D. M.] London, 1788. 8vo. Lariche (L. E. A.). Explication des Institutes de Justinien, con- tenant : une introduction historique a 1'etude du droit Eomain, la traduction et 1'explication des institutes de Gaius, la traduction et 1'explication des textes les plus importants du digeste, du code et des novelles. Par L.-E.-A. L. Docteur en Droit. Tome premier, contenant 1'explication des livres I. et II. des Institutes. Paris, 1868. 8vo. La Rive (Auguste de). Notice sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de A.-P. de Candolle. Par M. le Professeur A. d. 1. E. [Tire de la Bibli- otheque Universelle de Geneve. Nov. et Dec. 1844.] [G. G.] 8vo. La Roche (Jacob). Homerische Studien. Yon J. La E. Der Ac- cusativ im Homer. [G. G.] Wien, 1861. 4to. (Paul). Charakteristik des Polybius. Von P. L. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1857. 8vo. La Rochefoucauld (Francois), Due de, Prince de Marsillac. Maxims and moral reflections by the Duke de la E. A new edition, revised and improved. [G. G.] Edinburgh, 1775. 12mo. Laromiguiere (Pierre). Legons de Philosophie sur les principes de I'intelligence ou sur les causes et sur les origines des idees. Par M. L. Quatrieme edition. 2 torn. [G. G.] Paris, 1826. 8vo. Larpent (George G. de H.). Some remarks on the late negotiations between the Board of Control and the East India Company. By G. G. de H. L., Esq. [G. G.] London, 1833. 8vo. Larsche (Henri-Ferdinand de). Essai sur la Eaison, considered prin- cipalement sous le rapport de son independance de toute autorite etrangere. Par H.-F. de L. [G. G.] Geneve, 1822. 8vo. Larue (Isidore Etienne), Chevalier de. Histoire du dix-huit Fructidor, ou Memoires contenant la verite sur les divers evenemens qui se rattachent a cette conjuration. Par le Chevalier De L., 1'un des Deputes deportes a Sinamari au 18 Fructidor. 2 torn. [G. G.] Paris, 1821. 8vo. Lassalle (Ferdinand). Die Philosophie Herakleitos des Dunklen von Ephesos. Nach einer neuen Samiiilung seiner Bruchstiicke und der Zeugnisse der Alten dargestellt von F. L. 2 B de . [G. G.] Berlin, 1858. 8vo. LAS LAU 409 Lassaulx (Ernst von). Der TJntergang des Hellenismus und die Einziehung seiner Tempelgiiter durch die Christlichen Kaiser. Ein Beitrag zur Philosophie der Geschichte. Yon E. von L. [G. G.] Munchen, 1854. 8vo. Lassen (C.). Beitrage zur Deutung der Eugubinischen Tafeln. Yon Dr. C. L. Erster Beitrag. [G. G-.] Bonn, 1833. 8vo. Lasteyrie-Dusaillant ( Charles -Philibert), Comte de. Nouveau systeme d'Education et d'Enseignement . . Nouvelle edition augmented. Par M. le C. de L.-D. [G. G.] Paris, 1819. 8vo. Latham (Eobert Gordon). See SYDENHAM (T.). Works, translated by R. G. L. . A Dictionary of the English Language. By E. G. L. Founded on that of Dr. Samuel Johnson as edited by the Eev. H. T. Todd, M.A. With numerous emendations and additions. 4 vol. London, 1872. 4to. . First Outlines of Logic, applied to Grammar and Etymology. By E. G. L., M.D. [D. M.] London, 1847. 12mo. . The English Language. By E. G. L., M.D., Fellow of King's College, Cambridge [&c.]. Second Edition, revised and greatly enlarged. [D. M.] London, 1848. 8vo. . Fourth edition, revised and enlarged. In two volumes. London, 1855. 8vo. Latinorvm Scriptorvm, Collectio. See CICERO (M. T.) Latour (Amedee). Amussat. [Extrait de V Union medicate des 17 et 24 mai 1856.] [Followed by a verse :] Sur la Tombe d' Amussat. [By] Ferdinand de Laporte. 17 Mai 1856. Evreux, [ .] 8vo. (Antoine De). Essai sur 1'etude de 1'histoire, en France, au dix-neuvieme siecle. Par A. De L. [With the Melanges histori- ques.'] [G. G.] Paris, 1835. 8vo. Laundy (Samuel Linn). A Table of Products, by the factors 1 to 9, of all numbers from 1 to 100,000, by the aid of which Multi- plication may be performed by Inspection. With an introduction explanatory of its use, and also of the method of obtaining the products of numbers exceeding the limits of the table. By S. L. L. [D. M.] London, 1865. fol. . Tables of Quarter-Squares of all Integer Numbers, up to 100,000, by which the product of two factors may be found by the aid of addition and subtraction alone. By S. L. L., A.I.A. [D. M.] London, 1856. 4to. Launoms (Joannes). Joannis Lavnoii Theologi Parisiensis de Yaria Aristotelis in Academia Parisiensi Fortvna et loannis lonsii Holsati de Historia Peripatetica Dissertatio. lo. Hermannvs ab Elswich edidit et de Yaria Aristotelis in Scholis Protestantivm Fortvna schediasma praemisit. [G. G.] Vitembergae, 1720. 8vo. Laurence (Edward). A dissertation on Estates upon Lives and Tears, whether in Lay or Church-bands. With an exact calculation of their real worth, by proper tables, and the reasons for their different valuations. By E.' L., Land Surveyor. [D.M.] London, 1730. 8vo. 410 LAU LAW Laurence (John Zachariah). Some Observations on the Sensibility of the Eye to Colour. By J. Z. L., F.B.C.S., M.B. [&c.]. [From The Glasgoiu Medical Journal.'] Glasgow, 1861. 8vo. . The influence of the variation of the size of the Pupil on the accommodating power of the Eye. By J. Z. L. [B/eprinted from The Glasgow Medical Journal, i860.] 8vo. Laurent (Paul). De la formation des Corps. Par P.L. No. 1, Ovules. [D. M.] Nancy, 1834. 8vo. Laurentius (Josephus). Josephi Lavrentii, S.T.D. Amalthea Onomastica ; in qva voces vniversae abstrvsiores, sacraa, profanaa, antique, antiquatae, vsurpataa, vsurpandae; e Latinis, Latino- Graacis, Latino-Barbaris, criticis, antiquarijs, thesauris, lexicis, onomasticis, glossarijs, matheseos, iurisprudentiaa, medicine, aliarumque'disciplinarum authoribus, quibusqueindicatis, excerpta?, et Italice interpretataa : cvm onomastico Italico-Latino, ad calcem addito opus ab auctore dum viueret, diligenter recognitum, atque adeo ab ipso tertia parte auctum. Editio nouissima, [&c.]. [D. M.] Venetiis, 1690. 4to. Lavallee (Joseph). Eloge Historique du General Marceau. Par J. L. [G. GL] Paris, 1797. 8vo. La Voye (G. M. de). See AMRAPHEL. Law. An Essay on the Eeform of the Law of Eeal Property, and the Practice of Conveyancing. By a Solicitor. London, 1871. 8vo. (James). See GAMGEE (J.) and LAW (J.). Lawrance (Frederic). A short treatise on Life Assurance : with the Bates of all the Offices in London, mutual, mixed, and proprie- tary, alphabetically arranged. By F. L., Esq., Secretary to a Life Office. [D. M.] London, 1843. 12mo. Lawrence (William). Lectures on Comparative Anatomy, Physiology, Zoology, and the natural history of Man. By W. L. Ninth edition. * [G. G.] London, 1848. 8vo. Lawson (John). See APOLLONIFS Pergaeus. (1) The two books of A. P. concerning Determinate Section. (2) The two books of A. P. concerning Tangencies. . See SIMSON (B.). A treatise concerning Porisms, translated by J. L. . A Synopsis of all the Data for the Construction of Triangles from which Geometrical Solutions have hitherto been in print. With references to the authors where those solutions are to be found. By J. L., B.D., Bector of Swanscombe, in Kent. [D. M.] Rochester, 1773. 4to. (Thomas). A Mite into the Treasury, being a word to Artists? especially to Heptatechnists, the Professors of the Seven Liberal Arts, so called, Grammer, Logiek, Bhetorick, Musick, Arith- metick, Geometry, Astronomy . . Several other things are herein touched . . T. L. [D. M.] Londcn, 1680. 4to. LAW LEA 411 Lawson (William Morrell). An Introductory Lecture delivered to the Mathematical class at the Royal School of Medicine and Surgery at Birmingham, 12 May 1836, by the Eev. W. M. L., M.A. Birmingham, 1836. 8vo. Lax (Gaspar). Arithmetics Speculatiua Magistri Gasparis L. Aragonensis de Sarinyena duodecim Iib3is demonstrata imp3esse Parisiis opera Magistri Nicolai de la barre p3O Emundo le feure Anno dfii .... 1515. [D. M.] fol. (William). Remarks on a supposed Error in the Elements of Euclid. By the Rev. W. L., A.M., F.R.S., Lowndes' Professor of Astronomy and Geometry in the University of Cambridge. [With Appendix.] [D. M.] Cambridge, 1807. 8vo. Laycock (Thomas). See UNZEE (J. A.). Lazeri (P.). Clarorum virorum Theodori Prodromi, Dantis Alighierj, Franc. Petrarchae, Galeacii Vicecomitis, Ant. de Tartona, Colucii Salutati, Leonardi Aretini, Caroli Aretini, Porcelli Jo : Manzini de Motta et Jacobi Sadoleti Epistolae ex codd. MSS. Bibliothecse Collegii Romani S. J. nunc primum vulgatae. [G. G.] Eomce, 1754. 8vo. Leadbetter (Charles). The young Mathematician's Companion, being a compleat tutor to the Mathematicks . . By C. L. 'London, 1739. 8vo. Leader (J. T.). Speech of J. T. L., Esq., M.P., in the House of Commons, on seconding Mr. Grote's motion for the vote by Ballot. [G. G.] Bristol, 1836. 8vo. Leake (William Martin). Greece at the end of Twenty-three years' protection. See TURKISH ALLIANCE. On the Claim to the Islands of Cervi and Sapienza. See TURKISH ALLIANCE. . Notes on Syracuse, Read at the Royal Society of Literature, February 24, March 9, and March 23, 1848. By W. M. L. [London, 1848.] 8vo. . Plates of Coins to accompany Notes on Syracuse. By W. M. L. [From the Trans, of the Rl. Soc. of Literature (new series) Vol. III.] [G. G.] . Topographic Athens. Von W. M. L. 2te Ausgabe. Uebersetzt von J. G. Baiter und H. Sauppe. [G. G.] Zurich, 1844. 8vo. . Travels in Northern Greece. 4 vol. [G. G.] London, 1835. 8vo. . Travels in the Morea. With a map and plans. 3 vol. [G. G.] London, 1830. 8vo. . Peloponnesiaca : a Supplement to Travels in the Morea. [G. G.] London, 1846. 8vo. Leary (T. H. L.). See HOMER. Iliad. Leatham (William). Letters on the Currency, addressed to Charles Wood, Esq. M.P. . . By W. L., Banker. Second Edition. [D. M.] London, 1840. 8vo. 412 LEA LEE Leathermore. Leathermore : or, advice concerning Gaming. The third edition. [D. M.] London, 1711. 4to. Leber (C.). Essai sur 1'appreciation de la fortune privee au moyen age relativeuient aux variations des valeurs monetaires et du pouvoir commercial de 1'argent : suivi d'un examen critique des tables de prix du marc d'argent depuis Fepoque de St. Louis. Par M. C. L. Seconde edition. [G-. G.] Paris, 1847. 8vo. Le Bon (Joseph). Joseph Le Bon dans sa vie privee et dans sa carriere politique. Par son fils Emile Le Bon. [G. G.] Paris, 1861. 8vo. Lebesgue (V. A.). Sur un Probleme traite par Leonard de Pise dans son Flos, et relatif a une Equation du troisieme degre. Extrait d'une Lettre adressee par M. L., Professeur a la Faculte de Bor- deaux, a M. Balthasar Boncompagni. [Extrait des Annali di scienze matematiche ejisiche, 1855.] [D. M.] 4to. Lebrun (Pigault). Le Citateur. Par P. L. Nouvelle edition. [G. G.] Paris, 1836. 18mo. Leclerc (Georges Louis), Comte de Bujfon. See NEWTON (Sir I.). La Methode des fluxions, translated by Buffon. [D. M.] ( ). See JORTIN ( J.). Life of Erasmus. Lecomte (P. C.). Memorial ou journal historique impartial et anec- dotique de la Eevolution de France. Par P. C. L. 3 torn. [G. G.] Paris, An ix. (1801)-An xi. (1803.) 12mo. Leconte (Casimir). tude economique de la Grece, . . suivie de documents sur le Commerce de 1'Orient, sur 1'Egypte, etc., avec une carte de la Grece. Par C. L. [G. G.] Paris, 1847. 8vo. Lederlinus (Johannes Henricus). See POLLUX (J.). Onomasticon. Lee (John). Antiquarian Researches in the Ionian Islands, in the year 1812. Communicated to the Society of Antiquaries by J. L., Esq., LL.D., F.E.S., in a letter to Captain W. H. Smith, E.N., K.S.F., Director. [D. M.] London, 1848. 4to. (Eobert). Engravings of the Ganglia and Nerves of the Uterus and Heart. By E. L., M.D., F.E.S. London, 1858. 4to. (Samuel). See JONES (Sir W.). Grctmmar of the Persian Language. . Notice of the Astronomical Tables of Mohammed Abibeker Al Farsi, two copies of which are preserved in the Public Library of the University of Cambridge. By S. L., M.A. [&c.]. [D. M.] 4to. (Weyman). A Valuation of Annuities and Leases certain, for a single life. With Tables . . By W. L., Esq ; of the Inner Temple. [D. M.] London, 1751. 8vo. - (William). See DEFOE (Daniel). Leechman (William). See HTJTCHESON (F.). System of Moral Philosophy. Leeke (John). See EUCLID. Euclid's Elements of Geometry. LEF LEG 413 Lefevre (Charles Shaw). E-emarks on the present state of Agriculture in a letter addressed to his constituents. By C. S. L., Esq., M.P. Eleventh edition. [GK G-.] London, 1837. 8vo. Lefort (F.). See BIOT (J.-B.) et LEFOET (F.). . Sur les G-randes Tables du Cadastre. Par M. F. L. [Extrait du tome iv des Annales de Conservatoire imperial de Paris.'] [D. M.] Paris, 1858. 4to. Lefranc (E.) and Jeannin (G.). Nouveau Manuel des Aspirants au Baccalaureat es Lettres redige conformement au Programme officiel de 1857 par E. L., Ancien Professeur agrege au College Municipal Eollin. et G. J. Ancien Professeur de 1' Academic de Paris . . Trente-deuxieme edition. Paris, 1859. 12mo. Lefranqois (Edouardus). Dissertatio Inauguralis Mathematica de qui- busdam Curvis Geometricis . . Defendet E. Le F., Atrebas. [D. M.] Gandavi, 1830. 4to. . Essais de Geometric analytique. Par F. L., Officier d'Ar- tillerie. Seconde edition revue et augmentee. [D. M.] Paris, An xii. (1804.) 8vo. . Essai sur les Produites continues . . Par M. E. L. [Academic royale de Bruxelles. Extrait du torn. xiv. des Memoires couronnesj] [D. M.] 4to. Legendre (Adrien-Marie). Elements de Geometrie, avec des notes. Par A. M. L., Membre de 1'Institut [&c.]. Douzieme edition. [D. M.] Paris, 1823. 8vo. . Elements de Geometrie. Par A. M. L. Avec additions et modi- fications. Par M. A. Blanchet . . Directeur des Etudes mathemati ques de Sainte-Barbe [&c.]. Dixieme edition. [D. M.] Paris, 1862. 8vo. . Elements of Geometry and Trigonometry; with notes. Translated from the French of A. M. L. . . [by Thomas Carlyle]. Edited by David Brewster, LL.D. [Ac.]. With notes and additions, and an introductory chapter on proportion. [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1824. 8vo. . Essai sur la Theorie des Nombres, second Supplement. Septembre 1825. [D. M.] 4to. . Exercices de Calcul integral. Methodes di verses pour la con- struction des Tables elliptiques, suivies de la Table generale des Fonctions completes, et de la Table particuliere pour le module sin 45, etc. [D. M.] Juillet, 1816. 4to. . Memoire sur les Integrations par Arcs d'Ellipse. Par M. le G* [D. M.] [1786.] 4to. . Second Memoire. . Memoire sur les Operations trigonometriques, dont les re- sultats dependent de la figure de la Terre. Par M. le G.* [D. M.] [1787.] 4to. [* From the Memoires de TAcademu royale des Sciences.'] 414 LEG LEI Legendre (Adrien-Marie). Memoire sur I'integration de quelques Equations aux differences partielles. Par M. le G-. [D. M.] [1787.] 4to. . Nouvelles methodes pour la determination des Orbites des Cometes ; avec un supplement contenant divers perfectionnemens de ces methodes et leur application aux deux Cometes de 1805. Par A. M. L. [D. M.] Paris, 1806. 4to. . Theorie des Nombres. Troisieme edition. Par A.-M. L. 2 Tom. [D. M.] Paris, 1830. 4to. . Traite des Foiictions elliptiques et des Integrales Euleriennes, avec des Tables pour en faciliter le Calcul numerique. Par A. M. L. Tome premier, contenant la theorie des Fonctions ellip- tiques et son application a differens problemes de Geometric et de Mecanique. Tome second, contenant les methodes pour con- struire les Tables elliptiques, le recueil de ces Tables, le Traite des Integrales Euleriennes et un Appendice. Tome troisieme, con- tenant divers Supplemens a la theorie des Foiictions elliptiques. [D. M.] Paris, 1825-28. 4to. Legh (Peter). The Successful, and therefore probably true, Theory of Comets, in which the word Comet and Cometic Meteor are used synonymously and indiscriminately. [1844-51.] [D. M.] London, [ .] 8vo. Le Grand (Antonius). Antonii le Grand Institutio Philosophise, secundum principia Domini Renati Descartes : Novo methodo adornata & explicata. [G. G.] Londini, 1672. 8vo. . Antonii le Grand Institutio Philosophise . . In usum Juven- tutis Academicae. Editio Quarta, Prioribus Editionibus multa auctior. [D. M.] Londini, 1680. 4to. Le Grele (Etienne). See EUCLID. Lehrs (F. S.). Hesiodi Carmina : Apollonii Argonautica : Musaei carmen de Herone et Leandro, Coluthi raptus Helenas, Quinti Posthomerica, Tryphiodori excidium lliae, Tzetzaa Antihomerica (etc.). Graece et Latine cum indicibus nominum et rerum edidit F.S.L. Asii, Pisandri, Pangasidis, Choerili, Antimachi Fragmeuta cum commentariis aliorum et suis adjecit Fredericus Duebner. Parisiis (Didot), 1862. 8vo. (K.). De Aristarchi studiis Homericis . . Scripsit K. L. [G. G.] Regimontii Prussorum, 1833. 8vo. . Populare Auf satze aus dem Alterthum, vorzugsweise zur Ethik und Eeligion der Griechen. Von K. L. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1856. 8vo. Leibnitz[-ius] (Gottfried Wilhelm). See CLARKE (S.). Collection of Papers. . See DES MAIZEAUX (P.). llecueil de diverses pieces sur la pliilosophie ; &c. . Epistolae. See under HXJGEISTUS (C.). Fasc. I. . See EOYAL SOCIETY. Commercium epistolicum ; &c. LEI 415 Leibnitz[-ius] (Gottfried Wilhelm). Leibnizeus mathematische Sehriften herausgegeben von C. I. Gerhardt. Erste Abtheikmg. Band I.[-IL] Briefwechsel zwischen Leibniz und Oldenburg, Collins, Newton, Galloys, Yitale Giordano. [D.] M. Berlin, 1850. 8vo. . Historia et Origo Calculi Differentialis a G. G. Leibnitio con- scripta. Zur Zweiten Sacularfeier des Leibnizischen Geburtstages aus den Handschriften der koniglichen Bibliothek zu Hannover herausgegeben von Dr. C. I. Gerhardt. Als Anhang sind zwei noch uugedruckte mathematische Abhandlungen Leibnizens hinzugefiigt. [D. M.] Hannover, 1846. 8vo. . Godefridi Guilielmi Leibnitii Principia Philosophise, more Geometrico demonstrate [&c.]. Accedunt Theoremata Meta- physica . . ex Philosophia Leibnitiana pariter selecta [auctore Michaele Gottlieb Hanschio. Accedit ejusdem auctoris] Medi- tatio Philosophica De unione mentis et corporis [secundum prin- cipia Leibnitiana] denuo edita. [D. M.] Francofurti, 1728. 4to. . Virorum celeberr. Got. Gul. Leibnitii et Johan. Bernoullii Commercium philosophicum et mathematicum. 2 torn. [D.M.] Lausannce, 1745. 4to. Leiden. See HETNSIUS (A.). . Feestgave ter Gelegenheid van het Driehonderd-Jarig Bestaan der Leidsche Hoogeschool. De Beoefening der Oostersche Talen in Nederland en zisne overzeesche Bezittingen 1800-1814. Bibliographisch overzicht door P. A. M. Boele Van Hensbroek Verhandeling over de Poezie van Abu-Mohammad ' Abdo " Illah ibn-Moslim Ibn-Qotaiba volgens die Handschriften van Weenen, Pariis en Damaskus. Arabischer Tekst met Hollandische Ver- taling door H. W. Christ. Eittershausen. Leiden, 1875. 4to. . Album Studiosoruin Academise Lugduno Batavse MDLXXV.- MDCCCLXXV. Accedunt nomina Curatorum et Professorum per eadem saecula. Haycv Comitum, 1875. 4to. Leifchild (J. E.). Letter dated Dec. 6th, 1847 with reference to the Eeport of meeting of Contributors in London to the Scottish Provident Institution. Oct. 4, 1847. [D. M.] [London], s. sh. 4to. Leigh (G.) and Sotheby (S.). A list of the original Catalogues of the principal Libraries which have been sold by auction, by Mr. Samuel Baker, . . Messrs. S. Baker and G. Leigh, . . Mr. G. Leigh, . . Messrs. Leigh and Sotheby, . . Messrs. Leigh, Sotheby and Son, . . Messrs. Leigh and S. Sotheby, . . and Mr. Sotheby [1744-181 8]. [D. M.] Lo ndon, 1818. 4to. . [List of some of the principal Sale-catalogues issued by. 1 754- 1803.] [D.M.] 4to. Leisner (Frederick). See Bos (L.). Antiquities of Greece. Leitner (G. W.). A Lecture on the races of Turkey (both of Europe and Asia) and the state of their education. By G. W. L. Lahore, 1871. 8vo. . Introduction to a Philosophical Grammar of Arabic. By G. W. L. Lahore, 1871. 8vo. 416 LEI LEN Leitner (G-. W.). Results of Tour in " Dardistan, Kashmir, Little Tibet, Ladak, Zanskar, &c.," in 1866. In four volumes. By G-. W. L. Vol. I. The Languages and R/aces of Dardistan. Pt. I. II. Lahore, fol. . Sinin-I-Islam ; being a sketch of the History and Literature of Muhammedanism, and their place in Universal History. For the use of Maulvis. By a. W. L. Part I. Lahore, 1871. 8vo. . The theory and practice of education, with special reference to education in India. By G-. W. L. Lahore, [ .] 8vo. Leland (Joannes). Commentarii de Scriptoribus Britannicis, Auctore Joanne Lelando, Londinate. Ex Autographo Lelandiuo nunc primus edidit Antonius Hall, A.M., Coll. Reg. Oxon. Socius. Tomus primus. [D. M.] Oxonii, 1709. 8vo. Le Long (J.). See LE MOINE DE L'ESPINE (W.). Den Koophandel van Amsterdam. Leloup (P. J.). Prolegomena in Isocratis Philippicam seu commen- tatio Isocratea secunda, . . edidit P. J. L. [Gr. Gr.] Moguntiae, 1825. 8vo. Lemaire (Ch.). Initiation a la Philosophie de la Liberte. Par C. L. 2 torn. [GLGK] Paris, 1842-43. 8vo. (Nicolas Eloi). See CUETITJS RTJFUS (Q.). Le Moine de L'Espine (W.). Den Koophandel van Amsterdam, naar alle gewesten des Weerelds . . Eerst ontworpen door Wylen Le Moine de L'Espine. JNu doorgaans in andere Ordre gebragt . . door J. le Long. Den Derden Druk. Amsterdam, 1719. 8vo. Lemon (Robert). See STATE PAPEES. Calendar. Domestic Series. Lemonnier (Ch.). See BEOTHIEB (L.). Elauche d'un Glossaire du Langage philosophique. Lempriere (John). Bibliotheca Classica ; or, a Classical Dictionary . . By J. L., A.M. The fourth edition. [GK Gr.] London, 1801. 8vo. . A collection of Supplements to all editions of Lempriere's Classical Dictionary, more especially to the enlarged one by Pro- fessor Anton. Containing I. Sillig's Dictionary of the Artists of Antiquity [Translated by Henry W. Williams] and Pliny's Books on the Fine Arts. II. Payne Knight's Inquiry into the Sym- bolical Language of Ancient Art and Mythology. III. Barker's Fifteen Supplements and Indexes, comprising : various chronolo- gical tables and dissertations ; tables of ancient measures, weights and monies ; classical names in the Apocrypha and Testament ; geographical and other Indexes, &c. &c. [D. M.] London, 1837. 8vo. Lenglet Dufresnoy (Nicolas). Chronological Tables of Universal History, sacred and profane, ecclesiastical and civil ; from the creation of the world to the year one thousand seven hundred and forty-three. With a preliminary discourse on the short method of studying history ; and a catalogue of books necessary for that purpose ; with some remarks on them. By Abbe L. D. In two parts. Translated from the last French edition, and con- tinued down to the Death of King Greorge II. [D. M.] London, 1762. 8vo. LEN LEP 417 Lenhossek (Jos. v.). Beitrage zur Erorterung der histologischen Ver- haltnisse des Centralen Nervensystems. Von Dr. J. v. L., Pro- fessor der Anatomie in Klausenburg. Wien, 1858. 8vo. Lennep (David Jacobus von). See HESIOD. Scutum Herculis. Lenz (Harald Othmar.) Botanik der alten Griechen und Homer. Deutsch in Ausziigen aus deren Schriften, nebst Anmerkungen. Von H. 0. L. [G. G.] Gotha, 1859. 8vo. . Mineralogie der alten Griechen und Eomer. Deutsch in Aus- ziigen aus deren Schriften, nebst Anmerkungen. Von Dr. H. O. L., Herzogl. Sachs. Professor. [G. G-.] Gotha, 1861. 8vo. . Zoologie der alten Griechen und Eomer. Deutsch in Ausziigen aus deren Schriften, nebst Anmerkungen. Von H. O. L. [G. G.] Gotha, 1856. 8vo. Lenzius (Carolus Gotthold). See PHA^ODEMIJS. . See PHILOCHOEUS. Leo (Andre). La Eemme et les Mceurs. Liberte ou Monarchie. Par A. L. [G. G.] Paris, [ .] 8vo. Leo XII., Pope. Collectio Legum et Ordinationum de recta Studiorum ratione editarum a SS. D. N. Leone XII. P.M. et Sacra Congre- gatione Studiis Moderandis [Lat. & Ital.]. Romce, 1828. 4to. Leo Diaconus. Leonis Diaconi Caloensis historiae libri x. et liber de velitatione bellica Nicephori Augusti e recensione Car. Ben. Hasii, addita ejusdem versione atque annotationibus ab ipso recognitis. Accedunt Theodosii acroases de Greta, capta e rec. Er. Jacobsii, et Luitprandi legatio cum aliis libellis qui Nicephori, Phocae et lo. Tzimiscis historiam illustrant. [Hist. Byzant.] Bounce, 1828. 8vo. Leo Grammaticus. Leonis Grammatici Chronographia. Ex recen- sione Imm. Bekkeri. Accedit Eustathii de capta Thessalonica liber. [Hist. Byzant.] Bounce, 1842. 8vo. (Heinrich). Vorlesungen iiber die Geschichte des Jiidischen Staates ; gehalten an der Universitat zu Berlin vom . . H. L. [G. G.] Berlin, 1828. 8vo. Leontius Mechanicus. AEONTIOY MHXANIKOY HEPI KATA- SKETHS AP AT El AS 2$AIPAS. [Greek and French.'] See AEATUS, ^AINOMENA. . De constructione Aratese Sphasrae. See ASTEONOMICA veterum scripta isagogica. Leopold (E. E.). See TEETULLIANUS (Q. S. E.). Opera. Lepsius (Eichard). Discoveries in Egypt, Ethiopia, and the Peninsula of Sinai, in the years 1842-1845, during the mission sent out by His Majesty Erederick William IV. of Prussia. By Dr. E. L. Edited, with notes, by Kenneth E. H. Mackenzie. [I. O.] London, 1852. 8vo. . Palaographie als Mittel f iir die Sprachforschung, zunachst am Sanskrit nacbgewiesen. Von E. L. Zweite Ausgabe. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1842. 8yo. 2B 418 LEE LES Lenninier (Jean Louis Eugene). College de France. Cours d'his- toire des legislations compare'es. Par M. L. Prospectus. [G. G.] Paris, [ .] 8vo. Le Roux (Philibert-Joseph). Dictionnaire comique, satyrique, critique, burlesque, libre et proverbial . . Par P.-J* le R. JSTouvelle edition. [D. M.] Amsterdam, 1750. 8vo. Leroux (Pierre)- Refutation de 1'Eclectisme . . Par P. L. [G-. G.] Paris, 1839. 12mo. LeRoy (Alphonse). Liber Memorialis. L'TJniversite de Liege depuis sa fondation. Par Alphonse le Roy. Professeur ordinaire a la Faculte des lettres. Ouvrage redige et publie en vertu d'une decision du Conseil Acadeniique . . Liege, 1869. 8vo. Le Roy ( ). A Memoir on the best method of Measuring Time at Sea . . containing the description of the Longitude Watch pre- sented to His Majesty [Louis XV.] the 5th of August 1766. By M. Le Roy, jun., Clock-maker to the King. Translated from the French by Mr. T. S. Evans. [D. M.] [London.] 8vo. Lersch (Laurence). See FULGEFTIUS (Fabius P.). Le Sage (Alain-Rene). The Adventures of Gil Bias of Santillane. Translated from the French of L., T?y Tobias Smollett. A new edition . . with twenty-four line engravings after Smirke, and ten etchings by George Cruikshank. London, 1859. 8vo. . Le Diable Boiteux. Par Le Sage. Mit grammatischen, kritischen und erklarenden Noten, auch einem Worterbuche. [G. GK] Leipzig, 1832. 8vo. . Une Journee des Parques, divisee en deux seances. Par M. L. Paris, 1735. 8vo. (Georges Louis). Opuscules. See PREYOST (P.). Esscds. . Notice de la vie et des ecrits de G. L. Le S. de Geneve. [G. G.] [ .] 8vo. Lesbonax. Orationes. See REISKE (J. J.). Oratorum Grsecorum quse super sunt. Pt. 15. Lesenr (Thomas). See NEWTON (Sir L). Philosophice naturalis princijpia mathematica. Leslie (Sir John). Analyse geometrique. See HACHETTE (J.-N.-P.). . See WEST (John). Mathematical Treatises. [D. M.] . The Philosophy of Arithmetic . . with an enlarged table of the products of numbers under one hundred. By J. L. [G. G.] Edinburgh, 1817. 8vo. . The Philosophy of Arithmetic ; exhibiting a progressive view of the theory and practice of calculation, with tables for the multiplication of numbers as far as one thousand. By J. L., Esq. formerly professor of mathematics, and now of natural philosophy, in the University of Edinburgh. Second edition, im- proved and enlarged. [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1820. 8vo. LES LEV 419 Lessing (G-otthold Ephraim). G-. E. Lessings Schrifften. 6 Th. [G. G.] Berlin, 1753-55. 12mo. . Nathan the Wise. A dramatic poem, in five acts. By G. E. L. Translated from the German, . . by Dr. A. E. London, 1860. 12mo. L'Estrange (Sir Roger), Kt. Fables, of JEsop and other eminent Mythologists : with Morals and Eeflexions. By Sir E. L'E., Kt. The fifth edition corrected. [G-. G-.] London, 1708. 8vo. . Twenty two Select Colloquies out of Erasmus Eoterodamus, pleasantly representing several Superstitious Levities that were crept into the Church of Eome in his days. By Sir E. L'E. To which are added, Seven more Dialogues, with the Life of the Author. By 'Mr. Tho. Brown. [G. G.] London, 1711. 8vo. Lesz (Gottfried). Beweis der Wahrheit der christlichen Eeligion. Yon G. L. Gottingen, 1768. 8vo. Letronne (A.). Essai critique sur la topographic de Syracuse au commencement du cinquieme siecle avant 1'ere vulgaire. Avec un plan. Par A. L. [G. G.] Paris, 1812. 8vo. Lettice (John). See HERCTJLANETJM. Leupoldus Austria. Compilatio Leupoldi Ducatus Austrie filij de Astro3um scietia : decem continens tractatus. \_Damagcd.~] [D. M.] Auguste vindelicojum, 1489. 4to. Leuret (Fr.) and Gratiolet (Pierre). Anatomie comparee du Systeme nerveux considere dans ses rapports avec 1'intelligence. Par F. L. et P. G. Accompagnee d'un Atlas de 32 planches dessinees d'apres nature et gravees. [Tom. I. par F. L. II. par P. G.] [G. G.] Paris, 1839-57. 8vo. & fol. Leutsch (Ernestus Ludov. A.). Paroemiographi Graeci. Diogenianus. Gregorius Cyprius. Macarius. Aesopus. Apostolius et Arsenius. Mantissa Pro verbiorum. Edidit E. L. A. L. \_Corpus Paroemiographorum Graecorum, Tom. IT.] [G. G.] Gottingae, 1851. 8vo. Levasseur (E.). L'etude et 1'enseignenient de la Geographic. Par E. L., Merabre de 1'Institut. [G. G.] Paris, 1872. 12mo. Leveille (J.-B.). See HIRSCHEELD (Ludovic) and LEYEILL (J.-B). Leveque (Charles). Etudes de Philosophie Grecque et Latine. Par C. L. [G. G.] Paris, 1864. 8vo. (Eug.). See PLOTLNTTS, avec des fragments de Porphyre traduits par E. L. Levesque (Pierre Charles). Histoire de Eussie. Par M. L. Tom. I.- IV. [G. G.] Paris, 1782. 12mo. . Pensees morales de Confucius : recueillies et traduits du Latin par M. L. [Collection des Moralistes anciens.~] [G. G.] Levi (Leone). Commercial Law of the World ; or, the mercantile law of the United Kingdom compared with the codes and laws of commerce of . . mercantile countries . . and the Institutes of Justinian. By L. L., Esq., Lecturer on Commercial Law at King's College, London ; [&c.]. 2 vol. London, 1854. 4to. 2E2 420 LEV LEW Lsvi (Leone). Manual of the Mercantile Law of Great Britain and Ireland . . By L. L. London, 1854. 8vo. . The Law of Nature and Nations as affected by Divine Law. By L. L. London, 1855. 8vo. Levins (Peter). Manipulus Vocabulorum : a Rhyming Dictionary of the English Language, by P. L. (1570). Edited, with an alphabetical index, by Henry B. Wheatley. [Published for the Early English Text Society and for the Philological Society.] [GK G.] London, 1867. 4to. Lewes (G-eorge Henry). The History of Philosophy from Thales to Comte. By G. H. L. Third edition. In two volumes. Vol. I. Ancient Philosophy. Yol. II. Modern Philosophy. [D. M.] London, 1867. 8vo. . The Life and ^Vorks of Goethe : with sketches of his age and contemporaries from published and unpublished sources. By G. H. L. 2 vol. [G. GK] London, 1855. 8vo. L[ewin] (Thomas). Brief Essays on subjects of Social Economy. By T. L. [G. G.] London, 1856. 4tb. Lewis (Charles Lee). See STEVENS (G. A.). A lecture on heads. (Sir George Cornewall). See BABBITTS, fabulce ^Esopece. . See BOECKH (A.). Political Economy of Athens [&c.]. . See MUELLER (C. 0.). History fyc. of the Doric Race. . An Essay on the influence of authority in matters of opinion. By G. C. L. [G. GK] London, 1849. 8vo. . An Essay on the origin and formation of the Romance Languages . . By Sir G. C. L. 2nd edition. [G. G.] London, 1862. 8vo. . An Inquiry into the credibility of the early Eoman History. By the Right* Hon. Sir G. C. L. 2 vol. [G. G.] London, 1855. 8vo. . A Treatise on the methods of observation and reasoning in Politics. By G. C. L. 2 vol. [G. G.] London, 1852. 8vo. (Henry King). Catalogue of Books, on Medicine & the col- lateral Sciences . . offered . . by H. K. L. [D. M.] London, Jan. 1852. 8vo. (John). A complete history of the several Translations of the Holy Bible, and New Testament, into English, both in MS. and in print : and of the most remarkable editions of them since the invention of printing. By J. L., A.M. . . The second edition, with large additions. [D. M.] London, 1739. 8vo. (T. R.). The Pathological Significance of Nematode Hsematozoa. By T. R. L., M.B. (etc.). Calcutta, 1874. 8vo. . A Report of Microscopical and Physiological Researches into the nature of the agent or agents producing Cholera. Second series. By T. R. L. and D. D. Cunningham, M.B. Calcutta, 1874. 8vo. LEW LEY 421 Lewis (William Lillington). Statius, translated by W. L. L. See ANDERSON, British Poets. Vol. XIV. Ley (Eranciscus). Eata et conditio Aegypti sub imperio Persarum. Dissertatio historica . . Scripsit E. L. Subiecta est commentatio de temporum ex Herodoto computandorum ratione. [G. Or."] Coloniae Ayrippinensis, 1830. 8vo. . Theses disceptationi propositae, quas una cum dissertatione de fatis et conditione Aegypti sub imperio Persarum . . defendet scriptor E. L. Opponentibus Carolo Mennio, Joanne Classeno. [G. G.] [1830.] 8vo. Leybourn (Thomas). A Catalogue of the . . mathematical Library of the late T. L., Esq., E.B.S., Professor of Mathematics in the Boyal Military College, Sandhurst. [Sale-catalogue. ~] [D. M.] London, 1840. 8vo. . New Series of the Mathematical Repository. By T. L., of the BojTil Military College. Vol. I.-V. [D. M.] London, 1806-30. 8vo. (William). Arithmetic^ : Vulgar, Decimal, Instrumental, Algebraical. In Eour Parts. Containing I. Vulgar Arithmetick. . . II. Decimal Arithmetick . . III. Instrumental Arithmetick . . IV. Algebraical Arithmetick . . Whereunto is added, the construction and use of several tables of Interest and Annuities, Weights and Measures, both of our own and other countries. The fourth edition, corrected and enlarged. By W. L. [D. M.] London, 1678. 8vo. . Pleasure with Pjofit: consisting of Becreations of Divers Kinds, viz. numerical, geometrical, mechanical, statical, astro- nomical, horometrical, cryptographical, magnetical, automatical, chymical, and historical. Published to recreate ingenious spirits ; and to induce them to make farther scrutiny into these (and the like) sublime sciences. And to divert them from following such vices to which youth (in this age) are so much inclin'd. By W. L., Philomathes. To this work is also annext, a treatise of Algebra, according to the late improvements, applied to numerical questions and geometry ; with a new series for the speedy ex- traction of roots ; as also a converging series for all manner of adfected- equations. By B. Sault, Master of the Mathematick School in Adam's Court, in Broadstreet, near the Boyal Exchange, London. [D. M.] London, 1694. fol. . The Line of Proportion or Numbers, commonly called Gunter's Line made easie. By the which may be measured all manner of superficies and solids ; as board, glass, pavement, timber, stone, &c. Also, how to perform the same by a line of equal parts, drawn from the centre of a two-foot rule. Whereunto is added The use of the Line of Proportion improved : whereby all manner of superficies and solids may both exactly and speedily be measured, without the help of pen or compasses, by inspection, looking only upon the ruler. By W. L. [D. M.] London, 1684. 12mo. 422 LHE LIB Lherbette (A. J.). Difficultes qui pen vent encore s'elever relativement aux Propriete's d'origine nationale, et projet (Tune nouvelle Loi pour prevenir ces difficultes. Par A, J. L. [G-. G.] Paris, 1820. 8vo. . Introduction a 1'etude philosophique du Droit . . Par A. J. L. [G. G-.] Paris, 1819. 8vo, L'Hopital (Guillaume Prangois Antoine de), Marquis de Sainte- Mesme. See HOSPITAL. Liardet (P.). Biot in Kent. Eeport made to the Central Society of Education on the state of the Peasantry at Boughton, Herne-hill, and the Ville of Dunkirk, near Canterbury, By P. L., Esq., M.A. [D. M.] London, 1838. 12mo, Libanius. AIBANIOT SO$ISTOY EHISTOAAI. Libanii Sophistae Epistolae . . Edidit, Latine convertit & notis illustravit Joannes Christophorus Wolfius. Accedunt . . epistolae a Prancisco Zambicario . . [Q-. G-.] Amstelaedami, 1738. fol. . Vita Demosthenis. See DEMOSTHENES. Libelle. Theorie du Libelle, . . pour servir de supplement a la Theorie du Paradoxe. [G. G.] Amsterdam, 1775. 12mo. Liber Albus. See LONDON. Munimenta, &c. Custumarum. See LONDON. Munimenta, &c. Horn. See LONDON. Munimenta, &c. Library of Entertaining Knowledge. Criminal Trials. 2 vol. [G. G.] London, 1832. 12mo. Library of Medicine. See TWEEDIE (A.), Library of Useful Knowledge. London. 8vo. ANIMAL MECHANICS. Account of the Novurn Organon. Vegetable Physiology. Mathe- matical Geography. Physical Geography. Outline of General History. Navigation. A popular account of Newton's Optics. Animal Physiology. [D. M.] 8vo. . ARITHMETIC AND ALGEBRA. Index of the subjects treated of under each article, [D. M.] 8vo, . ASTRONOMY. Barlow's History of Astronomy. . BARLOW'S TABLES of Squares, Cubes, Square roots, Cube roots, Eeciprocals of all integer numbers up to 10,000. Stereotype edition examined and corrected. By A. De Morgan. 1840. . [BETHUNE (J. E.D.)]. Theory of Algebraical Expressions. [D. M.] [1847.] 8vo, . BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY (The) of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. A-Az. [4 vol. Vol. I. II. III. in two parts, each.] 1842-44. . . BRADLEY (J.). Practical Geometry [&c.]. [D. M.] 1834. . [BROUGHAM (Henry)]. A Discourse of the objects, advan- tages, and pleasures of Science. [D. M.] London, 1827. 8vo. . CHEMISTRY. LIB 423 Library of Useful Knowledge. Joiras (D.). On the Value of Annuities and Reversionary Payments, with numerous Tables. 2 vol. 1843. . M'CuLLOdi (J. B,). A treatise on the principles, practice, and history of Commerce. . MULLER (K. O.). History of the Literature of Ancient Greece. [Translated by Sir G. 0. Lewis.] Vol. I. 1840. . MUEPHT (R.) A Treatise on the Theory of Algebraical Equations. 1839. . PROBABILITY. On Probability, [By Sir J. TV. Lubbock and J. E. D. Bethune.] . WADDINGTON (G.). A History of the Church. 1833. . WATJD (S. W,> A Treatise on Algebraical Geometry. 1835. Libri Carrucci dalla Sommaia (Guillaume B. I. T.), Count. . See BO^JEAN (L. B.). Supplement au Rapport de M. B. . See CATALOGUES. . Catalogue de la Bibliotheque de M. L * * * * dont la vente se fera le lundi 28 juin 1847. [D, M.] Paris, 1847. 8vo. . Catalogue de Livres la plupart rares et curieux provenant de la Bibliotheque de M. L. C. dont la vente prescrite par deux ordonnances de M. le President du Tribunal Civil de la Seine des 30 avril et 1 juillet 1853, aura lieu le jeudi 12 avril 1855 [&c.]. [D. M.] Paris, 1855. 8vo. . Catalogue d'une collection extraordinaire de Livres principale- ment sur les Sciences Mathematiques, la Litterature Italienne [&c.] provenant de la Bibliotheque de M. Libri dont la vente aura lieu a Paris le jeudi 2 juillet 1857 [&c.] [D. M.] Paris, 1857. 8vo. . Deuxieme partie (vente 14 Oct., 1858). [D. M.] Pans, 1858. 8vo. . Catalogue of the choicer portion of the magnificent Library, formed by M. G. L. [Sale-catalogue.] [D. M.] London, [1859.] 8vo. . Catalogue of the extraordinary collection of Splendid Manu- scripts, chiefly upon vellum, in various languages of Europe and the East, formed by M. G. L. \_Sale-cataloyue.~] [D. M.] [London,] 1859. 8vo. . Catalogue of the Mathematical, Historical, Bibliographical and Miscellaneous portion of the celebrated Library of M. G. L. Part the First, A.-L. Part the Second, M.-Z. [Sale-catalogue.'] [D. M.] London, 1861. 8vo. . Catalogue of the reserved and most valuable portion of the Libri collection . . of ancient Manuscripts and Printed Books . . several unknown Block-Books ; and . . ancient drawings by the great Masters [&c.]. [Sale-catalogue.'] Proof sheets. [D. M.] [London, 1862.] 8vo. 424 LIB LIC Libri Carrucci dalla Sommaia (Guillaume B. I. T.), Count. Catalogue de la partie reservee et la plus precieuse de la Collection Libri. [Sale-catalogue. ~] [D. M.] Londres, 1862. 8vo. . Catalogue of the magnificent collection of precious Manu- scripts and objects of Art and Vertu, of M. G. L. [Sale- catalogue.'] [D. M.] [London, 1864.] 8vo. . Douze Mots aux Magistrats Frangais. Premier Mot. [D. M.] Londres, 1862. 8vo. . Galileo Galilei. Zu seinem Gedachtniss im zweiten Sacularjahr seines Todes. I. Sein Leben und seine Werke, von Libri. Aus dem Franzosischen mit Anmerkungen von F. W. Carove. [Q-. G-.] Siegen, 1842. 8vo. . Histoire des Sciences mathematiques en Italie, depuis la renaissance des lettres jusqu'a la fin du dixseptieme siecle. Par G. L. 4 torn. [D. M.] Paris, 1838-41. 8vo. . Lettre de M. L. a M. le President de 1'Institut de France. [D. M.] Londres, 1850. 8vo. . Lettres sur le Clerge. Par M. L. Deuxieme lettre. T a-t-il encore des jesuites ? [D. M.] Paris, 1843. 8vo. . Memoire sur divers points d' Analyse. Par G. L. [JD. M.] Turin, 1823. 4to. . Memoire sur la resolution des Equations algebriques dont les racines ont entre elles un rapport donne, et sur 1'inte'gration des Equations differentielles lineaires dont les integrales particulieres peuvent s'exprimer les unes par les autres. (Par M. G. L.) [From Crelle's Journal, Bd. xii.] [D. M.] 4to. . Memoire sur la Theorie des ISTombres. Par G. L, [D. M.] Paris, 1833. 4to. . Memoire sur les fonctions discontinues. (Par Mr. G. L. de Florence.) [From Crelle's Journal, Bd. x.] [D. M.] 4to. . Memoires de Mathematique et de Plr^sique. Par G. L. [D. M.] Pise, 1827. 4to. . Another edition. Tome premier. [D. M.] Florence, 1829. 4to. . Reponse de M. L. au Rapport de M. Boucly, public dans le Moniteur Universel, du 19 Mars, 1848. [D. M.] Londres, 1848. 8vo. . The Case of M. L. Reprinted from "Bentley's Miscellany," for July 1, 1852. [D.M.] London, 1852. 8vo. Lichtenstaedt (J. R.). Platen's Lehren auf dem Gebiete der Natur- forschung und der Heilkunde. Nach den Quellen bearbeitet von Dr. J. R. L. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1826. 8vo. Lichtwer (M. G.). M. G. Lichtwers . . Fabeln in vier Biichern . . Vierte Auflage. Berlin, 1775. 8vo. LID LIF 425 Liidell (Henry George) and SCOTT (Eobert). A Greek-English Lexicon based on the German work of Francis Passow. By H. G. L., M.A. . . and E. S., M.A. . . Second edition, revised and enlarged. [D. M.] Oxford, 1845. 8vo. . Third edition. [G. G.] Oxford. 1849. 4to. Liebel (Ignatius). See ARCHILOCHTJS. Reliquiae. Lieber (Francis). History and Political Science, necessary Studies in Free Countries. An inaugural address, delivered on the Seven- teenth of February, 1858, by F. L., LL.D. [G. G.] New York, 1858. 8vo. . Two Lectures on the Constitution of the United States, con- cluding a course on the Modern State, to which is appended an address on Secession, written in the year 1851. By F. L., LL.D. [G. G.] New York, 1861. 8vo. Liebig (Justus). See TURKER (E.). Elements of Chemistry. Lieblein (J.). Bidrag til JEgyptisk Kronologi. Af J. L. Christiania, 1873. 8vo. . Die ^Egyptischen Denkmaler in St. Petersburg, Helsingfors, Upsala und Copenhagen. Von J. L. Mit 35 Autographirten Tafeln. [Universitats-Programm fur das l ster Semester 1874.] Christiania, 1873. 8vo. . Eecherches sur la Chronologie Egyptienne d'apres les listes genealogiques. Par J. L, Christiania, 1873. Svo. Lieder. Sammlung geistlicher Lieder und Gesange, zum Gebrauch Beformirten Eeligionsverwandten. Zweyte Auflage. [ ] 1767. 8vo. Liege, University of. Liber Memorialis. See LE EOT (A.). Life Annuities. See PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS. Life Assurance. An account of the various Societies or Companies established in London for the purpose of granting Assurances on Lives [&c.]. [D. M.] London, 1839. 8vo. . Compagnie d' Assurances Generales sur la Vie des Hommes. Expose du systcme des Assurances sur la Vie, et du plan de la Compagnie. [D. M.] 4to. . Defects in the practice of Life Assurance, and suggestions for their remedy [&c.]. [D. M.] London [ .] 8vo. . Life Assurance. How to Assure, and Where to Assure. A Statement as to Safety . . By a Q.uiet Looker-on. [D. M.] London [ .] 8vo. . Life Assurance ; its Schemes, its difficulties, afld its Abuses. [D. M.] London, 1852. 8vo. . Popular View of Life Assurance. [D. M.] London, 1840. 8vo. . The Life Assurance Eecord. Intended more particularly for the use of the Provincial Agents to the Assurance Offices in London. [Published in numbers. No. 1. II. May 1, 1847 March 1, 1848.] [D. M.] London, 1848. 8vo. 426 LIF LIN Life Assurers. The Hand-book for Life Assurers. [D. M.] London, 1842. 8vo. Life Insurance Offices, new and speculative, with a Table of the in- ducements held out by each of the existing offices to insurers. [D. M.] London, 1846. 8vo. Lindanus (Wilhelmus Damasi). Evevvardvs, sive de Animi tran- qvillitate. . . W. D. L. Dordracenus . . conscrib. '[a. O.] Co&mia, 1567. 8vo. Lindau (Aug. Ferd.). See PLATO. Timaeus. . Spicilegium Criticum in Thucydidem et Livium. Scripsit A. F. L., A.M. [G-. G-.] Vratislaviae, 1817. 4to. Lindeloef ( .). See CATTCHY. (A.-L.). Lemons de Calcul differential. Tom. IV. Lindemann (Friederich). Die wichtigsten Mangel des G-elehrtenschul- wesens im Konigreiche Sachsen nebst Antragen zu deren Ver- besserung . . Von F. L., Director Gymn. Zittav. [G. G.] Zittau, [ .] 8vo. Lindesay (Joannes). Dissertatio Medica Inauguralis, De Galore : . . subjicit J. L., Scoto-Britannus. [D. M.] Edinburgh 1732. 4tc. Lindley (John). On Botany. [D. M.] London, 1829. 8vo. Lindo (E. H.). A Jewish Calendar for sixty-four years, detailing the new moons, festivals, and fasts, with the sections of the law as read in the synagogues every sabbath during the year ; also the days on which the hour for commencing sabbath is altered ; to- gether with the corresponding Christian dates. To which are added tables for continuing the calendar to A.M. 6000 2240 C. JE. And a chronological table, forming a summary of Jewish history from the flood to the present time. With various other useful tables ; by E. H. L. [D. M.] London, 1838. 8vo. Linearvm Cvrvarvm (De) cvm lineis rectis comparatione dissertatio geonietrica. Autore M.P.E.A.S. [? P. Fermat.] [D. M.] Tolosce, 1660. 4to. Lingard (John). A History of England from the First Invasion by the Eomans. By J. L., D.D. 14 vol. Third edition. [G-. G-.] London, 1825-1831. 8vo. Linguet (Simon-Nicolas-Henri). Annales politiques, civiles et lit- teraires du dix-huitieme siecle. Ouvrage periodique. Par M. L. 18 torn. [G-. G-.] Lausanne and Paris, 1778-1790. 8vo. Linnaeus (Charles). See HASSELQUIST (F.). Voyages fyc. in the Levant. Linnaeus and Jussieu ; or, the rise and progress of Systematic Botany. A popular biography, with an historical introduction and sequel. [G. Gr.] London, 1844. 8vo. Linton (William). Colossal Vestiges of the older nations : with a diagram. By W. L. [Gr. G-.] London, 1862. 8vo Linwood (William). A Lexicon to ^schylus containing a critical ex- planation of the more difficult passages in the seven Tragedies. BytheEev. W.L. Second edition. [G.G.] London, 1847. 8vo. LIO LIT 427 Lion (Albertus). See CATO (M. P.). Catoniana. . See G-ELLITJS (Aulus). Noctes Atticae. Liouville (Joseph). See MONGE (Gr.). 'Application de T analyse a la Geometric. Lipenius (Martinus). M. Martini Lipenii Bibliotheca realis uni- versalis omnium materiarum, rerum, et titulorum, in theologia, jurisprudentia, medicina et philosophia occurrentium, melioris ordinis, commoditatis & distinctionis causa, respectu IV. faculta- tum in IV partes, sen speciales bibliothecas theologicam, juridi- cam, medicam et philosophicam divisa, ordine alphabetico ita disposita, ut primo statim aspectu tituli, et sub titulis autores ordinata velut acie locati in oculos pariter & animos legentium incurrant, usque ad annum impressionis uniuscujusque partis. 6 vol. [D. M.] Francofurti ad Moenum, 1679-85. fol. Lister (Martin). A journey to Paris in the year 1698. By Dr. M. L. Second edition. [Gr. Gr.] London, 1699. 8vo. Listrius (Grerardus). See EEASMUS. Morice Encomium, cum 0. Listrii commentariis. Literature. A Eeport of the Proceedings of a Meeting (consisting chiefly of Authors) held May 4th, . . for the purpose of hasten- ing the removal of the Trade Restrictions on the Commerce of Literature. [D. M.] London, 1852. 8vo. . The Article on the Six Acts, especially Taxes on Literature. [Eeprinted from The Westminster Review, 1830.] [D. M.] 8vo. . The Commerce of Literature. [Article from The Westminster Review.-] [D. M.] 8vo. Lithotripsie. Lithotripsie par ecrasement avec le pignon en forme de T [From the Journal de medecine et de chirurgie pratiques, 1870.] Paris. 8vo. Little (William John). A treatise on the nature of Club-Foot and analogous distortions ; including their treatment both with and without surgical operation. Illustrated by a series of cases and numerous practical instructions. By W. J. L., M.D. London, 1839. 8vo. Littledale (Rt. Hon. Sir Joseph). Catalogue of the . . Library of the Et. Hon. Sir J. L., one of the Judges of the Court of Queen's Bench, deceased. [Sale-catalogue. ~] [D. M.] London, 1843. 8vo. Littleton (Adam). Tabulae Ponderum, Nummorum & Mensurarum [being a detached sheet, Dddddddd, from his Latine Dictionary]. [D. M.] 4to. Littre x (E.). See HIPPOCEATES. (Euvres completes, traduction . . par E. L. . See NYSTEN (P. H.). Dictionnaire de Medecine. . See PHILOSOPHIE POSITIVE (La). . See STEAUSS (David Frederic). 428 LIT LIV Littre (E.). De la Philosophic positive. Par E. L. [G.Gr.] Paris, IS45. 8vo. . Dictionnaire de la Langue Franchise. 4 torn. Paris and London, 1873. 4to. Littrow ( J. J. ). See KEEIL (Carl). Sammlung der nothwendigsten mathematischen Formeln, mit einer Vorrede von J. J. L. . On Barlow's New Telescopes. By J. J. L. [From the Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society. [D. M.] 4to. Liturgies. La Liturgie . . selon 1'usage de PEglise Anglicane : avec le Pseautier, . . Ponctuez selon qu'ils doivent etre, ou chantez, ou leus dans les Eglises. [Gr. Gr.] Amsterdam, 1700, 12mo, . Liturgiae EcclesiaB Anglicans partes prsecipuae scilicet Preces Matutinse et Vespertinge nunc primum in Hebraicam Linguam traductse [by Fridericus Bialloblotzky.] Londini. 1833. 8vo. Liverpool, Eeport of the proceedings of the Associated Merchants of Liverpool who have recently resisted the payment of the town dues. [Gr. Gr.] London, 1835. 8vo. Livesey (J.). An address to the nation on real Church B-eform. By J. S. [G-. Gr.] Preston, 1832. 8vo. Livingston (Edward), Project of a new Penal Code for the state of Louisiana. By E. L. [Gr. Gr.] London, 1824. 8vo. . Introductory report of the code of prison discipline, expla- natory of the principles on which the code is founded ; being part of the system of penal law prepared for the States of Loui- siana. By E. L. [G. Gr.] London, 1827. 8vo. Livius Andronicns (L.). L. Livii Andronici Fragmenta collecta et illustrata. Accedunt Homericorum Carminum a veteribus poetis Latinis versibus expressorum reliquiae. Dissertatio . . Defendet auctor H. D. Opponentibus : Car. Kiesel, Car. Krafft, lul. Fluegel. [Gr. Gr.] Berolini, 1836. 8vo. (Titus), Patavinus. See MACHIAYELLI (N.). Discorsi sopra la prima deca di T. L., fyc. . T. Livii Patavini Historiarum ab urbe condita libri, qui super- sunt, omnes, cum notis . . Curante Arn. Drakenborch . . Accedunt supplementa deperditorum T. Livii librorum a Joh. Freinshemio concinnata. 7 torn. Lugd. Batavor., 1738-46. 4to. . T. Livii Patavini Historiarum quaB supersunt, ex recensione Arn. Drakenborchii . . accedunt Grentes et Familiae Eomanorum, auctore E. Streinnio, necnon Ernesti Grlossarium Livianum. 7 torn. [Gr. G-.] Oxonii, 1800. 12mo. . T. Livii Patavini Historiarvm libri qvi svpersvnt omnes et deperditorvm fragmenta ex recensione Arn. Drakenborchii passim reiicta cvm indice rervm locvpletissimo. Accessit praeter varietatem lectionvm Gronovianae et Crevierianae Grlossarivm Livianvm cvrante Avgvsto Grvilielmo Ernesti. Editio qvarta recognita . . ab loanne Theophilo Kreyssigio. 5 torn. Lipsiae, 1823-27. 8vo. LIV LOG 429 Livius (Titus), Patavinus. T. Livii ab Urbe condita libri. Eecognovit Immanuel Bekkerus. Selectas virorurn doctorum notas in usum scholarum addidit M. E. E. Baschig. Editio stereotypa. 3 Ft. Londini & Berolini, 1836-38. 12mo. . T. Livii Patavini Historiarum libri, qui supersunt omnes et deperditorum f ragmen ta. Ex recensione Arn. Drakenborchii . . a loanne Theophilo Kreyssig. Annotationes Crevierii [&c.] . . animadversiones Niebuhrii [Ac.] et suas addidit Travers Twiss. 4 Tom. [Q-. G-.] Oxonii, 1840-41. 8vo. Livres sacres. De 1'Inspiration des Livres sacres : Avec une reponse au livre intitule, Defense des Sentimens de quelques TJieologiens de Hollande sur THistoire Critique du Vieux Testament, par le Prieur de Belleville. [G-. G.] Rotterdam, 1687. 4to. Lizars (John). A system of anatomical plates, 1 vol. fol. : accom- panied with descriptions and physiological and pathological obser- vations in 8vo. By J. L., E.E.S. Edinburgh, 1823. Lloreda (Ramon de). Des Cicatrices d'Allongement. Par M. E. d. L. [From L'Evenement medical, 1869.] Evreux. 8vo. Lloyd (Eobert). Poetical "Works. See ANDERSON, British Poets. Vol. X. (William "Watkiss). Christianity in the Cartoons referred to artistic treatment and historic fact. By W. "W. L. [G. G.] London, 1865. 8vo. . Pindar and Themistocles. ^Egina and Athens. By W. "W. L. [G. G.] London, 1862. 8vo. Loadstone. Magnetic-all Aduertisements : or divers pertinent obser- uations, and approued experiments concerning the nature and properties of the Load-stone : very pleasant for knowledge, and most needf ull for practice, of trauelling, or framing of instruments fit for Trauellers both by Sea and Land. [D. M.] London, 1616. 4to. Lo"beck (Christ. Augustus). Mittheilungen aus Lobecks Briefwechsel ; &c. See ERIEDLAEKDEB (L.). . See SOPHOCLES. AJAX. . Aglaophamus sive de theologiae mysticae Graecorum causis libri tres. Scripsit C. A. L. . . idemque Poetarum Orphicorum dispersas reliquias collegit. 2 torn. [G. G.] Reyimontii Prussorum, 1829. 8vo. -< (J. EL). Quaestiones ionicae. [Wanting title-page.'] [G. G.] 8vo. Lochman (Wolfgangus). See GILBEKTUS (Guil.). Tractatus sive PJiysiologia nova de magnete. Lochner (Georg Wolfgang Karl). Das deutsche Mittelalter in den wesentlichsten Zeugnissen seiner geschichtlicben Urkunden, Chroniken, und Eechtsdenkmaler ; zugleich als Handbuch fiir den Geschichtsunterricht in hohern Bildungsanstalten. Herausge- geben von G. W. K. L. [G. G.] Niirnberg, 1851. 8vo. 430 LOG LOG Locke (John). An Essay concerning Human Understanding. Written by J. L., gent. The twenty-fourth edition. To which are now added, I. Analysis of Mr. Locke's doctrine of Ideas . II. A defence of Mr. Locke's opinion concerning Personal Identity, with an appendix. III. A treatise on the conduct of the Understanding. IV. Some thoughts concerning reading and study for a gentleman. V. Elements of Natural Philosophy. VI. "A new method of a common-place-book. Extracted from the author's works. In two volumes. London, 1824. 8vo. . Letters on Toleration:. By J. L. Printed, by order of the University, Bombay, at the Education Society's Press. Bijculla, 1867. 8vo. . The works of J. L., in four volumes. The seventh edition. [G-. G-.] London, 1768. 4to. (Eichard). The Circle squared ; together with the Ellipsis, and several reflections on it. The finding two geometrical mean pro- portionals, or doubling the Cube Geometrically. A new method to calculate all plain or spherical Triangles without Tables or Scales, by only one rule of proportion ; together with two ap- pendixes to the Book of Longitude, &c. By E. L. [D. M.] London, [ .] 4to. Lockhart (James). See ALGEBEA. . Eesolution of Equations. By J. L., F.E.A.S. Part the first. [D. M.] Oxford, 1837. 4to. . Eesolution of Two Equations. By J. L. Being a homage to the memory of the founders and benefactors of the University of Oxford, at the commemoration held on the 12th of June, 1839. [D. M.] Oxford, 1839. 4to. . Eesolution of Equations by means of inferior and superior limits . . By J. L. London, 1842. 4to. . Appendix, 1843. [D. M.] . The nature of the Eoots of numerical Equations. By J. L., P.E.A.S. [D. M.] London, 1850. 8vo. Loebell ( Johann Wilhelm). See BUNSEI* (C. C. J.). Life [&c.] of B. G. Niebuhr. -. Antiquarische Briefe. See EATJMER (P. von). . Gregor von Tours und seine Zeit vornehmlich aus seinen Werken geschildert . . Yon J. W. L. [G-. G.] Leipzig, 1839. 8vo. Loewe (L.). A Dictionary of the Circasssian Language. In two parts : English - Circassian - Turkish and Circassian - English- Turkish. . . By Dr. L. L. [G. G.] London, 1854. 8vo. Logan (John). Poetical Works. See ANDERSON, British Poets. Vol. XI. Logarithmes. Table des Logarithmes des nombres entiers depuis tm jusqu' a dix mille. [ .] 12mo. LOG LON 431 Logarithmeticall Table. A Logarithxneticall Table, whereby the Logarithme of any number under 400000 may be readily dis- covered. [D. M.] London, 1635. 12mo. Logarithmic Scale. Revolving Logarithmic Scale. [Letter ; from The Mechanics' Magazine, 1841.] [D. M.] 8vo. Logarithms. [Article from The Encyclopaedia BritannicaJ] [D. M.] 4to. Logic. A new Introduction to Logic. [D. M.] London, 1852. 8vo. and Psychology. Article, by John Hoppus, from The Psycho- logical Journal, 1854.] [D. M.] 8vo. . Mill and Whewell on the Logic of Induction. [By Ed. Hutton. From The Christian Teacher, No. 47.] [D. M.] 8vo. . [Eeview, by H. L. Mansel, from The North British Review^ May 1851.] [D. M.] 8vo. Logica. Artis Logicae Compendium. [D. M.] Oxonice, 1704. 12mo. . Artis Logicae Compendium. In usum Juventutis Collegii Dubliniensis. [D. M.] Edinburgi, 1782. 8vo. . Artis Logicae Eudimenta. Accessit Solutio Sophismatum. In usum Juventutis Academicae. [D. M.] Oxonii, 1820. 12mo. . Artis Logicae Eudimenta. With illustrative observations on each section. Third edition. [Gr. GL] Oxford, 1823. 12mo. . Elementa Logicae. Subjicitur Appendix de usu Logicae : et conspectus Organi Aristotelis. [D. M.] Oxonii, 1770. 8vo. . Logica, sive Ars Cogitandi : in qua praeter vulgares regulas plura nova habentur ad rationem dirigendam utilia. E tertia apud Gallos editione recognita & aucta or in Latinum versa. [See under ALDRICH.] [G-. G-.] London, 1674. 8vo. Logique. La Logique ou 1'Art de penser, contenant outre les regies commiines, plusieurs observations nouvelles, propres a former le jugement. Septieme edition. Amsterdam, 1697. 12mo. Lohmann (A.). See JAHKEL (J.). De Conscientiae Notione. Lorn (Joannes Henricus Van). See ETJCLID. Elementorum Ubri vi. 9 &c. London. City of. Becords. See EEMEMBBANCIA. . Munimenta Grildhallae Londoniensis ; Liber Albus, Liber Custumarum, et Liber Horn. Edited by Henry Thomas Eiley. Yol. I., containing Liber Albus, compiled A.D. 1419. [E. O.] London, 1859. 8vo. . Vol. II. Parts L, II., containing Liber Custumarum, with extracts from the Cottonian MS. Claudius, D. II. [E. O.] London, 1860. 8vo. 432 LON London. City of. Munimenta, &c. Vol. III. containing Transla- tion of the Anglo-Norman Passages in Liber Albus, Glossaries [&c.]. [CHRONICLES AND MEMORIALS.] [R. O.] London, 1862. 8vo. . A Catalogue of the Library of the Corporation of London instituted in the year 1824 : with an alphabetical list of authors annexed. Printed for the use of the Members of the Corporation, 1859. 8vo. . Supplement, 1860. 8vo. . Second Supplement, 1861. 8vo. . Third Supplement, 1863. 8vo. . Fourth Supplement, 1864. 8vo. . Eighth Supplement, 1868, 8vo. . Eleventh Supplement, 1871. 8vo. . Catalogue of sculpture, paintings, engravings, and other works of art belonging to the Corporation of London, together with books not included in the catalogue of the Guildhall Library. Part the second. [By W. H. Overall, Librarian.] [London,"] 1868. 8vo. . The Corporation Commission and the Municipal Companies of London. Letters of Civis on the opinions of Sir James Scarlett, Mr. Follett, and Mr. Rennell. Eeprinted from the Morning Chronicle. [G. GK] London, 1834. 8vo. . Local government of the Metropolis : a sketch of the Muni- cipal Institutions of London, including the City of London Cor- poration and other corporate and parochial bodies, w 7 ith an outline of a plan for an improved system of local administration. [G. G.] London, 1836. 8vo. . London's Dreadful Visitation : or, a collection of all the Bills of Mortality for this present year : beginning the 27 th ' December, 1664. and ending the 19 th - of December following : as also, the general or whole year's Bill : according to the report made to the King's most excellent majesty, by the Company of Parish-Clerks of London, &c. [D. M.] London, 1665. 4to. . The London Tradesman ; a familar treatise on the rationale of trade and commerce, as carried on in the metropolis of the British Empire . . By several tradesmen. [D. M.] London, 1819. 8vo. Institution. A Catalogue of the Library of the London Insti- tution : systematically classed. Preceded by an historical and bibliographical account of the establishment. Vol. I. The General Library. II. The Tracts and Pamphlets. [London,"] 1835-40. 8vo. Medical Society of Observation. What to observe at the Bed- side and after Death in medical cases. Published under the authority of the London Medical Society of Observation. London, 1853. 8vo, LOIS' 433 London, University of. Motives grounded upon the Word of (rod, and upon Honour, Profit, and Pleasure for the present Founding an University in the Metropolis London : With Answers to such Objections as might be made by any (in their incogitancy) against the same. Humbly Presented (in stead of Heathenish and Superstitious New-yeares Gifts) to the Eight Honourable the Lord Major, the Eight Worshipfull the Aldermen his Brethren, and to those faithfull and prudent Citizens which were lately chosen by the said City to be of the Common Counsell thereof for this yeare insueng, viz-. 1647* By a true Lover of his Nation, and especially of the said City. [D> M.] Printed at London, 1647. 4to. . Address of the Senate to the Council on the proposed establish- ment of a Metropolitan University. [D. M.] London, 1835. 8vo. . The London Student's Manual. A guide to matriculation and graduation at the University of London. By a Tutor and Fellow of his College, and a graduate first in Honours of his University. [G. G.] London, 1868. 8vo. . BENTHAM (Jeremy). Traites de legislation civile et penale ; ouvra-ge extrait des manuscrits de M. Jeremie B., Jurisconsulte Anglais, par Et. Dumont, Membre du Conseil representatif de Geneve. [JSteprinted by order of the Senate.~\ [6 copies.] Londres, 1858. 8vo. . LECTURES. Ten Introductory Lectures delivered at the Opening of the University of London [afterwards University College], catalogued under each head. [D. M.] [Session, 1828-9,] London, 1829. 8vo. . [Lectures, Session, 1829-30. (Without title-page.}^ . LONDON UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE. [Imperfect J\ London, [ .] 8vo. . See PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS. . Reprint of Mr. Campbell's Letter to Mr. Brougham on the subject of a London University. [G. Q-.] London, 1825. 8vo. Condon Society (The). Combination of the Zodiacal and Cometical Systems. Printed for the London Society, Exeter Hall. [D. M.] London, [ .] 12mo. , EDINBURGH and DUBLIN Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. Conducted by Sir David Brewster, Richard Taylor, Richard Phillips, Sir Robert Kane, William Francis. Fourth Series. Vol. I.-IX., Jan., 1851 June, 1855. [D. M.] London. Svo. Long (George), Junior. See TRENDELENBERG (F. A.). Elements Logices Aristotelicae. . Notice of Savigny's System des heutigen romischen Rechts. [From The Classical Museum.'] [D. M.] Svo. . Observations on the Study of the Latin and Greek Languages. With an Appendix. [D. M.] \_London.~] 8vo. . On the Greek Language, Literature, and Antiquities. [D. M.] London, 1829. Svo. 434 LON LOS Long (Henry Lawes). The March of Hannibal from the Rhone to the Alps. By H. L. L., Esq. [I. O.] London, 1831. 8vo, Longet (F. A.). Mouvement circulaire de la Matiere dans les trois regnes : tableaux comprenant un apergu des f onctions nutritives dans les ttres organises. Par F. A. L. [G. G.] Parts, 1866. [In 4to. case.] Longiims (Dionysius). Traite du Sublime* See BOILEATT DESPRATJ:& (N.). . AIONYSIOY AOITINOY IIEPI YTOYS YIIOMNHMA. Dionysii Longini de Sublirnitate commentarius, quern nova Versione donavit . . Zacharias Pearce. [G. a.] Londini, 1773. 8vo. Longitude. A new and easy practical method of determining the Longitude, at sea or land, to half a degree, from the Royal Observatory at Greenwich* Also remarks on the speculative and fallible methods that have been proposed for discovering the longitude. By the author of the Eoyal Astronomer and Navigator. [D. M.] London, 1761. 8vo. Longman & Company, and Murray (John). Correspondence with the Right Hon. Lord John Russell, M.P., &c. Dec. 7, 1849-Feb. 21, 1851. [D. M.] London. 8vo. Longus. See EEOTICI SSRIPTORES (Didot). Lords, House of. Hereditary seats in the House of Lords unconsti- tutional, except by the tenure of land Baronies. [G. G.] London, 1837. 8vo. Loredano (Giovanni Francesco). Lettres de Loredano, Noble Venitien. Sur diverses matieres de politique, & autres importans sujets : ecrites aux premiers Princes de 1'Europe [&c.] Traduites en Frangois avec 1'Italien a coste. Par le Sieur de Veneroni. Bruxelles, 1708. 12mo. Lorgna (A. M.). A dissertation on the Summation of infinite con- verging Series with algebraic divisors . . Translated from the Latin of A. M. L., Professor of Mathematics in the Military College of Yerona. With illustrative notes and observations. To which is added, an Appendix ; containing all the most elegant and useful Formula which have been investigated for the Summing of the different orders of Series ; with various examples to each. By H. Clarke. [D. M.] London, 1779. 4to. Lortie (Jehan de). See ORTEGA (Juan de). Oeuure tressubtille 7 ^39- jitable de lart 7 science de aristmeticque, 6fc. Loryna ( ). De functionibus Arbitrariis Calculi Integrals. Dissertatio. [D. M.] Petropoli, 1791. 4to. Lossius (Lucas). Arithmetices Erotemata Puerilia. In qvibvs sex species huius vtilissimse artis, & regula, quam vocant, de tri, breuiter & perspicue traduntur. In gratiam & vsum scholarum puerilium Latinarum collecta, & in lucem iam recens edita, a Lvca Lossio. Luneburgensi. [D. M.] Francofordice ad Oderam, [1557.] 8vo. LOS LOW 435 Lostau (James). The Manual Mercantile, Second Book : concerning Decimal Arithmetic!* containing a copious series of Tables & Tariffes for universal mercantile computations : fit for use in all countries of the world, which do exhibit and shew, The amount, product, and quotient, for any quantity ad infinitum : at all rates and prices, of merchandizes and public stocks &c. The whole engrav d on copper plates & exactly corrected, by Mr. I. L. [D. M.] London, 1735. 4to. Lottery. The Lottery display'd. [With a Lottery ticket, 1717.] [D. M.] London, 1771. 4to. Louandre (Charles). See BOILEAU DESPEATJX (N.). (Euvres poetiqiies. . See PASCAL (Blaise). Pensees. Louis (P. C. A.). Researches on Phthisis, anatomical, pathological, and therapeutical. By P. C. A. L., M.D. . . Second edition . . trans- lated by Walter Hayle Walshe, 'M.D. London (Printed for the Sydenham Society), 1844. 8vo. Louis Philip Albert [d'Orleans], Comte de Paris. The Trades' Unions of England. By M. le Comte de Paris. Translated under the author's direction by Nassau J. Senior, M.A. Edited by Thomas Hughes, M.P. London, 1869. 8vo. Louis Philippe I,, Roi des Fmngais, Autobiographie et Biographie de L.-P. [Tire de la Revue Retrospective, No. 22.] [G. &.] Paris, [ .] 8vo. Lousada (A. B.). Catalogue of the Mathematical, Philosophical, and Miscellaneous Library [&c.] of Miss A. B. L. {Sale-catalogue ^\ [D. M.] London, 1834. 