3 1822 01142 3191 Saint Bride Foundation Catalogue of the echnical Reference Library of Works on Printing and the Allied Arts 1920 London : Printed for the Governors Price Two Shillings and Sixpence LIBRARY^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO ^ .^ h r 117 S216 JMVERSIT/ or CALIFORNIA [Jf^ "^f.'j ' 3 1822 01142 3191 ^^ K \\>~> Saint Bride Foundation uU; Catalogue of the Technical Reference Library of Works on Printing and the Allied Arts 1919 London : Printed for the Governors 'Price Two Shillings and Sixpence Catalogue of the Technical Reference Library PREFACE. THE history of the beginnings of the Typographical Library, the catalogue of which (compiled by Mr. R. A. Peddie, sometime Librarian) is contained in this volume, is told in the Appendix to this Preface where are reprinted the Prefaces to the first Catalogues issued, that of the William Blades collection in 1897 and that of the Passmore Edwards collection in 1899. During the twenty years that have elapsed since these Catalogues were compiled, the Library has developed from the nucleus of these two comparatively small collections of books, numbering together some 6,000 items, into a collection of over 30,000. The first great accession after the printing of the original Cat- alogues was the complete library of the late Talbot Baines Reed. A son of Charles Reed, the eminent typefounder, and himself a member of the firm, Mr. Reed had taken a real interest in his craft and had collected books and pamphlets dealing with its history from every point of view. On his death the collection of about 2,000 volumes was purchased for ;^500 and presented to the Library by Mr. Passmore Edwards at the suggestion of Mr.C. J.Drummond. This great addition was the more valuable because it strengthened the Library in places where the Blades collection was weakest such as in typefounders' specimen books and, still more important, copies of works printed at the great presses. In 1902 two collections came to the Library, that of Mr. John Southward and the technical section of the Library of the London Society of Compositors. The first of these was presented by the Institute of Printers and Kindred Trades at the instance of Mr. C. J. Drummond, Chairman of the Governing Body, and was the working library of the most active printing trade journalist of his time. Well-known as the author of the two text-books of the craft "Practical Printing " and " Modern Printing, " Mr. Southward had been in touch with every movement in the printing trade for many years and had preserved every letter and every news-cutting, to say nothing of books and pamphlets. The story of every advance in the trade is illustrated in some way in this collection. The books forming the technical section of the library of the London Society of Compositors were also received through the instrumentality of Mr. Drummond and formed a useful addition to the rapidly growing Library. During the ten years from 1903 to 1913 no collection of books of any special moment Avas presented, but the Library received many additions both by way of purchase and gift. During this time, too, the Author Catalogue had been completed in manuscript and a Subject Catalogue constructed. Since the outbreak of the European War it will be readily under- stood that it has been impossible to add to the Library by purchase. Gifts, however, have come to hand largely through Mr. Drummond's effort which have been more than ever welcome. Two collections .may be specially referred to: those presented by the executors of the late J. Farlow Wilson, a former governor of the Foundation, and by Mrs. Peet, the widow of the late W. H. Peet, the well-known authority on the history of the publishing trade. As many of these books do not appear in the Catalogue, owing to much of it having been printed before they came to hand, lists are appended of the works contained in these two collections. It will be seen that in the twenty-three years which have elapsed since the Library was opened a collection has been built up which is thoroughly representative of each side of the printing crafts. Nearly every known text-book in every language on printing, paper, engraving, process work, etc., is on the shelves, together with the majority of the works issued on the history of these subjects, as Avell as a large collection of trade catalogues and trade periodicals. Many articles in these trade periodicals have been catalogued and appear in this volume, and others will be added in the supplements which will be issued from time to time. It is thus hoped ultimately to include in the Catalogue all articles in the trade journals of any permanent value. It must be noted that this Catalogue is printed as manuscript and must be read in conjunction with the Supplementary Catalogue (at present, 1918, in manuscript only). Cross references in the' Main Catalogue may refer to main headings in the Supplementary Catalogue and vice versa, owing to the fact that the production of the volume has occupied over three years and titles have been in- corporated up to the time of going to press with each sheet. The Catalogue is a short title Author Catalogue with Title entries for Periodicals and Anonymous books. The slips have been written during a period of eighteen years and it has not been possible to do more than superficially revise them. A Classified Subject Catalogue modified on the lines of that used by 'the Grolier Club, New York," would no doubt be the best method of publishing the contents of the Library, but at present it is not proposed to proceed with such a classification. St. Bride Foundation. 1919. 'Peddle R. A. The St. Bride Typographical Library ; its methods and classification. In the Library Association Record, June 1916. ii APPENDIX. Preface to the Catalogue of the William Blades Library. Compiled by John Southward, assisted by the Librarian [F. W. T. Loige], 1899. THE WILLIAM BLADES LIBRARY. GENERAL FEATURES OF THE LIBRARY. THE WILLIAM BLADES LIBRARY is a collection of books on the History and Practice of Printing — Letterpress and Lithographic — and on Bibliography. As a collection of books it is not a large one, as it extends only to about 2,000 volumes, but it forms a collection which possesses distinct, if not unique features of interest and value to all who are interested in the art by which our books and our newspapers are made. There is, unfortunately and to some extent unaccountably, a singular lack of general interest in the subject. There is no artificial production which comes before us more frequently, and to which we pay greater attention than the product of the printing press, yet the process by which types are formed, and the apparatus for impressing them on paper, with all the delicate methods by which books are produced, excite little curiosity. The William Blades Library, together with the Passmore Edwards Library, which is contained in an adjoining room — both now rendered easily accessible to all students of printing — will, it is hoped, direct attention to the rich stores of literature in existence bearing on the subject, as well as promote that progress in the technology of the art which it is one of the prime objects of the St. Bi-ide Foundation Institute to aid and to encourage. The William Blades collection is, in the first place, one of the largest of its kind that exists in a separate and independent condition. More extensive collections have from time to time been made, but they have either been eventually dispersed under the hammer of the auctioneer, or they have lost their identity by being incorporated with libraries of books on general subjects. This collection is also remarkable from the fact that it was collected by one man, and one who was animated by a steady purpose from the first beginning of his book-hunting and book- buying career. Libraries of works on printing, and on other subjects as well, have been formed by the simple method of iii commissioning- an agent to " collect everything- " on the subject. Such a library may be an evidence of a commendable desire on the part of its owner to possess many books of a specific character, and perhaps an indisputable evidence of an enviable balance at his banker's. Such a collector stands in quite a different category to William Blades. He began when he was a printer's apprentice to buy up all the books he could — that is, all he came across, and all his slender purse would permit — on the art to which his life was to be devoted. He used to recall the pleasure he enjoyed when his collection amounted to twenty-six volumes. He believed that he had then possessed himself of nearly everything- that was worth having- on the subject of printing-. Ampler knowledge, the result of increasing experience, showed him that his books were a mere drop in the ocean of typographical literature. Before he died he managed to obtain almost as many hundreds : even then he had not made a complete collection. Such a perfect collection would run to six or seven thousand titles. The British Museum probably contains as many, yet even there the collection is not complete. The library is deficient in many valuable books which are to be found in separate libraries, such as those of the two great universities, and in the National and Imperial libraries of Paris, Berlin, and Vienna. A " Bibliography of Printing " was compiled under the superintendence of Messrs. Bigmore and Wyman some years ago, and published in three quarto volumes. These extend to more than a thousand pages, including anno- tations and illustrations, yet as a list the book is far from being exhaustive even up to the time of its issue. This fact may afford some idea of the vast extent to which books have been written about the history of the processes of book-making. The Blades Library, if deficient of some books of the extremest rarity, certainly includes the best books — that is the most useful and instructive books on printing. They may be grouped as follows : Books dealing with the antecedents of Printing; Those treating of the origin of Printing ; Those describing the spread of Printing and its history ; The grammars and special treatises on the practice of Printing ; Books on Lithography ; Bibliographies. The Library includes, also, a few books which may be called " curious "—adopting the word without the peculiar meaning in which it is used by certain of the booksellers. It is, in short, the library of a working literary man — not of a dilettante. These volumes were the tools of his trade. Of merely fine and sumptuous books there are but few. It might be thought that a man whose celebrity was associated with the history of Caxton's Press, and who was the recognized authority on the works of England's first printer, would be an ardent collector of the products of iv Caxton's Press. Blades was not, however, a collector of Caxtons. In 1870 he wrote a little book whose subject was expressed in the title, " How to tell a Caxton, with some hints where and how the same might be found." He prefaced it with the explicit notice "Mr. Blades does not purchase Caxtons." We have in his library, all of the numerous reproductions and reprints of Caxton's books that have been issued. Merely " show " books are con- spicuous by their absence. Blades's one principle of selection was, how far did any particular book bear on the history of printing-. If it were irrelevant, it was passed by, however beautiful and attractive it might be as a specimen of typography. It may be well to mention this at the outset, to prevent disappointment. It is this fact, also, which forms the justification of the Governing Body of St. Bride Foundation Institute in buying the collection now rendered available to all who are interested in it. The Institute is the centre of a metropolitan parish whose special industry has been, almost from the days of the introduction of Printing into England, the manufacture of books. Books like those of William Blades, of an instructive and educational, rather than of an ornamental character, are a pre-eminently appropriate provision for such an institute, and are manifestly well calculated to promote its educational objects. There is another feature of appropriateness in the location of these books within its walls. They form the best memorial — after his own writings — of a City printer whose achievements as a bibliographer and a paleotypo- grapher were an honour to his craft, and have secured for his name an abiding place in the history of literature. If the Library is deficient in livres de luxe, it is rich — and to an unrivalled extent — in other publications. It outrivals all others in its collection of "Tracts." Blades used the word in its bibliographical acceptation, and applied it to a pamphlet, a brochure, a few leaves stitched together, which constituted a miniature, but, a complete treatise on any specific subject within the scope of his researches. He went even beyond this, for if he came across, for example, an article in a magazine which appeared to be ad rem, and of more than merely ephemeral value, he extracted the leaves containing it, had them sewn and enclosed in a wrapper, and catalogued them. In this way he preserved a vast number of articles which, without this precaution, might have been lost in oblivion. He also preserved and indexed catalogues, specimen sheets, and even handbills and broadsides of a cognate character, in a variety of languages. The " Tracts " number 1500, and when the annals of printing come to be written these will be of a priceless value, however trivial in themselves some of them may seem — however heterogeneous they appear to be as a whole. These render the Library altogether unique — no one, perhaps, besides William Blades has seriously recognised the importance of even fugitive prints of the kind as materials for the history of typography. THE FOUXDKR OF Till; LIBRARY. William Blades was born on the 5th of December, 1824, at Clapham. At the age of sixteen he was apprenticed to his father, the late Joseph Blades, who was the owner of an old-established City printing- business carried on at 13 Abchurch Lane. Blades was required to fulfil in their entirety the covenants of his indenture, commencing- with the simplest and most menial duties, and afterwards graduating- through the different departments of the case-room, the press-room, and the warehouse. This varied and complete practical experience of his trade was the utmost value to him in after life, not only when the responsibility devolved upon him of directing- the operations of a concern which g-rew to very large dimensions, but when he applied himself to the literary pursuits which eventually occupied all his hours of relaxation from business. It may be here pointed out that the books of a bibliographical character that had been issued up to the middle of the present century were, almost without exception, the work of literary men, antiquarians, and scholars, who lacked altogether a real acquaint- ance with the practical details of the printing- art. Some of these authors may have possessed a superficial and merely theoretic knowledge of some of its processes, but hardly one of them was able to dissect a book, as it were ; to detect minute differences in types, or to identify the method and the manners of the printer, in the way that would be possible to one who had himself actually made books — who had set up the types, rolled the formes, and " pulled " at the press. Such works as those of the learned and reverend Dr. Dibdin, and the splendid but unsatisfactory results of the Bibliomania which rag-ed during- the early years of the present century, are sadly disfigured by errors which even a slight acquaintance with the mechanical processes of printing would have prevented. Blades 's early training provided him with this knowledge, but it was his own shrewdness and farsightedness, in perceiving the shortcomings of the existing race of bibliographers, and the necessity for a new school of students qualified to deal with the " natural history " of books, according to scientific methods, which led him to apply the knowledge gained as a working printer to the investigations of which his published works are the outcome. A complete set of Blades 's books will be found in this library, and, contained in a number of scrap-books, are his fugitive pieces and his contributions to current periodicals. These were not the least valuable of his writings, and they deserve careful and systematic study. He was a most industrious writer for the typographical and bibliographical journals, and some of his best work is contained in these articles, often thrown off on the impulse of the moment, but embracing the result of continued research and mature judgment, especially on such controverted vi points as the orig-In, the invention, and the developments of printing". A list of these articles, drawn by Talbot Baines Reed, will be found in Blades's " Pentateuch of Printing-," published after his death. This is not the place for a biog^raphy of William Blades, nor for a critical estimate of his contributions to paleotypog-raphy. An account of his exemplary career is contained in the fancifully named " Pentateuch," just mentioned. His death removed from the ranks of present day bibliographers one of the foremost authorities, and from those of the craft of printing- one of its most respected and influential members. He had become the head of one of the leading- printing- firms in the City of London. It is infinitely to his credit that, while attending- to the multifarious details of such a business, he found time and strength to pursue bibliographical research, and to carry on his investigations into the most intricate and most controverted questions of typo- graphical history. Indeed his printed works in this department of literature, one demanding the most painstaking care, and the most continuous industry — would in themselves, it might be thought form a suflRcient outcome from a laborious life. Blades produced them as a relaxation from the ever-pressing cares of one of the most exacting businesses. He also took a warm interest in all associations of printers, and was a constant attendant at gather- ings for the promotion amongst them of objects of a benevolent, recreative, or educational character. During his later years, he lived at Sutton, in Surrey. Here was installed the library now at St. Bride Institute. His house was the resort of many literary printers. Visitors from abroad who were interested in his pursuits were his most welcome guests. He was never tired of displaying his treasures to all who could appreciate them. Unlike most bibliophiles, he was not afraid of lending his books — and sometimes with the usual result of never getting them back again. Frequently manuscripts were borrowed from him which had cost him enormous labour, and he altogether forgot to whom he had confided them. His encyclopaedic know- ledge of the antiquities and the literature of printing was at the service of anyone. All his work was done primarily from his love for the art of printing. Many of his smaller works were brought out in the full knowledge beforehand that they could not possibly " pay " — so limited was the circle of readers likely to take any notice of them. The most cursory inspection of the library will show that all the books are substantially — some of them handsomely bound. After he had discovered them, and bought them, and brought them home with an undisguised exultation, he laboriously collated them, and then took into serious consideration the most appro- priate style of binding them. There had to be considered the letterings on the back. This was written out and sent with the vii book to the binders. A number of books were generally thus despatched together. The arrival of a box of bound books, in the house in Cheam Road, Sutton, was quite an event. The packing case would be laid down in the corridor, outside the library, and the lid removed by the veteran bibliophile himself, who had doffed his coat for the task. Then the volumes were taken out one by one with loving" care, and the bindings compared with the directions. Woe to the binder if the lettering, especially, were incorrect or clumsy. Then each book was with much deliberation consigned to the place on the shelves it was to occupy. Several of the book cases in the Institute belonged to William Blades. The two great events of Blades 's life, and they have a special bearing upon the library under notice, were the publishing of his monograph on Caxton, and his connection with the Caxton Celebration of 1877. The one brought him before the notice of the literary world as an industrious investigator in a field of research which had been strangely neglected ; the other before that section of the reading public which could be interested in the methods by which its books were made. The permanent outcomes of the exhibition were the inestimably valuable catalogue of " Antiquities, Curiosities, and Appliances connected with the Art of Printing ' shown there, and which was afterwards published under the editorship of the late Mr. George Bullen. The catalogue contains a list of the engraved portraits and books lent by William Blades, which are now at the St. Bride Institute, and also of a collection of medals formed by him, most of them are now at the Guildhall Museum. He not only arranged his own exhibits, but attended at the exhibition day by day to describe them to any one interested. The great success of the celebration was due in no small degree to the industry and the labour devoted to it on the part of the biographer of Caxton. The preface to the catalogue of Caxtoniana was written by ^A^illiam Blades. William Blades died April 28, 1890. He left behind him a reputation distinguished for uprightness, industry, and learning — and for unswerving devotion to an important line of research. His literary works form a memorial not unworthy of him, and after them deserves to be named the fine library, which is now made available to the public at large. ACQUISITION OF THE LIBRARY BY THE GOVERNING BODY. Mr. William Blades died, as already mentioned, April 28, 1890. In the winter of this year it was announced that the collection would probably be sold in the coming spring. Thereupon Mr. C. J. Drummond wrote to one of the executors of Mr. Blades — Mr. Alfred F. Blades — proposing that the Library should be kept intact, in view of its possible purchase by the Governors of the viii St. Bride Foundation — a body which, although its formation was then authorised, had not been elected. Mr. A. F. Blades replied expressing the pleasure the executors would feel if the Library could be purchased as suggested. In the following January an informal meeting of the co-optative trustees of the Foundation was held, when the subject was taken into consideration, with the result that a deputation was appointed to go down to Sutton, where the late Mr. Blades resided, and to inspect the Library. The deputation duly reported, and an expert was called in to value the books. The price named was ;£g'/S- The first meeting of the newly-elected Governors was held on April 8, 1891, and the purchase of the Library was one of the earliest matters dealt with. It was resolved that, subject to the sanction of the Board of Charity Commissioners, the offer of Mr. Blades 's executors to sell the books for the price named be accepted. Negotiations with the Commissioners followed, the result of which was that the acquisition of the Library was authorised, contingent on the Governing Body providing ;;^500 out of the funds at their disposal — the balance of the purchase- money to be raised from sources outside the Foundation. With the object of collecting this sum a Committee was appointed, consisting of Mr. J. Farlow ^^'ilson (chairman), Mr. James W. Gaze (churchwarden of St. Bride), and Messrs. C. Austen Leigh, Horace Brooks Marshall, W. P. Treloar, C. J. Drummond, and R. S. McAllan. A circular appealing for sub- scriptions was issued on May 2, and the following donations were received in response : — Trustees City Parochial Foundation James Anstie, Esq., Q.C. Corporation of London ... John Walter, Esq. Edward L. Lawson, Esq. (Sir Edward Lawson, Bart. Worshipful Company of Clothworkers H. H. Bemrose, Esq. (Sir H. H. Bemrose) Messrs. Blades, East & Blades Messrs. H. \\'. Caslon &• Co. Messrs. Thos. Cook & Son Messrs. Eyre & Spottiswoode T. D. Galpin, Esq. Messrs. Harrild & Sons ... Messrs. Miller & Richard Sir Chas. Reed & Sons ... Talbot Baines Reed, Esq. Messrs. Spottiswoode & Co. London Society of Compositor: Messrs. Cassell & Co., Ltd. The City Bank, Ltd. Messrs. Clowes & Sons, Ltd. " Daily Chronicle " John Esson, Esq. ... Messrs. Furnival & Co. ... Hand-in-Hand Insurance Co. Messrs. H. Lamb & Co. ... , C. Austen Leigh, Esq. £ s. d. 50 50 26 5 25 20 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ID 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 IX 5 5 O 5 5 O 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 o 5 5 o 5 5 5 5 o 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 o 5 5 o 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 " Lloyd's Weekly News" John Lowe, Esq. ... A. Mansfield, Esq. G. C. Mason, Esq. (Sir George Mason) W. McFarlanc, Esq. (" Sporting Life ") Messrs. Middclton & Co. A. Peachey, Esq. ... P. ^L Shanks, Esq. Messrs. W. H. Smith &: Son ... Alderman 'i'reloar Messrs. Unwin Bros. Messrs. Ward, Lock & Co. J. Farlow \\'ilson, Esq. Messrs. Winstone & Sons James W. Gaze, Esq. Messrs. Gibbs & Son Messrs. W. P. Griffith & Son ... P. J. Whitaker, Esq Eventually the sum required was obtained, and the contribution of the Governing- Body being- added to it, the purchase was completed. In the following^ month the plans for the St. Bride Foundation Institute were approved by the Charity Commissioners. In the preparation of the- desig-n for the building suitable provision was made for placing- the collection in a separate room, to be called the "William Blades Library." The foundation stone of the building was laid by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, November 20, 1893, and on the same day of the following year the opening ceremony took place. The Libraries were opened by Sir Walter Besant, November 20, 1895. Since then the Blades Collection has been available as a Reference Library, under the regulations given in another page. Preface to the Catalogue of the Passmore Edwards Library. Compiled by John Southward, assisted by the Librarian [F. W. T. Lange], 1897. The St. Bride Foundation Institute possesses two Libraries which are of special, if not quite unique, interest and value to Printers, Journalists, and Authors. One is the William Blades Library, a collection of books mainly on the origin and history of typography and the allied arts. The other Library is the Passmore Edwards Library. Partaking to some extent of the historical character of the sister library, it is intended more particularly for those who desire to acquaint themselves with the modern developments of the printing arts, and those especially who are students of the Technical Classes of the Institute, or are practically engaged in one or more of the many branches of printing. The origin of the Library may be very briefly told. As soon as steps had been taken for preventing the dispersal of Mr. Blades 's Library and for securing it for the St. Bride Foundation Institute. X it became evident that the collection ought to be supplemented by a collection of modern technical books. As the Foundation did not possess funds which could be appropriated for the purpose, Mr. C. J. Drummond, a member of the Governing- Body, appealed to that most munificent founder of so many public libraries throughout the King-dom — Mr. J. Passmore Edwards. The appeal elicited a characteristically liberal response, as follows : — 51, Bedford Square, w.c. April 22, 1892. Dear Mr. Drummond, — In answer to your letter asking me to provide a Technical Library consisting of works on printing, paper making, stereotyping, bookbinding and other allied trades for the Printing Institute, I beg to say that I cheerfully comply with your request, and for that purpose I will subscribe ^.S^o (Five hundred pounds) on condition that /'400 be expended on Technical works already published and ;£^ioo be set apart for works which may be published hereafter. I regard the Technical Printing School, or what perhaps might be called The Printers' Polytechnic, which will be provided in the centre of London Printing Industries, as a beneficent link in the chain of educa- tional agencies destined to raise, bind and strengthen the nation. I remain, Yours faithfully, J. PASSMORE EDWARDS. The Governors of the Foundation were enabled to meet Mr. Passmore Edwards's views, and the pleasing sequel to the corres- pondence was the receipt of the following letter : — 51, Bedford Square, w.c. > July 14, 1894. Dear Mr. Drummond, — I beg, as promised, to send cheque for ;^500 as my contribution towards Library of the St. Bride Foundation Institute. Yours faithfully, (Signed) J. PASSMORE EDWARDS. Thus equipped with the necessary funds to make a beginning, the Library Committee of the Institute proceeded to purchase books. Accordingly tliere has been brought together a library of technical works which in reg^ard to completeness alone has probably no rival in this country. Not only have all books bear- ing on the technics of the trade been bought as soon as possible after publication, but a number of other publications, which are out of print, or have not been purchaseable, have been acquired, in many instances being presented gratuitously by friends of the Institute. Many pamphlets, tracts, and what might be called ephemerides, have been discovered and added, and these in time to come will in themselves be of great value, and give this Printers' Library a distinct character of its own. xi Upon hardly any matter bcarinj^ upon his profession need the printer now consult the Library in vain. The books represent the extraordinary progress that has been made in nearly every depart- ment of the art during the last decade. During that period new processes have been invented and discovered ; new styles of type and ornaments have been introduced ; materials, machinery and appliances have to a large extent been revolutionised. The arts of paper-making, type-founding, and ink-making have been im- proved to an extent which, a few years ago, could not have been anticipated. Original styles of printing have been introduced in America, Germany, France, and England. Enghsh printers have imitated the best features of the foreign styles, and have gone beyond and created for themselves a new school of English typography. As to each of these movements, there will be found in the Library the best and latest books. In addition to this, there has been got together a fine collection of examples of printing — and these specimens, many of which are both rare and beautiful, may be regarded as illustrating the volumes which describe the methods of their production. In one other respect the Library is rich — in its collection of technical periodicals and trade journals. The Press of the Printing Trade comprises many publications which are not only admirable specimens of typography, but are of the greatest service to the student in conveying to him the intelligence of the latest inventions, the newest machinery, the best processes. They further contain from time to time practical articles written by practical men who have not the time, or perhaps the literary ability, or the inclination, to present the information of which they have become possessed through actual experience, in book form. Hence the educational value of files of periodical publica- tions. Their matter must, as a rule, be up to date, and much of it can be obtained from no other source. The Committee have taken pains to acquire as many complete files as possible, and trust before long to largely increase their number. The Catalogue now published of the Passmore Edwards Library will not only indicate its present possessions, but may serve the further purpose of showing what it does not possess. The Library Committee is quite aware of the fact that many desiderata have yet to be supplied. Hence it is hoped that all friends who are willing to transfer to the Institute publications of any kind within its scope, as gifts or otherwise, and which do not as yet find a place in the Library, will kindly report them to the Librarian. There are many papers extant which by them- selves are of little or no value, but which, in association with others, and when properly classified and catalogued, may become most valuable for purposes of reference and research. The names of the donors are inscribed in all the books and papers presented to the Institute. As the objects and the nature of the Institute become more widely known, it is hoped that benefactions of this Xll kind may largely increase. The record of them, which is kept and published in various ways, may, in many instances, form a permanent memorial of respected names which have fallen out of the ranks of the profession, and of many who are no longer able to use books which, of slight importance by themselves, may in the aggregate be of inestimable value to the future historian of the Printing Arts. J. FARLOW WILSON COLLECTION. Catalogue. Classes ue. Classes Metrop. & Prov. \\'orking Exhibition. 1886. Metrop. & Prov. Working Exhibition. 1886. Official Record. North ' London Exhibition. 1864 Catalogue. Hutton : Literary landmarks of London, ^th cd. 1888. Catullus : Opera. 1772. Mayhew : A Jorum of Punch. 1895. F- W. Galpin. 1901. Elorus : Rerum a Romanis ges tarum. 1584. Knight : W. Caxton. 1844. Langford J. \. : Praise of books. [c. 1880.] Officium, B. Friswell : J. Bookworm. Mariae Virg. 1577. H. Friswell. 1898. Vol. I. 1888. Hone's Political Tracts. 1830. Hindley : Old Book Collector's Miscellany. 187 1-3. North London Working Classes Exhibition. 1864. Memorial. South London Working Classes Exhibition. 1865. Memorial. Hodson : Guide to art illustration. 1S84. Report of Dinner to T. D. Galpin. t888. Roosevelt, R Life of G. Dor«^. 1885. Tuer : Forgotten children's books. i8q8-9. Gentleman's Mag. Lib. Literary curiosities and notes. 1888. Modern Printer. Vol. 1-2. 1884-8. Peacock at Home. 1807. Butterfly's Ball. 1808. Lion's Masquerade. 1807. Elephant's Ball. 1807. Illuminated Magazine. Vol. 2. 1844. Bcrners : Boke of St. Albans. iSgci. Dor^ : 200 Sketches. 1880. Duncan : Machine composition of Franklin Institute. "> Address to apprentices. Compositor's Greek Primer, to the Petter Specimens of type. 1878. in Shakes- John Cassell. publishing (Journal 1897. Wilson : 1877. Hope : 1866 Petter : Notes relative Family. 1888. Gilbert &: Rivington : oriental and foreign Nicholson : No cipher peare. 1888. Obituary notices of [c. 1880.] Linney : Pearls from the office. 1869. Kirton : John Cassell. 1890. Cassell & Co. : Portraits of authors and artists. 1895. Historic haunts, [c. 1880.] Wood's Illustrated Almanack. 1844. Conway : The Platitin-Moretus Mus- eum. (Magazine of Art.) [c. 1890.] Besant : Westminster & Caxton (Pall Mall Magazine.) 1895. Leadenhall Press : London [c. 1890.] The Whitefriars' Chronicles. Journal of the Whitefriars' Vol. I. 1903. Horae Sarum. 4 leaves, [c. La Mer des Hvstoires. i [c. 1488.] The Copie of a Letter. 4 1555- Horae Rom. i leaf on vellum [1496.] Breviarium Sarum. 4 leaves. [1535-1 Chronicles of England. i [1483-] Shakespeare Works. first folio. [1623.] A Prognostication. 8 Bunn : A word with City. 1900. Club. 1530.] leaf. leaves. leaf. leaf. The leaves. Punch. 1847- S.E. Prospect of St. West. 1737. Dunstan's in the XUI XTassclI & Co. Cassell &■ Co. Cassell & Co. Cassell & Co. Cassell & Co. Uiiincr. Dinner. Dinner. Dinner. Dinner. D. 1870. 1884. i8')o. 1 89 1 . 1892. 1 809. Art. (Photograph of testimonial to T Cialpin.) La Helle Samage .Annual Outing. 8<)i . Annual .'\nnual .'\nnual Annual Annual The Echo First .Annual Dinner. Exhibition. Wood Engraver's Ticket by W. Crane. Divine Mirth. [c. 1830.] \\'orkshop Almanack for 1866. In memory of John Cassell. 1865. Rlackfriars Bridge Foundation stone hiving. Punch. (Facsimile of prospectus.) Evelyn's Plan for rebuilding London. Plato's advice. A new song. Wonderful predictions lor 1825. 1825. Windsor Bank note for j^i. 1815. Windsor and Eton Bank note for £^. Wren's Plan for rebuilding London. Le Bonheur de ce monde. [c. 1750.] London in the reign of Oueen Eliza- beth. (Repiint.) [c. TsSo.] Collection of single numbers of old newspapers and periodicals. v.d. Ward, 1-ock and Bowden " The Sketch.") 1895. Hodgson Pratt. Cl""»om " The tian Chronicle.") 1884. Agreement establishing the and Galpin Pension Fund. Urban Club. Shakesperean Festival. ^ 1909- Cassell's Staff Dinner. Early sun pictures. [c. 1840.] P : G.H. Publishers of Cassell & Co. (From L") 1894. 1 he Printing Press in La Belle Sauv- age Yard. (From Times.") 1887. Cassell & Co. (From 1 884. The Late John Cassell. (From " The Weekly Record.") i8b5. A New Model Printing House. Cassell & Co. (From " The Builder.") 1875. John Cassell and his Partners. (From "The Christian Chronicle.") 1^84. Wood Block engraved. Leighton. Notes on books and bind- ings. 18491 (from Chris- Petter 1889. 1910. (A Cutting.) To-day. ' You and The Catholic The Citizen.") W. H. PEET COLLECTION. Auihor. Title. .Archibald Constable and his Literary Cor- respondents - - . . _ Memoir of Daniel Macmillan Memoir ot .Adam Black - - Life of Sir Thomas Bodley - . . James Xisbet . . . - Memoir of Robert Chambers Life and Letters of Alexander Macmillan William Blackwood and his Sons. Vol. iii Memoir of Joseph Brasbridge. The Fruits of Experience, or, the - - . . The Story of a Printing House. A short account of Strahans and Spottiswoodes - The early house of Blackwood - - - A Century of Book Auctions. Being a record of Hodgson & Co. - - - - John and A. H. Hallam Murray, Walter and others ------ Memoir of John Murray. I'o/s. i & ii Memoir of Charles Knight - - - - John Siberch. Bibliographical Notes. 1866- 1905 - - ------ Latt-^r Struggles in the Journev of Life Date when Published. 1873 Thomas Hughes. 1882 Nicolson. 18S5 Reprinted 1894 Rev. J. A. Wallace. 1867 1873 C. L. Graves. 1910 Mrs. Gerald Porter. 1898 1824 • 1912 I. C. B. 1900 1907 iqo8 Samuel Smiles. 1891 Alice Clowes. 1892 Robert Bowes & C. L. Gray. i<5o6 George Miller. 1833 XIV Title. The Life of William Hutton, F.A.S.S. Memories ....-.- Life of T. Gent, Printer - - - . Robert Dodslev ------ Life of James Lackington - - - - Lackington Confessions . . - _ The Confessions of a Collector - - - The Author's Progress - - . . Passages from the Life of Charles Kniglit Memoirs of Book Collecting - - - - The Bookseller Jubilee Number - - - Robeson Cruso ------ The Bibliographical Puzzle of Robeson Cruso ------- Extracts from Le Livre ----- A Dictionary of Printers and Printing - Twenty years ago ------ Some Leaves from the Past - - - - A History of Booksellers - . - - Transactions of the Lecicster Literary and Philosophical Society . . - . Catalogue of William Blades's Library Catalogue of Passmore Edwards's Library Booksellers' Associations. Past and Present Reminiscences of Booksellers and Book- • selling in Edinburgh in the time of William IV ----- Publishers and the Public (From " The Times " of 1852) - - . . - " The Times " and the Publishers Canned Literature - . - The Stationers' Company - - - . A Brief Account of the Worshipful Company of Stationers ------ The Oxford University Press Westminster and London Printers 147O- 1535 -------- Notes by the way ------ Fifty years' recollections of an Old Pub- lisher. (M. West) - . - . - The Ballantyne Press. 179(3-1908 Book Auctions in England - - - - Manuel of Practical Bibliography 'Jhe Small Library ----- Sketches of Booksellers of other Days - Sketches of some Booksellers of the time . of Dr. Johnson ------ Shadows of old Booksellers - - - - One himdred years of Publishing (\\'illiam Wood & Co.) ------ The Earlier History of English Bookselling Some Memoirs of the Bow - - - - I low does it feel to be old - - - - The Author as Publisher . - - . The Old Printer and the Modern Press iiooks in the House ----- Date Author. when Published. 1810 C. Kegan Paul. 1899 1832 Ralph Straus 1910 1803 1804 William C. Haglitt 1897 Adam Lorimer. 1906 1874 ^^'. Carew Haylitt 1904 1908 Alfred W. Pollard. 191.3 W. Laidlaw Purves 1913 1885 C. yi. Timperley. 1839 Edmund Downev. 190.5 R. Bentley. 1896 Henry Curwen 1873 1893 John Southward. 1899 John Southward. 1897 Robert Bowes. 1905 - James Ihiii. H. H. Cholmeley. A paper read by C. B. Ku mgton. C. B. Rivington. Falconer Madan, ^LA. H. G. Duff. John Collins Francis. i9'->.S 1906 1906 1906 igob 1908 1908 1909 1835 John Sawler. Brown. 1909 1898 1906 Brown. E. Marston. 1907 1901 E. Marston. 1902 Charles Knight. 1865 W. Roberts. » 1904 1892 Edward Marston. 1912 1907 0. and Y. 1912 Charles Knight. Alfred W. Pollard. 1854 1907 XV Title. A rublisher's Confessions - - - The Story of the Founding and Developing of the Munsey Publishing House In Memory of ElTingham Wilson Speeches on Copyright - - - - - Some Earlv Type Specimen Books The Centenary of the Bagster Publishing House ------- Publishers and Authors - - - . Life of Alderman Kelly - - - - Edward Stanford ------ The Life and Opinions of John Buncle, Esq. The Life and Errors of John Dunton. Vol. i A Bookseller of the last Century - - - Random Recollections of an old Publisher Vol. i&ii Samuel Richardson. A Critical Study - After Work The Book Trade. 1557-1625 - . - Book Production and Distribution. 1625-1800 The Pleasure of Literature and the Solace of Books ------- The Fascination of Books - . - - Some Favourite Books and their Authors Romance of Bookselling - . - - History of the Life, etc., of Mr. John Barber The Antiquary Magazine. Vol. i Local Etymology : a Derivative Dictionary Wit and Wisdom of Earl of Beaconsfield Gentleman's Magazine. Vol. xiv The Booksellers' Provident Institution. Constitution, Rules, etc. . - - - Verzeichniss der Sammlungen des Bor- senvereins der Deutchen Buchhandler. Vol. iii ------- History of Spottiswoode & Co., Ltd., 1739- 1909 - - - - - . - ,4i(//jo?'. Date when Published. Walter H. Page (U.S. Ambassador, 1913). 1905 Frank A. Munsey. 1907 1868 C. M Talfourd. 1840 William Blades. 1875 1894 James Spedding 1867 Rev. R. C. Fell. 1850 1902 Thomas .Amory. 1904 1818 Charles Welsh. 1885 William Tinsley. 1890 Clara E. Thompson. 1900 E. Marston. 1904 11. C. Aldis. 1909 H. C Aldis. 1914 J. Shay lor. 1898 J. Shaylor. 1912 J. Shaylor. 1901 F. Mumby. lyio 1741 1880 R, S. Char nock. lX;;q 1886 1840 1906 1902 1909 XVI A A:C. See Cicognara, L. A:E. Gaubisch, ein Leipzig-er Buchdrucker des i6. Jahrhun- derts. (In Leipzig-er Tageblatt, Feb. 14, 1903). 3266 A:R. M. Engraving a chalk-plate, (hi Inland Printer, Vol. 28:1901-02, pp. 42-45). PP A:R.M. The future of chalk-plates. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 27:1901,^^.832-33). PP A:R.M. Stereotyping chalk-plates. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 28:1901-02, pp. 194-196). PP A:T. See Lemoine, H. A A, C.v.d. lets over de uitvinding en voortgang der boek- drukkunst. 8vo. Utrecht, 1803. 21628 AANWYZING der tekenen, die gewoonlijk bij het corrigeeren van druk-proeven gebruikt worden. 2e. druk. 4to. Amsteldam, 1799. 21223 ABBOT, G. An exposition upon the prophet Jonah. 4to. London, 1600. 1^0983 ABBOTT, J. The Harper Establishment; or how the story books are made. i2mo. New York [1856]. 20372 ABBOTT, J. S. C. Benjamin Franklin, printer's boy, states- man, philosopher and patriot. i2mo. London [1880?]. 21519 ABBREVIATIONS in printing. (In Brit. & Col. Print., Vol. 8, Nov. 2, 1882, pp. 1-2. PP ABC. The ABC of photography, loth edit. 8vo. London, 1858. 15022 (i) A' BECKETT, A. W. The a Becketts of " Punch ": mem- ories of father and sons. 8vo. Westminster, 1903. 7410 ABELSDORFF, W. Beitrage zur Sozialstatistik der Deut- schen Buchdrucker. 8vo. Tubingen, 1900. 11295 ABERDEEN JOURNAL. The Aberdeen Journal and its his- tory: the men who made it. 4to. Aberdeen, 1894. 1786 ABERDEEN JOURNAL. The Aberdeen Journal: our 150th year. 4to. Aberdeen, 1897. 1787 ABERDEEN JOURNAL. Concerning three northern news- papers: their rise and progress, 1748-1900. Aberdeen Daily Journal, Aberdeen Weekly Journal, Aberdeen Evening Express. Obi. 8vo. Aberdeen, 1900. 1781 ABERDEEN : Public Library. Ninth (etc.) Annual Report of the Committee for the year ending- Sept. 30, 1893 (etc.), 8vo. Aberdeen, 1893, etc. 8957 ABERDEEN TYPOGRAPHIA. Rules and catalogue of library. (Supplement to catalogue.) 2pt. i6mo. Aberdeen [1895-] 1897. 3218 ABERDEEN TYPOGRAPHIA. Ninth (etc.) annual report, 1899-1900 (etc.). 8vo. Aberdeen, 1899, ^^^- 3217 ABERDEEN TYPOGRAPHIA. Rules and library catalogue. i2mo. Aberdeen, 1904. 453i ABERYSTWYTH : National Library of Wales. Charter of incorporation and report on the progress of the library from the granting of the charter to 31st March, 1909. 4to. Oswestry, 1909. 16163 ABERYSTWYTH: National Library of Wales. Bibliotheca Celtica: a register of publications relating to Wales and the Celtic peoples and languages for the year 1909 [efc], Aberystwyth 1910, etc. 8vo. ' 14598 ABERYSTWYTH: National Library of Wales. Memorandum on the claims of the National Library of Wales to be included in the Copyright Bill now before Parliament as a public library entitled to receive a copy of each book published in the British Isles. Fol. Aberystwyth, 191 1. 15488 ABERYSTWYTH : National Library of Wales. Report of the council on the progress of the library from April, 1909, to Sept., 1910, etc. 4to. Aberystwyth, 191 1, etc. 16164 ABERYSTWYTH: National Library of Wales. The Laws of Howel Dda : a facsimile reprint of Llanstephan MS. 116 in the National Library of Wales. Ed. by T. Lewis. 4to. Aberyst- wyth, 1912, 17702 ABERYSTWYTH: National Library of Wales. A biblio- graphy of Robert Owen, the socialist, 1771-1858. 8vo. Aber- ystwyth, 1914. 18287 ABHANDLUNG von der Buchdrucker- Kunst. 8vo. [Bremen] 1740- 20104 (i) ABNEY, Sir W. de W. A treatise on photography. 8vo. London, 1881. 2989 ABNEY, Sir W, de W. Cantor lectures on photography and the spectroscope, 8vo. London, 1885. 1903 ABNEY, Sir W. de W. Cantor lectures on light and colour. 8vo. London, 1889. i ABNEY, Sir W. de W. Cantor lectures on photometry. 8vo. London, 1894. 1900 ABOUT, E. See Breton, L. ABRAHAMS, N. C. L. See Copenhag-en : Bibliothfeque Royale. ABREE, J. See Plomer, H. R. ACCOUNT of the Court of Portugal. See Colbatch ( ). ACCOUNT. An account of the rise and progress of the dis- pute between the masters and journeymen printers. 8vo. London, 1799. 20415 ACCRINGTON LIBERAL ASSOCIATION. Catalogue of the books in the library, Oct. i, 1889. 8vo. Clayton-le-Moors, 1889. 10175 ACCRINGTON MECHANICS INSTITUTION. The library catalogue, Nov., 1883. 8vo. Accrington, 1883. 1017b ACKERMANN, R. See Prideaux, S. T. ACKRILL, R. Specimens. 4to. Harrogate [1896]. 3147 ACME TONE ENGRAVING CO., Ltd. Our works. 8vo. Watford [1909]. 13145 ACORN (The). An illustrated quarterly magazine devoted to literature and art. Nos. i and 2. 8vo. London, 1905-06. 1 770 1 ACTIEN-GESELLSCHAFT FUR BUNTPAPIER UNO LEIM-FABRIKATION. Druck-proben auf Amerikanischen Illustrationsdruck-Papier. 4to. Aschaffenburg [1895?]. 588 ACTIEN-GESELLSCHAFT FUR SCHRIFTGIESSEREI UND MASCHINENBAU. [Type specimen book.] Fol. Offen- bach [c. 1890]. 1 1839 ACTON AND CHISWICK POLYTECHNIC. Programme of classes, 1902-3. [Bookbinding, photography, and photo-en- graving.] Sq. 8vo. London [1902]. 6925 ACWORTH, VV. M. W. H. Smith & Son. {In the English Illustrated Magazine, Vol. 9 : Aug. 1892, pp. 795-809). 8850 AD SENSE. Vol. 12, No. i. 8vo. Chicago, 1901. PP ADAIR, H. [Specimens of printing.] 4to. Accrington [1904]. 10517 ADAM. Fonderie de caracteres en cuivre. Specimen. 4to. Paris, 1900. 3355 ADAM, H. L. Posters that fill theatres. {In the Royal Maga- zine, Aug. 1901). 2366 ADAM, P. Der Bucheinband, seine Technik und seine Ges- chichte. 8vo. Leipzig, 1890. , 839 ADAM, P. Practical bookbinding. Translated from the German by Thos. E. Maw. i2mo. London, 1903. 4054 .ADAM, F. Das sinnisfcmasse Restaurieren alter Einbande. {In Zeitschrift fiir Biicherfreunde, Vol. 7:1904, pp. 499-506). PP ADAM, P, Das Marmorieren des Buchbinders auf Schleim- grund und im Kleisterverfahren, 8vo. Halle a. S. , 1906. (Lehr- biicher der Buchbinderei. 2.) 8237 ADAM, P. Diisseldorfer Zierformen fiir Halbfranzbande. 8vo. Magdeburg- [1909]. 13425 ADAM, P, Das Handvergolden der Blinddruck und die Leder- auflage. 8vo. Halle a. S., 191 1. (Lehrbiicher der Buch- binderei. 3.) 14128 ADAMS, A. D. From logs to paper: the largest paper mill in the world. {In Cassier's Magazine, Sept. 1901). 2406 ADAMS, J. C. See Cambridge: University Library. ADAMS, J. Q. See Jay, W. ADAMS, T. F. Typographia: a brief sketch of the origin, rise and progress of the typographic art: with practical directions for conducting- every department in an office. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1837. 20432 ADAMS, T. F. Typographia: or the printer's instructor: a brief sketch of the origin, rise and progress of the typographic art, with practical directions for conducting- every department in an office. 3rd edition. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1845. 20433 ADAMS, T. F. Typographia: or the printer's instructor: a brief sketch of the origin, rise and progress of the typographic art, with practical directions for conducting- every department in an office. [New edition.] 8vo. New York, 1856. 9846 ADAMS, W. The original letters of the English pilot, William Adams, written from Japan, between A.D. 161 1 and 1617. 8vo. Yokohama, 1878. 23301 ADAMS, VV. D. Famous books. Sketches in the highways and byways of English literature. 8vo. London, 1875. 20850 ADAMS, W. D. Dictionary of English literature. New edition. 8vo. London [1880 ?J. 6325 ADAMS, W. E. Memoirs of a social atom. 8vo. London, 1903. 6893 ADAMS Bros. Printing made easy; or, instructions for ama- teur printers. 3rd edition. 8vo. Daventry, [1895?] i539 ADAMS MANUFACTURING CO., Ltd. Electrical control of printing machinery. 8vo. Bedford, 1910. 11894 ADDRESSOGRAPH, Ltd. The Addressograph : its uses and advantages. 8vo. London [1904]. 4153 ADDRESSOGRAPH, Ltd. The Addressograph. Illustrated price list of machines and accessories. 8vo. London [c. 1909]. 1 1262 ADDRESSOGRAPH, Ltd. How to cut down office expenses. Use the Addressograph. 8vo. London [c. 1910]. 16955 ADELINE, J. Les arts de reproduction vulg-arises. 8vo. Paris [1894]. 1407 ADHESIVE. DRY MOUNTING CO. Adhero mounts. 8vo. London [c. 1910]. ^5392 ADLER, E. N. The romance of Hebrew printing-. {In The Jewish Chronicle, Aug;. 26, 1904). 449^ ADLER, M. The Purim Megillah. {In The Jewish Chronicle, Mar. 21, 1902. 2600 ADRESSBUCH der Adressbiicher. Directory of directories. List of a selection of trade and professional, town, country and state directories of the world published in the last years. 14th year. 1910. 8vo. Leipzig, igio. . PP ADRESSBUCH der Buch- und Steindruckereien in der Schweiz. 2te. Ausg-abe. 8vo. Glarus, 1905. PP ADRY, J. F. Catalogue chronologique des imprimeurs et libraires du roy. 8vo. Paris, 1849. 21351 ADVERTISER'S ABC. 1898 (-1901). 8vo. London, 1898-1901. PP ADVERTISERS' EXHIBITION. Official catalogue. 8vo. London, 1899. 13 12 ADVERTISERS' PAPER MILLS. Aeolian Covers. Obi. 8vo. New York [1912]. . 16774 ADVERTISERS' REVIEW. Vol. 2, No. 9, 1900; Vol. 4, Nos. 6: 9-1 1, 1902. 8vo. London, 1900-02. PP ADVERTISING. Vol. 6, Oct.-Sept., 1896-97; Vol. 10, No. 10, July, 1901. 8vo. London, 1896-1901. PP ADVERTISING AND, SELLING. See Progressive ad- vertising. ADVERTISING NEWS. Vol. 1-2, 1904-5 (imperfect). 8vo. London, 1904-5. PP ADVERTISING WORLD. Vols, i-io, 1901-06. 8vo. London, igoi-o6. PP ADVERTISING WORLD. Vol. 6, No. 8, 1901 ; Vol. 7, No. 8, Nos. 1-2, 1903. 8vo. Columbus, 1901-03. PP ADVICE to a young reviewer. See Coplestone. ADVICE to editors of newspapers. 8vo. London, 1799. 22483 ADVIELLE, V. Christophe Plantin a-t-il connu le clichage typographique. Memoire de cette question. Fol. Paris, 1870. 20173 AEBI, J. L. Die Buchdruckerei zu Beromiinster im fiinf- zehnten Jahrhundert. 8vo. Einsiedeln, 1870. 22008 AEGIDIUS ROMANUS. Le mirouer exemplaire, etc. 4to. Paris, 1517, 21412 AERIE, v., pseud. Moral essays on the elements . . . like- wise the modern art of book-making-, illustrated. [A satire.] 8vo. London, 1817. 16753 AEROGRAPH CO., Ltd. The Aerograph: the improved air brush. Obi. 8vo. London [c. 1904]. 16944 AESCHINES. Aeschines oratorio opera. Gr. 2 vols. Svo. Turici, 1823-4. 7663 AESCHYLUS. Aeschyli tragocdiae quae extant septem. 2 vols. [Gr.] 8vo. Glasguae, 1746. 6535 AESOP. Fabulae. Gr.-Lat. i6mo. Genevae, 1605. 6094 AESOP.. Fables. i6mo. London [c. 1775]. 6948 AESOP. Fables. 8vo. Gainsboroug-h, 1814. 61 16 AESOP. Fables as first printed by Caxton in 1484. Ed. by J. Jacobs. 2 vols. 8vo. London,. 1889. 21572 AESOP, A. [pseud.]. Fables in verse. 6th ed. 24mo. Lon- don, 1768. 5492 AFBEELDING der menschelyke bezigheden. (Boekdrukker, pit. 11; Boekbinder, pit. 12; Papiermaker, pit. 59; Plaatsnyder, pit. 64.) 4to. Amsterdam [c. 1700]. 20109 AFFICHES. Les affiches artistiques. [In Le Petit Francais Illustre, 1899.) 1293 AFFO, I. Sag-g-io di memorie su la tipog-rafia Parmense de secolo 15. 4to. Parma, 1791 6633 AGAS, R. Civitas Londinium. A survey of London and Westminster. Published in facsimile by W. H. Overall. 4to. London, 1874. 22045 AGGRAVATING ladies. See [Thomas, R.] AGRICOLA, R. R. A. Phrisii eximia de universalibus dis- putatio Justi Velsii medicini ejusdem arg-umenti altera. •8vo. Antwerpiae, 1543. 6038 (2) AGRICULTURAL BANK OF EGYPT. Printing works. Souvenir, i Jan., 1910. Obi. i6mo. 1910. 161 56 AGUADO, ]. Muestrario 5. Fol. Madrid [1880?] 20548 AHN, F. Die slovenischen Erstlingsdrucke der Stadt Laibach (1575-1580). 8vo. Graz, i8g6. 11303 AHN, F. Johann Mannels deutsche Druckwerke. (1575-1593) Ein Beitrag zur Bibliographic Oesterreich-Ungarns. 8vo. Laibach, 1906. 17289 AHN, F. Die zeitgenossischen Buchdrucker als Forderer von Trubers Werk. (1550-1595.) 8vo. Laibach, 1908. 17290 AIME- MARTIN, L. Plan d'une bibliotheque universelle: etudes des livres qui peuvent servir a I'histoire litteraire et phll- osophique du gfenre humain, suivi du catalog-ue des chefs-d'oeuvre de toutes les langues et des ouvrages originaux de tous les peuples. 8vo. Paris, 1837. 13616 AIR BRUSH MANUFACTURING CO. Description and price of the air brush. 8vo. Rockford, 111. [c. 1886]. 733^ AIRD, A. Reminiscences of editors, reporters and printers [of Glasg-ow] during- the last sixty years. 8vo. Glasgow, i8go. 3 AIRD & COGHILL. Specimens of printing- types, borders, corners and ornaments. 4to. Glasgow [c. 1886]. 10820 AKESSON, H., EVERLING, H., AND FLUCKIGER, M. Lexikon der Papier-Industrie. Deutsch-Englisch-Franzosisch. Ein Fachworterbuch fiir den Bau, Betrieb, Handel und die Kor- respondenz der Papier-, Papierstoff- und Pappenfabriken unter Teilweiser Beriicksichtigung der graphischen Industrie und verwandter Branchen. Herausgegeben von Lennart Akesson- Amrein. 2te. Auflage. i6mo. Zurich, 1905. 8574 AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT FUR KUNSTDRUCK. [Repro- ductions of posters executed by them.] i2mo. London, 1904. 4715 ALAMANDE, M. See Claudin, A. ALARY, J. Le travail de la femme dans I'imprimerie typo- graphique ; ses consequences physiques et morales. 8vo. Paris, 1883. 22571 ALARY, J. L'imprimerie au i6e. si^cle. Estienne Dolet et ses luttes avec la Sorbonne. 8vo. Paris, 1898. 16377 ALARY, J. See Amsterdam: Exhibition. ALAUZET & CIE. Presses typographiques et lithographiques. Svo. Paris [c. 1885]. ^5944 ALBERT, A. Verschiedene Reproductions- Verfahren mittels lithographischen und typographischen Druckes unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der photomechanischen Prozesse. Svo. Halle a. S., 1900. 3380 ALBERT, A. Die verschiedenen Methoden des Lichtdruckes. Svo. Halle a. S., 1900. 3379 ALBERT, A. Das Aluminium in seiner Verwendung fiir den Flachdruck. (Die Algraphie.) Svo. Halle a. S. , 1902. 3382 ALBERT, A. Der Lichtdruck an der Hand- und Schnellpresse samt alien Nebenarbeiten. 2te. Auflage. Svo. Halle a. S., 1906. 7517 ALBERT, A. Technischer Ftihrer durch die Reproduktions- Verfahren und deren Bezeichnungen. Svo. Halle a. S. , 1908. 9804 ALBERT, J. F. M. Recherches sur les principles fondament- aux de la classification bibliographique. Svo. Paris, 1S47. 10304 ALBERT & CO. [Catalogue of printing- machines.] Obi. 8vo. Frankenthal, 1903. 4215 ALBERT & CO. High class printing machinery. Obi. 8vo. Frankenthal [1903]. 4214 ALBERT & CO. The " Favourite " two-revolution press. Obi. Svo. London, 1905. 7373 ALBERT & CO. [Catalogue of printing machines.] Obi. Svo. Frankenthal, 1909. 13512 ALBERTI, G. D. Cenni storici suU' arte della stampa in Lucca. Svo. Lucca, 191 1. 16895 ALBERTINI, F. II memoriale di Francesco Albertini [Cura H. P. Home]. 8vo. London, 1909. 10642 ALCHORNE, S. Catalogue of a portion of the library of S.A. Svo. London, 181 3. 17197 ALCOCK, J. Revised price list and catalogue of wood letter, brass rule and every description of printing materials. 4to. London [c. 1900]. ^^359 ALCYONIUS, P. De exsilio. Svo. Venetiis, 1522. 5291 ALDEGREVER, H. Heinrich Aldegrever 1502-1555. Orna- mente. Facsimiles in gleicher Grosse der im kgl. Kupferstich- Cabinet Miinchen vorhandenen Originalstiche. Herausgegeben von J. B. Obernetter. Fol. Miinchen [c. 1S80]. 21048 ALDEN. The Alden Type Composing Machine. {In The Printers' Journal, Jan. 7, 1867, p. 13.) PP ALDENHAM INSTITUTE. Syllabus of educational classes, 1901-02, etc. [Typography pp. 20.] i6mo. London, 1901, etc. 3984 ALDENHAM INSTITUTE. Typography classes. Specimens of work. Session 1900-1901, etc. 4to London, 1901, etc. 3043 ALDERSON, V. C. Technical education an economic necessity. Svo. [Chicago, c. 1905.] 10424 ALDINE MAGAZINE. Fo/. i, 1839. Svo. London, 1839. PP ALDIS, H. G. Thomas Finlason and his press : with a hand list of books. (In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society Publications, Vol. I : 1893-94.) 17569 ALDIS, H. G. A list of books printed in Scotland before 1700, including those printed furth of the realm for Scottish book- sellers: with brief notes on the printers and stationers. 4to. Edinburgh, 1904. 6528 ALDIS, H. G. A list of books printed in Scotland before 1700 : including those printed furth of the realm for Scottish booksellers : with brief notes on the printers and stationers. [In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society Publications, Vol. 7 : 1904). 17569 S ALDRICH, S. J. Procope Valdfoghel, goldsmith and printer [at Avig-non]. [In The Library, FoZ. 2: 1890, pp. 217-219.) PP ALDRICH, S. J. Incunabula. {In Bibliographical Society: Transactions, Vol. 1:1893.) 56 ALDRICH, S. J. The Augsburg printers of the 15th century {hi Bibliographical Society: Transactions, Vol. 2:1894.) 56 ALDUS MANUTIUS, P. Serie dell' edizioni Aldine per ordine cronologico ed alfabetico. 3a. edizione. i2mo. Venezia, 1791. 16589 ALDUS MANUTIUS, P. Lettres diverses et opuscules poetiques. 8vo. Paris, 1825. On vellum. 5314 ALDUS MANUTIUS, P. Lettres et documents 1495-1515. Armand Baschet collexit et adnotavit. 8vo. Venetiis, 1867. 2063S ALDUS MANUTIUS, P. See Renouard, A. A. ; Omont, H. ; Manni, D. M. ; Castellani, C. ; Amoretti, C. ; Christie, R. C. ; Steinschneider, M. ; De Vinne, T. L. ; Didot, A. F. ALDUS MANUTIUS, P., the younger. De quaesitis per epistolam. Libri HI. 8vo. Venetiis, 1576. 21872 ALDUS MANUTIUS, P. the younger. See Fickelscherer, M. ALENCON : Ecole Typographique. Extrait du rapport prc- sente en 1888 par M. Peyron. 8vo. Alencon [1888]. 11153 ALEXANDER, E. R. See Ellis, F. H. S. ALEXANDRE, A. French posters and book-covers. {In Scribner's Magazine, Vol. 17: May 1895, PP- 603-614.) 6792 ALFIERI, V. La virtu sconosciuta. 8vo. Kehl, 1786. 5387 ALFIERI, V. Del principe e delle lettere. 8vo. Kehl, 1795. 5384 ALFIERI, V. L'Etruria vendicata. Poema. 8vo. Kehl, 1800. 5385 ALFIERI, V. Delia Tirannide. 8vo. Kehl, 1809. 5386 ALFONSI, T. Aubades et serenades : poesies. [Les typo- graphes comediens, p. 161.] 8vo. Paris, 1880. 20070 ALGEMEEN HANDELSBLAD. Letterproef ten behoeve van adverteerders. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1883. 16520 ALGRAPHY. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 41: Oct. 7th, 1897, p. 251.) PP ALGRAPHY. A rival of the lithographic stone. Practical demonstration in London. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 43 : Oct. 20Ml, iPoR, p. 236.) PP ALGRAPHY, Ltd. Prospectus. 8vo. London, 1898. 1198 ALGRAPHY, Ltd. Instructions to the trade for preparation of aluminium plates for algraphic printing. 4to. London, 1898. 13283 ALISON, R. Cantus primus. (Cantus secundus : Tenor: Bassus : Quintus.) An howres recreation in musicke, apt for instruments and voyces. 5 parts. 4to. London, 1606. 21314 ALKAN, A. Notice sur P. J. Fessin, fondeur en caract^res : poete et homme de lettres. Svo. Paris, 1853. 22445. ALKAN, A. Discours prononce le 6 Avril, 1856, lors de sa reception comme membra honoraire de la Societe Fraternelle des Protes des Imprimeries Typographiques de Paris. Svo. Paris, 1856. 22437 ALKAN, A. Discours prononce le 6 Avril, 1856, lors de sa reception comme membre honoraire de la Societe Fraternelle des Protes des Imprimeurs Typographiques de Paris. 2e. ed. Svo. Paris, 1S56. ' 22S30 [ALKAN, A.]. Les femmes compositrices d'imprimerie sous la Revolution Francaise en 1794. Svo. Paris, 1862. 22528 ALKAN, A. Notice sur L. C. Silvestre, ancien libraire-editcur. Svo. Paris, 186S. 22354 ALKAN, A. Notice necrologique sur Just-Jean-Etienne Roy, homme de lettres. [With a bibliography of his works.] Svo. Paris, 1871. 227sr ALKAN, A. Memoire sur le projet de joindre une exposition typographique a la 5e. section [of the Paris Exhibition of 1S78]. Svo. Paris, 1877. 22770 ALKAN, A. Les graveurs des portraits en France. Catalogue de la collection de portraits appartenant A. F. Didot. [Printers, booksellers, etc.] Svo. Paris, 1S79. 2274S ALKAN, A. Documents pour servir a I'historie de la librairie Parisienne. Specialites de livres depareilles. Svo. Paris, 1879. 22832 ALKAN, A. Memoire . . . sur le projet d'elever une statue sur la Place de la Sorbonne a Ulrich Gering I'introducteur de I'imprimerie a Paris. Svo. Paris, 1S79. 22769 ALKAN, A. Les etiquettes et les inscriptions des boites- volumes de P. Jannet. 8vo- Paris, 1883. 22355 ALKAN, A. Une page inedite de la vie de Jules Japin, avec une lettre de M, Ars^ne Houssaye. Svo. Paris, 1884. 22SS5 ALKAN, A. Particularite concernant un volume sorti des presses de J. Didot et vers in^dits de P. Didot. Svo. Neuilly, 1 886. 22866 ALKAN, A. Un fondeur en caract^res : membre de ITnstitut. [i.e., E. R. Lefebvre de Laboulaye.] Svo. Paris, 1S86. 22865 10 [ALKAN, A.]. La Typographie. [Signed " Un typographe," but attributed to A. A.] i2mo. Paris [1888?]. 20671 ALKAX, A. Berbiguier un hallucine et son livre, les " Far- fadets. " 8vo. Paris, 1889. 22826 ALKAN, A. Catalogue de la bibloth^que de feu M. A. Alkan aine. 8vo. Paris, 1890. ioi77 ALKAN, A., and LEPRINCE, ( ). Les quatre doyens de la typographie Parisienne. 8vo. Angers, 1889. 22892 ALKEN, H. The art and practice of etching with directions for other methods of light and entertaining engraving. i2mo. London, 1849. 11645 ALL about the Bandar Log Press. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 33 1904 pp. 269-271.) PP ALLAHABAD : United Provinces Exhibition. Rules of the Photographic Salon. 4to. Allahabad, 1910. 15656 ALLAN, G. See Brockett, J. T. ALLARDYCE, P. " Stops," or how to punctuate. A practical handbook for writers and students. i2mo. London, 1884. 11960 ALLARDYCE, P. "Stops," or how to punctuate. 6th ed. i2mo. London, i8gi. 6 ALLEGRETTI, U. Le scuole professionals Conferenza. 8vo. Milano, 1894. 16262 ALLEMAGNE, H. R. d'. Les cartes a jouer du i4e. au 2oe. siecle. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1906. 16396 ALLEMANE, J. See Antwerp : Exhibition, 1886. ALLEN, B. H. See Maddock, B. ALLEN, C. D. The " Books and Bookmaking " Exhibition of the National Arts Club. [In Inland Printer, Vol. 27:1901, pp. 343-346.) PP ALLEN, C. D. The American annuals. [In Inland Printer, Vol. 28: 1901-02, pp. 355-357.) PP ALLEN, C. E. Publishers' accounts : including a consideration of copyright and the valuation of literary property. 8vo. Lon- don, 1897. 14045 ALLEN, D., & SONS. Illustrated catalogue of theatrical pos- ters, etc., held in stock at Belfast. Obi. i2mo. Belfast, 1900. 2779 ALLEN, D., c^ SONS. Illustrated catalogue of commercial posters, etc., for sale. 4to. Harrow [1901 ?]. 2777 ALLEN, D., & SONS. Catalogue of posters for sale. 8vo. Harrow, 1902. 2776 ALLEN, D., & SONS. Reduced facsimiles of posters. 8vo. London [1902?]. 2778 I T ALLEN, G. Copyright and copy-wrong". The authentic and the unauthentic [editions of] Rusivin['s works]. 8vo. London, 1907. 9065 ALLEN, J. See Durer, A. ALLGEMEINER ANZEIGER EUR DRUCKEREIEN. Vol. 29, 1902, etc. 4to. Erankfort, 1902, etc. PP ALLGEYER, J. Handbuch iiber das Lichtdruck-verfahren, 8vo. Leipzig-, 1881. 22550 ALLGEYER, J. Handbuch iiber das Lichtdruck-verfahren. 2te. Auflag-e unter Mitwirkung- des F. Renner. 8vo. Leipzig^, 1896. 865 ALLNUTT, W. H. Notes on printers and printing; in the provincial towns of England and Wales. 8vo. Oxford, 1878. 22352 ALLNUTT, W. H. Printers and printing in the provincial towns of England and Wales. {In Library Association : Trans- actions, Vol. I, 1879.) 2201S ALLNUTT, W. H. Notes on printers and printing in the pro- vincial towns of England and Wales. 4to. London, 1879. 517^ ALLNUTT, \\\ H. English provincial presses. {In Biblio- graphica. Vol. 2, 1896, pp. 23-46: 150-180: 276-308.) 53 ALLNUTT, \Y . H. The King's printer at Shrewsbury, 1642- 43. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. i, 1900, pp. 355-364.) PP ALLNUTT, W. H. James Gaver, a newly discovered English printer in 1539, and other printers at the sign of the Sun in Fleet Street, 1502-1556. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 2, 1901, pp. 384-388.)' PP ALLNUTT, W. H. Notes on the introduction of printing- presses into the smaller towns of England and Wales, after 1750 to the end of the eighteenth century. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 2, 1901, pp. 242-259.) PP zA.LMACK, E. A bibliography of the King's Book : or, Eikon Basilike. 4to. London, 1896. 1649 ALMANACH DE L'IMPRIMERIE ET DE LA LIBRAIRIE POUR 1819. Par R. M. C. 8vo. Paris, 1819. PP ALMANACH DE LA LIBRAIRIE. i2mo. Paris, 1781. PP ALMANACH DES TYPOGRAPHES. 8e. Ann., etc. 1902, etc. 8vo. Perpignan, 1902, etc. PP ALMANACH FUR BILDENDE KUNST UND KUNST- GEWERBE AUF DAS JAHR 1901. i2mo. BerHn, 1901. PP ALMANACK lore. {In The Yorkshire Post, Dec. 7, 14, 21, 1904.) 4948 12 ALLMANNA SVENSKA BOKTRYCKAREFORENINGENS MEDDELANDEN. Vol. 13, 1908, etc. With Vol. 17, 1912, the title became Svenska Boktryckareforeningens Meddelanden. 4to. Stockholm, 1908, etc. PP ALMELOVEEN, T. J., ab. See Jansson ab x'Mmeloveen, T. ALMON, J. Memoirs of John Almon, bookseller of Piccadilly. Svo. London, 1790. 9232 ALNANDER, J. O. Historiola artis typographicae in Suecia. i2mo. Rostochi, 1725. 20835 ALONNIER, E. See Decembre, J. and Alonnier, E. ALPHABET de Ferrare. i6e. siecle. 8vo. Paris [c. 1885]. 2808 ALPHABET. Alphabetum Aethiopicum sive Abyssinum. Svo. Romae, 1631. 6042 (i) ALPHABET. Alphabetum Aethiopicum sive Gheez et Amhhar- icum. Svo. Romae, 1789. 6041 (i) ALPHABET. Alphabetum Arabicum. Svo. Romae, 171 5. 6042 {2) ALPHABET. Alphabetum Arabicum. Svo. Romae, 1797. 6041 (2) ALPHABET. Alphabetum Armenum. Svo. Romae, 1673. 6042 (3) ALPHABET. Alphabetum Armenum. Svo. Romae, 17S4. 6041 (3) ALPHABET. Alphabetum Barmanum, seu Bomanum Regni Avae. Svo. Romae, 1776. 6042 (4) 6041 (4) ALPHABET. Alphabetum Barmanoruni seu reg'ni avensis. Svo. Romae, 17S7. 6041 (5) ALPHABET. Alphabetum Brammhanicum seu Indostanum. Svo. Romae, 1771. 6042 (5) ALPHABET, Alphabetum Chaldaicum. Svo. Romae, 1634. 6042 (7) ALPHABET. Alphabetum Chaldaicum antiquum estrangh elo dictum una cum alphabeto Syriaco. Svo. Romae, 1636. 6042 (6) ALPHABET. Alphabetum Cophtum sive Aegytiacum. Svo. [Romae, c. 1700.] 6042 (S) ALPHABET. Alphabetum Veterum Etruscorum, et nonulla eorumden monumenta. Svo. Romae, 1771. 6042 (9) ALPHABET. Alphabetum Graecum. Svo. Romae, 177 1. 6041 (i) 6041 (6) ALPHABET. Alphabetum Grandonico Malabaricum sive Samscrudonicum. Svo. Romae, 1772. 6043 (6) 20092 (14) 6041 (8) 13 ALPHABET. Alphabetum Hebraicum. 8vo. Romae, 1771. 6043 (2) 6041 (7) ALPHABET, Alphabetum divi Hieronymi (Alphabetum dlvi Cyrilll). [Sclavonic] 8vo. Romae, 1753. 20092 (12) 6043 (4) ALPHABET. Alphabetum Ibericum, sive Georgianum. 8vo. Romae, 1629. 6043 (5) ALPHABET. Alphabeta Indica, id est Granthamicum seu Samscrdamico - Malabaricum Indostanum. 8vo. Romae, 1791. 20092 (13) ALPHABET. Alphabetum Persicum. 8vo. Romae, 1783. 20092 (15) 6041 (9) ALPHABET. Alphabetum Persicum. 8vo. [Rome, c. 1700.] 6043 (7) ALPHABET. Alphabetum Syro-Chaldaeum. 8vo. Romae, 1797. 6041 (10) ALPHABET. Alphabetum Tang-utanum sive Tibetanum. 8vo. Romae, 1773. 6043(8) 20092(16) 6041(11) ALTDORFER, A. See Voss, H. ALTING, H. Methodus theologiae didacticae. i2mo. Amstelodami, 1550. 6038(7) ALTING, J. Synopsis institutionum Chaldaearum et Syrarum. 8vo. Francofurti, 1717. 13653 (i) ALUMINIUM ROTARY PRESS, Ltd. [Price list and Catalogue.] 2 parts. 4to. London [1904]. 4706 ALUMINIUM plate printing. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 34, i904-5> PP- 99-IOO-) PP ALUMINIUM plates as substitutes for lithographic stones. [In Inland Printer, Vol. 19, 1897, pp. 170-172.) PP ALVIN, L. J. See Burbure, L. de ; Brussels: Bibliotheque Royale. AMADUTIUS, J. C. Epistola ad J. B. Bodonium qua emend- atur et suppletur commentarium de Anacreontis genere eiusquc bibliotheca. i2mo. Parma, 1791. 2125S AMALGAMATED ASSOCIATION OF PRESSMEN. [Half- yearly report and balance sheet. 1892, eic] 8vo. London, 1892, etc. 7276 AMALGAMATED PRESS, Ltd. Souvenir of banquet held at the Fleetway House, Nov. 7, 1912. Fol. London, 1912. 16610 AMALGAMATED SOCIETY OF LITHOGRAPHIC ARTISTS, DESIGNERS AND WRITERS, COPPERPLATE AND WOOD ENGRAVERS. Fifth report, 1888, etc. i2mo. Manchester, 1888, etc. 4251 14 AMALGAMATED SOCIETY OF LITHOGRAPHIC PRINTERS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Half- yearly report, Sept. -Mar. , 1888-9, ^^c- Svo. Manchester, 1889, etc. 4253 AMALGAMATED SOCIETY OF PAPER MAKERS. Tenth Quarterly Report, 1896, etc. 4to. Dartford, 1896, etc. ^7994 AMALGAMATED SOCIETY OF PRINTERS' WARE- HOUSEMEN. Report of the Committee, 1S94, etc. 8vo. London, 1894, etc. 1799*5 AMATEUR NEWSPAPER REPORTER. Vol. i. Nos. i, 3, 4, 1878. 8vo. East Randolph, N.Y., 1878. PP AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER. Vol. 31, 1900— FoZ. 43, 1906. 4to. London, 1900-06. PP AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER'S ANNUAL (The). 1892-93. Svb. London, 1892-93. PP AMATEUR PRINTING. No. i, etc. 1895, etc. 8vo. London, 1895, etc. PP AMATI, G. Ricerche storico-critico-scientifiche sulle orig^ini, scoperte, invenzioni e perfezionamenti fatti nelle lettere, nelle arti, e nelle scienze. Tome 5. 8vo. Milano, 1830. 9091 AMBASSADOR (The). A quarterly published by the Niag-ara Paper Mills. Vol i. No. i. 1904, etc. 8vo. Lockport, N.Y., 1904, etc. PP AMBROSE, Saint. Oflficiorum. 8vo. Venetiis, 1514. 8169 AMBROSINI, R. Indice degli incunabuli Bolognesi. 8vo. Bologna, 1909. 17583 AMENITES LITTERAIRES. See [Chomel ]. AMERICA. The first book printed in America [in Mexico]. (In The Bookworm, Vol. 2, 1867, pp. 115-117.) PP AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY. A catalog-ue of the library. 8vo. Worcester, 1837. 21462 AMERICAN ART PRINTER. Vols. 1-7. 1887-93. 4to. New York, 1887-93. PP AMERICAN BANK NOTE CO. Muestras, El Banco Nacional del Peru, 1872, [Collection of specimen notes and bonds.] Fol. [New York, 1872.] 7617 AMERICAN BOOKMAKER. Vols. 1-23, 1885-97. After- wards, The Printer and Bookmaker. Vol. 24, 1897 — Vol. 29, 1900. Afterwards, The American Printer. Vol. 33, 1901, etc. 4to. New York, 1885, etc. PP AMERICAN BOOKSELLER. Christmas numbers, 1882-86. 4to. New York, 1882-86. PP 15 AMERICAN. The American Catalogue, 1890-1895. Books recorded (including- reprints and importations), July i, 1890 — June 30, 1895. 4to. New York, 1896. 13847 AMERICAN. Dictionary of Printing- and Bookmaking-. 4to. New York, 1894. 14 AMERICAN ENCAUSTIC TILING CO. Designs for tile pavements. Obi. 8vo. New York [c. 1890]. 10908 AMERICAN JOURNALIST. Vol. 4. No. 38. April, 1875. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1875. PP AMERICAN JOURNALIST. Vol. i. No. 2. June, 1878. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1878. PP AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Philadelphia conference. Report of the publishing section. 8vo. [Boston] 1897. 81 12 AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Report of Com- mittee on Library Schools. 1896-97. 8vo. [Boston] 1897. 81 13 AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Committee on binding. Binding specifications for commercial work. 8vo. 1909. 13582 AMERICAN LITHOGRAPHER AND PRINTER. Vol. 3, 1884— FoZ. 13, 1890. Fol. New York, 1884-90. PP AMERICAN. The American manual of presswork. 4to. New York, 191 1. 16207 AMERICAN. The American manual of typography : an ex- haustive exposition of the various phases of type-composition. 4to. New York, 1905. 6677 AMERICAN MODEL PRINTER. Vol. 1-2. 1879-84. Fol. New York, 1879-84. PP AMERICAN NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS' AS30CIATI0N. Bulletin No. 2095. Weight and strength of newsprint paper. 8vo. New York, 1909. 11835 AMERICAN NEWSPAPER REPORTER AND PRINTERS' GAZETTE. T'o/. 9, No. 47, Nov. 22, 1875 — ^'^^- ^6, No. 52, Dec. 25, 1882. [With Vol. 13 No. i, Jan. 6, 1897, the title became Woodcock's Printers' and Lithographers' Gazette and Newspaper Reporter.] 8vo. New York, 1875-82. PP AMERICAN PAPER TRADE AND WOOD PULP NEWS. Vol. 9, No. 7, Oct. 27, 1894. 4to. New York, 1894. PP AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Memorial, praying a repeal of the existing duty on books imported or amendments to the Act as therein suggested. 8vo. Washington, 1822. 15131 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. List of members of the A.P.S., March 15, 1880. 8vo. [Philadelphia] 1880. 23245 16 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Rules and ree-ulations of the Magellanic Premium. 8vo. Philadelphia [c 1880]. 23246 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. List of surviv- ing- members of the American Philosophical Society at Phil- adelphia. Presented to the society at the stated meeting held March 5, 1886. 8vo. [Philadelphia] 1886. 23221 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Rules and regulations of the Henry M. Phillips' prize essay fund. Adopted December 7th, 1888. 8vo. [Philadelphia] 1888. 23240 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Supplementary Report of the Committee appointed to consider an International Language, read before the American Philosophical Society. Dec^ 7th, 1888. 8vo. [Philadelphia] 1888. 23247 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Report of the Committee appointed (Jan. 6th, 1888) to assist the Commission on amended orthography, created by virtue of a resolution of the Legislature of Pennsylvania. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1889. 23298 AMERICAN PRESSMAN. Vol. 3, 1894, etc. 4to. St. Louis, 1894, etc. PP AMERICAN PRINTER. See American Bookmaker. AMERICAN PRINTERS' COST COMMISSION. Proceed- ings of the First International Cost Congress of Employing Printers of America, Oct., 1909. 8vo. Chicago [1909]. 11893 AMERICAN PRINTERS' SPECIMEN EXCHANGE. Vols. 1-4. 4to. Buffalo, i886-go. 21 AMERICAN PRINTING PRESS CO. To the stockholders. 8vo. [Washington, 1888.] ^7352 AMERICAN STATIONER. Vol 3, 1875, ^t^. 4to. New York, 1875, etc. PP AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS CO. Specimen annual, 1894. 4to. [Jersey City] 1894. 3124 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS CO. [Specimen booklets.] 8vo and 4to. Jersey City, 1896, etc. 2245 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS CO. Specimens of type, etc. 4to. [Jersey City, 1896.] , 1366 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS CO. Descriptive catalog. Gaily universal presses. 8vo. Jersey City [1900]. 120 14 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS CO. Resources of the Com- pany and a sketch of its business. 4to. [Jersey City] 1902. 1 1 555 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS CO. Supplementary speci- men book. Type, borders and ornaments. 4to. [Jersey City, c. 1903.] 4096 17 2 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS CO. Specimen book of American line type faces : American point line, point body and point set. Pol. [Jersey City, c. 1904.] 6825 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS CO. Supplement American line specimen book. 4to. Jersey City, 1905. 12031 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS CO. American line type book, borders, ornaments. Price list printing material and machinery. 8vo. [Jersey City] 1906. 7683 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS CO. Photographic views of central plant. Obi. Svo. Jersey City [c. 1909]. ii554 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS CO. Decorative material. Borders, ornaments, cast and electrotyped cuts. Svo. Jersey City [1909]. 12015 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS CO. Supplement to the American line type book. 410. Jersey City, 1909. 11541 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS CO. Scientific efficiency successfully applied to printing plants. 8vo. Jersey City [1912]. 1 679 1 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS CO. : Central Type Foundry Branch. The Blue Book containing specimens of type, printing machinery, printing material. 8vo. St. Louis, 1895. 9872 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS CO. : Mackellar, Smiths & Jordan Branch. Specimens of printing types. Svo. Philadel- phia [c. 1900]. 1035 1 AMES, J. Typographical antiquities of England, Scotland and Ireland. 4to. London, 1749. 5096 AMES, J. Typographical antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland. Augmented by William Herbert. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1785-90. 20322 AMES, J. Typographical antiquities : or the history of printing in England, Scotland and Ireland. Augmented by W. Herbert, and now greatly enlarged by T. F. Dibdin. 4 vols. 4to. London, 1810-19. 20342 AMES, J. A list of early English printers and books. [Being an index to Herbert's Ames and to Dibdin and Herbert's xAmes.] 4to. London [c. 1S40]. 1660S AMES, J. An index to Dibdin's edition of the Typographical Antiquities, with some references to the edition by W. Herberi. 4to. London, 1899. [Bibliographical Society : Miscellaneous publications. No. 5.] 1579 AMES, J. See Pollard, A. W. AMHERST, Lord. A hand-list of a collection of books and MSS. belonging to Lord Amherst. Compiled by S. De Ricci. Svo. Cambridge, 1906, 8259 18 AMINADAB : or, the Quaker's vision. 8vo. [London] 1710. 23347 AMMAN, J. Jost Amman's Stande und Handwerker, mit Versen von Hans Sachs. Frankfurt a/m bei S. Feyerabend 1568. (Liebhaber-Bibliothek alter Illustratoren, Bd. MI.) Sm. 4to. Munchen, 1884. 21557 AMORETTI, Fratelli. Sag-g-io de caratteri e fregi della fon- deria dei F. A. 8vo. Parma, 1811. 22250(2) AMPHLETT, J. The newspaper press in part of the last century and up to i860. Recollections. 8vo. London, i860. 14426 AMPHLETT, J. See Axon, W. E. A. xAMPZING, S. Beschryving-e ende lof der stad Haerlem. Mitsgaders P. Scriverii Laure-Krans voor L. Koster erste vinder vande boek-druckerye. 4to. Haerlem, 1628. 20865 AMRAM, D. W. The makers of Hebrew books in Italy. Being- chapters in the history of the Hebrew printing press. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1909. 11880 AMSTERDAM : Exhibition, 1883. L'imprimerie et la photo- graphic. Rapport par L. Danel et E. J. Asser. 8vo. Lille, 1883. 22949 AMSTERDAM : Exhibition, 1883. Rapport sur I'Exposition presente a la typographic Parisienne par Jacques Alary delegue. 8vo. Paris, 1884. 3631 AMSTERDAM : Exhibition, 1883. Rapport sur l'imprimerie presente a la Typographic Marseillaise par A. Ferra, delegue. 8vo. Marseille, 1884. 3625 AMSTERDAM : Internationale Graphische Tentoonstelling. Catalogus. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1913. i7477 AMSTUTZ, N. S. Physical characteristics of relief engraving especially relating to half-tones. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 36, 1905-6 — Vol. 41, 1908.) PP AMSTUTZ, N. S. Analysis of a half-tone portrait. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 37, 1906, pp. 195-7O f*P AMSTUTZ, N. S. Analysis of a metallic overlay. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 37, 1906, pp. 689-694.) PP AMSTUTZ, N. S. Screenless half-tones. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 37, 1906, pp. 686-87.) PP AMSTUTZ, N. S. Wheeler's metzograph screens. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 37, 1906, pp. 828-830.) PP AMSTUTZ, N. S. Printing two combined impressions from the same half-tone. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 38, 1906-7, p. 700.) PP AMSTUTZ, N. S. Three-colour printing in small shops. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 38, 1906-7, pp. 837-840.) PP 19 AMSTUTZ, N. S. Amstutz' hand-book of photo-engraving, being an enlargement and revision of Jenkins' manual of photo- engraving. With supplementary chapter on the theory and prac- tice of half-tone colour-work, by F. E. Ives and S. H. Morgan. 3rd edition. 8vo. Chicago, 1907. loioi AMSTUTZ, N. S. A revolution in three and four colour half- tone production. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 39, 1907, pp. 695-696.) PP AMSTUTZ, N. S. Trichromatic xylography. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 40, 1907-8, p. 544.) PP AMSTUTZ, N. S. Line-etching depths. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 175-6.) PP AMSTUTZ, N. S. Zinc-etching, wax engraving and half-tone practical comparisons. {hi Inland Printer, Vol. 41, 1908, pp. 905-909.) PP AMSTUTZ, N. S. Showing half-tone phenomena with the lantern. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 191 3-4, pp. 45-46.) ^ PP AMULET (The); or Christian and literary remembrancer. i2mo. London, 1828. 8012 AN teagasg athchoimir criostaighe, tarruingche as an teagasg criostaighe. 8vo. Athcliath-Duiblinne, 1886. 6242 ANACREON. Lyricorum aliquot poetarum Odae. i2mo. Parisiis, 1556. 61 11 (i) ANACREON. Odae. i2mo. Lutetiae, 1556. 6111(2) ANACREON. Anakreontos teiou meae. i6mo. Parma, 1791. 5502 ANACREON. See Amadutius, J. C. ANALES GRAFICOS. No. 2, 1901. 4to. Leipzig, 1901. PP ANASTATIC DRAWING SOCIETY, 1861. 4to. Ashby de la Zouch, 1862. 10104 ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERS. Rules of Court Franklin, No. 2536. 8vo. London, 1896. 459° ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERS. Court FrankHn, 2536. Valuation notes. 8vo. London, 1903. 6736 ANCILLON, F. Sur la legislation de la presse. {In Abhand- lungen der Kon. Preuss. Akad. der Wissenschaften, 1816-17.) 22944 ANDERSON, A. See Gibb, J. S. ANDERSON, A. See Burr, F. M. ANDERSON, C. Memorial on behalf of the native Irish, with a view to their improvement in moral and religious knowledge, through the medium of their own language. 8vo. London, 1815. 5951 (0 20 *• ANDERSON, C. Historical sketches of the native Irish and their descendants. 2nd ed. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1830. 5617 (i) ANDERSON, C. The annals of the Enghsh Bible. New edition, by H. Anderson. 8vo. London, 1862. 6018 ANDERSON, C. Anderson's Annals of the English Bible. [A review.] [c. 1863.] 22300 ANDERSON, H. C. Die Prinzessin und der Schweinhirt. [With illustration in colour.] Fol. Wien, 1897. 10895 ANDERSON, H. C. Andersen Kalender, 191 1. Zwolf Marchen, nacherzahlt von Hugo Salus, illustriert von Heinrich Lefler und Joseph Urban. [Printed in colours with the inks of Kast and Ehinger.] 4to. Stuttgart, 1910. 13779 ANDERSON, H. C. Wonderful stories for children. [With plates in colour.] i2mo. London, 1846. 11424 ANDERSON, H. See Anderson, C. ANDERSON, J. Early Belfast printed books. 8vo. [Belfast, 1886.] 22747 ANDERSON, J. Catalogue of early Belfast printed books, 1694-1830. 8vo. Belfast, 1887. 22414 ANDERSON, J. History of the Linen Hall Library. 4to. Belfast, 1888. 5097 ANDERSON, J. Catalogue of early Belfast printed books, 1694-1830. New edition. 410. Belfast, 1890. 57ii ANDERSON, J., Jun. Selling at auction. {In Hitchcock, F. H. : The building of a book, 1896, pp. 350-361.) 8824 ANDERSON, M. Natural colours in the printing press. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 13, 1894, p. 424.) PP ANDERSON, M. Anderson's photo-mechanical processes and guide to colour-work. 8vo. New York, 1896. 923 ANDERSON, P. J. Collections towards a bibliography of the Universities of Aberdeen. {In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Publications, Vol. 8, 1907.) 17569 ANDERSON, W. The pictorial arts of Japan. With a brief historical sketch of the associated arts, and some remarks upon the pictorial art of the Chinese and Koreans. Fol. London, 1886. 992 ANDERSON, W. Japanese wood engravings : their history, technique and characteristics. [Portfolio Monograph, No. 17.] 4to. London, 1895. ^395 ANDERSON, W. See Burlington Fine Arts Club. ANDERTON, B. The value of forgotten volumes. 8vo. [London, 1897.] 81 18 ANDERTON, B. See Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Public Libraries. 21 ANDES, L. E. Die trocknenden Oele. 8vo. Braunschweig', 1882. 22515 ANDES, L. E. Vegetable fats and oils. A handbook. Trans- lated by C. Salter. 8vo. London, 1897. 1931 ANDES, L. E. Animal fats and oils. Translated by C. Salter. Svo. London, i8g8. 1930 ANDES, L. E. Drying oils, boiled oil and solid and liquid driers. Svo. London, 1901. 2152 ANDES, L. E. Oil colours and printers' inks : a practical handbook treating of linseed oil, boiled oil, paints, artists' colours, lampblack and printers' inks, black and coloured. Translated from the German by Arthur Morris and Herb. Robson. 12 mo. London, 1903. 35^6 ANDES, L. E. The treatment of paper for special purposes : a practical introduction to the preparation of paper products for a great variety of purposes. Translated by C. Salter. 12 mo. London, 1907. 9393 ANDRE, G. G. The draughtsmans' handbook of plan and map drawling-. 4to. London, 1891. 2815 ANDREAE, J. Summa super quarto decretalium. Svo. Colonia [c. 1507]. 230S2 ANDREAISCHEN BUCHHANDLUNG. Probe-Blatt. Andreaischen Schriftgieserey. Fol. Frankfort, 1823, 6318 ANDREVVE, L. See Plomer, H. R. ANDRE\VS, A. The history of British journalism. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1859. ^^^93 ANDREWS, C. W. The John Crerar Library : a free public library of scientific literature, 1 894-1 901. Svo. Chicago, 1902. 3467 ANDREWS, E. Hints on presswork. [In Inland Printer, Vol. 31, 1903, pp. 862; Vol. 32, 1903-4, p. 48.) PP ANDREWS, E. C. Colour and its application to printing, Svo. Chicago, 191 1. 16205 ANDREWS, W. L. The old booksellers of New York. W^illiam Gowans. {Iti The Bookman [N. S.] Vol. i. Mar., 1895, pp. 130-132.) 6810 ANDRIEU, J. Histoire de I'imprimerie en Agenais depuis I'origine jusqu'a nos jours. Svo. Paris, 1886. 21770 ANDY, A. Tips for wet-plate workers. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, p. 182.) PP ANECDOTES of books and authors. i2mo. London, 1S36. 20335 ANGERER & GOSCHL. Probedrucke von Chemigraphien und Heliotypien. Svo. Wien, 1SS3. 436 22 ANGERER & GOSCHL. [Probedrucke von Chemigraphien und Heliotypien.] 4to. Wien [c. 1886]. 436a ANGERER & GOSCHL. [Probedrucke von Chemigraphien und Heliotypien.] 4to. Wien [c. 1890]. 589 ANGERER & GOSCHL. Musterblatter. Fol. Wien [c. 1890]. 10862 ANGLO-AMERICAN TYPOGRAPHIA. Vol. i, Nos. 3-5. 4to. London, 1884-5. PP ANGLO-JEWISH HISTORICAL EXHIBITION. Catalogue. 8vo. London, 1887. 22588 ANGLO-SCOTUS. The printer's devil and the 7,405,926 satellites. [On misprints.] 8vo. London, 1884. -23130 ANGLO-SCOTUS. The printer's devil and the 7,405,926 satellites. 2nd ed. 8vo. London, 1886. 724 ANGOT, A. Histoire de riniprimerie a Laval jusqu'en 1789. 8vo. Laval, 1892. 12656 ANISSON-DUPERRON, E. A. J. Premier memoire sur I'impression en lettres, suivi de la description d'une nouvelle presse. (In Memoires de I'Academie des Sciences. Tome 10, 1783.) 22877 [ANISSON-DUPERRON, E. A. J.] Description d'une nou- velle presse executee pour le service du Roi et publiee par ordre du gouvernement. [Dr. Dibdin's copy. With the original drawings.] 4to. Paris, 1783. 20297 ANISSON-DUPERRON, E. A. J. Premier memoire sur I'impression en lettres, suivi de la description d'une nouvelle presse executee pour le service du roi et publiee par ordre du gouvernement. 4to. Paris, 1785. 17657 ANLEITUNG zur schriftlichen Geschaftsfiihrung fiir Buch- druckereien. 8vo. Eisenach, 1844. 21776 ANGLO-ENGRAVING CO., Ltd. [Specimens of various screens, 50-225. J i2mo. London [c. 1905]. ^779° ANNALEN DER TYPOGRAPHIE. Vols. 1-8, 1869-76. 4to. Leipzig, 1869-76. PP ANNALES DE L'IMPRIMERIE. Vols. 1-5, 1876-82. 4to. Bruxelles, 1876-82. PP ANNALES DE L'IMPRIMERIE. Vol. 2, No. 2, Feb. 1903, etc. 4to. Bruxelles, 1903, etc. PP ANNALES DE LA TYPOGRAPHIE. Vol. 2, Nos. 1-6, 1840. 8vo. Paris, 1840. PP ANNERSTEDT, C. La Bibliothfeque de I'Universite d'Upsal. 8vo. Besan9on, 1899. 8464 23 ANNIBALDI, G. M, Federico de'Conti da Verona tra primi tipografi Italian! primo tipografo in Jesi. Monografia. 8vo. Jesi, 1877. 22653 ANNIBALUI, G. Un nuovo documento per la storia della tipografia a lesi. {In II. Bibliofilo, Ann. 2, 1881, p. 92.) PP ANNIUS, J. Commentaria. Fol. Paris, 15 12. 4032 ANNOOT-BRAECKMAN, C. See Elzevir. ANNOTATIONES. Annotationes doctorum virorum in g-ram- maticos, oratores, poetas, philosophos, theologos, and leges. Fol. Paris, 151 1. 8166 ANNUAL REGISTER. A general index to the Annual Register from the year 1758 to the year 1780. 8vo. London, 1783. 13269 ANNUAIRE DE LA LIBRAIRIE BELGE. 1884, etc. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1844, etc. PP ANNUAIRE DE LA LIBRAIRIE FRANCAISE. Ann. 16, 1909. 8vo. Paris, 1909. PP ANNUAIRE DE LA PAPETERIE FRANCAISE ET ETRANGERE. Ann. 33. Ed. 1897, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1897, etc. PP ANNUAIRE DE LA PRESSE SUISSE. 1909, etc. 8vo. Geneve, 1909, etc. PP ANNUAIRE DE LA PAPETERIE UNIVERSELLE. Ann. 31, 1910, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1910, etc. PP ANNUAIRE DE LA PRESSE FRANCAISE ET DU MONDE POLITIQUE. Ann. 21, 1900, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1900, etc. PP ANNUAIRE DE LTMPRIMERIE. Ann. i, 1891, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1891, etc. PP ANNUAIRE DE L'IMPRIMERIE ET DE LA LIBRAIRIE, 1813. i2mo. Paris, 1813. 17333 ANNUAIRE DE LTMPRIMERIE ET DE LA LIBRAIRIE FRANCAISES. 8vo. Paris, 182 1. PP ANNUAIRE DE LTMPRIMERIE ET DE LA LIBRAIRIE FRANCAISES ET ETRANGERES. Ann. 1845. i6mo. Paris, 1845. PP ANNUAIRE DE LTMPRIMERIE ET DE LA PRESSE pour 1845. Ann. 2. i2mo. Paris, 1845. PP ANNUAIRE GRAPHIOUE. Revue annuelle des arts et des industries graphiques. 1909. 8vo. Paris and Neuchatel, 1909, etc. PP ANNUAIRE LITTERAIRE. Catalogue des principaux ouvrages publics en France en 1870-71. 8vo. Paris, 1872. 6561 24 ANNUARIO BELLA LIBRERIA E TIPOGRAFIA E DELLE ARTI AFFINI IN ITALIA. Ann. i, 1884. 8vo. Milano [1884]. PP ANNUARIO ITALIANO DELLE ARTI GRAFICHE. Ann. 2, 1903, etc. i2mo. Firenze, 1903, etc. PP ANONYMOUS, pseud. An address to the gentry of Durham. 8vo. Newcastle, 1779. 79^9 ANONYMOUS JOURNALISM. {In " The Fortnightly Review," Sept., 1867.) 8vo. London, 1867. 9515 ANSHELM, T. See Schmidt, C. ; Heitz, P. ANSTEY, F. See Du Maurier, G. ANSTRUTHER, G. E. See Guild of Women-binders. ANTHONY'S PHOTOGRAPHIC BULLETIN : The Inter- national Annual. Vols. 1-7, 1888-95. 8vo. New York, 1888-95. PP ANTIPHONALE. Sacrasantae Romanae ecclesiae pro diurnis horis. [With musical notes.] 8vo. Romae, 1912. 16806 ANTITYPE [pseud. ? D. T. Eaton]. The pernicious effects of the art of printing upon society exposed. [A satire.] 8vo. London [1794]. 20440 ANTON ELLI, G. Ricerche bibliografiche sulle edizione fer- raresi del secolo 15. 4to. Ferrara, 1830, 7013 ANTONELLI, G. Del Cav. Giuseppe AntoneUi, tipografo. 4to. Venezia, 1862. 20150 ANTONINUS, Archiep, Florent. Confessionale (defecerunt). 4to. Venezia, 1474. ^^993 ANTONINUS. Marci Antonini Imp. eorum quae ad seipsum libri 12. Gr. and Lat. i2mo. Glasguae, 1744. 5024 ANTWERP : Conference du Livre, 1890. Compte Rendu. 4to. Anvers, 1891. 396 ANTWERP : Exhibition, 1886. Dapport du delegue de la typo- graphic Parisienne. 8vo. Paris, 1886. 10664 ANTWERP : Museee Plantin-Moretus. Description sommaire des batiments et des collections. Par M, Rooses. 8vo. Anvers, 1878. 22750 ANTWERP : Musee Plantin-Moretus. Catalogue. Par M. Rooses. 8vo. Anvers, 1881. 20660 ANTW^ERP : Musee Plantin-Moretus. Notice historique. Par M. Rooses. Phototypies par J. Maes. 4to. Anvers [c. 1885]. 10628 ANTWERP : Musee Plantin-Moretus. Catalogue. Par M. Rooses. 3e. edition. 8vo. Anvers, 1887. 3407 ANTWERP : Musee Plantin-Moretus. Catalogue of the Plantin- Moretus Museum. By M. Rooses. 8vo. Antwerp, 1894. 657 25 ANTWERP : Musee Planlin-Moretus. Exposition du Livre Moderne. Catalogue. 8vo. Anvers, 1904. 11065 ANTWERP : Musee Plantin-Moretus. Index characterum architypographiae Plantinianae. Specimen des caract^res em- ployes dans rimprimerie Plantinienne. Avec une preface par M. Rooses. Fol. Anvers, 1905. 16489 ANTW^ERP : Musee Plantin-Moretus. Catalog-ue. Par M. Rooses. 6e. edition. lamo. Anvers, 1908. 14069 ANTWERP : Musee Plantin-Moretus. 24 reproductions photo- graphiques de la cel^bre imprimerie. Obi. 8vo. Anvers [c. 1910]. 14068 ANTWERP : Musee Plantin-Moretus. The Plantin-Moretus Museum at Antwerp and its publications. 8vo. Antwerp [c. 1910]. 16478 ANUNCIADOR. EL ANUNCIADOR COSTA RICENSE. Boletin de la Libreria Espana, Anno 23, 1909 — Anno 24, 1910. Fol. San Jose de Costa Rica, 1909-10. PP APOLLONIUS RHODIUS. Argonauticorum. 2 pts. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1 64 1. 10638 APOSTOLIDES, S. See Lord's Prayer. APPEL a la liberte, au bon sens et a la verite ou reponse au projet de loi, contre les debts qui peuvent se commettre par la voie de I'impression, et par la publication des ecrits, gravures, etc. 8vo. [Paris] 1790. 23360 APPELL, J. W. See Colonna, F. APPLEGATH, A. English and American steam printing machines. [A letter.] (/;? The Expositor, Mar. 15, 1851.) 16329 APPLEGATH, A. Specification. Casting stereotype and other plates for printing. 1818. No. 4249. 8vo. London, 1856. 20565 APPLEGATH, A. Specification. Printing machines. 1822. No. 4640. 8vo. London, 1857. 20561 (i) APPLEGATH, A. Specification. Printing machines. 1822. No. 4640. 8vo. London, 1857, 20561 (i) APPLEGATH, A. Specification. Printing machines. 1823. No. 4745. 8vo. London, 1857. 20561 {2) APPLEGATH, A. Specification. Printing machines. 1846. No. 1 1505. 8vo. London, 1857. 20561(3) APPLETON, D., & CO. Appleton's library manual; contain- ing- catalogue raisonne of upwards of 12,000 of the most im- portant works in every department of knowledge, in all modern languages. 8vo. New York, 1847. 8800 APPLICATION de la loi sur la presse du 29 Juillet, 1881. [hi La Typologie Tucker, Dec. 15, 1881.) 22996 26 APPRENTICESHIP BULLETIN. Vol. i, etc. 8vo. Boston, 1907, etc. PP AOUILANI, M. L'Vm Congresso della Federazione Italiana dei Lavoratori del Libro. {hi Annuario Italiano delle Arti Grafi- che, Ann. 10, 191 1.) PP AOUILANI, M. Una raccolta di stampe. {In Annuario Italiano delle Arti Grafiche, Ann. 10, 191 1.) PP AQUINO, THOMAS DE. De rebuspublicus, et principum institutione. i6mo. Lug"d. Bat., 1602. 21965 ARABIA, seu arabum vicina. i6mo. Amstelodami, 1633. 5512(2) ARABIA, seu arabum vicina. i6mo. Amsterdami, 1635. 21962 ARAGO, F. Associations Nationales en faveur de la Presse Patriote. Comite Central et Comite Parisien. Lettre. 8vo. [Paris, 1833.] 12606 (12) ARBER, E. A transcript of the Registers of the Company of Stationers of London, 1 554-1640. 5 Vols. 4to. London, 1875-94. 569 T ARBER, E. An introductory sketch to the Martin Marprelate controversy, 1 588-1 590. 8vo. London, 1879. 22427 ARBER, E. A list, based on the Reg'isters of the Stationers' Company, of 837 London publishers between 1553 and 1640. 4to. Birmingham, 1890. 5132 ARBER, E. The recovery of lost English books. A sugges- tion. {In Bibliographical Society : Transactions, UoL 3, 1896.) 56 ARBER, E. Contemporary printed lists of books produced in England. {In Bibliographica, Vol. 3, 1897, pp. 173-191.) 53 ARBER, E. The Term Catalogues, 1668-1709, with a number for Easter Term, 1711. 3 I'oZ^. 4to. London, 1903-06. 4541 ARBER, E. See Bible, N. T. ; Caxton, W. ; Manchester : John Ryland's Lib. ; Milton, J. ; Revelation. ARCH, J., and A. A catalogue of books. 8vo. London, 1825. 16722 ARCHER, H. G. Modern inventions anticipated. [The Lino- type.] {In Good Words, Nov. 1900.) 2353 ARCHER, T. Trades connected with science and art. — I. Printing. {In The Young Gentleman's Magazine, 1869.) 22455 ARCHER, T. The highway of letters [Fleet St.] and its echoes of famous footsteps. 8vo. London, 1893. 35 ARCHER, T. C. Paper. {In Bevan, G. P. British manufactur- ing industries. 8vo. 1876.) 20360 27 ARClllKAl.l) v"v I'OWLLIR. Spociiiun hook [ol dectrosj. .fto. Edinhuii^h [c. iSqsJ. 1884 ARCHIBALD X' FOWLER. Spocinun book [of electros]. 4to. Edinburgh [c. 1900]. 6990 ARrillX" EUR RUCHBIXDI'KI'E JahrQ-. 1. tqoi, etc. Hallo. A. S., 1901, etc. 4to. " IM' ARCH1\ 1 TR BHCHDRUCKERKUNST. \\>l. i, 1864, (■/(". 4I0. Eoip/ii;', 1S64, etc. IT ARCHIV EUR BUCHDRUCKERKUNST. Muster-blatter liir Accidenz-setzer und Accidonz-drurker. //(■//. 1. I'\)l. Leip- zig, 1876. J0789 ARCEH\' EUR BUCHGEVVERBE. Bd. 37. igoo. etc. 4(0. Leipzig-, 1900, etc. PR ARCHIV EUR DIE ZEICHENDEN KUNST. lols. 1-16. S\ o. Leipzig, 1855-70. PP ARCHINES Die LMMl'RlMl ERl-. ]'ol. 13, 1899, etc. 4X0. Cien6ve, 1899, etc. VV ARCHIVIO TH^OGRAEICO. Aim. 15. 1903. etc. 4to. rorino, 1903, etc. PP ARETIN, J. C. Frhrn v. Von den Jiltesten Denkniahlern der Buchdruckerkiuist in Baiern, und dem Nutzen ihrer naheren Kenntniss. 4to. Mi'inchen, iSoi. 22887 ARETIN, J. C. Frhrn v. Uber die fri'ihesten universal- historischen Eolgen der Erfindung- der Huchdruckerkunst. (\'ollst;indiges lithographisches Eac Simile des iiltesten bislier bekannten teutschen Druckes.) [Eyn ALanung-.] 410. Miinchen, 1808. " 12185 ARETIN, J. C. Frhrn \\ Discours sur les premiers eftets de I'invention de la typographie. 8vo. [Paris, c. 1808.] 14662 ARETINUS, P. Pornodidnscalus, sen colloquium muliebre. 1 2 mo. Cygneae, 1660. 6107 ARGUMENTS relating to a restraint ujion tlie press. 8vo. London, 1712. 21213 ARGUS. L'ARGUS DES REVUES. Ann. 23-25, 1901-03. 4to. Paris, 1901-03. PP ARGVLE PRESS, Ltd. Specimens of letterpress printing-. 4to. Halifax [1893]. 10838 ARIOSTO, L. Orlando Eurioso. i2mo. Lione, 1556. 5960 ARIOSTO, L. Orlando Eurioso. 4to. Venetia, 1558. 10158 .\RISTOTLE. Problematum, etc. Eol. Paris, 1524. 4502 .\RISTOTLE. II libro della poetica d'Aristotele. Tradotto da A. Piccolomini. 4to. Siena, 1572. 7648 ARISTOTLE. De rhetorica. 4to. London, 1696. 14048 28 ARMENIAN. [A book in Armenian characters, probably issued by the Armenian Monastery at Venice.] 12 mo. 18 10. 10629 ARMSTRONG, W. See Bryan, M. ARMSTRONG, Sir W. G., WHITWORTH & CO., Ltd. Guns and mountings : naval artillery section. [Type and illus- trations printed in photogravure. ] 4to. London, 1913. 17909 ARNDES, S. See Lange, H. O. ARNETT, J. A., pseud. See Hannett, J. ARNEUDO, G. L Le arti grafiche alia grande Esposizione Internazionale di Torino nel igii. {In Annuario Italiano delle Arti Grafiche, Anno 10, 191 1.) PP ARNEUDO, G. L Una lodevole iniziativa della Scuola Tipo- grafica ed Arti Affini di Torino, (/n Annuario Italiano delle Arti Grafiche, Anno 10, 191 1.) PP ARNOBIUS. Commentariorum super psalmos. 4to. [PStrass- burg], 1522. 6040 (6) ARNOLD, G. M. Robert Pocock, the Gravesend historian, naturalist, antiquarian, botanist and printer. 8vo. London, 1883. 21532 ARNOLD, J. The compleat psalmodist. 4th ed. [With musical notes.] 8vo. London, 1756. 5055 ARNOLD, X. Sammlung von Initialen aus Werken vom 11-17 Jahrhunderts. 2te. Auflage. Bd. i. 4to. Leipzig [c. 1890]. 1811 ARNOT, J. M. See Arnot, VV. ARNOT, W. Cantor lectures. The technology of the paper trade. 8vo. London, 1878. 1369 ARNOT, W. The technology of the paper trade. A series of lectures with up-to-date references by J. M. Arnot. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 28, 1891, p. 504 — Vol. 30, 1892, p. 211). PP ARNOUD and OTHERS. Souvenirs pittoresques du Rhin. Douze vues lithographiees par Arnoud [and others]. Obi. 8vo. Frankfort, 1826. 10106 ARRENB^RG, R. Alphabetische Naamlijst van Boeken welke sedert het jaar 1790 tot en met het jaar 1832 in Noord Nederland zijn uitgekomen. Sq. 8vo. s'Gravenhage, 1825. 14677 ARRIAN. De expedit. Alex. Magni, historiarum. Fol. [ ] 1575. 10984(1) ARRIAN. Periplus. [Edited by J. G. Stuckius.] 2 pts. Fol. Lugduni, 1577. 10984(2) 29 ARRIAN. De expedit. Alex. Magni. 8vo. Amstelodami. 1668. 7432 ARS MORIHXDl. A reprint in facsimile of a treatise spekyng-e of the arte and crafte to knowe well to dye translated oute of frenshe into eng-lysshe by W'lUym Caxton. 410. London, 1875. 10305 ARS MORIENDI. The Ars Moriendi (Editio princeps, circa 1450). A reproduction of the copy in the British Museum. Edited by ^^^ H. Rylands. With an introduction by G. Bullen. 4to. London, 1881. 21407 ARS MORIEXDL See Caxton, W. ; Zapf, G. W. ART AND LETTERS. Choice examples of the eng-raver's art. A selection from "Art and Letters." Fol. London [c. 1885]. 125 ART DECORATOR. Series 1-6. Fol. London, 1890-95. PP ART. L'ART ET LTDEE : revue contemporaine illustree. Publiee par O. Uzanne. Vols. 1-2. 8vo. Paris, 1892. PP ART JOL^RNAL. June 1901 to Dec. 1902. 4to. London, 1901-02. PP ART. L'ART NOUVEAU FRANCAIS TYPOGRAPHIE. Vols. 1-3, 1902-04. 8vo. Paris, 1902-04. PP ART. The art of drawing- and painting- in water-colours. New ed. i6mo. Dublin, 1763. 8796(1) x^RT. The art of drawing in perspective. . . . Also the art of etching, etc. New ed. ifimo. Dublin, 1763. 8796 (2) ART. The art of making catalogues of libraries. See Crestadoro A. ART of overlaying. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, T^oZ. 10, 1904-5, pp. 9-16.) PP ART. The art of paper making : a guide to the theory and practice of the manufacture of paper. By the Editor of The Paper ]\Iills Directory. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1876. 15377 ART. The art of photo-lithographv fits history, etc.]. (In Brit, and Col. Print., Vol 13, Sept. 4, '1884, p. i.) ' PP ART. The art of printing. {In The Universal Magazine, Vol. I, 1747.) 22568 ART. The art of ticket writing. 8vo. London, 1887. 2882 ART PRICES CURRENT. Vol. 2. 1908-09. 8vo. London, 1909. 1 5618 ART RECORD. Vols. 1-3. igoi-02. 4to. London. 2529 ART REPRODUCTION CO., Ltd. Catalogue of photo- gravures, etc. 8vo. London [c. 1904]. 47^9 ART REPRODUCTION CO., Ltd. [Specimens.] Obi. 8vo. London [1904]. 47^8 30 ART REPRODUCTION CO,, Ltd. Fashions: spring and summer, 1908. 8vo. London, 1908. 16989 ART REPRODUCTION CO., Ltd. Fashions: autumn and winter 1909-10 [electros]. 4to. London, 1909. ii337 ART WORKERS' QUARTERLY. Vols. 1-4. 1902-5. 4to. London, 1902-05. PP ARTE. EL ARTE TIPOGRAFICO. Vol. 6, 1908, etc. 4to. Nueva York, 1908, etc. PP ARTE. L'ARTE DELLA STAMPA. Ann. i, 1869, etc. Fol. Firenze, 1869, etc. PP ARTEAGA, S. Lettera a G. B. Bodoni intorno alia censura pubblicata dal C. Vannetti contro I'edizione parmense dell' orazio del 1 791. 4to. Crisopoli, 1793. 7553 ARTHUR COX ILLUSTRATING CO., Ltd. See Cox, A., Illustrating" Co., Ltd. ARTI. LE ARTI GRAFICHE, Ann. 29, etc. Fol. Torino, 1903, etc. PP ARTI. LE ARTI GRAFICHE, Ann. 2, etc. 4to. Alessandria d'Egitto, 1910, etc. PP ARTIFICIANA; or a guide to the principle trades. [Paper- maker, typefounder, printer, bookbinder, engraver, copperplate printer.] 2nd ed. i2mo. Edinburgh [1820]. 20577 ARTIST. The artist's assistant : or school of science. 8vo. London, 1807. io995 ARTIST. THE ARTIST PRINTER. Vols. 1-4, 1889-93. 4to. St. Louis, 1889-93. PP ARTIST. The artist's repository. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1788. 9506 ARTISTS' Society and the Langham Sketching Club. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, pp. 137-139.) PP ARTS AND CRAFTS. Vols. 1-4, 1904-6. 4to. London, 1904-6. PP ARTS AND CRAFTS EXHIBITION SOCIETY. Arts and crafts essays. With a preface by W. Morris. 8vo. London, 1899. 1567 ARTS AND CRAFTS EXHIBITION SOCIETY. Catalogue of the 7th Exhibition, 1903. i2mo. London, 1903. 3297 ARTS AND CRAFTS EXHIBITION SOCIETY. Catalogue of the 8th Exhibition, 1906. i2mo. London, 1906. 8047 ARTS AND CRAFTS EXHIBITION SOCIETY. Catalogue of the 9th Exhibition. i2mo. London, 1910. 11852 ARUNDEL & MARSHALL. Plain and fancy boxes. Obi. Svo. London, [c. 1910]. 16938 31 ASCHAM, A. A litlc herball of the properties of herbes. i6mo. [London] 1550. 21 128 ASCHAM, R. Toxophilus, 1571. To which is added a dedica- tion and preface by J. Wahers. 8vo. Wrexham, 1788. 9536 [ASGILL, J.] An essay for the press. [Anon.] 8vo. London, 1712. 14111 ASHBEE, C. R. A description of the work of the Guild of Handicraft. Svo. London, 1902. 2812 ASHBEE, C. R. A bibliography of the Essex House Press with notes on the desig"ns, blocks, cuts, etc., from 1898 to 1904. 8vo. Campden, 1904. 4435 ASHBEE, C. R. The private press : a study in idealism. To which is added a bibliography of the Essex House Press. 4to. Broad Campden, 1909. ^7^95 ASHBEE, E. W., and OTHERS. London signs of book- sellers and printers. {In The Bibliographer, Vol. 2, 1882, pp. 112-113, etc.) PP ASHBEE, H. S. The iconography of Don Quixote. [In Bibliographical Society: Transactions, Vol. i, 1893.) 56 ASHBEE, H. S. An iconography of Don Quixote, 1605-1895. [In Bibliographical Society : Illustrated monographs. No. 3.) 4to. London, 1895. 27 ASHBEE, H. S. Some books about Cervantes. (In Biblio- graphical Society : Transactions, Vol. 5, 1898.) 56 ASHCROFT MANUFACTURING CO. Ashcroft paper testers and thickness gauges. Obi. Svo. New York [c. 1910]. 16928 ASHER & CO. Artist's auto-lithographs for wall-decoration or collectors' portfolio. Voigtlaender Series. 8vo. London [c. 1909]. 15407 ASHLEY, A. The art of etching on copper. Obi. 4to. London [c. 1850]. 4137 ASHTON, J. Chapbooks of the i8th century. 8vo. London, 1882. 5191 ASHTON-UNDER-LYNE : Heginbottom Free Library. Eighth [etc.) Annual Report of the Librarian for the year ending Marcn 17th, 1902, etc. i2mo. Ashton-under-Lyne. 8956 ASIEL, D. Syllabus du cours de la machine a composer Lino- type [at the Cercle d 'Etudes Typographiques]. Svo. Bruxelles, 1906. 1 1053 ASKEW, A. Bibliotheca Askeviana, sive catalogus librorum rarissimorum A. Askew, M.D. [Priced.] Svo. London, 1775. S674 ASKWITH, G. R. See London Society of Compositors, 1901. ASPIRANT, pseud. See Beresford, J. 32 ASPLAND, A. See Caxton, W. ASSCHE, I. P. V. Composition typographique en filets courbes. S. sh. fol. Bruxelles, 1880. 23197 ASSE, E. Etienne Dolet. [An extract.] 4to. [Paris? c. 1850.] 15940 ASSER. Aelfredi regis Res gestae. [Saxon type.] Fol. [London, 1572.] 5148(1) ASSER, E. J. See Amsterdam : Exposition, 1883. ASSIER, A. See Socard, A., and Assier, A. ASSOCIATED NEWPAPERS, Ltd. Circulation figures. The Daily Mail. Evening' News. Weekly Dispatch. 8vo, London, 1912. 16642 ASSOCIATION FOR THE RELIEF OF UNEMPLOYED TRAVELLING PRINTERS. First class travelling- document. 8vo. Manchester, 1875. 4180 ASSOCIATION OF TECHNICAL INSTITUTIONS. Are our industrial leaders efficiently trained? A comparison of technical education at home and abroad. 8vo. Bristol, 1901. 2511 ASSOCIATION OF TECHNICAL INSTITUTIONS. Pro- ceedings at the 8th [etc.) Annual Meeting, held April 16, 1901, etc. 8vo. Bristol, 1901, etc. 2239 ASSOCIATION OF WHOLESALE STATIONERS. 3rd Annual Dinner, Feb. 24th, 1910. 11929 ASSOCIAZIONE DELLA STAMPA PERIODICA IN ITALIA. Atti Costitutivi. 8vo. Roma, 1877. 15164 ASSOCIAZIONE ERA GLI OPERAI TIPOGRAFI ITALI- ANI. Statuto fondamentale. i2mo. Roma, 1882. 10236 ASSOCIAZIONE FRA GLI OPERAI TIPOGRAFI ITALI- ANI. Tariffa [della sede compositori di Napoli]. 8vo. Napoli, 1886. * 140 ASSOCIAZIONE FRA GLI OPERAI TIPOGRAFI ITALI- ANI. Statuto, regolamenti e tariffa della sede compositori di Roma. i2mo. Roma, 1890. 271 ASTI : Biblioteca del Seminario. E. Dervieux. Incunabuli della Biblioteca del Seminario di Asti. 4to. Torino, 1912. 17092 ASTINGTON, A. E. Advertising a motor car. [In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-14, pp. 198-203.) PP ASTLE, T. The origin and progress of writing, as well hieroglyphic as elementary, also some account of the origin and progress of printing. 4to. London, 1784. 20552 ASTLE, T. The origin and progress of writing, as well hieroglyphic as elementary, also some account of the origin and progress of printing. 2nd. edition. 4to. London, 1803. 5145 33 3 ASTORG, H. d'. Opinion sur Ic projet de loi relatif a la liberty de la presse. 8vo. [Paris, 1814.] 23366 ASTRUC, L. Traits des peines des sjcondes noces. i2mo. Galembrun, 1752. 7908 ASYLUM. The Asylum Press almanac, directory and com- pendium of intellig-ence for 1914. 8vo. Madras, 1903. 7277 ASYLUM. The Asylum Press pocket almanac and general directory for 1905. i2mo. Madras, 1905. 7277 ATKIN Bros. Price list [of printing inks, etc.]. 8vo. Nott- ingham [c. 1905]. 12438 ATKINSON, J. Incidents of British bravery. No. 3. [Lithographs.] Obi. 4to. London, 1817. 10041 ATKINSON, J. Examples of letterpress printing. 4to. Ulverston [1903]. 3540 ATKYNS, R. The original and growth of printing : collected out of history, and the records of this kingdom. 4to. London, 1664. 5261 ATLAY, J. B. "The Globe" centenary. A sketch of its history, and a poem by H. Begbie. 8vo. London, 1903. 3475 ATTEMPT. An attempt towards a coalition of English Protestants. . . . To which is added, Reasons for restraining the licentiousness of the pulpit and press. 8vo. London, 1715. 21231 ATTENDORN, P. See Schmidt, C. ATTRILL, L. G. The card index in a daily newspaper pub- lishing office. {In The Business Man's Magazine, Vol. 2, 1907, PP- 73-75-) 91 18 AUBREY, W. H. S. The national and domestic history of England. 3 vols. 8vo. London, [c. i860]. 3421 AUCKLAND : Free Public Library. A guide to the principal MSS., early printed books, etc., contained in the Library. By H. Shaw. 8vo. Auckland, 1908. 11077 AUDIAT, L. Essai sur rimprimerie en Saintonge et en Aunis. 8vo. Pons, 1879. 20717 AUDIAT, L. Essai sur Timprimerie en Saintonge et en Aunis. 8vo. Pons, 1880. 2872 AUDIFFREDI, J. B. Catalogus historico-criticus Romanarum editionum saeculi 15. 4to. Romae, 1783. 3454 AUDIFFREDI, J. B. Specimen historico-criticum editionum Italicarum saeculi 15. [Vol. i, all published.] 4to. Romae, 1794. 6837 AUDIN, E. Catalogue des editions Aldines qui se trouvent chez E. A. 8vo. Florence, 1827. 16883 34 AUDIN, E. Osservazioni intorno ad una edizione sconosciuta del Morgante Maggiore di L. Pulci eseguita in Firenze nel 1482 ; colla descrizione d'un 'edizione del Decamerone di Gio Boccaccio che credesi eseguita della stamperia di S. Jac. di Ripoli circa il 1483. 8vo. Firenze, 1831. 15124 AUDRAN, G. See Duplessis, G. AUDSLEY, G. A. The art of chromolithog'raphy, popularly explained. Fol. London, 1883. 1650 AUDY, A. Half-tone enamel. [In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-13, pp. 205-206.) PP AUER, A. Die Entdeckung- des Naturselbstdruckes. German, English, Italian, French. Fol. Wien, 1854. 887 AUER, A; See Boehm, G. ; Reing-ruber, J. ; Vienna : K. K. Hof-und Staats-Druckerei. AUGSBURG MASCHINENFABRIK. Letterpress printing machines. Edition No. 7. Obi. 4to. Augsburg- [1904]. 4829 AUGUSTINE, Saint AURELIUS. De civitate dei. Fol. Basle, 1505. 5888 AUGUSTINE, Saint AURELIUS. Cuiusdam fidelis Christiani epistola. . . . Subsequitur et divi Augustini de miseria, ac brevi- tate huius mortalis vitae. . . . Apud praeclaram Cantabrigiam. Anno 21. Reproduced in exact facsimile from the only known copy in the Bodleian Library. 4to. Cambridge, 1886. 21552 AULT, C. H. The Plantin-Moretus Museum, Antwerp. A printer's shrine. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 16, 1895-6, pp. 160-162.) PP AULT & WIBORG CO. [Specimens of printing inks.] 4to. [Cincinnati, 1899.] i57- AULT & WIBORG CO. A few of our regular (stock) shades of ink for half-tone work. Obi. 4to. London, 1899. 157^ AULT & WIBORG CO. Specimens of lithographic inks. Obi. i2mo. London [1900]. 2148 AULT & WIBORG CO. Specimens of black and coloured printing inks. Obi. 12 mo. London [c. 1900]. 2145 AULT & WIBORG CO. Poster album. [Specimens of inks.] Fol. Cincinnati [1902]. 47io AULT & WIBORG CO. Lithographic inks. Obi. 8vo. [London] 1904. 9334 AULT & WIBORG CO. Cover inks. [Specimens.] 8vo. London [c. 1906]. 8312 AULT & WIBORG CO. Specimens of black and coloured printing inks. Obi. i6mo. London [1907]. 12445 35 AUMERLE, E. Les Psaumes de la Penitence du Roi Francois ler. Description d'un in- 12 sur v^lin contenant le texte Latin des Psaumes de la Penitence " cum figuris et caracteribus ex nulla materia compositis. " 8vo. Issoudin, 1857. 22590 AUMERLE, E. La dermotypotemnie. Etude sur quelques livres cum figuris et characteribus ex nulla materia compositis. Svo. Issoudun, 1867. 22383 AUNGERVYLE SOCIETY. Reprints. Series 1-3. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1881-86. 5286 AUREA moguntia. i2mo. Moguntiae [1705]. 3306 AUSMO, NICOLAUS DE. Supplementum. [Fragment.] Fol. Niirnberg, 1478. . 71 18 AUSTEN-LEIGH, E. C. See Leigh, E. C. A. . AUSTEN-LEIGH, R. A. See Leigh, R. A. A. AUSTIN, A. C. Practical half-tone and tri-colour engraving. Svo. Buffalo, 1898. 1482 AUSTIN, A. C. Natural colour plates and trichromy. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-13, pp. 225-227.) PP AUSTIN, R. Some Gloucestershire books and their writers. With an introduction by F. A. Hyett. 8vo. Gloucester, 191 1. 16769 AUSTIN, S. Catalogue of books printed for and published by S. A., Hertford. Svo. Hertford, 1859. 22449 AUSTIN, S. The history of engraving from its inception to the time of Thomas Bewick. Svo. London [1908]. 11684 AUSTIN'S IMPERIAL LETTER FOUNDRY. Specimen of printing types. Svo. London, 1827. 22223 AUSTIN, WOOD, BROWNE & CO. Specimens of print- ing types and borders. The Austin No. 4. 4to. London, 1890. 9710 AUSTIN, WOOD, BROWNE & CO. Specimens of print- ing types and borders. The Austin edition No. 5. 4to. London, 1891. 9710 AUSTIN LETTER FOUNDRY, Ltd. Specimens of printing types, borders, ornaments, etc. Svo. London [1902]. 2799 AUSTIN LETTER FOUNDRY, Ltd. Selection of specimens of printing types. Svo. London, 1902. 7435 AUSTRALASIAN TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL, 1906-7. 4to. Melbourne, 1906-7. PP AUSTRALIAN MASTER PRINTERS. Official report of the First (etc.) Interstate Conference, 1910, etc. Svo. Sydney, 1910, etc. 16370 AUSTRALIAN PRINTER. Vol. i, 191 1, etc. 4to. Adelaide, 1911, etc. PP 36 AUSTRALIAN PRINTER, STATIONER AND BOOK- SELLER. Vol. I, Nos. 1-3. 4to. Sydney, 1903-04. PP AUSTRALIAN PRINTING INK. Vol. 2, igoi—Vol. 4, 1903. 4to. Sydney, 1901-3. PP AUSTRIAN EXHIBITION : Earl's Court, London. Guide to the Bohemian section and to the kingdom of Bohemia. 8vo. Prague, 1906. 7^93 AUTHOR (The). Vol. 8, 1898, etc. 4to. London, 1898, etc. PP AUTHOR'S NOTE BOOK AND LITERARY GOSSIP. Vol. I, 1876 — Vol. 2, 1877. 8vo. London, 1876-77. PP AUTHOR. The author's printing and pubhshing assistant. 2nd edition. i6mo. London, 1839. 9600 AUTHOR. The author's printing and publishing assistant. i2mo. New York, 1839. 30 AUTHOR. The author's printing and publishing assistant. 6th edition. i6mo. London [c. 1848]. 20824 AUTHORS' AND BOOKSELLERS' CO-OPERATIVE EQUITABLE PUBLISHING ALLIANCE. The plan. A new- departure in publishing. 8vo. London, 1901. 7227 AUTOGRAPHE ou machine a copier les dessins et les cartes. (In Annales des Arts, Ann. IX.) 9420 AUTOGRAPHIC PRINTING PRESSES. {In Chambers's Journal, Nov. 1880.) 1327 AUTOMATIC SHEET FEEDER CO., Ltd. Automatism for the printer, by a printer. Obi. i2mo. [c. 1902.] 47ii AUTOPRESS CO. Facts showing why printing on the Auto- press costs less. i2mo. New York [1912]. 17904 AUTOPRESS CO. The Autopress : the high speed automatic job printing press. 8vo. New York [1912]. 17905 AUTOPRESS CO. The proof of the press. 4to. [New York, 1913.] 17907 AUTOPRESS NEWS. Vol. 2, 1910— FoZ. 3, 191 1. 4to. New York. PP AUTOTYPE PRINTING & PUBLISHING CO., Ltd. The Autotype process : being a practical manual of instruction in the art of printing on carbon, or other permanent pigment. Sm. 4to. London [c. 1871]. Later editions will be found under Sawyer, J. R. 16074 AUVILLAIN, J. Catalogue des livres rares et pr^cieux com- posant la bibliotheque de feu M. J. A. 8vo. Paris, 1865. 172 18 AVEBURY, Lord. Free libraries. {In The New Review, Jan., 1891.) 1612 AVELLINO, St. A. See Fontaine, P. J. 37 AVENEL, H. Histoire de la presse frangaise depuis 1789, jusqu'a nos jours. 8vo. Paris, 1900. 1893 AVERY, S. P. See Grolier Club. AVERY, W. J. Heads for illustrated advertising-. (In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-13, pp. 105-108.) PP AVERY, W. J. An advertiser's eng-raver. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-14, pp. 141-144.) PP AVERY, W. J. Some novelties in book cover designs. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19 1913-14, pp. 14-16.) PP AVICENNA. Medicorum principis. 4to. Venetiis, 1546. 5644 AVIS aux g-ens de lettres. See Estienne, R. ; Fenouillot de Falbaire, C. G. AXON, W. E. A, John Ruskin : a bibliographical biography. 8vo. [Manchester] 1879. ^435 AXON, W. E. A. A list of the leading public libraries, free and otherwise, in the United Kingdom. i2mo. London, 1882. 8433 AXON, W. E. A. Newspapers in 1738-39. (In his Echoes of old Lancashire.) 8vo. 1899. 10142 AXON, W. E. A. What was the first book printed in Man- chester? [In his Echoes of old Lancashire.) 8vo. 1899. 10142 AXON, W. E. A. A London circulating library in 1743. (In The Library [N.S.], Vol. i, 1901, pp. 377-378.) PP AXON, W. E. A. The juvenile library. (In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 2, 1901, pp. 67-81.} PP AXON, W. E. A. Cornaro in English. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 2, 1901, pp. 120-129.) PP AXON, W. E. A. The licensing of Montagu's " Miscellanea Spiritualia. " {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 2, 1901, pp. 269-273.) PP AXON, W. E. A. The church library at Michelstadt-im- Odenwald. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 2, 1901, pp. 405-412.) PP AXON, W. E. A. An early essay by Panizzi. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 3, 1902, pp. 141-147.) PP AXON, W. E. A. Edward Edwards. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 3, 1902, pp. 398-407.) PP AXON, W. E. A. Michael the Bishop in praise of books. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 4, 1903, pp. 367-372.) PP AXON, W. E. A. Some twentieth-century Italian chapbooks. [In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 5, 1904, pp. 239-255.) PP 38 AXON, W. E. A. Subsidised indexing. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 6, 1905, pp. 281-303.) PP AXON, W. E. A. On Christian captive indulgences in the British Museum, Lambeth Palace, and John Rylands Library. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 7, 1906, pp. 275-300.) PP AXON, W. E. A. The Lady Margaret as a lover of literature. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 8, 1907, pp. 34-41.) PP AXON, W. E. A. De Quincey and T. F. Dibdin. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 8, 19077 pp. 267-274.) PP AXON, W. E. A. James Amphlett and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. {In The Library [-^rd S.], Vol. 2, 191 1, pp. 34-39-) PP AXON, W. E. A. The atheist converted — the first book printed in Lincoln. {In The Library [3rd S.], Vol. 2, 191 1, pp. 319-322.) PP AXON, W. E. A. The autocrat as book-lover. {In The Library [3rd S.], Vol. 2, 191 1, pp. 356-362.) PP AXON, W. E. A. A seventeenth century lament on " too many books." {In The Library [3rd S.], Vol. 3, 1912, pp. 33-37.) PP x\XON, W. E. A. A year's use of the " Encyclopaedia Britan- nica. " {In The Library [3rd S.], Vol. 3, 1912, pp. 221-229.) PP AXON, W. E. A. Robert Copland and Pierre Gringoire. {In The Library [3rd S.], Vol. 3, 1912, pp. 419-421.) PP AXON,.W. E. A. A plea for adequate description in the cata- loguing of books and pamphlets. {In The Library [3rd S.], Vol. 4, 1913, pp. 171-185.) PP AXON, W. E. A. " Visio Fulberti." {In The Library [3rd S.], Vol. 4, 1913, pp. 409-416.) PP AXON, W. E. A. See Caxton, W. AYLING, S. See Caxton, W. AYSCOUGH, S. See British Museum. 39 B B : M. de. Encore un mot sur la liberte de la presse. 8vo. Paris, 1814. 23390 B : A. The art of cutting, casting" and preparing of letter for printing with a neat representation of a letter founder's ware- house. (,In the Universal Magazine, June 1750.) 2824 B : A. Mr. William Morris at the Kelmscott Press. (In The English Illustrated Magazine, Vol. 13, April 1895, pp. 47-55.) 735 B : A. Christoph Plantin und sein werk. (In Allgemeiner Anzeiger fiir Druckereien, Vol. 29, 1902, pp. 1313-4.) PP B : A. See Bailleul, A. B : A. M. The Twinings of three centuries. The annals of a great London tea house, 1710-1910. 8vo. London, 1910. 12003 B : B. Electrotyping. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 2, 1884-5, PP- 5, 55, 99-) PP B : _C. The calculation of exposure : some new methods. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, pp. 57-62.) PP B : E. Theophila : a divine poem. Fol. London, 1652. 5404 B : E. A. Trevenan Court. A tale. i2mo. Jersey and London, i860. 15713 B : G. Evenings with the old storytellers. Select tales from the Gesta Romanorum. i2mo. London, 1845. 20080 B : H. Une visite a la Biblioth^que de I'Universite de Bale, par un Bibliophile Lyonnais. 8vo. Lyon, 1880. 22570 [B : H. A.] About newspapers : chiefly English and Scottish. With an appendix, containing an account of the periodical publi- cations issued in connection with the Anglican Communion in Great Britain and Ireland. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1888. 2798 B : R. W. The marriage contract of King Edward II. 8vo. [London, c. 1900.] 23242 B : T. History and origin of printing. [On the invention only.] (In The Effective Advertiser, April 1884.) 23099 B : W. A. Ahrimans of the printing press. [In Inland Printer, Vol. 28, 1901-2, p. 225,) PP 40 BABBAGE, C. On the economy of machinery and manu- factures. 8vo. London, 1832. (Chap, xi — copying.) 9561 BABCOCK PRINTING PRESS MANUFACTURING CO. Some facts about modern presses, No. 5. Drum cylinder or two revolution. i6mo. New London, 1898. 17932 BABCOCK PRINTING PRESS MANUFACTURING CO. La Presse Optimus a revolution double. Obi. 8vo. [New York? c. 1900.] 2135 BABEALI, A. Imprimeurs, libraires et relieurs Troyens d'autrefois, 1623-1725. 8vo. Troyes, 1884. i7335 BABER, H. H., ed. See Bible: O. T. Psalms; Bible: N. T. English. BABES. The babes in the wood. [With coloured illustra- tions.] 8vo. London, 1861. 15646 BABES. The babes in the wood. In prose and verse. Illus- trated with ten coloured plates. New ed. 8vo. London, 1863. 14969 BACHELIER. Specimen de I'imprimerie de Bacheher. 4to. Paris, 1842. 14195 BACHELIN, A. Description du Livre d'Heures du Cardinal Albert de Brandebourg. 8vo. Paris, 1868. 22963 BACHELIN, A. Description d'un Commentaire de I'Apoca- lypse. MS. du i2e. si^cle. 8vo. Paris, 1869. 22964 BACHELIN, A. Description du Livre d'Heures du Prieure de Saint Lo (de Rouen). 8vo. Paris, 1869. 22962 BACHELIN-DEFLORENNE. Memoire relatif a un manu- scrits des Decrets et Canons de Saint Gratien revendique par la Biblioth^que Nationale. 8vo. Paris, 1874. 23290 BACHEM, J. P. Bachem's Gliickwunsch-Karten-Vordrucke in typographischem Kunstfarbendruck. Neuheiten, 1896-97. Collection A. 8vo. Miinchen, 1896. 1085 1 BACHMANN, J. F. See Weiss, J. BACHMANN, J. H. Die Schriftgiesserei. Fol. Leipzig, 1867. 22988 BACHMANN, J. H. Der Buchdrucker an der Handpresse. 8vo. Leipzig [1873]. 23069 BACHMANN, J. H. Leitfaden fiir Maschinenmeister an Schnellpressen. 2te. Auflage. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1873. 22318 BACHMANN, J. H. Die Schule des Musiknoten-satzes. 2te. Auflage. 4to. Leipzig, 1875. 22986 BACHMANN, J. H. Neues Handbuch der Buchdruckerkunst. 8vo. Weimar, 1876. 20953 BACKER, A. de. See Ruelens, C, and Backer, A. de. 41 BACKER, L. de. Le droit de la I'emme dans I'antiquite son devoir au Moyen Age. 8vo. Paris, 1880. 22064 BACON, C. What makes a novel immoral. {In Library World, J'ol. 13, 1910-1, pp. 129-140.) PP BACON, E., & CO. [Specimens of Machinagraphy.] 4to. [London, c. 1870. J 2513 BACON, E., & CO. Fashion illustrations. 8vo. London [1907]. 16957 BACON, Sir F. {Lord Verulam). Certain genuine remaines of Lord Verulam. Collected by R. Stephens. 410. London, 1648. 2 1 73 1 BACON, Sir F. {Lord Verulam). Of the advancement and proficience of learning. Fol. London, 1674. 5i57 BACON, Sir F. {Lord Verulam). Of gardens. 4to. London, 1909. 1 1265 BACON, Sir F. {Lord Verulam). See Durning-Lawrence, Sir E. ; Gallup, E. W. ; Batchelor, H. C. BACON, J. H. A guide to English composition with progres- sive exercises. i2mo. London, 1892. 3006 BACON, M. A. Flow^ers and their kindred thoughts. [With illuminations by O. Jones.] 8vo. London, 1848. 1875 BACON, N. An historical discourse of the uniformity of the government of England. 2 vols, in one. 4to. London, 1647-51. 5686 BACON, S. W. The bitumen process and the chance of its surviving its modern rivals. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 2, 1896, pp. 49-50.) PP BACQUENOIS, N. See Claudin, A. BADDELEY BROS. Specimens of copper and steel plate engraving. 4to. London [c. 1900]. 6986 BADENOCH, J. G. The art of letter painting made easy. 6th ed. 8vo. London, 1898. 2392 BADIUS ASCENSIUS, J. See Renouard, P. : Roersch, A. BAENSCH-DRUGULIN, J. Marksteine aus der Weltlitter- atur in Originalschriften. Buchschmuck von L. Sutterlin. Zur Erinnerung an das fiinfhundertjahrige Geburtsfest des Altmeis- ters Johannes Gutenberg. Fol. Leipzig, 1902. 11706 BAGFORD, J. An essay on the invention of printing. {In Memoirs of the Royal Society, Vol. 5, 1707, pp. 50-53.) 23407 BAGFORD, J. See Fletcher, W. Y; Davenport, C. J; Pollard, A. W. BAGUENAULT DE VIEVILLE, G. Notice necrologique sur M. Alex Jacob imprimeur a Orleans. 8vo. Orleans, 1859. 22621 42 BAH I A : Associafao Typographica. Relatorio excrcicio de 1909 a 1910. 8\o. Bahia, igio. 1332 1 BAILEY, E. Concerning the library assistant. (In Library Association Record, T'o/. 11, 1909, pp. 231-236.) PP BAILEY, H. T. Symbolism of colors. (In The Printing Art, Vol. 3, 1904, p. i,^.) PP BAILEY, H. T. Colored covers. (Di The Printing Art, Vol. 7, 1906, pp. 313-318-) I'P BAILEY, J. B. The library of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. 8vo. London, 1889. 22335 BAILEY, N. An universal, etymological English dictionary. Svo. London, 1721. 15709 BAILEY, W. H. Outside the class-room : thoughts for young engineers. 8vo. Manchester, 1891. 1180 BAILLET, A. Jugcmens dcs principaux imprimeurs qui se sont signales par leur savoir, par leur tidelite, par leur exactitude et par leur disinteressement, qui sont les quatre principales qualities necessaires pour les bonnes impressions des livres. {In his Jugcmens des savans, 1722, I'o/. i, pp. 343-400.) 6155 BAILLET, A. Jugemens des savans sur les principaux ouv- rages des auteurs, revus, corriges and augmentcs. 7 vols. 4to. Paris, 1722. 6155 BAILLEUL, A. Petite dissertation" sur un monument typo- graphique, qui ferait remonter I'origine de la decouverte de riinprimerie h 1414. 8vo. [Paris, 1817.] 12626 BAINE, J. See Reid, J. BAIRD cS.- TATLOCK. Price hst of chemical apparatus, chemicals and reagents. Svo. London, 1910. ii993 BAIRD, R. II. H. Sec Ulster Association. BAIRI), W. ik Ci., Ltd. Photo-engraving. [Specimens.] Svo. Belfast, 1904. 4628 BAIRU, W. &• G., Ltd. Jubilee, 1861-1911. i6mo. Belfast, 1911. 