B 4 bDS 3^5 V^^ .1 ' \-V^ /-i. ■■;,-■■ ;■. IDaidiaiiients^ !;bicial Ilericb Bomiiiiuii of Canada iy.9§ to 1117 IW iS'rVitv ly POLITICAL APPOINTMENTS PARLIAMENTS AND THE JUDICIAL BENCH IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA 1896 to 1917 Being a continuation, up to the 30th June, 1917, of the first volume published in 1896, which covered the period from the 1st July, 1867, to the 31st December, 1895; the two volumes forming a complete record for the first half century of the Canadian Confederation: 1867 to 1917- BY N. OMER COTE, I.S.O. (of the department of the interior, CANADA) OTTAWA Printed by Lowe-Martin Company, Limited 1917 LI Copyright, Canada, 1917, BY Narcisse Omer Cote CONTENTS 1896 to 1917 Page ACCESSION OF HIS MAJESTY KING EDWARD THE SEVENTH 1 ACCESSION OF HIS MAJESTY KING GEORGE THE FIFTH. . . 1 GOVERNORS-GENERAL OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA, AND ADMINISTRATORS OF THE GOVERNMENT 1 SECRETARIES TO THE GOVERNORS-GENERAL 5 AIDES-DE-CAMP TO H. E. THE EARL OF ABERDEEN .... 6 STAFF OF H. E. THE EARL OF MINTO 7 STAFF OF H. E. EARL GREY 9 STAFF OF FIELD MARSHAL H. R. H. THE DUKE OF CON- NAUGHT AND OF STRATHEARN 11 STAFF OF H. E. THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE 15 LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS OF THE PROVINCES OF CANADA 16 LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS OF ONTARIO 16 LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS OF QUEBEC 17 LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS OF NOVA SCOTIA 18 LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS OF NEW BRUNSWICK 19 LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS OF MANITOBA 20 LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 21 LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND 22 LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS OF SASKATCHEWAN 23 LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS OF ALBERTA 23 LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS OF THE NORTH WEST TERRITORIES ... 24 MEMBERS OF THE KING'S PRIVY COUNCIL FOR CANADA ... 25 THE PRIME MINISTERS OF CANADA 29 ADMINISTRATIONS SINCE CONFEDERATION 30 MINISTRIES SINCE CONFEDERATION 31 SIXTH MINISTRY 31 SEVENTH MINISTRY 33 EIGHTH MINISTRY 35 yilNTH MINISTRY ..,,.,.,,.,...., 38 m20;5897 Contents. — Continued. Page HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS 40 PRESIDENTS OF THE KING'S PRIVY COUNCIL FOR CANADA .... 40 MINISTERS OF JUSTICE 40 MINISTERS OF MILITIA AND DEFENCE 41 MINISTERS OF FINANCE 41 MINISTERS OF PUBLIC WORKS 42 MINISTERS OF RAILWAYS AND CANALS 42 MINISTERS OF INLAND REVENUE 43 MINISTERS OF CUSTOMS 44 MINISTERS OF TRADE AND COMMERCE 45 POSTMASTERS-GENERAL 45 SECRETARIES OF STATE OF CANADA 46 MINISTERS OF MARINE AND FISHERIES 46 MINISTERS OF AGRICULTURE 47 MINISTERS OF THE INTERIOR 47 SUPERINTENDENTS-GENERAL OF INDIAN AFFAIRS 48 MINISTERS OF LABOUR 48 SECRETARIES OF STATE FOR EXTERNAI, AFFAIRS 49 MINISTERS OF MINES 49 MINISTERS OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 50 MINISTERS OF OVERSEAS MILITARY FORCES OF CANADA IN THE UNITED KINGDOM 50 CONTROLLERS OF INLAND REVENUE 43 CONTROLLERS OF CUSTOMS 44 SOLICITORS-GENERAL OF CANADA 51 PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARY OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MILITIA AND DEFENCE 51 PARLIAMENTARY UNDER-SECRETARY OF STATE FOR EX- TERNAL AFFAIRS 51 THE HIGH COMMISSIONERS FOR CANADA IN THE UNITED KINGDOM 52 SECRETARIES TO THE HIGH COMMISSIONERS 52 COMMISSIONERS-GENERAL FOR CANADA IN FRANCE 52 COMMISSIONERS OF THE YUKON TERRITORY 53 COMMISSIONER OF THE NORTH WEST TERRITORIES 53 HEADQUARTERS STAFF OF THE MILITIA OF CANADA .... 54 GENERAL OFFICERS COMMANDING 54 AIDES-DE-CAMP TO THE GENERAL OFFICERS COMMANDING .... 55 CHIEFS OF THE GENERAL STAFF 56 INSPECTORS-GENER.\L , , . , . 56 V Contents. — Continued. Page Headquarters Staff of the Militia of Canada. — Concluded. adjutants-general of militia 57 quarter-masters-general 57 director-general of the ordnance 58 masters-general of the ORDNANCE 58 JUDGE-ADVOCATE-GENERAL 58 DIRECTORS-GENERAL OF MEDICAL SERVICES 58 DEPUTY HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS AND CHIEF OFFICERS . . 59 CLERKS OF THE KING'S PRIVY COUNCIL FOR CANADA 59 AUDITORS-GENERAL 59 DEPUTY OF THE MINISTER OF JUSTICE 59 UNDER SECRETARY OF STATE FOR EXTERNAL AFFAIRS 60 COMMISSIONERS OF CUSTOMS 60 DEPUTY POSTMASTERS-GENERAL 60 DEPUTIES OF THE MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE . ' 61 DEPUTIES OF THE MINISTER OF THE INTERIOR 61 DEPUTIES OF THE MINISTER OF FINANCE 61 DEPUTIES OF THE MINISTER OF MILITIA AND DEFENCE 62 DEPUTIES OF THE MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS 62 DEPUTIES OF THE MINISTER OF TRADE AND COMMERCE 62 DEPUTIES OF THE MINISTER OF LABOUR 63 UNDER-SECRETARIES OF STATE OF CANADA 63 DEPUTY-REGISTRARS-GENERAI. OF CANADA 63 DEPUTY OF THE MINISTER OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 64 DEPUTIES OF THE MINISTER OF RAILWAYS AND CANALS 64 DEPUTIES OF THE MINISTER OF MARINE AND FISHERIES 64 DEPUTIES OF THE SUPERINTENDENT-GENERAL OF INDIAN AFFAIRS 65 king's PRINTERS AND CONTROLLERS OF STATIONERY 65 DEPUTIES OF THE MINISTER OF INLAND REVENUE 65 DEPUTIES OF THE MINISTER OF MINES 66 COMMISSIONERS OF INLAND REVENUE 66 COMPTROLLERS OF THE ROYAL NORTH WEST MOUNTED POLICE . . 66 DIRECTOR-GENERAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 67 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS 67 DOMINION ARCHIVISTS 67 ASSISTANT TO CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMISSION OF CONSERVATION . 68 SUPERINTENDENTS OF INSURANCE 68 COMMISSIONER OF COMMERCE 68 GENERAL CONSULTING ENGINEER TO THE DOMINION GOVERNMENT 68 CHIEF COMMISSIONER OF POLICE WITHIN CANADA 69 CHIEF OFFICERS IN THE INSIDE DEPARTMENTAL DIVISION OF THE CIVIL SERVICE OF CANADA 70 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 71 AUDITOR-GENERAL'S OFFICE 73 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 73 VI Contents. — Continued. Page Chief Officers in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada. — Concluded, DEPARTMENT OF CUSTOMS 74 DEPARTMENT OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS 75 department OF FINANCE 75 governor-general's secretary's OFFICE 76 DEPARTMENT OF INLAND REVENUE 76 DEPARTMENT OF INDIAN AFFAIRS 77 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR 79 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 83 DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 84 DEPARTMENT OF MILITIA AND DEFENCE 85 DEPARTMENT OF MARINE AND FISHERIES 87 DEPARTMENT OF MINES 88 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 89 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE ROYAI, NORTH WEST MOUNT- ED POLICE 90 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT 90 PRIVY COUNCIL OFFICE 94 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PRINTING AND STATIONERY 95 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 95 DEPARTMENT OF RAILWAYS AND CANALS 98 DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND COMMERCE 100 DEPARTMENT OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF CANADA 101 CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMISSION OF CONSERVATION .... 101 THE INTERNATIONAL JOINT COMMISSION 102 BOARD OF RAILWAY COMMISSIONERS FOR CANADA 103 THE SENATE OF CANADA 105 SPEAKERS OF THE SENATE 105 CLERKS OF THE SENATE 105 OFFICERS OF THE SENATE 105 MEMBERS OF THE SENATE 108 SENATORS FOR THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO . . . . , 108 SENATORS FOR THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC 110 SENATORS FOR THE PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA 114 SENATORS FOR THE PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK 116 SENATORS FOR THE PROVINCE OF MANITOBA 117 SENATORS FOR THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA ...... 118 SENATORS FOR THE PROVINCE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND .... 119 SENATORS FOR THE PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN 119 SENATORS FOR THE PROVINCE OF ALBERTA 120 SENATORS FOR THE NORTH WEST TERRITORIES 130 Contents. — Continued. Page THE HOUSE OF COMMONS OF CANADA 121 SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS 121 DEPUTY SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS 122 CLERKS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS 123 OFFICERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS 123 MEMBERS RETURNED AT GENERAL ELECTIONS: — EIGHTH PARLIAMENT 129 NINTH PARLIAMENT 145 TENTH PARLIAMENT 161 ELEVENTH PARLIAMENT 175 TWELFTH PARLIAMENT 185 BY-ELECTIONS HELD DURING THE: — SEVENTH PARLIAMENT (LATTER PART) 126 EIGHTH PARLIAMENT 138 NINTH PARLIAMENT 155 TENTH PARLIAMENT 169 ELEVENTH PARLIAMENT 183 TWELFTH PARLIAMENT 194 PARLIAMENTS AND SESSIONS— PERIODS OF THEIR DURATION 202 GENERAL ELECTIONS HELD IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA 203 THE JUDICIAL BENCH IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA .... 204 THE SUPREME COURT OF CANADA 204 THE EXCHEQUER COURT OF CANADA 207 LOCAL JUDGES IN ADMIRALTY OF THE EXCHEQUER COURT OF CANADA 208 PROVINCE OF ONTARIO — THE SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE FOR ONTARIO 211 THE COURT OF APPEAL FOR ONTARIO 212 THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE FOR ONTARIO 214 king's BENCH DIVISION w . . . . 214 CHANCERY DIVISION 215 COMMON PLEAS DIVISION 216 EXCHEQUER DIVISION 217 THE SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO 218 APPELLATE DIVISION 220 HIGH COURT DIVISION 221 COUNTY AND DISTRICT COURTS 223 PROVINCE OF QUEBEC — COURT OF king's BENCH FOR THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC 245 SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC 247 CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF MONTREAL 266 PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA — SUPREME COURT OF NOVA SCOTIA 267 COUNTY COURTS 269 VUl Contents. — Concluded. Page The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. — Concluded. PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK — SUPREME COURT OF NEW BRUNSWICK 272 COURT OF APPEAL 274 CHANCERY DIVISION 275 king's BENCH DIVISION 275 COURT OF DIVORCE AND MATRIMONIAL CAUSES 276 COUNTY COURTS 276 PROVINCE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND — ■ SUPREME COURT OF JUDICATURE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND . . 278 COUNTY COURTS 279 CITY COURT OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTETOWN 280 PROVINCE OF MANITOBA — COURT OF APPEAL FOR MANITOBA 281 COURT OF king's BENCH FOR THE PROVINCE OF MANITOBA. . . . 283 COUNTY COURTS 286 PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN — SUPREME COURT OF SASKATCHEWAN 288 DISTRICT COURTS 290 PROVINCE OF ALBERTA — SUPREME COURT OF ALBERTA 294 DISTRICT COURTS • 296 NORTH WEST TERRITORIES — SUPREME COURT OF THE NORTH WEST TERRITORIES (abolished) . . 299 YUKON TERRITORY — TERRITORIAL COURT OF THE YUKON TERRITORY 302 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA — COURT OF APPEAL FOR THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA . . . 304 SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 305 COUNTY COURTS 307 NOTICE CONCERNING THE USE OF THE TITLE "HONOUR- ABLE" IN THE CASE OF THE CHIEF JUSTICES AND JUDGES OF CERTAIN COURTS 311 CHIEF JUSTICES AND JUDGES WHO HAVE BEEN PERMITTED TO RETAIN THE TITLE "HONOURABLE" AFTER RETIRE- MENT 312 KING'S COUNSEL APPOINTED BY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL 313 IMPERIAL HONOURS CONFERRED FOR CANADIAN SERVICES 314 IMPERIAL HONOURS CONFERRED ON OFFICERS OF THE CANADIAN CONTINGENTS FOR SERVICES RENDERED DURING THE OPERATIONS IN SOUTH AFRICA 330 IMPERIAL HONOURS CONFERRED ON OFFICERS OF THE CANADIAN FORCES FOR SERVICES RENDERED IN CON- NECTION WITH THE EUROPEAN WAR 334 TABLE OF TITLES TO BE USED IN CANADA 355 INDEX TO NAMES AND SUBJECTS 357 HIS MAJESTY KING EDWARD THE SEVENTH acceded to the throne on the 22nd January, 1901, upon the death of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, who died in the sixty-fourth year of her Reign. HIS MAJESTY KING GEORGE THE FIFTH acceded to the throne on the 6th May, 1910, upon the death of His Majesty King Edward the Seventh, who died in the tenth year of his Reign. Governors- General of the Dominion of Canada and Administrators. 1896 to 1917. (Continued from Page 6, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895/') Name His Excellency the Right Honour able Sir John Campbell Hamilton Gordon, Earl of Aberdeen, Governor-General Lieutenant - General Alexander George Montgomery - Moore Administrator Lieutenant - General Alexander George Montgomery - Moore, Administrator General Alexander George Mont- gomery-Moore Administrator General Alexander George Mont- gomery-Moore, Administrator Lieutenant-General Lord William Frederick Ernest Seymour, Administrator His Excellency the Right Honour- able Sir Gilbert John Elliot, Earl of Minto, Governor-General (1) From Assumption of Office To 18th Sept. 1893 11th Nov. 1898 13th Oct. 1893 22nd Oct., 1893 29th Nov. 1894 4th Dec, 1894 13th Feb., 1897 26th Feb., 1897 20th Oct., 1897 25th Oct., 1897 28th June, 1898 30th June, 1898 12th Nov., 1898 9th Dec, 1904 (1) Lord Minto died 1st March, 1914. Governors -General of the Dominion of Canada and Administrators. — Continued. Name Lieutenant - General Lord William Frederick Ernest Seymour, Administrator The Right Honourable Sir Henry Strong, P.C., Kt., Chief Justice of Canada Administrator His Excellency the Right Honour- able Sir Henri Elz6ar Tasche- reau, P.C., Kt., Chief Justice of Canada Administrator His Excellency the Right Honour- able Sir Albert Henry George, Earl Grey . . Governor-Genera! His Excellency the Honourable Robert Sedgewick, Senior Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada Administrator His Excellency the HonourableSir Charles Fitzpatrick, K.C.M.G., Chief Justice of Canada, Administrator His Excellency the Honourable Sir Charles Fitzpatrick, K.C.M.G., Chief Justice of Canada, Administrator His Excellency the Honourable Sir Charles Fitzpatrick, K.C.M.G., Chief Justice of Canada, Administrator His Excellency the Right Honour- able Sir Charles Fitzpatrick, P.C, K.C.M.G., Chief Justice of Canada Administrator His Excellency the Right Honour- able Sir Charles Fitzpatrick, P.C, K.C.M.G., Chief Justice of Canada Administrator From Assumption of Office 4th Oct., 9th June, 12th Nov., 10th Dec, 1899 1902 1904 1904 To 30th Mar., 1906 16th Apl., 1907 13th May, 1907 27th Mar., 1908 30th Mar., 1909 5th June, 1909 7th Oct., 26th July, 9th Dec, 12th Oct., 9th Apl., 21st Apl., 8th June, 27th Apl., 5th Apl., 1899 1902 1904 1911 1906 1907 1907 1908 1909 24th July, 1909 Governors -General of the Dominion of Canada and Administrators. — Continued. Name From Assumption of Office To His Excellency the Honourable Desire Girouard, Senior Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada Administrator His Excellency the Honourable Desire Girouard, Senior Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada, Administrator His Excellency the Honourable Desire Girouard, Senior Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada, Administrator His Excellency the Right Honour able Sir Charles Fitzpatrick, P.C, K.C.M.G., Chief Justice of Canada Administrator Field Marshal His Royal Highness Prince Arthur William Patrick Albert, Duke of Connaught and of Strathearn, Governor-General His Excellency the Right Honour- able Sir Charles Fitzpatrick, P.C, G.C.M.G., Chief Justice of Canada, Administrator His Excellency the Right Honour- able Sir Charles Fitzpatrick, P.C, G.CM.G., Chief Justice of Canada, . Administrator His Excellency the Honourable Sir Louis Henry Davies, K.C.M.G Senior Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada, Administrator 19th Mar., 1910 28th Mar., 1910 11th June, 5th Sept., 7th Jan., 1910 1910 1911 21st July, 10th Sept., 12th Jan., 1910 1910 1911 13th Oct., 1911 22nd Jan., 1912 22nd Mar., 1913 12th May, 1913 10th Nov., 1916 27th Jan., 1912 11th May, 1913 18th May, 1913 Governors- General of the Dominion of Canada and Administrators. — Concluded. Name His Excellency the Right Honour- able Sir Charles Fitzpatrick, P.C, G.C.M.G., Chief Justice ol Canada, Administrator His Excellency the Honourable Sir Louis Henry Davies, K.C.M.G., Senior Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada, Administrator His Excellency the Right Honour- able Sir Charles Fitzpatrick, P.C, G.C.M.G., Chief Justice of Canada, Administrator His Excellency the Most Noble Victor Christian William, Duke of Devonshire Governor-General From Assumption of Ofifice 19th May, 1913 6th July, 1914 13th Oct., 1916 11th Nov., 1916 To 24th Oct., 1913 18th July, 1914 10th Nov., 1916 Lord Dufferin, Governor-General, 1872-1878, died 12th February, 1902. Lord Lome, afterwards the Duke of Argyle, Governor-General, 1878-1883, died 2nd May, 1914. Lord Stanley of Preston, afterwards Lord Derby, Governor-General, 1888-1893, died 14th June, 1908. GOVERNOR-GENERAL — The Governor-General holds office until his successor is sworn in. The instructions passed under the Royal Sign Manual and Signet to the Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief of the Dominion of Canada, dated 15th June, 1905, (published in The Canada Gazette of the 21st July, 1906, Volume XL, page 130,) stipulate, amongst other things, that he shall not, upon any pretense whatever, quit the said Dominion without having first obtained leave from His Majesty for so doing, under the Royal Sign Manual and Signet, or through one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State. ADMINISTRATOR — By a Commission passed under the Royal Sign Manual and Signet bearing date the 7th May, 1901, His Majesty the King was pleased to appoint the Chief Justice for the time being of the Supreme Court of Canada, or, in case of the death, incapacity, removal or absence out of Canada of the Chief Justice, the Senior Judge of the said Supreme Court then residing in Canada and not being under incapacity, to administer the Government of the Dominion of Canada in the event of the death, incapacity, removal or absence out of Canada of the Gover- nor-General. Prior to the said date, in the case of the death, incapacity or absence of the Gover- nor-General, the Government of the Dominion of Canada was administered by the Senior Mili- tary Officer of H.M.'s regular forces in the Dominion. This Commission was superseded by the Letters Patent passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom, dated 15th June. 1905, (pub- lished in The Canada Gazette of the 4th August, 1906, Volume XL, page 253,) constituting the office of Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief of the Dominion of Canada and containing the same provision, with respect to the appointment of an Administrator, as was contained in the Commission aforesaid. DEPUTY-GOVERNOR — Under the Royal Letters Patent of the 15th June, 1905, already referred to, the Governor-General is authorized and empowered to appoint any person or persons jointly or severally, to be his Deputy or Deputies witliin any part or parts of the Dominion of Canada, and in that capacity to exercise, during his pleasure, such of his powers, functions and authorities, as he may deem it necessary or expedient to assign to him or them. Secretaries to the Governors -General of Canada. {Continued from Page 8, Volume 1, " 1S67 to 1895.") Name Arthur John Lewis Gordon, C.M.G John Sinclair, late Captain 5th Royal Irish Lancers (1) David Erskine (1) Major L. G. Drummond, Scots Guards (2 and 3) Captain J. H. C. Graham, Cold- stream Guards, Acting Secretary Major Frederick Stanley Maude, C.M.G. , D. S. O., Coldstream Guards Colonel Sir John Hanbury-Wil- liams, K.C.V.O., C.M.G., Ox- fordshire Light Infantry (4) . Major the Earl of Lanesborough, M.V.O., Coldstream Guards. . . Dougal O. Malcolm, M.A Lieutenant - Colonel Henry Cecil Lowther, C. M. G., M. V. O., D.S.O., Scots Guards Lieutenant-Colonel Francis Doug- las Farquhar, D.S.O., Cold- stream Guards (5- — 6) Arthur French Sladen, C. M. G., Acting Secretary (6) From 18th Sept. 1893 17th Feb., 1896 18th Feb., 13th Mar. 1896 1897 15th Jan., 12th Nov. 1897 1898 18th Nov. 189S 31st July, 1900 1st Aug., 190C 24th May, 1901 25th May, 1901 i5th Dec, 1904 15th Dec, 1st Nov., 1909 1910 I3th Oct., 1911 Gth Oct., 28th Aug., 1913 1914 To 18th Nov., 1904 14th Dec, 1909 31st Oct., 1910 12th Oct., 1911 5th Oct., 1913 30th Nov., 1914 30th Nov., 1914 (1) Mr. Sinclair appointed Acting Secretary to the Governor-General, without pay, 16th January, 1897; elected member of the Imperial Parliament, 30th January. 1897; re-appointed Acting Secretary, without pay, during the absence of the Governor-General's Secretary, 13th March, 1897; Mr. Matthew White Ridley appointed Acting Secretary during remainder of Mr. hrskine's leave, 9th September, 1898. (2) Appointment made 18th November, 1898, to date from the 3rd November, 1898. (3) Major Drummond was attached for Staff Duty to the First Canadian Contingent sent to South Africa in October, 1899. (4) Colonel Hanbury-Williams, C.V.O., C.M.G., appointed 15th December, 1904, to date from 19th November, 1904; promoted K.C.V.O., 23rd July, 1908. (5) Lieutenant-Colonel Farquhar was permitted to resign his appointment to take com- mand overseas of the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry; he was killed in action, in Flan- ders, 20th March, 1915. (6) Mr. Sladen, Private Secretary to H.R.H. the Governor-General, was Acting Governor- General's Secretary during the absence on leave of Lieutenant-Colonel Farquhar. 6 Secretaries to the Governors -General of Canada. Concluded. Name From To Lieutenant - Colonel Edward Alex- ander Stanton, Reserve of Offi- cers Isf Dec, 1914 13th Nov., 19U 10th Nov., 1916 Lieutenant - Colonel the Honour- able Harold Greenwood Hen- derson Aides-de-Camp to Lord Aberdeen, Governor-General, 18th September, 1893, to 11th November, 1898. (Continued from page 13, volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Captain Herbert William Wilberforce, 2nd Dra- goon Guards, (Queen's Bays,) vice Kindersley30th Oct., 1895 Lieutenant E. J. Neve, Royal Berkshire Regiment, (temporary), vice Urquhart 1897 Captain Gerard Tharp, Rifie Brigade, vice Wilber- force 1898 Major Septimus Julius Augustus Denison, Royal Regiment of Canadian Infantry 1898 Honorary Aides-de-Camp to Lord Aberdeen. Major Arthur Henry Griesbach, Superintendent Northwest Mounted Police 1st Jan., 1895 Lieut.-Colonel the Hon. A. C. P. R. Landry 1st Jan., 1895 Captain David H. Macpherson, Inspector, North- west Mounted Police 18th Nov., 1895 Captain Harry Fladgate Wyatt, 2nd Batt., Queen's Own Rifles 6th Aug., 1897 Captain Septimus Julius Augustus Denison, Royal Regiment of Canadian Infantry 15th Nov., 1897 Lieutenant Charles S. Maclnnes, 10th Royal Grena- diers 15th Nov., 1897 Lieut.-Colonel William Egerton Hodgins, Governor General's Foot Guards 4th Feb., 1898 Major T. D. B. Evans, Royal Canadian Dragoons 4th Feb., 1898 Lieut.-Colonel C. W. Drury, Royal Canadian Artil- lery 4th Feb., 1898 Lieut.-Colonel J. A. L. Strathy, 5th Royal Scots, resigned 8th Dec, 1897 Members of the Staff of His Excellency the Earl of Minto — Governor -General of Canada. 12th November, 1898, to 9th December, 1904. Governor-General's Secretary and Military Secretary. Name Major L. G. Drummond, Scot's Guards (1) Captain J. H. C. Graham, Cold- stream Guards, Acting Secretary Major Frederick Stanley Maude, C.M.G., D.S.O., Coldstream Guards From 18th Nov., 1898 1st Aug., 1900 25th May, 1901 To 31st July, 1900 24th May, 1901 18th Nov., 1904 (1) Major Drummond was attached for Staff Duty to the First Canadian Contingent sent to South Africa in October, 1899. Aides-de-Camp. Lieutenant W. F. Lascelles, Scots Guards (1) 18th Nov., 1898 Lieutenant J. H. C. Graham, Coldstream Guards (1 and 2) 18th Nov., 1898 Captain Arthur Clive Bell, Scots Guards, vice Las- celles 29th Oct., 1900 Captain F. St. J. Hughes, South Wales Borderers, vice Graham 19th July, 1902 Captain J-. H. C. Graham, Coldstream Guards, vice F. St. J. Hughes, resigned 22nd May, 1903 Comptroller of the Household. Arthur Guise (1) 18th Nov., 1898 Private Secretary. Arthur French Sladen 9th Mar., 1900 (1) Appointment made 18th November, 1898, to date from 3rd November, 1898. (2) Mr. Graham was Acting Secretary to the Governor-General from 1st August, 1900, to 24th May, 1901; resigned October, 1901, upon his departure for active service in South Africa. Members of the Staff of His Excellency the Earl of Minto. — Concluded. Honorary Aides-de-Camp. Colonel William Dillon Otter, C.B., District Officer Commanding 4th Mar., 1899 Lieut.-Colonel De La Cherois Thomas Irwin, C.M.G., Reserve of Officers 4th Mar., 1899 Lieut.-Colonel the Hon. John Morison Gibson, Honorary Lieut.-Colonel, 13th Regiment. .. .4th Mar., 1899 Lieut.-Colonel G. T. A. Evanturel, 9th Regiment, " Voltigeurs de Quebec" 13th Sept., 1899 Lieut.-Colonel J. Peters, District Officer Command- ing 13th Sept., 1899 Colonel Charles William Drury, C.B., Royal Cana- dian Artillery _ 13th Sept., 1899 Lieut.-Colonel Arthur Percy Sherwood, C.M.G., 43rd Regiment 13th Sept., 1899 Lieut.-Colonel Henry Robert Smith, Reserve of Officers 23rd Apl., 1900 Colonel Frangois Louis Lessard, C.B., Royal Can- adian Dragoons 16th May, 1901 Colonel Thomas Dixon Byron Evans, C.B., Can- adian Mounted Rifles 16th May, 1901 Major William Forester, Royal Canadian Dragoonsllth Sept., 1901 Honorary Surgeons. Colonel John Louis Hubert Neilson, Director Gen- eral Medical Services 13th Sept., 1899 Lieut.-Colonel Thomas George Roddick, M. P., Medical Reserve of Officers 13th Sept., 1899 Members of the Staff of His Excellency Earl Grey, Governor -General of Canada. lOth December, 1904, to 12th October, 1911. Governor-General's Secretary and Military Secretary. Name Colonel Sir John Hanbury-Wil- liams, K.C.V.O., C.M.G., Ox- fordshire Light Infantry (1).. Major the Earl of Lanesborough M.V.O., Coldstream Guards. Dougal O. Malcolm, M.A 15th Dec, 1904 15th Dec, 1909 1st Nov., 1910 To 14th Dec, 1909 31st Oct., 1910 12th Oct., 1911 (1) Colonel Hanbury-Williams. C.V.O., C.M.G., appointed 15th Dec, 1904, to date from 19th November. 1904; promoted K.C.V.O., 23rd July, 1908. Aides-de-Camp. Captain G. F. Trotter, D.S.O., Grenadier Guards. .10th Dec, 1904 Captain D. O. C. Newton, M.V.O., Duke of Cam- bridge's Own (Middlesex Regiment) 10th Dec, 1904 Lieutenant Walter Egerton George Lucian Keppel, (commonly called the Viscount Bury) Scots Guards .^ 10th Dec, 1904 Captain and Honorary Major, A. V. Poynter, D.S.O., Reserve of Officers, vice Bury 5th Oct., 1906 Lieutenant F. A. U. Pickering, Royal Scots, vice Trotter 1st Mar., 1907 Lieutenant Viscount H. G. C. Lascelles, Reserve of Officers, vice Poynter 19th Oct., 1907 Captain A. J. Fife, King's Royal Rifie Corps 23rd Oct., 1908 Major G. F. Trotter, M.V.O., D.S.O., Grenadier Guards, vice Pickering 8th Dec, 1909 Lieutenant R. C. Bingham, 1st Life Guards, vice Newton 15th July, 1910 Captain Earl Percy, Grenadier Guards, vice Fife. .31st Aug., 1910 NOTE — There is no available record showing to what date the Aides-de-Camp mentioned in this list served, but, as far as could be ascertained, they were replaced as stated therein. 10 Members of the Staff of His Excellency Earl Grey. Continued. Comptrollers of the Household. Major G. F. Paske, 3rd Oxfordshire Light Infantry. 1904 - 1905 Clement Edward Gresham Leveson-Gower 1905 - 1909 Arthur Guise 1909 - 1910 Captain John M. Fremantle 1910 - 1911 Private Secretary. Arthur French Sladen 15th Dec, 1904 Honorary Aides-de-Camp. Colonel W. D. Otter, C.B., D.O.C. . , 11th Jan., 1905 Lieutenant-Colonel De La C. T. Irwin, C. M. G., R.0 11th Jan., 1905 Lieutenant-Colonel H. R. Smith, R.0 11th Jan., 1905 Lieutenant-Colonel A. P. Sherwood, C.M.G., R.O.. 11th Jan., 1905 Colonel T. D. B. Evans, C.B., Royal Canadian Mounted Rifles 9th Mar., 1905 Lieutenant-Colonel S. C. D. Roper, Governor-Gen- eral's Foot-Guards 9th Mar., 1905 Lieutenant-Colonel and Brevet-Colonel F. L. Lessard, C.B 5th Apl., 1905 Lieutenant-Colonel and Brevet-Colonel C. W. Drury, C.B 5th Apl., 1905 Lieutenant-Colonel H. M. Pellatt, 2nd Regiment Queen's Own Rifles of Canada 29th May, 1905 Major and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel V. A. S. Williams, Royal Canadian Dragoons 29th May, 1905 Colonel L. Buchan, C.M.G., Commanding Quebec Command 29th July, 1905 Colonel J. F. Wilson, R.C.A 17th May, 1906 Lieutenant-Colonel Alexandre Roy, District Officer k^ Commanding Military District No. 7 17th May, 1906 Rear Admiral Charles E. Kingsmill, jR.N 1st June, 190S Lieutenant-Colonel and Honorary Colonel S. B. Steele, C.B.,M.V.O.,Strathcona's Horse (Royal Canadians) 22nd Dec, 1909 Lieutenant-Colonel H. H. McLean, 28th N. B. Dra- goons 27th May, 1910 Aylesworth Bowen Perry, C.M.G., Commissioner of the Royal North-West Mounted Police 20th Mar., 1911 Commander William Balfour Macdonald, R.N.. . ■ 2nd May, 1911 NOTE — The military rank and titles given in this list are, in each case, as at the date of appointment. 11 Members of the Staff of His Excellency Earl Grey. Concluded. Honorary Physician. Sir James Alexander Grant, K.C.M.G., M.D 6th Mar., 1905 Honorary Surgeons. Colonel Eugene Fiset, D.S.0 9th Mar., 1905 Colonel Guy Carleton Jones 26th Mar., 1905 Members of the Staff in Canada of Field Marshal His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught and of Strathearn, Governor- General of Canada. 13th October, 1911, to 10th November, 1916. Military Secretary and Secretary. Name Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Cecil Lowther, C.M.G., M.V.O., D.S.O., Scots Guards Lieutenant-Colonel Francis Doug- las Farquhar, D.S.O., Cold- stream Guards (1) Arthur French Sladen, C.M.G., Acting Secretary (2) Major the Honourable John Beres- ford Campbell, Reserve of Officers, Acting Assistant Mil- itary Secretary Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Alex- ander Stanton, Reserve of Of- ficers From 13th Oct., 1911 6th Oct., 191c 28th Aug., 1914 28th Aug., 1914 1st Dec, 1914 To 5th Oct., 1913 30th Nov., 1914 30th Nov., 1914 2nd Nov., 1914 10th Nov., 1916 (1) Lieutenant-Colonel Farquhar was permitted to resign to take the command overseas of the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry Regiment; he was killed in action in Flanders, 20th March, 1915. (2) Mr. Sladen, Private Secretary to H.R.H. the Governor-General, was Acting Gov- ernor-General's Secretary during the absence on leave of Lieutenant-Colonel Farquhar. 12 Members of the Staff of His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught. — Continued. Equerry and Comptroller of the Household. Name Captain Thomas Henry Rivers Bulkeley, C. M. C, M.V.O., Scots Guards (1) The Lord Richard Plantagenet Nevill, C.V.O., C.M.G. (2). . 13th Oct., 1911 20th Nov., 1914 To 18th Sept., 1914 10th Nov., 1916 (1) Captain Rivers Bulkeley resigned in order to rejoin his Regiment on active service at the front; he was killed in action on the 25th October, 1914. (2) Lord Nevill created C.V.O.. 14th September. 1916. Aides-de-Camp. Lieutenant the Honourable A. Ramsay, R.N. ..13th Oct., 1911 Captain Walter Long, D.S.O., Scots Greys 13th Oct., 1911 Captain H. C. Buller, the Rifle Brigade (1) 13th Oct., 1911 Lieutenant the Honourable G. E. Boscawen, Royal Field Artillery (1) 6th Nov., 1912 Lieutenant A. C. D. Graham, 9th Lancers, with temporary rank of Captain, vice Captain Long, resigned (1) 24th Sept., 1913 Captain the Honourable P. Legh, Grenadier Guards 18th Sept., 1914 Caotain and Honorary Major Arthur Abercromby Duff, CLE., Gordon Highlanders Uth Dec, 1914 Lieutenant Stephen Harvey Morres, Royal Canadian Navy 11th Dec, 1914 Captain Angus Alexander Mackintosh, Royal Horse Guards 20th Oct., 1915 (1) Captain Buller, Lieutenant the Honourable G. E. Boscawen and Captain Graham resigned 18th September, 1914, in order to rejoin their Regiments on active service at the front. 13 Members of the Staff of His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught. — Continued. Extra Aides-de-Camp. Name Captain Lord John Hamilton. Irish Guards Lieutenant H. E. Talbot, 11th Hussars Captain Lord Francis Scott, Grenadier Guards Captain R. Grant, Rifle Brigade. Lieutenant Lord Spencer Compton, Territorial Force. . From 10th Jan., 1912 10th Jan., 1912 2nd Jan., 1913 2nd Jan., 1913 10th Dec, 1913 To 17th Mar., 1912 31st Mar., 1912 12th Mar., 1913 15th Feb., 1913 5th Apl., 1914 NOTE— The dates given above are the approximate dates in each case, of arrival at and of departure from Government House. Medical Officer. Major Sir Edward Scott Worthington, M.V.O., R.A.M.C. (1) 13th Oct., 1911 (1) Major Worthington was knighted 11th June, 1913. Private Secretary. Arthur French Sladen, C.V.O., C.M.G. (1).. '..13th Oct., 1913 (1) Mr. Sladen was created C.V.O., 14th September. 1916. 14 Members of the Staff of His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught. — Concluded. Honorary Aides-de-Camp. Lieutenant-Colonel H. R. Smith, C.M.G., I.S.O.. . 21st Oct., 1911 Lieutenant-Colonel A. P. Sherwood, C.M.G., M. V. 21st Oct., 1911 Lieutenant-Colonel and Honorary Colonel S. B. Steele, C.B., M.V.0 21st Oct., 1911 Commander C. D. Roper, R.N. (1) 21st Oct., 1911 Colonel J. P. Landry, Commanding 11th Infantry Brigade 25th Oct., 1911 Lieutenant-Colonel R. E. W. Turner, V.C., D.S.O., Commanding 3rd Cavalry Brigade 25th Oct., 1911 Lieutenant-Colonel V. A. S. Williams, Royal Canadian Dragoons 29th Nov., 1911 Colonel Sir Henry M. Pellatt, Kt., C.V.0 29th Nov., 1911 Commander William B. Macdonald, R.N 20th Feb., 1912 Lieutenant-Colonel H. E. Burstall, Commanding Royal Canadian Artillery 18th June, 1912 Captain Edward Harrington Martin, R.N., (retired) 19th Nov., 1913 Colonel S.J. Denison, late Acting Adjutant General 15th Dec, 1914 (1) Commander Roper ceased to be an Honorary Aide-de-Camp on the conclusion of his period of service with the Dominion Government, 20th February, 1912. Honorary Surgeons. Colonel Guy Carleton Jones, P.A.M.C 13th Nov., 1912 A. E. Garrow, M.D 13th Nov., 1912 15 Members of the Staff in Canada of His Excellency the Duke of Devonshire, Governor- General of Canada. llth November, 1916, to Governor-Generars Secretary and Military Secretary. Lieutenant-Colonel the Honourable Harold Greenwood Henderson 13th Nov., 1916 Private Secretary. Arthur French Sladen, C.V.O., C.M.G 13th Nov., 1916 Comptroller of the Household. The Lord Richard Plantagenet Nevill, C. V. O., C. M. G 13th Nov., 1916 Aides-de-Camp. Captain Angus Alexander Mackintosh, Royal Horse Guards 13th Nov., 1916 Captain R.O. R. Kenyon-Slaney, Grenadier Guards 13th Nov., 1916 Captain V. F. Bulkeley -Johnson, Rifle Brigade. . . 13th Nov., 1916 Captain M. A. T. Ridley, Grenadier Guards, Special Reserve 8th Jan., 1917 Honorary Aides-de-Camp. Lieutenant-Colonel Henry R. Smith, C.M.G. ,LS.O. 18th Nov., 1916 Colonel Sir A. Percy Sherwood, K.C.M.G.,M.V.O. 18th Nov., 1916 Lieutenant Commander Stephen H. Morres, R.N. . llth Jan., 1917 Captain Edward H. Martin, C.M.G., R.N 12th April, 1917 16 Lieutenant-Governors of the Provinces of Canada. Lieutenant-Governors of the Province of Ontario. 1896 to 1917. {Continued from Page 14, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Name His Honour the Honourable Sir George Airey Kirkpatrick, K.C.M.G. (1) His Honour the Honourable Sir Oliver Mowat, G.C.M.G. (2) His Honour Sir William Mortimer Clark, Kt., (3) .. His Honour Sir John Morison Gibson, K.C.M.G. . (4) His Honour Sir John Strathearn Hendrie, K.C.M.G., C.V.0.(5) From Assumption of Office 30th May, 1892 18th Nov., 1897 21st Apl., 1903 22nd Sept., 1908 2nd Oct., 1914 To 17th Nov., 1897 19th Apl., 1903 21st Sept., 1908 1st Oct., 1914 (1) Sir George Airey Kirkpatrick created K.C.M.G.. 22nd June, 1897; died 13th Decem- ber, 1899. (2) Sir Oliver Mowat died 19th April, 1903. (3) Sir William Mortimer Clark knighted 28th June, 1907. (4) Sir John Morison Gibson created K.C.M.G., 1st January, 1912. (5) Sir John Strathearn Hendrie created K.C.M.G., 3rd June, 1915. 17 Lieutenant-Governors of the Provinces of Canada. Continued. Lieutenant-Governors of the Province of Quebec. 1896 to 1917. {Continued from Page 15, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Name His Honour the Honourable Sir Joseph Adolphe Chapleau, K.C.M.G., (1) His Honour Sir Louis Amable Jett6, K.C.M.G., (2) His Honour the Honourable Sir Charles Alphonse Pantaleon Pelletier, K.C.M.G., (3) His Honour Sir Francois Charles Stanislas Langelier, K.C.M.G., Kt., (4)....... His Honour Sir Pierre Evariste Le Blanc, K.C.M.G., (5) . . . . From Assumption of Office 7th Dec, 1892 1st Feb., 1898 i5th Sept., 1908 6th May, 1911 12th Feb., 1915 To 31st Jan., 1898 14th Sept., 1908 29th Apl., 1911 8th Feb., 1915 (1) Sir Joseph Adolphe Chapleau created K.C.M.G., 20th May, 1896; died 13th June, 1898. (2) Sir Louis Amable Jett6 created K.C.M.G., 17th September, 1901; appointed Puisni Judge of the Superior Court for the Province of Quebec, 15th September, 1908. (3) Sir Charles Alphonse Pantalton Pelletier died 29th April, 1911. (4) Sir Francois Langelier created K.C.M.G. 1st January, 1914; died 8th February, 1915 . (5) His Honour Sir Pierre Evariste Le Blanc created K.C.M.G., 3rd June, 1916. 18 Lieutenant-Governors of the Provinces of Canada. Continued. Lieutenant-Governors of the Province of Nova Scotia. 1896 to 1917. {Continued from Page 16, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Name His Honour Sir Malachy Bowes Daly, K.C.M.G., (1) His Honour the Honourable Alfred Gilpin Jones (2) His Honour Duncan Cameron Fraser (3) His Honour James Drummond McGregor His Honour David MacKeen (4) His Honour McCallum Grant. . . . From Assumption of Office 14th July, 1890 7th Aug., 1900 30th Mar., 190G 21st Oct., 1910 22nd Oct., 1915 2nd Dec, 1916 To 6th Aug., 1900 15th Mar., 1906 27th Sept., 1910 21st Oct., 1915 13th Nov., 1916 (1) Sir Malachy Bowes Daly appointed for a second term, 29th July, 1895; created K.C.M.G. 1st January, 1900. (2) The Honourable Alfred Gilpin Jones died 15th March, 1906.. (3) His Honour Duncan Cameron Fraser died 27th September, 1910. (4) His Honour David MacKeen died 13th November, 1916. 19 Lieutenant-Governors of the Provinces of Canada. Continued. Lieutenant-Governors of the Province of New Brunswick. 1896 to 1917. {Continued from Page 17, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Name From Assumption of Office To His Honour John James Fraser (1) His Honour Abner Reid McClelan (2) His Honour Jabez Bunting Snow ball (3) _ , His Honour Lemuel John Tweedie His Honour Josiah Wood 22nd Dec, 1893 Uth Dec, 1896 5th Feb., 1902 5th Mar., 1907 6th Mar., 1912 24th Nov., 1896 4th Feb., 1902 24th Feb., 1907 5th Mar., 1912 (1) Lieutenant-Governor Fraser died 24th November, 1896. (2) Ex-Lieutenant-Governor McClelan died 30th January. 1917. (3) Lieutenant-Governor Snowball died 24th February, 1907. ' 20 Lieutenant-Governors of the Provinces of Canada. Continued. Lieutenant-Governors of the Province of Manitoba. 1896 to 1917. {Continued from Page 18, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") From Name Assumption of Office To His Honour Sir John Christian Schultz, K.C.M.G., (1) 2nd July, 1888 1st Sept., 1895 His Honour the Honourable James Colebrooke Patterson 2nd Sept., 1895 14th Oct., 1900 His Honour Sir Daniel Hunter McMillan, K.C.M.G., (2) . . . 15th Oct., 1900 31st July, 1911 His Honour Sir Douglas Colin Cameron, K.C.M.G., (3) 1st Aug., 1911 6th Aug., 1918 His Honour Sir James Albert Manning Aikins, Kt 7th Aug., 1916 (1) Sir John Christian Schultz created K.C.M.G.. 24th May, 1895; died 13th April. 1896. (2) Sir Daniel Hunter McMillan created K.C.M.G.. 26th June, 1902; appointed for a second term, 11th May, 1906, sworn 1st June, 1906. (3) Sir Douglas Colin Cameron created K.C.M.G., 1st January, 1915. 21 Lieutenant-Governors of the Provinces of Canada. Continued. Lieutenant-Governors of the Province of British Columbia. 1896 to 1917. {Continued from Page 20, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895:') Name His Honour the Honourable Edgar Dewdney (1) His Honour Thomas Robert Mclnnes (2) His Honour the Honourable Sir Henri Gustave Joly de Lotbiniere, K.C.M.G. (3) . . . His Honour James Dunsmuir. . . . His Honour Thomas Wilson Paterson His Honour Frank S. Barnard. . . . From Assumption of Office 2nd Nov., 1892 1st Dec, 1897 22nd June, 1900 2Gth May, 1906 Uth Dec, 1909 17th Dec, 1914 To 30th Nov., 1897 21st June, 1900 25th May, 1906 10th Dec, 1909 16th Dec, 1914 1908. (1) Ex-Lieutenant-Governor Dewdney died 8th August, 1916. (2) Ex-Lieutenant-Governor Mclnnes died 15th March, 1904. (3) Ex-Lieutenant-Govemor Sir Henri Gustave Joly de Lotbiniere died 16th November, 22 Lieutenant-Governors of the Provinces of Canada. Continued. Lieutenant-Governors of the Province of Prince Edward Island. 1896 to 1917. {Continued from Page 21, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Name His Honour George William Howlan (1) His Honour Peter Adolphus Mclntyre His Honour Donald Alexander MacKinnon His Honour Benjamin Rogers... His Honour Augustine Colin Macdonald From Assumption of Office 24th Feb., 1894 1st June, 1899 14th Oct., 1904 6th June, 1910 7th June, 1915 To 31st May, 1899 13th Oct., 1904 5th June, 1910 6th June, 1915 (1) Ex-Lieutenant-Govemor Howlan died 11th May, 1911. 23 Lieutenant-Governors of the Provinces of Canada. Continued. Lieutenant-Governors of the Province of Saskatchewan. Name His Honour Am6d6e Emmanuel Forget (1) His Honour George William Brown His Honour Richard Stuart Lake From Assumption of Office 1st Sept., 1905 14th Oct., 1910 18th Oct., 1915 To 13th Oct., 1910 17th Oct., 1915 PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN— The Province of Saskatchewan was constituted by "The Saskatchewan Act." 4-5 Edward VII, Chapter 42, assented to 20th July, 1905, which came into force on the 1st September, 1905. (1) Lieutenant-Governor Forget was previously Lieutenant-Governor of the North West Territories; summoned to the Senate as Senator for the Province of Alberta, 2nd May, 1911. Lieutenant-Governors of the Province of Alberta. Name His Honour George Hedley Vicars Bulyea (1) His Honour Robert George Brett. From Assumption of Office 1st Sept., 1905 20th Oct., 1915 To 19th Oct., 1915 PROVINCE OF ALBERTA— The Province of Alberta was constituted by "The Alberta Act," 4-5 Edward VII, Chapter 3, assented to 20th July, 1905, which came into force on the 1st September, 1905. (1) Lieutenant-Governor Bulyea was appointed for a second term, 5th October, 1910; sworn 20th October, 1910. 24 Lieutenant-Governors of the Provinces of Canada. Concluded. Lieutenant-Governors of the North-West Territories. {Continued from Page 19, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895:') Name From Assumption of Office To His Honour Charles Herbert Mackintosh His Honour Malcohii Colin Cameron (1) His Honour Amedee Emmanuel Forget (2) 1st Nov., 1893 7th June, 1898 13th Oct., 1898 6th June, 1898 2Gth Sept., 1898 31st Aug., 1905 (1) Lieutenant-Governor Cameron died 26th September, 1898. (2) Lieutenant-Governor Forget was appointed for a second term, 30th March, 1904, sworn 5th April. 1904, and, upon the Province of Saskatchewan being constituted by "The Saskatche- wan Act," 4-5 Edward VII, Chapter 42, assented to 20th July, 1905, which came into force on the 1st September, 1905, he became, from the latter date, Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Saskatchewan. Upon the Provinces of Saskatchewan and Alberta being constituted by the Acts, 4-5 Edward VII, Chapter 42 and Chapter 3, respectively, which came into force on the 1st September, 1905, the office of Lieutenant-Governor of the North West Territories waa abolished. 25 Members of the King's Privy Council for Canada. 1896 to 1917. {Continued from Page 21^, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.)" (Up to the demise of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, on the 22nd January, 1901, it was called "The Queen's Privy Council for Canada.") Privy Councillor Appointed Sworn Died Kon. John Fisher Wood Edward Gawler Prior Alphonse Desjardins Sir Donald Alexander Smith, K.C.M.G.... John Jones Ross. — Louis Olivier Taillon Hugh John Macdonald David Tisdale Sir Oliver Mowat, K.C.M.G..- Louis Henry Davies Frederick William Borden William Mulock Sydney Albert Fisher Joseph Israel Tarte Richard Reid Dobell .-. William Stevens Fielding... Andrew George Blair Christophe Alphonse Geoffrion Clifford Sifton Peter White James David Edgar William Paterson. _ 17th Dec, 1895 15th Jan.. 24th Apl., 1st May, 2nd May, 13th July, 1896 1896 1896 189G 1896 24th Dec, 1895 15th Jan., 1896 24th Apl., 1896 1st May, 1896 2nd May, 189G 13th July, 1896 14th Mar., 1899 4th June, 21st Jan., 4th May, 31st Mar. 19th Apl., 1912 1914 1901 1911 1903 6th Jan., 1917 20th July, 1896 17th Nov., 24th Mar., 1896 1897 21st Aug., 17th Nov., 24th Mar., 1896 1896 1897 30th June, 1897 30th June, 1897 Sir Henri Gustave Joly de Lotbiniere, K.C.M.G James Sutherland Michel Esdras Bemier.. Charles Fitzpatrick 30th Sept., 22nd June. 11th Feb., 1899 1900 1902 30th Sept., 22nd June, nth Feb., 1899 1900 1902 18th Dec, nth Jan., 25th Jan., 18th July, 3rd May, 31st July, 18th Mar., 16th Nov., 3rd May, 1907 1902 1907 1899 1906 1899 1914 1908 1905 26 Members of the King's Privy Council for Canada. Continued. Privy Councillor Appointed Sworn Died Hon. William Templeman " Joseph Raymond Foumier Prefontaine.... " Henry Robert Emmerson._ " Louis Philippe Brodeur. " Charles Smith Hyman " Lawrence Geoffrey Power. " Napoleon Antoine Belcourt " Frank Oliver " Allen Bristol Aylesworth " Rodolphe Lemieux._ " William Pugsley " George Perry Graham " Charles Murphy _ " Raoul Dandurand " Robert Franklin Sutherland , " William Lyon Mackenzie King, C.M.G... " Henri Severin B^land " Charles Marcil " James Kirkpatrick Kerr " Robert Laird Borden " George Halsey Perley " Robert Rogers " Frederick Debartzch Monk " Francis Cochrane " William Thomas White " Louis Philippe Pelletier " John Douglas Hazen " Charles Joseph Doherty " Samuel Hughes " William James Roche " Thomas Wilson Crothers 25th Feb., 11th Nov., 15th Jan.. 19th Jan., 5th Feb., 12th Jan., 8th Apl., I6th Oct., 4th June, 30th Aug., 5th Oct., 14th Jan., 2nd June, 11th Aug., 6th Oct., 1902 1902 1904 1904 1904 1905 1905 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1909 1911 1911 10th Oct., 1911 25th Feb., 1902 11th Nov., 1902 15th Jan., 1904 19th Jan.. 1904 5th Feb., 1904 12th Jan., 1905 8th Apl., 1905 16th Oct., 1905 4th June, 1906 30th Aug., 1907 5th Oct., 1908 20th Jan., 1909 2nd June, 1909 19th Aug., 1911 15th Feb., 1912 18th Oct., 1911 10th Oct., 1911 15th Nov., 1914 25th Dec.. 1905 9th July, 1914 4th Dec, 1916 15th May, 1914 27 Members of the King's Privy Council for Canada. Concluded. Privy Councillor Appointed Sworn Died Hon. Wilfrid Bruno Nantel " John Dowsley Reid " Albert Edward Kemp " James Alexander Lougheed " Martin Burrell " Louis Coderre.- " Samuel Barker " George Adam Clare. " Thomas Chase Casgrain " Pierre Edouard Blondin " Arthur Meighen-_ , " Esioff L6on Patenaude " William Morris Hughes (1) " David Henderson ._ " Andrew Broder " Albert Sevigny 10th Oct. 1911 29th Oct., 1912 31st Dec, 1912 20th Oct., 1914 30th Sept., 1915 6th Oct.. 1915 18th Feb., 1916 29th Feb., 1916 8th Jan., 1917 10th Oct., 1911 16th Oct., 1911 29th Oct., 1912 28th Feb., 1913 1st Apl., 1913 20th Oct., 1914 2nd Oct., 1915 6th Oct., 1915 18th Feb.. 1916 8th Jan., 1917 26th June, 1915 9th Jan., 1915 29th Dec, 1916 (1) The Hon. William Morris Hughes, Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia, on the occasion of his visit to the Capital of Canada, was sworn a member of the King's Privy Council for Canada, 18th February, 1916. 28 Privy Councillors, whose appointments are recorded in Volume 1, "1867 to 1895," who have died since the year 1895. Privy Councillor Appointed Sworn Died Hon. Samuel Leonard Tilley, C.B " William McDougall, C.B " William Pearce Howland, C.B " Peter Mitchell Hector Louis Langevin-_ " James Cox Aikins " Charles Tupper, C.B " Theodore Robitaille " Hugh McDonald " Edward Blake " Richard John Cartwright " David Laird Donald Alexander Macdonald— " Telesphore Fournier " William Ross " Richard William Scott " William Berrian Vail " David Mills " Charles Alphonse Pantal€on Pelletier.. " Alfred Gilpin Jones _ " James McDonald. _ " Louis Francois Rodrigue Masson " Louis Francois Georges Baby David Lewis Macpherson Joseph Philippe Ren€ Adolphe Caron.. " John Carling " John Costigan " Frank Smith " Joseph Adolphe Chapleau " John Graham Haggart 1st July. 1867 Ist July, 1867 16th Nov., 21st June, 30th Jan., 14th June, 7th Nov.. 1809 1870 1873 1873 1873 8th Dec. 21st June, 30th Jan., 13th Aug.. 7th Nov.. 1869 1870 1873 1873 1873 30th Sept., 24th Oct., 26th Jan., 21st Jan., 17th Oct.. 19th Oct., 26th Oct., nth Feb., 8th Nov., 23rd May. 29th July, 3rd Aug., 1874 1876 1877 1878 1878 1878 1878 1880 1880 1882 30th Sept.. 24th Oct., 26th Jan., 21st Jan., 17th Oct.. 19th Oct.. 26th Oct.. nth Feb., 8th Nov.. 23rd May. 2nd Aug.. 29th July. 6th Aug., 1874 1876 1877 1878 1878 1878 1878 1880 1880 1882 1882 1882 1888 25th June, 28th May. 1st Jan., 25th Oct.. 11th June, 6th Aug.. 30th Oct.. 18th Aug.. 28th Feb.. Ist Mar., 24th Sept.. 12th Jan., 10th June, 10th May. 17th Mar.. 23rd Apl., 10th Apl.. 8th May, 29th Apl.. 15th Mar.. 3rd Oct., 8th Nov., 13th May, 16th Aug., 20th Apl., 6th Nov.. 29th Sept., 17th Jan.. 13th June. 13th Mar.. 1896 1905 1907 1899 1906 1904 1915 1897 1899 1912 1912 1914 1896 1896 1912 1913 1904 1903 1911 1906 1912 1903 1906 1896 1908 1911 1916 1901 1898 1913 29 Privy Councillors, whose appointments are recorded in Volume 1, "1867 to 1895," who have died since the year 1895. — Concluded. Privy Councillor Appointed Died Hon. Edgar Dewdney.. „. " Charles Carroll Colby.- " George Airey Kirkpatrick " Joseph Aldric Ouimet " William Miller " George William Allan " Thomas Mayne Daly ..._ " William Bullock Ivea " Arthur Rupert Dickey " Walter Humphries Montague.. " Donald Ferguson, _ 3rd Aug.. 28th Nov.. 20th May. ISSS 1889 1891 25th Sept., 28th Nov., 20th May, 18888th Aug.. 1889 10th Jan.. 1891 30th May, 1891 l8t June. 1891 lat Oct., 5th Dec.. 21st Dec, 1892 1892 1894 17th Oct., 7th Dec., 21st Dec, 1892 1892 1894 2nd Jan., 1895 13th Dec, 12th May, 23rd Feb., 24th July, 24th June, 15th July, 3rd July, 13th Nov., 3rd Sept., 1916 1907 1899 1916 1912 1901 1911 1899 1900 1915 1909 The Prime Ministers of Canada. 