a HON. WILLIAM RICHARDSON WILLIAM RICHARDSON (Late a Representative from Alabama) MEMORIAL ADDRESSES DELIVERED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS ^> THIRD SESSION | f '4 -'5 Proceedings in the House Proceedings in the Senate January 31, 1915 April 1, 1914 PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE JOINT COMMITTEE ON PRINTING WASHINGTON 1915 Bancroft Library TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Proceedings in the House 5-48 Prayer by Rev. Henry N. Couden, D. D 6,8 Memorial addresses by Mr. Christopher G. Harris, of Alabama 1.1 Mr. James R. Mann, of Illinois 17 Mr. William C. Adamson, of Georgia 20 Mr. Everis A. Hayes, of California 23 Mr. Richard W. Austin, of Tennessee 25 Mr. John L. Burnett, of Alabama 29 Mr. Thetus W. Sims, of Tennessee 32 Mr. J. Thomas Heflin, of Alabama 35 Mr. S. Hubert Dent, jr., of Alabama 37 Mr. Joseph W. Byrns, of Tennessee 39 Mr. John W. Abercrombie, of Alabama 42 Mr. Oscar W. Underwood, of Alabama 47 Proceedings in the Senate 49-50 Tributes by the Committee on Pensions of the House 51 Governor of Alabama 52 Board of Commissioners of Huntsville, Ala 54 Huntsville Bar Association 54 Huntsville (Ala.) Mercury-Banner 55 Judge Edward B. Almon, of Tuscumbia, Ala 56 [3] DEATH OF HON. WILLIAM RICHARDSON PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES TUESDAY, March 31, 19U. Mr. UNDERWOOD. Mr. Speaker, it is my sad duty to an- nounce to the House the death of my colleague, the Hon. WILLIAM RICHARDSON, of Alabama, who died this after- noon at 3 o'clock at Atlantic City, N. J. At another time I shall ask the House to set aside a day upon which to hold services in respect to his memory. I now offer a resolution, which I send to the Clerk's desk. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Alabama [Mr. Underwood] offers a resolution, which the Clerk will report. The Clerk read as follows : Resolved, That the House has heard with profound sorrow of the death of Hon. WILLIAM RICHARDSON, a Representative from the State of Alabama. Resolved, That a committee of 20 Members of the House, with such Members of the Senate as may be joined, be appointed to attend the funeral. Resolved, That the Sergeant at Arms of the House be authorized and directed to take such steps as may be necessary for carrying out the provisions of these resolutions, and that the necessary expense in connection therewith be paid out of the contingent fund of the House. Resolved, That the Clerk communicate these resolutions to the Senate and transmit a copy thereof to the family of the deceased. The SPEAKER. The question is on agreeing to the reso- lution. The resolution was unanimously agreed to. [5] MEMORIAL ADDRESSES: REPRESENTATIVE RICHARDSON The SPEAKER. The Chair announces the following com- mittee on the part of the House to attend the funeral: Mr. Taylor of Alabama, Mr. Burnett, Mr. Dent, Mr. Black- mon, Mr. Abercrombie, Mr. Adamson, Mr. Johnson of Kentucky, Mr. Carr, Mr. Key of Ohio, Mr. Stedman, Mr. Walsh, Mr. Dupre, Mr. Mann, Mr. Stevens of Minnesota, Mr. Esch, Mr. J. R. Knowland, Mr. Sells, Mr. Greene of Vermont, Mr. Kiess of Pennsylvania, and Mr. Murdock. Mr. UNDERWOOD. Mr. Speaker, I offer a further reso- lution. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Alabama offers another resolution, which the Clerk will report. The Clerk read as follows: Resolved, That as a further mark of respect the House do now adjourn. The SPEAKER. The question is on agreeing to the reso- lution. The resolution was unanimously agreed to ; accordingly (at 7 o'clock and 35 minutes p. m.) the House adjourned until to-morrow, Wednesday, April 1, 1914, at 12 o'clock noon. WEDNESDAY, April 1, The House met at 12 o'clock noon. The Chaplain, Rev. Henry N. Couden, D. D., offered the following prayer: O Thou infinite, eternal source of life and light and love, we bless Thee for the profound faith which brings us to Thee for consolation in sorrow and grief, for the hope which penetrates the veil and gives us a glimpse of the bright beyond. Questions of great moment pertaining to the now may divide us in honest judgment, but the death of one of our number unites us in sorrow and sympathy. A picturesque, sturdy, noble, patriotic soul has been called from the scenes of this life to the realms [6] PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of eternity. His work is done, and well done. He leaves behind him a worthy record, which has well fitted him for a place of usefulness in a sphere of activities beyond. We bless Thee for his life, his work, his example. May his memory live in our hearts and inspire us to faithful service. Comfort us, his many friends, and the dear children he leaves behind him, with the blessed hope of the immortality of the soul, where in a brighter realm love will meet love, to dwell together forever; and Thine be the praise, through Him who taught us to put our trust in Thee, our God, and our Father. Amen. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read. MONDAY, January 4, 1915. Mr. UNDERWOOD. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for the present consideration of the order which I send to the Clerk's desk. The SPEAKER. The gentleman asks unanimous consent for the present consideration of a resolution, which the Clerk will report. The Clerk read as follows : Resolved, That Sunday, January 31, 1915, be set apart for services upon the life, character, and public services of Hon. Joseph F. Johnston, late a Senator from the State of Alabama, and of the Hon. WILLIAM RICHARDSON, late a Representative from the State of Alabama. The SPEAKER. Is there objection? There was no objection. The resolution was agreed to. [7] MEMORIAL ADDRESSES : REPRESENTATIVE RICHARDSON SUNDAY, January 31, 1915. The House met at 12 o'clock noon and was called to order by Mr. Underwood, Speaker pro tempore. The Chaplain, Rev. Henry N. Couden, D. D., offered the following prayer: Infinite and eternal energy, our God and our Father, out of whose heart came life and all its possibilities, the wisdom that illumines, the faith that sustains, the hope that cheers, the love which binds us together into friend- ship and families; we are here to-day because of these indissoluble ties in memory of two souls who have an- swered the summons and passed into the great beyond from whence no traveler returns. To recall their deeds, sing their praises is to put an estimate on their virtues. We thank Thee that the good in man lives to inspire others to the nobler virtues. These men were chosen servants of the people because in them was ability, in- tegrity, honesty, zeal, high ideals, and lofty purposes, and though they have passed on they live in the hearts of their countrymen. May those who knew and loved them best look forward to a reunion in one of the Father's many mansions where the ties of friendship and love will never again be severed. And songs of praises we will ever give to Thee in the name of Him who taught us faith, hope, love. Amen. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Clerk will read a letter from the Speaker. The Clerk read as follows : JANUARY 29, 1915. Hon. SOUTH TRIMBLE, Clerk of the House: I hereby designate Hon. Oscar W. Underwood, of Alabama, as Speaker pro tempore to preside on Sunday, January 31, 1915. Your friend, CHAMP CLARK. [8] PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without objection, the ap- proval of the Journal of yesterday will be postponed until to-morrow. [After a pause.] The Chair hears none. The Clerk will read the special order. The Clerk read as follows : On motion of Mr. Underwood, by unanimous consent, Ordered, That Sunday, January 31, 1915, be set apart for services upon the lives, character, and public services of Hon. Joseph F. Johnston, late a Senator from the State of Alabama, and Hon. WILLIAM RICHARDSON, late a Representative from the State of Alabama. Mr. Blackmon assumed the chair as Speaker pro tempore. Mr. UNDERWOOD. Mr. Speaker, I offer the resolutions which I send to the Clerk's desk. The Clerk read as follows : Resolved, That the business of the House be now suspended that an opportunity may be given for tribute to the memory of the Hon. Joseph F. Johnston, late a Member of the United States Senate from the State of Alabama, and to the memory of the Hon. WILLIAM RICHARDSON, late a Member of the House of Representa- tives from the State of Alabama. Resolved, That as a further mark of respect to the memory of the deceased and in recognition of their eminent abilities as dis- tinguished public servants, the House at the conclusion of these memorial proceedings shall stand adjourned. Resolved, That the Clerk communicate these resolutions to the Senate. Resolved, That the Clerk be instructed to send a copy of these resolutions to the families of the deceased. Mr. UNDERWOOD. Mr. Speaker, I move the adoption of the resolutions. The question was taken, and the resolutions were unani- mously agreed to. [9] MEMORIAL ADDRESSES ADDRESS OF MR. HARRIS, OF ALABAMA Mr. SPEAKER : There are occasions when the inmost feel- ings of the heart may find but poor expression in mere words. Especially is this true in moments of exalted joy or in the hour of personal grief, and it is with the latter emotion that I rise to pay my humble tribute to the memory of one whom I had the privilege of counting as a cherished friend. We were born in adjoining counties in the State of Alabama, and our later lives were spent in cities but 25 miles apart. In our youth the same blue bending skies smiled upon us, our hearts thrilled to the same emotions, our eyes fed on the same delightful scenes, and our ears drank in the same music of the crooning minor strains that softly came from the lips of the simple negroes who picked the snowy harvest of our cotton fields or gathered the golden ears of the ripened corn. When the dark clouds of war burst in their fury over the land we loved we donned the same uniform and fought for the same principles, and when at last the cause we both had bled for was lost we returned to our