3O iff s ^njizini i THE DOCTRINE AND FLUXIONS. CONTAINING (Befides what is common on the Subjeft) A Number of NEW IMPROVEMENTS in the THEORY. AND The SOLUTION of a Variety of New, and Very Interefting, Problems in different Branches of the MATHEMATICKS. PART I. , By THOMAS SIMPSON, F. R. S. THE SECOND EDITION. Revifed and carefully corre&ed. LONDON: Printed for JOHN NOURSE, in the Strand, BOOKSELLER TO His MAJESTY. MDCCLXXVI. LENDINGJ JBRARi , : StacK Annex :T iii 105" 111 TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE George Earl of MaccksfaU. MY LORD, AS I efleem it a very great Honour to be permitted to place the following Sheets under your Lordfhip's Pro- tection, who are not only an Encourager of, but an Ornament to, Mathematical Learn- ing; I have taken more than ordinary Pains, that, What is here ufhered into the World* with fuch Advantage, may not be found al- together unworthy of ib distinguished a Patron. I am not vain enough to imagine, that, to One fo deeply read in thefe abftrufe and cu- rious Speculations, as your Lordmip is uni- A 2 verfally ir DEDIC^flON. verfally allowed to be, this Work will appear without Faults : But then, I have the Satif- fa&ion to think, on the other hand, that, whatever is Here to be met with capable of bearing the Teft of an exact and folid Judg- ment, will a/ft have its due Weight, and not fail of receiving your Lordmip's Approba- tion: And if, upon the Whole, there is Merit enough found to entitle me to a favourable Reception, it will gratify the higheft Am- bition of, MY LORD, Tour LORDSHIP'S Moft Obedient Humble Servant, Tho. Simpfon, PREFACE. HAVING, in the Year 1737, publiflicd a Piece, on this fame Subject, under the Title of A , would move uniformly over the Diftance 2xx vx. This being the Cafe, let r, R, and j, S, be now fuppofed to coincide, by the Arrival of the gene- rating Points at R and S, then e (being always between s and S, will likewife coincide with S; and the Diftance, 2xx XX, which might be uniformly defcribed in the aforefaid time, with the Velocity at e, (now at S), will become barely equal to 2xx j which (by the Defin.) is equal to (j), the true FJuxion of Cn or ** a . >. * It may, perhaps, feem inaccurate, that the Fluxion) of* and AT* are compared together, and exprejjed both by Lines, auben tbt flowing Quantities themjelves, considered as a Right Line and a Square, admit of no Comparifon, 7 bis Objection would, indeed, be offeree, 'were the Expre^/ions retrained t a geometrical Signification ; but here our Notions are more ab- jlratted and univerfal, not obliging us to regard what Kind of Extenfton, may be defined by this or that Exprejfion, but only the Values of the algebraic Quantities thereby Jtgnified ; to which the Meafures of all other Quantities whatever art ulti- mately referred And, though Quantities of different Kinds cannot be compared with each other, their Meafures, in Num- bers, may. Thus, for Injiance, though it would be wrong to affirm, that a Square whofe Area is 9 Inches is equal to a Line off) Inches long, yet it is no Impropriety at all to fay the Numbers exprefling their Meafures, in Inches, are equal. B 3 7- Nature and Invcftigation 7. Cafe 2'. Let the Fluxion of .v 3 be required. Suppofe every Thin^ to remain as in the preceding Cafe ; only let Cn be here equal to the Cube of Am (inftead of the Square). Then, in the very fame manner, we have S* ( CS Cj~ x 3 x -v\ l } = 3x*v $xv i -\- r J* : From whence it appears, that the Diftances which might be defcribed, in the fame time, with the uniform Celerity of w, and the mean Celerity at e y will, in this Cafe, be to each other as v to 3^1; yxv* + v 3 , or as x to 3* a * %xvx-\-v 1 'x : Which laft Expreflion, when j, ^, and S coincide (as before) will become y z x y the true Fluxion of x 3 required. 8. Univfr/ally. Let Cn be, always* equal to Am K > alfo let x t\" (or x v raifed to the Power whofe Ex- ponent is n] be reprefented by x" ax" v + bx if ex' '""v 3 , &. and let every Thing elfe be fuppofed as above. T"U r c f n i u } " l L n ~' L i rhcn,imcebj \x x il / is ax v bx v + ex" v 3 , &c. it is plain that the Spaces which might be defcribed, in the fame time, wiih the uniform Ce- lerity of OT, and the mean Celerity at &c. the mean Celerities, at certain intermediate Points between r, R and s> S muft, alfo, be in that Ratio : Which, when v vanifhes (as above) will become that of x to ax x,(ornx x) the very fame as before. PROPOSITION II. 10. To find the Fluxion of the Produft or Reftangle of two variable Quantities. Conceive two Right-lines DE and FG, perpendi- cular to each other, to move, from two other , Right - lines, BA and BC, continually pa- rallel to them- felves , and thereby gene- rate the Rect- angle DF. Let the Path of their InterfecYion, or the Loci of the Angle H, be the Line BHR; alfo let Dd (x) and Y f (y) be the Fluxions of the Sides BD (x) and BF (y)^ and let dm and fn, parallel to DH and FH, be drawn. Therefore, be- caufe the Fluxion of the Space or Area BDH is truly expreffed by the Rectangle Dm ( = yx * ) and that * Art. 4. of the Area, or Space BFH, by the Rectangle F, and equal Quantities have equal Fluxions, it follows that the Fluxion of theRedhngle xy ^=DF (= BDH-f BFH) is truly exprefled by yx + xy. Q^ E. I. B 4 Tfy The Nature and Invffligation The fame ctherwife. II. Let xy be the given Re&angle (as before) ; and put z =: * + j, then 2.* being n x* + 2xy + y 1 , we have ^ i** J/ rr *y. But the Fluxion of iz* k** 1^% (and confequently that of its Equal xy) is zz xx yj (by Art. 6) : Which, becaufe x x-j- y and K=x+j y is alfo equal to A- + yXx+j *.v yyyx Q.E.I. COROLLARY i. 12. Hence the Fluxion of the Producl: of three va- riable Quantities (yzu) may be derived : For, if x be put rr zu ; then yzu will become zzyx, and its Fluxion z: yx + xj (c.; alove :) But x being rz zw, and, there- fore, x =. zu + ux., if thefe Values be fubftituted in jx -f sty, it will become^ x zu -f- uz-\-zuy'^.yzu+ yuz + zuj the Fluxion of ^zw required. Jn like Manner the Fluxion of xyzu will appear to be xyzu 4- Aryzw 4- xyzu + ATJZW, and that of xyzuw zr A^ZW -f xyzuw -J- xyz-uw + xjzuw 4- xyzuw. COROLLARY 2. 13. Hence, alfo, the Fluxion of a Fraction may 2* # be determined. For, putting * = , we have A-Z=, M and therefore xz 4- zx r= fjj above) ; whence, by Tranfpofition and Divifion, i (by z z z z ^ ' u zu uz writing for *) = - ; j which is the true Fluxj- " Z Z on of *, or its Equal , the Fradion propofed. 2 14. Now, from the foregoing Propofitions, and their fubfequent Corollaiies, the following pra&icai Rules, for ofFLUXIONS. 9 for determining the Fluxions of algebraic Quantities, are obtained. RULE I. To find the Fluxion of any given Power of a. vari- able Quantity. Multiply the Fluxion of the Root by the Exponent of th( Power > and the Produfl by that Power of toe fame Root whofe Exponent it lefs by Unity than the given Exponent. This Rule is inveftigated in Prop, i, and is nothing- more than nx" * x (the Fluxion of x") exprefled in Words. fience the Fluxion of x 3 is 3*** ; that of x 5 is $x*x j and that of a -f y] 7 is -jy X a + >)% (becaufe, a being eonftant, j is the true Fluxion of the Root a+ y, in this Cafe). Moreover the Fluxion of a 1 + z 7 } 1 , will be \X.2zz X tf* -f Z^T, or 322 v/a* + z*: For here, x being put ^= a 1 + z z , we have i 222, and therefore | A- **, the Fluxion of j; 1 (or a 1 -f z 1 ]*) is =r 32^ v/a* + 2% as above. RULE II. 15. To find the Fluxion of the Produ& of feveral variable Quantities multiplied together. A^ultiply the Fluxion of each ^ by the ProduSl of the reft of the Quantities, and the Sum of the Produfts thus arl- Jing will be the Fluxion fought *. ' %A Thus the Fluxion of *y, is xy -f- yx ; that of xyz, is xyz + xzy +yzx j and that of xyzu, is xyzu + xyuz + xzuy + yzux. RULE jo The Nature and Li'cefllgation RULE III. 16. To find the Fluxion of a Fraction. From the Fluxion of the Numerator drawn into the De- mminator, -fubtraft the Fluxim cf the Denominator drawn into the Numerator, and divide the Remainder by *Art.i3./^ Square of the Denominator *. v <* v* >*y J Thus, the Fluxion of is - 5} that of JT": is ix ,-*+)** Jl^j , and that of 1+1+?, - -^ + I V I M *+' 2 ;<; X*+v x + yXz ,, , , or i + JTT IS - - __ ^ ' - ; and fo of others. 17. In the Examples hitherto given, each is refolved by its own particular Rule ; but in thofe that follow, the Ufe of tv.o, and fometimes cf all the three, Rules is requifite. Thus (by Rule i. and 2-} the Fluxion of x*y' i is . x > that f ~ is * i i r and that of ^- is z z~ where all the three Rules are neceflary. When the propofed Quantity is affected by a Co-effi- cient, or conitant Alultiplicator, the Fluxion found as above, mufl be multiplied^}' that Co-efficient or Mul- tiplicator. Thus, the Fluxion of f* 3 is 15*^-. For, the Flu- xion of x 3 being 3* 1 .*, that of 5-v 5 , which is 5 times as great, muft confequently be 5X j^ 2 ^, or i^x. And, in the very fame Manner the Fluxion of ax will r. I appear to be nax' x. Moreover, the Fluxion of a I -, - -i n or a x x* +_y z i % will be exprefled by * 4-jrJ* ^FLUXIONS. it a X xx 4- yv X 'T[X9xte + 9yjXx*+j*] , or _ _ f -^^ - that of v / -v-f-Vv > or A'-f-^'irj by v^-fl^iJ7 ^* _^_ ^ j *+7I) f^^ i.) or ll_l_-: 1, or j i . * c x + a] and that of == , or x Jf a Q XXY.X* a I X by Reduction, is y^x 1 a~ xxX. x + a _1x x x a x x + a xx v x a x Vx- x a X y ' x~ a 1 Having explained the Manner of confidering and de- termining the iirft Fluxions of variable or flowing Quan- tities, it will be proper to fay fomcthing, now, con- cerning the hi-hcr Orders, as Second, Third, Fourch, cffi. Fluxions. 18. The Secsnd Fluxion of a Quantity is the Fluxion of the variabk or algebraic Quantity expr effing the Fir/I Fluxion already defined y the Third Fhixian /iArt.s. meant the Fluxion if the variable Quantity cxpnjjing tha Second : And by the Fourth^ &e Fluxion of tb; variable Quantity exp^'cjji':^ tk: Third Fluxion: /fr;dj Thus, {";)! Kxampie, let the Line AB reprefcnt a va- riable Quantity, generated by the Motion of the Point B, and let the (hrft) Fluxion thereof (or the Space that might be uniformly defcribed in a given Time, with the Celerity of Bj be always exprefieu by the Diitance 6 of 1 2 V/je Nature and Invejligation of the Point D from a given, or fixed Point C : Then, if the Celerity of B g be not every where A' ~^ ' the fame; the Dif- D tance CD, expref- C "" * fing the Meafure of F that Celerity, muft E ' alfo vary, by the jj Motion of D, from, G . or towards C, ac- cording as the Cele- rity of B is an increafing or a decreafing one : And the FJuxion of the Line CD, fo varying (or the Space (EF) that might be uniformly defcribed in the aforefaid given Time, with the Celerity of D) is the fecond Fluxion of AB. Again, if the Motion of B he fuch that neither it, nor that of D, (which depends upon it) be equable, then EF, expreffing the Celeii'y of D, will alfo have its Fluxion GH; which is the third Fluxion of AB, and the fecond Fluxion of CD. And thus are the Fluxions of every other Order to be confidered, being the Mcafures of the Velocities by winch iheir refpeftive fcwing Quantities, the Fluxiom of the 'Art z. P rec ding Ordcr^ are generated *. 19. Hence it appears, that a fecond Fluxion always {hews the rate of the Increafe, or Decreafe, of the firft Fluxion ; and that Third, Fourth, &c. Fluxions, dif- fer in Nothing (except their OrJer and Notation) from Firft Fluxions, being actually fuch to the Quantities from whence they are immediately derived ; and there- fore are alfo determinable, in the very fame Manner, by the general Rules already delivered. Thus, by Rule 3. the (firft) Fluxion of x 3 is 3#V : And, if x be fuppofed conftant, that is, if the Root .v be generated with an equable Celerity, the Fluxion of 3* 1 .*- (or 3*X# a ) again taken, by the fame Rule, will be 2* * 2JC.X-, or 6xx* ; which therefore is the fecond Fluxion of* 3 : Whofe Fluxion, found in like Sort, will be 6^ 3 , the third Fluxion of * 3 . Farther than which cf FLUXIONS. which we cannot go in this Cafe, becaufe the laft Fluxion 6.* J is here a conftant Quantity. 20. In the preceding Example the Root x is fuppofed to be generated with an equable Celerity : But, if the Celerity be an increafing or a decreafing one, then *, expreffing the Meafure thereof, being variable, will alfo have its Fluxion ; which is ufually denoted by x : Whofe Fluxion, according to the fame Method of No- tation, is again defigned by x ; and fo on, with refpe for the fecond Fluxion Moreover, from the Fluxion laft found we {hall in like manner get 6xXx l + 6xX2xx -f bxxxx -f- 3**X (or bxi+iSxxx + ^x) for the third Fluxion of x 3 . Thus alfo, if y ~nx x, then will y'=.n^n ^ A: x l + nxx ; and if i*~xy, then will yx: And fo of others. But, in the Solution of Problems, it will be convenient to make the firft Fluxion of fome one of the fimple Quantities (x or y) invariable, not only to avoid Trouble, but that it may ierve as a Standard to which the variable Fluxions of the other Quantities, depending thereon, may be always referred. The Reader is alfo defired here (once for all) to take particular Notice, that the Fluxions of all Kindt end Orders, whatever, are contemporaneous, or fucb as may be generated together, ivith their rtfpeftive Celtri* tiss, in one and the fame^Tinu. Solution of Problems SECTION II. On the Application of Fluxions to the Solu- tion of Problems DE MAXIM is ET Mi- NIMIS. 22. TF a Quantity, conceived to be generated by Mo- [ tion, increafes, or decreafes, till it arrives at a certain Magnitude or Pofition, and then, on the con- trary, grows lefler or greater, and it be required to de- termine the faid Magnitude or Pofition. the Queftion is called a Problem tie Maximh & Minimi;. GENERAL ILLUSTRATION. Let a Point m move uniformly in a Right Line, from A towards B, and let another Point n move after it, with a Velocity either increafmg, or decreafmg, but fo that it may, at a certain Pofition, D, become equal to that of the former Point ;#, moving uniformly. This being premifed, let the Motion of n be firft confidered as an in- A T\ rt -D creating one ; in 1 t which Cafe the Di- ?l 711 ftance of behind m will continually increafe, till the two Points arrive at the cotemporary Pofitions C and D ; but afterwards it will, again, de- creafe; for the Motion of , till then, being flower than at D, it is alfo flower than that of the preceding Point m (by Hypothefis) but becoming quicker, afterwards, than that cf TT?, the Diftance mn (as has been already faid) will again decreafe : And therefore is a Maximum^ or the greateft of all. when the Celerities of the two Paints are equal to each other. But, if n arrives at D with a decreafmg Celerity ; then its Motion being firft fwifter, and afterwards flower, than that of JTJ, the Diftance mn will firft deireafe and then de Maximis ct Minimis. 15 then increafe ; and therefore is a Minimum, or the lead of all, in the forementioned Circumftance. Since then the Diftance mn is a Maximum or a Mi" nimum, when the Velocities of m and n are equal, or when that Diftance increafes as faft through the Mo- tion of ;, as it decreafes by that of , its Fluxion at that Inftant is evidently equal to Nothing *.Art. 2 Therefore, as the Motion of the Points m and n may* ^. be conceived fuch that their Diftance mn may exprefs the Meafure of any variable Quantity whatever, it fol- lows, that the Fluxion of any variable Quantity what- ever, when a Maximum or Minimum, is equal to No- thing. EXAMPLE I. 23. To divide a given Right-line AB into two fach Parts, AC, BC, that their Produtt, or Rettangle, may be the greateji pojfible. Put the gi- ven Line AB Q = *, and let A' |R the Part AC, confidered as variable (by the Motion of C from A to- wards B) be denoted by x : Then BC being a *, we have AC X.ftC=ax ** : Whofe Fluxion ax^xx being put o, according to the prefcript, we get ax ixx, andconfequently* =: \a. Therefore AC and BC, in the required Circumftance, are equal to each other : Which we alfo.know from other Principles. EXAMPLE II. 24. To find the Fraflien which Jhall exceed its Cube by the greatejl Quantity pofllble. Let x denote a variable Quantity, expreffing Number . in general ; then the Excefs of x above x 1 being uni- verfally reprefented by xx\ if the Fluxion thereof be ^f. we fhall have x 3^-0 ; and therefore the Fraction required* E X- 1 6 Solution of Problems EXAMPLE TIT. 25. To determine the great eft ReR angle that can be in* fcribed in a given Triangle. Put the Bafe AC of the gi- ven Triangle , and its Alti- tude BD a ; and let the Alti- tude (BS) of the infcribed Red- angle me (confi- dered as variable) be denoted by x : Then, becaufe of the parallel Lines AC, and ac, it will be as BD (a) : AC (J) :: DS ( and let the remaining Part of the Perpendi- cular, which is the Radius of the Circle, be reprefented by a: Then, if OS, perpen- dicular to DC, be drawn, we fhall have DS = V V a* ; and therefore, fmce DS : OS : : DB : BC, we like wife have BC = "-= which multiplied by ~a (BD) v x a 7 gives de Max! mis & MInimis. 19 ives ==== for the Area of the Triangle : Which Vx*~ a* being a Minimum, its Square muft be a Minimum^ and .. , x 4- a] . -,- , x-\-a\ ,.. . confequently - ! -, or us Equal ! , a Mini- X ~ Q X (I mum a!fo *. Whofe Fluxion, therefore, which is* 3 -, being put rr o, and x a \- ' x Xx + a}' the Whole divided by p- , we alfo get 3 XA- a x + a =. o ; whence xia \ Therefore, OD being rz 2OS, and the Triangles ODS and BDC equiangular, it is evident that DC is likewife = aBC = AC ; and fo the Triangle ACD, when the leafl poflible, is equila- teral. EXAMPLE VII. 30. To determine the great eft Cylinder ', dg^ that can bt infer ibed in a given Cone ADB. Let a r=BC, the Altitude of the Cone ; :=AD, the Diameter of its Bafe ; x=fg (dh) the Diameter of the Cylinder, con- fidered as variable ; . the Area of , he V 4 / whofe Diameter is Unity. Then, the Areas of Circles being to one another as the Squares of their Diameters, we have, i 1 : A-* : : p : (px*) the Area of the Circle figr: Moreover, from the Similarity of the Triangles ABC and A^f, we have ii(AC) : a (EC) : : {b '-* (Ad) : df - which multiplied by the Area px* (found above) gives C 2 abx* 20 Solution of Problems = 0*, confequently pabx 1 pax* ~~b~ for the folid Content of the Cylin- der: Which being a Maximum , its Fluxion n mult b = and df - : From whence it appears, that the infcribed Cylinder will be the ereateft poflible, when the Altitude thereof is juft | of the Altitude of the whole Cone. EXAMPLE VIII. 31. To determine the Dimenjions of a cylindric Meafure ABCD, open at the Tcp y which Jhall contain a given Quantity (of Liquor, Grain^ &c.) under the leafl in- ternal Superficies pojjible* Let the Diameter ABn#, and the Alti- '< C tude AD y ; moreover let p (3114159, &c.} denote the Periphery of the Circle whofe Dia- meter is Unity, and let c be the given Content of the Cylinder. Then it will be i : p ::x : (px) > the Circumference of the Bafej which, multiplied by de Maximis & Minimis. by the Altitude^, gives pxy for the concave Superficies of the Cylinder. In like Manner, the Area of the Bafe, by multiplying the fame Expreflion into ~ of the Dia- meter *, will be found = j which drawn into the 21 = i and therefore x Altitude y y gives - for the folid Content of the Cy- linder ; which being made = c, the concave Surface pxy will be found , and confequently the whole Surface = -' + : Whereof the Fluxion, which is, * 4 4cx pxx r + - j being put o, we Ihall get Sc -f px 3 * 2* 2 \/ - : Further, becaufe a* J / =. 8r, and px*y = 4^, it follows, that x == 2y ; whence jf is alfo known, and from which it appears, that the Dia- meter of the Bafe muft be juft the Double of the Alti- tude. EXAMPLE IX. 32. Of all Cones under the fame given Superficies (s) t find that (ABD) wbofe Solidity is the greatejl. Let the Semi- diameter of the Bafe, AC =. *, and the Length of the flant Side AB =y t and let p ( as in the preceding Ex- amples) denote the Periphery of the Circle whofe Dia- meter is Unity. Then 2 2, Solution of Problems Then the Circumference of the Bafe will be ~ 2px > the Area of the Bafe />*% and the convex Superficies of the Cone = pxy, (which laft is found by multiplying half the Periphery of the Bafe by the Length of the flant Side) : Wherefore, fince the whole Superficies is px*+~pxy j, we have y~ x; whence the Alti- PX __ titude CB (/AH* AC 1 ) = \/ -^ - ; which P * P . multiplied by f * - J | of the Area of the Bafe, gives for the folid Content of the Cone. ,j sx Which being a Maximum, its Square - muft 25^ XX alfo be a Maximum ; and therefore 9 \vhencej 4px t Q t and confequently x 4? which v ( r= x =. ->-- = ^ =: 3*-) will like- J \ px px px wife be known ; and from whence it will appear that the greateft Cone under a given Surface, (or a given Cone under the leaft Surface) will be when the Length of the flant Side is to the Semi-diameter of the Bafe in the Ratio of 3 to r, or, (which comes to the fame) when the Square of the Altitude is to the Square of the \vhole Diameter in the Ratio of 2 to i. EX- de Maximis & Minimis. 2 3 EXAMPLE X. 33. To determine the Pofitlon of a Right-line DE, which, pajfing through a given Point P, Jball cut two Right- lines AR and AS, given by Pofition ^ in fuch fort that the Sum of the Segment 's, AD and AE, made thereby* may be the leaft poffible. s\ E Make PB, parallel to AS, = a, and PC, parallel to AR, = I, and let BD x: Then, by reafon of the parallel Lines, it will be, x : a : : b : CE r: X Therefore AD + AE := + .* -j-a+ , and its Fluxion, x abx x -, which, in the requjred Circumftance, being o, we have A- 1 ab alfo rz o, and confequently x zr y ab ; whence the Pofition of DE is known. But the fame Thing may be otherwife determined, independent of Fluxions, from the general Solution of the Problem for finding the Pofition of DE, when the Sum of the Segments AD and AE (inftead of being a Minimum) fhall be equal to a given Quantity. Of which Problem, the geometrical Conftru&ion may be as follows. C 4 Compleat 24 Solution of Problems Compleat the Parallelogram ABPC (as before) and, in RA produced, talce Af = AC, and let ^F be equal to the given Sum of the two Segments: Alfo let two Semi-circles be defcribed upon EC and BF, and let AH, perpendicular to Br, interfe<5l the former in H j like- wife let HK, parallel to F<:, interfeft the latter in I ; draw ID perpendicular to Yc, and, through P and D draw DE ; which will be the Pofition required. For AB xA<: being = AH 1 = DI a = BDxDF, we have BD : AB : : Ac (AC) : DF; alfo, becaufe of the parallel Lines, we have BD : AB : : AC : CE ; whence DF = CE, and confequently AD + AE (AD + AC-f FD) is equal to cF, which Conftru6tion is more neat than that in p, 155. of my Geometry. But to (hew how far this may conduce to the Matter firft propofed ; we are to obferve, that, as the Problem here conftruc~ted appears to be impoflible, when the Right-line HK (inftead of cutting or touching) falls wholly below the Circle BWF, the Jeaft poflible Value of BF (and confequently of AD -j- AE) muft, therefore, be when that Right-line touches the Circle; that is, when BD = DI~AH=v / ABxAC ; which Value is the very fame with that found above. The fame Conclufion may alfo be deduced from the algebraic Solution of the forefaid Problem : For, put- ab ting^-f x + a+ (AD + AE) = s y and iolving the Equation, x will be found = '- -f ^/ s ~ a ~^\ _^. 4 Which Equation being no longer poflible than till s ~ a ~ v i 4 ab is o, we have AT, in that Circumftance, $ ~ * - fs ^~^ h ^^^ -- -= V ab j fnll as before. In like Manner the Maxima and Minima may be determined in other Cafes, by finding the Pofition or Circumftance wherein the general Problem begins to be impoflible, (fuppofing the Quantity fjught to be given). But the Operation by Fluxions de Maximis & Minimis. 25 Fluxions is, for the general Part, much more fhort and expeditious. EXAMPLE XI. 34. Tfie fame being given as in the preceding Example^ to determine the Position, when the Line DE, itfc/f y is the leafl poffible. Upon AF let fall the perpendicular PQj make BQ_ =r, and, the reft, as before: Then DP 1 being ( = DB*+BP 2 2BQ_x DB) =**+* 2r, and DP* :: DA 1 : DE% we have x* : x*-\-a z 2cx :: 2c * ** whofe Fluxion, which is 2xXb + x X i -- _i -- * rZ"?* x -^A bein S P ut and tne whole # 2 jf 3 Equation divided by 2x X />-f x, there will come out I i -- r > whence ^? 3 2cx +a x -f b + xxcx a* =. 0; that is, (by Reduction) x 3 ex* -\-bcx {fbo : From the Refolution of which Equa- tion, the Pofition of DE is determined. LEMMA. 35. If a Body or Point (n) be fuppofed to move in a Right-line AB, its abfoluie Celerity, in the Direftion of that Line^ will be to the relative Celerity , whereby it tends tOj or from, a given Point C, any where out of the Lint, as the Dijiance C.. is to the Diftance D, intercepted by n and the Perpendicular CD ; or t as Radius to the Co-fine of the Angle of Inclination DC. For, putting CD '', and confequently 2xx = 2yj>*.-aad 5 '. Z Whence Art. and 5. Solution of Problems A D Whence x : y : : y (Cn) : x (D) :: Radius : Co-fine DC: Bur, the Fluxions of Quantities are as the Celerities of their Increafe *, therefore the Truth of the Proportion is manifeft. COROLLARY. It follows from hence, that the relative Celerities in any two different Directions wE and #C, are directly as the Co-fines of the correfponding Angles DE and DwC. Therefore, when E is perpendicular to Cn 9 (and the Angle DE therefore equal to C) the Celerity in the Direction E, will be to that in the Direction C, as the Sine of DnC is to its Co-fine. From whence it appears, that the Celerities in the Directions D, C, and E/z (perpendicular to wC) are to each other as C, D//, and CD refpectively. EXAMPLE XII. 36. To determine the Pafttlon of a Point, from wbcn:e y if three Right- lines be drawn to fo many given Points A, E, C, their Sum fall be the Uajl poffibU. Let HPG be the Periphery of a Circle defcrihed about the Point A, as a Center, at any Diftance AG ; in which let the Point P be conceived to move with an uniform Celerity, from G towards H. 7'hen, becaufe thcj relative Celerity thereof, in the Direction PC, is to that in the Direction BP produced, as the Co-fine of the Angle CPH-to the Co-fine of the Angle BPG, (by the pr(ct fincethefe Cekiities, when the de Maximis & Minimis. the Sum of CP and BP is a Minimum^ muft be equal *,* Art. G it follows, therefore, that the faid Angles CPH and BPG, as well as their Co-fines, will in that Circum- ftance become equal to each other ; and confequently A P C alfo equal to A P B. From whence it ap- pears, that (take AG what you will) the .Sum of the three Lines, AP, BP, and CP, cannot be the leaft pofiible when the Angles A P B and A P C are unequal. And, by the fame Argument, it alfo appears that their Sum cannot be the leaft pofiible, when the Angles BPA and BPC are unequal : Therefore, their Sum muft be the leaft pofuble, when all the three Angles about the Point P are equal to one another ; provided the Cafe will admit of firch an Equality, or that no one of the Angles of the Triangle ABC is equal to, or greater than of 4 Right Angles (for otherwife, the Point P will fall in the obtufe Angle) : Hence this CONSTRUCTION. Defcribe, upon BC, a Segment of a Circle, to con- tain an Angle of 120, and let the whole Circle BCQ_ be compleated ; and from A, to the Middle (QJ of the Arch BQC, draw AQ_ interfering the Circumference of the Circle in P ; which will be the Point required. For, the Angles BPQ_ and CPQ^, ftanding upon the equal Arches BQ^ and CQ_, have their Complements APB and APC equal to each other; and therefore, the Angle BPC being 120"" (by Conftruclion) each of the laid and 22. 28 Solution of Problems kid Angles APB, APC, will, likewife be 120 De- grees. After the fame Manner, it will appear that the Sum of all the Lines AP, BP, CP, faff, drawn from any Num- ber of given Points A, B, C, faff, to meet in another Point P, will be the leaft pofiible, when the Co-fines of the Angles RPA, RPB, RPC, faff, that the faid Lines make with any other Line RS, pafling through the Point of Concourfe, deftroy each other : Which will be when all the Angles APB, BPC, CPD, faff, are equal, in all Cafes where the Pofition of the given Points will admit of fuch an Equality. But, if the Number of given Points be four, the required Point will be in the Interfe&ion of the two Right-lines joining the oppofite Points : For, fuppofing APC and BPD to be continued Right-lines, the Co-fine of RPA will be equal and contrary to that of RPC, and that of RPB equal and contrary to that of RPD. EXAMPLE XIII. 37. If two Bodies move at the fame Time, from two given Places A and B, and proceed uniformly from thence in given DireflionS) AP and BQ_, with Celerities in a given Ratio j ;'/ is propofed to find their Pofition, and how far each has gone^ when they are the nearejl pojjible to each other. Let M and N be any two cotemporary Pofitions of the Bodies, and upon AP let fali the Perpendiculars NE and BI>j alfo let QB be produced to meet AP in de Maximis Sc Minimis. 29 AM ED in C, and let MN be drawn : Moreover, let the given Celerity in BQ_be to that in AP, as n to m t and let AC, BC, and CD, (which are alfo given) be denoted by rt, b, and c refpeclively, and make the variable Dif- tance CN =x: Then, by reafon of the parallel Lines NE and BD, we fhall have b (CB) : x (CN) :: c (CD) coc : CE . Alfo, becaufe the Diftances, BN and b AM, gone over in the fame Time, are as the Cele- rities, we likewife have, n : m :: x b (BN) : AM = , and confequently CM (AC AM)rrc-f- mb mx mx mb\ d , (by writing da+ ). Whence n n n n / will alfo be found icdx icmx"- idmx inf +x 7 + ; whofe Fluxion -- + - b tip n n _l o V -> icdx A.CTTIXX b nb to be a Minimum) we get + 2mncx o; and confequently x ndxmb+nc by, m* + n L +2mnc are alfo given, being made = o (becaufe MN is i i bx -f rfbx rfcd mnbd+ rfcd ? and MN 30 Solution of Problems The fame oihcrivifc.- Bccaufe the relative Celerities of the two Bodies, at- M and N, in the Direction of the Line MN (pro- n m Co-fwU Co-f.tf ducedj are truly exprelled by ^ ,. X ;/z, and " Art.35. x, refpeftively *; and as thefe Celerities, when the Diftance MN is a Minimum, do become equal to each Art.zz.other f, it follows that, in this Circumftance, m : n : : Co-f. N. : Co-f. M : : Secant of M : Secant of N (by plane Trig.) Whence this Conftruaion. Take CH to CB in the given Ratio of m to n t and draw HB j upon which produced (if necefTary) let fall the Perpendicular AR j draw RN parallel to AH, meeting CQ_ in N; laftly, draw NM parallel to AR, and it will give the Pofition required. For, firft, ir is plain, becaufe AM (RN) : BN (: : CH : CB) ::;*:, that M and N are cotem- porary Pofitions : It is Jikewife plain, that RN and BN will be Secants of the Angles KNR (CMN) and KNB (CNM) to the Radius NK j becaufe the Angle NKR (r:ARK) is a Right-one. Which Lines or Secants are in the propofed Ratio of m to , as has been already fhewn. But de Maximis & Minimis. But the fame Solution may be, yet, otherwife de- rived, independent of Fluxions, from Principles intirely geometrical. For, let m and be any two cotempora- ry Pofitions at Pleafure, and let CH (as before) be to CB, as the Celerity in AP to that in CQ_; moreover, let r, parallel to AP, be drawn, meeting HB pro- duced in r, and let A, r be joined. Then, ilnce CB : CH : : B* : nr (byfm. Triangles] and CB : CH : : En : Aw, (by Hyp.) it follows, that nr and Am, (which ire parallel) will alfo be equal to each other; and there- fore Ar and mn, likewife equal and parallel. But Ar is the lead poflible when perpendicular to Hr. Whence the Solution is manifeft. EXAMPLE XIV. 38. Let the Body M move, uniformly^ from A towards Q^, with the Celerity /, atid let another Body N pro- cced from. B, at the fame time^ with the Celerity n. Now it is propofed to find the Direction (BD) of the latter, fo that the Df/fance MN of the two Bodies, when the latter arrives in the Way or Direftion A ~ the former ', ?nay be the greaieft pojfible. Let BC be perpendicular to AQ_, and make AC =z , BEF are equiangular, and EO (=BO) =-J- BE, xve likewife have Oa=iBD=, and Cty = iEF=Cw x ; and confequently On X Op (r=OT% by the Pro- perty of the Circle) bx ; whence ST = i V bx^ and therefore BE x ST = Now the Area of any Ellipfis being in a conftant Ratio to the Rectangle of its greater and JefTer Axes (namely as 3,14159, b'c. to 4) the laft general Ex- preflion muft therefore be a Maximum, when the Area is fo; and therefore its Fluxion, or that of b*x x Art.2a. 2? a ^ a + a*x 3 ) equal to Nothing*; that is, b*x fl*A?V = o : .,,, 4/^.v X rt a b 1 I" 1 Whence x* -- - - - -- , and x = 3* +3* 3 * P+b\/a 4 l+a- . ~ > from which the EU - ( f. p Jipfis is known. But it is obfervable, that, when a 4 i^a l b' t -^b* is negative, this Solution fails, becaufe the Square Root of a negative Quantity is to be extracted. Therefore, to determine the Litr.it, put a* J4^ 1 + ^ 4 cr o ; then, by ordering the Equation, you will get a 2 = b* x 74-^/48, and = ^X2 + \/3; and therefore a : b :: 2 4-1/3 : I% Hence, if the Ratio of AC to CD be not greater de Maximis & Minimis. 37 greater than that of 2 + ^3 to i> or (which comes to the fame thing) if the Angle DAC be not lefs than 15 Degrees, the Fluxion of the Ellipfis can never become equal to Nothing j but the Ellipfis itfelf will increafe continually, from the Vertex till it coincides with the Bafe of the Cone ; and therefore is greater at the Bafe than in any other Pofition. But it is further to be obferved, that this Problem is confined to, yet, narrower Limits. For, either the Ellipfis will increafe, continually, fiom the Vertex, to the Bafe, of the Cone, (which is (hewn to be the Cafe when the Angle DAC is greater than 15) or clfe it will increafe till the Point E arrives at a certain Pofition H, and afterwards decreafe to another certain Pofition b y and then increafe again till it coincides with the Bafe of the Cone, (for it muft always increafe again before it coincides with the Bafe, becaufe, after the Point E is 5t below {he Perpendicular BQ_, both the Axes of the llipfis increafe at the fame time). The fame thing alfo appears from the foregoing Equa.- * tion x = - ;__., '- ~ whofe two Roots exprefs the two Values of AC (or Cv) at the Times of the Maximum (at H) and its fuccecding Minimum (at h). Hence it is manifeft, that the Ellipfis may ad- mit of a Maximum between the Vertex of the Cone and the Perpendicular B Q_, and yet, that Maxi- mum be lefs than the Bafe of the Cone, unlefs the forefaid Angle DAC be fo much lefs than 15 (above found) that the Increafe from /; to D, be lefs than the Decreafe from H to /;. Now therefore, to de- termine the exadl Limit, let the forefaid Increment and Decrement be fuppofed equal to each other, or, which is the fame in Effect, let the Ellipfis BTESB = the Circle BqVm, or BExST = BD% that is, let ^ - 1 =&* : From which D 3 Equa- 3 8 Solution of Problems V- 4 3 * Equation you will get a~ X b x] =: x - 7-^ - : Moreover, from the Equation x b x b*x + \b 3 xx + $b*x-x -f cffx -^-bxx + 3a a jpV=o t (gi- , v 4 3* ven above) you will, again, get whence the Triangle BEC (BHx HG) = ** and HG = of iba 4 2by, whofe Fluxion iby being put = o, gives yVayyy = ^ ba; whence y, and from thence the Sides of the/Triangle may be determined. EXAMPLE XIX. 43. To determine the greateft Area that can be contained under four given Right-lines. Though it is dc -nonftrable from common Geometry that the Area will be a Maximum, when the Trape- zium ABCD, formed by (he given Lines, may be in- fcribed in a Circle b , yet I fliall here give the Solution from the Principles of Fluxions, (whole Ufts I am now a By Prop. 13. Page 62. Elem. Trig. k See Page 117. of Elem. Geometry. illuftrating). 39 40 Solution of Problems illuftrating. In order to which, let the Diagonal AC be drawn, and upon CB and AD let fall the Perpendi- culars AE and CF j putting AB=*, EC =l>, CD=c, and DF = y : Then AE being =VV A-% and CF = vV-/, the Area of the Trapezium (|BC x AE + *Art.22. and its Fluxion = o and therefore dyy bxx Moreover, (=AC l ) n^-ft* iJy, by taking the Fluxion thereof, we have ibx =. 2[ a d + - a x xi^+ it + ib + iac X -W+ ic +& + \4-fl. Whence it appears, that, if from i the Sum of all the four Sides each particular Sjde be fubtracted, the continual Pro- duel: of the Remainders will be the Square, or fccond Power, of the Area. From this Theorem, the Rule in common Practice, for rinding the Area of a Triangle, having the three Sides given, is deduced, as a Corollary ; For, making 42 Solution of Problems a n o, the Trapezium becomes a Triangle, and the fe- cond Power of it3 Area zrTT+lT+lixp lb ^7 x d+ ic + \bd: Which, in Words, is the common Rule. EXAMPLE XX. 44. To find the great eft Value of y in the Equation iyy=Q * ; whence^ = ?x 9 and xy /== ^x~. By making z variable, we have x*z yfx := o j whence z = , and x^z z 3 = - . Now let thefe Values of xy ^ 2 and x x z z 3 be fubftituted in the given X* 2X 3 _ Expreffion, and it will become x -7- x t> 3 x 3 r: 4 3v 3 3^5 _ x * 7-7 - j therefore ^b 3 x*xSx 7 ^o: Whence x = 6/3 i* X V 5 J ( = W =i* * v/S, and z (= =!*x V/3* The Reafon of the foregoing Procefs is obvious : For, if the Fluxion of the given Expreffion, when any one of the indeterminate Quantities is made variable, be not equal to Nothing, that Expreffion may become greater, without altering the Values of the reft, whkh are confidered as conftant f: And therefore cannot be | Art. at, the greateft poffible, unlefs the (aid Fluxion is equal to Nothing. 44 Solution of Problems EXAMPLE XXII. 46. To determine the different Values of .*, when that of 3#* 28ax 3 + $4.a*x* 96<3 3 A- + 48* becomes a Maxi- mum or Minimum. The Fluxion of the given Expreflion being (as ufual) put equal to Nothing, we have i2x 3 84.v a + i68<7 a # g6c 3 = o, or x 3 jax'*+ \\a i x 8a 3 = o : From whence (by the Method of Divifors) we get x a o, X 20 O, or x 40 o : Therefore, the Roots of the Equation, or the three Values of x, are , 20, and 4*. SCHOLIUM. 47. It appears, from the laft Example, that a Quan- tity may admit of as many Maxima and Minima (ac- Artzz. cording to the Meaning of the Definition *) as there are poffible Roots in the Equation, arifing from af- fuming its Fluxion equal to Nothing. Now to know which of thofe Roots point out a Maximum^ and which a Minimum ; find whether the Value of the faid Fluxion, a little before it becomes equaj to Nothing, be pofitive or negative j if pofitive^ the fucceeding Root gives a Maximum ; but if negative^ a Minimum : The Reafon. of which is extremely obvious ; becaufe fo long as any Quantity increafes, its Fluxion is pofitive, but when it decreafes the Fluxion is negative. As an Example hereof, let the Quantity 3** 2$ax 3 4- 84 refponding Ordinate BP = a \/ L . an( j t h e latter,CCL 4 zr : But the firft of thefe is not the greateft of all others, becaufe the Extreme DR exceeds it, being = 20 ; nor is CQ_the leaft poflible, becaufe the Ordinate at the other Extreme A is nothing at all. Sometimes one, or more, of the Points Q_, S, &c. determining the Maxima and Minima^ will fall below the Axis AF, (as in the annexed Figure). In which Cafe the correfponding Value of the general Expreflion, reprefented by the Ordinate, will be negative : But at the Points , c t d, &c. where the Curve interfets the Axis, it will be equal to nothing : Whence (by the Bye) the Reafon why the Roots of an Equation (x ax*~ l + b l x"~ % .... +/ ) are imp*ffibleby Pairs is evident. For, feeing Ab, A r; t #, and let the Num- ber of the equal Roots be denoted by n; then, by Sub- ftitution, we have /xA-tBxr ^ + Cxr y* &e. = o ; which, by expanding the Powers of r y, and putting a =. A 4- Br+Cr 2 &V. b =. B -f 2Cr -f 3Dr% sV. will be further transformed to / X a h + O' 1 *? & ft zr : Whofe Fluxion najy*~~ n+i . bjy -f n + 2 . cyy* &c. is evidently equal to Nothing, when y, or its Equal r *, is Nothing (provided be greater than Unity. It is equally plain, that the fecond Fluxion a , a - . ., ., __ t . n*i . . i"~-i . n . I . ay y n -f I . nby y +n+2..n+l .cy y &c. will alfo be equal to Nothing, in the fame Cir- cumftance, if be greater than 2, &c . &c. Hence, univerfally, let the Number () of equal Roots be what it will, that of the Orders of Fluxions equal to Nothing, at the lame time, will be exprefied by that Number minus one, as was to be (hewn. SECT. Ufe O/TLUXTIONS in drawing 'Tangents to Curves. ILLUSTRATION. 48. T E T ACG be a Curve of any kind, and C \_j the" given Point from whence the Tangent is to be drawn. Conceive a Right-line mg to be carried along uni- formly, parallel to itfelf, from A towards Q_, and let, at the fame time, a "oint p fo move in that Line, as to defcribe, or trace out, the given Curve ACG: Alfolet mnz, or Cn (equal and parallel to mm) express the Fluxion of Am^ or the Celerity wherewith the Line mg is carried ; and let S exprefs the correfponding Fluxion of ;/>, in the Pofition mCg, or the Celerity of the Point />, in the Line mg. Moreover, through the Point C let the Right-line SF Ire drawn, meeting the Axis of the Curve (^AQ.) in F. E a Novr, Ufe ^FLUXIONS Now, it is evident, if the Motion of p, along the Line mg, was to become equable at C, the Point p would be at S, when the Line itfelf had acquired the Pofition mSg (becaufe, by Hypothefis, Cn and n$ ex- prefs the Diftances that might be defcribed by the two uniform Motions in the fame time). And, ifwsg be aflumed to reprefent any other Pofi- tion of that Line, and s the contemporary Pofition of the Pointy (ftill fuppofing an equable Celerity of />) ; then the Diftances Cv and w, gone over, in the fame F in ro Q time, by the two Motions, will, always, be to each other as the Celerities, or as Cn to S : Therefore, fmce Cv : vs :: Cn : S (which is a known Property of fimilar Triangles) the Point s will, always, fall in the Right-line FCS : Whence it appears, that, if the Motion of the Point p along the Line mg was to become uniform at C, that Point would then move in the Right- line CS, inftead of the Curve-line CG. Now, feeing the Motion of p, in the Defcription of Curves, muft, either, be an accelerated or a retarded one, let it be, firft, con fide red as an accelerated one : In which Cafe the Arch CG will fall, wholly, above the Right-line CD (as in Fig. i.) becaufe the Diftance of in drawing 'Tangents. 3 of the Pointy from the Axis AQ_, at the End of any given Time, is greater than it would be if the Accelera- tion was to ceafe at C ; and, if the Acceleration had ceafed at C, the Point p would ( it is proved ) have been always found in the faid Right-line FS. But if the Motion of the Point p be a retarded one, it will appear, by reafoning in the fame manner, that the Arch CG will fall wholly below the Right-line CD (as in Fig. 2.) This being the Cafe, let the Line mg^ and the Point p t along that Line, be now fuppofed to move back again, towards A and m t in the fame manner they pro- ceeded from thence : Then, fince the Celerity of p (Fig. i.) did before increafe, it muft now, on the con- trary, decreafe ; and, therefore, as p-, at the End of a given Time, after repaying the Point C, is not fo near to AQ_, as it would have been, had the Velocity con- tinued the fame as at C, the Arch Ch (as well as CG) muft fall wholly above the Right-line FCD. And, by the fame Method of arguing, the Arch C/>, in the ft- cond Cafe^ will fall, wDolfyy below FCD : Therefore FCD, in both Cafes, is a Tangent to the Curve at the Point C : Whence, the Triangles FmC and OzS being fimilar, it appears, that the Sub-tangent ;F is always a Fourth-proportional to (nS) the Fluxion of the ordi- nate (C), the Fluxion of the Abfciflfa, and the Ordi- nate (Cm). Otherwife. 49. Let ACG reprefent the propofed Curve, and let the Right-line FCD be a Tangent to it, at any Point C, meeting the Axis AQ. (produced if neceflary) in F : ^uppofe a Point p to move along the Curve, from A towards G, and let the abfolute Celerity thereof at C, in the Direction of the Tangent CD, or the Fluxion of the Line A/> fo generated *, be denoted by CS, any, Art<1 Part of the faid Tangent : Then, if AH, mp and roSaod 5. be made perpendicular, and Ipn parallel, to AQ_, the relative Celerities of that Point, in the Directions Cn and mC, wherewith lp (=. Am) and mp increafe in this E 3 Pofition, of FLUXIONS Art.35- Pofition, will be truly exprefled by Cn and S * : But the Celerities by which Quantities increafe are as the Fiiixions of thofe Quantities : Therefore (CS be- ing the Fluxion TT /I of the Curve-line i > Ap) and S m- m a Cn are the corre- fponding Fluxions of the Abfcifla Am and the Or- dinate mp : And we have Sw : nC : : mC : mF, the fame as before. Hence, if the Abfcifla Am be put r= #, and the Ordinate mp = y t we fhall have mF = : By means of which general Ex- preffion, and the Equation expreffing the Relation be- tween x and y, the Ratio of the Fluxions x and y will be found, and from thence the Length of the Sub- tan gent (mf) as in the following Examples. EXAMPLE I. 50. To draw a Right-line CT, to touch a given Cirdt BCA, in a given Point C. Let CS be perpendicular (o the Diameter AB, and put AB rr /?, BS = x and SC = y : Then, by the Property of the Circle, y* (CS 1 ) = BS x AS ( xXa A-) == ax x 1 ; whereof in drawing Tangents. 55 whereof the Fluxion being taken, in order to determine the Ratio of x and y t we get iy'y ax 2xx j confe- x 2y y quently = *" =r ; which, multiplied by y, ' y a 2x ?a x vx v*" gives *r = J = the Sub-tangent ST *. Whence * Art< 4t a and AQ. (O being fuppofed the Center) we have OS (~a x) : CS (y) : : CS (y) : ST j which we alfo know from other Principles. EXAMPLE II. 51. To draw a Tangent to any given Point C of tht co- nical Parabola ACG. If the Latus Reflum of the Curve be denoted by a t the Ordinate MC by;-, and its correfponding Abfcifla AM by x ; then the known Equation, expreffing the Relation of * and y, being ax =y z , we have, in this x 2 y y^l" Cafe, ax = iyy j whence =: , and confequently ?- f Art.48 2 y* 2ax = ~=:-- = 2x = MF. Therefore the Sub-tangent a a is juft the double of its correfponding Abfcifla AM : Which we likewife know from other Principles, E < EX- 56 tfbe Ufe of FLUXIONS EXAMPLE III, 52. To draw a Tangent to a Parabola of any kind. The general Equation of thefe fort of Curves being; m n i-4-B , "* n i . m-^-n i . a x =zy , we have na x x m + n X y j, ^ i .. ^ , x Bi+nX^ , yx and therefore -r = _ ; ; whence -r- j^ v m B j y ^ 72fl A 1 * a (becaufe y " =: %") =: IB a na x na x - X x the true Value of the Subtangent : Which, therefore, is to the Abfcifla, in the conftant Ratio of m -{- n to n. EXAMPLE IV. 53. Tt draw a Tangent RT, to a given Ptint R, in a given Ellipfts BRA. If RS be an Ordinate to the principal Axis AB, and there be put (as ufual) ABr:<7, and the letter Axis = b ; we fhall, by the Property of the Curve, have a* : b* : : axx r (BS x AS) : / (RS*), and there- fore Z>*X ax x^a^y 1 : Whence Fxax 2xx=: and -7- = -. - . ..- j and confequently the Sub-tangent y b x 2x Art.49- ST f _ in drawing Tangents* 57 . Whence the Point T being given, through which the Tangent muft pafs, the Tangent itfelf may be drawn. But if you would derive an Expreffion for the Sub- tangent, in any other kind of Ellipfes (befides the coni- cal) let the Equation a JP Xx"~ + X y" , exhibit- " ing the Nature of all Kinds of Ellipfes, be aflum- ed : Then, by taking the Fluxion thereof, you will i . vn I n . n i , have mx x a x\ x* + nxx x a x] m }- n I VX y y; and therefore x m -f- n X y m X a *) X x + nx m + ny. a *) X * n i -- . xa x (becaufe f- x OT-fWXfl - na j which is the Sub-tangent required. EXAMPLE V. 54. To draw a Tangent, to any given Point R, in a given Hyperbola BR. If a and r be put to denote the two principal Dia- meters of the Hyperbola, the Equation of the Curve be c*x.v + **=*>* : From whence we have c* x ax + T&e Ufe ^FLUXIONS t * a y x J<2 $> " ~r = T""",' '^7^1 and confequent- V r X /7 ^J v ^/ * ^N 2," ^r * - ST - Whence BT (ST BS) rz - - - is alfo T !B S known ; and there- fore the Point T being given the Tangent RT may b% drawn. The Manner of drawing Tangents to all Sorts of Hyperbolas, univerfally^ will be the fame as in the El- lipfes, the Equations of the two Kinds of Curves dif- fering in Nothing but their Signs. EXAMPLE VI. 55. Let the prspofed Curve le that whofe Equation is Then we fhall have 2axx -f- >** + ixyy -f O j therefore 2axx +y"x ., and confidently*? = " ] y E X- in drawing Tangents* 59 EXAMPLE VIL 56. Let the given Curve be the Ciffoid of Diodes, whofe Equation is / = ^ = ^. ?*?xXa x + xx 3 '^ax i x^x*x Here we have lyy = ^ . . = .= ==. - : Whence 4-= ^^" ^3, and confequently the Sub- tangent f J = 2 '- x j~ 5 =: IX X fl AT . EXAMPLE VIII. 57. irf /^ Conchoid 0/*Nicomedes be propofed; where- of the Nature is fuch, that, if from a Point B, called R the Pole, any Number of Right-lines, BA, BR, BR, fcf* ay 2v x : and therefore -r- =s y confequently = y X. = 7 -- : Which being a negative Quantity, the yV bbyy Tangent will therefore fall on the contrary Side of the Ordinate, from the Vertex j and fo, by changing the Signs we {hall have / for the Sub-tanaent y v bbyy ST in this Cafe. After the Manner of thefe Examples the Sub-tangent, in Curves whofe AbfcifTas are Right-lines, may be de- termined : But if the AbfcifTa, or Line terminating the Ordinate, on the lower Part, be another Curve, then the Tangent may be drawn as in the following EX- in drawing tangents. EXAMPLE IX. 58. Let the Curve BRF be a Cycloid; whofe Abfcifla is here fuppofed to be the Semicircle BPA, to which let the Tangent PT be drawn (as above). More- over let rRH be a Tangent to the Cycloid, at the cor- refponding Point R, and let GR* be parallel to TPv ; putting the Arch (or Abfciffa) BP=z, its Ordinate PR=^, AF=, andBPAn;: Then, by the Proper- ty of the Curve, we (hall have c (BPA) : b (AF) :: x (BP) :y (PR): Therefore.? = -, and y = ~ = re : But, by fimilar Triangles, re (j) : R^ (= Pv = ) : : PR (y) : PH = ?= z(becaufe^=~). There- fore, if in the Right-line PT, there be taken PH, equal to the Arch PB, you will have a Point H, through which the Tangent of the Cycloid muft pafs. EXAMPLE X. 59. Let BPA be a Curve of any Kind, to which the Method of drawing the Tangent cPg is known j Jet BRA be life of FLUXIONS ERb be another Curve of fuch a Nature, that the Or- dinatc PR (y) (hall always be a Mean-proportional be- tween BS (x) and AS (a x) fuppofing RPS perpendi- *Art48cular to AB : Put Po = x y SP =v, oc = *, and er aad 49. = j : Then, f *w^ er (y) : Re ( = PC =, Z!: But, by :: RP (y) : PH = the Equation of the Curve ^*r=^A xx; whence 2yj z: Jf 2AT - 2* 2 * 2*-^, and n : - -. and therefore rrl =r jr r ' e exprefled i ax ixx pendent of Fluxions, when the Property of the Curve BP/j, or the Relation of x and v is given : Thus, let BPA b th common Paiabola, and AB its Lotus Rec- tum -, in drawing Tangents* turn ; then v being =: V ax, or contrary Flexure in Curves. : 63. T T THEN a Curve ARS is, in one Part AR V V concave, and in the other Part RS con- vex, towards its Axis AC, the Point R limiting the two Parts is called a Point of RetrogreiTion, or con- trary Flexure. The manner of determining which will appear from the following F ILLUSTRA- 66 Lye of FLUXIONS ILLUSTRA TION. D D S n, n n Suppofe a Right-line BD to be carried along uni- formly, parallel to itfelf, from A towards C ; and let the Point r fo move in that Line, at the fame time, as to trace out, or defcribe, the given Curve- line ARS. Then (by Art. 48.) while the Celerity of the Point r, in the Line BD, de- creafes, the Curve will be concave to its Axis AC ; A. B B B C but when ic in - creafes, convex to the fame : Therefore, as any Quantity is a Minimum at the End of its Decreale and the Beginning of its In- *Art.22. creafe *, it follows that the faid Celerity, at the Point of Inflexion R, muft be a Minimum : Whence, if the fArt. 5. Fluxion of the Ordinate Br, exprefling that Celerity f, be (as ufual) denoted by y j then willj' (the Fluxion JArt.22. of y) be equal to Nothing in that Circumftance J. So far relates to Curves which are, in the former Part concave, and in the latter convex, to their Axes : But if (on the contrary) the Celerity of r fait increafes, and then decreafes, that Celerity, at the required Point, between the Increafe and Decreafe, will be a Maxi- mum \ and therefore its Fluxion (or y) is likewije equal to Art.22. Nothing in this Cafe . Furthermore, if CS (perpendicular to AC) be now confidered as an Axis, and the AbfcilFa S (or its Complement Br y] be fuppofed to flow uniformly, (as AB was fuppofed before) ; then, by the fame Argu- ment, the fecond Fluxion ( x) of the Ordinate nr (or in CUrves of contrary Flextirt. 67 (or its Complement AB =. x) will be equal to Nothing. Hence it is evident that, at the Point of contrary Flex- ure, the fecond Fluxion of the Ordinate will become equal to Nothing, if the Abfcifla be made to flow uni- formly 3 and vice vtrfa. EXAMPLE I. 64. Let the Nature of the Curve ARS (fee the pre- teding Figure) be defined by the Equation ay a*x~* -f- xx (the Abfcifla AB and the Ordinate Br being, as ufual, reprefented by x and y refpe&ively). Then j, expreffing the Celerity of the Point r, in the Line BD, 3 _JL will be equal to - : Whofe Fluxion, or 3 l that of la 1 *- T -f- 2* (be"caufe a and x are conflant) muft be equal to Nothing * ; that is, ^a"-x~^x -f- 2* *Art.6j = : Whence a^x -4- "ixx \ whence PJ- =: = x 9 and confequently F 2 68 he life 0/~ FLUXIONS zr a* + -x'} * ; but, by the given Equation, izaxy l =r 12*V -f 12**, therefore I20V* + 12^* =: a 1 -j- 3*'{ or 3-v 4 4- 6^A- a fl* = o: Wherice * will be found = _^__ Since <7y* = X g +^ x ^ and con f e q uent i v %a i b i +2aK i 'y _y*x AT*/ a-f->l XS^t*/j : But, by the Equation of the Curve x^* is &-\-y] X ^ 1 v x ; therefore 3g^ 1 -j-2^ a > _y 4 X c -f ^1* x ^ l y* =r 0+^* X atf" + > 3 1% and 3*-f 2ay ^a L =: o, and confequently y =: a^/ 3 a. EXAMPLE IV, 67 . Let a+y =. i Sca 3 x* 1 1 oa i x 3 + 300** 3**. Then will a*j = ^6oa 3 xx 330^**;* 4- \2Oax 3 x F 3 And 7 The Ufe of FLUXIONS, And a*J =r 36c* 3 ** 66co s xi* -f Art.6j. Therefore, 6a 3 1 !**.* + 6**'- * 3 = o : Which being divifible by any one of the three Quan- tities a *, 2a *, or %a *, the Root * muft there- fore have three Values, a, 20, and 3^, and confe- quently the Curve, denned by the given Equation, as many Points of contrary Flexure. But, if you would know whether the Part of the Curve lying between any two adjacent Points, thus found, be convex or concave towards the Axis ; fee whether the Value of the Exprcflion for the fecond Fluxion of the Ordinate, between the two corr fpond- ing Roots, b r>iitive or negative : For, in t.ie former Art. e Cafe, the Curve is convex, and in the 'atler concave f, and 48. (provided the whole Curve lies on the fame Side the Axis). Thus, in ihe Example before us ; becaufe the fecond Fluxion of the Ordinate is a ways as 6a 3 liaax + 6axx x 3 ( =. a^x x 'ia * x 3* x) and it appears that the Value of this Expreflion, while * is lefs than the firft.lJ.oot fl, will be pofitive ; the Curve, there- fore, at the Beginning, will be convex to its Axis : Hut when x becomes greater than a, the faid ExprelTion being negative, the Curve will then be concave, and fo continue 'till x is equal to the fecond Root la ; after which the Fluxion again becoming affirmative, the Curve will accordingly be convex till * $a ; beyond which Limit the Curvature continually tends the fame Way. But it will be proper to obferve, that there are Cafes where the fecond Fluxion of the Ordinate may become equal to Nothing, without either changing its Value from pofitive to negative, or the contrary, (fimilar to thofe already taken Notice of in Sefi. II. p. 45 and 46.) which Cafes always happen when the Equation admits of an even Number of equal Roots : And then the Point found as above is not a Point of Inflexion, becaufe the Curvature on either Side of it tends the fame Way. SECT. SECTION V. The Ufe of Fluxions in determining the Radii of Curvature, and the Evcfates of Curves. 68. A Curve /.OH is faid to be the Evolute of ano- jtlL ther Curve ARE, when it is of fuch a Na- ture, that a Thread ROH, coinciding therewith (or wrapped upon the fame) being unwound or difengagod from it, by a Power acting at the End R, ihall, by that End (the Thread continuing tight) defcribe the given Curve ARB. ILLUSTRATION. From the Point O, where the Right-line RO (called the Radius of Curvature) touches the Evolute />OH, B let the Semi-circle SRD be defcribed ; which Semi- circle, having the fame Rar.ius with the given Curve, at R, will confequently have the fame Degree of Cur- vature. But the Curvature in two Curves is the fame, when, the Fluxions of their Abfciflas being the fame, both the Firft, and Second Fluxions of their F 4. cor- 72 Of the Radii of Curvature, correfporHing Ordinates R and RAH are reflectively equal : j^ch ether : For, the Firft Fluxions being eq"ui, -he two Curves will have, at the common Point *Art.4S. R, r-.j and the kii.. Tnn^ent tRh *: And, if the Se- cond Fluxions be likewife equal, the Curvature, or Deflection from ihat Tangent, will alfo be the fame in both ; l-o-'.'ife thefe laft exprefs the Increafe or Decreafe fArt.ig. of Motion in the Direction of the Ordinate f, upon JArt.48. whic ; . ; Curvature intirely depends J. Thi; t:eing premifed, let the Abfcifia Sm of the Semi- circle (confidered as variable) be put = w, its Ordinate Rmv t Rrrrw, rhw^ and R^rza;: Then, R/; be- |jArt.48.$ng a Tangent to the Circle at R ||, the Triangles R/;r and ROw will be equiangular, and therefore ay (Rr) : 1}% x (RA) :: v (Rtt) : RO = -- j which, becaufethe C W Radius of every Circle is a conftant Quantity, muft be . .. vx-t-vZ invariable, and conlequently its Fluxion : : Whence v is found rr ^- =; (becaufe, w being z v conftant, and ob* -f ^ = % we have, in Fluxions , . t ii%. z 1 \ ivv 2 -^ and to ~ = r: ). Therefore hnce^ is = ~v/ * , r iC/ -v or>f' v *\ ^ v- + , 2. |^ , - X. S ,"3 \ inftead of ov, y, and i- , we have y +-< l ( _ ' z j *y > -H*f^ for the general Value of the Radius of Curvature, RO. 6 37* and the Evolute of Curves. 73 The fame ctherwife. If the Radius of the Circle be put = R, and every Thing e!fe be fuppofed as above; then (by the Property of the Circle) we (hall have v 1 (Rra*) = 2 Rw vf" (S^xD-Tz) : Whence, in Fluxions (making w conftant) we get 2v-i> 2Raw iww, and 2v*+2v'v = 2iw*: T. I i From the hift of which Equations v is found V 1> *? r i T> ^ (VX- \ Z- 3 % 3 r. ; and confequently RO I ) ~ .... -. v V ov / w v x'j the fame as before. Otberwtfe without the Circle. Let RO and rO be two Rays perpendicular to the Curve, indefinitely near to each other ; and from their Interfeftion O, let OF be drawn parallel to A, cut- ting R and AF (parallel to Rw) in E and F. Therefore, fuppofing RErrv, An=x, Rn=y, & c . (as before) we fliall have, by fimilar Triangles, as RP F K O (x) :Pq (y) :: RE (v) : EO =: ?; and confequently FO (A + EO) =x+ -j: Which Value (as well as that 74 Of the Radii of Curvature, that of AF) continuing the fame whether we regard the Radius RO, or the Radius rO, its Fluxion muff there- fore be equal to Nothing ; that is, x+ X =: p ; whence v = -rr r;. , and confequently RQ yx xy ' 3 _ , . , : Which, if* Xy y X X y y X ; z 3 is fuppofed conftant, or x = o, will become n. as alovt. But if j be fuppofed conftant, it will be -~~. And, xy if x be conftant, it will'then be ~: For, fmce ? -f jr* **, by taking the Fluxion thereof, we have 2^'-f XX 2j>'no; whence j' - ; and therefore RO ( = . . y K, 3 j J )'g rrr. = t=r- ^-7 9 as before. mjfyj tf v *, -. *.. -U ' -* Now from the feveral Values of the Radius of Cur- vature RO, found above, the cortefponding Values of Ae and *O will likewife be given. Thus, if x be made conftant; then, RO being =; & 3 v ' , we (hall have Ae (A*+OrasA*-f 4 X RO) = *y . ' z Ar-f-^'and^O (Rw R=4 xRO R) = xy 2 ' y y- l But, if^ be made conftant, then, RO being = -fr, 2 ** we fhall have AE rz x -f , and ^O = -rr- y. AT J* * Laftly, ana the Evolute of Curves. Laftly, if z be fuppofed conftant ; then RO being vx y xy ' -, we fhall have A* =: x 4- , and eO = y. 3 ' x x J Which feveral Expreffions will ferve as fo many ge- neral Theorems for determining the Quantity of Cur- vature, and the Evolutes of given Curves : But, before we proceed to Examples, it will be proper to obferve, that the Right-line A/>, denoting the Radius of Curva- ture at the Vertex A (to be found by making *, or j, == o) muft always be iubtra&ed from RO and A*, to have the true Length of the Arch ^O, and its corre- fponding AbfciiTa/**. EXAMPLE I. 69. Let the given Curve ARBbethe common Parabola, ii i_ i whofe Equation is y = a*x* : Then will y =a*xx * ax , and (making;*- conftant) y ^ 2** Whence Of the Radii of Curvature, and the Radius of Curvature RO * *}' Which at the Vertex A, where x=o, will be a = Ap. Moreover A* (*+ ~ J {a + y, and there- fore / + g* t'x^-^l*. Which 2<7 <: when the Diameters a and r are equal, or the Ellipfis degenerates to a Circle, will be every where equal to , or la i agreeable to the Definition of a Circle. EX- Of the Radii of Curvature, EXAMPLE IV. 72. To find the Radius of Curvature^ and the Evoluie fff the common Cycloid. Let ARB be the given Curve, and AOH its Evolute; alfo let R and OS be parallel to AC, and eO and R* H perpendicular to AC; and put ARB (irzBC) =d, AR = z, An A-, and Rn =y : Then BR r=__ and, by the Property of the Curve, a* (AB a ) : ^^zf (BR 1 ) : : fr ( BC) : a y ( B^ ) 2^z z 1 ax zz. whence y =. ; therefore y =: . z > la a J (-*) = , and x =. .. Whence (making z conftant) A: = : ,-i from which a and the E volute of Curves. 