1898 to 1917. {Continued from Page SI, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895:') Prime Minister Hon. Sir Mackenzie Bowell, K.C.M.G. Hon. Sir Charles Tupper, Bart., G.C.M.G., C.B The Right Hon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, P.C., G.C.M.G The Right Hon. Sir Robert Laird Borden, P.C, G.C.M.G From 13th Dec, 1894 27th ApL, 1896 11th July, 1896 10th Oct., 1911 To 27th Apl., 1896 8th July, 1890 9th Oct., 1911 30 Administrations since Confederation. 1896 to 1917. (Continued from Page 32, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Prime Minister Duration From To 6th — Liberal- Conservative 7th — Liberal- Conservative Hon. Sir Mackenzie Bowell.K.C.M.G.(l) Hon. Sir Charles Tupper, Bart.. G.C.M.G.. C.B. (2) 21st Dec. 1894 Ist May. 1896 13th July. 1896 10th Oct.. 1911 27th Apl.. 1896 8th July. 1896 8th — Liberal The Right Hon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier. P.C, G.C.M.G. (3) 9th Oct.. 1911 9th — Liberal- Conservative The Right Hon. Sir Robert Laird Borden. P.C. G.C.M.G. (4). (1) Sir Mackenzie Bowell chosen by the Governor-General to form a new Cabinet, 13th December. 1894. (2) Sir Charles Tupper chosen by the Governor-General to form a new Cabinet. 27th April, 1896. (3) The Right Hon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier chosen by the Governor-General to form a new Cabi- net. 9th July. 1896; sworn President of the Privy Council. 11th July. 1896; created G.C.M.G., 22nd June, 1897; sworn a member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, 7th July. 1897. (4) The Right Hon. Sir Robert Laird Borden sworn a member of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, 19th July, 1912; created G.C.M.G., 22nd June, 1914. 31 Ministries since Confederation. {Continued from Page J^S, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") SIXTH MINISTRY. 21st December, 1894, to 27th April, 1896. Prime Minister. (13th December, 1894.) Hon. Sir Mackenzie Bowell, K.C.M.G. THE MINISTRY. Office Members of the Cabinet From To Premier, and Presi- dent of the Privy Council. Postmaster-General. Minister of Marine and Fisheries. Minister of Finance and Receiver- General. Minister of Justice and Attorney- General. Minister of Railways and Canals. Minister Works. of Public Minister of Militia and Defence. Minister of the In- terior and Superin- tendent-General of Indian Affairs. Minister of Agricul- ture. Minister of Trade and Commerce. Hon. Sir Mackenzie Bowell, K.C.M.G Hon. Sir Joseph Phillippe Rene Adolphe Caron, K.C.M.G Hon. John Costigan Hon. George Eulas Foster Hon. Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper, K.C.M.G Hon. Arthur Rupett Dickey Hon. John Graham Haggart Hon. Joseph Aldric Ouimet Hon. James Colebrooke Patterson " Arthur Rupert Dickey " Alphonse Desjardins Hon. Thomas. Mayne Daly Hon. Auguste Real Angers " Walter Humphries Montague " Donald Ferguson, Acting Minister (1) " Walter Humphries Montague Hon. William Bullock Ives 21st Dec, 1894 21st Dec, 21st Dec, 21st Dec, 15th Jan., 21st Dec, 15th Jan., 21st Dec, 15th Jan., 21st Dec, 1894 1894 1894 1894 1896 1894 1896 1894 1896 21st Dec, 26th Mar., 15th Jan., 1894 1895 1896 21st Dec, 1894 21st Dec, 21st Dec, 7th Jan., 15th Jan., 21st Dec, 15th Jan., 1894 1895 1896 1896 1894 1896 27th Apl., 1896 27th Apl., 1896 27th Apl., 1896 6th Jan., 1896 27th Apl., 1896 6th Jan., 1896 27th Apl., 1896 6th Jan., 1896 27th Apl., 1896 27th Apl., 1896 25th Mar., 1895 6th Jan., 1896 27th Apl., 1896 27th Apl., 1896 nth July, 1895 6th Jan., 1896 14th Jan., 1896 27th Apl., 1896 6th Jan., 1896 27th Apl., ib96 Ministries since Confederation. — Continued. SIXTH MINISTRY.— Concluded. Office Members of the Cabinet From To 21st Dec, 1894 26th Mar., 1895 15th Jan.. 1896 2l3t Dec. 1894 21st Dec, 1894 21st Dec, 1894 26th Mar., 1895 17th Dec, 1895 15th Jan., 1896 17th Dec, 1895 21st Dec, 1894 21st Dec, 1894 21st Dec, 1894 25th Mar., 1895 20th Dec, 1895 Registrar-General Without Portfolio. " Sir Charlea Tupper, Bart, G.C.M.G., C.B _ 27th Apl., 1896 27th Apl., 1896 25th Mar., 1895 27th Apl., 1896 1st Sept., 1895 Hon. John Fisher Wood (2) 6th Jan., 1896 toms. 27th Apl., 1896 Controller of Inland Hon. Edward Gawler Prior (2) 27th Apl., 1896 Revenue. — Not in the Cabinet— 17th Oct., 1895 Hon. Nathaniel Clarke Wallace . . 14th Dec, 1895 toms. Hon. John Fisher Wood (2) . - 16th Dec, 1895 Revenue. The members of the above Ministrj', after the resignation of Sir Mackenzie Bowell, on the 27th April, 1896, retained their respective offices until the formation of a new Cabinet. On the 6th January, 1S96, Hon. Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper, Hon. Messrs. Foster, Haggart, Ives, Dickey, Montague and Wood resigned, giving as reason for their action, among others not disclosed in the announcement subsequently made to Parliament by the Government, that the Prime Minister had failed to fill the portfolio rendered vacant by the resignation of the Hon. Mr. Angers. On the loth of the same month, with the exception of Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper, who was replaced as Minister of Justice by the Hon. Mr. Dickey, they were appointed to the respective positions they formerly held in the Government, and Sir Charles Tupper, Bart., was appointed Secretary of State, and the Hon. Mr. Desjardins, Minister of Militia and Defence. (1) Hon. Mr. Ferguson was appointed Acting Minister of Agriculture by 50rder-in-Council of 6th January, 1896. (2) Hon. Mr. Wood and Hon. Mr. Prior appointed members of the Privy Council, 17th December, 1895, and taken into the Cabinet. 33 Ministries since Confederation. — Continued. SEVENTH MINISTRY. 1st May, 1896, to 8th July, 1896. Prime Minister. (27th April, 1896.) Hon. Sir Charles Tupper, Bart., G.C.M.G., C.B. THE MINISTRY. Office Premier, and Secre- tary of State of Canada. Minister of Marine and Fisheries. Minister of Finance Minister of Railways and Canals. President of the Privy Council. Minister of Trade and Commerce. Minister of Justice and Attorney- General. Minister of Agricul- ture. Minister of Public Works. Postmaster- General Minister of the In- terior and Super- intendent-General of Indian Affairs. Minister of Militia and Defence. Controller of Cus- toms. Members of the Cabinet Hon. Sir Charles Tupper, Bart., G.C.M.G. C.B Hon. John Costigan.. Hon. George Eulas Foster Hon. John Graham Haggart.. Hon. Auguste Real Angers Hon. William Bulloch Ives Hon. Arthur Rupert Dickey... Hon. Walter Humphries Montague.. Hon. Alphonse Desjardins Hon. Louis Olivier Taillon Hon. Hugh John Macdonald.. Hon. David Tisdale Hon. John Fisher Wood.. From 1st May, 1st May, 1st May 1st May, 1st May, 1st May, 1st May, 1st May, 1st May, 1st May, 1st May, 2nd May, 1st May, 1896 1896 1896 1896 1896 1896 1896 1896 1896 1896 1896 1896 1896 8th 8th 8th 8th 8th 8th 8th 8th 8th 8th 8th July, 1896 July, 1896 July, 1896 July, 1896 July, 1896 July, 1896 July, 1896 July, 1896 July, 1896 July, 1896 July, 1896 8th July, 1896 8th July, 1896 34 Ministries since Confederation. — Continued. SEVENTH MINISTRY.— Concluded. Office Members of the Cabinet From To Hon. Edward Gawler Prior 1st May, 1896 8th July, 1896 Revenue. Without Portfolio. Hon. Sir Frank Smith, Kt 1st May, 1896 8th July, 1896 1st May, 1896 8th July, 1896 " John Jones Ross _ „ 1st May, 1896 8th July, 1896 — Not in the Cabinet — Solicitor-General of Canada. Hon. Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper.K.C.M.G. 1st May. 1896 8th July, 1896 The Ministry resigned on the 8th July, 1896, but the members thereof, with the exception of Sir Charles Tapper, Bart., Secretary of State, who returned the Great Seal to the Governor- General on the 9th July, and the Hon. Mr. Angers, who was replaced, as President of the Privy Council, by the Hon. Mr. Laurier on the 11th July, retained their respective offices until the formation of a new Cabinet. The Hon. Messrs. Angers, Dickey, Desjardins and Taillon were defeated at the General Election held on the 23rd June, 1896. 35 Ministries since Confederation. — Continued. EIGHTH MINISTRY. 13th July, 1896, to 9th October, 1911. Prime Minister. The Right Honourable Sir Wilfrid Laurier, P.C, G.C.M.G. 11th July, 1896. THE MINISTRY. Office Members of the Cabinet From To Premier, and Presi- dent of the Privy Council. Minister of Trade and Commerce. Secretary of State of Canada and Registrar-General. Minister of Justice and Attorney- General. Minister of Marine and Fisheries. Minister of Militia and Defence. The Right Hon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, P.C. G.C.M.G. (1) The Right Hon. Sir Richard John Cart- wright, P.C, G.C.M.G. (2) Hon. Richard William Scott, (3) Hon. Charles Murphy Hon. Sir Oliver Mowat, G.C.M.G. (4) Hon. David Mills (5) Hon. Charles Fitzpatrick (6)._ _ „ Hon. Sir Allen Bristol Aylesworth, K.C.M.G. (7) Hon. Sir Louis Henry Davies, K.C.M.G. (S) Hon. James Sutherland (9) Hon. Joseph Raymond Fournier Prefon- taine (10) _ Hon. Louis Philippe Brodeur (11) Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux. Hon. Sir Frederick William Borden, K.C.M.G nth July. 1896 9th Oct.. 1911 13th July. 13th July. 10th Oct.. 13th July, 18th Nov., 11th Feb., 1896 1896 1908 1896 1897 1902 9th Oct., 9th Oct., 9th Oct.. 17th Nov.. 7th Feb.. 3rd June. 1911 1908 1911 1897 1902 1906 4th June. 1906 9th Oct.. 1911 13th July. 15th Jan.. nth Nov., 6th Feb.. nth Aug.. 1896 1902 1902 1906 1911 24th Sept. 10th Nov. 25th Dec. 10th Aug. 9th Oct., 1901 1902 1905 1911 1911 13th July. 1896 9th Oct.. 1911 (1) The Right Hon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier chosen by the Governor-General to form a new Cabinet. 9th July. 1896; sworn President of the Privy Council, 11th July. 1896; created G.C.M.G.. 22nd June. 1897; sworn a member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council. 7th July. 1897. (2) The Right Hon. Sir Richard John Cartwright, K.C.M.G., promoted G.C.M.G.. 22nd June. 1897; appointed a member of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council. 9th November. 1902; died 24th September. 1912. (3) Hon. Mr. Scott knighted 26th June. 1909; died 23rd April, 1913. (4) Sir Oliver Mowat, K.C.M.G.. promoted G.C.M.G.. 22nd June. 1897; appointed Lieu- tenant-Governor of Ontario, 18th Nov.. 1897; died 19th April. 1903. (5) Hon. Mr. Mills appointed Puisn6 Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada, 8th Feb- ruary. 1902; died. 8th May. 1903. (6) Hon. Mr. Fitzpatrick appointed Chief Justice of Canada. (7) Sir Allen Bristol Aylesworth created K.C.M.G.. 2nd January. 1911. (8) Sir Louis Henry Davies created K.C.M.G.. 22nd June. 1897; appointed Pulsnfi Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada. (9) Hon. Mr. Sutherland appointed Minister of Public Works. 11th November. 1902. (10) Hon. Mr. Prefontaine died 25th December, 1905. (11) Hon. Mr. Brodeur appointed PuisnS Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada. 36 Ministries since Confederation. — Continued. EIGHTH MINISTRY.— Continued. Office Members of the Cabinet From To Postmaster- General Minister of Agricul- ture. Minister of Public Works. Minister of Finance, Minister of Railways and Canals. Minister of the In- terior and Super- intendent -General of Indian Affairs. Minister of Customs Minister of Inland Revenue (4). Hon. Sir William Mulock, K.C.M.G. (1)..., Hon. Allen Bristol Aylesworth (2) _ Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux (3) Hon. Henri Severin Beland Hon. Sydney Arthur Fisher _ Hon. Joseph Israel Tarte (4) _ Hon. James Sutherland (5). _ Hon. Charles Smith Hyman (6) Hon. William Pugsley „. Hon. William Stevens Fielding „ Hon. Andrew George Blair (7) Hon. Henry Robert Emmerson (8) Hon. George Perry Graham Hon. Clifford Sifton (9) Hon. Frank Oliver. Hon. William Paterson (10) & (11) Hon. Sir Henri Gustave Joly de Lotbiniere, K.C.M.G. (10) & (12)._ Hon. Michel Esdras Bernier (13) Hon. Louis Philippe Brodeur (14) Hon. William Templeman (15) 13th July, 1896 16th Oct.. 1905 4th June, 1906 nth Aug., 1911 13th July, 1896 13th July, 1896 nth Nov., 1902 22nd May, 1905 30th Aug., 1907 13th July, 1896 13th July, 1896 15th Jan., 1904 30th Aug., 1907 17th Nov.. 1896 8th Apl., 1905 30th June, 1897 15th Oct., 1905 3rd June, 1906 10th Aug., 1911 9th Oct., 1911 9th Oct., 1911 21st Oct., 1902 3rd May, 1905 29th Aug., 1907 9th Oct., 1911 9th Oct., 1911 14th July. 1903 2nd Apl.. 1907 9th Oct., 1911 28th Feb.. 1905 9th Oct., 1911 9th Oct.. 1911 30th June, 1897 21st June. 1900 22nd June. 1900 18th Jan.. 1904 19th Jan., 1904 6th Feb.. 1906 6th Feb.. 1906 9th Oct., 1911 (1) Sir William Mulock created K.C.M.G., 26th June, 1902; appointed Chief Justice of the Exchequer Division of the High Court of Justice for Ontario, 17th October, 1905. (2) Hon. Mr. Aylesworth appointed Minister of Justice. (3) Hon. Mr. Lemieux appointed Minister of Marine and Fisheries. (4) Hon. Mr. Tarte resigned; died 18th December, 1907. (5) Hon. Mr. Sutheriand died 3rd May, 1905. (6) Hon. Mr. Hyman resigned. (7) Hon. Mr. Blair resigned; appointed Chairman Board of Railway Commissioners, 2l8t January. 1904; resigned, 31st October, 1904; died 25th January, 1907. (8) Hon. Mr. Emmerson resigned; died 9th July. 1914. (9) Hon. Mr. Sifton resigned. (10) The Act 50-51. Vict., Chap. 11 (1887), which came into force by Proclamation on the 3rd December, 1892, abolishing the offices of Minister of Customs and Minister of Inland Re- venue, and creating the offices of Controller of Customs and Controller of Inland Revenue, was repealed and the offices of Minister of Customs and Minister of Inland Revenue were revived by the Act 60-61, Vict., Chap. IS, assented to 29th June, 1897, and the then incumbents of the offices of Controller of Customs and Controller of Inland Revenue, by virtue of this Act, became the Minister of Customs and the Minister of Inland Revenue respectively. They were sworn members of the Privy Council on the 30th June, 1897. (11) Mr. Paterson died 18th March, 1914. (12) Sir Henri Gustave Joly de Lotbiniere appointed Lieutenant-Governor of British Colum- bia; died 16th November, 1908. (13) Hon. Mr. Bernier appointed a member and Deputy Chief Commissioner of the Board of Railway Commissioners. (14) Hon. Mr. Brodeur appointed Minister of Marine and Fisheries. (15) Hon. Mr. Templeman died 15th November, 1914. 37 Ministries since Confederation. — Continued. EIGHTH MINISTRY.— Concluded. Office Members of the Cabinet To Minister of Labour (1) Without Portfolio. Solicitor-General of Canada Controller of Cus- toms (10). Controller of Inland Revenue. (10) Hon. William Lyon Mackenzie King, C.M.G Hon. Richard Reid Dobell (2) Hon. Christophe Alphonse Geoffrion (3) Hon. James Sutherland (4) Hon.WilliamTempleman(5).„ Hon. Charles Smith Hyman (6) -Not in the Cabinet — Hon. Charles Fitzpatrick (7) Hon. Henry George Carroll (8) Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux (9) Hon. Jacques Bureau Hon. William Paterson (10) Hon. Sir Henri Gustave Joly de Lotbiniere, K.C.M.G. (10) 2nd June, 1909 13th July. 13th July. 30th Sept., 25th Feb.. 5th Feb.. 1896 1896 1899 1902 1904 13th July. 1896 10th Feb.. 1902 29th Jan.. 1904 14th Feb., 1907 13th July. 1896 13th July. 1896 9th Oct.. 1911 nth Jan.. 1902 18th July. 1899 14th Jan., 1902 5th Feb., 1906 21st May. 1905 9th Feb., 1902 28th Jan.. 1904 3rd June. 1906 9th Oct., 1911 29th June, 1897 29th June, 1897 (1) The separate office of Minister of Labourwas created by Section 2 of the Act 8-9 Edward Vn, Chapter 22, assented to 19th May, 1909. (2) Hon. Mr. Dobell died 11th January. 1902. (3) Hon. Mr. Geoffrion died 18th July. 1899. (4) Hon. Mr. Sutherland appointed Minister of Marine and Fisheries. 15th January, 1902. (5) Hon. Mr. Templeman appointed Minister of Inland Revenue, 6th February, 1906. (6) Hon. Mr. Hyman appointed Minister of Public Works, 22nd May, 1905. (7) Hon. Mr. Fitzpatrick appointed Minister of Justice. (8) Hon. Mr. Carroll appointed Puisne Judge of the Superior Court for the Province of Quebec. (9) Hon. Mr. Lemieux appointed Postmaster-General. (10) See foot-note (10) on page 36. 38 Ministries since Confederation. — Continued. NINTH MINISTRY. 10th October, 1911, to Prime Minister. (lOth October, 1911.) The Right Honourable Sir Robert Laird Borden, P.C., G.C.M.G. (1) THE MINISTRY. Office Members of the Cabinet From To Premier, and Presi- dent of the Privy Council. Minister of Trade and Commerce Minister of the Inter- ior, and Superin- tendent-General of Indian affairs. Minister of Public Works. Minister of Railways and Canals. Minister of Finance. Postmaster-General Minister of Marine and Fisheries and Minister of the Naval Service. Minister of Justice. Minister of Militia and Defence. The Right Hon. Sir Robert Laird Borden, P.C, G.C.M.G. (1) The Right Hon. Sir George Eulas Foster, P.C, K.C.M.G. (2) Hon. Robert Rogers Hon. William James Roche Hon. Frederick Debartzch Monk (3) Hon. Robert Rogers Hon. Francis Cochrane.- Hon. Sir William Thomas White, K.C.M.G. (4) Hon. Louis Philippe Pelletier (5) " Hon. Thomas Chase Casgrain (6) " Pierre Edouard Blondin Hon. John Douglas Hazen Hon. Charles Joseph Doherty Lieutenant-General the Hon. Sir Samuel Hughes, K.C.B. (7) Hon. Sir Albert Edward Kemp. K.C.M.G. (8) 10th Oct., 1911 10th Oct., 1911 10th Oct. 29th Oct. 10th Oct., 29th Oct., 1911 1912 1911 1912 10th Oct., 1911 10th Oct., 1911 10th Oct. 20th Oct. 8th Jan.. 1911 1914 1917 28th Oct., 1912 28th Oct., 1912 19th Oct., 1914 29th Dec, 1916 10th Oct., 1911 10th Oct., 1911 10th Oct., 23rd Nov., 1911 1916 13th Nov.. 1916 (1) The Right Hon. Sir Robert Borden was sworn a member of His Majesty's Most Honour- able Privy Council. 19th July. 1912; created G.C.M.G., 22nd June, 1914. (2) Sir George Foster created K.C.M.G.. 22nd June, 1914; sworn a member of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, 27th June, 1916. (3) Hon. Mr. Monk resigned; died, 15th May, 1914. (4) Hon. Mr. White created K.C.M.G., 1st January, 1916. (5) Hon. Mr. Pelletier resigned; appointed Puisne Judge of the Superior Court for the Pro- vince of Quebec, 18th November, 1914. (6) Hon. Mr. Casgrain died, 29th December, 1916 (7) Colonel the Hon. Samuel Hughes appointed Major-General, 22nd October, 1914, from the 15th May, 1912; created K.C.B. , 24th August, 1915; granted Honorary rank of Lieutenant- General in the British Army, 18th October, 1916; resigned his Portfolio and as a member of the Cabinet, 13th November, 1916. (8) Hon. Sir Albert Edward Kemp created K.C.M.G.. 12th February. 1917, to date from 1st January, 1917. 39 Ministries since Confederation.— Concluded. NINTH MINISTRY.— Concluded. Office Members of the Cabinet From To Secretary of State of Canada. Minister of Labour. Minister of Inland Revenue. Minister of Customs Minister of Agriculture Minister of Overseas Military Forces of Canada in the United Kingdom. Without Portfolio. Solicitor-General. Solicitor-General. Hon. William James Roche " Louis Coderre (1) _- " Pierre Edouard Blondin.... " Esioff Lgon Patenaude (7) Hon. Thomas Wilson Crothers.. Hon. Wilfrid Bruno Nantel (2).. " Pierre Edouard Blondin.... " Esioff lAon Patenaude " Albert Sevigny Hon. John Dowsley Reid Hon. Martin Burrell Hon. Sir George Halsey Perley, K.C.M.G. Hon. Sir George Halsey Perley, K.C.M.G (3) - Hon. Albert Edward Kemp (4)._ " Sir James Alexander Lougheed, K.C.M.G. (5) Hon. Arthur Melghen (6) _ Member of the Ministry -Not in the Cabinet — Hon. Arthur Melghen (6). 10th Oct. 29th Oct. 6th Oct. 8th Jan., 1911 1912 1915 1917 10th Oct.. 1911 10th Oct., 20th Oct., 6th Oct., 8th Jan., 10th Oct., 10th Oct. 1911 1914 1915 1917 1911 1911 28th Oct.. 1912 5th Oct., 1915 7th Jan.. 1917 12th June. 1917 19th Oct., 1914 5th Oct.. 1915 7th Jan.. 1917 3l9t Oct.. 1916 10th Oct.. 1911 10th Oct.. 1911 10th Oct.. 1911 2nd Oct., 1916 26th June. 1913 22nd Nov.. 1916 2nd Oct.. 1915 (1) Hon. Mr. Coderre resigned; appointed Puisne Judge of the Superior Court for the Province of Quebec, 6th October, 1915. (2) Hon. Mr. Nantel resigned; appointed a member and Deputy Chief Commissioner of the Board of Railway Commissioners. (3) Sir George Perley created K.C.M.G., 1st January, 1915. (4) Hon. Mr. Kemp appointed Minister of Militia and Defence. 23rd November. 1916. (5) Sir James Alexander Lougheed created K.C.M.G.. 3rd June, 1916. (6) Hon. Mr. Meighen sworn a member of the King's Privy Council for Canada. 2nd Octo- ber, 1915. Previous to his being sworn a Privy Councillor he was, by virtue of hi8 oflSce of Soli- citor-General, a member of the Ministry, but not in the Cabinet. (7) Hon. Mr. Patenaude resigned his Portfolio, 13th June, 1917. 40 Heads of Departments. Presidents of the King's Privy Council for Canada. (1) 1896 to 1917a {Continued from Page 53, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Name. Hon. Sir Mackenzie Bowell, K.C.M.G " Au .uste Real Angers The R'ght Hon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, P.C, G.C.M.G The Right Hon. Sir Robert Laird Borden, P.C, G.C.M.G. (2). 21st Dec, 1894 1st May, 1896 11th July, 1896 10th Oct., 1911 27th Apl., 1896 10th July, 1896 9th Oct., 1911 (1) Up to the demise of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, on the 22nd January, 1901, it was called "The Queen's Privy Council for Canada." (2) The Right Hon. Sir Robert Borden, by virtue of his office of First Minister, is also under the provisions of the Act 2 George V, chapter 22, assented to 1st April, 1912, Secretary of State for External Affairs. Ministers of Justice. (Continued from Page 54, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895") Hon. Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper K.C.M.G. (1) " Arthur Rupert Dickey . . . . " Sir Oliver Mowat, G.C.M.G. (2) " David Mills (3) " Charles Fitzpatrick (4) ' ' Sir Allen Bristol Ayles- " wor.h, K.C.M.G. (5) " Charles Joseph Doherty. . . . 21st Dec, 15th Jan., 13th July, 18th Nov., 11th Feb., 4th June, 10th Oct., 1894 1896 i89e 1897 1902 190G 1911 6th Jan., 1896 12th July, 1896 17th Nov., 1897 7th Feb., 1902 3rd June, 1906 9th Oct., 1911 1902. (1) Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper resigned 6th January, 1896. (2) Sir Oliver Mowat appointed Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario, 18th November, 1897. (3) Hon. Mr. Mills appointed Puisng Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada, 8th February, (4) Hon. Mr. Fitzpatrick appointed Chief Justice of Canada. (5) Hon. Mr. Aylesworth created K.C.M.G., 2nd January, 1911. 41 Heads of Departments. — Continued. Ministers of Militia and Defence. 1896 to 1917. {Continued from Page 55, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Name. Hon. Arthur Rupert Dickey (1) . . " Alphonse Desjardins (2). . . . " David Tisdale " Sir Frederick William Borden, K.C.M.G. (3) Lieutenant-General the Hon. Sir Sam.uel Hughes, K. C. B. (4^ . . Hon. Sir Albert Edward Kemp, K.C.M.G. (5) From 26th Mar., 1895 15th Ian., 1896 2nd May, 1896 13th July, 1896 10th Oct., 1911 23rd Nov., 1916 To 6th Jan., 1896 30th Apl., 1896 12th July, 1896 9th Oct., 1911 13th Nov., 1916 (1) Hon. Mr. Dickey resigned 6th January, 1896; appointed Minister of Justice 15th January, 1896. (2) Hon. Mr. Desjardins appointed Minister of Public Works, 1st May, 1896. (3) Sir Frederick Borden created K.C.M.G., 26th June, 1902; died 6th January, 1917. (4) Colonel the Hon. Sam Hughes appointed Major-General, 22nd October, 1914, from the 15th May, 1912; created K.C.B., 24th August, 1915; granted Honorary rank of Lieutenant-General in the British Army. 18th October, 1916; resigned his portfolio and as a Member of the Cabinet, 13th November, 1916. (5) Sir Albert Edward Kemp created K.C.M.G., 12th February, 1917, to date from 1st January, 1917. Ministers of Finance. (Continued from Page 56, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Hon. George Eulas Foster (1) Vv'^illiam. Stevens Fielding. . . Sir William Thomas White, K.C.M.G. (2) 29th May, 1888 15th Jan., 1896 13th July, 1896 10th Oct., 1911 6th Jan., 1896 12th July, 1896 9th Oct., 1911 (1) Hon. Mr. Foster resigned 6th January, 1896, and on the 15th of the same month was appointed to his former position. (2) Sir Thomas White created K.C.M.G., 1st Januarj', 1916. 42 Heads of Departments. — Continued. Ministers of Public Works. 1896 to 1917. {Continued from Page 57, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895."] Name. To Hon. Joseph Aldric Ouimet Alphonse Desjardins " Joseph Israel Tarte (1) " James Sutherland (2) " Charles Smith Hyman (3) . . " William Pugsley " Frederick Debartzch Monk ^^ (4) Robert Rogers nth Jan., 1st May, 13th July, 11th Nov., 22nd May, 30th Aug., 10th Oct. 29th Oct. 1892 1896 1896 1902 1905 1907 1911 1912 30th 12th 21st 3rd 29th 9th Apl., 1896 July, 1896 Oct., 1902 May, 1905 Aug., 1907 Oct., 1911 28th Oct., 1912 (1) Hon. Mr. Tarte resigned 21st October. 1902; died 18th December, 1907. (2) Hon. Mr. Sutherland died 3rd May. 1905. (3) Hon. Mr. Hyman resigned. (4) Hon. Mr. Monk resigned; died 15th May, 1914. Ministers of Railways and Canals. (Continued from Page 57, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895."] Hon John Graham Haggart (1). . 11th Jan., 1892 6th Jan., 1896 II (1 u 15th Jan., 1896 12th July, 1896 Andrew George Blair (2) . . . 13th July, 1896 14th July, 1903 Henry Robert Emmerson (3) 15th Jan., 1904 2nd April, 1907 George Perry Graham 30th Aug., 1907 9th Oct., 1911 Francis Cochrane 10th Oct., 1911 (1) Hon. Mr. Haggart resigned 6th January, 1896, and on the 15th of the same month was appointed to his former position. (2) Hon. Mr. Blair resigned; appointed Chairman Board of Railway Commissioners, 21st January, 1904; resigned 31st October, 1904; died 25th January, 1907. (3) Hon. Mr. Emmerson resigned; died 9th July, 1914. 43 Heads of Departments. — Continued. (1) Ministers of Inland Revenue. 1896 to 1917. {Continued from Page 58, Volume 1, ''1867 to 1895.") Name. From To Hon. Sir Henri Gustave Joly de Lotbiniere, K.C.M.G. (2).. 30th June, 1897 21st June, 1900 " Michel Esdras Bernier (3) . . 22nd June, 1900 18th Jan., 1904 " Louis Philippe Brodeur (4). 19th Jan., 1904 5th Feb., 1906 " William Templeman (5) . . . . 6th Feb., 190G 9th Oct., 1911 " Wilfrid Bruno Nantel (6) . . 10th Oct., 1911 19th Oct., 1914 " Pierre Edouard Blondin (7) 20th Oct., 1914 5th Oct., 1915 " Esioff Leon Patenaude (8) . . 6th Oct., 1915 7th Jan., 1917 " Albert Sevigny 8th Jan., 1917 (1) The office of Minister of Inland Revenue wa3 revived by the Act 60-61 Vict., Chap. 18, assented to 29th June. 1897. (2) Sir Henri Gustave Joly de Lotbiniere appointed Lieutenant-Governor of British Colum- bia, 22nd June, 1900; died 16th November, 1908. (3) Hon. Mr. Bernier appointed a Member and Deputy Chief Commissioner of the Board of Railway Commissioners. (4) Hon Mr. Brodeur appointed Minister of Marine and Fisheries. (5) Hon. Mr. Templeman died 15th November, 1914. (6) Hon. Mr. Nantel appointed a member and Deputy Chief Commissioner of the Board of Railway Commissioners. (7) Hon. Mr. Blondin appointed Secretary of State of Canada. (8) Hon. Mr. Patenaude appointed Secretary of State of Canada. (1) Controllers of Inland Revenue. {Conthiiied from Page 59, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.'') Hon John Fisher Wood " Edward Gawler Prior (2) . . . " Sir Henri Gustave Joly de Lotbiniere, K.C.M.G 5th Dec, 1892 17th Dec, 1895 13th July, 189G 16th Dec, 1895 12th July, 1896 29th June, 1897 (1) The office of Controller of Inland Revenue abolished by the Act 60-61 Vict., Chap. 18, assented to 29th June, 1897, which also revived the office of Minister of Inland Revenue. See "Ministers of Inland Revenue," (2) Hon. Mr. Prior appointed a member of the Privy Council, 17th December, 1895; sworn 15th January, 1896. 44 Heads of Departments. — Continued. (1) Ministers of Customs. 1896 to 1917. {Continued from Page 59, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Name. From To Hon. William Paterson (2) " John Dowslev Reid 30th June, 1897 lOth Oct.. 1911 9th Oct., 1911 (1) The office of Minister of Customs was revived by the Act 60-61, Vict., Chap. 18, assented to 29th June. 1897. (2) Hon. Mr. Paterson died 18th March, 1914. (1) Controllers of Customs. (Continued from Page 60, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Hon. Nathaniel Clarke Wallace (2) " John Fisher Wood (3) << II II II " William Paterson 5th Dec, 1892 I7th Dec, 1895 loth Jan., 1896 I3th July, 1896 14th Dec, 1895 6th Jan., 1896 12th July, 1896 29th June, 1897 (1) The office of Controller of Customs abolished by the Act 60-61 Vict., Chap. 18, assented to 29th June, 1897, which also revived the office of Minister of Customs. See " Ministers of Customs." (2) Hon. Mr. Wallace resigned 14th December, 1895. (3) Hon. Mr. Wood appointed a member of the Privy Council, 17th December, 1895, sworn 24th December, 1895; resigned 6th January, 1896, and on the 15th of the same month was ap- pointed to his former position. 45 ^ Heads of Departments. — Continued. (1) Ministers of Trade and Commerce. 1896 to 1917. (Contmued from Page 60, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Name. Hon. William Bullock Ives (2) . The Right Hon. Sir Richard Johr Cartwright, P.C, G.C.M.G. (3, The Right Hon. Sir George Eulaj Foster, P.C., K.C.M.G. (4) . . . . From 21st Dec, 1894 15th Jan., 1896 13th July, 1896 10th Oct.,. 1911 To 6th Jan., 1896 12th July, 1896 9th Oct., 1911 (1) The Act 50-51 Vict., Chap, il, 1887, which came into force on the 3rd December, 1892, which, among other things, placed the Department of Customs and the Department of Inland Revenue under the control and supervision of the Minister of Trade and Commerce, was repealed by the Act 60-61 Vict., Chap. 18, assented to 29th June, 1897. (2) Hon. Mr. Ives resigned 6th January, 1896, and on the 15th of the same month was appointed to his former position. (3) The Right Hon. Sir Richard Cartwright died 24th September, 1912. (4) The Right Hon. Sir George Foster, sworn a member of His Majesty's Most Honour- able Privy Council, 27th June, 1916; created K.C.M.G., 22nd June, 1914. Postmasters-General (Continued from Page 61, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.)" Hon. Sir Joseph Philippe Rene Adolphe Caron, K.C.M.G 25th Jan., 1892 30th Apl., 1896 Hon. Louis Olivier Taillon 1st May, 1896 12th July, 1896 " Sir William Mulock, K.C.M.G. (1) 13th July, 16th Oct., 1896 15th Oct., 1905 Hon. Allen Bristol Aylesworth (2; 1905 3rd June, 1903 " Rodolphe Lemieux (3) 4th June, 1906 10th Aug., 1911 " Henri Severin Beland Uth Aug., 1911 9th Oct., 1911 Louis Philippe Pelletier (4) . 10th Oct., 1911 19th Oct., 1914 " Thomas Chase Casgrain (5) 20th Oct., 1914 29th Dec, 1916 " Pierre Edcuard Blondin. . . . 8th Jan., 1917 (1) Hon. Mr. Mulock created K.C.M.G., 26th June, 1902; he was also Minister of Labour; appointed Chief Justice of the Exchequer Division of the Supreme Court of Ontario, 17th Octo- ber, 1905. (2) Hon. Mr. Aylesworth appointed Minister of Justice. (3) Hon. Mr. Lemieux appointed Minister of Marine and Fisheries. (4) Hon. Mr. Pelletier resigned; appointed Puisne Judge of the Superior Court for the Province of Quebec, 18th November, 1914. (5) Hon. Mr. Casgrain died 29th December, 1916. 46 Heads of Departments. — Continued. Secretaries of State of Canada. 1896 to 1917. {Continued from Page 62, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Name. Hon. Walter Humphries Montague " Sir Charles Tupper, Bart G.C.M.G.,C.B. (1) " Richard William Scott (2) . " Charles Murphy " William James Roche (3). . " Louis Coderre (4) " Pierre Edouard Blondin (5) " Esioff Leon Patenaude (6). 26th 15th 13th 10th 10th 29th 6th 8th From Mar. 1895 Jan., 1896 July, 1896 Oct., 1908 Oct., 1911 Oct., 1912 Oct., 1915 Jan., 1917 To 20th Dec, 1895 9th July, 9th Oct., 9th Oct., 28th Oct., 5th Oct., 7th Jan., 12th June, 1896 1908 1911 1912 1915 1917 1917 (1) Sir Charles Tupper was Prime Minister from the 27th April. 1896, to the 8th July, 1896; resigned the Premiership on the 8th July, 1896, and on the following day returned the Great Seal to His Excellency the Governor-General. (2) Hon. Mr. Scott knighted 26th June, 1909; died 23rd April, 1913. (3) Hon. Mr. Roche appointed Minister of the Interior and Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs, 29th October, 1912. (4) Hon. Mr. Coderre was also Minister of Mines from 10th February, 1913; appointed Puisne Judge of the Superior Court for the Province of Quebec, 6th October, 1915. (5) Hon. Mr. Blondin was also Minister of Mines; appointed Postmaster-General, 8th January, 1917. (6) Hon. Mr. Patenaude was also Minister of Mines; resigned, 13th June, 1917. (1) Ministers of Marine and Fisheries. {Continued from Page 63, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895 r) Hon. John Costigan " Sir Louis Henry Davies, K.C.M.G. (2) " James Sutherland (3) " Joseph Raymond Fournier Pr^fontaine (4) " Louis Philippe Brodeur (5). " Rodolphe Lemieux " John Douglas Hazen 21st Dec, 1894 13th July, 15th Jan., nth Nov. 6th Feb., ilth Aug., lOth Oct., 1896 1902 1902 1906 1911 1911 12th July, 1896 24th Sept., 1901 10th Nov., 1902 25th Dec, 1905 10th Aug., 1911 9th Oct., 1911 (1) MINISTER OF THE NAVAL SERVICE— Under the provisions of the Act 9-10 Edward VII, Chapter 43, assented to 4th May, 1910, the Minister of Marine and Fisheries for the time being is also the Minister of the Naval Service. „ , . , , , , (2) Sir Louis Davies created K.C.M.G., 22nd June, 1897; appointed Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada, 25th September, 1901. (3) Hon. Mr. Sutherland appointed Minister of Public Works, 11th November, 1902. (4) Hon. Mr. Prefontaine died 25th December, 1905. , . ^ . (5) Hon. Mr. Brodeur appointed Puisn€ Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada, 11th August , 1911. 47 Heads of Departments. — Continued. Ministers of Agriculture. 1896 to 1917. {Continued from Page 64, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Name. To Hon. Auguste Real Angers " Walter Humphries Montague (1) . . . " Donald Ferguson, Acting (2) " Walter Humphries Montague Sydney Arthur Fisher " Martin Burrell 5th Dec, 1892 21st Dec, 1895 0th Jan., 189t 15th Jan., 1896 13th July, 1896 16th Oct.. 1911 11th July, 1895 5th Jan., 1896 14th Jan., 1896 12th July, 1896 9th Oct.. 1911 (1) Hon. Mr. Montague resigned 6th January, 1896, and on the 15th of the same month was appointed to his former position. (2) Hon. Donald Ferguson, member of the Cabinet without portfolio appointed Acting. Minister of Agriculture by Order-in-Council of the 6th January, 1896. Ministers of the Interior. {Continued from Page 66, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Hon. Thomas Mavne Daly (1) . . " Hugh John Macdonald (2) " Clifford Sifton (3) " Frank Oliver (4) " Robert Rogers (5) " William James Roche (6) . . 17th Oct., 1892 1st May, 1890 17th Nov., 189C 8th Apl., 1906 10th Oct., 1911 29th Oct., 1912 30th Apl., 12th July, 28th Feb., 9th Oct., 28th Oct., 1896 1896 1905 1911 1912 (1) Hon. Mr. Daly was also Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs. (2) Hon. Mr. Macdonald was also Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs. (3) Hon. Mr. Sifton was also Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs; he resigned his portfolio and as a member of the Cabinet, 28th February, 1905. (4) Hon. Mr. Oliver was also Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs. (5) Hon. Mr. Rogers was also Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs, and from 1st April,. 1912, to 28th October, 1912, Minister of Mines; appointed Minister of Public Works, 29th October, 1912. (6) Hon. Mr. Roche is also Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs, and was also Minister of Mines from 29th October, 1912, to 9th February, 1913. 48 Heads of Departments. — Continued. Superintendents-General of Indian Affairs. 1895 to 1917. (Continued from Page 67, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Name. From To Hon. Thomas Mayne Daly " Hugh John Macdonald " Clifford Sifton 17th Oct., 1st Mav, 17th Nov., 8th Apl., 10th Oct., 29th Oct., 1892 1896 1896 1906 1911 1912 30th Apl., 12th July, 28th Feb., 9th Oct., 28th Oct., 1896 1896 1905 " Frank Oliver " Robert Rogers " William James Roche 1911 1912 note; — Hon. Mr. Roche is also Minister of the Interior; his predecessors above named were also Ministers of the Interior. SUPERINTENDENT-GENERAL OF INDIAN AFFAIRS— The Act 46 Vict., Chap. 6, assented to 25th May, 1883, (sec. 4, chap. 81, R.S.C, 1906,) provides that the Minister of the Interior, or the head of any other Department appointed for that purpose by the Govemor-in- Council, shall be the Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs. Ministers of Labour. Hon. Sir William Mulock, K.C.M.G. (1) " Allen Bristol Aylesworth (1) " Rodolphe Lemieux (1) " William Lyon Mackenzie King, C.M.G " Thomas Wilson Crothers. . . i9th July, 1900 16th Oct., 1905 4th June, 1906 2nd June, 1909 10th Oct., 1911 15th Oct., 1905 3rd June, 1906 1st June, 1909 9th Oct., 1911 (1) Sir William Mulock, who was also Postmaster-General, was appointed Minister of Labour by Order-in-Council of the 19th July, 1900, which was passed under the provisions of " The Con- ciliation Act," 1900, (Act 63-64 Vict., Chap. 24, assented to 18th July, 1900; Chap. 96, R.S.C. 1906.) The Hon. Mr. Aylesworth and the Hon. Mr. Lemieux, who were successively Postmasters- General, were also Ministers of Labour under the provisions of the said Act. note; — The separate office of Minister of Labour was created by section 2 of the Act 8-9 Edward VII, Chapter 22, assented to 19th May, 1909. The Minister of Labour has the management and direction of the Department of Labour, and he is charged with the administra- tion of The Conciliation and Labour Act and The Industrial Disputes Investigation Act, 1907, and with such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Governor-in-Council. 49 Heads of Departments. — Continued. Secretaries of State for External Affairs. Name. Hon. Charles Murphy (1) " William James Roche (1) . . . The Right Hon. Sir Robert Laird Borden, P.C, G.C.M.G., First Minister 1st June, 1909 10th Oct., 1911 1st Apl., 1912 To 9th Oct. 31st Mar. 1911 1912 THE DEPARTMENT OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS— Section 3 of the Act 2 George V, Chapter 22, assented to 1st April, 1912, provides that the member of the King's Privy Council for Canada holding the recognized position of First Minister, shall be the Secretary of State for External Affairs. Previously, under the provisions of the Act 8-9 Edward VII, Chapter 13, assented to 19th May, 1909, which came into force by Proclamation on the 1st June, 1909, creating the Department of External Affairs, this Department was presided over by the Secretary of State of Canada for the time being. (1) The Hon. Mr. Murphy and the Hon. Mr. Roche were also successively The Secretary of State of Canada. Ministers of Mines. Hon. William Templeman . . . Wilfrid Bruno Nantel . . Robert Rogers William James Roche . . Louis Coderre Pierre Edouard Blondin Esioff Leon Patenaude. 3rd May, 1909 10th Oct., 1911 1st Apl., 29th Oct., 10th Feb., 6th Oct., 8th Jan., 1912 1912 1913 1915 1917 9th Oct., 31st Mar., 28th Oct., 9th Feb., 5th Oct., 7th Jan., 1911 1912 1912 1913 1915 1917 12th June, 1917 THE DEPARTMENT OF MINES was created by the Act 6-7 Edward VII. Chapter 29. assented to 27th April, 1907. This Department is presided over by the head of one of the other Departments of the Government of Canada, named from time to time for that purpose by the Governor-in-Council. It consists of two branches, the Mines Branch and the Geological Survey. The Hon. Mr. Templeman and the Hon. Mr. Nantel were successively Ministers of Inland Revenue; the Hon. Mr. Rogers and the Hon. Mr. Roche, Ministers of the Interior; the Hon. Mr. Coderre, the Hon. Mr. Blondin and the Hon. Mr. Patenaude, Secretaries of State of Canada. Heads of Departments. — Concluded. Ministers of the Naval Service. Name. From To Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux " John Douglas Hazen 4th May, 1910 10th Oct., 1911 9th Oct., 1911 THE DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE was established by the Act 9-10 Edward VII, Chapter 43, assented to 4th May, 1910. Under the provisions of the said Act the Minister of Marine and Fisheries for the time being is also the Minister of the Naval Service. Minister of Overseas Military Forces of Canada in the United Kingdom. Hon. Sir George Halsey Perley, K.C.M.G. (1) 31st Oct., 1916 (1) The office of Minister of the Overseas Military Forces of Canada in the United King- dom was provided for by Order-in-Council of the 28th October, 1916, and the Hon. Sir George Halsey Perley was appointed to that office by Order-in-Council of the Slst October, 1916. 51 Solicitors- General of Canada. Name. To Hon. John Joseph Curran (1) . . . . " Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper, K.C.M.G " Charles Fitzpatrick, K.C.(2, " Henry George Carroll, K.C. (3) " Rodolphe Lemieux, K.C. (4) " Jacques Bureau, K.C " Arthur Meighen, K.C. (5). 5th Dec, 1892 1st May, 13th July, 10th Feb., 29th Jan., 14th Feb., 26th June, 1896 1896 1902 1904 1907 1913 17th Oct., 1895 12th July, 1896 9th Feb., 1902 28th Jan., 1904 3rd June, 1906 9th Oct., 1911 The office of Solicitor-General of Canada was created by the Act 50-51 Vict., Chap. 14, assented to 23rd June. 1887, which came into force by proclamation, on the 3rd December, 1892; Chapter 22, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1906. (1) Hon. Mr. Curran appointed Puisne Judge of the Superior Court for the Province of Quebec, 18th October, 1895. (2) Hon. Mr. Fitzpatrick appointed Minister of Justice, 11th February, 1902. (3) Hon. Mr. Carroll appointed Puisne Judge of the Superior Court for the Province of Quebec, 29th January, 1904. (4) Hon. Mr. Lemieux appointed Postmaster-General. (5) Hon. Mr. Meighen appointed a member of the King's Privy Council for Canada, 30th September, 1915; sworn, 2nd October, 1915. Parliamentary Secretary of the Department of Militia and Defence. (Authorized by Order in Council passed on the 13th July, 1916.) Franklin Blanchard McCurdy, Member of the House of Commons for Shelburne and Queen's, Nova Scotia . . 19th July, 1916 Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for External Affairs. (Authorized by Order in Council passed on the 15th July, 1916.) Lieutenant - Colonel Hugh Clark, Member of the House of Commons for North Bruce, Ontario 21st Oct., 1916 52 The High Commissioners for Canada in the United Kingdom. {Continued from Page 125, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Name. Hon. Sir Charles Tupper, Bart., G.C.M.G., C.B. (1) The Right Hon. Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal, G.C.M.G., G.C'.V.O. (2) . . . 23rd May, 1888 24th April, 1896 To 14th Jan., 1896 21st Jan., 1914 The Honourable Sir George Halsey Perley, K.C.M.G., a member of the Cabinet without portfolio, who was in London at the time war broke out with Germany on the 4th August, 1914, for the purpose of looking after and supervising certain matters on behalf of the Government of the Dominion of Canada, although not officially appointed High Commissioner, has exercised from the said date the functions of High Commissioner. He was appointed Minister of Over- seas Military Forces of Canada in the United Kingdom by Order-in-Council of the 31st October, 1916; created K.C.M.G., 1st January, 1915. (1) Sir Charles Tupper sworn a member of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Coun- cil, 19th October, 1908; died, 30th October, 1915; born, 2nd July, 1821. (2) The Hon. Sir Donald A. Smith, K.C.M.G., promoted G.C.M.G., 20th May. 1896; created Baron Strathcona and Mount Royal, 23rd August, 1897; G.C.V.O., 26th September, 1908; died 2l8t January, 1914; born, 6th August, 1820. Secretaries to the High Commissioner for Canada. {Continued from Page 125, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Joseph Grose Colmer, C.M.G. (1^ William Linney Griffith 25th Oct., 1881 4th Mar., 1903 3rd Mar., 1903 1903 (1) Mr. Colmer created C.M.G.. 24th May, 1888; resigned the office of Secretary, 3rd March, Commissioners - General for Canada in France. {Continued from Page 125, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Hector Fabre, C.M.G. (1) Philippe Roy (2) 12th July, 1882 1st May, 1911 2nd Sept., 1910 (1) Mr. Fabre was formerly, from 5th February, 1875, a member of the Senate of Canada; created C.M.G. 28th May, 1886; died 2nd September, 1910. (2) . Mr. Roy was formerly, from 8th March, 1906, a member of the Senate of Canada. 53 Commissioners of the Yukon Territory. (61 Vict., Chap. 6, Sec. 3, 1898; Chap. 63, Sec. 4, R.S.C., 1906) Name. James Morrow Walsh (1) WilHam Ogilvie (2) James Hamilton Ross (3) Frederick Tennyson Congdon . . . . William Wallace Burns Mclnnes. Alexander Henderson George Black 15th Aug., 1st Sept., 12th Apl., 1st Mar., 27th May, 17th June, 1st Feb., 1897 1898 1901 1903 1905 1907 1912 To 31st Aug., 1898 nth Apl., 1901 1st Oct., 1902 31st Oct., 1904 31st Dec, 1908 31st Oct., 1911 The Commissioner of the Yukon Territory administers the government of the territory under instructions from time to time given him by the Governor-in-Council or the Minister of the Interior. (Sec. 5, Chap. 63, R.S.C. 1906.) (1) Mr. Walsh was appointed by Order-in-Council of 17th August. 1897, appointment dating from the 15th August, 1897. (2) Mr. Ogilvie was appointed by Order-in-Counci! of 4th July, 1898, appointment taking effect on his arrival at Dawson, and on Commissioner Walsh handing him his resignation. (3) Mr. Ross was appointed by Order-in-Council of 11th March, 1901, appointment dating from the day of his arrival at Dawson; his resignation, which took effect on the 1st October, 1902. was accepted by Order-in-Council of 16th October, 1902; he was subsequently elected member of Parliament for the Yukon Territory. Commissioner of the North-west Territories. (4-5 Edward VH, Chap. 27, 1905; Chap. 62, R.S.C, 1906.) Lieutenant - Colonel Frederick White, C.M.G. (1) 1st Sept., 1905 The Commissioner of the North-west Territories administers the government of the Terri- tories under instructions from time to time given him by the Govemor-in-Council or the Minister of the Interior. (Sec. 4, Chap. 62, R.S.C. 1906.) (1) Lieutenant-Colonel White was also, from 23rd June, 1880, to 31st December, 1912, Comptroller of the Royal North-west Mounted Police; appointed Lieutenant-Colonel, unattached list, 17th May, 1901. 54 Headquarters Staff of the Militia of Canada. STAFF. The Governor-in-Council may establish a general staff, head- quarters staff, and district staff, and may appoint a chief of the general staff, and such officers to the respective staffs as are deemed necessary, and shall define their duties and authority. (The Mili- tia Act, 1904, 4 Edward VII, Chap. 23, Sec. 36; Sec. 35, Chap. 41, R.S.C., 1906.) General Officers Commanding. {Continued from Page 126, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Name. From To Major-General Ivor John Caradoc Herbert C.B. (1) Major - General William Julius Gascoigne (2) Major-General Edward Thomas Henry Hutton, C.B., A.D.C. totheQueen.(3). . . Major-General Richard Hebden O'Grady-Haly, C. B., D.S.O. (4) Major-General the Right Honour- able the Earl of Dundonald, C.V.O., C.B Colonel the Right Hon. Matthew Lord Aylmer, Adjutant- General, Acting General Of- ficer Commanding 20th Nov., 1890 19th Sept., 1895 nth Aug., 1898 19th July, 1900 20th July, 1902 15th June, 1904 1st Aug., 1895 30th June, 1898 12th Feb., 1900 19th July, 1902 14th June, 1904 31st Oct., 1904 (1) Major-General Herbert resigned, 1st August, 1895. (2) Major-General Gascoigne resigned, 30th June, 1898. (3) Major-General Hutton resigned, 12th February, 1900, having been selected by the War Office for Special Service in South Africa. (4) Major-General O'Grady-Haly resigned, 19th July, 1902. GENERAL OFFICER COMMANDING.— Section 30, Chapter 23, 4 Edward VII, assented to 10th August, 1904, which came into force by Proclamation on the 1st November, 1904, (Chapter 41, Sec. 29, R.S.C, 1906), provides that an officer holding the rank not below that of Colonel in the Militia or in His Majesty's regular army may be appointed General Officer Commanding, with the rank of Major-General. Prior thereto the officer appointed to this command had to be an officer of His Majesty's regular army. Headquarters Staff of the Militia of Canada, Continued. Aides-de-Camp to the General Officers Commanding. {Continued from Page 126, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Name. From To Captain Eric Streatfeild, Gordon Highlanders 5th Dec, 10th Oct., 15th Mar. Uth Aug., 22nd Sept. 8th Aug., 1st June, 1st Jan., 20th July, 1st Jan., 1890 1895 1897 1898 ,1898 1900 1901 1902 1902 1903 31st Aug., 30th June, 30th June, 12th Feb., 30th Nov., 30th May, 31st Dec, 19th July, 31st Dec, 14th June, 1895 Captain Alexander MacLean, 43rd Battalion 1898 Captain Henry Allan Bate, The Governor - General's Foot Guards (Honorary) Lieutenant J. N. S. Leslie, Extra. Captain Arthur Clive Bell, Scots Guards (1) 1898 1900 1899 Lieutenant Hugh Fleming, Princess Louise Dragoons Guards 1901 Major E. T. H. Heward, Unattached List 1901 Major E. T. H. Heward, Extra. . . Lieutenant G. L MacAlister, Unattached List 1902 1902 Captain D. 0. C. Newton, "The Duke of Cambridge's Own" Middlesex Regiment (2). . . 1904 (1) Captain Bell resigned to take command of the Machine Gun Section of the First Canadian Contingent sent to South Africa. On his return he was appointed Alde-de-Camp to the Governor- General, 29th October, 1900. (2) Captain Newton appointed Aide-de-Camp to H. E. Lord Grey, 10th December, 1904, 56 Headquarters Staff of the Militia of Canada. Continued. Chiefs of the General Staff. Major-General P. H. N. Lake,. C.B., C.M.G. (1) . . . Brigadier - General William Dillon Otter, C.V.O., CB. (2)... Major-General C. J. MacKenzie, C.B Major-General W. G. Gwatkin, C.B. (3) 1st Nov., 1904 1st Apl., 1908 1st Nov., 191C 1st Nov., 1913 31st Mar., 1908 31st Oct., 1910 31st Oct., 1913 (1) Major-General Lake appointed Inspector-General and Chief Military Adviser, 1st April, 1908. (2) Brigadier-General Otter appointed Inspector-General. (3) Colonel Gwatkin granted the rank of Major-General whilst employed as Chief of the General Staff, 21st October, 1914; created C.B., 1st January, 1916. Inspectors-General. Brigadier-General the Right Hon. Matthew Lord Aylmer (1) . Brigadier-General B. H. Vidal (2^ Major-General Sir P. H. N. Lake, ._ K.C.M.G., C.B. (3)....... Major - General William Dillon Otter, C.V.O., C.B. (4) . . . . Major - General William Henry- Cotton (5) Major-General Frangois Louis Les- sard, C.B., Eastern Canada Major - General Samuel Benfield Steele, C.B., M. V. O., A.D.C., Western Canada. . 