homes to face the same duties and to solve the same problems. Both of us chose the law as our profession, and, living in the same circuit, practiced in the same courts for many years. So when WILLIAM RICHARDSON died I lost not only my Repre- sentative in the Congress of the United States, but a brother lawyer, a companion in arms, and a lifelong friend. It is therefore with a heavy heart that I approach this duty, a duty which stirs many memories of the past and brings to recollection the personality of one of the [11] MEMORIAL ADDRESSES : REPRESENTATIVE RICHARDSON bravest, truest, noblest sons that Alabama ever gave to the world. But few men in this House, and but few living in this day and generation, can realize and understand the tre- mendous difficulties and almost unsurmountable obstacles which confronted a young man of Judge RICHARDSON'S age when the Civil War closed. Reared in riches and luxury up until about 18 years of age, when he enlisted in the Confederate Army, with his education only fairly commenced, he emerged from that terrible war to return home to find the beautiful sur- roundings which he left in devastation and ruin, with all species of property swept away except the land, and with- out hope of help from any quarter to face the uninviting future, and you may be sure it took a brave heart and resolute mind for him to overcome such difficulties and build up such a splendid record which he has left to the world. WILLIAM RICHARDSON was born in Athens, Ala. His father and mother were natives of Virginia. His mother was the daughter of Capt. Nicholas Davis, also a Vir- ginian by birth, who became a distinguished citizen of Limestone County, Ala., and who was a member of the convention that met in Huntsville to draft the constitution under which Alabama was admitted as a State in 1819. Capt. Davis was a boyhood friend of Henry Clay and a lifelong supporter of that great statesman. On his father's side Judge RICHARDSON was the descendant of a distin- guished family of lawyers and planters. As a boy WILLIAM RICHARDSON was educated in the schools of Athens, Ala., and later in Wesleyan University of Florence. When only a little over 16 years of age he enlisted in the Confederate Army as a private, but was soon promoted to a captaincy for conspicuous gallantry. He was severely wounded at the battle of Shiloh and was made a prisoner of war, but upon his recovery escaped, [12] ADDRESS OF MR. HARRIS, OF ALABAMA and after much hardship made his way to Nashville, Tenn. From there he attempted to get through the Union lines to rejoin his command. His companion in this attempt was James Paul, a daring Confederate spy, of whose identity young RICHARDSON was in complete igno- rance. The two were captured by Union soldiers, and incriminating papers being found on the person of Paul, both were taken to Murfreesboro, Tenn., imprisoned, court-martialed, and condemned to be shot. On the very night before the morning set for their execution they were rescued by that wizard of the saddle, Gen. Nathan B. Forrest, who had learned of their capture, and with a force of 1,100 men suddenly attacked the town, forced his way to the prison, released the captives, and escaped with them. Capt. RICHARDSON was again seriously wounded, at Chickamauga, where he lay on the battle field for six days and was kept alive during this time by his faithful negro servant. Before his full recovery Gen. Lee had sur- rendered and young RICHARDSON returned to his Alabama home. He studied law, was admitted to the bar, and soon gained an enviable reputation as a brilliant advocate and an eloquent speaker. Entering the field of politics, he was elected a member of the State legislature from his native county in 1874. Soon thereafter he removed to Huntsville, and in 1875 became probate judge of Madison County, which office he held until 1886. In 1890 he became a candidate for the Democratic nomination for governor, and in the convention at Montgomery, although one of the leading candidates, having carried every county in the State north of Birmingham, he withdrew his name in order to harmonize the factional differences of his party. From 1886 until he was elected to Congress in 1900 he practiced his profession and was recognized as one of the ablest lawyers in the State. His natural eloquence and analytical mind made him especially effective in jury [13] MEMORIAL ADDRESSES : REPRESENTATIVE RICHARDSON cases, and he was ranked by many of his brother lawyers as one among the leading criminal lawyers in Alabama. On the 2d of July, 1900, Judge RICHARDSON was nomi- nated for the short term in Congress to succeed Gen. Wheeler, resigned, and from his election in the following November to the day of his death, March 31, 1914, he served the people of the eighth congressional district of Alabama in this House. That he served his people faith- fully and well is perhaps best attested by the fact that for almost 14 years he had practically no opposition. Seldom is such universal approbation given to a public servant, and perhaps seldom has it been so well deserved. Of his service to the country while a member of this body I need not speak. Almost all of the Members present served with him and know of his ability, his loyalty, his justice, and his absolute freedom from prejudice and narrowness of mind. His services as chairman of the Committee on Pensions gained for him the esteem and approbation of his colleagues, irrespective of party lines. Democrats, Republicans, and Progressives alike admired him for his courage, his ability, his integrity, and his patriotism. Sectional prejudice found no room in his great heart, and the veterans who had worn the blue always found in him a sympathetic companion and a staunch friend. Before he had reached manhood's meridian Judge RICHARDSON had the great misfortune to lose his beloved wife, and thenceforth his private life was devoted to the tender care of his five children four daughters and a son. His devotion to his children was beautiful and only equaled by theirs to him. Strong and fearless as a man, as a father he was all tenderness and love, and perhaps the only pride he ever exhibited was that called forth by his children. May the grief which still wrings the hearts of those children be softened by the gentle hand of time to a blessed and hallowed memory to serve as a guide and a benediction to the end of their days. [14] ADDRESS OF MR. HARRIS, OF ALABAMA Judge RICHARDSON'S service to the district which he so well represented in this House will never be forgotten by his constituents. At a recent meeting of the Tennessee River Improvement Association, held in the city of Decatur, Ala., on the 3d day of December, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted: Whereas since the last annual meeting of this association the Hon. WILLIAM RICHARDSON, one of its most influential and active members, has passed into the beyond: Therefore be it Resolved by the delegates assembled in annual meeting of the Tennessee River Improvement Association, That the death of Judge RICHARDSON is a great loss to this association and a deep sorrow to each and all of its members, and that we hereby express our appreciation of his wise counsel and earnest endeavors in behalf of the purposes and object of this association upon the floor of our conventions, before the Rivers and Harbors Committee of the Congress of the United States, and as an influential Member of Congress from the eighth district of Alabama, where his fund of accurate and useful information and his aptness in communicat- ing the same was of untold value in our battle for recognition by Congress of the commercial value of the Tennessee River. Resolved further, That in sorrow we miss his presence here to-day. He was a chivalrous, loyal, broad-minded, courtly, and lovable gentleman. Resolved finally, That these resolutions be spread on the minutes of this association, and that a copy be sent to members of his family and be published as the secretary of this association may direct. Mr. Speaker, the ranks are growing very thin now, the ranks of men with eyes growing dim and hair grown gray, who served in that great fraternal struggle which tried their souls, the ranks of the veterans of the Civil War. I miss them sadly as they fall out, one by one, at the stern command of death. A feeling of loneliness creeps over those of us who still are left, and the thought comes to me that not very many days are left before we, too, must hear the soft, sweet notes of " taps." And yet I know that 4095 15 2 [15] MEMORIAL ADDRESSES: REPRESENTATIVE RICHARDSON the old veterans are still unafraid. They do not believe with the orator who said that Every life, no matter if its every hour is rich with love and every moment jeweled with a joy, will at its close become a tragedy as sad and deep and dark as can be woven of the warp and woof of mystery and death. For them death is no tragedy deep and dark, for I know they believe that for him who suffers it is but the opening of a portal to the dawn of a grander, richer, more glorious existence, and that when the final summons comes to each of them in turn he may be sure that his loving comrades who have gone before will meet him with outstretched spirit hands to clasp again the hand of him they loved on earth and bid him welcome as he touches the unknown shore. And so believing, I say in all hope and in all reverence to my companion in arms and friend, good-by, good-by, until we meet again. [16] ADDRESS OF MR. MANN, OF ILLINOIS Mr. SPEAKER: During my 18 years of service in this House Alabama has had an exceedingly strong represen- tation both upon this floor and upon the floor of the Senate. I shall not recount the names of the distinguished gentlemen who have represented that State here and in the Senate, but I am very sure that during that period of time no other State has had a stronger representation than the State of Alabama, and I doubt very much whether any other State on the average has had the same degree of capacity in its