8vo. Louvet ( Jean-Baptiste). Memoires de Lou vet : avec une introduc- tion par M. E. Maron. [Gr. Gr.] Paris, 1862. 8vo. Lovelace (Augusta Ada), Countess of. See BYEON. (William), Earl of. See KIKG. Lovibond (Edward). Poetical Works. See AKDEESON, British Poets. Vol. XL Lowe (Right Hon. Eobert). Middle Class Education. Endowment or Free Trade. By the Eight Hon. E. L., M.P. London, 1868. 8vo. . Speech by the Eight Hon. E. L. on the Amendment of the Law of Partnership and Joint Stock Companies, February 1st, 1856. [G-. G-.] London, 1856. 8vo. - (Solomon). Arithmetic in two parts : containing I. A system of the art, in memorial verses, and dictionary-wise ; . . II. A collection of exercises, accommodated to the various occasions of business. By S. L., Schoolmaster, at Hammersmith. [D. M.] London, 1749. 12mo. Lowinski (Antonius). See BEEITAYS (J.). Heraclitea. Lowndes (William). See PLATO. 436 LOW LUA Lowndes (William Thomas). The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature. By W. T. L. New edition, revised, corrected, and enlarged, with an appendix relating to the boohs of literary and scientific societies. By Henry G. Bohn. 6 vol. and 1 vol. Appendix. London, 1865. 8vo. Lowry (John). A Catalogue of the Mathematical and Miscellaneous Library of J. L., Esq., late Professor of Mathematics in the Eoyal Military College, Sandhurst. [D. M.] London, 1849. 4to. Lowth (Robert). De Sacra Poesi Hebrseorum prselectiones Academics Oxonii habitae a Roberto L., A.M. . . Subjicitur Metricse Harianae brevis confutatio, et Oratio Crewiana : necnon Joannis Davidis Michaelis notse et epimetra. 2 vol. [I. O.] Oxonii, 1810. 8vo. Lowthorp (John). See ROYAL SOCIETY. Philosophical Transactions, to end of 1700. Loyd (Samuel Jones). Baron Overstone. A letter to J. B. Smith, Esq., President of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce. By S. J. L. [G. G.] London, 1840. 8vo. . Effects of the administration of the Bank of England. A second letter to J. B. Smith, Esq. By S. J. L. [G. G.] London, 1840. 8vo. . Another copy, with Answers. [D. M.] . Questions communicated by Lord Overstone to the Decimal Coinage Commissioners. [D. M.] London, 1857. fol. -. Reflections suggested by a perusal of Mr. J . Horsley Palmer's pamphlet on the causes and consequences of the pressure in the money market. By S. J. L. [G. G.] London, 1837. 8vo. . Remarks on the management of the circulation : and on the condition and conduct of the Bank of England, and of the country issues during the year 1839. By S. J. L. [G. G.] London, 1840. 8vo. . Speech delivered by Lord Overstone in the House of Lords, 15th March, 1860, on the address on the Treaty of Commerce with Erance, with an appendix. London, 1860. 8vo. . Tracts and other publications on metallic and paper currency. By the Right Hon. Lord Overstone. [G. G.] London, 1857. 8vo. . The evidence given by Lord Overstone before the Select Com- mittee of the House of Commons of 1 857 on Bank Acts : with additions. [G. G.] London, 1858. 8vo. . Another copy. Lozynski (Adalbertus). See HEKMIPPTJS, Smyrnaeus. Fragmenta. Luard (Henry Richards). See ANNALES MONASTICI. . See COTTON (B. de). Historia Anglicana, &c. . See EDWARP, the Confessor. Lives. . See GBOSSETESTE (R.). Epistolce. LUB 437 Lubbock (Sir John William), Bart. On Probability. See PROBA- BILITY. See STABS. On the Arabic names of the Stars \by J. W. .]. . Account of the " Traite sur le flux et reflux de la Mer," of Daniel Bernoulli ; and a Treatise on the Attraction of Ellipsoids. By J. W. L. [D. M.] London, 1830. 8vo. . An elementary Treatise on the computation of Eclipses and Occultations. By J. W. L. London, 1835. 8vo. . An elementary Treatise on the Tides. By J. W. L. London, 1839. 8yo. . Note on the Orbit of the Comet of Halley. By Mr. L.* [1831.] 4to. . Addition to the Note. [D. M.] . On Notation. By J. W. L.* [D. M] 4to. . On Shooting Stars. By Sir J. W. L.t [D. M.] [1848.] 8vo. . On some Problems in Analytical Geometry. By J. W. L. [D. M.] [1831.] 8vo. . On the Calculation of Annuities, and on some Questions in the Theory of Chances. By J. W. L., Esq., B.A.J [D. M.] 4to. -. On the Comparison of various Tables of Annuities. By J. W. L.t [D. M.] 4to. . On the determination of the Distance of a Comet from the Earth, and the Elements of its Orbit. By J". W. L. [D. M.] London, 1832. 8vo. . A new edition. London, 1835. 4to. . On the determination of the Orbit of a Comet. By J. W. L.* [D. M.] 4to. . On the heat of Vapours and on Astronomical Eefractions, by J. W. L. London, 1840. 4to. . On the Pendulum. By J. W. L. [D. M.] London, 1830. 4to. . On the Stability of the Solar System. By J. W. L.f [D. M.] [1831.] 8vo, . Another edition. [D. M.] London, 1833. 8vo. . On the Theory of the Moon, and on the Perturbations of the Planets. By J. W. L., Esq., E.E.S. . A new edition. [With Appendix. Expressions of M. Plana in the Notation and with the Arguments in the order hitherto employed ; from the " Theorie du Mouvement de la Lune."] [D. M.] London, 1834. 8vo. [* From The Memoirs of the Astronomical Society of London. 1" ,, The Philosophical Magazine and Annals. t The Transactions of the Philosophical Society of Cam- bridge. The Philosophical Transactions.] 438 LUB LUC Lubbock (Sir John William), Bart. On the Theory of the Moon, &c. A new edition. Pt. I. IV. London, 1834-40. 8v r o. . On the Tides. By J. W. L.* [D. M.] London, 1832. 4to. . On the Tides in the Port of London. By J. W. L., Esq. V.P. and Treas. E. S.* [D. M.] London, 1831. 4to. . .Remarks on the Classification of the different Branches of Human Knowledge. By J. W. L. [D. M.] London, 1838. 8vo. . Second edition. London, 1839. 8vo. . Eesearches in Physical Astronomy. By J. W. L. (Two papers.*) [D. M.] London, 1830-31. 4to. (Sir John), Bart. The origin of Civilisation and the primitive condition of Man. Mental and social condition of Savages. By Sir J. L., Bart., M.P., E.E.S. [G. G.] London, 1870. 8vo. Liiben (August). Leitfaden zu einem methodischen Unterricht in der Naturgeschicte in Biirgerschulen, Eealschulen, Gymnasien and Seminarien mit vielen Aufgaben und Eragen zu uiiindlicher und schriftlicher Losung. Yon A. L. Yierter Kursus. Dritte Auflage [G. G.] Leipzig, 1852. 8vo. Luby (Thomas). See EEINKLET ( J.), Elements of Plane Astronomy. Lucanus (Marcus AnnsBus). M. Annseus Lucanus de Bello Civili, cum Hug. Grotjj, Earnabjj notis integris & variorum selectiss. Accurante Corn. Schrevelio. [G-. G.] Lugd. Batavorum, 1658. 8vo. -. M. Annsei Lucani Pharsalia cum notis Hugonis Grotii,' et Eichardi Bentleii. [GK G.] Gldsguce, 1816. 8vo. . The Pharsalia of Lucan, translated by Nicholas Eowe, Esq. See ANDERSON, British Poets. Vol. XII. . La Pharsale de Lucain traduite en vers Erangais par Jacques Demogeot. [G, G.] Paris, 1866. 8vo. (Ocellus). See MULLACHIUS (E. Gr. A.). Aristotle. . OKEAAOS O AEYKANOS HEPI THE TOT HANTOS Y2EQS. Ocellvs Lvcanvs De rervm JSTatvra. Graece. . . recensvit [&c.]. Avgvst. Erid. Gvilielm. Evdolph. [G-. G-.] Lipsiae, 1801. 8vo. Lucar (Cyprian). See TARTAGKLIA (N.). Three Boolces of Colloqvies, translated by G. L. ; also . . the Lvcar Appendix. . A treatise named Lvcarsolace devided into fovver bookes, which in part are collected out of diuerse authors in diuerse languages, and in part deuised by C. L., Gentleman, [D. M.] London, 1590. 4to. Lucas (Christian). Uber Polybius' Darstellung des AtolischenBundes. Von C. L., Dr. [G. G.] Konigsberg, 1827. 4to. (Samuel). Secularia; or, Surveys on the mainstream of History. By S. L. [G. G.] London, 1862. 8vo. [* Erom The Philosophical Transactions. .] LTJC 439 Lucian. AOYKIANOY 2AMOSATEp2 AIIANTA. Luciani Samosa- tensis Opera. Cum nova versione Tiber. Hemsterhusii & lo. Matthiae Gesneri, Graecis scholiis [&c.]. . . cujus priorem partem . . . curavit [&e.] Tiberius Hemsterhusius, ceteras inde partes ordinavit [&c.] loannes Fredericus Reitzius. 3 torn. [G-. G.] Amstelodami, 1743. 4to. . Index verborum ac phrasium Luciani, sive Lexicon Lucianeurm a.l editiones omnes . . a Car. Conr. Reitzio. [G-. G.] Trajecti ad Ehenum, 1746. 4to. . Luciani Samosatensis Opera . . 4 torn, editio stereotypa. [G. G-.] Lipsiae (Tauch.), 1829. 18mo. . . Lucianus ab Immanuele Bekkero recognitus. 2 torn. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1853. 8vo. . Lvciani Samosatensis Dialogorvm Selectorvm Liber primvs. Gneco-Latinvs. [G. G.] Londini, 1634. 12mo. Ausgewa'hlte Dialoge Lucians fur den Gebrauch einer Tertia. Erklart von Dr. G. F. Eysell und Dr. C. Weismann. [G. G.] Cassel, 1841. 8vo. . Lucians Timon, Anacharsis, Piscator, Icaromenippus fiir den Gebrauch einer Secunda erklart von Dr. G. F. Eysell und Dr. C. Weismann. Erstes Heft : Einleitungen und Text. Zweites Heft : Anmerkungen und Register. [G. G.] Cassel, 1848. 8vo, Lucretius Carus (Titus). De Rerum Natura. See LACHMANNTS (C.). . Titi Lucretii Cari de Rerum Natura libri sex quibus interpre- tationem et notas addidit Thomas Creech. Editio nova. [G. G.] Oxonii, 1807. 8vo. . T. Lucretii Cari de Rerum Natura libri sex ; ad exemplar Gilbert! Wakefield, A.B. Cum . . notis [&c.]. 4 vol. Olasguce, 1813. 8vo. . Titi Lucreti Cari De Rerum Xatura libri sex. With a trans- lation and notes by H. A. J. Munro. 2 vol. [G. G.] Cambridge, 1864. 8vo. . The Nature of Things : a didactic Poem. Translated from the Latin of Titus Lucretius Carus, accompanied with the original text [Ac.]. By John Mason Good. 2vol. [G. G.] London, 1805. 4to. . De 1'Origine et de la Nature de toutes Choses . . Expose en Vers par Lucrece : traduit en Francois . . et 1'original Latin. Nouvelle edition. Tom. 1 CT . [G. G.] Amsterdam, 1742. 12mo. . Lucrece de la Nature des Choses. Premier livre traduit en vers et precede d'une Preface par Sully Prudhomme. [G. G.] Paris, 1869. 8vo. . The Works of T. Lucretius Carus. Translated from the Greek, bv Thomas Creech, M.A. See ANDEESO?T, British Poets. Vol. XIII. Ludlow (Edmund). Three tracts published at Amsterdam in the years 1691 and 1^92, under the name of Letters of General Ludlow to Sir Edward Seymour and other persons . . a new edition, with a preface by Francis Maseres. " [G. G.] London, 1812. 4to. 440 LUD LYC Ludolffus (J. Jobus). Tetragonometria Tabularia, qva per tabulas qvadratorvm a raclice qvadrata I. usqve ad 100000. simplici additionis, subtractionis & diraidiationis beneficio, immeri figurati qvilibet turn plani polygonii turn solidi & cossici inveniri atqve radices eorum extrahi possunt ; cum novis & variis usibus Arith- metico-Geometricis. Autore J. Jobo Luclolffo, P. P. math, ia Universitate Erffurtensi ibidemqve senatore. [D. MJ Francofurti, et Ligsice, 1690. 4to. Luetkemann (Joachim). J. Liitkemanns . . Vorschmack der gottlichen Giite . . Anderer Theil. Nordhausen, 1725. 8vo. Luettwitz (Hans Ernst von). Ueber Verarmung, Armen-Gesetze, Armen-Anstalten, und insbesondere iiber Armen-Colonieen. . . Vom Ereiherrn v. L. [Q-. G-.] Breslau, 1834. 8vo. Lumby (Joseph Hawson). See HIGDEN (B..). Polychronicon. Lund (Thomas). Elements of Geometry and Mensuration, with easy Exercises, designed for Schools and Adult Classes. Part I. Geometry as a Science. By T. L,, B.D. [D. M.] London, 1854. 8vo. Lupton (James). The disadvantages under which the leasehold pro- perty of the Church labours. . . By the Eev. J. L., M.A. [G. G.] London, 1838. 8vo. Lushington (E, L.). See EEHBIEB (J. E.). Lectures on Greek Philo- sophy, Luther (Martin), D. M. Luther's auserlesene Tischreden. [G. G.] Nurnberg, 1816. 8vo. =-. Der Catechismus Lutheri . . herausgegeben von einem Ehr- wiirdigen Ministerio. I/ubeck, 1774. 8vo. . Kurtzgefasste Erklarung der im kleinen Catechismo Lutheii enthaltenen gottlichen Wahrheiten in Erage und Antwort Schrifftmassig ausgefertiget von clem Hamburgischen Ministerio. Zweyte Auflage. Hamburg, 1753. 8vo. Luzac (Joannes). See VALCKENAEEIUS (L. C.). Diatribe de Aristo- bulo Judaeo. . loannis Luzac Oratio de Socrate cive, publice habita. [G. G.] Lugduni Batavorum, 1796. 4to. Lycophron. See TZETZES (I. & J.). SXOAIA EIS AYKO^PONA. Lycurgus. See ANTIPHON. . See BEKKER (L). Oratores Attici. Tom. III. . See MTJELLEHTTS (C.). Oratores Attici. . Schedae Lycurgeae. See HEINKICHITTS (C. E.). . Oratio. See REISKE (J. J.). Oratorum Grcecorum quce super- sunt. Pt. 8 and 16. . Lycurgi deperditarum Orationum fragmenta collegit [&c.] Eridericus Gustavus Kiesslingius. Praemissa est turn vita Lycurgi quae Plutarcho tribuitur turn Mauritii Hermann! Eduardi Meieri commentatio de vita ilia Lycurgi et de orationum eius reliquiis. [G. G.] Halis Saxonum, 1847. 8vo. LYE MAB 441 Lycurgus. Lycurgi Oratio in Leocratem. Eecognovit [&c.] Guilielrnus Arminius Blume. [G. G.] Sundiae, 1828. 8vo. Lyell (Charles). Principles of Geology . . By C. L. 3 vol. [G-" G.] London, 1830-33. 8vo. . Eighth edition, 1850. [G. G.] Lyons (Israel). A Treatise of Fluxions. By I. L., Junior. [D. M.] London, 1758. 8vo. (Eobert D.). A Handbook of Hospital Practice or an introduc- tion to the practical study of Medicine at the Bedside. By E. D. L., K.C.C., M.B.T.C.D. *[&c.]. London, 1859. 8vo. Lysias. See ANTIPHON. . See BEKKER (I.). Oratores Attici. Tom. I. . See MUELLERUS (C.). Oratores Attici. . Orationes. See EEISKE (J. J,). Oratormn Grcecorum quoB supersunt. Pt. 9 12. -. Lysiae quae exstant omnia . . interpretation Latina Taylor! lectionibus Lysiacis annotationibus variorum . . illustravit Gulielrnus Stephanus Dobson. 2 torn. [G.G.] Londini, 1828. 8vo. Lyttleton (George), Baron Lyttleton. Poetical Works. See ANDERSON, British Poets. Vol. X. . See DIALOGUES. D. of the Dead. . The works of George Lord Lyttleton. . . Published by George Edward Ayscough, Esq. Third edition. 3 vol. [G. G.] London, 1776. 8vo. M * * *. See D * * * and M * * *. M. (H.) See ERASMUS (D.). Colloquies. Rendered into English by H. M. M. (M.). Experience of Factory Life. By M[ary] M[erryweather]. [Eeprinted from ' The Waverley.'] [G. G.] London, i857. 8vo. M (M.). Ho for California ! or the true el Dorado. A new song to an old tune. [D. M.] [ . ] 8vo. M * * * * (M. le Chev. de). Marie Antoinette Archiduchesse d'Autriche Eeine de France ; ou Causes et Tableau de la Revolu- tion. Par M. le Chev. de M * * * *. [G. G.] [ ]1794. 8vo. M. (E.). See EUSEBIUS. De demonstration Evangelica libri decem ; $c. Maasvicius (Pancratius). See POLYAENUS. Strategematum libri octo. Mabbot ( ). Tables for renewing and purchasing of the Leases of Cathedral-churches and colleges, according to several rates of interest ; with their construction and use explained. Also tables for renewing and purchasing of Lives. With tables for pur- chasing the leases of land or houses according to several rates of interest, very necessary and usefull for all purchasers, but espe- cially for them who are any way concerned in church or college Leases. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1686. 8vo. 442 MAB MAC Mabil (Luigi). See CICERO (M. T.). Lettere, tradotte dal L. M. Mabille (E ). See ARGENSON (E. cl'). Notes. Macadam (Stevenson). See WILSON (G.). Inorganic Chemistry. Macaulay (Thomas Babington), Baron Macaulay. Catalogue of a portion of the . . Library of the late Bight Hon. Lord Macaulay. [Sale-catalogue.'] [D. M.] London, [ .] 8vo. . Memoir of Lord Macaulay. By Henry Hart Milman. [From the obituary of the Royal Society.'] [G. G-.] London. 8vo. Macauley (Elizabeth Wright). Miss Macauley's Address to the King, Legislature, and Population, of the United Kingdom, on the subject of an improved system of Mental Cultivation. [D. M.] London, 1828. 8vo. Macclesfield, Earl of. See PARKER (G.), Earl of Macclesfield. ICcColI (Hugh). Algebraical Exercises and Problems : with Elliptical Solutions. . . Together with an Appendix . . by H. M. [D. M.] London, 1870. 12mo. M'Cosh (James). Philosophical Papers. I. Examination of Sir W. Hamilton's Logic. II. Reply to Mr. Mill's Third Edition. III. Present State of Moral Philosophy in Britain. By J. M C C., LL.D. [&c.]. [D. M.] London, 1868. 8vo. M c Cullocli (John Ramsay). See COAL. Observations on the Duty on Sea-borne coal ; fyc. . A Treatise on the Principles, Practice, and History of Com- merce. [From the Library of Useful Knowledge.^ [D. M.] 8vo, . Mr. M c Culioch's pamphlet on the Corn Laws critically ana- lysed : with a postcriptum on the fallacies of Eadicalism. By the author of ' The Cost-price of Growing Foreign Corn,' &c. [G. G.] London, 1841. 8va. . Statements illustrative of the policy and probable consequences of the proposed Eepeal of the existing Corn Laws, and the im- position in their stead of a moderate fixed duty on foreign corn when entered for consumption. By J. R. M C C. Sixth edition. [G. G.] London, 1841. 8vo. . The Literature of Political Economy : a classified Catalogue of select publications in the different departments of that science, with historical, critical, and biographical notices. By J. E. M C C., Esq. London, 1845. 8vo. Macdonald (John Denis). Sound & Colour, their relations, analo- gies & harmonies, by J. D. M., M.D., F.E.S., Staff-Surgeon, E.N. [D. M.] London (Gosporf), 1869. 8vo. McDougall (Henry J.). On the causes, symptoms, and treatment of Spermatorrhoea : by M. Lallernand. Translated and edited by H. J. M C D. Second edition. [G. G.] London, 1851. 8vo. Macfarren (G. A.). See CHAPPELL (W.). Popular Music of the Olden Time. MAC 443 Macfie (R. A.). Recent discussions on the Abolition of Patents for Inventions in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and the Netherlands. Evidence, Speeches, and Papers in its favour by Sir William Armstrong, C.B. ; M. Benard [and others]. With Suggestions as to international arrangements regarding Inven- tions and Copyright. [D. M.] London, 1869. 8vo. M'Gauley (James William). Lectures on Natural Philosophy. By the Rev. J. W. M., Professor of Natural Philosophy to the National Board of Education, &c. &c. [D. M.] Dublin, 1811. 8vo. M c Gilchrist (John). Cassell's Representative Biographies. The Life and Career of Henry, Lord Brougham. With extracts from his speeches, and notices of his contemporaries. By J. M. [D. M.] London, 1868. 8vo. Macgillivray (William). Lives of eminent Zoologists, from Aristotle to Linnaeus [&c.] by W. M. [Edinburgh Cabinet Library.^ [G. G.]. Edinburgh, 1834. 8vo. . The Natural History of Dee Side and Braemar. By the late W. M., LL.D. . . Edited by Edwin Lankester, M.D., E.R.S. London, 1855. 8vo. Macgregor (Robert Guthrie). Epitaphs from the Greek Anthology : translated by Major R. G. M. [G. G.] London, [ .] 8vo. McHenry (George). The Helleniad ; an Epic Poem. Part I. The wrath of Darius. [G. G.] London, 1850. 12mo. Machiavelli (Niccolo). Opere di N. M. 8 vol. [G. G.] Italia, 1813. 8vo. . I Discorsi di N. M., sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio. Con due tauole . . & con le stesse parole di Tito Liuio a luoghi loro ridotte nella volgar lingua. Nuouamente . . ristampati. Palermo, 1584. 8vo. . II Prencipe di N. M. . . con alcune altre operette. Palermo, 1584. 8vo. Machin (John). Quadrature of the Circle. See MASEBES (F.). A dissertation on the use of the negative sign in Algebra [_<$fc.~]. Appendix. . The Laws of the Moon's Motion according to gravity. See NEWTON (Sir I.). The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philo- sophy. To which are added The Laws, fyc. Mcllvaine (William). Memoir explanatory of a New Perpetual Calendar, Civil and Ecclesiastical, Julian and Gregorian, first freed from dominical and epact-letters, the solar cycle and golden numbers in common use, and algebraic formulae ; then extended, in a supplement, to years B.C., without limit, and to years of the Julian period both before and after the Christian era. By W. McL, A.M. [Extracted from the Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. Vol. X.] [D. M.] Philadelphia, 1847. 4to. 444 MAC Mackay (Eobert William). See PLATO. The Sojphistes. . The Progress of the Intellect, as exemplified in the religious development of the Greeks and Hebrews. 2 vol. [G. G.] London, 1850. 8vo. . The Tubingen School and its antecedents : a review of the history and present condition of modern Theology. [G. G.] London, 1863. 8vo. Mackenzie (Kenneth E. H.). See LEPSIUS (E.). Discoveries in Egypt, #c. (William). See ISLE or MAN. Index to the Statute or Tynwald Laws. Mackey (Sampson Arnold). A New Theory of the Earth, and of Planetary Motion ; in which is demonstrated that the Sun is Viceregent of his own System. Illustrated by 5 plates. By S. A. M. [D. M.] Norwich, 1825. 12mo. . The Mythological Astronomy of the Ancients ; part the second : or the key of Urania, the wards of which will unlock all the Mysteries of Antiquity. By S. A. M. [D.'M.] Norwich, 1823. 12mo. . The Companion to the Mythological Astronomy, &c. Contain- ing remarks on recent publications on Mythology, Etymology, and Geology. In which, also, is shown, the insufficiency of rotary and orbicular motion to form atoms into globes without the assistance of that unseen power, which is denominated at- traction . . By S. A. M. [D. M.] Norwich, 1824. 12mo, Mackinnon (William Alexander). Historv of Civilization and Public Opinion. By W. A. M., M.P., E.E.S. Third edition. [G. G.] London, 1849. 8vo. Mackintosh (Right Hon. Sir James). Dissertation on the progress of Ethical Philosophy, chiefly during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. By the Et. Hon. Sir J. M. : with a preface by the Eev. William Whewell. [G. G.] Edinburgh, 1836. 8vo. . History of the Eevolution in England in 1688. Comprising a view of the reign of James II. from his accession, to the enter- prise of the Prince of Orange, by the late Et. Hon. Sir J. M. ; and completed, to the settlement of the crown, by the editor. To which is prefixed, a notice of the life [&c.] of Sir J. M. [I. O.] London, 1834. 4to, . Vindicise Gallicse. Defence of the French Eevolution and its English admirers, against the accusations of the Eight Hon. Edmund Burke ; including some strictures on the late production of Mons. de Calonne. By J. M. Third edition. [G. G.] London, 1791. 8vo. Maclaren (Charles). Select writings, political, scientific, topographical, and miscellaneous, of the late C. M., E.E.S.E., with a memoir and photographs. Edited by Eobert Cox, F.S.A. Scot., and James Nichol, F.E.S.E., F.G.S. 2 vol. [G. G.] Edinburgh, 1869. 8vo. MAC 445 Maclaurin (Colin). An Account of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophical Discoveries, in four books. By C. M., A.M., late Fellow of the Royal Society, Professor of Mathematics in the University of Edinburgh [Ac.]. Published from the author's Manuscript Papers, by Patrick Murdoch, M.A. and F.E.S. [D. M.] London, 1748. 4to. . A Treatise of Algebra, in three parts. Containing I. The fundamental rules and operations. II. The composition and resolution of Equations of all degrees : and the different affec- tions of their roots. III. The application of Algebra and Geometry to each other. To which is added, an Appendix, con- cerning the general properties of Gi-eometrical Lines. By C. M. The sixth edition. [D. M.] London, 1796. 8vo. . A Treatise of Fluxions. In two books. By C. M. 2 vol. [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1742. 4to. . A Treatise on Fluxions. In two volumes. By C. M. Second edition. To \vhich is prefixed an account of his Life. The whole carefully corrected and revised by an eminent mathe- matician. Illustrated with forty-one copperplates. 2 vol. [D. M.] London, 1801. 8vo. . Geometria Organica : sive Descriptio Linearum Curvarum Universalis. Auctore Colino M., Matheseos in Collegio novo Aberdonensi Professore [&c.]. [D. M.] Londini, 1720. 4to. Maclear (Thomas). Contributions to Astronomy and Geodesy . . By T. M., Esq. Her Majesty's Astronomer at the Cape of Good Hope. . . [Reprinted at the expense of the Board of Admiralty.] London, 1851. 4to. . Second Series, 1853. [Forming parts of Vol. XX. & XXI. of the Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society.] Macleod (Henry Dunning). A Dictionary of Political Economy . . By H. D. M., Esq. Pt. I. IV. London, 1859-60. *8vo. . The Elements of Political Economy. By H. D. M. London, 1858. 8vo. M'Mahon (John H.). See AHISTOTLE. Metaphysics. Macpherson (David). See SCOTLAND. Rotuli. Macray (William Dunn). See EYESHAM. Chronicon. MacroMus (Ambrosius Aurelius Theodosius). Aur. Theodosii Macrobii . . Opera. Accedunt nota3 integrse Isacii Pontani, [&c.]. [G. G.] Lugduni Batavorum, 1670. 8vo. . Macrobivs. Franciscvs Eyssenhardt recognovit. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1868. 8vo. Macvicar (John G.). A Sketch of a Philosophy. Part I. Mind : its powers and capacities and its relation to matter. By J. G. M., D.D. [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1868. 8vo. McVickar ( J.). Introductory Lecture to a course of Political Economy recently delivered at Columbia College, New York. By J. McV., D.D. * [G. G.] London, 1830. 446 MAD MAG Madden (Sir Frederic). See MATTHAEUS, Parisiensis* (Richard Eobert). Galileo and the Inquisition. By E. E, M., Eel. E.C.S. Eng. [&c.]. [D. M.] London, [1863.] 12mo. Madhu Rao. Secret Correspondence of the Court of the Peshwa, Madhu Eao, from the year 1761 to 1772. Translated from the original Mahratta Letters, by Lieutenant-Colonel John Briggs. [Erom the Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society.'] [D. M.] London, 1828. 4to, Madrid. See SPAIN. Madvig (J. A.). Lateinische Sprachlehre fiir Schulen. Von J, A. M. Vierte Verbesserte mid Abgekurzte Auflage. Braunschweig, 1867. 8vo. Madvigius (Johannes Nicolaus). See CICERO (M. T.). De Jinibus bonorum et malorum. . lo. Nicolai Madvigii, Professoris Hauniensis, Opuscula Aca- demica. Ab ipso collecta, emendata, aucta. [Also the Opuscula Academica altera.] [G-. Q-.] Haunice, 1834-42. 8vo. . I. N. Madvigii, Phil. D., Disputationis de Q. Asconii Pediani et alioruin in Ciceronis Orationes commeritariis appendix critica, locorum Ciceronianorum et Asconianorum emendationes et indices, continens. [G. G-.] ffaunice, 1828. 8vo. Maerker ( J. Er.). Das alte Athen, wie es in seiner Verf as sung, in seinen Sitten und Gebrauchen zur Zeit Solons uuter dem Beherrscher Pisistratus war; dramatisch dargestellt, nebst einer Zugabe in Aphorismen iiber die Geschichte Athens mit Bemerkungen iiber die griechischen Landtage. Von M. J. E. M. [G. G.] Zwickau, 1833. 8vo. Maerklin (Chr.). Ueber die Eeform des protestantischen Kirchen- wesens . . Yon Dr. C. M. [G. G.] Tubingen, 1832. 8vo. Maestlinus (Michael). Epitome Astronomiae, qva brevi explicatione omnia, tarn ad sphaericani qvam theoricam eius partem pertinentia, ex ipsius scientise fontibus deducta, perspicue per qusestiones traduntur, conscripta per M. Michaelem Maestlinvm Goeppin- gensen, Matheseos in Academia Heidelbergensi Professorem. [D. M.] Heidelbergae, 1582. 8vo. . Epitome Astronomiae ; . . Jam nvnc ab avtore denuo diligenter recognita : additis insuper . . breuibus ex doctrina Triangulorum SphaBricorum praoceptis, computandi prsecipuas primi Motus Tabulas : [&c.]. [D. M.] Tubingce, 1624. 8vo. . M. Michaelis Msesfclini Goeppingensis, inTubingensi Academia Mathematici Altervm Examen novi Pontificialis Gregoriani Ka- lendarii. [D. M.] Tvbingae, 1586. 4to. Maetzner (Eduardus). See DINABCHTJS. Orationes III. Maffei (Scipione). Descrizione dell' Anfiteatro di Verona. Tratta dalla Yerona illustrata di S. M., con aggiunte. [G. G.] Verona, 1838. 8vo. Magendie (E.). Precis elementaire de Physiologie. Par E. M. Cinquieme edition, . . precedee d'un traite abrege de Physique medicale. [G. G.] Bruxelles, 1838. 8vo. MAG MAI 447 Maguire (Thomas). An Essay on the Platonic Idea. By T. M. [G-. GK] London, 1866. 8vo. Mahaffy (John Pentland). See FISCHER (K.). Commentary on Kant's Criticlc of the pure reason; fyc. Mahne (Gulielmus Leonardus). Diatribe de Aristoxeno Philosopho Peripatetico, auctore Guilielmo Leonardo M., 111. Athenaei Amstelodam. Give. [D. M.] Amstelodami, 1793. 8vo. Mabony ( ). Observations by Mr. Mahony on the Tithe Bill (Ireland), for the Bight Hon. E. J. Littleton, M.P. [D. M.] London, 1834. 8vo. Maier (Elisa). Georg Forster. Lichtstrahlen aus seinen Briefen an Beinhold Eorster [&c.], und aus seinen Werken. Mit einer Biographie Forster's. Yon. E. M. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1856. 8vo. Maigne d'Arnis (W. H.) See DUFRESNE (C.). Lexicon manuale. Mailly (Ed.). Precis de 1'Histoire de 1'Astronomie aux Etats-Unis d'Amerique. Par E. M., Aide a 1'Observatoire royal de Bruxelles. [D. M.] Bruxelles, 1860. 12mo. (Philip Thomas). An Introduction to Plane Astronomy for the use of Colleges and Schools. By P. T. M., M.A. Second edition with additions. [Vol. of the Cambridge School and College Text Books.'] [D. M.] Cambridge, 1868. 16mo. Main (Eobert). See BADCLIFFE OBSERVATORY. Catalogue. . Correction of the Mean Distance, Eccentricity, Epoch, and Longitude of the Aphelion of the Orbit of Venus . . By the Eev. B. M.* [D. M.] 4to. . Description of the Public and Private Observatories in London and its vicinity. [D. M.] London, 1851. 12mo. . Errors of Heliocentric Longitude and Ecliptic Polar Dis- tance of the Planet Venus . . By the Bev. B. M.* [D. M.] 4to. . On the Node and Inclination of the Orbit of Venus. By Mr. M.* [D. M.] 4to. . On the Present State of our Knowledge of the Parallax of the Fixed Stars. By the Bev. B. M.* [D. M.] 4to. . On the Beduction of the Observations of Distance of the Great Comet of 1843 from known Stars, which were communi- cated to the Society in the years 1843 and 1844. By the Bev. B. M., M.A., one of the Secretaries of the Society.* [D. M.] 4to. . Proper Motions of the Stars contained in the Greenwich Twelve-year Catalogue of 2156 Stars, deduced by Comparison with the Besults of Bradley's Observations, as given in the Funda- ments Astronomise for the Epoch 1755. By the Bev. B. M.* [D. M.] 4to. [* From The Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society. ~] 448 MAI MAL Mair (John). See COCKER (E.). Arithmetic^. Mairan (Dortous de). Eloges des Academiciens de 1' Academic royale des Sciences, morts dans les annees 1741, 1742, & 1743. Par M. D. d. M., Secretaire de cette Academie pendant lesdites annees [&c.]. [D. M.] Paris, 1747. 8vo. Maistre (Xavier de), Comte. (Euvres completes du Comte X. d. M. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1861. 12mo. Maitland (Samuel Roffey). See LAMBETH, Archiepiscopal Library at. Index of English Books by S. E. M. . A plan for a Church-history Society. By S. R. M., D.D., E.R.S. [&c.]. [D. M.] London, 1850. 8vo, . Catalogue of the greater part of the . . Library of the Rev. S. R. M., D.D. [Sale-catalogue.'] [D. M.] [London,'] 1850. 4to. . Catalogue of the remaining Library of the late Rev. S. R. M. [Sale-catalogue.'] [D. M.] [London,] 1866. 4to. . [Obituary Notice, from the Obituary Notices of the Proceed- ings of the Royal Society, vol. xvi.] [D. M.] s. sh. 8vo, Maittaire (Mich.). Grsecae Linguae Dialecti, in Scholae Regis West- monasteriensis usum, recognitae opera M. M. Prsefationem & appendicem ex Apollonii Dyscoli fragmento inedito adclidit J. E. Reitzius. [G. Q-.] ffagce-Comitis, 1738, 8vo. Mains (Angelus). See CICERO (M. T.). De Republica. Makrisi. Traite des Monnoies Musulmanes. Traduit de 1'Arabe par A. J. Silvestre de Sacy. [Gr. Gr.] Paris, 1797. 8vo. Malchus, De Vita Pythagorae. See IAMBLICHUS. . Philadelphensis. See DEXIPPUS (Publius Herennius). Malcolm (J. P.). See GTRANGER (J.). Letters. Maldachini (Olimpia). Vita di Donna O. M. che governo la chiesa durante il Ponteficato d'Innocentio X. dopo 1'anno 1644 sino alTanno 1655. Scritta dall* Abbate Gualdi. [G-. Gr.] Ragusa, 1667. 12mo. Maiden (Henry). On Greek and English Versification. [From the Transactions of the Philological Society, Vol. iii.] [Gr. Gr.] 1847. 8VO. . On the Origin of Universities and Academical Degrees. By H. M., M.A. . . Professor of Greek in the University of London [afterwards University College]. [D. M.] London, 1835. 8vo. Malebranche (Nicolas). De la recherche de la Verite. Par N. M. 4 torn. Paris, 1772. 12mo. . Recueil de toutes les reponses du pere Malebranche . . a Monsieur Arnaud. . . 2 torn. [Tome second "Quatre lettres du P. Malebranche," &c., has the date 1709.] [G. G.] Paris, 1711. 12mo. . Traite de Morale. Nouvelle edition . . Par le P. M., Pretre de FOratoire. 2 torn. Lyon, 1707. , 8vo. MAL MAN 449 Malebranche (Nicolas). Father Malebranche his Treatise concerning the Search after Truth. The whole work complete. To which is added the author's treatise of Nature and Grace . . with his answer to the animadversions upon the first volume : his defence against the accusations of Monsieur De la Yille, &c. . . All trans- lated by T. Taylor, M.A. . . The second edition . . with the addition of a short discourse upon Light and Colours, by the same author. . . 2 vol. London, 1700. fol. Malecki (Antonius). De Academia Vetere. Dissertatio inauguralis philosophica . . defendet auctor A. M. Posnaniensis. Adver- sarii erunt : C. Szymanski, J. Stefanski, A. Koczorowski. [G. G-.] Berolini, 1844. 8vo. Malherbe (Francois de). Les Poesies de Malherbe avec les Observa- tions de Menage. Seconde edition. Paris, 1689. 12mo. Malkin (Benjamin Heath). History. [D. M.] [London.] 8vo. Mallet (C.). Histoire de 1'Ecole de Megare et des Ecoles d'Elis et d'Eretrie. Par M.C.M. [G. G-.] Paris, 1845. 8vo. . Memoire sur Laromiguiere. Par M. M. [From the Seances et Travaux de V Academic des Sciences morales et politiques, 1847.] [D. M.] 8vo. (David). Poetical Works. See AKDEBSOIT, British Poets. Vol. IX. Mallet-Bachelier ( ). Catalogue des Livres de Fonds [&c.] de M.-B, Gendre et Successeur de Bachelier. [D. M.] Londres, Octobre, 1860. 8vo. Malthas (Thomas Eobert). An Essay on the principle of Population. . . By T. E. M. Fifth edition, with important additions. 3 vol. [G. G.] London, 1817. 8vo. Man and the Sudreys. Chronica Eegvm Manniae et Insvlarvm. The Chronicle of Man and the Sudreys edited from the manuscript codex in the British Museum and with historical notes by P. A. Munch, Professor of History in the Royal-University of Chris- tiania. Christiania, 1860. 8vo. Manchester New College. Literary and Scientific Department. In- troductory Discourses delivered in M. N. C. at the opening of the Session of 1840 : 1. On Classical Literature. By F. W. Newman, Esq., B.A. 2. On Mathematical Science. By E. Finlay, Esq., B.A. 3. On Physical Science and Natural History. By M. L. Phillips, Esq. 4. On Mental and Moral Philosophy. By James Martineau. 5. On History. By John Kenrick, M.A. To which is added, a Syllabus of the course of Instruction in each of the Classes ; and the Regulations relating to the admis- sion and classification of the Students. London, 1841. 8vo. 2& 450 MAN Manetho. Manethonis lihrum Apotelesmaticorum secundum . . prae- fatus est Eridericus Antonius Eigler. [G. G.] Coloniae ad Rhenum, 1828. 4to. . Manethonis Sebennytae reliquiae. Collegit et illustravit Eobert Eruin, Phil. Theor. Mag. Lit. Hum. Doct. (Disser- tatio Philologica Inauguralis.) [Gr. Gr.] Lugduni-Batavorum, 1847. 8vo. Mangetus (Johannes Jacobus). See BONETUS (T.). Sepulchretum. Mangles (James). See IRBY (Ron. C. L.), and MANGLES (J.). Manillas (Marcus). AstronomicJn Lib. V. See EIRMIOTIS MATEKNUS (J.). Ad Mavortivm Lollianum Astronomicon Lib. VIII. . M. MANIL! astronomicon a Josepho Scaligero ex vetusto codice Gemblacensi infinitis mendis repurgatum. Eivsdem losephi Scaligeri Notse, quibus auctoris prisca Astrologia explicatur, casti- gationum caussae redduntur, portentosae transpositiones in eo auctore antiquitus commissse indicantur. Lvgd. Batavorvm, 1599-1600. 4to. . M. Manilii Astronomicon ex recensione Eichardi Bentleji cum . . notis . . Varia de Manilio Judicia et Julii Pontederaa Epistola de Manilii Astronomia & Anno coelesti, cura et studio M. Eliae Stceber. [Gr. 0-.] Argenfarati, 1767. 8vo. . Marci Manilii Astronomicon libri quinque; accessere Marci Tullii Ciceronis Aratsea, cum interpretatione Gallica et notis. Edente Al. G. Pingre, Sanctaa GrenovefaD Canonico & Bibliothecaa Pnefecto. 2 torn. [D. M.] Parisiis, 1786. 8vo. . M. Manilii Astronomicon ex editione Bentleiana cum notis et interpretatione in usum Delphini variis lectionibus notis variorum recensu editionum et codicum et indice locupletissimo accurate recensitum. 2 vol. [D. M.] Londini, 1828. 8vo. Mannert (Konrad). G-eographie der Griechen und Eomer aus ihren Schriften dargestellt von K. M. Th. I. III. IV. (2 e Auf.) V. (2 Hf.) VI. (2, 3 Hf.) VII. VIII. IX. (1, 2 Ab.). [G. G.] Nilrnberg, 1799-1823. 8vo. Manning (James). Letter to Earl Eitzwilliam upon the power of com- pelling the assignment of a Church Eate by proceedings in Courts of Law. By J. M. Second edition enlarged. [G. G.] London, 1837. 8vo. Manolesius (Carolus). See PAPPUS. Mathematicae Collections. Mansel (Henry Longueville). See ALDEICH (H.). Artis Logicce Rudimenta. . See HAMILTON (Sir "W".). Lectures on Metaphysics and Logic. . See LOGIC. . Metaphysics or the Philosophy of Consciousness phenomenal and real. By H. L. M., B.D. Waynflete Professor of Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy [&c.]. [D. M.J Edinburgh, 1860. 8vo. MAN 451 Hansel (Henry Longueville). Prolegomena Logica. An Inquiry into the Psychological Character of Logical Processes. By H. L. M., M.A. [D. M.] Oxford, 1851. 8vo. , Psychology the test of Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy. An inaugural Lecture delivered in Magdalen College, October 23, 1855. By H. L. M. [G. G,] Oxford, 1855. 8vo. . A Lecture on the Philosophy of Kant, delivered at Magdalen College, May 20, 1856. By H. L. M. [G. G.] Oxford, 1856. 8vo. . The Limits of Demonstrative Science considered in a Letter to the Eev. W. W., D.D. By the Eev. H. L. M. [a. G.] Oxford, 1853. 8vo. . The Limits of Religious Thought examined in eight Lectures, preached before the University of Oxford, in the year M.DCCC.LYIIL, on the foundation of the late Eev. John Bampton, M.A., Canon of Salisbury. By H. L. M. [D. M.] Oxford, 1858. 8vo. . The Philosophy of the Conditioned : comprising some Eemarks on Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy and on Mr. J. S. Mill's Examination of that Philosophy. By H. L. M. [D. M,] London, 1866. 8vo. Mansi (Joannes Dominions). See FABBICITJS (J. A.). Bibliofheca Latina mediae et infimce cetatis. Manso (J. C. F.). Sparta. Ein Yersuch zur Aufklarung der Ge- schichte und Verfaesung dieses Staates. Yon J. C. F. M. 3 Bde. (1 & 2 in 2 Thlen). [G. G.] Leipzig, 1800-5. 8vo. Manteaux. Les Manteaux. Eecueil. Premiere partie [&] Seconde partie, que 1'on peut se dispenser de lire. [G. G.] La Haye, 1746. 8vo. Manuel du Naturaliste. By D * * *. and M * * *. Manufacturing Population. An inquiry into the state of the manu- facturing population, and the causes and cures of the evils therein existing. [G. G.] London, 1831. 8vo. Manuscripts, National, Facsimiles. See ENGLAND. Manutius (Paulus). Epistolse selects. See PONTIFICES. . Epistolarvm Pavli. Manvtii libri. IIX Tribus nuper additis. Eiusdem quae praefationes appellantur. [G. G.] Venetiis, 1569. 8vo. Manzini de Motta (Jo.). Epistolae. See LAZEEI (P.). Manzoni (Alessandro). I Promessi Sposi. Storia Milanese del secolo xvii., scoperta e rifatta da A.M. 2 torn. .[G. G.] Party, 1834. 12mo. . Opere Scelte di A. M. in verso e in prosa. [G. G.] Napoli, 1839. 8vo. . Sulla Tortura . . descritta dal Signer A. M. [G. G.] Milano, 1843. 4to. 452 MAP MAE Mapother (E. D.). The Medical Profession : and its educational and licensing bodies. By E. D. M., M.D. First Carmichael Prize. Dublin, 1868. 8vo. Maps. The construction o maps and globes. London, 1717. 8vo. Marbach (G. O.). G-eschichte der G-riechischen Philosophie. . . Von G-. O. M. (Lehrbuch der Geschichte der Philosophie. l er Abth.) [G-. Gr.] Leipzig, 1838. 8vo. Marcellinus Ammianus. Ammiani Marcellini rerum gestarum qui de XXXI supersunt, libri xviii. Ope MSS. codicum emendati ab Frederico Lindenbrogio & Henrico Hadrianoque Yalesiis [&c.], omnia nunc recognita ab Jacobo Gronovio. [G. G.] Lugduni Batavorum, 1693. 4to. Marcet (M me ). See EJYE (Auguste de la). Marci (Adolph Frederik). Uitvoerige Tafelen van de Ondeelbaare of Prim-Getallen. Van 1 tot 400000; naauwkeurig bereekend door Adolph Frederik Marci. Benevens eene Verhandeling over de Wyze van Vinding, en de Nuttigheid der Eerste of Prim- Getallen. Gedeeltelyk getrokken uit de Memorien van den grooten Euler, en andere beroemde Wiskundigen. Door een Beminnaar der Mathematische Weetenschappen. [D. M.] Amsterdam, 1772. 8vo. Marckscheffel (Guil.). See HESIOD, &c. Fragmenta. Marcy (Pierre). Guide populaire dans les Musees du Louvre. ParP M. Paris, 1867. 12mo* Mareclial (Sylvain). De la Vertu. Par S. M., auteur du Dictionnaire des Athees. . . suivi du Livre de tous les ages, par le meme auteur. [G. G.] Paris, 1807. 8vo. . Dictionnaire des Athees anciens et modernes. Par S. M. Seconde edition." [With Supplements . . par Jerome de Lalande.] [G. G.] Bruxelles, 1833. 8vo. Margarita Philosophica. See EEISCH (G.). Marie (F. C. M.). See LALANDE (J. de). Tables de Logariihmes. (Maximilien). Discours snr la nature des Grandeurs negatives et imaginaires. Par M. M. . . Deuxieme edition. [D. M.] Paris, 1844. 8vo. Marinus. See EUCLID. . MAPINOY HPOKAOS. Marini Vita Procli. Graece et Latine . . recensvit [&c.] loh. Franc. Boissonade. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1814. 8vo. Mariotte (Edme). See MATHMATIQIJE. Marismas, Marquis de las. Catalogue des tableaux exposes dans la Galerie du Marquis de las M. [G. G.] Paris, 1839. 8vo. Marivaux (Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de). La Vie de Marianne, ou les Aventures de Madame la Comtesse de * * f Par Monsieur de Marivaux. 4 Pt. Paris, 1731-36. 12mo. MAE 453 Marklandus ( Jer.). See EURIPIDES. Supplices Mulieres. IpJiigenia. Marliani (M. de). Histoire politique de 1'Espagne moderne. Par M. de M. Seconde edition. 2 torn. [G. Q-.] Paris, 1841. 8vo. Marmion. Marmion's review of the last, and prospects of the next, Session of Parliament. No. 2. Oct. 13, 1838. [G. G.] London. 8vo. Maron (Eugene). See LOTJVET (Jean Baptiste). . Histoire Litteraire de la Convention Nationale. Par E. M. [a. G-.] Paris, 1860. 8vo. Marquand (Henri-E.). Histoire du Pavilion Anglais . . Par H.-E. M. [D. M.] [ .] 8vo. Marqnard (Paul). See ARISTOXENFS. Die Harmonischen Fragmente. Marquardt (Joachim). See BECKER (W. A.). Handbuch der Rb'miscTien Alterthumer, fortgesetzt von J. M. . Edmische Privatalterthiimer. Yon J, M. [Handbuch der Rom. Alterthumer. 5 er . Th. 2 Abth.] [G. G-.] Leipzig, 1864-7. 8vo. Marre (Aristide). See MOHAMMED BEN MOUSSA AL KHAREZMI. Le Messahat traduit, 6fc., par A. M. . Notice sur un manuscrit possede par M. Chasles. See WOEPCKE (P.). Introduction au Calcul Gfobdri, Sfc. Marres (J. L.). See FAYORINTJS ARELATENSIS. Marriott (C.). University Extension and the Poor Scholar Question. A Letter to the Eev. E. "Woollcombe. [D. M.] Oxford, 1848. 8vo. Marshall (John). A description of the Human Body : its structure and functions. Illustrated by nine Physiological Diagrams, con- taining 193 coloured figures . . By J. M., F.B.S., E.E.C.S. In two volumes. [Q-. Gr.] London, [I860.] 4to and obi. 4to. Marshman (Joshua Eyland). Lecture on Law Studies : introductory to the Law Course at University College. Delivered in the College on the 6th November, 1845. By J. E. M., M.A. [Ac.] [D. M.] London, 1846. 4to. Martialis (Marcus Valerius). Epigrammata cum notis Farnabii et variorum . . accurante Corneno Schrevelio. [G. G-.] Lugd. Batavorum, 1670. 8vo. . M. Valerii Martialis Epigrammatum libri xiv. interpretatione & notis illustravit Vincentius Collesso, J. C. [G-. G-.] Londini, 1701. 8vo. . M. Valerii Martialis Epigrammata, paraphrasi et notis variorum selectissimis, ad usum . . Delphini interpretatus est Vincentius Collesso, numismatibus [&c.] exornavit Lud. Smids, M.D. [G. G-.] Amstelcedami, 1701. 8vo. . M. Valerii Martialis Epigrammatvm Libri ad optimos codices Parisiis nvperrime recensiti et castigati. 2 torn. [G. G.] Mannhemii, 1782. 8vo. 454 MAE Martin (Benjamin). A course o lectures in natural and experimental philosophy, geography, and astronomy. . . By B. M. Reading, 1743. 4tO. . Biographia Philosophica. Being an account of the Lives, Writings, and Inventions, of the most eminent Philosophers and Mathematicians. . . By B. M. [Q-. G-.] London, 1764. 8vo. (Hugh). A Study of Trilinear Co-ordinates ; being a consecu- tive series of seventy-two propositions in Transversals. By the Rev. H. M., M.A., Free Greyfriars', Edinburgh.* [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1865. 4to. . On Centres, Faisceaux and Envelopes of Homology. By the B/ev. H. M., . . Examiner in Mathematics in the University of Edinburgh.* [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1867. 4to. (R. Montgomery). The past and present state of the Tea trade of England and of the Continent of Europe and America, and a comparison between the consumption, price of, and revenue derived from tea, coffee, sugar, wine, tobacco, spirits, &c. By B. M. M. [G-. G.] London, 1832. 8vo. (Th. Henri). See NICOMACHTJS Gerasenus. Chapitres ix* et xoc? du Livre Second de I' Introduction arithmetique de Nicomaque de Gerase traduits par M. T. H. M., avec des remarques. . See THEON. Liber de Astronomia, fyc. . Etudes sur le Timee de Platon. Par Th. H. M. 2 torn. [G. G.] Paris, 1841. 8vo. La Eoudre, 1'Electricite, et le Magnetisme chez les anciens. Par T. H. M. [G. G.] Paris, 1866. 12mo. Martineau (Harriet). See ATKIWSOW (Henry George). . See COMTE (A.). Positive Philosophy, freely translated by ff.M. . Society in America. By H. M. [G. G.] Paris, 1837. 8vo. (James). On Mental and Moral Philosophy. London, 1841. 8vo. Martinelli (Vicenzio). Istoria critica della Vita civile. Scritta da Y. M. Londra, 1752. 4to. Martinus (Joannes). Arithmetica loannis Martini Silicei, theoricen praxin'que luculenter complexa, innumeris mendarum offucijs a Thoma Rhseto, haud ita pridem, accuratissime vindicata. [D. M.] Parisiis, 1526. fol. Martyn (John). See EOTAL SOCIETY, Philosophical Transactions, 1719-33. (Thomas). See HEKCULAKETJM. Harwell (Samuel). See NAEEATITE of Voyages to New South Wales. Marx (Carolus Fridericus Henricus). Commentatio de Herophili celeberrimi medici Vita, scrip tis atque in medicina meritis. Auc- tore 0. F. H. M. [Class. Phys. Tom. viii.] [G. G.] [ ,] [1836.] 4to. [* From The Transactions of the Royal Society of EdinburghJ] MAE MAS 455 Marx (Meier). See EPIIOBTJS. Fragmenta. Mascaron (Jules), j'veque, Comte cPAgen. Becueil des Oraisons funebres, prononcees par Messire J. M. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1745. 12mo. Mascheroni (Laurent). Geometric du Oompas. Par L. M. Traduite de 1'Italien par A. M. Carette. . . Seconde edition, corrigee et augmentee d'une notice biographique du traducteur sur Mas- cheroni. [D. M.] Paris, 1828. 8vo. . Problemes pour les Arpenteurs, avec. differ entes solutions. Par L. M. Ouvrage traduit de 1'Italien. [B. M.] Paris, Anan=ISQ3. 8vo. Maseres (Francis). See BERNOULLI (J.). Ars Conjectandi ; ivitli Appendix, fyc., by F. M. . See SCRIPTOEES OPTICI. . A dissertation on the use of the Negative Sign in Al- gebra : containing a demonstration of the rules usually given concerning it ; and shewing how Quadratic and Cubic Equa- tions may be explained, without the consideration of negative roots. To which is added, as an Appendix, Mr. Machin's quadrature of the circle. By F. M., M.A. [D. M.] London, 1758. 4to. . Scriptores Logarithmic! ; or, a collection of several curious tracts on the nature and construction of Logarithms, mentioned in Dr. Button's historical introduction to his new edition of Sherwin's Mathematical Tables : together with some tracts on the binomial theorem and other subjects connected with the doctrine of Logarithms. 6 vol. [Edited by F. M.] [D. M.] London, 1791-1807. 4to. . The Doctrine of Permutations and Combinations, being an essential and fundamental part of the Doctrine of Chances ; as it is delivered by Mr. James Bernoulli . . and by . . Dr. John Wallis . . Together with some other useful Mathematical Tracts. Published by F. M., Esq., Cursitor Baron of the Court of Exchequer. [D. M.] London, 1795. 8vo. . The principles of the doctrine of Life-Annuities; explained in a familiar manner, so as to be intelligible to persons not acquainted with the doctrine of Chances ; and accompanied with a variety of new tables of the values of such annuities at several different rates of interest, both for single lives and for two joint lives, accurately computed, from observations. By F. M., Esq., F.E.S. Cursitor Baron of His Majesty's Court of Exchequer. 2 vol. [D. M.] London, 1783. 4to. Maskelyne (Mervin Herbert Nevil Story.) See BEITISH MUSEUM. Index to Minerals. Masoma ya Maandiko Matakatifu. Maagano ya Kwanza. [Trans- lated by the Rev. E. Steere, LL.D.] London, [ .] 12mo. Mason (C. P.). See MILTON (J.). Paradise Lost. 456 MAS MAT ICason (C. P.). English Grammar ; including the principles of gram- matical analysis. By C. P. M., B.A. Fifth edition. London, 1864, 8vo. . Nineteenth edition. Enlarged and thoroughly revised. London, 1874. 8vo. . Eirst Notions of Grammar for Young Learners. By C, P. M., B.A. London, 1872. 8vo. . Analytical Latin Exercises. By C. P. M., B.A. London, 1867. 8vo. . The first and second Books of Euclid explained to beginners. By C. P. M., B.A. London, 1872. 8vo. ICassa (Nicolo). Loica dell' eccellente M * N. M. Distinta in sette libri ne li quali con mirabil facilita & breuita ; si puo ogni modo di argomentare cosi probabile come demostratiuo apprendere. Opera vtile non solo ali filosofi, & rettorici ma'anchora a'i gram- matici, historic!, & altri huomini litterati, come alii studiosi lettori sera, leggendo manifesto. [The Colophon has the date 1550.] [D. M.] Venegia, 1549. 4to. Massacre of Glenco. The Massacre of Glenco. Being a true narra- tive of the barbarous Murther of the Glenco-men, in the High- lands of Scotland, by way of military execution, on the 13th of Eeb. 1692. Containing the Commission under the Great Seal of Scotland [&c.] . . extracted from the records of Parliament. And publish'd for undeceiving those who have been impos'd upon by false accounts. [D. M.] London, 1703. 4to. Massalia (Alexius a). Diatriba de Mutuo, Non esse Alienationem. Adversus Coprianum quemdam luris Doctorem. Auctore Alexio a Massalia. [G. G.] Lugduni Batavorum, 1640. 8vo. Massinger (Philip). The Plays of Philip Massinger, in four volumes. With notes critical and explanatory, by W. Gifford, Esq. The Second edition. 4 vol. [G. G.] London, 1813. 8vo. Masson (David). Eecent British Philosophy : a review, with criti- cisms ; including some comments on Mr. Mill's answer to Sir William Hamilton. By D. M. [D. M.] London, 1865. 8vo. . The Life of John Milton : narrated in connexion with the political, ecclesiastical, and literary history of his time. By D. M., M.A. Vol. I. 1608-1639. Cambridge, 1859. 8vo. . Vol. II. 16381643. [G. G.] London and New York, 1871. 8vo. Masterson (Thomas). Thomas Masterson his first (second, and third) booke of Arithmeticke (with his* addition to his first booke). [Defective ; ivanting 1st title-page, Sfc.~\ [D. M.] London, 1792-95. 4to. Matel ( ). Lettre av Roy, de 1'importance dv Canal qve le Roy d'Espagne fait tirer des Riuieres du Rhein, & de la Meuse, a GueldresdanslaRiuieredeNers. [D.M.] [ ,] 1627. 4to. Maternus (Julius Eirmicus). Liber de errore profanarum religionum. See MINUTITJS EELIX (M.). MAT 457 Mathematical Learning. An Essay on the Usefulness of Mathe- matical Learning, in a letter from a gentleman in the city to his friend in Oxford. The second edition. [D. M.] Oxford, 1721. 8vo. Mathematical Questions. See MILLEE (W. J.). . See LEYBOUEN (T.). Mathematical Society. A Catalogue of Books belonging to the Mathematical Society, Crispin-street, Spitalfields. [D. M.] London, 1821. 8vo. . The Laws of the Mathematical Society. [D. M.] 8vo. Mathematician (The). Vol. II. III. Edited by William Rutherford, F.R.A.S., and Stephen Fenwick, Mathematical Masters, Royal Military Academy. [With Supplement to Vol. III. Also No. H.-VI. 1844-45.] [D. M.] London, 1847-50. 8vo. Mathematics, Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied. See QTJAETERLY JOTJENAL, &c. . Essays on several curious and useful subjects in Speculative and Mixt Mathematicks. [By T. Simpson. Imperfect.'] [D. M.] 4to. . Mystical mathematicks applied to Moon-hauling, or, the science of non-entities, as fully set forth in the new requisite tables, published by order of the Board of Longitude ; in four extremely extreme exemplifying problems : and the correspond- ence, on that subject, between Nauticus and the Compiler, as published in the Gazetteer. [D. M.] London, 1786. 8vo. . Another copy. [D. M.] Mathematik. See CEELLE (A. L.). Journal fur die reine und an- gewandte Mathematik. Mathematique. Divers Ouvrages de Mathematique et de Physique. Par Messieurs de V Academie Royale des Sciences. [The papers are by M. de Frenicle M. de Roberval Torricellius JEgidius Personerius de Roberval M. Hugens de Zulichem M. Picard M. Auzout M. Mariotte M. Romer]. [D. M.] Paris, 1693. fol. Mathematiques. Histoire des Sciences mathematiques. [Extrait des Comptes rendus des seances de I' Academie des Sciences, 1859.] [D. M.] Paris. 4to. Mather (William). The Young Man's Companion : or, arithmetick made easy . . Written by W. M., in a plain and easy stile, that a young man may attain the same without a tutor. The twelfth edition : with many additions and alterations, especially of the arithmetick to the modern method. [D. M.] London, . . 1723. 12mo. Mathers (Patrick). The Great and New Art of Weighing Vanity. To which are annexed some Tentamina de Motu Penduli et Pro- jectorum. [Supposed to be written by Mr. James Gregory.] See SCEIPTOEES OPTICI. 458 MAT MATT Mathers (Patrick). See FRANCE. Institut. Academie des Sciences. (Emile). Memoire sur la Resolution des Equations dont le degre est une puissance d'un nombre premier. Par M. E. M. [Extrait des Annali di Matematica pura ed applicata Tom. iv.] [D. M.] Rome, 1862. 4tc. Mathias (T. J.). The Pursuits of Literature : or What you will. A satirical poem in dialogue with notes. [G. G.] London, 1796. 8vo, Mathieu (Claude-Louis). See DELAMBRE (J. B. J.). Histoire de V Astronomie. Matifeux (Ch. Dugast-). Le Chateau d'Aux en 1794. Rectification historique concernant la Revolution. Par M. D.-M. [G. G.] Nantes, [ .] 8vo. Matthaeus, Parisiensis. Matthaei Parisiensis, Monachi Sancti Albani, Historia Anglorum, sive, ut vulgo dicitur, Historia Minor. Item, ejusdem Abbreviatio Chronicorum Angliae. Edited by Sir Frederic Madden, K.H. Yol. I. A.D. 1067-1189. n. 1189-1245. III. 1246-1253. [CHRONICLES AND MEMORIALS.] [R. 0.] London, 1866-69. 8vo. Matthes (Carolus Johannes). Dissertatio Mathematica de invenienda Aequatione causticarum. . . Defendet C. J. M. [D. M.] Lugduni-Batavorum, 1837. 4to. Matthiae (Augustus). A copious G-reek Grammar by A. M. . . Translated from the German by Edward Valentine Blomfield, M.A. In tw r o volumes. [I. O.] Cambridge, 1818. 8vo. . Fifth edition, thoroughly revised . . by John Kenrick. 2 vol. [G-. Grl] London, 1832. 8vo. Miscellanea philologica. Edidit A. M. Editio secunda. 2 vol. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1809. 8vo. (Georgius). Novvm locvpletissimvm Manvale Lexicon Latino- G-ermanicvm et Germanico-Latinvm. Pars 1 [& 2]. Opera Georgii Matthiae, M.D. adornatvm consilio et cvm praefatione lo. Matthiae Gesneri . . Editio III. Halae Magdebvrgicae, 1761. 8vo. Matthiessen (E. A.) Tabvla ad expeditiorem Calcvlvm Logarithmi svmmae vel differentiae dvarvm qvantitatvm, per Logarithmos tantvm datarvm. [Latin and German.'] [D. M.] Altonae, 1818 [? 1817]. 4to. Mattoii ( ). See DESMOTJLINS (Camille). Maty (Matthew). Speech. See ROYAL SOCIETY. An authentic Narrative of the Dissensions and Debates in the JR. S. ; fyc. . Memoire sur la vie et sur les ecrits de Mr. Abraham de Moivre de la Societe Royale de Londres & des Academies Royales de Paris & de Berlin. Par Mr. M. [D. M.] A la Haye, [ .] 12mo. Mauchart (Immanuel David). See SEYFFER (C. F.) and MAUCHART (I. D.). MAT! 459 Maudsley (Henry). The Physiology and Pathology of the Mind. By H. M., M.D. [G. G.] London, 1867. 8vo. Maundrell (Henry). A Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem; at Easter, A.D. 1697. The seventh edition; to which is now added an account of the author's journey to the Banks of Euphrates at Beer, and to the country of Mesopotamia. . . By H. M. [G. GL] Oxford, 1799. 4to. Maupertuis (Pierre Louis Moreau de). See ELOGES de TEOIS PHILO- SOPHES. Maurepas (Jean-Frederic-Philippeaux), Comte de. Memoires du Comte de Maurepas, ministre de la Marine, etc. 4 torn. [Form- ing part of Collection des Memoires historiques relatifs au regne de Louis XV. published by the Societe des gens de lettres.] [GL GL] Paris, 1791-92. 8vo. Maurice ( ). On the rate of Mortality among Persons of Intem- perate habits. [D. M.] 4to. (Frederick Denison). Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy, Part I. Ancient Philosophy. By E/ev. F. D. M. Second edition revised. [G. G.] London, 1850. 8vo. Mauricius, Senonensis. De $. Missce ritibus Carmen. See FABBICIUS (J. A.). Mauro, Fiorentino. Annotation! sopra la Lettione della Spera del Sacro Bosco . . Authore M. M. Fiorentino. [Title-page defective.'} [D. M.] Firenze, 1550. 4to. Maurolycus (Franciscus). D. Francisci Mavrolyci, Abbatis Mes- sanensis, Opuscula Mathematica ; nunc primum in lucem aedita, cum rerum omnium notatu dignarum indice locvpletissimo. [D. M.] Venetijs, 1575. 4to. . Arithmeticorvm libri dvo, nvnc primvm in Ivcem editi, cum rerum omnium notabilium. Indice copiosissimo. [D. M.] Venetijs, 1575. 4to. . Cosmographia Francisci Mavrolyci Messanensis Sicvli, in tres dialogos distincta ; in quibus de forma, situ, numeroo^ tain coelorum q elementorum, alijsq^ rebus ad astronomica rudimenta spectantibus satis disseritur. [D. M.] Venetiis, 1543. 4to. . Abbatis Francisci Mavrolyci Messanensis, Photismi de Lvmine, & 'vmbra ad perspectiuam, & radiorum incidentiam facientes. Diaphanorvm partes, seu libri tres : in quorum primo de perspi- cuis corporibus : in secundo de Iricle : in tertio de organi visualis structura, & conspiciliorum formis agitur. Problemata ad perspectivam, & Iriclem pertinentia. Omnium nunc primum in lucem edita. [D. M.] Neapoli, 1611. 4to. Maury (L.-F.-Alfred). La Magie et 1'Astrologie dans FAntiquite et au Moyen Age . . Par L.-F.-A. M. [G. G.] Paris, 1860. 12mo. 460 MATJ MEA Maury (M. E.) On the probable relation between Magnetism and the Circulation of the Atmosphere. [Erom the Appendix to the Washington Astronomical Observations for 1846.] [D. M.] Washington, 1851. 4to. Maiivillon (Jacob von). Remarques sur les Germanismes. Ouvrage utile aux Allemands, aux Erangois, et aux Hollandois, &c. Nou- velle edition. 2 torn. Amsterdam, 1764. 8vo. Maximus, Monachus.' Computus. See PETAYITJS (D.). Vrano- logion. , Tyrius. Dissertationes. See THEOPHRASTTJS. Maximus Tyrius, MA&IMOT TYPIOY AOrOI. Maximi Tyrii Dis- sertationes . . Recensuit et notulis illustravit Joannes Davisius. [Wanting title-page. ,] [G. G.] Cantabrigice,1703. 8vo. Maxwell (Clerk), Junior. On the Description of Oval Curves, and those having a plurality of Eoci. By Mr. C. M., jun., with Remarks by Professor Eorbes. [Erom The Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.'] [D. M.] 8vo. May (Thomas). The History of the Parliament of England, which began November the third MDCXL : with a short and necessary view of some precedent years. By T. M., Esq., Secretary for the Parliament. [G. Gr.] London, 1812. 4to. Mayer (Philippus). See BACON (E.). De dignitate et augmentis Scientiarum. Maynard (Samuel). A Table by S. M., containing useful Eactors often used in calculation, in which P represents the circumfer- ence of a circle whose diameter is 1. [D. M.] [London,'] [ .] 4 pp. 8vo. . Short Method of finding the Least Common Multiple of a set of numbers. [Erom No. 1375, of the Mechanics' Magazine.'] [D. M.] 8vo. Mayo (Herbert). The Philosophy of Living. By H. M. The second edition. [G. G.] [ ,] 1838. 8vo. Mayor (John Bickersteth). See Grote (J.). Examination of the Utilitarian Philosophy. (John E. B.). See ASCHAM (Roger). The Scliolemaster. . See HALM (K.). Greek Reader. . See JUVENALIS. . See RICARDTJS, de Cirencestria. Speculum Historiale de Gestis Regum Anglice. Mazzuchelli (Gian-Maria). Notizie istoriche e critiche intorno alia vita, alle invenzioni, ed agli scritti di Archimede Siracusano. Del Co. G.-M. M., Bresciano. [D. M.] Brescia, 1737. 4to. Mead (R.). A Discourse of the Influence of the Sun and Moon on Human Bodies, &c. By R. M., M.D., E.R.S. See MISCELLANEA CUEIOSA. Mears (Charles and George). A Plain Statement of facts relative to the Royal Exchange Chimes. [D. M.] [London, .] fol. MEG MEI 461 Mechanics' Magazine, Museum, Register, Journal, and Gazette. [Extracts, Mathematics, 1846-49.] [D. M.] 8vo. Medical Education and Registration of the United Kingdom. Report of the General Committee on Education of the General Council of Medical Education and Registration of the United Kingdom, 1860. 8vo. . Reports of the Visitors of Examinations deputed by the Branch Council for England, on the 15th of June, 1866. [Con- fidential.'] 8vo. . Observations by the Licensing Bodies on the Report of the Committee of the Medical Council on the Visitations of Exami- nations, 1867. London, 1868. 8vo. . Report of the Committee on Observations by the Licensing Bodies and on the Reports of Visitations of Examinations. (Three copies.'} 8vo. . Reports of the Visitors of Examinations deputed by the Branch Councils for Scotland and Ireland, 1868. London, 1868. 8vo. Medina (Pedro de). The Arte of Nauigation wherein is contained all the rules, declarations, secretes, & aduises, which for good Nauigation are necessarie & ought to be knowen and practised : and are very profitable for all kind of mariners, made by (master Peter de Medina) directed to the right excellent and renowned Lord, don Philippe, prince of Spaine, and of both Siciles. And nowe newely translated out of Spanish into English by John Erampton. [D. M.] London, 1581. fol. Medloch (Henry). See SCHOEDLER (F.). Mehler (Eugenius). See HEEACLITUS. Heraditi Allegoriae Homericae. . See MNASEAS. Fragmenta. . See XENOPHON. Convivium. Meibomius (Marcus). Antiqva3 Mvsicae Avctores septem. Graece et Latine. M. M. restituit ac notis explicavit. 2 vol. [I. volvmine : I. Aristoxeni Harmonicorvm Elementorvm libri in. II. Evclidis Introdvctio Harmonica. III. Nicomachi Geraseni, Pythagorici, Harmonices manvale. IV. Alypii Introdvctio Mvsica. V. Gav- dentii, Philosophi, Introdvctio harmonica. VI. Bacchii Senioris Introdvctio artis Mvsicse. II. Volumine : Aristidis Qvintiliani de Mvsica libri iii. & Martiani Capellae de Mvsica liber ix.] [D. M.] Amstelodami, 1652. 4to. . M. Meibomii, Consiliarii Regii, de Proportionibus Dialogus. [With Wilhelmi Langii Epistola. Accessit Marci Meibomii Responsio.] Hafnice, 1655. fol. Meier[-us] (Moritz Hermann Eduard). Commentatio de vita Lycurgi, [&c.]. See LYCTJRGTJS (Kiesslingius, 1847). . Mauritii Hermanni Eduardi Meieri de Gentilitate Attica liber singularis. [G. G.] Halis, 1835. 4to. 462 MEI Meier[-us] (Moritz Hermann Eduard). See Boss (L.). Die Demen von Attika, Tieramgegeben von M. H. E. M. . Mavritii Hermann! Edvardi Meieri Comment atio Epigraphica. [G. G.] Halis, 1852. 4to. . Die Privatschiedsrichter und die offentlichen Diateten Athens, so wie die Austragalgerichte in den griechischen Staaten des Alterthums. Mit einem epigraphischen Anhang. Von. M. H. E. M. [G. G.] Halle, 1846. 4to. . Mauritii Hermanni Eduardi Meieri, Philos. Doctoris, A A., LL.M. Historiae luris Attici de bonis damnatorum et fiscalium debitorum libri duo. [G. G.] Berolini, 1819. 8vo. and Schoemann (Georg Eriedrich). Der Attische Process. Yier Biicher von. M. H. E. M. und Georg Eriedrich Schomann. [G. G.] Halle, 1824. 8vo. Meigs (Charles Delucena). On the Corpus Luteum. By C. D. M., M.D. [D. M.] 4to. Meiklejohn (J. M. D.). See KANT (I.). Critique of Pure Reason translated by J. M. D. M. *J Meineke (Augustus). See MENAWDEE, Menandri et Philemonis reliquiae. . See SOPHOCLES. Oedipus Coloneus, fyc, . Beitrage zur philologischen Kritik der Antigone des Sophokles. Yon A. M. [G. G.] Berlin, 1861. 8vo. . Historia critica Comicorum Graecorum. Scripsit A. M. 4 vol. (vol. H. in two parts). [G. G.] Berolini, 1839-41. 8vo. Meiners (Christoph). Geschichte der Ungleichheit der Stande unter den vornehmsten europaischen Yolkern. Yon C. M. 2 Bde. [G. G.] Hannover, 1792. 8vo. . Geschichte des Ursprungs, Eortgangs und Yerfalls der Wissenschaften in Griechenland und Horn. Yon C. M. 2 Bde. [G. G.] Lemgo, 1781-82. 8vo. . Grundriss der Geschichte der Menschheit. Yon C. M. Zweyte . . Aufgabe. [G. G.] Lemgo, 1793. 8vo. . Grundriss der Geschichte der "Weltweisheit. Yon C. M. Zweyte . . Auflage. [G. G.] Lemgo, 1789. 8vo. . Historia doctrinae de vero Deo omnium rerum auctore atque rectore conscripta a C. M. Pars prima. [G. G.] Lemgovae, 1780. 8vo. . Historische Yergleichung der Sitten, und Yerfassungen, der Gesetze, und Gewerbe, des Handels, und der E/eligion, der Wis- senschaften, und Lehranstalten des Mittelatters mit denen unsers Jahrhunderts in Biicksicht auf die Yortheile, und Nach- theile der Aufklarung. Yon C. M. 2 Bde. [G. G.] Hannover, 17ito. 8vo. . C. Meiners.. . . Lebensbeschreibungen beriihmter Manner aus den Zeiten der Wiederherstellung der "Wissenschaften. 3 Bde. [G. G.] Zurich, 1795-97. 8vo. MM MEL 463 Meiners (Christoph). Tiber die Verfassung, und Verwaltung deutscher TJniversitaten. Yon. C. M. 2 Bde. [G-. G-.] Gottingen, 1801-2. 8vo. Meissner (A. G-.). Johann von Schwaben. Schauspiel, von A. G-. M. Erei bearbeitet flir die Biihne von C. M. Pliimicke. Berlin, 1783. 8vo. (E. E. "W.). See GEOTE (G.). Geschichte Griechlands. Mela (Pomponius). Pornponij Melse de sitv Orbis libri tres, cu annotationibus Petriloannis Oliuarij Valetini, Christianiss. reginsD Erancorum in literis alumni, viri in Geographia eruditissimi. [D. M.] Parisiis, 1539. 8vo. . Pomponii Melae de situ Orbis libri iii. Cum notis integris Hermolai Barbari [&c.]. Curante Abrahamo Gronovio. Editio altera. [G. G.] Lugduni Batavorum, 1748. 8vo. Melan[ch]thon (Philippus). See SACEOBOSCO (Johannes de). Libellus, de Sphaera, cum p reef acione Philippi Melanth. '. See STIFELIUS (M.). Arithmetics Integra. Cum prcefatione P.M. . Philipp Melanchthon's Erziihlung vom Leben D. Martin Luthers. Uebersetzt [&c.] von D. Erieder. Theoph. Zimmer- mann [&c.]. Neue Auflage. [G. G.] Gottingen, 1816. 8vo. Melandrus (Otho). locorvm atqve seriorvm, tvm novorum, turn selectorum atque memorabilium centurise aliquot ivcvndae, svaves et amoenaB, nee non utiles, & festivsB, lectuque & maximopere dignae, recensente, Othone Melandro, I. V. D. Nvnc denvo avctse, et in hac portatili forma pro hominibus sak'um & facetiarum amantibus ad delectationem ipsorum, vltimum editae. [D. M.] Norimbergce, 1643. 8vo. MeUis (John). See EECOED (E.). . A briefe instruction and maner how to keepe Bootes of Accompts after the order of Debitor and Creditor, & as well for proper Accompts partible, &c. By the three bookes named the Memoriall Journal & Leager, and of other necessaries apper- . tabling to a good and diligent marchant . . JNewely augmented and set forth by J. M., Scholemaister, 1588. [D. M.] London, 1588. 