15449 BAKER, A. and JENNISON, J. The bleaching of chemical pulp and suggestions for a standard method. {In World's Paper Trade Review, Vol. 61, 1914, pp. 916-920, 970-971, 1046-1048.) PP BAKER, D. Publicity harmonics. {In Graphic Arts and Crafts Year Book, Vol. i, 1907, pp. 319-323.) PP BAKER, D. Four-plate photo colour reproductions. {hi Graphic Arts and Crafts Year Book, T'o/. 2, 1908, pp. 47-48.) PP BAKER, E. A. French fiction in public libraries. {In Library World, Vol. 2, 1899-1900, pp. 6S-70, 79-Si.) PP 43 BAKER, E. A. Text-books, elementary and other. {In Library World, Vol. i, 1898-99, pp. 90-92.) PP BAKER, E. A. Compilation of a complete card catalogue from old printed catalogues. {In Library World, Vol. 1, 1898-99, pp. 141-142.) PP BAKER, E. A. Classification of fiction. {In Library World, Vol. I, 1898-99, pp. 198-200, 216-220.) PP BAKER, E. A. Arrangement of periodicals. {In Library World, Vol. 2, 1899-1900, pp. 9-1 1.) PP BAIvER, E. A. Classification of fiction. {In Library World, Vol. 2, 1899-1900, pp. 177-182.) PP BAKER, E. A. A librarian's diversions. {In Library World, Vol. 2, 1899-1900, pp. 201-203.) PP BAKER, E. A. Local library associations. {In Library World, Vol. 2, 1899-1900, pp. 148-150.) PP BAKER, E. A. Ordnance maps : a select list. {In Library World, Vol. 4, 1901-02, pp. 144-147.) PP BAKER, E. A. Book annotation in America. {In Library World, Vol. 4, 1901-02, pp. 198-201, 235-239, 253-255.) PP BAKER, E. A. The literary training of the public librarian. {In Library Assistant, Vol. 5, 1905-07, pp. 312-315.) PP BAKER, E. A. Book selection : fundamental principles and some applications. {In Library Association Record, Vol. 13, 1911, pp. 17-29.) PP BAKER, E. E. A contribution to the bibliography of Weston- super-Mare. i2mo. \'\'eston-super-Mare, 1887. 2308 BAKER, E. E. A few notes on a selected portion of the Halliwell-Phillipps library. 8vo. Weston-super-Mare, 1889. 1 1 008 BAKER, E. E. A few notes on a selected portion of the Halliwell-Phillipps library. 2nd ed. 8vo. Weston-super-Mare, 1889. 1 1009 BAKER, H. The well spring of sciences. i2mo. London, 1659. 5425 BAKER, H. L. Do you take any real money out of your business? How much cash did you actually take out of your business and permanently invest to replace your own depreciation? The Typothetae Cost System will point the way. i2mo. London, 1910. 13363 BAKER, J. Baker's white letter direct etching and embossing processes. 8vo. [Birmingham, 1898.] 3051 44 BAKER, J. H. The sources of the Mississippi. Their dis- coveries, real and pretended. A report, by Hon. James H. Baker, read before the Minnesota Historical Society, February 8, 1887. (Minnesota Historical Collection, Vol. 6, part i.) Svo. Saint Paul, Minn., 1887. 23241 BAKER, T. T. Three plates and one in colour photography : a comparison. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 9, 1903-04, pp. 28-30.) PP BAKER, T. T. Notes on a new and ideal dye for sensitizing plates. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 10, 1904-05, pp. 53- 56.) PP BAKER, T. T. The ideal plate for orthochromatic and three- colour work. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-06, pp. 17-18.) PP BAKER, T. T. The orthochromatic plate and screen in pro- cess work. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-07, pp. 119-120.) PP BAKER, T. T. High speed rotary intaglio printing. (In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-14, pp. 55-56.) PP BAKER, W. Peregrinations of the mind. New ed., to which is prefixed a biographic memoir of the author [a printer]. 8vo. London, 181 1. 20392 BAKER, W. H. A dictionary of engraving (particularly of the modern commercial processes), together with terms used in related branches as electrotyping, lithography, advertising, printing, art, photography, etc. — idiomatic and technical. 24mo. Cleveland, 1908. 11224 BAKER, W. S. The origin and antiquity of engraving : with some remarks on the utility and pleasures of prints. Svo. Phil- adelphia, 1872. 937 BAKER, W. S. William Sharp, engraver : with a descriptive catalogue of his works. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1875. 743^ BAKKER, W. A. P. F. L. Een woord in het geding Haar- lem-Mainz. 8vo. Haarlem, 1889. 22904 BALBI, A. Essai statistique sur les biblioth^ques de Vienne precede de la statistique de la biblioth^que imperiale comparee aux plus grands etablissemens de ce genre anciens et modernes et suivi d'un appendice. 8vo. Vienne, 1835. 14278 BALDWIN, J. The book-lover. A guide to the best reading. 4th ed. 8vo. Chicago, 1886. 20388 BALE, E. Mr. Timothy Cole and American wood-engraving. (In The Magazine of Art, Feb. 1893, pp. 138-139.) 6780 BALE, E. Colour printing. The three colour process. (In Cassell's Popular Science, pt. i, Jan. 1903.) 3249 45 BALE, M. P. How to manage a steam-engine : a handbook for all who use steam. 8vo. London [1883J. 2971 BALFOUR, J. H. The plants of the Bible. Trees and shrubs. [With coloured plates engraved on steel and transferred to stone. J 8vo. London, 1857. 10258 BALHORN, J. See Kopp, A. BALL, W. A brief treatise concerning the regulating of print- ing. Humbly presented to the Parliament of England. i2mo. London, 165 1. 21 150 BALLAGI, A. A Magyar nyomdaszat tort^nelmi fejl6d6se, 1472-1877. 8vo. Budapest, 1878. 7324 BALLANTYNE, HANSON & CO. The history of the Ballan- tyne Press and its connection with Sir W. Scott. 4to. [Edin- burgh, 1871.] 20520 BALLANTYNE, HANSON & CO. The Ballantyne Press and its founders, 1796-1908. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1909. 11576 BALLANTYNE PRESS. Refutation of the misstatements and calumnies in Mr. Lockhart's Life of Sir W. Scott, respecting the Messrs. Ballantyne. 3rd ed. 8vo. London, 1838. 21612 BALLANTYNE PRESS. See Lockhart, J. G; Edinburgh: Exhibition 1886. B ALLEN, D. Library schools in the United States. [In Library Assistant, Vol. 10, 1913, pp. 147-154.) PP BALLHORN, F. Alphabete orientalischer und occidenta- lischer Sprachen zum Gebrauch fiir Schriftsetzer und Correctoren. 5te. Auflage. 8vo. Leipzig, 1852. 17202 BALLHORN, F. Alphabete orientalischer und occidenta- lischer Sprachen. i4ter. Auflage. 8vo. Wiirzburg, 1906. 11631 BALLINGER, J. Admission to public libraries in Great Britain. (In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 2, 1889, pp. 210-217.) PP BALLINGER, J. The public libraries and the schools : an experiment. 8vo. [London, 1897.] 81 15 BALLINGER, J. Some Welsh literary curiosities. 8vo. [? Cardiff, 1900.] 2841 BALLINGER, J. The Library Association at Leeds. [In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 4, 1903, pp. 411-423.) PP BALLINGER, J. The Trevecca press. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 6, 1905, pp. 225-250.) PP BALLINGER, J. The Library Association at Cambridge. [In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 6, 1905, pp. 428-437.) PP BALLINGER, J. Shakespeare and the municipal libraries. {In The Library [N.S.J, Vol. 7, 1906, pp. 181-191.) PP 46 BALLINGER, J. Richard Garnett. (In The Library [N.S.j, Vol. 7, 1906, pp. 233-236.) PP BALLINGER, J. The Bible in Wales. A study in the history of the Welsh people, with an introductory address and a biblio- graphy. 8vo. London, 1906. 8405 BALLINGER, J. The Library Association at Glasgow. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 8, 1907, pp. 421-436.) PP BALLINGER, J. A municipal library and its public. [The news room ; the children ; lending- libraries and branches ; the reference library; lectures and exhibitions.] (In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 9, 1908, pp. 66-79, 173-185, 309-322, 353-368 and Vol. 10, 1909, pp. 188-200.) PP BALLINGER, J. The National Library of Wales. (In The Library [3rd S.], Vol. i, 1910, pp. 1 13-143, 276-288.) PP BALLINGER, J. The National Library of Wales in relation to other libraries and institutions. An address delivered at a meeting of the Welsh Bibliographical Society held at Colwyn Bay during the National Eisteddfod, September, 1910. 8vo. Abery- stwith, 191 1. 15487 BALLINGER, J. See Cardiff Free Libraries. BALLNER, F. Ueber die Desinfektion von Biichern Druch- sachen u. dgl. mittels feuchter heisser Luft. 8vo. Leipzig, 1907. 8751 BALMER, H. C. Bellevue sketches and others. 4to. Chic- ago, 1901. 9150 BALTES, F. W. The cost of printing. A system in practical operation with forms and books especially adapted to large and small printing concerns. Obi. 8vo. Portland, 1894. 999 BALTES, F. W. Prices for printing. i6mo. Portland, 1908. 16281 BALTIMORE : Enoch Pratt Free Library, ist. etc., annual report . . . 1886-87, etc. 8vo. Baltimore, 1887, etc. 9015 BALUSCHEK, H. See Esswein, H. BALZAC, H. de See Hanotaux, G. , and Vicaire, G. BAMBOURZELBERG, B. [pseud.]. The case of St. Winefred open'd. 8vo. London, 1713. 21288(1) BAMFORD, J. Essays on subjects of mechanism and liter- ature. 8vo. London, 1838. 7616 BAMFORD, J. On the origin, mechanism and moral effects of the art of printing. (In his Essays, 1838.) 7616 BANCROFT, H. H. Literary industries : a memoir. 8vo. New York, 1891. 15422 BANDELLO. The goodly history of the true and constant love between Rhomeo and Julietta. 8vo. Monadnock, 1903. 7^79 47 BANDINl, A. M. De Florentina Juntarum typographia. 2 pts. 8vo. Lucae, 1791. 20037 BANDINl, A. M. La Stamperia Mediceo-Orientale : fram- mento di una memoria in parte inedita del A. M. B. [Edited by G. Palag-i.] i6mo. Firenze, 1878. 4479 BiVNDTKIE, J. S. Historya drukarn krakowskich. i2mo. Krakowie, 1815. 21846 BANDTKIE, J. vS. Historya drukarn w krolestwie polskiem i wielkiem xiestwie litewskiem jako i w kraiach zagranicznych, w ktorych polskie dziela wychodzily. 5 vols. i2rno. Krakowie, 1826. ' 21847 BANK OF ENGLAND. Bank of England notes : how they are made. [In The Review of Reviews, Vol. 10, Aug. 1894, p. 1 53-) 6794 BANKES, R. See Plomer, H. R. BANKING : how to make it safe and profitable ; including a report to the Board of Trade, on the Life Assurance Companies of the United Kingdom ; and an essay on middle-class education, for elevating commercial morality. 8vo. London, [1858]. 14690 (3) BANKS, G. W. Essay on the labour question. 8vo. London, i8gi. 14620 BANKS, J. Nugae. 8vo. London, 1854. 10637 BANNAN, J. Modern ink-making. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 17, 1896, pp. 47, 399; Vol. 18, 1896-7, p. 151.) PP BANNISTER, J. T. Pictorial geography of the Holy Land. [With coloured typographical borders.] 8vo. Bath [c. 1850]. 9236 BANQUET. Le banquet du boys. [Facsimile reprint.] 8vo. [Paris, c. 1850.] 17188 BAPTISTA MANTUANUS. Opera. 8vo. Paris, 1507. 6063 BAR, M. L 'organisation et Taction syndicales dans la typo- graphic frangaise. Patrons — ouvriers. 8vo. Paris, 1907. 10178 BARA ET GERARD. [Type Specimen.] 8vo. [Paris, c. 1840.] 5716 BARABANDY. See Caslon, H. W. & Co. BARACK, K. A. See Heitz, P. BARBARUS, H. Oratio ad Federicum. 410. [Venezia, c. 1486.J 21379 BARBAULD, A. L. See Richardson, S. BARBER, J. The character, life, and actions of John Barber, Esq., the present Lord Mayor of London [and printer]. S. sh. fol. London [c. 1732]. 22305 BARBER, J. The life and character of John Barber, late Lord Mayor of London. 8vo. London, 1741. 21233 (i) 48 BARBER, J. An impartial history of the life, etc., of John Barber, City printer and Lord Mayor of London. 8vo. London, 1741. 21233(2) BARBER, J. See Sedgwick, R. BARBERA, G. Annali bibliografici e catalogo ragionato delle edizioni di Barbera, Bianchi e Co., e di G. Barbara con elenco di libri, opuscoli e periodici stampati per commissione, 1854-1880. 4to. Firenze, 1904. 454° BARBERA, P. Le feste del IV. centenario Cenniniano. — Bernardo Cennini e il suo tempo, discorso di A. Bertolotto. — Un pensiero alia stampa, discorso del Prof. C. Fontanelli. Svo. Firenze, 1871. 1516S BARBERA, P. Autori e editori. Lettura. Svo. Firenze,^ 1897. 13304 BARBERA, P. La stampa e il risorgimento Italiano. 8vo- Firenze, 1901. 13305 BARBERA, P. I progressi della meccanica tipografica. i2mo. Milano, 1902. 4522 BARBERA, P. Editore e autori. Studi e passatempi di un libraio. Svo. Firenze, 1904. 13306 BARBERA, P. Le livre en Italie. Conference. (Brussels : Musee du Livre : Publications No. 9.) Svo. Bruxelles, 1907. 6641 BARBERA, P. Anacronismi. (In Annuario Italiano delle Arti Grafiche, Ann. 10, 191 1.) PP BARBEROT, E. Precedes d'autographie industrielle et artis- tique. Svo. Paris, 1887. 43 BARBIER, A. A. Anecdote bibliographique. Svo. [Paris, Ann. 10, 1801.] -2596 BARBIER, A. A. Recueil des lettres de Mme. de Sevigne. [A review of the iSoi ed.J Svo. [Paris, 1801.] 22597 BARBIER, A. A. Dictionnaire des ouvrages anonymes. 3e. edition. 4 vols. Svo. Paris, 1S72-79. 15S67 BARBOT, de. Extrait du Cahier d'Epreuves. 6 sheets. Svo. and 4to. Paris [c. 1850]. 10705 BARBOUR, J. See Bradshaw, H. BARBUO SONCINO, S. Sommario delle vite de'duchi di Milano, cosi Visconti, come Sforzeschi. Fol. Vinetia, 1584. 10640 BARCELONA : Institute Catalan de las Artes del Libro. Almanaque para el ano 1912. Svo. Barcelona [191 1]. 15665 BARCLAY, A., trans. See Brandt, S. 49 4 BARCLAY, E. J. The Linotype operator's companion : a treatise on how to operate and care for the Linotype machine. Also contains a list of patents issued on type-setting, distributing- and matrix-making machines, 1841-1898. i2mo. Cincinnati, 1898. 1290 BARCLAY, G. The first steps in electrotype. i6mo. London, 1841. 23492 BARCLAY, J. Argenis. i6mo. Lugd. Batav., 1630. 5474 BARCLAY, J. M. G. See Dickson, W. K. BARCLAY, R. An apology for the people called Quakers. 8vo. London, 1736. 4664 BARCLAY, R. An apology for the true Christian divinity : being an explanation and vindication of the principles and doc- trines of the people called Quakers. . . . The 8th edition in English. 8vo. London, 1780. 8747 BARCLAY, R. Specification. Punches for stamping the matrices of printing type, dies, etc. 1790 No. 1766. 8vo. Lon- don, 1856. 20560 (5) BARDZO latwe rozmowy dla chcacych sie uczyc Polskiego y Francuskiego Jezyka. Tr^s-faciles dialogues pour ceux qui apprennent les langues Polonoise et Fran9oise. i2mo. Wars- zawie, 1780. 7662 BARKER, C. See Tedder, H. R. BARKER, T. Forty lithographic impressions from drawings by T. B. Fol. Bath, 1813. 10397 BARKER, T. Thirty-two lithographic impressions from pen drawings of landscape scenery. Fol. Bath, 1814. 10398 BARLOW, F. A sett of prints of hunting, hawking and fish- ing. Obi. 4to. [London, c. 1700.] 21057 (2) BARLOW, G. S. Hints and suggestions in the practice of machine photogravure. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 40, 1907-08, pp. 561-562.) _ PP BARLOW, H. Smoking in public libraries. [In Library Assistant, Vol. 5, 1905-07, pp. 105-106.) PP BARLOW, H. The future of the catalogue. {In Library Assistant, Vol. 5, 1905-07, pp. 239-243.) PP BARLOW, H. M. The Medical Library Association : a few observations. {In Library Association Record, Vol. 12, 1910, pp. 174-189.) PP BARNARD, G. The theory and practice of landscape painting in water-colours. [The illustrations by Leighton Bros, chromatic process.] 8vo. London, 1855. 10500 BARNARD, J. Catalogue of the collection of prints and books of prints, which will be sold, etc. 8vo. London, 1798. 13848 50 BARNBOUGLE CASTLE. Catalogue of the library at Barn- boug-le Castle. 4to. Edinburgh, 1885. 10832 BARNES, H. Printers' engineering. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 39, 1907, pp. 703-704.) PP BARNES, W. C, DUGUID, A. & McCANN, J. W. A col- lation of facts relative to fast typesetting, together with portraits and biographies. Svo. New York, 1887. 21624 [BARNETT, F.J Sixty years' progress in the printers' art. Newspaper machinery. (In The Colonist and Exporter, June 15, 1897.) ' 3181 BARNETT, G. E. The printers : a study in American trade unionism. (American Economic Association Quarterly, 3rd ser., Vol. 10, No. 3.) 8vo. Cambridge, Mass., 1909. 11 709 BARNHART Bros. & SPINDLER. Pony specimen book. Svo. Chicago, 1880. 11958 BARNHART Bros. & SPINDLER. Gt. Western Type Foundry. Specimens of printing types, etc. 4to. Chicago [1883]. 6336 BARNHART Bros. & SPINDLER. Superior copper-mixed type. Barnhart's big blue book. 4to. Chicago [c. 1890]. 554 BARNHART Bros. & SPINDLER. Gt. Western Type Foundry. Pony specimen book. 8vo. Chicago [c. 1897]. 1024 BARNHART Bros. & SPINDLER. Specimen book of type. 4to, Chicago [1900J. 2297 BARNHART Bros. & SPINDLER. Plymouth type impres- sions. 8vo. Chicago [c. 1900]. 344° BARNHART Bros. & SPINDLER. Paragon series. 4to. Chicago [1901]. 2457 BARNHART Bros. & SPINDLER. Catchy heads. Obi. 4to. Chicago [1901]. 3449 BARNHART Bros. & SPINDLER. Abridged specimen booklet. Printing types. 4to. [Chicago, 1901.] 2456 BARNICOTT & PEARCE. The master craftsman : a booklet descriptive of the Wessex Press. 4to. Taunton, 1913. 17853 BARR, A. L. Linotype metal. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 14, 1894-95, PP- 228-9.) ' PP BARR, A. L. The stereotype molding machine. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 14, 1894-5, p. 32.) PP BARR, A. L. Stereotype molds. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 15, 1895, p. 267-68.) PP BARR, J. The library and the assistant : staff organization. (In Library World, FoZ. 13, 1910-1, pp. 4-9.) PP 51 BARRAL, Comte de. Opinion sur le projet de loi relatif k la liberte de la presse. Speech on the Bill relating- to the liberty of the press. Svo. [Paris, 1814.] 23399 BARRETT, F. T. Richard Garnett. [In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 7, 1906, pp. 241-242.) PP BARROIS, J. Bibliotheque protypographique, ou librairies des fils du Roi Jean. 4to. Paris, 1830. 20146 BARRON, P. F. An Irish primer. 3 pts. i6mo. Dublin [c. 1850]. 5229 BARTH, G. Das Konig-lich Sachische Pressgesetz vom 24, Marz, 1870. 8vo. Leipzig-, 1870. 20968 BARTH, H. BedeutLing- und Herstellung- eines Schweizer- ischen Gesamtkatalog^es. Svo. Zurich, 1907. 12638 BARTH, H. Reisefiihrer auf den neuen osterreich. Alpen- bahnen Karavankenbahn. 8vo. Wien, 1907. ^ 15004 . BARTH, H. Reisefiihrer auf den neuen osterreich. Alpen- bahnen Aszling--G6rz-Triest. Svo. Wien, 1908. 15005 BARTH, J. A. Pacis annis 1S14 et 1S15 foederatis armis restitutae monumentum orbis terrarum de fortuna reduce g^audia gentium Unguis interpretans principibus piis felicibus augustis populisque victoribus liberatoribus liberatis dicatum. Fol. Wratislaviae [iSiS]. 6519 BARTH, M. Hodoeporium. Svo. Lipsiae, 1563. 6038(13) [BARTHELEMY ( ) and MERY ( ).] Epitre a M. Saintine qui a bien voulu se charger de revoir les ^preuves d'un de nos ouvrages. Svo. Paris, 1S30. 20715 BARTHOLOMEW, A. T. Richard Bentley, D.D. A biblio- graphy of his works and of all the literature called forth by his acts or his writings. With an introduction and chronological table by J. W. Clark. 410. Cambridge, 190S. 105 15 BARTHOLOMEW, A. T. and GORDON, C. On the library at King Edward VL School, Bury St. Edmunds. {In The Library [3rd S.], Vol. I, 1910, pp. 1-27; 329-331-) PP BARTLETT & CO. A modern triumvirate. [An advertising booklet]. Svo. [New York, 1S91.] 2966 BARTLETT, E. C. Book leathers. [In Hitchcock, F. H. : The building of a book, 1906, pp. 234-236.) 8S24 BARTLETT, H. C. The mirror for magistrates. {In The Library [3rd S.], Vol. 3, 1912, /)/)_ 22-32.) - PP BARTLEY, G. C. ^T. Toys. (JniBevan, G. P. British manu- facturing indiistries, 1876.) Svo. 20360 BARTOLINI, a. Saggio epistolare sopra la tipografia del Friuli nel secolo 15. Aggiuntavi una lettera tipografica del Abate J. Morelli. Fol. Udine, 1797. . 21787 BARTOLOZZI, F. See Tuer, A. W. BARTON COLLECTION. See Boston : Public Library. BARUFFALDI, G. Delia tipografia Ferrarese deH'anno 1471 al 1500. 8vo. Ferrara, 1777. 7014 BARWICK, G. F. The Lutheran press at Wittenberg. {In Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. 3, 1895.) 56 Bx\R\\TCK, G. F. The laws regulating printing and publish- ing in Spain. (In Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. 4, 1898.) 56 BARWICK, G. F. Books printed at sea. {In The Library [N.S.J, Vol. I, 1900, pp. 163-166.) PP BARWICK, G. F. A book bound for Mary, Queen of Scots. (Bibliographical Society : Illustrated monographs. No. 9.) 4to. London, 1901. 2350 BARWICK, G. F. Humfrey Wanley and the Harleian Library. {In The Library [N.S.J, Vol. 3, 1902, pp. 24-35; 243-255.) PP BARWICK, G. F. Notes from the first French translation of " The Vicar of Wakefield." {In The Library [N.S.J, Vol. 5, 1904, pp. 134-139.) PP BARWTCK, G. F. Some early guide books. {In Bibho- graphical Society : Transactions, Vol. 7, 1904.) 56 BARWICK, G. F. A day's work in the Reading Room of the British Museum. {In The Library [N. S.J, Vol. 6, 1905, pp. 304- 308.) PP BARWICK, G. F. Impresas. {In The Library [N.S.J, Vol. 7, 1906, pp. 140-148.) PP BARWICK, G. F. Recent English Literature in Spain. [In The Library [N.S.J, Vol. 8, 1907, pp. 275-279.) PP BARWICK, G. F. The formation of the Harleian Library : further notes. {In The Library [3rd S.J, Vol. i, 1910, pp. 166- 171.) PP BARWICK, G. F. Corantos. {In The Library [3rd S.J, Vol. 4, 1913. PP- 113-121.) PP BASCHET, A. See Aldus Manutius, P. BASFORD, H. M. How to estimate on printing. 8vo. New- York, 1913. 17257 BASIL, Saint. De laude solitarie vite. 8vo. Parisiis [c. 1505J. 21260 (i) BASILE, A. See Desormes, E., and Basile, A. BASILE, A. Notions dementaires de mathematiques appli- quees a la typographic. 8vo. Paris [1904J. 4447 BASKERVILLE CLUB. No. i Handlist. 4to. Cambridge, ^9°4. 4539 53 BASKERXILLE, J. John Baskerville. (in The Bookworm, iSSS.) 22410 BASKERVILLE, J. See Dent, R. K. ; Reed, T. B. ; Straus, R., and Dent, R. K. ; Timmins, S. BASKERXYLE and Clegg of Old Withington. [Pedigree.] 4to. [London? c. 1900.] 23340 BASKE r. The basket of flowers. With coloured illustrations [printed by E. EvansJ. 8vo. London [c. 1869J. 17185 BASKETT, J. A previous view of the case between John Baskett, one of His Majesty's printers, plaintiff, and Henry Parson, stationer, defendant. 4to. Edinburgh, 1720. 14109 BASSETT, J. Eminent living printers. No. i- — Mr. John Bellows, London, etc. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 7, 1889-90, pp. 225. 345> 409, 638, 698, 792, 877, 1091.) PP BAST, A. de. L'imprimerie. (In his Merveilles du genie de I'homme, 1865.) 8vo. 22443 BAST, A. de. Les lettres alphabetiques. (In his Merveilles du genie de I'homme, 1865.) 8vo. 22443 BASTELAER, R. v. Les estampes de Peter Bruegel I'ancien. 4to. Bruxelles, 1908. 12415 BATCH ELDER, C. F. Electrical picture-making. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 15, 1895, pp. 167-8.) PP BATCHELDER, E. A. A course in the principles of design. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 29, 1902, pp. 381, 559, 729, 892; Vol. 30, 1902-3, pp. 45, 188, 347, 541, 694, 861; Vol. 31, 1903, pp. 221, 380, 527, 705, 842; Vol. 32, 1903-4, p. 37.) PP BATCHELDER, E. A. The principles of design. 8vo. Chicago, 1904. 7216 BATCH ELOR, H. C. Francis Bacon wrote Shakespeare. 8vo. London, 1910. 13662 BATEMAN, S. M. The Wharf edale machine. (In The Brit, and Col. Printer, Vol. 31, 1893, pp. 180, 237.) PP BATEMAN, S. M. The machine department. (In The Brit, and Col. Printer, Vol. 44, Nov. 10, 1898, pp. 273-275.) PP BATEMAN, S. M. The printing and kindred trades. {In The Brit, and Col. Printer, Vol. 47, Sept. 13, 1900, pp. 129-131.) PP BATEMAN, S. M. Trade associations and trade disputes. 8vo. London, 1906. 8220 BATEMAN, S. M. The Printers' Managers and Overseers Association: its past and its future. 8vo. London [191 1]. 16022 BATES, E, M. See Moore, G. A. 54 BATES, S. T. The Werner Co. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 14, 1894-5, PP- 248-251.) PP BATES, \\\ J. The enclosed arc. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-11, p. 24.) PP BATESON, R., & CO. Artistic double-fold cover papers. 8vo. London [c. igoo]. 16371 BATEY, J. Engineering and printing. {In The Brit, and Col. Printer, Vol. 8, Sept. 7, 1882, p. 1.) PP BATH, ORDER OF. Ceremonial for the installation of the Knights Companions, June i, 1812. Fol. London, 1812. 5760 (5) BATLEY : Technical School. Prospectus and Year Book, Session 1910-11. 8vo. Batley, 191 1. 15071 BATSFORD, B. T. Building books. Notes on a famous publishing house. [B. T. B.] {In The lUus. Carpenter and Builder, July 13, 1906.) 7700 BATSFORD, H. Some suggestions on the formation of a small library of reference books on ornament and the decorative arts. Svo. [London, 1897.] 8079 BATSON & CO. [Mounted collection of specimens of print- ing.] 4to. [Sydney, c. 1893.] 988 BATTAGLINI, A. Dissertazione accademica sul commercio degli antichi e moderni libraj. 8vo. Roma, 1787. 357i BATTERSEA POLYTECHNIC. Prospectus of evening and afternoon classes, Session 1903-04, etc. 4to. London, 1903, etc. 7454 BATTERSEA : Public Libraries. Tenth, etc., annual report, 1896-7, etc. 8vo. London, 1897, etc. 8958 BAUDET, P. J. H. Leven en werken van Willem Jansz. Blaeu. 8vo. Utrecht, 1871. 20896 [BAUDIER, M.] The history of the Grand Seigneurs. Trans, by E. Grimstone. 4to. London, 1635. 21312 B[AUDILOQUE], E. Catalogue des livres de la biblioth^que de M. E. B. 8vo. Paris, 1850. 17222 BAUDISCH, O. Ueber das chemische Verhalten anorgan- ischer, stickstoffhaltiger Pflanzennahrungsstoffe gegeniiber dem Sonnenlicht. {In Jahrbuch fiir Photographic und Reproduktions- technik, 1913, pp. 46-51.) PP BAUDOIN, J. Les saintes metamorphoses. 4to. Paris, 1644. 5663 BAUDRIER, H. T. Bibliographic Lyonnaise. Recherches sur les imprimeurs, libraires, relieurs et fondeurs de lettres de Lyon au i6e. si^cle. Publiees et continuees par J. Baudrier. Vol. I — 1895, etc. 8vo. Lyon, 1895, etc. 2693 55 BAUDRIER, J., ed. See Baudrier, H. T. HAUER'SCHE GIESSEREI. Fortsetzungsheft. No. 6. Fol. Frankfurt a/m., 1879. 17176 BAUER'SCHE GIESSEREI. [Type specimen book.] 4to. Frankfurt a/m. [c. 1880]. 6378 BAUER'SCHE GIESSEREI. Schrift proben. 8vo. Frank- furt a/m. [1885]. 6468 BAUER'SCHE GIESSEREI. [Supplement to specimen book.] 4to. Frankfurt a/m., 1887. 6448 BAUER & CIE. Gesamt-Probe. 8vo. Stuttgart [c. 1889]. 10830 BAUER, C. Handbuch der Buchbinderei. Fine leichtfassliche Anleitung zur Herstellung samtlicher Buchbinderarbeiten in voll- stiindiger Neubearbeitung herausgegeben von A. Franke. 8te. Auflage. 8vo. Leipzig, 1903. 3261 BAUER, E. C. Primitiae typographicae Spirensis, oder Nachrichten von der erster und beriihmten drachischen Buch- druckercy in der Reichs Stadt Speyer. i2mo. Speyer, 1764. 20102 BAUER, F. Liederhort der deutschen Buchdrucker. Prologe, Lieder und andere Poesien fiir Buchdrucker-feste. i2mo. Ham- burg, 1901. 3389 BAUER, F. Handbuch fiir Schriftsetzer. 8vo. Frank- furt a/m., 1904. 7-93 BAUER, F. Handbuch fiir Schriftsetzer. Zweite neu bear- beitete Auflage. Svo. Frankfurt a/m., 1905. 11530 BAUER, F. Die Einfiihrung einer einheitlichen Schrifthohe. {In Klimschs Jahrbuch, Vol. 12, 1912, pp. 40-48.) PP BAUER, F. Schriften-Chronik (In Klimschs Jahrbuch, Vol. 12, 1912, pp. 2ys-277-) PP BAUER, F. See Waldow, A. BAUMANN, G. Carmen secularia de typographia, cura G. Baumanni excusa. (In Wolf J. C. Monumenta typographica, I., 1740.) 5282 BAUMGARTEN-CRUSIUS, L. F. O. Festrede bei der aka- demischen Secularfeier von der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst zu Jena an 23 Juni, 1840. 8vo. Jena [1840]. 20707 BAUSA, V. Origines de la fonderie typographique et des machines k fondre. Svo. Paris, 1893. 10649 BAUTZ, J. B. B, Die Lithographic in ihrem ganzen Umfange. 2te. Auflage. Svo. Augsburg, 1836. 12 186 BAUWENS, M. , and others. Les affiches etrang^res illustrees. 4to. Paris, 1897. 562 56 BAVARIA. Der Konigl. Bayer. Central-Schulbiicherverlag und der Buchhandel in Bayern. Eine Denkschrift. 8vo. Bayern, 1S39. 1 1665 BAWTREE, A. E. Electro deposited steel. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 83-84. j PP BAWTREE, A. E. A new metallizing- process for electro- typing, (hi Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-09, pp. S9-91.) PP BAWTREE, A. E. A process shop for the small firm. [In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 15, 1909-10, pp. 191-192.) PP BAWTREE, A. E. A small electrotyping installation. [In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-11, pp. 67-68.) PP BAWTREE, A. E. The reproduction of steel plate engravings. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 1911-12, pp. 57-61.) PP BAWTREE, A. E. A short history of bank-note security printing. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-13, pp. 81-87.) PP BAWTREE, A. E. A revolution in bank-note engraving. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-14, pp. 169-174.) PP BAXTER, G. [.\ collection of articles and letters on Baxter- types.] (In The I3azaar, The Exchange and Mart, Feb. -Nov., 1899.) Fol. [London, 1899.] 3916 BAXTER, G. See Bullock, C. F. ; Cecil, L. ; Colebrook, F. ; Holman, G. ; Lewis, C. T. C. ; Seeley, F. W. ; Yoxali, J. H. BAXTER, R. [The saints' everlasting rest.] 4to. [London? c- 1640.] 5535 BAXTER, R. W. Lithographic artists' work. {In Paris: Exhibition 1889: Reports of artisans, 1889.) 4594 BAXTER, S. The nuisances of advertising, with pictorial suggestions of better methods. (In The Century, Vol. 73, Jan. 1907, pp. 419-430.) 8296 BAYET, M. Opinion sur le projet de loi relatif aux journaux. 8vo. [Paris, 1814.] 23400 BAYLE, G. La question de I'imprimerie a Avignon en 1444 et 1446. 8vo. Nimes, 1900. 12189 BAYLEY, E. The Borough Polytechnic Institute, its origin and development. With an introduction by S. Webb. 4to. London, 1910. 13182 BAYLEY, F. W. N. The new tale of a tub. [Lithographs.] i2mo. London, 1847. 970.3 BAYLEY, F. W. N. The new tale of a tubb, an adventure in verse. 8vo. London [c. 1890]. 17067 BAYLEY, H. A new^ light on the Renaissance displayed in contemporary emblems. 8vo. London, 1909. 11222 57 BAYNES, \y., &: SON. General catalogue of second-hand books. Svo. London, 1821. 17480 BAYNES, W., &: SON. Bibliotheca Sclectissima : a cata- logue of books printed in the 15th century. Svo. London, 1826. 8642 BAZELEY, VV. See Hyett, F. A., and B^izeley, W. BEADLE, C. The history of paper-making. [A lecture.] {1)7 The Brit, and Col. Printer, Vul. 41, July 8, 1897, p. 19.) PP BEADLE, C. A short account of the history of paper-making. 8vo. London [1897]. 187S BEADLE, C. The recent history of paper-making. [In Society of Arts : Journal, Vol. 46, 1898, pp. 405-417.) 1242 BEADLE, C. The Dickinson Institute, Croxley Green. Lec- tures on paper manufacture. Sq. 8vo. King's Langley [1901]. 2790 BEADLE, C. Chapters on paper-making. Vols. 1-5. 12 mo. London, 1905-08. 7554 BEADLE, C. The development of watermarking in hand-made and machine-made papers. {In Society of Arts : Journal, T'oZ. 54, 1906, pp. 683-700.) 7565 BEADLE, C, and STEVENS, H. P. The nature of the non- absorbent zones made by ink blots on blotting-paper. Svo. London, 1907. 9960 BEADLE, C, and STEVENS, H. P. Hand-made papers of different periods. {In Society of Arts : Journal, Vol. 57, 1909, pp. 293-304.) 10745 BEADLE, C. and STEVENS, H. P. Hedychium Coronarium papers. {In World's Paper Trade Review, Vol. 61, 1914, pp. 1053-1054-) PP BEADLE, C. See Cross, C. F., and others. BEADNELL, H. The first part of the guide to typography, literary and practical. Svo. London, 1859. 44 BEADNELL, H. A guide to typography. 2 vols, in one. Svo. London [1859-61]. 2300 BEADNELL, H. A key to one of the main difficulties of English orthography, being an alphabetical collection of words resembling others in sound. i2mo. London, 1867. 3184 BEADNELL, H. Spelling and punctuation : a manual for authors, students and printers. Svo. London [1880]. 3081 BEADNELL, H. Spelling and punctuation : a manual for authors, students and printers. 5th ed. Svo. London [c. 1890]. 45 BEAR GIFT PRESSMEN'S SOCIETY. Rules. 24mo. London [c. 1S70]. 7269 58 BEARDSLEY, A. The art of the hoarding. III. {In The New Review, Vol. ii July, 1894, pp. 53-55-) 6796 BEARDSLEY, A. See Esswein, H. BEATTIE, J. The minstrel. 8vo. London, 1817. 4050 BEATTY-KINGSTON, W. A journalist's jottings. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1890. 99^4 BEAUCHAMPS, J. de and ROUVEYRE, E. Guide du lib- raire-antiquaire et du bibliophile. 12 pts. 8vo. Paris, 1882-85. 6292 BEAUCLERK, T. Bibliotheca Beauclerkiana. A catalogue of the library of T. Beauclerk. Svo. London, 1781. 14633 BEAUDOIRE & CIE. Fonderie generate de caract^res fran- 9ais et etrangers. [Specimen book.] Obi. 8vo. Paris [c. 1890]. 11145 BEAUDOIRE, T. Methode pour la fonte et I'entretien des rouleaux typographiques. 8vo. Paris [c. 1888]. 2241 1 BEAUMARCHAIS, P. A. de. La foUe journee. i2mo. [? Kehl], 1785. 5615 BEAUMONT, A. D. de. See Demeure de Beaumont, A. BEAUMONT, F. Report prepared by order of the Council of Education on the printing and paper making apparatus in the Paris Exhibition, 1867. {In The Printers' Journal, Jan. 4 to May 16, 1868.) 7940 BEAUMONT, F. See Potter, A. C. BEAUMONT, S. Le decoupage en typographic. Ses applica- tions pratiques. Procedes et specimens. Fol. [Paris, 1895.] 47 BEAUNE, H. Pierre Palliot : imprimeur, historiographe Bouguignon. 8vo. Dijon, 1888. 22461 BEAUPRE, J .N. Recherches historiques et bibliographiques sur les commencements de I'imprimerie en Lorraine et sur ses progres jusqu'a la fin du 176. si^cle. 8vo. St. Nicolas de Port, 1845. 20624 BEAUPRE, J. N. Nouvelles recherches de bibliographic Lorraine, 1500-1700. 8vo. Nancy, 1856. -i599 [BEAUREPAIRE, C. de R. de.] Recherches sur I'introduction de I'imprimerie a Rouen. 8vo. Rouen [c. i860]. 7002 BEAUTIES. The beauties of nature and art displayed. Vol. 7 — Printing, pp. 170-184. i2mo. London, 1763. 9107 BEAUVOIR, H. de. La librairie de Jean Due de Berry au Chateau de Mehun-sur-Yevre, 1416. 8vo. Paris, i860. 21369 BECHER, Dr. Katalog der Bibliothek Becher Karlsbad. 8vo. Leipzig, 1906. 8055 BECK, F. & SON. Bokbinderlfirman F. Beck & Son 1843-1893. [A history of the firm.] 8vo. Stockholm, 1893. 830 59 BECK, F. G. iM. A new Ipswich book of 154b. {hi The Library [N.S.J, I'ol. 10, 1909, pp. 86-89.) ^'^' BECK, H. van. Happy thoughts in process \vork. {hi Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, I'ul. 13, 1907-8, pp. 23-24.) PP BECK, R. See Schmidt, C. BECKER, F. P. The respectful remonstrance of Francis Paul Becker, patentee of the Omnig raph, for engraving letters, etc. , addressed to the honourable the Board of Ordnance. 8vo. Lon- don, 1849. 1 5129 BECKER, G. The cover stamps. {hi Hitchcock, F. H. : The building; of a book, 1906, pp. 220-225.) 8824 BECKER, Jl. Preisliste I. Spezial-Preisliste fiir Buchdruck- ereien, 8vo. Leipzig, 1907. ^3493 BECKER, R. Preisliste 3. Spezial-Preisliste fiir Lithograph- ische Anstalten. 8vo. Leipzig- [1907J. ^377^ BECKER, R. Preisliste 7. Schriftproben. Nar. 4to. Leipzig, 1908. 13495 BECKER, R. Messinglinienprobe. (Preisliste 7.) 8vo. Leip- zig [c. 1909]. 13494 BECKFORD, W. Catalogue of the Beckford Library, removed from Hamilton Palace. 8vo. London, 1882-83. 57^5 BECKMANN, J. A history of inventions and discoveries. Translated from the German by W. Johnston. 2nd edition, care- fully corrected and enlarg-ed by a fourth volume. 4 "^0/5. 8vo. London, 1814. 8782 BECON, T. The rehques of Rome. i2mo. London, 1563. 21243 BECON, T. The sicke mans salve. i2mo. London, 1607. 21284 BEDELL, W. The hfe of WiUiam Bedell, Bishop of Kilmore. 8vo. London, 1685. 5604 BEDELL, W. See Bible: O.T. Irish; Mason, H. J. M. BEDFORD, F. The treasury of ornamental art. Illustra- tions of objects of art and vertu. Photographed from the origin- als and drawn on stone by F. Bedford. With descriptive notices by I. C. Robinson, F.S.A. 8vo. London. 14862 BEDUVEZ, A. Christophe Plantin. i2mo. Bruxelles [c. 1870]. 23146 BEECHER, H. W. See New York : Typothetae. BEEDHAM, B. H. [Letters to W. Blades referring to the owners of Caxtons.] 2 vols. 4to. [1860-61.] 21713 20513 BEEDHAM, B. H. The unpublished correspondence between Archbishop Williams and the Marquis of Ormond. Edited with notes. 8vo. London, 1869. 23256 60 [BEEDHAM, B. H.] Lord Spencer's Library. A sketch of a v^isit to Althorp. 8vo. Northampton, 1870. 22451 BEEDHAM, B. H. A list of the reproductions of the produc- tions of the press of WiUiam Caxton. 4to. Iowa City, 1879. 22298 21433 BEEK, H. V. Deep copper etching- by electricity. {In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 6, 1900, pp. 65-67.) PP BEEK, H. V. Process work and the lantern. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 7, 1901, pp. 25-28.) PP BEET, T. Catalog-ue of books. Parts 1-23. 8vo. London, 1865-68. " ^ 17084 BEFFROL Le Beffroi : arts-heraldique-archeolog-ie. Vol. 4. Fol. Brug-es, 1872-73. " - PP BEGAT, P. Notice sur rimprimerie k Nevers. 8vo. Nevers, 1864. 7003 BEGBIE, H. See Atlay, J. B. BEHREND, F. German manuscripts of the Middle Ag-es. (In Library Association Record, Vol. 14, 1912, pp. 47-49.) PP BEHRENS, F. Der Gummidruck. Anleitung vermittelst Wasserfarben photographische Bilder herzustellen von F. B. 2te. Aufiag-e. 8vo. Berlin, 1903. 3597 BEHRENS, Professor. See Rudhard'sche Giesserei. BEKNOPT verhaal van de viering- van het vierde eeuwgetijde na de vinding- der boekdrukkunst. 8vo. Batavia, 1825. 21603 BELFAST EVENING TELEGRAPH. See Ulster Association. BELFAST : Linen Hall Library. Brief history of the Linen Hall Library on the occasion of their removal to new premises, Jan. 1892. i2mo. Belfast, 1892. 12178 BELFAST : Municipal Technical Institute. Prospectus, Ses- sion 1901-02, etc. 8vo. Belfast, 1901, etc. 8894 BELFAST : Municipal Technical Institute. School of Art. Abridgfed prospectus 1902-03. 3rd and 4th editions. 2 pts. 8vo. Belfast, 1902-03. 8893 BELFAST : Municipal Technical Institute. The students' guide to prizes and scholarships. Feb. 1906. 8vo. Belfast, 1906. 8895 BELFAST: Public Library. Twelfth, etc., annual report of the committee . . 1899-1900, etc. 8vo. Belfast, 1900, etc. 8959 BELFAST TYPOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Rules. 8vo. Belfast, 1837. 7305 BELGIL'M Commission Royale d'Histoire. Liste des publi- cations. 8vo. [Bruxelles], 1909. 13380 61 BELGIUM : Otlice du Travail. Industries connexes de la typoi;raphie. (La typographic et ses produits.) 2 Tom. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1911-13. 14698 BELIEVER. Wanted press reform. A British press for British people. Svo. London [c. 1906]. 8510 BELL, ( ). An apprenticeship system. (In Inland Printer, Vol. I, 1884, p. 18.) PP BELL, A. M. Visible speech : the science of universal alpha- betics. 4to. London, 1867. 4289 BELL. A. M. Eng-lish visible speech and its typography elucidated. 8vo. Washington, 1904. 4285 BELL, C. D. The four seasons at the Lakes. Illuminated by Blanche de Montmorency Conyers Morrell. 4to. London, c. 1880. 14736 BELL, C. F. See Evelyn, J. BELL, H. I. Dafydd ab Gwilym. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 10, 1909, pp. 44-61.) PP BELL, H. I. Early codices from Egypt. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 10, 1909, pp. 303-313.) PP BELL, J. Pictures and print. {In Good Words, Vol. 33, Nov. 1892; pp. 749-752.) 6785 BELL, L. L^se of electric motors in paper-making. {In Cas- sier's Magazine, Aug. 1898.) 1514 BELL, T. The Thomas Bell Library. Catalogue. 8vo. New- castle, i860. 6555 BELL, W. G. Fleet Street in seven centuries : being a history of the growth of London beyond the walls into the Western liberty and of Fleet Street to our time. With a foreword by Sir W. P. Treloar. 8vo. London, 191 2. 16570 BELLA, E. See Royal Aquarium : Poster Exhibition. BELLEFOY, De. Jugement rendu par M. le Noir, Conseiller d'Etat, Lieutenant-General de Police, Commissaire du Conseil en cette partie, du 30 aout, 1777. 4to. Paris, 1777. 14670 BELLET, D. L'industrie du papier. {In Revue Economique Internationale, Dec. 1907.) 13680 BELLI, G. See Fumagalli G. and Belh, G. BELLOC, H. The catalogue of Danton's library. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. i, 1900, pp. 67-70.) PP BELLOWS, E. John Bellows : [printer of Gloucester]. Letters and memoir. 8vo. London, 1904. 4^^3 BELLOWS, J. Dictionary for the pocket. French and Eng- lish. English and French. 2nd edition. i6mo. Gloucester [1880]. 6470 62 BELLOWS, J. See Bellows, E. BELOE, W. Anecdotes of literature and scarce books. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1807-12. 5595 BELZEBUB. A sure guide to hell. 5th edition. Svo. London [c. 1780]. 21733 BEMROSE & SONS, Ltd. Colour printing". [A portfolio of specimens.] 4to. Derby [c. 1895]. 3146 BEMROSE & SONS, Ltd. We will do the printers' part. [An advertising- booklet.] Obi. 8vo. Derby [c. 1896]. 3180 BEMROSE & SONS, Ltd. Practical sugg^estions to advert- isers and others. [A booklet.] 8vo. Derby [c. 1900]. 3179 BEMROSE & SONS, Ltd. Technical classes. Session 1900-01, etc. i2mo. Derby, 1900, etc. 8879 BEMROSE & SONS, Ltd. The art of reproduction. i6mo. Derby [c. 1902 J. 4712 BEMROSE & SONS, Ltd. See London : Franco-British Ex- hibition 1908. BEMROSE, Sir H. The printing- trades. [In Manchester Technical School : Introductory addresses on technical teaching-, 1890.) 2887 BEMROSE, Sir H. H. Men of mark. X.— Sir H. H. Bern- rose. (In The Caxton Mag-azine, May 1902.) 271 1 BEMROSE, Sir H. H. Sir Henry Bemrose. {In Derby Daily Teleg-raph, Nov. 19, 1907.) 939° BEMROSE, W. Silver wedding of Mr. & Mrs. W. Bemrose, Aug. 4, 1883. Svo. [Derby', 1883.] 4207 BEN FRANKLIN MONTHLY. Vol. 7, 1909-10, etc. 4to. Chicago, 1909-10, etc. PP BENADUCCI, G. See Bodoni, G. B. BENDERITTER, ( ). Guide de I'apprenti imprimeur litho- graphe. 2e. edition. i2mo. Rouen, 1893. 50 BENDERITTER, ( ). De la construction des machines litho- graphiques. i2mo. Rouen, 1894. 49 BENEDICT, G. H. Copy for engravings. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 22, 1898-99, pp. 307-309.) PP BENEDICT, G. H. The price question in photo-engraving. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, i go ^-06, pp. 167-168.) PP BENEDICT, G. H. The cost of half-tones. {In Graphic Arts and Crafts Year Book, Vol. i, 1907, pp. 139-141.) PP BENEDICT, G. H. The cost of half-tones and zinc etchings. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 1911-12, pp. 181-183.) PP 63 BENEDICT, G. H. The gold brick in photo-engraving. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. i8, 1912-13, pp. 65-69.) PP BENEDICT, G. H. Know the cost. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-14, pp. 49-52.) PP BENEDITE, L. See Duchatel, E. BENIOWSKI, B. Phrenotypics : a detailed description of the surprising feats of memory performed by Major Beniovvski. 8vo. London, 1842. 8922 BENIOWSKI, B. Improvements in printing. 8vo. London, 1854. 20578 BENIOWSKI, B. Improvements in printing. 8vo. London, 1856. 6019 BENIOWSKI'S PATENT PRINTING CO. [Prospectus, testimonials, etc.] i2mo. London [c. 1859]. 721 BENJAMIN, P. Printing presses. {In his Modern Mechanism, 1892.) 8vo. 2260 BENJAMIN, P. Type-setting machines. {In his Modern Mechanism, 1892.) 8vo. 2261 BENKO, J. Transsilvania sive magnus transsilvaniae Prin- cipatus olim dacia mediterranea dictus. Orbi nondum satis cog- nitus. Nunc multifariam, at strictim illustratus. Pars. I. Tom. 1-2. {Tome 2, Cap. 19. — De typographeis Transsilvanicus, pp. 322-329.) 8vo. Vindobonac, 1778. 15189 BENNETT, A. E. The Lancas and their kingdom. Story of Lancashire. 8vo. [Leeds, 1911.] 16028 [BENNETT, A. W.] The search'for a publisher: or, counsels for a young author. 4th edition. 8vo. London, 1859. 2566 BENNETT, J. B. Paper-making processes and machinery. With illustrations of paper-making machinery constructed by Bertrams, Ltd. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1892. 16146 [BENOIST, R.j Instruction pour tous estats. i2mo. Paris, 1560. 5616 BENSON, S. H. \A^isdom in advertising. T2mo. London, 1901. 2220 BENSON, T. Vocabularium Anglo-Saxonicum. 8vo. Oxon- iae, 1 70 1. 9469 BENSON, W. Improved projectiles for military purposes, as submitted to the Board of Ordnance in January, 1855, and August, 1859. 8vo. Glasgow, i860. 14277 BENSON, W. Principles of the science of colour. 4to. Lon- don, 1868. 2 1 10 BENSON, W. Manual of the science of colour. 8vo. Lon- don, 1871. 1375 64 BENTKOWSKI, F. O naydawnieyszych ksiazkach druko- wanych w Polszcze a w szczegoluosci o tych, ktore Jan Haller w Krakowie wydal. 8vo. Warszawie, 1812. 7020 BENTLEY, R. Proposals for printing a new edition of the Greek Testament and Latin version with a full answer to all the remarks of a late pamphleteer. 4to. London, 1721. 16148(2) BENTLEY, R. See Bartholomew, A. T. ; Middleton, C. BENTLEY, R. List of new publications for the season 1846-7.. 8vo. London, 1846. 17460 BENTON, L. B. The making of type. {In Hitchcock, F. H. : The building- of a book, 1906, pp. 31-40.) 8824 BENTON, WALDO & CO. Benton's self spacing type. Typographic specimens. 8vo. Milwaukee [c. 1886]. 4210 BENVOGLIENTO, F. Discorso. i2mo. Lucca, 1570. 6039 (i) BENZIGER, K. J. Geschichte des Buchgewerbes im Fiirst- lichen Benediktinerstifte U. L. F. v. Einsiedeln. 4to. Ein- siedeln, 1912. 17817 [BERARD, A. S. L.] Essai bibliographique sur les editions des Elzevirs. 8vo. Paris, 1822. 5076 BERBIGUIER. See Alkan, A. BERCULA, T. See Blades, W. BERDOW, O. Friedrich Perthes : ein deutscher Buchhandler. 8vo. Gotha, 1879. 7631 BERESFORD, J. Bibliosophia ; or book-wisdom. Contain- ing some account of that glorious vocation, book-collecting. By an aspirant [i.e., Rev. J. Bcresford]. II. — The twelve labours of an editor. 8vo. London, 181 o. 17309 BERG, W. Fran den stora ofredens dagar. 4to. Goteborg, 1900. 9256 BERGELLANUS, J. A. De chalcographiae inventione : poema encomiasticum. [In Wolf, J. C. : Monumenta typographica, I., 1740-) 20082 BERGEN, E. v. See Goovaerts, A. BERGER, E. Gesammt-Probe der Schrift-giesserei E. Berger. 8vo. Leipzig-Reudnitz, 1883. 11836 BERGER, E. [A collection of specimen sheets.] 4to. Leip- zig [c. 1890]. 10882 BERGER, K. Vierte Sakularfeier der Erfindung der Buch- druckerkunst. 8vo. Carlsruhe, 1840. 22009 BERGER, T. See Heitz, P. BERGER & WIRTH. [Specimens of inks.] 4to. Leipzig, 1889. 618 65 5 BERGER &• WIRTH. Lichtdruckfarbenproben. 4to. Leip- zig- [c. 1890]. 10860 BERGER c^- WIRTH. Printint^ ink. [Specimens.] 8vo. London [c. 1906]. 8314 BERGER & WIRTH. Printing ink. Price list. 8vo. London [c. 1906]. 8315 BERGER &: WIRTH. [Specimens of printing inks.] Obi. Svo. Leipzig [c. 1910]. i3474 BERGER-LEVRAULT, F. G. O. Le cinquantenaire indus- triel de M. O. Berger-Levrault, 1850-1900. Svo. Nancy, 1900. 4691 BERGER-LEVRAULT, F. G. O. F. G. O. Berger-Levrault ne a Strasbourg 9 Mai, 1826, mort a Nancy 24 Sept., 1903. Svo. Nancy, 1903. 4^97 BERGER-LEVRAULT (Vve) & FILS. Exposition Univer- selle de Londres. Vve. Berger-Levrault et Fils imprimeurs-lib- raires k Strasbourg. Notice. Svo. Strasbourg, 1S63. 10651 BERGER-LEVRAULT & GIF. L'imprimerie Berger-Levrault & Cie. Notice historique sur le developpement et I'organisation de la maison. 4to. Nancy, 1878. 20797 BERGER-LEVRAULT & CIE. Deux jours de fete. (Souv- enir des 23 and 24 Fevrier, 1S78.) Svo, Nancy, 1S78. 4695 BERGER-LEVRAULT & CIE. Une fete en deux journees. (Souvenir des 7 et 9 Juillet, 1883.) Svo. Nancy, 1884. 4696 BERGER-LEVRAULT & CIE. [Specimens of blank forms for the use of French Government.] 7 pts. Fol. Nancy, 1904. 4703 BERGER-LEVRAULT & CIE. See Mohr, L. BERGER DE XIVREY. See Xivrey, B. de. BERGGRUEN, O. See Vienna: Gesellschaft fur Vervielfalti- gende Kunst. BERGHMAN, G. Etudes sur la bibliographic Elzevirienne, basees sur I'ouvrage Les Elzevier de M. A. Willems. 4to. Stockholm, 1885. 20778 BERGMANS, P. Un imprimeur beige du 156. si^cle. Anto- nius Mathias. Svo. Bruxelles, 18S9. ^7^33 BERGMANS, P. Sur un pamphlet imprime a Mons en 15S0. Svo. Gand, 1S91. 1S097 BERGMANS, P. Repertoire methodique dccennal des travaux bibliographiques parus en Belgique, i8Si-i8go. Svo. Liege, 1892. 17634 BERGMANS, P. Analectes Belgiques. Notices et documents pour servir a I'histoire litteraire et bibliographique de la Belgique. Svo. Gand, 1S96. 6586 66 BERGMANS, P. Jean Frangois de Los Rios, libraire anver- sois etabli a Lyon. {In his Analectes Belgiques.) 8vo. 1896. 6586 BERGMANS, P. La vie et les oeuvres de Henri vanden Keere. [Printer of Ghent.] {In his Analectes Belgiques.) 8vo. 1896. 6586 BERGMANS, P. Notes sur rimprimerie a Ostende. {In his Analectes Belgiques.) 8vo. 1896. 6586 BERGMANS, P. Un manuscrit illustre du roman d'Olivier de Castille. {In his Analectes Belgiques.) 8vo. 1896. 6586 BERGMANS, P. Un imprimeur du i5e si^cle : Antonius Mathias. {In Jiis Analectes Belgiques.) 8vo. 1896. 6586 BERGMANS, P. Jean van Doesborgh, imprimeur anversois du commencement du i6e. siecle. {In his Analectes Belgiques.) 8vo. 1896. 6586 BERGMANS, P. Les imprimeurs Beiges a I'etranger. Liste geographique des imprimeurs et libraires Beiges etablis a I'etran- ger, depuis les origines de I'imprimerie jusqu'a la fin du i8e. siecle. 8vo. Gand, 1897. 9^93 BERGMANS, P. L'imprimeur Jean Brito et les origines de I'imprimerie en Belgique, d'aprfes le livre recent de M. Gilliodts van Severen. 8vo. Gand, 1898. 17626 BERGMANS, P. L'imprimeur-libraire brugeois J. 1. van Praet. Notice bio-bibliographique. 8vo. Gand, 1904. 9092 BERGMANS, P. Notes sur I'histoire de I'imprimerie et des imprimeurs beiges. I-III. 8vo. Besan^on, 1905. 17632 BERJEAU, J. P. Le Bibliomane. Nos. 1-2. 8vo. Londres, 1861. 20535(2) BERJEAU, J. P. Le Bibliphile Illustre. Tom. 1-2. 8vo. Londres, 1862-67. 20535 BERJEAU, J. P. Catalogue illustr^ des livres xylographiques. 8vo. Londres, 1865. 6596 BERJEAU, J. P. The book-worm. Vols. 1—5. 8vo. Lon- don, 1866-71. 20533 BERJEAU, J. P. Early Dutch, German and English printers' marks. 8vo. London, i866[-69]. 20462 BERJEAU, J. P. See Biblia Pauperum ; Caxton, W. ; Geschie- denis van het heilighe Cruvs ; Speculum humanae salvationes ; V: P. BERLAN, F. La invenzione della stampa a tipo mobile fuso rivendicata all' Italia. 8vo. Firenze, 1882. 20398 BERLAN, F. La introduzione della stampa in Milano a pro- posito dei Miraculi de la Gloriosa Verzene Maria colla data del 1469. 8vo. Venezia, 1884. 21622 67 BERLIER, ( ). DiscoLirs prononce en presentant au Conseil [des Cinq-Cents] le tableau d'epreuves des caracteres de la fon- derie et iniprinierie du citoyen Gille Ills. 8vo. Paris, An 7 [i799l- 9751 BERLIN : Gewerbe Austellung-, i8g6. Offizieller Haupt-Kata- log. 8vo. Berlin, 1896. 18200 BERLIN : Konig^liche Bibliothek. Festschrift zur Gutenberg-- feier am 24 Juni, 1900. 4to. Berlin, 1900. 3386 BERLIN : Konig-liche Museen. Kunstg"ewerbe-Museum, Fiihrer durch die Sonderausstellung Die Kunst im Buchdruck. Nov. — Dez. 1898. [By P. JessenJ. i2mo. Berlin, 1898. 8774 BERLIN : Konigliche Museen. Kunstgewerbe - Museum. Flihrer fiir die Sonderausstellung Die Kunst im neueren Buch- druck. Dez. 1904 — Jan. 1905. [By P. Jessen]. 2te. Auflage. i2mo. Berlin, 1904. 8775 BERLIN : Konigliche Museen. Kunstgewerbe - Museums. Bibliothek. Hauptwerke. Heft 6. Buchgewerbe. 2te. Auflage. 8vo. Berlin, 1904. 1205 1 BERLIN: Konigliche Museen. Kunstgewerbe - Museum. Fiihrer durch die Sonderaustellung Die Buchkunst der alten Meister. Bestande der vormaligen Sammlung Hans Grisebach Dez. 1906 — Jan. 1907. [By P. Jessen]. i2mo. Berlin, 1906. 8776 BERLIN : Konigliche Museen. Kunstgewerbe Museum. Drittc Sonder-Ausstellung. Ledertapeten und Buntpapiere. i2mo. Berlin, 1883. 23174 BERLIN : Reichsdruckerei. Druckschriften des 15 bis 18 Jahrhunderts in getreuen Nachbildungen. Fol. Berlin, 1884-87. 20178 BERLIN : Reichsdruckerei. Randeinfassungen Initialen und Zierleisten fiir den Buchdruck. Entworfen und geschnitten in der Reichsdruckerei. Fol. Berlin, 1884. 5857 BERLIN : Reichsdruckerei. Zusammenstellung von Auszeich- nungschriften der Reichsdruckerei. 8vo. Berlin, 1905. 13456 BERLIN : Reichsdruckerei. Die Herstellung von Drucksachen in der Reichsdruckerei. 8vo. Berlin, 1905. 13455 BERLIN : Reichsdruckerei. Kalender, 1910. 8vo. Berlin [1909]- 13459 BERLIN : Reichsdruckerei. Schriftproben. Schriften. Einfass- ungen. 4to. Berlin [c. 1909]. ^3453 BERLIN : Reichsdruckerei. Schriftproben. Initial. Zierstiicke. Adler und Wappen. Fol. Berlin [c. 1909]. 13452 BERLIN : Reichsdruckerei. Reichsdruckerei Berlin. [A des- criptive pamphlet.] 8vo. Berlin [c. 1910]. 13460 68 BERLIN : Reichsdruckerei. Kalender, 1913. 8vo. Berlin [1912]. 16663 BERLIN : Reichsdruckerei. See St. Louis : International Exhibition, 1904. BERLIN & JONES ENVELOPE CO. Only a scrap of paper. 4to. New York, 1888. 22899 BERLINER BUCHDRUCKEREI-BESITZER. Die Arbeits- einstellung der Bcliner Buchdruckerg-ehilfen am 28 Juni, 1876. 8vo. Berlin, 1876. 22319 BERMUDEZ DE PEDRACA, F. Arte legal para estudiar la jurisprudencia. 4to. Salamanca, 1612. ' 4562 BERN : Historischen Museum. Katalog der Gutenberg-Stube. 8vo. Bern, 1907. 9^^99 BERNADAU, ( ). See Phillippot, P. BERNARD, A. Notice historique sur I'lmprimerie Nationale. i2mo. Paris, 1848. 12614 BERNARD, A. Archeologie typographique. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1853. 20748 BERNARD, A. De I'origine et des debuts de I'imprimerie en Europe, 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1853. 5338 BERNARD, A. Les Estienne et les types Grecs de Francois I. 8vo. Paris, 1856. 22307 BERNARD, A. Geofroy Tory peintre et graveur. Premier imprimeur royal. 8vo. Paris, 1857. 5320 BERNARD, A. Antoine Vitre et les caract^res orientaux de la Bible Polyglotte de Paris. 8vo. Paris, 1857. 5757 BERNARD, A. Antoine Verard et les livres k miniatures au i5e. si^cle. 8vo. Paris, i860. 20010 BERNARD, J. Geofroy Tory, peintre et graveur. Premier imprimeur royal. 2e. ed. 8vo. Paris, 1865. 20704 BERNARD, A. Les ouvriers imprimeurs de Lyon au i5e. sifecle. [In Le Bibliophile Beige, Ann. i, 1866, pp. 148-151.) 21996 BERNARD, A. Histoire de I'lmprimerie Royale du Louvre. 8vo. Paris, 1867. 533 1 BERNARD, A. Gutenberg — his troubles and achievements. From the French bv F. S. Barrell. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 5, 1887-8, pp. 90, 152; 224, 323.) PP BERNARD, A. Geofroy Tory, painter and engraver : first royal printer : reformer of orthography and typography under Francois I. An account of his life and works. Translated by G. B. Ives. 8vo. Boston, 1909. 14120 BERNARD, D. See Desbarrtiaux-Bernard. 69 [BERNARDI, J., ed.] Panfilo Castaldi da Feltre e I'invenzione dei caratteri mobili par la stanipa. 4to. Milano, 1865. 22919 BERNARDI, J. Michael Manzolo e {'arte della stampa nel secolo 15 in Treviso. [In L'arte della Stampa, Ann. 2, 1870, pp. 80.) 981 1 BERNARDI, J. \'ita di Giambattista Bodoni. 4to. Saluzzo, 1872. 20812 BERNARDI, J., ZANGHELLINI, A. and VALSECCHI, A. Inlorno a Panlilo Castaldi da Feltre e alia invenzione dei caratteri mobili per la stampa. 4to. Milano, 1866. 22916 BERNARDI, J. See Bodoni, G. B. BERNERS, Dame J. [The g-entleman's academie . . . con- tainini^- 3 bookes. The first of hawking-, the second of hunting and the last of armorie.] 4to. London, 1595. 21200 BERNERS, Dame J. The book ... of hawking, hunting, coat-armour, fishing and biasing of arms : as printed at West- minster by Wynkyn de Worde, i486. [With historical and other notices bv J. Haslewood.] 4to. London, 1810. 2216 BERNERS, Dame j. The treatyse of fysshyng-e wyth an angle. i2mo. London, 1827. 5221 BERNERS, Dame J. A treatyse of fysshynge wyth an angle : being a facsimile reproduction of the first book on fishing printed in Enp-land by Wynkyn de Worde at Westminster in 1496. With an introduction by M. G. \\^atkins. 8vo. London, 1880. 21396 BERNERS, Dame J. The boke of Saint Albans. Printed at St. Albans in i486. Reproduced in facsimile with an introduction by William Blades. 4to. London, 1881. 21410 BERNERS, Dam.e J. An older form of "The Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle." Printed from a MS. in the posses- sion of A. Denison, Esq. \\"ith preface and glossary by T. Satchell. 4to. London, 1883. 21378 BERNERS, Dame J. The boke of St. Albans. Printed at St. Albans in i486. Reproduced in facsimile, with an introduc- tion bv W. Blades. [New ed.] 4to. London, 1901. 8190 BERNERS, Dame J. A treatyse of fysshynge wyth an angle. 4to. 1903. 10775 BERN HART, M. Meine Ansicht von der Geschichte der Ent- stehung Ausbildung und Verbreitung der Buchdruckerkunst. Bey Veranlassung des neu entdeckten Kalenders. Ein Manung", etc., fiir 1455. 8vo. Miinchen, 1807. 21580 BERNHER, A. See Latimer, H. BERNONI, D. Dei Torresani, Blado e Ragazzoni, celebri stampatori a Venezia e Roma nel 15 e 16 secolo. 8vo. Milano, 1890. 3897 70 BERNUS, A. L'imprimerie k Lausanne aux 156. et i6e. Slides. i2mo. Lausanne, 1902. 3-^5 BERNUS, A. L'imprimerie a Lausanne et a Morges jusqu'a la fin clu i6e. siecle. 410. Lausanne, 1904. 6601 BEROALDUS, P. Annotationes P. B. in commentarios Servii Virgiliani commentatoris. 4to. ' Phorce, 1510. 6040(2) BERRI, D. G. The art of printing-. 2nd ed. 8vo. London, 1865. 2439 BERRI, D. G. The art of printing-. 3rd ed. i2mo. Lon- don, 1871. 23012 BERRL D. G. The art of Uthography. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1872. 16496 BERROW'S \\'ORCESTER JOURNAL. The oldest English newspaper. 8vo. Worcester, 1890. 3020 BERRY, E. D. Commercial work. {In Chicago Typograph- ical Union : Lectures [1903].) 8vo. 44^9 BERRY, F. B. The influence of type foundries upon modern typography. {In Graphic Arts and Crafts Year Book, Vol. 2, 1908, pp. '135-140.) PP BERRY, R. M. Germany of the Germans. (The press and its influence, pp. 202 ff.) 8vo. London, 1910. 12276 BERRYMAN, E. H. The selection, training and management of apprentices. {In The Brit, and Col. Printer, Vol. 52, Apr. 16, 1903, pp. 266-269.) PP BERSCH, J. The manufacture of mineral and lake pigments. Trans, by A. C. \A"right. 8vo. London, 1901. 2032 BERTACHINUS, J. Tractatus de Gabellis. 4to. Lugduni, 1533. 6190(2) BERTARELLI, A. and PRIOR, H. II biglietto di visita Itali- ano : contributo alia storia del costume e dell' incisione nel secolo 18. Fol. Bergamo, 191 1. 14241 BERTE, A. F. Specification. Casting types and ornaments for printing, 1806. No. 2931. 8vo. London, .1856. 20560(7) BERTELS, K. Francisco Goya. (Klassische Illustratoren. Bd. I.) 8vo. Miinchen, 1907. 13318 BERTELS, K. Honore Daumi^r. Als Lithograph. (Klas- sische Illustratoren IV.) 8vo. Miinchen, 1908. 13793 BERTHELET, T. See Davenport, C. J. ; Greg, W. W. ; Proctor, R. G. C. BERTHIAU, ( ) and BOITARD, ( ). Nouveau manuel complet de I'imprimeur en taille douce. i2mo. Paris [1892]. BERTHIER, A. Manuel de photochromie interferentielle. Pro- cedes de reproduction directe des couleurs. 8vo. Paris, 1895. 5^ 71 BERTHIER, S. Traite de rimprimerie a I'usage des petites machines. 8vo. Paris [1882]. 20735 BERTHIER, S., ed. Specimens de travaux typographique en noir et en couleurs. 4to. Paris, 1883-86. 437 BERTHIER, S. Sp(^cimen. 410. Paris, 1885. 17154 BERTHIER, S. & DUREY. Cartes de visite. 8vo. Paris, 1895. - 17233 BERTHIER, S. & DUREY. Specimen. Caract^res de labeurs. 8vo. Paris, 1897. 17157 BERTHIER, S. &• DUREY. Specimen de caract^res. Obi. 8vo. Paris, 1898. ^7^59 BERTHIER, S. & DUREY. Cartes de visite. Obi. 8vo. Paris, 1900. 17234 BERTHOLD, H. Probenfolg-e. Erstes Heft. Fol. Berlin, 1895. 15486 BER FIERI, R. L'arte di Giambattista Bodoni. Con una notizia biografica a cura di Giuseppe Fumagalli. 4to. Milano, 1913- 17536 BERTOLOTTI, A. Le tipografie Orientali e gli Orientalisti a Roma nei secoli 16 e 17. Notizie e documenti. 8vo. Firenze, 1878. 6842 BERTOLOTTO, A. See Barbera, P. BERTRAMS, Ltd. Illustrated catalogue of paper mill machinery. Obi. 8vo. Edinburgh [c. 1890]. 1703 BERTRAMS, Ltd. See Bennett, J. B. BERTRAMUS, B. C. De republica Ebraeorum. i6mo. Lugd. Bat., i6qi. 21974 BERTRAND, A. Le guide indispensable des imprimeurs, papetiers, brocheurs, relieurs et doreurs, Tarif general des ustensiles et specimen des caract^res d'imprimerie. 8vo. Paris [c. 1888]. 9876 BERTRAND, G. Guide des imprimeurs, protes, libraires et publicistes contenant le tarif des prix de Paris pour la compo- sition, etc., suivi des principaux ^dits, arrets, etc. 2e. ed. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 2071S BERTRAND, J. E. See Dudin, ( ). BERTRIJN, G. Chronijck der stadt Antwerpen. Uitgegeven door R. G. van Havre. [Maatschappij der Antwerpsche Biblio- philen : Uitgave No. 5.] 8vo. Antwerpen, 1879. 21820 BERWICK, W. J. Presswork. {In Hitchcock, F. H. : The building of a book, 1906, pp. 99-1 11.) 8824 BERWICKSHIRE NEWS and the Berwickshire Journal. [Booklet of public opinion.] 8vo. Berwick-upon-Tweed [191 3]. 18096 72 BESANCON : Bibliotheque Publique. Catalogue des incun- ables. Par A. Castan. 8vo. Besan9on, 1893. 7028 BESANT, Sir W. Literary conferences. 8vo. London, 1888. 9515(10) BESANT, Sir VV. The work of the British Society of Authors. (In The Forum, Vol. 13, Mar. 1892, pp. 95-106.) 10281 BESANT, Sir W. Literary conferences. L — The legal branch. II. — The rights and interests of authors. [In The Con- temporary review, Jan. 1894.) 95^5 BESANT, Sir W. The pen and the book. 8vo. • London, 1899. 1573 BESLEY, R. &• CO. Fann Street Letter Foundry. A general specimen of printing types. 4to. London [1854]. 2247 BESLEY, R. & CO. Fann Street Letter Foundry. A general specimen of printing types. 4to. London [c. 1857]. 6351 BESLEY, R. & CO. Fann Street Letter Foundry. Supple- mentary sheets [of specimens]. 4to. London [c. 1857]. 6338 BESLEY. R. & CO. Fann Street Foundry. Specimens. 4to. London [c. 1860-70]. 59^7 BESLEY, R. & CO. Selections from the specimen book of R. B. & Co. 8vo. London [c. 1865]. 1744 BESLEY, R. & CO. Fann Street Letter Foundry. Specimens of typographical ornaments, etc. 4to. London [1866]. 6388 BESLEY, R. & CO. Selections from the specimen book of the Fann Street Letter Foundry. 8vo. London [1866]. 6401 BESNARD. J. Epreuves des vignettes et fleurons polytypes, graves sur cuivre en tailles de relief, a I'usage de I'imprimerie. Fol. Paris, 1812. 14680 BESOLDUS, C. Pentas dissertationum philologicarum . . . III. [De inventione] typographiae. 4to. Tubingae, 1620. 20656 BESOLDUS, C. De typographia. (In Wolf J. C. : Monu- menta typographica I., 1740.) 20082 BESSEMER, A. Specimen of the last modern cut printing types. 8vo. Hitchin, 182 1. 22222 BESSEMER, A. Specimen of printing types. 8vo. London, 1830. 6235 BESSEMER, A. & CATHERWOOD, J. J. Specimen of the last modern cut printing types. 8vo. London, 1825, 20270 BEST, C. S. Some causes of failure and success in modern stereotyping of half-tones. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 133-136.) PP BEST, C. S. The life in solids. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 15, 1909-10, pp. 1 19-120.) PP 73 BETHUNE, L. Mattheu Lansbcit I'inventeui- du celebre almanach. i2mo. Liege, 1901. ^7^~S BETSON, T. A ryght profytable treatyse, etc. Printed in Caxton's house by W. de Worde about 1500. [Facsimile.] 8vo. Cambridg-e, 1905. 6835. BETTIS, J. R. Systematic selection of job type. i2mo. [c. 1 908. J 9871 BEUCHOT, A. J. Q. Liberte de la presse ! Svo. Paris, 1814. 23373 BEUGHEM, C. k. Incunabula typog-raphiae. i2mo. Amstelo- dami, 1688. 21859 BEULE, M. Eloge de M. Horace Vernet. 8vo. Paris, 1863. 10499 BEVAN, E. J. See Cross, C. F. and Bevan, E. J. BE VAN, G. P., ed. British manufacturing" industries. [Paper, by T. C. Archer; Printing, by J. Hatton ; Bookbinding, by H. T. Wood; Engraving, by S. Davenport; Photography, by P. Le N. Foster.] Svo. London, 1876. 20360 BEVAN, G. P., ed. British manufacturing industries. 2nd ed. [Paper, by T. C. Archer; Printing, by J. Hatton; Bookbindi^tg, by H. T. Wood; Engraving, by H. T. Wood; Photography, by P. Le N. Foster.] 8vo. London, 1877. 4508 BEVAN, G. P. British manufacturing industries. 4th ed. Paper, by T. C. Archer ; Printing, by J. Hatton ; Bookbinding, by H. T. Wood ; Engraving, by S. Davenport ; Photography, by P. Le N. Foster. Svo. London, 1S92. 349 BEVERIDGE, E. A bibliography of works relating to Dun- fermline and the west of Fife including publications of writers connected with the district. (In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Publications, Vol. 5, 1901.) 17569 BEVERIDGE, J. Papermakers' pocket book. Specially com- piled for paper mill operatives, engineers, chemists and office officials. i6mo. London [1901]. 2753 BEWICK, J. See Hugo, T. BEWICK, T. Memoir of Mr. T. Bewick. With a portrait. (In The Gentleman's Magazine, Jan. 1S29.) 26SS BEWICK, T. Bewick memento, with an introduction by Robert Robinson. Catalogue. 4to. London, 1SS4. 8249 BEWICK, T. A memoir of T. B. written by himself. A new ed. , prefaced and annotated by A. Dobson. Svo. Newcastle-on- Tyne, 18S7. 3802 BEWICK, T. and J. A descriptive and critical catalogue of works illustrated by T. and J. Bewick, wood engravers of New- castle-on-Tyne. 4to. London, 1851. 2215 74 BEWICK, T. See Austin, S. ; Boyd, J. ; Davison, W. ; Dob- son, A. ; Hugo, T. ; Newcastle-on-Tyne : Pen and Palette Club ; Newcastle-on-Tyne : Public Libraries. BEYSCHLAG, D. E. Beytrage zur Kunstgeschichte der Reichsstadt Nordlingen. Stilck 1-7. 8vo. Nordlingen, 1798- 1801. 11661 BEZA, T. See Bible : N.T. Greek ; Bible : O.T. Psalms. Latin. [BIAGI, G.] Per la storia del libro nei secolo 15 e 16. 8vo. Firenze, 1900. ^939 BIAGI, G. Jean Grolier : book-lover and patron. (In The Printing Art, Vol. i, 1903, p. 155.) 37o6 BIBLE: POLYGLOT. Biblia sacra polyglotta . . . edidit Brianus Waltonus. 6 vols. Fol. Londini, 1657. 5814 BIBLE: POLYGLOT. Biblia sacra polyglotta. Pts. 1-4. 4to. Londini, 1817-21. 5695 BIBLE: POLYGLOT. The Hexaglot Bible. Pt. i. 4to. London, 1856. 5163 BIBLE: ARABIC. The Holy Bible in the Arabic language. 4to. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 181 1. 55-0 BIBLE: DUTCH. Biblia. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1734. 10634(1) BIBLE: ENGLISH. The Holy Bible. 4to. London, 1589. 6035 (i) BIBLE : ENGLISH. The Holy Bible. 410. London, i6t6. 6083 BIBLE: ENGLISH. The Holy Bible. Fol. London, 1616. 21450 5181 (2) BIBLE : ENGLISH. The Holy Bible. 4to. Cambridge, 1637- 5538(1) BIBLE : ENGLISH. The Holy Bible. 8vo. London, 1647. 21722 BIBLE : ENGLISH. The Holv Bible. 4to. London, 1655. 8251 BIBLE : ENGLISH. The Holy Bible. i2mo. London, 1658. 6087 BIBLE: ENGLISH. The Holy Bible. 4to. Cambridge, 1666. 5554 BIBLE: ENGLISH. [The Holy Bible with a metrical version of the Psalms.] 4to. Cambridge, 1670. 1530 BIBLE: ENGLISH. The Holy Bible. Fol. Cambridge, 1674. 1750 BIBLE: ENGLISH. The Holy Bible. 3 vols. i6mo. 1681. 6023 7^ BIBLE: ENGLISH. The Holy Bible. 8vo. Edinburgh, ^7^5- 5607 BIBLE: ENGLISH. The Holy Bible. 2 pts. Fol. Oxford, ^7^7- 5372 BIBLE: ENGLISH. The Holy Bible. Fol. Oxford, 1727. 1749 BIBLE: ENGLISH. The Holy Bible. Fol. Cambridge, 1763. 5371 BIBLE: ENGLISH. The Holy Bible abridged. 7th ed. 24mo. London, 1768. 549° BIBLE: ENGLISH. The Holy Bible. Fol. Birmingham, 1772. 5820 BIBLE: ENGLISH. A commentary on the Holy Bible: con- taining the whole Sacred Text. i6mo. Bristol, 1774. 5^35 BIBLE : ENGLISH. The Holy Bible. i8mo. London, 1776. 5016 BIBLE: ENGLISH. The Holy Bible. With arguments and observations composed by the Rev. Mr. Ostervald. 4to. Lon- don, 1798. 1 53 1 BIBLE : ENGLISH. The Holy Bible. Cambridge stereotype edition. 8vo. Cambridge [1805]. 2801 BIBLE : ENGLISH. The Holy Bible. With annotations by the Rev. Mr. Ostervald. Fol. Manchester, 1807. 1751 BIBLE : ENGLISH. The Holy Bible. 8vo. Oxford, 1808. 36.53 BIBLE : ENGLISH. The Holy Bible. 24mo. Oxford, 1820. 10982 BIBLE : ENGLISH. The pictorial Bible . . . with woodcuts. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1836-38. 3891 BIBLE : ENGLISH. The Holy Bible. 4to. London, 1862. 1532 BIBLE : ENGLISH. The Holy Bible. [Caxton memorial edition.] 8vo. Oxford, June 30, 1877. 21389 5625 BIBLE: ENGLISH. The Holy Bible. Revised version. i6mo. Oxford, 1885. 6021 BIBLE : FRENCH. La Sainte Bible. 2 pts. Fol. Amster- dam, 1669. 5373 BIBLE: FRENCH. La Sainte Bible. i2mo. Cologne, 1739. 7658 BIBLE : GERMAN. Die Bibcl oder die ganze Heilige Schrift des alten und neuen Testaments nach D. Martin Luthers ueber- setzung. Stereotyp-Ausgabe. i8mo. Berlin, 1820-1. 8665 BIBLE : GREEK. Septuaginta interpretum J. E. Grabe. 8 vols. 8vo. Oxonii, 1707-21. 6179 76 BIBLE: IRISH. An Biobla Naomhtha, efc. i2mo. [London], 1830. 5189 BIBLE: LATIN. Biblia sacra. Fol. Nuremburge, 1523. 5894 BIBLE : LATIN. Biblia sacra. 410. Antverpiae, 1537. 5540 BIBLE : LATIN. Biblia sacra. 410. Londoni, 1585. 5536 BIBLE : LATIN. Biblia sacra. 8vo. Londini, 1640. 9832 BIBLE : MALAY IN ARABIC. [The Bible in the Malay lan- guage printed in Arabic characters.] 5 vols. 8vo. Batavia, 1758. 5287 BIBLE : O.T. GREEK. Vetus Testamentum Graecum. 8vo. Londini, 1653. 5610 4566 BIBLE : O.T. GREEK. Vetus Testamentum Graecum . . . Cura et studio L. van Ess. Editio stereotypa. 8vo. Lipsiae, 1835- 3423 BIBLE : O.T. HEBREW. Bibha Hebraica [with interlinear latin version]. Fol. Antwerp [c. 1571]. 5934 (3) BIBLE : O.T. HEBREW. Bibha Ebraea. 2 vols. Fol. Hamburgi, 1603. 5843 BIBLE : O.T. HEBREW. [The Old Testament in Hebrew.] i2mo. Amstelodami, 1639. 5037 BIBLE : O.T. HEBREW. Biblia Hebraica. Sine punctis. i6mo. Amstelaedam-, 1701. 21826 BIBLE : O.T. HEBREW. Biblia Hebraica. i6mo. Berolini, 1712. 5036(2) BIBLE : O.T. HEBREW^ Bibha Hebraica. i2mo. London, 1823. 5283 BIBLE : O.T. IRISH. The books of the Old Testament trans- lated into Irish by Doctor \¥. Bedel. 4to. London, 1685. 6165 BIBLE : O.T. PENTATEUCH. IRISH. The two first books of the Pentateuch or Books of Moses. The types cut by Dr. E. Fry, letter founder to His Majesty from original Irish MSS. under the care and direction of T. Connellan. 4th ed. i2mo. London, 1820. 9859 BIBLE : O.T. PENTATEUCH. IRISH. The two first books of the Pentateuch. The [Irish] types cut by Dr. E. Fry. 6th ed. i2mo. London, 1820. 5019 BIBLE : O.T. PENTATEUCH. LATIN. Pentateuchus Moysi. Josue. Liber Judicum. Ruth. i6mo. Parisiis, 1539. 5506 BIBLE: O.T. GENESIS. HEBREW. Liber Genesis. 4to. Parisiis, 1556. 5979 BIBLE : O.T. RUTH. ENGLISH. The Book of Ruth. W^ith coloured borders . . . and illuminations ... by H. N. Hum- phreys. [Printed by Vizetelly & Co.] i2mo. London, 1850. 10547 77 ENGLISH. The Book Epping, 1896. 507 [The Bo(ik of Esther in BIBLE: O. !". Rl Til and ESTHER, of Rulh and I lie Book of Esther. 8vo. BH^LE : O.r. ESTHER. HEBREW. Hebrew.] A roll. Erankfurt a/m., 1821. 14248 BIBLE: O.T. JOB. ENGLISH. The Book of Job. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1902. 9055 BIBLE: O.T. PSALMS. POLYGLOT. Quincuplex Psal- terium. 2a. emissio. Fol. Paris, 15 13. S^Q^ BIBLE: O.T. PSALMS. POLYGLOT. Psalterium Hebraeum, Graecum, Arabicum et Chaldaeum cum tribus latinis interpreta- tionibus et glossis. Fol. Genoa, 15 16. 5^86 BIBLE : O.T. PSALMS. POLYGLOT. Psalterium in quattuor linguis exaratum. Fol. Koln, 15 18. 5541 BIBLE: O.T. PSALMS. ARABIC. Liber Psalmorum Davidis. Ex Arabico idiomate in Latinum translatus. 4to. Romae, 1614. 5334 BIBLE : O.T. PSALMS. DUTCH. De CL. Psalmen Davids. [With music] 8vo. Amsterdam, 1734. 10634(2) BIBLE: O.T. PSALMS. DUTCH. Het Boek der Psalmen. [With musical notes.] i6mo. Amsterdam, 1819. 5020(2) BIBLE : O.T. PSALMS. DUTCH. Het Boek der Psalmen. [With music] 8vo. Amsterdam, 1829. BIBLE: O.T. PSALMS. ENGLISH. Psalmes, with notes. By T. Sternhold London, 1579. BIBLE: O.T. PSALMS. ENGLISH. Psalmes, with notes. By T. Sternhold London, 1588. BIBLE: O.T. PSALMS. ENGLISH. Psalmes, with notes. By T. Sternhold London, 1591. BIBLE : O.T. PSALMS. ENGLISH. Psalmes, with notes. By T. Sternhold London, 1624. BIBLE: O.T. PSALMS 8vo. London, 1627. BIBLE : O.T. PSALMS. Psalmes . . . with notes to 1628. BIBLE: O.T. PSALMS. Psalmes, with notes. By T London, 1636. BIBLE : O.T. PSALMS. Psalmes, with notes. By T, London, 1637. ENGLISH. ENGLISH. 10632 (2) The whole booke of and J. Hopkins. 4to. 6034 (2) The whole booke of and J. Hopkins. 4to. 21318 The whole booke of and J. Hopkins. 4to. 6035 (2) The whole booke of and J. Hopkins. Fol. 21451 (2) [The book of psalms.] 21136(2) The whole booke of sing- them withall. 8vo. London, 21 136 (i) ENGLISH. The whole book of Sternhold and J. Hopkins. 4to. 21321 ENGLISH. The whole book of Sternhold and J. Hopkins. 8vo. 21721 78 BIBLE : O.T. PSALMS. ENGLLSH. The whole book of Psahnes, with notes. By T. Sternhold and J. Hopkins. 4to. Cambridge, 1637. 5538(2) BIBLE: O.T. PSALMS. ENGLISH. The whole book of Psalms. [Musical notes.] By T. Sternhold and J. Hopkins. 8vo. London, 1640. 21 170 BIBLE : O.T. PSALMS. ENGLISH. The Psalms of David in metre : fitted to the tunes used in parish churches. [With musi- cal notes.] By J. Patrick. i2mo. London, 1698. 21833 BIBLE: O.T. PSALMS. ENGLISH. The whole book of Psalms, composed in three parts. 15th ed. By J. Play ford. [With musical notes.] 8vo. London, 1719. 5^74 BIBLE: O.T. PSALMS. ENGLISH. The whole book of Psalms. By T. Sternhold and J. Plopkins. 8vo. London, 1728. 21735(2) BIBLE: O.T. PSALMS. ENGLISH. The whole book of Psalms. By T. Sternhold and J. Hopkins. 8vo. London, 1763. 5670 (2) BIBLE : O.T. PSALMS. ENGLISH. The Psalter, or Psalms of David. i2mo. London, 1802. 7498 BIBLE: O.T. PSALMS. ENGLISH. A new version of the Psalms. By N. Brady and N. Tate. 8vo. London, 1805. 1753 (2) BIBLE : O.T. PSALMS. ENGLISH. A new version of the Psalms . . . By N. Brady and N. Tate. 8vo. London, 1810. 8004 (2) BIBLE: O.T. PSALMS. ENGLISH. A new version of the Psalms of David. By N. Brady and N. Tate. 8vo. Oxford, 181 7. 3738(2) BIBLE : O.T. PSALMS. ENGLISH. The Psalter . . . from Brady and Tate, with appropriate tunes. Ed. by J. Hullah. Soprano voice part. 8vo. London, 1843. 4^45 BIBLE: O.T. PSALMS. ENGLISH. A new version of the Psalms. By N. Brady and N. Tate. i6mo. Oxford, 1847. 4565 (2) BIBLE': PSALMS. ENGLISH. The Penitential Psalms. [Illuminated in gold and colours : chromolithography : by H. N. Humphreys.] i2mo. [London, 1865.] 6612 BIBLE: O.T. PSALMS. ENGLISH. The 23rd Psalm. 4to. London [c. i860]. 3429 BIBLE: O.T. PSALMS. FRENCH. Les Pseaumes de David. Mis en rime Francoise par C. Marot et T. de Beze. [With musi- cal notes.] 32mo. Charenton, 1642. 7181 (2) BIBLE : O.T. PSALMS. FRENCH. Les Psaumes de David. [With musical notes.] i2mo. Lausanne, 1773. 5039 79 BIBLE: O.T. PSALMS. FRENCH. Les Pseaumes de David. [With musical notes.] i2mo. Amsterdam, 1730. 5041 BIBLE: O.T. PSALMS. GREEK. Psalterium Graecum e codice MS. Alexandrine, cura et labore Henrici Herveii Baber. Fol. Londoni, 1812. 5823 BIBLE : O.T. PSALMS. GREEK AND LATIN. Psalterium. i2mo. Oxoniae, 1678. 6122 BIBLE: O.T. PSALMS. HEBREW. Psalterium Hebraicum. i6mo. Basel, 1538. 4042 BIBLE : O.T. PSALMS. LATIN. Psalmorum Davidis et aliorum prophctarum. Theodora Beza Vezelio auctore. i6mo. Londoni, 1580. 5033 BIBLE: O.T. PROVERBS. ENGLISH. The Proverbs of Solomon, in Hebrew, in Irish, and in English. 8vo. [n.p. , c. 1800.] 5256 BIBLE : O.T. JONAH. ENGLISH. The Prophete Jonas, with an introduction ... by W. Tyndale. To which is added Coverdale's version. F. Fry. 8vo. London, 1863. BIBLE: O.T. THE WISDOM OF SOLOMON, by Samuel Stanesby. 8vo. London [c. 1890]. Reproduced in facsimile. With an introduction by 6767 Illuminated 14968 BIBLE: N.T. ARABIC. 4to. [London, 1727.] BIBLE: N.T. CARSHUN. 4to. [Paris, c. 1827. J BIBLE: N.T. COPTIC. vul-^o Copticum. Ex MSS. Wilkins. 4to. Oxonii, 17 16. [The New Testament in Arabic] 6009 [The New Testament in Carshun.] 5907 Novum Testamentum Aegyptium Bodleianus descripsit . . . David 5099 BIBLE : N.T. COPTIC AND ARABIC. The New Testament [Vol. 2, Acts — Revelations.] Fol. Lon- in Coptic and Arabic don, 1847. BIBLE : N.T. DUTCH. Amsterdam, 181 9. BIBLE : N.T. DUTCH. Amsterdam [c. 1820]. BIBLE: N.T. ENGLISH. Het Nieuwe Testament. Het Nieuwe 5818 i6mo. 5020(1) Testament. 8vo. 10632 (i) The New Testament. 4to. Lon- 21325 N.T. ENGLISH. The New Testament abridged for 24mo. London, 1764. 5487 N.T. ENGLISH. The New Testament. Translated by John Wiclif. With memoirs and historical account by the Rev. H. H. Baber. 4to. London, 1810. 5525 BIBLE: N.T. ENGLISH. New Testament. Stereotype Dublin [1820]. 6124 (i) don, 1 63 1 BIBLE children. BIBLE edition. 8vo. 80 BIBLE : N.T. ENGLISH. The New Testament. Translated into Eng-lish by W. Tyndale. Reprinted verbatim, with a memoir by G. Offor. 8vo. London, 1836. 5355 BIBLE : N.T. ENGLISH. The New Testament, with illus- trations by Kenny Meadows, assisted by other eminent artists. Fol. London, 1847. 17087 BIBLE : N.T. ENGLISH. New Testament. With engrav- ings on wood. 4to. London, 1865. 5102 BIBLE: N.T. ENGLISH. The New Testament. A facsimile ?] reprint of the Genevan Testament, MDLVII. i2mo. London c. 1870]. 20215 BIBLE : N.T. ENGLISH. The first printed English New Testament. Translated by W. Tyndale. Photo-lithographed from the unique fragment, now in the British Museum. Ed. by E. Arber. 4to. London, 1871. 22004 BIBLE : N.T. ENGLISH. New Testament. 48mo. Oxford [c. 1883]. 6102 BIBLE : N.T. FRENCH. Le Nouveau Testament. 32mo. Charenton, 1643. 7181 (i) BIBLE: N.T. FRENCH. Le Nouveau Testament. Fol. Paris [1880]. 4701 BIBLE : N.T. GERMAN. Das Neue Testament. Fol. Rat- zeburg, 1701. 17086 BIBLE : N.T. GREEK. Novum Testamentum [GraecumJ. 2 vols. i6mo. Lutetiae, 1569. 5639 BIBLE : N.T. GREEK. Novum Testamentum Graecum. Fol. Antverpiae, 1584. 5934 (i) BIBLE: N.T. GREEK. Novum Testamentum [Graecum]. i6mo. [Geneva], 1587. 21 141 BIBLE : N.T. GREEK. Novum Testamentum. i6mo. Lugd. Batav. , 1624. 6097 BIBLE : N.T. GREEK. Novum Testamentum. 48mo. Sedani, 1628. 550i BIBLE : N.T. GREEK. Novum Testamentum. 6 pts. i2mo. Cantabrigiae, 1632. 5013 BIBLE : N.T. GREEK. Novum Testamentum. Fol. Paris, 1642. 5374 BIBLE : N.T. GREEK. Novum Testamentum. i2mo. Cam- bridge, 1700. 5505 5504 BIBLE : N.T. GREEK. Novum Testamentum. i6mo. Lon- don, 1703. 5445 BIBLE : N.T. GREEK. Novum Testamentum. Interprete T. Beza. i2mo. Londini, 1733. 21 165 81 6 BIBLE : N.T. GREEK. Novum Testamentum. 8vo. Amstel- aedami, 1735. 4658 BIBLE: N.T. GREEK. Novum Testamentum. i6mo. n.p. Amstelaedami, 1740. 5036(1) BIBLE : N.T. GREEK. Novum Testamentum. i vol. in 2. Svo. Oxonii, 1763. 5293 BIBLE : N.T. GREEK. Novum Testamentum. i2mo. Glas- guae, 1817. 3412 BIBLE: N.T. GREEK. Novum Testamentum Graecum. 24mo. London, 1828. 6101 BIBLE : N.T. GREEK. The Greek Testament. With Eng- lish notes by Rev. S. T. Bloomfield. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. Lon- don, 1836. 3426 BIBLE : N.T. IRISH. Tiomna Nuadh ar dtighearna agus ar Slanuigheora Josa Criosd. Ar na tharrving go firmneac as Greigis go goidheilg re Huilliam O'Domhnuill [i.e., William Daniell]. 4to. Lunnduin, 1681. 6163 5081 BIBLE : N.T. IRISH. An Tiomna Nuadh ar dtighearna agus ar Slanuightheora Josa Criosd. [Trans, by] Uilliam O'Domhnuill. 8vo. [DubHn? c. 1827.J 6124(2) BIBLE: N.T. IRISH. [The New Testament in Irish.] Svo. London, 1847. iSSS^ BIBLE : N.T. IRISH. An Tiomna Nuadh ar dTighearna agus ar Slanuightheora Josa Criosd. [Trans, by] W. O'Domhnuill. i2mo. [Dublin], 1849. 12914 BIBLE : N.T. LATIN. Jesu Christi D.N. Novum Testa- mentum. Theodoro Beza, interprete. i2mo. Londini, 1574. 5620 BIBLE : N.T. LATIN. Novum Testamentum. 8vo. Londini, 1682. io<333 BIBLE : N.T. TAMIL. [The New Testament in Tamil.] 4to. Tranquebar, 1714. 5^92 BIBLE: N.T. GOSPELS. ENGLISH. The Holy Gospels. With numerous illustrations on wood. Fol. London, 1865. 10855 BIBLE: N.T. GOSPELS. ENGLISH. The Sermon on the Mount. Illuminated by W. and G. Audsley. Illustrated by C. Rolt. Chromolithographed by W. R. Tymms. Fol. London [c. 1850]. 1 1752 BIBLE: N.T. GOSPELS. ENGLISH. Twelve parables of our Lord, illustrated and illuminated [and printed in colours by Cooper, Clay & Co.]. 4to. London, 1870. ii753 BIBLE : N.T. GOSPELS. GREEK. Quatuor evangeha graece. Edidit J. White, 8vo. Oxonii, 1798. 10103 82 BIBLE : N.T. GOSPELS. ITALLA.N. La Concordia Evan- gelica della passione di N.S. Gesu Cristo. 8vo. Brescia, 1756. 9472 BIBLE: N.T. MATTHEW. ENGLISH. The Gospel accord- ing- to St. Matthew. [Phonetic type.] 8vo. St. Louis, 1883. 4290 BIBLE: N.T., ST. MATTHEW. FRENCH. Evangile selon Saint Matthieu. [Printed in the microscopic characters cut by H. Didot.j 36mo. Haarlem, 1900. i7474 BIBLE : N.T. MATTHEW. GREEK. Facsimiles of certain portions of the Gospel of St. Matthew, etc., written on papyrus in the first century. Edited by C. Simonides. [Photolithos by Day & Son.] Fol. London, 1861. 6625 BIBLE : N.T. MATTHEW. GREEK. [The Gospel of St. Matthew in Greek.] i6mo. London, 1871. 6090 BIBLE : N.T. MARK. GREEK. [The Gospel of St. Mark.] i6mo. London, 1874. 6089 BIBLE: N.T. LUKE. IRISH. [An Soisg-eul do reir Lucais.] [Printed and the type cut by Christie, Dublin, c. 1820.] 8vo. 5266 BIBLE: N.T. LUKE. IRISH. An Soisgeal do reir Naoimh Lucais. i2mo. Lunnduin, 1886. 5236 BIBLE : N.T. ACTS. GREEK. [The Acts of the Apostles in Greek.] i6m.o. London, 1874. 6088 BIBLE : N.T. ACTS. IRISH. The Acts of the Apostles and the life of Joseph, in the Irish languag-e. i2mo. London, 1840. 5225 BIBLE: N.T. HEBREWS. ENGLISH. Hebrews, Chapter 12. [In embossed type.] Obi. 8vo. Brighton, 1857. 6145 BIBLE: N.T. PHILIPPIANS. LATIN. S. PauH Apostoli Epistola ad Philippenses, cum commentario Johannis Coccei. 4to. Amstelodami, 1669. 4637 (i) BIBLE : N.T. COLOSSIANS. ENGLISH. S. Pauli Apostoh Epistola ad Colossenses, cum commentario Johannis Coccei. 4to. Amstelodami, 1670. 4637 (2) BIBLE : N.T. APOCRYPHA. ENGLISH. The Apocryphal New Testament. 8vo. London, 1820. 21744 BIBLE. The new hieroglyphical Bible, for the amusement and instruction of children. i2mo. London, 1794. 21 153 BIBLE. A curious hieroglyphick Bible. 20th edition. i2mo. London, 1812. 21 146 BIBLE. The Bible of every land. A history of the Sacred Scriptures in every language, illustrated by specimen portions. New ed. 4to. London [i860]. 5533 83 BIBLE. The Bible printers. [A religous tract.] 64010. Lon- don [c. 1850]. 23481 BIBLIA PAUPERUM. Nach dem Original in der Lyceums- bibliothck zu Constanz herausgegeben und mit einer Einleitung begleitet von Pfarrer Laib und Decan Dr. Schwarz. Fol. Zurich, 1867. 21504 BIBLLA. PAUPERUM. Nach deni Original in der Lyceums- bibliothek zu Constanz herausgegeben und mit einer Einleitung" begleitet von Pfarrer Laib und Decan Dr. Schwarz. 2te. Auflage. 4to. Wiirzburg, 1892. 5171 BIBLIA PAUPERUM. Deutsche Ausgabe von 1471. [Edited by R. Ehwald.] Fol. Weimar, igo6. 8551 BIBLIA PAUPERUM. Unicum der Heideberger Universitats- Bibliothek. Herausgegeben von P. Kristeller. Fol. Berlin, 1906. 8576 BIBLIA PAUPERUM. A new Biblia Pauperum being 38 woodcuts with descriptions extracted from the New Testament. 4to. London, 1877. 20529 BIBLIOFILIA. La Bibliofilia. Vol. i, etc. 4to. Firenze, 1899, etc. PP BIBLIOFILO. II Bibliofilo, Ann. i-ii, 1880-1890. 11 vols. 4to. Firenze, 1880-90. PP BIBLIOGRAFIA ITALIANA, ossia elenco generale delle opere d'ogni specie e d'ogni lingua stampate in Italia e delle Italiane pubblicate all' estero. Ann. 1-7. 8vo. Milano, 1835-41. 12913 BIBLIOGRAPHE. Le Bibliographe Moderne. Vol. 15, Nos. 3-5, May-Oct. 191 1. 8vo. Paris, 191 1. PP BIBLIOGRAPHER. The Bibliographer. Vols. 1-6, 1882-4. 4to. London, 1882-4. PP BIBLIOGRAPHICA. Vols. 1-3. 8vo. London, 1895-97. 53 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL. The Bibliographical and retrospective miscellany. 8vo. London, 1830. 20060 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REGISTER. Vol. i, Nos. 1-4, 1905-07. 8vo. London, 1905-7. PP BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Transactions. Vol. i, etc. 4to. London, 1893, etc. 56 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Rules and list of members, 1894-95, etc. 8vo. London, 1894-95, etc. ^5548 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Illustrated monographs, No. I, etc. 4to. London, 1894, etc. 55 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. [Miscellaneous publications.] 4to. London, 1895, ^^^- ^7^ BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. News sheet. 8vo. London, 1896, etc. PP 84 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Catalogues of English books. No. I. — A short catalogue of English books in Marsh's Library, Dublin, By N. J. D. White. 4to. Oxford, 1905. 7341 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. See St. Bride Foundation Institute. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA. Papers. Vol. 5, 1910, etc. 8vo. Chicago, 1910, etc. i737o BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF LANCASHIRE. Rules, etc. 8vo. Manchester, n.d. 10707 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF LANCASHIRE. See De Morgan, A. ; Duff, E. G. ; Edmonds, J. P. BIBLIOGRAPHIE. La Bibliographic de la France. Journal general de rimprimerie et de la librairie. Annee 1913, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1913, etc. PP BIBLIOGRAPHIE des ouvrages relatifs aux pelerinages, aux miracles, au spiritisme et a la prestidig'itation imprimes en France et en Italic I'an du Jubile 1875. 8vo. Turin, 1876. 11024 BIBLIOGRAPHIE methodique des livres de medecine, i8go- 1907. 8vo. [Paris], 1907. 8663 BIBLIOGRAPHISCHE ADVERSARIA. Deel 1-5. 2de Reeks, Deel i. 6 vols. i2mo. 's Gravenhage, 1873-94. PP BIBLIOGRAPHISCHE zeldzaamheden. 8vo. 's Hertogen- bosch, 1818. 22469 BIBLIOMANIA. [Odds and Ends, No. 19.J i2mo. Edin- burgh, 1867. 8430 BIBLIOPHILE. The Bibliophile. Vols. 1-4. 8vo. London, 1908-9. PP BIBLIOPHILE. Le Bibliophile Beige. Vols. i-io. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1866-75. 21996 BIBLIOPHILE. Le Bibliophile Francais. Vols. 1-7. 8vo. Paris, 1868-73. 20164 BIBLIOPHILE, pseud. Les ennemis des livres. 8vo. Lyon, 1879. 20669 BIBLIOPHILE, pseud. De la matifere des livres. 8vo. Paris, 1880. 20915 BIBLIOPHILE, pseud. L'imprimerie hors I'Europe. 8vo. Paris, 1903. 3238 BIBLIOPHILE, pseud. See [Deschamps, P.]. BIBLIOPHILOS, pseud. The rights of the publick to the valuable Library at St. Nicholas' Church, Newcastle, duly con- sidered. i2mo. Newcastle, 1820. 13170 85 BIBLIOTHECA Annua : or, the annual catalog-ue for the year 1701 : being- an exact catalogue of all English and Latin books, printed in England from Mar. 25, 1701, to Mar. 25, 1702. No. 3. 4to. London, 1702. 12910 BIBLIOTHECA Bucking-hamiensis : a list of books relating to the County of Buckingham. 8vo. Aylesbury, 1890. 8655 BIBLIOTHECx\ elegantissima, Parisiana. Catalogue. 8vo. Londres, 1790. 5681 BIBLIOTHECA Mejicana. A catalogue of books and MSS. relating to America. 8vo. London, 1869. 20169 BIBLIOTHECA Militum : or the souldiers' publick library. [A satire.] 4to. n.p. London, 1659. 21540 BIBLIOTHEQUE Britannique, ou histoire des ouvrages des savans de la Grande Bretagne. 25 vols. i6mo. La Haye, ^733-^7' 5025 BICKELL, L. Bucheinbande des 15 bis 18 Jahrhunderts aus Hessischen Bibliotheken. Fol. Leipzig, 1892. 840 BICKELL, L. Bookbindings from the Hessian Historical Ex- hibition. Fol. Leipzig, 1893. 639 BICKHAM, G. A geometrical construction to form the twenty- four letters of the alphabet. 8vo. London [1770]. 20245 BIEDERMANN, F. v. Atelier et fabrique. {In Annuaire Graphique, 1909, pp. 37-49.) PP BID WELL, G. H. Treatise on the imposition of forms. i2mo. New York, 1866. 23153 BIDWELL, G. H. The printers' new handbook. A treatise on the imposition of forms, with tables of signatures, etc. [New edition.] i6mo. New York [1875]. 20834 BIERMANN, E. A. Plate speeds and gradation in screen negatives. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 5, 1899, pp. 23- 24.) PP BIERMANN, E. A. Trichromatic printing. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 6, 1900, pp. 57-59.) PP BIERMANN, E. A. Copy for reproduction. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 7, 1901-02, pp. 73-76.) PP BIERMANN, E. A. The middle tones. {In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, Vol. 8, 1902-03, pp. 33-35.) PP BIERMANN, E. A. Regularity in screen negatives. {In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 9, 1903-04, p. 72.) PP BIERMANN, E. A. The dry plate in process work. {In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 10, 1904-05, pp. 129-130.) PP BIERMANN, E. A. Three-colour inks and the spectrum. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-06, pp. 89-91.) PP 86 BIERMANN, E. A. Half-tone operating simplified. {In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-07, pp. 129- 131.) PP BIERMANN, E. A. Correct exposure and the rational way to use an exposure metre. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 109-112.) 581 BIERMANN, E. A. Exposure of the autochrome plate. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-09, pp. 167-168.) PP BIERMANN, E.A. Bruges: the Venice of the North. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 1911-12, pp. 109-110.) PP BIERMANN, E. A. The standardization of three-colour inks. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-13, pp. 197-200.) PP BIERMANN, E. A. A useful dry plate intensifier. {In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-14, pp. 79-80.) PP BIESTA, LABOULAYE & CIE. Epreuves de caracteres. Bvo. Paris, 1843 [1842]. 6070 BIESTA, LABOULAYE & CIE. Epreuves de caracteres. 8vo. Paris, 1843 [1845]. 694 BIGELOW, J. The Tilden Trust library, what shall it be? {In Scribner's Magazine, Sept. 1892.) 1620 BIGELOW, J. See Frankhn, B. BIGELOW, M. T. Punctuation, and other typographical matters, for the use of printers, authors, teachers, and scholars. i2mo. Boston, 1881. 20583 BIGELOW, M. T. Punctuation and other typographical matters for the use of printers, authors, teachers and scholars. 28th 1000. i2mo. Boston, 1898. 1483 BIGGS, G. The scheme for the management of Bigg's Charity for aged printers. 8vo. London, 1863. 22700 BIGGS, M. A. Women as public librarians. {In The English- jvoman's Review, July, 1898.) ^599 BIGMORE, E. C. and WYMAN, C. W. H. A bibliography of printing. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1880-86. 3743 21985 20488 16330 5983 BIGMORE, E. C. See Bouchot, H. ; Hoe. R. M. BIGNAN, M. A. Epitre a quelques ennemis des lumi^res, sur la decouverte de I'imprimerie. (In Almanach des Muses pour 1830, pp. 37-46.) 9749 BIGOT. C. Conference sur Gutenberg et I'imprimerie. i2mo. Langres, 1879. 23147 BIGOT, J., N., and L. E. Bibliotheca Bigotiana, seu catalogus librorum. i2mo. Paris, 1706. 10279 BILDERBECK, J. B. See Cambridge : St. Catherine's College. BILLPOSTER. The Billposter. Vol. 15, etc. 4to. London, 1900, etc. PP 87 BILLPOSTING AND OUTDOOR PUBLICITY. Vol. 5, Nos. 25-29. 8vo. London, 1905. PP BINDER, pseud. The printer's bindery. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 23, 1899, pp. 579-80, 708.) PP BINDER, pseud. Bookbinding for printers. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 24, 1899-1900, pp. 53, 224, 362, 544, 686, 837; To/. 25, 1900, pp. 33, 183, 350, 496, 643, 790; Vol. 26, 1900-01, pp. 420, 608.) PP BINDERY TALK. Vol. i, Nos. 1-4, 1912. 8vo. Los An- geles, 1912. PP [BINET, E.] Essay des merveilles de nature et des plus nobles artifices. Par Rene Francois [pseud., i.e. E. Binet]. ge. edition. 8vo. Paris, 1632. 8136 [BINET, E.] [Essay des merveilles de nature et des plus noble artifices.] Par Rene Francois [pseud]. [The article " L'lm- primerie " only]. 8vo. [Paris, 1657.] 10672 BINGHAM'S SON, S., MANUFACTURING CO. Printers' rollers. Sketch of the leading house in their manufacture. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 20, 1897-8, pp. 375-383.) PP BINGLEY, W. The extraordinary case of Wm. Bingley, bookseller. i2mo. London, 1770. 9781 BINKERT, G. Leonhard Straub der erste Buchdrucker der Stadt St. Gallen. 8vo. St. Gallen, 1878. 20012 BINNER, O. E. Process prices in the LInited States. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 5, 1899, pp. 46-47.) PP BINNER, O. E. Sunlight half-tones. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-06, pp. 161-163.) PP BIOGRAPHICAL dictionary of the living authors of Great Britain. See [Watkins, J. and Shoberl, F.] BION. Les idylles de Bion et de Moschus. i2mo. Amsterdam, 1688. 5785 BIRCH, S. History of ancient pottery. New edition. 8vo. London, 1873. 8419 BIRCH, W. De G. and JENNER, H. Early drawings and illuminations. 8vo. London, 1879. 997 BIRCH-PFEIFFER, C. Johannes Guttenberg. Original- schauspiel. 8vo. Berlin, 1836. 21610 BIRCKBEK, S. A treatise of the four last things, commonly called the Quatuor Novissima. 8vo. London, 1655. 21303 BIRD, F. Rules of the Typographical Association. A com- parison of the old, proposed and amended rules with comments. 8vo. Manchester, 191 1. 15007 BIRD, G. A treatise on photogenic drawing. {In The Mirror, Apr. 20, 1839.) 15194 88 BIRE, E. La presse royaliste de 1830 a 1852. Alfred Nette- ment : sa vie et ses oeuvres. 8vo. Paris, 1901. 11660 BIRMINGHAM. Handbook of Birming-ham. 8vo. Birming:- liam, 1886. 23162 BIRMINGHAM : Birmingham Library. A catalog-ue of the books, a hst of the subscribers, and a copy of the laws. 8vo. Birming-ham, 1807. 16784 BIRMINGHAM: Free Libraries. Bibliography: or books about books, their making, etc. By J. D. Mullins. 4to. Bir- mingham, 1884. 6290 BIRMINGHAM : Free Libraries. 33rd, etc., annual report for the year 1894, etc. 8vo. Birmingham, 1895, etc. 9006 BIRMINGHAM MACHINISTS CO. Specimens of printing types, ornaments, etc., supplied by the B. M. Co. 8vo. Birming- ham [c. 1870]. 9818 BIRMINGHAM TYPOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Rules and regulations. i2mo. Birmingham, 1873. 7569 BIRMINGHAM TYPOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Rules for 'stab work. i2mo. [Birmingham, c. 1890.] 75^8 BIRRELL, A. In the name of the Bodleian and other essays. 8vo. London, 1905. 7314 BIRT, T. Die Buchrolle in der Kunst. Archaologisch-antiquar- ische Untersuchungen zum antiken Buchwesen. Mit 190 Abbil- ■dungen. 8vo. Leipzig, 1907. 8928 BISHOP, E. Manuscripts in the British Museum. [A review of Illuminated MSS., 3rd series, 1901.] (In The Connoisseur, Dec. 1 90 1.) 2493 BISHOP, H. G. The practical printer : a book of instruction for beginners : a book of reference for the more advanced. 8vo. Albany, 1889. 11239 21904 BISHOP, H. G. Bishop's practical printer: a book of instruc- tion for beginners : a book of reference for the more advanced. 2nd edition. 8vo. New York, 1891. ' 10818' BISHOP, H. G. Diagrams of imposition for the pocket. A book of ready reference for printers. 24mo. Oneonta, N. Y. , 1901. 14610 BISHOP, H. G. The practical printer: a book of instruction for beginners : a book of reference for the more advanced. Con- taining information on all the various parts of the printing busi- ness. With diagrams of imposition and useful tables. 4th edition. i6mo. Oneonta, N. Y. , 1903. 377^ BISHOP, H. G. The job printer's list of prices and estimate guide : containing prices to be charged for all kinds of job and book work, from a small card to a large volume. i6mo. Oneonta, N. Y., 1904. 14608 89 BISHOP, H. G. The printer's ready reckoner containing many useful 'tables, showing the cost of stock used on small jobs, quantity of paper to give out, comparative weights of paper, relative sizes of type and other useful information for printers. [5lh edition.] i6mo. Oneonta, N. Y., 1904. 14609, BISHOP, J. G. The practical printer's companions. [A series of cards of tables, mounted.] Obi. Brighton, 1882. 20030 BISHOPSGATE FOUNDATION INSTITUTE. Librarian's report, 1899-1900, etc. 8vo. London, 1900, etc. 8960 BISHOPSGATE FOUNDATION INSTITUTE. List of prints contained in the Library relating to the City of London. Com- piled by C. W. F. Goss. 8vo. London, 1900. 6578 BLACK, A. A catalogue of books on sale. 8vo. Edinburgh^ 1822. 16582 BLACK, A. See Nicolson, A. BLACK, A. & C. Black's tourist's guide to Scotland. 5th edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1883. 9247 BLACK, J. Metal (large size) printing types. 8vo. London [1908]. 10718 BLACK, J. Metal printing types. 8vo. London [c. 1913]. 17929 BLACKBURN, C. F. Hints on catalogue titles and on index entries. 8vo. London, 1884. 6460 BLACKBURN, C. F. Rambles in books. [An annotated catalogue of his library.] 8vo. London, 1893. 2218 BLACKBURN, H. Randolph Caldecott : a personal memoir of his early art career. 8vo. London, 1886. 4074 BLACKBURN, H. The illustration of books and newspapers. {hi The Nineteenth Century, Vol. 27, 1890, p. 213.) 7233 BLACKBURN, H. Cantor lectures on the art of book and newspaper illustration. 8vo. London, 1894. 61 . BLACKBURN, H.. The art of illustration. 8vo. London, 1894. 59 BLACKBURN, H. Artistic process work. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 2, 1896, pp. 81-85.) ^^ BLACKBURN, H. The art of illustration. Revised to date, together with a chapter on coloured illustration by J. S. Eland. 4to. Edinburgh, 1900. 2844 BLACKER, J. F. Baxter Prints. A record sale. {In London Opinion, March, 6, 1909.) io754 BLACKETT, F. Yorkshire typographers and the early press of York. [Cuttings from a newspaper.] 23439 BLACKFRIARS TYPE FOUNDRY, Ltd. Original electros. Svo. London, 1909. 133^9 90 BLACKFRIARS TYPE FOUNDRY, Ltd. Specimens of body and jobbing- type. 8vo. London, 1910. 13368 BLACKMAN, R. D. Deacon's composition and style : a hand- book for literary students with a complete g-uide to all matters connected with printing- and publishing. 9th edition. Svo; London [1906]. 10256 BLACKS HA\^^, C. Technical queries for students in typo- graph)^ etc. 2 series. i6mo. Leicester, 1897-99. 634 1881 BLACKSHAW, C. Technical queries for students in typo- graphy and candidates for Stationery Office appointments. 4th series. 24mo. London, 1908. 9999 BLACKSHAW, C. The typographers' handy bookwork test cards. 32 cards. 24010. London [c. 1910]. 14157 BLACKSTONE, Sir W. Tracts, chiefly relating to the anti- quities and laws of England. 3rd ed. (IV. Observations on the Oxford press.) 4to. Oxford, 1771. ^3449 BLACKSTONE, W. See England : Statutes. BLACKWELL, H. Special bindings. {In Hitchcock, F. H. : The building of a book, 1906, pp. 248-256.) 8824 BLACKWOOD, J. See Oliphant, M. O. W. BLACKWOOD, W. See Oliphant, M. O. W. [BLADES, R. H.] Who was Caxton? William Caxton, mer- chant, ambassador, historian, author, translator and printer. A monograph. Svo. London, 1877. 23020 6052 BLADES, R. H. Who was Caxton? (In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 4, 1903, pp. 1 13-143.) PP BLADES, W". [A list of book sales in which specimens of the press of William Caxton have been offered for public competition. With the names of the purchasers and prices. MS.] 4to. [1859.] 20020 BLADES, \\\ A list of books printed ante A.D. 1500 by Lettou and Machlinia, London, and by an unknown printer at St. Albans ; with the pressmarks of such as are contained in the British Museum. 4to. London, i860. 2051 1( ) BLADES, W. Some account of the typography of St. Albans in the fifteenth century. 8vo. [London], i860. 22341 BLADES, W. The life and typography of W. Caxton. [Pros- pectus.] Svo. London, 1861. 22303 BLADEvS, W. The life and typography of William Caxton. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1S61-1863. 21038 5895 [BLADES, W.] Remarks upon, and analysis of " The life of W. Caxton," with extracts from reviews. Svo. London [1S63]. 23405 91 BLADES, W. A catalogue of books printed by William Cax- ton [with] the press mark of every copy in the British Museum. [Large paper copy.] 4to. London, 1865. 21 192 BLADES, W. A catalogue of books printed by William Caxton [with] the press mark of every copy in the British Museum. [Copy printed on vellum.] 4to. London, 1865. 21192A BLADES, W. Public libraries. [A list of the church, school and other libraries in England and Wales.] {In The Bookworm, Vol. I, 1866, pp. 134-135, 157-158, i7-'-i73-) PP BLADES, W. Numismata typographica : or the medallic his- tory of printing. From "The Numismatic Chronicle," July, 1867. 8vo. [London, 1867.] 22665 BLADES, W. A history of the art of printing. By H. N. Humphreys. [A review.] {In The Bookworm, Vol. 3, 1868, pp. 36-39.) PP BLADES, W. The printer at St. Albans, 1480-1486. {In The Bookworm, Vol. i, 1866, pp. 169-172.) PP BLADES, W. A list of medals, jettons, tokens, etc., in con- nection with printers and the art of printing. i2mo. London, 1869. 21531 BLADES, W. A list of medals, jettons, tokens, etc., in con- nection with printers and the art of printing. [Large paper copy.] 8vo. London, 1869. 21365 BLADES, W. The early schools of typography. {In The Bookworm, Vol. 5, 1870, pp. 35-38.) PP BLADES, W, The Ensched6 Typefoundry at Haarlem. {In The Bookworm, Vol. 5, 1870, pp. 49-56.) PF BLADES, W. How to tell a Caxton, with some hints where and how the same might be found. i2mo. London, 1870. 2968 21275 BLADES, W. The Enschede Typefoundry at Haarlem. (From The Bookworm, April, 1870.) 8vo. [London, 1870.] 20242 (2) BLADES, W. Typographical notes. [Containing- articles on The early schools of typography, and The Ensched^ Type-foundry at Haarlem, reprinted from The Bookworm.] 4to. [London, 1870.] 20519 BLADES, W. List of medals connected with printers and the art of printing, exhibited at the opening of the New Library and Museum, Guildhall, London, 8vo. London, 1872. 22929 BLADES, W. Shakspere and typography : being an attempt to show Shakspere 's personal connection with printing. 8vo. London, 1872. 20485 BLADES, W. [MS. catalogue of portraits of printers.] 4to. [1873.] 22002 BLADES, W. Some early type specimen books of England, Holland, France, Italy and Germany. 8vo. London, 1875. 59^4 92 BLADES, W. The literary almanack. {In Southward, J. : Dictionary of Typography, 1875.) 8vo. 6007 BLADES, W. [Caxton Celebration, 1877. A list of books printed by W. Caxton, arranged typically and chronologically for exhibition. M.S.] Fol. [1877.] 20312 BLADES, W. The biography and typography of William Caxton. 8vo. London, 1877. 20486 [BLADES, W. A guide to the objects of chief interest in the loan collection of the Caxton Celebration, Queen's Gate, South Kensington. 8vo. London, 1877. 23013 BLADES, W. The Plantin Museum. {In Macmillan's Maga- zine, Aug. 1878.) 1339 BLADES, W". William Blades, printer and bibliographer. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. i, 1878, pp. 1-3.) 22840 BLADES, W. John Walter and the birth of The Times. [Proof sheets of an article for Macmillan's Magazine.] 8vo. [London, 1878.] 22283 BLADES, W. The development of books and their size nota- tion. {In Library Association Monthly Notes, Jan. 1880.) 22266 BLADES, W. Numismatique de la typographic ou historique des medailles de I'imprimerie. Preface et annotations par L. Degeorge. 4to. Bruxelles, 1880. 20549 BLADES, W. The enemies of books. 8vo. London, 1880. 20384 BLADES, W. The enemies of books. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1880. 3247 BLADES, W. [Biographical note.] {In Celebrities of the Day, May 1881.) 22281 BLADES, W. Conversazione at Guy's Hospital, Oct. 3, 1881. Some books and portraits exhibited by W. B. [Lithographed.] i2mo. [London, 1881.] 23046 BLADES, W. The first printing press at Oxford. {In The Antiquary, Vol. 3, 1881, pp. 13-17.) 17085 BLADES, W. [Songs of the press. Collected by W. Blades. A collection of mounted cuttings in 3 volumes.] 8vo. [1882.] 20426 BLADES, W. Bibliotheca typographica. {In Printers' Regis- ter, Vol. 15, 1875, pp. 85-88, 106-108, 126-129, i45"i48j 165-167, 184-187, 205-206.) 20459 BLADES, W. Le Musee Plantin. [Trans, from an article in Macmillan's Magazine, Sept. 1878.] 8vo. [1878.] 22430 BLADES, W. [Numismata typographica : or the medallic history of printing. From the Printer's Register, with additions.] 4to. [London, 1S78-82.] 22046 93 BLADES, W. The biography and typography of W'ilHam Caxton. jnd edition. 8vo. London, 18S2. 63 BLADES, W. Who was Bercuhi? [In The BibHographer, J'ol I, i88j, pp. 13-15.) PP BLADES, W. \'ulgaria Whitintoni, 1520. (In The Bibho- grapher. Vol. i, 1882, pp. 48-49.) ' PP BLADES, W. Les hvres et leur enneniis. 8vo. Paris, 1883. 20453 BLADES, ^^^ Numismata typographica : or the numismatic lustory of printing-. 4to. London, 1SS3. • 21033 554- BLADES, \\\ Literary ghosts. [A mounted cutting.] i2mo. [London, 1883.] 231 n [BLADES, W'.] How to correct printers' proofs. Obi. i2mo. London [1883]. -3107 BLADE.S, \\'. The invention of the steam press. (In Printers' Regfister. Vol. 23, 1883-84, pp. 74-256.) -045- BLADES, \\\ An account of the German morahty play, en- titled " Depositio Cornuti Typographica." 4to. London, 1885. 20509 BLADES, W. On the present aspect of the question — \Mio was the inventor of printing? 8vo. London, 1887. 57^3 BLADES, W. The present aspect of the question — Who was the inventor of printing-? {,//? Printers' Register, Vol. 27, 1887, pp. 62-64, 80-S1, 98.) ^ 51 12 (2) BLADES, W. De ortu typographiae. [From the Bookworm.] 8vo. [London, 1S88.] 22412 BLADES, W'. The enemies of books. Revised by the author. 8vo. London, 1888. 5630 BLADES, \^". The enemies of books. Revised by the author. [Large paper copy.] Svo. London, 1888. 21994 BLADES, ^^^ The enemies of books. Revised by the author. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1888. 20385 BLADES, \\\ An account of proposals made nearly two cen- turies ago to found public libraries. (In The Library, Vol. i, 1889, pp. 9-12.) 22544 BLADES, ^^^ On sig-natures in old books. (In The Library, Vol. I, 1889, pp. 121-128.) 22894 BLADES, \\". On paper and paper-marks, (hi The Library, Vol. I, 1889, pp. 217-223.) 13681 [BLADES, W.] Sutton \\'orking: Men's Constitutional Asso- ciation. A lecture upon Books, and their orig-in and manufac- ture, Dec. 11,1889. [Syllabus and illustrations.] 8vo. [London, 1889.] 22:525 94 BLADES, W. [MS. notes of an article on Printing.] 8vo. {1889.] 6278 BLADES, W. Bibliographical miscellanies, Xo. i. The use and development of signatures in books. 8vo. London, 1890. 62 BLADES, W. Bibliographical miscellanies, Xo. 2 (-5). Books in chains. 8vo. London, 1890. 62 BLADES, W. Books in chains. {In The Antiquary, Xov. 1890.) 8vo. [London], 1890. 23269 BLADES, \V. The pentateuch of printing, with a chapter on Judges. With a memoir of the author and list of his works by T. B. Reed. 4to. London, 1891. 2900 5156A BLADES, W. The pentateuch of printing, with a chapter on Judges. With a memoir of the author and list of his works by T. B. Reed. [Large paper copy.] 4to. London, 1891. 5156 BLADES, W. The pentateuch of printing, with a chapter on Judges. With a memoir of the author and list of his works. 4to. Chicago, 1891. 10182 BLADES, W. Books in chains, and other papers. 8vo. London, 1892. 5629 BLADES, W. The first printing-press in England as pictorially presented. {In his Books in chains and other papers.) 5629 BLADES, \\'. Early greek types of the royal printing-office, Paris and the Chancellor of Cambridge University. {In his Books in chains and other papers.) 5629 BLADES, W. How to correct printers' proofs. Obi. 8vo. London, 1893. 66 BL.A.DES, \\'. The enemies of books. With a preface by R. Garnett. 8vo. London, 1896. 596 BLADES, W. The enemies of books. Popular edition. 8vo. London, 1902. 2819 BLADES, W. [Books in English on typography. A catalogue in MS.] 4to. 21716 BLADES, W. [Collection of papers written by or relating to W. B., including letters.] 553i BLADES, W. [Experimental sheets to show the wear of types cast in lead.] 4to. 21068 BLADES, W. [The genealogies of Caxtons, shewing their descent from hand to hand and the prices at which they have sold in successive years.] MS. 4to. 21037 [BLADES, W.] [Liturgical notes. A MS. volume probably written by W. B.] 22015 BLADES, W. [A MS. book containing Extracts principally of a religious character. Probably in Mr. Blades' hand-writing.] 22015 95 BLADES, W. [Notebook containing- proofs of the cuts in Numismata Typographia.] 6108 BLADES, W. [Particulars of two editions of Whittington's Vulgaria printed by Thomas Bercula, London, 1520 and 1525 (actually printed by R. Pynson).] MS. 8vo. 23021 BLADES, W. [Scrap book containing correspondence relative to "Numismata Typographia."] 21715 BLADES, W. [Scrap book containing cuttings on the Caxton celebration, etc.] 20320 [BLADES, W.] [The will of Robert Large (Caxton's master), of London, citizen and mercer. Two copies of the Latin original, a translation and various notes on R. L.] MS. Fol. 20543 BLADES, W. See Beedham, B. H. ; Berners, Dame J. ; Chalon, R. ; Caxton, W. ; Claudin, A. ; Depositio Cornuti Typo- graphic! ; Kirkwood, J.; London: International Inventions Ex- change; Panizzi, Sir A.; Pisan, C. de. ; Scott, E. ; St. Bride Foundation Institute; Wood, A. & Co. « BLADES, EAST & BLADES. Chapel rules. i6mo. [Lon- don, 1876.] 23039 BLADES, EAST & BLADES. Messrs. Blades' new printing works. (In The Printers' Register, April 1882.) 23114 BLADES, EAST & BLADES. Progress of printing- illus- trated. [An advertising booklet.] i6mo. London [1901]. 2431 BLADES, EAST & BLADES. Illuminated addresses on vel- lum. 8vo. London [c. 1904]. 4489 BLADO. See Bernoni, D. BLAEW, W. J. See Baudet, P. J. H. BLAIKIE, W. B. The printers to Prince Charles Edward in 1745. (In The Scottish Typographical Circular, Apr. 1901.) 2084 BLAIR, H. Lezioni di retorica e belle lettere. 3 vols. 4to. Parma. 1801-2, 5079 BLAKE, W. Silver drops, or serious things. 8vo. [London? c. 1709.] 6110 BLAKE, W. See Grolier Club. BLAKE, W. W. Sixteenth century printing- in Mexico. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 32, 1903-4, pp. 270-271.) PP BLAKE, GARNETT & CO. Supplement to specimen, i82[6]. 8vo. [Sheffield, 1826.] 22212 BLAKE, GARNETT & CO. Specimen of printing types. 8vo. Shefifield, 1827. 22219 BLAKE, GARNETT & CO. Supplement to specimen, i82[7]. 8vo. [Sheffield, 1827.] 22220 96 BLAKE, GARNETT & CO. Supplement to specimen, i82[8]. 8vo. [Sheffield, 1828.] 22221 BLAKE, GARNETT & CO. Specimen of printing types. 8vo. Sheffield [c. 1830]. 6027 BLAKE & STEPHENSON. Select specimen of printing types. 8vo. Sheffield, 1830. 22227 BLAKE & STEPHENSON. Specimen of printing- types. '8vo. Sheffield [1832]. 20268 BLAKE & STEPHENSON. Supplement to Blake &■ Stephen- son's specimen of printing types. 8vo. Sheffield [1836]. 22210 BLAKE & STEPHENSON. Specimen of printing types. 8vo. Sheffield [1838]. 20262 BLAKE & STEPHENSON. Specimen of printing types. 8vo. Sheffield, 1839. 6409 BLAKE & STEPHENSON. See Stephenson, Blake & Co. BLANC, ( ). Rapport sur les images de M. Dembour. (In Memoire de I'Academie de Metz, 1838, pp. 357-362.) 974i BLANC HARD, W. & SONS. Specimens of superior types for books, pamphlets, etc. 8vo. London [c. i860]. 16078 BLANCHARD, W. & SONS. Specimens of printing types. 8vo. Westminster [c. i860]. _ 16078 BLANCHET, A. See Lnberdis, J. BLANCKEN, J. L. Bildnisse beriihmter Kiinstler, Buch- handler, Buchdrucker und anderer Manner. Theil i. Fol. Niirn- berg, 1725. 21432 BLANCO, G. Ofrenda de la prensa de Venezuela en la erec- cion e inauguracion de la estatua ecuestre del ilustre Americano [Guzman Blanco]. 28 Oct. 1875. Obi. 8vo. Caracas, 1875. 20796 BLAND & LONG. Illustrated catalogue of apparatus and chemical preparations used in the art of photography. 8vo. Lon- don, 1856. 15022 (7) BLANDFORD, J. The printers' assistant. [Principally MS. matter, with a printed title.] i2mo. 1807. 6678 BLANDIN, P. F. Traite d'anatomie topographique. Planches dessinees et litographiees par N. H. Jacob. Fol. Paris, 1826. 7668 BLANEY, H. R. Photogravure. 8vo. New York, 1895. BLASCHE, B. H. Der Papparbeiter, oder Anleitung in Pappe zu Arbeiten. 4te. Auflage. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1815. 908 BLASCHE, B. H. B. H. B. 's Papparbeiter, oder Anleitung in Pappe zu Arbeiten. 5te., von J. J. Schnerr vermehrte Auflage. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1847. 9480 97 7 BLATCHFORD, C. Photographic optics simplified. {In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, I'ol. 17, 1C)11-J2, pp. 150-156.) PP RLATCHFORD, C. Some experiences with fish g'lue enamel. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-13, pp. 166-168.) PP BLATCHFORD, E. W. & CO. Better newspaper making. The part that stereotype and linotype metals play. 12 mo. [Chic- ago, 1899.] ' 1345 BLATCHFORD, R. See King, P. J. and Blatchford, R. BLECHER, C. Die Verwendung des Zinks fiir den lilhograph- ischen Druck nach dem Verfahren von Dr. Strecker. 8vo. Halle a. S. , 1906. 8133 BLELOCH, W. C. Printers of note— Richard Grafton. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 52, 1913-14, pp. 375-376.) PP BLEY, F. Moderne Kunst. 4to. Leipzig, 1884. 21817 BLEYGEAT, A. & E. See Fage, R. BLIKMAN & SARTORIUS. Geschiedkundig Overzicht der Firma (Prijs-Courant). 4to. Amsterdam [1891]. 584 BLISS, P. See Hearne, T. BLOCHER, W. L. Practical points for printers. i6mo. Day- ton O. , 1896. 1354 BLOCK, G. H. Litho-zincography. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual Vol. 6, 1900, p. iii.) PP BLOCK, G. H. Litho-zinc and metal plate printing. {In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 15, 1909-10, p. 168.) PP BLOMFIELD, R. Of book illustration and book decoration. (In Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society : Arts and Crafts Essays, 1899.) LS67 BLOOD, D. True scale printing on aluminium. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 29-30.) PP BLOOMER, A. F. Government newspapers and magazines. {In Inland Printer. Vol. 33, 1904, pp. 669-827; Vol. 34, 1904-5, p. 42.) ^ PP BLOOMER, A. F. The preparation of copy for machine com- position. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 40, 1907-8, p. 381.) PP BLOOMER, F. Biographical sketch of J. T. Brockett. {In Brockett, J. T. : Glossographia Anglicana [1882].) 21 157 BLOOMFIELD, R. The farmer's boy. 4th edition. [With Bewick's cuts.] i2mo. London, 1801. 5641 BLOOMFIELD, S. T. See Bible: N.T. Greek. BLOSSOMS of morality. [With cuts by Bewick.] 3rd edition. 8vo. London, 1801. 61 12 [BLOUNT, C] A just vindication of learning : or, an humble address to Parliament in behalf of the liberty of the press. By Philopatris. 8vo. London, 1679. 20391 (i) 98 BLOW'ITZ, H. S. de. Journalism as a profession. {In " The Contemporary Review," Jan. 1893.) 9515 BLOWITZ, H. S. de. Mv memoirs. 8vo. London, 1903. 8761 BLUE printing. (In The Illustrated Carpenter and Builder, Nov. 4, 1904.) 6643 BLUMENFELD, J. C. Die drei Tag-e Gutenbergs in Strass- burg. i2mo. Strassburg, 1840. 23077 BLUMENFELD, R. D. Antiquities, old and new. [Coloured prints, etc.] {In The New Liberal Review, Sept. 1902, pp. 254- 260.) 10280 BLUYSEN, P. See Leclerc, E. ; Marcassin, J. BOATE, G. Irelands naturall history. 8vo. London, 1652. 21249 BOBBIO, G. See Paris: Exhibition 1878. BOBEE, A. De la concurrence entre la librairie frangaise et la librairie beige. 8vo. Paris [c. 1840]. 944° BOCCACCIO, G. Boccace des nobles malheureux. Fol. Paris, 1 5 15. 21402 BOCCACCIO, G. See Audin, E. BOCHART, E. On the use of stops. {In The Annual Register for 1759. PP- 413-415-) 22270 BOCK, J. Gutenbergbuch. Fine Verherrlichung der Buch- druckerkunst in Gedanken und Gedichten aus der Gegenwart. 8vo. Wien, i88f;. 20845 BOCK, J. Die Zinkographie in der Buchdruckerkunst. 8vo. Leipzig, 1885. 22842 BOCK, J. Zincography : a practical guide. Revised edition. Translated by E. Menken. 8vo. London [c. 1886]. 2868 BOCK, J. Zincography : a practical guide. Translated by E. Menken. 4th edition. 8vo. London [c. 1890]. 2869 BOCK, J. Zincography : a practical guide. Translated by E. Menken. 5th edition. 8vo. London [c. 1890]. 698 BOCKEL, E. G. A. Die Buchdruckerkunst und die Kirchen- verbesserung. Predigt. 8vo. Oldenburg [1840]. 20675 BOCKENHEIMER, K. G. Gutenberg's Grabstatte. 8vo. Mainz, 1876. 22396 BOCKENHEIMER, K. G. Johann Brito aus Brugge, der angebliche Erfinder der Buchdruckerkunst. 8vo. Mainz, 1898. 121Q1 BOCKENHEIMER, K. G. See Mainz. BODEMANN, E. See Hanover: Kon. Offent. Bibliothek. BODLEIAN LIBRARY. See Oxford : Bodleian Library. 99 BODONI, G. B. Fregi e majuscole incise e fuse da G. B. B., direttore della Stamperia Reale. 8vo. Parma, 177 1. 8564 BODOXI, G. B. Iscrizioni esotliche a caratteri novellamente incisi e fusi. 4to. Parma, 1774. 5744 BODONI, G. B. [A collection of single sheets, etc., printed at Parma by G. B. B.j Fol. [Parma, 1780-1810.] 6177 BODONI, G. B. Lettre k M. le Marquis de Cubieres. 4to. [Parma, 1785.] 5152 (3) BODONI, G. B. Manuale tipog^rafico. 8vo. Parma, 1788. 5335 BODONI, G. B. Manuale tipografico. (Frag:ment ff. 50-100.) On vellum. 8vo. Parma, 1788. 20771 BODONI, G. B. Serie di majuscole e caratteri cancellereschi. Fol. [Parma, c. 1800.] 6178 BOIDONI, G. B. [Fragments of specimen books.] 4to. [Par- ma, c. 1800.] 6166 BODONI, G. B. Medaglia d'onore decretata dal Pubblico di Parma a G. B. Bodoni. Fol. [Parma], 1806. 17294 BODONI, G. B. Manuale tipografico. 2 vols. Fol. Parma, 1818. 5873 BODONI, G. B. Nel giorno solenne in cui veniva inaugurata li 27 Ottobre, 1872, la statua monumentale. G. B. Bodoni Saluzzese. Epigramma poliglotto. 4to. Torino, 1872, 21049(3) BODONI, G. B. Inaugurandosi il monumento a G. B. Bodoni da Saluzzo il 2-/ Ottobre, 1872. Fol. Saluzzo, 1872. 21049 (4) BODONI, G. B. [Bodoniana : a collection of printed docu- ments connected with the national festival held in honour of G. B. Bodoni, Saluzzo, 1872.] Fol. ' 21049 BODONI, G. B. La prefazione al Manuale Tipografico di G. B. B. Sequita da una dissertazione estetica di G. Chiantore. Edite per cura di S. Landi. [Proemio dell' abate J. Bernardi.] 8vo. Firenze, 1874. 22360 BODONI, G. B. XX. Lettere di G. B. Bodoni a G. Lucatelli, edite da Giovanni Benaducci. 8vo. Tolentino, 1888. 11668 BODONI, G. B. Bibliotheca Bodoniana. Catalogue of books, comprising nearly every publication issued by G. B. Bodoni, which will be sold by auction, etc. 8vo. London, 1886. 22311 5593(2) BODONI, G. B. See Amadutius, J. C. ; Arteaga, S. ; Ber- nardi, J. ; Bertieri, R. ; Pomba, G. ; Stockum, v. BODONI, M. [Lettere ai Accademici Filopatridi.] Fol. [Par- ma], 1803. 5824 BOEHM, G. An American academy for the study of typo- graphy and the kindred branches. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 3, 1885-6, p. 601.) PP 100 BOEHM, G. The liberty of the press. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 3, 1885-6, pp. 665, 729.) PP BOEHM, G. A walk through centuries. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 3, 1885-6, pp. 83, 141.) PP BOEHM, G. Shop lessons. I. — Chromography. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 4, 1886-7, PP- 5, 166.) PP BOEHM, G. A brief history of music composition. (7n Inland Printer, Vol. 5, 1887-8, p. 399.) PP BOEHM, G. Alois Auer : an historical reminiscence. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 5, 1887-8, p. 806.) PP BOEHM, G. Stereotyping. {In Inland Printer, Vol. =,, 1887- 8, p. 549-) ^ _ PI' BOEHM, G. The modern newspaper. {In Inland Printer, Vol. s> 1887-8, p. 642.) PP BOEHM, G. A chat about ancient prints. {lu Inland Printer, Vol. 7, 1889-90, p. 105.) PP BOEHM, G. Journals and journalists. {In Inland Printer, Vol 7, 1889-90, pp. 386, 591.) PP BOEHM, G. Reflections on illustrations. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 6, 1888-9, P- 578-) PP BOEK. Het Boek. [Formerly Tijdschrift voor Boek en Biblio- thekwezen.] Vol. i, 1912, etc. 8vo. Antwerp, 1912, etc. PP BOEKDRUKKERS NIEUWSBLAD. Vols. 1-5, 1874-78. 4to. Deventer, 1874-78. PP BOELES, W. B. S. De uitvinder van de boekdrukkunst te Haarlem. 8vo. Groningen, 1897. 2205 BOESCHENSTAIN, J. Precatio ad divam Virginem Hebraica. Aug. Vind., 1521. 4to. 6040 (4) BOETHIUS. His consolation of philosophy. Translated by W. Causton. 8vo. London, 1730. 21 185 BOETHIUS. See Delisle, L. BOEUF. Le Boeuf Illustre. Vol. i, etc. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1903, etc. PP BOFFITO, G. See Dante Ahghieri. BOGAERTS, F. Recueil d'autographes fac-similes lettres, etc. 4to. Anvers, 1846. 20139 BOGENG, G. A. E. Deutsche Einbandkunst im ersten Jahr- zehnt des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. 4to. Halle a. S. [c. 191 1]. BOHATTA, H. Bibliographic des Livres d'Heures (Horae B. M. V.) Oflficia, Hortuli Animae, Coronae B. M. V., Rosaria et Cursus B. M. V. imprimes aux i5e. et i6e. si^cles. 8vo. Vienne, 1909. 1 1 579 lOI BOHATTA, H. Liturgische Bibliographie des 15. Jahrhun- lerts mit Ausnahmc der Missale und Livres d'Heures. 8vo. VV'ien, 191 1. 16191 BOHN, H. G. Catalogue of a very select collection of books. 8vo. London, 1831. 995^ BOHN, H. G. A catalogue of books. 8vo. London, 1841. 7642 BOHN, H. G. Catalogue of books. Vol. i. 8vo. London, 1847. 7472 BOHX, IL G. Prospectus of Bohn's Standard Library. 8vo. London [1847]. 7392 BOHN, H. G. A select catalogue of new books at reduced prices. 8vo. London, 1850. 9375 BOHN, H. G. The question of unreciprocated foreign copy- right in Great Britain. A report of the speeches and proceedings at a public meeting held July i, 1851. With notes. 8vo. Lon- don, 1851. 11017 BOHN, H. G. The origin and progress of printing. 8vo. [London, 1857.] 5270 BOHN, H. G. Select catalogue of new books. i2mo. London [1858]. 7235 BOHN, H. G. Catalogue of a few bibliographical works, books on pottery, etc., the property of H. G. B., which will be sold, etc. 8vo. London, 1882. 846S BOHN, H. G. See Chatto, W. A. ; Humboldt, A. v. BOHN, J. Part 2 of a catalogue of books. 8vo. London, 1823. 8578 BOHN, J. A catalogue of an extensive collection of English books, offered at the prices annexed. To which is added a selec- tion of valuable foreign books, and a specimen of an intended classical catalogue. 8vo. London, 1829. 8830 BOHN, J. A catalogue of books in French, Spanish, Portu- guese and Italian. 8vo. London, 1833. 995 1 BOHN, J. Catalogue of ancient and modern books on sale. 8vo. London, 1834. 8579 BOHN, J. Catalogue of ancient and modern books in all languages on sale. 8vo. London, 1840. 15834 BOHN, J. Catalogue [of second-hand books]. 8vo. London, 1840. 8580 BOHN, J. Catalogue of a portion of the extensive and valu- able stock of the late J. B. 8vo. London, 1846. 11969 BOHN, J. C. Catalogus librorum quos vel propriis sumptibus typis excudendos curavit vel quorum copiam sibi paravit J. C. Bohn, Bibl. Hamb. 4to. Hamburgi, 1760. 17587 (2) 102 BOIARDO, M. M. Orlando innamorato. 4to. Venetia, 1545. 5653 BOILEAU, D. Papyro-plastics ; or, the art of modelling in paper, being- an instructive amusement for young- persons of both sexes. 24mo. London, 1825. 43^6 BOILEAU, E. Specification. Printing coloured designs by a varying succession of moveable types. 1854. No. 316. 8vo. London, 1854. 4286 BOILEAU-DESPREAUX, N. Arte poetica. 8vo. Madrid, 1807. 4317 BOISARD, F. Notices biographiques, litteraires et critiques sur les hommes du Calvados. 8vo. Caen, 1848. 7905 BOISSY-d'ANGLAS. Motion d'ordre pour la garantie de la liberte de la presse. 8vo. [Paris, 1796.] 23354 BOISVILLE, D. le V. de. Simon Millanges, imprimeur a Bordeaux de 1572 a 1623. 8vo. [Paris], 1896. 6909 BOITARD, ( ). See Berthiau, ( ), and Boitard, ( ). BOITEAU, P. See Paris : Exhibition, 1867. BOJANOWSKI, P. v. Herzog Carl August und der Pariser Buchhandler Pougens. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der inter- nationalen Beziehungen Weimars. 4to. Weimar, 1903. 3640 BOLAS, T. Cantor lectures. The application of photography to the production of printing surfaces and pictures in pigment. 8vo. London, 1878. 1370 BOLAS, T. Modern autographic printing processes. (In Society of Arts : Journal, 1880, pp. 135-138.) 13189 BOLAS, T. Cantor lectures on the recent improvements in photo-mechanical printing methods. 8vo. London, 1884. 1901 BOLAS, T. Cantor lectures on stereotyping. 8vo. London, 1890. 6147 BOLAS, T. Bolas's photographic annual. 8vo. London, 1890. 18485 BOLAS, T. Cylinder and rotary machine printing for photo- engraved blocks and plates; especially plates. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 3, 1897, pp. 51-55.) PP BOLAS, T. A plea for the scientific habit. {In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, Vol. 4, 1898, pp. 91-92.) PP BOLAS, T. Making types by photography. {In Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 46, 1900, p. 94.) PP BOLAS, T. Dyes, stains, inks, etc. {In Leland, C. G. : Use- ful arts, Vol. I, 1900.) 8vo. 172 1 BOLAS, T. Stereotypes or mouldings from photographs in relief, principally swelled gelatine. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 10, 1904-05, pp. 49-52.) PP 103 BOLAS, T., TALLENT, A. A. K. and SENIOR, E. A hand- book of photography in colours. 8vo. London, 1900. 1886 BOLAS, T. See Leland, C. G. , and Bohis, T. BOLETIN DE LA LNDUSTRIA Y COMERCIO DEL PA- PEL. Ano. I, 1907, etc. Svo. Madrid, 1907, etc. PP BOLETIN DEL CENTRO UNION DE LIBREROS liM- PRESORES Y ANEXOS. Ano. i, 1904-05, etc. Sm. fol. Buenos Aires, 1904-5, etc. PP BOLG AN CSOLAIR: or Gaelic Mag-azine, No. i. i2mo. Belfast, 1795. 6232 BOLLES, E. C. Collectors and collecting. i2mo. Melrose, Mass., 189S. 9735 BOLLETINO TIPOGRAFICO. (Organo Ufficiale della Lega Tipografico Internazionale.) Ann. i. No. i, 1910, etc. 4to. Cairo, 1910, etc. PP BOLOGNA : Societa di Mutuo Saccorso fra i Tipografi ed Arti Afiini. XXX Anniversario di sua fondazione. Brevi cenni ris- guardanti la Societa. 8vo. Bologna, 1882. 151 55 BOLOGNA : Scuola Professionale Tipografica. Per una scuola professional tipografica in Bologna. 8vo. Bologna, 1909. 11310 BOLOGNA : Scuola Professionale Tipografica. Programma, scopi, etc. 8vo. Bologna, 1913. ^7775 BOLTON : Education Committee. Directory, Session 1905-06. (Typography, pp. 288-289.) 8vo. Bolton, 1905. 7494 BOLTON, G. R. V\'ork at the shelves. {In Library Assistant, Vol. 5, 1905-07, pp. iio-iii.) PP BOLTON, G. R. The newsroom as a department of the public library, {In Library Association Record, Vol. 12, 1910, pp. 3^5- 343-) PP BOLTON, G. R. Practical book selection. {In Library Assist- ant, Vol. 10, 1913, pp. 71-78.) PP BOLTON, W. B. Collodion emulsion for process work. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 2, 1896, pp. 17-30.) PP BOLTON, W. B. Increasing the rapidity of collodion emulsion plates. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 3, 1897, pp. 113-115.) PP BOLTON, W. B. Multiple-aperture stops for half-tone work. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 4, 1898, pp. 81-85.) PP BOM E. de. William Morris en zijn invloed op het boek. Lezing gehouden im het Museum Plantin Moretus te Antwerpen den 25 Sept. 1904. Svo. Amsterdam, 1910. ^5958 BOM, G. D. Bijdragen tot eene geschiedenis van het geslacht Van Keulen als boekhandelaars, uitgevers, kaart-en Instrument- makers in Nederland. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1885. 11667 104 BOM, G. D. Bibliotheca Belg-ica. Vlaemsche Druckers Uit het tweede en derde tijdvak der Renaissance. (1526 tot 1599.) Hunne Werken en Merken, beschreven door G. D. B. 4to. Am- sterdam, 1894. 6587 BONASI, A. Sulla leg-g-e della stampa. 8vo. Bologna, 1881. 21597 BONASSIES, F. See Bories, J. and Bonassies, F. BONAVENTURA II. Ehre Herrn Bonaventura II des hochlobl. Stifts Rheinau wiirdigsten Pralaten g"eg"en die Unver- schamtheit Herrn F. J. Sulzers gerettet . 8vo. 1783. 20998 (4) BONAZZI, G. Deir ordinamento delle biblioteche. 8vo. Par- ma, 1889. 9802 BOND, A. L. Three gems in one setting. [Chromolithographs printed by David Brand.] Sm. 4to. London [c. i860]. 7922 BOND, A. L. See Bond, E. BOND, E. Leaves from a Christmas bough. Ornamented by A. L. Bond. [Wood-block colour printing b}' Leighton Bros.] i2mo. London, 1867. 6613 BONET DE TREICHES and CATINEAU LA ROCHE, P. Observations et projet de decret sur la librairie et les arts et pro- fessions auxiliaires. 4to. Paris, 1808. 16379 BONFADIUS, J. Annalium Genuensium ab anno 1528, recu- peratae libertatis usque ad annum 1550. 4to. Papiae, 1586. 7649 BONGI, S. Annali di Gabriel Giolito de' Ferrari da Trino di Monferrato stampatore in Venezia. 2 vols. 8vo. Roma, 1890- 97. 41 5 1 [BON I, M.] Lettere sui primi libri a stampa di alcune citta c terre dell' Italia superiore parte sinora sconosciuti parte mova- mente illustrati. 4to. Venezia, 1794. 20614 BONIFACE, S., Po^e. Liber sextus decretalium. Fol. Basel, 1476 5833 BONNANGE, F. Le bilan de I'esprit humain. Projet d'un catalogue universel des productions intellectuelles. Memoire sur les moyens a employer pour dresser rapidement des catalogues exacts et complets, etc. Precede d'un preface de M. E. Littre. 8vo. Paris, 1874. 8462 BONNARDOT, A. De la reparation des vieilles reliures. Complement de I'essai sur Part de restaurer les estampes et les livres. 8vo. Paris, 1858. 12608 BONNARDOT, A. Essai sur Part de restaurer les estampes et des livres. 2e. ed. 8vo. Paris, 1858. 4266 . BONNE, D. Het boekdrukken, boertende zamenspraak met zang tusschen Klass een zetter, en Jan een drukker. Ter eere van den uitvinder dier kunst L. J. Koster. Svo. Dordrecht [1823]. 21630 BONNET, E. Les debuts de I'imprimerie a Montpellier. 8vo. Montpellier, 1895. 12584 BONNET, G. Manuel de phototypie. Svo. Paris, 1889. 74 BONNET, G. Manuel d'heliog^ravurc et de photogravure en relief. 8vo. Paris, 1890. 73 BONNEVVELL, W. H. &: CO. Specimens of wood type. 4to. [London, c. 1865.] 6383 BONNEWELL, W. H. 8c CO. Specimens of wood type. Obi. 4to. London [c. 1870]. 2177 2694 BONNOT, ( ). Discours en faisant hommage au Corps Legis- latifs d'un ouvrage intitule Code Criminel. 8vo. Paris, 1810. 