membership in the two bodies as the State of Alabama, and I am glad to say that I think the strength of the representation of the State in the two bodies will continue. We are about to send from this House to the other body one of the strongest men who has ever sat in either body, and I believe the system which they have in that State of returning many of their strong men has been a great benefit to the country, and among the men who have been sent by that State there has been no other one who had a gentler soul, a sweeter disposition, and a more pleasing companionship than Mr. RICHARDSON. I had the honor of serving with him for many years on the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce during a time when that committee had charge of many im- portant matters of legislation. The Revenue-Cutter Service was reorganized; the Public Health Service was reorganized; the Lighthouse Service was reorganized; the Life-Saving Service was greatly extended; the De- partment of Commerce and Labor was created; the Rureau of Corporations was organized; the powers of the Interstate Commerce Commission were made ade- [17] MEMORIAL ADDRESSES : REPRESENTATIVE RICHARDSON quate; the Panama Canal was provided for and largely constructed, and in all of these matters Mr. RICHARDSON had very great prominence. He was in the minority dur- ing that time, but in that great committee partisan con- siderations do not have very much influence, and the advice and help of Mr. RICHARDSON were constantly sought and always freely given. His disposition was of such a character that all who knew him loved him, and those who came most closely in contact with him loved him most. He and I served on several conference committees where the difficulties were many, and it was through his influence and help that many of the good things in the legislation which came from our committee were enacted into law. When he died I was a member of the committee ap- pointed by this body to attend the funeral exercises. It is the only time I have left the House on an occasion of that character. It was a source of pride to me to be there when the final obsequies were enacted. I myself do not look with dread upon death. Mr. RICHARDSON had lived a long and useful life. He was entitled to leave us and go to the other world and be at rest. And at these funeral exer- cises one of the most affecting scenes which I have ever witnessed occurred. At practically the close the ex- Confederate veterans, who were there to pay their tribute to their comrade, formed in line and marched around the burial plot old men who had served as comrades of Mr. RICHARDSON in the great struggle. And among these men was a Senator of the United States, Senator Thornton, of Louisiana, a member of the Senate committee, and bringing up the rear of the procession, as one of the men who had taken, at least, a humble part, was an old colored man a procession of old men who had taken part in the war, composed of those who loved him, and paying their last tribute to him, from a distinguished Senator of the [18] ADDRESS OF MR. MANN, OF ILLINOIS United States to a humble colored laborer. All who knew him loved him, whether of high or low degree. And there can be no more pleasant recollection for those who remain behind than to know that the one who has departed has been revered, respected, and loved by all. [19] ADDRESS OF MR. ADAM SON, OF GEORGIA Mr. SPEAKER : It is not my purpose to speak of Senator Johnston, although I knew him well and loved him well, personally and officially, for 10 or 15 years, and greatly admired his character and great ability. I was more intimately associated, however, with Judge RICHARDSON, of whom I wish to speak. Mr. Speaker, although Judge RICHARDSON was illustrious in the State of Alabama and to a large extent known throughout the Union before he came to Congress, I had never enjoyed the pleasure of his personal acquaintance until he succeeded the late lamented Gen. Wheeler in Congress as the Representative of the eighth district of Alabama. During that term I became acquainted with him and was glad when at the beginning of the next term he became associated with me on the great Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce of the House. His industry, his great talents, and wide learning, with his discriminating legal mind, admirably fitted him for usefulness on that committee. From the beginning he took a leading part in its deliberations, grappling with masterful familiarity the manifold and multifarious ques- tions involving every phase, condition, and instrumen- tality of interstate and foreign commerce. It was his lot to participate in some of the most important legislation that has marked the development of this great country in the last half century, in all of which he did his part and did it well, like a man, a lawyer, a patriot, and a states- man. At the beginning of the Sixty-second Congress, when the Democrats organized the House, Judge RICHARDSON was made chairman of the Committee on Pensions, but [20] ADDRESS OF MR. ADAMSON, OF GEORGIA continued his membership on the Committee on Inter- state and Foreign Commerce until the end of that Con- gress, when a rule was adopted limiting eligibility to membership on one of the large committees. Thereupon, much to the regret of all the members of our committee, he gave up his place with us and continued as chairman of the Committee on Pensions until his death. As one of the committee designated by the Speaker to attend the funeral of Judge RICHARDSON I was much gratified to find our estimate of Judge RICHARDSON shared by the people of his home town and district, who mani- fested their affection for him and their grief over his loss by assembling in thousands to pay a last tribute of respect and affection by casting a flower and a tear on his grave. He was a good man, a good lawyer, a good friend, an industrious student. He loved his country, and possessed all the elements to make a great Congressman. May it be the good fortune of this Republic to find many others like him to steer the ship of state through perilous storms and breakers to a haven of peace, prosperity, and glory, and perpetuate forever the greatest Republic ever known to man. Not only in the piping times of peace did Judge RICH- ARDSON exhibit his exalted character, exemplifying a splendid manhood and capacity to grapple with the great questions of life, but he had illustrated the valor of a warrior and patriot on the tented field. He followed the ill-fated but glorious flag of the Confederacy through four years of hardship and valor, under the leadership of the greatest military heroes who ever led marshaled armies to glory. He was several times wounded, and when he had suffered and fought through the unsuccessful conflict, the cause in which he gloried having gone down before overwhelming numbers and unlimited resources, he laid down his sword in that good faith which characterized his compatriots throughout the South and veritably ended [21] MEMORIAL ADDRESSES : REPRESENTATIVE RICHARDSON the war at Appomattox, although some people on the other side, more familiar with fighting battles with ink and execrations than with sword and bullets, failed to recognize the end of the war. Having failed in their efforts to secede and preserve and reestablish the ideal government originally planned by the framers of the Union itself, he and the other leaders and heroes of the South immediately renewed their allegiance to the Union; and from 1865 to the day of his death he labored with unabated energy, patriotism, and devotion, with ability and zeal rarely equaled, to promote the prosperity and happiness of the State of Alabama and the greatness and glory of the Republic of the United States of America. [22] ADDRESS OF MR. HAYES, OF CALIFORNIA Mr. SPEAKER : During our service together in this House I came to know Hon. WILLIAM RICHARDSON, of Alabama, well. He was one of the squarest, ablest, kindliest, and sweetest men I ever knew. In his young manhood he had played his part in the titanic struggle between the States. The marks of two wounds, which he bore in his body, were mute evidence of the fidelity, zeal, and courage with which he served the cause of the Confederacy. Some of the unusual trials and sufferings which he endured dur- ing his four years of service in the army have been re- counted here to-day. A nature less noble and lovable than his would have been embittered by these terrible experiences. But WILLIAM RICHARDSON was incapable of harboring hatred or bitterness or revenge. When the cause for which he had fought was lost, he adjusted himself to the new conditions and did his part in work- ing out the great problems of his country. How well he performed his part after he came to this House most of us who are here can testify. He was incapable of sectional prejudice, and in the discharge of his official duties had an eye single to the welfare of the people of every section of his country. He was modest almost to a fault, but always faithful to every duty, which he discharged with signal ability. It is a splendid tribute to the judgment and discrimina- tion of his constituency that they were loyal to him to the end, and returned him to this House term after term with- out serious opposition. He fully merited their confidence. It is a pleasure and a privilege to render this public tribute to his beautiful, lovable, and noble character, and make this feeble acknowledgment of the value to this House and to his country of his public services. [23] MEMORIAL ADDRESSES: REPRESENTATIVE RICHARDSON It should be a source of great pride and satisfaction to his friends and dear ones that without respect to party and without exception his colleagues who have served with him in this great historic body will always remem- ber him, not only with respect for his unsullied character and admiration for his abilities, but with the tenderest feeling of affection for him as a man and a friend. None knew him but to love him, None named him but to