1st Nov., 1904 1st Apl., 1907 1st Apl., 1908 1st Nov., 1910 1st Dec, 1912 14th Dec, 1914 14th Dec, 1914 31st Mar., 1907 2nd Mar., 1908 31st Oct., 1910 30th Nov., 1912 31st Mar., 1914 (1) Brigadier-General Lord Aylmer retired. (2) Brigadier-General Vidal died 2nd March, 1908. (3) Major-General Sir Percy Lake was also chief military adviser; created K.C.M.G., 9th November, 1908. (4) Major-General Otter retired 1st December, 1912. (5) Major-General Cotton retired; died 20th April, 1914. 57 Headquarters Staff of the Militia of Canada. Continued. Adjutants-General of Militia. {Continued from Page 127, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895:') Name. Colonel Walker Powell (1) Colonel the Right Honourable Matthew Lord Aylmer (2) Colonel B. H. Vidal (3) Brigadier-General F. L. Lessard, C.B. (4) Colonel V. A. S. Williams Major - General W. E. Hodgins, Acting Adjutant - General (5) From 21st Apl., 1875 1st Jan., 1896 1st Nov., 1904 1st Apl., 1907 1st Dec, 1912 1st Jan., 1915 To 31st Dec, 1895 31st Oct., 1904 31st Mar., 1907 30th Nov., 1912 (1) Colonel Walker Powell retired 1st January, 1896; died, 6th May, 1915. (2) Lord Aylmer was appointed Adjutant-General by Order-in-Council of 17th July, 1S96, his appointment dating from the 1st January, 1896; succeeded his father as Eighth Baron, 29th November, 1901; retired 31st October, 1904; was Acting-General Officer Commanding from 15th June, 1904, to 31st October, 1904. (3) Colonel Vidal appointed Inspector-General. (4) Brigadier-General Lessard appointed Major-General and General Officer Command- ing 2nd Division, 1st December, 1912. (5) No official appointment was made of an Acting Adjutant-General during the absence on war service of Colonel Williams, from the 19th August, 1914, until the appointment of Major General Hodgins, on the 1st January, 1915, as Acting Adjutant-General. Ouarter-Masters-General. {Continued from Page 128, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895:') Colonel Percy Henry N. Lake, East Lancashire Regiment (1) Colonel Hubert J. Foster, R.E.,(2) Colonel William Henry Cotton (3) Major-General D. A. Macdonald, C.M.G., LS.O 14th Sept., nth Aug., 1st July, 1893 1898 1901 1st Nov., 1904 10th Aug., 189§ 30th Apl., 1901 31st Oct., 1904 (1) Colonel Lake retired 10th August, 1898. (2) Colonel Foster retired 30th April. 1901. (3) Colonel Cotton appointed Master-General of the Ordnance. (4) Colonel and Temporary Brigadier-General Macdonald granted the rank of Major- General, 25th June, 1912. 58 Headquarters Staff of the Militia of Canada. Concluded. Director-General of the Ordnance. Name. Colonel D. A. Macdonald, I.S.O., (1) To 31st Oct., 1904 (1) Colonel Macdonald appointed Quarter-Master-General, 1st November, 1904. Masters-General of the Ordnance. Colonel William Henry Cotton . . . Colonel R. W. Rutherford Colonel, temporary Major-General Thomas Benson Colonel, temporary Brigadier- General, H. M. Elliott... 1st Nov., 1904 1st ApL, 1908 1st Mar., 1913 31st Mar., 1916 31st Mar., 1908 28th Feb., 1913 30th Mar., 191G Judge Advocate-General. Major-General Henry Smith (1). 1st Oct., 1911 Directors General of Medical Services. Surgeon Colonel John Louis Hubert Neilson (1) Colonel Eugene Fiset, D.S.O. (2) Surgeon-General Guy Carleton Jones, C.M.G. (3) 15th Feb., 1898 1st July, 1903 22nd Dec, 1906 30th June, 1903 21st Dec, 1906 (1) Surgeon Colonel Neilson retired 1st July, 1903. (2) Colonel Fiset appointed Deputy Minister of Militia and Defence. (3) Colonel Jones granted the rank of Surgeon-General, 1st September, 1915; created C.M.G., 1st January, 1916. 59 Deputy Heads of Departments and Chief Officers. 1896 to 1917. Clerks of the King's Privy Council for Canada (1). {Continued from Page 129, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895 r) Name From To John Joseph McGee (2) Rodolphe Boudreau 20th May, 1882 Cth May, 1907 5th May, 1907 (1) up to the demise of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, on the 22nd January, 1901, it was called "The Queen's Privy Council for Canada." (2) Mr. McGee superannuated, 6th May, 1907. Auditors-General. (Continued from Page 138, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895:') John Lorn McDougall, C.M.G. (1) John Fraser, I.S.O. (2) 2nd Aug., 1878 1st Aug., 1905 31st July, 1905 (1) Mr. McDougall created C.M.G., 22nd June, 1897; superannuated 1st August, 1905; died 15th January, 1909. (2) Mr. Fraser created I.S.O.. 26th June, 1908. Deputy of the Minister of Justice. {Continued from Page ISO, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Edmund Leslie Newcombe, C.M.G., K.C., (1) 13th Mar., 1893 (1) Mr. Newcombe created C.M.G., 25th June, 1909. 60 Deputy Heads of Departments and Chief Officers. Continued, Under Secretary of State for External Affairs. Name From r- To Sir Joseph Pope, K.C.M.G., C.V.O., I.S.O., (1) 1st June, 1909 Sir Joseph Pope was Under Secretary of State of Canada from the 1st May, 1896, to the 31st May, 1909; promoted K.C.M.G.. 1st January, 1912. THE DEPARTMENT OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS was created by the Act 8-9 Edward VII, Chap. 13, assented to 19th May, 1909, which came into force by proclamation on the 1st June. 1909. Commissioners of Customs. (Continued from Page 144, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895 y) Thomas John Watters, Acting. . Francis Edwin Kilvert, Acting. John McDougald, C.M.G. (1).. 1st Jan., 1893 4th Feb., 1895 1st May, 1896 30th Jan., 1895 30th Apl., 1896 (1) Mr. McDougald created C.M.G., 14th June, 1912. Deputy Postmasters-General. {Continued from Page 143, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Lt.-Col. William White, C.M.G., (1) Robert Millar Coulter, C.M.G. , M.D 1st July, 1888 1st Aug., 1897 31st July, 1897 (1) Lt.-Col. White superannuated 1st August, 1897; died 2nd April, 1912. (2) Dr. Coulter created C.M.G., 9th November, 1907. 61 Deputy Heads of Departments and Chief Officers. Continued. Deputies of the Minister of Agriculture. {Continued from Page 142, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Name John Lowe (1) William Bain Scarth (2) George Finley O'Halloran (3) . From 1st July, 1888 1st Dec, 1895 20th May, 1902 To 30th Nov., 1895 15th May, 1902 (1) Mr. Lowe superannuated 1st December, 1895; died, 7th November, 1913. (2) Mr. Scarth died 15th May, 1902. (3) Mr. O'Halloran is also Deputy Commissioner of Patents. Deputies of the Minister of the Interior. (Continued from Page 132, Volume 1, "1887 to 1895.'') Alexander Mackinnon Burgess (1) James Allan Sm.art (2) William Wallace Cory, C.M.G. (3; 1st July, 188S 1st Apl., 1897 1st Jan., 190f: 31st Mar., 1897 31st Dec, 1905 (1) Mr. Burgess was acting Deputy of the Minister of the Interior from the 1st November, 1891, to the 12th March, 1893; appointed Commissioner of Dominion Lands, 1st April, 1897; died, 25th February, 1898. (2) Mr. Smart resigned; he was also appointed on the 1st July, 1897, Deputy-Sujjerintendent- General of Indian Affairs, which position he held until the 20th November, 1902. (3) Mr. Cory created C.M.G., 9th November, 1909. Deputies of the Minister of Finance. (Continued from Page 133, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") John Mortimer Courtney, C.M.G. I.S.O., (1) Thomas Cooper Boville, C.M.G., (2) 2nd Aug., 1878 1st Nov., 1906 31st Oct., 1906 1003. (1) Mr. Courtney superannuated; created C.M.G.. 22nd June. 1897; I.S.O.. 28th May, (2) Mr. Boville created C.M.G., Ist January, 1912. 62 Deputy Heads of Departments and Chief Officers. Continued, Deputies of the Minister of Militia and Defence. {Continued from Page 130, Volume 1, " 1S67 to 1S95.") Name Colonel Charles Eugene Panet (1) Colonel Louis Felix Pinault, C.M.G. (2). . _. . . Surgeon-General Sir Eugene Fiset, C.M.G., D.S.O. (3) From 4th Feb., 1875 7th Dec, 1898 22nd Dec, 190e To 22nd Nov., 1898 10th Dec, 1906 (1) Colonel Panet died. 22nd November, 1898. (2) Colonel Pinault created C.M.G., 9th November, 1903; died 10th December, 1906. (3) Surgeon-General Fiset, who previously held the rank of Colonel, was granted the rank of Surgeon-General, 17th December, 1914; created C.M.G., 1st January, 1915; knighted 4th June, 1917. Deputies of the Minister of Public Works. {Continued from Page I4I, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Antoine Gobeil, I.S.O., (1) James Blake Hunter 1st Jan., 1891 1st July, 1908 30th June, 1908 (1) Mr. Gobeil superannuated; created I.S.O., 24th June, 1904. Deputies of the Minister of Trade and Commerce. (Continued from Page 145, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895") William Grannis Parmelee, I.S.O., (1) ; Francis Charles Trench O'Hara. . . 31st Dec, 1891 1st Aug., 1908 31st July, 1908 (1) Mr. Parmelee superannuated; created I.S.O., 28th May, 1903; he waa also, from 20th August, 1885, Chief Controller of Chinese Immigration. 63 Deputy Heads of Departments and Chief Officers. Continued. DeDuties of the Minister of Labour. Name William Lyon MacKenzie C.M.G., (1) Frederick Albert Acland . . . King. To 20th Sept., 1908 (1) Mr. King created C.M.G., 29th June, 1906; appointed a member of the King's Privy Council for Canada and Minister of Labour. 2nd June, 1909. THE DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR was established by "The Conciliation Act," 1900; (63-64 Vict., Chap. 24, Sec. 10, assented to 18th July, 1900.) Under-Secretaries of State of Canada. [Continued from Page 131, Volume 1, "1S67 to 1895.''] Ludger Aime Catellier (1) Joseph Pope, C.V.O., C.M.G., LS.O. (2) Thomas Miilvey, K.C., (3) 1st Dec. 1889 1st Mav, 189( 1st June, 190£ 30th Apl., 1896 31st May, 1909 (1) Mr. Catellier superannuated, 1st May, 1896; died 2nd October, 1897. He also held the office of Deputy- Registrar-General from the 10th July, 1873, to the 30th April, 1896. (2) Mr. Pope was Acting Under Secretary of State from 9th March to 30th April. 1896; he was also Deputy- Registrar-General of Canada; appointed Under-Secretary of State for External Affairs, 1st June, 1909. (3) Mr. Mulvey is also Registrar-General of Canada. Deputy-Registrars-General of Canada. {Continued from Page 131, Volume 1, " 1S67 to 1895 r) Ludger Aime Catellier (1) Joseph Pope, C.V.O., C.M.G LS.O., (2) Thomas Mulvey, K.C., (3) 10th July, 1873 1st May, 1896 1st June, 1909 30th Apl., 1896 31st May, 1909 (1) Mr. Catellier was also Under-Secretary of State of Canada from the'lst December, 1889 to 30th April, 1896, superanuated 1st May, 1896; died 2nd October, 1897. (2) Mr. Pope was also Under-Secretary of State of Canada; appointed [Under-Secretary of State for External Affairs, 1st June, 1909. (3) Mr. Mulvey is also Under-Secretary of State of Canada. 64 Deputy Heads of Departments and Chief Officers. Continued. Deputy of the Minister of the Naval Service. Name George Joseph Desbarats, C.M.G (1) From 5th May, 1910 XO 1915. (1) Mr. Desbarats is also Comptroller of the Naval Service; created C.M.G., 1st January, 5. THE DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE was established by the Act 9-10 Fdv.ard VII, Chapter 43, assented to 4th May, 1910. It is presided over by the Minister of Marine and Fisheries for the time being, who is also the Minister of the Naval Service. Deputies of the Minister of Railways and Canals. {Continued from Page I42, Volume 1, "1867 to ISOSr) Collingwood Schreiber, C.M.G. (1) Matthew Joseph Butler, C.M.G., (2) Archibald William Campbell 30th Nov., 1892 1st July, 1905 5th Feb., 1910 30th June, 1905 4th Feb., 1910 (1) Mr. Schreiber was also Chief Engineer of Railways and Canals; created C.M.G., 3rd June, 1893; appointed General Consulting Engineer to the Dominion Government, 1st July, 1905. (2) Mr. Butler resigned; created C.M.G., 25th June, 1909; he was also Chief Engineer of Railways and Canals. Deputies of the Minister of Marine and Fisheries. (Continued from Page 134, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895r) William Smith (1) . . . . Lieut. - Colonel Francois Frederic Gourdeau (2) George Joseph Desbarats (3) . . . . Alexander Johnston 29th May, 1868 1st May, 1896 4th Nov., 1909 8th June, 1910 30th Apl., 1896 31st Jan., 1909 4th May, 1910 (1) Mr. Smith superannuated 1st May, 1896; died 6th March, 1897. (2) Lieutenant-Colonel Gourdeau superannuated. (3) Mr. Desbarats appointed Deputy Minister of the Naval Service. 65 Deputy Heads of Departments and Chief Officers. Continued. Deputies of the Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs. {Continued from Page 139, Volume 1, "1867 to 1S95.") Name From To Hayter Reed (1) 2nd Oct., 1893 1st July, 1897 21st Nov., 1902 nth Oct., 1913 30th June, 1897 James Allan Smart (2) 20th Nov., 1902 Francis Pedley (3) Duncan Campbell Scott 10th Oct., 1913 (1) Mr. Reed superannuated 1st July, 1897. (2) Mr. Smart held this position jointly with that of Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. (3) Mr. Pedley resigned. King's Printers and Controllers of Stationery. {Continued from Page 144, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.'") Samuel Edward Dawson, C.M.G., (1) Charles Henry Parmelee (2) Joseph de Labroquerie Tache .... 7th Nov., 1891 1st Feb., 1909 16th Mar., 1914 31st Jan., 1909 22nd Jan., 1914 (1) Mr. Dawson created C.M.G., 9th November, 1906; superannuated, 1st February, 1909; died 9th February, 1916. (2) Mr. Parmelee died, 22nd January, 1914. Deputies of the Minister of Inland Revenue. William John Gerald, I.S.O. (1) William Himsworth, I.S.O. (2). Joseph Ulric Vincent 6th June, 1901 1st Oct., 1912 1st Oct., 1914 30th Sept., 1912 30th Sept., 1914 (1) Mr. Gerald superannuated; created I S.O., 25th June, 1909. (2) Mr. Himsworth superannuated; created I.S.O., 22nd June, 1914; died, 10th March, 1915. 66 Deputy Heads of Departments and Chief Officers. Continued. Deputies of the Minister of Mines. Name From To Albert Peter Low (1) 3rd May, 1907 1st Jan., 1914 1st Dec, 1914 31st Dec, 1913 Reginald Walter Brock (2) Richard George McConnell 30th Nov., 1914 THE DEPARTMENT OF MINES was created by the Act 6-7 Edward VII, Chapter 29, assented to 27th April, 1907. It consists of two branches, the Mines Branch and the Geological Survey. (1) Mr. Low supenuinuated. (2) Mr. Brock resigned. Commissioners of Inland Revenue. {Continued from Page I40, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Edward Miall (1) 26th Jan., 1883 31st May, 1901 (1) Mr. Miall superannuated 1st June, 1901; died 17th September, 1903; after his retire- ment the title of Commissioner of Inland Revenue was abolished and that of Deputy Minister of Inland Revenue substituted. (1) Comptrollers of the Royal North-West Mounted Police. Lieut. - Colonel Frederick White, C.M.G., (2) Laurence Fortescue, C. M. G., I.S.O., (3) 23rd June, 1880 1st Jan., 1913 31st Dec, 1912 22nd Aug., 1916 (1) The Comptroller given the rank of Deputy Head, 1st July, 1883. (2) Lieut.-Col. White superannuated, 1st January, 1913; created C.M.G., 26th Jime, 1902; appointed Lieutenant-Colonel, unattached list, 17th May, 1901. (3) Mr. Fortescue created I.S.O.. 30th June. 1905; C.M.G., 3rd June, 1916; superannuated, 23rd August, 1916. 67 Deputy Heads of Departments and Chief Officers. Continued. (1) Director General of Public Health. ' Frederick Montizambert, C.M.G. I.S.O., M.D., (2) 14th Jan., 1899 (1) Under the control of the Minister of Agriculture. (2) Dr. Montizambert created I.S.O., 28th May, 1903; C.M.G.. 3rd June. 1916; he has by statute the rank of Deputy Head. Civil Service Commissioners. Adam Shortt, C. M. G., M. A., LL.D., (1) Michel G. LaRochelle, K. C, B.A., LL.D 1st Sept., 1908 1st Sept., 1908 (1) Dr. Shortt created C.M.G.. 19th June, 1911 . THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, consisting of two members, was constituted by Section 9, of the Civil Service Amendment Act, 1908, 7-8 Edward VII, Chapter 15, assented to 20th July, 1908, which came into force on the 1st September, 1908. Each Commissioner has the rank of a deputy head of a department and holds oflSce during good behaviour, but is removable by the Governor-General on address of the Senate and House of Commons. The Secretary of State is charged with the administration of the said Act, and must lay before Parliament at the commencement of each session a report of the proceedings of the Commission during the preceding year. Dominion Archivists. Douglas Brymner (1) Arthur George Doughty, C.M.G. , (2) 1st July, 1890 16th May, 1904 19th June, 1902 (1) Mr. Brymner died, 19th June, 1902. (2) Mr. Doughty created C.M.G., 9th November, 1905; granted the rank, by statute, of Deputy Head, 12th March, 1912. THE PUBLIC ARCHIVES, under the provisions of the Public Archives Act, 2 George V, Chapter 4, assented to 12th March, 1912, are under the direction of the Minister named for that purpose by the Govemor-in-Council. Since the passing of the said Act the Public Archives have been under the direction of the Secretary of State of Canada; previously they were under the direc- tion of the Minister of Agriculture. 68 Deputy Heads of Departments and Chief Officers. Continued. Assistant to Chairman of the Commission of Conservation. Name From To James White (1) 1st July, 1913 (1) Mr. White, previous to his appointment as Assistant to Chairman, with rank of deputy head, was Secretary to the Commission from 1st October, 1909. The Commission for the Conservation of National Resources, known as "The Commission of Conservation", was constituted by the Act 8-9 Edward VII, Chapter 27, assented to 19th May, 1909. Superintendents of Insurance. William Fitzgerald (1) George D. Finlayson. . 1st Dec, 1885 1st Sept., 1914 31st Aug., 1914 (1) Mr. Fitzgerald superannuated; he held jointly the oflfice of assistant Deputy Minister of Finance and Superintendent of Insurance from 1st December, 1885, to 19th July, 1908, when, by the Act 7-8 Edward VII, Chapter 69, assented to 20th July, 1908, he was granted the rank of a deputy head of a department. The Department of Insurance, over which the Minister of Finance presides, was constituted by Section 37 of the Act 9-10 Edward VII, assented to 4th May, 1910; previously it was a branch of the Department of Finance, and was called "Office of the Superin- tendent of Insurance." (1) Commissioner of Commerce. Richard Grigg (2) 20th Jan., 1912 6th Jan., 1916 (1) The Commissioner of Commerce is under the control of the Minister of Trade and Com- merce, and has, by statute, the rank of deputy head. (2) Mr. Grigg died, 6th January, 1916. General Consulting Engineer to the Dominion Government. Sir Collingwood Schreiber, K.C.M.G., (1) 1st July, 1905 (1) Sir Collingwood Schreiber promoted K.C.M.G., 1st January, 1916. The office of the General Consulting Engineer to the Dominion Government is attached to the Department of Railways and Canals. 69 Deputy Heads of Departments and Chief Officers. Concluded. Chief Commissioner of Police within Canada. Name From To Colonel Sir Arthur Percy Sherwood, K.C.M.G., M.V.O. (1) 1st Nov., 1882 1 (1) Colonel Sir Percy Sherwood appointed Chief Commissioner of Police, 21st August, 1913; Srior thereto his title of office was "Commissioner of Police," created C.M.G., 23th June, 1902; I.V.O., 23rd July. 1908; promoted K.C.M.G., 14th September, 1916. The Chief Commissioner of Police is under the control of the Minister of Justice. 70 Chief Officers in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada. 1896 to 1917. The Civil Service of Canada. The Civil Service is divided into two divisions, namely: The Inside Service, which consists of that part of the public service in or under the several departments of the Executive Gov- ernment of Canada and in the Ofifices of the Auditor-General, the Clerk of the Privy Council, and the Governor-General's Sec- retary, employed at the City of Ottawa, or at the Experimental Farm Station, or the Dominion Astronomical Observatory near Ottawa; and The Outside Service, which consists of the rest of the public service. The Inside Service under the deputy heads is divided, in ac- cordance with the provisions of "The Civil Service Amendment Act," 1908, into three divisions, as follows: — The First Division, which is divided into: — Subdivision A, consisting of officers having the rank of deputy heads but not being deputy heads administering departments, assistant deputy Min- isters, and the principal technical and administrative and execu- tive officers. Subdivision B, consisting of the lesser technical and administrative and executive officers. The Second Division consists of certain other clerks, having technical, administrative, executive, or other duties which are of the same character as, but of less importance and responsibility than those of the first division. This division is divided into sub- divisions A and B. The Third Division consists of the other clerks in the Service, whose duties are copying and routine work, under direct super- vision, of less importance than that of the second division. This division is divided into subdivisions A and B. 71 Chief Officers in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada. — Continued. Department of Agriculture. Assistant Deputy Minister of Agriculture. Name To Lieutenant - Colonel Arthur Leonard Fitzgerald Jarvis, I.S.O., (1) Lieut. -Col. Jarvis is also Secretary of the Department of Agriculture. Secretaries of the Department of Agriculture. {Continued from Page 142, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Henry Beaumont Small (1) Lieutenant - Colonel Arthur Leonard Fitzgerald Jarvis, I.S.O., (2) 1st Jan., 1889 1st Mar., 1896 28th Feb., 1896 (1) Mr. Small superannuated, 1st March, 1896. (2) Lieut.-Col. Jarvis created I.S.O., 30th June, 1905; he is also Assistant Deputy Minister of Agriculture since 1st September, 1908. Deputy Commissioner of Patents. Richard Pope (1) 1st July, 1888 7th Feb., 1897 (1) Mr. Pope died, 7th February, 1897. Since the death of Mr. Pope, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture is also Deputy Commissioner of Patents. Chief of Patent Office. William Joseph Lynch, LS.O., (1^ 1st July, 1897 (1) Mr. Lynch created LS.O., 3rd June. 1913. 72 Chief Officers in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada. — Continued. Department of Agriculture. — Continued. Registrars of Trade Marks and Copyrights. Name From To Josias Barnwall Jackson (1) Philip Embury Ritchie 14th Oct., 1891 1st Jan., 190G 6th Dec, 1905 (1) Mr. Jackson died. 6th December, 1905. Veterinary Directors General. John Gunion Rutherford, C.M.G., (1) Frederick Torrance 19th Apl., 1904 1st Dec, 1912 31st Mar., 1912 (1) Mr. Rutherford was previously, from 1st February, 1902, Chief Veterinary Inspector; he was also, from 1st July, 1906, Live Stock Commissioner; resigned 31st March, 1912; created C.M.G., 24th June. 1910. Directors of Experimental Farms. William Saunders, C.M.G., (1) . . Joseph H. Grisdale 12th Oct., 1886 1st Apl., 1911 31st Mar., 1911 (1) Mr. Saunders retired; created C.M.G., 9th November. 1905; died 13th September, 1914. Commissioner of Agriculture and Dairying. James Wilson Robertson, (1) 1st Feb., 1890 31st Dec, 1904 (1) Mr. Robertson resigned. Dairy and Cold Storage Commissioner. John A. Ruddick , 1st Jan., 1905 73 Chief Officers in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada. — Continued. Department of Agriculture. — Concluded. Seed Commissioner. Name From To George H. Clark 1st Jan., 1905 Live Stock Commissioners. John Gunion Rutherford, C.M.G., (1) John Bright (2) 1st July, 1906 1st Dec, 1912 31st Mar., 1912 22nd April, 1917 (1) Mr. Rutherford resigned; he was also, from 19th April, 1904, Veterinary Director General; created C.M.G.. 24th June. 1910. (2) Mr. Bright died 22nd April, 1917. Auditor General's Office. Chief Officers. (1) Edward Davenport Sutherland, I.S.O., (2) John Gorman Frederick Hayter William Kearns John Warren Reid James Shannon Stevenson 1st Sept., 1st Apl., 1st Apl., 1st Apl., 1st Apl., 1st Apl., 1908 1910 1910 1912 1912 1914 (1) The date given opposite each name is the date of appointment to Subdivision A of the First Division. (2) Mr. Sutherland created I.S.O.. 29th June, 1906. Civil Service Commission. Secretary. William Foran 1st Sept., 1908 The Civil Service Commission, which consists of two members appointed by the Govemor- in-Council, was constituted by The Civil Service Amendment Act, 1908, (7-8 Edward VII, Chap. 15.) which came into force on the 1st September, 1908. 74 Chief Officers in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada. — Continued. Department of Customs. Assistant Commissioners of Customs. Name From To John Bain (1) 1st July, 1903 8th May, 1907 28th Feb., 1907 Robinson Russell Farrow (1) Mr. Bain resigned. Law Clerk. Charles P. Blair. 1st Mar., 1909 Accountants. Robinson Russell Farrow (1) . . . Samuel L. Tilley Frost 1st July, 1895 8th May, 1907 7th May, 1907 (1) Mr. Farrow appointed Assistant Commissioner of Customs. Chief Dominion Appraisers. John R. Ketcheson Bristol (1) John Archibald Watson 1st Sept., 1908 1st Jan., 1913 31st Dec, 1912 (1) Mr. Bristol resigned. 75 Chief Officers in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada. — Continued. Department of External Affairs. Assistant Under Secretary of State for External Affairs. Name From To William Henry Walker, C.M.G., I.S.O., (1) 19th Aug., 1912 (1) Mr. Walker was Chief Clerk of the Department of External Affairs from 1st June, 1909, to 19th August, 1912; created I.S.O., 14th June. 1912; C.M.G., -Ith June, 1917. Legal Adviser. L. C. Christie 15th April, 1913 THE DEPARTMENT OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS was created by the Act 8-9 Edward VII, Chapter 13, assented to 19th May, 1909, which came into force by Proclamation on the Ist June, 1909. Department of Finance. Assistant Deputy Ministers of Finance. William Fitzgerald (1) . . Henry T. Ross, K.C., (2) John Cramp Saunders . . . 1st Dec, 1885 1st Nov., 1900 1st April, 1917 19th July, 1908 31st Mar., 1917 (1) Mr. Fitzgerald also held jointly the office of Superintendent of Insurance and, under the provisions of the Act 7-8 Edward VII, Chapter 69, assented to 20th July, 1908, he was granted the rank of a deputy head of a department; for his further service as Deputy Head and Superin- tendent of Insurance see "Superintendents of Insurance," page 68. (2) Mr. Ross resigned; he was also law clerk of the Department of Finance. Dominion Bookkeepers. Matthew George Dickieson (1) . John Fraser (2) John Cramp Saunders (3) 30th June, 1902 31st July, 1905 31st Mar., 1917 (1) Mr. Dickieson superannuated, 1st July, 1902. (2) Mr. Fraser was previously, from 1st October, 1898, Chief Clerk and Assistant Accountant; appointed Auditor-General, 1st August, 1905. (3) Mr. Saunders was also Chief Accountant of the Department of Finance; appointed Assist- ant Deputy Minister of Finance. 76 Chief Officers in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada. — Continued. Department of Finance. — Concluded. Comptrollers of Dominion Currency. Name From To Lieutenant - Colonel Frederick Toller (1) James Ernest Rourke 1st July, 1881 1st Apl., 1911 31st Dec, 1909 (1) Lleut.-Col. Toller superannuated, 1st January, 1910. The Governor- General's Secretary's Office. Charles Jerome Jones, I.S.O., Chief Clerk Charles Jerome Jones, C. M. C, I. S. O., Assistant Governor- General's Secretary (1) Arthur French Sladen, C. V. O., C. M. G., Deputy of the Governor - General's Secre- tary (2) James Fuidge Crowdy, M. V. O., Chief Clerk, (3) 1st July, 1883 1st Sept., 1908 1st Apl., 1914 1st Apl., 1914 31st Aug., 1908 31st Mar., 1914 (1) Mr. Jones created I.S.O., 28th May, 1903; C.M.G., Ist January, 1914; superannuated, 1st April, 1914. (2) Mr. Sladen is also Private Secretary to H. E. the Governor-General; created C.M.G., 19th June, 1911; C.V.O.. 14th September, 1916. (3) Mr. Crowdy created M.V.O., 14th September, 1916. Department of Inland Revenue. Assistant Deputy Ministers of Inland Revenue. William Himsworth (1) . . . Joseph Ulric Vincent (2) . . George Wilson Taylor (3) 1st Apl., 1911 1st Oct., 1913 1st Oct., 1914 30th Sept. 30th Sept. 1912 1914 (1) Mr. Himsworth was also Secretary of the Department of Inland Revenue from lat July, 1884; appointed Deputy Minister of Inland Revenue, 1st October, 1912. (2) Mr. Vincent appointed Deputy Minister of Inland Revenue, 1st October, 1914. (3) Mr. Taylor was also Secretary of the Department of Inland Revenue, from Ist October, 1913, to 31st March, 1916. 77 Chief Officers in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada. — Continued. Department of Inland Revenue. — Concluded. Secretaries of the Department of Inland Revenue. Name William Himsworth (1) . . . George Wilson Taylor (2) Charles Ludger Catellier. . From 1st July, 1884 1st Oct., 1913 1st Apl., 1916 To 30th Sept., 1912 31st Mar., 1916 (1) Mr. Himsworth was also Assistant Deputy Minister of Inland Revenue from the Ist April, 1911; appointed Deputy Minister of Inland Revenue, Ist October, 1912. (2) Mr. Taylor was also, from Ist October, 1914, Assistant Deputy Minister of Inland Revenue. Chief Accountants. Fabien Ren4 Campeau (1) Joseph Elz6ar Valin (2) . . . 27th July, 1895 1st Dec, 1912 30th Nov., 1912 10th Jan., 1917 (1) Mr. Campeau superannuated. Ist December, 1912; died, 23rd February, 1916. (2) Mr. Valin died, 10th January, 1917. Department of Indian Affairs. Assistant Deputy Superintendent General of Indian Affairs. John Douglas McLean (1) 1st Sept., 1908 (1) Mr. McLean is also Secretary of the Department of Indian Affairs. Secretary of the Department of Indian Affairs. John Douglas McLean (1) 1st July, 1897 (1) Mr. McLean is also, since the Ist September, 1908, Assistant Deputy Superintendent Genersil of Indian Affairs. Accountants. Duncan Campbell Scott, Chief Clerk and Accountant Duncan Campbell Scott, Chief Accountant (1) Fred H. Paget, Chief Accountant 6th July, 1893 1st Sept., 1908 15th Oct., 1913 31st Aug., 1908 10th Oct., 1913 (1) Mr. Scott was also Superintendent of Indian Education from Ist April, 1900; appointed Deputy Superintendent General of Indian ASaira, 11th October, 1913. 78 Chief Officers in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada. — Continued. Department of Indian Affairs. — Concluded. Law Clerks. Name From To Reginald Rimmer (1) 27th June, 1898 16th June, 1909 31st May, 1904 Angus S. Williams (1) Mr. Rimmer resigned. Indian Commissioners. Wemyss McKenzie Simpson, Commissioner (1) Joseph Albert Norbert Provencher, Commissioner (1) Joseph Albert Norbert Provencher, Acting Superintendent, Mani- toba Superintendency (2) . . Molyneux St. John, Superintendent, Manitoba Superintendency Hon. David Laird, Superin tendent, North-West Superin tendency (3) Hon. Edgar Dewdney, Commis sioner (4) Hayter Reed, Commissioner (5), Am6d6e Emmanuel Forget, Commissioner (6) Hon. David Laird, Commissioner (7) 25th Apl., 1871 27th Feb., 1873 28th Feb. 1873 31st Jan., 1876 1st Feb., 1876 9th May, 1878 8th Oct., 1878 12th Feb., 1879 15th Dec, 1876 30th 3rd 26th 4th May, Aug., Oct., Oct., 1879 1888 1895 1898 12th Feb., 1879 2nd Aug., 1888 25th Oct., 1895 3rd Oct., 1898 12th Jan., 1914 By an Order-in-Council of the 16th June, 1873, the establishment of an Advisory Board of three Commissioners, including the Lieutenant-Governor of Manitoba, was authorized; and by a further Order-in-Council of the 9th March, 1874, upon which no action was taken, it was directed that such Board be abolished and the duties assigned to the members thereof be transferred to the North-West Council and two special Commissioners. These Orders-in-Council were rescin- ded from the 1st January, 1876, by Order-in-Council of the 7th December, 1875, which also con- stituted the Manitoba and North-West Superintendencies, under the control of Superintendents and Agents — See note (4) below. (1) Mr. Simpson's resignation accepted by Order-in-Council of 28th February, 1873, which also appointed Mr. Provencher in his stead. (2) Mr. Provencher's services were dispensed with by Order-in-Coundl of 9th May, 1878. (3) Hon. Mr. Laird's reisignation accepted by Order-in-Council of 12th February, 1879; he also held jointly the office of Lieutenant-Governor of the North-West Territories. (4) Hon. Mr. Dewdney was appointed Indian Commissioner by Order-in-Coifticil of 30th May 1879, for that part of the North-West covered by Indian treaties numbered 4, 6 and 7, which was extended by Order-in-Council of 4th February, 1880, to Manitoba, Keewatin and the North- West Territories; he was also Lieutenant-Governor of the North-West Territories from the 3rd December, 1881, to the 3rd July, 1888; appointed Minister of the Interior and Superintend- ent-General of Indian Affairs, 3rd August, 1888. (5) Mr. Reed held jointly the positions of Indian Commissioner and Deputy Superintendent- General of Indian Affairs from the 2nd October, 1893, to the 25th October, 1895. (6) Mr. Forget appointed Lieutenant-Governor of the North-West Territories. (7) Hon. Mr. Laird died, 12th January, 1914, In his Slst year. 79 Chief Officers in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada. — Continued. Department of the Interior. Assistant Deputy Minister of the Interior. Name From To Joseph Arthur Cot6 1st Apl., 1908 ( Secretaries of the Department of the Interior. {Continued from Page 132, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") John Richard Hall (1) . . . Perley George Keyes (2) . Charles Lynwode Pereira, 1st July, 1883 1st Jan., 1900 1st Dec, 1912 31st Dec, 1899 30th Nov., 1912 (1) Mr. Hall euperannuated. Ist January. 1000; died. 2nd June. 1902. (2) Mr. Keyes superannuated, 1st December, 1912; died, 27th May, 1913. Registrars of Dominion Lands Patents. William Morgan Goodeve (1)... Narcisse Omer Cot6, I.S.O., (2) . . 3rd July, 1883 2nd Apl., 1906 31st Mar., 1906 (1) Mr. Goodeve was also, from Ist January. 1885, Chief Clerk of the Land Patents Branch; died 3l8t March, 1906. (2) Mr. Cot6 ia also Controller of the Land Patents Branch; created LS.O., 19th June. IQll. Law Clerk. Thomas Gainsford Rothwell 1st July, 1897 Accountants. William Mills (1) Joseph Achille Pinard (2) Charles Henry Beddoe Charles Henry Beddoe, Superintending Accountant. 25th Aug., 1873 25th Apl., 1883 4th Nov., 1899 1st Sept., 1908 24th Apl., 1883 19th Sept., 1899 31st Aug., 1908 (1) Mr. Mills appointed Clerk in Charge of Ordnance Lands; died 25th February, 189S. (2) Mr. Pinard died 19th September. 1899. 80 Chief Officers in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada. — Continued. Department of the Interior. — Continued. Land Patents Branch. Name From To William Morgan Goodeve, Chief Clerk of Patents (1^ Narcisse Omer Cot6, I.S.O., Controller (2) 1st Jan., 1885 1st Apl., 1906 31st Mar., 190S (1) Mr. Goodeve was also, from 3rd July, 1883, Registrar of DominioQ Lands Patent*; died 31st March, 1906. (2) Mr. Cote is also Registrar of Dominion Lands Patents; created LS.O., 19th June, 1911; his title of office, from 1st April, 1906, to 1st September, 1908. was Chief Clerk of Patents, and from latter date to 25th January, 1913, Chief of Branch. School Lands Branch. Frank Stewart Checkley, L S. O., Controller (1) 1st July, 1904 (1) Mr. Checkley created LS.O., 19th June, 1911; his title of office from 1st July, 1904, to 1st September, 1908, was Chief Clerk, and from latter date to 25th January, 1913, Chief of Branch. (1) Timber and Mines Branch. George Urquhart Clerk (2) Robert Henry Campbell, Clerk (3) Ryley, Chief Chief 1st July, 1898 1st Dec, 1905 31st Oct., 1905 28th Feb., 1907 (1) The Timber and Mines Branch was divided, on the let March, 1907, into two Branches, the Mining Lands Branch and the Timber and Grazing Branch. (2) Mr. Ryley resigned. (3) Mr. Campbell appointed Superintendect of Forestry, 1st March, 1907. (1) Mining Lands Branch. Hugh Howard Rowatt Controller (2) 1st Mar., 1907 (1) The Mining Lands Branch was formerly part of the Timber and Mines Branch, which was divided, on the 1st March, 1907, into two Branches, the Mining Lands Branch and the Timber and Grazing Branch. (2) Mr. Rowatt is also Secretary of the Yukon; his title of office, from 1st March, 1907, to 1st September, 1908, was Chief Clerk, and from latter date to 25th January, 1913, Chief of Branch. 81 Chief Officers in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada. — Continued. Department of the Interior. — Continued. (1) Timber and Grazing Branch. Name From To Brown Lee York, Controller (2) . . 1st Mar., 1907 (1) The Timber and Grazing Branch was formerly part of the Timber and Mines Branch, which was divided, on the 1st March, 1907, into two Branches, the Mining Lands Branch and the Timber and Grazing Branch. (2) Mr. York's title of office prior to 25th January, 1913, was "Chief Clerk." (1) Commissioners of Dominion Lands. Aquila Walsh (2) Henry Hall Smith (3) Alexander Mackinnon Burgess (4) John Gillanders Turriff (5) John Wesley Greenway 4th Feb., 1882 nth Mar., 1885 1st April, 1897 8th July, 1898 23rd Mar., 1904 7th Mar., 1885 31st Mar., 1897 25th Feb., 1898 9th Feb., 1904 (1) The Office of the Commissioner of Dominion Lands was moved from Winnipeg to Ottawa in June, 1897. (21 Mr. Walsh died. 7th March, 1885. (3) Mr. Smith superannuated, 1st April, 1897. (4) Mr. Burgess died, 25th February, 1898. (5) Mr. Turriff resigned. Superintendents of Immigration. Francis Pedley (1) 1st Sept., 1897 30th Jan., 1903 20th Nov., 1902 William Duncan Scott Mr. Pedley appointed Deputy Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs, 21st Novem- ber, 1902. Director of Forestry. Robert Henry Campbell (1) 1st Mar., 1907 (1) Mr. Campbell's title of office was changed from "Superintendent of Forestry" to "Director of Forestry," by the Dominion Forest Reserves and Parks Act, 1-2 George V, Chap. 10, assented to 19th May, 1911. 82 Chief Officers in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada. — Continued. Department of the Interior. — Concluded. Commissioner of Dominion Parks. Name From To James Bernard Harkin 10th Aug., 1911 ~ Surveyor-General of Dominion Lands. Edouard Gaston Daniel Deville, I.S.O., LL.D., (1) 1st Jan., 1885 f (1) Dr. Deville created I.S.O., 3rd June. 1916. Dominion Astronomical Observatory. Chief Astronomer and Superintendent of the Geodetic Survey. William Frederick King, Q.M.G., (1) 1st July, 1890 23rd Apl., 1916 (1) Mr. King was also International Boundary Commissioner, under certain treaties with the United States; created C.M.G., 26th June, 1908; died, 23rd April, 1916. Geographers. John Johnston (1) James White (2) Robert Evans Young (3) . . Joseph Epiphane Chalifour 1st July, 189C 1st July, 1899 1st April, 191G 8th Nov., 1911 12th June, 1898 30th Sept., 1909 25th Oct., 1911 (1) Mr. Johnston died. 12th June. 1898. (2) Mr. White appointed Secretary of the Commission of Conservation, 1st October, 1909. (3) Mr. Young was also Superintendent of Railway Lands; died, 25th October, 1911. 83 Chief Officers in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada.^Continued. Department of Justice. Assistant Deputy Ministers and Secretaries of the Depart- ment of Justice. Name From To Francis Hernaman Gisborne, K.C., Legal Officer and Secretary. . Francis Hernaman Gisborne, K.C., Assistant Deputy Minister and Secretary (1) William Stuart Edwards, Assistant Deputy Minister and Secretary 29th Mar., 1909 21st June, 1912 3rd Feb., 1914 20th June, 1912 7th Oct., 1913 (1) Mr. Gisborne appointed Parliamentary Counsel, 8th October, 1913. Assistant Legal Adviser. John Chisholm 1st Oct., 191S Chief of Remission Branch. Pierre Martial Cot6, LS.O., K.C., (5) 1st Oct., 1913 Legal Officers. Augustus Power, LS.O., K.C., (1 George LevackBowerFraser, LS.O. K.C., (2) Francis Hernaman Gisborne (3) . John Chisholm (4) , Pierre Martial Cote (5) Godfrey H. Pownall, (6) William Stuart Edwards (7) Arthur Beauchesne, K.C., (8) . . . J. Philip Bill Joseph Adolphe Renaud, K.C.. . . 30th Apl., 1912 May, 1909 June, 1912 Sept., 1913 Sept., 1913 June, 1915 Feb., 1914 Feb., 1916 (1) Mr. Power created I.S.O., 28th May, 1903; superannuated, 1st May, 1912; died, Septem- ber. 1912. (2) Mr. Fraser created I.S.O., 29th June, 1906; died, 22nd May, 1909. (3) Mr. Gisborne appointed Secretary of the Department, 2l8t June, 1912. (4) Mr. Chisholm appointed Assistant Legal Adviser. (5) Mr. Cote appointed Chief of Remission Branch; created I.S.O., 31st May, 1917. (6) Mr. Pownall resigned. (7) Mr. Beauchesne appointed Clerk Assistant of the House of Commons, 17tb February, 1916. 84 Chief Officers in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada. — Continued. Department of Justice. — Concluded. Accountant. Name From To James Ephraim Narraway (1) . . . 1st July, 1887 (1) Mr. Narraway is also General Registrar. (1) Inspectors of Penitentiaries. {Continued from Page 137, Volume 1, "1S67 to 1895.") Douglas Stewart George Walker Dawson (2) W. St. P. Hughes 31st Jan., 1895 6th June, 1901 4th Mar., 1913 3rd Mar., 1913 (1) The appointment of two inspectors of Penitentiaries was authorized by the Act 1 Exlward VII, Chap. 43, assented to 23rd May. 1901. (2) Mr. Dawson transferred to the Department of Public Works. Department of Labour. Assistant Deputy Minister of Labour. Gerald H. Brown (1) 22nd Mar., 1909 31st May, 1917 Secretary of the Department of Labour. Frederick Albert Acland (2) 1st Mar., 1907 30th Sept., 1908 (1) Mr. Brown retired, and office of Assistant Deputy Minister of Labour abolished, 1st June, 1917. (2) Mr. Acland appointed Deputy of the Minister of Labour, 1st October, 1908. 85 Chief Officers in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada. — Continued. Department of Militia and Defence. Assistant Deputy Minister of Militia and Defence. Name From To Ernest Frederick Jarvis (1) 1st Sept., 1908 (1) Mr. Jarvis is also, since 28th November, 1904, Secretary of the Militia Council. Secretaries of the Department of Militia and Defence. Major Alphonse Benoit (1) Ernest Frederick Jarvis (2) Lieut. - Col. Charles Louis Panet (3) 1st July, 188f 1st April, 1907 1st Sept. 1908 30th June, 1904 31st Aug., 1908 1908. (1) Major Benoit superannuated, 1st July, 1904. (2) Mr. Jarvis appointed Assistant Deputy Minister of Militia and Defence, 1st September, (3) Mr. Panet granted honorary rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, 29th December, 1914. Accountants. Comewall Herbert O'Meara (1) . John William Borden (2) 1st July, 1881 1st Oct., 1897 30th Sept., 1897 (1) Mr. O'Meara superannuated, 1st October, 1897. (2) Mr. Borden, since the 1st July, 1905, is also Paymaster General of the Militia. Director of Contracts. Harry Whidden Brown 1st July, 1904 86 Chief Officers in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada. — Continued. Department of Militia and Defence. — Concluded. Director of Stores. Name From To Lieutenant - Colonel John Macpherson (1) 25th Apl., 1881 30th Sept., 1897 (1) Lt.-Col. Macpherson superannuated, 1st October, 1897; died, 21st January, 1906. Chief Superintendent of Stores. Colonel Donald Alexander Macdonaid, I.S.O., (1) 8th Nov., 1897 30th June, 1903 (1) Colonel Macdonaid created I.S.O., 28th May, 1903; appointed Director-General of Ordnance, Ist July, 1903. Chief Clerks. Benjamin Suite (1) Ernest Frederick Jarvis (2) 1st July, 1889 1st Jan., 1903 31st Dec, 1902 31st Mar., 1907 (1) Mr. Suite superannuated, 1st January, 1903. (2) Mr. Jarvis appointed Secretary of the Department of Militia and Defence, Ist April, 1907. (1) Department of Marine and Fisheries. Assistant Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries. Cameron Stanton , 1st Apl., 1908 (1) The Fisheries Branch of the Department of Marine and Fisheries and the administra- tion of the fisheries were transferred to the Department of the Naval Service by Order-in-Council of the 16th June, 1914. 87 Chief Officers of the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada. — Continued. Department of Marine and Fisheries. — Continued. Chief Engineer. Name To Lieutenant - Colonel William Patrick Anderson, C. M. G., (1) (1) Lt.-Col. Anderson created C.M.G., 1st January, 1913. Naval Architect. Charles Fraser Munro Duguid (1) 1st April, 1913 (1) Mr. Duguid was transferred from the outside service to the inside service of the Depart- ment of Marine and Fisheries, 1st April, 1916. Commissioner of Lights. John Goodwill MacPhail 1st Apl., 1911 Accountants. Francois Frederic Gourdeau, Chief Clerk and Accountant (1) . . . Alfred Wallace Owen, Chief Clerk and Accountant (2) Alexander Boyle, Chief Accountant 1st July, 1885 8th July, 1896 1st Apl., 1909 30th Apl., 1896 31st Mar., 1909 (1) Mr. Gourdeau appointed Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries, 1st May, 1896. (2) Mr. Owen superannuated, 1st April, 1909. 88 Chief Officers of the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada. — Continued. Department of Marine and Fisheries. — Concluded. Chief Hydrographer. Name From To William James Stewart (1) 2nd Aug., 1904 16th July, 1910 (1) Mr. Stewart transferred to the Department of the Naval Service, 17th July, 1910. Commissioner of Fisheries. Edward Ernest Prince (1) 1st Oct., 1892 16th June, 1914 (1) Mr. Prince transferred to the Department of the Naval Service. (1) The Department of Mines. Director of Mines Branch. Eugene Haanel, Ph.D., (2) 3rd May, 1907 (1) The Department of Mines was created by the Act 6-7 Edward VII, Chapter 29, assented to 27th April, 1907. It consists of two branches, the Mines Branch and the Geological Survey. (2) Dr. Haanel was formerly, from the 5th June, 1901, Superintendent of Mines, under the control of the Minister of the Interior. Directors of the Geological Survey. {Continued from Page 185, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") George Mercer Dawson, C. M. G L.L.D., (1) Robert Bell, I.S.O., L.L.D., Acting Director (2) Albert Peter Low (3) Reginald W. Brock (4) 7th Jan., 1895 5th Mar., 1901 27th Mar., 1906 1st Dec, 1908 2nd Mar., 1901 26th Mar., 1906 2nd May, 1907 31st Dec, 1913 (1) Dr. Dawson created C.M.G., 25th May, 1892; died, 2nd March, 1901. (2) Dr. Bell created I.S.O., 19th February, 1904; appointed Chief Geologist, 27th March. 1906; superannuated, 1st December, 1908; died, 18th June, 1917. (3) Mr. Low appointed Deputy Minister of Mines, 3rd May, 1907. (4) Mr. Brock appointed Deputy Minister of Mines, 1st January, 1914. Dr. Alfred Richard Cecil Selwyn, C.M.G., ex-Director of the Geological Survey, died 18th October, 1902. THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY— Prior to the creation, by the Act 6-7 Edward VII, Chap- ter 29. assented to 27th April, 1907, of the Department of Mines, comprising the Mines Branch and the Geological Survey, the Geological Survey was a separate Department of the Civil Service under the management and control of the Minister of the Interior and the Director had the rank of Deputy Head. (Acts 53 Vict., Chap. 11, 1890, and 55, 56 Vict., Chap. 16, 1892.) S9 Chief Officers of the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada. — Continued. Department of the Naval Service. The Department of the Naval Service was established by the Act 9-10 Edward VII, Chapter 43, assented to 4th May,_ 1910. It is presided over by the Minister of Marine and Fisheries for the time being, who is also t,he Minister of the Naval Service. By Order in Council of the 16th June, 1914, the Fisheries Branch of the Department of Marine and Fisheries and the admin- istration of fisheries were transferred to the Department of the Naval Service. Under the provisions of an Order in Council of the 4th November, 1914, the Deputy Minister of the Naval Service is ex-ofificio Chairman of the Fisheries Advisory Board, authorized by Order in Council of the 21st November, 1912. Hydrographer. Name From To William James Stewart (1) 17th July, 1910 (1) Mr. Stewart was transferred from the Department of Marine and Fisheries to the Depart- ment of the Naval Service. Superintendent of Tidal and Current Surveys. William Bell Dawson (1) 17th July, 191C (1) Mr. Dawson was transferred from.the Department of Marine and Fisheries to the Depart- ment of the Naval Service. Chief Accountant. Louis Joseph Beausoleil 14th July, 191C Commissioner of Fisheries. Edward Ernest Prince (1) 1st Oct., 1892 (1) Mr. Prince was transferred from the Department of Marine and Fisheries to the Depart- ment of the Naval Service, under the provisions of the Order-in-Council of the 16th June, 1914. transferring the Fisheries Branch of the Department of Marine and Fisheries to the Department of the Naval Service. 90 Chief Officers in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada. — Continued. Office of the Comptroller of the Royal North West Mounted Police. Assistant Comptrollers. Nami Laurence Fortescue, I.S.O., (1) . Frederick Charles Hamilton From 1st Sept., 1908 3rd Feb., 1914 To 31st Dec, 1912 (1) Mr. Fortescue created I.S.O., 30th June, 1905; appointed Comptroller and Deputy Head. 1st January, 1913. Post Office Department. Assistant Deputy Postmaster -General. Edmund Herbert Laschinger (1).. Hector Bacon Verret 1st ApL, 1907 1st Jan., 1912 31st Dec. , 1911 (1) Mr. Laschinger resigned. Assistant Deputy Minister. Robert Fowler 1st Oct., 1915 Secretaries of the Post Office Department. {Continued from Page 143, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895: ') William Dawson Le Sueur(l). William Smith, I.S.O., (2) Arthur Wilkinson Throop 1st July, 1888 1st July, 1902 1st April, 1913 30th June, 1902 31st Mar., 1913 (1) Mr. Le Sueur superannuated, 1st July, 1902. (2) Mr. Smith created LS.O., 19th June. 1911; appointed Secretary. Board of Publication, Public Archives. 1st April. 1913. 91 Chief Officers in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada. — Continued. Post Office Department. — Continued. Financial Superintendent. Name From To Washington Joseph Johnstone (1) 1st Apl., 1908 (1) Mr. Johnstone was Accountant of the Post OfiSce Department from 29th September, 1897, to 31st March, 1908. Controller of Postal Stores. Sidney Smith, I.S.O., (1) 1st June, 1882 (1) Mr. Smith created I.S.O., 19th June, 1911; up to the Ist January, 1895, Mr. Smlth'e title of ofifice was "Superintendent of the Printing and Supply Branch." Controller of Railway Mail Service. Bartholomew Mahon Armstrong. 