8vo. Melrose (A.). A concise system of Practical Arithmetic, adapted to the use of schools ; in two parts : Part I. Containing the funda- mental rules, and their application to the purposes of mercantile calculations. Part II. Containing vulgar and decimal fractions ; the powers and roots of numbers, progressions, &c. To which is added, the mensuration of artificers' works, &c. By A. M., late Teacher in Edinburgh. The whole revised, [etc.] By A. Ingram, Mathematician. Second edition, with Tables of the Monies [etc.] By William Stenhouse, Accountant, Edinburgh. [D. M.] Edinburgh, . . [ .] 8vo. Melzer (Ernestus Eridericus). De origine Pecuniae dissertatio . . scripsit [&c.] E. E. M. [G. G.] Olsnae, 1828. 8vo. 464 MEM MEN Memnon. Memnouis Historiarvm Heracleae Ponti excerpta servata a Photio Graece cvm versione Latina Lavr. Rhodomanni. Accedvnt . . fragmenta [&c.] Omnia collegit . . lo. Conradvs Orellivs. [Q-. GK] Lipsiae, ISI6. 8vo. Memoirs. Memoirs of a Demi-rep of Fashion : or the private history of Miss Amelia G-unnersbury. [Q-. GK] London, 1775. 12mo. Memory. Notes to assist the Memory in various sciences. Second edition. [GK GK] London, 1827. 8vo. Menabrea (Leon). De rOrigine, de la Forme, et de 1'Esprit des Juge- ments rendus au Moyen-Age contre les Animaux: avec des documents inedits. Par L. M. [a. GK] Chambery, 1846. 8vo. (L. F.). Sketch of the Analytical Engine invented by Charles Babbage, Esq. By L. F. M., of Turin, Officer of the Military Engineers. With notes by the Translator. [The Countess of Lovelace.'] Extracted from the ' Scientific Memoirs,' vol. iii. [D. M.] London, 1843. 8vo. . Addition to the [above] Memoir. [From The Philosophical Magazine, 1843. By Mr. Babbage J\ 8vo. Menage (Grilles). See MALHEEBE (F. de). Poesies, avec les observa- tions de Menage. . Menagiana, ou bons mots, rencontres agreables, pensees judicieuses, et observations curieuses, de M. M. Troisieme edition. Amsterdam, 1713. 12mo. . Menagiana, ou les bons mots et remarques critiques [&c.] de M. M., recueillies par ses Amis. 4 torn. Troisieme edition. [GK GK] Paris, 1715. 12mo. Menander. Menandri et Philemonis reliquiae. Edidit Augustus Meineke. Accedunt R. Bentleii . . emendationes. [GK GK] Berolini, 1823. 8vo. (Protector"). See DEXIPPUS (Publius Herennius). Menant (Joachim). Rapport a son excellence M. le Ministre d'Etat sur les Inscriptions Assyriennes du British Museum. Par M. J. M. [GK GK] Paris, 1862. 4to. Mendelssohn (Moses). Phaedon : oder iiber die Unsterblichkeit der Seele in drey Gresprachen. Von M. M. Berlin, 1767. 8vo. Mendoza (Hurtado de). Maximes politiques du Pape Paul III. See GrUEUDEVILLE ( de). Menke (Theodorus). Lydiaca. Dissertatio Ethnographica Theodori M., Bremani. [G. GK] Berolini, 1843. 8vo. . Orbis antiqui descriptio for the use of Schools. Edited by T. M. Second edition. [GK GK] Gotha, 1855. 4to. Menken ( ). De la Charlatanerie des Savans. Par Monsieur M. : Avec des Remarques critiques de differens auteurs. Traduit en Francoi^. [D. M.] La ffaye, 1721. 12mo. Mennius (Carolus). See LEY (F.). Theses. Mentelius (Jacobus). Y^IKAEOYC ANAfcOPIKOC . . vulgatus per I. Mentelivm. See HELIODOEUS. MEN MEE 465 KEenut de St. Mesmin ( ). Almanach Remain sur la Loterie Eoyale de France. Par M. M. d. St. M. Eevu, corrige et aug- mente des Tableaux d'Ambes non sortis et de la lotonomie. [D. M.] Paris, [? 1829.] 8vo. Menzel (Karl Adolf), Neuere Geschichte der Deutschen von der Eeformation bis zur Bundes-acte. Yon K. A. M. 10 Bde. [G-. G.] Breslau, 1826-1843. 8vo. Mercator (Nicolaus). Logarithmo-technia : sive Methodus constru- endi Logarithmos nova, accurate, & facilis ; scripto antehac com- municata, Anno Sc. 1667. Nonis August!: Cui nunc accedit. Vera Quadratura Hyperbolae, & Inventio Summse Logarithmorum. Auctore Nicolao Mercatore Holsato, e Societate Eegia. Huic etiam jungitur Michaelis Angeli Eiccii Exercitatio Geometrica de Maximis & Minimis ; hie ob Argument! prsestantiam & Exem- plarium raritatem recusa. [D. M.] Londini, 1668. 4to. Mercy (Frederic). L'Art Moderne en Allemagne. [Extra! t de la Revue des Deux Mondes.'] [Q-. Gr.] Paris, [ .] 8vo. Meredith (Evan Powell). Amphilogia, or Correspondence on the Teaching of Jesus, between the Eight Eeverend, the Lord Bishop of Llandaff, and E. P. M., . . also Correspondence, touching the divine origin of the Christian Eeligion, between the Eev. John. Fairfax Francklin, M.A. . . and E. P. M. Second edition. London, [1866.] 8vo. . The Prophet of Nazareth . . By E. P. M. Prize Essay. [GK GK] London, 1864. 8vo. Merian (Matthseus). M. Z. Topographia Helvetia, Ehaetias, et Valesise : Das ist, Beschreibung mid eigentliche Abbildung der vornehmsten Stadte und Platze in der hochloblichen Eydgenosz- schafft, Graubiindten, Walh's, und etlicher zugewandteii Orthen. [G. G.] Franckfurt am Mayn, 1654. fol. Merimee (Prosper). See JACQTJEMONT (Victor). . Carmen. Par P. M. [G. G.] Pans, 1846. 8vo. . Columba : suivi de La Mosaique et autres contes et nouvelles. Par P. M. Nouvelles editions revues et corrigces. [G. G.] Paris, 1845. 8vo. . Etudes sur 1'Histoire Eomaine. Par P. M. [G. G.] Paris, 1844. 8vo. . Histoire de don Pedro P r ., Eoi de Castille. Par P. M. [G. G.] Paris, 1848. 8vo. . Notes d' un Voyage dans le Midi de la France. Par P. M. [G. G.] Bruxelles, 1835. 12mo. Merkel[-ius] (Eudolphus). See AESCHYLUS. Persae. See OVIDIUS NASO (P.). Merleker (Carolus Fridericus). Achaicorum libri tres. Composuit C. F. M. [G. G.] Darmstadii, 1837. 8vo. . Historisch-geographische Darstellung des Landes und der Bewohner von Epeiros. Von Dr. K. F. M. 2 Th. [G. G.] Konigsberg in Pr., 1841-44. 4to. 466 MEE MEY Merobaudes. Merobaudes et Corippus. Recognovit Imm. Bekker, [Hist. Byzant.] Bounce, 1836. 8vo. Merrifield (Charles ~W.). On a New Method of Approximation appli- cable to Elliptic and Ultra-elliptic Functions. Second Memoir. By C. W. M. [Prom the Philosophical Transactions, 1862.] [D. M.] 4to. . On the Comparative Value of Simpson's Two Rules, and on Dr. Woolley's Eule. By C. W. M., Esq., F.R.S. [Eead at the Sixth Session of the Institution of Naval Architects, April 6th, 1865.] [D. M.] London. 4to. (John) and Evers (Henry). Navigation and Nautical Astronomy (Practical, Theoretical, Scientific) for the use of students and practical men. By J. M., P.E.A.S., of the Science School, and Head Master Navigation School, Plymouth and Henry Evers, of Charles School and the Science School Plymouth. [D. M.] London, 1868. 8vo. Mersenne (Marin). La Terite des Sciences. Centre les Sceptiqves ou Pyrrhoniens . . Par P. M. Mersenne, de TOrdre des Minimes. [D. M.] Paris, 1625. 8vo. . Novarvm observationvm Physico-Mathematiearvm F. Marini Merseiini, Minimi. Tomvs III. Qvibus accessit Aristarchvs Samivs de Mvndi Systemate. [D. M.] Parisiis, 1647. 4to. . Universe Geometrise, mixtaeqve mathematics synopsis, et bini refractionvm demonstratarvm tractatvs. Studio Abbe. See DTTFRESNE (C.). Lexicon manuale. . See JOANNES, Sarisburiensis. Sceculum XII ; &c. . See MOEIN (E-). Dictionnaire de PJiilosopnie, fyc., publie par TAbbe M. . Dictionnaire des Sciences occultes . . ou Repertoire universel des etres, des personnages, des livres, des faits et des choses qui tiennent aux apparitions, aux divinations, a la magie, au com- merce de Tenfer, aux demons [&c.] suivi du traite historique des dieux et des demons du paganisme, par Binet ; et de la reponse a 1'histoire des oracles de Fontenelle, par Baltus. Publie par M. 1'abbe M. 2 vol. [D. M.] Paris, 1846-52. 8vo. . Patrologise Cursus completus. . . Series prima, in qua pro- deunt Patres, Doctores, Scriptoresque Ecclesise Latinse a Tertulliano ad Gregorium Magnum. Accurante J.-P. M. . . Patrologiae tomus LXIV. Boetii tomus posterior. [D. M.] Parisiis, 1847. 4to. MIH MIL 469 Mihill (Bichard). A Treatise on the various lengths of the Days, Nights, and Twilights, with tables of the Latitude and Longitude of the most eminent towns, harbours, headlands, and islands, in the world, and their bearings and distance from London ; with a short discourse on heat, cold, and twilight. The whole being very plain and easy, diverting and instructive. Illustrated with a copper-plate, shewing the length of the days, nights, and twi- lights, at Bridge-Town, in Barbadoes, when the Sun is on the tropicks and equator. Also, a moveable planisphere, . . which, with a semi-circle of sinical hours, sheweth the time of the Sun's rising [&c.] in all parts of the globe . . likewise a moveable ortho- graphical projection on the plain of the equator, with a moveable index . . By B. M., late midshipman on board his Majesty's ship Elizabeth. [D.M.] London, 1755. 4to. Mill (James). See VILLEES (C.). Lutlier. . Analysis of the phenomena of the Human Mind. By J. M. In two volumes. [G. GK] London, 1829. 8vo. . Analysis of the phenomena of the Human Mind. By J. M. "A new edition with notes illustrative and critical by Alexander Bain, Andrew Findlater, and George Grote : edited with additional notes by John Stuart Mill. In two volumes. [D. M.] London, 1869. 8vo. . Elements of Political Economy. By J. M., Esq. [G. G.] London, 1821. 8vo. . The Principles of Toleration. By J. M., Esq. [D. M.] London, 1837. 12mo. (John Stuart). See MILL (James). Analysis of the phenomena of the Human Mind, . Letter to the Editor of The Eeader, 29th April, 1865. See ROMILLY (H.). Public Responsibility and Vote by Ballot. , An Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy and of the principal philosophical questions discussed in his writings. By J. S. M. [D. M.] London, 1865. 8vo. . A System of Logic, ratiocinative and inductive, being a con- nected view of the principles of evidence, and the methods of scientific investigation. By J. S. M. In two volumes. Sixth edition, [D. M.] London, 1865. 8vo. . Another copy. Fifth edition. [G. G.j 1862. 8vo. . Considerations on Representative Government. [G. G.] London, 1861. 8vo. . Essays on some unsettled questions of Political Economy. By J. S. M. [G. G,] London, 1844. 8vo. . Another copy. Third edition. [G. G.] London, 1867. 8vo. . Philosophy of Auguste Comte. By J. S. M. [Extracted from the Westminster and Foreign Quarterly Review. April 1, 1865.] [G. G.] London. 8vo. . The Subjection of Women. By J. S. M. [G. G.] London, 1869. 8vo. 470 MIL Miller (Emmanuel). See ORIGEN. Philosophumena. (Johann Peter). See MOSHEIM (J. L. von). Sitten-Lehre der Heiligen Schrift. . J. P. Millers vollstiindiger Auszug aus den sieben Theilen der Mosheimischen Sittenlehre der heiligen Schrift. Nebst einem kurzen Abrisse des achten Theils. Halle, 1765. 8vo. (Samuel). Suggestions for a general equalization of the Land Tax. By S. M., Esq. [G-. G-.] London, 1839, 8vo. (W. H.). On the construction of the New Imperial Standard Pounds ; on the comparison of the New Standards with the Kilogramme des Archives ; and on the construction of secondary standard pounds, a ten-pounds weight, a kilogramme, and a series of Troy ounce weights. By W. H. M. . . Professor of Mineralogy in the University of Cambridge. [From the Philo- sophical Transactions, Part TIT, for 1856.] [D. M.] London, 1857. 4to. . On the Crystallographic Method of Grassmann, and on its employment in the investigation of the general G-eometric pro- perties of Crystals. By W. H. M., M.A. Professor of Mine- ralogy in the University of Cambridge. Printed from Part V. of the Proceedings of the " Cambridge Philosophical Society." [D. M.] Cambridge, 1868. 8vo. . The Elements of Hydrostatics and Hydrodynamics. By W. H. M., M.A., . . Professor of Mineralogy in the University of Cambridge. Third edition. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1843. 8vo. (W. J.). Mathematical Questions with their Solutions. From the " Educational Times." Edited by W. J. M., B.A., Mathematical Master, Huddersfield College. Vol. I. XIV. [D. M.] London, 1864-71. 8vo. Millet (J.). Histoire de Descartes avant 1637, suivie de 1'Analyse du Discours de la Methode et des Essais de Philosophie. Par J. M. . . Professeur de Philosophie au Lycee imperial de Clermont- Ferrand. [G-. G-.] Paris, 1867. 8vo. Millin (Aubin-Louis). Mineralogie Homerique, ou essai sur les Mineraux dont il est fait mention dans les Poemes d'Homere. Par.A.-L. M. [G-. G-.] Paris, 1790. 8vo. Milne (Alexander). Craniotomy and Cephalotripsy contrasted ; with cases. By A. M.* [Seven copies.] Edinburgh, 1868. 8vo. . Manual of Materia Medica and Therapeutics embracing all the Medicines of the British Pharmacopoeia, &c. &c. By A. M., M.D., . . Second edition. Edinburgh, 1869. 8vo. . On the combined external and internal method of Version. With cases. By A. M.* [Three copies.'] Edinburgh, 1869. 8vo. . Eemarks on Betro version of the Gravid Uterus. By A. M.* Edinburgh, 1869. 8vo. [* Bead before the Edinburgh Obstetrical Society.] MIL 471 Milne (John Duguid). Industrial employment of Women in the middle and lower ranks. By J. D. M. Revised edition. [G. G.] London, 1870. 8vo. (Joshua). A Catalogue of the . . Library of Books of J. M., Esq. deceased. [Sale-catalogue. .] [D. M.] \_London,~] 1851. 8vo. . A Treatise on the Valuation of Annuities and Assurances on Lives and Survivorships ; on the construction of Tables of Mortality ; and on the Probabilities and Expectations of Life. Wherein the laws of mortality that prevail in different parts of Europe are determined, and the comparative mortalities of different diseases and of the two sexes are shown : with a variety of new tables. By J. M., Actuary to the Sun Life Assurance Society. In two volumes. [D. M.] London, 1815. 8vo. . Treatises on the Law of Mortality, and on Annuities. By J. M., Esquire. Forming the articles under those heads in the seventh edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1837. 4to. Milnes (Richard Monckton). A speech on the Ballot delivered in the House of Commons on Tuesday June 13, 1839 : by R. M. M., Esq. [G. G.] London, 1839. 8vo, . Palm Leaves. By R. M. M. [G. G.] London, 1844. 8vo. Milton (John). Poetical Works. See AKDEESON, British Poets. Vol. V. . Joannis Miltoni Angli, Artis Logicae plenior Institutio, ad Petri Rami Methodum concinnata, adjecta est Praxis Analytica & Petri Rami vita. Libris duobus. [D. M.] Londini, 1672. 12mo. . Joannis Miltoni Angli De Doctrina Christiana libri duo posthumi, quos PX schedis manuscriptis deprompsit, et typis mandari primus ' curavit Carolus Ricardus Sumner, A.M., Bibliothecae Regias Prsefectus. [I. O.] Cantabrigice, 1825. 4to. . The Complete Poetical Works of John Milton. With Life of the Author : and Dr. Channing's Essay on the poetical genius of Milton. London [Halifax], 1866. 8vo. -. The Poetical Works of John Milton. In three volumes. [G. G.] London, 1826. 8vo. . Paradise Lost. A poem in Twelve Books. The author J. M., from the text of Thomas Newton, D.D. [G. G.] Birmingham, 1759. 4to. . Paradise Regained. A Poem in Eour Books : to which is added Samson Agonistes and poems upon several occasions. The author J. M. Erom the text of Thomas Newton, D.D. [G. GJ Birmingham, 1759. 4to. . A treatise on Christian Doctrine. Compiled from the Holy Scriptures alone, by J. M. Translated from the original by Charles R. Sumner, M.A. [I. 0.] Cambridge, 1825. 4to. . Paradise Lost. A Poem, in twelve books. The Author J. M. The ninth edition, with notes of various authors, by Thomas Newton, D.D., late Lord Bishop of Bristol. In two volumes. [D. M.] London, 1790. 8vo. 472 MIL MIS Milton (John). The First, Second, and Third Books of Milton's Paradise Lost. With notes on the Analysis, and on the Scrip- tural and Classical Allusions, and a life of Milton. By C. P. Mason, B.A. 3 vol. London, 1870-72. 8vo. Minasi (Frederic James). An appendix to Mr. Minasi's Evidence before the Eoyal Commission on Decimal Coinage : being a series of actual Commercial Examples, arranged for the purpose of comparing the merits of decimal systems of money and ac- countancy, based respectively on the pound sterling and the penny, with each other and with the system at present in use. [Separately printed.] [D. M.] London, 1857. fol. Minding (E. F. A.). Sur les integrates de la forme P et P etant deux polynomes entiers. (Par Mr. E. F. A. M.) [From Crelle's Journal d. M. Bel. X] [D. M.] 4to. Minto (Walter). See STEWAET (D.), Earl 'of Buchan; and MINTO (W.). Minutius Felix (M.). M. Minucii Felicis Octavius cum integris omnium notis ac commentariis, novaque recensione Jacobi Ouzeli. Cujus & accedunt animadversiones. Insuper Johannis Meursii notae. Et liber Julii Firmici Materni V. C. de errore profanarum religionum. [G-. G-.] Lugduni Batavorum, 1672. 8vo. . M. Minucii Felicis Octavius cum integris observationibus Nic. Eigaltii, et selectis aliorum. Eecensuit [&c.] Joannes Davisius. Praemittitur Franc. Balduini Dissertatio. Oantabrigice, 1707. 8vo. . M. Minucii Felicis Octavius ex iterata recensione Joannis Davisii cum ejusdem animadversionibus ac notis integris Des. Heraldi et Me. Eigaltii nee non selectis aliorum. Accedit Com- modianus eevi Cyprianici scriptor, cum observationibus antehac editis, aliisque nonnullis quse jam primum prodeunt. [G. a.] Cantabrigiw, 1712. 8vo. Mirabeau (Honore Gabriel de Eiqueti), Comte de. See EIQTJETI. Miscellanea Curiosa. Containing a collection of some of the principal Phenomena in Nature, accounted for by the greatest Philosophers of this age : being the most valuable discourses, read and delivered to the Eoyal Society, for the advancement of Physical and mathematical knowledge. As also a Collection of curious Travels, Voyages, Antiquities, and Natural Histories of Countries; presented to the same Society. To which is added, A Discourse of the Influence of the Sun and Moon on Human Bodies, &c. By E. Mead, M.D., F.E ; S, And also Fontenelle's Preface of the Usefulness of Mathematical Learning. In thr,ee volumes. Vol. I. (third edition) revised and corrected, by W. Derham, F.E.S. 1725. Vol. II. (first edition) To which is added the laws of Stereographick Projection, laid down and demonstrated by Ja. Hodgson, F.E.S. 1723. Vol. III. (second edition), revised and corrected by W. Derham, F.E.S., 1727. [D. M.] London. 8vo. MIS MOE 473 Miscellanea Curiosa Mathematica : or, the literary Correspondence of some eminent Mathematicians in Great Britain and Ireland. Con- taining a choice collection of mathematical essays and dissertations on what is most valuable and really useful, not only in algebra, trigonometry, the doctrine of chances, astronomy, chronology, geometry, gunnery, infinite series, fluxions, fluents, exponentials, the quadrature of curves, &c. but likewise a curious collection of 160 new problems, with their solutions, in most branches of the mathematics . . Vol. I. Illustrated with copper plates. [No. I. IX.] Vol. II. [No. I. V. and the part of No. VI. which was printed, but not published.] [D. M.] London, 1749-55. 4to. Graeca Dramatica. . . By a Graduate of Cambridge. [G. G,] Cambridge, [ .] 8vo. Scientifica Curiosa. [Edited by John Green, A.M. and William Wells. Reuben Burrow's copy.] No. I. VII. & Articles VIII. XX. [Title-page wanting.] [IX M.] 4to. Mistriotos (Georgios). See GREECE. Athens. KPI2IS TOT BOY- T2INAIOY IIOIHTIKOY ATONOU TOY ETOYS 1871. Mitchell (James). A Dictionary of the Mathematical and Physical Sciences, according to the latest improvements and discoveries. Edited by J. M., A.M., E.A.S. [D. M.] London, 1823. 12mo. (John). See DAVID (J.). A. grammatical parallel, (T.). See REISKIUS (J. J.). Indices Grcecitatis, . Index Graecitatis Isocraticae. Accedit index nominum pro- prioruni. Uterque confectus opera T. M., A.M. . . Oxonii, 1828. 8vo. <-. Index Graecitatis Platonicae. Accedunt indices historici et geographici. Confecit T. M. 2 torn. [G. G.] Oxonii, 1832. 8vo. Mitford (William). The History of Greece. By W. M., Esq. 8 vol. [G. G.] London, 1814. 8vo. Mitscherlich (Chr. Guil.). See OYIDIUS NASO (P.). Opera omnia. Mnaseas. Mnaseae Patarensis Eragmenta. Collegit et commentario instruxit Eugenius Mehler, PhS. Doct. [G. G.] Lugduni-Batavorum, 1847. 8vo. Mocenicus (Philippus), Philippi Mocenici Archiepiscopi Nicosiensis Regiii Cypri [&c.]. Vniuersales Institutiones ad hominum Perfectionem. [G. G.] Venetiis, 1581. 4to. Moeller (B. C.). Eiir Eamilien, welchen Religioses Gefiihl vorziiglich im Hauslichen Leben viel wehrt ist . Hamburg, 1790. 8vo. Moeris. Moeridis Atticistae Lexicon Atticum cum . . notis . . illustravit Joannes Piersonus. Accedit Aelii Herodiani Philetaerus [&c.]. . . edidit Georg Aenotheus Koch. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1830. 8vo. 474 MOE-MOI Moeser (Justus). Patriotische Phantasien. YonJ.M. Herausgegeben von seiner Tochter J. W. J. v. Voigfc, geb. Moser. Neue . . Auflage. Th. 1-3. Berlin, 1778. 8vo. Mohammed Ben Musa. The Algebra of M. B. M. Edited and translated by Frederic Rosen. [ With the Arabic text.~] Printed for the Oriental Translation Fund. [D. M.] London, 1831. 8vo. . Le Messahat de M. B. Moussa Al Kharezini, extrait de son Algebre traduit et annote par Aristide Marre. Seconde edition revue et corrigee sur le texte arabe publie par Rosen. [D. M.] Rome, 1866. 4to. Mohn (H.). Om Kometbanernes indbyrdes Beliggenhed. Besvarelse af Universitets-Prisopgave for 1860. Af H. M. [&c.]. Un[i]- ver[s]itets-Program for f^rste Semester. Christiania, 1861. 4to. Mohnike (Gottl. Christ. Friedr.). See HTJTTEN (IT.). Jugendleben. . Kleanthes der Stoiker. Von G. C. F. M., Erstes Bandchen Poetische Ueberreste. [With the 'YMNOS 'EIS AIA, and Ger- man translation.] [G. G.] Greifswald, 1814. 8vo. Mohr (Ulrich von). Das neue Erbrecht des eidgenossischen Standes Graub unden . . nebst einer Uebersetzung in italianischer und (oberlander-) romanischer Sprache . . Herausgegeben von. U. v. M. [G. G.] Chur, 1847. 8vo. . Geordnete Gesetzes-Sammlung und grundsatzliche Ueber- sichten der Achtzehn Erbrechte des eidgenossischen Standes G-raubiinden, [&c.]. Von U. v. M. [G. G.] Chur, 1831. 8vo. Moigno (Francois). See CAUGHT (A.-L.). Lemons de Calcul differentiel, &c. Moivre (Abraham de). Annuities on Lives : second edition, plainer, fuller, and more correct than the former. "With several tables, exhibiting at one view, the values of lives, for several rates of interest. By A. de M., Fellow of the Royal Societies of London and Berlin. [D. M.] London, 1743. 4to. . Annuities on Lives : with several tables, exhibiting at one view, the values of lives, for different rates of interest. Fourth edition, in which are added, tables for three and three and a half per cent. By A. de M. [D. M.] London, 1752. 8vo. . De Mensura Sortis, seu, de probabilitate eventuum in ludis a casu fortuito pendentibus. Autore A. de M., B.S.S. [Numb. 329 of the Philosophical Transactions. For the Months of January, February, and March, 1711.] [D. M.] 4to. . The Doctrine of Chances : or, a method of calculating the probability of events in play. By A. de M., F.R.S. London, 1718. 4to. . The second edition [Probabilities of Events, &c.], Fuller, Clearer, and more Correct than the First. London, 1738. 4to- . The third edition, Fuller, Clearer, and more Correct than the Former. [D. M.] London, 1756. 4to. MOI MOL 475 Moivre (Abraham cle). Miscellanea Analytica cle Seriebus et Quadra- turis. Accessere variae considerationes, de methodis compara- tionum, combinationum, & differentiarum solutiones difficiliorum aliquot problematum ad sortem spectantium, itemque construc- tiones faciles orbium planetarum, una cum determinatione maxi- rnarum & minimarum mutationum quaa in motibus corporum coelestiuni occurrunt. [With the Miscellaneis Analyticis Supple- mentum.] [D. M.] Londinl, 1730. 4to. Mole (Henry). See HODDEE (J.). Arithmetic^. Moleschott (Jac.). Der Kreislauf des Lebens. Physiologische Antworten auf Liebig's chemische Brief e. Yon J. M. Zweite Auflage. [G. G.] Mainz, 1855. 8vo. . Georg Forster, der Naturf orscher des Yolks. . . Zur Feier des 26. November 1854. Yon J. M. [G. G.] Frankfurt a. M., 1854.' 8vo. . Licht und Leben. Rede beim Antritt des offentlichen Lehramts zur Erforschung, der Natur des Menschen, an der Zuricher Hochschule. Yon J. M. [G. G.] Frankfurt a. M., 1856. 16mo. . Physiologic des Stoffwechsels in Pflanzen und Thieren. . .' Yon Dr. J. M. [G. G.] Erlangen, 1851. 8vo. . Physiologisches Skizzenbuch. Yon. J. M. [G. G.] Giessen, 1861. 8vo. . De L' Alimentation et du Regime. Par J. M. Traduit de 1'Allemand sur la troisieme edition par M. Ferdinand Flocon, et revu par 1'auteur. [G. G.] Paris, 1858. 8vo. Molesworth (Sir William), Bart. See HOBBES (T.). Opera Philoso- phica ; and English Works. . Speech of the Et. Hon. Sir W. M., Bt., M.P., in the House of Commons, June 13, 1854, on the Ballot. [G. G.] London, 1854. 8vo. . Speech of Sir W. M., on seconding Mr. Ward's resolutions respecting the Colonial Lands, in the House of Commons, June 27, 1839. [G. G.] London, 1839. 8vo. . Speech of Sir W. M., on Transportation. Delivered in the House of Commons on the 5th May, 1840. [G. G.] London, 1840. 8vo. . Report from the Select Committee of the House of Commons on Transportation together with a letter from the Archbishop of Dublin on the same subject : and notes by Sir W. M., Chairman of the Committee. [Report reprinted.'] [G. G.] London, 1838. 8vo. Moliere ( Jean-Baptiste Poquelin de). See POQTJELIN. Molineus (Petrus). Petri Molinei Elementa Logica, ab authore re- cognita. [D.M.] Ex Officina Plantiniana Raphelengii, 1603. 8vo. Moll ( ). See SCIENCE. On the alleged decline of Science in England. 476 MOL MON Moller (E.). Ueber die Bedeutung von Aorist und Prasens im Griech- ischen Iinperativ. [G. G.] \_Philologus. VI. Jahrg. 1.] 8vo. Mollerns (Johannes). See MORHOFIUS (D. Gr.). Polyhistor. Moltke (Freihernn von). Der russisch-tiirkische Eeldzug in der euro- paischen Tiirkei 1828 und 1829. Dargestellt durch lYeihernn von M. mit Karten und Planen. [Gr. Gr.] Berlin, 1845. 8vo. Molyneux (Echlin). Dublin Law School. Introductory Lecture on Equity. Delivered in the Theatre of the Royal Dublin Society . . 23rd November, 1839. By E. M., Esq. DvbUn, 1839. 8vo. (William). Dioptrica nova. A treatise of Dioptricks, in two parts. Wherein the various effects and appearances of Spherick Glasses, both convex and concave, single and combined, in Telescopes and Microscopes, together with their usefulness in many concerns of humane life, are explained. By W. M. of Dublin, Esq,, .Fellow of the Eoyal Society. The second edition. [D. M.] London, 1709. 4to. '. Sciothericum Telescopicum ; or, a new contrivance of adapting a Telescope to an horizontal Dial for observing the moment of time by Day or Night. Useful in all astronomical observations, and for regulating and adjusting curious Pendulum-Watches and other Time-Keepers, With proper tables requisite thereto. By W, M. [D. M.] Dublin, 1686. 4to. Mommsen (Augustus). Athene Christianse. Scripsit A. M. [Gr, Gr.] Lrpsice, 1868. 8vo. (Theodorus). See CASSJOPORTJS (M. A.). Chronik. . See PRUSSIA. Academia Litt. Regia. Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. Inscriptiones Latinae ; <$fc. . Das Edict Diocletians de pretiis rerum venalium vom J. 301. [Berichte der K. S. Ges. d. W. phil.-hist. Classe, 1851.] [Gr. G.] 8vo. . De Collegiis et Sodaliciis Eomanorum scripsit T. M. Accedit inscriptio Lanuvina. [Gr. Gr.] Kiliae, 1843. 8vo. . Die romischen Tribus in administrativer Beziehung. Yon T. M. [G. a.] Altona, 1844. 8vo. . E-es gestae Divi Avgvsti. Ex monvmentis Ancyrano et Apol- loniensi edidit T. M. Accedvnt tabvlae tres. [G-. G-.] Berolini, 1865. 4to. Uber das rbmische Munzwesen. Von T. M. [Abhandl. d. K. S. G-es. d. Wissensch. II.] [GK G-.] 4to. . Ueber den Verfall des romischen Miinzwesens in der Kaiserzeit. [Berichte der K. S. Ges. d. W. phil. hist. Classe, 1851, pp. 180-312.] [G. G.] [Berlin, 1851.] 8vo. Monantholius (Henricus). De Pvncto primo Geometrise principio liber. Avthore Henrico Monantholio, Medico & Mathemati- carum Artium professore Regio. [D. M.] Lvgdvni B., 1600. 4to. Monasteries. See ANNALES MONASTICI. MON 477 Monck (William H. S.). A critical Examination o M. Cousin's Lectures on Locke. By W. H. S. M. Part I. [G-. G-.] Dublin, 1862. 8vo, . The Christian Miracles : being a paper read before the Trinity College Theological Society, . . 1862, By W> H. S. M., A.B. [ &c .] Dublin, 1863. 8vo. Monetary System. The new Monetary System. By a Citizen of the World. [Q-- G-.] London, 1836. 8vo. Money. A select collection of scarce and valuable tracts on Money from the originals of Vaughan, Cotton, Petty, Lowndes, Newton, Prior, Harris, and others : with a preface, notes and index. [G-. G-.] London, 1856. 8vo. Money the representative of Value, [G. GJ-.] London, 1837. 8vo. . The Theory of Money in connection with some of the pro- minent doctrines of Political Economy. By a Scotch Banker. [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1868. 8vo. Money Market. Causes of the present depression in the Money Market, with a suggestion for its relief. [G. G.] London, 1825. 8vo. Mongault (Nicolas Hubert de), Oomte de Peluse Abbe. See CICEEO (M. T.). Lettres. Monge (Gaspard). Application de 1' Analyse a la Geometrie, a 1'usage de 1'Ecole Imperiale Poly technique. Par M. M. [D. M.] Paris, 1807. 4to. . Cinquieme edition, revue, corrigee et annotee par M. Liouville, Membre de TAcademie des Sciences [&c.]. [D. M.] Paris, 1850. 4to. . Essai d' Application de 1' Analyse a quelques parties de la Geo- metrie elementaire. Par M. M.* [D. M.] 4to. . Geometrie descriptive. Par G. M. Quatrieme edition, aug- mentee d'une theorie des Ombres et de la Perspective, extraite des papiers de 1'auteur, par M. Brisson . . Ingenieur en Chef des Ponts et Chaussees. [D. M.] Paris, 1820. 4to. . Memoire sur la Determination des Fonctions arbitrages qui entrent dans les integrates des Equations aux differences par- tielles. ParM. M.t [D. M.] [1773.] 4to. . Memoire sur la Theorie des Deblais et des Remblais. Par M. M.f [D. M.] [1781.] 4to. -. Memoire sur le Calcul integral des Equations aux differences partielles. Par M. M.t [D. M.] [1784.] 4to. . Memoire sur les developpe'es, les Eayons de Courbure, et les differens Genres d'lnflexions des Courbes a double courbure. Par M. M., Professeur de 1'Ecole du Corps Eoyal du Genie.t Me'm. TomeX. [D. M.] [1771.] 4to. [* Erom the Journal de Tticole Imperiale Poly technique. t Memoir es de TAcademie Roy ale des Sciences. ~\ 478 MON Monge (G-aspard). Memoire sur les Fonctions arbitraires continues ou discontinues, qui entrent dans les Integrales des Equations aux Differences finies. Par M. M.* [D. M.] 4to. . Memoire sur les Proprietes de plusieurs genres de Surfaces courbes, particulierement sur celles des Surfaces developpables, avec une Application a la Theorie des Ombres & des Penombres. ParM. M.* [D. M.] 4to. . Memoire sur 1'expression analytique de la generation des sur- faces courbes. Par M. M.* [D. M.] [1784.] 4to. . Memoire sur quelques effets d' Attraction ou de Repulsion apparente entre les Molecules de Matiere. Par M. M.* [D. M.] [1787.] 4to. . Memoire sur une methode d'integrer les Equations aux Differ- ences ordinaires, lorsqu'elies sont elevees, & dans les cas oii leurs Integrales completes sont algebriques. Par M. M.* [D. M.] [1783.] 4to. . Supplement ou Ton fait voir que les Equations aux Differ- ences ordinaires, pour lesquelles les conditions d'Integrabilite ne sont pas satisfaites, sont susceptibles d'une veritable integration, & que c'est de cette integration que depend celle des equations aux differences partielles elevees. Par M. M.* [D. M.] [1784.] 4to. . Traite elementaire de Statique, a 1'usage des Ecoles de la Marine. Par Gr. M. Cinquieme edition. Revue par M. Hachette, Instituteur de FEcole Imperiale Polytechnique [&c.]. [D. M.] Paris, 1810. Svo. and Hachette (J. N. P.). Application de 1'Algebre a la G-eometrie. Des Surfaces du premier et second degre, a 1'usage de 1'Ecole Polytechnique. Par MM. M. et H. [D. M.] Paris, xiii. (1805). 4to. Mongitore (Antoninus). Bibliotheca Sicula, sive de Scrip toribus Siculis, qui turn vetera, turn recentiora saecula illustrarunt, notitiae locvpletissimae ; . . Accessit apparatus praeliminaris operi prsevius, complectens Sicanse Histories prospectum, dis- quisitiones de nomine Sicilise, Siculorum ingenio, & literis, & de compute Olympiadum. Auctore sac. theol. doctore Antonino M., Presbytero Panormitano. 2 torn. [D. M.] Panormi, 1707-14. fol. Monseignat (Chs. de). Un chapitre de la Revolution Franchise, ou Histoire des Journaux en France de 1789 a 1799 ; precedee d'une notice historique sur les journaux. Par Chs. de M. [G-. O.] Paris, 1853. Svo. Montague (Charles), Earl of Halifax. Poetical Works. See AISDEE- SON, British Poets. Vol. VI. Montaiglon (Anatole de). Notice historique et bibliographique sur Jean Pelerin dit le Viateur, Chanoine de Toul, et sur son livre de Artificiali Perspectiva. Par M. A. d. M. [D. M.] Paris, Mai 1861. 8vo. [* From the Memoires de V Academic Roy ale des Sciences. ~\ MON 479 Montalembert (Charles Forbes de), Comte. Institut National de France. Discours prononces dans la. Seance publique tenue par 1'Academie Franchise, pour la reception de M. le C te d. M., le 5 Fe'vrier 1852. [With :] Eeponse de M. Guizot, Directeur de 1'Academie Franchise, au discours de M. le Comte d. M., pro- nonce dans la Seance du 5 Fevrier 1852. [D. M.] Paris, 1852. 4to. Monteferrato (Georgius de). See SACEOBOSCO (J. de). Figura Sphere : cu glosis Georgii de M. Montemont (Albert). Notice sur la Vie et les Ouvrages de Lucy Aikin. Par M. A.M. [D. M.] [ .] 8vo. . Notice sur la Vie et les Ouvrages d'Olivier Goldsmith. Par M. A.M. [D. M.] [ .] 8vo. Montesquieu, C. DE SECOFDAT, Baron de. See SECOKDAT. Montferrier (A.-S. de). Dictionnaire des Sciences mathematiques, pures et appliquees. Par une Societe d'anciens eleves de 1'Ecole Polytechnique, sous la direction de A.-S. de M. Deuxieme edition. 3 torn. [Tome troisitme, Supplement, contenant plusieurs articles sur la Geodesie, la Trigonometric et 1'Astronomie, par M. le Colonel Puissant.] [D. M.] Paris, 1838-40. 4to. Montgomery (James). On the Phrenology of the Hindoos and Negroes . . By J. M. [D. M.] [ ,] 1827. 8vo. (E. M.). The Law of Death and the Law of Life. A Discourse delivered at Mary Street Chapel, Taunton, on Sunday, 12th of February, 1843, on occasion of the Death of Malachi Blake, M. D., by the Eev. E. M. M. [D. M.] Taunton, 1843. 8vo. Montmaur (E. D.). See HAZAED. Essay d' Analyse sur les jeux de hazard. Montpensier, Duke of. See OELEAKS (A. M. P. L. d'), Due de Mont- pensier. Montucci (H.). See DEMOGEOT (J.) and MONTTJCCI (H.). Montucla (Jean-tienne). See OZAJTAM (J.). Recreations in Mathe- matics, &c. . Histoire des Mathematiques, dans laquelle on rend compte de leurs progrcs depuis leur origine jusqu' a nos jours ; ou 1'on expose le tableau et le developpement des principales de- couvertes dans toutes les parties des Mathematiques, les con- testations qui se sont elevees entre les Mathematiciens, et les principaux traits de la vie des plus celcbres. Nouvelle edition, considerablement augmente'e, et prolongee jusque vers 1'epoque actuelle. Par J. -E. M., de 1'Institut national de France. [Acheve et publie par Jerome De la Lande. Tom III. & torn. IV.] [D. M.] Paris, An vii [1799] An x [mai 1802]. 4to. . Histoire des Eecherches sur la Quadrature du Cercle ; Ouvrage propre a instruire des decouvertes reelles faites sur ce probleme celebre, & a servir de preservatif contre de nouveaux efforts pour le resoudre : avec une addition concernant les problcmes de la duplication du cube & de la trisection de Tangle. [D. M.] Paris, 1754. 12mo. 480 MON MOO Montucla (Jean-Etienne). Histoire des Eecherches sur la Quadra- ture du Cercle, avec une addition concernant les problemes de la duplication du cube et de la tri section de Tangle. ParM. Nou- velle edition revue et corrigee. [D. M.] Paris, 1831. 8vo. Monumenta Ecclesiastica Anglicana. See ENGLAND. Franciscaiia. See FRANCISCANS. Historica Britannica. See PETRIE (H.) and SHARPE (J.). Moon (Robert). Light explained on the Hypothesis of the Ethereal Medium being a Viscous Fluid. Part I. Transversal Vibration ; Variation of Velocity ; Double Eef raction ; Linear Polarization ; Elliptical Polarization. By E. M., M.A. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1853. 8vo. . On Professor Challis's recent speculations in Fluid Motion and the Theory of Optics. By E. M. [D. M.] Liverpool, April 7, 1849. 8vo. . On the Symbols sin oo and cos oo, and on Fourier's Theorem, By E. M. [From The Philosophical Magazine, 1845.] [D. M.] 8vo. Moone. The First Book. The Discovery of a New World. Or, a discourse tending to prove, t^iat 'tis probable there may be another habitable World in the Moone : with a discourse con- cerning the possibility of a Passage thither. The third impres- sion. Corrected and enlarged. [D. M.] London, 1640. 8vo. Moore (Edward). Poetical Works. See ANDERSON, British Poets. Vol. X. (Francis). Vox Stellarum : or, a Loyal Almanack for . . 1806. . . By F. M., Physician. [D. M.] London. 8vo. (John). A view of society and manners in France, Switzerland and Germany : with anecdotes relating to some eminent cha- racters. By J. M., M.D. 2 vol. Second edition corrected. [G-. GK] London, 1779. 8vo. . A view of society and manners in Italy : with anecdotes re- lating to some eminent characters. By J. M., M.D. 2 vol. Second edition. [GK GK] London, 1781. 8vo. (Sir Jonas). Moore's Arithmetick : discovering the Secrets of that Art, in numbers and species. In two bookes . . By J. M,, late of Durham. [D. M.] London, 1650. 8vo. . Moore's Arithmetick. In two books. The first treating of the vulgar Arithmetick in all its parts, with several new inven- tions to ease the memory, by Nepairs rods, logarithms, decimals, &c. fitted for the use of all persons. The second of Arithmetick in species or algebra, whereby all difficult questions receive their analytical laws and resolutions, made very plain and easie for the use of scholars and the more curious. To which are added two treatises : 1. A new contemplation geometrical upon the oval figure called the ellipsis. 2. The two first books of Mydorgius his conical sections analized by that reverend divine Mr. W. Oughtred, Englished and completed with cuts. By J. M., Professor of the Mathematicks. [D. M.] London, 1660. 8vo. MOO MOR 481 Moore (Edward). Moore's Arithmetick : in Four Books. Treating of Vulgar Arithme tick in all its parts, with several new inventions to ease the memory, by logarithms, decimals, &c. . . Together with Arithmetick in species or Algebra . . The third edition with additions. To which are added the mathematical treatises : 1. A new contemplation geometrical upon the Oval figure called the Ellipsis. 2. The two first books of Mydorgius his conical sections analyzed by that reverend divine Mr. W. Oughtred, Englished and compleated with cuts. By Sir Jonas Moore, Master Sur- veyor of his Majesty's Ordnance. [D. M.] London, 1688. 8vo. - (Thomas). The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore. [D. M.] Halifax, 1866. 8vo. - . The Fudge Family in Paris. Edited by Thomas Brown the younger, author of the ' Twopenny Post-Bag.' Third edition. [G. G.] London, 1818. 8vo. - . Memoirs, Journal and Correspondence of Thomas Moore. Edited by the Eight Hon. Lord John Eussell, M.P. 8 vol. [G. G-.] London, 1853-56. 8vo. Moorhouse (M.). A Vocabulary, and Outline of the Grammatical Structure of the Murray Biver Language, spoken by the Natives of South Australia, from "Wellington on the Murray, as far as the Rufus. By M. M., Protector of the Aborigines. Adelaide, 1846. 8vo. Morale. La Morale universelle ou les Devoirs de 1'Homme f onde's sur sa Nature. 3 torn. [G. G.] Amsterdam, 1776. 8vo. Mordani (Filippo). Biografia di Paolo Costa descritta da F. M. [G. G.] Forli, 1840. 8vo. More (Henry). A collection of several philosophical writings of Dr. H. M. As namely, his Antidote against Atheism. Appendix to the said Antidote. Enthusiasmus Triurnphatus. Letters to Des Cartes, &c. Immortality of the Soul. Conjectura Cabbalistica The fourth edition. [G. G.] London, 1712. fol. - . Bemarks upon two late Ingenious Discourses : The one, An Essay touching the Gravitation and Non-Gravitation of Fluid Bodies : The other, Observations touching the Torricellian experiment ; so far forth as they may concern any passages in his Enchiridium Metaphysicum. By Dr H. M. [D. M.] London, 1676. 8vo. - (Sir Thomas). Illustris viri Thomae Mori . . De optimo BeipvblicaB statv, deqve nova Insula Vtopia, libri dvo : scriptvm vere avrevm [&c.]. [G. G.] Hanovice, 1613. 12mo. Morell (John Beynell). See FOURIER (C.). Passions of the Human Soul, translated by the Rev. J. R. M. See TENNEMANN (W. G.). Manual of the history of philosophy, enlarged by J. R. M. (Thomas). See AESCHYLUS, 2i 482 MOE Morell (Thomas). See AINSWORTH (Robert). Thesaurus Linyuce Latince Compendia rius. . Notes and Annotations on Locke on the Human Understand- ing, written by order of the Queen ; corresponding in section and page with the edition of 1793. By T. M. [a. G-.] London, 1794. 8vo. Morery (Louys). Le Grand Dictionnaire historique : ou le Melange curieux de 1'histoire sacree et profane . . Par M r3 L. M., Pretre, Docteur en Theologie. Neuvierne edition. 4 torn. [D. M.] Amsterdam, 1702. fol. . Supplement aux anciennes editions. 2 torn. [D. M.] Amsterdam, 1716. fol. Morgan (Arthur). See EQUITABLE SOCIETY. Tdblss. (Silvanus). Horologiographia Optica. Dialling Vniversall and Particular : Speculative and Practicall. In a threefold Prae- cognita, viz. Geometricall, Philosophicall, and Astronomicall ; and a threefold practise, viz. Arithmetical!, Geometricall, and Instrumental!. With diverse propositions of the use and benefit of shadows, serving to prick down the Signes, Declination, and Azimuths, on . Sun-Dials, and diverse other benefits. Illus- trated by diverse Opticall Conceits, taken out of Augilonius, Kercherius, Clavius, and others. Lastly Topothesia, or A feigned description of the Court of Art. Full of benefit for the making of Dials, Use of the Globes, Difference of Meridians, and most Propositions of Astronomie. Together with manyusefull Instru- ments and Dials in Brasse, mads by Walter Hayes, at the Crosse Daggers in More Fields. Written by S. M. [D. M.] London, 1652. 4to. (William). See EQUITABLE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. The Deed of Settlement . . and Nine Addresses by W. M. . See PRICE (R.). Observations on Reversionary Payments. . A view of the rise and progress of the Equitable Society [&c.]. By W. M., F.R.S. [D. M.] London, 1828. 8vo. . Address delivered by the Actuary to the General Court of the Equitable Society on Thursday the 5th December, 1839. [D. M.] [ .] 8vo. . On the method of determining, from the real probabilities of Life, the value of a Contingent Reversion in which Three Lives are involved in the Survivorship. By Mr. W. M.* [D. M.] [1789.] 4to. . On the method of determining, from the real probabilities of Life, the values of Contingent Reversions in which Three Lives are involved in the Survivorship. By Mr. W. M.* [1791.] 4to. . [Continued.] * [1794.] . [Continued.]* [1800.] [D. M.] [* From The Philosophical Transactions.'] MOE 483 Morgan ("William). On the Probabilities of Survivorships between Two Persons of any given ages, and the method of determining the values of Reversions depending on those Survivorships. By Mr. W. M.* [D.M.] [1788.] 4to. . The Doctrine of Annuities and Assurances on Lives and Sur- vivorships, stated and explained. By W. M., Actuary to the Society for Equitable Assurances on lives and survivorships. To which is added, an introduction, addressed to the Society. Also an essay on the present state of population in England and Wales. By the Reverend Dr. Price. [D. M.] London, 1779. 8vo. . The Principles and Doctrine of Assurances, Annuities on Lives, and Contingent Reversions, stated and explained. By W. M., F.R.S. [D. M.] London, 1821. 8vo. Morgensternf-ius] (Carolus). Caroli Morgenstern . . De Platonis Republica commentationes tres. [G-. G-.] Halis Saxonum, 1794. 8vo. . Caroli Morgensternii Symbolae criticae ad Platonis Politiam ab Astio denuo editam. [Gr. GL] Dorpati, 1815. fol. Morhofms (Daniel Greorgius). Danielis GreorgI MorhofI Polyhistor Literarivs Philosophicvs et Tracticvs . . illustratum a Johanne Mo Hero. Editio secunda. [Gr. G-.] Lvbecae, 1714. 4to. . Danielis Greorgii Morhofii Polyhistor, Literarius, Philosophicus et Practicus cum accessionibus virorum clarissimorum loannis Frickii et lohannis Molleri, Elensburgensis. Editio tertia. Cui prsefationem, notitiamque diariorum litterariorum Europae prae- misit lo. Albertus Fabricius, SS. Theol. D. et Professor in G-ymnasio Hamburgensi. 3 torn. [D. M.] Lubecce, 1732. 4to. Morin (Frederic). Dictionnaire de Philosophie et du Theologie scholas- tiques : ou etudes sur 1'Enseignement philosophique et theologique au moyen age . . Par ~F. M. . . public par M. 1'Abbe Migne . . 2 torn. [D. M.] Paris, 1856. 8vo. . Dictionnaire du Droit Criminal. [Gr. Gr.] No titlepage. 8vo. Morkinskinna. Morkinskinna. Pergamentsbog fra f^rste Halvdel af det trettende Aarhundrede. Indeholdende en af de sedste opteg- nelser af norske kongesagaer. Udgiven af C. R. linger. [Udgiven som Universitetsprograin for andet semester 1866.] Christiania, 1867. 8vo. Morland (Sir Samuel). A brief account of the Life, "Writings, and Inventions of Sir S. M., master of Mechanics to Charles the Second. [By J. O. Halliwell.] [D. M.] Cambridge, 1838. 8vo. [* From The Philosophical Transactions. ,] 2x2 484 MOE MOS Morland (Sir Samuel). The Doctrine of Interest, both Simple and Compound : explaine d in a more exact and satisfactory method then has hitherto been published. Wherein the errors of the ordinary tables of rebate for annuities at simple interest, are discovered and rectified. As likewise, equation of payments made practicable and useful for all merchants and others. Together with divers other useful reflections. Humbly presented to His most Sacred Majesty, Charles II. By Sir S. M., Knight and Baronet, 1679. [D. M.] London, 1679. 4to. Morley (Henry). Tables of English Literature. By H.M., Professor of English Literature, University Coll ege, London. London, 1870. 4to. Morpain (A.). Sarc ocele encephaloi'de ; ablation au moyen de la gal- vanosaustique thermique, cicatrisation par M. le Docteur A. M- [With report on thz ccisz by A. Amussat.~\ [From the Gazette des Uopitausc de, Paris, 1869.] Paris. 8vo. Morris (Corbyn). See G-RAUNT (J.). A collection of the yearly Bills of Mortality. III. Observations on the past growth [fc.'\ of London, ivith a continuation of the tables by G. M. (John). See GERRARD (J.). Narrative of the Gunpowder Plot. (Bichard). See BOLLE (Bichard) de Hampole. The PricJce of Conscience. (Bichard). On the words groveling and grovelling, and the connection of the syllable -ling in groveling with the -long in headlong, sidelong, &c. By B. M., Esq. 8vo. Mortimer (Gr. F. W.). The immediate abolition of Slavery com- patible with the safety and prosperity of the Colonies. ... By Gr. F. W. M., M.A. [G-. Gr.] Newcasile-upon-Tyne, 1833. 8vo. Morns (Henricus). Enchiridion Ethicum, prsecipua moralis philo- sophise rudimenta complectens . . Per Henricum Morum. Editio nova. [Gr. Gr.] Amstelcedami, 1695. 12mo. Moschopulus (Emanuel). TOY SO^IiTATOY KAI AOTIu-drov M and especially touching Earef action & Condensation: together with a reply to certain remarks touching the gravitation of fluids. By the Author of Difficiles Nugse. [Chief Justice Matthew Hale.] [D. M.] London, 1677. 8vo. [* From The Philosophical Transactions. f The Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.'] 486 MOT MOU Motley (John Lothrop). History of the United Netherlands, from the death of William the Silent to the ' Twelve Tears' Truce 1609.' By J. L. M. 4 vol. With portraits. [GK G.] London, 1860-67. 8vo. Motte (Andrew). See NEWTON (Sir I.). Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, translated by A. M. Motteville (Frances Bertrand), Dame de. Memoires, pour servir a 1'histoire d'Anne d'Autriche, epouse de Louis XIII. Roi de France. Par Madame de Motteville, une de ses favorites. Tom. I. V. Amsterdam, 1723. 12mo. Mountaine (William). A description of the Lines drawn on Gunter's Scale, as improved by Mr. John Robertson, late Librarian to the Royal Society; and executed by Messrs. Nairne and Blunt, Mathematical Instrument makers, Cornhill, London. With their use and application to practice, exemplified more especially in Navigation and Astronomy. By W. M., Mathematical Examiner to the Honourable Corporation of Trinity-House of Deptford- Strond, and E.R.S. [D. M.] London, 1778. 8vo. - and Dodson (James). An account of the methods used to describe Lines on Dr. Halley's Chart of the terraqueous Globe ; shewing the variation of the magnetic Needle about the year 1756, in all the known seas ; their application and use in correct- ing the Longitude at Sea; with some occasional observations relating thereto. By W. M., and J. D., Fellows of the Royal Society. [D. M.] London, 1758. 4to. Mounteney (Ricardus). See DEMOSTHENES. Ac'yot ' Mourawiev (Nicolas). L'Univers et ses Mondes, et I'Homme et ses Especes. Tires des ecrits en langue russe de N. M. 8. Petersburg, 1840. 8vo. Mourey (C.-V.). La Vraie Theorie des Quantite's negatives et des Quantite's pretendues imaginaires . . Par C.-V. M. [D. M.] -Paris, 1 828. 12mo. Mourgues (Michel). Plan the'ologique du Pythagorisme, et des autres sectes sgavantes de la Grece ; . . avec la Traduction de la Therapeutique de The'odoret . . Par M. M. de la Compagnie de Jesus. 2 torn. [Tom. II. has the title : Plan theolcgique du Paganisme. Tome II. contenant la Therapeutique de Theodoret, avec des analyses, &c.]. [G. G.] Toulouse, 1712. 8vo^ Mouton (Gabriel). Observations diametrorum Solis et Lunse apparentium, meridianarumque aliquot altitudinum solis & paucarum fixarum. Cum tabula declinationum solis constructa ad singula graduum eclipticse scrupula prima . . Huic adjecta est brevis dissertatio de dierum naturalium irsequalitate ; et de temporis sequatione. Una cum nova mensurarum gecmetricarum idea : . . auctore Gabriele M., Lugdunensi. [D. M.] Lucfduni, 1670. 4to. MOX MUE 487 Moxon (Joseph). Compendium EuclidisCuriosi: or, Geometrical Opera- tions. Shewing how with one single opening of the compasses and a straight ruler all the propositions of Euclid's first Five Books are performed. Translated out of Dutch into English, by J. M., Hydrographer to the King's most Excellent Majesty. [D. M.] London, 1677. 4to. . Mathematicks made easy : or a compleat Mathematical Dictionary, explaining all the parts of the Mathematicks, with all the Terms of Art, and difficult phrases, rendred plain and easie to every capacity. Collected from Monsieur Ozanam's Dictionnaire Mathe'matique, Vitalis, and others ; with an appendix containing the quantities of all sorts of Weights and Measures, the characters and meaning of the marks and symbols, or abrevia- tions commonly used in Algebra. Also the definition [&c.] of the principal mathematical Instruments, illustrated on copper cuts, curiously engraven. By J. M. The fourth edition. [D. M.] London, 1705. 8vo. . Mechanick Dyalling : teaching any man, though of an ordinary capacity and unlearned in the mathematicks, to draw a true Sun- Dyal on any Given Plane, however scituated : only with the help of a straight ruler and a pair of compasses ; and without any arithmetical calculation. By J. M. [D. M.] London, 1668. 4to. Mozin ( ), Able. Neues vollstandiges Worterbuch der deutschen und franzosischen Sprache, nach den neuesten und besten Quellen, iiber Sprache, Kiinste und Wissenschaften [&c.]. Von Abbe M., J. Th. Biber, M. Holder, . . und andern. 4 B de - [German-French French-German.] [G. G.] Stuttgart, 1811-12. 4to. Muecke (J. E. A.). Elavius Claudius Julianus. Nach den Quellen von J. E. A. M. II. Abtheilung : Julian's Leben und Schriften. [G. G.] Gotha, 1869. 8vo. Muehlenfels (Ludwig von). On the German and Northern Lan- guages and Literature. [D. M.] London, 1829. 8vo. Muelleiihcff (Karl). Ueber die Weltkarte und Chorographie des Kaiser Augustus. Von K. M. Dr. ph. [&c.]. Kiel, 1856. 4to. Mueller (Albertus). See ARISTOPHANES. Achamenses. Mueller[-us] (Carolus). See DIODOBTJS SICULTJS. . Pseudo-Callisthenis Historiam Eabulcsam edidit C. M. See ' BBIAN. . Aegineticorum Liber scripsit C. M., Silesius. [G. G.] Berolini, 1817. 8vo. . Geographi Grseci Minores . . recognovit [&c.] Carolus Miillerus . . 2 vol. [G. G.]. Parisiis (Didot), 1855-61. 8vo. . Tabulae in geographos Minores a Carolo Mullero instructs. Pars prima. [G. G.] Parisiis (Didot), 1855. 8vo. . Eragmenta Historicorum Grsecorum . . Auxerunt Car. et Theod. Mullen. 5 vol. [G. G.] Parisiis (Didot), 1841-70. 8vo. 488 MUE Mueller[-us] (Carolus). Oratores Attici. Vol. I. Antiphon, Andocides, Lysais, Isocrates, Isaeus, Lycurgus, ^Eschines, Dinarchus, Demades, Declamationes Gorgise et aliorum : Graece cum translatione reficta a Carolo Mullero. Accedunt Scholia, Ulpiani Cornmentarii in Demosthenem et index nominum et rerum absolutissinms. Yol. II. Lycurgus, .^Eschines, Hyperides, Dinarchus, Georgiao Lesbonactis, Herodis, Alcidamentis Declamationes, Eragmeuta Oratoruin Atticorum, Gorgiae Leontini, Antiphontis, Lysiae, Isocratis, Isaei, Lycurgi, Hyperidis, Dinarchi, Demadis, aliorumque sexagmta: Grasce cum translatione reficta a C. M. Accedunt Scholia in orationes Isocratis, ^Eschinis, Demosthenis et index nominum et rerum absolutissinius quern collegit E. Hunziker. Parisiis (Didot), 1847-1858. 8vo. (Carolus Odofredus). See AESCHTLTJS. Eumenides. See EESTTJS. De Verborum signification . . See GERHARD (E.). Hyperboreisck-Romische Studien fur Arckaologie. . See VARRO (M. T.). De lingua Latina. . Archaeologische Mittheilungen aus Griechenland. Nach C. 0. Miiller's hinterlassenen Papieren herausgegeben von Adolf ScholL 1. Athens Antiken-Sammlung. 1. Heft. [G. G.] Frankfurt a/M. 1843. 4to. . C. Odofr. Muelleri de Phidiae Vita et Operibus commenta- tiones tres. [G. G .] Gottingae, 1827. 4to. . Die Etrusker. Vier Biicher van K. O. M. 2 Th. [G. G.] Brcslau, 1828. 8vo. . Geschichten hellenischer Stamme und Stadte. Yon D. K. O. M., Professor an der Universitat Gottingen. 3 Bde. [G. G.] Breslau, 1820-24. 8vo. . Karl Otfried Miiller's kleine deutsche Schriften iiber Eeligion, Kunst, Sprache und Literatur, Leben und Geschichte des Alter- thums. Gesammelt und herausgegeben von Eduard Miiller. 2 Bde. [G. G.] Breslau, 1847-48. 8vo. . Minervae Poliadis sacra et aedem in arce Athenarum illus- travit C. O. M. Professor in Universitate Litteraria Gottingensi extraordinarius. Adiecta est interpretatio inscriptionis Atticae quae ad architecturam aedis huius pertinet. [G. G.] Gottingae, 1820. 4to. . Prolegomena zu einer "Wissenschaftlichen Mythologie von K. O. M. Mit einer antikritischen Zugabe. [G. G.] Gottingen, 1825. 8vo. . Ueber die Wohnsitze, die Abstammung und die altere Ge- schichte des Makedonischen Yolkes . . Yon K. 0. M. [G. G.] Berlin, 1825. 8vo. . History of the Literature of Ancient Greece [Translated by Sir G. C. Lewis]. Yol. I. [Library of Useful Knowledge^] [G. G.] London, 1840. 8vo, MUE 489 Mueller[-ns] (Carolus Odofredus). A history of the Literature of Ancient Greece. By K. O. M. continued after the author's death by John William Donaldson. 3vol. [G. G.] London, 1858. 8vo. . The History and Antiquities of the Doric Race. By C. O. Miiller. Translated from the German by Henry Tufnell and George Cornewall Lewis. Second edition revised. 2 vol. [G. G.] London, 1839. 8vo. (Eberhard). Jahrbuch. See ETTMTJELLER (L.). (Eduard). See MUELLER (Karl Otfried). Kleine deutsche Schriften. (Georg Friedrich Hermann). See RITTER (C.). Die Erdkunde von Asien. Namen- und Sach-Verzeicliniss. (West-Asien.) (Fridericus). See PRTJTZ (R. E.). De Fontibus . . auctores veteres secuti videantur. (Guilielmus Conradus Arm.). De Corcyraeorum Bepublica scripsit G. C. A. M. [G. G.] Gottingae, 1835. 4to. (Heinrich Dietrich). Ueber den Zeus Lykaios. Eine mytho- logische Abhandlung von H. D. M. [Abgedruckt aus dem Pro- gramm des Gymnasiums zu GottingenJ] [G. G.] Gottingen, 1851. 4to. (Hieronymus). See PLATO. Sdmmtliche Werke. (Johann). See E/EGIOMO^TATSTTS. (Johann Jacob). See SWITZERLAND. St. Gallen. Kommis- sionalbericht an den Grossen Hath, fyc. . Der Geschichtschreiber L. Marius Maximus. Eine kritische Untersuchung von Dr. Phil. J. J. M. von Wiilflingen. Leipzig, 1870. 8vo. (Johann Wolfgang). Auserlesene mathematische Bibliothek oder alphabetisches und wissenschaftliches Verzeichniss der besten arithmetischen, algebraischen, geometrischen, trigonome- trischen, geodatischen, mechanischen, optischen, astronomischen, geographischen, gnomonischen, chronologischen, architektonischen und militarischen alten und neuen bis 1820 herausgekommenen Schriften, geordnet von Johann Wolfgang Miiller, Professor der Mathematik am Gymnasium zu Niirnberg. [With the Repertorium in 3 Thle.] [D. M.] Xurnberg, 1820. 8vo. (Joseph). Albanien, Eumelien, und die osterreichischmontene- grinische Granze . . Nach eigenenBeobachtungen dargestellt von Dr. J. M. Mit einer Yorrede von Dr. Paul Joseph Schafarik. [G. G.] Prag, 1844. 8vo. (Peter Erasmus). Ueber den Ursprung und Verfall der islan- dischen Historiographie, nebst einem Anhange iiber die Na- tionalitat der altnordischen Gedichte. Yon P. E. M. . . Aus dem Danischen iibersetzt von L. C. Sander. [G. G.] Kopenhagen, 1813. 8vo. 490 MTJE MTJN Mueller[-us] (Peter Erasmus). Untersuchungen iiber die Geschichte und das Verhaltniss der nordischen und deutschen Heldensage, aus P. E. Miiller's Sagabibliothek II. Band : mit . . Anmer- kungen [&c.] iibersetzt . . von Georg Lange. [G. Gr.] Frank/art am Main, 1832. 12mo. (Wilhelm). Homerische Vorschule. Eine Einleitung in das Studium der Ilias und Odyssee. Von W. M. Zweite Auflage, mit Eioleitung und Anmerkungen von Detlev Carl Wilh. Baum- garten-Crusius. [Gr. Gr.] Leipzig, 1836. 8vo. Muenscher (Eridericus). De Eebus Plataeensium. Scripsit E. M. [G.G.] [ .] 4to. Muetzell (Julius). See CURTIUS ETJFUS (Q.). De Gestis Alexandri Magni. Muirhead (James Patrick), See WATT (James). Mulerius (Nicolaus). See COPERNICUS (N.). Astronomia instaurata. . Tabvlae Erisicse Lunae-Solares quadruplices ; e fontibus Cl. Ptolemsei, Regis Alfonsi, Me. Copernici, & Tychonis Brahe, recens constructae Opera et studio JNlcolai Mvleri Doct. Medici et G-ymnasiarchse Leowardiani. Quibus accessere Solis tabulae totidem ; hypotheses Tychonis illustrate : Kalendarium Eom. vetus, cum methodo Paschali emendata. [D. M.] Alcmarice, 1611. 4to. Mullacli[-ius] (Erid. Guil. Aug.). See ARISTOTLE. . See DEMOCRITUS. Operum fragmenta. . See HIEROCLES. . Eragmenta Philosophorum Grraacorum collegit [&c.] Er. Gruil. Aug. Mullachius. Poeseos philosophicae caeterorumque ante Socratem philosophorum quaa supersunt. Vol. II. Pythagoreos, Sophistas, Cynicos et Chalcidii in priorem Timaei Platonici partem commentaries continens. [G. G.] Parisiis (Didot), 1860-67. 8vo. . Grammatik der Griechischen Vulgarsprache in historischer Entwickelung. Von E. "W. A. M. [G. G.] Berlin, 1856. 8vo. Miiller (Fritz). Eacts and arguments for Darwin. By E. M. "With additions by the author. Translated from the German by W. S. Dallas, E. L. S. [G. G.] London, 1859. 8vo. (Ottfried). Les Etrusques. See GIRATJD (C.). Recherches sur le Droit de Propriete chez les Romains. Mullerus (Johannes Henricus). See BAVARIA. Altdorf. Observa- tiones Astronomico-Physicae selectae in Specvla Altorfina. Munch (Peter Andreas). See MAN AND THE SUDRETS. Chronicle, edited, with historical notes, ~by P. A. M. Munro (H. A. J.). See LUCRETIUS CARUS (T.). De rerum natura. MUN MUE 491 Munsterus (Sebastianus). See ABEAHAMTJS. Sphaera Mvndi ; #c. - . Compositio Horologiorvm, in piano, mvro, trvncis, anvlo, con- cauo, cylindro & uarijs quadrantibus, cum signorum zodiaci & diuersarum horarum inscriptionibus : autore Sebast. Munstero. [D. M.] Basileae, 1531. 4to. rnsnnn mVi nnn. Kalendariv Hebraicvm, opera Sebastian! Munsteri ex Hebraeorum penetralibus iarn reces in lucem seditum : quod no tarn Hebraice studiosis quain Historiographis & Astronomies peritis subseruire potent. [D. M.] Basileae, 1527. 4to. Munting ("Willem de Koning). Over de histiogenese van den Kanker. Academisch Proefschrift . . door W. D. K. M. Utrecht, 1868. 8vo. Muratori (Lodovico Antonio). Archivio Muratoriano, preceduta da una lettera inedita di L. A. M., intorno al metodo de suoi studi per cura di L. O. Edizioue consecrata da Pietro Muratori a celebrare il secondo centenario dalla iiascita del grande aiitenato. [&. a.] Modena, 1872. 4to. Murchison (Sir Roderick Impey), Bart. Addresses delivered at the Anniversary Meetings of the Geological Society of London on the 18th February, 1842, and the 17th February, 1843. By E. I. M., F.E.S., President. [G-. G-.] London, 1842-43. 8vo. - . Address to the Eoyal Geographical Society of London ; delivered at the Anniversary Meeting on the 22nd May, 1865. By Sir E. I. M., K.C.B. [&c.]. President. London, 1865. 8vo. - . The Geology of Eussia in Europe and the Ural Mountains. By E. I. M., Edward de Verneuil, and Count Alexander von Keyserling. 2 vol, [G. G.] London, 1845. 8vo. Murdoch (Patrick). See MACLArsiN (Colin). An Account of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophical Discoveries. -- (W. D. C.). A Demonstration of the Quadrature of the Circle. By W. D. C. M. 8vo. Mure ("William). A Critical History of the Language and Literature of Ancient Greece. By W. M. Vol. 1, 2, 3, 5. [G. G.] London, 1850-57. 8vo. Muretus (Antonius). See ARISTOTLE. Alexandri Aphrodisiensis in octo libros Topicorum, MEMORIALS.] [R. O.] London, 1863. 8vo. North Georgia G-azette (The), and Winter Chronicle. [G-. GK] London, 1821. 4to. Northampton, Marquis of. See COMPTON (C. D.), Marquis of Northampton. Norton (Arthur Trehern). Affections of the Throat and Larynx. The classification, description, and statistics of 150 consecutive cases occurring in the Throat Department of St. Mary's Hospital. By A.T.N., P.R.C.S. [&c.]. London, 1871. 8vo. . Osteology : a concise description of the Human Skeleton, adapted for the use of students in medicine accompanied by an explanatory Atlas of plates. By A. T. N. 2 vol. London, 1866. 8vo. Norway and Sweden. Norway. Christiania, University. . Det Kongelige Norske Prederiks Universitets Aarsberetning for Aarene 1856 [-73]. Christiania. 8vo. . Budget, 1857-69. 8vo. . Gaver til det Kgl. Norske Universitet i Christiania. Christiania, 1863-64. 8vo. . Det Kongelige Prederiks Universitets Halvhundredaars-Pest September 1861. Beretning og Actstykker. Christiania, 1862. 8vo. . Index Scholarum in TJniversitate Regia Predericiana. Christiania, 1858-71. 4to. . Det Kongelige Norske Prederiks Universitets Legater og Stipendier. Pundatfer og Reglementer etc. (Med Bihang.) Christiania, 1867. 8vo. . Portegnelse over de af det Kongl. Norske Universitet ud- givne Programmer, fra dets Stiftelse, 2 den September 1811, indtil Aar 1863 [&c.]. Christiania, 1864. 4to. . Indtjl Aar 1865. 1866. . Meteorologiske lagttagelser paa Christiania observatorium 1867. Christiania, 1868. 4to. (obi.) . Norsk Meteorologiske Aarbogen for 1867. Udgivet af det iiorske meteorologiske Institut. [Prefaces in Prench.] Christiania, 1868-1869 : 1873-1874. fol. (obi.) NOE NTia 511 Norwood (Bichard). Norwood's Epitomie : being the application of the doctrine of Triangles in certain problemes, concerning the use of the plain Sea-chart, and Mercators chart. Being the two most usual kinds of sailing. With a table of artificial sines, tangents, and the complements arithmetical of sines supplying the use of secants. To radius 10,00000, and to every degree and minute of the quadrant. Also A chiliad, or the logarithmes of absolute numbers, from a unite to 1000, with a table of the right ascension and declination of the sun : and certain principal stars that are most in use. "Whereunto is added the farther use of the forenamed tables in questions that concern navigation, astronomie and geographic. By B. N., Beader of the Mathe- maticks. [D. M.] London, 1659. 8vo. . The Sea-Mans Practice, contayning a Evndamentall Probleme in Navigation, experimentally verified : namely, Touching the compasse of the Earth and Sea, and the quantity of a Degree in our English measures. Also an exact method or forme of keep- ing a Beckoning at Sea, in any kinde or manner of sayling. With certayne Tables and other Bules usefull in navigation, as also in the plotting and surveying of places. The Latitude of the principall places in England. The finding of Currents at Sea ; and what allowance is to bee given in respect of them. By E. N. [D. M.] London, 1637. 4to. . Trigonometric : or, the doctrine of triangles : divided into two books. The first shewing the mensuration of right lined triangles : the second of spherical . . both performed by . . logarithms, after a more easie . . manner, than hath been formerly taught. Whereunto is annexed . . a treatise of the application thereof, in the three principal kinds of sailing. With exact tables of the suns declination, newly calculated [&c.]. By E. N., . . Seventh edition. [D. M.] London, 1678. 4to. Notes and Queries: a medium of inter-communication for literary men, artists, antiquaries, genealogists, etc. [First Series Vol. I.-XH. Nov., 1849-Dec., 1855. Second Series Vol. I-XII. Jan., 1856-Dec., 1861. Third Series. Vol. I-XH. Jan., 1862- Dec., 1867. General Index to Series the First, Second, and Third.] [D. M.] London, 1850-68. 4to. Noviomago (Joannes). De Numeris libri dvo, qvorvm prior logisticen & veterum numerandi consuetudinem, posterior theoremata numerorum complectitur . . Nunc recens in lucem emissi authore Joanne Nouiomago. [D. M.] Parisiis, 1539. 8vo. Nugent (E.). A Treatise on Optics ; or, Light and Sight, theoretically and practically treated ; with the application to fine art and in- dustrial pursuits. By E. N., C.E. [etc.] [D. M.] London, [ .] 8vo. (Thomas). See POET EOTAL (Messieurs de). A neiu method of learning the Greek tongue. . See POET EOTAL (Messieurs de). A new method of learning the Latin tongue. 512 NUL OBS Nullus Lipsensis. Nullus Lipsensis respondet Nemini Wittenber- gensi: Nullus me genuit pater, mater mihi nulla Hoc comune mihi de loue Pallas habet. [by IT. de Hutten.] [D. M.] [ .] 4to. Nulty (E.). Supplementary Note on the Construction and different Forms of the Magic Cyclovolute. By E. N. [D. M.] 4to. Numbers. Theory of Numbers. [Prom the Encyc. Metrop. Vol. I.] [D. M.] Nunnesius (Petrus Joannes). Petri Joannis Nvnnesii Valentin! Oratio de cavsis obscuritatis Aristoteleae, & de illarum remedijs . . [Followed by his] Institvtionum Physicarum quatuor libri priores collecti methodical ex decretis Aristotelis. [Q-. G.] Valentiae, 1554. 8vo. Nya'ya System of Philosophy. On the Nya'ya System of Philosophy, and the correspondence of its divisions with those of modern science. [By James E. Ballantyne. From The Benares Maga- zine, 1849.] [D. M.] 8vo. . Nyayakosa : or Dictionary of the technical terms of the Nyaya Philosophy. By Bhimacharya Jhalakikar. Bombay, 1875. 8vo. Nysten (P.-H.). Dictionnaire de Medecine de Chirurgie, de Phar- macie, des Sciences accessoires et de 1'art veterinaire de P. H. JN". Onzieme edition revue et corrigee par E. Littre, Ch. Eobin. 2 vol. [G-. G-.] Paris, 1858. 8vo. Oakes (W. H.). Loans payable by drawings and debenture interest tables. By Lieut.-Col/W. H. O. [D. M.] London, 1870. 8vo. . Tables of the reciprocals of Numbers, from 1 to 100,000, with their differences, by which the reciprocals of numbers may be obtained up to 10,000,000. By Lieut.-Col. W. H. O., A.I.A. '[D. M.] London, 1865. 4to. Obbarius (Samuel). Ueber eine Sprachkiirze im lateinischen. [PA{- lologus. VI. Jahrg. 