79 we get RO, or AO ( - ) = y^az z% and rO, V X J or AS ( := y) = ; which, when z =. a , or ROH coincides with BH, become AOH (BH) = a, and CH (AG) =i#. Hence, becaufe it appears, that, AH) 1 (a*) : AO* (2*2 z a ) : : AG (*) : AS (2rfZ Z 1 \ ) it follows that the Evolute AOH is alfo a 2a ' Cycloid equal, and fimilar, to the Involute ARB. If the Evolute had been given, or fuppofed, a Cy- cloid, and the Involute required, the Procefs would have been, more fimple, as follows, Let AH (aAG) = a, AO (=RO) = z, AS = *, SO = _y, BR = v , B = w, Rr = i, R/ = w, fcf tf . Then it will be f, j : i ( : : Ow : OR) : : R/ (,; : Rr = ^5. z^ s :_y .' : z (RO) t O/w -r-> :* :: z (RO) : R = ^?, 2 Whence we have U whence the Nature of the Evolute is known. EXAMPLE I. 74. Let the given Curve AR be the logarithmic Spiral, whofe Nature i: luch, that the Angle PRQ. (or RPH) which the Ordinate makes wiih the Curve is every where the fame. Then (denoting the Sine of that Angle by b, and by the Radius of the Tables by a) we have RH (v) ~p f yy \ &yy &y and therefore RO ( ) = -77 = r; which bein<* v i/ / by b to PR (y) in the conftant Ratio of a to , or of PR to RH, the Triangles ROP and RPH muft therefore be fimilar, and fo the Angle POH, which the Ordinate PO quakes with the Evolute, being every where equal to PRQ_, will likewife be invariable. Whence it ap- pears that the Evolute is alfo a logarithmic Spiral, fimilar to the Involute j and that a Right-line drawn from the Center, perpendicular to the Ordinate, of any logarithmic Spiral, will pafs thro' the Center of Cur- vature. EXAMPLE II. 75. Let the Curve propofed be the Spiral of Archimedes; by y* where we have p -7 ~, and v , Yyt + b* v y~ (fee Art. 62.) Therefore v r= find the Evolute of Curves. 83 y X lyy X f+JF\ lyy X y* -f- ^* T 3 V _ whence the Radius or Curvature f is here =jjjg> W hich being =-*, Mlt , j; whence, the Arch of the Evolutef, reckoned 'from yv 4- bbv- b the V ertex, is therefore =r ~ 2 After the very fame Manner you may proceed in other Cafes : But if the Value of -v (dr =-r J changes, in any Cafe, from Pofitive to Negative, the Radius of Cur- vature (RO) after becoming infinite, will fill on the other Side of the Tangent, and the correfponding Point of the Curve, when v o, will be a Point of Contrary- Flexure. Whence it may be obferved that the Point of Infie&ion, in a Curve whofe Ordinates are referred to a Center, may be found by making the Fluxion of the Perpendicular, drawn from the Center to the Tan- gent, equal to Nothing, which Cafe is not taken Notice of in the preceding Section. G 2 S E G- Manner of fading FLUENTS- \ SECTION VI. Of the Inverfe Method, or the Manner of de- termining the Fluents of given Fluxions. 76. TN the Jnverfe Method, which teaches the Man- [ ner of finding the refpe&ive flowing Quanti- ties of given Fluxi ns, there will be no great Difficulty in conceiving the Reafons, if what is already delivered in Sefl. i. on the direft Method, has been duly con- fidered : Though the Difficulties that occur in this Part, upon another Account, are indeed vaftly fuperior. It is an eafy Matter, or not impoffible at moft, to find the Fluxion of any flowing Quantity whatever; but in the Invcrfe Method the Cafe is quite different : JFor, as there is no Method for deducing the Fluent from the Fluxion a priori , by a direct Investigation, fo it is impofiible to lay down Rules for any other Forms of Fluxions, than thofe particular ones which we know, from the direct Method, belong to fuch and fuch kinds of flowing Quantities. Thus, for Example, the Fluentof 2xx is known to be #", becaufe it is found in An. 6. and 14. that 2xx is the Fluxion of x~ : But the Fluent of yx is unknown, fince no Exprefllon has been difcovered that produces yx for its Fluxion. 77. Now, as the principal Rule in the direfl Method is that for the Fluxions of Powers, derived in Art. 8. (where it is proved that the Fluxion of x is, univer- fatly, exprefied by nx x) ; fo the moft general Rule, that can be given in the Inverfe Method, muft be that arifing from the converge thereof > which Jhtws hnu to ajjign the Fluent of any Power of a variable Quantity drawn into the Fluxion of the Root j and which, exprefled in Words, will be as follows. Divide by the Fluxion of the Root, add Unity to the Exponent of the Power, and divide by the Exponent fa incrcafcd. For, Manner of finding FLUENTS. 85 For, dividing the Fluxion nx n "~*x by * (the Fluxion of the Root x] it becomes nx*~*\ and, adding I to the Exponent (n i) we have **} which, divided by tf, gives *", the true Fluent of nx , by Art. 8. Hence (by the fame Rule) the Fluent of 3; fx will be That of SA v 3 * x 6 That of 2x * ~ T That of =|; 8 That of aylj = 22! j o JW-f-'T W -f-I - T^U c ~- y - n y That Of y y= -^', That of f, or That oftf-f 2] x zz . Xz * = For /;r^ the Root, or the Quantity under the general Index n, being a -f z , and its Fluxion = /wz C//r/. 14.) we (hall, by dividing by tho Uft of thefc T/* "* i Quantities, have ; whence, increafing the m G 3 Index S6 The Manner of finding Index by Unity, and dividing by (n-f i) the Index Co uicreafed, there comes out After the very fame Manner the Fluents of other Expreflions may be deduced, when the Quantity, or Multiplicator, without the Vinculum is either equal, or in a conftant, Ratio, to the Fluxion of the Quantity, urvder the Vinculum : As in the Expreflion - m a + cz" 1 ' X dz~~*x \ where the Number of Dimenfions of z under the Vinculum (or general Index) being equal to thofe of z without the Vinculum 4- i, the Fluent may therefore be had, as in the preceding Examples} ,m4-i a + cz> x d and will come out- - . : And, that this (or flf X / 4- i any other Expreflion derived in like Manner) is the true Fluent will evidently appear, by fuppofing x equal to a + cz" the Quantity under the Vinculum ; for then (equal Quantities having equal Fluxions) x will be Art. 8. = *cz~*x * ; 'and confequently a + c* x dz " * (=* w x I = - ; whofe Fluent is therefore nc / nc 4- d " .__d }Art. 77 . - -I - v - , as before. 78. In aligning the Fluents of given Fluxions there is another Particular th^t ought to be attended to, not yet taken notice of ; and that is, whether the flowing Quantity, found by the common Rule, above deli- vered, does not require the Addition or Subtraction of fome conftant Quantity to render it complete. This 9 indeed Manner of finding FLUENTS. 87 indeed can, only, be known from the Nature of the Problem under Confideration ; but that fuch an Addi- tion or Subtraction may, in fome Cafes, become ne- ceflary is evident from the Subject itfelf ; fmce a flow- ing Quantity increafed, or decreafed, by a conftant Quantity, ha* ftill the fame Fluxion ; and therefore the Fluent of that Fluxion is as properly exprefled by the whole compound ExprefEon, as by the variable Part of it, alone : Thus, for Inftance, the Fluent of nx"~ l x may be either reprefentcd by *" or by #"-[^<7,becaufe(rf being conftant) the Fluxion of x* ^<7, as well as of x n , is n i nx 70,. Hence it appears that it is the variable Part of a Fluent only which is aflignable by the common Me- thod ; the con -ant Part (when fuch becomes neceflary) being to be afcertained from the particular Nature of the Problem. Now to do this, the beft Way is to con- fider how much the variable Part of the Fluent, firft found, differs from the Truth, in that particular Cir- cumfrance when the required Quantity which the whole Fluent ought to exprefj, is equal to Nothing } then that Difference, added o, or fubtraded from, the faid variable Part, as occafion requires, will give the Fluent truly corrected : For, f;:ice the Difference of two Quan- tities flowing with the fame Celerity (or having equal Fluxions) is either, Nothing at all, or con/iantly the fame, the Difference in that Circumftance will like- wife be the Difference in all other Circumftances : And therefore being added to the lefler Quantity, or fub- tracted from the greater, both become equal. 80. To render what is above delivered as familiar a.s may be, I {hall put down a few Example? ; in which the variable Quantities rcprefented by * and v are fup- pofed to begin their Exiflence together, or to be gene- Mte J, at the fame time. G 4 I. Let tfhe Manner of finding FLUENTS.^ 1. Let y cfxx j then the Fluent, found as ufual, *V* *V , will be y -: j where taking y =: o, alfo va- -- 2 nifties, (becaufe then xo by Hypothefis) : Therefore the FJuent requires no Correction in this Cafe. 2. Let y =. ~a + x\ X x : Here we fir ft have y = i but when v o, then becomes = 4 44 (fince x by Hypothefis is then o :) Therefore " 1* a* a .. always exceeds ^by ; and fo the Fluent pro- 4 4 .4- perly corrected will be y f Zlf_ fi 1 jf 4- 3 x 4 2 #* But the very fame Fluent may be otherwife found, without needing any Correction : For the given Equa- tion -- a + *l x A-/, by expanding a + x] , is tranf- formed to j=. a 3 x -f $a~xx + r $ax t x + x 3 x ; whence ^ =; ?V A-* ^3^ i ^2 }. ^7^3 ^_ j the fame as above. 2 4 Hence it appears that the Fluent of an Expreffion, found according to one Form, may require a very different Correction from the Fluent of the fame Fluxion found according to another Form. T 3. Let y a 1 *- z l l X xx j then, firft, y = The Manner of finding FLUENTS. = j therefore * ~~ * is too little by ^p a 3 and fo the Fluent corrected will be y - . 3 ^ _ ^ 4. Let y-=.r j which corrected, as above, becomes p+1 , m *4-l g+kc -{-ex I a r y - p + I 8 1 . Hitherto x and y are both fuppofed equal toNothing at th" fame time; but that will not always be the Cafe in the Solution of Problems. Thus, for Inftance, though the Sine and Tangent of an Arch are both equal toNothing when the Arch itfelf is equal to Nothing, yet the go f/je Manner of jinduig FLUENTS. the Secant is then equal to the Radius : It will be proper therefore to add an Example or two wnerein the Value of y is equal to Nothing, when that of x is equal to any given Quantity a. Let, then, the Equation y x r x be hrfl propofed ; x 3 whereof the Fluent (firft taken) is y ; but when x 3 a* y = o, then = , by Hypothefis j therefore the ' j x* a 3 Fluent, corre&ed. is y rr . 3 Again, let the propofed Equation be j =r x x ; +i then will v = ; which corrected becomes y +i n-f-I 4-I a x Laftly, let y c z -f- bx~Y X xx\ then, firft, y =3 3 ^ j and, when j = and x = *, f 3 comes = C "^ ' : therefore the Fluent corrected is 3* 82. All the Examples hitherto given relate to fuch Fluxions as involve one variable Quantity only in each Term, whofe Fluents are afiignable from the Converfe of the firft General Rule, in Seftiea I. But, befides thefe, various other Forms of Fluxions may be propofed, in- volving two or more variable Quantities, whofe Fluents may alfo be fcund by Help of the other two General Rule*- delivered m the fame Section. Thus yhe Manner of finding FLUENTS. 91 Thus the Fluent of yx + xj is exprefled by xy* j thatArt.io. Z- f j that of ax + xj+yx by ax + xy % ;.j. Art . I3 . and that of wyy + y x n*x xX y"x-ax * ^7 __H- W n "\~~m~ mxyx-ax\ . f diyidin / in the Jaft the Fluxion of the Root y x ax , which (by Art. rti n n1 14 and 15) is nxy j+y x nax x t we nrft have " 1 yx ax"\ m ; whence, adding Unity to the Exponent ~, and dividing by the Exponent fo increafcd, we get p + m m ent of the Quantity proppfed. But it feldom happens that thefe Kinds of Fluxions which involve two dif- ferent variable Quantities in one Term, and yet admit pf known, or perfe#, Fluents, are to be met with in Practice : I fliall therefore take no further Notice of them in this Place (but refer the Reader to the fecond Part of the Work) my Defign here being to infift only upon what is moft general and ufeful in the Subject ; which b-ings me to further confider thofe Forms of Fluxions, involving one variable Quantity only, that frequently occur in the Solution of Problems, whofe Fluents may (after proper Transformation) be found, by the Rule already delivered in Art. 77. 83. It *Tbe Manner of finding FLUENTS. 83. It has been already hinted, that if a Fluxion of m the Binomial Kind, as a + cz ' x dz i, has the In- dex (n i) of the variable Quantity (z) without the Vinculum -f I, equal to () the Index of the fame Quan- tity under the Vinculum^ the Fluent thereof may be then truly found by the forementioned Rule. But the fame Observation may be farther extended to thoft Cafis. where the Index without the Vinculum increajed by Unity is eyial to any Multiple of that under the Finculum ; as in the Expreffions, a+cz* X dz" z, a -f cz'\ X |W dz V ~* z t a + <' X ^z 4 *"" 1 ^,^. Whofe Fluents arc thus determined. * XQ - K I Put/7+cz ^:jr, then will 2; -, and?;z x. * an( ^ therefore z = * Art.S. i whence by Subftitution we get a -f- _ , d x x xax x nc TIC Whofe Fluent (by Art. 77.) is therefore = = X nc W-j-2 W-pI --- ; which, by reftoring the Value of x. m+2 m + I becomes , X The Manner of finding FLUENTS. 93 a + cz X m + 2 m+i cz W + 2XW+I ; thetrue Fluent of ^nl az %. m Again; for the Fluent of a + cz"i x dz^'~ l z t be caufe z"* = -I, and 2"- ^Zf, we have z 3 *" 1 * Wf C nc i w I Whence, + fz"' being r: .* , we get-f rz ' x . w ' efz z= dx x luxx f-f-I tr. . 2fl.v .V + O'AT A- ; whofe Fluent is there- , <* x fore x m+i dxa + m -f 3 m + z lacz J **' * I j + 3X 94 *rhe Manner of finding FLUENTS. Univerfat/y, let r denote any whole pofitive Number l whatever, and let the Fluent of a + czl xflfc'*"' 1 * be required; then, by putting a + cz =x y and proceed- ing as above, our propofed Fluxion is transformed to J n ~ r I ax x > r r i ' x xa\ ; which, expanding x a\ nc ( by the Binomial Theorem ) becomes x M i x ta * + r i x r. tfhofe Fluent is therefore = x nc r r ri* ax _j_ r ix r7. x a * x -r 2 2 Where, r being a whole pofitive Number, the Mul- tiplicators i,r l,r i X r 2,r I X r 2 X r 3,^r. will therefore become equal to Nothing, after the r firft terms ; and fo, the Series terminating, the Fluent itfelf will be truly exhibited in that Number of Terms : Ex- cept when IB 4- r is likewife a whole pofitive Number, lefs than r ; in which Circumftance the Divifors m + r 9 m + r i, m + r 2, &V. becoming equal to Nothing, before the Multiplicators, the correfponding Terms of the Series will be infinite. And in that Cafe the Fluent is faid to fail, fince Nothing can then be determined from it. 84. Be- Manner of finding FLUENTS. 9 1 84. Befides the foregoing, there is another Way of deriving the Fluent of a -f cz x dz z, in Term? of the original flowing Quantity z ; which will afford a Theorem more commodious for Practice than that above given : The Method of Inveftigation is thus. Let dxa+cz n &V. (where />, i/, A, B, C, &V. denote unknown, but determinate, Quantities) be aflumed for the Fluent fought : Then by taking the Fluxion of the Quantity fo afTutned we (hall have py j fff A P~*U p~"2i*& z X-f cz"\ xAz 4-Bz -f Cz 4- l+I "" /.-I Dz fcff. -f dXa + cz ' *MZ z + p v X z+p2vxCz f l z &c. which being put * Art - 8 - IO " \ m 71 I *"" - * equal to the given Fluxion, a + cz X dz c, and - )" r l x the whole Equation divided by a + cz ' X dz , there comes out p-v p-l-v 2 p -fCz +Dz !*<' ? ^. 2W > _ z ! feV. J x/Az 4-/> i Whence, by colleding the Coefficients of the like Powers of z, we have ? - i=0 z + paAz Where, comparing p + n and rw, the two greateft Ex- ponents of &c. Vc. s x s ix s a x s 3 x nc which Values, with thofe of p and v, being fubftituted in the aflumed Fluent, it becomes d~> rn n rn in ' , rn in z r I X az r i x r lY.az SX S--IXS 2Xf* rn in " of n ~~ l zi which was to be determined: Which Fluent therefore, when r is a whole pofitive Number, will always terminate in as many Terms as are expreflcd by that Number; except in that particular Cafe, fpccificd'in the laft Article^ Thus, if r2, or the Vid. p. 1 8 1 of my Treat i/e of Algebra. Manner of finding FLUENTS. the given Fluxion be tf-f- or Here we have ^ = ^% c I, z =j, = 2, w z: f, 6 d i, rn I (or2r 1)= 6jwhencer(= - = , and s (r + m) = 2 ; whereof the lat- ter being a whole Negative Number, let the feveral Value* here exhibited be therefore fubftituted in * + The Manner of fading FLUENTS. loi / I a + cz .m+X X I rna r-fi x a r-f .) the latter of the two general Expreflions above 3 >>' _c " -^ "I Xjy derived, and it will become ~~ 5S i the true Fluent required. EXAMPLE IV. 1 . La/My, let the given Fluxion be a fo*l x x. Then, a being = a, c /, m=i, d i,r=r-, and the reft as in the general Fluxion a -f rz"' x Jz*~~ l x j we (hall, by fubftituting in the fecond Form (becaufe s is here equal to ( 3) a whole ne- . n |i "5 _V /X." fl _ /z I Xz gative Number) have J _ L X i - 90. Having infifted largely on the Manner of finding fuch Fluents as can be truly exhibited in Algebraic Terms i it remains now to fay fomething with regard H 3 to 1 03 T^he Manner of finding FLUENTS. to thole other Forms of Expreffions, involving one va riable Quantity only, which, yet, are fo affe&ed by compound Divifors and radical Quantities, that their Fluents cannot be accurately determined by any Method whatsoever ; of which there are innumerable Kinds : But there is one general Method whereby the Fluents of fuch Exprefiions are approximated, to any afligned Degree of Exaclnefs ; namely, the Meehod of Infinite Series; which it will, therefore, be necefiary to ex- plain ; fo far as relates to the Manner of expounding the Value of any compound Fraction, or furd Quan- tity, by Help of fuch a Series. EXAMPLE I. 91. Let t then, the fraftion be, firji, given j to be Q3f converted into an Infinite Series. Divide the Numerator ax by the Denominator a .v, as is taught in Compound Divifion of common Algebra j then the Operation will ftand as follows i Where The Manner of fading FLUENTS. ** X* X* Where the Quotient, or Series *-r-~ + ^ + ^ + ~Z + ~i^ infinitely continued, is taken to expound the Value of the propofed Fraction " ; a x 92. But, though the Series thus arifing ought to be carried on to an Infinity of Terms, to have the true Value of the Quantity firft propofed ; or, though the Quotient, continued to ever fo great a Number of Terms, will be^/?/// fomething defective of the Truth ; yet, if the Value of the Quantity (#) in the Numerator be but fmall in Comparifon of the Quantity (a] in the Denominator, the Remainder, after a few Terms in the Quotient, will become fo exceeding fmall, as to be neglected without any confiderabJe Error ; and then the Value of the Whole, or of the Quantity firft pro- pofed, will be, very nearly, exhibited, by taking 3 fmall Number of the leading Terms only. Thus, for Inftance, let the Value of a be expounded by 10, and that of x by Unity; then the Remainder ( ) after the two firft Terms of the Quotient, being r: , this Value, divided by the given Divifor (a *:= ) 9, will therefore give = 0,01 1 1 (I i i,&V. for the Defect, by taking the two firft Terms only : But, if the three firft Terms be taken, the Defect will be jftill lefs confiderable ; amounting to no more than i -" , or 0,001 1 1 1 1 1, cfc. 900 This may likewife be made to appear, without any regard to the Remainder, by collecting into one Sum, the Values of all the Terms to be taken : For, if only *\ the firft two (x + - J be propofed, their Sum will be HA s IP4 'Tie Manner of finding FLUENTS. = !)}; which, deducted from the true Value of the _. ' . ox f io\ given Fraction - ( zz I = i,niiiii &c. the a x \ 9 ' Difference will come out e.oim, the -very fame as be- fore. Thus, alfo, by collecting the Sum of the three, four and five, C3V. firft Terms of the Series, you will have 1,1 1 j i>i ii and 1,11 1 j fcfV. uhich, being fuc- ceflively deducted from uiiiiiim &V. (as above) there will remain c,ooim &c- o,coouii &V. 0,00001 in C5V. for the Errors or Defects in thofe Cafes refpe&ively. 93. From what has been faid in the preceding Ar- ticle jt appears, that Infinite Seriefes, in Algebra (ac- cording to a common Obfervation) are fimijar to, or correfpond with, Decimal Fractions in common Arith- metick : For, as a Decimal Fraction may be carry 'd on to any propofcd Number of Places, however great, and yet never amount to a Quantity, which but a very little exceeds the Value of the three or four firft Places ; fo a Series may be infinite with regard to the Number of its Terms, and yet a few of the leading Terms only, may be fufficient to exprefs the Value of the Whole^ very nearly : Provided, always, that the Series has a fufficient p.ate of Convergency, or that its Terms de- creafe in a pretty large Proportion ; For, otherwife, tven y a great Number of Terms may be ufed to little x* Purpofe : Thus, in the foregoing Scries, # -f -f. # *r &c. if x be taken rr W* S*'___5* t0 - ~ t^a 6 I28a* Which three Terms thus found being added to thofe AT* AT* *' found above, we have a H -- ^r - j^$ 7A- 7 -f , -, for the 6 firft Terms of an infinite 7 9 ' Series exhibiting the Value of r7+* 98. Another Way of refolving any radical Quantity, is to affume a Series (with unknown Coefficients) for the Value thereof; and then the Scries fo aflumed being raifed to the fecond, third, or fourth Power, &c. ac- cording as the Root to be extracted is a fquare, cubic, or biquadratic one, &c. an Equation will be obtained (free from Surds) from whence, by comparing the ho- mologous Terms, the aflumed Coefficients, and con^ fequently the Series fought, will be determined j as in EX- io8 *Ihe Manner of finding FLUENTS. EXAMPLE V. . Where it is propofed to extratt the Square Rost ef cf + x 1 " in an Infinite Series. In which Cafe, afluming A + B* M -f C* 4 " -f E* 8 " &c. for the required Series, and taking the Square thereof, we have + 2AC* 4 "+ zAD 4 " + iBC* 6 " and confequently 4" . A TN 6" ^ .. A* +2AB* *" , a i i x -J- Therefore A 1 a a "=ro, aAB 1=0, 2 AC + B x =o, aAD-t-2BC=o, 2AE + 2BD4-C 2 =o, * &c. From which we get A=/ ; B ( = -^-)= -', C ( = 2A / 20 B'\ I BC\ I - ; D --- 2 BD-fC*\ 5 ( 7 I -* ^f whence we have 2*"V ^ Q 7 A+B"+C,*+D

be a Binomial whofe firft Term is Unity, and its fecond Term any propofed Quantity y j and let the Quantity to be expanded or thrown into a *p Scries be i+^i ; where the Exponent v is fuppofed to denote any Number whatever, whole or broken, po- fitive or negative. Now it is evident that the firft Term of the required Series muft be Unity ; becaufe when y is = o, the other Terms all vanifb. ; and, in that Cafe, \-\-y\ is equal to Unity. Let, therefore, I + Ay" + B/ -f C/-|- D/ &c. be affumed to exprefs the true Value of the faid Series, or, which is the fame, let I -f y\ = i -f Ay + B^ + C^ -f Dy (3c. where A, B, C, D, yr. m, n, p t q, &c. denote unknown, but determinate Quantities : Then, by taking the Fluxion of the whole Equation, (fuppofing y variable) we fhall have vj> x T-t- y\ = m i l f i f I my Ay + nyoy -^fj^y ~*~9J>Dy &c. Whence, multiplying the Sides of the two Equations, crofs-wife, and dividing by j x T+y\ , there comes /> f ^ +vD^ &c. which, by Re- duttion, is m l X _ P"~ l , &c. Then, m being zri,=:2, /> 3, J 4> t3c. ir" thefe feveral Values be fubftituted above, the Equation itfelf will become Where, taking A w=o, 26 -f A vh~Q, vB=o, 40 + 30 vCrno, &c. fo that every Column of homologous Terms (and, confequently, the whole Exprcffion) may vanifh, we alfo get A=v ; B (= vA. A A x v 1\ i;x v i p , _ vB aB Bxt ^) = ^x^- 1 x ^=- 2 ; D ( = 3 / 2 3 - 3x v ! v 2 ^ 3 4 Whence, by writing thefe Values, with thofe of m, , />, y, ^. in the Series i -f A/*-f B>-"-f Cy &. firft alTumed, we, at length, find i-f-j) = i -f- vj + x I" X ~~~* x ~ x y T ~* X 2 123 12 f 2 W 3 r~ X x >* -f &V. which wis to be invefti- 6 4 gated. From the Series here brought out, any Power or Root, of any other compound Quantity, whether Bi- nomial, Trinomial, sV. is eafily deduced : For, if p be put to reprefent the firft Term of any fuch Quan- tity, and Q_ the Quotient of the reft of the Terms di- 10 vided *be Manner of finding FLUENTS* vided by the firft ; then the Quantity itfelf will be ex-* prefled by P-J-PQ_or Pxi+Q_, and the v Power thereof by P v x i + C, which therefore is equal to V V~~ 1 1) 7J I V - 2, 7 x xQ! + T x x x V Vl 112. V'i Qf -f- X X X - xQ^ + esV., by what is juft now determined. But when v is a Fraction, as in the Notation of Roots, the Theorem here given will be render 'd fome- \vhat more commodious for Practice, if, inftead of -u t a Fra&ion as be fubftituted j by which means it will become P x i + Q? " =P " x i + Q -f x n ^- n tn m m n m a_. m m Q - + ;r*-ir*r^- 1 -i* x m 2 tn 3 X ' Q! + &c. whofe Ufe, in converting radical Quantities into Infinite Seriefes will appear from the following Examples. EXAMPLE VII, ICO. JPherein it is propofed to extra fJ the Square Root 6? a 1 4- **, in an Infinite Series. Here the Quantity to be expanded being ~a r ^f x , . I i by comparing it with the general Form, aa ~ > ~ x* P " X i -i-Ql , we have P=a% Qjr m ~ i f it and Manner of finding FLUENTS. and nz : Whence, by fubftituting thefe Values in the laft general Equation, we get *-f* r f = axi-Kx^ + ^x--;-X^. + X 'i # 6 v * x -| x ? + \ x -i x - x -| x ^- + (ft. = + ** * 6 5** - - + r 7 TT^ & Which Series agrees 3 ' 7 exactly with thofe found in Art. 97. and 98. by different Methods. EXAMPLE VIII. 10 1. Let it be required to extraft the Cube- Root of I 3 y*, in an Infinite Series. Here by ~~y*Y ( - T\ comparing r l r X I p- V = p .y* \ with P X oT , it will be P=b*, Q_= ' m~i andn = 3: Therefore, by Subftitution, we get 1\ .T y 3 ] } V 3 P (^Xl-Ji)/ =*XI **#- + yX - i i v a v > v ___ ^-~ m v""* v ~< \f jbij^^A 5'^ 19 T7A T ^"~ / / sy 9 io/* F " =* 3 4*""^ "" sT^ 8 ^J 77 1 14 T&f Manner of finding FLUENTS. EXAMPLE IX. 102. Let the Quantity to be converted into an Infinite Series be V ax xx In this Cafe the given Quantity being firft transformed " x ' ~~ a an d I - afterwards com- _ "* pared with 7+Q\ , we have Q_= * , m = l a t and n~2 j and therefore i fTTTr^ - a v * '^.i IT the Quantity pro- ^ ^^ pofed. 103. It may not be improper to obferve here, that, when both the Terms of the propofed Quantity are af- firmative, and its Exponent alfo affirmative and lefs than Unity, the two firft Terms of the equal Series will be pofitive, and the reft negative and pofitive, al- ternately ; but if only the firft Term of the Binomial be affirmative, all the Terms of the Series, after the firft, will be negative : Moreover, if the Exponent of 10 the Manntr of fading FLUENTS. the given Quantity be negative, and both the Terms affirmative, the Signs will change alternately*; but if only the firft be affirmative, all the Terms of the equal Series will be pofitive. EXAMPLE X. 104. Let the Quantity propofed be the Trinomial Here, by dividing the reft of the Terms by the ?<:. our given Quantity is reduced toTr^F x Therefore, in this Cafe ?=*% Q. 2*4~ 3*% w =I j and n = 3: Whence (by Subftitu- ______________ t tion) * 3 + 2* 4 + 3* 5 ) 3 *X 1 + 4 X 2A-+3**! + T X + ; x ~| x -| x 5x2* 1x* Which, reduced to fimple Terms, is =: x + - ^_ 68** , 9 -TT^' 105. When the propofed Expreffion confifts of a ra- tional, multiply'ti by an irrational, Quantity, the Series anfwering to the irrational one nmft be firft found, and afterwards multiply'd by the rational Quantity : But, if two, or more, compound irrational Quantities are to b* drawn into each other, then take the Series anfwering to each Quantity, feparately, and multiply them toge- ther ; obferving, always, to neglect all fuch Terms >ynofe Indices would exceed that of the laft, or higheft, I 2 Term, u6 The Manner of finding FLUENTS. Term, which the Series fought is propofed to be con- tinued to. EXAMPLE XL jo6. Lst the Quantity propofed be i -f x X I x\ Firft we have ,^" = T - ^ - _ Q x 2Q gx igj? 3 QX 19 _ > X sV. Which, mul- 10X20X30 10X20X30X40 ______ I tiply'd by I+A?, produces i+#x i x?* = I + gx_ 2 9 .v a _ 9-4Q* 3 . _ 9.19.69** ^ =14. 10 10.20 10.20.30 I0.20.30.4O 10 200 2000 80000 EXAMPLE XII. 107. Where the Quantity to be exprejjed in an Infiniie r, or a 1 *n X c 1 # Here we have, ^?1 ( x i - ~ An 1 V 2 x f X i +vy 4- yx -^- X >*+ 7 x -Y~ x X/ +~ffr. Whence (for Brevity fake) putting A=v, y " **' , exprefled in a Series, is _ , a ' i c 2c 3 iac j a i_ _ L-. x x 6 -f tf />+ /'i-i^ P-K^" l v x +ax +bx* +cx &c.\ expanded, will fv ' _ + A^ + Bo x x^ + " * x * + ^. as appears from Art. 108. There- ir.l fore this Expreflion being multiplied by x x, and the pw\-m Fluent taken fas ufual) we {hall have - - 4- pv + m fv+m+n " A . . r> x ^ pv+m+zn Aax At> + Ba*Xx -- Ac v + ^z + a l b -f Da + 4 -F &V, for the Quantity propoied to be found. S E - 121 SECTION VII. Of the Vje of Fluxions in finding the Areas of Curves. CASE I. E 7* ARC be a Curve of any Kind whofe Or- dinatei are perpendicular to an Axis AB. 112. Imagine a Right-line ^R^ (perpendicular to AB) to move parallel to itfelf from A towards B ; and let the Celerity thereof, or the Fluxion of the Abfcifla A, in any propofed Pofition of that Line, be denoted by Id; Then it will ap- pear, from Art, 4. that the Re&angle (bn) under bd and the Ordinate R, will exprefs the correfpondirig Flu- xion of the gene- rated Area abR. : Which Fluxion, if A x, and bR=y, will therefore be ~vx : From whence, by fubftituting for y or x (ac- cording to the Equation of the Curve) and taking the Fluent, the Area itfelf will become known. CASE II. 113. Let ARM be any Curve whofe Ordinates CR, CR are all referred to a Point or Center. Conceive a Right-line CRH to revolve about the given Center C, and let a Point R move along th faid H A The UJe of FLUXIONS faid Line, fo as to trace out, or defcribe the propofed Curve Line ARM. Now it is evident, that, if the Point R was to move from any Pofition Q., without changing its Direction and Velocity, it would proceed along the Tangent QS (in- ftead of the Curve) and defcribe Areas QjC, QSC about the Center C, pro- portional to the Times of their De- fcription ; becaufe thofe Areas, or Tri- angles, having the fame Altitude (CP), are as the Bafes Qj and QS, and thefe are as the Times, becaufe the Mo- tion in the Tangent (upon that Suppofition) would be uniform. Hence, if RS be taken to denote the Value of (z) the Fluxion of the Curve Line AR, the correfponding Fluxion of the Area ARC, will be truly reprefented by Art. 2 the, uniformly generated, Triangle QCS * : Which, ? nd 5- putting the Perpendicu!ar (CP) drawn from the Center QSxCP to the Tangent, = j, will therefore be ( = =. Ctg - ; from whence the Area itfelf may be determined. 2 But, fince in many Cafes, the Value of z cannot be computed (from the Property of the Curve) without fome Trouble, the two following Expreflions, for the Fluxion of the Area, will commonly be found more commo- svy y 1 ^ dious, viz. and ; where / ~ RP and x =: the it 20 Arch BN of a Circle, defcribcd about the Center C, at any in finding Areas, 1 23 any Diftance Vfe of Fiirxrt>Ns IM I 77 WT 1 J '# z/ C^ = a x xx j and confequently (the trut Fluent, or Area) = a*~ * x m -f n AB x BR. No Notice lias been yet taken of any conftant Quan- tity to be added to, or fubtra&ed from, the variable One, firft found, in order to render it complete, agree- able to the Obfervation in Art. 78. But that no fuch Correction is required in any of tha preceding Examples, is evident from the Nature of the Figure j becaufe, when x and y are nothing, the Area (u) ought alfo to be nothing, which it actually is ac- cording to the Equations above exhibited. The Fluent found in the fucceeding Example, will, however, ftand in need of a Correction. EXAMPLE IV. 117. ffbere ft is propofed to find tbt Arta. of the ARH, whofe Equation is x* aV-M 1 ^* = o Here, the given Equation is reduced to y . + whence *( = ;*; = ** ""* '' x ** : Art.77. Whereof the Fluent (by the common Rule *) i$ in finding Areas. \\ 127 "* *' : Which, when x0 and arro, becomes 3 " ,* -- ; this therefore fubtracted from a * ' . , leaves 3 - 3* i for the Fluent corre&ed, or the true g * Value of the Area ABR *. When the Ordinate BR *Art. 7 8. becomes equal to Nothing, and B coincides with H, then * will become =rtf=AHj and therefore the Area of the whole ji Curve ARH will be barely = = f AH* 3 EXAMPLE V. 118. Let it be required to detumine the Area of tbt hyperbolical Curve whofe Equation is x* y" = *f ft ~ n In this Cafe we have y = - = a X x and iz8 The Ufe of FLUXIONS m\n -m and therefore u (=y*) = a " x x * x: Whofe Fluent m\n m m\n r m a* X x " _ na " X x " is jjj JM * wnicn wnen * * J = o, willalfobe =:o, if n be greater than m: There- fore, the Fluent requires no Correction in this Cafe j the Area AMRB, included between the Afymptote AM and the Ordinate BR, being truly defined by m\n n m\ I the Quantity above determined. ( n m But, if n be lefs than m, then the Fluent, when #=0, will be infinite (becaufe the Index - being nega-. \ :) Whence the Area tive, o becomes a Divifor to na AMRB will alfo be infinite. But, here, the Area BftH comprehended between the Ordinate, the Curve, and the Part BH of the other Afymp- na m n tote, is finite, and will be truly expounded by the fame Quantity with its Signs changed. For the Fluxion in fndirtg A 1.29 Fluxion of tV Part A V !RB being- a x * ' that of its Supplement BRH muft confequentiy !>e " xx * x : Whereof the Fluent is tn ' | w fi^**fff lL a _*-2!5_L_ = the Area BRH : Which wants no m n Correction ; bccaufe, when x is infinite, and the Area BRH = o, the faid Fluent will alfo intirely v uifh, feeing the Value of x n (which is a Divifor to is then infinite. EXAMPLE VI. -t-" \ a " ' 119. Where let it be required to determine the Area of the circular Seftor AOR. Then, putting the Radius AO (or OR) = a, the K Arch AR (confidered as variable by the Motion of R) ^ z, and Rr = x, the Fluxion of the Area will here K be The life of F L tr x j ot? s Att,n 3 . be exprefled by ( = the Triangle ORr * :) Whence az the Area itfelf is = = AO X | AR : From which it appears that the Area of any Circle is exprefled by a Re&angle under half the Circumference and half the Diameter. EXAMPLE VII. J2.0. Wherein it is propofed to determine the Area CBAC of the logarithmic Spiral. Let the Right-line AT touch the Curve at A ; upon which, from the Center C, let fall the Perpendicular CT ; Then, fince by the Nature of the Curve the Angle TAC is every where the fame, the Ratio of AT (t) to CT (s) will here be conftant : And therefore the Art-iis-Fluent of x ^* = x - = the Area which t 2 '4 was to be found. E X- in finding Areas. E X A M P L E VIII. 121. Let the Curve ARM be the Involute of a given Circle In which Cafe the intercepted Part of the Tangent RP (t) being every where equal to the Radius CO (a) of the generating Circle, we therefore have CP (t ) = Whence u (=^ 2t ** vy* **jy j ., _ - - & ; and confequently = <. _ 2a 6a CP the required Area ACR : Which will alfo exprefs the Area ARO generated by the Radius of Evolution RO; becaufe, RO being = K 2 the 132 The Ufe of FLUXIONS *Art.n 9 .the Arch AO, the Seder ACO (i AO X OC *) is equal to the Triangle CRO (i; RO x OC) which equal Quantities being fucceffively fubtra&ed from CARO, there remains AORzrACR. EXAMPLE IX. 122. Let the Curve CRR, whofe dreaCRgC you would ) be the Spiral of Archimedes. Let AC be a Tangent to the Curve at the Center C, about which Center, with any Radius AC (a] fuppofe a Circle A'gg to be defcribed ; then the Arch (or Abfciffa) fig correfponding to any propofed Ordi- nate CR, being to that Ordinate in a given, or con- ftant, Ratio (fuppofe as m to n] we have* (A^) =. mv ' v * my y f i ; therefore u - = - J , and confequently u ArMis. n 2 2tf = ^- = the Area CRR^C. tan EX- in finding Areas. '33 E X A M P L E X. 123. Let the Equation of the Spiral CRR (fee the lajl Figure) be ^ Then, x being = l>j + 2 - c . rr x V ax X a x * * 5* 4 , . , A ----- - - -1- vc. = the Area <7 2oa 2a* ABR. Now, when, AT = * . ^ if the fame be therefore divided by - -, we (hall have 1 a x a x lax lax xf a+ x~ a x X a -f x ~~ a? ** Laftly, in finding Areas. 14* IGX Laftly, the Fluent of == wi ^ be denoted by the hyperbolical Logarithm of a a ^ . for + /***' ^\-1Cx here the Fluxion of the Number is -rr =r. x V? j-* 1 x xx 4- 2axx - ._>* ; which divided by 2 ? X ^ J # ~t^ the Fluxion pro- a -^x i^-^-x xr u ~rx pofed. Thefe four are the principal Forms of Fluxions ; whofe Fluents may be found from a Table of Loga- rithms of the hyperbolic Kind: Which Table, upon Occafion, maybe eafily fupply'd by a Table of the com- mon Form : For, fince the hyperbolical Logarithm of any Number is to the common Logarithm of the fame Number, in the confta^t Ratio of Unity to 0,43429448 (as appears from ah-ive) it follows that if any common Logarithm be, either, divided by 0,43429448, or mul- tiply'd by its Reciprocal 2,30258509, you will thence obtain the hyperbolical Logarithm corresponding. EX- 142 Vbe Vfe of FLUXIONS EXAMPLE XIV. 127. Lit it be required to determine the Area of the Curve ; whofe Equation is efyx^y <4 3 0. Art.m- In which' Cafe y being = - ^ we have it (yx] * & ~x x*x X 6 x H, B M X' f * f Whence = ax -I- + r + T -j- - 4- 6ff. 3 5 is at length reduced to "V x a ./ , -i : Whereof the Fluent (by >/rf. 126.) is V.* 1 a z X hyp. Log. * -f VV a ; vfrhich correaed (by making * = a) will become x hyp. Log. x -f ^ a a* X hyp. Log. a = x hyp. Log. * 4- V x *~a* - - - = th Sedor ADC : Which, fubtraded 2 ~ 2 from -;-" (= . = the Triangle ABD) leaves * "" ^ x hyp. Log. *"*****' for the required Area of the Hyperbola ABD. EXAMPLE XVIL 136. Let the Curve propofed be the EHlpfu AEBf. Then, putting the tranfverfe Axis ABrirrf, and the Conjugate ( 2 CE) c ) we {hall, by the Property of the Curve, have ^ (DR) = ^ Vox xx> and there- fore (yx) s= - X x \/ ax xx a t he Fluxion of a the Area ARD. I- But 146 The Ufe of FLUXIONS But* Vax xx is known toexprefs the Fluxion of the cbrrefponding Segment AD of the circumfcribing E L C D B Semi-circle; whofe Fluent is, therefore, given, by Art. f T I 124 j which being denoted by A, that of x * V ax x* will, confequently, be = x A. Hence, the Area of the Segment of an Ellipfis, is to the Area of the correfponding Segment of its circumfcribing Circle, as the lefler Axis of the Ellipfis is to the greater; whence, it follows that the whole Ellipfis muft be to the whole Circle in the fame Ratio. EXAMPLE XVIII. 131 . Let the Curve AR &c. whofe Area CARS you would ) be the Conchoid of Nicomedes. Whereof the Equation (putting BC = a, and RV (= AC) = b) is *y =7T7V~x I =7 1 (Vid. Art.tf.) a */ * ,,* Which, by Rcdudion, becomes x = - -- Z. j. '47 VV /: But, to bring it down to a, Jlill, more fimplc Form, make v/^ / (= SV) = Z j then.? = . #2 VJ? z 1 i whence, by Subftitution, x = "y 4- z ; and confequently x z But now, to exhibit the Fluent hereof; upon C, as a Center, with the Radius AC (b) let a Quadrant of a Circle AED be defcribed, and let RH, produced, meet the Periphery thereof in E, alfo let EF be parallel to AC, and let CE be drawn : It is evident (becaufe CE (CA) = VR and EF = RS) that CF is alfo = VS = z ; and therefore, EF being ( = /CE 1 CPJ = VV z% it appears that VV z a (the fecond L 2 Term 148 'The Ufe of FLUXIONS Term of our given Quantity) exprefles the Fluxion of the Area AEFC : Whence, if to this Area (found by the Table of Segments) the Fluent of the firft Term ab*% "b -f- z Art.ii6. 71 1> or ^ e kyP* k2' f L '__ x * a ^ *> be added, the Sum will be the whole Area ARCS, that was to be determined. EXAMPLE XIX. 132. Let it be required to determine the Area ASRA included by the common Cycloid ASM and its generating Semi-circle ARH. Put the Radius AO (or RO) =*, the Sine BR = j, the Co- fine OB=#, and the Arch AR (= RS, by the Property of the Cycloid) = z : Then AB being = a M ABO H A-, its Fluxion will be *; whence () that of the Art, iii. Area ARS is = zx *. Now to find the Fluent there- of, make w =: zx ( = the Fluent, if z was con- ftant) in fndtng Areas. 149 ftant) then w being = zx xz* 9 we (hall have* Art ra u ( zx) = 4-*) r= iw + <7j; and confequently, by taking the Fluent, 14 = w + ay = z* -f ay ~ AO x BR BO x AR the Area ARS. Hence it follows that the Area (AEFA) Ahen RB coincides with the Radius FO, is barely = AO x FO = AO" : And that the whole Area AMHFA is truly defined by ARH x OH, or by ARH x OH; that is by four times the Area of the generating Semi-circle. EXAMPLE XX. 133. Let the Curve fropofed be the Catenaria DAB. Then, drawing BS and b$ parallel to the Axis AC, and AS and cbn perpendicular to the fame ; and making (as ufual) Ac ^ fb=y and A^= z, we (hall have, by tfcc Property of ihc Curve, tax H AT* = zz : Whence *= J , and x = -7= . -- ~: From which the * Value 150 The Ufe of FLUXIONS Value of y (which in all Curves is = v'i' x* *) will here be found = \S & -- ^ '- 1 ~ ^_ ~ ' anc * _ multiplied by Va* + z* a (-bs) gives ax -7~=f ( =t he Rectangle S*} ^ a z -f- z 4 tt =r the Fluxion of the Area A: f. From whence, by taking the Fluent, the Area itfelf is found = az, a 1 Z -f- Y/ a , JArt. 12 6. X hyp. Log. - ^_ j . Which therefore de- duded fromjhej^eaangle se ( = yx=y^a leaves y /a a -f z * ay az, -f a* X ^ Z^. - for the required Area Abe. But, fince j 1 . T * + VV -f- 2 a we have y=.a X hyp. Log. ~ _ j whence, by Subftitution, the Area, at laft comes out rr y y* 'a 1 + z a az, or z=: a Va~ -f- 2 X ^y/:, <^. SCHOLIUM. 134. At the Beginning of this, and in the preceding Sections, we have feen how the Fluxions of Quantities are determined, by conceiving the generating Motion to be- come uniform at the propofed Pofition ; according to the 4 Art. a. true Definition of a Fluxion : But hitherto no parti- cular Notice has been taken of tbt Method of Incre- ments^ or indefinitely little Parts, ufed (and miftaken) by many for that of Fluxions : In which the Operations are, for the general Part, exaaiy the fame ; and which, (tho' lefs accurate) may be applied to good Purpofe in finding the Fluxions themfelves, in many Cafes. For which Reafons it may not be improper to add here a 1 9 in finding Areas. 151 a few Lines on that Head, to (hew the. Beginner how the two Methods differ from each other ; especially as we (hall be enabled, from thence, to draw out fome Conclufions that will be of Ufe in the enfuing Part of the Work. It hath been frequently inculcated in the foregoing Pages, that the Fluxions of Quantities are always mea- fured by how much the Quantities thetnfelves would be uniformly augmented in a given Time. Therefore, if two B r 1 M D A c N Quantities or Lines, AB and CD be generated together, by the uniform (or equable) Motion of two Points B and D, it follows, that any two. Spaces B and Dm the follow- ing Inflancts , wherein the Manner of deriving the Ratio of the Fluxions, from that of the Increments, is fhewn. in fading Area** I". Let it be propofed to determine the Ratio of tljt Fluxions of x and **. Now, if * be fuppofed to be Augmented by any (fmall) Quantity x, fo as to become x -f- *, its Square "7]* / / / (**) will be augmented tax + x = x* -f ixx + xx ; whence the Increment of x* will be ixx + x x- t which / t therefore is to (x} the Increment of r, as 2#-f x to r Hence, becaufe the lefler x is taken, the nearer this Ratio approaches to that of ix to i, which is its Limit, the Ratio of the Fluxions will therefore be exprefled by that of 2* to i, or, which is the fame, by that of to x (as in Art. 6,} 2. Lst the Ratio of the Fluxions of x and x* be required. Then, if x be augmented to x + x, x will be aug- mented to x -f x =r x -f nx x -j , x n n i n 2 5 / 99. Whence the Increments of x and x* will be to n i n ni n z' , n each other as j to nx -f- x - x x-\ -- - 12 X fl ^ I ft __ O n --_ -5 ' ' X - X - x 3 # x &c. Where the fmaller 2 3 / x is taken, thq nearer the Ratio will approach to that of 154 ^ e W e f FLUXIONS of I to nx i which appears to be its Limit : There- fore this laftRatio, or that of x to nx *, is the Ratio of the Fluxions required. (Fid. Art.%.) 3. Let it be propofed to determine the Proportion of the Fluxions of the Sides AC and BC, of a right-angled^ plane "Triangle ABC ; fuppoftng the Perpendicular AB to remain invariable. B If Cd be afTumed to reprefent any Increment of BC and LWj the correfponding Increment of AC (rzAD) the Ratio of thofe Increments will be, univerfally, ex- prefled by that of the Sine of the Angle CDd to the Sine of the Angle DCd (by plane Trigc.xotnetry) and the lefs the Increments are fuppofed to be, the nearer will the Angle CD^ approach to a right one, or to an Equa- lity with B ; which is its Limit : And the nearer will DCd approach, at the fame time, to an Equality with BAG. Therefore the Ratio here limiting that of the Increments is that of the Sine of B (or Radius) to the Sine of BAG : Which alfo exprefles that of the re- quired Fluxions. (Vid. Art. 35.,) In the fame way the Proportion of the Fluxions of other Kinds of algebraical and geometrical Quantities may in finding Areas. may be inveftigated ; but it will be unnecefTary to dwell longer upon this Head : I (hall therefore only add one other Obfervation from hence (which will be of ufe hereafter) relating to the Value of an algebraic Fraction, in that particular Circumftance when both its Numerator and Denominator become equal to Nothing, or vanifh, at the fame time. Which VJue (it follows from above) will be found by dividing the Fluxion of the Numerator by that of the Denominator. For, fmce the Value of any Fraction, in that Cir- cumftance, is to be looked on as the limiting Ratio to- wards which its two Terms converge, before they va- nifh, and feeing the Fluxions are, always, exprefled by that Ratio, the Truth of the Rule, or Pofttion, is manifeft. An Example, however, may not be improper : x * a * Let therefore the Fraction be propounded, to x a find the Value thereof when x~ a. In which Cafe, the true Value fought, or the Fluxion of the Nume- 2 xx rator divided by that of the Denominator, is = r- x = 2x=2<7. And that this is the true Value, may he confirmed by common Divifion, whereby the Fraction propofed is reduced to x+ a ; whofe Value when x a t js therefpre 2 (CR) : t (RP*) and confequently =: ^-: From whence* Art. 35, the Value of z will be found, if the Relation of y and * is given. But in other Cafes it will be better to work from the following Equation, viz. % = . Which is thus derived. Let the Right Line, CR, be conceived to revolve about the Center C i then fince the Celerity of the ge- nerating Derating Point R in a Direction perpendicular to CR is to (x) the Celerity of the Point H, as CR (y) to CN V^ (a) It will therefore be truly reprefented by : Which being to (y) the Celerity in the Direction of CR, pro- Art. 35 .duced, as CP (s) : RP (/) * it follows that ^4" : / :: y* jc a j* : t* : Whence, by Compofition, + y 1 : j> 2 :: j* + l* (;'):' 5 therefore } ~ + / = , and confequently x-f- + / (:=-- = * ; as was to be (hewn. But the fame Conclufion may be more eafily deduced from the Increments of the flowing Quantities, accord- ing to the preceding Scholium. i For, if Rw, rm and N be aflumed to reprefent (z, / y and x) any very fmall correfponding Increments of AR, CR and BN, it will be as CN (a) : CR (y) :: / x (the Arch N) : the fimilar Arch Rr = > -- And, if the Triangle Rrm (which, while the Point m is re- turning back to R, approaches continually nearer and nearer to a Similitude with CRP) be confidered as t, we fhall alfo obtain z 2 ( = Rw a = Rr a + r^) / y 1 x 1 ' -^ \-y z : Whence, by writing z, x and y for a i i i z, *and^ (according to the Scholium) there comes v" x 1 out x* = T + j'% as before. EX- infolding the Lengths of Curves, 159 EXAMPLE I. 137. Let the Curve ARM whofe Length is fougbty be the Semi-cubical Parabola. i Whereof the Equation being ax*=y* y or x , % a i Oy y w^^^^,* we thence have* r= =~ : Whence z. ( Vj,*+x 2 *') *Art.i 3 5 (found by the common Rule) is2L9ZL. which, L corrected ( by making y z: o ) becomes EX- i6o EXAMPLE II. 138. Let the Curve propofed le a Parabola cf any (other) Kind. n y Then x r: n _ I being a general Equation to all a T 4 Kinds of Parabolas, we here have * n _ t > & ^d 2 2tf 2 .2 therefore s (=v j a . x a ? X I -f- -^ : Whofe Fluent, univerfally ex- 2.B 2 a 2 2 I n y ____ prefled in an Infinite Series, is y + r _ 27^z ,. 2 I X 2 4 4 3 6 6 5 w y y e., =r + ^ A* ^- = z "" AB 4 /- OB^O ' 4^ 3 x8 our Fluxion (2 2I 2 T 4 ny 2-2 ^ X j) is, in the firft reduced to i +cy v \ X j; Which being compared 7 with in finding the Lengths of Curves* with a + cz \ x dz x, the general Expreflion in the forefaid Article, we have a =r i, %=ry, w=r > = o, or i = o ; whence r=v> s (r -f m] = v -f . an d confequently f. * * Art. 84. 3 \ _ ^ = the Fluent -s , ^ ; which was to be determined, arid which will (it is plain) always terminate in v Terms, when Vy or its Equal ^r~ > is a whole pofitive Number. ii} -j- i I \ If (derived from v = I be fubfti- 2V in 2/ tuted for its Equal , the Equation of the Curve, wiM be changed to ax y"" ; which, if v be expounded by 1,2, 3, 4, &c. fucceflively, will become ax z = y 3 9 ax*y*i ax 6 =.y 7 y ax*-=zy 9 &e. refpedively : In all which Cafes the Length of the Curve may therefore be accurately had from the Fluent above exhibited. M More- 162 The Ufe of FLUXIONS Moreover, if n be affumed :=r 2 (ori;=^) the ge- n y neral Equation, x ~ , will then become x rr a v* j anfwering to the common (or conical) Parabola. 2 2 2 n y And therefore in that Cafe x ( i + - 2 (by putting b = J = 4- ~~T= " ;= into * Where, the Fluent of the firft Term (of the Fluxion fo transformed) being == \ Vb* y * -\- f (or by the common Rule ; and that of the fecond Term = k V" X hyp. Log. - - - L , * it follows b that the Length of the Curve will, in this Cafe, be W T + i* X hyp. Log. E X- in fading the Lengths of Curves* EXAMPLE III. 139. Let the Curve propofed be the Involute of a Circle^ whole Nature is fuch, that the Part PR of the Tangent intercepted by the Point of Contact and the Perpendicular CP, is every where equal to the Radius CO of the ge- '63 yy & i nerating Circle : Therefore z ( = ~- J being here= Art, jy y 1 , we firft get z = j which corrected, by makino- a ia / a* f CP 1 \ y a ( = AC) becomes ("QT/ tne true Meafure of the required Arch AR. M 2 EX- 164 The Ufe ^FLUXIONS EXAMPLE IV. 140. In which the Spiral of Archimedes is propofed. Where, the Value of / (AT) being denoted by y. a (Vid* Art. 62.) we get z ( = - J "*" ^ : Which Fluxion being exactly the fame as that expreffing the Arch of the common Para- bola, found in Article 138. its Fluent will therefore be truly reprefented by the Meafure of the faid Arch, or by Value there exhibited. E X- in finding the Lengths of Curves. 1 65 EXAMPLE V. 141. Let the Curve be a Spiral whofe Equation is the Secant OT =5, the Arch AR z, and the Radius AO, or RO, - a ; alfo let R;z .v, nr y and Rr =. z : Since the Angle r*R ( = Right- angle) rr O^-R, and r R ( = Right- b an^le RO) = OR, the Triangles rR and OR M 3 are 166 ?be Ufe of FLUXIONS are therefore equi-angular ; and it will be, "Rb (y) : OR caufe, by the Property of the Circle i/zax xx = y. } Alfo, Ob (vV /) : OR (a) : : nr (y) Rr (ij = ay -7=-. ?. Thefe two Values exhibit the Fluxion of Vrf* jT the Area in Terms of the Verfed-fine and Right- fine refpeclively : But, to get the fame, in Terms of the Tangent and Secant, we have (by fim. Triangles) QT (=s = V'TT?) : OA (a) : : OR (a) : Qb = ' : Hence AZ> = a "=. a whofe Fluxion is therefore = ~r ~ 5-: Whence * ^T?] 1 (again by fimilar Triangles) AT (= V s 1 a* = <^ : OT (=s= at Now, from any one of the four Forms of Fluxions here found, the Value of the Arch ifcfelf (by taking the Fluent, in an Infinite Series) will like wife become known. But the third Form, exprefled in Terms of the Tangent, being intirely free from radical Quantities, will be the moft ready in Practice, especially where the required Arch is but fmall ; though the Series arifing from the firft Form, always, converges the fafteft. if. in fading the Lengths of Curves. 1-67 If, therefore, x be now converted to an In- finite Series, we fhall have =r / ?+T ~ t$c. and confequently 'z =r / -f - g + 5 fcfr. = AR. Where, if (for Example Sake) AR be fuppofed an Arch of 30 Degrees, and AO (to ren- der the Operation more eafy) be put = Unity, we iliall have / */~~\ .5773502 (becaufe O *R(i)::OA(i): AT (/) = ":) Whence / 3 ( =/ x / Z rr/x4) = .1924500 i* ( sr' v i + TMTTy ' which > &y by converting; - - r-r into an Infinite Serie! y becomes f* + c^ ^V ^v* AV ^*v* i+^--4-+Tr-!-TT ** But flill t L C * we have the Square Root to extradl ; In order thereto let it be affumed = I + A/ + B/ + C/ + D/ &fr. Then, by fquaring, and tranfpofing (Vid. Ait. 98.^ th'cre arifes -J-AV-f zAB =0 Hence A = ~j B zr - ^ - - - i+ i 1 ^ l b* b 6 . C" - AR _ 4- -- H --- """' 8 " " 8 ' C ll > c fc-V. esfr. Therefore i ( = j v^ i + -+tsc. y X in finding the Lengths of 'Curves. IJi c. And confe- By the very fame way of proceeding the Arch of an Ellipfis may be found, the Equations of the two Curves differing in nothing but their Signs. 145. SECTION IX. Application of FLUX IONS in invefii gating the Contents of Solids. LE T ABC reprefent any Solid ; conceived to be generated (or defcribed ; by a Plane PQ_ pafll \^ over it, with a parallel Motio:i : Let Hh (per- pemiicular to PQJ be taken to exprefs the Fluxion of AH (x) or the Velocity with which the generating Plan is carry 'd ; alfo let the Area of the Part, ErnFn, of the Plane inter- cepted by, or con- tained in, the Solid, be denoted by A: Then it fol'ows, from Art. 2 ?.nd 5. that the Fluxion of the Solid AEF. will be exprefled by Ax. From whence, by expounding A in Terms of #, (according to the Nature of the Figure) and then taking the Fluent, the Content of 172 V/e of FLUXIONS of the Solid (which wefhall, always, hereafter reprefent by s) will be given. But, when the propofed Solid is that arifmg from the Revolution of any given Curve AEB about AHD, as an Axis, the Fluxion (s) of the Solidity may be ex- hibited in a Manner more convenient for Practice : For, Art. 124. putting the Area (3,141592 &c*) of the Circle, whofe Radius is Unity, = />, and the Ordinate EH y, it will be i 2 :/::/>: (pyr) the Area of the Circle Em Fn, which being wrote above inftead of A^ we have s - rz py*x. The Ufe of which will be fufficiently fhevyn in the following Examples. EXAMPLE I. 146. Let it be propofed to find the Content of a Cone ABC. Put the given Altitude (AD) of the Cone ~ a, and the Semi-diameter (BD of its Bafe = b: Then, the Pittance (AF) of the Circle EG, from the Vertex A, being denoted by x, &c. we have, by fimilar Triangles, as a : b :: x : EF (y) = . Whence, in this Cafe, i and i consequently s r which, when x~ a for the Content of the whole __ Cone ABC. Which appears, from hence, to bcjuft -V of a Cylinder of the fame Bafe and Altitude. in fading the Contents of Solids. EXAMPLE II. 147. Inhere ', let the Solid propofed be a parabolic Ganoid* or that arifing from the Revolution of any Kind of Parabola about tts Axis* _ . mn t m Then, from the Equation a x - y , of the ge- m H nerating Curve, we get ya m xx m , and j (=/>/*) zm an 2 = pa x xx m ; and therefore s pa X 2W- 2 = /./ X - - = the Content of the Solid j which therefore is to (py*x) the Content of thecircum- fcribing Cylinder, as m to 2n + m. Whence the Solid generated by the conical Parabola (where m^=2, and =i) appears to bejuft i of its circumfcribing Cy- linder. EXAMPLE III. 14?. Let the propofed Solid AFBH be a Spheroid. In which Cafe, putting the Axis AB, about which the Solid is generated, rr#, and the other Axis FH, of the generating Eilipfis = /, it follows, from the Property of the Eilipfis, that *:*::* x a * (AD x BD) : / (DE) 1 = ^ x ax ^ xx . Whence . wehave \ (-pft*} - tf. x ^_^i and . Aftt 5 = X iaxxlx* = the Segment AIE. Which, when when AD (x) = AB (a), - becomes l~: xia 3 i J pal* = the Content of the whole Spheroid. Where, if* (FH) betaken = a (AB) we fhall alfo get pa 3 for the true Con- tent of the Sphere whofe Diameter is a. Hence a Sphere, or a Spheroid, is \ of its circumfcribing Cy- linder } for the Area of the Circle FH being expreffed by , the Content of the Cylinder whofe Diameter is FH, and Altitude AB, will therefore be - ; 4 of which i pab r , is, evidently, two third Parts. EXAMPLE IV. 149. Let tie Solid, whofe Content you would find, be the hyperbolical Conoid. Then, from the Equation,/ 1 = xax -f xx, of the generating Hyperbola, we have s (fy ) = pb 1 _ _ X axx + x*x, and confequently s -j-x r a** + i f 3 == the Content of the Conoid j which therefore is to f>b z _____ ^T x ax-\-x' 1 X *) that of a Cylinder of the fame Bafe and Altitude, as a + f # too-f *. This Ratio, if # be extremely fmall, will become as i to 2 very nearly ; Whence it may be inferr'd, that the Content of infolding the Contents of Solids* of a very fmall Part of any Solid, generated by a Curve, whofe Kay of Curvature at the Vertex is a finite Quan- tity, is half that of a Cylinder of the fame Bafe and Al- titude, very nearly : Becaufe any fuch Curve, for a fmall Diftance, will differ infenfibly from an Hyperbola, whofe Radius of Curvature, at the Vertex, is the fame. This might have been inferred, either, from the common parabolic Conoid, or the Spheroid, in the pre- ceding Examples} but other Obfervations would not allow Room for it there. EXAMPLE V. 150. In which the propofed Solid is that arifmg from tht Rotation of the Ctffoid 0/~ Diodes, about its Axis, x 3 Here, _y* being =: _ , ' we have s (fy*x) Art. px*x - . But, in Cafes like this, (where the Denominator G^'^X is rational arid the variable Quantity in the Numerator of feveral Dimenfions) it will be neceflary to divide the latter by the former, in order to obtain the Fluent, by leflening the Number of Dimenfions : Thus, dividing px 3 x by #+<*, according to the Manner of compound Quantities, the Work will ftand thus : px 3 x o ( px'xpaxx pa'x px 3 x pax z x -\-pax*x o xx o +pa 3 x \Vhere, the Quotient being px z xpaxxp a ' x , and the Remainder pa*x, the Value of the given Fradion a x* will the Ufe of FLUXIONS will therefore be truly exprefled by px*x - paxx -* pa*x -f : Whofe Fluent, properly corre&ed, is Q 3 f ' a~x Vid. Art. 126. . EXAMPLE VI. 151. Let the Solid be that arifmg from the Rotation of the Conchoid of Nicomedes about its ' The Sub-tangent ~r of this Curve being = - y (Vid. Art. 48 and 57.) we have x =7?^==^, an d J ' b 1 if', *\ faV'ypfj Art 145. therefore s (py x*} = / , = y b 3 - "' ~' But, in order for the more eafy frnd- Y fr 1 y 1 " ing the Fluent thereof, put vV/ = j and then, uu y being = V * * and j =: ' we fhall, * 1 paF'u by Subftitution, get s z + p X b*u u*u . Whence, the Fluent of -===. being exprefled by vb 1 u the Arch (A} of the Circle whofe Radius is Unity and Sine f, the Fluent of the whole Expreffion will be * x >/+/> X PU y 3 - Which, when>>_ o, or ub-, gives C/^ a X \p + p X | ^ 3 ) />i a X i^ + yi for the Content of the whole Solid, when its Axis becomes in- finite. q EX- in fading the Contents of Solids. 177 EXAMPLE VII. 151. U^nere it is required to find the Content of a parafafic Spindle ; generated by the Rotation of a given Parabola ACB about its Ordinate AB. Put CM (the AbfcifTi of the given Parabola) = a y and the Semi-ordinate AM (or BM) = b\ and, fup- pofing ENF to be any Sedlion of the Solid parallel to DC, let its Diftance MN (or EP) from DC, be denoted fcy w : Then, by the Property of the Curve, we fhall .F, have AM* (T-) : EP 1 (w*) :: CM (a) : CP = =5-: Therefore EN (= CM - CP) = =- = V con f eq uently p x EN 1 = x * __ 2i*w* -f w * = the Area of the Se&ion EF : Which multiply'd by (w) the Fluxion of MN, gives &'. b* ov 1^1^ + tti 4 aw for the Fluxion of the Solidity, * whofe Fluent, -^ x b+w ^b l w 3 -f }w s , * Art. 145* fQ. 2 7 \ fopa b \ when w becomes =: b, is ( J half the Content N EX- of the Solid. 178 be Vfe of FLUXIONS EXAMPLE VIII. 153. Let the Solid ACBD (fee the la/1 Figure) be a Spindle, generated by the Rotation of the Segment of a Circle, ACB, about its Chord, or Ordinate, AB. Then, if the Radius OE be put = r, OMr=au X ^d V ' r~ - w~ - - Whence, the Fluent of the Part, pw x ld^/r i w L 2^ 1 ( = T.dp X nu X V'r 2 w z d :=r 2dp x w X EN ) * Art. nz. being exprefled by idp x Area MNEC * the Fluent of the Whole, or the true Value of s, will be ex- prefled by pw X r z d 7 - w z -idp x Area MNEC, or by its Equal p x MN x AM 1 4MN 1 2/> x OM X Area MNEC: "Which, when MN = MA, gives p x | AM 3 zp X OM X y/ra yfCAf, for the Con- tent of half the Solid : Where the Area ACM may be found by Art. 124. Or more eafily by the common Table of the Areas of the Segments of a Circle j to be met with in mofl Books of Gauging. EXAMPLE IX. 154. Let it be propofed to find the Content of the S-Jld AEGB; whofe four Sides AH, AF, CH, CF are plane Surfaces, and its Ends ADCB, EFGH given Rectangles, parallel to each other. Let the Sides AB and AD, of the Bafe, be denoted by a and b ; and thofe of the Top (EH and EF) by c and d refpeiiively ; moreover, let h exprefs the perpen- dicular in finding the Contents of Solids. dicular Height of the Solid ; and let x (confider'd as variable) be the Diftance of (IL) any Section thereof (parallel to the Bafe) from the Plane EG. F It is evident, from the Nature of the Figure, that the Se&ion IL is a Re&angle ; and that b : x :: AB-EH : IM EH :: BC HG : ML HG. From thefe Proportions we have IM EH= * b .d M L-HG= O*2 : U TUT Hence IM = a ~~ C X * r, and ML = - - -f xx' t + cdx for the Content of IFGL : N 2 Which, 179 180 The Ufe 0/" FLUXIONS Which, when x = h, becomes / icrl+cb X AB x AD-f EHxEF + nb + ,hixAD + EFx h the Quantity propofcd to be found. If EF (d) be fuppofed to vanifh, and the Lines EH and FG to coincide, the Planes AEHB and DFGC will form an AnjHe or Ridge, at the Top of the Solid (refembling the Roofs of fome Buildings, whofe Ends as well as Sides run up Hoping) and, in this Cafe, the Content, found above, will become morefimple, being; then exprefled by lab + be X {A, or its Equal 2AB + EH But, if EF be fuppofed EH, and ADrr AB, the Solid will then be the Fruftrum of a fquare Pyramid ; and its Content =a* + ac + c 1 X j&, AB*+ ABxEH-f-EH X y h: From whence, by taking EHr= o, the Content of the whole Pyramid whofe Bafe is AB% and its Al- titude b, will alfo be given, being c= AB*x | h. EXAMPLE X. 5^. Let the propofed Solid be tin at ^ commonly known by tke Name of a Groin; whofe Sections parallel to the Bafe are, all, Squares, and whereof the two Sections per- pendicular to the Bafe, through the Middle of the oppofite Sides, are Semi-circles. Let bcdef be any Section paral- lei to the Bafej andletitsDiftance V 7 A^ from the Ver- tex of the Solid, be denoted by x ; alfo let areprefent the Radius AB (or BN) of the cir- infolding the Contents of Solids. 