1st Jan., 1897 Superintendents of the Savings Bank Branch. David Matheson (1) William Hague Harrington (2) James H. Fairweather 1st Feb., 1888 28th July, 1899 17th Feb., 1917 30th June, 1899 31st Dec, 1916 (1) Mr. Matheson superannuated, 1st July, 1899. (2) Mr. Harrington superaimuated, Ist January, 1917. 62 Chief Officers in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada. — Continued. Post Office Department. — Continued. Superintendent of the Mail Service Branch. Name From To Arthur Lindsay (1) 1st May, 1891 —Mar., 1902 (1) Mr. Lindsay died, March, 1902. Superintendent of Mail Contract Branch. George Clayton Anderson 20th June, 1902 Superintendent of the Annuities Branch. Samuel T. Bastedo 1st Sept., 1908 (1) Mr. Bastedo was transferred, by Order-in-Council, from the Department of Trade and Commerce to the Post Office Department, from and after the 1st January, 1912. Accountants. William John Barrett (1) Washington Joseph Johnstone (2) William John Glover 1st July, 1895 29th Sept., 1897 1st Apl., 1908 9th Sept., 1897 31st Mar., 1908 (1) Mr. Barrett died, 9th September, 1897. (2) Mr. Johnstone appointed Financial Superintendent. Superintendents of the Dead Letter Branch. Major John Walsh (1) George John Binks . . . 1st July, 1890 1st June, 1905 31st May, 1905 (1) Major Walsh superannuated. 93 Chief Officers in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada. — Continued. Post Office Department. — Concluded. Superintendent of the Rural Mail Delivery Branch. Name From To Archelas Bolduc 1st Apl., 1912 Superintendents of the Postage Stamp Branch. Edmund Patrick Stanton (1) Ernest Joseph Lemaire 1st July, 1895 5th June, 1912 24th May, 1912 (1) Mr. Stanton died, 24th May, 1912. Superintendents of the Money Order Branch. George Frederick Everett (1) . Walter Rowan (2) Francis Eric Sewell Grout. . . . 1st Feb., 1888 .1st Sept., 1903 12th Oct., 1913 31st Aug., 1903 Uth Oct., 1913 (1) Mr. Everett superannuated. (2) Mr. Rowan died, Uth October, 1913. Law Clerks. Elzear L. Fiset (1) Lawrence Stafford . 18th Feb., 1913 1st Oct., 1915 17th Aug., 1914 (1) Mr. Fiset died, 17th August, 1914. 94 Chief Officers in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada. — Continued. Privy Council Office. Assistant Clerks of the King's Privy Council for Canada. (1) {Continued from Page 129, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Name Joseph Pope (2) Henri Guillaume La Mothe (3) Rodolphe Boudreau (4) Francis Kent Bennetts From To 29th Nov., 26th Apl., 1st July, 1889 1897 1900 6th May, 1907 30th Apl., 1896 26th Jan., 1900 5th May, 1907 (1) Up to the demise of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, on the 22nd January, 1901. it was called "The Queen's Privy Council for Canada." (2) Mr. Pope appointed Under Secretary of State, 1st May, 1896; was Acting .Under-Secre- tary of State from 9th March to 30th April. 1896. (3) Mr. La Mothe appointed Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, a7th January, 1900. (4) Mr. Boudreau appointed Clerk of the Privy Council, 6th May, 1907. Secretary for Imperial and Foreign Correspondence. William McKenzie. 21st Apl., 1908 Private Secretaries to the Prime Minister. Private Secretaries to the Right Honourable Sir Wilfrid Laurier, P.C, G.CM.G. Rodolphe Boudreau (1) Ernest Joseph Lemaire. nth July, 1896 6th May, 1907 5th May, 1907 9th Oct., 1911 (1) Mr. Boudreau appointed Clerk of the Privy Council. Private Secretary to the Right Honourable Sir Robert Laird Borden, P.C, G.CM.G. Austen Ernest Blount (1) 10th Oct., 1911 14th Mar., 1917 (1) Mr. Blount appointed Clerk of the Senate, 15tb March. 1917. 95 Chief Officers in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada. — Continued. Department of Public Printing and Stationery. Assistant King's Printers and Assistant Controllers of Stationery. Name From To William McMahon (1) 1st Sept., 1908 1st July, 1915 31st Oct., 1910 Frederick Cook (1) Mr. McMahon superannuated, 1st November, 1910. Accountants. William Gliddon (1) Joseph Gilbert Barrette (2) . . . Joseph Arthur Frigon Joseph Arthur Frigon, Chief Accountant 5th Mar., 1888 6th Feb., 1906 4th Mar., 1907 1st Apl., 1913 31st Dec, 1905 27th Feb., 1907 31st Mar., 1913 (1) Mr. Gliddon superannuated, 1st January, 1906. (2) Mr. Barrette died, 27th February, 1907. Department of Public Works. Assistant Deputy Ministers of Public Works. James Blake Hunter (1) Arthur St. Laurent 6th Jan., 1908 nth Aug., 1908 30th June, 1908 (1) Mr. Hunter appointed Deputy of the Minister of Public Works, Ist July, 1908. 96 Chief Officers in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada. — Continued. Department of Public Works. — Continued. Secretaries of the Department of Public Works. {Continued Jrom Page I4I, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Name Elz^bert Francois Edouard Roy (1) Fr6d6ric G61inas (2) Napoleon Tessier Rodolphe Charles Desrochers .... From 1st Jan., 1891 8th June, 1901 nth Aug., 190c 1st July, 1910 To nst Dec, 1899 2nd July, 1908 3rd June, 1910 (1) Mr. Roy superannuated, 1st January, 1900; died, 18th April, 1906. (2) Mr. G^linas died, 2nd July, 1908. (3) Mr. Tessier died, 3rd June, 1910. Chief Engineers of Public Works. {Continued from Page 145, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Louis Coste (1) Eugene Damase Lafieur. 26th July, 1892 1st Dec, 1904 18th Apl., 1899 (1) Mr. Coste resigned. Consulting Architect. David Ewart, I.S.O., (1) 1st Oct., 1914 (1) Mr. Ewart was Chief Architect of Public Works from 2nd November, 1897, to 30th September. 1914. Chief Architects of Public Works. {Continued from Page 1^6, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Thomas Fuller (1) David Ewart, I.S.O., (2) Edgar Lewis Horwood . . 31st Oct., 1881 2nd Nov., 1897 1st Oct., 1914 30th June, 1897 30th Sept., 1914 (1) Mr. Fuller superannuated, 1st July, 1897; died 28th September. 1898. (2) Mr. Ewart created I.S.O., 19th February, 1904; appointed Consulting Architect, Ist October, 1914. 97 Chief Officers in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada. — Continued. Department of Public Works. — Concluded. Accountants. Name From To Octave Dionne (1) Alfred George Kingston Alfred George Kingston, Accountant and Comptroller 10th Dec, 1879 1st July, 1898 1st Sept., 1908 11th July, 1897 (1) Mr. Dionne died. 11th July. 1897. Superintendent of Government Telegraph Service. David Herbert Keeley 1st Sept., 1908 Lav^^ Clerk. Jude Alfred Chass6 1st Sept., 1908 Department of Railways and Canals. Assistant to the Minister. Graham Airdrie Bell, C.M.G., (i; 1st Jan., 1917 (1) Mr. Bell is also Financial Comptroller of the Department of Railways and Canals; created C.M.G.. 4th June. 1917. Assistant Deputy Minister. Louis Kossuth Jones, I.S.O., (1) 1st ApL, 1912 (1) Mr. Jones was also Secretary of the Department of Railways and Canals, from 1st July, 1897, to 27th November. 1914. 98 Chief Officers in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada. — Continued. Department of Railways and Canals. — Continued. Secretaries of the Department of Railways and Canals. {Continued from Page 143, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Name From To John Hewitt Balderson (1) Lx)uis Kossuth Jones, I.S.O., (2) John William Pugsley 19th Dec, 1892 1st July, 1897 28th Nov., 1914 30th June, 1897 27th Nov., 1914 (1) Mr. Balderson superannuated, 1st July, 1897. (2) Mr. Jones created I.S.O, 29th June, 1906; appointed Assistant Deputy Minister, Ist April, 1912; thereafter he held jointly the office of Assistant Deputy Minister and that of Secre- tary of the Department up to the 27th November, 1914. Chief Engineers of Railways and Canals. CoUingwood Schreiber, C.M.G. (1) Matthew James Butler, C.M.G., . .(2) William Arthur Bowden 30th Nov., 1892 1st July, 190£ 1st Apl., 191C 30th June, 1905 4th Feb., 1910 (1) Mr. Schreiber held this office jointly with that of Deputy Minister of Railways and Canals; created C.M.G., 3rd June, 1893; appointed General Consulting Engineer to the Dominion Government, 1st July, 1905. (2) Mr. Butler resigned; created C.M.G., 25th June, 1909; he was also Deputy Minister of Railways and Canals. Law Clerks. HypoHte Adolphe Fissiault (1) Gerard Godfrey Ruel (2) Hugh Hazen Hansard (3) 1st July, 1884 1st July, 1899 29th Dec, 1903 30th June, 1895 1st Oct., 1903 30th Apl., 1908 (1) Mr. Fissiault superannuated, 1st July, 1895; died, 14th April, 1908. (2) Mr. Ruel resigned. (3) Mr. Hansard resigned. 99 Chief Officers in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada. — Continued. Department of Railways and Canals. — Concluded. Departmental Solicitors. Name Harry Freeman Alward . . . . Eugene Ernest Fairweather. From 1st May, 1908 1st Apl., 1915 To 31st Oct., 19ia Comptroller of Railway Statistics. John Lambert Payne 1st July, 1906 Financial Comptroller. Graham Airdrie Bell, C.M.G., (1) 1st Apl., 1913 (1) Mr. Bell was appointed, by Order-in-Council of the 8th January, 1917, "Assistant to the Minister," to date from the 1st January, 1917; he has since held jointly both offices; created C-M.G.. 4th JuHe, 1917. Accountants. Samuel Leonard Shannon (1) William Caruthers Little . . . . 18th Oct., 1889 7th Dec, 1906 30th Sept., 1906 (1) Mr. Shannon transferred to outside service and appointed Comptroller and Treasurer of Intercolonial Division of Canadian Government Railways. Chief of Correspondence. Frederick Augustus Dixon . 1st July, 1902 100 Chief Officers in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada. — Continued. Department of Trade and Commerce. Chief Assistant and Accountant. Name From To Thomas J. Code (1) 1st Sept., 1908 ' (1) Mr. Code was previously Chief Clerk and Accountant from 1st July, 1905. Chief Officer, Census and Statistics. Archibald Blue (1) 1st Oct., 1905 27th July, 1914 (1) Mr. Blue was transferred from the outside service to the inside service of the Depart- ment of Agriculture, 1st September, 1908; his office transferred from the Department of Agricul- ture to the Department of Trade and Commerce in 1912; he died, 27th July, 1914. Dominion Statistician and Controller of Census. Robert Hamilton Coats (1) 1st July, 1915 (1) Mr. Coats was formerly an officer of the Department of Labour and Editor of the Labour Gazette. Secretary, Census and Statistics. Emery Henri St. Denis (1) 1st Sept., 1908 (1) Mr. St. Denis was transferred from the Department of Agriculture to the Department, of Trade and Commerce in 1912. 101 Chief Officers in the Inside Departmental Division of the Civil Service of Canada. — Concluded. Department of the Secretary of State of Canada. Assistant Under Secretary of State of Canada. Name From To Philippe Pelletier (1) • 25th Jan., 1909 (1) Mr. Pelletier. from Ist March, 1888, to 24th January, 1909, was Chief Clerk of Cor- respondence Branch. Assistant Deputy Registrar General. Ira William Storr (1) 1st Apl., 1912 (1) Mr. Storr, from 1st July, 1905, to 3l3t March, 1912, was Chief Clerk of Registrar's Branch. Chief Clerk and Accountant. Frederick Colson 1st July, 1904 Board of Civil Service Examiners. John Thorburn, M.A., LL. D.. Chairman (1) Alfred Duclos De Celles, C. M. G., Lit. D Peter Le Sueur (2) John C. Glashan, LL.D 24th July, 1882 24th July, 21th July, 21st Sept., 1882 1882 1895 16th May, 1912 31st Mar., 1909 20th Sept., 1895 31st Mar., 1909 (1) Dr. Thorburn died. 16th May, 1912. (2) Mr. Le Sueur died, 14th February, 1896. The Board of Civil Service Examiners, consisting of three members, was constituted by the Canada Civil Service Act, 45 Vict., Chap. 4, assented to 17th May, 1882, which came into force on the 1st July. 1882. (Chap. 16, R.S.C., 1906), for the purpose of examining candidates for admis- sion to the Civil Service, and give certificates of qualification to such persons as were found quali- fied, according to such regulations as were authorized by the Governor-in-Council for the guidance of the Board. The Civil Service Amendment Act, 1908, 7-8 Edward VII, Chap. 15, which came into force on the 1st September, 1908, under which Act the Civil Service Commission was constituted, provided, amongst other things, that "The present Civil Service Examiners shall continue to hold ofifice during pleasure, and shall be under the direction of the Commission." Formerly they were under the supervision of the Secretary of State of Canada. Dr. De Celles and Dr. Glashan terminated their connection with the Civil Service Commis- sion on the 31st March, 1909, and Dr. Thorburn was continued as an Examiner in connection with the Lower Grade examinations until his death on the 16th May, 1912. Chairman of The Commission of Conservation. Hon. Sir Clifford Sifton, K.C.MG 3rd Sept., 1909 The Commission for the Conservation of National Resources, known as "The Commission of Conservation," was constituted by the Act 8-9 Edward VII, Chapter 27, assented to 19th May, 1909. The Chairman of the Commission is appointed by the Governor-in-Council. 102 The International Joint Commission, Canadian Section. The International Joint Commission was established under the Waterways Treaty with the United States of America of the 11th January, 1909. The Act 1-2 George V, Chapter 28, assented to 19th May, 1911, provides that the Governor-in-Council may appropriate annually out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, a certain sum of money toward the payment of the salaries of the Commissioners to be appointed by His Majesty on the recommen- dation of the Governor-in-Council, as well as the salaries of the Secretary and other officers and employees. Chairman. Name Thomas Chase Casgrain, K.C.,(1) Charles Alexander Magrath From 10th Nov., 1911 11th Dec, 1914 To 19th Oct., 1914 (1) Mr. Casgrain appointed a member of the King's Privy Council for Canada and Post- master-General, 20tli October, 1914. Commissioners. Henry A. Powell, K.C Charles A. Magrath (1) . . . . Pierre Basil Mignault, K.C 10th Nov., 1911 10th Nov., 1911 11th Dec, 1914 10th Dec, 1914 (1) Mr. Magrath appointed Cheiirman, 11th December, 1914. Secretary. Lawrence Johnston Burpee 1st Jan., 1912 103 Board of Railway Commissioners for Canada. The Commission, known as the "Board of Railway Com- missioners for Canada," which is a Court of Record, was consti- tuted by Section 8 of The Railway Act, 1903, 3 Edward VII., Chapter 58, assented to 24th October, 1903, which came into force, by Proclamation, on the 1st February, 1904, (Section 10, Chapter 37, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1906,) which was amended by the Act 7-8 Edward VII., Chapter 62, assented to 20th July, 1908. As originally constituted by The Railway Act, 1903, the Board consisted of three Commissioners appointed by the Governor-in- Council, for a period of ten years, but to cease to hold office upon reaching the age of seventy-five years, one of such Commissioners being appointed by the Governor-in-Council, Chief Commissioner, and another of the Commissioners, Deputy Chief Commissioner. Under the provisions of the amendment of 1908, the Board con- sists of six members, one of whom is appointed by the Governor- in-Council, Chief Commissioner, and another of them Assistant Chief Commissioner, and another Deputy Chief Commissioner. The Assistant Chief Commissioner is vested with all the powers of the Chief Commissioner, but such powers may only be exercised by him in the absence of the Chief Commissioner, while the Deputy Chief Commissioner, in case of the absence of the Chief Commis- sioner and the Assistant Chief Commissioner, exercises the powers of the Chief Commissioner for him or in his stead. Each Com- missioner, on the expiration of his term of office, if not disqualified by age, is eligible for reappointment. Chief Commissioners. Name To Hon. Andrew George Blair (1) . . Albert Clements Killam (2) James Pitt Mabee (3) Sir Henry Lumley Drayton, Kt (4) 21st Jan., 1904 7th Feb., 1905 24th Mar., 1908 1st July, 1912 31st Oct., 1904 1st Mar., 1908 6th May, 1912 (1) Hon. Mr. Blair resigned; died, 25th January, 1907. (2) Mr. Killam died, 1st March, 1908. (3> Mr. Mabee died, 6th May, 1912. (4) Sir Henry Drayton knighted, 18th June, 1915. 104 Board of Railway Commissioners for Canada. Concluded. Assistant Chief Commissioner. Name From To D'Arcy Scott 17th Sept., 1908 Deputy Chief Commissioners. Hon. Michel Esdras Bernier (1). . Hon. Wilfrid Bruno Nantel 18th Jan., 1904 20th Oct., 1914 31st Jan., 1914 (1) Hon. Mr. Bemier's term of office expired. Commissioners. James Mills (1) Thomas Greenway (2) . . Simon James McLean. . . Arthur Samuel Goodeve. 18th Jan., 1904 17th Sept., 1908 17th Sept., 1908 4th Apl., 1912 31st Jan., 1914 30th Oct., 1908 (1) Mr. Mills' term of office expired. (2) Mr. Greenway died, 30th October, 1908. Secretary Alexander Dobbs Cartwright, 1st Feb., 1904 Chief Engineer. George Alphonso Mountain . 1st July, 1904 105 The Senate of Canada. Speakers of the Senate. {Continued from page 163, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895. Name From To Hon. John Jones Ross (1) " Sir Charles Alphonse Pantaleon P e 1 1 e t i e r, K.C.M.G. (2) " Lawrence Geoffrey Power (3) " Raoul Dandurand (4) " James Kirkpatrick Kerr (5) " Auguste Charles Philippe Robert Landry (6) " Joseph Bolduc 14th Sept., 1891 13th July, 1896 29th Jan., 9th Jan., 14th Mar., 23rd Oct., 3rd June, 1901 1905 1909 1911 1916 12th July, 1896 28th Jan., 1901 8th Jan., 1905 13th Jan., 1909 22nd Oct., 1911 2nd June, 1916 (1) Hon. Mr. Ross appointed a Member of the Queen'a Privy Council for Canada, 1st May, 1896. (2) Hon. Sir Charles Alphonse Pantaloon Pelletier created C.M.G.. 30th October. 1878; promoted K.C.M.G., 21st May, 1898. (3) Hon. Mr. Power appointed a Member of the King's Privy Council for Canada, 12th January, 1905. (4) Hon. Mr. Dandurand appointed a Member of the King's Privy Council for Canada, 14th January, 1909. (5) Hon. Mr. Kerr appointed a Member of the King's Privy Council for Canada, 6th October, 1911. (6) Hon. Mr. Landry resigned the Speakership. ACTING SPEAKER OF THE SENATE— The Act 57-58 Vict.,Chap. 11, assented to 23rd July, 1894,confirmedby the Act 59 Vict., Chap. 3, U.K., 5th September, 1895, and proclaimed in force from and after the 28th September, 1895, (Chap. 12, R.S.C., 1906), provides for the appointment, by the Speaker, In case of his having to leave the Chair, and by the Senate, in the event of his un- avoidable absence, of any Senator to preside as Speaker until the Speaker resumes the Chair, or another Speaker is appointed by the Governor-General. Clerks of the Senate. {Continued from page 163, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895."] Edouard Joseph Langevin (1) . . . Samuel Edmour Saint Onge Chapleau (2) Austen Ernest Blount 25th Jan., 1883 27th Jan., 1900 15th Mar., 1917 26th Jan., 1900 14th Mar., 1917 (1) Mr. Langevin superannuated, 27th January, 1900; died, 2nd December, 1916. (2) Mr. Chapleau retired, 15th March, 1917. 106 Officers of the Senate. First Clerk Assistants of the Senate. {Continued from page 164, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Name Antoine Alphonse Boucher, I.S.O., (1) Robert William Stephen (2) John Charles Young From 29th Sept., 1891 24th Jan., 1908 6th May, 1914 To 8th Sept., 1907 11th Sept., 1913 (1) Mr. Boucher created I.S.O., 24th June. 1904; died 8th September, 1907. (2) Mr. Stephen died, 11th September. 1913. Law Clerk of the Senate and Parliamentary Counsel. {Continued from page 164, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") James George Aylwin Creighton, C.M.G., K.C 3rd Mar., 1882 (1) Mr. Creighton created C.M.G., 3rd June. 1913. Second Clerk Assistants of the Senate. Alfred E. Evanturel (1) Simeon Lelievre 24th Jan., 1908 13th May, 1909 15th Nov. 1908 (1) Mr. Evanturel died, 15th November, 1908. Gentlemen Ushers of the Black Rod. {Continued from page 164, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Ren6 Edouard Kimber (1) Molyneux St. John (2) . . . . Ernest John Chambers. . . . 4th June, 187£ 31st Jan., 1902 1st Mar., 1904 16th Aug., 1901 30th Jan., 1904 (1) Mr. Kimber died. 16th August, 1901. (2) Mr. St. John died, 30th January, 1904. 107 Officers of the Senate. Sergeant at Arms of the Senate. Name. Juchereau de Saint-Denis Le Moine, I.S.O., (1). . From 9th Feb., 1884 To (1) Mr. Le Moine created I.S.O.. 29th June, 1906. Chaplain to the Senate. {Continued from page 165, Vohtme 1, "1S67 to 1895.'') The Very Reverend John Strut! Lauder (1) 9th Nov., 1883 20th Dec, 1900 (1) Died 20th December, 1900. No successor to the Chaplain to the Senate was appointed, prayers at the beginning of each sitting of the Senate having since been said by the Speaker. 108 Members of the Senate of Canada. Senators for the Province of Ontario. 1896 to 1917. {Continued from pages 165-167, Volume 1, '' 1S67 to 1895.'") Senators Hon. David Reesor. Sir David Lewis Macpherson, K.C.M.G George William Allan . Sir Frank Smith, Kt Robert Read Alexander Vidal Sir Richard William Scott. Kt. Donald Mclnnes John O'Donohoe Donald McMillan George Crawford McKindsey . Sir James Robert Gowan, K.C.M.G Michael Sullivan Francis Clemow Samuel Merner Charles EusSbe Casgrain . ' Lachlan McCallum William Eli Sanford Peter McLaren John Dobson John Ferguson Sir Mackenzie Bowell, K.C.M.G James Cox Aikins Sir John Carling, K.C.M.G Sir Oliver Mowat, G.C.M.G When Summoned 23rd Oct.. 1867 23rd Oct.. 1867 23rd Oct.. 1867 2nd Feb.. 24th Feb.. 15th Jan.. 13th Mar.. 24th Dec. 31st May. 11th Jan., 11th Jan.. 1871 1871 1873 1874 1881 1882 1884 1884 29th Jan.. 1885 29th Jan.. 3rd Feb., 12th Jan.. 12th Jan.. 4th Feb.. 8th Feb.. 21st Feb., 23rd Feb.. 1st Oct.. 5th Dec. 7th Jan.. 23rd April. 15th July. 1885 1885 1887 1887 1887 1887 1890 1892 1892 1892 1896 1896 1896 Remarks Resigned. January. 1901; died. 28th April, 1902. Created K.C.M.G.. Ist August, 1884; Speaker of the Senate, Uth to 15th February, 1880, and from 19th April, 1880, to 16th October. 1883; died. 16th August. 1896. Speaker of the Senate. 17th March, 1888, to 26th April, 1891; died, 24th July, 1901. Knighted, 25th June. 1894; died. 17th January, 1901. Died. 29th June. 1896. Died. 18th November, 1906. Knighted, 26th June. 1909; died. 23rd April. 1913. Died. 2nd December. 1900. Died. 7th December. 1902. Died. 26th July. 1914. Died. 12th February. 1901. Created C. M. G., 3rd June. 1893; pro- moted K.C.M.G., 9th November, 1905; resigned, 25th February, 1907; died, 18th March, 1909. Vacated seat, 29th November, 1912; died, 27th January. 1915. Died, 28th May, 1902. Died, 11th August. 1908. Died. 8th March, 1907. Died, 13th January, 1903. Died, 10th July, 1899. Died, 27th January, 1907. Died, 22nd September, 1896. Created K.C.M.G., 1st January, 1895. Died, 6th August. 1904. Died. 6th November, 1911. Created G.C.M.G.. 22nd June. 1897; sworn Lieutenant - Governor of Ontario, 18th November, 1897; died. 19th April, 1903. 109 Members of the Senate of Canada. — Continued. Senators for the Province of Ontario. — Continued. Senators When Summoned Remarks Hon. David Mills. George Albertus Cox William Kerr, vice Sir Oliver Mowat, G.C.M.G., appointed Lieutenant - Governor of Ontario 13th Nov.. 1896 13th Nov., 1896 George Taylor Fulford, vice Hon. William Eli Sanford, deceased Andrew Trew Wood, vice Hon. Donald Mclnnes, deceased. . . Sir Lyman Melvin Jones, Kt., vice Hon. David Reesor, resigned 15th Mar., 29th Jan. 21st Jan. 1899 1000 1901 George McHugh, vice Hon. Sir Frank Smith. Kt., deceased. . . George Landerkin, vice Hon, George Crawford McKindsey deceased 21st Jan., 1901 21st Jan., 1901 William Gibson, vice Hon, George William Allan, deceased James McMuUen, vice Hon. David Mills, appointed Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada Francis Theodore Frost. James Kirkpatrick Kerr. . Thomas Coffey William Cameron Edwards . 16th Feb., nth Feb., nth Feb., 12th Mar., 12th Mar., 12th Mar., 17th Mar., 1901 1902 1902 1903 1903 1903 " John Henry Wilson, vice Hon George Landerkin, deceased . . The Right Hon. Sir Richard John Cartwright, G.C.M.G., vice Hon. James Cox Aikins, deceased 8th Mar., 1904 Hon. Robert Jaffray " Sir George William Ross, Kt. 30th Sept. 8th Mar., 15th Jan., 1904 1906 1907 Appointed Puisnfi Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada, 8th February. 1902; died, 8th May,1903. Died, 16th January, 1914. Died, 22nd November, 1906. Died, 15th Oct., 1905. Died, 21st January, 1903. Knighted, 6th July, 1911; died 15th April, 1917. Died, 4th October, 1903. Died, 4th May, 1914. Died, 18th March, 1913. Died, 25th August, 1916. Speaker of the Senate, 14th March, 1909, to 22nd October, 1911; ap- pointed a Member of the King's Privy Council for Canada, 6th October, 1911; died, 4th December, 1916. Died, 8th June, 1914. Died. 3rd July, 1912. Died, 24th September, 1912. Died, 16th December, 1914. Knighted, 7th July, 1910; died, 7th March, 1914. 110 Members of the Senate of Canada. — Continued. Senators for the Province of Ontario. — Concluded. Senators When Remarks Su mmoned Hon. Robert Beith 15th Jan., 22nd Nov., 1907 1907 " Napoleon Antoine Belcourt, vice Hon. John Dobson, deceased. " Daniel Derbyshire, vice Sir James Robert Gowan, K.C.M.G., resigned 22nd Nov., 1907 Died, 18th June, 1916. " Archibald Campbell, vice Hon. Charles Eus&be Casgrain, deceased 22nd Nov., 1907 Died, 6th January, 1913. 18th Uth Jan., Nov., 1909 1911 " George Taylor, vice Hon. Sir John Carting. K.C.M.G., deceased " George Gordon, vice Hon. John Henry Wilson, deceased 17th Oct., 1912 " Henry Corby, vice the Right Hon. Sir Richard John Cartwright, G.C.M.G., deceased 17th 2Gth 26th 26th 26th 3rd 3rd 22nd 22nd 22nd 22nd Oct., May, May, May, May, Dec., Dec, Jan., Jan., Jan., Jan., 1912 1913 1913 1913 1913 1915 1915 1917 1917 1917 1917 Died, 23rd April, 1917 " Ernest D'Israeli Smith " Thomas Simpson Sproule " George Lynch Staunton Senators for the Province of Quebec. 1896 to 1917. {Continued from pages 168 to 171, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Hon. Joseph Armand (Repentigny) .... 23rd Oct., 1867 Died, 1st January. 1903. " Jean Baptiste GuSvremont (Sorel) 23rd Oct., 1867 Resigned. 15th June, 1896; died. 5th December, 1896. " Matthew Henry Cochrane, (Wel- lington), vice Hon. John Sewell Sanborn, appointed Puisne Judge of the Superior Court for the Province of Quebec . . . 17th Oct., 1872 Died. 12th August. 1903. " Joseph Hyacinthe Bellerose, (De Lanaudicre), vice Hon. Louis Auguste Olivier, resigned .... 16th Oct., 1873 Died. 13th August. 1899. Ill Members of the Senate of Canada. — Continued. Senators for the Province of Quebec. — Continued. Senators When Summoned Remarks Hon. Sir Charles Alphonse Pantaloon Pelletier, K.C.M.G.. (Grand- ville), vice Hon. Luc Letellier de St. Just, resigned Joseph Rosaire Thibaudeau, (Rigaud), vice Hon. Charles Wilson, deceased Sir Charles EugSne Boucher de Boucherville, K. C. M. G., (Montarville), vice Hon.Louis Lacoste, deceased Alexander Walker Ogilvie (Alma) vice Hon. Edward Goff Penny deceased 2nd Feb., 1877 4th Jan., 1878 12th Feb., 1879 24th Dec, 1881 Created C. M. G., 30th October, 1878; promoted K. C. M. G.. 21st May. 1898. Speaker of the Senate, 13th July, 1896, to 28th January, 1901; resigned, September, 1904; died. 29th April, 1911. Died, 16th June, 1909. Created C. M. G., 26th May, 1894; promoted K. C. M. G., 22nd June, 1914; died. 10th September, 1915. in his 94 th year. Resigned, January, 1901; died, Slst March. 1902. Pierre Antolne De Blois, (La Salle), vice Hon. Hector Fabre appointed Agent - General for Canada in France Joseph Bolduc. (Lauzon), vice Hon. Christian Henry Pozer, deceased Theodore Robitaille, (Gulf), vice Hon. Louis Robitaille, resigned John Jones Ross, (De la Durantaye), vice Hon. Jean Charles Chapais. deceased Evans John Price (Laurentides), vice Hon. James Gibb Ross deceased Sir George Alexander Drummond K. C. M. G.. (Kennebec), vice Hon. Pierre Fortin, deceased . Louis Francois Rodrigue Masson, (Mille Isles), vice Hon. Charles Rodier, deceased 13th Feb., 1883 3rd Oct., 1884 29th Jan., 1885 1 2th April, 1887 1st Dec, 1888 1st Dec, 1888 3rd Feb., 1890 Died. 20th June, 1898. Appointed Speaker of the Senate, 3rd June, 1916. Died, 18th August, 1897. Speaker of the Senate, 14th September, 1891, to 12th July. 1896; died, 4thi May, 1901. Died, 31st August, 1899. Created K. C. M. G., 24th June, 1904; died, 2nd February, 1910. His seat declared vacant, on account of his absence for two successive ses- sions, nth June. 1903; died. 8th November. 1903. Hypolite Montplaisir, (Shawine- gan), vice Hon. James Ferrier deceased 9th Feb., 1891 112 Members of the Senate of Canada. — Continued. Senators for the Province of Quebec. — Continued. Senators When Summoned. Remarks Hon. Auguste Charles Philippe Robert Landry, (Stadacona), vice Hon Pierre Baillargeon, deceased Alphonse Desjardins, (De Lorimier), vice Hon. Alexandre Lacoste, resigned Auguste R6al Angers, (LavalliSre) vice Hon. Anselme Homer Paquet, deceased James O'Brien, (Victoria), vice Hon. Edward Murphy, deceased Joseph Octave Villeneuve, (De Salaberry), vice Hon. Joseph Tass6, deceased William Owens, (Inkerman), vice Sir John Joseph Caldwell Abbott, K.C.M.G., deceased. Sir William Hales Hingston, Kt., (Rougemont), vice Hon. William Henry Chaffers, deceased George Barnard Baker, (Bedford), vice Hon. Gardner Green Stevens, deceased Louis J. Forget, (Sorel), vice Hon. Jean Baptiste Guevremont, resigned Francois Bechard, (DeLorimier), vice Hon. Alphonse Desjardins, resigned Alfred A. Thibaudeau, (La Valliere), vice Hon. Auguste Real Angers, resigned Jean Baptiste Romuald Fiset, (Gulf), vice Hon Theodore Robitaille, deceased 23rd Feb.. 1892 1st Oct., 1892 16th Dec, 1892 2nd Jan., 1896 2nd Jan. 1896 2nd Jan., 1896 2nd Jan., 1896 7th Jan.. 1896 ]5th June, 1896 17th July. 1896 22nd Aug., 1896 20th Oct., 1897 Speaker of the Senate, 23rd October. 1911, to 2nd June, 1916. Resigned, June, 1896; defeated at general election held on 23rd June. 1896; Minister of Militia and Defence, 15th January, 1896, to 30th April, 1896, and of Public Works, 1st May, 1896, to 12th July. 1896; died, 4th June, 1912. Resigned, June, 1896; defeated at general election held on 23rd June, 1896; President of the Privy Council, 1st May, 1896, to 10th July, 1896. Died, 29th May, 1903. Died. 27th June. 1901. Died. 8th June, 1917. Died. 19th February, 1907. Died, 9th February, 1910. Died, 7th April, 1911. Died, 13th April, 1897. Died, 5th January, 1917. 113 Members of the Senate of Canada. — Continued. Senators for the Province of Quebec. — ^Contihued. Senators Hon. Raoul Dandurand, (DeLorimier) vice Hon. Francois Bechard, deceased Joseph Arthur Paquet, (La Salle), vice Hon Pierre Antoine De Blois, deceased Joseph Philippe Baby Casgrain, (De LanaudiSre), vice Hon Joseph Hyacinthe Bellerose deceased Joseph Shehyn, (Laurentides), vice Hon. Evans John Price deceased Robert Mackay, (Alma), vice Hon. Alexander- Walker Ogilvie, resigned When Summoned. 22nd Jan.. 1898 27th June, 1898 29th Jan., 1900 5th Feb., 1900 2l8t Jan.. 1901 Remarks Speaker of the Senate 9th January, 1905, to 13th January, 1909; appointed a Member of the King's Privy Council for Canada, 14th January, 1909. Died, 29th March, 1901. Joseph God bout, (La Salle), vice Hon. Joseph Arthur Paquet deceased 4th April, 1901 Arthur Miville Dechene, (La Durantaye), vice Hon. John Jones Ross, deceased Frederic Ligori Belque, (De Salaberry), vice Hon. Joseph Octave Villeneuve, deceased . . Joseph Hormisdas Legris, (Repentigny) Vice Hon. Joseph Armand, deceased , Jules Tessier, (La Duranlaye), vice Hon. Arthur Miville Dechene deceased Laurent Olivier David, (Mille Isles), vice Hon. Louis Francois Rodtigue Masson whose seat was declared vacant on account of his absence for two successive sessions Henry John Cloran, (Victoria) vice Hon. James O'Brien deceased William Mitchell, (Wellington) vice Hon. Matthew Henry Cochrane, deceased 13th May. 1901 8th Feb., 1902 12th Mar.. 1903 12th Mar.. 1903 19th June. 1903 30th June. 1903 5th Mar.. 1904 Died. 19th December. 1916. Died. 30th April. 1902. 114 Members of the Senate of Canada. — Continued. Senators for the Frovince of Quebec. — Concluded. Senators When Summoned. Remarks Hon. Philippe Auguste Choquette, (Grand ville), vice Sir Charles Alphonse Pantaleon Pelletier K.C.M.G., resigned George Casimir Dessaulles, (Rougemont), vice Hon. Sir William Hales Hingston, Kt., deceased Arthur Boyer, (Rigaud), Hon. Joseph Rosaire Thibaudeau, deceased . . . Louis Lavergne, (Kennebec), vice Hon. Sir George Alexander Drummond, K. C. M. G., deceased Joseph Marcellin Wilson, (Sorel), vice Hon. Louis J. Forget deceased Rufus Henry Pope, (Bedford), vice Hon. George Barnard Baker, deceased 3(Hh Sept., 1904 12th Mar., 1907 28th June, 1909 13th Oct., 1910 3rd May. 1911 14th Nov., 1911 Hon. Charles Philippe Beaubien, (Montarville), vice Hon. Sir Charles Eugene Boucher de Boucherville. K. C. M. G., deceased 3rd Dec, 1915 Senators for the Province of Nova Scotia. 1896 to 1917. {Continued from pages 172 and 173, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895:') Hon. Robert Barry Dickey " William Miller " Alexander Macfarlane, vice Hon. Jonathan McCully, resigned " Henry Adolphus Newman Kaulbach, vice Hon. Caleb R. Bill, deceased 23rd Oct.. 1867 23rd Oct., 1867 10th Oct., 1870 27th Mar, 1872 Died, 14th July. 1903. Speaker of the Senate. 17th October, 1883, to 3rd April, 1887; died. 23rd February, 1912. Died, 13th December, 1898. Died, 8th January, 1896. 115 Members of the Senate of Canada. — Continued. Senators for the Province of Nova Scotia. — Continued. When Summoned. Remarks Hon. Lawrence Geoffrey Power, vice Hon. Sir Edward Kenny wiiose seat was declared vacant William J. Almon, vice Hon. Jeremiah Northup, deceased . Thomas McKay, vice Hon. Archibald Woodbury McLelan resigned 2nd Feb., 1877 15th April, 1879 William McDonald, vice Hon John Bourinot, deceased Clarence Primrose, vice Hon. Robert Patterson Grant, deceased David Mackeen. 24th Dec. 12th May, 28th Nov., 2l3t Feb.. 1881 1884 1892 1896 John Levitt . James William Carmichael, vice Hon. Alexander Macfarlane, deceased 18th Dec, 1896 31st Dec, 1898 Speaker of the Senate, 29th January, 1901, to 8th January, 1905; appointed a Member of the King's Privy Council for Canada, 12th January, 1905. Died, 18th February, 1901. Died, 13th January, 1912. Died, 4th July. 1916. Died, 22nd December, 1902. Appointed Lieutenant - Governor of Nova Scotia, 18th October, 1915; sworn, 22nd October, 1915; died, 13th November, 1916. Charles Edward Church, Hon. William J. Almon, deceased Rufus Curry 8th Feb., 12th Mar., 1902 1903 James Drummond McGregor, vice Hon. James William Carmichael resigned 24th April, 1903 Thomas Reuben Black, vice Hon, Robert Barry Dickey, deceased William Ross Ambroise Hilaire Comeau Eklward Matthew Farrell . . William Roche Adam Carr Bell Nathaniel Curry 10th June, 22nd May, 15th Jan., 12th Jan.. 12th Jan., 23rd Oct., 20th Nov., 1904 1905 1907 1910 1910 1911 1912 Resigned 24th April, 1903; Died. Ist May. 1903. Died, 3rd January, 1906. Seat declared vacant 31st March, 1905, he having neither accepted Qor declined it. Appointed Lieutenant - Governor of Nova Scotia, 18th October, 191U; sworn, 21st October, 1910. Died 14th September, 1905. Died, 17th March, 1912. Died, 29th August. 1911. Died. 30th October. 1912. 116 Members of the Senate of Canada. — Continued. Senators for the Province of Nova Scotia. — Concluded. Senators When Summoned. Remarks Hon. William Benjamin Ross 20th Nov.. 1912 20th Nov., 1912 20th Nov., 1912 20th Nov., 1912 10th Feb., 1916 22nd Jan., 1917 22nd Jan., 1917 " Edward Lavin Girroir " William Dennis " William McKay Died, 8th November, 1915. " John Stewart McLennan Senators for the Province of New Brunswick. 1896 to 1917. {Continued from pages 173 and 174, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Hon. David Wark. Hon. Abner Reld McClelan James Dever, vice Hon. William Todd, who declined the appointment James D. Lewin, vice Hon. John Robertson, deceased Pascal Poirier, vice Hon. William Muirhead, deceased Jabez Bunting Snowball, vice Hon. John Ferguson, deceased George Thomas Baird Josiah Wood, vice Hon. Amos Edwin Botsford, deceased. , Michael Adams . Thomas Temple . George Gerald King, vice Hon. Abner Reid McClelan. appointed Lieutenant-Gover- nor of New Brunswick 23rd Oct., 1867 23rd Oct., 1867 14th Mar., 10th Nov., 9th Mar.. 1st May, 19th June, 5th Aug., 7th Jan., 23rd April, 1868 1876 1885 1891 1895 1895 1896 1896 18th Dec. 1896 Died, 20th August, 1905, in his one hundred and first year; born, 19th February, 1804. Appointed Lieutenant - Governor of New Brunswick, 11th December. 1896. Died. 7th May, 1904. Died, 11th March, 1900. Appointed Lieutenant - Governor of New Brunswick, 5th February, 1902. Died 22nd April, 1917. Appointed Lieutenant - Governor of New Brunswick, 6th March, 1912. Died, 1st January. 1899. Died. 25th August. 1899. 117 Members of the Senate of Canada. — Continued. Senators for the Province of New Brunswick. — Concluded. Senators When Summoned. Remarks Hon. Peter McSweeney, vice Hon. Michael Adams, deceased. . . . " Charles Burpee, vice Hon. Thomas I5th Mar.. 1st Feb.. 2nd April. 3rd Sept., 8th Feb.. 20th April. 15th Jan., 15th Jan., 18th Mar., 26th July, 22nd Jan.. 29th June, 1899 1900 1900 1900 1902 1903 1907 1907 1912 1913 1917 1917 Resigned, 3rd September, 1900. " Arthur Hill Gillmor, vice Hon. James D. Lewin, deceased... " John Valentine Ellis, vice Hon. Charles Burpee, resigned " Frederick Pemberton Thompson, vice Hon. Jabez Bunting Snowball, appointed Lieutenant - Governor of New Died, 13th April, 1903. Died, 10th July. 1913. " James Domville, vice Hon. Arthur Hill Gillmor, deceased " John Costigan Died. 29th September. 1916. " John Waterhouse Daniel, vice Hon. Josiah Wood, appointed Lieutenant - Governor of New " George William Fowler Senators for the Province of Manitoba. 1896 to 1917. {Continued from page 176, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895 r) Hon. John Sutherland 13th 10th Dec. Dec. 1871 1889 His seat declared vacant on acccount " Charles Arkall Boulton. vice Hon. John Christian Schultz, ap- pointed Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Manitoba. . of his absence for two successive sessions. 13th April. 1889; died, 27th April, 1899. Died, 15th May, 1899. " Thomas Alfred Bemier. vice Hon. Marc Amable Girard, deceased 27th Oct.. 1892 Died, 30th December, 1908. " John Nesbitt Kirchhoffer 16th Dec. 1892 Died. 22nd December. 1914. 118 Members of the Senate of Canada. — Continued. Senators for the Province of Manitoba.— Concluded. Senators When Summoned. Remarks Hon. Robert Watson, vice Hon. John Sutherland, whose seat was declared vacant on account of his absence for two successive sessions 29th Jan., 1900 Findlay McNaughton Young, vice Hon. Charles Arkall Boulton, deceased ,30th Jan., 1900 No6 Chevrier, vice Hon. Thomas Alfred Bernier, deceased .... Alphonse Alfred Clement La Riviere, vice Hon. No^ Chevrier, deceased 18th Jan., 1909 23rd Oct., 1911 Died 15th February, 1916. Died, 9th October, 1911. " William Henry Sharpe 10th Feb.. 1916 Senators for the Province of British Columbia. 1896 to 1917. {Continued from page 176, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895:') Hon. William John Macdonald 13th Dec, 1871 Seat declared vacant, 13th April, 1915; died. 25th October, 1916. " Thomas Robert Mclnnes, vice Hon. Francis Clement Cornwall, appointed Lieu- tenant-Governor of British Columbia 24th Dec, 1881 Sworn Lieutenant - Governor of British Columbia, Ist December, 1897. " James Reid, vice Hon. Hugh Nelson, appointed Lieutenant- Governor of British 8th Oct., 1888 Died, 3rd May, 1904. " William Templeman, vice Hon. Thomas Robert Mclnnes, ap- pointed Lieutenant - Governor of British Columbia 18th Nov., 1897 Appointed a member of the King's Privy Council for Canada and of the Cabinet without portfolio, 25th February, 1902; resigned his seat, 1906. " Hewitt Bostock, vice Hon. James Reid, deceased 7th June, 1904 " George Riley, vice Hon. William Templeman, resigned 22nd Mar., 1906 Died, 19th January. 1916. " Lytton Wilmot Shatford 26th June, 1917 " Albert E. Planta 26th June, 1917 119 Members of the Senate of Canada. — Continued. Senators for the Province of Prince Edward Island. 189G to 1917. (Continued from page 175, Volume 1, " 1S67 to 1895.'') Senators When Summoned. Remarks Hon. Samuel Prowse, vice Hon. Jedediah Slason Carvell, resigned 14th Sept., 1889 Andrew Archibald Macdonald, vice Hon. Robert Poore Haythorne, deceased Donald Ferguson, vice Hon. Donald Montgomery, deceased Joseph Octave Arsenault, vice Hon. George William Howlan, appointed Lieutenant-Gover- nor of Prince Edward Island . John Yeo, vice Hon. Joseph Octave Arsenault, deceased James Edwin Robertson, vice Hon. Samuel Prowse, deceased Benjamin C. Prowse, vice Hon. Donald Ferguson, deceased.. Patrick Charles Murphy nth May, 4th Sept., 1891 1893 John McLean, vice Hon. James Edwin Robertson, who vacated his seat 18th Feb., 1895 19th Nov., 1898 8th Feb., 1902 5th May, 1911 20th Nov.. 1913 3rd Dec, 1915 Died, 14th January, 1902. Died, 21st March, 1912. Appointed a member of the King's Privy Council for Canada, and of the Cabinet without portfolio, 21st December, 1894; died, 3rd Septem- ber, 19D9. Died, 14th December, 1897. His seat declared vacant on account of his absence for two successive sessions, 13th April, 1915; died, 19th October, 1915. Senators for the Province of Saskatchewan. (1) Hon. William Dell Perley (1) 3rd Aug.. 1888 Died, 15th July, 1909. " James Hamilton Ross (1) 30th Sept., 1904 " Thomas Osborne Davis (1) 30th Sept.. 1904 Died, 23rd January, 1917. " James Moffat Douglas 8th Mar.. 1906 " Benjamin Prince, vice Hon. William Dell Perley, 29th July, 31st Jan., 1909 1917 " Henry Willoughby Laird (1) The Province of Saskatchewan is represented in the Senate of Canada under the pro- visions of "The Saskatchewan Act," constituting the Province of Saskatchewan, 4-5 Edward VII, Chapter 42, assented to 20th July, 1905, which came into force on the 1st September, 1905. Prior to the latter date Senators Perley, Ross and Davis were, from the dates above given opposite their respective names. Senators for the North West Territories. \ 120 Members of the Senate of Canada. — Concluded. Senators for the Province of Alberta. (1) Senators When Summoned Remarks Hon. Sir James Alexander Lougheed, K.C.M,G., (1) 10th Dec, 8th Mar., 8th Mar., 1889 1906 1906 .Sir James Lougheed was appointed a " Peter Talbot Member of the King's Privy Council for Canada and Minister without portfolio, 10th October, 1911; created K.C.M.G., 3rd June, 1916; he became a Senator for the Pro- vince of Alberta, 1st September, 1905; prior thereto he was a Senator for the North West Territories. " Leverett George De Veber 8th Mar., 2nd May, 1906 1911 Resigned; appointed Commissioner " Am6d6e Emmanuel Forget, vice Hon. Philippe Roy, resigned. General for Canada in France, 1st May, 1911. (1) The Province of Alberta is represented in the Senate of Canada under the provisions of "The Alberta Act," constituting the Province of Alberta, 4-5 Edward VII, Chapter 3, assented to 20th July, 1905, which came into force on the 1st September, 1905. Prior to the latter date Senator Lougheed was, from the 10th December, 1889, a Senator for the North West Territories. Senators for the North West Territories. 1896 to 1917. {Continued from page 177, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Hon. William Dell Perley " James Alexander Lougheed, vice Hon. Richard Hardisty, deceased " James Hamilton Ross " Thomas Osborne Davis 3rd Aug., 1888 10th Dec, 1889 30th Sept., 1904 30th Sept., 1904 See foot-note (1). See foot-note (1). See foot-note (1). See foot-note (1). (1) Upon the Provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan being constituted, the former by "The Alberta Act," 4-5 Edward VII, Chapter 3, and the latter by "The Saskatchewan Act," 4-5 Edward VII, Chapter 42, which Acts were assented to 20th July, 1905, and came into force on the 1st September, 1905, Senator Lougheed became a Senator for the Province of Alberta, and Senators Perley, Ross and Davis became Senators for the Province of Saskatchewan. 121 The House of Commons of Canada. 1896 to 1917. Speakers of the House of Commons. {Continued from page 178, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.'') Hon, Speakers. Peter White, 7th Parha- ment (1) Sir James David Edgar, K.C.M.G., part of 8th Par- Hament (2) Thomas Bain, part of 8th Parliament Louis PhiHppe Brodeur, part of 9th ParHament (3) Napoleon Antoine Belcourt, part of 9th ParHament (4) . . Robert Franklin Sutherland, 10th Parliament (5) Charles Marcil, 11th Parlia- ment (6) Thomas Simpson Sproule, part of 12th Parliament (7) . Albert S^vigny, part of 12th Parliament (8) Edgar N. Rhodes, part of 12th Parliament From 29th Apl., 1891 I9th Aug. 1896 1st Aug., 1899 6th Feb., 1901 lOth Mar. 1904 llth Jan., 1905 20th Jan., 1909 I5th Nov. 1911 12th Jan., 1916 18th Jan., 1917 To 24th Apl., 1896 31st July, 1899 9th Oct., 1900 18th Jan., 1904 29th Sept., 1904 17th Sept., 1908 29th July, 1911 2nd Dec, 1915 7th Jan., 1917 (1) Hon. Mr. White appointed a Member of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada, 24th March. 1897. (2) Sir James David Edgar appointed a Member of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada, 24th March, 1897; created K.C.M.G.. 21st May, 1898; died, 31st July. 1899. (3) Hon. Mr. Brodeur appointed Minister of Inland Revenue, 19th January, 1904. (4) Hon. Mr. Belcourt appointed a Member of the King's Privy Council for Canada, 12th January, 1905. (5) Hon. Mr. Sutherland appointed a Member of the King's Privy Council for Canada, 14th January, 1909. (6) Hon. Mr. Marcil appointed a Member of the King's Privy Council for Canada, 6th October, 1911. (7) Hon. Mr. Sproule summoned to the Senate, 3rd December, 1915. (8) Hon. Mr. Sevigny appointed Minister of Inland Revenue, 8th January, 1917. 122 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. (1) Deputy Speakers of the House of Commons. Name Malachy Bowes Daly, part of 5th Parliament Charles Carroll Colby, part of 6th Parliament (2) John Fisher Wood, part of 6th Parliament Joseph Horace G6d6on Bergeron, 7th Parliament Louis Philippe Brodeur, 8th Par- liament Peter Macdonald, 9th Parliament Charles Marcil, 10th Parliament. Gilbert H. Mclntyre, 11th Par- liament Pierre Edouard Blondin, part of 12th Parliament (3) Albert S^vigny, part of 12th Par- liament (4) Edgar N. Rhodes, part of 12th Parliament (5) Joseph H. Rainville, part of 12th Parliament From To 10th Feb., 1885 15th Jan., 1887 11th May 1887 27th Nov. 1889 21st Jan., 1890 3rd Feb., 1891 22nd May 1891 24th Apl., 1896 27th Aug., 11th Feb., 16th Jan., 1896 1901 1905 9th Oct., 29th Sept. 17th Sept. 1900 1904 1908 25th Jan., 1909 29th July, 1911 29th Nov., 1911 19th Oct., 1914 9th Feb., 1915 12th Jan., 1916 3rd Feb., 1916 18th Jan., 1917 1st Feb., 1917 (1) DEPUTY SPEAKER— By Resolution of the House of Commons of the 10th February, 1885, the member who is elected Chairman of Committees at the commencement of every Parlia- ment acts in that capacity until the end of the Parliament for which he is elected, and he is also Deputy Speaker for the same period. In the event of a vacancy occurring by death, resigna- tion or otherwise, the House elect a successor. The duties and powers of the Deputy Speaker are defined in the Act 48-49 Vict., Chap. 1, assented to 1st May, 188.5, (Chap. 14, R.S.C., 1886; Chap. 13, R.S.C., 1906.) Prior to that time there was no Deputy Speaker, but under the Act 31 Vict., Chap. 2, whenever the Speaker was obliged to leave the Chair he called upon a mem- ber to take his place for the time being. (2) Mr. Colby appointed a Member of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada and Presi- dent of the Privy Council, 28th November, 1889. (3) Mr. Blondin appointed a Member of the King's Privy Council for Canada and Min- ister of Inland Revenue, 20th October, 1914. (4) Mr. S6vigny elected Speaker of the House of Commons, 12th January, 1916. (6) Mr. Rhodes elected Speaker of the House of Commons, 18th January, 1017. 123 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Clerks of the House of Commons. (Continued from page 178, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895/') Name From To Sir John George Bourinot, K.C.M.G. (1) 1st Dec, 1880 11th Nov., 1902 13th Oct., 1902 Thomas Barnard Flint (1) Sir John George Bourinot, created C.M.G., 1st January, 1890; promoted K.C.M.G. 21st May, 1898; died, 13th October, 1902. Assistant Clerks of the House of Commons. {Continued from page 179, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.'") Frangois Fortunat Rouleau (1). . Jean-Baptiste Rene Laplante (2) Arthur Beauchesne 1st June, 1882 22nd Mar., 1897 17th Feb., 1916 21st Mar., 1897 3rd Feb., 1916 (1) Mr. Rouleau superannuated, 22nd March, 1897; died, 16th December, 1907. (2) Mr. Laplante died 3rd February, 1916; he perished in the fire which destroyed the Parliament Buildings, on the 3rd February, 1916. Sergeant-at-Arms. {Continued from page 180, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895 r) Lieutenant - Colonel Henry Robert Smith, C.M.G., I.S.O. (1).. 13th Jan., 1892 (1) Lieut.-Col. Smith created C.M.G., 2nd January. 1911; I.S.O., 19th February, 1904. Deputy Sergeant-at-Arms. Major William Henry Bowie. . . 1st July, 1892 124 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Law Clerks. (Continued from page 179, Vohme 1, "1867 to 1895:') Name Frederick Augustus McCord (1^ Arthur Henry O'Brien (2) From 26th «Nov., 189C 31st Aug., 1908 To 23rd July, 1908 30th June, 1913 (1) Mr. McCord died, 23rd July, 1908. (2) Mr. O'Brien superannuated, 1st July, 1913. Parliamentary Counsel. Francis Hernaman Gisborne, I.S.O., K.C. (1) 8th Oct., 1913 (1) Mr. Gisborne has the rank of Deputy Head; created I.S.O., 2nd June, 1915. Chief Clerks of Journals, Votes and Proceedings and Orders. English Section. William Cochrane Bowles, I.S.O. (1) Robert Powney King 1st Tan., 1888 1st April, 1915 31st Mar., 1915 (1) Mr. Bowles superannuated; created I.S.O., 3rd June, 1913. French Section. Joseph Raoul Ephrem Chapleau. 1st Jan., 1887 Chief Translators. Toussaint G6deon Coursolles (1) Achille Frechette, I.S.O. (2). . . . Louis Laframboise (3) D. L. D^saulniers 1st Tuly, 1885 1st July, 1903 1st Nov., 1910 1st Feb., 1917 30th June, 1903 31st Oct., 1910 31st Jan., 1917 (1) Mr. Coursolles superannuated, 1st July, 1903; died, 10th September, 1904. (2) Mr. Frechette created I.S.O., 24th June, 1910; superannuated, 1st November, 1910. (3) Mr. Laframboise superannuated, 1st February, 1917. 