15979 BONWICK, J. Early struggles of the Australian press. 8vo. London, 1890. 2475 BOOK ANALYST AND LIBRARY GUIDE. Vol. i, 1878, etc. 8vo. London, 1878, etc. PP BOOK MART AND EXCHANGE AND ODD VOLUME REGISTER. No. i, Nov. 25, 1876. 8vo. London, 1876. PP BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER : ENGLISH. 4to. London [c. 1579]. 6034(1) BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER : ENGLISH. Fol. London, 1616. 21451(1) 5181(1) BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER : ENGLISH. 8vo. London, 1638. 5418 BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER : ENGLISH. 4to. London, 1639. 21324 BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER : ENGLISH. Fol. London, 1669. 1529 BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER: ENGLISH. The Sunday and holiday service of the Book of Common Prayer with the Psalms of David, paraphrased by W. Nicholls. 8vo. London, 1707. 8269 BOOK OF COMMONPRAYER : ENGLISH. 8vo. London, ^727- 21735(1) BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER : ENGLISH. 8vo. London, 1733 1755 BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER: ENGLISH. 8vo. Cam- bridge, 1760. 645 BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER: ENGLISH. 8vo. Cam- bridge, 1762. 5539 BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER : ENGLISH. 8vo. Oxford, 1763. 5670(1) BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER: ENGLISH. Svo. Cam- bridge, 1796. 8004 106 BOOK OF COMiMON PRAYER: ENGLISH. 8vo. Oxford, 1801. 1753 BOOK OF COiMMON PRAYER : ENGLISH. Stereotype ed. 8\o. Oxford, 1816. 3738(1) BOOK OF COALMON PRAYER: ENGLISH. The pictorial edition of the Book of Common Prayer. 8vo. London [c. 1840J. 10161 BOOK OF COMiMON PRAYER: ENGLISH. i6mo. Ox- ford, 1847. 4565 BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER : ENGLISH. 8vo. London, 1850. 4030 BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER : ENGLISH. 8vo. London, 1853. 2172S BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER : ENGLISH. 8vo. London, 1863. 7928 BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER : ENGLISH. 24mo. Ox- ford [c. 1880]. 5469 BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER : ENGLISH. The Collects from the Book of Common Prayer. 12 mo. Chiswick, 1901. 2460 BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER: FRENCH. La liturgie ou formulaire des prieres publiques de FEg-lise Unie d'Angleterre et d'lrlande. i6mo. Londres, 182 1. 5513 BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER : GERMAN. Das allgemeine Gebetuch, oder die Agendo der vereinigten Kirche von England Lind Irland. i6mo. London, 1821. 5519 BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER: GREEK. 121110. [Cam- bridge], 1665. 5963 BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER : GREEK. i6mo. London, 1820. 5518 BOOK OF CO.MMON PRAYER : MODERN GREEK. i6mo. London, 1820. 551? BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER: IRISH. Leabhar na Nor- naightheadh Ccomhchoitchionn. 8vo. Lunnduin. [1712.J 5061 BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER : IRISH. Leabhar na nUr- naighe Comhchoitchionn. 8vo. Ath-Cliath, 1825. 5010 BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER: ITALIAN. Libro delle preghiere publiche . . . Secondo I'uso della Chiesa d'lnghilterra e d'lrlanda. i6mo. Londra, 1821. 55i6 BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER: LATIN. Liturgia Britan- nica. i6mo. Londini, 1821. 5515 BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER: SPANISH. Liturgia An- glicana i6mo. Londres, 182 1. 55^4 BOOK of English trades, and library of the useful arts. New edition. [Bookbinder, bookseller, copperplate printer, engraver, paper-maker, printer, typefounder.] 8vo. London, 1821. 15640 107 BOOK of I{nglish trades, and library of the useful arts. [Book- binder, bookseller, copperplate printer, engraver, paper-maker, printer, typefounder.] 8vo. London, 1825. 5614 BOOK of Life. See [Thomson, R.] BOOK of mediaeval alphabets. Obi. Svo. Birmingham [c. 1850]. 15650 BOOK of the names of all parishes, etc., in England and Wales. [Engraved maps.] 4to. London, 1668. 5959 BOOK of trades ; or, library of the useful arts. [The copper- plate printer, the engraver.] Ft. 2. 3rd edition. i2mo. London, 1806. 10026 BOOK of trades ; or, circle of the useful arts. [Engraving, lithography, paper-making, typefounding, printing, stereotyping, bookbinding-^ bookseller, billsticker.] 3rd edition. i2mo. Glas- gow, 1837. " 14191 BOOK of trades; or, circle of the useful arts. 8th edition. [Engraving, lithography, paper-making, type-founding, printing, stereotyping, bookbinding, bookseller, billsticker.] i2mo. Glas- gow, 1846. 1 1959 BOOKBINDER. The Bookbinder. (Afterwards " British Bookmaker.") Vols. 1-3, 1888-90. 4to. London, 1888-90. PP BOOKBINDER'S Manual. See [Cowie, G.] BOOKBINDERS' TRADE CIRCULAR. Issued by the Lon- don Consolidated Society of Journeymen Bookbinders. Vols. 1-6. 8vo. London, 1850-77. 2648 BOOKBINDING. [In The Quarterly Review, Vol. 177, July 1893, pp. 178-21 1.) 9129 BOOKBINDING. {In All the Year Round, Nov. 21, 1868.) BOOKBINDING TRADES JOURNAL. Vol. i, 1904, etc. i2mo. Manchester, 1904, etc. PP BOOKBINDINGS that perish. {In The Illustrated Carpenter and Builder, Nov. 4, 1904.) 6644 BOOKE. A booke of Christmas carols. Illuminated from ancient MSS. in the British Museum. 8vo. London [c. 1850]. 9233 BOOK-LORE. 1/0^5. 1-6. 4to. London, 1884-7. PP BOOK. The Book-Lover. Vol. 3, etc. 4to. New York, 1902, etc. PP BOOKLOVERS' MAGAZINE. Vol. 6, 1905-9. 4to. London, 1905-9. PP BOOKMAN. " The Bookman " directory of booksellers, pub- lishers and authors. 4to. London, 1893. 2928 108 BOOKMEN. Bookinen : members of antiquarian and literary societies in the United Kingdom. 8vo. Rochdale, 1896. 18197 BOOKPLATE. The Book-Plate Annual. 4to. London, 1895. 79 BOOKS and authors : curious facts and characteristic sketches. i2mo. Edinburgh [c. 1865]. 20336 BOOKS AND BOOKPLATES. Vol. 4, etc. 4to. Edinburgh, 1904, etc. PP BOOKS AND BOOKSELLING. Vols. 1-3, 1895-7. 4to. London, 1895-97. ' PP BOOKS for the blind. {In Lloyd's Newspaper, Jan. 22, 1905.) 6509 BOOKS on water-marks. (In Royal Society of Arts : Journal, Vol. 57, 1909, pp. 205-207.) 10622 BOOKSELLER. No. 194, 1874, etc. 8vo. London, 1874, etc. 1095 BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER. Vol. 15, 1899, etc. 4to. Toronto, Canada, 1899, etc. PP BOOKSELLER, NEWSDEALER AND STATIONER. Vol. 25, etc 8vo. New York, 1906, etc. PP BOOKSELLERS and newspapers in the Isle of Man. {In The Bookseller, 1882, pp. 689-690.) 1095 BOOKSELLERS' PROVIDENT INSTITUTION. The . . . Institution : what it is and what it does. i2mo. London [c. 1905]- 8274 BOOKSELLING. Vol. i, 1S95, etc. 4to. London, 1895-6. PP BOOKSHELF. The Bookshelf. No. 1, etc. 8vo. London, 1896, etc. PP BOOKTRADE. The Booktrade supplement to The Retailers' Reference Register, 1901, etc. 4to. London, 1901, etc. PP BOOKWORM. The Bookworm. Vol. i, etc. 8vo. London, 1888, etc. PP BOOKWORM. See Berjeau, J. P. BOONE, T. & W. Catalogue of books. 8vo. London, 1862. 1 672 1 BOONE, T. & W. Catalogue of rare and valuable books. 8vo. London, 1863. 8581 BOORD, A. The breviarie of health. 4to. London, 1587. 21211 BOOSE, J. R. The libraries of Greater Britain. {In The Lib- rary [N.S.j, Vol. 2, 1901, pp. 183-189, 260-268; Vol. 3, pp. 214- 226.) PP 109 BOOT, SON c*l- CARPENTER. Root's sizeometer : an instant- aneous calculator of surface areas. [London, 1896.] 687 BOOTH, G. &- SON. A catalogue of books. 8vo. Norwich, 1 7^5- 7344(2) BOOTH, G. G. Something- about the Cranbrook Press and on books and bookmaking-; also a list of Cranbrook publications, with facsimile pag^es from the same. 8vo. Detroit, 1902. 17582 BOOTH, J. An address to the public on the polyg"raphic art invented by Mr. Joseph Booth, portrait painter. 8vo. London [17S8]. ^ 15531 (4) BOOTLE : Free Library and Museum. The 26th, etc., g-eneral report, 1912-13, etc. 8vo. Bootle, 1912-13, etc. 18259 BORCHGRAVE, J. de. Les resultats de la Conf(^rence de Berlin et le rapport de M. Taillefer au Syndicat pour la Protection de la Propriete Intellectuelle. 8vo. 1909. 13446 BORCKEL, A, Gutenberg-. Historisches drama. 8vo. Mainz, 1883. 21606 BORCKEL, A. Gutenberg. Sein Leben, sein Werk, sein Ruhm. Fol. Giessen, 1897. 620 BORCKEL, A. Gutenberg- und seine beriihmtesten Nachfolg-er im ersten Jahrhundert der Typographic nach ihrem Leben und Wirken darg-estellt von A. B. 8vo. Frankfurt, 1900. 2157 BORCKEL, A. Mainzer Drucker und Druckereien seit Gutenberg-. (In Allg-emeiner Anzeig-er fiir Druckereien, 1902, p. 2, etc.) PP BORDEALIX : Association Syndicale de Typog-raphes. Tarif des prix de composition. i2mo. Bordeaux, 1905. 11411 BORDEAUX : Exposition Internationale Maritime, 1907. Sec- tion des Arts Graphiques. Rapport prcsente par M. Gabriel Del- mas. 4to. Bordeaux, 1907. 11418 BORELLY, J. M. Architectura. Svo. Lug-duni, 1746. 5982(3) BOREN, R. M. The composition of ag-ency advertisements. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 38, 1906-7, pp. 545, 680, 846.) PP BOREN, R. M. Advertisements^ — good and bad. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 39, 1907, pp. 231-233.) PP BOREN, R. M. Trade paper advertising-. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 39, 1907, pp. 206-208.) PP BORGNET, J. Nouvelles recherches sur les imprimeurs de Namur. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1850. 17651 BORIES, J. and BONASSIES, F. Dictionnaire pratique de la presse, de I'imprimerie et de la librairie suivi d'un code complet contenant les lois, etc., sur la mati^re. 2 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1847. 749 BORLASE, W. See White, B. no BORMANS, S. Genealogie des premiers imprimeurs liegeois. (In Le Bibliophile Beige, Ann. i, 1866, pp. 37-42.) PP BORMAY, W, J. Wax eng-raving. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 26, 1900-1, p. 85.) PP BOROUGH POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE. A description of the Institute and its work, 1892-1904. 8vo. London, 1904. 6737 BOROUGH POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE: Printing Classes. Specimens of letterpress printing-. Booklet No. i, etc. 8vo and 4to. London, 1894, etc. 875 BOROUGH Printing Classes. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-14, pp. 179-181.) PP BORSENBLATT FUR DEN DEUTSCHEN BUCH- HANDEL, Jahrg. 75, 1908, etc. Fol. Leipzig, 1908, etc. PP BORSENVEREIN DER DEUTSCHEN BUCHHANDLER. Katalog der Bibliothek. 8vo. Leipzig, 1869. 21473 BORSENVEREIN DER DEUTSCHEN BUCHHANDLER. Publikationen. Bd. i, etc. 8vo. Leipzig, 1874, etc. 16704 BORSENVEREIN DER DEUTSCHEN BUCHHANDLER. Gesammelte Aufsatze und Mittheilungen aus dem Borsenblatt. 8vo. Leipzig, 1875. 20956 BORSENVEREIN DER DEUTSCHEN BUCHHANDLER. Zur Orientirung iiber die historische Abtheilung der Austellung zur 50 Jahr. Jubelfeier des Borsenvereins. Ostermesse, 1875. 8vo. [Leipzig, 1875.] 22687 BORSENVEREIN DER DEUTSCHEN BUCHHANDLER. Katalog der Ostermess-Austellung der Borsen Vereins, 1884. 4to. Leipzig, 1884. 20156 BORSENVEREIN DER DEUTSCHEN BUCHHANDLER. Katalog der Bibliothek. 2 Bd. 8vo. Leipzig, 1885-1902. 3690 BORSENVEREIN DER DEUTSCHEN BUCHHANDLER. Geschichte des Deutschen Buchhandels. Bd. i. Svo. Leipzig, 1886. 4070 BORSENVEREIN DER DEUTSCHEN BUCHHANDLER. \"erzeichniss der Buchhandlerischen Geschaftsrundschreiben. 8vo. Leipzig, 1897. 3690A BORSENVEREIN DER DEUTSCHEN BUCHHANDLER. Zur Orientirung iiber die Ausstellung aus den Blattsammlungen der Bibliothek der Blorsenvereins. i2mo. Leipzig, 1905. 6869 BORSENVEREIN DER DEUTSCHEN BUCHHANDLER. Satzungen. Svo. Leipzig, 191 1. 16048 BORSTIUS, G. Oratio de typographiae laudibus. 4to. Amstelaedami, 1728. 21643 BORUP, J. M. Commercial night views. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, pp. 198-200.) PP III 1H)R\ , j. r. Li's oiii^ines ilo riniprinuMie a INIarsoillc. 8vo. Marsoillo, "185S. " 4- 12 1U)SCMI, A. IMiotoi^taphv in colors. The three-color method. (/)( liihuul rriiiter, I (>/. 3J, 1903-4, pf- --3---5-) ^^^^ UOSCll, 11. de. Menioria H. de B., Rite celebrata a D. J. van LeniieiL Et Carmen de inventae typographiae laude Kostero Harlemensi auctorc 11. I>. 4to. .\mstelodam, 1817. 210J7 BOSOUirr, E. Traill' tlicoriquc ct pratique de I'art du relieur. 8\o. Paris, 1890. 84 1K)S0U1':T, E, Barcmes ou de\ is de travaux de reliure ^tablis au moven de 48 tableaux, etc. 4to. Paris, 1892. 81 BOSOL'I\T, 1-:. La reliure: etudes d'un praticien sur I'histoire et la technoloi^ie de Part du relieur-doreur. Avec une lettre- prelace de M. L. Gruel. 8vo. Paris, 1894. 83 BOSQUET, E. Guide manuel th»^orique et pratique de Pouvrier ou praticien-relieur : contenant dans toutes leurs parties la brochure dans ses rapports avec la reliure en tout genres, le cartonnage ;\ la Bradel, le cartonnage des livres ciassiques et autres, I'emboitage, etc. umo. Paris, 1903. 3321 BOSQUET, E. Guide manuel thtforique et pratique de Pouvrier ou praticien doreur sur cuir et sur tissus h la main et au balancier coiUenant dans toutes leurs parties, la dorure sur cuirs et sur tissus de tons genres, la dorure sur tranches, la ciselure et Pornementation des tranches, la marbure sur cuis et sur tranches. Suivi d'une notice sur Part, la theorie et la pratique du cuir ciselt^. Precede d'une notice historique sur Part de la reliure depuis Porigine jusqu'ii nos jours, umo. Paris, 1903. 3320 BOSS, II. R. The use and abuse of abbreviations.. Witli a list of those in conunon use. 4to. Chicago, 18S0. --933 BOSSANGE, BARTHES .^- LOWELL. Catalogue des livres francais. italiens, espagnols, portugais, etc. Svo. Londres, 1830. ' 16787 BOSSANGE, BARTHES &• LOWELL. Catalogue des livres frani;ais, italiens, espagnols, etc. S\o. Londres, 1843. 7824 BOSSANGE, 11. Opinion nouvelle sur la propriett^ littdraire. Svo. Paris, 1830. 13629 IU\SS\\G1\ M. Martin Bossange, 1766-1865. Svo. Paris, 1805. 15950 BOSSl\, .\. Traicte des manieres de graver en taille douce. Svo. Paris, 1645. 849 BOSSl\. E. Anleitung- zum Ornamentieren im Buchdruck- gewcrbe. Svo. Leipzig-, 1884. 22836 BOSSE, l\ lllustriertes W'orterbuch der gebraucliHclisten Kunst-ausdriicke fur den Buchdruck und verwandte Zweige. Svo. Leipzig, iSSS. 905 112 BOSSERT, H. T. Artistic every-day jobbing. [In Inland Printer, Vol. 17, 1896, pp. 423, 535.) PP BOSSERT, H. T. Hand-made pointers and borders. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 20, 1897-8, p. ^77.) PP BOSSOLI, C. The war in Italy from drawings by C. B. With a descriptive narrative by the author of " The Times " letters from the allied camp. 4to. London, 1859. 14728 BOSSUS, M. De veris animi gaudiis. 4to. Firenze, 1491. 5246 BOSTON ATHENAEUM. Catalogue of the Library. 5 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1871-82. 12405 BOSTON : Massachusetts Historical Society. Catalogue of the Library. 2 vols. 4to. Boston, 1859-60. 13686 BOSTON : Museum of Fine Arts. Exhibition illustrating the technical methods of the reproductive arts from the 15th century to the present time, with special reference to the photo-mechanical processes. 8vo. Boston, 1892. 1892 BOSTON : North End Union. The printing school record. 8vo. Boston, 1903. 4097 BOSTON : North End Union. The School of Printing. A prospectus. i2mo. Boston, 1905, etc. 6819 BOSTON : North End Union. An account of the Apprentice- ship Festival of the School of Printing. Oct. 30, 1906. 8vo. Boston, 1906. 9059 BOSTON : North End Union. The features of a printed book : showing some examples of the typography of modern book pages made up in the usual forms with some technical information. 8vo. Boston, 1906. 7601 BOSTON : Printers' Union. Constitution and rules and orders. i6mo. Boston, 1864. 757o BOSTON : Public Library. Catalogue of the Spanish Library and of the Portugese books bequeathed by G. Ticknor to the Library, together with the collection of Spanish and Portugese literature in the general library. By J. L, Whitney. 8vo. Boston, 1879. 8472 BOSTON : Public Library. Catalogue of the Barton Col- lection. 4to. Boston, 1888. 6557 BOSTON : Public Library. Memoranda concerning the printing department. i2mo. Boston, 1897. 868 BOSTON : Public Library. 48th, etc., annual report, 1899- 1900, etc. 8vo. Boston, 1900, etc. 9012 BOSTON : Public Library. A list of books on the history and art of printing and some related subjects in the Library and the Libraries of Harvard College and the Boston Athenaenum. 8vo. Boston, 1906. 7670- 113 8 BOSTON TYPE FOUNDRY. Specimens. 410. Boston, 1878. 6453 BOSTON TYPE FOUNDRY. Specimens. 410. Boston, 1 88 1. 6454 BOSTON TYPE FOUNDRY. Orijjinal faces. Sq. i2mo. Boston, 1883. 2746 BOSTON TYPE FOUNDRY. Specimens. 4to. Boston, 1885. 17147 BOSTWICK, A. E. Selecting for a public library. {In Hitchcock, F. H. : The building- of a book, pp. 362-369.) 8824 BOS\'ELT, J. V. Proeve van een fraaye boekdrukkery. [To be sold Jan. i, 1746.] 4to. Utrecht, 1746. 6206 (2) BOSWORTH, N. The accidents of human life. i2mo. New York, 1814. 4550 BOTANIST'S calendar and pocket flora. 2 vols. i2mo. London, 1797. 7661 BOTFIELD, B. Some account of the first Enghsh Bible. Philobiblon Society : Miscellanies, Vol. — .] 8vo. London c. 1850J. 3752 BOTFIELD, B. Some remarks on the prefaces to the first editions of the classics. 8vo. London [c. 1850]. 11002 BOTFIELD, B. Bibliotheca Membranacea Britannica, or notices of early English books printed upon vellum. [Philobiblon Society : Miscellanies, Vol. 2.] 8vo. [London, 1856.J 3569 BOTFIELD, B. Notices of libraries. (In Philobiblon Society : Miscellanies, Vol. 6, 1860-1.) 3753 BOTLEY, S. See Rich, J. BOTTLER, M. Die Lack- und Firnisfabrikation. [Mono- graphien iiber chemisch-technische Fabrikationsmethoden. Band 16.] 8vo. Halle a. S., 1908. 10641 BOTTOMLEY, S. E. Mr. S E. Bottomley's students' re- union dinner, Jan. 28, 191 1. 8vo. Leeds, 191 1. i554i BOTTOMLEY, S. E. Mr. S E. Bottomley's students' re- union dinner, Feb. 3, 1912. 8vo. Leeds, 1912. 15666 BOUANT, E. La g-alvanoplastie, le nickelage, I'arg-enture, la dorure, I'electro-metallurgie et les applications chimiques de I'electrolyse. i2mo. Paris, 1894. 10148 BOUBERS, J. L. de. Epreuves des caract^res. 8vo. Brux- elles, 1777. 20261 BOUCHARD, J. A. Catalogue des livres Francois, Latins, Anglois et Italiens. i6mo. [Florence, 1798.] 5017 BOUCHEL, L. Recueil des statuts et reglemens des mar- chand libraires, imprimeurs et relieurs de la ville de Paris. 4to. Paris, 1620. '2586 114 BOUCHER, F. See Hind, A. M. BOUCHEZ, E. See Frey, A. BOUCHON, G, Histoire d'une imprimerie Bordelaise, 1600- 1900. Les imprimeries G. Gounouilhou — La Gironde — La Petite Gironde. 410. Bordeaux, 1901. 37io BOUCHOT, A. Premiere periode de decadence. De I'dtat de I'imprimerie Parisienne en 1854. Lu a la conference des im- primeurs le 7 aout, 1854. 8vo. Paris, 1854, 1339° BOUCHOT, H. Le livre : I'illustration— la reliure. 8vo. Paris [1886]. 4456 BOUCHOT, H. L'oeuvre de Gutenberg, L'imprimerie. L'illustration. Svo. Paris, 1887. 21678 BOUCHOT, H. The printed book, its history, illustration and adornment from Gutenberg to the present time. Translated by E. C. Big-more. 8vo. London, 1887. 21568 BOUCHOT, H. Les reliures d'art a la BibHoth^que Nationale. 4to. Paris, 1888. 89 BOUCHOT, H. L'oeuvre de Gutenberg. L'imprimerie — L'illustration. 8vo. Paris, 1888. ^ 20741 BOUCHOT, H. The book : its printers, illustrators, and binders, from Gutenberg to the present time. Ed. by H. Grevel. 4to. London, i8go. 85 BOUCHOT, H. The book : its printers, illustrators, and binders, from Gutenberg to the present time. Ed. by H. Grevel. [Large paper ed.] 4to. London, 1890. 5178 BOUCHOT, H. Les ex-libris et les marques de possession du livre. 8vo. Paris, 1891. 86 BOUCHOT, H. Les livre k vignettes du 15 au 18 si^cle. Svo. Paris, 1891. 833 BOUCHOT, H. Les livre a vignettes du 19 si^cle. Svo. Paris, 1891. 834 BOUCHOT, H. Des livres modernes qu'il convient d'acquerir. Svo. Paris, 1891. 90 BOUCHOT, H. De la reliure, exemples k imiter ou h. rejeter. Svo. Paris, 1891. 88 BOUCHOT, H. La lithographic. Svo. Paris [1895]. 87 BOUCHOT, H. Un ancetre de la gravure sur bois. Etude sur un xylographe taille en Bourgogne vers 1370. 4to. Paris, 1902. 2676 BOUDET, J. B. Les origines de l'imprimerie et son intro- duction en Angleterre, de M. A. Quantin. Compte Rendu. Svo. Paris, 1879. 22482 BOUDET, J. B. See Paris: Exhibition, 1878. 115 BOLUIN, C, jils. Catalogue illustre des machines, presses et utensiles pour la typographie. 8vo. Paris [c. 1890]. i/i?? BOUDIN, C, fils. Specimen dc lettres en bois pour affiches. Svo. Paris [c. 1890]. 171 16 BOUHY, V. Jacques Wiener, graveur en mc^dailles ct son ocuvre. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1883. 20130 BOUICK, J. B. Summary of the history of the Sandeman Public Library, Perth, from its institution in 1898, to the year 1908. {In Library Association Record, Vol. 13, 191 1, pp. 32:- 329.) PP BOl'ILLON: Societe Typographique. Premier (— Quatrieme) recueil philosophique et litteraire. 4 vols. Svo. Bouillon, 1769. 21545 BOULARD, A. M. H. Catalogue des livres. Tom. 111. Svo. Paris, 1830. 9*19 BOULARD, S. Le manuel de I'imprimeur. Svo. Paris, 1791. 2119S BOULMIER, J. Estienne Dolet : sa vie, ses oeuvres, son martyre. Svo. Paris, 1857. 20035 BOUQUET. The Bouquet, culled from Marylebone Gardens by Bluebell and Mignonette and arranged by Thistle. I^or private circulation. Svo. London, 1S53. 1S462 BOURALIERE, A. de la. See La Bourali^re, A. de. BOURDILLON, F. W. Early printing at Lyons. (In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 6, 1905, pp. 257-264.) PP BOURDILLON, F. W. The early editions of the Roman de la Rose. [Bibliographical Society : Illustrated Monographs, No. 14.] 4to. London, 1906. 8403 BOURDON, G. See Massehn, A. [BOURGET, A.] [Specimen des caract^res de I'imprimerie.] 8vo. [c. 1850.] 9446 BOURGOIN. See Bresson, J. and Bourgoin. BOURLES, A. Traits pratique de I'imposition ou moyen mecanique d'imposer en imprimerie. 4to. Sisteron, 1864. 2380 BOURLOTON, E. A propos de I'origine de I'imprimerie a Poitiers. Svo. V^annes, 1897. 7007 BOURNE, H. R. F. English newspapers. Chapters in the history of journalism. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1887. 21649 BOURNE, H. R. F. See Francis, J. C. BOURNEVILLE ( ). Etienne Dolet, sa vie, ses oeuvres, son martyre. Conference faite le 18 mai, 1SS9, k I'occasion de I'inauguration de la statue d'Etienne Dolet sur la place Maubert. Svo. Paris, 1S89. 14655 116 BOUSSEMAER, A. La fonderie typographique. 8vo. Lille, 1885. 2ioig BOUTALL, W. Recent advances in connection with methods of photographic reproduction. (In The Journal of the City of London Colleg-e Science Society, June, 1889.) 1270 BOUTALL, W. Technical education in relation to the electro- typing, stereotyping and process engraving industries. [In Society of Arts : Journal, ToZ. 45, 1897, pp. 834-837). 890 BOUTALL, W. Technical education in process work, etc. (In The Process Photogram, Vol. 4, 1897, pp. 1 18-120). 891 BOUTALL, W. The effect of the introduction of process engraving on the art of printing. (In The Brit, and Col. Print. , Vol. 44, 1898, p. 314.) PP BOUTALL, W. Note on the relations of institutions of the character of the St. Bride Foundation Printing School to the local education authorities. 8vo. London, 1912. 16031 BOUTALL, W. [Early photo-engraving processes. With a specimen.] MS. 4to. [c. 1912.] 15856 BOLiTMY, E. Les typographes parisiens suivis d'un petit dictionnaire de la langue verte typographique. 8vo. Paris, 1874. 22762 BOUTMY, E. Dictionnaire de la langue verte typographique. i2mo. Paris, 1878. 92 BOUTMY, E. Dictionnaire de I'argot des typographes. 1 2 mo. Paris, 1883. 20837 BOUTOURLIN, Comte D. Description d'une edition du ise. siecle appartenante k S. Ex. M. la Comte D. Boutourlin. 8vo. Florence, 1820. 22659 BOUVENNE, A. Les monogrammes historiques d'apres les monuments originaux. 8vo. Paris, 1870. 20858 BOUYER, J. See Claudin, A. BOWDOIN, W. G. Decorative achievements of pyrography in bookbindings. (In The Artist, June, 1899, pp. 79-82.) 1508 BOWER, G. W. Specimen of printing types. 8vo. Sheflfield, 1837. 1 1073 BOWER, W. M. Some Linotype adjustments. Being a series of articles written specially for, and reprinted from, The Newspaper Owner, together with some tables and other technical matter of interest both to the embryo linotype operator and more proficient linotypist. 32mo. London, 1908. 9534 BOWER BROS. Proposals for establishing a graduated scale of sizes for the bodies of printing types and fixing their height to paper. 3rd edition. 8vo. Sheffield, 1841. 6015 117 BOVVERMAN, C. W. Mosely Industrial Commission. Report by C. VV, B., of the London Society of Compositors. 4to. Alanchester, 1903. 3460 BOVVERMAN, C. W. See London Society of Compositors. BOWES, J. L. Japanese marks and seals. Pt. i — Pottery. Pt. 2 — Illuminated MSS. and printed books. Pt. 3 — Lacquer, enamels, etc. 4to. London, 1882. 94 BOWES, R. Biog-raphical notes on the University printers from the commencement of printing in Cambridge to the present time. Svo. [Cambridge, 1886.] 6085 BOWES, R. A catalogue of books printed at or relating to the University, town and county of Cambridge, 1 521 -1893. 8vo. Cambridge, 1894. 1806 BOWES, R. Booksellers' associations : past and present. Sq. Svo. Taunton, 1905. 7613 BOWES, R. Cambridge bookshops and booksellers, 1846- 1858. 8vo. Cambridge, 1912. 16169 BOWES, R. and GRAY, G. J. John Siberch : bibliographical notes, 1886-1905. Sq. i2mo. Cambridge, 1906. 7598 BOW'KER, R. R. Copyright : its law and its literature. Being a summary of the principles and law of copyright. W'ith a biblio- graphy of literary property by T. Solberg. 4to. New York, 1886. 16834 BOWKER, R. R. A printed book. Svo. New York, 1S87. 6299 BOWKER, R. R. Great American industries. VI — A sheet of paper. [In Harper's Magazine, June, 1887.) 1269 BOWKER, R. R. Great American industries. VII — A printed book. {In Harper's Magazine, July, 1887.) 6299 BOWLES, J. A short answer to the declaration of the persons calling themselves the Friends of the Liberty of the Press. Svo. London, 1793. 16422 BOWLES, J. M. Fifth Avenue book shops. {In The Printing Art, Vol. I, 1903, p. 51.) PP BOWLES, J. M. Exhibitions of printing. {In The Printing Art, Vol. 3, 1904, p. 89.) PP BOWLEY, A. L. and WOOD, G. H. The statistics of wages in the United Kingdom during the last 100 years. Pt. 5 — Printers. Svo. London, 1900. 2609 BOWMAN, B. R. Economics of the hand-press. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 34, 1904-5, pp. 525-527.) PP BOW^YER, W. and OTHERS. Miscellaneous tracts. Col- lected by J. Nichols. 4to. London, 17S5. 4240 BOWYER, W. See Nichols, J. 118 BOX MAKERS' JOURNAL. Vol. i, 1897, etc. 4to. London, 1897, etc. PP BOXHORN, M. Z. De typographicae artis inventione et inventoribus, dissertatio. 4to. Lugd. Batav. , 1640. 22549 BOXHORN, M. Z. De typographicae artis inventione et inventoribus, dissertatio. [In Wolf, J. C. : Monumenta typo- graphica. Vol. i, 1740.) 20082 BOXHORN, M. Z. Ex M. Z. B. Theatro, etc. [An extract on Coster.] {In W^olf, J. C. : Monumenta typographica. Vol. i, 1740.) 20082 BOYD, J. Bewick g-leanings : being impressions from copper- plates and wood blocks engraved in the Bewick workshop. 4to. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1886. 8518 BOYER, H. Histoire des imprimeurs et libraires de Bourges, suivie d'une notice sur ses biblioth^ques. 8vo. Bourges, 1S54. 6896 BOYER, H., and VALLET DE VIRIVILLE, A. Filigranes de papier du i5e. si^cle aux armes des families Coeur et de Bastard. 8vo. Paris, i860. 12589 BOYLE, J. R. See Whitehead, W. BOZE (A/, de.) Catalogue des livres du cabinet de M. de Boze. [With prices.] 8vo. Paris, 1753. 13275 BRAAM, P. van. P. van Braam, typographi Dordraceni, Carmina. 8vo. Dordraci, 1809. 22252 BRABROOK, E. W. The Royal Society of Literature: a brief account of its origin and progress. 8vo. London, 1891. 8445 BRACEBRIDGE, Mrs. Notes for the panoramic views of Jerusalem sketched from nature and on zinc. 2nd edition. 8vo. Atherstone, 1835. 15814 BRACQUEMOND, ( ). Etude sur la gravure sur bois et la lithographic. 8vo. Paris, 1897. 9868 BRADBURY, H. Nature printing : its origin and objects. 4to. London, 1856. 885 (i) BRADBURY, H. On the security and manufacture of bank notes. 4to. London, 1856. 885 (2) BRADBURY, H. Printing : its dawn, day and destiny. 4to. London, 1858. 885 (3) BRADBURY, S. Bertram Dobell : bookseller and man of letters. 8vo. London, 1909. 11829 BRADBURY, AGNEW^ & CO., Ltd. Specimens of book and display types, ornamental borders, initials, head and tail pieces, arms, etc. 8vo. London [1908]. 9783 BRADBURY, WILKINGSON & CO., Ltd. Calendar, 1907. [Specimens of intaglio engraving.] 4to. London, 1906. 954i 119 BRADDICK, E. A. Catalogue of materials and up-to-date machinery [for printers]. Obi. 8vo. London [1913]. 16668 BRADDICK & POULTER. Catalogue of printing machinery, etc. Obi. 8vo. London [c. 1905J. 10358 BRADE (L.). L. Brade's illustriertcs Buchbinderbuch. Ein Lehr- und Handbuch der gesamten Buchbinderei und aller in dieses I'^ach einschlagenden Kunsttechniken. 5te. Auflage. 8vo. Halle a. S., 1909. 11060 BRADFORD, A. See Jones, H. G. ; Smith, J. BRADFORD, G. F. Making ready on platen presses. i6mo. New York, 1909. 11568 BRADFORD, VV. See Jones, H. G. ; Smith, J. ; Wallace, J. W. BRADFORD : City Council. Proposed classes in practical typography and lithography. 8vo. [Bradford, 1901.] 2434 BRADFORD MUNICIPAL TECHNICAL COLLEGE. Calendar, 1901-2, etc. 8vo. Bradford, 1901, etc. 8878 BRADFORD MUNICIPAL TECHNICAL COLLEGE. Some specimens of display work by the students in the practical classes in typography, 1903-4, etc. 4to. Bradford, 1904, etc. 4225 BRADFORD : Public Free Libraries. Class list of books on philosophy in the Hanson Library. 8vo. Bradford, 1897. 812 1 BRADFORD : Public Free Libraries. Class hst of books in the Reference Library on the useful arts (including chemistry). 8vo. Bradford, 1897. 8122 BRADLEY, H. See Oxford : University Press. BRADLEY, J. VV. The life and work of G. G. Clovio, miniaturist : with notices of his contemporaries, and of the art of book decoration in the i6th century. 8vo. London, 1891. 2324 BRADLEY, J. W. and GOODWIN, T. G. A manual of illumination. 9th edition. By J. J. Laing. 8vo. London [c- iS.ssI- 95 BRADLEY, J. W. See London : National Art Library. BRADLEY, W. A. End papers. (In The Printing Art, Vol. i, 1903, p. 171.) PP BRADLEY, W. A. The use of paper labels in bookbinding. {In The Printing Art, Vol. 4, 1904, p. 21.) PP BRADLEY, W. A. Blind-stamping for book covers. (In The Printing Art, Vol. 3, 1904, p. 105.) PP BRADLEY, W. A. The proper use of capitals, small capitals, and lower case. (In The Printing Art, Vol. 6, 1906, pp. 347-350.) ' PP BRADSHAW, H. On the recovery of the long lost Waldensian MSS. 8vo. [1862.] ' 2271 1 120 BRADSHAW, H. Two lists of books in the University Library [Cambridg-e]. 8vo. [1862.] 22712 BRADSHAW, H. An early University statute concerning- hostels. Svo. [1863.] 22713 BRADSHAW, H. Memoranda. No. i. Printers at Bruges in the 15th century. Svo. Cambridge, 1866. 22733 BRADSHAW, H. A view of the state of the University in Queen Anne's reign. Svo. [1866.] 22714 BRADSHAW, H. On two hitherto unknown poems by John Barbour. Svo. [1866.] 22715 BRADSHAW, H. On the earliest English engravings of the Indulgence known as the Image of Pity. Svo. [1S67.] 6296 (3) BRADSHAW, H. The skeleton of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Svo. London, 1S68. 534i (i) BRADSHAW, H. Memoranda by Henry Bradshaw. No. i. The printer of the Historia S. Albani. Svo. Cambridge, 1868. 6296 (i) BRADSHAW, H. An inventory of the stuff in the College Chambers. (King's College) 1598. Svo. [1868. J 22717 BRADSHAW, H. On two engravings on copper by G. M., a wandering Flemish artist of the XVth and XVIth centuries. Svo. [1870. j 6296 (4) BRADSHAW^ H. A classified index of the fifteenth century books in the collection of the late M. J. de Meyer. Svo. London, 1S70. 6296 (5) BRADSHAW, H. On the engraved device used by Nicolaus Gotz, of Sletzstat, the Cologne printer, in 1474. Svo. [1S70.] 6296 (2) BRADSHAW, H. On the oldest written remains of the Welsh language. Svo. [1871.] 22720 BRADSHAW, H. List of the founts of type and woodcut devices used by printers in Holland in the fifteenth century. Svo. London, 1871. 6296 (6) BRADSHAW, H. On the collection of portraits belonging to the University before the Civil War. Svo. [1872.] 22721 BRADSHAW, H. On the ABC as an authorised schoolbook in the i6th century. Svo. [1S75.] 22722 BRADSHAW, H. Notes of the episcopal visitation of the Archdeaconry of Ely in 16S5. Svo. [1S75.] 22723 BRADSHAW, H. Notice of a fragment of the Fifteen Oes and other prayers, printed at Westminster by W. Caxton about 1490-91, preserved in the library of the Baptist College, Bristol. Svo. London, 1877. 22728 BRADSHAW, H. The University library. Svo. Cambridge, 1881. 5341 (2) 121 BRADSHAW, H. Address at the annual meeting of the Library Association, Sept. 5, 1882. 8vo. Cambridge, 18S2. 5341 (3) BRADSHAW, H. Printing in Ireland, (hi The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol 13, 1884, p. 259.) PP BRADSHAW, H. The early collection of canons known as the Hibcrnensis. 8vo. London, 1885. 6296 (8) BRADSHAW, H. Godfried van der Haghen (G. H.), the publisher of Tindale's own last edition of the New Testament in 1534-5. {In The Bibliographer, Vol. i, 1882, pp. 3-11.) PP BRADSHAW, H. Godfried van der Haghen (G. H.), the publisher of Tindale's own last edition of the New Testament in 1534-5. 8vo. London, 1886. 6296 (7) BRADSHAW, H. A half-century of notes on the day book of John Dome, bookseller in Oxford, 1520, as edited by F. Madan for the Oxford Historical Society. [Facsimile MS.] Fol. Cam- bridge, 1886. 20805 BRADSHAW, H. Catalogue of the library of H. B., to be sold Nov. 16, 1886. 8vo. Cambridge, 1886. 20042 5341 (4) BRADSHAW^ H. Collected papers. 8vo. Cambridge, 1889. 548 BRADSHAW, H. Letters to officials of the British Museum. (In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 5, 1904, pp. 266-292, 431-442.) PP BRADSHAW, H. See Bruel, K. ; Bullock, H. ; Cambridge : LTniversity Library ; Grant, C. E. ; Macmillan and Bowes ; Prothero, G. W. BRADY, N. See Bible : O. T. : Psalms. BRAGHIROLLI, W. Indice di libri rari Italiani compilato sulle opere dei piu valenti bibliografi. i6mo. Mantova, 1863. 15136 BRAHE, T. V. See Weistritz, P. v. d. BRAINS (for the retail advertiser). Vol. 27, 1905, etc. 8vo. New York, 1905, etc. PP BRAMBACH, W. Psalterium. Bibliographischer Versuch iiber die liturgischen Biicher des Christlichen Abendlandes. (Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft, i.) 8vo. Berlin, 1887. 10347 BRAMBACH, W. Gregorianisch. Bibliographische Losung der Streitfrage iiber den Ursprung des gregorianischen Gesanges. 2ter. Aufl. (Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 7.) 8vo. Leipzig, 1901. 10347 BRAMBACH, W. Die papstlichen Bibliotheken. {In Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 10, 1896.) i0347 BRAND, J. Bibliotheca Brandiana. A catalogue of the library of J. B. 8vo. London, 1807. 8045 122 BRANDI, K. L'nsere Schrift. Drei Abhandlung-en zur Einfiihrung- in die Geschichte der Schrift und des Buchdrucks. 8vo. Gottingen, igii. 15523 BRANDIS, M. See Lange, H. O. BRANDIS, W. Rechtsschutz der Zeitungs- und Biicher-Titel. Svo. Berlin, 1898. 8082 BRANDT, F. Hints on practical management of the printing jfRce. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 20, 1888, pp. 161, 273, 383; Vol. 21, 1888, pp. 65, 129; Vol. 22, 1889, p. I.) PP BRANDT, S. The Ship of Fools. Translated by A. Barclay. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1874. 5126 BRANDWEINER, A. The auto-diaphragm. [In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 8, 1902-3, pp. log-iio.) PP BRANFILL, J. A. C. Notes on the half-tone dot. Diffraction V. penumbra. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 3, 1897, pp. 81-88.) PP BRANFILL, J. A. C. Some suggestions for experiments. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 5, 1899, p. 88.) PP BRANFILL, J. A. C. Half-tone without a camera. {In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 7, 1901-2, pp. 15-16.) PP BRANFILL, J. A. C. A proportional rule. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 9, 1903-4, pp. 49-52.) PP BRANFILL, J. A. C. Variation of exposure due to variation of size in copying. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, pp. 71-72.) PP BRANFILL, J. A. C. Reminiscences. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 73-77.) PP BRANFILL, J. A. C. Appreciation. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, p. 72.) PP BRANFILL, J. A. C. See Gamble, W. BRANT, M. See Schmidt, C. BRASSINGTON, W. S. An old Birmingham lecturer: The Rev, Thomas Hall, B.D., 1610-65. 4^0- 1887. 23294 BRASSINGTON, W. S. Historic bindings in the Bodleian Library. 4to. London, 1891. 841 BRASSINGTON, W. S. A history of the art of bookbinding, with some account of the books of the ancients. [Based upon J. Hannett's work, q.v.] 4to. London, 1894. 951 BRASSINGTON, W. S. Hand-list of collective editions ot Shakespeare's works published before the year 1800. 8vo. Stratford-upon-Avon, 1898. 1123 [BRAITHWAIT, R.] The lives of all the Roman Emperors. i2mo. London, 1636. 21726 BRAUN, G. See Eder, J. M. 123 MKAL'N, I'. NoiiiM iiihlmiro lii i I in Itililmi Ik < ,1 lilnii, .-m I iii|i(i i,-ijii>j M<)ii;isfi'rii ;i(l SS, I '(l;ilriciiiii (i Ah. mi Aiij;n,i.i( < >. i.inlilms, J I'ls. .]\(). Aiif^ii.sl;n' V^inr|< Ik (H Hill, 1 /MM (). .'M),|i) H\ii •,|H)i |(-K. J2mii. I'.iM'i, lH'-,n yHi( l'.l'l(.l.,\iri , L. R. Set- K:m,,,iiii .1, ( li.iilr. iljc. HKI'.IIIVI, < . Mx|i(tsIlo iiiv< III loinii aili.'i ly|)i)}M ,i|»|ii( ;ic |;iliii(« ii'dijila It (. i'l. Sin ksdoi lio. (/// VVoll, |. ('. : Momiminla lypn- f,Ta)jlii< .1, I, 1/ I" ) jiu)H2 \\\ili.ilil iiikI Im.I.i, I'.i k 1 1 Ii. I | - nia.scJiijiL'n, 410, Lrip/ij^, njuy. 'M^'j MlilCIIMICN, CrI,. K;il;il..^; H. 15. .,;r HUI'.IIMI';K, C'h. Mahiln^; 1). M.r,. Ihim n /in I' .ill •.. Ii.i. Iil. I mill ( ':ii liinna|.;iii I' .ilnil alii m, rlt . |li> l.cipzif^ Ikjo'^I. i \A^j-i UKI'.IIMI'iK, Crh. Dii \ I, III ill ill , lMl/in.n;(liiiH-. ()l,l. Hvo. I,ei|(/i^; |c. i()ii.|. I A\^^'7 \\\i\i iirii ^('O^i apliiM I Ml ( liai III! dim Ii dir I tin I id 11 h I n I. iinsi, /\Xi). '•"I"^'R. ^777- H.)47 i_\) 134 UIk I'MI K( H'l' , J. (i. I. N.ichi 1. hi \i.uilrt Slrin|)rl'.< Imtiiliti'y iiiul Scliriri^ii'sstMfy. Ziir lulat'iittMimj^ dor iMisclu'dischcn Sclii ill |>r()I)(>. .|t(). I.cipzij^-, 1777. ^947 (') -■i'--!-' (|) i;Ui:ri'K()l'l', J. (i. 1. DcrOiidl dcr VViiiisolic. /iim Niii.ii- j.ilir. Ncbst filler l.;iii(l('li;irtr. |l«). I.cip/if^, i77«). ^*)-|7 (-l) |{RI-:rrK()l'l'', J. C. 1. ICI.,! die (iesehicIUr dir I'lrnulmij^ iU\ KiK hdnickcrUiin.st. |ti>. Lripzij^-, I77(). Hi>|7 (5) -Mt)<)- (1) UUI-:! TKOIM'', j. (i. I. Versuch d. ,. r..|Miiii.; d( 1 Spii-lUai Icii, dii- lunridiniiif^ dcs l-i'incn|)apici cs, iiiid dm Aidaiif^ drr llolz- .sclintldi'laiiisl in luiiopa /ii ci lorsclicn. j vols. -|tt). I,«'ip/i}4', 1 784- 1 Ho I. ^947 (^>) liKKII K( )l'l' , J. (1. I. lixempliiiii t ypof^iaphiac Sinicac (if^uiis (■haractiTiim c t\pi.s mohilis composilimi. .(to. I.ipsiaf, \7^')- ^*U7 i^) -'"<)•)- (-') KRI'M'I'KOl'l', J. <;. 1. U.h.-i Kihliof^i.iphi,- mid Uihliophilic. .|t(.. Leipzif^-, 179;,. H(>I7 (7) HKI'IILOI'I'' \ llAUrhl,. Scliiili-piolxn. Svo. Leipzig', 1S75. I ^(,()(^ Mkl'ITKori'' \ IIAUrii;!,. S<'hiil1-pi..l)rn ,|.r Mnnntypi; SclzmascIiiiK'. Sxo. I.cip/if^ [c. i«jii>|. i^^^K HRI<:MNI-:R, D. IIw indnsliics <.r Scolland. Ilifii- rise, prt)j^rt'SS and piiscnl i nndihiin. [I'.ipii ;ind |),ipfi-han}^ in^"S, /)/). 3-'()-V|-. riiiiliii;; .111(1 piilili-Jliii}; , />/>. ,|()J-5II.| Hvo. I''V)-' IJRICNTANO, I''. I''. 1,'iinpiiiiiriir a I'aiiscii i(>.|5. (/// R.\ IK de.s lUiidcs I iislori(|ii( s, kjoj.) io()7(> liRI':N'l'AN(), I,. Sr,- l)(4aiinay, ( ) I /-/.<'. in^'lN ri'OKI) : I'uhlic Lihiary. I lie Id •'iitoniaii : a (|ii.ii li;ily ^•iiidf and catalogue, lulilcd l)y !•'. Tiiinci. I'ol. 1, No. 10, etc. Hvo. London, iH(jH, tie. 9926 URI'^NTON, J. j. \'oi(M«s from llic press: a colltclion ol .sUctclifS, fssays, and po(ans hy practical printers. Hvo. New York, 1H50. 20/|/|5, nRI'],S(MA NO, (i. I )i he seonoseiiili lipo^r.di (n.ipoli l.ino I'nno ledesclii j^li allrij dinioranii in N.ipoIi nel .Secolo \V'. (In l)/ialzko, K. : .Siuund. I»il). Ailx-ilen, Jlijl. 1 .| , i()Oi.) '•'.M7 KRj'l.SCIANO, (i. Neapolilana. ('onlril)iili .dla sloria delta lipo^ralia in Napoll nci seeoli id. [D/ial/ko, K. : Sa d. Ilih. Ailiiiliii, II, 11 iS. I S\(). Ilalle a. .S. , M)ot^, "*.i47 las BRESCIANO, G. See Fava, M., and Bresciano, G. BRESLAU : Univ. Bibllothek. A. F. Stenzler. Inest librorum sec. 15, impressorum, quos Bibliotheca Regiae Universitatis N'ratislaviensis tenet, conspectus jjeneralis. 4to. Vratislaviae, 1861. 11294 BRESSON, J. & BOURJOIN. Tarif de I'office-correspondance pour les annonces dans les journaux des departements et des pays etrano-ers. 8vo. Paris [c. 1831]. 12606(9) BRESSON, J. & BOURGOiN. Annonces dans les journaux des Pays Etrangers, pour le commerce. I'industrie, les sciences, la litterature et les arts, k I'office-correcpondance fonde par acte passe chez M. Rousse, notaire, sous la raison sociale. Svo. Paris [c. 183 1]. 12606 (8) BRESSON, J. & BOURGOIN. Pro^^r^s de la presse pdriodique departmentale et ^trang-^re. Svo. Paris, 1831. 12606(7) BRESSON, J. & BOURGOIN. Rapport sur la presse p^riodique departmentale pendant les huits premiers mois de I'annee, 1832. 8vo. Paris, 1832. 12606(11) BRETHERICK, H. W. Now and then: a retrospect. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 15, 1909-10, pp. 185-188.) PP BRETHERICK, H. W. The coming race: a review of some possibilities. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-11, pp. 65-66.) PP BRETON, J. & CIE. Grosvenor artistic covers. [Specimens.] 4to. Paris [1906]. 12567 BRETON, J. & CIE. The season's papers. Illustrated by G. Dola. Cliches Ruckert. Encres Lorilleux. 8vo. Paris, 1910. 12568 BRETON, L. M. Louis Breton. [Obituary notices by P. Delalain and E. About.] 8vo. Paris, 1883. 15947 BRETON, V. Essais progressifs sur la composition typo- graphique des tableaux et travaux de ville divers. Ouvrag-e accompagne d'un appendice sur la composition des langues orientales par A. Labouret. 4to. Paris, 1893. 97 BRETON, V. Cours elementaire de composition typo- g-raphique a I'usag-e des 61^ves de premiere annee. Svo. Paris, 1904. 1 1 164 BRETON, V. Petite notice sur la coupe des filets a I'usage des el^ves de I'Ecole Estienne, 3e. edition. Svo. Paris, 1907. 11165 BRETON, V, See Dejean, L. ; Paris': Ecole Estienne; Pinsard, J. ; Soullier, E. BRETT, T. B. The stamp duty on newspapers and the advertisement tax. How they were evaded. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 51, Nov. 20, 1902, pp. 325-327.) PP 126 BREUL, K. Henry Bradshaw. (In Englische Studien, Bd. lo, Heft. I, 1886.) 22724 BREVIARIUM ROMANUM. Pars Aestivalis (Hiemalis), 2 vols. 8vo. Parisiis, 1647. 4031 BREVIERE, L. H. See Adeline, J. BREWER, E. C. Authors and their works, with dates. i2mo. London, 1884. 6324 BREWSTER, E. A catalogue of some books printed for and sold by E. Brewster at the Crane in St. Paul's Church Yard. [In Birckbek, S. : Treatise of the four last things, 1655.) 21303 BREWSTER, W. B. Printers' profits. The objects and work of the New York Master Printers' Association. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 53, 1903, pp. 241-242.) . PP BREYNE-DUBOIS, G. de. Ce qu'il y'a dans une collection de journaux. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1881. ^4452 BRICE, A. See Brushfield, T. N. BRIDAL. A bridal gift. 7th edition. [Letterpress coloured borders.] 12 mo. Liverpool [c. i860]. 4^34 BRIDEN Family. See Morin, L. BRIDGES, T. Punctuation simplified. 8vo. London, 1904. 4632 BRIDGES, T. Punctuation simplified. 3rd edition. 8vo. London, 1905, 7024 BRIDGES, T. Punctuation simplified. 7th edition. 8vo. London [1911]- 15606 BRIDGET, ST. See Klemming, G. E. BRIEF. A brief sketch of various attempts which have been made to diffuse a knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, through the medium of the Irish language. 8vo. Dublin, 1818. 595i (2) BRIERLEY, B. Specimens of wood letter founts. Fol. Manchester, 1862. 6440 BRIERLEY, B. Specimen of wood letter founts. Fol. Man- chester, 1868. 9895 BRIGGS, R. H. The printing press and kindred machines. [Paper read before the Graduates Association of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.] 4to. [London, 191 1.] ^5499 BRIGHAM, W. T. A lis: of books published at or relating to the Hawaiian Islands. (In Hawaiian Club Papers, 1868.) 10188 BRIGHT, C. Imperial overseas telegraphy and telegraphic printing. [A note.] (in Royal Society of Arts : Journal, Vol. 62, 1914, p. 403.) 181 15 BRIGHT, W, Report on printing. [In Paris : Exhibition, 1878 : Society of Arts artisan reports, 1879.) 22419 127 BRIGHTON : Municipal Technical School. Prospeclus, 1895-6. 8vo. Brighton, 1895. 8874 BRIGHTON : Public Library. Annual report, 1906 (1905-6), etc. 8vo. Brighton, 1907, etc. 9625 BRIGHTON : Public Library. Catalogue of a loan collection of early printed books, the property of C. Thomas-Stanford. 8vo. Brighton, 1907. 9^77 BRIGHTON : Public Library. List of lantern slides. [Type- written list relative to the history of printing, efc] 4to. 1907. 8556 BRIGHTON : Public Library. Catalogue of a loan collection of bookbindings, 1400-1900, the property of C. Thomas-Stan- ford. 8vo. Brighton, 1908. 10270 BRIGHTON : Public Library, Museum and Fine Art Galleries. OfHcial guide. 8vo. Brighton, 1908. 10271 BRIMMER, G. The composing room. A serio-comico- satirico-poetico production — Oh ! 8vo. London, 1835. 20429 BRINTON, D. G. The books of Chilan Balam, the prophetic and historic records of the Mayas of Yucatan. 8vo. Phila- delphia [1883]. 23173 BRIQUET, C. M. Recherches sur les premiers papiers em- ployes en Occident et en Orient du loe. au i4e. si^cle. 8vo. Paris, 1886. 22468 BRIQUET, C. M. Papiers et filigranes des archives de Genes 1154a 1700. 8vo. Geneve, 1888. 21675 BRIQUET, C. M. Le papier Arabe au moyen-age et sa fabri- cation. Svo. Berne, 1888. 22467 BRIQUET, C. M. De I'utilite des filigranes du papier et de leur signification, k propos d'un recent proems. 8vo. Berne, 1888. 22466 BRIQUET, C. M. Les filigranes : dictionnaire historique des marques du papier des leur apparition vers 1282 jusqu' en 1600. 4 vols. Fol. Paris, 1907. 10086 BRISCOE, J. P. How to extend the library movement. [Re- printed from the " Library," Feb., 1896.] 8vo. London [1896]. 8116 BRISCOE, W. A. A recent development in library work amongst the young. {In Library Association Record, Vol. 11, 1909, pp. 264-267.) PP BRISSARD, N. Cruenta syllogismorum dialecticorum pugna. Svo. Parisiis [c. 1550]. 6038(4) BRISSON, A. See Chambure, A. de. BRISSONIUS, B. Selectarum ex jure civili antiquitatum. Svo. Lugduni, 155S. 5726 128 BRISTOL AND CLIFTON ARTS AND CRAFTS EX- HIBITION. Catalog-ue of the third exhibition. [Bookbindings, p. 43.] i2mo. Bristol, 1900. 2122 BRISTOL AND CLIFTON ARTS AND CRAFTS SOCIETY. [Rules, list of members, etc.] 8vo. Bristol, 1901. 10428 BRISTOL : City Library. Library Association, 1900. List of books exhibited. Svo. 1900. 8102 BRISTOL : Merchant Venturers' Technical College. Calendar, 1905-G, 8vo. Bristol, 1905. 74^4 BRISTOL : Museum and Library. Catalogue of books. Svo. Bristol, 1878. 15790 BRISTOL : Public Libraries. Annual report [for] year ending 30th June, 1898, etc. 8vo. Bristol, 1898, etc. 8961 BRISTOL : Public Libraries. Early printed books and manu- scripts in the City Reference Library. By N. Mathews. 4to. Bristol, 1899. 1364 BRITISH ADVERTISER. Vol. i, 1902, etc. Svo. Bristol, 1902, etc. PP BRITISH ALMANAC FOR 1874 (Companion to the Almanac for 1874.) 2 pts. Svo. London [1873]. 8009 BRITISH AND COLONIAL PRINTER AND STATIONER. Vol. I, 1S7S, etc. Svo. and fol. London, 1878, etc. PP BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. Catalogue of editions of the Holy Scriptures and other Biblical works in the Library. Svo. London, 1832. 16720 BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. Catalogue of the Library. Svo. London, 1857. 6305 BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. St. John, III, 16, in most of the languages and dialects in which the British and Foreign Bible Society has printed or circulated the Holy Scrip- tures. Enlarged edition. i2mo. London, 1881. 5202 BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. Historical catalogue of the printed editions of Holy Scripture in the Library of the Society. By T. H. Darlow and H. F. Moule. 4 vols. Svo. London, 1 903-11. 3884 BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY. Exhibition of Bibles in the Library of the Bible House in connection with the Tercentenary of the Authorised Version. Svo. London, 191 1. 14695 BRITISH. The British and foreign guide to the printing, stationery and fancy goods trades. Svo. Leyton, 188S. 11613 BRITISH ART PRINTER. Vol. i, 1895-6. 4to. Swindon, 1895-6. PP BRITISH BATTLEDORE. [A folded card.] [c. 1790.] 5471 129 9 BRITISH BOOKMAKER. Vol. 4, 1890, etc. 4to. London, 1890, etc. PP BRITISH EMPIRE PAPER, STATIONARY AND PRINT- ING TRADES JOURNAL. See Morriss's Trade Journal. BRITISH JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Vol. 47-53, 1900-6. 4to. London, 1900-6. PP BRITISH JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY. Some technical and commercial notes on process work. 8vo. London [c. 1910]. 15854 BRITISH LEATHER MANUFACTURING CO., Ltd. Why I print with Rexine. 8vo. Hyde [c. 1910]. 12406 BRITISH LETTER FOUNDRY. See Bell, J. BRITISH LIBRARY YEAR BOOK. See Greenwood, T. BRITISH LITHOGRAPHER. Vol. 1-4, 1891-5. 4to. London, 1891-5. PP BRITISH MUSEUM. A catalogue of the manuscripts of the King's Library [now in the British Museum] together with 150 specimens of writing from the 3rd to the 15th century in copper plates. By D. Casley. 4to. London, 1734. 21925 BRITISH MUSEUM. A catalogue of the MSS. hitherto undescribed. By S. Ayscough. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1782. 20170 BRITISH MUSEUM. A catalogue of the manuscripts in the Cottonian Library. Fol. London, 1802. 21706 BRITISH MUSEUM. A catalogue of the Harleian manu- scripts. 4 vols. Fol. London, 1808-12. 21705 BRITISH MUSEUM. A catalogue of the Lansdowne manu- scripts. Fol. London, 1819. 21712 BRITISH MUSEUM. Acts and votes of Parliament relating to the British Museum, with the statutes and rules thereof, and the succession of trustees and officers. 8vo. London, 1828. 8845 BRITISH MUSEUM. List of additions to the manuscripts in 1836-40 (1841-5). 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1834-50. 20155 BRITISH MUSEUM. A list of the books of reference in the Reading Room. 8vo. London, 1859. 6556 BRITISH MUSEUM. Catalogue of prints and drawings in the British Museum. Division I. Politcal and personal satires. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1870-83. 380 BRITISH MUSEUM. A hst of the books of reference in the Reading Room. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1871. 16917 BRITISH MUSEUM. A guide to the printed books exhibited to the public. 8vo. London, 1875. 23022 130 BRITISH MUSEUM. A descriptive catalogue of early prints in the British Museum. Vol. i i^VoL 2), German and Flemish schools. By W. H. Willshire. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1879-83. 530 BRITISH MUSEUM. A guide to the exhibition galleries. 8vo. London, 1880. 3163 BRITISH MUSEUM. Hand-list of bibliographies, classified catalogues, and indexes placed in the Reading Room. [By G. W. Porter.] 8vo. London, 1881. 3164 BRITISH MUSEUM. Catalogue of books in the Library printed in England, Scotland, and Ireland, and of books in English printed abroad to 1640. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1884. 21495 BRITISH MUSEUM. Reading Room and Libraries. With a plan. 8vo. London, 1884. ii937 BRITISH MUSEUM. A guide to the manuscripts and printed books illustrating the progress of musical notation, exhibited in the [Museum.] 8vo. London, 1885. 864 BRITISH MUSEUM. Index of artists represented in the Department of Prints and Drawings. Vol. i, Dutch and Flemish schools, German schools. By L. Gust. 8vo. London [c. 1885]. 153 BRITISH MUSEUM. A guide to the printed books exhibited to the public. 8vo. London, 1887. 3 161 BRITISH MUSEUM. A guide to the Chinese and Japanese illustrated books exhibited in the King's Library. [By R. K. Douglas.] 8vo. London, 1887. 6231 BRITISH MUSEUM. A guide to the printed books exhibited in the King's Library. 8vo. London, 1891. 373 BRITISH MUSEUM. Guide to the exhibition of drawings and sketches by Continental and British masters in the Print and Drawing Gallery. [2nd edition.] 8vo. London, 1892. 171 BRITISH MUSEUM. Catalogue of printed books. Bible, Pt. I. Fol. London, 1892. 5924 BRITISH MUSEUM. A guide to the MSS., etc., exhibited in the Department of MSS. and in the Grenville Library. 8vo. London, 1895. 313 BRITISH MUSEUM. Guide to an exhibition of drawings and engravings by the old masters in the Print and Drawing Gallery. By S. Colvin. [2nd edition.] 8vo. London, 1895. 170 BRITISH MUSEUM. Facsimiles from early printed books in the British Museum. Fol. London, 1897. 631 BRITISH MUSEUM. The book catalogue of the British Museum. {In The Quarterly Review, Oct., 1898.) 1618 BRITISH MUSEUM. Grotesque alphabet of 1464, reproduced in facsimile from the original in the British Museum. With an introduction by C. Dodgson. Fol. London, 1899. 1307 131 BRITISH MUSEUM. Return [i8gS-g]. 8vo. London, 1899. 8058 BRITISH MUSEUM. Three hundred notable ?JOoks added to the Library of the British Museum under the keepership of R. Garnett, 1890- 1899. 4to. London, 1899. '141 BRITISH MUSEUM. Illuminated manuscripts in the Britisli Museum. Text by G. F. Warner. 2nd (3rd) series. 2 pts. EoJ. London, 1900-1. 1929 BRITISH MUSEUM. Explanation of the sy.stem of the cata- logue. 8vo. London [r. 1901]. Ji93^ BRITISH MUSEUM. A j^uide to the exhibition in the Kinj^-'s Library, illustrating the history of printing, music printing and bookbinding. 8vo. London, 1901. 2438 BRITISH MUSEUM. Return, 1905. 8vo. London, 1905. «os3 BRITISH MUSl'.UM. Catalogue of books printed in the 15th century, now in the Library. Fol. London, 1908, etc. 16998 BRI'I ISH MUSEUM. A guide to the exhibifif.n in the King's Library, illustrating the history of printing, music printing and bookbinding. 8vo. London, T913. I74M BRITISH MrSJ-;U.M. See Corney, B. ; Fletcher, W. Y. BRITISH J'iliLJlT'iC. 4to. London, 1756. 5774 (7) BRITISH PRINTER. Vol. i, 1888, etc. 4to. Leicester, 1888, etc. PF BRITISH PRINTER. Practical notes on stereotyping and electrotyping. l'"rf;m The British Printer. Compiled by the editor [H. WheltonJ. 8vo. London, 1901. 2484 BRITISH STATIONER. (Supplement to the Caxton Maga- zine. Vol. I, 1904, etc. 4to. London, 1904, etc. PP BRITISH STRINGERTYPE SYNDICATE, Ltd. The Stringerlype. 8vo. London, 1906. 8028 BRITLSFI TYPE FOUNDRY. Specimens of type, borders, ornaments, etc. 8vo. London, 189G. ^4^^7 BRITISH TYPOGRAPHIA. [Rules, etc.\ 8vo. London, 1887. 22380 BRITO, J. Who was the inventor of printing? A new claimant. Jean Brito v. Gutenberg and Coster. (In The Brit, anrj Col. Print., Vol. 42, May 12, 1898, pp. 294-295. j PP BR]'l(), j. See Bergmans, P. ; Bockenheimer, C. G. ; Caullet, G. ; Gilliodts van .Severf-n, L. ; Kfjniiri(], If. BRIT'ION, J. The rights of literature : or an enquiry into the policy and justice of the claims of certain public libraries on all the publishers and authors for eleven copies of every new publi- cation. 8vo. London, j8;4. 15152 132 BROCHARD, M. Miisacum selectum, sive catalog-us libro- rum viri clariss. M. Brochard. 8vo. Parisiis, 1729. 11920(1) BROCKETT, J. T. A catalog-ue of books and tracts printed at the private press of George Allan, Esq., F.S.A. 8vo. Newcastle, 1818. 11335 BROCKliTT, J. T. Hints t)n the propriety of cstaljlishing a Typog-raphlcal Society in Newcastle. i2mo. Newcastle, 1818. 1 3 169 BROCKETT, J. T. Glossographia Ang^licana. To which is prefixed a biographical sketch of the author, by E. liloonier. [Sette of Odd Volumes. Opuscula No. 2.] i6mo. London, 1882. 21157 BROCKHAUS, F. A. Zur Erinnerung- an das funfzigjiihrige Jubiliium dcr Eirma F. A. B. in Leipzig, 1856. 4to. Leipzig, 1857. 22994 BROCKHAUS, F. A. Proben Zussammenstellung. [Col- lection of single sheets.] Fol. Leipzig [c. i860]. 5931 BROCKHAUS, F. A. Modernc Umschlage. Obi. 4to. Leipzig, 1909. 10752 BROCKHAUS, F. A. Sec Brockhaus, H. E. ' BROCKHAUS, H. Uebcr der Druck Sanskritischer Werke mit Lateinischcn Buchstaben. 8vo. Leipzig, 1841. 22676 BROCKHAUS, H. Die Transscription des Arabischen Alphabets. 8vo. Leipzig, 1863. 22686 BROCKHAUS, H. E. Friedrich Arnold Brockhaus. Scin Lcbcn und Wirken. 2 Tlicil. 8vo. Leipzig, 1872-6. 20973 BROCKHAUS, H. E. Die Eirma F. A. Brockhaus von dor Begriindung bis zum hundertjahrigen Jubilaum, 1805-1905. 8vo. Leipzig, 1905. 16441 r^ROECKAERT, J. Dcndermondschc drukpcrs. 8vo. Dendcr- mondo, 1890. 9^-1 BROECKX, C. Notice sur uii \\\ ic dc mcdecine prctenduemcnt imprime en 1401. 8vo. Anvers, 1847. 17660 BROFFERIO, A. Cenni storici intorno aU'artc tipografica e suoi progresssi in Picmontc (hill 'invtiizionc dclla slainpa sino al 1835. 8vo. Milano, 1876. 20639 BR0ML1<:Y, H. a. Outlines of stationery testing. 8vo. London, 1913. • I7-5S BRONNERDE, P. de. Opus triviuui. Fol. Koln [c. 1475J. 5916 BROOKE, Miss C. Reliqucs of Irish poetry. 4to. Dublin, 1789. 5170 BROOKE, Miss C. Reliqucs of Irish poetry. 8vo. Dublin, 1816. 50^° 133 BROOKE, SIMPSON, & SPILLER, Ltd. Specimens of printing' inks. 8vo. London [c. 1904]. 47^4 BROOKMAN, F. W. The preparation of the original in relation to fine etching. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 9, 1903-4. PP- 121-124.) PP BROOI-^MAN, F. W. The preparation of originals for repro- duction. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 57-60.) PP BROOKMAN, F. W. Preparation of originals. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 264-268.) PP BROOKMAN, F. W. Some common causes of airbrush failures, (hi Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp. 70-72.) PP BROOKS, F. W. How to run your job office to make money. i6mo. Wirksworth, 1902. 3269 BROOME, W. A sermon preach'd at the Assizes in Norwich, August 8th, 1737. 8vo. Norwich, 1737. 16357 BROQUELET, A. See Maurou, P. and Broquelet, A. BROTHERS, A. Dust. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. I, 1895, p. 30.) PP BROTHERS, A. Astronomical photography : illustrated, (hi Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 3, 1897, pp. 73-74.) PP BROTHERS, A. Astronomical photography : illustrated. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 5, 1899, pp. 33-36.) PP BROU, C. DE. Recherches bibliographiques sur quelques in- cunables precieux de la biblioth^que de S. A. S. le Due d'Aren- berg. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1849. 17642 BROU, C. DE. Varietes bibliographques. Marques d'impri- meurs. 8vo. [Antwerp, 1874.] 21371 BROUGH, W. S. Book illustration : being a lecture delivered at the North Staffordshire Technical Museum, Hanley, May 2, 1891. 8vo. Leek, 1891. 13263 BROUGHAM, H., Lord. Taxes on knowledge. Stamps on newspapers. Extracts from evidence before the select committee on libel laws, in June, 1834. 8vo. Bungay [c. 1850]. 16424 BROUGHTON, H. Textes of Scripture. 4to. London, 1591. 21244 BROUILLANT, L. J. de. La liberte de la presse en France aux i7e. et i8e. sifecles. Histoire de Pierre du Marteau, imprimeur a Cologne (i7e.-i8e. si^cles). 4to. Paris, 1888. 20761 BROUM, K, H. Die Autotypie und der Dreifarbendruck. 8vo. Halle a. S., 1912. 16695 BROUWER, H. O. Letterproef der boekdruckkerij van H.O.B. Fol. Amsterdam, 1823. 21497 (2) 134 BROWN, C. Shakespeare and the horse. {In The Library [3rd series], Vol. 3, 1912, pp. 152-180.) PP BROWN, E. A brief account of some travels. 4to. London, 1673. 21851 BROWN, F. C. The selection and determination of letter forms. {In Graphic Arts and Crafts Year Book, Vol. 2, igo8, pp. 104-116.) PP BROWN, F. H. The India Oflice Library. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 5, 1904, pp. 256-265.) PP BROWN, H. G. The Venetian printing press. An historical study. 4to. London, 1891. 104 5592 BROWN, H. G. Studies in the history of Venice. [A Venetian printer-publisher in the i6th century (G. Giolito), Vol. 2, p. 88; The Index Librorum Prohibitorum and the censorship of the Venetian press, I'oZ. 2, />. 39.] 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1907. 17298 BROWN, H. T. See Prouteaux, A. BROWN, J. See Bunyan, J. BROWN, J. & SON. The firm of three generations. 8vo. Glasgow, 1908. 1 06 1 6 BROWN, J. D. Library progress. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. I, 1900, pp. 5-10.) PP BROWN, J. D. Descriptive cataloguing. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 2, 1901, pp. 135-140-) PP BROWN, J. D. Practical bibliography. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 4, 1903, pp. 144-151-) PP BROWN, J. D. Manual of library economy, 8vo. London, 1903. 3606 BROWN, J. D. Public utilization of existing libraries. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 5, 1904, pp. 93-102.) PP BROWN, J. D. Catalogue annotations. {In Library Assistant, Vol. 4, 1903-5, pp. 106-113.) PP BROWN, J. D. Classified list of current periodicals : a guide to the selection of magazine literature. 8vo. London, 1904. 8049 BROWN, J. D. A manual of practical bibliography. i2mo. London [1906]. 8264 BROWN, J. D. Subject classification, with tables, indexes, etc., for the sub-division of subjects. 8vo. London, 1906. 7830 BROWN, J. D. Tyranny of the catalogue. {In Library World, Vol. II, 1908-9, pp. 1-6.) PP BROWN, J. D. In defence of Emma Jane. {In Library World, Vol. II, 1908-9, pp. 161-166.) PP BROWN, J. D. The shy enquirer. {In Library World, Vol. 13, 1910-11, pp. 365-368.) PP 135 BROWN, J. R. See Fincham, H. W. and Brown, J. R. BROWN, J. T. The art of printing, and the effects of the cheapness and facihties of that art on society. A lecture deUvered Dec. 7, 1847. i2mo. London [1848]. 23024 BROWN, M. L. Engraved half-tones. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 2, 1896, pp. 71-73.) PP BROWN, M. L. Engraved half-tones : second paper. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 3, 1897, pp. 33-37.) PP BROWN, M. L. Facts versus art. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 4, 1898, pp. 41-47.) PP BROWN, M. L. The mechanical half-tone. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 5, 1899, pp. 85-87.) PP BROW'N, M. L. Process work in the States. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 7, 1901-2, pp. 101-103.) PP BROWN, T. The taxidermist's manual. 8vo. Glasgow, 1833. 15715 BRO\VN, W, Notes on Argyle's declaration printed at Campbeltoun, 1685. {In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Publications, Vol. 3, 1899.) 17569 BRO\VN, W. Zachary Boyd's Forme of catechising, 1639. {In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Publications, Vol. 3, 1899.) 17569 BROWN, W. Writings of Alexander Pennecuik, M.D., and Alexander Pennecuik, merchant. {In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Publications, Vol. 6, 1906.) 17569 BROWN, W. H. The story of the London Branch of the Co-operative Printing Society, Ltd. 8vo. London, 1907. 9046 BROWN, W. N. A practical manual of wood engraving : with a brief account of the history of the art. 8vo. London, 1886. 3082 BROW^N, W. N. Wood engraving : a practical and easy introduction to the art. 3rd edition. 8vo. London, 1899. 2391 BROWNE, A. Ars Pictoria : or an academy treating of drawing, painting, limning and etching. Fol. London, i66g. 7189 BROWNE, C. A. G. Pros and cons of advertising merchandis- able goods. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, I'oZ. 14, 1908-9, pp. 17-19.) PP BROWNE, T. B. Specimen book. Types, borders, orna- ments, etc. 4to. London, 1902. 6877 BROWNE, W. C. Metal plate printing : a treatise on printing in the lithographic manner from zinc and aluminium plates. i2mo. New York, 1910. 11854 BROWNE, W. R. Private and commercial printing. {In The Printing Art, Vol. 3, 1904, p. 141.) PP 136 BROWNING, E, B. Sonnets from the Portuguese. i2mo, Chiswick, 1906. 17698 BROWNING, R. The Pied Piper of Hamelin. With 35 illustrations by K. Greenaway, eng-raved and printed in colours by E. Evans. 4to. London [c. 1880]. 3791 BROWNING, R. The Pied Piper of HameUn. i2mo. London, 1884. 6217 BRUCE, D. Typefounding- in the United States. (In Typo- graphic Messenger, Vol. 3, Jan., 1868, pp. 17-18.) 3966 BRUCE, G. Specimens of printing types, etc. 8vo. New York, 1853. 5070 BRUCE, G. An abridged specimen of fonts of type. 4to. New York, 1865. 6372 BRUCE 'S SONS, & CO., G. An abridged specimen of printing types. 4to. New York, 1869. 5928 BRUCE'S SONS, & CO., G. ist (—12th; 14th; 19th) supple- ment to Bruce's abridged specimen book of 1869. 4to. New York, 1870-81. 6373 BRUCE'S SONS, & CO., G. Specimens of modern fancy fonts of printing types. 4to. New York, 1881. 20302 BRUCE'S SONS, & CO., G. Specimen of printing types. 4to. New Yprk, 1882. 20304 BRUCE'S SONS, & CO., G. See Munson, V. B. BRUCE, J. Technical arithmetic for typographers. 8vo. Leicester, 1913. 1749^ BRUCE, J. See Manningham, J. BRUCKNER, G. Geschichte der Erfindung der Buchdrucker- kunst. 8vo. Schleusingen, 1840. 23414 BRUCKNER, M. L'emploi du photoguillochage dans I'impression des papiers de valeur. (In Annuaire Graphique, 1909, pp. 166-171.) PP BRUCKNER, M. The first Mertens printing machine in practical use. (In The Brit, and Col. Print., April 20th, 191 1, p. 10.) PP BRUEGEL, P. See-Bastelaer, R. v. ; Hausenstein, W. BRUGES : Biblioth^que Publique. Catalogue methodique par P. J. Laude. 8vo. Bruges, 1847. 15121 BRUGES : Exposition de la Toison d'Or. Catalogue. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1907. 9098 BRUGNER, C. Brugner's Landschaft-Studien. 12 reproduk- tionen nach Oelfarbenskizzen. Obi. 4to, Wandsbeck [c. 1870]. 9963 BRULATOUR, J. E. Teachings and practice of the Lumiere starch grain process. (In Franklin Institute : Journal, March, 1908.) 17910 137 BRUN, M. Manuel pratique et abrege de la typographic fran- caise. 121110. Paris, 1825. 1801 BRUN, M. Manuel pratique et abrt^ge de la typographic fran- caise. 2e. Edition. Svo. Bruxelles, 1826. 20073 BRUNCK, R. F. P. Analecta veterum poetarum graecorum. Tom. I. Svo. Argentorati, 1772. 9696 BRUNEL, G. Le livre a travers les ages. 4to. Paris, 1894. 105 BRUNET, G. Lettre au Bibliophile Jacob au sujet de I'etrange accusation intentee contre M. Libri, membre de rinstitut, contenant des recherches sur les livres k la reliure de Grolier, sur les volumes elz6viriens non rogne et sur quelques particularites bibliographiques. Svo. Paris, 1849. i4573 BRUNET, G. Livres imprimes a petit nombre et non destines au commerce. Svo. [Bruxelles, 1S51.] 22381 BRUNET, G. La France litt^raire au 156. sifecle. Svo. Paris, 1S65. 10320 BRUNET, G. Imprimeurs imaginaires et libraires supposes. Svo. Paris, 1S6S. 20695 BRUNET, G. La bibliomanie en 1878. Par Philomneste junior [i.e. G. Brunei]. Svo. Bruxelles, 187S. 10507 BRUNET, G. Recherches sur les imprimeries imaginaires clandestines, et particuli^res, publiees par les soins de Philomneste junior [i.e. G. Brunet]. Svo. Bruxelles, 1879. 389 BRUNET, G. La bibliomanie en 18S3. Par Philomneste junior [i.e. G, Brunet]. Svo. Bordeaux, 1884. 2091 1 BRUNET, G. La reliure ancienne et moderne. 4to. Paris, 1884. 107 BRUNET, G. Etudes sur la reliure des livres et sur les col- lections de bibliophiles celebres. Svo. Bordeaux, 1S91. 106 BRUNET, G. See Rabelais, F. BRUNET, J. C. Manuel du libraire et de I'amateur de livres. 46. edition. 5 vols. Svo. Bruxelles, 1838-45. 5367 BRUNET, J. C. Manuel du libraire et de I'amateur de livres (supplement). 5e. edition. 7 vols. Svo. Paris, 1860-78. 217S2 6203 BRUNET, J. C. See Cailleau, C. A. and Duclos, ( ). BRUNSWICK. Gedenkbuch der 4ten Sacularfeier der Erfin- dung der Buchdruckerkunst zu Braunschweig. Svo. Braun- schweig, 1S40. 22361 BRUNSWICK : Stadtbibliothek. Die Wiegendrucke in der Stadtbibliothek. Im Auftrage der stadtischen Behorden bearbeitet von Dr. Heinrich Nentwig. Svo. Wolfenbiittel, 1S91. 6590 138 BRUSHFIELD, T. N. The life and bibliography of Andrew Brice, author and journaHst : with some remarks on the early history of the Exeter newspaper press. 4to. 1888. 21792 BRUSSELS : Association Libre de Compositeurs et Impri- meurs Typographes de Bruxelles. Statuts. i2mo. Bruxelles, 1884. 1023 1 BRUSSELS : Association Libre des Compositeurs et Impri- meurs Typographes de Bruxelles. Statuts. i2mo. Bruxelles, 1889. 15175 BRUSSELS : Association Libre des Compositeurs et Impri- meurs Typographes de Bruxelles. Statuts et tarif. i2mo. Brux- elles, 1907. 8667 BRUSSELS : Association Libre des Compositeurs et Impri- meurs Typographes de Bruxelles. LXVe. anniversaire. Compte rendu des fetes et receptions et rapport du secretaire. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1907. 11052 BRUSSELS : Biblioth^que Royale de Belgique. Annuaire. Premiere ( — Douzi^me) annee. 12 vols. i2mo. Bruxelles, 1840-51. 20678 BRUSSELS : Biblioth^que Royale de Belgique. Documents iconographiques et typographiques de la Biblioth^que Royale de Belgique. [Vol. i.j Fol. Bruxelles, 1877. 22053 BRUSSELS : Cercle d'Etudes Typographiques. Repro- ductions des croquis et compositions du Concours Typographique International de 1905. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1906. 7822 BRUSSELS : Cercle d'Etudes Typographiques. ler. Salon du Livre. Exposition de photogravure. Bruxelles, 1906. [Cata- logue.] Nar. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1906. ^773 BRUSSELS : Cercle d'Etudes Typographiques. Repro- ductions des croquis et compositions. Concours Typographique International de 1907. Obi. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1908. 1157° BRUSSELS: Cercle d'Etudes Typographiques. Catalogue de la Biblioth^que. 8vo. Bruxelles [c. 1909.] 10017 BRUSSELS : Cercle d'Etudes Typographiques. [Type specimen book.] 8vo. [Bruxelles, 1909.] 11044 BRUSSELS : Cercle d'Etudes Typographiques. Album de travaux typographiques executes par les el^ves de 2e. et 3e. annees d'etudes, 1908-10. 4to. Bruxelles, 1910. 12274 BRUSSELS : Cercle d'Etudes Typographiques. Lettre ouverte du Comite du Cercle k M. A. Leempoel. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1910. 12411 BRUSSELS: Cercle d'Etudes Typographiques. Concours Typo- graphique International de 1910. 4to. Bruxelles, 1910. 13179 BRUSSELS : Conference International de Bibliographic et de Documentation. Actes. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1908. 13393 139 BRUSSELS : Conference International dc Bibliographie et Docu- mentation. Analytical account. 8vo, Brussels, 1908. 12081 BRUSSELS : Congrfes International de Bibliographic. Projet de code de regies pour 1 'organisation de la bibliographic et de la documentation, bvo. [Hruxelles, 191G.J 15400 BRUSSELS : Congr^s International de la Presse Periodique. Deuxi^me congres. Bruxelles (Belgique), 24-25-26 Juillet, 1910. Documents pr^liminaires. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1910. 12407 BRUSSELS : Congres International des Archivistes et des Bibliothecaires. Congres de Bruxelles, 1910. Voeux ^mis par les sections et ratifies par I'Assemblee g^nerale du 31 Aout. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1912. 17317 BRUSSELS : Congres International des Archivistes et des Bibliothecaires. Actes. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1912. 16595 BRUSSELS : Ecole du Livre. [Programme.] 8vo. Brux- elles, 191 1. 14133 BRUSSELS : Ecole Professionelle de Typographic. Rapport annuel, 1894, etc. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1894, etc. 189 BRUSSELS : Ecole Professionelle de Typographic. Cele- bration du 2 5e. anniversaire de la fondation. [Retirement of M. Dumont.] (in Les Annales de ITmprimerie, Juin, 1913.) PP BRUSSELS : Exhibition, 1880. See Fey, J. BRUSSELS : Exhibition, 1888. Souvenir de Bruxelles Ex- position, 1888. Obi. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1888. 5000 BRUSSELS : Exhibition, 1897. Catalogue general oflficiel. 2 vols. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1897. 975 BRUSSELS: Exhibition, 1897. Catalogue special du groupe de I'imprimerie et des industries du livre. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1897. 6907 BRUSSELS : Exhibition, 1910. Bruxelles et son Exposition. Guide officiel. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1910. 13288 BRUSSELS : Exhibition, 1910. British oflficial catalogue. 8vo. London, 1910. 13286 BRUSSELS : Exhibition, 1910. Catalogue general oflliciel. II — Liste des exposants. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1910. 13287 BRUSSELS : Exhibition, 1910. Section AUemande. Cata- logue officiel. 8vo. Berlin, 1910. 14067 BRUSSELS : Exhibition, 1910. Deutsches Reich. Amtlicher Katalog. 8vo. Berlin, 1910. 14066 BRUSSELS : Federation Typographique Beige. R^glement. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1886. 10233 BRUSSELS : Fonderie Typographique -Royale. Recueil des divers caract^res, etc., de la Fonderie Typographique Royale. Fol. Bruxelles, 1827. 21499 140 BRUSSELS : Institut International de Bibliographic. Abstract of the catalogue of the Institute. 8vo. Brussels, 1904. 8767 BRUSSELS : Institut International de Bibliographic. Manuel abrege du Repertoire Bibliographique Univcrsel. 8vo. Bruxellcs, 1905. 8477 BRUSSELS : Institut International de Bibliographic. Biblio- th^que collective des soci^tes savantes. (Publication No. 96.) 8vo. Bruxellcs, igo8. ii997 BRUSSELS : Institut International de Bibliographic. Rapport sur rinstitut. 8vo. Bruxellcs, 1908. 9800 BRUSSELS : Institut International de Bibliographic. L'ln- stitut International de Bibliographic. Notice-Catalogue. 8vo. Bruxellcs, 1910. i3394 BRUSSELS : Institut International de Bibliographic. L'ln- stitut. Notice sommaire. 8vo. Bruxellcs, 1910. ^3395 BRUSSELS : Institut International de Bibliographic. See Paris : Exhibition, 1900. BRUSSELS : Musec du Livrc. Musee du Livrc. Publications.. No. I, etc. 8vo. Bruxellcs, 1905, etc. 6641 BRUSSELS : Musec du Livre. Exposition du Livre Beige. D'art et de litterature. 8vo. Bruxellcs, 1906. 8668 BRUSSELS: Musec du Livre. Lc Musec du Livre. Fasc. i, 1907, etc. 4to. Bruxellcs, 1907, etc. PP BRUSSELS : Musec du Livre. Exposition du Livre Japonais. Catalogue. 8vo. Bruxellcs [191 1]. 15584 BRUSSELS : Musee du Livre. Exposition de rcliure d'art. Catalogue. 8vo. Bruxellcs, 1912. 16034 BRUUN, C. W. De nyeste undersogclser om bogtryk- kerkunstens. 4to. Kjobenhavn, 1889. 21503 BRUYNE, J. de. Rcfereinen en andere gedichten uit de i6c. ceuw vcrzameld en afgeschrevcn door J. dc B. Uitgeven door K. Ruclcns. 3 pts. (Maatschappij der Antwerp. Bibliop. Uitgave Nrs. 4, 7, 9.) 8vo. Antwerpen, 1879-81. 21820 BRY, T. de. Nova alphabcti cflfictio. A new alphabet. Frankfort, 1595. Reproduced in facsimile. Fol. Edinburgh, 1877. 650 BRY, T. de. A new artistic alphabet designed by T. de Bry, Frankfort, 1595. Fol. Edinburgh, 1880. 10864 BRYAN, M. Dictionary of painters and engravers, bio- graphical and critical. New edition. Edited by R. E. Graves and W. Armstrong. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1889-93. 12235 BRYAN, M. Marks and monograms of early English and continental engravers. London, 1816. [A reprint.] 4to. London [c. 1S90]. 1371 141 BRYDGES, Sir E. Res literariae : bibliographical and critical tor October, 1820. 8vo. Naples, 182 1. 18094 BRYDGES, Sir E. Reasons for a farther amendment of the Act 54 Geo. Ill, c. 156, being- an Act to amend the Copyright Act of Anne. 8vo. London, 1817. 20403 (2) BRYDGES, Sir E. A vindication of the pending bill for the amendment of the Copyright Act. 8vo. London, 18 18. 20403 (4) BRYDGES, Sir E. A summary statement of the great grievance imposed on authors and publishers by the late Copyright Act. 8vo. London, 1818. 20403 (3) BRYDGES, Sir E. Answer to the further statement by the Syndics of the University of Cambridge. [On the Copyright Act. J 8vo. [London, 1818.] 20403 (6) BRYDGES, Sir E. Human fate. 8vo. Totham, 1848. 15652 BUCHBINDER-KALENDAR. Jahr. 2, 1891. i2mo. Stutt- gart [c. 1890]. 108 BUCHER, K. Frankfurter Buchbinder-ordnungen von i5. bis zum 19. Jahrhundert. 8vo. Tubingen, 1888. 895 BUCHER, K. Der deutsche Buchhandcl und die Wissen- schaft. 8vo. Leipzig, 1903. 3602 BUCHER, K. See Gross, K. L. BUCKERIDGE, J. A sermon. 4to. London, 1618. 6607 BUCHGEWERBE. Das Buchgewerbe. Jahr. 3, 1895, etc. 4to. Leipzig, 1895, etc. PP BUCHGEWERBEBLATT. Vol. i, 1892, etc. 4to. Leipzig, 1892, etc. PP BUCHHANDLER-ALBUM. Portraits-Galerie verdienten und namhafter Buchhandler, Buchdrucker, Kunst- und Musikalien- handler aus alterer wie neuerer Zeit. ite. serie. i2mo. Leipzig, 1867. 20929 BUCHHANDLER-ALBUM. Portraits-Galerie verdienten und namhafter Buchhandler, Buchdrucker, Kunst- und Musikalien- handler aus alterer wie neuerer Zeit. ite. serie. [An Edition de luxe of the portraits only.] Fol. Leipzig, 1867. 20801 BUCHHOLTZ, A. Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst in Riga, 1588-1888. 8vo. Riga, 1890. 7550 BUCHLER, G. Gutenberg. [A portrait composed in brass rule by G. B.] S. sh. fol. Berne [1883]. 22951 BUCHKUNST UND BUCHGEWERBE. Jahr. 9, 1910, etc. 4to. Berlin, 1910, etc. PP BUCKLEY, J. Some account of the earliest Limerick printing. 8vo. Cork, 1902. 3345 BUDAEUS, G. Commentarii linguae graecae. Fol. Paris, 1529- 5917 142 BUDAPEST : Iparmiiveszeti Muzeum. Kalauz az Orsz. Mag-y. Iparmuveszeti Muzeum reszerol rendezett Konyvkiallitashoz. 4to. Budapest, 1882. 7552 BUDE, E. de. Vie de Jean Diodati, theologien genevois, 1576- 1649. 8vo. Lausanne, i86g. 21543 BUDGE, F. A. Annals of the early Friends : a series of biographical sketches. With preface by E. Backhouse. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1886. 91 13 BUDS and flowers of childish life. [Plates printed in colours by Leighton Bros.] i2mo. London, 1870. 9998 BULKLEY, S. See Plomer, H. R., and Peddie, R. A. BULL, A. J. The colour patch apparatus and its applications. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 9, 1903-4, pp. 113-118.) PP BULL, A. J. An outline of the principles of tri-colour printing. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 10, 1904-5, pp. 1 13-120.) PP BULL, A. J. Notes on the optical properties of three-colour printing-inks. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6,' pp. 75-76.) PP BULL, A. J. Direct three-colour work on dry plates. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 65-67.) PP BULL, A. J. Direct three-colour on dry plates. {In Graphic Arts Year Book, Vol. 3, 1909, pp. 111-114.} PP BULL, A. J. Violets and greens in three-colour work. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 1911-12, pp. 165-166.) PP BULL, A. J. The new school in Bolt Court. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1812-13, pp. 27-32.) PP BULL, A. J. The junior technical school. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-14, pp. 177-178.) PP BULL, A, J. The work of the L.C.C. Photo-Engraving and Lithography Trade School, and emphasising- the more important points and features of the trade schools in London. 8vo. Bolton, 1914. 18439 BULL, A. J. See Newton, A. J., and Bull, A. J. BULL, E. Hints and directions for authors in writing, print- ing, and publishing- their works. 8vo. London, 1842. 15649 BULLEN, G. Specimen of printing- types from the foundry of G. B. 8vo. London [c. 1865]. 2650 BULLEN, G. Specimen of printing types for book, news- paper, and general work. 8vo. London [c. 1870]. 6328 BULLEN, G. On the presumed earliest printed notice of Gutenberg as the inventor of printing-. {In Library Association : Transactions. Vol. 7, 1890.) 6157 BULLEN, G. See Ars Moriendi ; Caxton, W. 143 BULLEN, H. L. Some secrets of successful color-process printing-. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 41, 1908, pp. 372-373.) PP BULLEN, H. L. An inquiry into the proportions of pages and their margins. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 41, igo8, pp. 226- 230.) PP BULLEN, H. L. Heretical opinions concerning spaces and quads. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 41, 1908, p. 523.) PP BULLEN, H. L. Matters pertinent to the relation of plate- maker to printer. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 41, 1908, pp. 362-365.) PP BULLEN, H. L. The literature of typography. I — Its importance to the business man. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 50, 1912-13, pp. 678-682.) PP BULLEN, H. L. The literature of typography. II— Biblio- graphies of printing. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 50, 1912-13, pp. 836-841.) PP BULLEN, H. L. The literature of typography. III-IV— Text-books. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 51, 1913, pp- 56-59, 214- 216.) PP BULLEN, H. L. The literature of typography. V-VI— Historic value of text-books. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 51, 19 13, pp. 385-361, 518-520.) PP BULLEN, H. L. The literature of typography. VII— The histories of printing. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 51, 1913, pp. 692- 693.) PP BULLEN, H. L. The literature of typography. VIII— Works of reference. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 51, 1913, pp. 857-858.) PP BULLEN, H. L. The literature of typography. IX — Histories of printing. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 52, 1913-14, pp. 72-7^.) PP BULLEN, H. L. The Hterature of typography. X — Histories of printing in America. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 52, 1913-14, PP- 233-235-) PP BULLEN, H. L. The literature of typography. XI — Histories of printing in America. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 52, 1913-14, pp. 396-399.) PP BULLEN, H. L. The literature of typography. XII — His- tories of printing in America. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 52, 1913- 14, PP- 555-557-) PP BULLEN, H. L. The literature of typography. XIII— His- tories of printing in America : Maryland, Virginia, South Caro- lina, and New Jersey. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 52, 1913-14, pp. 709-71 1-) PP 144 BULLEN, H. L. The literature of typography. XIV— His- tories of printing- in America : South CaroUna, North Carolina, Georgia, other southern states and Kentucky. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 52, 1913-14, pp. 873-877.) PP BULLEN, H. L. The literature of typography. XV— His- tories of printing in America : Ohio, Indiana and Missouri. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 53, 1914, pp. 73-75-) PP BULLEN, H. L. The hterature of typography. XVI— His- tories of printing in America : Ohio, Michigan, Illinois and Wisconsin. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 53, 1914, pp. 236-239.) PP BULLEN, H. L. The literature of typography. XVII— His- tories of printing in America : Iowa, New Mexico, California, Hawaii, Oregon. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 53, 1914, pp. 396-400.) BULLEN, H. L. The literature of typography. XVIII— His- tories of printing in the Dominion of Canada. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 53, 1914, pp. 555-558.) PP BULLEN, H. L. The literature of typography. XIX — His- tories of printing in Spanish-speaking America and the Philippines. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 53, 1914, pp. 697-699.) PP BULLEN, H. L. The Hterature of typography. XX— His- tories of printing and paper : China and Japan, {In Inland Printer, Vol. 53, 1914, pp. 860-864.) PP BULLEN, H. L. The literature of typography. XXI— Ger- many, the Netherlands and Switzerland. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 54, 1914-5. PP- 61-64.) PP BULLEN, H. L. The Hterature of typography. XXII— Italy. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 54, 1914-5, pp. 219-222.) PP BULLEN, H. L. The literature of typography. XXIII-XXIV — France. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 54, 1914-5, pp. 537-539> 676- 678.) PP BULLEN, H. L. The literature of typography. XXV-XXVI —Great Britain. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 54, 1914-5, pp. 797- 799; Vol. 55, 1915, pp. 60-62.) PP BULLEN, R. F. Library catalogues : their effects and defects. {In Library Assistant, Vol. 5, 1905-7, pp. 235-239.) PP BULLETIN DE LA CHAMBRE SYNDICALE DES IM- PRIMEURS TYPOGRAPHES. Ann. 9, 1899, etc. 4to. Paris, 1899, etc. PP BULLETIN DE LTMPRIMERIE. Vol. i, 1877, etc. Fol. Paris, 1877, etc. PP BULLETIN DU BIBLIOPHILE. 8vo. Paris, 1856, etc. PP BULLETIN DU BIBLIOPHILE. Prospectus et analyse sommaire des vingt-trois premieres annees de cette revue suivi du catalogue des derni^res publications de la Librairie Techener. 8vo. Paris [1857]. 17552 145 10 BULLETIN DU BIBLIOPHILE BELGE. Tom. 19-21. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1S63-66. PP BULLETIN JOURNAL DES FABRICANTS DE PAPIER. Vol. 49, 1902, cic. Fol. Paris, 1902, etc. PP BULLETIN LITTERAIRE ET TYPOGRAPHIQUE. Anti. 1-3, 1808-10. 8vo. La Haye, 1808-10. PP BULLETIN MENSUEL DE L'ASSOCIATION AMICALE DES REPRESENTANTS ET EMPLOYES DE LA PAPETERIE, IMPRIMERIE, MAROQUINERIE. Vol. i, 1908, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1908, etc. PP BULLETIN MENSUEL DE LA CHAMBRE SYNDICALE DES IMPRIMEURS. Vol. i, 1909-10, etc. 4to. Bruxelles, 1909, etc. PP BULLETIN MENSUEL DES IMPRIMEURS-PHOTO- TYPEURS, etc. Vol. I, 1906, etc. 4to. Lyon, 1906, etc. PP BULLETIN OFFICIEL DES COURS PROFESSIONNELS DE LA CHAMBRE SYNDICALE TYPOGRAPHIQUE PARISIENNE. No. 19, 1909, etc. 4to. Paris, 1909, etc. PP BULLETIN OFFICIEL DES MAITRES IMPRIMEURS DE FRANCE. Ann. 5, 1901, etc. Fol. Paris, 1901. PP BULLI, U. Una visita dei soci della Scuola Fiorentina del Libro alia Cartiera di Gello. (7n Annuario Italiano delle Arti Grafiche. Anno 10, 191 1.) PP BULLOCK, C. F. Life of George Baxter, engraver, artist, and colour printer. Together with a priced list of his works. 4to. Birmingham, 1901. 3^77 BULLOCK, H. Oratio habita Cantabrigiae. Apud prae- clarissimam academiam Cantabrigiensem An. [152 1]. Repro- duced in facsimile : with introduction by H. Bradshaw. 4to. Cambridge, 1886. 5245 BULMER, W. Memoir of William Bulmer. (In The Gentle- man's Magazine, Oct., 1830.) 2690 BUNDY, H. F. Backbone printers' price list : printing for profit, containing a series of tables showing what prices should be charged for the different kinds of printing in order to make a profit. Obi. 8vo. Omaha, 1900. 2784 BUNDY, H. F. Bundy's price list for job printers. 24mo. Denver, Col., 1907. 8822 BUNIVA, M. F. Igiene de tipografi. 8vo. Torino, 1825. 22654 BUNNER, H. C. American posters, past and present. {In Scribner's Magazine, Vol. 18, Oct., 1895, PP- 429-443-) 6791 BUNSEN, ( - ). Proposals for a missionary alphabet. 8vo. 1854. 9845 146 BUNYAN, J. The Pilgrim's Progress, The second part. i8th edition. i2mo. London, 1748. 61 14 BUNYAN, J. The doctrine of the law and grace unfolded. 8vo. London, 1788. 22244 BUNYAN, J. The Pilgrim's Progress. 58th edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1793. 21247 BUNYAN, J. The water of life. 8vo. Berwick, 1795. 20341 BUNYAN, J. The life and death of Mr. Badman. New edition. i2mo. London, 1808. 20349 BUNYAN, J. The Holy War. i2mo. London, 1808. 17253 BUNYAN, J. The Pilgrim's Progress. Being a facsimile [?] reproduction of the first edition. 8vo. London, 1875. 20214 BUNYAN, J. A book for boys and girls. Being a facsimile of the edition published in 1686. With introduction by John Brown. i2mo. London, 1889. 5618 BUNYAN, J. The Pilgrim's Progress. New edition. [With plates printed in colours by Dalziel's.] 8vo. London [c. 1890]. 9646 BUNYAN, J. The Pilgrim's Progress. 8vo. London, 1904. 6602 BUNYAN, J. See Guileville, G. de; Thorpe, W. G. BURBURE, L. de. Sur I'ancisnnete de I'art typographique en Belgique. Lettre a M. Alvin. 8vo. [Bruxelles, c. i860.] 22371 BURBURE, L. de. De antwerpsche ommegangen in de i4e. en i5e. eeuw naar gelijktijdige handschriften. [Maatschappij der Antwerp. Bibliop. Uitgave Nr. 2.] 8vo. Antwerpen, 1878. 21820 [BURCH, R. M.] Some notes on early English lithography. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 45, 1899, p. 325; Vol. 46, 1900, pp. 13, 25, 37, 61, 97.) PP [BURCH, R. M.] A few notes on the evolution of the printing press in Paris. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 46, June 14, 1900, P- 335-) PP [BURCH, R. M.] Some notes on early printing in the East. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 47, 1900, p. 305; Vol. 48, 1901, p. 341; Vol. 49, 1901, p. 22,7.) PP [BURCH, R. M.] The quadcentenary of italic letter. The type and its origin. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 48, 1901, pp. 273, 297, 325.) PP [BURCH, R. M.] The 15th century printing office and some others, {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 51, July 24, 1902, pp. 45-46.) PP [BURCH, R. M.j The centenary of stereotyping in England, 1802-1902. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 50, 1902, pp. 321, 337-) PP 147 [BURCH, R. M.] Some typographical incidents of the nine- teenth century. I — Rusher's patent type. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 50, 1902, p. 309.) PP [BURCH, R. M.] Some typographical incidents of the nine- teenth century. II — Phonotypy. (In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 51, 1902, p. 277, etc.) PP [BURCH, R. M.] Some notes on the history of printing in colours. (In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 52, 1903, p. 265, etc.) PP [BURCH, R. M.] The first attempts at stereotyping. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 53, 1903, pp. 109-110.) PP BURCH, R. M. Colour printing and colour printers. With a chapter on modern processes by W. Gamble. 8vo. London, 1910. 13740 BURCHARD, E. L. Book-making arts at the Field Columbian Museum, (/n Inland Printer, Vol. 18, 1896-7, pp. 643-647.) PP BURCHELL, W. H. The restriction of output. Who is to blame for it? {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 50, June 12, 1902, pp. 389-392.) PP BURCHELL, \V. H. Estimating : municipal and government contracts. [Paper and discussion.] {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 53, 1903, pp. 257-259, 317-320, 365-368.) PP BURCHIELLO, G. di D. Rime. i2mo. Vinegia, 1553. 21299 BURDICK, C. L. Preparing pictures for process engraving with the assistance of the aerograph. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 2, 1896, pp. 93-94.) PP BURDICK, C. L. The aerograph in lithography. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 7, 1901-2, pp. 31-32.) PP BURDICK, C. L. Finishing photographs with the aerograph for process engraving. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 9, 1903-4, pp. 106-108.) PP BURDICK, C. L. Colouring relief printing with the aero- graph. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, pp. 141-142.) PP BURDICK, C. L. Printing without printing rollers. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, p. 148.) PP BURDICK, C. L. Model work benches for aerograph workers. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-11, pp. 84-86.) PP BURDICK, C. L. Air brush construction and cleaning, {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 1911-12, pp. 208-210.) PP BURDIN, A. Notice offerte en homage par I'lmprimerie Orientale de A. Burdin k MM. les Membres du Congr^s Inter- national des Orientalistes, Paris, 1897. 8vo. Angers, 1897. 12256 148 BURGE, W. V. d. Nieuwe historische en geographische reisbeschryvinge van Spanien en Portugaal. 4to. 's Gravenhage, 1705. 4650 BURGER, K. Monumenta Germaniae et Italiae typographica. Deutsche und Italienische Inkunabeln in getreuen Nachbildungen. Fol. Berlin, 1892-1913. 5850 BURGER, K. Eine Schriftprobe vom Jahre Mdxxv [of Johannes Petreius. With a catalogue of books printed by him]. Fol. Leipzig, 1895. 6874 BURGER, K. The printers and publishers of the 15th century, with lists of their works. Index to the Supplement to Hain's Repertorium, etc. (In Copinger, W. A. : Supplement to Hain's Repertorium, etc.. Vol. 3, 1902.) 9624 BURGER, K. Buchhandleranzeigen des 15. Jahrhunderts. Fol. Leipzig, 1907. 12238 BURGER, K. Supplement zu Hain und Panzer. Beitrage zur Inkunabelbibliographie. Nummernconcordanz von Panzers lateinischen und deutschen Annalen und Hains Repertorium bibliographicum. 8vo. Leipzig, igo8. 18288 BURGER, K. [Obituary notice with portrait and list of his works.] 8vo. [Leipzig, 1912.] 16666 BURGER, K. Die Drucker und Verleger in Spanien und Portugal von 1501-36. 4to. Leipzig, 191 3. ^7993 BURGER, K. See Hain, L. ; Marinis, T. de. BURGER, R. Friedrich Adolf Ebert : ein biographischer Versuch. [Dziatzko K. Sammlung Biblio. Arbeiten. Heft. 31.] 8vo. Leipzig, 191 1. io347 BURGERDIJK & NIERMANS. Catalo^us 49. Bibliotheca coUectiva. 8vo. Leyde, 1905. 17320 BURGES, F. Some observations on the use and original of the noble art and mystery of printing, Norwich, 1701. {In Harleian Miscellany, Vol. 3, 1745.) 22859 BURGESS, H. W. Eidodendron : views of the general char- acter and cfppearance of trees, foreign and indigenous, as con- nected with picturesque scenery. Fol. London, 1827. 17832 BURGH, B. See Cato. BURGOYNE, C. G. The cost of stock. 8vo. New York, 1890. 1808 BURGOYNE, F. J. Library cranks. (In Library World, Vol. I, 1898-99, pp. 221-224.) PP BURGOYNE, F. J. P. The origin of movable types. {In Library Assistant, Vol. 4, 1903-5, pp. 130-134.) PP BURGOYNE, F. J. P. Printers of England. I— Richard Pynson. {In Library Assistant, Vol. 4, 1903-5, pp. 146-149.) PP 149 BURGOYNE, F. J. P. Display and filing- of periodicals. {In Library Assistant, Vol. 4, 1903-5, pp. 197-198, 203-205.) PP BURGOYNE, F. J. P. Printers of England. II — John Day. {In Library Assistant, Vol. 4, 1903-5, pp. 243-249.) PP BURGOYNE, F. J. P. Printers of England. Ill— Reginald Wolfe. {In Library Assistant, Vol. 4, 1903-5, pp. 294-296.) PP BURKE, E. See United States. BURLINGHAM, A. S. The printer's roller. {In Hitchcock, F. H. : The building of a book, 1906, pp. 144-153.) 8824 BURLINGTON FINE ARTS CLUB. Albert Diirer and Lucas van Leyden, Catalogue, 1869. 4to. London, 1869. 4HO BURLINGTON FINE ARTS CLUB. Catalogue of a col- lection of woodcuts of the German school, executed in the 15th and i6th centuries. [Ed. by J. M(itchell).] 4to. London, 1882. 4139 BURLINGTON FINE ARTS CLUB. Catalogue of prints and books illustrating the history of engraving in Japan. [Ed. by W. Anderson.] 4to. London, 1888. 4138 BURLINGTON FINE ARTS CLUB. Exhibition of book- bindings. Fol. London, 1891. 0^6 BURMAN, C. C. An account of the art of typography as practised in Alnwick from 1781 to 181 5. 4to. Alnwick, 1896. 2055 BURNAND, Sir F. C. Records and reminiscences, personal and general. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1904. 8480 BURNAND, Sir F. C. Mr. Punch's progress. {In Pearson's Magazine, Dec, 1906.) 8239 BURNE-JONES, Sir E. See Great masters of decorative art. BURNET, J. Practical essays on art. Composition. Light and shade. The education of the eye. 4to. Bradford, 1893. no BURNET, T. Telluris theoria sacra. Edition 2a. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1689. 4^4 ^ BURNETT, V. Publicity. {In Hitchcock, F. H. : The buildings of a book, 1906, pp. 269-291.) 8824 BURNETT, W. H. Views of Cintra. [Lithographs.] Fol. London [c. 1830]. 11072 BURNEY, F. H. The musical bijou : an album of music and poetry for 1845. [Chromolithographs.] Fol. London [1845]. 17456 BURNS, C. L. See South London Art Gallery. BURNS, M. R. Six Hthographic prints. 4to. Edinburgh, 1827. 4431 150 BURNS, R. Tarn o' Shanter. Illustrated by G. Crulkshank. [Colour printing- from blocks.] 4to. London, 1884. 7943 BURNS, R. See Ewing", J. C. BUROT, ( ). Note sur la fabrication du papier de paille dans le Limousin. [In Bulletin Technologique, 1884.) 943^ BURPEE, L. J. Bibliog-raphy in Canada. [In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 6, 1905, pp. 403-427.) PP BURR, F. M. Life and works of Alexander Anderson, M.D., the first American wood engraver. 4to. New York, 1893. 18341 BURRELL, F. S. Early printing-. [In Inland Printer, Vol. 4, 1886-7, p. 795; Vol. 7, 1889-90, pp. 297, 1042; Vol. 8, 1890-1, p. 318.) PP BURROW, E. J. The pull of the process block. [In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 1911-12, pp. 221-224.) PP BURROW, E. J. An unnamed process. [In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-13, pp. 229-231.) PP BURROWS, M. Memoir of Admiral Sir Henry Ducie Chads, G.C.B. 8vo. Portsea, 1869. 15401 BURROWS & COLTON. Concise instructions in the art of retouching. 8vo. London, 1876. 1380 BURSILL, P. C. The public and its libraries. [In Library Assistant, Vol. 4, 1903-5, pp. 275-279.) PP BURSILL, P. C. The treatment of periodical publications. [In Library Assistant, Vol. 5, 1905-7, pp. 98-100.) PP BURSILL, P. C. Staff time sheets and routine books. [In Library Assistant, Vol. 5, 1905-7, pp. 333-335-) PP BURSILL & LADYMAN, Ltd. [Specimens of half-tone work and wood engraving.] Obi. 8vo. London [1902]. 8319 BURT, C. H. Caxton's gift. A retrospect. An invocation. An ode. [In verse.] i2mo. Winchester [1877]. 23091 BURTON, E. The life of John Leland. 8vo. London, 1896. 10854 BURTON, G. The analysis of two chronological tables. 4to. London, 1787. 22983 BURTON, H. J. Sensitizing pigment papers for photo- gravure. [In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. i, 1895, pp. 23-24.) PP BURTON, H. J. Carbon transparencies for photogravure. [In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 2, 1896, pp. 55-56.) PP BURTON, H. J. Removal of gelatine negatives to other supports. [In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 3, 1897, pp. 45- 46.) PP BURTON, H. J. Autotype prints on rough surface papers by double transfer, (/n Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 4, 1898, p. 69.) PP BURTON, J. H. The book-hunter, etc. 2nd ed. 8vo. Edinburg-h, 1863. 20659 BURTON, J. H. The book-hunter, etc. New ed. ^to. Edinburgh, 1882. 5089 BURTON, J. R. Early Worcestershire printers and books. {In Worcester Diocesan Architectural and Archaeological Society, 42nd report, 1897-8.) 3477 BURTON, M. R. H. Photography and colour printing in Japan. {In The Studio, Sept., 1898.) 1506 BURTON, W. K. Practical guide to photographic and photo- mechanical printing. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1892. iii BUSBEQUIUS, A. G. Travels into Turkey. i2mo. London. 1744. 20224 BUSE, B. D. K. Viertalig graphisch woordenboek. Obi. 8vo. Hardinxfeld [1907]. 16517 BUSH, J. The necessity and reward of a willing mind. A sermon. 4to. London, 1693. 10277 BUSH ILL, T. W. Profit-sharing and the labour question. With an introduction by S. Taylor. 8vo. London, 1893. 2050 BUSSIERE FRERES. Specimen des caract^res. 8vo. St. Amand [c. 1890]. i7HO BUSSY, F. M. See England, 1898. BUTLER, A. J. The initial blocks of some Italian printers. {hi Bibliographica, Vol. i, 1895, pp. 418-427.} 53 BUTLER, A. J. Some Elizabethan cipher books. {In Biblio- graphical Society: Transactions, Vol. 6, 1901.) 56 BUTLER, A. J. The Gioliti and their press at Venice. {In Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. 10, pp. 83-108.) 56 BUTLER, C. The principles of musik. 4to. London, 1636. 21 182 BUTLER, C. Horae Biblicae, being notes on the versions and editions of the Old and New Testament. 8vo. Oxford, 1799. 5971 BUTLER, C. M. Stonework. {In Chicago Typographical Union : Lectures [1903].) 8vo. 4469 BUTLER, C. M. A study of imposition. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 34, 1904-5, pp. 47, 209, 363, 527, 685, 837.) PP BUTLER, E. D. See Vasenius, V. BUTLER, E. T. On the advantages of using a single-ex- posure tri-colour camera. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 54-56.) PP 152 BUTLER, E. T. The comparative values of some three-colour reproduction processes and screen plate colour photography. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, pp. 37-40.) PP BUTLER, E. T. On taking- tri-colour negatives with a single exposure tri-colour camera. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 15, 1909-10, pp. 43-46.) PP BUTLER, E. T. The keyblock in tri-colour printing. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-13, pp. 253-255.) PP BUTLER, E. T. Multi-colour printing from reversed nega- tives. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-14, pp. 121-123.) PP BUTLER, J. See Duff, E. G. BUTLER, J. W., PAPER CO. The story of paper making. Svo. Chicago, 1901. 2440 BUTLER, T. The case of Thomas Butler, bookseller and stationer in Pall Mall, London, who was most cruelly treated at New-Market, Oct. 6, 1753. 8vo. London, 1754. 13722 BUTSCH, A. F. Der Biicherornamentik der Renaissance (Der Hoch- und Spatrenaissance). 2 vols. Fol. Leipzig, 1878-81. 21698 BUTSCH, F. Catalogue of a choice and valuable collection of rare and curious books. (XXVL Catalog.) 8vo. Augsburg, 1851. 16715 BUTT, A. N. William Caxton. Pt. L Mercer and courtier. {In Things in General, 1878.) 22505 BUTTERFIELD MACHINE CO., Ltd. The Cylplat. 8vo. Nottingham [191 o]. 15077 BUTTERS, F. Ueber die Bipontiner und die editiones Bipontinae. 8vo. Zweibriicken, 1877. 11296 BUXEY, B. J. & CO. Specimens of printing type. (Supple- ment.) 2 pts. Svo. Bombay [c. 1880]. 6423 BUYER, B. See Desbarreaux-Bernard, T. BUZZATI, A. Bibliografia Bellunese. 8vo. Venezia, 1890. 8764 BYDDELL, J. See Plomer, H. R. BYLAERT, J. J. Nouvelle mani^re de graver en cuivre des estampes coloriees. 8vo. Leide, 1772. 17716 BYRN, M. L. The artist and tradesman's companion. Svo. New York, 1855. 7615 BYRNE, O. See Euclid. BYRON, G. G. N., Lord. Works. Vol. 2. Svo. London, 1832. 18111 BYRON, G. G. N., Lord. Childe Harold's pilgrimage. Italy. [In Armenian and English.] i2mo. Venice, 1S72. 20340 153 BYRON, G. G. N., Lord. A bibliof^raphy of the successive editions and translations of Lord Byron's political works. {In his Works. Poetry, Vol. 7, 1904.) 8vo. 9712 BYRON, G. G. N., Lord. See Moore, T. BYTHNER, V. Lingua eruditorum. i2mo. Londini, 1675. 5431 BYXBEE, O. F. System in the composing room. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 15, 1895, pp. 151-153.) PP BYXBEE, O. F. Points in good make-up. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 17, 1896, p. 46; Vol. 18, 1896-7, p. 36.) PP BYXBEE, O. F. Successful newspaper publishing. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 19, 1897, PP' 33~3^-) PP BYXBEE, O. F. Establishing a newspaper. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 24, 1899-1900, p. 221 — Vol. 27, 1901, p. 829.) PP BYXBEE, O. F. Establishing a newspaper : a handbook for the prospective publisher. 8vo. Chicago, 1901. 2592 T&4 c C : A. H. The printer's apprentice of to-day. 2^mo. Boston, 1902. 11344 C : D. I. E. C. D. P. E. Questions sur la liberty de la presse. 8vo. [Dijon, 1814.] 23396 C : H. Photo-mechanical processes in France. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 4, 1898, p. 16.) PP C : J. A book of favourite modern ballads. The illustrated poetical g^ift book. Illustrated with engraving's printed in colours by E. Evans. 8vo. London [c. 1870]. 14641 C : N. A Saxon historic of the admirable adventures of Clodoaldus and his three children. 4to. London, 1634. 21199 C : R. M. See Almanach. C : W. E. World treasures to be seen in London [at the British Museum]. MSS. and books. (In Lloyd's Weekly News, Feb. 12, 1905.) 6644 CAAS, N. Lugubres narrationes duae. 4to. Lipsiae, 1594. 6040 (11) CABALLERO, R. D. Breve examen acerca de los primeroS tiempos del arte tipografico en Espana. Version Castellana por V. Fontan. 8vo. Madrid, 1865. 20626 CABLE, G. W. The author. (In Hitchcock, F. H. : The building of a book, 1906, pp. 4-8.) 8824 CACCIANIGA, P. Telegona: tragedia. 8vo. Corfu, 1824. 4311 CADETT, J. What is the best screen for half-tone negatives? {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 6, 1900, pp. 53-55.) PP CADETT, J. and SHEPHERD, E. S. Orthochromatic and three-colour photography. 6th edition. 8vo. Ashstead, 1901. 2489 CADNESS, H. Decorative brush-work and elementary design. 8vo. London, 1902. 2712 CAEREMOXIALE episcoporum Clem. VHI. 4to. Romae, 1651. 7641 CAESAR, C. J. Commentarii. i2mo. Venetia, 1563. 5446 155 CAESAR, C. J. Rerum ab gestarum commentarii. 241110. Lugduni, 1626. 6263 CAESAR, C. J. La guerre dans les Gaules. 3 torn. 8vo. Parme, 1786. 21661 CAESAR, C. J. Opera omnia. 2 vols. Svo. Londini, 1790. 4662 CAESAR, C. J. Opera omnia. Vol. 2. [Large paper copy.] Svo. Londini, 1790. 7011 CAGNIARD, E. Du progr^s de I'imprimerie k Rouen, au ige. si^cle et des arts qui s'y rattachent. Svo. Rouen, iSSi. 12665 CAHEN, S. L. Ebereschen-papier, S. L. C. Fach 2. Muster- buch No. 129. Svo. Berlin [c. 1910]. 1S225 CAHEN, S. L. Victoria Regia, S. L. C. Fach 2. Musterbuch No. 130. Svo. Berlin [c. 1910]. 18319 CAILLE & RAVIER. Memoire sur la citation a eux donnee, a la requete du cit. Stoupe, imprimeur. 4to. [Paris, c. 1800.] 15946 CAILLEAU, C. A. and DUCLOS, ( ). Dictionnaire biblio- graphique, historique et critique des livres rares, etc. [The 4th vol. by J. C. Brunet.] 4 vols. Svo. Paris, 1790-1802. 5602 CALCAR, E. V. De jonge werkman. Het boekbinden. Svo. Leiden [c. 1S90]. i7445 CALDECOTT, R. See Blackburn, H. CALEPINUS, A. Dictionarium. [In Macaronic type.] Svo. Thusculani, 1522. 5575 CALIGNY, B. de. Catalogue des livres de la biblioth^que de feu M. B. de Caligny. Svo. Paris, 1739. 11920 (2) CALIX, C. Six tableaux. Scenes colorizes de la bonne com- pagnie Parisienne. [Lithographs, hand-coloured.] Obi. 4to. Paris [c. 1S60]. 16552 CALKREUTER, B. Oratio de Erasmo Roterodami. Svo. Witebergae, 1557. 6038(9) CALLIMACHUS, Cleanthes, Proclus, curante Jo. Fr. Bois- sonade. i6mo. Paris, 1S24. 7009 CALLIOPE, a selection of ballads, legendary and pathetic. i6mo. London, 1816. 20S1S CALLON, C. and LAURENS, C. De 1 'organisation de I'industrie : application a un projet de Soci^t6 g6n6rale des papeteries fran9aises. Svo. Paris, 1S4S. 9433 CALLOT, J. See Desmaretz ( ) ; Houssaye, A. CALMELS, H. and CLERC, L. P. La reproduction photo- graphiques des couleurs. (Bibliothfeque des Proc6d6s Photo- mecaniques. No. 12.) Svo. Paris, 1907. 11 124 .156 CALVERT, J. Calvert's Mechanic's Almanack, 1874-90. 8vo. Manchester, 1882-90. 31 74 CALVIN, J. Commentaires. 8vo. [Geneva] 1561. 4039 CALVIN, J. A little booke concernynge offences. 8vo. London, 1567. 6258 CALVIN, J. Institutionis Christianae religionis, a J. Calvinc conscripta, compendium simul, ac methodi enarratio. Per Edm. Bunnium, Theolog-. Bac. 8vo. London, 1579. 43^9 CALVIN, J. Christ the end of the \a.w. Being the preface to the Geneva Bible of 1550. Now first rendered into English by T. Weedon. 4to. London, 1850. 7486 CAMBERWELL SCHOOL OF ARTS AND CRAFTS. Speci- mens of artistic typography, 1906-7. 4to. London, 1907. 11487 CAMBERWELL SCHOOL OF ARTS AND CRAFTS. A note upon the classes of the school and their aims. 8vo. London, 1908. 9539 CAMBRIDGE. The first printing at Cambridge. [Prospectus of the reprints of early Cambridge books.] 4to. [Cambridge, 1886.] 22310 CAMBRIDGE : Gonville and Caius College. An index of English books printed before 1600 now in the library of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. By W. R. Collett. 8vo. Cam- bridge, 1850. 21472 (2) CAMBRIDGE : Gonville and Caius College. A Hst of the early printed books in the library of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. By W. R. Collett. 8vo. Cambridge, 1850. 21472 (i) CAMBRIDGE : St. Catherine's College. Early printed books in the Library. By J. B. Bilderbeck. 8vo. Cambridge, 191 1. 15810 CAMBRIDGE : Trinity College. An index of such English books before 1600 as are now in the Library. By E. Cranwell. 8vo. Cambridge, 1847. 21463 CAMBRIDGE : University Library. Early English printed books in the Library (1475-1640). 4 vols. [By C. E. Sayle.] 8vo. Cambridge, 1900-7. 1974 CAMBRIDGE : University Library. Catalogue of a collection of early printed and other books bequeathed by J. C. Adams. 8vo. Cambridge, 1902. 12241 CAMBRIDGE : University Library. Report of the Library Syndicate, 1898, etc. 4to. Cambridge, 1899, etc. 8467 CAMBRIDGE : University Library. The Henry Bradshaw Irish collection, presented in 1870 and 1886. 8vo. Cambridge, 1909. 12240 157 •' J CAMBRIDGE : University Library. Bulletin, Vol. 26, 1910, etc. Svo. Cambridge, 1910, etc. 17009 CAMBRIDGE : University Library. See Bradshaw, H. CAMBRIDGE: University Press. Photogravure facsimiles of rare 15th century books printed in England. [Edited by F. Jen- kinson.] 12 -vols. Svo. Cambridg-e, 1905-7. 6832 CAMBRIDGE : University Press. The Cambridge Modern History : an account of its origin, authorship and production^ Svo. Cambridge, 1907. ' 933^. CAMBRIDGE : University Press. The Cambridge University Press. Historical sketch. Svo. Cambridge, 1910. 13774 CAMBRIDGE, Mass. : Typographical Union. Scale of prices i2nio. [Cambridge, c. 1890. J 757^ CAMDEN SCHOOL OF ART. Prospectus and time table for the session 1910-11. Svo. London, 1910. 15072 CAMDEN SOCIETY. The Old Cheque-book, or Book of Remembrance of the Chapel Royal, from 1561 to 1744. Edited by E. F. Rimbault. 4to. London, 1872. 23163 CAMERARIUS, J. Oratio habita in declaratione magistrorum optimarum disciplinarum et artium. Svo. Lipsiae, 1563. 6038 (12) CAMERON, A. C. The need of an apprenticeship system. (In Inland Printer, Vol. i, No. i, 1S83-4, p. 5; No. 2, p. 11; No. 3, p. II.) PP CAMERON, A. C. The management of a printing office. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 6, 1888-89, ^- 465-) PP CAMERON, J. A bibliography of Scottish theatrical Hterature. [In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society: Publications, Vol. i, 1890-5.) 17569 CAMERON, J. A bibliography of Slezer's Theatrum Scotiae. With an analytical table of the plates by W. Johnston. [In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Publications, Vol. 3, 1S95-8.) 17569 CAMERON, J. A bibliography of Peter Buchan's Pubhcations. {In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Publications, Vol. 4, 1899-1901.) 17569 CAMOENS, L. de. Excerptos dos Lusiadas. [With a specially printed inscription, Ao eminente impressor de Kelmscott William Morris.] Fol. Lisboa, 1889. 10407 CAMPANA ROMANA, G. P. In morte di Guendalina Talbot Principessa Borghese. Ode. Con traduzione inglese di Maria F. Rossetti. Svo. Londra, 1841. 2212 CAMPANINI, G. [Trattato di scienza pratica dell' arte tipo- grafico ossieno utilissima istruzioni, etc., MS.] 4to. [1S36.] 20909 158 CAMPANINI, G. See Fournier, P. S. CAMPARDON, E. Voltaire. Documents inedits recuellis aux Archives Nationales. 4to. Paris, 1880. 5106 CAMPBELL, A. A. Notes on the Uterary history of Strabane. 8vo. Omagh, 1902. 3408 CAMPBELL, F. B. F. An introduction to the theory of a state-paper catalogue. 8vo. London, iSgi. 8123 CAMPBELL, F. B. F. A plea for annual lists of state papers. 8vo. London, 1892. 8124 CAMPBELL, F. B. F. Catalogue of official reports relating to India issued during 1892, 8vo. London, 1893. 8126 CAMPBELL, F. B. F. The battle of bibliography. 8vo. London, 1893. 8125 CAMPBELL, F. B. F. Memorandum relative to the need for special bibliographical societies with an appendix on the division of the stream of literature. Fol. London, 1894. 9389 CAMPBELL, F. B. F. The bibhography of the future. 8vo. London, 1895. 8127 CAMPBELL, F. B. F. The literature of geography : how shall it be recorded? 8vo. [London, 1895.] 8128 CAMPBELL, F. B. F. The theory of national and inter- national bibliography. 8vo. London, 1896. 6552 CAMPBELL, J. A treatise of modern faulconry. 8vo. Edin- burgh, 1773. 21573 CAMPBELL, M. Lithographic printing. (In Paris : Ex- hibition, 1889: Reports of artisans, 1889.) 4594 CAMPBELL, M. F. A. G. De beginselen der boekdrukkunst te Rotterdam. {In Bibliographische Adversaria, I, 1873-4, PP- 5-10.) 23095 CAMPBELL, M. F. A. G. Annales de la typographic Neerlandaise au XVe. siecle. (Supplement 1-3.) 8vo. La Haye, 1874-89. 2 1 49 1 CAMPBELL, M. F. A. G. De eerste boekdrukker te Alkmaar. (hi Bibliographische Adversaria, V, 1883-6, pp. 1-6.) PP CAMPBELL, R. The London tradesman. 3rd edition. 8vo. London, 1757. 7217 CAMPREDON, E. Le papier. Etude monographique sur la papeterie fran9aise et en particulier sur la papeterie charentaise. Preface de M. P. Pie. 8vo. Paris, 1901. 2620 CAMPSIE, J. W. The cost of presswork, {In Inland Printer, Vol. 20, 1897-8, pp. 159-161.) PP 159 CAMUS, A. G. Rapport [fait h I'lnstitut National, le 5 ventose an VI, par le citoyen Camus, au nom d'une commission sp6ciale], sur I'edition de Verg-ile [dont la premiere livraison lui a 6t6 presentee par le citoyen Didot I'ainc^, dans la seance du 5 pluviose an VI]. 4to. [Paris, An. vi, 1798.] 23293 CAMUS, A. G. Notice d'un livre imprim6 k Bamberg" en 1462, lue a I'lnstitut National. 4to. Paris, An. vii [1799]. 5^73 CAMUS, A. G. Notice d'un livre imprim^ k Bamberg- en 1462, lue a I'lnstitut National. [Large paper copy.] 4to. Paris, An. vii [1799]. 21051 CAMUS, A. G. M^moire sur un livre allemand, intitul(^ Teuurdanck, ou I'on examine si ce livre k 6t6 imprime avec des caractferes mobiles ou avec des planches gravies en bois? {In Memoires de Litt^rature et Beaux Arts, Vol. 3, 1800.) i7337 (i) CAMUS, A. G. M^moire sur I'histoire et les proc6d6s du polytypage et de la stereotypic. (In Memoires de Littdrature et Beaux Arts, Vol. 3, 1800.) i7337 (2) CAMUS, A. G. Histoire et proced^s du polytypage et de la stereotypic. 8vo. Paris, An. x [1801]. 21905 CAMUS, A. G. See Van Hulthem, C. CANADA. Rates and tendencies of wages and hours of labour. Canada. The printing and allied trades. (In The Labour Gazette, 1904, Nov. -Dec.) 16076 CANADA : Royal Commission on Industrial Training and Technical Education. Report. Pt. 3, Vol. i. 8vo. Ottawa, 1913. 18426 CANADIAN-AMERICAN MACHINERY CO. An editor's dream realised. [The Eclipse Folder.] Obi. i2mo. London [c. 1905]. 8320 CANADIAN PRESS ASSOCIATION. A history of Canadian journalism. 8vo. Toronto, 1908. ^3334 CANDID. A candid examination of the legality of the warrant issued by the Secretaries of State for apprehending the printers, publishers, etc., of a late interesting paper. 4to. London, 1764. 21771 CAN EDA, D. F. See Figarola-Caneda, D. CANEPARIUS, P. M. De atramentis cuiuscunque generis. 4to. Venetiis, 1619. 5243 CANEPARIUS, P. M. De atramentis cujuscunque generis. 4to. Londini, 1660. 17300 CANIN, J. See Even, E. v. CANNING, W. & CO. 1914 catalogue of machinery, appli- ances, and materials for electro-plating, polishing, lacquering and enamelling. 4to. Birmingham [1913]. 18381 160 CANNING, W. & CO. Price list of machinery and plant for nickel-facing, stereos, electro-typing and thick copper depositing. 4to. Birmingham, 1914. 18382 CANNING, W. & CO. Handbook on electro-plating, polishing, lacquering, burnishing, enamelling. 8vo. Birmingham, 1914. 18368 CANNON, H. S. The art of printing with other poems. 8vo. Newcastle, 1829. 20421 CANNONS, H. G. T. Bibhography of library economy : a classified index to the professional periodical literature. 8vo. London, 1910. ^57'^^ CANO, M. G. del. See Gutierrez del Cano, M. CAPE TOWN HERALD : Strike edition. Nos. 1-45, May 10- June 29. 4to. Cape Town, 191 1. PP CAPE TOWN TYPOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION. General rules. i2mo. Cape Town [1896]. 7572 CAPELLA, G. F. L'anthropologia. 8vo. Venetia, 1533. 20683 CAPELLE, P. Manuel de la typographic frangaise ou traite complet de I'imprimerie. 4to. Paris, 1826. 20755 CAPELLO, G. See Sala, C. and Capello, G. C API ALB I, V. Memorie delle tipografie Calabresi. Con un' appendice sopra alcune biblioteche di Calabria ed un discorso sulla tipografia Montelionese. 8vo. Napoli, 1835. 21654 CAPITAINE, U. Nouvelles recherches sur les imprimeurs de Namur. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1853. 17664 CAPITAINE, U. Recherches sur I'introduction de I'imprimerie dans les localites dependant de I'ancienne principaute de Li^ge et de la province actuelle de ce nom. {In Le Bibliophile Beige, Ann. I, 1866, pp. 103-128, ':575-4i2; Ann. 2, 1867, pp. 321-371.) PP CAPPELLETTI, L. Giovan Battista Bodoni. {In Annuario Italiano delle Arti Grafiche, Anno 10, 191 1.) PP CAPRA, T. Rivendicazione. Conferenza bibliografica per definire a quale citta di Sicilia spetti il primato della introduzione della stampa. 8vo. Messina, 1874. 14335 CAPRON & TURLOT. Petit spi^cimen des caract^res. 8vo. Paris [c. 1870]. 6462 CARACCIOLUS, R. de. Sermo de morte. Fol. Nurnberg, 1479. 21428 CARACTERES et alphabets de langues mortes et vivantes. Fol. [Paris? c. 1780.] 6175(1) CARACTERES et alphabets de langues mortes et vivantes. Fol. [Paris? c. 1780.] 5836 161 II CARANI, L. See Sallustius, C. C. CARBEN, V. V. Hier inne Wird gelescn wic Her Victor von Carben. 4to. Colin, 1508. 6202 CARD, H. C, Jr. The Lanston Monotype keyboard. Its care and adjustment. Written for the instruction of operators. i6mo. London, 1902. 3473 CARDELIUS, pseud. See Dana, J. C. CARDIFF : Free Libraries. Catalogue of printed literature in the Welsh Dept. By J. Ballinger and J. I. Jones. 8vo. Cardiff, 1898. 4217 CARDIFF : Free Libraries. Special Bulletins. No. 3. For printers. i2mo. [Cardiff, 1900.] 343^ CARDIFF : Free Libraries. Fortieth annual report, 1901-2, etc. 8vo. Cardiff, 1902, etc. 8962 CARDIFF : Free Libraries. A catalogue of books offered for sale. No. 2. 8vo. Cardiff [c. 1904]. 10425 CARDIFF : Public Library. Catalogue of Welsh Scriptures exhibited in the Reference Department, 1904. 2nd edition. 8vo. Cardiff, 1904. 4216 CARDIFF : Public Libraries. Catalogue of early printed books exhibited May to September, 1913. 8vo. Cardiff, 1913. ^757^ CAREY, A. The history of a book. Sq. Svo. London [c. 1873]. 5322 CAREY, W. Historical observations on anti-British and anti- contemporarian prejudices. 8vo. London, 1822. 15757 (i) CAREY, W. Thirty years' facts against one reviewer's opinion, in the year 1818 : being an amicable antidote proving the utility of the press. Svo. For private distribution, 1825. 15757 (2) CARIBONUM CO., Ltd. Catalogue of caribonum, carbon paper and typewriter ribbons. 8vo. London [c. 1909]. 16992 CARLANDER, C. M. Svenska bibliothek och ex-libris. Svo. Stockholm [1889]. 21692 CARLENCAS, J. de. The history of the belles lettres and of the arts and sciences, from their origin down to this present time. Translated from the French. [Engraving, pp. 257-261 ; printing, pp. 261-263.] Svo. London, 1740. 18522 CARLETON, J. G. The part of Rheims in the making of the English Bible. i2mo. Oxford, 1902. 10289 CARLTON AUXILIARY. Before the interview. Svo. London, 1914. 18436 CARLTON ILLUSTRATORS. A few examples of the work of Carlton Illustrators together with a note on modern book- making. 4to. London [1910]. 12 137 162 CARLTON STUDIO. The big- proposition : an episode. 8vo. London, 1914. 18718 CARMICHAEL, N. R. A suggestion for colour work. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, p. i.) PP CARMINA quadragesimalia. 8vo. Glasguae, 1757. 454^ CARMOLY, E, Annalen der Hebraischen typographic von Riva di Trento (1558-62). 2te. Auflage. 8vo. Frankfurt, 1868. 22560 CARNELL, A. S. Concerning type: a handbook of useful information for advertisers and users of printing. i6mo. New York, 1907. 16202 CARNELL, E. A. Practical notes on photo-lithography. [In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. i, 1895, p 59.) PP CARO, A. Rime. 8vo. Venetia, 1584. 7656 CAROL! Ro. regis recessuri, adlocutio in conventu His- paniarum. 8vo. August. Vindel., 1519. 5333(2) CARON, ( ). See Hericourt d' and Caron, ( ). CARR, Sir J. Liberty of the press. Sir John Carr against Hood and Sharpe. Report of the above case tried 25th July, 1808. Taken in shorthand by T. Jenkins. To which are added several letters by the Earl of Mountmorris, Sir Richard Phillips, etc. 8vo. London, 1808. 18752 CARR, J. C. Cantor lectures on book illustration, old and new. 8vo. London, 1882. 113 CARRARO, G. See Major, R. H. CARRO, J. de. See Winaricky, C. CARSWELL CO., Ltd. Catalogue of Canadian publications. 8vo. Toronto, 1900. 8044 CARTER, R. B. See MiUington, J. CARTER PATENTS CO., Ltd. Glasgow International Ex- hibition, 1901. The one novelty in the printing trade. [The Carter Patent Automatic Feeder.] 8vo. Glasgow, 1901. 4205 CARTON, C. Colard Mansion et les imprimeurs Brugeois du 156. si^cle. [In Annales de la Society d 'Emulation de Flandre, Ser. 2, Tom. 5, 1847, pp. 333-372.) 20887 C[ARTWRIGHT], J. The preacher's travels. 4to. London, 1611. 21306 CARTY, A. B. A criticism of platen presses. [In Inland Printer, Vol. 8, 1890-1, p. 2.) PP CARVER, C. R., CO. Stamping and embossing presses. 24mo. Philadelphia [1903]. 4627 CARVER, C. R., CO. Automatic stamping and embossing presses. 8vo. Philadelphia [c. 1910J. 11850 163 GARY, E. L. William Morris in the making. [In The Critic, 1902.) 2848 CASAIDE, S. U. Bibliog-raphy of local printing [in Ireland]. (In Irish Book Lover, Vol. 2, 1910, pp. 4-6.) PP CASAIDE, S. U. Bibliographies of Irish subjects. (In Irish Book Lover, Vol. 3, 191 1, pp. 22-23.) ^^ CASAIDE, S. LT. Irish almanacks. (In Irish Book Lover, Vol. 3, 1912, pp. 128-129.) PP CASALI, S. , ed. CennI sulla invenzione della stampa e in- augurazione delle statue di Guttenberg in Magonza e Strasburgo con note aggiunte. 8vo. Forli, 1841. 22574 CASALI, S. Annali della tipografia Veneziana di Francesco Marcolini da Forli. 8vo. Forli, 1861, 2001 1 CASE. The case stated between the public libraries and the booksellers. 8vo. London, 1813. 11031 CASE, LOCKWOOD & BRAINARD CO. A sketch descriptive of the printing office and bookbindery of the Company. 8vo. Hartford, 1877. 114 CASLON : CASLON, W. A specimen. S. sh. fol. London, 1734. 22829 CASLON : CASLON, W. A specimen. S. sh. fol. London, 1734. 12152 CASLON : CASLON, W. A specimen of Mr. Caslon's Roman letter and the names of the sizes now in use. (In Ames, J. : Typo- graphical Antiquities, 1749, p. 571.) 20343 CASLON : CASLON, W. A specimen of printing types. 8vo. London, 1766. 75 18 CASLON : CASLON, W. A specimen of printing types. (In [Luckombe, T.] : A concise history of printing, 1770.) 2041 1 CASLON : CASLON, W. A specimen of printing types. 8vo. London, 1785. 20275 CASLON : CASLON, W. A specimen of printing types. Fol. [London, c. 1785.] 20298 CASLON : CASLON, W. A specimen of printing types. 8vo. London [c. 1785-6]. 20286 CASLON : CASLON, W. A specimen of cast ornaments on a new plan. 8vo. London, 1786. 6249 CASLON : CASLON, W. A specimen of printing types. 8vo. London, 1796. 20236 CASLON : CASLON, W. A specimen of printing types. 8vo. London, 1798. 5313 CASLON : CASLON & CATHERWOOD. Specimen of printing types, {hi Stower, C. : Printer's grammar, 1808.) 20487 164 CASLON : CASLON & LIVERMORE. Specimen of printing types. 8vo. London, 1825. 11136 CASLON : CASLON & LIVERMORE. Specimen of printing types. Svo. London, 1830. 22213 CASLON : CASLON & LIVERMORE. Specimen of printing types. Svo. London [1834]. 43^ CASLON : CASLON, H. Specimen of printing types. Svo. London [1844]. 739 CASLON : CASLON. Particulars of the Caslon letter foundry vhich will be sold by auction on Dec. 16, 1S46. Fol. London, 1846. 20310 CASLON : CASLON & SON. Specimen of printing types. Svo. London, 1848. 8838 CASLON : CASLON, H. & SON. Specimen of printing types. Fol. London [c. 184S]. 2725 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. &: CO. Specimen of printing types. Svo. London [1S54]. 2856 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. Select specimen of book and newspaper founts. Svo. London, 1850 [1854J. 2651 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CD. Specimens of the ancient Caslon printing types engraved by W. Caslon, 1716. Svo. [London, c. 1854.] 5729 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. The new specimen book of modern founts. 4to. London [1854]. 6352 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. Specimen of wood letter founts. Fol. London, 1857. 2726 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. Specimen of printing types. 4to. London, 1857. 20309 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. Specimen of printing types. Svo. London [c. i860]. 2515 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. Specimen de caract^res Anglais. Svo. Paris [c. i860]. 6146 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. Specimens of new printing types. Svo. London [c. 1863]. 2546 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. Caslon's modern speci- men of printing types. Svo. London [c. 1S65]. 1745 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. Modern specimen of printing types. Svo. London [c. 1870]. 2195 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. Specimens of printing types. Svo. London [c. 1S70]. 6410 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. Specimen of wood letter founts. Fol. London [c. 1S70]. 21S0 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. Specimens of the ancient Caslon printing types, 1716. Svo. London [c. 1870]. 16049 165 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. X: CO. Price list of printing types and illustrated catalogue of printing materials. 8vo. London [c. 1875]. 2552 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. &■ CO. Specimens of wood letter. Svo. London [1877]. 2516 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. Specimens of brass types. Svo. London [c. 1880]. 3^75 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. Priced specimen sheets of printing types. 4to. London [1889]. 2640 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. Specimens of printing types. 8vo. London [c. 1890]. 439 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. Specimens of wood letter. 8vo. London [c. 1890]. 2146 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. Specimens of printing types and illustrated catalogue of printing materials. 8vo. London [1893]. 261 1 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. Specimens of printing types. 8vo. London [1895]. 1870 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. Specimens of printing types and illustrated catalogue of printing materials, etc. 8vo. London [1895]. 16616 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. Specimens of recent novelties. 4to. London [c. 1895]. 440 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. Priced specimen sheets of printing types, and illustrated catalogue of printing materials. 8vo. London, 1896. 9343 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. &: CO. Specimen of the original Caslon old face printing types, engraved in the early part of the i8th century by Caslon I. [With a history of the firm.] Fol. London [1896]. 549 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. The Chandler and Price platen machines and the Chandler paper cutters. 12 mo. [London, 1899.] 1543 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. Souvenir de la Fonderie Caslon a ses Visiteurs. Exposition Universelle, 1900. Svo. [London, 1900.] 3444 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. Illustrated catalogue of printing materials. Svo. London [c. 1900]. 2137 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. Illustrated catalogue of bookbinding materials and specimens of brass types, etc. Svo. London, 1901. 7^77 CASLON : CASLON, H. \V. & CO. Morland series. Obi. 4to. London [1901]. 3106 166 CASLON : CASLON, H. \V. & CO. Illustrated catalogue of printing- material [and specimen book]. 8vo. London [1902]. 2681 CASLON : CASLON, H. \V. & CO. Specimens of modern electrotype ornaments specially designed by Barabandy. 4to. London [1903]. 3397 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. Specimens of types suitable for election printing. Obi. fol. London [1905]. 7382 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. Specimens of printing types and illustrated catalogue of printing materials. 8vo. London [1905]. 6533 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. Specimens of printing types and illustrated catalogue of printing materials. 8vo. London [1906]. 9367 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. Caslon Old Face. 4to. London [1906]. 74°4 CASLON: CASLON, H. W. & CO., Ltd. Cheltenham old style, a newly designed old style display and body letter. 4to. London [1906]. 7405 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. Letterpress printing. Systematic costing. By the editor of The Caslon Circular. 8vo, London [1908]. 