3519 sy 0^ Oi Oi 8i 8: 1 i THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES 4 FREDERIC THOMAS BLANCHARD ENDOWMENT FUND J E K Y L L: POLITICAL ECLOGUE. — — — — — miferabile Carmen Integrate & majl'is late loca quejlibus impkt. Vl R G I L. LONDON: Printed for J. D E B R E T T, in Piccadilly, M,DCC,LXXXVIII. ADVERTISEMENT. 1 T having been much wirtied by many, who had feen the following Poem in Manufcript, that it might be printed fc- parately as foon as poflible, the Publiflier folicited, and had the honour to obtain Permiflio]! to prepare tliis early Edi- tion: for the Inaccuracies of which, if any llioiild occur, he begs leave to ojfier, as an apology, the unavoidable Dif> patch which he has exerted on the prefcnt Occafion. 959192 E K y L L, &c. &c. &c. J EKYLL, the wag of law, the fcribbler's pride, Calne to the fenate fent — when Townsend died. So Lansdown will'd : — the old hoarfe rook at reft, A jackdaw-phoenix chatters from his neft. Statefman, and lawyer now, with clafhing cares, The' important youth roams thro' the Temple fquares : Yet ftays his ftep, where, with congenial play. The well-known fountain babbles day by day : The C 8 ] The little fountain ! — whofe reftrided courfe. In low, faint eiiays owns its fhallow fource. lo There, to the tinkling jet he tun'd his tongue, While Lansdown's fame, and Lansdown's fall he fung» " Where were our friends, when the remorfelefs crew " Of felon whigs — great Lansdown's pow'r o'erthrew ? *' For neither then, within St. Stephen's wall 1 5 *' Obedient Westcote hail'd the Treafury-call ; *' Nor treachery then had branded Eden's fame, *' Or taught mankind the mifcreant Minchin's name. " Joyful no more (tho' Tommy fpoke fo long) " Was high-born Howard's cry, or Powney's prattlino' *' tongue. 20 " Vain was thy roar, Ma Hon ! — tho' loud and deep ; " Not our ov/n Gilbert could be rous'd from fleep. C 9 ] •* No brugain yet, die tribe of Phipps had made ? *' Lansdov/n ! you fought id vaia 'ev'n Mulgrave's aid j " MuLGRAVE — at whofe harfli fcream, in wild furprife,' 25 *' The fpeechlefs- Speaker lifts his drovvfy eyes. '' Ah ! haplefs day ! fcill, as thy hours return, ' ' Let Jefuits, Jews, and fad Diffenters mourn ! " Each quack and fympathizing juggler groan, '* While bankrupt brokers echo moan for moan. 30 " Oh ! much-lov'd peer ! — my patron ! — model 1 — friend ! " How does thy alter 'd ftate my bofom rend. *' Alas ! the ways of courts are flrange and dark ! tt Pitt fcarce would make thee now — a Treafury- clerk !"^ Stung with the maddening thought, his griefs, his fears 35 Diflblve the plaintive counfellor in tears. B « How [ 10 ] ' How oft," he cries, '' ha^ wretched Lansdown faid, ' Curs d be the toilfcjne hours hy flat ef men led J ' Oh I had kind Heave?! ordain d my humbler fate * A country ge?2tle?na7is — of f nail efate — 40 ' With Price a?id Priestley, i7i fome difiant grove, ' Blef} I had led the lowly life I love. ' T'houy Price/ had deigjid to calculate my focks ! « Thou, Priestley / favd them from the lightning s f:)ocks I ' Unknonvn the forms and temp efs of the fate 45 * Uiifelt the mean ambitioii to be great ; ' In Bowood's fjade had paft my peaceful days, ' Far from the town and its delufve ways', * The cryftal brook ?ny bevrage — and my food * HipSy cornels, haws, and berries of the wood."" $0 * Bleft peer ! eternal wreaths adorn thy brow ! Thou Cincinnatus of the Britifli plough ! «' But, a ^ ] ** oh ! be it their s^ with more than patriot heat, *' To fnatch thy virtues from their lov'd retreat <' Drag thee reludant to the haunts of men, *' And make thee minifter Oh ! God ! but when I" Thus mourn'd the youth — 'till, funk in penfive grief, He woo'd his handkerchief for foft relief. In either pocket either hand he threw; 75 When, lo ! — from each, a precious tablet flew. This, — his fage patron's wond'rous fpeech on trade : This, — his own book of farcafms ready made. Tremendous book ! — thou motley Magazine Of ftale feverities, and pilfer' d fpleen 1 80 Oh! rich in ill! — ^within thy leaves entwin'd, What glittering adders lurk to fting the mind. Satire's [ '3 ] Satire's Mufewd ! — with Sir Ashton's lore. The naturalift of malice eyes thy ftore : Ranging, with fell Virtu, his poifonous tribes ^^ Of embryo fneers, and animalcule gibes. Here infedt puns their feeble wings expand. To fpeed, in little flights, their lord's command : There, in their paper chryfalis, he fees Specks of bon mots, and eggs of repartees. 