125 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Accountants. Name From To David Cleveland Chamberlain (1; Douglas Winder Cameron 12th Dec, 1892 1st Oct., 1915 30th Sept., 1915 (1) Mr. Cleveland superannuated, 1st October, 1915; died, 19th April, 1916. Clerks of the Crown in Chancery for Canada. {Continued from page 138, Volume 1, "1867 to 1896.") Samuel Edmour St. Onge ' Chapleau (1) Henri Guillaume LaMothe (2) . James G. Foley 26th Dec, 1887 27th Jan., 190C 21st April, 1908 26th Jan., 1900 8th April, 1908 (1) Mr. Chapleau appointed Clerk of the Senate, 27th January, 1900. (2) Mr. Lamothe died, 8th April. 1908. The office of the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery was transferred from the Privy Council Office to the House of Commons by Order in Council dated 21st April, 1908. Librarians of Parliament. (Continued from page 180, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.'') Alfred Duclos De Celles, C.M.G., General Librarian (1) Martin Joseph Griffin, C.M.G., Parliamentary Librarian (2) 6th Aug., 1886 6th Aug., 1885 (1) Mr. DeCelles has the rank of Deputy Head; created C.M.G., 28th June. 1907. (2) Mr. Griffin has the rank of Deputy Head; created C.M.G., 28th June, 1907, 126 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. By-Elections held during the latter part of the Seventh Parliament. (25th April, 1891, to 24th April, 1896.) (Continued from pages 285 to 294, Volume 1, ''1867 to 1895.'') Province of Ontario. Constituency Name of Member Date of Election Cardwell W. Stubbs, vice R. S. White resigned 24th Dec, 1895 Grey, N.R. Huron, W.R. James Masson appointed judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, 6th April, 1896 M. C. Cameron, vice Hon. J. C. Patterson appointed Lieuten- ant-Governor of the Province of Manitoba 14th Jan., 1896 12th Dec, 1895 London Ontario, N.R. Toronto, West Sir John Carling summoned to the Senate, 23rd April, 1896. J. A. McGillivray, vice Frank Madill, who died 25th October, 1895 F. C. Denison, C.M.G., died 15th April, 1896 Province of Quebec. Bellechasse . Charlevoix G. Amyot died 30th March, 1896 L. C. A. Angers, vice H. Simard, who died 6th November, 1895 27th Jan., 1898 127 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. By-Elections held during the latter part of the Seventh Parh'ament.— Continued. Province of Quebec. — Concluded. Constituency Name of Member Date of Election Jacques-Cartier Napoleon Charbonneau, vice Hon. D. Girouard, appointed Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada 30th Nov., 1895 Missisquoi Montreal, Centre Pontiac G. B. Baker summoned to the Senate, 7th January, 1896. . . James McShane, vice Hon. J.J. Curran, appointed Puisne Judge of the Superior Court for the Province of Quebec. . John Bryson died, 19th January, 1896 27th Dec, 1895 Soulanges J. W. Bain apt)ointed Post Office Inspector of the Montreal Postal Division, 7th January, 1896 Province of Nova Scotia. Cape Breton M'r Charles Tupper, Bart., G.C.M.G., C.B., Secretary ot State of Canada, vice D. MacKeen, resigned, and subsequently summoned tc the Senate 4th Feb., 1896 Province of New Brunswick. Northumberland York James Robinson, vice Hon. Michael Adams, summoned to the Senate T. Temple summoned to the Senate, 23rd April, 1896 6th Feb.. 1896 128 ^ The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. By-Elections held during the latter part of the Seventh Parliament.— Concluded. Province of British Columbia. Constituency Name of Member Date of Election Victoria Hon. E. G. Prior, re-elected after his acceptance of the office of Controller of Inland Revenue 6th Jan., 1896 129 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned at General Election held on the 23rd June, 1896, to serve in the Eighth Parliament. (13th July, 1896, to 9th October, 1900.) Province of Ontario Constituencies. Addington Algoma (1) Bothwell ♦Brant, S. R B4- M D See "Wentworth and Brant, rant, In. K. n.r." *Brockville Bruce, E. R Bruce, N. R Bruce, W. R Cardwell Carleton ♦Cornwall and Stormont Dundas Durham, E. R Durham, W. R Elgin, E. R Elgin, W. R Essex, N.R Essex, S. R Frontenac (2) Glengarry Grenville, S. R Grey, E. R ♦Grey, N. R Members Returned. John William Bell Albert Edward Dyment James Clancy Robert Henry Hon. John Fisher Wood Henry Cargill Alexander McNeill John Tolmie William Stubbs William Thomas Hodgins Darby Bergin Andrew Broder Thomas Dixon Craig Robert Beith Andrew B. Ingram George Elliott Casey William McGregor Vlahlon K. Cowan David D. Rogers Roderick R. McLennan John Dowsley Reid Thomas Simpson Sproule John Clark * See also By-Elections, page 138. (1) The election for Algoma took place on the 30th June, 1896. (2) Mr. Rogers elected by acclamation, 16th June, 1896. 10 130 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Eighth Parliament. Continued. Province of Ontario. — Continued. Constituencies. Grey, S. R Haldimand and Monck. . . Halton Hamilton Hamilton Hastings, E. R Hastings, N. R Hastings, W. R Huron, E. R Huron, S. R *Huron, W. R Kent Kingston Lambton, E. R *Lambton, W. R Lanark, N. R Lanark, S. R Leeds and Grenville, N. R. Leeds, S. R Lennox Lincoln and Niagara London, City Middlesex, E. R Middlesex, S. R Middlesex, N. R Middlesex, W. R Muskoka and Parry Sound Nipissing Norfolk, N. W Norfolk, S. R Northumberland, E. R.. . . Members Returned. George Landerkin Hon. Walter Humphries Montague David Henderson Thomas Henry MacPherson Andrew Trew Wood Jeremiah M. Hurley Alexander W. Carscallen Henry Corby Peter Macdonald John McMillan Malcolm Colin Cameron Archibald Campbell Byron Moffat Britton John Eraser James Frederick Lister Bennett Rosamond Hon. John Graham Haggart Francis Theodore Frost George Taylor Uriah Wilson William Gibson Thomas Beattie James Gilmour Malcolm McGugan Valentine Ratz William Samuel Calvert George McCormick James Bell Klock John Charlton Hon. David Tisdale Edward Cochrane • See also By-Electioas, page 138. 131 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Eighth Parliament. Continued. Province of Ontario. — Continued. Constituencies Members Returned Northumberland, W. R George Guillet ♦Ontario, N. R Ontario, S. R ♦Ontario, W. R Ottawa, City John Alexander McGillivray Leonard Burnett James David Edgar. (1) Napoleon Antoine Belcourt Ottawa, City William Hutchison Oxford, N. R James Sutherland ♦Oxford, S. R Hon. Sir Richard John Peel Cartwright, K.C.M.G. Joseph Featherston Perth, N. R Alexander Ferguson MacLaren Oilman Kinsey Erb John Lang Perth, S. R Peterborough, E. R Peterborough, W. R James Kendry Prescott Isidore Proulx Prince Edward William Varney Pettet Renfrew, N. R Thomas Mackie Renfrew, S. R John Ferguson Russell William Cameron Edwards ♦Simcoe, E. R William Humphrey Bennett ♦Simcoe, N. R D'Alton McCarthy Simcoe, S. R .... Richard Tyrwhitt ♦Toronto, Centre William Lount Toronto, East John Ross Robertson Toronto, West Edward F. Clarke Toronto, West Edmund Boyd Osier Victoria, N. R. . . Samuel Hughes Victoria, S. R George McHugh (1) Mr. Edgar selected Speaker, 19th August, 1896, * See also By-Elections. pages 138 and 1S9. 132 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Eighth Parliament. Continued. Province of Ontario. — Concluded. Constituencies Members Returned Waterloo, N. R Waterloo, S. R Welland Wellington, C. R Wellington, N. R Wellington, S. R Wentworth and Brant, N. R Wentworth, S. R. York, E. R *York, N.R York, W. R Joseph E. Seagram James Livingston William McCleary Andrew Semple James McMullen Christian Kloepfer James Somerville Thomas Bain (1) William Findlay Maclean William Mulock Nathaniel Clarke Wallace (1) Mr. Bain elected Speaker. 1st August, 1899. * See also By-Elections, page 139. Province of Quebec. Argenteuil *Bagot Beauce Beauharnois Bellechasse *Berthier *Bonaventure *Brome *Chambly and Vercheres *Champlain Thomas Christie Flavien Dupont (1) Joseph Godbout Joseph Gideon Horace Bergeron Onesiphore Ernest Talbot Cleophas Beausoleil (2) William LeBouthillier Fauvel Sydney Arthur Fisher Christophe Alphonse Geoffrion Frangois Arthur Marcotte (1) Mr. Dupont elected by acclamation, 16th June, 1896. (2) Mr. Beausoleil elected by acclamation, 16th June, 1896. •See also By-Elections, pages 139 and 140. 133 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Eighth Parliament. Continued. Province of Quebec. — Continued. Constituencies Members Returned Charlevoix Chateauguay Chicoutimi and Saguenay. . . Compton Dorchester *Drummond and Arthabaska. Gasp6 Hochelaga Huntingdon. . . . Jacques-Cartier. Joliette Kamouraska . . . *Labelle Laprairie and Napierville. L'Assomption Laval *Levis L'Islet *Lotbiniere Maisonneuve Maskinong^ M4g^ntic Missisquoi Montcalm *Montmagny Montmorency Montreal, St. Anne Montreal, St. Antoine. . . Montreal, St. James Montreal, St. Lawrence.. Montreal, St. Mary Louis Charles Alphonse Angers James Pollock Brown Paul Vilmond Savard Rufus Henry Pope Jean Bapti^te Morin Joseph Lavergne Rodolphe Lemieux Joseph Alexandre Camille M adore Julius Scriver Frederick D. Monk Charles Bazinet Henry George Carroll Joseph Henri Napoleon Bourassa Dominique Monet Joseph Gauthier Thomas Fortin Pierre Malcolm Guay Arthur Miville Dechene Come Isaie Rinfret Raymond Pr^fontaine Joseph Hormisdas Legris Georges Turcot Darliel Bishop Meigs Louis Euclide Dugas Philippe Auguste Choquette Thomas Chase Casgrain Michael Joseph Francis Quinn Thomas George Roddick Odilon Desmarais Edward Goff Penny Hercule Dupre ♦ See also By-Elections, page 140. 134 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Eighth Parliament. Continued. ■ Province of Quebec. — Concluded. Constituencies *Nicolet Pontiac *Portneuf *Quebec, Centre *Quebec, East Quebec, West *Quebec County Richelieu Richmond and Wolfe *Rimouski Rouville *St. Hyacinthe *St. John's and Iberville Shefford *Sherbrooke, Town Soulanges Stanstead *T4miscouata Terrebonne Three Rivers and St. Maurice Two Mountains Vaudreuil ♦Wright Yamaska Members Returned Fabien Boisvert William Joseph Poupore Sir Henri Gustave Joly de Lot- bini^re, K.C.M.G. Francois Langelier Hon. Wilfrid Laurier Richard Reid Dobell Charles Fitzpatrick Arthur Aim^ Bruneau Michael Thomas Stenson Jean Baptiste Romuald Fiset Louis Philippe Brodeur (1) Michel Esdras Bernier (2) Francois B^chard Charles Henry Parmalee Hon. William Bullock Ives Augustin Bourbonnais Alvan Head Moore Charles Eugene Pouliot L6on Adolphe Chauvin Hon. Sir Joseph Philippe Ren6 Adolphe Caron, K.C.M.G. Joseph Arthur Calixte Ethier Henry Stanislaus Harwood Charles Ramsay Devlin Roch Moise Samuel Mignault (1) Mr. Brodeur elected Deputy Speaker, 27th August, 1896. (2) Mr. Bernier elected by acclamation, 16th June, 1896. * See also By-ElecUons, pages 141 and 142. 135 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Eighth Parliament. Continued. Province of Nova Scotia. Constituencies ^ Members Returned Annapolis Antigonish John B. Mills Colin F. Mclsaac Cape Breton Cape Breton Hon. Sir Charles Tupper, Bart., G.C.M.G., C.B. Hector F. McDougall VVilbert D. Dimock Hance J. Logan Albert J. S. Copp Duncan C. Fraser Robert L. Borden *Colchester Cumberland Digby Guysborough Halifax Halifax .... Benjamin Russell Hants Allen Haley Inverness Angus McLennan ♦King's Frederick William Borden Lunenburg Charles Edwin Kaulbach Pictou Hon. Sir Charles Hibbert Pictou Tupper, K.C.M.G. Adam C. Bell Joseph A. Gillies *Shelburne and Queen's Victoria Francis Gordon Forbes John L. Bethune Yarmouth Thomas Barnard Flint * S«« also By-Electioni, page 143. Province of New Brimswick. Albert.. . Carleton . William James Lewis Frederick Harding Hale 136 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Eighth Parliament. Continued. Province of New Brunswick. — Concluded. Constituencies Members Returned Charlotte Gilbert White Ganong rheotime Blanchard Gloucester Kent .. George Valentine Mclnerney fames Domville King's Northumberland fames Robinson Restigouche fohn McAlister St. John, City John Valentine Ellis St. John, City and County *Sunbury and Queen's foseph John Tucker George Gerald King Hon. John Costigan Henry A. Powell Hon. George Eulas Foster Victoria Westmoreland York * See also By-Elections, page 143. Province of Prince Edward Island. King's County *Prince County, E. R.. *Prince County, W.R.. Queen's County, E.R. *Queen's County, W.R Augustine Colin Macdonald John Yeo Edward Hackett Alexander Martin Louis Henry Davies ♦ See also By-Elections, page 143. Province of Manitoba. *Brandon Lisgar *Macdonald Marquette Provencher Selkirk *Winnipeg , * See also By-Elections, page 144. D'Alton McCarthy Robert Lome Richardson Nathaniel Boyd William James Roche Alphonse A. C. LaRiviere John Alexander Macdonell Hon. Hugh John Macdonald 137 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to Serve in the Eighth Parliament. Concluded. Province of British Columbia. Constituencies Members Returned Burrard George Ritchie Maxwell Aulay Morrison William Wallace Burns Mclnnes New Westminster *Vancouver Victoria Thomas Earle Victoria Hon Edward Gawler Prior Yale and Cariboo Hewitt Bostock • See also By-Election3, page 144. North-West Territories. Alberta Assiniboia, E R. . Assiniboia W. R. *Saskatchewan . . . Frank Oliver James Moffat Douglas Nicholas Flood Davin Hon. Wilfrid Laurier ♦ See also By- Elections, page 144. 138 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. By-Elections held during the Eighth Parliament. (13th July, 1896, to 9th October, 1900.) Province of Ontario. Constituency. Brant, S. R. Brockville. . Cornwall and Stormont. . . Grey, N. R Huron, W. R... Lambton, W. R. Ontario, N. R. . . Ontario, W. R.. . Oxford, S. R.. . . Name of Member. 4th Charles Bernhard Heyd, vice Robert Henry, whose election was declared void . William Henry Comstock, vice Hon. John Fisher Wood, who died 14th March, 1899i20th John Goodall Snetsinger, vice Dr. Bergin, who died 22nd October, 1896 Hon. William Paterson, Con- troller of Customs, vice John Clark, who died 27th July, 1896. Robert Holmes, vice Malcolm Colin Cameron, appointed Lieut. - Governor of the North-West Territories. . . Thom.as George Johnston, vice Frederick Lister, appointed Judge of the Court of Appeal for Ontario Duncan Graham, vice John Alexander McGillivray, election was declared void . Isaac James Gould, elected by acclamation, vice Sir Jamee David Edgar, who died 31st July, 1899 . Sir Richard John Cartwright. re-elected by acclamation after his acceptance of the office of Minister of Trade and Commerce Date of Election 19th 25th 21st 14th 4th Feb., Apl., Dec, Aug., Jan., Dec, Feb., 1897 1899 1896 1896 1899 1898 1897 18th Jan., 1900 30th July, 1896 139 The House of Cotnmons of Canada. — Continued. By-Elections held during the Eighth Parliament. Province of Ontario. — Concluded. Constituency. Name of Member. Date ofEl( action Simcoe, E. R William Humphrey Bennett, re- elected, former election having been declared void . 4th Feb., 1897 Simcoe, N. R Leighton Goldie McCarthy, vice D'Alton McCarthy, who died 11th May, 1898 14th Dec, 1898 Toronto, Centre. . George Hope Bertram, vice William Lount, resigned. . . 30th Nov. 1897 York, N. R Hon. William Mulock, re- elected by acclamation after his acceptance of the office of Postmaster General .... 30th July, 1896 Province of Quebec. Joseph Edmond Marcil, vice Flavien Dupont, who died 12th March, 1898 Joseph Eloi Archambault, elected by acclamation, vice Cl^ophas Beausoleil, appointed Postmaster at Montreal Jean Francois Guit6, vice William Le Bouthillier Fauvel, who died 8th February, 1897 Hon. Sydney Arthur Fisher, re-elected by acclamation after his acceptance of the office of Minister of Agriculture Bagot Berthier. . . . Bonaventure Brome 14th Dec, 1898 18th Jan., 1900 17th Mar., 1897 30th July, 1896 140 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. By-Elections held during the Eighth ParHament. Continued. Province of Quebec. — Continued. Constituency Name of Member Date of Election Chambly and Vercheres. . . . Victor Geoffrion, elected b) acclamation, vice Hon Christophe Alphonst Geoffrion, who died 18tl July, 1899 18th Jan., 1900 Champlain Francois Arthur Marcotte, re-elected, the former elec- tion having been declared 7th April 1897 Drummond and void. Arthabaska . . Louis Lavergne, vice Joseph Lavergne, appointed Judge of the Superior Court foi the Province of Quebec. . . 13th Nov., 1897 Labelle Henri Bourassa, re-elected b> acclamation, he having re- signed his seat 18th Jan., 1900 Levis Louis Julien Demers, elected b> acclamation, vice Pierre Malcolm Guay, who died 19th February, 1899 22nd Mar. 1899 Lotbini^re Edmond Fortier, vice C. L Rinfret, who accepted an office of emolument under the Crown 25th Jan., 1900 Montmagny Pierre Raymond Leonard Martineau, vice Philippe Auguste Choquette, ap- pointed Puisn6 Judge of the Superior Court for the Province of Quebec 14th Dec, 1898 141 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. By-Elections held during the Eighth Parliament. Continued. Province of Quebec. — Continued. Constituency Nicolet Portneuf Quebec, Centre Quebec County Quebec, East Rimouski St. Hyacinthe I\an-e of Member Joseph Hector Leduc, vice Fabien Eoisvert, who died 12th November, 1897 . . . Sir Henri Gustave Joly de Lotbiniere, re-elected b> acclamation, after his acceptance of the ofifice of Controller of Inland Revenue Albert Malouin elected b> acclamation, vice Francois Langelier, appointed Puisne Judge of the Superior Court for the Province of Quebec Hon. Charles Fitzpatrick, re-elected by acclamiation after his acceptance of tht ofifice of Solicitor General. Hon. Wilfrid Laurier, re-electeC by acclamation, after hit acceptance of the office oi Premier and President of the Privy Council Jean Auguste Ross, elected b} acclamation, vice Jear Baptiste Romuald Fiset summoned to the Senate. . Hon. Michel Esdras Bernier. re-elected by acclamation, after his acceptance of the ofifice of Minister of Inlanc" Revenue Date of Election 21st Dec, 1897 30th July, 1896 24th 30th Jan., July, 1898 1896 30th July, 1896 6th Nov., 1897 4th July, 1900 142 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. By-EIections held during the Eighth Farliament. Continued. Province of Quehec.- — Concluded. Constituency St. John's and Iberville . Sherbrooke, Town T6miscouata Wright Name of Member Hon. Joseph Israel Tarte, Minister of Public Works vice Francois B^chard summoned to the Senate. . John Mcintosh, vice Hon William Bullock Ives, whc died 15th July, 1899 Charles Auguste Gauvreau elected by acclamation, vict Charles Eugene Pouliot who died 24th June, 1897. Louis Napoleon Champagne, vice Charles R. Devlin, appointed Immigration Agent Date of Election « 3rd Aug., 1896 25th Jan., 1900 6th Nov., 1897 23rd Mar., 1897 Province of Nova Scotia. Colchester Firman McClure, vice Wilbert D. Dimock, whose election was declared void 20th Apl., 1897 King's Hon. Frederick William Borden re-elected by acclamation after his acceptance of the office of Minister of Militia and Defence 30th July, 1896 Shelburne and Queen's. . . . Hon. William Stevens Fielding. Minister of Finance, elected by acclamation, vice F. G. Forbes, who accepted an office of emolument under the Crown 5th Aug., 1896 143 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. By-Elections held during the Eighth Parliament. Continued. Province of New Brunswick. Constituency Sunbury and Queen's Name of Member Hon. Andrew George Blair. Minister of Railways anc Canals, vice G. G. King, who accepted an office ol emolument under th( Crown Date of Election 25th Aug., 189G Province of Prince Edward Island. Prince County, W.R. Prince County, W.R. Prince County E.R. Queen's County W.R. Stanislaus Francis Perry, vice Edward Hackett, whose election was declared void. Bernard Donald McLellan, vict Stanislaus Francis Perry, whose election was declarer void John Howatt Bell, vice Johr Yeo, summoned to the Senate Hon. Louis Henry Davies re elected by acclamation after his acceptance of the office of Minister of Marine and Fisheries 27th Apl., 1897 13th Apl., 1898 14th Dec, 1898 30th July, 1896 144 The House of Commons of Canada.— ^Continued. By -Elections held during the Eighth Parliament. Concluded. Province of Manitoba. Constituency Brandon Macdonald Winnipeg Winnipeg Name of Member Hon. Cliflford Sifton, Minister of the Interior, elected by acclamation, vice D 'Alton McCarthy, who elected to serve for Simcoe, N. R. (Ontario) John Gunion Rutherford, vice Nathaniel Boyd, whose election was declared void . Richard Willis Jameson, vice Hon. Hugh John Macdonald, whose election was declared void Arthur W. Puttee, vice Richard Willis Jameson, who died 21st February, 1899 )ate of Election 27th Nov., 1896 27th Apl., 1897 27th Apl., 1897 25th Jan., 1900 Province of British Columbia. Vancouver William Wallace Burns Mclnnes resigned his seat 12th May, 1900 North-West Territories. Saskatchewan Thomas Osborne Davis, vice Hon. Wilfrid Laurier, Premier and President ol the Privy Council, whc was re-elected by acclama- tion for Quebec East, 30tl July, 1896 19th Dec, 1896 145 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned at General Election held on the 7th November, 1900, to serve in the Ninth Parliament. (5th December, 1900, to 29th September, 1904.) Province of Ontario. Constituencies Members Returned *Addington Algoma (1) Bothwell Brant, S. R Brant N R ^^^ "Wentworth and Brant Brockville *Bruce, E. R *Bruce, N. R Bruce, W. R Cardwell Carleton Cornwall and Stormont Dundas Durham, E. R ♦Durham, W. R Elgin, E. R Elgin, W. R Essex, N. R Essex, S. R Frontenac Glengarry Grenville, S. R Grey, E. R *Grey, N. R Grey, S. R Haldimand and Monck John William Bell Albert Edward Dyment James Clancy Charles Bernhard Heyd John Culbert Henry Cargill Alexander McNeill John Tolmie Robert Johnston Edward Kidd Robert Abercrombie Pringle Andrew Broder Henry Alfred Ward See note (2) below Andrew B. Ingram label Robinson Robert Franklin Sutherland Mahlon K. Cowan Hiram A. Calvin Jacob T. Schell John Dowsley Reid Thomas Simpson Sproule Edward H. Horsey Mathew Richardson Andrew Thorburn Thompson (1) The election for Algoma took place on the 12th November, 1900. (2) Owing to an irregularity in the nomination papers of one of the candidates the Return- ing Officer did not return any candidate as elected for Durham, W.R., see "Durham, W.R-" page 155. ♦ See also By-Elections, page 155. 11 146 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members returned to serve in the Ninth Parliament. Continued. Province of Ontario.— Continued. Constituencies Halton Hamilton Hamilton Hastings, E. R Hastings, N. R *Hastings, W. R Huron, E. R Huron, S. R Huron, W. R Kent *Kingston *Lambton, E. R Lambton, W. R Lanark, N. R Lanark, S. R Leeds and Grenville, N. R.. Leeds, S. R Lennox Lincoln and Niagara London \ Middlesex, E. R Middlesex, N. R Middlesex, S. R Middlesex, W. R Muskoka and Parry Sound. Members Returned David Henderson Samuel Barker Francis Carmichael Bruce William Barton Northrup Alexander Williamson Carscallen Henry Corby Peter Macdonald (1) George McEwen Robert Holm.es George Stephens Byron Moffat Britton Oliver Simmons Thomas George Johnston Bennett Rosamond Hon. John Haggart John Reeve Lavell George Taylor Uriah W^ilson Edward A. Lancaster Charles Smith Hyman Jam.es Gilmour John Sherritt Malcolm McGugan William S. Calvert George McCormick (1) Mr. Peter Macdonald elected Chairman of Committees and Deputy Speaker, 11th February, 19OI. ♦ See also By-Elections, page 155. 147 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Ninth Parliament. Continued. Province of Ontario. — Continued. Constituencies Members Returned Nipissing Norfolk, N. R Norfolk, S. R Northumberland, E. R.. Northumberland, W. R. *Ontario, N. R Ontario, S. R Ontario, W. R Ottawa Ottawa *Oxford, N. R Oxford, S. R Peel Perth, N.R Perth, S. R Peterborough, E. R Peterborough, W. R.. . . *Prescott Prince Edward Renfrew, N. R Renfrew, S. R ♦Russell Simcoe, E. R Simcoe, N.R Simcoe, S. R Toronto, Centre Toronto, East Toronto, West Charles Arthur McCcol (1) John Charlton (2) Hon. David Tisdale Edward Cochrane John B. McColl Angus McLeod William Ross Isaac James Gould Napoleon Antoine Belcourt Thomas Birkett Hon. James Sutherland Sir Richard John Cartwright Richard Blain Alexander Ferguson MacLaren Dilman Kinsey Erb fohn Lang James Kendrey Isidore Proulx George Oscar Alcorn Thomas Mackie A. A. Wright William C. Edwards William Humphrey Bennett Leighton Goldie McCarthy Haughton Lennox William Rees Brock Albert E. Kemp Edward Frederick Clarke (1) Mr. Charles Arthur McCool elected by acclamation, 28th November. 1900. (2) Mr. John Charlton elected by acclamation, 31st October, 1900. * See also By-Elections, pages 155 and 156. 148 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Ninth Parliament. Continued. Province of Ontario.— Concluded. Constituencies Toronto, West Victoria, N. R Victoria, S. R Waterloo, N. R Waterloo, S. R Welland Wellington, C. R Wellington, N. R Wellington, S. R Wentworth and Brant, N.R. . . Wentworth, S. R York, E. R York, N. R ♦York, W. R Members Returned Edmund Boyd Osier Samuel Hughes Adam Edward Vrooman [oseph E. Seagram (1) George A. Clare William Manly German John McGowan Edwin Tolton Hugh Guthrie William Paterson Ernest D' Israeli Smith William Finlay Maclean Hon. William Mulock Nathaniel Clarke Wallace (1) Mr. Joseph E. Seagram elected by acclamation, 3l8t October, 1900. ♦ See also By-Elections, page 156. Province of Quebec. *Argenteuil . . Bagot *Beauce *Beauharnois. Bellechasse. . Berthier. . . . Bonaventure Brome Thomas Christie Joseph Edmond Marcile Joseph Godbout George M. Loy On^siphore Ernest Talbot Joseph Eloi Archambault Charles Marcil Hon. Sydney Arthur Fisher * See also By-Elections, page 156. 149 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Ninth Parliament. Continued. Province of Quebec. — Continued. Constituencies Chambiy and Vercheres . . . Champlain Charlevoix Chateauguay Chicoutimi and Saguenay. . Compton Dorchester Drummond and Arthabaska *Gaspe *Hochelaga Huntingdon Jacques-Cartier Joliette *Kamouraska Labelle Laprairie and Napierville. . . L'Assomption *Laval L6vis *L'Islet. Lotbiniere *Maisonneuve *Maskinonge M6gantic Massisquoi Members Returned Victor Geoffrion Jeffrey Alexandre Rousseau Louis Charles Alphonse Angers James Pollock Brown Joseph Girard Rufus Henry Pope Jean Baptiste Morin Louis Lavergne (1) Rodolphe Lemieux (2) Joseph Alexandre Camille Madore William Scott Maclaren Frederick D. Monk Charles Bazinet Henry George Carroll Henri Bourassa Dominique Monet R. Charlemagne Laurier Thomas Fortin Louis Julien Demers Arthur Miville Dech^ne Edmond Fortier Raymond Prefontaine Joseph Hormisdas Legris Georges Turcot Daniel Bishop Meigs (1) Mr. Louis Lavergne elected by acclamation, 31et October, 1900. (2) Mr. Rodolphe Lemieux elected, 14th November, 1900. ♦ See also By-Elections pages 156 and 157. . 150 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Ninth Parliament. Continued. Province of Quebec. — Continued. Constituencies Montcalm *Montmagny Montmorency Montreal, St. Anne Montreal, St. Antoine ♦Montreal, St. James Montreal, St. Lawrence Montreal, St. Mary Nicolet Pontiac Portneuf Quebec, Centre Quebec, East ♦Quebec, West Quebec, County Richelieu Richmond and Wolfe Rimouski *Rouville *St. Hyacinthe St. John's and Iberville Shefford *Sherbrooke Soulanges Stanstead Temiscouata *Terrebonne Three Rivers and St. Maurice Mem.ttrs Returned Frangois Octave Dugas Pierre Raymond Leonard Martineau Hon. Thomas Chase Casgrain Daniel Gallery Thomas George Roddick Odilon Desmarais Robert Bickerdike Hon. Joseph Israel Tarte George Ball Thomas Murray Michel Simeon Delisle Albert Malouin Rt. Hon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier Hon. Richard Reid Dobell Hon. Charles Fitzpatrick Arthur Aim6 Bruneau Edmund William Tobin Jean Auguste Ross Louis Philippe Brodeur (1) Hon. Michel Esdras Bernier L. P. Demers Charles H. Parmelee John Mcintosh Augustin Bourbonnais Henry Lavell Charles Arthur Gauvreau Raymond Pr6fontaine Jacques Bureau (1) Mr. Louis Philippe Brodeur elected Speaker, flth February. 1901. ♦ See also By-KlectioM, pagea 157 and 158. 151 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Ninth ParHament. Continued. Province of Quebec. — Concluded. Constituencies Members Returned « *Two Mountains Joseph Arthur Calixte Ethier Henry Stanislas Harwood Louis Napoleon Champagne Roch Moise Samuel Mignault Vaudreuil Wright Yamaska * See also By-Electiona, page 158. Province of Nova Scotia. *Annapolis Antigonish Cape Breton Cape Breton Colchester Cumberland I^igby *Guysborough Halifax Halifax Hants Inverness King's Lunenburg Pictou Pictou Richmond Shelburne and Queen's. . Victoria *Yarmouth * See also By-Electioa«, page 159. Fletcher Bath Wade Colin F. Mclsaac Alexander Johnston Arthur S. Kendall Seymour E. Gourley Hance J. Logan Albert J. S. Copp Duncan Cameron Eraser Robert L. Borden William Roche Benjamin Russell Angus McLennan Hon. Frederick W. Borden Charles Edwin Kaulbach Hon. Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper Adam Carr Bell Joseph Matheson Hon. William S. Fielding Hon. William Ross Thomas Barnard Flint 152 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Ninth Parliament. Continued. Province of New Brunswick. Constituencies Albert Carleton Charlotte Gloucester Kent King's Northumberland Restigouche *St. John City St. John City and Count} Sunbury and Queen's. . . . Victoria *Westmoreland *York Members Returned William J. Lewis Frederick Harding Hale Gilbert White Ganong On^siphore Turgeon Oliver J. Leblanc George W. Fowler James Robinson James Reid Hon. Andrew George Blair Joseph John Tucker Robert D. Wilmot Hon. John Costigan (1) Hon. Henry R. Emmerson Alexander Gibson, Jr. (1) Hon. John Costigan elected by acclamation, 3rd November, 1900. ♦ See also By- Elections, page 159. Province of Prince Edward Island. King's Prince, E. R. . Prince W. R. . *Queen's, E. R. ♦Queen's, W. R James J. Hughes Alfred A. Lefurgey Edward Hackett Donald A. McKinnon Hon. Sir Louis Henry Davies ♦ See aleo By-Electione, pages 159 and 160. 153 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Ninth Parliament. Continued. Province of Manitoba. Constituencies Members Returned Brandon . . . Hon. Clifford Sifton *Lisgar Macdonald Robert Lome Richardson Nathaniel Boyd William James Roche Alphonse Alfred Clement Marquette Provencher *Selkirk La Riviere William Forsythe McCreary Arthur W. Puttee Winnipeg: * See also By-EIections, page 160. Province of British Columbia. *Burrard *New Westminster Vancouver *Victoria Victoria George Ritchie Maxwell (1) Aulay Morrison Ralph Sm.ith Hon. Edward Gawler Prior Thomas Earle Yale and Cariboo William Alfred Galliher (1) Mr. Maxwell elected, 6th December, 1900. * See also By-Elections, page 160. North-West Territories. Alberta Assiniboia, E. R Frank Oliver James M. Douglas Walter Scott Assiniboia, W. R Saskatchewan Thomas Osborne Davis 154 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Ninth Parliament. Ccncluded. Yukon Territory. (2 Ed. VII, Chap. 37, 1902.) Constituencies Members Returned *Yukon Territory James Hamilton Ross ♦ See also By-Elections, page 160. 155 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. By-Elections held during the Ninth Parliament. (5th December, 1900, to 29th September, 1904.) Province of Ontario. Constituency Addington Bruce, E. R.. . . Bruce, N. R... Durham, W. R. Grey, N. R Hastings, W.R.. Kingston Lambton, E.R. Ontario, N.R.. Oxford N.R... Prescott Name of Member Melzar Avery, vice John WiHian: Bell, who died 5th July, 1901 J.J. Donnelly, vice Henry Cargill who died 1st October, 1903 . . . , James Halliday, vice Alexander McNeill, whose election was declared void Robert Beith, no member having been returned at General Elec- tion and Election declared void Thomas Inkerman Thomson, vice E. H. Horsey, who died 23rd July, 1902 Edward Guss Porter, vice Henr^ Corby, who resigned his seal 28th February, 1901 William Harty, vice Byror Moffat Britton, appointed Puisn^ Judge of the High Court of Justice for Ontario J. E. Armstrong, vice Oliver Simmons, who died 11th November, 1903 George Davidson Grant, vice Angus McLeod, who died 18th November, 1902 Hon. James Sutherland, re-elected by acclamation, after his accept- ance of the office of Minister of Marine and Fisheries Isidore Proulx, died 28th July, 1904 Date of Election 15th Jan., 1902 16th Feb. 1904 20th Mar. 1901 15th Jan., 1902 24th Feb., 1903 15th Jan., 1902 15th Jan., 1902 16th Feb., 1904 10th Mar. 1903 29th Jan., 1902 156 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. By-Elections held during the Ninth Parliament. Continued. Province of Ontario.— Concluded. Constituency Russell York, W.R.... Name of Member David Wardrope Wallace, electee by acclamation, vice William Cameron Edwards summ.oned to the Senate Archibald Campbell, vice N. Clarke Wallace, who died 8th October, 1901 Date of Election 20th April, 1903 15th Jan., 1902 Province of Quebec. Argenteuil .... Thomas Christie, vice Thomas Christie, who died 5th August, 1902 3rd Dec, 8th Jan., 26th Mar. 20th Feb., 16th Feb., 1902 Beauce Beauharnois. . . Henri Severin Beland, elected by acclamation, vice Joseph God- bout summoned to the Senate. George M. Loy, re-elected, the former election having been declared void 1902 1902 Gaspe ■. . Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux, re- elected by acclamation after his acceptance of the office of Solicitor-General 1904 Hochelaga L. A. A. Rivet, vice J. A. C. Madore, appointed Puisn^ Judge of the Superior Court for the Province of Quebec. . . . 1904 157 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. By-Elections held during the Ninth Parliament. Continued. Province of Quebec. — Continued. Constituency Kamouraska . Kamouraska. . Laval L'Islet Maisonneuve . . Maskinong6. . Montmagny . . Montreal, St. James Name of Member Hon. Henry George Carroll, re elected by acclamation after his acceptance of the office of Solicitor-General Ernest Lapointe, elected by acclamation, vice Hon. H. G. Carroll, appointed Puisne Judge of the Superior Court for the Province of Quebec J. E. Emile Leonard, vice Thomas Fortin, appointed Puisne Judge of the Superior Court for the Province of Quebec Onesiphore Carbonneau, vice Arthur M. Dechene summoned to the Senate Hon. Joseph Raymond Fournier Prefontaine, re-elected after his acceptance of the office of Minister of Marine and Fisheries Hormiisdas Mayrand, elected by acclamation, vice Joseph Hormisdas Legris summoned to the Senate Armand Lavergne, vice P. R. L Martineau, who died 31st August, 1903 Joseph Brunet, vice Odilon Desmarais, appointed Puisne Judge of the Superior Court for the Province of Quebec, 25th June, 1901 Date of Election 28th Feb., 1902 12th Feb., 1904 15th Jan., 1902 15th Jan., 1902 9th Dec, 1902 3rd Mar., 16th Feb., 1903 1904 15th Jan., 1902 158 The House of Commons of Canada. ^ — ^Continued. By-Elections held during the Ninth Parliament. Continued. Province of Quebec. — Concluded. Constituency Montreal, St. James Quebec, West. Rouville. St. Hyacinthe. St. Hyacinthe. Sherbrooke. . . Terrebonne. . . Two Mountains Name of Member Honore Cervais, vice Joseph Brunet, whose election was declared void, 22nd December, 1902 vVilliam Fower elected by acclama- tion, vice Hon. Richard Reid Dobell, who died 11th January, 1902 Hon. L. P. Brodeur, re-elected by acclamation after his acceptance of the office of Minister of Inland Revenue J. B. Blanchet, vice Hon. M. E. Bernier, appointed Railway Commissioner J. B. Blanchet, died 31st August 1904 J. Mcintosh, died 12th July, 190^. Samuel Desjardins, vice Hon Joseph Raymond Fourniei Prefontaine, appointed Minister of Marine and Fisheries and subsequently elected for Maisonneuve Joseph Arthur Calixte Ethier re-elected, the former election having been declared void i3ate of Election L6th Feb., 1904 29th Jan., 1902 30th Jan., 16th Feb., 1904 1904 24th Feb., 24th Feb., 1903 1903 159 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Ey-EIections held during the Ninth Parliament. Continued. Province of Nova Scotia. Constituency Name of Member Date of Election Annapolis F. B. Wade appointed Chairman of the National Transcon- tinental Railway Commission. 21st August, 1904 Guysborough Yarmouth J. H. Sinclair, vice D. C. Fraser. appointed Puisn6 Judge of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia Bowman Brown Law, vice T. B Flint, appointed Clerk of the House of Commons ICth Mar., 1904 3rd Dec, 1902 Irovince of New Brunswick. St. John City Westmoreland. York J. W. Daniel, vice Hon. A. G Blair, who resigned his seat, 27th December, 1903 Hon. H. R. Emmerson, re-elected by acclamation after his acceptance of the ofifice of Minister of Railways and Canals Alexander Gibson, Jr., re-elected, the former election having been declared void ICth Feb., 1904 30th Jan., 1904 28th Dec, 1901 Province of Prince Edward Island. Queen's, E.R. Donald A. McKinnon, re-elected, the former election having been declared void 20th Mar., 1901 160 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. By-Elections held during the Ninth Parliament. Concluded. Province of Prince Edward Island. — Concluded. Constituency Queen's, W.R.. Queen's, W.R.. Name of Member Donald Farquharson, vice Hon. Sir Louis Henry Davies, appointed Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada H. Haszard, vice Donald Farquharson, who died 26th June, 1903 Date of Election 15th Jan., 1902 16th Feb., 1904 Province of Manitoba. Lisgar Duncan Alexander Stewart, vice Robert Lome Richardson, whose election was declared void 18th Feb., 1902 Selkirk W. F. McCreary, died 4th May, 1904 Province of British Columbia. Burrard New Westminster Victoria , Robert George Macpherson, vice George R. Maxwell, who died 18th November, 1902 Aulay Morrison appointed Puisn^ Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, 28th Septem- ber, 1904 George Riley, vice Hon. Edward Gawler Prior, whose election was declared void 4th Feb., 1903 ?8th Jan., 1902 Yukon Territory. (2 Ed. Vn, Chap. 37, 1902.) Yukon James Hamilton Ross 2nd Dec, 1902 ICl The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned at General Election held on the 3rd November, 1904, to serve in the Tenth Parliament. (15th December, 1904, to 17th September, 1908.) Province of Ontario. Constituencies Members Returned Algoma East Algoma West A. E. Dyment A. C. Boyce Brant Hon. Wm. Paterson Brantford W. F. Cockshutt *Brockville D. Derbyshire *Bruce, North Bruce, South L. T. Bland P. H. McKenzie *Carleton Dufferin Dundas Durham Edward Kidd John Barr Andrew Broder Henry A. Ward *Elgin, East Elgin, West Essex, North Essex, South A. B. Ingram Wm. Jackson R. F. Sutherland (1) A. H. Clarke Frontenac Melzar Avery Glengarry Grenville Grey, East Grey, North Jacob T. Schell John D. Reid T. S. Sproule Wm. P. Telford Grey, South H. H. Miller Haldimand Francis R. Lalor Halton David Henderson Samuel Barker Hamilton, West A. Zimmerman W. B. Northrup Hastings, West E. G. Porter Huron, East Thos. Chisholm *Huron, South Huron, West B. B. Gunn E. N. Lewis (1) Mr. R. F. Sutherland elected Speaker, 11th January, 1905. ♦ See also By-Electiona, page 169. 12 162 The House of Gotnmons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Tenth Parliament. Continued. Province of Ontario. — Continued. Constituencies Kent, East Kent, West Kingston Lambton, East *Lambton, West Lanark, North Lanark, South Leeds Lennox and Addington . Lincoln *London Middlesex, East Middlesex, North Middlesex, West Muskoka Nipissing Norfolk *Northumberland, East. Northumberland, West Ontario, North Ontario, South ♦Ottawa ♦Oxford, North Oxford, South Parry Sound Peel Perth, North Perth, South Peterborough, East. . . Peterborough, West. . . Members Returned D. A. Gordon H. S. Clements William Harty J. E. Armstrong T. G. Johnston T. B. Caldwell Hon. J. G. Haggart George Taylor Uriah Wilson E. A. Lancaster Hon. C. S. Hyman Peter Elson Valentine Ratz W. S. Calvert Wm. Wright C. A. McCool Hon. D. Tisdale E. Cochrane J. "B." McColl G. D. Grant P. Christie N. A. Belcourt Robert Stewart Hon. Jas. Sutherland M. S. Schell R. J. Watson Richard Blain A. F. MacLaren G. H. Mclntyre Tohn Finley R. R. Hall • See also By-Electlon8, page 169. 163 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Tenth Parliament. Continued. Province of Ontario. — Concluded. Constituencies Members Returned Prescott Prince Edward *Renfrew, North Renfrew, South Russell Simcoe, East Simcoe, North Simcoe, South Stormont Thunder Bay & Rainy River *Toronto, Centre Toronto, East Toronto, North Toronto, South Toronto, West Victoria Waterloo, North Waterloo, South Welland ♦Wellington, North Wellington, South *Wentworth *York, Centre ♦York, North York, South Edmond Proulx Geo. O. Alcorn Hon. Peter White A. A. Wright N. F. Wilson W. H. Bennett L. G. McCarthy Haughton Lennox R. A. Pringle James Conmee E. F. Clarke A. E. Kemp Hon. G. E. Foster A. C. Macdoneli E. B. Osier Samuel Hughes J. E. Seagram Geo. A. Clare W. M. German Thomas Martin Hugh Guthrie E. D. Smith Arch. Campbell Hon. Sir Wm. Mulock W. F. Maclean ♦ See also By-Elections. page 170. Province of Quebec. Argenteuil Bagot. . . . Beauce. . . G. H. Perley J. E. Marcile H. S. B61and 164 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Tenth Parliament. Continued. Province of Quebec. — Continued. Constituencies Beauharnois Beliechasse . Berthier Bonaventure . . Brome Chambly and Vercheres. . . . Champlain Charlevoix Chateauguay . Chicoutimi and Saguenay. . . *Compton Dorchester Drummond and Arthabaska Gaspe Hochelaga Huntingdon Jacques-Cartier Joliette Kamouraska *LabelIe. Laprairie and Napierville . . . *L'Assomptior Laval *L6vis L'Islet. Lotbiniere . *Maisonneuvc Maskinong^ M^gantic Missisquoi Montcalm Members Returned J. G. H. Bergeron O. E. Talbot J. E. Archambault Charles Marcil (1) Hon. S. A. Fisher Victor Geoffrion J. A. Rousseau Rodolphe Forget J. P. Brown Joseph Girard A. B. Hunt J. B. Morin Louis Lavergne Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux L. A. A. Rivet R. N. Walsh F. D. Monk J. A. Dubeau Ernest Lapointe Henri Bourassa Roch Lanctot R. C. Laurier J. E. E. Leonard L. J. Demers Eugene Paquet Edmond Fortier Hon. J. R. F. Pr6fontaine Hormisdas Mayrand F. T. Savoie D. B. Meigs F. O. Dugas 1905. (1) Mr. Charlea Marcil elected Chairman of Committees and Deputy Speaker, 16th January » • Se« also By-Elections, pages 170 and 171. 165 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Tenth Parliament. Continued. Province of Ouebec— Concluded. Constituencies *Montmagny. Montmorency ♦Montreal, Ste. Anne Montreal, St. Antoine Montreal, St. James Montreal, St. Lawrence ♦Montreal, St. Mary ♦Nicolet Pontiac Portneuf ♦Quebec, Centic Quebec, East Quebec, West ♦Quebec County ♦Richelieu Richmond and Wolfe Rimouski Rouville St. Hyacinthe ♦St. Johns and Iberville Shefford ♦Sherbrooke Soulanges ♦Stanstead T^miscouata Terrebonne ♦Three Rivers and St. Maurice , Two Mountains Vaudreuil ♦Wright Yamaska Members Returned A. Lavergne George Parent D. Gallery H. B. Ames H. Gervais R. Bickerdike C. Pich6 Hon. R. Lemieux G. H. Brabazon M. S. Delisle A. Malouin Rt. Hon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier Wm. Power Hon. Chas. Fitzpatrick A. A. Bruneau E. W. Tobin J. A. Ross Hon. L. P. Brodeur A. M. Beauparlant L. P. Demers C. H. Parmelee A. N. Worthington A. Bourbonnais Henry Lovell C. A. Gauvreau S. Desjardins Jacques Bureau J. A. C. Ethier Gustave Boyer Rt. Hon. Sir W. Laurier J. E. O. Gladu * See also By-£iections, pages 171 and 172. 166 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Tenth Parliament. Continued. Province of Nova Scotia. Constituencies Members Returned Annapolis S. W. W. Pickup C. F. Mclsaac D. D. McKenzie *Antigonish *Cape Breton North and Victoria Cape Breton, South Alex. Johnston *Colchester Cumberland F. A. Lawrence H. J. Logan Digby Guysborough A. J. S. Copp John H. Sinclair Halifax Wm. Roche Hants *Inverness Michael Carney J. B. Black Angus McLennan King's Hon. Sir F. W. Borden Lunenburg Alex. K. Maclean Pictou E. M. MacDonald Richmond D. Finlayson Hon. W. S. Fielding B. B. Law *Shelburne and Queen's Yarmouth • See also By-Elections, page 173. Province of New Brunswick. Carleton Charlotte Gloucester Kent King's and Albert. Northumberland. . Restigouche F. B. Carvell G. W. Ganong O. Turgeon O. J. Leblanc G. W. Fowler W. S. Loggie James Reid 167 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Tenth Parliament. Continued. Province of New Brunswick. — Concluded. Constituencies St. John City *St. John City and County.. Sunbury and Queen's *Victoria Westmoreland York Members Returned John W. Daniel A. A. Stockton R. D. Wilmot Hon. J. Costigan Hon. H. R. Emmerson 0. S. Crocket * See also By-Elections, page 173. Province of Manitoba. Brandon Dauphin Lisgar Macdonald Marquette Portage la Prairie. Provencher Selkirk Souris Winnipeg Hon. Clifford Sifton T. A. Burrows Thos. Greenway W. D. Staples W. J. Roche John Crawford I. E. Cyr S. J. Jackson F. L. Schaffner B. W. Bole Province of British Columbia. Comox-Atlin .... Kootenay Nanaimo New Westminster Vancouver City. . *Victoria City .... Yale-Cariboo. . . . Wm. Sloan W. A. Galliher Ralph Smith [. B. Kennedy R. G. MacPherson G. Riley Duncan Ross • See also By-Elections, page 174. 168 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Tenth Parliament. Continued. Province of Prince Edward Island. Constituencies Members Returned King's Jas. J. Hughes A. A. Lefurgey A. A. McLean Alex. Martin Prince Queen's North-West Territories. Alberta Assiniboia, East. *Assiniboia, West. Calgary *Edmonton Humboldt Mackenzie Qu'Appelle *Saskatchewan . . . *Strathcona John Herron J. G.Turriff Walter Scott M. S. McCarthy Frank Oliver A. J. Adamson E. L. Cash R. S. Lake T. H. Lamont P. Talbot • See also By-Elections, page 174. Yukon Territory. Yukon . Alfred Thomson 1C9 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. By-Elections held during the Tenth Parliament. (15th December, 1904, to 17th September, 1908.) Province of Ontario. Constituency Brockville. . . . Bruce, North. Carleton Elgin, East. . . . Huron, South . . Lambton, West London London Northumber- land, East. . . Ottawa Oxford, North. Nam.e of Member Hon. G. P. Graham., elected by acclamation, vice D. Derbyshire who resigned his seat 30th August, 1907 John Tolmie, vice L. T. Bland, who died 19th August, 1906. . . R. L. Borden, elected by acclama- tion, vice Edward Kidd, who resigned his seat, 19th January, 1905 David Marshall, vice A. B. Ingram, who resigned his seat, 8th December, 1906 M. Y. McLean, vice B.B. Gunn, who died, 9th December, 1907. F. F. Pardee, vice T. G. Johnston, who died, 4th July, 1905 Hon. C. S. Hyman, re-elected after his acceptance of the ofhce of Minister of Public Works. . Thomas Beattie, vice Hon. C. S. Hyman, who resigned his seat, 11th April, 1907.. C. L. Owen, vice E. Cochrane, who died, 8th March, 1907 J. B. T. Caron, vice N. A. Belcourt, summoned to the Senate, 22nd November, 1907. George Smith, vice Hon. James Sutherland, who died, 3rd May, 1905 Date of Election 18th Sept., 1907 30th Oct., 1906 4th Feb., 1905 4th Oct., 1906 22nd Jan., 1908 22nd Nov., 1905 13th June, 1905 29th Oct., 1907 29th Oct., 1907 23rd Dec, 1907 13th June, 1905 170 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued, By-Elections held during the Tenth Parliament. Continued. Province of Ontario. — Concluded. Constituency Renfrew, North Toronto, Centre Wellington, North Wentworth . . York, Centre. York, North. Name of Member G. V. White, vice Hon. Peter White, who died, 3rd May, 1906 Edmund Bristol, elected by acclamation, vice E. F. Clarke, who died, 3rd March, 1905 A. M. Martin, vice Thomas Martin, who died, 12th March, 1907 E. D. Smith, re-elected, the former election having been declared void, 22nd February, 1905 P. D. McLean, vice A.Campbell, summoned to the Senate Hon. A. B. Aylesworth, vice Hon. Sir William Mulock, K.C.M.G., appointed Chief Justice of the Exchequer Division of the High Court of Justice for Ontario. . . Date of Election 9th Oct., 1906 nth April, 1905 29th Oct., 1907 22nd Nov., 1905 23rd Dec, 1907 22nd Nov., 1905 Province of Quebec. Compton . Labelle. . A. B. Hunt, re-elected, the former election having been declared void, 22nd November, 1905. . . C. B. Major, vice Henri Bourassa, who resigned his seat, 29th October, 1907 4th Jan., 1906 23rd Dec, 1907 171 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. By-Elections held during the Tenth Parliament. Continued. Province of Quebec. — Continued. Constituency L'Assomption . Levis . Maisonneuve . Montmagny . . Montreal, Ste. Anne. . Montreal, St. Mary . . , Nicolet Nicolet Quebec, Centre Name of Member R. C. E. Laurier, vice R. C Laurier, who died, 28th Decem ber, 1906 L. A. Carrier, elected by acclama- tion, vice L. J. Demers, who died, 29th April, 1905 A. Verville, vice Hon. J. R. F. Pr6fontaine, who died, 25th December, 1905 Armand Lavergne resigned hi? seat, 25th May, 1908. J. C. Walsh, vice D. Gallery, whose election was declared void 12th October, 1906 Mederic Martin, vice C. Piche who resigned his seat C. R. Devlin, vice Hon. R Lemieux, who elected to sit for Gaspe, 3rd December, 1906... G. A. Turcotte, vice C. R. Devlin, who resigned his seat, 29tb October, 1907 Arthur Lachance, elected by acclamation, vice A. Malouin, appointed Puisne Judge of the Superior Court for the Province of Quebec, 7th January, 1905 Date of Election 7th Mar., 1907 6th June, 1905 23rd Feb., 1906 21st Nov., 1906 21st Nov., 1906 29th Dec, 1906 30th Dec, 1907 19th Jan., 1905 172 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Ey-Elections held during the Tenth Parliament. Continued. Province of Quebec.