10393A CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. Letterpress printing. Production and cost. By the editor of The Caslon Circular. 8vo. London [1908J. io393 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. Modern locking devices for printers. 8vo. London [1909]. 11235 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. The Cheltenham family. 4to. London [1909]. 11229 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. The Cheltenham series. 4to. London [1910]. 12269 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. Specimens of types and borders and illustrated catalogue of printers' joinery and materials. 4to. London, 191 1. I5530 CASLON : CASLON, H. W. & CO. Caslon Old Face, roman and italic. 4to. London [1912]. 16480 CASLON: CASLON, H. W. & CO., Ltd. Specimens of the latest type faces. 8vo. London [c. 1914]. 18241 CASLON: CASLON, H. \V. & CO., Ltd. Specimens of Caslon Old Roman and Italic series. 4to. London [1914]. 18240 CASLON: CASLON, H. W. & CO., Ltd. Specimens of wood letter in the Carlton and Old Roman series. 4to. London [c. 1914]. 18242 CASLON: CASLON, H. W. & CO., Ltd. The Universal Machine for printers. [For mounting and finishing blocks.] 8vo. London [1914]. 18238 167 CASLON, K. Mrs. Elizabeth Caslon, with a portrait, (hi The Freemasons' Magazine, 1796.) 22567 CASLON'S CIRCULAR. Vol. i, 1875, ^^c. 4to. London, 1875, etc. PP CASPAR, C. N. A vocabulary of terms, etc., in English [and other languages], employed in literature, the graphic arts and the book trades. {In his Directory of the American Book Trade, 1889.) 3039 CASSELL & CO. Printers' recreations. 4to. [London, 1880.] 22979 CASSELL & CO. Catalogue of headpieces, tailpieces and initialpieces. 4to. London [c. 1890]. 1399 CASSELL &: CO. The house that Cassell built. i2mo. London, 1906. 754^ CASSELL & CO. See McCoy, M. P. CASTALDI, P. Pamphilo Castaldi, the inventor of moveable printing type? (In The Bookworm, Vol. i, 1866, pp. 185-187.) PP CASTALDI, P. [A small collection of printed documents connected with the claim of Castaldi to the invention of printing.] Fol. 21049(2) CASTALDI, P. See Bernardi, J. ; Fornari, P. CASTAN, A. See Besan^on : Bibhotheque Publique. CASTAREDE, L. de. Money-making by ad. -writing. An introduction to the science of publicity. i2mo. London [1905]. 6967 CASTELAIN, F. Comptabilite et prix de revient dans I'im- primerie. Fol. Roubaix [1906]. 75-o CASTELLANE, Marquis de. Essai d'un catalogue chrono- logique de I'imprimerie a Toulouse. 4to. [1847.] 373° CASTELLANI, C. Notizia di alcune edizioni del secolo 15 non conosciute fin ora dai bibliografi un esemplare delle quali e con- servato nella Bib. Vittorio Emanuele di Roma. 8vo. Roma, 1877. 1 1283 CASTELLANI, C. Di una supposta edizione Aldina 1559 del trattato di Dionigi d'Alicarnasso De Thucydidis Charactere, testo greco. 8vo. Venezia, 1886. 16064 CASTELLANI, C. Lo stato presente della questione suU' inventore della tipografia e sulla citta che prima I'esercito. (In Rivista delle Biblioteche, 1888.) 22954 CASTELLANI, C. I privilegi di stamp! e la propriety letteraria in Venezia dalla introduzione della stampa nella citta fin verso la fine del secolo 18. 8vo. Venezia, 1888. 22827 168 CASTELLANI, C. Da chi e dove la stampa fu inventata? Ovvero stato presente della questione sul vero inventore della tipografia e sulla citta che prima esercit6 quest' arte. 8vo. Firenze, 1888. 16061 CASTELLANI, C. L'origine tedesca e I'orig'ine olandese dell' invenzione della stampa. 8vo. Venezia, 1889. 22007 CASTELLANI, C. La stampa in Venezia dalla sua orig-ine alia morte di Aide Manuzio sen. 8vo. Venezia, i88g. 21999 CASTELLANI, C. See Ongania, F. CASTELLINI, M. Prima strenna tipografica. 8vo. Fireng^e, 1871. 15162 CASTILHO BARRETO E NORONHA, J. F. de. See Lisbon : Bibliotheca Nacional. CASTILLE, H. De la propriete intellectuelle. [In Revue de Paris, 1852, Dec., pp. 71-95; 1853, Jan., pp. 33-60.) 10970 CASTILLE, O. de. See Berg-mans, P. CASTILLON, A. L'art de I'imprimerie, dans sa veritable intelligence. 3 pts. 4to. [Paris] 1783. 20527 CASTRO, I. Caixa cavallete e divisorio. 8vo. Lisboa, 1876. 3121 CATALOGUE alphabetique des ouvrages condamnes, ou releve de toutes les publications officielles faites au Moniteur, en execution de la Loi du 26 Mai, 1819. 8vo. Paris, 1836. 11150 CATALOGUE of a bibliotheca typographia in the choicest condition, comprising one of the most valuable collections ever offered for sale of books illustrating the history of printing from its invention. [1804 is priced.] 8vo. London, 1870. 22689 1804 CATALOGUE. [Catalogue of a library. MS.] Fol. [c. 1800.] 16837 CATALOGL'E of a remarkable assemblage of fine and rare books in the Latin, old Spanish, Italian and French languages. 8vo. London, 1829. 17861 CATALOGUE of a very extensive, curious and valuable library, comprising a larger collection than has hitherto ever been offered in one sale of rare, curious, and important works in Anglo- American literature. 8vo. London, 1859. i7745 CATALOGUE of a very extensive library, which will be sold May 24, 1854, etc. 8vo. London, 1854. 16543 CATALOGUE. A catalogue of all the English books that have been published for these sixty years, to the present time. 8vo. London, 1764. 16757 CATALOGUE. A catalogue of books continued, printed and published at London in Michaelmas Term, 1680 ( — Trinity Term, 1682). Nos. 1-8. Fol. London, 1680-2. 21795 (2) 1G9 CATALOGUE of specimens of earliest newspapers from A.D. 1625. 8vo. London [c. 1890]. 2251 CATALOGUE. A catalogue of the antiquities and works of art exhibited at Ironmongers' Hall, London, 1861. 4 pts. 410. London, 1863-g,. 6167 CATALOGL^E. A general catalogue of books printed in Great Britain, and published in London, from the year 1700 to the present time, classed under the several branches of literature. 8vo. London, 1785. ^7743 CATECHISAL [A catechism.] Fragments only. i2mo. London, 1551. 23136 CATECHISM. The catechism, or Christian doctrine by way of question and answer. [Irish and English.] 8vo. Paris, 1742. 5273 CATECHISMUS. i6mo. [PAmsterdam, c. 1819.] 5020(3) GATHER WOOD. See Caslon & Catherwood, 1808. CATHERWOOD, J. J. See Bessemer, A. & Catherwood, J. J. CATHIAU, T. Johannes Gutenberg, geb. 1398, gest. 1468. Dramatische Szene. {In Wedekind, H. : Zur 50. Jahrigen Jubel Feier, etc., 1879.) 22320 CATINEAU-LA-ROCHE, P. Reflexions sur la librairie. 8vo. Fontainebleau, 1807. 10968 CATINEAU-LA-ROCHE, P. See Bonet de Treiches, ( ) and Catineau-La-Roche, P. CATLING, T. See Hatfon, J. ; Press Album. CATNACH, J. See Hindley, C. CATO. Cato Moralisatus. 4to. Basel, i486. 5252 CATO. [Preceptes.] i6mo. London, 1550. 21161 CATO. Parvus Cato. Magnus Cato. Trans, by Benet Burgh. Printed at Westminster by William Caxton about the year 1477. [Facsimile.]. 8vo. Cambridge, 1906. 8302 CATTELL, A. S. & CO. Zinco-typography. 4to. London [1881]. 22800 CATULLUS, C. V. Catullus, TibuUus, Propertius. Frag- mentis quae extant. i6mo. Amsterodami, 1640. 6105 CATULLUS, C. V. Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius. i2mo. Amstelodami, 165 1. 17254 CATULLUS, C. V. Catulli, Tibulli et Propertii opera. 4to. Birmingham, 1772. 8162 CAUDERON, E. & CIE. Specimen des encres d'imprimerie. 4to. Paris, 1876. 21072 CAULFIELD, J. Calcographiana : the printsellers' chronicle and collectors' guide to engraved British portraits. 8vo. London, 1814. 17066 170 CAULLET, G. La deffense de Monseigneur le Due et Madame la Duchesse d'Austriche et de Bourgong-ne. Description de cet incunable, precedee d'un aper^u critique sur la carri^re et I'oeuvre de Jean Brito. 8vo. Courtrai, 1906. 16887 CAUSTON, W. See Boethius. CAVALCA, D. Pungi lingua 4to. Firenze [c. 1481]. 5909 CAVE, W. Apostolici : or, the lives of the Fathers. Fol. London, 1677. 20132 CAVIS, A. T. and MACMURRAY, E. History of the Columbia Typographical Society of Washington, D.C. {In The Printers' Circular, Vols. 3-4, 1868-70.) PP CAVRIANI, F. See Ovid. CAVROIS, L. L'imprimerie k Arras. Etude historique precedee d'un tableau de la succession des imprimeurs de cette ville. 8vo. Arras, 1878. 12632 CAXTON, W. The ancient historic of the destruction of Troy. 6th edition. 4to. London, 1636. 21 186 CAXTON, \\\ Memoir of the life of Mr. W. Caxton, by whom the art of printing was first brought into England. [In The Imperial Magazine, 1819.) 22725 CAXTON, W. A dialogue in the shades between W, Caxton and W. Wynken. Rare doings at Roxburghe Mall. The diary of R. Payne. 8vo. London, 1821. 20518(1) CAXTON, W. Life of W. Caxton. 8vo. [London, 1828.] 22348 CAXTON, W. Caxton. {In The Penny Magazine, Jan. 2, 1841.) 22878 CAXTON, W. The history of Reynard the Fox, from the edition printed by Caxton in 1481. With notes, etc., by W. J. Thomas. 8vo. London, 1844. 21239 CAXTON, W. Caxton and the art of printing. 8vo. London [c. 1852]. 20338 CAXTON, W. The Game of the Chesse, by William Caxton. [A reprint of the 2nd edition in type specially designed and cut to imitate Caxton's. Edited by V. Figgins.] 4to. [London, 1855.] 21424 CAXTON, W. The Game of the Chesse, by WiUiam Caxton. [A reprint of the 2nd edition in type specially designed and cut to imitate Caxton's. Edited by V. Figgins. Thick paper copy.] 4to. [London, 1855.] 59o6 CAXTON, W. A list of books printed by Caxton, according to the arrangement of Rev. T. F. Dibdin, with the press marks for finding such as are in the British Museum. 4to. [London, 1858.] 22935 171 CAXTON, W. The governayle of helthe : with the niedccyne of ye stomacke. Reprinted from Caxton's edition (c. 1491). With remarks and notes by WiUiam Blades. 8vo, London, 1858, 21237 CAXTON, W. The game of chesse by W. Caxton. A facsimile reproduction of the first worlv printed in England from the copy in the British Museum. [Being a new edition of V. Figgins' reprint of 1855.] 4to. London, 1862. 5898 CAXTON, W. Caxton's liook of curtesye. [Proof sheets of the reprint edited by F. J. Furnivall. 8vo. [London, 1867.] 23313 CAXTON, \V. Paris and Vienne. Thystorye of Parys and Vyenne. From the unique copy printed by Caxton at Westminster in 1485. 4to. London, 1868. 21230 CAXTON, W. The Fifteen O's and other prayers. Printed by William Caxton (circa 1490). Reproduced by Stephen Ayling. 4to. London [1869J. 21226 CAXTON, W. The statutes of Henry VII, in exact facsimile from the original printed by Caxton in 1489. Edited with notes and introduction by J. Rae. 4to. London, 1869. 21426 CAXTON, W. Ars Moriendi : printed by W. Caxton. [Facsimile reprint edited by W. Blades.] 8vo. [London, 1869.] 21381 CAXTON, W. The dictes and sayings of the philosophers. A facsimile reproduction of the first book printed in England by William Caxton in 1477. [Edited by William Blades.] 4to. London, 1877. 21409 CAXTON, W. Some rules for the conduct of life. [Distributed gratuitously in honour of William Caxton, 1477-1877.] 8vo. London, 1877. 22277 CAXTON, W. Early printers : Wilham Caxton. {In Dublin University Magazine, May, 1877.) 22274 CAXTON, W. Caxton Celebration, 1877. Catalogue of the loan collection. Edited by G. Bullen. 8vo. London, 1877. 20425 CAXTON, W, Caxton Celebration, 1877. Catalogue of the loan collection. Edited by G. Bullen. [Large and thick paper copy.] 4to. London, 1877. 5071 CAXTON, W. Caxton Celebration, 1877. Catalogue of the loan collection. Edited by G. Bullen. [Largest paper copy.] 4to. London, 1877. 21415 CAXTON, W. [List of books printed by W. Caxton, being class A of the Caxton Celebration Catalogue.] 4to. [London, 1877.] 20477 CAXTON, W. [Caxton Celebration, 1877. MS. list of ex- hibitors in classes A and H, and records of their exhibits.] 20515 172 CAXTON, W. [Caxton and the Caxton Exhibition.] {In The Saturday Review, 1877.) 22974 CAXTON, W. The Caxton celebration. Speech of Mr. Glad- stone [and other newspaper cuttings relating- to the exhibition]. 8vo. [London, 1877.] 2964 CAXTON, W. The history of Reynard the Fox. Translated and edited by William Caxton, June, 1481. Edited by E. Arber. [English Scholar's Library, No. i.] 8vo. London, 1878. 21232 CAXTON, W. The Golden Legend : a reproduction from a copy in the Manchester Free Library. With an introduction by A. Aspland. Fol. London, 1878. 21812 CAXTON, W. W'illiam Caxton, the father of English printing. {In The Christian Herald, July 6, 1881.) ^-777 CAXTON, W. William Caxton : England's first printer. [A review of the 1882 edition of W. Blades 's life of Caxton.] {In The Printing Times, 1882.) 22510 CAXTON, W. Great inventors : the sources of their useful- ness, and the results of their efforts. [Chap. I — William Caxton and the art of printing, only.] 8vo. London [1882]. 22580 CAXTON, W. Ouatuor sermones. Reprinted from the first edition printed by William Caxton at W^estminster. 4to. London, 1883. 21405 CAXTON, W. Caxton's game and playe of the chesse, 1474. A verbatim reprint of the first edition. With an introduction by W. E. A. Axon. [Large paper copy.] 4to. London, 1883. 21673 CAXTON, W. Caxton's Blanchardon and Eglantine, c. 1489. From Lord Spencer's unique imperfect copy. Edited by L.Kellner. [Early English Text Society : Extra series. No. 58.] 8vo. London, 1890. 22000 CAXTON, W^. Caxton's Eneydos 1490. Englisht from the French Livre des eneydes, 1483. Edited by W. T. Culley and F, J. Furnivall. [Early English Text Society : extra series, No. 57.] 8vo. London, 1890. 22001 CAXTON, W. Ars Moriendi. Photo-lithograph of the copy printed by Caxton or De Worde. With a note by E. W. B. Nicholson. 8vo. London, 1891. 6227 CAXTON, W. The Golden Legend. 3 vols. 4to. Hammer- smith, 1892. 5704 CAXTON, W. Caxton's advertisement. Photo-lithograph of the copy preserved in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. With a note by E. W. B. Nicholson. 8vo. London [1892]. 6229 CAXTON, W, Sex quam elegantissimae epistolae. Printed by Caxton in 1483 ; reproduced in facsimile by James Hyatt, with an introduction and translation by George Bullen. 4to. London, 1892. 5974 ^73 CAXTON, \\\ The history of Godefrey of Boloyne and the conquest of Iherusalem. 4to. Haminersmith, 1893. 289 CAXTON, W. Commemoracio lamentacionis sivc com- passionis Beate Marie. Reproduced in facsimile from the unique copy printed at AVestminster by \\^ Caxton. With an intro- duction by E. G. Duff. [Bibhographical Society of Lancashire.] Svo. [Oxford], 1901. 3241 CAXTON, W. [Infancia Salvatoris. A facsimile (partial) of this book printed by Caxton and a verbatim copy, both by P. J. Berjeau.] 2 vols. 21330 & 21430 CAXTON, W. [Facsimile impressions of all the wood-cuts HI 1 he game and playe of the chesse, as printed by W. Caxton about 1480.] 22302 CAXTON, W. [Facsimile of the first leaf of the Servitium de transfig^uratione in British Museum.] 21 187 CAXTON, W. [Commemoratio lamentatonis sive compassionis Beatae Mariae in morte filii. Particulars of the unique copy printed by Caxton, in the public library at Ghent.] 20394 CAXTON, W. [Caxton facsimile. Pag"es of some of the small books issued by Caxton.] 23321 CAXTON, W. [Facsimile of leaves of Horae printed by W. Caxton.] 4 pts. 21 156 21132-34 CAXTON, W. [The governayle of helthe. Facsimile of page i of Caxton's edition.] 21 132 21341 CAXTON, W. [Frag-ments printed by W. Caxton.] 21390 CAXTON CONVALESCENT HOME. [Collection of papers and reports, 1890-1902, etc.] Svo. London, 1890-1902, etc. 3739 CAXTON CONVALESCENT HOME. Programme of pro- ceedings, Oct. 6th, 1894. 4to. London, 1894. 15434 CAXTON CONVALESCENT HOME. Special appeal. 4to. [London, 1897.] 1071 CAXTON MAGAZINE. Vol. i, 1901, etc. 4to. London, 1901, etc. PP CAXTON MAGAZINE. The Caxton gold medal, 1904. 4to. London, 1904. 6995 CAXTON MAGAZINE. The Caxton one-colour advertisement design competition, 1908. 4to. London, 1908. 10680 CAXTON MAGAZINE. The Caxton cover design com- petition, 1908. 4to. London, 1908. 10682 CAXTON MAGAZINE. Caxton gold medal competition, 1908. 4to. London, 1908. 10681 CAXTON MAGAZINE. The seventh Caxton gold medal competition, 1913. 4to. London, 1913. 18501 174 CAXTON MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION. [Objects and programme.] S. sh. 8vo. [London, 1848.] 20551 (4) CAXTON TYPEFOUNDING SYNDICATE. Specimen book. 4to. London, 1898. i044 CAXTONIAN QUARTERLY. Nos. 1-22, Feb., 1898— April- May, 1904. 4to. London, 1898-1904. PP CEAS, J. & FILS. Album [of specimens of modern processes of illustration]. Obi. 8vo. Valence [1910]. i4575 CEBES. Tabulae [Gr. and Lat.]. 8vo. Glasguae, 1757. 6119 (2) CECIL, L. The work of George Baxter. {In The Crown, Vol. I, No. I, May 17, 1906.) 11760 CECIL, L. See Walker's Gallery. CELOTTI, ( ) Abbe. A catalogue of an extremely rare and curious collection of Italian and Spanish literature, early classics, etc. 8vo. London, 1825. 16759 CELSUS, C. De medicina. Fol. Venezia, 1497. 444^ CELTIC SOCIETY. Miscellany. Edited by John O 'Donovan. 8vo. Dublin, 1849. 5072 CENNINI, B. See Barbera, P. ; Fantozzi, F. ; Ottino, G. CENTENARI, B. L. Cenni storici riguardanti I'arte tipografica. Biografie. i6mo. Roma, 1876. 23440 CENTENARI, B. L. Tipo Italiano non Elzeviriano. i2mo. Roma, 1879. 6588 CENTRAL TYPE FOUNDRY. Price Hst of printing material with specimens of type. i2mo. St. Louis, 1883. 6431 CENTRAL TYPE FOUNDRY. Specimens of new designs in type. i2mo. St. Louis [1884]. 231 18 CENTRAL TYPE FOUNDRY. Price list of type and printing material. 4to. St. Louis, 1886. 6348 CENTRAL TYPE FOUNDRY. Price list of type and printing material. 4to. St. Louis, 1889. 3091 CENTRAL TYPE FOUNDRY. Specimens of latest type designs for artistic printing. 8vo. St. Louis [1889]. 4229 CENTRAL TYPE FOUNDRY. Price list of type and printing material. (Complete specimens of book and newspaper faces.) 4to. St. Louis, 1890. 9884 CENTRAL TYPE FOUNDRY. Specimen book of printing types and ornaments. 4to. London [1898]. 2241 CENTRALBLATT FUR BIBLIOTHEKSWESEN. See Zen- tralblatt, etc. CENTRALBLATT FUR PAPIERVERARBEITUNGS— IN- DUSTRIE UND PAPIERHANDEL. Jahrg. 4, 1905, etc. Fol. Berlin, 1905, etc. PP 175 CERUTI, A. Lettere inedite di dotti Italiani del sccolo i6. (Paolo Manuzio, p. 25,) 8vo. Milano, 1867. 20635 CERVANTES, M. de. See Ashbee, H. S. CESAR, P. See Claudin, A. CHABAILLE, P. See Reynard the Fox. CHABAUD DE LA TOUR, M. Opinion contre la loi propos^e sur la liberty de la presse. 8vo. [Paris, 1814.] 23394 CHAGAS, M. P. A propriedade litteraria, carta a sua magestade o Imperador do Brazil. 8vo. Porto, 1879. 22673 CHAIX, A. Historique de ITmprimerie et de la Librairie Centrales des Chemins de Fer. Organisation industrielle et economique de cet ^tablissement. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 21046 CHAIX, A. Association Fran^aise pour I'avancement des sciences. Communication de M. A. C. Participation aux bene- fices. 8vo. Paris [1884]. 22805 CHAIX, A. See Plon, E. CHAIX, A. & CIE. Brochures. Nos. 1-8, 10-12, 14-24, 27. 8vo. Paris, 1872-86. 20980 CHAIX, A. & CIE. Pi^ce annexe. Nos. 1-6. 8vo. Paris, 1875-6. 20980A CHAIX, A. & CIE. Note sur I'ecole professionnelle de ITmprimerie Centrale des Chemins de Fer. 4to. [Paris, 1868.] 22973 CHAIX, A. & CIE. Institutions pour I'amelioration de la con- dition des ouvriers dans les ateliers creees a I'imprimerie de MM. A. Chaix et Cie, 1S66-76. 8vo. [Paris, 1876.] 20980B CHAIX, A. & CIE. Notice sur I'ecole professionnelle de jeunes typog-raphes de la maison A. C. et Cie. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 2860 CHAIX, A. & CIE. Exposition Internationale d 'Hygiene k Londres, 1884. Institutions ayant pour objet I'education, I'in- struction, I'hygiene des apprentis et la participation aux benefices au profit du personnel de ITmprimerie Chaix. 8vo. Paris, 1884. 22589 CHAIX, A. & CIE. Specimen. Fonderie typographique Chaix. 4to. Paris [c. 1885]. 17164 CHAIX, A. & CIE. See Decroix, E. CHALLAN, M. le Chevalier. Opinion sur le projet de loi relatif a la liberty de la presse. 8vo. [Paris, 1814.] 23394 CHALLE, M. Note sur I'imprimerie k Auxerre. {In Congrfes Scientifique, Session d'Autun, 1876.) 13783 CHALLENGE MACHINERY CO. A master printer's mono- logue. [Booklet advertising blocks made by the Company.] Sq. 1 2 mo. Grand Haven [c. 1904]. 6922 176 CHALLENGE MACHINERY CO. The two-revolution butts in. Obi. 8vo. Grand Haven [1905]. 13851 CHALLENGE MACHINERY CO. Illustrated catalog- of printers' machinery and labor-savers. 8th edition, 1907-8. 4to. Grand Haven, 1907. 13^53 CHALLENGE MACHINERY CO. Challenge Gordon job presses. 8vo. Grand Haven [191 1]. 1385° CHALLENGE MACHINERY CO. Stonemetz two-revolution two-roller cylinder presses. Obi. 8vo. Grand Haven [1911]. 13852 CHALMERS, A. Memoirs of John NichoUs, Esq., F.S.A., with tributes of respect to his memory. 8vo. [London, 1858.] 2377(1) CHALMERS, G. The hfe of Thomas Ruddiman, A.M. [Printer, of Edinburgh.] 8vo. London, 1794. 20448 [CHALON, R.] Catalogue d'une tr6s-riche mais peu nom- breuse collection de livres provenant de la bibliothfeque de feu M. le Comte J. N. A. de Fortsas, donte la vente se fera a Binche, le 10 aout, 1840. [A hoax. With MS. translation by W. Blades and a reprint of the catalogue.] 8vo. Mons [1840]. 21577 CHAMBERLAYNE, J. See Lord's Prayer. CHAMBERS, E. Cyclopaedia. Vol. i. Fol. London, 1786. 6176 CHAMBERS, G. & CO. Specimen of printing types. 8vo. London [1857]. 2728 CHAMBERS, G. F. Handbook to the County of Sussex. 8vo. London, 1877. 9246 CHAMBERS, R. See Chambers, W. CHAMBERS, W. Memoirs of Robert Chambers : with auto- biographic reminiscences of William Chambers. loth edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1880. 2885 CHAMBERS, W. Printing. {In Chamber's Encyclopaedia.) [ ] edition, [c. 1885.] 13666 CHAMBERS, W. Memoir of William and Robert Chambers. [Revised and enlarged edition.] 8vo. Edinburgh, 1893. 2884 CHAMBERS, BROS. & CO. Complete catalogue and price- list of book and newspaper folding-machines and other printers' and binders' machinery. [Illustrated with heliographs.] 8vo. Philadelphia, 1879. 10823 CHAMBERS BROS. CO. Automatic paper-feeding machines : paper-folding machinery. Obi. 8vo. Philadelphia [c. 1905]. 10357 CHAMBERS'S JOURNAL. Some early contributions to Chambers's Journal. (In Chambers's Journal, Series 5, Vol. 14, Nov., 1897, pp. 708-711.) 17808 177 12 CHAMBURE, A. de. A travers la presse. Preface de M. A. Brisson. 8vo. Paris, 1914. 18133 CHAMEROT, G. Conference sur I'imprimerie. 4to. Paris, 189S. 10385 CHAMEROT, G. See Monet, A. L. CHAMEROT, G., NORBERG, ( ) and LAVANZELLE, ( ). Observations sur les reponses de I'imprimerie Nationale ci leurs m^moires. 4to. [Paris, c. 1895.] 9757 CHAMIER, D. Law relating- to literary copyrig-ht and the authorship and publication of books. 8vo London, 1895. 876 CHAMPFLEURY, pseud. Les vig-nettes romantiques : histoire de la litterature et de I'art, 1825-40. 4to. Paris, 1883. 12251 CHAMPIN ( ). Nouvel album des amateurs. [Lithographs.] 8vo. Paris, 1841. 15846 CHAMPION, P. Les plus anciens monuments de la typo- g-raphie Parisienne : prefaces typographiques des livres sortis des presses de Sorbonne (1470-2). Recueil de fac-similes. Fol. Paris, 1904. 424^ CHAMPOLLION, A. See Silvestre, J. B. CHAN AT, C. Manuel pratique de I'ouvrier relieur. 8vo. Paris, 1913. 18110 CHANCELLOR, E. B. Books from private presses. (In The Queen, Apr. 26, 1902.) 2643 CHANCELLOR, E. B. The annals of Fleet Street: its traditions and associations. 8vo. London, 1912. 16573 CHANDLER, S. A vindication of Daniel's prophecies. 8vo. London, 1728. 4^55 CHANDLER & PRICE CO. Printing presses and printing machinery. 8vo. Cleveland [c. 1909]. 12032 CHANDOS PRESS. Specimens of interest to you ! Obi. 8vo. London [c. 1905]. 8526 CHAPELLE, ( ). [Type specimen book.] 4to. Paris [c. 1870]. 6396 CHAPIN, W. O. The masters and masterpieces of engraving. 8vo. New York, 1894. 17392 CHAPMAN, H. A series of diagrams illustrative of the principles of mechanical and natural philosophy and their practical application. Drawn on stone by Henry Chapman. Printed in colours by C. F. Cheflfins. Obi. fol. London, 1846. 14726 CHAPMAN & HALL. A catalogue of books published Jan., 1865. 8vo. London, 1865. 15025 CHAPMAN & HALL. Samuel Richardson and the influence of his novels. 24mo. London [1906]. 181 12 178 CHAPONE, Mrs. Letters on the improvement of the mind, etc. i6mo, London, 1830. 8266 CHAPOULAND, A. Un peu de typographic : par un impri- meur. 8vo. Limoges, 1876. 12635 CHAPOULAND FRERES. L'imprimerie Chapouland fr^res a Limoges (Haute-Vienne), 1607-1878. 8vo. Limoges, 1878. 12674 CHAPTER. A chapter on initials, borders, and head and tail pieces. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 41, 1897, pp. 70-72.) PP CHARAYAY, G. R^gle definitive du participe passe suivie d'exercices expliques. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 121 CHARENCY, H. de. Notice sur un ancien manuscrit mexicain dit Codex Telleriano-Remensis. 8vo. Paris, 1859. 22592 CHARGE of the Scottish Commissioners against Canterburie and the Lieutenant of Ireland. 4to. London, 1641. 21169(5) CHARLES L The King's majesties declaration to his subjects concerning lawfull sports to bee used. 8vo. London, 1633. 21 177 CHARLES L Eikon Basilike. i2mo. London, 1648. 5801 CHARLES L Works. 8vo. Hague, 1650. 5788 CHARLES L Works. 8vo. Hague, 1651. 5991 CHARLES, E. La librairie Manceaux de Mons sous la direction de M. H. Manceaux. 8vo. Liege, 1892. 17628 CHARLESWORTH, S. & CO. Litho. and letterpress printing machines, litho. and copperplate presses, etc. [A catalogue.] 8vo. Oldham [c. 1900]. 4620 CHARLET, ( ). Album lithographique. 4to. Paris, 1825. 9047 CHARLEVILLE, R. de. See Raucourt de Charleville, A. CHARNLEY, E. Specimens of early wood engraving : being impressions of wood-cuts from the collection of Mr. Charnley, Newcastle. 4to. Newcastle, 1858. 15311 CHARPENTIER, ( ). Observations sur le projet de loi con- cernant les droits des auteurs et des artistes (Nouvelles observ- ations, etc.) 2 pts. 8vo. Paris, 1866. 9989 CHARRETIER, A. The curial. Translated by W. Caxton, 1484. Edited by F. J. Furnivall. [The Foreword only.] 8vo. London, 1888. 22529 CHARRIER, ( ). L'alfa des hauts plateaux de I'Algerie. 8vo. Alger, 1873. 9526 CHARRON, P. De la sagesse. i6mo. Leyde, 1656. 21921 CHARVET, L. Enseignement de Part decoratif. 4to. Paris [c. 1888]. 3101 CHASLES, P. Les origines de la presse. {In Revue des Deux Mondes [ ], pp. 308-338.) 9439 179 CHASLES, P. Etudes sur les premiers temps du Christianisme et sur le moyen age. [L 'Atelier de Guttenberg-, pp. 379-422,] 8vo. Paris, 1847. 12239 CHASLES, P. See Gautier, J., Janin, J. and Chasles, P. CHASSANT, A. Paleog-raphie des chartes et des manuscrits du lie. au i7e. si^cle. Svo. Evreux, 1839. 173^5 CHATEAUBRIANT, Vte. de. See Vitry, A. de. CHATELAIN, E. Les secrets des vieilles reliures. 8vo. Paris, 1906. 12667 CHATTERTON, D. [Specimens of printing- by Dan Chatterton without a press.] Fol. London, 1895. 4171 CHATTERTON, T. The Rowley poems. Edited by R. Steele. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1898. 1925 CHATTO, W. A. A treatise on wood engraving, historical and practical : with illustrations engraved by J. Jackson. 8vo. London, 1839. 20494 CHATTO, W. A. Facts and speculations on the origin and history of playing cards. Svo. London, 1S48. 8019 CHATTO, W. A. Gems of wood engraving from The Illus- trated London News, with a history of the art, ancient and modern, by W. A. C. Fol. London, 1849. 17870 CHATTO, W. A. A treatise on wood engraving : with illus- trations engraved by J. Jackson. 2nd edition by H. G. Bohn. Svo. London, 1861. 559^ CHATTO, W. A. A treatise on wood engraving : with illus- trations engraved by J. Jackson. New edition by H. G. Bohn. Svo. London [c. 1880]. 122 CHATTOCK, R. S. Practical notes on etching. 3rd edition. Svo. London, 1S86. 8236 CHAUCER, G. Workes. Fol. London [c. 1545]. 5131 CHAUCER, G. Workes. Fol. London, 1598. 21427 CHAUCER, G. Canterbury Tales. [Selected and edited] by John Saunders. 2 vols. i2mo. London, 1845-7. 20S27 CHAUCER, G. The Canterbury Tales. Edited by T. Wright. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1S47-51. 21234 CHAUCER, G. Poetical works. 8 vols. Svo. London, 1S54-6. 21918 CHAUCER, G. Chaucer for children : a golden key. By Mrs. H. R. Haweis. Illustrated with eight coloured pictures. 4to. London, 1877. 14240 CHAUCER, G. The story of Queen Anelida and the false Arcite. Printed at Westminster by W. Caxton about the year 1477. [Facsimile.] Svo. Cambridge, 1905. 6832 180 CHAUCER, G. [Facsimile of 14 leaves of Caxton's first edition of the Canterbury Tales.] 4to. 21434 CHAUCER, G. See Bradshaw, H. CHAUDIERE, C. See Claudin, A, CHAVANNES, E. Les livres chinois avant I'invention du papier. 8vo. Paris, 1905. 11659 CHAVES, M. Historia y bibliografia de la prensa Sevillana : con un prolog-o del J. Guichot y Parody. 8vo. Sevilla, 1896. 3626 CHEFFINS, C. F. See Chapman, H. CHELSEA HOSPITAL FOR WOMEN. A booke of ye olde English fayre. 4to. [Manchester], 1881. 22860 [CHELSUM, J.] A history of the art of engraving- in mezzo- tinto. 8vo. Winchester, 1786. 1803 CHELTENHAM. Wlio's who in Cheltenham. 4to. Newport [c. 1910]. .15309 CHELTENHAM : Public Library. Sixteenth [etc.] annual re- port, 1900-1, etc. 8vo. Cheltenham, 1901, etc. 8963 CHEMICAL MANUFACTURERS' DIRECTORY, 1908. 8vo. London, 1908. PP CHEMICAL SOCIETY. A catalog-ue of the library. 8vo. London, 1886. 6562 CHEREAU, A. Essai sur les orig"ines du journalisme medical fran9ais suivi de sa bibliog-raphie. 8vo. Paris, 1867. ^4457 CHEREAU, A. Guillotin et la g-uillotine. 8vo. Paris, 1870. 23327 CHERET, J. The art of the hoarding-— I. {In The New Review, Vol. 11, July, 1894, pp. 47-50.) 6796 CHEROUNY, H. W. The inception, meaning and progress of the Printers' League. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 40, 1907-8, pp. 423-429-) PP CHEROUNY, H. W. Who pays for that Nothing to arbitrate at Buffalo? Plain talk to must-be union printers. 8vo. New York [1909]. 1 1 528 CHESSON, W. H. See Pennell, J. CHESTER, A. Hints on the management of arc lamps. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 2, 1896, pp. 145-147.) PP CHESTERFIELD, Lord. Lord Chesterfield's advice to his son. i2mo. London, 1822. 10028 CHESTERFIELD, Lord. Economia da vida humana. See Dodsley, R. CHESTERMAN, C. T. Process work in the Imperial State Paper Manufactory at St. Petersburg. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 2, 1896, pp. 86-88.) PP 181 CHESTERTON, G. K. Twelve types. [No. II— William Morris and his school.] 8vo. London, 1902. 2813 CHEVALIER, C. Nouvelles instructions sur I'usage du daguerreotype. Description d'un nouveau photographe, et d'un appareil tr^s simple destine a la reproduction des 6preuves au moyen de la galvanoplastie. Suivie d'un memoire sur I'appli- cation du brome. Svo. Paris, 1841. 4445 CHEVALLIER, J. B. A. and LANGLUME, ( ). Traite complet de la lithographie. Avec des notes de MM. Mantoux et Jourmar. Svo. Paris, 1838. 3627 CHEVILLIER, A. L'origine de I'imprimerie de Paris. 4to. Paris, 1694. 20782 CHEVILLOT, P. See Morin, L. CHEVREUL, M. E. The laws of contrast of colour and their application to the arts. Translated by J. Spanton. New edition. 8vo. London, 1859. 123 CHEVREUL, M. E. The laws of contrast of colour and their application to the arts and manufactures. Translated by John Spanton. Svo. London, 1883. 10819 CHEYNEY, J. W. The lining- systems of American type- foundries. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 33, 1904, pp. 526-527.) PP CHIANTORE, G. See Bodoni, G. B. CHIAPPINI, G. L'arte della stampa in Livorno. Note ed appunti storici. Svo. Livorno, 1904. 4048 CHICAGO. Story of Chicago in connection with the printing business. Svo. Chicago, 1912. 16739 CHICAGO : Caxton Club. The first exhibit [of bindings] of the Caxton Club of Chicago. {In The Bookman [U.S.], Vol. i. Mar., i895> PP- 91-92-) 6S10 CHICAGO : Caxton Club. See Duff, E. G. ; Pollard, A. W. CHICAGO COLORTYPE CO. [Specimens.] 4to. Chicago [1903]- 3390 CHICAGO : Council for Library and Museum Extension. Educational opportunities in Chicago. Svo. Chicago, 191 1. 15258 CHICAGO : Exhibition, 1S93. World's Columbian Exposition. Art portfoho. Obi. Svo. Chicago [1893]. 21S6 CHICAGO HERALD. A few words about the Chicago Herald. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 9, 1S91-2, pp. 329-344.) PP CHICAGO : John Crerar Library. ist annual report for the year 1S95, etc. Svo. Chicago, 1S97, etc. 9016 CHICAGO : John Crerar Library. A list of books in the reading room. Svo. Chicago, 1900. 3466 182 CHICAGO : John Crerar Library. A list of bibliographies of special subjects. 8vo. Chicago, 1902. 3468 CHICAGO : John Crerar Library. A list of current periodicals in the reading- room. 8vo. Chicago, 1902. 3469 CHICAGO : John Crerar Library. A list of books exhibited Dec, 1907 — Jan., 1908, including incunabula and other early printed books in the Senn collection. 8vo. Chicago, 1907. 9540 CHICAGO : John Crerar Library. Handbook, 1910. 8vo. Chicago, 1910. 13403 CHICAGO : John Crerar Library. A list of current medical periodicals and allied serials. 2nd edition. 8vo. Chicago, 191 3. 17880 CHICAGO : John Crerar Library. See Andrews, C. W. CHICAGO : Newberry Library. Report of the trustees, 1899, etc. 8vo. Chicago, 1900, etc. 9026 CHICAGO : Public Library. 26th annual report, 1897-8, etc. 8vo. Chicago, 1898, etc. 9013 CHICAGO SOCIETY OF PROOFREADERS. Style-book. 2nd edition. 8vo. Chicago, 1899. 1415 CHICAGO TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION, No. 16. Scale of prices. i6mo. Chicago, 1887. 7573 CHICAGO TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION, No. 16. Cemetery statistics, 1852-1901. 8vo. Chicago, 1901. 3494 CHICAGO TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION, No. 16. Financial exhibit for year ending June 24, 1902. 4to. Chicago, 1902. 3510 CHICAGO TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION, No. 16. Daily newspaper scale of prices, signed Jan. 7, 1902. The Chicago Chronicle contract, signed Oct. 31, 1901. i6mo. Chicago [1902]. 3495 CHICAGO TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION, No. 16. Lectures for apprentices delivered under the auspices of [the] Union. [General work by W. W. Clark ; commercial work by E. D. Berry ; stonework by C. M. Butler.] i2mo. Chicago [1903]. 4469 CHICAGO TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION, No. 16. Memorial services in honor of departed members, Sunday, May 29, 1910. 8vo. Chicago, 1910. 17355 CHICAGO : University Press. Manual of style : a compilation of the typographical rules in force at the University of Chicago Press, with specimens of types in use. 2nd edition. i2mo. Chicago, 1910. 14054 CHILD, L. M. See Kendrick, M. and Child, L. M. CHILD. The child's coloured gift book, with 72 illustrations printed in colours by Leighton Bros. 8vo. London [c. 1868]. 9836 183 CHILD. I'hc child's companion and juvenile instructor. New series, i854(-i86o : 1866). 8 vols. [With frontispieces printed in colours by Kronheim.] i2mo. London, 1854-66. ^33^3 CHILDS, G. Childs' elementary drawing- book. [Lithographs.] Obi. 4to. London [c. 1835]. 11750 CHILDS, G. W. The printers and Mr. Childs. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1888. 17259 CHILDS, G. W. Memorial souvenir. Dedication, Childs- Drexel home for union printers. May 12, 1892. [With articles on various subjects connected with printing.] 4to. Boston, 1892. 662 CHILDS, G. W. See Robinson, F. W. CHILEAN newspaper enterprise. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 39, ^907, PP- 554-557-) PP CHILVER, A. Specimens of letterpress printing. 4to. London, 1892, 442 CHILVER, A. Specimens of letterpress printing. Vol. 2. 4to. London, 1894. 10482 CHIRPE, H. Photo-lithography. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 15, 1895, PP- 288-289, 384-385, 499, 605.) PP CHITSON, R. Typefounding-. (In Paris : Exhibition, 1889. Reports of artisans, 1889.) 4594 CHIVERS, C. Reliure de luxe. [Bookbinding in embossed, modelled and tooled leather.] 8vo. [London, 1897.] 847 CHIVERS, C. The paper of lending-library books. 4to. [Bath], 1909. 1 1 53 1 CHIVERS, C. , Ltd. A new method of preserving old book- bindings, or of rebinding- old books. i6mo. London, 1905. loiig CHOATE, J. H. Benjamin Franklin. Inaugural address, Oct. 23, 1903, as president of the Birmingham and Midland Institute. 8vo. [London, 1904.] 6826 [CHOMEL, ( ).] Amenites litteraires, et recueil d 'anecdotes. 2 vols. [Origine et detail de I'imprimerie, Vol. 2, pp. 1-5.] 8vo. Amsterdam : Paris, 1773. 21538 CHOMPRE, ( ). Dictionnaire abrege de la fable. Onzi^me edition. i6mo. Paris, 1774. 754i CHOOUET, Dr. Hygiene professionnelle. Le compositeur typographe. 8vo. Paris, 1882. 9437 CHORLEY, H. F. See Collas, A. CHRISTIAN, A. Origines de I'imprimerie en France. 4to. Paris, 1900. 1949 CHRISTIAN, A. Debuts de I'imprimerie en France. L'lm- primerie Nationale. L'Hotel de Rohan. 8vo. Paris, 1905. 14681 184 CHRISTIAN, A. Etudes sur le Paris d'autrefois. Ecrivains et miniaturists- — Les primitifs de la peinture. Les origines de rimprimerie. La decoration du livre. 8vo. Paris, 1905. 11147 CHRISTIAN, E. A vindication of the right of the universities of Great Britian to a copy of every new publication. 2nd edition, much enlarged. 8vo. Cambridge, 1814. iioii CHRISTIAN, M. The resolutions of Mary Christian upon the day of her marriage. [Chromolithographed.] 4to. London [c. i860]. 15515 CHRISTIAN. The Christian garland : or, a companion for leisure hours : consisting of original and selected pieces in poetry and prose. [\^^ith coloured plates by Kronheim & Co.] 12 mo. London [1851]. i577i CHRISTIAN WORLD. How the Christian World is pro- duced : at the rate of 24,000 copies an hour, folded and cut. Obi. 8vo. London [1889]. 4176 CHRISTIE, J. Parish clerks. Some account of parish clerks, more especially of the Ancient Fraternity of S. Nicholas, now known as the Worshipful Company of Parish Clerks. [The printing press, pp. 187-192.] 4to. London, 1893. 4155 CHRISTIE, R. C. Etienne Dolet, the martyr of the Renais- sance. A biography. 8vo. London, 1S80. 20478 CHRISTIE, R. C. A bibliography of the books written, edited, or printed by Etienne Dolet. 4to. London, 1880. 20479 CHRISTIE, R. C. Etienne Dolet, le martyr de la Renaissance, sa vie et sa mort. Traduit par C. Stryienski. 8vo. Paris, 1886. 21658 CHRISTIE, R. C. Special bibliographies. {In Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. i, 1893.) 56 CHRISTIE, R. C. The chronology of the early Aldines. {In Bibliographica, Vol. i, 1895, pp. 193-222.) 53 CHRISTIE, R. C. An incunabulum of Brescia, hitherto ascribed to Florence. {In Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. 4, 1898.) 56 CHRISTIE, R. C. Etienne Dolet, the martyr of the Renais- sance, 1508-46. A biography. [2nd edition.] 8vo. London, 1899. 7346 CHRISTMAS carols : a sacred gift. [Chromolithographed frontispiece by F. Schenk.] Sq. 8vo, London, 1848. 16139 CHRISTMAS with the poets. [Title by Vizetelly's colour process.] 8vo. London, 1851. 9613 CHRISTOPHERS & SON. Artistic printing. [Specimens.] 4to. Newport [1891]. 443 CHRISTOPHERS & SON. Specimens of printing. Vol. 2. 4to. Newport, 1893. 10839 185 CHROMATIC ART MAGAZINE. I'oZ. 1-2, 1879-84. Fol. New York, iS;9-84. PP CHROMOLITHOGRAPH. The Chromolithograph : a journal of art, decoration and the accomplishments. Vols. 1-2. 4to. London, 1868-9. PP CHRONICA HUNGARORUM. Die Ofner Chronik : Facsimile- ausgabe dcs ersten ungarlandischen Druckes nach dem Exemplare der Bibliothek des Ung. Nationalmuseums. Mit einleitender StLidie von W. Frakn6i. 4to. Budapest, 1900. i975 CHRONIK und Stamm der Pfalzgrafen bei Rhein und Herzoge in Bayern, 1501. Die alteste gedruckte Bayerische Chronik, zugleich der alteste Druck der Stadt Landshut in Bayern, in Facsimiledruck herausgegeben mit einer Einleitung von Dr. G. Leidinger. 2 pts. [Drucke und Holzschnitte des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts, Hejt. 7.] 8vo. and 4to. Strassburg, 1901-2. 3263 CHRONIQUE DE LTMPRIMERIE. Vols. 1-2, 1880-1. Fol. Paris, 1880-1. PP CHRONOLOGICAL. A chronological series of engravers to the beginning- of the present century. 8vo. Cambridge, 1770. 8744 CHRONOLOGY. A chronology of typefounding. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 3, 1885-6, pp. 457.) PP CHRYSOLORAS. Erotemata. 8vo. Venetiis, 1531. 9225 CHRY^SOSTOMUS, J. Homihae super Johannem. Fol. Roma, 1470. 5935 CHRYSOSTOMUS, J. Opera graece. 8 vols. Fol. Etonae, 1612-3. 586; CHRYSOSTOMUS, J. Chrysostomus Super Psalmo quinqua gesimo liber primus. Nachbildung der ersten Koelner Ausgabt des Ulrich Zell vom Jahre 1466. 8vo. Koeln, 1896. 35^4 CHURCH, A. H. Cantor lectures on some considerations concerning colour and colouring. 8vo. London, 1890. 131 CHURCH, A. H. Colour : an elementary manual. New edition. 8vo. London, 1891. 130 CHURCH, A. H. and OTHERS. Some minor arts as practised in England. Fol. London, 1894. 680 CHURCH, A. H. See Evelyn, J. CHURCH, A. J. Authors and publishers. (In The Nineteenth Century, Vol. 61, May, 1907, pp. 852-859.) 8785 CHURCH, W. E. A gossip about Fleet Street. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 49, July 11, 1901, pp. 13-14.) PP CHURCH, W. E. A group of historic printers. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 52, Feb. 12, 1903, pp. 97-98.) PP 186 CHURCHYARD, T. A spark of friendship. Whereunto is joined the benefit that paper bringeth. With a description of a paper mill set up (near Dartford) by Mr. Spilman. 1588. {In The Harleian Miscellany, Vol. 3, 1745.) 22838 [CHURTON, E.J The book-collector's handbook: a modern library companion. 8vo. London, 1845. 18663 [CHURTON, E.] The handbook of taste in bookbinding. New edition. 8vo. London [c. 1865]. 22487 CHYTRAEUS, D. De lectione historiarum recte instituenda. i2mo. Argentinae, 1565. 20825 (2) CICERO, M. T. De oratore, etc. Fol. Venetiis, 1501. 6606 CICERO, M. T. Paradoxa scitu incundissima. Fol. [Leip- zig], 1502. 5136 CICERO, M. T. Epistolarum familiarum. 8vo. Lyon [c. 1 5 10]. 4099 CICERO, M. T. Oratio, F. Sylvii Ambiani commentarius declarata. 4to. Paris, 1531. 22401 CICERO, M. T. Epistolarum familiarum. 4to. Erfordiae, 1540- 5259 CICERO, M. T. Orationes. 3 vols. 8vo. Parisiis, 1543. 7433 CICERO, M. T. Orationes. 8vo. Argentorati, 1558. 4038 CICERO, M. T. Quaestiones Tusculanae. 8vo. London, 1577- 4310 CICERO, M. T. Opera omnia. 4to. [ ], 1606. 5532 CICERO, M. T. Opera. '^ vols. i8mo. Lugd. Batav. , 1642. 5034 CICERO, M. T. Cato Major : of old age. A poem. By Sir J. Denham. 8vo. London, 1669. 20815 (-) CICERO, M. T. De natura deorum. 8vo. Glasguae, 1741. 9659 CICERO, M. T. Cato Major, or his discourse of old age. 4to. Philadelphia, 1744. 21377 CICERO, M. T. Cato Major, or a treatise on old age. i2mo. Glasgow, 1 75 1. 20817 CICERO, M. T. De ofBciis ad Marcum filium. i2mo. Glasguae, 1757. 50-8 CICERO, M. T. Orationes. Selectae. Ex editione J. Oliveti. i2mo. Glasguae, 1772. 5040 CICERO, M. T. M. T. Ciceronis Orpheus sive de adolescente studioso ad Marcum filium Athenas. [On blue paper.] 8vo. Florentiae, 1831. 16358 187 CICERO, M. T. De oratore. Subiaco, Sweinheim et Pannartz, 1464. Genaues Facsimile des letzten Blattes. [Edited byj H. Kleinni. S. sh. 410. [Leipzig-, c. 1850.] 7220 CICERO, M. T. See Middleton, C. CICOGNARA, L. Memorie spettanti alia storia della calco- grafia. (Atlas.) 8vo. and fol. Prato, 1831. 16914 & 16398 CICOGNARA, L. Le premier si^cle de la calcographie ou catalogue rais.onne des estampes du cabinet de feu L. C. Ecole d'ltalie par A. Zanetti, (Ecoles Allemande, Flamande et Frangaise par C. A. : Appendice k I'ecole d'ltalie, Les Nielles du Cabinet Cig- Cicognara. Par A. Zanetti), 8vo. Venise, 1837. 8134 CIM, A. Le livre. Historiquc — Fabrication — Achat — Classe- ment — Usage et entretien. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1905-8. 6706 CINCINNATI : Public Library. Annual report, 1898-9, etc. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1899, etc. 9018 CINCINNATI TYPE FOUNDRY. Supplementary specimens. 4to. [Cincinnati, c. 1830.] 5933 CINCINNATI TYPE FOUNDRY CO. Specimens. 4to. Cincinnati, 1877. 6379 CIPRIANI, G. B. [Studies of hands and feet by G. B. C. Engraved by F. Bartolozzi.] Obi. 4to. London, 1786. 18022 CIRCOLO ITALIANO DELLA LIBRERIA, TIPOGRAFIA ED ARTI AFFINI. Circolare No. 50. Sulla questione dello sciopera tipografico. 8vo. [Milano, 1863.] 21627 CIRCULAIRE DES PROTES. Vol. 14, 1908, etc. 8vo. Mesnil sur I'Estree, 1908, etc. PP CITTADELLA, L. N. La stampa in Ferrara. Memoria. 8vo. Roma, 1873. 22841 CITY AND GUILDS OF LONDON INSTITUTE. A short notice of the Institute with an account of the opening. 8vo. London, 1884. 3156 CITY AND GUILDS OF LONDON INSTITUTE. Pro- gramme, 1885-6, etc. 8vo. London, 1885, etc. 3^55 CITY AND GUILDS OF LONDON INSTITUTE. Report, 1892-3, etc. 8vo. London, 1893, etc. 8910 CITY AND GUILDS OF LONDON INSTITUTE. Pro- gramme of the City and Guilds Technical College, Finsbury. Session 1894-5. 8vo. London, 1894. 3i55 CITY AND GUILDS OF LONDON INSTITUTE. Prize winners, 1895, etc. 8vo. London, 1895, etc. 891 1 CITY AND GUILDS OF LONDON INSTITUTE. Questions in typography set from 1890 to 1895 at the examinations of the Institute. [With annotations by J. Southward.] 8vo. London, 1895. 2978 188 CITY printers. [Printers to the City of London.] (In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 13. Sept. 4, 1884, pp. 2-3; Sept. 11, p. 13; Sept. 18, p. 15.) PP CLAPHAM : Public Library. Sixth annual report, 1892-3, etc. 8vo. London, 1893, etc. 8964 CLAPPERTON, G. Practical paper-makingf. 8vo. London, 1894. 132 CLAPPERTON, G. Practical paper-making : a manual for paper-makers and owners and managers of paper mills. To which are appended useful tables, calculations, data, etc. 2nd edition, revised and enlarged. i2mo. London, 1907. 9226 CLARE, J. Three very interesting- letters (two in curious rhyme) by the celebrated poets Clare, Cowper and Bird. 8vo. Great Totham, 1837. 15653 CLARENDON, Earl of. A brief view of the errors in Mr. Hobbes's Leviathan. 4to. [Oxford], 1676. 5357 CLARENDON PRESS. See Oxford : University Press. CLARETIE, J. Une visite a I'Jmprimerie Nationale. 4to. Paris, 1904. 8825 CLARETIE, J. See Morin, L. CLARIGNY, C. Histoire de la presse en Angleterre et aux Etats-Unis. 8vo. Paris, 1857. 20844 CLARK, A. A Bodleian guide for visitors. i2mo. Oxford, 1906. 8265 CLARK, C. Tiptree races : a comic punning poem. i2mo. London, 1834. 15651 CLARK, C. W. & CO. [Views of Clark and Co.'s works.] Obi. 8vo. [London, c. 1900.] 10150 CLARK, E. W. The Hawaiian translations of the Scriptures. {In Hawaiian Club : Papers, 1868.) 10188 CLARK, F. A catalogue of old books. 8vo. London, 1819. 16556 (7) CLARK, H. The oilman's guide. 8vo. London, 1829. 15402 CLARK, J. Elements of drawing and painting" in water colours. i2mo. London, 1838. 11558 CLARK, J. T. Notes on early printing in Scotland, 1 507-1600. {In Library Association : Transactions, Vol. 3, 1881.) 22018 CLARK, J. T, Price lists of letterpress job printing. 32mo. Stalybridge, 1881. 23485 3056 CLARK, J. T. Price lists of letterpress job printing. 4th edition. i6mo. Stalybridge, 1885. 23484 CLARK, J. T. Price lists for letterpress job printing. 5th edition. 32mo. Stalybridge, 1889. 3^54 189 CLARK, J. T. Price lists of kltcrprcss job printing-. 6th edition. 32nio. Stalybridge, iSgo. 3057 CLARK, J. W. The care of books : an essay on the develop- ment of libraries and their fittings to the end of the i8th century. 8vo. Cambridge, 1901. 3801 CLARK, J. W. See Bartholomew, A. T. C[LARK], T. An attempt at vocal English. 8vo. [Aberdeen, 1844.] 15641 CLARK, T & T. The publishing house of T. and T. Clark, Edinburgh. i2mo, [Edinburgh, 1882.] 8024 CLARK^, W. W. General work. [In Chicago Typographical Union : Lectures.) 8vo. [1903.] 44^9 CLARK & CO. The art electro : how to use it. 8vo. London [1900]. 1665 CLARK & CO. New electros, catalog No. 8. 4to. London [1904]. 4716 CLARK t*l' CO. Baskertype : the new printing surface. 8vo. London [c. 1913]. 18355 CLARK & CO. Baskertype for tints. 8vo. London [c. 191 3]. 18444 CLARK &• CO. Baskertype and the half-tone, or old blocks in new frocks. Obi. 8vo. London [19 14]. 18348 [CLARKE, A.] A bibliographical dictionary of books in the Latin, Greek [and Oriental languages]. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1802-4. 20580 [CLARKE, A.] The bibliographical miscellany. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1806. 20580A CLARKE, A. The bibliographical miscellany. 8vo. London, 1806. 20849 CLARKE, A. Copper and silver intensifying. [In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, p. 183.) PP CLARKE, A. Desiccated dry plates for reproductions. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, p. 172.) PP CLARKE, A. Mogul varnish. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, pp. 87-88.) PP CLARKE, A. Celloidin, lodose, Solvit, and pinholes in wet plate negative work. [In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 1911-2, pp. 201-204.) PP CLARKE, L. A compleat exposition of the Book of Common Prayer. 4to. London, 1737. 9468 CLARKE, O. E. Impressions of the International Congresses, I. Bibliographical, II. Librarians and archivists. (In Library World, Vol. 13, 1910-1, pp. 107-109, 141-142.) PP 190 CLARKE, O. E. English publishing- trade bibliographies. {In Library World, Vol. 13, 1910-1, pp. 197-201.) PP CLARKE, O. E. See Stewart, J. D. and Clarke, O. E. [CLARKE, W.] Repertorium bibliographicum : or, some account of the most celebrated British libraries. 8vo. London, 1819. 20153 CLARKE, W. A catalogue of rare and valuable books. 8vo. London, 1822. 16556 (8) CLARKE ENGRAVING CO. [Specimens.] 4to. London, 1900. -013 CLARKE, FRIEND, FOX & CO. Catalogue and paper cost list. Obi. 8vo. Chicago, 1878. 2850 CLAROMONTIL^S, G. In statuam laureatam quam Collegium Medicum sub auspiciis amplissimorum consulum civitatis Harle- mensis L. Costero viro consulari typographiae inventori primo in Horto Medico Harlemensi erexit, 1723. Fol. Amstelaedami [1723]. 21052 CLASSICAL manuscripts and first editors. (In The Edinburgh Review, Jan., 1873.) 1968 CLATWORTHY, W. A. Electricity in the printing trade. 4to. London, 1904. 4626 CLAUDIANUS, C. De raptu Proserpinae. [The cut on the title is overprinted with red to give a chiaroscuro effect.] 4to. Erfurt, 1514. 6017 CLAUDIANUS, C. De raptu Proserpinae. 4to. Leipzig, 1518. 5217 CLAUDIN, A. Origines de I'imprimerie k Albi en Languedoc, 1480-4. 8vo. Paris, 1880. 20625 CLAUDIN, A. Catalogue des monuments typographiques et d'un choix de livres rares et precieux provenant du cabinet de feu M. Benjamin Fillon avec quelques eclairissements historiques et des notes bibliographiques. 8vo. Paris, 1883. 22765 CLAUDIN, A. Un nouveau document sur Gutenberg. 4to. Paris [1883]. 22848 CLAUDIN, A. Les origines de I'imprimerie a Reims. Les trois premiers imprimeurs : Claude Chaudiere — Nicolas Trumeau — Nicolas Bacquenois. 8vo, Paris, 1891. 3679 CLAUDIN, A. Les origines de I'imprimerie a Hesdin-en- Artois, 1512-8. 8vo. Paris, 1891. 79^6 CLAUDIN, A. Les origines de I'imprimerie a Salins en Franche-Comte, 1484-5. 8vo. Paris, 1892. 3682 CLAUDIN, A. Note pour servir k I'histoire de I'imprimerie en Beam. Les antecedents d' Henry Poyvre et de Jean de Vingles premiers imprimeurs de la ville de Pau. 8vo. Auch, 1893. 9633 191 CLAUDIN, A. Les enlumincurs, les relieurs, les libraires et les imprimeurs de Toulouse au 150.-166. slides, 1480-1530. 8vo. Paris, 1893. 7562 CLAUDIN, A. Notes pour servir k I'histoire de rimprimerie h Limoges. L'imprimeur Claude Garnier et ses peregrinations, 1520-57. Svo. Paris, 1894. 9629 CLAUDIN, A. Les debuts de I'imprimerie a Poitiers. Les Bulles d 'indulgences de Saintes. Jean Bouyer, Saintongeais, prototypographe poitevin. 8vo. Paris, 1894. 9628 CLAUDIN, A. Les origines de rimprimerie k Auch. Svo. Paris, 1894. 1 1284 CLAUDIN, A. Le premier livre imprime k Agen, Recherches sur la vie et les travaux du premier imprimeur Agenais. Svo. Paris, 1894. 9626 CLAUDIN, A. Les origines de I'imprimerie a Saint-Lo en Normandie. Svo. Paris, 1894. 68gS CLAUDIN, A. Les origines de I'imprimerie a Sisteron en Provence, 1513. Les peregrinations d'un impiimeur, 1507-13. Imprimerie etablie a ServoUes commune de Sisteron pendant la Revolution. Svo. Paris, 1894. 3680 CLAUDIN, A. Un ecrivain Saintongeais inconnu. Mathurin Alamande, 1486-1531. Notes sur une impression de Toulouse et sur un libraire Rouennais etabli a Castres en 15 19. Svo. Paris, 1895. 1 1285 CLAUDIN, A. Les origines de I'imprimerie a Limoges. Svo. Paris, 1896. 9630 CLAUDIN, A. Un typographe Rouennais oublie. Maitre J. G. , imprimeur d'une edition de Commines en 1525. Svo. Paris, 1896. 68S9 CLAUDIN, A. Les origines et les debuts de I'imprimerie a Bordeaux. Svo. Paris, 1S97. 367S CLAUDIN, A. Bibliographic des premiers livres imprimes a Poitiers, 1479-1515. Svo. Paris, 1897. 9631 CLAUDIN, A. Origines et debuts de I'imprimerie a Poitiers. Bibliographic des premiers livres imprimes dans cette ville, 1479- 1515. Svo. Paris, 1897. 1446 CLAUDIN, A. Monuments de rimprimerie k Poitiers. Recueil de fac-similes des premiers livres, 1479-15 15, etc. Svo. Paris, 1S97. 1446 CLAUDIN, A. Private printing in France during the 15th century. {In Bibliographica, Vol. 3, 1S97, pp. 344-370.) 53 CLAUDIN, A. Les imprimeries particuliferes en France au 150. si^cle. Svo. Paris, 1S97. 1666 CLAUDIN, A. Les origines et les debuts de I'imprimerie ci Poitiers. Nouvelles recherches. Svo. Paris, 1S9S. 9634 192 CLAUDIN, A. Les origines de rimprimerie en France. Premiers essais a Avig-non en 1444. 8vo. Paris, 1898. 9632 CLAUDIN, A. The first Paris press : an account of the books printed for G. Fichet and J. HeynUn in the Sorbonne, 1470-2. [Bibliographical Society : Illustrated Monographs, No. 6.] 4to. London, 1898. 1056 CLAUDIN, A. La premiere press a Paris. [A review of The first Paris press, reprinted from La Typologie Tucker, 1898.] 4to. [Paris, 1898.] 1667 CLAUDIN, A. Les origines de I'imprimerie a Paris. La premiere presse de la Sorbonne. 8vo. Paris, 1899. 11286 CLAUDIN, A. L'imprimerie k Uz^s au 156. si6cle. Descrip- tion d'un Brevaire inconnu imprim6 dans cette ville en 1493. 8vo. Besancon, 1899. 3681 CLAUDIN, A. Les travaux sur I'histoire de l'imprimerie. Svo. Paris, 1899. 12649 CLAUDIN, A. Histoire de l'imprimerie en France au i5e. et au i6e. si^cle. Vols. 1-3. Fol. Paris, 1900-4. i947 CLAUDIN, A. Pierre Cesar et Jean StoU : imprimeurs Parisiens du 156. si^cle. (Documents inedits.) 8vo. Paris, 1900. 3677 CLAUDIN, A. Liste chronologique des imprimeurs Parisiens du I5e. si^cle, 1470-1500. 8vo. Paris, 1900. 2537 CLAUDIN, A. Catalogue de livres anciens rares et precieux provenant de la biblioth^que de feu M. A. Claudin. Svo. Paris, 1914. 18437 CLAUDIN, A. Barthelemy de la Gorge, libraire, relieur et marchand mercier a Grenoble, 1516-22. Svo. [ ] 9627 CLAUDIN, A. [Autograph letter to William Blades, 26 Dec, 1877.] 20036 CLAUDIN, A. See Rochebili^re, A. CLAUDY, C. H. Press photography. {In The Photo-Minia- ture, Vol. .5, June, 1903.) 1314^ CLAUGHTON, P. C. A discourse delivered at the church of St. Sepulchre on behalf of the Westminster Abbey Pension of the Printers' Corporation. Svo. London, 1876. 23042 CLAVELL, R. The general catalogue of books printed in England, 1666-S0. To which is added a catalogue of Latin books printed in foreign parts and in England since 1670. Fol. London, 1680-1. 21795 CLAY, R. S. Occurrence and influence of white in three- colour printing. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 8, 1902-3, pp. 20-22.) PP CLAY, R. S. Aberrations due to liquid filters. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 9, 1903-4, pp. 60-62.) PP 193 13 CLAY, R. S. Variations in the size and positions of the images in three-colour work, caused by the colour filters. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. lo, 1904-5, pp. 92-94.) PP CLAY, R. S. Inequality in the images produced by the colour filters in three-colour work, and some suggestions for their cure. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, pp. 13-15.) PP CLAY, R. S. The reflecting prism versus the front-silvered mirror. (hi Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 110-112.) PP CLAY, R. S. The chromatic aberrations of the eye in relation to three-colour photography. [In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 113-114-) PP CLAY, R. S. A graphical construction for determining the optical constants of a pair of separated lenses, for instance the telephoto lense. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, pp. 161-166.) PP CLAY, R. S. A graphical construction for determining the optical constants of a thick lens. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 15, 1909-10, pp. 145-148.) PP CLAY, R. S. Focal length of a photographic lens, by a simple graphical construction. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 1911-2, pp. 111-112.) PP CLAY, SMITH & CO. Specimen of types in use at their printing oflfices. i2mo. London, 1844. 3432 CLAYE, J. De la question d 'augmentation du salaire des compositeurs typographes. 8vo. Paris, 1861. 13384 CLAYE, J. De la situation faite aux imprimeurs de Paris par la Societe Typographique. 8vo. Paris, 1870. 15287 CLAYE, J. Manuel de I'apprenti compositeur. 8vo. Paris, 1871. 14571 CLAYE, J. Typographic. Manuel de I'apprenti compositeur. 2e. edition. 8vo. Paris, 1874. 20676 CLAYE, J. Types de caract^res et d'ornements anciens [in use in the printing oflfice of J. C] 8vo. Paris, 1875. 14^79 CLAYE, J. Typographic. Manuel de I'apprenti compositeur. 3e. edition. 8vo. Paris, 1883. 3^34 CLAYE, J. Typographic. Manuel de I'apprenti compositeur. 46. edition. 8vo. Paris, 1891. 133 CLAYE, J. See Rozan, C. CLAYTON-TORRENCE, W. See Virginia : State Library. CLEEF, P. M. v. Handboek ter beoefening der boekdrukkunst in Nederland. 8vo. Hilversum [1844]. 17715 CLEGG, J. The Directory of second-hand booksellers and list of public libraries. [2nd edition.] i2mo. Rochdale, 1888. 6754 194 CLEGG, J. The International Directory of second-hand book- sellers and bibliophile's manual. [4th edition.] i2mo. Rochdale, 1894. 2952 CLEGG, J. The International Directory of booksellers and bibliophile's manual. [5th edition.] i2mo. Rochdale, 1899. 6756 CLEGG, J. The International Directory of booksellers and bibliophile's manual. [6th edition.] i2mo. Rochdale, 1903. 9328 CLEGG, J. The International Directory of booksellers and bibliophile's manual. [7th edition.] 8vo. Rochdale, 1906. 11722 CLEGG, J. See Gyles, A. CLEMEN, O. Buchdruck und Buchhandel und die Lutherische Reformation. 8vo. Halle a. S., 1904. 11287 CLEMENT, M. Opinion sur le projet de loi relatif k la liberty de la presse. 8vo. [Paris, 1814.] 23371 CLEMENT, Saint. Ad Corinthios Epistola. i6mo. Oxoniae, 1677. 4547 CLEMENT DE RIS, L. See Ris, L. C. de. CLEMENT-JANIN, M. H. Recherches sur les imprimeurs Dijonnais et sur les imprimeurs du Dep. de la Cote-d'Or. 8vo. Dijon, 1873. 22332 CLEMENT-JANIN, M. H. Les imprimeurs et les libraires dans la Cote-d'Or. 2e. edition. 8vo. Dijon, 1883. 20074 CLEMENT'S PRINTING WORKS, Ltd. [Form of indenture used by the Company.] Fol. [London, 1903.] 34^9 CLEPHAN, J. On the invention of printing". (In The Popular Lecturer, No. 6, 1856, pp. 161-174.) 18529 CLEPHAN, J. Early printers on the Tyne. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 19, 1887, pp. 273-275.) PP CLERC, L. P. La photographic des couleurs. Avec une preface de G. Lippman. 8vo. Paris [c. 1899]. 2314 CLERC, L. P. Les reproductions photomecaniques mono- chromes. Photogravure, similigravure, phototypie, heliogravure, etc. i2mo. Paris, 1910. 11881 CLERC, L. P. See Calmels, H. and Clerc, L. P. CLERICUS, pseud. Calumnies of the Record newspaper refuted in several letters addressed to the publishers of the Comprehensive Bible. 8vo. London, 1832. 16426 CLERK, R. See Payne, T. CLERKENWELL : Public Library. Seventh annual report of the Commissioners, 1894, etc. 8vo. London, 1895, etc. 8965 CLERKENWELL : Public Library. Information respecting" the library and its uses. 8vo. [London, 1895.] 8855 CLERKENWELL : Public Library. Lending department. Reader's shelf-guide. 8vo. [London, c. 1906.] 8073 195 CLERMONT-TONNERRE, M. de. Associations nationales en faveur dc la presse patriotc. Comit6 central et comite parisien. Rapport. 8vo. [Paris], 1826. 12606(10) CLESS, \\'. J. J. Drittes Jubel-Fest der Buchdruckerkunst. Svo. Gotha, 1740. 20083 (i) CLESSE, ( ), Quel est le premier livre imprim^ en Lorraine? (hi Memoires de I'Academie Stanislaus, 1859, pp. 20-28.) 9426 CLEVELAND GUILD OF PRINTERS, LITHOGRAPHERS, BOOKBINDERS AND KINDRED ARTS AND CRAFTS. Second annual exhibition. Catalogue. 8vo. Middlesborough, 1908. 16947 CLEVELAND GUILD OF PRINTERS, LITHOGRAPHERS, BOOKBINDERS AND KINDRED ARTS AND CRAFTS. Competition for compositors, open to the L^nited Kingdom. 8vo. Middlesborough, 1912. 15785 CLEVELAND : Rowfant Club. Code of regulations. 8vo. Cleveland, 1892. 8275 CLIFFORD, A. An academic printing house. [The Clarendon Press.] {In The Sunday Magazine, Sept., 1899.) H?^ CLIFTON, E. Specimens. Letterpress printing'. 4to. Brighton [1896]. 10846 CLODD, E. The story of the alphabet. i2mo. London, 1900. 1731 CLOSHEIM, C. Original-Initialen. S. sh. fol. Frankfurt a. M., 1850. 6236 CLOSTRE, E. Gutenberg. Fol. [Paris, c. 1850.] 2855 (i) CLOUSTON, W. A. The book of noodles : stories of simple- tons. i2mo. London, 1888. 5006 CLOUSTON, W. A. Literary coincidences ; a bookstall bargain : and other papers. 2nd edition. Svo. Glasgow, 1892. 8252 CLOUSTON, W. A. Hieroglyphic Bibles, their origin and history. A hitherto unwritten chapter of bibliography. With a new Hieroglyphic Bible told in stories by F. A. Laing. 4to. Glasgow, 1894. 8692 CLOUZOT, H. Notes pour servir a I'histoire de I'imprimerie a Niort et dans les Deux-S^vres. Svo. Niort, 1891. 7005 CLOUZOT, H. Les premiers imprimeurs et libraires de Saint Jean d'Angely, 1616-1747. Svo. Paris, 1895. 7004 CLOUZOT, H. Nouvelles notes pour servir a I'histoire de I'imprimerie a Niort et dans les Deux-S^vres. Svo. Paris, 1905. 7339 CLOUZOT, H. See Fillon,.B. CLOVIO, G. G. See Bradley, J. W. 196 CLOWES, A. A. Charles Knight : a sketch. 8vo. London, 1892. 2924 CLOWES, E. A. Printing machinery. Svo. London, 1887. 22306 CLOWES, W. See Smiles, S. [CLOWES, W. & SONS.] Schemes of imposition. i6mo. [London, 1870.] 11698 CLOWES, W. & SONS. Store room rules. 8vo. London, 1872. 706 (23) CLOWES, W. & SONS. Rules and regulations of the sick fund established at Messrs. Clowes's office, Jan., 1820 (as amended June, 1898). i2mo. [London, 1898.] 7271 CLOWES, \N. & SONS, Ltd. Some specimens of the Oriental and foreign types now in use in the offices of W. Clowes and Sons, Ltd. 8vo. London [191 5]. 18888 CLUBBE, W^ The omnium. 8vo. Ipswich, 1798. 8203 CLULOW, G. Report of a conversazione given by G. C. With the summary of an address on learned societies and printing clubs by B. Quaritch. [Sette of Odd Volumes : Miscellanies, No. 15.] i6mo. "^London, 1886. 44^2 CLULOW, G. The origin and manufacture of playing cards. i2mo. London, 1889. 3073 CLULOW, G. A half-century of line engraving. {In Royal Societv of Arts: Journal, May 21, 1897.) 2477 CLYMER, G. Testimonials respecting Mr. George Clymer's patent Columbian printing presses. 4to. London, 1818. 134 COATED papers. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 74, 1914. P- 532.) PP COATES BROS. & CO. Printing inks. [Specimens.] Obi. 8vo. London [c. 1890]. ii957 COATES BROS. & CO., Ltd. The Fleet lithographic stones. Price list. 8vo. London [c. igo6]. 12463 COBBES, E. Mundanum speculum, or, the worldlings looking glasse. i6mo. London, 1630. 21873 COBDEN, R. Mr. Cobden and The Times. Correspondence between Mr. Cobden, M.P. , and Mr. Delane, editor of The Times, with a supplementary correspondence between Mr. Cobden and the editor of the Daily Telegraph. Svo. Manchester, 1864. 15 138 COBDEN-SANDERSON, T. J. Bookbinding. {In The English Illustrated Magazine, Jan., 1891.) 1257 COBDEN-SANDERSON, T. J. Bookbinding : its processes and ideal. {In The Fortnightly Review, Aug., 1894.) 1258 COBDEN-SANDERSON, T. J. Bookbinding. {In Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society : Arts and crafts essays, 1899.) 1567 197 COBDKN-SANDERSON, T. J. Ecce mundus : industrial ideals and the book beautiful. 8vo, Hammersmith, 1902, 3223 COB HAM, C. D. An attempt at a bibliography of Cyprus, 2nd edition. i2mo. Nicosia, 1889. 6887 COCCEIUS, J. Sermo academicus de viis dei. 4to. Amstelo- dami, 1669. 4637(2) COCCEIUS, J. See Bible: N.T. Philippians; Bible: N.T. Colossians. COCCHI, A. Lettera critica sopra un manoscritto in cera. 4to. Firenze, 1746. 23286 COCHARD & DAVID, A. Fonderie typographique. [A specimen book.] 4to. Paris [c. i860]. 6346 COCHRAN, J. A catalogue of manuscripts. 8vo. London, 1829. 21466 COCHRAN, J. A second catalogue of manuscripts. 8vo. London, 1837. 21465 COCHRANE, C. H. Can logotypes be used on typesetting machines with advantage? {In Inland Printer, Vol. 15, 1895, p. 271-274.) PP COCHRANE, C. H. The demand for a cylinder jobber. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 16, 1895-6, pp. 509-511.) PP COCHRANE, C. H. Paper-feeding machines. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 20, 1897-8, pp. 460-464.) PP COCHRANE, C. H. The theory of overlays. {In Inland Printer, Vol 20, 1897-8, p. 745.) PP COCHRANE, C. H. The automatic justifying of type. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 20, 1897-8, pp. 751-752.) PP COCHRANE, C. H. Proper fingering on the linotype board. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 21, 1898, pp. 447, 568.) PP COCHRANE, C. H. The theory of overlays. 8vo. [Chicago, 1898.] 1489 COCHRANE, C. H. Making ready on job presses. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 23, 1899, pp. 311, 453, 582.) PP COCHRANE, C. H. Making ready on job presses. 8vo. [Chicago, 1899.] 2103 COCHRANE, C. H. Old-time printing trade papers. {In The American Printer and Bookmaker, 1900.) 21 17 COCHRANE, C. H. One hundred years of progress in printing. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 26, 1900-1, pp. 604-608.) PP COCHRANE, C. H. The eccentric in printing. {In The Printing Art, Vol. i, 1903, p. 176.) PP COCHRANE, J. G. See London Library. COCK. A. See London : Guildhall Library. 198 COCKBURN, J. D. Beginnings of the Scottish newspaper press. {In The Scottish Review, Oct., 1891.) 17094 COCKER, E. Arithmetick. 55th edition. i2mo. London, 1758. 21245 COCKER, E. Arithmetick. 56th edition. Svo. London, 1767. 5993 COCKER, W. J. Handbook of punctuation, with instructions for capitalization, letter-writing, and proof-reading. i6mo. New York, 1878. 20581 COCKERELL, D. Bookbinding and the care of books : a text book for bookbinders and librarians. With drawings by Noel Rooke, and other illustrations. i2mo. London, 1901. 2452 COCKERELL, D. Technical education in connection with the book-producing trades. {In Royal Society of Arts : Journal, Feb. 13, 1903^) 3298 COCKERELL, D. A note on bookbinding. With extracts from the special report of the Society of Arts on leather for book- binding. 8vo. London, 1904. 6514 COCKERELL, D. Bookbinding. {In London County Council : Conference of Teachers, 1907.) 8739 COCKERELL, D. Bookbinding. {In Ghent : Exhibition, 1913. Catalogue of the British Arts and Crafts Sections.) 17486 COCKERELL, D. La reliure. {In Paris : Louvre. Arts de- coratifs, 1914.) 18153 COCKERELL, S. C. La calligraphic et I'enluminure modernes en Angleterre. {In Paris : Louvre. Arts decoratifs, 1914.) 18153 COCKERELL, S. C. See Morris, W. CODE of Gentoo laws. 4to. London, 1776. 5751 CODRUS, A. Orationes, etc. Fol. Bononiae, 1502. 5891 COFFEY, W. Mosely Industrial Commission. Report by W. C. , of the London Consolidated Society of Journeymen Book- binders. 4to. Manchester, 1903. 3462 COFFIN, W. A. American illustration of to-day. 3 pts. {In Scribner's Magazine, Vol. 11, 1892, pp. 106-117, 196-205, 333- 349.) _ 6788 COFFIN, W. A. Sargent and his paintings. With special reference to his decorations in the Boston public library. {In The Century, June, 1896.) 1592 COFFIN, W. A. The decorations in the new Congressional library. {In The Century, March, 1897.) 1594 COHEN, H. Guide de I'amateur de livres k vignettes du i8e. si^cle. Svo. Paris, 1870. 2719 COHN, H. and RUBENCAMP, R. Wie sollen Bucher und Zeitungen gedruckt werden? Svo. Braunschweig, 1903. 3505 199 COIIN, M. Three-color process : its history and adaptability to printing- methods. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 2, 1896, pp. 33-35-) PP COIGNARD, J. B. See Jarry de Mancy, A. [COLBATCH ( ).] An account of the Court of Portugal. 8vo. London, 1700. 4661 COLBATCH, J. A physico-medical essay concerning alkaly and acid. (Some further considerations.) 2 pts. i2mo. London, 1696. 8539 COLE, F. G. Ready reckoner for process blocks. [Penrose Pocket Books, No. 2.] 32mo. London [c. 1904]. 4932 COLE, H. See Durer, A. COLE, J. A bibliographical and descriptive tour from Scar- borough to the library of a philobiblist in its neighbourhood. 8vo. Scarborough, 1824. 2132S COLE, T. See Bale, E. COLEBROOK, F. William Morris, master printer. Ten commandments for printers. A lecture, {hi The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 38, Dec. 3, 1896, pp. 362, 373.) PP COLEBROOK, F. William Morris, master printer. 8vo. [Tunbridge Wells, 1897.] 572 COLEBROOK, F. Lithography : past, present, and future. A lecture. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 40, June 10, 1897, pp. 381-383.) PP COLEBROOK, F. The ideal and the real in process. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 4, 1898, pp. io8a-io8d.) PP COLEBROOK, F. Commercial and newspaper illustration. [A lecture.] {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 42, March 3, 1898, pp. 122-123.) PP COLEBROOK, F, Lithography and process in combination. [A lecture.] {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 42, March 10, 1898, p. 137.) PP COLEBROOK, F. The International Printers' Specimen Exchange. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 42, March 31, 1898, p. 207.) PP COLEBROOK, F. Some printing houses of to-day : their start and progress. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 42, June 23, 1898, pp. 378-379; Vol. 44, April 20, 1899, pp. 226-227.) PP COLEBROOK, F. Honorary electrotypers : some evils and some remedies. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 47, Nov. 22, 1900, pp. 277-278.) PP COLEBROOK, F. The honorary block-maker, {hi Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 6, 1900, p. 96.) PP COLEBROOK, F. The future of electrotyping. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 49, Sept. 12, 1901, pp. 170-171.) PP 200 COLEBROOK, F. Some printing houses of to-day. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 49, Nov, 14, 1901, pp. 317-320.) PP COLEBROOK, F. Fhng--flong : some ups and downs of stereos. (In The Brit, and Col. Print,, Vol. 51, Nov. 6, 1902, pp. 293-294.) PP COLEBROOK, F. Stop the rot ! {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 50, March 6, 1902, pp. 137, 205.) PP COLEBROOK, F. Diagram accounts for printers. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 50, April 17, 1902, pp. 249-251.) PP COLEBROOK, F. Quads. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 51, Oct. 23, 1902, etc.) PP COLEBROOK, F. Fling-flong : something about stereos. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 8, 1902-3, pp. 97-100.) PP COLEBROOK, F. Improvements in photo-copying. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 8, 1902-3, pp. 129-130.) PP COLEBROOK, F. To a/c rendered. Lecture on the status of the reader: some needed reforms. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 53, 1903, pp. 409-410.) PP COLEBROOK, F. On the valuation of process plant. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 9, 1903-4, p. 141.) PP COLEBROOK, F. Some pointers from a famous success. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 10, 1904-5, pp. 159-160.) PP COLEBROOK, F. Slingum's surprises : or, how the tandem drove itself home. [Booklet advertising the Miehle machines.] i2mo. [London, 1905.] 6758 COLEBROOK, F. Newspaper half-tones. {In Penrose's I'ic- torial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, pp. 93-96.) PP COLEBROOK, F. Velography. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, p. 164.) PP COLEBROOK, F. Illustrations at trade exhibitions. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 132-133.) PP COLEBROOK, F. Processiana : de omnibus rebus. {In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 101-104.) PP COLEBROOK, F. The new electro. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 143-144.) PP COLEBROOK, F. Dalziel and the Dalsprites. 4to, London, 1909. 1 1334 COLEBROOK, F. George Baxter : his work and method. Svo. London, 1909. 10486 COLEBROOK, F. A costly cheapness in electros. {In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 15, 1909-10, pp. 127-128.) PP COLENSO, W. In memoriam. An account of visits to, and crossings over, the Ruahine Mountain Range, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand ; and of the natural history of that region ; performed in 1845-7, cum niultis aliis. 8vo. Napier, 1884. 23262 201 COLENSO, W. Fifty years ago in New Zealand. [An account of the introduction of printing-.] 8vo. Napier, 1888. 22690 COLENSO, W. Ancient tide-lore and tales of the sea, from the ends of the world. Also some highly curious ancient and legendary little known east coast Maori stories. 8vo. Napier, i88g. 23248 COLERIDGE, S. T. The ancient mariner and other poems. [Coloured frontispiece.] i2mo. London, 1844. i7590 COLERIDGE, S. T. Specimens of the table talk of S. T. C. 4th edition. i2mo. London, 1851. 21920 COLERIDGE, S. T. See Wise, T. J. COLINES, S. de. See Renouard, P. COLLAS, A. The authors of Eng^land. A series of medallion portraits eng^raved by Achille CoUas. With illustrative notices by H. F. Chorley. 4to. London, 1838. i5454 COLLECTION of facsimiles of the types, etc., used by early printers. Fol. London, 1840. 6154 COLLECTION of facsimiles of the water marks used by the early paper makers during the latter part of the 14th and 15th centuries. Fol. London, 1840. 21447 COLLECTION of hymns. 2nd edition. i2mo, Bristol [1769]. 5424 COLLENUCCIO, P. and ROSEO, M. Del compendio dell' istoria del regno di Napoll. [Edited with additions by] T. Costo. 2 vols. 4to. Venetia, 1591. 7651 COLLETT, C. D. History of the taxes on knowledge, their origin and repeal. With an introduction by G. J. Holyoake. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1899. 1556 COLLETT, W. R. See Cambridge : Gonville and Caius College. COLLIER, J. P. The skryvener's play, the incredulity of St. Thomas. 4to. London, 1859. 21316 COLLIER, J. P. A bibliographical and critical account of the rarest books in the English language. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1865. 21487 COLLIJN, I. Ett nyfunnet, i Sverige tryckt aflatsbref fran omkring ar 1484. 8vo. Upsala, 1902. 11288 COLLIJN, 1. Drei neu aufgefundene niederdeutsche Einblatt- kalender des 15. Jahrhunderts. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des liibecker Buchdrucks. 8vo. Upsala, 1904. 4534 COLLIJN, I. Adolf Rusch i Strassburg, tryckaren med det bisarra R. [Bokhistorlska Uppsatser. II.] 4to. Stockholm, 1905. 1 1289 202 COLLIJN, I. Ettbladstryck fran femtonde arhundradet. 2 pts. 4to. and fol. Uppsala, 1905. 9638 COLLIJN, L See Stockholm : Kungl. Bib. COLLING, J. K. See Leighton, J. COLLINS, F. H. Desirability of standard rules for printing-, and a method to obtain them. {In The Publishers' Circular, Feb., 1902.) 2585 COLLINS, F. H. Sug-gested rules for authors and editors, compositors and readers. Pts. 1-2, letters A-B. [Proof sheets only.] 8vo. [1902.] 2631 COLLINS, F. H. Author and printer : a guide for authors, editors, printers, correctors of the press, compositors and typists. With full list of abbreviations. An attempt to codify the best typographical practices of the present day. i2mo. London, 1905. 6663 COLLINS & M'LEESTER. Centennial series of old styles. 8vo. Philadelphia [1876J. 3576 COLLIS, J. & SONS. The British paper feeder. Obi. 8vo. London [c. 1905]. 8321 COLLIS, J. & SONS. List No. 20. Stereotyping machinery and appliances. 8vo. London [1910]. 13423 COLLIS, J. & SONS. List No. 21. Electrotyping machinery and appliances. 8vo. London [1910]. 13404 COLLIS'S JOURNAL. Vol. i, 1903, etc. i2mo. London, 1903, etc. PP COLMAR : Biblioth^que. Catalogue des incunables. 4to. Paris, 1895. 14^19 COLOMB de BATINES, P. Notice sur I'origine de I'impri- merie a Grenoble (1490-1500). {In Bulletin du Bibliophile, 1838, pp. 400-404.) 16458 COLONIAL catalogue of the publishing, printing, stationery and allied trades, 1899. 4to. London, 1899. 6996 COLONNA, F. The dream of Poliphilus [by F. Colonna]. Facsimiles of 168 wood-cuts in Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (Venice, 1499). With an introductory notice and descriptions by J. W. Appell. New edition. 4to. London, 1893. 3264 COLONNA, F. Poliphili Hypnerotomachia. [Facsimile re- print of the edition by Aldus at Venice in 1499.] Fol. London, 1904. 17563 COLOR in the graphic arts. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 31, 1903, p. 262— Vol. 34, 1904-5, p. 94.) PP COLOSI, G. All 'egregio Sig. Francesco Lao lettera sul miglioramento della stampa in Sicilia. 8vo. Palermo, 1857. 22660 203 COLOUR blocks from uncoloured copy. {In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, ]'ol. 19, 1913-4, p. 160.) PP COLOUR combinations. Two printings. Obi. 8vo. [c. 1900.] 12555 COLSTON, M. Plates illustrative of a journal of a tour in France, Switzerland and Italy. Fol. London, 1823. 10981 COLT'S PATENT FIRE ARMS MANUFACTURING CO. Catalogue and price list of the Universal printing press. Obi. 8vo. New York, 1887. 10946 COLT'S PATENT FIRE ARMS MANUFACTURING CO. Illustrated catalogue of price list of the Colt's armory printing press. 4to. New York, 1888. 10912 COLL^MBIA : L^niversity of Missouri. Announcement of the School of Journalism, 1914-5. 8vo. Columbia, 1914. 18574 COLUMBUS, C. Select letters of Christopher Columbus, etc., relating to his four voyages to the New World. Translated and edited by R. H. Major. 2nd edition. (Bibliography, pp. cviii- cxlii.) 8vo. London, 1870. 21761 COLUMBUS, C. The letter to L. de Sant Angel, 15 Feb.- 14 March, 1493, announcing the discovery of the New World. Reproduced in facsimile from a unique copy in the possession of the publishers with introductory and critical remarks. 4to. London, 1889. 22047 COLUMBUS, C. The Spanish letter of Columbus to Luis de Sant Angel, dated 15 Feb., 1493. Reprinted in facsimile from the unique copy of the original edition (printed at Barcelona early in April, 1493). Fol. London, 1891. 10025 COLUMBLjS, C. Epistola de insulis noviter repertis. Photo- lithograph of an edition printed in Paris about 1493. Issued with a note by E. W. B. Nicholson. 8vo. London [1892]. 6230 COLUMBUS, C. Epistola de insulis noviter repertis. Photo- lithograph of an edition printed in Paris about 1493. Issued with a note by E. W. B. Nicholson. 2nd edition, revised. 8vo. London [1893]. 737 COLLIMBUS, C. The Latin letter of Columbus printed in 1493, and announcing the discovery of America reproduced in facsimile, with a preface. [The original was printed in Rome by Plannck.] 4to. London, 1893. 10024 COLUMBUS, C. The Spanish letter of Columbus dated 15 Feb., 1493. Reprinted in reduced facsimile from the original edition (printed by Johann Rosenbach at Barcelona early in April, 1493). 4to. London, 1893. 10023 COLVIN, Sir S. See British Museum. COMESTOR, P. Historia scholastica. Fol. Koln [c. 1479]. 22023 204 COMESTOR, P. Historia scholastica. Fol. Strassburg: [c. 1480]. 5812 COMET, J. Legislation des affiches. 8vo. Perpignan, 1894. 135 COMET, J. Manuel theorique et pratique d 'imposition. 2e. edition. 8vo. Perpignan [c. 1896]. 136 COMET, J. L'imprimerie a Perpignan. Rosembach (1493- 1530). Etude historique. 8vo. Perpignan, 1896. 4026 COMI, S. Memorie bibliografiche per la storia della tipografia Pavese del secolo 15. 8vo. Pavia, 1807. 20034 COMMERCIAL. The commercial history of a penny magazine. {hi The Penny Magazine, 1833.) 22939 COMMORETTI, G. & FIGL. [Type specimen book.] 2 pts. 4to. Milano [c. 1890]. 17168 & 17169 COMPENDIOSE notizie sulla Congregazione de' Monaci Armeni Mechitaristi di Venezia nell' Isola di S. Lazzaro. i2mo. Venezia, 1819. 15384 COMPLEAT library : or, news for the ingenious. [No. i], May, 1692. 4to. London, 1692. 23437 COMPOSITORS' CHRONICLE. No. i, Sept., 1840— iVo. 37, Aug., 1843. [The Printer, q. v., is a continuation of this paper.] Fol. London, 1840-3. PP COMPREHENSIVE guide to printing and pubhshing. 8vo. London, 1869. 3586 COMPREHENSIVE guide to printing and pubhshing. loth edition. 8vo. London, 1877. 9853 COMPREHENSIVE guide to printing and publishing, nth edition. 8vo. London, 1897. 1425 CONCERNING etching. (In Chambers's Journal, Series 5, Vol. 8, Dec, 1891, pp. 774-775-) 6778 CONCERNING printing inks. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 3, 1885-6, pp. 1-5.) PP CONDITION of printers, compositors and bookbinders in London. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 19, 1887, pp. 353-355-) PP CONEY, J. Fifty-six sketches in France, the Netherlands, Germany and Italy. Fol. London [1833]. 4108 CONFESSIONALE ou Beichtspiegel nach den zehn Geboten, reproduit en fac-simile d'apr^s 1 'unique exemplaire, conserve au Museum Meermanno-Westreenianum, par E. Spanier, avec une introduction par J. W. Holtrop. 8vo. La Haye, 1861. 21397 CONGRESO INTERNATIONAL GRAFICO SUD- AMERICANO. Memorial. i2mo, Buenos Aires, 1907. 9494 CONISBEE, W. & SONS. See Mayhew, H. 205 CON ME V, P. J. An old Dublin printing- office. i2mo. [Dublin, 1898.] 1090 CONNELLAN, O. A practical grammar of the Irish language. Svo. Dublin, 1844. 5265 CONNELLAN, T. An Irish spelling book. Svo. London, 1823. 5007 CONNELLAN, T. The King's letter translated into Irish; with a grammatical introduction to the Irish language, etc. i2mo. London, 1825. 5264 CONNELLAN, T. An English-Irish dictionary. Re-issue. i2mo. Dublin, 1883. 5233 CONNER, E. Ancient printing usages in France. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 13, 1894, p. 520.) PP CONNER, J. & SONS. Specimens of printing types, etc. 4to. New York, 1859. 6349 CONNER'S, J. SONS. Supplement specimen book. 4to. New York [c. 1870]. 6398 CONNER'S, J. SONS. Ornamental type and borders. 4to. New York [c. 1880]. 6381 CONNER'S, J. SONS. Specimens of printing types. 4to. New York [c. 1880]. 6434 CONNER'S, J. SONS. Specimens of typographic productions. 4to. New York [c. 1880]. 6359 CONNER'S, J. SONS. Compact specimens. 8vo. New York, 1891. 6417 CONRAD, G. Die Adam Gelthus'sche Inschrift zu Ehren Johann Gutenbergs. {In Dziatzko, K. Samml. Bib. Arbeiten. Heft. 13, 1900.) 10347 CONRADUS DE ALEMANIA. Concordantiae. Fol. [Strass- burg, c. 1470.] 22057 CONSIDERATIONS on the nature of Hterary property. See [Maclaurin, J. Lord Dreghorn]. CONSTABLE, A. See Constable, T. CONSTABLE, T. Archibald Constable and his literary cor- respondents. A memorial. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1873. 8020 CONSTANT, B. de. De la liberte des brochures, des pam- phlets, et des journaux, consideree sous le rapport de I'interet du gouvernement. 2e. edition. Revue et considdrablement aug- mentee. 8vo. Paris, 1814. 12606(1) CONSTANT, B. de. See Crapelet, G. A. CONSTANTIN, L. A. Bibliotheconomie, ou nouveau manuel complet pour I'arrangement, la conservation et I'administration des biblioth^ques. Nouvelle edition. i2mo. Paris, 1841. 8425 206 CONTARENI, C. De republica Venetorum. Edition 2. i6mo. Lugd. Bat., 1628. 21937 CONTER, P. Le arti grafiche fotomeccaniche. Quarta edizione. 24010. Milano, 1909. ii745 CONTI, F. de. See Annibaldi, G. CONTRA monachos proprietarios plurimi egregiorum virorum tractatus. i6mo. Parrhisiis [c. 1505J. 21260(2) CONTRIBUTIONS towards a dictionary of English book- collectors. Pts. 1-13. 8vo. London, 1892-9. 9801 CONTRIBUTOR, pseud. Are you in the saddle? 8vo. Jersey City, 1907. 12023 CONVERSE, F. B. Another typesetter. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 42, Feb. 10, 1898, p. 81.) PP CONWAY, Sir W. M. Dutch printers and wood-cutters. {In The Magazine of Art, March and Oct., 1881.) 1316 CONWAY, Sir W. M. The wood-cutters of the Netherlands. {In The Bibliographer, Vol. i. 1882, pp. 39-43, etc.) PP CONWAY, Sir W. M. Notes on some of the block books of the Netherlands. (7n The Bibliographer, Vol. 3, 1883, pp. i24-i2g, etc.) PP CONWAY, Sir W. M. The wood-cutters of the Netherlands in the 15th century. 8vo. Cambridge, 1884. 21619 CONWAY, Sir W. M. Notes on the block book entitled Ex- ercitium super Pater Noster. i6mo. [? Liverpool, c. 1888.] 23155 CONWELL, C. [Prospectus of the Elston Press.] 8vo. New Rochelle, 1902. 2771 CONYBEARE, J. Sermons. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1777. 5326 COOK, C. E. Pictures by telegraph. {In Pearson's Magazine, April, 1900.) 8680 COOK, E. T. Ruskin and his books. An interview with his publisher. {In The Strand Magazine, Dec, 1902.) 39i7 COOK, F. Method for keeping printers' stock. {In The Business Man's Magazine, Vol. 2, 1907, pp. 67-68.) 91 18 COOK, ]• S. & SON. [Price list of brass rule, etc.] 8vo. London, 1868. 13699 COOK, J. S. & SON. Catalogue of machinery and materials for printers, bookbinders, boxmakers, etc. 8vo. London [1895]. 2143 COOK, J. S. & SON. Specimens of plain and fancy brass rules, circles, ovals, etc. 8vo. London [c. 1904]. 6932 COOKE, A. Album of colour printing. 4to. Leeds [1885]. 14982 207 COOKE, A. Album of colour printing-. Fol. Leeds [1890]. 3358 COOKE, A., Ltd. The card system of costing- as applied to the printing business. Svo. Leeds [1904]. 3899 COOKE, J. A catalogue of useful and valuable books. Svo. Oxford, 1800. ''6556(9) COOKE, M. C. Paper materials patented since 1800. {In The Technologist, Vol, 1, 1861, pp. 50-56.) 8vo. 17416 COOKE, R. A white sheete. A sermon. 4to. London, 1629. 21195 COOKE, R. G. Advertising- literature for financial institutions. (772 The Printing Art, Vol. 3, 1904, p. 45.) PP COOKE, T. A practical view of physiognomy. Illustrated by lithographic plates. Svo. London, 1819. 18516 [COOKE, W.] The art of living in London. 4to. London, 1768, 5774(1) COOKE, W. R. The history of engraving. {In The Watch- maker, Jeweller and Silversmith, March i, 1905.) 6695 COOPER, C. A. An editor's retrospect. Fifty years of news- paper work. Svo. London, 1896. 10102 COOPER, C. P. See Lincoln's Inn : Library. COOPER, J. A. Examples illustrating lecture. The art of seeing, its application to letterpress printing, given before the Jobbing Guild of the London and Provincial Society of Com- positors, Nov. 10, igio. 4to. London, 1910. 13730 COOPER, T. Thesaurus linguae Romanae et Britannicae. Fol. London, 1573. 9829 COOPER, T. Thesaurus linguae Romanae et Britannicae. Fol. Londini, 1584. 5937 COOPER, T. An admonition to the people of England, 1589. [English Scholars' Library, No. 15.] Svo. Birmingham, 1882, 6213 COOPER & BUDD. Cash price Hst. i6mo. London, 1895. 647 COOPER & BUDD. Specimens of printing. Vols. 1-5. 4to. Peckham [i888]-97. 444 COOPER & BUDD. A few examples of letterpress printing. 4to. London [c. 1896]. 10877 COOPER 8c BUDD. The progress of printing. A souvenir from the Peckham Press. 4to. London [1904]. 3757 COOPER & BUDD. Letterpress printing. Some examples of modern work. 4to. London [1908]. 10403 COOPER & WESTON. Specimens of letterpress printing. Vol. 2. 4to. London [c. 1S91]. 2908 208 CO-OPERATIVE PRINTING SOCIETY, Ltd. The origin, history and services of the C. P. S. 8vo. [Manchester], 1890. 879 CO-OPERATIVE PRINTING SOCIETY, Ltd. London Branch. Opening of the new premises, June 23, 1894. 8vo. London, 1894. i°55 CO-OPERATIVE PRINTING SOCIETY, Ltd. Rules of the chapel. (Composing department.) Revised Sept., 1902. i6mo. [London, 1902.] 4203 CO-OPERATIVE PRINTING SOCIETY, Ltd. The origin, the history and the services of the Society. Opening of the new extension, 1907. Obi. 8vo. Manchester, 1907. 18482 CO-OPERATIVE PRINTING SOCIETYY, Ltd. The story of the London branch. Coming of age celebration, 1907. (Pro- gramme.) [Fine paper edition.] 8vo. London, 1907. 9046 CO-OPERATIVE PRINTING SOCIETYY, Ltd. The story of the London branch. Coming of age celebration, 1907, with report of proceedings. 8vo. London, 1907. 18483 CO-OPERATIVE PRINTING SOCIETY, Ltd. Seventy-eighth report and balance sheet, for half year ending Sept., 1908. 8vo. Manchester, 1908. 16953 CO-OPERATIVE PRINTING SOCIETY, Ltd. See Brown, W. H. ; Emmott & Co. COPELAND, H. Practical letterpress machine management. 8vo. London, 1909. 11 814 COPENHAGEN : Forlagsforeningen. Catalogus librorum in Dania and Nowegia editorum secundum eos, qui sumtus fecerunt, distributus. (Supplementum.) [Danish.] 8vo. Havniae, 1841-5. 14678 COPENHAGEN : Kongelige Bibliothek. Description des MSS. francais du moyen age de la Bibliotheque. Par N. C. L. Abrahams. 4to. Copenhague, 1844. -0154 COPENHAGEN: Kongelige Bibhothek. Index librorum saeculo i5mo. impressorum quorum exempla possidet Bibliotheca Regia Hafniensis. 8vo. Hafniae, 1889-98. 4156 COPENHAGEN : Danske Kunstindustrimuseums. Kunst- faerdige gamle bogbind indtil 1850. Udgivet af Museet med en indledning af E. Hannover. 4to. Kjobenhavn, 1907. 13358 COPIA bullae concilii Basiliensis. 4to. [Koln, c. 1484.] 21334 COPINGER, W. A. A treatise on predestination, election and grace, to which is added a bibliography of the subject. 8vo. London, 1889. 5075 COPINGER, W. A. A few words on 15th century Latin Bibles. 8vo. [London, 1890.] 6275 209 14 COPINGER, W. A. Incunabula hiblica, or the first half- century of the Latin Bible with a bibliographical account of the various editions between 1450 and 1500. Fol. London, 1892. 5861 COPINGER, W. A. Catalogue of the Copinger collection of editions of the Latin Bible. 4to. Manchester, 1893. 5^42 COPINGER, W. A. Inaugural address, Nov. 21, 1892. {In Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. i, 1893.) 56 COPINGER, W. A. Investigation of a portion of the British Museum catalogue [that devoted to Latin Bibles]. 8vo. Man- chester, 1893. 6459 COPINGER, W. A. Incunabula Virgiliana : a list of editions of Virgil printed during the 15th century. {In Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. 2, 1895.) 56 COPINGER, W. A. Presidential address. {In Bibliographical Society: Transactions, Vol. 2, 1895.) 56 COPINGER, W. A. Supplement to Hain's Repertorium biblio- graphicum ; or, collections towards a new edition of that work. Pt. 1-2, Vols. 1-2 with addenda and Index by Konrad Burger. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1895-1902. 9624 COPLAND, R. See Axon, W. E. A. ; Plomer, H. R. COPLESTONE, ( ). Advice to a young reviewer, with a specimen of the art. [Anon.] 8vo. Oxford, 1807. 172 10 [COPLESTONE, ( ).] Advice to a young reviewer, with a Morley, H. : Famous pamphlets, 1886.) 17069 COPPERPLATE printing business. Its past, present and future. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 8, Dec. 14, 1882, p. 9; Dec. 21, 1882, p. 18.) PP CORDIALE : Quattuor novissima. i2mo. Deventer, ' 1494. 5222 CORDIER, H. L'imprimerie Sino-Europeenne en Chine. Bibliographic des ouvrages publics en Chine par les Europeens au i7e. et au i8e. siecle. 8vo. Paris, 1901. 4228 COREY, J. A. Some recent developments in duplicate plate making. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 10, 1904-5, pp. 145-147.) PP CORFIELD, W. H. Catalogue of the collection of books in valuable bindings, of W. H. C. 4to. London, 1904. 4669 CORK TYPOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Centenary, 1806-1906. Obi. fol. Cork, 1906. 8187 CORKE, W. R. The history of engraving. {In The Watch- maker, Jeweller, Silversmith and Optician, March i, 1905, p. 319.) 6695 CORKETT, F. T. Some causticisms on things in general. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 17-20.) PP 210 CORKETT, F. T. What of the future? {In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, Vol. 15, 1909-10, pp. 35-36.) PP CORNELIUS NEPOS. Vitae excellentium imperatorum. i6mo. London, 1688. 4549 CORNEY, B. Bibliog-raphic projects. (Specimen of a pro- posed catalogue of the Royal Library preserved in the British Museum.) Svo. London [c. 1840] 11036 CORNEY, B. A Caxton memorial suggested. i6mo. [London, 1851.] 23112 CORNEY, B. Comments on the evidence of A. Panizzi before the Select Committee on the British Museum, i860. Svo. Private impression, i860. 23278 (7) CORNEY, B. The sonnets of William Shakspere : A critical disquisition suggested by a recent discovery. Svo. Private im- pression, 1862. 2327S (8) CORNEY, B. An argument on the assumed birthday of Shak- spere : reduced to shape, 1864. Svo. Private impression, 1864. 23278 (6) CORNHILL MAGAZINE. The Cornhill gallery, containing 100 engravings from drawings on wood. 4to. London, 1865. 17263 CORNHILL MAGAZINE. The Cornhill Magazine. Jubilee Number, 1860-1910. Svo. London, 1910. 11809 CORNISH BROS, Ltd. [A notice of their change of address.] Svo. Birmingham, 1913. 18301 CORNWELL, ( ). The latest development in machine ruling. (In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 40, May 13, 1S97, pp. 286-287.) PP CORRADIUS, C. See Reuleaux, F. CORRARD DE BREBAN, ( ). Recherches sur I'etabHsse- ment et I'exercice de I'imprimerie a Troyes. Svo. Troyes, 1S39. 12607 (3) CORRARD DE BREBAN, ( ). Recherches sur I'etabHsse- ment et I'exercice de I'imprimerie a Troyes. 3e. edition. Aug- mentee par O. Thierry-Poux. Svo. Paris, 1873. 20697 CORRERA, L. Saggi della tipografia Napoletana nel sec. 15. Catalogo di 40 fotografie riprodotte a cura del municipio di Napoli ed esposte all Mostra Internazionale di Torino del 191 1. 4to. Napoli, 191 1. 15S60 CORRESPONDENT fur Deutschlands Buchdrucker und Schriftgiesser. See Korrespondcnt, etc. CORSER, T. Catalogue of engraved British portraits and prints [the property of] Rev. T. Corser. Svo. Manchester, 1S75. 22587 21 1 CORTES. Las cortes de Valladolid del ano de Mdxxxvii. FoL Valladolid, 1553. 5127 COSENTINI, F. Gli incunaboli od i tipografi Piemontesi del Secolo XW Indici bibliografici. 4to. Torino [1914]. 18727 COSGRAVE, A., and COSGRAVE, E. M. The illustration of hands (illustrated). {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 3, 1897, pp. 97-99.) PP COSGRAVE, E. M. Photography and architecture. How each lends interest to the other. 8vo. Bradford, 1896. 145 COSGRAVE, E. M. See Cosgrave, A. COSTER, L. J. Laurier-Krans, gevlogten om 't hoofd van L. Koster, eerste uitvinder der boekdrukkunst binnen Haarlem. 4to. Haarlem, 1726. 20895 COSTER, L. J. Parnas vreuchden, ter onsterfelyker gedagtenis over het derde eeuwjaar van de uitvinding der noit volpreese boekdrukkonst door L. J. Koster in Haarlem. 4to. Haarlem, 1740. 20880 COSTER, L. J. Note sur L. Coster, k I'occasion d'un ancien livre imprime dans les Pays-Bas. 8vo. Paris, 1818. 176 16 COSTER, L. J. Korte beschrijving der boeken door L. J. Koster te Haarlem, tusschen de jaren 1420, en 1440. gedrukt. 8vo. [? Haarlem, 1823.] 21629 COSTER, L. J. Aanmerkingen op de gedenkschriften wcgens het vierde eeuwgetijde van de uitvinding der boekdrukkunst door L. J. Koster. 8vo. 's Gravenhage, 1824. 177^5 COSTER, L. J. Herinnering aan het Costerfest gehouden te Haarlem op Julij, 1856. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1856. 21764(2) COSTER, L. J. Souvenir en programma van het Costerfeest te Haarlem gehouden op Julij, 1856. 8vo. 's Gravenhage, 1856. 21764(1) COSTO, T. II fuggilozio. i2mo. Venetia, 1604. 6634 COSTO, T. See Collenuccio, P. and Roseo, M. COTGREAVE, A. Library indicators versus book-keeping. 8vo. Wednesbury [c. 1879]. 11029 11028 COTGREAVE, A. Further notes on Cotgreave's library indicator. 8vo. Wednesbury, 1880. 22452 COTGREAVE, A. The Cotgreave library indicator. S. sh. fol. Birmingham [c. 1895]. 11325 COTGREAVE, A. A contents-subject index to general and periodical literature. 8vo. London, 1900. 16714 COTGREAVE, A. Views and memoranda of public libraries. 4to. London, 1901. 173^0 COTGREAVE, A. Library indicators. Illustrations and brief notes : issued in connection with a paper read at a meeting of the Library Association, May 15, 1902. 8vo. London, 1902. 8092 2 12 COTTENS, pere. Methode pratique pour imprimer sur zinc. 1 2 mo. Paris, 1892. 146 COTTINGHAM, L. N. Plans, elevations, etc., of the Chapel of Henry VII at Westminster Abbey. [Lithog-raphs.] 2 vols. Fol. London, 1822-9. 8650 COTTON, A. L. The Kelmscott Press and the new printing. (In The Contemporary Review, Aug., 1898.) 1513 COTTON, A. L. Art and the printer. {In The Monthly Review, May, 1903.) 3560 COTTON, C. See Westwood, T. COTTON, H. A list of editions of the Bible and parts thereof in English, 1505-1820. 8vo. Oxford, 182 1. 6315(3) COTTON, H. The typographical gazetteer. 8vo. Oxford, 1825. " 21469 COTTON, H. A typographical gazetteer. 2nd edition. 8vo. Oxford, 1831. ' 21486 COTTON, H. A typographical gazetteer. 2nd series. 8vo. Oxford, 1866. 21485 COTTON, H. Editions of the Bible and parts thereof in English from 1 505-1850. 2nd edition. 8vo. Oxford, 1852. 8258 COTTRELL, C. B. & SONS CO. [Catalogue of presses.] 4to. New York [c. 1895]. 1714 COTTRELL, C. B. & SONS CO. Famous printing oflfices using Cottrell presses. 4to. New York [1899J. 1632 1 COTTRELL, C. B. & SONS CO. Problems of pressmanship. 8vo. New York, 1903. 4^43 COTTRELL, C. B. & SONS CO. Special catalogue of Triumph, Monarch, and Paragon printing presses. 4to. New York [c. 1904]. 6931 COTTRELL, C. B. & SONS CO. Special catalogue of Triumph, Monarch and Paragon printing presses. 4to. Chicago [c. 1905]. 6931 COTTRELL, T. A specimen of printing types. 8vo. London [c. 1765]. 20289 COTTRELL'S MAGAZINE. Vol. i, 1910, etc. i6mo. New York, 1910, etc. PP COUCH, A. C. See Printer's pocket guide. COUNTER-PLOT. The counter-plot. 4to. London, 1680. 22709 COL'PER, W. J. The Edinburgh periodical press. 2 vols. 8vo. Stirling, 1908. 10346 COUPER, W. J. The origins of Glasgow printing. 8vo. Edinburgh, 191 1. 17076 213 COUPER, W. y. Scottish rebel printers. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1912. ' 17075 COUPER, W. J. The Campbeltown Declaration of 1685. (In Glasg-ow Bibliographical Society: Records, Vol. i, 1912-3.) 18124 COUPER, W. J. Watson's preface to the history of printing, 1713. Edited with introductions and notes by W. J. C. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1913. 17^75 COUPER, W. J. Robert Sanders the elder. {In Glasgow Bibliographical Society: Records, Vol. 3, 1914.) 18124 COURCEL, G. de. M^moire historique sur le Mercure de France (1672 k 1780). 8vo. Paris, 1903. 3499 COURCIER, ( ). Catalogue des livres de fonds et d'assorti- ment. 8vo. Paris, 1809. 15963 COURONNE des demoiselles. Orne de douze belles figures lithographiees chez Engelmann. Obi. 8vo. Paris, 1826. 16132 COURTNEY, D. Lady bookbinders. {In The Lady's Maga- zine, 1901, pp. 135-139-) 2034 COURTNEY, L. H. The making and reading of newspapers. 8vo. London, 1901. 2360 COURTOIS, E. B. Catalogue des livres composant la biblio- th^que de feu M. E. B. Courtois. 8vo. Paris, 1819. 151 15 COUSIN, E, See Verfasser, J. COUSIN, J. De I'organisation et de I'administration des biblioth^ques publiques et priv(^es. Manuel theorique et pratique du bibliothecaire. 8vo. Paris, 1882. 8444 COUTURE, L. See Dulac, J. COVENTRY : Technical Institute. Syllabus, 1894-5. 8vo. Coventry, 1894. 8805 COVENTRY : Technical Institute. Annual report, 1893-4. 8vo. Coventry, 1895. 8886 COVERDALE, M. See Bible: O.T. Jonah. COVERT, J. C. The Werner Company. [Descriptive booklet.] Obi. 8vo. Cleveland, 1894. 10083 COWAN, A. & SONS. The new Irish frieze embossing cover paper. 8vo. London [c. 1903]. 4466 COWAN, W. The bibliography of the Book of Common Order. {In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Publications, Vol. I, 1890-5.) 17569 COWAN, W. Andro Hart and his press. {In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society: Publications, Vol. i, 1890-5.) 17569 COWAN, W. Ravencroft's Whole Book of Psalmes, 162 1. {In Edinburgh Bibhographical Society : Publications, Vol. 6, 1901-4-) 17569 214 COWAN, W. The Holyrood press, 1688-8. {In Edinburgh Bibhographical Society : Publications, Vol. 6, 1901-4.) 17569 COWAN, W. An edition of Sir David Lyndsay's Squycr Meldrum, 1634. (In Edinburgh Bibhog-raphical Society : Pubh- cations, Vol. 6, 1901-4.) 17569 COWAN, W. The early views and plans of Edinburgh. {In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Publications, Vol. 9, 1906-12.) 17569 COWAN, W. See Edinburgh : United Free Church College Library. COWELL, P. How to popularise a free library. {In New Review, Oct.. 1893.) 1610 COWELL, S. H. A brief description of the art of anastatic printing. 8vo. Ipswich [c. 1851]. 22290 COWELL, S. H. A brief description of the art of anastatic printing, and of the uses to which it may be applied. 8vo. Ipswich, 1874. 882 COWELL, S. H. Illustrations of the art of printing. Being a description of a visit to the steam printing works of S. H. Cowell, Ipswich. 8vo. Ipswich, 1876. 4008 COWELL, S. H. [Specimens of printing.] 4to. Ipswich [1883]. 10537 COWELL, S. H. A walk through our works : a short account of a visit to the printing, stationery and bookbinding manufactory of S. H. Cowell, Ipsvvich. 8vo. Ipswich, 1S88. 4009 [COWTE, G.] The bookbinder's manual : containing a full description of leather and vellum binding, recipes, etc. i2mo. London, 1829. 17813 COWIE, G. Cowie's printers' pocket book and manual. 1 2 mo. London [c. 1830]. . 23140 COWIE, G. Cowie's printers' pocket book and manual. i2mo. London [c. 1835]. 20332 [COWIE, G.] The bookbinder's manual : containing a full description of leather and vellum binding, recipes, etc. i2mo. London [c. 1835]. 592 [COWIE, G.] The bookbinder's manual : containing a full description of leather and vellum binding, recipes, etc. 4th edition. i2mo. London [c. 1838]. 1802 COWIE, G. Cowie's bookbinder's manual : containing a full description of leather and vellum binding, numerous valuable recipes, etc. 7th and new edition. i2mo. London [c .1840]. 579 COWIE, G. Cowie's printers' pocket book and manual. i2mo. London [c. 1850J. 20330 COWLEY, A. W^orks. 9th edition. Fol. London, 1700. 21449 215 COW'PKR, K. On the recent improvements in printing. A lecture at the Royal Institution, Feb. 22, 1828. 8vo. [London, 182S.J 22271 COW'PKR, H. Complete instructions lor the management of Mr. Cowper's parlour printing- press. 8vo. London, 1839. 23426 COWPER, E. Printing apparatus for the use of amateurs : containing instructions for the use of Cowper's parlour printing press. ^Ianufactured and sold by Holtzapffel &• Co. 3rd edition. Svo. London, 1846. 30^4 COWPER, E. Specification. Printing paper hangings, etc., 1816. No. 3974. Svo. London, 1856. 20563 COWPER, E. Specification. Printing machines, 1818. No. 4194. 8vo. London, 1857. 20564 COWPER, E. A. On the inventions of James Watt, and his models preserved at Handsworth and South Kensington. 8vo. London [1883]. 20143 COWPER, \\\ Poems. New edition. 4to. London, 1806. 3770 COWPER, \\'. See Clare, J. COX, A. Half-tone printing- : a practical work on the printing and making-ready of half-tone blocks. Svo. Birmingham, 1903. 4625 COX, A. Interlayed half-tones. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 9, 1903-4, pp. 97-99.) ' PP COX, A. Making ready : a printer's little worry. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 10, 1904-5, pp. 143-144.) PP COX, A. ILLUSTRATING CO., Ltd. Metallic overlays. What they are. How they should be used. What can be done with them. Svo. Birmingham [1904]. 4624 COX, A. ILLUSTRATING CO., Ltd. Recent improvements in the photo-engraving industry of Interest to printers. i2mo. Birmingham, 1904. 4927 COX, A. ILLUSTRATING CO., Ltd. Our folding repre- sentative, No. I. i2mo. Birmingham [c. 1904]. 47i7 COX, A. ILLUSTRATING CO., Ltd. Metallic overlays: a boon to printers. i2mo. Birmingham, 1905, 6513 COX, A. ILLUSTRATING CO., Ltd. [Booklet descriptive of their work.] Svo. Birmingham [c. 1910]. 8322 COX, A. ILLUSTRATING CO., Ltd. Principally about screen grains. Svo. Birmingham [c. 1910]. 8323 COX, A. ILLUSTRATING CO., Ltd. Hints and suggestions for making ready vignetted half-tones with the Cox metallic over- lay. Svo. Birmingham [1914]. 18441 216 cox, A. ILLUSTRATING CO., Ltd. Process progress. 8vo. Birmingham [c. 1914]. 18442 COX, A. J. Sketches of the bookbinding- art. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 3, 1885-6, pp. 24, 85, 156.) PP COX, A. J. & CO. The making- of the book : a sketch of the book binding art. i2mo. Chicago, 1878. 23104 COX, I. Trichromatic effects in two printings. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 173-174.) PP COX, I. Three-colour effects in two workings. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 190859, pp. 103-104.) PP COX, I. Economy in colour printing. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 15, 1909-10, pp. 33-34.) PP COX, I. Economy in process printing. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, p. 57.) PP COX, I. A chromatic varnish. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 191 1-2, p. 80.) PP COX, I. Printing on flock paper. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 33-34.) PP COX, p. F. The Cox type-settting machine. Automatic justification. (7)7 The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 40, April 8, 1897, pp. 213-214.) PP COX, p. F. Automatic justification. The Cox type-setting machine. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 42, June 23, 1898, P- 377-) PP COX, P. F. TYPE-SETTING MACHINE CO. The Cox type-setting and distributing machinery. Obi. 8vo. Chicago, 1897. 1084 COX, W. I. Metallic printing. (7n Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp. 57-58.) PP COYECQUE, E. Inventaire sommaire d'un minutier Parisien pendant le cours du i6e. sifecle (1498-1600). 2 pts. 8vo. Paris, 1895-6. 12588 COYECQUE, E. Inventaire de la collection Anisson. See Paris : Biblioth^que Nationale. COYLE, J. Lithographic drawings. Fol. London [182 1]. 3919 COZZENS, H. W., jun. The relation of the two-revolution press to the half-tone plate. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 23, 1899, pp. 472-474-) PP COZZO, G. S. See Salvo-Cozzo, G. CRABBE, G. Poems. 3rd edition. [The Library, p. 137; The Newspaper, p. 167.] 8vo. London, 1808. 21 331 CRADOCK, J. Memoir of Joseph Cradock, Esq., M.A., F.S.A. 8vo. [London, 1827.] 2377(2) CRAFTSMAN. The Craftsman's doctrine and practise of the liberty of the press, explained to the meanest capacity. 8vo. London, 1732. 21208 CRAIG, R. &■ SONS. Samples of tinted writings. Svo. [c. 1904.] 7416 CRAMER, AIKENS & CRAMER. [Specimens of printing.] 4to. [Milwaukee, c. 1886.] 10845 CRANACH, L. See Worringer, W. CRANDALL, W. C. Ad. writing and setting. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 18, 1896-7, pp. 668-669.) PP CRANE, F. S. Cost record for printers. {In The Business Man's Magazine, Vol. 2, April, 1907, pp. 61-64.) 875.- CRANE, J. Saint Bride Foundation. Prize essay, 1899. The Linotype composing machine. 8vo. [London, 1899.] 1474 CRANE, W. Cantor lectures on the decoration and illustration of books. 8vo. London, 1889. i49 CRANE, W. The claims of decorative art. 8vo. London, 1892. 2217 CRANE, W. Of the decorative illustration of books old and new. Svo. London, 1896. i47 CRANE, W. William Morris. {In Scribner's Magazine, July, 1897.) 861 CRANE, W. The bases of design. 8vo. London, 1898. 1229 CRANE, W. Triplets : comprising the baby's opera, etc. 4to. London, 1899. 1626 CRANE, W. Of wall papers. {In Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society: Arts and crafts essays, 1899.) 1567 CRANE, W. On the revival of design and handicraft. {In Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society : Arts and crafts essays, 1899.) 1567 CRANE, W. Of decorative painting and design. {In Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society : Arts and crafts essays, 1899.) 1567 CRANE, W. Line and form. Svo. London, 1900. 1S43 CRANE, W. Of the decorative illustration of books old and new. 2nd edition. Svo. London, 1901. 2209 CRANE, W. An artist's reminiscences. 2nd edition. Svo. London, 1907. 1537^ CRANE, W. Illustration et decoration du livre. {In Paris : Louvre. Arts decoratifs, 1914.) 18153 CRANE, W. See Great masters of decorative art; Konody, P. G. CRANE, W. J. E. Bookbinding for amateurs. Svo. London, 18S5. 148 218 CRANWELL, E. See Cambridge : Trinity College. CRAPELET, G. A. Observations sur la proposition de M. B. Constant relative a la suppression des brevets d'imprimeur et de libraire. 8vo. Paris, 1830. 112 11 CRAPELET, G. A. Des progr^s de I'imprimerie en France et en Italie au i6e. sifecle. 8vo. Paris, 1836. 20649 {^) CRAPELET, G. A. Etudes pratiques et litteraires sur la typo- graphie. Vol. i, 8vo. Paris, 1837. 20742 CRAPELET, G. A. Robert Estienne, imprimeur royal, et le roi Franfois L 8vo. Paris, 1839. 22003 CRAPELET, G. A. De la profession d'imprimeur, des maitres imprimeurs et de la necessite actuelle de donner k i'imprimerie les r^glements promis par les lois. 8vo. Paris, 1840. 20649(1) CRAPELET, G. A. Catalogue de livres et autographes prove- nant de la biblioth^que de M. Crapelet. 8vo. Paris, 1842. 14657 CRAPELET, G. A. See Dibdin, T. F. CRARY, R. F. Good stewards : a sermon. 8vo. Pough- keepsie, 1885. 10907 CRAWFORD, £arZ 0/. Bibliotheca Lindesiana. List of MSS., printed books and examples of metal and ivory bindings, exhibited to the Library Association at Haigh Hall, 26 Aug., 1898. 8vo. Aberdeen, 1898. 1122 CRAWFORD, J. Methods of reversing transfers for the off- set machine. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, pp. I43-H4-) PP CRAWFORD, J. Transposing upon lithographic stone and plates. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 191 1-2, pp. 129-136.) PP CRAWFORD, W. See London Society of Compositors. [CRAWHALL, J.] Ye loving ballad of Lorde Bateman. 4to. London [c. 1880]. 2130 CRAWHALL, J. Crawhall's chap book chaplets. 4to. London, 1883. ' 5147 CRAWHALL, J. Old ffrendes wyth newe faces. 4to. London, 1883. 10897 CRAWHALL, J. Old aunt Elspa's spelling. Obi. 4to. London, 1885. 2 141 CRAWHALL, J. Impresses quaint. 4to. Newcastle, 1889. 10195 CRAWLEY BOOK MACHINERY CO. The Crawley bundling (or signature) press. 8vo. Newport [c. 1905]. 1695 1 CRAZE. The craze of the coloured print. (In Macmillan's Magazine, Sept., 1897.) 1266 219 CRESPIN, \\\ The William Crespin Testimonial. List of subscribers and balance sheet, 1900-1. 8vo. London [1901]. 2364 CRESPIN, W. William Crespin Memorial. [Notice of the unveiling ceremony.] 8vo. London, 1912. 16451 CRESWELL, S. F. Collections towards the history of printing in Nottinghamshire. 4to. London, 1863. 5258 CRESTADORO, A. The art of making- catalogues of libraries ; or, a method to obtain a printed catalogue of the British Museum library. By a reader therein [i.e., Andrea Crestadoro]. 8vo. London, 1856. 1753^ CRETAINE, A. C. Lettre a M. Naudet en reponse k quelques passages de sa lettre a M. Libri. 8vo. Paris, 1849. 17181 CRIPPLEGATE FOUNDATION. Report of the Governors for 1897, etc. 8vo. London, 1897, etc. 10112 CRISP, F. A. List of parish registers and other genealogical works edited by F. A. C. [and printed at his private press]. 4to. London, 1902. 6629 CRISP, F. A. List of parish registers and other genealogical works edited by F. A. C. [and printed at his private press]. 4to. London, 1904. 8159 CRISP, F. A. A list of genealogical and other works, printed at the private press of F. A. C. 8vo. London, 1912. 18562 CRISP, F. A. See Howard J. J. and Crisp, F. A. CRISP, \V. F. The printers', etc., business guide. 3rd edition. i2mo. London, 1869. 2976 CRISP, W. F. The printers', etc., business guide. 4th edition. 8vo. London [c. 1873]. 2988 CRISP, W. F. The printers', lithographers', engravers', book- binders' and stationers' business guide. 5th edition. i2mo. London [1874]. -0375 CRISP, \V. F. Punctuation simplified. Crisp's catechism of punctuation. i2mo. Great Yarmouth [c. 1875]. 23090 CRISP, W^. F. The printers' universal boolc of reference and every hour office companion. i2mo. London, 1875. 20370 CRISP, W. F. The printers', lithographers', engravers', book- binders' and stationers' business guide. 6th edition. 8vo. London [1876]. 23034 CRISP, W'. F. Bookbinding made easy; or, every man his own binder. No. i. 8vo. Great Yarmouth [1877]. 8437 CRISP, \V. F. Crisp's business guide for printers, litho- graphers, engravers, bookbinders, etc. 7th edition. 8vo. London [1881]. , 3080 220 CRISSEY, F. The love feast of competitors : smothering- trade feuds with association fellowship. Reprinted from The Saturday Evening- Post, Philadelphia. 8vo. Chicago [1914]. 18376 CRITICAL and historical account of celebrated libraries. i2mo. London, 1739. 20105 CRITTENDEN, L. A monog-raph on the handling of inks. {In The Graphic Arts, Vol. 2, 191 1, p. 320, a-d.) PP CROESIUS, G. Historia quakeriana. Editio secunda. Svo. Amstelodami, 1696. 5984 CROFT, Sir T. E. Belgic charity. With other poems. 4to. Privately printed, 1827. 14181 CROKER, T. C. See Moore, T. CROLY, G. See Herring, R. CROMPTON, J. W. Account of printers' strikes and trades' unions since Jan., 1845. {In National Association for Pro- motion of Social Science: Report, i860.) 1203 CROMWELL, E. B. Some influences of the composing machine. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 29, 1902, p. 384.) PP CROMWELL, O. See [Fisher, P.] CRONE, J. S. A hitherto unknown private press. {In Irish Book Lover, Vol. 4, 1913, pp. 112-113.) PP CRONENBERG, W. Die Praxis der Autotypie auf Amerikanischen Basis. 8vo. Diisseldorf, 1895. 16289 CRONENBERG, W. Half-tone on the American basis. Trans- lated by W. Gamble. 8vo. Bradford, 1896. 981 CRONENBERG, W. Expresstypy. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 2, 1896, pp. 68-70.) • PP CRONENBERG, W. La pratique de la phototypogravure Americaine. Traduit par C. Fery. Svo. Paris, 1898. 2309 CRONENBERG, W. Collo. -autotypie. {In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, Vol. 5, 1899, p. 72.) PP CRONENBERG, W. Praktische Lehranstalt fiir Photographic und photomech. \^erfahren. [Two prospectuses with specimens.] Svo. and 4to. Miinchen, 1899-1900. ^943 CRONENBERG, W. Collo. -autotypie. {In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, Vol. 6, 1900, p. 97.) PP CRONENBERG, W. Collotype-autotypie. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 8, 1902-3, pp. 47-48.) PP CRONICA VAN COELLEN. Fol. Koln, 1499. 22052 CROOKE, A. Reader, these books following are printed for, and sold by Andrew Crooke at the Green Dragon in St. Paul's Church Yard. 4to. London, 1662. 75^7 221 CROPPER, P. J. The Nottinghamshire printed chap-books, with notices of their printers and vendors. 4to. Nottingham, 1892. 1 1 577 CROPPER, CHARLTON & CO., Ltd. Cropper-Charlton print- ing machinery and materials. Svo. Nottingham [c. 1906]. 8186 CROPPER, CHARLTON & CO., Ltd. A decision by Mr. Justice Farwell in the matter of the Cropper Minerva Machines Co., Ltd. -v. Cropper, Charlton and Co., Ltd. Svo. London, 1906. 8324 CROSLAND, W., Ltd. Illustrated catalogue of bookbinders', stationers' and fancy box makers' machinery. 4to. Bredbury [c. 1904I. 18563 CROS-MAYREVIELLE, G. See Mayrevielle, G. C. CROSS, C. F. and BEVAN, E. J. A text-book of paper-making. 8vo. London, 1888. 150 CROSS, C. F. and BEVAN, E. J. A text-book of paper-making. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1900. 3207 CROSS, C. F., BEVAN, E. J. and BEADLE, C. Cellulose: an outline of the chemistry of the structural elements of plants with reference to their natural history and industrial uses. Svo. London, 1895. 558 CROSS, C. F. and BEVAN, E. J. Reserches on cellulose, 1895-1900. i2mo. London, 1901. 2336 CROSS, C. F. and OTHERS. C. B. S. units and standard paper tests. i\n essay towards establishing a normal system of paper testing. By C. F. Cross, E. J. Bevan, Clayton Beadle, and R. W. Sindall. Sq. Svo. London, 1903. 3675 CROSS, C. F. and BEVAN, E. J. Researches on cellulose. H. 1900-5. 1 2 mo. London^ 1906. 99^1 CROSS, C. F. and BEVAN, E. J. A text-book of paper-making. 3rd edition, containing additional matter and in part rewritten with collaboration of J. F. Briggs. i2mo. London, 1907. 10594 CROSS, C. F. Wood pulp and its uses. By C. F. Cross, E. J. Bevan and R. W. Sindall. With the collaboration of W. N. Bacon. Svo. London, 191 1. 15082 CROSS, C. F. and BEVAN, E. J. Researches on cellulose, HI, 1905-10. Svo. London, 1912. 18541 CROSSFIELD, H. Wood engraving. (In Workers on their industries, 1895.) 2275 CROSSKEY, L. R. See Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College. CROUCH ER, J. H. A popular guide to the electrotype, con- taining concise and simple instructions in the various processes of electro-metallurgy, with the art of moulding, in plaster, wax, fusible metal, etc. Part i. Svo. London, 1847. 14690 (2) 222 CROUS, E. The general catalogue of incunabula. {In Biblio- graphical Society : Transactions, Vol. 12, 191 1-3.) 56 CROUS, E. The inventory of incunabula in Great Britain and Ireland. {In Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. 12, 1911-3.) 56 CROWD Y, W. L. Literature portraits. 19 — William Morris. {In Literature, Sept. 14, 1901.) 2416 CROWE, W. A sermon. 8vo. London [1737]. 7543 CROWLE-SMITH, J. The printing press : American and English, {hi The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 48, Jan. 24, 1901, PP- 37-38.) PP CROWNFIELD, D. How to light offices and workrooms. {In The Graphic .'\rts, Vol. i, 191 1, pp. 297-302.) PP CROYDON : Public Libraries. Seventh, etc., annual report of the libraries committee, 1895-6, etc. 8vo. Croydon, 1896, etc. 8966 CROYDON : Public Libraries. Handbook of information and readers' companion. i2mo. Croydon, 1907. 11341 CROYDON : Public Libraries. Opening of the new Carnegie library at Thornton Heath, 8th July, 1914. A note on 25 years' work and a description of the new building. 8vo. Croydon, 1914. 18380 [CRL'DEN, A.] The London citizen exceedingly injured, or a British inquisition displayed. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1739. 21206 [CRUDEN, A.] The adventures of Alexander the corrector. 8vo. London, 1754. 22343 CRUIKSHANK, G. Punch and Judy, with illustrations designed and engraved by G. C. 4th edition. 8vo. London [c. 1840]. 21730 CRUNDEN, F. M. The function of a public library and its value to a community. 8vo. St. Louis, 1884. 11032 CRUSIUS, L. F. O. B. See Baumgarten-Crusius, L. F. O. CRUTSINGER, C. W. Printers' inking rollers : their use and care. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 4, 1886-7, pp. 751, 817.) PP CRUTSINGER, C. W. Printers' inking rollers : their use and care. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 19, 1887, pp. 178, 194, 279.) PP CRYPTUS, pseud. The royal road [advertising]. 8vo. London, 1906. 9563 CUBIERES, Marquis de. See Bodoni, G. B. CULEMANN, F. G. H. Die legende vom Ritter Herrn Peter Diemringer von Staufenberg in der Ortenau. [With facsimiles of the original wood-cuts.] 8vo. Hanover, 1849. 22535 223 CULEMANN, F. G. H. See Grotefend, C. L. CULLEY, W. T. See Caxton, W. CULLINGWORTH, C. J. A brief history of the library of the Manchester Medical Society. 8vo. Manchester, 1876. 8457 CULPEPPER, N. The English physitian enlarged. Svo. London, 1656. 21 173 CULROSS&CO., Ltd. [Specimens of ink.] Obi. Svo. London, 1892. 3023 CULROSS & CO., Ltd. Specimens of letterpress printing inks. Obi. 8vo. London [c. 1900]. 10352 CULVER, C. M. Test-types. Svo. Albany, 1SS9. 18460 CUMBERLAND, G. Scenes chiefly Italian. [Lithographs.] Obi. 4to. London, 182 1. 6538 GUMMING, C. F. G. The inventor of the numeral type for China. Svo. London, 1898. 1232 GUMMING, D. Handbook of Hthography : a practical treatise for all who are interested in the process. i2mo. London, 1904. 18367 CUMMINGS, T. H. Photography in illustration. {In The Printing Art, Vol. i, 1903, p. 83.) PP CUMMINGS, W. H. Music printing. Svo. [London, 1885.] 2471 CUMMINS, R. The pressmen's guide. i6mo. Brooklyn, 1873- 23035 CUNAEUS, P. De Republica Hebraeorum. i6mo. Amstelo- dami, 1666. 21975 CUNDALL, J. The photographic primer, for the vise of beginners in the collodion process. Svo. London, 1854. i6ogS CUNDALL, J. A booke of Christmas carols. (Printed in colours by M. & N. Hanhart.) Svo. London [c. 1855]. 9233 CUNDALL, J. On bookbindings : ancient and modern. 4to. London, 1881. 151 CUNDALL, J. A brief history of wood engraving. Svo. London, 1895. 152 CUNDALL, R. & SONS, Ltd. 20th century folding machines. Obi. Svo. Shipley, 1902. 47iS CUNNINGHAM, Mrs. F. Nine views taken on the continent, drawn on stone by F. C. [Lithographed by C. Hullmandel.] Fol. London [c. 1S30]. 17459 CUPITI DA EVOLI, A. de. Caterina martirizata : poema sacro. 4to. Napoli, 1594. 4428 CURIOSITE. La curiosite littdraire et bibliographique. Serie 3-4. Svo. Paris, 1S81-3. 5621 224 CURIOSITES litteraires. i2mo. Paris, 1845. S^oo CURIOSITIES of street literature. 4to. London, 1871. 11755 CURLL, E. A catalogue of books : all printed for E. C. at the Dial and Bible against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet Street. i2mo. London, 1718. 8241 (2) CURLL, E. The humble representation of E. C, bookseller and citizen of London, concerning five books, complained of to the Secretary of State. i2mo. [London, c. 1725.] 8241 CURLL, E. Books printed for E. C. at Pope's Head in Rose Street, Covent Garden. 8vo. London, 1735. 733 ^ CURLL, E. See T : W. J. CURMER, L. De I'etabhssement des bibliothfeques com- munales en France. 8vo. Paris, 1846. 13618 CURRIER, E. R. Spacing, leading and indention. (In The Graphic Arts, Vol. 2, 1911, pp. loi-iio.) PP CURTIS, A. Some masters of lithography. 4to. New York, 1897. 18134 CURTIS, W. E. The Japanese Government printing office — Insetsukioku. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 16, 1895-6, pp. 414-416.) PP CURWEN, H. A history of booksellers, the old and the new. 8vo. London [1873]. 20846 CURZON, F. Yorkshire village libraries. 8vo. [London, c. 1897.] 81 19 CURZON, F. C. Making process screen negatives without a separate screen. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, pp. 89-91.) PP CURZON, Hon. R. History of printing in China and Europe. (In Philobiblon Society : Miscellanies, Vol. 6, 1860-1.) 4to. 3753 GUSHING, J. S. Hand composition and electrotyping. (In Hitchcock, F. H. : The building of a book, 1906, pp. 41-52.) 8824 GUSSET, J. Societe Fraternelle des Protes de Paris. Traite de la typographic, par H. Fournier. Rapport. 8vo. Paris, 1873. 9726 GUST, K. I. See Guileville, G. de. CUST, L. The engravings of Albrecht Diirer. [Portfolio Monograph, No. 11.] 8vo. London, 1897. i394 CUST, L. The Master E. S. and the Ars Moriendi : a chapter in the history of engraving during the 15th century. 4to. Oxford, 1898. 3546 CUST, L. See British Museum. CUTHBERTSON & BLACK. Specimens of printing. 4to. Manchester, 1884. 10876 225 15 CUTHBERTSON & BLACK. Specimens. Printing,-. 2 vols. 4to. Manchester [c. 1884-9]. 445 CUTHELL, J. A catalogue of an extensive collection of books in the various branches of literature, including- the libraries of the Rev. \Vm. Eield ; a Gentleman of the Temple (both lately deceased) and several other collections recently purchased, amono-st which are a variety of valuable and scarce articles now on sale. 8vo, London, 1798. 14636(2) CUTLER, E., SMITH, T. E. and WEATHERLY, F. E. The law of musical and dramatic copyright. 8vo. London, 1890. 18198 CLTTLER, H. H. System of electric drive for large newspaper presses. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 29, 1902, pp. 282-285.) PP CUTTER, C. A. Rules for a printed dictionary catalogue. 8vo. Washington, 1876. 22783 CUTTER, C. A. Rules for a dictionary catalogue. 3rd edition. 8vo. Washington, 1891. 3018 CUYLER, E. The Church's floral kalendar. [Chromolitho- graphs.] 4to. London [c. i860]. 9614 CYNICUS PUBLISHING CO., Ltd. Trade list. Post card department. Sq. 8vo. Tayport [1904]. 4601 CYRIL, Saint. Speculum sapientiae. Fol. [Basel, c. 1476.J 21408 CYRIL, Saint. Speculum sapientiae. 8vo. Paris [c. 1490]. 21924 226 D D. Photogravure. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. i, 1895, pp. 48-50.) PP D***. Precede actuel de la lithographic mise a la portee de I'artiste et de I'amateur. 8vo. Paris, 1818. 11786 D : P. See [Deschamps, P.] DACHEUX, L. See Geiler de Kayserberg, J. DAGUERRE, L. J. M. History and practice of photogenic drawing on the true principles of the Daguerreotype. Translated by J. S. Memes. i2mo. London, 1839. 7420 DAHL, ( ) and SINNOTT, ( ). Wood engraving. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp 149-154.) PP DAHL, A. Liederbuch fiir deutsche Buchdrucker. i2mo. Berlin, 1900. 3505 DAHL, J. K. Die Buchdruckerkunst erfunden von J, Guten- berg, verbessert und zur Volkommenheit gebracht durch P. Schoffer von Gernsheim. 8vo. Mainz, 1832. 22322 DAILY CITIZEN. The Daily Citizen : being the story of a great labour newspaper. i2mo. London [c. 1913]. 18149 DAILY FREEMAN STEAM PRINTING HOUSE. Speci- mens of printing. 8vo. Kingston, N. Y. , 1877. 491 DAILY HERALD. (Organ of the Printers' Strike Committee.) Nos. 1-66, Jan. -April, 191 1 (all published). Fol. London, 191 1. PP DAILY HERALD PRINTING & PUBLISHING SOCIETY, Ltd. Rules. 8vo. London, 191 1. 163 13 DAILY HERALD PRINTING & PUBLISHING SOCIETY, Ltd. Prospectus. Fol. London, 191 1. 15589 DAILY HERALD PRINTING & PUBLISHING SOCIETY, Ltd. Prospectus. 8vo. London, 191 1. 15235 DAILY MAIL. The advertiser's handbook, 1906-7. 8vo. London, 1906. 180 17 DAILY MAIL. Rules for Daily Mail composing and reading rooms. Nar. 8vo. [London, 1907.] 8617 227 DAILY TELEGRAPH. The Daily Telegraph. Jubilee. Sept. 17> 1855-1905. 8vo. London, 1905. 7245 DAILY TELEGRAPH. Souvenir de la visite du Conseil Municipal de Paris ^i I'Hotel du Daily Telegraph. (La machine k composer Linotype.) i6mo. London, 1905. 8664 DAKE, C. L. Beknopte handleiding voor de techniek der etskunst. 8vo. Amsterdam [c. 1900.] 9477 DALEN, G. Chemische Technologic des Papiers. Mit 40 Abbildungen und' einer Tafel im Text. [Weyl, T. : Einzelschriften zur chemischen Technologic, Lief. I.] 8vo. Leipzig, 1911. 15372 DALLiVS, D. C. Professor Herkomer's process. Painter- engraving. Originally discovered by an Englishman more than 50 years ago. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 37, March 12, 1896, p. 134.) PP DALLAS, D. C. Some experiences, et quibusdam aliis. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 2, 1896, pp. 37-41.) PP DALLAS, D. C. Three-colour printing : a plea for the natural grain. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 3, 1897, pp. 90-91.) PP DALLAS, D. C. The brush in line drawing for process engraving. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 4, 1898, pp. 89-91.) PP DALLAS, D. C. Notes on Dallastint. S. sh. 8vo. [London, c. 1909.] 15482 DALMANN, ( ). Bibliothcca Dalmanniana, distrahenda per A. de Hondt, die 22 Nov. et seq., 1723. i2mo. Hagae Comitum, 1723. 21923 DALMAZZO, G. See Luquin, F. DALTON, W. H. A list of works referring to British mineral and thermal waters. 8vo. London, 1889. 8546 DALY, J. Reliques of Irish Jacobite poetry, with metrical versions by E. Walsh. 8vo. Dublin, 1844. 6187(1) DALY'S THEATRE. The little Michus. [A souvenir.] 8vo. London [1905]. 7180 DALZIEL, G. and E. The Brothers Dalziel : a record of fifty years' work in conjunction with many of the most distinguished artists of the period, 1840-90. 4to. London, 1901. 3304 DALZIEL, H. Three-colour printing. {In Royal Society of Arts : Journal, Feb. 20, 1903.) 3^73 DAMME, P. V. Catalogue de la bibliotheque et du cabinet de medailles, 8vo. La Haye, 1807. i774o DANA, J. C. Library printing. {In The Printing Art, Vol. 6, 1906, pp. 284-290.) PP DANA, J. C. The democracy of art. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 39, 1907, pp. 583-586.) PP 228. DANA, J. C. Who was Cardelius? i6mo. Cambridge, Mass., 1909. I 626 I DANA, J. C. The Harvard University course in printing. {In The Graphic Arts, Vol. i, 1911, pp. 217-222.) PP DANA, J. C. The printing pi-ess as a teacher. {In The Graphic Arts, J'ol. 2, 191 1, pp. 185-191.) PP DANCE OF DEATH. La danse des morts, dessinee et gravee sur I'original de feu M. Merian. 4to. Basle, 1744. 21364 DANCE OF DEATH. Hans Holbein's Todtentanz in 53 getreu nach den Holzschnitten lithographirten Blattern. Herausgegeben von J. Schlotthauer. i2mo. Miinchen, 1832. 8794 DANCE OF DEATH. Holbenii pictoris Alphabetum mortis. Des Malers Hans Holbein Todtentanz-Alphabet, vollstandig in 24 Holzschnitten nach dem Dresdener Originale zum ersten Male nachgebildet von H. Lodel, mit Randzeichnungen vom Maler G. Osterwald. 8vo. Koln, 1849. 