9a In modern fpirits ancient wit he fteeps ; If not its glofs, the reptile's venorn keeps: Thy quaintnefs. Dunning ! but without thy fenfe ; And juft enough of Bearcroft, for offence. On thjBKlov'd leaves a tranfient glance he threw : 95: But weightier themes his anxious thoughts purfuc. Deep fenatorial pomp intent to reach. With ardent eyes he hangs o'er Lanfdown's fpeech. Then, [ H ] Then, loud the youth proclaims the' enchanting words That charm'd the " noble natures" of the lords. loo *' Liojl a7id obfctird i?i Bowood's humble bowr, *' No party tool — no cai2didate for powr — *' / comCy my lords ! an hermit frojn my celU * ' A few blunt truths in tny plain flyle to tell. * * Highly I praife your late commercial plan ; 105 " Kingdojns fjould all wiite — like 7iian and man. *' 'The French love peace — ambition they detefl : *' But CherburgV frightful works deny me refl, *' With joy I fee new wealth for Britain JJjipp'd. ** Lisbon's a froward child, and should be whipp'd.iio *' Tet Portugal's our old and befl ally^ *' And Gallic faith is but a fle7ider tie, ^' My C '5 ] <* My lords ! the manufadlurerV a fool \ " Ithe clothier, too^ knoui'S nothing about wool : " Their interejls Jlill demand our conjlant care ; 1 1 5 *' Their griefs are mine — x\\t\x fears are my defpair, *' My lords / my foul is big with dire alar7?is ; *' Turks, Germans, Russians, Prussians, all in arms ! ** A noble V01.Y. (Tm proud to call him friend I ) ** Tells me of thijtgs — / cannot co?nprehend. 120 *' Your lordpips hairs would f and an end to hear '* My lafl dif patches from the Grand Vizier. " The fears of Dantzick-merchants cant be told'^ ** Accounts from Cracow make my blood run cold. •' The fate of Portsmouth, and of Plymouth Docks, i 25 *' Tour Trade — your Taxes — Army — Navy — Stocks — * * All haunt 7ne in my drea?ns : andj when I rife, ** The Bank of Enghnd fcares my opening eyes. ^^I fee [ if' 3 *' I fee — I know fame dreadftd form is brew.mgi " Ann all your coaJJs — your Navy is your ruin. 130 *' I faj it fill : but (let im be believd) " In this your lordfips have been much deceivd, *' A NOBLE Duke affirms ^ I like nis plan : " / ?iever did, my lords! — I never can — * ' Shafne on the Jlanderous breath ! ivhich dares infill 135 *' That /, u->6o 7iow condemn, advis d the ill, *' Plain words, thank Heavn! are always underfood : *' / COULD approve, I f aid— but jiot I would. " Anxious to make the noble Duke content^ •\ *' My view was juf to seem to give confent, 140 I *' While all the world might fee that mthijig lefs was meant." j While Jekyll thus, the rich exhauftlefs ftore Of Lansdown's rhetoric ponders o'er and o'er, And, [ 17 ] And, rapt in happier dreams of future days, His patron's triumphs in his own furveys ; i^^ Admiring barrifters in crowds refort From Figtree— -Brick— Hare— Pump — and Garden Court. Anxious they gaze — and watch with filent awe The motley fon of politics and law. Meanwhile, with fofteft fmiles and courteous bows, 150 He, graceful bending, greets their ardent vows. " Thanks, generous friends," he cries, '' kind Templars, " thanks ! *' Tho' now, with Lansdown's band, your Jekyll ranks, " Think not, he wholly quits black-letter cares ; *' Still — ftill the lawyer with the Jlateffna?t fhares.'* 155 C But, I i8 ] But, fee ! the fliades of night o'erfpread the fkies ! Thick fogs and vapours from the Thames arife. Far different hopes our feparate toils infpire : To parchment you, and precede?tt retire. With deeper bronze your darkefl looks imbrown, i6o Adjuft your brows for the demurri?ig frown : Brood o'er the fierce rebutters of the bar. And brave the ijfue of the gowned war. Me, all unpraiftis'd in the bafhful mood, Strange, novice thoughts, and alien cares delude. 165 Yes, modejl Eloquence ! ev'n / muft court For once, with mimic vows, thy coy fupport. Oh ! would'ft thou lend the femblance of thy charms ! Feign'd agitations, and affum'd alarms ; 'Twere all I'd afk : — but for one day alone 170 To ape thy downcaft look — thy fuppliant tone : To [ '9 ] To paufe— and bow with helitating grace Here try to falter — there a word mifplace : Long-banifhed bliilhes this pale cheek to teach, And adl the miferies of a maide?t fpeech. 175 FINIS. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. Form L9-40ni-7,'56(C790s4) 444 ""Til LIBRARY . 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