^ — Concluded. Constituency Quebec County. Richelieu , St. Johns and Iberville. Sherbrooke . Stanstead . Three Rivers and St. Maurice. Wright Narre of Member L. Robitaille, vice Hon. Charles Fitzpatrick, appointed Chief Justice of Canada, 4th June, 1906 Adelard Lanctot, vice A. A. Bruneau, appointed Puisn^ Judge of the Superior Court for the Province of Quebec, 29th January, 1907 M. Joseph Demers, elected by acclamation, vice L. P. Demers, appointed Puisne Judge of the Superior Court for the Province of Quebec, 31st August, 1906 A. N. Worthington, re-elected by acclamation, the former election having been declared void, 4th December, 1905 C. Henry Lovell, vice Henry Lovell, who died 4th December, 1907 . - - Hon. Jacques Bureau, re-elected by acclamation, after his acceptance of the ofihce of Solicitor-General of Canada, 14th February, 1907 E. B. Devlin, vice the Right Hon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, G.C.M.G., who elected to sit for Quebec East, 20th January, 1905 Date of Election 23rd Oct., 1906 7th Mar., 1907 16th Oct., 1906 6th Feb., 1906 22nd Jan., 1908 28th Feb., 1907 13th Feb., 1905 173 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. By-Elections held during the Tenth Parliament. Continued. Frovince of Nova Scotia. Constituency Name of Member Date of Election Antigonish .... William Chisholm, vice C. F. Mclsaac, appointed a membei of the National Transconti- nental Railway Com.m.ission, Isi August, 1905 22nd Nov. 1905 Cape Breton North and A. C. Ross, vice D. D. McKenzie Victoria appointed Judge of County Court for District No. 7, Nova Scotia, 16th February, 1906 14th Mar. 1906 Colchester John Stanfield, vice F. A Lawrence, appointed Puisn^ Judge of Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, 2nd November. 1907 28th Nov. 1907 Inverness A. McLennan died, 28th August 1908 Shelburne and Queens Hon. W. S. Fielding re-elected, the former election having beer declared void, 8th October, 190( 31st Oct., 1906 Frovince of New Brunswick. St. John City and County Victoria , Hon. William Pugsley, elected b) acclamation, vice A. A. Stock ton, who died 15th March, 1907 Pius Michaud, elected by acclama tion, vice Hon. John Costigan summoned to the Senate, 15th January, 1907 18th Sept., 1907 5th Mar., 1907 174 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. By-Elections held during the Tenth Parliament. Concluded. Province of British Columbia. Constituency Victoria City Name of Member Hon. W. Templeman, vice G. Riley resigned, 6th February, 1906, and summoned to the Senate, 22nd March, 1906 Date of Election 6th Mar., 1906 North-West Territories. Assiniboia, West Edmonton . . . Saskatchewan Strathcona . . . VVilliam E. Knowles, elected by acclamation, vice Walter Scott resigned, 29th August, 1905. . . Hon. Frank Oliver, re-elected by acclamation after his acceptance of the ofhce of Minister of the Interior G. E. McCraney, elected by acclamation, vice J. H. Lamont resigned, 5th September, 1905. Wilbert Mclntyre, vice P.Talbot, summoned to the Senate, 8th March, 1906 6th Feb., 1906 25th ApL, 1905 6th Feb., 1906 5th Apl., 1906 175 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned at General Election held on the 26th October, 1908, to serve in the Eleventh Parliament. (3rd December, 1908, to 29th July, 1911.) Province of Ontario. Constituencies Members Returned Algoma, East W. R. Smyth Algoma, West Brant Brantford A. C. Boyce Hon. Wm. Paterson Llovd Harris Brockville Bruce, North. . Hon. G. P. Graham John Tolmie Bruce, South *Carleton James "J" Donnelly R. L. Borden *Dufferin John Barr Dundas Durham Andrew Broder C. J. Thornton David Marshall Elgin, East Elgin, West T. W. Crothers *Essex, North Essex, South Hon. R. F. Sutherland A. H. Clarke Frontenac J. W. Edwards Glengarry Grenville J. A. McMillan J. D. Reid Grey, East Grey, North Grey, South Haldimand T. S. Sproule W. S. Middlebro H. H. Miller F. R. Lalor Halton Hamilton, East Hamilton, West Hastings, East Hastings, West Huron, East Huron, South Huron, West Kent, East David Henderson Samuel Barker T. J. Stewart W. B. Northrup E. Guss Porter Thomas Chisholm M. Y. McLean E. N. Lewis D. A. Gordon ♦ See also By-EIections, page 183. 176 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Eleventh Parliament. Continued. Province of Ontario. — Continued. Constituencies Members Returned Kent, West Kingston A. B. McCoig Wm. Harty Lambton, East Lambton, West Lanark, North J. E. Armstrong F. F. Pardee Wm. Thoburn Lanark, South Hon. J. G. Haggart Leeds George Taylor Lennox and Addington Lincoln London Uriah Wilson E. A. Lancaster Thomas Beattie Middlesex, East Peter Elson Middlesex, North A. W. Smith *Middlesex, West W. S. Calvert Muskoka Wm. Wright Nipissing George Gordon Norfolk Alex. McCall Northumberland, East Northumberland, West Ontario, North Ontario, South *Ottawa C. L. Owen John "B." McColl 5. S. Sharpe F. L. Fowke Rt. Hon. Sir W. Laurier Oxford, North Oxford, South Hal. B. McGiverin E. W. Nesbitt M. S. Schell Parry Sound James Arthurs Peel Richard Blain Perth, North Perth South Peterborough, East J. P. Rankin G. H. Mclntyre (1) J. A. Sexsmith (1) Mr. G. H. Mclntyre elected Chairman of Committees and Deputy Speaker, 26th Janu- ary. 1909. • See also By-Elections, page 183. 177 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Eleventh ParHament. Continued. Province of Ontario. — Concluded. Constituencies Peterborough, West Prescott Prince Edward Renfrew, North " Renfrew, South Russell Simcoe, East Simcoe, North Simcoe, South Stormont Thunder Bay and Rainy River Toronto, Centre Toronto, East Toronto, North Toronto, South Toronto, West Victoria ♦Waterloo, North Waterloo, South Welland Wellington, North Wellington, South Wentworth York, Centre York, North York, South Members Returned J. R. Stratton Edmond Proulx Morley Currie G. V. White T. A. Low Hon. Charles Murphy Manley Chew J. A. Currie Haughton Lennox Robert Smith James Conmee Edmund Bristol Joseph Russell Hon. G. E. Foster A. C. Macdonell E. B. Osier Samuel Hughes W. L. M. King Geo. A. Clare W. M. German A. M. Martin Hugh Guthrie W. O. Sealey T. G. Wallace Hon. A. B. Aylesworth W. F. Maclean Province of Quebec. Argenteuil . Bagot Beauce ... G. H. Perley J. E. Marcile H. S. Beland * See also By-Elections, page 183. 178 i The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Eleventh Parliament. Continued. Province of Quebec. — Continued. Constituencies Beauharnois Bellechasse Berthier Bonaventure Brome Chambly and Vercheres .... Champlain Charlevoix Ch^teauguay Chicoutimi Compton Dorchester *Drummond and Arthabaska . Gaspe Hochelaga Huntingdon Jacques-Cartier Joliette Kamouraska Labelle Laprairie and Napierville. . . L'Assomption Laval L6vis L'Islet *Lotbini^re Maisonneuve Maskinong6 M6gantic Missisquoi *Montcalm Members Returned L. J. Papineau O. E. Talbot Arthur Ecr^ment Charles Marcil (1) Hon. S. A. Fisher Victor Geoffrion P. E. Blondin Rodolphe Forget J. P. Brown Joseph Girard A. B. Hunt Ernest Roy Louis Lavergne Hon. R. Lemieux L. A. A. Rivet J.A.Robb F. D. Monk J. A. Dubeau Ernest Lapointe C. B. Major Roch Lanct6t P. A. S^guin C. A. Wilson L. A. Carrier Eugene Paquet Edmond Fortier Alphonse Verville Hormisdas Mayrand F. T. Savoie D. B. Meigs F. O. Dugas (1) Mr. Charles Marcil elected Speaker. 20th January. 1909. • See also By-Elections. page 184. 179 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Eleventh Parliament. Continued. Province of Quebec.— Concluded. Constituencies Montmagny Montmorency Montreal, Ste. Anne Montreal, St. Antoine Montreal, St. James Montreal, St. Lawrence Montreal, St. Mary Nicolet Pontiac Portneuf Quebec, Centre Quebec, East Quebec, West Quebec, County Richelieu Richmond and Wolfe Rimouski Rouville St. Hyacinthe St. Johns and Iberville Shefford Sherbrooke Soulanges Stanstead Temiscouata Terrebonne Three Rivers and St. Maurice . Two Mountains Vaudreuil Wright Yamaska Members Returned Cyrias Roy George Parent C.J. Doherty H. B. Ames Honore Gervais Robert Bickerdike M^deric Martin G. A. Turcotte G. F. Hodgins M. S. Delisle Arthur Lechance Rt. Hon. Sir W. Laurier William Price J. P. Turcotte Adelard Lanct6t E. W. Tobin J. A. Ross Hon. L. P. Brodeur A. M. Beauparlant M.J. Demers H. E. Allen A. N. Worthington J. A. Lor tie C. H. Lovell C. A. Gauvreau W. B. Nantel Hon. Jacques Bureau J. A. C. Ethier Gustave Boyer E. B. Devlin J. E. O. Gladu 180 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in Eleventh Parliament. Continued. Province of Nova Scotia. Constituencies Annapolis Antigonish Cape Breton North and Victoria Cape Breton, South. . . . Colchester Cumberland Digby Guysborough Halifax Hants Inverness. . King's *Lunenburg Pictou Richmond Shelburne and Queen's. Yarmouth Members Returned S. W. W. Pickup William Chisholm D. D. McKenzie James Wm. Maddin John Stanfield E. N. Rhodes Clarence Jameson J. H. Sinclair R. L. Borden A. B. Crosby J. B. Black A. W. Chisholm Hon. Sir F. W. Borden A. K. Maclean E. M. MacDonald G. W. Kyte Hon. W. S. Fielding B.B.Law • See also By-Elections, page 184, Province of New Brunswick. Carleton Charlotte Gloucester Kent King's and Albert. Northumberland. . Restigouche F. B. Carvell W. F. Todd O. Turgeon O. J. Leblanc D. H. McAlister W. S. Loggia James Reid 181 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Eleventh Parliament. Continued. Province of New Brunswick. — Concluded. Constituencies St. John City St. John City and County Sunbury and Queen's Victoria Westmoreland York Members Returned J. W. Daniel Hon. Wm. Pugsley H. H. McLean Pius Michaud Hon. H. R. Emmerfeon O. S. Crocket Province of Manitoba. Brandon Dauphin Lisgar Macdonald Marquette Portage la Prairie Provencher Selkirk Souris Winnipeg Hon. Clifford Sifton Glen. A. Campbell Wm. H. Sharpe W. D. Staples W.J.Roche A.rthur Meighen I. P. Molloy G. H. Bradbury F. L. Schaffner Alex. Haggart Province of British Columbia. *Corrjox-Atlin Kootenay Nanaimo^ New Westminster William Sloan A. S. Goodeve Ralph Smith }. D. Taylor Vancouver City Victoria City G. H. Cowan G. H. Barnard Yale-Cariboo Martin Burrell • See also By-Electlona, page 184. 182 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Eleventh Tarliament. Continued. Province of Prince Edward Island. Constituencies Members Returned King's Prince A. L. Fra^er J. W. Richards Queen's L. E. Prowse A. B. Warburton Province of Saskatchewan. Assiniboia. . . . Battleford. . . Humboldt. . . Mackenzie. . . Moosejaw. . . . Prince Albert Qu'Appelle. . , Regina Saltcoats Saskatoon ... J. G. Turriff Albert Champagne D. B. Neely Edward L. Cash W. E. Knowles W. W. Rutan R. S. Lake W. M. Martin Thomas MacNutt G. E. McCraney Province of Alberta. Calgary M. S. McCarthy Edmonton Hon. Frank Oliver Macleod John Herron Medicine Hat Red Deer C. A. Magrath Michael Clark *Strathcona Wilbert Mclntyre ' Victoria W. H. White * See also By-Elections, page 184. Yukon Territory. Yukon . F. T. Congdon 183 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. By-Elections held during the Eleventh Parliament. (3rd December, 1908, to 29th July, 1911.) Province of Ontario. Constituency Carleton . Dufferin Essex, North . . . Middlesex West Ottawa Waterloo, North . . Name of Member Edward Kidd, elected by acclama tion, vice R. L. Borden, who elected to sit for Halifax, N.S 21st January, 1909 John Best, elected by acclamation, vice John Barr, who died 19th November, 1909 O. J. Wilcox, vice Hon. R. F. Sutherland, appointed Justice of the High Court of Justice for Ontario, Exchequer Division, 21st October, 1909 D. C. Ross, vice W. S. Calvert, appointed a member of The National Transcontinental Rail- way Commission, 21st October, 1909 Albert AUard, vice the Right Hon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, G.C.M.G., who elected to sit for Quebec East, 17th Decem- ber, 1909 Hon. W. L. M. King, elected by acclamation after his acceptance of the ofifice of Minister of Labour, 2nd June, 1909 Date of Election 22nd Feb., 22nd Dec, 1909 1909 11th Nov, 1909 10th Nov., 1909 29th Jan., 1910 21st June, 1909 184 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. By-Elections held during the Eleventh Parliament. Concluded. Province of Quebec. Constituency Drummond and Arthabaska. Lotbini^re . Montcalm Name of Member Arthur Gilbert, vice L. Lavergne, summoned to the Senate, 13th October, 1910 Edmond Fortier, re-elected, the former election having been declared void, 29th September, 1909 D. A. Lafortune, vice F.O. Dugas, appointed Puisn6 Judge of the Superior Court for the Province of Quebec, 6th September, 190r Date of Election 3rd Nov., 1910 26th Oct., 1909 25th Sept., 1909 Province of Nova Scotia. Lunenburg J. D. Sperry, vice A. K. Maclean, who resigned his seat, 23rd October, 1909 22nd Dec, 1909 Province of British Columbia. Comox-Atlin . . . Hon. William Templeman, vice William Sloan, who resigned his seat, 21st January, 1909. . 8th Feb., 1909 Province of Alberta. Strathcona . J. M. Douglas, elected by acclama- tion, vice Wilbert Mclntyre who died 21st July, 1909 20th Oct., 1909 185 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned at General Election held on the 21st September, 1911, to serve in the Twelfth Parliament. (1) (7th October, 1911, to ) Province of Ontario. Constituencies Members Returned Algoma, East W. R. Smyth Algoma, West Brant A. C. Boyce I. H. Fisher Brantford W. F. Cockshutt Brockville John Webster Bruce, North Hugh Clark *Bruce, South J. "J." Donnelly *Carleton Edward Kidd Dufferin John Best Dundas Andrew Broder Durham Elgin, East C. J. Thornton David Marshall *Elgin, West T. W. Crothers Essex, North Oliver J. Wilcox Essex, South Alfred H. Clarke Frontenac J. W. Edwards Glengarry John A. McMillan *GrenvilIe I. D. Reid *Grey, East Thomas S. Sproule (2) Grey, North Wm. S. Middlebro Grey, South R. T. Ball Haldimand F. R. Lalor Halton David Henderson *Hamilton, East Samuel Barker Hamilton West Hastings, East T. J. Stewart Wm. B. Northrop Hastings, West E. Guss Porter * See also By- Elections, page 194. (1) The term of the Twelfth Parliament, which would have expired on the 6th October, 1916, was extended until the 7th October, 1917, by the Act 6-7 George V, Chapter 19, (Imperial), assented to 1st June, 1916. (2) Mr. T. S. Sproule elected Speaker, 15th November, 1911; summoned to the Senate, 3rd December, 1916. 186 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Twelfth Parliament. Continued. Province of Ontario. — Continued. Constituencies Members Returned Huron, East Jas. Bowman Huron, South Huron, West .... J. J. Merner E. N. Lewis Kent, East D. A. Gordon Kent, West Kingston A. B. McCoig W. F. Nickle Lambton, East Lambton, West Lanark, North J. E. Armstrong F. F. Pardee Win. Thoburn *Lanark, South Hon. J. G. Haggart Geo. Taylor Wm. J. Paul E. A. Lancaster Thos. Beattie *Leeds Lennox and Addington *Lincoln *London *Middlesex, East Peter Elson Middlesex, North George Elliot Duncan C. Ross Middlesex, West Muskoka Wm. Wright *Nipissing Geo. Gordon Norfolk Wm. A. Charlton Northumberland, East H. J. Walker Northumberland, West Ontario, North Ontario, South C. A. Munson S. S. Sharpe Wm. Smith Ottawa Oxford, North A. E. Fripp I. L. Chabot E. W. Nesbitt Oxford, South Donald Sutherland Parry Sound Jas. Arthurs Peel Richard Blain Perth, North Perth, South H. B. Morphy Michael Steele ♦ See also By-Electlons, pages 194 and 195. 187 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Twelfth Parliament. Continued. Province of Ontario. — Concluded. Constituencies Peterborough, East Peterborough, West Prescott Prince Edward Renfrew, North *Renfrew, South Russell Simcoe, East Simcoe, North *Simcoe, South Stormont Thunder Bay and Rainy River Toronto, Centre *Toronto, East *Toronto, North Toronto, South Toronto, West *Victoria Waterloo, North *Waterloo, South Welland Wellington, North Wellington, South Wentworth York, Centre York, North York, South Members Returned J. A. Sexsmith J. H. Burnham Edmond Proulx B. R. Hepburn G. V. White Thos. A. Low Hon. Chas. Murphy Wm. H. Bennett ]. A. Currie Haughton I. S. Lennox D. O. Alguire J.J. Carrick Edmund Bristol A. E. Kemp Hon. G. E. Foster A. C. Macdonell E. B. Osier '^am. Hughes Wm. G. Weichel Geo. A. Clare Wm. M. German W. A. Clarke Hugh Guthrie Gordon C. Wilson T. G. Wallace J. A. M. Armstrong W. F. Maclean ♦ See also By-Elections, pages 195 and 196. 188 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Twelfth Parliament. Continued. Province of Quebec. Constituencies Argenteuil Bagot Beauce Beauharnois *Bellechasse Berthier Bonaventure *Brome Chambly and Verch^res *Champlain Charlevoix *Chateauguay Chicoutimi and Saguenay. . . Compton *Dorchester Drummond and Arthabaska. Gasp6 *Hochelaga Huntingdon *Jacques Cartier JoHette Kamouraska Labelle Laprairie and Napierville. . . L'Assomption Laval L6vis Members Returned Geo. H. Perley Jos. E. Marcile Hon. Henri S. Beland Louis J. Papineau J. O. Lavallee Jos. A. Barrette Hon. Chas. Marcil Geo. H. Baker [.H. Rainville (1) P. Edouard Blondin (2) Rodolphe Forget Jas. P. Brown Jos. Girard F. R. Cromwell Albert Sevigny (3) Ovide Brouillard Ls. Phil. Gauthier Louis Coderre J. A. Robb F. D. Monk J. P. O. Guilbault Ernest Lapointe Honors Achim Roch Lanct6t P. A. S6guin C. A. Wilson J. Boutin-Bourassa * See also By-Elections, pages 196 and 197. (1) Mr. J. H. Rainville elected Chairman of Committees and Deputy Speaker, Ist February, 1917. (2) Mr. P. Edouard Blondin elected Chairman of Committees and Deputy Speaker. 29th November, 1911; appointed Minister of Inland Revenue, 20th October, 1914. (3) Mr. Albert Sevigny elected Chairman of Committees and Deputy Speaker, 9th Feb- ruary, 1915; elected Speaker, 12th January, 1916; appointed Minister of Inland Revenue, 8th January, 1917. 189 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Twelfth Parliament. Continued. Province of Quebec. — Continued. Constituencies Members Returned L'Islet Eugene Paquet Edmond Fortier Lotbiniere Maisonneuve Alphonse Verville Maskinonge A. Bellemare Megantic Missisquoi L. T. Pacaud W. F. Kay D. A. Lafortune Montcalm *Montmagny D. 0. L'Esp6rance R. Forget Montmorency *Montreal, Ste. Anne Montreal, St. Antoine C. J. Doherty H. B. Ames Montreal, St. James Montreal, St. Lawrence Montreal, St. Mary L. A. Lapointe R. Bickerdike M^deric Martin *Nicolet Paul E. Lamarche Pontiac G. H. Brabazon Portneuf M. S. Delisie Quebec, Centre A. Lachance Rt. Hon. Sir W. Laurier Quebec, West *Quebec County *Richelieu Richmond and Wolfe Wm. Power L. P. Pelletier P. J. A. Cardin E. W. Tobin Rimouski H. Bouiay Hon. R. Lemieux St. Hyacinthe St. Johns and Iberville Shefford L. J. Gauthier M.J. Demers G. H. Boivin Sherbrooke Soulanges F. N. McCrea Rt. Hon. Sir W. Laurier *Stanstead T6miscouata C. H. Lovell C. A. Gauvreau * See also By-EIectlons; pages 197 and 198. IGO The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Twelfth Fariianient. Continued. Province of Quebec.^ — Concluded. Constituencies *Terrebonne Three Rivers and St. Maurice , Two Mountains Vaudreuil Wright Yamaska Members Returned W. B. Nantel Hon. Jacques Bureau J. A. C. Ethier Gustave Boyer E. B. Devlin A. A. Mondou * See also By-Elections, page 198. Province of Nova Scotia. Annapolis *Antigonish Cape Breton North and Victoria Cape Breton, South. . . Colchester Cumberland Digby Guysborough ♦Halifax Hants Inverness * King's Lunenburg Pictou Richmond Shelburne and Queen's. ♦Yarmouth Avard L. Davidson Wm. Chisholm D. D. McKenzie Wm. F. Carroll John Stanfield Edgar N. Rhodes (1) Clarence Jameson John H. Sinclair R. L. Borden A. K. Maclean Hadley B. Tremain Alex. W. Chisholm A. de Witt Foster Dugald Stewart E. M. MacDonald Geo. W. Kyte F. B. McCurdy Bowman B. Law ee also By-Elections, pages 198 and 199. Mr. Edgar N. Rhodes elected Speaker, 18th January, 1917. 191 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Twelfth Parliament. Continued. Province of New Brunswick. Constituencies Members Returned Carleton Frank B. Carvell Charlotte Ihos. A. Hartt Gloucester On6siphore Turgeon F. J. Robidoux Kent. . . . King's and Albert Geo. VVm. Fowler Northumberland Wm. S. Loggie James Reid *Restigouche St. John City Hon. Wm. Pugsley J. W. Daniel Hugh H. McLean Pius Michaud *St. John City and County Sunbury and Queen's Victoria *Westmoreland *York Hon. H. R. Emmerson Oswald S. Crocket ♦ See also By-Elections, page 199. Province of Manitoba. *Brandcn Dauphin *Lisgar *Macdona!d *Marquette *Portage la Prairie Provencher Selkirk Souris *Winnipeg J. A. M. Aikins Robert Cruise Wm. H. Sharpe W. D. Staples Wm. J.Roche Arthur Meighen J. P. Molloy Geo. H. Bradbur>' F. L. Schaffner Alex. Haggart • See also By-Elections, page 200. 192 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Twelfth Parliament. Continued. Province of British Columbia. Constituencies Members Returned Comox-Atlin H. S. Clements *Kootenay Arthur S. Goodeve Nanaimo Francis H. Shepherd Jas. D. Taylor New Westminster Vancouver City H. H. Stevens Victoria City G. H. Barnard * Yale-Cariboo Martin Burrell Province of Prince Edward Island. King's. . *Prince. . Queen's Jas. J. Hughes Jas. W. Richards Angus A. McLean Donald Nicholson Province of Saskatchewan. Assiniboia ... Battleford . . . Humboldt. . . Mackenzie. . Moosejaw. . . *Prince Albert Qu'Appelle. . . *Regina Saltcoats Saskatoon . . . J. G. Turriff Albert Champagne D. B. Neely Edward L. Cash W. E. Knowles Jas. McKay L. Thomson W. M. Martin Thos. MacNutt Geo. E. McCraney • See also By-Elections, page 201. 193 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Members Returned to serve in the Twelfth Parliament. Continued. Province of Alberta. Constituencies Members Returned Calgary Edmonton R. B. Bennett Hon. Frank Oliver Macleod David Warnock Medicine Hat W. A. Buchanan Red Deer Michael Clark Strathcona J. M. Douglas Victoria Wm. H. White Yukon Territory. Yukon , A. Thompson 14 194 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. By-Elections held during the Twelfth Parliament. (7th October, 1911, to ) Province of Ontario. Constituency Bruce, South . . Carleton Carleton Elgin, West. . Grenville. . . . Grey, East. Hamilton, East Lanark, South . Leeds Lincoln . Name of Member R. E. Truax, vice James "J." Donnelly summoned to the Senate, 26th May, 1913 William F. Garland, elected by acclamation, vice Edward Kidd, who died 16th September, 1912 William F. Garland, resigned 28th June, 1915 Hon. T. W. Crothers, re-elected by acclamation after his accept- ance of the office of Minister of Labour, 10th October, 1911 Hon. J. D. Reid, re-elected by acclamation after his acceptance of the ofifice of Minister oi Customs, 10th October, 1911. . . Hon. T. S. Sproule, Speaker of the House of Commons, summoned to the Senate, 3rd December, 1915 Hon. Samuel Barker, died 26th June, 1915 A. E. Hanna, vice Hon. J. G. Haggart, who died 13th March, 1913 Hon. T. W. White, Minister of Finance, elected by acclamation vice George Taylor, whc resigned his seat, 25th October, 1911 E. A. Lancaster, died 4th January, 1916 Date of Election 30th 30th Oct., 1913 Oct., 1912 27th Oct., 1911 27th Oct., 1911 13th Dec, 1913 6th Nov.. 1911 195 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. By-Elections held during the Twelfth Parliament. Continued. Province of Ontario. — Continued. Constituency London London Middlesex, East Nipissing Renfrew, South Simcoe, South. . Toronto, East. . Toronto, North Name of Member Wm. Gray, elected by acclamation vice Thomas Beattie, who died 2nd December, 1914 William Gray, died 12th December, 1916 S. F. Glass, vice Peter Elson, who died 11th June, 1913 Hon. Francis Cochrane, Minister of Railways and Canals, elected by acclamation, vice George Gordon, who resigned his seat, 25th October, 1911 Hon. G. P. Graham, vice T. A Low, who resigned his seat, 7th December, 1911 W. A. Boys, elected by acclama- tion, vice H. Lennox, appointed a Judge of the High Court of Justice for Ontario, 17th April, 1912 Hon. Albert Edward Kemp, re- elected by acclamation after his acceptance of the office of Minister of Militia and Defence Hon. G. E. Foster, re-elected by acclamation after his acceptance of the office of Minister of Trade and Commerce, 10th October, 1911 Date of Election 1st Feb., 1915 21st Oct., 1913 8th Nov., 22nd Feb., 1911 1912 10th June, 1912 14th Dec, 1916 27th Oct., 1911 196 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. By-Elections held during the Twelfth Parliament. Continued. Province of Ontario. — Concluded. Constituency Name of Member Date of Election Victoria Hon. Samuel Hughes, re-elected by acclamation after his accept- ance of the office of Minister of Militia and Defence, 10th October, 1911 27th Oct., 1911 Waterloo, South F. S. Scott, elected by acclamation vice Hon. G. A. Clare, who died, 9th January, 1915 1st Feb., 1915 Province of Quebec. Bellechasse . Brome Champlain. Ch&teauguay. . Dorchester. . . . Joseph Octave Lavallee, resigned 12th May, 1916 Lieut.-Col. Geo. H. Baker died 3rd June, 1916; he was fatally wounded at the battle of Hooge, in Flanders, and died next day. Hon. P. E. Blondin, re-elected by acclamation after his acceptance of the ofifice of Minister of Inland Revenue James Morris, vice J. P. Brown, who died, 30th May, 1913 Hon. Joseph Pierre Albert Sevigny, re-elected after his acceptance of the office of Min- ister of Inland Revenue 7th Nov., 1914 11th Oct., 1913 27th Jan., 1917 197 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. By-Elections held during the Twelfth Parliament. Continued. Province of Quebec. — Continued. Constituency Name of Member Date of Election Hochelaga . Hochelaga . Jacques Cartier Jacques Cartier, Montmagny. . Montreal, Ste. Anne. Nicolet. . . . Quebec County Hon. Louis Coderre, re-elected after his acceptance of the office of Secretary of State of Canada, 29th October, 1912 Hon. E. L. Patenaude, Minister of Inland Revenue, elected by acclamation, vice Hon. Louis Coderre, appointed Puisn^ Judge of the Superior Court for the Province of Quebec, 6th October, 1915 Hon. F. D. Monk, re-elected by acclamation after his acceptance of the office of Minister of Public Works, 10th October, 1911 A. Descarries, elected by accla- mation, vice Hon. F. D. Monk, who resigned, 2nd March, 1914 D. O. Lesp France, resigned 6th June, 1916 19th Nov., 1912 J. Hon. C. J. Doherty, re-elected by acclamation after his acceptance of the office of Minister of Justice, 10th October, 1911. . Paul E. Lamarche, resigned 21st September, 1916 Hon. L. P. Pelletier, re-elected by acclamation after his acceptance of the office of Postmaster- General, 10th October, 1911. . . 15th Oct., 1915 27th Oct., 1911 1st Feb., 1915 27th Oct., 1911 27th Oct., 1911 198 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. By-Elections held during the Twelfth Parliament. Continued. Province of Quebec. — Concluded. Constituency Quebec County Quebec County Richelieu Stanstead Terrebonne . . . . Terrebonne. . . . Terrebonne. . . . Name of Member Hon. T. C. Casgrain, Postmaster General, elected by acclamation, vice Hon. L. P. Pelletier, who resigned his seat, 20th October, 1914 Hon. Thomas Chase Casgrain died 29th December, 1916 P. J. A. Cardin re-elected, the former election having been declared void, 29th April, 1912. C. H. Lovell died 17th October, 1916 Hon. W. B. Nantel, re-elected by acclamation after his acceptance of Minister of Inland Revenue, 10th October, 1911 G6deon Rochon, vice Hon. W. B. Nantel, appointed Deputy Chief Commissioner, Board of Rail- way Commissioners, 20th October, 1914 G6d4on Rochon died 11th Febru- 1917 arv' Date of Election 7th Nov., 1914 24th Oct., 1912 27th Oct., 1911 8th Feb., 1915 Province of Nova Scotia. Antigonish . Halifax. . . . William Chisholm resigned, 30th May, 1916 Hon. R. L. Borden re-elected by acclamation after his acceptance of the office of President of the King's Privy Council for Canada, 10th October, 1911. 27th Oct., 1911 199 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. By-Elections held during the Twelfth Parliament. Continued. Province of Nova Scotia. — Concluded. Constituency Name of Member Date of Election King's Arthur De Witt Foster resigned, 24th April, 1915 Yarmouth Bowman Brown Law died 3rd February, 1916; he perished in the fire which destroyed the Parliament Buildings, on the 3rd February, 1916 Province of New Brunswick. Restigouche. . . St. John City and County Westmoreland. York James Reid died 17th November, 1915 Hon. J. D. Hazen, Minister of Marine and Fisheries and Min- ister of the Naval Service elected by acclamation, vice J W. Daniel, who resigned his seat, 17th October, 1911 A. B. Copp, elected by acclama- tion, vice Hon. H.R.Emmerson, who died 9th July, 1914 H. F. McLeod, vice O. S. Crocket appointed Puisn^ Judge of the Supreme Court of New Brunswick, King's Bench Division, 11th December, 1913 27th Oct., 1911 1st Feb., 1915 31st Dec, 1913 200 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. By-Elections held during the Twelfth Parliament. Continued. Province of Manitoba. Constituency Brandon Lisgar Macdonald . . Macdonald . . Marquette Portage la Prairie. . Winnipeg. Name of Member Sir James A. M. Aikins, Kt, resigned 16th July, 1915 W. H. Sharpe resigned, 16th July, 1915. Alexander Morrison, vice W. D. Staples, appointed Grain Com- missioner for Canada, 10th April, 1912 Alexander Morrison re-elected, the former election having been declared void, 10th November, 1913 Hon. W. J. Roche re-elected by acclamation after his acceptance of the office of Secretary of State of Canada, 10th October, 1911 Hon. Arthur Meighen re-elected by acclamation after his accept- ance of the office of Solicitor- General Hon. R. Rogers, Minister of the Interior, elected by acclamation, vice Alex. Haggart, who re- signed his seat, 11th October, 1911 Date of Election 12th Oct., 1912 13th Dec, 1913 27th Oct., 1911 19th July, 1913 27th Oct., 1911 201 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. By-Elections held during the Twelfth Parliament. Concluded. Province of British Columbia. Constituency Name of Member Date of Election Kootenay Yale-Cariboo. . . R. F. Green, vice A. S. Goodeve, appointed Railway Commis- sioner, 4th April, 1912 Hon. Martin Burrell re-elected by acclamation after his acceptance of the office of Minister of Agriculture, 10th October, 1911 30th May, 1912 4th Nov., 1911 Province of Prince Edward Island. Prince . James W. Richards died 9tb March, 1915 Province of Saskatchewan. Prince Albert. Regina S. J. Donaldson elected by acclamation, vice James McKay appointed a Judge of the Supreme Court of Saskatchewan 16th December, 1914 W. M. Martin resigned, 20th October, 1916. 1st Feb., 1915 202 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Parliaments and Sessions, — Periods of their Duration. {Continued from page 296, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Parliaments and Sessions. Seventh Parliament 6th Session Eighth Parliament 1st Session 2nd Session 3rd Session 4th Session 5th Session Ninth Parliament 1st Session 2nd Session 3rd Session 4th Session Tenth Parliament 1st Session 2nd Session 3rd Session 4th Session Eleventh Parliament 1st Session 2nd Session 3rd Session From To 25th Apl., 1891 2nd Jan., 1896 13th July, 1896 19th Aug., 1896 25th Mar., 1897 3rd Feb., 1898 16th Mar., 1899 1st Feb., 1900 5th Dec, 1900 6th Feb., 1901 13th Feb., 1902 12th Mar., 1903 10th Mar., 1904 15th Dec, 1904 11th Jan., 1905 8th Mar., 1906 22nd Nov., 1906 28th Nov., 1907 3rd Dfec, 1908 20th Jan., 1909 11th Nov., 1909 17th Nov., 19i0 24th Apl., 1896 23rd Apl., 1896 9th Oct., 1900 5th Oct., 1896 29th June, 1897 13th June, 1898 11th Aug., 1899 18th July, 1900 29th Sept., 1904 23rd May, 1901 15th May, 1902 24th Oct., 1903 10th Aug., 1904 17th Sept., 1908 20th July, 1905 13th July, 1906 27th Apl., 1907 20th July, 1908 29th July, 1911 19th May, 1909 4th May, 1910 29th July, 1911 203 The House of Commons of Canada. — Continued. Parliaments and Sessions, — Periods of their Duration. Concluded. Pariiaments and Sessions Twelfth Parliament (1) 1st Session 2nd Session 3rd Session 4th Session, (War Session) 5th Session 6th Session 7th Session (2) 1st Part 2nd Part From 7th Oct., 1911 16th Nov., 1911 21st Nov., 1912 15th Jan., 1914 18th Aug., 1914 4th Feb., 1915 12th Jan., 1916 I8th Jan., 1917 19th Apl., 1917 To 1st Apl., 1912 6th June, 1913 12th June, 1914 22nd Aug., 1914 15th Apl., 1915 18th May, 1916 7th Feb., 1917 DURATION OF PARLIAMENT.— Section 50 of the British North America Act, 1867, provides that "Every House of Commons shall continue for five years from the day of the Return of the Writs for choosing the House (subject to be sooner dissolved by the Governor-General), and no longer." (1) The term of the Twelfth Parliament, which would have expired on the 6th October, 1916, was extended until the 7th October, 1917, by the Act 6-7 George V, Chapter 19, (Imperial), amend- ing the British North America Act, 1867, assented to 1st June, 1916. (2) The 7th session of the Twelfth Parliament was adjourned from the 7th February, to the 19th April. 1917, in order that the Prime Minister might attend the Imperial War Conference in London. General Elections held in the Dominion of Canada. 1896 to 1917. (Continued from page 297, Volume 1. "1867 to 1895.") Parliament Eighth Parliament Ninth Tenth Eleventh " Twelfth Date of Writs 24th Apl. 9th Oct., 29th Sept. 18th Sept. 3rd Aug., 1896 190C 1904 1908 191] Date Returnable 13th July, 1896 5th Dec, 1900 15th Dec, 1904 3rd Dec, 1908 7th Oct., 1911 Date of GeneralElection 23rd June, 1896 7th Nov., 1900 3rd Nov., 1904 26th Oct., 1908 21st Sept., 1911 204 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Dominion and Provincial Courts of Justice. 1896 to 1917. The Supreme Court of Canada. {Continued from page 299, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895 r) The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada is styled "The Chief Justice of Canada," Act 59 Vict., Chap. 14, assented to 23rd April, 1896, (Chap. 139, R.S.C., 1906). Prior to the said Act he was styled "The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada." The Act 58-59 Vict., (Imp.) Chap. 44, assented to 6th July, 1895, provides, among other things, that if any person being, or having been. Chief Juetice or a Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada, or of a Superior Court in any Province of Canada, is a member of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, he shall be a member of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. By a Commission passed under the Royal Sign Manual and Signet bearing date the 7th May, 1901, His Majesty the King was pleased to appoint the Chief Justice for the time being of the Supreme Court of Canada, or, in case of the death, incapacity, removal or absence out of Canada of the Chief Justice, the Senior Judge of the said Supreme Court then residing in Canada and not being under incapacity, to administer the Government of the Dominion of Canada in the event of the death, incapacity, removal or absence out of Canada of the Governor-General. This Commission was superseded by the Letters Patent passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom, dated 15th June, 1905, (published in The Canada Gazette of the 4th August, 1906, Volume XL, page 253,) constituting the ofifice of Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief of the Dominion of Canada, and containing the same provision, with respect to the appointment of an admin- istrator, as was contained in the Commission aforesaid. 205 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion Continued. of Canada. The Supreme Court of Canada. The Chief Justices of Canada. {Continued from page 301, Volume 1, ''1867 to 1895.") Name. The Right Hon. Sir Samuel Henry Strong, Kt, (1) The Right Hon. Sir Henri Elz6ar Taschereau, Kt, (2) The Right Hon. Sir Charles Fitzpatrick, G.C.M.G., (3).. . From 13th Dec, 1892 21st Nov., 1902 4th June, 1906 To 20th Nov., 1902 1st May, 1906 (1) The Right Hon. Sir Samuel Henry Strong knighted, 26th June, 1893; appointed a member of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, 21st January, 1897, sworn 7th July, 1897; retired 21st November, 1902; appointed a member and president of the commission for the revision and consolidation of the Public Statutes of Canada, 21st November, 1902; died Slst August, 1909. (2) The Right Hon. Sir Henry Elzear Taschereau knighted, 26th June, 1902; appointed a member of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, 16th May, 1904, sworn 23rd June, 1904; retired 2nd May, 1906; died 14th April, 1911. (3) The Right Hon. Sir Charles Fitzpatrick created K.C.M.G., 28th June, 1907; promoted G.C.M.G., 19th June, 1911; appointed a member of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Coun- cil, 4th July, 1908, sworn 5th July. 1911. Puisne Judges. {Continued from page 301, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895 .") Hon. Sir Henri Elzear Taschereau, Kt, (1) " John Wellington Gwynne (2) " Robert Sedgewick (3) " George Edwin King (4) . . . . " D6sire Girouard (5) 7th Oct., 14th Jan., 18th Feb., 21st Sept., 28th Sept., 187^ 187t 1893 1893 1895 20th Nov., 1902 7th Jan., 1902 4th Aug., 1906 8th May, 1901. 22nd Mar., 1911 Mr. Justice Telesphore Fournier retired, 12th September, 1895; died, 10th May, 1896. (1) Mr. Justice Taschereau knighted, 26th June, 1902; appointed Chief Justice of Canada, 2l8t November, 1902. (2) Mr. Justice Gwynne died, 7th January, 1902. (3) Mr. Justice Sedgewick died, 4th August, 1906. (4) Mr. Justice King died, 8th May. 1901. (5) Mr. Justice Girouard died, 22nd March, 1911. 206 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Supreme Court of Canada. — Concluded. Puisne Judges. — Concluded. Name Sir Louis Henry Davies, K.C.M.G David Mills (1) John Douglas Armour (2) . Wallace Nesbitt (3) Albert ClemtiOts Killam (4) John Idington James Maclennan (5) . . . . Lyman Poore Duff Francis Alexander Anglin. Louis Philippe Brodeur. . . . From To Hon, 25th Sept., 8th Feb., 21st Nov., 16th May, 8th Aug., 10th Feb., 5th Oct., 27th Sept., 23rd Feb., 11th Aug., 1901 1902 1902 1903 1903 1905 1905 1906 1909 1911 8th May, 1903 11th July, 1903 4th Oct., 1905 6th Feb., 1905 12th Feb., 1909 (1) Mr. Justice Mills died. 8th May, 1903. (2) Mr. Justice Armour died, 11th July, 1903. (3) Mr. Justice Nesbitt resigned, 5th October, 1905. (4) Mr. Justice Killam resigned and was appointed Chief Commissioner of the Board of Railway Commissioners for Canada, 7th February, 1905; died, 1st March, 1908. (5) Mr. Justice Maclennan retired. 13th February, 1909; died, 9th June, 1916. Registrars of the Supreme Court of Canada. {Continued from, page 301, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Robert Cassels, Q.C., (1) Edward Robert Cameron, K.C. (2) 8th Oct., 1875 2nd July, 1898 17th June, 1898 (1) Mr. Cassels died, 17th June, 1898. (2) Mr. Cameron has the rank of a Deputy Head of a department. 207 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Exchequer Court of Canada. {Continued from page 302, Volume 1, ''1867 to 1895.") The Exchequer Court of Canada, as constituted by the Act 2 George V, Chapter 21, assented to 1st April, 1912, consists of one Judge and one Assistant Judge appointed by the Governor- in-Council. Previously, as originally constituted by the Act 50-51 Vict., Chapter 16 (1887), (Chap. 140, R.S.C., 1906), the said Court consisted of one Judge. The Assistant Judge has and may exercise all the powers, jurisdiction and authority of the Judge of the Court. The Judge of the Court. Name From To Hon. George Wheelock Burbidge (1) 1st Oct., 1887 2nd Mar., 1908 18th Feb., 1908 " Sir Walter Gibson Pringle Cassels, Kt. (2) (1) Mr. Justice Burbidge died, 18th February, 1908. (2) Mr. Justice Cassels knighted, 21st February, 1917. Assistant Judge. Hon. Louis Arthur Audette. 4th Apl., 1912 Registrars of the Exchequer Court of Canada. Louis Arthur Audette, K.C., LL.D. (1) Charles Morse, K.C., D.C.L. (2) . 8th Nov., 1887 3rd May, 1912 3rd Apl., 1912 1912. (1) Mr. Audette appointed Assistant Judge of the Exchequer Court of Canada, 4th April, (2) Mr. Morse was previously, from 1st July, 1888, Reporter of the Court. 208 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. Local Judges in Admiralty of the Exchequer Court of Canada. The Admiralty District of Quebec. (Registry at the City of Quebec.) {Continued from page 302, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Local Judge Hon. George Irvine, Q.C. (1) " Sir Adolphe Basile Routhier, Kt. (2) From 2nd Oct., 1891 21st Mar., 1897 To 24th Feb., 1897 (1) Judge Irvine died, 24th February, 1897. (2) Sir Adolphe Routhier was also a Puisne Judge of the Superior Court for the Province of Quebec, from 1st September, 1873, to 30th September, 1904, and Chief Justice from latter date to 5th June, 1906, when he retired; knighted, 20th June, 1911. The Admiralty District of Nova Scotia. (Registry at the City of Halifax.) {Continued from page 303, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Hon. James McDonald (1) " Arthur Drysdale (2) . 2nd Oct., 1891 18th Oct., 1912 3rd Oct., 1912 (1) Judge McDonald was also Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, from 20th May, 1881, to 18th August, 1904, when he retired; died, 3rd October, 1912. (2) judge Drysdale is also a Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia. The Admiralty District of New Brunswick. (Registry at the City of St. John.) Hon. William Henry Tuck (1) . . . " Sir Ezekiel McLeod, Kt. (2) 13th Oct., 1891 13th May, 1896 12th May, 1896 (1) Judge Tuck resigned, 12th May, 1896; he was also a Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of New Brunswick. (2) Judge McLeod ia also Chief Justice of New Brunswick; knighted 21st February, 1917. 209 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. Local Judges in Admiralty of the Exchequer Court of Canada. — Continued. The Admiralty District of Prince Edward Island. (Registry at the City of Charlotte town.) {Continued from page 304, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Local Judge Hon. Sir William Wilfred Sullivan, Kt, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Prince Edward Island (1) From 2nd Oct., 1891 To 12th June, 1917 (1) Mr. Chief Justice Sullivan knighted, 29th June, 1914; retired, 13th June, 1917. *The Admiralty District of British Columbia. (Registry at the City of Victoria.) (Continued from page SO4, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Hon. Theodore Davie (1) " Angus John McCoU (2) . " Archer Martin (3) 25th Mar., 1895 23rd Aug., 1898 4th Mar., 1902 7th Mar., 1898 16th Jan., 1902 * See also foot-note (1) page 380. Volume 1, " 1867 to 1895." (1) Hon. Mr. Davie died, 7th March, 1898; he was also Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. (2) Hon. Mr. McCoU died, 16th January, 1902; he was also Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. (3) Mr. Justice Martin is also a Judge of the Court of Appeal for British Columbia. 15 210 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. Local Judges in Admiralty of the Exchequer Court of Canada. — Concluded. The Toronto Admiralty J)istrict. (Registry at the City of Toronto.) {Continued from page 305, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Local Judge Joseph Easton McDougall (1) . . . Thomas Hodgins (2) Hon. James Thompson Garrow (3) " Frank Egerton Hodgins (4). Froi 2nd Oct., 1891 9th Feb., 1903 1st Mar., 1910 14th Nov., 1916 To 29th Jan., 1903 14th Jan., 1910 31st Aug., 1916 (1) Judge McDougall was also Judge of the County Court of York; died, 29th January, 1903. (2) Judge Thomas Hodgins died, 14th January, 1910. (3) Judge Garrow was also a Justice of Appeal of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of Ontario; died, 31st August, 1916. (4) Judge Hodgins is also a Justice of Appeal of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of Ontario. *The Admiralty District of the Yukon Territory. (Registry at the City of Dawson.) Hon. James Craig (1) " Charles Daniel Macaulay (2) 5th May, 190C 6th Jan., 1916 12th June, 1912 * The Admiralty District of the Yukon Territory was constituted by Order-in-Council of the 27th October, 1899. (1) Judge Craig was also appointed on the 26th April, 1900, a Judge of the Territorial Court of the Yukon Territory; retired, 12th June, 1912. (2) Judge Macaulay is also Judge of the Territorial Court of the Yukon Territory. 211 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario. 1896 to 1912. {Continued from pages 306 to 313, Volume 1, ''1867 to 1895.'') The name of this Court was changed from "The Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario" to "The Suprem.e Court of Ontario" and that of "The Court of Appeal" to "The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of Ontario," and the Divisions and Divisional Courts of the High Court of Justice for Ontario were abolished, by The Law Reform Act, 1909, 9 Edward VII, Ontario, Chap. 28, assented to 13th April, 1909, which came into force on the 1st January, 1913, by Proclamation of the Lieutenant-Governor dated the 4th July, 1912. (1) The Suprem.e Court of Judicature for Ontario, as constituted by The Ontario Judicature Act, 1881, which came into opera- tion on the 22nd August, 1881, consisted of two permanent divi- sions: "The Court of Appeal for Ontario," and the "High Court of Justice for Ontario," the latter comprising the Queen's Bench Division, afterwards the King's Bench Division, the Chancery Division, and the Common Pleas Division. Under the provisions of the said Act the Court of Appeal for Ontario consisted of a Chief Justice, called the Chief Justice of Ontario, and three other Judges, called Justices of Appeal. The constitution of this Court was changed from a Chief Justice and three other Judges to a Chief Justice and four other Judges, by the Act 60 Vict., Ontario, Chap. 13, assented to 13th April, 1897, which came into force on the 1st July, 1897. The Queen's Bench Division, afterwards the King's Bench Division of the High Court, consisted of a Chief Justice and two Justices of the High Court. The Chancery Division of the High Court originally con- sisted of a Chancellor of Ontario and three Justices of the High Court, and as constituted by the Act 3 Edward VII, Chap. 8, assented to 12th June, 1903, which cam.e into force on the 1st December, 1903, it consisted of the Chancellor of Ontario and two Justices of the High Court. The Common Pleas Division of the High Court consisted of a Chief Justice and two Justices of the High Court. (1) For the constitution of the Supreme Court of Ontario, see "The Supreme Court of Ontario," page 218. 212 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario. — Continued. A fourth Division of the High Court, called the Exchequer Division of the High Court, composed of a Chief Justice, called "The Chief Justice of the Exchequer," and two Justices of the High Court, was constituted by the Act 3 Edward VH, Chap. 8, above mentioned, assented to 12th June, 1903, which came into force on the 1st December, 1903. *The Court of Appeal for Ontario. *Chief Justices of Ontario. {Continued from page 308, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895 r) Name Hon. John Hawkins Hagarty (1) . " Sir George William Burton. Kt(2) " John Douglas Armour (3). . " Sir Charles Moss, Kt (4).. . " Sir William Ralph Meredith, Kt From 6th May, 1884 24th Apl., 1897 2nd July, 190C 21st Nov., 1902 1st Nov., 1912 To 5th Apl., 1897 1st July, 1900 20th Nov., 1902 11th Oct., 1912 * The name of this Court was changed from "The Court of Appeal" to "The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of Ontario," 1st January, 1913; "Chief Justices of Ontario" con- tinued under "The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of Ontario, page 220. (1) Mr. Chief Justice Hagarty retired, 6th April, 1897; knighted 28th September, 1897; died. 27th April. 1900. (2) Mr. Chief Justice Burton knighted, 23rd February. 1898; retired, 1st July. 1900; died, 22nd August. 1901. (3) Mr. Chief Justice Armour appointed Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada. 2l8t November. 1902. (4) Mr. Chief Justice Moss knighted, 9th November. 1907; died. 11th October, 1912. 213 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario. — Continued. *The Court of Appeal for Ontario. — Concluded. *Justice8 of Appeal. {Continued from page 308, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Hon. Name George William Burton (1). Featherston Osier (2) James Maclennan (3) Charles Moss (4) James Frederick Lister (5) . James Thompson Garrow (6) John James Maclaren Richard Martin Meredith (7)... James Magee Frank Egerton Hodgins (8) . From 30th May, 1874 17th Nov. 1883 27th Oct., 188S 24th Apl., 1897 21st June, 1898 20th Mar. 1902 21st Nov., 1902 13th Nov. 1905 9th Apl., 1910 1st Nov., 1912 To 23rd Apl., 1897 nth Mar., 1910 4th Oct., 1905 20th Nov., 1902 9th Feb., 1902 31st Aug., 1916 31st Oct., 1912 * The name of this Court was changed from "The Court of Appeal" to "The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of Ontario," 1st January, 1913; "Justices of Appeal" continued under "The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of Ontario," page 220. (1) Mr. Justice Burton appointed Chief Justice of Ontario, 24th April, 1897. (2) Mr. Justice Osier retired. 12th March, 1910; permitted by His Majesty the King to retain the title "Honourable," 20th June, 1917. (3) Mr. Justice Maclennan appointed Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada, 5th October, 1905. (4) Mr. Justice Moss appointed Chief Justice of Ontario, 21st November, 1902. (5) Mr. Justice Lister died, 9th February, 1902. (6) Mr. Justice Garrow was also appointed Local Judge in Admiralty of the Exchequer Court of Canada for the Toronto Admiralty District, 1st March, 1910; died, 31st August, 1916. (7) Mr. Justice Meredith appointed Chief Justice of the Common Pleas Division'of the High Court of Justice for Ontario, 1st November, 1912. (8) Mr. Justice Hodgins was also appointed Local Judge in Admiralty of the Exchequer Court of Canada for the Toronto Admiralty District, 14th November, 1916. 214 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario. — Continued. The High Court of Justice for Ontario. *King's Bench Division. *Chief Justices of the King's Bench. (Continued from page 309, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Name Hon. John Douglas Armour (1) . " Sir William Glenholme Falconbridge, Kt (2). From 14th Nov., 1887 3rd July, 190C To 1st July, 1900 * Upon the demise of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, on the 22nd January, 1901, the name of this Division of the High Court of Justice for Ontario was changed from "Queen's Bench Divi- sion" to "King's Bench Division," and the title of "Chief Justice of the Queen's Bench" to that of "Chief Justice of the King's Bench." The King's Bench Division was abolished 1st January, 1913, but the Chief Justice of the King's Bench was permitted to retain his rank and title; thereupon the Justices thereof became Judges of the High Court Division of the Supreme Court of Ontario; for latter see pages 221 and 222. (1) Mr. Chief Justice Armour appointed Chief Justice of the Court of Appeal with the title of Chief Justice of Ontario, 2nd July, 1900. (2) Mr. Chief Justice Falconbridge knighted, 26th June, 1908. *Justic€8 of the High Court — King's Bench Division. {Continued from page 310, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895") Hon. William Glenholme Falconbridge (1) " William Purvis Rochforl Street (2) " Byron Moflfatt Britton (3) . . " William Renwick Riddell (3) 21st Nov., 1887 30th Nov., 1887 24th Sept., 1901 10th Oct., 190e 2nd July, 1900 1st Aug., 1906 31st Dec, 1912 31st Dec, 1912 * Upon the demise of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, on the 22nd January, 1901, the name of this Division of the High Court of Justice for Ontario was changed from "Queen's Bench Divi- sion" to "King's Bench Division." The King's Bench Division was abolished 1st January, 1913, and thereupon the Justices thereof became Judges of the High Court Division of the Supreme Court of Ontario; for latter see page 222. (1) Mr. Justice Falconbridge appointed Chief Justice of the Queen's Bench, (afterwards King's Bench). 