1 8 1 circular Section ABNA, perpendicular to the Bafe. Then, bn being {by the Property of the Circle) = Viax y.y, the Side of the Square when x a. Therefore the Solidity of a Cone or Py- ramid, let the Figure of its Bafe be what it will, is always had by multiplying the Area of the Bafe by -J- of the Altitude, EX- infolding the Contents of Solids. EXAMPLE XII. 157. Where it is propofed to find the Content of the ' Vngula EFGC, cut off from a given Cone, ABC, by a Plane EFG pafling through the Bafe thereof. 183 Let AD be the perpendicular Height of the Cone, alfo let AM be perpendicular to HE, the Axis of the Seftion PEG, and let FAG be another Sedion of the Cone, thro' FG and the Vertex A. Since the Solids CAFG and EAFG, whofeBafes are FCG, and FEG, come under the Form fpecified in the preceding Example, their Contents will therefore be ex- prefled by FCG x \ AD and FEG x f AM refpeaive- FCGxAD FEGxAM ly : Whofe Difference, - , is the Solidity of the Ungula CEFG : Where the Bafes FCG and FEG being conic Sections, their Areas will be given by Art. 115. 124 and 129. from whence the whole will be known. Thus, if HE be fuppofed parallel to AB, the Sedion FEG, then being a Parabola, its Area will be = -| x FGx EH * : Whence the Solidity of the Art. 115. N 4 Segment 184 Vb* W e ^FLUXIONS Segment EFGA is = y X FG x EH X AM : Which being deduced from that of CFGA (found by Help of the common Table of circular Segments) the Re- mainder will be the Content of the Ungula. But, if the Axis EH produced, cuts AB, the Section FKG will be a Segment of an Ellipfis EFKG ; whofe conjugate Axis (fiippofing EN and KL perpendicular to AD) is Art. 41. r: 2 v'ENxKL*. Now, in order to compute the Content, the eafieft way, in this Cafe, let the Ratio of EH to EK (which is given by Trigonometry) be ex- ported by that of m to Unity, and let the Ratio of CH to CB, be as n to Unity : And from the common Ta- ble of Segments (adapted to the Circle whofe Diameter is Unity) let the Areas anfwcring to the verfed Sines m and , be taken and denoted by M and N refpeclive- ly : Then, the Area of FEG being =: M X EK X t Art. i 4 2 ^EN x KL, and that of FCG = N X BC l t, the and 130. Content of the Ungula, by fubftituting thefe Values, wiUbecome = j N* EC 1 X AD $Mx EK x AM X 2 v'ENxKL: But, fmce AM : AE :: KQ. (perpen- dicular to AC) : KE; and AN : AE :: KQ_: Ki, it follows, by Equality, that AM x KE = AN x KI ; whence the Content of the Ungula is alfo exprefied by px AD t MX ANxKIx 2VLN x KU Which, if H be fuppofed to coincide with B, and K with BC, will become ' fck. X BC 1 x AD ? ' 7 5 ^ 9 fcfg. x AN x BC x 2 1/hN x BD = 0.26179 &c. x BC x BC x AD 2 AN x v'ENx BD. When the SecYion EFG is an Hyperbola, its Area may be found by means of a Table of Logarithms (in- ftead of a Table of Segments) whence the Content of the Ungula will likewife be had in that Cafe. EX- in finding the Contents of Solids, 185 EXAMPLE XIII. 158. Let AFC, or AGD, be a Curve of any Kind j whofe Area, and the Content of the Solid arifmo; from its Rotation about its Axis, or Ordinate, AB, arc both known ; it is propofed to find, from thence, the Content of the Solid generated by the Revolution of that Curve about any other Line PR parallel to the faid Axis or Ordinate AB f Let AP, FQ_, and CR be all perpendicular to AB and to the Axis of Motion PQR ; alfo let AP ( or EQJ = a, AE, confidered as variable, = iv y the Area AFE, or AEG = M t and the Solid, arifing from its Revolution about AB, N. It is plain that the Area of the Circle gene- rated by QF will be p X FQ^ * = p X a + EF|* * Art< =r pa r + Ipa X EF -f- p X EF* ; from which de- ducting the Area, />*, ge- nerated by QE, the Remainder, ipa X EF -f t will be the Area of the Annulus generated by EF: Whence the Fluxion of the Solid generated by AEF is truly reprefented by ipa X EF x w + pw x EF a f : And, in the fame manner, it will appear that the t Art -MS- Fluxion of the Solid generated by AEG is ipa x EG x *v r p? x Area AFG. Now, if (for Example fake) ACD be fuppofed a Circle, whofe Semi-diameter is d t the Area of that Circle being == />^% the Solid generated by its Revolu- tion "(representing the Ring of an Anchor) will therefore be ~ ipa x pd* =. rfad' 1 ' But if you would know the Content of the Part generated by the upper Semi- circle BAG, or the lower one BAD, let the Content *Art.i48. / _ ) * f a Sphere whofe Semi-diameter is d t be wrote 3 for A T , in each of the two foregoing Exprefiions, and you will then get^W* -j- j and p*ad* Again, if AFC, and AGO be taken as Right-lines, _ _ AB x BC AB x BD\ , ... you will have M =. - ..... (or -- J and N f Art. 146. -^xBC a x-|-AB (or/>xBD*x |AB) f : Hence the Solid generated by the Triangle ABC is ( = 2pa X . AB x BC + t x DC 1 x AB) = p x AB x BC x 2 . T 3 RB + -JBC j and that generated by ABD ( = 2pa X AB_x_BD _ L BDa = x AB x BD x 2 3 Laftly, let ABC (or ABD) be confidered as a Pa- rabola, whofe Ordinate is AB, and Axis CB (or DB) : JArt. 115. Then M being here = f AB x BC (or f AB X BD) } *A rt . I52 . and A^= ^ x AB x BC 1 (or ^ x AB x BD') t in fading the Superficies of Solids. 187 it follows that the Solid generated by ABC will be (- 2pa x t- AB x BC + ^ x AB x BC 1 ) = 4^ x AB x BC x generated by ABD = ^ x AB x BD x cBR 2BD - - j -- SECTION X. Ufe of Fluxions in fading the Superficies of Jolid Bodies. E T FAF repre- fent a Solid ge- I59 *T nerated by the Revolution of any given Curve AF about its Axis AH ; alfo let a Circle, whofe Diameter is the variable Line (or Ordi- natc) RBR, be conceived to move uniformly from A towards FF, and to dilate itfelf fo, on all Sides, at the fame time, as to generate, by its Periphery, the pro- pofed Superficies RAR: Then the Length of that Periphery, or the generating Line, being exprefled by 3, 141592 * fcfc. x RR ( = ipy) and the Celerity with which it moves by z f the Fluxion of the Superficies RAR, or the Space that 10 would *Art,i 4 a, t Art. 135; i88 Art. 135. The U/e of FLUXIONS would be uniformly generated in the time of defcribing x y will therefore be truly reprefented by 2pyz. Hence, if w be taken to reprefent the whole Surface RAR, generated from the beginning (according to the Method obferved in the three laft Sections) we fhall have W = : may be found. 2py **-}" j* * ; whence w itfelf f An, 159. EXAMPLE I. 160. Let it be propofed to determine the convex Super- fries of a Cone ABC, Then, the Semi-diameter of the Bafe (BD, or CD) being put = , the flaming Line, or Hypothenufe, AC = <:, and FH {parallel to DC) = y &c. we fhall, from the Similarity of the Triangles ADC and Hmb 9 have b ' c:: J ( m k) ' * ( H *) = : Whence w (2pyz f) and confequently w = *--, This, when y r= b t becomes = pcb rz p X DC x AC = the con- vex Superficies of the whole Cone ABC : Which there- fore is equal to a Rectangle under half the Circumference of the Bafe and the flaming Line. E X, in finding the Superficies of Solids. EXAMPLE II. 161. Let the Solid, whofe Surface you would find, be a Sphere AEBH. In which Cafe, putting the Radius OH a, AF = .f, Um *, &c. we fhall (by reafon of the fimilar Tri- angles OHF and Hmh *) have y (FH) : a (OH) :: A rt .6g. ax * (Urn) : k (Hk) = - : Therefore <* fayz) = Zpax ; and confequently the Superficies (w) itfelf = ipax AF x Peri ph. AEBH. Which if the whole Sphere be taken, will become AB x Pe- ripb. AEBH ~ four times the Area BEAHO. Hence the Superficies of a Sphere is equal to four times the Area of its greateft Circle : And the convex Superficies of any Segment thereof, is to that of the tVhole, as the Axis (or Thicknefs) of the Seg- ment to the Diameter of the Sphere. EXAMPLE III. 162. Wherein let the parabolic Conoid be propofed. The Equation of the generating Parabola being y y* t or x rr , we have x =. 2yv and therefore Hence zv (2 P y~) = ^ 1 i whereof the Fluent 'The Ufe of FLUXIONS _ 1 Fluent is p x * ,~^ ^ y ; which corrected (by fup- ta Art. 79. pofing^ = o *) gives perficies fought. 6a - -, for theSu- o 163. ^/ it be required to determine the Superficies of a Spheroid. Let ACFHG reprefent one half of the propofed Spheroid, generated by the Rotation of the Semi-elHpfis FAG, about its Axis AH ; put AH =*, FH (or HG) =<:, BH=A-, BC=y, FC=z, and the Superficies ge- nerated by FC (or GD) = w : Then, from the Na- D ture of the Ellipfis, we h2ve.y = *-** 5 whence t Art. 1 3 5. y = a ^~^ a " d confequently ( = ** + / 1 ) in folding the Superficies of Solids. 191 x**" X xx r W b *x* 7~==r- :r (by putting (the Excentricity) -r.' = "^^- : Therefore > i this Cafe, w (ipyz) : - ^/ _ ^ . ^^ofc M Fluent, in an Infinite Series, is zpcx x But the fame Fluent may be, otherwife^ very eafily exhibited by means of the Area of a Circle : For, if from the Center H, aa with a Radius equal to -7-, a Circle SER be defcribeer, and the Ordinute BC be produced to interfed it in E, it is evident that BE = V' j^ xx^ and that the Fluxion of the Area ESH3 will be exprefied by * /a* 2pbcx /a* \/ x~; which being to X V -. JT, bb aa bb the Fluxion before found, in the conftant Ratio of i to Z , their Fluents muft therefore be in the fame Ra- tio ; and fo the latter, expreffing the Superficies CFGD, .i Kf-f will confequently be = -^ x BESFH = 2p X 757: aa lib x BESFH. This Solution, it may be obferved, obtains only in Cafe of an oblong Spheroid, generated by the Rotation of the Ellipfis about its greater Axis j for, in an oblate Spheroid, Ufe of FLUXIONS Spheroid, generated about the lefTer Axis, the Value of b \V c -* X x V a 1 - + x* : Whofe Fluent may be brought out by help of a Table of Logarithms : For, let the variable Part x V^ 2 -f * a be tranf- formed to (*** + fj XX ~l~ XX meratorof the firft Term *,- * ==-(nowinagiven Yd x + x* Ratio to the Fluxion of the Quantity under the radical * Art. 77. Sign) may be had by the common Rule * j by which means we get { V ' d^x i + # 4 , for the true Fluent of the {aid Term j to which adding the Fluent of the other Term */j*^ , ..* or t /jl . -i ( S iven b 7 Ar ** 126.) there arifes \x)/d* + x 7 - + ? d* x hyp. Log. * + VV + A-% for the Fluent of x ^d* + ** : And t Art. 78. th ' s > corrected f and multiplied by , gives Vd l + .v l + ^rf x hyp. Log. J ^ , for the Superficies in this Cafe, where the propofed Spheroid is an blate One. E X- in finding the Superficies of Solids. 193 EXAMPLE V. 164. Let the Solid, wboft Superficies ;'; ftttght^ be the hyperbolical Conoid. Let the femi-tranfverfe Axis, of the generating Hy- perbola, :=*, generated bv thofe Parts, will be to each other in the fame Ratio of AM to OB. And fmce this ever/ where holds, ic follows that the whole Space (ENM) &c. generated bv MN, will be to that (EPM) generated by PM, as AM to OB : And fo the whole required Superficies (generated by AM) is truly reprefented by , Area EPGDCE. O 7 But tte Ufa ^FLUXIONS But now, to find this Area, EPGDCE, it is ob- fervable that the Area of the Plane DFE (being the Segment of a Conic-fediion) is given, by Art. 115. 129 or 130. And it is very eafy to apprehend and de j monilrate that the Area fo given will be to that of EGDH, as the Radius to the Co-fine of the Angle of the Inclination of the faid Plane to the Bafe, or as HF HC* to HG. Therefore, feeing EGDM is == J^T x EFD, we have EPGDCE ( = ECDHE EGDH ) = ECDHE TjT. X EFD j and confequently 7^7 x rir (Jo FPrrnr - AM FCHHF AM x HG , EPGCDE = x ECDH OBxHF x EFD the convex Superficies that was to be found. If the Point H be fuppofed to coincide with B, ECDHE will become the whale Circle CB; and EDF will become a whole Ellipfis, whofe greater Axis is BF, Art 41. and its lefler Axis = 2V/OBxOG. * Therefore, the f Art. 124. Area of the former Figure will beexprcfledby p x BO 1 -^ and that of the latter by p X - BF X \/Uttx OG j and fo the convex Superficies of the Part BFC will be AM AM x BG , VOB x OG) = p x AMxOB^xAMx IBGx F^T : Which being deducted from (p X AM x OB OB) the Superficies of the whole Cone BAC, there refts p x AM x ' BG x \f. -~ p for the Superficies of the oblique Cone BAF ; which from hence is alfo given. SCHO- in finding the Superficies of Solids. 197 SCHOLIUM. 167. In moft of the Examples, delivered in the four laft Sections, the Part of the propofed Figure next the Vertex, whether, a Curve, Solid, or Superficies, is firft found ; from whence, by taking the Altitude (#) of that Part equal to ( a) the Altitude given, the Content of the wholt is deduced : But, if the Content of the lower Seg- ment ( BCED ) of any Figure (ABC) arifins; by taking away a Part(ADE) next the Vertex, be required ; then the Difference be- tween the jybole and the Part taken away (found as before explained) will be the Quantity fought. Thus, for Example, lee ABC be the common Pa~ rabola 9 and let it he propofed to find the Content of the Part, BCED, included between any two Ordinates BC (b) and DE (f) at a given Diftance BD (d) from each other : Then, the Equation of the Curve being 2> 7 > = -,. ArttIJI . ax =y\ we have x , and therefore a 2V 3 whofe Fluent is a general Expreffion for the Area comprehended between the Vertex and the Ordinate^; Whence, expounding;-, by b and c fucceflively, we get ; and for the correfponding Values of ABC and ADE ; whofe Difference is the required Area BCED : But, to exprefs the fame independent of <7, it bp, by the Property of the Curve, b~ \ c 1 :: AB : AD; O 3 whence, The Vje of FLUXIONS whence, by Divifion, F : i> z ~ r : : AB : BD (d) and V-? l"~ confequently - -rr: a > which firft Value being wrote inflead of a, there refults BCED = 1 l^J _ _ // 4 fo + f* * *" " X / , * 3 b + c After the fame Manner, the Segment? of other Fi jnires may be found ; but in many Cafes they will br more readily had from a direct Investigation, without either finding the Whole or the Part taken away. Thus, in the Cafe at>ove, if the Exccfs of any Or- iginate RP above DE (c) be denoted by w;, we fhall have, by the Property of the Curve, b z c~ (BC 1 DE 1 ) :7T S (RP* DE*-) : : DB (d) : DP = d X 7 CIV -r iS . , T-,. ' . 2W-f2U iL'l-li-i-^ - j whofe Fluxion fJ X ~ ^ __ f u ~~ i> multiplied by c 4- to ( = PR ) gives d x 2> Vu * :rr /> x i-'-w -n/w ; whofe Fluent in fading the Superficies of Solids. 199 Fluent (p x /*; \ w z X ^ ;" x 2Z> = -J x BP X + PR 1 ) is the true Content of the PartCED^; which will alfo hold when the Figure is a Spheroid. This laft Method, of finding the Content of a Por- tion of a Figure, remote from the Vertex, will be of Service, when the general Value, for the IVliole, can- not be exprefled without an infinite Series ; becaufe fuch a Series, in that Cafe, not converging, becomes ufelefs *. By dividing the whole propofed Figure, AHW, into a Number of fuch Portions, HV, GT, FS, &c. the Content thereof may be obtained, v.hen to find if at once-, by a Series, commencing from the Vertex, would be altogether impracticable. H G Art. gj. But, to render fuch an Operation as (hort and eafy as may be, it will be proper to find each Part (DQ_, &V.) of the Figure, by means of a Series proceeding both Ways, from the middle Ordjnate (MN) between the two correfponding Extremes (CR and DR). Thus, let the Value of MN (found by the Property of the Curve) be denoted by a ; and let the Value of DR, in a Series, be reprefented by a-\- bx -{- ex* -\- dx 3 + ex+ + fx % -f &c. where x MD ; then the Area MDRN will be reprefented by the Fluent of K x a + bx + ex* + dx 3 + O 4 trV. 200 The Ufe of FLUXIONS y */ bx , ex* . dx^ &c. or by x x a + + T -j- &c. And 2 3 4 by writing x inflead of*, the Ordinate CQ_will be ex- preffed by a bx + cx*dx 3 fafc. and the Area MCQN, bx cx z dx 3 ex* by x x a \r -f C5V. whence the r t. 'y A C _ i CM VJIi , . Area CDRQ. is = 2.v x a + -f + 6 -f CV. Therefore, if DE, EF, FG, and GH be fuppofed, each, = BC (ZA-J and the Areas DS, ET, tic. (found 1 / as above) be denoted by 2* X a -\ \- - - ts'c. and 3 5 a i a (x i- ex * ix X a -\ + -~ &c. refpeclively, it follows that the Area CR + DS -f ET will be reprefented by 2*X * + * + a i a e + e -f e fc Q. I\ n A 3 X c 4- c -f c tf^. -f | An Example will the Ufe of this laft Expref- fion : Let CHWQ_ be a Portion of a Quadrant HAW of a Circle, whofc Bafe HC (conceived tJ be divided into four equal Parts) is equal half the Ra- dius AH, reprefented by Unity. Then, putting CM" A CM. 1)^ H H; ( f ) y, w. have, by the Property of the Cir- cle, * (MN) = -//>, and DR in finding the Superficies of Solids. 201 DR (= v'HR 4 HD 1 ) = v/i l^"** = /> ? -f 2/>jr * x = vV + 2/ur **; which, in a Serics> is (=# + *a W = a +tl L -j- .?-, x x 1 &c. Therefore, in this a 2a l(r -i, ^' Which Va - 2 J lue of r, by \vrii ing i a 1 for its Equal j>% will be reduced to -- '-:. From whence it is alfo evident 2<2 t-rr _'_ (fuppofing fl fwJ = Vi J 1 ) i a ..3 ,3 Confequently 2^- x a+ a +a crV. -j" j x X <: -f f -f- c. "" / ' &f. + |* J x ^ -f CP1WQ_, that was to be found. This Example, chofcn as an iliuftration of the fore- gging Method, may indeed be wrought the common Way ; whence the very fame Conclufun is brought out (Vide 202 The Ufe of FLUXIONS K r (Vide Art. 124.) But that Method is alfo applicable to any other Cafe, whether the Part propofed be near to the Vertex, or remote from it ; and whether the Figure itfelf be a Curve, Solid or Superficies ; fmce the Mea- fure thereof may, always, be exprefled by the Area of a Curve. There is another Way, well known to MathematU cian?, whereby the Area of a Curve may be deter- mined, by means of a Number of equidiftant Ordi- nates; which Method, derived from that of Differences, may, alfo, be ufed to good Purpofe, in Cafes like thofe above fpecified : But, it having been treated of by feveral ether 's, and alfo in my DiJ/ertatiem, the Reader will ex- cufe me, if no further Notice is taken of it here. SECTION XI. Of the Ufe of FLUXIONS in folding the Centers of Gravity, PercuJJion, and Ofcih lation of Bodies, 168. r~r\ HE Center of Gravity is that Point of a Body, by which, if it were fufpended, it would r.eli in Equilibrio, in any Pofition. LEMMA. .169. Letp, q, ?', 5, eft. be any Number of given Weights, banging at an inflexible Line (or Rod) AM fufpended in Kquilibrio, in an horizontal Pofition, at the Poirti Oj to determine the Pofition of that Point. Since (by Mechanics) the Force of any Weight (p) to raife the oppofite End (M) of the Balance, is as that Weight drawn into its Diftance (BO) from the Ful- crum, in finding the Centers of Gravity, 6cc. 203 crum, we dial], from the Equality of thefe Forces, have p x OB + q X OC-f A X OD=j x OE+/xOF, M^-l; Eorn c B , A r "7 /' isj> X AO AB + fX AO- AC-j-rXAO s x AE AO-f t x AF AO~, andconfequently AOrr p x AB + q x AC + r x AD -f- * x AE +' f x AF From which it appears, that, if each Weight be multi- ply d ly its Dijla,,ce from the End (or any given Point) of the Axis, the Sum of all the Products divided by the Sum of all the Weights, will give the Dijlance of the Center of Gravity from that End (or Point.) Note. The Produfta here mentioned are, ufually, cali'd the Forces, of their refpecHve Weights; not iu refpe6l to their Action at the Center O (which is ex- p re fled by a different Q^iantity) but v/ith regard to the Effects they have in the Conclufion, or the Value of AO j which appear to be in that Ratio. . PROPOSITION I. 170- To determine the Center of Gravity of a Line, Plane, Superficies, or Solid (admitting the three former capable of" being affected by Gravity.) Let AMBC be the propofed Figure, and G the Center of Gravity thereof; thro* which, parallel to the Horizon, let the Line EF be drawn, interjecting AC, at Right-angles, inO; alfo let AK and NM ba perpendicular to AC, and parallel to EF. 171. Cafe 204 . *Tbe Ufe of FLUXIONS 171. Cafe i. If the Figure AMBC be a Plane ; let it be fuppofed to reft in Equilibria upon the Line EF ; and then, if the Line MN be confider'd as a Weight, its Force (defined a- bsve) will be ex- prefled by MN drawn into its Diftance (AN ) from the End of the Axis AC; that is by yx (fuppofing, as ufual, ANrz* and MNiry.J This, therefore, multiply'd by the Fluxion cf AN, gives yxx for the Fluxion of the Force of the Plane AMN ; whofe Flyent, when A-=AC, exprefles the Force of the whole Plane, or the Sum of all the Produces of the Ordinates (or Weights) by their re- fpective Diftances from AK : Which Fluent being, therefore, divided by the Area ABC, or the Fluent of yx (according to the foregoing Lemma) the Quotient { -' *.*} will give (AO) the Diftance of the Center of Gravity from the Line AK. 172. Cafe 2. // the Figure be a 5c//W; let MN be a Section thereof by a Plane perpendicular to the Ho- rizon ; then, the Area of that Section being denoted by 4*, the Force thereof (confidered as above) will be ex- prefied by Ax, and the Fluxion of the Force of the Solid AMN by Axx \ whofe Fluent, divided by the Content of the Body, or the Fluent of 4*', gives AO, in this Cafe. But, if the Solid be the half (or the whole) of that arifmg from the Rotation of a Curve AMB about its Axis AC ; then (putting p for the Area of the Circle whofe Pvadius is Unity) A will become ipy" * ; and Flu. -I py^xx Flu. y 1 xx co&fequentjy AO = -rr , . . r , a . r lit. -i pyx riu*y x 173. Cafe m fading the Centers cf Gravity, &c. 173. Cafe 3. If the Figure propofed be the Curve-line AM 8; then, the Force of a Particle at M being expreflfed by AN or MQ^(x) we fliall (putting AM = z) have ^J = AO. 205. "' 174. Cafe 4.. But if the Figure given be the Superficies generated by the Rotation of AMB about AC. Then, the Periphery of the Circle generated by the Point M being 2py. it follows that Flu. yxz 7.. .- = AO. rlu. yz EXAMPLE I. Flu. 175. Let the Figure propofed be the ifofceles Triangle ABC. A M, O B It is evident the Center of Gravity (O) will be fomewhere in the Per- pendicular AQ_: And, if AQ=*, BC:=, AN =*, and MM^yj then bx y being r: , we mall kave, by Cafe I, AO ( = Flu. yxx\ Flu. x*x Flu. yx ) Flu. xx iX* 1 V = TS = -T = 7 A Qj when * = AQ.; and confe- AO quently OQ^ = ^ In the very fame manner, the Center of Gravity of any other (plane) Triangle will appear to be at | of the Altitude of the Triangle. EX- 206 The life of FLUXIONS EXAMPLE U. . Let the Figure prcpofed be a Parabola of any Kind; whereof the Equation is y zr -fL_ . a " Flu. y xx Flu. *" * -f i Here. - - r n -- __ x x = ' Flu. yx p, n. ' M-J-2 ' Flu. x x the Diftance of the Center of Gravity from the Vertex of the Curve. EXAMPLE III. 177. Let BAG be a Segment of a Circle. Then, if the Radius thereof be put r, we fliall havej> (NM) = Virx xx: Whence the Fluent of yxx (xx^irx xx) will, by Art. 163. be found = . __ 3 irxxx^ +rxAreaAN M ; which divided by ANM, 3 NM 3 . _.. ,, . = A ' ThlS ' .^ Art. 171. 6'" 3 x Area ANM BAG is a Semi-circle, becomes = x 10CO r, nearly. -T-. But, with refpecT: to _\ the Center of Gravity B Q of the Arch BAG; we have, Flu. *i, ( by Cafe 3. ) ~ Fluent of rxx tr >*x AM MN ; and confequently y' irx xx r x MN EX- in finding the Centers of Gravity, cc. 207 EXAMPLE IV. 178. Let ABC (fee the preceding Figure) reprefent a Segment of a Sphere^ or Spheroid. In which Cafe, denoting the Axis of the Sphere, or Spheroid, by a y and the other Axis of the generating Curve, when anEllipfis, by , we have y* = xax xx; and therefore If the Solid be an hyperbolical Conoid, the Diftance (AO) of its Center of Gravity from the Vertex, will alfo be exhibited by the Expreflion here brought out, when the negative Signs are changed topofitiveones. 1 79. In thofe Cafes where theFigure cannot be divided into two Parts, equal and like to each other (as a Curve is by its Axis, &c.) the Pofition of two Lines EO, eo (fee the enfitlng Figure) muft be determined, as above ; in whofe lma'fetion (G) the Center of Gravity will be found. EXAMPLE V. Let ABC be a Semi-parabola of any Kind -, whereof the Equation is, y ~ a It appears, from Ex. 2. that (AO) the Diftaoce of EGO from the Vertex, is exprefled by - X AC : But to find the Pofition of oGc (perpendicular to E.O) let Mtf'be parallel to eo^ or AC ; then, AN being ~ x, anU 2 8 T&e W e 0f FLUXIONS 8 and NM (y) = *_ > if AC be denoted by , we ihall have Mn =. b * n I 71 o -x y and M x NM X j = b x X = n! ' x x n* * for t h e * C* Fluxion of the Sum of the Forces in this Cafe (Vid. Art. 171.) whofe Fluent f nlx~ nx zr. z 2+iXtf 2B xl - z 2 nx n * / X _ 2-fl 2 2-fl BC'x AC , n ,. .. or : , when * b) divided a y x r . - by the Area ABC (= -^^ ) gives EC tot the true Value of Co, or OG. Which, in cafe of the common Parabola, where n = i, and where AO (^T"X AC) ='jAC, will become = *CB. Before I leave this Subject it may not be improper to take notice, that, whatever Lire you found your Calculations upon, by fuppofcrig the P igure to reft, in Equilibria) B m fading the Centers of Gravity, &c. 209 Equilibria, upon that Line, the very fame Point, for the Place of the Center of Gravity, will be determined. 1 80. Thus, let O be the Point in the Axis AC, of a given Curve B A D, deter- mined, as above, by fuppofmg the Figure to reft upon EF per- pendicular to AC ; and let RS be any o- ther Line paffing through the Point O ; then I fay the Sum of the Mo- menta of the Particles on each Side of RS will, a.'/o, be equal. For, if from two Points, in any Ordinate A1Q_, equally diftantfrom the middle Point N, two Perpendicu- lars mr and ns be let fall upon RS, the Eff.ca v of thofe two Points, in refpe&toRS,will bereprefented bymr-f ns 9 or its Equal 2NH (fuppofmg NH alfo perpendicular to RS.) Whence the Efficacy of all the Particles in MQ^ will be exprefled by their Number multiplied by NH, or by MQ_x N T H : Which is to their Efficacy (MQ^x ON) when referred to the Line EF, in the conftar.t Ratio of NH to ON, or of the Sine of the Angle RON to Radius. Whence it is evident that the Force of all the Ordinates (or the wrHe Curve) in the former Cafe, muft be to that in the latter, in the fame Ratio: But the faid Force, in the one Cafe, is equal to nothing by Hypothecs, therefore it muft be likewife fo in the other : And confequently the Sum of the Momenta of the Particles, on each Side of RS, equal to each other. Much after the fame manner the thing may be proved, in a Solid : Whence it will appear that there is actually fuch a (fixed) Point in a Body as the Center of Gravity- is defined to be : Which, however evident from mecha- nical Confederations, is not fo eafy to demonftrate, geo- metrically, from the Refolution of Forces. P PRO- 210 Ufe of FLUXIONS */ / PROPOSITION II. 18 1. To determine the Center of PercuJJkn of & Body. The Center of Percuflion is that Point, in the Axis of Sufpenfion of a vibrating for revolving) Body, at which it may be ftopt, by an immoveable Obftacle, fo as to reft thereon in Equilibria as it were, without acting upon the Center of Sufpenfion. Let O be the Point of Sufpen- fion, G the Center of Gravity, and SLM a Section of the Body, by the Plane wherein the Axis of Sufpenfion OGS performs its Motion ; to which Section let all the Particles of the Body be conceived to be transferred in fuch Parts thereof where they would be projected into (ortbograpbically) by Lines parallel to the Axis of Motion ; which Suppo- fition will neither affect the Place of the Center of Gra- vity nor the angular Motion of the Body. Since the angular Velocity of any Particle P is as the Diftance, or Radius, OP, its Force in the Direction, PB, perpendicular to OP, will beexprefled by Px OP. Therefore the Efficacy of that Force upon the Axis, at B, in the perpendicular Direction BN (fuppofmg the Axis ftopt at C the Center of percuffion) will be P x OP OP X 7=75, whofe Power to turn the Body about the (Jo OP Point C is therefore as P x OP x ^-^ x BC = P x vJrJ OP* x BC OP*xOC OB_ p OP*xOC OB" OB OB PxOP z j which, if PQ^be made Perpendicular to OS, in folding the 'Centers of Gravity y 5cc. 2 1 1 OP* OS, will at laft (becaufe ^ = OQJ be reduced to Px OQ^x OC P x OP 1 . By the very fame Argument, / the Force of any other Particle P will be denoted by P X OQ_x OC - P x OP* fcfc. &V. But, as all thefe Forces muft deftroy one another (by the Nature of the Problem) the Sum of all the Quantities P xOQ^x OC, Px OQ_x OC, e$V. muft therefore be = the Sum of all the Quantities P x OP 1 , P x OP* &V. and confequently PxOP'-f PxOP-f ear*. Uc. OC = - ; - - - . But (by the P x OQ.4- Px OQ.+ #< &( preceding Proportion) the Sum of all the Quantities &c. is equal to OG X by the Con- tent of the Body. Therefore OC is likewife = PxOP*+PxOP-f OG x Body. "The fame otberwife. Since the Force of the Particle P, in the perpendicular OP 1 Direction NB, is defined by P x Q]T, or its Equal, PxOQ_, the Sum of all the Quantities PxOQ_, l^ fefr. 13 c. will exprefs the Force which, a&ing at C per- pendicular to OS, is fufficient to ftop the Body, without the Center of Sufpenfion O being any way affected: This Sum, therefore, drawn into OC ( = OC x P x OQ,+ P x OQ.-f & c . &c.) is as the Efficacy of the faid Force to turn the Body about the Point O. But the Force of the Particle P, in the Diredion BN being PxQg-, its Efficacy to turn the Body about the fame P 2 Point 212 the Vje 0/' FLUXIONS Point (the contrary way) is as P x OP 1 ; and confe- quently the Efficacy of all the Particles as the Sum of all the Quantities PxOP% P/ OP 1 &c. &c. Therefore (Action and Re-a6tion being equal) we have OC X PxOQ+PxOQ^I- He. - PxOP^PxOP-J- &c. the fame as before. For the Center of Ofcillation, it will be requifite to premife the following LEMMA. 182. Suppofe two exceeding Jniall Weights C and P, a fling on each other by means of an inflexible Line (or Wire PC) to vibrate in a vertical Plane ROFCM, about the Center O ; it v. required to determine how rr.uch the Mstion cfthe one is afftfted Ly the other. Let CH and PQ. be per- pendicular to the horizontal Line OR; alfoletPB and CS be perpendicular to OP and OC re!pec~lively. If the Force of Gravity be denoted by Unity, the Forces acting in the Di- rections CS and PB, where- by the Weights, in their Defcent, are accelerated, will, according to the Refo- OH OQ_ lution of Forces, be reprefented by Moreover, fince the Velocities are always in the Ratio of the Radii OC and OP, if the forefaid Forces were OH to be in that Ratio, or that of P was to become ^ X TTp-, inftead of gfep. I fay, in that Cafe, it is plain the Weights would continue their Motion with- in fading the Centers of Gravity, &c. 213 out affe&ing each other, or a&ing at all on the Line of Communication PC (or PB). Whence, the Excefs , OQ OH OP or ^y.y above -^r^, x -p^rr mult be the accelerative Force whereby the Weight P acls upon the Line (or Wire) OC, in the Direction PB ; which multiply'd by the Weight P gives P x ~ -- ^ for the ab- folute Force in that Direction : Which therefore, irr the OQ OHxOP perpendicular Direction NB, is r X 5 OP X T=T]J ; whereof the Part ating upon C, being to the Whole as OB to OC, is truly defined by P X OQ. OHxOP OC " OC 3 If P be fuppofed to a6t upon C by means of PC (in- ftead of PB) the Conclufion will be no way different : For, let F (to fhorten the Operation) be put to denpte OQ" OH x OP \ the Force (Px --- I in the Direction PB, found above, then the Action thereof upon PC (according to the Principles of Mechanics) will be ex- pre.fled by F X - ^ ; which therefore in the Di- redtion SC, perpendicular to OC, is F x - ^-.pu X S. PCO S. PCO S. PCO _ OP r C.-/CPB " S. OPC = Fx OC" the very fame as before. P 3 PRO- 214 T& e W e f FLUXIONS PROPOSITION III. 183. To determine the Center of Ofcillation of a Body. The Center of Ofcillation is that Point, in the Axis (or Line) of Sufpenfion of a vibrating Body, into which if the whole Body was contracted, the angular Velocity and the Time of Vibration would remain unaltered. Let LMS be a Section of the Body by a Plane, per- pendicular to the Horizon and the Axis of Motion, paffing thro' the Center of Gravity G and the Point of Sufpenfion O ; and fuppofe all the Particles of the Body to be transferred to this Section, in fuch Places of it, as they would be projected into (crthograpbically) by Per- pendiculars falling thereon. (Which Suppofition will no way affecT: the Conclufion, the angular Motion conti- nuing the fame.) Moreover let C be the Center of Ofcil- lation, or that Point in the Axis OS where a Particle of Matter (or a fmall Weight) may be placed fo as to be neither accelerated nor retarded by the Action of the other Particles of Matter fituate in the Plane. Then, if, from C and any other Point P in the Plane LMS, two Perpendiculars CH and PQ_be let fall upon the ho- rizontal Line OR, the Force of a Particle (or Weight) at P to accelerate the Weight at C, will (according to the foregoing Lemma ) be represented by P X in finding the Centers of Gravity, &c. 215 OQ, OH xTjP Which, fuppofing GN per- OC OC 3 pendicular to OR, will alfo be exprefied by P X OQ~ ON OP OC OG x OC* r lt3 OQ.x OG x OC ONxOP* .' , , ^ - * - ' very x / manner the Force of any other Particle P will be re- ' OQ. x OG x OC ONxOP* prefented by P x - * - OC^OG~ Of*. fcfr. Therefore the Forces of all the Particles de- ftroying each other (by Hypothecs) the Sum of all the Quantities P x OG x OQ_x OC ON x OP 1 + PxOGxOClxOC ONxOPtfr. &c. nouft be equal to nothing : Whence P x OG X OQ_x OC -f, P x OG x OQ_x OC & c . &c. - P x ON x OP 1 + P x ON X OP 1 &c. &c. and confequently OC = x .. But ^^/. 171. and 172.) the / / Sum of all the Quantities P x OQjf P x OQ,fcfr. is equal to the Content of the Body multiplied by the Diftance (ON) of the Center of Gravity G from the Line LM ON (perpendicular to OC) j whence OC is alfo = P X OP 1 + P X OF &c. &c . _ P X OP a -r- P X OP*&e.&t. ON x Body OU x Body Which Expreflion continuing the fame in all Inclina- P 4 tions 216 The Ufe of FLUXIONS tions of the Axis OS, the Point C, thus determined is a fixed Point, agreeable to the Definition ; and appears to be the fame with the Center of Percuilion ; fee Art. 1 8 1. COROLLARY. * 184. If PD, PD &c. be perpendicular to OS, the Nu- jnerator of the Fraction found above, will become P X 2 OGxGD-f PxOG a +GP z +20Gx GD + fcr>. &c. (fmce OP 1 r= OG^GP 1 2 OG X GO &c.) Which, becaufe all the Quantities Px 2OG x GD + P x 2OG x GD &c. or Px GD + P x GD &c. (by the Nature of the Center of Gravity) deftroy one another, will be barely P x OG 1 -f GP Z + P x OG' + GP 1 + W*. Vc. = P + P+ &c. x OG a + Px GP a +PxGP+ &c. = Mafs x OG l + PxGP 1 -!- P xGP 1 + &c. Whence it is evident that OC is, alfo, _ Mafs X OG% + P X GP^PxGP + &c. tfr.s Mafs x OG ) PxGP l -f-PxGP*-f = G + " Mafs X QG ' PxGP a +PxGP-i- fafc. x OG Whence it appears that, if a Body be turned about its Center of Gravity^ in a Direffion^ perpendicular to the Jlxis of the Motion^ the Place of the Center of Ofdllation will remain unaltered \ becaufe the Quantities PxGP% / / P x GP* are no way affected by fuch a Motion of the Body. It in finding the Centers of Gravity, 6cc. 2 1 7 It alfo appears thai the Dijiance of the Center of Gra- vity from that of Ofcillatisn (if the Plane of the Body's Motion remains unalter'd) w III be reciprocally as the Di~ Jiance of the fo r mir from the Point of Sufpenfun. There- fcrc, if that Dijiance be found when the Point of Stifpcn- feon is in the Vertex, or fi pvfited, that the Operation may become the mo ft fimtle, the Value thereof in any other pro- pofed p niuon of that Point will likeivife be given, by one Jingle Proportion, 185. But now, to (hew how thefe Conclufions may be reduced to Practice, we muft firft of all obferve, that the Product of any Particle of the Body by the Square of its Dijiance from the Axis of Motion is (here) called the Force thereof ( its Efficacy to turn the Body about the faid Axis being in that Ratio.) According to which, and the firft general Value of OC, it appears that, if the Sum of all the Forces be divided by We Prcdutf of the Bod] int3 the Dijiance of the Center of Gravity from the Point cf Sufpenjion^ the Quotient thence arifing will give the Diliance of the Center of Percujfton, or Ojcillation from tbefaid P&int of Siifpen/ton. The Manner of computing the Divifor has been al- ready explained ; it remains therefore to (hew how the Sum of all the Forces in the Numerator may be col- lected : Which will admit of feverp.l Cafes. Wherein, to avoid a Multiplicity of Words, I {hall always exprefs the Diftance of the Center of Gravity from the Point of Sufpenfion by g y and the Diftance of the Center of Perculfion, or Ofcillation, from the lame Point, by C. 1 86. Cafe I. Let OS be a Line fufpended at one of its Extremes. Then, if the Part OP (confidered as variable) be de- noted by *, the Force of x Particles, at P, will (as above) be defined by x x x 1 : Whofe Fluent (- * 3 ) therefore expreffes the Force of a!l the Particles in'oP (or the Sum of all the Produces, under each Particle, and the Square of its Diftance from O the Point of Sufpenfion. This Quantity therefore (when x be- comes 'The Ufe ^/FLUXIONS T O comes = OS) being divided by OS X JOS (according to the foregoing Rule or Ob- _P fervation) we get (JQ^ =) OS for the Value of C, the true Diftance of the Center of Ofciilation (or Percuflion) from the Point of Sufpenfion. - C * Art, 185, () 187. Cafe 2. Let AB be a Lint, vibrating in a vertical Plane^ having its two Extremes A and B equally dijiant from the Point of Sufpenfion O. If OG (perpendi- cular to AB) be put =:a, and GP *, the Force of x Particles at P, will be denoted by x Xa* + x* = x x OP**: Whofe Flu- divided by ax P\ B C BG ent, (or PGxOG) gives ( ax . 4 ~ = OG + -7c = C, when x becomes = GB, 3 3OG 188. Cafe 3. Let APSQ. be a Circle, vibrating in a vertical Plane. Let PQ_be any Diameter thereof ; then OP 1 + OQ! being = lOG* + aPQ*, the Sum of the Forces of two Particles at P and Q, (putting OG = a, and AG = r) will be = a l + r* X 2; whence it is evident that the Sum of the Forces of all the Particles, in the whole Periphery, will be exprefled by their Num- ber x/TrS orby^ + r 1 X Ptripb. APSQ.: Which, in finding tie Centers of Gravity, &c. 219 will 7*:Q .': /A.! \ if p be put 3.141 be =r a 1 + r l X Zpr = t.pa*r + 2pr 3 Hence the Force of the Circle itfelf is alfo given, being Fluent of x Circle APSQ. Now, if the two Expreflions thus found be divided by a x Ptriph. APSQ, and a X Circle APSQ. refpe&ively *, we (hall have r 1 r 2 a + and a + r~> for the two correfponding Values of C. Art. 185. 189. Cafe 4. JL*/ AHBE be a Circle having its Plant (always) perpendicular to the Axis of Sufpenfan OG, Let AGB be that Diameter of the Cir- cle which is parallel to the Axis of Mo- tion RS ; and let EF be any Chord parallel to AB and RS ; whofe Diftance, GP, from the Center of the Circle, let be denoted by x ; putting OG = a, and AG = r : Then, by the Nature of the Circle, EF r= 2vV ** whofe Diftance OP, from the Axis of Motion RS, is alfo given = vV + **. Hence it appears that the Force of all the Particles in the Line EF (defined in Art. 185.) will be reprefented by a*+x* x 2^r* x*~ Therefore* x ** + ** x 2V>_^ is the Fluxion of the Force of the Plane ABFE; whofe Fluent (when x=r) 220 FLUXIONS x r) is = a 1 -f \ . r* X Area AEFEG\ which, if p be put for the Area of the Circle whofe Radius is Unity, will be = a* + r* X k P r * "> whereof the Double (pa*r* + 5/>r 4 ) is the Force of the whole Circle AEFH: whofe Fluxion 2parr -}-/>r 3 r(fuppofingr variable) being divided by r , we likewife get 2pa*r+pr 3 ( a l -\-r* X Periph. AEFH) for the Force of the Periphery AEFH. But the Center of Gravity, whether we re- gard the Circle itfelf or its Periphery, is in the Center of the Circle; therefore the Diftance of the Center of Ofcillation from the Point of Sufpenfion, will in thefe r 1 r 1 two Cafes be exhibited by a + and a + re- 4*2 2a fpe&ively. If the Circle, inftead of being perpendicular to GO, cither coincides, or makes a given Angle with it, the Value of C will come out exactly the fame ; provided the Diameter AB ftill continues parallel to the Axis of Motion RS : This appears from Art. 184.. and may be, otherwife, very eafily demonftrated. 190. Cafe 5. Let the Figure propofed be a Curve AEF, moving ( flat-way 'j, as it were) fo that the Plane de- fcribed by the Axis OAS may be perpendicular to that of the Curve. Here, putting AP =. x, PN =y, AN = z , OA - d, OG = g, and AG^:a, the Force of the Par- ticles in MN will be defined by 2y X a + x\ . Therefore the Fluent of 2yx xrf+x] 1 will be as the whole Force of the Plane NAM. (or AEF, when x = AS ) and confequently C = Flu d+ v| a X yx m Flu. d+x x yx : Which, there- fore, in fading the Centers of Gravity, &c. 221 fore, when the Point of Sufpenfion is in the Vertex A, Flt4* V V^ X will become C = -jr. : r. Let this Value be de- klu. yxx noted by v ; then, the Diftance of the Centers of Gra- vity and Ofcillaiion being v a, we have (by Art. 184.) g : a :: v a : ( a x v ~~") the Diftance of the fame f Centers, when the Point of Sufpenfion is at O, and con- fequently C, in that Cafe, = g + "X^a . Which g Form will be found more commodious than the fore- going in moft Cafes. After the fame iManner the Value of C, with refpecl: of the Arch AEF, will appear to be = Flu ' ^+*j* * * Flu, d+x X It may not be improper to give an Example or two of the Ufe of the foregoing Theorems. 191. Let therefore EAF be, firft, confider'd as an ifofceles Triangle : In which Cafe AP (x) and PN (y) hx being in a conftant Ratio, we have^ = (fuppofing SF=* and AS=,.) Hence C (= Flu, f Flu. -- z : Or ( accordin g f o the fecond Form) Flu. , ~ 4 and is kn wn to be 122 he Uft of FLUXIONS 2X . a X v a \ Art. 175. be = *, we have C (= H -- J = g + x* , where ( =d + a) = d -f \ x. Again, becaufe % and x are in a conftant Ratio, we alfohave ^^M^** _ Flu.T+xY x x _ X * -K. --A? x x - , , T ; whence the Center of Ofcillation of a-j- a X the Lines EH and AF is given. 192. For a fecond Example, let EAF be fuppofed a n Parabola of any Kind, whofe Equation is y - : c i 1 Then (according to Form 2.) we fha!l firft have v (=. F!u.yx*x\ Flu. x x n+2xx T1T , g . . I = - z = - ' Whence, Flu -y** / _ Flu. x* l x n + 2 n+ixx. , f ^~ f , f Art. 176. being = CT+2 ti we alfo get C ( = ,g- + n+i X ** = + v = - ; where g=. ^+2)'x4-3X^ But, with refpe -f |/ ( retaining the No- m finding the Centers of Gravity, &c. 223 Flu. d+x Notation above) we have C =. flu. Which, when the Point of Sufpenfion is in the Vertex Fin. yx^x + T v 3 * _ A, will become - rr - r 2 * : Let this (when rlu. yxx found) be denoted by v; then, it appears from the preceding Cafe, that the general Value of C will, alfo, , r ^ , , i tf x v a be reprefented by g + - o In the fame manner the Value of C, with refpect to the Arch EAF, will be expounded by or by g + a* 9 fuppofing - S Flu. XK 194. Example. Let the Equation of the given Curve be y = -fL- : Then v ( = ^ >*** +. 1^I fl/ij i/w- .,. i +2 . , 3~3" 3". /Y. f A" X+ j XX _ + 3 X X = rT x x + ===== X - : From which the 3x3+i * Value of C is alfo given ; and from whence it appears, that if n be expounded by 0, v will become = 2* if" 2 **-f y* ' + =: X - ; in which Cafe the Figure ^ / /& Figure AEFH y (=: - r-^ - ? - - ) /*/. * x#% or pgY+ipy* (Vid. Cafe 3.) Hence we have C 1*5- flu. g x Solid Flu. 1 i g* t = Moreover, with refpedt to the Superficies ; the Force of the Particles in the Periphery of the faid Circle MN j Art. 185. being 2pg*y + ipy 3 t> we ^ ave > ' n th ' s ^- a ^" e ^ Fin, ipg-y + 2py 3 X g __ Flu. lpg z ) + 2py 3 ~ _ ~ * " 1 g x Superficies. g X Flu, 2pyz X Flu.yz 199. Ex. i. Let EAF be a Segment of a Sphere, vhofe Radius is r ; then/ being = 2rjf A;*, we {hall have /?.!, , F* + **./&.. 7T^ p" X_ , =,+ 307- Which, when j; is expounded, either, by r or 2r, be- i , for the true Value of C y when comes n either in fading the Centers of Gravity, Sec. 227 either the Hemifphere, or whole Sphere, is taken. But, with refped to the Center of Ofcillation of the Super- ficies thereof, we have z in this Cafe = Art. 14. y irx xx rx Flu. y 3 z = : And therefore g+ ^f - = g + y gx.FIu.yz Flu. irx xx X rx rx \x~ . _ . P -\ = : Which, when g* Flu rx g x = r, or x r: 2r, becomes g + . Off 200. Ex. 2. Let the S0//WEAF be a Paraboloi^ v.'bofc n generating Curve is defined by the Equation y = c 44 .v x c ... ._ g x tin. x x^.c xy* .... Wtiere, if n be taken = o, the Figure will become a Cylinder, > a and C g + : But if n be expounded by i, the O 3/ Figure will be a Cone, and C =. g + - . Laftly, if be taken = |, the Figare will be the Solid generated * from the common Parabola and C~g-\ . SEC- 228 The Ufe of FLUXIONS Art SECTION XII. Of tke Ufe of FLUXIONS in determining the Motion of Bodies affetted by centripetal Forces. PROPOSITION I. 201. f I ^ H E Motion^ or Velocity y acquired by a Body freely defcendtng from Re/f t by the Force of an uniform Gravity, is proportional to the Time of its Defcent ; and the Space gone over> as the Square of that Time. The firft Part of the Propofition is almoft felf-evi- dent : For, fmce any Motion is proportional to the Force by which it is generated, that generated by the Force of an uniform Gravity muft be as the Time of Defcent ; becaufe the whole Effect of fuch a Force, a&ing equally every Inftant, is as that Time. jj /^ Let, now, the Velocity acquired during a Defcent of one Second of Time, be fuch as would carry the Body uniformly over any Diftance b in one Second ; and let AB (x) denote the Di- ftance defcended in any propofed Time / ; which Time let be denoted by PQ_; making B r and QJJ =.t : Then it will be, as i : / :: b : (bt} the Diftance that would be uniformly defcribed in i^ with the Velocity at B : Alfo i : / :: the faid Diftance (bt) to bit = * *. By taking the Fluent whereof we get ..B ^ c ..cl - e i/ in Centripetal Forces. 229 ifo*=*. Therefore the Diftance defcended ({b?) is as the Square of the Time. Q E. D. Olherwife, without Fluxions. Conceive the Time ( PQJ of falling thro' AB to be divided into an indefinite Number of very fmall equal Particles, reprefented, each, by m ; and let the Diftance defcended in the firft of them be A &c. bV. But, fince the Velocity at the Middle of any Particle of Time, is a Mean between thofe at the two Extremes, or betwixt any other two equally remote from it, the correfponding Particle of the Diftance AB may, there- fore, be confidered as defcribed by that mean Velocity. And fo, the Spaces Ac^ cd^ de, ef^ &c. defcribed in equal Times, being refpe&ive'.y as the faid mean Celerities | m, 1 4 ;j, 2 i m, 3 { 2, &c. it follows, by Addition, that the Diftances, A^, A^, A*, A/", &c. gone over from _, m ^m cm i6m y the Beginning, are to one another as , , , , 222 2 &c. or i, 4, 9, 16, 25, &f. . />. COROLLARY i. 202. Since the Diftance that might be uniformly run over in one Second, with the Velocity at B, is ex- prefled by /-/, the Diftance that might be defcribed with the fame Velocity in the Time t will therefore be ex- prefTed by /X/, or bf : Whence it appears, that the Space AB ( i It 1 ) thro' which the Body falls in any given Time t y is juft the half of that which would be uniformly defcribed with the Celerity at B, in the fame Time. Therefore 5 fince it is found from Experiment, that a Body near the Earth's Surface (where the Gravity may 0.3 be 230 "The Vfe fl/' FLUXIONS be taken as uniform) defcends about i6 T * Feet in the firft Second, it follows that the Value of b (is in this Cafe) = 2 X i6 T \ = 32d : And confequently the Number of Feet dclcc-aded in t Seconds, equal to i6 T Vxf a . COROLLARY 2, 203. It is evident, whatever Force the Body de- fcends by, the Value of b will always be as that Force; iince a double Force, in the fame time, genei^es a double Velocity ; a treble Force, a treble Velocity, &c Therefore, feeing our Equation \ bt 1 *, alfo gives t v/ and b =: ;, it follows, * -5 1. That the Diftance defcended is, univerfally, as the Force and the Square of the Time conjunclly. 2. That the Time is always as the Square-root of the Diftance applied to the Force. 3. And that the Force is as the Diftance apply'd to the^Square of the Time What is above demonftrated with refpedl to the Times, holds alfo in the Velocities, when the accelerating Forces are equal. PROPOSITION II. 204. 70 determine the Velocity ', and Time of Defcent^ cf a Body along an inclined Plane AC. From any Point F, in AC, draw FE perpendicular to the ver- tical Line AD, and make FB and CD perpendiculartoAC, meeting AD in B and D. Becaufe (by the Principles of Mechanics) the 1 Force of Gravity in theDireclion CF, whereby the Body is made to defcend along the Plane, is to the abfolute Force thereof, as AF to AB, in Centripetal Forces. AB, or as AC to AD ; and fince (by Cafe I. Art. 203 .) the Diftanccs defcended in equal Times are as the Forces, it follows that the Time of Defcent thro' AF will be equal to the Time of the perpendicular Defcent thro' AB : And confequently the Time of Defcent thro* AC equal to that thro' AD ; which is given by Prop. i. Moreover, btcaufe the Velocities at F and B, acquired in equal Times, are as the Forces, or as AF to AB j and it appears from Prop. i. that the Velocity at E*is to that at B, as v/AE : v/AB, or as V/AE x AB (=AF) : /AB x AB (= AB) it fol- lows, by Equality, that the Celerity at F is equal to ng . 1. that at E ; which is therefore given, by the precedin Propofition. COROLLARY. 205. Hence the Time of Defcent along the Chord AC of a Semi-circle ACD is equal to the Time of De- fcent along the vertical Diameter AD: And, if the Chord DGbeof the fame Length with AC (its Inclination to the Horizon being alfo the fame) the Time of Defcent along i: will alfo be equal to that along the vertical Diameter. PROPOSITION III. 206. Ij r , from two Points A and D, equally remote from the Center of Attrac- tion C, two Bodies move t with equal Celerities^ the one along the Right-line AC, the other in a Curve- line DBQ_, their Celerities at all other equal Dijiances from the Center, will be equal. For, let CBandCEbe any two Tuch Diftances ; let the Arch. BE be de- 0.4 A E 232 ^he Ufe ^FLUXIONS fcribed, from the Center C, and alfo tb, indefinitely near to it, cutting CB in n : Let the centripetal Force at the Difhnce of CB, or CE, be reprefented by/, and the Velocity at B, by v. By the Refolution of Forces, the Efficacy of the Force (f) in the Direction B, whereby the Velocity of the Body is accelerated, will be =^7- x f: Alfo the Time of moving over B (being as the Diftance apply'd B to the Velocity) is reprefented by : Therefore the Increafe of Velocity, in moving thro' B, being as the Force and Time conjunctly, will be defined by T>T */ x , or its Equal - X /. In the fame Manner, v "^ the Velocity at E being denoted by w 9 the Time of E* falling thro' E* will be reprefented by , and the Ve- E or ^^ 1S a g eneral Value for the Ordinate Hm: By putting which = 0, we get x =2 -T"! AB =: the Amplitude of the Pro- jection. But, by putting its Fluxion equal to nothing, we have x - r-r j which fubftituted for x in the Va- 2^r i jt lue of HOT, gives ji for the Altitude DE of the Pro- jeaion. ^. E. /. COROLLARY. 210. If another Body be projected, with the fame Celerity, in the vertical Direction ASj then, s becoming / s*d*\ = r, the Altitude of that Projection ^ 70 J will be- come 236 Ufe of FLUXIONS come = AS ; which call h, and let this Value be 4^ fubftituted in thofe of AB and DE, and they will be- come-^ and refpelively. Hence, if from the Point Q^ where the Line of Di- rection AC cuts a Semi-circle defcribed upon AS, the Lines SQ_and QP be drawn, the latter perpendicular to AB, the Triangles ASQ_ and AQP being fimilar, we fhall have r:*::A(AS): = AQ. PROPOSITION VI. a 1 1 . To determine the Ratio of the Forces, whereby Bodies, tending to the Centers of given Circle^ are made to re- volve in the Peripheries thereof. Let ABH and alb be any two propofed Circles, whereof let AB and ab be fimilar Arcsj in which, let the in Centripetal Forces. 237 the Velocities of the revolving Bodies be refpectively as /^to v i make DBK and dbk parallel to the Radii AC and ac, putting AC = , ac = r, and the Ratio of the centripetal Force in ABH to that in abh> as F to /. It is plain, becaufe the Angles ABD and abd are equal, that the Velocities at B and , in the Directions BK and bk^ with which the Bodies recede from the Tangents AD and ad y are to each other as the abfolute Celerities ^and v *. But thofe Velocities, being the * Art '35 Effects of the centripetal Forces acting in correfponding, fimilar, Directions during the Times of defcribing AB and ab, will therefore be as the Forces chemfelves when the Times are equal ; but when unequal, as the Forces and Times conjunctly. Therefore, the Times being AB at R r univerfally as -77- to , or as -77 to ( becaufe the V v V v ' Arcs AB and at are fimilar) we have, as F x -p : f X y- : : V '. v\ whence (multiplying the Antecedents by V v\ -p- and the Confequents by ) it will be, as F :f : : V I v* -r- : : Therefore the Forces are as the Squares of the Velocities directly, and as the Radii inverfely. Otberwife. Let the indefinitely little Arch AB be the Diftance that the Body moves over in a given, or conftant Par- ticle of Time ; and let the centripetal Force at B be meafured by twice the Subtenfe or Space AE through which the Body is drawn from the Tangent AD in than Time f. Then, f The Velocity 'which any Force, uniformly continued, is ca- pable of generating, in a given Body, in a given Time, is the proper Meafure of the Intenfety cf that Force *. But this Pe- ftcily is itjelf mtajitrgd by tht Space the Body would move uni- * Art, 203, formly 238 ne Vff of FLUXIONS Then, by the Nature of the Circle, AB* t=r AH X * AE = AC x 2AE, and confsquently 2 AE = Therefore, the Force is as the Square of the Velocity ap- plied to the Radius of the Circle (as before). COROLLARY I. Tf^* ^ 112. Becaufe, F :/ :: : -, it follows that *t f V:u :: V~RF : V7Z and COROLLARY II. 113. If the Ratio of the periodic Times be denoted by that of P top ; then the Ratio of the Velocities P, v R r being as -p to, we fhall have, by Equality V RF: R r V r f ' ~n ; ~T > whence alfo P p R r &'/' ' ~pZ ~i-> and . R:r::FP z : fp\ firmly over in a given Time ; 'which Space is always the doublt of that through which the Body would freely defcend,from Reft, * Art zoa. ** *^ e S ame ttme ** < ?t> ere f ore 2 ^^ ' J *** proper Meafure of the centripetal Force, according as ive haiie ajjumed it. It is true, iv&ea the Forces to be compared are all computed in the fame Manner, from the Nafcent, or indefinitely Jmatt Subtenfes of contemporaneous Arcsy it matters not whether we confider thofe Subtenfes, or their Doubles, as the Meafures of the Forces, the Ratio being the fame in both Cafes. But when the Forces fo found are to be compared 'with others de- rived from a fluxicnal Calculus, it is abfolutely ntcej/ary ta take the double Subtenfe for the Meafure of the Force. *This Note is inferttd, that the Learner may avoid the Errort, which fame 'very confider able Mathematicians ba-~ve fallen intt ly not properly attending is this Particular. Co- in Centripetal Forces. 239 COROLLARY III. 214. If the Meafure of the Force, or the Velocity that might be uniformly generated in a given Time (i ) be expounded by any Power a of the Radius AC (a] ; then the Diftance through which a Body would freely defcend in the fame Time, by that Force, uniformly continued, will be expreflfed by \ a *. Therefore, * Art. ao. the Diftances defcended, by means of the fame Force, uniformly continued, being as the Squares of the Times f, it is evident, if the Time of moving through t Art- ZOI< AB be denoted by /, that the Diftance AE defcended in that Time, will be denoted by - x i a" .; And fo ' i we fliall have AB ( \ / 2AE x AC) = x a~^ ; which being the Diftance defcribed by the revolving Body in the Time /, it follows that the Space gone over in the given Time (i) will be a : Which, there- fore, is the true Meafure of the Celerity in this Cafe. The fame conclufion might have been derived in much fewer Words from Carol, i. but, as a thorough under- ftanding hereof is abfolutely neceflary in what follows hereafter, I have endeavoured to make it as plain as poilible. COROLLARY IV. 215. Hence the Time of Revolution is alfo derived; for it will be as a ~ : 3.14159 &c. x la (the whole Periphery) : : r : HlJJL^ o, . II ^. x I n z ia , the true Meafure of the periodic Time. Co- 240 7& W e f FLUXIONS COROLLARY V. 2l6. Therefore, if n be expounded by i, o, I, 2 and 3 fucceffively, then the Velocity cor- i , refponding will be as 0, a , i, a 2 , and a l ; and JL 2. the Time of Revolution, as i, a x , a, a and a* re- fpedtively. SCHOLIU M. 117. From the preceding Propofition, and its fub- fequent Corollaries, the Velocity and periodic Time of a Body revolving in a Circle at any given Diftance from the Earth's Center, by means of its own Gravity, may be deduced: For let d be put for the Space thro* which a heavy Body, at the Surface of the Earth, defcends in the firft Second of Time, then id will be the Mea- fure of the Force of Gravity at the Surface : And there- fore, the Radius of the Earth being denoted by r, the Velocity, />*r Second, in a Circle at its Surface, will be , rr-. rT > 3- I 4i5Q& > -X2r K/ird't and the Time of Revolution = - 7== - v ird / 3'H T 59 & Ct x V^ ~T (Seconds); which two Ex- preffions, becaufe r is = 21000000 Feet and ^=16,^ will therefore be nearly equal to 26000 Feet and 5075 Seconds, refpe&ively. Let R be now put for the Radius of any other Circle defcribed by a Projectile about the Earth's Center: Then, becaufe the Force of Gravitation above the Surface is known to vary according to the Square of the Diftance inverfely, we have (by Cafe 4 J- _ Corel. 5 .) r ""* : R * :: (26000 / the Velocity (per Second) at the Surface, to 26000 x \X -, the Ve- , J\. locity in Centripetal For ces. 241 a locity in the Circle whofe Radius is R. And f* :: (575 ' the periodic Time at the Surface : to 5075 X R> , the Time of Revolution in the Circle R. r 3 Which, if R be aflumed equal to (6or) the Diftance of S. D the Moon from the Earth, will give 2360000, or 27 . 3 nearly, for the periodic Time at that Diftance. In like fort the Ratio of the Forces of Gravitation of the Moon, towards the Sun and Earth, may be com- puted. For, the centrifugal Forces in Circles, being univerfally as the Radii apply'd to the Squares of the ,,,. /SiooooooN I imes of Revolution, it will be as ( - J the Semi-diameter of the Magnus Orbis divided by the Square of one Year (the periodic Time of the Earth and Moon about the Sun) is to (240000x178) the Diftance 'of the Moon from the Earth divided by r, the Square of the periodic Time of the Moon about the Earth, fo is 1,9 to i nearly ; and fo is the Gravitation of the Moon towards the Sun to her Gravitation towards the Earth. Alfo, after the fame Manner, the centrifugal Force of a Body at the Equator, arifing from the Earth's Rota- tion, is derived. For fince it is found above, that 5075 Seconds is the Time of Revolution, when the centrifugal Force would become equal to the Gravity, and it ap- pears (by Cafe 2. Carol. 2.) that the Forces, in Circles having the fame Radii, are inverfely as the Squares of the periodic Times, we therefore have, as bbiboj" (the H M Square of the Number of Seconds in (23 56) one whole Rotation of the Earth) to 5075! * (the Square of the Number of Seconds above given) fo is the Force of R Gravity 242 The Ufe of FLEXIONS Gravity (which we will denote by Unity) to -^-, the 289 centrifugal Force of a Body at the Equator arifing from the Earth's Rotation. But, to determine, in a more general Manner, the Ratio of the Force of a Body revolving in any given Circle^to its Gravity, we have already given 3.14 fcfr. x / 2r V* ^ for the Time of Revolution at the Surface of the Earth, when the Gravity and centrifugal Force are equal : Therefore, if the Time of Revolution in any Circle whole Radius is a, be denoted by /, it follows, from Carol. 2. lajl Prop, that, 2r ' f 3 :: the Gravity of the Body : to its centrifugal Force in that Circle ; which, therefore, is as Unity to 3. 