9359 DANCE OF DEATH. The Dance of Death by Hans Holbein, with an introductory note by A. Dobson. 8vo. London, 1892. 260 DANDO, J. C. Fundamental principles of ascertaining cost of manufacturing — applied to manufacturing printing — applicable to all other kinds of manufacturing. Sq. fol. Philadelphia, 1901. 2435 DANE & CO. Poster inks. [Price list and specimens.] 4to. London [c. 1900]. 9789 DANEL, L. Note sur I'origine de la typographic. 8vo. Lille, 1884. 22847 DANEL, L. Bi-centenaire de I'imprimerie L. Danel, 3-4 Sep- tembrc, 1898. 8vo. Lille, 1898. ii774 DANEL, L. See Amsterdam : Exhibition, 1883 ; Wilson, F. J. F. DANGERFIELD, T. More shams still. 4to. London, 1681. 23466 DANIEL, C. J. The godly sayings of the ancient fathers. i2mo. London, 1846. 7652 DANIEL, H. The Daniel Press. (7n The Times Literary Supplement, Feb. 20-27, 1903-) 34^9 DANIEL, S. See Redgrave, G. R. DANIKER, F. Ueber die praktische Anwendung der Logo- typen in den Buchdruckereien. i2mo. Zurich, 1846. 23076 DANKO, J. A Franczia Konyvdisz a Renaissance korban. 8vo. Budapest, 1886. " 835 DANNREUTHER, ( ). Martin Mourot, imprimeur k Longe- ville devant Bar-le-Duc. (150T-15). Sa marque typographique et son enseigne. {In Bull, du Comite des travaux hist., 1898, pp. 412-415.) 10966 229 DANSKE. Den Danske Rimkronike, trykt ved Gotfred af Ghemen, Kjobenhavn, 1495. Udgivet i fotolithografisk faksimile. 8vo. Kjobenhavn, 1873. 21340 DANTE ALIGHIERI. La divina commedia. 3 vols. 410. Parma, 1796, 5154 DANTE ALIGHIERI. La divina commedia. i6mo. Londra, 1823. 5500 DANTE ALIGHIERI. Purgatorio. 4to. Ashendene Press, 1904. 10774 DANTE ALIGHIERI. La Quaestio de aqua et terra. Edizione principe del 1508 ripodotta in facsimile. Introd. di G. Boffito, O. Zanotti-Bianco e Dott. Prompt. 8vo. Firenze, 1905. 7501 DANTE ALIGHIERI. See Toynbee, P. DARCET, M. Memoire sur le moyen d'obtenir des cliches avec des monies en platre, en soufre et en cire a cacheter. 4to. Paris, 1806. 10653 DARES PHRYGIUS. See Dictys Cretensis. DARIEN PRESS. See London : National Workmen's Exhi- bition, 1893. DARLING, J. See Heathcote, Sir W. DARLING & SON, Ltd. [Specimens of printing.] 4to. London [1904]. 105 19 DARLOW, T. H. See British and Foreign Bible Society. DARU, Comte. Notions statistique sur la librairie pour servir a la discussion des lois sur la presse. 4to. Paris, 1827. 17875 DASENT, A. I. John Thaddeus Delane : editor of The Times. His life and correspondence, 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1908. 10389 DATUS, A. Augustini Dacti Scribe super Tullianus elogancijs,, etc. Printed by the Schoolmaster Printer at St. Albans about the year 1479. [Facsimile.] 8vo. Cambridge, 1905. 6833 DAUBY, J. See Paris : Exhibition, 1878. DAUMIER, H. See Bertels, K. DAUNOU, P. C. F. Conseil des Cinq Cents. Rapport fait par D. au nom d'une commmission speciale sur la repression des delits de la presse. 8vo. [Paris, 1797.] 23353 DAUNOU, P. C. F. Analyse des opinions diverses sur I'origine de I'imprimerie. 8vo. Paris, An. xi [1803], 21875 DAUNOU, P. C. F. Guttemberg. 8vo. [Paris, c. 1830.] 18707 DAUNOU, P. C. F. See Paris : Biblioth^que Ste. Genevieve. DAUPELEY-GOUVERNEUR, G. Le compositeur et le cor- recteur typographes. 8vo. Paris, 1880. 21565 230 DAVANNE, A. La photographic et les arts g-raphiques. {In Paris : Cercle de la Librairie : Catalogue, 1881.) 20813 DAVENPORT, C. J. Royal English bookbindings. 8vo. London, 1896. 567 DAVENPORT, C. J. Cantor lectures on decorative book- binding. 2 pts. 8vo. London, i8g8. 1863 & 1039 DAVENPORT, C. J. English embroidered bindings. 8vo. London, 1899. 1521 DAVENPORT, C. J. Three bindings with little Gidding stamps. (/j2 The Library [N.S.], Vol. i, 1900, pp. 205-214.) PP DAVENPORT, C. J. King Charles I's embroidered Bible. {In The Library [N.S.], J'ol. i, igoo, pp. 373-376.) PP DAVENPORT, C. J. Thomas Berthelet, royal printer and bookbinder to Henry VIIL With special reference to his book- bindings. [Proof sheets only. Imperfect. Caxton Club.] 8vo. Chicago, 1901. 17857 DAVENPORT, C. J. Some popular errors as to old bindings. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 2, 1901, pp. 231-237.) PP DAVENPORT, C. J. Forgeries in bookbinding. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 2, 1901, pp. 389-395O PP DAVENPORT, C. J. Mezzotints. {In Royal Society of Arts : Journal, July 3, 1903.) 3544 DAVENPORT, C. J. Mezzotints. 4to. London, 1904. 3758 DAVENPORT, C. J. Bagford's notes on bookbindings.. {In Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. 7, 1904.) 56 DAVENPORT, C. J. Cameos. 8vo. Washington, 1905. 10127 DAVENPORT, C. J. Samuel Mearne and his bindings. 8vo. London, 1905. 7231 DAVENPORT, C. J. English royal heraldry. {In Royal Society of Arts : Journal, Vol. 54, 1906, pp. 603-609.) 7914 DAVENPORT, C. J. Samuel Mearne, binder to King Charles IL [An imperfect copy of the proof sheets, wanting some pages at the end and all the plates. Caxton Club.] 4to. Chicago, 1906. 18536 DAVENPORT, C. J. The book : its history and development. 8vo. London, 1907. 11 607 DAVENPORT, C. J. Jean Petitot. Reprinted from the Pro- ceedings of the Huguenot Society of London, Vol. 8. No. 4. 8vo. London, 1909. 10625 DAVENPORT, C. J. See Library Association : Sound Leather Committee; St. Louis: Exhibition, 1904; Tregaskis, J. &: M. L. DAVENPORT, S. T. Engraving. {In Bevan, G. P. : British manufacturing industries, 1876.) 20360 231 DAVID, A. See Cochard, ( ) and David, A. DA\'ID, Vve. A. [Specimen book of types.] Fol. Paris, [c. 18S5]. 6447 DA\'ID, J. Rome et son Index. (In La Libre Recherche, Sept., 1858, pp. 341-377- ) 9731 DAVIDSON, E. A. A chat about printing. {In Little Folks, 1872.) 22863 DAVIDSON, E. A. See Field, G. DAVIDSON, L. Poetical remains. i2mo. London, 1843. 91 12 DAVIDSON, W. N. L. The latest one plate colour process. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, pp. 85-86.) PP DAVIDSON, W. N. L. Judgment in three-colour work. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 69-70.) PP DA\'IDSON, W. N. L. A one plate colour method. {In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 71-72.) PP DAVIES, J. H. Yny Ihyvyr hwnn a Ban o gyfreith Howel. 8vo. Bangor, 1902. 4238 DAVIES, R. A memoir of the York press in the i6th, 17th and 1 8th centuries. 8vo. Westminster, 1868. 20472 DAVIES, T. R. French romanticism and the press. The Globe. 8vo. Cambridge, 1906. 13409 DAVIS, C. T. The manufacture of paper. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1886. ^ 155 DAVIS, H. M. Electric power in the printing office. {In Inland Printer, Vol. zy, 1901, pp. 357-358.) PP DAVIS, H. R. Half a century with the Providence Journal : being a record of the events and associates connected with the past 50 years of the life of H. R. D., secretary of the company. 8vo. [Providence], 1904. 4500 DAVIS, J. S. Fourteen views in lithography of Bolton Abbey'. 2nd edition. Obi. fol. London, 1829. 8260 DAVIS, W. An olio of bibliographical and literary anecdotes and memoranda. i2mo. London, 1814. 22062 DAVIS, W. A journey round the library of a bibliomaniac : or, cento of notes and reminiscences concerning rare, curious and valuable books. (A second journey.) 2 pts. 8vo. London, 1821-5. 8175 DAVISON, W. New specimen of cast-metal ornaments and wood types. [Many cuts by Bewick.] 4to. Alnwick [c. 1835]. 13201 DAVY, C. H. a typographical note. i6mo. London, 1907. 9496 DAVY, C. H. List of words, names and places mostly early 15th century spelling. i2mo. London, 1909. ^737^ 232 DAVY, J. & SONS. Specimens of type, etc., in use at the Dryden Press. 4to. [London, 1898.] 1207 DAVY, J. & SONS. A selection of the types, ornaments, etc., of the Dryden Press. 4to. London, 1907. 9219 DAWE, E. A. Paper and its uses : a treatise for printers, stationers and others. With 34 samples of paper. 8vo. London, 1914. 18495 DAWSON, A. Swelled gelatine. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. i, 1895, PP- 24-26.) PP DAWSON, A. Intag-lio plates, bitten versus grown. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 2, 1896, pp. 47-49.) PP DAWSON, A. Engravers' magnifying glasses. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 3, 1897, p. 72.) PP DAWSON, A. Items in book production. {In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, Vol. 4, 1898, pp. 94-95.) PP DAWSON, A. Gossip en process and photographic matters. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 5, 1899, pp. 65-69.) PP DAWSON, A. Gelatine moulds. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 8, 1902-3, pp. 68-72.) PP DAWSON, A. The dusting grain. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 9, 1903-4, pp. 126-128.) PP DAWSON, A. Bitten versus grown plates for photogravure. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 10, 1904-5, pp. 107-109.) PP DAWSON, A. Decay of structure. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 137-139.) PP DAWSON, A. Improving the screen effect in three-colour work. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, p. 32.) PP DAWSON, A. Photo-chromo gravure. {In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, T^oZ. 17, 191 1-2, pp. 74-79.) PP DAWSON, A. The trichromatic problem achieved once more. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 201-204.) PP DAWSON, A. The spectrum and the dry plate. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp. 33-36.) PP DAWSON, C. Illustration : past, present, and future. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, pp. 33-36.) PP DAWSON, C. E. Japan and its colour prints. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 7, 1901, pp. 89-96.) PP DAWSON, C. E. Art and commerce. {In The Magazine of Commerce, Vol. i, 1902, pp. 87-90.) 4to. London, 1902. 9153 DAWSON, C. E. The higher advertising as shown in the art work of C. E. Dawson. {In The Magazine of Commerce, Vol. 4, 1904, pp. 457-464.) 9153 DAWSON, C. E. C. E. D., his book of bookplates. [With portfolio of designs.] 4to. Edinburgh, 1907. 9495 233 DAWSON, C. E. Lino-cuts : a simple method of block-making- for posters and other bold work ; also for cutting; tint-blocks for letterpress. (/» I^enrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 89-95.) _ _ PP DAWSON, C. E. Reminiscences of an old process engraver. (/;; Inland Printer, T'oZ. 40, 1907-8, pp. 697, 856; Vol. 41, 1908, pp. 66, 230.) PP D.WVSON, C. E. Photogravure for beginners. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 41, 1908, pp. 41, 233, 367, 543, 705, 867.) PP DAWSON, C. E. Modern book covers. {In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, pp. 177-184.) PP DAWSON, C. E. Photographing the waves. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, pp. 177-180.) PP DAWSON, C. E. Poetic photography: and Mrs. G. A. Bar- ton's new pictures. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 191 1-2, pp. 23-31.) PP DAWSON, G. J. Recollections of the stage and platform. Related by his son. [Mr. Dawson was a printer.] 8vo. For private circulation, 19 13. ^7499 DAWSON, J. Practical journalism : how to enter thereon and succeed. 8vo. London [c. 1891]. 2948 DAWSON, J. [An editor's experience with the Linotype.] MS. 8vo. [c. 1895.] 13703 DAWSON, W. & SONS. [A collection of photographs of W^harfedale machines from i860. 15 plates.] 15505 DAWSON, W. & SONS. Three new designs of cyhnder machines for the highest class of magazine and colour work. Obi. 8vo. London, 1903. 4101 DAWSON, W. &' SONS. See Lockett, W. H. and Co. DAY, B. Day's rapid shading mediums for artists' use in lithography and in phototypography. Obi. 4to. New York [c. 1901]. 12556 DAY, L. F. The application of ornament. 8vo. London, 1888. 1409 DAY, L. F. William Morris and his decorative art. {In The Contemporary Review, June, 1903.) 3493 DAY, L. F. The planning of ornament. 3rd edition. 8vo. London, 1893. 1410 DAY, L. F. Nature in ornament. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1894. 1408 DAY, L. F. The art and craft of paper-staining". {In Good Words, Vol. 36, April, 1895, PP- 244-252.) 6787 DAY, L. F. Cantor lectures on design in lettering. 8vo. London, 1897. 1023 234 DAY, L. F, Modernity in bookbinding, {hi The Art Journal, 1898, pp. 218-220.) 1505 DAY, L. F. Alphabets old and new, for the use of craftsmen. Svo. London, 1898. 1233 DAY, L. F. Of William Morris and his work. Art Journal extra number, 1899. 4to. London, 1899. 1286 DAY, L. F. Of designs and working drawings. (In Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society: Arts and Crafts essays, 1899.) 1567 DAY, L. F. William Morris. See Great masters of decorative art, 1900. 2843 DAY, L. F. Cloth bookbindings. (In The Art Journal, April, 1901.) 2114 DAY, L. F. Lettering in ornament : an enquiry into the decor- ative use of lettering, past, present, and possible. 8vo. London, 1902. 2845 DAY, L. F. Penmanship of the i6th, 17th, and i8th centuries : a series of typical examples from English and foreign writing books selected by L. F. Day. 8vo. London [191 1]. 15513 DAY, R. A book of Christian prayers. 8vo. [London, c. 1578.] 21 180 DAY, T. A. and WINES, J. H. Illustrations of mediaeval costume in England. 4to. London [c. 1840]. 21435 DAY, W. How to stop and when to stop. Punctuation reduced to a system. 3rd edition. i2mo. London, 1847. 2298 DAY, W. W. Day's improved brass type. 4to. London [c. 1850]. 2174 DAY, W. J. A series of tables invented and arranged for the use of the practical printer : to which is appended the scale of prices for compositors' work. 8vo. London, 1841. i547 DAY & COLLINS. Specimens of wood type, corners, borders, rules, etc. 4to. London [c. 1880]. 9767 DAY & COLLINS. Specimens, of wood type, etc. 4to. London [c. 1880]. 2613 DAY & COLLINS. Specimens of wood letter. Fol. London [c. 1880]. 2127 DAY & COLLINS. Specimens of wood letter. Fol. London [c. 1888]. 16836 DAY & COLLINS. Revised price list and catalogue of patent hard-faced machine cut wood type, printing and bookbinding materials. 4to. London [1897]. 2242 DAY. The day's work, II — A newspaper office. (In The World's Work, Jan., 1903.) 3300 DAYE, S. See Green, S. A. DEACON, ( ). See Blackman, R. D. 235 DEACON, S. & CO. Deacon's newspaper handbook and advertiser's g-uide. 6th edition. 8vo. London, 1883. 18668 DEADMAN, ( ). [Report by Mr. Deadman deputed by Messrs. Eyre and Spottiswoodc to examine various machines. Pencil notes by Johnson (Thorne) and interhneations by Hamilton (Thorne). The Thorne distributing- and composing- machine. Pattern 1890.] MS. 4to. [1890.] 13675 DILVRING, O. A. Printing- for profit, illustrating the Dearing specialties. i2mo. San Francisco, 1885. 23123 DEARN, T. D. W. An historical, topog-raphical and descrip- tive account of the Weald of Kent. [William Caxton, p. xxii.] 8vo. Cranbrook, 18 14. 21574 DEAS, J. A. C. National art loans : a plea for the provinces. 8vo. [Sunderland], 1912. 16016 DEAS, J. A. C. How we may show our museums and art g-alleries to the blind. 4to. Sunderland, 1913. 17485 DEBANS, C. Les grands editeurs de France. Dentu. 8vo. Paris, 1876. 9412 DE BERNY, A. De Berny. Appreciation de son oeuvre. 4to. Paris, 1882. 21028 DEBERNY & CIE. Specimen de caract^res et ornements typographiques. Fol. Paris [1878]. 6347 DEBERNY & CIE. Epreuves des caract^res anciens de la fonderie Deberny et Cie. Precedemment exploitee sous le nom de Laurent et Deberny. Ancienne Maison Gille fondee vers 1750. 4to. Paris, 1878. 5921 DEBERNY & CIE. Le livret typographique. Specimen de caract^res. 8vo. Paris [1882]. 20250 DEBERNY & CIE. Base de la participation du travail aux benefices et rfeglement de la caisse de I'atelier. Comptes du trente-septifeme exercice, 1884. 8vo. Paris [1884]. 22903 DEBERNY & CIE. Vignettes typographiques. Attributs melanges, armes, medailles. Fol. Paris [1886]. 2542 DEBERNY & CIE. Le livret typographique. Specimen de caract^res. 8vo. Paris [1890]. 6420 DEBERNY & CIE. Le livret typographique. Specimen de caractferes. 8vo. Paris [1901]. 2509 DEBERNY & CIE. Cartes de visite [and similar job work. Specimens of type]. 4to. Paris, 1907. m74 DEBERNY & CIE. La Serie Deberny. No. 18. [A special cover has been added " In memory of the visit of the Institute of Printers and Kindred Trades of the British Empire to the Deberny type foundry, 14 Oct., 1908."] 8vo. Paris, 1908. 11171 236 DEBERNY & CIE. Institutions de A. De Berny creees en 1848 en faveur dii personnel. Participation aux benefices Caisse de I'atelier. Soixantieme exercice. Annee 1907. 8vo. [Paris, 1908.] 1 1 172 DEBERNY & CIE. Devis des ecritures. 8vo. Paris [1908]. II 170 DEBERNY & CIE. Le livret typographique. Specimen de caracteres. 8vo. Paris [1908]. 11 178 DEBERNY & CIE. Cliches et gravures. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1911. 16230 DEBERNY & CIE. Caracteres et ornaments typographiques pour la composition des travaux de ville. 4to. Paris, 1911. 16299 DEBERNY & CIE. Le livret typographique : specimen de caracteres. 8vo. Paris [c. 191 1]. 1662 1 DEBERNY & CIE. Les Giraldon, caractferes, initiales, orne- ments. 8vo. Paris [1912]. 16227 DE BURE, G. F, Bibliographic instructive. 10 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1763-82. 5601 DE BURE, J. Descriptive historique d'un volume compose de tableaux peints en miniature, qui representent les voyages et les aventures de Charles Magius, noble Venitien, depuis que les Turcs attaquerent et prirent I'ile de Chypre sur les Venitiens, jusqu'a pr^s la fameuse Bataille de Lepanthe, gagnee par les Chretiens contres les Infideles, en 1571. Fol. Paris, 1761. 23295 DE BURY, R. Philobiblon. [Edited by J. Inglis.] 8vo. London, 1832. 20420 DE BURY, R. Philobiblon. Edited and translated by E. C. Thomas. 8vo. London, 1888. 21614 DE BURY, R. Philobiblon. Edited and translated by A. F. West. 3 vols. 4to. New York, 1889. 5600 DE BURY, R. The love of books. The Philobiblon. Trans- lated by E. C. Thomas. [2nd edition.] i2mo. London, 1903. 3551 DECAIEU, A. La chasse aux livres. (In Memoires de rAcad^mie d'Amiens, 1872.) 10667 DECAROLI, G. A. Libretto per chi ha libreria. 8vo. Torino, 1817. 12612 DECEMBRE, J. and ALONNIER, E. Typographes et gens de lettres. 8vo. Paris, 1864. 20677 DECKER, A. de. Eenige Antwerpsche drukkers in den vreemde. Bio-bibliographische schetsen. 8vo. Antwerpen, 1881. 14454 DECKER, F. Nacht und nebel der Vorzeit ! und Tageshelle der Gegenwart. Ein Fest-lied zur 4ten. Secularfeier der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst. 8vo. Stuttgart [1840]. 22500 237 . DE COSTA, B. V. The Globe of Vlplus. {In Magazine of American History, 1879.) 22905 DECOURDEMANCHE, A. Code progressif de la presse et autres moyens de publication. 8vo. Paris, 1828. i7330 DECROIX, E. Le tabac devant I'hygiene et la morale. Con- ference faite aux 61^ves de I'ecole profcssionale de I'imprimerie de MM. A. Chaix & Cie. [Chaix, A. & Cie, : Pi^ce annexe, No. i.] 8vo. Paris, 1875. 20980(2) DEECKE, E. Einige Nachrichten von den im i5ten. Jahrhun- dert zu Liibeck gedruckten niedersachs. Biichern. 4to. Liibeck, 1834. 22685 DEFENSORIUM inviolatae virginitatis Mariae, aus der Druck- erei der Hurus in Saragossa in Faksimile-Reproduktion, heraus- gegeben von W. L. Schreiber. 4to. Weimar, 1910. 16501 DEFOE, D. The whole life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1785. 20054 DEFOE, D. See Pollard, A. W. ; Purves, W. L. DE FONTENELLE, J. See Fontenelle, J. de. DEFRANC, M. Quelques reflexions nouvelles sur la liberte de la presse. 8vo. [Paris, 1814.] 23374 DEFREMERY, C. Articles de M. C. Defremery, extraits du Journal des Savants. Aout-sept., 1876. [Reviews of Brunet's Etudes sur la reliure et De Ruble's Notice biographique sur le comte de Lurde.] 4to. Paris, 1876. 12671 DEGENER, H. A. L. Die Bibliothek der British Museum. {In Zeitschrift fiir Biicherfreunde, April, 1902.) 2621 DEGEORGE, L. La Maison Plantin a Anvers. 8vo. Brux- elles, 1877. 20637 DEGEORGE, L. La Maison Plantin a Anvers. 2e. Edition. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1878. 20725 DEGEORGE, L. La Maison Plantin k Anvers. 36. edition. 8vo. Paris, 1886. 20693 DEGEORGE, L. L'imprimerie en Europe aux 156. et i6e. si^cles. i2mo. Paris, 1892. 5218 DEGEORGE, L. .See Blades, W. DE HEINE, A. F. Specification. Printing and stamping presses. 1810. No. 3297. 8vo. London, 1856. 20559(6) DEJEAN, L. Etude et expose des conditions du travail dans I'industrie du livre et des devoirs des ouvriers, des patrons et de I'etat. Preface de V. Breton. 8vo. Paris, 1899. 1271 DELABORDE, H. La gravure : precis dementaire de ses origines, de ses proced^s et de son histoire. 8vo. Paris [c. 1885]. 4267 238 DELABORDE, H. Engraving : its origin, processes and history. Translated by R. A. M. Stevenson. With an additional chapter on English engraving by W. Walker. 8vo. London, 1886. 5606 DELAFERRIERE, H. La Biblioth^que Imperiale de St. Petersbourg. {In Nouvelle Revue, i88g, i Feb., pp. 506-529.) 10668 DELALAIN, A. H. J. Memoire sur la propriete des brevets d'imprimeur en lettres. [Publications du Syndicat General des Imprimeurs — No. i.] 8vo. [Paris, 1869.] 22329 DELALAIN, A. H. J. Legislation de rimprimerie et de la librairie. ler. fasc. 1789-1814. i2mo. Paris, 1877. 3634 DELALAIN, A. H. J. See Noblet, C. ; Paris : Association des Imprimeurs; Paris: Exhibition, 1855. DELALAIN, P. Les marques des libraires et imprimeurs du 156. au i8e. si^cles. i2mo. [Paris, 1885.] 16052 DELALAIN, P. Resume de la legislation relative a I'impri- merie, a la librairie et k la propriete litteraire et artistique. 8vo. Paris, 1888. 16291 DELALAIN, P. Notice (Notice complementaire) sur Galliot Du Pre, libraire Parisien de 1512 a 1560. 2 pts. 8vo. Paris, 1 890- 1. 10503 DELALAIN, P. Etude sur le libraire Parisien du i3e. au i5e. si^cles. 8vo. Paris, 1891. 7006 DELALAIN, P. L'imprimerie et la librairie k Paris de 1789 a 1813. 8vo. Paris [1899]. 1645 DELALAIN, P. Essai de bibliographic de I'histoire de l'im- primerie typographique et de la libraire en France. 8vo. Paris, 1903- 3585 DELALAIN, P. Les libraires et imprimeurs de I'Academie Frangaise de 1634 a 1793. Notices biographiques. 8vo. Paris, 1907. 9314 DELALAIN, P. See Breton, L. ; Paris : Cercle de la Librairie; Paris : Exhibition, 1900. DELAMOTTE, F. The book of ornamental alphabets, ancient and modern, from the 8th to the 19th century. 2nd edition. Obi. 4to. London, 1859. 1867 DELAMOTTE, F. A primer of the art of illumination for beginners. 4to. London, 1886. 1308 DELAMOTTE, F. The embroiderer's book of design. 3rd edition. Obi. 8vo. London, 1891. 159 DELAMOTTE, F. The book of ornamental alphabets, ancient and modern, from the 8th century. 13th edition. Obi. 4to. London, 1895. 1280 239 DELAMOTTE, F. Examples of modern alphabets, plain and ornamental. 12th edition. Obi. 4to. London, 1896. 1279 DE LA MOTTE, P. On the various applications of anastatic printing- and papyrog-raphy. 8vo. London, 1849. 1551 DELAMOTTE, P. H. The practice of photography, a manual for students and amateurs. 2nd edition. i2mo. London, 1855. 17737 DELANDINE, A. F. Histoire abr^gee de I'imprimerie. 8vo. Paris [1814]. 5263 DELANE, J. T. See Dasent, A. L DE LARA, D. L. Elementary instruction in the art of illum- inating and missal painting on vellum, 7th edition. 8vo. London [1863]. i495 DE LA RUE, T. & CO., Ltd. Illustrated retail price lists. 4to. London, 1908. 16964 DE LA RUE, W. Warren De La Rue, D.C.L. [A bio- graphical notice.] 8vo. [ .] 22358 (2) DELAUNAY, H. Abbe. Jehan Foucquet. Heures de Maistre Estienne Chevalier, tresorier general de France sous les rois Charles VII et Louis XL Reproduction des quarante miniatures appartenant a M. Louis Brentano, de Francfort-sur-le-Mein avec un texte compose de I'office de la sainte Vierge — L 'office de la Passion — Prieres aux Saints et aux Saintes et de Meditations. [Prospectus.] 8vo. Paris, 1865. 23292 DELAUNE, T. A narrative of the sufferings of Thomas Delaune for writing, printing, and publishing a late book, called A plea for the noncomformists. 4to. [London], 1684. 10382 DELBOS, ( ). See Fage, R. DELCAMBRE, I. Delcambre's composing and distributing machine. (In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 7, Feb. 23, 1882, p. 9-) PP DELECLUZE, E. J. Jean Gutenburg, 1450. L'imprimerie, 8vo. [Paris, c. 1850.] 1962 DELEMER, H. Epreuves des caract^res de la fonderie d 'Henri Delemer neveu. Fol. Lille, 1810. 17658 DELEPIERRE, J. O. Album pittoresque de Bruges dessines par A. Tessaro, lithographies par H. Borremans. Fol. Bruges^ 1837. 6626 DELEPIERR'E, J. O. Examen de ce que renferme la biblio- theque du Musee Brittannique extrait de documents authentiques soumis au Parlement en 1846. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1846. 17615 [DELEPIERRE, J. O.] Description bibliographique et analyse d'un livre unique qui se trouve au Musee Britannique. Par Tribace Nafe Theobrome [pseud.]. 8vo. Au Meschacebe, 1849. 18720 240 DELEPIERRE, J. O. Etudes bio-bibliographiques sur les fous litteraires. 8vo. [London, 1857.] 21382 DELEPIERRE, J. O. Le canard de la Bibliothfeque d'Alex- andrie. {In Philobiblon Society: Miscellanies, Vol. 6, 1860-1.) 3753 DELEPIERRE, J. O. The first printers of Belgium and Eng- land. {In Philobiblon Society : Miscellanies, Vol. 6, 1860-1.) 3753 DELEPIERRE, J. O. Tableau de la litterature du Centon, chez les anciens et chez les modernes. 2 vols. 8vo. Londres, 1875. 9075 DELEPIERRE, J. O. See Trubner, N. DELESCHAMPS, P. Des mordans, des vernis et des planches dans I'art du graveur ou traite complet de la gravure. 8vo. Paris, 1836. 13620 DELESSERT, B. Second memoire sur la Bibliotheque Royale, sur I'emplacement ou elle pourrait etre construite, et sur la meilleure disposition a donner aux grands bibliothfeques publiques. 4to. Paris, 1838. 1362 1 DELESTRE, ( ). Rapport sur la musique imprimee en caract^res mobiles par M. Duguet. {hi Athenee des Arts de Paris, 1833, pp. 33-35-) 9752 DELGEUR, L. Black plates. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. II, 1905-6, p. 16.) PP DELGEUR, L. The difference of perspective seen with one or two eyes. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 61-63.) PP DELHORME, M. Opinion sur la liberte de la presse. 8vo. [Paris, 1814.] 23376 DELIGNIERES, C. Agatha, virgo et martyr. Tragoedia Christiana. i2mo. Paris, 1666. 7926 DELILLE, E. The French newspaper press. {In The Nine- teenth Century, March, 1892.) 12179 DELISLE, G. America Meridionalis. [Map.] S. sh. fol. Aug. Vindel [c. 1760]. 6300(3) DELISLE, G. America septentrionalis. [Map.] S. sh. fol. Aug. Vindel [c. 1760]. 6300(2) DELISLE, L. Anciennes traductions francaises de la Consol- ation de Boece conservees a la Bibliotheque Nationale. 8vo. Paris, 1873. 22753 DELISLE, L. Catalogue des livres imprimes ou publics k Caen avant le milieu du i6e. si^cle. Suivi de recherches sur les imprimeurs et les libraires de la meme ville. 2 vols. 8vo. Caen, 1903-4- 3572 DELISLE, L. Discovery of pictures stolen from a manuscript at Macon. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. i, 1900, pp. 45-48.) PP 241 16 DELISLE, L. Rccouvrement de I'indemnit^ promise a Pierre Schoeffer par Louis XI. {In Bulletin de la Societe de I'Histoire de Paris, 1903, pp. 159-166.) 18655 DELISLE, L. Souvenirs de jeunesse (translated). {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 9, 1908, pp. 201-224, 245-256.) PP DELISLE, L. Instructions ^lementaires et techniques pour la mise et le maintien en ordre des livres d'une bibliothtque. 8vo. Paris [1913]. 17918 DELISLE, L. See Paris : Imprimerie Nationale. DELITSCH, F. Der Flug-el des Engels. Eine Stimme aus der Wiiste im vierten Jubel-Fest-Jahre der Buchdruckerkunst. 8vo. Dresden, 1840. 21006 DELLAGANA, J. Specification. Stereotypes, 1855, No. 2104. 8vo. London, 1856. 20561 (4) DELMAS, G. Petit questionnaire typographique a Tusage des apprentis compositeurs de la Maison Delmas. 8vo. Bordeaux, 1898. 1946 DELMAS, G. Petit questionnaire typog-raphique a I'usage des apprentis compositeurs de le. et 2e. annees. 2e. edition. i2mo. Bordeaux [c. 1905]. 11412 DELMAS, G. L'imprimeur, chef d'industrie et commer^ant. 8vo. [Bordeaux], 1908. iH^S DELMAS, G. Rapport sur la decimalisation des formats et des poids des papiers. 8vo. [Bordeaux, 1909.] 11417 DELMAS, G. Perfectionnement dans I'outillage typog-raphique. easier et catalogue de vignettes. 4to. Bordeaux [1909]. 11414 DELMAS, G. Rapport sur I'apprentissage et I'organisation rationnelle d'une profession. 4to. Bordeaux, 1909. 11273 [DELMAS, G.] L'hygi^ne dans Ics imprimeries. 8vo. [Bor- deaux, c. 1909.] 11416 DELMAS, G. See Bordeaux : Exhibition, 1907. DEL OLMO, A. E. La tipografia y los tipografos (recuerdos del arte de imprimir v de sus hombres). i2mo. Madrid, 1880. 23037 DELON, C. Gutenberg et I'invention de I'imprimerie. i6mo. Paris, 1881. 231 15 DELON, C. Gutenberg et I'invention de I'imprimerie. 2e. edition. i6mo. Paris, 1884. 23036 DELON, C. Histoire d'un livre. 6e. edition. 8vo. Paris, 1898. 1499 DELPIT, J. Origines de I'imprimerie en Guyenne. 8vo. Bor- deaux, 1869. 12 195 DELPRAT, E. L'administration et la presse. 8vo. Paris, 1861. 22639 242 DELPRAT, G. H. M. Dissertation sur I'art typographique. Contenant : un appercu historique de ses progr^s durant le 156. et le i6e. sitele, etc. 8vo. Utrecht, 1820. 21997 DEMACHY, R. See Maskell, A. and Demachy, R. DEMBOUR, A. Die Metall-Ektypog-raphie. Beschreibung- eines neuen Verfahrens erhaben auf Kuper su atzen. Aus dem Franzosischen von H. Meyer. Svo. Braunschweig, 1835. 7635 DEMEURE DE BEAUMONT, A. L'affiche Beige. 2 pts. Svo. Paris, 1897. 1236 DEMEURS, G. & FILS. Papiers d'impression : Papiers d'ecriture. Obi. Svo. Huyssinghen, 1895. 14059 DE MORGAN, A. Arithmetical books from the invention of printing to the present time. Svo. London, 1847. 14689 DE MORGAN, A. On the diflficulty of correct description of books. With introduction by H. Guppy. [Bibliographical Society of Lancashire*] Svo. [Manchester, 1902.] 3242 DE MORGAN, A. See London : University. DEMOSTHENES. Several orations. Svo. London, 1702. 7665 DEMOULIN, G. FrankHn. i6mo. Paris, 1881. 231 13 DENHAM, Sir J. Poems and translations. Svo. London, 166S. 20S15 (i) DENHAM, Sir J. See Cicero, M. T. DENINA, C. Bibliopea o sia I'arte di compor libri. Svo. Torino, 1776. 1500S DENIS, A. Notice sur les communautes laiques de la ville de Vitry-le-Francois suivie d'un court apercu sur I'introduction et I'exercice de I'imprimerie dans la meme ville. Svo. Vitry-le- Francois, 1S74. 12634 DENIS, A. Recherches bibliographiques et historiques sur les almanachs de la Champagne et de la Brie, pr^cedees d'un essai sur I'histoire de I'almanach en general. Svo. Chalons-sur-Marne, 1880. 1 1 151 DENIS, F. Histoire de I'ornementation des manuscrits. Svo. Paris, iSSo. 20779 DENIS, F., PINCON, P. and MARTONNE, ( ) de. Nouveau manuel de bibliographic universelle. 3 torn. i2mo. Paris, 1S57, 20684 DENIS, J. N. C. M. Einleitung in die Bucherkunde. 2 vols. 4to. Wien, 1777-S. 21662 DENIS, J. N. C. M. Wiens Buchdruckergeschichte bis 1560. 4to. Wien, 1782. ii593 DENIS, J. N. C. M. Suffragium pro Johanne de Spira primo Venetiarum typographo. S\-o. Viennae, 1794. 21360 243 DENIS, J. N. C. M. Bibliog-rafia. Traduzione con aggiunte dair abate A. Roncetti. 8vo. Milano, 1846. ^33^7 DENISON, A. See Berners, Dame J. DENISON, E. B. Lectures on church building. 2nd edition. Svo. London, 1856. 9242 DENISON, H. A treatise on photogravure in intaglio by the Talbot-Klic process. 8vo. London [c. 1895]. 751 DENISON, H. Some thoughts and suggestions on photo- gravure. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 2, 1896, pp. 142-145.) PP DENNE, S. Observations on paper-marks. 4to. [London, I795-] 17195 DENNIS, ( ). Remarks upon Cato, a tragedy. 4to. London, 1713- 5774(3) DENNIS, E. T. W. Specimens of printing. Vols. 1-2. 4to. Scarborough, 1889-91. 3^07 ^ 447 DENT, A. E. &: CO. Souvenir from an up-to-date engraving house. i2mo. London [c. 1904]. 47-^ DENT, A. E. & CO. Specimens of process work. 4to. London [1904]. 47^2 DENT, R. K. The Baskerville Press. {In his The Making of Birmingham, /)p. 101-105.) 11320 DENT, R. K. John Baskerville and his work, {In Library Association Record, Vol. 5, 1903, pp. 109-118.) PP DENT, R. K. See Straus, R. and Dent, R. K. DENTON, W. See ElHs, J. B. and Denton, W. DENTU, E. See Audouard, O. ; Debans, C. ; Marchangy, ( ). DENYALDUS, R. Rothomagensis Cathedra. 4to. Parisiis, 1633. 10872 DENYS, H. Le Juge ou son propre avocat par Henri Denys, jurisconsulte et imprimeur a Menin. i2mo. Menin, 1893. 1754° DEPOSITIO cornuti typographici. Von J. Rist. {In Redinger, J. : Neu-auffgesetztes Format-Biichlein, 1679.) 20952 DEPOSITIO cornuti typographici. Von D. M. Schmatz. {In Schmatz, D. M. : Neu-vorgestelltes Format-Buch, 1684.) 20097 DEPOSITIO cornuti typographici. Von J. Rist. 8vo. Lubeck, 1 7 14. 20974 DEPOSITIO cornuti typographici. Von J. Rist. {In Ernesti, J. H. G. : Die wol-eingerichtete Buchdruckerey, 1721.) 2325 DEPOSITIO cornuti typographici. Von J. Rist. {In Ernesti, J. H. G. : Die wol-eingerichtete Buchdruckerey, 1733.) 21044 DEPOSITIO cornuti typographici. {In Gessner, C. F. : Der in der Buchdruckerei, etc., 1743.) 20088 244 DEPOSITIO cornuti typographici. Verfasset durch P. de Vise. [Reprinted from the unique copy dated 162 1 in the Royal Library, Berlin, and edited by W. Blades.] 4to. London, 1885. 23192 DEPOSITIO cornuti typogfraphici. [MS. copy of the German edition by J. Rist, Franckfort, iG'^y.] 4to. -2857 DEPOSITIO cornuti typographici. [MS. translations.] Fol. 21674 DEPOSITIO cornuti typographici. [Depositio cornuti to the praise and honor of the art of book printing. Made in rhymes by P. de Vyse. MS. translation.] Fol. 20553 DEPPING, ( ). Les bibliophiles et les bibliomanes en Angle- terre. (In Revue Francaise, Vol. 3, 1837, pp. 310-323.) 9408 DEPPING, G. Les foires de Leipzig et le commerce de la librairie en AUemagne. {hi Revue Germanique, 1858, pp. 89-101.) 9443 DEPTFORD : Public Libraries. Catalogue of the books in the lending department of the New Cross library. 8vo. Deptford, 1911. 18125 DE QUINCEY, T. See Axon, W. E. A. DERBY : Free Public Library. Catalogue of the Devonshire Library of local books, pamphlets, etc. Part i^Printed books. 8vo. Derby, 1892. 3271 DERBY : Free Library and Museum. Twenty-seventh annual report of the committee, 1898, etc. 8vo. Derby, 1898, etc. 8967 DERE, P. Professions et metiers. IV — Le typographe. 8vo. Lille [1907]. 9223 DE RICCI, S. A census of Caxtons. [Bibliographical Society : Illustrated Monographs, No. 15.) 4to. Oxford, 1909. 11 117 DE RICCI, S. See Amherst, Lord. DERING, Sir E. A collection of speeches. 4to. London, 1642. 4656 DEROME, L. Le luxe des livres. 8vo. Paris, 1879. 20086 DEROME, L. La reliure de luxe : le livre et I'amateur. 4to. Paris, 1888. 161 DERRICK, P. E. The advertising agent as a factor in modern business. {In The Magazine of Commerce, Vol. 10, 1907, pp. 200-202.) 9153 DERRIEY, C. Specimen-album. Fol. Paris, 1862. 22058 20174 DERRIEY, J. International Printing Trades Exhibition. Catalogue of stereotyping and printing machinery. 4to. London, 1910. 13605 DERVIEUX, E. See Asti : Biblioteca del Seminario. 245 DESAIXT, C. M. C. See Lenoir, J. C. P. DESBARREAUX-BERNARD, T. Quelques recherches sur les debuts de rimprimerie a Toulouse. {In Memoires de rAcad^mie des Sciences de Toulouse, 1848.) 12661 DESBARREAUX-BERXARU, T. Ouclcjues recherches sur les debuts de Timprimerie a Toulouse. 8vo. Toulouse [c. i860]. 12607 (4) DESBARREAUX-BERXARD, T. Xotice sur un livre Roman imprime a Toulouse au milieu du i6e. si^cle. 8vo. Toulouse [c. i860]. 12607 (5) DESBARREAUX-BERXARD, T. La premiere edition du Vita Christi, al lengfuatge de Tholosa. 8vo. [Toulouse, 1863.] 12658 DESBARREAUX-BERXARD, T. L'imprimerie a Toulouse aux 156., i6e. et 176. si^cles. 8vo. Toulouse, 1865. .12660 DESBARREAUX-BERNARD, T. Les peregrinations de Jean de Guerlins, imprimeur a Toulouse au commencement du i6e. siecle. 8vo. Montauban, 1866. 373 1 DESBARREAUX-BERXARD, T. Notice biographique et bib- liographique sur Jacques Ferrand. 8vo. Toulouse, 1869. 12657 DESBARREAUX-BERNARD, T. Memoire sur les causes de la rarete des livres, par M. de Saint Laurens, Conseiller au Parle- ment de Toulouse. {In Memoires de 1' Academic des Sciences de Toulouse, 1871, pp. 281-293.) 9404 DESBARREAUX-BERNARD, T. Etude bibliographique sur I'edition du Speculum quadruplex de Vincent de Beauvais attri- buee a Jean Mentel, ou Mentelin, de Strasbourg. 8vo. Paris, 1872. 10035 DESBARREAUX-BERNARD, T. Barthelemy Buyer, mar- chand libraire et stationnaire a Toulouse (1481-90). {In Memoires de I'Academie des Sciences de Toulouse, 1873, pp. 230-238.) 9410 DESBARREAUX-BERNARD, T. L'inquisition des livres k Toulouse au 176. siecle. {In Memoires de I'Academie des Sciences de Toulouse, 1874.) 9529 DESBARREAUX-BERNARD, T. Le Missel d'Uzes imprime a Lyon, en I'annee 1495, par Jean Numeister, de Mayence. 8vo. [Toulouse, 1874.] 12625 DESBARREAUX-BERNARD, T. Un livre perdu et un mot retrouve. 8vo. Toulouse, 1874. 22769 DESBARREAUX-BERNARD, T. Etabhssement de l'impri- merie dans la province de Languedoc. 8vo. Toulouse, 1875. 12197 DESBARREAUX-BERNARD, T. Etude bibliographique sur une edition tr^s-rare des Epistolae Magni Thurci de Laudivio. 8vo. Toulouse, 1878. 12659 DESBARREAUX-BERNARD, T. See Toulouse : Biblioth^que. 246 [DESCHAIMPS, P.] Dictionnaire de geographie ancienne et moderne a Tusage du libraire et de I'amateur de livres. Par un Bibliophile. 8vo. Paris, 1870. 6204 DESCHAMPS, P. See Bergmans, P. DESCLOSIERES, G. Biographic des grands inventeurs dans les arts et I'industrie. 6e. edition. [Imprimerie : Lithographie : Heliographie.] 8vo. Paris [c. 1885]. ^4572 DESCRIPTION des precedes de stercotypage. {In Annales de I'industrie Nationale et Etrangere, Tom. 12, 1823, pp. 5-25.) 9430 DESCRIPTION d'une nouvelle presse d 'imprimerie. {In Annales des Arts. An. XII [1804]. 94^3 DESCRYPCYON of Englande. Fol. [London, 15 15.] 5558 DESFONTAINES, ( ) Abbe. The history of the revolutions of Poland. 8vo. London, 1736. 10691 DESFOSSE &: KARTH. Manufacture de papiers peints de MM. D. et K. {hi Grandes Usines, Liv. 63 [c. 1870].) 22915 DESIGNING of a font of type. Cheltenham Old Style. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 35, 1905, pp. 412-413.) PP DESJARDINS type-justifying machine. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 17, 1896, pp. 653-654.) PP DESMARAIS, P. Preface du catalogue de la Bibliotheque Mazarine redigee en 1751. Publiee, traduite et annotee par A. Franklin. 8vo. Paris, 1867. 10501 DESMAZIERES, E. Bibliographic Tournaisienne. Rechcrches sur la vie et les travaux des imprimeurs et des libraires de Tournai. 8vo. Tournai, 1880. 20047 DESMICHELS, Comte. La liberte de la presse et des journaux, sans restriction. 8vo. Paris, 1817. 23389 DESORMES, E. Notions de typographic a I'usage des ecoles professionals. 8vo. Paris, 1888. 21930 DESORMES, E. Casting from melted wood. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 12, 1893-4, p. 118.) PP DESORMES, E. and BASILE, A. Polylexiquc methodique. Dictionnaire des arts graphiques. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris [c. 1898]. 1568 DESORMES, E. and MULLER, A. Dictionnaire de I'impri- merie et des arts graphiques en general. i2mo. Paris, 1912. 16044 DESPAUTERE, J. Ars epistolica. 8vo. Paris, 1518. 22459 DESPORTES, J. Manuel pratique du lithographe. 8vo. Paris, 1834. 12258 DESPORTES, J. Manuel pratique du lithographe. 2e. Edition. 8vo. Paris, 1840. 10798 247 DESPORTES, J. ed. See Bregeaut, L. R. DESROCHES, J. Nouvelles recherches sur I'originc de I'im- primerie, dans lesquelles on fait voir que la premiere idee en est due aux Brabanfons. {In Mcimoires de rAcademie de Bruxelles, Vol. I, 177;, pp. 513-539.) 22802 DESSAUER, P. Entstehung- und Entwickelung- der Bunt- papier-Industric. 8vo. [Dresden, 1881.] 911 DESSEIN dans tous les genres. Fol. Paris, 1780. 23205 DESSI, G. Campionario-g;uida per use esclusivo degli operai dello stabilimento. 4to, Sassari, 1893. 3892 DETHLEFFS, M. See Muller, J. and Dethleffs, M. DETROIT : Public Library. 36th annual report, 1900, etc. 8vo. Detroit, 1900, etc. 9014 DEUTSCH-OESTERREICHER BUCHDRUCKER-VEREIN. Statuten. 8vo. Wien, 1872. 3442 DEUTSCHE BUCHDRUCKER-KALENDER. Jahr. 1904. 8vo. Leipzig, 1904. PP DEUTSCHE BUCHHANDELSBLATTER. Jahr. i. 1900— Jahr. 6. 1906. 4to. Naumburg a. S., 1900-6. PP DEUTSCHE BUCHHANDLER-AKADEMIE. 8vo. Weimar, 1884-5. PP DEUTSCHE KUNST UND DEKORATION. Jahr. 4. Heft. 2, Nov., 1900. 4to. Darmstadt, 1900. PP DEUTSCHE Renaissance alphabete. Obi. 8vo. Frankfurt [c. 1890]. 327 DEUTSCHER Buchdrucker-Tarif. Gultig vom I Juli, 1896. 8vo. [Berlin, 1896.] 141 DEUTSCHER BUCHDRUCKER-VEREIN. Mittheilungen. Nos. 1-61. 8vo. Leipzig, 1876-86. 3328 DEUTSCHER BUCHDRUCKER-VEREIN. Internationaler graphischer Muster-Austausch (afterwards Muster-Austausch des Deutscher Buchgewerbe-Vereins). 4to. Leipzig, 1889, etc. 268 DEUTSCHER BUCHDRUCKER-VEREIN. Deutscher Buch- druck-Preistarif, nebst einer Zusammenstellung der Geschafts- gebrauche des Buchdruckgewerbes. Unter Mitvvirkung der Tarif- organe festgestellt. Fol. Leipzig, 1907. 9381 DEUTSCHER BUCHGEWERBEVEREIN. Das Deutsche Buchgewerbahaus und der Deutsche Buchgevverbeverein. Fol. [Leipzig, 1899.] 1820 DEUTSCHER BUCHGEWERBEVEREIN. Die Maschinen- Ausstellung im Deutsche Buchgewerbehause zu Leipzig als Deutscher Maschinenmarkt. 4to. Leipzig, 1899. 6873 248 DEUTSCHER BUCHGEWERBEVEREIN. Fiihrer durch das Deutsche Buchgevverbehaus zu Leipzig". 8vo. Leipzig [c. 1900]. 7600 1 1834 6868 DEUTSCHER BUCHGEWERBEVEREIN. Der Deutsche Buchgewerbeverein und sein Heim. i2mo. Leipzig, 1900. 6864 1915 DEUTSCHER BUCHGEWERBEVEREIN. AussteUung von Neuerwerbungen der Jahre 1899- 1902 zugleich eine Einfiihrung in die Benutzung der Sammlungen des Deutschen Buch- g"ewerbevereins. i2mo. [Leipzig, 1902.] 6865 DEUTSCHER BUCHGEWERBEVEREIN. Satzungen. 8vo. Leipzig, 1902. 7892 DEUTSCHER BUCHGEWERBEVEREIN. Jahresbericht 1906, etc. 8vo. Leipzig, 1906, etc. 8597 DEUTSCHER BUCHGEWERBEVEREIN. See Deutscher Buchdrucker-Verein ; Paris: Exhibition, 1900; St. Louis: Ex- hibition, 1904; \^olkinann, L. DEUTSCHER BUCH- UND STEINDRUCKER. Vol. 6, 1899, etc. 8vo. Berhn, 1899, etc. PP DEUTSCHER BUCH- UND STEINDRUCKER. Funfzig- neue Illustrations- und Buntdruckblatter. 4to. Berlin [c. 1900]. 8610 DEUTSCHER BUCH- UND STEINDRUCKER. Satz- und Druckmuster aus der Deutscher Buch- und Steindrucker. Heft. 1-6. 4to. Berlin, 1900-4. 8608 DEUTSCHER BUCH- UND STEINDRUCKER. Graphische Musterblatter aus der Deutscher Buch- und Steindrucker. Bd. A-C. 4to. Berlin, 1902-4. 8609 DEUTSCHER KAMERA ALMANACH. 1906. Sm. 4to. Berlin [1905]. PP DEUTSCHES STEINDRUCKGEW^ERBE. Vol. i, 1908, etc. 4to. Leipzig, 1908, etc. PP DEVILLE, E. See Revue des Bibliothfeques. DEVILLERS, L. Nouveau Supplement a la bibliographic Montoise. 8vo. Mons, 1873. 17661 DE VILLIER.S, P. The sig-nature of Gutenberg. 8vo. London, 1878. 22'j'j(i DEVINCENZI, J. Electrographie ou nouvel art de graver en relief sur metal. 4to. Paris, 1856. 8826 (2) DE VINNE, T. L. The profits of book composition. 8vo. New York, 1864. 22774 DE VINNE, T. L. The printers' price list. A manual for the use of clerks and book-keepers in job printing" offices. 8vo. New York, 1871. 20435 249 DE VINNE, T. L. The state of the trade. Observations on eight hours and higher prices, suggested by recent conferences between the New York Typographical Union and the employing book and job printers of that city. 8vo. New York, 1872. 22555 DE VINNE, T. L. The invention of printing. A collection of facts and opinions. 8vo. New York, 1876. 20437 DE VINNE, T. L. The invention of printing. A collection of facts and opinions. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1877. ii945 DE VINNE, T. L. The invention of printing. A collection of facts and opinions. [New edition, printed as a type specimen book by George Bruce's Son & Co., Typefounders, New York.] 4to. New York, 1878. 20304 (2) DE VINNE, T. L. The growth of wood-cut printing. (In Scribner's Magazine, Vol. 19, 1880, pp. 860-874; Vol. 20, 1880, PP- 34-45-) 22774 [DE VINNE, T. L.] The first editor. [Aldus Pius Manutius. ] (In Scribner's Magazine, Vol. 22, 1881, pp. 889-898.) 22808 DE VINNE, T. L. Historic printing types. A lecture before the Grolier Club, Jan. 25, 1885. 4to. New York, 1886. 21645 DE VINNE, T. L. Historic printing types. A lecture before the Grolier Club, Jan. 25, 1885. [Grolier Club edition.] 4to, New York, 1886. 5091 DE VINNE, T. L. A printing oflfice manual. [In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 18, 1887, pp. 229—326.) PP DE VINNE, T. L. A printer's paradise. The Plantin-Moretus Museum at Antwerp. [In The Century, Vol. 36, 1888, pp. 225-245.) 22858 DE VINNE, T. L. Christopher Plantin and the Plantin- Moretus museum at Antwerp. [Grolier Club edition.] 8vo. New York, 1888. 21989 DE VINNE, T. L. Do machines hurt a trade? [With reference to the introduction of type-composing machines.] 8vo. London [c. 1889]. 393^ DE VINNE, T. L. The printing of The Century. (In The Century, Vol. 4, 1890, pp. 87-99.) 39^7 DE VINNE, T. L. A specimen book which will prevent the repeated composition of lines of type, some of which have to be rejected as too long or too short for the measure. [In United Typothetae of America : 4th Convention, 1890.) 3373 DE VINNE, T. L. New fixtures for the composing room. (In United Typothetae of America : 4th convention, 1890.) 3373 DE VINNE, T. L. Concerning estimates. (In United Typo- thetae of America: 5th Convention, 1891.) 3373 DE VINNE, T. L. Masculine printing. (In United Typothetae of America : 6th Convention, 1892, pp. 163-173.) 3373 250 DE VINNE, T. L. The cost of improvements. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 38, Oct. 15, 1896, p. 238.) PP DE VINNE, T. L. The cost of improvements. (In United Typothetae of America : loth Convention, 1896, pp. 79-84.) 3373 DE VINNE, T. L. The adaptabihty of paper. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 23, 1899, pp. 51-53.) PP DE VINNE, T. L. The practice of typography. A treatise on the processes of type-making, the point system, the names, sizes, styles and prices of plain printing" types. 12 mo. New York, 1900. 17493 DE VINNE, T. L. Color-printing- in 1866. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 26, 1900-1, p. /19.) PP DE VINNE, T. L. Fads in typog-raphy. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 26, 1 900- 1, pp. 601-604.) PP DE VINNE, T. L. Some history of taste in typog-raphy. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 27, 1901, pp. 189-191.) PP DE VINNE, T. L. The practice of typography. Correct composition : a treatise on spelling abbreviations, the compounding and division of words, the proper use of figures and numerals, italic and capital letters, notes, etc. With observations on punctu- ation and proof reading. i2mo. New York, 1901. 2469 DE VINNE, T. L. The practice of typography. A treatise on title pages, with numerous illustrations in facsimile and some observations on the early and recent printing of books. i2mo. New York, 1902. 2846 DE VINNE, T. L. About pages and margins. {In The Printing Art, Vol. i, 1903, pp. 27, 59.) PP DE VINNE, T. L. About sizes of books. {In The Printing Art, Vol 4, 1904, pp. 13, 73.) PP DE VINNE, T. L. Head-bands and tail-pieces. {In The Printing Art, Vol. 3, 1904, p. 149.) PP DE VINNE, T. L. The practice of typography. Modern methods of book composition : a treatise on type-setting by hand and by machine and on the proper arrangement and imposition of pages. i2mo. New York, 1904. 4673 DE VINNE, T. L. Notable printers of Italy during the 15th century. 4to. New York, 1910. 12365 DE VINNE, T. L. See Hitchcock, F. H. ; Moxon, J. ; New York Society of Employing Printers. DE VINNE, T. L. & CO. Specimens of new and quaint types. 8vo. New York [1883]. 166 DE VINNE, T. L. & CO. Specimens of writing types of the style of the Louis Quatorze period. 8vo. New York [c. 1890]. 2476 251 DE MNNE, T. L. c\; CO. The roman and italic types in the printing- house. 8vo. New York, i8gi. 6011 DE \'INNE PRESS. Styles of types for books and advertise- ments now in service. 8vo. New York, 1905. 16393 DE VINNE PRESS. Types of the De Vinnc Press. Specimens for the use of compositors, proofreaders and publishers. 8vo. New York, 1907. 9924 DEVON AND EXETER DAILY GAZETTE. The anniversary of the Devon and Exeter Daily Gazette, March 5, 1910, being- the completion of the 138th year of the uninterrupted existence of the paper and the 25th year of its present ownership. 8vo. Exeter, 1910. 1 1992 DEVONPORT : Public Library. 25th, etc., annual report, 1906-7, etc. 8vo. Devonport, 1907, etc. 10084 DEW, D. Harold ; or, the English king. [The author was a printer at 43, Chamber Street, Goodman's Fields.] 8vo. London, 1820. 22556 DEWEY, M. Decimal classification and relative index for libraries, etc. 5th edition. 8vo. Boston, 1894. 6675 DEWEY, M. Printed catalogue cards from a central bureau. (In The Library [N.S.], FoZ. 2, 1901, pp. 130-134.) PP DEW^EY, M. The faculty library. (In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 2, 1901, pp. 238-241.) PP DEWEY, M. See Hoyle, W. E. ; Joachim, J. DE WILDE, W. S. Tri-chromatic and multi-colour printing. 24mo. Sydney, 1903. 3553 DEWRANCE & CO. Water gauges, test cocks, lubricators. [A catalogue with coloured illustrations.] 8vo. London, 1906. 7996 DEXTER, W. The story of printing. With illustrations from old prints. {In The Captain, Oct., tqoo.) 8682 DEXTER FOLDER CO. The Dexter new intermediate news- paper folder. Obi. i6mo. Pearl River, 1901. 4622 DEXTER FOLDER CO. Dexter folding and feeding machinery. Catalogue C. Obi. 8vo. Pearl River, 1901. 4621 DEXTER FOLDER CO. The Dexter drop-roll jobbing book and pamphlet folder. Obi. i2mo. Pearl River [c. 1901]. 4723 DEXTER FOLDER CO. Partial list of establishments where Dexter feeders are in operation. Description of 1904 machine. 8vo. Pearl River, 1904. 4623 DEY, A. Le libraire Fantet et le Parlement de Besan^on. (In Memoires de la Soc. d 'Emulation du Doubs., Serie 5, Vol. 10, 1885, pp. 73-I09-) 9527 252 DIADEM. The Diadem : a selection of poetry, chiefly modern. 8th edition. [Coloured frontispiece.] i2mo. London [c. 1841]. 15760 DIALOGUE. A dialog"ue between a country farmer and a juryman, on the subject of libels. Svo. London, 1770. 18808 DIALOGUS creaturarum moralisatus. 4to. Anvers, 1491. 21375 DIBBLEE, G. B. The newspaper. Svo. London, 1912. 16735 DIBDIN, T. F. An introduction to the knowledge of rare and valuable editions of the Greek and Roman classics. Svo. Glocester, 1802. 5275 DIBDIN, T. F. An introduction to the knowledge of rare and valuable editions of the Greek and Latin classics, etc. 3rd edition. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1S08. 5223 DIBDIN, T. F. The bibliomania : or book madness. [Inter- leaved, with many additions.] Svo. London, 1S09. 21687 DIBDIN, T. F. The bibliographical Decameron. 3 vols. Svo. London, 1817. 21414 DIBDIN, T. F. Voyage pittoresque en France et en Allemagne relatif a la bibliographic et aux antiquites. Lettre trentieme con- cernant I'imprimerie et la librairie de Paris, traduite par G. A. Crapelet. Svo. Paris, 1821. 12582 DIBDIN, T. F. Notice sur les Heures de Charlemagne, MSS. de Pan 7S1 de la biblioth^que particuli^re du roi, au Louvre, tiree de la 296. lettre du Voyage bibliographique, archeologique et pittoresque de M. T. F. Dibdin, en France et en Allemagne : precedee d'un jugement, sur I'ouvrage Anglais, et d'un apercu de cette Bibliotheque, formee en 1814 par M. Barbi^r. Svo. Paris, 1S23. 23229 DIBDIN, T. F. The library companion. Svo. London, 1824. 5260 DIBDIN, T. F. Voyage bibliographique, archeologique et pittoresque en France. Traduit par T. Licquet (et G. A. Crapelet). 2 vols. Svo. Paris, 1825. 16758 DIBDIN, T. F. An account of some early printed English books in the library of the Earl Spencer. [Pp. 173-434 of a volume of the Bibliotheca Spenceriana with specially printed title-page and contents. Interleaved.] Svo. London, 1S25. 21391 DIBDIN, T. F. An introduction to the knowledge of rare and valuable editions of the Greek and Latin classics, etc. 4th edition. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1S27. 5084 DIBDIN, T. F. A bibliographical antiquarian and picturesque tour in France and Germany. 2nd edition. 3 vols. i2mo. London, 1829. 8798 DIBDIN, T. F. Reminiscences of a literary life. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1S36. 20734 253 DIBDIN, T. V. Bibliomania: or, book madness. New edition. Svo. London, 1S4:;. 21413 DIBDIN, T. F. Bibliomania : or, book madness. New edition. 4to. London, 1876. 5^49 DIBDIN, T. F. See Ames, J. ; Axon, W. E. A. ; Caxton', W. ; Mercurius Rusticus. DICK, S. Arts and crafts of old Japan. Svo. Edinburgh, 1904. 17096 DICKENS, C. See Lehmann, R. C. DICKINSON, C. E. G. Chained books. [In The Sunday Mag-azine, Vol. 23, Aug., 1894, pp. 528-530.) 6797 DICKINSON, J. & CO., Ltd. Wholesale price list of envelopes, cards, cardboards, etc. Obi. Svo. London, 18S0. 2963 DICKINSON, J. &: CO., Ltd. The firm of John Dickinson and Co., Ltd. With an appendix on ancient paper making-. [By Lewis Evans.] 4to. London, 1896. 3977 DICKINSON, J. & CO., Ltd. The Dickinson centenary. Fol. Hemel Hemptead, 1904. 4093 DICKINSON, J. &• CO., Ltd. Antique laid and wove book papers. Svo. London [1904]. 47^4 DICKINSON, J. & CO., Ltd. Papers for printing purposes. Obi. Svo. London [1904]. 474i DICKINSON, J. & CO., Ltd. Coated art paper. Svo. London [1904]. 4737 DICKINSON, J. & CO., Ltd. A contrast in paper making: [specimens of hand-made papers]. Svo. London [c. 1910]. 14941 DICKINSON, J. & CO., Ltd. Cordelia cover. Flaxen finish. [Specimens.] 4to. London [1913]. 18257 DICKINSON, J. & CO., Ltd. Cordelia. The paper with a charm. 4to. London [1914]. 1S76S DICKINSON, BOSTON, CENTRAL, & OTHER FOUN- DRIE.S. Point specimen book. Specimens of printing types, rules, etc. 4to. [c. 1895.] 45i DICKSON, D. A short explanation of the Epistle of Paul to the Hebrewes. i2mo. Aberdene, 1635. 7599 DICKSON, J. J. Manchester Typographical Society and Branch of T.A. Centenary, 1797-1S97. Svo. Manchester, 1897. 10x9 [DICKSON, R.] On some examples of typographical and literary rarities of the 15th, i6th, 17th, and iSth centuries. From a selection lent by Mr. G. B. Simpson to the Free Library Museum, Dundee. i2mo. [Dundee], 1879. 23014 DICKSON, R. Who was Scotland's first printer? Ane tractate in commendation of Androw Myllar. 8vo. London, iSSi. 23408 254 DICKSON, R. [Facsimiles of illustrations found in earliest Scottish printed books. Photolithographs. A collection mounted in an album.] 4to. [1882.] 2107 I DICKSON, R. Introduction of the art of printing into Scotland. 8vo. Aberdeen, 1885. 20036 DICKSON, R. and EDMOND, J. P. Annals of Scottish printing- from 1507 to the beginning of the 17th century. 4to. Cambridge, i8go. 22040 DICKSON, W. K. The printed catalogues of the Advocates' Library. (In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Publications, Vol. g, 1906-12.) 17569 DICKSON, ^\■. K. See Edinburgh : Faculty of Advocates. DICKSON, W. P. The Glasgow University Library : Notes on its history, arrangements, and aims. Notice of the Euing collection of Bibles by J. Lymburn. 8vo. Glasgow, 1888. 22464 DICTIONARIUS pauperum. 8vo. Paris, 1498. 3886 (i) DICTIONNAIRE typo-Uthographique. (In La Typologie Tucker, 1884-95.) 692 DICTYS CRETENSIS. De bello Troiano, et Dares Phrygius, De excidio Troiae. i6mo. Amsterodami, 1630. . 21868 DIDEROT, D. La propriete litteraire au i8e. sifecle. Lettre sur le commerce de la librairie. 8vo. Paris, 1861. 10652 DIDOT. The Didot family. (In The Printing Times and Lithographer, 1876.) 22969 DIDOT. See Piton, E. DIDOT, A. F. Note sur la propriete litteraire et sur la repres- sion des contrefacons, faites a I'etranger, particulierement en Belgique. 8vo. [Paris, c. 1836.] 13630 DIDOT, A. F. Essai sur la typographic. 8vo. Paris, 1851. 20738 DIDOT, A. F. Essai sur la typographic. 8vo. Paris, 1855. 5754 DIDOT, A. F. Gutenberg (Jean ou Hans Gensfleisch). Ex- trait de la Nouvelle Biographic Generale. 8vo. [Paris, c. i860.] 22442 DIDOT, A. F. Les Estienne. Extrait de la Nouvelle Bio- graphic Generale. 8vo. [Paris, c. i860.] 22308 DIDOT, A. F. Observations presentees a la Commission de la propriete litteraire et artistique. 8vo. Paris, 1862. 12645 DIDOT, A. F. Essai typographique et bibliographique sur I'histoire de la gravure sur bois, 8vo. Paris, 1863. 20702 DIDOT, A. F. Observations sur I'orthographie ou ortografie fran9aise. 2e. edition. 8vo. Paris, 1868. 21755 255 DIDOT, A. F. Societe des Correcteurs, 19 Avril, 1868. Dis- cours. 8vo. Paris, 1868. 9855 DIDOT, A. F. Jerome dc Marnef, imprimeur et libraire-jure (1547-88). 8vo. [Paris, c. 1870.] 7551 DIDOT, A. F. Aide Manuce et Phellenisme k Venise. 8vo. Paris, 1875. 20689 DIDOT, A. F. Catalogue illustre des livres precieux faisant partic de la bibliothfeque de M. A. F.-D. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1878-83. 4148 DIDOT, A. F. Histoire de la typographic. Extrait de I'En- cyclopedie moderne. 8vo. Paris, 1882. 20739 DIDOT, A. F. See Alkan, A. ; Egger, E. ; London : Ex- hibition, 1851 ; Societe des Correcteurs; Queux de St. Hilaire {Marq. de) ; Union Ccntrale des Arts Decoratifs ; Wallon, H. DIDOT, F. Feuille d'epreuve. No. 2. S. sh. fol. Paris, 1817. 20306(2) DIDOT, F. Feuille d'epreuve. No. 5. Armes et fleurons, S. sh. fol. Paris, 181 7. 18079 DIDOT, F. Specimen des caractferes Gothiques. S. sh. fol. Paris, 1821. . 20306(1) DIDOT, F. , Freres. Fonderie de F. Didot, frferes. le. feuille du 3e. cahier. 8vo. Paris [1831J. ^5794 DIDOT, F., Pere et Fils. Feuille d'epreuve. No. i. S. sh. fol. Paris, 1820. 20306 (4) DIDOT, F., Perc ct Fils. Fonderie de Firmin Didot p^re et fils. le. Cahier contenant les caract^res romaines et italiques. 8vo. Paris, 1828. 5988 DIDOT, F. Memoire concernant la propriete litteraire dans les oeuvres collectives contenant [the legal proceedings] sur la Nouvelle Biographic Universelle. 4to. Paris, 1853. 10602 DIDOT, F. See Xivrey, B. dc. DIDOT, F. & CIE. Specimen des caract^res anciens et modernes. (Supplement.) 8vo. Mesnil sur I'Estree, 1893-5. 17135 DIDOT, H. & CIE. Fonderie Polyamatype. [2 type speci- men sheets.] S. sh. fol. Paris [c. 1820]. 6319 DIDOT, H., LEGRAND & CIE. Specimen des caract^res de la Fonderie Polyamatype. 8vo. Paris, 1828. 16583 DIDOT, J., I'aine. Specimen de la nouvelle fonderie de Jules Didot, I'aine. Fol. Paris, 1842. 10976 DIDOT, J. See Alkan, A. DIDOT, P. Epitre sur les progr^s de rimprimerie. 8vo. Paris, 1784. 22429 256 DIDOT, P. Essai de fables nouvelles suivies de podsies diverses et d'une epitre sur la progr^s de rimprimerie. i2mo. Paris, 1786. 5235 DIDOT, P. See Alkan, A. DIDOT, P., I'aine. Specimen des nouveaux caract^res de la fonderie et de I'imprimerie de P. Didot, I'aine. 4to. Paris, 1819. 20233 DIDOT, P., I'ain^, and DIDOT, J., Fxls. Supplement au specimen des nouveaux caract^res de I'imprimerie et de la fonderie de P. Didot, I'aine, et J. Didot, fils, public en 1819. 4to. Paris, 1821. 5715 DIDOT, P. F. Nouveau mode de blanchiment [of paper]. 8vo. Paris, 1855. 10659 DIECK, H. See Halfer, J. DIEDERICHS, E. Deutsches Leben der Vergang-enheit in Bildern. Ein Atlas mit 1760 Nachbildungen alter Kupfer- und Holzschnitte aus dem I5ten.-i8ten. Jahrhundert. (General Re- gister.) 2 vols. Fol. Jena, 1908. 9520 DIEGERICK, A. Essai de bibliographic Yproise. Etude sur les imprimeurs Yprois 1547-1834. 8vo. Ypres, 1873-81. 20747 DIEGERICK, A. Notes sur I'origine de la typographic Court- raisienne. 8vo. Bruges, 1876. 22677 DIELMANN, J. F. Dielmann-Album. Einc Sammlung von 12 Aquarellen in Farbendruck ausgcfiihrt in der Druckerei von Carl Kruthoffcr. Fol. Frankfurt a. M. [c. i860]. 8758 DIEUDONNE, F. Die Kolnische Zeitung und ihre Wand- lungen im Wandel der Zeiten. 8vo. Berlin, 1903. 3539 DIEZ, P. Conciones quadruplices. Tom. 3-4. 4to. Venetiis, 1596- 9660 DIGBY, Sir K. Choice and experimental receipts in physick and chirurgery. i2mo. London, 1668. 21828(1) DIGBY, Sir K. The closet of Sir K. D. opened. i2mo. London, 1669. 21828(2) DILKE, hady E. F. S. French engravers and draughtsmen of the i8th century. 4to. London, 1902. 7895 DILLAYE, F. La photographic des couleurs par les plaqiles autochromes. 8vo. Paris, 1908. 9953 DINARBAS. See [Knight, E. C] DINGELSTEDT, F. Sechs Jahrhundert aus Gutenbergs Leben. Kleine Gabe zum grossen Feste. Fol. Cassel, 1840. 20121 (3) DINGELSTEDT, F. Jean Gutenberg, premier maitre im- primeur. Traduit par G. Revilliod. Fol. Geneve, 1858. 21053 257 17 DINGELSTEDT, F. John Gutenberg, first master printer. From the German bv C[arohne] W[intourj. 4to. London, i860. 20474 DIODATE, J. See Bude, E. de. DION, V. L. The composing- rooms of some first-class printing- offices. [In Inland Printer, Vol. 38, 1906-7, pp. 548-549-) PP DIONNE, N. E. Inventaire chronologique des livres, etc., publics en langue francaise dans la province de Quebec depuis I'etablissement" de Timprimerie au Canada jusqu'i nos jours, 1764-1905. 8vo. Quebec, 1905. 7377 DI FLOCK, A. H. See Kalendar of Shepherds. DIPPY, R. H. Embossing : how it is done. Sq. i6mo. New York, 1908. 11565 DIRCKS, H. Jordantype, otherwise called electrotype: being a vindication of the claims of C. J. Jordan as the inventor of electro-metallurgy. 8vo. London, 1852. 20470 DIRECTORY OF PAPER MAKERS. 1894, etc. 8vo. London, 1894, etc. "^ DIRECTORY OF PAPER MAKERS. Pocket edition, 191 1, etc. i2mo, London, 191 1, etc. PP DIRECTORY. Trade Directory of Lithographers. Names and addresses of all the lithographing establishments in the United States and Canada, together with a selected list from foreign countries. 12 mo. New York, 1908. 11478 DIRKS, J. Deux cents mereaux des corporations de metiers des Pays Bas. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1859. 22534 DISRAELI, I. Curiosities of literature. New edition. [Early printing, pp. 28-29.] 8vo. London, 1867. 16614 DISSERTATIO de stylis veterum, et diversis chartarum generibus. 4to. [c. 1750.] 5949 DISSERTATIONUM ludicrarum et amoenitatum. i6mo. Lugd. Batav. , 1644. 5797 DITTRICH, R. Anleitung zum Satz der Musiknoten-typen. 4to. Leipzig, 1872. 22922 DIVINE consolations. 8vo. Bristol, 1761. 5419 DIVINITY and philosophy dissected and set forth by a mad man. Amsterdam, 1644. [Reprinted.] 4to. 1879. 7484 DIX, E. R. McC. Early printing in Dublin. John Francton, an early Dublin printer and his work. [In The New Ireland Review, March, 1898.) 3344 DIX, E. R. McC. Books printed in Dublin in the 17th century, with introduction and notes by C. W. Dugan. 5 pts. 4to. Dublin, 1898-1912. 2054 258 DIX, E. R. McC. Catalog-ue of early Dublin-printed books belonging- to Mr. Dix. 8vo. Dublin [c. 1900]. 18791 DIX, E. R. McC. Catalogue of early Dublin-printed books belonging to Mr. Dix, 2nd issue. 8vo. Dublin, 1900. 8283 DIX, E. R. McC. The earliest periodical journals published in Dublin. 8vo. Dublin, igoo. 2506 DIX, E. R. McC. The earliest Dublin printing. With list of books, proclamations, etc., printed in Dublin prior to 1601. 8vo. Dublin, 1901. 2503 DIX, E. R. McC. List of books and pamphlets printed at Armagh in the i8th century. Svo. Dublin, igoi. 2505 DIX, E. R. McC. List of books and pamphlets printed in Strabane, Co. Tyrone, in the i8th century. 8vo. Dublin, 1901. 2504 DIX, E. R. McC. Irish provincial printing prior to 1701. [In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 2, 1901, pp. 341-348.) PP DIX, E. R. McC. A list of Irish towns and dates of earliest printing in each. Svo. London, 1903. 4073 DIX, E. R. McC. The earliest Dublin printers and the Company of Stationers of London. (In Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. 7, 1904.) 56 DIX, E. R. McC. The earliest Dublin printers and the Com- pany of Stationers of London. Sq. Svo. London, 1904. 6681 DIX, E. R. McC. List of Irish books, 1 571-1820. {In An Claidheamh Soluis, Jan. -April, 1904.) 6697 DIX, E. R. McC. List of books, etc., printed in Cork in the 17th and iSth centuries. Svo. Cork, 1904. 73-9 DIX, E. R. McC. List of books, pamphlets and newspapers printed in Drogheda, Co. Louth, in the iSth century. [Irish Bibliographical Pamphlets, No. 3.] Svo. Dundalk, 1904. 6517 DIX, E. R. McC. The ornaments used by John Franckton, printer at Dublin. {In Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. 8, 1904-6, pp. 221-228.) 56 DIX, E. R. McC. Irish librarians and Irish bibliography. Svo. [Dublin], 1905. 6693 DIX, E. R. McC. Dublin newspapers before 1701. {In The Irish Independent News, Jan. 18 and 20, 1905.) 6523 DIX, E. R. McC. List of books, pamphlets and newspapers printed in Monaghan in the iSth century. [Irish Bibliographical Pamphlets, No. 4.] Svo. Dundalk, 1906. 9921 (i) DIX, E. R. McC. List of books, pamphlets and newspapers printed in Limerick to iSoo. [Irish Bibliographical Pamphlets, No. 5.] Svo. Limerick, 1907. 9921 (2) 259 DIX, E. R. McC. List of books and pamphlets printed in Strabane in the i8th century. 2nd edition. [Irish BibHographical Pamphlets, No. i.] 8vo. Dundrum, 1908. • 9921 (3) DIX, E. R. McC. and CASAIDE, S. U. List of books, etc.. printed wholly or partly in Irish from the earliest period to 1820. 8vo. Dublin, 1905. ^ 7089 DIX, E. R. McC. A very rare Kilkenny-printed proclamation and William Smith, its printer. [In The Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Vol. 2"/, 1908.) 10026(1) DIX, E. R. McC. Humfrey Powell, the first Dublin printer. {In The Proceeding's of the Royal Irish Academy, Vol. 27, 1908.) 10026 (2) DIX, E. R. McC. A list of Irish towns and the dates of earliest printing in each. 2nd edition. [Irish Bibliographical Pamphlets, VI.] 8vo. Dublin, 1909. 11221 DIX, E. R. McC. An early i8th century broadside on printing. Note upon the leaves of the first book printed in Dublin discovered in the Academy. {In The Proceedings of the Royal Iriteh Academy, Vol. 27, 1909.) 11466 DIX, E. R. McC. The private press at Duncairn, Belfast. (In Irish Book Lover, Vol. i, 1909, pp. 7-8, 25-26,) PP DIX, E. R. McC. Eighteenth century newspapers. {In Irish Book Lover, Vol. i, 1909, pp. 39-41.) PP DIX, E. R.McC. The Roundwood press. {In Irish Book Lover, Vol. i, 1909, p. 61.) PP DIX, E. R. McC. Irish bibliography. Tables relating to some Dublin newspapers of the i8th century, shewing what volumes, etc., of each are extant and where access to them can be had in Dublin. 4to. Dublin, 1910. i549i DIX, E. R. McC. Irish bibliographical pamphlets. No. 2. List of books and pamphlets printed in Armagh in the i8th century. 2nd edition. 8vo. Dundrum, 1910. 15495 DIX, E. R. McC. Early printing in the south-east of Ireland. Reprint of six articles which appeared during 1906-9. [Carlow. Clonmel. Carrick-on-Suir. Cashel. Roscrea. Thurles. Wexford.] 8vo. Waterford, 1910. 15497 DIX, E. R. McC. Earliest printing in Dublin in foreign types. William Kearney, the second earliest known printer in Dublin. {In Ihe Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, July, 1910.) 13166 DIX, E. R. McC. Rare ephemeral magazines of the i8th century. {In Irish Book Lover, Vol. i, 1910, pp. 69-71.) PP DIX, E. R. McC. Printing in Trim. {In Irish Book Lover, Vol. I, 1910, pp. 77-78.) PP DIX, E. R. McC. Printing in the town of Cavan. {In Irish Book Lover, Vol. i, 1910, pp. 83-84.) PP 260 DIX, E. R. McC. The Bonmahon press. (In Irish Book Lover, Vol. i, 1910, pp. 97-100.) PP DIX, E. R. McC. A Cork bibliographical puzzle. (In Irish Book Lover, Vol. i, 1910, pp. 128-129.) PP DIX, E. R. McC. Earliest printing in the town of Sligo. {In Irish Book Lover, Vol. 2, 1910, pp. 21-24.) PP DIX, E. R. McC. Printing in Galway, 1754-1820. (In Irish Book Lover, Vol. 2, 1910, pp. 50-54.) PP DIX, E. R. McC. Irish bibliographical pamphlets. No. 4. List of books, pamphlets, etc., printed in Monaghan in the iSth century. 2nd edition. 8vo. Dundalk, 191 1. ^5494 DIX, E. R. McC. Earliest Loughrea printing. 8vo. [c. 191 1.] 15496 DIX, E. R. McC. The first printing of the New Testament in English at Dublin. 8vo. Dublin, 191 1. I549- DIX, E, R. McC. Irish bibliographical pamphlets. No. 3. List of books, pamphlets and ncv/spapers printed in Drogheda, Co. Louth, to the end of the i8th century. 2nd edition. 8vo. Dundalk, 191 1. 15493 DIX, E. R. McC. Irish bibliographical pamphlets. No. 7. List of books, pamphlets, newspapers, etc., printed in London- derry prior to 1 801. 8vo. Dundalk, 1911. 15518 DIX, E. R. McC. Irish song books in the Royal Irish Academy. {In Irish Book Lover, Vol. 2, 191 1, pp. 81-83.) PP DIX, E. R. McC. Earliest printing in Athlone. {In Irish Book Lover, Vol. 2, 191 1, pp. 84-85.) PP DIX, E. R. McC. Printing in Tuam, 1774-1825. {In Irish Book Lover, Vol. 2, 191 1, pp. 101-102.) PP DIX, E. R. McC. Printing in Mullingar, 1773-1825. {In Irish Book Lover, Vol. 2, 191 1, pp. 120-122.) PP DIX, E. R. McC. Printing in Loughrea, 1 766-1 825. (/n Irish Book Lover, Vol. 2, 191 1, pp. 151-152.) PP DIX, E. R. McC. Printing in Enniskillen, 1798-1825. {In Irish Book Lover, Vol. 2, 191 1, pp. 185-186.) PP DIX, E. R. McC. Initial letters used by J. Francton, printer at Dublin. {In Irish Book Lover, Vol. 3, 191 1, p. 59 — 1912, p. 109.) PP DIX, E. R. McC. Irish bibliography. No. 5. List of books, pamphlets, newspapers, etc., printed in Limerick from the earliest period to 1800. 2nd edition. 8vo. Limerick, 1912. 15667 DIX, E. R. McC. Printing in Birr, or Parsonstown, 1775-1825. (In Irish Book Lover, Vol. 3, 1912, pp. 177-179.) PP DIX, E. R. McC. List of books, etc., printed in Drogheda from 1801 to 1825 inclusive. {In Irish Book Lover, Vol. 4, 1912, pp. 1-3.) PP 261 DIX, E. R. McC. Printing- in Youghal (to 1826). {In Irish Book Lover, Vol. 4, 191 2, pp. 24-25.) PP DIX, E. R. McC. Printing in Clonmel, 1801-25. (In Irish Book Lover, J'ol. 4, 1912, pp. 42-46.) PP DIX, E. R. McC. Printing in Galway, 1801-25. (^'^ Irish Book Lover, Vol. 4, 1912, pp. 59-61.) PP DIX, E. R. McC. Printing in Armagh, 1801-24. {In Irish Book Lover, Vol. 4, 1912, pp. 83-84.) PP DIX, E. R. McC. List of books, newspapers and pamphlets printed in Ennis, Co. Clare, in the i8th century. [Irish Biblio- graphical Pamphlets. No. VIII.] 8vo. Churchtown, 1912. 18540 DIX, E. R. McC. and CASAIDE, S. N. List of books, etc., printed wholly, or partly in Irish, from the earliest period to 1820. New edition. 8vo. Dublin, 1913, etc. 18539 DIX, E. R. McC. Printing in Strabane, 1801-1825. {In Irish Book Lover, Vol. 4, 1913, pp. 114-116, 134-135.) PP DIX, E. R. McC. Printing in Tralee, 1801-30. {In Irish Book Lover, Vol. 4, 191 3, pp. 149-150.) PP DIX, E. R. McC. Printing in Cavan, 1801-27. {^" Irish Book Lover, Vol. 4, 1913, pp. 165-167.) PP DIX, E. R. McC. Printing in Dungannon, 1801-27. {In Irish Book Lover, Vol. 4, 1913, pp. 188-189.) PP DIX, E. R. McC. Printing in Monaghan, 1801-25. U^ Irish Book Lover, Vol. 4, 1913, pp. 200-202; Vol. 5, 1913, pp. 26-27.) PP DIX, E. R. McC. Printing in Dundalk, 1801-25. {In Irish Book Lover, Vol. 5, 1913, pp. 46, 58, 78.) PP DIX, E. R. McC. Printing- in the city of Kilkenny in the 17th century. {In The Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Vol. 32, 1914, pp. 126-137.) 18538 DIX, E. R. McC. Printing in Sligo during- 19th century. {In Irish Book Lover, Vol. 6, 1914, pp. 52-54.) PP DIX, E. R. McC. See Gilbert, Sir J. T. DIXON, H. The bespoken file. {In Library World, Vol. 15, 1912-3, pp. 316-317.) PP DIXON, H. Adventures of books. {In Croydon Guardian, Oct. II, 1913.) 18032 DIXON, H. A select list of early printed books. {In The Library World, Vol. 16, 1914, pp. 209-211.) PP DIXON, H. See Saint Bride Foundation. DIXON, L. S. & CO., Ltd. Cover papers. [Samples and prices.] Nar. 4to. Liverpool [c. 1904]. 6955 DIXON, L. S. & CO., Ltd. Enterprise in paper. Obi. 8vo. Liverpool [c. 1904]. 6947 262 DIXON, L. S. & CO., Ltd. Cover papers. 8vo. Liverpool [c. 1905]. 6955 DIXON, L. S. & CO., Ltd. Enterprise in paper. [Specimens.] 8vo. Liverpool [c. 1908J. 6947 DIXON, L. S. & CO., Ltd. [Samples of paper for technical instruction.] 4to. [Liverpool, c. 1909.] 11086 DOBELL, B. Catalogue of books printed for private circu- lation. 8vo. London, 1906. 8575 DOBELL, P. J. In memoriam. Bertram Dobell, 1842-1914. 8vo. [London, 191 5.] 18778 DOBSON, A. The pupils of Thomas Bewick. (/n The Century Magazine, Vol. 26, 1883, pp. 876-888.) i755o DOBSON, A. Horace Walpole's printing- press. {In The Library, Vol. i, 1889, pp. 313-319.) 11312 DOBSON, A. Thomas Bewick and his pupils. New edition. 8vo. London, 1889. 21567 DOBSON, A. Richardson at home. (In Scribner's Magazine, Vol 14, Sept., 1893, pp. 375-383-) 6789 DOBSON, A. Eighteenth century vignettes. 2nd series. [Richardson at home, p. 50.] 8vo. London, 1894. 2487 DOBSON, A. Samuel Richardson, printer and novelist. (In The Caxton Magazine, Dec, 1901.) 2525 DOBSON, A. On certain quotations in Walton's Angler. (In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 2, 1901, pp. 4-1 1.) PP DOBSON, A. English men of letters : Samuel Richardson. 8vo. London, 1902. 2820 DOBSON, A. Richard Garnett. [Memorial verses.] (In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 7, 1906, p. 295.) PP DOBSON, A. On some books and their associations. (In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 9, 1908, pp. 132-142.) PP DOBSON, A. See Bewick, T. ; Dance of Death; Lang, A.; Murray, F. E. DOBSON, W. T. Literaria. Authors, printing and printers. (In Dublin University Magazine, Aug., 1873.) 22262 DOBSON, W. T. The introduction of printing into Edinburgh. 4to. [Edinburgh, 1886.] 22649 DOBSON, W. T. The introduction of printing into Edinburgh. 2nd edition. 4to. [Edinburgh, 1886.] 20483 DOBSON, W. T. History of the Bassandyne Bible, with notices of the early printers of Scotland. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1887. 5342 DR. WILLIAMS'S LIBRARY. List of books added to the library during the year 1899. 8vo. [London, 1900.] 6574 263 DR. WILLIAMS'S LIBRARY. List of books added to the library during- the year 1900. 8vo. [London, 1901.] 8083 DOCUMKNTOS para a historia da typographia Portugueza nos seculos 16 e 17. 2 pts. 8vo. Lisboa, 188 1-3. 20030 DOCUMENTS relative to the printers of some early Scottish newspapers, etc., 1686-1705. 4to. [Edinburgh, 1840.] 5408 DODD, F. L. Some hints on the hygiene of printing. (In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 41, Oct. 14, 1897, pp. 253-255.) PP DODD, F. L. Some hints on the hygiene of printing. 8vo. London, 1897. io33 DODD, G. Days at the factories. Series I. London. [A day at a printing ofBce. A day at a bookbinders.] 8vo. London, 1843- 635 DODD, G. British manufactures. Series VI. [Paper-making. Engraved wood-blocks and types. Type-founding. Stereotype- founding. Press and machine printing. Bookbinding.] i2mo. London, 1846. 10227 DODD, G. Curiosities of industry. [Paper : its applications and its novelties. Printing : its modern varieties.] 8vo. London, 1858. 168 DODD, W. Specimens of early wood engraving : being im- pressions of wood-cuts in the possession of the publisher. 4to. Newcastle, 1862. 10145 DODGE, O. Experiments in producing printing surfaces. i2mo. New York, 190S. ^5542 DODGSON, C. See British Museum ; Knackfuss, H. DODSLEY, R. The triumph of peace. 8vo. London, 1749. 6160 (10) [DODSLEY, R.] Economia da vida humana composta na lingua Ingleza pelo celebre Conde de Chesterfield [or rather by R. Dodsley]. 8vo. Porto, 1777. 455^ DODSLEY, R. The economy of human life. [With a memoir of the author.] 12 mo. London, 1809. 10694 DODSLEY, R. See Straus, R. DODT VAN FLENSBURG, J. J. Over de Elzevier's, Lode- wijk, den vader, en Lodewijk den zoon, en Joost Elzevier, boek- verkooper, te Utrecht. Omstreeks 1600. 8vo. Utrecht, 1841, 21349 DOEDES, J. I. Lourens Janszoon Coster, Johan Guttenberg en Peter Schoffer. 8vo. [Amsterdam, 1849.] 22523 DOEDES, J. I. Nieuwe bibliographisch-historische ontdek- kingen. Bijdragen tot de kennis van de geschiedenis der eerste uitgaven van het Nieuwe Testament in de Nederlandsche taal, van de eerste lotgevallen des Heidelbergschen Catechismus in het Nederlandsch, en van de oudste drukken van het doopsgezinde martelaarsboek Het offer des Heeren. 8vo. Utrecht, 1876. 22386 264 DOENGES, G. See Frese, J. H. and Doenges, G. DOESBORGH, J. v. See Bergmans, P. ; Proctor, R. G. C. DOGILBERT, F. Suggestion for a new photographic colour screen plate. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. i6, 1910-1, p. 124.) PP DOGILBERT, F. Ichthyol : its uses in photo-mechanical work. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, pp. 165-166.) PP DOLBY, E. Recollections of an old lithographer. [In The Art Journal, 1897, Nov., pp. 346-347.) 1321 DOLBY, I. E. A. Prague [plates in coloured lithography]. Fol. London [1862]. ^7-49 DOLCH, O. Geschichte des Deutschen Studententhums von der Griindung der deutschen Universitaten bis zu den deutschen Freiheitskriegen. 8vo. Leipzig, 1858. 20933 DOLCH, W. Trient-Wien-Schrattenthal. {In Langer, E. : Bibl. der osterr. Drucke, I, 1913.) ^7^77 DOLET, E. Rehabilitation d'Estienne Dolet, celebre imprimeur de Lyon. i2mo. Paris, 1830. 16376 DOLET, E. Le second enfer d'E. Dolet. A Lyon, 1544. 8vo. Paris [c. 1840]. 20072 (4) DOLET, E. L'avant-naissance de Claude Dolet. A Lyon ches E. Dolet. 8vo. Paris [c. 1840J. 20072 (3) DOLET, E. Genethliacum Claudii Doleti. Lugduni Apud Doletum, 1539. 8vo. Paris [c. 1840]. 20072 (2) DOLET, E. La maniere de bien traduire d'une langue en autre. Lyon, E. Dolet, 1540. 8vo. Paris [c. 1840]. 20072 (i) DOLET, E. Cantique sur la desolation et sur la consolation Imprime I'an mdxlvi. 8vo. [Paris, c. 1840.] 20072 (5) DOLET, E. Preserve moi Seigneur des calomnies des hommes. Cantique et epitaphe d'Estienne Dolet. 8vo. [Paris, c. 1840.] 21224 DOLET, E. See Alary, J. ; Asse, E. ; Boulmier, J. ; Bourne- ville ( ); Christie, R. C. ; Duval-Arnould, L. ; Nee de la Rochelle, J. F. ; Taillandier, A. ; Toms, A. S. DOLLARD, Ltd. Annual excursion of the employees. Beau- pare and Slane. i2mo. Dublin, 1904. 11721 DOLLFUS, MIEG & CIE. Alphabet de la brodeuse. [Chromo- lithos. I Obi. 8vo. Mulhouse [c. 1900]. 4690 DOLLFUS, MIEG & CIE. Alphabet de la brodeuse. [Chromo- llthos.] Obi. i2mo. Mulhouse [c. 1900J. 4689 DOLLFUS, MIEG & CIE. Kreuzstich : neue Muster. Sdrie i, [Chromolithos.J Obi. 8vo. Miilhausen [c. 1900]. 4692 DOLLFUS, MIEG & CIE. Motifs pour broderies. Sdrie 1-2. [Tri-colour printing.] Obi. 8vo. Mulhouse [c. 1900]. 4^94 26k DOLLFUS, MIEG & CIE, Point de Croix : nouveaux dessins. Scrie i. [Chroniolithos.] Obi. 8vo. IMulhousc [c. 1900J. 4693 DOLMETSCH, H. Japanische Vorbilder. Ein Sammelwerk zur Veranschaulichung" japanischer Kunstprodukte. Fol. Stutt- g-art [18S6]. 452 DOLMETSCH, H. Der Ornamentenschatz : ein Musterbuch stilvoller Ornamente aus alien Kunstei^ochen. 2te. Auliage. Fol. Stuttg-art, 1889. 169 DOMENECH, E. Le livre des sauvag-es au point de vue de la civilisation fran9aise, avec des planches explicatives tiroes du pretendu manuscrit pictographique amcricain. Traduction de I'allemand. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1861. 23223 DOMESTIC bookbinding. (In Chambers's Journal, Aug-., 1857.) 1326 DOMESTIC literary and villag-e sketches. [With lithographs.] 8vo. London [c. 1826]. 3890 DOMMER, A. V. Die aeltesten Drucke aus Marburg- in Hessen 1527-66. 8vo. Marburg-, 1892. 53i8 DONALD, R. The most famous press in the world. [The Oxford L"'niversity press.] (In The World's Work, June, 1903.) 3518 DONALDSON, A. Alexander Donaldson and John Donaldson, booksellers, Appellants. Thomas Becket [and others] printers and booksellers. Respondents. The appellants' case. Fol. London, 1774. 14115 DONALDSON, A. Alexander Donaldson and John Donaldson, Appellants. Thomas Becket [and others], Respondents. The case of the respondents. Fol. London, 1774. 14233 DONALDSON, J. See Donaldson, A. DONATUS, A. Abbreviatio fabularum Ovidii. 4to. [Roma, c. 1480.] 6252 (2) DONATUS, A. L'Ars Minor. Traduction fran^aise reproduite en fac-simile d'apres I'incunable unique de la Biblioth^que de rUniversite d'Utrecht et publiee par L. Dorez. 4to. Paris, 1890. 18396 DONATUS, A. See Duff, E. G. DONDEY-DUPRE, P. Fils. L'imprimerie, ode fran^aise et latine. 8vo. Paris, 1812. 22614 DONI, A. F. La filosofia morale. i2mo. Trento, 1594. 21251 DONNEGAN, J. A new Greek and English lexicon. 4th edition. 8vo. London, 1842. 3427 DOOSSELAERE, J. S. v. De uitvinding der boekdrukkunst, en deszelfs invoer in Belgie. i2mo. Gent, 1849. 17662 266 DOOSSELAERE, J. S. v. See London : Exhibition, 1851. DORBON, L. Repertoire des livres d'occasion. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris [1911]. 14150 D'ORDEL, P. pseud. See Sykes, M. and Sandars, E. DORE, J. R. Old Bibles : an account of the early versions of the Eng-lish Bible. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1888. 21903 DORENDOFF & CO. Private g-reeting- cards. The Friendship and Britannic Series. Season 1906. Obi. i2mo, London, 1906. 8327 DOREUR. Le doreur, sur metaux, sur euir, sur bois. Fol. Paris, 1780. 23207 DOREY, H. V. Technical classes : their relation to the printing- office. (In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 45, Jan. 12, 1899, pp. 13-15.) PP DOREY, H. V. The management of a printing office, (hi The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 50, Jan. 2, 1902, pp. 14-15.) PP DOREZ, L. Notes sur les libraires, relieurs, enlumineurs, papetiers et parcheminiers jures de I'Universite de Paris extraites des Memoriaux de la Faculte de Decret (1504-24). 8vo. Paris, 1906. 12670 DOREZ, L. See Donatus, A. DORLAN, A. Quelques mots sur I'origine de I'imprimerie ou resume des opinions qui en attribuent I'invention k Jean Mentel. 8vo. Schlestadt, 1840. 17331(3) 20995(11) DORNE, J. See Bradshaw, H. ; Madan, F. DORNEMANN & CO. Clasps and ties for the gold-blocking: press. Obi. 4to. Magdeburg, 1907. 13424 DORNEMANN & CO. Geviert-Einfassungen aus Ferrometall fiir Zeitungs- Plakat- und Diiten-Druckereien, sowie fiir Papier- warenfabriken. 4to. Magdeburg [1909]. 13426 DORNEMANN & CO. Muster moderner Bucheinbande in englischer Art. Nach englischen und eigenen Motiven zusammen- gestellt von Paul Kersten. 4to. Magdeburg [1910]. ^3433 DORNEMANN &: CO. Biedermeier-Garnitur. 4to. Magde- burg [1910]. 13429 DORNEMANN & CO. Empire-Garnitur. 4to. Magdeburg [1910]. 13430 DORNEMANN & CO. Nordische Garnitur fur die Yergolde- presse. 4to. Magdeburg [1910]. 1343^ DORNEMANN & CO. Rules for the blocking press. 4to. Magdeburg [1910]. 13428 DORNEMANN & CO. Ferrotypen mit Hohlfuss, aus einein Stuck fur Zeitungs, Plakat- und Duten-Druckereien, sowie fiir Papierwarenfabriken. 4to. Magdeburg [1910]. 13435 267 DORNEMANN & CO. Schriften fiir die Vergoldepresse. 4to. iMagdeburg- [1910]. 13434 DORNEMANN & CO. Messing-schriften fiir Handvergoldung. 4to. Magdeburg- [1910]. 134^7 DORNHOFFER, F. See Graul, R. and Dornhoffer, F. [DORRINGTON, C] Printing--office characters; or, types of printing-oflice life. 8vo. London [c. 1875]. 377 [DORRINGTON, C] Composing- room lectures: a manual for young- printers. By an old printer. [The cover title is How to rise in life, and is dated 1879.] 8vo. London, 1878. 23406 [DORRINGTON, C] Printing-office characters; or, types of printing--office life. 8vo. London, 1881. 23433 [DORRINGTON, C] Composing- room lectures : a manual for young printers. By an old printer. 3rd edition. 8vo. London, 1881. 23409 DORRINGTON, E. The hermit; or, the unparalleled sufferings of P. Quarll. loth edition. i2mo. London, 1798. 23164 DOTTIN, G. Les livres irlandais imprimes de 1571 a 1820. 8vo. Paris, 1910. 15441 DOUBLEDAY, W. E. The open access question : a reply. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. i, 1900, pp. 187-194.) PP DOUBLEDAY, W. E. The American Library Association Conference. (In The Library [N.S.l, Vol. 4, 1903, pp. 424-431.) PP DOUBLEDAY, W. E. The Library Association Conference at Newcastle-upon-Tyne. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 5, 1904, pp. 404-418.) PP DOUBLEDAY, W. E. The Library Association Conference at Bradford. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 7, 1906, pp. 437-446.) PP DOUBLET, C. Fils. Fonderie typographique de C. D. fils. [Specimen book.] 4to. Paris [c. 1880]. 6449 DOUBLET, C. Derni^res creations. Obi. 8vo. Paris, 1898. 17131 DOUBLETONE inks. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 32, 1903-4, pp. 96-98.) PP DOUCE Collection. See Oxford : Bodleian Library. DOUDNEY, D. A. Letter to the inmates of the Printers' Almshouses, Wood Green. 8vo. Bristol, 1882. 18359 DOUGLAS, C. A treatise on machine ruling. i6mo. Brighton [1903]. 3726 DOUGLAS, J. A dissertation on the antiquity of the earth. 8vo. London, 1785. 11823 DOUMENE, H. L'imprimeur, chef d 'Industrie et commer- ^ant (concours Delmas). 8vo. [Marseille, 1909.] 114^5 268 DOURET, J. B. Bibliographie Bouillonnaise. {In Le Biblio- phile Beige, Ann. 3, 1868, pp. 38, loi, 197.) 21996 DOURET, J. B. Premieres impressions de Luxembourg-. {In Institut Archeologique du Luxembourg : Annales 1902, Ann. 56, Tom. 37, pp. 273-277.) 3754 DOURET, J. B. Introduction de I'imprimerie a St. Hubert, Neufchateau et Muno. {In Institut Archeologique du Luxem- bourg : Annales 1902, Ann. 56, Tom. 37, pp. 278-280.) 3754 DOW, A. The Dow composing machines. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 42, 1898, p. 66.) PP DOWDEN, Bishop. Archbishop Laud's prayer-book, 1637. {In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society: Publications, Vol. i, 1890-5.) 17569 DOWDEN, E. Richard Garnett. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 7, igo6, pp. 242-243.) PP DOWTE, J. A. Story of Zion printing and publishing house. {In Leaves of Healing, Vol. 9, 1901.) 3918 DOWLING, E. and OTHERS. [Letters on the history and development of punctuation.] {In The Monthly Magazine, 1798.) 22458 DOWNAME, J. A briefe concordance, or table to the Bible of the last translation. 8vo. London, 1646. 5955 DOWNAME, J. A brief concordance, or table to the Bible of the last translation. 4to. London, 1652. 21380 DOWNEY, E. Twenty years ago : a book of anecdote illus- trating literary life in London. 8vo. London, 1905. 8622 DOYEN, C. Trattato di litografia. 4to. Torino, 1877. 20765 DOYEN, C. Origini e sviluppo della litografia durante il secolo 19. 8vo. Milano, 1901. 45^4 DOYLE, J. E. A chronicle of England. The designs engraved and printed in colours by E. Evans. 4to. London, 1864. 8250 DOYLE, P. Paper-making in India : being notes of a visit to the Lucknow Paper Mill. 8vo. Lucknow, 1885. 11123 DRAUDIUS, G. Bibliotheca classica sive catalogus officinalis in quo singuli singularum facultatum ac professionum libri, qui in quavis fere lingua extant. 2 vols. 4to. Francofurti, 1625. 14176 DRAUX, G. La photogravure pour tous : manuel pratique. i2mo. Paris, 1904. 493^ DRAWING. The Drawing Room Album. (Letterpress and wood block printing in coloured inks.) [Vol. i.] 4to. London, 1833. 8658 DREDGE, J. I. Devon booksellers and printers in the 17th and i8th centuries. 4 pts. Sm. 4to. Plymouth, 1885-91. 13312 269 DRESDEN : l<'ortbildungs- iind Fachschule dcr Innung Diesdncr Buchdruckereibesilzer. Regulativ fiir die Schule. 8vo. Dresden, 1902. 13502 DRESDEN : Fortbildung-s- und Fachschule der Innung- Dresdner Buchdruckereibesitzer. Schul-Ordnung. 8vo. Dresden, 1907. 13506 DRESDEN : Forlbildungs- und Fachschule der Innung Dresdner Buchdruckereibesitzer. Jahresbericht 1908-9. 8vo. Dresden, 1909. 13507 DRESDEN : Fortbildungs- und Fachschule der Innung Dresdner Buchdruckereibesitzer. Lehrplan. 8vo. Dresden, 1909. 18046 DRESDEN : Fortbildungs- und Fachschule der Innung Dresdner Buchdruckereibesitzer. Geschaftsgang fiir den Unterricht in dcr gewerblichen Buchfiihrung. 8vo. Dresden, 1909- 13505 DRESDEN : Internationale Photographische Ausstellung. Offizieller Katalog. 8vo. Dresden, 1909. 13498 DRESDEN : Internationale Photographische Ausstellung. Osterreichische Sonderaustellung. i2mo. Wien, 1909. ^3497 DRESDEN : Kgl. Kupferstich-Kabinett. Unika und Selten- heiten im Kgl. Kupferstich-Kabinett zu Dresden. Herausgegeben von H. W. Singer. 4to. Leipzig, 191 1. 17810 DRESDNER SCHNELLPRESSEN-FABRIK. Planeta : Buch- druck-Schnellpressen. 4to. Dresden [c. 1909]. 13537 DRESLER, F. & ROST-FINGERLIN. Proben aus der Schriftschneiderei Schrift- und Metall-Buchstaben-Giesserei von F. D. and R. F. 4to. Frankfurt, 1832. 6057 DRESLER, F. & ROST-FINGERLIN. Schrift-Proben. 4to. Frankfurt, 1840. 17167 DREW, B. Pens and types ; or, hints and helps for those who write, print, or read. i2mo. Boston, 1874. -0350 DREW, B. Plints and helps for those who write, print, or read. i2mo. Boston, 1882. 20334 DREW, E. Fleet Street sketches. 8vo. London [1904]. 4468 DRIFFIELD, W. H. Music printing. {In Inland Printer, Vol 22, 1898-9, pp. 43, 179, 291, 429, 552':) PP DRINKWATER, J. William Morris : a critical study. 8vo. London, 1912. 16306 DROZ, M. The art of being happy : chiefly from the French of M. Droz. By the Rev. B. H. Draper. New edition. i2mo. London [c. 1844]. 15758 DRUCKENMULLER, A. Der Buchhandel in Stuttgart seit Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst bis zur Gegenwart. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1908. 10180 270 DRUGULIN, J. B. See Baensch-Drugulin, J. DRUGULIN, W. Proben der Schriftgiesserei. 8vo. Leipzig, 1874. 5712 DRUGULIN, W. Gluck Auf. Kalender fur das Jahr 1886. 8vo. Leipzig [1885]. 11427 DRUGULIN, W. Drugulin-Kalendar, 1910. 8vo. Leipzig, 1909. 11841 DRUJON, F. Essai bibliographique sur la destruction volun- taire des livres, ou bibliolytie. 4to. Paris, 1889. 22955 DRUKKERS. Het Drukkers Jaarboek voor 1906, etc. le. [etc.) Jaargang". 8\'o. Amsterdam, igo6, etc. PP DRUMMOND, C. J. Complimentary dinner to Mr. C. J. Drummond. (In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 43, Oct. 6, 1898, p. 208.) PP DRUMMOND, C. J. [C. J. Drummond, Esq., and others and The Magazine Printing Co., Ltd. Agreement to assign Journal of Institute of Printing. MS.] Fol. [1901.] 14621 DRUMMOND, G. P. Specification. Obtaining printing sur- faces for reading matter. 1877. No. 329. 8vo. London, 1877. 20566 DRUMMOND, W. H. Unitarianism. 8vo. London, 1829. 15712 DRUSIUS, I. Observatlonum, libri 12. 8vo. Antverpiae, 1584- 7485 (i) DRUSIUS, I. Animadversionum libri duo. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1585- 7485(2) DRYANDER, J. De remedlis venerorum. 8vo. Venetiis, 1537- 6039(6) DRYDEN, J. See Wheatley, H. B. DRYDEN & CO. Illustrated catalogue of steam printing machinery. 4to. London [c. 1870]. 3142 DRYSDALE, C. V. Optical considerations in three-colour work. [In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 9, 1903-4, pp. 145-152.) PP DUBARAT, Abhe. L'imprimeur bearnais Louis Rabier (1583- 1606). 8vo. Paris, 1897. 12672 DUBLIN : Archbishop Marsh's Library. A short catalogue of English books in Archbishop Marsh's Library, Dublin, printed before 1641. By N. J. D. White. [Bibliographical Society: Catalogues of English books. No. i.] 4to. Oxford, 1905. 7341 DUBLIN : Exhibition, 1853. The Irish Industrial Exhibition of 1853 : a detailed catalogue of its contents, etc. Edited by J. Sproule. 8vo. Dublin, 1854. 17095 271 DUBLIN : National Library of Ireland. Report of the librarian, 1895. (1896-7.) 3 pts. 8vo. [Dublin, 1896-8.] 8562 DUBLIN : National Library of Ireland. Letters from the librarian to the Council of Trustees on certain needs of the Library. 8vo. Dublin, 1898. 8455 DUBLIN : National Library of Ireland. Subject index of books added 1894- 1903. Fol. Dublin, 191 1. 15502 DUBLIN : Royal Dublin Society. Catalogue of the library. 3 pts. 8vo. Dublin, i860. 6558 DUBLIN TYPOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Compositors' scale of prices. Revised and adopted March, 1870. i2mo. Dublin, 1877, 4168 DU BOIS, H. P. Four private libraries of New York, ist Series. Preface by O. Uzanne. 8vo. New York, 1892. 846 DUBOIS, L. See Prieur, P. and Dubois, L. DUBOR, G. de. The Bibhothfeque Nationale of Paris. {In The Pall Mall Magazine, Jan., 1896.) 1617 DUBOUCHET, H. and G. Precis el6mentaire de g-ravure sur cuivre. 8vo. Paris, 1891. 13622 DUBRUNFAUT, ( ). Des cylindres a papier, avec les per- fectionnemens qu'on y a apportes recemment, suivie d 'observ- ations sur la fabrication du papier. (In LTndustriel, Juillet 1828, pp. 129-139.) 13632 DUCHATEL, E. Traits de lithographie artistique. Preface de L. Benedite. 4to. Paris [1893]. 173 DLTCHESNE, M. Observations sommaires sur le projet de loi, au sujet de la liberte de la presse. 8vo. [Paris, 1814.] 23403 DUCHOCHOIS, P. C. Photographic reproduction processes : a practical treatise of the photo-impressions without silver salts. Edited by E. J. Wall. 8vo. London, 1892. 574 DUCHOCFIOIS, P. C. The lighting in photographic studios. Revised and enlarged by W. E. Henry. 8vo. London, 1895. 576 DUCLOS, ( ). See Cailleau, C. A. and Duclos, ( ). DUCOS DU HAURON, A. La triplice photographique des couleurs et I'imprimerie. 8vo. Paris, 1897. 689 DUCOS DU HAURON, A. What we think of indirect photo- graphy in colours. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 9-16.) PP DUCOS DU HAURON, A. The omnicolor : a new process of photography in colours by the method of D. du H. and de Bercegol. (hi Penrose's Pictorial Ann,ual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, PP- 33-43-) PP DUCOS DU HAURON, A. Photography in colours by the process of Ducos du Hauron. (hi Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, pp. 105-11C.) PP 272 DUCOURTIEUX, P, 1495-1895. Le 46. centenaire du livre a Limoges. L'Exposition du livre limousin. Catalogue. 8vo. Limoges, 1895. i57-9 DUCOURTIEUX, P. Les Barbou : Imprimeurs Lyon-Limoges- Paris (1524-1820). 8vo. Limoges, 1896. 3810 DUCOURTIEUX, P. Les imprimeurs de Brive. Addition. [In Societe Archeologique de la Correze, 1896, pp. 175-176.) 9756 DUCROT, A. Presses modernes typographiques. 4to. Paris, 1904. ' ^ 4072 DUDEN, K. Rechtschreibung der Buchdruckereien deutscher Sprache. i2mo. Leipzig, 1903. 359^ DUDIK, B. Geschichtliche Entwickelung des Buchdrucks in Mahren vom Jahre i486 bis 1621. 8vo. Briinn, 1879. 12 196 DUDIN, ( ). L'art du relieur dorcur de livres. Fol. Paris, 1772. 909 DUDIN, ( ). Art du relieur. Nouvelle edition, augmentee par J. E. Bertrand. 4to. Paris, 1820. 20775 DUDLEY, R. Monthly maxims. Rhymes and reasons to suit the seasons, and pictures new to suit them too. [With illustrations printed in colours.] 4to. London [c. 1890]. i47-7 DUDLEY GALLERY. The Expressionists, a.d. 1300-1890, the catalogue of some pictures exhibited Jan., 1895, from the collection of Harry Ouilter. 8vo. London, 1895. 15576 DLIFF, E. G. PVederick Egmondt, an English 15th century stationer. {In The Library, Vol. 2, 1890, pp. 210-216.) 276 DUFF, E. G. A new English 15th century printer. (In The Library, Vol. 2, 1890, pp. 102-105.) 6277 DUFF, E. G. [John Lettou, the first printer in London.] S. sh. [Cambridge, 1890.] 6272 DL^FF, E. G. Xotes on a leaf of an early Scottish Donatus. (In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society: Publications, Vol. i, 1890-5.) ' 17569 DUFF, E. G. The two first books printed in the Scottish language. {In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Publications, Vol. I, 1890- 5.) 17569 DUFF, E. G. Early stamped bindings. {In Prideaux, S. T. : Historical sketch, 1893.) 372 DUFF, E. G. Early printed books. 8vo. London, 1893. 177 DL^FF, E. G. The stationers at the sign of the Trinity in St. Paul's Church Yard. {In Bibliographica, J^ol. i, 1895, pp. 93-113, etc.) 53 DUFF, E. G. William Faques, 1504. (Handlists of English printers.) [Bibliographical Society: Miscellaneous Publications.] 4to. London, 1895, 17^ '■73 18 DUFF, E. G. Richard Faques, 1509-30. (Handlists of English printers.) [Bibliographical Society: Miscellaneous Publications.] 4to. London, 1895. 178 DUFF, F. G. John Skot, 1521-37. (Handlists of English printers.) [Bibliographical Society : Miscellaneous Publications.] 4to. London, 1895. 178 DUFF, E. G. Wynkyn de Worde, I — 1493-1500. H — 1501-35. (Handlists of English printers.) [Bibliographical Society : Mis- cellaneous Publications.] 4to. London, 1895. 178 DUFF, E. G. Notes on a book printed at York in 1579. {In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Publications, Vol. 3, 1895-8.) 17569 DUFF, E. G. Early English printing. A series of facsimiles ■of all the types used in England during the 15th century, with some of those used in the printing of English books abroad. Fol. London, 1896. 175 I^UFF, E. G. An early stationer in England. (In Library Association Record, Vol. i, 1899, pp. 441-442.) PP DUFF, E. G. The printers, stationers and bookbinders of York up to 1600. (In Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. 5, 1899.) 56 DUFF, E. G. The printers, stationers and bookbinders of London and Westminster in the 15th century. 8vo. [Aberdeen], 1899. 2443 DUFF, E. G. Notes of a visit to Archbishop Marsh's Library, Dublin. (In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Publications, Vol. 6, 1 90 1 -4.) 17569 DUFF, E. G. English printing on vellum to the end of the year 1600. [Bibliographical Society of Lancashire : Publications, No. I.] 4to. Aberdeen, 1902. 3244 DUFF, E. G. A century of the English book trade. Short notices of all printers, etc., connected with it, 1457-1557. [Biblio- graphical Society : Miscellaneous Publications.] 4to. London, 1905- 7343 DUFF, E. G. John Butler, 1529. (Handlists of English printers.) [Bibliographical Society : Miscellaneous Publications.] 4to. London, 1905. 734^ DUFF, E. G. William Caxton. [Caxton Club.] 4to. Chicago, 1905. 7516 DUFF, E. G. The printers, stationers and bookbinders of Westminster and London from 1476 to 1535. 8vo. Cambridge, 1906. 8247 DUFF, E. G. Sweynheym and Pannartz : notes and collations. (In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Publications, Vol. 9, 1906-12.) 17569 274 DUFF, E. G. English 15th century broadsides. {In Biblio- graphical Society: Transactions, T'oZ. 9, 1906-8, pp. 211-227.) 56 DUFF, E. G. The English provincial printers, stationers and bookbinders to 1557. Svo. Cambridge, 1912. 15889 DUFF, E. G. See Caxton, W. ; Information for pilgrims; Plomer, H. R. and Duff, E. G. • Prideaux, S. T. ; Solomon. DUFOUR, A. and RABUT, F. L'imprimerie, les imprimeurs et les libraires en Savoie du 156. au ige. si^cle. Svo. Chambery, 1877. 20906 DUFOUR, T. Notice bibliographique sur le Catechisme et la confession de foi de Calvin (1537) et sur les autres livres imprimes k Geneve dans les premiers temps de la reforme (1533-40). 8vo. Geneve, 1878. 17584 DUGAN, C. W. See Dix, E. R. McC. DUGUET, M. See Delestre, M. DUGUID, A. See Barnes, W. C. and others. DUHAMEL, L. Les origines de l'imprimerie a Avignon. Note sur les documents decouverts par M. I'Abbe Requin. 8vo. Avignon, 1890. 18779 DULAC, J. Reliure d'un Montaigne a I'S barre et a mono- grammes. Reponse a une question de I'abbe L. Couture. Svo. Paris, 1880. 8460 DULAU & CO. Catalogue of French books offered for sale. Svo. London [c. 1890]. 8544 DULCKEN, H. W. See Pfeiffer, L DULOS, jeune. Note sur un nouveau procede de gravure en creux et en relief. {In Recueil des Travaux de la Societe des Anciens El^ves des Ecoles Imperiales d'Arts et Metiers, 1861.) 10675 DU MALTRIER, G. Catalogue of an exhibition of drawings of society in late Victorian days. With an appreciation by F. Anstey. i2mo. London, 1910. 13153 DU MAURI ER, G. See Armstrong, T. DUMBACH, F. See Schmidt, C. DUMBARTON HERALD. Jubilee of the Dumbarton Herald. Fifty years ago and now. {In The Dumbarton Herald, Sept. 25, 1901.) 2433 DU MERIL, E. See Jannet, P. DUMONT, ( ). Imprimerie. {In his Histoire de Saint Mihiel, 1862.) 9722 DUMONT, ( ). See Lacroix, P. [DUMONT, J.] Fonderie et gravure typographiques A. & F. Vanderborght. Notice historique. 4to. Bruxelles, 18SS. 509 275 DUMONT, J. Aide-memoire a Tusage des ^l^ves de I'Ecole Professionelle de Typographic. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1890. 179 DUMONT, J. Vade-mecum du typographc. Svo. Bruxelles, 1891. 182 DL'MONT, J. Les presses et machines typographiques depuis Gutenberg. Svo. Bruxelles, 1894. 180 DUMONT, J. Vade-mecum du typographe. 2e. Edition. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1894. 181 DUMONT, J. Souvenir de la manifestation organis^e en riionneur de M. J. D. k I'occasion de sa nomination de Chevalier dans rOrdre de Leopold. 4to. [Bruxelles, 1898.] 1516 DUMONT, J. Instructions pour stereotyper. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1899. 1662 DUMONT, J. Le livre avant et depuis I'invention de I'im- primerie. 8vo. Bruxelles [1903]. 3670 DUMONT, J. Vade-mecum du typographe. 36. edition. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1906. 7614 DUMONT, J. See Brussels : Ecole Professionnelle de Typo- graphic. DUMOULIN, J. Vie et ocuvres de Frederic Morel, imprimeur k Paris, depuis 1557 jusqu'^ 1583. 8vo. Paris, 1901. 1922 DUNBAR, J. The practical papermaker. 2nd edition. 8vo. Leith, 1881. 9842 DUNBAR, J. The practical papermaker : a complete guide to the manufacture of paper. 3rd edition. i2mo. Leith, 1887. 183 DUNBAR, J. Notes on the manufacture of wood pulp and wood pulp papers. 8vo. Leith, 1894. 3976 DUNCAN, H. M. Possibilities of machine composition. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 17, 1896, pp. 544-546.) PP DUNCAN, R. Notices and documents illustrative of the literary history of Glasgow during last century. [Principally on the Foulis Press.] Glasgow, 1831. Reprint. 4to. Glasgow, 1886. 5090 DUNDEE ADVERTISER. How a newspaper is printed : being a complete description of the oflfices and equipments of the Dundee Advertiser, People's Journal, Evening Telegraph and People's Friend. 4to. Dundee [1891]. 4^9- DUNDEE ADVERTISER. See Millar, A. H. DUN I WAY, C. A. The development of freedom of the press in Massachusetts. 8vo. New York, 1906. 8621 DUNLOP, A. Fifty years of Irish journalism. Svo. Dublin, 1911. 14261 276 DUNNING, T. J. Account of the London Consolidated Society of Bookbinders. {In National Association for Promotion of Social Science : Report, i860.) 1203 DUNNING, T. J. Trades' unions and strikes : their philosophy and intention. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1873. 2319 DUNTON, G. E. The reproduction of half-tone blocks by the electrotype process. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 7, 1901, pp. 41-44.) PP DUNTON, G. E. Treatise on electrotyping- : and illustrated catalog^ue of machinery for electrotyping, stereotyping- and photo- engraving, manufactured by the Ostrander Seymour Co. Svo. Chicago, 1902. 3415 DUNTON, G. E. Modern methods in electrotyping. [hi Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 8, 1902-3, pp. 61-64.) PP DUNTON, G. E. The future of electrotyping. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 9, 1903-4, pp. 73-76.) PP DLINTON, G. E. The responsibility of the machine builders. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 10, 1904-5, pp. 121-126.) PP DUNTON, G. E. Moulding in lead for electrotyping. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, pp. 103-104.) PP DLINTON, G. E. Installing an electrotyping plant. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, pp. 125-134.) PP DLTNTON, G. E. Depositing metals by the action of an electric current. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 157-160.) PP DUNTON, G. E. The importance of perfect molding to electrotyping. (Z?? Inland Printer, Vol. 39, 1907, pp. 406-407.) PP DL'NTON, G. E. The electric motor in the hands of the printer. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 73-82.) PP DUNTON, G. E. The comparative value of lead and wax moulds in the electrotyping process. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, pp. 73-88.) PP DUNTON, G. E. So-called nickel-steel electrotypes. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, igio-i, pp. 25-31.) PP DUNTON, G. E. Electrotyping hysteria. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 191 1-2, pp. 1 16-125.) PP DUNTON, G. E. The unit cost system applied to the electrotyping trade in America. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 191 2-3, pp. 45-50.) PP DUNTON, G. E. Where does the small electrotyping concern lose money. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp. 73-78.) PP DUNTON, J. Life and errors of J. D. , late citizen of London [and bookseller]. i2mo. London, 1705. 5206 277 DUNTON, J. Athenianism ; or, the new projects of Mr. John Dunton, to which is added, Dunton's farewel to printing- in some serious thoughts on those words of Solomon : Of making- many books there is no end, and much study is a weariness of the flesh. I'ol. I. [All pubhshed. ] 8vo. London, 1710. 18610 DUNTON, J. The life and errors of J. D. [bookseller]. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1818. 20492 DUPERRON, E. A. J. A. See Anisson-Duperron, E. A. J. DUPLAIN, J. See Lenoir, J. C. P. DUPLESSIS, G. Notice sur la vie et les travaux de Gerard Audran, g-raveur ordinaire du Roi. 8vo. Lyon, 1858. 8816 DUPLESSIS, G. Histoire de la gravure en Italic, en Espagne, en Allemagne, dans les Pays-Bas, en Angleterre et en France. Contenant 73 reproductions de gravures anciennes ex^cutees pour la plupart par le procede de M. A. Durand. 4to. Paris, 1880. 20135 DUPLESSIS, G. Coup d'oeil sur I'histoire de la gravure. {In Paris : Cercle de la Librairie : Catalogue de I'exposition, 1881.) 20813 DUPLESSIS, G. Les merveilles de la gravure, 46. edition. 8vo. Paris, 1882. 185 DUPLESSIS, G. The wonders of engraving. [Translated by N. R. E. M.] 8vo. London [c. 1885]. 186 DUPLESSIS, G. Essai bibliographique sur les differentes editions des oeuvres d'Ovide ornees de planches publiees aux i5e. et i6e. si^cles. 8vo. Paris, 1889. 18653 DUPLESSIS, G. See Renouvier, J. DUPLEX PRINTING PRESS CO. The Duplex: a special machine for printers of newspapers of average circulation. Obi. 8vo. Zurich [1909]. 17825 DUPONT, P. Essais pratiques d'imprimerie. Precedes d'une notice historique. Typographic. Lithographic. Fol. Paris, 1849. 7335 DUPONT, P. Notice historique sur I'imprimerie. 8vo. Paris, 1849. 12583 DUPONT, P. Histoire de I'imprimerie. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1854. 5624 DUPONT, P. Histoire de I'imprimerie. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris [1854]. 20075 DUPONT, P. Histoire de I'imprimerie. 2 vols. [Large paper copy.] 8vo. Paris, 1854. 20786 DUPONT, P. Imprimerie P. Dupont. Compte rendu de I'assemblee generale des ouvriers, du 5 avril, 1858. 8vo. Paris, 1858. 14663. 278 DUPONT, P. Imprimerie administrative de M. Paul Dupont. (In Grandes Usines, Liv. 79 [c. 1864].) 22920 DUPONT, P. R^g-lement de la Societe de Secours Mutuels de rimprimerie P. D. 8vo. Paris, 1865. 22433 DUPONT, P. Societe de Secours Mutuels de I'imprimerie P. D. Compte rendu de I'assemblee annuelle du 25 Mars, 1866. 8vo. Paris, 1866. 22434 DUPONT, P. Une imprimerie en 1867. 8vo. Paris, 1867. 20785 DUPONT, P. Specimen des caractferes et vignettes de I'im- primerie P. Dupont. 8vo. Paris, 1868. 15795 DUPON, P. See London : Exhibition, 1851 ; London : Ex- hibition, 1862 ; Richard, L. DUPRAT, F. A. Precis historique sur I'imprimerie Nationale et ses types. 8vo. Paris, 1848. 5755 DUPRAT, F. A. Histoire de I'imprimerie Imperiale de France, suivie des specimens des types etrang^ers et frangais de cet etablissement. 8vo. Paris, 1861. 5332 DUPRAT, F. A. Apercu sur les progres de la typographic depuis le i6e. si^cle et sur I'etat actuel de I'imprimerie de Paris. 8vo. Paris, 1863. 20753 DU PRE, G. See Delalain, P. DUPRE, P. D. See Dondey-Dupre, P. [DUPUY, P.] Histoire des plus illustres favoris anciens et modernes, recueillie par feu Monsieur P. D. P. Avec un journal de ce qui s'est passe a la mort du Mareschal d'Ancre. 4to. Leyde, 1659. 10873 [DUPUY, P.] Histoire des plus illustres favoris anciens et modernes, recueillie par feu Monsieur P. D. P. Avec un journal de ce qui s'est passe a la mort du Mareschal d'Ancre. [A Paris forgery of the Elzevier edition.] i2mo. Leyde, 1659. 5027 DURABLE PRINTERS' ROLLER CO., Ltd. The right hand of the press. [Descriptive booklet.] Obi. 8vo. London [1896]. 318 DURABLE PRINTERS' ROLLER CO., Ltd. The right hand of the press. 2nd edition. Obi. 8vo. London [1897]. 13609 DURABLE PRINTERS' ROLLER CO., Ltd. The right hand of the press. 4th edition. Obi. i2mo. London [c. 1904]. 6944 DURAND-LAPIE, P. L'Imprimerie Fontanel et Lapie-Fon- tanel h. Montauban (1758-1861). {In Recueil de I'Academie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Tarn-et-Garonne, Serie II, Tom. 18, 1902, pp. 55-70.) 13782 DURANT, P. Un libraire de Paris sous la Republique. 8vo. Paris, 1879. 15948 279 DURANVILLE, ( ) dc. De la bibliophilie. {In Precis analvtique des travaux de I'Acad^mie de Rouen pendant Tannic iS7i'-2, pp. 439-483-) 13623 DURBACH, F. J. F. Opinion sur la liberte de la presse. 8vo. [Paris, 1814.J 23385 DURER, A. Albrecht Durers Christlich-Mythologische Hand- zeichunoen. Fol. [Miinchen, 1808.] 17106 DURER, A. Albert Diirer's designs of the prayer book. Fol. London, 1817. 74^9 DURER, A. The passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, pourtrayed by A. D. Edited by H. Cole. 8vo. London, 1844. 9212 DURER, A. The Gospel for the unlearned. Twenty-four wood-cuts from Albrecht Diirer. Edited by J. Allen. i2mo. London [c. 1870]. 3172 DURER, A. Gott und Welt. Handzeichungen aus dem Gebetbuche des Kaiser Maximilian. 4to. Berlin, 1909. 11131 DURER, A. See Allen, L. J. ; Cust, L. ; Eye, A. v. ; Hind, A. M. ; Moore, T. S. ; Narrey, C. ; Nuchter, F. ; Pebody, C. ; Scott, W. B. ; Thausing, M. DURER SOCIETY. Report, 1905-6. 8vo. London, 1906. 8641 DURET, T. A note on Japanese coloured prints. (In The Art Journal, Nov., 1894, pp. 342-343.) 6805 DURET, T. Manet and the French impressionists. 4to. London, 1912. 16557 DURFEY, T. The virtuous wife. 8vo. London, 1680. 6160 (6) DURFEY, T. Madam Fickle. 8vo. London, 1682. 6160 (7) DURFEY, T. The marriage hater matched. 4to. London, 1693. 6160 (8) DURHAM, J. The blessedness of the death of these that die in the Lord. i2mo. Glasgow, 1682, 9831 DURHAM, W. R. The training of apprentices. A reply to Mr. W. Mumford's paper on output, {hi The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 52, March 12, 1903, pp. 169-172.) PP DURNING-LAWRENCE, Sir E. Bacon is Shakespeare. 8vo. London, 1910. 13351 DURNING-LAWRENCE, Sir E. The Shakespeare myth. 8vo. London, 1912. 16266 DURONCERAY, ( ). De la pensee, ou reflexions sur la liberte de la presse. 8vo. [Paris, 1814.] 23375 DUROL'CHAIL, P. Epreuves des divers ornemens typo- graphiques graves sur bois et polytypes. Fol. Paris, 1827. 16607 DUSAUTOY, J. A. The paper-maker's ready reckoner. 8vo. Romsey, 1805. 2329 280 DUSSEAU, P. J. V. De boekdrukkunst, en derzelver uitvinder L. J. Koster. i2mo. Amsterdam [1839]. 20106 DUSSELDORFER JUGEND-ALBUM. Erster (-Zweiter) Jahrg-. 2 vols. 410. Diisseldorf, 1856-7. 6604 DUTCH CHURCH. A catalogue of the books, etc., belonging- to the Dutch Church, Austin Friars, London. 8vo. London, 1879. 21670 DUTCH GALLERY. The first exhibition of original wood engraving. 8vo. London, 1898. 1208 DUTCH GALLERY. An exhibition of lithographs by Fantin- Latour. 8vo. London, 1904. 3808 DUTHILLOEL'L, H. R. Bibliographic Douaisienne, ou cata- logue historique et raisonne des livres imprimes a Douai depuis I'annee 1563 jusqu'a nos jours. Nouvelle edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Douai, 1842-54. 2381 DUTREIX, J. & CIE. Specimen des caract^res. 4to. Limoges [c. 1885]. 17 1 75 DUTREIX, J. & CIE. Tarif nouveau. 4to. Limoges, 1895. 17174 DUTRUC, P. A. A French grammar. 5th edition. Stereo- typed. 8vo. London, 1852. 5958 DUVAL, L. L'imprimerie et la librairie k Alen^on et dans le diocese de Sees. Fol. Alengon, 1900. - 6900 DUVAL-ARNOULD, L. Etienne Dolet un pretendu martyr de I'atheisme au X\Te. si^cle. 8vo. Paris, 1898. 15290 [DUVERGER, E.] Album typographique execute k I'occasion du jubile Europeen de I'invention de l'imprimerie. Histoire de I'invention de l'imprimerie par les monuments. Fol. Paris, 1840. 20800 DUVERGER, E. See Paris : Imprimerie Nationale. DYER, ( ). Dyer's catalogue [of booksj. 2 pts. 8vo. Exeter, 1809-10. 10814 DYER, T. F. T. Old church libraries. {In The Sunday at Home, May, 1893.) 1622 DYSON, W. Mosely Industrial Commission. Report by W. D. of the Amalgamated Paper Makers' Union. 4to. Man- chester, 1903. 3461 DZIATZKO, K. Sammlung Bibliothekswissenschaftlicher Arbeiten. Heft i, etc. 8vo. Berlin, 1888, etc. 10347 DZIATZKO, K. Beitrage zur Gutenbergfrage. Mit eincm Lichtdruckfacsimile des Helmasperger'schen Notariatsinstru- mentes vom 6, Nov., 1455, nach dem Original der K. Univ. Bib. zu Gottingcn. [Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 2.] 8vo. Berlin, 1889. 21998 10347 281 DZIATZKO, K. Gutcnberg-s friiheste Druckcrpraxis : Auf Grund eincr mit Hiilfe der Herren Dr. I'hil. W. Bahrdt, Dr. Phil. K. Meyer und Cand. Phil. J. Schnorrenbero^ ausgefiihrten \'ergleichuno- dcr 42 zeiligen und 36 zeilit;en Bibel. Dargestellt von K. D. [Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 4. J 8vo. Berlin, 1890. 10347 DZIATZKO, K. Was wissen wir von dem Leben und der Person Joh. Gutenbergs? Svo. [Leipzig, 1895.] 11290 DZIATZKO, K. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Schrift-, Buch- und Bibliothekswesens, III. [Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 10.] 8vo. Leipzig, 1896. i0347 DZIATZKO, K. Warum Caxton Buchdrucker wurde. {In Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 10, 1896.) 10347 DZIATZKO, K. Die Bibliotheksanlage von Pergamon. (In Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 10, 1896.) 10347 DZIATZKO, K. Bibliographische Untersuchungen : I — Monch am Kreuze (Einblattdruck). II — Der Absatz dreier Verlagsartikel Franz Behem's von Mainz auf der Frankfurter Fastenmesse von 1548. (In Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 10, 1896.) 10347 DZIATZO, K. Ueber Inkunabelnkatalogisierung. (In Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 10, 1896.) 10347 DZIATZKO, K. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Schrift-, Buch- und Bibliothekswesens, IV. [Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. II.] 8vo. Leipzig-, 1898. 10347 DZIATZKO, K. Die modernen Bestrebungen einer General- katalogisierung-. (In Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. II, 1898.) 10347 DZIATZKO, K. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Schrift-, Buch- und Bibliothekswesens, V. [Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 13.] 8vo. Leipzig, 1900. 10347 DZIATZKO, K. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Schrift-, Buch- und Bibliothekswesens, VI. [Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 14.] 8vo. Leipzig, 1901. 10347 DZIATZKO, K. Verlagsrecht und Pflichtexemplare. (In Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib, Arbeiten, Heft. 14, 1901.) 10347 DZIATZKO, K. Plan eines alle bekannten und noch zu ermittelnden Wiegendrucke umfassenden Katalogs, (In Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 14, 1901.) 10347 DZIATZKO, K. Nachtrag iiber die Pflichtexemplare. (In Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 14, 1901.) 10347 DZIATZKO, K. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Schrift-, Buch- und Bibliothekswesens, VII. [Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 15.] 8vo. Leipzig-, 1902, 10347 282 DZIATZKO, K. Satz und Druck der 42 zeiligen Bibel. {In Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 15, 1902.) 10347 DZli\TZKO, K. Der g-eplante Zoll auf gebundene Biicher und das Publikum, besonders die Bibliotheken. (In Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 15, 1902.) I0347 DZIATZKO, K. Der Drucker mit dem bizarren R. (In Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 17, 1904.) io347 28.3 E E : A. L. O. The giant-killer. [Frontispiece printed in colours.] i2mo. London, 1858. 11638 E : G. R. The penny newspaper : the story of the cheap press. 8vo. London [1883]. 22833 E : R. J. Typography. (In Technical and Scientific Dictionary, pt. 13, 1906.) 8034 EADIE, J. The English Bible : an external and critical history of the Eng-lish translations. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1876. 5650 EAMER, T. C. The mounting- of process blocks — the ;^i,ooo won. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp. 139-140.) PP EAMES, W. See Growoll, A. EARHART, J. F. The color printer : a treatise on the use of colors in typog-raphic printing-. 4to. Cincinnati, 1892. 187 EARHART, J. F. [Specimens of Chaostype, c. 1895.] 10894 EARHART, J. F. The harmonizer. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1897. 1289 EARLE, J. Micro-cosmographie. 4to. Cambridge, 1903. 3760 EARLIE. Ye earlie Englyshe almanack for 1886. 8vo. London [1885]. 7499 EARLY printing-. (Zn Chambers's Journal, Nov., 1861.) 1328 EARLY typography (?) at Mechlin. (In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 43, July 7, 1898, p. 4.) PP EARLY workers. Printing, (hi All the Year Round, Sept., ^^77-) 1332 EAST ANGLIAN DAILY TIMES. Of interest to readers and of profit to advertisers. 8vo. Ipswich [c. 1907]. 16864 EAST END COMPOSITORS' MUTUAL ASSISTANCE SOCIETY. Revised rules and regulations. 8vo. London, 1876. 15626 EAST END COMPOSITORS' MUTUAL ASSISTANCE SOCIETY. Revised rules. i6mo. [London, c. 1886.] 23490 284 EAST INDIA COMPANY. Catalogue of the Library. (Sup- plement.) 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1845-51. 14122 EASTERN PRINTERS' YEARBOOK. Vols. 1-2, 1908-9. 4to. Calcutta, 1908-9. PP EASTWOOD, A. A short treatise on stereotyping. 32mo. Burnley [c. 1901]. 2204 EATON, D. I. The proceedings on the trial of D. I. Eaton for selling The Rights of Man, by T. Paine, June 3, 1793. 8vo. London, 1793. 16572 (i) EATON, D. I. The trial of D. I. Eaton, July 10, 1793, for selling A Letter to the Addressers, by T. Paine. 8vo. London, 1793. 16572 (2) EATON, D. I. See Antitype, pseud. EATON, F. A. See Thausing, M. EBELING, R. Der Buchfiihrer M. Philipp Schultze, ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Stralsunder Buchhandels im Beginn des 17. Jhdts. (In Stralsund : Jahresbericht des Gymnasiums, 1900.) 1 1793 EBER, J. See Schmidt, C. EBERHARD, A. G. Hanchen und die Kiichlein. 5te. Auflage. i6mo. Halle, 1831. 18554 EBERHARD, H. W. Die Anwendung des Zinks statt der Stein- urtd Kupferplatten zu den vertieften Zeichnungsarten. Nebst einer Anweisung Metallabgusse, von erhaben- und tief- geiitzten Steinzeichnungen zu machen. Mit 10 Probeblattern. i2mo. Darmstadt, 1822. 10767 EBERHART, ( ). Memoire pour les Srs. Eberhart, Everat, Lefebvre, Porthmann et Setier fils, imprimeurs a Paris : contre le Sieur Labalte, entrepreneur general du service des inhumations. 4to. [Paris, c. 1813.] 14668 EBERLE, E. and GOODMAN, J. Metalithography or printing from metal plates in the lithographic manner according to Dr. Strecker's patent process. 8vo. London, 1908. 9637 EBERLE, J. G. Johannes Gutenberg : Volks-Schauspiel. 2te. Auflage. 8vo. Wien, 1902. 6870 EBERT, F. A. Allgemeines bibliographisches Lexikon. 2 vols. 4to. Leipzig, 1821-30. 12253 EBERT, F. A. Nieuw ondcrzoek naar de aanspraak van Holland op de uitvinding der boekdrukkunst : en brief wegens het geschrift van Prof. F. Lehne. Met een voorrede en eenige aanmerkingen van J. Koning. 8vo. Haarlem, 1825. 22471 EBERT, F. A. A general bibliographical dictionary. 4 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1837. 7443 EBERT, F. A. See Burger, R. 28s EBRARD, F. Denkschiift Kurfurst Friedrichs III von RraiidtMihuri^- an Kaiser Leopold I iiber die Nothvvendig-keit der Wiedererwcrbung- Strassburgs, 1696. 410. Strassburg, 1877. 23339 EBSWORTH, J. W. See Francis, J. C. ECHO. The Echo Marinoni printing machine at the Inter- national Exhibition. i6mo. London, 1872. 3066 ECHO. The Echo : 30th birthday double number, Dec. 8, 1898. Fol. London, 1898. 12 10 ECHO. The Echo [after No. 2, The Glasgow Echo] printed by the locked-out citizen compositors. Nos. 1-32. Fol. Glasgow, 1893. 4218 ECHO. L'ECHO DE LA PAPETERIE. Ann. i, 1909-10. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1909-10. PP ECK, J. The illumination of printing works by electricity. (In The Illuminating Engineer, April, 1912, pp. 185-200.) 15806 ECKMANN, O. See Z. ECOLE ESTIENNE. 5ee Paris : Ecole Estienne. ECOLE PROFESSIONELLE DE TYPOGRAPHIE DE BRUXELLES. See Brussels : Ecole Profess, de Typog. ECONOMIC PRINTING & PUBLISHING CO. See London Society of Compositors. ECOS GRAFICOS, Tomo i, 1910, etc. 8vo. Buenos Aires, 1910, etc. PP ED, C. M. Kurzgefasste Geschichte des Buchdrucks. 8vo. Hamburg, 1839. 20972 ED, C. M. Die Hamburger Sacularfeier der Erfindung des Buchdrucks am 24 und 27 Juni, 1840. 8vo. Hamburg, 1840. 22395 ED, C. M. Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst und ihres Erfinders J. Gutenberg, seit ihrem Ursprung bis auf^unsere Zeit. i2mo. Hamburg, 1840. 21863 EDDOWES, J. A catalogue of old books in various languages and classes of literature. 8vo. Shrewsbury, 1840. 15298 ED EL, F. W. Denkschrift fiir die im Jahr 1840 zu begehende vierte Sacularfeier der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst. 8vo. Strassburg, 1840. 21256 EDER, J. M. Formules recettes et tables pour la photographic et les procedes de reproduction. Traduit par G. Braun. 8vo. Paris, 1900. 1844 EDER, J. M. See Jahrbuch fiir Photographic. EDGAR, A. The Bibles of England : a plain account for plain people of the principal versions of the Bible in English, 8vo. Paisley, 1889. 7188 286 EDINBURGH. Four panoramic views of Edinburgh. [Litho- graphs.] Obi. fol. Edinburg-h, 1822. 9466 EDINBURGH. Memorial to the master printers of Edinburgh reg"arding- technical education as applicable to compositors, machine-men, stereotypers and electrotypers. Obi. 8vo. Edin- burgh, 1887. 10901 EDINBURGH BIBLE SOCIETY. Memorial for the Bible societies in Scotland : containing- remarks on the complaint of his majestic 's printers against the Marquis of Huntly and others. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1824. '^77^3 EDINBURGH BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Publications. Vol. I, etc. 4to. Edinburgh, 1896, etc. ^75^9 EDINBURGH : British Typographia. See Edinburgh Typo- graphia. EDINBURGH CO-OPERATIVE PRINTING CO., Ltd. Specimens of printing" types, borders, ornaments, etc. 4to. Edinburgh, 1887. 10844 EDINBURGH : Exhibition, 1886. Printing as in the olden time at the Ballantyne Press. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1886. 23129 EDINBURGH : Faculty of Advocates : Library. Catalogue. gvols. 4to. Edinburgh, 1863-79. 11560 EDINBURGH : Faculty of Advocates. List of fifteenth cen- tury books in the library of the Faculty of Advocates. By W. K. Dickson and J. M. G. Barclay. [In Edinburgh Biblio- graphical Society : Publications, Vol. 9, 1912.) 17569 EDINBURGH : Hcriot-Watt College. Calendar, 1905-6. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1905. 8815 EDINBURGH : Heriot-Watt College. Prospectus of evening and day classes of the department of printing and the allied trades, 191 1-2. 4to. Edinburgh, 191 1. 15308 EDINBURGH : Museum of Science and Art. List of books, etc., relating to ornament and decoration, in the library. 8vo. Glasgow, 1902. 2853 EDINBURGH PRESS AND MACHINEMEN'S (LETTER- PRESS PRINTERS) SOCIETY. [19th annual] report, 1892-3, etc. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1893, etc. 4252 EDINBURGH PRINTERS' UNION. Rules and regulations. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1833. 706 (61) EDINBURGH : Public Library. List of works exhibited at a meeting with printers, lithographers, engravers, typefounders and bookbinders, 25 Feb., 1892. i2mo. [Edinburgh, 1892.] 627 EDINBURGH : Public Library. Books in the reference library on printing, paper-making, bookbinding and bibliography, ex- hibited at meetings with booksellers and printers, Dec, 1893. 8vo, [Edinburgh, 1893.] 3437 287 EDINBURGH : Public Library. List of works exhibited at a meetiiii^- willi the Kdinbur_t;h Assistant Booksellers' Association, 15 Dec, 1893. i2mo. [Kdinburg-h, 1893.] 3439 EDINBURGH: Public Library. List of works exhibited at a meetingf with the British Tyj^og-raphia (Edinburgh branch), 22 Dec, 1893. i2mo. [Edinburgh, 1893.] 3438 EDINBURGH : Public Library. Librarian's report, 1901. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1901. 8968 EDINBURGH REVIEW. The Edinburgh Review. [Being a review of the first century of its history.] (In The Edinburgh Review, Oct., 1902.) 2809 EDINBURGH : Scottish National Exhibition. Official cata- logue. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1908. 11324 EDINBURGH : Society of Writers to H. M. Signet. Cata- logue of the library. 4to. Edinburgh, 1805. 12173 EDINBURGH : Society of Writers to H. M. Signet. Cata- logue of early printed books. 4to. Edinburgh, 1906. 9357 EDINBURGH : Society of Writers to H. M. Signet. List of 15th century books in the library. By J. P. Edmond. {In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Publications, Vol. 9, 1906-12.) 17569 EDINBURGH TYPOGRAPHIA. Syllabus, 1888-9, efc 8vo. Edinburgh, 18S8, etc. 190 EDINBURGH TYPOGRAPHIA. Specimen album, 1897-8, etc. 4to. Edinburgh, 1898, etc. io74 EDINBURGH : United Free Church College Library. List of 15th century books in the library. By W. Cowan. {In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Publications, Vol. 9, 1906-12.) 17569 EDINBURGH : United Industrial School. The United In- dustrial School of Edinburgh : a sketch of its origin, progress and practical influence. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1851. 18807 EDINBURGH : LTniversity Library. List of 15th century books in the library. By F. C. Nicholson. {In Edinburgh Biblio- graphical Society: Publications, Vol. 9, 1906-12.) 17569 EDITOR. A complaint against printers. {In The Bookman, Vol. 7, Oct., 1894, pp. 15-16.) 6809 EDITORS and newspaper writers of the last generation. By an old apprentice of the law. {In Eraser's Magazine, Feb., 1862, pp. 169-183.) 17457 EDLIN, ( ). See Stackhouse, T. EDMOND, J. P. The Aberdeen printers, 1620-1736. 4 pts. 8vo. Aberdeen, 1884-6. 20447 288 EDMOND, J. P. Last notes on the Aberdeen printers. 8vo. [Aberdeen], 1888. 20447A EDMOND, J. P. Notes on the inventories of Edinburgh printers, 1577-1603. {In Edinburgh Bibhographical Society: Publications, Vol. 1, 1890-5.) 175^9 EDMOND, J. P. Bibhographical gleanings. {In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Publications, Vol. i, 1890-5.) 175^9 EDMOND, J. P. On the Mecometrie of Nautonier. {In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Publications, Vol. 3, 1895-8.) 17569 EDMOND, J. P. Elegies and other tracts issued on the death of Henry, Prince of Wales, 1612. {In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Publications, J'ol. 6, 1901-4.) 17569 EDMOND, J. P. Suggestions for the description of books printed between 1501 and 1640. [Bibliographical Society of Lartcashire.] 8vo. [Manchester], 1902. 3243 EDMOND, J. P. Presidential address. {In Edinburgh Biblio- graphical Society : Publications, Vol. 9, 1906-12.) 17569 EDMOND, J. P. Cataloguing of 15th century books. {In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Publications, Vol. 9, 1906-12.) 17569 EDMOND, J. P. Conrad Sweynheym and Arnold Pannartz, the first Roman printers. {In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Publications, Vol. 9, 1906-12.) 17569 EDMOND, J. P. See Dickson, R. and Edmond, J. P. ; Edin- burgh : Society of Writers to H. M. Signet. EDMONDS, W. H. Bookbinding. (7jj Paris : Exhibition, 1889 : Reports of artisans, 1889.) 4594 EDMUNDS, W. H. International Exhibition of Bookbindings. [At the Caxton Head by J. and M. L. Tregaskis.] {hi The Magazine of Art, Sept., 1894, pp. 376-378.) 6863 EDUCATION in Hungary. [Libraries, pp. 32, 68, etc.] 8vo. Budapest, 1908. 9862 EDWARDS, ( ). [A catalogue of books.] 8vo. London, 1787. 21459(1) EDWARDS, ( ). Edwards's catalogue of a select collection of ancient and modern books. 8vo. London, 1790. 21459(2) EDWARDS, E. A letter to B. Hawes, being strictures on the Minutes of Evidence taken before the Select Committee on the British Museum. 8vo. London, 1836. 17208 EDWARDS, E. Remarks on the paucity of libraries freely open to the public in the British Empire : together with a statistical view of the existing provision of public libraries in Europe, and edition. 8vo. London, 1849. ^5^4^ 289 19 EDWARDS, E. The duties on paper, advertisements and newspapers. Speech, May 22, 1849. 8vo. London, 1849. 20551 (25) EDWARDS, E. Libraries and founders of libraries. 8vo. London, 1S65. 5085 EDWARDS, K. Memoirs of libraries, of museums, and of archives. 2nd edition. ]'ol. i. Svo. London, 1901. 6559 EDWARDS, E. See Axon, W. E. A. ; Greenwood, T. El^W'ARDS, E. The disease and the remedy. An essay on the distressed state of the printing- trade, proving- it to be mainly attributable to excessive boy labour, etc. 12010. London, 1850. 655(1) 20551(23) EDWARDS, E. The apprentice system : the disease and the remedy. Reprinted. 8vo. Manchester, 1886. 