1.] [GL G.] 8vo. Oberlinus (Jer. Jac.). See CAESAE (C. J.). Commentarii. . See TACITUS (C. C.). Opera. Obrechtus (Ulricus). See IAMBLICHFS. De Vita Pyihagorica. Observations. A vindication of the Miscellanea Analyticn : in answer to a late pamphlet entitled Observations, &c. [By John Wilson.] [D. M.] Cambridge, 1760. 8vo. Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory at St. Helena ; &c. See SABINE (Sir E.). Observator. Should Lord Melbourne resign ? . . By Observator. [G. G.] London, 1839. 8vo. ' Obstetrix Animorvm. [Ab Edmundo Eicherio ?] [G. G.] Parisiis, 1600. 8vo. OCX OLI 513 Ockley (Simon). The History of the Saracens. . . By S. O. 2 vol. [Vol. II. second edition.] [G. G.] London, 1718. 8vo. O'Connor (Arthur Condorcet). See CONDOKCET. Marquis, . A letter from General A. C. O'C. to Lafayette on the causes which have deprived France of the advantages of the Eevolution of 1830, [G-. G.] London, 1831. 8vo. Odeleben (Otto), Baron. Napoleon's Feldzug in Sachsen im Jahre 1813. Eine treue Skizze dieses Krieges, des franzosischen Kaisers und seiner Umgebungen, entworfen von einem Augen- zeugen in Napoleon's Hauptquartiere, Otto, Freiherrn von Odeleben. Dritte . . Auflage. [Gr. Gr.] Dresden, 1840. 8vo. Oden. Hamburg, 1771. 4to. Odiorne (James C.). Opinions on Speculative Masonry, relative to its origin, nature, and tendency . . By J. C. O, Boston [U. S.], 1830. 8vo. Oertel ( )- Clavis Homerica oder grammatische Erklarung der Homerischen Gedichte nach der Folge der Gesange und Yerse . . Vom Professor O. Erster Bd. 2. Abth. Ilias. Gesang I.-IV. V.-YIII. [G-. G.] Leipzig, 1834, 8vo. Oesterlen (Fr.). Medicinische Logik. Yon F. (E. [Gr. G.] Tubingen, 1852, 8vo. . (ETJVEES PHILOSOPHIQTJES. [Gr. Gr,] Londres, 1751. 4to. Offer (George). [Sale-]Catalogue of the important and valuable Library of the late Gr. 0., Esq. [D. M.] London, 1865. 8vo, Offray (A.). Le Roman Comique. Troisieme et derniere partie. Nouvelle edition. [D. M.] Paris, 1745. 8vo. Ogilby (John). See OWEN (J.). Britannia depicta or Ogilby im- prov'd. (W.). Observations on " Eules for Nomenclature." By W. O., Esq. M.A. [&c.]. [From The Magazine of Natural History, New Series vol. ii.] [D. M.] 8vo. . On the Characters and Description of a new genus of Car- nivora, called Cynictis. By W. O., Esq. [D. M.] 4to. Ohio, State of. See UNITED STATES. Ohm (Martin). The Spirit of Mathematical Analysis, and its re- lation to a logical system. By Dr. M. O., . . Public Professor in Ordinary at the Royal Frederick- William University, Berlin [&c.]. Translated from the German by Alexander John Ellis, B.A. [D. M.] London, 1843. 12mo. Oldenburg (Henry). Brief-wechsel. See LEIBNITZ (W. Gr.), Baron. Mathematische Schriften ; &c. . See ROYAL SOCIETY. Commercium epistolicum. Olearius (Gottfridus). See PHILOSTEATUS. PJiilostratorum quae supersunt omnia ; &c. Olivarius (Petrus Joannes). See MELA (Pompomns) De sitv orbis libri tres. 514 OLI OEA Olivier (Theodore). ^ Discours prononce sur la tombe de M. Hachette, au nom de 1'Ecole polytechnique, par T. O. [Extrait de la Correspondence mathematique et physique, torn, viii.] [D. M.] 8vo. Olympiodorus. In Platonis Alcibiadem commentarii. See CRETJZEB (j?o. . Olympiodori Philosophi Scholia in Platonis Phaedonem. Ex libris scriptis edidit Christoph. Eberh. Einckh. Philos. D. [&c.]. [a. G.] Heilbronnae, 1847. 8vo. Olympius (M. Aurelius). Cynegeticon, et ejusdem Eclogae IV. See BURMANIOJS (P.). Poetae Latini Minores. Omar. De Natiuitatibus. Lib. III. See EIRMICUS MATERNTJS (J.). Ad Mavortivm Lollianum Astronomicun Lib. VIII. Alkhayyami. L'Algebre d'Omar Alkhayyami, publiee, traduite et accompagnee d'extraits de manuscrits inedits, par E. "Wbepcke, Docteur agrege a I'Universite de Bonn [&c.]. [D. M.] Paris, 1851. 8vo. Omerique (Antonio Hugo de). Analysis Geometrica sive nova, et vera methodvs resolvendi tarn problemata geometrica, qvam arithmeticas qvaestiones. Pars prima de Planis. Avthore D. Antonio Hvgone de Omeriqve, Sanlvcarense. [D. M.] Gadibvs, 1698. 4to. Oncken (Wilhelm). Athen und Hellas. Eorschungen zur nationalen und politischen G-eschichte der Iten Grriechen. Yon Dr. W. O. Erster Theil : Einleitung. Kimon. Ephialtes. [Gr. G-.] Leipzig, 1865. 8vo. . Die Staatslehre des Aristoteles in historisch-politischen ITmrissen. Ein Beitrag . . Yon W. O. Erste Halfte. [G. G-.] Leipzig, 1870. 8vo. . Isokrates und Athen. Beitrag zur Greschichte der Einheits- und Ereiheits-Bewegung in Hellas. Mit einem Anhange iiber die Abfassungszeit der Eede vom Erieden und der Ausbruch des Athenischen Bundesgenossen krieges im J. 357. Yon W. O. * [Gr. G.] Heidelberg, 1862. 8vo. Oppermann (Louis). Nouveaux Theoremes relatifs aux Secteurs dans FEspace. Par L. O. [D. M.] Copenhague, 1866. s. sh. 4to. Oppler (Adolph). Three Lectures on Education . . Delivered before the College of Preceptors: by A. O., Ph.D., M.A. Fourth edition revised and enlarged. London, 1875. 8vo Opticks. See NEWTON (Sir L). Opuscula. Opuscula Mythologica Physica et Ethica Graece et Latine. [G. G.] Amstelcedami, 1688. 8vo. Oratores Attici. See BEKKEBUS (L). . See MUELLERUS (Carolus). Graeci. See EEISKE (J. J.). Oratorum Eomanorum Fragmenta. See METERUS (H.). OEB OBD 515 Orbellis (Nicolaus de). Incipit copendiosa 7 optima Expositio duodecim libjcg Metaphisice Aristotelis ]pmvia Scoti p clarissimu philosophu 7 theology magistru5 Nyx-holaii de do3bellis pjouiiicie Turonie Impssu3 Bonoie impesis Henrici & haerlem 7 Mathei crescetin i bononie]? socio. anno dni. Mcccclxxxv. [D. M.] foil. - . Incipit Compediu dignissimu 7 vtilissimu consideratonis Mate- matice quo ad Aritinetrica 7 geometria J?m ea que sunt necessaria naturalibus 7 supnaturalibus scientiis. M. Nicolai d'Orbellis puincie Turonie osdinis mino^um theologi solennissimi. Imp3essu3 Bononie p magistru5 Henricu de Haerlem Anno domini Mcccclxxxv. [D. M.] fol. - . Cursus librorum philosophic naturalis venerabilis magistri Mcolai de Orbelli ordis minorii std'm via doctoris subtilis 8coti. [Imperfect.] [D. M.] [ ,] [1503.] 4to, Orchard (William). Assurance and Annuity Tables. See GTEAY. (P.). - . Single and Annual Assurance Premiums, for every value of annuity on single or joint lives, or survivors, adapted to any table of mortality, at 2J, 3, 3 j, 4, 4^, 5, 6, and 7 per cent. ; also, a table for the formation of half-yearly and quarterly assurance premiums. By W. 0., A.I.A. [D.M.] London, 1850. 8vo. Ordnance Survey. Abstracts of the principal lines of Spirit Levelling in England and Wales. By Colonel Sir Henry James, E.E., F.B.S., &c. Director of the Ordnance Survey. Published by order of the Secretary of State for War. London, 1861. 4to. -- . Plates. -- . Scotland. Plates. -- . Abstracts of the principal lines of Spirit Levelling in Scotland. By Colonel Sir Henry James. London, 1861. 4to. -- . Determination of the positions of Feaghmain and Haver- fordwest, Longitude Stations on the Great European Arc of Parallel. Being an appendix to the Account of the principal Triangulation of Great Britain and Ireland. By Captain A. It. Clarke, E.E., F.E.S., under the direction of Colonel Sir Henry James, E.E., F.E.S., &c. London, 1867. 4tOi -- . Extension of the Triangulation of the Ordnance Survey into France and Belgium with the measurement of an arc of parallel in latitude 52 N. from Valentia in Ireland to Mount Kemmel in Belgium. Published by order of the Eight Hon. Sir George C. Lewis, Bart., Secretary of State for War, by Colonel Sir Henry James, E.E., F.E.S., &c., Director of the Ordnance Survey. London, 1863. 4to. -- . Ordnance Trigonometrical Survey of Great Britain and Ireland. Account of the observations and calculations, of the principal Trian- gulation : and of the figure, dimensions and mean specific gravity, of the Earth as derived therefrom. Published by order of the Master-General and Board of Ordnance. Drawn up by Captain Alexander Boss Clarke, E.E. . . under the direction of L 1 - Colonel H. James, E.E. [&c.]. London, 1858. 4to. 2L2 516 OED OEI Ordnance Survey. Principal Triangulation. Plates. London, 1858. 4to. Orellius (Johannes Caspar). See CICERO (M. T.). Opera. . See PLATO. Opera. (Johannes Conradus). See HESYCHIUS. Opuscula duo quae supersunt. . See MEMNON. Historiarum Heradeae PontL . See NICOLATJS Damascenes. Historiarum excerpta ; &c. . See POLYBIUS. Supplementum. . See Eosrsrus (C.). Epicvri Fragm&nta librorvm ii. et xi. de Natvra. Ex tomo ii. edidit I. C. 0. . gee SOCRATES [&c.]. Epistolae. . M. Tulli Ciceronis de Provinciis Consularibus Oratio e codd. emendata. [G-. G.] Turici, 1833. 4to. . Opuscula Graecorum veterum sententiosa et moralia. Graece et Latine. Collegit [&c.] J. C. O. 2 torn. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1819-21. 8vo. Organon. From the Supplement to the Penny Cyclopaedia. [Being a translation, by Geo. Long, jun r , of Prof. Trendelenberg's Elementa Logices Aristotelicae, Berlin, 1842.] [D. M.] 8vo. Orient. La question d'Orient en 1859. [G. G.] [ .] 8vo. Oriental Translation Fund. Works printed by MOHAMMED BEN MTTSA. Algebra. Edited and translated by Frederic Eosen. London, 1831. 8vo. Origen. SlPirENOYS fclAOSOfcOYMENA H KATA HASliN AIPE- SEQN EAEFXOS. Origenis Philosophumena sive omnium Haeresium refutatio. e codice Parisino nunc primum edidit Emmanuel Miller. [G. G.] Oxonii, 1851. 8vo. . m>ir$NHS KATA KEASOY 'EN TOMOIS H/ r avr$ ^lAOKAAIA, Origenis contra Celsurn libri octo : ejusdem philocalia. Gulielmus Spencerus, Cantabrigiensis Collegii Trinitatis Socius, utriusq ; operis versionem recognovit, & annotationes adjecit. Accedunt item notae Davidis Hoeschelii in octo libros Origenis, una cum notis Jo. Tarini in Philocaliam. [D. M.] Cantabrigice, 1677. fol. . Another copy. [G. G.] . Origen against Celsus : translated from the original into English. By James Bellamy, Gent. [D. M.] London, [ .] 8vo. Orion. Orionis Thebani Etymologicon ex Mvseo Frid. Avg. Wolfii primvm edidit annotationes . . adiecit Fridericus Guilielmus Sturzius. Accedvnt Pet. Henr. Larcheri Observationes criticae in Etymologicvm Magnvm et Amed. Peyroni commentatio in Theodosii Alexandrini Tractatvm de Prosodia. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1820. 4to. OBL OTI 517 Orleans (Antoine Marie Philippe Louis d'), Due de Montyensier. Considerations respecting the Marriage of the Duke of Mont- pensier, with reference to the Treaty of Utrecht. [G. G.] London, 1847. 8vo. (Ferdinand Philippe Due d'). Testament du Due d'Orleans. [G-. G-.] Paris, 1849. 8vo. (Henri d'). Lettre sur 1'Histoire de Prance. [G. G.] Paris, 1866. 8vo. Orme (Temple Augustus). An introduction to the Science of Heat, designed for the use of schools and candidates for University matriculation examinations. By T. A. O., Teacher of Chemistry [&c.] University College School, London. [D. M.] London, 1869. 8vo. Orphanides (Theodores G.). See GREECE. Athens. KPISI2 TOY BOYT2INAIOY HOIHTIKOY AmNOS EN ETEI AiX)'. Orphica, Poetarum Orphicorum dispersas reliquias. See LOBECK. . Orphica cum notis H. Stephani [&c.] recensvit Godofredvs Hermannvs. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1805. 8vo. Ortega (Juan de). Oeuure tressubtille 7 profitable de lart 7 science de aristmeticque : 7 geometric translate nouuellement despaignol en fracoys. Auquel est demonstre par figure euidemment : tant le nomine entier : nombje ropu : regie de compaignies : soub de fin : q toutes aultres choses qui par geometrie 7 aristmeticque peuuet estre colitises : [&c.]. [D. M.] Impy-me a lyon, 1515. 4to. , Tratado subtilissimo de Arismetica y de Geometria : copuesto y ojdenado. p03 el reuerendo padre fray Jua de C^tega d' la O3den d'los pBedicadojes. [Imperfect."] [D. M,] [ ,] 1542. 4to. Osannus (Fridericus). See CORNTJTTJS (L. A.). De natura Deorum. . Anecdotum Eomanum de notis veterum criticis imprimis Aristarchi Honiericis et Iliade Heliconia edidit [c eommentarivs. [G. G-.] Basileae, 1638. fol. Pherecydes. Pherecydis Fragmenta . . deuiqve Fragmenta Acvsilai . . adiecit Fridericys Gvilielmvs Stvrz. [G. G.] Gerae, 1789. 8vo. Philaletlies Cantabrigiensis. Geometry no Friend to Infidelity : or, a Defence of Sir Isaac Newton ami lln> British Mathematicians, in a letter to the Author of the Analyst . . By P. C. [D. M.] London, 1734. 8vo. . Tlio Minuto IMalliriiialician : or, The Free-Thinker no Just- Thinker. Set forth in a Second letter to the author of the Analyst; containing a defence of Sir Isaac Newton and the British Mathematicians, against a late pamphlet, entitled, A IVtViu'o of I'Yoo-Thinking in JMalluMiialirks. Bv P. C. [D. M.] London, 1735. 8vo. .. A Defence of Free-Thinking in Mathematics. In Answer to a pamphlet of Philalethes Cantabrigiensis . . Also an Appendix i-oiuvrmng Mr. Walton's }"unlii-ation of tht'- I^rinci^li's of Fluxions. . . By the Author of the Minute Philosopher. [D. M.] London, 1735. 8vo. Philargyrms (Junius). Commentariolus in Bucolica & Georgica Virgilij. SH- \ i uaiLius MAEO (P.). Bvcolicorvm, Edogce X. } $c. Philemon. Eeliquiae. See MENANDEE. Philetas. See BACHIUS (N.). Philippe (Steph. And.). See PHAEDRUS. Fabufa. Philippsen (Jolianncs). De Frigore pro remedio Chirurgico adhi- bendo. Dissertatio Inauguralis Medica . . Scripsit J. P. l\Hiy . d~*y dtf> + n ~ l d^=^ * n ~ 2 dtf^* _ ...^I+A^X dans le cas particulier ou le polynonie renferme un nombre quelconque de racines egales. Par M. Plana. [Erom the Memoir es de TAcademie Roy die des Sciences de Turin. Tom. XXXI.] [D. M.] 4to. Planck (Gottlieb Jakob). Geschichte der Bildung, der Schicksale, und der Befestigung der protestantischen Kirche vom Anfang der Eef ormation bis zu dein Eeligions-Erieden vom J. 1555. Yon G. J. P. 4 Th. 2 te . . . Auflage. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1791-98. 8vo. PLA 555 Planck (Henricus). Henrici P., G-oettingensis, Commentatio de Prin- cipiis, Cavssis interpretationis Philonianae allegoricae. [G-. G-.] Gottingae, 1806. 4to. Planer (Ar.). See HEPKE (E.). De Philosophis, $c. (Hermann). De Tyrannione grammatico. [G-. G-.] Berlin, 1852. 4to. Planet. A discovrse concerning a new Planet. Tending to prove, That 'tis probable our Earth is one of the Planets. The second Booke, now first published. [D. M.] London, 1640. 8vo. Planets. A new analogy for determining the distances of the Planets from the Sun, and of the Satellites from their primaries. By the author of " A New Introduction to the Mathematics " [&c.]. [D. M.] London, 1842. 12mo. Planudes Maxinras. Scholia. See DIOPHANTTJS. Rerum arithmeti- carum libri sea:. Plarr (G-.). Meinoire sur les Conditions de convergence des series dont le terme general est n fois le coefficient de Laplace T M . Par M. G. P. [Extrait des Comptes rendus des seances de T Academic des Sciences, 1857.] [D. M.] Paris. 4to. Plasz (Hermann Gottlob). Die Tyrannis in ihren beiden Perioden bei den alten Griechen. . . Yon H. G. P. l er Theil. [G. G.] Bremen, 1852. 8vo. Platner[-us] (Eduard). De Gentibus Atticis earumque cum tribubus nexu Dissertatio ex historia juris Graeci repetita. . . Scripsit Eduardus Platnerus. [G. G.] Marburgi, 1811. 4to, Der Process und die Klagen bei den Attikern. . . Von E. P. 2 Th. [G-. G.] Darmstadt, 1824-25. 8vo. Plato. Lexicon Platonicum. See ASTIUS (E.). . See BOECKHITJS (A.). (1). De Platonis Corporis Mundani, 6fc. (2). De Platonico Systcmate Coelestium Globorum et de vera indole Astronomiae philolaicae. (3). Specimen editionis Timaei Platonis dialogi. . See BOISTITZ (H.). Platonische Studien. . See BEUGGEMAKN- (H.). De forma artis dialectics. . See DAKZEL (T. G.). Philosophies in discipline formam redactce parens et auctor. . See DETJSCHLE (J.). Platonis Protagoras. . See DITTEICH (E. M.). De Cratylo Platonis. . See HEEBART (J. E.). De Platonici Systematis fundamento commentatio. . De Platonis quae feruntur Epistolis. See KAESTE^ (H.). . See KUEHN (C). . See LICHTE]S T STAEDT (J. E.). P.'s Lehren auf dem Geliete der Naturforschung , . Tabula Sinuum ad 6000000 partes. Tabula Sinuu ad 10000000 particulas coputata. See PEUEBACHIUS (Gr.). Tractatus : &c. . See PEUEBACHIUS (Gr.) and BEGIOMONTANUS (J.). . Joanis de moteregio disputatoes tta acuratis. ^ utilis. See SACEOBOSCO (J. de). Sphaera Mundi. . Disputationes loanis de regio monte cotra cremonensia de- lirameta. See under VESPUCCI (B.). . Algorithmvs Demonstratvs. [D.M.] Norimbergce, 1534. 4to. , Another copy, [D* M.] . loannis de Begiomonte Germani, nationis Praneicae, Mathe- maticarum disciplinarum principis, De quadratura circuli, dialogus, & rationes diuersae separatim aliquot libellis exquisites : Ad ea de re Cardinalis Cusani tradita & inuenta : quibus autor haec praescripsit uerba Graeca, qu83, ne quid illius subtraheremus studiosis, subjici curauimus. 'Emxetpri^ci-ra^oiKiXa npbs TOVS TOV KVK\OV TTf)uy{i)VLOp.oi)S NtfcoXew TOV tiovaaiov eK^e^Ofjievvvs. [D. M.] Norimbergae, 1533. fol. . Doctissimi viri et mathematicarum disciplinarum eximij pro- fessoris loannis de Begio Monte de Triangvlis omni'-modis libri qvinqve : quibus explicaiitur res necessariae cognitu, uolentibus ad scientiarum Astronomicarum perfectionem deuenire : quae cum nusqua alibi hoc tempore expositae habeantur, frustra sine harum instructione ad illam quisquam aspirarit. Accesserunt hue in calce plerack D. IVicolai Cusani de Quadratura circuli, deq^ recti ac curui commensuratione : itemc^ lo. de monte Begio eadem de re eXeycrtJca, hactenus a nemine publicata. Omnia recens in lucem edita [by J. Schoner]. [D.M.] Norimbergce, 1533. fol. . loannis Begiomontani Mathematici praestantissimi De Triangvlis Planis et Sphaericis libri quinque, una cum tabulis sinuum, in quibus tota ipsorum triangulorum scientia ex primis fundamentis Geometricarum a-Koceilewv absolutissime extructa continetur . . Omnia nunc simul in lucem edita in gratiam Matheseos studiosorum per Danielem Santbech Nouiomagum. [Polios ed by :] Problematvm Astronomicorvm et Geometricorvm sectiones septem . . Omnia nunc recens conscripta in communem gratiam studiosorum Matheseos, & in lucem edita. Aiitore Daniele Santbech Noviomago. [D. M.] JBasileae, 1561. fol. 598 EEG EEH Regiomontanus or Regiomonte (Joannes Miiller de). [Kalendarius. Without title, pagination, fyc. : fol. 32. On the last fol. but two: "Dvctv loannis de Monteregio."] [After the Almanac, lanvarivs December : Tabvla Begionvm Eclipsis Lune [&] Solis 1475-1530 Instrvmentvm Horarvm inaeqvalivm Instrvmentvm veri motvs Lvnae De Avreo Nvmero De Cyclo Solan et Littera Dominical! De Inditione De Intervallo et Festis Mobilibvs Tabvla Festorvm Mobilivm De Conivnc- tionibvs ac Oppositionibvs Lvminarivm De Eclipsibvs Lvrnin- arivm De Loco Solis vero Tabvla Solis De Loco Lvnae vero Tabvla Badicvm Lvnae De Magnitvdine Diei Tabvla qvantitatis Diervm De Horologio Horizontali De Noticia Horarvm Aeqvinoctialivm De Horis Temporalibvs Dies Pascali s Qvadrans Horologii horizontalis Qvadratvm Hora- rivm generale]. [D. M.j Nurembergce, [1474 ?] fol. . JSTotitia trivm codicvm avtographorvm lohannis B/egiomontam in Bibliotheca Christophori Theophili de Mvrr. [D. M.] Norimbergae, 1801. 4to. . Scripta clarissimi Matbematici M. loannis Begiomontani, De Torqueto, Astrolabio Arniillari, Eegula magna Ptolemaica, Bacu- loq^ Astronomico, & Obseruationibus Cometarum, aucta neces- sarijs, loannis Schoneri Carolostadij additionibus. Item. Obser- uationes Motuum Solis, ac Stellarum tarn fixarum, q^ erraticaruin. Item. Libellus M. Georgij Purbachij de Quadrato Greometrico. [D. M.] Norwibergce, 1544. 4to. -. . loannis de Monte Eegio Mathematici clarissimi Tabvlse Direc- tionvm Profectioiiumc^,, non tarn AstrologisB iudiciarise, quam tabulis instrumentisq^ innnmeris fabricandis utiles ac necessarisB. Eivsdem Eegiomontani Tabvla sinuum, per singula minuta ex- tensa, uniuersam sphsericorum triangulornm scientiam com- plect ens. [D. M.] Excvdebat Vlricvs Morhardus Tubingce, 1550. 4to. Regius (Hudalrichus). Ytrivsqve Arithmetices Epitome ex uarijs authoribus concinnata per HVdalrichum Eegium. Impressum Argentorati per Barptholomeu Gruningerum. [D. M.] Anno 1536. 8vo. Regnard (Jean Frangois). Les CEuvres de M. E. Kouvelle edition. Tom. II. Paris, 1742. 12mo. Regnault (Elias). Histoire du Gouvernement Provisoire. Par M. E. E. [G. G.] Paris, 1850. 8vo. Regnerus (Cyprianus). Cypriani Begneri de Inivstitia quarundam, Legum Eomanarum libri duo. Contra Jacobum Maestertium JC tum [&c.]. [G.G.] Lugduni Batavorum, 1690. 12mo. . Demonstratio LogicsD verae Ivridica, variis canonibns & exemplis ad usum illustrata. Auctore Cypriano Begneri. [G. G.] Lugduni Batavorum, 1638. 12mo. Rehdantz (C.). Vitae Iphicratis, Chabriae, Timothei, Atheniensium. IScripsit C. E. [G. G.] Berolini, 1845. 4to. BEI 599 Reich (Adolphus). See LESSING (G. E.). Nathan the Wise, translated bij A. R. Reichard (Heinrich Gottlieb). Historisch-politische Ansichten und Untersucliungsn betraffend die Erage von der praktischen Ausbildung d3r stadfcischen Verfassungen in Deutschland. Zum Behuf der vaterlandischen Gesetzgebung zusanimengestellt von H. G. E. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1830. 8vo. Eeid (George William). See BRITISH MUSEUM:. Guide to the ex- hibited Slade Prints. (James S.). See CICERO (Marcus Tullius). - (Thomas). The Works of Thomas Eeid, D.D., now fully collected, with selections from his unpublished Letters, preface, notes and supplementary dissertations, by Sir William Hamilton, Bart. . . Prefixed, Stewart's Account of the life and writings of Reid ; with notes by the Editor. Copious indices subjoined. Second edition. [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1849. 8vo. Essays on the powers of the Human Mind. By T. E., D.D. 3 vol. ' [G. G.] Edinburgh, 1808. 8vo. ReifF (Heinrich Carl). Geschichte cler- romischen Biirgerkriege vom Anfange der gracchischen Unruhen bis zur Alleinherrschaft des Augustus. Von H. C. E. 2 Bde. [G. G.] Berlin, 1825. 8vo. (Jac. Fried.). Der Anfang der Philosophie. Mit einer Grundle- fung der Encyclopadie der philosophised en Wissenschaften. Yon . E. E. [G. G.] Stuttgart, 1840. 8vo. Reiffenberg (Eriedrich August Ferdinand Thomas), Baron. Principes de Logique : suivis de Fhistoire et de la bibliographic de cette science. Par le B. cl. E. [G. G.] Brunettes, 1833. 8vo. Reifferscheid (Augustus). See SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS (C.). Reimams (Hermann Samuel). Allgemeine Betrachtungen iiber die Triebe der Thiere, hauptsachlich iiber ihre Kunsttriebe : zum Erkenntniss des zusammenhanges der Welt, des Schopfers und unser selbst, vorgestellet von H. S. E. Zweyte Ausgabe . . mit Anhange. Hamburg, 1762. 8vo. . Die vornehmsten Wahrheiten der natiirlichen Religion . . erklaret . . von H. S. E. Zweyte . . Auflage. Hamburg, 1755. 8vo. Rein (Wilhelm). Das Criminalrecht der Eomer von Eomulus bis auf Justinianus. . . Von W. E. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1844. 8vo. . Das rornische Privatrecht und der Civilprozess bis in das erste Jahrhundert der Kaiserherrschaft . . Von W. E. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1836. Svo. Reinaud (Joseph-Tous saint). Question scientifique et personelle soulevee au sein de 1'Institut au sujet des dernieres decouvertes sur la geographie et 1'histoire de 1'Inde, avec les explications de M. E. oVouvelle edition revue et augmentee d'une deuxieme partie. [G. G.] Paris, 1859. Svo. 600 EEI Reinganum (Hermann). Das alte Megaris . . Yon D. H. E. [G. G.] Berlin, 1825. 8vo, . Selinus und sein Gebiet. Eine Abhandlung der Erd- und Volkerkunde Siciliens. Von H. E. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1827. 8vo. Eeinhardt (Theod. Frid. Godofr.). See Vossnis (J, H.). Com- menfarii Virgiliani. In Latinum sermonem convertit T. F. G. R. Reinhold (Carl Leonard). Aenesidemus oder iiber die Fundamente der von dem Herrn Prof. E. in Jena gelieferten Elementar- Philosophie ; [Ac.]. [G. G.] [ ,] 1792. 8vo. (Ernst). Geschichte der Philosophic nach den Haupt- momenten ihrer Entwickelung. Von E. E. 2 Bde, 4 te Auflage, [G. G.] Jena, 1854. 8vo. Reinoehl (Friederich von). Kleinere philosophische Schriften. Von Dr. F. v. E. I. Darstellung des Aristotelischen Gottesbegriffes. II. Einleitung der Philosophic. [G. G.] Jena, 1854: 8vo. Reisch (Gregorius). Margarita Philosophica. [G. G.] Ex Heydelberga, 1496. 4to. . Another copy. [G. G.] . Margarita philosophica cu additionibus nouis : ab auctoe3 suo studiosissima reuisioe tertio sup additis. [D. M.] Basilee, 1508. 4to. . Margarita Philosophica noua Cui annexa sunt sequentia, Grecarum literaR institutiones HebraicaR literarum rudimeta Architecture rudimenta Quadrantu varie copositioes-. Astrolabij noui geographici ypo. Fo3matio To^queti. Fo3matio Polimetri U&us 7 vtiHtas eo3undem omnium. Figura quadrantis poligonalis. Quadratura circuli. Cubatio sphere. Perspectiue phisice 7 positiue rudimenta. Cartha vniuersalis terre marisq^ o3mam neoterica descriptioe indicas. [D. M.] Ex Argentolaco, 1515. 4to, . Artis Metiendi sev Geometriae lib. Ex Gregorij Eeischij Margarita Philosophica. [D. M.] Parisiis, 1549. 4to, Reiske (Joannes Jacobus). See- DEMOSTHENES and J^SCHIKES, . See DIOSTYSITIS, of Halicarnassus. . See PLTJTABCH. Qvae svpersvnt, Omnia. . Indices Grsecitatis, quos in singulos Oratores Atticos confecit J. J. E., passim emendati et in unum corpus redacti opera T. Mitchell, A.M. . . 2 torn. Oxonii, 1828. 8vo. . Oratorvm Graecorvm, qvorvm prmceps est Demosthenes, qvae svpersvnt . . commentariis integris Hieron. Wolfii, lo. Taylori, lerem. Marklandi, aliorvm, et avis [edidit] I. I. E. Contents : 1-4. Demosthenes. 5-7. ^Eschines. 8. Dinarchus* Lycurgus, Andocides. 9-12. Lysias. 13-14. Isaeus, Antiphon. 15. Lesbonax, Herodes Atticus, Antisthenes,Alcidamus, Gorgias. 16. Andocides, Dinarchus, Lycurgus. 17-22. Apparatus critic! ad Demosthenem. 23, 24. Indices operum Demosthenis. 12 Tol. (24 pt.)- [G. G.] Z^Mtew, 1770-75. 8vo. BE1 BEN 601 Reitemeier (Johaun Friedrich). Beantwortung der Preisfrage : Welches war der Luxus der Athenienser von den Zeiten des Pisistratus an, bis auf Philipp (Sohn des) Amyntas, Konig von Macedonien, und wie bracnte solcher stufenweis den Pall des Staats mit sich . . Abgefasst von J. P. B. [G. G. ] Gdttingen, 1782. 8vo. . De Origine et Batione Qvaestionis per Tormeiita apvd Graecos et B/omanos commentatio. Avctore I. P. B. [G. G.] Goettingae, [ .] 8vo. Geschichte und Zustand der Sklaverey und Leibeigenschaft in Griechenland. Yon J. P. B. . . [G. G.] Berlin, 1789. 8vo. Reitzius (Pridericus). See LTJCIAN. Opera. r- (Johann Priedrich). See MAITTAIRE (M.). Grcecce linguce dialecti. Reizius (Fridericus Volg.). See HEEODOTTJS. ffistoriarum libri IX. Rejected Addresses : or the new Theatrum Poetarum. Sixth edition. [G. G.] London, 1812. 12mo. Religio. Beligio universalis et naturalis ; disquisitio philosophica. [G. G.] Parisiis, 1818. 8vo. Religion. The History of Beligion. Written by a Person of Quality. [G. G.] London, 1694. 8vo. Religious Tract Society. [Publications.] The Bible in many tongues. London [ .] 16mo. Remembrancia. Analytical Indexes to Volumes II. and VIII. of the series of records known as the Bemembrancia. Preserved among the Archives of the City of London, A.D. 1580-1664. Vol. II. 1593-1609. Vol. VIII. 1613-1640. Prepared by the Authority of the Corporation of London [by W. H. & H. C. Overall]. [London,'] 1870. 8vo. Remusat (Paul de). Les Sciences Naturelles. Etudes sur leur histoire et sur leur plus recents progres. Par P. de B. [G. G.] Paris, 1857. 8vo. Remy (Jules). Voyage au pays des Mormons. Par J. B. 2 torn. [G. G.] Paris, 1860. 8vo. Renan (Ernest). De FOrigine du Langage. Par E. B. 2 me edition. [G. G.] Paris, 1858. 8vo. . De Philosophia Peripatetica apud Syros commentationem historicam scripsit E. B. [G. G.] Parisiis, 1852. 8vo. Renieri (Mark). De TAvenir du Peuple grec et de laLangue grecque. See EICHTHAL (Gustave d'). De T Usage pratique de la Langue grecque ; fyc. Rennell (James). Observations on the Topography of the Plain of Troy ; and on the principal objects within, and around it described, or alluded to, in the Iliad . . With a Map . . By J. B. London, 1814. 4to. 602 BEN BEY Rennell (James). The geographical system of Herodotus examined and explained, by a comparison with those of other ancient authors, and with niodsrn geography . . The whole explained by eleven maps . . by J. B., Esq., late Major of Engineers [&c.]. Second edition. 2 vol. London, 1830. 8vo. Rennie (George). On the Expansion of Arches. By G. B., E.B.S., Ac. [D.M.] [.:. -.] 4to.. Renouard (P.-Y.). Histoire de la Medecine depuis son origine jusqu'au XIX e sitcle. Par P.-Y. B. 2 torn. [G. G.] Pans, 1846. 8vo.. Rentes. Table des affeurements des Arre'rages des Bentes, depuis 1533 jusqu'a 1799. [D. M.] 8vo. Reparation : or the Savoyards. A Play in three acts. [G. G.] London, 1823. 8vo. Reponse. Beponse aux questions d'un Provincial. [G. G.] Rotterdam, 1704. 8vo. Resultats. Memoire sur les Be'sultats moyens deduits d'un grand nombre d'observations. [D. M.] [Paris,] 1826. 4to. Reumont (Alfred). Delia Campagna di Boma. Memoria di A. B. [G. G.] Firenze, 1842. 8vo. Reuss ( Jeremias David). Bepertorium Commentationum a Societati- bus Litterariis editarum secundum disciplinarum ordinem digessit J. D. B. Scientia Naturalis. Tom. Y. Astronomia. Tom. VII. Mathesis ; Mechanica ; Hydrostatica ; Hydraulica ; Hydrotechnia ; Aerostatica ; Pnevmatica ; Technologia ; Archi- tectura Civilis ; Scientia Navalis ; Scientia Militaris. [D. M.] Gottingae, 1804-8. 4to. Reuter (Eranc. Jos.). See DEMOSTHENES. Orationes Selectae VII. Revans (John). Evils of the state of Ireland : their causes and their remedy a Poor Law. By J. B. Second edition revised and corrected. [G. G.] London, [ .] 8vo. . Observations on the proposed alteration of the Timber-Duties. By J. B. [G. G.] London, 1831. 8vo. Reville (Yeron). Histoire de la Bevolution Franchise dans le de- partement du Haut-Bhin 1789-1795. Par M. Y. B, [G. G.] Paris, 1865. 8vo. Revolution Pranqaise. A collection of Essays, Pamphlets, Addresses, Plays [etc.], illustrative of the Erench Bevolution, 1777-1795, made by George Grote, Esq. 10 vol. [G. G.] 8vo. . Pieces diverses sur la Bevolution Eran^aise. [G. G.] [ .] 8vo. Revue mensuelle d'Economie politique. [Du Suffrage Universel. J. C. L. de Sisrnondi, &c.] [D. M.] [Paris.'] 8vo. Reynaud (Antoine Andre Louis), Baron. See LALANDE (J. de). Tables de Logariihmes. EEY EHE 603 Reyneau (Charles). Analyse demontree ; ou la methode de resoudre les problemes des mathematiques, et d'apprendre facilement ces sciences ; expliquee & demontree dans le premier volvme, & appliquee, dans le second, a decouvrirles proprietes des figures de la Geometric simple & composee ; a resoudre les problemes de ces sciences & les problemes des sciences physico-mathematiques, en employant le calcul ordinaire de 1'algebre, le calcul differcntiel & le calcul integral. Ces derniers calculs y sont aussi explique's & demonstres. . . Par un Pretre de FOratoire. 2 torn. [D. D.J Paris, 1708. 4to. Reynel (Carew). The True English Interest : or an Account of the Chief National Improvements ; in some political observations, demonstrating an infallible advance of this nation to infinite wealth and greatness, trade and populacy, with imployment, and preferment for all persons. By C. E. Esq. [D. M.] London, 1674. 8vo. Reynolds (E. M.). Modern Methods in Elementary Geometry. By E. M. E., M.A., Mathematical Master in' Clifton College, Modern Side. [D. M.] London [Cambridge], 1868. 8vo. (John Stuckey). The evidence of a witness not examined by the Committee of the House of Commons on the Banks of Issue. [G. G.] London, 1841. 8vo. (Sir Joshua). Seven Discourses delivered in the Eoyal Academy by the President. [G. G.] London, 1778. 8vo. Rhaetus (Thomas). See MAETINTJS (J.). AritJimetica. Rhazes. See ABTJ Beer Mohammed Ibn Zacariya Ar-razi. Rheinholt (Erasmus). Primvs Liber Tabvlarvm Directionvm Discentibvs primaelementa Astroncmia? necessarius & utilissimus. Hisinsertvs est canon fecundus ad singula scrupula quadrantis propagatus. Item nova tabvla cliinatum & parallel ornm, item umbra-rum. Appendix canonvm secvndi libri directionvm, qui in Eegiomontani opere desiderantur. Avtore Erasmo Eheinholdo, Salueldensi. [D. M.] Tvlingae, 1554. 4to. Rheinisches Museum. Fiir Philologie. Herausgegeben von. E. G. Welcker und F. Eitschel. Neue Folge. Bde I-XXVIII. Frankfurt am Main, 1842-1873. 8vo. Rhenieres (Mark). See EENIEBI. Rheticus (Georgius Joachimus). See COPEENICUS (N.). De revolutionibus orbium coslestium; &c. . Canon Doctrinae Triangvlorvm. Nvnc primvm a Georgio loachimo Ehetico, in Ivcem editvs, cvm privilegio imperiali . . [D. D.] Lipsiae, 1551. 4to. . Opvs Palatinvm de Triangvlis a Georgio loachimo Ehetico coeptvm : L. Valentinvs Otho Principis Palatini Friderici IV. Electoris mathematicvs consvmmavit. [D. M.] Neostadii in Palatinatv, 1586. fol. 604 BHE BIC Rhetictts (Georgius Joachimus). Thesavrvs Mathematicvs sive Canon Sinuum ad radium 1.00000.00000.00000. Et addena qvseqve scrvpvla secunda quadrantis : una cum sinibus primi et postremi gradus, ad evndem radivm, et ad sing via scrupula secunda quad- rantis : adivnctis vbiqve differentiis primis et secundis ; atq^, vbi res tulit, etiam tertijs. lam olim qvidem incredibili labore & sumptu a Georgio Joachimo Bhetico supputatus : at nvnc primvm in Ivcem editvs, & cum viris doctis com- municatus a Bartholomseo Pitisco Grunbergensi Silesio. Cvivs etiam accesservnt : 1 . Principia Sinuum. ad radium, 1.00000.00000.00000.00000.00000. quam accuratissime sup- putata. II. Sinus decimorum, tricesimorum & quinquagesi- morum quorumq ; scrupulorum secundorum per prima & postrema 35. scrupula prima, ad radium, 1.00000.00000.00000.00000.00. [D. M.] Francofurti, clob[c]xiii. oL Rhetores Graeci ex codicibus Florentinis [&c.] . . edidit . . Christianus Walz. Vol. I. [G. G.] Stuttgartiae, 1832. 8vo. RManus. Bhiani Benaei quae supersunt. Edidit Mcolaus Saal. [G. G.] Bonnae, 1831. 8vo. Rhode (Carolus). Bes Lemnicae. Scripsit C. B. [G. G.] Vratislaviae, 1829. 8vo. Rhonius ( ). An Introduction to Algebra, translated out of the High-Dutch into English, by Thomas Brancker, M.A. Much Altered and Augmented by t>. P. [Dr. J. Pell]. Also a table of Odd numbers less than one hundred thousand, shewing those that are incomposit, and resolving the rest into their factors or coefficients, &c. Supputated by the same Tho. Brancker. [D. M.] London, 1668. 4to. Ricard (Fortune). Will of M. F. B. See PRICE (B.). Observations on the importance of the American Revolution ; fyc. Ricardo (David). An Essay on the influence of a low price of corn on the profits of stock. By D. B. Second edition. [G. G.] London, 1815. 8vo. . On Protection of Agriculture. By D. B., Esq., M.P. [G'. G.] London, 1822. 8vo. . On the principles of Political Economy and Taxation. By D. B., Esq. [G. G.] London, 1817. 8vo. . Plan for the establishment of a National Bank. By the late D. B., M.P. [G. G.] London, 1824. 8vo. . Proposals for an economical and scarce Currency. By D. B. Second edition. [G. G.] London, 1816. 8vo. . Beply to Mr. Bosanquet's practical observations on the Beport of the Bullion Committee. By D. B. [G. G.] London, 1811. 8vo. . The high price of Bullion, a proof of the depreciation of Bank Notes. By D. B. Fourth edition corrected. [G. G.] London, 1811. 8vo. EIC 605 Ricardo (Samson). Observations on the recent pamphlet of J. Horsley Palmer, Esq., on the " Causes and Consequences of the pressure of the Money-market." By S. E., Esq. [G. G.] London, 1837. 8vo. Ricardus, de Cirencestria. Itinerarium peregrinorum et gesta Eegis Eicardi. See EICHARD I. [CHRONICLES AND MEMORIALS.] . Eicardi de Cirencestria Speculum historiale de Gestis Eegum Angliaa. From the copy in the Public Library, Cambridge. Edited by John E. B. Mayor. 2 vol. Vol. I. A.D. 447-871. II. 872-1066. [CHRONICLES AND MEMORIALS.] [E. O.] London, 1863-69. 8vo. Ricciardi (Joseph-Napoleon). Histoire de la Eevolution d'ltalie en 1848. . . Par J.-N. E. [G. G.] Paris, 1849. 12mo. Riccioli (Giovanni Battista). Almagestvm novvm Astronomiam veterem novamqve complectens observationibvs aliorvm, et pro- priis nouisque theorematibus, problematibus, ac tabulis pro- motam, in tres tomos distribvtam . . Avctore P. loanne Baptista Eicciolo, Societatis lesu, Ferrariensi, philosophise, theologise, & astronomiao Professore. Tom. I. (2 pt.). [D. M.] Bononice, 1651. fol. . Geographic et Hydrographies reformats, nuper recognitae, & auctaa, libri duodecim. Avctore E. P. lo. Baptista Eicciolio, Ferrariensi. [D. M.] Venetiis, 1672. fol. Riccius (Michael Angelus). Exercitatio Geometrica de Maximis & Minimis. See MERCATOR (N.). Logarithmo-Technia ; Sfc. Rich (Claudius James). Memoir on the Euins of Babylon. By C. J. E., Esq. . . With three plates. Third edition. [I. O.] London, 1818. 8vo. . Narrative of a residence in Koordistan and on the site. of ancient Nineveh ; with journal of a voyage down the Tigris to Bagdad and an account of a visit to Shirauz and Persepolis. By the late C. J. E., Esq re . . Edited by his widow. Two volumes. [L O.] London, 1836. 8vo. Richard I. Chronicles and Memorials of the reign of Eichard I. Vol. I. Itinerarium peregrinorum et gesta Eegis Eicardi ; auctore, ut videtur, Eicardo, Canonico Sanctaa Trinitatis Londoniensis. Edited, from a MS. in the Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, by William Stubbs. London, 1864. 8vo. . Vol. II. Epistolaa Cantuarienses, the Letters of the Prior and Convent of Christ Church, Canterbury. From A.D. 1187 to A.D. 1199. Edited, from a MS. in the Archiepiscopal library at Lambeth, by W. S. [CHRONICLES AND MEMORIALS.] [E. O.] London, 1865-68. 8vo. - III. Letters and Papers illustrative of the Eeigns of Eichard III. and Henry VII. Edited by James Gairdner. 2 vol. [CHRONICLES AND MEMORIALS.] [E. O.] London, 1861-63. 8vo. de Bury. Philobiblon, a treatise on the love of Books : by Eichard de Bury, Bishop of Durham. Written in MCCCXLIV, and translated from the first edition, MCCCCLXXIII. With some collations. [D. M.] London, 1832. 8vo. 606 EIC Richard (Casimir). Note sur la Resolution de 1'Equation par C. E. [Extrait des Atti del? Accademia Pontifida de' Nuovi Lined, tome XX.] [D. M.] Rome, 1867. 4to. Richards (John). Speech in the House of Commons, May 2, 1833, on a motion for the introduction of the Poor Laws into Ireland : with historical notes, &c. By J. E., Esq., M.P. [G. G.] London, 1833. 8vo. Richardson (Charles). A new Dictionary of the English Language : combining explanation with etymology, and illustrated by quota- tions from the best authorities. By C. E., LL.D. 2 vol. [G. G.] London, 1844. 4to. - . Grammar of the Bornu or Kanuri Language ; with Dialogues, Translations, and Vocabulary. London, 1853. 8vo. - . On the study of Language : an exposition of " ETIEA IITE- POENTA, or the diversions of Purley, by John Home Tooke." By C. E. [G. G.] London, 1854. 8vo. - (J.). An account of the Statues, Bas-reliefs, Drawings and Pictures in Italy, Erance, &c. With remarks by Mr. E., sen. and jun. Second edition. [G. G.] London, 1754. 8vo. - (John). Sea KANT (I.). Metaphysical Works ; &c. - (W.). See GEANGEE (J.). Letters. Richelet (Pierre). Les plus belles Lettres Erangoises sur toutes sortes de sujets, tirees des meilleurs auteurs, avec des notes. Par P. E. Quatrieme edition. 2 torn. La Haye, 1708. 12mo. Richelieu (A. J. du Plessis), Cardinal, Due de. See Du PLESSIS. - (Louis-Eranc,ois-Armand du Plessis), Marechal de. Vie privee du Marechal de Eichelieu. 3 torn. [G. G.] Hamburg, 1791. 8vo. Richey (Michael). Idioticon Hambvrgense oder Worter-Buch, zur Erklarung der eigenen, in und iim Hamburg gebr a uch lichen, Nieder-Sachsischen Mund-Art. . . nebst einem . . Anhange. Ausgefertiget von M. E., P. P. Hamburg, 1755. 8vo. Richter (Arthur). Die Psychologie des Plotin. Von Dr. A. E. [G. G.] Halle, 1867. 8vo. - (Friedrich). Die Lehre von den letzten Dingen. Eine wis- senschaftliche Kritik, aus dem Standpunct der Eeligion unter- nommen von E. E. [G. G.] Breslau, 1833. 8vo. - . Die neue Unsterblichkeitslehre. Gesprach einer Abendge- sellschaft als Supplement zu Wielands Euthanasia. Heraus- gegeben von Dr. E. [G. G.] Breslau, 1 833. 8vo. - (Joannes Daniel Guilielmus). See BEEOSUS. Historiae quae supcrsunt ; <$fc. Richterus (Christ. Gottl.). Animadversionvm de veteribvs Legvm Latoribvs et seriptoribvs Ivris Attici ad lo. Alberti Eabricii Bibliothecam Graecam specimina dvo itervm edidit [&c.] Christ. Gottl. Eichtervs. Accessit Oratio de interevntis Ivrisprvdentiae Hvmanioris cavssis. [G. G.] Hambvrgi, 1791. 8vo. EIC EIG 607 Bickard (E.). The Anglo-French Ready Reckoner, consisting of tables and rules for the conversion of British and Metric Weights and Measures into their respective metric and British equivalents ; as set forth in the metric weights and measures Act, xxvii. and xxviii. Victoria, cap. cxvii. ByE. E. [D. M.] London, 1864. 24mo. Riddle (Edward.) An extension of the Double Altitude Problem, to finding the Longitude as well as the Latitude at Sea. By E. R. . . Head Master of the Nautical School, Greenwich Hospital. [D. M.] [London], July 24th, 1849. 8vo. . Another copy. [" A little different in form only." E. R.] . Longitude of Madras by Moon-culminating Observations, with Formulae and Remarks. By E. R., Esq.* [D. M.] 4to. . [Paper showing " how easily the effect of the change of the Sun's declination on the middle time between equal altitudes of the Sun may be computed"] [&c.]. [D. M.] Greenwich Hospital, 23 April, 1850. s. sh. 4to. (lifh.) . Tables of the Logarithms of Numbers, and of Sines, Tangents, and Secants, to Six Places of Decimals. Carefully revised by E. E. [D. M.] .London, "1841. 8vo. . To correct the Longitude computed from Double Altitudes of the Sun, for the Change of Declination between the observations. [D. M.] Greenwich Hospital, s. sh. 4to. (lifh.) . Another copy, corrected. [D. M.] . To find the Latitude from equal Altitudes of the Sun, east and west of the meridian. [Observations taken at the Nautical School, Ap. 25, 1848, to find the Latitude.] . The approximate method of finding the Latitude. [D. M.] Nautical School, Greenwich Hospital, 1848. 12mo. (lifh.) Riigeway (William). A report of the Trial of Mr. Hugh Fitzpatrick, for a libel upon His Grace the Duke of Eichmond, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. By W. E. [G. G.] Dublin, 1813. 8vo. Ridolfi (Luigi). Di alcuni usi delle Epicicloidi e di uno Strumento per la loro descrizione e speciahneiite per quella dell' Ellisse : memoria di Luigi dei Marches! E. [D. M.] Firenze, 1844. 8vo. Riedell (Joannes Fridericus Christianus Engelbrethus). De Pedis Amputatione ex Pirogofni methodo instituta. Dissertatio Inau- guralis Medica . . Scripsit I. F. C. E. E. Kiliae, 1856. 4to. Ries (Friedrich). Antwort auf die Sendschreiben der Herren Archi- diak. Baggesen, Pfarrer Eomang u. a. m. Yon Professor F. E. [G. G.] . Bern, 1847. 8vo. Rigaud (Stephen Peter). See COEKESPONDENCE of Scientific Men of the xviith century. . See PANIZZI (A.). Defence of the Resolution for omitting Mr. P.'s. notes from the Catalogue of the Royal Society. [* From TJie Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society. ~\ 608 EIG RIQ Eigaud (Stephen Peter). Harriot's Papers. [Reprint of a Letter to the Editors of the Journal of the Royal Institution.^ [D. M.] Oxford, Sept. 1, 1831. 8vo. . Historical Essay on the first publication of Sir Isaac Newton's Principia. By S. P. E., M.A. . . Savilian Professor of Astronomy. [With Appendix.] [D. M.] Oxford, 1838. 8vo. . On the Arenarius of Archimedes. By S. P. E., M.A. Savilian Professor of Astronomy. [D. M.] Oxford, printed for the Ashmolean Society, 1837. 8vo. . Some Account of Halley's Astronomise CometicaB Synopsis, which contains his investigation of the Orbits of Comets. ,[D. M.] Oxford, 1835. 8vo. . Some Particulars respecting the principal Instruments at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, in the time of Dr. Halley. By S. P. E., Esq., Savilian Professor of Astronomy at Oxford.* [D. M.] 4to. Bigler (Eridericus Antonius). See MANETHO. Librum Apotelesmati- corum secundum. Rikhenman (Mattheus). See EAPPERSWIL. Chronik von R. Riley (Henry Thomas). See AMTJNDESHAM (J.). Chronica Monasterii S. Albani. . See LONDON'. Munimenta. . See EISHANGER (G.). Chronica. . See TROKELOWE (J. de) and BLANEFORDE (H. de). Chroniea Monasterii S. Albani. . See WALSINGHAM (T.). Chronica Monasterii S. Albani. . See WALSINGKEAM (T.). G-esta Abbatum Monasterii Sancti Albani. Ringelbergiiis (Joachimus Eortius). Opera. [Wanting title-page.'] [D. M.] Lvgdvni, 1531. 8vo. Rioust (M. N.). Carnot. Par M. N. E. [G. G.] Paris, 1817. 8vo. Riqueti (Honore Gabriel), Comte de Mirabeau. Considerations on the Order of Cincinnatus ; to which are added, as well several original papers relative to that institution, as also a Letter from the late M. Turgot, Comptroller of the Einances in Erance, to Dr. Price, on the Constitutions of America ; and an abstract of Dr. Price's observations on the importance of the American Eevolution ; with notes and reflections upon that work. Trans- lated from the Erench of the Count de Mirabeau. [G. G] London, 1785. 8vo. . Systeme de- la Nature . . Par M. M. Nouvelle edition 2 pt. [G. G.] Londres, 1774. 8vo. . Vie publique et privee de H. G. E., Comte de Mirabeau. Dedie aux amis de la Constitution monarchique.' [G. G.] Paris, 1791. 8vo. [* Erom The Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society. ~] EIS EIT 609 Rishanger (Guilielmus). Chronica Monasterii S. Albani. Willelmi Eishanger, quondam Monachi S. Albani, et quonmdam anonymoruni, Chronica et Annales, regnantibus Henrico Tertio et Edwardo Primo. Edited by Henry Thomas Eiley. A.D. 1259- 1307. [CHRONICLES AND MEMOEIALS.] [E. O.] London, 1865. 8vo. Risnerus (Fridericus). See EAHUS (P.). Opticae libri quatuor. Rithmimachia. See JORDANUS. Ritschelius (Fridericus). See PLAUTTJS (T. M.). Comoediae. . Vita Terenti. See SUETONIUS TRANQUILLUS (C.). . "Friderici Eitschelii Professoris Vratislaviensis de Oro et Orione comment atio . . Accedit de Eudemo Epimetrum. [G. G.] Vratislavice, 1834. 8vo. . Die alexandrinischen Bibliotheken unter den ersten Ptole- maern und die Sammlung der homerischen Gedichte durch Pisistratus, nach Anleitung eines Plautinischen Scholions. Von Dr. F. E. Nebst litterarhistorischen Zugaben iiber die Chronologie der alexandrinischen Bibliothekare, die Stichometrie der Alten, und die Grammatiker Heliodorus. [G. G.] Breslau, 1838. 8vo. . Friderici Eitschelii opvscvla philologica. Yol I : Ad litteras Graecas spectautia. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1866. 8vo. . Ueber die jiingsten Plautinischen Studien. [From the Mus. f. Philol. N. F. V.] [G. G.] Bonn. 8vo. Ritschl (Friedrich). See EITSCHELIUS (Fridericus). Ritter (Carl). Die Erdkunde von Asien. Yon C. E. 2 er Ausgabe. 9 Bde. (Mit Namen- und Sach-A'erzeichniss . . bearbeitet von Julius Ludwig Ideler l tr Band Ost-Asieu (und) von Georg Friedrich Hermann Miiller 2 cr Band West-Asien.) [G. G.] Berlin, 1832-1858. 8vo. . Einleitung zur allgemeinen vergleichenden Geographic und Abhandlungen zur Begriindung einer mehr wissenschaftlichen Behandlung der Erdkunde. YonC.E. [G. G.] Berlin, 1852. 8vo. (Franciscus). See TACITUS (C. C.). . Bemerkungen zu Cicero's Tusculanen I, 10, 22. [G. G.] Zerbst, 1846. 4to. . Zur Eomischen Topographie. [From the Mus. f. Philol. N F. Y.] [G. G.] Bonn. 8vo. (Heinrich). See PBELLEE (L.). . Antiquarische Briefe. See EAUMEB, (F. von). . Geschichte der Philosophic von Dr. H. E. Zweite Auflage 12 Th. [G. G.] Hamburg, 1836-53. 8vo. . (Nicolaus Henricus Yalentinus). De Yenarum Pulsu eiusque causa valvula mitrali insufficiente cum foramine ovali aperto coniuncta. Dissertatio Inauguralis medica . . Scripsit N. H. Y. E. Kiliae, 1856. 4to. 2s 610 EIT EOB Bitter shusius (Conradus). See under IAMBLICHUS. Malchus, de Vita Pythagorce. Robbe (Leonardus). Specimen Literarium exhibens Vitam Aristotelis Graece nunc primum editam . . Defendet L. E. [G. G.] Lugduni-Batavorum, 1861. 8vo. Robert (Cyprian). Die griechisch-slawische Welt. Griechenlaiid, Serbien, Ungarn, Polen und Eussland. [Aus der Revue des deux Mondes iibersetzt.] [G. G.] Leipzig, 1845. 8vo. . Die Slawen der Tiirkei, oder die Montenegriner, Serbier, Bosniaken, Albanesen und Bulgaren, ihre Krafte und Mittel, ihr Streben und ihr politischer Fortschritt. Von 0. E. Aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt [&c.] von Marko Fedorowitsch. 2 Th. [G. G.] Dresden, 1844. 8vo. Roberts (Charles). See CALENDARIUM. C. Genealogicum. . See EOTULI. Robertson (Abram). A new demonstration of the Binomial Theorem, when the exponent is a positive or negative fraction. By the Eev. A. E., A.M.* [D. M.] London, 1806. 4to. . A Eeply to a Critical Monthly Eeviewer, in which is inserted Euler's Demonstration of the Binomial Theorem. By A. E. [D. M.] Oxford, 1808. 8vo. Elements of Conic Sections deduced from the cone, and designed as an introduction to the Newtonian Philosophy. By the Eev. A. E., D.D., F.E.S., Savilian Professor of Astronomy in the University of Oxford. [D. M.] Oxford, 1818. 8vo. . Fundamental Properties of Proportional Magnitudes, and a Demonstration of the Fifth Definition of the Fifth Book of Euclid. By A. E. [D. M.] Oxford, 1804. 8vo. (Alexander). Defects in the practice of Life Assurance, and suggestions for their remedy [&c.]. Fourth edition. [D. M.] London, 1849. 8vo. (John). A description of the Lines drawn on Gunter's Scale, as improved by J. E. See MOUNTAINS (W.). . The Anatomy and Physiology of the Perforating Instruments of Pholas Dactylus . . By J. E.* Brighton, 1859. 8vo. Roberval (^Egidius Personerius de). See MATHMATIQUE. Robespierre ( J. Maximilien). Yie secrette, politique et curieuse de M. J. M. E. [G. G.] Paris, An ii. 8vo. . Pieces diverses sur Eobespierre. [G. G.] [ .] 8vo. Robin (Charles). See NYSTEN (P. H.). Dictionnaire de Medecine. Robinet (J. B.). De la Nature. Par J. B. E. Kouvelle edition, revue, corrigee et augmente'e par 1'auteur. 2 torn. [G. G.] 'Amsterdam, 1763. Svo. [* From The Philosophical Transactions."] BOB EOD 611 Robins (Benjamin). A Discourse concerning the nature and certainty of Sir Isaac Newton's Methods of Fluxions, and of prime and ultimate Eatios. By B. E. [D. M.] London, 1735. 8vo. . A full confutation of Dr. Jurin's reply to the remarks on his essay upon distinct and indistinct vision. By B. E., F.E.S. [D. M.] London, 1740. 8vo. . Mathematical Tracts of the late Benjamin Eobins, Esq., Fellow of the Boyal Society, and Engineer General to the Honourable the East India Company. In two volumes. Vol. I. containing his new principles of Gunnery [&c.]. II. containing his discourse on the methods of Fluxions [&c.]. Published by James Wilson, M.D. [D. M.] London, 1761. 8vo. . Eemarks on Mr. Euler's Treatise of Motion, Dr. Smith's compleat system of Opticks, and Dr. Jurin's essay upon distinct and indistinct Vision. By B. E., F.E.S. [D. M.] London, 1739. 8vo. Robinson ( - - ). See NIEBTJHB, (B. G.). Life of G. Niebulir, trans- lated by Prof. R. (J.). Catalogue of Mathematical, Philosophical, and Scientific Books, belonging to J. E. [D. M.] [London.'] 8vo. ( J. C.). Memoranda on fifty pictures selected from a collection of works of the autient Masters : with notices of some Italian, Spanish, German and Dutch Painters. By J. C. E. [G. G.] London, 1868. 4to. (John Joshua). On Eadical Axes and Poles of Similitude. By Mr. J. J. E., of H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth. [From the " Diary" for 1854.] [D. M.] 12mo. (Eobert). The History and the Mystery of Good-Friday. By E. E. A new edition. [D. M.] Harloiv, 1811. *12mo. Roche (Antonin). See TEMPLE (H. J.), Viscount Palmer ston. Discours traduit par M. A. R. . Exercices sur la Grammaire Franchise. Par A. E. Deuxicme edition. Paris, 1859. 12mo. . Histoire des principaux Ecrivains franc;ais depuis 1'origine de la litterature jusqu'a nos jours. Par A. E. Tome I. Paris, 1858. 12mo. . Les Poetes francais. Becueil de morceaux choisis dans les meilleurs Poetes depuis 1'origine de la litterature franchise jusqu'au XIX e siecle ; avec line notice biographique sur chaque poete. Par A. E. 4 me edition. London, 1858. 12mo. Rochefoucauld (F. de la), Due. See LA EOCHEFOTTCATJLD. Rochejaquelin (M. H. de la). Situation de k France. Lettres aux Electeurs. Par M. H. de la E. [G. G.] -Paris, 1849. 8vo. Rochester, Earl of. See WILMOT (John). Rodt (Emanuel von). See FEICKABD ( ). Beschreibung des Twing- Tierrenstreits zu Bern, im Jahr 1470. 2B2 612 EOE BOG Roebuck (J. A.), Address to the Electors of Bath. [G. G.] London, 1832. 8vo. . A collection of Pamphlets. By J. A. E. [G. G.] London, [ .] 8vo. . Existing difficulties in the Government of the Canadas. By J. A. E., M.P. [G. G-.] London, 1836. 8vo. . Pamphlets for the people. Edited by J. A. E. Vol. I. [G. GK] London, 1835. 8vo. . The Speech of Mr. Eoebuck, M.P. for the City of Bath, on National Education. Corrected by himself. [G. G.] London, 1833. 8vo. Roeder (Leopoldus Florens Andreas). De Trium, quae Graeci colue- runt, Comoediae generum ratione ac proprietatibus disputatio. Scripsit et edidit L.F.A.E., Philosophiae Doctor. [G. G.] Susati, 1831. 4to. Roedigerus (Ludovicus). De Dialectices apud Graecos Progressu commentatio. [G. G.] [ .] 4to. Roestow (W.). See KOECHLT (H.) and EOESTOW (W.). Roeth (Eduard). Geschichte unserer abend! andischen Philosophie. . . Yon E. E. 2 Bde. [G. G.] Mannheim, 1846-58. 8vo. Roger, de Hoveden. Eogeri Hovedeni Annalium pars prior & posterior. See SAVILE (Sir H.). Rervm Anglicarvm Scriptores post Bedam. . Chronica Magistri Eogeri de Houedene. Edited by William Stubbs. 4 vol. [CHRONICLES AND MEMORIALS.] [E. O.] London, 1868-71. 8vo. Rogers (James E. Thorold). See COBDEN (E.). Speeches. . A Manual of Political Economy for Schools and Colleges. By J. E. T. E. {Clarendon Press Series.'] [D. M.] Oxford, 1868. 8vo. Rogerus, Aurelianensis. Opuscula, &c. See JOANNES, Sarisburiensis. Roget (Francois). De Constantin a Gregoire-le- Grand : on FEsprit Chretien et 1'Esprit Politique de 1'Eglise Chretienne. Par F. E. [G. G.] Lausanne, 1863. 8vo. - (Peter Mark). See EOTAL SOCIETY. . Description of the new Sliding Eule of Involution, invented by Dr. Eoget, Secretary to the Eoyal Society : with instructions for using it. Made by John Eooker, divider and engraver. [D. M.] {London], 1828. 8vo. . [Obituary Notice. From the Obituary Notices of the Pro- ceedings of the Eoyal Society, 1870.] [D. M.] 8vo. Rogge (Karl August). Ueber das Gerichtswesen der Germanen. Ein germanistischer Versuch von K. A. E. [G. G.] Halle, 1820. 8vo. Roggius (J.). Bibliotheca Mathematica sive Criticus Librorum Mathematicorum, qui inde ab rei typographicae exordio ad anni 1830 mi usque finem excusi sunt, index ad varios usus commode dispositus ab J. Eoggio. Sectio I. Libros Arithmeticos et Geometricos complectens. [D. M.] Tubingce, 1830. 8vo. EOH EOM 613 Rohaultus (Jacobus). Jacobi Eohaulti Physica. Latine vertit, recensuit, & adnotationibus ex illustrissimi Isaac! Newtoni Philosophia maximam partem haustis, amplificavit & ornavit Samuel Clarke. Eclitio tertia. [G. Q-.] Londini, 1710. 8vo. Rohde (Erwin). Ueber Luciaus Schrift AOYKIO2 H ONOS und ihr Verhaeltniss zu Lucius von Patrae und den Metamorphosen des Apulejus. Eine literar-historische Untersuchung von E. E. [G. G-.] Leipzig, 1869. 8vo. Rohlfs (Matthias). Konigl. Gross-Britannisch- und Chur-Fiirstl. Braunschweig -Liineburgischer Staats-Kalender au das 1779 Jahr Christi, . . Berechnet von Matthias Eohlfs. Lauenburg, [ ] 8vo. Rokewode (Johannes Gage). See JOCELIJST DE BRAKELOND. Chronica. Roll (Laurentius Christianus Augustus). Nonnulla de Descensu Tes- ticuli imperfecto. Dissertatio Inauguralis Medica . . Scripsit L.C.A.E. Kiliae, 1856. 4to. Holland (Marie Jeanne Philepon). Memoires particuliers de M ma Eolland suivis des notices historiques sur la revolution [&c.] par la meme ; avec avant-propos et notes, par M. Fs. Barriere. [G. G.] Paris, 1847. 12mo. . Memoires de Madame Eoland. Nouvelle edition, accompagnee de notes et d'appendice : precedee d'une notice biographique et ornee d'un beau portrait. 2 torn. [G. G.] Paris, 1823. 12mo. Rolle (Eichard) de Hampole. The Pricke of Conscience (Stimulus ConscieiitiaB). A Northumbrian Poem by Eichard Eolle de Hampole. Copied and edited from manuscripts in the Library of the British Museum, with an introduction, notes, and glossarial index by Eichard Morris. [Philological Society.] Berlin, 1863. 8vo. Rollin (Charles). Histoire ancienne. Par M. E. Xouvelle edition. 13 torn. [G. G.] Paris, 1769-72. 12mo. Romagnosi (Gian Domeuico Gregorio Giuseppe). Collezione degli scritti sulla dottrina della Eagione del Professore G. D. E. Sec. edi/ione. 2 part. [G. G.] Prato, 1841. 8vo. . Dell' indole e dei fattori dell' incivilimento ; con esempio del suo risorgimento in Italia. Del Professore G. D. E. Terza edjzione. [G. G.] Prato, 1835. 8vo. Romans (The). Die Eeligion der Eomer. Ein Vortrag gehalten im Verein fiir Wissenschaftliche Yortrage am 4 Januar, 1845. [G. G.] [ .] 8vo. Romamis (Adrianus). In Archimedis Circvli dimensionem expositio & analysis. Apologia pro Archimede, ad clariss. virum losephum Scaligerum. Exercitationes Cyclicae contra losephum Scaligerum, Orontium Fina3um, & Eaymarum Yrsum, in decem dialogos dis- tinctap. Avthore Adriano Eomano Eqvite Aurato, Mathesewn Excellentissimo Professore in Academia VYurceburgensi. [D. M.J Wvrcebvrgi, 1597. fol. 614 EOM EOS Rome de 1'Isle (Jean-Baptiste Louis). Metrologie, ou tables pour servir a 1'intelligence des Poids et Mesures des Auciens, et prin- cipalement a determiner la valeur des monnoies grecques et romaines, d'apres leur rapport avec les Poids, les Mesures et le Numeraire actuel de la France. Par M. de E. de 1'L, de F Aca- demic Imperiale des Curieux de la Nature [&c.]. [D. M.] Paris, 1789. 4to. Romer (Olaus). See MATHEMATIQTTE. Romilly (Henry). Public Eesponsibility and Vote by Ballot. Second edition. To which are appended, A Letter from John Stuart Mill, M.P., to the Editor of The Eeader, 29th April, 1865. And Observations thereon. By H. E., M.A. [G. G.] London, 1867. 8vo (Sir Samuel). Memoirs of the Life of Sir S. E., written by himself ; with a selection from his Correspondence. Edited by his Sons. In three volumes. [I. 0.] London, 1840. 8vo. Rondet ( ). See STOJSTE (E.). Analise des infiniment petits, traduit en Francois par M. R. Rondonneau (L.). Concordance des Calendriers Eepublicain et Gre- gorien, depuis 1793 jusques et compris Tan 22. . . Par L. E. Sixieme edition. [D. M.] Paris, 1812. 8vo. Rooke (Sir George). A Narrative of Sir George Eooke's late Voyage to the Mediterranean, where he commanded as Admiral of the Confederate Fleet. With a description of Gibraltar ; and ob- servations on the usefulness and importance of that place . . An * account also of the Naval Battel fought betwixt the Confederates and French King's Fleets : with a judgment of the event. In a letter to a person of quality. [D. M.] London, 1704. 4to. Roscoe (Henry Enfield). See KIRCHHOFF (G.). Researches on the Solar Spectrum, fyc., translated by H. E. R. . Introductory lecture on the development of Physical Science, delivered in Owens College, Manchester. By H. E. E., Esq., . . Professor of Chemistry at Owens College. [G. G.] London, 1857. 8vo. . Lessons in Elementary Chemistry : inorganic and organic. By H. E. E. [G. G.] London, 1867. 16mo. (William). The Life of Lorenzo de Medici : called the Magni- ficent. By W. E. The fourth edition corrected. 3 vol. [G. G.] London, 1800. 8vo, Roscommon, Earl of. See DILLON (Went worth). Rose (Right Hon. George). See under PLACITA. . The Diaries and Correspondence of the Eight Hon. G. E Edited by the Eev. Levison Vernon Harcourt. [G. G.] London, 1860. 8vo, EOS 615 Rose (Right Hon. George). Observations on the historical work of the late Eight Hon. Charles James Fox. By the Eight Hon. G. E. With a narrative of the events which occurred in the enterprise of the Earl of Argyle in 1685, by Sir Patrick Hume. [G. G.] London, 1809. 4to. (William Stewart). Ehymes. By W. S. E. [G. G.] Brighton, 1837. 8vo. (Valentinus). See ARISTOTLE. Pseudepigraphus. . Valentini Eose de Aristotelis Librorum Ordine et Auctoritate commentatio. [Gr. G.] Berolini, 1854. 8vo. Rosen (Frederic). See ILGEN (E. C.). Disquisitionis de Tribubus Atticis earumque partibus specimen. . See MOHAMMED BEN MIJSA. Algebra. Rosenberg (Carolus). De Eleaticae Philosophiae Primordiis. Dis- sertatio . . Defendet auctor C. E. Opponentibus : Meyero Isler, Carolo Cremser, Alberto Benary. [Gr. G-.] Berolini, 1830. 8vo. Rosenberger (M. 0. A.). On the Elements of Halley's Comet at its last Appearance. By M. O. A. E. [From The Astronomische Nachrichten, No. 180 ; and The Philosophical Magazine and Annals, for Jan. 1832.] [D. M.] 8vo. Rosenkrantz (Karl). See KANT (I.). Werke. (Wilhelm). Die Wissenschaft des Wissens . . Yon W. E. 2 Bde. [G. G.] Muenchen $ Mainz, 1866-68. 8vo. Rosetta Stone. Observations on the Eosetta Stone. fol. (lith.) Rosinius (Carolus). Epicvri Fragmenta librorvm II. et XI. de Natvra in volvminibvs papyraceis ex Hercvlano ervtis reperta [&c.] a Carolo Eosinio. Ex tomo II. . . edidit [&c.] lo. Conradvs Orellivs. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1818. 8vo. Ross (Alexander). IIAN2EBEIA : or, a view of all Eeligions in the world : with the several Church-Goveinments from the creation, till these times [etc.]. The sixth edition, enlarged and perfected, by A. E. To which is annexed, The lives, actions, and ends of certain notorious Hereticks. With their effigies in copper-plates. [D. M.] London, 1683. 8vo. . The Philcsophicall Touchstone : or Observations upon Sir Kenelm Digbie's Discourses of the nature of bodies, and of the reasonable Soule. In which his erroneous paradoxes are refuted, the truth, and Aristotelian philosophy vindicated, the immor- tality of Mans Soule briefly, but sufficiently proved. And the weak Fortifications of a late Amsterdam Ingeneer, patronizing the Soules mortality, briefly flighted. By A. E. [D. M.] London, 1645. 4to. . Another copy. [The Philosophicall Touch-stone.] [D. M.] . (Joannes). See CICEEO (M. T.). Epistolarum libri XVI. . ( J. A.). See HIESCH (M.). Collection of Examples, $c., on the Literal Calculus and Algebra, translated by the Rev. J. A. R. 616 EOS Ross (J. A.). See HIRSCH (M.). Ts Geometry, translated by the Rev. J. A. R. (Ludwig). See KBIEKEN (P. van). Beschreibwng des Griechischen A.rchipelagus. . Alte Lokrische Inschrift von Challion oder Ocantheia mit den Bemerkungen von I. N. (Ekonomides, herausgegeben von L. E. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1854. 8vo. . Archiiologische Aufsatze von L. E. Erste Sammlung. [G. G-.] Leipzig, 1855. 8vo. . Ausgrabung von Olyrnpia. Ein Yorsclilag. [Q-. G.] Halle, 1853. 8vo. . Das Theseion und der Tempel des Ares in Athen . . Yon L. E. [G. G,] Halle, 1852. 8vo. . Die Demen von Attika und ihre Yertheilung unter die Phylen. Nach Inschriften von Ludwig Eoss. Herausgegeben und mit Anmerkungen begleitet von M. H. E. Meier. [G. G.] Halle, 1846. 4to. . Die Pnyx und das Pelasgikon in Athen . . Yon L. E. [G. G.] Braunschweig, 1853. 8vo. . EFXEIPIAION TH2 APXAIOAOriAS TON TEXNON YIIO AOYAOBIKOY PO2SIOY AIANOMH HPOTH. ISTOPI4 THS TEXNH2 MEXPI2 AAO2EON KOPIN6OY. [G. G.] A9HNHSI, 1841. 8vo. . Ludovici Eossii Holsati Professoris Halensis ad virum claris- simum Augustum Boeckhium Professorem Berolinensem Epistola Epigraphica. Insunt lapis Eourmonti Atticus restitutus titu- lusque Thespiensis ineditus. [G. G.] Halis Saxonum, 1850. 8vo. . Hellenika Archiv archaologischer [&o..]. Yon L. E. Ersten Bandes erstes Heft [& zweites Heft]. [G. G.] Halle, 1846. 4to. . Italiker und Griiken. Sprachen die Eomer Sanskrit oder Griechisch ? In Brief en an einen Preund von L. E. [G. G.] Halle, 1858. 8vo. . Kleinasien und Deutschland . . Yon L. E. [G. G.] Halle, 1850. 8vo. . Eeisen auf den griechischen Inseln des agiiischen Meeres. Yon L. E. 3 B de . [G. G.] Stuttgart, 1840-45. 8vo. . Eeisen des Konigs Otto und der Koniginn Amalia in Griech- enland. Aufgezeichnet [&c.] von L. E. 2 Bde. [G. G.] HaUe 9 1848. 8vo. . Eeisen nach Kos, Halikarnassos, Ehodos und der Insel Cypern. Yon L. E. Auch als vierter Band der Eeisen auf den griechischen Inseln. [G. G.] Halle, 1852. 8vo. . Eeisen und Eeiserouten durch Griechenland. Yon L. E. Erster Theil : Eeisen im Peloponnes. [G. G.] Berlin, 1841. 8vo. EOS EOT 617 Rosse (Alexander). The New Planet no Planet : or, The Earth no wandering Star ; except in the wandring heads of Galileans. Here out of the principles of divinity, philosophy, astronomy, reason, and sense, the Earth's immobility is asserted ; the true sense of Scripture in this point, cleared ; the Fathers and Philo- sophers vindicated ; divers theologicall and philosophicall points handled, and Copernicus his opinion, as erroneous, ridiculous, and impious, fully refuted. By A. E. In answer to a discourse, that the Earth may be a planet. [D. M.] London, 1646. 4to. Rosser (Archibald). Credit Pernicious. By A. E. Second edition. [G. GL] London, 1834. 8vo. Rossi (Ottavio). Le Memorie Bresciane. Opera historica, e simbolica di 0. E. rjveduta da Eortvnato Yinaccesi. Brescja, 1693. 4to. Rossignol (J.-P.). Gnathon et Scymnus deux artistes peintres decou- verts dans les epidemics d'Hippocrate. A ce sujet classification des personnages qui figurent dans les Epidemics et explication de la legende d'Hippocrate. Par J.-P. E. . . professeur de litterature grecque au College de Erance. [G. G.] Paris, 1858. 8vo. Rossius (Ludovicus). See Eoss (Ludwig). Rossmassler (Erai)e Adolph). DerMensch im Spiegel der Natur. Em Yolksbuch von E. A. E. Zweite Auflage. [G. G.] Leipzig, [1850-55.] 8vo. Rost (Friedrich AYilhelm Ehrenfried). See JACOBS (E. C. W.) and EOST (F. W. E.). Roth (Paul). Geschichte des Beneficial wesens von den altesten Zeiten bis ins zehnte Jahrhundert. Yon Dr. P. E. [G. G.] Erlcuigen, 1850. 8vo. Rothanker (Sebaldus). Das Leben und die Meinungen des Herrn Magister S. E. 3 B de . [G. G.] [l er B. 3 e Aufl. 1776. 2 er 3 er 1775-76.] 8vo. Rothe (Henricus Augustus). Formulae de Serierum Eeversione demonstratio vniversalis signis localibus combinatorio-analyti- corum vicariis exhibita . . Proponit M. H. A. E., Dresdanus, respondente Joanne Carolo Burckhardt, Lipsiensi. [D. M.] Lipsiae, 1793. 4to. Rothenlraecher (Adolf). Das System der Pythagoreer nach den Angaben des Aristoteles, Yon A. E. [G. G.'] Berlin, 1867. 8vo. Rothman (E. W.). Account of Observations of Halley's Comet. By E. W. E., Esq., M.A.* Cambridge, 1838. 4to, . On an Ancient Solar Eclipse observed in China. By E. W. E., Esq.f 4to. [* From The Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. t ,, The Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society. ,] 618 EOT Rothmann (J. G.). Das Theatergebaude zu Athen nebst drei litho- graphischen Abbildungen. Ein Beitrag zum Studium der griech- ischen Tragodie. Von Prof. J. G. E. [G. G.] Torgau, 1852. 4to. Rotuli. Excerpta e Eotulis Finium in Turri Londinensi asservatis, Henrico Tertio rege, A.D. 1216-1272. Cura Carol! Eoberts. Vol. I. A.D. 3216-1246. II. A.D. 1246-1272. [E. O.] [Record Commission.'] [London,] 1835-36. 8vo. . Eotuli Chartarum in Turri Londinensi asservati. Accurante Thoma Duffus Hardy. Vol. I. Pars I. Ab anno MCXCIX. ad annum MCCXVI. [E. 0.] [Record Commission."] [London,"] 1837. fol. . Eotuli Curieo Eegis. Eolls and Eecords of the Court held before the King's Justiciars or Justices. Vol. I. from the sixth year of King Eichard I. to the Accession of King John. II. The First year of King John. Edited by Sir Francis Pal grave, K.H. [E. O.] [Record Commission] [London] 1835. 