14]* eft, x : j or as i to 1.228 x ~r vei 7 near - Ul t ly : where a denotes the Number of Feet in the Ra- dius of the propofed Circle, and t the Number of Se- conds in one intire Revolution. So that, if the Length of a Sling, by which a Stone is whirled about, be two Feet, and the Time of Revolution ^ of a Second, the Force by which the Stone endeavours to fly off, will be to its Weight as 9.824 to Unity. From this general Proportion, the centrifugal Force and periodic Time of a Pendulum defcribing a conical Surface may likewife be deduced. For let SR, the Length of the Pendulum, be de- noted by g; the Altitude CS of the Cone, by c ; the Semi-diameter CR of the Bafebyfl; and the Time of Revolution by t : Then, the Force of Gravity being re- in Centripetal Forces. 243 rcprefented by Unity* the Force with which the re- volving iiody at R, the End of the Pendulum, tends to recede from the Center C, will be defined by **'' ~ M , as has been already {hewn. There- , fore, becaufe the Body is retained in the Circle RR by the Action of three different Powers, i. e. the centri- fugal Force ^ - 7 - / in the Direction CR, the Force of Gravity ( i) in a Direction parallel to SC, and the Force of the Thread or Wire RS, compounded of the former two ; it follows, from the Principles of Mechanics, that as SC (c) to CR (g) 9 fo is the Weight of the Body at R, to the Force with which it acts upon TM_ t*r- T> c the Thread or Wire RS ; and as i :: CS (c) : CR (a} : Whence d? = 3. t4&c.\* x and / = 3. 14 &c- * \/T =i,io8/f nearly. Be- d caufe <&% or its Equal 3. 14^ r x 2c, exprefles the Space a heavy Body will dcfcend, by its own Gravity, in the Time / *, and fince i 1 : 3. 14 &V.]* 2c : 3. 14 &c\ l X zc ( dt 1 } it therefore appears that, as the Square of the Diameter of any Circle, is to the Square of its Periphery, fo is twice the perpendicular Altitude of the Cone, to the Diftance a heavy Body will freely defcend in the Time of one whole Gyration of the Pendulum, let the Bafe of the Cone and the Length of the Pendulum be what they wiU. PROPOSITION VII. 218. To determine thi Ratio of the Velocities of Sadies dt- fcending, or amending, in Right-lines^ when accelerated, or ) by Forces^ varying according to a given Law. Suppofe a Body to move in the Right-line CH, and let the Force whereby it is urged towards C, or H, R 2 b? 244 the Vfe gf FLUXIONS be as any variable Quantity F ; Moreover, let the Ve- locity of the . Body be reprefented by v ; putting its Diftance CD, from the Point C :=:.*, and D. E. L COROLLARY I. 219. Hence, the Law of the Velocity being given, that of the Force is deduced : For, fince Fx = + vv 9 Vu it is evident that F =: -f- -r-. x COROLLARY II. 220. Hence, alfo, the Ratio of the Velocity at D to that whereby a Body might revolve in the Periphery of a Circle about the Center C, at the Diftance of CD, will be known : For, if this laft Velocity be denoted by w 1 w, the Value of F will be rightly exprefTed by * : VJ^x Whence, by Subflitution, we have + vv = - , or in Centripetal Forces. 245 'f X *V X f V X w a x : Whence w* : v* : -f -- : -*-, v JT ~ v * ' and confequently w; ; v :: v/^ -I -- V^ ~ v ' x as well as above, the Sign of v mufl be taken -f or according as the Body is urged from, or towards the Center C. PROPOSITION VIII. 2 2 if Suppojing a Body, let go from a given Point A with a given Celerity (c) along a Right-line CH, to be urged, either way, in that Line, by a Force varying as any Power (n) of tbe Dljlance from a given Point C ; to find^ not only, tbe Relation of the Velocities* and Spaces gone over, but a If o tbe Ti?nes of djcent and Defcent. The Conduction of the preceding Problem being re- tained, F will here be expounded by x" t and we {hall therefore have -Jrvv (~Fx) =xx; and confequently, W *"T~' by taking the Fluent thereof, + =- - ; but to 2 n+ 1 correct the Fluent thus found, let x be taken = CA (which we will call a) then v being r= r, the Fluent in f* a*** ^hat Circumftance will become -| -- ~ - _ There- " 2 n+i ' v fore the Fluent duly corrected is + 4. ~ 2 2 v* " I / X = V c * + come out = c * + - _ . W here the +i Signs of v and x" X muft be alike, when both Q_ ; an- increaie, or decreafe, at the farr.e time ; thit is, H- 3 when, 246 7&? Ufe 0f FLUXIONS Art. azo. when the Force, from C, is a repulfive one * ; but, un- like, when one increafes while the other decreafes, or the Force, tending to C, is an attractive one. In the for- mer Cafe we therefore have v y n -H _ S+ 2X ~ fl T A " I * .y 13 2-V and, in the latter, v = ^ c ~ H ^~+~i The Value of v being thus obtained, let the required Time of moving over the Space AD be now denoted by T j then, fince T is univerfally = ^, we have T or f = -M === according to the two forefaid 2* n + i Cafes refpeclively : From whence, by finding the Fluent, the Time itfelf will be known. %. E. /. COROLLARY. 222. If the Body proceeds from Reft at A, c will be j_ s o, and we (hall have f = r* + ^ X *--.. or T = V 2.V 2<2 t I -f ]* X * ^/ fl+I +! V 2 2X SCHOLIUM. 223. Although, the Fluents of the Expreflions given above cannot be exhibited, in a general Manner, nei- ther, in finite Terms, nor by means of circular Arcs and Logarithms ; yet, in lome of the moft ufeful Cafes in Centripetal Forces. Cafes that occur in Nature, they may be obtained with great Facility. 247 Thus, if in i + l** n-J-i (exprefling the Flux- ion of the Time of Defcent along AD) n be expounded by i, o, 2, and 3 fuccefTiveJy, the Fluxion itfelf X X will become equal to ^===, -===, ^i**** and -r^=^ refpeaively : Whence, if **-** **~* ARF be a Quadrant of a Circle whofe Center is C, and J\SC a Semi-circle whofe Diameter is AC, and DSR be perpendicular to AC ; then it will appear, i. That, when n I, the Velocity (VV S) at D will be repre- fented by DR, and the AR Fluent fought by Art. 142. 2. That, when n = o, and T . =-, the r 2a 2^ Velocity at D, and the Time of Defcent thro' AD, will each be defined by 3. That, when n 2, and T = . ' ^ V ax xx .he Vcloc ity be as and the Time of Defcent thro' AD, as V| ACxAS+DS. R 4 4". 248 ^he Ufe of FLUXIONS axx 4. And that, when n 3. and T . . V a 1 x 1 DR the Velocity will be as Vvjj x '/ -r\> ar| d the Time as ACxDR. Hence the Time of the whole Defcent thro' the Ra- dius AC, appears to be as -r^, V/2AC, V . AC X AF, or AC 1 . But the Time of one whole Revolution in 4AF Art.aif. the Periphery ARF &V. was found to be as - -^r^* ; AC~ AAF 4.AF which in the four Cafes above fpecified ia ^TT, - , A ^ VAC 4AF x VAC", and 4AF x AC : Therefore, if the Time of moving over the Quadrant AF be denoted by J-jj>, it follows that the Time of Defcent thro' the Radius AC, AC" y/~T . will be truly defined by & , jp x J G) v y i. } ^ ^ AF J ** a AC or ^ x -r-p according to the forefaid Cafes refpe&ively, LEMMA. 224. The Areas which a r rushing Body defer ibes t ly Rays drawn to the Center of Force, are proport'tsnal to the Times of their Defcriptisn. For, let a Body, in any given Time, defcribe the Right- line AB, with an uninterrupted uni- form Motion ; bu,t k c upon its Arrival at B let it be impelled towards the Center S, fo that, inftcad of proceeding along in Centripetal Forces. along ABC, it may, after the Impulfe, defcribe the Right-line Be. Becaufe the Force, a&ing in the Line SB, can nei- ther add to, nor take from, the Celerity which the Body has in a Direction perpendicular to that Line, the Di- ftance of the Body from the faid Line, at the end of a given Time, will therefore be the very fame as if no Force had a&ed ; and confequently the Area B^S equal to the Area BCS, which would have been defcribed in the fame time, had the Body proceeded uniformly along; BC ; bccaufe Triangles, having the fame Bafe and Al- titude, are equal. Therefore feeing no Impulfe, however great, can af- fect the Quantity of the Area defcribed about the Center S, in a given Time, and becaufe the Areas ASB, BSC, defcribed about that Point, when no Force ad~ts, are as the Bafes AB, BC, or the Times of their Defcription, the Proportion is manifeft. COROLLARY. 225. Hence the Ve- locity of a revolving Body, at any Poinc Q_ prR ? is inverftly as the Perpendicular SP or ST, falling from the Center of Force upon the Tangent a: that Point. For, let two other Bodies m and n be fup- pofed to move uniform- ly from Q^and R, along the Tangents QP and RT, with Velocities re- fpe&ively equal to thofe of the revolving Body at Q_and R ; then the Diftances Q;?/ and R, gone over in the fame Time, will be to each other as thofe Velocities ; and the Areas QSm and RSi will be equal, being equal to 249 T 250 to thofe defcribed by the revolving Body in the fame s. time * : Whence Qm x SP being r= R x &T, it follows that Qm : R* : : ST : SP : : <~ ~. PROPOSITION IX. To determine the Law of the centripetal Force t tending to a given Point C, whereby a Body may de~ fcribe a given Curve AQH. O Let QP be a Tangent to the Curve at any Point Q_; upon which, from the Center C, let fall the Perpendi- cular CP ; putCQ_=j, CP=; and let the Velocity of the Projectile at Q_be denoted by v. Therefore, fince v 1 is always as -j (by the Carol, to Linana) it is evident, by taking the Fluxions of both ii Quantities, that vv will alfo be as j- : But the cen- tripetal Force, whether the Body moves in a Right-line or in Centripetal Forces. 2 5 1 or a Curve, is always as r (by Art. 219. and 206.) Therefore the centripetal Force is likewife as -j^'J The fame otberivife. 227. Let the Ray of Curvature QO be denoted by R: Then, becaufe the centripetal Forces in Circles are known to be as the Squares of the Velocities directly and the Radii inverfely *, it follows that the Force, tending * Art.ai*. to the Point O, whereby the Body might be retained in its Orbit at Q_, or in the Circle whofe Radius is QO, will be defined by x -fc : Whence (by the Refolution of Forces) it will be CP (u) : CQ^(s) :: ^ ( the Force in the Direction QO) : -j-pj, the Force in the Direaion QC : Which, becaufe R = ~ f will alfo t Art. 73 . be exprefled by ~ . %. E. I. Another Way. 228. Let nq be the indefinitely fmall Part of the Right-line Cy, intercepted by the Curve and the Tan- gent Qj?, expreffing the Effect of the centripetal Force in the Time of defcribing the Area QCn. Now thefe Effects, or the Diftances defcended by means of Forces uniformly continued, are known to be in the duplicate Ratio of the Times , or of the Areas denoting thofe * Times : Therefore, the centripetal Force at Q_, or the r Art z Diftance defcended by means thereof in a given Time, will be as nq applied to the fecond Power <)f the Area , or as a X Q ^. This Expreffion is the fame with be Ufe with that given by Sir Ifasc Nervton, in his Principle!* Book i. Prop. 6. But, to adapt it to a fluxional Cal- culus ; let QE be an Ordinate to the principal Axis AG ; and let (as ufual) AE =: x^ EQ_ = ^, AQ_= z, Ee (or Qf) = x, Q_? K. ; fuppofmg eq (parallel to EQJ to interfeft the Curve and the Tangent in m and q. Since Q_y is conceived indefinitely fmall (or in its nafcent State) the Triangle nmq may be taken as recli- t Art. 136. ]j nea i * ; a lf o the Angle = CQP and the Angle m Whence, it will be (by Trigonometry) as CQP (n) ' 5. Qjp (m} ::mq:nq; that is, as -. ~? :: mq : nq ~rp^7V) - : Which fubftituted above CO x Qt x mq . gives - - - z for tne Meaiure of the centripetal CP 3 x Q_q Force at Q^: But mq (fuppofing x to fio\y uniformly) i,s known to be as j * Therefore the Force at Q_, is as CQ X Q/ X jr _ sxy CP 3 x Qy* ' ' r lts qu ~v& ' ' e vifor (u 3 z 3 ) is as the Cube of (QCj) the Fluxion of the Area AQC. The very fame Theorem may likewife be deduced from that given by our fecond Method : For, fince (R) x 3 f Art.68. the Ray of Curvature at QJs univerfally * =; n.rthe x y Value of-j- (there found) will here, by Subftitution, sxy become =. -yr,-' u ' z This Exprefllon, tho' in appearance lefs fimplc than -^- fuft found, is, for the general part, more commo.,- W 3 J dious in Practice. Co- in Centripetal Forces. 253 COROLLARY I. 219. If the Point C be fo remote that all Right-lines drawn from thence to the Curve may be confider'd as parallel to each other, the Force will then (making Qr ^~"SXV perpendicular to C?) be as '' |3 , or barely as C^xQH ^j fince s (C?) in this Cafe may be rejected. From this Expreflion, which is general, in all Cafes where the Force ab in the Direction of parallel Lines, it appears that the Force, which always acting in the Direction of the Ordinate QE, would retain the Body in its Orbit, is every where as rr j becaufe QC here coincides with QE, and Qr becomes x. COROLLARY II. 230. Becaufe the Force, tending to the Point C, is r~*o ^^ univerfally as cp* x QO ( 0t !sR ) the Force to an y other Point c t will, by the fame Argument, be as =TJ . Hence the Forces, to different Centers fp\ xQO C and c (about which equal Areas are defcribcd in the CP 3 fame time) are to each other in the Ratio of rrr^ to ~~13 CjJinverfely. COROLLARY III. 231. Moreover, the Ratio of the Velocity at Q to the Velocity whereby the Body might revolve in a Circle about the Center at C, at theDiflance CO, is eafily de- duced from henCe : For, fiace the Celerity at Q> that whereby 254 *be Ufe of FLUXIONS whereby the Body might revolve in a Circle about the Center O, and the Forces tending to the Centers O and C are to each other as u (CP) and s (CQJ; it there- fore follows, if the Ratio fought be aflumed as v to w, v~ if* that rr^r : :yp :: u : s (by Art. 212.) Whence alfo v* : U? :: xQO (uR) : s x QC (V) and confequently (becaufe R = J. U' The fame Proportion may alfo be derived from 2. Prop. 7. For it is' there proved that v : iu :: V' -i i : V ~ an( ^ ^ a PP ea rs from above, that = : Whence the whole is manifcft. v " u If OL be made perpendicular to QC, QL will be CPxQON uR ,QL uR - = , W*;= - J and there- fore v : w :: QL a : CQj : Which is another Pro- portion of the propofed Celerities. COROLLARY IV. 232. Laftly, the Law of centripetal Force being gi- ven, the Nature of the Trajectory AQ^may from hence be found j for fmce the Force (F) is univerfally defined by r> it is evident that H-i will be =1 the Fluent u 3 s 2.u of Fs t which, when F is given in Terms of J, will become known ; and then, the Relation between u and i being given, the Curve itfelf is knowru E X- in Centripetal Forces. EXAMPLE I. 233. Let the given Curve AQH be the logarithmic Spiral, and C the Center thereof: Then u (CP) being 2 55 = i'., we have t ( = X x - i" Unit y- Hence it appears that the Force is in- verfely as the Cube of the Di- ftance; and the Velocity, every where, equal to that whereby the Body might revolve in a Circle at the fame Diftance. EXAMPLE II. 134. Let it be required to fnd the Law of the centripetal Force, whereby a Body, tending to the Focus C, is made to revolve in the Periphery of an Ellipfes AQDB. From the other Focus F draw FK parallel to CP meet- ing the Tangent PQ (at Right-angles) in K, join F, Qj put- ting the tranfverfe Axis AB = a, the Semi-conjugate OD = * , and the Parameter ( \ a f -p: Then, CQ, and CP being denoted as above* * Art. 231. we have FQ.(=:AB CQ) =a ,; whence, by rea- fon of the fimilar Triangles CQP and FQK, it will be 10 2c6 tfbe Ufe of FLUXIONS ~W */ y a ~~ S * * But FK x CP is j OD X (by the Nature of the Curve.) Hence wi get asXit 1 r I 4* 4 ' - = 4 ; and confequently -77=- TT-; J 7 zr Wr whereof the Fluxion being -" A- S . , we obtain " Y/ - - Hence, it appears that the centripetal Force is, in this Cafe, as the Square of theDiftance in- verfely ; and the Velocity at Q_ is to that whereby the Body might defcribe a Circle at the Diftance CQ^, every i_ jr^ where, in the Ratio of FQ Z to AO\ If the Curve had been an Hyperbola; then - X y alx~ a Viax -\- x 1 lax [, and rj- + yx xj = 253 The Ufe of FLUXIONS _*'-"~ r "" ... and therefore, by fubftituting theftf a V 2ax + x* sxj of' s Values, we get ; ; =^ . 3 Cj + yx Ay! * x ca + tf* ih cx t A Which, becaufe TT is conftant, will alfo be as From whence it follows, If c be = ^p rf, or the Center of Force be In the Center of the Section, the Force itfelf will be barely as ( + *) the Diftance. 2. If it be in the Focus, then ac -\- ax -f- r* be- coming = CQ_x a, the Force will be inverfely as the Square of the Diftance. 3*. If the given Point be in the Vertex A, the Force will be as T : Which therefore in the Circle ( where *= x* i* \ i ) will be as : , or the fifth Power of the Diftance laj i 5 reciprocally. 4. Lafily, if the Point C be at an indefinite Diftance from the Vertex, or the Force be fuppofed to acl in the Direction of Lines parallel to the Axis AO j then the Force will be as the Cube of OE inverfely. PROPOSITION X. 236. To determine the Ratio of the Velocities of Bodies revolving in different Orbits^ abcut the fame y or dif- ferent^ Centers ; the Orbits themfefaes t and the Forces whereby they are dcfcribed y being given. Let AQH be any Orbit, defcribed about the Center of Force C, and let the Force itfelf at the principal Ver- tex A be denoted by F; alfo let r ftand for the Semi- parameter, or the Ray of Curvature at the Vertex, and let in Centripetal Forces. let CP be perpendicular to the Tangent QP. Q 259 o or Then, the Celerity at A being, always, as (by Art. 212.) we have CP : CA :: V7F (the Ve- C A x ^ i'F locity at A) to pp , the Velocity at Q_(y Art. 225.) Which anfwers in all Cafes, let the Values of AC, t and F be what they will. Q E> ! COROLLARY I. 237. If the centripetal Force be as the Square of the Diftance inverfely, or F be expounded by j^z > the AC Velocity at Q_ will become p-p X Qp~ : Whence the Velocities, in different Orbits, about the fame Center, are in the fubduplicate Ratio of the Parameters, and the inverfe Ratio of the Perpen- diculars from the Center of Force to the Tangents, conjunctly. COROLLARY II. 238. Hence, if the Celerity at Q^be denoted by Q^, and Cy be drawn j then, Q_y being as ^rp, it follows that V7 is as CP x Q^, or as the Triangle QCq: There- S 2 fore a6o he Vfe of FLUXIONS fore the Areas defcribed about a common Center oi Force in a given Time, are in the fubduplicate Ratio of the Parameters. COROLLARY III. 239. Laftly, fince the Area of the Curve AQHB &c. * Art. *34. whenanEllipfe*, is known to be as (AO X OD) AO X yVx AO (fuppofmg O to be the Center) if the fame be apply'd to Vr-> exprefling the Area defcribed in a given Part of Time (by the laft Corel.) we fliall thence have AO x t/AO, or AO* for the Meafure of the Time of one whole Revolution. From whence it ap- pears, that the periodic Times, let the Species of the Ellipfes be what they will, are in the fefquiplicate Ratio of their principal Axes. PROPOSITION XI. 240. The centripetal Force, lending to a given Point C, being as the Square of the Dijlances reciprocally, and the Dire ft ion and Velocity of a Body at any Point Q_ being given ; to determine the Path in which the Body moves, and the periodic Time> in cafe it returns. It is evident from Art. 234. and 235. that the Tra- jectory AQB is a conic Section j whereof the Point C is one of the Foci, Let in Centripetal Forces. 261 Let F be the other Focus, and upon the Tangent PQK let fall the Perpendiculars CP and FK, and let CQ_ and FQ_ be drawn : Alfo put the femi-tranfverfe Axis AO = <7, the given focal Diftance CQ_= d t and the Sine of the Angle of Direction CQP (to the Ra- dius i) ~m ; and let the given Velocity at Q_ be to that whereby the Body might revolve in a Circle about the Center C, at that Diftance, in any given Ratio of n to Unity: Then it will be n : i :: FQj : AO* (by Art. 234.) therefore * : i 2 : FQ_ (2* d] : AO (a) . whence AO (a) is given = -__ v Moreover, fmce CP = m x CQ_, and FK ~m x FQ_, we have OD 1 ( = whence the fe- 2 n mi-conjugate Axis (OD) is given likewife. Laftly, it will be (by Art. 239.) as CT* : AO* :: (P) the periodic Time in any given Circle, whofe Radius f * is CT, tof 3 x P) the required Time of one Revo- VCT* lution when theOrbitisanEllipfis; that is, when**islefs than 2 : For, if * be = 2, the Curve fas its Axis 2 n* becomes infinite) will degenerate to a Parabola; and, if n 2 be greater than 2, the Axis being negative, it is then an Hyperbola ; whofe two principal Diameters are equal id imnd to and -, COROLLARY. 241. Seeing neither the Value of AO, nor that of the periodic Time, is affeled with ;w, it follows that the principal Axis, and the periodic Time, will remain S 3 in-, 262 'The Ufe g/* FLUXIONS invariable, if the Velocity at Q_be the fame, let the Direction at that Point be what it will. The fame Solution may likewife be brought out, from Art. 238. by firft finding the principal Parameter : For, it is evident that the Area defcribed by the Body about the Center C, in any given Time, is to the Area de- fcribed, in the fame Time, by another Body revolving in a Circle at the Diftance CQ_, as mn to Unity : Hence, Art. 238. it will be i 1 : rrfn* :: d : (m*a?d) the Semi-parameter* : From which (proceeding as above) we get ff X tf/Vtf (rzOD 2 ) = m* X 2.Gcl>d*', and confcqucndy a =: :, the fame as before. PROPOSITION XII. 242. The centripetal Force being as any Power (n) of the Dijlance^ and the DlreElion and Velocity of a Body at any Point A being given y to determine the Orbit or Trajectory. From the Cen- ter of Force C, to any Point B in the required Tra- jeaory ABD, let CB be drawn ; join C, A, and let Ab be the gi- ven Direction of the Body at the Point A, and Cb perpendicular thereto ; alfo let the Velocity at A be to that whereby a Body might defcribe a Circle AEF, about the Center C, in any given Ratio of p to Unity j putting CA= * being fubftituted for c, we have >*+- x a"" 1 - for the Celerity at B. + + i But nowj to determine the Curve itfelf from hence, let BP be a Tangent to it at B, and CP perpendicular to BP ; alfo let CB, produced, meet the Periphery of the Circle in E ; putting the Arch AE=rz, the forelaid Velocity at B (to fhorten the Operation) =v, and Cbb : Then it will be (by Art* 225.) v : c (the Ve- locity at A) :: b : CP= - Whence BP ( =} Moreover (by Art. 35.) we have, as CB : CP :: v : CP ~ x v l ^ e Velocit of the Bod y at B in a ^~ redion perpendicular to CE; and confequently, as CB : CP CPxCE CE :: - X v (the faid Velocity) to - B r- ><^ the angular Velocity of the Point E (revolving with the Body.) By the fame Article* the Velocity at B in the S 4 D.i- 264 T/je U/e of FLUXIONS BP Direction CBE will be ^ x v : Therefore, the Ve- locity of E being to the Velocity of B, in the faid Di- CPxCE BP rection, as jp to ^r, the Fluxions of AE (z) and CB (x) muft confequently be in that Ratio; that is, CPxCE BP CPxCE lc a vx abac X X x Vx'v* b'c" ' */* V b*S Which Equation is general, let the Law of the centripetal Force be what it will : But in 2 ""T* 1 the Cafe above propofed, v' 2 ' being =r / a H r.+i 2.V n l~i - . and f = p*a : it becomes ; whole Fluent is the Meafure of the angular Motion ; from which, when found, the Orbit may be conftru&ed : Becaufe, when AE, or the Angle ACE is given, as well as CB, the Pofition of the Point B is alfo given. But this Value of z is indeed too complex to admit of a Fluent in algebraic Terms, or even by circular Arcs and Logarithms, except in certain particular Cafes ; as when the Exponent n is equal to i, 2, 3, or 5 ; befides Ibme others wherein the Values of p and n are related in a particular Manner. ^ E. /. Co- in Centripetal Forces. 265 COROLLARY I. 243. If the given Velocity at A be fuch that />* -f - = o, or/> = \/ 2 (which is always poffible when the Value of + i is negative) our Equation will become X a P* __ . . Which, by put- / ting H+ 3=777, CJV. is reduced to ir Whereof the Fluent will be found (by the fecond Part of this Work (equal to + multiply'd by the Dif- ference of the two circular Arcs, whofe Secants are X & and - to the Radius Unity/ From this Va- 4? lue of the Arch AE thePofition of the Point B, in the Orbit, is given. But if the Angle of Direction CA be a right one, the Fluent will become barely n + : ; X Arch whofe t "X Secant is ^-7- (becaufe then I a, and the Arch whofe Secant is -7-, =: o) which therefore when x a becomes in- 266 Ike life 0f FLUXIONS infinite, will be truly defined by -f- x whole PerU - 2m phery AF, &V. Whence ft is evident that the Body muft either fly intirely off, or' fall to the Center C, in a Number of Revolutions exprefled by -} ; accord- 2m ing as the Value of m is pofitive or negative. This, if n 2, and m = I, the Body will fly intirely off in half a Revolution: And, if n = 4, and m = I, it will fail to the Center in half a Re- volution. COROLLARY II. 244. Moreover, tho' the Fluent expreffing the Angle at the Center cannot be exhibited in a general Manner yet there are certain Cafes of the Exponent (n) where its refpective Values may be derived from each other. For let (as above) tf+3 be put ;/:, and (to fhorten the Operation) let CA (a] be taken as Unity : Then onr Equation will be transformed to i '\/ I +-. Make x ,*_*_ ^ y = X * , and it will be farther transformed to x = 2 by m A y Put r V 1 + 4 ' 2 4 2 ^ ^Z./, 1 ^> w 2 ./> z and it will become s zr x ft : T nfttrr ' ry* juaniyj r 2-r 2 ^ + i - - a x y let in Centripetal Forces. 267 2 2/> \ P , or a* = - =- J r 2.* r a xr 2/ and then we fliall , . 2 by pave * v m Which Expreffion (excepting the general Multiplicator 2 \ J being exactly of the fame Form with the firfl above given, muft therefore be the Fluxion of the Angle at the Center, when the Index of the Force is r 3 ; for the very fame Reafons that the former appears to OQ the Fluxion thereof when the Index is m 3 (or n.) Hence, if the Fluent of by = , or the Angle at the Center, when the Exponent is r 3 (or - -- 3) be denoted by w, the Value T"3 ofz, (the Meafure of the faid Angle, when the Ex- 2M/ ponent is m 3 (or n) will be truly defined by From which we collect that, if the Indices of the A Force, in any two Cafes, be reprefented by n and - 3, and the refpe&ive Diftances from the Center by + 3 x and x , then the Angles themfelves correfponding to thofe Diftances will be every where in the conftant Ratio of 2 to + 3. Therefore, when the Orbit can be Ibe Ufe ^FLUXIONS be conftru&ed in the one Cafe it alfo may in the other, 2/> 4 \ provided the above Equation a 1 ( = ) r p i Kr 2/ * _1_ i 4\^" . "*~ 3*? , for the Relation of the Celerities at A, _ v -- I _ J does not become impoflible, as it will, fometirnes, when n is a negative Number. COROLLARY III. 245. If the Body be fuppofed to move in a ver- tical Direction AH ; then, putting the Velocity >* -f -^- x a" + l = o, we get at (CH) Ip 1 X n-f i + il" X a the Height i-f-i _ Xa a ( AH) is the Diftance through which itmuft freely defcend to acquire the given Celerity at A : This Diftance, in cafe of an uniform Force, when n = o, will become \ p z a : And, when the Force is in- verfely as the Square of the Diftance, it wiil then be =; But, when/* i, or the Velocity at A is juft fyffi- cient to retain a Body in the Circle AEF, AH becomes = 1 X a a: Which in the two Cafes 2 aforefaid will be equal to i<7, and a refpedively ; but, infinite, when n is = 3. Co- in Centripetal forces. 269 COROLLARY IV. 246. When the Value of n -j- I is pofitive, the Ve- locity at the Center, where x = 0, will be barely = ** -f- -- x a*"*" 1 } but if the Value of + I be negative, the Velocity at the Center will be infinite j becaufe, then o * is infinite. COROLLARY V. 247. Moreover, when + I is negative and x in- J~~ finite, the Velocity alfo becomes \s />*H xa *; n + i becaufe then x = o. Hence, if the centripetal Force be inverfely as fome Power of the Diftance greater than the firft, the Body may afcend, ad infinitum^ and have a Velocity always greater than V' p* + - X a * j which is to, /~, ~ pa a , the given Velocity, at A, as V' P h ^~^ l p. And this will actually be the Cafe when the Value 2 2 of p* -{ ; is pofitive, or p* greater than > n + I n i but not otherwife, the fquare Root of a negative Quan- tity being impoflible. Thus, if n = 2, or the Force be inverfely as the Square of the Diftance, and p\ at the fame time, greater than 2 ( ' j the Body will not only continue to V""" 71 ' - 1 * afcend in infinitum, but have a Velocity always greater than that defined by Vp* 2, which is its Limit. Co- 2 7 'The Ufe ^FLUXIONS COROLLARY VI. 248. Hence the leaft Celerity fufficient to caufc the Body to afcend for ever in a Right-line is given. For, putting V p h xa = o, we have /> = \/ - - -- Therefore the leaft Celerity by which n i J the Body might afcend for ever, is to that whereby it may revolve in a Circle AEF, as \s - ? . , to i Unity. From which it appears that, if the Force be inverfely as any Power of the Diftance greater than the third, a lefs Velocity will caufe a Body to afcend ad tn- frutum than would retain it in a Circle. SCHOLIUM. 249. From the Ratio of the Velocity wherewith the _^ x/* 1 2^ ' | +i n+i J Body arrives at any Diftance x from the Center, to that ( ^ Art 2*4. which it ought to have to revolve in a Circle at the fame Diftance, it will not be difficult to determine in what Cafes the Body will be forced to the Center, and in what others it will continue to fly from it ad infinitum. For, firft, if the Angle C Ab be acute, or the Body from A begins to defcend, it will continue to do fo till it actually arrives at the Center, if the former Velocity, during the Defcent, be not fomewhere greater than the ,= === fl + ! latter, or the Quotient \r p" + ; X rr ; J X greater than Unity j becaufe, if it ever begins to afcend, it in Centripetal Forces. 271 it muft have an dpfe, as D (where a Right-line drawn from the Center cuts the Orbit at Right-angles) and there the Celerity muft evidently be greater than that fufficient to caufe the Body to revolve in a Circle. Secondly, but if the Quantity V' p* -f x - - 2 > in the Accefs of the Body towards the Center, increafes fo as to become greater than Unity, or be every where fo ; then the Ve- locity at all inferior Diftances being more than fufficient to retain a Body in a Circle at any fuchr Diftance, the Projectile cannot be forced to the Center. After the fame Manner, if the Angle CA be ob- tufe, or the Body from A begins to afcend, it will con- tinue to do fo for ever, when the forefaid Quantity is always greater than Unity, or, which is the fame, when the Body, in its Recefs from the Center, has in every Place through which it pafTeth^a Velocity greater than fufficient to retain it in a Circle at that Diftance. It therefore now remains to find in what Laws of the centripetal Force thefe different Cafes obtain : And, firft, k is eafy to perceive that when the Value of n+ i is pofi- V - tive > that of V f + x - will,- by increafing *, become equal to nothing. Therefore the Body cannot afcend forever in this Cafe : Neither can it dcfcend to the Center (except in a Right-line) becaufe the forefaid Quantity, by diminifhing AT, be-< comes greater than Unity (or any other alfignable Magnitude.) 13 ut, if the Value of n be betwixt I, and 3, the faid general ExprelTion, taking x infinite, will allo 2 become infinite, provided the Value of p* -f ; be n+ i 2 \ pcfitive (or /> z greater than - J. Therefore the Body 272 be Ufe of FLUXIONS Body, in this Cafe, may afcend adinfimtum^ but cannot poffibly fall to the Center (except in a Right-lineJ fince, \/ ? , the Value of the general Expreflion ? n -j- i when A- = o, is greater than Unity. Laftly, if n be exprefied by any negative Number greater than 3, or the Law of the Force be inverfely as any Power of the Diftance greater than the third, the s~ a"^ 1 2 two extreme Values of V' ** -j x + i /+' +i will, Jiill, be denoted as in the preceeding Cafe ; but here the latter of them, \/ , is lefs than Unity. + i . Therefore the Body muft, in this Cafe, either afcend for ever, or be forced to the Center ; except in one parti- cular Circumftance, hereafter to be taken notice of. Now, from thefe Obfervations we gather, 1. That, when the centripetal Force is as any Power of the Diftance directly, or lefs than the firft Power thereof inverfely, the Orbit will always have an higher and a lower Apfe j beyond which the Body cannot afcend or defcend. 2. That, when the centripetal Force is inverfely as any Power of the Diftance (whole or broken) be- twixt the firft and third, the Orbit will alfo have two Apftdcsi if p be lefs than \/ ; but otherwife, n+i only one; in which laft Cafe the Body, after it has pafled its Apfe, will continue to recede from the Center in infmtum. 3. That when the Force is inverfely as any Power greater than the third, the Orbit can, at moft, have but one Apfe', but, in fome Cafes, it will have none at all : And it may be worth while to inquire here, under what Keftridtions of the Velocity (p) this will happen ; fince thereby, befides being able to kngw when the Body will be in Centripetal Forces. 273 be forced to the Center, fcfr. we fhall fall upon a Cir- cumftance fomewhat remarkable and curious. Now it appears, that, if the Body from A begins to defcend, it muft, when it comes to an Apfe at D, have a Velocity there greater than is fufficient to retain it in a Circle ; in which Cafe the general Expreflion n _!_ (fo often mention'd above) muft accordingly be greater than Unity. Let it be therefore made equal to Unity, which is the ut- moft Limit thereof, beyond which the Orbit cannot ad- mit of an Apfe ; putting at the fame time A'-, or its Divifor />* + ~~ X Ar 1 p*F -^ , in the - X x 1 p*F -- +i." 1 ' general Equation of the Orbit, equal to nothing (it being always fo at the Apfides.) Then, from thefe two Equations, duly order'd, we fhaU get x == 2-fn-f i.p* + 3 X a, and p* ( = - ) - x ~. Now, it is evident, if the P Value of p be greater than is given from the laft Equa- tion, the Orbit will have an Apfe ; but if lefs, it can have none. In the former Cafe, the Body will there- fore fly quite off; and in the latter, it will be forced to the Center. But we are now, naturally, led to inquire what will be the Confequence when the Value of p is neither greater nor lefs, but exactly the fame as given from the forefaid Equation : This is the Cafe above hinted at j and here the Body will continue to defcend for ever in a Spiral, yet never fo low as to enter within the Circle - == - v t I whofe Radius CD is = 2 + "+ t / > | x a. For, if * + 3 ' T the 274 *Tbc Ufi of FLUXIONS, &c. the contrary were poflible, the Body, at its Arrival to the Circumference of that Circle, would (becaufe of the forefaid Equations) not only have a Direction, but alfo Velocity proper to retain it therein ; which cannot be, becaufe the Parts of the Orbit on either Side of an Apfe are always fimilar to each other. From the fame Equation, the Value of the Limit will alfo be given when the Angle of Direction C Ab is obtufe, or the Body is projected upwards : For that Equation (as is eafy to demonftrate *) ad- mits of two different Roots, or Values of p ; the one greater, the other lefs, than Unity : Whereof the for- mer, giving CD (x) lefs than CA, is to be taken in the preceding Cafe, and the latter (making CD greater than CA) in the prefent. And the Body will, either, continue to afcend for ever, or come to an Apfe> and from thence fall to the Center, according as the given Value of p is greater or lefs than that here fpecified. But if it be neither greater nor lefs, but exactly the fame, then the Body, tho' it will ftill continue to afcend for ever in a Spiral, yet it can never rife fo high as the Circumference of the Circle whofe Radius CD is =r X a, forReafons fimilar to thofe already delivered, in refpedr. to the preceding Cafe. Mathematical D.ffirf. p. 167. END OF VOL. I. BOOKS printed for J. NOURSB in the Strand t BookieUer to His MAJESTY. 1. /^YCLOAiATHESIS, or an eafy Introduaion to \^A the feveral Branches of the Mathematics. By William Emerfon, n Vol. 8vo^. 3. 131. 6d. N.B. Any of the above Volumes may be had feparate. 2. The Method of Increments. By Mr. Emerfon, 410 js. 6d. 3. A (hort Comment on Sir Ifaac Newton's Principia. Ey Mr. Emerfon, 8vo, 3*. 4. Navigation ; or the An of Sailing upon the Sea. By Mr. Emerfon ; the fecond Edition 12010, 4^. 5. The Elements of Euclid. By R. Simfon, the fourth Edition, 8vo, 6s. 6. A Treadfe of Mathematical Inftruments. By Mr. ' Robertfon, the third Edition, improved, 8vo, 5*. 7. A general Treatife of Menfuration. By Mr. Robert- fon, the third Edition, i2mo, 3*. 8. The Elements of Navigation. By Mr. Robertfon, the third Edition improved, in Two large Volumes 8vo, i8j. 9. The Elements of Aftronomy, tranflated from the French of M.de la Caille. By Mr.Robertfon,8vo,6j. 10. Mathematical Tracts of the late Benj. 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The Practice of Perfpective, on the Principles of Dr. Brook Taylor. By Jo. Highmore, 4(10, . I. is, 23. The Mathematical Repofitory. By J. Dodfon, 3 Vol. i2mo, i2s. 24. Mathematical Lucubrations. ByMr. Landen, 410, 6*. 25. A Difcourfe concerning the Refidual Analyfis. By Mr. Landen, 4 to, is. bd. 26. The Refidual Analyfis, Book I. By Mr. Landen, 4to, 6s. 27. Harmony of Ancient and Modern Geometry aflerted. By R. raman, 410, 6j. 28. The Practical Gager. By W . Symons, the third Edition, I2tno, 4*. 29. The Britifti Gager, or Trader and Officer's In- ftructor in the Excife and Cuiloms, by S. Clark, 8vo. 5J. 30. A voyage towards the North Pole in the Year 1773, by the Hon. Capt. Phipps, 4to. 12s. td. 31. A Hiftory of the Earth and Animated Nature, by Dr. Goldfmith, 8 vol. 8vo. 2/. 8*. in boards. 32. Atlas Cceleftis, on twenty eight Copper Plates, by J. Flamftead, Fol. il. is. in Sheets. 33. An Elementary and Methodical Atlas, on Thirty two Copper Plates, by John Palaviret. Fol. 2!. I2S. bd. 34. Trails Phyfical and Mathematical. By Dr.Matthew Stewart, 8vo, 7^. 6d. 35. Propofuiones Geometries, more Veterum demon- ftratae. Auclore M. Stewart, 8vo, 6^. 36. Menelai Sphsericorum Libri tres, cura G. Coftard, 8vo. 37. Theodofii Sphaericorum Libri tres, Gr. & Lat. 8vo. 38. Elements of the Theory and Practice of Chymiftry, tranflated from the French of M. Macquer, 2 Vol. 8vo, third Edition, 101. 39. A Courfe of Chymiftry, divided into. twenty four Lectures, by Dr. Henry Pemberton, 8vo, 51. 40. A Courfe of Phyfiology, divided into twenty Lectures, by Dr. Pemberton, 8vo, 51. 41. A Treatife upon Electricity, tranflated from the Italian of Signer Beccarea, 4:0, with Copper Plates. 42. A Series of Experiments bn the Subject of Phof- phori and their Prifmatic Colours, by Benjamin Wilfon, the Second Edition, improved, 410. 6;. THE DOCTRINE AND APPLI CATION O F FLUXIONS. CONTAINING (Befides what is common on the Subject) A Number of NEW IMPROVEMENTS in the THEORY. AND The SOLUTION of a Variety of New, and very Interefting, Problems in different Branches of the MATHEMATICKS. PART II. By THOMAS SIMPSON, F. R. S. THE SECOND EDITION. Revifed and carefully corre&ed. LONDON: Printed for JOHN NOURSE, in the Strand, BOOKSELLER TO His MAJESTY. MDCCLXXVI. [*7Sl THE DOCTRINE and APPLICATION O F FLUXIONS. P A R T the Second. ...-.-,.. \ SECTION I. be Manner of mvejligating the FLUXIONS of Exponentials, with Thofe of the Sides and Angles offpherical triangles. TH E Method of deriving the Fluxion of any Power, x", of a flowing Quantity, when the Exponent (v) is given or in- variable, has been already fhewn : But, if the Exponent be variable, that Method fails; in which Cafe the Quantity *" is called an Exponential; whofe Fluxion is thus determined. Put z=x" 9 and let the hyperbolic Logarithm of x be denoted by y, then that of x(z) will, by the Nature of Logarithms, be = vy, and therefore its Fluxion = But the Fluxion of the Logarithm of %x / T fc is. 276 Of the FLUXIONS * Art. iz6. is alfo exprefied by *j whence we have =vj andconfequently zzvj -f zyu : Which Equation, by fub- X t Ait. 126. ftituting for its Equal y f, becomes z=zzyi>+ vx ,... _ M . Lc". x X I + VX 'The fame otherwife^ without introducing the Properties of Logarithms. 251. Let i-f-s; #, and n + w= v, fuppofing n con- v ,.+w flant and w variable : Then*- i-fz' = 1 k" w u> i X I+Z) = I+ZJ X I -f WJB+ X W TV 1 W 2 J Art, 99. Y X X - X 1 -f wz -J- ~ if 1 \ X Z*+tW> |w*+yW X Z 3 + &c. whofe Fluxion, found the common Way, is nz x nl - - _ ====r-=rr I 4-z] X I+tWB + iW X Z 1 Wr. + I + Z| X tlz + !C'i + tftc- Jil; X Z 1 -f A /* j X 2%i + HtJ a w ww f r^ X 2 3 -f ; w 3 w~ + jty X 32*2: tfff. which, by fubftituting .v and -z/ for their Equals K I - ====. and w, becomes^ X j4- 2 | x i _ x z 1 + fff . -f i-f z) x rjz + K-X- 4 it- ; x z z -f ^r. But, if w b^, now, fuppofed to vanifh, we fhall have the true Value of the Fluxion when i>r=: ; which, in - . n I that Circumftance, appears to berrwA- x i +s] of Exponentials. 277 _ * - . - -f I -fz) X z-v-~ Iz a + jz 3 o> z 4 -vfcrV. = VA- X x w I It is plain, becaufe the Series, z |z a -f f z j &c . here brought out, is known to exprefs the Fluent of "- -, or the hyperbolic Logarithm of i -fz *, that the * Art two Conclufions agree exactly with each other : From either of which the following Rule, for the Fluxions of Exponentials, is deduced. 252. fo the Fluxion found by the common Rule (Art. 14.) considering the Exponent as conftant, add the Quantity arifmg by multiplying the Fluxion of the Exponent, the hyperbolic Logarithm of the Rut, and the propofed Quan- tity itfelf, continually, together : Ihe Sum will be the Fluxion when the Exponent is variable. Thus, for Example, let the Quantity propofed be a a 1 + z 1 ! , then the Fluxion thereof will be z X 2Z* X V 4- z a \ + * X p. Log. a^ + b 1 . Thefe Kind of Exponentials oftener occur, in Practice, than any other ; but, as it is very rare that we meet with any, I (hall therefore proceed now to the other Confideration propofed in the Head of this Section ; namely, trie Merhod of determining the Fluxions of the Sides and Angles of fpherical Triangles (a Thing very ufeful in practical Aftronomy) which I (hall deliver in the following Propofitions. T 3 PRO- 278 Of the FLUXIONS PROPOSITION I. 253. To determine the Ratio of the Fluxions of the fever al Parts of a right-angled Jpherical Triangle j fuppofwg the Hypcthenufe^ one Leg^ or one Angle, to remain csn~ Jlant-> while, the other Parts vary. Let A, F, and G be the Poles of the three Great- Circles DEFG, ABD, and ACE ; whereof the Pofition of each is fuppofed to con- tinue invariable, while ano- ther Great-Circle HFCB is conceived to revolve about the Pole F: Whence, if GH be fuppofed perpendicular to FH, three variable right- angled Triangles, FGH, FCE, and ABC, will be formed ; in the firft whereof, the Hypothenufe FG will remain conftant ; in the fccond, the Leg EF ; and in the third, the Angle A. Let Eb (q) be the Fluxion (or indefinitely fmall In- * Art. 134. crement*) of the Bafe AB, or the Angle F; and let Cd meet the Great- Circle bh, at Right-angles, in d. then it will be (per Spherics) as Sin. FB (Rad.) : Sin] Sin. FC _ Co-f. BC , /Co-f.EC \ Co-f.EC And, rang. C : Rad. :: Cd ( - ^ X qj : ^ ^ c X q = the Fluxion of BC. Moreover, Sin. C : Rad. :: Cd C >-f. BC v,, ... ,, x q =. the iluxion of AC. !>/. C. 2 Laftly, of Spherical Triangles. 279 Laftly, Sine of FB (Rod.) : Sin. FH (BC) :: B ( ? ) : Sin. BC -g : x q (=.Hm) =. the Fluxion of GH, or its Complement C. Now, if the feveral Quantities, in thefe three Equa- tions for the Triangle AC, be expounded by their re- fpcctive Equals in the other two Triangles CEF and FGH, we fhall alfo have Sin. CF. cr TT- X a Flux. CF. Tar.g. L- * Sin. CF X q = Flux. CE. X q - Flux. C. Kad. And Co-f. FH r^ ^ - r x q = Flux. FH. La-tang. Lit! z - FH COROLLARY I. 254. Hence, if, in any right-angled Spherical-Tri- angle, the Hypothcnule be denoted by k, the two Legs by L and /, the Angles, refpeclively, adjacent to them by A and #, we ftiall, by fubftituting above, have three Equations for each of the three Cafes. From the Com- parifon and Compofition of which, the three following Tables are deduced; exhibiting all the different Varieties that "can poffibly happen, whether an Angle, a Leg, or the Hypothenufe be fuppofed invariable. TA TABLE 280 Of the FLUXIONS TABLE I. When one Angle A is invariable, r _Tang. a Sin. a : Rad. , * J-i x / ^ . X h . X a .*__ Co-f. I __ Co-f. a Co-tang. I Tang . a R Tang, a b=^! X L= Q~* ', Co-tang. I - Sin. a Co-f. a Sin. a R Co-tang. I Go-tang. I TABLE II. When one Leg L is invariable, __ Tang, a x = Sin, a x /_ _ .&... x ' ~~ Sin. b Sin. b Co*f> b Co-f.b : Sin. a Tan?, a _ - J y Jl^Z. *~ ~ X / ^~ " X H < R Tang, h Tang, b _ ^- b j _ C*'f' & ,' _ Tang, b ~ Tang, a R Tang, a y _ Sin. -b _ .K. / _ T^wg 1 . h - X vz - x b =f. X a, Lo-J. a 6/. a TABLE III. When the Hyp. is invariable, __ ^-/i Z. Co-f.L Sin. L T ' ' x - ' X - ^^ . ^^^ - . . I ! /^ Ji Co-tang. I R. Tang.L Where, and alfo in the two preceding Tables, the Leg L is adjacent to the Angle A> and the Leg /to the Angle a. Co- of Spherical 'Triangles. 281 COROLLARY II. 255. From the third original Equation, exprefilng the Fluxion of the Angle C (Vid. Art. 253.) it appears that the Superficies of any Spherical-Triangle ABC, is proportional to the Excefs of its three Angles above two Right-Angles. For (ECdb) the Fluxion of the Triangle ABC, is = Sine BC x B, by Art. 161.) which Sin. BC being to, , x Bb> the Fluxion of the Angle C 9 above fpecified, in the conftant Ratio of Radius to Unity, the Fluents themfelves (properly corrected) muft therefore be in that Ratio ; that is, the Superficies of the Triangle ABC will always be proportional to the Increafe of the Angle C, from its coinciding with >/, or as the Excefs of A and C above two Right- Angles. PROPOSITION H. 136. To determine the Rat to of ths Fluxions, or the in- definitely fmall Increments^ of the different Parts of an oblique Spherical-Triangle ABC ; two Sides thereof AB, AC being invariable ^ in Length. Let Cc be an indefinitely fmall Part of the Parallel de- fcribed by the Extreme C of the given Side AC, in its Motion about the given Point A ; moreover, let Cd be Part of another Parallel, whofe Pole is the given Point B; let the Great-Circle EC meet CJ in d\ and let the three Sides, AB, AC, and BC, of the Triangle be denoted by D, , and F refpedively. Then, 282 Of tic FLUXIONS Then (per Spherics) we (hall have R : S. E :: CAc 4) : Cc = ^-' x And, R-.S.F:: CEct(B) : Cd = -~- x B. S E x S C Alfo, R : S. dCc (ACB) ::Cc:F= R1 ' But S. C : S. D : : S. B : S. E j therefore S. E X S D x S.DxS.B, and confequently /", alfo, = ^ S. C ? B x A. Again, : Co-f. dCc (ACB) : : Cc (~ x ^ S. E. x &-/: C x A ( (~aj = .... \Vhence fl = Laftly, Cfl-f. cCd:(C) : R:-.Cd~ ^, y\ iv. CiO-t. G Whence, by the very fame Argument (fubftituting ) for E, and for B in the two laft Equations) we rt, T u *_S-D * Co-f. B - ,,,_ likcwife have C =: p^ x A, and -r ( = S.F A >c o. r S.F Now, from the Equations thus found, it is manifeft, J. A : F: R*:S.D *S.B(: : Co-fea 2. A : B: Rx S.F :S.Ex Co-f. C 3". A : C: RxS.F : S.Dx Co-f. B 4.0. ) : F: Co-t. C : S.F 5- L : F: Ce-t. B : S.F 6. B : C: Co-t. C : < ~o-t. B (: * ^T* 7? ' :T.C) Q.E.I. of Spherical Triangles. 257. Thefe Proportions, for the Fluxions of the Parts of a Spherical-Triangle, are very ufeful in various Cafes in Practical Ajlroncmy ; whereof I (hail here put down one or two Inftances. The firft is ; To determine the annual Alteration of the Declination and Right-Afcenfion of a fixt Star, through the Prcceflion of the Equinox. Here A muft denote the Pole of the Ecliptic, B that of the Equinoctial, and C the Place of the Star j and then (by the firft and fourth Proportions) we have Co-feca. D : Sin. B : : A : F-, and S. F: Cot.C:: F : B ; That is, i, As the Co-fecant of the Obliquity of the Ecliptic is to the Sine of the Star's Right-Afcenfion from the folflitial Colure y fo is the Precj[Jton of the Equi- nox, or Alteration of Longitude, to the Alteration of Declination. 2. As the Co-fine of the Star's Declination is to the Co-tangent of its Angle of Pofition, fo is the Alteration of Declination (found as above) to the Alteration of Right-Afcenfion correfponding. The fecond Example is to find how much the Am- plitude, and the Time of the apparent Rifing and Setting of the Sun, or a Star, are affe&ed by Refraction. In this Cafe A muft de- note the Pole of the Equa- tor, and B the Zenith, and the Side BC muft be an Arch of qo Degrees, fo that the Star C may co- incide with the Horizon QC : Then, from the very fame Proportion, we have, Sin. B : Co-feca. D : : F : A* And, R \Co-t. C::F:B But, R : Co-t. C(T. QCA) : : Sin. B (C9) : Co-tang. D (Tang. ^A) Hence 283 Of the FLUXIONS Hence it apppears, i. That, as the Co-fine of the true Amplitude (confidered independent of Refradtion) is to the Tangent of the Pole's Elevation, fo is the given horizontal Re- fraclion to the Difference of Amplitudes thence arifing. 2. And, that, as the Co-fine of the true Amplitude is to the Secant of the Pole's Elevation, fo is the faid horizontal Refraction to the EffecT: thereof in the Time of Rifing, or Setting of the Sun, or Star. But this laft Proportion may be otherwife exprefled, without the Amplitude : Thus, S. AB x S. AC x S. A: R 3 :: the horizontal Refradion, to the fame Effeft. PROPOSITION III. 258. To determine the fame as in the preceding Problem ; Suppofmg one Side AB and one of its adjacent Angles y B, to continue invariable. If from the End of the given Side, oppofite to the given Angle, a Perpendicular AD be let fall, that Perpen- dicular, as well as the Seg- ment BD cut off thereby, \vill be a conftant Quantity, while the other Parts of the Triangle A^D vary, by the Motion of a along the Arch cBD. Therefore the Problem is refolved by Cafe 2. of right-angled Triangles. Fid. Art. 254. 259. It may not be amiis to give one Example of the Ufe of this laft Propcfition : Which fball be, in finding the Parallax of a Planet in Longitude and Latitude j that of Altitude being given. Here A muft ftand for the Pole of the Ecliptic, B the Zenith, and a the Planet : Then, if the Hypo- thenufe Aa be denoted by /;, the Leg. Da by /, and the given Parallax, in Altitude, by /, it will appear, from the of Spherical Triangles. . 285 the Place above quoted, that A (the Parallax in Long.) Sin. a f Sin. EaA will be = TP 7 X / = -z-. j- x /, and b ( the o/n. b o/. A a Co-f.a . Co-f.BaA Parallax in Lat.) = p , X / 55-3 X /. Rod. Rod. If the Planet be in (or very near) the Ecliptic, and /?Q_be fuppofed a Portion of the Ecliptic, meeting AB, Sin. EaA at Right- Angles, in Q^, then (per Spherics) -r: -T fCo-f. Ba$\ _ Tang. $a Co-f. Bad (Sin. Ba^\ \ Radius ) ~ Tang. Ba* * Rad. \ Rad. / rr - r. ' n - whence, by fubftituting thefe Values 6/n. DO CT^ ^55/7 above, we fhall, in this Cafe, have A = * 1 - i - X j that is, in Words, o/n. /3 As, the Tangent of the Planet's Zenith Diftance, is to the Tangent of its Longitude from the nonagefimal Degree of the Ecliptic, fo is the Parallax in Altitude to the Parallax in Longitude. And, as the Sine of the Zenith Diftance to the Co- fme of the Altitude of the nonagefimal Degree, fo is the Parallax in Altitude to the Parallax in Latitude. Becaufe the Parallax in Altitude, the horizontal Pa- Sirit Bo rallax (M) being given, is nearly = X M, if this Value be fubftituted for /, in the two laft Equations, . Sin.gB ,. . : Tang. $ax Sin. Ea we fhall get h =-j^ x Af, and ^= ^ d S'tn.ABxSin.BAa ,. Whence, 286 Of the FLUXIONS Whence, we have theis two other Theorems, for finding the required Parallaxes immediately from the ho- rizontal Parallax, without either the Altitude or its Parallax. 1. As Radius to the Co-fine of the Altitude of the nonageftmal Degree of the Ecliptic, fo is the horizontal Parallax to the Parallax in Latitude. 2. And as the Square of Radius to the Rectangle un- der the Sines of the Altitude of the nonagefimal Degree and the Planet's Longitude from thence, io is the hori- zontal Parallax to the Parallax in Longitude. PROPOSITION IV. 260. Still, to determine the fame Thing ; fuppofing^ one Angle A, and the Length of its oppofite Side BD (or i i Let BD ( equal to BD)imerfeaBDin an indefinitely fmall Angle at P, and meet AB / / and AD in B and D ; alfo in BD produced let there be taken PN = PD and PM = PB, i i and let N, D, and M, B be joined. Since, by Hypothecs, DB r: DB = MN, if from the firft and lait or thcfe equal Quantities DM, common, be taken away, there will remain BM = DN. Moreover, fmce the Triangles BMB and DND, in their ultimate State, may be confidered as rectilineal, * Art.i34. and right-angled at 'M and N*, it will therefore be, as BM :B ::*-/ B: Radius And DN : DD : : Co-f. D : : Radius. From of Spherical Triangles. From whence, the Extremes in both Proportions be- ing the tame, we have BB : DD :: Co-f. D : Co-f. B : And rh^efore, if AB be denoted by H and AD by K, it appears that H: K:: Co-f. D : Co-f. B. Again, per Spherics, tin. A : Sin. BD (G) :: Sin. D : Sin. H : : Flux. Sin. D : Flux. Sin. H ; becaufe, the Sines themfelves being in a conftant Ratio, their Fluxions mult be in the fame Ratio : But the Fluxion of the Sine of any Arc, or Angle, is to the Fluxion of the Arc or Angle itfelf, as the Co-fine to Radius * : *Art.i4i. j-f.D Therefore the Flux. Sin. D being = Rad. x D, and Co r H. Flux. Sim 11= ~ J ' x H t it follows that, Sin. A Kaa. : Sin. G : : Co-f. D x D: Co-f. H x H ; or D : H : : Sin. Ax Co-f. H : Sin. G x Co-f. D : And, by the very fame Argument, B : K :: Sin. A x Co-f. K : Sin. G X Co-f. B. Now, by compounding the former of thefe two Proportions with the firft above given, we get, D : K : : Sin. A x Co-f. H : Sin. G x Co-f. B. And, by compounding this laft with K : B : : Sin. G x Co-f. B : Sin. A X Co-f. K (that immediately preceding it) we alfo obtain D : B : : Co-f. H : Co-f K. Whence, by collecting thefe feveral Proportions to- gether, we have the following Table, for all the dif- ferent Cafes. H D D B K H K::Co-f.D: Co-f. B B :: Co-f. H: Co-f. K H:\Tang. D : Tang. H K : : Tang. B : Tang. K D : : Sin. G x Co-f. B : Sin. A x Co-f. H B : : Sin. G * Co-f. D : Sin. Ax Co-f. K It Resolution */ It may be obferved, that the fourth and the Jaft are no new Cafes, but only the third and fifth repeated : And that, though the former of the two, lafl named, differs from that found above ; yet it is very eafily deduced C " ji from it : For, fmce it appears that Z> : ti :: ' : L>0-J. U C' /" JlS-Sy-, and becaufe 5/a. A : Sin. G : : Sin. D : Sin. Co-f. ti , f^ rr - Sin. D Sin. H H, it follows that D'.H:: . ...... :: Co-f. D Co-j. H tang. D : Tang. H. Q. E. I. There is yet another Problem, when two Angles re- main conftant ; but this, by taking the Triangle formed by the Poles of the three given Circles, b reduced to Problem 2. SECTION II. Of the Refolution offluxional Equations, or the Manner of fading the Relation of the flowing Quantities from that of the Fluxions. 26i.~lT7 r HEN an Equation, exprefling the Re- \ Y lation of the Fluxions of the two va- riable Quantities, contains only one of thofe Fluxions with its refpe ,' -i ^^VV .. J : Which, by reafon of the Terms deftroying one another, is reduced to "- - =--~r '. Therefore, x by expunging y, &c. we get jy~- x x a x { 1 -- 1 * r\ confequently 2y~* 2Xa x\* -\- fame conjl ant g>uan- tlty. 264. Another Method, chiefly applicable to Equations, of the firjl Order of Fluxions, wherein only one of the two va- riable Quantities (x or y) enters, is, to fukjiitute for the Ratio of the two Fluxions (x and y) : From whence tie Value of that Quantity iviil be hsd, immediately, in Terms of the faidajfumed Ratio : And then, by taking its Fluxion, that of the other Quantity (and from thence the Quantity itfeif) will become known. Thus, let axj* y X xx+jy] (being the Equation of the Curve that generates the Solid of the leajl Re- e^ when the Bulk and greateft Diameter are given). Then, by putting v, and fubftituting above, we get avj* yX ^u L y L +j~\* =: yj* X "o % -|- 7) * ; and con- av a-v zmfv lequently y ' , > : l nerefore v _- , - 7 J z - aw lav v and confequently x ( vyi) t i : V/hofe Fluent may be found, from Art. 84.. or, othcrwife, thus : Put w~ r d i + I ; then v~ zz w * I , and ww n ^/< ; by fubftituting which Values there anlbs x x w * ~ r - 5_ 77 ^..- y -^ a nd " ^i.* .- W / y AilU U 2 there- 292 *fhe Refolution f _ lore x ^^ 4 2 2w r +JL-=?g - g x ^ + r ; which, corrected 2 X W 4- 1 2 X . , a x -iw -f i a (by taking: y, or wzroj becomes # .. ^ . 2 X wv + j 1 2 From this Equation, by completing the Square, C5V. v may be found in Terms of x ; whence the correfpond- fi V \ ing; Value of v ( ; z ) will alfo be known. uv + i ) / 265. 7/fo fourth Method, which chiefly obtains when one of the indeterminate Quantities and its Fluxion, arife but to a fingle Dimenfion each, may be thus : Let the Value cf that Quantity, which is hajl involved, be firfl fought , from the fictitious Equation arifing by neg- lefting all the Therms in the given Equation, where neither that Quantity, nor its Fluxion, are found : Then, to that Value, lit feme Power, or Powers, of the other Quan- tity, with unkniicn Coefficients, be added ( according to th Dimenfions of the "ferms ntgleffed) and let the Sum be fubjlituted in the given Equation, as the true Value of the firjl mentioned Quantity : By which means a new Equation will rejult ; from whence the aj/iimed Coefficients y, fometimcs, be determined. Ex. Let the given Equation be cx*x+yx = aj. By neglecting cx~x } or feigning yx uy, we get x y .v : and confequently ; n hyp. Log. y hyp. y Art. ia6, Log. ^* =hyp. Log. -7 ; d being any conftant Quan- tity, which the Nature of the Problem may require. y Hence -7 =the Nurr.ber whofe hyperbolical Logarithm is : Which Number, if Mbe put for (2,71828 the of I* luxiona! Equations. 293 the Number whofe hyp. Log. is Unity, will be ex- X prefied by M] a (fmce it is evident that the hyp. Log. X X \ V hereof is x Lo. M = ) Therefore = a a / a X X JWPand^ = , 1; ajjltmtd\ which Series t ttgethtr with its Fluxlzn, or Fluxions, mujl be fubfti- tiitsd injlead of thtlr Equals in the given Equation j whence a new Equation will arife, from which, by com- paring the hzmilogout "Terms, the ajjumcd Coefficients^ and ccnfcquently the Value fought, will be determined. Thus, let the Equation - - j (reducible to x- 1 "T~ * #v=o) he propofed ; to find x in Terms of y. 'Then, affuming *= A; + li/ + Cy 3 + Dj 4 + Ey* &c. We have x = A/-f ittyy + $Cy~y + 4-D>- 3 j + c E/j -f 6fr. Which Values being fubflituted in x j X) 1 O, we get A -; + 2 Bn -f sC/y -f 4.Dy 3 j -t- C5V. ? _ >' There- of Fluxiona! Equations. Therefore A i = o, cr Am ; aB A=c, or B ~~i sC-Bno.orC^rz^j 4 D-C C i =3 o, or D =. =s= - &<: . 4 2-3-4 And confequent/y x ( Ay + B/ -f C/ &c ) = y + L* , 2l , JL. , ^ + ^v a ^2.3 "*" 2.3.4 2.34.5 Again, let it be required to find the Value of y, in the Equation c x*x -f- yx ay, or ay yx c x^x n o. Here, afluming jr=A.v + B* 1 + CAT S + D^ + E* J + F* 6 ^zff. and proceeding as before, we fhall have aAx+2aBx + 2aCx*x + 4aDx 3 x + 5aEx+x+ &i. ) o A** B*V C.v 3 r D*** esfc. f o p V J Whence A =: o 2^B A =r o C = B-- = Whence A =: o ; 2^B A =r o ; 3C = B-\-c = c, or C = 1, c -, or E rrr - - - &c. and confequently +-^- +.- 2* 3-4*" 3-4-5 3 /-. 4- /. 3-4-5-6^ 268. It appears from this Example, that the Quantity to be found, will not always require all the Terms of the Series Ax + Bx~ -f C* 3 &c. And it may happen, in innumerable Cafes, that the Series to beaflumed will de- mand a very different Law from that where the Exponents proceed according to the Terms of an arithmetical Pro- grcflion having Dnity for the common Difference. And, indeed, the greateft Difficulty we have here to en- counter, is, to know what Kind of Series, with regard to JLS Exponents, ought to be aflumcd, fo as to anfwer the Conditions of the Equation, without introducing more Terms than arc actually ncceiTary. U4 For 296 7/5 i oa a AC + 2A = B x - a a B' 2 AB = B x 1, and therefore C ' + 2 = -- = 2.3-4-5* 4 *~" 2 -3-4-5- 6 '7* 6 EXAMPLE II. 270. Z-? the given Equation be afxjr 20 1 xy + oxx*" + X 3 j 0; to find y. Here, fubftituting A; "for y, the Exponents will be _!: i, and -J-ii where, making j = i, we The we get n2 : Whence, the Differences being O, 2, the Series to be aflumed for^- wili be Ax'- -f B.v* -f C,v 6 -f D# 8 + E.r 10 -f f =o +2A.v 3 +i2B.v s +3oC^ 7 + Cifc. 3 Therefore A- = ',E = - -- ^ ; 2a 4^ 4^ 3 J T2B atix Whkh Series is known to exprefs the Fluent of ar + x j a 1 -f x' L or, k a X hyp. Log. : Confequently _y is alfo fl*-f.v= 1^ X hyp. Log. - . In this manner, it comes to pafs, tbaty though we are obliged, in very complicated Cafes, to have recourfe to Infinite Seriefes, we are fometimes able, at laft, to give the Solution in finite Terms, or, at leaft, by help of Logarithms, Sines and Tangents : Which will always happen when the Series can be fummed, or is found to agree with that arifing from fome known Quantity. 271. Sometimes it happens, in Equations involving the higher Orders of Fluxions, that the Exponents, mention'd in Rule 2. whereof the leaft ought to be made equal to each other, are fo exnrefTed, as to render fuch an Equality impofTible. When this is the Cafe, the Value of n, and the hrft Term of the required Se- be determined from the Nature of the Prcblcra to which the Equation belongs. We know, in- of Fluxioiia! Equations. 