praise. [24] ADDRESS OF MR. AUSTIN, OF TENNESSEE Mr. SPEAKER: In the death of our late colleague, Judge WILLIAM RICHARDSON, the State of Alabama lost one of its best and most faithful public servants; the Nation an able and patriotic defender; the men who served in the Mexi- can War, the Union and Confederate Armies, and in the Spanish-American War a true and tried friend; and this House a beloved and honored Member. I knew Judge RICHARDSON from my early boyhood days, being natives of adjoining counties in Alabama, and while he and my father were not of the same politics and on opposite sides during the Civil War, they were lifelong friends. The district which Judge RICHARDSON served with signal honor and ability for 14 years borders on the south- ern boundary line of Tennessee, no great distance from the district which has favored me with a seat in this body. Many of the pioneer settlers of northern Alabama or the Tennessee Valley came from eastern Tennessee, and were of the brave, strong, and industrious Scotch-Irish stock. The great Tennessee River flows through the two districts, uniting our sections by one of nature's great agencies of commerce and development. There are many common ties between our people, and in the passing of Judge RICHARDSON I lost not only a true friend but my constituents one who was ever ready to cooperate with their Representative in promoting and advancing the interests of east Tennessee. A short time after my election to Congress in 1908, Judge RICHARDSON, with a strong delegation, visited my district, attending the Tennessee River Improvement As- sociation at Harriman, Tenn. He made a most favorable impression on all who came in contact with him, and I [25] MEMORIAL ADDRESSES: REPRESENTATIVE RICHARDSON gratefully remember the kind and generous reference he made to me in his speech on that occasion, and his kind assurance that he would aid me in every possible way when I reached Washington City and entered upon my official duties. Like all of his promises, it was faithfully kept. His career in Congress was but a repetition of the course he had followed as a Confederate soldier, as a practicing attorney, as a State lawmaker, as a judge one of conscientious devotion to duty. He was an untiring worker, an unselfish patriot, and an incorruptible states- man; an honorable, manly, brave man, and generous to a fault. The possession of these qualities is the explana- tion of his lasting hold upon the hearts and affections of the splendid people of the eighth district of Alabama. The Republican leader of this House, Mr. Mann, of Illinois, has just mentioned a great number of important, far- reaching constructive pieces of national legislation our late colleague aided in preparing and passing, and for which this and future generations will owe a debt as long as the Republic lives. Of the countless thousands who joined the Confederacy and fought under the Stars and Bars, Judge RICHARDSON was one of the very first to forget and forgive, and I am sure was proud and happy that we were once more a prosperous, reunited, and happy people. He not only lived to see this, but was a strong factor in aiding and bringing it about. In this connection I could not possibly present a higher, grander tribute to this man of kind, generous, and chivalrous deeds than to close my imperfect tribute by quoting a speech which he delivered in this House on January 21, 1901, when the bill was under consideration to establish a national soldiers' home near Johnson City, Tenn. a noble, patriotic, speech, for which the people of eastern Tennessee will revere, honor, and love his memory for all time. [26] ADDRESS OF MR. AUSTIN, OF TENNESSEE Judge RICHARDSON said : " Mr. SPEAKER : I am grateful to the distinguished chair- man of the Military Committee [Mr. Hull] for the courtesy extended me. As an ex-Confederate soldier, I am glad to have this opportunity of bearing testimony in this public manner of my high regard, esteem, and respect for the Federal soldiers. It is true that the district in Alabama that I have the honor to represent lies but a short distance from where this home is to be established, and, not only speaking for myself, but for all classes of my people, I say, without hesitancy, that we welcome the establishment of homes in the South for disabled Federal soldiers. Since the close of our great Civil War I have been a sincere and earnest advocate of fair, just, and liberal pensions, as well as national homes for the disabled Union soldiers. It gives me pleasure to support a bill of this kind appro- priating $250,000, and even if you should make the amount $350,000, I would cheerfully do likewise. " I believe, Mr. Speaker, that this is the way yea, the best way to reconcile whatever troubles or heartburn- ings there may have been in the South, and especially in the locality where it is proposed to establish this home. There has never been any trouble, Mr. Speaker, between the Federal soldier and the Confederate. The history of the world has never presented a parallel to the welding of the lives and friendships that has taken place in the last 30 years between Federal and Confederate soldiers. The effect of these friendly associations between brave men who had met each other on bloody fields of battle is bearing fruit as our numbers daily are passing away. When His Excellency the President of the United States [Mr. McKinley] made his tour, some two years since, through the South and said the time would soon come when the Government would take care of the graves of the Confederate soldiers, this sentiment was greeted and welcomed by millions of brave and true men in the South. [27] MEMORIAL ADDRESSES : REPRESENTATIVE RICHARDSON We knew that the President was sincere. He spoke it not only as President, but as a brave soldier. I sincerely believe, Mr. Speaker, that the location of this home in east Tennessee, and steps of this kind which are being in- augurated and approved, will yet lead to the consum- mation of the desire which exists in the conservative mind of the North and the South to see a home built which will admit both Federal and Confederate disabled soldiers. Such a home, of course, should be under the rule and government of the Federal homes law. " I would welcome that time. One of the first bills, Mr. Speaker, introduced by me in this House was to establish a home of that kind in the vicinity of the beautiful city of Huntsville, Ala., the most attractive section of the Ten- nessee Valley. Such a measure, Mr. Speaker, will do more to allay the passions and prejudices produced by the war than anything else that we can do. The soldiers of the Grand Army of the Republic, the Confederate soldier, Republicans and Democrats, among our people, all speak out for such a home. I am glad that this home proposed by the bill under consideration will be established in that beautiful and historic section of east Tennessee. And for myself let me say, as an ex-Confederate soldier, treasuring the memories, as I reverently do, that are dear to my heart in connection with that wonderful struggle, honoring the brave men who fought on the other side, it gives me an amount of pleasure that I can not express in the few minutes allowed me to-day to cast my vote for this bill. [Loud and long applause.]" [28] ADDRESS OF MR. BURNETT, OF ALABAMA Mr. SPEAKER: Judge WILLIAM RICHARDSON was a native of Limestone County, Ala. He, like Senators Morgan, Pettus, and Johnston, was an actor in the most terrific drama that was ever played on the American stage. In war and in peace he knew no standard but honor and no watchword but duty. He came of a long line of splendid southern ancestors, and every heart throb and pulse beat was for his people and his native State. When a young man the call to arms was sounded, and young RICHARDSON unsheathed his sword and never re- turned it to its scabbard until the history of the end of the Confederacy had been written in blood and glory. He was severely wounded at the Battle of Chickamauga and carried with him to his death the effects of that awful wound. What he suffered from that shot no one but God and he knew, as he never paraded his troubles before his friends. He was captured during the war and, as I now recollect the story, was condemned to be shot as a spy. He was in his cell with a comrade one night awaiting the execu- tion of the death sentence, which was to be carried out next morning at sunrise, when he heard the clattering of hoofs outside, and he said to his comrade, ** That's For- rest's men." Sure enough it was. That wizard of the saddle had heard of the sad plight of these two Con- federates, and he made a raid on the town where they were incarcerated and released them. When the titanic struggle was ended Judge RICHARDSON returned to a wrecked and ruined country. A few of his friends joined with those who conspired to complete the financial ruin of our State, and then young RICHARDSON [29] MEMORIAL ADDRESSES: REPRESENTATIVE RICHARDSON again threw himself into the breach and helped to drive out those who would fatten on a prostrate foe. With the eye of an eagle, he was ever watchful of the interests of Alabama ; with the courage of a lion, he never quailed before her oppressors; with the heart of a maiden, his sympathies were ever with the distressed; and the night was never too dark nor the day too cold for him to go the length of his cable tow to aid a struggling brother. His home was in Huntsville, one of the most cultured cities of the South. Among lawyers he always stood at the head of the list; among statesmen he always stood the peer of any. In civic life and in devotion to home and friends he had no superior. Before we had emerged from the dark days of recon- struction he was elected by the people of his county as judge of the probate and county courts of Madison County, and held that honored position until 1886. He was elected to fill the unexpired term of the gallant Joe Wheeler in the Fifty-sixth Congress, and had an honorable career in this body until