8vo. . Eotuli de Liberate ac de Misis et Praestitis, regnante Johanne. Cura T. Duff us Hardy. [E. O.] [Record Commission] London, 1844. 8vo. . Eotuli de Oblatis et Finibus in Turri Londinensi asservati, Tempore Eegis Johannis. Accurante Thoma Duff us Hardy. [E. O.] [Record Commission] [London] 1835. 8vo. . Eotuli Litterarum Clausarum in Turri Londinensi asservati. Accurante Thoma Duffus Hardy. Vol. I. Ab anno MCCIV ad annum MCCXXIV. 1833. II. Ab anno MCCXXIV ad annum MCCXXVII. 1844. [E. 0.] [Record Commission] [London] fol. . Eotuli Litterarum Patentium in Turri Londinensi asservati. Accurante Thorna Dnffus Hardy. Vol. I. Pars I. Ab anno MCCI. ad annum MCCXVI. [E. O.] [Record Commission.] [London,] 1835. fol. . Eotuli Normanniae in Turri Londinensi asservati, Johanne et Henrico quinto Anglise regibus. Accurante Thoma Duffus Hardy. Vol. I. De Annis 1200-1205, necnon de Anno 1417. [E. O.] [Record Commission] [London,] 1835. 8vo. . Eotulorum Originalium in Curia Scaccarii Abbreviatio. Tem- poribus Eegum Hen. III. Ed. I. & Ed. II. II. Tempore Eegis Edwardi. 2 vol. [Edited by H. Playford.] [E. O.] [Record Commission] [London] 1805-10. fol. . The Great Eoll of the Pipe for the first year of the reign of King Eichard the First, A.D. 1189-1190. . The Great Eolls of the Pipe for the second, third, and fourth years of the reign of King Henry the Second, A.D. 1155, 1156, 1157, 1158. Now first printed from the originals . . under the care of the Eev. Joseph Hunter. [E. 0.] [Record Commission] London, 1844. 8vo. ECU EOT 619 Roulez (Jos. Imm. GisL). See PTOLEMY Chennus. Ptolemoei Heplices- tionis Novarum Historiarum . . eoecerpta, edidit J. I. G. _K. Rousseau (Jean Jacques). Du Contrat social : ou Principes du Droit politique. Par J. J. E. Nouvelle edition. [G. 0-.] Paris, 1791. 12mo. Routh (E. J.). See BROUGHAM (H.) and EOUTH (E. J.). Rouvin (Charles). La Tete Hurnaine. Etudes illustrees de Phreno- logie et de Physiognoniie appliquees aux personnages celebres anciens et modernes. Par C. E. Paris, [ .] 8vo. Roux (P.-C.). See BUCHEZ (B.-J.-B.). Rover (Jacobus Adolphus Carolus). . . Eesponsio ad Quaestionem litterariam, . . propositam : " Quam maxime commutationem apud'Graecos subiit philosophia, auctore Socrate." [G. G.] [ J1821. 8vo. Rowbotham (J.). A Practical System of Algebra. See NICHOLSON (P.) and EOWBOTHAM (J.). Rowland (David). Laws of Nature, the foundation of Morals. By D. E. [G. G.] London, 1863. 8vo. Royal Astronomical Society. A Catalogue of 606 principal Eixed Stars in the Southern Hemisphere : deduced from observations made at the Observatory, St. Helena, from November 1829 to April 1833. By Manuel L. Johnson, Lieutenant St. Helena Artillery. Printed under the superintendence of the Eoyal As- tronomical Society. [D. M.] London, 1835. 4to. . Charter and Bye-Laws. 1831. [D. M.] London. 12mo. . 1844. [D. M.] London. 12mo. . Catalogue of the Library of the Eoyal Astronomical Society. February 1838. [D. M.] London, 1838. 8vo. . Another edition. (Prepared by J. W[oollgar].) [D. M.] London, 1850. 8vo. . Meridian Ephemeris of the Planets for the year 1834 : con- structed under the direction of Lieut. W. S. Stratford, E.N., F.E.S., for, and printed at the expense of, the Eoyal Astronomi- cal Society. [D. M.] London, 1834. 8vo. . Meridian Ephemeris of the Sun and Planets for the year 1835 : computed by order, and printed at the expense, of the Eoyal Astronomical Society. [D. M.] London, 1835. 8vo. . Monthly notices of the [Eoyal] Astronomical Society of London, containing [Papers,] Abstracts of Papers, and Eeports of the Proceedings of the Society, from February 1827, to [June 1870]. Vol. I.-XXX. [D. M.] London, 1831-70. 8vo. Royal Astronomical Society's Club. Eules and Eegulations of the Eoyal Astronomical Society's Club, established 10th November, 1820. Eevised [&c.] January 9th, 1846. [D. M.] [London.-] 12mo. Royal College of Chemistry. Eeports . . and Eesearches conducted in the Laboratories in the years 1845-6-7. London, 1849. 8vo. 620 EOT Royal College of Physicians, London. Pharmacopoeia Collegii Eegalis Medicorum Lonclinensis. Londini, 1851. 8vo. . Translation of the Pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, 1851. With notes and illustrations. By Richard Phillips, F.R.S. [&c.]. London, 1851. 8vo. Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. Regulations to be observed by Candidates for the Diploma of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. 'Edinburgh, 1851. 8vo. Royal Dublin Society. Journal of the Royal Dublin Society. 8vo. Royal Exchange. Papers relating to the Clock for the New Royal Exchange 1843. [With Appendix.] [D. M.] Royal Society's Chambers, Somerset House, April 1844. fol. Royal Irish Academy. Journal. Dublin. 8vo. Royal Observatory. Cape of Good Hope. See CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, Royal Observatory. , Edinburgh. Observations of the Annular Eclipse of the Sun, May 15, 1836 ; of Lunar Occupations of Fixed Stars ; and of Eclipses of Jupiter's Satellites, 1836. [D. M.] Edinburgh, [ .] 4to. . Report addressed by the Astronomer-Royal of Scotland to the Board of Visitors, at their first visitation to the Royal Observa- tory, Edinburgh, December 6, 1848. [By C. Piazzi Smyth.] [D. M.] 4to. . Report to the Board of Visitors of the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh, at their Visitation on the 20th of April, 1869. . 29th of June, 1870. [By C. Piazzi Smyth.] [D. M.] 4to. , Greenwich. See PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS. . Regulations of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. [Forming the Second Appendix to the Greenwich Observations, 1852.] [D. M.] 4to. . Report of the Astronomer Royal [G. B. Airy] to the Board of Visitors [of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich]. Read at the Annual Visitation. June 4, 1836 June 4, 1870. [With Addresses and Explanations.] [D. M.] Greenwich, 4to. . Results of the Magnetical and Meteorological Observations made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, 1848-53. (Extracted from the Greenwich Observations, 1848-53.) 4to. Royal Society Club. Sketch of the rise and progress of the Royal Society Club. [By William Henry Smyth, Vice Admiral, R.N.] [D. M.] London, 1860. 4to. Royal Society of Literature. Works published by. WRIGHT (T.). Biographia Britannica Literaria. By T. W., M.A. Anglo- Saxon Period. [D. M.] London, 1842. 8vo. . Anglo-Norman Period. [D. M.] London, 1846. 8vo. BOY 621 Royal Society of London. See MISCELLANEA CUEIOSA. . Catalogues, $c. Catalogue of the Scientific Books in the Library of the Royal Society. [By A. Panizzi.] London, 1839. 8vo. . Defence of the resolution for omitting Mr. Panizzi's Biblio- graphical Notes from the Catalogue of the Boyal Society. [D. M.] [London,'] January, 1838. 8vo. . The Philosophical Transactions and Collections, to the end of the year 1700. Abridg'd and Dispos'd under general heads. In three volumes. By John Lowthorp, M.A. and F.B.S. The second edition. [D. M.] London, 1716. 4to. . The Philosophical Transactions (from the year 1700 to the year 1720). Abrig'd and dispos'd under general heads. In two volumes . . By Henry Jones, M.A. and Fellow of King's College in Cambridge. (Vol. IV. V.) [D. M.] London, 1721. 4to. . The Philosophical Transactions (from the year 1719, to the year 1733) abridged, and disposed under general heads. In two volumes . . By Mr. John Eames, F.B.S. , and John Martyn, F.B.S., Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge. [D. M.] London, 1734. 4to. . Preliminary Beport of the Committee appointed March 5, 1857, to consider the formation of a Catalogue of Philosophical Memoirs. [D. M.] 8vo. . Catalogue of Scientific Papers (1800-1863). Compiled and published by the Boyal Society of London. Vol. I.-IV. (A-POZ). [D. M.] London, 1867-70. 4to. . Catalogues of the Miscellaneous Manuscripts and of the Manuscript Letters in the possession of the Boyal Society. Containing: A catalogue of the miscellaneous manuscripts, preserved in the library of the Boyal Society. By James Orchard Halliwell, Esq. F.B.S. . Apppendix [to the Catalogue]. . Catalogue of manuscript letters in the possession of the Boyal Society. [By W. E. Shuckard, Lib. B.S.] [D. M.] London, 1840. 8vo. . Descriptive Catalogue of the Portraits in the possession of the Boyal Society. By Charles Bichard Weld, Assistant Secre- tary and Librarian. Compiled by Order of the Council. [D. M.] London, 1860. 8vo. . Portraits in possession of the Boyal Society. [D. M.] (Dated) Nov. 1834. 4to. . Instruments and Apparatus belonging to the Boyal Society. [D. M.] (Dated) Nov. 1834. 4to. . Statutes, <$fc. Diplomata et Statvta Begalis Societatis Lon- dini pro Scientia naturali promovenda. [D. M.] Londini, 1752. 8vo. 622 BOY Royal Society of London. Statutes, $c. Diplomata et Statuta Eegalis Societatis Londini, pro Scientia Naturali promovenda : jussu Prsesidis et Concilii edita. [D. M.] Londini, 1819. 4to. . The Statutes of the Eoyal Society of London : Made in the. year 1823. [D. M.] London, 1823. 4to. . Statutes of the Eoyal Society. 1831. London. 4to. . Statutes of the Eoyal Society, 1847. [GK G.] London, 1847. 8vo. . [Admission into the Eoyal Society. Paper of suggestions as to; with forms of testimonials.] [D. M.] 8vo. . List of the various Councils of the Eoyal Society, commencing with the year 1800, to 1839. [D. M.] [London, 1840] 8vo. . The Eoyal Society. 30fch November 186 7. [Council Fellows, &c.] 4to. . [Propositions communicated to a Meeting of the Committee. Dated May 10th, 1831.] [D. M.] s. sh. fol. . Statement for the use of the Members of the Committee for revising the Charter and Statutes of the Society. [D. M.] s. sh. 4to. . Eesolutions of the Committee for revising the Charter and Statutes. [D. M.] May 16, 1831. 4to, . Statement of Eeceipts and Payments. [28 Nov. 182927 Nov. 1830.] s. sh. fol. . Proceedings of the. [Imperfect^ '[London.'] 8vo. . Works published and reprinted by. Commercium Epistolicum D. Johannis Collins, et aliorum [Barrow, Oldenburg, Leibnitz, and Gregory], de Analysi promota, jussu Societatis Eegiae in lucem editum : et jam una cum ejusdem recensione prsemissa, & judicio primarii, ut ferebatur, Mathematici subjuncto, iterum impressum. [D. M.] Londini, 1722. 8vo. . Commercium Epistolicum de varia Ee Mathematica, inter celeberrimos prsesentis seculi Mathematicos. Viz. Isaacum New- tonum Equitem Auratum. D num Isaacum Barrow, D num Jacobum Gregorium, D num Johannem Wallisium, D num J. Keillium, D num J. Collinium, D num Gulielmum Leibnitium, D num Henricum Olden- bourgum, D num Franciscum Slusium, et alios. Jussu Societatis Eegiaa in lucem editum. Et jam una cum recensione prsemissa insignis controversiae inter Leibnitium & Keillium de primo inventore methodi Fluxionum ; & judicio primarii, ut ferebatur, mathematici subjuncto, iterum impressum. [D. M.] Londini, 1725. 8vo. . Miscellaneous. An Account of the book entitled Commercium ^Epistolicum Collinii H. Rutherford (William). See MATHEMATICIAN (The). . Computation of the Eatio of the Diameter of a Circle to its Circumference to 208 places of figures. By W. E., Esq.* [D. M.] London, 1841. 4to. . " On the Extension of the value of the ratio of the Circum- ference of a Circle to its Diameter." By W. E. [D. M.] 8vo. . . The Complete Solution of Numerical Equations : in which, by one uniform process, the imaginary as well as the real roots are easily determined. By W. E., LL.D.* [D. M.] London, 1849. 4to. and Fenwick (S.). Elementary Propositions in the Geometry of Co-ordinates, both of two and three dimensions : with their application to the demon stration of some interesting theorems. Part I. By W. E. and S. F. [D. M.] London, 1843. 4to. Rutherforth (T.). An Essay on the Nature and Obligations of Virtue. By T. E., B.D. [G. G-.] Cambridge, 1744. 4to. . . A System of Natural Philosophy : being a course of Lectures in Mechanics, Optics, Hydrostatics, and Astronomy ; which are read in St. John's College, Cambridge, by T. E. 2 vol. Cambridge, 1748. 4to. . Institutes of Natural Law ; being the substance of a course of Lectures on Grotius de Jure Belli et Pacis, read in St. John's College, Cambridge, by T. E., D.D., E.E.S. Second American edition. Baltimore, 1832. 8vo. [* Erom The Philosophical Transactions.] EOT S. 627 Ruthven Hydraulic Propeller (The), versus the Screw and Paddle. The Hydraulic in H.M.S. " Water witch," compared with the Double Screw in H.M.S. " Viper " and " Vixen." The Hydraulic proved to have attained a great superiority. [D. M.] London, 1869. 8vo. Eutilius Numatianus (Claudius). Itinerarium. See BUEMANNUS (P.). Poetae Latini Minores. Rye (William Brenchley). See BRITISH MUSEUM. List of the Books of reference in the Reading Room. Ryff (Petrus). Quaestiones Geometries, in Euclidis et P. Eami ZTOIXEK1SIN, in vsum Schols Mathematics collects a Doctore Petro E., Basil. Mathematum Professore. Quibus Geodssiam, adjecimus per vsum Eadii Geometrici. [D. M.] Francofvrti, 1621. 4to. Ryley (E.). A Statement of facts connected with an Anonymous Circular, and the proceedings at certain meetings lately held of Actuaries and others officially connected with Life Assurance Companies. By E. E.., Actuary of the Australasian, Colonial, and General Life Assurance Company. [D. M.] London, 1848. 8vo. Rymer (Thomas). Foedera, Conventiones, Litters, et cujuscunque generis Acta Publica, inter Eeges Anglis et alios quosvis Im- peratores, Eeges, Pontifices, Principes, vel Communitates : ab ingressu Gulielmi I. in Angliam, A.D. 1066. Ad nostra usque tempora habita aut tractata . . Primum in lucem missa de mandate . . Anns Eegins ; cura . . Thorns Eymer . . et Eoberti San- derson . . denuo aucta [&c.] jussu . . Eegis Georgii Tertii . . Accurantibus Johanne Caley . . et Fred Holbrooke . . Vol. III. Pars. I. Ab anno M.CCCXLIV. ad annum M.CCCLXI. 1825. Vol. III. Pars. II. Ab anno M.CCCLXI. ad annum M.CCCLXXVII. 1830. Vol. IV. Ab anno M.CCCLXXII. ad annum M.CCCLXXXIII. 1869. [E. O.] [Record Commission.] Londini. fol. . Syllabus (in English) of the documents relating to England and other Kingdoms contained in the collection known as " Eymer's Foedera." By Thomas Duffus Hardy. Vol. I. 1066- 1377. [E. O.] London, 1869. 8vo. S. On Tradesmen's Tokens. [Eeprinted from The Numismatic Journal.] [D. M.] London, 1837. 8vo. S. (A.). Geometry improved : 1. By a large and accurate table of segments of circles, its construction and various uses in the solu- tion of several difficult problems. With compendious tables for finding a true proportional part. . . 2. A concise treatise of Polye- dra, or solid bodies of many bases . . illustrated with variety of copper plates. By A. S. Philomath. [D. M.] London, 1717. 4to. 2s2 628 S. SAC S. (D.). Aperc,u sur la Condition des Classes Ouvrieres et Critique de Pouvrage de M. Baret, ' Sur la Misere des Classes Laborieuses ' (etc.). Par le P ce D. S. [G. G.] Paris, 1844. 8vo. S. (F. W.). Ueber die ironie des Sophokles. [Philologus. VI. Jahrg. 1.] [G. G.] 8vo. S. ( J. J.). The Pleader's Guide : a didactic poem . . containing the conduct of a suit at law . . By the late J. J. S. Esquire. A new edition. '[G. G.] London, 1803. 8vo. . Fifth edition. [D. M.] 1808. S. (W.). Religious Discourses. By a Layman. [D. M.] London, 1828. 8vo. Saal (Nicolaus). See B/HIANTJS. Quae supersunt. Sabellico (Marcantonio Coccio). Degl' Istorici delle Cose Veneziane, i quali hanno scritto per pubblico decreto. . . Da M. C. S. 2 torn. Venezia, 1718. 4to. Sabine (Sir Edward). See HUMBOLDT (Alexander von). Cosmos. . Observations made at the Magnetical and Meteorological Observatory at St. Helena, with discussions of the observations at St. Helena, the Cape of Good Hope, the Falkland Islands, Carlton Fort in North America, and Pekin. Printed by order of Her Majesty's Government, under the superintendence of Major-General Edward Sabine, of the Royal Artillery. Vol. II. 1844 to 1849. 'London, 1860. 4to. Sablons ( des). Les Grands Hommes venges : ou examen des juge- ments portes par M. de V. et par quelques autres Philosophes, sur plusieurs homines celebres, par ordre alphabetique : avec un grand nombre des remarques critiques et des fragments litteraires. Par Monsieur des S. 2 torn. [G. G.] Amsterdam, 1769. 8vo. Sackville (Thomas), Lord Buckhurst. Poetical Works. See AKDER- SON, British Poets. Vol. I. Sacrobosco, Sacrobusco, or Sacrobusto (Johannes de). See CLAVIUS (C.). In /Sphceram I. De S. B., Commentarius. . Textvs Sphaerae loannis de Sacro Bvsto Expositio .Sphasrae Eximii artium & medicinae doctoris Domini Fracisci Capuani de manfredonia. Annotatioes nonullae . . Bartholomei Vespucii . . lacobi frabri stapulensis Commentarii in eandem sphaera. Reue- redissimi Domini Petri de aliaco Cardinalis & episcopi Camera- censis I eandem quaestiones subtilissimae numero xiiii. Eeueren- dissimi episcopi Dfd Eoberti linconiesis sphaaras copendiu. See under VESPUCCI (B.). . Algo?ismus Domini Joannis de Sacro Busco ]STouiter imp3es- sum. Impressum Venetiis per Melchiorem Sessam & Petrum de Bauanis Socios. Anno domini. M.D.XXIII. die. XXIIII. Octobris. [D. M.] 4to. . loannis de Sacrobvsto Libellvs, de Anni ratione : seu, ut vocatur vulgo, Computus Ecclesiasticus. [D. M.] Antverpice, [ .] 8vo. SAC 629 Sacrofoosco, Sacrofousco, or Sacrobusto (Johannes de). loannis de Sacrobvsco Libellvs de Anni ratione : seu, vt vocatur vulgo, Computus Ecclesiasticus. [D. M.] Antverpice, 1566. 8vo. . Figura Sphere: cu glosis Geojgii de Moteferrato Artiu & Medicie Docto 3 is. [D. M.] Venetiis, 1500. 4to. . Opusculuin Johannis de sacro busto Sphericum cum notabili comento atqj figuris textum declaratibus vtilissimis. [Col. Opus- culum Magistri Joannis de Sacro busto sphericum per venerabilem virum Magistrum wenceslaum Fab 3 i de gudwey]? Medicine Doc- tojem bene co^rectum et desuper comentatum finit f oeliciter. Im- p3essum Agrippine . . Millesimo quingentesimo.] [D. M.] 4to. . lohannis de sacrobusto anglici uiri clarissimi Spera mundi . . [followed by :] Gerardi cremonensis uiri clarissimi Theorica planetaru. Impressa Venetijs per Franciscu renner de Hailbrun, M.CCCC.LXXYIIL [Closed ly :] P. Franciscus niger Yenetus. lectori felicitate Sidereos celi motus : nutantiacfc astra : Et phetonteos perlege lector equos. Impressi fuerant reges : impressac^ bella : Que gessere patres auspice digna loue. Sed qui bella regit : pacis qui foedera iungit Juppiter : & mundus iure legendus erat, Bene Yale. . Sphaera Mvndi. [Fol. 2 : Sphaerae mundi compendium fceliciter inchoat. Xouiciis adolescetibus : ad astronomica rep. capessenda aditu ipetratibus : p breui rectoo^ tramite a uulgari uestigio semoto : loanis de sacro busto sphaericu opusculu una cu additioibus nonullis Ha A sparsim ubi itersertas sint signatis : Cotraq^ cremonesia I planeta^ theoricas delyramenta loanis de moteregio disputaoes tta acuratis. q utilis : Nee no Georgii pur- bachii : I eoriide motus planetaR accuratis. theorica3 : [&c.] [D. M.] Venetiis, M.cccc.lxxxx. 4to. . Of Mudialis Sphere opusculu Joanis de sacro busco : nuper vigilantissime emendatum vna cum figuris accomodatissimis : cumqk marginariis annotaciunlis recenter adiectis : . . [D. M.] Parisiis, 1519. 4to. . Textvs de Sphaera Toannis de Sacrobosco : Introdvctoria additione (quantu necessarium est) commentarioq,,, ad vtilitatein studentiu philosophia3 Parisiensis Academia3 illustratus. Cum copositione Annuli Astronomici Boneti Latensis : Et Geometria Euclidis Magarensis. [D. M.] Parisiis, 1527. fol. . loannis de Sacrobvsto libellvs, de Sphaera. Cum prsefacione Philippi Melanth. & nouis quibusdam typis, qui ortus indicant. [D. M.] Vitebergae, 1540. 8vo. . Sphaera lohannis De Sacrobosco. [D. M.] Lovanii, 1547. 8yo. 630 SAC SAI Sacy (Antoine Isaac Silvestre), Baron de. See SILVESTRE DE SACT. (Louis de). Traite de la Gloire. Par M. De Sacy, . . avec une dissertation de M. du Bondel sur le meme sujet. La Haye, 1715. 8vo. Sadler (Michael T.). Second Speech of M. T. S., Esq., M.P. (for Newark), in the House of Commons, on the third reading of the Eoman Catholic Belief Bill, on Monday, March 30, 1829. [D. M.] London, [1829.] 8vo. Sadoletus (Jacobus). Epistolae. See LAZERI (P.). Sadous (A.-L. de). See GROTE (G.). Histoire de la Grece traduit par A.-L. de 8. Saigey (Emile). La Physique moderne : essai sur Funite des Pheno- menes naturels. Par E. S. [G. G.] Paris, 1867. 12mo. Sainsbury (W. Noel). See STATE PAPERS. Colonial Series. St. Andrews, University of. See PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS. St. G-allen. See SWITZERLAND. Saint-Hilaire (Isidore Geoffrey). Vie, travaux et doctrine scientifique d'Etienne Geoffrey Saint-Hilaire. Par son fils I. G. S.-H. [G. G.] Paris, 1847. 12mo. (Jules Barthelemy). See ARISTOTLE. . See HOMER. . De la Logique d'Aristote. Par J. B. S.-H., Professeur de Phi- losophic grecque et latine au College de France. 2 torn. [D. M.] Paris, 1838. 8vo. . Another copy. [G. G.] . Des Vedas. Par M. J. B. S.-H. [G. G.] Paris, 1854. 8vo. . Du Bouddhisme. Par M. J. B. S.-H. [G. G.] Paris, 1855. 8vo. . Memoire sur la Logique. ParM. B. St.-H. [D. M.] 8vo. . Premier Memoire sur le Sankhya. ParM. B. S. [Extrait du tome VIII. des Memoires de VAcademie des Sciences morales et politiques.~] [G. G.] Paris, 1852. 4to. . Traite de la Production et de la Destruction des Choses d'Aristote ; suivi du traite sur Melissus, Xenophane et Gorgias traduits en Francois [&c.] . . avec une introduction sur les origines de la Philosophic grecque par J. B. S.-H. [G. G.] Paris, 1866. 8vo. St. John (Henry, Viscount BolinglroTce}. The Philosophical Works of the late Bight Hon. H. St. J., Viscount B. In five volumes ; published by David Malley, Esq. [G. G.] London, 1754. 8vo. Saint- Just (Louis Leon Antoine Florette de). Bapports faits a la Convention Rationale, au nom du Comite de Salut public, et des Comites de Surete generale et de Salut public reunis ; par S.-J. Imprimes par ordre de la Convention. [G. G.] Paris, An ii [1794]. 24mo. Saint-Mars, Vicomtesse de. See POILLOW. SAI SAL 631 St. Maur (Edward Adolphus), 12th Duke of Somerset. Alternate Circles and their connexion with the Ellipse. By the Duke of Somerset. [D. M.] London, 1850. 12mo. . A treatise in which the elementary properties of the Ellipse are deduced from the properties of the Circle, and geometrically demonstrated. By the Duke of Somerset. Second edition. [D. M.] London, 1843. 12mo. St, Paul's Cathedral. Spiritualities and Temporalities of St. Paul's Cathedral. [G-. G.] London, [ .] 8vo. St. Petersburg. Academie Imperiale des Sciences. See under BUSSIA. Saint-Pierre (Jacques Henri Bernardin de). (Euvres choisies de B. de S.-P., contenant Paul et Yirginie, La Chaumiere indienne, Le Cafe de Surate, Voyage en Silesie, a File de France, L'Arcadie ; De la nature et la morale ; Voeux d'un Solitaire. Paris, 1857. 18mo. St. Thomas's Hospital. Descriptive Catalogue of the Preparations in the Museum of St. Thomas's Hospital. Printed by order of the Governors. Vol. I. Minute and descriptive Anatomy. Wax Models and Casts. Comparative Anatomy. [Edited by John E. South.] II. Pathological Anatomy. Part I. Completed and edited by Sydney Jones, E.B.C.S., M.B. III. Pathological Anatomy. Part II. [S. Jones.] London, 1847-59. 8vo. Saint- Victor (J. B. de). See A^ACEEON. Odes. Sale (George). The Koran, translated. See KOEAN. Salignac de la Motte Eenelon (Erangois), Archeveque, Due de Cambrai. (Euvres philosophiques, ou demonstration de Fexistence de Dieu . . Par feu Messire . . Eenelon. Nouvelle edition, ou 1'on a joint les Lettres du meme auteur sur divers sujets concernant la Religion et la Metaphysique, & ses Sermons. 2 part. Amsterdam, 1731. 8vo. . Another edition. Paris, 1775. 8vo. . De FEducation des Eilles. Par M re de S. de la M. E. . . Nouvelle edition. Augment ee d'une Lettre du meme auteur a une Dame de Qualite sur 1'education de M * * * sa fille unique. Paris, 1719. 12mo. . De 1'Education des Eilles. Dialogues des morts et Opuscules divers . . Abrege des vies des anciens Philosophes. Par E. Paris, 1861. 12mo. , Dialogues sur 1'Eloquence en general, et sur celle de la Chaire en particulier. Avec une Lettre ecrite a 1'Acade'mie Erangoise. Par feu E. de S. de la M. E. Paris, 1718. 12mo. . Les Aventures de Telemaque Eils d'Ulysse. Par feu Messire . . Eenelon. Nouvelle edition enrichie des figures en taille-douce. [G. G.] Maestrcht, 1782. 8vo. 632 SAL Sails Marschlins (Charles Ulysses of). Travels through various pro- vinces of the Kingdom of Naples in 1789. By C. U. of S. M. Translated from the German by Anthony Aufrere, Esq. [G. G'.] London, 1795. 8vo. Sallustms Crispus (Caius). See HELMONTANUS (A.). Orationes In- uectiuce dvae, Sallvstii in Ciceronem, <$ Ciceronis in Sallustium. . C. Crispi Sallustii Opera omnia quse exstant, cum Com- mentariis integris Joh. Eivii [&c.] . . Accedunt huic editioni Jani Melleri Palmerii spicilegia. [G. G.] Lugd. Batav. 1677. 8vo. . C. Sallustii Crispi Opera omnia, quae extant, interpretatione et notis illustravit Daniel Crispinus in usum . . Delphini. [G. G.] Londoni, 1813. 8vo. . Caii Crispi Salluvstii qvae exstant item Epistolae de Repvblica ordinanda. Declamatio in Ciceronem et psevdo-Ciceronis in Sallvstivm. Ivl. Exsvperantivs de Bellis Civilibvs ac Porcivs Latro in Catilinam. Ex recensione et cvm integris adnotationi- bvs Theophili Cortii et variis lectionibvs . . edidit Carolvs Henricvs Erotscher . . Accedit Constantivs Eelicivs Dvrantinvs de Conivratione Catilinae itemqve Vetervm historicorvm frag- menta . . Vol. I. Lipsiae, 1825. 8vo. Salmasius (Claudius). Clavdii Salmasii ad ^Egidivm Menagivm Epistola. Svper Herode infanticida Heinsii tragoedia, et Cen- svra Balsacii. [G. G.] Parisiis, 1644. 8vo. . Historiae Avgvstae Scriptores YI. ^Elius Spartianus, lulius Capitolinus, ^Elius Lampridius, Yulcatius Gallicanus, Trebellius Pollio, Elauius Yopiscus. Clavdivs Salmasivs ex veteribvs libris recensvit, et librvm adiecit notarvm ac emendationvm. Qvib. adivnctse svnt notse [&c.] Isaaci Casavboni iam antea editse. [G. G.] Parisiis, 1620. fol. . Cl. Salmasii Interpretatio Hippocratei Aphorismi LXXIX. Sectione IY. de Calculo : additse sunt Epistolae duaB loh. Beve- rovicii M.D. Quibus respondetur. [G. G.] Lugduni Batavorum, 1640. 8vo. Salmon (George). A treatise on Conic Sections : containing an account of some of the most important modern algebraic and geometric methods. By G. S., D.D. Eourth edition. [D. M.] London, 1863. 8vo. . A treatise on the Analytic Geometry of three dimensions. By G. S., D.D. [D. M.] Dublin, 1862. 8vo. . A treatise on the Higher Plane Curves : intended as a sequel to a Treatise on Conic Sections. By the Rev. G. S., M.A. [D. M.] Dublin, 1852. 8vo. . Lessons introductory to the modern Higher Algebra. By the Eev. G. S., D.D. Second edition. [D. M.] Dublin, 1866. 8vo. . On the Degree of the Surface reciprocal to a given one. By the Eev. J. S.* [D. M.] Dublin, 1857. 4to. [* Erom The Transactions of the Royal Irish Society."] SAL SAX 633 Salmon (Thomas). A proposal to perform Musick, in perfect and ma- thematical proportions. . . By T. S., Rector of Mepsal in the county of Bedford . . With large remarks upon the whole treatise, by the Reverend and Learned John Wallis, D.D. [D. M.] London, 1688. 4to. Salter (John William). Note on two New Species of Trilobites. See HARKNESS (R.) and NICHOLSON (H. A.). Additional Observations on the Geology of the Lake-country ; tyc. Salisbury (Thomas). Mathematical Collections and Translations : The first tome. In two parts. The first part ; containing, I. Galileos Galileus his System of the World. II. Galileus his Epistle to the Grand Dutchesse Mother concerning the Authority of Holy Scripture in PhilosophicalControversies. III. Johannes Keplerus his Reconcilings of ScrijSture Texts, &c. IV. Didacus a Stunica his Reconciliugs of Scripture Texts, &c. V. P. A. Poscarinus his Epistle to Pather Pantonus, reconciling the Authority of Scripture, and Judgments of Divines alledged against this system. By T. S., Esq. The Second part [of the second ( ? first) tome]. Containing, I. D. Benedictus Castellus, his Discourse of the Mensuration of Running Waters. II. His Geometrical Demonstrations of the Measure of Running Waters. III. His Letters and Considera- tions touching the Draining of Penns, Diversions of Rivers, &c. IV. D. Corsinus, his Relation of the state of the Inundations, &c. in the Territories of Bologna, and Perrara. [D. M.] London, 1661. fol. Salutati (Colucius). Epistolse. See LAZERI (P.) Salvador (Joseph). Histoire des Institutions de Moise, et du peuple hebreu. Par J. S. 3 torn. [G. G.] Paris, 1828. 8vo. . ^Jesus-Christ et sa Doctrine. Histoire de la Naissance de 1'Eglise, et son organisation et de ses progres pendant le premier siecle . Par J. S. 2 torn. [G. G.] Paris, 1838. 8vo. Salvianus. Sanctorvm Presbyterorvm Salviani Massiliensis etVincentii Lirinensis Opera. Stephanvs Balvzivs . . illustravit. Editio tertia. [G. G.] Parisiis, 1684. 8vo. Salzmann (Guilelmus Gotthilf). Guilelmi G. S. Schnepfenthalia- Gothani Commentatio in qua Historia Doctrinae de Pontibus et ortu cognitionis . humanae ita conscripta est, ut illorum potissi- mum ratio habita sit, quae Plato, Aristoteles, Cartesius, Lockius, Leibnitius et Kantius de his fontibus probare studuerunt. [G. G.]. Gottingae, 1821. 4to. Sanches (Thomas). Compendivm totivs Tractatvs de s. Matrimonij Sacramento. R. P. Thomse S. e Soc. Jesv. Ab Emanuele Laurentio Scares, Vlyssiponensi . . alphabetice breuiter dis- positum. [G. G.] Colonice Agrippince, 1624. 12mo. Sanchez (Pranciscus). P. S. Philosophvs et Medicvs Doctor. Qvod nihil scitvr. [G. G.] Lvgdvni, 1581. 4to. 634 SAN Sanctinius (Antonius), Lucensis. See CARAVAGIO (P. P.). In Geo- metria male rcstavrata ab avtliore A. 8. L. Rimce detectce a Petro P. C. Accessit Index Errorvm A. Sanctinii in appendice incli- nationvm. . Svpplementi Erancisci Yietaa, ac G-eometriae totivs instavratio. Authore A. S. L. [D. M.] Parisiis, 1644. 4to. Sand (George). See DUDEVASTT (Amatine-L.-A.). Sandberg (Johannes). Disputatio historica de Africa a Phoenicibus, jussu Neconis, circumnavigata, . . Submittit I. S. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1860. 8vo. Sandeman (Archibald). Pelicotetics, or the Science of Quantity, an elementary Treatise on Algebra and its groundwork Arithmetic. By A. S./M.A. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1868. 8vo. Sander (L. C.). See MUELLER (P. E.). Ueber den Ursprung und Verfall der islandischen Historiographie, ubersetzt von L. C. S. Sanderson (Eobert). See EYMEB, (T.). Foedera. . Logicse artis compendium. Editio decima . . Authore Eoberto Sandersono. [G. G-.] Qxonice, [ .] 4to. . Editio undecima prioribus emendatior. Authore Eoberto Sandersono, Coll. Lincoln. Oxon. quondam Socio : et in eadem Academia Sacrae Theologise Professore Eegio : Postea Episc. Lincoln. [D. M.] Oxonice, 1741. 4to. . XXXIY Sermons. Yiz XYI. ) ( Aulam. IY. , J Clerum. YI. 1 Magistratum. YIII. J { Populum. By the Eight Eev. Father in God, E. S., late Lord Bishop of Lincoln. With a 'large preface to the said Author. The sixth edition . . Whereunto is now added a Sermon. [I. 0.] London, 1674. fol. Sandhurst. Sandhurst College and its Mathematics. [Erom The New Edinburgh Review, 1844.] [D. M.] 8vo. Sandys (George). Sandys Travells, containing an history of the original and present state of the Turkish empire : . . the Mahometan religion and ceremonies : a description of Constan- tinople . . also, of Greece . . of Egypt . . a voyage on the river Nylus : of Armenia, Grand Cairo, Ehodes, the Pyramides, Colossus . . Alexandria. A description of the Holy-land . . Lastly, Italy described, and the islands adjoyning . . and other places of note. Illustrated with fifty graven maps and figures. The sixth edition. [G-. G.] London, 1670. fol. Sang (Edward). See WEST (John). Mathematical Treatises, accom- panied by a Memoir by E. S. SAN SAE 635 Sang (Edward). A Treatise on the Valuation of Life contingencies arranged for the use of students. By E. S., F.E.S.E. [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1864. 8vo. . On Functions with Recurring Derivatives. By E. S., Esq.* [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1867. 4to. . On the contact of the loops of Epicycloidal Curves. By E. S.* [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1865. 4to. . On the Deflection of the Plummet due to Solar and Lunar Attraction. By E. S.* [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1862. 4to. . On the Motion of a heavy body along the circumference of a Circle. By E. S.* [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1865. 4to. . On the third co-ordinate branch of the Higher Calculus. By E. S.* [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1867. 4to. San-Marte. See SCHTJLZ (A.). Sanscrit College. See IIODIA. Sanson (C.-A.). Introduction a 1'etude du Calcul DifBerentiel. . . Par C.-A. S. [D. M.] Paris, 1839. 8vo. (Mcolas), Sieur d' Abbeville. L'Asie en plvsievrs Cartes nov- velles, et exactes ; & en divers traittes de Geographic, et d'His- toire. . . Par le Sieur S. d'A. Paris, 1652. 4to. Sansovino (Francesco). L'Arte Oratoria secondo i modi della lingva volgare, di F. S. Diuisa in tre libri. Ke qvali si ragiona tvtto quello eh' all' artificio appartiene, cosi del Poeta come dell' Oratore, con 1'auttorita de i nostri scrittori. [D. M.] In Venegia, 1546. 4to. Santbech (Daniel). Problematvm Astronomicorvm et Geometricorvm sectiones septem. See BEGIOMONTANTTS (J. M. de). De Trian- gvlis ; [$STK 691 Strabo. Fragmenta libri VII. Geographicorum Strabonis Palatino- Vaticana novis curis emendata [&c.]. See WTJERTEMBEBG, Tubingen University. . Strabonis Eervm Geographicarvm libri XVII. . . recensvit . . Xylaudri versionem emendavit loannes Philippvs Siebenkees [inde a septimo libro continuavit Carolus Henricus Tzschucke, inde a tomo septirno curavit Fridericus Traug. Friedemann]. 7 torn. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1796-1818. 8vo . Strabons Erdbeschreibung in siebenzehn Biichern. Nach berichtigtem griechischen Texte unter Begleitung kritiscber erklarender Anuierkungen verdeutscbt von Cbristoph Gottlieb Groskurd. 4 Tb. [G. G.] Berlin, 1831-34. SYO. . Strabonis Geograpbica recensuit [&c.] Gustavius Kramer. 3 vol. [G. G.] Berolini, 1844-52. 8vo. Strada (Ing. Luigi). Mobile-Bigattiera-Strada privilegiata premiata e sperimentata proposta anche coine preservativo del calcino, coll' appoggio delle induzioni desimte dalle ricercbe fisiologiche-ana- tomicbe intorno ai bacbi affetti dello stesso morbo, emanate dal celebre dottore e professore M. V. Audovin . . con dettagliata descrizione della medesima . . con . . 1'applicazione di una sem- plice ma utile scoperta . . il tutto per opera dell' Inventore e Scopritore. Milano, 1841. 8vo. Straesser (G.). Versuch iiber die Eomiscben Plebejer der altesten Zeit . . Bearbeitet von Dr. G. S. [G. G.] ElberfeU, 1832. 8vo. Strassburg, University of. Inaugural Addresses and Dissertations delivered at tbe University of Strassburg, 1872-73. Strassburg, 1872-73. 8vo. Strassnicki (L. C. Scbulz von). Neue Metbode zur Auffindung der reellen "Wurzeln hoberer numeriscber Gleicbungen und zur Aus- ziehung der dritten und der boberen Wurzeln aus bestimmten Zablen. Zunacbst nacb engliscbeii Quellen bearbeitet von Dr. L. C. S. v. S. [D. M.] Wien, 1842. 8vo. Stratford ("W. S.). Meridian Epbemeris of tbe Planets for tbe year 1834 : constructed under the direction of Lieut. W. S. S., E.N., F.R.S., for, and printed at tbe expense of, tbe Royal Astronomi- cal Society. - [D. M.] London, 1834. 8vo. . A catalogue of tbe . . library of . . naval, astronomical, phi- losophical, mathematical, and miscellaneous books : the property of the late Lieut. S., E.N., deceased, Editor of the Nautical Almanac, &c. [Sale-catalogue. ~] [D. M.] [London,'] 1843. 8vo. Strauss (David Friedrich). See HUTTEN (U. von). Gespr'dclie ubersetzt von D. F. S. . See SCHTJBAET (0. F. D.). Leben in seinen Briefen gesammelt von D. I. S. . Charakteristiken und Kritiken . . Von D. F. S. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1839. 8vo. . Das Leben Jesu fiir das deutsche Volk bearbeitet. Von D. F. G. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1864. 8vo, 2Y2 692 STE Strauss (David Friedrich). A new Life of Jesus. By D. F. S. Authorized Translation. 2 vol. [G. G-.] London, 1865. 8vo. . Vie de Jesus ou Examen critique de son Histoire par le Do3- teur D. F. S. Traduite de I'Allemand sur la troisieme edition par E. Littre. 2 torn. 4 parties. [G. G-.] Paris, 1839. 8vo. . Der Christus des Glaubens und der Jesus der Geschichte. Eine Kritik der Schleiermacher'schen Lebens Jesu. Yon D. F. S. [G. G.] Berlin, 1865. 8vo. . Die Christliche GlaubenslehreinihrergeschichtlichenEntwick- lung und im Kampfe mit der modernen Wissenschaft dargestellt von Dr. D. F. S. 2 B de . [G. G.] Tubingen, 1840-41. 8vo. . Die Halben und die Ganzen. Eine Streitschrift gegen dio HH. DD.Schenkel und Hengstenberg von D. F. S. Berlin, 1865. 12mo. . Hermann Samuel Eeimarus und seine Schutzschrift fiir die verniinftigen Verehrer Gottes. Von D. F. S. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1862. 8vo. . Leben und Schriften des Dichters und Philologen Mcoclemus Frischlin. Ein Beitrag zur deutschen Culturgeschichfce in der zweiten Halfte des sechszehnten Jahrhunderts. Von D. F. S. [G. G.] Frankfurt am Main, 1856. 8vo. Street (Thomas). Astronomia Carolina, with exact and most easy tables and rules for the calculation of Eclipses. By T. S. The third edition, co3rected. To which is added a series of observa- tions on the planets, chiefly of the Moon, made near London : with a Sextant of near six foot radius ; in order to find out the lunar theory a posteriori. Being a proposal how to find the Longitude, &c. By Dr. Edmund Haley. [D. M.J London, 1716. 4to. Streinnius (E.). Gentes et Familise Eomanorum. See LITIUS (T.). Historiarum quce supersunt . . accedunt Gentes [&c.]. Strieker (AVilhelm). Die Verbreitung des deutschen Volkes iiber die Erde . . Von W. S., M.D. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1845. 8vo. Struempell (Ludwig). Die Geschichte der praktischen Philosophie der Griechen vor Aristotles. Dargestellt von L. S. [Gesch. der Griechischen Philosophie.] [G. G-.] Leipzig, 1861. 8vo. . Die Geschichte der theoretischen Philosophie der Griechen . . Von L. S. [" Gesch. der Griechischen Philosophie".] [G. G.] Leipzig, 1854. 8vo. . Die Vorschule der Ethik. Ein Lehrbuch von Dr. S. [G. G.] Mitau, 1844. 8vo. Strtitt (Joseph). Horda Angel-Cynnan : or a compleat view of the manners, customs, arms, habits (etc.), of the inhabitants of Eng- land, from the arrival of the Saxons till the reign of Henry the Eighth : with a short account of the Britons during the govern- ment of the Eomans. By J. S. 3 vol. [GK G.] London, 1775. 4to. STR STU 693 Strutt (Joseph). Eegal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of England. . . By J. S. [G. G-.] London, 1777. 4to. . The Chronicles of England . . from the landing of Julius Caesar in Britain to the Norman Conquest. , . By J, S, 2 vol. [G-. G-.] London, 1779. 4to. Struve (Ernestus). See ILGEN (E. C.). Disquisitionis de Tribubus Atticis earumque partibus specimen. (Gustav v.). Kritische Geschichte des allgemeinen Staatsrecht in ihren Haupt-Tragern. Dargestellt von G. v. S. [G. G.] Mannheim, 1847. 8vo. (E. G.). Bibliothecae Philosophicae Strvvianae emendatae continvatae atqve vltra dimidiam partem avctae a Lvd. Mart. Kahlio, P. P. O. 2 torn. [D. M.] Gottingae, 1740. 8vo. trype (John). Memorials of the Most Reverend Father in God Thomas Craumer, sometime Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. . . In three Books. By J. S., M.A. A new edition with additions. 2 vol. [G. G.] Oxford, 1812. 8vo. Stuart (Gilbert). An historical dissertation concerning the Antiquity of the English Constitution. By G. S. Second edition. [G. G.] London, 1770. 8vo. (James). Three years in North America. By J. S., Esq. 2 vol. [G. G.] Edinburgh, 1833. 8vo. Stuboe (Henry). Legends no Histories : or, a specimen of some animadversions upon the History of the Royal Society. Wherein, besides the several errors against common literature, sundry mistakes about the making of Salt-Petre and Gun-Powder are detected, and rectified : whereunto are added two discourses, one of Pietro Sardi, and another of Nicolas Tartaglia relating to that subject. Translated out of Italian. With a brief account of those passages of the authors life, which the virtuosi intended most to censure, and expatiate upon : Written to save them the trouble of doing any thing besides defending themselves. Together with the Plus Ultra of Mr. Joseph Grlanvill reduced to a Non- plus, &c. By H. S., Physician at Warwick. [D. M.] London, 1670. 4to. Stubbs (William). See BENEDICTUS. Gesta Regis Henrici Secundi. . See RICHAED I. CHEONICLES AND MEMORIALS. . See EOGER, de Hoveden. Chronica. Stuckey (Vincent). Thoughts on the improvement of the system of County Banking. In a letter to Lord Viscount Althorp ; by V. S., Esq. Second edition. [G. G.] London, 1836. 8vo. Students' Cabinet Library of Useful Tracts (The). Vol. I. II. IV. V. VI. Edinburgh, 1835-39. 8vo. 694 STU Stuebnero (Johannes). I. N. J. ad Historiam Ecclesiasticam Veteris Testameiiti Introductio, memoriae juvandse ergo, per tabular synopticas ita adornata, ut ecclesiao ante- & post-diluvian, Israelitica) itidem ad Salvatoris usc^ ortuni fades, turn quoad ejusdem primsevarn institutionem, propagationem&conservationem admirandani, turn etiam violentam oppugnationem & perversam in doctrina fidei & morum corruptionem, una cuui rnonarchiaruni ecclesiae illi ^v>>\p6vuv, regnorum pariter alibi celebrium, virorum quoq; eruditione & scriptis adhuc viventium UKIAFPA^IA ob oculos breviter quidem, sincere tamen ponatur, accurante M. Johanne Stiibnero, Illustris G-ymnasii Brandenburgici ad Salutis Fontem Con-Eectore. [D. M.] Norimbergce, 1690. ol. Stunica (Didacus a). His reconcilings of Scripture texts, <$fc. See SALUSBUBY (T.). Mathematical collections, #c. Sturm (Ch.). Analyse d'un Menioire sur la Eesolution des Equations nuineriques. Par Ch. Sturm. (Lu a FAcad. roy. des Scien., le 23 mai 1829.) Extrait du Bulletin universel des Sciences public sous la direction de M. le baron de Ferussac. N de juin, section l re , [D. M.] Paris, [1829.] 8vo. . Demonstration d'un theoreine d'Algebre de M. Sylvester. Par M.S. [Extrait du Jburrfol de Mathematiques pures et appliquees, 1842.] [D. M.] 4to. . Memoire sur une classe d'Equatioiis a differences partielles. Par 0. S. [D. M.] [Paris]. 4to. . On the Solution of Numerical Equations. By C. Sturm. Translated from the Memoires presences par divers Savans a F Academie Eoyale des Sciences de Flnstitut de France, by W. H. Spiller. [D. M.] London, 1835. 4to. Sturmius (Joannes). See TONSTALLUS (C.). De Arte Supputandi. . Joannis Stvrmii, Partitionvm Dialecticarvm libri duo. [D. M.] Parisiis, 1543. 8vo. (Johannes Christophorus). Collegium Experimentale, sive Curiosum in quo primaria seculi superioris Inventa & Experimenta Physico-Mathematica, Speciatim Campanae Urinatoriae, Camerso Obscuras, Tubi Torricelliani, seu Baroscopii, Antlias Pneumaticse, Therm ometrorum, Hygroscopiorum, Telescopiorurn, Microsco- piorum &c. PhsBiiomena & effecta, partim ac aliis jam pridem ex- hibita, partim noviter istis superaddita per ultimum quadrimestre Anni M.DC.LXXII. Yiginti naturae scrutatoribus, ex parte illustri nobiliq^ prosapia oriuiidis, & spectanda oculis subjecit . Accessione multa . . denuo locupletatum. Secunda vice publi- cum adspicere voluit J. C. S., Phil. & Mathem. ac Phys. in Incluta Altdorffina P.P. [D. M.] Norimbercjce, 1701. 4to Sturrock (John). The Principles and Practice of Life Assurance By J. S., Junior. [D. M.] Dundee, 1846. 8vc Star z[ -ins] (Fridericus Guilielmus). See HELLATTCCUS. Fragment** PHEEECYDES [&] ACUSILAUS. Fraymenta. . See OBION. Etymologieon. STU SUI 695 Sturz[-ius] (Fridericus Guilielmus). Etymologicvm Graecae Lingvae Gvdianvm et alia grammaticorvm scripta e codicibvs manvscriptis nvnc primvm edita. Accedvnt notae ad etymologicon magnvm ineditae E. H. Barken, Imm. Bekkeri, Lvd. Kvlencampii, Amad. Peyroni aliorvmqve . . Edidit Frider. Gvl. Stvrzivs. [G. 0-.] Lipsiae, 1818. 4to. . Quatvor Orationes . . de nonnvllis Dionis Cassii locis itervm disservit M. F. Or. S. Griniae, 1813. 4to. . Qvinqve Orationes . . tertivm dispvtavit M. F. G. S. 1814. . Qvartvm dispvtavit. 1815. . Sex Orationes . . exposvit M. F. G. S. [G-. G.] 1816. 4to. Suckling (Sir John). Poetical Works. See AKDEBSON, British Poets. Vol. III. Suckow (Gr. F. ~W.). Die wissenschaftliche und kiinstlerische Form der platonischen Schrif ten in ihrer bisher verborgenen Eigeiithiim- lichkeitdargestelltvonDr.G.F.W.S. [G-. G-.] Berlin,I855. 8vo. Suessmilch (Johann Peter). Die gottliche Ordnung in den Veran- derungen des menschlichen G-eschlechts, aus der Geburt, dem Tode und der Fortpflanzung desselben erwiesen von J. P. S. . . . . Dritte . . Ausgabe. 2 Th. Berlin, 1765. 8vo. Suetonius Tranquillus (Caius). C. Svetonivs Tranqvillvs, et in eum CoHimentarivs, exhibente Joanne Schildio. Editio quarta. [G-. G.] Lugd. Batav. 1667. 8vo. . C. Suetonii Tranquilli Opera textu ad codd. MSS. recognito cuni lo. Aug. Ernestii animadversionibus nova cura auctis emendatisque et Isaaci Casauboni commentario edidit Frid. Aug. Wolfius. Insunt reliquiae monumenti Ancyrani et fastorum Praenestinorum. 4 vol. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1802. 8vo. . C. Svetoni Tranqvilli praeter Caesarvui libros reliqviae edidit Avgvstvs Eeifferscheid. Inest vita Terenti a Friderico Eitschelio emendata atqve enarrata. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1860. 8vo. Suffield (George). Synthetic Division in Arithmetic, with some in- troductory remarks on the period of Circulating Decimals. By G. S., M.A. [D.M.] Cambridge, 1863. 8vo. Suidas. SOYIAAS. SuidsD Lexicon, Graece & Latine. Textum Graecum cum manuscriptis codicibus colktum a quam plurimis niendis purgavit, notisque perpetuis illustravit : versionem Latinam ^JEmilii Porti innumeris in locis correxit; indicesque auctorum & rerum adjecit Ludolphus Kusterus, Professor hunianiorum literarum in Gymnasio Eegio Berolinensi. 3 torn. [D. M.] Cantdbrigice, 1705. fol. . SOYIAAS. Suidse Lexicon post Ludolphum Kusterum ad codices manuscriptos recensuit Thomas Gaisford. 3 torn. [G. G.] Oxonii, 1834. fol. Suiseth (Eicardus or Eaymundus). Calculator. Subtilissimi Eicardi Suiseth Anglici Calculationes nouiter emedate atq^ reuise. Questio insuper de reactione iuxta Aristotelis sententiam 7 C6mentato3is [t. e. " Uictojis Trincauelli Ueneti questio de reactione , iuxta doctrina Aris. 7 Auer. Comen."]. Venetijs, 1520. fol. 696 SUL SWE Sulanus (Wolfgangus Seberus). Index vocabulorum in Homeri Iliade atque Odyssea caeterisque quotquot extant poematis studio Wolfgangi Seberi Sulani. Editio nova. [G. Q-.] Oxonii, 1780. 8vo. Sully (Due de). See B^THUNE (Maximilien de). Due de Sully. Sulpicia. Satyra. See BUEMANNUS (P.). Poetae Latini Minores. . See TIBTJLLTJS (A.). Carmina, cum libro quarto Sulpiciae. . Sulpiciae Satira cum commentario Christiani Gottlieb Schwarzii. Edidit Jo. G-urlittus. 2 pt. [G. G.] Hamburgi, 1819. 4to. Sumner (Charles). Speeches of the Hon. C. S. of Massachusetts on the resolution for the termination of the Reciprocity Treaty between the United States and Great Britain : in the Senate of the United States, Dec. 1, 1864, and Jan. 12 and 13, 1865. [G. G.] New York, 1865. 8vo. (Charles Richard). See MILTON (J.). Sun. Four Propositions, &c. Shewing, not only, that the distance of the Sun, as attempted to be determined from the Theory of Gravity by a late author, is, upon his own principles, erroneous; but also, that it is more than probable this capital question can never be satisfactorily answered by any Calculus of the kind. [D. M.] Newcastle, 1769. 4to. Sunday. History of Sunday. By the author of " Time and Faith." [G. G.] London, [ .] 8vo. Surfaces. An Investigation of the principles of the rules for deter- mining the measures of the areas and circumferences of Circular Plane Surfaces, and the capacities and bulks of certain spherical and cylindrical vessels and solids. By the author of " A new theory of gravitation " [&c.]. [D. M.j London, 1844. 12mo. Surrey, Earl of. See HOWAED (Henry). Susemihl (Franz). Der historische und ideale Sokrates in Platons Phadon. [Pliilologus. VI. Jahrg. 1.] [G. G.] 8vo. . Die genetische Entwickelung der platonischen Philosophic einleitend dargestellt von Dr. F. S. 2 Th. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1857-60. 8vo. Sussex, Duke of. See ATJGUSTTJS-FEEDEEICK, Duke of Sussex. Swahili Tales. See STEEEE (E.). Sweden. See NOEWAY, and SWEDEN. . Acta Literaria et Scientiarum Sveciae, Anni MDCCXXXI. [D. M.] Upsdlice. 4to. (Emanuel). See BIBLE, Biblia Sacra (Ac.). . Emanuelis Swedenborgii, Servi Domini Jesu Christi. Apo- calypsis Explicata . . Ad autographi similitudinem in Bibliotheca Regiae Academiae Scientiarum asservati, jussu concilii Novae Ecclesiae Americae Septentrionalis et Angliae ope luminum solis descripta et delineata edidit Rudolphus Leonardus Tafel. 2 vol. ffolmice, 1870. fol. . Itineraria et Philosophica. ffolmice, 1870. fol. SWE SWI 697 Swedenborg (Emanuel). Matheinatica et Priucipia Eerum Naturalium, ad autograph! siniilitudinem in Bibliotheca Eegiae Academiae Scientiarum Holmiensis asservati . . descripta [&c.]. Holmice, 1870. fol. . Miscellanea Anatomica et Philosophica, sive Supplementum Eegni Animalis. Holmice, 1869. fol. . Emanuelis Swedenborgii . . Miscellanea Physica et Minera- logica ex annis 1715 ad 1722 ad autographi similitudinem, in Bibliotheca Templi Cathedralis Lincopensis asservati, jussu Concilii Novae Ecclesiae in America Septentrionali et in Anglia, ope solis descriptum et delineatum edidit Eudolphus Leonardus Tafel. Holmice, 1869. fol. . Miscellanea Theologica. Holmice, 1870. fol. . Opusculum de Cultu et Amore Dei. Holmice, 1870. fol. . Eegnum Animale, Anatomice, Physice et Philosophice per- lustratnm. Cujus partis quintae sectio prima de Cerebro, Cere- bello, Medulla Oblongata, et Spinali, ac de Morbis Cerebri agit. Holmice, 1869. fol. . Transactionum de Cerebro Fragmenta. Holmice, 1870. fol. Sweetman (Walter). Through the Night : a Tale of the Times : to which is added, " Onward or a Summer Sketch." By W. S., B.A. 2 vol. London, 1869. 8vo. . The Daughter of the King and other Poems. By W. S. London, 1871. 8vo. . Lost Footsteps. Poems. By W. S. London, 1875. 8vo. . Some Thoughts on Free "Will : to which is added a short per- sonal statement. By W. S. Dublin, 1873. 8vo. Swift (Jonathan). Poetical Works. See ANDEESON, British Poets. Vol. IX. . See WAGSTAPF (S.), pseud. Swinburne (Thomas) and Tylecote (Thomas). The true development of the Binomial Theorem . . By T. S., A.M., and the Eev. T. T., A.M. [D. M.] London, 1827. 8vo. Swinden (Jean Henri Van). Catalogue d'une . . collection de Manu- scrits, Livres d'heures, Autographes et Albums ; et des manuscrits mathematiques et politiques, delaisses par Mr. J. H. V. S. [Sale- catalogue.'] [D. M.] Amsterdam, 1866. 8vo. Switzerland. Acte Federal. Acte Federal de la Confederation Suisse, projete par la Commission de Eevision nominee par le Diete le Juillet 1832. [G-. G-.] Geneve, 1832. 8vo. . Essai sur les conditions de 1'alliance federative en general et sur le nouveau projet d'Acte Fe'deral. Par A. E. Cherbuliez. [&. G.] Geneve, 1832. 8vo. . Eapport de la Commission de la Diete aux Vingt-deux Cantons Suisses, sur le projet d'Acte Federal par elle delibere a Lucerne le 15 Decembre 1832. [G. G.] Geneve, 1832. 8vo. . Archiv fiir Schweizerische Geschichte herausgegeben auf Veranstaltung der allgemeinen geschichtf orschenden Gesellschaf t der Schweiz. Siebenter Band. [G. G.] Zurich, 1851. 8vo. 698 SWI Switzerland. Bericht iiber die Schweizerischen Handelsverhaltnisse zu den verscheideuen Staaten des Auslandes erstattet an der eidge- nossischen Vorort von der in Angelegenhetten des Schweizerischen Handels im Christmonat 1833 einberufenen eidgenossischen Ex- perte-kommission. [G. Q-.] Zurich, 1833. 8vo. . Dr. Henne's Jahresbericht iiber 1832 und 1833 vorgetragen am 14 Mai 1834 im Zofingen vor den helvetischen Gesellschaft. [G. G.] St. Gallen, 1834. 8vo. . Mittheilungen iiber die Nbthwendigkeit und erweisliche Hoglichkeit die Schweizerische Schafzucht zu vermehren und zu veredeln. [G-. Q-.] Luzern, 1837. 8vo. . Quelques Reflexions sur la situation politique et militaire de la Confederation Suisse. Par M. J. Huber. [Gr. G.] Paris et Geneve, 1834. 8vo. . Geschichte des Volksaufstaiides in den ehemaligen Herr- schaften "Wadeiischweil und Knonau im Jahr 1646. . . Ein. Beitrag zu des Schweizerlandes Geschichten fiir das Schweizervolk. [G. G.] Zurich, 1842. 8vo. . Bern. Constitution pour le Canton de Berne. [G-. G.] [Berne,~\ 1846. 12mo. . Die Regierung der Republik Bern und die verfolgten der Konige. Yon Ernst Schiller. [G. G.] Biel, 1837. 8vo. . Staatsverfassung des Kantons Bern. [G. G.] Bern, 1846. 12mo. . -St. Gotten. Bericht der am 14. November 1844 ernannten Grossrathskomrnission iiber Sanktion des ,,Bisthumskonkordates " vom 30. Oktober 1844 und der vom katholischen Grossraths- kollegium dazu beschlossenen Yollzugsbestimmungen " von 23. Oktober gl. J. [G. G.] St. Gotten, im Februar 1845. 8vo. . Kommissionalbericht an den Grossen Bath iiber Sanktion des Bisthumskonkordates vom 30. Oktober 1844, erstattet von einer Minderheit der am 13. und 14. November gl. J. beschlossenen und ernannten Grossrathskommission, bestehend aus den Herren Kantonsrathen Baumgartner, E-egierungsrath, und J. J. Miiller, Kassationsrichter. [G. G.] St. Gotten, 1845. 8vo. . Darstellung des Untersuchsverfahrens im Kanton St. Gallen nach amtlichen Berichterstattungen mit Beleuchtung einiger treuwidriger Angriffe und Bemerkungen. Von einem Mitgliede der Kriminalkommission. [G. G.] St. Gallen, 1847. 8vo. . Das St. Gallische Offizialat und die Bisthiimelei. Ein Beitrag zur Beleuchtung des Berichts und der Antrage des k. Adminis- trationsraths an das kath. Grossrathskollegium des Kant. St. Gallen, vom 26. September 1844. Mit Beilagen. [G. G.] St. Gallen, 1844. 8vo. . Uebersicht der gedruckten altern und neuern Lockal-Statuten, Offnungen und Gemeinds-Eeglemente des Kantons St. Gallen. [G. G.] St. Gallen. und Bern, 1847. 8vo. SWI SYD 699 Switzerland. Feme?. De 1'Amelioration morale des classes indus- trielles dans le Canton de Vaud. Rapport presente a la Societe Yaudoise d'Industrie. [Q-. Q-.] Lausanne, 1837. 8vo. - . Zurich. A collection of Reports upon Schools and Education in Canton Zurich. [G-. G.] Zurich, 1831 (&c.). 8vo. - . Zurich irn Jahre 1837 nach den naturlichen und geselligen Yerhaltnissen geschildert fur Einheimische und Eremde. [G. G.] Zurich, [ .] 8vo. Sydenham (Thomas). Thomae Sydenham, M.D., Opera ornnia. Edidit Guilielnius Alexander Greenhill, M.D. Londini (Impensis Societatis Sydenhamianae), 1844. 8vo. - . The works of T. S., M.D. Translated from the Latin edition of Dr. Greenhill with a life of the author by R. G. Latham, M.D. In two volumes. London (Printed for the Sydenham Society), 1848-50. 8vo. Sydenham Society. Works published and reprinted by. ABU BECE Mohammed Ibn Zacariya Ar-razi (commonly called Rhazes). A Treatise on the Small-pox and Measles, by Abu . . Translated from the original Arabic by W. A. Greenhill, M.D. London, 1848. 8vo. . AEGINETA (Paulus). The seven books of Paulus With a commentary. By Francis Adams. Yol. II. HI. London, 1846-47. 8vo. . APETAIOY KAIHIAAOKOT TA SftZOMENA. The extant works of Aretaeus, the Cappadocian. Edited and translated by Erancis Adams, LL.D. London, 1856. 8vo. . CHURCHILL (Eleetwood). Essays on the Puerperal Eever and other Diseases peculiar to Women. Selected from the writings of British Authors previous to the close of the Eighteenth century. Edited by E. C., M.D. [&c.]. London, 1849. 8vo. . HIPPOCEATES. The Genuine Works of Hippocrates translated from the Greek* with a preliminary discourse and annotations by Erancis Adams, LL.D., Surgeon. In two volumes. London, 1849. 8vo. . Louis (P. C. A.). Researches on Phthisis anatomical patho- logical and therapeutical. By P. C. A., L. M.D. . . Second edition . . translated by Walter Hayle Walshe M.D. London, 1844. 8vo. . THOMPSON (Theophilus). Annals of Influenza or Epidemic Catarrhal Eever in Great Britain from 1510 to 1837. Prepared and edited by T. T., M.D., E.R.S. [&c.]. London, 1852. 8vo. . UNZEE (John Augustus). The Principles of Physiology, by J. A. U. ; and a dissertation on the functions of the Nervous System, by George Prochaska. Translated and edited by Thomas Laycock, M.D. London, 1851. 8vo. 700 SYD SYL Sydney College. Report of the Syndicate appointed to consider whether it is expedient to afford greater encouragement to the pursuit of those studies for the cultivation of which Professor- ships have been founded in the University, and if so, by what means that object may be best accomplished. [D. M.] [April 8, 1848.] fol. Sylburgius (Fridericus). See APOLLONIUS. De Syntaxi. . See AEISTOTLE. Opera quce exstant. . See CLEMENT, of Alexandria. Opera quce extant. . ETYMO AOriKON TO MEPA IIIOTN 'II MEPAAH TPAMMA- TIKH. Etymologicon Magnvm sev Magnvm Graminaticae penv . .' opera Friderici Sylbvrgii, Veterani. Editio nova. [a. a.] Lipsiae, 1816. 4to. Sylloge Dissertationum Philologico-exegeticarum, a diversis auctori- bus editarum, sub prcesidio A. Schulteus, J. J. Schultens et N. G. Schroeder defensarum. . . 2 Pt. [I. 0.] Leidce, 1772-75. 4to. Syllogism. The Syllogism considered as an analysis of the Reasoning Process. [D. M.] Aberdeen, 1846. 8vo. Sylvester (J. J.). See QUARTERLY JOURNAL of Pure and Applied Mathematics. . A Method of determining by mere Inspection the derivatives from two Equations of any degree. By J. J. S.* [D. M.] [1840.] 8vo. . An enumeration of the Contacts of Lines and Surfaces of the Second Order. By J. J. S.* [D. M.] [1851.] 8vo. . Analytical Development of Fresnel's Optical Theory of Crys- tals. By J. J. S. . . Professor of Natural Philosophy in Uni- versity College, London.* [D. M.] London, 1837. 8vo. . Essay on Canonical Forms. By J. J. S. [With Supplement.] [D. M.] London, 1851. 8vo. . Memoir on Rational Derivation from Equations of Coexist- ence, that is to say, a new and extended Theory of Elimination. By J. J. S. Part' I.* [D. M'.] [1839.] 8vo. . On a linear Method of Eliminating between double, treble, and other Systems of Algebraic Equations. By J. J. S. [D. M.] [1841.] 8vo. . Nuga) Mathematics. By J. J. S., LL.D., F.R.S. [D. M.] [1866.] 8vo. On the General Solution (in certain cases) of the Equation Az 3 =M^z, &c. By J. J. S.* [D. M.] [1847.] 8vo. On the Motion and Rest of Fluids. By J. J. S.* [D. M.] [1838.] 8vo. On the Motion and Rest of Rigid Bodies. By J. J. S. [D. M.] ,8vo. [* From The Philosophical Magazine.~\ STL TAB 701 Sylvester (J. J.). On the Motion of a Eigid Body acted on by no external Forces. By J. J. S. [D. M.] [1866.] 4to. . On the real and imaginary Roots of Algebraical Equations : a Trilogy. By J. J. S.f [D. M.] London, 1865. 4to. . On the Relation between the minor Determinants of linearly equivalent Quadratic Functions. By J. J. S.* [D. M.] [1851.] 8vo. . Outline trace of the theory of Reducible Cyclodes . . By J. J. S. [Corrected copy. Presented to the Mathematical Society of London, June 10, 1869.] [D. M.] 8vo. . Reply to Professor Boole's observations on a Theorem con- tained in the last Nov. number of the Journal. By J. J. S. [D. M.] [1851.] 8vo. Symeon Magister. See THEOPHANES. Symonds (Arthur). The Mechanics of Law-making. [G. G-.] London, 1835. 8vo. ("W. S.). Old Bones ; or, Notes for Young Naturalists. By the Rev. "W. S. S. [G-. G.] London, 1861. 8vo. Syxnpscm ( - - ). See BEAUMONT (F.) and FLETCHER (J.). Works, with notes l>y Mr. S. Synesius. Synesios des Kyrenaeers aegyptische Erzahlungen iiber die Vorsehuug. Griechisch und Deutsch. Nach Handschriften verbessert und erliiutert von Johann Georg Krabinger. [G. G.] Sulzbach, 1835. Svo. Synopsis. Synopsis Metaphysicae, Ontologiam et Pneumatologiam complectens. Editio quarta. [G. G.] Glasguae, 1756. 8vo. Szulc (M.). See HEPKE (R.). De Philosophis, $c. Szymaiiski (A.). See MALECKI (A.). De. Academia Vetere. T. (G.). See HALLET (E.). A compendious view of the astronomy of Comets, translated by G. T., Gent. T. (R.)- A brief treatise of the use of the Globe Celestiall and Terrestriall. Wherein is set downe the principles of the Mathematicks, fit for all travellers, navigators, and all others that doe love the knowledge of the same art. By R. T. [D. M.] London, 1647. 4to. Tables. A Table to compare a new system of English, with the new system of French Measures and Weights ; or, English long, square, cube, and ounce decades, compared with French metres, ares, litres and grammes. [D. M.] London, [ .] s. sh. . Tables of Ancient Coins, Weights and Measures, explained and exemplify'd in several dissertations. [D. M.] London, 1727. 4to. [* From The Philosophical Magazine. f ,, The Philosophical Transactions. J ., The Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal."] 702 TAB TAG Tables. Tables exhibiting the Law of Mortality, deduced from the combined experience of seventeen Life Assurance Offices, em- bracing 83,905 Policies; of which 40,616 are distinguished by denoting the sex of the lives assured, and by classing them into Town, Country, and Irish Assurances. [D. M.] London, 1843. 4to. - . Tables of Products, for performing multiplication and division of numbers, with the greatest ease, certainty, and dispatch : calculated for the use and relief of accomptants, merchants, surveyors, mathematicians, and all persons concerned in numbers. [By "William Webb.] [D. M.] London, 1775. 8vo. - . Tables for renewing & purchasing of the Leases of Cathedral- Churches and Colleges, according to several rates of interest ; with their construction and use explained. Also Tables for re- newing and purchasing of Lives. With Tables for purchasing the Leases of Land or Houses according to several rates of in- terest, very necessary and usefull for all purchasers, but espe- cially for them who are any way concerned in Church or College Leases. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1686. 8vo. - . Tables for renewing and purchasing of the Leases of Cathedral- Churches and Colleges, according to several rates of interest; . . also tables for renewing and purchasing of Lives. With tables for purchasing the leases of Land or Houses . . The fourth edition co33ected. To which is added, The Value of Church and College Leases consider'd. [D. M.] London, 1731. 8vo. - . Tables. [The Decimal parts of a Pound corresponding to any number of Shillings, &c. Logarithm of the present value of !, due at the end of any number of years.] [Imperfect.] [D. M.] 8vo. - . Tables requisite to be used with -the astronomical and nautical Ephemeris. London, 1766. 8vo. - . Tabulae Ponderuni, Nuinmorum & Mensurarum. See LITTLE- TON (A.). - . Tafeln zur Verwandlung aller Briiche von y^ 1 nnHr imd von " ^ n ^ n ^ ^is siebenziffrie Deciinalbriiche Tooo nebst einigen auf benannte Zahlen bezAigliche Decimal- tabellen [&c.]. [D. M.] Oldenburg, 1842. 4to. Tacitus (Caius Cornelius). C. Cornelii Taciti Opera quae supersunt. Ex editione Jacobi Gronovii . . expressa. Vol. I. II. IV. [G-. GK] Olasguae, 1753. 12mo. - . C. Cornelii Taciti Opera ex recensione Job. Avgvsti Ernesti denvo cvravit ler. lac. Oberlinvs. Tom I [pts. I. IV.]. [GK GK] Lipsiae, 1801. 8vo. - . C. Cornelii Taciti Opera, recognovit [&c.] Grabriel Brotier. Editio nova et auctior. 5 vol. [GK GK] Londini, 1812. 8vo. - . C. Cornelii Taciti Opera ex recensione Ernestiana recognovit Immanuel Bekkerus. In usum scholamm. Berolini, 1825. 8vo. TAC TAG 703 Tacitus (Caius Cornelius). C. Cornelii Taciti Opera recensuit et commentarios suos adiecit Georg. Henricus Walther. [Tom. I. Sex priores annaliuni libros complectens. II. Sex posteriores annalium libros complectens. III. Historiartim libros com- plectens. IV. Libellum de Germania, Vitam Agricolae, et Dia- logum de Oratoribus complectens.] Halis Saxonum, 1831-33. 8vo. . C. Cornelii Taciti Annales. Eecognovit brevisque annotatione instruxit Eranciscus Eitter, Westfalus. Bonnae ad Rhenum, 1834. 8vo. . C. Cornelii Taciti de situ, moribus et populis Germaniae libellus. Textu recognito cum selecta varietate lectionis et brevi turn alionun turn sua annotatione edidit G. Er. C. Giinther. [G. G.] Helmstadii, 1826. 12mo. . C. Cornelii Taciti, Equitis Eomani, Germania. Eecensuit . . Eranciscus Passow. Ecb'tio altera auctior. Vratislaviae, 1817. 8vo. . 0. Cornelii Taciti Vita lulii Agricolae ex recensione Erancisci Eitteri, "Westfali. In usum lectionum Academicarum et Gymnasiorum. Bonnae ad Rhenum, 1832. 8vo. Tacquet (Andrew). See EUCLID. Elements ; with select Theorems out of Archimedes, by A. T. Tafel (Eudolphus Leonardus). See SWEDEXBORG (E.). - (Theophilus Lucas Eridericus). See CoFSTANinnis Porphyro- genitus. De Provinciis Regni Byzantini. . De Thessalonica eiusque Agro dissertatio geographica. Scripsit T. L. E. T. [G. G.] Berolini, 1839. 8vo. . De Via Militari Eomanorum Egnatia, qua Illyricum, Mace- donia et Thracia iungebantur, dissertatio geographica. Scripsit T. L. E. T. [G. G.] TuUngae, 1842. 4to. . Pars occidentalis. [G. G.] Tubingae, 1841. 4to. . Pars orientalis. [G. G.] Tulingae, 1841. 4to. . Dilucidationum Pindaricarum specimen primum. Scripsit T. L. E. T. Prof. Philol. Tubing. [G. G.] Tubingce, 1819. 4to. . Via Militaris Eomanorum Egnatia, qua Illyricum, Macedonia et Thracia iungebantur. Pars occidentalis. Scripsit T. L. E. T. [G. G.] TuUngae, 1841. 4to. Tagart (Edward). Eernarks 011 Mathematical or Demonstrative Seasoning : its connexion with Logic ; and its application to science, physical and metaphysical, with reference to some recent publications. By E. T., E.G.S. [D. M.] London, 1837. 12mo. Tagmann (Eobert). Petrus Vincentius, der erste Schulen-Inspector in Breslau. See SCIITJECK (J.). Zur CliaraTcteristik der italienischen Humanisten ; &c. 704 TAI TAN Taine (H.). De 1'Intelligence. Par H. T. 2 torn. [Or. G.] Paris, 1870. 8vo. . Le Positivisms 'Anglais. Etude sur Stuart Mill. Par H. T. [G-. G-.] Paris, 1864. 8vo. . English Positivism. A study on John Stuart Mill. By H. T. Translated from the French (with the author's permission) by T. D. Haye. [D. M.] London, 1870. 8vo. Taisnierius (Joannes). Opvscvlvm perpetva memoria dignissimvm, de natvra Magnetis, et eivs effectibvs. f De niotu continue. y^_ I Demonstratio proportionu motuum localium, contra n 1 Aristotelem & alios philosophos. [ De motu alio celerrimo, hactenus incognito. Authore loanne Taisnierio, Hannonio, vtriusque luris Doctore. Poeta Laureato, Musico & Eectore Sacelli Musices Eeuerend. Coloniensis Archiepiscopi, &c. [D. M.] Coloniae, anno 1562. 4to. Tait (P. G-.). An Elementary Treatise on Quaternions. By P. G. T., M.A. . . Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh. [Clarendon Press Series^] [D. M.] Oxford, 1867. 8vo. . Note on Formulae representing the Fecundity and Fertility of Women. By Professor T. [D. M.] 4to. . On the application of Hamilton's Characteristic Function to Special Cases of Constraint. By P. G-. T.* [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1865. 4to. . On the Law of Frequency of Error. By P. G-. T. * [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1865. 