290 indeed, from the Equation itfelf, that n muft be either equal to Nothing, or to fome pofitive Integer, lefs than that expreffing the Order of the higheft Fluxion in the Equation : Becaufe the Term that has the lead Ex- ponent, and which therefore cannot be compared v/lth any other (being always affected by two or more of the Factors, , n i, n 2, V 5V. will then (one of thofe Factors bein:: ~c) var.ifli intirejy out of the Equation ; which, thereby, is render'd pofuble. When and A are known, the reft of the Terms will be found in the common Way, as in EXAMPLE III. Where the Equation fropofed is yx* + axj a 1 )' r= o ; to fad y. By fuppofmg jr=r, and writing x forj, nx for - n 2 n n i j, and n X n i X * for j', we get x + rtax - n n X n i Xf?V : But it is plain that no two of the 'Indices of A- can, Zvnf, be equal : The Value of n muft therefore be either rro or Unity (in both which Cafes n 2 the Term n X i X a"x vanifhes) but I fhaU take the latter Value, and fuppofe the nrft Term of the Series to be A*- ; then, the Differences of the forefaid Exponents being i and 2, the Law of the Series will be expreffed by i, 2, 3, 4 &c. Whence, affumingj = Ax + B.V 1 + C,v 3 -f- D x* &c. and proceeding as in the former Examples, y will be found n A into x -f- x* x 3 x+ x 5 * # 6 - + -- + 7.-: + r + 7 &c t or = A into x + 2a ~ -$ *be Series Ax*-\rKx s +Cx 6 +Dx 7 fcfr. cw-V r- ponents ate in arithmetical Progrefan* had been aflumed, ac- tor ding to the Method of feme 'very good Authors, ny lefs than fcven Juperfluous Term; muft have been introduced to obtain the four above givtn. 274- of F/uxiona! Equations. 301 274. Before I quit this Subject, it may not be amifs to fubjoin the following Remarks. i w . If the indeterminate Quantities are great in re- fpefr, to the given ones, a defcending Series will, in moft Cafes (where it is practicable) converge better than an afcendingone. To obtain fuch a Scries, compare the greateft Exponents, mention'd in Rule 2 inftead of the leaft, and proceed according to the third and fourth Rules *, whence a Series of Numbers will be found j Art. 268, which, being fucceflively fubtracled from the Value of , vou will have the Exponents of a defcending Series. Thus, let the common-algebraic Equation a 3 x+ax 3 a*y j> 4 o be propounded j to find ^, when x is great in cornparifon of a. Then, proceeding as ufual, the Exponents of the four Terms of the Equation will be i, 3, n, \n ; whereof the two greateft (4/7 and 3) being made equal, we get wrr*-; therefore the Differences are c, 2 and 2^; and n~ -^; therefore the Differences are o, 2 and 2^; and the Numbers to be fubtracted from n, are o, 2, -J, 4, ' 4 7 , &c. Confequently the Scries to be affumed for ^ is 3 -! -.<5 -'3 A.v 4 + B.r 4 -f Cx *-\-D.v -} c5Y. From whence 9 > O A l ff * a '* y will be found =r * + ^ . 4** 4^ 2. Butj if the Quantity (x) in whofe Terms the other is to be exprefied, be neither much greater nor much fmaller than the given Quantity (a) 9 it will be proper to fubftitute for the Excefs, or Defect, of the (aid Quantity (x) above, or below, fome given Quan- tity ; Ib that, having, by this means, exterminated *, the Series arifing from the new Equation (wherein the faid Excefs, or Defect, is the con verging Quantity) will have a due Rate of Convergency. The Ufeof this is fo obvious that it needs no Example, or farther Explanation. 3. Laftly, it will be proper to obferve, that, if the Equation for the Value of A, arifing from the firft Co- lumn of homologous Terms, admits of two or more, equal 302 The Refolution equal Roots (which is a Cafe that may, perhaps, nevef happen in practice) all the foregoing Precepts will be in- fufficient ; unlefs the Equation alfo admits of fome other Root, bcfidcs the equal ones,- whereby A may be more commodiouny exprefled. To determine the Exponents, in that particular Cafe, divide each of the Differences mention'd in Rule 3. "by the Number of the equal Roots ; and then proceed as ufual. The Reafons of which, as well as of the Rules themfelves, I have long ago given elfewhere, and have not Room to repeat them here. SCHOLIUM. 275. Although the Bufinefs of reverting Seriefes is not a Branch of the Doctrine of Fluxions, but, more properly, belongs to common: Algebra ; yet, as it is often ufeful where Fluxions are concerned, and falls under the general Rules iilufirated in the foregoing Pages, I mall here add an Example or two on that Head. Let, then, ax + bi~ + ex* + ^ 4 -f ex"" 5"r. j>; tore- vert the Series, or, to find x in an Infinite Series ex- prefled in the Powers ofy. Here, by writing y for #, the Indices of the Powers of j, in the Equation, will be , 2, 3^, &c. and I ; therefore i. and the Differences are o, i, 2, 3, 4, 5, C3V. and fo the Series to be aflumed, in this Cafe, is Aj> + B/ -h Cy 3 -{- D/ bV. Which being involved and fub- ftituted for the refpective Powers of x (neglecting, every where, all fuch Powers of x and y as exceed the higheit you would have the Series carry 'd to) there arifes + 3 4-rtD/ 1 - i -f2MB/-|-2/;AC/ 7 . l&t, -y Whence, of Fluxional Equations. 303 Whence, 'oy comparing the homologous Terms, A=: _L Jt'.'r-/- 2/>AB-fM 3 \ 2^^ a ; b -~~ 3i C ( r * ^ : ~ ; -f 3c- A 8 B + d A* ^ _ ^c^a^d ~~ ~~ f _, v 2/^^ at c-c. and coniequently y -j- -f - ; - X v ! a a 3 a 5 X V 4 Cffr. ' For an Inftance of the Ufe of this Conclufion, Ic'.v .r* # J x* + fcfir. y: Then, a being, in thi ^34 Cafe, rri, b ^, =. }, be fufliciently fmall *. * Art. jz, Example 2. Let there be given ax-\-by+cy? + dyy + e f +J** +g i y + hxy 1 * /> 3 -f kx++lx*y &c. = o j to lind y. By aflumins ^^A.v+B^+Cv' + D** fcfc. and pro- ceeding as above, A will be found =: -7-, B rr . , &V. refpectively ; whereof the two leaft (i and nm) being made equal to each other, n is found n ; and the Differences are , , m op =-. &c. Whence the Series to be aflumed for x is m ' x + Bz w 4 Cz w 4- Dz w -I- CsTr. (for it is evi- dent, by Infpe&ion, that the Coefficient (A) of the firft Term muft here be an Unit.) This Series being therefore raifed to the feveral Powers of .*, in the given Equation, by Art. ic8. and the Coefficients of the ho- mologous Terms in the new Equation compared together, T, b i+m+.2Pxf>!>2mc it will be found that, B = -- , C ^ ^ * - - . 2m in? 4 qmp 4- 9/>* + yn + 6p 4- i x b 3 - -- ~~ From the general Value of x, found above, innu- merable Theorems, for reverting particular Forms of Seriefes, may be deduced. Thus, if x+i>x* + ex 3 4. dx\ & c . = z ; then (m being = r and p i ) x is = z bz* + ibb c X z 3 X z 4 &c. And of Pluxional Equations. 305 And, if x -f bx* + ex* + dx 1 -f fefc. = z ; f / being ~ I, and p = 2) xz bz 3 + ^bb cXZ 5 12^ 3 8<-M x z 7 fcrY. i l |- - Alfo, if ** + &** -f / + <&* sfc. rr . z ; then being k and />=i) x=z* ibz^+ibb zc xz 6 18^+2^ x z 8 fcfr. &ff. 276. It may be cbferved that, in all thefe Forms of Seriefes, the nrft Term is without a Coefficient (which renders the Conclufion much morefimple.) There- fore, when the Series to be reverted has a Co-efficient in its firft Term, the whole Equation muft be firft of all divided thereby : Thus, if the Equation was 3* 6* 1 + Sx 3 1 3# 4 &c, y j by dividing the whole by 3 it will become x 2#* -I -- -^ &c. = \y : Where, putting z ^y, we have, by Form. I. #=:z + SECTION III. Of the Comparlfon of Fluents^ cr the Manner of jinding one Fluent from another. 277. "\1I7"E have, already, pointed out the moft VV remarkable Forms of Fluxions whofe Fluents are explicable in finite Terms * j and alfo * Art. 77. fliewn the Ufe of Infinite Seriefes in approximating the 7 3 -|3' 8 4 Values of iuch Fluents as do not come under any of ar thofe Forms f : But this laft Method (as is before t Art< 99- hinted) being troublefome, and attended with many. Obftacles ; Mathematicians have therefore invented, and {hewn, the Way of deriving one Fluent from another: Which is of good Advantage when the Fluent X fought 306 Of the Comparifon fought can be referred to one, like thofe in Art. 126 and 142. exprefling the Logarithm of a Number, or the Arch of a Circle ; fince the Trouble of an infinite Series is, then, avoided. As the Subject here propofed is of fuch a Nature, that it would be very tedious and difficult, if not altogether impracticable, to lay down Rules and Pre- cepts for all the various Cafes j I fhall deliver, what I have to offer thereon, by way of Problems j beginning with fome very eafy ones, for the Sake of the young Proficient. P R O B. I. X 278. The Fluent of. ; being given (by Art. 126.) 'tisprcpofedto find, from thence , the Fluent of - Let both the Numerator and Denominator of ==, be multiply 'd by x t fo that the Quantity without the Vinculuin, in the Fluxion, thus transformed, may become fome ccnftantPart of the Fluxion of the higheft Term under the Vinculum : XVhich Part, in this Cafe, being -, let ^ of the Fluxion of the firfr, Term tinder the Vinculum (or -!- cfxx] be therefore added to the Numerator, in order to have the Whole, ^7= " -> a complete Fluxion ; and then the V a*x + x* Art, 77. Fluent thereof, by the common Rule *, will be V^V-J-** = -i x vV-f* 1 : But, from ibis, we are now to dedu& the Fluent of the Quantity -: =. 1 v'v -f x* \d i x \ ( ~ a j that was added : Which Fluent, aj v a* -f- jr/ that of Fluents. 307 that of Pr= is given = *#. Log. *+ VV- *, will be = i a* x hyp. Leg. x -f V? -f ^ ; and con- fequently the Fluent fought = I x^a 1 + x* i- a" x /y/>. Z^. AT -f- V 'a 1 -$- x . g). E, I. P R O B. II. tc-x 279. Let it be propofed to find the Fluent of ;, d*"x~ x from thai of v, - a - ; f(v0i ^y Art. 142. ' i? . ^ By proceeding as above, and adding \ a 1 xx to 4 a 1 xx x 3 * the Numerator, we have *>- ; = ; whereof V -A- ** the Fluent, by the common Ride, is { 1/aV 1 ** ( v * v/ 2 | 8 ' x =. the true Fluent of P R O B. III. 281. Suppofog the Fluent of a + cz"- X z f "' " ! 2 to be given = ^/, to find the Fluent of a + cz n ( X z l ~ r= B (where the Exponent of z, without the Vinculum is incrtafed by the Exponent under the Vinculum). Let the Part affected by the Vinculum be multiplied by z W? , and the Part without be divided by the fame Quantity ; then our Fluxion will be transformed to ~o Vtf| W f n \" w ? 1 az* + ez I xz K B : Where let ^ be, now, fo taken that the Exponent (n + q) of the higheft Power of z under the Vinculum may be equal to (pn + n mq) that of the Power without the Vinculum -f- I ; that is, let q =-^-~: Then (by Art. 77.) if the firft Term ttl T 1 under of Fluents. 309 under the Vinculum was conftant, the Fluent of the "i ^r "t*- 1 faid Expreflion, or its Equal az + cz x, J + cz+* ? . But the would be had Fluxion hereof, fuppofing both Terms to be variable (as they actually are) is ez* + " t? l x ~ /7/T " " \*W = x az* + fz" 1 ^! x **"*' (by the common ? L ^ T> i \ TI r flz + fz n Rule.) Therefore == = - w+ ixn-H X + i x nc s = B. Z.E.I. x r 282- If the Quantity under the Vinculum be a Mul- tinomial, <7 + f I w 2 pi " za a + cz + dk l3'c\ X a + ^ i X /* 2 = * , it is evident, that, if the r pn I . pn f n I . *-f- 2 I . , fluents of s sr, 2 , z r 55c. drawn into the general Multiplicator a-\-cz -f d* n I3c. , be denoted by A, B, C 1 , Z>, &c. the Fluent of the Whole-Quantity exhibited above ( which Fluent is 1 - ~ n - - - "\ m ^ * \ + f*+ dz " -f gg 5 Vf.i x !/" ) will alfo be ex- preffed by pnajf+p + m+ i x <:+/> + 2*; + 2 x x /D e?V. Therefore, if there be given as many of the Fluents d, B, C, D fcf t -. as there are Terms in rf + cs" -f~ 2 * -f ^ 3 " fcf f . OT / W O ne, that other Fluent, be it which it will, will alfo be given from hence. Thus if -*-! (/" + 2 ) /*/*+ * (P + 3) P & c ' a nd let the Fluents of fl-ffs" 1 x , a-\-cz ' x s:^" + ' x a/ 5 '- J i, rf + fz"' x s^"" 1 * > Gfr. be re- prefented by 4, j?, C 1 , D, & c . refpeaiveJy. Then, fmce , ?-' ,. r= B (by the preceding rn+p+i x nc m+p+ixc Prob.) it follows, from the very fame Argument, that ' i M*F _ PB =( , m + 'p + I X nc m -\-p + I X/r n M f paC _ = D n X c Hence, by writing the Value of B in the fecond Equa- tion, we have : m i . . 1 A j. - LL -' -- - r= C. In the fame Manner, f i m+p+ i Xm + p+l X ? by fubftituting this Value for Cin the 3d Equation, we get u m+p+ i x w w -f /> -f i x w + ^ + i x w* X 4 3 1 a Of the Comparlfon =D m+p+i Xm+p+i XOT+/I+I X; 3 Where the Law of Continuation is manifeft ; and from whence it appears that the Value of any of the Quan- tities B, C, D, E, I3c. or the Fluent exprefled in a ge- ncral Manner, will be m + q + I X nc - X. ncc x/-f 2X/> + 3 (v) x a" 'A / v ; x _ : Where, ^ = Fluent of l X 2, q=p + v r, sq + m, t=p + m+ii and where the Sign of the laft Term (m which y/ is found) muft be taken + or according as v is an even or odd Number : Note, alfo, that the Parenthefis (v) is put to exprefs the Number of Terms, or Factors, to which the Series, or Product, preceding it, is to be continued. The like Notation is to be understood in other Cafes of the fame Kind, when they hereafter occur. Tb* of Fluents. *f be fame oiberwlfe-. 284. Let q p + v i, and let a -j- c*"\ X P" ^-. Rz + Sz +Tz ...... -FA* -f M be affumed for the Fluent fought : Then, by taking the Fluxion thereof, you will have m+ i x ncz z x X Rz + Sz , + A -f~ + f2 r x . qnzRx + ^ n x *oz ...... -{- p _ m f ^ X a + cz"] y.z f>a ~ I z' t which muft be = X ] or -f K i . x z (or *+ >< ? V) the Fluxion propofed : Whence, dividing the whole Equation by x 2""^, and tranfpofmg, there comes out o ? S-z 1 9" - i P" qn-n jn-z .+/A Z f "^ Which, reduced, and the homologous Terms united, becomes , ? XJ8 f S n X x "* = o: Where, by making m -f q + i X ncR I = o, r Q &c. we qaR. //z-f?xc m + q + I X c n ~ i - or (putting Of the Comparifon Hfi Vc. i I Xt 5-f-lXJXJ I X we Where, becaufe the Exponent of the firft Term of the Equation is qn (pn -\-vtt n) and that of the laft Term (in which A and 3 are concerned) = />, it follows that the Number of Coefficients to be taken as above (where- of A is the laft) is exprefled by v : From which laft, the Value of is given = pna&. But, from the Law of the faid Coefficients, R, S, . . . .A, it appears that the Value of A (whofe Place from the Beginning is denoted by v) will be, = Hh y.f^i. < j^2 qv+2 a"- J _ S -J- I.J-J I.....J V + 2 X g-r-'-g-' *+'-.. ""I': And therefore c s.s I p +m + rf" P-P~^~ l 'P~^~ 2'P~{~ 3 ff^ " a; ^ 1 X -7 ( putting c" A/+I./+ 2. /+ 3 ('t/; / 77i-f-i=fj as before.) Now, if the feveral Values of S. T and 3> thus found, be fubftituted in the aflumed Exprelfion, you will have the very fame Conclufion as in the preceding Article. COROLLARY i. 285. Since q is =:/>-}- v I, the Fluent -f f**i X 1" r> ?""" "~ P" f i J?2 + o* .... -fA^ 4- 3 given above, may be exprefled by N X Rz +Sz"' +Tz j+i (vj 4- p/f; where A r = + "/ x 3 ", R = of Fluents. : And, where the Coefficient (/J) of the m +p + v 2 . c given Fluent (A) will always be exprefled by the laft of the Quantities R, # A And the fame thing will alfo appear from the feveral par- ticular Cafes (in Art. 283.) for the Values of B, C and D : In each of which the Coefficient of the laft Term (where A is concerned) is to that of the Term imme- diately preceding it, in the conftant Ratio of i>a to , or of pna to Unity. COROLLARY II. 286. If the Value of c be negative, the general Fluent (in Art. 283.) when a + cz ' = o (provided m+ 1, , and p be pofitive) will become barely = + x - - x " t t +i . , f jj (v) X -^j- } becaufe, in this Circumftance, all * T 2 the Terms multiplied by a Z intirely vanifli. If, therefore, b be wrote for c (to render the Ex- preffion more commodious) we fliall have +- x - ^+2 a" A . - , X j C-y) x - for the true Fluent of a h?\ X a * , generated while *, from Nothing, be- comes = a : Where A denotes the Fluent of a z"' /mi j x * ^j generated in the fame time ; and where t "==, 10 Of the Comparifon t =. p -f- m -f i. Hence it follows that the Fluent of , nl m pn l . , - n ^n , -\n a t>z\ xz x X e+fz -f gz -f hz y &c. (where *,/, , are any given Quantities) will be = A X paf p.p+i.a*g - < m the forementioned Circumftance. P R O B. V. 287. The Fluent (A) of a + cx"i x z p " " T x. being gi~ . ~ m-\-r vcn, to find the Fluent of a + cz"\ x z f *' * z ; f u p- pojing r to denote a whole pofitive Number. Since a + czfl =r a +cz"l x a 4- ^iz", it is evident . . v m-f-l j _ ~~1 W A % a + fz I x az *-f- ,^+ i i: Whofe Fluent ^y 7>* 7 ^ Q+ CZ . t: a+c* + ' \m+i j In like Manner, if this Fluent, of a -f ex" I > be denoted by B, that of a + ? X z p " * % by C, ^fr. it will ap- <7 + ftB*' X Z " , pear that a + cz"\ m -f 2 X aB p + m + 2 X n 'X z^" _ Z)> ^ Whence, by fubftituting thefe Values, one by one, as in the pre- ceding of Fluents. 317 ceding Problem, and putting Q = a -f cz^ we get *+**? j^TIxg"^Vl_ m + . r. Whence it is -.m + r evident, by Infpedion, that the Fluent of x a*" 1 " x z, exprefled in a general Manner, will be r.n p + m + rxp-f m-\-r i.n by putting m+rf, p + m-{-r=g, and making J^*" 1 '! X z fn a general Multiplicator, will be reduced to J^*^ 2 X ' * * -f- ~~'~ ", " I- -"""-* ~~ " _ _.'_~ ( T j "T" m+i m -f 2 m -f 3 7 X TT T~" x r+ T~ r ^ a -^ where it appears (from the foregoing Values of 5, C, and DJ that the Coefficient of A is always equal tothelaft Term of the preceding Series, multiplied by m -\- j x na (in- ftead of ^ z^"). ^. . /. COROLLARY. 288. If c be negative, fo that j^, or its Equal, a + cz", may become equal to Nothing, the Fluent will, in 9 31 8 Of the Comparifon in that Circumftance, be barely rz X ' p + m + i p + m + 2 X ~ (r) X tf r ^J provided the Values of m+i, />, and n are pofitive : Or, if c, p, and n be pofitive, and m + r+p negative, the fame Exprefiion will exhibit the true Value of the whole Fluent, generated while z, from Nothing, becomes infinite. P R O B. VI. 289. The fame being given as in the preceding Problems ; . w r it is propofed to fnd the Fluent of a -f- cz"' X />-!. a x. If r be wrote inftead of r, in the laft Article, we fhall have m r=zf, p + m r=zg, and ^"+ I z f * - (-r) X a"~ r ^, exprefling the required Fluent in p + rn + 2 this Cafe. m+i rn + 2 But - x . - C5 + w i (as appears from above) it follows, by inverting the Order of both Progreffions, that t + >*-i.p + >-~*.(r-i) m.m i.m 2 (r) x JL w ill alfo exprefs the fame Coefficient : Which, na - . p + m.p + m-i.p + m-z (r) multiplied by p + X, gives w . M _ Itffl , 2 (r; , the very Coefficient of ^, above determined. The a Ufe of this Conclufion will be feen in what follows. P.R O- 320 Of the Companfon P R O B. VII. 291. The fame being, ft ill, given j to find the Fluent of m ~"T\ pn -vni a + cz i x z z. By proceeding as in the laft Problem, the required Fluent of a + cz"\ X z'" is derived from that of ' ^ fft -fif-l-^TJit *1 a + cz n \ Xz -x ( given by Prol. 4.) and comes out vn -.m+1 pn 2 i 4L -'* x : i ' 2 / , i . , . (v) - x - x * (v) l 2 c . - : Where, G> = ' And where, the Coefficient of A\s equal to that of the laft of the preceding Terms, multiplied by m + p x we. If the Manner of deducing the re- quired Fluent, in this, and the laft, Problem, {hould not appear fufficiently plain and fatis factory to the Beginner j the fame Conclufions may be, otherwife, brought out ; by finding A^ in Terms of B, C, or Z>, from the fe- veral particular Equations in Art. 283. or, by afluming a defcending Series, inftead of an afcending one. Vid. Art. 284. P R O B. VIII. 292. The fame being, ftill, given ; to find the Fluent of - ?l n + r pn+vnl . a + cz l xz ? x. Let the Fluent of a -f cz" I xz x. (given by Trob. 4.) be denoted by B, and that required by F: Then, of Fluents. 321 HI ' Then, if p + v be put = />, the Value of F (the Fluent of a + cz"\ x^"~ T x} will be given from that of B (the Fluent of a + cz"l x yf n ~ l ) by writing 5 for A and /> for />, in A/. 287. Whence we get F=.> Z ** ~ ~t~ i - . -- 1 -j- ~" ^ ~- " " ^ ^ /*. 1 i ^ g.gi.n g.gi-gw ( } m-\-i m-\- r i ?K+3 . r o . TVd i>-}-;7z-f-i p -\-tn-\- 7. / ) +'W-h3 i y , and Which Fluent, by fubftituting the Value of B (in Prob. 4.) becomes F=.^ t+1 z t "' X 5 + ^^ - t.eiM + . v : j^_ rr ; + - x 7- - , ; < g r -^ i-g i' n p+to+i p+m + 2 ( x ?+2 /> (*) i x / ( r ) x a x T x p+m+l p+m+2 \i x ~V : Where q=p+vi, s=m+q= and tp+m+i ; and where the Sign of the laft Term j s + or according as v is an even or odd Number. 3> F L +y .i-/ 1 * * Co- 322 Of the Cot/jpanjbn 292. If the Jaft Term of the firft Scries, exdulive i - of the general Multiplicator j^ , be denoted by r 0, the Multiphcator, -, - * - - (r) x a , to p + m+i p+ m+2. Art. 287, t h e f econc j Series will be m+i X na$ * ; and there- fore the firft Term of this Series, including its Mul-* .. .tf . Wh : ch :r n tiplicators, is = - i^r -- vvmcii, it A. be put to denote the laft Term &3*+* x f*+ v * of the firft Series (with its Multiplicator) will be expounded by _L TO ' - ; Hence it follows, that the Fluent of S+l .CZ n +r Xx pa+ ' vtt ~ 1 x, given above, will alfo be truly *& f"*~I *"* / exprefled by r- ZZTj x ~jf ^7^. X fTW o *^ ** ,/ / 2 f^ / x . m + ' aR __ 9_ f2l ?"" a aV f \ f X """"1 "* "*" T" X ~~"T" ( ^V p + m+i .p + 7n + 2 (r) X /./> Where H, I y K, L . ^, 5, T t V, &t. repre- fent the Terms immediately preceding thofe where they ftand, under their proper Signs : R being the laft Term of the firft Series i alfo /= m + r, g = m 4- r + /> + -, qp+v i, f=w+f, t=?n+p+i> and ^= Co- effluents. A 23 COROLLARY II. i 293. Since the Divifor, p + m + i ,p+ m+2 (r) x l.t + i.t (v) y of the laft Term of the Fluent (by fubftituting for / and p fcff.) is = p+m+i.p+m+z (y) x />+V+/B+I . />+^+;tf+2 (r) : Where, the laft Factor (p+m+v) of the firft Progreflion, is lefs by Unity than the firft Fadtor of the Second; it is evident that the faid fecond Progreflion is only a Continuation of the firft to r more Factors : And fo, the laft Term of the Fluent, where A is found, is truly exprefled by -f~ m + 2 . ffl+3 (r) a 1 ^' 'A . m+p+2 . Hence it follows, that the Fluent of a + ex" fn + vni . .. - T"7r + r x v *, or that of a bz*\ X z ( making 1=0, and therefore /> 4 5 Whence, by fubftitutjng thofe Values in Art* 283. we "J^J T ] ik e wife get q (p + v i) = , f (^-f-?) = I, / (m+p+ i) ni ; and, confequently, the Fluent fought - F^T x + "!!. _ jEE^jgH! + 2V 2V.2Z; 2 5 -- ' - ' ' 2-u 7 , ,. 'IV 1.11) - 3-fl Z 2V 1. 2V 3- 2V 2V. 21; i-2V 4 cf Fluents. 327 {) + x x |-x ~r (v)xd iv : In which the ~ 2 4 6 8 laft Term is negative, when the given Fluxion is z a<1 ' " . and v, at the fame time, an odd Dumber ; but in all other Cafes, affirmative. EXAMPLE II. ?97- Let z~~'z Vfij'S (or d 1 +2;'M X z v z) be propounded. 4. Hre, denoting the Fluent aTfir\ l * by A (as above) and comparing d*-j-z?\, x z 2 ^, with pn-t-vrtr l . .ft..' a -f cz ' X z 2 ( ^/a, fyob. 8. ) we have r = r, and the reft as in the laft Example : Whence alfo t p z% and the Fluent itfelf = 2"J -f x .( w ; x' r^ 5, r, eifr. being the pre- t A rt. 292 . 2V-|-2 ceding Terms with their Signs) rr 2V+2 ,7, 1*V 1 O7 . x/4- 2a; 3 - + 2-L".2-y 2 2-y.2-z; 2.2^ 4 the Sign of the laft Term muft be regulated as in th^ Y 4 pre 3 28 Of the Comparlfon ~WII ' preceding Example If the Fluent of . K ~ or _ y?*? of z "** Vd z -j^K L (in which the Exponent is ne- gative) be required j the Anfwer will be had in finite Terms, independent of A> by Art. 85. EXAMPLE III. - \ I+ r 298. Wherein the Fluxion propofed is d" K "\ x s*V? ~*x J r and v being any whole pofitive Numbers. __ _ _^ j j Since the Fluent of ;/" z" ( ~ r X^je* * (as will 2 appear hereafter) is truly exprefled by x Arch y whofo > Sine is -r- and Radius Unity, let this Value be de- d* noted by A\ and then, by writing d n for a, i for r, * for w, and i for />, / y/r/. 292. we fhall have f j ____ T 2V- I *) = < z ' l T-''j and the Fluent, itfelf, equal to ~r T , generated while bz , /J-^/n .ZV0- m -. i thing) becomes a ; that of a bz''\ X s given ( A.} o (=^) Here, by expanding +CT+ i.) Here the Values of w+i, n and p are fuppofed po- / * Art> 2 g6. Titive ; * and it is requifite that I + 7^ fiiould alfo be pofitive; otherwife the Fluent will fail. Although the Series brought out above runs on to Infinity, yet it may be- fum'd, in many Cafes : Thus, if the given Fluxion i then, the forefaid Series be- _ coming I I X + i x | x &?' its Sura confequently x f + ^ p: the Fluent fought : Where, /f (the tw& correded (by 2 fuppofing it o when % = o) gives, at length, -^ x 1 " ' " typ- Log. \/ ~ Fluent of the Quantity propofed. of Fluxions. But, when c is a negative Quantity, this Fluent fails, becaufe the fquare Root of c is to be extracted. In * X this Cafe ; > - muft be transformed to ia/\/- + x* And then its Fluent (by , / a * V ex \S x 1 1 C Art. 142.) will be had . X the Arch of a Circle whofe Radius is Unity, and Right-Sine rr x J~ '" Ex. 3. Let the given Fluxion be . : * V a -}- czf Which, by bringing c without the Vinculum t and put- ting x =. z, 1 , is transformed to -j- Whereof the Fluent, by Art. 126. is -= x ny a v/- J + ^ + C V~7-~ V a + " = ~= X ^. LV. n v a But here, when c is pofitive, V a + V a + c *r the Numerator will be negative; in which Cafe it will be proper to change its Signs, andexprefs the Fluent by h= X hyp. Log. "*" __. V -f " + V ____ an 334 Of the Transformation an Alteration of the Signs can make no Difference i.t the Fluxion, is evident from the Nature of Logarithms ; X x \ becaufe the Fluxion of the Lb. of * ("=. / v x X ' is the fame with that of the byp. Log. of x. It will be proper to obferve farther, that, iriftead of the Logarithm above derived, any one of the following, equal, Quan- r V a -4- cz n v/ a\ titles may be taken ; viz. hyp. Lo*. ; : - - (found by multiplying both the Numerator and Deno- minator of the forefaid Logarithm by V 'a -{- cz" VV/) y' a _j_ c ~ y^~a~ = 2 X fyp. Logi ~ (by the Nature V cz? of Logarithms) =: 2 x hyp. Log. V a + cz n + V a ( by multiplying, equally, by V a + cz" -}- V a ) But, take which of thefe Forms you will, the Fluent fails when a is negative j becaufe the general Multiplicator = is then impoflible. In this Cafe the Fluent of n V a or its Equal ~ , w il! be given- by Art. 142. and is expounded by -, ' , c 2 X A 7 ; where A denotes the Arch whofe n Y a *9 J \ Radius is Unity, and Secant j=-( A/lfl ]. /-^ aj V c In tf Fluxions. t B j . In the fame Manner the Fluent of fll , i$ found + CZ* I = / x Arch, whofe Radius is Unity and Tan- V <7 J . I eent V' 1 > or equal to , X hyp. Log, a "V ca *\, according; as the Value of c is affir- V a V - c ^ mative or negative ; a being fuppofed affirmative. 304. When the Power 9 or Powers, of the variable Quantity without the Vinculum, or radical Sign, fall y mcflly, in the Denominator, it may be of Ufe to fub- Jlitute for the Reciprocal of the faid Quantity, cr for the Quotient which arifes by dividing feme known Quan- tity, either, by it, or by fame Compound of it in the De- nominator* 33 Ex. r. Let the propofed Fluxion be ~i ; , ; z \/ a* -f 2* ' then, putting x = , we have z = ~, and % a ~ ; and confequently ^5- Whereof the Fluent is Ex. 2. Let the given Fluxion be Here, putting A: = , we Have % = - 1 = Va* ax + x* ; and therefore the Quantity 33 6 Of the Quantity propofed is transformed to T-T. ===== Whofe Fluent may be found from a Table of Loga- rithms j as will appear farther on. 305. If the Fluxion given is ajfefted by two dlf- fertnt Surds, and the rational Fatter, or the Quantity without the Vinculum, be in a conjlant Ratio to the Fluxion of the Quantity tinder the Vinculum of either Surd, or be related to it as in Art. 83. the given Fluxion will be reduced to a more f:mple Form, by fubjlituting for that Surd, y~ \^ / z \ z. 1 Ex. I. Let - be propounded. ^ZEE 7 Then, putting x V f -f ~% we have z?.x* ^ = xx > and Vc * T = vV + f x* - V ^ 23 y p- _j_ x * (by making a V '/* -f- z 1 ) ; then x* = c* *% g^ = ' xx, V b~ -f- * = V i z -I- r 1 ^ ^r 2 n V a 2 x 1 ', and confequently . = x Va 1 x* : Whofe Fluent is given by Art. 297. or 131. Ex. 2. Let the given Fluxion be a -f f"l x e -f /* I X f Art* 83. zf"~ ~ 1 K ; fuppofing p to denote any whole pofitive Number fu In this Cafe, let that of the two Quantities, a -f ex." and ^ + /z", whofe Index (m or r) is the mftl com- plex (which we will fuppofe the latter) be put = x ; then we (hall have s" --jr--, z n -* z = ~ F J of Fluxions. 337 d + by putting d =. a __\ and confequently d + - \ x = the Fluxion propofed : Where, p i being a whole pofitive Number, the Value of x e\ will therefore be exprefled, in finite Terms ; whence, if m be alfo a whole pofitive Number, the Fluent itfelf will be had in finite Terms : But, if m and r be the Halves of odd Numbers, then the Fluent will be found (from Art. 298 or 294.) by means of circular Arcs and Logarithms. 306. If the given Exprejfion be ajfefted by two Surds wherein the Powers of the variable Quantity are the fame, and the rational Quantity , without the Vinculums, be related to the Fluxion of either Surd, as in Art. 83. it may be of Ufe to fubjlitute fir the Quotient , or Ratio, of the two Quantities under the radical Signs ; especially, if the Sum of the faid radical Signs, or Exponents (fuppofing both Surds to be reduced to the Denominator) is a whole Number. Ex. I. Let the given Fluxion be z'x b 3 + z* Sxtf Then, writing x -, --, we have z 3 r 3 x* i +# and Of the Transformation and confequently z z Whofe Fluent is x Ex. 2. J_ A" Here, putting x = > you will have " = ax e ni. afce X* fcx _ i^ x _ ax i*\ . pn _ n , a n X fcx\ tr ,+/v _ ^rf ' ^^" confequently the - 7 - ~ r \ _ a f ce \ ~ / cx\ Fluxion given = Where, if ffl + r be a whole pofitjye Number, greater than ralfo a vhole pofitive Number) the Fluent w.ll becaufebolh the Seriefe. tM+r -p -I and / r.J do for the Values of ** 7| Art. 99. j nthat Cafe t?rn -; :r ,ate *. But, if r and m-fr / I be the Hakes of whole Numbers, pofitive or negative, theifthe Fluent will be given by the laft Setion. 307. A Trinomial is reduced ta a Binomial by taking away its middle Term ; that is, by ful/lituting for the Sum or Difference of the Power of the variable Quantity of Fluxions. 2 39 n that Term and half i's Coefficient ; according as the Signs of the two Terms, where the fald Quantity is found, are like, or unlike. Ex. I. Let the given FLixion be == V t>~ -j- cz -f- *~ then, putting X z-J- Ic, or 2; x if, we have z x, vV i r -f ** ; whence (making a* = b l ^c 1 ) there refults x = /- . : Whofe Flu- t//' -f^z + z Va- + x- cm is given, iy ^'/. 126. /" * T ^. Ex. 2. Z,*/ //;^ Fluxion given be - .... .' . z - r -^-. V+te" + f 2 a "' Firft, by bringing c without the Vinculum^ according to Art. 303. we have V* 4- tz* + cx~" V7" x 5 -L + z 2 " : And, by putting x = z* + c f b -\r n ~ l * , or z " = A: -, we alfo get 2 * = _, and c 5 + fi } = V^ 7 - ^ + * : Therefore the Fluxion, transformed, is - . a bb nV c x / --- Whofc Fluent is given by drt. 126. when c is a pofitivc Quantity : But, when c is negative, the FJuxion muft be _ fie _ ^ exprefled thus, - > -,, ' =>: Anfwcring to -Psr/n 2. ^r/. 142. Z 2 Ex. 340 Of the Transformation /* Ex, 3. .*/ be propofed. Then, following the Steps of the laft Example, f) wi m v a . b * . J4 Will C v ~" f- " c ' c be transformed to c m X + * a | : More- c 41 r over, 2" being =* =^ by comparing the ho- mologous 7 and y, we have x p and x q for the two binomial Fadors whereby x"' -f ax + b may be refolved, or by whofe Multiplication (x p X x q) the faid Quant'uy is produced. Let therefore -- + -- be now affumcd ( = x p ^ x-q whole Equation to one Denomination &c. we get A -i- B X xx qA -f pB -f i x x o : Whence A is found = - , B = - ; and, confer uemlr. ~~ '* p yXAr f 4 p x x q x*+ ax + b X X Ex. 2. Let the Qttanfity prrtefed&t , : . J * " J x* + ax~ + fix + c Here, if the binomial Favors whereby .r 3 -f ax 1 -{- ^.i- -f c is produced be reprefcnted by x />, x q, and . Ax Bx CJt xy. and there be aliumed -I- -(- x p ' x q x r Z3 34- Of the transformation ; then > this Cafe, we ihall have Ax x qxx r +Bxx r r + Cxx px^x q x*= o; that is, by Redudion, X x -f- i Whence =o, and Aqr+Bpr+Cpq=Q. Now', from the firft of thefe Equations, mukiply'd by p-t-q, fubtracl the fecond, and you will have A*p r+Bxq r p-\-q : Alfo, from the firft, mukiply'd by />f, fubcracl the third ; then^x/>j rq -j- Bxpq pr pq : I.aftly, from the former of tne two Equations thus arifin?, mukiply'd by />, fubtracl: the latter, then Ay^pp^r ; that is, A*p jxp r p* j and confequen'Iy A = ii =^= =- : Whence, by the very fame Argument. P *:=o ; and confequently^/ = ^/0rr. /> q X j> r Msre unfaerfally* let the given Fraction be . x n x ... " i "I , i n 1 n i. c_ * f ex + fa -r cx * oV. 1 -_ - (where 2 and n may A- r /> X xq X * r X AT J ^f. reprefent any whole pofitive Numbers whatever, pro- vidwd the kilter be greater than the former.) Then, Ax Bx C.': Dx affuming + + -f ^^ feTr. = . __ fLf _ &c. we fhall have ^/ x " i - 1 i x + ax -f A -_ ?x .r r X .v^7 &fr. + 5 x * ^X -r r x ^ f Sfr. 4- C X # p x x ^X r s &c. &c. x m =zo: From whence, by expounding x by p 9 q, r &c. fucceffively, p m we obtain A = , y c> , S = ^ ^ p , q r . qs &c. r p . r q . r s &c. ' fcfa. Whence the Fradions themfelves, whereof thefe Quantities are the Coefficient, or Numerators, will like- wife be given. But the Numerators thus found may, fometimes, be more commodioufly exprefTcd by Help of the given Coefficients, a, , c, d &e. fo as to involve only one of the Roots /, y, r (ffr. in each Fraction. For, fmce x pxx q*x r tff. is fuppofed, unherfally> = x* ^. av ""~' I _i- ^,v n "~*-|- ex" " 3 &c. if both Sides of the 'Z, 4 Equation 344 Pf th e Transformation Equation be divided by x />, we {hall have x q x , . x" -f ax* l -f bx' 2 + cx"~* &c. x r XX i i3V. Which laft Expreflion, when x is ~ />, that is, when both the Nume;ator and the Denominator become equal to Nothing, will, manifeftly, be equal to (p q X p r X /> s &V.) the Divifor of A. Therefore, if the Fluxion of the Numerator be taken and divided by that cf the Denominator, and p be wrote inftead of x (vid. Page 155.) we fhail have np"~' 1 + n i x ap"~* -{- h 2 X lp n ~ 3 &'c. pq x p r x ps &c. and there- p m fore A ( p q .p r . p s & h m ^. .__- -^-- t g _ 3 . By the, very fame Reafoning 5 rz m ? /, _ nr r J + I . ffr- + 2 . r c. Hence it appears^ that, if tie Numerator cf tie given Fratiion be divided by the Fluxion of the Denominator (nrgler.iing x) and tie [ei'eral Roots p, q^ r &c. (found by feigning the Denominator o) be, fuccejjivel^ fubfli- tuicd in tne Quotient ^ injhad ofx\ I fay, it is evident, ihui the Quantities fj rejfuiting, divided by x />, x y, x r &c. will be the required, binomial^ Fraftisns into the propojed multinomial One may be refolvcd. If fome of the Rco f s />, y, r &c. are impof- fjble, which is often the CaiV, the Fractions thus found, where the impoffible Roots are concerned, muft be of Fluxions. be united in Pairs, and fo reduced to trinomial Ones, in order to take away the imaginary Terms. Thus, let the Fraction propofed be and Jet two of the Roots, p and q, of the Equation x* -j. ax* + bx + c:=o be impoffible : Then, - - + x p Bx Cx xx -- ! -- being = -y- - - , we (hall, by u- x x r * J 4-fl*r-fp*4-r * q niting the imaginary Terms, have ** Cx xx _ . -I -- , alfo, = -7 - 1 ; - j where the impof- * fible Quantities deftroy one another. But, to render this more obvious, k-t a be taken = o, b rro, and c = Vjf I, fo that the given Fraction may become -5 - j then the three Roots f/>, y, r) of the Equation, ** I =0, will here be -- - ++/ "^, \/ 3^, 2 42 4 J and i ; whereof the two former are impoflible. More- over, by dividing the Numerator (x) by the Fluxion of the Denominator (3**) (according to the Prefm'pt) we have i which, by writing p, q, r fucceffively, in- 3* {lead of *, becomes , and for the Values of A, Of 3i O B, and C, refpeaively. Whence y/+gx T^^_^ x _ r * *'_!/ x' + X + I A I 1 jj ut t h e f ame ma y b e other- 3 VI OVI 1> OV -- _._ t - T * + 3* + 3 i*~3 wife, Of the Transformation of Fluxions:. wife, inveftigated, in a more general Manner; by z. fuming ~ H ; and proceeding as 3 A" + X + 1 X 1 X 3 1 in the firft and fecond Examples j whence the very fame Conclufu.n will be derived. If the Fra&ion propofed be of this Form, viz. , the Method of Refo- ~ mn + ax - + bz luttcn will,////, be the fame: Since, by patting xK n y the given Expreffion is reduced to I X n m i + ax It may alfo be proper to obferve, ifjet^ in very complicated Csfes, the Application of two, or more, cf the fix foregoing Rules, may become necefiary. Thus, for Example, if the Fluxion given be " f n ~*" ajf.cz I Xe + fe + gz A B into two Binomial Fractions, -v- (according to.- Art. 308.) we flaall have ~^ - : Where s i\" 1 X b+z" a+cz> X k+z n if m be a whole pofitive Number, greater than />, the Fluent will be had in finite Terms (by Art. 306. Ex. ^.} SEC- SECTION V. Inveftigation of Fluents of Rational Fractions, of fever al Dtmenjions, according to the Forms in Cotes's HARMONIA MENSURARUM. 311. A S the Subjeft here propofed is a Matter of f\, confiderable Difficulty, and has exercifed the Attention of fome of the moft celebrated Mathemati- cians (who, yet, feem to have condefcended very little to the Information of their lefs experienced Readers) I fhall endeavour to fet it in the cleareft Light poffible : In order to which, it will be requifite to premife the following Lemmas. LEMMA I. If the Sine of the Mean of three equi-different Arcs, fuppofing Radius Unity, be multiplied by the Double of the Co-fine of the common Difference, and from the Pro- jufl, the Sine of the hj/'er Extreme be fubtrafied, the Remainder will be the Sine of the greater Extreme. LEMMA II. 312. If G be taken to denote the gr eater 9 and L the lejjtr, of two unequal Arcs, and their Difference be ex- prejjed by D ; then will, Sin. G. x Co-f. D Sin. L. x Rad. -~ Co-f. L y Rad. Co-f. GxCo-f.D - =-: - =r - ' z o. Cr iz. D Sin. G. X Rad. Sin. L X Co-f. D . T -^TD = Co 'f- ** o The 3 4 8 Of the Fluents of Rational F raft ions, The former of thefe tv/o Lemmas maybe met with in moft Authors upon Trigonometry ; and the latter is nothing more than a Corollary to the co?nmon Theorems for finding the Sine and Co-fine of the Sum and Dif- ference of two given Arcs ; for which Reafons I (hail not flop here to give their Demonftration. COROLLARY. 313. If any Arch of the Circle, whofe Radius is Unity, he denoted by j^, its Sine by 5, and its Co-ftne by a ; and there be taken A ~ia, B ~ laA i , C 2*5 A, =D=2aCB, E=2aDC, F- &c. it follows ( from Lemma I.) that, Sin. 2^ (Sin. J^x 2a $* n - ) 2sa Sin. 3.^' (Sin. 2$< 2a Sin. Sin. 4^" (Sin. 3 Jx 2Sin. Sin. 5^ (Sat. 4^ X 2aSin. 3^ ) - Sin. 6 Sin. 'x 2aSin. LEMMA IIL 314. To refefae the Trinomial r zr> 2kr"x* -f A- 2 ", where , n is any whde Number, into fimple trinomial Faflors. Since the firft Term of the given Quantity r 2 " 2^"x" -f x 1 " is divifible, only, by the Powers of r, and the laft, only, by thofe of x - y and it appears that r and x are concerned, exactly, alike ; let therefore r* larx+x 1 (where r and x are, alfo^ alike concerned) be allumcd for one of the r_c;uired trinomial Fadlors, whereby r~" -*-2k "x n 4- x~" may be refolved : And let Cr 3 x- + ^>W 4- H-.x'-\- x* (where r and * are, _/?///, af- fefled alike) K affumcd = r ?JrV~}-*' (the Va- lue of.w, to ren !er the Operation more perfpjcuous^ being firft exprefled by 5.) Then, by refolding them into mere fimpk ones. 349 Then, by Multiplication and Tranfpofition, we {hall have O = Whence Of the Fluents of Rational Fractions, Whence, Aia, E~iAai, C=2aB/f, D~ -.5, and iC 2aD+ik=o. But, if ^ be taken to denote the Arch (EF) of a Circle EHK, whofe Radius EO is Unity, and Co-fine (Of) ; and j be put for (Yf) the Sine of the fame Arch j then (by Coral, ts Lem. i.) sA Sin. 2^>, sB = Sin. J, sC = Sin. Sin. 2$ D 5i. 3. fcfV. and confequently A = - , 5 = - == Sin. 4.$. Sin, over, becaufe, aC laD+ik o, or where (as appears from above) D x a Cafe i. Lem. 2.) we therefore have k* Whence this Conftruclion. r Ty/i Take R to denote -j the Arch (EM) whofe Co-fine (ON) is the given Co-efficient^, and let 4>. (EF) be taken to EM as I to n ; then the Co-fine (Of) of this laft Arch will be the true Value of a. But this is only one of the Values that a will admit of: Fer it is v/ell known, that the Co-fine of any Arch, is a!fo the Co- fine of the fame Arch increafed by any Number of Times the whole Periphery (P). Therefore, feeing the Co- fine of n% (= Co- fine of R} is likewife = Co-fine P+R = Co-f. ~ 2 p + R = Cof. 3^ + R &c. it follows that ^( whofe Co-fine is a} will be exprefied by any one of the Arcs, P+R iP+R tf+R Wf ^ ($)r by Fj EG> EH> EJj ly refohmg tlem into mortjimpte cms. &c. fuppofing the whole Periphery to be divided ino u equal Parts, from the Point F). Hence, if the Co- fines of thefe feveral Arcs, expreffing all the different Values of a, be represented by /, c and d^ &c. refpeo tively, we fhall have r 1 2r#-f *% r 1 icrx + .v% r a % &. for the feveral required Factors, by which n X ikr x -\- x may be refolved ; and confequently r* llrx -f x* X r 2 icrx -f x* x r a idrx -f x 1 ' () = -" L " " i z " r?> E> r r 2*r j? + A: . Q L. I, Note, If the Sign of the middle Term -ikr*x n be po- fitive, the Diftance (or Co-line) ON muft be taken on the contrary Side of the Center : But when k is greater than Unity, this Method of Solution fails ; finee no Co- fine can be greater than the Radius. COROLLARY J. 315. If /= i, the Arch R (whofe Co-fine is k] be- ing O, the Values of i, c, d, '&c. will be exprefled o P iP %P bv the Co-fines of the Arcs , , , - &V. re- J n n n n fpeciively : And our general Equation will here become r *" _ 2 rV -f- x' n ~r' L 2t>rx -f x* X r 1 icrx -f ** r* idrx -v x* (n}. From whence, by extracting the Square-Root, on both Sides, we alfo have r" 03 x* == ,1 r * . zbrx -i- A- 1 ) X r" 2crx + X* 1 COROLLARY II. 316. But, if k r= i (or the middle Term be p 4- 2rV) then the Arch R being r: , the Values cf i, <:, d y &c. will, ^r^, be defined by the Cofines of the 352 . Of the Fluents of Rational Fractions, P the Arcs - , ,p , , & c . and our Equation, by taking the Root, as above, will become r" + x" = r t ^brx X r 2 (n). SCHOLIUM. 317. From the two preceding Corollaries, the De- monftration of that remarkable Property of the Circle given, and applied to finding a vaft Number of Fluents, in Cotes's Harmonia Menfurarum^ is very eafily, and naturally, deduced. For, let the Periphery of the whofe Radius is exprefled by r, be divided into as many equal Parts AB, BB, / // BB, &V. as there are Units in the given In- teger n ; fo that AB, AB, AB, &c. may refpe&ively exhibit the Values of the forefaid P iP 3P Arcs , , &c. (vid. Carol, i.) Moreover, let n ' n n OQ_be the Co- fine of the firft of them ; and, in the Radius OA (produced if necefTary) let there be taken OP - x> and let OB, QB, PB, OV. & c . be drawn: P \ Then, the Cc-fme of the Angle AOB (- J to the by refoh'mg them into morejimple ones. the Radius I, being exprefled by c (yid. Corel. I.) it will be i : c :: r (OB) : OQ_= cr: Whence PB* ( = OB' + OP* 2OQ.XOP) =r* + ** 2ax=r* 2crx By the very fame Argument PB* is =: r* idrx + *% fc"r. &c. Therefore, becaufe r" ^ ** rr r 1 . 1 X r 1 2ty*-f A- 1 } x r 1 2^r^ + A- 1 ] ^j, by Carol, f. it follows that their Equals, AO o> OF" and PA x PB x PBxPB &ff. muft be equal likewife : ^/^ is the Part of the Theorem above hinted at. , * After the fame Manner, if the Arcs AC^ AC, AC, '" P ^P qP A C be taken refpedlively equal to , - - &c. 2 2 ' 2 it will appear (from Coral. 2.) that AO" + PO* is rrPC xPCxPC () Which is the latter Part of tht fan.e theorem. Hence (by the Bye) all the Roots of the Equa- tion ** = r" are very readily found : For, fince AO" co PO" =t PA x PB X PB &c. where the fecond Factor and the laft, the third and the laft but one, &c. are refpedively equal to each other, it is evident that PO" r* p i T> Sines ff the Arcs R, , - , : &c. (whofe n n n Cc-fines are t, b> c, d y &c.) then, I fay, the Fraftion In n nkr x brx a X - 2cr.v -f- . For, . _ A' 1 -f 6V 5 .v 3 -f Dr*x+ "-f Cr*** -f >' V -f y^rA- 7 4- # 8 C^ '*' firefaid Lemma) 5m. 2 and it is alfo proved that A = -- - , y"> fy refbhtng them into morejimple ones. 355 C rr ' ^ &c> it is evident, therefore, that + ^ r ^ + ^r^ fcfr .) is = v Sin. 2.9 . - X r 7 x&c. and confequently r 2arx + x . ^ Xr* + Sin- 2$>xr 7 x + Sm. 3 ^ x r 6 ^ x + Sin. r 5 A? 3 -f- Sin. 5^> X r 4 ^ 4 + Sin. 4^ x r j ^ s *Tf. I n which Equation, for a and j, let their feveral refpec- / / / live Values b y c, d &c. and , c^ d y &c. be, fuccef- n fively, fubftituted ; and let the correfponding Arcs , t be repre f ented by ^ 4 72 ?i then we fhall have r i x r Which Equations, added all together, give A a 2 356 Oftbt Fluents of Rational Fractions* cp ga I go a 3 S' 5' S" 5" a" Co a a s a a X I But the Sines of the firft Column, being thofe of an arithmetical Progreffion (whofe common Difference is p ) by which the whole Periphery is divided into n (5) equal Parts, their Sum will therefore, it is well known, be equal to Nothing - t or all the negative ones- equal to all the pofitiv ones. 9 The by refohing them into morefanple ones. 357 The fame is alfo true with regard to the Sines of th$ fccond Column j whole Arcs , Q.P &c. (having - for their common Difference) divide the Periphery (twice taken) into the fame Number (n) of equal Parts. But the Sines of the middle Column (which is the laft above exhibited) will not vaeifh, as all the reft do : For, nQ being = , n iP -f , sV. the common Difference will here be equal to (P) the whole Periphery ; and therefore, every Arch terminating in the fame Point with the firft, the Circle will, in this Cafe, remain undivided, and the / Sine of each be equal to (k) the Sine of the firft. Hence, our Equation is reduced to r IO -2/$r 5 # 5 -f-;c IC X which divided by r' 2^r s ^ lS +* iI& , and multiplied by rr, gives / / / brx crx drx * r 1 2ir.v + of* r 1 2 R L . ' ...... ~ "" * -x; "* A- _ _ otberwife. 319. Since r' -2lr AT -f x is rz r z a/r^-f- * a x r* 2<:rA'-r-x x X r a 2^r^r-f .v* (n) by Lemma 3. it is evident that, Log. r 20 2-rV + .v** = Log. r 1 zbrx + x" 1 -f Log, r 1 icrx -f ** + Log. r 1 And, as this Equation holds univerfaily, let k and be what they will (which two Quantities may be fyp- pofed to flow independently of each other) let the A a 3 Fluxion 3 5 8 Of the Fluents of Rational Fractions, Fluxion of the whole Equation be taken, making k va- riable (and Arconflant) ; which gives ~ ibrx icrx idrx r* 2brx + x~ ' r z ^crx\-x" ~ r~ idrx + x 1 " * Art - 6 - (n) *. But, k 9 b, c, d> & c . are the Co-fines of the Arcs R, R R-t-P R+iP : ... , - , - &c. (whereof the correfponding n n n Sines are k 9 i>, /, &c.) therefore, the Fluxion of the firft of thefc Arcs being denoted by R, the Fluxion of ij each of the reft will be exprefled by : And fo (the n Fluxion of the Co- fine of an Arch bein? equal to the Fluxion of the Aich itfelf drawn into its Sine, applied to . / . J? / . t Art. 142. Radius f) it follows that k Rk, b x , = n T) / l x c, &c. Which Values being fubflituted in the n P foregoing Equation, and the whole divided by - > we have _ ? _ = _._ -f i i crx drx ,\ * ( LEMMA V. 3?O. To determine the Series, artfeng from the Divijion ff Unity by a Trinomial^ x 1 2arx -f r* } and to exhibit the Remainder after any given Number (v) of Terms in the Quotient. Let x~ z + Jrx~* + Br*x'~*+Cr 3 x'~ s + D r % b 1 1 1 o i I f 1 + t -f t t Whence Aia^E B, E=2aDC, and F-D. A a 4 There 360 Of the "Fluents of Rati Therefore, if j^ be now put for the Arch whofe Radius is i and Co-fine a, and there be taken SSin. ^, S = SJn. 2 ^, S=Sla. 3^, &c. we fhall, alfo, have / // /// /;/ T j, ^ s *- s r - $ n S S A (l) - y, B - -j, C - -j, /)_,- j ''~ Lem. i.) And confequently ^ 2arx -f r' i // in . //// 6 S Sin. 6 X Sx 5 5;. X S X ^* larx . Whence, umvtr- Sr 3 x~ 5 &c. (to v Sin. v + i . Q X r x Sin. v& X r x ! ^- . Which S X x* 2arx + r 1 laft Equation (though obvious enough from the preceding one) may be inveftigated in a general Manner (if re- quired) by afluming x *+ Arx 3 + Br l x + Cr*x V 2 v vI * \ -f ..... dr x -f er x + ~ V - ~J fr x +gr x _ - an d pr oceed- *- 2r* + r* ' * wx + r ing as above: By which Means you will find A '=2a, B=2*J-i, V*. /= 2-rf= ^'^x^. and g Sin v Q F^ -^ n( * t ^ lus ma y l Lemma by refolding them into more Jtmple ones. 361 Lemma be made out, if any Objection, or Difficulty, (bould arife about its being general. COROLLARY. 321. If, in the given Trinomial ** zarx -f- r% we fuppofe r% inftead of x a , to be the leading Term whereby the Quotient is produced ; then, fince r and * are affe&ed exa&ly alike ; we {hall, by writing r for *, and x for r, have 4 (v) s oz/i. z>^X * + 1 x r^ 1 Sin. v + I X ^ V ' 1 ' x * r Sxr 1 - 2axr + #* I P R O B. I. X 322. To find the Fluent of p , together with xx that of ; . ' rr 2arx-\-xx Let ABM &V. be a Circle whofe Radius OA (or OM) is r, and let the Angle AOB be fuch, that its Co-fine, to the Radius I, may be equal to a ; or fo, that OQ_ (fuppofing BQ_perpendicular to OA) may be zr ar : Moreover let s denote the Sine of Q. P O the faid Angle AOB, cor- refponding to the Co-fine a, and let OP (confulered as variable by the Motion of P along OA) exprtis the Value of x: Then, PB 1 (OB a -fOP a 2OQ_x OP) = rr 2arx + xx : And the Fluxion of the Meafure of the Angle QBP (Radius being Unity) will be repre- fented 362 Of the Fluents of Rational Fra5lions y B> x Flux. P fented by ^pi ("uid. Art. 142.) or by n x ~~\SF ; and confequently that of OBP. by rr 2arx + xx' p : Whence it is evident that the Fluent of rr 2arx -f xx - (contemporaneous with x) is truly ex-. prefled by x OBP. XX Again, fince ' ; may be transformed to rr 2arx-\-xx J arx-\-xx arx rr-2arx+xx + rr-2arx + XX '> where the Fluent of r t> T rr 2arx -f xx ^ *Art.6. the former Part is r: I hyp. Log. : * rr PB 1 -PB | hyp. Log. prjpj =. hyp. Log. -rj-~ i and that of the latter Part = X OBP ; it appears that the Fluent of xx . , , ,-- PB expounded y x OBP. $. E. /. COROLLARY. 323. Since, PB-PO:: Sin. BOP (s) : Sin. OBP =. ; h follows > if the hyperbolical Lo- sx f Vr 1 - , . , ,. ganthm of - , be reprefented by M, and sx the Arch, whofe Sine is . " and Radius V rr ~ larx -f xx Unity, ly refolding tlem into morejimple ones, 363 Unit;-, by N, that the Fluents of rr _ J^ + ^ a d N aN will be exprefied by and M+ re- rr iarx-\-xx fpedlively. P R O B. II. X X 324. To determine the Fluent of -: ----- r ; 1 arx - r* m tfwy ;/>(?/* pojitive Number, and a //} Ifo/Vy. Let every thing remain as in Lemma 5. and then, if the Equation there brought out be multiplied by x"x^ and v at the fame time be expounded by m i, we fhall J" x n m 2 - . /' m ? .,01 m 4- cet "^ "*" fa x 1 g/a. /fl^.X V"* xx Sin, m i x 5 X ^A: rr Whofe Fluent will therefore be given by the preceding Proportion : For, fuppofing the Values of Mznd N to be as there fpecitied, the Fluent of the laft Term (Sin, m^* r m - l xx Sin. m^i .x $ x r^^ V - - ; ^* - - - = ^ - ) will, it S x xx zarx -f- rr is manifeft *, be exprefled by -=- into Sin. m^x r"* X * Art. 3*3. r . . . /x* wa M + -z tin. mi X ^.X r X TO- = o ro o _ -r- into Sin. mQx M + Co-f. m^ N (by Lem. 2. a Of tie Fluents of "Rational Fraftwns y Cafe i. )To which adding the Fluent pf the preceding Series, I - m I " m 2 /' - there refuits - x . . , Srx Sr~x J , rn-l ^-r- X A. ///^.x -Af-j- Cfl-y. w^ x AT. ^. E. /. *> COROLLARY. WT I . 325. Hence, the Fluent of ***+'"*'" x xx 2arx + rr be deduced : For, by writing mi, inilead of w, the Fluent of i *%X.M+Ca-f. mi X J^X^V; Which Flu- OS ent being multiplied by r s and that of * xx 2arx -if-rr (given above) by a, we fliall, when the homologous 1 mi Terms are united, have -~- x aS x * '. aS S x m " a i VH^^~\ ffl* "! ^^ // ' *" 3tf ^ f r Jl S 5x ( i) +^5- into ~ TO 2 > 3 6 OT j X .x Cc-/ w X a JV, for the true Fluent of the Quan- tity propounded. / P ^ o But (ly Cafe I. I. 2.) ^- ( = gfa 1 2g_X < "-^. by refolding them into morefimple ones. a i' / . ?5 xa . a x 7 .X rx Sin, m^ X xx 5 x ~ r 1 larx + x* W 1 Where, the Fluent of the laft Term being ~ X S into Sin. rnQ. x M 4- 366 Of the Fluents of Rational Fratftons, Sin. w-f i X^ Sin. m tin. m^ X M+ Co J, m^ X N (by Cafe 3. Lem. 2.) it follows that the Fluent of the whole Expreflion, or the Quantity fought, will be truly exprefled by / ~ Z *~ i m * + fcfr. or its Equal ^H^ m 2.r 3 X m. X A" . Sr ^ P R O B IV. 327. To/*/ the Fluent f ~ n > m and n any whole pofit'ive Numbers, whereof the former does not exceed the latter. L-t bed, &c. denote the Co-fines of the Arc* 3x360 sxrto" ^ (Radius being Unity) ~~~ n n Then (by Carol. 2. Lor. 3.) we {hall have r + - "rr 2Ar*.-H^f X rr 2crx + xx\* X rr . Whence xx -f " ^' ^- . and, confequently, by taking the Fluxion, on };x r '~~ I x xtlrx xxcrx Sides> * ~ xx2brx + rr + xx 2c r x+ rr XX , "* * (n)', which lad Equation, multiply'd by XX 2&rx+rr xxlrx XYcrv xxlbrx + rr xx2.crx + > by refolding them into morefimpk ones. 367 XX dfx -\ (n). Let each Side hereof be now XX idrx -f rr v fubtra&ed from n (or, which comes to the fame thing, ^ ct n , T b e ^ken from , and each of the (n) Terms on the other Side, from Unity) then w nr brx + rr ft all have xxlbrx + rr " xx 2Crx + rr () - w nich multiply'd by f l I gives - m . cx x r" + # IB 1 - xx 2crx But now, to determine the Fluent hereof, let the fi 80 3x180" 5Xi8o 9 feveral Arcs I - , - , - &c.) above \ n n n fpecified, be denoted by ^ ,, ., ^, &f r . refpec- / * lively ; alfo let 2V, A 7 , A 7 , 6fc. exprefs the Meafures of , r c . x*Sin. ^ the Angles whole bines are - V rr ibrx -f xx* i a x x Sin. 9 x X Sin. 9 ' c. and M, M t V xx 2Crx + rr -Jxx 2drx -t rr , Gft. the hyperbolic Logarithms of r ;/** 2<.TAC-J-rr V/A-A: idrx + rr ,. - > - - - - err. Then (bv r r Carol to Prob. 2.) the Fluent of the firft Term, ^ ex P undin S a b 7 *) comes out 368 Of the Fluents of Rational Fractions, X - ( + r" 1 " 1 into /. m^ x ivi. . .n the fame Manner, by writing c for a y Q. ^ or -> Mj and N for A r ) the Fluent of the fecond Term, -^-^ ^- *, is found = C -f. ^ x - xx 2crx + rr m I . 01 a ' rx Co-f. 19 x - We. ^ m 2 Therefore the Fluent of the whole Expreffion, by collecting the homologous Terms, appears to be O n o O ^ s> K> N &*&*&?* v- X ! 3 CC v" X oy refolding them into more Jimpk ones. 369 X Sin. &'. x N Co-f. mQ X M X N Co-f. X AT C0-/. x 2V k xM But the Co-fines of the firft Column being thofe of an /i 80 3x180 5x180 arithmetical Proa-reffion , -^ . \ n ' n n 260 csVJ whofe common Difference is - , whereby the n ' whole Periphery is divided into n equal Parts (v'td. Art. 317.) they will therefore deftroy one another ; fince it is well known that, if the Periphery of any Circle be di- vided into any Number (n) of equal Parts, the negative Sines and Co-fines will be equal to the pofitive ones j which is felf-evident when their Number is even. Hence the Co-fines in the fecond and third Columns, I3c. will alfo deftroy one another (vid. Art. 318.) But thofe of the laft Column of all, as well as the Sines, having unequal Multiplicators, muft remain as above, and that Column, alone, (drawn into r m ~ l ) will be the " * X x m T JC . Whence, putting m$^ true Fluent of (= mx. - J =. R, and dividing by flr hall (becaufe 4= we B b 37 Of the Fluents of Rational Fr actions > = Fluent of COROLLARY. 328. Since the firft and the laft, the fecond and the laft but one, &c. of the foregoing Quantities x* 2brx -f rr, xx 2crx + rr, xx 2drx 4 rr &c. are refpeclively equal to each other (vid. Art. 317.) the correfponding Fluents, found above, will likewife be equal : And therefore the Fluent of n , r -f will, alfo, be exprefled by Sin. R x 2NCo-f. R x Sin. x 7.N Co-f. n X 2M Sin. $R x 2NCo-f. $R x o.M &c. The Number of Lines to be thus taken being rr i TZ, when n is even ; but, otherwife, r= ; in which laft Cafe, the Logarithm, &c. in the laft Line, muft be taken only once, inftead of twice j being that . e r + r of PR OB, refolding them into more fimpk ones. 371 P R O B. V. 329. To find the Fluent of 1 * ; m and n r"--x n in the preceding Problem. If by r, d, l$c. be taken to denote the Co-fines of theArcs . to Terms, it will n ' n ' n appear (from Carol, i. to Lem. 3.) that r" *" is = rr 2brx+xx\ X rr (n}. From whence, by following the Method of the laft Problem, we alfo have n i m i . nr X x x 7 fW . . 7W^~J IW , W ' " I . fl* * -f- TAT x cx x + rx x xx ibrx -\- rr xx 2crx-^- rr Which Fluxion having exactly the fame Form with that in the preceding Problem, its Fluent will alfo be ex- preflcd in the very fame Manner ; that is, by rSin. m$i x N Co-f. mQ x M Sin. mQ x N" Co-f. m<^ X til Sin. mQ X N Cc-f. m'% x til (6-ff. to n Lines.) muft here for o 360 180 .3 x 180 . (inftead of - , - - - , Bb 2 37 2 Qf tie Fluents of Rational Fractions, 3 6o 360 2m X ^ , Therefore, fmce the multiple Arcs are, in this Cafe, equal to o, m X '* t 360 7w x T & (whereof the Sine of the firft is = o, n and its Co-fine = Unity) we (hall, by putting RmX. , and dividing the forefaid Fluent by nr"~ I ) have n r* - M Sin. RxNCo-f. RxM m T .. =Flu- * * T fu- -^ X ^ Sm.iRxNCo-f.iRxM (" cnt of ~ Sin.^R x NCo-f.^R x M (&c. to n Lines.) COROLLARY. 330. Since, in the Fluent here given, the fecond Line and the laft, the third and the laft but one, &c. are refpe&ively equal (vid. Art. 317.) the fame may alfo be exhibited, thus ; * . . . M X Sin. Co-f. R x T.M Sin. 2R x zN Co-f. 2R x 2M ff J (&c. to Lines.) 2 SCHOLIUM. 331. If the Semi-Periphery ABCH of the Circle whofe Diameter AH is 2r, be divided into as many equal by refohing them into mcrejimpk ones. equal Parts AB, BC, CB, B C fafr. as there are Units in (fo that 373 1 80 = 2. *3c. vld. Art. 317. and 327.) and in the Radius OA (produced, if'necefiary) there be taken OPzr*, and PB, OB &c. be drawn, it will appear (from the faid Articles, and from Prep, i.) that the Quantities &c. in the former of the two preceding Problems, will here be expounded by PB, PB &c. refpeclively : From whence it is al- / fo plain, that the Meafures A r , N &c. of the Angles whofe Sines are x Sin. x x Sin. fak. * will here be expounded by OBP, OBP, far* - * Art. _ m I . and XX Therefore the Fluent of , given in the Co- n , n r + x rollary to the forefaid Proposition, may be thus exhibited, Shi. R x 2 (OBP) Co-f. R*2(OA:PB) Sin^R x 2 (OBP) Co-f. Rx2 (OA: PB) y^. ~v. Where the Arch R is ( tn X - -J = m x //, and where (OA:PB) is put (after the Manner of Cotes) pn to exprefs the hyperbolical Logarithm of ^-7. It is alfo to be obferved, that, when the laft of the Points B, Bb 3 374 Of the Fluents of Rational Fractions, i n B, B &c. faflls upqn H (which will always happen when is an odd Number) the Angle, in the laft Line of the Fluent, vrill vanifh, and the correfponding PH\ Logarithm (which is that of -~ muft then be taken, inftead of twice, only once. In the very fame Manner it will appear, that, the / // Arcs ,, ^ &V. in the fecond Cafe, where the Fluent mi . X X pf is fought, will be, refpe&ively, expounded r x" i i a by AC, AC &c. alfo the correfponding Angles N, N &c. by OCP, OCP &c. and the Fluent itfelf by f * (OA : PC) X n Sin. R*2 (OCP) Co-f. R x 2 (OA : PC) Sw.2R x 2 (OCP) Co-f.2R x 2 (Ovf : PCj Where the Arch ( = m x ) = m x y#7 ; and where, as well as in the preceding Cafe, all the Arcs, Sines and Co-fines are fuppofed to have Unity for their Radius, v. T . ; i . XX X x, o?2. From the Fluents of and ; JJ n . n n n r -f- x r x vn+tn I .. vn+m i . thus given, tbofe of -^ > 7~"~^~> r + x r + x and , where v denotes any n ** *" ji-u-i-i *^ whole Number, may be very eafily deduced j either from Art. 283. and 291. or (more readily) by dividing the Numerator by the Denominators and continuing the Quo- by refohing them into more fimpk ones. Quotient to as many Terms as there are Units in v*. By Art. 150. which means, if p be put =: vn + m y q =. vn m, and I . mi . the Fluents of- - and - be denoted by V n n n n r +* r x and ^"refpeftively, the Fluents, in the four Cafes fpe- dried above, will be exprefTed by p*n n t an z * _ _ J_ , r * (v] , p u p 2n p yi ~ f " ? x lr> 1 , * , V f_ _ _ _5 __^5 ( ~* ~ , gives X I , for the general Multiplicator in this Cafe. One thing more, though well known to Mathemati- cians, it may be proper here to take notice of; and that relates to the Sines and Co-fines of the fore-men tion'd Arcs, R, 2/2, 3#, &c. &c. (multiplying the feveral Angles and Ratios) fome of which Arcs do frequently exceed the whok Periphery : When this happens to be the Cafe, the Periphery, or 360, muft be fubtra&ed as often as poflible, and the Sine and Co-fine of the Remainder be taken. If the Remainder be greater than 1 80, the Sine, falling in the lower Semi-Circle, \vill be negative; if, between 90 and 270, the Co-: fine, falling beyond the Center, will be negative. P R O B. VI. 333. To find the Fluent of r n and m denote any whole pofitive Numbers, and where the given ' ExpreJ/ion cannot be refolved into two Bino- mials (k being lejs than Unity. Art, 308. and 310.) Let by refolding them into more fimpk ones. 377 Let R be the Arch whofe Co-fine is k and Radius Unity, and let k be the Sine of the fame Arch ; more- R R+i6o + 2 x 760 over, let the Arcs , , -I * . be denoted by , fcfc. and let b, f, ^ &Y. and , f, (n) by Lemma A.. ) r* - r 2c rx 4- ** ' r 2drx + x From whence, multiplying the whole Equation by x m ~ I x x nJrm ~~' l x i / '- we have ., = / -i into ,n r 2AT x -TX Mr * ~ r * *" bx m x Now, the Fluent of the firft Term hereof . * (if M be put for the hyp. Log. of **"" 2brx + and N for the Arch whofe Radius is Unity, and Sine ~r--^=y=^' ) will appear (from Prop. 2.) to be = yr *brx + x 1 / m 2 _ Sin. 2^ X - + Sin. 3.^ X Af* " " ~ 2t x S/. w^x yW + 6V_//. From 37^ Of tie Fluents of Rational Fractions, Erom whence, if the Arcs whofe Sines are x X Sin. 9 xX Sin. -" ; ;> ;/ , 2 clufive, is denoted by H, being exprefled by j^, j^, n&c.