God called him. Much of the most im- portant legislation of the time he was here bears the in- fluence of his mind. His work for Muscle Shoals and the Tennessee River was ardent and indefatigable. If the scheme for water-power development and the opening of that great stream is ever consummated, the people of the Tennessee Valley ought to erect a monument to the name of WILLIAM RICHARDSON. In his early married life he lost his wife, and with four beautiful little daughters and a baby boy he started life anew, with a sad and dreary heart. His devotion to the memory of that companion and his love for his little ones restrained him from ever mar- rying again. He reared his daughters himself, in his own home, and his devotion to them was perfectly beautiful. [30] ADDRESS OF MR. BURNETT, OF ALABAMA On account of the proximity of our districts and the fact that we lived at the same hotel in Washington much of the time that he was in Congress I perhaps enjoyed more intimate relations with him than any other Member of the delegation. We came into the Fifty-sixth Congress at nearly the same time. As he filled out an unexpired term he entered a few months later than I did. During our long and intimate acquaintance I always found him every inch a man. Devoted to his family, loyal to his district and his people, true to his friends, true to himself, devoted to the memory of the lost cause, his like will not always be found. His memory will long be kept green by those who loved and honored him. Earth was poorer and heaven was richer when this noble friend was called to God. 4095 15 3 [31] ADDRESS OF MR. SIMS, OF TENNESSEE Mr. SPEAKER: It was my good fortune when I was only about 15 or 16 years of age to live in Waterloo, Ala., in a county in the congressional district which our departed friend, Judge RICHARDSON, represented. The district which he represented was the eighth district of Alabama, and the one that I have the honor to represent is the eighth dis- trict of Tennessee, and in addition to the fact that each is the eighth district in our respective States they are contiguous. One of the counties of my district borders on one of the counties of that district, and from earliest childhood I have known more Alabamians than people from any other State in the Union, and nearly all of them came from the eighth district of that State. Consequently, having lived in Alabama, and having associated with her people intimately, although I never knew Judge RICHARD- SON while I lived in Alabama or before I came to this body, I felt an interest in him, which was brought about largely by the conditions I have just described. In addition to that he had two brothers living in Nash- ville, Tenn., prosperous business men, and men who always took a lively and active interest in the political, moral, and general welfare of our State. I knew both of those gentlemen before I met Judge RICHARDSON, and they were no ordinary men. Consequently, Judge RICHARDSON seemed to me very much as a Tennesseean. When he entered this body, being the successor of the distinguished Confederate general, Joseph Wheeler, and having been a Confederate soldier himself, all these things added to the interest I already felt in him. From the time I first knew Judge RICHARDSON to the last time I ever joined him in service in this House and in service upon the Interstate [32] ADDRESS OF MR. SIMS, OF TENNESSEE and Foreign Commerce Committee, of which we were members for two terms prior to his death, nothing ever occurred that did not add to the good feeling and high opinion which I had of him. And every act of his life after my acquaintanceship with him was such as to make one feel more kindly toward him until it grew into real affection. During the latter part of his life, when he would try to discharge his public duties, and when it was evident to everyone he was not able to do so, I often asked him not to go to the committee meetings, because he did not look strong enough, and told him that we would do the work for him, but he was always insistent, and went to his labors when he ought not to have done so. The former distinguished chairman of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, the gentleman from Illinois, Mr. Mann, and also the present distinguished chairman, the gentleman from Georgia, Mr. Adamson, have paid tribute to his efficient and hard work upon that com- mittee. He was absolutely independent in thought, and in the many hearings that occurred before that committee, when he and I were members, we would often differ, and sharply differ, as to certain propositions and theories and as to what ought or ought not to be in the proposed legis- lation, but always with a courtesy and dignity on his part that left no stings, but made you think all the more of the man and admire all the more his courage to thus so sharply differ with men who loved him and whom he in turn loved. On the floor of this House I have some- times, but not often, differed with him as to what was good legislation and beneficial to our country and as to what was bad as we saw it, but I always knew that he was just as sincere and honest in his views upon the questions which were then being discussed as I claimed to be myself. And although an older man, he was easy to become acquainted with, and the longer you knew him [33] MEMORIAL ADDRESSES: REPRESENTATIVE RICHARDSON the more he grew upon you, until it became a positive pleasure to me to associate with him not only in the duties that were common to us but in every way that men and friends can be associated. As such associate and companion in legislative labors I feel that I have sustained a great loss, and such no doubt is the feeling of all who were so closely associated with him as to know his true value as a Member of this House. He was one of those men that was so impressive in his genial yet strong personality that he will always remain firmly fixed in the minds of all who were so fortunate as to have known him intimately. Any constituency in any State could well be proud of so able and so good a Repre- sentative in this body, and if the able gentleman who has been chosen to represent the good people of the eighth district of Alabama serves his constituents as well, as ably, and as faithfully as did Judge RICHARDSON, I predict for him a long term of distinguished service in this body. .[34] ADDRESS OF MR. HEFLIN, OF ALABAMA Mr. SPEAKER: It has long been the custom of both branches of Congress to hold memorial services in honor of the men who died while serving their country as Mem- bers of Congress. It is a splendid custom, and I com- mend its observance to all those who are to come after us. It is fitting that the deceased Member's colleagues should have the privilege of recounting his deeds and commending his virtues, and, Mr. Speaker, we are here to-day to pay to the memory of a once brave and able Member of Congress the tribute of our respect and esteem. It is comforting to the brave soldier to know that if he dies in battle far away from home and loved ones that some of his comrades will tell the story of his valor and heroism, and, Mr. Speaker, it is comforting to a Member of Congress to know that when he has answered his last roll call and gone from the forum of congressional debate that his colleagues will say something of his work here and speak of his service to his country. Mr. Speaker, the service here is often strenuous, always exacting, and trying at times on both the ability and moral stamina of the Member. It is ours to promote the general welfare to benefit the country by our service and to guard the Constitution so that we may bequeath to posterity, unhampered and unimpaired, the priceless heritage of civil and religious liberty. Here we have to do with the great problems that affect the destiny of our country and the welfare of the human race, for, as Jeffer- son has said, " One single good government is a blessing to mankind." Here men have given the best years of their lives striving earnestly to be of value to their day and generation, and here they have rendered noble serv- ice to their country. [35] MEMORIAL ADDRESSES: REPRESENTATIVE RICHARDSON The man whose memory we honor to-day was an able and faithful public servant. He was a splendid repre- sentative of the South " when knighthood was in flower." Judge RICHARDSON, when but a beardless youth, entered the Confederate Army, and no braver soldier ever donned a uniform or drew a battle blade. Believing that the State had the right to secede, that sovereignty resided with the State, and that to the State allegiance was due, he endured the hardships and privations of the Con- federate soldier, and participated in a struggle where the mingled blood of brothers, North and South, cemented the sections in the bonds of an everlasting union. He accepted in good faith the arbitrament of the sword, and this faithful follower of the Stars and Bars became the devoted defender of the Stars and Stripes, and here in the Hall of the National Congress he counseled with men of the Union Army and together they worked for the good of the Republic. He was a loyal friend, an able and faithful represent- ative of his people, and a splendid type of the American citizen. [36] ADDRESS OF MR. DENT, OF ALABAMA Mr. SPEAKER : It is always painful to contemplate death, but as death is inevitable it is meet and proper that those of us who linger behind should by some appropriate ceremony pay our respects to the memory of the friends and associates who have preceded us to the grave. It is more than difficult, Mr. Speaker, to do justice to .such an occasion, but it is a privilege which the living have to make the attempt. Nothing that we can say here will add either to the name or to the fame of those whose spirits have winged their flight to the unknown realm above, but we can at least recall their virtues so that those who come after them may profit thereby. It is in this spirit that I shall attempt briefly to speak of the life and character of the late Judge WILLIAM