4to. . Sketch of Thermodynamics. By P. G-. T. [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1868. 8vo. . The position and prospects of Physical Science. A public in- augural lecture . . by P. G. T. Edinburgh, 1860. 8vo. Talleyrand de Perigord (Charles Maurice de), Prince de Benevento. Eloge de M. le Comte Reiuhart, prononce a I'Academie des Sciences morales et politiques, par M. le P. de Talleyrand, dans la seance du 3 mars 1838. [D. M.] Paris, 1838. 8vo. Talmud. Biblisch-talmudische Medicin. See WUKDERBAR (E. J.). Tangier. A Discourse touching Tanger : in a Letter to a person of quality. To which is added, The Interest of Tauger : by another hand. [D. M.] London, 1680. 4to. . A particular Narrative of a Great Engagement between the Garison of Tangier, and the Moors : and of the Signal Vic- tory which His Majesties Forces obtained against them on tho 27th. of October last. [D. M.] '[London,'] 1QSO. 4to. [* From The Transactions of the Roy. Soc. of Edinb.~] TAN TAE 705 Tanner (Robert). A Mirror for Mathematiques : a Golden Gem for Geometricians : A sure safety for Saylers, and an auncient antiquary for Astronomers and Astrologians. ( . ) Contayning also an order howe to make an astronomicall instrument, called the Astrolab, with the vse thereof. Also a playne and most easie instruction for erection of a figure for the 12. houses of the heauens. A wo}k most psofitable foj all such as are students in Astronomie, and Geometrie, and generally most necessarie fo3 all learners in the mathematicall artes. . . By R. T., Gent., practitioner in Astrologie & Phisick. [D. M.] London,[1587. 4to. (Thomas). Bibliotheca Britannico-Hiberuica : sive, De Scrip- toribus, qui in Anglia, Scotia, et Hibernia ad saeculi XVII. initium floruerunt, literarum ordine juxta fainiliarum nomina dispositis Commentarius : auctore . . Thoma Taunero, Episcopo Asaphensi . . Praefixa est . . Davidis Wilkinsii, 8. T. P. et Canonici Cantuar., Praefatio, Historiam Literariam Britannorum ante Caesaris adventum, Bibliothecae hujus schema, Bostonum Buriensem, aliaque scitu non indigna complectens. [D. M.] Londini, 1748. fol. Tap (John). The Path-way to knowledge; containing the whole art of Arithmeticke, both in whole numbers and fractions ; with the extraction of Roots ; as also a brief e introduction or entrance into the art of Cossicke numbers, with many pleasant questions wrought thereby. Digested into a plaine and easie methode by way of Dialogue, for the better vnderstanding of the learners thereof. Wherewith is also adioyned a briefe order for the keeping of Marchants Bookes of Accompts, by way of Debitor and Creditor. [D. M.] London, 1613. 8vo. Tartaglia (Mccolo). See STTJBBE (H.). Legends no histories. , . Opere del famosissimo Nicolo Tartaglia. [D. M.] Venctia, 1606. 4to. . Qvesiti et invention! diverse de Nicolo Tartaglia, di uovo restampati con vna gionta al sesto libro, nella quale si mostra duoi modi di redur una citta inespugnabile. [D. M.] Vcnetia, 1554. 4to. . Book the 9th of the Miscellaneous Questions and Inventions of Nicholas Tartalea of Briscia : concerning the sciences of Arithmetic, Geometry, & Algebra & Almucabala [&c.]. [Manu- script ; by Dr. Hutton.] [D. M.] 4to. . . . General Trattato di nvmeri, et misvre di N. T. [In six parts, ,] [D. M.] Vinegia, 1556-60. fol. . L'Arithmetiqve de N. T. Brescian, grand mathe'maticien, et prince des praticiens. Diuisee en deux parties. . . Recueillie, & traduite d'ltalien en Frangois, par Gvillavme Gosselin, de Caen. Avec toutes les demonstrations mathematiques : & plusieurs inuentions dudit Gosselin, esparses chacune en son lieu Premiere partie [& Seconde pariie]. [D. M.] Paris, 1578 8vo. 2z 703 TAB, TAV Tartaglia (Niccolo). Tvtte TOpere d'Arithmetica del farnosissimo N. T. [D. M.] Venetia, 1592. 4toJ . La JN"oua Scientia de Mcolo Tartaglia con una gionta al terzo Libro. [D. M.] Venetia, 1550. 4to. . Ragionamenti de Mcolo Tartaglia sopra la sva Travagliata Inventione. [D. M.] Venetia, 1551. 4to. . Regola generale da svlevare con ragione e misvra n5 solamete ogni aff ondata Naue : ma una Torre Solida di Mettallo trouata da N. T., delle discipline Mathematice amatore intitolata la Tra- vagliata Inventione. [With Svpplimento.] [D. M.] Venetia, [ .] 4to. . Three Bookes of Colloqvies concerning the arte o shooting in great and small peeces of Artillerie, variable randges, measure, and waight of leaden, yron, and marble stone pellets, mineral! saltepeeter, gunpowder of diuers sortes, and the cause why some sortes of gunpowder are corned, and some sortes of gunpowder are not corned : "Written in Italian, and dedicated by ]N". T. vnto the Royall Prince of most famous memorie Henrie the eight, late King of England, Eraunce, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. And now translated into English by Cyprian Lvcar, Gent., who hath also augmented the volume of the saide Colloquies with the contents of euery Colloquie . . Also the saide Cyprian Lvcar hath annexed . . a treatise named Lvcar Appendix . . to shew . . the properties, office, and dutie of a Gunner [&c.]. [P.M.] London, 1588. fol. Tartalea (Nicholas). See TAETAGLIA (Mccolo). Tarteron (Jacques). See HOEATRJS ELACCUS (Q.). Oeuvres, traduites par le P. T. Tartona (Ant. de). Epistolae. See LAZEEI (P.). Tasmania. .Results of five years' meteorological observations for Hobart Town, with which are incorporated the results of twenty-five years' observations previously published by the Royal Society of Tasmania, and completing a period of thirty years. Compiled . . by Erancis Abbott. Tasmania, 1872. 4to. Tasso (Torquato). G-erusalemme Liberata di T. T. con note ossia spiegazioni de luoghi piu oscuri, dilucidazioni grammaticali ed imitazioni dei Classici Antichi. II tutto riveduto da Eomualdo Zotti ad uso degli studiosi della lingua Italiana. 2 vol. [G-. G.] Londra, 1806. 8vo. Tassy (Garcin de). Cours d'Hindoustani a 1'Ecole Imperiale et Speciale des Langues Orientales vivantes. Discours d'Ouverture. Par G-. de T. [GK G.] Paris, 1866. 8vo. Tatian. Tatiani Oratio ad Grsecos. Hermiae irrisio Gentihum Philosophorum. Ex vetustis exemplaribus recensuit, [&c.] . . Wilhelmus "Worth. [G. G.] Oxonice, 1700. 8vo. Tavernier ( ). Dr. Ta vernier's Treatise on the Treatment of Deformities of the Spine . . Translated into English, with a critical analysis of this division of Orthopaedia, by W. Brewer, M.D, London, 1846, 8vo. TAX TAY 707 Taxes. On the Taxes on Knowledge. [From Tlie Westminster Review, No. XXIX. for July 1, 1831.] [D. M.] London, [ .] 8vo. . Taxes on Knowledge, Stamps and Newspapers. Extracts from the evidence of the Bight Hon. Baron Brougham and Vaux before the Select Committee of the House of Commons on Libel Law in June 1834. [G. G.] London, [ .] 8vo. Taylor (Alfred Swaine). A Manual of Medical Jurisprudence. By A. S. T., Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence and Chemistry in Guy's Hospital. London, 1844. 8vo. . Medical Jurisprudence. By A. S. T., M.D., F.E.S. [&c.]. Fourth edition. London, 1852. SYO. . On Poisons, in relation to Medical Jurisprudence and Medicine. By A. S. T. London, 1848. 8vo. (Brook). Method of perspective. See KIEBT (J.). . Contemplatio Philosophica : a posthumous work, of the late B. T., L.L.D., F.E.S., some time Secretary of the Eoyal Society. To w 7 hich is prefixed A Life of the Author, by his grandson, Sir William Young, Bart., F.E.S., A.S.S. [With an Appendix, con- taining sundry Original Papers, Letters from the Count Eaymond de Montmort, Lord Bolingbroke, Marcilly de Yillette, Bernouilli, &c. Wanting .] [Not Published.] [D.M.] London, 1793. 8vo. . Critique des Principales Demonstrations donne'es jusqu'a ce jour du Theoreme de Taylor, etc. [D. M.] [ .] 4to. . Linear Perspective : or, a new method of representing justly all manner of objects as they appear to the eye in all situations. A work necessary for Painters, Architects, &c. to judge of, and regulate designs by. By B. T. [D. M.] London, 1715. 8vo. . New principles of Linear Perspective : or the art of designing on a plane the representations of all sorts of objects, in a more general and simple method than has been done before. By B. T. [D. M.] London, 1719. 8vo. . [ . . than has been hitherto done]. The third edition. By B. T. . . Eevised and corrected by John Colson, M.A. and F.E.S., Lucasian Professor of Mathematicks in the University of Cambridge. [D. M.] London, 1749. 8vo. . Methodus Increinentorum directa & inversa. Auctore B. T. [D. M.] Londini, 1715. 4to. (Henry). Observations on the current Coinage of Great Britain, as the medium of barter, calculation, and accounts ; and on Professor De Morgan's plan for its more convenient and scientific arrangement, on the Decimal System . . By H. T. [Eeprinted from The Bankers' Magazine.'] [D. M.] London, 1846. 8vo. . Simple Arithmetic as connected with the national Coinage, Weights, and Measures. . . By H. T. Third edition. [D. M.] London, 1847. 8vo, 2z2 08 TAY Taylor (Henry). The Decimal System, as applied to the Coinage & Weights & Measures of Great Britain. Dedicated to the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury. By H. T. Fourth edition. London, 1851. 12mo. (Henry). Philip van Artevelde : a Dramatic Romance in two parts. By H. T., Esq. Second edition. 2 vol. [Q-. GL] London, 1834. 8vo. . The Statesman. By H. T., Esq., author of Philip van Artevelde. [G-. G-.] London, 1836. 8vo. (John). A collection of Elementary Examples in Pure Mathe- matics, arranged in examination papers, with occasional hints, solutions, etc. etc. Designed chiefly for the use of students reading for the Military or Civil Service Examinations. By J. T. [D. M.] London, 1868. 8vo. . Correspondence. See, SHEEPSHANKS (R.). . Poems and Translations ; including the first four books of Ovid's Easti ; to which are added the Ancient Roman Calendar, with solar and siderial tables, calculated for the thirteenth year of the Christian Era, and giving the positions of two hundred and five principal Stars then visible at Rome. The whole illustrated by historical, astronomical, and mythological notes. By J. T. [D. M.] Liverpool, 1839. 8vo. . The Battle of the Standards : the ancient, of four thousand years, against the modern, of the last fifty years the less perfect of the two. By J. T. [D. M.] London, 1864. 12mo. . The Great Pyramid. Why was it Built ? & Who Built it ? By J. T. ' [D. M.] London, 1859. 12mo. . The Identity of Junius with a distinguished living Character established. Including The Supplement, consisting of fac-similes of hand-writing and other illustrations. Second edition, corrected and enlarged. [D. M.] London, 1818. 8vo. . Cinderella and her glass Slipper: a story of ancient astro- nomical Mythology. [D. M.] Liverpool, 1850. 8vo. . The Astronomy of an ancient Carthaginian Tablet. [D. M.] Liverpool, 1850. 8vo. (John Edward). Michael Angelo, considered as a Philosophic Poet. With translations. By J. E. T. London, 1840. 12mo. (Meadows). Letters from M. T., Esq., written during the Indian Rebellion 1857. [For private circulation only.] [G. G-.] London, 1857. 8vo. (Sedley). The System of Clerical Subscription in the Church of England; its unjustifiable character and injurious results ex- amined. ByS. T.,M.A. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1869. 8vo. (Thomas). See ARISTOTLE. Metaphysics translated ly T. T. . See ARISTOTLE. Organon, translated by T. T. TAY TEN 709 Taylor (Thomas). See MALEBEANCHE (N.). Treatise concerning the search after Truth ; fyc. . (William B. Sars,field). Origin and outline of the Peniten- tiary system in the United States of North America; translated and abridged from the French Official Report of Messrs. G. de Beaumont and A. de Tocqueville : by W. B. S. T. [G. G-.] London, 1833. 8vo. Tebay (Septimus). Elementary Mensuration for the use of Schools. With numerous examples. By S. T., B.A., . . Head Master of Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Rivington. [D. M.] London, 1868. Svo. Teichnmeller (Gustav). Aristoteles Philosophic der Kunst, erklart von G. T. [G. G.] Halle, 1869. Svo. . Beitrage zur Erklarung der Poetik des Aristoteles. Yon G. T. Dr. Phil. [G. G.] Halle, 1867. 8vo. Teissier (Antoine). See THOU (A. de). Les eloges des hommes savans, avec des additions par A. T. Telders (Adrien). Bijdrage tot eene Geschiedenis van het bezit in de Doode Hand. Academisch Proefschrift, . . door A. T. Utrecht, 1868. Svo. Teleki (Le C te Ladislas). La Hongrie aux Peuples Civilises. Mani- feste public au nom du Gouvernement Hongrois. Par Le C te L. T. [G. G.] Paris, 1848. Svo. Tellerus (Abrahamus). See WELLEEUS (J.). Grammatica Graeca nova. Temple (Henry John), Viscount Palmerston. Discours prononce par le Vicomte Palmerston dans la Chambre des Communes, . . sur la motion de M. Roebuck relative a la Politique etrangere du Gouvernement, et traduit par M. Antonin Roche. Paris, 1850. Svo. (Sir John). The Irish Rebellion : or an History of the attempts of the Irish Papists to extirpate the Protestants in the kingdom of Ireland, together with the barbarous cruelties and bloody mas" sacres which ensued thereupon. Written from his own obser- vations and authentic depositions of other eye-witnesses. By Sir J. T., Knt. Reprinted with a preface by F. Maseres. [G. G.] London, 1812. 4to. Temple. Middle. A Catalogue of the Library of the Middle Temple ; arranged alphabetically. Part II. London, 1845. 8vo. Ten-kate (Lambert Hermanson). Ideal Beauty in Painting and Sculpture illustrated by remarks on the antique and the works of Raphael and other great masters. By L. H. T-K. Translated from the French. [G. G.] London, 1769. Svo. Tennemann (Wilhelm Goitlieb). Geschichte der Philosophic. Von W. G. T. 11 B de [G. G. ] Leipzig, 1798-1819. Svo. . Manuel de 1'Histoire de la Philosophic ; traduit de 1'Allemand de T. par V. Cousin, Professeur a la faculte des Lettres de 1' Aca- demic de Paris. 2 torn. [D. M.] Paris, 1829. Svo. 710 TEN TES Tennemann (Wilhelm Gottlieb). A Manual of the History of Philo- sophy. Translated from the Grerman of T., by the Rev. Arthur Johnson, M.A. Eevised, enlarged, and continued, by J. E. Morell. [D. M.] London, 1852. 8vo. Tennulius (Samuel). See PEO^TINTIS (S. J.). StrategematicSln. . See IAMBLICHTJS. In Nicomachi Arithmeticam introductionem, in Latinum sermonem conversus a S. T. Tenzelio (Wilhelmus Ernestus). See TKIBBECHOVITJS (A.). De doc- toribus scholasticis. Vita Tribbechovii scriptore W. E. T. Terentius (Publius), Afer. Publii Terentii Afri Comoediae . . ac- cesserunt variae lectiones. 2 torn. [Gr. GL] Londini, 1751. 8vo. . P. Terentii . . Comoediao sex. Inter pretatione & JSTotis illustravit Nicolaus Camus, J. U. D. (Delph.) Editio prioribus longe emaculatior. [Q-. Gr.] Londini, 1769. 8vo. . Publii Terentii Afri Comoediae sex ad fidem editionis Wester- hovianas concinnatse. [Gr. Gr.] Londini, 1818. 12mo. . Publii Terentii Carthaginiensis Afri Corncediae sex, ex re- censione Frid. Lindenbrogii, et cum notis selectis Bentleii, Lindenbrogii, Westerhovii, Zeuniique necnon scholiis . . quibus nunc primuni Scholia anonymi (fortasse Calliopii) et picturas veteres . . adjunxit J. A. Giles, A.M. Londini, 1837. 8vo. . P. Terenti Comoediae : with notes critical and exegetical an introduction and appendix by Wilhelm Wagner Ph. D. Cambridge, 1869. 8vo. . Terentivs, in quern triplex edita est P. Antesignani Bapistag- nensis Commentario. . . Editio secvndi exempl. [Gr. G.] Lugduni, 1560. 4to. . Editio tertii exempl. [G. Gr.] Lugduni, 1560. 4to, Terpstra (J.). Antiquitas Homerica. Edente J. T. [Gr. Gr.] Lugduni Batavorum, 1831. 8vo. Ter quern (Olry). Bulletin de Bibliographie, d'Histoire et de Biographic mathematiques. Par M. T., . . Professeur aux Ecoles Imperiales d'Artillerie [&c.]. Tome 1-5. [D. M.] Paris, 1855-59. 8vo, . Sur Leonard Bonacci de Pise et sur trois ecrits de cet auteur public's par Balthasar Boncompagni. Article de M. O. Terquem . . Professeur aux Ecoles Imperiales d'Artillerie [&c.]. [Extrait des Annali di scienze Matematiche, tome septieme.] [D. M.] Borne, 1856. 8vo. Tertullian (Quintus Septimus Florens). Apologies. See CLEMENT, of Home ; &c. . Qu. Sept. Plor. Tertulliani Opera. . . curante E. F. Leopold. [Bibl. Patrum Ecdesiasticorum Latinorum selecta, curante E. Gr. Gersdorf . Vol. IV-VH.] Pars 1-4. [Gr. G-.] Lipsiae, 1839-41. 8vo. Teschemacher (J. E.). Tables calculated for the Arbitration of Ex- changes, both simple and compound ; with an account of the Currencies and Monies of the principal commercial cities of Europe. Taken from the latest and best authorities, by J. E. T. [D. M.] London, 1802. fol TET THE 711 Tetens (Johann Nicolaus). Einleitung zur Berechnung der Leibrenten und Anwartschaf ten die vom Leben und Tode einer oder mehrerer Personen abhangen : mit Tabellen zum practischen Gebrauch. Von J. K". T., Professor der Philosophic und Mathematik zu Kiel. . Zweyter Theil. Yersuche iiber einige bey Yersorgungs-An- stalten erhebliche Puncte. Yon Joh. Nicol. Tetens, Professor der Philosophic und Mathematik zu Kiel. [D. M.] Leipzig, 1785-86. 8vo. Thacker (A.). A Treatise containing an entire new method of solv- ing Adfected Quadratic, and Cubic Equations, with their appli- cation to the solution of Biquadratic ones . . together with the demonstrations of the methods. And a set of new Tables for finding the roots of cubics. Invented by the late ingenious Mr. A. T., deceased ; but calculated entirely . . by W. Brown. [D. M.] Birmingham, 1746. 4to. (Jeremy). The Longitudes examin'd. Beginning with a short epistle to the Longitudinarians, and ending with the description of a smart, pretty machine of my own, which I am (almost) sure will do for the longitude, and procure me the Twenty Thou- sand Pounds. By J. T., of Beverley in Yorkshire. [D. M] London, 1714. 4to. Thatcher (George). A Treatise on Annuities for fixed periods, particularly Government Long Annuities [&c.]. By G. T. [D. M.] London, 1825. 8vo. Theater. Beytrag zum deutschen Theater. Th. 1-5. (Th. I. 2 te . Aufl.) Leipzig, 1761-68. 8vo. Theatre des Boulevards, ou recueil de Parades. Tom. I.-III. Mahon, 1756. 8vo. Themistius, Euphrada. TA TOY 0EMISTIOY EY$PAAOYS APANTA,TOYTESTI PAPA^PASELS, KAI AOFOI. AAE#AN- APOY A$POAI2IEftS PEPI ^YXHS BIBAIA AYO, KAI PEPI EIMAPMENHS EN. Omnia Themistii Opera, hoc est para- * phrasis, et orationes. Alexandri Aphrodisiensis libri dvo de anima, et de fato vnvs. Venetiis, 1834. fol. . Another copy. [G. G.] . Themistii Orationes ex codice Mediolanensi emendatae a Guilielmo Dindorfio. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1832. 8vo. Themistocles. Epistles. See BENTLEY (E.). Theobald (Lewis). See BEAUMONT (F.) and FLETCHEK (J.). Works, with notes ly Mr. T. (William). Summary of Statements and Arguments submitted to the Bight Hon. the President of the Board of Control and some other Gentlemen : by "W. T., on deputation from Calcutta and the Lower Provinces of Bengal. [G. G.] London, 1857. 8vo. . What is Special Pleading? A letter to Sir Ihomrs Denman, Chief Justice of All England, in answer to the question : with proposal of emendations in the form of Actions. By W. T., Esq. [G. G.] London, 1832. 8vo. 712 THE Theocritus. The Works of Theocritus. Translated from the Greek, by Francis Fawkes, M.A. See ANDERSON, British Poets. Vol. till. . Theocriti Carmina ex codicibus Italis denuo a se collatis iterum edidit Christophorus Ziegler. T-ubingae, 1867. 8vo. . The Idyllia, Epigrams, and Fragments, of Theocritus, Bion, and Moschus, with the Elegies of Tyrtseus, translated from the Greek into English Verse. To which are added, dissertations and notes. By the Eev. Eichard Polwhele. Exeter, 1786. 4to. . Theocritus, Bion, et Moschus. Graece et Latine accedunt . . animadversiones, scholia, indices, et M. ^Emilii Porti Lexicon Doricum. 2 vol. [G. G.] Londini, 1829. 8vo. Theodoret. Therapeutique. See MOUEGUES (M.). Flan theologique du Pyihagorisme. Theodorus. Theodori Gazae introductions Grammatical Libri quatuor, Greece sirnul cum interpretatione Latina jam de integro recogniti atque aucti. [G. G.] Basilece, 1529. 4to. Theodosius. De Habitationibus. See SHEEBUEKE (E.). The sphere of Marcus Manilius. Appendix. . Theodosii Acroases de Greta capta. See LEO DIACONUS. , Tripolita. Theodosii Tripolitae Sphaericorvm Libri III. a Christophoro Clavio, Bambergensi, Societatis lesv, perspicvis de- monstrationibvs, ac scholijs illustrati. Item eiusdem Christophori Clavii Sinvs, Lineae tangentes et secantes, Triangvla rectilinea atqve sphaerica. [D. M.] Romae, 1586. 4to. . GEOAOSIOY S$AIPIKON BIBAIA r'. Theodosii Sphaeri- corum libri tres. [D. M.] Oxonice, 1707. 8vo. Theognis. Theognidis Elegi. .cvm notis Frid. Sylbvrgii et Eich. Franc. Phil. Brvnckii. Edidit Immanvel Bekkervs. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1815. 8vo. ' . Theognidis reliquiae, novo ordine disposuit [&c.] Fridericus Theophilus Welcker. [G. G.] Francofurti, 1826. 8vo. Theology. Criticisms on current Theology as they appeared in the eighteenth century ; being a selection of some of the best-written tracts on that subject. [G. G.] London, 1837. 8vo. Tneon Alexandrinus. See AEATTJS. U^oXta. . See EUCLID. . Fastes Consulaires de Theon d'Alexandrie. See under PTOLEMAEFS (C.). Tables manuelles astronomiques. . KANON BASIAEItiN. See PTOLEMAEUS (C.). . Tables manuelles astronomiques de Theon, &c. See PTOLE- MAEUS (C.). . See PTOLEMAEUS (0.). MEIA'AHS SYNTA'^EOS BIBA. if. . See VALDEEUS (I.). Sphaerae, &c. \_Aratus de Siderum natura, 6fc., cum commentaries Theonis~]. Smyrnaeus. Expositio. See BULLIALDUS (I.). THF 713 Theon Smyrriaeus, Theonis Smyrnaei, Platonic!, Liber de Astronomia cum Sereni fragmento, textum primus ecliclit, Latine vertit [&c.] Th. H. Martin." Accedimt . . Georgii Pachymeris e libro Astro- nomico delecta fragmenta [&c.]. [G-. G.] Parisiis, 1849. 8vo. - . 6EQNO2 SMYPNAIOY, IIAATONIKOY, rwr Kara ^a^ari^v Xpriffifjwv els TYIV r HAATONOS aiayrwair. Theonis Smyrnsei, Platonici, eorum, quse in Mathematicis ad Platonis lectionem vtilia sunt, Expositio. E bibliotheca Thvana. Opus nunc primum editum, Latina versione, ac notis illustration ab Ismaele Bvllialdo, luliodunensi. [D. M.] Lvtetice Parisiorvm, 1644. 4to. - . Another copy. [Gr. Gr.] - . GEliNOS 2MYPNAIOY, HAATilNIKOY, TilN KATA API0MHTIKHN XPII2IMHN EIS THN TOY nAAT^NOS ANAFNIiSIN. Theonis Smyrnaei, Platonici, Expositio eornm, quae in Arithmeticis ad Platonis lectionem utih'a sunt. Bullialdi interpretationem Latinam, lectionis diversitatem suamque annotationem addidit J. J. de Gelder. [D. M.] Lugduni Batavoriim, 1827. 8vo. Theophanes. Theophanis Chronographia ex recensione lo. Classeni. 2 vol. (Vol. II. continet Anastasii Bibliothecarii historia eccle- siastica ex recensione Imm. Bekker.) [Hist. Byzant.] Bounce, 1839-1841. 8vo. - . Continuatus. Theophanes Continuatus, loannes Cameniata, Symeon Magister, GeorgiusMonachus, ex recensione Imm. Bekker. [Hist. Byzant,] Bounce, 1838. 8vo. TheopllilllS Protospatharim. 6EOOIAOY HEPI THS TOY AN6POHOY KATASKEYII2 BIBAIA E. Theo- phili Protospatharii de Corporis humani fabrica Libri V. Edidit Guilielmus Alexander Greenhill, M.D. [G-. G.] Oxmii, 1842. 8vo. Theophrastus. Characteres Ethici. See EPICTETUS. - . Theophrasti de Sensu et Sensilibus f ragmen turn, &c. See PHILIPPSON (L.). YAH ANOPOHINH. - . On Superstition. See PLTJTARCHTJS. - . Analecta Theophrastea. See USENEE (H.). - . Schrift iiber Frommigkeit, See BEENATS, C. I. . 9EO$PA2TOY EPESIOY TA StlZOMENA. Theophrasti Eresii qvae svpersvnt Opera et excerpta librorvm . . emendavit [&c.] lo. Gottlob Schneider. 5 vol. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1818-21. 8vo. . 6EO$PA2TOS. Theophrasti Eresii Opera, quee supersunt, omnia Graeca recensuit, Latine interpretatus est, [&c.] Eridericus Wirnmer. [G. G.] Parisiis (Didot), 1866. 8vo. - . OEO^PASTOY H6IKOI KAPAKTHPES. Theophrasti Notationes Morum. Isaacvs Casavbonvs recensuit, in Latiiium sermoneni vertit & Libro Commentario illustrauit. Editio vltima. [G. G.] Lvgdvni, 1638. 8vo. 714 THE THI Theophrastus. GEO^PASTOY XAPAKTHPES H6IKOI. Theophrasti Characteres Ethici: ex recensione Petri Needham. Cum versione Latina Isaac! Casauboni. [G. G.] Glasguae, 1743. 4to. . Theophrasti Characteres, Marci Antoniui commentarii, Epicteti clissertationes ab Arriano literis mandate, fragmenta et enchiridion cum comnientario Simplicii, Cebetis tabula, Maximi Tyrii dissertationes. Grraece et Latine cum indicibus, Theophrasti Characteres XV et Maximum Tyrium . . emendavit Fred. Diibner. [Gr. G.] ' Parisiis (Didot), 1840. 8vo. . Les Caracteres de Theophraste et de La Bruyere, avec des notes par M. Coste. Nouvelle edition. 2 torn. Pans, 1775. 8vo. Theophylaetus Simocatta. Theophylacti Simocattse historiarum libri viii recognovit Imm. Bekker. Genesius ex recognitioiie Car. Lachmanni. [Hist. Byzant.] Bounce, 1834. 8vo. Theopompus, of Chios. Theopompi Chii fragmenta, collegit [&c.] B/. H. Eyssonius Wichers. [G. Gr.] Luyduni Batavorum, 1829. 8vo. Thermometre. L'Vsage du Therrnometre. . . Sixieme edition. [D. M.] Paris, 1655. 4to. Thiebault (Dieudonne). Grammaire philosophique, ou la Metaphysi- que, la Logique, et la Grrammaire, reunies en un seul corps de doctrine. Par D. T. 2 torn. [G-. Gr.] Paris, An xi (1802). 8vo. TMeme (Fridericus Edvardus). Ad Memoriam Kregelio-Sternbachi- anam in Avditorio Ivreconsvltorvm die xvii. Ivlii MDCCCXXVII h. ixi celebrandam invitant Ordinvrn Academiae Lips. Decanus, Seniores, ceteriqve adsessores. De Archimedis problemate bovino. [D. M.] 1828. 8vo. Thierry (Augustin). Lettres sur 1'Histoire de France. Par A. T. [G. G.] Paris, 1827. 8vo. . E-ecueil des Monuments inedits de 1'histoire du Tiers Etat. . . Eegion du Nord. Tome premier : contenant les pieces rela- tives a 1'histoire de la Ville d' Amiens depuis 1'an 1057, date de la plus ancienne de ces pieces, jusq'au xv e siecle. Par A. T. [G. G.]" Paris, 1850. 4to. Thiers (A.). Histoire de la Eevolution Fran^aise. Par M. A. T. 10 torn. Quatrieme edition. [G. G.] Paris, 1834. 8vo. . Histoire du Consulat et de 1'Empire. Par M. A. T. 20 torn. [G. G.] Paris, 1845-1862. 8vo. . Discours prononce par M. T., Depute des Bouches-du-Bhone, dans la seance du 6 Mai 1837. [G. G.] Paris, [ .] 8vo. . Bapport Gene'ral presente par M. T. au nom de la Commis- sion de 1'Assistance et de laPrevoyance publiques : dans la seance du 26 Janvier 1850. [G. G.] Paris, 1850. 8vo. TMery (P. J.). Me'moire sur TAmelioration des Chevaux dans les deux Departemens du Bhin. Par P. J. T. [G. G.] Stmssbourg, 1835. 8vo. THI THO . 715 TMerscli (Bernhardt). See AEISTOPHANES. Plutus. . Ueber das Zeitalter uiid Vaterland des Homer . . Von B. T. Zweite . . Auflage, nebst der Quaestio de diversa Iliadis et Odysseae aetate. [G. G.] ffalberstadt, 1832. 8vo. (Friedrich). Ueber die drainatische Natur der platonischen Dialoge. Yon Dr. E. T. [G. G.] [ .] 4to. . Ueber die Epochen der bildenden Kunst unter den Q-riechen. Von E. T. 2 te . . Auflage. [G-. G-.] Miinchen, 1829. 8vo. (H.). See SMITH (J.). Ueber den Schijfbau, aus dem Englischen ubertragen von Dr. H. T. TMonville (Eug.) De la theorie des Lieux Communs dans les Topiques d'Aristote et des principales modifications qu'elle a subies jusqu'a nos jours. These . . par E. T. [G-. G-.] Paris, 1855. Svo. (Merlin de). Vie et Correspondance de M. de T., public par M. Jean Eeynaud. [G-. G.] Paris, 1860. Svo. Thirlwall (Connop), Bishop of St. David's. See " ESSAYS AND EEVIEWS." . A letter to the Eev. Thomas Turton, D.D., on the admission of Dissenters to Academical Degrees. Second edition. To which is added a second letter containing a vindication of some pas- sages in the first letter. ByC.T. [G.G.] Cambridge, 1834. Svo. . A Sermon preached at the Charterhouse on Founder's Day, December 12, 1845. By C. T., D.D., Lord Bishop of St. David's. [G. G.] London, 1845. 8vo. . A Speech in the House of Lords, May 25th, 1848, on a Bill for the relief of Her Majesty's subjects professing the Jewish religion. By C. T., D.D. [G. G.] London, 1848. 8vo. . On some Traditions relating to the Submersion of ancient cities. By the Lord Bishop of St. David's, President. [Erom the Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature, vol. vi. New Series.] [G. G.] London. Svo. . The History of Greece. By C. T., D.D., Bishop of St. David's. 8 vol. A new edition. [G. G.] London, 1845. Svo. Thorn (David). Sermons preached in Bold-street, and Crown-street Chapels, Liverpool, by the late Eev. D. T., D.D., Ph.D. "With a brief memoir of his life. [Edited by Jaines Smith.] [D. M.] London, 1863. Svo. . The Number and Names of the Apocalyptic Beasts : with an explanation and application. In two parts. Part I. The number and names. By D. T. [D. M.] London, 1848. Svo. Thomas (Alexandre). Une Province sous Louis XIV. Situation politique et administrative de la Bourgogne de 1661 a 1715 d'apres les manuscrits et les documents inedits du temps. Par A. T. [G. G.] Paris, 1849. Svo. Aquinas, Saint. See AEISTOTLE. Perlustratio comentaria in vetere arte Arestofelis. 716 THO Thomas (F. S.). Hand-book to the Public Eecords. By F. S. T., Secretary of the Public Record Office. London, 1853. 8vo. . Historical Notes. Compiled byF. S. T. Vol. I. Comprising Henry VIII. to Elizabeth inclusive. II. Comprising James I. to Anne inclusive. III. Comprising Notes relating to Scotland and Ireland ; and lists of Treaties with all countries. 3 vol. [E. 0.] London, 1856. 8vo. (Georg Martin). Studien zu Thukydides. Von G. M. T. [Prom the Abh. d. I. Gl. d. Ic. Ak. d. Wiss. VI. 3d. III. Abth.] [G-.GK] 4to (Vaughan). An Address delivered at the Birmingham Royal School of Medicine and Surgery, at the third anniversary meet- ing, August 29, 1838, by V. T., B.D. Birmingham, 1838. 8vo. . An Address upon laying the foundation stone of the Queen's Hospital, Birmingham, June 18, 1840. With notes, and an appendix. By V. T., M.D. To which is prefixed, an account of the ceremony [&c.]. Oxford, 184.0. 8vo. Thomas de Burton. Chronica Monasterii de Melsa, a fundatione usque ad annum 1396, auctore Thoma de Burton, Abbate. Ac- eedit. contiimatio ad annum 1406 a Monacho quodam ipsius domus. Edited, from the autographs of the authors, by Edward A. Bond. 3 vol. [R. 0.] [CHRONICLES AKD MEMORIALS.] London, 1866-68. 8vo. Thommerel (J.-P.). Du Role de limitation dans 1'Art et limites de cerole. Par J.-P. T. [G. G.] Paris, 1841. 8vo. . Recherches sur la fusion du Franco-Normand et de 1* Anglo- Saxon. Par J.-P. T. [G. G.] Paris, 1841. 8vo. Thompson (Cordon). Strictures on Mr. Montgomery's Essay on the Phrenology of the Hindoos and Negroes. By C. T., M.D. [D. M'.] [ .] Svo. (Robert Anchor). Christian Theism : the testimony of reason and revelation to the existence and character of the Supreme Being. By R. A. T., M.A. In two volumes. Vol. I. On the existence of the Supreme Being. II. On the character of the Supreme Being. London, 1855. Svo. (Theophilus). Annals of Influenza or Epidemic Catarrhal Eever in Great Britain from 1510 to 1837. Prepared and edited by T. T., M.D., F.R.S. [&c.]. London (Printed for the Sydenham Society,) 1852. 8vo. (Thomas). See SCOTLAND. Acts of the Parliament of S. (Thomas Perronet). Catechism on the Corn Laws ; with a list of Fallacies and the Answers. Fifteenth edition . . To which is added, The Article on Free Trade, from the Westminster Review, No. XXIII. By a Member of the University of Cambridge. [D. M.] London, 1831. Svo. THO 717 Thompson (Thomas Perronet). Geometry without Axioms, or the first book of Euclid's Elements. With alterations and familiar notes ; and an intercalary book in which the straight line and plane are derived from properties of the sphere . . To which is added an appendix, containing notices of thirty methods . . for getting over the difficulty in the Twelfth Axiom of Euclid. By a Member of the University of Cambridge. Fourth edition . . [D. M.] London, 1833. 8vo. . Eifth edition. [D. M.] London, 1834. 8vo. . Principles and practice of just Intonation : with a view to embodying the results of the Sol-fa associations. As illustrated on the enharmonic organ, presenting the power of executing in twenty keys . . Built by Messrs. Eobsou, 101 St. Martin's Lane, London. Calculated for taking the place of the choir organ in a cathedral. And to be learned in six lessons. With an appendix, tracing the identity of design with the enharmonic of the ancients. Third edition. With additions and alterations. [D. M.] London, 1859. 8vo. . Ninth edition. 1866. [D. M.] . The Article on the Instrument of Exchange. Eepublished from the Westminster Review, No. I. With additions. . . By the Author of the Catechism on the Corn Laws. [D. M.] London, 1830. 8vo. . The True Theory of Eent, in opposition to Mr. Eicardo and others . . . By the author of the Catechism on the Corn Laws. Eighth edition. [D. M.] London, 1831. 8vo. . Theory of Parallels. The Proof of Euclid's Axiom looked for in the properties of the quiangular spiral. By Lieut. Colonel T. P. T., E.B.S., of Queen's College, Cambridge. [D. M.] London, 1840. 8vo. . Second edition. [D. M.] London, 1840. 8vo. . Third edition. Shortened ; and freed from dependence on the Theory of Limits. [D. M.] London, 1840. 8vo. (William). Poetical Works. See ANDEESOJST British Poets. Vol.X. (William Hep worth). See BUTLER (W. A.). Lectures. Thorns (William John). Anecdotes and Traditions, illustrative of Early English History and Literature, derived from MS. sources. Edited by W. J. T., Esq., E. S.A. [D. M.j London (printed for the Camden Society,) 1839. 4to. Thomson (Anthony Todd). An Essay on the general study of Experi- mental Philosophy, and the utility of Chemistry . . By A. T. T., Surgeon. [D. M.] London [ .] 4to. . Memoir of Anthony Todd Thomson, M.D., E.L.S. [&c.]. [D. M.] London, 1850. 8vo. - (C. Poulett). Speech of C. Poulett Thomson, Esq., in the House of Commons on the 26th March, 1830, on moving the appoint- ment of a Select Committee to inquire into the state of Taxation of the United Kingdom. J [G. G.] London, 1830. 8vo. 718 T1IO Thomson (James). Poetical Works. See ANDERSON, British Poets. Vol. IX. . Spring. A Poem. By Mr. T. The second edition. [G-. G.] London, 1729. 8vo. . Summer. A Poem. By J. T. [G. G.] London, 1727. 8vo. . Autumn. A Poem. By J. T. Second edition. [G. G.] London, 1730. 8vo. . Winter. A Poem. By J. T. Third edition. [G. G.] London, 1726. 8vo. . The Seasons, Odes, Songs, and Hymns. By J. T. With an account of his life and writings, by P. AIKIN. [G. G.] London, 1822. 12mo. (James). Investigation of a New Series for the Computation of Logarithms ; with a New Investigation of a Series for the Recti- fication of the Circle. By J. T., LL.D., Professor of Mathe- matics in the University of Glasgow. [D. M.] 4to. (Thomas). See SCOTLAND. Registrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scotorwn. . History of the Royal Society, from its institution to the end of the eighteenth century. By T. T., M.D., F.R.S. L. & E. [&c.]. [D. M.] London, 1812. 4to. (William). See CAMBRIDGE and Dublin Mathematical Journal. (William), Archbishop of York. Outline of the Laws of Thought. [D. M.] London, 1842. 16mo. . An outline of the necessary Laws of Thought : a treatise on Pure and Applied Logic. By W. T., D.D. [&c.]. Fifth edition. [D. M.] London, 1860. 8vo. . The Limits of Philosophical Inquiry. Address delivered to the Members of the Edinburgh Philosophical Institution, November 6, 1868. By William, Lord Archbishop of York. [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1868. 8vo. (William Thomas). Actuarial Tables Carlisle Three per cent single lives and single deaths. With auxiliary tables. By W. T. T., E.R.S.E. [&c.]. [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1853. 4to. (Wyville). Preliminary Report of the Scientific Exploration of the Deep Sea, 1859. See PORCUPINE. Thorius (Raphael). See CASATJEONTTS. (I.). Epistolcs. Thornton ( ). Modern Manicheism : Labour's Utopia and other Poems. [G. G.] London, 1857. 8vo. (Edward). A Gazeteer of the Countries adjacent to India on the North West. By E. T., Esq. 2 vol. [G. G.] London, 1844. Svo. (William T.). The true consequences of the Repeal of the Corn Laws. By W. T. T. [G. G.] London, [ .] Svo. THO THU 719 Thorpe (Benjamin). See ANGLO-SAXON CHKONICLE. . Analecta Anglo-Saxonica. A selection in Prose and Verse from Anglo-Saxon Authors of various ages : with a Glossary. By B. T. [G. G.] London, 1834. 8vo. . See ENGLAND. Ancient Laws and Institutes. (Markham John). See STATE PAPEES. Scottish Series. Thou (Augustin de). Les Eloges des Homines savans, tirez de 1'histoire de M. de Thou, avec des additions contenant 1'abbrege de leur Tie, le jugement & le catalogue de leurs ouvrages, par Antoine Teissier, Conseiller & Historiographe de sa Majeste le Eoi de Prusse. . . Quatrieme edition revue {&c.]. 4 torn. [D. M.] Leyde, 1715. 8vo. Thrige (Johannes Petrus). Ees Cyrenensium, a primordiis inde civitatis usqve ad setatem qva in provincise formam a Eomanis est redacta. Novis curis illustravit J. P. T. . . E schedis defunct! auctoris edidit S. K. J. Bloch. [G-. G.] Hafnice, 1828. 8vo. Thucydides. Lexicon Thucydideum. See BJ&TANT (E. A.). . Lexicon Thucydidseum : a Dictionary, in Greek and English, of the words, phrases, and principal idioms, contained in the History of the Peloponnesian War of Thucydides. [G. G.] London, 1824. 4to. . eOYKYAIAHS. Thucydiclis de Bello Peloponnesiaco libri octo Graece et Latine ad editionem los. "Wasse et Car. Andr. Dukeri accurate express! cum varietate lectionis [&c.]. 6 vol. Studiis Societatis Bipontinae. [G. G.] Biponti, 1788-9. 8vo. . OOYKYAIAOY TOY OAOPOY IIEPI TOY HEAOnONNH2I- AKOY HOAEMOY B1BAIA OKTO. Thvcydidis Olori Eil. de Bello Peloponnesiaco libri viii. Ad editionem Car. Andr. Dvkeri cvm omnibvs avctariis recvsi accesservnt variae lectiones dvorvm codicvm animadversiones loannis Christophori Gottleberi, A.M., et Caroli Lvdovici Baveri, A.M. Editionem ab solvit Christian. Daniel Beckivs, Prof. Lips. Vol. II. Lib. VI.-VIII. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1804. 4to. . Thvcydidis de Bello Peloponnesiaco libri octo. Graece edidit Godofredvs Seebode. Editio secvnda. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1818. 8vo. . eOYKYAIAOY TOY OAOPOY IIEPI TOY HEAOnONNH2IA- KOY nOAEMOY BIBAIA OKTO. Thucydidis, Olori Eil., de Bello Peloponnesiaco libri viii. Cum versione Latina, scholiis Graecis [&c.] ex editioue Joannis Christophori Gottleberi, A.M., Caroli Ludovici Baveri, A.M. Accedunt commentarii critici a Traugott Ereder. Benedict conscripti, et observationes critics) Ernesti Eriderici Poppo. 4 vol. [G. G.] Londini, 1819. 8vo. . Thucydidis de Bello Peloponnesiaco libri octo. Ex recensione Immanuelis Bekkeri. Accedunt Scholia Grseca et Dukeri Was- siique annotationes. 4 vol. [G. G.] Oxonii, 1821. 8yo. 720 THU TIL Thucydides. Thucydidis de Bello Pelopounesiaco libri octo. De Arte hums scriptoria historica exposuit [&c.] Ernestus Fridericus Poppo. Pars. I. Vol. I. & II. Pars II. Vol. I. Pars III. Vol. I.-IV. [G-. G-.] Lipsiae, 1821-38. 8vo. . Thycydidis de Bello Peloponnesiaco libri octo. . . recensuit . . atque de vita auctoris praefatus est Franciscus Goeller. 2 vol. Editio secunda. [G. G-.] Lipsiae, 1836. 8vo. . OOYKYAIAOY WlTPAfcHS BIBAIA OKFO. Thucydidis de Bello Peloponnesiaco libri octo . . Nova editio stereotypa. 2 tom. . [G. G.] Lipsiae (Tauch.), 1844. 18mo. . 0OYKYAIAHS. The History of the Peloponuesian War. By Thucydides : Illustrated by maps . . with notes . . by Thomas Arnold. Third edition. 3 vol. [G. G.] Oxford, 1847. Svo. . Histoire de la Guerre du Peloponnese, par Thucydide. Tra- duction. fraiigaise, par Ambr. Firmin Didot. Avec des observa- tions, par M. de Brussy et Amb. Firmin Didot. 4 torn. [G. G.] Pans, 1833. Svo. Thurot (Charles). See ARISTOTLE. La Morale et la Politique. . Etudes sur Aristote . . Par C. T. [G. G.] Paris, 1860. 8vp. . Recherches historiques sur le Principe d'Archimede. Par C. T. [Extrait de la Revue archeoloyique. Annees 1868-69.] [G. G.] Paris, 1869. Svo. Tibullus (Albius). The works of Tibullus. Translated from the Latin, by James Grainger, M.D. See ANDERSON, British Poets. Vol. XIII. . Opera. See CATULLUS. . Albii Tibvlli Carmina libri tres cvm libro qvarto Svlpiciae et aliorvm, novis cvris castigavit Chr. G. Heyne. Editio tertia. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1798. Svo. Tickell (Thomas). Poetical Works. See ANDERSON, British Poets. Vol. VIII. Tiele (B.). See NISSEN (H.). Das Templum, mit astronomischen Hulfstafeln von B. T. Tighe (Mrs. Henry). Psyche, with other Poems. By the late Mrs. H. T. The fourth edition. [G. G.] London, 1812. 8vo. Tiglath. Pileser. Inscription of Tiglath Pileser I., King of Assyria, B.C. 1150, as translated by Sir Henry Eobinson, Fox Talbot, Esq., Dr. Hincks, and Dr. Oppert. Published by the Royal Asiatic Society. [G. G.] London, 1857. 8vo. Tillemont (Sebastien Lenain de). The History of the Arians, and of the Council of Nice, made good by citations from original authors : with a chronological table. . . Written in French by Mr. S. L. d. T., and translated into English by Thomas Deacon. 2 vol. [D. M.] London, 1721. Svo. Tillier (A de). Histoire de la Republique helvetique depuis sa fonda- tion en 1798 jusqu'a sa dissolution en 1803. Par A. de T. Tra- duite librenient de 1'Allemand par A. Cramer. 2 tom. (G. G.) Geneve, 1846. Svo. TIL TOO 721 Tillotson (John). See BAEEOW (I.). Works, published by his Grace ,^ Dr. J. T., late Archbishop of Canterbury. Timaeus, of Locris. See BOTEE (Jean-Baptiste de), Marquis cC Argent t Timee de Locres. . B,erum Sicularum fragmenta. See G-OELLEE (F.). Timauro Antiate. Lettera a Filaleti di Timavro Antiate [Carlo Dati], della vera Storia della Cicloide, e della famosissima Esperienza dell' Argento Viuo. [Dated] 24. di.G-ennaio, 1662. [D. M.] Firenze, 1663. 4to. Tini3S and Places, or, Our History, by a Stone. London, 1872. 8vo. Tingry (P. F.). The Painter and Varnisher's Guide. . . By P. F. T. Illustrated with engravings. [G. G.] London, 1804. 8vo. Tinneinann ("W. G.). See TENNEMANN. Tipaldo (Emilio de). Biografia degli Italiani illustri nelle Scienze, Lettere ed Arti del Secolo XVIII, e de' Contemporanei compi- lata da Letterati Italiani di ogni provincia e pubblicata per cura del Professore E. d. T. Volume primo. [D. M.] Venezia, 1834. 8vo. Tiraboschi (Girolamo). Storia della Letteratura Italiana. Del Cav. Abate Girolamo Tiraboschi. Nuova edizione. 9 torn, (bound in 15). [D. M.] Firenze, "1805-13. 8vo. Tischendorf (Constantin). Wann warden unsere Evangelien verfasst. Von C. T. Zweite Auflage. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1865. 8vo. Tissot (C.-J.). See KANT (E.). Critique de la JRaison Pure ; traduite 2)ar C.-J. T. (Joseph). See KANT (E.). Logique, traduite par J. T. . L'Animisme : ou la Matiere et 1'Esprit concilies par Fidentite du principe et la diversite des fonctions dans les phenomenes organiques et psychiques. Par J. T. [G. G.] Paris, 1865. 8vo. . La Vie dans 1'Homme . . Par J. T. [G. G.] Paris, 1861. 8vo. (Pierre Frangois). See CAENOT (L. N. M.). Memoires. Tittmann (Friedrich "Wilhelm). Darstellung der griechischen Staats- verfassungen. Von E. W. T. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1822. 8vo. . Uber den Bund der Amphiktyoiien. Von F. W. T. (Preis- schrift.) [G. G.] Berlin, 1812. 8vo. Tol)"be (Henricus). Dissertatio Medica Inauguralis de Inflammatione Sinuum Frontalium . . Submittit H. T. [Dutch. ~] Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1860. 8vo. Gobies (Petrus Henricus). De Craniotabe cum Hypertrophia Glan- clulae Thymi coniuncta. Dissertatio Inauguralis meclica . . Scripsit P. H. T. Kiliae, 1856. 4to. Tocqueville (Alexis de). De la Democratie en Anierique. T. . . Orne d'une carte d'Amerique. Tom. I. II. 1835. III. IV. (2^e ^d.) 1840. [G. G.] Paris. 8vo. . Cherbourg. Par A. de T. . . [G. G.] Paris, 1849. 4to. 3A 722 TOD Todd (James Henthorn). See IRELAND. War of the Gaedldl with tlu Gaitt. (Tweedy John). The Book of Analysis, or a new method oi Experience ; whereby the induction of the Novmn Organon is made easy of application to medicine [&c.]. By T. J. T. [GK a.] London, 1831. 8vo. Todhunter (Isaac). See EUCLID. . A History of the Mathematical Theory of Probability from the time of Pascal to that of Laplace. By I. T., M.A., P.E.S. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1865. 8vo. . A History of the Progress of the Calculus of Variations during the nineteenth century. By I. T. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1861. Svo. . Algebra for beginners, with numerous examples. By I. T. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1863. 16mo. . Algebra for the use of Colleges and Schools, with numerous examples. By I. T. Third edition, revised. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1862. Svo. . An elementary Treatise on the Theory of Equations, with a collection of examples. By I. T. Second edition revised. [D. M.] London, 1867. 8vo. . A Treatise on Plane Co-ordinate Geometry as applied to the straight line and the conic sections, with numerous examples. By I. T. Fourth edition, revised and enlarged. [D. M.] London, 1867. Svo. . A Treatise on the Integral Calculus and its applications, with numerous examples. By I. T. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1857. 8vo. . Second edition, revised and enlarged. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1862. Svo. . Examples of Analytical Geometry of three dimensions. Col- lected by I. T. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1858. Svo. . Mechanics for beginners, with numerous examples. By I. T. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1867. Svo. . Mensuration for beginners, with numerous examples. By I. T. [D. M.] London, 1869. Svo. . On the Method of Least Squares. By I. T. [D. M.] 4to. . Plane Trigonometry for the Use of Colleges and Schools, with numerous examples. By I. T. [D. M]. Cambridge, 1859. Svo. . Spherical Trigonometry for the use of Colleges and Schools, with numerous examples. By I. T. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1859. Svo. Trigonometry for beginners, with numerous examples. By I. T. [D. M.] London, 1866. Svo. TOL TOP 723 Toland (John). See HARINGTON (James). . A critical History of the Celtic Religion and Learning . . By J. T., with the History of Abaris . . [and] Life of the Author. [GK G-.] London, [ .] 8vo. Tolhausen (Dr. and F.) and G-ardissal (C.-D.). Dictionnaire techno- logique, Erangais-Anglais-Allemand . . Par MM. T. freres et G. 3 pt. [G-. G.j Paris, 1854-55. 12mo. Tomek ("Wenzel "Wladiwoj). G-eschichte der Prager L T niversitat. Zur Feier der fiinfhundertjahrigen Griindung derselben verfasst von W. W. T. Prog, 1849. 8vo. Tomes (John) and De Morgan (Campbell). Observations on the Structure and Development of Bone. By J. T., F.R.S., Surgeon- Dentist to the Middlesex Hospital, and C. De M., Surgeon to the Middlesex Hospital. [From The Philosophical Transactions, 1853.] [D. M.] 4to. Tomkins (Lydia). Thoughts on the Ladies of the Aristocracy. By L. T. ' [G-. a.] London, 1835. 8vo. Tonstallus (Cuthbertus). De Arte Svppvtandi libri qvattvor Cvthe- berti Tonstalli. [D. M.] Londini, 1522. 4to. . Another edition. [Di M.] Parisiis, 1529. 4to. . Another edition . . hactenus in Germania nusquam ita im- pressi. loan. Stvrmivs. Arithmetical C. T. prae caeteris dilu- cide & pure tradidit : atq ; ita tradidit, ut ars ipsa cLuin hie author extat, contenta scriptore, doctorem non maxirnopere aliquem requirat. Non nego, posse ex alijs quoque disci : sed hie docet erudite, perspicue Latine, id quod non faciunt cseteri : nee abest longe a perfectione, qui eius prsecepta intelligit. [D. M.] Argentorati, 1544. 8vo. Tooke (Thomas). A History of Prices and of the state of the Circu- lation from 1793 to 1837. By T. T., Esq., F.R.S. 2 vol. [G. G.] London, 1838. 8vo. . A Letter to Lord Grenville on_the effects ascribed to the resumption of Cash payments on the value of the Currency. By T. T., Esq., F.R.S. [G. GK] London, 1829. 8vo. . A Second Letter to Lord Grenville by T. T., Esq., F.R.S., on the Currency in connection with the Corn Trade and on the Corn Laws. Second edition. [G. G.] London, 1829. 8vo. Toone (W.). The Chronological Historian f or a record of Public Events, historical, political, biographical, literary, domestic, and miscellaneous ; principally illustrative of the ecclesiastical, civil, naval, and military history of Great Britain and its dependencies, from the invasion of Julius Caesar to the present time ; in two volumes. By W. T., Esq. Second edition. [D. M.] London, 1828. 8vo. Toplis (John). Catalogue of the . . Mathematical & Miscellaneous Library, of the late Reverend J. T., B.D. [Sale-catalogne.~\ [D. M.] 1858. 4to. 3A2 724 TOE TOS Torellius (Josephus). Joseph! Torellii, Veronensls, cle Nihilo G-eo- metrico Libri II. [D. M.] Veronce, 1758. 8vo. Torporlaeus (jNathanael). Diclides coelornetric93 seu valvse astrono- micae vniversales oinnia artis totius munera psephophoretica in sat modicis finibus duarum tabularum methodo noua, general!, & facilima contineiites. Prseeunte directionis accurate consumata doctrina, astrologis hactenus plurimimi desiderata. Authore Nathale. Torporlaeo, Salopiensi, in secessn Philotheoro. [D. M.] Loridini, 1602. 4to. Torquetus. See APIANTJS (P.). Introdvctio Geographica . . cui accessit Torquetum instrumentum pulclierrimu sane <$f vtilissimum. Torrens (E.). Address to the Farmers of the United Kingdom on the low rates of profit in Agriculture and in Trade. By E. T., Esq., M.P. [G. G-.] London, 1831. 8vo. . On the operation of the Bank Charter Act of 1844 as it affects commercial credit. By E. T., Esq., F.E.S. [G. G.] London, 1847. 8vo. . South Australian Land Bank. By E. T., Esq., F.E.S. [GK G-.] London, 1835. 8vo. Torriani (Joao Evangelista). Memoria sobre a resolugao geral das Equagoes, premiada pela Academia Eeal das Sciencias de Lisboa. . . Composta por J. E. T. [D. M.] Lisboa, 1819. 4to. Torricelli (Evangelista). See MATHMATIQUE. . De Sphsera et Solidis sphaeralibus libri dvo in quibus Archi- medis doctrina de sphsera & cylindro denuo componitur, latius promouetur, et in omni specie solidorum, quae vel circa, vel intra sphgDram, ex conuersione poligonorum regularium gigni possint, vniuersalius propagatur . . Avctore Evangelista Torricellio. [D. M.] Florentice, 1644. 4to. Tortolini (Barnaba). Applicazioni dei Trascendenti Ellittici alia quadratura di alcune Curve Sferiche. Memoria del socio attuale Ab. B. T., Professore di Calcolo Sublime nella Pontificia Uni- versita della Sapienza in Eoma, inserita nella parte seconda del tomo XXIV. delle Memorie della Societa Italiana delle Scienze residente in Modena. [D. M.] Modena, 1849. 4to. . Barnabae Tortolini, in Archigymnasio Eoinano sublimoris. MatheseospubliciProfessoris, De formatione quarundam Aequa- tionum Algebraicarum quibus satisfaciant f unctiones Algebraicae datae commentatio. [Novi Comment. Acad. Scient. Instit. Bonon. T. 7JT.] [D. M.] Bononiae, 1848. 4to. . Sopra le different! f ormole esprimenti i raggi delle due curva- ture di una linea tracciata sulla superficie di una sfera. Memoria di B. T., . . Professore di Calcolo sublime all' Universita Eomana. [Estratta dagli Atti deW Accademia Pontificia de' Nuovi LinceiJ] [D. M.] Roma, 1852. 4to. Toscani. Elogi degli Uomini illustri Toscani. 4 torn. [D. M.] Luca, 1771-74. 8vo. TOT TEE 725 Tott, Baron de. Mc'moires du Baron de Tott sur les Turcs et les Tartares. [G. G.] Amsterdam, 1785. 4to. Tcurnefort (Joseph Pitton de). A Voyage into the Levant . . with Plans [Ac.]. Illustrated with full descriptions and curious copper- plates . . "By M. T. . . 3 vol. [G. GK] London, 1741. 8vo. Tcurnier (Edouard). Nemesis et la Jalousie des Dieux. These pre'- sente'e a la Eaculte des Lettres de Paris : par E. T. [G. GK] Paris, 1863. 8vc. Tourreil (Jacques de). See DEMOSTHENES. Philippiques. Towers (Joseph). See KIPPIS (A.). Biographia Britannia*. Toynbee (Henry). Eeport to the Committee of the Meteorologies! Office on the use of Isobaric Curves, and a line of greatest baro- metric change in attempting to foretel "Winds; . . with some practical suggestions for seamen, and a few remarks on Buys Ballot's Law. By Captain H. T. . . Marine Superintendent, Meteorological Office. [Non-official. No. 3.] [D. M.] London, 1869. 8vo. Tractatus. Tractatus varii Latini a Crevier, Brotier, Auger, aliisque . . conscripti ; Et ad rem, cum criticam, turn antiquariam perti- nentes [&c.]. [G. G.] Londini, 1788. 8vo. Trades. On Combinations of Trades. [G. G.] London, 1831. 8vo. Trail ("William). Account of the life and writings of Robert Simson, M.D.,late Professor of Mathematics in the University of Glasgow. By the Eev. W. T., LL.D., E.E.S. Edin. [&c.]. [D. M.] Bath, 1812. 4to. Tralles ( ). Beobachtung der ringformigen Sonnenfinsterniss, den 7ten September 1820, zu Cuxhaven. Von Herrn T. [D. M.] 4to. Trapezuntius (Georgius). See PTOLEMAETJS (C.). Almagestum. Travancore. Cursory Observations on the Beport from the Select Committee of the House of Commons on the Travancore Petition. [G. G.] London, 1832. 8vo. Treatises, Two Treatises : in the one of which, the natvre of bodies ; in the other, the nature of mans soule, is looked into : in way of discovery of the immortality of reasonable soules. [D. M.] London, 1645. 4to. Trebellius Pollio. See HISTOKIAE Augustae Scriptores Sex. . See SALMASITJS (C.). Historiae Augustae Scriptores VI. Trelawney (E. J.). Eecollections of the last days of Shelley and Byron. By E. J. T. [G. G.] London, 1858. 8vo. Tremblay (D. J.). Tableaux de Comparaison des anciennes mesures de tout genre en usage dans le De'p* d' FOise, avec les mesures republicaines. Premiere partie. Mesures lineaires [&c.]. Pur. D. J. T. [G. G.] Scnlis, An vii (1799). 8vo. 726 TEE TEI Trendelenburg (Adolf). Erlauterungen der Elementen der aristote- lischen Logik zunachst fiir den TJnterricht in G-ymnasien. Von A. T. [GK G-.] Berlin, 1842. 8vo. , Herbarts praktische Philosophie und die Ethik der Alten. Von A. T. [Aus den AWiandlungen der Konigl. Akademie der Wis- senschaflen zu Berlin, 1856.] [G. G.] Berlin, 1856. 4to. . Historische Beitrage zur Philosophie. Von A. T. 3 Bde. [G. G.] Berlin, 1846-67. 8vo. * . Logische Uutersuchungen. Von A. T. 2 Bde. [G. G.] Berlin, 1840. 8vo. (Fridericus Adolphus). See AEISTOTLE. Elementa Logices Aristoteleae. . Elementa Logices Aristotelicae. [Translated by Geo. Long, junr.] See OEGANON. . De Platonis Philebi Consilio. Prolusio Academica Eriderici Adolphi T. Berolini, 1837. 8vo. Trevisa (John). See HIGDEN. Polichronicon ; $c. Tribbecnovms (Adamus). Adami Tribbechovii de Doctoribvs scho- lasticis . . liber singvlaris. Editio secvnda. Cvi accessit I. Christoph. Avgvsti Hevmanni . . Praefatio . . II. Vita Trib- bechovii scriptore Wilhelmo Ernesto Tenzelio. [G. G.] lenae, 1719. 8vo. Tribunal d' Arbitrage a Geneve. See PAELIAMENTAEY PAPEES. Alabanui Claim (&c.). . Memoire presente par le Gouvernement de sa Majeste Bri- tannique an Tribunal d' Arbitrage constitue en vertu de Farticle l tr du Traite conclu a Washington, le 8 Mai 1871, entre sa Majeste Britannique et les Etats Unis de I'Amerique. fol. . Contre-Memoire presente par le Gouvernement de sa Majeste Britannique au Tribunal d' Arbitrage. fol. . Plaidoyer ou Resume faisant ressortir les points et rappelant les temoignages sur lesquels se fonde le Gouvernement de sa Majeste Britannique pour repondre aux Reclamations des Etats Unis. Presente au Tribunal d' Arbitrage. . Pieces relatives aux Deliberations du Tribunal d' Arbitrage a Geneve. Premiere Partie. Proces-verbaux des Seances (etc.). Londres, [ .] fol. . Deuxieme Partie, contenant la Decision du Tribunal et 1'expose des motifs qui ont empeche Sir Alexander Cockburn d'y adherer. Londres, [ .] fol. . Appendice au Memoire presente par le Gouvernement de sa Majeste Britannique. 7 torn, et index. Paris, 1872. 4to. Tridapale dal Borgo (Antonio). La Logica in Lingva Volgare tanto facile et breve, che ciascuno puo ageuolmente & tosto apprendere il uero uso di quella ; & indirizzarsi a tutte le scienze. Con vno trattato appresso vtiliss-. del uso di luoghi de gli argomenti. Per M. A. T. dal Borgo, Gentil'hvomo Mantovano. Vinegia, 1547. 4to. TEI TEU 727 Trier. Der Helige Rode von. AktenmassigeDarstellung wimderbarer Heilungen welche bei der Austellung des h. Eockes zu Trier im Jahre 1844 sich ereignet, nach authentischen Urkunden. Von Dr. Y. Hausen. [G. G.] Trier, 1845. 8vo. . Heilige-Eoek-Album. [G. Q-.] Leipzig, [ .] 8vo. . "Worte eines Arztes gegen den Hernn Dr. V. Hausen. Yon Dr. Heinrich Zimmerman. [Gr. Gr.] SaarbrucJcen, 1845. 8yo. Trigonometria. Epitome Trigonometrica in quatuor libros digesta in quibus ea, quaD necessaria visa sunt cum ad tabularum construc- tiouem & usuni, turn ad utramque trigonometriam plauam scilicet 6 sphaericam ; nedum per sinus tangentes & secantes, verum per eoruni logarithinos, brevi ac facili methodo expenduntur. In gratiam tyronum elucubrata. [D. M.] Patavii, 1695. 4to. Trigonometrical Survey. [By T. Galloway.] [Prom The Encyclo- , pcedia Britannica.~\ [D. M.] 4to. Trigonometry. [From the Encyc. Metrop. vol. I. pp. 672-708 and 2 plates.] [D. M.] 4to. Trimmer (Joshua). Improvement of Land as an investment for Capital. By J. T., P.G.S. Third edition. [G. Gr.] London, 1847. 8vo. Trincavellus (Victor). Questio de reactione iuxta doctrina Aris. 7 Auer. Comen. See SUISETH (E.). Calculator ; $c. Trissino (Giovanni Giorgio). L' Italia liberata da' Goti di Giangiorgio Trissino . . Eiveduta, e corretta per 1'Abbate Antonini. 3 pt. Parigi, 1729. 8vo. Trogus (Pompeius). Pompeii Trogi Pragmenta . . edidit Augustus Bielowski. Accedit notitia literaria de Trogo, et Index. [G. G.] Leopoli, 1853. 8vo. Trokelowe (Johannes de) and Blaneforde (Henricus de). Chronica Monasterii S. Albani. Johannis de Trokelowe, et Henrici de Blaneiorde, Monachorum S. Albani, necnon quorundarn anony- morum, Chronica et Annales . . Edited by Henry Thomas Eiley. A.D. 1259-1296 ; 1307-1324; 1392-1406. [E. 0.] [CHRONICLES AND MEMORIALS.] London, 1866. 8vo Trollope (Gulielmus). Pentalogia Graeca. Sophoclis (Edipus Tyrannus, ffidipus Coloneus, et Antigone ; Euripidis Phoenissaa : et ^schyli Septem contra Thebas ; quinque dramata de celeberrima Thebaide scripta. notis Anglice scriptis illustravit et lexicon vocum diffici- liorum adjecit G. T., A.M. Londini, 1825. 8vo. Tropea (Pasquale Galluppi da), Barone. Elementi di Pilosofia. Del Barone P. G. d. T. con note del pubb. Lett. P. T. S. 3 vol. Nuovissima edizione. [G. G.] Bologna, 1837. 12mo. Trummer (C.). Vortrage iiber Tortur, Hexenverfolgungen, Behm- gerichte, und andere merkwiirdige Erscheinungen in cler Ham- burgischen Eechtsgeschichte. Gehalten . . von C. T. Erster Band. [G. G.] Hamburg, 1844. 8vo. 728 TEU TUK Trummer (C.). (Vortrage). IV. Die Vehmgerichts-Actenauf unserem Stadt-Archiv. V. Die Lehre von der Zurechnuhg. VI. Ueber die Entstehung des hiesigen Advocatenstandes aus den Vorspre- chern. VII. TJeber das Verhaltniss zwischen dem altesten Ham- burger und dem Stader Stadtrecht. VIII. Einige rechtshis- torische Notizen iiber die Verantwortlichkeit der obersten Staatsbeamten in Hamburg, [pp. 213-512.] [G. 0-.] Hamburg, 1845. 8vo. Truth. The Article on " Essays on the Pursuit of Truth." From the Westminster Keview, No. XXII. For October 1829. [D. M.] 8vo. Trutvetter (lodocus). Sumule totius logice ; quod op' maius appelli- tare libuit; p Jodocum Trutuetter Jsennachcensem Theologum ex dogmatibus A^eterum retentiorumc^ omniu in Gymnasio nuper Erpho3diesi utpote succus e flojibus : laboriossime compilate . . Expjessum ereis litteris ab Lupambulo Schenck in arte sua ad hue Nouitio : sed multis Vetustio3um anteferendo Erphur . . Anno, a natali Cl^istiano. Quingentesunoprimo supra Mille- simum [1501]. [D. M.] 4to. Tryphiodorus. Excidium Ilii. See LEHRS"(A. S.). Tscharner (J. K. von). Der Kanton Graubiinden, historisch, statis- tisch, geographisch . . Von J. K. v. T. [G. G.] Chur, 1842. 12mo. Tuccius Tuccius. De parte Horoscopante . . Tuccij Tuccij, Patritij & I. V. Consul. Lucen. Liber I. Cum S. D. N". natali. [D. M.] Lvgdvni, 1585. 4to. Tuchinann ( ). Taille perineale pratiquee sur un enfant avec le lithotome double d'Amussat par M. le Docteur T. [From the Gazette des Tiopitaux, 1870.] Paris. 8vo. Tucker (Josiah). A Treatise concerning Civil Government, in three parts. . . By J. T., D.D. [G. G.] London, 1781. 8vo. Tuckerman (Henry T.). A Memorial of Horatio Greenough : con- sisting of a Memoir, selections from his writings, and tribute to his genius. By H. T. T. [G. G.] New Tori- (TJ. S.), 1853. 8vo. . Characteristics of Literature, illustrated by the genius of dis- tinguished writers. By H. T. T. Second edition. [G. G.] Philadelphia (TJ. S.), 1851. 8vo. . Sicily : a Pilgrimage. By H. T. T. [G. G.] New York (TJ. S.), 1852. 8vo. Tuerkei. Briefe iiber Zustande und Begebenheiten in der Tiirkei aus den Jahren 1835 bis 1839. [G. G.] Berlin, 1841. 8vo. Tufnell (Henry). See MUELLER (C. 0.). The History, $c., of the Doric Mace. Tugini (Salvator). See BRUNO (G.). De umbris idearum. Tuke (Daniel H.). The progressive changes which have taken place smce the time of Pinel in the Moral Management of the Insane. See SOCIETY for Improving the Condition of the Insane. TUL TUB 729 Tull ( Jetbro). A word in season : or How to grow Wheat with profit ; addressed to the stout British Farmer. Tenth edition, revised and rearranged, with a comparative estimate of the prac- tice of Jethro Tull. [G. GK] London, 1852. 8vo. Tumeurs. Tumeurs diver ses detruites a 1'aide d'une pince a cuvettes agissant par ecrasement et cauterisation simultanes. [From the Journal de Medecine et de chirurgie pratiques, I860.] Paris. 8vo. Tupaldos (Georgios Kozakes). See KOZAKES. Turbiglio (Sebastien). L'Empire de la Logique. Essai d'un nouveau systeme de Philosophie. Par S. T. [G. G.] Florence, 1869. 8vo. Turgot (Anne-Robert- Jacques). A letter from M. T., late Comp- troller-General of the Finances of France. See PEICE (E.). Observations on the importance of the American Revolution ; $c. . Letter on the Constitutions of America. See EIQUETI (H. G.). Comte de Mirabeau. . (Euvres de Mr. Turgot, Ministre d'Etat, precede'es et accom- pagnees de Memoires et de notes sur sa vie, son administration, et ses ouvrages. 9 torn. [G. G.] Paris, 1811. 8vo. Turkish Alliance. Papers for the Historian of the Turkish Alliance and Eussian War. By the author of " Topography of Athens," &c. [G. G.] London, 1857. 8vo. Turnbull (William B.). See STATE PAPEES. Foreign Series. . See STEWART (W.). The Buik of the Chronicles of Scotland. (W. P.). An Introduction to Analytical Plane Geometry. By W. P. T., M.A., Fellow and Assistant Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1867. 8vo. Turnebus (Hadrianus). See CICERO (M. T.). Turner (Edward). Elements of Chemistry, including the recent dis- coveries and doctrines of the science. By the late E. T., M.D. Sixth edition . . by Justus Liebig . . and Wilton G. Turner. Pt. I. II. London, 1837. 8vo. (E.). Plain Trigonometry rendered easy and familiar, by cal- culations in arithmetic^ only : with its application and use in ascertaining all kinds of heights, depths, and distances, in the heavens, as well as on the earth and seas [&c.]. By the Eev. E. T. [D. M.] London, 1778. fol. (William). The Huntyng and Fyndyng out of the Eomish Fox : . . written by Wyllyam Turner, Doctour of Physicke . . Amended and curtailed : w T ith a short account of the author pre- fixed, by Eobert Potts, M.A. Basyl : imprynted in the year 1543. [D. M.] Cambridge : reprinted in the year 1851. 8vo. (Wilton G.). See TURNER (E.). Elements of Chemistry. 730 TUB 1TN Turreau (Louis-Marie). Memoirs for the History of the War of La Vendee. . . Translated from the French of L.-M. T. [G. G.] London, 1796. 4to. Turrellus (Petrus). Tabula p3o algebuthar id est ascensionum. Edita per Magistrum petru turrellii5 diuionen recto?em. See ALCHA- BITITJS. Tweedie (Alexander). The Library of Medicine. Arranged and edited by A. T., M.D., F.E.S. 5 vol. London, 1840. 8vo. Twining (Thomas). Science for the People : a Memorandum addressed to Lord Henry Gordon Lennox, M.P., Chairman of the Council of the Society of Arts. By T. T., one of the Yice-Presidents of the Society. [G. G.] London, 1870. 8vo. Twisleton (Hon. Edward). Evidence as to the religious working of the Common Schools in the State of Massachusetts ; with a pre- face by the Hon. E. T. [G. G.] London, 1854. 8vo. Twiss (Travers). See LIVIUS (T.). Historiarum libri, $c. . Two Introductory Lectures on the Science of International Law. By T. T., D.C.L. [G. G.] London, 1856. 8vo. Tychsen (T. C.). See BIBLIOTHEK der alteu Litteratur und Kunst. Tylecote (Thomas). See SWIKBTJKNE (T.) and TYLECOTE (T.). Tylor (Edward Burnet). Researches into the Early History of Man- kind and the development of Civilization. By E. B. T. [G. G.] London, 1865. 8vo. Tyndall (John). See CLATJSIUS (E.). Heat. . Essays on the Use and Limit of the Imagination in Science. By J. T., F.E.S. [G. G.] London, 1870. . Fragments of Science for Unscientific People : a series of detached Essays, Lectures and Eeviews. By J. T., LL.D., F.E.S. Second edition. [G. G.] London, 1871. 8vo. . Heat considered as a mode of Motion : being a course of twelve Lectures delivered at the Eoyal Institution of Great Britain in the season of 1862. By J. T. [G. G.] London, 1863. 8vo. . Natural Philosophy, in Easy Lessons. By J. T. [D. M.] London, I .] 8vo. . Notes on Light. By Professor J. T. [G. G.] London, 1869. 8vo. . On Calorescence. By Prof. J. T., LL.D., F.E.S., [with a Plate] * &c. [G. G.] [1866.] 8vo . On Chemical Eays, and the Light of the Sky.t [G. G.] 1869. 8vo. . On Cometary Theory. By J. T.* [G. G.] [1869.] 8vo. [* From The Philosophical Magazine. f The Journal of the Royal Institution. ~] Tl'X UBA 731 Tyndall (John). On the Absorption and Eadiation of Heat by Gaseous and Liquid Matter. Fourth Memoir. By J. T. t '[1864.] 4to. - . On the Blue Colour of the Sky, the Polarization of Skylight, and on the Polarization of Light by Cloudy matter generally. By J. T.f [G-. a.] [1869.] 8vo. - . On the Conformation of the Alps. By J. T.* [G. G.] [1864.] 8vo. - . The Bakeriaii Lecture. Contributions to Molecular Physics. Being the Fifth Memoir of Eesearches on Radiant Heat. ByJ. T.$ [1864.] 4to. - . Sound. A course of Eight Lectures delivered at the Eoyal Institution of Great Britain by J. T. [D. M.] London, 1867. 8vo. Tynwald Laws. See ISLE OF MAN. Tyrtaeus. Reliquiae. See EBANCKITTS (J. V.). Callinus ; $c. - . Elegies, translated. See THEOCEITUS. Tyrwhitt (Thomas). See AETSTOTLE. Hepi Tyson (E. C.). See BONNYCASTLE (John). Scholar's Guide to Arithmetic. Tytler (Patrick Fraser). England under the Eeigns of Edward VI. and Mary, with the contemporary history of Europe, illustrated in a series of original letters . . With historical introductions, [Ac.]. By P. E. T., Esq. In two volumes. [I. O.] London, 1839. 8vo. Tzetzes (Isaacus) and (Joannes). ISAAKIOY KAI KIANNOY TOY TZETZOY SXOAIA EIS AYKO$PONA . . illustravit [&c.] M. Christ. Gottfried Miiller. 3 vol. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1811. 8vo. - (Joannes). See LEHES (E. S.). AntiJwmerica, (&c.). Tzschucke (Carolus Henricus). See STEABO. Her um geographicarum libri ccvii. Tzwivel (Theodoricus). Arithnietice opuscula duo Theodorici tuS3iuel de numero praxi (que algojithmi dicunt) vnu de integris per figuraru (mo3e alemanojc) deletione. Alteru de pjopojtionibus cuius vsus frequens in musica harmonica Seuerini Boetij. [D. M.] [ ,] 1507. fol. TJbaldi (Guido). Gvidi Ubaldi, e Marchionibvs Montis, De Ecclesi- astici Calendarii restitvtione Opvscvlvm. [D. M.] Pisavri, 1580. 