(or ^,# + 360, + 2x360 &V.) whereof the common Difference is the whole Periphery ; the Sines of that Column do not deftroy one another, but each is equal to that of the nrft Arc R (Vid. Art. 314, and 318.) and confequcntly their Sum equal to?iXtin.R. In like Manner, if m be greater than 2, the Series, continued to m I Terms, will take in the Column, / // where the Arcs are inQ, 277 -*L 2 ^ & c > (r 2.R 9 2# + 2x360, 2/2 + 4x300 &c.) whereof the Sine of each is, alfo, equal to the .oine of the firft (2^) and therefore their Sum rr n x Sin. 1 R. Thus, alfo, it will appear that the Sines of the Column whofe Diftance from the firft, inclufive, is 3 (when m is greater than 3^) will be each equal to Sin, 3 R ; C5V. &e. Therefore, feeing all the Columns do actually vanifh, except thof; above fpecined ; whofe Places from the Beginning are deno'.ed by , 2, yi &c. and whofe correfponcing Terms, or Multiplicators are, therefore, n l^m n ^Zr.J^rn a r reprefented by m _ n csV. it is evident that the whole Expreflion will be re- duced to 380 Of the Fluents of Rational Fractions, Sin. R x - + Sin. 2 /c I Pl- T> -f Sin. ?R x n m 2* 5 i min nr x rSin. w^x M+ Co-f.m^X N I Sin. mQxM+Co.f.m^xN into X &' Sin. i i IXN n n ni in Which, multiply'd by , the forefaid, general, ' i nkr m n Multiplicator, gives Sin. R X ; + Sin. zR X m n.k v m 2 an m : r x r x * ~ + Sin. 3 -R x OT 2W . k rSin. mSi* M+Co-f. i i I Sin. m& X M+ Co-f. r" " > 4- x <( &. m $xM+Co-f. $*N n n QxN ni HI. Sin. for the true Fluent of ^ , x : Where the former Part of the Expreffion muft be continued to as many Terms as there are Units in (the Re- n mainder, if any, being neglected.) ^. E. I. COROLLARY fy refolding them Into morefimpk ones. 381 COROLLARY. 334. If the Quotient arifmg from the Divifion of m by n (when the former exceeds) be denoted by i>, and the Remainder by t ; or, which is the fame, if vn -M = m, it is evident the Arcs m^ m^ m^ &c. which 360 are refpeclively equal to m^ -f m X - - , m^_ -f 2m x n , &c. (by Conflruaion) will 260 alfo be equal to m<^+ v x 360 + / X - - 360 + 2t x - &c. whereof the Sines and Co-fines (omitting v X 360, 2^X 360 fcfr. the Multiples of the whole Periphery) are the fame with thofe of m^.-\-t x 360 360 > ^.Hh 2/ x - "* refpedtively. w Therefore, if the Arcs of the Progreffion, whereof the firft Term is 01^,, and the common Difference / x 3^., be reprefented by T t c f y r &c. refpedively ; it n follows that the Fluent of ( or 2 _ n n 2,n % r TJar-M +* X Jf -- i - I will, alfo t be truly exprefled by 2 , n n . 21 / '' i l * r ikr x + x / * "t in Sin. R X - - -f Sin. iR X - , -f Sin..^R X m n . k m 2n.k 382 Of the Fluents of Rational Prati'ions* rs; n .r x M+CO-/.TXN \ Sin. TxM + Co-f. fxN // _// ft tf Sin. T x M+ Co-f. 1' x JV /// j'// 5m. r x A/ In the very fame Manner the Fluent of (where the Sign of the fecond Terrtl n n in TS pofitive) will be exhibited ; if R be taken to denote the Arch whofe Co fine is k\ which will, in this Cafe, be greater than a Quadrant. PROPOSITION VII. 335. To find the Fluent of M 1 . X n n 2kr X + X : under zn * the Reftriflions mentioned in the lajl Problem. Let every thing remain as before : Then we {hall nm I. I I _ . have -^ zn = "71=1 into ^ x , f n) Whereof the Fluent (by Prob. 3.) r* 2crx -f * a appears to be ~ mto 'Sin. Q ' Sin. 2J^ Sin. ^ I m X Sin. 2^, t w X x .. Sin. j mi.r* Sin. 2^. OT 2 X r* refolding them into morejimpk ones* Sin. 5m. 7 = ; () #z 7 . r* . w^x M + Co-f.mQx N Sin. wix M + Co-f, m>j(N Which, by Reafoning as above, will be reduced to m 2 m ______ x ________ Sin. R X - Sin. zR X ' :; OT n . kr - y3 / \ 5/. 3 K X (to- Termsj z 3 . kr ^ 5/. rx M+ Co-f. T x AT SCHOLIUM. 336. If, from the Center O, of the Circle ABCD, whofe Radius OA, or OV, is r, there be taken OL equal to k and OP x ; and if the Arch AB be to the Arch AK, whofe Co-fine is + J, as I to n > and each of _ K B 384 Of the Fluents of Rational F rations* of the Arcs BC, CD, DE tic. be taken equal to ^-^ tic. tic. Then the Angles R> ^,, ^ &V. fpe- cified (in the two preceding Problems) being here ex- pounded bv AK, AB, AC &c. refpe&iveJy, we have PB ~ V r * 2^rx+^% PC ~ r r~ icrx -\- x* tic* (Vid. Art. 317. and 323.) Whence, alfo, the Angles f ' /< X X 5" "* AT, N, $ &c. whofe Sines are _ c. will here be yr~ idrx -f * equal to B, C, D tic. Therefore the Fluents of and given) will, alfo, be truly defined by Sin. iR. r ' I x w ~" Ztt Sin. r Sin. R m *j n "~ ~*~ bin, (there (to Terms J : PB) +Co-f. rx S/n.T'x (OC-.PC] +Co-f.T x 5m. f X ^O/) : PZ>; + Co-f. f X Sin/f x (OE'.PE) +Co-f"fx(E) Sin."fx (OF-.PF) +Co-f. f (-F; And by rcfohing them into morejimpk ones. 385 And by mn.r" . r /> -x^ refpedively. S;n.Tx(OC:PC) + Co-f.Tx(C) .E Where the Arc AK (or R} will be greater than a Quadrant when the Sign of k is pofitive ; but lefs, when ' // negative ; and where the Arcs 2~, 7", T &c. denote an arithmetical Progreflion, whofe firft Term (T) is equal to mxAB) and whereof the common Difference is 360 equal to (or EC) multiplied by w, when m is lefs than j butotherwife by the Remainder, of m divided by n. C c 337. 386 Of the Fluents of Rational Fractions, 337. Hence the FJuent of ' - ~, where f e -f- fv + gz * is any Number, either whole or broken, may be very eafily deduced : For, having transformed the Denomi- nator to g X - qr & + 2 2 f, put = r a % < - S Z S g 2*r", and z ? := x" j and then it will become g X , ? ? 4: 2*rV + A: 2 " : Moreover, s " being = , tn _ 1 ~ w . w f f I . l x y and ^j: ?xz n + /// X # -I *> the Numerator will be reduced to - X jr"**-' 1 * : And fo, we have -^- L x ; ~ n In which A- = z " , r = ~ X r 2 " + 2 *rV + a;"" i Tl 2 ", and *(= pj = -^y=- But, it may be obferved, that the Fluent hereof is, only, given when if Art. 3j3. *_ ^ or j ts Eq ua l k) is lefs than Unity *. Therefore, V eg jf '/ be greater than V fg \ or if the Values of e and g a re unlike, with regard to pofitive and negative, fo that v 7r is impoflible, the above Solution fails. But, here, the given Trinomial may be refolved into two Bino- mials (by Art. 310.) and, from thence, the Fluent may be found at two Operations (by Prab. 4. and $.) For, by refolding them into morefimple ones. 387 For, by feigning e+ fy + gy* = y in order to fuch a Refolution, we get j * ^ and __ ~ ? -^^ 4/f ~~ eg for the Roots of that Equation, o or the two firft Terms of the required Binomials : Which therefore are always poflible when ^f* eg is pofitive, or when the foregoing Solution fails. By denoting the faid Roots by H and K, the Trino- mial e +f z ?+gz i t is refolved into^ x H z* x K z?> ry e~f from whence - - is reduced to whofe Fluent is given by y/r/. 332. 338. By proceeding the fame Way the Fluent of - rr: may likewife be found : For. + g jl + kz 3 * fmce one, at leaft, of the three Roots of the Equation e -\- fy -f gy*+ hy 3 = o, muft be poflible, the propofed Fluxion, if it cannot be refolved into three Binomials, may, however, be reduced to one Binomial and one Trinomial ; and fo, be brought under the foregoing Forms : But this being a Speculation too much out of the Way of common Ufe to be farther purfued, I fhall here conclude this Section, with obfcrvirg, that, when , in the original Trinomial, above fpeciried, is neither lefs, nor greater than Unity, the Fluent cannot then be had directly, from either of the preceding Methods ; but muft be found by Comparifon from the Fluent of n-^m I . - - -. Fid. Art. 289. '"+*" C c 2 SEC- 3,88 Of the Fluents of Exprejjions, SECTION VI. The Manner of invejiigating Fluents, when Quantities, and their Logarithms ; Arcs and their Sines, &c. are involved together : With other Cafes of the like Nature. P R O B. I. 339- CUP POSING Q and n to denote given Quantities ; it is propofed to find the Fluent of Let $* x fa* + x - + Cx*~ * fcfr. be afTumed for the Fluent required : Then the Fluxion thereof, which is x x hyp. Log. g.* x Ax* -f muft confequently be rr x"xf : And therefore, by putting m for the hyp. Log. of ^, we have . 7 &V. $ x -f nAx-~ +i. * + 2.C Whence, comparing the Coefficients of the homologous I nA n Terms, we get A = , B = -- = -- ; , C = z mm n 1.5 W.K i V. and confequently r x Series, involving the Fluents of other given Fluxions. 389 Series, it is plain, will always terminate when n is a whole pofitire Number. j^. E. 7. 340. In the preceding Problem the Coefficients A t 5, C, &c. of the -affumed Series were taken, in the common Way, as conftant Quantities ; which, becauf* of the general Multiplicator Qx, was fufficient. But, in other Cafes, where a proper Multiplicator, to exprefs the mechanical., or logarithmic, &c. Part of the required Fluent, cannot readily be known, it will be convenient to afiume a Series for the Whole (independent of any general Multiplicator) wherein the Quantities A) B, C } D, &c. muft be considered as variable. P R O B. II. 341. 1o find the Fluent of z m x*~ t x ; z being the Hyperbolic-Logarithm of x ; and m and n any givm Numbers. Let there be aflumed Az n + Bz m ~ l + Cz*~ z + Dz m ^ fcfc. = the Fluent of z m x n - J x : Then, in Fluxions, we fhall have -f B ill I *: But i = whence, by ordering the Equation, there arifes A 1 B 1 _ j+ c 1 M ,e*. >x z w ^>x 2 : CT " Mi.g*> z _ x*""" 1 * J x J A 1 J Now, by making the Coefficients of the like Powers of z, equal to Nothing, we have J=x"~~ I x i A - ' mj **\ - M**""':* B = - - ^1- n ' ~~ * x ' n * n** ' Cc 3 39 Of the Fluents of Expreffions, m i . Bx m . m i . x _ n I . C. jjl 4 , ux nt . ,it * Jf X { ~ / 2. C. = X m.tn i . x" . . and confequently the Fluent fought ft x n . m mz m.m r.z into z h 1 " n * n m . m i . m 2 . z* * m . m I . m 2 nt 3 . z m ~~ &c. Which, when m is a whole pofitive Number* will terminate in m+i Terms. j^ ; E. 7* P R O B. III. 342. To find the Fluent of z*y ; z being the Arch of a given Circle^ and y the Sine correfponding. Let there be afTumed Az n +Bz n ~ l + Cz~* + Dz"~~ 3 = Fluent of z'jj then, by taking the Fluxion, we fhall have / Az > = o z H y + nAz r! ~ I z-i- n i . Whence, putting A y = o, B + nAz = o, C >7 i . JBirro, /> + 2 .Cx=o, &c. we get^ j. wyi, C = n I . Bz &c. But, if a and * be taken to denote the Radius and Co-fme of the Arch z, it will appear, from Art. 142. that^z ax and xz = ay : Therefore B = nax, and g = nax; alfo C (n i . Bx) = n.n i -nxz =. n . n I.*j, and Crr n.ni.a^y- likewife D (= w 2 . Cz) n . n i . n 2 . tfyz n . n i . n 2-.a 3 x t and >:= n .n i . n 2-a 3 x Vc. ittwhmg the Fluents of other given Fluxions. 3 9 1 &c. &c. and confequently v/z" -f Bz"" 1 + Cz"~ z & f . = yz* -f naxz""~ l n.n 2 . tf 3 A-z"~ 3 __ . 4 2 I . a yz n . n j . ^ / In the very fame Manner the Fluent of z*w, or z* X x (w being the Verfed-Sine of the Arch z ) will be found =: xz" + nyaz n ~* -f . I . J tf. n i. ?z 2 .. -f &c. 5 . l.n2, Cc4 PROS. 392 Of the Fluents of Exprejfions, P R O B. IV. 343. The Quantities, x, y and z being the fame as in the preceding Problem ; to find the Fluent ofz"x r f'j. By afluming Az* -}- Bz"~ l + Cz"~ 2 -f Dz"~ 3 &c. and proceeding as above, we have A x r y m y, B = jiAz> C = n i . Bz, D 2 . Cz &c. or (becaufe = B = - ?, C = - - D = " 2 ' aC J & f . Therefore, if the Fluent x of x r fj (found from Art.- 142. and 291.) be denoted Qy Ry c by \ that of by Ri that of -, by o j that of .* * ~, by T &c. it follows that the Fluent of z"x r y m j x will be truly reprefented by Qz" naR*" 1 " 1 + n . n i . a*5a rt ~~ a n . n i . n 2 . a 3 2V*~~3 tffr. COROLLARY. 344. Since y '(V id. Art. 142.) it fol- lows that z*'fj is c V ' l y*~*x ~ ^ : Therefore the Fluents of thefe two laft Expreflions are, alfo, exhibited in the foregoing Scries. 345. As the Values of J^, R, 5, fcrV. in the preceding Articles, are too complex to be purfued in a general Manner, it may not be amifs to illuftrate the Method of proceeding by an Example or two. 7 Let involving the Fluents of other given Fluxions. 393 zy*i> Let, then, the Fluxion propofed be - - : Where n y*y being =i, m=2, and r = i, we have j^ ** = i (becaufe j + iz* (becaufe = * , x ) and confequently R = * / + x 2 *j an j fo> ^~>'^ x z . a x ^- gz or tfg a ~2jryz + ay * . xz-ftfX ,or - - - ls z 4 4 the true Fluent of ~ (= *y* = ~^) fArt. 344. A^ain, let the Fluent of p* X z+^J 1 (exprefling the Content of the Solid generated by the Revolution of the Cycloid) be required. Here, the given Expreflion, in fimple TermS, will become pz*x ipzyx py*x : Whereof the Fluent of the firftTerm />zV, will be had, by making n 2, m i =:o, and r + i =. o (Vid. Form. 2. in Corol.} 1'y Where, we therefore, have ^ = ~ = * ; whence ^ x ; alfo ~ = J* and * = ~ y J likewifeS (--^) = - = *, 5 = x ; and confequently the Fluent of *** ($z* naRz n ~~ l 4- . n i . a 1 Sz"~ &c.) =: ** To which, adding the Fluent f - : 2U 1 of the fecond 394 Of the Fluents of Expreffions, fecond Term izyx (found in the preceding Exam- ple) and alfo that of y*x (or a*x + ***, found the common Way) we get, in the Whole, a x x a 1 -f zay y x x x -f I ay* -f a*x -f ^ * 3 ; which, multi- ply'd by p t and corrected, gives, p into i a x x z 2 + 2ayyx X z -{- ? ay* + a*x -f j* 3 7+, for the true Fluent that was to be determined. P R O B. V. 346. Suppofmg H to denote the Fluent of z vn ~ l i ; to find the whole Fluent of Hx abz"T X a*"" 1 *;, (when a bz" becomes equal to Nothing.) By refolving k + lz"\ Xz*"*" 1 * into fimple Terms, and taking the Fluent, the ordinary Way, we get H rlz , r . r-l . / a z^ Which rvn ' x Value being fubftituted above, and p wrote inftead of m i r q + v, we {hall have H X a bz"} Xz f K= x ; n 2 " / i. . r r/z r.r j./~ 2 . V+l.k \ +,n-^~i Let, now, the Fluent of a bz\ X x (in the propofed Circumftance) be denoted by A^ and put t= p + m+i ; then it follows, from Art. 286. (by writing ~ for r, , for/, ^.) that L * A into + v-f I . * a involving the Fluents of other given Fluxions . 395 P-T+1 . r.7=! ~~~~ ~^=~~~~~~"=^:^^ f.f+I -2.^+2 P . p+ i . p + 2 . r . r i . r 2 al\ 3 = = T == ' x r& + fcfo will be / . t+i .t + 2. 2.3 -y + 3 the true Value of the Fluent. Q /. JVfl/^, p and z+ i muft here be pofitive Quantities * } Art.agfi. and it is alfo requifite that -j (hould be greater than : otherwife the Fluent will fail. a t Ex. i. Let H \y~\ X j; and let the whole j_ /"// of Hx i j*) a j, ^ demanded. Then, -f being = j, / i, r:^, w = 2, r r= 4 * =^ j alfo a = i, ^ = i,m= 4, yr=i ; =f, and yf(=the _ Fluent of i /) a >>J i ; we {hall, by fub- ftituting thefe feveral Values above, get i -J --- f. 3-3 J~S + Tl + ^ + iT L 7I^- -Fluent of //x (or ///; when ^=i. Which Fluent //^ , it follows that = ~ + Wl!ere ^ is * of the Pe - //^ being alfo expreffed by , it follows that = ~ 9 w i liphery of the Circle whofe Radius is Unity. Ex. 3 96 T^be Manner of making fluents converge. Ex. 2. Let H c~ -J- z 1 ] * X x -, to find tht ofHxFz^xfz. Here, k f*, / I, w rr 2, r -|, v i ; alfo (p + m+ i) = |, and ^ ( w&/* Fluent of / l z a | X z) r= h : Whence, by Subftitution, we have c * ~~1T~ ~V W AXI TX-^-fTX"; TX-^- yr fcfr. the true Fluent, of a cy'' 349. This Fluent may be otherwife found, inde- pendent of that above, in the following Manner : a c f\ x /" It is evident, by taking the Fluxion of qn (which Quantity would be the Fluent fought, if Tf 1" ' > r a cy I X y . , a f/| was conftant) that - ; Fluent of a cy"f X /""' } Fluent of ~ x 'a^fff 1 x /""*"'~ I t y : This Equation, by tranfpofmg the laftTerm, and writing x in the room of a cy" (for the Sake of Brevity) will become Flu. x'f^jt = x y + If x F/ a . /~ I / fl+B ~" I >. From the very fame Argument (if, inftead of r, we fubftitute r i, r--2 ^c. fucceflively ; and, for y. write q-\-i, q+ ? &c. refpeaively) we fhall, alfo, have T-,, r Z a + 2)i 1 . Ftu. x y* y > The Manner of making Fluents converge. 399 Whence, by fubftituting thefe Values, one by one, in that of, Flu. x r y**~ J j, we get re x- r .r-i.c* ? 1 q-ri.n q-q+i p. r 2 jn+zni. _ x 'y__ i rcx r '~ l j qn ' 1" q.fTl.n i T"" 2 on"\-j.n ** ~~~~ "*"" rf v v ' r o f '** ^ y / I ' J& * q.q+l.tt ( ^.y+i.^4-2.w ^ . y+ j . q-\-2 . y+3 . n &c. Where the Law of Continuation is manifeft j and x r y?" where, by making _ - a general Multiplicator, we fhall have the very Series above exhibited. 350. From the Equality of the two foregoing Ex- preffions, for the Fluent of a cy"\ x y j 9 (or x r y }n ~ l y} the Bufinefs of finding Fluents, by infinite Seriefes, will, in many Cafes, be very much facilitated. For, in the firft Place, it follows (by .dividing both by tf +l ?" r+i \ V ' xy x or f L_ ) that the Seriefes i -h qna qna J &c. and X . a * 3 muft alfo be equal to each other, let the feveral Quan- 4 The Manner of making Fluents converge. Quantities, therein concerned, be what they will (which may be otherwife proved, independent of Fluxions.) Therefore, if in the room of q and s we write any other Quantities p and /, the Equation will, /A'//, hold, and will then become i -f * + * '/ + P+l .a _ p+l .X p+l.p+2.X~ (t being = p+r.) Moreover, if as many Terms of the firft Series i J +V* , J+"i H-2 . f ' q+l.a q+i.q + 2.a* q + I q+ 2 . ? + 3 . a &c. be taken as are denoted by any given Number v, and the laft of them be reprefented by j^, it is evident, from the Law of the Series, that the rirft of the re- maining Terms will be exprefied by the fecond, of them, by j| LL. GV. and therefore the Sum of all of them (putting q + v=p and s-^-v (zrr-f y-f -y) /) will be = ^ X p+l .a p+l .p + (by writing the Series found above in the room of its Equal) and confequently the whole Series (including the v firft Terms) i + '-LI' ^ Manner of making Fluents converge. 401 P* { r "^" 1 y f* Which, drawn into the general Multiplicator * JL_ y/?rt (vid. Art. 317.) will give the Fluent of a cf\ r X.y q "~~ l y (or x r y m Which being compared with a + cz"* X * ? " *, we havea=i, f I, ~i, A-rri-J-a;, 7~ i, yn I o, ory~i; whence alfo s (m-\-q} o, /> (f-f-^) 'y-J-i, f (j-f v) zr v, and consequently the Fluent itfclf (by fubftituting thefe feveral Values in thelaft general The- . x z? K* v i & orem ) =. z into i. -f ( i>] ^' 2 3 4 t'+i.x z * I-f &c. Where (Q) the laft Term of the firft Series ^-1 / v*& \ -f - the Multiplicatorf ' ) to the v \v -f i . x / Second, will be = ^ . ~ ; and fo the Fluent itfelf tvill be reduced toz -- -f --- (v] _ 23 4 v -y--.A before **^*, obtain alternately, according as -y is an odd or even Number. But, to (hew the Advantage of expreffing the Fluent in this Manner, by two different Seriefes, letzrrj, and let ti be taken =. 8 ; then the Value of the firft Series (con- tinued to 8 Terms) being = 0,6345238 &c. and That i A iB 3C 4/) of the fecund Scries = -$ + - -f- + :d +- L -z L8 20 ^ 22 r 24 26 r ^^r-^c. (where A, #, C, D y<:. denote the Terms preceding thofe where they ftand) = 0,0555555 + 0,0027778 -f 0,0002525 -f 0,0000316 -f- 0,0000048 -j--o,occcoo94-o,OOOC!002=:c,C5b6233; it is evident that- The Manner of making Fluents converge. 403 IX that the Fluent of - >, when becomes = i, will be rr 0,634.5238+0,0586233 = 0,6931471 : Which is true to the very laft Decimal Place ; and would have required, at leaft, looooo Terms of the firft, or com- mon, Series. x 352. Ex. 2. Let the Fluent of ^ (ex^reffing the Arch whofe Radius is I and Tangent z) be required. In this Cafe we have azri, r=i, = 2, xm-fz*, jw= I, qn 1=0, or q = !, j = l, />=-y-|-i, 3 2 s 2 7 and the Fluent itfelf =. z -f --- (v) -f- X I + 2t/+ 3 2.4.6.x 6 - bV. Where, if z be taken 3 x rri. and v = 6. we fhall have i -- + + 3 5 7 III 1 I 2 I 2~ ]T~n+;6 X] - rs + ii x ^ + 75 X i7 x ^. = 0,785398 = the Fluent of ~ when z 19 i +z i ( = -J of the Periphery of the forefaid Circle) Which Number, brought out by taking, only, 8 Terms of the fecond Series, is more exact than if 100000 Terms of the common Series i -- -f -- fcjV. had been ufed. And, if z be taken = y/ ^_L (r= 3 Tangent of 30) and ^y=r6, as before, the fame Num- ber of Terms, will be fufficient to give the Anfwer, true lo twice the Dtcimal Places above exhibited. D d 2 353. Ex. 404 The Manner of making Fluents converge ji 353. Ex. 3. Let the Fluxion prapofcd be *+_y*|* x y. Here we have, a=e* 9 f I, zy y n^, xe^+y 4 , =, q=, s (ro-f?) = *, p (v + q) - + | j / (s + v) =. v+i; and therefore the Fluent fought (by 4^ + 5 .. 2 . 2y s 2 . 6 . 2y'* - 4-y+9 . A' 1 4^-1-5.4^ + 9.4^+13 . x 3 te'c. in which (as in all other Cafes) j denotes the laft Term of the firft Series. This Fluent approximates equally faft with thofe in the foregoing Examples : And it may be obferved farther, that the Fluent will always converge, however great the Value of z is taken, if both a and c^ in the general Fluxion a + tz r \ xz** ~ x z, are pofitive Quantities. But, if the fecond Term under the Vinculum be negative, the Cafe will be otherwife, when that Term becomes greater than half the Firft j fince the Powers of , in the latter Part of the Fluent, will then form an increafing Geometrical Pro- grelfion. It may, therefore, be of ufe to (hew how the Theorem may be varied fo as to anfwer in this Cafe. In order thereto, if in the Equations j=y-ff, and i -f . a q+ I . rcf r. r i . c*y . . I -f == r- ^rr- =-^ fate, (given in Art. 350.) q+l.X f+I.f+2.** you write k for r, and p for f, and multiply by , 5 The Manner of making Fluents converge. 405 key" you will have szzk+p, and i 4- = 4- P+J.* /f - ki. C*V M x T^\ . cv" , c. = X i 4- == 4 -P+2.X 1 a . 7+2 . C*y ' + i.p + 2 . a Moreover, if the v firft Terms of the above Series i -{- - r 2 rr r . r i . f ) f- ^=: --- &c. be taken, and the laft J-r-i .JT of them be denoted by j^, it is plain the firft of the remaining Terms will be = .9 x X 2 , q + v x the fccond =; 9 x t ~ v ^ 1 x -. r ~ V x ' w ' y4^ ^4^4 l x and the Sum of them all (putting q 4 ^ P ant l r- V =^) equal to lUl^L x t 4 J^" + ^ ^+i.x J . J^Ti . t -y" ~i . j^:/ x , J4l.f/ = &r<;. = - = ^ L - x - x 1 4 = p+i.p + 2.x* P x a p+i.a . (by the Equation above) and confequently the Sum of the whole Series (i -f _ Vc.) = i -f ^U 4. r ' r ""-^ + ^-j-l . x q+i . q + 2 .x* .y + 2.^+3. ^ _ '" + ^ Whichf a p + i .p + l a" D d 3 rnul- 40 6 he Manner of making "Fluents converge. x r y ?n i r multiply'd by , gives the Fluent of a tf\ * Art. 34 3, X/"~"j (* or //"""' j) where k = r v, p = v 349< +f, s (=&+p) = r + q and x=acy". I fhall put down one Example of the Ufe of this laft general Ex- preflion ; where we will take y T/2y-y* or 2 >1* * y*y (being the Fluxion of the Area of the Circle whofe Radius is Unity and verfed Sine y) In which Cafe, a 2, c~\) r=i, rrri, yn I^l* r ? = t> ^ = y + i, =z; + |, s=2 y A-=2 7; and therefore the Fluent fought r: - into i + 3 5 s ; j TP + r^; T 5-7 V 1 .9*' 7 9 I !** Q . II . 1 3- v$ 3V ? 4.y i 2V + 3 - 2 2V -f 5 2V -f 5 . 2v if 7 H^- 5 + 7 be taken . B C "73 3 . 4 5/ - ^. Which, 2-y+ "5.2^+7 w + ' and w=5 wil 5 1 become = - 5 . _7- + + + ^. =0,785398 "77 2x13 15 '7 ^9 (where y/, .6, C Cffr. denote the feveral Terms, re- fpectively, without their Signs.) In bringing out which Conclufion, fix Terms of the fecond Series are required : But if y be taken =T the Radius of the forefaid Circle, then four Terms of each Series will be more than fuffi- cient to give the fame Number of Decimal Places. And it may likewife be obferved, that, although no general Rule can be laid down for affigning the Value of v, fo as to anfvver the bsft in all Cafes, yet the Conclufion 6 will, The Manner of making Fluents converge. 407 will, for the general Part, require the feweit Terms, when the Number of thofe, taken in each Series, is nearly the fame. 354. But, after all, another Theorem or Series, ftill, feems wanting, to exprefs the Value of the whole Flu- ent, when the Quantity under the Vinculum becomes equal to Nothing ( which, in the Refolution of Problems, is, commonly, what is required.) For, it is plain the laft, above given, anfwers no better, here, than that preceding it ; becaufe (the Divifor (x) being Nothing) the former Part of it fails. In order, therefore, to determine a proper Form, to obtain in this Circumftance, it will be requifite to ob- ferve, firft of all, from Article 286. that the whole Fluent of a bz n \ X ~ T *, fuppofmg that of -.m 6 . a 2 "1 X yf x to be denoted by A y will be truly /r i u P P+* P + 2 / ) *' exprefled by - x 7^ X (v) X _ : In which t~m + p+ j ; and where it is requifite that the Values of w-t-i and p (hould be pofitive, otherwife, A being infinite, the Fluent (or Comparifon) fails. Hence, becaufe the whole Fluent of a bz\ x a:*""" 1 *, (when w-f-i a bz n zr o) is found ^r - , by the common m -f i X nb Way *, it follows, by writing this Value in the Room of Art. 77. A, and expounding p by i, that the ivhole Fluent of and 7 8 - bz"\ m X 2"+* ^ is rightly exprefled by - D d 4 4 8 The Manner of making Fluents converge. That of abz'"x a:"" 1 *, by fubftituting r inflead of fc'-^i, will confequently be equal to - x rti + 1 jti -\- 2 ^ W "J"/* X -_^- T r ^ x . Let this Quantity be denoted rnb r by B' t then, ^y ^ fime Article^ the Fluents of the fcveral Terms of the Series I, -, drawn into the general Mukiplicator abz* will be, refpeftively, expounded by thofe of the Series j, &c.. drawn into B ; t be- t . t+i t.t+i ing nw + rH- 1, If now the Differences of the Quantities i, , *j r ^" ; & f , be, continually, taken * ; and for r t its t . Equal m I be fubftituted, the Value of any Term of the Series, whofe Diitance from the firft, exclufive, is denoted by s, or whofe correfponding Term, in the b'z" preceding Series, is - , will be univerfally ex- a s 1.2.3 x / . t+i . t+^ jf j be interpreted by o, i, 2, sj^r. fucceffively, you - ^bove exhi- ill have the Values x, -, bited But, if s be taken as a Fraction, then the Value pf fuch an intermediate Term will be found as will give tnc * See my Mathematical E/ayt, P' 94- Manner of making Fluents converge. 409 , J S _ b Z "\M rn I . . the Fluent of - x c bz n \ x z z, m any pro- a pofed Circumftance of s ; which Fluent, it is evident, J w "h_? _L will therefore be exprefled by B x i - 1 f or its E al _ 2 ! . m + 2, into i- 2 - I S-'^ 2 4 G fcf. (where , F, G fcfr. denote the Terms im- mediately preceding thole where they ftand, under their j proper Signs.) Whence, dividing by __, we have (r \ . _ X 1 r , tff. for the true Fluent of a bzf\ X 21 From the laft Fluent /Aa/ of a n X z fin which /> denotes any pofitive Fraaion, proper or improper) is very readily obtained : *or, U fame (when a bz" = c) be denoted by A\ then the Fluent of 7^1^^^^- will (according to the p Article above quoted) be exprefled by - +fl| + > 11- / v ) x 3 fuppofing ^ any ' V pofitive 410 he Manner of making Fluents converge. ~ -- "i w pofitive Integer. Therefore, by making a lz n \ x z r*+>-^ - a -i z \ X z /> " +t ' r ~ I i, or r + s =p+ v, the correfponding Fluents muft, alfo, be equal j that is, P I* 1 * I 2 m-f-2 x 1 fv) x *1A _ I +2 l ' f m+i s-m+i 5V. And confequently A (the whole Fluent of a bz"i x 2 7 if this Value be fubftituted for i #% in the firfl Equation, it will become cz" =z cy f -f JL J. dy* -f ey f &< Whence, by reverting the Series, (by Art* The Manner of making Fluents converge. 4*3 Art. 275.) y (/") is found = J* + Rf"*" 1 4. Where R = '-, S = P-P+* v 1 ^ r - 2 X ' ~ 7 ' ^ ~ 6 ?- 4X 7 7- Moreover, by taking the Fluxion of the Equation thus brought out, and dividing by />, we have x *x J+ I *+!. . / + 2 p />n4-ani. x Kz r % -j. i - x Sz x. . Now let this Value, with that of cx n + dx z " -f /* 3 * + t^c. (given above) be fubftituted in the proposed Fluxion, and it will become a + cz"}"' x z fK " l x + Alfo, let v denote the Place, or Diftance, of any Term of this Series from the firft, cxclufivc ; then the Term itfelf, drawn into the general Multiplicator, will + V /T J I , A Pt+VM~l . f A be expreiied by a -f cz ' X - - A * * (A being the correfponding Coefficient /?, S, 7", 2V.) and y> 4. v - the Fluent thereof by - - A X a -f cz t-n 2 /i^.v" 1 '" 3" f+I.Mf* 7-f I . i - S I HC * Where, 414 *Tbe Manner of making Fluents converge. Where, qp + v I, j=/w + y, tp + ni+ I, and the Sign of the laft Term is -f or , according as v is an even or odd Number. Now, if in the Fluent thus gi- ven, v be expounded by j, 2, 3,4, t3c. fucceflively, it is evident the Fluent of the whole Expreflion will, in all Circumftances of z, be obtained. But, if the Co- efficient c be negative, fo that a + cz n may (by increafing z) become equal to Nothing ; then, in that Circum-' .ITT ftance, the Fluent of the forefaid general Term a -f cz"\ % ~*z, making c b) being, barely, = x X (v) x X *, it follows that r -f i / + 2 l p h" J the whole Fluent of the given Expreflion, or its Equal, be truly jf A I. T>~ V>_Lr A. reprcfented by t.t + i. pd In which, R ^. and A - the Fluent _ x J i, when <2 bz" =r o. 357. Hence, if the Fluxion given be of the Trino- iial Kind (then, f, f, &c, vanifliing the ifhole Fluent of The Manner of making Fluents converge. 415 of a bx n + dx*"} X /" '* (when a bx n -f <& 2fl = o) will, by fubftituting for R, 5, T, &c. be = A X v i . ,. ' * 77 T - . X 77 T I * bb i . 2 . t .t+i P-p+i J . 2 . 3 . r . /-M . /+a W 358. If m+ i and /> are the Halves of any odd Affir- mative-Numbers, the Fluent of a bz \ x a /> *~ I a:, when lx" =. o, will be equal to i 3-5- 7 (M-f-Qx 1.3.5-7 (P-O 2. 4 . 0.8. 10. 12 ( G being the Periphery of the Circle whofe Diameter is Unity. Therefore the Fluent ofa^bx" + dx pn I . _ . ~~^\ *B I . X * A-, or its Equal, a bz Jx + " ' X Rz K, &c. is found, in this Cafe, by multiplying the Expreffion here given, into the. foregoing Series, i -f -~* Ra 359. An Example or two will help to (hew the Ufe f what is above delivered. Firft, let the Fluent of v/ >_,>- -^ r4 (when the Divifor becomes equal to Nothing} be re quired. , Then, by comparing a 1 ** ~I with. the. 41 6 The Manner of making Fluent* converge. the general Trinomial a bx" + x, it appears that a 1 muft be, here, wrote in the room of a, and that n, m t p, b and rf, will be interpreted by 2 , . i. and refpe&ively : Whence we 22 raa = _, and the Fluent fought = x JLll . T -3-5-7 _. l .-3-5-7-9-" . ^. ~ 2 . 2r + 2 . 2 . 4 . \r~ ' " 2 . 2 . 4 . 4 . 6 . 6r 3 ' 360. The fecond Example fhall be, to find the Fluent expreffing. the Apfide Angle in an Orbit defcribed by means ofa centripetal Force varying according to any Power of the Diftance. In which Cafe the given Fluxion being ===== * PX W' *t. 242- where A is fuppofed the higher Apfe, and CA (and confequently Cb) equal to Unity) we fhall, by putting j p* p, = v, and I x 1 = jr, reduce it to I v x V 3y + ~ ?._ . yy V.V-2 ^.^-2.^-3 , " 2 H 2.3 ' 7 2 -3-4 the Q- uan - tity The Manner of making Pluents converge. 417 tity under the Radical Sign (now anfwering to the Form above prefcribed) being compared with abx* -f dx 1 * + ex*" bV.r, we have m = i, 2 3 3.4 &>V. Alfo the Value of/> with regard to the firft Term (y~~*j) will be = * (becaufe pn i = t) likewife its Value in the fecond Term (y*y) is = -^-i in the third = -|- & c . In the firft of thefe Cafes we> therefore, have t (m+p+ i) = i, & (p x -T-) = 4.V s . _ V 2 .16^-- 3^t; +-22 6 ' 72 16X45 Whence it follows, that the Fluent of the firft Term 2 / tf x> when the 2 2 . 3 Quantity under the Radical Sign becomes equal to No- thing (or the Body arrives at its lower Apfe) will be G V2 truly exprefled by . into i + S.v2 -4^S a * + 7 . P 2 . Ibv 1 37V + 22 j 4 8v a 6x48^ In the fame Manner it will appear^ that the Fluent of the fecond Term, in that Circumftance, is = Ee 4*8 be Manner of making Fluents converge. that of the Third = =. x V *v 3S ' V 3 2 . P &c. that of the Fourth - ~j . s fcV. Uc. Whence, the Fluent of the whole Series, by col- liding thefe feveral Values together, will come out G 9V 1 < 1 1 2v 3 63^42^ 8 - - A Q 3 - P + &' Which, drawn into o x ^.o'y X~i i iP l -r l s P 3 fcrV. (the Value of _ G the general Multiplicator \ V i &) gives - x V 2v * ^ 2 . 2V I 8* ?; 2 . 2V J . 2V - 1 I * + - - i _ - 48 v* ' 72 fl3 X j &c. for the true Meafure of the Angle required, in Parts of the Radius, or Unity : From whence, by writing 180 inftead of G, we (hall have the fame in Degrees : Which, laft of all, by reftorina; -, becomes Where n is the Exponent of the Law of the Force, whereby the Orbit is defcribed ; and j3, the Defect of the Square of the Meafure of the Celerity, at the higher jfpfe, below That which the Body ought to have to re- volve in a Circle, this laft being denoted by Unity. The *he Manner of making Fluents converge. 419 The fame Concluflon may be otherwife derived, by bringing i y, in the transformed Fluxion, under the Vinculum ; but this Way of going to work, though we have but one Series to manage, will prove rather more troublefome than the foregoing. It will appear from the two preceding Examples, ef- pecially the firft of them, that this laft Method of find- ing Fluents is, chiefly, ufeful when all the Terms of the given Expreflion, after the two firft, in refpeft of thefe, are but fmall. Which is a Circumftance that frequently occurs in the Refolution of phyfical Pro- blems ; fuch as determining the Effect of the Atmo- fphere's Refiftance upon the Vibration of Pendulums ; and the Inequalities of the Planets arifing from their Action on each other. In fhort, wherever the Fluent, or the Quantity it exprefTes, would belong to the Circle, or fome other of the Conic-Sections, were it not for the Interpofition of fome fmall perturbating Force (whereby new Terms, fmall in Comparifon of the two firft, are introduced) the faid Method will be found of very great Service; SEC- 420 Of the Motion of Bodies SECTION VIII. life of Fluxions in determining the Motion of Bodies in rejijiing Mediums. P R O B. I. 361. Suppofing that a Eody^ let go from a given Point A, with a given Celerity, in a Right-line AQ^, is ref:ficd ly a Medium (or any Force) afting according to a givtn Power of the Velocity : To determine the Velocity, and alfo the Sface run ever, at the End of a given 'Time. LE T the given Celerity at A (meafur'd by the Space which would be uniformly defcribed in any propofed Time r) be put c, and that at any other Point B, = v j moreover put AB = #, and the Time B of its Defcription z ; and let the Refiftance, or Force, adling upon the Body at A, be fuch, that, if the fame was to be uniformly continued, the Body would have all its Motion deftroyed thereby, in the Time wherein it might move, uniformly, over a given Diftance d (CD) with its firft Velocity c : Which Time, let be de- noted, by /. Then, fmce the whole Celerity c would bedeftroy'd in the Time/, that Part of it which would be uniformly ta- ken away in the Time r, above propofed, will be truly re- T tC prefented by - X c ; or by -\ > which is equal to it, becaufe the Spaces (c and d) defcribed with the fame in rejlftmg Mediums. 421 Celerity are always as the Times (r and t) of their Defcription j and therefore . Hence, the Refiftance at B being to that at A (by Hypothecs) as v" to c" it follows that the Velocity which might be deftroyed in the given Time r, by a ' Force equal to the Refiftance at B, will be exprefled by cc i) v -7 X ~ or its Equal n j_ a ' ' : Which Expreifion is, therefore, the true Meafure of the Force of the faid Refiftance. Now, it appears, from Art. 218. that, if the Force with which the Body is adted on (or the Velocity it would generate in the given Time r) be reprefented by jp, the Relation of the Meafures of the Velocity and Space gone over, will be exprefied by the Equation -j~vv v n Fx : From whence, by writing - ^^ inftead of dc ~ F t we have vv ~ B __ 2 " ( J he Sign of wu be- ing negative, becaufe v decreafes while x increafes *.) *Art. 5. From this Equation, we get x rr dc"~~ 2 v l ~'''u ; whofe Fluent is x ^ Lt Xv -f ; which, 2 n corrected (by taking x o, and v c) becomes x = , n z 2 n it x v ' X - I. ;; 2 i- j 2 Moreover, fmce the Time (~) is to the Time r, a the Diitance x to the Diftance f, \ve alfo have * (:= ) = rflt* "" z v~~ *-v j and confeiiuently z ~ * / 4 22 Of the Motion of Bodies rd _ I= _^_ X _I _ x (b . writing t for its Equal - J : From which Equation c ^__ sV" we get = i + if i x -| : Likewife, from the preceding Equation, we get r= i + 2 x -jl : Which two equal Values be- ing compared together, there, at length, refults * == into i + n i x -7- n 2 j, for the required Re- lation of x and z. . . L COROLLARY. 362. If =s 2, or, the Refiftance be in the Duplicate Ratio of the Velocity, the Equation exhibiting the Re- c z lation of % and v, will be = i -f , or v =: - : But the other Equation (the Fluent failing) B becomes impracticable. Here x, the Fluent of t Art 6 * W ^ ^ e explicable by d X hyp. Log. - *, or by d x C #>. lo^. i + j becaufe v = In in rejlftmg Medium*. In the like Manner, when =i, or the Refiftance is as the Velocity, the Relation of v, x and z, will be d x exhibited by the Equations v = CX ~~T~ and z ~ ' x 423 that above, are the only two wherein the general So lution fails. P R O B. II. 363. If a Body, let go from a given Point A with a given Celerity, in a vertical Line CAQ^ is atted on by an uniform Gravity, and alfo by a Medium, refiftinj according to any given Power of the Velocity, 'tis pro- pojed to determine the Relation of the 'Times, the Velocities, and the Spaces gone over. Let the Notation in the preceding Pro- blem be retained ; and let the Force of Gra- vity, in the given Medium (meafured by the Velocity it might generate in the propofed Time r *) be reprefented by b. Then, Art. 561, this Value being added to, or fub tracked A C the Meafure of the Re- fiftance t according as the Body is in its Afcent, or f Art. 361. n 1) Defcent, we thence get - - -f b for the whole J * - dc Force (F) whereby the Motion, at B, is affe&ed : Whence (by Art. 218) * (= =^) - dc n -*w - E c 4 may 4 2 4 Of the Motion of Bodies' may be had, by the Means of circular Arcs, and Loga- rithms,// and x = b x v" a n b x v"a n COROLLARY II. 365. If the Refiftance be in the Duplicate Ratio of the Celerity, cur two Jail Equations will become * vv -f- aa * - * TTT^" a* r<: + aa d tc -\- bd = r x /^/. Z.5P-. =7- 3= x w*. Z.OP-. ^-r, 20 ^y + ca 2 yr 6 wrU (becaufe, here, a* bd.} From whence, when vz=o t (fuppofing the Body to afcend) there comes out x = x hyp. Log. i -\ , for the Height (A$J of the whole Afcent. But, if t be taken ~ o, or the Body 9 be in refilling Mediums. 425 be fuppofed to defcend from Reft, we {hall then have X hyp. Log. i = the Diftance AE defcend- 2 /r aa ed. Whence, if N be put for the Number whofe Hyper- 2X bolical Logarithm is -r, it follows, (becaufe^ Log. I VV. 2K W I - = 7- = Log. ff) that i = -^7, and aa d aa N SJT~^ confequcntly v =: a \S From which, the Di- ftance AB being given, the Velocity acquired in the Fall will be deiermintrd. Bur, if the Body, firft, afcends from a given Point A, with a given Celerity c, and the Celerity, acquired in falling, when it arrives, again, at that Point, be required ; the fame may he exhibited in a more commodious Form, independent of Logarithms, c and will be equal to "' * - ; betaufe N, in this Cafe, is found above to be = i -f . Furthermore, aa with regard to the Time (), we have already found ( = ) according as the Motion of the Body b x aa vv/ is from, or towards the Center of Force. Therefore ra the Time itfelf, in the former Cafe, will be rr - b drawn into the Difference of the two circular Arcs c v whofe Tangents are and , and whereof the com- a a' mon Radius is Unity * : Whence it follows that the Time Of tbe Motion of Bodies Time of the whole Afcent will be denoted by mul- tiplied into the former of the faid Arcs. But, in the other Cafe, the Fluent, exhibiting the Time of Defcent, is not explicable by the Arcs of a Circle, but by the Difference of the hyperbolical Lo- r a-\-v a + c ra Art. 1*6. ganthms of and - - drawn into * There- a v a c zb ' fore, when c o, or the Body falls from Reft, the Time z will be barely r: x bvi>. Lo73.) 428 Of the Motion of Bodies c v F 4. v ( . A = 292, the Velocity, per ^ I+ 7j Second^ acquired in the Defcent. 5 . Laftly, y x hyp. Log. ^ , + 1 + _1 _, aa a 1 1,30 Second?, the Time of the Defcent. Note, In this Example the Meafure of the abfolute Gravity of the Body, in vicuo, is taken, inftead of its Gravity in Air (the Difference, there* being too incon- fiderable to he-regarded.) But, in Cafes where the fpe- ciric Gravity of the Medium bears a fenfible Proportion to that of the Body, the Force of Gravity (I) muft n _ n* be expounded by 32^ x - ^ (inftead of 32 7 V) Where E is to J/as the fpecific Gravity of the Body to that of the Medium. P R O B. III. 367. To determine the Refinance, by means tuber eof a Body> gravitating uniformly in the Direction of parallel Line s^ may defer ibe a given Curve Let ABC be the given Curve, and BQ_, parallel to the Axis (or any given Line) AH, be the Direction of Gravitation at any Point B : Make PER perpendi- cular to AH and BQ^; and let AP=*, PB=_y, AB-s, BM (N) = *, MN (B^) =>, BN = i, and the Velocity of the Body at B in the Direction PBR = v. Then, the Decreafe of Velocity in the faid Dire6tion, which is wholly owing to the Reuftance *, being re- prefented by -u, it follows that the correfponding De- creafe of Motion in the Direction BN, arifing from the rf~l ^* " ^iw fame Caufe, will be exprefled by X v=z -- ; y y *ux and, that in the Direction BM, by -- -. But, the Celerity in refijling Mediums. 429 Celerity in this laft Diredion being, every where, re- x prefented by v X , its Fluxion -f will be the whole Alteration of Motion in the faid Dire&ion, arifmg from the Refiftance and the Force of Gravity, con- jun&ly : From which deducting the Part owing to the vx vx Refiftance, found above to be -r, the Remainder will be the EfFeft of the Gravity. Which being to ( ) the EffecT: of the abfolute Refiftance in the 3' Direction BN, as i to r, the Force of Gravity, muft therefore be to that of the required Refiftance, in vx the fame Ratio of i to . Moreover, the Force of Gravity, meafured by the Velocity it would generate in a given Part of Time ( i), being denoted by Unity, the Velocity generated thereby, in the Time ( J of defcribing B/>, with the Celerity v 9 y will likewife be truly exprefed by, , the Meafure of the 43 Of *- JC Motion of Bodies the faid Time : Which being put rr to ( ~ J the Va- lue of the fame Quantity, given above, we thence have yy v* =. - : From whence, not only the Velocity, but the Refiftance will be found. But, if you would have the Refiftance exprefled independent of v j then let the i*\ Fluxion (zvu = -- . J of the laft Equation be di- XX ' *u ~ jc vided by the Fluent, which will give = - : v x 1JZ And then, by fubftituting this Value in , you will vx eet-^-, for the true Force of the Refiftance, that of * 2xx Gravity (or the Weight of the Body) being expounded by Unity. The fame otberwife Let BO be the Radius of Curvature at B, and let OQ_ be parallel to PB> meeting BM, produced, in Q_: Then, if the abfolute Gravity, acting in the Direction BQ., be denoted by Unity, its Force in the Direction BO, whereby the Body is retained in the Curve, will BO be reprefented by rrrr . Therefore, fmce the Veloci- ties in Circles are known to be in the Subduplicate Ratio Art.au, of the Radii and of ths Forces conjundly *, the Ve- \/ locity at B will be rightly exprefted by \BO x or its Equal -V/BQ. (For the Curve at, and inde- finitely near, B may be taken as an Arch of a Circle whofe Radius is BO : And it is evident that the Re- fiftance has nothing to do in forcing the Body from the Tangent, in rejijlmg 'Mediums. 431 Tangent, but only ferves to retard its Motion fo, that it may, every where, bear a due Proportion to the given Force of Gravity ac~ling in the Direction BO.) Hence, putting BQ_= s, the Increafe of the Celerity in the Time ( ^ J of defcribing BN, will be ex- prefled by the Fluxion of Vj, or r- Moreover, 2 Vj the Celerity that might be generated by Gravity in the faid Time - =: being meafured thereby, the Increafe, Vj in BN, arifing from the fame Caufe, will therefore be = -7= x -= : Which, being taken from Vj x / s the whole Increafe, found above, the Re- (Wf) mainder, - _ ^f, will be the Effe& of the Refiftance : Which is to the EffecT:, =, of the abfolute Gravity v s as f~ 2 * to I. Therefore the Refiftance is to the 2* Gravity (or Weight of the Body) as *** to U- 2% nity : Where the Signs are changed, becaufe the two Forces acl: in contrary Directions. Becaufe BO = ?:. *, therefore s (BO x 4 ") = t Art. 6f . JfX X / * (= the Square of the Celerity) whence confequent i y t he Re- fiftance 43 2 Of the Motion of Bodies fiftance . *~~i rr y ~*~ * x x ^-, tie very fame at before. COROLLARY. 368. IF the Refiftance be fuppofed as any given Power of the Velocity drawn into (D) the Denfity of the Medium ; then, from hence, the Denfity of the Medium, at every Point of the Curve, may be deter- mined : For, the abfolute Celerity at B being repre- fented by, the Refiftance at that Point will, according ~~- VI to the faid Hypothefis, be as _ I x D j and therefore 9 the Velocity that would be deftroyed thereby, in the Time (i-\ ofdefcribingtf, as 3 x ? : Which \v J j\ v being put = ( -r J the Effect of the fame Re* X _ . X fiftance, found above, we thence get D = __, : "Usd Which, by fubftituting for v and , becomes D = In this Corollary, and what, elfewhere, relates to un- equal Denfities, the Gravity of the Body in the Me- dium is fuppofed to continue, every where, the fame, or, that the Attraction increafes with the Denfity, fo that the Difference between the fpecific Gravities of the Body and Medium may, at every Point, be a con- ft ant Quantity. E X- in refifting Mediums. EXAMPLE I. 369. Let the propped Curve ABC be the ctmmon Parabola : 2 V ^ W Then, x beiog here = , we have x = -^, x d a, - and x =: oj and therefore * is alfo = <* 2i> Whence it appears that a Body, to defcribe this Curve, muft move in Spaces intirely void of Refiftance. EXAMPLE II. 370. Let the Curve ABC be taken as a Qua- drant cf a Circle, whofe Radius BO is a. In this Cafe we have s (BCD f = * (= AO AP) whence }=. x, Q. X - -'- S and therefore : =s O 433 F fom which it is evident, that ^ e tArt, Velocity is, every where, as /BQ, and the Refinance to the Gravity (or Weight of the Body) as 3?B to 2 OB. P R O . IV. 371. 'lie Centripetal Force (F) being given-, to find the Refinance and Velocity whereby a Body may defcribe a given Spiral (or any other, po/tble, Curve) about the Center of Force. Let P be the Center of Force, and BO the Radius of Curvature at any Point B in the propofed Curve, F f and 434 Art.5' Of the Motion of Bodies B and let OQ.be per- pendicular to BPQ; alfo let BP = y, BQ, = s, AB = z, BM = y *, and BN = x. Then, it is evident from Art. 367. ^ that the Velocity at B will be exprefled by V/BOx or, its Equal, v^.* And therefore its increafe in the f _*_\ sF + Fs Time l ) of defcribing BN will be - ,- : == x -^- j| the Ef- From which, deduding (^ X -f== feft of the centripetal Force, in the fame Time and Direction, the Remainder, - 7= - > is theEf- 2 v sr of the Refiftance. Therefore the Refiftance is to the centripetal Force as SF + F*-k~2Fj . TTniftr as : yr. to Unity EXAMPLE. 372. Let the Meafure (F) of the centripetal Force be exoounded by any Power / of the Diftance ; and let the Curve be the logarithmic Spiral ; putting the fAru 61. Co-fine of the given Angle PBN f (to the RMiu^rJ 1 Art. 74, = t. Then, s being here = y t, and F = / >, we in refjling Mediums. *Lt 2i x - = x - a 2 r Hence it appears that the Velocity muft be, every where, as y * i and the Refiftance, to the centripetal Force, as x - to Unity. But, when n = 3, X - becomes = o ; therefore the Body, in this Cafe, muft move in Spaces intirely void of Refiftance ; agreeable to An. 233. And, if n-f-3 be negative, an accelerating, inftead of a refifting Force, will be required. SCHOLIUM. 373. If the Denfity of a Medium, wherein a Body moves, be either uniform, or varies according to a given Law, the Nature of the Curve, or Trajectory may be determined from what is delivered in the pre- ceding Pages. Thus, for Example, let the Denfity be fuppofed every where the fame, and the Refiftance as the Square of the 1 . / Celerity; then, from Art. 368. we have -^- =r D; zx which, in order to exterminate , may be transformed to ## = yy + xx x D*xx : Where, D being a conftant Quantity (depending upon the given Denfity of the Medium) the Value of x will be found, as is taught in y* Dv* Stfl. 2. Art. 268. 271. and comes out = + P IP ~~ r fisfr. In which p is put to denote the Para- F f 2 meter 436 Of the Motion of Bodies meter of the Curve at the Vertex, or higheft Point A, (to be determin'd from the Force of Gravity and the given Velocity of the Body at that Point.) This So- lution anfwers near enough when the Refinance is but fmall in Proportion to the Gravity ; in other Circum- ftances, the Series not converging, it becomes ufelefs : For which Reafon, and becaufe the Cafe above fpe- cified is That fuppofed to obtain, in refpec~l to the Air near the Earth's Surface, and its Refiftance to Bodies moving therein, I fhall {hew, by a different Method, how the Nature of the Curve may be inveftigated. o In order thereto, let the Celerity at the higheft Point, A, above the Plane of the Horizon EC, be denoted by c ; and let a be the Celerity with which the Refiftance is equal to the Gravity (vid. Art. 365. and 366.) Moreover, let d be put for the Diftance over which the Ball might uniformly move in the Time that the Me- dium would deftroy all its Motion, was the Refiftance to continue the fame, all along, as at the firft Inftant (Which Diftance, according to Sir Ifaac Newton, is, al- ways, in Proportion to \ of the Ball's Diameter, as the Denfity of the Bali to that of the Medium.) Then it will be, asy y z (Y > a + x*} = _^ r i -f to 2 , and x = ^ ~ aa From which, the Celerity at A being known, the reft is obvious. But, in the afcending Pnrt of the Curve EA, both % and Q muft be confiticred as negative, or wrote with contrary Signs: And then, from the foregoing Equations, ac eru we {hall alfo get v = , c ~ _ -, V aa 2fc V aa - and in rejijlmg Mediums. 439 f and z=i^x hyp. Log. i --- * = 1 . -w' hyp. Log. i + - ; and, confequently, z r= ^ X hyp. Log. i 2U ^ - 1 - d* hyp. Log. I + aa oa d x hyp. Log. : Anfwenng in this Cafe. It flill remains to take fome notice of the Values of AC and y (in order to have the Form, as well as the Length of the Curve.) Thefe, indeed, are not fo eafy to bring out as That of K, given above ; nor can they be exhibited in a general Manner, either by circular Arcs, or Logarithms (that 1 have been able to difcover) but may, however, be approximated to any required Degree of Exa for the Ordinates AP, h, ks and TF, being o, i, 7 and J, tbofe of ^ will be o, 0.3394,0.713, and 1.1478, and the Ordinates themfelves (or the cor- refponding Values of ^ j to 0.2318,0.2751, 0.3463 and 0.4953, refpeively. From whence, by adding the two Extremes to three times the Sum of the two middle Term?, and dividing the whole by 8, we get 0.3239 for the Value of a mean Ordinate *: Which, as AF is here equal to Unity, is aifo the Mea- fure of the required Area AFTP: Which, therefore, being multiplied by 5333 (d) gives 1727 Feet, for the horixontal Diftance made good in the whole Afcent. In p. 117. of my Mathematical Differ tat Ions* 7 the in refijling Mediums. ..+ the fame Way the Area Am is found 0.1828. Whence the greateft Height of the Ball appears to be (= 0.1828 x 5333) = 975 Feet - By taking AC = 1, and repeating the Operation (only changing r 2^, to r + 2^) the Area ACT? will come out = 0.1883, and ATC = 0.0875; which multiplied by 5333 (as above) give 1004 F. and 467 F. for the Amplitude, and the Diftance defcended, from the higheft Point, when the Direction of the Ball makes an Angle with the Horizon equal to that in which it was projected. But, to have the Direction 'when the Ball ftrikes the Ground, and the whole Amplitude of the Projection, we muft find the Value of the Tangent AB, when the Area ABL is equal to (0.1828) the Area AFm (fo that the Defcent, from the higheft Point, may become equal to the whole Afcent.) In order thereto, let 0.0875 (ATC; be deduded from 0.1828 (AFw) and the Re- mainder 0.0953 will be = CTBL ; this, divided by TC (0.1513) quotes 0.63; which would be the Value of CB, if all the Ordinates CT, SM, bV. were equal: But, as it is obvious from the Nature of the Problem, and from the Law of the Ordinates already computed, that BL will be Cometh ing greater than CT, and con- fequentlyCB leis than 0.63 1 therefore fuppofe the Value of CB may be about 0.56 ; and, accordingly, proceed to compute the Area of CBLT anfwering to this Number; by means of CT (0.1513) and BL (0.1852) and one intermediate Ordinate SM (0.1715) and find . . CT + BL + 4 SM it (rrom the Approximation - ? xCB) to come out 0.0955 : Which is fo near the required Value 0.0953, that it will be altogether needlefs to re- peat the Operation. It is evident from hence, that the Tangent (AB) of the Angle of Direction, when the Ball ftrikes the Ground, is 1.56 ; anfwering to 57 : 20'; From whence, CBKT being found rr 0.0752, the whole Area ABKP will be had =r 0.2635, and confe- quendy 0.2635x5333=1405 F. = the Amplitude in the whole Defcent. Fur. 444 Of f k e Motion of Bodies Furthermore, from the faid Value of w and that of (= 199 y) given above, we get z (=: -5 d X hyp. Lac. i + aa 1788 Feet, for the Arch defcribed in the Defcent ; and alfo v ~ 142 |F. which multi- plied by 1.8527, the Secant of 57 : 20', gives 264 F. for the Celerity of the Ball, per Second, at the End of its Flight. Now, by collecting the principal of the foregoing Conclufions, it appears, i. That the Velocity at the higheft Point A of the Trajectory will be at the Rate of 199 $ Feet, per Se- cond : Which is to the Velocity at the higheft Point a of the Parabola (E Feet 5, AC = 1788 and ac r= 3030 I 6. FC ~ 1405 and fc == 2640 J 7. Angle C = 57: 20' and *(=)= 45. 8. Velocity at C to that at E, as 264 to 412, or as 2 to 3, nearly. Thefe Proportions, between the Diftances, in Air and in vacus, hold at an Elevation of 45, when the Refiftance, at going off, is nearly equal to the Gra- vity, or Weight, of the Ball. If the Velocity be greater than that above fpecified, or the Body, projected, be, either, in refilling Mediums. either, lefs, or lefs denfe, the Curve will differ, Jllll, more from a Parabola. Hence it evidently appears, that the Effect of the Air's Refiftance upon very fwift Modons, is too con- fiderable to be intirely di (regarded in the Art of Gun- nery. 'Tis true the Method s;iven above is, by much, too intricate for common Practice ; but when the Law of the Refinance to very fwift Motions is once Sufficiently eftablifhed (which, according to fome lace Experiments, feems to be in a Ratio greater than thac of the Square of the Celerity) it will be no very difficult Matter to find out proper Approximations to correct the Proportions in common Ule. 445 SECTION IX. Tie Ufe of Fluxions in determining the At- traftion of Bodies under different Forms. P R O B I. 374. OUppofing AC perpendicular to AB, and that a. ^ Corpufcle at C is attracted toivards every Point or Particle of the Line AB, by Forces in the reciprocal duplicate Ratio of th^ Dijlanccs ; to determine the Ratio of the whole Force wbertby tht Corpufcle u urged in the Direflion CA. Put AC=fl, and let AD (confidered as variable by the Motion of D to- wards B) be de- noted by x : Then, the Force of a Par- ticie at D being as ~ (byHypothe- fis) its Efficacy in 44^ ?%? W e f F the propofed Direction AC will (by the Refolution of AC AC T? \ t ^^ J A <- torces) be as prrj x TTT =r ^3 CD r~, ; : There- fore Ox is the Fluxion of the whole Force ; whofe Fluent, which (y Art. 85.) is = AD ~ CA CD* itfclf. AD=AB, be as the Force ^. E. I. P R O B. II. ^fcrB = 375- Suppofing BCDE to reprefent a circular Plane, and that a Corpufde H, in the Axis thereof AH, is at- tracted by every Point or Particle of the Plane by Forces in the reciprocal duplicate Ratio of the Dijlances ; to find the whole Force by which the Corpufde is urged towards the Plane. Let AH = a, and Hbx; then A* X I = ip x AH I TU , when x = HB. Q. . /. 376. In the preceding Problems, we have fuppofed the Attraction of each Particle, to be as the Square of the Diftance inverfely ; that being the Law which is found to obtain in Nature: But if the Force, according to any other Law of Attraction, be required, the Pro- cefs will be very little different. Thus, let the Attraction be as any Power (n) of the Diftance : Then (in the laft Prcb .) the Force of a Particle at b (upon H) being as *", its Force in the g Direction HA will be as X x" or ax"~~ l j which x multiply 'd by 2pxx (as before) gives 2pax x : whereof n-f-I . -f-l ax T 2 the AH x BH" + ' AH""*"*) will be as the Force required. P R O B. III. 377. To determine the Atirafi'ion of a Cane DHF at its Vertex ; the Attraflion of each Particle being a: the Square of the Diftance inverfely. Put the Axis EHrr0, the Length of the Slant-Side HD (or HF) r= b, and AH (confidered as variable) = x: Then (by fim. Triangle*) a (HE) : b (HF) Vfr'J ::* (HA) : HB = -. But, by the laft Problem, H the Attradion of all the Particles in the Circle BC will be meafured by ip X I ^75 = *P x J - (becaufe HB = ~) : Which therefore being multiply 'd by*, and the Fluent taken, we thence have * __ ^ for the Attraction of ACHB : And this, when a L- LJi x-c, will be, 2 /> X EH-, the Force of the whole Cone DEHF : Which, if HK be made = HE, and KG perpendicular to HE, will likewife be truly de- FH*\ fined by 2/xEG (becaufe HG = ^j- ^ E. I. COROLLARY. 378. Seeing the Attradion of ACHB is, every where, as x j , or ~^ X x, it follows that the Forces of fimilar Cones, at their Vertexes, are diredly as their Altitudes. P R O B. in determining the Attraction of Bodies. 449 P R O B. IV. 379. To find the Force of a Cylinder CBRF, at any Point A in the produced Axis ; the Law of Attraction being Jiill as in the preceding Problems. Put BG ( = CG = RH) = 6-, and let AS (taken as variable) =: x: Therefore AT = Vf + x\ and AS AT i Which (by Prob. 2.) exprefles the Force of all the Particles in the circular Surface 1ST. B XX Therefore 2J x*.- y -- a is the Fluxion of the required Force : Whofe Fluent (ip x * vV -f **) when x = AG, will be = 2p x_AU Atf ; but when A- = AH, it will be = 2p x AH AF : Hence, by taking the former of thefe Values from the latter, we have 2/> X AB + BF AF for the Meafure of the true Force by which a Corpufcle at A is urged towards the Cylin'de'r. G PROB, The Uje ^FLUXIONS P R O B. v. 380. The Law of the Force being ftill fuppofed the fami ; to determine the Attraction cf a Sphere OABGS, at any givtn Point H above its Surface. Let BS be perpendicular to HG, and let HB be drawn ; alfo put the Radius AO=*, OH=, AH (b a) = f, Hn = y, and HB = c + x; then An=yc> Gn =2.ay + c, and confequently y^c K?a y 4- c ( = An x G = BTZ I = BH* Hn 1 ) = TTTj* / : From , . , ^ 2 gives D I) for the Fluxion of the required Forcej whereof the Fluent in determining the Attraction of Bodies. 451 * p - will be the Attraction of the Segment ABS : Which therefore, when B coincides with G and x is rz 2*, becomes -^rr, for the Meafure of the Attraction of the whole Sphere. >. . /. COROLLARY I. 381. Hence the Attraction f^rr) at the Surface of the Sphere, where b is =r a y will be \ and therefore is directly as the Radius of the Sphere. COROLLARY II. 382. Since 3d j s known to exprefs the Content of Sphere whofe Radius is a *, it is evident that the At- * Art - H'- traction ( /r) of any Sphere is, univerfally, as its Quantity of Matter directly, and the Square of the Di- ftance from its Center inverfely ; and is, moreover, the very fame as it would be, was all ths Matter in the Sphere to be united in a Point at the Center. COROLLARY III. 383. If inftead of a Corpufcle, or a fingle Particle of Matter, at H, we fuppofe another Sphere, having its Center at H: Then, fince the two Spheres, at O and H, act upon each other with the very fame Forces, as if each Mafs was contracted into its Center, it follows that the abfolute Force, with which two fpherical Bo- dies tend towards each other, is as the Produdt of their Mafles directly, and the Square of the Diftance of their G g 2 Centers 452 Ttie life of FLUXIONS Centers inverfely: And therefore, if the MafTes are given, will be barely as the Square of the Diftance. P R O B. VI. 384. To determine the fame as in the loft Problem, the Force of each Particle being as any Power (n) of the Dijiance. Let HB ~ *, and let every thing elfe remain as above ; then we fiiall have y = - 7 - -r x 1 - c~ + 2ac\ _ xx r (by putting a = - - 1 and confequentlyj . Now the Attra&ion of all the Particles in the circular Surface BS, is as -^- x H x HB" 4 " 1 Un"^ (by fl-f I Art. 376.) -2L x y/" 1 " 1 /"*"*: Which, multi- - ply'd by j, gives X/ jjy / *y for the Flux- ion of the required Force : Which, becaufe yy is = T x~ xx d x X 3 x + -^ X -7- rr -T- + 7i will hkewife be exprefled L^f^j; Whereof the ~. i7 + 3 Fluent is + 5 x 2A Which, when B coincides with A, or x-yf, willbes ,"f3 "-I-S "-t-3 L x == ^ - - + ^-i- ___ - : But, when -f 3 x^ H + 5X2* 1 +3 B co- in determining the Attraction of Bodies. 453 B coincides with G, or * = y = 2a + c (=f) it will * become = +l Therefore the Difference of thefe two, which is =: 2/-/"" +3 n -t-5X?3.-? 2.^-f n+ 3 X /* 2/>f" + +l + 3 X /: + 5 X 23* +l n + $X 2bd 2 * ~ + 3 X ? + 3 ' - - 5 X 23* ~ I + n x 03 " A 2pf^l + S + ' -t i x + 3 x + 5 x 3* (bccaufe /= + 3 , and 2^3 - , + 2 ^) will be the Attradtion of the whole bphere. >. E I COROLLARY. 385. Hence, the Attraction at the Surface of the Sphere ( where c o ) will be -^- x TTT, - : Which, if ~2a\ pofitive, will be : _^ ^==-j but, otherwife, in- finite. 