1983 EDWARDS, F. Edwards's military catalogue. Books, pam- phlets, plates, etc., on military history and biography. Svo. London, 1907-8. 17693 EDWARDS, F. A, The early newspaper press of Hampshire. 8vo. Southampton, 1889. 23498 EDWARDS, J. A catalogue of the valuable library of J. E., containing early printed books, MSS. and prints. 8vo. London, 1815. 17744 EDWARDS, J. P. A few footprints. 8vo. London, 1905. 7249 EDWARDS, J. P. See Macdonald, J. J. ; Saint Bride Found- ation Institute. EDWARDS, T. W. C. Greek delectus; or, first lessons in Greek construing. i2mo. London, 1827. 16612 EEKHOFF, W. Nieuwe bijdrage tot de geschiedenis van de boekdrukkunst in Nederland. 8vo. [Workum, 1856.] 21634 EFFECTIVE ADVERTISER. Nos. 1-156, 1884-97. 8vo. London, 1884-97. PP EFFECTIVE REVIEW. [Edited by J. T. R. Gibbs.] 4to. London, 1891. 1351 EGAN, P. Pierce Egan's address to the compositors and press- men of London. [Appealing for support at his benefit.] S. sh. fol. London, 1836. 20551 (i) EGENOLFF, C. See Grotefeud, H. EGERTON, Lady F. Journal of a tour in the Holy Land. With lithographic views. 8vo. London, 1841. 14427 EGERTON, J. See Lerebours, N. P. EGERTON, T. and J. A catalogue of books, including the libraries of J. Jebbs, M.D., L.D. Nelme, and several other col- lections which are now selling. 8vo. London, 1787. 14640 (i) 290 EGGER, E. Sur le prix du papier dans I'antiquite. Lettre a. M. A. Firmin Didot, et reponse de M. Didot. 8vo. Paris, 1857. 22758 EGGER, E. Le papier dans I'antiquite et dans les temps modernes. Apercu historique. i2mo. Paris, 1866. 8423 EGGER, E. Les Estienne hellenistes et imprimeurs de Grec au i6e. si6cle. (In Annuaire de I'Association pour I'Encouragement ■des Etudes Grecques, Ann. 3, 1869.) 13617 EGGER, E. Histoire du llvre. 2e. edition. 8vo. Paris [c. 1880]. 5009 EGGER, E. Histoire du livre. 3e. edition. 8vo. Paris [c. 1880]. 20076 EGINHARTUS. Vita et gesta Karoli cognomento Magni. 8vo. Coloniae, 1521. 5333(0 EGLINTON, W. The ist (-6th) book of stereotype ornaments. Fol. London [c. 1858, etc.]. 2724 EGLINTON, W. Specimens of nearly 1,000 modern orna- ments. 4to. London [c. i860]. 2730(1) EGNATIUS, J. B. De exemplis illustrium virorum Venetae civitatis atque aharum gentium. [De impressione librorum, p. 276.] 4to. Venetiis, 1554. 17301 EGUIZABAL, J. E. de. Apuntes para una historia de la legislacion Espanola sobre imprenta desde el aiio de 1480 al presente, 1873. ^^'O- Madrid, 1879. 20628 EHLERS, W. Das Verwaltungsgebaude des Norddeutschen Lloyd in Bremen. 4to. Bremen [c. 1913]. 1779^ EHREN-Gedichte auf die edle freye Kunst-Buchdruckerey, und deren Ursprung, Fortgang und Nutzbarkeit. 8vo. Franck- furt, 1739. 20682 EHRENHARD & GRAMM. Haupt-Katalog uber Buchdruck- schnellpressen. Obi. 4to. Worms, 1900. 337i EHRHARDT, R. Johannes Gutenberg : Festspiel. 3te. Auflage. 8vo. Halle a. S., 1902. 3383 EHWALD, R. See Biblia Pauperum ; Mirabilia Romae. EICHLER, F. Die Autorschaft der akademischen Disput- ationen. Teil. I-II. {In Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. lo-ii, 1896-8.) 10347 EICHLER, F. Die Deutsche Bibel des Erasmus Stratter in der L-niv.-Bib. zu Graz. Eine Untcrsuchung zur Geschichte des Buchwesen im 15. Jahrhundert. 8vo. Leipzig, igo8. 10492 EIKON BASILIKE. See Almack, E. EISENMENGER, M. Traite sur I'art graphique et la mechanique appliques a la musique. 8vo. Paris, 1838. ii794 291 EKAMA, C. Romeyn de Hooghe en de Hortus Medicus met het standbecld van L. J. Coster. 8vo. Haarlem, 1869. 21639 ELAND, J. S. A chapter on coloured illustration. {In Black- burn, H : The art of illustration, 1900.) 2844 ELBERTUS, Fra. See Hubbard, E. ELDER, P. & CO. An arts and crafts book shop in Greater San Erancisco. 8vo. San Erancisco [1906]. 9396 ELECTRIC COMPOSITOR CO. A type-bar composing machine. [In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 44, Nov. 24, 1898, PP- 305-307-) PP ELECTRIC Typog-raph. {hi Inland Printer, Vol. 18, 1896-7, p. 50.) PP ELECTRICAL inkless printing. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 25, 1900, pp. 236-238.) PP ELECTRICAL INKLESS PRINTING SYNDICATE. [Col- lection of papers issued by, or relating to, the syndicate, 1899-1904.] 4to. [London, 1899-1904.] 11857 ELECTRICAL INKLESS PRINTING SYNDICATE. Elec- trical inkless printing. 8vo, London, 1899. 171 5 ELECTROTYPERS AND STEREOTYPERS' TRADE PRO- TECTION ASSOCIATION. Agreement between the Electro- typers and Stereotypers' Trade Protection Association and the London Branch of the Federated Society of Fletrotypers and Stereotypers of Great Britain and Ireland. Fol. London, 191 1. 15280 ELECTROTYPING. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 8, 1890-1, p. 72s— Vol. 9, 1891-2, p. 147.) PP ELF. The Elf. 4to. Shorne, 1899- 1900. 2664 ELIAS, J. S. The Monotype from a printer's point of view. 8vo. London, 1908. 99^5 ELISABETH CHARLOTTE OF ORLEANS. See Helmolt, H. F. ELISCHER, G. d'. Les droits d'auteur en Hongrie et I'accord avec la PVance. {In Revue de Hongrie, July, 1908.) 13634 ELLIOTT, N. Ready wages calculator for use in factories and workshops where ^2^ hours constitute a working week. 8vo. Leeds, 1893. 2910 ELLIOTT, R, C. The Lanston Monotype described. From the operator's point of view. [A lecture delivered to the typographical section of the Manchester Corporation School of Technology.] 8vo. London, 1904. 4538 ELLIOTT, T. W. Wood versus photo-engraving. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 6, 1888-9, PP- 47i. 645, 829.) PP 292 ELLIOTT, SON & CO. The Defiance : single-cylinder printing machines, guillotine, millboard and card-cutting machines. Obi. 8vo. Otley, 1898. 6724 ELLIS, A. J. Reading reform seconder : a sequel to the primer. i2mo. London [c. 1855]. 8918 ELLIS, A. J. Reading reform pass book : forming a system- atic transition from phonetic to Romanic print. i2mo. London [c. 1855]. 8921 ELLIS, F. H. S. A royal craft: being notes on the history and progress of printing. With preface by E. R. Alexander. i2mo. Epping, 1905. 7090 ELLIS, Sir H. Printers and stationers. Papers illustrative of the management of literature by those trades in the reign of Elizabeth. 4to. [London, 1832.] -0551 {--) ELLIS, Sir H. Original letters of eminent literary men of the 1 6th, 17th and i8th centuries. 4to. London, 1843. 5074 ELLIS, Sir H. See Vergil, P. ELLIS, J. See Prideaux, H. ELLIS, J. B. Hints and tables for the printing of^ce and paper warehouse. i6mo. Leeds [1887]. 191 ELLIS, J. B. Hints and tables for the printing office and paper warehouse. i6mo. Leeds [c. 1890]. 191A ELLIS, J. B. and DENTON, W. The printers' calculator and practical companion. i6mo. Leeds, 1876. 23487 ELLIS, T. See Tuer, A. W. ELLIS &■ ELVEY. looth catalogue of books. To which is prefixed a short account of the bookselling business carried on continuously at this sliop since 1728. 8vo. London, 1903. 3338 ELLIS, Messrs. A catalogue of 150 books and MSS. to which is prefixed an historical account of the bookselling business carried on continuously at this house [29, New Bond Street] since 1728. 4to. London, 1913. 17753 ELLISTON, M. Bookbinding for royalty. {In Home Chat, Nov. 16, 1 90 1.) 2467 ELLISTON, M. The battle of life : how women face it. No. II — Sometimes by printing. Why not oftener? (In Home Chat, Oct. 26, 1901.) 8vo. 2444 ELSASS - Lothringischer Buchdrucker - Tarif. Giiltig vom April I, 1896. 8vo. [Schiltigheim, 1896.] 141 ELSASSER. Bemerkungen eines Elsassers iiber die Guten- bergs-feier. 8vo. Strassburg [1840]. 20955 (6) ELSTOB, E. The rudiments of grammar for the English- Saxon tongue. 4to. London, 1715. 5277 293 ELSTOB, E. An English-Saxon homily on the birthday of St. Gregory. 8vo. London, 1709. 5327 ELSTOB, E. See Oxford : LTniversity Press. ELTON, C. I. and ELTON, M. A. A catalogue of a portion of [theirj library. Svo. London, 1891. 8207 ELTON, C. I. and ELTON, M. A. The great book-collectors. Svo. London, 1893. 192 ELTON, M. A. See Elton, C. L and Elton, M. A. ELTON, O. William Morris, {hi The University Extension Journal, Feb., 1897.) 2642 ELYOT, T. The castel of helth. 4to. London, 1541. 21384 ELZEVIER. Catalogus librorum qui in bibliopolio Danielis Elsevirii venales extant. i2mo. Amstelodami, 1674. 18509 ELZEVIER. Proeve der drukkerye van Mr. Abraham Elzevier in sign leven drukker van de Universiteyt tot Leyden. [Sale cata- logue.] 4to. Leyden, 1713. 20241 ELZEVIER. Catalogus librorum officinae Elzevirianae. Anno 1644. [Reproduction of the only copy known, by C. Annoot- Braeckman.] 8vo. Gand, 1854. 17617 ELZEVIER. Catalogus librorum oflicinae Elzevirianae. Cata- logue de I'officine des Elzevier (1628). Reproduction helio- graphique avec une introduction par E. Kelchner. 8vo. Paris, 1880. 23424 ELZEVIER. See Berard, A. S. L. ; Berghman, G. ; Dodt van Flensburg, J. J. ; Goldsmid, E. ; Jacob, J. L. C. ; Kayser, C. ; Lang, A.; Motteley, C. ; Parival, J. de ; Pieters, C. ; Piper, A. C. ; Rammelman Elsevier, W. J. C. ; Reume, A. de ; Salvador, Baroness A. ; Siennicki, S. J. ; [Steiner, E.] ; Walther, C. F. ; Willems, A. EMANUEL, F. L. The illustrators of Montmartre. i2mo. London, 1904. 4086 EMERIC-DAVID, T. B. Discours historique sur la gravure en taille-douce et sur la gravure en bois. 8vo. Paris, 1808. 12055 EMERSON, W. A. Handbook of wood engraving. New edition. i2mo. Boston, 1881. 193 EMERSON, W. A. Handbook of wood engraving. New edition. i2mo. Boston, 1884. 577 EMERY, A. H. Standard gauges in printing and paper machines. [In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 7, Feb. 23, 1882.) PP EMERY, H. Specimens of letterpress printing. 4to. Hove, 1 890. 3046 EMICH, G. R. V. Katalog der Sammlung Hofrat, G. R. v. E. Svo. Wien, 1906. 8056 294 EMMERICH, G. H. Lexikon fiir Photographic und Repro- duktionstechnik (Chemigraphie, Lichtdruck, HeUograviire.) 8vo. Wien, 1910, 13437 EMMERSON, W. Titles and character in type, (/n Inland Printer, Vol. 18, 1896-7, pp. 33-35.) PP EMMERSON, \\\ Title pages and their composition. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 20, 1897-8, pp. 496-497.) PP EMMIUS, U. Graecorum respublicae. [2nd edition.] i6mo. Lugd. Bat., 1632 [i.e. 1644]. 21951 EMMOT & CO. Manchester Spring Assizes, 1892. Verbatim report of the actions for libel between Messrs. E. and Co. versus Messrs. Watters and Spencer, as president and secretary of the Manchester Typographical Society, the Co-operative Printing Society, and ^Ir. J. F. Wilkinson, printers. i2mo. Manchester, 1892. 3418 ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. The greatest work in the world. [A prospectus.] 8vo. [London, 1899.] 1581 ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA. A specimen book of the nth edition, being a survey of its contents, with representative extracts and illustrations. 4to. Cambridge, 191 1. 14603 ENCYCLOPEDIE. L' Encyclopedic Methodique. [The plates illustrating the article " Imprimerie " only.] 4to. [Paris, 1788.] 22978 ENDERES, B. R. v. Reisefiihrer auf den neuen osterreich. Alpenbahnen Pyhrnbahn Linz-Klaus-Selzthal. i2mo. Wien, 1908. 15003 ENDERS, E. A. Erinnerung an den Besuch sr. Majestat Konig Friedrich August von Sachsen in der Grossbuchbinderei E. A. Enders, Leipzig. 4to. Leipzig [1908]. 13461 ENDERS, E. A. 50, 1859-1909. [Recording the Jubilee of the firm.] 4to. Leipzig, 1909. 1349^ ENDTER. See Oldenbourg, F. EN ESS, A. An analysis of overlays. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 37. 1906, pp. 33-36-) PP ENGELHARDT, A. Das Ausschiessen der Formen. Tech- nisches Hilfsbuch fiir Druckereileiter, Faktore und Gehilfen. 6te. Auflage. 8vo. Leipzig [c. 1900]. 334^ ENGELHARDT, R. Der Initial : kurzgefasstes Handbuch der Entwickelungsgeschichte des Initials und der Techniken seiner Herstellung. i2mo. Leipzig [1912]. 16561 ENGELMANN, G. Manuel du dessinateur lithographe. 8vo. Paris, 1822. 7902 ENGELMANN, G. Manuel du dessinateur lithographe. 2e. Edition. 8vo. Paris, 1824. i860 295 ENGELMANN, G. Traitd theorique et pratique de lithographic. 4to. MulhoLise [1839-40]. 194 ENGELMANN, G. Das Gesammtgcbiet der Lithographic. L^ebertragung von W, Pabst und A. Kretschmar. 4to. Chemnitz, 1840. 18374 ENGELMANN, G. Das Gesammtgebiet der Lithographic. Uebertragung ^•on \\\ Pabst und A. Kretschmar. 2te. Auflage. 4to. Leipzig, 1843. 10766 ENGELMANN, G. See Paris : Academic des Beaux-Arts. ENGELMANN, W. Bibliotheca scriptorum classicorum et Graecorum et LatinorOm, 1 700-1858. 7te. Auflage. 8vo. Leipzig, 1858. 11194 ENGELS, J. A. LTeber Papier und einige andere Gegenstande der Technologic und Industrie. [Printed on blue paper and with specimens of paper at the end.] 8vo. Duisburg, 1808. 11669 ENGLAND. Actes made in the 27th yere of Henry 8th. 4to. London, 1562. 5400 ENGLAND. [A decree in the Starre Chamber for the redressing of the abuses in printing, 1584.] MS. 4to. 8307 ENGLAND. Le longe report de anno quinto Edwardi quarti. Fol. London, 1587. 5139 ENGLAND. A decree lately made in the High Court of Starre Chamber. 4to. London, 1633. 2 12 17 ENCiLAND. A decree of Starre Chamber, concerning printing, made the eleventh day of July, 1637. 4to. London, 1637. 2 12 18 ENGLAND. An ordinance of the Lords and Commons. Also an order of the Commons, prohibiting the printing or publishing of any lying pamphlet, scandalous to His Majestie or to the proceedings of both or either Houses of Parliament. 4to. London, 1642. 141 14 ENGLAND. An order made by the Honourable House of Commons [concerning printing] 29 Jan., 1642. (In Milton, J. : Areopagitica, 1868.) 2301 1 ENGLAND. An order of the Commons assembled in Parlia- ment for regulating printing, 9 March, 1643. (In Milton, J. : Areopagitica, 1868.) 2301 1 ENGLAND. An order of the Lords and Commons for the regulating of printing [14 June, 1643]. 4to. London, 1643. 21227 ENGLAND. An order of the Lords and Commons for the regulating of printing, June, 1643. (In Milton, J. : Areopagitica, 1868.) 2301 1 ENGLAND. An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament against unlicensed or scandalous pam- phlets, and for the better regulating of printing. 4to. London, 1647. 141 13 296 ENGLAND. An act against unlicensed or scandalous books and pamphlets, and for better regulating of printing. Fol. London, 1649. 12085 ENGLAND. Orders of His Highness the Lord Protector for the further regulating of printing. Fol. London, 1655. 22036 ENGLAND. Considerations : relating to the intended duties on paper, humbly submitted to the Honourable House of Commons. Fol. London [c. 1700]. 6485 ENGLAND. For the regulation of the press, in order to hinder and deter the daily insolence of libels by an easy discovery of their authors, printers and publishers. [Proposals for a register of pubHcations and printers.] Fol. London [c. 1705]. 6484 ENGLAND. An Act for laying several duties upon all sope and paper made in Great Britain or imported into the same. 8vo. London, 1712. 18666 ENGLAND. A collection of the statutes now in force, relating to the stamp duties. [Largely relating to the paper duties.] 8vo. London, 1716. 21724 ENGLAND. An xA-ct for the encouragement of the arts of designing, engraving and etching historical and other prints, by vesting the properties thereof in the inventors and engravers, during the time therein mentioned. Fol. London, 1735. 18787 ENGLAND. An Act for prohibiting the importation of books re-printed abroad, and first composed or written, and printed in Great Britain ; and for repealing so much of an Act made in the eighth year of the reign of her late Majesty Queen Anne, as impowers the limiting the prices of books. Fol. London, 17^9. 18788 ENGLAND. A Bill for making more effectual an Act passed in the 8th year of the reign of her late Majesty Queen Anne, entitled. An Act for the encouragement of learning by vesting the copies of printed books in the authors, etc. Fol. [London, c. 1750.] 1 1897 ENGLAND. The Great Charter and Charter of the Forest, with other authentic instruments. To which is prefixed an intro- ductory discourse, containing the history of the Charters. By \V, Blackstone. 4to. Oxford, 1759. 5883 ENGLAND. Copies taken from the records of the King's Bench at Westminster, etc., of warrants issued Ijy Secretaries of State for seizing persons suspected of being the authors, printers, and publishers of libels, from the Restoration to the present time. 4to. London, 1763. 1795*5 ENGLAND. The debates and proceedings of the British House of Commons, 1770-2. [Complaint against printers, p. iii. Further complaint against printers, pp. 148, 153, 155.] 8vo. London, 1772. 18095 297 ENGLAND. Report on Mr. Koop's petition, respecting his invention for making- paper from various refuse materials. Fol. London, iSoi. 8i6 ENGLAND. Report from the Committee on the booksellers and printers' petition relating to the high duties on paper. Fol. [London, 1802. J 9217 ENGLAND. Report from the Committee on the booksellers and printers' petition [on the Paper Duty]. Fol. London, 1802. 808 ENGLAND. Booksellers and printers' relief Bill. A Bill for repealing certain duties on paper, etc. 8vo. [London, 1802.] 22293 ENGLAND. Ninth report from the Committee on the public expenditure, etc., of the United Kingdom. Printing and stationery. Fol. London, 1810. 820 ENGLAND. Minutes of evidence taken before the Select Com- mittee on the Copyright Acts, 1813. Fol. London, 1818. 804 ENGLAND. Minutes of evidence taken before the Committee on Acts of 8 Anne and 15 and 41 Geo. Ill, for the encourage- ment of learning by vesting the copies of printed books in the authors or purchasers of such copies, 1813. Fol. London, 1818. 803 ENGLAND. Report from the Select Committee on printing and stationery. Fol. London, 1822. 821 ENGLAND. Third report from the Select Committee on com- mittee rooms and printed papers. Selection of printed reports, etc. Fol. London, 1825. 437-2 ENGLAND. Report from the Select Committee on printing done for the House. Fol. London, 1828. 4517 ENGLAND. Report from the Select Committee on the present state of the library of the House of Commons. Fol. London, 1832. ' 4373 ENGLAND. Report from Select Committee on King's printers' patents. Fol. London, 1832. 810 ENGLAND. Report from Select Committee on King's printers' patents. 8vo. Bungay, 1833. 20502 ENGLAND. First (second) report from the Select Committee on public documents. 2 vols. Fol. London, 1833. 4515 ENGLAND. First (second) report from the Select Committee on stationery contract. 2 vols. Fol. London, 1833. 797 ENGLAND. Report from Select Committee on the Parliament Office. [Relates to the printing of papers.] Fol. London, 1834. 4516 298 ENGLAND, Fourteenth report of the Commissioners of In- quiry into the Excise estabhshment, and into the management and collection of the excise revenue througout the United Kingdom. Paper. Fol. London, 1835. 809 ENGLAND. Report from the Select Committee on Fourd- rinier's patent [for making- paper by machinery]. Fol. London, 1837. 813 ENGLAND. Report on re-committed report from the Select Committee on Fourdrinier's patent [for making paper by machinery]. Fol. [London, 1837.] 814 ENGLAND. Report from Select Committee on King's printers' patent (Scotland). Fol. London, 1837. ^^7 ENGLAND. Report from the Select Committee on Queen's printers' patent (Scotland). Fol. London, 1838. 818 ENGLAND. Copy of warrant of appointment of, and in- structions for. H. M. master printers in Scotland. Fol. London, 1839. 790 ENGLAND. Estimates, etc. Miscellaneous services for the year ending 31 March, 1841. [Printing, etc., p. 3. Messrs. Fourd- rinier, compensation, p. 11.] Fol. London, 1840. 815 ENGLAND. Report (2nd report : report, 1846, 1848, 1850) of the Board of H. M. 's sole and only master printers in Scotland. 5 vols. Fol. London, 1840-50. 791 ENGLAND. First (second) report of the Select Committee on printing. 2 vols. Fol. London, 1848. 799 ENGLAND. Copy of correspondence relative to printing official reports in the octavo instead of the folio form. Fol. London, 1849. 796 ENGLAND. Report from the Select Committee on printing. Fol. London, 1850. 801 ENGLAND. Report from the Select Committee on newspaper stamps. 8vo. London, 1851. 763 ENGLAND. Return [relating to the Government printing con- tract of Jan. , 1 85 1.] Fol. London, 1851. 769 ENGLAND. Report from the Select Committee on postage label stamps. 8vo. London, 1852. ^437 ENGLAND. Report from the Select Committee on printing. Fol. London, 1854. 802 ENGLAND. Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords, appointed to consider the subject of printing papers for this House. Fol. London, 1854. 2875 (i) ENGLAND. Report from the Select Committee on printing (Houses of Parliament, efc). Fol. London, 1855. 761 ENGLAND. Report from the Select Committee on printing. Fol. London, 1857. 762 299 KNCiLAXD. Report on the ordnance survey of the United Kingdom for 1855-6. [Printhiij department, pp. 21-23.] Fol. London, 1857. 18795 ENGLAND. Return of correspondence on the subject of the registration of newspapers, and securities on the pubhcation of newspapers and pamphlets, etc. Fol. London, 1858. 806 ENGLAND. Copies of Treasury minutes, dated lo May, 1858, relating- to the printing of reports of commissions of enquiry, and 31 May, 1858, relating- to the printing- of departmental papers. Fol. London, 1858. * 788 ENGLAND. Report from the Select Committee on Queen's printers' patent. Fol. London, 1859. ' 819 ENGLAND. Report of the Commissioners of Inland Revenue to the Treasury on the repeal of the duty upon paper, dated i March, i860. Fol. London, i860. 812 ENGLAND. Report from the Select Committee on paper (ex- port duty on rags). Fol. London, 1861. 811 ENGLAND. Report from the Select Committee on the Copy- right (No. 2) Bill. Fol. London, 1864. 805 ENGLAND. Copy of the minute of the Lords of the Treasury on corrections and charges made on paper sent to be printed. Fol. London, 1864. 789 ENGLAND. Reports on the manufacture of paper in Japan. Fol. London, 1871. 7374 ENGLAND. Reports on the subject of Parliamentary re- porting in foreign countries and in the colonies. Fol. London, 1874. 770 ENGLAND. Fifth report of the Royal Commission on His- torical MSS. Part I. Fol. London, 1876. 21801 ENGLAND. Report from the Select Committee on Parlia- mentary reporting. Fol. London, 1878. 764 ENGLAND. Report from the Select Committee on the law of libel. Fol. London, 1879. 807 ENGLAND. Report from the Select Committee on Parlia- mentary reporting. Fol. London, 1879. 765 ENGLAND. Report from the Select Committee on reporting. Fol. London, 1880. 7^6 ENGLAND. Report of Joint Select Committee on Stationery Office (Controller's report). Fol. London, 1881. 774 ENGLAND. Copy of memorial of the London Compositors' Society relating to the contracts for printing Parliamentary papers, and of the reply sent thereto. Fol. London, 1881. 775 ENGLAND. Newspaper Libel and Registration Act, 1881 [44 and 45 Vict. ch. 60]. 8vo. London, 1881. 2980 300 ENGLAND. Copy of a letter from the Controller of the Stationery Office to the Secretary of the Treasury, giving explan- ations with regard to the estimate for 1882-3. Fol. London, 1882. 779 ENGLAND. Copy of a letter from the Controller of the Stationery Office on several questions raised in connection with the supplementary estimate for 1882-3. Fol. London, 1883. 780 ENGLAND. Treasury minute appointing a Committee to enquire into the practice of the different public departments with regard to stationery and printing. Fol. London, 1884. ']']'j ENGLAND. Report of Committee appointed to inquire into the expenditure and practice of the different government departments in regard to stationery and printing. Fol. London, 1885. 778 ENGLAND. Copy of contract between the Controller of the Stationery Office and Messrs. Hansard for printing. Fol. London, 1886. 785 ENGLAND. Copy of correspondence between the Comptroller of the Stationery Office, the Treasury and the London Society of Compositors upon the Government printing contracts during 1884-5. Fol. London, 1886. 776 ENGLAND. Report from the Joint Committee on the cost and method of the publication of the debates and proceedings in Parliament. I"ol. London, 1888. 767 ENGLAND. Copy of contract dated 21 Dec, i8gi, for printing and publishing reports of debates and proceedings in Parliament. Fol. London, 1892. 772 ENGLAND. Copy of contract dated 8 Dec, 1892, entered into with Messrs. Eyre and Spottiswoode for printing and publishing reports of debates and proceedings in Parliament. Fol. London, 1893. 771 ENGLAND. Report from the Select Committee on Parlia- mentary debates. Fol. London, 1893. 768 ENGLAND. Report from the Select Committee on stationery contracts. Fol. London, 1896. 786 ENGLAND. Copies of four contracts entered into by [the] Stationery Office affecting printing ordered by the Houses of Parliament. Fol. London, 1897. 787 ENGLAND. Copy of the report of the Committee appointed by Treasury minute of 16 June, 1896, to enquire into Stationery Office contracts. Fol. London, 1897. 1027 ENGLAND. Copy of contract dated 30 Aug., 1897, with Mr. F. M. Bussy for printing and publishing reports of debates and proceedings in Parliament. Fol. London, 1898. 1054 ENGLAND. Copy of contract granted to Messrs. Wyman and Sons, Ltd., for printing and publishing reports of debates and proceedings in Parliament. Fol. London, 1902, 3256 301 ENGLAND. Return of the laws, if any, in force in France, tjermany, Austria, Italy, Belg-ium, Holland, Switzerland, and the United States, for regfulatint^- or restricting- the exhibition of posters, bills and other advertisciiients and for the taxation of such advertisements. Fol. London, 1903. 3774 ENGLAND. Report on the German paper industry and export trade. [By Sir \\'. Ward.] 8vo. l>ondon, 1905. 7699 r'NGLAND. Return showing- the names of those present at the conference to consider proposed alterations in the printing of the Prayer Book, a list of the alterations, etc. Fol. London, 1903- 3435 ENGLAND. Fourth report of the Controller of H. M. Stationery Office. 8vo. London, 1904. 4109 ENGLAND. Report on Japanese paper-making. By O. White. 8vo. London, 1905. 7087 ENGLAND. Report from the Select Committee on official publications, etc., together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, etc. Fol. London, 1906. 7^94 ENGLAND. Correspondence relating to the complaint of certain printers who were induced to emigrate to Canada by false representations. Fol. London, 1906. 7612 ENGLAND. Report from the Select Committe on official publications, etc., with the proceedings of the Committee. Fol. London, 1906. 77°^ ENGLAND. Report from the Select Committee on Parlia- mentary debates. Fol. London, 1907. 9061 ENGLAND. Report (Minutes of evidence) of the Fair Wages Committee. 2 vols. Fol. London, 1908. 10560 ENGLAND. A Bill to amend the Acts relating to public libraries. Fol. London, 1908. 14733 ENGLAND. Report from the Select Committe on publications. Fol. London, 1908. io574 ENGLAND. Tables relating to the trade of British India with British possessions and foreign countries, 1903-4 to 1907-8. Fol. London, 1909. 11827 ENGLAND. Report of the Committee on the law of copyright. Fol. London, 1909. 11783 ENGLAND. Correspondence respecting- the revised Conven- tion of Berne for the protection of literary and artistic works, signed at Berlin, Nov. 13, 1908. Fol. London, 1909. 10736 ENGLAND. Pvcport and special report from the Select Com- mittee on publications and debates reports. Fol. London, 1909. 11595 302 ENGLAND. Census of production (1907). Preliminary tables. Part. II containing^ particulars relating- to [(10) paper-making- factories]. Fol. London, igio. 11879 ENGLAND. Report from the Select Committee on publi- cations and debates reports. Fol. London, 191 1. 15260 ENGLAND. Report of an enquiry by the Board of Trade into working class rents, housing- and retail prices, tog-ether with the rates of wages in certain occupations in the principal industrial towns in the United States. Fol. London, 191 1. 14734 ENGLAND. Report from the Select t^ommittee on publi- cations and debates reports. Fol. London, 1912. 16320 ENGLAND. Report of H. M. Commissioners for the Inter- national Exhibitions at Brussels, Rome and Turin, 1910-1. [Print- ing- and paper, p. 194, etc.] 8vo. London, 1913. 16771 ENGLAND. Report of an enquiry by the Board of Trade into the earning-s and hours of labour of workpeople of the United King-dom. VIII — Paper, printing-, etc., trades, in 1906. Fol. London, 1913. 16892 ENGLAND. Report from the Select Committee on Publi- cations and Debates Reports. Fol. London, 1914. 18605 ENGLAND : Admiralty. A catalog-ue of the books in the Admiralty Library. 8vo. London, 1S58. 14123 ENGLAND : Board of Education. Scheme of classification adopted for the arrangement of the books on the shelves in the Board of Education Library. 8vo. London, 1909. 12066 ENGLAND : Board of Trade. Catalog-ue of the Library. 8vo. London, 1866. 16036 ENGLAND : Board of Trade : Labour Department. Catalog-ue of library. 8vo. London, 189S. 8048 ENGLAND : Board of Trade : Labour Department. Catalogue of library. 8vo. London, 1905. 8046 ENGLAND : Board of Trade : Labour Department. Report on the changes in rates of wages and hours of labour in United Kingdom in 191 1, with comparative statistics for 1902-10. 8vo. London, 19 12. 16866 ENGLAND : Board of Trade : Labour Department. Catalogue of library. 8vo. London, 1913. 16770 ENGLAND : Civil Service Commission. Open competition for the situation of clerk in H. M. ^Stationery Office, March, 1895. Regulations, examination papers, and table of marks. 8vo. London, 1895. 781 303 7426 Proof impressions 7459 1-2, Vols Vol 1889-97. PP 4-9) I, 1897, 1893-6. etc. PP 8vo. PP 2256 (In The Brit, and Col. Print., PP ENGLAND : Ordnance Survey. Account of the methods and processes adopted for the production of the maps of the survey of the United Kingdom ; drawn up by oflicers of Royal Engineers employed under Lieut. -Gen. Sir Henry James. Revised in igoi under the direction of Col. Duncan A. Johnston. Fol. London, 1902. ENGLISH ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE of engravings. 4to. London, 1884. ENGLISH. The English Typographia. 4to. London, 1889-97. ENGRAVER AND ELECTROTYPER. 8vo. Chicago, 1897, etc. ENGRAVER AND PRINTER. Vols. Boston, 1893-6. ENGRAVING. [In Rees' Encyclopedia, 1819.) ENGRAVING on a htho. stone Vol. 74, 1914, p. 504.) ENNIS, R. Leisure gleanings of a printer. [In Inland Printer, Vol. 4, 1886-7, pp. 647, 734.) PP ENQUIRY. An enquiry into the nature and origin of literary property. 8vo. London, 1762. 11018 ENQUIRY. An enquiry into the origin of printing in Europe. By a lover of art. [Relates principally to Jackson's chiaroscuro work.] 8vo. London, 1752. 5299 ENSCHEDE, C. Technisch onderzoek naar de uitvinding van de boekdrukkunst. 8vo. Haarlem, 1901. 75^3 ENSCHEDE, C. Gutenberg's eerste drukwerk volgens Otto Hupp. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1902. 10565 ENSCHEDE, C. Laurens Jansz. Coster de uitvinder van de boekdrukkunst. Vervolg op het technisch onderzoek naar de uitvinding van de boekdrukkunst. 8vo. Haarlem, 1904. 18696 ENSCHEDE, C. Fonderies de caracteres et leur materiel dans les Pays-Bas du i5e. au ige. si^cle. Notice historique principale- ment d'apr^s les donnees de la collection typographique de Joh. Enschede en Zonen a Haarlem. Fol. Haarlem, 1908. 10779 & J. Epreuve des caractferes. 8vo. Haer- 22241 I. &' J. Proef van letteren. 8vo. Haerlem, 20246 I. & J. Proef van letteren. 8vo. Haerlem, 20249 Proef van letteren. 8vo. Haerlem, 1768. 20248 ENSCHEDE, I lem, 1744. ENSCHEDE 1748. ENSCHEDE 1757- ENSCHEDE, J 304 ENSCHEDE, J. Epreuve de caracteres. 8vo. Harlem, 1768. 6266 ENSCHEDE, J. [The preface to John Enschede's spedmen j30ok of types. Haarlem, 1768. Guillelmus Blades, typographus, scripsitA.D. 1872. J MS. 4to. [1872.] 20242(3) ENSCHEDE, J. & ZONEN. Proeve van letteren. 8vo. [Haarlem], 1806. • 20277 ENSCHEDE, J. & ZONEN. Epreuves d'une premiere im- primerie Javanaise. 4to. Harlem, 1824. 20301 ENSCHEDE, J. & ZONEN. Proeve van letteren. FoL Haarlem, 1825. 21709 ENSCHEDE, I., J. & J. E. Catalogue de la Bibliotheque. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1867. 20867 ENSCHEDE, J. & ZONEN. Specimen de caractferes typo- graphiques anciens qui se trouvent dans la collection typo- graphique de J. E. et fils. 4to. Harlem [1870]. 20242 (i) ENSCHEDE, J. & ZONEN. Specimen de caracteres typo- graphiques anciens. 4to. Harlem, 1884. 57^3 ENSCHEDE, J. & ZONEN. Letterproef. Deel 1-5. FoL Haarlem, 1889-97. 2586 — 2590 ENSCHEDE, J. & ZONEN. De lettergieterij von J. Enschede en Zonen. Gedenkschrift ter gelegenheid van haar honderd- vijftigjarig bestaan op 9 Maart, 1893. 4to. Haarlem [1893]. 195 ENSCHEDE, J. & ZONEN. Letterproef. Koperen linien. 8vo. Haarlem [1898]. 2591 ENSCHEDE, J. & ZONEN. Catalogus van voorwerpen betrekking hebbende op de geschiedenis van het bedrijf der firma J. Enschede en Zonen en van voortbrengselen van de verschillende takken barer werkzaamheid. Tentoongesteld ter gelegenheid van het 200-jarig bestaan van het bedrijf der firma op 21 Juni, 1903. 4to. Haarlem, 1903. 9484 ENSCHEDE, J. & ZONEN. See Blades, W. ; Breitkopf, J. G. I. ENSCHEDE, J. Les Enschede et leur Industrie. Conference faite le 19 juin, 1903, a I'occasion de la prochaine celebration du bi-centenaire de la maison Enschede. 8vo. [Haarlem], 1903. 18697 ENSCHEDE, J. Losse aanteekeningen betreffende de geschie- denis der oprechte Haarl. Courant. 8vo. Haarlem, 1906. 10558 ENSCHEDE, J. W. De boekletter in Nederland. [Mededee- lingen over Boekkunst, No. I.] 8vo. Amsterdam, 1902. 9325 ENSCHEDE, J. W. De Grasssetletter. [Mededeelingen over Boekkunst, No. H.] 8vo. Amsterdam, 1904. 9327 ENSCHEDE, J. W. Logica in boekdruk. [Mededeelingen over Boekkunst, No. III.] 8vo. Amsterdam, 1904. 9326, 305 20 ENZEXSPER(^.1-:R, v. X. \\'althcr von der Vogelvveide und seine Zeit. {In Jahresbericht iiber das k. Gymnasium in Straubing, 185--3.) 21983(9) EON, J. V. Specimen des caractferes. Svo. Paris [c. 1890].. 17124 EPICTETUS. Moralis philosophiac medulla. Epicteti Enchiri- dion, Gr. et Lat. cum explanatione T. Naogcorgi. i2mo. Argen- torati, 1554. 21835 EPICTETUS. Enchiridion. [Gr. and Lat.] 8vo. Glasguae, 1758. 6119(1) EPISTLE. An epistle to Curio. 4to. London, 1744. 5774 (5) EPISTOLAE clarorum virorum. i6mo. Parisiis, 1556. 5507 EPISTOLAE mag-ni Turci. 4to. [Roma, c. 1478.] 6252 (i) EPITHALAMIA exoticis Unguis reddita. Fol. Parmae, 1775. 5852 EQUICOLA, M. Libro di natura d'amore. i2mo. Vinegia, 1554- 4309 ERASMLIS, D. In Novum Testamentum Annotationes. Fol. Basilae, 15 19. 5867 ERASMITS, D. Paraphrases zum Tiitsch. Die Epistlen sancti Pauli. 4to. Zurich, 1521-2. 6082 ERASMUS, D. Commentarius in psalmum. 4to. Argentorati, 1522. 6040 (7) ERASMUS, D. Ecclesiastes. i2mo. Antverpiae, 1535. 5460 ERASMUS, D. Paraphrase upon the Nevi^e Testamente. 2 vols. Fol. London, 1548-9. 59 18 ERASMUS, D. Colloquia. i6mo. Lugd. Batav., 1636. 551 1 ERASMUS, D. Moriae encomium. i6mo. Lugd. Batav., 1648. 6093 ERASMUS, D. The praise of folic. 4to. London, igoi. 2673 ERASMUS, D. See Calkreuter, B. ERFURT, J. The dyeing of paper pulp. Translated into English and edited with additions by Julius Hiibner. A practical treatise for the use of papermakers, paperstainers, students and others. AMth illustrations and 157 patterns of papers dyed in the pulp. Translated from the second completely revised edition. 8vo. London, 1901. 2390 ERGATIKOY SYNDESMOY TON TYPOGRAPHOY. Kata- statikon. Svo. Athenesi, 1882. 1052 ERNAULT, A. See Niewenglowski, G. H. and Ernault, A. ERNESTI, G. Bibliotheca Hispanica historico-genealogico- heraldica. 4to. Lipsiae, 1724. 793^ 306 ERNESTI, J. A. G. Die wol-eing-erichtete Buchdruckerey. Obi. 4to. Niirnberg, 172 1. 2325 ERNESTI, J. A. G. Die wol-eingerichtete Buchdruckerey. Obi. 4to. Niirnberg-, 1733. 21044 ERPEXIUS, T. Rudimenta linguae Arabicae. Editio altera. i6mo. Lugd. Batav., 1628. 502 1 ERPENIUS, T. Rudimenta linguae Arabicae. 8vo. Parisiis, 1638. 4305 ERSKINE, Hon. T. Speech at a meeting of the Friends to the Liberty of the Press. Dec. 22, 1792. 8vo. London, 1793. 16427 ERSKINE, Hon. T. Declaration of the Friends of the Liberty of the Press. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1793. 11634 ERSKINE, Ho7i. T. The celebrated speech of the Hon. T. E. in support of the liberty of the press. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1793. 17190 ESCO, Ltd. The Esco Compressor fire-proof waste paper baler. 8vo. London [1914]. 18263 ESCOTT, T. H. S. Masters of English journalism : a study of personal forces. 8vo. London, 1911. 16531 ESDAILE, A. A list of English tales and prose romances printed before 1740. [Bibliographical Society : Miscellaneous Publications.] 4to. London, 1912. 16740 ESDAILE, A. On the study of early printed books. An address at Cardiff, May 7, 1913. 4to. Cardiff, 1913. 18290 ESS, L. V. See Bible : O.T. Greek. ESSAY. An essay for the press. See [Asgill, J.]. ESSAY. An essay on the liberty of the press, chiefly as it respects personal slander. 8vo. London [c. 1750]. 23442 ESSAY. An essay upon literature ; or, an enquiry into the antiquity and original of letters. 8vo. London, 1726. 20585 ESSAYS. Essays, moral and literary. [38 — On the art of printing, p. 291.] 8vo. London, 1778. 94^5 ESSEX BIBLIOGRAPHICAL COMMITTEE. List of mem- bers [and Rules]. 4to. [Chelmsford], 1891. 8195 ESSLING, Prince d'. Le premier livre xylographique Italien imprime a Venise vers 1450. 4to. Paris, 1903. 3580 ESSLING, Prince d'. Un bois venitien inedit du i5e. si^cle. 8vo. Paris, 1906. 16592 ESSWEIN, H. Thomas Theodor Heine. [Moderne Illus- tratoren. Bd. I.] 4to. Miinchen [c. 1904]. 13273 ESSWEIN, H. Hans Baluschek. [Moderne lUustratoren. Bd. II.] 4to. Miinchen [c. 1905]. 13317 307 ESSWEIN, H. Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. [Moderne lllus- tratoren. Bd. III.] 4to. Miinchen [c. 1905]. i33H ESSWEIN, H. Adolf Oberliindcr. [Moderne Illustratoren. Bd. v.] 4to. Munchen [c. 1906]. 13315 ESSWEIN, H. Ernst i\eumann. [Moderne Illustratoren. Bd. VL] 4to. Munchen [c. 1907]. 133 16 ESSWEIN, H. Eduard Munch. [Moderne Illustratoren. Bd. VII.] 4to, Munchen [c. 1907]. i379i ESSWEIN, H. Aubrey Beardsley. [Moderne Illustratoren. Bd. VIII.j 4to. Munchen [c. 1907]. 13272 ESTABROOK, H. D. Benjamin Franklin. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 17, 1896, pp. 53I-535-) PP ESTAMPE. L'Estampe Moderne. Nos. 1-24. Fol. Paris, 1897-9. 3258 ESTCOURT ( ). The fair example. 8vo. London, 1706. 6160 (12) ESTE, C. A journey in 1793 through Flanders, Brabant and Germany to Switzerland. [Meintz : Old printing, pp. 275-290.] 8vo. London, 1795. 173^^0 ESTIENNE. The great printers Stephens. (In The Quarterly Review, 1865.) 2^2418 ESTIENNE. See Bernard, A. ; Crapelet, G. A. ; Didot, A. F. ; Egger, E. ; Feug^re, L. ; Grautoff, P. A. ; Jansson ab Alme- loveen, T. ; Macdowall, H. C. ; Maittaire, M. ; Meyer, W. ; Renouard, A. A. ESTIENNE, A. Denonciation des libelles intitules L'ami du peuple par Marat, et L'orateur du peuple par Martel, et re- flexions sur la liberte de la presse. 8vo. Paris, 1791. 23355 ESTIENNE, A. See Lepreux, G. ESTIENNE, H. Florilegium. Gr. 4to. [Geneva], 1566. 22043 ESTIENNE, H. De abusu linguae Graecae. i2mo. [Geneva], 1563. 20816 ESTIENNE, H. Annotationes in Sophoclem et Euripidem. 8vo. [Geneva], 1568. 21 831 (i) ESTIENNE, H. Epistola. Index Librorum. i2mo. [Geneva], 1569- 20575 ESTIENNE, H. Artis typographicae querimonia de illiteratis quibusdam typographis, propter quos in contemptum venit. (In Wolf, J. C. : Monumenta typographica, I, 1740.) 20082 ESTIENNE, H. Plainte de la typographic contre certains imprimeurs ignorans. Traduit par un imprimeur de Paris. 4to. Paris, 1785. 22756 308 ESTIENNE, H. La foire de Francfort, traduit en Francais pour la premier fois sur 1 'edition originale de 1574. i2mo. Paris, 1875. 20667 ESTIENNE, H. Apologie pour Herodote. Nouvelle edition par P. Ristelhuber. 2 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1879. 20737 ESTIENNE, R. Les censures des th^ologiens de Paris par les quelles ils avoyent faulsement condamne les Bibles imprimees par R. Estienne : avec la response d'iceluy R. E. 8vo. [Geneve, 1866.] 20740 ESTIENNE, R. Remerciment a I'auteur de I'Avis aux g^ens de lettres. [Anon.] 8vo. Bouillon, 1770. 12593 (2) ESTREICHER, K. Giinter Zainer i Swietopelk Fiol. 8vo. Warszawa, 1867. 357o ETCHING collotype on metal. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 10, 1904-5, pp. 19-20.) PP ETHIOU-PEROU. Specimen des caract^res. Fol. Paris [c. 1880]. 2763 EUCHARISTICA : meditations and prayers on the most holy Eucharist. 8vo. London, 1861. 15762 EUCLID. The first six books of the Elements of Euclid, in which coloured diagrams and symbols are used instead of letters By O. Byrne. 4to. London, 1847. EUMENES. Dialogues. 8vo. Bristol, 1779. EUING ( ). See Dickson, W. P. EUREN, A. D. Books and bookmen of Norwich survey of its literary history. 8vo. London [c. 1913]. EURIPIDES. Trag-oediae. 4to. [? Geneva], 1602. EUROPEAN MAGAZINE AND LONDON REVIEW. 1798. 8vo. London, 1798. EUSEBIUS. Epistola de morte Hieronymi. 4to. 1 1868 5420 c. 1475.] EUSEBIUS. EUSEBIUS. c. 1520.] EUSEBIUS. 1544- EUSEBIUS. 1545- EUTROPIUS. 1592. EVANS, D. S. EVANS, E. printer, Aug-., 1905.J a brief 18438 6291 July, 16860 Koln, 21339 5522 [? Venice, 5870 Lutetiae, 6125(1) Lutetiae, 6125(2) Lugd. Batav., 6113 See Rowlands, W. [Obituary notices of Edmund Evans, colour Chronicon. 4to. Venezia, 1483. De preparatione evangelica. Fol Evangelicae praeparationis. Evangelicae demonstrationis. Historiae Romanae. i2mo. Fol Fol 7390 309 E\'ANS, E. See Browning, R. ; C. : J. ; Doyle, J. E. ; Goldsmilh, O. ; Greenaway, K. ; Harlc, B. ; Pfeiffer, I. • Taylor, J. and A. EVANS, F. The Linotype : its mechanical details and their adjustment. Full instructions as to its care and repair. i2mo. [Kansas City], 1897. 1291 EVANS, Sir J. The coinage of the ancient Britons and natural selection. 8vo. London, 1875. 23297 EVANS, L. See Dickinson, J. and Co., Ltd. EVANS, L. H. Modern book-covers. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 28, 1901-2, p. 207.) PP EVANS, P. N. See Herzberg, W. EVELYN, J. Sculptura ; or, the history and art of chalco- graphy and engraving in copper. 3rd edition. 8vo. London, 1759. I 026 I EVELYN, J. Evelyn's Sculptura : with the unpublished second part. Edited by C. F. Bell. [Introduction to Pt. 2 by A. H. Church.] 8vo. Oxford, 1906. 8263 EVEN, E V. Glanures bibliographiques. [Les imprimeurs Maes (de Louvain et d'Ath, 1573-1652); J. Canin, imprimeur k Berg-op-Zoom, 1603-6; F. Fickaert, libraire-litterateur, 1648-54.] 8vo. Bruxelles, 1851. 17619 EVEN, E. V. Notice sur Pierre Werrecoren, imprimeur a St. Martensdyk en Zelande (1478). 8vo. Bruxelles, 1851. 22377 EVEN, E. V. Rudolf Loeffs, drukker te Bommel, 1491. 8vo. [Utrecht, 1853.] 22475 EVEN, E. V. Renseignements incdits sur les imprimeurs de Louvain au i5e. siecle. [In Le Bibliophile Beige, Ann. i, 1866, PP- 47-65> 152-158-) 21996 EVENING POST. ATo. 981. 4to. London, 1715. 5760(4) EVENING TELEGRAPH. March 13, 1902 [Silver Jubilee Number]. Fol. Dundee, 1902. 2618 E\'ERARD, E. A Bristol printing house spoken of in several fragments. Fol. London. 1902. 3213 EVERARD, E. Printing in Bristol. Styles of i, 2, 3, and 4-colour photographic block printing. 4to. Bristol [1913]. 16816 EVERAT, ( ). See Eberhart, ( ). EVERITT, G. English caricaturists and graphic humourists of the 19th century. How they illustrated and interpreted their times. 4to. London, 1886. 10296 EVERSEN, H. P. H. De I'epoque du I'imprimerie fut intro- duite a Maestricht. 8vo. [c. 1870.] 17620 EVERY BOY'S ANNUAL for 1866 (1867, 1868, 1869, and 1870). [With coloured illustrations by Leighton Bros. (1867) and Kronheim & Co. (1869-70).] 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1866-70. 9579 310 EVERY man his own printer ; or, lithograpliy made easy. 8vo. London, 1854. 8840 EVERY man his own printer; or, hthography made easy. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1859. 1451 EVERYBODY'S YEARBOOK, 1877. 8vo. London [1877]. 2977 EVOLA, F. Storia tipografico-letteraria del secolo 16, in Siciha con un catalogo ragionato delle edizioni in essa citate. 8vo. 8vo. Palermo, 1878. 20617 EWART & SON, Ltd. Ewart's copper ventilators. [Printed in Caslon English black letter.] 8vo. London, 1906. 11644 EWING, G. See M'Farlan, P. EWING, J. C. A bibliography of Robert Burns, 1759-96. {In Edinburg^h Bibliog-raphical Society : Publications, Vol. 9, 1906-12.) 17569 EXCELSIOR PRINTERS' SUPPLY CO., Ltd. Every one his own printer. 5th edition. i2mo. London, 1902, 18011 EXCELSIOR PRINTERS' SUPPLY CO., Ltd. An illustrated catalog'ue of printing" machines, types, ornaments, etc. 8vo. London [1908]. 10163 EXCELSIOR PRINTERS' SUPPLY CO., Ltd. Be your own printer. 8vo. London [1908]. 10164 EXHIBITION of early woodcuts. [In The Brit, and Col. Printer, Vol. 74, 1914, p. 498.) PP EXHORTATIO de celebratione missae. 4to. [Strassburg"], 1482. 21 179 EXITO GRAFICO. Vol. 4, 1903, etc. 4to. Buenos Aires, 1903, etc. PP EXPERIENTIA, pseud. See Southward, J. EXPERT. Printing- designs on wood. By an expert. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 29, 1902, pp. 223-224.) PP EXPERT. The book of trade secrets : receipts and instructions for renovating, repairing, improving and preserving old books and prints. 8vo. London, 1909. 10992 EXPERT BOOK BINDERS. Cost of binding. i2mo. St. Louis, 1912. 18738 EXPORT JOURNAL. Vol. 18, Nos. 9-1 1, March-May, 1905. 4to. Leipzig, 1905. PP EXPOSITION des produits de I'industrie en 1839. Report sur pierre et r^impression des vieux livres — conservation perpetuelle des empreintes des livres nouvellement imprimes. (In Revue Fran^aise, 1839.) 10669 EXTRACTS from the first English printers shewing the ortho- graphy of the period. 8vo. [? London, c. 1870.] 22350 EYE, A. V. Leben und Wirken Albrecht Durer's. 8vo. Nordling-en, i860. 17192 EYE, A. V. Leben und Wirken Albrecht Durer's. 2te. Ausgabe. Svo. Nordling-en, 1869. 20698 EYRE & SPOTTISWOODE. Chronological list of employees in the government departments of H. M. Printers, excluding the Parker Street Branch (late H. Hansard & Sons). Nar. Svo. London, 1896. 10709 EYRE & SPOTTISWOODE. Queen's Printers' Chapel. Re- port of the Defence Committee. 8vo. [London, 1896,] iSS^o EYRE & SPOTTISWOODE. Old style founts. 4to. Shackle- well, 1898. 10360 EYRE & SPOTTISWOODE. Specimen book of jobbing types, borders, etc. 8vo. Shacklewell, 1900. 10353 EYRE & SPOTTISWOODE. Specimen book of printing types for bookvvork, etc. 8vo. Shacklewell, 1902. 10366 EYRE & SPOTTISWOODE. New electrotyping and make- ready processes. Svo. London [1906]. 8330 EYRE & SPOTTISWOODE. Specimens and designs. Book- work and display types. 4to. London, 1908. 12044 EYRE-TODD, G. See Simpson, W. EYRES, J. & CO. Offset printing machinery. 4to. Man- chester, 1909. 13745 EYTON, J. W. K. Catalogue of the Hbrary of J. W. K. Eyton, comprising an extraordinary collection of privately printed books, large paper copies and works printed upon vellum, etc. [Priced.] Svo. London, 1848. 8916 312 1 F F : A. A bookworm's paradise. {In The People, May 20, 1906.) 8245 F : F. The article Liberty of the press, reprinted from the Supplement to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. 8vo. London [c. 1840]. 1642 1 F : T. Early wood engraving" and the block books of the 15th century. (In St. Cuthbert's Magazine, 1869.) 22562 F : T. Early history of writing and writing materials. {In St. Cuthbert's Magazine, 1870.) 22561 F : T. W. Advertising possibilities. {In The Magazine of Commerce, Vol. 10, 1907, p. 48, etc.) 9153 FABER, A. Die Faber'sche Buchdruckerei. 4to. Magdeburg, 1897. 1 1649 FABER, J. Lead pencils and how they are made. Obi. 8vo. Nuremberg [1881]. 19^^ FABER, R.S. Christopher Plantin. {In The Library, Vol. 2, 1890.) 6273 FABER, R. S. Printing in Sicily (1478-1554). {In Bibho- graphical Society : Transactions, Vol. 5, 1900.) 56 FABIAN, E. Die Einfiihrung des Buchdrucks in Zwickau, 1523. {In Mitteilungen des Altertumsvereins fiir Zwickau und Umgegend, Heft. 6, 1899, pp. 41-128.) 9549 FABIAN SOCIETY. What to read. A list of books for social reformers. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1893. 8085 FABRICIUS, J. A. Bibliographia antiquaria. Editio tertia. [Typographia, etc., pp. 966-971.] 4to. Hamburgi, 1760. 17587 FABRICIUS, J. F. Notizen iiber die Einfiihrung und erste Ausbreitung der Buchdruckerkunst in Amerika. i2mo. Hamburg, 1841. 23073 FABRICIUS, J. F. Ueber Logotypie insbesondere. i2mo. [Hamburg, 1844.J 23076 FACCIOLI, T. Catalogo ragionata de' libri stampati in Vicenza, e sue territorio nel secolo 15. 8vo. Vicenza, 1796. 3898 3^3 FAELLl, E. Saggio sulle bibliografie degli incunabuli. 8vo. Castello, 1887. 23446 FAGAN, L. The life of Sir A. Panizzi, late Principal Librarian of the British Museum, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1880. 8619 PAGE, R. Note pour servir a I'histoire de rimprimerie a Tulle. 8vo. Tulle, 1879. 22751 PAGE, R. Contribution a I'histoire de I'imprimerie k Tulle. I — P. et J. P. Guitard, A. Bleygeat. (II— E. Bleygeat, P.Varolles, les frferes Delbos. Ill — Wolpmann & Rossignol. IV — Ouelques marches d 'impressions au i7e. si^cle.) 4 pts. 8vo. Limoges, 1894-9. 12628 PAGIUOLI, G. B. Prose. i2mo. Firenze, 1737. 7667 PAHLGREN, C. J. Handbok i boktryckerikonsten for unga sattare. 8vo. Stockholm, 1853. 20062 PAIGUET, ( ). Memoire pour la suppression des festes. [Printed in phonetic type.] 8vo. [? Paris, c. 1790.] 13787 PAILLIOT, A. See Turin: Exhibition, 1911. PAIRBAIRNS, W. H. Collotype. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 4, 1898, p. 80.) PP PAIRBAIRNS, W. H. On retouching. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 7, 1901, p. 135.) PP PAIRBAIRNS, W. H. What to be. Bookbinder. i6mo. London [191 2]. 16346 PAIRBAIRNS, W. J. What to be. Printer. i6mo. London [1912]. 16347 FAIRBANKS. T. N. Japanese paper-making. {In The Printing Art, Vol. 6, 1906, pp. 35I-355-) PP FAIRFAX, T. Lord. A warrant concerning the regulating of printing and dispersing of scandalous pamphlets. 4to. London, 1649. 21884 FAIRHOLT, F. W. See Hall, Mrs. S. C. ; Wright, T. FAIRING. The fairing; or, a golden toy for children. New edition. 24mo. London, 1767. 5497 FAIRLEY, J. A. Bibliography of the chap-books attributed to Dougal Graham. {In Glasgow Bibliographical Society : Re- cords, Vol. I, 1912-3.) 18124 FAIRWEATHER, A. [Specimens of printing.] 4to. Wood- bridge [1904]. 1052 1 FAITHORNE, W. The art of graving and etching. 2nd edition. i2mo. London, 1702. 6639 FALCKENHEINER, W. Einblatt-Kalender aus Douai fur das Jahr 1585. {In Dziatzko. K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. II, 1898.) 10347 314 FALCKENHEINER, W. Bibliographie der im Druck erschienenen Universitats-Matrikeln. I — Die deutschen Uni- versitaten sovvie die deutschen Nationen des Auslandes. {In Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 15, 1902.) 10347 FALK, F. Die Druckkunst im Dienste der Kirche, zunachst in Deutschland, bis zum 1520. 8vo. Koln, 1879. 899 FALK, F. Die Presse zu Marienthal im Rheingau und ihre Erzeug"nisse. (15. Jahrhundert.) 8vo. Mainz, 1882. 3481 FALK, F. Missale Moguntinum, sine loco, 1482. 8vo. [Leip- zig-, 1884.] 6076(14) FALK, F. Die Drucke des Missale Moguntinum, 8vo. Leip- zig, 1886. 6076 (13) FALK, F. Die Ausgaben des Directorium Missae der Mainzer Kirche. 8vo. [Leipzig, c. 1887.] 6076(16) FALK, F. Die Mainzer Brevier Ausgaben. 8vo. Leipzig, 1887. 6076(15) FALK, F. Der Tractatus de sacrificio missae, Moguntiae. 8vo. Leipzig [c. 1887]. 6076(12) FALK, F. Ivo Wittig von Hammelburg in Mainz. 8vo. [Leipzig, 1889.] 6076(11) FALK, F. Bibliographisches und typographisches auf einer Romreise. 8vo. [Leipzig, c. 1889.] 6076(21) FALK, F. Die deutsche Mess-Auslegungen von der Mitte des fiinfzehnten Jahrhunderts bis zum Jahre 1525. 8vo. Koln, 1889. 11291 FALK, F. Die deutschen Sterbebiichlein von der altesten Zeit des Buchdruckes bis zum Jahre 1520. 8vo. Koln, 1890. 1 1292 FALK, F. Gutenberg, seine Person und seine Erfindung. 8vo. Mainz, 1900. 1699 FALK, F. and WALLAU, H. Der Canon Missae von Jahre 1458 der Bibliotheca Bodleiana zu Oxford. {In Gutenberg Gesell- schaft : Veroffentlichungen. Ill, 1904.) 4954 FALKE, J. v. Zur Geschichte von Schrift und Druck und ihrer kiinstlerischen Ausstattung. {In Stuttgart : Festgaben, 1882.) 202 FALKENSTEIN, C. K. Geschichte der Buchdruckcrkunst in ihrer Entstehung und Ausbildung. 4to. Leipzig, 1840. 5904 FALKENSTEIN, C. K. Geschichte der Buchdruckcrkunst in ihrer Entstehung und Ausbildung. 2te. Auflage. 4to. Leipzig, 1856. 21015 FALKNER, G. & SON. The old style calender for 1881 (1882). 2 pts. 4to. Manchester, 1881-2. 3131 FALKNER, G. & SONS. See Falkner, R. ; Manchester : Royal Jubilee Exhibition. 315 FALKNER, R. A little gossip about printing. Obi. 4to. Manchester, 1887. 22375 FALKNER, R. Description of the antique printing press and other hand appliances formerly the property of Messrs. Geo. Falkncr and Sons and presented by them to the Chetham's Hospital and Library. i2mo. Manchester [c. 1895]. 2788 FALLIS, S. W. Wood-engraving. [In Inland Printer, Vol. i, 1883-4, No. 2, p. 5; No. 3, p. 5; No. 4, p. 5.) PP FALLIS, S. W. Notes on wood-engraving. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 2, 1884-5, P- 32— Vol. 8, 1 890- 1, p. 868.) PP FALLOUX, ( ) de. See Libri, G. FALOCI PULIGNANI, M. L'arte tipografica in Foligno nel secolo 15. {In La Bibliofilia, Vol. i, 1899-1900, pp. 283-290; Vol. 2, 1900-1, pp. 23-25, 216-224.) PP FAMILY HERALD. Vol. i, No. i. [Set up by Young's Patent Composing Machine.] Fol. London, 1842. 1535 FANN STREET LETTER FOUNDRY. [MS. copies of documents, etc., relating to the history of the Foundry, 1801-20.] Fol. 23191 FANNY and Mary; or, Juvenile views of happiness. i2mo. London [c. 1820]. 15361 FANTIN-LATOUR, ( ). See Dutch Gallery. FANTOZZI, F. Notizie biografiche originali di B. Cennini grafo fiorentino, primo promotore della tipografia in Firenze con indicazione della casa e delle botteghe ove abito ed esercito Parte. 8vo. Firenze, 1839. 15157 FAQUES, R. See Duff, E. G. FAQUES, W. See Duff, E. G. FARBWERKE VORM. MEISTER LUCIUS & BRUNING. Pinatype. i2mo. Hoechst [c. 1905]. 15853 FARMAND : Norsk Forretningsblad. Aarg. 10, 1910, etc. 4to. Christiania, 1910, etc. PP FARMER, LITTLE & CO. Selections of printing types. 4to. New York, 1868. 6361 FARMER, LITTLE &: CO. The later specimens of printing types. 8vo. New York, 1879. 6402 FARMER, LITTLE cS: CO. Specimens of printing types. 4to. New York, 1880. 6363 FARMER, LITTLE & CO. The latest styles [of types]. 4to. New York [c. 1880J. 6364 FARMER, LITTLE & CO. Specimens of new type faces. 4to. New York [c. 1885]. 2747 FARMER, H. Maxwell, the master man. {In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, Vol. 7, 1901, pp. 113-117.) PP 316 FARMER, H. The ratiometer lens. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 166-168.) PP FARMER, H. The modes of action of ruled and analogous screens in their application to photo-engraving-. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, pp. 185-197.) PP FARMER, H. Autochromes and their reproduction on paper. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, pp. 12-14.) PP FARMER, H. Autochromes and their reproduction on paper. 4to. London [191 1]. 1477^ FARMER, H. Charts for screen operating. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 191 1-2, pp. 12-14.) PP FARMER, J. S. A hand list to old English plays. Students' facsimile edition. 8vo. London, 1914. 18514 FARMERj T. The plain truth : being a narrative of the methods made use of to procure a copy of the Essay on Women, with extracts. [Relates to the private press of J. Wilkes.] 4to. London, 1763. 21759 FARQUHAR, H. D. The grammar of photo-engraving. 8vo. New York, 1893. 197 FARQUHAR, H. D. The grammar of photo-engraving. 8vo. London, 1895. ^9^ FARQUHAR, H. D. The prism camera stand. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 8, 1902-3, pp. 29-30.) PP FARQUHAR, H. D. American line zinc etching. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 9, 1903-4, pp. 63-64.) PP FARR, B. A. Leaks in the printing business. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 41, 1908, pp. 113-114.) PP FARR, H. Library work with children. 8vo. Cardiff, 1910. 13291 FARRARj F. W. A history and description of the Caxton Memorial Window in St. Margaret's, Westminster, with the serrnon preached at the unveiling by the Rev. Canon Farrar,. April 30, 1882. 8vo. London [1882]. 23121 FARRAR, R. H. See Gentleman's Magazine. FARRELL, F. J. Yarmouth printing and printers. 8vo. Gt. Yarmouth, 1912. 16158 FARRENC, A. Les livres rares et leur destinde. Etude de bibliographic musicale. 8vo. Rennes, 1856. 12641 FARRER, J. A. Books condemned to be burnt. i2mo. London, 1892. 5047 FARROW, P. E. Rules and regulations for lending libraries. {In The Library World, Vol. 13, 1910-1, pp. 36-41.) PP 3^7 FASE, H. List of new publications lent to read at Fase's SubscriplicMi Library, Kensing'ton. 8vo. Kensinjjton [c. 1835]. 18664 FASOL, C. Album fur Buchdruckerkunst. 4 pts. Fol. Wien, 1868-75. 1553 FAST PRINTING SUPPLY CO. The presses of the company. 8vo. [Washington, c. i8go.] 17353 FAU, J. See Walker, C. FALCON, G. A. Catalogue des livres composant la biblio- th^que de M. Faucon. 8vo. Rouen, 1851. 17221 FAUCON, M. La librairie des Papes d 'Avignon, sa form- ation, sa composition, ses catalogues. (1316-1420.) 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1886-7. 21652 FAUCOLf, L. Memoire sur les vexations qu' exercent les libraires et imprimeurs de Paris, public d'apr^s rimprimc de 1725, etc. Ato. Paris, 1879. 2305 FAL^LDER, R. A catalogue of an extensive and valuable collection of ancient and modern books, consisting of many thousand volumes, selected from several libraries. 8vo. London, 1797. 14636(1) FAULKNER, C. W. &• CO., Ltd. Fine art calendars: season 1907-8. 8vo. London, 1907. 16982 FAULKNER, G. An epistle to G. E. Howard. 7th edition. [Faulkner was a printer and his biography occupies a note on p. i.\ 8vo. Dublin, 1772. 22486 FALTLMANN, K. Neue Untersuchungen iiber die Entstehung der Buchstabenschrift. 8vo. Wien, 1876. 21775 FAULMANN, K. Das Buch der Schrift enthaltend die Schriften und Alphabete aller Zeiten und aller Volker des gesammten Erdkreises. 4to. Wien, 1878. 20794 FAULMANN, K. Illustrirte Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst. 8vo. Wien, 1882. 5^77 FAULMANN, K. Die Initiale. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Biicher-Ornamentik. 8vo. Wien, 1887. 6148 FALTLMANN, K. Die Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst nach den neuesten Forschungen. 4to. Wien, 1891. 2935 FAVA, M. and BRESCIANO, G. La stampa a NapoH nel 15. secolo. [Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 32, 34.] 8vo. and fol. Leipzig, 191 1-3. 15368 FAVIER, J. Tresor du bibliophile Lorraine. Fac-simile de 125 titres, etc., d'ouvrages lorraines rares et precieux. 4to. Nancy, 1889. 20172 FAVRE, G. Notice sur les livres imprimes a Geneve dans le 156. siecle. 2e. edition. 8vo. Geneve, 1855. 7015 318 FAWCETT, B. See Morris, M. C. F. FEAMSTER, C. N., See Washing-ton: Library of Congress. FEASEY, G. T. See Norton, B. T. and Feasey, G. T. FECHTER, D. A. Miscellen zur Easier Buchdruckergeschichte. [In Beitrage zur vaterlandischen Geschichte, Bd. 9, 1870.) 12 190 FECHTER, D. A. See Platter, T. FEDERACION TIPOGRAFICA ESPANOLA. Estatutos. i2mo. Madrid, 1889. 10237 FEDERATED SOCIETY OF ELECTROTYPERS AND STEREOTYPERS. Report of the Special Joint Committee appointed for the discussion and consideration of the Auto-Plate Machine. 8vo. [London, 1902. j 3203 FEDERATED SOCIETY OF ELECTROTYPERS AND STEREOTYPERS. Report and Balance Sheet, 1908, etc. 8vo. London, 1909, etc. '^^3^7 FEDERATED SOCIETY OF ELECTROTYPERS AND STEROTYPERS. Report and Balance Sheet of the London Branch, 1893, etc. ^ 8vo. London, 1894, etc. 18328 FEDERATION DES TYPOGRAPHES SUISSE ROMANDE. Statuls. i2mo. Chaux-de-Fonds, 1890. 15178 FEDERATION DES TYPOGRAPHES SUISSE ROMANDE. Reglement de la section de la Chaux-de-Fonds. i2mo. Chaux- de-Fonds, 1 89 1. 15 179 FEDERATION DU LIYRE DE BRUXELLES. Organe officiel. Ann. 2, 1899 — Ann. 6, 1903. Fol. Bruxelles, 1899-1903. PP FEDERATION FRANCAISE DES TRAVAILLEURS DU LIVRE. Statuts. i2mo. Paris, 1886. 10232 FEDERATION FRANCAISE DES TRAVAILLEURS DU LIVRE. Notes historiques, 1881-1910. 8vo. [Paris, 1910. ] 14563 FEDERATION FRANCAISE DES TRAVAILLEURS DU LIVRE. See Paris : Exhibition, 1900. FEDERATION OF MASTER PRINTERS. Members' Cir- cular, 1902, etc. 8vo. London, 1902, etc. PP FEDERATION OF MASTER PRINTERS. Souvenir. Third [eic] Annual Convention, 1903, etc. Obi. 8vo. Glasgow, 1903. etc. ^ 3508 FEDERATION OF MASTER PRINTERS. Profit for printers; or, what is Cost? 8vo. London, 1904. 4071 FEDERATION OF MASTER PRINTERS. Profit for printers; or, what is Cost? 2nd impression. 8vo. London, 1907. 9221 319 FEDERATION OF MASTER PRINTERS. Printers' costs. A system of book-keeping-, with examples and specimen forms. 8vo. London, 1909. 1^499 FEDERATION OF MASTER PRINTERS. Profit for printers; or, what is Cost? 3rd impression. 8vo. London, 1909. 1 1858 FEDERATION OF MASTER PRINTERS. The printers' cost-finding- system as approved at the British Cost Congress, 1913. Explanation and specimen forms. 2nd edition. 4to. London, 191 3. 17864 FEDERATION OF MASTER PRINTERS. First Cost Congress. [Programme.] 4to. London, 1913. 16815 FEDERATION OF WHOLESALE NEWSAGENTS. Agree- ment with the National Union of Paper Workers. Dec, 1914. 8vo. London, 191 4. 18630 FEDERATION TYPOGRAPHIQUE BELGE. R^glement. i2mo. Bruxelles, 1886. 10233 FEDERATION TYPOGRAPHIQUE BELGE. Org^ane oflficiel. Ann. 12, 1900, etc. Fol. Bruxelles, 1900, etc. PP FEDERATION TYPOGRAPHIQUE FRANCAISE. Statuts. 8vo. Paris, 1881. 10239 FEDERAZIONE ITALIANA DEI LAVORATORI DEL LIBRO. Statuto fondamentale. i2mo. Milano, 1894. 270 FEDERAZIONE ITALIANA DEI LAVORATORI DEL LIBRO. Statuto e regolamento. Sezione di Napoli. 8vo. Napoli, 1895. 2'/2 FEDERAZIONE ITALIANA DEI LAVORATORI DEL LIBRO. Ricordo della Sezione Compositori di Torino nel 506. anniversario dalla sua fondazione, 1848-1898. 8vo. Torino, 1898. 1 185 FEDERER, C. A. Yorkshire chap-books, ist series. Com- prising Thomas Gent's tracts with a memoir of the author. 8vo. London, 1889. 9033 FEDERICI, D. M. Memorie Trevigiane sulla tipografia del secolo 15 per servire alia storia letteraria e delle belle arti d'ltalia. 4to. Venezia, 1805. 21931 FEDERICI, F. Annali della tipografia Volpi-Cominiana coUe notizie intorno la vita e gli studi de' fratelli Volpi. 8vo. Padova, 1809. 20640 FEDOROFF, I, The first Russian printer [Ivan Fedoroff]. Translated from the Russian. (In The Art Age, March, 1884.) 2482 FEDOROFF, I. [Festival number of the Review of Graphic Science in commemoration of the third centenary of the intro- duction of printing into Russia.] Russian. 4to. St. Petersburg, 1883. 23338 320 FEISTER, H. P. See [Stead, W. T.]. FELBERMAN, L. Hungary : a short outline of its history. 8vo. London, 1908. 9864 FELDEGG, F. v. Wiener Kunst-Buchbinder- und Leder- arbeiten. Fol. Wien, 1894. 200 FEEDER, R. M. Des Buchdruckers Erbenleben mit seinen Licht- und Schattenseiten. Ein schonen Traum und das Erwachen. i2mo. Stuttgart, 1839. 20823 FELLS, J. M. See Garcke, E. and Fells, J. M. FELTRE. La festa tipografica a F'eltre in occasione del X anniversario della associazione dei tipografi italiani, sede di Tre- viso. 8vo. Feltre, 1888. 15171 FENN, G. M, Memoir of Benjamin Franklin Stevens. 8vo. London, 1903. 379^ FENNER, W. [MS. copies of documents relating to W. F.'s use of stereotype at Cambridge, c. 1728-35.] Fol. 23003 FENOUILLOT DE FALBAIRE, C. G. Avis aux gens de lettres. [Anon. Against the booksellers.] 8vo. Li^ge, 1770. 12593(1) FERBER, L. Der Rund- und Bogen-satz. Praktische Anlei- tung zur Ausfiihrung einer neuen Methode. 8vo. Offenbach, 1876. 22797 FERCHL, F. M. Uebersicht der einzig Incunabeln-Sammlung der Lithographic. {In Oberbayerisches Archiv fiir vaterlandische Geschichte, 1856.) 4055 FERCHL, F. M. Geschichte der Errichtung der ersten litho- graphischen Kunstanstalt bei der Feiertags-Schule fiir Kiinstler und Techniker in Miinchen. 8vo. Munchen, 1862. 16902 FERDINAND II. Status particularis regiminis S. C, Majestatis Ferdinandi II. i6mo. [Lugd. Bat.], 1637. 21963 FERGUSON, A. The buyers' and sellers' guide to profit on return. 13th edition. 8vo. London [c. 1892]. 2972 FERGUSON, Sir. A. See Lockhart, J. G. FERGUSON, G. Ferguson's illustrated series of rare and prize poultry, with coloured illustrations. 8vo. London, 1854. 17736 FERGUSON, J. The brothers Foulis and early Glasgow printing, (/n The Library, Vol. i, 1889.) 2465 FERGUSON, J. Bibliographical notes on the witchcraft liter- ature of Scotland. [In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Pub- lications, Vol. 3, 1895-8.) 17569 FERGUSON, J. Some aspects of Bibliography. (In Edin- burgh Bibliographical Society : Publications, Vol. 4, 1899-1901.) 17569 321 21 ]• l'.l\(i US( )N, |. Sonic aspnls dl liiltlioiM jpliy. S\(i. I'Min- bur^Hi, 1900. 7^,|S I-'I'IRCIUSON, |. UdoIvS (.r sccicls. (/;; UiMin.M .i|)lii( .il Sncid y : Traiis.'K-tions, I'd. \ .' , \()\\ \.) c:^(, l'"l'".I^NANI)l';/,, A, M.mii.il |>i:Mli(() (Id (MJi'.l.i (],• iin|)i cnl .1. .|l<». M.Mliid, 190,1. ()■/(.(» I-'lvKlvA, A. ,S'cc AiiiNicid.iin : l';\liilHli(iii, 1S.S5. I'l'lKKANI), |. Srr l).-,l);mc,iiix r.(iii;ii(i. I . I'"I'J\I\AI\ l( ), I,. iMciiMii i;i iiilni 111) ;il |),iliir,c,s|i. Hvo. Mil. 1110, ^^?>3- .S,|5o l'l'J\l\l',l, j. |,.i |)li(ilof|i;i\iirr Ijcili' ct ;'i Imii in.iii lie. . 7.?H-7'|"-) I'l' l-'I'lKlsO rVI'I'liv. I he Irirolypci '.s j^iiidc : ;i coiiiplcic ni;iiiii;il ol iiisl I IK I ion in llic ;ii I o| Irn i )| vpinjr. i^mo. New YorU, iHy^. l'M'"K'li'J -, M. I). I.,i ,■■( inn (• |ti ,il i(|iic (Ic riiiipi iinci ic. ,)to. St. ( )nici', 1 721,. .: 10. 1 \ !• I'lKI'l A U I /r, !'. i.cs ;ini(iiii c.iii X dii livic. .Soniicis d'nn Itililiopliilc. .Svo. I';iii.',, i'S77. 2oo|ii !• i'K'JIAlII/r, I'. Ia',s l('KH^^ l'"l'!\V. A lew pci:.on,il I e(()ll< ( lioic. I'>y ,in old piinlci. Srr Wilson, |. !'. I' I'.Y, |. Kiippoil', '.m l;i t ypojM .ipliie |;il lln I'.ni', I' x lnhil nur, ol i.Mf.7 ;ind i.M'/,M ;ind llie I'.i ir, ■,<•]■, IsxIiHiil ion (.1 i.HHo|. Hvo. Tonrn.-ii, kjoo. 7^7^' l'"IA//A, I'. iv.l i;il lo del 1 :iiii|ii()n;ii io. jlo. MihiiH > |( . I'joi |. !■ |( I I I.I , < .. l.pilM : I (Id I (•■.m'c ;'i KoImi I ( i;i)Miin Ic 1 J;ni., t/\7J, p;i| (,. |<. Mil I 'ml I odiK I ion lie rilllpI illKI ie .'i r.-jlis. Rcplodnc- tion ll('liojM ,l|»ili'|ne de I 'e:-,eill|)l.lll e lini<|lle pOSS('dc pill' J'lllli- vc/',il('de l'>,''de. Hvo. l';Mr,, !>',>'><). 2::<)<><> ,^22 I'lCIII'; I , (i. ,SV.- ( Liudlii, ,\. ; l'liili|.|M , j. I' K In, I'. Srr I'l.itln, 'I . I'K'K, J. (i. Ancicns Imis dc I'impi imn ir I'iclv ;'i GciU'VC. I'ol. ficiirvc, |H()?. 37.i,t MCKAI'K'r, I'. Sec lOvrn, i:. v. I' l( l-vl.l.S( lll'KI'.K. M. I'.M.Io M.imiiio, (ici Wiutiaiiisilu- r>ii( lidriiclicr iind (iclclii Ic. ,|l(). Clicninilz, jH()2. 345^ I'U'KI'iK, ( ). Ill r\ i.ii ilim Knin.iDllin, 'l.llliilil l|"/l. OlM* efStC I III liii'i I )i IK k iind Mine I )mm 1.(1 . I liMioi- i .ipliiscllO Si ildii-. (lo. I ,ci|)/if4 , I >M )( ). II ')H') I'lI'dJ). I lir I'H-ld. I ('/. I, iS^i. Im.I. lA)nd(.ii, 1853. I'l' I'll'.ld), I.. M. I 111 child ,111(1 his hnnlc. Some accoimf (d (■lilldirn'', lilii .il MM- III I li;; l.ilid. Hvo. loiidnii | 1 Mi ) i | . 5,'>')'' i'll'dd), (•. A |;i,iinin,ii ol ( oli )iii iiif; . Rl'visi'd l)\' I'. \. I )i'ivids()ii. |lli ((lilion. Hvo. I.Diidon, iHHH. '373 I'dl'ld), M.,/>M/((/. 'Ihr uui Id ,il iiiirlioii. Hvo. London, i8()8. !• I I ID, W . Sec Clltln II, j. I'll I. i) tV 'I'UI''1\. i\ new shiliinj^ hook ol ,il|.li ilxl s, phiin .ind oni.imcnl.d. ()l)l. [to. I ,i >iidi)ii | iKHo|. (>oiO I'l |';M)|';K, j. I,. r.iir.hl l.hxlvs from ll.'d ori>;in;ils. (In I '■ n lOM-"'. I'll (oii.-ij Amui.d, IC/. r,|, i()o8-(), /'/'. 03-c>|.) I'l' I' 1 1 1,1 )l N<;, I). I hf lyjjo^rnpiiic-.il rciidy-rccUoini :iiid ininio- i.'uidiiin hook, loi Ihi- ust: of compositoi'.s, pressmen, m;iehinu- inni and vv;irehoiisemei). H\o. I .ondon | 1857 j, 717 I' I h.!,l)l N(l, 1). I he typof^iaphii al leady-ieekoner and mrmo- i.indiim hook loi Ihe use ol i-.omposiloi s, pressmen, nuu hine- iiMii and warehonsemen. Hvo. London | 1 .'■■.'• ,|. 22620 I'll'.I.DI N( i, 1. II. Ilic ail ol en|4Tavinj,s with ihr vaiions niodc, ol opri.ilioii. Hvo. London, iH,|r. 3*37 I' I Id.DI N( ., I. II. On Ihr Iheoiy ol painting;, also an appen- dix (ontainin^ a mami.d ol hlho^^iaphy. Hvo. London, iH.p. 18373 i'lLLDINd, 1. IL An inlrodnelion lo painliii}; in vvalei colours, and a manii.d ol hlhofM aphy. |l h idit ion. Hvo. London, iH5.|. 8H4 lll'.I.D.S. .Wrs. |. T. A sh< II of old hooks. Hvo. London, iH.,l. <055 I'll'.LD.S. I hi- liclds and the vvoodl.inds. Dcpirird hy painlor and porl. rvvenly-loiii i olonred pa|.,'e cnfMavin^s [ hy ihr p/oceHS ol Lrit;htoii I'.ios.]. .[to, I ,1 >iidon | 1 Hy 1 |. 39^3 I'Ki.NKO. (anlrnaire de la litho^'raphir ' /O,^- ' ^O.v '•'* J'i|r<'iro lillioj^i aplic a ('l/- imprinw'-, ,■'1 Loceasion dn (cnlenaire de la lilho- ^^rafiliie, poiii Ir comple dn jomnal Lr I'ip.no, pai Ir , I mpi imerioM l.cmri(iri, rn I'an (\r ^rficv. 18(^5. I'ol. I'aris, 1H95. 8810 323 FIGARO ILLUSTRE. August, 1908. Fol. London, 1908. 1 1 184 FIGAROLA-CANEDA, D. Blbliografia de Rafael M. Merchan. 2da. cdicion. Svo. Habana, 1905. 7533 FIGGINS, J. Typefoundinq- and printing- during the 19th century : a short review. 4to. [London, 1900. J 2352 FIGGINS, V. Specimen of printing types. Svo. London [ 1 7931- 20393 (4) FIGGINS, V. Specimen of printing types. 8vo. London, 1821. 20238 FIGGINS, V. Specimen of printing types. 8vo. London, 1824. 22226 FIGGINS, V. Specimen of printing types i2mo London, 1827. 23496 FIGGINS, V. Specimen of printing types. Svo. London, 1S28. 6012 FIGGINS, V. Specimen of printing types. Svo. London, 1832. 22224 FIGGINS, V. Specimen of printing types. Svo. London, 1833. 11971 FIGGINS, V. Specimen of printing types. Svo. London, 1835. 22208 FIGGINS, V. See Caxton, W. FIGGINS, V. & J. Specimen of book and newspaper types. 4to. London, 183S. 6343 FIGGINS, V. & J. Specimen of the Elzevir series of new founts. 4to. London, 1845. 963 FIGGINS, V. & J. Epitome of specimens. Fol. London, 1845. 6441 FIGGINS, V. & J. Epitome of specimens. Fol. London, 1847. 2398 FIGGINS, V. & J. Specimen of plain and ornamental types. 4to. London [c. 1850J. 2 171 FIGGINS, V. & J. A selection of choice book founts. 4to. London [c. 1850]. 9^6 FIGGINS, V. & J. Specimens of wood letter. Fol. London [c. 1860]. 2727 FIGGINS, V. & J. Specimens of new book founts. Obi. 4to. London [c. 1862]. 964 FIGGINS, V. & J. Specimens of choice book founts selected from the general book. 4to. London [c. 1862]. 2731 FIGGINS, V. & J. Specimens of ornaments. 4to. London, [c. 1865]. 2545 324 FIGGINS, V. & J. Price list of type and materials. 8vo. London [c. 1865]. 11980 FIGGINS, V. & J. Specimens of type. Printing materials. 8vo. London [c. 1870]. 2740 FIGGINS, V & J. Epitome of specimens. Fol. London [1870]. 2755 FIGGINS, V. & J. Illustrated price list of types, presses, machinery, and all kinds of printing and bookbinding materials. Svo. London [1873]. 4001 FIGGINS, V. & J. Specimen book of types. 8vo. London [1883I. 6418 FIGGINS, V. & J. New specimens Oriental types. 8vo. [London, 1884.] 6428 FIGGINS, V. & J. Illustrated price list of type, presses, machinery, etc. 8vo. London [1887]. 8471 (2) FIGGINS, V & J. Specimen book of types. 8vo. London [1887I. 8471 FIGGINS, V. & J. Latest productions. 8vo. London, 1889. 6464 FIGGINS, V. & J. Specimen book of types. 8vo. London [1895]. 2756 FIGGINS, V. & J. Specimen book of types. 8vo. London [c. 1904]. if'fiis FIGUEROA, P. P. La libreria en Chile. 2da. edicion. 8vo. Paris, 1896. 3629 FIGUIER, L. Gutenberg : drame historique en cinq acts. 8vo. Paris, 1869. 22616 FIGURALIS passio. 4to. Colonic, 1503. 6196(2) FILLIERE, A. de. The printer-devil (Le diable de I'im- primerie). (In Gaillet, A. : Les enfants peints par eux-m^mes, 1841.) 9429 FILLON, B. Notes pour servir a I'histoire de I'imprimerie en Bas-Poitou, publiees par H. Clouzot. 8vo. Niort, 1895. 12633 FILLON, B. See Claudin, A. FINANCIAL NEWS. Twentieth anniversary number. Fol. London, 1904. 4126 FINCHAM, H. W. Artists and engravers of British and American book plates. 4to. London, 1897. 1659 FINCHAM, H. W. and BROWN, J. R. A bibliography of book-plates. 8vo. Plymouth, 1892. 6429 FINE ART SOCIETY. Notes on Thomas Bewick illustrating a loan collection of his drawings and woodcuts. [By F. S. Stephens.] 8vo. London, 1880, 11617 325 FINE ART SOCIETY. Notes by F. G. Stephens on a col- lection of drawings and woodcuts by T. Bewick exhibited at the Society's rooms, 1880. 4to. London, 1881. 3883 FINE ARTS QUARTERLY REVIEW. Vol. 3, 1864-5. 8vo. London, 1864-5. PP FINESCHI, P. V. Notizie storiche sopra la stamperia di Ripoli. i2mo. Firenze, 1781. 5201 FINLAND. Statistique ouvri^re. IV — Recherches sur I'in- dustrie de rimprimerie en Finlande, entreprises sur I'ordre de Fadministration generale de I'industrie, et sous sa direction, par G. R. Snellman. 8vo. Helsing^fors, 1907. 9499 FINLASON, T. See Aldis, H. G. FINLAYSON, J. An account of the life and works of Dr. Robert \\'att, author of the Bibliotheca Britannica. 8vo, London, 1897. 619 FINLAYSON, J. H. Journalism in South Australia. Fare- well to Mr. J. H. Finlayson, June 24, 1899. 4to. [Adelaide, 1899.1 2417 FINNEY, B. A. Gutenberg- and the invention of printing. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 25, 1900, pp. 210-216.) PP FINSBURY : Public Libraries. Annual report of the com^ mittee, 1902-3, etc. 8vo. London, 1903, etc. 8969 FIOL, S. See Estreicher, K. FIORILLO, J. D. Geschichte der zeichnenden Kiinste von ihrer \\'iederauslebung', bis auf die neuesten Zeiten [in Italy, France, and Spain]. 4 vols. 8vo. Gottingen, 1798-1806. 7457 FIORILLO. J. D. Geschichte der zeichnenden Kiinste in Deutschland und den vereinigten Niederlanden. 4 vols. 8vo. Hannover, 1815-20. 7462 FIRMIN-DIDOT. See Didot. FIRST. The first trade paper. {In The Magazine of Com- merce, Vol. 3, 1903, p. 259.) 9153 FIRTINGER, K. Otven Esztendo : a Magyarorszagi konyvn- yomitatas kozelmultjabol. 8vo. Budapest, 1900. 73^3 FISCH, A. La photocopie on procedes de reproductions in- dustrielles par la lumi^re. I. 2e. edition. 8vo. Paris, 1890. 11215 FISCH, A. Traite pratique des impressions photo-mechaniques. le. partie : La photolithographie. (2e. partie : La photoglypto- graphie (heliogravure) ; 3e. partie ; La photocollographie (photo- typie).) 3 pts. 8vo. Paris [1901]. 2301 FISCHBx\CH, F. Ursprung der Buchstaben Gutenbergs. Beitrag zur Runenkunde. 4to. Mainz, 1900. 1919 326 FISCHER, G. Beschreibung einig-er typographischen Selten- heiten nebst Beytragen zur Erfindungsgeschichte der Buchdrucker- kunst. Lief. i-6. 8vo. Mainz, 1800-4. S^7^ FISCHER, G, Decouverte d'un fragment de Donatus, de octo partibus, qui jette une grande lumiere sur la question relative a la premiere bible de J. Gutenberg. 8vo. [Paris, 1802.] 14664 FISCHER, G. Essai sur les monuments typographiques de Jean Gutenberg. 4to. Mayenne, An X [1802.] 5899(1) FISCHER, G. Notice du premier monument typographique en caracteres mobiles avec date connu jusqu'a ce jour. 4to. Mayence [1804I. 5899 (2) FISCHER, G. Einige Worte an die Mainzer bei der Feier- lichkeit des dem Erfinder der Buchdruckerkunst Johann Guten- berg in Mainz zu errichtenden Denkmals. 4to. Moskwa, 1836. 21983(10) 5899(3) FISCHER, H. Anleitung zum Accidenzsatz. 4to. Leipzig, 1877. 1 1795 FISCHER, H. Buchdruckerleben. i2mo. Leipzig [1886]. 20833 FISCHER, H. Anleitung zum Accidenzsatz. 2te. Auflage. 4 pts. 4to. Leipzig, 1893. 2017 FISCHER MACHINE CO. The Fischer feeder. Obi. 8vo. London [1910]. 13600 FISH, V. Early printers' marks. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 40, 1907-8, pp. 851-852.) PP FISH, V. The book in the middle ages. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 41, 1908, pp. 841-842.) PP FISHENDEN, R. B. A few notes on combined line and half-tone work. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 9, 1903-4, pp. lOO-IOI.) PP FISHENDEN, R. B. Collotype grain. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 10, 1904-5, pp. 156-158.) PP FISHENDEN, R. B. Printing methods in relation to the photo-mechanical process. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, pp. 105-107.) PP FISHENDEN, R. B. The direct copying of plans by photo- zincography. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 124-126.) PP FISHENDEN, R. B. Intaglio printing plates and the metzo- graph screen. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, PP- 153-157-) ^ PP FISHENDEN, R. B. Negative making with the metzograph screen. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, pp. 201-202.) PP 327 FISHENDEN, R. B. Some experiments towards rotary in- taglio printing-. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. i6, 1910-11, pp. 153-156.) PP FISHENDEN, R. B. Half-tone posters. (In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, Vol. 17, 191 1-2, pp. 185-189.) PP FISHENDEN, R. B. Photo-chromo lithography. (/» Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 260-263.) PP FISHENDEN, R. B. Improvements in metzograph neg-ative making. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp. 117-120.) PP FISHER, C. H. Half-tone (screen) blocks : their nature and treatment in printing-, [In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. i, 1895. PP- 4I-44-) PP FISHER, C. H. Platen machines and their construction. {In Aldenham Institute : Typog-raphy Classes : Specimens of work, 1901.) 3043 FISHER, J. A. A select bibliog-raphy of ecclesiastical history. 8vo. Boston, 1885. 15882 [FISHER, P.] Threnodia gratulatoria viri Oliveri Cromwelli. 4to. I London], 1652. 6269 FISHER, R. The early history of eng-raving- in Italy, written for the Trustees of the British Museum by Richard Fisher. 8vo. London, 1886. 18835 FISHER, T. The process of polyautographic printing-. {In Gentleman's Mag-azine, March, 1808.) 2692 (i) FISHER, T. Curious specimen of polyautography, or litho- g-raphy. {In Gentleman's Magazine, Oct., 181 5.) 2692 (2) FISHERj T. Type-composing machines. {In The Brit, and Col. Print.^ Vol. 17, 1886, pp. 395-396, 411-415.) PP FISHER, T. Type-composing machines. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 4, 1886-7, pp. 415, 483, 771.) PP FISHER, T. The elements of letterpress printing, composing and proof reading. A practical manual for Indian artisans. 8vo. Madras, 1895. 10827 FISHER, T. The elements of letterpress printing, composing and proof reading. A practical manual for Indian artisans. 2nd edition. 8vo. Madras, 1906. 7702 FISHWICK, H. The Lancashire library : a bibliographical account of books relating to the county. 8vo. London, 1875. 9391 FISHWICK, H. The bibliography of Rochdale as illustrated by the books in the local Free Public Library. 8vo. Manchester, 1880. 2053 FISSI, F. Hard lines. Experience of a process artist. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 3, 1897, pp. 119-121.) PP 328 FISSI, F. The life of a wash drawing. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, J'ol. 4, 1898, pp. 29-32.) ^^ FISSI, F. A terrible scrape. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 5, 1899, pp. 57-62.) PP FISSI, F. The cut-'em-out brigade. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 6, 1900, pp. 94-96.) PP FISSI, F. A many-sided business and its moral. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, pp. 69-71.) PP FISSI, F. Press photography, {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, pp. 113-118.) PP FISSI, F. Cinematography and its possible improvements. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 235-240.) PP FITHIAN, A. W. Practical collotype. i6mo. London, 1901. 2334 FITZGERALD, P. The book fancier; or, the romance of book collecting. 8vo. London, 1886. 20386 FITZGERALD, P. The book fancier; or, the romance of book collecting. 2nd edition. i2mo. London, 1887. 5005 FITZGERALD, P. The first printed book and its printers. {In The Gentleman's Magazine, P^eb., 1899.) 15 15 FITZGERALD, W. G. Vanishing valentines. {In The Strand Magazine, Feb., 1895, pp. 127-136.) 18394 FITZHUGH, A. The cost of cylinder presswork. {In Inland Printer, Fo/. 27, 1901, pp. 205-207.) PP FITZPATRICK, J. C. See Washington : Library of Congress. FLACH, M., pere. See Schmidt, C. FLACH, M., fils. See Schmidt, C. ^ FLADD. See Herrmann, J. and others. FLADER, L. Some results of organization. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, pp. 157-158.) PP FLADER, L. The demands of capital and labour. {In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 67-68.) PP FLADER, L. The passing show. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, pp. 57-60 — Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp. 21-24.) PP FLATHE, L. Die vierte Sacular-Feier der Erfindung Guten- bergs in Dresden und Leipzig. 8vo. Leipzig, 1840. 21642 FLATMAN, T. Poems and songs. 4th edition. 8vo. London, 1686. 1754 FLEET STREET. A journal for the advancement of trade unionism. Nos. 1-2. 4to. London, 1903. PP FLEET STREET, a.m. and p.m. By a press tramp. 8vo. London, 1909. 11118 -3-7 29 FLEET STREET GAZETTE : a journeyman's journal. Nos. 1-7. [All i)ublishcd.] 4to. London, 1874. PP FLEETU'OOD, W. Chronicon preciosum ; or, an account of English gold and silver money. 8vo. London, 1745. 21376 FLEMING, A. B. & CO., Ltd. Specimens of ink. 4to. Leith [1873]. - 3245 FLEMING, A. B. &■ CO., Ltd. Specimens of printing ink. 4to. [Edinburgh, 1874.] 3110 FLEMING, A. B. & CO., Ltd. Specimens of lithog-raphic inks. 4to. [Edinburgh, 1889.J 1067 FLEMING, A. B. &• CO., Ltd. Specimens of printing inks. 8vo. Edinburgh [c. 1890]. 18234 FLEMING, A. B. &• CO., Ltd. Specimens of printing inks. Obi. 8vo. [Edinburgh, 1896.] 2953 FLEMING, A. B. & CO., Ltd. Specimens of high-class chromo-litho and poster printing inks. Obi. 8vo. Edinburgh [c. 1900]. 10362 FLEMING, A. B. & CO., Ltd. [Specimens of black and tinted printing inks.] Obi. 8vo. Edinburgh [1902]. 33^5 FLEMING, A. B. c\; CO., Ltd. [Specimens of coloured inks.] Obi. 8vo. Edinburgh [1902]. 3366 FLEMING, A. B. & CO., Ltd. See Harris, D. F. FLEMING, L. An octogenarian printer's recollections. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1893. 1691 FLENSBURG, J. J. D. v. See Dodt van Flensburg, J. J. FLETCHER, A. See Macfie, R. A. S. FLETCHER, B. F. Architecture and its place in a liberal edu- cation. 8vo. London, 1905. 6847 FLETCHER, G. R. An artist in Antwerp. [Principally on the Musee Plantin.] (In The Pall Mall Magazine, April, 1898.) 15 10 FLETCHER, J. See Potter, A. C. FLETCHER, J. H. Fletcher's pocket colour chart. i2mo. Nottingham [c. 1900]. 4160 FLETCHER, W. C. A simple guide to the art of punctuation for authors and printers (specially addressed to the latter). i6mo. Oxford [c. 1890]. 3058 FLETCHER, W. T. The production of a weekly newspaper. 8vo. Omagh [c. 1908]. 10563 FLETCHER, W. Y. English bookbindings. {In Church, A. H. : Some minor arts, 1894.) 680 FLETCHER, W. Y. English bookbindings in the British Museum. Fol. London, 1895. 204 330 FLETCHER, W. Y. Bookbinding in France. 8vo. London, 1895. 568 FLETCHER, W. Y. Foreign bookbindings in the British Museum. Fol. London, 1896. 693 FLETCHER, W. Y. Bookbinding in England and France. 8vo. London, 1897. 203 FLETCHER, W. Y. John Bagford and his collections. {In Bibhographical Society : Transactions, Vol. 4, 1898.) 56 FLETCHER, W. Y. The Rawhnsons and their collections, (/n Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. 5, 1899.) 56 FLETCHER, W. Y. See Goupil & Co. FLEURY, ( ). See Lacroix, P. FLEURY, G. & DANGIN, A. Catalogue des principals publi- cationes imprimees par G. Fleury et A. Dangin. 8vo. Caen, 1S83. 17871 FLEURY, P. de. Recherches sur les origines et le developpe- ment de I'imprimerie ^ Angouleme. 8vo. Angouleme, 1901. 9530 FLICK, J. F. Handbuch der Buchdruckerkunst fiir angehende und praktische Buchdrucker. 8vo. Berlin, 1820. 21273 FLINSCH, F. Proben. gpts. 4to. Frankfurt, 1861-S6. 6455 FLINSCH, F. Das Handlungshaus Ferdinand Flinsch. Gedenkbuch zu dessen fiinfzigjahriger Jubelfeier am 20 April, 1869. Herausgegeben von F. W. Siis. Fol. Frankfurt a.M. , 1869. 2031 1 FLINSCfi, F. Proben der Schriftgiesserei Flinsch. 4to. Frankfurt [1875]. 6368 FLINSCH SCHRIFTGIESSEREI. Schrift-Proben. 20. Fortsetzung. Fol. Frankfurt, 1896. 10881 FLINT, W. R. Pressure in printing. (hi Inland Printer, Vol. 27, 1901, pp. 690-693.) PP FLINT, W'. R. Perspective in printing. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 28, 1901-2, pp. 694-695.) PP FLORA Selwyn ; or, how to behave. A book for little girls. With coloured illustrations. i2mo. London [c. 1868]. 11810 FLORENCE : R. Istituto di Studi Superiori. Saggi di caratteri della tipografia orientale del R. Istituto. Obi. 4to. Firenze, 1878. 20282 FLORENZ, K. Japanische Dramen Terakoya und Asagao. 8vo. Tokio [191 1 1. 15386 FLORES J. M. G. La fotografia practica : arte fotografico, reproducciones, aparatos fotograficos, conocimientos que requiere, procedimientos generales, preparaciones especiales. 8vo. Madrid, 1905- 6740 331 FLORUS, L. A. Epitome rerum Romanarum. Fol. [Koln, c. 1480.] 5141 FLORUS, L. A. De g'estis ronianorum. 410. Parisiis, 1544. 6040 (8) FLORUS, L. A. Rerum Romanarum. i2mo. Amstelaedami, 1736. 21867 FOA, E. Les enfants illustres. [Gutenberg, 156. sifecle, pp. 33-58.1 8vo. Paris [c. i860]. 9734 FOA, E. Petits princes et petites princesses. Contcs historiques dedies h la jeunesse. 8vo. Paris [c. 1863]. ^SHS FOCKE, G. Grundlegung- zu einer Theorie des systematischen Katalog-s. {In Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Hejt. 13, 1900.) 10347 FOCKE, R. and others. Das Buchgewerbe und die Kultur. i2mo. Leipzig, 1907. 97^5 FOGGI, C. A. Delia liberta della stampa. Discorso. 8vo. Firenze, 1878. iS^SQ FOILLET, J. See Nardin, L. FOKKER, A. L. De 's Gravenhaagsche Boekhandelaars-Ver- eeniging in de jaren 1854-86. Sq. 8vo. 's Gravenhage, 1887. 17721 FOLDS, G. Specimen of national typography exhibiting the execution of the press of Ireland. 8vo. Dublin, 18^3. 21346 FOLENGO, T. Opus Merlin Cocaii poete Mantuani macaroni- carum. i6mo. Tusculani, 152 1. 5480 FOLIOUS appearances. See [Tapling, J.]. FOLKARD, H. T. See Wigan : Public Library. FOLLOT, F. See Paris : Exhibition, 1889. FONDERIE en caracteres d'imprimerie. Precedee de la gravure des poingoins. Fol. [Paris, c. 1780.] 6175 (2) FONDERIE GENERALE. Specimen. Lettres en bois pour afliches. 4to. Paris [c. 1868]. 171 53 FONDERIE TYPOGRAPHIQUE. Ann. 3, igoi—Ann. 12, 1913. 4to. Paris, 1901-13. PP FONTAINE, A. Catalogue de livres anciens et modernes. 8vo. Paris, 1874. 172 19 FONTAINE, A. Catalogue de livres anciens et modernes. 8vo. Paris, 1875. 14634 FONTAINE, A. Catalogue de livres anciens et modernes. Precede d'une notice par M. P. L. Jacob. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 17226 FONTAINE, A. Catalogue de livres anciens et modernes. Precede d'une notice par M. P. L. Jacob. 8vo. Paris, 1878-9. 17229 332 FONTAINE, P. J. Notice sur un manuscrit autographe de Saint-Andre Avellino. 8vo. Paris, 1833. 22591 FONTAN, V. See Caballero, R. D. FONTANELLI, C. See Barbera, P. FONTAN IN I, J. Dispositio catalogfi Bibliothecae Josephi Renati Imperialis, Card., secundum scientiarum, facultatum, artium et rerum classes. Romae, 1709. {In Koehler, J. D. : Syllog-e, etc., 1728.) 13293 FONTENELLE, J. de and POISSON, P. Der vollkommene Papier- und Schreib-Materialien Handler. i2mo. Ulm, 1831. 20089 FONTENELLE, J. de and POISSON, P. Nouveau manuel complet du marchand papetier et du regleur. Nouvelle edition. i2mo. Paris, 1854. 206 FONTHILL ABBEY. The valuable library of books. A catalogue. 8vo. London, 1823. 15809 FORBES, A. Statement and correspondence respecting dis- pute between Mr. J. S. Stuart Glennie and Mr. Archibald Forbes. 8vo. [1876.] 15132 FORBES, A. See Glennie, J. S. S. FORBES, J. See Law, T. G. FORD, G. J. Illustrated catalogue of printing material, etc. 8vo. London [c. 1894]. 2144 [FORD, J. S.] Paper and printing recipes. 8vo. Chicago [1S83I. 1389 FORD, P. L. Franklin bibliography. A list of books written by, or relating to, B. Franklin. {In Franklin, B. : Complete works, Vol. II, 1889.) 21660 FORD, P. L. The New-England primer : a history of its origin and development, with a reprint of the earliest known edition. Sm. 4to. New York, 1897. 6591 FORD, P. L. Franklin as printer and publisher. {In The Century Magazine, Vol. 57, April, 1899, pp. 803-817.) 1907 FORD, P. L. See Gaine, H. F[ORD], T. The compositor's handbook : designed as a guide in the composing room, etc. i2mo. London, 1854. 1497 FORD, W. A catalogue (part the second for 1810-1) of a curious and valuable collection of books which are now selling. 8vo. Manchester, 1811. 15^87 FORD, W. C. See Washington : Library of Congress. FORDHAM, Sir H. G. Descriptive catalogues of maps. {In BibUographical Society: Transactions, Vol. 11, 1909-11.) 56 FORDHAM, Sir H. G. La cartographic des provinces de France, 15-94-1757. 8vo. [Cambridge, 1910.] 1744^ 333 FORESTIE, E. Les peregrinations de I'imprimeur Arnaud de Saint-Bonnet, h. Lyon et k Grenoble, a Montauban et a Audi (^^^^7"53)- (^" Bull, du Comite dcs Travaux Historiques, 1890, PP- 354-357-) 10971 FORESTIE, E. Arnaud de Saint Bonnet, premier imprimeur Catholique k Montauban (1639-40). {hi Bull, de la Soc. Arch, de Tarn et Garonne, 1895, pp. 105-122.) 9409 FORESTIE, E. L'imprimerie a Puylaurens k la suite de r Academic Protestante de Montauban transferee dans cette ville de I'Albigeois, 1659-85. {In Bull. Arch, et Hist, de la Soc. Arch, de Tarn et Garonne, An7i. 1896, Tom. 24, pp. 55-63.) 9724 FORESTIE, E. Histoire de l'imprimerie et de la librairie k Montauban. 8vo. Montauban, 1898. 373^ FORESTIE, E. Vig-nettes typographiques d'une imprimerie Montalbanaise tri-centenaire. 8vo. Montauban, 1900. 12652 FORGEAIS, A. Numismatique des corporations Parisiennes, metiers, etc. [Imprimeurs-libraires, p. 121.] 8vo. Paris, 1874. 21617 FORMAN, H. B. The books of William Morris described : with some account of his doings in literature and the allied crafts. 8vo. London, 1897. 1569 FORME. A forme of Common Prayer to be used upon the 8th of July. 4to. London, 1640. 21184 FORMS of prayer. 5th edition. 8vo. London, 1723. 4652 (2) FORNARI, P. Panfilo Castaldi : maestro dal.stampo o I'in- venzione dei caratteri mobile. 8vo. Milano, 1880. 3895 FORNARI, V. Notizia della Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli. Svo. Napoli [1872]. 1 1023 FORS, L. R. Indice cronolog-ico de los trabajos ejecutados en la Imprenta dc los Ninos Expositos de Buenos Aires durante los siglos 18 y ig y que existen en la Biblioteca Publica Provincial de La Plata. 8vo. La Plata, 1904. 6589 FORSHAW, C. F. Some Yorkshire poetesses. 8vo. Bradford, 1910. 17917 FORSOK till Historia om Sveriges Boktryckerier. 8vo. Stock- holm, 1871. 20101 FORSYTH, J. S. The antiquary's portfolio; or, cabinet selection of historical and literary curiosities, on subjects prin- cipally connected with the manners, customs, and morals ; civil, military, and ecclesiastical government, etc., of Great Britain, during the middle and latter ages (with notes). Vol. i. [Intro- duction of printing into England, p. 89.] 8vo. London, 1825. 23277 FORSYTH, R. Samples of lithographic transfer papers for printers. i2mo. Glasgow [c. 1902]. 473^ 334 FORTIER, G. La photolithographic : son origine, ses pro- cedes, ses appHcations. 8vo. Paris, 1876. 22526 FORTSAS, Comte J. N. A. de. See [Chalon, R.]. FOSBROKE, T. D. British monachism ; or, manners and customs of the monks and nuns of England. 3rd edition. Svo. London, 1843. 21913 (i) FOSCOLO, U. Foscohana. [A bibliography of U. F.] i2mo. Napoli, 1901. 6885 FOSKETT, E. Open access in public libraries exposed. Being a reply to Mr. H. Keatley Moore's paper in The Library. Svo. Coventry, igoo. 8086 FOSTER, B. Some places of note in England. Dravi'ings [transferred to stone and printed by Maclure and Co.]. Fol. London [c. 1889]. 733<^ FOSTER, B. See Goldsmith, O. FOSTER, J. & SONS. An illustrated article on the works and manufactures of J. F. and Sons. [With additional photographs and a letter from the firm.] Obi. 4to. London, 1894. 3139 FOSTER, P. Le N. Photography. {In Bevan, G. P. : British manufacturing industries, 1876.) 20360 FOSTER, W. E. Libraries and readers. i2mo. New York, 1883. 20573 FOSTER, ROE & CRONE. Foster, Roe and Crone's annual art fake book. 2 pts. Obi. 8vo. [Chicago, 1888-9.] -9^7 FOTOGRAFIA ARTISTICA. Vol. i. No. i, Dec, 1904. 4to. Torino, 1904. P" FOUCAUD, E. Les artisans illustres. [Imprimerie, pp. 73, 280. Lithographic, p. 229. Papeterie, pp. 278, 604. Reliure, pp. 227, 613.] 8vo. Paris, 1841. ^^^77 FOUCHER FRERES. Catalogue pour la composition et I'im- pression. 4to. Paris [c. 1880]. 17166 FOUCHER FRERES. Catalogue pour la fonderie en car- actferes. 4to. Paris, 1884. ^7^7^ FOUCHER FRERES. Catalogue pour la clicherie et la gal- vanoplastic. 4to. Paris, 1885. 17170 FOUCHER, A. Materiel d'imprimerie. Catalogue general. 4to. Paris, 1905. 1715^ FOUCQUET, J. See Delaunay, ( ) Abbe. FOUDRIAT & PENNEQUIN. Epreuve des caractferes. Obi. fol. Bruxelles [c. 1830]. 6320 FOULDS, E. Printing and bookbinding price list. 321110. Bingley, 1892. 2880 FOULlS, A. and TILLOCK, A. Specification. Stereotypes for printing. 1784. No. 1431. 8vo. London, 1856. 20560(4) 335 FOULIS, R. c^- A. Catalog-ue of the Foulis Exhibition, Glas- o-ow 191 V (//i Glasg-ow Bibhographical Society : Records, Vol. ^,1913.)^ ^ 18^-4 FOULIS, R. & A. Descriptive account of the Fouhs Exhibition, Glasgow, 191 3. (/" Glasg-ow Bibliographical Society : Records, Fo/.V, 1913.)^ "^ 18124 FOULIS, R. & A. See Duncan, R. ; Ferijuson, J. ; Glasgow Bibliographical Society ; Gray, J. M. ; Murray, D. FOUOUE, C. Note sur rorigine de la lithographic en France. {In Reunion des Societes des Beaux-Arts des Depts., 1899, pp. 75-76 and plate.) 94^3 FOUQUE, V. De quelques abus en librairie et des moyens de les combattre. 8vo. Chalon S.S., 1841. 10658 FOURDRINIER, Messrs. Prospectus of a machine for making laid and wove paper with water mark by moulds. Fol. London, 1814. 22981 (i) FOURDRINIER, Messrs. A brief abstract of the case of Messrs. Fourdrinier, upon which they ground their claim for a renewal of their patent-right. Fol. [London, c. 1835.] 22981 (2) FOURDRINIER, Messrs. See England, 1837. FOURET, R. See Philadelphia : Exhibition, 1876. FOURGEAUD-LAGREZE, N. Le Perigord Litteraire. L'im- primerie en Perigord, ses origines, ses progr^s et ses principals productions, 1498-1874. 8vo. Riberac, 1875. 12627 FOURMARIER, L. Questionnaire a I'usage des el^ves du cours de composition mecanique [at the Cercle d' Etudes Typo- graphiques]. 8vo. [Bruxelles, 1905.] ii054 FOURNIER, E. L'art de la reliure en France aux derniers si^cles. i2mo. Paris, 1864. 9348 FOURNIER, E. Gutenberg. Drame. 8vo. Paris, 1869. 21651 FOURNIER, E. Les fautes d'impression. Chansonnette. Fol. Paris [c. 1870]. 97^5 FOURNIER, E. See Lacroix, P. etc. FOURNIER, F. J. Nouveau dictionnaire portatif de biblio- graphic. 2e. edition. 8vo. Paris, 1809. 5298 FOURNIER, H. Traite de la typographic. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 20721 FOURNIER, H. Trait6 de la typographic. 26. edition. i2mo. Tours, 1854. 3029 FOURNIER, H. Traite de la typographic. 3e. edition. 8vo. Tours, 1870. 20714 FOURNIER, H. The introduction to F. 's treatise on typo- graphy, translated by C. E. Keymer. 4to, Gloucester, 1866. 6164 336 FOURNIER, H. Traite de la typographic. 4e. edition. En- ti^rement revue et augment^e par Arthur Viot. 12 mo. Paris, 1904. 3779 FOURNIER, H . See Cusset, J. FOURNIER, P. S. Dissertation sur I'origine et les progr^s de I'art de graver en bois, pour eclaircir quelques traits de I'histoire de I'imprimerie, cic. 8vo. Paris, 1758. 20716(1) 20723(1) FOURNIER, P. S. De I'origine et des productions de I'im- primerie primitive en taille de bois. 8vo. Paris, 1759. 20687 (i) 20723 (2) FOURNIER, P. S. Observations sur un ouvrage intitule Vindiciae typographicae, pour servir de suite au traite De I'origine et des productions de Pimprimerie primitive en taille de bois. 8vo. Paris, 1760. 20687 (2) 20723 (3) FOURNIER, P. S. Remarques sur un ouvrage intitule Lettre sur I'origine de I'imprimerie, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1761. 20723 (4) FOURNIER, P. S. Lettre a M. Freron au sujet de I'edition d'une Bible annoncee pour etre la premiere production de I'im- primerie. 8vo. [Paris, 1763.] 20723 (5) FOURNIER, P. S. Les caract^res de I'imprimerie. i2mo. Paris, 1764. 20666 FOURNIER, P. S. Manuel typographique, utile aux gens de fettres. 2 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1764-6. 5004 FOURNIER, P. S. Eloge de M. Fournier le jeune. {In Necrologie des hommes celebres, 1770.) 9524 FOURNIER, P. S. [Dissertazione sopra I'origine e progressi deir arte di scolpire in legno, etc. Tradotta da G. Campanini.] MS. 4to. [1835.] 20908 FOURNIER, P. S. The point system : its origin and purpose, as explained by the inventor. [P.S.F. Translated from his Manuel typographique, 1764.] {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 44, March 9, 1899, pp. 121-123.) PP FOURNIER, S. Cause entre le Sieur S. Fournier, graveur et fondeur de caract^res d'imprimerie, majeur, et Antoine Fournier, mineur emancipe d'age, procedant sour I'autorite du Sieur Barbou de Champourt, son tuteur ad hoc. {In Gazette des Tribunaux, No. 23, Tom. 5, 1778.) 9739 FOURNIER, S. P. Modeles des caract^res de Timprimerie, et des autres choses necessaires audit art. Obi. 4to. Paris, 1742. 22237 FOURNIER, S. P. Caract^res de I'imprimerie. 24mo. Paris, 1742. 6024 FOURTH ESTATE. 1901, etc. 4to. New York, 1901, etc. PP 337 22 FC)\'.\RGUE, H. W. Summary of library law. 8vo. London, 1910. 16339 FOWLER, A. C. Programme of annual wayzgoose, i2mo. London, 1910. 16086 ^'0^^'LER, a. C. Programme. Sixteenth annual dinner of the employees. Svo. London, 1912. 161 33 FOWLER, A. C. Permanency in color printing-. Press reviews of a new development. Svo. London [1912J. 15773 FOWLER, N. C. Fowler's publicity. An encyclopedia of advertising and printing. 4to. Boston, 1900. 6757 FOX, F. New York journalism : a snapshot. {In The National Review, Oct., 1909.) ^7756 FOX, G. A battle door for teachers and professors. Svo. London, 1660. 5^05 FOX, J. The ecclesiasticall history, conteyning the actes and monumentes of martyrs. 2 vols. Fol. London, 1576. 21S19 FOX, J. Actes and monumentes of Christian martyrs. 2 vols. Fol. [London, c. 1641.] 5859 FOX, W. W. The Empire composing and distributing machines : their position in the contest between type-bars and movable type. Svo. [London, 1S95.] 3978 FOX, W. W. The printer and the typefounder : a modern view of an ancient grievance. [On the point system.] 4to. [London, 1S97.] 823 FOX, W^ W. Overtime. A lecture. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 43, Oct. 13, 189S, pp. 222-223.) PP FOX, W. W. Technology. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 44, June 15, 1S99. pp. 349-351.) PP FOX, W. W. Technology : a suggested reform. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 46, Feb. 15, 1900, pp. S6-88.) PP FOX, W. W. The lay of the case. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 48, June 13, 1901, pp. 353-355-) PP FOX, W. W. The selling price of composition. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 51, Nov. 13, 1902, pp. 309, 385.) PP FOX, W. W. Some Caxtonians. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 52, June 18, 1903, pp. 433-434.) PP FOXCROFT, F. The American Sunday newspaper. {In The 19th Century and After, Vol. 62, 1907, pp. 609-615.) 9337 FOXLEE, E. W. Injurious materials used in photography. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 130-132.) PP FOXLEE, E. W. Reproduction of negatives by the powder process. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, igoS-9, pp. 41-45.) PP 338 FRAILEY, C. A. System in the composing room. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 40, 1907-8, p. 605.) PP FRAIPONT, G. Les procedes de reproduction en creux et la lithographic. Eau-forte — pointe seche — burin. Lithographie. 8vo. Paris [1895]. 1 1406 FRAIPONT, G. Les procedes de reproduction en relief. Mani^re d'executer les dessins pour la photogravure et la gravure sur bois. 8vo. Paris [c. 1902]. 3385 FRAKNOI, V. Karai Laszlo Budai prepost, a konyvnyom- tatas meghonositoja Magyarorszagban. 8vo. Budapest, 1898. 7026 FRAKNOI, W. See Chronica Hungarorum. FRANCE, A. See Leicester Galleries. FRANCE. Declaration du Roy, donnee a Fontainebleau le 2 d'Octobre, 1701, portant r^glement pour les libraires et im- primeurs. 4to. Grenoble, 1701. 1262 1 FRANCE. [Lettres Patentes du Roi, portam etablissemen d'un imprimeur de Sa INIajeste en la ville de Lille, 14 Oct., 1727. MS.] 4to. 15296 FRANCE. Arrest du Conseil d'Estat du Roy, qui fixe le nombre des imprimeurs dans le Royaume du 31 Mars, 1739. 4to. Paris, 1739. 12623 FRANCE. Memoire sur les proprietes et privileges exclusifs de la librairie. Presente en 1774. 4to. [Paris, 1774.] 12619 FRANCE. Arret du Conseil d'Etat du Roi portant r^glement de discipline pour les compagnons imprimeurs du 30 Aout, 1777. 4to. Paris, 1777. 14669 FRANCE. Arret du Conseil d'Etat du Roi, qui r^gle les formalites a observer pour la reception des libraires et imprimeurs. 4to. Paris, 1777. 14667 FRANCE. Arret du Conseil d'Etat du Roi, qui supprime un Imprime, ayant pour titre : Observations sur le Memoire justifi- catif de la Cour de Londres par Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais. Du 19 Decembre, 1779. Extrait des Registres du Conseil d'Etat. 8vo. Paris, 1779. ^5^97 FRANCE. Arret du Conseil d'Etat du Roi, qui declare bonne et valable une saisie de livres faite a Nanci sur un colporteur sans qualite ; ordonne la confiscation des livres saisis, et le condamne k I'amende. 4to. Paris, 1785. 18649 FRANCE. Arret du Conseil d'Etat du Roi, qui ordonne I'ex- ^cution des R^glemens de la Librairie, et qui fait defenses a tous imprimeurs, libraires ou autres, d'imprimer, publier et distribuer aucun prospectus, journal au autre feuille periodique, sans le permission de Sa Majestic. 4to. Paris, 1789. 18843 339 l-RANCK. Projot dc loi contre les delits qui pcuvent se com- niettre par la voie de rimpression, etc., prcsente a I'Asscmblee Nationale 20 Jan., 1790, par le Comitc de Constitution. 8vo. [Paris, 1790.] 23357 FRANCE. Projet de loi relatif a la liberte de la presse, adopte par la Chambre des Deputes le 11 Aout, 1814, presente k la Chambre des Pairs le 16 du meme mois. 8vo. [Paris, 1814.] 23388 FRANCE. Recueil de lois, decrets, ordonnances et instructions ministerielles sur I'imprimerie, la librairie et la presse periodique. 8vo. Paris, 1830. 22628 FRANCE. Code des libraires et des imprimeurs. i2mo. Paris, 1843. 17323 FRANCE. La liberte de la librairie et de Timprimerie. Re- cueil de pieces public a I'occasion de I'enquete votee par le Corps Legislatif. 8vo. Paris, i86g. 14656 FRANCE. Developpements a I'appui de la petition de la librairie, de I'imprimerie, de la papeterie, de la fonderie, etc. [Sio;ned by Les Membres de la Commission delei^uee par la Librairie, I'imprimerie, la Papeterie, la Fonderie, etc.] 8vo. [Paris, c. 1870.] 14666 FRANCE. Historiques des corps de troupe de I'Armee fran- 9aise, 1569-1900. [Phototypogravures, etc.] 8vo. Paris, 1900. 4688 FRANCE. L'enseig'nement technique en France. Etude publiee k I'occasion de I'Exposition de 1900. 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1900. 2322 FRANCE. Ministfere de la justice. Office de leg^islation etrang^re et de droit international fonde a Paris en 1876 investi de la personnalite civile en 1908. 8vo. Paris, 1910. ^3399 FRANCE : Congr^s des Imprimeurs, 1867. [Proceedings and papers.] 5 pts. 4to. Paris, 1867-8. 17329(1) FRANCE : Cong-r^s (2e.) des Imprimeurs, 1869. [Proceedings.] 4to. Paris, 1869. 17329 (2) FRANCE : Office du Travail. Les associations professionnelles ouvrieres. Tom. i. Industries polygraphiques. 8vo. Paris, 1899. 3592 FRANCE : Office du Travail. Rapport sur I'apprentissage dans I'imprimerie, 1899-1900. 8vo. Paris, 1902. 354i FRANCE : Syndicat General des Imprimeurs. [Papers.] 5 pts. 4to. Paris, 1869-70. 17329 (3) FRANCE : Union Syndicale des Maitres-Imprimeurs de France. Premier, etc., Congres des Maitres-Imprimeurs de France. Compte rendu. 8vo. Lyon, 1894, etc. 321 340 FRANCE : Union Syndicale des Maitres-Imprimeurs de France. Xlle. Congr^s. Bordeaux, 1907, etc. [Report, being the Con- gress number of the Bulletin of the Union.] 4to. Paris, 1907, etc. 11419 FRANCESCO DA BOLOGNA. See Manzoni, G. ; Panizzi, Sir A. ; Williamson, G. C. FRANCID, L. Progressive lessons tending to elucidate the character of trees, with the process of sketching and painting them in water colours. 4to. London, 1813. 18377 FRANCIS, B. Conflagration: a poem. 8vo. Bristol, 1770. 5416 [FRANCIS, J.] Printing at home, with full instructions for amateurs. 2nd edition. i2mo. Rochford [1873]. 23029 [FRANCIS, J.] Printing at home, with full instructions for amateurs. 3rd edition. 8vo. Rochford [c. 1878]. 18015 FRANCIS, J. Sec Francis, J. C. FRANCIS, J. C. John Francis, publisher of The Athenaeum : a literary chronicle of half a century. With an introductory note by H. R. Fox Bourne. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1888. ^^939 FRANCIS, J. C. Notes by the way. With memoirs of Joseph Knight and the Rev. J. W. Ebsworth. 8vo. London, 1909. 11423 FRANCISCANS. Ordo pro divinis rite, etc., 1770. 8vo. Brixiae [1769]. 164 17 FRANCOIS, ( ). Le Chasseur Bibliographe. Ann. 2. 8vo. Paris, 1863. 17224 FRANCOIS, R. pseud. See [Binet, E.] FRANCTON, J. See Dix, E. R. McC. FRANDOR CO. The printers' green book, containing a classified list of watermarked bonds, linens, writings and ledgers, as well as cover and book papers. 8vo. Cleveland, O., 1913. 17293 FRANKAU, J. Eighteenth century colour prints : an essay on certain stipple engravers and their work in colour. [2nd edition.] 8vo. London, 1906. 8559 FRANKE, C. A. Handbuch der Buchdruckerkunst. 8vo. Weimar, 1855. 20095 FRANKE, C. A. Handbuch der Buchdruckerkunst. 2te. Auflage. i2mo. Weimar, 1857. 11 297 FRANKE, C. A. Katechismus der Buchdruckerkunst und der verwandten Geschaftszweige. 3te. Auflage. 8vo. Leipzig, 1862. 20098 (2) FRANKE, C. A. Handbuch der Buchdruckerkunst. 4te. Auflage. 8vo. Weimar, 1867. 11538 341 FRANKE, C. A. Katcchismus dor Buchdruckerkunst und der verwandten Geschiiftsweige. 3te. Auflage. 8vo. Leipzig, 1872. 23421 FRANKE, C. A. Die Buchdruckerkunst. Praktisches Hand- buch I'iir Sctzer, Drucker, Korrektorcn, Stereotypeure und Gal- vanoplastiker Auf Grund eigener Erfahrungen und unter Mit- wirkung namhafter Fachmiinner herausgegben von Max Mueller. 6te. Auflagc. Svo. Leipzig, 1904. 4437 FRANKE, C. A. See Richmond, W. D. FRANKE, J. Die Abgabe der Pflichtexemplare von Drucker- zeugnissen mit besonderer Berucksichtigung preussens und des deutschen Reiches. [Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 3.] Svo. Berlin, 1889. io347 FRANKENSTEIN, S. M. & CO. Reflex inks. 4to. London [1907]. 8486 FRANKFURT AM MAIN. Gedenk-Buch zur 4ten. Jubelfeier der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst begangen zu Frankfurt am Main am 24 ten. und 25 ten. Junius, 1840. Eine Festgabe herausgegeben von den Buchdruckcrn, Schriftgiessern und Buch- handlern. Svo. [Frankfurt, 1840.] ii539 FRANKFURTER ZEITUNG. Geschichte der Frankfurter Zeitung. Volksausgabe. Svo. Frankfurt, 191 1. 15722 FRANKLIN, A. Les origines du Palais de ITnstitut. Re- cherches historiques sur le College des Quatre-Nations. Svo. Paris, 1862. 20043 FRANKLIN, A. Precis de I'histoire de la Biblioth^que du Roi aujourd'hui Biblioth^que National. 2e. edition. Svo. Paris, 1S75. 5244 FRANKLIN, A. La Sorbonne, ses origines, sa biblioth^que, les debuts de I'imprimerie a Paris, etc. 2e. edition. Svo. Paris, 1875. 21736 FRANKLIN, A. See Desmarais, P. FRANKLIN, B. Oeuvres. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1773. 22020 FRANKLIN, B. Works. 2 vols. Svo. London [c. 1792]. 2429 FRANKLIN, B. The private life of the late Benjamin Franklin. Originally written by himself, and now translated from the French. Svo. London, 1793. 20450 FRANKLIN, B. Works. 2 vols. 2nd edition. Svo. London, 1793- 5636 FRANKLIN, B. Works. 2 vols. i2mo. London, 1799. 4644 FRANKLIN, B. Private correspondence, 1753-90. 2nd edition. Published by W. T. Franklin. 2 vols. Svo. London, 181 7. 21665 342 FRANKLIN, B. Memoirs of the life and writings of B. F. Written by himself and continued by W. T. Franklin. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 181S. 2210 FRANKLIN, B. Private correspondence, 1753-90. Published by W. T. Franklin. 3rd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1818. 22 lOA FRANKLIN, B. Works. 8vo. Glasgow, 1819. 17379 FRANKLIN, B. Works. i6mo. Chiswick, 1824. 3062 FRANKLIN, B. Memoires. 2 torn. i2mo. Paris, 1828. 20339 FRANKLIN, B. Life and miscellaneous writings. 8vo. Edin- burgh, 1839. 2344 FRANKLIN, B. Essays: humorous, moral and literary. i2mo. London, 1850. 3183 FRANKLIN, B. Complete works. Edited by J. Bigelow. 10 vols. (Franklin bibliography. A list of books written by, or relating to, B. Franklin. By P. L. Ford. Brooklyn, 1889 [Vol. iij.) II vols. 8vo. New York, 1887-9. 21660 FRANKLIN, B. Record of the proceedings and ceremonies pertaining to the erection of the Franklin statue in Printing House Square. 8vo. New York, 1872. 22296 FRANKLIN, B. The life of Benjamin Franklin, written by himself. Now first edited from original MSS., etc., by J. Bigelow. (Bibliography, Vol. 3, pp. 491-512.) 3 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1875. 20607 FRANKLIN, B. Benjamin Franklin in London. {In The Printing Times and Lithographer, 1876.) 22970 FRANKLIN, B. Franklin portraits. (In Boston : Public Library: Bulletin, July, 1892, pp. 139-150.) 7671 FRANKLIN, B. Ceremonies attending the unveiling of the statue of B. F., June 14, 1899. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1899. 7326 FRANKLIN, B. [Letters and facsimiles relating to Franklin's private press at Passy.J [1913.] ^7977 FRANKLIN, B. [A number of portraits of B. F., with a facsimile letter.] 8vo. 22942 FRANKLIN, B. See Abbott, J. S. C. ; Choate, J. H. Demoulin, G. ; Estabrook, H. D. ; Ford, P. L. ; Grolier Club Jay, W. ; Lyon, L. ; McMaster, H. ; M'Neile, H. ; Robins, E. Stevens, H. ; Thayer, W. M. ; Washington : Library of Con- gress ; Wollaston, W. FRANKLIN, W. T. See Franklin, B. FRANKLIN CLUB BULLETIN. Vol. 3, 191 1, etc. 8vo. Milwaukee, 191 1, etc. PP 343 FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. Lanston's Monotype machine. Report of the Committee on Science and Art. (In The Journal of the Franklin Institute, Sept. 1896.) 925B FRANKLIN INSTITUTE OF ALLIED ARTS. Typography : its practice. [Prospectus of printino- classes.] i2mo. [Scranton, Pa., 1901.J 2520 FRANKLIN SOCIETY OF CHICAGO. [Catalogue of periodicals and duplicates in the Library.] 8vo. Chicago, 1879. 8532 ERASER, G. M. The Lone Shieling; or, the authorship of the Canadian Boat Song, with other literary and historical sketches. [Printing in Aberdeen and in Fintray.] 8vo. Aberdeen, 1908. 10538 ERASER, J. The humorous chap-books of Scotland. 2 pts. 8vo. New York, 1873-4. 91 10 FRAZER, D. Paper, pens and ink : a brief sketch of the principal writing materials used in all ages. 2nd edition. i2mo. Glasgow, 1878. 8431 FREE access to the shelves in public libraries. 8vo. [London, c. 1903.] 8074 FREE access of the readers to the shelves in public libraries. 8vo. [London, 1906.] 8228 FREEMAN & FREEMAN. Ready reckoner for process work. [A diagram.] S. sh. obi. 8vo. London [c. 1910]. 14890 FREEMASONS. Consecration of the St. Bride Lodge, July, 1900. 4to. London, igoo. 1828 FREGENO, M. de. See Lange, H. O. FREIE KUNSTE. Vol. 22, 1900, etc. 8vo. Wien, 1900, etc. PP FREIMANN, A. Uber hebraische Inkunabeln. (hi Zentral- blatt fiir Bibliothekwesen, Vol. 19, 1902, pp. 108-117.) PP FRENCH, F. American wood-engravers. Frank French. (In Scribner's Magazine, Vol. 17, June, 1895, pp. 689-691.) 7017 FRENCH, G. Type-expression and illustrations of " special " newspaper work. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 18, 1896-7, pp. 417-419.) • PP FRENCH, G. The education of printers. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 30, 1902-3, pp. 865-866.) PP FRENCH, G. The new art of printing. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 31, 1903, pp. 587-589.) PP FRENCH, G. The work of private presses. (In The Printing Art, Vol. 2, 1903, p. 117.) PP FRENCH, G. Design and typography. (In The Printing Art, Vol. 3, 1904, p. 166.) PP 344 FRENCH, G. The theory and use of initials. {In The Printing- Art, Vol. 3, 1904, p. 39.) PP FRENCH, G. The three-color process.. {In The Printing Art, Vol. 4, 1904, p. 89.) PP FRENCH, G. The art and science of advertising-. 8vo. Boston, 1909. 1 1 749 FRENTZEL, S. Etliche kurtze Form und Weisen zu Beichten. 8vo. Bresslau, 1572. 6039(2) FRERE, E. Recherches sur les premiers temps de I'imprimerie en Normandie. {In Societe d'Emulation de Rouen, 1828, pp. 181-191.) 9441 FRERE, E. Recherches sur les premiers temps de I'imprimerie en Normandie. 8vo. Rouen, 1829. 12607 (2) FRERE, E. De I'imprimerie et de la librairie a Rouen dans les 156. et i6e. siecles, et de Martin Morin ceI6bre imprimeur rouennais. i2mo. Rouen, 1843. 5200 FRERE, E. Considerations sur les origines typographiques. Svo. Rouen, 1850. 1689 FRERE, E. Manuel du bibliographe Normand. 2 vols. Svo. Rouen, 1858-60. 7904 FRERE, E. Des livres de liturgie des eglises d'Angleterre {Salisbury, York, Hereford), imprinies a Rouen dans les i5e. et i6e. siecles. 8vo. Rouen, 1867. 8410 FRERON, ( ). Opinion sur la liberte de la presse. 8vo. [Paris, c. 1796.] 23379 FRERON, ( ). See Fournier, P. S. FRESE, J. H. and DOENCiES, G. Die doppehe Buch- und Geschaftsfiihrung fiir Buchdruckereien und verwandte Geschafte. 2 pts. 4to. Leipzig, 1869-70. 22990 FRESENIUS, J. F. T. Zur Geschichte der Erfindung des Buchdrucks. 8vo. Frankfurt, 1840. 21882 FREUND, L. Die Berufskrankheiten und ihre Verhiitung mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der graphischen Gewerbe. 8vo. Halle a. S. , igoi. 3378 FREWING, E. H. A process for making blocks for letterpress printing in half-tone. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 2, 1896, p. 32.) PP FREWING, E. H. Photo-lithography in half-tone. {In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 7, 1901, pp. 37-38.) PP FREY, A. Manuel nouveau de typographic. Imprimerie. i6mo. Paris, 1835. 5026 FREY, A. Nouveau manuel complet de typographic. Nouvelle edition par M. E. Bouchez. i6mo. Paris, 1857. 935 1 345 FREY. The Frey process. (.In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, I'd/. 13, 1907-8, p. 129.) Pt* FREVBERG, C. A. Von den allererstcn und iiltesten Buch- druckern zii Dressden h'andelt in diesen Bliittern. 410. Dressden, 1740. 22494 FREYBERG, C. A. Reliquien von der Dressdnischen und iibrigen Ober-Sachsischen Buchdrucker-historie. 4to. Dressden, 1J4T. 22494 FREYLINGHAUSEN, J. A. An abstract of the whole doctrine of the Christian religion. The first book stereotyped in this king-dom. 8vo. London, 1804. 5094 FREYLINGHAUSEN, J. A, An abstract of the whole doctrine of the Christian religion. The first book stereotyped by the new- process. 8vo. London, 1804. 1784? FRICK, G. Die Elzevirschen Repubhken. {In Zeitschrift fiir Bucherfreunde, Vol. i, 1898, pp. 609-617.) PP FRIEDBERG, B. Geschichte der hebraischen Typographic in Krakau von 1530 bis auf die Gegenwart. [In Hebrew.] i2mo. Krakaw, 1900. 35°° FRIEDEL, H. See Maul, J. FRIEDERICHS, H. The fife of Sir George Newnes, Bart. 8vo. London, 191 1. 16576 FRIEDLAND, V. Oratio a Baldasaro Rhavo. 8vo. Wite- bergae, 1564. 6038(14) FRIEDLAENDER, G. Beitrage zur Buchdruckergeschichte Berlins. 8vo. Berlin, 1834. 22546 FRIEDRICH, A. See Miihl, G. FRIENDLY SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Rules and regulations. [The Society consisted of the employes of Messrs. Clowes only.] 8vo. London, 1838. 1045 FRIENDS TO THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. Pro- ceedings. Dec. 22, 1792 — March 9, 1793. 8vo. [London], 1793. 22338 FRIERDICH, A, See Rosenstiehl, D. FRIESSNER, A. See Langbein, G. and Friessner, A. FRISBY & CO. Letterpress printing: a few specimens. [Vol. I.] 4to. Nottingham [1888]. 2909 FRISBY & CO. Printing: a few examples. Vol. 2. (Third book of specimens of letterpress printing.) 2 vols. 4to. Notting- ham, 1889-91. 453 FRISWELL, H. Circulating hbraries. Their contents and their readers. (In London Society, Dec, 1871.) 1607 FRITH, W. P. John Leech : his life and work. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1891. 10404 346 FRITSCH, A. Dissertationes duae historico-politicae, altera De abusibus typographiae tollendis, altera De zygenorum origlne, vita ac moribus. Editio altera. 4to. Jenae, 1664. 22409 FRITSCH, A. Tractatus de typographis, bibliopolis, chartariis et bibliopegis in quo de eorum statutis et immunitatibus. 4to. Jenae, 1675. 22408 FRITZ, G. Die K. K. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei und deren technische Einrichtung-en. Svo. Wien, 1894. 6871 FRITZ_j^ G. Die Photolithog-raphie. Svo. Halle a. S., 1894. 212 FRITZ G. Photo-lithog-raphy. Translated by E. J. Wall. Svo. London, 1895. 211 FRITZ, G. Photo-lithographs on aluminium by direct copying. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 4, 1898, pp. 86-88.) PP FRITZ, G. Handbuch der Lithographie und des Steindrucks. Bd. I. 4to. Halle a. S., 1898-1901. 2162 FRITZ, G. A new overlay process. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 7-8.) PP FRITZ, G. Ulber den gegenwartigen Stand der Galvano- plastik. 8vo, Wien, 191 1. 15006 FROGGES. The frogges of Egypt ; or, the caterpillars of the Commons. 4to. [London], 1641. 21204 FROHLICH, K. Liederbuch fiir die im Gutenbergbunde vereinigten Buchdrucker. Svo. Berlin, 1850. 3485 FROLICH, M. See Numrich, A. and Co. FROMMANN, E. Aufsatze zur Geschichte des Buchhandels im 16. Jahrhundert. Heft. i. Frankreich. {Heft. 2. Italien.) 2 pts. Svo. Jena, 1876-81. 8441 FROMMANN, F. J. Geschichte des Borsen-Vereins der Deutschen Buchhandler. Svo. Leipzig, 1875. 11195 FROMME, C. [Specimen sheets.] 4to. Wien [c. 1880]. 6474 FRONDE. La Fronde. The only daily newspaper for women. {In The Penny Pictorial Magazine, Nov. 23, 1901.) 2462 FROST, A. J. See Society of Telegraph Engineers. FROST, M. Dress in the hbrary. {In Library World, Vol. 11, 1908-9, pp. 1S3-184.) PP FROST, T. Reminiscences of a country journalist. Svo. London, 1S86. 21576 FRUIN, R. Mainz of Haarlem. Svo. [Amsterdam, 1888.] 22369 FRUWIRTH, A. The conjugate scale apparatus. {In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, pp. 46-4S.) PP FRUWIRTH, A. Relief letters. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 220-223.) PP 347 l''RL'\\IRTH, A. The system of multiple photography and automatic focussing". [In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp. 113-116.) PP FRY, E. Pantographia : containing copies of all the known alphabets. 8vo. London, 1799. 5103 FRY, E. Specimen of printing types. 8vo. London, 1816. 22232 FRY, E. Specimen of modern printing types. Svo. London, 1824. 454 FRY, E. Specimen of modern printing types. [Large paper edition.] 4to. London, 1824. 6339 FRY, E. & CO. A specimen of printing types. 8vo. London, 1788. 20292 FRY, E. & STEELE, L Specimen of metal cast ornaments curiously adjusted to paper. Svo. London, 1794. 20294 (2) FRY, E. See Bible : O.T. Irish. FRY, F. [Specimen of the facsimile published by F. F. of the first English New Testament, 1525-6.] Svo. [Bristol, 1862.] 23025 FRY, F. A bibliographical description of the editions of the New Testament, Tyndale's version in English. 4to. London, 1878. 10146 FRY, F. See Bible : O.T. Jonah. FRY, J. &: SONS. Specimen of printing types, 1785. (In Chambers, E. : Encyclopaedia.) 6176 FRY, J. & SONS. A specimen of printing types. S. sh. fol. London, 1785. 20293 (2) FRY J. & SONS. A specimen of printing types. Svo. London, 1785. 20267 FRY J. & SONS. A specimen of printing types. Svo. London, 1786. 20266 FRY, T. A brief memoir of Francis Fry, F.S.A., of Bristol. Svo. [London], 1887. 5104 FRY & STEELE. A specimen of printing types. Svo. London, 1795. 20294 (i) FRY & STEELE. Specimens of type. 4to. London [c. 1798]. 10627 FRY, STEELE 8c CO. A specimen of printing types. Svo. London, 1798. 1193 FRY, STEELE & CO. A specimen of printing types. Svo. London, 1799. 6949 FRY, STEELE & CO. A specimen of printing tj^pes. Svo. London, 1800. 20295 348 FRY & STEELE. Specimen of ornaments. 8vo. London, 1805. 20293 (3) FRY & STEELE. Specimens of printing types. (In Stower, C. : Printer's Grammar, 1808.) 20487 FRYERS, A. The poster academy, (/n The Ludgate, Aug-., 1900.) ^ 8686 FUCHS, Z. A gepterem egyetemes kezikonyv a Budapesti gepmesterek es nyomok kore megbizasabol szerkesztette. 8vo. Budapest, 1910. 15173 FUCHS & LANG MANUFACTURING CO. Catalogue of Hthographic prints, books, etc., in the Art Gallery. 4to. New York, 1913. 17280 FUERST, J. Notes on the correct rendering of color values in photographic reproduction by means of orthachromatic plates. [In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 2, 1896, pp. 57-59.) PP FUERST, J. Glycin-Hauff. A developer for process work and ordinary purposes. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 3, 1897, PP- 43-45-) PP FUHRICH, Prof. von. Die geistige Rose. [Xylographic printing in colours.] i2mo. \\^ien [c. 1877]. 20830 FUHRMANN, G. L. Typorum et characterum oflficinae chalcographicae, G. L. F. 4to. Nurembergae, 1616. 6055 FUHRMANN, G. L. See Konig, H. FULHAM : Public Libraries. Fourteenth [etc.] annual report, 1901, etc. 8vo. London, 1902, etc. 8970 FULIN, R. Documenti per servire alia storia della tipografia Veneziana. 8vo. Venezia, 1S82. 16705 FULKE, W. A defence of the sincere and true translations of the Holy Scriptures into the English tongue, against the cavils of G. Martin. 8vo. Cambridge, 1843. 9237 FULLER, E. C. & CO. The White paper cutting machines. 4to. New York [c. 1900]. 3252 FULLER, E. C. & CO. The Universal wire stitching machines. 4to. New York [c. 1900]. 3253 FULLER, E. C. & CO. Economic automatic paper feeding machines. 4to. New York, 1900. 3251 FULLER, F. A treatise of faith and repentance. 8vo. London, 1684. ^5753 FULLER, S. E. A manual of instruction in the art of wood engraving. 2nd edition. 8vo. New York, 1879. 1392 FUMAGALLI, C. Dei primi libri a stampa in Italia e special- mente di un codice Sublacense impresso avanti il Lattanzo e finora crcduto postcriore. 8vo. Lugano, 1875. 22742 349 l-L'MAGALLI, G. La qucstione di Pamfilo Castaldi. 8vo. iMilano, 1891. 8438 FUMAGALLI, G. Antonio Blade: tipografo Romano del secolo 16. Memoria storico-bibliografica. i2mo. Milano [c. 1895]. 3579 [FUMAGALLI, G.] Per una Scuola del Libro da istituirsi a IMilano. 8vo. Milano, 1902. 4094 FUMAGALLI, G. La Scuola del Libro a Milano. 8vo. Prato, 1904. 449'^ FUMAGALLI, G. Lexicon typographicum Italiae. Diction- naire o-^oi^raphique d 'Italic pour servir a I'histoire de rimprimerie dans ce pays. 8vo. Florence, 1905. 6506 FUMAGALLI, G. and BELLI, G. Catalog-o delle edizioni Romane di Antonio Blado Asolano ed eredi (1516-93) possedute dalla Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele di Roma. Pts. 1-2. 8vo. Roma, 1891-6. 374- FUNK & WAGNALLS CO. On the subject of diacritical markings in dictionaries. 8vo. New York [c. 1905]. 7^37 FUNK & WAGNALLS CO. The art of lithography. [A series of 24 plates showing the progressive printing of a chromolitho. plate.] 4to. Springfield, 1910. 12562 FL^RERL^S, C. Itinerarium Aegypti, Arabiae, Palestinae, etc. 4to. Nurembergae, 1620. 21571 FURNE, C. See Rosseeuw St. Hilaire. FURNISS, H. The illustrating of books. From the humorous artist's point of view. {In The Magazine of Art, Jan., 1891, pp. 99-103.) 6779 FURNISS, H. Scraper boards and how to use them. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 2, 1896, pp. 134-140.) PP FURNISS, H. Luxotype — why not revive it? {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 3, 1897, pp. 74-75-) PP FURNISS, H. About the aerograph. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 5, 1899, pp. 101-102.) PP FURNISS, H. The confessions of a caricaturist. 2 vols. Svo. London, igoi. 8572 FURNISS, H. How and why I illustrated Thackeray. Svo. London, 1912. 16033 FURNIVAL & CO. [Catalogue of printing machinery, etc.] Svo. [Reddish, 1892.] 1716 FURNIVAL & CO. The first British built collotype machine. Sm. 4to. London, 1893. 4593 FURNIVAL & CO. Catalogue of two-revolution printing machines. Obi. 4to. London [c. 1903]. 3455 350 FURNI\'AL & CO. Price list. Obi. 8vo. Stockport, 1904. 4742 FURNIVAL PRESS. See Barber, G. FURNIVALL, F. J. The babees book. [Reprints of several early English works with notes.] 8vo. London, 1868. 2060S FURNIVALL, F. J. Pynson's contracts with Horman for his Vulgaria, and Palsgrave for his Lesclaircissement, with Pynson's letter of denization. 8vo. [London, 1868.) 22357 FURNIVALL, F. J. Description of old London Bridge. 8vo. [London, 1881.]. 23303 FURNIVALL, F. J. See Caxton, W. ; Charretier, A. FURSTENAU, J. F. De inittiis typographiae physiologicis. 4to. Rintelii [1740]. 20644(1) FUSCONI, L. Maria. Orazione panegirica e rime in lode di Maria Vergine Immacolata. 8vo. Parma, 1781. 9063 FUST, J. Fust der Erfinder der Buchdruckerei. [A play.] i2mo. Mainz, 1792. 94^7 FYROOZ BIN CAOOS. Contents of the George Nameh. [English and Persian.] 8vo. [Bombay], 1836. 3820 351 G G : A. C. E. Anti-fimbria. 4to. 1679. 23476 [G : E. S.] The Graphic. An illustrated description of the new printing- offices, opened Feb., 1904. Obi. 8vo. London, 1904. 4025 G : J. See Claudin, A. G : S. G. The John Rylands Library, (hi The Leisure Hour, Dec, 1899, pp. 138-145.) 1905 GACHARD, ( ). Particularites inedites sur C. Plantin et sur I'impression de la Bible Poliglotte. 8vo. Anvers, 1856. 1762 1 GAELIC SOCIETY OF DUBLIN. Transactions. Vol. i. 8vo. Dublin, 1808. 5063 GAGE, F. W. Impression. [In Inland Printer, Vol. 39, 1907, PP- 360, 520.) PP GAGE, F. W. Modern presswork. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 39, 1907, p. 693 — Vol. 41, 1908, p. 868.) PP GAGE, F. W. Modern presswork. i-mo. Chicago, 1909. 1 1 508 GAGNIERE, A. Histoire de la presse sous la Commune. (Du 18 Mars au 24 Mai, 1871.) 8vo. Paris, 1872. 21894 GAGUIN, R. La mer de croniques et miroir historial de F" ranee. 4to. Paris [c. 1520]. 5750 GAGUIN, R. See Fichet, G. GAIETTANO, F. P. S. V. Discorsi. i2mo. Vinegia, 1545. 6120 GAILER, Prof. Rede am 4ten. Sacular-Gedachtniss-Feste der Erfindung der Buchdrucker-Kunst den 24 Juni, 1840. 8vo. Reut- lingen [1840]. 22492 GAILLARD, ( ). See Tosi, P. F. GAILLARD, E. Grain screens and photo-lithography. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 6, 1900, p. 28.) PP GAILLARD, J. Revue pittoresque des monuments qui de- coraient autrefois la ville de Bruge et qui n 'existent plus aujourd' hui. 4to. Bruges, 1850. 21794 352 GAINE, H. The journals of Hugh Gaine, printer. Edited by P. L. Ford. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1902. 4^77 GALE, J. See Plummer, J. GALEATI, P., XIMENES, E. and NAMIAS, R. L'arte nel libro. 8vo. Milano, 1899. 45^3 GALEN, C. De temperamentis, et de inaequali intemperie. Thomas Linacro, Anglo interprets Cantabrigiam par J. Siberch Mdxxi. Reproduced in facsimile with introduction by J. F. Payne. 4to. Cambridge, 1881. 21555 GALEOTTI, M. Delia tipografia pohglotta di Propaganda, 8vo. Torino, 1866. . 21 191 GALESLOOT, L. Admission du graveur Gerard de Jode en quaUte d'imprimeur d 'images. {In Le Bibliophile Beige, Ann. 4, 1869, pp. 179, 183.) 21996 GALESLOOT, L. Marguerite d'York, Duchess Douairi^re de Bourgogne, 1468-1503. [Patron of Caxton.] 8vo. Bruges, 1879. 22541 GALEZOWSKI, X. Echelles typographiques et chromatiques pour I'examen de I'acuite visuelle. 8vo. Paris, 1874. 16725 GALITZIN, Prince M. Deux xylographies de la Biblioth^que de feu M. le Prince M. G. 8vo. Moscou, 1864. 20750 GALL, J. A historical sketch of the origin and progress of literature for the blind. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1834. 13^85 GALLE, P. Yirorum doctorum de disciplinis benemerentium effigies 44. [C. Plantin, E. 4.] 4to. Antuerpiae, 1572. 21326 GALLIA, sive de tVancorum regis dominiis et opibus. i2mo. Lugd. Bat., 1629. 21938 GALLIZIOLI, G. Dell' origine della stampa, e degli stampa- tori di Bergamo. 8vo. [Bergamo, 1786.] 21551 GALLON, E. See Paris: Exhibition, 1878. GALLUP, E. W. Bi-literal cypher of Francis Bacon. Replies to criticisms. 8vo. [Detroit, 1902.] 