RICH- ARDSON. Notwithstanding the fact that considerably more than a score of years separated our lives, I know that there was a bond of friendship between us. Upon practi- cally all political questions Judge RICHARDSON and I were in entire accord, and our personal relations were of the most friendly character. I recall distinctly my first intro- duction to Judge RICHARDSON. It was when he was a candidate for the Democratic nomination for governor of the State of Alabama. I recall his appearance and his manner. I well remember the dignified black suit and the immaculate white shirt a style of dress that he was wont to wear unto the day of his death. I well recall also his pleasing conversation and his most cordial manner. It was years afterwards, however, that we met as colleagues in this body. It was then that I came to know Judge RICHARDSON, and knowing him, to honor, to respect, to admire, aye, to love him. Judge RICHARDSON was a modest [37] MEMORIAL ADDRESSES: REPRESENTATIVE RICHARDSON and a courageous gentleman. He possessed that kind of courage which is always associated with modesty the finest type of courage to be found among men. Judge RICHARDSON was a patriot, if by patriotism we mean a fearless, intelligent, and conscientious devotion to what one believes to be to the best interest of his country. His record as a Confederate soldier, as a private citizen, as a Member for many years of this body, speaks for itself, and is above reproach. His remarkable career in the Confederate Army he never capitalized politically, and even in private conversation with his closest friends he was diffident in speaking of it. Judge RICHARDSON belonged to the old, chivalrous school of southern gentlemen men who were neither boisterous nor ostentatious, as is often pictured by inimical critics of the South, but men who fearlessly discharge their duty, let the consequences be what they may. He was kept in Congress by a fond constituency until claimed by death. Among others, I attended the funeral in his home city of Huntsville, where his remains were interred. I saw gathered there, from all the ranks of life and from all over the Tennessee Valley, a great concourse of people to pay tribute to his memory. I saw gray-haired, wrinkled, and decrepit Confederate veterans, when his coffin was lowered in the grave, march solemnly around it and drop in it a sprig of green. I saw delicate, refined, and sym- pathetic women cover the new-made grave with all the varieties of flowers that spring puts forth in that sunny clime, and when I turned away with head uncovered and eyes moistened with tears, I said, " Surely, as I firmly believe, if there be a kingdom of the righteous, the soul and the spirit of Judge RICHARDSON is now resting in peace." [38] ADDRESS OF MR. BYRNS, OF TENNESSEE Mr. SPEAKER: When I entered the Sixty-first Congress, among the first, if not the very first of those who had seen prior service in Congress, to greet and cordially welcome me as a colleague was the Hon. WILLIAM RICHARDSON, of Alabama. From that time until his death he was my good friend, and I profited greatly from his helpful advice and suggestions. The particular interest that he took in me from the outset was no doubt largely influenced by the fact that in my home city there lived two brothers and a sister who were among its most influential and prominent citizens, and who had commended me to him. So deep was my appreciation of his generous friendship and his kindly and helpful advice, so great my admiration for his many noble qualities as a man and as a distinguished Member of this body, that I could not let this opportunity pass without paying a brief, though necessarily inade- quate, tribute to his memory. It is not my purpose to speak of the life of Judge RICHARDSON, or to refer par- ticularly to the great service which he rendered to his State and the Nation. I will leave that to others who served for a longer time with him in Congress. We have just listened to an excellent address by his successor in Congress and his lifelong and intimate friend, Hon. C. C. Harris, who has pictured to us the high sense of duty which prompted every act of Judge RICHARDSON through all the years of his life. Indeed, Mr. Speaker, this high sense of honor and duty was the guidepost which directed him at every turn in the pathway of his life. It governed and sustained him, when, as a mere boy during the Civil War, he was cap- tured at Murfreesboro, Tenn., and ordered to be executed [39] MEMORIAL ADDRESSES : REPRESENTATIVE RICHARDSON within a few hours, being saved from such a fate only by the timely and unexpected arrival of that wizard of the saddle, Gen. Bedford Forrest. His neighbors will tell you that this same high principle controlled him during all the subsequent years of his life while he lived among them as an honored friend and neighbor. It was surely so, Mr. Speaker, after he became a Member of this House, where, as one of its most useful, faithful, and influential Members, he devoted so many years of his life in splendid service to his State and the Nation. It was particularly so during the last few months of his life, when dread disease had taken hold of him and death was haunting his footsteps. Feeble though he was, he insisted on attend- ing the sessions of the House and giving personal atten- tion to the needs and wishes of those whom he directly represented. To a man of his high ideals I am quite sure it must have been a consolation that he was permitted to pay the debt which we must all ultimately pay while actively engaged in the service of his country, leaving behind him as a heritage to his family not only a high and honorable name, but also an enviable record of earnest and faithful devotion to duty. And, Mr. Speaker, what better fate could befall any man? We all must face death at some time, and I know of no better end than that which fell to the lot of our distinguished colleague and friend. He died after a long life of usefulness, rich in honors and richer in the love and affection of all who knew him. Mr. Speaker, I have never feared death very much. Sooner or later it must come to us all. For the same rea- son I do not believe that the majority of mankind actually fear death. We dread it rather because of the uncertainty and the fear that the record of our lives may not be such as to entitle us to receive the reward of another and an infinitely more happy life. But there can be no such fear as to our deceased colleague. He was called upon to [40] ADDRESS OF MR. BYRNS, OF TENNESSEE perform much service in this life, and it can be truthfully said that he was faithful to every trust, whether great or small, and we have the promise of the Divine Master that such a man shall be ruler over many things in the great beyond. Mr. Speaker, I know of no man who more truly lived up to the injunction of the poet: So live that when thy summons comes to join The innumerable caravan which moves To that mysterious realm where each shall take His chamber in the silent halls of death, Thou go not, like the quarry slave at night, Scourged to his dungeon, but sustained and soothed By an unfaltering trust, approach thy grave Like one that wraps the drapery of his couch About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams. [411 ADDRESS OF MR. ABERCROMBIE, OF ALABAMA Mr. SPEAKER: This is a solemn hour, and it furnishes occasion for serious reflection. Once more we have been reminded of the verity of the biblical decree, " It is appointed unto men once to die." From that divine edict there is no escape. Death is the final and common conqueror. With im- perial and impartial tread it enters the gilded palace and the lowly hovel. Its awful presence stills the tongue of criticism, silences the voice of anger, restrains the pen of censure, softens the heart of hatred, and turns our thoughts toward those things the contemplation of which elevates the mind, quickens the conscience, and purifies the soul. How strange it is that we think seriously of death only when confronted by death! In the death of our friend and colleague, Representa- tive WILLIAM RICHARDSON, his district lost a brilliant and faithful servant, the State of Alabama a loyal and dis- tinguished son, the United States a devoted and useful officer, the cause of liberty a prudent and zealous cham- pion. Throughout a long and active life, given chiefly to the public service, he was ever a shining example of loyalty to purpose, of devotion to country, and of faithful- ness to duty. He died in Atlantic City, N. J., on the 31st day of March, 1914, at the age of 74 years 10 months and 23 days. His birthplace was Athens, Ala., and the date of his birth was the 8th day of May, 1839. His health had been failing for some time, and his death was not unexpected by his family and friends. [42] ADDRESS OF MR. ABERCROMBIE, OF ALABAMA As was true generally of the youth of that time in that new country, his opportunities for the acquisition of an education were limited; but, availing himself industri- ously of the means within his reach, after attending school in his home town, then a mere village, he entered and in due season graduated with highest honors from the Wesleyan University at Florence, Ala., an institution now long nonexistent. The colleges and universities of that time in all parts of the country were far below those of to-day in both admission and graduation requirements. As a matter of fact, the higher institutions of that day were not superior, if, indeed, they were equal to the secondary schools of the present. The wonder is that so many who came up under the conditions of that period were able to overcome ap- parently insurmountable obstacles and acquire the educa- tion necessary for success and distinction in all the fields of human endeavor. Representative RICHARDSON belonged to that class of men who succeed regardless of untoward conditions. He possessed the rare powers of concentra- tion and application, and these combined with a strong intellect enabled him to acquire much