386. Suppoftng ADB^A to be a Cuneus of uniformly denfe Matter, comprizd by two equal and ftmllar elliptic Planes AD BE A and AdbeA, indin'd to each other, at the common Vertex A., of either their firft or fecond Axes^ in an indefinitely fn.all Angle BAi ; To determine the At- traftion thereof at the Point A, fuppofmg the Force of each Particle of Matter to be as the Square of the Di/iancc g 3 454 'The Ufe of FLUXIONS Let DE be any Ordinate to the Axis AB, and let AD be drawn ; alfo put AB=r<7, BC=*, CDzry, and the Sine of the Angle BA, formed by the two Planes (to the Radius i) = d\ and let the Equation of either Curve be y* fx AT* gx 1 : Which will anfwer, to the Conjugate, or Tranfver.e Axis thereof, according as the Value of g is pofitive or negative. Now it will be, i (Radius) : d:\ ax (AC) : Cc = d X a x, the Thicknefs of the Cuneus at the Or- dinate (or Section) DE : Moreover, becaufe AD* = AC*+CD*, we have AD = V^Zj'+Jx *' gx*: Whence, expreffing (by Art. 374.) the Attrac- tion of the Particles in the indefinitely narrow Rectangle J. DE x Cc, will be defined by ~r- Which therefore, multiply'd by x, will give the Fluxion of the Force to be found. But when fx x 1 gx* be- in determining the Attraction of Bodies. 455 f becomes = o, x will be = -~- (=AB) a\ there- fore, by fubftituting for /, our Fluxion will be tranf- formed to ax i + X x i+gXax i+g X ** idx V i + g X ax x * 2dxV i -f g X x Fluent, when x = . 7 X 2. 4 9 2.4.6 j. i Which, becaufe i +^1* x a is =/X k -f ^| * r= / X 1 - f + ^ - ITT^ ^ wil1 (by muIti P ! y>"ng the two Seriefes together &c.) be reduced to idf x T 2 . 4g- 2 . 4 . 6^ 3^' 3 " ' 3-5 3-5-7 3-5.7.9 ^.^./. It may be obferved, that the Fluent given above may be brought out without an Infinite Series (by Art. 126. and 2/8.) But the Solution here exhibited is beft adapted to what follows hereafter j to which the Pro- pofition itfelf is premifed as a L,emma. G g4 PROB. 45$ The Ufe gf FLUXIONS P R O B. VIII. 387. To determine the Attrafilon at any Point Q_ in the Surface of a given Spheroid OAPES. Let QRL be perpendicular to the Axis PS of the Sphe- roid, and QT perpendicular to the Tangent F/of the generating tllipfis at Q_, meeting PS in T : Moreover, let Qalib be a Section of the Spheroid by a Plane per- pendicular to that of the Ellipfis APES, and thro' any Point r, in the Axis thereof, draw CBr and rL parallel to AE and PS : And make the Abfcifla Qr=x, its cor- refponding Semi-Ordinate ra (or rb) =z y> QR ~ ft) F W a n d RT = b ; alfo let the Sine (NG) of the Angle HQp (to the Radius NQ= i ) = />, its Co-fine QG == q. and the Ratio of OA* to OP% as any given Quantity h to Unity. Now, by reafon of the fimilar Triangles QrL and QNG, we have rL (BR) = px, and QL = qx, and therefore Br (RL) ax a : Alfo, from the Nature of the Ellipfis, AO 1 : PO* (bii) :: RT (b) : OR = ~: Likewife AO 1 : PO 1 /;; determining the Attraction of Bodies. 457 (h: i) :: QR* : OP a OR*; and PO^ : AO* (i : h) ::OP Z OB*:BC 4 = x OP 1 OB 1 = /., x QP* UK.+ Kbl l =A x OP a OR 1 2 OR x RB RB* aOKxRb KB*; becaufe (by the former Proportion) Qtr^xOP* OR X : Whence, by the Pro- petty of the Circle, tacb, we get/ (BC 1 Br^rrQR 1 Br 2 A x 2 OR x RB-fRB* =* 7^l l Ax -jr X />* H- ^ aq bp x 1x f + hp* X A: 1 : Which Equation, by making i -f B k^ becomes > z = 2* q 1 + ^/>V (becaufe q* + p*= I =QN a : Which being only of two Dimenhons, the Curve QaH3, whereto it be- longs, is an Ellipfis. The Equation of the Curve QaHb being now ob- tained, let its Axis QH be fuppofed to revolve about Q_, as a Center (the Plane of the Curve being always perpen- dicular to that of the Ellipfis APES) and let the Fluxion of the Arch MN (exprefling the Angle defcribed from the time the faid Axis begins its Motion at the Pofition ALD) be denoted by A: Then, it is evident from the preceding Problem, that, 2aq 2bp x lA X 2 2 . 4.d z 2.4. 6 2 /> + c . .,, i a tr _ - * ^.. . -t -- - &c. will be the Fluxion 3 3-5 3-5-7 of the Attraction of the correfponding Part DQH of the Solid, upon a Corpufcle at Q_, confulered as aHng in the Direction HQ_ (which Expreffion is found, by, barely, writing laq zfy, ^, and Bp* y in the faid problem, for f, d, and g rcfpedtively.) Hence, 45 8 Me Ufe of FLUXIONS Hence, by the Resolution of Forces, the Fluxion of the Attraction, in the Directions QR and Qw (per- pendicular to QR) will be truly exhibited by 2aq 2bp 2.4. bJl'p 4 - ._, * -- - fcfc and Let now another Plane Q/; be fuppofed to revolve about the Point Q_, the contrary Way to the former, from QP towards Q/; and let (ng) the Sine of the Angle RQ/j be denoted by P, and its Co-fine (Q^; by ^: Then the Fluxion of the Attraction of the Part DQ/, in the forefaid Directions QR and Qw (by writing P inftead of p and ^ inftead of q) will appear to be 2 ' and 2a -f 2t>P X lAP X 3 3-5 ' ^ &c. Which being added to thofe of 3-5-7 the former Part, in the fame Directions, and 2. and 9 n . J + 2i _ reflectively fubftituted inftead of A * we have 3. into x0'+/- - x ^ + ^ 3 5 - tf, into xPPpp ' x P 3 Pp 3 p& . 3 3-5 And 4* into x pj>PP 2-l_ x fp P 3 P &c. 2 />> P 1 P 2 . 4B p+'p P*P -4J .ato - x 'J + ^--TV X + -T ^ for in determining the Attraction of Bodies. 459 for the Fluxion of the Attraction of both Parts together in the forefaid Directions : Whereof the Fluents, when N coincides with F, and n withy, will be the Attrac- tion of the whole Spheroid in thofe Directions. But now, in order to determine thefe Fluents with as little Trouble as poffible, let m be aflumed to denote any P tm P whole pofitive Number ; then the Fluent of L > ( I . mm, /t --- i will be univerfally = - X p 2 " 1 "" 1 Vip* 2m zm 3 2m I . 2m 3 im 5 2 . 4 . 6 ... 2m nzmn pzmp is p * : And that of &" or y''~H"^* ( in the*Art.49. Q r 2w X . 2WJ - r ^* 3 fame Manner) = - X P + x P T .2.3....2M--I 2 . 4 . 6 . . . 2m is P. But when N coincides with F, and n with f, the Sines p and P, of the Arches MF and Mf, be- coming equal, and (the Co-fine) ^= (Co-fine) ?, .2T it is evident that the Sum of the Fluents of -- and P wp w ai in that Cafe, be truly exhibited by "^7* _ _ i ?_ L S..*-2i i x MF + y-3-5*---*"-' x ^T 4 . 6 . . . 2w _. 2 ' 4 ' ' ' 2m JV1/, or its Equal L^ll|Iil|^=I x FM/j be- 2.4.0... 2/B caufe, 460 'Ibe Ufe of FLUXIONS caufe, then all the reft of the Terms (by reafon of the equal Quantities P, p and j^, q) deftroy one another. After the fame Manner the Sum of the Fluents of qp'p and 4>P 2W P, in the forefaid Circumftance, will Art. * 97 . appear to be = T ' 3 5 7 ?m--i x FM f *. 2 . 4. . 6 . 8 . . . 2w + 3 Now, to apply this to the Matter in hand, let the Exponent of ,8, in any Term of either of the above found Fluxions be, univerfally, exprefled by n ; then the numeral Coefficient (annexed to B) will be defined by .?J_: U_!_ 2 " + 2 , and the variable Quantities i . 3 . 5 . . . 2 + 3 multiplied thereby, in the firft Line of the former Fluxion, will be qp ta p + QP- n P : Therefore neral Term, (from whence, if n be expounded by i, 2, 3 &V. fucceffively, that whole Line will be pro- duced.) But, the Fluent of gp**p + gP**P 9 in the Circumftance above fpecified, (putting m=:n and FM/ =s /O appears to be = T 3 ' $ 7 2 . 4 6 . 8 . . . in -t- 2 Which, therefore, multiplied by 2 . 4 6 . . . 2 + 2 3 . 5 . . . a -f 3 2 .4. 6 . 8 . . D" i X B*k - -, for the true Fluent of the 2n + i X 2 -I- 3 faid General Term : Which, if n be expounded by in determining the Attraction of Bodies. 461 0, I, 2, 3 &V. fuccefilvely, will become equal to , Bk B*k B*k : - . - . - &c. refpecuvely ; and therefore the 3-5 5-77-9 Fluent of the whole Line (drawn into the general i B ~B* Multiplicator 40 ) is \ak X - - 4. - _ i-3 3-5^5-7 V. But now, for the Fluent of the fecond 7-9 n Line : This, it is plain, will be = 4^ into x _ _ 3 P* P 1 2 . 4# P 4 6+ ~ - 7- - -J7J x -.- r ~ Gfc. Which, in the forefaid Circumftance, when P p, intirely vanifhes. Therefore it appears, that the Attraction of the whole Spheroid, in the Direction QR, is truly exprefled by ~T~ B & & tak x -- - + - -- > r <*s Equal 1.3 3-5 5-7 7-9 x i-3 3-55-7 After the fame Manner the Fluent of the firft Line, in the latter of our two Fluxions, will be found to A ,2.4.6... 2-f 2 fin * 2n + 2 ft vamfli : And - - - == X o x - _, _ i . 3 5--- 2 + 3 9 P^_ ^ w iH be a General Term to the fecond Line. Whereof the Fluent (by expounding zm by 2 + 2) 2 . 4 6 3-5-7 , 2 . 4 6 . . . . in + ? appears, from above, to be r: - X I . ? . < . . . . 2W+ I B n k T T 7 , , X - ^ 2 - === . - : Which, when 2.4.6... 2n -f 2 2 + 3 is he life of FLUXIONS n is interpreted by o, I, 2, 3 &c. fucceflively, comes z PL D* out equal to , , - fc? c . refpeclively : There- m 9 -f fore the Attraction of the Spheroid, in tlie Direction D Ol Z?3 Qw, is exhibited by Lbk x 4. . 3 579 &c. and confequently, That in the oppofite Direction Qv, 1 B & F J. =4^x 3579 3 - &V. x RT = 4* x i - x OR (becaufe i~+lf x OR = RT.) x ~ 4 35 From which and the Force in the Dire&ion QR (found above) not only the Direction of the abfolute H Attraction, but that Attraction itfelf will be known : For, let RI be taken to QR, as the Force in the Di- rection Qv to that in the Direction QR i and then, by 10 the in determining the Attraction of Bodies* 463 the Ccmpofition of Forces, QI will be the Direlion of the Attraction, or the Line in which a Corpufcle at Q_ tends to defcend : And the Attraction itfelf, in that Di- rection, (being to that in QR, as QI to QR) will be _ ~D ZJ1 defined by 4* x 4. &c. x QI ; i-3 3 5 5 7 ^ which, fince $k is conftant, will alfo be as L_ _ i -3 F7 + 5^7 COROLLARY. 388. Since, by Conftruftion, RI : QR :: i + B x JL ^ 5! & c OR ' 3 " " 5 7 ' " 9 " i 3 "" 3 5 i B . x QR, it follows that h _- + ~ &c. ::RO : RI ; 3 57 . .. n . . r , i B E 1 3 B whence (by Divihon) + cflr. : * i 3 3-5^5-7 3-5 i B B* confequently, + &V. ! ? x i-3 3-5 5-7 J . + ^. : : OT : Ol. 5-7 7 9 3'S Hence it appears that the Direaion QJ, of the abfolute Attraction, divides the Part of the Axis OT, intercepted by the Center and Normal, in a given Ratio : And that the Attraftion itfelf (being de- fined 4 6 4 The W e gf FLUXIONS i 7? /" fined by _i_ &c. x QJ) is every 1-3 3-55-7 where as the faid Line of Direction QT. SCHOLIUM. 389. Although the foregoing Conclufions are ex- hibited by infinite Seriefes, yet the Sums of thofe Se- riefes are explicable by means of the Arch of a Circle. i B K l Thus, let the Series + &c. (which is *y c M 3 5 / one of the two original ones above found) be put rr 5, and let B rr /*; then by Subftitution, and multiplying t 3 t* the whole Equation by f 3 , we fhall have -f t 7 t 3 S f &fc =: t*S> and confequently t -I- - 7 357 sY. rr / - t 3 S : Where, the former Part of the Equa- tion is known to exprefs the Arch of a Circle, whofe Art. 142. Tangent is / (B*) and Radius Unity * : Wherefore, putting that Arch 4, we have A t t 3 S, and con- t A i B B 1 r fequently 8 j3 =- -+ fff* J / Moreover, fince it appears that 7> D^ 733 Jj & JJ T "" T + ~7 - _ B B* B>, 3-55-77-9 _r_ + & 5 7 9 5 * 5 J CJ (where the Sum of ~ + y ^- ls alread y t ___ ^ t . J found :r -= X B ~ in determining the Attraction of Bodies. 465 D 751 of -f &V. by the fame Method will come out = 5 - ] it is evident that * ' 3-55-7 7 -_ / 3 -f f // x i + t* c r - - i and consequently - __ JL , _?1 . , _ A 3-5 5-7 ' l ~ 3 '; Which is the Value of the other original Series found above : From whence that of w iH a lf be had = 3-5 5-7 7 -9 3* + 2/ 3 $A x i + f* "iT^" Hence, if / A f i 5 And 2/ s 3-5 5-77-9 it is evident that OT will be to OI, in the conftant Ra- tio of g to b-y and that the Forces in the Directions QI, QR, and Qy, will be as g x QJ, g X QR, and / x i + E x OR refpetfively : Where i +5 is = ^ . H h P R O B. Ufe of FLUXIONS P R O B. IX. 3QO- to determine the Attraftion at any Point D within a given Spheroid OAVES. i Let Oapes be another Spheroid, concentric with, and fimilar to, the given one; whofe Surface D*M fcfr. pafles through the given Point D ; alfolet FD/and HD be taken as two oppofite, indefinitely {lender, Cones (or Pyramids) conceived to be formed by drawing innu- merable Lines HDF, hDf &c. through the common Vertex D) which Cones (or Pyramids) having the fame Angl?, may be confidered as fnnilar; and fo their Art. 378. Forces, at D, will be as the Altitudes DF and DH * ; And, therefore, the Excefs of the former, above the latter, or the Force whereby a Corpufcle at D, tends towards F, through the, contrary, Action of the two op- pofite Cones, will be as DF DH, or as DM ; becaufe (ly the Property of the Ellipfts) MF is, in all Portions, equal to DH Hence it appears that the Parts of Matter FMmf and HD, without the Spheroid apes (adling equally, in contrary Directions) can have no Effedt at D : And this, being every where the Cafe, the whole, effi- cacious, Force at D muft therefore be that of the Spheroid Qapes. Hence, if the Ratio of (V to Op 1 (or of OA a to OP 1 ) be denoted by that of I +B to I, as in the laft Problem, 10 it in determining the Attraction of Bodies. 467 it follows, from thence, that the Attraction at D, in the Directions DM and DN (perpendicular to PS and AE ; ~~i B fi*~ fee the next Ftp-.) will be expounded by _i_ 1-3 3-5^5-7 &V. X DM, and 3-5-7 9 (5V. x DN refpe&ively, or by their Equals g x DM and / x i -f B x DN : Where the Values off and g are the fame as given in the preceding Article. COROL L AR Y. 391. Hence the Force wherewith a Corpufcle, any where within a given Spheroid, is attracted, either, towards the Axis, or the Plane of its Equator, is d,i- redlly as the Diftance therefrom. P R O B. X. 392. Suppofing every Particle of Matter in a Spheroid to have a Tendency to recede, both, from the Axis PS, and from the Plane cf the greatejl Circle, by Means of Forces that are as the Di/lances from the [aid Axis, and Plane, refpeflively j to find the Direftion DI wherein a Corpufcle, at any Point D, tends to move through the Aclion ef the fold Forces and the Attraction conjtinftly j and likewije the whole compound Force in that Direction. Let DM and DN be perpendicular to PS and AE, and let the given Forces, in the Direction of thofe Lines (independent of the Attraction) be ex- preffed by m x DM and n X DN refpe&ivcly. Hh a There- Ufe of FLUXIONS Therefore, fmce (by the laft Problem) the Force of Attraction in the faid Directions is defined by g x DM and / x I + B x DN, the whole refulting Forces will be truly denoted by g m X DM, and f x i + B n X DN : Whence (by the Compofuion of Forces) it will be, g m:fx \ + B n :: DN (OM) : MI ; whence the Point I is given : Alfo DM : DI :: gmx DM (the Force in the Direaion DM) : f^m x DI, the Force in DI. QE. I. P R O B. XI. 393. Every thing being fuppofed as in the preceding Problems, it is required to determine the Force of all the Particles in the Line (or Column} QDO tending to the Center O of the Spheroid. Let IH be perpendicular to QO produced (fee the laft Fig.) then the abfolute Force, in the Direction DI, being ~g-m * DI,that in the Direction DH, whereby a Corpufcle at D is urged towards the Center, will be g m x DH. Let now OD (confidered as variable) be denoted by x ; then becaufe the Ratio of OM to MI is given (being every where as g m to /"x i -f B #, by the Precedent) and the Triangles ODM and IOH are fimilar, it follows that the Ratio of OD to OH will be given, or conftant ; and confequently that of DH to OH, likewife : Let therefore this Ratio of DH to OH be exprefled by that of r to j, and we fhall have DH f and confequently (g wxDH) the Force at D, rx equal to g m X : Which therefore being multi- plied in determining the Attraction of Bodies. 469 plied by x y and the Fluent taken, there comes out - -- for h 2S 2 Force of the Line or Column OD at the Center. COROLLARY. 394. If the given Forces m and n be fuch that the Ratio of OM to MI, (which is found to be univerfally as g m to f x i + 5 n ) may become as i : i + E (or as /O X : aO z ) it is evident (from the Property of the Ellipfis) that the Line of Direction DI will be al- ways perpendicular to the Surface of the Spheroid Oapes. In which Cafe OD x DH is alfo (by the Nature of the Ellipfis) = Ofi 1 : And therefore the Force x OD x DH) of OD is = ^^ x O* 1 : Which, p m when D coincides with Q_, will become x AO*; and is, therefore, a conftant Quantity. Moreovti fmce in this Cafe, g m:fx i + B n :: i : i +B (by Hypothefis) we have m ^ = g 1 T O f : Which Equation, if be taken = o, gives * , a f + &(.* ; i * Alt. 389. g J 3-5 5-77-9 K* ' But, if m be taken = o, it will then give n = i -f B TS ?F 6P",. .... x _/=-- 1 + l?x - + <* Where, i / r= B*, and A = the Arch whofe Tangent is /, and Radius Unity. Hh 3 PROP. 47<> PROP. XII. 395. If an oblate Spheroid OAPES, whereof th Square of the Equatoreal Diameter AE, is to that of the Axis PS, in any given Ratio of r -j- B to I, revolves about its Axis, in fuch a Time, that the centrifugal Force, at the Equator A, is to the Attraction at the Surface of a Sphere whofe Radius is O A, in the Ratio of 7J1 753 * -f &'c. to : / fay, in that Cafe, every 5-7 7-9 3 Particle of the Spheroid will be in Equilibrio ; fo that, though the Cohejion of the Parts was to ccafe, the Figure itftlf would remain unchanged. For, the Attraction of the Spheroid, at A, being de- fined by __ + &c. x AO (Art. 387.) i-3 3-55-7 AO it is evident (by conceiving B o) that will re- O prefent the Attralion at the Surface of the Sphere whole Radius is AO : Whence (by Hypothefis) the centrifugal Forcq at A (putting m n -f. O J -J " / 6B 3 &c.) will be truly defined by rn x AOj and con- 79 fequently in determining i/je Attraction of Bodies. 47 1 fequently That, at any other Point D, by /w.xDM (be- caufe the centrifugal Forces of Bodies describing unequal Circles, in equal Times, are known to be directly as the Radii *.) Hence, and from the Corollary to the laft * Art. 213. Problem, it appears that the Direction of Gravitation DI i c always perpendicular to the Surface apes; and that the P'orce of all the Particles in the Line (or Canal) OD or OQ_, towards the Center O, v/ill continue in- variable, take the Point Q_ in what Part of the Arch APE you viil : From which laft Confederation, it fol- lows that the Force, or preffure of every Canal QO, at the Center O, (confiJering the Body in a fluid State) will be the fame : Whence (by the Principles of Hy- droftatics) a Corpufcle at D has no^Tendency to move, either Way, in the Line OQ_: And therefore, as it hath no Tendency to move in the Direction of the Sur- face D/>? (the Gravitation being perpendicular thereto) it is evident, from Mechanic^ that no Motion at all can enfue, in any Direction. j^. E. D. COROLLARY I. iB 48* 6B 3 c ?qo. Since m is -J- oY. the 3-5 5-77-9 Gravitation (g m x DI) at any Point D in the ~"i ~B B* Spheroid will therefore be as 4. &c. 357 X DI = -~ r - X DI (fee Art. 389. COROLLARY II. 397. If the Time of Revolution be given r: ^, and q be put to denote the Time wherein a (folid) Sphere, of the fame Denfity with the Spheroid, muft revolve ; fo that the centrifugal Force, at the Equator thereof, may be equal to the Gravity : Then, as this laft Time is known to continue the fame, whatever the Magnitude of that Sphere is f > and the centrifugal Forces, in equal f Art. ai-. H h 4 Circles, ani !* Ufe of FLUXIONS Circles, are alfo known to be inverfely as the Squares of the periodic Times -- it follows, that p* : q* : : \ AO (the Attraction, or centrifugal Force, refpecling the Sphere OA, revolving in the Time a) : - _ __ _ _ 3-5 5-7 f. D3 f - &c. X AO, the centrifugal Force of the Spheroid at A, revolving in the Time p. From which ?* 25 4J3 1 6 3 Proportion we get ^ = - - + - & c . _ _ 3P 3 5 5.77.9 3 -M*x 3* x Trigonometrical- Canon, the Value of / ( = 5 1 ) and, confequently, the Ratio of the two principal Diameters, will be found j fo that all the Parts of the Spheroid - may remain in Equilibria. But, when -*-; is fmall, the Solution by an Infinite Series is preferable : For, then 28 4B* a* the Series - - - - Oft. ( -?-J converging fuf- j " ^ J / ' be taken and put o, and it will be found that ** + 24**+27 X A ist 3 27* = o : Whence t comes out =r 7.5, and the correfpondlng Value of q . = 05927, nearly. Hence the Parts of the Fluid cannot poffibly come to an Equilibrium among themfelves, when the Time s is lefs than , but will continue to recede from 0,927 the Axis, in Infiniium. M If q be taken 84.1 (as in the Example to the M H M preceding Corollary) s will be equal 91 = 1:31. From which it appears, that, if the Earth (or a fpherical Body of the fame Denfity) was to revolve H M about its Axis in lefs than i : 31 ; and, in the mean time, be reduced to a State of Fluidity, the Parts thereof towards the Equator would afcend, and continue to re- cede from the Axis, in Ir.finitum. COROLLARY V. 400. Seeing the Values of/ and A are given when the Spheroid is given, it follows that the Gravi- tation 476 The life of FLUXIONS ft A tation ( 5 X QI) at any Point in the Surface of a Spheroid, whereof the Parts are kept in Equilibria* by their Rotation about the Axis, will be accurately as a Perpendicular to the Surface at that Point, continued to the Axis of the Figure. Therefore the Gravitation at the Equator is to that at either of the Poles, as the Equatoreal Diameter to the Axis inverfly. COROLLARY VI. 401. But, if the Spheroid differ-but little from a Sphere, the Excefs of QI above AO will (by the Pro- perty of theEllipfis) be neatly as OR*. Whence it appears that the Increafe of Gravitation, in going from the Equator to the Pole, is as the Square of the Sine of Latitude, nearly. COROLLARY VII. 402. Moreover, fince the Ratio of the Equatoreal Diameter to the Axis is found, in this Cafe, to be that CO* Art ,, of I + *?*to i f, the Excefs of that Diameter above the Art - J97- 4^> _ Axis will be to the Axis as ~j to Unity; that is, as -- 4P 4 of the centrifugal Force at the Equator to the mean Force of Gravity. Whence, as the centrifugal Forces, in unequal Circles, are univerfally as the Radii diredly, and the Squares of the periodic Times inverfly, it fol- lows that the forefaid Excefs (in Figures nearly fpherical) will be as the Radii directly, and as the Denfity and the Square of the Time of Rotation inverfly : From which Proportions, the Ratios of the greateftand leaft Diameters of the Planets may be inferred from each other ; fup- pofmg the Times of their Rotation, about their Axes, to be known. PRO, in determining the Attraction of Bodies* P R O B. XIII. 403. To determine the Figure which a Fluid will ac- quire when, bcfides the mutual Gravitation of the Parts thereof, it is attracted by ,another Body, fo remote^ that all Lines drawn from it to the Surface of the Fluid, may be taken as Parallels. 477 H M Let OAPES be the propofed Fluid, and let MPS and MQ^ be Right- lines, drawn from the re- mote Body M\ whereof the former MPS paffes thro' the Center of Gra- vity O : Moreover, let the Plane AE be perpen- dicular to the Axis MOS ; and put NQjr:0 and OM (the Diftance of the re- mote Body) == d ; alfo put the Semi-diameter of the Body (at M) = r, and let its Denfity be to that of the Fluid APES, as any Quantity v to Unity. Then, fmce, according to the foregoing Cal- culations, the Attraction at the Surface of a Sphere (of a given Denfity) is exprefled by | of the Radius, it fol- lows that the Attraction of the Body M y at its Surface, will be explicable by : And therefore, the Force varying according to the Square of the Diftance in- * Art ' 3 8 * verfly *, it will be, d* (MN) r :: - Attraction of M, at the Diftance MN VT* its Attraction at Diftance 47$ The W e gf FLUXIONS Diflance MQ.. Whence the Difference of thefe t\vo, vr 5 _ vr* ^vr* ^ ^s ' r JlT;^r ~~ 3 > ( ~ ^ x 2 -+ T + ^ (s'c.) will be as the Force whereby a Corpufcle at Q_ endeavours to recede from the Plane AE: Which bc- caufe (by Hypothecs) d is very great in refpecT: of /') "~~ I Hence, if * + + cy + ^ fefr. = ^ (where ', / > l"~ I > ^ are equal to each other. For that Expreffion is a Maximum (or Minimum) when it cannot be increafed (or decreafed) by altering the Values of the indeterminate Quantities involved therein ; but it may be increafed (or decreafed) by altering only two of them (as A and ft) whilft the J A _ ^ reft remain unchanged j unlefs x * i PPt""* an ^ "' are equal to each other. (This is proved above.) Therefore, wheny/ X a.& + pp * + " + C X il" + fcff. is a Maximum or Minimum, the Quantities - +/ > p|""~ I an d "T " x ~ X ^3 + Pf\"~* cannot be unequal : And, by the very fame Argument, no other two of the Quantities above (pearled can be unequal. li If, 482 Of Problems De Maximis & Minimis If, in the Right-line PR, there be now aflumed NN = tt t NN = 0, &c. and upon thefe, as Safes, Re&angles l^K, NK be fuppofed, whofe Altitudes NK, NK &V. are denoted by a, , c, d&c. it is evident that a& -f ^ + ty + ^ &?f. f=: ^) will be exprefled by the Sum of all the faid Re&angles, or the whole Polygon Hi Moreover, if, in the Right-line PL (perpendicular to PR) there be taken MM, &c. each equal to />, and, upon thefe equal Bafes, Re&angles MV, MV" &c. be confHtuted, whofe Altitudes are denoted by A X B X Z Ut . it Iik ewife Tr , c plain that the Value of Jgxgg_j ^-x C x yy pp\* w iH be truly reprefented by the i _ whole depending upon a particular Curve. 483 whole Polygon Mb. Which Polygon (as p is con- ftant) will be a Maximum or Minimum, when A X **~^pp\ + Bx. 03 ~4~ W 1 ] ~1~ & c * i s a Maximum or Minimum ; that is when all the Quantities x a &c. are equal to each other (as has been proved above.) Let now, A^ B, C, D &c. be expounded by any Powers, (MP r ,Mp r , MP' , &f f .) of the refpedive Diftances from a given Point P; and let, at the fame time, the correfponding Values of a, b y f, d &c. be interpreted by any other propofed Powers MP" 1 , MP , a MP* csV. of the fame given Diftances : Then the Area of the Polygon N/ will be exprefled by MP* X * + MP" 1 X p + MP" X y&c. ( i}\ and that of the ; 1" ; i* rtet-f- Apt f Rfl -f-fip| Polygon Mb, by MP r X ~^~ + MP r x -^~ And the forefaid equal ^ refpeaively. Now let the Number of the Rectangles be fuppofed indefinitely great, and their Breadths indefinitely fmall, I i 2 fo 484 Of Problems De Maximis & Minimis fo that the Area of each of the two Polygons N/ and MA may be taken for that of its circumfcribing Curve : Moreover, let u and y be put to reprefent the Diftances of any two correfponding Ordinates EF and GI from the given Point P; and let j be every where exprefled i i 11 byp (=MM=MM= faV.) Then, u being a general Value for any of the Quantities a, 0, y, / &c. (orNN, NN &c.) it follows; Firft, that the Fluxion of the Area of the Curve NEFK (the Ordinate being, every where, = y") will be truly defined by/*a; Second- ly, that the Fluxion of the Area MG'lV (by fubfti- tuting y, u and y inftead of their Equals) will be and, laftly, that the Value of each r m et X of the equal Quantities, Mr r . above fpecified, will be expreff.d by the Theorem Is manifejl. 408. If R and S be affumed to denote any Funclions of v (that is, any two Quantities exprefled in Terms of y and given Coefficients j then, in order to have the ~ Fluent of 5 x *"~ a Maximum or Minimum, IKl y when that of Ru becomes equal to a given Value, it is ~ - r-\ c l rcquifite that% X ""^ Ihould be a conftant " y ' Quan- depending upon a particular Curve. Quantity : This, alfo, is evident from the preceding Demonftration ; and may be of Ule when the above premifed Theorem is not fufficiently general. P R O B. I, 409. To determine the Nature $f the Curve ACE ; fe /, the Length of the Arch AE being given , the Area ABE/W/ be a Maximum. Calling (as ufual) the Ab- fcifla AD, A- ; the Ordina:e DC, y; and the Arch AC, 2, we have x \/&* j** ; and therefore yx f y x K.%. jjrj 1 rz the Fluxion of the Area ADC. Now, fmce, by the Queftion, the Fluent of y x zz jjl 1 is to be a Maximum^ when That of z becomes equal to a given Quantity (ACE) let thefe two Fluxions be, refpeclively, compared with 485 y x .in I y and y m u (as given in the foregoing Theorem t) By which means, n = ', r = i, u z i J Art. 406, and m =. o ; and confequently =: yz X Kxyy\ * : Which (according to the faid Theorem) brine, every where, equal to a conftant Quantity, we (hall, by putting that Quantity = a, and ordering the Equation, get a 1 = fl __ ., and * J> and, confequently, (by taking 486 Of Problems De Maximis Sc Minimis taking the Fluent) * ~ a v a * >% or lax xx y 1 i which is the common Equation of a Circle. COROLLARY. 410. It follows from hence, that the greateft Area that can poffibly be contain'd by a Right-line f AE) joining two given Points, and any Curve-line ACE of a given Lengthy terminating in the fame Points, will be when the faid Curve-line is an Arch of a Circle. P R O B. II. 411. The Length of the Arch AE (fee the preceding Figure) being given, to determine the Nature of the Curve, ft that the Solid generated by the Rotation thereof may be a Maximum. Art.i45. Since the Fluent of y* X * -y^ - ( y*x *) is required to be a Maximum, when that of z has a given Value ACE, every thing will remain as in the laft Problem j only, r muft here be 2 : And there- = a. fore (by the 'Theorem) we have y*z x j$ ft y Whence * =. , ~ ; and coafequently x ( v a" y* _ Vz* - i'O : -~=\ Which Values, if F be V a y*- put = a (in order to have the Powers homologous) b*y ^ - will become z rz ' and x =: Vb* y* Whence z and x will be known. P R O B. III. 412.' The Super fetes generated by the drch of a Curve, in its Rotation* about its Jx'n, being given ; to determine the Curve, Jo tkatthe Solid, itjelf, way be a Maximum. f Art i . B ecau *e the Fluent of / X s" /i| t is to be a Maximum, when that of yx becomes equal to a given Quan- depending upon a particular Curve. 487 Quantity ; let the Fluxions here exhibited be therefore ' "' "V compared with > x uu IE yy an d y m u (given in the .zn I y Theorem.) By means whereof (r being 2, u = , ^ n = -, ar.d JTZ = I ) we have yz x a j*j (a c:mftant Quantity * ;) which is the very Equation found * Art - 4 6 - in Prob. i. belonging to a Circle. If the Solid be fuppofed given, and the Superficies a Minimum^ we fhall come at the very fame Concluiion : i For, y^x and y x xx -f jj'| l (which are refpeftively as their Fluxions) being compared with y m u and 2 ^L_ ^i we have m 2,u ^, r = i, and n f ; and there- Jf fore : equal to a conftant Quantity : Which yVS + y" being denoted by (fo that the Terms may be ho- mologous) there comes out ax y V x 1 -\- y~ j whence lax x* y~ (as before.) PROB. IV. 413. To determine the Curve HFB, from wbcfe Re- volution a Solid B K jhall be generated ; which , myving forward, in a Medium, in the Direftion of its Axis DA, will be Ifji reft/ltd than any other Solid of the fame given Length DA and Baft BC. If AE JT, EFzr^, Ff>=x ts'c. it is evident, from the Principles of Mechanics, that the refifting Force of a Particle of the Medium at F (being as the Square or the Sine of the Angle of Inclination pq) will be truly reprefented by ^ ( ' JK\ ** +* \ Fy) V ' 488 Of Problems De Maximis & Minimis the whole Number of Par- ticles acting upon FHKG is proportional to the Area of the Circle FG, or as y 1 ; the Fluxion hereof (2yy) drawn into yy will therefore give for the xx + yy Fluxion of the Refinance upon FHKG. Now, fince it is required (by the Queflion) to have the Fluent of XX -f- Maximum^ when That of x becomes equal to a given Quantity (AD), let thefe two Fluxions be therefore Art. 406. comoared with (r being I, u = x, n i '*. Whence m o) we get Art. confequently ^j 3 ^ r: a x xx + jjj" : Whereof the Flu- ent will be found, by A? t. 264. That the Curve does not meet its Axis in the extreme Point A, but has an Or- <3inate AH at that Point (as reprefented in the Figure) is evident from the foregoing Equation. For xx yyi" (Fy) 4 ^ being, always, greater than j 3 .v (pg\ 3 x Yp) y y muft therefore be greater than or axy ~ y x xx -J- yj \ ' Whereof the Solution is given in Art. 264. PR OB. 49 Of Problems DC Maximis & Minimis. P R O B. VI. 415. To determine the Line, along which a Body, fy its own Gravity, wilt, dcfcend^ from one given Point A to another 'By inthejhortfft Time poflible. Let AD be parallel, and BC perpendicular, to the Horizon, interfering each other in C ; and let QP be any Ordinate to the Curve parallel to BC : Then (calling AP, x ; PQ_,.y fcfcj the Celerity at Q^will be exprefled L by y* j alfo the Fluxion of the Time of Defcent thro' An. 204. A Q^ will be truly defined by -7 *, or its Equal y i ~ X xx -f jy\ . Here, therefore, the Fluent of y~~^ x ** + yfi" is to ^ e a Minimum, when that of x arrives to t Arties- a given Value (AC). Whence, by the Theorem f, y 3 x x xx -\-yj\ * muft be a conftant Quantity : Which (to have the Terms homologous) let be denoted by a" 5 "* (or =. \ Then a r x rr y* x xx -f j$ T ; V/^ _i^ . . y*y rr whence x ~ ^--^ = J - - t % = ^ ^ , -i\ 9 = depending upon a particular Curve. 491 - - ; and confequently z=2 and VQ_ (AV AQJ id 1 v a y, it follows that VD (af: VE (a-y) :: VA* (4*') : VQ_* (4* x^J Which is one of the moft remarkable Properties of the Cycloid ; the Curve which, therefore, anfwers the Con- ditions of the Problem. If the Celerity be fuppofed as any Function (S) of the Quantity y> the Problem will be refolved in the fame manner: The Equation of the Curve being Art. 408. P R O B. VII. 416. To find the Nature of the Curve AQE, along u-hich a heavy Body mujl defend from an horizontal Line RC to a vertical Line CD, fo that the Area CAE may be given, and the Time of the Defcent a Minimum. If the Ordinate PQ, ( parallel to CD ) be called .y, and the Velo- city at Q_be denoted by /" ; it is evident that the Fluent of y~~" X muft be a Minimum when that of yx amounts to a given Value. Therefore 492 Of Problems De Maximis & Minimis Therefore (by the Theorem already mention'd fo i often) we have y~' ~*x X xx + _v>l * a~~ > ~~ 1 j and confequently = ' ..; which, by wri- y. y ting i inftead of , becomes x ~ \ Whence V a 3 y 3 x will be known. But, if the Celerity was to be every where uniform, then ( being o) we fhould have VV r _r .- * = ~r -^; and therefore # = a Vcfy*: * a y Which anfwers to a Circle. LEMMA. 417. If, upon a Tangent EP, from any Point C in the Circumference of a Circle FEC, a Perpendicular C? be let fall, the Chord (CE) joining that Point and the Point of Contafl, -will be a Mean- Proportional be- tween the faid Perpendicular CP and the Diameter CF tf the Circle* For, the Angles P and CEF being both Right ; and alfo CEP ir F, the Triangles CPE and CEF are fimilar : And there- fore CP : CE :: CE : CF. P R O B. VIII. 418. In themixt-lind Triangle ACB, the Lengths of all the Sides (whereof C&andCB are Right-lines) are fuppofed given ; 'tis required to find the Nature of the Curve-fide AEB, fa that the Ana may be a Maximum. depending upon a particular Curvf. Put the Arch AE rr z, and the Ordinate CE = y then, the Fluxion of the Area ACE bein /^ j\ * the Fluent of y X z* jj] z > generated in the Time where- in y y from CA, increafes to CB, muft be a Maximum : Therefore, by the TJ?eorem f, F 493 * Art. 113. f Art. 406. we have yz X zz yy * a = t> or 77 r* c yy = . But, if CP be fup- pofed perpendicular to the Tangent EP, then will yy (Art. 35.; - CE y CP ~ d? 1 con quently j = j . or , C P : CE (y) :: CE (y) : a : Which Proportion, by the Lemma^ anfwers to a Circle ; whereof the Quantity a is the Diameter. Now, that AEB muft be an Arch of a Circle is alfo evident from Prob. j. but, that the fame Arch, con- tinu'd out, will pafs thro' the Angle C, does not appear from thence. This is known from above ; and is re- quifite in finding the particular Circle anfwering to any propofed Data. PROB. IX. 4.19. To find the Path AEB which a Body mujl de- fer the in moving uniformly from one given Point A to another B ; fo that, being every where acled on by a Force, cr Virtue, which varies according to the Inverfe- Duplicate- Ratio of the Di/lances from a given Center C, the whole Aclion upon the Body frail be a Minimum. Putting 494 Art. 134. Of Problems De Maximis & Minimis Putting AE = z, CE ~ y> de (indefinite- ly fmaU) = j*\ Ee = z, j l ) and = j Ed ( y for the Meafure of the Force which a&s upon the Body in defcribing the Particle Ee (zf: Moreover, if from the Center C, with any gi- ven Radius (r) an Arch KT/S of a Circle be defcribed, interfering CE in T, we (hall have Tt (the Meafure of the Angle ECe) = . Therefore, fince the _ Fluent of y~* X uu -f yy ' is required to be a Ml- ximum, and the cotemporary Fluent of >*~ x u (between CAandCB) a given Quantity; it follows, from the Theorem premifed at the Beginning of the Section, muft be equal to a con- and confequently that/"" ri * X uu + yy flant Quantity ( J C =**=?} -L. \. * ) - a ti0n found in the preceding Problem. Therefore, if thro' the three given Points A, B, and C, the Circumference of a Circle be defcribed, the Arch thereof terminated by A and B will be the Path of the Body. Jg. . /. COROLLARY. 420. If FR be a Tangent to the Circle, at the Ex- tremity of the Diameter CF, and CA and CE be pro- duced depending upon a particular Curve. duced to meet it in R and Q_, it follows that the whole Action upon the Body, in defcribing the Arch AE, will be proportional to the correfponding Part RQ. of the faid Tangent. For, if Ce be, alfo, produced to meet FR in y, and EF be drawn, it is plain that the Triangles CEF and CFQ^, as alfo CE* and C?Q_, are fimilar : Whence it will be, CE (y) : CF (a) :: CF (a) : CQ. (or Cf) = ~ 5 and CE (y) : Ee (*) :: C ? (-) : Qj -- .' Which (a being conftant) is as f ) the Force that acts upon the Body in defcribing E* (2). And, as this every where holds, the whole Action in defcribing AE mult therefore be proportional to RQ. Which Force (it is eafy to prove) will be to that ex- erted on the Body in moving through the Chord AE, as the Chord to the Arch. P R O B. X. 421. To determine the Path in -which a Body may move from one given Point A to another B, in the Jhortejl Time poj/ibte ; fuppoftng the Velocity to be, every where, propor- tional to any Power (y? ) of the Dtftance from a given Center C. (See the laft. Figure. ) Here every thing will remain as in the preceding Problem ; only yf muft be wrote inftead of jr-*. T-t- - /"+ 1 ~" "1 \ 1 nerefore we have y x u x uu + yy> ~ a conftant Quantity : Which Qiiantity (to have the Terms b homologous) let be denoted by ; then 4 by Reduction, -f yy CP_ CP ' Ee CE "" kf And confequently CP = -^. Hence, if p =.0, or the Ve- 496 Of Problems De Maximis & Minimis Velocity be conftant ; then CP being every where = b, the Body muft, in this Cafe, defcribe a Right-line. by But, if p i, then CP being = j the Curve will * An. 74. b e a logarithmic Spiral, whofe Center is C * : Except in that particular Cafe, where CA = CB, when it de- generates to a Circle. Laftly, if p = 2, the Curve will be a Circle (by the preceding Lemma) whofe Diameter is -r, and whofe Periphery pafles through the given Point C. After the fame manner, the Value of CP (upon which the Nature of the Curve depends) may be de- termined, when the Velocity is expounded by any given Fundion (S) of the Diftance (y) from the Center of t Art-^oy. Force : And (by writing S in the room of f \ &c.) bS will come out CP = j where b and c reprefent con- ftant Quantities. When the Velocity is That which the Body may ac- quire, in defcending through BE, by a centripetal Force cxprefled by /, then the Value of S (the Meafure of JArt.22i. that Velocity) being interpreted by V d f+I y f * t aad 106. (where CB= d) we therefore have CP= -.v for the Equation of the Curve of the fwifteft Defcent, according to this laft Hypothefis of a centripetal Force varying as any Power/* of the Diftance. 422. Befides the Problems already refolved in this Seclion, there are others of the fame Nature which are confined to more particular Rsftri&ions, and require a different Method of Solution. Thus, depending upon a particular Curve. 497 Thus, if j^> , R and S be fuppofed to denote any given Powers, or Functions, of the Ordinate (y) of a Curve ANM, and the A p JV Nature of the Curve be required, fo that, when, the Fluent of >x be- comes equal to a given Quantity, the Fluent of Rz may alfo be- ~j j-jy-j. come equal to another D given Quantity, and That of S*> a Maximum or Mi- nimum : Then, becaufe there is, in this Cafe, a fecond Equation, or new Condition, beyond what is to be met with in any of the foregoing Problems, the Method of So- lution hitherto explained, will, therefore, be inefficient. But, by a Procefs iimilar to that whereby the faid Method was demonftrated (afiuming,here, three Expreflions, and three indeterminate Quantities, inftead of two*) a ge-* Art< 47 neral Anfwer to this Problem (under all its Reftridions) will be obtained : And is exhibited by the Equation, * pR + oS - ~ - (^~ > wherein p and q denote conuant Quantities. 423. Though it feems unneceflary to put down the Invention of this Equation, after what has been hinted above, yet it may not be improper to obferve, by way of Corollary, that, if Q I, R = I, and 5 /, the Equation will then become -r p^r_ qy n ; expreffing the Nature of the Curve,when, the whole AbfcifTa (AM) and correfponding Arch( AN ) being both given Quantities, the Fluent of y"z is a Maximum or Minimum^ According as the Value of n is pofitive or negative : In both which Cafes, it is very eafy to perceive, that the Curve mull be concave to AM. and that the Value of , or its X K k Equal 49 3 Of Problems De Maximis & Minimis Equal p + qy* y muft, therefore, decreafe as y increafes ; whence we may infer that the Sign of qy n muft be ne- gative in the former Cafe, and pofitive in the latter. Ex. Let the Curve ABDE, be the Gatenaria ; formed by a flender Chain, or perfectly flexible Cord, B fufpended by its two Extremes in the horizontal Line AE : Then, fince its Center of Gravity muft be the loweft poffible, the Fluent of yz, when AC=AE, muft Art. 173. therefore be a Maximum * : Whence (n being here = i) our Equation f 4- = p + q y" ) becomes -j- = p But, in order to reduce ft to a more convenient Form, let the Diftance (DF) of the loweft Point of the Curve from the horizontal-Line AE be put b ; then, when y (BC) becomes rr b, x will be = z ; and therefore the Equation, in that Circumftance, is i =r p qb j whence p i -f > and confequently -7- = i + qb qy I +q X b y : Which, by putting I 55 , y (DH) s and a ~ is reduced to =: i f *^^"^^*-. _ - -f : From whence a'z* ( rro+7] 1 x x"} ~ a + 7] 1 a X %? s 1 ; and confequently BD ~ Y2as + ss. For another Example (wherein the Exponent n will be negative) Jet the required Curve be That along which depending upon a particular Curve. 499 which a Body may defcend, by its own Gravity, from one given Point A to another B, in lefs Time than through any other Line of the fame Length. In which Cafe, the Fluent of %,y 2 being a Minimum, when A- and z become equal to given Quantities, our E- quation (by writing ^ f r n ) w ^ nere become _ = p -j- fX * : From whence exterminating x, or , by means of the Equation x 1 + y 1 % the Fluent may alfo be determined. SECTION XL Tihe Refolution of Problems of various Kinds. P R O B. I. 424. /I N T hyperbolical Logarithm (y) leing given 4 -** it is propoffd to find this natural Nlirtiber anfwer- ing thereto. If the Number fought be denoted by I + x t we (hall X (by drt. 126.) have y =. , or y + xy x rr o. I T X Let Ay + By 1 + Cy* & c . x ; then Ay + 2.Byy 4~ 3Ot? & " - *> an< ^ ur Equation will become y -f Ayy + By*j + C> 3 j- ^. ? _ y# 2 Byy $Cy*y ^Dy 3 y &. J " Whence, by comparing the homologous Terms, we A i B i . ret A = i, 5 = , C = - ', D = 2 2' 3 2 3 Therefore i + + y - -f 42.3-4 2 2.3 ' &V. is ( = i + x) the Num- 2. 3 ber fought. PR OB. 5 The Refolution of Problems P R O B. II. 425. The Radius AO and any Arch Aft of a Circle ABD being given j to find the Sine BC, and Co- fine OC of that Arch. Let AO (BO) = r, AB = z, AC - *, BC = y y c A Bb rr: a, B = x, and In -=j> : Becaufe of the fimilar Triangles OBC and Bnb, it will be OB (r) : BC (y) : : Bb (x) : Bn (x) And OB (r) : OC (r x) : : Bb () : bn (j) From which we have yk =: rx And rj = ; xz. Let x-Az + Bz- + C7? + Dz* + Ez* &c. And _y ~ ^zz 4- />z z + tz 3 + dz* + ez* &c. Then, by Subftitution and Tranfpofition, our two Equations will become azx. And 7. c. S 5^2 4 i Wr. ? _ ^. J " P'rom which, by equating the homologous Terms, we get Alfo =i, ^= /I , 2r 7? There * of various Kinds. 501 ' Therefore 2rB = i, -irC = , ' $rE = -- , &c. and confequently 5= , C o, * 5 . 6r z "^ Whence, alfo b (yC) = o, c (= 2 . 3r Hence it is evident that y ( az + bz* -\- > x 3 z 5 z 7 2 3 r^^ 2;* r. And that x (^dz + Bz^ + Cz 3 &c.) rr v 2r __ 3 " s " 2.3. 4r 3 " 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6r s P R O B. III. 426. To find the Value of *, when x* is a Minimum. The Logarithm of x* is = x X / . *; whofe Fluxion x x /- x -f i being = o, we have /:* = !. But (by P rob. i.) the Number whofe hyp. Log. is > will bei + j+T + r-; + Hrr^- Therefore ' b y 4 i J * " ' 4P writing i inftead of y> we have * i I + J 7* Subjlance of this Solution (being the mojt r.eat and artful I have feen to that ufeful Problem) I had from a Letter florid Needier ; which teas put into my Hands by a Friend, who rtcei-iSd it from the late Dr. Halley, to wbnft it e was wrote. Kk 3 5 2 4> 5 ^v. =0,367878 P R O B. IV. 427. To divide a given Number (a] fo that the con- tinual Produtt of all its Parts may be a iMaximum. It is evident (from Art. 23.) that all the Parts "muft be equal : If* therefore, any one of them be denoted by *, their Number will be , and we {hall have 4 x\* a Maximum: And therefore its Logarithm x x L . x a Maximum alfo : And its Fluxion ? X L . x x Art. aa. ~ =0.*: Whence R-L.x=i, and confequently Bad 126. I I I 2 2.3 2 3 4- &c. Therefore the next inferior, or fuperior, Num- ber to 2,71828 &c. that will exactly meafure the. given Number a, is the required Value of each Part : Thus, let a = io: then becaufe ,, ; A f . 'Tlk'AX (F=T/- T 2 . nearly, the Number of Parts, in this Cafe, will be 4, and the Value of each == =2.5. P R O B. V. 428. To divide a given Angle A OB into two Parts AUC and BOC, fo that the Produft of any given Powers, AP" X BQ^, of tbeir Sines AP and BQ. may. bt a Let of various Kinds. Let AP, produced, cut the Radius OB in D, and the Arch AB in F ; likewife let FE and ALbe perpen- dicular to OB, and join O, F : Putting AOrrr, AP~x and BQjry. Then, becaufe x n y m is to be a Maximum, we have nx"~~ J x x /" -|- x" X my m ~ l yQ' t and con- fequently nyx = mxy. Moreover, fmce the Fluxion of the Arch AC is = -; and that of BC = ^";""T' we aifo have rx t= 0, which multiply'd by the ny former Equation, &c. gives - . " = -7= Vr^y Vr or X ^ =. mx : Whence, becaufe. OQ_ (Vr l /) : QB (y) :: OP (v/r 2 x*) : PD = .. . -, we have n x PD (tnx] =: m x AP ; Vr 1 ^* and therefore PD : AP :: m : n\ whence (by Com- pofuion and Divifion) AD : DF :: m + n: m n: But (by fan. Triang.) AD : DF :: AL : EF ; confequently r-f n : m n :: AL : FE ; that is, as the Sum of the Indices of the two pn-.pofcd Powers is to their Dif- ference, fo the Sine of the whole given Angle to the Sine of the Difference of its two, required, Parts. This Proportion is given in Words, at length, becaufe it will he found of frequent Ufe in the Solution of "me- chanical Problems. Kk4 PR OB. 54 Refohition of Problems P R O B. VI. 429. To Jkew that the leaft Triangle that can le de- fcribed about, and the greatejt Parallelogram in, a given Curve ABC, concave to its Axis, will be when the Sub' tangent FT is equal to the Safe BF of the Parallelogram^ or half the Bafe BT of the Triangk. B T A F It appears from Art. 25. and is demonftrable by commbn Geometry, that the greatcft Parallelogram that can. be infcrib'ci in the Triangle BTR (fuppofmg the Pofition of TR to remain the fame) will be that whofe Bafe BF is half the Bafe BT of the Triangle : There- fore, as a greater Figure cannot poffibly be infcribed in the Curve BAG than in the Triangle BTR circum- fcribing it, the greateft Parallelogram that can 'be in- fcribed, either in the Triangle or the Curve, muft be That above fpecified. But now, to make it alfo appear that the Triangle BTR is a Minimum when FTnBF j let B/r be any other circumfcribing Triangle, and let the two Tan- gents TER and ter interfecl each other in P. Then, ER being ET, it is plain that RP is lefs than PT, and Pr (lefs than PR lefs than PT) lefs than Pt : There- fore, the Sides PR and Pr of the Triangle RPr being lefs than the Sides, PT and Pt of the Triangle TP/, and the oppofite Angles RPr and TPt equal to each other, it follows that the Triangle PRr is lefs than TP* ; and confequently, by adding the Trapezium BTPr to both, it appears that BTR is lefs thanB/n 9 Co- of various Kinds. ro c COROLLARY. 430. Hence the greateft infcribed Parallelogram is half the leaft circumfcribing Triangle. In the fame Way it may be proved, that the greateft infcribed Cylinder, and the leaft circumfcribing Cone, in, and about, the Solid generated by Revolution of a given Curve, will be when the Sub-tangent is equal to twice the Altitude of the Cylinder, or f of the Altitude of the Cone : And that the two Figures will be to each other in the Ratio of 4 tog. P R O B. VII. 431. Three Points A, B, C being given ', to find the Pcfttion of a fourth Point P, fo that, if Lines be drawn from thence to the three former, the Sum of the Produfts a X AP, b X BP, and c xCP (ivhere a, If and c denote given Numbers) jkall be a Minimum. If CP and BP be produced to E and F, it will appear from Art. 35. and 36. that the Sine of BPE muft be to that of APE, as a to b\ and the Sine of CPF (BPE) to that of APF, as a to c. Therefore, the Sines of the three Angles BPE, APE, and APF (which Angles, taken all together, make two Right-ones) being in the given Ratio of a, b and r, it follows, that, if a Tri- angle RST be conftru&ed, whofe Sides RS, ST and RT are in the faid Ratio of a, b and c, the Angles T, R and S oppofite thereto, will be refpe&ively equal to 506 72v Refolution of Problems to the fore-mention'd Angles BPE, APE, and APF. From whence, alJ the Angles at the Point P being gi- ven, the Pofition of that Point is given by common Geometry. But it is obfervable, that, when one of the three given Quantities a, b, c (fuppofe a] is equal to, or greater than, the Sum of the other two, a Triangle cannot then be formed whofe Sides are proportional to the faid Quantities : In that Cafe the Point P will fall in the Point (A) correfponding to the greateft Quan- tity (a}. For, it is plain that b X AB is lefs than b X BP + xBP + c X CP-f-+7 X AP lefs than ^xBP+^xCP + cxAP; becaufe a (by Hypothefis) is equal to, or greater than, -f c. P R O B. VIII. 432. To determine in what Latitude a Right- line per- pendicular to the Surface cf the Earth, and Another drawn, from the fame Point, to the Center, make the greatejl Angle, pojfible, with each other-, the Ratio of the Axis end the Equator eal Diameter being fuppofid given. Let AE reprefent the Equa- toreal Diameter, and SP the Axis of the Earth (taken as an oblate Spheroid) alfo let RO and RM reprefent the two Lines fpecilied in the Problem, whereof let the latter (perpendicular to ARS) meet SP in M ; and let RB be per- pendicular to SP. It is. evident, from the Property of the Ellipft?, that SP* : AE a :: BO : BM. And (by Trigonometry) BO : BM :: Tang. BRO : Tang. BRM ; whence, by Equa- lity* of various Kinds. lity, SP* : AE 4 :: Tang. BRO : Tang. BRM; there- fore, by Compofition and Divifion, AE*-f SP* : AE X SP Z :: Tang. BRM + Tang. BRO : Tang. BRM Tang. BRO. But, the Sum of the Tangents of any two jingles is to their Difference, as the Sine of the Sum of thofe Angles to the Sine of their Difference * ; whence it follows that AE* + SP 1 : AE a SP* :: Sine. BRM -f BRO : Sine. BKiVi BKO (ORM). Now, fince the Ratio of the two firft Terms is conftant, or in every Part of the Ellipfis the fame, it is obvious that the Angle ORM, or its Sine, will be the greateft poflible, when its Antecedent (the Sine of BKM-f ttKUj is the greateft poflible, that is when BRM -f BRO = a Right-Angle and its Sine = Radius. Therefore, in the propofed Circumftance, when ORM is a Maximum^ our laft Proportion wili become AE a + SP Z : AE 1 SP 1 :: Radius : Sine of ORM : And half the Angle, fo found, added 45, will give (BRM) the Complement of the required Latitude; becaufe BRM + BRO (or sBRM ORM) being == 90, it is evi- dent that aBRMrrgc + ORM, and confequently BRM - 45 + j. ORM. P R O B. IX. 433- Of a ^ *^ e Semi-cubical Parabolas^ to determine that) whereof, the Length of the Curve being given y tht rfreajhallbe a Maximum. The general Equation is ax* = y 3 : Moreover, the 37* Area is univerfaJly == -, and the Length of the Curve (fa Ari ^ , 3?i ) Let the be put = f, and, by ordering the Equation, you will __ get * Vi4, p> 56. of my 5 o8 The Refolutlon of Problems get y i a 3 x 8a] T !: Whence, **- ( an d confequently 4 j being &J a Maximum^ it is evident tha; -, or its Equal a* x 27^ + 80! 40 5 ' muft likewife be a Maximum : Which, put into Fluxions and reduced, gives a c x ? ' 3 ^ . 3^ Whence AT and j; will alfo be found. P R O B. X. 434. To determine the Ratio of the Periphery of any given Ellipfis to that of its circumfcribmg Circle. Call the Semi-tranfverfe Axis CB, a ; the Semi-con- jugate CEjtj any Ordinate Dr, y, and its Diftance A C D B CD from the Center, x: Then (by the Nature of the Curve) y being = / aa **, we have y = . CXX ; and confequently (/ x* -j- f ) = V* ** * */^ _5 c x ^ : Which by making d rr vf various Kinds. aa cc ... xV aa dxx will be reduced to % = . V aa xx 2 . 40* 2.4. oa (by throwing the Numerator into a Series) whereof the -whole Fluent, when * becomes rz a, will be z (ERB) yj X I ~ - 2.4.4 2. 2.4. 4. 6. 6 - 3 -3; 5-5-7^ ^ ,, ^ 2g6 x where ^ denotes the Length of the Arch GB, or i of the Pe- riphery of the circumfcribing Circle. Hence it follows that the Periphery of the Ellipfis is d to that of its circumfcribing Circle, as i - -id' J B + l x & c , or as i 2.2 4.4 &c, to Unity : Where A^ B, C 9 D &c. denote the preceding Terms, under their proper Signs. PROS. XI. 435. To determine the Difference between the Length of the Arch of a Semi-hyperbola infinitely produced^ and its Afymptote. Call the Semi-tranfverfe Axis (AC) a ; the Semi- conjugate (or its Equal AE) ; b the Diftance (CF) of any Ordinate from the Center, #; the Ordinate itfelf, y ; and the Arch correfponding, z : Then, from the Nature of the Curve we have y * a - ; whence a y = 5io The Refolution of Problems */ */ C N bxx V* 1 a \ and confequently * (=Vx i + j 1 ) bbxx V 'xx aa f CA a \ a \ r= CF and u m x i : Which, making d*= . E. I. If a be taken r: j, and b = o, then ^ will become r= I : And therefore, the Curve in this Cafe falling into its Axis AG, we have A x -4- - _L ' < 3 ^ _ CA " or Unity. Whence it appears that the Sum of the Se- 1 i 3*3 ries -f -f : 2 r is the Reciprocal 2 T a . 2. 42. 2. 4. 4. 6 of | of the Periphery of the Circle whofe Radius is Unity. And, from the Problem preceding the iaft, it will likewife appear, that the Sum of the Series i -J__ 3 _ 3.3.5. eft, will be 2.2 denoted by the fame Quantity ; and confequently that thefe two Seriefes are equal to each other. From the Addition and Subtraction of which and their Mul- tiples, various other Seriefes may be produced, whofe Sums are explicable by means of the Periphery of a Circle. PROB. Refolution of Problems P R O B. XII. 4.36. To determine the Nature of the Curve CDHj which will inter fett any Number of fimilar and concentric Ettipfts A MB, amb &c. at Right- Angles. Let the Tangent DT, which is a Normal to the El- lipfis AMB, meet the Axis AB in T j and, fuppofmg AC, CM, aC, Cm &c. to be the principal Semi-diameters of their refpe&ive Ellipfes, let the given Ratio of AC 1 to CM 1 (or of flC 1 to C^&rV.) be that of I ton: Put- ting CE x, ED n jr, Dp (*) *, and dp y. It is a known Property of the Ellipfis that AC 1 : CM* :: CE : ET ; therefore ET -nx : Moreover ET (nx) : Dp (x) :: ED (y) : pd (j) by fimilar Triangles) whence = , or ; whereof the Fluent nx y x y Art. 126. is L : x L : a = L : y L : a * (where a denotes any conftant Quantity at Pleafure.) Hence we alib n x y y have L: n xL: = L : , and consequently = , or a a a n P R O B. XIII. 437. To find the Equation of a Curve ERD that wit! rut any Number of Ellipfes^ or Hyperbolas, having the fame Center O and Vertex A, at Right- Angles. Let RT be a Tangent to any one of the propofed Conic Sections ARF, at the Interfe&ion R, meeting the of 'various Kinds. O T A. B E O the Axis AO in T ; and put AO=a, OB=x, BR=y, nr=x, Rn=j: Then (per Conies) BT == ax' in the Ellipfis, and =r tt -, in the Hyperbola : Whence, by reafon of the fimilar Triangles TBR, and Rrn, it will be (BT) :y (BR) :: - > (Rn) : -f x (rn] : Therefore + yy = * XT, and confequently -f + d* = a'x L : 2 a i x*. Where d denotes a conftant Quantity, depending on the given Value of AE. PROS. XIV. 438. Let two Points n and m move y at the fame time, from two given Portions B and C, with equal Celerities^ along two Right- lines BA and EC perpendicular to each other: 'Tis proofed to determine the Curve ASC, to which a Right-line joining the faid Points Jhall, always* be a Tangent. Let DS and ev be parallel to BA, and Sr perpen- dicular thereto : Putting BCz=rf, CDr=A:, SD = _y, Sr =. X-, and rv ~y. Therefore (by fim. Triangles] y : x LI :: y Rtfofati:: bn: Whence Cm (CD Dm) = x - ?, and En (B* -f bn] = v -f **"-? : Which two laft Values, be- X caufe the Velocities of the Bodies are equal, rouft alfo yx_ a xxy be equal to each other, that is, x -- r > + - : - ; y x Hence, by making X- conftant, and taking the Fluxion i*y _. - ~ of the whole Equation, we get x there '"s .- .-. j _ _ ^xj =yx~, and ,- the Fluent on both Sides being taken, we have 2 _ 2 v x T 2 Va x, and confequently * = 2 V/^- _ ^; Which Equation pertains to the common Pa- rabola. of various Kind*. 515 Otberwife more univerfatty, thus. > t 439 : Put Cm v and En = w, and let thefe Quan- tities (inftead of being equal) have any given Relation to each other. Then, fince the abfolute Celerity of m isexprefled by v : wv -f- a v x w, and confe- quently DS = = - ' - : Whence bn (w wv + a v x w __ a v X ww . nr\ r 01 bnxBm\ SD) == ; and BD (= S = I uj IV 2iv -f ; in which laft, if for w its Equal a. LI 2 516 The Refolution of Problems }/~ay be fubftituted, we fhall have BD = a 4- y ; and confequently CD (a BD) = 2 Y ay y, the very fame as before. P R O B. XV. 440. Suppofmg a Body T to proceed, uniformly, along a Right-line BC, and another Body S, in purfuit of the fame-, always direttly towards it, with a Celerity which is to that of T, in any given Ratio, of i to H; it is pro- pofed to find the Equation of the Curve ASD defer ibed by the latter. Let the Tangent AB, which makes Right-Angle 3 with BC, be put = , BR = #, RS y, and AS = z: B R T c vx Then theSubtangent RT being = ^, we have BT = x + L. : Moreover, fince the Diftances BT and AS gone over in the fame Time, are as the Celerities and i, we alfo have BT ( = n X AS) = z = x + VAT . : Whence, in Fluxions (making j conftant) j- V \ * S r \/ V "T~ X The of various Kinds. 517 The Fluent of which (by Art. 126.) is X Log. y x 4. VV 4- x 1 = Log. I - : But when ya, x is = o, y and then the Equation becomes n x Log. a =: o ; therefore the Fluent, duly corrected, is n x Log. a n x -4- V^y* -4- .* z tf" x Log. v = Log. -1- ^ -L , or Log. = y y* ji Whence it is evident that / and f5. ^ = Vv^Tl 1 ; from which, by fquaring both Sides, 2^ is found = * ' v " ' a v 1 * Q*-'| whofe Fluent is 2* = + / a* l B -f-I But when ^ = a, x is = o, and then, a a ina o = - -- 1 -- -- ; therefore the l n n + i i Fluent corrected is 2* l _ n Otherwife (without fecond Fluxions.) 441. Put ST = P and RT == ^. Then fince the abfolute Velocity of the Body S is denoted by Unity, that with which the Ordinate SR is carry'd towards the 6) 6) Body Twill be denoted by -p X i or jf (by Art. 35 .) which fubtradted from n the Velocity of 7", leaves n ^ ^ for the relative Celerity with which T recedes from L 1 3 R : 5 1 8 The Rejolution of Problems > R : After the fame Manner, if from x the Celerity of Tin the Direction ST produced, there be taken (i) the Celerity of S in the fame Direction, the Remainder, n9 -0 s i, will be the Celerity with which T recedes from S : Therefore, the Fluxions of Quantities being as jp n> the Celerities of their Increafe, we have n ~7J : "~5~ ; and confequently nQ P X =nPx P. But, fmcethe Quantities P and j^are concerned exactly alike, the Equation thus derived will, in all probability, become more fimple, by fubftituting for their Sum and Difference: Let therefore P + ^ J, and P Q=v, or, which is the fame, let P =?= , and j^z= : 2 2 ns nv s v Then, by Subfhtution, we ihall have i v ns 4- nv s -f v s + v X r= X j which con- tracted, &c. becomes i+nxv's=zi Xj>i/, or i-J-x * = i x i whofe Fluent (corre&ed) is i-f X Log. s = i wxLog. v + 2nx Log. a t or Log. J 1+ * -= Log. a v 1 -". Whence s'+ n = a 2 " v l ~\ and confequently s l+n x T/ I + B =fl 2 " v a : But sv ( = S X ST RT = RS 2 ) =y* therefore j*+ x v 1+ " ~ 2 , y" +I x v* 1 =a v\ and v = . w hence f ( - -) a V w cf various Kinds. 519 _ But RS : RT JL 9 and ix ~ , the very fame as before. COROLLARY. 442. If the Velocity of S be greater than tbat of T (or n be lefs than Unity) the two Bodies will concur when the latter has moved over a Diftance expreffed by - ; becaufe, when y becomes = o, ix is bardy = But if the Velocity of S be lefs thaa tbat of j ina j T y it is plain that 5 can never come up with T: Bat its n l neareft Approach will be when j ^T^j xa.