8271 GALLUP, E. W. The bi-literal cypher of Sir Francis Bacon, discovered in his works and deciphered. Part III — Deciphered secret story, 1622 to 1671. The lost MSS. Where they were hidden. 8vo. Detroit, 1910. 13736 GALLUS, pseud. Hygiene des typographes. 8vo. Paris, 1 88 1. 9434 GALLY, M. The Universal [platen] printing machine. 8vo. New York [1880]. 8213 GAMA, J. P. Esquisse historique de Gutenberg. 8vo. Paris, i?57- 20955 (i) 353 23 (^.AMA, \'. de. Calcoen. A Dutch narrative of the second xovai^o o( \'asco da (iania to Calicut, printed at Antwerp. [A faesiniik^l with introduction and transhition by J. W Berjeau. 4to. London, i8;'4. 21385 C^AMHLIC, C. W. The making- of process blocks. [A lecture.] {In The Brit, and Col. Print., I'ol. 40, March 2;;, 1897, p. 196.) PP CAMBLE, C. W. On some elementary considerations relatin*^ to exposure. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, ]'ol. q, 1903-4, />/>. SQ-06.) PP GAMBLl' , C. W. Hook-plates. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol 13, 1907-8, />/>. 177-178.) PP G.AMBLE, \\'. Photographic processes of to-day. (In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. i, 1895, PP- 5-^^-) PP CAMBLE, W. Hints and wrinkles. [In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, I'ol. 1, 1895, PP- 60-64.) PP CvAMBLl^, \\ . Random ideas in process work. [In The Pro- cess Photogram, \'oL 2. 1895, p. 173.) PP GAMBLE, W. Negatives for the half-tone process. [In The Process Photogram, To/. 2, 1895.) PP CiAMBLE, W. The new Levy screen. {In The Process Photo- gram. ]'oL 2, 1895, pp. 102-103.) PP tiAMBLE. W. Half-tone direct from nature. {In The Process Photogram, I'ol. 4, 1897, pp. 23-26.) PP (^.AMBLE, W. Process in magazine and book illustration. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, I'ol. 3, 1897, pp. 3-10.) PP GAMBLE, \V. Newspaper illustrations. {In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, Vol. 3, 1897, pp. 17-3--) PP GAMBLE, \V. Pictorial telegraphy. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 4, 1S98, pp. 1-12.) PP GAMBLE, W. Theory of the half-tone screen. {In The Pro- cess Photogram, To/. 5, 1898, pp. 41-42, 54-55.) PP GAMBLE, \\'. Dragon's blood process r. rolling-up process. {In The Process Photogram, ]'oL 6, 1899, pp. 49-52.) PP GAMBLE, W. Combined line and half-tone. {In The Process Photogram, ]'ol. 6, 1899, pp. 65-68.) PP GAMBLE, \A\ The Aerograph : Amstutz's engravingf method. {In The Process Photogram, ]'oI. 6, 1899, pp. 83-86.) " PP GAMBLE, W. Direct photo-lithography on stone. {In The Process Photog^ram, ]'ol. 6, 1899, PP- MS'M^, 163-165.) PP GAMBLE, W. Just a few words by way of introduction. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, To/. 5, 1899, pp. 1-2.) PP GAMBLE, \V. Leaves from my note-book. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 5, 1S99, pp. yS.) PP 354 GAMJiLJ'^, W. Six colours from three prinlinj>-s. Au object lesson lor the printer. (/n i'enrose's riclori;il A;ii)ii;ii, I oL. 5, 1899, pp. 105-106.) I'l' GAMr.lJ-., \V. Catalof,'ue illustrations. (In 1'' nrose's J'ic- torial AniiLi;il, 1'/?. 83-85.) I'P GA.MBLl'", VV. Some points about etching. (In 'i he I'rocess Photogram, I'ol. 7, 1900, pp. / 17-120.) PP GAMBLK, W. 'Ihe automatic adjustment of the half-tone screen, /n The Process Photogram, f^'o/. 7, 1900, ^/>. 68-69.) ''^' GAMBLE, VV. Exposure and diaphragm in half-tone negative making, {/n The Process Photogram, I/o/. 8, Hy>./, />/>. 72-74.) PI' GAMBLE, VV. A wonderful process, (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 7, 1901, />p. x-12.) PP GAMBLE, W. The Johnstonia mechanical engraving prr>cess. (/n Penrose's Pictorial Annual, I^o/. 7, 190/, pp. 145-147.) PP GAMJ^LE, W. Screens diaphragms and light filters. (In The Process Photogram, ToL 9, 1902, pp. 90-94.) PP GAMBLE, W. What is this three-colour process? (/n j^m- rose's Pictorial Annual, P'oL 8, 1902-3, pp. 1-5.) PP GAMBLE, W. An unconventional photographer, (/n Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Poi. 8, 1902-3, pp. 6-8.) PP GAMBLE, W. Collotype simplified — The Sinop prof:ess. (In Penro-se's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 8, 1902-3, pp. 73-75.) VV GAMBLE, W. A new metal for photo-f;ngraving. (In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 8, 1902-3, pp. 101-103,) ^*^ G.VMBLE, W. The union of the arts : pr^x^ess and cV-ctro- typing. (In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 53, 1903, pp. 17-18.) VV G.AMBLE, W. The production of weaving designs by photo- graphy. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 9, 1903-4, pp. 1-8.) PP 355 GAMBLE, W. An American photo-enoraving pioneer. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 9, 1903-4, pp. 102-104.) PP G.VMBLE, W. Commercial and press photography. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 9, 1903-4, pp. 109-112.) PP GAMBLE, W. A visit to the municipal school of technology, Manchester. {hi Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. g, 1903-4, pp. 129-136.) PP GAMBLE, W. A wonderful machine. How the type was set for the year book. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 10, 1904-5, pp. 5-7.) PP GAMBLE, W. The editor's notes. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 10, 1904-5, pp. 1-4.) PP GAMBLE, W. The latest European photo-eng-raving methods, with special reference to color-work. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 35, 1905, pp. 586-588.) PP GAMBLE, W. The latest European methods. {In The Pro- cess Photog"ram, Vol. 12, 1905.) PP GAMBLE, W. Electrotyping- from lead matrices. {In The Process Photogram, Vol. 12, 1905, pp. 165-167.) PP GAMBLE, W. A field neg-lected by European photo-engravers. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, pp. 1-2.) PP GAMBLE, W. The Albert-Galvano. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, pp. 3-4.) PP GAMBLE, W. A strenuous photog-rapher. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, pp. 87-88.) PP GAMBLE, W. Progress in process work. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 1-4.) PP GAMBLE, W. Artistic lenses. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 87-88.) PP GAMBLE, W. Methods of American photo-engravers. {In The Process Photogram, Vol. 14, 1907, pp. 208-210, 220-223.) PP GAMBLE, W. The year's progress in process work. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 1-7.) PP GAMBLE, W. The year's progress in process work. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, pp. 1-8.) PP GAMBLE, W. Paynetype, a direct photo-engraving process. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, pp. 28-32.) PP GAMBLE, W. Animated photography in natural colours. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, pp. 129-132.) PP GAMBLE, W. A review of process work in Europe. {In The Graphic Arts and Crafts Year Book, 1909, pp. 49-57.) PP 356 GAMBLE, W. Machine etching- : The Levy and Blast process. {In The Process Photogram, rol. i6, 1909, pp. 175-179, 246-249.) PP GAMBLE, W. Line photo-eng-raving- : a practical handbook on all methods of reproduction in line, g-rain and stipple. 8vo. London [1909]. 11636 GAMBLE, W. Modern processes [of colour printing-]. {In Burch, R. M. : Colour printing, 1910.) 1374° GAMBLE, W. The year's progress in process work. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, pp. i-ii.) PP . GAMBLE, W. A photographically illustrated book. (hi Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, p. 72.) PP GAMBLE, W. The year's progress in process work. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 1911-2, pp. i-ii.) PP GAMBLE, W. Photography as an aid to advertising. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 1911-2, pp. 15-16.) PP GAMBLE, W. Portraiture in colour. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 191 1-2, pp. 177-180.) PP GAMBLE, W. An optical illusion. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, p. 144.) PP GAMBLE, W. The year's progress in process work. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, ToZ. 18, 1912-3, pp. 1-12.) PP GAMBLE, W. The newspaper of the future. (In The Sta- tionery Trades Journal, Dec, 1913, pp. 765-766.) PP GAMBLE, W. Newspaper illustrations of to-day. (In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp. 217-224.) PP GAMBLE, W. The year's progress in process work. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp. 1-9.) PP GAMBLE, W. and BRANFILL, J. A. C. A new diaphragm system for the half-tone process. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 6, 1900, pp. 98-100.) PP GAMBLE, W. See Cronenberg, W. GAND, M. J. de. Recherches sur la vie et les editions de Thierry Martens. 8vo. Alost, 1845. 20713 GANDO, T. S. Epreuves des caracteres. Fol. Bruxelles, 1828. 21497 (4) GANDO, PERE ET FILS. Epreuves des caracteres. 4to. Paris, 1760. 12585 GANDO & FILS. Epreuves des caracteres. Fol. Paris [c. 1825]. 21497(3) GANDO & FILS. Nouveaux titres et caracteres d'aflfiches. Fol. Paris [c. 1840]. 6317 357 GANDY, J. Desig-ns for cottages, cottaj^e homes and other rural buildings. [With aquatint plates.] Fol. London, 1805. 10630 G.ANDY, L. C. Technical education of the compositor. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 41, 1908, pp. 534-535-) PP GANS, R. Muestrario de caractercs y utiles de imprenta. 8vo. Madrid [c. 1886]. 17160- GARCIA, J. C. Ensayo de una tipografia Complutense. 8vo. Madrid, 1889. 22029 GARCKE, E. and FELLS, J. M. Factory accounts: their principles and practice. 8vo. London, 1887. 1493. GARDEN CITY PRESS, Ltd. Pictures of employees' residences at Letchworth. i2mo. Letchworth [c. 1913]. 16871 GARDINER, A. G. See J. : E. GARDNER, W. B. The present and future of wood engraving. {In The Magazine of Art, Dec, 1895, pp. 57-63.) 6781 GARLAND. A garland of Christmas carols. 8vo. Newcastle- on-Tyne [c. 1870]. 14276 GARLAND. A garland of new songs. [A collection of garlands with a printed general title.] 12 mo. Newcastle and other places, 1815-25. 21246 GARNERIUS, J. Systema Bibliothecae Collegii Parisiensis Societatis Jesu. Parisiis, 1678. {In Koehler, J. D. : Sylloge, etc., 1728.) 13-93 GARNETT, R. On the printing of the British Museum Cata- logue. 8vo. [London, 1882.] 22565 GARNETT, R. Paraguayan and Argentine bibliography. {In Bibliographica, Vol. i, 1895, pp. 262-273.) 53 GARNETT, R. The early Italian book-trade. {In Biblio- graphica, Vol. 3, 1897, pp. 29-45.) 53 GARNETT, R. Essays in librarianship and bibliography. 8vo. London, 1899. 1438^ GARNETT, R. Early Spanish-American printing. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. i, 1900, pp. 139-146.) PP GARNETT, R. Foreshadowings of printing. {In The Printing Art, Vol. I, 1903, p. I.) PP GARNETT, R. The f^rst bookbinder. {In The Printing Art, Vol. 2, 1903, p. 61.) PP GARNETT, R. The Festschrift of the Gutenberg anniversary. {In The Printing Art, Vol. 3, 1904, p. 161.) PP GARNETT, R. See Ballinger, J. ; Blades, W. ; British Museum; Dobson, A.; Dowden, E. ; Pollard, A. W. GARNETT, T. Popular lectures on Zoonomia ; or, the laws of animal life in health and disease. 4to. London, 1804. 8042 358 GARNIER, ( ). See Salmon, ( ) and Gamier, ( ). GARNIER, C. See Claudin, A. GARRATT, J. J. R. The electric light supply for process engravers. [In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. i, 1895, pp. 45-47-) PP GARRATT & ATKINSON. G. and A. job competition entries, 1908. 4to. London, 1908. 103 13 GARRATT & ATKINSON. A list of Xmas blocks. 4to. Ealing [191 1]. 15405 GARRATT & ATKINSON. Some every-day work in G. and A. engraving and designing. 4to. London [1912]. 15874 GARRATT & ATKINSON. More T-C headings. Obi. 8vo. London [c. 1912]. 16934 GARRATT & ATKINSON. Engraving for letterpress. 8vo. Ealing [c. 1913]. 17760 GARRATT & ATKINSON. Inexpensive commercial drau^ings for the letterpress printer. Obi. 8vo. Ealing [c. 1914]. 18479 GARRETT, W. A discourse concerning Antichrist. lamo. London, 1680. 4545 GASELEE, S. The bibliography of Petronius. [In Biblio- graphical Society : Transactions, Vol. 10, 1908-9, pp. 141-234.) 56 [GASKELL, F.] The experiences and maxims of a practical printer. 8vo. London [1890]. 2969 GASKILL, J. The printing machine manager's complete prac- tical handbook ; or, the art of machine managing fully explained. i6mo. London, 1877. -0364 [GASKILL, J.] The printing machine manager's complete practical handbook, special]5' designed for the use of the young machine printer. By an old machine manager. (Second edition.) i2mo. London [c. 1880]. 8786 [GASKILL, J.] The printing machine manager's complete practical handbook, and machine minder's companion. By an old machine manager. With an introduction by J[ohn] G[ibb]. i2mo. London [1888]. 23458 GAS LIGHT & COKE CO. An account of the progress of the company from its incorporation in 1812 to the present time. [Printed by the offset process.] Sq. 8vo. London, 1912. 16361 GASQUET, F. A., Card. The bibliography of some devotional books printed by the earliest English printers. {In Bibliographical Society: Transactions, Vol. 7, 1904.) 56 GASQUET, F. A., Card. Books and bookmaking in early chronicles and accounts. {In Bibliographical Society : Trans- actions, Vol. 9, 1906-8, pp. 15-30.) 56 359 GASTER, M. Jews and the art of printing. {In The Jewish Chronicle, Dec. lo, 1897.) i035 GASTER, M. Leaves from the history of the Sephardim in England. {In The Jewish Chronicle, 1901. J 2387 GASTER, M. Hebrew illuminated Bibles of the 9th and loth centuries. Fol. London, 1901. 7182 GATTEL, C. M. The new pocket dictionary of the English and Spanish languages. i2mo. Paris, 1803. 9377 (2) GATTEL, C. M. Nuevo diccionario portatil, Espanol 6 Ingles. 1 2 mo. Valencia, 1803. 9377 (0 GAUBISCH, ( ). See A. : E. GAULLIEUR, E. L'imprimerie a Bordeaux en i486. 8vo. Bordeaux, 1869. 12673 GAULLIEUR, E. H. Etudes sur la typographic genevoise du I5e. au 196. siMes, et sur les origines de l'imprimerie en Suisse. 8vo. Geneve, 1855. 20969 GAUME, T. El libro de los confesores. 8vo. Madrid [1848]. . 9608 GAUTHIER, V. E. Concordance du point typographique avec le syst^me metrique, etc. 7e. edition. 8vo. Nice, 1881. 1966 GAUTIER, J. Nos bibliotheques publiques : leur situation legale. 2e. edition. 8vo. Paris, 1903. 3686 GAUTIER, T., JANIN, J. and CHASLES, P. Les beautes de I'opera. 8vo. Paris, 1845. ^^^7 GAVARD, C. Album des gravures sur bois qui ont servi a illustrer le grand ouvrage de Versailles. Obi. 4to. Paris [c. 1850]. 15798 GAVER, J. See Allnutt, W. H. , G A VON I, G. Manuale practico per I'impressore tipografo. II. edizione. 8vo. Varese [1913]. 17761 GAZA, T. Institutionis grammaticae. 8vo. Paris, 1529. 4037 GAZETTE VAN GENT. Geschiedenis der Gazette van Gent. i2mo. Gent, 1913. 18104 GAZZOLETTI, A. La patria dell' Italiano. The Italian's fatherland. Translated by H. Phillips. 4to. Philadelphia, 1887. 22235 GEBLER, K. Wire stitching machines of all kinds, cardboard bending machines, etc. S. sh. fol. Leipzig-Plagwitz [1914]. 1 746 1 GED, W. See Gibb, J. S. GEDDES, J. The month Gutemberg; or, modern industry. Svo. London, 83[i87i]. 7899 360 GEDDES, J. D. Cantor lectures. Photography as applied to illustration and printing. (In Royal Society of Arts: Journal, Sept., 1902.) 2854 GP:DICHTE zur Feier des Johannistages, 1840. 4to. Basel [1840]. 22926 GEE, W. H. Works relating to bibliography, history of printing, bookbinding, etc. [A bookseller's catalogue.] 8vo. Oxford, 1880. 20158 GEE & WATSON. [Specimens of half-tone work in black and colour.] i2mo. London [c. 1904]. 6596 GEHEIMNISS. Das Geheimniss des Steindrucks. [MS.] 4to. 1 810. 18799 GEHEIMNISS. Das Geheimniss der Steindrucks. See Kunst- freunde. GEHEIMNISSE, aller Arten Tinten zu machen, und mit Muscheln, Gold und Silber zu schreiben. 8vo. Frankfort, 1777. 23412 GEHRING, F. A. Cost-keeping system in printing plants. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 41, 1908, pp. 68-69.) PP GEIDEL, H. Anleitung zum mathematischen Satz. Separ- atabdruck aus : Waldow : Die Buchdruckerkunst. 8vo. Leipzig, 1872. 23071 GEILER DE KAISERBERG, J. W'ie man sich halten sol bei einem sterbenden Menschen, 1482. Fac-simile avec une intro- duction par L. Dacheux. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 16060 GEILER DE KAISERBERG, J. Les plus anciens ecrits de Geiler. Precedes d'une etude bibliographique par L. Dacheux. 8vo. Colmar, 1882. 12257 GEISBERG, M. Die Anfange des deutschen Kupferstiches und der Meister, E. S. [Meistcr der Graphik. II.] 4to. Leipzig, [1909]. 1 1687 GELLERT, C. F. Sammtliche Fabeln und Erzahlungen. Neue Auflage. 8vo. Leipzig, 1779. 9473 GELTHUS, A. See Conrad, G. GEM. The Gem : a gift of remembrance [with coloured illus- trations]. i2mo. London, 1852. 15759 GEMINUS, P. Hermathena. Ex praeclara Cantabrigia. Re- produced in facsimile with Mr. Bradshaw's notes. 4to. Cam- bridge, 1886. 21554 GEMMINGEN, J. H. de. Varij fasciculi myrrhae et aromatum ex Passioni Dni. coUecti. [Engraved title and plates.] i2mo. Aug. Vind., 1658. 21259 GEMS. Gems from the poets. [With plates printed in colours by B. Fawcett.] 8vo. London, 1885. 9604 361 GENARO, P. De gebroedcrs Van dcr Yoort en de volksop- stand van 1477-8. [Maatschappij der Antwerp. Bibliop. Uitgave No. 3.1 8vo. Antvverpen, 1879. 21820 GENARD, P. See Lerius, T. F. X. van. GENCE, J. B. M. Derni^res considerations sur le veritable et ancien auteur de la grande oeuvrc laline, le Pelerin Jean Gerson, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1838. 22334 GENEBRARDUS, G. G. G. ad Jac. Schegkium de Trinitatis. 8vo. Parisiis, 1575. 661 1 GENEVA : Societe Typographique. R^glement et tarif. i6mo. Geneve, 1873. 7266 GENEVA : Society Typographique. Tarif typographique Genevois adopte a Geneve, en Fev. 1893, par I'assemblee des Maitres imprinieurs et la Societe typographique de Geneve. 8vo. Geneve, 1893. 566 GENT, pseud. Joseph the book-man, a heroi-comic poem in five cantos. 8vo. Edinburgh, 182 1. 18463 GENT, T. The contingencies of this life. 8vo. York [1761]. 20475 (2) GENT, T. The history of the great Eastern window in St. Peter's Cathedral, York. 8vo. York, 1762. 20475 i^) GENT, T. The life of Mr. Thomas Gent, printer, of York; written by himself. 8vo. London, 1832. 5324 GENT, T. The life of Mr. Thomas Gent, printer, of York; written by himself. [Thick paper edition.] 8vo. London, 1832. 20484 GENT, T. Thomas Gent, of York, printer. (In The Penny Magazine, April 10, 1841.) 22879 GENT, T. See Federer, C. A. GENTHINER CARTONPAPIERFABRIK. Oeser foils and their use in stamping, with detailed directions. 8vo. Berlin [c. 1908]. 10688 GENTLEMAN. The gentleman's companion. By a person of quality. 8vo. London, 1672. 21308(1) GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE. Index to the biographical and obituary notices in the Gentleman's Magazine from 1731 to 1780. By R. H. Farrar. [A-F only.] 8vo. [London, 1886.] 31 12 GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE. The Gentleman's Magazine Library. Edited by G. L. Gomme. Bibliographical notes, edited by A. C. Bickley. 8vo. London, 1889. 21910 GEORGE V. The Form and Order of the Service that is to be performed and of the ceremonies that are to be observed in the Coronation of their majesties King George V and Queen Mary, in the Abbey Church of St. Peter, Westminster. On Thursday, the 22nd day of June, 191 1. 8vo. London, 191 1. 14992 362 GEORGE, J. T. tV CO. Catalogue of second-hand type, machinery, chases, and sundries for sale. 4to. London, 1914. 18392 GEORGI, T. Allgemeines Europaisches Bucher Lexicon. Theil. 1-5, Supp. 1-3. Fol. Leipzig, 1742-58. 12254 GERARD, ( ). Collection of twelve views of Waterloo. [In lithography.] Obi. 4to. Waterloo [c. 1855]. 9575 GERARD, ( ). See Bara & Gerard. GERARD, C. Les artistes de I'Alsace pendant le moyen age. 2 torn. 8vo. Colmar, 1872-3. 21780 GERBER, C. H. Der praktische Steindrucker an der Hand und Schnellpresse. Anleitung und Rathschlage zur Erlernung und praktischen Ausubung der Steindruckerei. i2mo. Sternberg [1903I. 3384 GERET, S. L. See Unger, C. T. GERING, U. See Alkan, A. GERLACH, G. Der Drucker und die Ausgaben der Kolner Bilderbibel (Mit i Tafel). {In Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 13, 1900.) 10347 GERLINGS, H. Haarlcmsche bijdragen bijeengebragt door H. G. i2mo. Haarlem, 1869. 23057 GERMAIN, A. INIartyrologe de la presse, 1789-1861. 8vo. Paris, 1861. 21900 GERMAN, English, French, Italian interpreter for booksellers. i2mo. Spandau, 1874. 8424 GERSON, J. C. de. De cognitione castitatis et pollutionibus diurnis. 4to. [Koln, c. 1470.] 21366 GERSON, J. C. de. Donatus etymologisatus. Fol. Augsburg [c. 1476]. 5164 GERSON, J. C. de. Operum. Vol. 3. Fol. Strassburg, 1488. 21667 GERSON, J. C. de. See Gence, J. B. M. GERSTNER, L. J. Die Buchdruckerkunst in ihrer Bedeutung fiir Wissenschaft, Staat und Wirthschaft. Festrede zum funfzig- jahrigen Jubilaum der Erfindung der Schnellpresse, etc. 8vo. Wiirzburg, 1865. 7031 GERTNER, G. M. Jubilaeum typographicum Bambergense. Fol. Bamberg, 1740. 23006 GERTNER, J. G. C. Das in seiner Hof- und Academischen Buchdruckerey jubilirende Bamberg, als die 3te. Jubelfeier cele- brirt, 1740. Fol. Bamberg [1740]. 23007 GERVAIS, T. Precis sur les rouleaux typographiques. 4e. Edition. 4to. Nimes, 1893. 216 363 GESCHICHTE der Buchdruckerkunst. [Miniatur-Bibliothek. 610-612.] i6mo. Leipzig [1904]. 4501 GESCHIEDENIS van hot hcilighe Cruys ; or, history of the Holy Cross. Reproduced in facsimile from the original edition printed by J- X'eldener in 1483. Text and engravings by J. P. Berjeau. 4to. London, 1863. 8189 GESCHIEDENIS van het heilighe Cruys. The Legendary History of the Cross. A series of 64 woodcuts from a Dutch book published by Veldener, 1483. With an introduction by J. Ashton. Preface by S. Baring Gould. 4to. London, 1887. 21874 GESELLSCHAFT FUR TYPENKUNDE DES XV JAHR- HUNDERTS. Veroffentlichungen I, etc. Fol. Leipzig, 1907, etc. 9066 GESELLSCHAFT FUR TYPENKUNDE DES XV JAHR- HUNDERTS. Beitrage zur Inkunabelkunde. No. 1, etc. 4to. Leipzig, 1907, etc. 9066 GESELLSCHAFT FUR VERVIELFALTIGENDE KUNST. Die Graphischen Kiinste. Jahrg. 1-20, 1879-97. Fol. Wien, 1879-97. 872 GESELLSCHAFT FUR VERVIELFALTIGENDE KUNST. lUustrirter Katalog der ersten International Special-Ausstellung der Graphische Kunste in Wien. 8vo. Wien, 1883. 519 GESELLSCHAFT FUR VERVIELFALTIGENDE KUNST. Katalog der Graphischen Jahres-Ausstellung in Wien, 1886. Jahrbuch der graphischen Kunste, redigirt von Dr. O. Berggruen. 8vo. Wien, 1886. 519A GESELLSCHAFT FUR VERVIELFALTIGENDE KUNST. Der Holzschnitt der Gegenwart in Europa und Nord-Amerika. Fol. Wien, 1887. 873 GESELLSCHAFT FUR VERVIELFALTIGENDE KUNST. Der Kupferstich der Gegenwart in Europa. Fol. Wien, 1891. 873B GESELLSCHAFT FUR VERVIELFALTIGENDE KUNST. See Graul, R. ; Rosenberg, A. GESETZE iiber das Urheberrecht im In- und Ausland nebst den Internationalen Litteraturvertragen und den Bestimmungen iiber das Verlagsrecht. I — Deutschland, Oesterreich, Schweiz, Frankreich, Italien, England, Vereinigte Staaten. 8vo. Leipzig [c. 1890]. 2927 GESNER, C. Bibliotheca universalis. Fol. Tiguri, 1545. 5936 GESNER, C. Bibliotheca instituta et collecta primum a C. G. deinde in epitomen redacta et novorum librorum accessione locupletata, jam vero postremo recognita, et in dupl'em post priores editiones aucta, per Josiam Simlerum. Fol. Tiguri, 1574- 16915 364 GESNER, C. Bibliotheca. Tertia recognita per J. Simlerum. Fol. Tigfuri, 1583. 10183 GESSNER, C. F. Die so nothig- als niitzliche Buchdrucker- kunst und Schriftgiessery. 4 vols. 8vo. Leipzig-, 1740-5. 20091 GESSNER, C. F. Der in der Buchdruckerei wohl unterrichtete Lehr — Junge. (Depositio cornuti typographici.) 8vo. Leipzig, 1743- 20088 GESTA Romanorum. 8vo. [London, c. 1520.] 22506 GESTA Romanorum. See B : G. GESTETNER, D. See Morriss, J. S. [GETHMANN, E.] Gutenbergs-Fest. [A poem.] 8vo. [Strassburg, 1840.] 20955 i^) GEVERT, J. W. A useful alphabet. {In The Illustrated Carpenter and Builder, Dec. 2, 1904.) 6646 GEYER'S STATIONER. Vol. 43, 1907, etc. 4to. New York, 1907, etc. PP GEYMET, T. Photolithographic traits et demi-teintes. 8vo. Paris, 1873. 14568 GEYMET, T. Traite pratique de gravure heliographique et de galvano-plastie. 36. edition. 8vo. Paris, 1885. 217 GEYMET, T. Traite pratique de photogravure sur zinc et sur cuivre. 8vo. Paris, 1886. 219 GEYMET, T. Traite pratique de gravure et impression sur zinc par les precedes heliographiques. Premiere partie. Prepar- ation du zinc. Gravure. 8vo. Paris, 1887. 218 GEYMET, T. Traite pratique de gravure sur verre par les procedes heliographiques. 8vo. Paris, 1887. 2312 GEYMET, T. Traite pratique de gravure en demi-teinte par I'intervention exclusive du cliche photographique. 8vo. Paris, 1888. 231 1 GEYMET, T. Procedes photographiques aux couleurs d 'aniline. Application sur vitraux, sur nacre et sur ivoire. 8vo. Paris, 1888. 2310 GEYMET, T. Traite pratique de phototypie. Nouvelle edition. 8vo. Paris, 1888. 221 GEYMET, T. Traite pratique de photolithographic. 3e. edition. 8vo. Paris, 1888. 220 GEYMET, T. See Moock, L. GHEMEN, G. af. See Lange, H. O. GHENT: Exhibition, 1913. Programme general: appel aux producteurs : reglement-classification. 8vo. Bruxelles, 191 1. 18131 365 CiHEXT: Exhibition, 1913. Ghent and the Universal Exhi- bitit)n of 1913. Summary g-uide. New edition. 8vo. Ghent, 1913. 18102 GHENT: Exhibition, 1913. General classification of the Ghent International Exhibition, 191 3. 8vo. London, 191 2. 181 30 GHENT: Exhibition, 1913. British official catalogue. I — Machinery hall. 8vo. London, 1913. 18129 GHENT: Exhibition, 1913. Catalogue of the British Arts and Crafts Section. [Printing- and Bookbinding, pp. 225-267.] 8vo. London, 191 3. 17486 GHENT: Exhibition, 1913. Gand et I'Exposition Universelle, 1913. Fol. Gand, 1913. 18174 GHEYN, J. V. d. Note sur un ancien livre d'heures de I'hopital de Grammont. (In Handelingen der Maatschappij van Geschied en Oudheidkunde te Gent. Deel 3, 1900, pp. 175-188.) 13633 GIANNINI, C. Vita di G. Nistri, tipografo editore. 8vo. Pisa, 1866. 16066 GIANOLIA, P. Italian paper industry. (In The Brit, and Col. Printer, May 7, 1914, pp. 397-398.) PP GIBB, J. See [GaskiU, J.]. GIBB, J. S. Notes on William Ged and invention of stereo- typing, with a note on Andrew Anderson. {In Edinburgh Biblio- graphical Society : Publications, Vol. i, 1896.) 6152 17569 GIBB, J. S. James Watson, printer: notes of his life and work. With a hand-list of books and pamphlets printed by him, 1697-1722. (In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Publications, Vol. I, 1896.) 17569 GIBBINGS, R. See Index. GIBBS, J. Bibliotheca Radcliviana ; or, a short description of the Radcliffe Library, at Oxford. Containing its several plans, uprights, sections and ornaments on 23 copper plates, with the explanation of each plate. Fol. London, 1747. 8651 GIBBS, J. T. R. The printing trade charities. A paper read Nov, II, 1884. 8vo. London, 1885. 22558 GIBSON, C. R. The romance of modern photography : its dis- covery and its achievements. 8vo. London, 1908 [1907]. 9392 GIBSON, F. At home. The joys, sorrows, hopes and regrets of the residents of the Union Printers' Home, Colorado. 8vo. Indianapolis, 1894. 641 GIBSON, S. Early Oxford bindings. [Bibliographical Society : Illustrated Monographs, No. 10] 4to. Oxford, 1903. 3347 GIBSON, S. Four centuries of English bookbinding. {In The Academy, Feb. 17, 1906.) 7481 366 GIBSON, S. Abstracts from the wills and testamentary docu- ments of binders, printers and stationers of Oxford, 1483-1638. [Bibliog-raphical Society : Miscellaneous Publications.] 4to. London, 1907. 8625 GIBSON, T. See Pollard, A. W. GIBSON, W. H. See Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Public Libraries. GIDLEY, L. Poems. 8vo. Exeter, 1857. 15389 GIESECKE, A. Giovanni Battista Piranesi. [Meister der Graphik. Bd. VL] 4to. Leipzig [191 1]. ^53^7 GIESECKE & DEVRIENT. Das etablissement von G. and D. in Leipzig-, 1852-1862. 4to. Leipzig, 1862. 7030 GILBART-SMITH, J. W. Poems. 8vo. London, 1881. 9471 GILBERT, J. New, interesting and important books, maps, etc. I A catalogue.] i2mo. London [185 1]. 7309 GILBERT, Sir J. See Knaufft, E. GILBERT, Sir J. T. Irish bibliography. Two papers. With an introduction, notes and appendices by E. R. McC. Dix. 8vo. Dublin, 1904. 6718 GILBERT, L. The beauties and wonders of nature and science. [The Times newspaper — Paper — Printing.] 8vo. London [c. 1840]. 7^3^ GILBERT & RIVINGTON. Specimen of foreign types. 4to. London, 1880. 6069 GILBY & HERRMANN. Special lines of lithographic and letterpress inks. Obi. 8vo. London [c. 1904]. 474^ GILBY & HERRMANN. Black and coloured lithographic and letterpress printing inks. Obi. 8vo. London [c. 1904]. 4747 GILBY & HERRMANN. Samples of lithographic transfer paper. Obi. i2mo. London [c. 1906]. 4744 GILBY & HERRMANN. Samples of grained transfer papers. 8vo. London [c. 1906]. 4745 GILBY &: HERRMANN. Samples of lithographic transfer papers. Obi. i2mo. London [c. 1909]. 12437 GILBY & HERRMANN. Samples of grained transfer papers. 8vo. London [c. 1909]. 12436 GILDAS. Epistle. i6mo. London, 1638. 5794 GILIBERTI, F. Studi storici suUa tipografia intorno I'origine deir arte della stampa. i2mo. Palermo, 1870. 21253 GILKS, T. The art of wood engraving. A practical handbook. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1867. 3028 GILKS, T. A sketch of the origin and progress of the art of wood engraving. 12 mo. London, 1868. 979 367 GILKS. T. The art of wood engraving^. A practical handbook. 6th edition. Svo. London [c. 1885]. 222 GILL, A. E. R. See Johnston, E. GILL, A. K. The annual report. {In Library World, Vol. 13, 1910-1, pp. 360-363.) PP GILL, E. M. Hjlf-tone, line and color plates. (In Hitchcock, F. H. : The building- of a book, 1906, pp. 164-175.) 8824 GILL, E. M. Machine etching in a commercial shop. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 151-152,) 581 GILLE. See Deberny et Cie. GILLE, J. Caractferes de la fonderie de J. Gille, graveur et fondeur du Roi pour les caracteres de I'lmprimerie de la Loterie Royale de France, et autres. 8vo. Paris, 1778. 6056 GILLE, J. G. Recueil des divers caracteres, vignettes et ornements de la fonderie et imprimerie de J. G. Gille. Fol. Paris [1803-13]. 21498 GILLE fits. See Berlier, ( ). GILLESPIE, T. An essay. Svo. Edinburgh, 1771. 15711 GILLET, J. B. G. L'imprimerie. Poeme. 4to. Paris, 1765. 10603 GILLIAT, E. Velveteens : a Norfolk story. [This is the first book the types for which were wholly composed, justified and dis- tributed by machinery, the machines used being as follows : Hooker's improved automatic distributing machine. Hooker's electric type-setting and line-dividing machines, and Lagerman's justifying machine.] Svo. London [c. 1S80]. 9848 GILLING WATER, G. Patented processes, old and new. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, J'ol. 2, i8g6, pp. 111-114.) PP GILLIODTS VAN SEVEREN, L. L'oeuvre de Jean Brito prototypographe brugeois. Svo. Bruges, 1897. 670S GILLIODTS VAN SEVEREN, L. See Bergmans, P. GILLISS, F. The paper industry. {In Morning Post : Great Britain, 1901.J 4to. 26S3 GILLISS, W. Black letter and its appropriate use. {In The Printing Art, Vol. 3, 1904, p. 65.) PP GILLISS, W. Caslon Old Style type. {In The Graphic Arts, Vol. I, 191 1, pp. 128-136.) PP GILMOUR, H. To improve the surface of worn photo prints. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 5, 1899, pp. 31-32.) PP GILPIN, W. An essay on prints. 4th edition. Svo. London, 1792. 10822 GILPIN, W. The Lord's cup; or, the dispensations of providence, with regard to good and evil, considered in a sermon. Svo. Lymington, 1797. 1SS18 368 GILPIN, W. Trois essais : sur le beau pittoresque : sur les voyages pittoresques, etc. Traduit par le Bon. de B. 8vo. Breslaw, 1799. 1916 (i) GILPIN, W. Essai sur les gravures. Traduit de I'Anglais sur la 4e. edition, par le Bon. de B. 8vo. Breslaw, 1800. 1916 (2) GILPIN, W. An essay on prints. 5th edition. 8vo. London, 1802. 9038 GILPIN, W. Observations on several parts of Great Britain. 3rd edition. Vol. 1. [With aquatints.] 8vo. London, 1808. 9654 GILROY, F. Benjamin Franklin, philosopher and printer. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 38, 1906-7, pp. 522-527.) PP GILSON, J. P. The hbrary of Henry Savile of Banke. {In Bibliog-raphical Society: Transactions, Vol. 9, pp. 127-210.) 56 GINEAU, L. See Lefevre-Gineau, M. GINEVER, I. Alexander Petofi. 8vo. London, 1908. 9866 GINOUX, P. F. Comptes-faits typographiques a I'usage des imprimeurs, libraires, auteurs et editeurs, ou tarif general pour labeurs. 4to. L'Aigle, 1857. 15739 GIOLITO, G. See Bongi, S. GIORNALE DELLA LIBRERIA, DELLA TIPOGRAFIA E DELLE ARTI ED INDUSTRIE AFFINI. Ann. 22, 1909, etc. 4to. Milano, 1909, etc. PP GIOVANNI, A. Relazione sul Congresso Tipografico di Feltre letta in Assemblea Generale della Societa dei Compositori-tipografi di Firenze. 8vo. Firenze, 1869. 15 166 GIOVIO, P. Le iscrittioni poste sotto le vere imagini de gli huomini famosi. 4to. Fiorenza, 1552. 4033 GIRALDEZ, J. Tratado de la tipografia 6 arte de la imprenta. 8vo. Madrid, 1884. 200 ioa GIRALDUS, L. G. Huic libello insunt L. G. Gyraldi Herculis vita. 8vo. Basileae, 1539. 6039(10) GIRARDON, Y. See Morin, L. GIRAUD, H. Manuels-Roret. Nouveau manuel complet de linotypie. La Linotype a la portee de tous. i6mo. Paris, 1909. 16288 [GIRAUDET, E.] Une association d'imprimeurs et de libraires de Paris refugies k Tours au i6e. si^cle. 4to. Tours, 1877. 22998 GIRAUDET, E. Les origines de I'imprimerie a Tours (1467- 1550) contenant la nomenclature des imprimeurs depuis la fin du 156. si^cle jusqu'en 1850. 8vo. Tours, 1881. 21982 GIRAULT, C. X. Syst^me de bibliographic. i2mo. Dijon, 1809. 9421 369 24 GIRODIE, A. Martin Schong-auer et I'art du Haut-Rhin au 156. si^clc. [Les Maitres de I'Art.j 8vo. Paris [c. 1912]. 18450 GIROUDOT, M. Notice sur les presses mecaniques et celles k la Stanhope. 8vo. [Paris, 1836. J 16056 GISEVIUS, B. Gisaldruck. i6mo. Berlin, 1905. 16936 GISEVIUS, B. Gisaldruck. 121110. Berlin, 1906. 16937 GISI, M. See Solothurn : Kantons-Bibliothek. GITTINGS, HILLS &• BOOTHBY, Ltd. Specimens of letter- press inks. Obi. 8vo. Birming-ham [c. 1904]. 6935 GITTINGS, HILLS & BOOTHBY, Ltd. A useful glance printing ink specimen book and price list. Obi. 8vo. Birmingham [c. 1904]. 4235 GITTINGS, HILLS &: BOOTHBY, Ltd. Gittings 2nd color designs competition, 1906. 4to. Birmingham, 1906. 79^3 GIULIARI, G. C. Delia tipografia Veronese : saggio storico- letterario. 8vo. Verona, 1871. 20646 GIUNTI. See Bandini, A. M. ; Marzi, D. GIUSTINIANI, L. Saggio storico-critico sulla tipografia del regno di Napoli. 4to. Napoli, 1793. 20620 GIUSTINIANI, L. Saggio storico-critico sulla tipografia del regno di Napoli. 2a. edizione. 4to. Napoli, 1817. 10540 GIVEN, J. L. Making a newspaper. 8vo. London, 1913. 16907 GLADSTONE, W. E. See Caxton, W. GLARIMETER. The Glarimeter : an instrument for measuring glaze of paper. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 74, 1914, p. 470.) PP GLASER, W. Bruchstiicke zur Kenntnis der Liibecker Erst- drucke von 1464 bis 1524 nebst Ruckblicken in die spatere Zeit. 8vo. Liibeck, 1903. 3565 GLASGOW. Notes on Glasgow libraries. 8vo. Aberdeen, 1907. 10122 GLASGOW. John Tait's Directory for the city of Glasgow, villages of Anderston, Calton and Gorbals ; also for the towns of Paisley, Greenock, Port Glasgow and Kilmarnock, 1783-4. Glas- gow, 1783. [Reprint.] 8vo. [Glasgow, c. 1890.] 8253 GLASGOW. Scale of prices for the journeymen letterpress printers of Glasgow. 8vo. Glasgow, 1879. 757^ GLASGOW. Scale of prices for the journeymen letterpress printers of Glasgow. 8vo. Glasgow, 1892. 7577 GLASGOW AND WEST OF SCOTLAND TECHNICAL COLLEGE. Prospectus of the Industrial Art Department, session 1893-4. 8vo. Glasgow, 1893. 8887 370 GLASGOW AND WEST OF SCOTLAND TECHNICAL COLLEGE. Annual report, 1902, 8vo. Glasgow, 1902. 8888 GLASGOW AND WEST OF SCOTLAND TECHNICAL COLLEGE, Calendar for 1904-5, etc. 8vo. Glasgow, 1904, etc. 7202 GLASGOW AND WEST OF SCOTLAND TECHNICAL COLLEGE. Department of Printing and Allied Trades. Intro- ductory lecture, session 1906-7. By L. R. Crosskey. i2mo. Glasgow, 1906. ^^3-7 GLASGOW : Baillie's Institution. Handbook to Free Public Reference Library. 8vo. Glasgow, 1907. 10125 GLASGOW BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Records, Vol. I, 1912-3, etc. 4to. Glasgow, 1913, etc. 18124 GLASGOW BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the Foulis Exhibition held in the University of Glasgow, April, 1913. 4to. Glasgow, 1913. 1692 1 GLASGOW BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Foulis Exhi- bition held in the University of Glasgow, April 12-26, 191 3 : description of exhibits and opening ceremony. 8vo. Glasgow, 1913. 16920 GLASGOW : Company of Stationers. Regulations, with the bye-laws, etc. 8vo. Glasgow, 1888. 2448 GLASGOW : Company of Stationers. Reduced facsimile of the Royal Charter, 1837. 8vo. Glasgow, 1897. 2449 GLASGOW ECHO. See Echo. GLASGOW : Exhibition, 1901. [Handbook about the working exhibits.] 24mo. Glasgow, 1901. 4206 GLASGOW LETTER FOUNDRY. Specimens of punches and matrices for sale by auction, June, 1850, 4to. London, 1850. 5919 GLASGOW : Mitchell Library. Report on the Mitchell Library, Glasgow, 1881, etc. 8vo. Glasgow, 1882, etc. 9009 GLASGOW PRINTING AND KINDRED TRADES FEDER- ATION. List of firms recognised by the Federation. i6mo. Glasgow, 1905. 15180 GLASGOW SCHOOL OF ART. Calendar, 1913-4. 8vo. Glasgow, 191 3. 17749 GLASGOW : Stirling's Library. Report to the directors on the measures that should be adopted to render it more useful to the citizens of Glasgow. 8vo. Glasgow, 1848. 18623 . GLASGOW TYPOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Newspaper time and piece scales of prices. i2mo. Glasgow, 1884. 7574 GLASGOW TYPOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Piece scale for the working of composing machines in book and job offices. 8vo. Glasgow, 1897. 1859A 371 GLASGOW TYPOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Scale of prices for the working- of composing machines in newspaper offices. 8vo. Glasg-ow, 1S98. 1859 GLASGOW TYPOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. List of members for quarter ending 31st Dec, 1900. 8vo. Glasgow [1901]. 7575 GLASGOW TYPOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. List of printing offices recognised by the Society, 1900-1. i2mo. Glasgow, 1900. 16853 GLASGOW TYPOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Report of pro- ceedings in arbitration between the Glasgow Herald and Evening Times, Daily Record and Mail, Glasgow Weekly Mail and the Glasgow Typographical Society. 8vo. Glasgow, 1907. 9214 GLASGOW TYPOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Scales of prices and general rules for members employed in newspaper offices. 8vo. Glasgow, 1907. 9215 GLASGOW : University. Memorial and representation of the University of Glasgow, against a petition of several booksellers in London and Westminster, presented to the House of Commons on the i6th Dec, 1812. 4to. Glasgow, 1813. 10796 GLASGOW : University Library. Catalogue of an Exhibition of Bibles in commemoration of the tercentenary of the authorised version, 1611-1911. With a prefatory sketch and notes by George Milligan. 8vo. Glasgow, 191 1. 14280 GLASS, H. A. The story of the Psalters : a history of the metrical versions of Great Britain and America from 1549 to 1885. 8vo. London, 1888. 11972 GLAZIER, L. A book of thirty woodcuts. 4to. London, 1903. 3240 GLEDHILL & WHITNEY. [Specimen of colour printing.] S. sh. [London, 1896.] 7399 GLENESK, Lord. See Lucas, R. GLENNIE, J. S. S. Travellers and Correspondents : a letter to the editor of the Daily News exposing certain slanders of his special correspondent, Mr. Archibald Forbes. 8vo. London, 1877. 15133 GLENNIE, J. S. S. See Forbes, A. GLOBE. [MS. minutes of the Globe newspaper chapel from May 9, 1864 to 1867.] 2775 GLOBE. See Atlay, J. B. GLOERSEN, K. Nips. 4to. Christiania, 1886. 224 GLORIA, H. Le premier imprimeur Maconnais, Michel Wenstler de Bale : notice bibliographique. Suivie d'une ^tude sur I'etablissement definitif de I'imprimerie a Macon. 8vo. Macon, 1877. 12600 372 GLOSSBRENNER, A. M. Cost of production of lithography. 24010. Indianapolis, 1909. 12131 GLOVER, J. P. The Sinop coUographic process. (In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 10, 1904-5, pp. 81-87.) PP GLOVER, J. P. Post-card negatives. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, pp. 78-80.) PP GLOVER, J. P. Photographic post-cards. (In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 81-83.) P^ GLOVER, J. P. Oil printing. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 85-86.) PP GLOVER, J. P. Food for process. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, pp. 65-66.) PP GLOVER, J. P. The preservation of standard reducers. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, pp. 134-136.) PP GLOVER, J. P. The use of standard developers. (In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 191 1-2, pp. 97-99.) PP GLOVER, J. P. Bricks without straw. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 153-155-) PP GLOVER, J. P. The elimination of man. {In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, Vol. 19, 191 3-4, pp- 103-104.) PP GLUMART, E. J. Process in Switzerland. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp- 28-30.) PP GOBIN, A. and others, L'art de peindre la parole : etudes sur I'imprimerie, la librairie, les cartes et globes, la fonderie en caract^res, la stereotypic, la politypie, la lithographic, la gravure sur bois, sur cuivre, sur pierre, etc. [Biblioth^que Scientifique Industrielle et Agricole. Des Arts et Metiers, VI. J 8vo. Paris, 1874. 10508 GOCKINGA, H. See Meerman, G. GODAILH, M. de. Opinion sur le projet de loi relatif a la liberte de la presse. 8vo. [Paris, 1814.] 23393 GODEL, V. Huru man gjorde en bok under medeltiden. 4to. Stockholm, 1903. 9641 GODFRAY, T. See Plomer, H. R. GODFRIDUS. The knowledge of things unknowne. i6mo. London, 161 1. 21 129 GOEBEL, T. Ueber den Satz des Englischen mit besonderer Beruchtsichtigungder der Theilung der Worte. 8vo. Leipzig, 1865. 23070 [GOEBEL, T.] Buchbinden.— Buchdruckerkunst. {In Meyer's Konversations Lexikon, 3te. Auflage, 1874.) 22794 GOEBEL, T. Friedrich Konig und die Erfindung der Schnell- presse. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1875. 22501 373 L'L. T. Freoenc K-e-^ t^ V . r^^se ;- Trijdift par P. S - ?^-l<. 1565. ^^525 /_1. 7. Unsere Fartxe -=97- - - - GOES 7" " -^ ^ - - ------ ^t: g - ^ - - - - - GOEBEL. 7. Ki^l Ks^i::^t _z.^ i<=_-- "77er> T'- ^'\^- - - GOE3EL. T. 7- jri-- 7:^:7 GOETHE. 7 VT. -. 1^ R=r^^ GOETHE. T. W. x. F^isr irr: i iQcrosaxnir rrie." ir GOEZE. J-JM. --^- -^ ^ -^- " - ' - H, V. T. S*i Meier'-Griasf £, J. 7 jr r - " - - - ' ttgisi, r£/L 1, rS5i, ;>f - .273->d7 : : 17416 1906. 21-245 GOLDEN. The Golden Annual for 1848. [With coloured plates. Printed in coloured inks throug^hout.] i6mo. London, 1848. 16029 GOLDEN. The golden meane. i2mo. London, 1638. 6096 GOLDIXG & CO. Illustrated catalogue of platen printing presses, etc. M. P. McCoy, sole agent- 8vo. London [c. 1888]. 10903 GOLDIXG & CO. Illustrated catalogue of platen printing presses, etc. M. P. McCoy, sole agent. 8vo. London [c 1888]. 10902 GOLDIXG & CO. Frictionless distribution on platen presses. (Circular No. 3.) 8vo. Boston, 1900. 4756 GOLDIX'G & CO. The Golding Jobber. 1900. Xew model. 8vo. [London, 1900.] -577 GOLDIXG &: CO. Power of impression on platen presses. (Circular Xo. i. 2nd edition.) Svo. Boston, 1901. 475° GOLDIXG & CO. The class of machinery employed in printing manufacture indicates the possible profit. Svo. [Boston, 1901.] 2578 GOLDIXG i; CO. Frictionless automatic distribution [on the Golding Jobber]. 8vo. [Boston, 1901.] 2580 GOLDIXG P GOODMAN, J. The realm of lithography. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, igii-2, pp. 196-200.) PP GOODMAN, J. The revolution of lithographic conservatism. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 149-152.) PP GOODMAN, J. Modern lithography. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. ig, 1913-4, pp. 124-128.) PP GOODMAN, J. Practical modern metalithography. Svo. London, 1914. 18365 GOODMAN, J. See Eberle, E. and Goodman, J. GOODRICH, S. G, Parley's present for all seasons. Svo. New York, 1S54. 15417 GOODRICH, S. G. A winter wreath of summer flowers. Svo. London, 1855. 16410 377. CiOODSPEED, C. E. Rare and second-hand books. {hi Hitchcock, F. H. : The building of a book, 1906, pp. 370-375-) 8824 GOODWIN, T. G. See Bradley, J. W. and Goodwin, T. G. GOOLD, J. E. Photography and the stage, (/n Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 49-52.) PP GOOVAERTS, A. Notice biographique et bibliographique sur Pierre Phal^se, imprimeur de musique k Anvers au i6e. si^cle, suivie du catalogue de ses impressions. {In Le Bibliophile Beige, Ann. 3, 1868, pp. 139, 215, 292.) 21996 GOOVAERTS, A. Histoire et bibliographic de la typographic musicale dans les Pays Bas. 8vo. Anvers, 1880. 20645 GOOVAERTS, A. Oorsprong der gazetten en periodische nieuwstijdingen. Abraham Verhoeven van Antwerpen de erste gazettier van Europa. Bio-bibliographische studie. Uit het Fransch vertaald door E. v. Bergen. 8vo. Antwerpen, 1881. 14453 GORDON, W. J. Professional book-keeping, a treatise for non-traders. 8vo. London [c. 1890]. 2951 GORDON, W. J. The centenary of the rotary printing press. {In The Leisure Hour, Jan., 1890.) ^335 GORDON & GOTCH, Ltd. After sixty years, 1853-1913. i2mo. London, 1912. 17820 GORINCHEN, H. de. De praedestinatione. Fol. Esslingen, 1474. 21436 GORTON, S. Catalogue of the printing materials in use by S. G. at his private press. 8vo. London, 1876. 22543 GOSCHEN, G. J. See Goschen, ]'iscount. GOSCHEN, Viscount. The life and times of Georg Joachim Goschen, publisher and printer of Leipzig, 1752-1828. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1903. 354^ GOSPORT and ALVERSTOKE : Free Public Library. Twelfth [etc.] annual report, 1902-3, etc. 8vo. Gosport, 1903, etc. 8971 GOSS, C. W. F. A descriptive bibliography of the writings of G. J. Holyoake. 8vo. London, 1908. 11405 GOSS, C. W. F. See Bishopsgate Foundation Institute. GOSS, H. J. & CO., Ltd. Quarter of a century. Obi. 8vo. London, 1912. 16363 GOSSE, E. W. A critical essay on the life and works of George Tinworth. Obi. fol. London, 1883. 21701 GOTTINGEN. Die Gottinger Bibliothek in Westfahscher Zeit. {In Dziatzko, K: Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 17, 1904.) io347 378 GOTTINGEN : Universitats-Bibliothek. Katalog der in His- torischen Saale zur 500 jahrigen Geburtstagfeier J. Gutenberg's am 24 Juni, 1900, eroffneten Ausstellung. 8vo. Gottingen, 1900. 6890 GOTTLIEB, S. Praktische Anleitung zur Ausubung der Helio- gravure. [Encyklopadie der Photographie. Heft. 53.] Svo. Halle a. S., 1905. 7198 GOTTNER, G. Gutenberg. Ein Festspiel. i2mo. Miinchen, 1878. 23067 GOTTS, J. B. Estimating, book-keeping, system, for letter- press and lithographic printers, binders and stationers. i2mo. London, 1901. 2454 GOTTS, J. B. Estimating, book-keeping, system, for letter- press and lithographic printers, binders and stationers. 3rd edition. i2mo. London, 1906. ii395 GOTTWALD, E. Erinnerungsblatter an die vierte Sacularfeier der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst zu Dresden, 1840. Svo. Dresden, 1840. 22656 GOTZ, N. See Bradshaw, H. GOTZE, L. Aeltere Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst in Magdeburg. I. Abtheilung : Die Drucker des 15 Jahrhunderts. Svo. Magdeburg, 1872. 2 ion GOUDY, F. W. Notes on letter design. {In The Graphic Arts, Vol. I, 191 1, pp. 361-368.) PP GOUDY, F. W. See Scott, T. GOUGH, H. F. A chronology of the progress of printing. S. sh. fol. London, 1880. 22772 [GOUGH, R.] Anecdotes of British topography. 4to. London, 1768. 569S GOUGY, L. Catalogue de livres tires a petit nombre provenant en grande partie du fonds de la Librairie Techener. Svo. Paris, 1901. 11828 GOULARD, M. Discours prononce sur la projet de loi relatif k la liberte de la presse. Svo. [Paris, 1814.] 23377 GOULD, J. The letterpress printer : a complete guide to the art of printing. i6mo. London, 1876. 20359 GOULD, J. The letterpress printer. 2nd edition. 4th 1000. i2mo. London [1881J. 3174 GOULD, J. The letterpress printer. 4th edition. loth 1000. i2mo. London [188S]. 3175 GOULD, J. The compositor's guide and pocket book. i6mo. London, 1S7S. 23499 379 GOL'l D 1 rhe IcltLMpress printer: a complete guide to the art of printing; containing practical instructions for learners at case press and machine. Embracing the whole practice of book- work with diagram and complete schemes of nnpositions ; job work' with examples; news work; colour work, to make coloured inks -'to work press and machine; to make rollers; mstructions in stercotyiMng and other valuable information. 6th edition. iGmo. London [1903]. 37^3 GOULD, S. B. See Geschiedenis. GOULD W. An account of English ants. i2mo. London, I-'AV -3276 GOULDING, F. See Hardie, M. GOULDING, J. The photography of sheep. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 8, 1902-3, pp. 111-112.) PP GOUNOUILHON, G. See [Bouchon, G.] GOUPIL, J. B. A. Goupil, imprimeur et editeur d'estampes, chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur. 8vo. [Paris, c. i860.] 13383 GOUPIL & CO. A French reproductive process. Photo- glyptie [of Messrs. Goupil]. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. II, Jan. 3, 1884, p. II.) PP GOUPIL & CO. Catalogue of exhibition of modern English artistic bookbindings. With historical sketch of bookbinding in England, by W. Y.Fletcher. 8vo. London, 1898. 1091 GOUPIL & CO. Catalogue of drawings and colour prints by Japanese artists of the i8th and early 19th centuries. With introductory note by E. F. Strange. i2mo. London, 1910. 12034 GOURDJI, S. Alphabet Ottoman a I'usage des ecoles etrangeres de Turquie. 8vo. Constantinople, 1891. 4237 GOURDON, C. De I'influence sur le zinc des depots mercuriels. Nouveaux procedes de gravure en relief par I'emploidu mercure. {In Association Fran9aise pour I'Avancement des Sciences, 1875, PP- 556-559-) ^8651 GOUVERNEUR, G. D. See Daupeley-Gouverneur, G. GOVER, H. C. Drawings of the patent polytint printing machine, with mechanical description and explanatory observ- ations. 8vo. London, 1853. 22813 GOW, J. M. See London Society of Compositors. GOWANS, W. See Andrews, W. L. GOWER, L, G. How a chromo-lithograph is printed. {In The Strand Magazine, Vol. 27, Jan., 1904, pp. 33-39-) 375 1 GOWER'S WALK SCHOOL MAGAZINE. Summer 1914. Vol. I, No. 2. Written and printed by boys of the School. 8vo. London, 1914. 18576 GOYA, F. de. See Bertels, K. ; Loga, V. v. 380 GRABE, J. E. See Bible: Greek. GRABE, J. L. Simple device for embossing proofs, {In Inland Printer, Vol. 41, igo8, pp. 365-366.) PP GRACE, F. H. How to estimate. 8vo. Croydon, 1914. 18570 GRACKLAUER, O. Verzeichniss sammtlicher Schriften iiber Buchdruckerkunst, etc., welche von 1865-81 in Deutschen Buch- handel erschienen sind. 8vo. Leipzig, 1881. 894 GRADATIM [pseud., i.e. Dr. DICKSON]. The early history of Panmure House. [Cuttings from a newspaper, 1872.] 23028 GRAESSE, J. G. T. Tresor de livres rares et precieux. 7 vols. 4to. Paris, 1900. 3694 GRAFFER, F. Der Buchhandel in Verbindung mit der Buch- druckerkunst. 8vo. Wien, 1813. 4056 GRAFFIGNY, H. de. Dictionnaire des termes techniques employes dans les sciences et dans I'industrie. 2e. edition augmentee d'un supplement. i2mo. Paris, 1909. 11458 GRAFIKAI SZEMLE. Vol. 16. Nos. 1-2, 1906. 4to. Budapest, 1906. PP GRAFISK-TECHNISKE FORENING. Om bogtryk og korrekturlaesning. 8vo. Kristiania, 1888. 2889 GRAFTON, R. See Kingdom, J. A.; McKerrow, R. B. GRAHAM, D. See Fairley, J. A. GRAHAM, J. The compositor's text book; or, instructions in the elements of the art of printing. 8vo. Glasgow, 1848. 14151 GRAHAM, M. The early Glasgow press. 8vo. Glasgow, 1906. 9400 GRAHAM, V. The printers' and stationers' ready reckoner and compendium. i2mo. London, 1904. 4672 GRAND-CARTERET, J. Vieux papiers. Vieilles images. Cartons d'un collectionneur. 4to. Paris, 1896. 7334 GRAND RAPIDS : PubHc Library. 35th annual report, 1905-6. 8vo. Grand Rapids, Mich., 1906. 9019 GRANGE, E. Le compositeur d'imprimerie. {In Les metiers d'hommes : chansons par les membres du caveau, 1882.) 9744 GRANGIER, P. I. See Oursel, C. GRANT, C. E. In memoriam : Henry Bradshaw. {In The Library Chronicle, Vol. 3, 1886, pp. 25-36.) 2463 GRANT, D. Hoe's printing-machine at the New York Sun. [A letter.] {In The Expositor, April 5, 185 1.) 16329 GRANT, G. A historical account of useful inventions and scientific discoveries. [Printing, stereotype, engraving, litho- graphy, paper, alphabetical writing.] i2mo. Dublin, 1849. 3614 381 GRANT, ]. The newspaper press: its origin, progress and present histoVy. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1871. 20605 GRANT, P. Statement of facts regarding the Sun newspaper. Svo. [London, 1832.] 16425 GRAPHIC. A souvenir. The coming of age of The Graphic, 1S69-90. i2mo. [London, 1890.] 1724 GRAPHIC ARTS AND CRAFTS YEAR BOOK. Vols. 1-3, 1907-9. 4to. Hamilton, 1907-9. PP GRAPHIC ARTS CO. Graphic Arts Co. v. Hunters, Ltd. [Report of action on the acid blast machine. 4to. London, 1910. 15932 GRAPHICO. O Graphico. Ann. IV. No. i, 1908. Fol. Lisboa, 1908. PP GRAPHISCHE MARKT. Jahrg. XI. Nos. 8-15, 1909. 4to. Basel, 1909. PP GRAPHISCHE PRESSE. Jahrg. 15, 1902, etc. Fol. BerHn, 1902, etc. PP GRAPHISCHE REVUE OSTERREICH-UNGARNS. Jahrg. I, 1899, etc. 4to. Wien, 1899, etc. PP GRAPHISCHE RUNDSCHAU. Jahrg. 9-12, 1907-10. 8vo. Berlin, 1907-10. PP GRAPHISCHER ABREISS KALENDER, 1890- (91, 92, 94). 3 vols. 8vo. Hannover, 1890-4. PP GRAPHISCHER ANZEIGER FUR OSTERREICH-UN- GARN. Jahrg. 9, 1910, No. i, etc. 4to. Fiirstenfeld, 1910, etc. PP GRAPHISCHER BEOBACHTER. Band. 1-2, 1892-3. 4to. Leipzig, 1892-3. PP GRAPHISCHER CLUB. Katalog der Bibliothek. Svo. Wien, 1881. 22531 GRAPHOTYPE. {In Nature and Art, Vol. i, 1866, pp. 219- 222.) 15412 GRAPHOTYPING CO., Ltd. The handbook of graphotype. 8vo. London [c. 1865.] 3045 [GRAS, F.] Verzeichniss typographischer Denkmaler aus dem I5te. (i6te.-i7te.) Jahrhundert welche sich in der Bibliothek des regulirten Korherrenstiftes des heil. Augustin zu Neustift in Tyrol befinden. (Nachtrag). 3 pts. 4to. Brixen, 1789-91. 21906 GRASSET, E. Methode de composition ornementale. [Printed in the Grasset type.] 4to. Paris [c. 1908]. m75 GRAUERT, H. See Stauber, R. GRAUL, R. Die Radirung der Gegenwart in Europa und Nord-Amerika. [Gesellschaft fiir Vervielfaltigende Kunst.] Fol. Wien, 1892. 873c 382 GRAUL, R. and DORNHOFFER, F. Die Lithographic von ihrer Erfindung bis zur Gegenwart mit einem Anhange, Die photomechanischen Reproductions-verfahren. [Gesellschaft fiir Vervielfaltigende Kunst.] Fol. "Wien, 1903. 873D GRAUTOFF, O. Die Entwicklung der modernen Buchkunst in Deutschland. 8vo. Leipzig [1901]. 33^7 GRAUTOFF, P. A. Henricus Stephanus. Eine Skizze seines Lebens und seiner Bedeutung. [In Programm des Kon. Evang. Gymnasiums zu Gross-Glogau, 1861-2.) 945^ GRAVES, R. E. See Bryan, M. GRAVIER, C. Retouching for half-tone photo-engraving. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 5, 1899, pp. 71-72.) PP GRAVIER, C. Photographic processes used in book illus- trations. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 7, 1901, pp. 109- 110.) PP GRAVIER, C. Process for reproducing line engravings for colour work. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, pp. 143-144-) PP GRAVIER, C. The quadricolour method of colour printing. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 27-28.) PP GRAVIER, C. A rapid photo-lithographic method. {In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 78-80.) , PP GRAVIER, C. Colour photography. Theories of vision. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 102-104.) PP GRAVIER, C. Colour photography. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, pp. 153-155-) PP GRAVIER, C. Plates for colour photography. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, pp. 69-71.) PP GRAVIER, C. Automatic development. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 191 1-2, pp. 100-102.) PP GRAVIER, C. A method of automatic photography. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 233-234.) PP GRAVIER, C. Automatic photography. {In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-14, pp. 59-6i-) PP GRAVIUS, J. Elementa linguae Persicae. 4to. Londini, 1649. 3762 GRAVURE. La gravure en taille-douce, mani^re noire, mani^re de crayon, etc. Fol. Paris, 1780. 23203 GRAVURE. La gravure sur pierre : traite pratique k I'usage des (^crivains et des imprimeurs lithographes. 8vo. Paris, 1887. 232 383 GRAX'L'RES sur bois tiroes des livres francais du 156. si^cle. 4to. Paris, 1S68. 22032 GRAY, C. A. Art in newspaper illustrating. {In Inland Printer, Vol 8, 1890-1, p. 978.)* PP GRAY, G, J. A bibliography of the writings of Christopher Smart with biographical references. (/» Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. 6, 1902.) 56 GRAY, G. J. William Pickering, the earliest bookseller on London Bridge. (/;/ Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. 4, 1898.) 56 GRAY, G. J. The earlier Cambridge stationers and bookbinders and the first Cambridge printer. [Bibliographical Society : Illus- trated Monograph. No. 13.] 4to. Oxford, 1904. 4633 GRAY, G. J. See Bowes, R. and Gray, G. J. ; Hazlitt, W. C. GRAY, H. Book bulletins, 1905-6. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1905-6. 8618 GRAY, J. M. The Foulis Academy and James Tassie. {In The Magazine of Art, March, 1894, pp. 150-152.) 7016 GRAY, T. Poems. 4to. Glasgow, 1768. 5896 GRAY, T. Poems. 4to. Parma, 1793. 5735 GRAY, T. An elegy written in a country churchyard. [Printed in colours by Cooper, Clay and Co.] 8vo. London, 1869. 18466 GRAY, T. A notable Wolverhampton industry. [Mander Bros. 1 8vo. 1909. 1 1309 GRAY-GOWER, L. See Gower, L. G. GRAYSON, R. Designs and suggestions for job work. Re- printed from Vol. 6 of The British Printer. 4to. Leicester, 1893. 585 GRAYSON, R. Designs and suggestions for job work. Re- printed from Vol. 7 of The British Printer. 4to. Leicester, 1894. 455 GREAT. The great importance of a religious life consider'd. 6th edition. 8vo. London, 1728. 4652 (i) GREAT masters of decorative art. Sir Edward Burne-Jones, by Aymer Vallance. William Morris, by Lewis F. Day. Walter Crane, with notes by himself. 4to. London, 1900. 2843 GREAT NORTHERN NEWSAGENT. Nos. 3-5, 1903. 4to. London, 1903. PP GREAT YARMOUTH: Free Libraries. 13th [etc.] annual report, 1898-9, etc. 8vo. Great Yarmouth, 1899, etc. 9005 [GRECO, G.] The royall game of chesse play. i2mo. London, 1656. 21 123 GREELEY, H. See Parton, J. 384 GREEN, B. R. A guide to pictorial perspective. 3rd edition. 8vo. London [c. 1865]. 15887 GREEN, E. The beginnings of lithography. 8vo. London, 1894. 4953 GREEN, E. Bath and early lithography. 8vo. Bath, 1894. 10396 GREEN, E. Bibliotheca Somersetensis : a catalogue of books, etc., in some way connected with Somerset. 3 vols. 4to. Taun- ton, 1902. 9315 GREEN. F. G. Paper making. [In The Magazine of Com- merce, Dec, 1902.] 3250 GREEN^ S. A. Stephen Daye, the earliest printer in this country [United States]. Fol. [Boston] 1902. 3356 GREEN^ S. A. See Massachusetts Historical Society. GREEN, S. G. The John Rylands Library. {In The Leisure Hour, Dec, 1899.) 1905 GREEN, S. S. Libraries and schools. i2mo. New "York, 1883. 20584 GREEN, S. S. Library aids. Revised edition. i2mo. New- York, 1883. 23154 GREEN & McALLAN. Second specimen book. Some examples of artistic letterpress printing. 4to. London [c. 1888]. 663 GREEN & McALLAN. Third specimen book. Specimens of artistic letterpress printing. 4to. London [c 1889]. 860 GREENAWAY, K. A painting book. 4to. London [c. 1880]. 3783 GREENAWAY, K. Under the window : pictures and rhymes. Engraved and printed by E. Evans. Sq. 8vo. London [c 1880]. 3784 GREENAWAY, K. Mother Goose; or, the old nursery rhymes. Illustrated by K. G. Engraved and printed by E. Evans. i2mo. London [c 1880]. 3785 GREENAWAY, K. Language of flowers. Illustrated by K. G. Printed in colours by E. Evans. i2mo. London [c 1880]. 3786 GREENAWAY, K. Birthday book for children. Printed [in colours] by E. Evans. Sq. 48mo. London [c. 1880]. 3782 GREENAWAY, K. A day in a child's life. Illustrated by K. G. Music by M. B. Foster. Printed [in colours] by E. Evans. Sq. 8vo. London [c 1880]. 379o GREEN AW^AY, K. Kate Greenaway's book of games. Printed in colours by E. Evans. Sq. 8vo. London [c 1880]. 3789 GREENAWAY, K. Marigold garden. Printed in colours by E. Evans. 4to. London [c 1880]. 379- 385 25 C^.RKENAWAY, K. 5ee Bro\vnin,s>-, R. ; Harte, B. ; Spielmann, M. H. and Layard, G. S. ; Taylor, J. and A. GRFENE, J. A brief history of The Times from 1785 to the present time, with Mr. John \Valter's letters and addresses on log^otj raphic printing-. 8vo. London, 1873. 9813 GREENE, J. A\'. Erec Niagfara : Nature's grandest wonder, New York's imperial gift to mankind. 4to. Buffalo, 1885. 10942 GREENEj W. F. Interesting Dovercourt. 8vo. London, 1900. 1639 GREENHOUGH, W. H. See Reading : Public Libraries. GREENLAND & NORRIS. A catalogue of scarce and valu- able books. 8vo. London [c. 1805]. 16556(10) GREENWOOD, J. Curiosities of savage life, and series. [With plates printed in colours by W. Dickes.] 8vo. London, 1864. ' 9586 GREENWOOD, J. Wild sports of the world. [With plates printed in colours bv W. Dickes.] 8vo. London, 1864. 9587 GREENWOOD, T. Public libraries : a history of the move- ment and a manual for the organization and management of rate- supported libraries. 4th edition. 8vo. London, 1894. 8900 GREENWOOD, T. Greenwood's library year book, 1897. 8vo. London, 1897. 6550 GREENWOOD, T. British library year book, 1900-1. 8vo. London, 1900. 6550 GREENWOOD, T. Edward Edwards : the chief pioneer of municipal public libraries. 8vo. London, 1902. 3607 GREFF, J. Sec Schmidt, C. GREFFIER, D. Manuel des signes de la correction typo- graphique k I'usage des auteurs, correcteurs et compositeurs. i2mo. Paris [c. 1898]. 1641 GREFFIER, D. Les regies de la composition typographique. i2mo. Paris [1898]. 1283 GREG, W. VV. A list of English plays, written before 1643 and printed before 1700. [Bibliographical Society: Publications.] 4to. London, 1900. 1669 GREG, W. W. A list of masques, pageants, etc., supple- mentary to A list of English plays. [Bibliographical Society : Publications.] 4to. London, 1902. 2571 GREG, W. W. Thomas Berthelet, 1528-54. (Handlists of English printers, III). [Bibliographical Society: Publications.] 4to. London, 1905. 7342 GREG, W. W. Notes on the types, borders, etc., used by Thomas Berthelet. (In Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. 8, 1904-6, pp. 187-220.) 56 386 GREG, W. W. What is bibliography? {In Bibliographical Society: Transactions, Vol. 12, igii-3.) 56 GREGOIR, E. and OVERSTRAETEN, J. van. Un Musee du Livre a Bruxelles. Rapport. [Brussels : Musee du Livre : Pub- lications, No. I.] 8vo. Bruxelles, 1905. 6641 GREGOIRE, ( ). Rapport sur la bibliogfraphie presente k la Convention Nationale le 22 germinal an II (1794) par G. eveque constitutionnel de Blois, Depute a la Convention. 8vo. Paris, 1873. 4265 GREGORIUS MAGNUS. Epistolae. Fol. [Augsburg, c. 1475-1 5831 GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS. Carmina. [Greek and Latin.] [Aldus printed on the two pages in the middle of each section, the text of S. John's Gospel.] 4to. Venetiis, 1504. 5981 GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS. [Opera. Greek.] Fol. Basel, 1550. 6617 GREGORY, J. See Washington : Library of Congress. GREIG, J. & SONS. Complete catalogue of machines, presses, appliances, etc., for the paper, printing and allied trades. C. edition. 4to. Edinburgh [c. 1890]. 291 1 GREIG, J. & SONS. Complete catalogue of machines, presses, appliances, etc., for the paper, printing, lithographic, bookbinding, stationery, boxmaking and aUied trades. Fol. Edinburgh [c. 1900]. 9775 GREIG, J. & SONS. Complete catalogue of machines, presses, accessories and materials for paper-makers, printing, litho- graphers, bookbinders, manufacturing stationers, box-makers, etc. G. edition. 4to. Edinburgh [1906]. 8332 GREIG, J. & SONS. Part i, complete catalogue. Cutting, punching, perforating, scoring and box-making machines and accessories. H. edition. 4to. Edinburgh [c. 1910]. 16749 GREIG, J. & SONS. Part 2, complete catalogue. Lithographic and copperplate presses, materials, etc. H. edition. 4to. Edin- burgh |c. 1910]. 16749 GREIG, J. & SONS. Part 3 of complete catalogue. Book- binders' special machines, presses, etc. H. edition. 4to. Edin- burgh [c. 1910]. 16750 GREIG, J. & SONS. New Conqueror self-clamp guillotine. 8vo. Edinburgh [c. 1910]. 16741 [GREINER & PFEIFFER.] [Specimen book of new year cards, etc.] 8vo. Stuttgart [c. 1893]. 10852 GRENIER, E. See Goethe, J. W. v. GRESHAM COLLEGE. Catalogue of books, etc., presented by Mrs. L. Hollier to, and also of books, etc., in, the library. Svo. London, 1872. 20862 387 GRESS, E. G. The American handbook of printing-, containing- in brief and simple style, something- about every department of the art and business of printing. i2mo. New York, 1907. loioo GRESSj E. Type desig-ns in color. 4to. New York [c. 1908]. 10414 GRESS, E. G. The art and practice of typography : a manual of American printing, including a brief history up to the 20th century, with reproductions of the work of early masters of the craft and an extensive review and elaborate showing of modern commercial typographic specimens. 4to. New York, 1910. 16208 GRESS, E. G. An American view of typography. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, pp. 75-76.) PP GRESS, E. G. The printing business in America. {In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 1 17-120.) PP GRESS, E. G. Thoughts of an American printer. {In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 191 1-2, pp. 147-149.) PP GRESS, E. G. The American point of view. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp. 157-159-) PP GRESWELL, W. P. Annals of Parisian typography. 8vo. London, 1818. 20464 GRESWELL, W. P. A view of the early Parisian Greek press. 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1833. 20491 GREVEL, H. See Bouchot, H. GREY, C. G. Photography and aeroplanes. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 191 1-2, pp. 17-21.) PP GREY, C. G. Artists and aeroplanes. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 89-94.) PP GREY. D. See Wilson, F. J. F. and Grey D. GRIBBLE, F. Lake Geneva and its literary landmarks. 8vo. Westminster, 1901. 10201 GRIFFES, J. H. Typographical handbook. Vol. i. Cal- culations. 8vo. Chicago, 1888. 3031 GRIFFIN, R. B. and LITTLE, A. D. The chemistry of paper- making. 8vo. New York, 1894. 678 G[RIFFITH], A. F. Bibhotheca Anglo-Poetica ; or, a de- scriptive catalogue of a rare and rich collection of early English poetry. 8vo. London, 1815. 11903 GRIFFITH & FARRAN. New and popular works, in elegant cloth bindings, suitable for Christmas, New Year's gifts, prizes, etc. 8vo. London [1869]. 16932 GRIGGS, W. See Shakespeare, W. GRIGOR, J. Samuel Kinnear : a notable Edinburgh octogen- arian. {In The Caxton Magazine, Jan., 1902.) 2553 388 GRIMONT, F. La presse parisienne. Catalogue general des journaux. 8vo. Paris, 1857. 22382 GRIMSTONE, E. See [Baudier, M.]. GRINGOIRE, P. See Axon, W. E. A. GRIQUALAND WEST TYPOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Rules. i2mo. Kimberley, 1896. 151-81 GRISEBACH, H. See Berlin : Konigliche Museen. GRISWOLD, W. M. A general index to the Contemporary Review, the Fortnightly Review and the Nineteenth Century. [Q. P. Indexes. No. XL] 8vo. Bangor, 1882. 23171 GRITSCH, J. Quadragesimale. Fol. Ulm, 1475. 5830 GRITSCH, J. Quadragesimale. Fol. Strassburg, i486. 5902 (2) GROEBE, D. Beschrijving van een nieuwlings outdeket ex- emplaar van de Biblia Pauperum en de Ars Moriendi begeleid van eenige aanmerkingen en een facsimile. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1839. 22524 GROLIER, junior. Some recent covers in cloth and paper. {In Bookselling, Dec, 1896, pp. 527-540.) 2057 GROLIER, J. See Biagi, G. ; Le Roux de Lincy, A. J. V. GROLIER CLUB. Transactions. Pt. i. 8vo. New York, 1885. 22864 GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of an exhibition of engraved portraits from Chaucer to Johnson. i2mo. New York, 1891. 6225 GROLIER CLUB. Commercial bookbindings : an historical sketch with some mention of an exhibition of drawings, covers and books, April, 1894. i2mo. New York, 1894. 15149 GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of an exhibition illustrative of a centenary of artistic lithography, 1796-1896. 8vo. New York, 1896. 7995 GROLIER CLUB. A tentative scheme of classification for the library. i2mo. New York, 1901. 2347 GROLIER CLUB. A catalogue of etchings, dry-points and mezzotints by Sir Francis Seymour Haden, exhibited at the Club, 1902. i2mo. New York, 1902. 2638 GROLIER CLUB. Exhibition of silver, embroidered and curious bookbindings. i2mo. New York, 1903. 3486 GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of etchings and dry-points by J. McN. Whistler, exhibited April-May, 1904. 8vo. New York, 1904. 4085 GROLIER CLUB. First editions of the works of N. Haw- thorne, exhibited Dec. 8-Dec. 24, 1904. 8vo. New York, 1904. 4955 389 (iROLlKR CLUB. A catalogue of about 130 selected French almanacs from a complete collection (1694-1883) illustrative of French binding- during this period. i2mo. New York, 1905. 7372 GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of books, engravings, water- colors and sketches by William Blake, exhibited Jan. -Feb. , 1905. 8vo. New York, 1905. 6530 GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of an exhibition commemorating the 200th anniversary of the birth of B. Franklin. i2mo. New York, 1906. 7428 GROLIER CLUB. An exhibition of some of the latest artistic bindings done at the Club Bindery. Svo. New York, 1906. 7521 GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of medals and plaques by V. B. Brenner. Svo. New York, 1907. 881 r GROLIER CLUB. List of books and articles relating to book- binding to be found in the Library. i2mo. New York, 1907. 15698 GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of [an exhibition of] engraved portraits of actors of olden time. Jan. -Feb. , 1907. i2mo. New York, 1907. 8568 GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of lithographs by J. McN. Whistler. Exhibited April, 1907. i2mo. New York, 1907. 8678 GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of ornamental leather book- bindings executed in America prior to 1850 exhibited Nov. 7 to 30, 1907. Svo. New York, 1907. 9365 GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of an exhibition of early American engraving upon copper, 1727-1850. Svo. New York, 1908. 9542 GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of an exhibition commemorative of the centenary of the birth of John Milton, 160S-1908. Svo. New York, 1908. 10442 GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of etchings by Joseph Pennell, exhibited at the Grolier Club, Nov. 6th to 21st, 1908. Svo. New York, 1908. 10245 GROLIER CLUB. A catalogue of etchings and dry-points by D. Y. Cameron. Svo. New York, 1908. 9701 GROLIER CLUB. Exhibition of bronzes and paintings by A. L. Barye. Svo. New York, 1909. 10785 GROLIER CLUB. Edwin Davis French, 1S51-1906. A cata- logue of an exhibition of his engraved work, together with original designs by him. Svo. New York, 1909. 10980 GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of an exhibition commemorative of the bicentenary of the birth of Samuel Johnson (1709-1909). Svo. New York, 1909. 11 702 GROLIER CLUB. The classification used in the library. i2mo. New York, 1910. 15700 390 GROLIER CLUB. A short list of microscopic books in the library, mostly presented by S. P. Avery. i2mo. New York, 191 1. 15697 GROLIER CLUB. An exhibition of the first editions of the works of Alexander Pope (1688-1744). 8vo. New York, 191 1. 14035 GROLIER CLUB. A catalogue of an exhibition of angling books, etc., from the collection of a member. Svo. New York, 1911. 15533 GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of an exhibition commemorating the looth anniversary of the birth of W, M. Thackeray, 1811-1863. i2mo. New York, 1912. 15^99 GROLIER CLUB. Exhibition of naval and other prints, por- traits and books relating to the war of 1812. 8vo. New York, 1912. 16434 GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of an exhibition of the works of Charles Dickens. Jan. -March, 1913. i2mo. New York, 1913. 16694 GROLIG, M. Die Klosterdruckerei im Pramonstratenserstifte Bruck a. d. Thaya (Mahren) 1 595-1608. Svo. Wien, 1908. 12192 GROLIG, M. Die Buchdruckerei des Jesuitenkollegiums in Wien (1559-64). {In Mitteilungen des Osterr. Vereins fiir Biblio- thekswesen, Jahrg. 13, 1909, pp. 105-120.) 12209 GRONAU, W. Neueste Muster. 4to. Berlin, 1884. 17172 GRONEMANN, J. See Neuen Wiener Tagblatt. GROOT, J. de. Proeve van letteren. 8vo. 's Gravenhage, 1781. 20235 GROSART, A. B. Prospectus of the Huth library [and others, his publications]. 4to. [London, 1881.] 22984 GROSART, A. B. Prospectus of the Huth library, etc. 4to. London [c. 1890]. 17078 GROSELIER, E. Notice sur la reglure typographique mobile au pointille. Svo. Paris, 1861. 22626 GROSS, K. L. Der Deutsche Buchhandel und Herr Prof. Dr. K. Bucher. Svo. Stuttgart, 1904. 3814 GROSSE, E. Ein vergessenes Illustrationsverfahren. [Stone engraving.] {In Zeitschrift fiir Biicherfreunde, Vol. i, 1898, PP- 561-572.) PP GROSVENOR, CHATER & CO. Gold medal awarded at the Paris Exhibition, 187S. Samples of papers manufactured and exhibited by G. C. and Co. Obi. Svo. London, 1S78. 2932 GROSVENOR, CHATER & CO. Samples of Dutch hand- made printing paper. Obi. Svo. London [1S84]. 3040 391 GROS\'ENOR, CHATER & CO. Hand-made and machine- made antique printing papers. Hand-made tinted papers. 8vo. London [c. 1S90]. 2894 GROTE, G. 5ee London : University. GROTEFEND, C. L. Geschichte der Buchdruckereien in den Hannoverschen und Braunschweigischen Landen. Herausgegeben von F. G. H. Culemann. 4to. Hannover, 1840. 20884 GROTEFEND, H. Christian Egenolff, der erste standige Buch- drucker zu Frankfurt A. M. und seine Vorlaufer. 4to. Frankfurt, 1881. 919 GROTIUS, H. De mari Hbero ct P. Merula De maribus. i6mo. Lugd. Bat., 1633. 21956 GROTIUS, H. Poemata. i2mo. Londini, 1639. 6616 GROUALLE, V. Consultation pour les imprimeurs sur le caractere de leurs brevets et la nature des droits qui y sont attaches. 8vo. Paris, 1867. m54 GROVE, Sir G. See Novello, Ewer and Co. GROV'E, J. M. C. Photography in prismatic colours. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, FoL 18, 1912-3, pp. 169-171.) PP GROWOLL, A. A bookseller's library and how to use it. i2mo. New York, 1891. 8206 GROWOLL, A. The profession of bookselling : a handbook of practical hints for the apprentice and bookseller. 2 pts. 8vo. New York, 1893-5. 9394 GROWOLL, A. Book-trade bibliography in the United States in the 19th century. To which is added, A catalogue of all the books printed in the United States. Published by the booksellers in Boston, Jan., 1804. 8vo. New York, 1898. 6838 GROWOLL, A. Three centuries of English book-trade biblio- graphy : an essay on the beginnings of book-trade bibliography since the introduction of printing and in England since 1595. Also, a list of the catalogues, etc., published for the English book- trade, 1595-1902, by W. Fames. 8vo. New York, 1903. 3545 GRUEL, L. Manuel historique et bibliographique de I'amateur de reliures. 4to. Paris, 1887. 21786 GRUEL, L. Notice sur Christophe Plantin relieur k Anvers (1514-90). 8vo. Paris, 1891. 8461 GRUEL, L. See Bosquet, E. GRUN, E. F. The Griin liquid lens for colour photography. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 9, 1903-4, pp. 9-16.) PP GRUN, E. F. The present aspect of three-colour photography. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, pp. 1 18-120.) PP GRUN, K. Gutenberg-Lieder. Der Stadt Strasburg. 8vo. Strassburg, 1840. 20955 (9) 392 GRUNERT, J. F. and OTHERS. Oeffentliche Jubelzeugnisse welche, bey dem von einigen Buchdruckern zu Halle den 25 Jul. 1740, erneuerten Andenken der vor dreyhundert Jahren erfunden- en Buchdruckerkunst. 4to. Halle, 1741. 20901 (i) GRUNINGER, J. See Haebler, K. ; Heitz, P. ; Proctor, R. G. C. ; Schmidt, C. GUADALAJARA : Escuela de Artes y Oficios. Informe de la Direccion. [Account of the Printing School.] {In Artes y Oficios, Sept., 1908.) 16967 GUARIN, T. See Lecouvet-Garin, F. F. J. GUARINI, G. B. II Pastor fido. i6mo. Amstelodamo [c. 1670]. 6099 GUARINI, G. B. Berg-er fidele. i6mo. Cologne, 1686. 5798 GUARINI, G. B. Pastor fido. 4to. Crisopoli, 1793. 5879 GUBERNATIS, A. de. Una curiosita tipografica orientale contemporanea. [Printing in Timor.] (In Annuario Italiano delle Arti Grafiche, Ann. 10, 191 1.) PP GUBITZ, F. W. Sammlung von Verzierungen in Abgiissen fiir die Buchdrucker-presse. 4to. Berlin [c. 1822]. GUEINTZ, C. Encomium nobilis atque utilis artis typo- graphicae. Translatum a J. Osewalto. {In Wolf, J. C. : Monu- menta typographica, I, 1740.) 20082 GUENARD, G. See Paris : Exhibition, 1900. GUERLINS, J. de. See Desbarreaux-Bernard, T. GUGLER, O. B. Commercial lithography. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 34, 1904-5, pp. 732-736-) PP GUGLER LITHOGRAPHIC CO. Lithography. [Specimens.] 8vo. Milwaukee [1906]. 7698 GUICCIARDINI, F. and OTHERS. Propositioni, ovvero con- siderationi in materia di cose di stato. 8vo. Vinegia, 1588. 4642 GUICCIARDINI, F. The histoire of G. containing the warres of Italic and other partes. Fol. London, 1599. 21785 GUICHARD, E. La grammaire de la couleur. 3 vols. Obi. i2mo. Paris, 1882. 912 GUICHARD, J. M. Notice sur le Speculum humanae salva- tionis. 8vo. Paris, 1840. 21773 GUICHARD, J. M. See Vries, A. de. GUICHOT Y PARODY, J. See Chaves, M. GUIDA del correttore tipografico per I'ortografia Italiana. 8vo. Prato, 1873. 22613 GUIDE pocket of English language. [Japanese and English.] i2mo. [Tokio? c. 1880.] 20685 393 GUIGNES, J. de. Essai historique sur la typographic orientale et g^recque de rimprimerie Royale. 4to. Paris, 1787. 5377 (i) GUIGNES, J. de. Principes de composition typographique, pour dirii^cr un compositeur dans I'usage des caract^res orientaux de I'Imprimerie Royale. 4to. Paris, 1790. 5377 (2) GUIGNET, C. E. Las couleurs. 8vo. Paris, 1889. 234 GUIGNE, C. Notice sur I'ancienne imprimerie de Trevoux. 8vo. Lyon [c. 1845]. 12599 GUIGUE, C. Db I'origine de la signature et de son emploi au moycn age principalement dans les pays de droit ecrit. 8vo. Paris, 1863. 9234 GUILD, 1. T. Simplicity in the use of type. {In The Printing /\rt, Vol. I, 1903, p. 107.) PP GUILD OF V/OMEN BINDERS. Bookbinding by women. 2nd exhibition, 1898-9. 8vo. London, 1898. 1206 GUILD OF WOMEN BINDERS. Catalogue of bindings which will be sold by auction, loth Dec, 1900. 8vo. London, 1900. 1977 GUILD OF WOMEN BINDERS. Catalogue of bindings which will be sold by auction, i6th Dec, 1901. 8vo. London, 1901. 2500 GUILD OF WOMEN BINDERS. The bindings of to-morrow : a record of the work of the guild, and of the Hampstead Bindery. With a critical introduction by G. E. Anstruther. 4to. London, 1902. 6636 GUILDFORD : Technical Institute. Examples of work done by students in the letterpress printing' classes during- 1910-1, etc. 4to. Guildford, 191 1, etc. 16018 GUILEVILLE, G. de. The ancient poem of G. de G., entitled Le pelerinag-e de I'homm'e compared with the Pilgrim's Progress of John Bunyan, Edited from notes by N. Hill. 4to. London, 1858. 22050 GUILEVILLE, G. de. A modern prose translation of the Pylgrymage of Man. 4to. London, 1859. 22048 GUILEVILLE, G. de. The booke of the pylgremage of the sowle. Translated from the French and printed by William Caxton, 1483. Edited by K. I. Oust. 4to. London, 1859. 22049 GUILIBERTUS TORNACENSIS. Sermones. Fol. Louvain [c 1480]. 5543 GUILLIE, ( ). Notice historique sur I'instruction des jeunes aveugles. 4to. Paris, 1819. 20144 GUILLOIS, E. Les typo-chlevrotins ou le cassetin d'o vide, tragedie de caract^re en un acte. 8vo. Paris, 1857. 13389 394 GUILLOT, G. A propos d'une recente exposition. Les tirages en couleurs de la gravure en taille douce. {In Le Correspondant, 25 Oct., 1906, pp. 349-358.) 10670 GUIOTH, ( ). Histoire numismatique de la revolution Beige. 2 vols. 4to. Hasselt, 1844-5. 201 18 GUITARD, P. and J. F. See Fage, R. GUJARATI TYPE FOUNDRY. Fine art catalogue of electro blocks. 4to. Bombay, 1913. 16776 GUMPERT, T. von. Die Herzblattchen. 3te. Auflage. Bd. i. Svo. Glogau [c. 1855]. 8868 GUNTHER, O. Die Wiegendrucke der Leipziger Sammlungen und der Herzoglichen Bibliothek in Altenburg. (Nachtrage.) [Zentralblatt fur Bibliothekswesen, Beiheft 35.] 8vo. Leipzig, 1909-10. 1 1280 GUNTHER, O. Zwei Miscellen zur Danziger Buchdrucker- und Litteraturgeschichte im i7ten. Jahrhundert. Svo. Danzig, 1888. 1 1655 GUPPY, H. See De Morgan, A. ; Russell, J. GURSCH, E. Muster-Sammlung. Messinglinien-Fabrik und Gravir-Anstalt. 4to. Berlin [c. 1890]. 17146 GURSCH, E. Preis-liste. 8vo. Berlin, 1899. 17173 GUSSAGO, G. J. Memorie storico-critiche sulla tipografia Bresciana. 4to. Brescia, 181 1. 20762 GUTBERLET, A. & CO. [Folding machines.] 4to. Leipzig [c. 1908]. 13538 GUTCH, J. Collectanea curiosa ; or, miscellaneous tracts relating to the history and antiquities of England and Ireland. 2 vols. [Documents relating to printing in England. Vol. i.] Svo. Oxford, 1781. 5254 GUTCH, ]. M. Observations or notes upon the writings of the ancients, upon the materials which they used, and upon the introduction of the art of printing. [25 copies only printed.] Svo. Bristol, 1827. 7901 GUTENBERG, J. Gutenberg Erfinder der Buchdruckerkunst. Eine historische Skizze mit mehreren Zeichnungen und Facsimile. [Lithographed.] 4to. Strasburg, 1840. 21990 GUTENBERG, J. Gutenberg k Strasbourg ou I'invention de I'imprimerie, divertissement en un acte. Svo. Strasbourg, 1S40. 20955 (4) GUTENBERG, J. Kurzer Abriss der Lebensbeschreibung Gutenbergs. Nebst Nachrichten iiber die Errichtung und Einweihung seines Denkmals von Thorwaldsen zu Mainz. Svo. Mainz, 1840. 20950 395 GUTENBERG, J. Die Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst zu Strassburg- durch Johann Gutenberg-. 8vo. Strassburg [1840]. 20955(5) GUTENBERG, J. L'invention de rimprimerie a Strasbourg- par J. Gutenberg-. Courte notice publiee k I'occasion du 4e. anni- versaire de cette invention celebre k Strasbourg-, 1840. Svo. Strasbourg-, 1840. 22491 GUTENBERG, J. Gutenbergs Gattin. 8vo. Strassburg-, 1840. 21983(7] GUTENBERG, J. Gutenberg-Stiftung fiir Freunde des gott- lichen Wortes. gegriindet bei dem Jubelfeste 1840. 8vo. Strass- burg, 1840. 21983 (6) GUTENBERG, J. Gutenberg. (In Pictorial Half-Hours, Fourth week [c. 1870], pp. 73-78.) ''SSSo GUTENBERG, J. Die Gutenberg-Feier in Mainz. [Special number of Illustrirte Zeitung.] Fol. Leipzig, 1900. 21 18 GUTENBERG, J. .[Gutenberg Festival in Mainz, 1900. A collection of programmes, local newspapers, leaflets, etc.] [Mainz, 1900.1 1793 GUTENBERG, J. Gutenberg-Fest zu Mainz im Jahre 1900. [Reprints of newspaper articles and notes on the Festival.] 4to. Mainz, 1901. 2403 GUTENBERG-GESELLSCHAFT. Veroffentlichungen. 4to. Mainz, 1902, etc. 2774 GUTENBERG-GESELLSCHAFT. Jahresbericht, 1901-2, etc. Svo. Mainz, 1902, etc. 374i GUTHRIE, J. J. The hand-press and its work. {In Books and Bookplates, Vol. 4, 1903-4, pp. 129-133.) PP [GUTHRIE, J. J.] The Ashendene Press. {In Books and Bookplates, Vol. 4, 1903-4, pp. 61-64.) PP [GUTHRIE, J. J.] Reginald Hallward and the Woodlands Press, {hi Books and Bookplates, Vol. 4, 1903-4, pp. 1 17-125.) PP [GUTHRIE, J. J.] The Eragny Press and the work of Mr. Lucien Pissaro. {In Books and Bookplates, Vol. 4, 1904, pp. 6-12.) PP GUTHRIE, J. J. A briefnote on the aims and objects of the school of hand-press printing at South Harting. Sq. Svo. [South Harting], 1904. 3750 GUTIERREZ DEL CANO, M. Ensayo de un catalogo de impresores Espanoles desde la introduccion de la imprenta hasta fines del siglo 18. {In Revista de archivos, Bibliotecas y Museos, 1899-1900.) 3363 GUY, Earl of Warwick. The noble and renowned history of Guy, Earl of Warwick. 8vo. Chiswick, 182 1. 13271 396 GUY, J. Guy's pocket cyclopaedia. loth edition. [Printing, pp. 261-267; engraving, pp. 470-478; paper, pp. 296-300.] 8vo. London, 1832. 17039 GUY, T. A true copy of the last will and testament of Thomas Guy, Esq., late of Lombard Street, bookseller, containing an account of his publick and private benefactions. 2nd edition. i2mo. London, 1725. 8795 GUYNEMENT DE KERALIO, L. F. De la liberte d'enoncer, d'ecrire et d'imprimer la pensee. 8vo. [Paris, 1790.] 23356 GUYOT, E. Historique de I'imprimerie E. Guyot. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1880. 23427 GUYOT, E. Notice sur ITmprimerie E. G. Travaux et produits figurant a I'Exposition Internationale d'Amsterdam (1883). 4to7 Bruxelles, 1883. 4264 GUY'S HOSPITAL. Historical and descriptive notes on Guy's Hospital, {hi Guy's Hospital : Report for 1907, 1908.) 9824 GWINNER, F. Zusatze und Berichtigungen zu Kunst und Kiinstler in Frankfurt am Main vom dreizehnten Jahrhundert bis zur Eroffnung des Stadel'schen Kunstinstitute. 8vo. Frankfurt, 1867. 12596 GYLES, A. The directory of second-hand booksellers. Sq. 24mo. Nottingham, 1S86. 3060 GYLES, E. & F. Specimen book. 4to. London [c. 1892]. 2517 GYLES, E. & F. Supplement and specimens of display types, etc. Obi. 8vo. London [1897]. 2581 GYLES, E. & F. The 20th century specimen book of types, borders and ornaments. 8vo. London [1901]. 2583 GYLES, E. & F. Specimen book of types. 8vo. London [1901]. 2582 GYLLIUS, P. De Bosporo Thracio. 24mo. Lugd. Batav., 1632. 5503 GYLLIUS, P. De Bosporo Thracio. [The corrected reissue.] 24mo. Lugd. Batav., 1632. 21953 GYRO. The Gyro vaporiser and inhaler. [A specimen of machine work by the American Matrix Machine Co.] i2mo. London [1885]. 23124 GYSELEERS-THYS, B. J. F. C. See Reume, A. de. GYULAI, A. Bibliography of Enghsh authors' works trans- lated into Hungarian language (1620-1908). 8vo. Budapest, 1908. GYULAI, A. Shakespeare in Hungary. 8vo. London, 1908. 9865 397 H [H : A. de.] Monument Gutenberg. 8vo. [Strasbourg, 1840.] 22491 H : I. Paradise transplanted and restored. Reprinted by E. Pearson, London, 1661. 8vo. London, 1871. 20260 H : M. Les petits metiers. Les apprentis typographes. {In Le Petit Frangais illustre, Avril, 1899.) 1303 H : M. F. Tribulations du journalisme depuis 1830. 8vo. Paris, 1832. 12606(2) [H : T.] The perils of authorship: an enquiry into the diffi- culties of literature, containing copious instructions for publishing books at the slightest possible risk, and a variety of instructions for the guidance of young and inexperienced authors. 4th edition. i2mo. London [c. 1840]. 18837(1) H : T. The authors' advocate and young publishers' friend : a sequel to The perils of authorship. i2mo. London [c. 1840]. 18837(2) HAAG, A. Ueber maschinelle Einrichtungen und Arbeits- methoden im Englischen Buchdruckereien. 8vo. [Wien, 1910.] 12283 HAAG, F. E. Musterheft. 8vo. Melle [c. 1900]. 7208 HAARLEM. [Report of] De Commissie tot onderzoek naar het jaar der uitvinding van de boekdrukkunst en ter ontwerping van een plan voor de viering van het aanstaande eeuwfeest. 8vo. [Haarlem, 1822.] 22477 HAARLEM. Catalogus der Tentoonstelling van boek-en prentkunst binnen Haarlem in vroeger eeuwen. 8vo. Haarlem, 1913. 17476 HAARLEM : Typographische Tentoonstelling. Catalogus van voorwerpen ingezonden ter algemeene T. T. gehouden te Haarlem bij gelegenheid der plegtige onthulling van het metalen standbeeld van L. J. Coster. 8vo. [Haarlem, 1856.] 20866 HAAS. [Specimen book of type and cuts.] Fol. Basel, 1863. 9890 HAAS, L. Verleger und Drucker der Werke Shakespeares bis zum Jahre 1640. 8vo. Erlangen, 1904. 7624 398 HAASE, A. Schriftg-iesserei von A. H. [Specimens.] 4to. Prag. [c. 1870]. 171 55 HAASENSTEIN & YOGLER. Catalogue— agenda, 1908. [Newspapers and periodical publications.] Fol. Berlin [1907J. 18743 HACHETTE, L. Notice sur la vie de M. L. Hachette suivie des discours prononces k ses obs^ques et des articles necrologiques consacres k sa memoire. 8vo. Paris, 1864, 11798 HACHETTE & CIE. Note sur la librairie Hachette et Cie. 4to, Paris, 1878. 18796 HACHETTE & CIE. Ragles typographiques adoptees dans les publications de la librairie Hachette et Cie. Notice destinee aux auteurs et aux imprimeurs. i2mo. Paris, i88g. i0973 HACKETT, R. See Slatter, H. HACKWOOD, F. W. William Hone : his life and times. 8vo. London, 1912. 16586 HADDON, J. & CO. Printers' handy price Ust. 4to. London [c. 1880]. 4003 HADDON, J. & CO. Art electros, florettes and borders. 4to. London, 1898. 1184 HADDON, J. & CO. Original registered faces. 4to. London [c. 1899]. 2793 HADDODN, J. & CO. Perfected printing presses. 4to. London [1899]. 3 141 HADDON, J. & CO. Types and borders : pony specimen book. No. I. 8vo. London, 1902. 2781 HADDON, J. & CO. Perfected printing presses. 4to. London [1900]. 3141 HADDON, J. & CO. The Harboro' series. 8vo. London [1903]. 3445 HADDON, J. & CO. Haddon's advertisement competition. 4to, London [1904]. 4092 HADDON, J. & CO. About Haddon's model printing office [at the Printing Exhibition, May, 1904]. 4to. London, 1904. 4759 HADDON, J. & CO. Haddon's types and borders. Pony book. No. I. Obi. 8vo. London, 1904. 6664 HADDON, J. & CO. Lithographic furnishing department. [Catalogue.] 8vo. London [1904]. 4758 HADDON, J. & CO. The Babcock Standard : the finest com- mercial press, giving the speed of a two-revolution at the price of a Wharfedale. 4to. London [1904]. 8490 HADDON, J. & CO. Reproductions of Haddon's ;^500 ad. competition. Sm. 4to. Leicester [1905]. 6638 399 HADDON, J. & CO. Haddon's alloyed metal rule. Specimen book and price list. 4to. London [c. 1906J. io733 HADDON, J. & CO. Labor-saving- machinery : space-saving cabinets, etc. 4to. London, igo6. 7602 HADDON, J. & CO. How to save composing room rent. 4to. London [1907J. 8790 HADDON, J. & CO. Haddon's types. 4to. London, 1907. 9784 HADDON, J. &' CO. Printers' sundries. 4to. London [1908]. 10274 HADDON, J. & CO. The Babcock Standard. 4to. London [1908I. 10275 HADDON, J. & CO. The Art Caxton platen. 4to. London [1909]. 1 1643 HADDON, J. & CO. Haddon's platens. 4to. London [1909]. 11321 HADDON, J. & CO. Haddon's types. 4to. London [1909]. 1 1642 HADDON, J. & CO. Centenary booklet descriptive of the growth of the business to its present position with personal reminiscences by Mr, W. Haddon. 4to. London, 1914. 18393 HADDON, W. The point system, standard line and unit set, as applied to modern typefounding. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 49, Oct. 3, 1901, pp. 221-224.) PP HADDON, W. The point system, standard line and unit set, as applied to modern typefounding. 8vo. London [1901]. 2522 HADDON, W. The standardization and interchangeability of printing types. 4to. London [1902]. 4762 HADDON, W. Time and labour saving types ; or, the ad- vantages of the standardization and interchangeability of types on the principles of point body, standard line and unit set. 8vo. London [1902]. 2541 HADDON, W. Time and labour saving types. A lecture. 5th edition. Revised, with new matter. 8vo. London [1902]. 1344S HADDON, W. Printer v. type founder. 8vo. [London, 1903.] 3406 HADDON, W. Type designs in newspaper and magazine advertisements. 4to. London, 1903. 3353 HADDON, W. Caxton Type Foundry v. The Ring. 4to. London, 1903. 3905 HADDON, W. Another exposure of the tactics of the British Ring I of typefounders]. 8vo. London [1904]. 16340 HADDON'S DIARY AND PRINTERS' GUIDE, 1899-1901. 8vo. London, 1899-1901. pp 400 HADEN, Sir F. S. About etching. Pt. i. Notes on a col- lection of etchings by the great masters lent by him to the Fine Art Society's Galleries to illustrate the subject of etching. Pt. 2. An annotated catalogue of the etchings exhibited. 8vo. London, 1878. 9463 HADEN, Sir F. S. The relative claims of etching and en- graving to rank as fine arts, and to be represenled as such in the Royal Academy of Arts. 8vo. London, 1883. 16073 HADEN, Sir F. S. See Grolier Club; Keppel, F. HADRIANUS. De vera philosophia ex quattuor doctoribus ecclesiae. [Dedicated to Hen. VIII, king of England.] 4to. Romae, 1514. io86g HAEBLER, K. The early printers of Spain and Portugal. [Bibliographical Society : Illustrated Monographs, No. 4.] 4to. London, 1897. 630 HAEBLER, K. Spanische und Portugiesische Bucherzeichen des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts. Fol. Strassburg, 1898. 3605 HAEBLER, K. Die Druckermarken mit dem Y. (In Zeitschrift fiir Biicherfreunde, Vol. i, 1898, pp. 533-537.) PP HAEBLER, K. Warum tragen Gutenbergs Drucke keine Unterschri^? 8vo. Leipzig, 1902. 15267 HAEBLER, K. Ueber modernes Buch- und Bibliothekswesen in Spanien. (In Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 15,. 1902.) 10347 HAEBLER, K. Typographic Iberique du quinzi^me si^cle. Reproduction en fac-simile de tous les caractferes typographiques employes en Espagne et en Portugal jusqu'a 1500. Fol. La Haye, 1902. * 2473 HAEBLER, K. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Schrift-Buch- und Bibliothekswesen, VHI. [Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 17.] 8vo. Halle a. S., 1904. io347 HAEBLER, C. Bibliografia Iberica del siglo 15. 8vo. La Haya, 1904. 3755 HAEBLER, K. Typenrepertorium der Wiegendrucke. 4 vols. [Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 19-20, 22-23, 27, 29-30.] 8vo. Halle a. S., 1905-10. 6820 HAEBLER, K. Der Capotius-Drucker = Martin Landsberg. (In Gesellschaft fiir Typenkunde des xv Jahrh. Beitrage zur In- kunabelkunde, II, 1907.) 9066 HAEBLER, K. Johann Griininger der Drucker des Missale mit dem Kanon Peter Schoffers. (In Gesellschaft fiir Typenkunde des XV Jahrh. Beitrage zur Inkunabelkunde, IV, 191 1.) 9066 HAEBLER, K. Die Merseburger Druckerei von 1479 und ihr Meister. (In Gesellschaft fiir Typenkunde des xv Jahrh. Beitrage zur Inkunabelkunde, V, 191 2.) 9066 401 26 HAKBLlvR, K. \'erleg-ermarken des Jean Petit. [Komniis- sion li'ir den Gesamtkatalog- der Wieg-endrucke.] 4to. Halle, 1914. ^ 18397 HAEDUS, P. De amoris g-eneribus. 4to. Treviso, 1492. 5064 HAEGHEN, G. v. d. De la recherche des ant^riorites aux brevets d 'invention. 8vo. Li^g-e [c. 1910]. 13398 HAENEL, E. Neue Polytypen. 4to. Berlin, 1843-7. 11704 HAENNY, L. Schriftsteller und Buchhandler in Rom. 8vo. Halle a. S. , 1884. 9733 HAGEDOORN, L. Museums and institutes for the modern g-raphic arts. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, pp. 49-51.) PP HAGEDOORN, L. About newspaper illustrations. [In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3.) PP HAGEDOORN, L. First century of photo-engraving. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp. 189-197.) PP HAGEDOORN, L. H. M. A few facts about a historic firm. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, pp. 9-15.) PP HAGER, J. Relation d'une insigne imposture litteraire decou- verte dans un vovage fait en Sicile en 1794. 4to. Erlangen, 1799. 23284 HAGHE, L. Guernsey views. [Lithographs.] Obi. 4to. [London, 1829-30.] 8652 HAGHE, L. Sketches in Belgium and Germany. [Litho- graphs.] Fol. London, 1840. 1443 HAGHEN, G. v. d. See Bradshaw, H. HAGUE : Koninklijke Bibliotheek. Catalogus librorum saeculo 15. impressorum quotquot in Bibliotheca Regia Hagana asser- vantur. Edidit J. G. Holtrop. 8vo. Hagae-Comitum, 1856. 21471 HAGUE : Koninklijke Bibliotheek. De Oranje Nassau boekerij en de Oranje-penningen in de Kon. Bib., etc. 8vo. Haarlem, 1898. 1678 HAGUE : Koninkhjke Bibhotheek. Lijst van de boekwerken en tijdschriften in de Lesesaal. Svo. 's Gravenhage, 1908. 10567 HAIGHT, A. V. Specimens of printing. 1883 (1884, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893-4). 7 P^^- 4to. Poughkeepsie, 1883-94. 1 1260 HAIGHT, A. V. Colors and color printing. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 4, 1886-7, pp. 396, 509, 598.) PP HAIGHT & DUDLEY. Specimens of printing. 1885 {1886, 1887, 1888). /^ pts. 4to. Poughkeepsie, 1885-8. 11260 HAIGHT & DUDLEY. Printing. Obi. 8vo. Poughkeepsie [c. 1890]. 10944 402 HAILING, T. Specimens of general printing-. 4to. Chelten- ham, 1879. 459 HAILING, T. Specimens of general printing. 4to. Chelten- ham [1882]. 458 HAILING'S CIRCULAR. Vol. 1-2, 1877-89. 4to. Chelten- ham, 1877-89. PP HAIN, L. Repertorium bibliographicum, in quo libri omnes ab arte typographica inventa usque ad annum M. D. (Indices uberrimi opera Conradi Burger.) 5 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae, 1826-91. 6077 HAIN, L. See Burger, K. ; Copinger, W. A. HAINES, E. N. The paper makers' and stationers' calculator. 8vo. London, 1862. 1852 1 HAINES, E. N. The paper makers' and stationers' calculator. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1880. 2931 HALDAT, C. N. A. Recherches chimiques sur I'encre. 8vo. Nancy, 1802. 16729 HALE, A. T. , CO. Presse d'imprimerie perfectionee de Prouty pour Europe. 8vo. London [c. 1895]. 1025 HALE, E. E. and E. E. Franklin in France. From original documents, most of which are now published for the first time. 8vo. Boston, 1887. 21663 HALES, S. An hour's literary ramble starting from the little book shop called The Ben Jonson Head. 8vo. London [1910]. 13447 HALF-TONE ENGRAVING CO., Ltd. [Specimens in black and colour.] 8vo. London [c. 1910]. 16969 HALFER, J. Die Fortschritte der Marmorierkunst. Ein praktisches Handbuch fiir Buchbinder und Buntpapierfabrikanten. 2te. Auflage. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1891. 237 HALFER, J. The progress of the marbling art. With a supplement on the decoration of book edges. Translated by H. Dieck. 8vo. Buffalo, 1893. 238 HALFER, J. The art of marbling and treatment of the new bronze colours. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1904. 8015 HALFER, J. Halfcr's new marbling colours. The Normal Size. i2mo. London [c. 1904]. 8337 HALFER, J. See Hostmann Printing Ink Co. HALIFAX : Municipal Technical School. Syllabus. Session 1900-1, etc. 8vo. Halifax, 1900, etc. 8880 HALL, A., VIRTUE & CO. General catalogue of works published. 8vo. London, 1859. 7021 HALL, B. J. & CO. Photo printing by the electric arc. 8vo. London [1904]. 4763 403 HALL, C. C. The art of printing-, historical and practicaL 32mo. Sheffield, i860. 8748 HALL, E. P. Printing- : its parcntag-e, progress and practice, with some account of the Clarendon Press, Oxford. 8vo. Oxford, 1876. 5365 HALL, E. P. Handbook of the Clarendon Press, Oxford, with some account of the Authorised Version of the Bible. 8vo. Oxford, 1880. 2961 HALL, E. P. Handbook of the Clarendon Press, Oxford, with some account of the Authorised Version of the Bible. 8vo. Oxford, 1882. 2960 HALL, L H. American Greek Testaments. A critical biblio- graphy of the Greek New Testament as published in America. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1883. 15849 HALL, J. Susurrium cum Deo. Soliloquies. 2nd edition. i2mo. London, 1651. 801 1 HALL, J. J. The art of illuminating- and some examples of to- day. Reprinted from The Caxton Magazine and The Modern Lithographer. Nov., 1905. 4to. London, 1905. 8257 HALL, R. An apology for the freedom of the press and for general liberty. 8vo. London, 1793. 16423 HALL, R. An apology for the freedom of the press. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1793. 11006 HALL, S. C. See Harding, J. D. HALL, Mrs. S. C. Pilgrimages to English shrines. With notes and illustrations by F. W. Fairholt. [The printing office of W. Caxton, p. 182.] 8vo. London, 1850. 13309 HALL, S. R. How to advertise. [In Inland Printer, Vol. 41, 1908, pp. 47, 247, 687, 848.) PP HALL, S. R. The writing of good copy. [In Inland Printer, Vol. 41, 1908, pp. 526-530.) PP LIALL, T. See Brassington, W. S. HALL, T. W. See Sheffield : Public Library. HALLAM, H. Invention of paper. Invention of printing. [In his Literary Essays, 1852.) 23047 HALLER, J. See Bentkowski, F. HALLETT, C. M. Parish lending libraries : how to manage and keep them up. i2mo. London, 1880. 8434 HALLIWELL-PHILLIPS, J. O. Ludas Coventriae. A col- lection of mysteries, formerly represented at Coventry. 8vo. London, 1841. 21319 HALLIWELL-PHILLIPS, J. O. Notices of fugitive tracts and chap-books printed at Aldermary Churchyard, Bow Church- yard, etc. 8vo. London, 1849. 10548 404 HALLIWELL-PHILLIPS, J. O. See Lydgate, J. ; Oxford : Bodleian Library; Winsor, J. HALLWARD, R. See Guthrie, J. J. HALSEY, F. W. The literary adviser. {In Hitchcock, F. H. : The building- of a book, 1906, pp. 1^-2/^.) 8824 HALTAUS, K. Album deutscher Schriftsteller zur vierten Sacularfeier der Buchdruckerkunst. 8vo. Leipzig-, 1840. 21009 HALTIGAN, P. J. Pocket manual of ready reference, for the use of copy editors, proof readers, etc. i6mo. New York [1897]. 1467 HAMBERGER, G. C. Zuverlassige Nachrichten von den vornehmsten schriftstellern vom Anfange der Welt bis 1500. 4 vols. 8vo. Lemgo, 1756-64. 7637 HAMBURGER, A. The polychromide system of photography in natural colours. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 193-196.) PP HAMBURGER, A. The polychromide process. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, />/>. 131-132.) PP HAMELIN, E. La liberte de I'imprimerie au point de vue des interets de I'industrie typographique. 8vo. Paris, 1867. 12653 HAMERTON, P. G. Etching and etchers. New edition. 8vo. London, 1876. 14040 HAMERTON, P. G. The etcher's handbook. 3rd edition. 8vo. London, 1881. ^7557 HAMERTON, P. G. The graphic arts : a treatise on the varieties of drawing, painting and engraving, in comparison with each other and v/ith nature. Fol. London, 1882. 16491 HAMERTON, P. G. Etching and etchers. 8vo. Boston, 1883. 15721 HAMERTON, P. G. Portfolio papers. [Book illustration, 1888.1 8vo. London, 1889. 2596 HAMERTON, P. G. Photogravure and heliogravure. {In The Photographic Quarterly, Vol. i, 1889-90, pp. 217-223.) 17704 HAMERTON, P. G. Drawing and engraving : a brief ex- position of technical principles and practice. 8vo. London, 1892. 2112 HAMERTON, P. G. Philip Gilbert Hamerton : an autobio- graphy, 1834-58, and a memoir by his wife, 1858-94. 8vo. London, 1897. 17064 HAMILTON, J. Catalogue of printers' and bookbinders' re- quisites, etc. 8vo. Manchester [c. 1910]. 16971 HAMILTON, J. See Law, T. G. HAMILTON, Sir R. G. C. and BALL, J. Book-keeping. New edition. 8vo. Oxford, 1888. 2974 405 HAMILTON, T. Antar, a Bedoueen romance. 8vo. London, 1819. 3519 HAMILTON, W. The Union sacred tune book. [Music type.] i6mo. GLisg-ow, 1873. 754^ HAI^HLTON MANUFACTURING CO. Hamilton's wood type. Catalogue No. 14, 1899- 1900. 4to. Two Rivers, Wis., 1899. 9889 HAMILTON PALACE. See Beckford, W. HAMLIN, A. S. Copyright cases : a summary of leading .American decisions and on literary property, 1 891 -1903. Together with the text of the U.S. copyright statute, and a selection of recent copyright decisions of the courts of Great Britain and Canada. 8vo. New York, 1904. 8620 HAMMANN, J. H. H. Des arts graphiques destines a multi- plier par 1 'impression consideres sous le double point de vue historique et pratique. 8vo. Geneve, 1857. 10336 HAMMERSMITH : Public Libraries. Report of the com- missioners for the year ended 25th March, 1895, etc. 8vo. Kensington, 1895, etc. ^S77 HAMMERSMITH : Public Libraries. Catalogue of the public library, Ravenscourt Park. By S. Martin. 8vo. London, 1899. 6566 HAMMOND, H. A copy of some papers past at Oxford, betwixt [Mr. Hammond] and Mr. Ch. 2nd edition. 4to. London, 1650. 4654 (4) H[AMMOND], H. Of the reasonableness of Christian religion. 3rd edition. 4to. London, 1650. 4654 (5) H[AMMOND], H. A view of some exceptions to Lord Falk- land's discourse. 2nd edition. 4to. London, 1650. 4654 (2) HAMMOND, H. A view of some exceptions to the practical! catechisme. 4to. London [c. 1650]. 4654(3) [HAMMOND, H.] Of the power of the keyes. 4to. London, 1651. 4654(1) HAMMOND, H. The Christian obligations to peace and charity. 4to. London, 1652. 4654 (6) HAMMOND, J. G. The great fight against trade union tyranny. J. G. Hammond and Co., Ltd. versus A. C. Self and 34 other defendants. i2mo. London, 1908. 97^4 HAMONNET, P. M. L'encrage-le papier-les machines. Les notions d'impression. 8vo. La Roche-sur-Yon, 1900. 1687 HAMPDEN GLAZED PAPER & CARD CO. Sunburst covers. [Specimens.] 4to. Holyoke [1914]. 18278 HAMPE, T. Gedichte vom Hausrat aus dem 15. und 16. Jahrhundert. In Facsimiledruck herausgegeben. i2mo. Strass- burg, 1899. 1836 406 HAMST, O. , pseud. See Thomas, R. HANAUER, A. Les imprimeurs de Hagenau. 8vo. Mulhouse, 1901. 9550 HANCOCK, C. Specimen of music types. 8vo. London [c. 1845]. 6140 HANCOCK, E. C. The amateur pottery and glass painter. [Coloured plates.] 8vo. London [c. 1878]. 8418 HANDBOEK ter beoefening- der boekdrukkunst in Nederland, voorafgegaan van eene beknopte geschiedenis dezer kunst. 8vo. 's Gravenhage, 1844. 20873 HANDBOOK for advertisers and guide to advertising. By an old advertiser. 5th edition. 8vo. London, 1853. 14690 (i) HANDBOOK of coloured ornament. [36 coloured plates, with an explanatory leaf, but without title or other preliminary matter.] 4to. [c. 1880.] 239 HANDBOOK of taste in bookbinding. 8vo. London [c. 1850]. 22291 HANDMAID. The handmaid to the arts. Vol. 2, teaching the art of engraving, as also printing with colours in the way practised by Mr. Le Blon. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1764. 9^55 HANDMAID. The handmaid to the arts. New edition. [En- graving, colour printing, marbling paper.] 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1796. 1 735 1 HANDS, H. Half-tone direct from original negatives. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 3, 1897, p. 66.) PP HANDS, H. Oil lamps as an aid to exposure. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 4, 1898, p. 93.) PP HANDS, H. A new stripping and intensifying solution. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 5, 1899, p. 32.) PP HANDS, H. More experiments with the stops. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 6, 1900, p. 47.) PP HANDS, H. Half-tone enamel and treacle. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 6, 1900, p. 64.) PP HANDS, H. Experience or superstition. {In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, Vol. 7, igoi, pp. 111-112.) PP HANDS, H. Timing exposures. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 8, 1902-3, p. 104.) PP HANDS, H. For the man in the jungle. {In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, Vol. 9, 1903-4, pp. 45-46-) PP HANDS, H. A few words on dry plates for screen negatives. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 10, 1904-5, pp. 21-23.) PP HANDS, H. The best printing process for small workers, (/n Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, pp. 19-20.) PP 407 HANDS. H. Sharp shadow dots on dry plates. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, I'ol. 12, 1906-7, p. 95.) PP HANDS, H. Process in India. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol 13, 1 90/ -8, pp. 65-66.) PP HANDS, H. J. An appreciation. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, To/. 14, 1908-9, p. 92.) PP HANDY calculator. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, p. 108.) PP HANFSTAENGL, F. Photogravure reproductions of oil paintino-s by the Hanfstaengl process. Obl..8vo. London [1894]. 10853 [HANNETT, J.] Bibliopegia; or, the art of bookbinding, in all its branches. By J. A. Arnett [pseud., i.e. J. H.]. i2mo. London, 1835. 20574 [HANNETT, ].] Bibliopegia; or, the art of bookbinding, in all its branches. By J. A. Arnett [pseud., i.e. J. H.]. 2nd edition. [With MS. and printed additions.] i2mo. London, 1836. 2913 [HANNETT, J.] The bookbinders' school of design, as applied to the combination of tools in the art of finishing. By J. A. Arnett [pseud., i.e. J. H.J. 4to. London, 1837. 8473 [HANNETT, J.] An inquiry into the nature and form of the books of the ancients, with a history of the art of bookbinding. By J. A. Arnett [pseud., i.e. J. H.]. i2mo. London, 1837. 20571 HANNETT, J. An inquiry into the nature and form of the books of the ancients ; with a history of the art of bookbinding. New edition. i2mo. London, 1843. 612 HANNETT, J. Bibliopegia; or, bookbinding: in two parts. Pt. I — The books of the ancients, and history of the art of book- binding. Ft. 2 — The practical art of bookbinding. 6th edition. i2mo. London, 1865. 5459 HANNETT, J. See Brassington, W. S. HANNOVER, E. See Copenhagen : Danske Kunstindustri- museums. HANOTAUZ, G. and \TCAIRE, G. La jeunesse de Balzac. Balzac imprimeur, 1825-8. Sm. 4to. Paris, 1903. 3676 HANOVER : Kon. Offent. Bibliothek. Xylographische und typographische Incunabeln der K. O. B. zu Hannover. Von E. Bodemann. Fol. Hannover, 1866. 20788 HANS, L. Herstellung von Druckplatten mittelst Zinkatzung. i2mo. Leipzig [1870]. 23138 HANSARD, H. & SON. See England, 1886. HANSARD, J. and L. G. Biographical memoir of Luke Han- sard, many years printer to the House of Commons. 4to. [London], 1829. 21045 408 HANSARD, L. England's monarchs in characteristic costumes, with brief notices of their eventful reigns, 1066-1820. [With autograph letter from the author.] Fol. London, 1822. 16381 HANSARD, L. & SONS. See Eyre and Spottiswoode. HANSARD, T. C. Typographia : an historical sketch of the origin and process of the art of printing : with practical directions for conducting every department in an office. 8vo. London, 1825. 20466 HANSARD, T. C. Treatises on printing and type-founding. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1841. 21879 HANSARD, T. C. The art of printing : its history and practice from the days of John Gutenberg. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1851. 11973 HANSARD, T. C. Typographia. [Partial reprint of the 1825 edition.] 8vo. London [1869]. 20463 HANSEN, H. C, TYPE FOUNDRY. A book of types. 4to. Boston, 1909. ^^773 HANTZSCH, V. Die Landkartenbestande der Kon Offent. Bibliothek zu Dresden. [Beihefte zum Zentralblatt fiir Biblio- thekswesen, 28.] 8vo. Leipzig, 1904. 4535 HANUS, P. H. The technical continuation schools of Munich. i2mo. Boston, 1906. 9083 HARDER, M. See Kelchner, E. and Wulcker, R. HARDIE, M. English coloured books. 8vo. London, 1906. 7686 HARDIE, M. Frederick Goulding, master printer of copper plates. 4to. Stirling, 1910. 15086 HARDIE, M. See Lippmann, F. HARDING, TRIPHOOK & LEPARD. A general catalogue of books in the ancient and modern languages, and various classes of literature : for the year 1825. Part. i. 8vo. London, 1825. 18602 (i) HARDING, LEPARD & CO. A general catalogue of rare and valuable books. 8vo. London, 1826. 8582 HARDING, H. F. Holidays : a paper read at a meeting of the Crespin-Harding Pension Association. 8vo. London [1888]. 715 HARDING, J. Chronicle [of England]. 4to. London, 1543. 21216 HARDING, J. D. Views of Pompeii. Drawn on stone after drawings by W. Light. Fol. London, 1828. 13228 HARDING, J. D. Elementary art; or, the use of the lead pencil advocated and explained. Fol. London, 1834. ^^77 409 llARDlXCi, J. D. The baronial halls, picturesque edifices and ancient churches of England. [Drawn in lithotint] under the superintendence of Mr. Harding-. The text by S. C. Hall. Vol. i. Fol. London, 1845. 3354 HARDING, M. J. Snap-shot photography; or, the pleasures and advantag-es of hand camera work. 8vo. Bradford, 1895. 241 HARDING, R. C. New Zealand's first printer. [W. Colenso.] (7n Inland Printer, Vol. 7, 1889-90, p. 504.) PP [HARDING, R. C.] Typometry. S. sh. [1891.] 6274 HARDING, R. C. Recent type designs. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 13, 1894, p. 33, etc.) PP HARDING, R. C. The point system in typefounding-. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 13, 1894, p. 316, 421.) PP HARDING, R. C. Weak points in type-designing-. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 14, 1894-5, p. 28.) PP HARDING, R. C. Lining and set of type. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 14, 1894-5, PP- 131. 239-) PP HARDING, R. C. Systematic set in type-making. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 14, 1894-5, PP- 341-342, 529-) PP HARDING, R. C. Concerning fashions and taste [in type- founding]. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 15, 1895, pp. 277, 486.) PP HARDING, R. C. The lay of the upper case. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 17, 1896, p. 280.) PP HARDING, R. C. The right line in ornament. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 17, 1896, pp. 528-529.) PP HARDING, R. C. Typographic byways. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 18, 1896-7, pp. 37-39.) PP HARDING, R. C. Typographic nomenclature. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 18, 1896-7, p. 270.) PP HARDING, R. C. Recent experiments in standard reman. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 18, 1896-7, pp. 649-651.) PP HARDING, R. C. Typefounders' charges. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 20, 1S97-8, pp. 749-750.) PP HARDING, R. C. The weak spot in the alphabet. {In Inland Printer; Vol. 27, 1901, pp. 40-41.) PP HARDING, R. C. One-side printing. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 29, 1902, pp. 549-550.) PP HARDING, R. C. The make-up of books. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 31, 1903, pp. 361-364.) PP HARDING, R. C. Systematic face [of type]. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 32, 1903-4, pp. 673-676.) PP HARDING, R. C. The interpoint Braille types. A notable invention. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 33, 1904, pp. 44-45, 199.) PP 410 HARDING, R. C. The fallacy of tall types. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 33, 1904, pp. 666-668.) PP HARDING, R. C. Suggestions for standardization. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 35, 1905, pp. 202, 357.} PP HARDMAN, T. H. A parliament of the press : the first Imperial Press Conference. 4to. London, 1909. ii339 HARDSHIPS of publishing. See [Heinemann, W.] HARDY, D. The art of the hoarding, II. {In The New Review, Vol. 11, July, 1894, pp. 50-53.) 6796 HARDY, T. D. Report upon the documents in the archives and public libraries of Venice. 8vo. London, 1866. 11015 HARDY, W. J. Book-plates. 8vo. London, 1893. 242 HARE, H. T. Public libraries. I — Some suggestions for a simple architectural plan. By H. T. Hare. II — Library planning as affected by modern library policy and interior arrangements. By J. D. Brown. 4to. London, 1907. 8791 HARE, T. L. The colour age. [Booklet relating to Dalziel's stereos.] 4to. London, 1909. 11326 HARE, W. L. The Court of the Printers' Guild. With decorations by L. Eraser. 8vo. London, 1914. 18369 HARE & CO. All the world at the fair. [Example of chromo- typography.] i2mo. London [1893]. 1383 HARGRAVE, F. An argument in defence of literary property. i2mo. London, 1774. 11005 HARGREAVES, C. Finishing and reproduction of retouched photographs. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, pp. 175-176.) PP HARGREAVES, C. The genesis of printing, {hi Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, pp. 175-176.) PP HARIOT, T. Narrative of the first English plantation of Virginia in 1585. Reprinted from the edition of 1590 [Frankfurt]. 4to. London, 1893. 10022 HARIVALLUBHDAS, K. & CO. Specimens of ornamental and jobbing type. No. 3. 8vo. Bombay [1890]. 6463 HARLAND, J. W. The printing arts : an epitome of en- graving, lithograhy and printing. 8vo. London, 1892. 243 HARLAND, J. W. Trichromatic and photo-process printing. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 14, 1894-5, PP- 544-545-) PP HARLEIAN Miscellany, 8 vols. 4to. London, 1744-6. 5376 HARLEIAN Miscellany. Vol. i. 8vo. London, 1808. 5779 HARLESDEN : Public Library. Catalogue of books added to the lending department from June, 1902, to December, 1908. Compiled by E. C. Kyte. 8vo. London, 1909. 17765 411 HARLESDEN : Public Library. Classified list of music and musical literature in the lending- and reference departments. i2mo. London, 1913. ^T7T^ HARLESS, C. F. Die Litteratur der crsten hundert Jahre nach der Erfindung- der Typographic, in den mcisten Hauptfiichern der W'issenschaften. Ein IBeitrag zur Geschichte dieser Wissen- schaften in Mittelalter, etc. 8vo. Leipzig, 1840. 4029 HARLEY, G. Six essays in lithography. Fol. London, 1819. 6622 HARLEY, R., Earl 0/ Oxford. Catalogus bibliothecae Har- leianae. 5 vols. 8vo. Londini, 1743-5. 20597 HARMS, B. Zur liintwickelungsgeschichte der Deutschen Buchbinderei in der zweiten Halfte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Tech- nisch — Statistisch — Volkswirtschaftlich. 8vo. Tubingen, 1902. 3262 HARMSWORTH, A. C, Lord Northcliffe. The romance of the Daily Mail. 8vo. London, 1893. 15416 HARMSWORTH, A. C, Lord Northcliffe. Making a modern newspaper. Some secrets revealed. (In Harmworth's Magazine, July, 1898.) 1471 [HARNESS, W.] The first-born. A drama. Sq. i2mo. London, 1844. • 15716 HAROLD, H. G. The new American embossing- process. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 2, 1896, pp. 98-99.) PP HAROLD, H. G. Three or four-colour work. [In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, ]'ol. 6, 1900, pp. 36-37.) PP HARPEL, O. H. Harpel's typograph, or book of specimens. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1870. 460 HARPEL, O. H. Poets and poetry of printerdom. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1875. 20446 HARPER, C. G. English pen artists of to-day : examples of their work with some criticisms and appreciations. Fol. London, 1S92. 8235 HARPER, C. G. A practical handbook of drawing for modern methods of reproduction. 8vo. London, 1894. 246 HARPER, C. G. Note on the preparation of drawings for reproduction. {In Wilkinson, W. T. : Photo-engraving. 5th edition, 1894.) ^28 HARPER, J. H. The house of Harper : a century of pub- lishing in Franklin Square. 8vo. New York, 1912. 16101 HARPER BROS. See Abbott, J. HARRAP, C. The art craft of lithography. [A lecture.] {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 40, April 29, 1897, p. 261.) PP 412 HARRAP, C. Turpentine and its substitutes for letterpress and lithography. (In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 45, Nov. 16, 1899, P- 279-) PP HARRAP, C. Text book of metalography (printing from metals) : being- a full consideration of the nature and properties of zinc and aluminium and their treatment as planographic printing surfaces. i2mo. Leicester, 1909. 11718 HARRAP, C. The middleman in art. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, pp. 129-131.) PP HARRAP, C. The decadence of aquatint and etching in England. [In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, pp. 145-150.) PP HARRAP, C. A reflection. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 191 1-2, pp. 54-56.) PP HARRAP, C. Letterpress and lithographic printing as one indivisible trade, {hi Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 1911-2, pp. 137-141-) PP HARRAP, C. Paper from the lithographic printer's stand- point. {In The World's Paper Trade Review, March 22, 1912, etc.) PP HARRAP, C. Transferring. The practice of transferring to stone, zinc and aluminium. Svo. Leicester, 1912. 16495 HARRAP, C. Metalography (printing from metals) and offset printing. 2nd edition. Svo. Leicester, 1912. 16494 HARRAP, C. The intaglio plate versus direct photography for offset printing. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 172-176.) PP HARRAP, C. The Wogdon Press. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 247-252.) PP HARRILD & SONS. Specimens of new type. 8vo. London [c. i860]. 6329 HARRILD & SONS. List of prices of printing machines, presses, steam engines, and every other article connected with the various branches of the printing business, bookbinding, etc. 4to. London [c. i860]. 3985 HARRILD & SONS. List of sizes, prices and testimonials of Main's patent Economic gripper machine. 8vo. London [c. 1861]. 13700 HARRILD & SONS. Illustrated catalogue of machinery and materials for bookbinders and stationers. 4to. London [1877]. 6450 HARRILD cK: SONS. Catalogue of new machinery, etc., for printers, etc. Svo. London [c. 1880]. 6425 413 HARRILD X: SONS. Illustrated catalog-ue of printing, litho- g-raphic and binding machinery and materials. 4to. London [c. 1885]. 1017 HARRILD & SONS. Specimens of printing types, etc. Svo. London [c. 1886]. 3797 HARRILD (!<: SONS. Specimens of printing types, etc. Svo. London [c. 1886]. 9708 HARRILD X: SONS. Illustrated catalogue of printing, litho- graphic and binding machinery and materials. 4to. London L1889I. 6451 HARRILD & SONS. Complete illustrated catalogue of printers', bookbinders' and stationers' machinery and materials. 4to. London [1892]. 3102 HARRILD &• SONS. Catalogue of printing machinery and materials, with selected type specimens. Svo. London [c. 1895]. 1277 HARRILD & SONS. Catalogue of machinery and materials for printers, bookbinders, etc., with selections of modern printing types. Svo. London [1903]. 3616 HARRILD & SONS. Catalogue of machinery and materials for printers, bookbinders, stereotypers, electrotypers, etc., with selections of modern printing types. Svo. London, 1906. 7508 HARRILD & SONS. Abridged list of composing room fittings, renewing rollers, etc. Obi. i2mo. London, 1913. ^7432 HARRILD & SONS. Printing machinery for half-tone and three-colour work. Obi. Svo. London [c. 1913]. 16930 HARRILD & SONS. Machinery and materials for stereotypers, electrotypers, process block makers, etc. Obi. Svo. London [1913]. 17946 HARRILD & SONS. A general catalogue of machinery and materials for printers. Obi. Svo. London, 1913. 17920 HARRIS, D. F. Caroline Park House and Roystoun Castle [now in the possession of Messrs. A. B. Fleming and Co.] 4to. Chiswick [1S96]. 3352 HARRIS, D. F. Caroline Park House and Roystoun Castle [now in the possession of Messrs. A. B. Fleming and Co., with specimens of their inks]. Fol. Chiswick [1S96]. 3070 HARRIS, I. From pulp to paper, {hi Cassell's Magazine, Sept., 1S98.) 1 1 18 HARRIS, J. A pleasant history of the first inventors in the whole world. [Notes on printing, /?/?. 100, 155.] i2mo, London, 1686. 2 1 130 HARRIS, J. Lexicon Technicum ; or, an universal English dictionary of arts and sciences. 2 vols. [Vol. i is of the 3rd edition. Printing, Vol. 2.] Fol. London, 1716-10. 2877 414 HARRIS, L. I. The history of paper. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 41, 1908, p. 852.) PP HARRIS, \V. See Turner, M. and Harris, W. HARRIS, W. J. The first printed translations into English of the great foreig-n classics. i2mo. London, 1909. 11 191 HARRIS AUTOMATIC PRESS CO. Illustrated catalogue of the Harris automatic card and envelope press. i2mo. Niles, O. , 1899. 2149 HARRISON, C. From office-boy to publisher : a record of 43 years of work. 8vo. London [191 1]. 17884 HARRISON, J. A manual of the type-writer. i2mo. London, 1888. 2914 HARRISON, R. The French clandestine press in Holland. {In The Library, 1893.) 2849 HARRISON, R. See London Library. HARRISON, W. J. A history of photography: with an appendix by Dr. [R. L.] Maddox on the discovery of the gelatino- bromide process. 8vo. Bradford, 1888. 247 HARRISON, W. J. Was photography discovered a century ago? {In The Photographic Quarterly, Vol. i, 1889-90, pp. 35-43-) 17704 HARRISON, W. J. Wedgwood and Davy: what they did for photography a hundred years ago. {In The Photographic Quarterly, Vol. i, 1889-90, pp. 161-173.) 17704 HARRISON, W. R. Suggestions for illuminating. 4to. London fc. 1870]. 248 HARRISON & SONS. List of Egyptian hieroglyphic type. 4to. London, 1892. 8839 HARRISON & SONS. Some speciahties. 8vo. London, 1915. 18887 HARRISON & SONS. Specimens of some Archaic, Oriental, Hieroglyphic, Slavonic and other special type founts. 8vo. London [1915]. 18907 HARRISSE, H. Les premiers incunables Balois et leurs derives. 1471-84, Essai de synthase typographique. 2e. edition. 8vo. Paris, 1902. 3729 HARROW : Technical School. Programme of classes. Session 1907-8. 8vo. Harrow, 1907. 11279 HART, A. See Cowan, W. HART, C. H. Franklin in allegory. {In The Century Illus- trated Monthly Magazine, Dec, 1890, pp. 197-204.) 31 16 HART, E. Cantor lectures on Japanese art industries. 8vo. London, 1895. 1899 415 HAR r, !■. c*v- CO. Specimens of old style types in the printing omce of 1'". 11. and Co. 8vo. New York, 1877. 462 HART, V. 6c CO. Specimens of pointed texts, and black letters in the printing ollice of F. H. and Co. 8vo. New York, 1S78. 461 HART, G. E. The trouble in the printing trade. {In The Magazine of Commerce, June, 1903.) 35 1 7 HART, G. E, The printing industry in 1906. {In The Magazine of Commerce, Vol. 10, 1907, pp. 53-55.) 9^53 HART, G .E. The printers' Exhibition. {In The Magazine of Commerce, Vol. 4, 1904, pp. 422-424.) 9^53 HART, G. E. The Linotype : a comparison of cost. 8vo. London, 1908. 9920 HART, H. Charles, Earl Stanhope and the Oxford University Press. {Ill Oxford Historical Society : Collectanea [c. 1895], pp. 363-412.) 607 HART, H. Notes on a century of typography at the University Press, Oxford, 1693-1794. Fol. Oxford, 1900. 1790 HART, H. On some types in use at the Oxford University Press. {In The Printing Art, Vol. 2, 1904, p. 157.) PP HART, H. See Oxford : University Press. HARTE, B. The Queen of the Pirate Isle. Illustrated by K. Greenaway. Engraved and printed by E. Evans. Sq. 8vo. London [c. 1885]. 3787 HARTENBACH, J. R. v. See Ritschel von Hartenbach, J. HARTLEY & SON. Specimens of printing. 4to. Sheflfield, 1892. 10837 HARTMANN, L. Das Gesetz iiber Presse vom 12 Mai 1851. 8vo. Berlin, 1865. 22255 HARTMANN, M. The Arabic press of Egypt. 8vo. London, 1899. 7627 HARTMANN, O. Die Entwicklung der Literatur und der Buchhandel. 8vo. Leipzig [1910]. 13410 HARTMANN, S. A history of American art. 2 vols. [The graphic arts, pp. 94-159.] 8vo. London, 1903. 4075 HARTSHORNE, C. H. The book rarities in the University of Cambridge. 8vo. London, 1829. 5682 HARTSHORNE, C. H. The origin of printing: being the substance of a lecture. 8vo. Northampton [1852]. 21564 HARTUNG, C. J. Epreuves des caract^res. Fol. Anvers, 1821. 21497(1) [HARTUNG, G. F.] Geschichte der Buchdruckereien in Konigsberg. 8vo. Konigsberg [1840J. 23413 416 HARTWF.LL HOUSE. Catalogue of theological books in the library at Hartwell House, Bucks. " 8vo. London, 1855. 8844 HARTWIG, O. Zur Geschichte der Erfindung der Buch- druckerkunst. (Separat-Abdruck aus dem Centralblatt fiir Biblio- thekswesen.) 8vo. [Leipzig, c. 1886.] 22671 HARTWIG, O. Festschrift zum funfhundertjahrigen Geburts- tage von Johann Gutenberg. 4to. Mainz, 1900. ^934 HARTWIG, O. See Stauber, R. HARUNOBU, S. See Kurth, J. HARVARD UNIVERSITY : Library. 8th report of librarian, 1904-5. 8vo. [Cambridge], 1905. 8456 HARVEY, J. Praesagium medicum ; or, the prognostick signs of acute diseases. 8vo. London, 1706. 7^64 HARVEY, T. See Schola Cordis. HARVEY, W. Scottish chapbook literature. Sm. 4to. Paisley, 1903. 3613 HARVIE, C. See Schola Cordis. HARWOOD, E. A view of the various editions of the Greek and Roman classics. 4th editon. i2mo. London, 1790. 5442 HASE, C. B. De libello geometrico Epaphroditi et Vitruvii Rufi in cod. MS. Bibliothecae Caesareae Parisiis Conservato dialogus. 8vo. [Leipzig, 1812.] 23328 HASE, O. v. Die Koberger. Eine Darstellung des buchhiind- lerischen Geschaftsbetriebes in der Zeit des Uberganges vom Mittelalter zur Neuzeit. 2te. Auflage. 8vo. Leipzig, 1885. 20028 HASE, O. V. Forderung des altesten Buchhandels durch die Stadtbehorden. Nach Urkunden des Niirnberger Kreisarchives. Ein Nachtrag zu des Verfassers Schrift : Die Koberger. 8vo. Leipzig, 1886. 1 1305 HASE, O. V. Development of the book industries of Leipzig. 8vo. Leipzig, 1887. 523 HASE, O. v. Die Entwickelung des Buchgewerbes in Leipzig. 4to. Leipzig, 1887. 105 10 HASLEWOOD, J. See Berners, Dame J. HASLUCK, P. N. How to write signs, tickets and posters. 6th 1,000. i2mo. London, 1896. 863 HASLUCK, P. N. Decorative designs of all ages for all purposes. 8vo. London, 1899. 1825 HASLUCK, P. N. Cassell's cyclopaedia of mechanics, ist series. 4to. London, 1900. 1885 HASLUCK, P. N. Engraving metals. i2mo. London, 1901. 2679 HASLUCK, P. N. Bookbinding. i2mo. London [1902]. 2839 417 27 HASPER, \V. Handbuch dor Buchdruckerkunst. 8vo. Carls- riihe, 1S35. 20069 HASSALL, J. An active army alphabet. 4to. London, 1899. 1798 HASSARD, J. R. G. The wonders of the press. 8vo. New York, 187S. 3032 HASSE, F. C. A. Kurze Geschichte der Leipzig-er Buch- druckerkunst im Verlaufe ihres vierten Jahrhunderts. 8vo. Leip- zig-, 1840. 22594 HASSE, F. C. A. Typographiae Lipsiensis, imprimis saeculi quarti, historiae brevis adumbrata. 4to. [Lipsiae, 1840.] 