knowledge. He was a man of great learning. Not long after leaving college he enlisted as a private in the Army of the Confederacy, in which he served with great prowess from 1861 to 1865. He was wounded three times, once desperately, and was promoted to the rank of captain on account of conspicuous gallantry on the field of battle. A unique and harrowing experience was his during that sanguinary conflict. While traveling unknowingly with a spy he was arrested by Federal soldiers, and, with the spy, condemned to be executed at sunrise on the following day. Only a timely rescue by Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest saved his life. In the per- formance of duty danger had no terror for him. He was among the bravest of the brave. [43] MEMORIAL ADDRESSES : REPRESENTATIVE RICHARDSON When the war ended he returned to his home and studied law, which was his profession for the remainder of his life, and in which he won signal success. Having served a term in the Legislature of Alabama he removed to Huntsville, which was his home thereafter. He was for many years judge of probate, and his friends still boast that his record was the best ever made in that office. He was a candidate for the gubernatorial nomination of his party in 1890 and was defeated by only a small number of votes. Four years later he served as delegate at large to the Democratic national convention. On the 3d day of July, 1900, following the resignation during the Fifty-sixth Congress of Gen. Joseph Wheeler, who for many years had represented that district, the eighth Alabama, he was nominated unanimously by his party for both the unexpired and the succeeding term in the House of Representatives, and he served continuously thereafter until the date of his death in the Sixty-third Congress. His health began to fail about two years ago, prior to which time he took a prominent part in the proceedings of the House and participated in many of the debates, always with credit to himself. He served on some of the most important committees and at the time of his death was chairman of the Committee on Pensions. In his capacity as a Member of Congress he had to do directly with those who to him had been both foe and victor in time of war, and from the very beginning of his service here he had their confidence and esteem. In no other Government than this glorious Republic could a thing like that have happened. It shows how completely the animosities of the great war have passed away. In this connection I am reminded of a bill passed dur- ing this Congress in furtherance of the feeling of amity [44] ADDRESS OF MR. ABERCROMBIE, OF ALABAMA to which I have referred. How appropriate and how beautiful it was for a Representative from Pennsylvania [Mr. Graham] to introduce, and by unanimous vote in both House and Senate, to secure the passage of a bill having for its object the complete obliteration of sectional prejudice so far as that can be done by law. I refer to the act repealing the statute requiring proof of loyalty to the Union of those who seek reimbursement for damages sustained during the Civil War. The speech made by Mr. Graham when that bill was under consideration in the House was one of the most eloquent and patriotic that was ever delivered in Congress or elsewhere. I wish it could have been heard by every citizen of this great country. As a public speaker Representative RICHARDSON dis- played oratorical ability of a high order. In debate he was ready, poised, argumentative, and fair, and on all oc- casions was lucid, instructive, eloquent, and convincing. As an orator he was in demand throughout Alabama, especially on patriotic occasions, and he never failed to measure up to the expectations of his audience. But, Mr. Speaker, in view of what others have said, it is unnecessary for me to dwell longer upon the details of the remarkable career of our late friend and colleague. From the date of his entrance into the combat of life his record was one of achievement, and in its every stage discloses a brilliant mind, a determined will, a cultivated conscience, and a generous soul, all of which go to con- stitute a well-rounded character, and are absolutely es- sential for real success. A born leader of men, he was ever accorded preferment by his fellows. His career illustrates the power of a combination of intelligence, character, and application, and will stand as a perennial inspiration to the youth of the land. [45] MEMORIAL ADDRESSES: REPRESENTATIVE RICHARDSON A good and great man was lost to the world when WILLIAM RICHARDSON died. True to himself, true to his country, true to his God, he abides with Him Who shines in the sun, refreshes in the breeze, Glows in the stars and blossoms in the trees, Lives through all life, extends through all extent, Spreads undivided and operates unspent. [46] ADDRESS OF MR. UNDERWOOD, OF ALABAMA Mr. SPEAKER: My affection and respect for the person and character of our friend and colleague WILLIAM RICHARDSON will not permit me to indulge in mere words of praise. He was my friend and comrade for many years. I knew and loved him for his charming person- ality, his high character, and his eminent abilities. He early realized the responsibilities of life as a soldier in the War between the States, and with courage he met every responsibility from that hour to the day of his death. Tried in many and important public and private stations, he was faithful in all. Courteous and kindly in manner, he was determined and persistent in purpose and action. Tolerant and conservative always, he had fixed principles to guide his course through life and positive convictions that he maintained on all public questions. He thought clearly and always expressed himself forcefully. He was a hard worker, a diligent seeker after the truth. Pos- sessed of rare good judgment and great common sense, he was a safe counselor. He made friends through life because people believed in him and trusted him. He carried conviction with what he said because he himself was convinced before he acted. He was a leader of men because his leadership was marked by courage and honesty of purpose. He was respected by all who knew him because he deserved it. He loved his country and was a true American, but he was primarily a son of the Southland, bound in heart and memory to the history and traditions, the honesty and good repute of the old South. He honored his native State of Alabama, and Alabama honored him to the day of his death. Great as is the history of Alabama and her many distinguished sons, 4095 15 4 [47] MEMORIAL ADDRESSES : REPRESENTATIVE RICHARDSON there never trod on Alabama soil a more knightly gentle- man than WILLIAM RICHARDSON, and there sleeps not beneath Alabama's sod a more loyal, gentle, and brave son than her late Representative. Then, in accordance with the resolution heretofore adopted (at 2 o'clock and 22 minutes p. m.), the House adjourned until to-morrow, Monday, February 1, 1915, at 12 o'clock noon. [48] PROCEEDINGS IN THE SENATE WEDNESDAY, April 1, A message from the House of Representatives, by J. C. South, its Chief Clerk, communicated to the Senate the intelligence of the death of Hon. WILLIAM RICHARDSON, late a Representative from the State of Alabama, and transmitted resolutions of the House thereon. The Presiding Officer (Mr. Lea of Tennessee) laid before the Senate the following resolutions of the House of Representatives, which were read : IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, March 31, 19U. Resolved, That the House has heard with profound sorrow of the death of Hon. WILLIAM RICHARDSON, a Representative from the State of Alabama. Resolved, That a committee of 20 Members of the House, with such Members of the Senate as may be joined, be appointed to attend the funeral. Resolved, That the Sergeant at Arms of the House be authorized and directed to take such steps as may be necessary for carrying out the provisions of these resolutions, and that the necessary ex- pense in connection therewith be paid out of the contingent fund of the House. Resolved, That the Clerk communicate these resolutions to the Senate and transmit a copy thereof to the family of the deceased. Mr. OVERMAN. Mr. President, I offer the resolutions which I send to the desk, and ask that they may be read. The resolutions were read, considered by unanimous consent, and unanimously agreed to, as follows : Resolved, That the Senate has heard with profound sorrow the announcement of the death of the Hon. WILLIAM RICHARDSON, late a Representative from the State of Alabama. Resolved, That a committee of six Senators be appointed by the Presiding Officer, to join the committee appointed on the part of [49] MEMORIAL ADDRESSES: REPRESENTATIVE RICHARDSON the House of Representatives, to attend the funeral of the deceased Representative. Resolved, That the Secretary communicate these resolutions to the House of Representatives and transmit a copy thereof to the family of the deceased. The Presiding Officer appointed under the second reso- lution as the committee on the part of the Senate Mr. Bankhead, Mr. Thornton, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Gronna, Mr. Poindexter, and Mr. Crawford. Mr. OVERMAN. Mr. President, I move as a further mark of respect to the memory of the deceased .Representative that the Senate take a recess until to-morrow at 11 o'clock and 50 minutes a. m. The motion was unanimously agreed to, and (at 4 o'clock and 40 minutes p. m.) the Senate took a recess until to-morrow, Thursday, April 2, 1914, at 11 o'clock and 50 minutes a. m. TUESDAY, February 2, 1915. A message from the House of Representatives, by J. C. South, its Chief Clerk, announced that the House trans- mitted to the Senate resolutions of the House on the life and public services of Hon. Joseph F. Johnston, late a Senator from the State of Alabama, and also on the life and public services of Hon. WILLIAM RICHARDSON, late a Representative from the State of Alabama. [50] TRIBUTES BY THE COMMITTEE ON PENSIONS [Resolutions adopted