-For, +i fmce ST is univerfally = r- - > let the FIux- 2/~ If? ion of this Expreflion be taken and put equal to No- thing ; and / will be found as above exhibited. It" the Celerities of S and 7, inftead of being uni- form, vary according to a given Law ; then, denoting the former by A and the latter by B> the Equation of x By the Curve will be , ~ v : And if the Yj-t-x "/ By Fluent of -jr be explicable by a Logarithm, as L. NI then, the Fluent of - l being L. -L_1-L_J!!* , Mtt. vy +* j LI 4 we co The Refolution of Problems we fhall have N v - v v 1 -f- x 1 - j which, ordered, gives A- rz - : Whence x will be found. 2 2^V P R O B. XVI. 443. To determine the Frujlum CDEF cf a Trian- gular-Prifm, cf a given Bafe CF and Altitude BA ; uibicb, moving in a Medium^ in the Direfiion of its Length B A, Jhall be refijled the hajl po/ible. Draw CH parallel to BA meet- ing ED, produced, in H : More- over, let HP, PQ^and PR be per- pendicular to CD, CH and DH refpeclively. Since the Number of refitting Particles acting upon DC is as DH, and the Force of each as iTpT/ the Square of the Sine of the Angle of Incidence DPR, the whole Refinance fuftained by DC will therefore be DH x DR Z cxprefied by -- ryrn; , or DR, which is equal to it (by the Similarity of the Triangles DHP and DPR) Whence the Refinance upon ADC is truly exprefied by AR (AD -f DR) and is a Minimum when its Defed (PQ.) be- low the given Quantity AH (or BC) is a Maximum : But PQis a Maximum when CQ^ and HQ_ are equal ; becaufe, the Angle CPH being Right, a Semi-circle de- fcribed upon CH will always pafs through the Point P ; and it is well known that the greateft Ordinate in a Semi-circle is That which divides the Diameter into two equal Parts. Hence the Angle DCH, when the Refiftance upon ADC is a Minimum, will be juft the Half of a Right- Angle, provided BC be given greater than BA; other- wife, of various Kinds. wife, the whole Prifm CAP will be lefs refifted than any Fruftum CDEF of a greater Prifm. P R O B. XVII. 444. To determine the Angle RBE which a Plane EBF mujt make with the Wind blowing in a given Direction RB, fo that the Plane itfelf may be urged in another given Direction BA with the greats/I Force pojjible. It is known, from the Refolution of Forces, that theForce whereby the Plane EF is urged in the given Direction BA, by a Par- ticle of Air, acting in the Direction RB, is directly as the Rectangle of the Sines of the Angles (ABE, RBE) which the two given Directions make with the Plane : Therefore, fmce the Number of Particles acting on EF is as the Sine of RBE, it follows that the whole Force, or Effect, of the Wind, in the Direftion BA, will be as 5. ABE X Squ. S. RBE ; which being a Maximum, we have (by Prob. 5.) 3 : I :: Sine of the whole given Angle RB A : Sine of RBE ABE. Whence the Angles RBE and ABE arc both given. Q E. I. COROLLARY. 44 . p.* And, from the very fame Argument, if the Force / was to aft alone, the Teniion of the Thread would be /. P : Therefore, when both the of various l&nds. fJi 2? p the Forces act together, the Tenfion will be ~\~- ' For it is very plain that, their acting both at the fame time, no way influences their refpective Effects on the Thread. ^. . /. COROLLARY. 448. If the Forces F and f be refpectively expounded by the Mattes, or Weights, of the Bodies ^and B ; the Tenfion of the Thread will then become Whence it appears that the Tenfion of a Thread fliding over a Pin or Pulley, by means of two unequal Weights A and B 3 fufpended at the Ends thereof, is equal to -r., r>, - . ~TT~D : ln e Double whereof, or -j 77, is the Weight which the Pin or Pulley fuftains, while the Bodies are in Motion j becaufe the Thread hangs double, or on both Sides the Pulley. If feveral Bodies A^ 5, C, D &V. communicating by means of a String or Wire AF, be urged towards a Point P, in the Direction of the String or Wire, by any given Forces^, ^, r, s &c. refpectively, the Tenfion of the Part AB will be /> X ~B~+ C + D bV. A X g + r -f s &c. . A + B 4- C -f D (3'c. of the Part BC X D + E+F 4+B + C X 4 + B -f C -f D & f . All 524 The Refolution of Problems / y All which eafily follows from above ; and will an- fwer alfo in thofe Cafes where fome of the Forces are fuppofed to a6t in the contrary Direction, if every fuch Force be confidered as a negative Quantity. P R O B. XIX. 449. Let it be required to raife a given Weight N, to a given Height BC, along an inclind Plane AC, by means of another given freight M, cmnetfed to the former by a flexible Rope NrM, moving ever a Pulley at C j to find the Tenfion cf the Rope ; a/Jo the Inclination and Length of the Plane, fo that the Time of the whole Afcent may be the lea/1 pojfible. It is well known that the Force by which N tends to defcend along the Plane AC, or acts in oppcfition to J fe (OS) and vertical Angle (SCO) the Ifoiceles one is known to have the greatcft Perpen- dkular: Therefore the Triangle CSO will be Ifofceles, and the Angles S and O equal to each other, when the Weight fuftain'd by the Prop OS is a Minimum. But, now, to give a Solution to the latter Part of the Problem, or to find (fuppofing the Angles S and V O to be equal) when ^rr\ X iv is a Maximum^ let CD produced meet ;;.'R in F ; and then, becaufe of the fimi- lar Triangles CDS and CwF, we fliali have CD : x (Cm) :: SD (i aj : mF, or TTR = ~ i and confc- v #jF tiuently TTK X w - X w : But, fmce CF bifeds , CIJ * a the Angle ?>;CR, we alfo have, r + x (CR-f CM) : x (Cm) :: V&=^ ' (W : ? = x^/ r . -: Whence the Force ^ x w, acting upon the Supporter, is likewife truly exprefled by : Whereof the Fluxion being taken and put equal to Nothing &c. we get x = 2 Therefore CR : Cm (::i:^ S ^ M;; Radius: Co- line of RCG = 5i : 50', the Inclination required. P R O B. of various Kinds. 527 P R O B. XXI. 451. To determine the Pofttion of a Beam CD, move- eible about one End C a! a Center^ and fuftained at the other End I) by a given Weight Q_, appended to a Cord QAD faffing over a Pulley at a given Point A. A F K TT B Let G be < hc Center of Gra- vity of the Beam; alfo let DF, GK and CH be per- pendicular' to the Plane of the Ho- rizon, and CL and AH parallel to the fame : Put- ting AH =a, CH=, CDrrc, CG-d t DL=x, CL = y y and the Weight of the Beam w. Then AF = a y, DF -b + x, and AD (/AF' + DF 1 ) = V a* 2ay -f / + b* -f- 2bx -f- x* ; which (becaufe y* + yi 1 " = t 1 ) will alfo be rz a 1 + b* + zay (by putting/ *= whofe is the Momentum of the Weight j^, fuppofing the Beam to to be in Motion. Moreover, becaufe DC : DL :: CG ; GI, we have GI = j whofe Fluxion, , multi- ply'd by w, is the Momentum of the Beam itfelf in a vertical Direction. Wherefore making thefe Momenta equal to each other (according to the Principles of Mechanics) we get bx ay dx r.v x J= X /, and confequently bx oj X f^.= dwx 2ay: But, fmce 5 28 The Refolution of Problems y* -}- x* = \ we have 2yy + ixx o, or y =. X *"* * - : And therefore (by Subftitution) * 4- ~ x _ y f- + 2bx 2ay t or by + Vf* -\-ibx 20y: From whence, and the foregoing Equation -* 1 -}-/*:=% both x and_y may be determined. The fame other-wife. 452. It is evident, from Mechanics, that the Force which, acting in the Direction DF, would fuftain the End D, is to the whole Weight w, as CG to CD ; CD and therefore is =r TTTT X w : It is likewife Jcnown that two Forces acting in the different Directions DF and DA, fo as to have the fame EffecT: in fuftaining DC, or caufmg It to move about the Point C, muft be to each other, inverfely, as the Sines of the Angles of Incidence FDC and ADC. Therefore we have 5. FDC CD : S. ADC :: j^: : x iu\ from which given Ratio of the Sines, the Angles themfelves will be found, by an algebraic Procefs independent of Fluxions. COROLLARY. 453. If the Pofltion of CD be fuppofed given, and the Tenfion of AD (or the Weight J^J be required: Then, from the foregoing Proportion, we fhall have j^p 9 F1~)C" C(~" ..' . ... . X - - x w. Which will alfo exprefs the jo. Tenfion of AD when the End C is fuftained by a Cord 1>C inftead of ?. Pin at C : Whence it follows that the Tenfions of two Cords AD and BC, fuftaining a Beam or Rod CD, at its Extremes D and C, are exprefled by 5. FDC CG ,5. HCD DG x x ^ and x x w > and CD cD CD there- of various Kinds. therefore are to each other as or CG DG S. ADC ty S. BCD as S. BCD x CG to S. ADC X DG refpeaively 5 be- caufe the Sine of FDC and that of its Supplement HCD are equal to each other. P R O B. XXII. 454.. To determine the Pofttion of a Beam DC, fuf- pendedat its Extremes by two Cords AD and BC of given Lengths , from two given Points A and B in the fame horizontal Line AB. Let G be the Center of Gravity of the Beam, and Jet DF and CH be perpendicular to AB. II B It appears, from the Corol. to the laft Problem, that the Tenfion of AD is to that of BC, as - whence (by the Refolution of Forces) the . Force of AD, in a Direction parallel to the Horizon, is to the Force of BC, in the oppofite Direction, as CG S. ADF DG S. BCH ___,. , v tr> * v . Which S. ADU 5 Rod. S. BCD x Rad. Forces, that the Beam may remain in Equilibria, muft M m con- 53 o *fbe Refolution of Problems confequently be equal to each other; and therefore 5. BCD S. BCH DG D ADC ~ ODF x TIG' But now ' to detcrmine the Angles themfelves, from this Equation and the given Lengths of AB, BC foV. let AD and EC be produced to meet each other in P, and let PQ_, perpendicular to AB, be drawn ; putting AB a, AD = b> BC = r, DC= which two laft Quan- tities being equal to each other, we have PD x PC x AP a +BP a AB*=AP x BP x PD^ + PC 1 I>U r rthat is x b x y c x x 1 +y*a* = xy X 'xff+jHA* /. Moreover, fincePC : PD :: S. ADC (or PDC) : S. BCD PD 5. BCD S. BCH (or PCD) we alfo have = - = - x (by the firft Equation) ; whence CG x PD x S. ADF = DG x PC x 5. BCH ; that is CG x PD x AB*+AP* BP 1 -^ AB* + BP l AP or 2AB X BP CG of various Kinds. CGxPD x BP x AB 2 +AP 2 BP^DG x PC x AP x AB 2 -f BP 1 AP% which, in algebraic Terms, x t>Xa* + x i / f x xy cxa' + y* x 1 . From whence and the preceding Equation the Values of x and y will be known. P R O B. XXIII. 455. Suppofing a Beam CD, moveable about one End C, as a Center, to be fujiained at the other End D by means of a given Weight P, hanging at a Rope pa/Jin* over a Pulley at a given Point A, vertical to C ; it is pro- pofed to find the Curve APK along which the Weight mujl afcend, or defcend, fo as to be, every where, ajujl Coun- tfrpoife to the Beam. v A From the Center C, with the Radius CD, let a Semi-circle HDR be defcribed, and let DB and PF be perpen- dicular to the vertical Line AHCR ; alfo let CD= a , CA-b, AH =c, AF = *, PF=j, HBzrz, and the Length oftheRopeDAP=;;2j likewife Jet HQ_ (h) be the given Value of x (AF) when D coincides with H. Becaufe the Weight and the Beam are always in Equilibria, by Hypothecs, their Momenta, and con- fequently their Velocities, in a vertical Direction, muft be every where in a conftant Ratio ; and therefore the Diftance QF (h x) afcended by the Weight P 9 will be, to the Diftance HB defcended by the End of the Beam D likewife in a conftant Ratio : Let this Ratio be that of b to any given Quantity d, that is, let h x : z :: b : d, and we fhall have dh dx-bz: Moreover, we have AD a (CD* + AC a 2AC X BC) =aHi* -2bXa z-b a*+2t>z = c 2 + 2&z = S idh + ^dx : Whence AP (m AD) = w M m 2 53 2 Refolution of Problems zdh+idx, and therefore, / (AP J AF 1 ) = x\ >. E. I. \/cc - m After the fame manner a Curve may be found, along which a Weight defcending, {hall be every where in Equilibria with another Weight afcending thro' the Arch of a given Curve. P R O B. XXIV. 456. To find the Equation of a Curve ABH, along which a given Weight P, fujpendsd by a String PED faffing over a Pulley E, mri/f defcend, Jo thai the Tenfwn of the String may vary according to any given Laiu. Let EC be perpendicular, and CP parallel, to the Plane of the Horizon ; alfo let AE #, ACn*, CBrr:^, EP = v, and let the Ten- fion of the String (or the Force acting at the End D) be denoted by any variable, or conftant, Quan- tity 4; Therefore, becaufe the Celerity of the Weight P, in a vertical Di- rection, is to its Celerity, in the Direction EP produced, (or the Celerity of the other End D) as x to -v, it is evident that the Weight itfelf muft be to the tending Force j^, inverfely in that Ratio, and confequently Px=v. Furthermore, becaufe EC =a + x and BC 2 nBE 1 EC% we have y* r: v* fl+^| l : From which Equa- tions, when the Relation of P and Q. 1S g' ven > the Curve itfelf will alfo be known. Thus, for Example, let the Ratio of P to j^, be conftant, or that of m to , then mx being = /, we have (by taking the Fluent) mx -\- na =. nv j whence mx a / , 2max , m * x * v a -}- j and therefore jr ( = a + - -f- r~ of various Kinds. 533 __ i . t . 7 m a n n* Which is the Equation of an Hyperbola. Again, for a fecond Example, let the tending Force ^.bc to the Weight P, as DE" to AC" X f"-" 1 , or as ^ 4J : x* c~" m (fuppofing ziPED and c any given Line AF.) Therefore, fince ^ = tll^L x P, and K * M C * A 1* b v\ V (=^y) = Px, we have b v\ I 1" + 1 . j + n m m . . r b a O V\ c xx t and fo + I m+i ; whence b -1} n + -, and v ( EP ) = b ,n + 1 ft -+- ' X I + ^ . From which the Relation of x and ^, or the Value of BC, is alfo known. But if m o, and = r, (which will be the Cafe when the Force acting at D is equal to that by which a Beam or Rod is made to move about a Center, as in the laft Problem) v will then become, barely, = b /, 0)'" 2]*, and therefore y 1 ( = v* a + x] 1 =. b V^ a\ l . 2. of Incidence BR ^ Z " r, and the Sine of and let the given Ratio of the two laftbethat of/>to?. Since all the An- gles of Incidence andReflexionBCO OCD, CDO &c. are equal, the Arcs BC, CDandDEmuft alfo be equal; and confequently MBCDE = MB + ;;+i x BC= MB + 2 + 2X BQ : A*. 22. Whofe Fluxion is to be equal to Nothing*. Now the Fluxion of the Arch MB, whofe Sine is * and fArt.142. Radius Unity, will be = and that of the Arch BQ_, whofe Co-fine (OP) is y, = Hence we have fince x : \ have :?, y is = and y = j and fo -f 2 X x y ^^^. = o j whence (putting jV m = of various Kinds* 535 m = 2* + 2) X is found = -1 v' t * : From which it is obfervable, that, when mq is lefs than />, or 2-}-2 lefs than, the Arch MBCD continually m- r creafes with BM ; and therefore is the leaft poffible, when B coincides with M. 4>. E. I. P R O B. XXVI. 458. If two Rays of Light PR and Pr, from a gfotn Point P, making an indefinitely fmall Angle with each other ) be reflected at a given Curve Surface ARB; '//'; propofed to determine the Concourfe, or Focus, Q^ of the rrfefad Roys RQjand rQ. Let RO, perpendi- cular to the Curve, be the Radius of a Circle having the fame Cur- vature with ARB at R } make PH and QM perpendicular to RO, joinQ_,O; andputRO and RQ_= z. Then, becaufe the Angle of Reflection ORQJs equal to the Angle of Incidence ORP, the Triangles RQ_M and RPH will be fimilar, and therefore y:v:: : RM = -: Whence OQ. 1 (RO 1 + RQ^ 2 RO x RM) irvz But, fmce this Quantity OQ^ continues the fame (by Kypothefis) whether we regard one Ray or the other (that is, whether y {lands for PR or Pr) its Fluxion muft therefore be equal to Nothing; that M m 4 is, 536 ffl' Refohition of Problems irvzy -f- 2rviy irvzv is, 22z J - p& = o : Whence y vyz "~ /. 35.)*= -y therefore z= vyy : Moreover (by Art. 73.) r =r 21. vyy yy\ v is = o; and therefore z ( , } v; Which z 4~ 7I * V * ' 4/ l" ^ I 2, ^ 4. V + rjtf X > rr o ; or (putting 4- r -r 537 538 T'be Reflation of Problems */ *x yj nzv*y nyzwv O. But (by Art. 73.) r , therefore zywi> + ufyy -\- nzv^y nyzv-vO, and confequently z = - 1 : r* >. E. I. Art. 142. uy + z^ x v From this Solution, that of the preceding Problem is eafily derived : Alfo from hence the Cauftic (or the Curve which is the Locus of all the Points Q_ thus found) will likewifc be given. P R O B. XXVIII. 460. To find the Time of the Vibration of a Pendulum in the Arch cf a Circle. Let AB denote the Pen- dulum in a vertical Pofition ; and from any Point D in the given Arch CBH, wherein the Vibrations are perform'd, draw D/" parallel to CH ; and and BD 2: By the Nature of the Circle we have z -i = * : Whence the Y 2ax xx Fluxion of the Time, being * 2* 4Art.*c 7 . as -p= t will be defined by - GX ax V tx xx X y/2a x J. Vex xx i ia\ ifll X x ^ j | x 3 5* 3 Vex xx 2 . 2fl Y ii* ' " * -* ^2.4.4^ ' 2. f \Wpr*nf rhp Fluent. 3-S-7* 4 when of various Kinds. i when xc 9 (or ex A-"*) =o) is, (by Art. 142. and 286.) c 3 . 3c* equal to ? V^ x i + 2 . a . M + 2 ^ a> 4 ^ ^ ^ j 3 3 5 5' 3 + 3 3 5 5 7 7** ~ 2.2.4, 3 2y CSfc. Which therefore is proportional to the Time of half one Vibration; where p ftands for the Semi-Peri- phery of the Circle whofe Radius is Unity. COROLLARY I. 461. Since the Time of the perpendicular Defcent of a Body through any given Right-line #, computed according to the fame Method, is as the Fluent of ~. or 2 V u, it follows that the Time of falling Y u along the Diameter BF (2*), or the Cord CB *, will *Art.io5. be truly defined by 2 v/ 2a : Which therefore is to the Time of the Defcent thro' the Arch CDB, as -'- to i 3 . 3^* 4. H s =r z &c. From whence, r 2 . 2 . 20 2 . 2 . 4 . 4 . 2a\ as the Time of falling thro' the Diameter BF, is abfo- lutely given, by Art. 202. the true Time of Vibration will alfo be known. COROLLARY II. 462. If the Arch in which the Pendulum vibrates be very fmall, the above Proportion will become, nearly, as 4 to p : From which it appears, that the Time of Defcent thro' any very fmall Arch CB is to that along the Chord CB, as the Periphery of any Circle is to four times its Diameter. COROLLARY III. 463. Hence, we have a Method for determining how far a Body freely defcends in a given Time j by knowing the 54-0 *ft>e Refolution of Problems the Time of Vibration, of a given Pendulum: For, if BN be afiumcd for the Space thro' which a Body would detcend during the Time of one whole Vibration, in the very fm all Arch CBHj then, the Diftances de- Art. 201. fcended being as the Squares of the * Times, we havr, from the laft Corollary, as 4* : 2pl~ :: BF (20} : BN, or i : lp~ : a : BN ; that is, as the Square cf the Dia- meter of a Circ'e is to half the Square of its Periphery, fo is the Length of the Pendulum, to the Diftance a Body will freely defcend, from Reft, in the Time of one Ofciliation. Thus, for inftance (becaufe it is found from Experiment that a Pendulum 39,2 Inches long vibiates Seconds) it will be as I : 4,934 (r=i/> 2 ) :: 392 : 193 inches, the Diftance which a heavy Body will fall in ihe firlt Second of Time. COROLLARY IV. 464. Moreover, from the foregoing Series, the Time which a Pendulum, vibrating in an exceeding fmall Arch, will lofs when made to vibrate in a greater Arch of the fame Circle may alfo be deduced : For let T be put to denote the Number of Seconds in 24 Hours (or any other given Time) then the Num- ber of Vibrations, performed in that Time will be as ; which, therc- 3 . 3* t . ft 14 2.2.4. 2tf | ^ 5 "" f * fore, in an exceeding fmall Arch (where c may be taken as Nothing) will be exprefled by T: And fo the Time (t} or Number of Vibrations loft will be T 4.4 -L j_ $ c & c , (by dividing by the Denominator.) %a 256** Now, if the Number of Degrees defcribed on each Side of the Perpendicular be reprefented by D, tife Arch of various Kinds. Arch itfelf, on each Side, will be = 3.14159 &c. x a D . x TTT- ; which, if the Value of D be not more than loO about 15 or 20 Degrees, will be nearly equal to its Chord, reprefented by \/2ac (~ 1/BF x BE.) From which Equation we get T-T ' This Value, fub- fe a 6560 r^. *. T~\. A ilituted above, gives tT/. 541 8x0500 -f = T X Q- nearly : Which, when T is interpreted by 864.00 Seconds (or one whole Day) becomes rr i x .>% nearly : And fomany are the Seconds which will be loft per Diem in the Arch D. From whence we gather, that if the Pendulum meafures true Time in any fmall Arch, whole Degrees on each Side the Perpendicular are denoted by ^, the Number of Seconds loll per Diem in another Arch whofe Degrees are B t will be nearly ? reprefented by x B x A* : Thus, if a Pendulum meafures true Time, in an Arch of 3 Degrees, it will lofe lOj Seconds a Day in an Arch of 4 Degrees, and 24" in an Arch of 5 Degrees. P R O B. XXIX. 465. To determine the Meridional Parts anjwenng to any propofed Latitude, according to Wright'5 Projeflion, applied to the true fpheroidal Figure of the Earth. Let DAR be the Axis, AB the Se- mi-equatoreal Dia- meter, and DBR a Meridian, of the Earth j alfo let bn be an Ordinate to the Ellipfis DBR ; putting AD (=AR) A 54 2 The Refolution of Problems / */ = r, BArrJ, A=rjr, bny, Bn=z, and the Meri- dional Diftance (in Parts of the Semi-Axis AD) u. Then, by the Nature of the Ellipfis, we have y d f dxx V i **; therefore j ~^ ; ; and confequently r i X S~~ d*x*x* * = \/ x* + : Which, by putting b* = d* I """* XX * A/ _ |_ A^y 1 I, will be reduced to / Whence, by the Nature of the Projection, it will be as bn x V\ + b x O f the required : But we are no.w to get the fame thing ex- prefled in Terms of the Latitude of the Place n: In order thereto, putting the Sine of that Latitude = j, we have, by Trigonometry, as %. ( . J y ^ V i x* (;. ) :: Radius (i) : JJ and confequently y i *v *V i + ^ a = dx j from which Equation x is found s J*i /.a zr^ : Whence x = _ - >a -^^v k'-^v" (becaufe ^ = ' + * ) and ' / ^ \ d laftly, V i + ^V ( = 7 j = TTTZTv : ' ch feveral Values being fubftituted in that of w, found ^bove, / d s d it will become f r x , ^ . = x ; which refolved of various Kinds. into two Parts, for the more readily finding the Fluent, gives * = _I_ ^f.^,.: Whereof the Fluent being taken, we have 2 . 302585 12 c. x \d X Log. i * 2 . 302585 fcfr. X | b X Log. - But, as 3,14159 fefc. x 2 . E. I. LEMMA.- 54 6 The Reflation of Problems LEMMA. 468. In any fpherical Triangle, if Radius be fuppofea Unity, the Produtt of the Sines of any two of the Sides drawn into the Co-fine of the Angle th,y include, added to the Produfi of their Co-fines, is equal to the Co-fine of the remaining Side. This is demonftrated by the Writers upon Spherics^ P R O B. XXXI. 469. The Elevation of the Pole and the Declination of the Sun being given, to find at what Time of the Day the jfzimutb of the Sun increafes thejkwejl. -p It is evident that the Time fought will be when the Fluxion of the Hour Angle P, bears the greateft Ratio poflible to That of the Azimuth Z. Now the Fluxion of the Angle P is to that of Z, univerfally, as Rad. X S. ZO _ : S. PO X Co-f. O (by Art. 256. Cafe 2.) Confequently S.POxCe-f. O Co-f. O ' c rjr\ * v * " "' - * s a Minimum, in this X o. Ziw Cafe, becaufe PO may be confidered as conftant. Let now the Sine of PO be put />, its the Co-fine of PZ == b, that of ZO = x, and that of O = yi then, the Sine of ZO being = YI A-% we have (by the Lemma) p V ix* X y + dx~b; whence bdx Co-f.O ( _ y v = -/; and therefore - 7 A ( ~ TT^ 1 pVi x * *> zu V vi- ^ dx . : Which put into Fluxions, and re- p x i X L 6 duced, of various Kinds. 547 duced, gives x = -HI , for the Sine of the a Sun's Altitude at the Time required: Whence the Time itfelf is given. P R O B. XXXII. 470. To determine the Ratio of the Heat received from ihe Sun in different Latitudes^ during the Time of one whole Day, or any Part thereof. Let/> = the Sine of the Sun's Polar-Diftance P (fee the loft Fig.) d its Co-fine, or the Sine of the Declination, irz the Sine of the Pole's Elevation. c its Co-fine, or the Sine of PZ. z the Angle (P) exprefllng the Time from *:= its Sine, and V I x* its Co-fine. Then (by the foregoing Lemma) we fliall have p c V i _ x * + bd Co-fine Zd = Sine of the Sun's Altitude. Now, it is known that the Number of Rays falling in any given Particle of Time, upon a given horizontal Plane, is as that Time and the Sine of the Sun's Alti- tude conjundtly : Therefore the Number of Rays falling jf in the Time 2, or , (ind. Art. 142.) will v I xx be dtfined by pcx + bdz: Whofe Fluent pcx + bdz is, therefore, as the Heat required. Where it may be obferved, 1. That when the Latitude and Declination are of different Kinds, or P is greater than 90 Degrees, the Value of d is to be confidered as a negative Quan- tity. 2. That, if the Expreflion for the Heat found above be divided by the Square of the Sun's Diftance from the Earth, the Quotient will exhibit the Ratio of the Heat, allowing for the Excentricity of the Earth's Orbit. N n 2 Co- 54$ The Refolution of Problems COROLLARY I. 471. If the Place propofed be at the Equator, the Heat, received in half one diurnal Revolution, will be barely as/>; becaufe bo, r=i, and *zrj. COROLLARY II. 472. But if the Place be at the Pole, then the Heat will be as d X 3,14.159 &c. fmce, in this Cafe, =0j b I, and z (=. Semi-Circle) =3,14159 &( LEMMA. 473. The Number of Particles of Light) ejefied by the Sun* upon the Earthy in a given Time, is proportional to the /Ingle defcribed about his Center in that Time. For, let S reprefent the Center of the Sun, AEB the Orbit of the Earth (or That of any other Planet) and let E and r be two Points there- in as near as poffible to each other: Since the Triangle ESr may be taken as rectilineal, its Area, if the Angle ESr be fuppofed given, or every where the fame, will be as SExSr, or SE* : And there- fore the Time of defcribing Er (being always as that Area) is alfo explicable by SE a : But the Intenfity of the Light, or Heat, at the Diftance of SE is as =KZ : Therefore the Intenfity compounded oh, with the Time (or the whole Number of Particles re- ceived in that Time) will confequently be as g^ x SE* ( i ) : Which being every where the fame, the Propo- fition is manifeft. P R O B. XXXIII. 474. To determine the Ratio of the Heat received from the Sun at the Equator and either of the Pales, during the Time of one whale Year^ cr any Part thereof. of 'various Kinds. 549 ^ If the Sine of the Sun's Declination be denoted by d and its Co- fine by p, the Heat received at the Equator.and thePole, during half one di- urnal Revolution of the Sun, will be ; and dx. 3, 1 41 59 &c. refpe&ively (by the Corollaries to the preceding Problem). Let the Sun's Longitude, confidered as variable, be now denoted by z, and its Sine by s ; and let / be put for the Sine of the Obliquity of the Ecliptic : Then (per Spherics) we {hall have^^y}, and confequently p ( V\ d*} = /i /V : Wherefore, feeing the Ratio of Heat in the two Places, for one Half-Day, is that of ^i /V 10/^x3,14 fcfr. let each of thefe Terms be multiplied by ( = z) * expreffingArt.i 4 a, the Quantity of Heat falling upon the Earth in the Time of describing z (fee the foregoing Lemma) then >,_/* J - , and 3.1^ the Produces will I - 5 be the Fluxions of the required Heat, anfwering to %. But now to exhibit the Fluents hereof, let ACB be an Ellipfis whofe greater Semi-Axis AO is Unity, and its Excentricity FO /; and, fuppofing ADB to be a Circle defcribed about the Ellipfis, let the Arch DH exprefs the Sun's Longitude from the Equinodlial Point ; whofe Sine (OR) being = s, its Co-fine RH will ber= V/i ss. But, by the Property of the Ellipfis, OD (i) ss ) : RG = OC : ( V i ( v/ , _ /r x "/i ss : Whofe Fluxion being = Nn 3 55. *he Refo/ufion of Problems , we have y = ^-~ f - i - = the Fluxion of CG. Whence it V 1 ss appears that the Fluent of ^ **! is truly denned V/"T^ by CG, or CG x AO*. But the Fluent of the other given Fluxion, 3. \^f x ss V i ss , will be = 3, J4/x i /i w=r ADB X FO X OD RH. Therefore the two Fluent?, when H and G coincide with A, will be to each other as CAxAO to ADBxFO: Whereof the Antecedent, multiplied by 4, will be as the Heat received at the Equator during one whole Year j and the Confequent, multiplied by 2, as the Heat at the Pole in the fame Time (becaufe the Sun (nines at the Pole only two Quarters of the Year.) Hence the required Ratio, of the Heat received at the Equator and Pole, in one whole Year, will be That of CA x AO to DA xFO; /* tf 4 1 - T 5 f 6 or, in Species, as i -- - - * - J * , , 2.2 Art.434- * &c- toy"; which, in Numbers, is as 959 to 396, or as 17 to 7, nearly. P R O B. XXXIV. 475. To find vjhen that Part of the Equation of Time, arijing frsm the Obliquity of the Ecliptic to the l) if a Maximum. In the right-angled fpherical Triangle ABC let the Angle A be that made by the Ecliptic AC, and the Equinoctial AB ; then the Problem will be, to find when of various Kinds. 551 when the Difference be- tween the Bafe AB and the Hypothenufe AC is the greateft poffible (the Angle A remaining inva- riable.) Now (by Art. 254.) we have Co-f. BC : Sin. C : : Fluxion of AC Fluxion of AB : Alfo (per Spherics) Sin. C : Co f. A : : Co-f. A x Rod. Rad. : Cof. BC = - p . ~ -- : Whence, by mul- i>tn. U tiplying the two firft Terms of the former Proportion by thele equal Quantities, refpe&ively, we get this new Proportion, viz. Co-f. BC\* : Co-f. A x Radius :: fo is the Fluxion of AC to That of AB. But, when AC AB is a Maximum^ thefe Fluxions become equal ; and confequently Co-f. BC] % = Co-f. A x Rad. From which Equation BC, and from thence AC, will be known. The fame ', without Fluxions. 476. It will be (per Spherics} Rad. : Co-f. A :: Tang. AC : Tang. AB ; and therefore by Compofition and Divifion, Rad. + Co-f. A : Rad. Co-f. A :: Tang. AC -|- Tang. AB : Tang. AC Tang. AB :: Sin. AC + AB : Sin, AC AB, by the Theorem mentioned in Problem 8th : From which, by following the Steps there laid down, it appears that, Radius + Co-f. A : Radius Co-f. A :: Radius : Sine of AC AB, when a Maximum : Whence (AC + AB being then =: gO u ) both AC and BC will be given. COROLLARY. 477. Since, Radius -f Co-f. A : Radius Co-f. A : : Co-tang, k A : Tang. ^ A * :: Radius}* : Tang.A\* i Fid. f, 70. and 7 1 . of my Trigonometry. N n 4 There- 55 2 *Tbe Refolution of Problems therefore Radius f : Tang, i AJ * : : Radius : Sine of AC AB, Or, Radius : Tang, i A :: Tang. | A : the Sine of the greateft Equation : Which, fuppofing the Angle A to be 23 29', comes out 2 : 28' : 34" : an- fwering, in Time, to 9 Minutes : 54. Seconds. P R O B. XXXV. 478. To determine when the abfoluie Equation of Time, atijwg from the Inequality of the Sun's apparent Mo- tion^ and the Obliquity of the Eclipiic, conjunRly^ is a Maximum. Let ABPD be the Ellipfis in which the Earth revolves about the Sun in the Focus S ; let F be the other Focus, and T the Place of the Earth in its Orbit at the Time required. Moreover, about S, as a Center, Jet a Circle GEKI be defer i bed, whofe Dia- meter GK is a Mean Proportional between the two Axes AP and BDofthe Ellipfis; fo that the Area thereof may be equal to That of the Ellipfis : And, fuppofing Sm to be indefinitely near to ST, let ESa be a Sedtor of the faid Circle, equal to the Area TSw. Then, the Time in which the Earth moves through the Arch Tin being to the Time of one intire Revo- lution, as the Area TS/w, or ESw, is to the whole El- Jipfis, or the equal Circle GEKF ; and thefe Areas Ei>, and GEKI being in the Ratio of the Arch En fo the whole Periphery GEKJ ; it is evident that E, 7 vr of various Kinds. or the Angle ESw, will exprefs the Increafe of the Mean Longitude^ in the forefaid Time of defcribingthe ArchT/n.* And that this Angle or Increafe, by reafon of the Equa- lity of the Areas ES and TS/w, will be to the Angle TS//7, exprefiing the correfponding Increafe of the True Longitude, as ST* to SE*. Therefore, if the former SE* be denoted by M, the latter will be reprefented by ^=r 2 , X M. But now to get a proper Exprefllon for the Value of this Increafe of the True Longitude, in Al- gebraic Terms ; let FT be drawn, and alfo TH, per- pendicular to AP : Putting AC (=CP) a, CB , CS ( = CF) =f, ST-z, and the Co-line of (TSP) the Earth's Diftance from its Perihelion (to the Radius !)=*.- Then FT being (=AP ST) =2a z (by the Property of the Ellipfis) and SHrrjrz (by Trig.) we have FT + ST x F T b T (lax^a^z = FS X zCH (2cX2Xc + xz} by a known Property of Tri- angles : From which Equation z (ST) is found 3= ~ . : And this Value, with that of ES* a -f c x a + ex (~ab] being fubftituted in the Increafe of the True Lon- gitude, found above, we thence get -r cy ^ ^ ^ b* for the Meafure of that Increafe; where M denotes the Increment of the Mean Motion correfponding. This being obtained, let ^ yf T (in the an- nexed Figure) reprefent the Southern Semi-Circle of the Ecliptic, P the Place of the Perihelion, VS the Tropic of Capricorn, Q the apparent Place of the Sun in the Ecliptic, and QJ? his Declination, at the Time required : Then it appears, (from Art. 475.) that the Increafe of the True Longitude 0, in an indefinitely fmall Particle of Time, will be to That of the Right- Jtjcenfion ^Q_, in the fame Time, as the Square of the Co-fine of Q_ is to a Rectangle under the Radius and the Co-fine of the Angle A : Therefore, the former, being; 5.54 y& e Rtfofatton of Problems being exprefled by - ' X M y the latter is truly a X a + utf v ,. J?g^. X Cof-. A reprefentedby- -^- Co-f. " and its Co-fine = q] we have (per Spherics] Radius (i) : Sine &-) (nx + mV ixx :: p : pnx + fm\/ 1 _ xx Sine of Q.5; from whence C i pnx + pmVi xx : Which Value, with That of the Co-fine of the Angle Zz 9 beins fub- ftituted above, we, at length, get a - a cx = of various Kinds. 555 I pnx -f pm i xx\ . f rom w hich Equation the Value of x may be determined. The foregoing Equation, it may be obferved, gives the Time of the Maximum which precedes the Winter Solftice ; but if the Maximum following that Solftice be fought; it is but changing the Sign of m, and then you will have * x ^"+^1* = ' pnx-pm Vi X x\\ b* a anfwering in this Cafe. And from the negative Roots of this, and the preceding, Equation, the Times of the other Maxima after, and before, the Summer Solftice will alfo be obtained. ^. E. /. COROLLARY. 479. It is evident that the Equation of the Earth's Orbit (or that Part of the Equation of Time arifing from the Inequality of the Sun's apparent Motion) will be a Maximum, when the Center of the Earth is in the Interfection I of the Ellipfis and the Circle ; where the Mean Motion and True Longitude increafe with the fame Celerity. P R O B. XXXVI. 480. To determine the Law of the Denfity of a Me- dium and tic Curve defcribed therein, by Means of an uniform Gravity, fo that the Projeftile may, every move with the fame Velocity. It appears, from Art. 367. that ^/ 21 is a general Expreflion for the Celerity in the Direction of the Or- dinate PER; whence X \/ , or its Equal, y x ~= , muft be the true Meafure of the abfolute Ce- lerity, Refolution of Problems lerity, in the Dire&ion BN : Which being a conftant Quantity (by Hypothefis) its Square muft alfo be con- ftant ; and fo, we have ~ = a, and confequently xx -f yy (s:) ax. But, in order to the Solution of the Equation thus given, make u : j :: x : y, or xuj ; then x~=- uy^ and, by Subftitution, u*j* + y 1 =. auy: Hence, y being - Ou QUU Hi v C , and x 7, we get^r:^ X Arch, whole uu uu Art. 142. Tangent is u * (and Secant Vj +uu) j and * : i<7X fAtt.126. Hyp. Log. j + uu ' = a X Hyp. Log. V i -f t _ . # Therefore, as the Hyp. Log. of V i+uu s -^-, the Common Logarithm of ^i -f M will be = 0,434 2944 ^.XJf. and con f equ entl y jrr x y/r^, whofe TT J T C * Radius is Unity, and Log. Secant Moreover, with refpeft to the Denfity of the Medium ; if the abfolute Force of Gravity, in the Direction QB, of various Kinds. be denoted by Unity, its Efficacy in the Dire&ion BN, whereby the Body is accelerated, will be exprefled by * . T, u -, or its Equal 7 == == : Which, as the Velocity v i + uu is fuppofed to remain every where the fame, muft alfo exprcfs the Force of the Refiftance, in the oppofite Di- reclion, or the true Meafure of the required Denfity. This, therefore, if M be put for the abfolute Number whofe Hyperbolical Logarithm is Unity, may'be had in Terms of *, and will be i ~M\ a : Becaufe X T"~ / X \ Hyp. Log. J4\" (=-) being = Hyp. Log. V i + U u 9 we have i +uu M^ whence u M a 1 , and confequently VI + uu P R O B. XXXVII. 481. Let a Line, or an inflexible Rod OP (conftdered without regard to Thicknefs) be fuppofed to revolve about one of its Extremes O, as a Center, with a Mo- tion regulated according to any given Law j vuhiljl a Ring, or Ball, carried about with it, and tending to the Center O with any given Force, is fuffered to move or Jlide freely along the faid Line or Rod : It is propofed to determine the Velocity of the Ring, and its Prejfure upon the Rod, in any propofed Pofition, together with the Nature of the Curve ADL described by means of that compound Motion. Le ODP be any Pofition of the revolving Line, and D the correfponding Pofition of the Body : More- over, fuppofing ACK to be the Circumference of a Circle 558 Re/o/uf/on of Problems / / Circle defcribed from the Center O, through the given Point A, let the Meafure of the angular Celerity ot that Line, in the faid Circumference ACK, be repre- fented by tt\ alfo let v denote the Celerity of the Ring at D in the Direction DP ; and w the true Meafure of the centripetal Force: Call OA, a-, OD, x ; and AC, 2 ; and let the given Values of u and t>, at A, be de- noted by b and c refpe&ively. Then it will be, as a : J the paracentric Velocity of the Body, at D; whofe Square, divided by the Diftance OD, gives A *** Art. 2ii.__. > f or tne true Meafure of the Centrifugal Force * a arifing from the Revolution of the Rod : From which the centripetal Force -w being deducted, the Remainder, xu* ty, is the true Force whereby the Velocity in the Line OP is accelerated. Therefore (by Art. 2i8.J we xu* u*xx have w = w x x zr wx. a a* Moreover, becaufe the Fluxion of the Time is ex- X J preffed either by or by > thefe two Values muft, therefore, of various Kinds. 559 therefore, be equal to each other, and confequently v == : From which, and the preceding Equation (when u and ^v are exhibited in Terms of x or z) the re- quired Relation of v, * and z will alfo become known But now, in order to determine the Action of the Rod upon the Ring ; let OdP be indefinitely near to ODP, interfering ADLand ACK in d and c- t and put O aa a o from the Solution of which, the Relation of # and z will be given. And then, the Value of v f J being, alfo known, the Action upon the Rod, which in this Cafe 2bv ( 2b*x\ is barely =. I = J will be given hkewife, being of various Kinds. rfi | . V J being to ( ) the centrifugal Force in the Circle ACK, as to Unity. z COROLLARY II. 483. But if the Angular Celerity be proportional to any Power (x m ] of the Diftance, and the Centripetal Force w be, alfo, fuppofed to vary according to fome Power (*") of the fame Diftance: Then, putting p to denote the Centripetal, and q the Centrifugal, Force, at the given Point A, the Value of iv will, here, be ex- x" x m pounded by X/>, and That of u by x: And there- a a fore, the paracentric Velocity of the Ring at D being = x m x ( bx m **\ bb Fx+* x t x I . I it will be as ; r- V a m * l J * X a+ Z x?, the Centrifugal Force at D *. Hence * Art, an. * am4-i . . * . qx x px x vv * ; whereof the (corrected) Fluent a~ ' a" P* is t w i cc = 2m + 2 ; From whence v is found = / qa ipa m \>s // - - 4- *""~OTI~ f "-M 562 *Ibe Refolution of Problems Moreover, by fubftituting for w, and its Fluxion, we xvii 2uv - bx m v get 4- - rr m + 2 x T-, exprefiinp; the Action * +' ax a of the Rod upon the Ring : Which, therefore, when m is expounded by 2, will intirely vanifh : And, in that Cafe, z will become = expreffing the Nature of the Trajeaory defcribed by means of a Centripetal Force, varying according to any Power (x") of the Diftance. But this Equation will be rendered fomewhat more commodious, by fubftitutino- the Values of b and c : For, if OQ_ (perpendicular to the Tangent at A) be denoted by b t it will be, h: \V />*(AQJ :: b (the Celerity in the Direaion AC) * Art - 35- to c ~ /;a = the Celerity in the Direaion AH *. h t Art.aii. Therefore, b being \/ aq f, we have c z rr ay, and x " n n+i.q n+l.qa :Jf Which Equation is the fame, in effea, with that given in Art. 242. by a different Method. COROLLARY III. 484. If the Angular Celerity be fuppofed uniform, and the Ring to have no other Motion along the Rod than what it acquires from its Centrifugal Force; then f, wand p being all of them equal to Nothing, %. will here be-' bx ax come, barely := * =- , == : And / qx* Y x a" \S -qa -\ a there" of various Kinds. 563 therefore z- a x Hyp. Log. 1, + v/ **"" aa . Hence 21 if the Number whofe Hyp. Log. is be denoted by N, weJhall have x+ ^ xx aa -N: From which * is found := a X 1 ; whence x is> alfo, had := 2 2JV jfcAT aN Nz x f , , N x \ ~, ~- - (becaufe -.-_). There- 2 2A/* 2 2.N N a ' N i fore, it will be (by Carol, i.) as Unity is to . 2 2JV* fo is the Angular Velocity () in the Arch ACK to the Velocity with which the Body recedes from the Center of Motion : And fo, likewife, is the Centrifugal Force in that Arch to half the Preffure upon the Rod By taking z = the whole Periphery, or =. Q. X 3 .145 I3c. N will come out =. 535-5, and * 267.7 X a - From whence it appears that the Diftance of the Ring from the Center at the End of one intire Revolution will be almoft 268 times as great as at firft. COROLLARY IV. 485. If a Body be fuppofed to defcend from the Point O, (fee the next Fig.) by the Force of its own Gravity, along an inclin'd Plane OCP;'whilft the Plane itfelf moves uni- formly about thatPoint, from an horizontal Pofition OEH; then the Place, and the Preflure of the Body upon the Plane, in any given Pofition QCP, may, alfo, be derived from the Equations in Corollary i. For let CB (perpen- dicular toOH) beputrr; 1 ; and let the Ratio of the Cen- trifugal Force in the Circle ECK, to the Force of Gra- vity (given by Art. 2 1 7.) be as r to Unity : Then, as the Meafure of the former Force is exprefled by , O o 2 That 564 The Refolutlon of Problems That of the latter muft be reprefented by : and, ' ra confequently, its Efficacy in the Dire&ion PO, by ( = X 7^ ) : Which Value being fubftituted raa \ ra OL' for w t in the aforefaid Corollary, we have x 4 2. JC%+ YX = - . But now, in order to the Solution of this aa raa Equation, put the Radius OC (a} = I (that the Ope- ration may be as fimple as pofiible) alfo, inftead of y^ Si 2 * A^ r * et i ts Equal z -J- * &c. be fubfti- Art. 425. 2.3 tuted, and let x be aflumed = ^a 3 + Bz* + Cz 7 -f Then, by proceeding as is taught in Art. 267, the i y? z 7 Value of x will come out r: -into + j-j-^-^y &c. Whence - 5 2 . 3 .4. 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 .9 . ip. ii the Velocity r-*) n tne P' an e, is, alfo, found b y? z 6 into 1- &( Which, therefore! is r of various Kinds. 565 to () the angular Velocity of the Plane, in the Arch ECK, as + - r 4- &c. to r. Moreover, a the Centrifugal Force in the faid Arch being denoted by r {the Force of Gravity being Unity) it will likewife be (by the above-mentioned Carol.} as I : :rr : ( - - ) K \ * / s6 3. 4- 5. .. . 9- .0 Force fufficient to keep the Body upon the Plane. But the Force of Gravity 'in a Direction perpendicular to the Plane (the Weight of the Body being jreprefented OB z* z 4 by Unit)) is 7^, = I + - * & c . From ^ OC 2 2.3.4 Art.45 which deducting the Quantity laft found, there refts I 7Z 1 Z 4 "?2 6 ^- + - - - - - &c. for the true Pref- 2 r 2.3.4 2.3.4-5-0 fure of the Body upon the Plane. By putting of Which equal to Nothing, z 1 will be found rr 0.67715 ; an- fwering to an Angle (EOC) of 47 : 9': Which Angle is therefore the Inclination, when the Force of Gravity is no longer fufficient to keep the Body upon the Plane. Though the Value of x, given above, is found by an Infinite Series, yet the Sum of that Series is eafily exhibited by the Meafures of Angles and Ratios. For, putting N to denote the Number whofe hyperbolical Logarithm is z, Art. 44 * i z a 1 Z J z* XT a cr + z + 2 ' 2 . * 3 ? 3-4 * P ** 3 z 4 I o H- I z + 2 2 . ~ + 32 3-4 fcfr. = ]V : Halfthc Difference of which two Equations is x H z 3 z 7 A 7 " i 2. 3^2.3. 4-5~ r 2 .3.4. 5 .6. w C - 7 2 2iV Oo 3 From 566 The Refolutlon of Problems t From which taking s -j- 2 4. r~6 7 &V. ~ _y ; and dividing the remainder by 2r, there re- /i ~p ? : "\ i fultS ( X -f 7 &* i 1 * V r 2. 3^2. 3. 4. 5. -6. 7 S ir ~L _i_ y, for the true Value of x. Which, if 2 2N required, may be exprefled independent of r ; by put- ting ^for the Diftance through which a Body, freely, de- fcends in the firft Second of Time, arid taking b to de- note the Velocity of the Plane, (per Second) in the Arch EC T v : For then, the Ratio of the Centrifugal Force, in the faid Arch, to the Force of Gravity (or bb f bb \ Art. 211. That ofrte j) beins; as ( = 7^:77 I to id * , i \ L/t-/ bb d we ihall have r ~ , and confequently x = - x * _L 2 "" 2N y ' By Computations, not very unlike Thofe above, the Motion of the Moon's Sfpogee y and the principal Equa- tions of the Lunar Orbit may be exhibited ; by means of proper Approximations, derived from the general Equations in Art. '481. But this is a Confideration that would require a Volume of itfelf, to treat it, from firft Principles, with all the Attention and Perfpicuity fuitable to the Importance of the Subject. I fhall con- clude this Work with the following fhcrt Table of Hyperbolical Lcgarithtts^ drawn up and communicated by my ingenious Friend Mr. yohn Turner: Whereof the Ufe, in finding Fluents, will fufficiently appear from the foregoing Pages. In the faid Table we have given the Hvper'oolical Logarithms of every whole Number and hundredth Part of an Unit, from i to 10 (which Form is beft adapted to the Purpofes above-mentioned) by Help whereof, and the following Obfervations the Hy- 9 perbolical of various Kinds. 567 perbolical Logarithm of any Number, not exceeding feven Places of Figures, may be found with very little Trouble. 1. If the Number given be between I and 10 (fo as to fall within the Limits of the Table.) Then take from it the next inferior Number in the x Table, and divide the Remainder by tbfe faid inferior Number increafed by half the Remainder; and let the Quotient be added to the Logarithm of the faid inferior Number, the Sum will be the Logarithm fought. Thus, let the Hyperbolical Logarithm of 3.45678 be required i then the Operation will ftand thus: 3. 45339). O056y8(. 0016442: Which added to 1.2383742, the Log. of 3.45, gives 1.2400184 for the Logarithm fought. 2. When the Number propofed exceeds 1 0. Find the Logarithm thereof, fuppofing all the Fi- gures after the Firft to be Decimals ; then to the Lo- garithm, fo found, let 2.3025851, 4.6051702, or 6.9077553 sV. be added, according as the whole Num- ber confifts of 2, 3, or 4 &c. Places : The Sum will be the Logarithm fought. Thus, the Hyperbolical Logarithm of 345.678 will be found to be 5.8451886 : For That of 3.45678 being 1.2400184; the fame, added to 4.6051702, gives the very Quantity above exhibited. The Reafon of which, as well as of the Operation in the preceding Cafe, is evi- dent from the Nature and Conftruclion of Logarithms. 004 568 A Table of N Logarithm N Logarithm N Logarithm .61 .02 3 .04 .05 .0099503 .0198026 .0295588 .0392207 .0487902 34 3? .36 37 38 .2926696 .3001045 .3074846 .3148107 .3220834 .67 .68 .69 .70 7' .5128236 5 l8 7937 .5247285 ,5306282 5364933 .06 .07 .08 .09 .10 .0582689 .0676586 .0769610 .0861777 .0953102 39 .40 4 1 .42 43 3293037 .3364722 343^ 8 97 .3506568 357 6 744 .72 73 74 75 .76 .5423242 .5481214 .5538851 .5596157 .5653138 .11 .12 3 M 15 .1043600 1133287 .1222176 .1310283 .1397619 44 45 .46 47 .48 .3646431 37i5 6 35 .3784364 .3852624 ,3920420 77 .78 79 .80 .81 5709795 .5766133 5822156 .5877866 59332 6 8 .16 17 .18 .19 .20 .1484200 .1570037 .1655144 "739533 .1823215 49 .50 5> 5' 53 .3987761 .4054651 .4121096 .4187103 .4252677 ,82 .8- .84 .85 .86 .5988365 .6043159 .6097655 .6151856 .6205764 .21 .22 23 .24 .25 .1906203 . 1988508 .2070141 .2151113 2231435 54 55 .56 57 . 5 b .4317824 .4382549 .4446858 .45 10756 .4574248 .87 .8* 89 9 C .91 .6259384 .6312717 .6365768 .6418538 .6471032 .26 .27 .28 .29 3 .2311117 .2390169 .2468600 .2546422 .2623642 i 5c 6c .61 .62 .63 .4637340 .4700036 .4762341 .4824261 ,4885800 .92 93 94 95 .96 .6523251 .6575200 .6626879 .6678293 .6729444 3i .32 33 34 .2700271 .2776317 .2851789 .2926696 .64 .65 .66 .67 .4946962 .5007752 .5068175 .5128236 97 .98 9*9 2.00 .6780335 .6830968 .6881346 .6931472 Hyperbolical Logarithms. 569 N Logarithm N Logarithm N Logarithm 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 .698.347 703 974 .7080357 .7129497 7178397 2-34 2.3; 2. 3 e 2.37 2.38 .8501509 8544153 .8586616 .8628899 .8671004 2.67 2.68 2.69 2.70 2.71 .9820784 .9*58167 .9895411 .9932517 .9969486 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.IO .7227059 .7275485 .7323678 .7371640 7419373 2.39 2.40 2.41 2.42 2 -43 .8712933 .8754087 .8796267 .8837675 .8878912 2.72 2-73 2.74 2.75 2.76 .0006318 .0043015 .0079579 .0116008 .0152306 2. II 2.12 2.1 3 2.1 4 2.1 5 .7466879 .7514160 .7561219 .7608058 .7654678 2.44 2.45 2.46 2.47 2.48 .8919980 .8960880 .9001613 .9042181 .9082585 2.77 2.78 2.79 2.80 2.81 1.0138473 1.0224509 1.0260415 1.0296194 1.0331844 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 .7701082 .7747271 .7793248 .7839015 7884S73 2.49 2.50 2.51 2.52 2-53 .9122826 .9162907 .9202827 .9242589 .9282193 2.82 2.83 z. 4 2.85 7. ft 1.0367568 r. 0402766 1.0438040 1.047318.9 1.0508216 2.21 2.22 2.2 3 2.24 2.2 S .7929925 .7275071 .8020015 .8064758 .8109302 2-54 2.55 2.56 2.57 2.58 .9321640 .9360933 .9460072 .9439058 9477 8 93 2.8 7 2.88 2.89 2.90 2.91 1.0543126 I.OS7790Z 1.061 2564 1.0647107 1.0681530 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.30 .8153648 .8197798 .8241754 .8285518 .8329091 2.59 2.60 2.6J 2.62 2.63 .9516578 9>5Sii4 .9593502 9 6 3!743 .9669838 2.92 2.93 2.94 2.95 2.96 1.0715836 1.0750024 I 0784095 1.0818051 1-0851892 2.31 2.32 2-33 2-34 8372475 .8415671 .8458682 .8501509 2.6i 2.6c 2.66 2.67 .9707789 9745S9 6 .9783261 .9820784 2.97 *. 9 2-99 3-nc 1.0885619 1.0919233 1.0952733 1.0986123 57 A Table of N Logarithm N Logarithm N Logarithm 3.01 3.02 3-3 3.04 3.05 i . i o 1 9 \ oo 1. 101:2568 1.1085626 1.1118575 1.1151415 334 3-35 - < 3-3 G 3-37 - ,0 3-3 s 1.2059707 1.2089603 1.21 19409 1.2149127 1.2I78757 3.67 ;.6S 3- 6 9 3-7 3-7i .3001916 .3029127 .3056264 .3083328 .3110318 3.06 3.07 3.08 3-09 3.10 1.1184149 1.1216775 1.1249395 1.1281710 1.1314021 3-39 3 4 3-4 3-42 3-43 1.2208299 1.2237754 1.2267122 1.2296405 1.2325605 3.72 3-73 3-74 3-75 3-76 .3137236 .3164082 .3190856 .3217558 .3244189 3.11 3.12 3-U 3-'4 3-'5 1.1346227 i-'37833 1.1410330 1.1442227 1.1474024 3-44 3-4S 3-46 3-47 3-48 I - 2 3547'4 1.2383742 1.2412685 1.2441545 1.2470322 3-77 3-7^ 3-79 3.80 3-8J .3270749 .3297240 3323660 .3350010 .3376291 3.16 3-17 3-18 3-'9 3.20 1.1505720 1.1537315 1.1568811 1. 1600209 1.1631508 3-49 3.50 3-5 1 3-5 2 3-53 1.2499017 1.2527629 1.255616^ 1.2^84609 1.2612978 3.82 3.8. , 3-84 3-85 3.86 .3402504 .3428648 3454723 .3480731 .3506671 3.21 3.22 3- 2 3 3.24 3- 2 5 1.1662709 1.1693813 1.1724821 1-1755733 1.1786549 3-54 3-55 3-5 6 3-57 3-58 1.2641266 1.2669475 1.2697605 1.2725655 1.2753627 3.87 3.88 3-89 3-9 3 9i 353 2 544 3558351 .3584091 .3609765 3 6 35373 3.26 3-2; 3-25 3- 2 9 3-30 1.1817271 1-1847899 1.1878434 1-1908875 1.1939224 3-59 3.60 3.6, 3.62 3.65 1.2781521 1.2809338 1.2837077 1.2864740 1.2892326 3.92 3-93 3-94 3-95 3-9 6 3660916 .3686394 .3711807 3737156 .3762440 3-31 3.3? 3-3- 3-34 1.1969481 1.1999647 1.2029722 1.2059707 3- 6 4 3.65 3.66 3.67 1.2919836 1.2947271 (.2974631 1.300191^ 3-9? 3-9^ 3-99 4.00 .3787661 .3812818 38379 12 .3862943 Hyperbolical Logarithms. 571 N j Logarithm N Logarithm N Logarithm 4.01 4 .C2 403 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4,10 1.3887912 11.3912818 1.3937663 1.3962446 i 3987168 i 401 1829 1.4036429 i 4060969 1.4085449 1.4109869 4-34 4-35 4-36 437 4-38 4 6 78743 .47077,3 .4724720 4-47630 -4770487 4.67 4.68 4- 69 4.70 471 1.5411590 1.5432981 '5454325 1.5475625 1.5496879 1.5518087 1.5539252 1.5560371 1.5581446 1.5603476 4-39 4-4 4.41 4.42 4-43 2.4/93 2 92 1.4816045 (.4838746 1.4861396 1.4883995 4.72 4-73 4-74 4-75 4.76 4.11 4.12 4-13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4 18 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 4.25 4.24 4.25 1.4134230 1.4158:31 1.4182774 1.4206957 1.4231083 1.4255150 1.4279160 1.4303112 1.4327007 1.4350845 4.44 4-45 5.46 4-47 4.48 ' -4906543 1.4.929040 1.4951487 1-4973*83 1.4996230 4-77 4- 7 S 4-79 480 4.81 1.5623462 1.5644405 1.5665304 1.5686159 1.5706971 4-49 4.50 4.51 4.52 4-55 1.5018527 1.5040774 1.5062971 1.50851 19 1.5107219 1.5 129269 ..5151272 1.5173226 1.5195132 1.5216990 i. 5238800 1.5260563 1.5282278 -533947 1.5325568 -5U743 1.5368672 '539'54 1.5411590 4.82 4-83 4.84 4-85 4.86 '5727739 1.5748464 1.5769147 1.5789787 1.5810384 1.5830939 1.5851452 1.5871923 1.5892352 1.5912739 1.4374626 1.43.98351 1.4422020 1 -4445 6 3 2 1.4469189 4-54 4-55 4.56 4->"7 4-58 4.87 4 .8 4.89 4.90 4.91 4.26 4.27 4.28 4.29 4.30 4-3* 4-32 4-33 4-34 1.4492691 1.4516138 I -453953 1.4562867 1.4586149 4-59 4.60 4.61 4.62 4-63 4.92 4-93 4-94 4-95 4-96 '593385 '5953389 '5973653 '5993875 1.6014057 1.6.034198 1.6054298 1.6074358 1.6094379 1.4609379 '4 6 325S3 1.4655675 1.4678743 4.64 4.65 4.66 4-67 4-97 4.98 4-99 5.00 572 A fable of N ogarkhm N jOgarithm N logarithm 5.01 5.02 5-3 5.04 5.05 .6114359 .6134300 .6154200 .6174060 .6193882 34 35 3 6 37 3? 6752256 6770965 6789639 .6808278 6826882 .6845453 .6863989 .6882491 .6900958 .6919391 -.67 ;.68 ;.6 9 j. 7 o J-7 1 5.72 5-73 5-74 5-75 5.76 .7351891 .7369512 .7387102 1.7404661 1.7422189 1.7439687 i-7457 I 55 1.7474591 1.7491998 i-759374 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5. ic .6213664 .6233408 .6253112 627277$ .6292405 39 .40 .41 .42 43 5.11 5.12 5-'3 5.14 5-'5 6311994 633 J 544 .6351056 i 6370530 1.6389967 44 45 5-46 5-47 5.48 .6937790 .6950155 .6974487 6992786 1.701 1051 5-77 5.78 5-79 j.Fo 5.8! 1.7526720 i-75443 6 1.7561323 I -757 8 579 .7595805 5.16 5-i7 5.18 5.19 5.20 1.6409365 1.6428726 1.6448050 1.6467336 1.648658 5-49 5.50 5-5 5-5 5-5 1.7029282 1.7047481 1.7065646 1.7083778 1.7101878 5.82 5-83 5.84 5.85 5.86 .7613002 1,7630170 1.7647308 1.7664416 1.7681496 5.2 5.2 5-2 5.2 5.2 1.650579 1.652497 1.654411 1.656321^ 1.658228 5-5 5-5 S-S 5-5 v5 1.7119944 1-7*37979 1.715598 1.7173950 1.719188 5.87 5.88 5.89 5.90 5.91 1.7698546 ? -77 155 6 7 i-773 2 559 i 7749) 2 3 1.7766458 5- 2 5? 2 5.2 5.2 5-3C 5-3 5-3' 5-3. 5-3- 1.660131 1.662030 1.663926 1.665818 > 1.667706 1,669591 11.671473 5 I - 6 7335 I ^1.67522!; 5-5 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5 .6~ 5-6 5.6 .5- 6 1.720979 1.722766 1.724550 1.726331 1.728109 1.729884 1:731655 '733423 1.735189 5.9: 593 5-94 5-95 5-9< 1.7783364 1.7800242 1.7817091 1.7833912 1.7850704 1.7867469 1.7884205 1.7900914 1.7917594 5-9; 5 . 9 i 5-9( !6.o< Hyperbolical Logarithms. 573 N Logarithm N Logarithm N logarithm 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 1.7934247 1.7950872 1.7967470 1.7984040 1.8000582 6-34 6.35 6.36 6.37 6.38 .8468787 .8484547 .8500283 1.8515994 1.8531680 6.6; 6.6 6.65 6.70 6.71 .8976198 .8991179 .9006138 .9021078 .9035985 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 1.8017098 1.8033586 1.8050647 1.8066481 1.8082887 6-39 6.40 6.41 6.42 6-43 1.8547342 1.85,62979 1.8578592 1.8594181 1.8609745 6.72 6 -73 6.74 6.75 6.76 .9050881 .9065751 .9080600 .9095425 .91 10228 6.ii 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 1.8099267 1.81 15621 1.8131947 1.8148247 1.8164520 6.44 6.45 6.46 6.47 6.48 1.8625285 1.8640801 1.8656293 1.8671761 1.8687205 6.77 6.78 6.79 6.80 6.81 .9125011 .9139771 .9154509 .9169226 .918392*1 6.16 6.17 6.18 6.19 6.20 1.8180767 1.8196988 1.8213182 1.8229351 1.8245493 6.49 6.50 6.51 6.52 6.53 1.8702625 1.8718021 i- 8 733394 1.8748743 1.8764069 6.82 6.83 6.84 6.85 6.86 1.9198594 1.9213247 1.9227877 1.9242486 1.9257074 6.21 6.22 6.23 6.24 6.25 1.8261608 1.8277699 1.8293763 1.8309801 1.8325814 6.54 6.55 6.56 6.57 6.58 1.8779371 1.8794650 1.8809906 1.8825138 1.8840347 6.87 6.88 6.89 6.90 6.91 1.9271641 1.9286186 1.9300710 1.9315214 1.9329696 6.26 6.2 7 6.28 6.29 6.30 1.8341801 I-8357763 1.8373699 1.8389610 1.8405496 6.59 6.60 6.6 6.62 6.63 I-8855533 1.8870696 1.8885837 1.890095^ 1.891604^ 6.92 6.93 6.9, 6.9 6.96 i -934457 1.9358598 1.9373017 1.9387416 1.9401794. 6.31 6.32 6-33 6.34 1.8421356 1.8437191 1.8453002 1.8468; 6.64 6.65 6.66 6.6- 1.8931119 1.8946168 1.8961 19. 1.897,619! 6.97 6. 9 L 6. 9 r 7.0. 1.9416152 1.9430489 1.9444805 i.Q4;qioi 574 A Table of N Logarithm N Logarithm N Logarithm 7.01 7.02 7-3 7.04 7.05 1-947337 6 1.9487632 1.9501866 1.9516080 1.9530275 7-34 7-35 7.36 7-37 7-38 '9933387 1.9947002 1.9960599 '9974177 1.9987736 7-67 7.68 7.69 7.70 2.0373166 2.0386195 2.0399207 2.0412203 2.0425181 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 1.9544449 1.9558604 I -957 2 739 1.9586853 i .9600947 7-39 7.40 7.41 7.42 7-43 2.0001278 2.0014800 2.0028305 2.0041790 2.0055258 7.72 7-73 7-74 7-75 7.76 2.0438143 2.0451088 2.0464016 2.0476928 2.0489823 7.11 7.12 7-iS 1.0615022 1.9629077 1.9643112 1.9657127 1.9671123 7-44 7-45 7.46 7-47 7.48 2.0068708 2.0082140 2 -95553 2.0108949 2.0122327 7-77 7.78 7-79 7.80 7.81 2.0502701 2.0515563 2.0528408 2.0541237 2.0554049 7.16 7.17 7.18 7.19 7.20 1.9685099 1.9699056 1.9712993 1.9726911 1.9740810 7-49 7.50 7-5 1 7,52 7-53 2.0135687 2.0149030 2.0162354 2.0175661 2.0188950 7.82 7.84 7-5 7.86 2.0566845 2.0579624 2.0592388 2:0605135 2.0617866 7.21 7.22 7- 2 3 7.24 7.25 1.9754689 1.9768549 1.9782390 i .9796212 1.9810014 7-54 7-55 7.56 7-57 7.58 2.O2O2221 2.0215475 2.0228711 2.0241929 2.0255131 7.87 7.88 7.89 7.90 7.91 2.0630580 2.0643278 2.0655961 2.0668627 2.0681277 7.26 7.27 7.28 7.29 7-3 1-^823798 1.9837562 1.9851308 1.9865035 1.9878743 7-59 7.60 7.6, 7.62 7.63 2.0268315 2.0281482 2.0294631 2.0307763 2.0320878 7-9* 7-93 7-94 7-95 7.96 2.0693911 2.0706530 2.0719132 2.0731719 2.0744290 7-32 7-33 7-34 1.9892432 1.9906103 1,9919754 i-99333 8 7 7-64 7.65 7.66 7.67 2.0333976 2.0347056 2.0360119 2.0373166 7-97 7.98 7-99 8. DO 2.0756845 2.0769384 2.0781907 2.0794415 \Hyperbollcal Logarithms. N Logarithm N Logarithm N Logarithm 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 2.0806907 2.0819384 2.0831845 2.0844290 2.0856720 8-34 8-35 8.36 8-37 8.38 2.1210632 2.1222615 2.1234584 2.1246539 2.1258479 8.67 8.68 8.69 8.70 8.71 2.1598687 2.1610215 2.1621729 2.1633230 2.1644718 8.06 8.07 8.08 8.09 8.10 2.086.9135 2.0881534 2.0893918 2.0906287 2.0918640 8-39 8.40 8.41 8.42 8-43 2.1270405 2.1282317 2.1294214 2.1306098 2.1317967 8.72 8-73 8-74 8.75 8.76 2.1656192 2.1667653- 2.1679101 2.1690536 2.1701959 8.11 8.12 8.13 8.14 8.15 2,0930984 2.0943306 2.0955613 2.0967905 2.0980182 8.44 8.45 8.46 8.47 8.48 2.1329822 2.1341664 2 -'35349i 2 - I 3 6 5.34 2.1377104 8.77 8.78 8.79 8.80 8.81 2.1713367 2.1724763 2.1736146 2.1747517 2.1758874 8.16 8.17 8.18 8.19 8.20 2.0992444 2.1004691 2.1016923 2.1029140 2.1041341 8.49 8.50 8.51 8.52 8-53 2.1388889 2.1400661 2.1412419 2.1424163 2-1435893 8.82 8.83 8.84 8.85 8.86 2.1770218 2.1781550 2.1792868 2.1804174 2.1815467 8.21 8.22 8.2 3 8.24 8.2 5 2.1053529 2.1065702 2.1077861 2.1089998 2.1102128 8.54 8.55 8.56 8.57 8.58 2.1447609 2.1459312 2.1471001 2.1482676 2-H94339 8.87 L88 3.89 8.90 8.91 2.1826747 2.1838015 2.1849270 2.1860512 2.1871742 8.26 8.27 8.28 8.29 8.30 2.1114243 2.1126343 2.1 138428 2.1150499 2.1162555 8.59 8.60 8.61 8.62 8.65 2:1505987 2.1517622 2.1529243 2.i 5 : r o85! 2.1552445 3.92 8 -93 8.94 3.95 8.96 2.1882959 2.1894163 2.1905355 2.1916535 2.1927702 8. 3 J 8.32 8-33 8-34 2.II74596 2.1186622 2.1198634 2.1210632 8.64 8.6s 8.66 8.67 2.1564026 2 - I 57559? 2.1587147 2.1598687 1 8.97 8.98 -9; ).OC 2.1938856 2.1949998 1. 1061128 2.1972245 576 A Table, &c. N ogarithm N Logarithm N Logarithm 9.01 9.02 9-3 9.04 9.05 198335 .1994443 .2005523 .2016591 .2027647 34 35 .36 37 38 2.2343062 2 - 2 3537 6 3 2.2364452 2.2375130. 2.2385797 9 .6 7 9 .68 9 .6 9 9-7 .9-71 2.2690282 2.2700618 -2710944 2.2721258 2.2731562 9.06 9.07 9.08 9,09 9.10 .2038691 .2049722 .2060741 .2071748 .2082744 39 .40 .41 9.42 9-43 2- 239 6 45 2 2.2407096 2.2417729 2.2428350 2.2438960 - 9.72 9-73 9-74 9-75 9.76 2.2741856 2.2752138 2.2762411 2.2772673 2.2782 9 24 9.11 9.12 9.13 9.14 9.15 .2093727 2.2104697 2.21 15656 2.2126603 2.2137538 9.44 9-45 9.46 9-47 9.48 2.2449559 2.2460147 2.2470723 2.2481288 2.2491843 9-77 9.78 9-79 9.80 9 .8i 2.2 793 l65 2.2803395 2.2813614 2.2823823 2.2834022 9.16 9.17 9.18 9.19 9.20 2.2148461 2.2159372 2.2170272 2.2l8ll6o 2.219203^ 9-49 9-5 9.51 9.52 9-53 2.2502386 2.25I2 9 I7 2.2523438 2-2533948 2.2544446 9 .82 9-83 9-84 9-85 9 .86 2^2844211 2.^54389 2.2864556 2.2874714 2.2884861 9.21 9.22 9.23 9.24 9.25 2.2202898 2.2213750 2.2224590 2.2235418 2.2246235 9-54 9-55 9.56 9-57 9.58 2.2554934 2.2565411 2.2575877 2.2586332 2.2596776 .9.87 9 .88 9- 8 9 9.90 9.91 2.28 9 4 99 8 2.29105124 2.25)15241 2.2925347 2.2635443 9.26 9.27 9.28 9.29 9-3 2.2257040 2.2267833 2.227861 2.228938 2.230014- 9-59 9 .6c 9.6 9.6 9.63 2.2607209 2.2617631 2.2628042 2.2638442 2.2648832 9.97 9-93 9-94 9-95 9 . 9 6 2.2945529 2.2955604 2.25)65670 2-2 9 757 2 5 2.2985770 9-3 9-3 9-3 9-3 2.231089 2.232162 2.233235 2.234306 9.64 9.61; 9 .66 9.6; 2.2659211 z. 2669579 1.2679936 2.2690282 9-97 9.98 9-99 10. OC 2.25)5)5806 2. 300583*1 2.3015846 2.3025851 F I N I ^jjvi g; ^^^^ 5p O 41 * % University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. EZ i .al Lib- OCT 04 1QQO -iCEl VET SMI | MI P9J 1 y 0AavaaiB^ %Aavaan-i^ ^lOS-ANCEtfj^ ^OF-CAUFOB^