4to. - . Gvidi Ubaldi, e Marchionibvs Montis, in dvos Archimedis ^Eqveponderantivm libros paraphrasis scholijs illustrata. [D. M.] Pisavri, 1588. fol. f * Erom The Philosophical Magazine. t ,, The Proceedings of the Royal Society. i The Philosophical Transactions.'] 732 UBA UKE TTbaldi (Guido). Gvidi Ybaldi, e Marchionibvs Montis, Perspectivae libri sex. [D. M.] Pisavri, 1600. foL . Gvidi Ybaldi, e Marchionibvs Montis, Planisphaeriorvm vniver- salivm theorica. [D. M.] Pisavri, MDLXXIX [1579]. fol. Ueberweg (Friedrich). See ARISTOTLE. Ars Poetica. . See DELBCEUF (J.). Traduction d'une dissertation sur les prin- cipes de la Geometric par F. U. . Berkeley's Abhandlung iiber die Principien der menschlichen Erkentniss in Deutsche iibersetzt und mit erlauterenden und prii- fenden Aumerkungen versehen von F. U. [G. G.] Berlin, 1869. 8vo. . Der Dialog Parrnenides. Konigsberg, [ .] 8vo. . Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophic des Alterthuins. Yon E. U. Zweite . . Auflage. [G. G.] Berlin, 1865. 8vo. . Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie des Alterthums. Yon Dr. F. U., ordentl. Professor der Philosophie an der Universitat zu Konigsberg. Yierte . . Auflage. Berlin, 1871. 8vo. . Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie der ISTeuzeit vom dem Aufbliihen der Alterthums studien bis auf die Gegenwart. Yon Dr. P. U. Zweite . . Auflage. [G. G.] Berlin, 1868. 8vo. . Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie der patristischenund scholastischen Zeit. Yon F. U. Dritte . . Auflage. [G. G.] Berlin, 1868. 8vo. . System der Logik und Geschichte der logischen Lehren. Yon F. IL Dritte . . Auflage. [G. G.] Bonn, 1868. 8vo. . Untersuchungen iiber die Echtheit und Zeitfolge Platonischer Schriften und iiber die Hauptmomente aus Plato's Leben. Yon Dr. F. U. [G. G.] Wien, 1861. 8vo. Ueberzeugungen. Meine Ueberzeugungen. Dritte Auflage. Berlin, 1777. 8vo. Ufenan und Luetzelau. Geschichte der Inseln Ufenau und Liitzelau im Ziirichsee. [Mittheil d. antiq. Ges. in Zurich.'] 4to. Uhland (Ludwig). Gedichte von L. U. Siebente Auflage. [G. G]. Stuttgart und Tubingen, 1833. 8vo. Uhrig (Guilielmus). De Hippone Atheo. Scripsit G. IT., Ph. Dr. [G. G.] Gissae, 1848. 4to. Ukert (Friedrich August). Geographie der Griechen und Eomer von den friihesten Zeiten bis auf Ptolemaus ; bearbeitet von F. A. U. Th. I. (2 Abth.), III. [G. G.] Weimar, 1816-46. 8vo. . tiber Damonen, Heroen und Genien. Yon F. A. U. [Abhandl. d. K. S: Ges. d. Wissensch. //.] [G. G.] 4to. TILL UNI 733 Ullrich (Franz Wolfgang). Beitriige zur Erkliirimg cles Thukydides. Yon F. W. U. [G-. G.] Hamburg, 1846. 4to. . (Tit.). See HILDEBRAKD (J.). Philosophiae Gnosticae origines Dissertatio. Ulrici (Hermann). Charakteristik der antiken Historiographie. Von H. U. [G. G-.] Berlin, 1833. 8vo. Unger (C. R,) See CHARLES I., called CHARLEMAGNE. Karlamag- nus Saga, udgivet of C. R. . See MORKINSKINNA. Udgiven af C. R. U. (Robertas). Analecta Propertiana scripsit quaestiones Phile- taeas atque emendationes Arnobianas interposuit R. U. [G. G.] Halts, 1850. 4to. Unicorno (Joseppo) [? pseud.']. De rArithrnetica vniversale del Sig. I. V., Mathematico eccellentissimo. [D. M.] Venetia, 1593. 4to. United States. Five Tears' Progress of the Slave Power : a series of Papers first published in the " Boston Commonwealth " in July, August, and September, 1851. [G. G.] Boston, 1852. 8vo. . Message of the President of the United States to the two Houses of Congress at the commencement of the second Session of the twenty-second Congress. December 4, 1832. [G. G.] Washington, 1832. 4to. . The American's Guide : comprising the ' Declaration of Inde- pendence,' the ' Articles of Confederation,' the ' Constitution of the United States,' and the ' Constitutions of the several States comprising the Union.' [G. G.] Philadelphia, 1830. 8vo. . The Martyr Age of the United States of America. [Extracted from the London and Westminster Review, December 1838.] [G. G.] Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1840. 8vo. . Army, Barracks, and Hospitals. A Report on Barracks and Hospitals [by John S. Billings, Assistant Surgeon, United States Army], with descriptions of Military Posts. [By various officers.] Circular No. 4. War Department, Surgeon General's office, Washington, December 5, 1870. Washington, 1870. 4to. . Army, Cholera, tyc. Report on Epidemic Cholera and Yellow Fever in the Army of the United States, during the year 1867. [By Brevet Lieut. Col. J. J. Woodward, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. A.] Circular No. 1. War Department, Surgeon General's Office, Washington, June 10, 1868. Washington, 1868. 4to. . Army Medical Museum. Catalogue of the Surgical Section of the United States Army Medical Museum. Prepared under the direction of the Surgeon General, U. S. Army, by Alfred A. Woodhull, Assistant Surgeon [&c.]. Washington, 1866. 4 to. ' 734 UNI United States. Army, Photo-Micrography. Report to the Surgeon General, of the United States Army, on the Magnesium and Elec- tric Lights, as applied. to Photo-Micrography. By Brevet Lieu- tenant Colonel J. J. Woodward, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army. [War Department, Surgeon General's Office, January 5, 1870J Washington, 1870. 4to. . Army, Sanitary Commission. The Sanitary Commission of the United States Army : a succinct narrative of its works and purposes. New York, 1864. 8vo. . Army, Surgery. A Report of Surgical Cases treated in the Army of the United States from 1865 to 1871. Circular No. 3. War Department. Surgeon General's Office, Washington, August 17, 1871. [By George A. Otis, Assistant. Surgeon, United States Army.] * Washington, 1871. 4to. . A Report on Amputations at the Hip-joint in Military Surgery. [By George A. Otis, Assistant Surgeon and Brevet Lieutenant Colonel, U. S. Army.] [Circular No. 7. War Department, Surgeon General's Office, Washington, July 1, 1867.] Washington, 1867. 4to. . Education. Report of the Commissioners of Education for the year 1873. Washington, 1874. 8vo. . Finances. Report on the Finances of the United States of America. Submitted to Congress December 7th, 1831. [G. G.] Washington and London, 1832. 8vo. . Indiana. Third and fourth Annual Reports of the Geological Survey of Indiana made during the years 1871 and 1872 : by E. T. Cox, State Geologist. . . Indianapolis, 1872. 8vo. . Maps for Geological Survey of Indiana, 1872. By E. T. Cox. . Ohio. Geological Survey of Ohio. Report of Progress in 1870. By J. S. Newberry, Chief Geologist. Including Reports by E. B. Andrews, Edward Orton, J. H. Klippart, Assistant Geologists. T. G. Wormley, Chemist. G. K. Gilbert, M. C. ' Read, Henry Newton, W. B. Potter, Local Assistants. Columbus, 1871. 8vo. . State of Ohio. Maps of Grouped Sections, Second Geological District. 1870. [By E. B. Andrews, W. G. Ballantine, and W. B. Gilbert.] Cincinnati, 0. (Sheets.) . Sanitary Commission. See HAMMOND (W. A.). . U. S. Sanitary Commission. No. 69. Statement of the object and methods of the Sanitary Commission, appointed by the Government of the United States, June 13, 1861. Pub- lished by its direction. New York, 1863. 8vo. . The United States Sanitary Commission. [Reprinted from The North American Review.] Boston, 1864. 8vo. UNI TIES 735 United States. Taxes. Second Eeport of the Commissioners ap- pointed to revise the laws for the Assessment & Collection of Taxes in New York, 1872. "With a code of laws relative to assessment and taxation. David A. Wells, ] Edwin Dodge, >- Commissioners. George W. Cuyler, J Printed for the Cobden Club. London, 1872. 12mo. . War Department. Surgeon General's Office. A Eeport on Exci- sions of the Head of the Femur for gunshot injury. By George A. Otis, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army. Circular No. 2. * Washington, 1869. 4to. University College, London. Eesolution of the Council of the College respecting Mr. Cooper's Statements [as to resignation of Profes- sorship of Surgery]. See QTJAIN (E.). . Literary and Philosophical Society. Essays read before the Literary and Philosophical Society of University College, London. Session 1863-4. London, 1865. 8vo. Universities. Notes on the Constitutions of Universities, with refer- ence to the rights of the Scottish Graduates. [G. G.] Aberdeen, 1857. 8vo. Unzer (John Augustus). The Principles of Physiology, by J. A. U. ; and a Dissertation on the functions of the Nervous System, by George Prochaska. Translated and edited by Thomas Laycock, M.D. London (Printed for the Sydenham Society), 1851. * 8vo. Uppenhamp (Augustus). De origine conscribendae Historiae Littera- rum apud Graecos. Scripsit A. U., Philosophiae Doctor. [G. G.] Monasterii, [ .] 8vo. Upton (G.). The Uptonian Trisection. Eespectfully dedicated to the Schoolmasters of the United Kingdom. [D. M.] London, 1866. 8vo. Uptonus (Joannes). See EPICTETTJS. Quce supers unt dissertationes ; fyc. Urliclis (Carolus Ludovicus). See ACHAETJS. Quae supersunt. (L.). Ueber die lykurgischen Ehetren. Yon L. U. [From the Mus. f. Phil. N. F. VI.] [G. G.] 8vo. Urquhart (Sir Thomas). The Trissotetras : or, a most exquisite Table for resolving all manner of Triangles, whether plaine or spheri- call, rectangular or obliqu angular, with greater facility, then ever hitherto hath been practised : . . Now lately invented, and per- fected, explained, commented on, and with all possible brevity, and perspicuity, in the hiddest, and most re-searched mysteries, from the very first grounds of the Science it selfe, proved, and convincingly demonstrated. By Sir T. U., of Cromartie, Knight. [D. M.] London, 1645. 4to. Urstisins (Christianus). Elementa Arithmeticae, logicis legibvs dedvcta, in usum Academic Basil. Opera & studio Christian! Yrstisii, Mathematicarum Professoris. Editio secunda. [D. M.] Basileae, 1586. 8vo, 736 USE VAL Usener (Hermannus). See ALEXANDER ApJirodisaeus. Quad feruntur Problematorum liber III et IIII. . Analecta Theophrastea. Dissertatio Philologica . . pvblice defendet scriptor H. U. Nassoviensis. Adversariorvm partes svscipient Avgvstvs Wllmanns, Fridericvs Hanow, Adolplivs Kiessling. Lipsiae, 1858. 8vo. TTsong. Eine Morgenllindische Geschichte, in vier Biichern. Durch den Verfasser des Versuches schweizerischer Gedichte. Bern, 1771. 8vo. Ussing (Joannes Ludovicus). De Parfchenone eiusque partibus dis- putatio. Scripsit Tabulamque addidit J. L. U., Professor Uni- versitatis Hauniensis. [G. G.] Haunice, 1849. 4to. . Inscriptiones Graecae ineditae. Ad Augustum Boeckhium misit J. L. U. [G. G.] Havnice, 1847. 4to. Utilitarianism. An Utilitarian Catechism. [G. G.] London, 1830. 8vo. Uylenbroek (Petrus Joannes). See HUGENITJS (0.). Eooercitationes mathematical, $c. V. * * * (Jean-Marie de). La Messe et ses Mysteres compares aux Mysteres anciens, ou complement de la science initiatique. Par + J.-M. de V. [G. G.] Paris, 1844. 8vo. Vacherot (E.). Histoire critique de 1'Ecole d'Alexandrie. Par E. V. 3 torn. ' [G. a.] Paris, 1846-51. 8vo. Vade Mecum. A Yade Mecum for Malt-Wojms : or, a Guide to Good Eellows. Being a description of the manners and customs of the most eminent Publick Houses, in and about the cities of London and Westminster. . . Illustrated with proper cuts. Dedicated to the Brewers. [Reprinted. ~] [D. M.] London, [ .] 8vo. Vagetius (Johannes). See ARISTOTLE. Martini Foyelii Lexicon Pld- losopliicum. Vahlen (Joannes). See ENNTCTS (Q.)- Enniance Poesis reliquiae. . Zur Kritik Aristotelischer Schriften (Poetik und Bhetorik) von J. V. [Aus dem Octoberhefte des Jahrganges 1861 der Sitzungsbericlite der phil.-liist. Classe der Icais. AJcademie der Wis- senschaften.~] [G. G.] Wien, 1861. 8vo. Valckenaerius (Ludovicus Casparus). Ludovici (^aspari Valckenaerl Diatribe de Aristobulo Judaeo ; Philosopho Peripatetico Alexan- drino. Edidit, praefatus est, et lectionem publicain Petri Wes- selingii adjunxit Joannes Luzac. [G. G.] Lugduni Batavorum, 1806. 4to. . Lvd. Gasp. Valckenari Diatribe in Evripidis perditorvm dra- matvni reliqvias. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1824. 8vo. VAL VAE 737 Valderus (I). Sphaerae atqve Astrorvin coelestium ratio, natura, & niotus : ad totius mundi fabricatioiiis cognitione fuiidamenta. [Contents : lacobus Zieglerus Landauus de solidae sphaarse constructione. Proclus Diadoehus Lycius de sphaera, sine globo coelesti, scholijs eiusde Ziegleri explicatus. De eanonica per sphaeram operatione. Hemicyclium Berosi. Aratus Solensis de siderum natura & motu, simul in eundein cum couinientarijs Theonis Alexandrini philosophi. lanisphaeriuin C. Ptolemaei, & lordani.] [D. M.] [ ,] 1536. 4to. Valerius (Lucas). De Centro G-ravitatis Solidorvm libri tres. Lvcao Valerii Mathematicae, & Ciuilis Philosophise in Gymnasio Eomano Professoris. [D. M.] Romce, 1604. 4to. . Qvadratvra Parabolae per simplex falsvm. Et altera quain secunda Archimedis expeditior . . Lucae Yalerij. [D. M.] fiomce, 1606. 4to. Valerius Flaccus (Caius). C. Valerii Flacci Setini Balbi Argonauticon libri octo, cum notis . . Curante Petro Burmanno. [G. G-.] Leidae, 1724. 4to. Valerius Maximus. Valerii Maximi Dictorum Factonunqne rnemora- bilium libros no vein . . Eecensuit E. P. Allais. [G. G.] Parisiis, 1822. 12mo. . Valeri Maximi Factorvm et Dictorvm memorabilivm libri novern cvm incerti avctoris fragmento de Praenominibvs. Eecensvit et emendavit Carolvs Kempfivs. [G. G.] Berolini, 1854. 8vo. Valles (F.). Etudes philosophiques sur la Science du Calcul. Par M. F. V., Ingenieur des ponts et chaussees [&c.]. Premiere partie. [D. M.] Paris, 1841. 8vo. Valletta (Ignatius). Upon the History and Utility of the Italian Language ; a lecture delivered at the opening of the Ladies' College. By I. V. [D. M.] London, [ .] 8vo. Valor Ecclesiasticus temp. Henr. VIII. Auctoritate Eegia institutus. Vol. III.-V. [Edited by John Caley.] VI. Appendix et Indices, [by Joseph Hunter] 1834. [E. 0.] [Record Commission.'] [London,'] 1817-34. fol. Vance (Alexander). Eomantic Episodes of Chivalric & Mediaeval France. Now done into English by A. V. Corrected and enlarged. Dublin, 1868. 8vo. . Vandenbussche (Alexandre). L'Arithmetiqve militaire d'A. V., Flan- drois, departie en deux liures. [D. M.] Paris, 1571. 4to. Varenus (Bernhardus). Bernhardi Vareni, Med. D. Gecgraphia generalis, in qua affectiones generales telluris explicantur, suinmca cura quam plurimis in locis emendata, & XXXIII. scheuiatibus novis, aere incisis, una cum tabb. aliquot quae desiderabantur aucta & illustrata. Ab Isaaco Newton, Math. Prof. Lucasiano apud Canfcabrigienses. [D. M.] Cavtabriyice, 1672. 8vo. 3s 738 YAE YEG Varignon (Pierre). Eclaircissemens sur 1' Analyse des infiniinent petits. Par M. V. [D. M.] Paris, 1725. 4to. Varnhagen von Ense (A.). See ENSE.' Varro (Marcus Terentius). See SCHNEIDER (J. G.). Scriptorum rei rusticae veterum Latinorum. . M. Terenti Varronis de Lingua Latina librorum quae super- sunt emendata et annotata a Carolo Od of redo Muellero. [G. G.] Lipsice, 1833. 8vo. (P. Terentius), Atacinus. See WUELLNER (F.). De P. T. Varronis Atacini Vita et Scriptis Commentatio. Vastel (L. Gr. F.). I/ Art de Conjecturer. Traduit du latin de Jacques Bernoulli ; avec des Observations, Eclaircissemens et Additions. Par L. G. F. V. [D. M.] Caen, An x (1801). 4to. Vattier (Pierre). See MURTADI. L'Egypte. Vaud. Essai sur le Canton de Yaud. [Gr. Gr.] Lausanne, [ .] 12nio. Vaugelas (Claude Favre), Sieur de. See CURTIUS Eurus (Q.). See FRANCE. Academie Franpaise. Observations sur- les Remarques de M. d. V. Yaughan (Henry Half ord). Oxford Eeform and Oxford Professors : a reply to certain objections urged against the Eeport of the Queen's Commissioners. By H. H. Y., M.A. [G. G.] London, 1854. 8vo. (Eice). A Treatise of Money : or, A Discourse of Coin and Coinage : the first invention, use, matter, forms, proportions and differences, ancient and modern : with the advantages and disadvantages of the rise and fall thereof, in our own or neigh- bouring nations : and the reasons. Together with a short account of our Common Law therein. As also Tables of the value of all sorts of Pearls, Diamonds, Gold, Silver, and other Metals. By E. Y., late of Grays-Inn, Esq. [D. M.] London, 1675. 12mo. Vattmesle ( de). Epistolse. See under HTTGENTUS (C.). Fasc. II. Vayrac ( ) Abbe de. See BENTIYOGLIO (G.). Memoir es ; ouvrage traduil par Mr. I' Abbe de V. Vedas. See SAINT-HILAIRE (J. B.). Des Vedas. Vega (Georgius). See YLACCUS (A.). Thesaurus Loyarithmorum com- pletus. . Georgii Yega, Ordinis Militaris Mariae Theresiae Eqvitis [&c.], Tabvlae Logarithmico-Trigonometricae cvm diversis aliis in mathe- seos vsvrn constrvctis tabvlis et formvlis. Editio secvnda, emen- data, avcta penitvsqve reformata . . 2 torn. [Lat. fy Germ.~\ [D. M.] Lipsiae, 1797. 4to. Vegetius Benatus (Flavins). Yegetii Eenati Artis Yeterinariae sive Mvlomedicinae libros sex (vvlgo qvatvor) cvm comnientariis [Pars II.]. See SCHNEIDER (J. G.). Scriptorvm rei rusticae torn. IV. YEG YEE 739 Vegetius Renatus (Plavius). G-. Stewechii in PI. Yegetium com- mentarius. See under YETEEES de re militari Scriptores. . Plavii Yegetii Eenati, Comitis, de Ee Militari libri quinque ex recensione Mcolai Schwebelii cum integris eiusdem, et selectis Godeschalci Stewechii [&c.] . . notis. [a. G.] Argentorati, 1806. 8vo. Veije (Prangois Henri de). Bijdrage tot de leer der Ikomsten-Belas- ting. Academisch Proefschrift . . Door P. H. d. Y. Utrecht, 1869. 8vo. Veitch (John). See HAMILTON (Sir ~W.). Lectures. . Memoir of Sir William Hamilton, Bart., Professor of Logic' and Metaphysics in the University of Edinburgh. By J. Y., M.A., Professor of Logic and Ehetoric in the University of Glasgow. [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1869. 8vo. Vellerus (Jacobus). Animadversionum ad lac. Yelleri Grammaticam Graecain specimen primum [&c.]. See PISCHEEUS (J. P.) Velsen (Arthurus de). De Comparationibus Homericis. [G. G.] Berolini, 1849. 8vo. Velsius (Justus). See SIMPLICITY. Omnium Aristotclis interpretum, , de quatuor terrarum orbis in piano figurationib. Authore Vernero. See APIANTTS (P.). Introdvctio Geograpliica ; &. Verraert (Joannes Baptista). Diatribe Academica inauguralis de Clearcho Solensi, Philosopho Peripatetico . . Submittit J. B. V. [G-. GK] Gandavi, 1828. 8vo. Verstegan (Richard). A Eestitvtion of Decayed Intelligence : in Antiquities. Concerning the most noble, and renowned English Nation. By the study, and travell of R. U. [D. M.] London, 1634. 4to. Vertot (Rene Aubert de). Histoire des Revolutions arrivees clans le Grouvernement de la Rdpublique Romaine. Par Mr. 1'Abbe d..V. Troisieme edition augmentee d'une Dissertation de 1'auteur, sur le Senat Remain, &c. Tom. I.-III. La Haye, 1724. 12mo. . Histoire des Revolutions de Portugal. Par Mr. 1'Abbe de V. Amsterdam, 1712. 12mo. . Histoire des Revolutions de Suede . . Par M. 1'Abbe de V. Cinquieme edition. Tom. I. II. Paris, 1751. 8vo. VeruS (Lucius). Epistularum reliquiae. See EBONTO (M. C.). VES VIC 741 Vespucci (B.). Nota eorum qua) in hoc libro continentur. Oratio de laudibus astrologies habita a Bartholomeo Vespucio, florentino, in almo Petauio Gymnasio, anno. Textvs Sphaerae loannis de Sacro Bvsto. Expositio sphaerae Eximii artium & medicinae doctoris Domini Fracisci Capuani de manfredonia. Annotatioes nonullae eiusde Bartholomei Vespucii hie ide Iter- sertae. lacobi frabri stapulensis Commentarii in eandem sphacra. Eeueredissiini Domini Petri de aliaco, Cardinalis & episcopi Cameracensis, I eandem quaestiones subtilissimao.iiumero xiiii. Eeuerendissimi episcopi Dfii Eoberti linconiesis sphaerae. copendiu. Disputationes loanis de regio monte cotra cremonensia delira- meta. Theoricarum nouarum textus cu expositione eiusdem Francisci Capuani omnia nuper diligentia summa emendata. [D. M.] Impressio Veneta, 1508. fol. Vestiges o the Natural History of Creation. [By E. Chambers.] [D. M.] London, 1844. 12mo. Veteres de re militari Scriptores quotquot extant, nunc prima vice in unum redacti corpus . . Accedunt Godescalci Stewechii . . in El. Vegetium Commentarius [&c.]. 2 vol. [G-. G.] Vesalice Clivorum, 1670. 8vo. Vico (Giambattista). Opera Latina J. B. Vici, recensuit et illustravit Joseph Ferrari. 2 torn. Mediolani, 1835. 8vo. La Mente di G. V. di G. Ferrari, aggiuntovi il primo scritto istorico di Vico. Milano, 1837. 8vo. . Opuscoli di G. V. . . da Giuseppe Ferrari. Milano, 1836. 8vo. . Principj di . . Scienza nuova d'intorno alia comune natura delle nazioni di G. V. secondo Teditione del MDCCXXV. . . da G. Ferrari : &c. 2 vol. Milano, 1836. 8vo. Victimes. Les illustres Victimes vengees des injustices de leurs con- temporains, et Eefutation des Paradoxes de M. Soulavie. [Par M. de Montigny?] [G. G.] Paris, 1802. 8vo. Victorius (Benedictus). Benedictus Victorius Faventinus in Calcu- latorem de intensioiie et rernissione Formarii. [Commentary on Suisset (MS.) copied by Eichard Bateman 13 Dec. 1612, from the printed work, Bononice 1512.] [D. M.] fol. (Petrus). Commentarii in tres libros Aristotelis de arte dicendi. See AEISTOTLE. . Petri Victorii Epistolarvm libri X. Orationes XIIII. Et liber de Lavdibvs loanuae Avstriacae. [G. G.] Florentiae, 1586. fol. . Another copy. 742 VIE VIG Vieta (Eranciscus). See ANDEKSONTJS (A.). (1.) Ad Angvlarivm Sectionvm Analytical. Theoremata. KAQOAIKliTEPA. (2.) Animadversionis in F. Vietam a Clemente Cyriaco nvper editce, brevis - . Exsvscitata Apollonii Pergaei Tactionum Greometriae para reliqua. See G-HETALDTJS (M.). Apottonius Hediuiuus. Supple- mentvm Apollonij Galli. - . See SANCTINIUS (A.), Lucensis. Svpplementi Francisci Vietce, ac Geometrice totius instavratio, authore A. S. L. . Erancisci Vietae Variorvm de rebvs mathematicis respoii- sorvm, liber VIII. Cuius praecipua capita sunt, de dupli- catione Cubi, & Quadratione Circuli. Quas claudit Hp6%eipov, sen ad usum mathematici canonis methodica. [D. M.] Tvronis, 1593. fol. - - . Erancisci Vietse Opera Mathematica, in unum volumen con- gesta, ac recognita, opera atque studio Erancisci a Schooten, Ley- densis, Matheseos Professoris. [D. M.] Lvydvni Batavorvm, 1646. fol. - . Erancisci VietaD aduersus Christophorvm Clavivm Expostu- late. [D. M.'J Parisiis, 1602. 4to. - . Erancisci Vietae, Eontenaeensis, de ^qvatioiivm recognitione et emendatione tractatvs dvo. Quibus nihil in hoc genere simile aut secundum, huic seuo hactenus visum. [D. M.] Parisiis, 1615. 4to. - . De Nvnierosa potestatvm ad exegesim resolvtione. Ex opere restituta) mathematicae analyseos, sen, Algebra noua Erancisci Vietae. [D. M.] Parisiis, 1600. fol. - . Erancisci Vietae, Eontenaeensis, in artem Analyticem Isagoge Eivsdem ad Logisticem speciosam notae priores, nunc primum in lucem editae. [To the above is added, after p. " 232 " (132) Com- pendivm Mathematicae mira breidtate ex clariss. authoribus.] [D. M.] Parisiis, 1631. 12mo. - - . Psevdo-Mesolabvm & alia quaedam adiuncta capitvla. Ex geometricis schediasmatis Erancisci Vietae. [D. M.] Parisiis, 1595. 4to. - . Erancisci Vietaei Vniversalivm Inspectionvm ad Canonem Mathematicvin liber singularis. [D. M.] Lvtetice, 1579. fol. - . Erancisci Vietae Zeteticorvin liber primvs [ qvintvs]. [Want- ing title-pay e.~\ [D. M.] fol. Vietz (Karl Johann). Das Studium der allgemeinen Geschichte nach dem gegenwartigen Stand der historischen Wissenschaft und Literatnr. Von K. J. V., Doctor der Philosophie [&c.]. [G-. G-.] Prog, 1844. 8vo. Vigerus (Eranciscus). See ETJSEBIUS. Prceparatio Evangelica. - . Erancisci Vigeri, Eotomagensis, de Praecipvis Graecae dic- tionis idiotismis liber. . . edidit [&c.] Grodofredvs Hermannvs. [Q-. G-.] Lipsiae, 1802. 8vo. Vigneron (Jean). See VENEROXI (J.). V1G V1R 743 Vignola (Giacomo Barrozzi). See BARROZZI DA VIGNOLA (G-.). Vigny (Alfred cle), Comte. Servitude et Grandeur militaires. Parle C. A. de V. Septieme edition. Laurette La Veillee de Yin- cennes La Canne de Jonc. Paris, 1857. 8vo, Villari (Pasquale). L'Istruzione elementare nell' Inghilterra e nella Scozia ; relazione del Professore P. V. al Coniitato Italiano per la Esposizione Internazionale di Londra. [G. G.] Torino, 1864. 8vo. Villeguille (A de la). See BARBIER (E. J. F.). Villers (Charles). An Essay on the spirit and influence of the Refor- mation of Luther . . with a sketch of the history of the Church. . . By C. V. Translated [&c.] by James Mill. [G. G.] London, 1805. 8vo. Villiers (Hon. Henry Montagu). Balls and Theatres ; or, the duty of reproving the works of darkness. A sermon, by the Hon. and Eev. H. M. V., M.A. . . Fourth edition. [D. M.] London, 1846. 8vo. Villoison (Joh. Baptista Caspar d'Ansse de). See ANSSE. Vinaccesi (Fortunato). See Eossi (O.). Le Memorie Bresciane. Vince (Samuel). Observations on the Hypotheses which have been assumed to account for the Cause of Gravitation from Me- chanical Principles. By the Eev. S. V., A.M., F.E.S., Plumian Professor of Astronomy and Experimental Philosophy. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1806. 8vo. Vincentius, Lirinensis. Opera. See SALVIANUS. Vinci (Gaspare). Descrizione delleEuine diPompei. Dell' architetto G. Y. . . Settima edizione. [G. G.] Napoli, 1840. 12mo. Vindicianus. De Medicina. See BFRMANNTJS (P.). Poetae Latini Minores. Virey (J. J.) and Potel ( ). Precis historique sur la vie et la mort de Joseph-Louis Lagrange . . Par MM. J. J. V. et P. [D. M.] Paris, 1813. 4to. Virgilius Maro (Publius). The Works of Virgil, containing his Pastorals, Georgics, and ^Eneis ; translated into English Verso by John Dryden, Esq. See ANDERSON, British Poets. Vol. XII. . The ^Eneid of Virgil. Translated into English Verse, by Christopher Pitt. See ANDERSON, British Poets. Vol. XII. . See Vossius (J. H.). Commentarii Viryiliani. * . Pvb. Virgilii Maronis f Bvcolicorvm, Eclogue X. -j Georgicorvm, libri IIII. ( ^neidos, libri XII. Et in ea, Mavri Servii Honorati, Grammatici, Commentarii . . Ex bibliotheca Petri Danielis I. C. Accessit Fabij Planciadiy Fulgentij liber de Continentia Virgiliana . . Item lunij Philargyrij commentariolus in Bucolica & Georgica Virgilij. [G. G.] Parisiis, 1600. fol. 744 VIRVIV Virgilius Maro (Publius). P. Virgilii Maronis Opera . . illvstrata a Chr. G-ottl. Heyne . . 4 torn. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1767-75. 8vo. . P. Virgilii Maronis Opera : emendabat et Notulis illustrabat Gilbertus Wakefield. 2 vol. [G-. G-.] Londini, 1796. 8vo. . P. Yirgilivs Maro varietate lectionis et perpetva adnotatione illvstratvs a Chr. Gottl. Heyne. Editio tertia novis cvris einendata et avcta. 4 vol. Lipsiae, 1803. 8vo. . Pvblivs Virgilivs Maro varietate lectionis et perpetva adnotatione illvstratvs a Christ. Gottl. Heyne. Editio qvarta cvravit G-e. Phil. Eberard. "Wagner. 4 vol. [IV. Carniina, Cvlex, Ciris, Copa, Moretuni, Recensuit . . Ivlivs Sillig.] Lipsiae, 1830-33. 8vo. . The Works of Virgil translated into English Prose, . . with the Latin text and order of construction [&c.]. The second edition. 2 vol. [G-. G-.] London, 1748. 8vo. . Publius Virgilius Maroos "Wercken, vertaelt door J. V. Vondel. De tweede Druck. Amsterdam, 1652. 12mo. Virginia. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 and '99, with Jefferson's original draught thereof : also Madison's report, Calhoun's address, resolutions of the several States in relation to ' State Bights,' with other documents in support of the Jeffer- sonian doctrines of '98. [G. G.] Washington (U. S), 1832. 4to. Visclier (Wilhelm). Die oligarchische Partei und die Hetairien in Athen von Kleisthenes bis aus Ende des peloponnesischen Krieges . . Von W. V., Dr.Ph. [&c.]. [G. G.] Basel, 1836. 4to. . Epigraphische und archaologische Beitrage aus Griechenland. Von W. V. [G. G.] Basel, 1855. 4to. Visdelou (C.). See HERBELOT (B. d'). Biblioiheque orientate. Supplement. Vitalis (Hieronyinus). Lexicon Mathematicvm. Hoc est rerum omnium ad vniuersam plane mathesmi quoquo modo, directe, vel indirecte spectantiuni, collectio, et explicatio. Continens terminorum, praesertim exoticoruin, dilucidationem, nominis rationem, atque etymologiam, principia, praecepta communia, axiomata, &c. ac breueni, & exactam doctrinse traditionem ; adiectis, vbi opus est, schematibus, ad pleniorem tyronum in- telligentiam. Vt non immerito qvadrivivm scientiarvm, ac totius rnathesis promptvarivni dici possit. Avthore Hieronymo Vitali, Clerico regvlari. [D. M.] Roinae, 1690. 4to. Vitruvius Pollio (Marcus). M. Vitruvii Pollionis de Architectura Hbri decem ad optimas editiones collati; praemittitur notitia literaria Studiis Societatis Bipontinae ; accedit anonymi scriptoria veteris architecturae compendium cum indicibus. [D. M.] Argentorati, 1807. 8vo. Vives (Johannes Ludovicus). Johannis Ludovici Vivis, Valentini, de Disciplinis libri XII. Septem de corruptis artibus ; quinque de tradendis disciplinis, cum indice copioso. [D. M.] Neapoli, 1764. 8vo. Vivian (I. H.). Minutes of a Conversation with Napoleon Bonaparte during his residence at Elba, in January, 1815. [G. G.] London, 1839. 8vo. VIV VLA 745 Viviani (Vincentius). See EUCLID. Boole v. Qvinto libro degli Elementi d'Evclide, ovvero Scienza Vniuersale delle Proporzioni \_<$fc.~\. . De Locis Solidis secunda divinatio geometrica in quinque libros iniuria teuiporum amissos Aristrci senioris geometrae autore Vin- centio Viviani magni Galilaoi novissimo discipulo [&c.]. Opus Conicum contiiiens element a tractatuum ejusdem Viviani . . Elaboration anno 1646. Impressum Elorentiaa . . 1673 addendis auctum [&c.] 1701. [D. M.] Florcntice, 1701. fol. . De Maximis, et Minimis Geometrica Divinatio in Qvintvm Conicorvm Apollonii Pergaei adhvc [jamdiv] desideratvm. . . Liber primvs [& Liber secvndvs]. Avctore Vincentio Viviani. [D. M.] Florentice., 1659. fol. . Discorso al Serenissimo Cosimo III, Grandvca di Toscana, intorno al difendersi da' Eiemphnenti, & dalle Corrosioni de' Eiumi applicato ad Arno in vicinanza della Citta di Eirenze, di V. V., Mateinatico di S. A. S. Scritto nel Dicembre del 1687. ; [D. M.] Firenzs, 1688. 4to. . Vincentii Viviani, Serenissimi Mag. Dvcis Etrvrise Mathe- matici, Enodatio Problematvrn vniversis geometris propositorvm a clarissimo ac reverendissimo D. Clavdio Comiers, Canonico Ebredunensi, Collegialis Ecclesiae de Ternant Prseposito dignis- sinio. Praemissis, horum occasione, Tentamentis variis ad solvtionein illvstris vetervm probleniatis de angvli trisectione. [D. M.] f-lorentice, 1677. 4to. Vlaccus (Adrianus). See BEIGGIIJS (H.). Arithmetica Logarithmica. . Logarithmicall Arithnietike. Or Tables of Logarithmes for absolvte nvmbers from an unite to 100000 ; as also for Sines, Tangentes and Secantes for every Minute of a Quadrant : with a plaine description of their use in Arithmetike, Geometric, Geographie, Astronomie, Navigation, &c. [D. M.] London, Printed by George Miller, 1631. fol. . Tables de sinus, tangentes, secantes : et de logarithmes des sinus, tangentes, et des nombres depuis 1'unite jusques a 10000. Avec une methode de resoudre tres-facilement par le rnoyen d'icelles tous les triangles rectilignes & spheriques, & plusieurs questions astrononiiques & d'Interests. Par A. Vlacq. [D. M.] Amsterdam, 1683. 8vo. . Thesaurus Logarithmoruni completus, ex Arithmetica Lo- garithmica, et ex trigonometria artificiali Adriani Vlacci collectus, plurimis erroribus purgatus, in novum ordinem redactus, et prima post centesimam logarithmorum chiliade, partibus quibusdam proportionalibus differ entiaruni, logarithmis sinuum, cosinuum, tangentium et cotangentium pro priniis ac postremis duobus quadrantis gradibus ad singula minuta secunda, forinulis nonnul- lis trigonouietricis, Wolfraniii denique tabula logarithmorum naturalium locupletatus a Georgio Vega, supremo vigiliarum Praefecto et Prof es sore Matheseos in Caes. Eeg. Artis Pyrotech- nicae Cohorte [&c.]. (Lat. & Germ.) [D. M.] Lipsiae, 1794. fol 746 VLA VOI Vlaccus (Adrianus). Trigononietria Artificialis : sive Magnvs Canon Triangvlorvm Logarithmicvs, ad radium 100000,00000, & ad dona scrupula secunda, ab Adriano Vlaeco, Goudauo, constructus. Cui accedunt Henrici Briggii, Geometriee Professoris in Academia Oxoniensi P.M., Chiliades Logarithniorvm Viginti pro numeris naturali serie crescentibus ab vnitate ad 20000. Quorum ope triangvla plana & sphaerica, inter alia nova eximiaque compendia o Geometricis fundamentis petita, sola additione, subtractione, & bipartitione, exquisitissime dimetiuntur. [D. M.] QwdtB, 1633. fol. Vlack, or Vlacq (Adrianus). See YLACCUS. Vocabularies. Dialogues, and a small portion of the New Testament, in the English, Arabic, Haussa, and Bornu languages. London, 1853. fol. (oil.} Voege (Adamus). De origine et natura eorum quae apud veteres Romanes per aes et libram fiebant. Dissertatio iuauguralis . . Defendet auctor A. V. Kiliae, 1856. 4to. Voegelin (Johannes). Elementale Geometricvm, ex Evclidis Geo- metria, a lohanne Yoegelin, Haylpronnesi, Collega ciuilis collegij Yiennensis. [D. M.] [Vienna^] 1528. 4to. (I. Conrad). Geschichte der schweizerischen Eidsgenossenschaft. Yon I. C. Y. Zweyte . . Auflage. [Band I., and II. erste Abth.] [G. G.] Zurich, 1827-32. 8vo. Voegelinus (A. Salomo). See PLTJTAECH. Vita M. Bruti. Voelcker (Karl Heinrich Wilhelm). Die Mythologie des japetischen Geschlechtes ; oderder Siindenfall der Menschen nach griechischen Mythen. Yon K. H. W. Y. [G. G.] Giessen, 1824. 8vo. . Mythische Geographie der Griechen und Bomer. Yon Dr K. H. W. Y. Erster Theil. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1832. 8vo. Uber homerische Geographie und Weltkunde. Yon K. H. "W. Y. [G. G.] Hannover, 1830. 8vo. Voemel[-ius] (Joannes Theodorus). See DEMOSTHEKES. Vogel (A. E.). The Discovery of a General Besolution of all superior finite Equations of every numerical both algebraick and tran- scendent form. By A. E. Y., Mathematician at Leipzick. [D. M.] Leipziclc, 1845. 4to. Vogt (Carl). Bilder aus dem Thierleben. Yon. C. Y. [G. G.] Frankfurt am Main, 1852. 8vo. (Ch.). [Sale-] Catalogue des Livres rares manuscrits et im- primes formant le cabinet de feu M. C. Y. de Munich . . Premiere partie. Astronomie, Astrologie, Magie, Prognostica- tion, Philosophic occulte, Alchimie, Magnetisme animal. [D. M.] Paris, 1863. 8vo. (Johannes). Johannis Yogt Catalogvs historico-criticvs librorvm rariorvm, post cvras tertias et qvartas denvo recognitvs plvribvs locis emendatvs et copiosiori longe accessione adavctvs. [D. M.] Francofvrti et Lipsiae, 1793. 8vo Voigt (J. W. J. von). See MOESEE (Justus). Patriotische Phantasien. VOI VOS 747 Voiture (Vincent de). Les CEuvres de Monsieur de Voiture. Novvelle edition. 2 toin. [? Collected by E. Martin de Pinchesne.] Paris, 1681. 8vo. Volkman (Didericus). De Suidae Biographiis qu&stiones selectae. Scripsit D. V. [GK G-.] Bounce, 1861. 8vo. (Eicardus). See PLITTAECH. De Musica. . Leben, Schriften. und Philosophie des Plutarch von Cheeronsea. Von Dr. E. V. Erster und Zweiter Theil. Plutarch's Philo- sophie. [G-. G-.] Berlin, 1869. 8vo. Volney (Constantin-Erangois Chasse-Boeuf), Comte de. Eecherches nouvelles sur 1'histoire ancienne. Par C.-E. V. Nouvelle edition. Tom I. II. [G-. G-.] Paris, 1822. 8vo. . LesEuines. Par C.-E. V. [G. G.] Paris, 1822. 12mo. Volpicelli (Paolo). Eettificazione delle formule per assegnare il numero delle somme ognuna di due quadrati nelle quali un inter o puo spezzarsi nota del Prof. P. V.* [D. M.] Homa, 1853. 4to. . Solution d'un Problerne de situation relatif au Cavalier des Echees. Par M. Paul V., Professeur a FUniversite de Eome.f [D. M.] 4to. . Sui criteri d'integrabilita delle Eunzioni Differenziali Menioria. Del Prof. P. V.* [D. M.] Roma, 1852. 4to. Voltaire (Erancjois Marie Arouet de). See AEOUET DE VOLTAIEE. Vondel (I. V.). See VIEGILIUS MAEO (P.). Wercken. Voorthuysen (Everardus van). Dissertatio oeconomico-politico- litteraria, qua Platonis doctrina de communione bonorurn, mulierum et liberorum, in libris de republica proposita, sub ex- amen vocatur. . . Subniittit E.v. V. [a. a.] Trajecti ad Rhemim, 1850. 8vo. Vopiscus (Elavius). See HISTOEIAE ATTGUSTAE SCEIPTOEES SEX. SALMASITJS (C.). Historiae Augustae Scriptores VI. Vorwarts ! An die Protestantischen Geistlichen Deutschlands. Von einem ihrer Amtsgenossen im Konigreiche Sachsen. [G. &.] Altenberg, 1845. 8vo. Voss (G-errit Jan). Die jSTieuwe, Synodale Bijbelvertaling, inzonder- heid van de vijf historische boeken des Nieuwen Testaments, onderzocht. Academisch Proefschrift. . . Door G. J. V. Utrecht, 1870. 8vo. Vossius (Gerardus Joannes). Gerardi Joannis Vossii de Cognitione sui libellus . . Accedunt & alia opuscula. Editio altera. [G. G-.] Hamburg, 1658. 8vo. . Gerardi loannis Vossii de Historicis Grsecis libri IV ; editio altera, priori emendatior [&c.]. [G. G-.] Lvgdvni Batavorvm, 1651. 4to. [* Erom the Atti deW Accademia Pontificia de' Nmvi Lincei, 1851. f Comptes rendus, Academic des Sciences. ,] 748 VOS W Vossius (Q-erardus Joannes). Gerardi loannis Vossii de Historicis Graecis libri tres. Auctiores et emendatiores edidit Antonius "VVesterrnann. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1838. 8vo. . Gerardi loannis Yossii de Historicis Latiuis libri tres. [G. G.] Luyduni Batavorum, 1627. 4to. . Gerardi loannis Vossii de qvatvor artibvs popvlaribvs, de philologia, et scientiis mathematicis, cui operi subjungitur, chronologia mathematicorvm, libri tres. [D. M.] Amstelcedami, 1650. 4to. Voss[-ius] (Henricus). Curarnm Aeschylearum specimen I. Scripsit D. H. V. Vossius. [G. G.] Heidelberyae, 1812. 4to. . Notae in Theocritum. Scripsit Dr. H. Voss. [G. G.] Heidelbergae, 1813. 4to. (Johann Heinrich). Johannis Henrici Vossii Commentarii Virgiliani. In Latinum sermonem convertit Theod. Erid. Godofr. Eeinhardt. [G. G.] EudolpJiopoli, 1832-35. 8vo. . TMNOS EIS THN AHMHTPAN. Hymne an Demeter. TJbersezt und erlaiitert von J. H. V. [G. G.] Heidelberg, 1826. Svo. . Kritische Blatter nebst geografischen Abhandlungen. Von J. H. V, 2 Bde. [G. G.] Stuttgart, 1828. 8vo. . Mythologische Brief e. Von J. H. "V. Zweite . . Ausgabe. 5 Bde. [G. G.] Stuttgart, 1827-34. Svo. Vries (Adrianus Dirk De). Onderzoek betrekkelijk vroegere en latere Ainnestien, naar aauleiding van art. 66 der Grondvvet. Acade- misch Proefschriff. . . Door A. D. D. V. Utrecht, 1870. Svo. Vulcanius (Bon.). See AGATHIAS. Cum verswne Latina B. Vulcanii. Vulpian (A.). Legons sur la Physiologic generale et cornparee du Systems iierveux faites an Museum d'Histoire naturelle par A. V. . . Eedigees par M. Ernest Bremond. [G. G.] Paris, 1866. Svo. Vulpius (C. A.). Handworterbuch der Mythologie der deutschen, verwandten, beiiachbarten und nordischen Volker. Von C. A. V. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1826. Svo. (Jo. Antonius). Jo. Antonii Vulpii . . Opuscula Philosophica, nunc primum collecta. [G. G.] Patavii, 1744. Svo. Vyner (Eobert T.). Noiitia Venatica : A Treatise on Pox-Hunting. By E. T. V., Esq. A new edition, revised, corrected, and en- larged. [G. G.] London, 1847. Svo. W (E.). Arithnieticall Qvestions, tovching the buying or exchange of Annuities ; taking of leases for fines, or yearly rent ; purchase of fee-simples ; dealing for present or future possessions ; and other bargaines and accounts . . briefly resolued, by means of: certain breuiats, calculated by E. "W. of London, practitioner in the Arteof Nvmbers. . . [D. M.] London, 1613. Svo. (W.). Barrow and his Academical Times as illustrated in his Latin works. [D. M.] Svo. WAA WAG 749 Waage (P.). See GULDBERG (C. M.) and WAAGE (P.). Wachsnmth (Curtius). De Timone Phliasio ceterisqve Sillographis Graecis dispvtavit et Sillographorvm reliqvias collectas dispositas recognitas adiecit C. W. [G. G.] Lipsiae, [ .] 8vo. (Wilhelm). Hellenische Alterthumskunde aus dem Gesichts- pimkte der Staates. Yon W. W. 2 Th. [G. G.] Halle, 1826-30. 8vo. Waddington (George). A History of the Church, from the earliest ages to the Eeformation. By the Rev. G. W., M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge [&c.J. Published under the super- intendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. [Library of Useful Knowledge.] [D. M.] London, 1833. 8vo. . Second edition revised. In three volumes. [G. G.] London, 1835. 8vo. . A History of the Eeformation on the Continent. By G. W., D.D., Dean of Durham. In three volumes. [G. G.] London, 1841. 8vo. . An Inaugural Address delivered at the opening of the Mechanics' Institute, at Gateshead, on Monday, April 10, 1848. By G. W., D.D., Dean of Durham. [G. G.] London, 1848. 8vo. . A Sermon delivered in the Chapel of Trinity College, Cam- bridge, on the Commemoration Day in December, 1827. By G. W., M.A. [G. G.] Cambridge, 1828. 8vo. . A Visit to Greece in 1823 and 1824. By G. W. [G. G.] 'London, 1825. 8vo. . The present condition and prospects of the Greek, or Oriental, Church; with some letters written from the convent of the Strophades. By G. W. New edition revised. [G. G.] London, 1854. 8vo. (W. H.). Meinoire sur la chronologie de la vie du Bhcteur jaius Aristide. Par M. W. H. W. Paris, 1867. 4to. Wade (Edward). The Ballot . . By E. W. [G. G.] Cambridge, 1839. 8vo. Wagemann (Joannes Georgius). De quibusdam Causis, ex quibus cum in veteribuB turn in recentioribus civitatibus turbae ortae sunt, aut status reipublicae immutatus est. Pars prior. Scripsit J. G. W., Philosophiae Doctor. [G. G.] Heidelbergae, 1811. 4to. Waghorn (Thomas). Egypt as it is in 1837. By T. W. [G. G.] London, 1837. 8vo. Wagner (Adolfo). See BRUNO (G.). Opere. (Fridericus Gulielmus). See EURIPIDES. Fraymenta. . Poetarum Tragicorum Graecorum Fragmenta edidit F. G. W. 3 vol. (1. 1852, II. 1844, in .1848). [G. G.] Vratislaviae. 8vo. - (Ge. Phil. Eberard). See YIRGILIUS MARO (P.). (Ph.). Die griechische Tragodie und das Theater zu Atheu. Einleitung zum Vortrage der Antigone des Sophokles in der Gesellschaft Albina zu Dresden. Yon Dr.'Ph. W. [G. G.] .Dresden, 1844. 8vo. 750 WAG WAL Wagner (Eudolph). Elements of Physiology, for the use of Students, and with practical reference to the wants of Practitioners. By E. W. Translated from the German, with additions, by Eobert Willis. [G. G-.] London, 1844. 8vo. (Wilhehn). See PLATJTUS (T. M.). Aulularia, &c. . See TERENTITTS (P.). Comoediae. . Mediaeval Greek Texts edited . . by W. W. [G. G.] London (published by the Philological Society), 1870. 8vo. . On Some Modern Greek Words. By W. W., Ph. D. (Phi- lological Society.) 8vo. . Philological Eeviews and Notices. By W. W., Ph. D. (Phi- lological Society.) 1868. 8vo. Wagstaff (Simon), pseud, [i. e. Jonathan Swift]. A complete collection of genteel and ingenious Conversation, according to the most polite mode and method now used at Court, and in the best Companies of England. In three dialogues. By S. W., Esq. [D. M.] London, 1738. 8vo. Wailly (N. de). See GTJKAED (B.). Notice, par N. de W. Waiiiewright (Latham). A Vindication of Dr. Paley's Theory of Morals [&c.]. By L. W. [G. G.] London, 1830. 8vo. Waitz (Theodor). Anthropologie der Naturvolker. Von Dr. T. W. 5 Th. [V. Mit Benutzung der Vorarbeiten des Verfassers fort- gesetzt von Georg Gerland.] [G. G.] Leipzig, 1859-70. 8vo. . Anthropologie der Naturvolker. Von T. W. Th. V. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1865. 8vo. Wakefield (Edward Gibbon). Householders in danger from the Populace. By E. G. W., Esq. [G. G.] London, 1831. 8vo. . Swing Unmasked : or the Causes of Eural Incendiarism. By E. G. W., Esq. [G. G.] London, [ .] 8vo. (Gilbertus). See VIEGILITJS MARO (P.). Opera. . A Eeply to some parts of the Bishop of Landaffs Address to the People of Great Britain. By G. W., B.A. The second edition. [D. M.] London, 1798. 4to. . An Enquiry into the expediency and propriety of Public or Social Worship. By G. W. The third edition. " [D. M.] London, 1792. 4to. . The Defence of Gilbert Wakefield, B.A., late Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge; on an official information from the At- torney-General for a reply to the Bishop of LandafPs Address to the People of Great-Britain : delivered in the Court of Queen's Bench, on February 21, 1799. [D. M.] {Hackney,] 1799. 8vo. Walckenaer (C. A.), Baron. Histoire de la Vie et des poesies d'Horace, accompagnee d'un portrait et d'une carte. Par M. le B. W. } Membre de 1'Institut de France. 2 torn. [D. M.] Paris, 1840. 8vo. WAL 751 Walenn (W. H.). On Unitation ; a novel Arithmetical Operation. By W. H. W., F.C.S. [From The Philosophical Magazine for Nov. 1868.] [D. M.] 8vo. Wales. See ANNALES CAMBRIA. . Ancient Laws and Institutes of Wales ; comprising Laws supposed to be enacted by Howel the Good, modified by subse- quent regulations under the native Princes prior to the Conquest by Edward the First : and anomalous Laws, consisting principally of institutions which by the statute of Ruddlan were admitted to continue in force : with an Euglish translation of the Welsh Text. To which are added a few Latin transcripts,, containing digests of the Welsh Laws, principally of the Dimetian Code. With Indexes and Glossary. . . [Edited by Ameurin Owen]. [BECORD COMMISSION.] [E. O.] [London~] 1841. fol. "Wales (William). See APOLLOKTTJS Pergaem. The two looks of A. P. concerning Determinate Section ; fyc. . An Inquiry into the present state of Population in England and Wales ; and the proportion which the present number of inhabitants bears to the number at former periods. By W. W. [D. M.] London, 1781. 8vo. . The method of finding the Longitude at Sea, by time-keepers : to which are added, tables of Equations to equal Altitudes, more extensive and accurate than any hitherto published. By W. W., F.R.S., and Master of the Royal Mathematical School in Christ's Hospital. [D. M.] London, 1794. 8vo. Waley (Simon). See SCHMIT ( J. H.). A few ivords addressed to the Labouring Classes ; translated by S. W. Walker (Alexander). Intermarriage : or the mode in which and the causes why Beauty, Health, and Intellect result from certain unions, and Deformity, Disease and Insanity from others. By A. W. [G. G.] London, 1838. 8vo. (Bryan). See GAIUS. Commentaries. (Francis). Catalogue of the specimens of Blattarisa in the collection of the British Museum. By F. W. [G. G.] London, 1868. 8vo. . Catalogue of the specimens of Derrnaptera Saltatoria [and supplement to the Blattarite] in the collection of the British Museum. By F. W. Pt. I. IV. [G. G.] London, 1869-70. 8vo. . Catalogue of the specimens of Heteropterous Hemiptera in the collection of the British Museum. By F. W. Pt. IL III. Scutata. [G. G.] London, 1867-68. 8vo. . List of the specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the collec- tion of the British Museum. By F. W. Pt. XXIII., XXX., XXXV. [G. G.] London, 1861, 64, 66. 12mo. (George). See SCHELLER (I. J. G.). Latin Grammar, translated from the Q-ennan by G. TP", 752 WAL Walker (G-uilielmus). De Argumentorum Inventione libri duo, quorum prior agit de inventione Logica, alter de inventione Ehetorica. . . . Ab authore G-uilielmo Walker. [G-. GK] Londini, 1672. 8vo. (John). See EUCLID. Elements of Plane Geometry. . A familiar commentary on the compendium of Logic, used by Undergraduates in the 'University of Dublin. By J . W. To which are added, two other tracts, designed for the use of younger students ; by the same author. [D. M.] Dublin, 1805. 12mo. . Another edition. To which is added, an Address to a Young Student on his entrance into College. Sixth edition. London, 1832. 12mo. . The Philosophy of Arithmetic, (considered as a branch of mathematical science) and the elements of Algebra : designed for the use of schools, and in aid of private instruction. By. J. W., formerly Fellow of Dublin College. [D. M.] Dublin, 1812. 8vo. . A Critical Pronouncing Dictionary and Expositor of the English Language. . . By J. W. . . With a supplement. . . By Edward Smith. . . [D. M.] London, 1863. 8vo. (J. T.). Account of the Operations of the great Trigonometrical Survey of India. Volume I. The Standards of Measure* and the Base-lines. Also an introductory account of the early- operations of the Survey during the period 1800-1830. By Colonel J. T. W., E.E., F.E.S., Superintendent of the Survey. Delira Doon, 1870. 4to. . General Report on the operations of the great Trigonometrical Survey of India during 1872-73. Prepared for submission to the Grovernment of India, by Colonel J. T. W. Delira Doon, 1873. fol. (William), Junior. Memoirs of the distinguished Men of Science of Great Britain living in the years 1807-8. With an introduction by Eobert Hunt, F.E.S., F.S.S., Keeper of the Mining Eecords. Compiled and arranged by W. W., Junior. [D. M.] London, 1862. 8vo. Walkingame (Francis). The Tutor's Assistant : being a Compendium of Arithmetic ; and a complete Question-book. In five parts. Containing, I. Arithmetic in whole numbers . . II. Vulgar Fractions . . III. Decimals, with the extraction of the Square, Cube, and Biquadrate Eoots . . IV. Duodecimals . . To which is added, a method of multiplying several figures by several, and the product to be produced in one line only. V. A collection of Questions . . The third edition, with several additions, particularly a new and very short method of extracting the Cube Eoot. By F. W., Writing-Master and Accomptant. [D. M.] London, 1757. 12mo. . The Tutor's Assistant ; being a Compendium of Arithmetic, [&c.]. The tenth edition, with several additions. [D. M.] 1771 [?]. 12mo. WAL 753 Walkingame (Francis). The Tutor's Assistant ; being a Compendium of Arithmetic, [&c.]. To which [V.] are added a new and very short method of extracting the Cube-root, and a general table for the ready calculating the Interest of any sum of money, at any rate per cent., likewise Eents, Salaries, &c. . . The sixteenth edition. [D. M.] 1779. 12mo. . The Tutor's Assistant; being a Compendium of Arithmetic [&c.]. The twenty-third edition. [D. M.] 1787. 8vo. . The Tutor's Assistant ; being a Compendium of Arithmetic, [&c.]. The twenty-eighth edition. Corrected by an eminent mathe- matician. ' [D. M.] 1798. 12mo. Wallace (William). A proposed Improvement in the solution of a Case in Plane Trigonometry. By W. W., F.B.S. Edin., Pro- fessor of Mathematics in the University of Edinburgh. P.M.] 4to. . Analogous Properties of Co-ordinates of Elliptic and Hyper- bolic Sectors. By W. W., LL.D. [&c.], Emeritus Professor of Mathematics in the University of Edinburgh.* [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1839. 4to. . Investigation of Formulae, for finding the Logarithms of Trigonometrical Quantities from one another; and a proposed improvement in the solution of a case in Plane Trigonometry By W. W* [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1823. 4to. . New Series for the Quadrature of the Conic Sections, and the Computation of Logarithms, By "W. W* [D. M.] 4to. . The Parallelogram of Forces, and Curves of Equilibration, together with Tables for their construction deduced from a func- tional equation. By W. W.* [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1840. 4to. . Two Elementary Solutions of Kepler's Problem by the Angu- lar Calculus. By W. W., A.M. [&c.].| [D. M.] 4to. . Catalogue of the . . Library of the late W. W. [Sale-cata- logue.'] [D. M.] [Edinburgh.'] 8vo. Waller (Edmund). Poetical Works. See ANDEESON, British Poets. Vol. V. (Richard). See HOOKE (B.). Posthumous worlcs published by R. W. Wallis[-ius] (Johannes). See BEIGGS (H.). Mathematical Tables. . Letters. See COEEESPOKDENCE of Scientific Men of the ccviith century. . See OUGHTEED (Gr.). Clavis mathematics. . See PTOLEM^ETJS (C.). 'ApuoriKuv i\ia y. . gee KOYAL SOCIETY. Commercium Epistolicum. t gee SALMON (T.). A proposal to perform MusicJc in perfect and mathematical proportions. [* From The Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. f ,, The Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society.'] 3c 754 WAL Wallis-[ius] (Johannes). A Discourse o Gravity and Gravitation, grounded on experimental observations : presented to the lloyal Society, November 12. 1674. By J. W., D.D., a Member of that Society. [D. M.] London, 1675. 4to. . Account of Logarithms. See SHEKWEN" (H.). Mathematical Tables. . Johannis Wallisii, SS. Th.D. . . Operum Mathematicorvm Pars prima. [D. M.] Ooconii, 1657. 4to. . Johannis Wallis, S.T.D., Geometric Professoris Saviliani in celeberrima Academia Oxoniensi, Opera Mathematica tribus voluminibus contenta. [Vol. III. contains : Claudii Ptoleinaei 1 Porphyrii V Harmonica. Manuelis Bryennii J Archimedis { Arenarius & Dimensio Circuli ; Cum Eutocii commentario : Aristarchi Samii, de magnitudinibus & distantiis Soils & Lunse, liber : Pappi Alexandrini, libri Secundi Collectaneoruin, hactenus desiderati, Fragmentum : Greece & Latine edita, cum notis. Accedunt Epistolse nonnullae, rem mathematicaHl spectantes ; et Opuscula qusedam Miscellanea.] [D. M.] Oxonice, 1699. fol. . A Treatise of Algebra, both Historical and Practical. Shewing, the original, progress, and advancement thereof, from time to time ; and by what steps it hath attained to the heighth at which now it is. With some additional treatises, I. Of the Cono- Cuneus ; being a body representing in part a Conus, in part a Cuneus. II. Of Angular Sections ; and other things relating thereunto, and to Trigonometry. III. Of the Angle of Contact ; with other things appertaining to the composition of Magnitudes, the inceptives of Magnitudes, and the composition of Motions, with the results thereof. IV. Of Combinations, Alternations, and Aliquot Parts. By J. W., D.D., Professor of Geometry in the University of Oxford [&c.]. [D. M.] London, 1685. fol . Institutio Logicse, ad communes usus accornmodata. Per Johannen Wallis. Editio quinta. [D. M.] Oxonii, 1729. 8vo. (William). An Essay on Arithmetick, or, Observations, and Considerations, oil that useful and curious Art ; briefly, shewing First, The Usefulness, Secondly, It's Extensiveness, Thirdly, The Methods of it. By W. W. [D. M.] Taunton, [ .] 4to. Wallon (J.). See HEGEL (G. W. F.). Logic. Walmesley (D. C.). The theory of the Motion of the Apsides in general, and of the Apsides of the Moon's Orbit in particular. Written in French, By D. C. W., B.A. And now carefully re- vised and translated into English. [D. M.] London, 1754. 8vo. Walmsley (Edward). One hundred distinguished characters from undoubted originals engraved in the line manner by the most eminent British Artists. 2vol. [G. G.] London, [ .] 8vo. W-AL 755 Walpole (Horace). A Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, With lists of then* works. In two volumes. The second edition, corrected and enlarged. [D. M.] London, 1759. 8vo. . Anecdotes of Painting in England : with some account of the principal artists and incidental notes on other Arts : collected by the late Mr. George Vertue, and new digested and published from his original MSS., by Mr. Horace Walpole. The third edition, with additions. 2 vol. [G. G.] London, 1782. 8vo. (Robert). Memoirs relating to European and Asiatic Turkey, and other Countries of the East; edited from manuscript journals, by R. W., M.A. The second edition. [G-. G-.] London, 1818. 4to. Walsem (Pieter Arnold Van). Over Hersenabscessen. Academisch Proefschrift . . Door P. A. V. W. Utrecht, 1869. 8vo. Walsh (William). Poetical Works. See ANDERSON, British Poets. Vol. VI. . Original Poems and Translations by the most eminent hands . . to which is added ^Esculapius or the Hospital of Fools : a Dialogue after the manner of Lucian. By the late W. W., Esq. The second edition. [G. G.] London, 1719. 8vo. Walshe (Walter Hayle). See Louis (P. C. A.). Researches on Phthisis, translated ly W. H. W. . Report on Pulmonary Phthisis as observed at the Hospital for Consumption, Brornpton. By W. H. W., M.D., Consulting Physician to the Hospital for Consumption. [From The British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical Review. ~] [D. M.] London, 1849. 8vo. Walsingham (Thomas). Chronica Monasterii S. Albani. Gesta Abbatum Monasterii Sancti Albani, a Thorna Walsingham, reg- nante Ricardo Secundo, ejusdem Ecclesiss Praecentore, com- pilata. Edited by Henry 'Thomas Riley. Vol. I. A.D. 793- 1290. II. 1290-1349. HI. 1349-1411. [CHRONICLES AND MEMORIALS.] [R. O.] London, 1867-69. 8vo. . Chronica Monasterii S. Albani. Thomse Walsingham, quon- dam Monachi S. Albani, Historia Anglicana. Edited by Henry Thomas Riley. Vol. I. 1272-1381. II. 1381-1422. [CHRONICLES AND MEMORIALS.] [R. O.] London, 1863-64. 8vo. Walter (Ferdinand). Geschichte des Romischen Rechts bis auf Justinian. Von F. W. Zweite Auflage. 2 Bde. [G. G.] Bonn, 1845. 8vo. . TJeber Niebuhr und Schulz. Yon F. W. [G. G.] Bonn, 1834. 8ro. (John). A Letter to the Electors of Berkshire on the new system for the management of the Poor proposed by the Govern- ment. By J. W., Esq., M.P. [G. G.] London, 1834. 8vo. Walther (Georgius Henricus). See TACITUS (C. C.). Opera. 3c2 756 WAL WAE Waltherus (Bernardus). Ad Solem Obseruatione,*. See EEGIOMON- TAISTUS (J. M. de). Scripta. . Observationes f actae per doctissimvm virvm Bernardum VVal- tlierum Norimbergae. Anno 1475 An. 1504. See EEGIOMON- TANUS (J. M. de). Walton (J.). A Vindication of Sir Isaac Newton's Principles of Fluxions, against the Objections contained in the Analyst. By J. W. [D. M.] Dublin, 1735. 4to. . The Catechism of the Author of the Minute Philosopher fully answer'd. By J. W. [D. M.] Dublin, 1735. 8vo. . The second edition. With an Appendix in answer to the Seasons for not replying to Mr. Walton's Fall Answer. [D. M.] Dublin, 1735. 8vo. (William). See GREGORY (D. F.). Mathematical Writings. . See GREGORY (D. F.) and WALTON (W.). A treatise on . . solid geometry. Walz (Christianus). See EHETORES G-RAECI. . De Nemesi Graecorum. Scripsit C. W. [G. G.] Tubingae, 1852. 4to. . De Eeligione Eomanorum antiquissima. Particula I. [G. G.] Tubingae, 1845. 4to. . Uber die Polychromie der antiken Sculptur. Von Dr. C. W. [G. G.] Tubingen, 1853. 4to. War, Secretary of State for. Works published by order of. See CLARKE (A. E.). Comparisons of the Standards of Length, &c. . The Late War. By a Christian. See TURKISH ALLIANCE. . The Object of the War. [By Vetus.] See TURKISH ALLI- ANCE. Warburton (Henry). On self repeating Series. By H. W.* [D. M.] Cambridge, 1854. 4to. . On the Partition of Numbers, and on Combinations and Per- mutations. By H. W., M.A., M.P. [&c.].* [D. M.] Cambridge, 1847. 4to. (William), Bishop of Gloucester. Letters from a late eminent Prelate to one of his Friends. Second edition. [G. G.] London, 1809. 8vo. Ward (G. E. M.). See OXFORD, University of. (John). The Lives of the Professors of Gresham College; to which is prefixed the life of the Fovnder, Sir Thomas Gresham. With an appendix, consisting of orations, lectvres, and letters, written by the professors, with other papers serving to illustrate the lives. By I. W., Professor of Ehetoric in Gresham College, and F.E.S. [D. M.] London, 1740. fol. [* From The Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.'] WAE 757 Ward (John). The Young Mathematician's Guide. Being a plain and easie Introduction to the Mathematicks. In five parts, viz. I. Arithmetick . . II. Algebaa . . III. The Elements of Geometry . . IV. Conick-Sections . . V. The Arithmetick of Infinites . . With an appendix of P3actical Gauging. The third edition Greeted. By J. W., Philomath . . Professor of the Mathe- maticks in the City of Chester. [D. M.] London, 1719. 8vo. (H. G.). The first step to a Poor Law for Ireland. By H. G. W., Esq., M.P. [G. G.] London, 1837. 8vo. . The Debate upon Mr. Ward's resolutions on Colonization in the House of Commons, June 27, 1839, containing the Speeches of H. G. W., Esq., Sir W. Molesworth, Bart., Eight Hon. Henry Labouchere, W. Warburton, Esq., and Eight Hon. Yiscount Howick. Corrected by the several speakers. [G. G.] London, 1839. 8vo. (Seth). Idea Trigonometriae demonstrates (in usum Juventutis Oxoniensis.) Item praelectio de Cometis. Et Inquisitio in Bullialdi Astronomiso Philolaicse Fuudameiita. Authore Setho Wardo, in Academia Oxoniensi Astronomise Professore Savi- liano. [D. M.] Oxonicc, 1654. 4to. Waring (Edward). An Essay on the Principles of Human Know- ledge. By E. W., M.D. Lucasian Professor of Mathematics in the University of Cambridge. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1794. 8vo. . Meditationes Algebraicae. [D. M.] Cantabrigice, 1770. 4to. . Meditationes Analytics. Ab Edvardo W., M.D., Trin. Coll. apud Cantab., Matheseos Professore Lucasiano, [&c.]. [D. M.] Cantabrigice, 1776. 4to. . Miscellanea Analytica, de ^Equationibus Algebraicis, et Curvarum proprietatibus. Ab Edvardo W., A.M., Magd. Coll. Cantab. Socio, [&c.]. [D. M.] Cantabrigice, 1762. 4to. . Proprietates Algebraicarum Curvarum. [D. M.] Cantabrigice, 1772. 4to. . A reply to a pamphlet entitled Observations on the first chapter of a book called Miscellanea Analytica. By E. W., M.A. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1760. 8vo. . On the principles of translating Algebraic quantities into probable relations and annuities, &c. By E. W. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1792. Svo. (Edward John). Pharmacopeia of India, prepared under the authority of Her Majesty's Secretary of State for India in Council. By E. J. W., M.D. Assisted by a Committee ap- pointed for the purpose. India Office: 1868. London [1868]. 8vo. . Eemarks on the uses of some Bazaar ' Medicines, and on a few of the common indigenous Plants of India, according to European practice. By E. J. W., Esq., Physician to His Highness the Maha Eajah of Travancore. [In English and Tamil.] Trabancore, 1860. Svo. 758 WAE WAT Warner (Thomas). How to keep the Clock right by observations of the "Fixed Stars with a small fixed Telescope. Together with Tables of Stars arranged to show, by the use of a little arithmetic, the mean solar time of their apparent transits, to the end of the century. By T. W. [D. M.] London, 1869. 8vo. Warnkoenig (L. A.). Histoire de la Flandre et de ses Institutions civiles et politiques jusqu'a 1'annee 1305. Par L. A. W. Tra- duite de 1'Allemand, avec corrections et additions de 1'auteur, par A. E. Gheldolf. 2 torn. [G. G.] Bruxelles, 1835-36. 8vo. . Histoire du Droit Belgique . . Par L. A. "W". [G. G.] Bruxelles, 1837. 8vo. . Histoire externe du Droit Eornain, a 1'usage des Eleves en droit. Par M. L. A. W. [G. G.] Brunettes, 1836. 8vo. Warren (John). A Treatise on the Geometrical Eepresentation of the Square Eoots of Negative Quantities. By the Eev. J. W., A.M. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1828. 8vo. . On Geometrical Eepresentation of Algebraic Quantities. By the Eev. J. "W.* [D. M.] London, 1829. 4to. . On the Square Eoots of Negative Quantities. By the Eev. J. W.* [D. M.] London, 1829. 4to. (Hon. John Leicester). An Essay on Greek Federal Coinage. By the Hon. J. L.W. [G. G.] London, 1863. 8vo. Warton (Sir George), Bart. The Works of that late Most Eminent Philosopher and Astronomer, Sir G. W., Bart. Collected in one entire Volume. By John Gadbury, Student in Physick and Astrology. [Imperfect.'] [D. M.] London, 1683. 8vo. (Joseph). An Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope. . . By J. W., D. D. Fifth edition. 2 vol. [G. G.] London, 1806. 8vo. (Thomas). Poetical Works. See ANDERSON. British Poets. . Vol. XL Washington (George). The Writings of G. W. : being his Corre- spondence, addresses, messages, and other Papers, official and private, selected and published from the original manuscripts, with a Life of the Author, notes, and illustrations. By Pared Sparks. 12 vol. [G. G.] Boston (U. S.), 1837. 8vo. Watkins (C. E. W.). Principles and Eudiments of Mineralogy, Botany, Zoology. By C. E. W. W. London, 1855. 8vo. Watson (William). Speech. See EOTAL SOCIETY. An authentic Narrative of tlie Dissensions and Debates in the R. S. ; SfC. . A Treatise on Time. By W. W., Jim., M.D., F.E.S. [D. M.] London, 1785. 8vo. . Of Formulae of Seduction. By W. W., B.A. [Extracted from The Oxford, Cambridge, fy Dublin Messenger of Mathe- matics, No. 10, 1865.] [D. M.]. 8vo. . (Ten copies.) [* From The Philosophical Transactions. ~] WAT WATT 750 Watt (James). Correspondence of the late J. W. on his discovery of the theory of the Composition of Water : With a letter, from his son. Edited with introductory remarks and appendix : by James Patrick Muirhead, Esq. [Q-. G.] London, 1846. 8vo. (J. A.). Ueber die dringende Nothwendigkeit einer Finanz- Eeform im Kanton Bern. . . Von J. A. W., Grossrath. [G. G-.] Lowenburg, 1834. 8vo. (Sober t). Bibliotheca Britannica; or a General Index to British and Foreign Literature. By E. W., M.D. In two Earts : Authors and subjects. Vol. I. II. Authors. ITT. IV. ubjects. [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1824. 4to. . The Principles of Insurance applied to Mercantile Debts ; a Letter to the Eight Honourable Lord Ashburton. [D. M.] London, 1848. 8vo. Watteiibach (Guilelnius). De quadringentorum Athenis faction cammentatus est Gr. W., Phil. Doctor. [G. G.] Berolini, 1842. 8vo. Watts (Henry). A Dictionary of Chemistry and the allied branches of the Sciences. By H. W., assisted by eminent contributors. 5 vol. and supplement. Second edition. London, 1872. 8vo. (Isaac). Poetical Works. See ANDERSON, British Poets. Vol. IX. . Logick : or, The Eight Use of Eeason in the Enquiry after Truth. With a variety of rules to guard against error, in the affairs of religion and human life, as well as in the sciences. By I. W., D.D. The eighth edition, corrected. [D. M.] London, 1745. 8vo. . The Psalms of David, imitated in the language of the New Testament . . By I. W. [G. G.] London, 1777. 12mo. (J.) and Collins (A.). Half-hours with the Freethinkers. Edited by J. W., 'Iconoclast', and A. C. [Oct. 1, 1856 Sept. 15, 1857, No. 1-24.] [G. G.] London, 1857. 8vo. Waud (S. W.). A Treatise on Algebraical Geometry. By the Eev. S. W. W., M.A., F. Ast. S., Fellow and Tutor of Magdalene College, Cambridge. Published under the Superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. [Library of Useful Knowledge.'] [D. M.] London, 1835. 8vo. Wavrin (Jehan de). Eecueil des Chroniques et anchiennea de la Grant Bretaigne, a present nomme Eugleterre, par Jehan dje Waurm, Seigneur du Forestel. Edited by William Hardy. Vol. I. From Albina to A.D. 688. H. From A.D. 1399 to A.D. 1422. [CHRONICLES AOT> MEMORIALS.] [E. 0.] London, 1864-68. 8vo. , A. Collection of the Chronicles and ancient Histories of Great Britain, now called England, by John de Wavrin, Lord of Fore- stel. Translated by William Hardy. From Albina to A.D. 688. [CHROKECLES AND MEMORIALS.] [E. 0.] London, 1864. 8vo. 760 WAY WEB Way (Albert). Catalogue of Antiquities, Coins, Pictures, and mis- cellaneous Curiosities, in the possession of the Society of Anti- quaries of London 1847 . . By A. W., Esq., F.S.A. [D. M.] London. Svo. Wealth. Wealth the name and number of the Beast, 666, in the Book of Eevelation. [D. M.] London, 1844. 8vo. Webb (Benjamin). Tables for buying and selling Stocks, from 60, 60-J-, |, |, &c. to 130 ^ cent. Constructed on so easy a plan that solutions to most questions may be obtained by inspection only, and other cases may generally be answered by adding to- gether two or three simple numbers. To which is added, a table shewing the value of the parts or residuals from 19s. lid. three farthings down to one farthing. Likewise tables of interest at 3, 3 and a half, 4 and 5 per cent, shewing at one view the in- terest due on India Bonds, Navy and Victualling , Bills &c. in pounds, shillings and pence, from .1000 to one shilling, for any number of days or months required. With a list of the Holi- days kept at all the public offices [&c.]