3rd July, 1900. (2) Mr. Justice Street died, 1st August, 1906. (3) Mr. Justice Britton and Mr. Justice Riddell, upon the King's Bench Division being abolished on the 1st January, 1913, became Judges of the High Court Division of the Supreme Court of Ontario; for latter see page 222. 215 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario — Continued. The High Court of Justice for Ontario. — Continued. *Chancery Division. *Chancellors of Ontario. {Continned from page 311, Volume 1, "1S67 to 1895:') Name From To Hon. Sir John Alexander Boyd, K.C.M.G. (1) 3rd May, 1881 23rd Nov., 1916 (1) Sir John Alexander Boyd knighted, 2nd June, 1899; created K.C.M.G., 17th Septem- ber, 1901; died, 23rd November, 1916; upon the death of the Chancellor of Ontario this office ceased to exist, in accordance with the provisions of the Statute constituting the Supreme Court of On- tario. ^Justices of the High Court — Chancery Division. {Continued from page 311, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Hon. Thomas Ferguson (1) " Thomas Robertson (2) " Richard Martin Meredith, (3) ., " James Magee (4) " Jam.es Pitt Mabee (5) " Francis Robert Latchford (6) " William Edward Middletor (6) 24th May, nth Feb., 1st Oct., 25th June, 21st Nov., 5th May, 1881 1887 189C 1904 190.^ 1908 9th Apl., 191G 31st May, 1904 17th Apl., 1904 12th Nov., 1905 8th Apl., 1910 23rd Mar., 1908 31st Dec, 1912 31st Dec, 1912 * The Chancery Division was abolished 1st January, 1913, but the Chancellor of Ontario was permitted to retain his rank and title; thereupon the Justices thereof became Judges of the High Court Division of the Supreme Court of Ontario; for latter see pages 221 and 222. (1) Mr. Justice Ferguson died, 31st May, 1904. (2) Mr. Justice Robertson retired, 18th April. 1904; died, 6th September. 1905. (3) Mr. Justice Meredith appointed Justice of Appeal, 13th November, 1905. (4) Mr. Justice Magee appointed Justice of Appeal, 9th April, 1910. (5) Mr. Justice Mabee appointed Chief Commissioner of the Board of Railway Commis- sioners, 24th March, 1908. (6) Mr. Justice Latchford and Mr. Justice Middleton, upon the Chancery Division being abolished on the 1st January, 1913, became Judges of the High Court Division of the Supreme Court of Ontario; for latter see page 222. 216 The Judicial Bencli in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario. — Continued. The High Court of Justice for Ontario. — Continued. *Coninion Pleas Division. ♦Chief Justices of the Common Pleas. {Continued from page 312, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895 r) Name From To Hon. Sir William Ralph Meredith, Kt (1) 5th Oct., 1894 1st Nov., 1912 31st Oct., 1912 " Richard Martin Meredith . . * The Common Pleas Division was abolished 1st January, 1913, but the Chief Justice of the Common Pleas was permitted to retain his rank and title; thereupon the Justices thereof became Judges of the High Court Division of the Supreme Court of Ontario; for latter see pages 221 and 222. (1) Sir William Ralph Meredith knighted, 17th June, 1S96; appointed Chief Justice of the Court of Appeal for Ontario, with title of Chief Justice of Ontario, 1st November, 1912. Justices of the High Court — Common Pleas Division. {Continued from page 313, Volume 1, "1867 to 1896.") Hon. John Edward Rose (1) . . . " Hugh McMahon (2) " William Lount (3) " James Vernall Teetzel (4) " Hugh Thomas Kelly (4) . . 4th Dec, 188c 30th Nov., 1887 30th Jan., 1901 16th May, 1903 13th Nov., 1911 19th Jan., 17th Jan., 24th Apl., 31st Dec, 31st Dec, 1901 1911 1903 1912 1912 (1) Mr. Justice Rose died, 19th January, 1901. (2) Mr. Justice McMahon died, 17th January, 1911. (3) Mr. Justice Lount died, 24th April, 1903. (4) Mr. Justice Teetzel and Mr. Justice Kelly, upon the Common Pleaa Division being abolished on the Ist January, 1913, became Judges of The High Court Division of the Supreme Court of Ontario; for latter see page 222. 217 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario. — Continued. The High Court of Justice for Ontario. — Continued. *Exchequer Division. ♦Chief Justice. Name To Hon. Sir William Mulock, K.C.M.G Justices of the High Court — Exchequer Division. Hon. Francis Alexander Anglin (1) " John Idington (2) " Roger Conger Clute (3) . . . . " Robert Franklin Sutherland (3) 16th Mar., 1904 16th Mar., 1904 10th Feb., 1905 21st Oct., 1909 22nd Feb., 1909 9th Feb., 1905 31st Dec, 1912 31st Dec, 1912 ♦ The Exchequer Division was abolished 1st January, 1913, but the Chief Justice of the Exchequer was permitted to retain his rank and title; thereupon the Justices thereof became Judges of the High Court Division of the Supreme Court of Ontario; for latter see pages 221 and 222. (1) Mr. Justice Anglin appointed Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada, 23rd Feb- ruary, 1909. (2) Mr. Justice Idington appointed Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of Canada, 10th February, 1905. (3) Mr. Justice Clute and Mr. Justice Sutherland, upon the Exchequer Division being abolished on the 1st January, 1913, became Judges of the High Court Division of the Supreme Court of Ontario; for latter see page 222. 218 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario. — Concluded. The High Court of Justice for Ontario. — Concluded. Extra Justices of the High Court. Nanr.e Hon. Haughton Ignatius Samuel Lennox (1) " James Leitch (1) From 17th Apl., 1912 1st Nov., 1912 To 31st Dec, 1912 31st Dec, 1912 (1) Mr. Justice Lennox and Mr. Justice Leitch, upon the Supreme Court of Ontario being constituted on the 1st January, 1913, became Judges of the High Court Division of the said Supreme Court of Ontario; for latter see page 222. The Supreme Court of Ontario. The Supreme Court of Ontario, which is a superior court of record, having civil and criminal jurisdiction, and which superseded the Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario, was constituted by The Law Reform Act, 1909, 9 Edward VII, Chapter 28, of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, assented to 13th April, 1909, which came into force on the 1st January, 1913, by Proclamation of the Lieutenant-Governor, dated 4th July, 1912, and The Judicature Act, 3-4 George V, Chapter 19, assented to 6th May, 1913, (Chapter 56, R.S.O., 1914), and consists of two branches or divisions, which are designated respectively, "The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of Ontario," and "The High Court Division of the Supreme Court of Ontario." The Appellate Division consists of a Chief Justice, called the Chief Justice of Ontario, who is the President of the Division, and four other Judges, called Justices of Appeal, and of the other Judges of the High Court Division who for the time being consti- tute or are members of a Divisional Court. The High Court Division consists of fourteen Judges. 219 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Supreme Court of Ontario. — Continued. It is provided that the Chancellor of Ontario, since deceased, the Chief Justice of the King's Bench, the Chief Justice of the Exchequer and the Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, shall retain their rank and titles, and that the senior of them for the time being or the last of them who holds office, as the case may be, shall be the President of the High Court Division. It is further provided that when a vacancy occurs in any of the offices above mentioned the office which becomes vacant shall be abolished, and that when all of the said offices have ceased to exist, the High Court Division shall consist of a Chief Justice, called the Chief Justice of the High Court, who shall be the Presi- dent of the Division, and thirteen other judges. Every Judge appointed to the Appellate Division or to the High Court Division is a Judge of the Supreme Court and is ex- officio, a Judge of the Division of which he is not a member, and, except where it is not otherwise expressly provided, all the Judges of the Supreme Court have in all respects equal jurisdiction, power and authority. Precedence of Judges. The Chief Justice of Ontario has rank and precedence over all the other Judges. The Chief Justice of the High Court has rank and precedence next after the Chief Justice of Ontario. The Justices of Appeal, who held office on the 31st December, 1912, retain their rank and precedence; and the Justices of Appeal thereafter appointed and the other Judges of the Supreme Court, have rank and precedence after the Chief Justice of the High Court and amiong them.selves according to seniority of appointment. 220 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Supreme Court of Ontario. — Continued. *The Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of Ontario. (From 1st January, 1913.) Chief Justice of Ontario. {Continued from page 212.) Name Hon, Sir William Ralph Meredith, Kt *Justices of Appeal. {Continued Jrovi page 213.) Hon. James Thompson Garrow (1) John James Maclaren " James Magee " Frank Egerton Hodgins (2) William Nassau Ferguson. , 20th Mar., 1902 21st Nov., 1902 9th Apl., 1910 1st Nov., 1912 4th Dec, 1916 31st Aug., 1916 * This Court was formerly called, until the 31st December, 1912, "The Court of Appeal for Ontario;" for "Justices of Appeal," previously appointed, See "Court of Appeal," page 213. (1) Mr. Justice Garrow was also appointed Local Judge in Admiralty of the Exchequer Court of Canada for the Toronto Admiralty District, 1st March, 1910; died, 31st August, 1916. (2) Mr. Justice Hodgins was also appointed Local Judge in Admiralty of the Exchequer Court of Canada for the Toronto Admiralty District, 14th November, 1916. 221 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Supreme Court of Ontario. — Continued. *The High Court Division of the Supreme Court of Ontario. (From 1st January, 1913.) Chancellor of Ontario. Name Hon. Sir John Alexander Boyd K.C.M.G. (1) From 3rd May, 188J To 23rd Nov., 1916 Chief Justice of the King's Bench. Hon. Sir William Glenholme Falconbridge, Kt 3rd July, 1900 Chief Justice of the Exchequer. Hon. Sir William Mulock, K.C.M.G 17th Oct., 1905 Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. Hon. Richard Martin Meredith . . 1st Nov., 1912 * For the constitution of the High Court Division of the Supreme Court of Ontario, see page 218. The senior of the Chief Justices above mentioned for the time being or the last of them who holds office, as the case may be, is the President of the High Court Division. (1) Sir John Alexander Boyd was President of the High Court Division from 1st January, 1913; died, 23rd November, 1916; upon the death of the Chancellor of Ontario this office ceased to exist. 222 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Supreme Court of Ontario. — Concluded. •^The High Court Division of the Supreme Court of Ontario. Concluded. (From 1st January, 1913.) Puisne Judges. Nan e From To Hon. Byron Moffatt Britton 24th Sept. 1901 " James Vernall Teetzel (1) . . 16th May, 1903 30th Sept., 1914 " Rog:er Conger Clute 10th Feb., 1905 " William Renwick Riddell . . 10th Oct., 1906 " Francis Robert Latchford . . 5th May, 1908 " Robert Franklin Sutherland 21st Oct., 1909 " William Edward Middleton 9th Apl., 1910 " Hugh Thomas Kelly 13th Nov., 1911 " Haughton Ignatius Samuel Lennox 17th Apl., 1912 " James Leitch (2) 1st Nov., 191^ 7th Feb., 1917 " Cornelius Arthur Masten. . 30th Oct., 1915 " Hugh Edward Rose 4th Dec, 1916 * For the constitution of the High Court Division of the Supreme Court of Ontario, see page 218; the dates given in the first column of dates, prior to 1st January, 1913, are the dates of ap- pointment as Puisne Judges of the High Court of Justice for Ontario, for latter see pages 214 to 218. (1) Mr. Justice Teetzel retired, 1st October, 1914; permitted by His Majesty the King to retain the title of "Honourable," 9th August, 1915. (2) Mr. Justice Leitch died, 7th February, 1917. 223 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. County and District Courts in the Province of Ontario. 1896 to 1917. There is in and for every county and district in the Province of Ontario a Court of Record, styled, in counties, the County Court of the County, or of the United Counties of , and in districts, the District Court of the District of , which is presided over by the Judge or Junior Judge of the Court, or by the acting or Deputy Judge. A Junior Judge may be appointed for certain counties and Provisional Judicial Districts, and, in the case of the County of York, a second Junior Judge and a third Junior Judge, called re- spectively, the Second Junior Judge and the Third Junior Judge of the County Court of the County of York, may be appointed. {The County Judges Act, and The County Courts Act, Chapters 58 and 69, Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914). District Court of the Provisional Judicial District of Algonia. (District Town — Sault Ste. Marie.) {Continued from page 315, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Judge From To Frederick William Johnston (1). . Frederick Stone 9th July, 1892 3rd Mar., 1911 16th Jan., 1911 Junior Judge Edward O'Connor (2) 7th Feb., 1893 25th June, 1913 21st May, 1913 Moses McFadden (1) Judge Johnston died, 16th January, 1911. (2) Judge O'Connor died, 21st May, 1913. 224 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. County and District Courts of Ontario. — Continued. County Court of the County of Brant. (County Town — Brantford.) {Continued from page 316, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895:') Judge From To Stephen James Jones (1) Alexander D. Hardy 21st Jan., 1853 24th Apl., 1897 23rd Apl., 1897 (1) Judge Jones retired, 24th April, 1897; died, 6th November, 1902. County Court of the County of Bruce. (County Town — VValkerton.) {Continued from page 316, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") William Barrett (1) 1st Apl., 1893 12th May, 1915 28th Jan., 1915 Alphonse Basil Klein Junior Judge Alphonse Basil Klein (2) Alfred Mansell Greig 1st Apl., 1893 12th May, 1915 11th May, 1915 (1) Judge Barrett died, 28th January, 1915. (2) Junior Judge Klein appointed Judge of this Court, 12th May, 1915. 225 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. County and District Courts of Ontario.— Continued. County Court of the County of Carleton. (County Town — Ottawa.) (Continued from page 317, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Judge From To William Aird Ross (1) 22nd Sept., 1874 24th Dec, 1897 23rd Dec, 1897 Duncan Byron MacTavish Junior Judge William Mosgrove (2) 24th Oct., 1889 8th Mar., 1904 15th Mar., 1907 30th Aug., 1903 15th Feb., 1907 John Joseph O'Meara (3) Ranald D. Gunn (1) Judge Ross retired, 24th December, 1897. (2) Judge Mosgrove died, 30th August, 1903. (3) Judge O'Meara died, 15th February, 1907. County Court of the County of Dufiferin. (County Town — Orangeville.) (Continued from page 318, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Thomas Anthony Maitland McCarthy (1) Walter Genge Fisher 5th Feb., 1881 20th Sept., 1913 18th July, 1913 (1) Judge McCarthy retired, 19th July, 1913. 16 226 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. County and District Courts of Ontario.— Continued. County Court of the County of Elgin. (County Town — St. Thomas.) {Continued from page SIS, Volume 1, " 1S67 to 1895.'') Judge From To David John Hughes (1) 29th Sept., 185£ 8th Mar., 1904 31st Jan., 1904 Charles Wesley Colter (2) Junior Judge Charles Oakes Zaccheus Ermatinger 31st Jan., 189C (1) Judge Hughes retired, 1st February, 1904; died, 14th April, 1915. (2) Judge Colter transferred from County Court of County of Haldimand. County Court of the County of Essex. (County Town — Sandwich.) (Continued from page 318, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Judge Charles Robert Home (1) Michael Andrew McHugh (2) John O'Donnell Dromgole 28th Apl., 188,: 3rd Apl., 1907 25th June, 1913 2nd Feb., 1907 31st May, 1913 Junior Judge Michael Andrew McHugh (3) . . . . Edwin Perry Clement (4) George Smith . 15th Oct., 1891 3rd Apl., 1907 14th Jan., 1909 2nd Apl., 1907 31st Aug., 1907 (1) Judge Home died, 2nd February, 1907. (2) Judge McHugh died, 31st May, 1913. (3) Junior Judge McHugh appointed Judge of this Court. (4) Judge Clement resigned. 227 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. County and District Courts of Ontario. — Continued. County Court of the County of Frontenac. (County Town — Kingston.) {Continued from page 319, Volume 1, " 1867 to 1895.") Judge From To CorneHus Valleau Price (1) Harry Anson Lavell 25th May, 1878 10th Mar., 1914 9th Mar., 1914 (1) Judge Price retired. 10th March, 1914. County Court of the County of Grey. (County Town — Owen Sound.) {Continued from page 319, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895:') John Creasor (1) 15th Apl., 1891 6th Apl., 1903 27th Feb., 1912 10th Mar., 1903 William J. Hatton (2) nth June, 1911 Charles Tyrrell Sutherland Junior Judge Duncan Morrison (3) nth Dec, 189C 10th Aug., 1G0£ 30th June, 1905 Charles Howard Widdifield (1) Judge Creasor died, 10th March, 1903. (2) Judge Hatton died. 11th June, 1911. (3) Judge Morrison appointed Judge of the County Court of Prince Edward, 1st July, 1906 . 228 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. County and District Courts of Ontario. — Continued. County Court of the County of Haldimand. (County Town — Cayuga.) {Continued from page S20, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Judge Duncan Macmillan (1) Charles Wesley Colter (2) . . . . George Benjamin Douglas (3). Gerard Holmes Hopkins From 7th Feb., 1893 29th June, 1903 23rd Apl., 1904 14th Mar., 1916 To 21st Apl., 1903 7th Mar., 1904 4th Feb., 1915 m Judge Macmillan died, 21st April, 1903. (2) Judge Colter transferred to County Court of County of Elgin. (3) Judge Douglas died, 4th February, 1915. County Court of the County of Halton. (County Town — Milton.) {Continued from page 320, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") John Macpherson Hamilton (1). Thomas Ambrose Gorham (2) . . . John Wilson Elliot 22nd July, 1895 27th Nov., 1901 10th Mar., 1914 26th Nov., 1901 4th Oct., 1913 (1) Judge Hamilton retired, 27th November, 1901. (2) Judge Gorham died, 4th October, 1913. County Court of the County of Hastings. (County Town — Belleville.) {Continued from page 321, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.' Thomas Appleby Lazier (1) George Edward Deroche 28th Dec, 3rd Feb., 1881 1906 25th Jan., 1906 Junior Judge Edison Baldwin Fraleck (2) John Franklin Wills 28th Dec. 21st Apl., 1881 1916 20th Apl., 1916 (1) Judge Lazier died, 25th January, 1906. (2) Judge Fraleck retired, 21st April, 1916. 229 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. County and District Courts of Ontario. — Continued. County Court of the County of Huron. (County Town — Goderich.) {Continued from page S21, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895 r) Judge From To James Masson (1) 6th ApL, 1896 10th Dec, 1902 21st ApL, 1916 9th Dec, 1902 Bernard Louis Doyle (2) Lewis Henry Dickson 20th ApL, 1916 Junior Judge Bernard Louis Doyle (3) Philip Holt (4) nth Jan., 1883 10th Dec, 1902 9th Dec, 1902 18th ApL, 1917 (1) (2) (3) (4) Judge Masson retired, 10th December, 1902. Judge Doyle retired, 21st April, 1916. Junkjr Judge Doyle appointed Judge of the Court, 10th December, 1902. Judge Holt died. 18th April. 1917. (1) District Court of the Provisional Judicial District of Kenora. (District Town — Kenora.) Judge Thomas W. Chappie (1) 29th May, 1909 (1) The District of Kenora was formerly part of the District of Rainy River as originally constituted. Judge Chappie was appointed, on the 1st September, 1898, Judge of the District Court of the Provisional Judicial District of Rainy River, which district was divided, in 1909, into two separate districts: the District of Kenora and the District of Rainy River. For further particulars, see foot-notes under "District Court of the Provisional Judicial District of Rainy River." page 239. 230 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. County and District Courts of Ontario. — Continued. County Court of the County of Kent. (County Town — Chatham.) {Continued from page 322, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Judge / From To Archibald Bell (1) 2nd Oct., 1878 7th Feb., 1916 4th Feb., 1916 Ward Stanworth Junior Judge Robert Stuart Woods (1) John Lawrence Dowlin (2) John Joseph Coughlin 8th Oct., 1885 8th Mar., 1904 5th Aug., 1916 31st Jan., 1904 4th Aug., 1916 (1) Judge Bell retired, 5th February, 1916. (ij Judge Woods retired, 1st February, 1904. (2) Judge Dowlin retired, 5th August, 1916. County Court of the County of Lambton. (County Town — Sarnia.) (Continued from page 322, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895") Judge Charles Robinson (1) 17th Mar., 1855 12th Dec, 1899 11th Dec, 1899 Daniel Fraser Macwatt Junior Judge John Alexander Mackenzie (2) . . . Albert Edward Taylor 26th Sept., 1885 24th Nov., 1904 16th Nov., 1904 (1) Judge Robinson retired, 12th December, 1899; died, 17th February. 1901. (2) Judge Mackenzie died, 16th November, 1904. 231 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. County and District Courts of Ontario. — Continued. County Court of the County of Lanark. (County Town — Perth.) {Continued from page 323, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895:') Judge From To William Stevens Senkler (1) James Henderson Scott 18th Dec, 1873 10th Mar., 1914 9th Mar., 1914 (1) Judge Senkler retired, 10th March. 1914. County Court of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville. (County Town — Brockville.) {Continued from page 323, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") ' Herbert Stone McDonald (1) . . . . John Kelley Dowsley 23rd Dec, 1878 1st Feb., 1915 31st Jan., 1915 Junior Judge James Reynolds (2) 31st May, 1886 26th June, 1902 27th Sept., 1899 Edmund John Reynolds (1) Judge McDonald retired, 1st February, 1915. (2) Judge James Reynolds died, 27th September, 1899. 232 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. County and District Courts of Ontario. — Continued. County Court of the United Counties of Lennox and Addington. (County Town — Napanee.) {Continued from page 324, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Judge From To William Henry Wilkison (1) James Henry Madden 28th May, 1869 7th Sept., 1903 15th Apl., 1903 (1) Judge Wilkison died, 16th April. 1903. County Court of the County of Lincoln. (County Town — St. Catharines.) (Continued from page S24, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Edmund John Senkler (1) . . Robert Baldwin Carman (2) John Samuel Campbell 29th Nov., 1877 10th Mar., 190C 14th Mar., 1916 2nd Feb., 1900 25th Jan., 1916 (1) Judge Senkler died. 2nd February, 1900. (2) Judge Carman transferred from the County Court of the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry; died, 25th January, 1916. District Court of the Provisional Judicial District of Manitoulin. (District Town — Gore Bay.) Archibald B. McCallum (1) Charles Edward Hewson, . . 17th Nov., 1899 13th Dec, 1908 25th Nov., 1908 (1) Judge McCallum died, 25th November, 1908. 233 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. County and District Courts of Ontario. — Continued. County Court of the County of Middlesex. (County Town — London.) {Continued from page 325, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895:'] Judge From To William Elliott (1) 5th June, 1869 8th Mar., 1904 31st Jan., 1904 Talbot Macbeth Junior Judge Edward Elliott (2) 25th Sept., 1893 2nd Nov., 191G 22nd May, 1916 Joseph Coulson Judd (1) Judge William Elliott retired, 1st February, 1904; died, 24th August. 1905. (2) Judge Edward Elliott died, 22nd May, 1916. ♦District Court of the Provisional Judicial District of Muskoka. (District Town — Bracebridge.) {Continued from page 825, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895:') Judge William Cosby Mahaffy (1) Arthur Arnold Mahaffy 14th June, 1888 9th Oct., 1912 10th July, 1912 (1) Judge William Cosby Mahaffy died. 10th July, 1912. * Up to 1898 the Provisional Judicial District of Muskoka and the Provisional Judicial Dis- trict of Parry Sound constituted one District Court, under the name of the "District Court of the United Provisional Judicial Districts of Muskoka and Parry Sound." See also "District Court of the Provisional Judicial District of Parry Sound," page 236. 234 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. County and District Courts of Ontario. — ^Continued. District Court of the Provisional Judicial District of Nipissing. (District Town — North Bay.) {Continued from page 326, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Judge From To Joseph Alphonse Valin 13th Mar., 1895 Junior Judge Harry Darling Leask 3rd Dec, 1903 County Court of the County of Norfolk. (County Town- — ^Simcoe.) {Continued from page 326, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895:') James Robb (1) Arthur Thomas Boles , 27th Jan., 1890 10th Mar., 1914 9th Mar., 1914 (1) Judge Robb retired. 10th March, 1914. 235 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. County and District Courts of Ontario. — Continued. County Court of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. (County Town — Cobourg.) {Continued from page 327, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895 r) Judge From To Thomas Moore Benson Henry Alfred Ward. . . (1) 8th Nov., 1887 30th Mar., 191^ 9th Mar., 1914 Junior Judge Jay Ketchum (2) 2nd May, 1888 29th May, 1909 8th Mar., 1909 George M. Roger (1) Judge Benson retired, 10th March, 1914. (2) Judge Ketchum died, 8th March, 1909. County Court of the County of Ontario. (County Town — ^Whitby.) {Continued from page 827, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895." Judge Zaccheus Burnham (1) George Henry Frewen Dartnel (2) Neil McCrimmon (3) Theodore Augustus McGilHvray. . 27th Dec, 1853 12th Dec, 1896 10th Mar., 1900 9th Oct., 1912 15th Nov., 1896 2nd Feb., 1899 12th June, 1911 (1) Judge Burnham died, 15th November, 1896. (2) Judge Dartnell died, 2nd February, 1899. (3) Judge McCrimmon died, 12th June, 1911. 236 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. County and District Courts of Ontario. — Continued. County Court of the County of Ontario. — Concluded. Junior Judge George Henry Frewen Dartnell (1) Duncan John Mclntyre (2) Robert Ruddy From 22nd Oct., 1873 10th Sept., 1898 1st Jan., 1917 To 11th Dec, 1896 31st Dec, 1916 (1) Junior Judge Dartnell appointed Judge of this Court, 12th December, 1896. (2) Judge Mclntyre retired, Ist January, 1917. County Court of the County of Oxford. (County Town — Woodstock.) {Continued from page 328, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895 r) Judge Alexander Finkle (1). . . James Gamble Wallace. 10th June, 1885 2nd Nov., 1914 1st Nov., 1914 (1) Judge Finkle retired, 2nd November, 1914. ♦District Court of the Provisional Judicial District of Parry Sound. (District Town — Parry Sound.) {Continued from page 325, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895 r) Patrick McCurry (1). . Francis Ronan Powell. 21st June, 1898 10th Mar., 1914 9th Mar., 1914 (1) Judge McCurry retired, 10th March, 1914. * The Provisional Judicial District of Parry Sound and the Provisional Judicial District of Muskoka formerly constituted one District Court known as the "District Court of the United Provisional Judicial Districts of Muskoka and Parry Sound." See also "District Court of the Provisional Judicial District of Muskoka," page 233. 237 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. County and District Courts of Ontario. — Continued. County Court of the County of Peel. (County Town — Brampton.) (Continued from page 328, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Judge From To Duncan McGibbon (1) 12th Mar., 1894 14th Dec, 1916 13th Dec, 1916 Benjamin Franklin Justin (1) Judge McGibbon retired, 14th December, 1916. County Court of the County of Perth. (County Town — Stratford.) {Continued from page 328, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895") James Peter Woods (1) John Augustus Barron. 13th Jan., 1887 22nd Dec, 1897 21st Dec, 1897 (1) Judge Woods retired, 22nd December, 1897; died, 28th October, 1910. County Court of the County of Peterborough. (County Town — Peterborough.) {Continued from page 329, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Charles Alexander Weller (1) . . Edward Cornelius Stanbury Huycke 15th Mar., 1886 6th July, 1909 7th June, 1909 (1) Judge Weller died, 7th June, 1909. 238 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. County and District Courts of Ontario.— Continued. County Court of the United Counties of Prescott and Russell. (County Town — L'Orignal.) {Continued from page S29, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895 r) Judge From To Peter O'Brian (1) 15th Oct., 1889 8th Mar., 1904 31st Jan., 1904 Albert Constantineau Junior Judge Albert Constantineau (2) Adam Johnston (3) 2Gth July, 190C 21st May, 190^ 15th June, 1916 7th Mar., 1904 29th Oct., 1915 Colin Gregor O'Brian (1) Judge O'Brian retired, 1st February, 1904; 10th January. 1911. (2) Judge Constantineau appointed Judge of this Court. (3) Judge Johnston died, 29th October, 1915. County Court of the County of Prince Edward. (County Town — Picton.) {Continued from page 330, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895 r) Judge Edwards Merrill (1) . Duncan Morrison (2) 16th Oct., 188f 1st July, 1905 14th June, 1905 (1) Judge Merrill died, 14th June. 1905. (2) Judge Morrison transferred from the County Court of the County of Grey. 239 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. County and District Courts of Ontario. — Continued. ♦District Court of the Provisional Judicial District of Rainy River. (District Town — Fort Frances.) Judge From To Thomas W. Chappie (1) 1st Sept., 1898 29th May, 1909 21st Apl., 1916 28th May, 1909 Clarence Russell Fitch (2) Allan McLennan 24th Mar., 1916 * (1) The District of Rainy River, as originally constituted, was divided into two separate districts: the district of Rainy River and the District of Fort Frances, by the Act 8 Edward VII, Chapter 36, Ontario, assented to 14th April, 1908, which came into force on the 1st May, 1909, by proclamation of the Lieutenant Governor dated the 13th March, 1909; and by Proclamation dated the 28th April, 1909, the name of the District of Fort Frances, as then constituted, was changed to that of the District of Rainy River, and the name of the District of Rainy River, as tlien constituted, to that of the District of Kenora, from and after the 15th May, 1909. (1) Until Judge Fitch was appointed, on the 29th May, 1909, for the new District of Rainy River (formerly the new District of Fort Frances,) Judge Chappie continued to have jurisdiction over both districts. See also "District Court of the Judicial District of Kenora,", over which latter district Judge Chappie has continued, since the 29th May, 1909, to exercise his judicial functions, page 229. (2) Judge Fitch retired. County Court of the County of Renfrew. (County Town — Renfrew.) {Continued from page 330, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Judge John Deacon (1) 27th Aug., 1866 8th Mar., 1904 2nd Nov., 1916 31st Jan., 1904 Dennis Joseph Donahue (2) John Michael McNamara 12th Sept., 1912 Junior Judge Thomas Deacon (3) 30th Jan., 1895 20th Apl., 1911 18th Mar., 1911 Alson Alexander Fisher (1) Judge John Deacon retired, 1st February, 1904; died, 6th March, 1909. (2) Judge Donahue died, 12th September, 1912. (3) Judge Thomas Deacon died, 18th March, 1911. 240 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. County and District Courts of Ontario. — Continued. County Court of the County of Simcoe. (County Town — Barrie.) (Continued from page 331, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Judge From To James Anderson Ardagh (1) George Montgomery Vance 21st Sept., 24th Sept., 1883 1913 30th Nov., 1912 Junior Judge William Fuller Alves Boys (2). . . . Edward Augustus Wismer 28th Sept., 13th Dec, 1883 1908 5th Nov., 1908 (1) Judge Ardagh retired, 1st December, 1912; died, 26th January, 1915. (2) Judge Boys retired, 6th November, 1908. County Court of the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry. (County Town — Cornwall.) {Continued from page 331, Volume 1, "1867 to 1896.") Judge Jacob Farrand Pringle (1) James Redmond O'Reilly 17th June, 1878 10th Mar., 1900 9th Mar., 1900 Junior Judge Robert Baldwin Carman (2) James William Liddell 23rd Mar., 1883 2nd Jan., 1901 9th Mar., 1900 1900. (1) Judge Pringle retired, 10th March, 1900; died, Ist February, 1901. (2) Judge Carman transferred to the County Court of the County of Lincoln, 10th March, 241 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. County and District Courts of Ontario. — Continued. District Court of the Provisional Judicial District of Sudbury. (District Town — Sudbury.) Judge John James Kehoe. From 21st July, 1908 To District Court of the Provisional Judicial District of Temiskaming. (District Town — ^Haileybury.) Judge Henry Hartman Junior Judge Gordon Henry Hayward 16th May, 1917 District Court of the Provi Thunde (District Town- sional Judicial District of r Bay. -Port Arthur.) Judge Hugh Gordon O'Leary 21st July, 1905 Junior Judge John McKay 29th May, 1909 17 242 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. County and District Courts of Ontario. — Continued. County Court of the County of Victoria. (County Town — Lindsay.) {Continued from page 332, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895:') Judge From To WilHam Warren Dean (1) John Elley Harding (2) 9th Sept., 1874 3rd Feb., 1906 14th Mar., 1916 11th Dec, 1905 30th June, 1915 William Davis Swayze Junior Judge John Elley Harding (3) 10th Sept., 1898 3rd Feb., 1906 2nd Feb., 1906 Hugh McMillan (1) Judge Dean died, 11th December, 1905. (2) Judge Harding retired, 1st July, 1915. (3) Junior Judge Harding appointed Judge of this Court, 3rd February, 1906. County Court of the County of Waterloo. (County Town — Kitchener.) {Continued from page 333, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895 r) Judge Anthony Lacourse (1) 13th Mar., 1888 12th Dec, 1896 10th Mar., 1914 8th Sept., 1896 Duncan Chisholm (2) 9th Mar., 1914 Clement Rowland Hanning Junior Judge Duncan Chisholm (3) 23rd July, 1894 15th Oct., 1912 11th Dec, 1896 William McKay Reade (i) Judge Lacourse died, 8th September, 1896. (2) Judge Chisholm retired, 10th March. 1914. (3) Junior Judge Chisholm appointed Judge of this Court, 12th December, 1896. 243 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. County and District Courts of Ontario. — Continued. County Court of the County of Welland. (County Town — Welland.) {Continued from page 333, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Judge William Weir Fitzgerald (1). . George Wells (2) . . Lome Bruce Chadwick Livingstone From 10th Mar., 1893 29th Aug., 1903 24th Sept., 1913 To 30th June, 1903 23rd May, 1913 (1) Judge Fitzgerald retired. 1st July. 1903; died, 21st June, 1905. (2) Judge Wells died, 23rd May, 1913. County Court of the County of Wellington. (County Town — Guelph.) {Continued from page 334, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Judge Austin Cooper Chadwick (1) Louis Martin Hayes 8th Dec, 1891 30th Mar., 1914 29th Mar., 1914 Junior Judge Joseph Tamieson (2) 8th Dec, 1891 30th Mar., 1914 29th Mar., 1914 Anson Spotton (1) Judge Chadwick retired, 30th March, 1914. (2) Judge Jamieson retired, 30th March, 1914. 244 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. County and District Courts of Ontario. — Concluded. County Court of the County of Wentworth. (County Town- — Hamilton.) {Continued from page 834, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895:') Judge From To Colin George Snider 22nd July, 189c^ Junior Judge John Muir (1) 11th July, 188^ 10th Sept., 1898 12th Jan., 1899 John Franklin Monck (1) Judge Muir died, 12th January. 1899. County Court of the County of York. (County Town — Toronto.) {Continued from page 335, Volume 1, ''1867 to 1895.") Judge Joseph Easton McDougall (1) . . . . John Winchester 3rd Sept., 188f 6th Apl., 190r 29th Jan., 1903 Junior Judges Edward Morgan (2) 15th Sept., 188f 10th Mar., 1914 4th June, 1891 29th May, 190^ 9th Mar., 1914 Emerson Coatsworth Frederick Montye Morson, Second Junior Judge James Herbert Denton, Third Junior Judge (1) Judge McDougall died, 29th January, 1903. (2) Judge Morgan retired, 10th March, 1914. 245 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. *The Court of King's Bench for the Province of Quebec. 1896 to 1917. {Continued from page 337, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") The Court of King's Bench for the Province of Quebec is divided into the Criminal Court and the Civil Court of Appeals, and is composed of six judges — one chief justice called "Chief Justice of the Province of Quebec," and fiv^e puisne judges, who must reside at or near the cities of Quebec or Montreal, and at least two of them must reside at or near each of the said places. The Chief Justice presides over the court, or, if he is absent, the senior judge. Four judges form a quorum of the court, and it cannot be held by more than five. (Articles 3052, 3056, 3057, 3061 and 3062, R.S.Q., 1909.) Chief Justices of the Province of Quebec. 1896 to 1917. {Continued from page 338, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895") Name Hon. Sir Alexandre Lacoste, Ki , (1) : - " Sir Henri Thomas Taschereau, Kt (2) " Sir Louis Amable Jette, K.C.M.G. (3) " Sir Horace Archambault, Kt (4) 14th Sept., 1891 29th Jan., 1907 16th Nov., 190C 11th Aug., 1911 To 24th Jan., 1907 11th Oct., 1909 10th Aug., 1911 CHIEF JUSTICE — The title of Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench was changed, from "Chief Justice of the King's Bench" to that of "Chief Justice of the Province of Quebec", by the Act 8 Edward VII, Chap. 36. (Quebec), assented to 14th April, 1908. * Prior to the demise of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, on the 22nd January, 1901, this Court was known as "The Court of Queen's Bench for the Province of Quebec," and the Chief Justice thereof was called "Chief Justice of the Queen's Bench." (1) Mr. Chief Justice Lacoste knighted, 15th June, 1892; retired, 25th January, 1907. (2) Mr. Chief Justice Taschereau knighted, 25th June, 1908; died, 11th October, 1909. (3> Chief Justice Sir Louis Amable Jett6, K.C.M.G., retired. 11th August, 1911. (4) Mr. Chief Justice Archambault knighted, 1st January, 1914. 246 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. *The Court of King's Bench for the Province of Quebec. Concluded. *Puisne Judges of the King's Bench. 1896 to 1917. {Continued from page 839, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Name Hon. Louis Francois Georges Baby (1) Joseph Guillaume Boss6 (2) Jean Blanchet (3) Robert Newton Hall (4) Jonathan Saxton Campbell Wurtele (5) Joseph Aldric Ouimet (6) ... Norman William Trenholme Joseph Lavergne. Alexander George Cross Horace Archambault (7) Henry George Carroll... Honore Hippolyte Achille Gervais (8) Louis Philippe Pelletier To 18th May, 1896 7th Sept., 1908 nth Dec, 1908 28th Feb., 1907 24th ApL, 1904 2nd Feb., 1906 10th Aug., 1911 8th Aug., 1915 * Prior to the demise of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, on the 22nd January, 1901, this Court was known as "The Court of Queen's Bench for the Province of Quebec." (1) Mr. Justice Baby retired, 19th May, 1896; died, 13th May, 1906. Although Mr. Justice Baby was appointed a Puisne Judge of the Superior Court for the Province of Quebec on the 29th October, 1880, he never sat in that Court, but acted as Assistant Judge of the Court of Queen's Bench until he was appointed a Puisne Judge of the latter Court on the 29th April, 1881. (2) Mr. Justice Boss* died, 7th September, 1908. (3) Mr. Justice Blanchet died, 11th December. 1908. Mr. Justice Hall retired, 1st March. 1907; died, 1st July, 1907. Mr. Justice Wurtele died, 24th April, 1904. Mr. Justice Ouimet retired, 3rd February. 1906; died, 12th May. 1916. Mr. Justice Archambault appointed Chief Justice of the King's Bench, 11th Auguat. 1911. (4) (6) (6) (7) (8) Mr. Justice Gervais died, 8th August. 1915. 247 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Superior Court for the Province of Quebec. 1896 to 1917. {Continued from page 340, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") The Superior Court for the Province of Quebec, which is a court of record, as constituted by Chapter 33 of the Act 4 George V, Quebec, assented to 19th February, 1914, consists of forty-two judges, that is to say, of a chief justice and forty-one puisne judges. Such judges exercise their ordinary judicial functions in the districts and counties from time to time assigned to them. It is also provided by the said Act that twenty-one judges of the Superior Court shall reside in the city of Montreal, one of whom shall have special charge of the district of Terrebonne, another of the district of Beauharnois, another of the district of Richelieu, another of the district of St. Hyacinthe, and another of the district of Pontiac; five shall reside in the city of Quebec, two in the city of Sherbrooke, two in the city of Three Rivers, one in the city of Hull, (or in the immediate vicinity of each of the above places) ; one at Mount Laurier, who shall also exercise his ordinary functions in the district of Ottawa, with residence in the city of Montreal; one for the county of Gaspe, who shall also exercise his ordinary functions in the county of Bonaventure, with residence at New Carlisle, or at Perce, as he may choose; two for the district of Saguenay, who shall exercise their ordinary functions in the dis- tricts of Chicoutimi and Roberval, with residence at Malbaie in the district of Saguenay, at Chicoutimi in the district of Chicou- timi, or at Roberval in the district of Roberval, as each shall choose; one for the district of Montmagny, who shall exercise his ordinary functions in the district of Beauce, with residence in the city of Quebec, and one for each of the following districts: Artha- baska, Bedford, Iberville, Joliette, Kamouraska and Rimouski, with residence in such places as may be assigned to them by law. The judges to whom are assigned respectively the districts of Terrebonne, Beauharnois, Richelieu, St. Hyacinthe and Pontiac exercise their ordinary functions in any court wherein the judges of the court have jurisdiction, whenever their services are not required in their respective districts. (Chap. 33, 4 George V. Quebec, 1914). 248 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Superior Court for the Province of Quebec. Continued. Whenever the Chief Justice resides in the city of Quebec, the judge appointed to perform the duties of the Chief Justice of the Superior Court in the district of Montreal as constituted for the Court of Review, resides in the city of Montreal; and, whenever the Chief Justice resides in the city of Montreal, the judge appointed to perform the duties of the Chief Justice of the district of Quebec as constituted for the Court of Review, resides in the city of Quebec. (Articles 3073 and 3074, R.S.Q., 1909.) The judge appointed to perform the duties of the Chief Justice in the district of Quebec, or in the district of Montreal, as consti- tuted for the Court of Review, is designated "Acting Chief Justice of the Superior Court for the Province of Quebec," and he is entitled to precedence immediately after the Chief Justice. (7 George V, Chapter 31, Quebec, 1916.) The Superior Court was composed, from 1887 to 1897, of one Chief Justice and twenty-nine Puisne Judges, (49-50 Vict., Que., Chap. 7, and 50 Vict., Chap. 11, Que., both of which came into force on the 11th June, 1887); From 1897 to 1900, of one Chief Justice and thirty Puisne Judges, (Chap. 24, 59 Vict., Que., assented to 21st December, 1895, which came into force on the 1st May, 1897) ; From 1900 to 1904, of one Chief Justice and thirty-three Puisne Judges, (Chap. 29, 62 Vict., Que., assented to 10th March, 1899, which came into force on the 1st March, 1900); From 1904 to 1908, of one Chief Justice and thirty-four Puisne Judges, (Chap. 19, 4 Edward VII, Que., assented to 2nd June, 1904, which came into force on the 1st August, 1904) ; 1908, of one Chief Justice and thirty-six Puisne Judges, (Chap. 31, 7 Edward VII, Que., assented to 14th March, 1907, which came into force on the 2nd March, 1908); From 1908 to 1914, of one Chief Justice and thirty-nine Puisne Judges, (Chap. 38, 8 Edward VII, Que., assented to 14th April, 1908, which came into force on the 18th May, 1908); From 1914 to 1917, of one Chief Justice and forty-one Puisne Judges, (Chap. 33, 4 George V, Que , assented to 19th February, 1914, which came into force on the day it was assented to). 249 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Superior Court for the Province of Quebec. 1896 to 1917. Chief Justices. (Continued from page 341, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895:') Name Hon. Sir Louis Edelmar Napoleon Casault, Kt (1) " Adolphe Basile Routhier (2, " Sir Melbourne McTaggart Tait, Kt (3) " Sir Charles Peers Davidson , Kt (4). _ .. " Sir Francois Xavier Lemieu> Kt (5) From 3rd Oct., 1894 30th Sept., 1904 6th June, 1906 13th June, 1912 2nd Feb., 1915 To 29th Sept., 1904 5th June, 1906 6th June, 1912 1st Feb., 1915 (1) Chief Justice Sir Napoleon Casault resided in the city of Quebec; retired, 30th September, 1904; died, 18th May, 1908. (2) Chief Justice Routhier resided in the city of Quebec; retired, 6th June, 1906; appointed Local Judge in Admiralty of the Exchequer Court of Canada for the Admiralty District of Quebec, 21st March, 1897, which office he still holds. (3) Chief Justice Sir Melbourne Tait resided in the city of Montreal; retired, 7th June, 1912; died, 10th February, 1917. (4) Chief Justice Sir Charles Peers Davidson resided in the city of Montreal; knighted, 11th June, 1913; retired, 2nd February, 1915; permitted by His Majesty the King to retain the title of "Honourable," 3rd March, 1915. (5) Chief Justice Sir Frangois Lemieux resides in the city of Quebec. ^ 250 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Superior Court for the Province of Quebec. — Continued. Acting Chief Justices. Name Hon. Sir Melbourne McTaggart Tait, Kt (1) " Sir Francois Charles Stanislas Langelier, Kt . (2)..... , Sir Frangois Xavier Lemieux Kt (3) " John Sprott Archibald (4) From 27th Oct., 1894 6th June, 1906 8th May, 1911 2nd Feb., 1915 To 5th June, 1906 5th May, 1911 1st Feb., 1915 ACTING CHIEF JUSTICE— Whenever the Chief Justice resides in the city of Quebec, the Judge appointed to perform the duties of the Chief Justice in the District of Montreal, as con- stituted for the Court of Review, resides in the city of Montreal; and, whenever the Chief Justice resides in the city of Montreal, the Judge appointed to perform the duties of the Chief Justice in the district of Quebec, as constituted for the Court of Review, resides in the city of Quebec. (Art. 3073 and 3074, R.S.Q., 1909.) The Acting Chief Justice is designated "Acting Chief Justice of the Superior Court for the Province of Quebec," and he is entitled to precedence immediately after the Chief Justice of the Superior Court. (7 George V, Chap. 31, Que., 1916.) (1) Acting Chief Justice Tait resided in the city of Montreal; knighted, 27th September, 1897; appointed Chief Justice of the Superior Court, 6th June, 1906. (2) Acting Chief Justice Langelier resided in the city of Quebec; knighted, 28th June, 1907; appointed Lieutenant-Governor of Quebec, 6th May, 1911. (3) Acting Chief Justice Lemieux resided in the city of Quebec; knighted, Ist January, 1915; appointed Chief Justice of the Superior Court, 2nd February, 1915. (4) Acting Chief Justice Archibald resides in the city of Montreal. 251 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Superior Court for the Province of Quebec. — Continued. Puisne Judges. 1896 to 1917. {Continued from page S45, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895:') Name Hon. Adolphe Basile Routhier (1) Louis Belanger (2) Marc Aurele Plamondon (3' Louis Bonaventure Caror (4)...... Jean Baptiste Bourgeois (5, Louis Amable Jette (6) . . . Henri Thomas Taschereai (7) Charles Ignace Gill (8) Michel Mathieu (9) Marie Honorius Ernest Cimon (10) Louis On^sime Loranger (11) Frederick William Andrews (12) ^ Honore Cyrias Pelletier (13^ From 1st Sept., 22nd Sept., 9th Sept., 4th Nov., 1st June, 2nd Sept., 7th Oct., 19th May, 3rd Oct., 22nd July, 5th Aug., 16th Mar., 12th Apl., 1873 1873 1874 1874 1876 1878 1878 1879 1881 1882 1882 1885 1886 To 29th Sept., 1904 10th June, 1902 8th Nov., 1897 11th Nov., 7th Oct., 13th Jan., 28th Jan., 16th Sept., 28th Jan., 8th June, 21st May, 17th Feb., 12th Oct., 1903 1900 1898 1907 1901 1909 1914 1909 1906 1912 (1) Mr. Justice Routhier appointed Chief Justice of the -Superior Court, 30th September, 1904. (2) Mr. Justice B^'anger retired, 11th June, 1902; died, 5th June. 1911. (3) Mr. Justice Plamondon retired, 9th November, 1897; died, 4th August, 1900. (4) Mr. Justice Caron retired, 12th November, 1903; died, 28th May, 1915. (5) Mr. Justice Bourgeois retired, 8th October, 1900; died, 11th October, 1902. (6) Mr. Justice Jett^ retired, 14th January, 1898; sworn Lieutenant-Governor of the Pro- vince of Quebec, 1st February, 1898. (7) Mr. Justice Taschereau appointed Chief Justice of the King's Bench, 29th January, 1907. (8) Mr. Justice Gill died, 16th September, 1901. (9) Mr. Justice Mathieu retired. 