by the Committee on Pensions of the House of Representatives, Apr. 17, 1914.] Whereas by Divine Providence our colleague WILLIAM RICHARDSON, a man greatly beloved, entered into the rest that remaineth for the people of God on March 31, 1914: Resolved, That we, the members of the Committee on Pensions of the House of Representatives, of which com- mittee he was chairman for three years, record our affec- tion for this gentle and considerate public servant. For almost half a century he was engaged in affairs of national interest. As a soldier of the Confederacy he bore with him to the grave the wounds received while battling for the cause he had espoused. He was one of the survivors of that great conflict who lived to see a country reunited. For 15 years the people of Alabama selected him to represent them in the House of Representatives, where he unselfishly gave his strength, his wisdom, and his heart to the interests of his constituents. Whether upon the field of battle or in the Halls of Congress he was always a courageous fighter, and for his fairness his opponents loved him. Thus as a soldier and a statesman he became schooled in his early years as a man of affairs. This accounts for his wonderful breadth of view and splendid judgment in dealing with the perplexing problems of state. [51] MEMORIAL ADDRESSES: REPRESENTATIVE RICHARDSON Resolved, That we extend our sympathy to the bereaved family, not in a formal way, but with heartfelt sincerity. Their grief is ours. Under his guidance we were wisely advised. We deem it a privilege to bear witness to his work and worth. The inspiration of his life will linger long in our hearts. We are thankful that his lot was cast with ours through so many eventful years. It is our prayer that God will abundantly bless and care for the family he so dearly loved. Ah, God, for a man with heart, head, hands, Like some of the simple great ones gone Forever and ever by; One still strong man in a blatant land, Whatever they call him, what care I? Aristocrat, autocrat, democrat one Who can rule, and dare not lie. EDWARD KEATING, S. KIRKPATRICK, WILLIAM H. MURRAY, SAM R. SELLS, FRANK L. GREENE, Subcommittee of the Committee on Pensions, House of Representatives. BY THE GOVERNOR OF ALABAMA [Proclamation issued by the governor of Alabama, the Hon. Emmet O'Neal, at Montgomery, Ala., Apr. 1, 1914.] It becomes my painful duty to make official announce- ment to the people of Alabama of the death of Hon. WILLIAM RICHARDSON, a Member of Congress from the eighth congressional district, which occurred at Atlantic City on Tuesday, March 31. Judge WILLIAM RICHARDSON has long been one of the most commanding figures in the political life of the State, an eminent lawyer, a profound student of economic and [52] TRIBUTES governmental questions, with all that polish, culture, grace, and charm of manner typical of the old South. He never surrendered his honest convictions to the demands of selfish expediency of time-serving opportu- nity, and in every great political contest, from the era of reconstruction to the hour of his death, his leadership was acknowledged and his great abilities recognized. Since 1898 he has represented his district in Congress, and no Member of that body ever more completely won or deserved the respect, the confidence, and affection of his constituents. He was ever alert to the interests of his people, ever at the post of duty, and he consecrated to their services his great abilities and easily won distinction as one of the strongest and most influential and useful Members that ever represented the State in the Halls of Congress. Alabama has been fortunate in the long array of dis- tinguished names that have been written on the rolls of Congress, yet in all that long list no name will shine brighter with purer ray serene than WILLIAM RICHARDSON, of Alabama. BRAVE CONFEDERATE SOLDIER. A brave Confederate soldier, a splendid type of that great civilization " which commenced with Washington and ended with Lee," Alabama never had a son more loyal or devoted to her interests, or one whose name is more entitled to illustrate the brightest pages of her history. In evidence therefore of the State's appreciation of his long and distinguished career, I, Emmet O'Neal, governor of the State of Alabama, do issue this proclamation, and order the State's flag to be placed at half mast on the Capitol and the building to be draped in mourning. I further direct that on the day of the funeral all offices in the Capitol building be closed in respect to his memory. [53] MEMORIAL ADDRESSES: REPRESENTATIVE RICHARDSON BY THE HUNTSVILLE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS [Resolutions adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Huntsville, Ala., Apr. 2, 1914.] Whereas Judge RICHARDSON, Congressman from the eighth congressional district of Alabama, departed this life on March 31 ; and Whereas the funeral services of this beloved statesman will take place in the city of Huntsville, Ala., on Friday, April 3, at 2 o'clock p. m. : Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Huntsville, Ala., That as an evidence of the esteem in which this man was held and out of respect to his mem- ory all business houses in the city of Huntsville are re- quested to be closed during the time of said funeral, viz, on Friday, April 3, from the hours of 2 o'clock until 4 o'clock p. m. R. L. O'NEAL, J. D. HUMPHREY, M. H. LANIER, Commissioners. BY THE HUNTSVILLE BAR ASSOCIATION [Resolutions adopted by the Huntsville Bar Association Apr. 2, 1914.] Whereas death has taken from the active walks of life, after a long and distinguished career in public life, our beloved fellow citizen, neighbor, and friend, Hon. WILLIAM RICHARDSON, who for many years was a lead- ing member of the Huntsville bar, and justly recognized as one of the ablest and most eloquent advocates in Ala- bama, for 12 years judge of probate of Madison County, and perhaps the best in the State, and for the past 15 years the able Representative of this the eighth con- gressional district in the lower House of Congress, and always and at all times the public-spirited, liberal, [54] TRIBUTES honest, and progressive citizen, the true and loyal friend, the devoted husband, loving and affectionate father: Therefore be it Resolved, That we, his neighbors, friends, and brother lawyers, bow in recognition, but with sad and sorrowful hearts to this dispensation of the all-wise and inscrutable Providence; be it further Resolved, That the Chair appoint a committee of three for the respective courts of record in Madison County and the United States court to present to said court these reso- lutions and request that the same be spread upon the minutes of the same; be it further Resolved, That a copy of the resolutions be furnished the press for publication, and also the family of Judge RICHARDSON. R. E. SPRAGINS, Chairman, BEN P. HUNT, R. E. SMITH, Committee. BY THE HUNTSVILLE (ALA.) MERCURY-BANNER. [Editorial in the Huntsville Mercury-Banner of Apr. 2, 1914.] Huntsville has upon her roll of honor the names of many eminent sons, but it is doubtful if the death of any one was ever more generally regretted and the sorrow of our loss more deeply and keenly felt than in the death of WILLIAM RICHARDSON. The public is familiar with his long official career characterized by eminent ability, capable efficiency, and the most loyal fidelity to every trust. He was a man of unquestioned courage, mental, moral, and physical. Perhaps the dominating element of the man was his strong, native common sense, which gave him almost unerring judgment. He was a positive character. In all of his many political and legal battles he asked no quarter and gave none. .[55] MEMORIAL ADDRESSES: REPRESENTATIVE RICHARDSON But it was in the close ties of intimate friendship and the sweet relations of the home where the tender, gentle, affectionate, and patient nature of this strong man showed themselves in all their charm, strength, and beauty. He was a most attractive, interesting, and lovable man in these relations and we speak as one who thus knew him for long years, both in his joys and in his greatest sorrows. He was a most obliging neighbor, a friend loyal and true, and as a husband and father he displayed the best of his great nature. As a citizen he lived on a high plane, and in the 31 years we knew him he never failed to re- spond to any call for the betterment and uplift of his home city and county. In this respect his life record could well be emulated by our every citizen. As a public official it will not be out of place to say he approximated the ideal. He was judge of probate of Madison County when we first knew him, and it is no exaggeration to say he was the best the county ever had. He took great pride in beautifying and caring for the court square. And in no relation of life did his fine nature shine out more nobly than in his watchful, faithful attention to the inter- ests of the widows and orphans when their interests became intrusted to his care in the probate court. He has won and richly deserves every respect and honor his people can pay his memory, and in this last tribute they do honor themselves. Peace to his ashes. BY HON. EDWARD B. ALMON, OF TUSCUMBIA, ALA. [From the Huntsville (Ala.) Mercury-Banner of Apr. 2, 1914.] Judge Edward B. Almon, candidate for Congress, out of respect to the memory of the late Judge WILLIAM RICH- ARDSON, has canceled his speaking engagement at the Elks' Theater here to-night and also his appointments on the day of the funeral. [56] TRIBUTES Speaking of Judge RICHARDSON, Judge Almon said : " No man more sincerely mourns the death of Judge RICHARDSON than I do. He was perhaps the most useful man in the eighth congressional district, and, until his health failed a year ago or more, the man most active in the upbuilding of this section. " I knew him as a man and as a great and useful public servant, and shall always honor his memory. The State and the Nation have, in his death, sustained a great loss." [57]