. By B. W., . . Master of the Grammar School . . in Bunhill-Kow. [D. M.] London, 1759. 4to. . The Complete Annuitant : consisting of Tables of Interest, simple and compound. Being the most complete, extensive, and useful set hitherto published ; constructed on a new and familiar plan, viz. I. An universal table of simple interest. . . II. Tables of compound interest. . . III. A table of reversions. . . IV. A table of annuities. . . V. A table shewing the value of any estate in fee simple [&c.] . . VI. Tables for the valuation of life annuities. . . VII. A new set of tables contrived for quarterly and half yearly payments . . By B. W., Writing Master and Accountant, [&c.]. [D. M.] London, 1762. 4to. (Daniel). An Inquiry into the Beauties of Painting and Poetry. . . By D. W. 2 vol. Second edition. [G-. GK] London, 1761. Svo. (William). See TABLES. T. of products. Weber (Carolus Fridericus). Dissertatio de Latine Scrip tis quae Graeci veteres in Linguam suani transtulerunt. Scripsit C. F. W. [G-. GK] Cassellis, 1852. 4to. (Ernestus G-uilielmus). See DEMOSTHENES. Oratio in Aristo- cratem. Ein New Kiinstlich vnd Wolgegrundt Eechenbuch, Auff den Linien vnd Ziffern, von vielen niitzlichen Eegeln, zu allerley Handthirunge, Gewerben vnd Kauffmanschlag dienslichen, neben vielen andern dingen, so hiebeuorn nicht gesehen worden. Darinnen auch griindtlichen dargethan vnd angezeigt wird, wie man Eadicem Quadratam vnd Cubicam extrahirn sol, mit angehenckten Exempeln. Dessgleichen ein vollkommener Bericht der Eegula Falsi, darinnen gelert wird. . . Alles . . in Frage vnnd Antworts weise gestellt, sampt angehefften Demonstrationen. . . Durch J. W. von Stadt Steinach, Ee- chenmeister vnd Burger zu Erffordt. [D. M.] Leipzig, 1583. 4to. WEB WED 761 Weber (Otto). Quaestiones Protagoreae. . . Dissertatio . . Scripsit [&c.] O. W. [G-. G.] Marburgi Cattorum, 1850. 4to. . Ueber Protagoras aus Abdera. Yon O. W. [G. G.] Marburg, 1849. 4to. Weberus (Michael). Observationes in Suidam et Hesychium ac alios Lexicographos Graecos. [G. G.] Vitebergae, 1811. 4to. Webster (D.). Mr. Webster's second Speech on the Sub-Treasury Bill, .delivered March 14, 1838. [GL GL] Washington, 1838. 8vo. (Noah). Complete Dictionary of the English Language, thoroughly revised and improved, by Chauncey A. Godrich and Noah Porter. [GL G.] London, [ .] 4to. - (Thomas). The Principles 'of Hydrostatics ; an elementary treatise on the laws of Fluids, and their practical applications. By T. W., M.A. Second edition. Cambridge, 1838. 8vo. . Third edition. - London, 1847. . The Theory of the Equilibrium and Motion of Fluids. By T. W.* Cambridge, 1836. 8vo. (William). Websters Tables : ( Simple Interest direct, at 10, 8, 7 and 6?. per centum, from moneth to moneth to twelve moneths. -p, I Simple Interest to rebate, at SI. per centum, from j moneth to moneth to 36 moneths. I Simple Interest to rebate at 7 and 61. per centum, from L moneth to moneth to twelve moneths. Also, his Tables for Compound Interest, with his true valua- tion of Annuities, Leases, Fines and Eeversions : With a necessary addition concerning halfe-yeerly and quarterly payments. Together with a necessary Table for the speedie and exact summing vp of the price of Commodities : seruiug also for a Table of Reduction. The second edition, with very large additions . By W. W. [D.' M.] London, 1629. 8vo. Weddle (Thomas). A new, simple, and general method of solving numerical Equations of all orders. By T. W., Mathematical Master, Mr. Bruce's Academy, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. [D. M.] London, 1842. 4to. . Investigation of certain properties of the Ellipsoid. By T.W [D. M.] [1847.] Svo. . On the Theorems in Space analogous to those of Pascal and Brianchon in a Plane. [D. M.] [1849.] 8vo. Wedgwood (Hensleigh). A Dictionary of English Etymology. By H. W. Second edition thoroughly revised and enlarged, with an introduction on the Origin of Language. [G. G.] London, 1872. Svo. . On the Use of Shall and Will. [Philological Society, 1852.] [D. M.] 8vo. [* From The Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal.] 762 WED WEI Wedgwood (Heusleigh). The principles of Geometrical Demonstra- tion, deduced from the original conception of space and form. By H. W., M.A. [D. M.] London, 1844. 12mo. Weidlerus (Joannes Eridericus). lo. Eriderici Weidleri Bibliographia Astronomica . . Accedvnt Historiae Astronomiae Svpplementa. [D. M.] Wittenbergae, 1755. 8vo. . lo. Eriderici Weidleri Historia Astronomic sive de ortv et progress v Astronomiae liber singvlaris. [D. M.] Vitembergae, 1741. 4to. and Weidlerus (M. Georgius Immanuel). Q. D. B. V. do Characteribvs Nvmerorvm Vvlgaribvs et eorvrn aetatibvs, vetervm monimentorvm fide illvstratis dissertatio mathematicocritica, a Joanne Eriderico Weidlero, I. V. D. et Mathes. P.P., et M. Georgio Immanvele Weidlero, SS. Theol. Cvlt., Witembergae A.C. 1727 D. 18. Jvlii pvblice defensa. [D. M.] Witembergae, [1727.] 4to. Weihenmaier (Joannes Eridericus). See OSIANDER (C. N.). Scholia in librum sextum elementorum Euclidis. Weise (C. E.). See EABENER (G. W.). Brief e. or Weisse (Car. Herm.). See AEISTOTLE. PJiysilc, uebersetzt von C. H. W. . See ARISTOTLE. Von der /Seele, $c. . See HORATITJS ELACCTJS (Q.). Opera. . See NEPOS (C.). Vitae, $c. . See XENOPHON. (1) Historia Graeca. (2) Oeconomicus, fyc. Weiske (Benjamin). See XENOPHON. Scripta. (Benjamin Gotthold). De Hyperbole Errorum in Historia Philippi Amyntae filii commissorum genitrice. Scripsit B. G. W., Prof. Extr. Philos. in Acad. Lips. [G. G.] Misnae, 1819. 4to. Weismann (0.). See LUCIAN. Weiss (Hermann). Geschichte des Kostiims der vornehmsten Volker cles Alterthums. Yon H. W. Erster Theil. Afrika. [G. G.] Berlin, 1853. 8vo. Weisse (Hermannus). De Platonis et Aristotelis in constituendis summis Philosophiae principiis differentia. Commentatio scripta a Christiano Hermanno Weisse, Philos. Dr. et Prof. extr. [G. G.] Lipsiae, [ .] 8vo. Weissenl)orn (Hermann). Hellen. Beitrage zur genaueren Erfor- schung der altgriechischen Geschichte, mit besonderer Hiicksicht auf Topographic. Yon Dr. H. W., a. o. Professor an der Univer- sitat Jena. [G. G.] Jena, 1844. 8vo. (Hermann Jo. Chr.). Ninive und sein Gebiet mit Riicksicht auf die neuesten Ausgrabungen im Tigristhale. Yon Dr. H. J. 0. W., Professor am Konigl. Gymnasium zu Erfurt. [G. G.] Erfurt, 1851. 4to. WEL 763 Welch (Francis H.). The Nature and Varieties of destructive Lung Disease, included under the term Pulmonary Consumption, as seen among soldiers, and the Hygienic conditions under which they occur. By F. H. "W., F.E.C.S. London, 1872. 8vo. Welcker (C. T.). Ueber Bundesverfassung und Bundesreform, iiber Bildung und Griinzen der Bundesgewalt. Zunachst in Bezie- hung auf den Schweizerbund und die Schriften von Troxler und Zacharia iiber denselben. Yon Dr. C. T. "W". [Q-. G-.] Leipzig und Stuttgart, 1834. 8vo. (Friedrich Gottlieb). See ALCMAK. Fmgmenta. See GEB- HARD (E.). Hyperboreisch-Romische /Studieu fur Arcli'dologie . . See HIPPO^TAX. Hipponactis et Ananii Janibograpliorwn Fragmenta. . See SIMCXNXDES. Jatiibi qui supersunt. . See THEOGNIS. . See ZOEGA (G.). AljJiandlungen. . Alte Denkmaler erklart yon F. G. W. 3 Th. [G. G.] Gottingen, 1849-51. 8yo. . Der Felsaltar des hochsten Zeus oder das Pelasgikon zu Athen, bisher genannt die Pnyx. . . Yon F. G. "W. Berlin, 1852. 4to. . Die griechischen Tragodien mit Eiicksicht auf den epischen Cyclus geordnet von F. G. W. 3 Abth. [Part of the Bheinisches Museum fur PJiilologie . . von F. G. W.] [G. G.] Bonn, 1839-41. 8vo. . Die hesiodische Theogonie mit einem Yersuch iiber die hesiod- ische Poesie iiberhaupt, einer Einleitung und kritischen und ex- egetischen Anmerkungen zur Theogonie. Yon F. G. W. [G. G.] Elberfeld, 1865. 8vo. . Sylloge Epigrammatum Graecorum ex marmoribus et libris collegit et illustravit F. T. W. Editio altera. [G. G.] Bonnae, 1828. 8vo. Welckerus (Fridericus Theophilus). See WELCKEK (Friedrich Gottlieb). Weld (Charles Eichard). See KOTAL SOCIETY. Descriptive Catalogue of Portraits. . A History of the Eoyal Society, with Memoirs of the Presi- dents. Compiled from authentic documents by C. E. W., Esq., Barrister-at-law ; Assistant-Secretary and Librarian to the Eoyal Society. In two volumes. [D. M.] London, 1848. 8vo. . The Eleventh Chapter of the History of the Eoyal Society. By C. E. W., Esq. Assistant Secretary of the Eoyal Society. [D. M.] London, 1848. 8vo. Wellauer (Augustus). See AESCHTLTJS. PrometJieus Vinctus. Wellerus (Jacobus). Jacobi Welleri Graminatica Graeca Nova ante ab Abrahamo Tellero qvod ad dialectos attinet completa [&c.]. Cvravit [&c.] loh. Frider. Fischervs. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1781. 8vo. 764 WEL WEN Wellesley (A.), Duke of Wellington. A letter to the Duke of Well- ington, on the propriety and legality of creating Peers for life : with precedents. [By Sir Harris Nicolas.] Second edition [and a Preface, Oct. 25th, 1834]. [D. M.] London, 1830. 8vo. Wells (David A.). See COBEEN CLUB. Essays. . See UNITED STATES. New York. Second Report of the Com- missioners appointed to revise tJie laws for the assessment $ collection of Taxes in New Yorlc, 1872, . Eevenue of the United States. Official Eeport. By Mr. D. A. W., Special Commissioner of the Eevenue of the United States. Eeprinted [by the Cobden Club] by permission. London, 1870. Svo. (I.). The Compleat Art of Dyalling. Plainly demonstrating, out of the Sphere, how to project both great and small Circles, upon any plane whatsoever : with a new conceit of reflecting the sunne beames upon a diall, contrived on a plane, which the direct beames can never shine upon. Together with the manner of cutting, the five regular platonicall bodies ; and two other, the one of 12, the other of 30 rhombes, never discovered heretofore ; also the finding of their declinations, and reclinations, and adorn- ing them with variety of dials. All performed, by the doctrine of triangles ; and for ease, and delight sake by helpe of the late invented, and worthily admired numbers, called by the first in- ventor, Logarithmes. By I. W., of Deptfort, Esquire. [D. M.] London, 1637. Svo. (Samuel). Continuance of the Bank Charter. A legal state- ment of the real position of the Government with relation to the Bank of England. By S. W., Esq. Second edition, with addi- tions. [Q-. GL] London, 1832. 8vo. (William). See MISCELLANEA SCIENTIEICA CUEIOSA. Welsh (David). Memoir of Thomas Brown, M.D. See BEOWN (T.). Lectures, fyc. Welton (Thomas A.). Observations on Population Statistics. [D. M.] Liverpool, 1869. Svo. . Statistical Papers based on the Census of England and Wales, 1851, and relating to the Occupations of the People and the Increase of Population 1841-51. By T. A. W., E.S.S. London, 1860. Svo. Wendelinus (Grodefridus). Grodefridi Wendelini,' Belgac, I. V. Doct., Loxias sev de Obliqvitate Solis diatriba in qua zodiaci ab ^Equatore Declinatio hactenus ignorata tandem eruitur, & in Canonem sumn refertur ; quaque (vt Plinius ait) Eervm fores aperivntvr. [D. M.] Antverpice, 1626. 4to. . (Marcus Eridericus). Logicsc Institutiones tironvni adolescentvm captui ita accommodate & exemplis exemplorum- que applicatione, nee non facillimis judicii adminiculis illustrates. . . Autore Marco Eriderico Wendelino, Gymnasii Anhaltini Eectore. . . Editionovissima. [D. M.] Amsterodami, 1650. 12mo. Wendt (Gustav). See SOPHOCLES. Aias. WEN WES 765 Wenrich (Joannes Georgius). De Auctorum Graecorum versionibus et commentariis Syriacis Arabicis Armeniacis Persicisque com- mentatio . . Scripsit J. G-. W. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1842. 8vo. Wentworth (William). The Cocker's Companion . . By W. W., Esq. [D. M.] London, 1762. 4to. Werder (K.). Logik. Als Comineiitar und Erganzung zu Hegel's Wissenschaft cler Logik. You K. W. Erste Abtheilung. [G. G.] Berlin, 1841. Svo. Werenfelsius (Samuel). Samuelis Werenfelsii, SS. Theol. Doctoris, ejusdemque in Academia Basiliensi Professor's, Dissertationes de Logomachiis eruditorum, & de Meteoris Orationis. [D. M.] Francofurti ad Moenum, 1724. 8vo. Werner (Bernhard). Das Arraenwesen; sein Ursprung und die Mittel zur Abhiilfe. . . Von B. W. [G. G.] Darmstadt, 1845. Svo. - (Joannes). [In hoc opere haec continentur. Libellvs loannis Verneri Nvrembergen. Svper vigintidvobvs Elementis conicis. Eivsdem. Comentarius seu paraphrastica enarratio in vndecim moclos conficiendi eitis Problematis quod Cubi duplicatio dicitur. Eivsclern. Comentatio in Dionysodori problema, quo data sphscra piano sub data secat ratione, Alivs modus idem pro- blema coficiendi ab eode Joanne Vernero nouissime copertus demostratusch, Eivsdem loannis, de motu octauae Sphaeraa, trac- tatus duo. Eivsdem Sumrnaria enarratio Theoricae motus octauge SphjsrsB.] [D. M.] Nvrembergae, 1522. 4to. Wernich. (Otto A.). Der Livlander Joh. Eeinh. von Patkul und seine Zeitgenossen. Von O. A. W. Erster Band. [G. G.] Berlin, 1849. 8vo. Wernsdorf (Christianus Gottlieb). Ad Plvtarchi Qvaestiones Graecas Cornmentatio I. [G. G.] Helmstadii, 1795. 4to. Wertheim (Jacobus Eredericus). Dissertatio Juridica Inauguralis, de Politiae delictis Jure nostro . . Submittit J. F. W. [Dutch.~\ Trajecti ad RJienum, 1860. Svo. - (M.). The Student's Assistant in the study of German By M. W. [G. G.] Munich, 1845. Svo. Wesellow (Otto). See BEASSEEUS (P.). Aritlimetica ; ab 0. W. Wesley (Charles). A Guide to Syllogism, or a Manual of Logic -, comprehending an account of the manner of disputation now practised in the schools at Cambridge ; with specimens of the x different Acts, Adapted to the use of the higher forms in Gram- mar Schools, and of junior students at the University. By the Eev. C. W., B.D., Late of Christ's College, Cambridge. [D. M.] London, 1832. 16mo. Wesselingius (Petrus). See VALCKEXAEEITJS (L. C.). Diatribe de Aristobulo Judaea. West (Gilbert). Poetical Works. See ANDEESO^. British Poets Vol. IX. - . See PIKDAK. Odes, translated by G. W. 766 WES -WHA West (John). Mathematical Treatises, containing I. The Theory of Analytical Functions. II. Spherical Trigonometry, with. Prac- tical and Nautical Astronomy. By the Eev. J. W. Formerly Assistant Teacher of Mathematics in the University of St. Andrews [&c.]. Edited (after the author's death) from his MSS. by the late Sir John Leslie, Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh. Accompanied by a Memoir of the life and writings of the author, by Edward Sang, F.E.S.E. [D. M.] Edinburgh, 1838. 8vo. (Eichard). Poetical "Works. See AKDEBSON. British Poets. Vol. X. West India Colonies. A Eeview of the Eeport of a Select Com- mittee of the House of Commons on the State of the West India Colonies. [GK GK] Liverpool, 1833. 8vo. Westermann (Antonius). See STEPHAKTJS of Byzantium. EGNIKQN. . See Vossius (Gr. J.). De Historicis Graecis libri tres. . BIOrPA$OI. Vitamin Scriptores Graeci Minores edidit A. W. [GK GK] Brunsuigae, 1845. 8vo. . De Litibus quas Demosthenes oravit ipse. Scripsit A. W. Accedit Epimetrum de repetitis locis in orationibus Demosthenis. [Quaestionum Demosthenicarurn particula tertia.] [GK GK] Lipsiae, 1834. 8vo. . Greschichte der Beredtsamkeit in Grriechenland und Eoni. . . Yon Anton W. Erster Theil. [GK GK] Leipzig, 1833. 8vo. . MY60FPA$OI. Scriptores Poeticse Historise Grraeci. Edidit A. W. [GK GK] Srunsvigce, 1843. 8vo. . Untersuchungen iiber die in die attischen Eedner eingelegten Urkunden. Yon A. W. Erste Abhandlung. Die Modalitat der athenischen Gresetzgebung, gepriift an den in die Eede des Demosthenes gegen Timokrates . 20-23. 27. 33. 39. 40. 59. eingelegten Urkunden. [From the Abhandl. d. K. S. Ges. d. Wissensch. //.] [Gr. Gr.] 4to. Westminster Hall Courts. Facts for the consideration of Parliament before the final adoption of a plan perpetuating the Courts of Law on a site injurious and costly to the suitor. ' [GK GK] London, 1840. 8vo. Weston (Thomas). See GALILEI (GK). Mathematical discourses, done into English ly T. W. Weymouth (Eichard Francis). See GROSSETESTE (Eobertus). (Jastel of Love. What and How of the Eternal Worker. The Work and the Plan. [GK GK] London, 1862. 8vo. Whately (Eichard). A Letter to Dr. Whately, the Lord Archbishop of Dublin, on the effect which his work, " Elements of Logic," has had, in retarding the progress of English Metaphysical Philosophy. By a Follower of Locke [Mr. Smart]. [D. M.] London, 1851. 8yo, WHA WHE 767 Whately (Richard). Elements of Logic. Comprising the substance of the article in the Encyclopaedia Metropolitana: with additions, &c. By E. W., D.D., Principal of St. Alban's Hall, and late Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. [G. 0-.] London, 1826. 8vo. . Third edition. [D. M.] Oxford, 1830. . Elements of Rhetoric. Comprising the substance of the Article in the Encyclopaedia Metropolitana. With additions. By R. "W. [G. G.] Oxford, 1828. 8vo. . Essays on some of the peculiarities of the Christian Religion. By R. W. Third edition. [G. G.] London, 1831. 8vo. . Introduction to Logic : from Dr. Whately's ' Elements of Logic.' By the Rev. Samuel Hinds, M.A., of Queen's College, and Vice-Principal of St. Alban's Hall, Oxford. [D. M.] Oxford, 1827. 12mo. . Substance of a Speech delivered in the House of Lords on Friday the 26th of March, 1847, on the motion for a Committee on Irish Poor Laws : by R. W., D.D., Archbishop of Dublin. [G. G-.] London, 1847. 8vo. Whatton (Aruudell Blount). See HOEEOX (J.). TJie Transit of Venus across the Sun. Wheatley (Henry B.). See LEVINS (P.). Manipulus Vocalulorum. Wheatstone (Charles). On the Figures obtained by strewing Sand on Vibrating Surfaces. By C. W., Esq. [From the Philo- sophical Transactions. ~\ [D. M.] London, 1833. 4to. Wheeler (J. Talboys). The Geography of Herodotus, developed, explained, and illustrated from modern researches and discoveries. By J. T. W. With maps and plans. [G. G.] London, 1854. 8vo. . The Life and Travels of Herodotus in the fifth century before Christ : an imaginary Biography founded on facts. . . By J. T. W. 2 vol. '[G. G.] London, 1855. 8vo. "Whetstone of Witte. See RECOEDE (R.). Whewell (William). See BAEEOW (I.). Mathematical Works. . See ELECTEICITT. . See MACKINTOSH (Rt. Hon. Sir James). Dissertation on the progress of Ethical Philosophy. With a preface by the Eev. W. W. . A Letter to Sir John F. W. Herschel, Bart. [D. M.] Trinity Lodge, April llth, 1844. 4to. . A Letter to the author of Prolegomena Logica, by the author of the history and philosophy of the inductive sciences. [G. G.] [Cambridge-] 1852. 8vo. . An Elementary Treatise on Mechanics : designed for the use of Students in the University. By W. W., M.A., F.R.S., Fellow and Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge. The second edition, with numerous improvements and additions. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1824. 8vo. . Third edition. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1828. 8vo. 768 WHE Whewell (William). An Essay on Mineralogical Classification and nomenclature ; with tables of the orders and species of minerals. By W. W. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1828. 8vo. . A Treatise on Dynamics. Containing a considerable collection of Mechanical Problems. By W. W. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1823. 8vo. . Commemoration Sermon preached in the Chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge, December 17, 1828. By W. W., M.A. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1828. 8vo. . History of the Inductive Sciences, from the earliest to the present time. By W. W., D.D. [Notes to the second edition.'] [D. M.] London, 1847. Svo. . (Dr. Whewell's " Morality"} Preface to the second Edition. [D. M.] Trinity Lodge, Oct. 14, 1848. 12mo. . History of the Inductive Sciences, from the earliest to the present time. By "W". "W. Third edition. 3 vol. [a. GL] London, 1857. Svo. . Additions to the First Volume of Dr. Whewell's History of the Inductive Sciences. [D. M.] [ .] 8vo. . Lectures on the History of Moral Philosophy. A new edition with additional lectures. By W. W., Master of Trinity College, Cambridge. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1862. Svo. . [Letter] to the Editor of The Edinburgh Review [answering the critique of his ' History of the Inductive Sciences : ]. [D. M.] Cambridge, October 28, 1837. Svo. . Mathematical Exposition of Certain Doctrines of Political Economy. Third Memoir. By W. "W., D.D.* [a. a.] [i860.] 4to. . Mathematical Exposition of some doctrines of Political Economy. By W. W.f [D. M.] Cambridge, 1829. 4to. . Second Memoir .f [D. M.] . Third Memoir, f [D. M.] . Mathematical Exposition of some of the Leading Doctrines in Mr. Eicardo's " Principles of Political Economy and Taxation." By the Eev. W. W.f [D. M.] Cambridge, 1831. 4to. . Newton and Flamsteed. Remarks on an article in number CIX. of the Quarterly Review. By the Rev. W. W. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1836. Svo. . Novum Organon Renovatum. By "W. W. Being the second part of the Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences. The third edition, with large additions. [D. M.] London, 1858. 8vo. . Of the Intellectual Powers according to Plato. By the Rev. W. W., D.D. 4to. . On Plato's Notion of Dialectic. By W. W., D.D. 4to. . On Plato's Survey of the Sciences. By W. W. 4to. [* From The Philosophical Transactions. j- The Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.'} WHE WHI 769 Whewell (William). On the Classification of Crystalline Combina- tions, and the Canons by which their Laws of Derivation may be investigated. By the Eev. W. W.* [D. M.] Cambridge, 1827. 4to. . On the Fundamental Antithesis of Philosophy . . By W. W.* [D. M.] Cambridge, 1844. 4to. . On the intrinsic Equation of a Curve, and its application. By W. W.* Cambridge, 1849. 4to. . Second Memoir. [D. M.] [1850.] 4to. . On the Motion of Points constrained and resisted, and on the Motion of a Eigid Body. The second part of a new edition of a Treatise on Dynamics. By W. W. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1834. 8vo. . On the nature of the Truth of the Laws of Motion. By the Eev. "W. W.* [D. M.] Cambridge, 1834. 4to. . On the Philosophy of Discovery, chapters historical and cri- tical. By W. W. Including the completion of the third edition of the Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences. [D. M.] London, 1860. 8vo. . Another copy. [G. G.] . On the Principles of English University Education. By the Eev. W. W. London, 1837. 12mo. . Eeasons for the Selection of a Notation to designate the Planes of Crystals. By the Eev. W. "W.* [D. M.] Cambridge, 1827. 4to. . The Mechanical Euclid, containing the elements of Mechanics and Hydrostatics demonstrated after the manner of the Elements of Geometry ; and including the propositions fixed upon by the University of Cambridge as requisite for the degree of B.A. To which are added remarks on mathematical reasoning and on the logic of induction. By the Eev. W. W. Cambridge, 1837. 12mo. . Second edition. . The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences, founded upon their history. By W. W. [Changes in tlie second edition.^ [D. M.] London, 1847. 8vo. . Thoughts on the Study of Mathematics as a part of a liberal Education. By the Eev. W. W. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1835. 8vo. . Three Memoirs on Plato's Survey of the Sciences, on Plato's notion of Dialectic, on the Intellectual Powers according to Plato. By W. W. [G. G.] Cambridge, 1855. 4to. Whiston (William). See ETJCLID. Elements; ivith select theorems out of Archimedes, abridged, tyc., by W. W. [* Prom Th# Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.'] 3D 770 WHI Whiston (William). A Course of Mechanical, Optical, Hydrostatical, and Pneumatical Experiments. To be perform'd by Prancis Hauksbee ; and the explanatory Lectures read by W. W., M. A. [Wanting title-page, #c.] [D. M.] 4to. . Prselectiones Physico-Mathematicae Cantabrigias in Scholis Publicis habitae. Quibus Philosophia Illustrissimi Newtoni Mathe- inatica explicatius traditur, & facilius demonstratur : Cometo- graphia etiam Halleiana commentariolo illustratur, a Grulielmo W., A.M. et Mathesews Professore Lucasiano. In TJsum Juven- tutis Acadeniicae. [D. M.] Cantabrigice, 1710. 8vo. . Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Mr. W. W. Contain- ing, Memoirs of several of his Friends also. Written by him- self. The second edition, corrected. [D. M.] London, 1753. 8vo. . Another copy. [GK GK] London, 1749. 8vo. . The Astronomical Year : or, an Account of the many remark- able Celestial Phenomena of the Great Tear MDCCXXXVI. Particularly of the late Comet, which was foretold by Sir Isaac Newton, and appeared at its conclusion. By W. W. [D. M.] 'London, 1737. 4to. . The Longitude discovered by the eclipses, occultations, and conjunctions of Jupiter's Planets [&c.]. By W. W. [D. M.] London, 1738. 4to. and Ditton (Humphry). A new method for discovering the Longitude both at Sea and Land, humbly proposed to the con- sideration of the publick. By W. W. and H. D. [D. M.] London, 1714. 4to. . Another copy. [D. M.] Whitaker (William). On Subaerial Denudation, and on Cliffs and Escarpments of the Chalk and the Lower Tertiary Beds. By W. W., B.A. [&c.]. [Prom the Geological Magazine for Oct. and Nov., 1867.] [GK GK] Hertford, 1867. 8vo. White (Daniel). A Catalogue of the . . Scientific Library of Mr. D. W., the eminent mathematician, deceased. [^Sale-catalogue.'] [D. M.] Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1857. 8vo. (James) . Lettre de M. J. W. . sur les Dynamometres. See HACHETTE (J.-N.-P.). Notice histor l que sur les unites employees en mecanique ; fyc. (John). A practical system of Mental Arithmetic . . to which is subjoined an Appendix . . By the Eev. J. W. Second London, from the last American edition ; greatly improved. [D. M.] London, 1830. 12mo. (Eichard). Hemisphaerivm dissectvm : Opvs Geometricvm in quo obiter tractatur de maximis inscriptibilibus, & minimis circum- scribentibus; ratio etiam discutitur quare aliquee propositiones noil adrnittant solutionem per media plana vel Euclidis Elementa. Cum methodo noua geometrica qua ad aequationem reducitur propositio de sectione hemisphsBrij in ratione data. Accessit Appendix de inscriptione in sphsera coni scaleni, & de super- ficie eius. Demum cubatio cuiusdam partis cylindri dissects piano. Authore Eicardo Albio, Anglo. [D. M.] Romw, 1648. 4to. WHI 771 "White (Eobert). "ArXas Qlpdvios, The Co3lestial Atlas ; or, a new ephemeris for . . 1806. . . Also a complete Almanack . . By E. W., Teacher of the Matheinaticks. [D. M.] London. 8vo. (Thomas). Querela Geometrica : or, Geometry's Complaint of the injuries lately received from Mr. T. W. in his late tract, entitled, Tutela Geometrica. In the end you have some places at large out of Mr. White's Tutela, and Gulden's Centrobaryca, Eeprinted, and faithfully Translated into English. [D. M.] London, 1660. 8vo. . Euclides Metaphysicus, sive, de Principiis Sapientise, Stoeche- idea e. Authore, Thoma, Anglo, ex Albiis East-Saxonum. [D. M.] Londini, 1658. 12mo. . Exercitatio Geometrica. De Geonietria Indivisibiliurn, & Proportione Spiralis ad Circulum. Authore, Thoma, Anglo, ex Albiis East-Saxonum. [D. M.] Londini, 1658. 8vo. (William). Emanuel Swedenborg : his Life and Writings. By W. W. In two volumes. [D. M.] London, 1867. 8vo. Whitehead (Paul). Poetical Works. See ANDERSON, British Poets. Vol. X. (William). Poetical Works. See ANDEESOK, British Poets. Vol. XL Whitehurst (Edward Capel). The Ballot. A reply to the Bev. Sydney Smith and Lord John Eussell. By E. C. W. [G. G.] London, 1853. 8vo. Whitelocke (Bulstrode). Memorials of the English Affairs : or, an Historical Account of what passed from the beginning of the Eeign of King Charles the Eirst, to King Charles the Second his Happy Eestauration . . By Mr. Whitelock. A new edition. [G. G.] London, 1732. fol. . A Journal of the Swedish Embassy in the years MDCLIII and MDCLIV from the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Written by the Ambassador, the Lord Commis- sioner Whitelocke. With an appendix of original papers. 2 vol. [G. G.] London, 1772. 4to. Whiteside (James). Dublin Law Institute. Introductory Lecture on the Law of Nisi Prius. Delivered . . by J. W., Esq. DuUin, 1840. 8vo. Whiting (Sydney). Helionde : or Adventures in the Sun. By S. W., Esq. Second edition. [G. G.] London, 1855. 8vo. (Thomas). The Mental Accountant . . By T. W. [D. M.] London, 1788. 12mo. Whitte (H. K.). De Eebus Chiorum Publicis ante dominationem Eomanorum. Scripsit H. K. W., A.M. Adjuncta est enumeratio iiumoruin Chiorum omnium. [G. G.] Haunice, 1838. 8vo. "Whit-worth (William Allen). Trilinear Coordinates and other methods of modern analytical geometry of two dimensions : an elementary treatise, by the Eev. W. A. W., M.A., Professor of Mathematics in Queen's College, Liverpool [&c.]. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1866. 8vo. 3D2 772 AVHI WIG WMzgig. The Theory of the Whizgig considered; inasmuch as it mechanically exemplifies the three working properties of Nature ; which are now set forth under the guise of this Toy, for Children of all ages. [D. M.] [London,] 1822. 12mo. Wishers (E. H. Eyssonius). See THEOPOMPFS. Fragmenta. - . Disquisitio critica de fontibus et auctoritate Cornelii Nepotis. Auctore E. H. E. W. [G-. G-.] Groningae, 1828. 8vo. Wichmaim (Mauritius Ludovicus Georgius). Proprietates maxime insignes Pentagoni Sphaerici cujus singulae quinque diagonales quadrant! aequales ejusque projectionum in planum turn centralis turn stereographicae. Auctore Mauritio L. G. W. [D. M.] Gottingae, 1843. 4to. Wickliffe (John). Wicklieffes Wichet faythfully overseene and cor- rected after the originall and first copie, with an Epistle to the Eeader, by [M]yles [C]overdale. [Etc.] See POTTS (E.). Widman. [Johannes widman von Eger Meyster.] Behede vnd hubsche Eechenung auff: alien kauffmanschafft : . Gedruckt In der furstlichen Stath Leipczick durch Canradu Bacheloffen. [D. M.] Im 1489 Jare. 8vo. Wiegand (Guilelmus). Epistolarum quae Platonis nomine vulgo feruntur specimen criticum . . Defendet G. W. [G. W.] Gissae, 1828. 8vo. Wiegmann (Arend Fridericus Augustus). Observationes Zoologicae criticae in Aristotelis Historiam Animaliuni. Scripsit A. F. A. W. Philos. Dr. [G. G.] Lipsiae, 1826. 4to. (G-e. Fridericus). See FEONTIFTJS (S. J.). Strategematicon libri iv. Wieland (C. M. W.). Oberon. Ein romantisches Heldengedicht. YonC. M. W. ' [G. G.] Carlsruhe, 1815. 8vo. Wieseler (Friedrich). Phaethon. Eine archaologische Abhandlung. YonF./W- [G. G.] Gottingen, 1857. 4to. . Theatergebaude und Denkmaler des Biihnenwesens bei den Griechen und Eomern. Yon F. W., Professor zu Gottingen. Gottingen, 1851. fol. . TJeber die Thymele des Griechischen Theaters . . Yon Dr. F. "W. [G. G.] Gottingen, 1847. 8vo. Wigan (A. L.). A new view of Insanity. The Duality of the Mind proved by the structure, functions, and diseases of the brain, and by the phenomena of mental derangement, and shewn to be essential to moral responsibility. "With an Appendix . . By A. L. W. [G. G.] London, 1844. 8vo. Wigaiid (Otto). Wigand's Yierteljahrschrift. Bd. I. II. IY. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1844-45. 8vo. Wiglesworth (Thomas). Carlisle Probability. Tables of the Loga- rithm, of the Probability of a life of any assigned age living to any other age according to the experience of the Carlisle Table of Mortality. By T. W. London, 1848. 8vo. . Another edition, [D. M.] London, 1848. 8vo. WIQ WIL 773 Wiglesworth (Thomas). Vital Statistics. An Essay on the rate of Mortality among Children . . to which is added Tables on the rate of mortality among Orphans . . By T. W., F.S.S. London, 1847. 8vo. Wilberforce (William). The Life of W. W. By his sons Eobert Isaac Wilberforce, M.A., and Samuel Wilberforce, M.A. 5 vol. [G. G-.] London, 1838. 8vo. Wild (John James). A Letter to the Eight Honourable Lord Brougham and Vaux, containing proposals for a scientific explo- ration of Egypt and Ethiopia. By J. J. W., Civil Engineer, of Zurich. [G. G-.] London, 1850. 8vo. Wilda (Wilhelm Eduard). Das Gildenwesen im Mittelalter . . Von Dr. W. E. W. [GK G.] Berlin, 1831. 8vo. . Das Strafrecht der Germanen. Von W. E. W. [Oesch. des deutschen Strafreclits. Bd. I.] [G-. G-.] Halle, 1842. 8vo. Wilder (Theaker). See NEWTON (Sir Isaac). Universal Arithmetic, illustrated by T. W. Wildig (George Burgess). Catalogue of the Library of the late Eev. G. B. W., M.A. . . together with another . . collection, includ- ing all the best English and Erench Mathematical Works [&c.]. [Sale-catalogue. ~\ [D. M.] [London,'] 1854. 8vo. Wildman (Eichard). Anatomy of Scepticism, and Metaphysics of Science. By E. W., Esq. [D. M.] London, 1853. 8vo. Wildvogel (Gothofredus). De Proportione Dissertatio . . exponet . . M. G. W. . . respondente Christophoro Bulio. [D. M.] [ ,] 1668. 4to. Wilkie (William). Poetical Works. See ANDEKSOF, British Poets. Vol. XI. Wilkins (John). Mathematical Magick : or, the Wonders that may be performed by Mechanical Geometry. In two books. Concerning Mechanical } jgj Being one of the most easie, pleasant, useful (and yet most neglected) part of Mathematicks. Not before treated of in this Language. By J. W., late L d Bp of Chester. [D. M.] London, 1680. 8vo. . The Mathematical and Philosophical Works of the Eight Eev. John Wilkins, late Lord Bishop of Chester. To which is pre- fixed the Author's Life, and an account of his Works. In two volumes. [D. M.] London, 1802. 8vo. Wilkinsius (David). See TANNEE (T.). BiUiofheca Britannwa Hi- bernicci. Wilkinson (Guliehnus). See AEISTOTLE. Efhicorum Nicomacheorum libri decem. (John Gardner). Topography of Thebes, and general view of Egypt With remarks on the manners and customs of the Ancient Egyptians and the productions of the country. . . By J. G. W., Esq. London, 1835. 8vo. 774 WIL Wilkinson (Thomas). On the Origin and Progress of the Study of Geometry in Lancashire. An extract from a M.S. Memoir of John Butter worth, the Mathematician, by T. "W. [D. M.] Burnley. 12mo. . Additions to the late Mr. T. S. Davies's Notes on Geometry and Geometers. By T. T. W., Esq.* [D. M.] [1852.] 8vo. . " On some Points in the Eestoration of Euclid's PorismsV By T. T. W.f [D. M.] 8vc. Wilks (Mark). Historical Sketches of the South of India. By Lieut-Colonel M. "W. Vol. I. [G. G.] London, 1810. 4to. Willcock (J. W.). The Laws relating to the Medical Profession : with an account of the rise and progress of its various orders. By J. W. W., Esq. London, 1830. 8vo. Willelmus Campellensis. Willelmi Campelleusis de Natura et de Origine Eerum placita. [G. G,] Parisiis, 1847. 8vo. de Worcestre. Itineraria. See SIMEON (S.). Malmesburiensis. Willielmi Monachi Malmesburiensis de Gestis Eegum Anglorum lib. V. Eiusdem Historic Nouellse lib. II. Eiusdem de Gestis Pontificum Angl. lib. IIII. See SAVILE {Sir H.). Rervm Anglicarvm ftcriptores post Bedam. . WiUelini Malmesbiriensis Monachi de Gestis Pontificum Anglorum libri quinque. Edited from the autograph manuscript by N. E. S. A. Hamilton. E. O. [CHRONICLES AND MEMORIALS.] London, 1870. 8vo. William of Malmesbury. See WILLELMUS Malmesburiensis. Williams ab Ithel (John). See ANNALES CAMBRIA. . See BRUT T TYWYSOGION. (Daniel). Catalogue of the Library in Eed Cross Street, Cripple- gate : founded pursuant to the will of the Eev. D. W., D.D., who died in the year 1716. 2 vol. [G. G.] London. 1841. 8vo. (Cadogan). A Statement corroborated by the letters of Public Men of the conduct of the late Chancellor of the Exchequer, Lord Althorp, to Mr. Cadogan Williams. [G. G.] London, 1837. 8vo. (Charles J. B.). Principles of Medicine. An elementary view of the causes, nature, treatment, diagnosis, and prognosis of Disease. With brief remarks on Hygienics, or the preservation of health. By C. J. B. W., M.D., E.E.S. Eroin the last revised London edition [the third]. Philadelphia, 1866. 8vo. and Williams (Charles Theodore). Pulmonary Consumption : its nature, varieties, and treatment. With an analysis of one thousand cases to exemplify its duration. By C. J. B. W., M.D., E.E.S. [&c.] and C. T. W., M.A., M.D. [Ac!]. Philadelphia, 1872. 8vo. [* From The Philosophical Magazine. f The Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophical Society, Session 1867-8.] WIL 775 Williams (Henry W.)- Sillig's Dictionary of the Artists of Antiquity, translated by H. W. "W. See LEMPBIERE (J.). (Thomas). Method to discover the difference of the Earth's Diameters ; proving it's true ratio to be not less variable than as 45 is to 46, and shortest in it's Pole's Axis 174 miles. Eluci- dated with five copper plates, with a variety of new tables suited to the subject. Likewise a method for fixing an universal standard for weights and measures. By T. W. [D. M.] London, 1788. 4to. (Watkin). An Essay upon the Philosophy of Evidence, or an enquiry into the process of Belief. By W. W. Second edition. [D. M.] London, 1855. 8vo. Williamson (Alexander "W.). A Plea for Pure Science, being the inaugural Lecture at the opening of the Faculty of Science, in University College, London. By A. W. W., Ph. D., E.E.S. [&c.]. London, 1870. 8vo. . Development of Difference the basis of Unity. Introductory Lecture . . by A. W. W., Ph. D. [D. M.] London, 1849. 8vo. (G-eorge). See AEMT MEDICAL DEPAETMENT, Fort Pitt. Cata- logue. (James). See EUCLID. Willich (Charles M.). Popular Tables for ascertaining, at sight, the value of Advowsons and next Presentations to Livings : also for showing the Expectation of life at different ages, Reversionary value of property at death, or at the end of a term of years. By C. M. W., Secretary and Actuary to the University Life Assur- ance Society. [D. M.] London, 1846. 8vo. . Popular Tables arranged in a new form, giving information at sight for ascertaining, according to the Carlisle Table of Mor- tality, the value of lifehold, leasehold, and church property, renewal fines, &c., the public funds, annual average price and interest on Consols from 1731 to 1861. Also various interesting and useful tables, equally adapted to the office and the library table. By C. M. W. . . Eifth edition. [D. M.] London, 1861. 8vo. Willis (Eobert). See WAQKEK (E.). Elements of Physiology. . On the Pressure produced on a Elat Plate when opposed to a stream of Air issuing from an orifice in a Plane Surface. By E. W., B.A. [Erom The Transactions of the Cambridge Philoso- phical Society.'] [D. M.] Cambridge, 1828. 4to. (Thomas). De Anima Brutorum, quae hominis vitalis ac sensi- tiva est, exercitationes duse. Studio Thomse W., M.D. [G-. a.] Oxonii, 1672. 4to. Willock (William A.). The Eour Corner-Stones of the Science of Mechanics ; or, the composition of forces. By the Eev. "W". A. W., D.D. [D. M.] London, 1868. 8vo. Wills (William). An Essay on the Eationale of Circumstantial Evidence : illustrated by numerous cases. By W. W., Attorney- at-Law. [G-. G-.] London, 1838. 8vo. 776 WIL Willsford (Thomas). Willsfords Arithmetick, natiirall, and artificial! : or, Decimalls. Containing The Science of Numbers, digested in three books. Made compendious and facile for all ingenious capacities, viz. : merchants, citizens, sea-men, accomptants, &c. Together with the theorie and practice united in a sympathetical proportion betwixt lines and numbers, in their quantities and qualities, as in respect of form, figure, magnitude and affection : demonstrated by Geometric, illustrated by Calculations, and con- firmed with variety of examples in every species. By T. W., Gent. [D. M.] London, 1656. 8vo. Wilmanns (Augustus). See USENER (H.). Analecta TJieophrastea. Wilmot (John), Earl of Rochester. Poetical Works. See ANDERSON, British Poets. Vol. VI. Wilson (George). Inorganic Chemistry by the late G. W., M.D. Revised and enlarged by Stevenson Macadam, Ph. D. With new notation added. [Chambers' s Educational course.'] [G. G.] London, 1868. 8vo. . The Life of the Hon ble Henry Cavendish, including abstracts of his more important Scientific Papers [and the Water Con- troversy.] By G. W. [G. G.] London, 1851. 8vo. (Henry Bristow). A Speech . . in the cause of Wilson v. Eendall on appeal from the Arches Court of Canterbury. By H. B. W., D.D. [G. G.] London, 1863. 8vo. . Observations on the Law and Practice of Sequestration of Ecclesiastical Benefices. By H. B. W., D.D., F.S.A. [G. G.] London, 1836. 8vo. . The History of Merchant-Taylors' School, from its founda- tion to the present time. In two parts. I. Of its founders, patrons, benefactors, and masters. II. Of its principal scholars. By the Eev. H. B. W., B J). Second TJndermaster. [D. M.] London, 1814. 4to. (J.). See COTES (E.). Epistola. (James). Catalogue of his Library. See under CATALOGUES. . Influences of the Corn Laws as affecting all classes of the community, and particularly the landed interests. By J. W., Esq. Second edition. [G. G.] London, 1840. 8vo. See ROBINS (B.). Mathematical Tracts. (John). See OBSERVATIONS. A vindication of the Miscellanea Analytica. (J. A.). A Treatise on Arithmetic exemplifying the Principles of its Fundamental Rules. Part I. Abstract Numbers. By J. A. W. [D. M.] Madras, 1848. 8vo. (J. M.). Elementary Geometry Part I. Angles, Parallels, Triangles, Equivalent figures, with the application to Problems. Compiled by J. M. W., M.A. . . Mathematical Master of Rugby School. London, 1868. 8vo. W1L WIN 777 Wilson (J. M.). Elementary Geometry. Part II. The Circle & Proportion. [D. M.] London, 1868. 8vo. (E.). An Astronomical Lecture . . By the Eev. E. W., A.M. [D. M.] Greenoclc, 1847. 12mo. Wimmer (Fridericus). See AEISTOTLE. Pliytoloyice Aristotelicce frag- menta. . See AEISTOTLE. ThierJcunde. . See THEOPHRASTTJS. Opera. Winckelmann (Augustus Guilielinus). See ANTISTHENES. Frag- ment a. . See PLATO. Opera. . See PLATO. Euthydemus. Winer (Georg Bendict). Biblisches Eealwoerterbuch . . Ausgearbeitet von Dr. a. B. Winer. Dritte . . Auflage. 2 B de . [G-. a.] Leipzig, 1847-48. 8vo. Wing (John). Heptarchia Mathematica, or the seven branches of art here following. Epitomized, viz. Arithmatick, "\ C Gauging, Geometry, Mensuration Flat Measure, by Tables, Square Measure, J [ Dialling, &c. . . By J. W., Practitioner in the mathematicks. [D. M.] London, 1693. 8vo. Wingate (Edmund). A plain and familiar method for attaining the knowledge and practice of Common Arithmetic. Containing all the useful rules both in whole numbers, and fractions, vulgar and decimal, extraction of the square and cube-roots, simple and com- pound interest, annuities, &c. delivered in a more practical and correct manner, than in any work hitherto extant. By E. W., of Gray's Inn, Esq ; The Nineteenth edition. Wherein the Addi- tions and emendations, made by Mr. John Kersey, in his Appen- dix, and Mr. George Shelly, in his Supplement, are introduced in their proper places ; and all the improvements in this Science, that have appeared in other writers since their time, are carefully inserted : Also sundry others, that are entirely new, are added. By James Dodson. [D. M.] London, 1760. 8vo. . M r * Wingate's Arithnietick, containing a plain and familiar method, for attaining the knowledge and practice of Common Arithmetick. The sixth edition. First composed by E. W. late of Grayes-Inne Esquire. Afterwards upon Mr. Wingate's request, enlarged in his life time : also since his decease carefully revised [&c.]. By John Kersey, Teacher of the Mathematicks . . [With an Appendix, containing Choice Knowledge in Arithmetick, both practical and theoretical . . composed by John Kersey]. [D. M.] London, 1673. 8vo. . Mr. Wingate's Arithmetick : . . Composed by E. W., of Gray's -Inn, Esq; . . revis'd . . by John Kersey . . corrected by John Kersey, the last author's son. The fourteenth edition. With a new supplement ; . . By George Shelley, Writing-Master of Christ's-Hospital. [D. M.] London, M[D]CCXX. 8vo. 778 AVI.N Wingate (Edmund). Arithmetique made easie, or, a perfect methode for the true knowledge and practice of the Natural Arithmetique, according to the ancient vulgar way, without dependance upon any other author for the grounds thereof. By E. W., Esquire. The second edition enlarged (at the request and with the appro- bation of the author) with divers chapters and necessary rules ; together with an appendix containing 7 chapters. . . By John Kersey Teacher of mathematiques. [D. M.] London, 1650. 8vo. . Arithmetiqve made easie, the second book : containing a per- fect method for the true knowledge, and practice of Artificial Arithmetiqve performed by Logarithms : and resolving all arith- meticall questions by addition and subtraction. Together with the construction and use of an instrument called the line of propor- tion, exhibiting the logarithm of any number under 100000. Unto which is also annexed an Appendix, resolving . . all questions, that concern Equation of time [&c.]. By E. W., Esquire. The second edition. [D. M.'] London, 1652. 8vo. . Arithmetiqve Logarithrnetiqve, Ov La Construction & Vsage des Tables Logarithmetiques. Par le moyen desquelles, multi- plication se fait par addition, diuision par soustraction, 1'extrac- tion de la racine quarree par bipartition, & de la racine cubique par tripartition, &c. Finalement la reigle de trois, & la resolu- tion des triangles tant rectilignes que spheriques par addition, & soustraction. Par Edmond Vvingate, Gentilhomme Anglois. [D. M.] Paris, 1625. 24mo. . Arithmetique Logarithnietiqve, ov La Construction & Vsage des Tables Logarithmetiques . . Par Edmond Vvingate, Gentil- homme Anglois . . [Followed by the : Table contenant les differences des Sinus des Degrez, & demy-degrez.J a Paris, Chez Melcliior Mondiere . . 1626. Auec Priuilege du Eoy. [D. M.] 8vo. . Aoyapid/jiorexvia, or The Construction and use of the Loga- rithmeticall Tables. By the helpe whereof, multiplication is per- formed by addition, division by subs traction [&c.]. First pub- lished in the French tongue by E. W., an English Gentleman : and after translated into English by the same author. The third edition, diligently corrected, and enlarged by the author himself. [D. M.] London, 1648. 12mo. . Ludus Mathematicus : or, The Mathematical Game : explain- ing the description, construction, and use of the Numerical! Table of Proportion. By help wherof, and of certain Chessmen (fitted for that purpose) any proposition arithmetical or geome- trical (without any calculation at all, or use of pen) may be readily and with delight resolved, when the term required exceeds not 100000. By E. W. [D. M.] London, [ ? 1654]. 12ino. WIN WOE 779 Wingate (Edmund). The Use of the Eule of Proportion : in Arith- metique and Geometric : first published at Paris in the French tongue, and dedicated to Monsieur, the then King's only brother, (now Duke of Orleans). By E. W. an English Gent. And now translated into English by the same author : whereinto is now also inserted the construction of the same rule, and a farther use thereof, in questions that concern Astronomie, Dialling, Geo- graphie, Navigation, Gaging of Vessell, Military Orders, Interest and Annuities. [D. M.] London, 164|. 8vo. Winiewski (Franciscus). Francisci Winiewski 1 . . Commentarii historic! et chronologic! in Demosthenis Orationem de Corona. [G. G.] Monasterii, 1829. 8vo. Winshemius (Sebastianus Theodoricus). Canon Sexagenarum et Scrupulorum Sexagesimorum, Utilis ad multiplicationem & Divi- sionem Logisticse Astronomies, editus opera M. Sebastian! Theo- dorici Winshemij. [D. M.] Witebergce, 1609. 8vo. Winslow (Charles Frederick). Force and Nature. Attraction and Repulsion : the radical principles of Energy, discussed in their relations to physical and morphological developments. By C. F. W., M.D. [D. M.] London, 1869. 8vo. Winstanley (T.). See AEISTOTLE. De Poetica liber. Winter ( ). Stoicorum pantheisnius et principia doctrinae ethicae quam sint inter se apta et connexa. Von Dr. W. [G. G.] Wittenberg, 1863. 4to. Winthrop (Eobert C.). Oration on the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrim Fathers at Plymouth, 21 December, 1870. By Hon. E. C. AY., LL.D. [G. G.] Boston (U. 8.), 1871. 8vo. Wipperniann (Eduard). Die altorientalischen Eeligionsstaaten. Yon E. AY. [G. G.] Marburg, 1851. 8vo. Wirgman (Thomas). Principles of the Kantesian or Transcendental Philosophy. By T. AY. [English and French.] [D. M.] London, 1824. 8vo. Wise (Franciscus). See ASSEK. Anndles. Witzchel (August). Die Attische Tragodie eine Festfeier des Dionysos. Eine Einleituug zur Lektiire der griechischen Tragiker. Yon A. W. [G. G.] Leipzig, 1844. 8vo. Wizniewski (Adam), Prince. Histoire de ]a Banque de Saint-Georges de Genes, la plus ancienne banque de 1'Europe, et des origines du Credit mobilier, du Credit foncier, des Tontines et des Amortis- sements y pratiques au moyen age. Par le P. A. AY. Paris, 1865. 8vo. Woelffiin (Eduardus). See BALBUS (C.). C. Balbi de Nugis Philo- sophorum quae supersutit. 780 WOE WOL Woepcke (Frangois). See OMAB Alkhayyami. Algebre. . Introduction au Calcul G-obari et Hawai traite d' arithmetique traduit de 1'Arabe par F. W. et precede d'une notice de M. Aristide Marre sur un manuscrit possede par M. Chasles . . et contenant le texte arabe de ce traite. [Extrait des Atti deW Accademia Pontificia de' Nuovi Lincei, tome xix.] [D. M.] Home, 1866. 4to. . Me'moire sur la propagation des Chiffres indiens. Par M. F. W. [D. M.] Paris, 1863. 8vo. . Becherches sur plusieurs ouvrages de Le'ouard de Pise de'cou- verts et publics par M. le Prince Balthasar Boncompagni, et sur les rapports qui existent entre ces ouvrages et les travaux mathe- rnatiques des Arabes. Par M. F. W. Premiere partie : extraits et traductions d'ouvrages arabes incdits. II. Traduction clu traite d'arithmetique d'Aboul Hagan Ali Ben Mohammed Alkalgadi. [Extrait des Atti delV Accademia Pontificia de' Nuovi Lincei. Tomo Xn.] [D. M.] Rome, 1859. 4to. . Sur une donnee historique relative a 1'emploi des chiffres indiens par les Arabes. Par M. F. W. [ .] 8vo. Wohlthaeter. Der Wohlthater. 6 Th. Magdeburg, 1772-73. 8vo. Wolf (R.). See KOENIO (S.). Auszuge aus S. Konigs Briefen an A. v. Haller, mit Notizen von R. W. Wolff (G-ustavus). See POEPHTEIUS. De Philosophia ex Oraculis Haurienda. Wolffson (J.). See CARRIERS (M.). Teleologiae Aristotelicae Linea- menta Dissert atio. Wolfius (Christianus). Cogitationes rationales de Viribus intellectus human! . .ex sermone Germanico in Latinum translatse a Christiano Wolfio. Edit, secunda. [Gr. Gr.] Francofurti, 1735. 8vo. . Christian! "Wolfii, . . Elemeiita Matheseos UiiiverssD. Tomus quintus. . . Editio nova, priori multo auctior et correctior. [D. M.] Geneva, 1741. 4to. Wolf[-ius] (Friedrich August). See DEMOSTHENES. Gratia adversus Leptinem; fyc. . See PLATO. 2TMIIOSION. . See SUETONIUS Tranquillus (C.). Opera. . F. A. Wolfii . . Miscellanea maximam partein litteraria. [G-. a.] Halae Magdeb., 1802. 8vo. . Prolegomena ad Homerum . . Scripsit F. A. W. Vol. I. [G. GK] Halis Saxonum, 1795. 8vo. (Joannes Christophorus). See LIBANIUS. Epistolae. Wolframius. Tabula logarithinorum naturalium. See VLACCUS (A.). TJiesaurus Logarithmorum complctu*. WOL WOO 781 Wollaston (T. Venion). Catalogue of the Coleopterous Insects of the Canaries in the collection of the British Museum. By T. V. W. [G. G.] London, 1864. 8vo. Wollstonecraft (Mary). A Vindication of the Eights of "Woman : with strictures on political and moral subjects. By M. W. [D. M.] London, 1792. 8vo. Wolowski (L.). La Banque d'Angleterre et les Banques d'Ecosse. Par L. W. [G-. G-.] Paris, 1867. 8vo. . La Monnaie : eutretien sur le traitc de la monnaie de Copernic. Par L. "W. [Conferences au profit des blesse's polonais seance du Mercredi 2 Mars 1864.] Paris, 1864. 12mo. . De L'Organisation du Credit Poncier. Par L. W. [G-. G] Paris, 1848. 8vo. Wolphius (Heinrichus). Chronologia sine de Tenipore et eivs mvta- tionibus ecclesiasticis tractatio theologica libris duobus compre- hensa, per Heinrichvm VYolphivm, Tigurinum. [D. M.] Tigvri, 1585. 4to. Wolstenholme (Joseph). See PEOST (P.) and WOLSTENHOLME (J.). Women. The Social and Political Dependence of "Women. [GK G-.] London, 1867. 8vo. Wood (Ahtonius a). See OXFOED, University of. Historia, fyc. . Athense Oxonienses. An exact History of all the Writers and Bishops who have had their education in the most antient and famous University of Oxford, from the fifteenth year of King Henry the Seventh, A.D. 1500, to the Author's death in November 1695. . . To which are added, The Pasti, or Annals, of the said University [to the year 1690]. By Anthony W., M.A. In two volumes. The second edition. [D. M.] London, 1721. fol. . Athenae Oxonienses. By A. a W. A new edition with additions by Philip Bliss, D.C.L. Yol. I. Containing the life of Wood. [D.M.] Oxford, Printed for the Ecclesiastical History Society, 1848. 8vo. (Sir Charles). Speech of the Eight Hon. Sir C. W., Chancellor of the Exchequer in the House of Commons on Priday April 4, 1851. [G. G.] London, 1851. 8vo. (James). The Elements of Algebra : designed for the use of students in the University. By J. W., D.D. Ninth edition. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1830. 8vo. (John). The late Mr. John Wood. [Biographical notice from The Manchester Guardian, Oct. 22, 1856.] [D. M.] S. sh. 4to. (William). Astronomy made plain ; or only way whereby the true perpendicular distance of the Sun, Moon, or Stars, from this earth, can be obtained. By W. W. [D. M.]' ChatJiam, ISIQ. 12mo. Woodcroft (Bennet). See HEEO of Alexandria. Pneumatics. 782 WOO WoocLhouse (James). [Collection of Antiquities, now in the British Museum.] See PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS. (Robert). A Treatise on Isoperiinetrical Problems, and the Calculus of Variations. By E. W., A.M., F.E.S. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1810. 4to. . A Treatise on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. By E. "W. The third edition, corrected, altered, and enlarged. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1819. 8vo. . On the Integration of certain Differential Expressions, with which Problems in Physical Astronomy are connected, &c. By E. W.* [D. M.] London, 1804. 4to. . On the necessary Truth of certain Conclusions obtained by means of imaginary Quantities. By E. W. [D. M.] 1801. 4to. .. The Principles of Analytical Calculation. By E. W. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1803. 4to. Woodhull (Alfred A.). Catalogue of the Surgical Section of the United States Army Medical Museum. Prepared under the direction of the Surgeon General, U. S. Army, by A. A. "W., Assistant Surgeon [&c.]. Washington, 1866. 4to. Woodley (William). A Treatise on the Divine System of the Universe, by Capt. W., E.N., and as demonstrated by his Universal Time- piece, and universal method of determining a Ship's Longitude by the apparent true place of the Moon ; with an introduction refuting the Solar System of Copernicus, the Newtonian Philo- sophy, and Mathematics. [D. M.] London, 1834. 8vo. . Theory of the Universe : comprising strictures on Commander Woodley's " Divine System. Published in the United Service Journal for July 1831. [D. M.] London, [ .] 8vo. . Description of the Universal Timepiece, being an accompany- ment to take to sea with the Desideratum, or new method for the Longitude. [D. M.] [ .] 12mo. Woodward (J. J.). Eeport on Epidemic Cholera and Yellow Fever in the Army of the United States, during the year 1867. [By Brevet Lieut. Col. J. J. W. Assistant-Surgeon, U.S.A.] Washington, 1868. 8vo. . Eeport to the Surgeon General, of the United States Army, on the Magnesium and Electric Lights, as applied to Photo- Micrography. By Brevet Lieutenant Colonel J. J. W., Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army. Washington, D. C., 1870. 4to. Woolhouse (W. S. B.). Essay on Musical Intervals, Harmonics, and the Temperament of the Musical Scale, &c. By W. S. B. W., Head Assistant on the Nautical Almanac Establishment. [D. M.] London, 1835. 12mo. [* From The Philosophical Transactions. ~] WOO WOE 783 Woolhouse (W. S. B.). New Tables for computing the Occupations of Jupiter's Satellites by Jupiter, the Transits of the Satellites and their shadows over the disc of the planet, and the Positions of the Satellites with respect to Jupiter at anytime. By Mr. W. S. B. W. [Nautical Almanac, 1835. Appendix.] [D. M.] 8vo. . On Eclipses. By Mr. W. S. B. W. [Nautical Almanac, 1836. Appendix.] [D. M.] 8vo. . On Interpolation, Summation, and the Adjustment of Nume- rical Tables. By W. S. B. W., F.B.A.S., F.S.S. [D. M.] London, 1865. 8vo. . On the fundamental Principles of the Differential and Integral Calculus, and the Seasonings employed in their application. By Mr. W. S. B. W. [Appendix to the Gentleman's Diary for 1835.] [D. M.] 12mo. . Tables of Continental Lineal and Square Measures. By W. S. B. W. London, 1836. 8yo. Woollgar (J. W.). Descriptive List of Ancient and Modern Ccelestial Maps, from careful observation. [D. M.] Lewes, July, 1848. 8vo. . Catalogue of the Scientific Library of the late J. W. W., Esq. [Sale-catalogue.'] [D. M.] [London,'] 1851. 4to. Woolrych (H. Pitzroy). Aleph v. Colenso. By the Eev. H. P. W., M.A. Maidstone, 1866. 8vo. Woolsey (Theodore D.). See PLATO. Gorgias. Worcester (Joseph E.). A Dictionary of the English Language. London , [ .] 4to. Working Men's Association. Address from the Working Men's Association to the Working Classes on the subject of National Education. [Q-. GL] London, '[ .] 8vo. Worlds. A Dialogue on the Plurality of Worlds ; being a supple- ment to the essay on that subject. [D. M.] London, [ .] 8vo. Wormell (Eichard). Arithmetic for Schools and Colleges. By E. W., M.A., Grold Medallist in Mathematics, Lond. ; Mathematical Master at the City of London Middle Schools. [Murby's Excel- sior 8c7iool /Series.] [D. M.] London, [ .] 16mo. . An Elementary Course of Plane Geometry. By E. W. [D. M.] London, [ .] 16mo. . An Elementary Course of theoretical and applied Mechanics designed for the use of schools, colleges, and candidates for University and other examinations. By E. W., M.A., B.Sc., Medallist in Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, Lond. [D. M.] London, 1869. 16mo. Worsley (Philip Stanhope). See HOMER. Worth (Wilhelmus). See TATIAN (& Hermias). 784 WEA WEI Wratislaw (Albert Henry). Further Eemarks on the University System of Education, as affected by the adoption of the late Syndicate Eeport, By the Eev. A. H. W., M.A. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1848. 8vo. Wren (M.). Monarchy Asserted : or the State of Monarchial and Popular Government, .in vindication of the considerations upon Mr. Harrington's ' Oceana.' By M. W. [G-. GK] Oxford, 1659. 8vo. Wright (Charles Henry Hamilton). See BIBLE. Old Testament. Pentateuch. (Edward). See NAPIER (J.). A description of the admirable Table of Logarithmes, translated by E. W. witli an addition of the instrumentall table. . Certaine Errors in Navigation, detected and corrected by E. ~W., with many additions that were not in the former edition. [D. M.] London, 1610. 4to. . The Description and Vse of the Sphaere deuided into three principal partes : whereof The first intreateth especially of the circles of the vppermost inoueable Sphsere, and of the mauifonld .vses of euery one of them seuerally : The second sheweth the plentif ull vse of the vppermost Sphsere, and of the Circles thereof ioyntly : The third conteyneth the description of the Orbes whereof the Sphsores of the Sunne and Moone haue beene sup- posed to be made, with their Motions and Vses. By E. W. [D. M.] London, 1613. 4to. . The Description and Vse of the Sphaere. Deuided into three principall parts. "Whereof the first intreateth especially of the circles of the vppermost moueable Sphaere, and of the manifold vses of euery one of them seuerally. The second sheweth the plentifull vse of the vppermost Sphsere, and of the Circles thereof joyntly. The third contayneth the description of the Orbes whereof the Sphseres of the Sunne and Moone have beene sup- posed to bee made, with their Motions and Vses. By E. W. [D. M.] London, 1627. 4to. (G-. N.). See BERKELEY (G-eorge). Works. (J. M. F.). See HIRSCH (M.). Geometry. . An Elementary Treatise on the Theory of Numbers ; from the Private Tutor. By J. M. E. W., A.B. [D. M.] Cambridge, 1831. 8vo. (Eichard P.). The Elements 'of Plane Geometry for the use of Schools and Colleges by E. P. W., formerly Teacher of Geo- metrical Drawing in Queeiiwood College, Hampshire; with a Preface by T. Archer Hirst, E.E.S., &c., Professor of Mathe- matics in University College, London. [D. M.] London, 1868. 12mo. (Eobert). The Life of Major-General James Wolfe : founded on original documents . . By E. W. [G. GK] London, 1864. 8vo. WEI 785 Wright (Thomas). An original theory or new hypothesis of the Universe, founded upon the laws of nature, and solving by mathematical principles the general phenomena of the visible creation; and particularly the Via Lactea. Conipris'd in nine familiar letters from the author to his friend. And illustrated with upwards of thirty graven and mezzotinto plates, by the best masters. By T. W., of Durham. [D. M.] London, 1750. 4to. (Thomas). See CAMBRIDGE, University of. Transactions. . See HEYWOOD (J.) and WEIGHT (T.). . See HISTORICAL SOCIETY OP SCIENCE. . See LANGTOFT (P. de). Chronicle. . See NARES (Eobert). Glossary. . See NECKHAM (A.). De naturis rerum ; fyc. . Biographia Britannica Literaria; or Biography of Literary Characters of Great Britain and Ireland, arranged in chronolo- gical order. Anglo-Saxon Period. By T. W., M.A. London, 1842. 8vo. . . Anglo-Norman Period.* [D. M.] London, 1846. 8vo. . Dictionary of Obsolete and Provincial English. Compiled by T. W. 2 vol. London, 1869. 8vo. . On the Antiquity of Dates expressed in Arabic Numerals. [ .] 8vo. . Political Poems and Songs relating to English History, com- posed during the period from the accession of Edw. III. to that of Eic. HI. Edited by T. W. 2 vol. [E. O.] [CHRONICLES AND MEMORIALS.] London, 1859-61. 8vo. . Popular Treatises on Science written during the Middle Ages, in Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Norman, and English. Edited from the original manuscripts by T. W. [D. M.] London (Printed for the Historical Society of Science). 1841. Svo . The Political Songs of England, from the reign of John o that of Edward II. Edited and translated by T. W. [D. M.] London, Printed for the Camden Society, 1839. 4to. and Halliwell (James Orchard). Eeliquise Antiquse. Scraps from Ancient Manuscripts, illustrating chiefly early English Literature and the English Language. Edited by T. W. and J. O. H. Vol. 1. [D. M.] London, 1841. 8vo. (William). Catalogue of Syriac Manuscripts in the British Museum, acquired since the year 1838. By W. W., LL.D., Assistant Keeper of the MSS. [Gr. Gr.] London, 1870. 4to. (William Aldis). See BACON (F.). The Advancement of Learning. [* Published under the Superintendence of the Council of the Royal Society of Literature.'] 3E 786 WRI WUR Wright (William Aldis). See BACON (F.). Essays and Colours of Good and Evil. . See EASTWOOD (J.) and WEIGHT (W. A.). . See SHAifspERE (W.). Works. Globe edition. Writs. [Parliamentary Writs, and Writs of Military Summons.] Volume the second. (Division I. Chronological Abstract and Calendar.) 1830. . (Division II. -Parliamentary and Military Writs, &c., and Appendix.) 1830. . (Division III. Alphabetical Digest and Index.) 1834. [RECORD COMMISSION.] [R. O.] [London.] fol. Wronski (Hoene). Addresse aux Nations civilisees sur leur sinistre desordre revolutionnaire ; comme suite de la Reforme du Savoir humain. Par H. W. [D. M.] Paris, 1848. 4to. . Supplement a 1'Epitre addressee a son Altesse le Prince Czartoryski pour servir d'Avis aux deux Classes scientifiques de 1' Institut de France. Par H. W. [D. M.] Paris, 1848. 4to. Wrottesley (Hon. John). A Catalogue of the Right Ascensions of 1318 Stars contained in the Astronomical Society's Catalogue, being chiefly those of the 6th and 7th Magnitudes. By J. W., Esq.* [D. M.] 4to. . A Supplemental Catalogue of the Right Ascensions of Fifty- five Stars, contained in the Royal Astronomical Society's Cata- logue. By the Hon. J. W.* [D. M.] 4to. Wuellner (Franciscus). Ses PRUSSIA. Dusseldorf. Konigl. Gym- nasium. Jaliresbericht. . De P. Terentii Varronis Atacini Vita et Scriptis Commen- tatio. Scripsit Dr. F. W. [G. G.] Monastfrii, 1829. 4to. Wunderbar (R. J.). Biblisch-talmudische Medicin. Erste [-Vierte] Abtheilung. . . Yon R. J. W. [Also II. Bd. Erste Abth. Erste Abschnitt.] [G-. G-.] Riga, 1850-57. 8vo. . Neue Folge. Drittes Heft. Gerichtliche Medicin und medi- cinische Polizei der" alten Israeliten. Viertes Heft. Medici- nische Polizei der alten Israeliten. Riga, 1860. 8vo. Wunderlich (Christian. Gottlieb). See OSIANDER (C. N.). Scholia in librwn sextum elementorum Euclidis. Wundt (Wilhelm). Yorlesungen iiber die Menschen- und Thierseele. Von W. W. 2 B de . (G. G.) Leipzig, 1863. 8vo. Wurm (Johannes Fridericus). De Ponderum, Nummorum, Mensu- rarum, ac de Anni ordinandi rationibus apud Romanes et Graecos. In usuui auctorum classicorum, a Societ. Wiirtembergica eden- dorum scripsit Tabulasque subjecit Joh. Frid. Wurm, Prof. Stutgard. [D. M.] Stutgardiae, 1821. 8vo. . Another copy. [G. G.] [* From The Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society. ,] WUK WYS 787 Wurteinberg. Tubingen, University of. Augustissimi Kegis Wiirt- tembergiae Guilielmi Festum Natalitium die XXVII. Septembris post concionem sacram in aula nova Oratione solenni celebrandum indicit Eector et Senatus Literarum Universitatis Tubingensis. Praemittuntur Fragmenta libri VII Geographicorum Strabonis Palatine- Vaticana novis curis emendata [&c.]. [G. G.] Tubingae, 1844. 4to. Wuttke (Heinrich). See HIEEONYMUS. Cosmographiam Aeihici Istrici ab Hieronymo redactam. . See SCHAFAEIK (P. J.). Slawisclie Alter tliumer. Wyat (Sir Thomas). Poetical Works. See AKDEESON, British Poets. Vol.1. Wyatt (Hugh P.). Thoughts on University Education. By H. P. W., LL.D. [D. Mi] Cambridge, 1849. 8vo. Wybard (John). Horologiographia Noctvrna. Or Lvnar Horologio- graphie. Set forth and demonstrated (after a twofold manner) in the Horizontall Plane onely . . By I. W. Together with an addi- tion of certaine new and briefe rules for the exact and most speedy mensuration of Circles and spheres, and also Cylinders, both in solid and liquid measure, by certaine plaine scales onely. [D. M.] London, 1639. 4to. . Tactometria. Seu, Tetagmenometria. Or, The Geometry of Eegulars practically proposed ; after a new, most artificial, exact and expeditious manner (together with the naturall or vulgar, by way of mensurall comparison). And in the solids, not only in respect of magnitude or dimension, but also of gravity or ponderosity, according to any metal assigned. Together with severall usefull observations and experiments falling in by the way, concerning Measure and Weight. And withall, the like artificial practical Geometry of regular-like Solids (as I term them) in both the foresaid respects : and moreover, of a Cylindrical! Body, for liquid or Vessell-Measure . . With sundry new and exact Experiments [&c.]. And lastly, an A- Tactometrio, or an Appendix, for the most ready and exact discovering of the dimensionall quantity of any irregular kind of body, whether solid or concave [&