29th January, 1909; died, 30th July, 1916. (10) Mr. Justice Cimon retired, 9th June, 1914; permitted by His Majesty the King to retain the title of "Honourable," 20th February, 1915. (11) Mr. Justice Loranger retired, 22nd May, 1909. (12) Mr. Justice Andrews died, 17th February, 1906. (13) Mr. Justice Pelletier retired, 13th October, 1912; permitted by His Majesty the King to retain the title of "Honourable," 4th August, 1913. 262 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Superior Court for the Province of Quebec. — Continued. Puisne Judges. — Continued. Name Hon. Jules Ernest Larue (1) . . . . " Joseph Alphonse Ouimet (2 " Sir Melbourne McTaggart Tait, Kt (3) " Charles Peers Davidson (4) " Louis Tellier (5) " Alfred Napoleon Charland (6) " Louis Adolphe de Billy (7) . " Henri Ged6on Malhiot (8) " Charles Chamilly de Lorimier . (9) " Simeon Pagneulo (10) William Warren Lynch (11) " Jean Alfred Gagne (12) " Charles Joseph Doherty (13^ " John Sprott Archibald (14) . " John Joseph Curran (15) . . " William White (16) 12th Apl., 12th Apl., 18th Jan., 10th June, 12th Nov., 12th Nov., 25th Feb., 20th Sept., 15th Apl., 5th June, 5th July, 10th Dec, 19th Oct., 22nd Nov., 18th Oct., 5th Nov., 1886 1886 1887 1887 1887 1887 1888 1888 1889 1889 1889 1889 1891 1893 1895 189? To 30th Sept., 1907 19th Dec, 1900 5th June, 1906 12th June, 1912 5th Oct., 1915 12th Aug., 1901 28th Jan., 1904 1st Aug., 1897 17th Nov., 3rd Jan., 2nd Dec, 7th Aug., 21st Nov., 1st Oct., 15th Nov., 1914 1912 1915 1910 1906 1909 1904 (1) Mr. Justice Larue retired. 1st October, 1907; died, 26th November, 1913. (2) Mr. Justice Ouimet died, 19th December, 1900. (3) Mr. Justice Tait appointed to perform the duties of Chief Justice of the Superior Court in the District of Montreal, 27th October, 1894; Icnighted, 27th September, 1897; appointed Chief Justice of the Superior Court, 6th June, 1906. (4) Mr. Justice Davidson appointed Chief Justice of the Superior Court, 13th June, 1912. (6) Mr. Justice Tellier retired, 6th October, 1915; permitted by His Majesty the King to retain the title of "Honourable," 18th January, 1916. (6) Mr. Justice Charland died, 12th August, 1901. (7) Mr. Justice de Billy retired, 29th January, 1904; died, 20th March. 1907. (8) Mr. Justice Malhiot retired, 2nd August, 1897; died, 21st October, 1909. (9) Mr. Justice de Lorimier retired, 18th November, 1914; permitted by His Majesty the King to retain the title of "Honourable," 9th January, 1915. (10) Mr. Justice Pagneulo retired, 4th January, 1912; died, 14th May, 1915. (11) Mr. Justice Lynch retired, 3rd December, 1915; died, 23rd November, 1916. Mr. Justice Gagne died, 7th August, 1910. Mr. Justice Doherty retired, 22nd November, 1906. Mr. Justice Archibald appointed to perform the duties of Chief Justice of the Superior Court in the District of Montreal, 2nd February, 1915. (15) Mr. Justice Curran died, 1st October, 1909. (16) Mr. Justice White retired, 16th November, 1904. (12) (13) (14) 253 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. Superior Court for the Province of Quebec. — ^Continued. Puisne Judges. — Continued. Name Hon. Joseph Lavergne (1) " Sir Frangois Xavier Lemieux, Kt (2) " Sir Frangois Charles Stanislas Langelier, Kt .(3) " Philippe Auguste Choquette (4) " Joseph Emery Robidoux. . . " Raphael E. Fontaine (5) . . . " Alfred Rochon (6) " Norman William Trenholme .(7) , " Odilon Desmarais (8) " Emilien Z. Paradis (9) " Thomas Fortin " Henri Cesaire Saint Pierre (10) " Napoleon Charbonneau (11) " Joseph Alexandre Camille Madore (12) " Henry George Carroll (13). " John Dunlop (14) To 2nd Feb., 1906 1st Feb., 1915 5th May, 1911 29th Sept., 1904 20th Sept., 1902 17th Nov., 1909 3rd May, 1904 18th May, 1904 10th May, 1908 8th Jan., 1916 31st Aug., 1916 3rd Nov., 1906 23rd Dec, 1908 7th Nov., 1916 (1) Mr. Justice Lavergne appointed Puisne Judge of the King's Bench, 3rd February, 1906. (2) Mr. Justice Lemieux appointed to perform the duties of Chief Justice of the Superior Court in the District of Quebec, 8th May, 1911; knighted, 1st January, 1915; appointed Chief Justice of the Superior Court, 2nd February, 1915. (3) Mr. Justice Langelier appointed to perform the duties of Chief Justice of the Superior Court in the District of Quebec, 6th June, 1906; knighted. 28th June, 1907; appointed Lieutenant- Governor of the Province of Quebec, 6th May, 1911. (4) Mr. Justice Choquette resigned; summoned to the Senate, 30th September, 1904. Mr. Justice Fontaine died, 20th September, 1902. Mr. Justice Rochon died, 17th November, 1909. Mr. Justice Trenholme appointed Puisne Judge of the King's Bench, 4th May, 1904. Mr. Justice Desmarais died, 18th May, 1904. Mr. Justice Paradis died, 10th May, 1908. (10^ Mr. Justice Saint Pierre died, 8th January, 1916. (11) Mr. Justice Charbonneau died, 31st August, 1916. (12) Mr. Justice Madore died, 3rd November, 1906. (13) Mr. Justice Carroll appointed Puisne Judge of the King's Bench, 24th December, 1908. (14) Mr. Justice Dunlop died, 7th November, 1916. (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 254 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Superior Court for the Province of Ouebec— Continued. Puisne Judges. — Continued. Name From To Hon. Sir Charles Alphonse Pantaloon Pelletier, K.C.M.G. (1) 30th Sept. 16th Oct., 16th Nov. 16th Nov. 7th Jan., 29th July, 31st Aug., 31st Aug., 31st Aug., 14th Jan., 29th Jan., 29th Jan., nth Oct., 31st Aug., 15th Sept. 31st Dec, 22ndMar., 6th Sept. 17th Nov. 11th Jan., nth Jan., 6th July, 1904 1904 1904 1904 1905 1905 1906 1906 1906 1907 1907 1907 1907 1908 1908 1908 1909 1909 1909 1910 1910 1910 14th Sept. 15th Oct., I5th June, 15th Nov., 16th Dec, 1908 " Louis Napoleon Champagne (2) 1911 " Richard Stanislas Cooke (3) " Matthew Hutchinson " Arthur Cyrille Albert Malouin 1914 " Lawrence John Cannon. . . . " Pierre Eugene Lafontaine. . " John Charles McCorkill . . . " Louis Philippe Demers. . . . " Edmund William Patrick Guerin " Arthur Aime Bruneau " Paul Gideon Martineau . . . " Auguste Tessier " Dominique Monet " Sir Louis Amable Jett6, K.C.M.G. (4) 1909 " Francois Sim6on Tourigny (5) 1915 " Wilfrid Mercier " Francois Octave Dugas. . . . " Louis Rodolphe Roy " Charles Hector Archer " William Alexander Weir. . . . " Arthur Globensky (1) Mr. Justice Sir Alphonse Pelletier sworn Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Quebec, 15th September, 1908. tik (2) Mr. Justice Champagne died, 15th October. 1911. (3) Mr. Justice Cooke retired. 16th June, 1914. p '^ (4) Sir Louis Amable Jett6 appointed Chief Justice of the King's Bench. 16th November, 1909. (5) Mr. Justice Tourigny died. 16th December. 1915. 255 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Superior Court for the Province of Quebec— Continued. Puisne Judges. — Concluded. Hon. Name Robert Alfred Ernest Greenshields Charles Laiirendeau (1). . Joseph Camille Pouliot. . Blaise Ferdinand Letellier Charles Edouard Dorion . John Malcolm McDougall Simeon Beaudin (2) Toussaint Hector Chauvin Campbell Lane Isidore Noel Belleau Louis Edmond Panneton. Edmund James Flynn . . . Francois Xavier Drouin. . Louis Theodule Neree Lenoblet Du Plessis . . . Louis Philippe Pelletier (3) Farquhar Stuart Maclennan Jean Baptiste Gustave Lamothe Louis Coderre Louis Theophile Marechal . Michael Felix Hackett Victor Allard Louis Joseph Alfred Desy. Joseph Mathias Tellier. . . Charles Albert Duclos From 6th July, 1910 6th July, 1910 6th July, 1910 12th Oct., 1910 8th May, 1911 21st Oct., 1911 4th Jan., 1912 3rd Apl., 1912 26th June, 1912 17th Oct., 1912 7th Dec, 1912 9th June, 1914 16th June, 1914 16th June, 1914 18th Nov., 1914 3rd Feb., 1915 25th Sept., 1915 6th Oct., 1915 6th Oct., 3rd Dec. 29th Feb., 1916 29th Feb., 1916 9th Sept., 1916 29th Dec, 1916 1915 1915 To 21st Oct., 1912 3rd June, 1915 19th Aug., 1915 (1) Mr. Justice Laurendeau resigned. (2) Mr. Justice Beaudin died, 3rd June, 1915. (3) Mr. Justice Pelletier appointed a Puisne Judge of the Court of King's Bench, 20tb August, 1915. 256 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Superior Court for the Province of Quebec. — Continued. The Judicial District of Arthabaska. {Continued from page 346, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Judge Hon. Marc Aurele Plamondon (1) " Francois Xavier Lemieux (2) " Philippe Augusta Choquette " Arthur Cyrille Albert Malouin (4) " Francois Simeon Tourigney (5) , " Joseph Camille Pouliot. . . . From 9th Sept., 13th Nov., 7th July, 1874 1897 1898 7th Jan., 1905 17th Nov., 6th July, 1909 1910 To 8th Nov., 1897 6th July, 1898 29th Sept., 1904 15th Nov., 1909 5th July, 1910 (1) Mr. Justice Plamondon retired, 9th November, 1897; died, 4th August, 1900. (2) Mr. Justice Lemieux transferred to the Judicial District of St. Francis, 7th July, 1898. (3) Mr. Justice Choquette resigned; summoned to the Senate, 30th September. 1904. (4) Mr. Justice Malouin transferred to the Judicial District of Quebec, 16th November, 1909. (6) Mr. Justice Tourigny transferred from the Judicial District of Rimouski; transferred to the Judicial District of Three Rivers, 6th July, 1910. The Judicial District of Beauharnois. {Conthnied from page 346, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895 r) Hon. Louis Belanger (1) " Henri C. Saint Pierre (2). . " Wilfrid Mercier 22ndSept., 1873 nth June, 1902 22ndMar., 1909 10th June, 1902 21st Mar., 1909 1900. (1) Mr. Justice Belanger retired, 11th June, 1902. (2) Mr. Justice Saint Pierre transferred to the Judicial District of Montreal, 22nd March, The Judicial District of Bedford. {Continued from page 347, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895:') Hon. William Warren Lynch (1) . " Michael Felix Hackett 5th July, 1889 3rd Dec, 1915 2nd Dec, 1915 (1) Mr. Justice Lynch retired, 3rd December, 1915; died, 23rd November, 1916. 257 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Superior Court for the Province of Quebec. — Continued. *The Judicial District of Gaspe. {Contmued from page 348, Volvme 1, "1867 to 1895:') Judge Kon. Louis Adolphe de Billy (1) . Henry George Carroll (2) . Auguste Tessier (3) From 25th Feb., 1888 29th Jan., 1904 4th Nov., 1907 To 28th Jan., 1904 3rd Nov., 1907 * The Judge for the County of Gaspe also exercises his ordinary functions in the county of Bonaventure, with residence at New Carlisle, or at Perce, as he may choose. (1) Mr. Justice de Billy retired, 29th January, 1904; died, 20th March, 1907. (2) Mr. Justice Carroll transferred to the Judicial District of Rimouski, 4th November, 1907. (3) Mr. Justice Tessier transferred from the Judicial District of Rimouski. The Judicial District of Iberville. ( Con timted from page 348, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895:') Hon. Alfred Napoleon Charland (1) " Emilien Z. Paradis (2) " Dominique Monet 12th Nov., 1887 14th Sept., 1901 31st Aug., 1908 12th Aug., 1901 10th May, 1908 (1) Mr. Justice Charland died, 12th August, 1901. (2) Mr. Justice Paradis died, 10th May, 1908. The Judicial District of Joliette. (Continued from page 349, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895:') Hon. Charles Chamilly de Lorimier (1) " Francois Octave Dugas. . . 15th Apl., 1888 6th Sept., 190f 5th Sept., 1909 1909 18 (1) Mr. Justice de Lorimier transferred to the Judicial District of Montreal, 6th September, 258 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Superior Court for the Province of Quebec. — Continued. The Judicial District of Kamouraska. (Contimied from page 350, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Judge From To Hon. Marie Honorius Ernest Cimon (1) 12th Apl., 1886 17th Oct., 1912 16th Oct., 1912 " Isidore Noel Belleau 1012. (1) Mr. Justice Cimon transferred to tiie Judicial District of Montmagny, 17th October, *The Judicial District of Montmagny. {Continued from page 850, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895:') Hon. Honore Cyrias Pelletier (1) " Marie Honorius Ernest Cimon (2) " Edmund James Flynn 25th Feb., 1888 17th Oct., 1912 9th June, 1914 12th Oct., 1912 8th June, 1914 * The Judge of the District of Montmagny exercises his ordinary functions in the District of Beauce, with residence in the city of Quebec. (1) Mr. Justice Pelletier retired, 13th October, 1912; permitted by His Majesty the King to retain the title of "Honourable," 4th August, 1913. (2) Mr. Justice Cimon transferred from the Judicial District of Kamouraska; retired, 9th June. 1914; permitted by His Majesty the King to retain the tiUe of "Honourable," 20th February, 1915. The Judicial District of Montreal. {Continued from page 852, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Hon. Louis Amable Jette (1) . . . . " Louis On^sime Loranger (2) " Michel Mathieu (3) 2nd Sept., 1878 5th Aug., 1882 23rd June, 1883 13th Jan., 1898 21st May, 1909 28th Jan., 1909 (1) Mr. Justice Jettfi retired, 14th January, 1898; sworn Lieutenant-Governor of Quebec , l8t February, 1898. (2) Mr. Justice Loranger retired, 22nd May, 1909. (3) Mr. Justice Mathieu transferred from the Judicial District of Joliette; retired, 29th January, 1909; died. 30th July, 1916. 259 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Superior Court for the Province of Quebec. — Continued. The Judicial District of Montreal. — Continued. Judge Hon. Charles Ignace Gill (1). . . . " Charles Peers Davidson (2) " Sim6on Pagneulo (3) " Melbourne McTaggart Tait (4) " Charles Joseph Doherty (5) " John Sprott Archibald (6) . . " John Joseph Curran (7) . . . . " Frangois Xavier Langelier (8) " Joseph Lavergne (9) " Norman William Trenholme (10) " Joseph Emery Robidoux (11) " Thomas Fortin " Louis Tellier (12) 12th Apl., 10th June, 5th June, 5th July, 19th Oct., 22ndNov., 18th Oct., 14th Jan., 25th June, 1886 1887 1889 1889 1891 1893 1895 1898 1901 25th June, 1901 25th June, 25th Sept., 7th Dec, 1901 1901 1903 To 16th Sept., 1901 12th June, 1912 3rd Jan., 1912 5th June, 1906 21st Nov., 1906 1st Oct., 1909 nth Nov., 1903 2nd Feb., 1906 3rd May, 1904 12th Nov., 1906 5th Oct., 1915 (1) Mr. Justice Gill transferred from the Judicial District of Richelieu; died 16th Sep- tember, 1901. (2) Mr. Justice Davidson appointed Chief Justice of the Superior Court, 13th June, 1912; knighted, 11th June, 1913; retired, 2nd February, 1915; permitted by His Majesty the King to retain the title "Honourable," 3rd March, 1915. (3) Mr. Justice Pagneulo retired, 4th January, 1912; died, 14th May, 1915. (4) Mr. Justice Tait transferred from the Judicial District of Bedford; appointed Acting Chief Justice in the District of Montreal, 27th October, 1894; knighted. 27th September. 1897; appointed Chief Justice of the Superior Court, 6th June, 1906; retired. 7th June, 1912; died, 10th February. 1917. (5) Mr. Justice Doherty retired, 22nd November, 1906. (6) Mr. Justice Archibald appointed Acting Chief Justice In the District of Montreal. 2nd February, 1915. (7) Mr. Justice Curran died, 1st October, 1909. (8) Mr. Justice Langelier transferred to the Judicial District of Quebec, 12th November, 1903. (9) Mr. Justice Lavergne transferred from the Judicial District of Ottawa; appointed Puisne Judge of the King's Bench, 3rd February, 1906. (10) Mr. Justice Trenholme appointed Puisne Judge of the King's Bench, 4th May, 1904. (11) Mr. Justice Robidoux transferred from the Judicial District of Three Rivers; trans- ferred to the Judicial District of Terrebonne, 13th November, 1906. (12) Mr. Justice Tellier transferred from the Judicial District of St. Hyacinthe; retired, 6th October, 1915; permitted by His Majesty the King to retain the title of "Honourable," 18th Janu- ary, 1916. 260 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Superior Court for the Province of Quebec. — Continued. The Judicial District of Montreal. — Continued. Hen, Judge John Dunlop (1) Henri Tiiomas Taschereau . (2) Pierre Eugene Lafontaine. Edmund William Patrick Guerin Napoleon Charbonneau (3) . Charles Chamilly de Lorimier (4) Henri C^saire Saint Pierre (5)...,, Louis Philippe Demers (6) . Charles Hector Archer Robert Alfred Ernest Greenshields Charles Laurendeau (7) . . . . Sim6on Beaudin (8) Campbell Lane From 5th May, 1904 13th Nov., 31st Aug., 14th Jan., 29th Jan., 1906 1906 1907 1907 6th Sept., 1909 22ndMar., 6th July, 11th Jan., 6th July, 6th July, 4th Jan., 26th June, 1909 1910 1910 1910 1910 1912 1912 To 7th Nov., 1916 28th Jan., 1907 31st Aug., 1916 17th Nov., 1914 8th Jan., 1916 21st Oct., 1912 3rd June, 1915 (1) Mr. Justice Dunlop died, 7th November, 1916. (2) Mr. Justice Taschereau transferred from the Judicial District of Terrebonne; ap- pointed Chief Justice of the King's Bench. 29th January, 1907. (3) Mr. Justice Charbonneau transferred from the Judicial District of Richelieu; died, 31st August. 1916. (4) Mr. Justice de Lorimier transferred from the Judicial District of Joliette; retired, 18th November, 1914; permitted by His Majesty the King to retain the title of "Honourable," 9th January, 1915. (5) Mr. Justice Saint Pierre transferred from the Judicial District of Beauhamois; died, 8th January, 1916. (6) Mr. Justice Demers transferred from the Judicial District of St. Francia. (7) Mr. Justice Laurendeau resigned. (8) Mr. Justice Beaudin died, 3rd June, 1918. 261 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Superior Court for the Province of Quebec. — Continued. The Judicial District of Montreal. — Concluded. Judge Hon. Louis Edmond Panneton . . . " Farquhar Stuart Maclennan " Jean Baptiste Gustave Lamothe " Louis Coderre " Louis Theophile MarechaL " Victor Allard " Joseph Mathias Tellier. . . . " Charles Albert Duclos From 7th Dec, 1912 3rd Feb., 1915 25th Sept., 1915 6th Oct., 1915 6th Oct., 1915 29th Feb., 1916 9th Sept., 1916 29th Dec, 1916 To The Judicial District of Ottawa. {Continued from page 353, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Hon. Henri G6d6on Malhiot (1) . . " Joseph Lavergne (2) " Alfred Rochon (3) " Louis Napoleon Champagne (4) " John Malcolm McDougall. . " Toussaint Hector Chauvin . 20th Sept., 1888 4th Aug., 1897 25th June, 1901 11th Jan., 1910 21st Oct., 1911 3rd Apl., 1912 1st Aug., 1897 24th June, 1901 17th Nov., 1909 I5th Oct., 1911 (1) Mr. Justice Malhiot retired, 2nd August, 1897; died, 21st October, 1909. (2) Mr. Justice Lavergne transferred to the Judicial District of Montreal, 25th June. 1901. (3) Mr. Justice Rochon died, 17th November, 1909. (4) Mr. Justice Champagne transferred from the Judicial District of Pontiac; died, 16th October, 1911. 262 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Superior Court for the Province of Quebec. — Continued. The Judicial District of Pontiac. Judge Hon. Louis Napoleon Champagne (1) " William Alexander Weir. From 16th Oct., 1904 nth Jan., 1910 To 10th Jan., 1910 1910. (1) Mr. Justice Champagne transferred to the Judicial District of Ottawa, 11th January, The Judicial District of Quebec. {Continued from page 354, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895:') Hon. Sir Louis Edelmar Napoleon Casault, Kt (1) " Louis Bonaventure Caron (2). " Frederick William Andrews (3)..v " Adolphe Basile Routhier (4) " Sir Francois Charles Stanislas Langelier, Kt . (5) Sir Charles Alphonse Pantaleon Pelletier, K.CM.G. (6)^ " Sir Francois Xavier Lemieux Kt (7) John Charles McCorkill . . . 1st Sept., 1873 26th Jan., 1877 16th Mar. 10th Dec, 1885 1889 12th Nov. 1903 30th Sept. 1904 31st Aug., 31st Aug., 1906 1906 29th Sept., 1904 nth Nov., 1903 17th Feb., 1906 5th June, 1906 5th May, 1911 14th Sept., 1908 (1) Mr. Justice Sir Napoleon Casault transferred from the Judicial District of Kamouraska; appointed Chief Justice of the Superior Court, 3rd October, 1894; retired, 30th September, 1904; died, 18th May, 1908. (2) Mr. Justice Caron transferred from the Judicial District of Gasp6; retired, 12th Novem- ber, 1903; died, 28th May, 1915. (3) Mr. Justice Andrews died, 17th February, 1906. (4) Mr. Justice Routhier transferred from the Judicial District of Saguenay; appointed Chief Justice of the Superior Court, 30th September, 1904; retired, 6th June, 1906; appointed Local Judge in Admiralty of the Exchequer Court of Canada for the Admiralty District of Quebec, 21st March, 1897, which office he still holds. (5) Mr. Justice Langelier transferred from the Judicial District of Montreal; appointed to perform the duties of Chief Justice of the Superior Court in the District of Quebec, 6th June, 1906; knighted, 28th June, 1907; appointed Lieutenant-Governor of Quebec, 6th May, 1911; died. 8th February, 1915. (6) Mr. Justice Sir Alphonse Pelletier appointed Lieutenant-Governor of Quebec. 15th September, 1908; died, 29th April, 1911. (7) Mr. Justice Sir Francois Lemieux transferred from the Judicial District of St. Francis; appointed to perform the duties of Chief Justice of the Superior Court in the District of Quebec. 8th May. 1911; appointed Chief Justice of the Superior Court, 2nd February, 1915; knighted. lat January. 1915. 263 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Superior Court for the Province of Ouebec— Continued. The Judicial District of Quebec. — Concluded. Judge Hon. Sir Louis Amable Jette, K.C.M.G. (1) " Arthur Cyrille Albert Malouin (2) " Lawrence John Cannon (3). " Charles Edouard Dorion . . . From 15th Sept., 1908 16th Nov., 1909 6th July, 1910 8th May, 1911 To 15th Nov., 1909 (1) Mr. Justice Sir Louis Jettg appointed Chief Justice of the King's Bench, 16th Novem- ber, 1909. ^ , (2) Mr. Justice Malouin transferred from the Judicial District of Arthabaaka. (3) Mr. Justice Cannon transferred from the Judicial District of Three Rivers. The Judicial District of Richelieu. {Continued from page 354, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895:') Hon. Joseph Alphonse Ouimet (1) " Raphael E. Fontaine (2) . . . " Napoleon Charbonneau (3) . " Arthur Aim6e Bruneau. . . . 12th Apl., 1886 15th Jan., 1901 11th Mar., 1903 29th Jan., 1907 19th Dec, 1900 20th Sept., 1902 28th Jan., 1907 1907, (1) Mr. Justice Ouimet died, 19th December, 1900. (2) Mr. Justice Fontaine died, 20th September. 1902. (3) Mr. Justice Charbonneau transferred to the Judicial District of Montreal, 29th January, The Judicial District of Rimouski. {Continued from page 855, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Hon. Jules Ernest Larue (1) . . . " Auguste Tessier (2) " Henry George Carroll (3) " Louis Rodolphe Roy... 25th Feb., 1888 nth Oct., 1907 30th Dec, 1908 17th Nov., 1909 30th Sept., 1907 3rd Nov., 1907 I6th Nov., 1909 (1) Mr. Justice Larue transferred from the Judicial District of Gasp4; retired, 1st October, 1907; died, 26th November, 1913. (2) Mr. Justice Tessier transferred to the Judicial District of Gasp6, 4th November, 1907. (3) Mr. Justice Carroll transferred from the Judicial District of Gaspg; appointed Puisne Judge of the King's Bench, 24th December, 1908. (4) Mr. Justice Tourigny transferred to the Judicial District of Arthabaska, 17th Novem- ber. 1909. 264 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Superior Court for the Province of Quebec. — Continued. *The Judicial Distiict of St. Francis. {Continued from page 356, Volume 1, '' 1867 to 1895:') Judge Hon. William White (1) " Frangois Xavier Lemieux [2] " Matthew Hutchinson " Louis Philippe Demers (3). " Arthur Globensky From 5th Nov., 1895 7th July, 1898 16th Nov., 1904 31st Aug., 1906 6th July, 1910 To 15th Nov., 1904 30th Aug., 1906 5th July, 1910 • The Act, 59 Vict., Que., Chap. 24, assented to 21st December, 1895, which came into force on the 1st May, 1897, by Proclamation dated the 14th April, 1897, provides that two Judges of the Superior Court shall reside in the city of Sherbrooke, instead of one aa theretofore. (1) Mr. Justice White retired, 16th November, 1904. (2) Mr. Justice Lemieux transferred from the Judicial District of Arthabaska; transferred to the Judicial District of Quebec, 31st August, 1906. (3) Mr. Justice Demers transferred to the Judicial District of Montreal, 6th July, 1910. The Judicial District of St. Hyacinthe. (Continued from page 356, Volume 1, "1S67 to 1896.") Hon. Louis Tellier (1) " Joseph Alexandre Camille Madore (2) " Paul Gedeon Martineau . . 12th Nov., 1887 7th Dec, 1903 29th Jan., 1907 6th Dec, 1903 3rd Nov., 1906 (1) Mr. Justice Tellier transferred to the Judicial District of Montreal, 7th December, 1903. (2) Mr. Justice Madore died, 3rd November, 1906. 265 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Superior Court for the Province of Quebec.— Continued. ♦The Judicial District of Saguenay. {Continued from page 356, Volume 1, "1867 to 1896:') Judge Hon. Jean Alfred Gagn6 (1) " Blaise Ferdinand Letellier. " Louis Theodule N6ree Lenoblet Du Plessis . . . . Fr 10th Dec, 1889 12th Oct., 1910 16th June, 1914 To 7th Aug., 1910 * There are two Judges for the District of Saguenay, who exercise their ordinary functions In the Districts of Chicoutimi and Roberval, with residence at Malbaie in the District of Saguenay, at Chicoutimi in the District of Chicoutimi, or at Roberval in the District of Roberval, as each may choose. (1) Mr. Justice Gagng died, 7th August, 1910. The Judicial District of Terrebonne. {Continued from page 357, Volume 1, "1867 to 1896.") Hon. Henri Thomas Taschereau (1) " Joseph Emery Robidoux (2' 1st Dec, 1887 13th Nov., 1906 12th Nov., 1906 (1) Mr. Justice Taschereau transferred from the Judicial District of Joliette; transferred to the Judicial District of Montreal. 13th November, 1906. (2) Mr. Justice Robidoux tranaferred from the Judicial District of Montreal. 266 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Superior Court for the Province of Quebec. — Concluded. The Judicial District of Three Rivers. {Continued from page 357, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Hon. Jean Baptiste Bourgeois (1) " Joseph Emery Robidoux (2, " Odilon Desmarais (3) Richard Stanislas Cooke (4' Lawrence John Cannon (5) . " Frangois Simeon ToUrigny (6).. Francois Xavier Droliin. . . . Loliis Joseph Alfred Desy. . 13th Nov., 1880 8th Oct., 1900 25th June, 1901 16th Nov., 1904 29th July, 1905 6th July, 1910 16th June, 1914 29th Feb., 1916 7th Oct., 1900 24th June, 1901 18th May, 1904 15th June, 1914 5th July, 1910 16th Dec, 1915 (1) Mr. Justice Bourgeois retired, 8th October, 1900; died, Uth October, 1902. (2) Mr. Justice Robidoux transferred to the Judicial District of Montreal, 25th June, 1901. (3) Mr. Justice Desmarais died, 18th May, 1904. (4) Mr. Justice Cooke retired, 16th June, 1914. (5) Mr. Justice Cannon transferred to the Judicial District of Quebec. (6) Mr. Justice Tourigny transferred from the Judicial District of Arthabaskaj died, 16th December, 1916. The Circuit Court for the District of Montreal. 1896 to 1917. (Continued from page 358, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895,") A court of record called "The Circuit Court for the District of Montreal," with jurisdiction over the district of Montreal, and consisting of two Judges called "Circuit Judges of the District of Montreal," was established in the city of Montreal by the Act 56 Vict., Chap. 24, of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Quebec, which came into force, by proclamation, on the 1st July, 1893. The number of Judges composing this Court was increased, from two to three Judges, by the Act 60 Vict., Que., Chap. 31, assented to 9th January, 1897, which came into force on the 1st September, 1897, by proclamation, dated the 14th June, 1897; and, under the provisions of the Act 62 Vict., Que., Chap. 30, assented to 10th March, 1899, on which day it came into force, one of the Judges of the Court is senior. (Articles 3134 and 3135, R.S.Q., 1909). By the Act 1 George V, Que., Chap. 24, amending Article 3155 of the Revised Statutes of Quebec, 1909, assented to 4th June, 1910, on which day it came into force, the number of Judges of the said Court was further increased from three to six Judges. 267 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. Circuit Judges of the District of Montreal. {Continued from page 358, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Name Hon. Charles L. Champagne, (1) " John Daly Purcell " Achille Dorion " Calixte LeBeuf, Senior Judge " Jean Baptiste Archambault. From 16th Nov., 1893 8th June, 1895 7th July, 1898 18th Jan., 1908 29th Nov.. 1913 To 22nd Dec, 1907 (1) Judge Champagne was senior judge, under Act 62 Vict., (Que.,) Chap. 30, assented to 10th March, 1899, but he was not so named by Order-in-Council; died 22nd December, 1907. The Supreme Court of Nova Scotia. The Bench of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia is composed of a Chief Justice and six other Judges, including the Judge in Equity. The Chief Justice is entitled to precedence over all other Judges of the Court, and the latter have precedence next after the Chief Justice, according to seniority of appointment. {The Judicature Act, Chap. 155, R.S.N.S., 1900). Chief Justices. 1896 to 1917. {Continued from page 860, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Hon. James McDonald (1) " Sir Robert Lintor Weatherbe, Kt (2) " Charles James Townshend, Kt (3) " Sir Wallace Graham, Kt (4) 20th May, 1881 13th Jan., 1905 2nd Nov., 1907 19th Apl., 1915 18th Aug., 1904 18th Mar., 1907 18th Apl., 1915 (1) Mr. Chief Justice McDonald retired, 19th August. 1904; was also, from 2nd October, 1891, to 3rd October, 1912, Local Judge in Admiralty of the Exchequer Court of Canada for the Admiralty District of Nova Scotia; died, 3rd October, 1912. (2) Mr. Chief Justice Weatherbe knighted, 30th June, 1906; retired, 19th March, 1907; died, 27th April, 1915. (3) Mr. Chief Justice Townshend knighted, 2nd January, 1911; retired, 19th April, 1915. (4) Mr. Chief Justice Graham knighted, 3rd June, 1916. 268 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Supreme Court of Nova Scotia. — Concluded. Judges in Equity. 1896 to 1917. {Continued from page S60, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Name Hon. Wallace Graham (1) " James Johnstone Ritchie, From 24th Sept., 1889 12th May, 1915 To 18th Apl., 1915 (1) Mr. Justice Graham appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, 19th April, 1915. Puisne Judges. 1896 to 1917. (Continued from page 361, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Hon. Robert Linton Weatherbe (1) Joseph Norman Ritchie (2). Charles James Townshend . (3) Nicholas Hogan Meagher (4) Hugh McDonald Henry (5' Duncan Cameron Fraser (6' Benjamin Russell James Wilberforce Longley. Arthur Drysdale (7) Frederick Andrew Laurence (8) James Johnstone Ritchie (9) Robert Edward Harris Joseph Andrew Chisholm. 7th Oct., 26th Sept., 4th Mar., 23rd Apl., 20th Feb., 10th Feb., 3rd Oct., 13th June, 13th Mar., 2nd Nov., 16th Feb., 28th June, 8th Feb., 1878 1885 1887 1890 1893 1904 1904 1905 1907 1907 1912 1915 1916 12th Jan., 5th June, 1st Nov., 7th Feb., 9th Feb., 29th Mar., 13th Feb., 11th May, 1905 1904 1907 1916 1904 1906 1912 1915 (1) Mr. Justice Weatherbe appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, 13th January. 1905. (2) Mr. Justice Joseph Norman Ritchie died, 5th June, 1904. (3) Mr. Justice Townshend appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, 2nd November, 1907. (4) Mr. Justice Meagher retired, 8th February, 1916. (5) Mr. Justice Henry retired, 10th February, 1904; died, 15th May, 1914. (6) Mr. Justice Fraser sworn Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Nova Scotia, 30th March, 1906. (7) Mr. Justice Drysdale is also, since the 18th October, 1912, Local Judge in Admiralty of the Exchequer Court of Canad a for the Admiralty District of Nova Scotia. (8) Mr. Justice Laurence died, 13th February, 1912. (9) Mr. Justice James Johnstone Ritchie appointed Judge in Equity, 12th May. 1915. 269 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued, County Courts in the Province of Nova Scotia. 1896 to 1917. {Continued from page 363, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") For the purpose of the County Court Act, Chapter 156 of the Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, 1900, the province is divided into seven County Court districts, composed as follows: — District Number One: of the County of Halifax; District Number Two: of the Counties of Lunenburg, Queens, and Shelburne; District Number Three: of the Counties of Annapolis, Digby, and Yarmouth ; District Number Four: of the Counties of Kings, Hants, and Colchester; District Number Five: of the Counties of Pictou and Cumber- land; District Number Six: of the Counties of Inverness, Antigonish, and Guysboro; and District Number Seven: of the Counties of Cape Breton, Victoria, and Richmond. The said Act provides that there shall be in every County Court district a court of law and record, to be called the County Court of District No. — ; and that there shall be one Judge for the Court of each district. County Court of District Number One. (Composed of the County of Halifax.) {Continued from page 364, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Judge From To James Willis Johnstone (1) William Bernard Wallace 21st Aug., 187t 5th Jan., 1901 20th Nov., 1900 (1) Judge Johnstone died, 20th November. 1900. 270 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. County Courts in the Province of Nova Scotia. — Continued. County Court of District Number Two. (Composed of the Counties of Lunenburg, Queens, and Shelburne.) {Continued from page 364, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Judge Mather Byles Des Brisay (1) Francis Gordon Forbes From 21st Aug., 1876 12th Jan., 1897 To 11th Jan., 1897 (1) Judge De8 Brisay retired, 12th January, 1897; died, 8th April, 1900. County Court of District Number Three. (Composed of the Counties of Annapolis, Digby, and Yarmouth.) {Continued from page 364, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Alfred William Savary (1) Sandford Harrington Pelton (2) John Arthur Grierson 21st Aug., 1876 17th Apl., 1907 Uth Dec, 19U 31st Mar., 1907 3rd Nov., 1907 (1) Judge Savary retired, 1st April, 1907. (2) Judge Pelton died, 3rd November, 1916. County Court of District Number Four. (Composed of the Counties of Kings, Hants, and Colchester.) {Continued from page 365, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") John Pryor Chipman , 18th June, 189C 271 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. County Courts in the Province of Nova Scotia. — Concluded. County Court of District Number Five. (Composed of the Counties of Pictou and Cumberland.) {Continued from page 365, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895:') Judge William Agnew Drury Morse (1) George Geddie Patterson From 21st Aug., 1876 26th Jan., 1907 To 11th July, 1906 (1) Judge Morse died, 11th July, 1906. County Court of District Number Six. (Composed of the Counties of Inverness, Antigonish, and Guys- boro.) (Continued from page 365, Volume 1, "1867 to 1896:') Angus Mclsaac (1) . . . Angus McGillivray (2) 24th Sept., 1885 31st Dec, 1902 12th June, 1902 4th May, 1917 (1) Judge Mclsaac died, 12th June, 1902. (2) Judge McGillivray died, 4th May. 1917. County Court of District Number Seven. (Composed of the Counties of Cape Breton, Victoria, and Rich- mond.) {Continued from page 367, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895:') Murray Dodd (1) Daniel D. McKenzie (2) Duncan Finlayson (1) Judge Dodd died, 25th August, 1905. (2) Judge McKenzie resigned. 21st June, 1888 16th Feb., 1906 16th Nov., 1908 25th Aug., 1905 15th Oct., 1908 272 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Supreme Court of New Brunswick. 1896 to 1917. {Continued from page 366, Volume 1, "1867 to 1896.") The Supreme Court of New Brunswick, as constituted by The Judicature Act, 1909, of the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick, passed 29th April, 1909, (9 Edward VII, Chap. 5), was composed, as formerly, of a Chief Justice and five Puisne Judges, and consisted of two divisions: The Chancery Division, composed of not more than two Judges assigned thereto, from time to time, by the Chief Justice, and the King's Bench Division, composed of the other Judges of the Court. The Supreme Court, as constituted by the Act, 3 George V, Chapter 23, amending The Judicature Act, 1909, passed 20th March, 1913, which came into force on the 10th December, 1913, by proclamation of the Lieutenant-Governor, dated the 4th Decem- ber, 1913, consists of three divisions, namely: — The Appeal Division, called the Court of Appeal, consisting of the Chief Justice of New Brunswick and two of the Judges; The Chancery Division, consisting of the three Judges of the Court of Appeal ; The King's Bench Division, consisting of a Chief Justice and three other Judges. The Chief Justice of the Court of Appeal is styled Chief Jus- tice of New Brunswick, and he has rank and precedence over all other Judges of the Courts of New Brunswick; the Chief Justice of the King's Bench Division has rank and precedence next after the Chief Justice of New Brunswick; and all the other Judges of the Court of Appeal and King's Bench Division have rank and precedence among themselves according to their seniority of appointment. 273 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada, Continued. The Supreme Court of New Brunswick. *Chief Justices. {Continued from page 367, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Name Hon. Sir John Campbell Allen, Kt (1) " William Henry Tuck (2) . . . " Sir Frederick Eustace Barker Kt (3) From 8th Oct., 1875 13th May, 1896 29th Jan., 1908 To 12th May, 1896 16th Jan., 1908 10th Dec, 1913 * "Chief Justices" continued under "Chief Justices of New Brunswick," page 274. (1) Chief Justice Sir John Campbell Allen knighted, 4th February, 1889; retired, 13th May. 1896; died, 27th September, 1898. (2) Mr. Chief Justice Tuck retired, 17th January, 1908; died, 8th April, 1913. (3) Chief Justice Sir Frederick Eustace Barker knighted, 11th June, 1913; appointed Chief Justice of the Court of Appeal, with the style and title of Chief Justice of New Brunswick, 11th December, 1913. Puisne Judges. (Continued from page 368, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Hon. William Henry Tuck (1).. . . " Daniel Lionel Hanington (2) " Pierre Armand Landry (3) . " Frederick Eustace Barker (4) " James Alfred Van Wart (5) . " Ezekiel McLeod (6) 17th Mar., 1885 1st Apl., 1892 21st Sept., 1893 28th Dec, 1893 10th Apl., 1894 13th May, 1896 12th Mav, 1896 6th May, 1909 10th Dec, 1913 28th Jan., 1908 31st May, 1900 10th Dec, 1913 (1) Mr. Justice Tuck appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of New Brunswick, 13th May, 1896. (.2) Mr. Justice Hanington died, 6th May, 1909. (3) Mr. Justice Landry appointed Chief Justice of the King's Bench Division of the Su- preme Court of New Brunswick, 11th December, 1913. (4) Mr. Justice Barker appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of New Brunswick, 29th January, 1908. (5) Mr. Justice Van Wart retired, 1st June, 1900. (6) Mr. Justice McLeod appointed a Judge of the Appeal Division and of the Chancery Division of the Supreme Court of New Brunswick, 11th December, 1913. 19 274 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Supreme Court of New Brunswick. — Continued. Puisne Judges. — Concluded. Judge Hon. George Frederick Gregory (7) " Albert Scott White (8) " Jeremiah Hayes Barry (9) . " Harrison Andrew Mc- Keown (10) From 9th Oct., 1900 29th Jan., 1908 28th May, 1909 28th May, 1909 To 30th Apl., 1909 10th Dec, 1913 10th Dec, 1913 10th Dec, 1913 (7) Mr. Justice Gregory retired, 1st May, 1909. (8) Mr. Justice White appointed a Judge of the Appeal Division and of the Chancery Divi- sion of the Supreme Court of New Brunswick, 11th December, 1913. (9) Mr. Justice Barry appointed Judge of the King's Bench Division of the Supreme Court of New Brunswick, 11th December, 1913. (10) Mr. Justice McKeown appointed a Judge of the King's Bench Division of the Supreme Court of New Brunswick, Uth December, 1913. The Court of Appeal. *Chief Justices of New Brunswick. Hon. Sir Frederick Eustace Barker, Kt (1) " Sir Ezekiel McLeod, Kt (2) Uth Dec, 1913 10th Jan., 1914 9th Jan., 1914 * For prior "Chief Justices" of the Supreme Court of New Brunswick, see page 273; the Judges of the Court of Appeal are also the Judges of the Chancery Division. (1) Chief Justice Sir Frederick Eustace Barker retired, 10th January, 1914; died, 15th December, 1915. (2) Mr. Chief Justice McLeod Is also, since the 13th May, 1896, Local Judge m Admiralty of the Exchequer Court of Canada for the Admiralty District of New Brunswick; knighted, 2l3t February, 1917. *Puisne Judges. Hon. Ezekiel McLeod (1) — " Albert Scott White .. . " Ward Hazen Grimmer, Uth Dec, 1913 Uth Dec, 1913 10th Jan., 1914 9th Jan., 1914 (1) Mr. Justice McLeod appointed Chief Justice of New Brunswick, 10th January, 1914. • The Judges of the Court of Appeal are also the Judges of the Chancery Division. 275 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Supreme Court of New Brunswick.— Concluded. Chancery Division. The Chancery Division consists of the three Judges of the Court of Appeal. King's Bench Division. Chief Justices. Name From To Hon. Sir Pierre Armand Landry, Kt (1) 11th Dec, 1913 19th Aug., 1916 28th July, 1916 " Harrison Andrew McKeown (1) Mr. Chief Justice Landry knighted, 3rd June, 1916; died, 28th July. 1916. Puisne Judges. Hon. Jeremiah Hayes Barry " Harrison Andrew McKeown (1) " Oswald Smith Crocket " William Botsford Chandler. nth Dec, 1913 11th Dec, 1913 11th Dec, 1913 19th Aug., 191f 18th Aug., 1916 (1) Mr. Justice McKeown appointed Chief Justice of the King's Bench Division, 19th August. 1916. 276 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Court of Divorce and Matrimonial Causes of the Province of New Brunswick. {Continued from page 369, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895 r) Judge Hon. James Alfred Van Wart (1) . " George Frederick Gregor^ (2) ....'. " Harrison Andrew McKeown (3) " Oswald Smith Crocket From 24th Aug., 1894 3rd Oct., 1901 28th May, 190f 20th Sept., 191( To 31st May, 1900 30th Apl., 1909 19th Sept., 1916 8! y\ Mr. Justice Van Wart retired, 1st June, 1900. 2) Mr. Justice Gregory retired, 1st May, 1909. (3) Mr. Justice McKeown resigned, 20th September, 1916. County Courts in the Province of New Brunswick. 1896 to 1917. The County Court for the City and County of Saint John. {Con tinued from page 371, Volume 1, ''1867 to 1895.'') James Gordon Forbes (1) John Russell Armstrong. . 22nd Jan., 1895 27th May, 19ir 26th May, 1915 (1) Judge Forbes retired, 27th May, 1915. The County Court for the Counties of Westmoreland and Kent. (Continued from page 371, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") William Wilberforce Wells (1) Robert Allison Borden 21st Oct., 189£ 2nd Mar., 1912 29th Feb., 1912 (1) Judge Wells retired, 1st March. 1912. 277 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. County Courts in the Province of New Brunswick. — Concluded. The County Court for the Counties of York, Sunbury, and Queens. {Continued from page S72, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895:') Judge From To James Steadman (1) 19th June, 1867 1st May, 1898 30th Apl., 1898 William Wilson (1) Judge Steadman retired, 1st May. 1898; died, 16th May, 1913. The County Court for the Counties of Charlotte, Carleton, Victoria, and Madawaska. {Continued from page 372, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") James G. Stevens (1) John Louis Carleton . 19th June, 1867 16th Feb., 1904 31st Jan., 1904 (1) Judge Stevens retired, 1st February, 1904; died, 16th October, 1906. The County Court for the Counties of Northumberland, Gloucester, and Restigouche. {Continued from page 373, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895") William Wilkinson (1) Henry Francis McLatchy. 11th Mar., 1881 11th Feb., 1906 10th Feb., 1906 (1) Judge Wilkinson retired, 11th February, 1906. The County Court for the Counties of Kings and Albert. {Continued from page 373, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") William Wedderburn (1) Wilfred Burwell Jonah . . 28th June, 1882 25th Nov., 1911 24th Nov., 1911 (1) Judge Wedderburn retired, 25th November, 1911. 278 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Supreme Court of Judicature of Prince Edward Island. 1896 to 1917. {Continued from page 374, Volume 1, "1867 to 1896 r) The Supreme Court of Judicature of Prince Edward Island is composed of a Chief Justice and two Assistant Judges. Prior to the passing of The Chancery Act, 1910, by the Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island, 10 Edward VII, Chapters 8 and 9, assented to 8th April, 1910, the Assistant Judges of the Supreme Court held, respectively, the combined offices of Assistant Judge and Master of the Rolls, and Assistant Judge and Vice Chancellor, of the Court of Chancery. (Act. 11 Vict., (P.E.I.),Chap.6, (1848); and Act 32 Vict., (P.E.I.), Chap. 4, (1869.) The Chancery Act, 1910, above referred to, provides that hereafter the persons to be appointed Judges of the Court of Chan- cery, which Court consists of two Courts called "The Rolls Court" and "The Vice Chancellor's Court," to fill the places of the Master of the Rolls and Vice Chancellor, are to be appointed by the auth- ority mentioned in the British North America Act, and with the same respective titles as heretofore. Chief Justice. {Continued from page 875, Volume 1, 1867 to 1895 r) Name Hon. Sir William Wilfred Sullivan Kt(l) ^ " John Alexander Mathieson. From I3th Nov., 1889 13th June, 1917 To 12th June, 1917 (1) Chief Justice Sir William Sullivan was also Local Judge in Admiralty of the Exchequer Court of Canada for the Admiralty District of Prince Edward Island; knighted, 29th June, 1914; retired, 13th June, 1917. Assistant Judges, and Masters of the Rolls in Chancery. {Continued from page 876, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") Hon. Edward Jarvis Hodgson (1) " Francis Longworth Haszard 15th Apl., 1891 5th May, 1911 2nd Nov., 1910 (1) Mr. Justice Hodgson retired, 3rd November, 1910. 279 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Supreme Court of Judicature of Prince Edward Island. (Continued.) Assistant Judge, and Vice Chancellor of the Court of Chancery. {Continued from page 376, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895 r) Judge Hon. Rowan Robert Fitzgerald From 28th May, 1894 To County Courts in the Province of Prince Edward Island. 1896 to 1917. {Contimied from pages 377 to 379, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895.") The County Court of King's County. Dennis O'Meara Reddin (1) Alexander Bannerman Warburton (2) Stanislaus Blanchard (3) Austin Levi Fraser 24th June, 1873 27th June, 189S 23rd Dec, 1904 25th Sept., 1915 13th June, 1898 21st Oct., 1904 27th Aug., 1915 <1) Judge Reddin died, 13th June, 1898. (2) Judge Warburton died, 21st October, 1904. (3) Judge Blanchard died, 27th August, 1915. The County Court of Prince County. Neil McLeod (1) Neil McQuarrie . 9th Mar., 189.- 28th Feb., 191f 19th Oct., 1915 (1) Judge McLeod died, 19th October, 1915. 280 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. County Courts in the Province of Prince Edward Island. Concluded. The County Court of Queen's County. Judge From To George Alley (1).... 18th July, 1874 4th Aug., 189C 22nd July, 1914 6th May, 1899 Hector C. McDonald (2) William S. Stewart 10th May, 1914 (1) Judge Alley died. 6th May. 1899. (2) Judge McDonald died, 10th May. 1914. The City Court of the City of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. {Continued from pages 378 ayid 379, Volume 1, "1867 to 1895:') Francis Longworth Haszard (1) . . Kenneth John Martin 2nd Feb., 1895 29th Sept., 1911 4th May, 1911 (1) Judge Haszard appointed Assistant Judge of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Prince Edward Island and Master of the Rolls in Chancery, 5th May, 1911. 281 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Court of Appeal for Manitoba. The Court of Appeal for Manitoba, called "The Court of Appeal," consists of a Chief Justice styled the "Chief Justice of Manitoba," and four other Judges, called Judges of Appeal. (Sec. 2, Chap. 43, R. S. Man., 1913.) As originally constituted by the Act 5-6 Edward VII, Chapter 18 (Manitoba), assented to 16th March, 1906, which came into force by proclamation on the 23rd July, 1906, the Court of Appeal was composed of a Chief Justice and three other Judges, called Judges of Appeal. The said Act provided that as long as the then Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench, who was styled "The Chief Justice of Manitoba," continued to hold such office, the Chief Justice of the Court of Appeal shall be styled "The Chief Justice of Appeal," and that so soon as the then Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench ceased to hold that office, the Chief Justice of the Court of Appeal shall be styled "Chief Justice of Manitoba," and the Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench shall thereafter be styled "Chief Justice of the King's Bench." The then Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench, Mr. Chief Justice Dubuc, retired on the 16th November, 1909. The number of Judges of the Court of Appeal, as originally constituted, was increased from three to four other Judges by the Act 2 George V, Chapter 13, (Manitoba), assented to 15th March, 1912. The Chief Justice of Manitoba has rank and precedence over all other Judges of the Courts of Manitoba, the Chief Justice of the King's Bench has rank and precedence next after the Chief Justice of Manitoba, and the other Judges of the Court of King's Bench and of the Court of Appeal have rank and precedence among themselves according to their seniority of appointment. 282 The Judicial Bench in the Dominion of Canada. Continued. The Court of Appeal for Manitoba. Chief Justice of Appeal. Name Hon. Hector Mansfield Howell (1) 15th Nov., 1909 Chief Justice of Manitoba. {Continued from page 284.) Hon. Hector Mansfield Howell {\\ 16th Nov., 1909 Judges of Appeal. Hon William Egerton Perdue .... 23rd July, 1906 u Frank Hedley Phippen (2) . 23rd July, 1906 nth Apl., 1909 " Albert Ellswood Richards(3) 23rd July, 1906 27th May, 1917