23005 HASSELL, J. Calcog-raphia ; or, the art of multiplying-, with perfection, drawings, after the manner of chalk, black lead pencil, and pen and ink. 4to. London, 181 1. 8826(1) HASSELL, J. Graphic delineation. A practical treatise on the art of etching. 4to. London, 1826. 3398 HASSELQUIST, A. Boktryckstyper under 15. till 19. Arhund- radet. 4to. Stockholm, 1905. 11253 HASSLER, J. F. L. Musterblatter alt deutscher Schriften. Obi. Fol. Niirnberg [c. 1830]. 3456 HASSLER, K. D. Die Buchdrucker-Geschichte Ulm's. 4to. Ulm, 1840. 20545 HASSLER, K. D. Explicatio monumenti typographic! anti- quissimi nuper reperti. Accedunt supplementa nonnulla ad auctoris historiam typographiae Ulmanae. 4to. Ulmae, 1840. 22881 HASSLER, K. D. Ueber die alteste Geschichte der Fabrikation des Leinen-papiers. {In Verhandlungen des Vereins fiir Kunst und Alterthum in Ulm und Oberschwaben, Bericht 2-4, 1844-6.) 22961 (i) HATCHARDS. See Humphreys, A. L. HATIN, E. Histoire politique et litteraire de la presse en France, avec une introduction historique sur les origines du journal et la bibliographic generale des journaux depuis leur origine. 8 vols. i2mo. Paris, 1859-61. 8827 HATIN, E. Bibliographie historique et critique de la presse periodique francaise. 8vo. Paris, 1866. 21042 HATTON, J. Printing and bookbinding. {In Bevan, G. P. : British manufacturing industries, 1876.) 20360 HATTON, J. Journalistic London. 8vo. London, 1882. 10192 HATTON, J. The oldest London journalist. [Mr. Thomas Catling.] {In The People, Dec. 16, 1906.) 8291 HAUGHTON, H. J. E pluribus unum. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp. 166-168.) PP 418 HAUPTBLATTER graphischer Kunst. 15.-18. Jahrhundert. Fol. Berlin [c. 1890]. 11540 HAURON, A. D. du. See Ducos du Hauron, A. HAUSENSTEIN, W. Der Bauern-Bruegel. [Klassische Illustratoren, VI.] Svo. Miinchen, igio. 13794 HAUSENSTEIN, W. Rokoko : Franzosische und deutsche Illustratoren des iSten. Jahrhunderts. [Klassische Illustratoren, VIII.] Svo. Miinchen, 1912. 15865 HAUSSNER, A. See Miiller, E. and Haussner, A. HAUSLEITER, F. Two new processes. {In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 15-16.) PP HAUY, ( ). Essai sur I'education des aveugles. [With specimens of printing- for the blind.] 4to. Paris, 1786. 57o8 HAVENS, M. A. Horace Walpole and the Strawberry Hill press, 1757-89. Svo. Canton, Pa., 1901. 3331 HAVERMANS, R. L'imprimerie d'art. Dessins de L. Rion. 4to. Bruxelles [c. 1912]. 18033 HAVRE, G. V. Marques typographiques des imprimeurs et libraires anversois. 2 pts. [Maatschappij der Antwerp. Bibliop. Uitgave Nrs. 13 and 14.] Svo. Antwerpen, 1883-4. 20048 HAVRE, G. V. Vente de livres. Bibliotheque G. v. H. le. partie. Svo. Amsterdam, 1905. 9104 HAVRE, G. V. See Bertrijn, G. HAWAIIAN CLUB. Hawaiian Club papers. Edited by a committee of the Club. Svo. Boston, 1868. 10188 HAWEIS, Mrs. H. R. See Chaucer, G. HAWES, B. See Edwards, E. HAWKINS, R. C. Titles of the first books from the earliest presses, established before the end of the 15th century. 4to. New York, 1884. 5153 HAWTHORNE, N. See Grolier Club. HAY, D. R. The laws of harmonious colouring. 3rd edition. Svo. Edinburgh, 1836. 2490 HAY, D. R. The principles of beauty in colouring system- atized. Svo. Edinburgh, 1845. 11751 HAY, D. R. A nomenclature of colours applicable to the arts and natural sciences, etc. 2nd edition. Svo. Edinburgh, 1S46. 1494 HAY, W. A colour chart. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. I, 1S95, p. 51.) PP HAY, W. Pen ruling illustrated. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 3, 1897, pp. 116-117.) PP HAYDEN, A. Chats on old prints. Svo. London, 1906. S173 419 HAVDEN, W. H. c*v- CO. Illustrated catalog-ue of stationers' sundries and general stationery. 4to. London [c. 1897]. 3182. HAYES, T. Catalog-ue of books and MSS. New Series. No. 9. 8vo. Manchester [c. 1880]. 18019 HAYES (UNIVERSAL) PRINTING MACHINERY, Ltd. The Hayes patent all-rotary simultaneous multi-colour printing press. 8vo. Letchworth [c. 1914J. 18239 HAYM, N. F. Biblioteca Italiana, o sua notizia de' libri rari nella lingua Italiana. 4to. Venezia, 1728. 10186 HAYM, N. F. Biblioteca Italiana, o sia notizia de' libri rari Italiani. 2 vols. 4to. Milano, 177 1-3. 16835, HAYM, N. F. Bibliotheca Italiana ossia notizia de libri rari Italiana. 4 vols. 8vo. Milano, 1803. 2474 HAYMAN, CHRISTY & LILLY. Jubilee year, 1851-1901. Obi. i6mo. London, 1901. 2595 HAYNIE, J. Der lithographische Umdruck nach dem heutigen Stande dieser Technik. 8vo. Frankfurt, 1900. 2159 [HAYTER, Dr.] An essay on the liberty of the press. 3rd edition. 8vo. London [c. 1710]. 20391 (5) HAYTER, J. A report upon the Herculaneum manuscripts in a second letter to the Prince Regent. 4to. London, 1811. 16414 HAZANAS Y LA RUA, J. La imprenta en Sevilla. Ensayo de una historia de la tipografia Sevillana y noticias de algunos de sus impresores desde la introduccion del arte tipografico en esta ciudad hasta el ano de 1800. Sq. 8vo. Sevilla, 1892. 8923 HAZELL, WATSON & VINEY. After hours: being some account of the institutions at work among the employes of H. W. and V. 8vo. London, 1898. 1182 HAZELL, WATSON & VINEA', Ltd. Issue of ;^50,ooo preference shares. Fol. London, 191 1. 15084 HAZELL, WATSON & VINEY, Ltd. Hazell's : being some account of the provident and social institutions connected with [the firm]. 8vo. London [1912]. 16435 HAZELL, WATSON & VINEY, Ltd. Types : being some of the leading founts in use at the Kirby Street Works. 8vo. London [1913]- 16802 HAZELL, WATSON & VINEY, Ltd. Dinner on the occasion of the foundation of Messrs. Hazell, Watson and Viney, Ltd., April 3rd, 1914. 8vo. London, 1914. 18146 HAZELL'S MAGAZINE. A monthly journal. Vols. i-io. 8vo. London, 1887-96. PP HAZLITT, W. C. Handbook to the popular, poetical and dramatic literature of Great Britain, from the invention of printing to the Restoration. 8vo. London, 1867. 21482 420 HAZLITT, W. C. Collections and notes, 1867-76. 8vo. London, 1876. 5683 HAZLITT, W. C. Bibliographical collections and notes. 2nd i(3rd, Suppl., 2nd suppl., 4th) series. 5^0/5. 8vo. London, 1882- 1903. 21481 HAZLITT, W. C. Old cookery books and ancient cuisine. i2mo. London, 1886. 5441 HAZLITT, W. C. Gleaning-s in old garden literature. i2mo. London, 1887. 5455 HAZLITT, W. C. Studies in jocular literature. i2mo. London, 1890. 5439 HAZLITT, W. C. A general index to Hazlitt's handbook and his bibliographical collections (1867-89). By G. J. Gray. Svo. London, 1893. 3621 HAZLITT, W. C. The confessions of a collector. 8\o. London, 1897. 2328 HAZLITT, W. C. The book-collector : a general survey of the pursuit and of those who have engaged in it. Sq. i2mo. London, 1904. 6894 HAZLITT, W. C. See Hundred merry tales ; Rinder, F. HEACOCK, VV. W. The first web printing press. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 32, 1903-4, pp. 112-113.) PP [HEAD, Sir F. B.] The printer's devil. [On Messrs. Clowes' printing othce.] {In The Quarterly Review, Dec, 1839.) 1912 [HEAD, Sir F. B.] The printer's devil. Messrs. Clowes and Sons' printing office. Reprinted from the Quarterly Review, Dec, 1839. 8vo. London [1848]. 20414 [HEAD, Sir F. B.] Bubbles from the Brunnen of Nassau. By •an old man. 7th edition. [Illustrations by Burges's Patent Paneidolon.] 8vo. London, 1866. 95^0 HEAD, W. Why is it? {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 10, 1904-5, pp. 33-40.) PP HEAD, W. Where are we to-day [1905]? {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, p. 29-32.) PP HEAD, W. W. The Victoria Press : its history and vindi- ■cation, with an account of the movement for the employment of females in printing. 8vo. London, i86g. 2886 HEALD, F. B. A selection of suggestive designs. Fol. Nottingham [c 1875]. 1819 HEARNE, T. Reliquiae Hearnianae. Remains collected with notes by P. Bliss. 2nd edition. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1869. 5370 HEARST, W. R. See New York : Independence League. 421 HEATH, F. Stationery styles of the smart set. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 31, 1903, pp. 54. 205, 379, 539, 700-) PP HEATH'S PICTURESQUE ANNUAL FOR 1833. 8vo. London, 1S33. ^942 HEATHCOTE, C. The routing- machine : a retrospect. (/« Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 10, 1904-5, pp. 29-32.) PP HEATHCOTE, C. The electric drive. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, pp. 25-28.) PP HEATHCOTE, C. A glimpse of American amateur photo- graphy in the sixties. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, pp. 145-147O PP HEATHCOTE, C. A plea for wood engraving. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 21-24.) PP HEATHCOTE, R. Catalogue of a collection of books formed from the general duplicates of that distinguished amateur, R. H. 8vo. London, 1803. 18458 HEATHCOTE, Sir W. Catalogue of books at Hursley Park. Arranged by J. Darling. [Lithographed throughout.] 4to. London, 1834, 15823 HEATHER, G. Types and typefounding. Letting in the light. fA lecture.] {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 30, 1892, P 2S2.) PP HEATHER, G. [The evolution of typefounding. A lecture.] {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 33, April 12, 1894, p. 263.) PP HEATON, A. A record of work [in furniture design. With illustrations]. 4to. London [c. 1890]. 1405 HEATON, Mrs. C. The life of Albrecht Durer. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1881. 10144 HEATON, J. L. The story of a page, thirty years of public service and public discussion in the editorial columns of The New York World. 8vo. New York, 19 13. 17809 HEBER, R. Bibliotheca Heberiana. Catalogue of the library of Richard Heber, Esq. 13 vols. 8vo. London, 1834-7. 7444- HEBER, R. Catalogue of the hbrary of the late R. Heber. Pt. 4. 8vo. London, 1834, 6013, HEBERT, L. The engineer's and mechanic's encyclopaedia.. [Engraving, lithography, paper, printing.] 8vo. London, 1836. 2833. HEBRARD, J. De la librairie, son ancienne prosp^rite, son etat actuel, causes de sa decadence, moyens de regeneration. 8vo. Paris, 1847. 12592 HECKETHORN, C. W. The printers of Basle in the i5tb and i6th centuries. Fol. London, 1897. 1097 422 HEDDERWICK & SON, J. Reference book exhibiting the various sizes of type with which their office is furnished. 8vo. Glasgow, 1823. 5366 HEDGER, F. Printing in America. The chief American offices and works described. [A lecture.] {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 24, Feb. 24, iSgS, pp. iio-iii.) PP HEDOU, J. La lithographic a Rouen. Svo. Rouen, 1877. 1 1787 HEEROMA, A. & CO. Album gezichten uit Nederland. Obi. fol. Amsterdam [1902]. 3453 HEICHEN, P. Ueber Satz und Correctur des Franzosischen. (Buchdrucker Grammatik.) 8vo. Leipzig [1878]. 20657 HEICHEN, P. Taschen-Lexikon der hervorragenden Buch- drucker und Buchhandler seit Gutenberg bis auf die Gegenwart. i2mo. Leipzig, 1884. 20333 HEICHEN, P. Deutsches polygraphisches Kompendium. En- cyklopadisches Hand- und Lehrbuch fiir Buchdruck, Schrift- giesserei, Buchhandel, etc. 8vo. Leipzig, 1884. 22030 HEICHEN, P. Die Drucker- und Verleger-Zeichen der Gegenwart. Obi. 410. Berlin, 1892. 4057 HEIDELBERG. Zum Gedachtniss der vierten Sacularfeier der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst zu Heidelberg an 24 Juni, 1840. Svo. Heidelberg, 1840. 22577 HEIDENHEIMER, H. Johannes Gutenberg in den Schof- ferschen Drucken des deutschen Livius. {In Zeitschrift fiir Bucher- freunde, Vol. 2, 1898, pp. 368-371.) PP HEIDENREICH & HARBECK. The Hansa automatic stone grinding machine. 4to. Hamburg [c. 1907]. 12460 HEILIGENSTADT: Kon. Kathol. Gymnasium. Verzeichniss und Beschreibung der im Besitze des Gymnasiums befindlichen Inkunabeln von Oberlehrer Adolf Kniitgen. 4to. Heiligenstadt, 1888. 6892 HEILMAYER, J. A. Lehrbuch fur Buchdrucker. Satz. 8vo. Wien, 1910. "^^7^7 HEIM, J. Album lithographique. 6 pts. 4to. Paris [c. 1890]. 5 HEINE, T. T. See Esswein, H. ; Poppenberg, F. [HEINECKEN, K. H. v.] Idee g^n^rale d'une collection complette d'estampes. Avec une dissertation sur I'origine de la gravure. Svo. Leipsic, 1771. 5666 [HEINEMANN, W.] The hardships of publishing. Sm. 4to. Privately printed, 1893. 733^ [HEINSIUS, D.] Laus asine : tertia parte auctior. i6mo. Lugd. Bat., 1629. 2 1 142 423 lUCINSIUS, W. Allgcmcines Biicher-Lexikon oder voU- standiges Alphabetisches Verzeichniss der von 1700 bis zu Ende 1810 [1815] erschienenen Bucher, welche in Dcutschland und in den durch Sprachc und Literatur damit verwandten Liindern o-edruckt wordcn iind. s '^'oJs. 4to. Leipzig, 1812-7. 7456 H[EISS], Baron d'. Catalogue des livres de la biblioth^que. 8vo. Paris, 1782. 16761 HEITZ, P. Elsassische Biichermarken bis Anfang des 18. Jahrhunderts. Mit Vorbemerkungen und Nachrichten iiber die Drucker von K. A. Barack. 4to. Strassburg, 1892. 838 HEITZ, P. Originalabdruck von Formschneider-Arbeiten des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts. 2te. Auflage. 3 pts. Fol. Strassburg, 1892-9. 1 84 1 HEITZ, P. Der Initialschmuck in den elsassischen Drucken des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts. ite. Reihe. Die Zierinitialen in den Drucken des Thomas Anshelm (Hagenau 1516-23). 4to. Strassburg, 1894. 1839 HEITZ, P. Basler Biichermarken bis zum Anfang des 17. Jahrhunderts. Mit Vorbemerkungen und Nachrichten iiber die Basler Drucker von C. C. BernouUi. Fol. Strassburg, 1895. 3692 HEITZ, P. Die Ziircher Biichermarken bis zum Anfang des 17. Jahrhunderts. Fol. Ziirich, 1895. 9553 HEITZ, P. Frankfurter und Mainzcr Drucker- und Verle- gerzeichen, bis in das 17. Jahrhundert. Fol. Strassburg, 1896. 3737 HEITZ, P. Der Initialschmuck in den elsassischen Drucken des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts. 2te. Reiche. Zierinitialen in Drucken des Johann Griininger. ler. Theil. (Strassburg, 1483- 1531) und des Johann Herwagen (Strassburg, 1522-8). 4to. Strassburg, 1897. 1838 HEITZ, P. Die Kolner Biichermarken bis Anfang des 17. Jahrhunderts. Mit Nachrichten iiber die Drucker von O. Zar- etzky. Fol. Strassburg, 1898. 3794 HEITZ, P. Neujahrswiinsche des 15. Jahrhunderts. 2te. Ausgabe. 4to. Strassburg, 1900. 1837 HEITZ, P. Les filigranes des papiers contenus dans les in- cunables Strasbourgeois de la Biblioth^que Imperiale de Stras- bourg. 4to. Strasbourg, 1903. 37^^ HEITZ, P. Les filigranes avec la crosse de Bale. 4to. Stras- bourg, 1904. 4939 HEITZ, P. Genfer Buchdrucker- und Verlegerzeichen im 15. 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. Fol. Strassburg, 1908. 9779 424 HEITZ, P. Unbekannte Ausgaben g-eistlicher und weltlicher Lieder, Volksbiicher und eines alten ABC-Biichleins gedruckt von Thiebold Berger (Strassburg, 1551-84). 4to. Strassburg, igii. 14242 HEITZ, P. See Schneeli, G. and Heitz, P. HELBIG, H. Notice sur les descendants de P. Schoeffer, qui •exerc^rent I'imprimerie a Bois-le-Duc, de p^re et fils, depuis I'an 1541 jusqu'en 1796. 8vo. Gand, 1846. 17636 HELBIG, H. Essai d'une solution a cette question tant debattue : Quel est I'iniprimeur du I5e. si^cle qui a employe la singuli^re lettre majuscule R? 8vo. [c. 1850.] 12605 HELBIG, H. Le plus ancien typographe li^geois. 8vo. Ic. 1850]. 17650 HELBIG, H. Une decouverte pour I'histoire de Timprimerie : Les plus anciens caract^res de Gutenberg et ce qui en est advenu. — Albert Pfister, imprimeur a Bamberg — la Bible de 36 lignes. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1855. 17656 HELBIG, H. Notes et dissertations relatives a I'histoire de I'imprimerie. 8vo. Bruxelles [1863]. 21991 HELE PAPER CO., Ltd. Samples, sizes and weights of papers stocked. 4to. [Hele, c. 1910.] 17274 HELIOTYPE CO. The heliotype process described and illus- trated. 4to. London [c. 1872]. 22786 HELLER, A. Das Buchdruckgewerbe die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung seiner technischen Entwicklung. 8vo. Miinchen, 1911. 14618 HELLER, J. Geschichte der Holzschneidekunst. 8vo. Bam- berg, 1823. 869 HELLER, J. Praktisches Handbuch fiir Kupferstichsammler. 3 vols. 8vo. Bamberg, 1823-36. 13227 HELLER, J. Leben Georg Erlinger's Buchdruckers und Form- ■schneiders zu Bamberg. 8vo. Bamberg, 1837. 21350 HELLER, J. B. Wohlgemeynte Gedancken iiber Fiihrung einer Buchdruckerey, bey Feyerung des 3. Jubel Festes der Buch- drucker-Kunst kiirtzlich eroffnet. 8vo. Erffurt, 1740. 20104(3) HELLWIG, W. Der Satz und die Behandlung fremder Spra- chen. Ein Hilfsbuch fiir Schriftsetzer und Correctoren. 2te. Auflage. [Klimsch's Graphische Bibliothek. Bd. 6.] 8vo. Frankfurt a. M., 1901. 2158 HELLWIG, W. Der Satz chemischer und mathematischer Formeln. [Monographien des Buchgewerbes. Bd. 3.] i6mo. Leipzig, 1909. 14044 HELMER, F. F. Some folds in paper and their uses to the printer. [In Inland Printer, Vol. 24, 1899-1900, pp. 359-360.) PP 425 HELMER, F. F. More folds and a few other devices for the- printer. [In Inland Printer, Vol 24, 1899- 1900, pp. 677-679.) PP HELMER, F. F. The Pan-American Exposition. {In Inland; Printer, Vol 27, 1901, pp. 580-591-) ^^ HELINIER, F. F. Display composition. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 33, 1904', p. 41— Vol. 34, i904-5> P- 839-) PP' HELMER F. F. Hints on composition from Secession art. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 39, 1907. PP- 362-366.) PP" HELMOLT, H. F. Kritisches V'erzeichnis der Briefe der Herzosfin Elisabeth Charlotte son Orleans. [Dziatzko, K. : Samm- luni^ Bibl. Arbeiten, Heft. 24.] 8vo. Leipzig, 1909. 10185 HELPS to profitable paper selling. i2mo. Chicago, 1904. 1 1 573 HELVETIORUM respublica. i6mo. Lugd. Bat., 1627. 21936. HELVETISCHE TYPOGRAPHIA. Jahrg. 42, 1899, etc. 4to. Basel, 1899, etc. PP HEMANS, F. The domestic affections and other poems. [With cover printed in colours.] i2mo. London, 1844. 12236- HEMERY, J. F. Epreuves des caract^res de la fonderie. 8vo. Paris,' 1754. ' 5440' HENAFFE, J. [Type specimen book.] 4to. Paris [c. 1890]. 17120- HENAFFE, J. Gravure et fonderie typographique. [Speci- mens.] 8vo. Paris, 1897. 17125, HENAUX, F. De I'introduction de I'imprimerie dans le pays, de Li^ge. [c. 1840.] 21772 HENDERSON, RAIT & SPALDING. Specimens of printing type. 4to. London, 1886. 20265, HENDERSON & SPALDING. Specimens of printing type. 4to. London [c. 1894]. 10829. HENDERSON, G. K. American text-book of lithography. i6mo. Indianapolis, 1906. 8823, HENDERSON, R. Paper making machinery, 8vo. London,. 1900. 1854 HENDLEY, T. H. Persian and Indian bookbindings. {In The Journal of Indian Art and Industry, July, 1893.) 3359' HENNAH, T. H. Photographic manipulation. The collodion process. 3rd edition. 8vo. London, 1855. 15022 (4)) HENNEBERT, F. Des premieres productions de la presse k Tournai. 8vo. Tournai [1847]. 17653 HENNEN, G. Das Missale der Trierischen Erzdiocese im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert. 8vo. Leipzig, 1887, 2289S 426 HENNEN, G. Triers Wiegendrucke nebst Beitragen zur Kolnischen Buchdruckergeschichte im 15. Jahrhundert. 2te. Aus- gabe. 8vo. Trier, 1887. 22896 HENNEN, G. Unbekannte und unzulanglich g-ewiirdig-te Marienthaler nebst Beitragen zur Zeitfolge der Marienthaler Presserzeugnisse, 8vo. Leipzig, 1887. 22897 HENNEN, G. Urkundliches zur Buchdruckergeschichte Triers im 16. Jahrhundert. 8vo. [c. 1888.] 23450 HENNING, E. Erlebnisse des Buchdruckers P. Petersen wahrend seines 10. jahrigen Aufenthalts in x'Vfrika. 8vo. Kiel, 1851. 20878 HENNING, F. W. J. A few words upon early printing and private presses. [The author was Director of the Art School of Printing.] i2mo. London [1880]. 16889 HENRICY, A. Notice sur I'origine de rimprimerie en Provence. 8vo. Aix, 1826. 7008 HENRIOT, A. Sinop collography. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 9, 1903-4, pp. 33-35.) PP HENRIOT, A. Some new features of the Sinop process. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 10, 1904-5, pp. 105-106.) PP HENRIOT, A. Sinop collotype and its applications to mechanical printing. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, pp. 165-166.) PP HENRY Vm. Pia et catholica Christiani hominis institutio. 4to. Londini, 1544. 21 197 HENRY, F. J. Forms for electrotyping. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 16, 1895-6, p. 46.) PP HENRY, F. J. Locking up forms for electrotyping. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 16, 1895-6, p. 158.) PP HENRY, F. J. Mounting electrotypes. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 16, 1895-6, pp. 398-399-) PP HENRY, F. J. English and American electrotypers. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 16, 1895-6, p. 621.) PP' HENRY, F. J. Electrotypers' molding composition. {In Inland' Printer, Vol. 16, 1895-6, p. 282; Vol. 17, 1896, p. 37.) PP" HENRY, F. J. Machines for blackleading electrotype molds. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 17, 1896, p. 168.) PP HENRY, F. J. The preparation of wax molds for the battery. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 17, 1896, p. 279.) PP HENRY, F. J. Electrotypers' battery vats. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 17, 1896, p. 407.) PP HENRY, F. J, Prices for electrotyping. The Chicago scale. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 17, 1896, p. 628; Vol. 18, 1896-7, p. 35.) PP 427 HENRY, F. J. Durability of electrotype plates. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 18, 1896-7, p. 159.) PP HENRY, F. i. Backing electrotype shells. [In Inland Printer, Vol 18, 1896-7", pp. 279, 407.) PP HENRY, F. J. Dressing the backs of electrotypes. {In Inland Printer, I'ol 18, 1896-7, pp. 525-528.) PP HENRY, R. Photographic water-marks. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 37, 1906, pp. 52 7-530- ) PP HENRY, W. E. See Duchochois, P. C. HENSEL, O. Plantin-Moretus. {In Harper's Magazine, Aug., 1890.) 1554 HENTSCHEL, C. How to print Carl Hentschel colortype blocks. 8vo. London, 1900, 1686 HENTSCHEL, C. Pictorial reproduction and the art of process engraving. 4to. London, 1901. 3276 HENTSCHEL, C. A history of the art of process engraving. (7n The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 46, 1900, pp. 213-226.) PP HENTSCHEL, C. Review and foreview. {In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, pp. 137-139.) PP HENTSCHEL, C. Process engraver. [What To Be Series.] 24mo. London [1913]. 17906 HENTSCHEL, C. & CO. A few specimens of horticultural subjects reproduced from photographs by half-tone process. 4to. London [c. 1898]. 2907 HENTSCHEL, C. & CO. Reproductions in half-tone and line process. 4to. London [1898]. 3010 HENTSCHEL, C, Ltd. Specimens [of half-tone and colour- type work]. 8vo. London [1902]. 3275 HENTSCHEL, C, Ltd. [Specimens of colourtype process.] .4to. [London, 1905.] 6759 HENTSCHEL, C, Ltd. Prospectus. Fol. London, 1906. 7461 HENTSCHEL, C, Ltd. Prospectus. Fol. London, 1908. 10617 HENTSCHEL, C, Ltd. What's wrong with trade? A word to the wise. 8vo. London [1910]. 13602 HENTSCHEL, C, Ltd. Furniture illustrations and blocks for catalogues. 8vo. London [c. 1910]. 14874 HENTSCHEL, C, Ltd. Hentschel's duo-type. 4to. London [c. 1910]. 15802 HENTSCHEL, C, Ltd. Catalogue specimens. 4to. London [c. 1912]. 14872 428 HENTSCHEL-COLOURTYPE, Ltd. Prospectus [and speci- mens]. Fol. London, 1901. * 7^24 HENTSCHEL-COLOURTYPE, Ltd. [Prospectus, specimens, etc.] FoL [London, 1901.] 2320 HEPWORTH, L. & MORRISS, Ltd. Prospectus. Fol. London, 1893. 7395 HEPWORTH, T. C. The camera and the pen. 8vo. Bradford, 1897. 677 [HEPWORTH, T. C] All about a London daily [newspaper] from the paper mill to the breakfast table. 8vo. London [c. 1898]. 2925 [HEPWORTH, T. C] All about a London daily [newspaper] from the paper mill to the breakfast table. 8vo. London [c. 1898J. 3022 HEPWORTH, T. C. See Mitchell, C. A. and Hepworth, T. C. HERBERT, T, A relation of some yeares travaile, begunne Anno. 1626. Fol. London, 1634. 21403 HERBERT, W. See Ames, J. HERDINGH & DU MORTIER. Proeve van letteren. 8vo. Leyden, 1793. 20234 (i) HEREDIA, R. Catalogue de la biblioth^que de M. R. Heredia. 4 vols. 4to. Paris, 1891-4. 8806 HERFORD, J. See Pollard, A. W. HERFORD, K. See Pollard, A. W. HERICOURT, ( ) d' and CARON, ( ). Recherches sur les livres imprimes k Arras depuis I'origine de I'imprimerie dans cette ville jusqu'a nos jours. 3 parts. 8vo. Arras, 1851-5. 6897 HERING, A. Die Galvanoplastik und die Anwendung in der Buchdruckerkunst. 8vo. Leipzig, 1870. 23096 HERING, A. Anleitung zur holzschneide Kunst. 8vo. Leipzig, 1873. 20930 HERING, A. Die Galvanoplastik und ihre Anwendung in der Buchdruckerkunst. 2te. Auflage. 8vo. Leipzig, 1898. 2016 HERKOMER, Sir H. v. A new black and white art. Painter- engraving, {hi The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 37, Jan, 30, 1896, P- 58.) PP HERKOMER, Sir H. v. A certain phase of lithography. A lecture delivered at Lululand, Bushey, Herts, on Jan. 27, 1910, to a number of invited artists. Fol. London, 1910. 12093 HERKOMER, Sir H. v. See Dallas, D. C. HERLUISON, H. Recherches sur les imprimeurs et libraires d 'Orleans. 8vo. Orleans, 1868. 6631 429 HKR^^ANN, G. Oratio in quartis festis secularibus artis typo- graphicac habita, 1S40. 4to. Lipsiae [1840]. 22956 HERMyVNNSSON, H. Sec Ithaca: Cornell University. HERMANT, A. Etude sur la propri6t6 artistique. 8vo. Paris, 1879. ^3624 HEROUIANUS. Histor. Lib. viii cum Angeli Politiani inter- pretatione, et huius partim supplemcnto, partim examine Hennci Stephani : utroque maro;ini adscripto. 4to. [Geneva], 1581. 17958 HEROICK love. 4to. [London, c. 1710.] 6160(3) HEROLD. Zeitungs-Katalog pro 1905. [Catalogue of Russian periodicals.] Nar. fol. S. Peterburg, 1905. 6761 HERRICK, T. P. Half-tone stereotyping. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 33, 1904' PP- 265-267.) PF" HERRICK, T. P. Embossing-, blocking, and die-stamping. 2nd edition. i2mo. London [c. 1908]. 10412 HERRICK, T. P. Embossing, blocking and die-stamping: a practical guide to these processes. 3rd edition. 8vo. London [1914]. ^^364 HERRING, R. A lecture on the origm, manufacture and importance of paper. 8vo. London, 1853. i557 HERRING, R. Paper and paper making, ancient and modern. 8vo. London, 1855. 95^6 HERRING, R. Paper and paper making, ancient and modern. With an introduction by the Rev. G. Croly. [2nd edition.] 8vo. London, 1856. 20604 HERRING, R. A practical guide to the varieties and relative values of paper, illustrated with samples. To which is added a history of the art of paper making. 4to. London, i860. 20540 HERRING, R. Paper and paper making, ancient and modern. 3rd edition. With an introductory preface by the late Rev. G. Croly. 8vo. London, 1863. 8021 HERRMANN, C. Geschichte der Setzmaschine und ihre Entwickelung bis auf die heutige Zeit. 8vo. Wien [1900]. 1891 HERRMANN, C. Die Stereotypic und ihre Verwendungsart. Mit einem Anhang : Die zehn Gebote der Negativ- und Relief- ; Stereotypic. 2te. Auflage. 8vo. Leipzig [c. 1904]. 4233 [HERRMANN, J. and OTHERS.] Drey Preisschriften zu Beantwortung der von der Koniglichen Societat der Wissen- schaften zu Gottingen aufgegebenen Preisfrage die, den Urkunden und Biichern in Archiven und Bibliotheken schadlichen Insekten betreffend. [By J. Herrman, — Fladd and an anonymous writer,] 4to. Hannover, 1775. 20936 HERTSLET, E. C. Report. Class 12. Photography. [In Paris : Exhibition, 1900. Report, Vol. 2, 1901.) 2405 430 HERTZBERG, W. See Herzber^, W. HERWAGEN, J. See Heitz, P. HERZBERG, W. Paper testing-. A description of paper testing- as carried out in the German Laboratory at Charlotten- burgf. Translated by P. N. Evans. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 27, 1891, p. 121— Vol. 28, 1891, p. 447.) PP HERZBERG, W. Paper testing- : being- a description of paper testing- as carried out in the German government laboratory at Charlottenburg. Translated by P. N. Evans. 8vo. London, 1892. 16146(2) HERZBERG, W. Analyse et essais des papiers : suivis d'une etude sur les papiers destines a I'usagfe administrative en Prusse. Par C. Hoffmann. Traduit par G. E. Marteau. 8vo. Paris, 1894. 249 HERZBERG, W. Papierpriifung-. Eine Anleitung- zum Un- tersuchen von Papier. 8vo. Berlin, 1902. 2805 HERZBERG, W. Papierpriifung-. Eine Anleitung- zum Un- tersuchen von Papier. Dritte Auflag-e. 8vo. Berlin, 1907. 9339 HESIOD. Hesiodi Ascraei quae extant. 8vo. Amstelodami, 1667. 6121 HESIOD. Opera omnia. Gr. & Lat. 4to. [Parma], 1785. 5144 HESKETH, W. T. The polytype machine. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 21-24.) PP HESS, F. L. and E. Bibliography of the geology and mineralogy of tin. [Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 58, No. 2.] 8vo. \\'ashington, 1912. i7444 HESS, W. Himmels- und Naturerscheinungen in Einblatt- drucken des 15. bis 18. Jahrhunderts. Mit Dreissig zum Teil farbigen Abbildungen. Fol. Leipzig, 191 1. 15610 HESS, W. Die Papier-Pragetechnik. Praktisches Handbuch fiir die gesamte Papier-Pragetechnik. 8vo. Berlin, 1911. 15303 HESSE, F. Die Chromolithographie. 8vo. Halle a. S., 1896. 250 HESSE, F. La chromolithographie et la photochromolitho- graphie. Edition fran^aise par A. Mouillot et G. Lequatre. 8vo. Paris [c. 1897]. 1288 HESSE, F. Die Chromolithographie, mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der modernen, auf photographischer Grundlage beru- henden Verfahren und der Technik des Aluminiumdrucks. 2te. Auflage. 4to. Halle a. S., 1906. 761 1 HESSE, F, Die Schriftlithographie. Eine theoretisch-prak- tische Anleitung zur Erlernung der Schrift mit Vorlageblattern Samtlicher in der lithographischen Technik zur Anwendung kommenden Schriftcharaktcre unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung der modernen Kunstrichtung. 4to. Halle, 1909, 8626 431 HESSE, M. Ziir Kiinnerung- an die 450. jiihrige Jubelfeier der Erlindiiiii^- der Buchdruckerkunsl, Leipzig- vom 24 Juni bis 5 juli, 1S90. 8\o. Leipzig-, 1890. 7636 HESSELS, J. H. Gutenberg- : was he the inventor of printing-? An historical investigation embodying- a criticism on Dr. Van Der Linde's Gutenberg-. 8vo. London, 1882. 20013 HESSELS, J. H. Haarlem the birth-place of printing-, not Mentz. 8vo. London, 1887. 5565 20503 HESSELS, J. H. Classified list of the Costeriana. 8vo. 1887. 1 1078 HESSELS, J. H. [The history of the invention of printing-. A review of A. v. d. Linde's work.j [In The Academy, 1887.) 21774 HESSELS, J. H. Typography. [In The Encyclopaedia Britannica. 9th edition, 1888.) 5112(1) HESSELS, J. H. The Gutenberg- fiction : a critical examin- ation of the documents relating^ to Gutenberg, showing- that he was not the inventor of printing-. 8vo. London, 1912. 16625 HESSELS, J. H. See Linde, A. v. d. HETZEL, J. La propriete litteraire et de domaine public payant. 8vo. Paris, 1862. 13781 HEUER, F. Les rouleaux d'imprimerie : Historique, technique, fabrication. 8vo. Paris, 1901. 33i8 HEWITT, G. See Johnston, E. and Hewitt, G. HEWITT, T. H. Illustrated catalogue of printers', litho- graphers' and bookbinders' machinery and materials. Fol. London, 1900. 15648 HEWITT BROS. Catalogue of machinery and materials for printers, bookbinders, stereotypers, electrotypers, etc., with selections of modern printing types. Fol. London [1912]. 15562 HEWITT BROS. Catalogue of machinery and materials for printers, bookbinders, stereotypers, electrotypers, etc., with selections of modern printing types. 4to. London [c. 1913]. 18252 HEWITT BROS. Sectional catalogue No. i. Electrotyping, stereotyping and type-casting machinery and sundries. 4to. London [1914]. 18251 HEYNLIN, J. See Claudin, A. HEYW^OOD, A. & SON. 1832-99. A brief survey of the news trade. 8vo. Manchester, 1899. 13 13 HEYWOOD, J. Specimens of brass rule. 8vo. Manchester [1886]. 2614 HEYWOOD, J. Specimens of printing type. 8vo. Man- chester, 1888. Q^Qc 432 HEYWOOD, J. Jubilee year, 1842-1892. The business of John Heywood, Manchester and London. 8vo. Manchester, 1892. ' 18318 HEYWOOD, T. Tunaikeion; or, nine bookes of various history concerning-e women. Fol. London, 1624. -i394 HIATT, C. Picture posters : a short history of the illustrated placard. 8vo. London, 1895. 253 HIBBEN, J. Summary of the law of copyright. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 25, 1900, pp. 508-512.) PP HIBBERD, S. Rustic adornments for homes of taste. [With plates printed in colours by B. Fawcett.] 8vo. London, 1856. 9595 HIBBERT, J. Notes on free public libraries and museums. 8vo. Preston, 1881. 11 001 HICKES, G. Linguarum vett. septentrionalium thesauri grammatico-critici et archaeologici, pars tertia : seu Grammaticae Islandicae Rudimenta per R. Jonam cum Geo. Hickesii. Fol. Oxoniae, 1703. 5854 HICKES, G. Grammatica Anglo-Saxonica. 8vo. Oxoniae, 1711- 5668 HIDALGO, D. See Mendez, F. HIERONYMUS, S. Epistolae. Vol. 2. Fol. [Roma, c. 1468.] 5872 HIERONYMUS, S. Epistolae. Fol. Venezia, 1490. 10889 HIGHGATE LITERARY & SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION. Reed Memorial. Catalogue of boys' books presented to the Institution as a memorial of the late Talbot Baines Reed. 8vo. London, 1894. 353° HILDEBURN, C. R. A hst of the issues of the press in Pennsylvania, 1735-59. ^vo. [? Philadelphia, c. 1880.] 22566 HILDEBURN, C. R. A century of printing. The issues of the press in Pennsylvania, 1685-1784. 2 vols. 4to. Philadelphia, 1885-6. 8803 HILDEBURN, C. R. Sketches of printers and printing in Colonial New York. 8vo. New York, 1895. 6592 HILDESHEIMER, H. Catalogue of machinery for printers, bookbinders, account-book manufacturers, box makers and allied trades. 4to. London, 1904. 979^ HILDITCH, J. The graphic arts of China and Japan. 8vo. Manchester, 1910. 13750 HILGERS, J. Der Index der verbotenen Biicher. In seiner neuen Fassung dargelegt und rechtlich-historisch gewiirdigt von J. H. 8vo. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1904. 6603 433 28 HILL, A. The Government's newspaper. [The London Gazette.] {Ill The Strand Magazine, July, 1903.) 3543 HILL, A. F. Secrets of the sanctum. An inside view of an editor's life. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1875. 20365 HILL, D, O. [Views in Perthshire. Lithographs.] Fol. Perth, 1 82 1. 8023 HILL, E. Women as compositors. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 41, Oct. 14, 1897, p. 263.) PP HILL, G. B. See Hill, Sir R., and Hill, G. B. HILL, J. The book makers of old Blrming-ham : authors, printers and booksellers. 4to. Birmingham, 1907. 9323 HILL, L. R. Raven-Hill's Indian sketch book. 4to. London [1905]. 8420 HILL, N. See Guileville, G. de. HILL, Sir R. and HILL, G. B. The life of Sir Rowland Hill and the history of penny postage. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1880. 10278 HILL, T. A profitable instruction of the perfect ordering of bees. 4to. London, 1608. 21 183 HILLS &' CO., Ltd. Gems of modern art for Christmas, 1913, which can be obtained from all leading booksellers and stationers. Obi. 8vo. London, 191 3. ^7755 HILTON, J. Chronograms. 5,000 and more in number excerpted out of various authors and collected at many places. 8vo. London, 1882. 10550 HILTON, R. The Robert Hilton testimonial in connection with the Printers' International Specimen Exchange, Printed circulars. 4to. [Leicester, 1886.] 10843 HILTON, R. The Oxford University Press. {In The Caxton Magazine, Sept. -Oct. , 1901.) 2481 HILTON, R. Wall-paper printing : an art industry, {hi The Caxton Magazine, Dec, 1901.) 2527 HILTON, R. St. Bride Foundation Institute. A typical British technical printing school. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 31, i903> PP- 108-113.) PP HILTON, W. Poetical works. 2 vols. 8vo. Newcastle, 1775-6. 8541 HIND, A. M. A short history of engraving and etching for the use of collectors and students. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1911. 15426 HIND, A. M. Watteau, Boucher and the French engravers and etchers of the earlier i8th century. [Great Engravers.] 8vo. London, 191 1. 15367 434 HIND, A. M. Andrea Mantegna and the Italian preraphaelite engravers. [Great Engravers.] 8vo. London, 191 1. 15365 HIND, A. M. Albrecht Diirer : his engravings and woodcuts. [Great Engravers.] 8vo. London, 1911. 15364 HIND, A. M. John Raphael Smith and the great mezzotinters of the time of Reynolds. [Great Engravers.] 8vo. London, 1911- 15366 HINDLEY, C. The life and times of James Catnach (late of Seven Dials), Balladmonger. Svo. London, 1878. 20458 HINDLEY, C. The history of the Catnach Press, at Berwick, Alnwick and Newcastle, in Northumberland, and Seven Dials, London. 8vo. London, 1886. 254 HINLOPEN, F. C. De uitvinding der boekdrukkunst. 8vo. Haarlem, 1856. 21342 HINNERS, W. A. Half-tone photography in cut glass. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 6, 1900, pp. 15-16.) PP HINNERS, W. A. Re-engraving of half-tones. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 26, 1900-1, p. 64.) PP HINNERS, W. A. The half-tone process for machinery cata- logues. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 7, 1901, p. 47.) PP HINNERS, W. A. Binner modelling half-tone plates. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 8, 1902-3, pp. 49-50.) PP HINNERS, W. A. Commercial designs. {In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, Vol. 9, 1903-4, pp. 31-32.) PP HINOJOSA Y CARUAJAL, F. A. de. Libro de la vida, y milagros de S. Ines. 8vo. Braga, 161 1. 4453 HINRICHS, J. C. Verlagskatalog der J. C. Hinrichs' schen Buchhandlung, 1845-1904. Nebst den noch vorhandenen alteren Werken und einer kurzen Geschichte der Firma. 8vo. Leipzig, 1905- 11515 HINRICHS'SCHE BUCHHANDLUNG. Die deutsche Biblio- graphic und die Deutsche Biicherei. Fine Denkschrift. 8vo. Leipzig, 1914. 18183 HINTON, A. H. A handbook of illustration, 8vo. London [1894]. 256 HINTON, A. H. An illustration note. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. i, 1895, pp. 33-36.) PP HINTON, A. H. Platinotype printing. A simple book on the process. Svo. London, 1897. 855 HINTON, A. H. Practical pictorial photography. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1898. 1081 HINTON, A. H. False standards and conventions in process work. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 4, 1898, pp. 97-101.) PP 435 HINTON, A. H. The influence of half-tone process. {In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 5, 1899, pp. 89-93.) PP HINTS and wrinkles. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 2, 1896, pp. 156-159-) PP HINTS to apprentices. {In Inland Printer, Vol. i. No. 5, 1883-4, p. II— I'oZ. 2, 1884-5, P- 156.) PP HINTS to pressmen. {In Inland Printer, Vol. i, No. 6, p. 20; No. 9, p. 15; No. 10, p. 19; No. II, /). 17.) PP HINZELIN, E. Chez Jeanne d'Arc. 8vo. Nancy, 1904. 4699 HIPPOLYTUS DE MARSILLIIS. Repetitio de re judicata. 4to. Lug-duni, 1533. 6190(3) HIRSCH, C. C. Librorum ab anno I usque ad annum L sec. 16. [Being" a supplement to the various bibliographies extant.] 4 pts. 4to. Noriberg'ae, 1746-9. 20947 HIRTH, G. and MUTHER, R. Meister Holzschnitte aus vier Jahrhunderten. Pts. i-io. 4to. Munchen, 1888-93. 5855 HISCOX, W. S. The growth of the printing industry, {In Inland Printer, Vol. 39, 1907, pp. 51-52.) PP HISPANIA sive de regis Hispaniae regnis et opibus. i6mo. Lugd. Bat., 1629. 21940 HISTOIRE abregee des inventions et des decouvertes im- portantes faites en Europe depuis I'^re chretienne jusqu'au i9e. si^cle. 6e. edition. [Invention de Timprimerie, p. 49.] 24mo. Bruxelles, 1843. 9705 HISTORIA et praesens status archivi regnorum Croatiae, Slavoniae et Dalmatiae Zagrabiae. 8vo. Zagrabiae, 1910. 13401 HISTORIAE Augustae scriptores. Fol. Milano, 1475. 5380 HISTORICAL sketch of photographic engraving. {In The Photographic News, Vol. i, 1858, p. 75.) 10040 HISTORICUS. The best hundred Irish books. 8vo. Dublin, 1886. 8069 HISTORY and process of lithography. {In Library of the Fine Arts, Vol. i, pp. 44-58, 1831.) 14039 HISTORY of little Goody Two Shoes. 4th edition. 24mo. London, 1767. 5485 HISTORY of Naaman the Syrian. [In embossed type.] Obi. 8vo. York, 1888. 6144 HISTORY of printing. {In Pinnocks's Guide to Knowledge, Oct. -Dec, 1833.) 2370 HISTORY of printing, i2mo. London, 1855. 20361 HISTORY of printing. [2nd edition.] 8vo. London [1862]. 20362 436 HISTORY of rollers. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 21, 1898, p. 701.) PP HISTORY of the Apostles and Evangelists. 24mo. London, 1763- 5494 HISTORY of the hfe of Jesus Christ. 24mo. London, 1764. 5486 HISTORY of the Hves, etc., of the martyrs, etc., of the church. 24mo. London, 1764. 549^ HISTORY of the seven wise masters of Rome. i2mo. London, 1684. 21250 HISTORY of the Spanish school of painting, to which is appended an historical sketch of the rise and progress of the art of miniature illumination. i2mo. London, 1843. 15869 HISTORY of wonderful inventions. [Printing, p. 49.] i2mo. London, 1849. 15962 HISTORY of wood pulp. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 8, Sept. 7, 18S2, pp. 14-15.) PP HITCHCOCK, F. H. Book-builder's handbook of types, scales, bulks, equivalents, etc. 8vo. New York [1899]. 2783 HITCHCOCK, F. H. The building of a book, a series of practical articles written by experts in the various departments of book making and distributing. With an introduction by T. L. De Vinne. i2mo. New York, 1906. 8824 HITCHCOCK, F. H. Copyrighting. {In Hitchcock, F. H. : The building of a book, 1906, pp. 257-268.) 8824 HITCH IN, A. L. Two new uses for Maskine. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, J'ol. 17, 1911-2, pp. 213-214.) PP HITTELL, J. S. The commerce and industries of the Pacific Coast of North America. [Paper, printing, etc., only.] 4to. San Francisco, 1882. 2827 HITZIG, F. Die Erfindung des Alphabetes. Fine Denk- schrift zur Jubelfeier des von Gutenberg im Jahre 1440 erfundenen Biicherdruckes. 4to. Zurich, 1840. 2012 1 (2) HITZIG, J. E. See Kugler, F. HOARE, H. W. The evolution of the English Bible : an historical sketch of the successive versions from 1382 to 1885. 8vo. London, 1901. 13724 HOBHOUSE, T. Elegy to the memory of Dr. S. Johnson. 2nd edition. 4to. London, 1785. 5774(2) HOBLYN, R. Bibliotheca Hoblyniana : sive, catalogus librorum. 8vo. Londini, 1769. 10291 HOCHSTETTER, R. The relation of the printer to the ink maker. i2mo. Cincinnati, 1914. 18625 437 HODDER cS: STOUGHTON. [History of the firm.] 8vo. London [c. 1904]. 8183 HODDER &• STOUGHTON. Fiction that counts. 8vo. London, 1905. 8662 HODGE, J. Collection of miscellaneous poems. By J. H., journeyman letterpress printer, [The press, p. 364.] 8vo. Man- chester, 1858. 9799 HODGES, E. A Christmas carol for 1847. 8vo. Newcastle, 1847. 1 1886 HODGKIN, J. E. Rariora : being- notes of some of the printed books, manuscripts, historical documents, medals, en- graving's, etc., collected (1858-1900) by J. E. H. 3 vols. 4to. London [1902]. 2852 HODGKIN, J. E. Reviews of Rariora by many hands. 8vo. London, 1903. 9^35 HODGKIN, T. Lectures on the means of promoting and preserving- health. i2mo. London, 1835. 10697 HODGSON, H. T. The whole proceedings on the trial of an action brought by H. T. Hodgson against John Walter, for a libel. 8vo. London, 182 1. 16460 HODGSON, T. An essay on stereotype printing. 8vo. Newcastle, 1820. 5435 HODGSON & CO. One hundred years of book auctions, 1807-1907. 8vo. London, 1907. 9218 HODSON, J. S. A history of the printing trade charities. 8vo. London, 1883. 20510 HODSON, J. S. Pictorial illustrations to literature. Reprinted from The Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature. 8vo. [London, 1883.] 1031 HODSON, J. S. An historical and practical guide to art illustration in connection with books, periodicals and general decoration. 8vo. London, 1884. 20401 HODSON, J. S. Automatic engraving. Technical and his- torical. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 5, 1887-8, p. 473; Vol. 6, 1888-9, p. 285.) PP HODSON, J. S. The Printers' Almshouses, Wood Green. A descriptive narrative. 8vo. London, 1888. 22692 HODSON, J. S. The Printers' Almshouses, Wood Green. A descriptive narrative. 8vo. London, 1894. 1980 HODSON, J. S. The benevolent and provident work of the printing trade charities (1827-96). 8vo. London, 1897. 15628 HOE, R. A short history of the printing press and of the improvements in printing machinery from the time of Gutenberg up to the present day. 4to. New York, 1902. 339^ 438 HOE, R. A catalogue of books printed in foreign languages before the year 1600, forming a portion of the library of Robert Hoe. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1907. 1812 1 HOE, R. Catalogue of the library of Robert Hoe. To be sold by auction, April, 1911 ( — Nov., 1912, with prices). ^ vols. 8vo. New York, 191 1-2. 18700 HOE, R. & CO. Mammoth printing press. [With illustration.] {In The Expositor, March i, 1851.) 16329 HOE, R. & CO. [Catalogue of] printing machines, power presses, etc. 8vo. New York, 1866. 9857 HOE, R. & CO. Hints on electrotyping and stereotyping. 4to. New York, 1875. 21059 HOE, R. & CO. Catalogue of printing presses and printers' materials, lithographic presses, stereotyping and electrotyping machinery, binders' presses and materials. 8vo. New York, I 88 I. 9878 HOE, R. & CO. Catalogue of printing materials. 8vo. New York, 1897. 4776 HOE, R. & CO. Catalogue of machinery and materials for electrotyping, stereotyping and photo-engraving. 4to. New York [1898]. 2912 HOE, R. & CO. Improved printing machines. 8vo. New York, 1899. 4767 HOE, R. & CO. Improved stop-cylinder, two-color, two- revolution and flat-bed perfecting presses. Obi. 4to. New York [1900]. 4774 HOE, R. & CO. Patented improved four-roll newspaper per- fecting presses. Obi. 8vo. New York [1901]. 4770 HOE, R. & CO. Single large cylinder, news and job, and flat- bed newspaper presses. Obi. 4to. New York [1901]. 4775 HOE, R. & CO. Electrotyping, photo-engraving and stereo- typing machinery. Obi. i6mo. New York [1901]. 4769 HOE, R. & CO. Improved lithographic, metal-printing and rotary aluminium presses. Obi. 8vo. New York, 1902. 4773 HOE, R. & CO. Improved electrotyping machinery. Nos. 1-12. Obi. 8vo. New^ York [c. 1902]. 18857 HOE, R. & CO. [Circulars. Series] E. Nos. 10-25, 29. 8vo. London [c. 1902]. 18858 HOE, R. & CO. Patented improved two-roll, three-roll and four-roll two plate wide, also double supplement newspaper per- fecting presses. Obi. 8vo. New York, 1903. 18861 HOE, R. & CO. Improved quadruple, sextuple, and color combination newspaper perfecting presses. Obi. 8vo. New York, 1903. 18864 439 HOH, R. X: CO. A few of R. Hoe and Co. 's newspaper perfecting^ presses with fast-speed rotary folders and the latest patented improvements. Obi. 8vo. New York [c. 1903]. 18860 HOE, R. & CO. Machinery for making- stereotype plates. Obi. 8vo. New York [c. 1903]. 18852 HOE, R. ti: CO. Catalogue of machinery and materials for electrotyping, stereotyping and photo-engraving. Obi. 8vo. New York, 1904. 4771 HOE, R. & CO. Improved ilat-bed lithographic presses. Obi. 8vo. New York [c. 1905]. 18853 HOE, R. & CO. Machines et mat(^riel de stereotypic, galvano- plastie et photogravure. 4to. New York, 1906. 9906 HOE, R. & CO. [I^ist of lantern slides.] Typewritten. 4to. [London, 1907.] 9344 HOE, R. &: CO. The Unique single-plate, single-roll stereo- type newspaper perfecting press with folder and fly. Obi. 4to. New York, 1910. 13590 HOE, R. & CO. The Ideal newspaper stereotype perfecting press and folder. Obi. 4to. New York [1910]. 13589 HOE, R. & CO. Improved rotary offset presses for printing from zinc or aluminium plates. Obi. 4to. New York, 1910. 13586 HOE, R. & CO. One, two and three-colour rotary web contents bill and poster machines. Obi. 4to. London [1910]. 13591 HOE, R. & CO. Improved curved casting moulds, metal furnaces and pumps, etc. Obi. 8vo. London, 1910. 13587 HOE, R. & CO. Some of the rotary electrotype web perfecting presses for periodical, magazine, book, catalogue and pamphlet printing. Obi. 8vo. New York, 1910. 18851 HOE, R. & CO. Patented pneumatic matrix drying presses heated by steam or electricity. Obi. 8vo. New York, 1910. 18865 HOE, R. & CO. Electrotyping and photo-engraving machinery. Bulletin. Nos. 201-223. Obi. 8vo. New York [c. 1910]. 18859 HOE, R. & CO. Improved large cylinder press. Obi. 8vo. New York [c. 1910]. 18855 HOE, R. & CO. One and two-roll stereotype web perfecting presses. Obi. 8vo. London [c. 191 o]. 18854 HOE, R. & CO. New fast-speed sheet-fed rotary art press for high-grade printing. The continuous printer. Obi. 8vo. New York, 191 1. 18862 HOE, R. & CO. Improved pneumatic matrix drying machines, electric-heated and steam-heated. Obi. 8vo. New York [191 1]. 18863 440 HOE, R. & CO. Fast speed newspaper web perfecting- presses. Obi. 8vo. New York, 191 1. 16323 HOE, R. M. The literature of printing-. A catalog^ue of the library of R. IM. Hoe. [By E. C. Big-more.] 8vo. London, 1877. 20108 HOE, R. M. The literature of printing-. A catalog-ue of the library of R. M. Hoe. [By E. C. Bigmore. Larg-e paper edition.] 8vo. London, 1877. 20456 HOE, R. M. Catalogue of the library of the late R. M. Hoe, comprising an extraordinary collection on printing and the allied arts, etc. 8vo. New York, 1887. 20455 HOEGLEIN, V. Jubilaeum artis typographicae. Fol. [Bam- berg, 1740.] 23007 HOEPLI, L'. Bibliografia. Scienza delle biblioteche. Arte tipografica. 12 mo. Milano, i8gi. 5212 HOFER, C. Beitrage zu einer Geschichte des Coburger Buch- drucks im 16. Jahrhundert. 8vo. Coburg, igo6. 9491 HOFFMAN, C. F. The vigil of faith, and other poems. i2mo. London, 1844. 18772 HOFFMAN, M. D. The most beautiful book in the world. [The Book of Kells.] {In Scribner's Magazine, Oct., 1910, Vol. 48, pp. 509-512.) 1 342 1 HOFFMANN, C. See Herzberg, W. HOFFMANN, F. Kriegsbilder aus alter und neuer Zeit. [Lithographic plates, hand-coloured.] i2mo. Stuttgart, 1857. 4035 HOFFMANN, F. L. Deux raretes bibliographiques de la Bibliothfeque de Hamburg. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1862. 22856 HOFFMANN, F. L. Essai d'une liste des ouvrages concernant I'histoire de I'imprimerie en Italic. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1852. 22370 HOFFMANN, F. L. La presse periodique Francaise h Ham- bourg depuis 1686 jusqu'en 1848. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1854. 17665 HOFFMANN, F. L. Essai d'une liste .chronologique des ouvrages concernant I'histoire de I'imprimerie en Belgique et en Hollande. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1859. 20737 HOFFMANN, H. Systematische Farbenlehre. Fiir die Technik Insbesondere fiir den Gebrauch in Buchdruckereien. 2 pts. 8vo. Zwickau, 1892. 259 HOFFMANN, J. D. De typographiis earumque initiis et in- crementis in regno Poloniae et magno ducatu Lithuaniae. 4to. Dantisci, 1740. 20644(3) HOFFMEISTER, H. Neuheiten Initialen, Ornamente, Vig- netten. 2te. Folge. 4to. Leipzig [c. 1895.] 587 441 HOFFMEISTER, H. Neuheiten. 3te. Folge. 8vo. Leipzig [c. 1S95]. ^°^3i HOFFMEISTER, H. Technische Vignetten. 410. Leipzig- [1898J. 6987 HOFFMEISTER, H. Charakter-Typen. Obi. 8vo. Leipzig [c. 1900]. 6988 HOFFMEISTER, H. Schriftgiesserei, H. H. [Specimens.] Obi. 4to. Leipzig [c. 1903]. 3514 HOFFMEISTER, H. Continental Schrift-Garnitur in elf Graden. 4to. Leipzig [c. 1904]. ' 6929 HOFMANN, C. A practical treatise on the manufacture of paper. 4to. Philadelphia, 1873. 9045 HOFMANN, C. Traite pratique de la fabrication du papier. 4to. Paris, 1877. 9457 HOFMANN, C. Hofman's treatise on paper-making. Pts. 1-6. 4to. London [c. 1890-5]. 700 HOFMANN, D. J. Andreae dogmata de Persona Christi et S. Domini coena e principiis suis repetita et cum Saxonica Con- fessione, efc. 8vo. [? Helmstadt], 1589. 6039(9) HOFMEISTER, A. Fine niederdeutsche Biicheranzeige des 15. Jahrhunderts. 8vo. [Leipzig, c. 1889.] 6076(20) HOGER, K. Aus eigener Kraft ! Die Geschichte eines Osterreichischen Arbeitervereines seit funfzig Jahren. Heraus- gegeben vom Niederosterreichischen Buchdrucker- und Schrift- giesser-Vereine. 8vo. Wien, 1882. 991 HOHLENBERG, M. H. Fragmentum libri nominum Hebrai- corum antiquissimum. 4to. Havniae, 1836. 23287 HOHNEL, F. V. Die Mikroskopie der technisch verwendeten Faserstoffe. 2te. Auflage. 8vo. Wien [c. 1905]. 7279 HOLBEIN, H. See Dance of Death; SchneeH, G. and Heitz, P. HOLBORN : Public Library. Seventh, etc., annual report of the Commissioners, 1898-9, etc. 8vo. London, 1899, etc. 8973 HOLDER, W. A treatise of the natural grounds and principles of harmony. 8vo. London, 1694. 20217 HOLDING, H. B. Hydro-carbon gas blacks. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 4, 1898, pp. 65-67.) PP HOLDING, H. B. Black ink notes. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 8, 1902-3, pp. 126-128.) PP HOLDING, H. B. The ideal black. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 10, 1904-5, pp. 61-64.) PP HOLDING, H. B. Black blending. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 134-136.) PP HOLDING, H. B. Modern improvements in black ink making. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 61-63.) PP 442 HOLLANDER, J. H. and BARNETT, G. E. Studies in American trade unionism. 8vo. London, 1906. 18292 HOLLAR, W. A new and perfect book of beasts, etc. Obi. 4to. London, 1674. 21057(1) HOLLAR, W. A sett of sea storms. Obi. 4to. London, 1742. 21057(3) HOLLAR, W. Theatrum mulierum sive varietas atque differentia habituum foeminei sexus diversoruin Europae nationum. London, 1643. i6mo. London [c. 1800]. 21139 HOLLAR, W. Ornatus muliebris Anglicanus ; or, the severail habits of English women. 1640. 8vo. London [c. 1800]. 21298 HOLMAN, G. Some Lewes men of note. [George Baxter, pp. 71-76.] 8vo. Lewes, 1905. 7449 HOLME, C. Representative art of our time. Fol. London, 1903. 3214 HOLME, C. See Salaman, M. C. ; Studio. HOLME, F. The training of an illustrator. [In Inland Printer, Vol. 23, 1899, pp. 445-448-) PP HOLME, F. Lessons in illustrating. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 28, 1901-2, p. 214 — Vol. 30, 1902-3, p. 559.) PP HOLME, R. The academy of armory. [Description of printing, p. 113.] Fol. Chester, 1688. 20569 HOLMES, H. J. Newspapers the public never sees. [Issued for copyright purposes.] {In The Royal Magazine, Feb., 1902.) 2576 HOLMES, J. A descriptive catalogue of books in the library of John Holmes, with notices of authors and printers. 4 vols. 8vo. Norwich, 1828-34. 1^437 [HOLMES, J.] [A list of works written by Christine de Pise [or Pisan].] MS. 23435 HOLMES, J. H. & CO. List of installations — newspapers, printers and paper mills. 4to. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1906. 8346 HOLMES, R. R. Specimens of bookbinding, selected from the Royal Library, Windsor Castle. Fol. London, 1893. 842 HOLT, C. Holt's specimen book of plain and ornamental letterpress printing. 4to. Sutton [1897]. io73 HOLT, F. L. The law of libel. 2nd edition. [Of the liberty of the press, p. 49.] 8vo. London, 1816. 16535 HOLT, H. F. Observations on early engraving and printing. {In Notes and Queries, Oct., 1868.) 20551 (12) HOLTROP, J. W. Thierry Martens d'Alost. Etude biblio- graphique. 8vo. La Haye, 1867. 20891 HOLTROP, J. W. Monuments typographiques des Pays Bas au 156. si^cle. Fol. La Haye, 1868. 5848 443 HOLTROr, J. W. See Confessionale ; Hague: Koninklijke Bibliothcok. HOLVOAKE, G. J. See CoUett, C. D. ; Goss, C. W. F. HOI.ZHAUSEN, G. Collotype troubles and their remedies. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 4, 1898, pp. 103-104.) PP HOLZHAUSEN, G. Practical hints on collotype working-. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, ]'ol. 5, 1899, pp. 63-64.) PP HOLZHAUSEN, G. Hints on exposing- collotype plates. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 6, 1900, p. 60.) PP HOLZHAl'SEN, G. Collotype as a hobby for amateurs, (/n Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 7, 1901, pp. 57-60.) PP HOLZHAUSEN, G. and WETHERMAN, F. G. Hints on proving- collotype plates. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. i, 1895, pp. 32-33.) PP HOLZHAUSEN, G. and WETHERMAN, G. F. The sensi- tive coating- for collotype plates. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 2, 1896, pp. 45-47.) PP HOLZHAUSEN, G. and WETHERMAN, G. F. Collotype printing-. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 3, 1897, pp. 49-c;o.) PP HOME AND COLONIAL STATIONER AND PRINTERS' REVIEW. Vol. 5, 1910, etc. 8vo. London, 1910, etc. PP HOMER. [Iliad and Odyssey in Greek.] 2 vols. 8vo. Argent, 1534. 6036 HOMER. Opera. Gr. & Lat. 2 vols. i6mo. Amstelaedami, 1707- 7666 HOMER. Ilias. Gr. Fol. Glasguae, 1756. 6174 HOMER. Odyssea. Gr. Fol. Glasg-uae, 1758. 5943 HOMER. Iliad translated by A. Pope. New Edition. Vol. 3. 8vo. London, 1802. 4646 HOMER. Ilias. Gr. 2 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae, 1804. 5999 HOMER. IHad. Gr. 3 vols. FoL Parmae, 1808. 5821 HOMER. IHas et Odyssea. Gr. 2 vols. i6mo. London, 1 83 1. 5478 HOMER. Ilias. 2 vols. Gr. i6mo. Lipsiae, 1839. 5792 HOMER. Iliad, translated into Irish verse by John, Arch- bishop of Tuam. ist book. Gr. & Irish. 8vo. Dublin, 1844. 501 1 HOMER. See Kedington, R. HOOD, H. Orig-inals : an appeal to their originators. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 126-128.) PP HOOD, H. Prophets, process dry plates, and profits. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, pp. 159-160.) PP 444 HOOD, H. About photo-engraving- prices. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. i6, 1910-1, pp. 33-34.) PP HOOD, H. Profit-philosophy for engravers. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 1911-2, pp. 211-212.) PP HOOD, H. One thousand pounds reward. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 135-136.) PP HOOD, P. Blind Amos. New edition. [With illustrations printed in colours.] 8vo. London [c. 1870]. 17186 HOOD &; CO., Ltd. Photo-engraving specimens. 4to. Middlesbrough [c. 1906]. 8527 HOOKE, R. Micrographia restaurata. Fol. London, 1745. 21069 HOOVER, D. N., KNIGHT, H. M. and BURCHARD, E. L. Printing charts for the mariner. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 29, 1902, pp. 877-882.) PP HOPE, F. W. See Oxford : Bodleian Liljrary. HOPE, J. T. See Oxford : Bodleian Library. HOPKINS, E. A. Taschen-Hilfsbuch unentbehrlicher Woerter des Papierfachs (Deutsch-Englisch). i2mo. London, 1903. 3405 HOPKINS, F. E. A list of books printed at the Marion Press, Jamaica, Queensborough, New York, 1896-1906. 8vo. Jamaica, 1906. 9329 HOPKINS, J. Sketch of the life of Thomas Singularity, journeyman printer. 8vo. London, 1835. 20369 HOPKINS, J. See Bible: O.T. Psalms. HOPKINS RAILWAY LIBRARY. See Leland Stanford jun. University. HOPKINSON & COPE. Printing presses and machines. 8vo. London, 1862. 11984 HORATIUS FLACCUS, O. Opera cum commentariis. 4to. Paris, 15^11. 55-9 HORATIUS FLACCUS, Q. Danielis Heinsii in Q. Hor. Flacci opera animadversiones et notae. i2mo. Lugd. Bat., 1629. 21871 HORATIUS FLACCUS, Q. Eclogae. 8vo. Londini, 1725. 5537 HORATIUS FLACCUS, Q. Quintus Horatius Flaccus. i2mo. Birminghamae, 1762. 5^9° HORATIUS FLACCUS, Q. Q. Horatii Flacci Poemata. Editio nova. i2mo. Aurelianis, 1767. 8746 HORATIUS FLACCUS, Q. Bibliotheca Horatiana sive syllabus editionum Q. Horatii Flacci interpretationum versionum ab an. 1470 ad an. 1770. 8vo. Lipsiae, 1775. 17^93 HORATIUS FLACCUS, Q. Q. Horatii Flacci quae supersunt, recensuit et notulis instruxit G, Wakefield. 2 vols. i2mo. Londini, 1794. 7^59 445 HORATILS FLACCUS, Q. Opera. 2 vols. 8vo. Cupri Fifanorum, 1813. 6614 HORATIUS FLACCUS, O. Quintus Horatius Flaccus. i6mo. Londini, 1824. 5477 HORATIUS FLACCUS, O. Works. [With coloured borders and titles.] 8vo. London, 1849. 11869 HORATIUS FLACCUS, Q. A metrical version of the Odes by E. H. Stanley. 8vo. London, 1889. 23273 HORATIUS FLACCUS, Q. Q. Horati Flacci carmina sap- phica. 8vo. Chelsea, 1903. 10776 HORBORCH, G. Decisiones novae rotae Romanae. Fol. Mainz, 1477. 21802 HORD, L^ Screen plates for half-tone photo-engraving. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 8, pp. 220, 297, 414.) PP HORGAN, S. H. The father of half-tone. {In Inland Printer, FoZ. 13, 1894, ^. 526.) PP HORGAN, S. H. To avoid screeny effect in half-tone work. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 2, 1896, pp. 61-62.) PP HORGAN, S. H. Engraving methods and photomechanical processes of reproduction. [In Inland Printer, Vol. 26, 1900-1, pp. 75-78.) PP HORGAN, S. H. Three-color process work. [In Jenkins, H. : Manual of photo-engraving, 1902.) 35° i HORGAN, S. H. The origin and end of the New York Daily Graphic. {In Inland Pi'inter, Vol. 38, 1906-7, pp. 360-362.) PP HORGAN, S. H. To get it in the negative. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 159-160.) PP HORGAN, S. H. Invention of rotary photogravure. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp. 110-112.) PP HORGAN, S. H. Horgan's half-tone and photomechanical processes. 8vo. Chicago [1914]. 18366 HORLE, F. [Catalogue of fine colours, litho. and letterpress inks.] 8vo. London [1883]. 22585 HORMAN, W. See Furnivall, F. J. HORNE, G . A charge intended to have been delivered to the clergy of Norwich. 4to. Norwich, 1791. 16352 HORNE, H. P. The binding of books : an essay in the history of gold-tooled bindings. 8vo. London, 1894. 262 HORNE, H. P. See Albertini, F. HORNE, T. H. An introduction to the study of bibliography. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 181 4. 5648 HORNE, T. H. An introduction to the critical study and knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. 5th edition. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1825. ' 5689 446 HORNE, T. H. A manual of Biblical bibliography. 8vo. London, 1839. 5680 H[ORNSCHUCH], D. H. Der bey Buchdruckerey wohl un- terwiesene Corrector. i2mo. Franckfurth, 1739. 20085 HORNSCHUCH, D. H. D. H. Hornschuchs wohl unter- wiesener Korrector nebst D. Daniel Kramers' Jubel Predigt, auf die erf undone Buchdruckerkunst. 8vo. Leipzig- [c. 1740]. 20099 HORNSEY : Public Libraries. First, etc., annual report of the Committee, 1899-1900, etc. 8vo. London, 1900, etc. 8974 HORNSTEIN, L. A. Business opportunities for printers. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 41, 1908, pp. 707-711.) PP HOROLOGIUM sapientiae, aeditum a Beato Henrico Siso viro Sanctissimo Ordinis praedicatorum. i6mo. Venetiis, 1539. 2 1 160 HORR, N. T. A bibliography of card-games and of the history of playing-cards. 8vo. Cleveland, 1892. 14055 HORSELL, F. & CO., Ltd. Poster and label inks. 4to. Leeds [c. 1906]. 8349 HORSELL, F. & CO., Ltd. Parker printing plates for litho- graphy, unequalled for rotary, off-set, flat-bed printing, originals, etc. 8vo. Leeds [1909]. 18447 HORSELL, F. & CO., Ltd. Price list of printing inks, colours, varnishes. No. A12 list 8vo. Leeds, 1912. 18353 HORSELL, F. & CO., Ltd. Everyday requirements of the litho. printer. Obi. 8vo. Leeds, 191 3. 18445 HORSELL, F. & CO., Ltd. Printers' requirements. [Price list.] 8vo. Leeds [c. 1914]. 18354 HORSELL, F. & CO., Ltd. Samples of the Paramount litho. transfer papers. Obi. 8vo. Leeds [1914]. 18352 HORTZSCHANSKY, A. Bibliographic des Bibliotheks- und Buchwesens. ite. Jahrg., 1904, etc. [Beihefte zum Zentralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen, 29, etc.] 8vo. Leipzig, 1905, etc. 6707 HORWILL, H. W. The American journalism of to-day. (In The Young Man, Vol. 18, March, 1904, p. 95.) 3879 HOSSLE, F. V. Geschichte der alten Papiermiihlen im ehema- ligen Stift Kempten und in der Reichstadt Kempten. 4to. Kempten, 1900. 2393 HOSSLE, F. V. Die alten Papiermiihlen der Freien Reichs- stadt Augsburg. Fol. Augsburg, 1907. 9514 HOSTMANN PRINTING INK CO. Price hst of Halfer's new marbling colours and utensils. 8vo. London [c. 1905]. 8336 HOSTMANN PRINTING INK CO. Marbling inks [made by Josef Halfer, Buda-Pest. Specimens]. 8vo. London [c. 1906]. 7982 447 HOTTEN, J. C. Literary copyright. Seven letters addressed bv permission to the Right Hon. The Earl Stanhope. 8vo. London, 1871. ' i0549 HOL'BLOUP, L. Thcorie litho.efraphique, ou manl^re facile d'apprendre a imprimer soi-meme : contenant six planches re- presentant onze sujets. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 11788 HOL^DOY, J. Le imprimeurs lillols : Bibliographic des im- pressions lilloises, 1595-1700. 8vo. Paris, 1879. 20772 HOUGHTON, A. B. See Housman, L. HOUGHTON, H. The master printer's return. What Guten- berg saw amid the roar of a modern printing wonderland. 8vo. New York, 191 1. 16287 HOUGHTON, H. The master printer's return : what Guten- berg saw amid the roar of a modern printing wonderland. 8vo. New York, 19 13. 18871 HOUGHTON, H. O. Address on early printing in America. 8vo. Montpelier, 1894. 10189 HOUGHTON, T. S. The printers' practical every-day book, calculated to assist the young printer to work with ease and expedition. 8vo. London, 1841. 18456 HOUGHTON, T. S. The printers' practical every-day book. 3rd edition. i2mo. London, 1843. 20832 HOUGHTON, T. S. The printers' practical every-day book. 4th edition. i2mo. London, 1849. 30^0 HOUGHTON, T. S. The printers' practical every-day book. i2mo. Southport [c. 1854]. 5444 HOUGHTON, T. S. The printers' practical every-day book. New edition] with additions by G. Marshall. i2mo. Preston '1875]. 20331 HOULBERT, C. Les insects ennemis des livres : Leurs moeurs. Moyens de les detruire. 8vo. Paris, 1903. 35^2 HOUPIED, E. Caract^res d'imprimerie et machines. 4to. Paris [c. 1881]. 17127 HOUSMAN, L. Arthur Boyd Houghton : a selection from his work in black and white, printed for the most part from the original wood blocks. 4to. London, 1896. 4076 HOUSSAYE, A. Philosophers and actresses. [Jacques Callot : a variegated epic] 8vo. London [c. 1850]. 16545 HOUSSAYE, A. See Alkan, A. HOUTHAKKER, B. Catalogus van eene verzameling prenten ontworpen of gegraveerd door vrouwen benevens eenige teeken- ingen. 4to. Amsterdam, 1913. ^7475 HOVE : Public Library. loth, etc., annual report, 1902, etc. 8vo. Hove, 1903, etc. 10116 448 HOVEY, E. C. The ideal free public library building. {In The North American Review, Jan., 1895.) 1616 HOVEY, E. C. Recent improvements in public libraries. {In The North American Review, March, 1894.) 161 5 HOW' novelists write for the press. {In The Strand Magazine, March, 1891, pp. 295-298.) 18616 HOW type is made. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 2, 1884-5, p. 214.) PP HOWARD, A. Copyright : a manual for authors and pub- lishers. 8vo. London, 1887. 2995 HOWARD, F. Colour as a means of art. i2mo. London^ 1838. 9037 HOWARD, G. The art of picture reproduction : an account of the methods of illustrating newspapers, magazines and catalogues, and of the various processes of colour reproduction employed in the printing of showcards and posters. {In The Magazine of Commerce, April, 1906, pp. 261-264.) 9089 HOWARD, G. Outdoor publicity. {In The Magazine of Commerce, Vol. 10, 1907, pp. 132-135.) 9153 HOWARD, J. J. and CRISP, F. A. Visitation of England and Wales. Vol. 6. 4to. London, 1898. 3395 HOWARD, W. See Lowe, E. J. and Howard, W. HOWE, P. P. Malthus and the publishing trade. 8vo. London, 1913. 17467 HOWE, T. Trade tables for printers and stationers. 36mo. [? Carlisle, 1909.] 11391 HOWELL, E. A list of English and foreign books com- prising a re-issue of the catalogues published during the past year. 8vo. Liverpool, 1871. 15791 HOWELL & STEWART. A second supplement to Howell and Stewart's catalogue of Oriental and Oriento-Biblical liter- ature for 1828. 8vo. London, 1828. 16556(16) HOWELLS, W. D. The country printer. [Autobiographical.] {In Scribner's Magazine, May, 1893.) 1255 HOWEN, Gen. de. Vues de Namur. [Lithographs by Prous- seaux.] Fol. [? Namur, 1824.] 9510 HOWITT, F. H. The country printers' job price book. 2nd edition. i2mo. London [1849]. 6659 HOWITT, M. Pictures from nature. With illustrations printed in colours [by Kronheim]. 8vo. London, 1869. 10286 HOWSON, J. Historical parallels. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 2, 1896, pp. 59-61.) PP HOYER, E. Le papier : etude sur sa composition analyses et essais. 8vo. Paris, 1884. 22846 449 29 HOYLE, W. E. The Dewey Decimal Classification and the International Catalogue of Science. 8vo. London, 1896. 8089 HO vol S, H. J. Musee bibliographique. Collection d'ouvrages iinpriniL'S ct manuscrits, dont le moindre prix est dc 1000 francs. Svo. IMons, 1837. 17(559 HOYOIS, E, Notice sur Josse Bade. Svo. [Mons, 1843.] 8451 HUART FRERES. Extrait du Specimen. 8vo. Paris, 1908. 17358 HUBBARD, E. A message to Garcia. 8vo. East Aurora, 1899. Ij,25 HUBBARD, E. So here then are the preachments entitled The City of Tagaste and A Dream and a Prophecy. 4to. East Aurora, 1900. 10162 HUBBARD, E. A word on printing-. Svo. London [1912]. 15563 HUBBARD, E. A messag-e to Garcia. Svo. London, 1912. 16643 HUBER, W. See Voss, H. HUBER PRINTING PRESS CO. Catalog-ue of the Huber rotary lithographic press. Obi. Svo. New York, 1902. 3908 [HUBERT, E.] 1S42-92. Historique de I'Association Libre des Compositeurs and Imprimeurs Typographes de Bruxelles. Svo. Bruxelles, 1S92. " r^g HUBERT, R. A catalogue of many natural rarities. i2mo. London, 1664. 211 I HUBL, A. V. Die Dreifarbenphotographie mit besonderer Beriichsichtigung des Dreifarbendruckes und der photo- graphischen Pigmentbilder in natiirlichen Farben. 2te. Auflage. [Encyklopadie der Photographie, Heft. 26.] Svo. Halle a. S. , 1902. 2838 HUBL, A. v. Three-colour photography : three-colour printing and the production of photographic pigment pictures in natural colours. Translated by H. O. Klein. Svo. London, 1904. 4044 HUBL, A. v. Die Theorie und Praxis der Farbenphotographie mit Autochromplatten. [Encyklopadie der Photographie, Heft. 60.] Svo. Halle a. S., 190S. 10765 HUBL, A. v. Die Photographischen Lichtfilter. [Encyklo- padie der Photographie, Heft. 74.] Svo. Halle a. S., 1910. 14243 HUBL, A. V. The coloriscope. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp. 10-13.) PP HUBNER, J. Cantor lectures on paper manufacture. Svo. London, 1903. 374S HUBNER, J. See Erfurt, J. 450 HUCK, J. M. & CO. Preis-courant, 1876 [and specimens of type]. 4to. Offenbach, 1876. * 2202 HUCK, T. W. The University Library, Cambridg-e, {In Library World, Vol. 13, 1910-1, pp. 257-266.) PP HUDDERSFIELD EXAMINER. Our Jubilee. Brief sketch of the history of the Examiner. {In The Huddersfield Examiner, Sept. 6, igoi.) 2437 HUDSON, F. Journalism in the United States, from 1690 to 1872. 8vo. New York, 1873. 20606 HUDSON, T. Photo-aquatint and half-tone process work. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 2, 1896, pp. 94-97.) PP HUFFEL, N. G. v. De techniek van Ploos van Amstel in zijn prentwerk. 4to. ['s Gravenhag-e, c. 1910.] 1/531 HUFNAGEL, M. G. F. See Rossi, J. B. de. HUG, J. L. Die Erfindung- der Buchstabenschrift, ihr Zustand und friihester Gebrauch im Alterthum. 4to. Ulm, 1801. 20885 HUGHES, H. A specimen of book and newspaper printing- types. 8vo. London [c. 1830]. 22228 HUGHES, T. Memoir of Daniel Macmillan. 8vo. London, 1882, 13290 HUGHES, W. Why process work stands still here. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, p. 148.) PP HUGHES, W. More photo-engravers desired, {hi Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 54-55.) PP HUGHES, W. Eng-ravers paid twenty cents a day. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, pp. 47-48.) PP HUGHES & HARBER. Specimens of art printing-. 4to. Longton [c. 1892]. 463 HUGHES & KIMBER. List of machines and materials for the use of printers, stationers, bookbinders, etc. 8vo. London [c. 1865]. 1 1978 HUGHES & KIMBER. Catalog-ue of materials for eng-ravers, lithog-raphers, etc. 8vo. London [1866]. 1^977 HUGHES & KIMBER. Catalogue of machinery and materials for letterpress, lithographic and copperplate printers, also for engravers, bookbinders and stationers. 8vo. London [c. 1880]. 9766 HUGHES & KIMBER, Ltd. Catalogue of machinery and materials for lithographers and copper-plate printers. 8vo. London [c. 1885]. 18193 HUGHES & KIMBER, Ltd. Catalogue of machinery and materials for engravers, copper-plate printers, die sinkers and stampers. 8vo. London [c. 1887]. 12442 451 HUGHES c^ KIMBER, Ltci [Specimens of printing inks.] Obi. Svo. London [1908J. 10593 HUGHES & KIMBER, Ltci. Price list of new design platen printing machines. 4to. London [c. 1908]. 10592 HUGHES & KIMBER, Ltd. Specimens and prices of printing type, borders, cic. Svo. London [1908]. 1 1079 HUGHES & KIMBER, Ltd. New specimen book of brass type, handle letters, tools, rolls, blocks, etc., of the latest designs. 4to. London [c. 1908]. 10591 HUGHES iV KIMBER, Ltd. Catalogue of machinery and materials for printers, stationers, stereotypers, electrotypers, die- sinkers, and stampers. Svo. London [1909]. 12441 HUGHES & KIMBER, Ltd. Catalogue of machinery and materials for lithographers and copper plate printers. Svo. London [1909]. 12243 HUGHES & KIMBER, Ltd. Catalogue of machinery and materials for bookbinders, paper rulers, etc. Svo. London [1909]. 12444 HUGHMARK, A. Modern bookbinding, {hi Inland Printer, Vol. 35, 1905, p. 38— Vol. 38, 1906-7, p. 687.) PP HUGO, H. De prima scribendi. Svo, Antverpiae, 1617. 21850 HUGO, H. Pia desideria. i6mo. Londini [c. 1670]. 6095 HUGO, H. De prima scribendi. Svo. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1738. 5362 HUGO, T. The Bewick collector. A descriptive catalogue of the works of Thomas and John Bewick. (Supplement.) 2 vols. Svo. London, 1866-8. 6544 HUGO, T. Bewick's woodcuts : impressions of upwards of 2,000 wood-blocks engraved, for the most part, by T. and J. Bewick. Fol. London, 1870. 15312 HUGO, T. Catalogue of the books, wood engravings, etc., by, or relating to, T. and J. Bewick [collected] by the Rev. T. Hugo. Svo. London, 1877. 22259 HUGO, V. Poesies. Impression minuscule. 64mo. Bruxelles, 1S80. 23432 HUGUENOT SOCIETY. See Worman, E. J. HULING, J. B. Suggestions in punctuation and capitalization. 3rd edition. i2mo. Chicago, 1SS7. 264 HULL. [A list of printers in Hull having being established since before 40 years ago.] Typewritten. 4to. 1905. 73o8 HULL : Municipal Technical School. Prospectus, 1905-6. Svo. Hull, 1905. 7467 HULL TYPOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Rules and regulations. i2mo. Hull, 1878. 7578 452 HULLMANDEL, C. Twenty-four views of Italy, drawn from nature and engraved upon stone. Obi. fol. London [1818]. 17296 HULLMANDEL, C. The art of drawing on stone. 4to. London [1824]. 880 HULLMANDEL, C. On some important improvements in iithog-raphic printing-. 8vo. [London, c. 1825.] 22289 HULLMANDEL, C. On some further improvements in litho- graphic printing. 8vo. London, 1829. 17645 HULLMANDEL, C. The art of drawing on stone. 8vo. London, 1833. 743° HULLMANDEL, C. Picturesque views of ancient castellated mansions in Scotland. 4 pts. Fol. London, 1833. 17454 HULLMANDEL, C. [A collection of proof impressions and experiments made by C. Hullmandel in his attempts to improve the art of lithography.] Fol. [c. 1820-40.] 155^2 HULLMANDEL, C. The late Charles Hullmandel. [With portrait.] {In The Expositor, Dec. 21, 1850.) 16329 HULLMANDEL, C. See Cunningham, Mrs. F. ; Prout, S. ; Raucourt de Charleville, A. HULLMANDEL & WALTON. Specimen of printing in colours. Fol. London [c. 1850]. 9502 HULME, E. W. See Library Association : Sound Leather Committee. HULME, F. E. and OTHERS. Vere Foster's drawing series. Flowers in water-colors. Obi. 8vo. London [c. 1870]. 9983 HULME, F. E. The birth and development of ornament. 8vo. London, 1893. 14^4 HULME, F. E. Cryptography ; or, the history, principles and practice of cipher writing. 8vo. London [c. 1895]. 1079 HULSIUS, S. Bibliotheca Hulsiana, sive Catalogus librorum S. Hulsius. [Priced.] 8vo. Hagae Com., 1730. 8945 HULST, F. V. Chr. Plantin. 2e. edition. 8vo. Liege, 1846. 22767 HULTHEM, C. v. Bibliotheca Hulthemiana ou catalogue methodique de la riche et precieuse collection de livres et des manuscrits. 6 vols. 8vo. Gand, 1836. 15299 HULTON, E. & CO., Ltd. Samples of line and half-tone engravings, zinc and copper, suitable for newspapers or work of the highest class. 8vo. Manchester, 1904. 477^ HUMBOLDT, A. v. Views of nature. Translated by E. C. Ott^ and H. G. Bohn. 8vo. London, 1850. 7826 HUME, A. The learned societies and printing clubs of the United Kingdom. 8vo. London, 1847. 5002 453 HUME, D. Sec Johnston, G. P. HUME, W. Three-colour printinj^. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol 35, Feb." 28, 1895, pp. 113, 209.) PP HUMOR. Der Humor im Buchhandel. Ein Vademecum fiir lustige und traurige Buchhandler. 8vo. Augsburg, 1887. 21542 HUMOURS. The humours of newspaper enterprise. {In Chambers's Journal, July 6, 1895.) 2368 HUMPHREY, F. S. Manual of typewriting and exercises for practice on the Remington standard typewriter. 8vo. New York, 1899. 8280 HUMPHREYS, A. L. Piccadilly bookmen : memorials of the house of Hatchard. 8vo. London, 1893. 7441 H[UMPHREYS], H. N. The illuminated calendar for 1846, 4to. London [1845]. 15645 HUMPHREYS, H. N. Sentiments and similes of William Shakespeare. [Printing in colours and gold. Special binding in relief, stamped and pierced.] Sq. 8vo. London, 1851. 11895 HUMPHREYS, H. N. Ten centuries of art. [Chromolitho. work.] 4to. London, 1852. 8205 HUMPHREYS, H. N. The origin and progress of the art of writing. 8vo. London, 1853. 20528 HUMPHREYS, H. N. A history of the art of printing. Fol. London, 1867. 20803 [HUMPHREYS, H. N.] Who was the first printer? {In Saint Paul's, Sept., 1868.) 22353 HUMPHREYS, H. N. A history of the art of printing. Second issue. Fol. London, 1868. 5846 HUMPHREYS, H. N. Masterpieces of the early printers and engravers. Fol. London, 1870. 21058 HUMPHREYS, H. N. Masterpieces of the early printers and engravers. [Large paper edition.] F'ol. London, 1870. 5844 HUMPHREYS, H. N. See Bible: Psalms; Blades, W. ; Goldsmith, O. HUMPHREYS, J. Memoir of the late Thomas Wyon, jun. {In The Gentleman's Magazine, Feb., 1818.) 2689(2) HUNDRED. A hundred merry tales : the earliest English jest-book. Now .first reproduced in photo-lithography from the unique copy of 1526 in the Royal Library at Gottingen. With an introduction, notes and glossarial index by W. C. Hazlitt. 4to. London, 1887. 14041 HUNNEWELL, J. F. First printing at the Hawaiian Islands. {In Hawaiian Club: Papers, 1868.) 10188 454 HUNNIUS, N. Kort begrijp van 't Gunt voor een Christen van Goddelijcke ende Seestelijcke ding-en te weten ende te gelooven genoegh is. i2mo. Amsterdam, 1635. 21829 HUNT, A. V. The Save-Time size tables for printers and stationers. i6mo. London [c. 1912]. 16157 HUNT, F. K. The fourth estate : contributions towards a history of newspapers, and of the hberty of the press. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1850. 4^77 HUNT, F. W. Libraries of Devonport, naval, military and civil. 8vo. Devonport, 1901. 8439 HUNT, J. Vindiciae verae pietatis. i2mo. Milton Ernis, 1719. 8165 HUNT, R. A popular treatise on the art of photography, including daguerreotype. 8vo. Glasgow, 1841. ii743 HUNT, R. See Weale, J. HUNT, S. De antiquitate, etc., linguae Arabicae. 4to. Oxonii, 1739. 5583 HUNT, W. Then and now ; or, fifty years of newspaper work. 8vo. Hull, 1887. ' 301 1 HUNTER, E. S. The rotary spray etching machine.- {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, FoZ. 13, 1907-8, pp. 179-180.) PP HUNTER, E. S. & CO. [Catalogue of machinery for printers, etc.] 4to. [London, c. 1898.] 1779 HL'NTER, J. Specimens of marks used by the early manu- facturers of paper, as exhibited in documents in the public archives of England. Read Feb. 18, 1858. {In Archaeologia, Vol. 37, 1858.) 6479 HUNTER, J. A. Printers and supplymen in England. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 32, 1903-4, pp. 836-838.) PP HUNTER, J. H. Practical three-colour printing. {In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 40-44.) PP HUNTER, J. H. Colour printing equipment : a comparison. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp- 62-64.) PP HUNTER, N. S. The origin of book catalogues. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 37, 1906, p. 208.) PP HUNTERS, Ltd. Specimens in half-tone and three-color work made with Haas screens. 4to. London [c. 1900]. 4779 HUNTERS, Ltd. Bulletins. [Machinery, etc., for printers.] 4to. London [1904]. 478o HUNTERS, Ltd. Lithographic sectional catalogue. 4to. London [c. 1906]. 12435 HUNTERS, Ltd. Transfer papers. [Specimens.] Obi. i2mo. London [1907]. 12447 455 HUNTERS, Ltd. Samples of cylinder and roller materials. Svo. London [c. 1907]. 12434 HUNTERS, Ltd. Stereotype papers. Obi. i2mo. London [c. 1 90S]. 16962 HUNTERS, Ltd. The H. L. artist's sundries. Svo. London [c. 1910]. 167S9 HUNTERS, Ltd. Samples of cylinder and roller materials. Svo. London [c. 191 1]. 18191 HUNTLEY, L. The small town library. {In Library World, ]'oL II, 1908-9, pp. 205-208.) PP HUNTOON, B. B. Printing- for the blind. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 29, 1902, p. 3S5.) PP HUPFAUER, P. Druckstiicke aus dem 15. Jahrhunderte, welche sich in der Bibliothek des Regulirten Chorstiftes Beuer- berg- befinden. Svo. Augsburg-, 1795. 20927 HUPFUFF, M. See Schmidt, C. HUPP, O. Ein Missale speciale Vorlaufer des Psalteriums von 1457. 4to. Miinchen, 1S9S. 2S25 HUPP, O. Gutenberg-'s erste Drucke. 4to. Miinchen, 1902. 2826 HURST, A, Plans and lays of the case used in Arthur Hurst's private printing- office : including- many orig-inal and unique designs. Obi. Newcastle-on-Tyne [1879]. 4^99 HURST, G. -H. Colour : a handbook of the theory of colour. Svo. London, 1900. 1932 HURST, G. H. Dictionary of chemicals and raw products used in the manufacture of paints, colours, varnishes and allied pre- parations. Svo. London, 1901. 2069 HURUS, P. See Defensorium. HUSNIK, J. Die Heliographie. [Chemisch-technische Biblio- thek. 43.] Svo. Wien, 1878. ii799 HUSNIK, J. Die Heliog-raphie. 2te. Auflage. [Chemische- technische Bibliothek. 43.] 8vo. Wien, 1888. 2096 HL^SNIK, J, Das Gesammtg-ebeit des Lichtdrucks die Email — photographic und anderweitige Vorschriften zur Lhnfehrung der negativen und positiven Glasbilder. 4te. Auflage. [Chemisch- technische Bibliothek. 22.] Svo. Wien, 1S94. 2092 HUSNIK, J. Die Reproductions-Photographic sowohl fiir Halbton als Strichmanier. 2te. Auflage. [Chemisch-technische Bibliothek. 119.] Svo. Wien, 1895. 2095 HUSNIK, J. Die Zinkatzung. (Chemigraphie. Zinkotypie.) 2te. Auflage. [Chemisch-technische Bibliothek. 130.] Svo. Wien, 1896. 11800 456 HUSNIK, J. Die Zinkatzung. (Chemigraphie, Zinkolypie.) Eine fassliche Anleitung nach den neuesten Fortschritten, alle mit den bekannten Manieren auf Zink oder ein anderes Metall iibertragenen Bilder hoch zu atzen und fiir die typographische Presse geeignete Druckplatten herzustellen. 3te. Auflage. [Chem- isch-technische Bibliothek 130. j i2mo. Wien, 1907. 954^ HUSNIK, J. Gelatine reliefs for overlays. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 4, 1898, p. 53.) PP HUSON, T. Working the half-tone process in winter amongst the Welsh mountains. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 3, 1897, pp. 41-42.) PP HUSON, T. Huson on photo-aquatint and photogravure. To which is appended a treatise on machine printed photogravure compiled from articles by A. Villain and J. W. Smith. 8vo. London, 1897. 1231 HUTCHINGS, W. W. How paper is made. {In Britain at Work, Pt. 5, June, 1903.) 3648 HUTH, A. H. An index to books and papers on marriage between near kin. 8vo. London, 1879. iioio HUTH, A. H. Some supplementary suggestions to Mr. Wheatley's paper on An English bibliography, (/n Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. 2, 1894.) 56 HUTTICHIUS, J. Imperatorum et Caesarum vitae, cum im- aginibus ad vivam effigiem expressis. 8vo. Argentorati, 1534. 5285 HUTTICHIUS, J. Imperatorum et Caesarum vitae, cum imaginibus ad vivam eflfigiem expressis. 8vo. Lyon, 1550. 4314 HUVE, E. Fonderie E. Huve. [Specimens.] 4to. Paris, 1893. 1 71 52 HYATT, J. See Caxton, W. HYDE, J. A bibliography of the works of Emanuel Sweden- borg, original and translated. 8vo. London, 1906. 15363 HYETT, F. A. County bibliographies : suggestions for in- creasing their utility. {In Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. 3, 1895.) 56 HYETT, F. A. and BAZELEY, W. The bibliographer's manual of Gloucestershire literature. 3 vols. 8vo. Gloucester, 1895-7. 7519 HYETT, F. A. See Austin, R. HYMNORUM expositio cum notabili commento. 4to. Basel, 1497. 5669 HYMNS. Evangelische Gezangen. [With music] 8vo. Amsterdam, 1824. 10632 HYSLOP, W. H. Three-color half-tones. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 14, 1894-5, PP- 27, 132.) PP HYSLOP, W. H. Should half-tone negatives be made direct from coloured originals. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 14, 1894-5, P- ~3^-) PP 457 I : A. Biographic des imprimeurs et des libraires. i8mo. Paris, 1826. 21866 I : I. H. The Kehnscott Press : an illustrated interview with Mr. William Morris. {In Bookselling-, 1895.) 1404 IBBETSON, ( ), LAPORTE, ( ) and HASSELL, J. A picturesque g^uide to Bath, Bristol Hot-wells, the River Avon, etc. [Aquatint plates principally coloured by hand.] 4to. London, 1793. 7690 IBBS, E. A. See Shakespeare, W. IBRAHIM-HILMY, Prince. The literature of Egypt and the Soudan from the earliest times to 1885 inclusive. A bibliog-raphy. Vol. 2. 4to. London, 1888. 7556 ICAZBALCETA, J. G. Bibliog-rafia Mexicana del siglo 16. Primera parte. Catalog^o razonado de libros impresos en Mexico de 1539 a 1600. 4to. Mexico, 1886. 3713 IDDESLEIGH, Earl of. The pleasures, the dangers and the uses of desultory reading. i2mo. London, 1885. 8432 IFAN, C. Le prote. Etude-causerie. 8vo. Bordeaux, 1904. 7609 IHM, B. A. Die bunten Farben in der Buchdruckerei und insbesondere deren Druck auf der Schnellpresse. 2te. Auflage. 4to. Wien, 1874. 20787 IHME, F. A. Gutenberg und die Buchdruckerkunst in Elsass. 8vo. Strassburg, 1891. 3483 ILES, G. The appraisal of literature. [A paper read at the International Library Conference, 1897.] 8vo. 1897. 81 10 ILGENSTEIN, M. Untersuchungen iiber die friiheste Buch- druckergeschichte Ulm's. (Separatabdruck aus dem Centralblatt fijr Bibliothekswesen.) 8vo. [Leipzig, c. 1886.] 22672 ILGEXSTEIN, M. Einige seltene unbeschriebene Einblatt- drucke zur sachsischen Geschichte des 15. Jahrhunderts. Ein Beitrag zur Buchdrucker-geschichte Magdeburg's. (Separatab- druck aus dem Centralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen.) 8vo. [Leipzig, c. 1 886. J 22674 458 ILIFF, Mrs. Poems, upon several subjects. 2nd edition. i2mo. Malta, 1818. 6542 ILKLEY : Public Library and Museum. Report of the Com- mittee for 1908-10. 8vo. Ilkley, 1910. 13279 ILLINOIS. Labor laws of the state of Illinois. As amended and in force on and after July i, 1899. 8vo. Springfield, 1899. 10426 ILLUMINATOR. The Illuminator : containing all the parts of the Illuminator's Magazine and completing the subject. 4to. London [1861]. 2817 ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS. The Illustrated London Almanack, 1849-71. [From 1858 with coloured plates by Leighton Bros.] 8vo. London, 1849-71. 15828 ILLUSTRATED MAIL. Marvels of The Illustrated Mail. (In The Illustrated Mail, Jan. 26, 1907.) 8563 ILLUSTRATION HORTICOLE. 1874-85. 9 vols. [The volumes for 1874-5 are in English, the rest in French.] Fol. and 8vo. Gand, 1874-85. " i4735 ILLUSTRATIONS : a pictorial review of knowledge, 1886-7. 4to. London, 1887. i7553 ILLUSTRATOR AND PROCESS REVIEW. Vols. 9-10, 1904-5. 8vo. New York, 1904-5. PP ILLUS-TRIERTE NEUESTE NACHRICHTEN FUR DAS DRUCKGEWERBE. No. 3, Dec, 191 2 (c). Fol. Leipzig, 1912. PP ILLUSTRIRTER WEINACHTS-KATALOG, 1882-96. 8vo. Leipzig, 1882-96. 266 IMAGE, S. An address before the Art Workers' Guild. 8vo. London, 1909. 11255 IMBERDIS, J. Papyrus sive ars conficiendae papyri, avec traduction francaise [par Augustin Blanchet]. 8vo. Paris, 1899. 9090 IMBERT, D. G. See Middleton, C. IMESON, W. E. Illustrated music-titles and their delineators. A handbook for collectors. 8vo. London, 1912. 16601 IMITATIO CHRISTI. Thomae a Kempis. De Imitatione Christi. i6mo. Coloniae, 1622. 6091 IMITATIO CHRISTI. The Imitation of Christ : being the MSS. of Thomas a Kempis, reproduced in facsimile. With an introduction by C. Ruelens. i6mo. London, 1879. 21 158 IMITATIO CHRISTI. The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis. A facsimile reproduction of the first edition printed at Augsburg [by G. Zainer] in 1471-2. With an introduction by W. J. Knox Little. Fol. London, 1893. 3130 459 IMMEDIATE. The immediate necessity of building a lazzaretto for a regular quarantine after the Italian manner. 4to. London, irro. 9078 IMMERGRUX. Eine Festgabe zur vierten Jubelfeier der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst, i2mo. Wien, 1840. 20839 IMPERIAL NEWSAGENT, BOOKSELLER AND STA- TIONER. New Series. Vol. 1, 1900, etc. 4to. London, 1900, tffc. PP IMPERIAL PRESS CONFERENCE. Visit to Sheffield, June i6th, 1909. Souvenir of inspection of the type foundry and wood- work manufactory of Stephenson, Blake and Co., and Sir Charles Reed and Sons, of Shetfield and London. 4to. Sheffield, 1909. 11914 IMPERIAL PRESS CONFERENCE. Empire editors at the Imperial Press Conference. 8vo. London, 1909. 11205 IMPORTANCE of female education. [Hindustani.] 8vo. Calcutta, 1822. 17953 IMPRIMERIE-ANNONCES. A7in. i, No. 10, 1901. 4to. Lifege, 1 90 1. PP IMPRIMERIE en caract^res. Fol. Paris, 1780. 23202 IMPRIMERIE. L'Imprimerie. Journal de la typographic, etc. Ann. i, 1864, etc. 4to. Paris, 1864, etc. PP IMPRIMERIE, L'imprimerie. Ode. i2mo. Paris, 1764. 23087 LMPRIMERIE CATHOLIQUE. Orientalia. Catalogue special et specimens des caracteres de l'imprimerie Catholique. Beyrouth (Syrie). 8vo. Beyrouth, 1890. 16727 IMPRIMERIE IMPERIALE. See Paris: Imprimerie Nationale. IMPRIMERIE IMPERIALE. See Petrograd : Imprimerie Imperiale. IMPRIMERIE NATIONALE. See Paris: Imprimerie Nationale. IMPRIMERIE NATIONALE DE MUSIQUE ET LITHO- TYPOGRAPHIE COMMERCIALE. [Speciniens of music print- ing.] 8vo. Bruxelles [c. 1900]. 4526 IMPRIMERIE NOUVELLE. SociaUsmo pratique. Histoire d'une association ouvriere. L'imprimerie Nouvelle, 1870-8. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 14046 IMPRIMERIE NOUVELLE. See Musette. IMPRIMERIE ROYALE. See Paris: Imprimerie Nationale. IMPRINT. Vols. 1-2, 1913. 4to. London, 1913. PP INCE, H. The wonders of the world in nature and art. [Ex- planation of The Times printing machine, pp. 524-525.] 4to. London [c. 1845]. 16328 460 INCUNABLES. De quelques livres imprimes au 156. si^cle sur des papiers de differents formats. 8vo. Toulouse [c. 1880]. 12646 INDEX librorum prohibitorum et expurgatorum. 8vo. [Lyon], 1620. 1 1974 INDEX librorum prohibitorum et expurgandorum novissimus pro Catholicis Hispaniarum. Fol. Madriti, 1667. 8657(1) INDEX librorum prohibitorum. Fol. Romae, 1667. 8657 (2) INDEX librorum prohibitorum usque ad annum 1704. 8vo. Romae, 1682 [1704]. 11723 INDEX librorum prohibitorum. Innoc. XI P.M. jussu editus usque ad annum 1681. Eidem accedit in fine appendix usque ad mensem Junii, 1704. 8vo. Romae, 1704. 8914 INDEX librorum prohibitorum. 8vo. Romae, 1758. 5352 INDEX hbrorum prohibitorum. 8vo. Romae, 1761. 8261 INDEX Hbrorum prohibitorum Pii sexti. Pont. Max. jussu editus. [Appendices 1786-90 : 1790-6.] 8vo. Romae, 1786-96. 18018 INDEX. Indice de los libros prohibidos y mandados expurgar. 4to. Madrid, 1790. 1^975 INDEX librorum prohibitorum Pii sexti. Pont. Max. jussu editus : et sub Pio. Sept. ad annum usque 1806 continuatus. i2mo. Romae, 1806. 8913 INDEX librorum prohibitorum. i2mo. Romae, 1819. 11632 INDEX. An exact reprint of the Roman Index Expurgatorius. The only Vatican Index of this kind ever published. Edited with a preface by R. Gibbing-s. 8vo. Dublin, 1837. 8570 INDEX librorum prohibitorum. 8vo. Romae, 1843. 8262 INDIA. General catalogue of all publications of the Govern- ment of India and local governments and administrations. 2 pts. 8vo. Calcutta, 1903. 8043 INDIA. Specimens of type in the Central Printing Office. 8vo. Calcutta, 1886. 2898 INDIA. Handbook of the Central Printing Office. 2nd edition. 8vo. Calcutta, 1886. 2897 INDIA. Handbook of the Central Printing Office. 3rd edition. (Supplements.) 8vo. Calcutta, i899(-i904). 4087 INDIA. Annual report on the working of the office of the Superintendent, Government Printing, India, 1906-7. Fol. Cal- cutta, 1907. 9558 IXDIANAPOLLS : Winona Technical Institute. Trade schools. [Prospectus.] 1908-9. [Lithography: Printing.] 8vo. Indiana- polis, igo8. 1 171 1 461 INDIANAPOLIS: Winona Technical Institute. School of printini^-. [Prospectus.] 01)1. 8vo. Indianapolis [c. 1910]. 11712 INDL'S BRITANNICUS. Remarks on the trial of John Peter Zenyer, printer of the New York Weekly Journal, who was lately acquitted for printing- and publishing' two libels against the g-Qvernment of that province. 4to. London, 1738. 20473 (-) INDUSTRIA. L'Industria della Carta. Anno 7, 1904, etc. 4to. Milano, 1904, etc. PP INDUSTRIA PAPELERA. Ano 4-5, 1903-4. 4to. Madrid, 1903-4. PP INFANTE, Dr. Forma libelandi. Fol. Sevilla, 1551. 5^35 INFORMATION for pilgrims unto the Holy Land. Edited by E. Gordon DufT. [Facsimile of the edition printed by Wynkyn de Worde about 1498.] 4to. London, 1893. 2508 INGERSOLL, W. H. Science in advertising. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 39, 1907, pp. 247-249.) PP INGLIS, J. See De Bury, R. INGOLSTADT : University. Bibliothecae Academicae Ingol- stadiensis incunabula typographica illustravit Sebastianus Seemiller. 4to. Ingolstadii, 1787-92. 6541 INGRAM, J. \^AN N. See Washington : Library of Congress. INKLESS printing : its advantages and possibilities. {In Chambers's Journal, Nov., 1899.) ^527 INK-photo process. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 8, 1902-3, pp. 131-132.) PP INK-photo process. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 9, 1903-4. P- 105- ) PP INK-photo process. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 10, 1904-5, pp. IIO-III.) PP INLAND PRINTER. To/, i, 1883, etc. 4to. Chicago, 1883, etc. PP INLAND PRINTER. Makers of the Inland Printer. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 21, 1898, pp. 225-240.) PP INLAND PRINTER CO. Artistic display in advertising: being a reproduction of 85 specimens of advertisement composition submitted in a prize contest. 4to. Chicago, 1894. 10896 INLAND PRINTER CO. Magna Charta Bond advertisements. Being a reproduction of 148 specimens of advertisement com- position. 4to. Chicago, 1896. 10847 INLAND PRINTER CO. Cover and title pages. [Specimens.] 8vo. Chicago [1909]. 11510 INLAND PRINTER VEST POCKET MANUAL OF PRINT- ING. i6mo. Chicago, 1894. 1426 462 INLAND PRINTER VEST POCKET MANUAL OF PRINT- ING. A convenient reference book for employing printers, press- men, compositors, newspaper men and others. Containing- rules of punctuation and capitalization, valuable tables, and a complete and accurate series of diagrams of imposition. Nar. 24mo, Chicago, 1903. 3776 INLAND TYPE FOUNDRY. Specimen book and catalog. Standard line and unit sets. 8vo. St. Louis, 1897. ^^t,"^ INLAND TYPE FOUNDRY. Specimens of printing types. 8vo. St. Louis [1897]. 1034 INLAND TYPE FOUNDRY. Hearst and Hearst italic. 4to. St. Louis [1905]. 4100 INLAND TYPE FOUNDRY. McNally series. 4to. St. Louis [1908]. 10644 INLAND TYPE FOUNDRY. Inland gothic faces. 4to. St. Louis [1908]. 10645 INSIDE a printing office. (In The Leisure Hour, 1863.) 22932 INSTITUTE JOURNAL : the official organ of the Institute of Journalists. Vol. i. No. 6, April 26th, 191 3. 4to. London, 1913. PP INSTITUTE OF JOURNALISTS. Proceedings. Nos. 17-53, 1896-1905. Fol. London, 1896-1905. PP INSTITUTE OF PRINTERS AND KINDRED TRADES. [Miscellaneous papers.] 8vo. [London, 1898, etc.] 8026 INSTITUTE OF PRINTERS AND KINDRED TRADES. [Prospectus.] Obi. i2mo. [London, 1898.] 4528 INSTITUTE OF PRINTERS AND KINDRED TRADES. Souvenir. First anniversary, May 17, 1899. 8vo. [London, 1899.] 6522 INSTITUTE OF PRINTERS AND KINDRED TRADES. Commemorative exhibition of the progress of printing in con- nection with the Gutenberg Quin-Centenary, June 5-16, 1900. [Prospectus.] Nar. 4to. London [c. 1899]. 6720 INSTITUTE OF PRINTERS AND KINDRED TRADES. Souvenir, 1901, etc. 4to. London, 1901, etc. 2047 INSTITUTE OF PRINTERS AND KINDRED TRADES. Report and accounts for 1901, etc. 8vo. [London, 1902, etc.] 4175 INSTITUTE OF PRINTERS AND KINDRED TRADES. The late John Southward. 4to. [London, 1903.] 335i INSTITUTE OF PRINTERS AND KINDRED TRADES. The printing trades exchange and market. [Prospectus.] 4to, London, 1907. 13663 463 INSTITUTE OF PRINTERS AND KINDRED TRADES. Members' Circular. J'ol. i, 1909, etc. 8vo. London, 1909, etc. PP INSTITUTE OF PRINTERS AND KINDRED TRADES. Deputation to Belgium, July, 1910. [By W. Boutall.] 4to. London, 191 1. 14326 INSTITUTE OF PRINTERS AND KINDRED TRADES. Sec Deberny & Cie. INSTRUCTOR clericalis. Part 2. 4th edition. 8vo. London, 1715- 4643 INSULANUS, G. Statera chalcographiae. (/n Wolf, J. C. : Monumenta typographica, I, 1740.) 20082 INTERESTING. An interesting^ printing- process. The blind peoples' monthly magazine. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 32, Aug-. 17, 1893, pp. 116-117.) PP INTERMEDIAIRE. L'Intermediaire des Imprimeurs. Ann. 18-21, 1903-6. 4to. Paris, 1903-6. PP INTERNATIONAL ADVERTISERS' EXHIBITION : Crystal Palace. Official catalogue. 8vo. London, 1900. i945 INTERNATIONAL ART PRINTER. Vol. i, Nos. 3 and 4, 1895. 4to. Owen Sound, 1895. PP INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSELLERS. Catalogue of an exhibition of books, etc., illustrative of the history and progress of printing and bookselling in England, 1477-1800. Sq. 8vo. London, 1912. 16099 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MANUFACTURING PHOTO-ENGRAVERS. Proposed standard scale of minimum prices for half-tones and zinc etchings. S. sh. fol. 1913. 17270 INTERNATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHER. Vol. i, Nos. 1-2, April-May, 1910. 4to. London, 1910. PP INTERNATIONAL BOOKBINDER. Vol. 11, 1910, etc. 8vo. New York, 1910, etc. PP INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF BOOKBINDERS. Official proceedings of the 8th convention. 8vo. [New York, 1902.] 3573 INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF LITHOGRAPHERS. Report of the first [etc.] congress, 1896, etc. 8vo. Manchester [1897, etc.] 2389 INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF LITHOGRAPHERS. Fifth congress [Agenda]. 4to. London, 1904. 4477 INTERNATIONAL LINOTYPE, Ltd. See Linotype Co., Ltd. INTERNATIONAL PRESS AND PRINTING EXHIBITION: Crystal Palace. The official catalogue. Compiled by W. A. Lawton. 4to. London, 1902. 2606 464 INTERNATIONAL PRINTING PRESSMEN'S AND AS- SISTANTS' UNION. See American Newspaper Publishers' Association; National Society of Operative Printers and Assistants. INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHERS' CONGRESS, 1899. Pro- gramme. 4to. London, 1899. 14164 INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHERS' CONGRESS, 1899. Pro- gramme, list of delegates and members, rules, papers read and discussions. 8vo. London, 1S99. 14165 INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHERS' CONGRESS, 1899. Re- ports, programme, etc. 8vo. London, 1899. 14166. INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHERS' CONGRESS, 1901. Papers to be read. 8vo. Leipzig, 190 1. 14167 INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHERS' CONGRESS, 1901. Re- port of the 4th session, June 10-13, 190I) ^t Leipzig. 8vo. Leipzig, 1902. 14168 INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHERS' CONGRESS. Vocabu- laire technique de I'editeur en sept langues : Frangais, Deutsch, English, Espanol, Hollandsch, Italiano, Magyar. 4to. Berne, 1913- ^8333 INTERNATIONAL SECRETARIAT OF LITHOGRAPHERS. Synopsis of the principal rules of management and finance of the organisations affiliated. 8vo. Manchester, 1902. 2701 INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF SCULPTORS, PAINTERS AND GRAVERS. Illustrated souvenir catalogue of the Exhi- bition of International Art. 8vo. London, 1898. 1209 INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF SCULPTORS, PAINTERS AND GRAVERS. Memorial exhibition of the works of the late J. McN. Whistler. [Illustrated catalogue.] 4to. London [1905]. 10193 INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF WOOD ENGRAVERS. Cash accounts and 2nd annual report. 8vo. [London, 1894.] 4256 INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF WOOD ENGRAVERS. Exhibition, Stationers' Hall, March 11-16. Obi. 8vo. London [c. 1895]. 532 INTERNATIONAL STEREOTYPERS AND ELECTRO- TYPERS UNION JOURNAL. Vol. 5, 1910, etc. 8vo. Phila- delphia, 1910, etc. PP INTERNATIONAL TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION. Banquet, June 10, 1886. Menu. 8vo. [Pittsburgh], 1886. 22666 INTERNATIONAL TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION. Scales of prices under the jurisdiction of the I. T. U. S. sh. fol. [Indiana- polis, 1896.] 590 INTERNATIONAL TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION. Official souvenir of the 44th annual session. Obi. 4to. Syracuse, 1898. 2601 465 30 IXTKRXATIOXAL TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION. Wage scales of typographical unions. 8vo. Indianapolis, 1902. 2649 INTERNATIONAL TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION. Arbitration agreement between the American Newspaper Publishers' Associ- ation and the Union. i2mo. Indianapolis [1903]. 11521 INTERNATIONAL TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION. Union printers' home, Colorado Springs, Colorado. 8vo. Indianapolis, 1905. 1 1527 INTERNATIONAL TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION. Consti- tution, by-laws and general laws. i2mo. Indianapolis, 1905. 6527 INTERNATIONAL TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION. I. T. U. : its battle against tuberculosis. i2mo. [Indianapolis, 1907.] 11517 INTERNATIONAL TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION. Minimum wage scales typographical unions, compiled from reports of local secretaries by J. W. Branwood. 8vo. Indianapolis, 1908. 15547 INTERNATIONAL TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION. The I.T.U. course of instruction in printing. 4to. Chicago [c. 1909]. 11605 INTERNATIONAL TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION. Consti- tution, by-laws, general laws and convention laws. i2mo. Indianapolis, 1909. 11519 INTERNATIONAL TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION. List of magazines and periodicals of general circulation published under union and non-union conditions. No. 10. i2mo. Indianapolis, 1909. 1 1 520 INTERNATIONAL TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION. The I. T. U. course of instruction in printing. 410. Chicago [1910]. INTERNATIONAL TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION. Union printers' home. Souvenir post cards. Obi. i6mo. Indianapolis [c. 191 1]. 15528 INTERNATIONAL TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION. The I.T.U. course of instruction in printing. Fol. Chicago [1912]. 17746 INTERNATIONAL TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION. History of the Typographical Union, its beginnings, progress and develop- ment, its beneficial and educational features, together with a chapter on the early organizations of printers. Compiled by G. A. Tracy. 8vo. Indianapolis, 1913. 18513 INTERNATIONAL TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION. A turn in the road from nowhere. [The I.T.U. course of instruction in printing.] 4to. Chicago [1914]. 18231 INTERNATIONAL TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION. Union printers' home, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Obi. 8vo. Indiana- polis [1914]. 18275 INTERNATIONAL TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION. See Lynch, J. M. ; McVicar, J. 466 INTERNATIOXALER GRAPHISCHER MUSTER-AUS- TAUSCH. See Deutscher Buchgewerbe Verein. INTERNATIONALES BUCHDRUCKER - SEKRETARIAT. Die Gehilfen-Organisationen" im Buchdruckerg"evverbe. Statis- tische Erhebung-en vom Jahre 1902, etc. 8vo. Basel, 1903, etc. 3914 INTERNATIONALES BUCHDRUCKER - SEKRETARIAT. Jahresbericht, 1904, etc. 8vo. Basel, 1905, etc. 6705 INTERNATIONALES BUCHDRUCKER - SEKRETARIAT. Proc^s-verbal du Ve. Congres Typographique International a Paris du 9-13 Juillet, 1907. 8vo. Berne, 1908. 997^ INVENTOR. The inventor of the vertical platen press. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 45, Nov. 16, 1899, pp. 277-278.) PP INVERTED commas. {In Once a Week, April 4, 1868.) 22787 IPENBUUR & VAN SELDAM. Letterproef. [Medeleelingen over Boekkunst. No. i.] 8vo. Amsterdam, 1902. 93-5 IPSWICH : Free Libraries. 58th annual report, etc., 1906-7, etc. 8vo. Ipswich, 1907, etc. 99-5 IPSWICH JOURNAL. The history of the Ipswich Journal for 150 years. [W^ith a facsimile of No. 504, April 4-1 1, 1730.] 4to. [Ipswich, 1875.] 1978 [IRELAND, A.] The book-lover's enchiridion. Thoug-hts on the solace and companionship of books. Selected by Philobiblos. 24mo. London, 1883. 21 124 [IRELAND, W. H.] Scribbleomania; or, the printer's devil's polichronicon, a sublime poem. Edited by A. Pen-drag"-on, Esq. 8vo. London, 1815. 1202 IRELAND'S case briefly stated. i2mo. [London], 1720. 21285 IREMONGER, J. A discourse of God's wisdom in the im- petration and application of redemption. 8vo. London, 171 1. 17589 IRISH BOOK LOVER. Vol. i, 1909, etc. 8vo. London, 1909, etc. PP IRMISCH, L. Kurze Geschichte der Buchdruckereien im Herzog'tume Braunschweig. 8vo. Braunschweig", 1890. 897 IRMISCH, L. Worterbuch der Buchdrucker und Schriftgiesser, Etwa siebzehnhundert fachgewerbliche und fachgesellschaftliche Worter und Redensarten sprachlich und sachlich kurz erlautert von L. I. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1901. 2397 IRVING, C. Historiae Scoticae nomenclatura Latino-verna- cula. 8vo. Edinbruchii, 1682. 5622 IRVINE, R. The chemistry of colour printing. A lecture. i2mo. Leicester [1891]. 666 467 ISAACS, G. A. See National Society of Operative Printers and Assistants. ISABEL, A. A. Le calibrage typographique donnant I'^paisseur de la lettre-calibre et le nombre de lettres contenues dans chaque justification. 8vo. Paris, 1892. 269 ISACSON, O. L. Isacson's typografi, 1908, etc. Fol. Gote- borg-, 1908, etc. 11252 ISBISTER & CO. London publishers. Messrs. Isbister and Co. (7n The Bookman, Vol. 3, Feb., 1893, p. 154.) 6807 ISERMANN, A. Anleitung zur Stereotypen-Giesserei in Gyps und Papiermatrizen. i2mo. Leipzig, 1869. 23098 ISEGHEM, A. F. v. Biograpie de Thierry Martens d'Alost. 8vo. Malines, 1852. 2071 1 ISERMANN, A. Anleitung zur Chemitypie. i2mo. Leipzig, 1869. 23097 ISIDORUS. Etymologiae. Fol. Paris, 1499. 21419 ISLAND. The Island of Jersey. i2mo. Jersey, 1857. 3909 ISLAND. The Island Princess. 4to. London, 1701. 6160 (5) ISLE OF MAN TIMES. The Jubilee of the Isle of Man Times. Story of its first half-century. 4to. Douglas, 191 1. 15673 ISLINGTON ANTIQUARIAN AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. [Rules and list of members.] 8vo. Islington, 1909. 1 1 340 ISLINGTON : Public Libraries. Preliminary information circular and rules and regulations. 8vo. London, 1906. 7945 ISLINGTON : Public Libraries. A catalogue of a collection of prints, drawings and photographs of ancient and modern Isling- ton. 8vo. London, 1907. 10128 ISLINGTON : Public Libraries. Select catalogue and guide. 8vo. London, 1910. 13546 ISOCRATES. Orationes et epistolae. Gr. & Lat. i2mo. Cantabrigiae, 1686. 4559 ITALY. Secondo Congresso Tipografico Italiano in Bologna. 8vo. [Bologna, 1869.] 151 5^ ITALY. Statistica della stampa periodica nell' anno 1893. 8vo. Roma, 1894. 15160 ITALY : UfScio del Lavoro. Atti del Consiglio Superiore del Lavoro. 15 Sessione, Die, 1910. Fol. Roma, 1910. 1494° ITHACA : Cornell University. Catalogue of the Icelandic Collection bequeathed by Willard Fiske. Compiled by H. Her- mannsson. 410. Ithaca, 1914. 18730 IVAN, L. Economy in catalogue composition. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 25, 1900, pp. 185-186.) PP 468 IVES, B. Catalogue of the books and manuscripts belonging- to B. I. 8vo. New York, 1891. 6307 IVES, F. E. Handbook to the photochromoscope. 8vo. London, 1894. 17260 IVES, F. E. The mechanical and optical principles involved in the half-tone process. [A lecture.] {In The I3rit. and Col. Print., Vol. 42, March 10, 1898, p. 139.) . PP IVES, F. E. The negative making process and the manipul- ation of screen and diaphragm in practice. [A lecture.] {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 42, March 17, 1898, p. 153.) PP IVES, F. E. Lectures on photo-process work. {In The London Technical Education Gazette, Jan., 1899.) 1227 IVES, F. E. The process of three-colour work. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 7, 1901, pp. 85-86.) PP IVES, F. E. The half-tone and trichromatic process theories. {hi Jenkins, H. : Manual of photo-engraving, 1902.) 350i IV^ES, F. E. On some limitations of the trichromatic processes. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 10, 1904-5, pp. 57-60.) PP IVES, F. E. More about ultra-violet light and colour screens. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 10, 1904-5, pp. 131-132.) PP IVES, F. E. New process diffraction grating replicas and a modification of Tallent's spectroscope camera. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, p. 92.) PP IVES, F. E. [Papers relating to the Ives processes of photo- engraving.] 6691 IVES, F. E. See Amstutz, N. S. IVES, 0. B. See Bernard, A. 469 J: E. Mr. A. G ^ 85.) J: E. Mr. J. A. JACK, and Jill. JACK, The editor of The Daily News. An interview with . Gardiner. (In The Young Man, Vol. 18, March, 1904, 3879 The editor of The Westminster. An interview with Spender. {In The Young Man, June, 1904.) 4268 A five minutes' sermonick on ye antient storie of Jack 2nd edition. i6mo. Leeds, 1888. 23494 H. J. Denkschrift fiir das Jubelfest der Buchdrucker- kunst zu Bamberg an 24 Juni, 1840. 8vo. Erlangen, 1840. 21623. JACIv PLANE, pseud. Stencil-cutting and stencilling. [In Leland, C. G. : LTseful arts. Vol. 2, 1900.) 1721 JACKSON, A. See Shefheld : Public Library. JACIvSON, E. W. Decorative photography for printers. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-11, pp. 37-40.) PP JACK^SON, E. W. On making line drawings from photo- graphs. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 191 1-2, pp. 33-36.) PP JACKSON, E. W. Photographic book-plates. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 37-39.) PP JACKSON, E. W. Photographic Christmas cards. {In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp. 17-19.) PP JACKSON, F. G. Theory and practice of design. An advanced text-book on decorative art being a sequel to Lessons on decor- ative design. 3rd 1,000. 8vo. London, 1896. 1481 JACKSON, F. G. Lessons in decorative design. 5th 1,000. 8vo. London, 1897. 1480 JACKSON, H. William Morris : craftsman — socialist. 8vo. London, 1908. 10293 JACKSON, H. Town : an essay. i2mo. London, 1913. 17831 JACKSON, H. A. John C. Moss, the first successful American photo-engraver. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 26, 1900-1, pp. 79-80.) PP JACKSON, J. [Obituary notice and portrait of Joseph Jackson, typefounder. In The Gentleman's Magazine, Jan., 1792.] 2691 470 JACKSON, J. See Chatto, W. A. JACKSON, M. The pictorial press, its origin and progress. 8vo. London, 1885. 20027 JACKSON, \V. H. See Mallette, R. C. and Jackson, W. H. JACKSON, W. J. On the signs and symbols in cataloguing. {In Library World, Vol. 13, igio-i, pp. 161-165.) PP JACOB, I'alne. Idees generales sur les causes de I'aneantisse- ment de rimprimerie. Svo. Orleans, 1806. 22622 JACOB, A. See Baguenault de Vieville, G. JACOB, J. L. C. Bonaventuur en Abraham Elzevier, kleine letterkundige bijdrage. i2mo. [Hague], 1841. 23086 JACOB, J. L. C. Aanteekeningen over het geslacht en de drukwerken van den Delftschen boekdrukker Hermanns Schinkel. i2mo. 's Gravenhage, 1843. 21297 JACOB, N. H. See Blandin, P. F. JACOB, L. Traicte des plus belles biblioth^ques publiques et particulieres. 2 pts. Svo. Paris, 1644. 20593 JACOB, P. L. pseud. See Lacroix, P. JACOBI, C. T. The printers' handbook of trade recipes, etc. Svo. London, 1887. 5044 JACOBI, C. T. The printers' vocabulary. Svo. London, 1888. 20387 JACOBI, C. T. Printing: a practical treatise. i2mo. London, 1890. 5456 JACOBI, C. T. The printers' handbook of trade recipes, etc. 2nd edition. Svo. London, 1S91. 1275 JACOBI, C. T. On the making and issuing of books. i2mo. London, 1891. 5626 JACOBI, C. T. Some notes on books and printing. Svo. London, 1892. 5756 JACOBI, C. T. Some notes on books and printing. [Special copy with ten experimental title pages.] Svo. London, 1892. 11254 JACOBI, C. T. The printing of modern books. {In Biblio- graphical Society: Transactions, Vol. i, 1893.) 56 JACOBI, C. T. The printing of modern books : being a paper read before the Bibliographical Society : June 19, 1893. i2mo. London, 1893. 278 JACOBI, C. T. Printing : a practical treatise. Svo. London, 1893. 2^7 JACOBI, C. T. Gesta typographica ; or, a medley for printers and others. Svo. London, 1897. loiS 471 JACOBl, C. T. Printing: a practical treatise. 2nd edition. Svo. London, 1S98. 3309 JACOBl, C. T. A few suggestions of plain lettering for artists and others. Svo. London, 1899. 2332 JACOBl, C. T. [A note on the making- and issuing- of books. A MS. copy of an article in The Literary Year Book, 1901.J 2068 JACOBl, C. T. Typography : some notes of an introductory address to a lantern lecture at the Northampton Institute, Oct. 23, 1900. 8vo. London, 1901. 2721 JACOBl, C. T. Some notes on books and printing-. New edition. 8vo. London, 1902. 2627 JACOBl, C. T. The printing of modern illustrated or decorated books. [A lecture.] {In Royal Society of Arts : Journal, June 6, 1902.) 2704 JACOBl, C. T. Printing : a practical treatise on the art of typography as applied more particularly to the printing of books. 3rd edition. i2mo. London, 1904. 7204 JACOBl, C. T. Cantor lectures on modern book-printing. Svo. London, 1904. 6667 JACOBl, C. T. The printers' handbook of trade recipes, hints and suggestions relating to letterpress and lithographic printing, bookbinding, stationery, process work, etc. 3rd edition, revised and enlarged. i2mo. London, 1905. 10817 JACOBl, C. T. A few suggestions of plain letterings for artists and others. 2nd edition. Svo. London, 1908. 9867 JACOBl, C. T. Printing : a practical treatise on the art of typography as applied more particularly to the printing of books. 4th edition (revised). lamo. London, 1908. 10490 JACOBl, C. T. Process work and the printer. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, pp. 125-128.) PP JACOBl, C. T. Technical education in London for the process worker and the printer. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 191 1-2, pp. 169-176.) PP JACOBl, C. T. Some notes on books and printing. 4th edition. Svo. London, 1912. 16575 JACOBl, C. T. The title page of simple design. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annal, Vol. iS, 1912-3, pp. 102-104.) PP JACOBl, C. T. The printing of books. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp. 133-135.) PP JACOBl, E. The gelatine process. {In Hitchcock, F. H. : The building of a book, 1906, pp. 198-203.) 8824 JACOBl, M. H. V. See Schlotke, O. JACOBS, J. See Aesop. 472 JACOT, L. On the road to progress. [A description of the Victoria platen presses.] i2mo. Leipzig, 1904. 8355 JACOX, F. Aspects of authorship; or, book marks and book makers. 8vo. London, 1872. 10340 JACQL^EMIN;. Specimen des caract^res. 8vo. Paris [c. 1870]. 17134 JACQUIN, P. See Wunder, M. J AD ART, H. Les debuts de I'imprimerie a Reims et les marques des premiers imprimeurs, 1 550-1650. 8vo. Reims, 1893. 12205 J AD ART, H. Essai d'une bibHographie Retheloise. Catalogue raisonne d'ouvrages manuscrits et imprimes concernant I'histoire et la biographic de la ville de Rethel. [Table des imprimeurs et libraires de Rethel, Charleville Vouziers, Reims et Chalons, p. 88.] 8vo. Rethel, 1894. 8475 JAEGER, E. V. Echelles de caracteres d 'impression. 36. edition. 8vo. Vienne, i860. 9438 JAEGER, E. V, Schrift-Scalen. 7te. Auflage. 8vo. Wien, 1882. 3482 JAENECKE, Gehr. & SCHNEEMANN, F. Preis-liste ober Druckfarben und Firnisse. 8vo. Hannover, 1883. 22575 JAENECKE, Gehr. & SCHNEEMANN, F. Druck-Proben der Buch- und Steindruckfarben. Fol. Hannover, 1886. 10885 JAENECKE, Gehr. & SCHNEEMANN, F. Merkantil-plakat- und ton Farben. 8vo. Hannover [c. 1890]. 464 JAENECKE, Gehr. & SCHNEEMANN, F. Specimens of black and coloured printing inks. 8vo. London, 1904. 6972 JAENECKE PRINTING INK CO. Cover inks. Obi. 8vo. Newark [c. 1902]. 12461 JAENECKE PRINTING INK CO. Price list [and specimens] of black and colored printing and lithographic inks. Obi. 8vo. Newark [c. 1902]. 12462 JAENECKE PRINTING INK CO., Ltd. Dethleffs' Gravure- tinto. 8vo. London [c. 191 o]. • ^4999 JAENECKE PRINTING INK CO., Ltd. Price list of black and coloured printing inks, varnishes, dry colours, etc., 191 1 edition. 8vo. London, 191 1. 14998 JAFFE, M. Photo-lithographic hints. [In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 6, 1900, p. 48.) PP JAFFE, M. Photographing interiors with an extraordinarily wide angle of view. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 7, 1901, pp. 82-84.) PP JAFFE, A. The advantages of photo-litho. paper. {In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 21-22.) PP 473 JAFFE, M. Photo-litho. transfer troubles. (/n Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. i8, 1912-3, p. 232.) PP JAGENBERG, F, E. [Catalogue of machines for paper cutting- and working.] 4to. Diisseldorf [1904]. 4635 lAGENBERG, F. E. Die Jagenberg. Obi. 8vo. Diisseldorf [1905J. ' 8357 JAGENBERG, F. E. Labelling machines. 4to. Diisseldorf [1906]. 8356 JAGGARD, W. Printing : its birth and growth. 8vo. Liver- pool, 1908. 10208 JALABERT, M. Opinion sur la liberte de la presse. 8vo. [Paris, 1814.] 23372 JAMES I, King. An apologie for the oath of allegiance. 4to. London, 1609. 599^ JAMES, D. [pseud]. See Stewart, J. D. JAMES, G. H. Autotype printing in pigments. (In Photo- graphic Quarterly, Vol. 2, 1890-1, pp. 306-311.) 17704 JAMES, Sir H. Photo-zincography. 8vo. Southampton, i860. 3875 JAMES, Sir H. See England : Ordnance Survey. JAMIN, E. Specimen des caract^res pour labeurs. 8vo. Laval [c. 1890]. 14654 JANIN, CLEMENT-. See Clement-Janin, M. H. JANIN, J. Le livre. 8vo. Paris, 1870. 5580 JANIN^ J. See Gautier, T. , Janin, J. and Chasles, P. JANIN, M. H. C. See Clement-Janin, M. H. JANNET, P. Tribunal de Commerce de la Seine. Note pour P. Jannet libraire-editeur contre M. Edelestand Du Meril, homme de lettres. i2mo. [Paris, 1856.] 13788 JANNET, P. See Alkan, A. JANNON, J. See Brincourt, J. B. [JANSEN,' H.] Essai sur I'origine de la gravure en bois et en taille-douce, et sur la connoissance des estampes des i5e. et i6e. si^cles. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1808. 2718 [JANSEN, H.] De I'invention de I'imprimerie, ou analyse des deux ouvrages publics par M. Meerman. 8vo. Paris, 1809. 5350 JANSEN, R. See Smith, J. JANSSON AB ALMELOVEEN, T. De vitis Stephanorum, celebrium typographorum dissertatio epistolica. Subjecta est H. Stephani Ouerimonia artis typographicae. Ejusdem Epistola de statu suae typographiae. Ad virum clarissimum J. G. Graevium. i2mo. Amstelaedami, 1683. 20367 474 JANSSONS, J. Novus atlas sive Theatrum orbis terrarum. 3 vols. Fol. Amstelodami, 1602. 5375 JAPANESE paper. {In The Illustrated Carpenter and Builder, July 7, 1905, pp. 21-22.) 7225 JARRY, L. Un chapitre de I'histoire de rimprimerie k Orleans. 8vo. Orleans [c. 1845]. 12640 JARRY, L. Les debuts de I'imprimerie a Orleans. 8vo. Orleans, 1884. 22623 JARRY DE MANGY, A. Un bienfaiteur des maitres-^s-arts de Paris. (Jean Baptiste Coignard III.) 8vo. [Paris, 1838.] 13385 JAST, L. S. A classification of library economy and office papers. 8vo. London, 1907. 8750 JAST, L. S. A novel catalogue. {In Library World, Vol. 13, 1910-1, pp. 193-196.) PP JAST, L. S. Classification and discovery. Mendeleeff's table of the elements. {In Library World, Vol. 13, 1910-1, pp. 353-355.) PP JAST, L. S. Library lighting. Papers by L. S. Jast, J. D. Brown and J. Darch. Reprinted from The Illuminating Engineer. 8vo. London, 191 1. 1775^ JAL'BERT, P. A. Elemens de la grammaire Turke. 4to. Paris, 1823. 5399 JAY, W. The Treaty of Peace, 1783. Correspondence between W. Jay and J. L. Adams [relating to B. Franklin]. {In The Magazine of American History, Jan., 1879.) 22809 JEANS, E. A catalogue of books. 8vo. Norwich, i860. 18669 JEBBS, J. See Egerton, T. and J. JEFFERY, E. & SON. Pt. 2. A catalogue of curious and valuable books. 8vo. London, 1819. 16556(17) JEFFREYS^, S. Foreign printers of English books. A protest. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 47, Sept. 13, 1900, p. 141.) PP JEFFRIES, B. J. Our eyes and our industries. 8vo. Boston, 1887 [i.e. 1882]. 6137 JENKINS, A. Up to date specimens of artistic printing. 4to. Bristol [1893]. 467 JENKINS, F. Samples of litho. transfer papers. i2mo. London [c. 1898]. 12450 JENKINS, F. Samples of litho. transfer papers. i2mo. London [c. 1900]. 12448 JENKINS, H. Equipment for process engraving. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 16, 1895-6, p. 171 — FoL 17, 1896, p. 627.) PP JENKINS, H. A manual of photo-engraving. 8vo. Chicago, 1896. 2100 475 JENKINS, H. The selection and training of apprentices. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 6, 1900, p. 56.) PP JENKINS, H. The silver bath. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, J'ol. 7, 1901, pp. 125-126.) PP JENKINS, H. A manual of photo-eng"raving-, containing- practical instructions for producing- photo-eng-raved plates in relief-line and half-tone. With supplementary chapters on the theory and practice of half-tone colour work by Frederic E. Ives and Stephen H. Horgan. 2nd edition. i2mo. Chicag-o, 1902. 3501 JENKINS, H. See Amstutz, N. S. JENKINS, H. C. Cantor lectures on type-writing- machines. 8vo. London, 1894. 1020 JENKINS, R. Early attempts at paper-making- in Eng-land, 1495-1586. (In Library Association Record, Vol. 2, 1900, pp. 479-4«8-) PP JENKINS, R. Paper making- in England, 1588-1680. (In Library Association Record, Vol. 2, 1900, pp. 577-588.) PP JENKINS, R. Paper making- in England, 1682-1714. (In Library Association Record, Vol. 3, 1901, pp. 239-251.) PP JENKINS, R. Paper making in England, 1714-88. (In Library Association Record, Vol. 4, 1902, pp. 128-139.) PP JENKINSON, F. See Cambridge University Press. JENKINSON, F. J. H. Note on a volume from the library of the _ Dominicans of Dundee. (In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society: Publications, Vol. 6, 1901-4.) 17569 JENKS, O. S. The invention of printing. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 8, 1890-1, pp. 495, 591.) PP JENNER, H. See Birch, W. de G. and Jenner, H. JENNER, T. A work for none but angels and men, that is to be able to look into, and to know ourselves. 8vo. London, 1658. ^ 23331 JENNINGS, O. Early woodcut initials. 4to. London, 1908. 9591 JENOCH, J. Ein 50 jahriges Buchdrucker-Jubilaum bei R. Schultz und Co. in Strassburg Berger-Levrault's Nachfolger 2. Oktober, 1878. 8vo. [Strassburg, 1878.] 22317 JENOCH, J. See Rosenstiehl, D. JENSON, N. See Racinet, C. ; Sardini, G. JERMYN, H. W. The invention of printing and England's first printer, (/n Weldon's Register, Sept., 186 j;) 23272 JERROLD, B. The life and remains of Douglas Jerrold. 8vo. London, 1859. 1657"' 476 JERROLD, D. The printer's devil. 8vo. [London, c. 1850.] 6221 JERROLD, D. See Jerrold, B. JERROLD, W. The triumphs of the printing press. Svo. London [c. 1896]. 281 JERVIS, F. W. Specimens of letterpress printing-. 4to. Shrewsbury [1890]. 468 JESSEN, P. Book industry [of Germany]. Artistic con- siderations. {In Paris : Exhibition, 1900. Official catalogue of the German Empire, 1900.) 2317 JESSEN, P. Book industry [of Germany]. Artistic con- siderations. {In St. Louis : Exhibition, 1904. Official catalogue of the German Empire, 1904.) 4213 JESSEN, P. See Berlin : Konigliche Museen. JESSOP, L. J. British and American workmen. A few experiences and reflections. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 4, 1898, pp. 95-96.) PP JESUITS. The Jesuits unmasked. 4to. London, 1679. 23460 JEWEL, J. Workes. Fol. London, 161 1. 74^3 JEWETT, C. C. Facts and considerations relative to duties on books : addressed to the Library Committee of Brown University. 8vo. Providence, 1846. 15 ^47 JEWETT, C. C. Smithsonian report on the construction of catalogues of libraries and their publication by means of separate stereotyped titles. 2nd edition. Svo. Washington, 1853. 8129 JEWITT, E. Manual of illuminated and missal painting. With an historical introduction by L. Jewitt. Svo. London [c. 1S70]. i2or JEWITT, L. See Jewitt, E. JEWSBURY, M. J. Letters to the young. 4th edition. Svo. London, 1S37. 10636 JOACHIM, J. Das Brusseler (Melvil Dewey'sche) Decimal- system. {In Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 10, 1896.) 10347 JOACHIM, J. Die Mahnung der Christenheit wider die Tiirken aus dem Ende von 1454. {In Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Hejt. 14, 1900.) 10347 JOANNIS, J. L. Epreuves des caract^res de la fonderie de J. L. J. Svo. Paris, 1776. 20253 JOBSON, R. The golden trade. 4to. London, 1623. 21175 JOCELIN OF BRAKELAND. Monastic and social life in the 1 2th century as exemplified in the Chronicles of J. of B. Translated by T. E. Tomlins. 2nd edition. Svo. London [1844]. 21913 (2) 477 )OCISIl, A. Oratio de ortu, vita et obitu Joannis Oporini Basiliensis. Adiunximus librorum per J. Oporinum excusorum catalogum. 121110. Argentorati, 1569. 20825(1) |OHN, J. SOHNE. Proben der Schrift und Stereotypen- Giesserei. 410. Hamburg- [c. 1880]. 6391 JOHNS, C. H. \\'. A short bibliog-raphy of works on the Baby- lonian stories of Creation and the Flood. 8vo. Manchester, 19 13. 18789 JOHNSON, C. E. & CO. Printing- inks. [Specimens.] Obi. i2nio. Philadelphia [c. 1880]. 20321 JOHNSON, E. C. Tangible typography; or, how the blind read. 8vo. London, 1853. 5758 JOHNSON, G. Pulp wood of Canada. 8vo. [? Glasgow], 1901. 2524 JOHNSON, H. Specification. Stereotypes, 1778, No. 1201. 8vo. London, 1856. 20560 (2) JOHNSON, H. Specification. Casting printer's types, 1780, No. 1266. [Logotypes.] 8vo. London, 1856. 20560 (3) JOHNSON, H. An introduction to logography ; or, the art of arranging and composing for printing' with words intire, their radices and terminations, instead of single letters. By his Majesty's Royal Letters Patent. 8vo. London, 1783. 15531 (3) JOHNSON, H. Imprimerie. An introduction to logog-raphy ; or, the art of arranging and composing for printing with words intire, e/c. By H. Johnson. [A review.] (7n Journal Polytype des Sciences et des Arts, 1786.) 9747 JOHNSON, J. Typographia; or, the printers' instructor. 2 vols. i2mo. London, 1824. 54^7 JOHNSON, J. Typographia; or, the printers' instructor. [Large paper edition.] 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1824. 21188 JOHNSON, J. Typographia; or, the printers' instructor. [Large and thick paper edition.] 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1824. 20595 JOHNSON, J. This typographic specimen is composed of type and brass rule, etc. 3rd edition. S. sh. fol. London, 1826. 23200 JOHNSON, J. F. Good rollers, how to use them and keep them good. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 37, 1906, pp. 268-269.) PP JOHNSON, J. H. Printing surfaces. Patent dated April 16, 1858. {In The Practical Mechanic's Journal, July i, 1859, PP- 98-100.) 13 192 JOHNSON, J. M. A catalogue of the collection of specimens of early typography, etc., of John Mordaunt Johnson. [Priced.] 8vo. London, 1817. 6253 478 JOHNSON, J. iM. Bibliothecae Johnsonianae. Pars. I. A catalogue of a collection of specimens of early typography, etc., composing the first part of the library of J. M. Johnson. [With a memoir and extracts from his correspondence.] 8vo. London, 1817. 21490 JOHNSON, J. R. On certain improvements in the manufacture of printing types. {In Royal Society of Arts: Journal, Vol. 21, March 21, 1873, pp. 330-338.) 6668 JOHNSON, L. &■ CO. Minor book of specimens of printing types, borders, etc. 4to. Philadelphia, 1853. 9S88 JOHNSON, P. The Japanese Gutenberg. [In The Caxton Magazine, Sept., 1901.) 2423 JOHNSON, R. & CO. Specimens of letterpress printing. 4to. Southport [1891]. 469 JOHNSON, S. Rasselas. Printed with patent types in a manner never before attempted. 8vo. Banbury, 1804. 21569 JOHNSON, S. See Jones, G. W. ; [Knight, E. C] JOHNSON, W. & CO., Ltd. A catalogue and description of high-class typewriter requirements. i2mo. London [c. 1904]. 6957 JOHNSTON, Col. D. A. See England : Ordnance Survey. JOHNSTON, E. VvViting and illuminating, and lettering. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1908. 13359 JOHNSTON, E. Manuscript and inscription letters.- With 5 plates by x\. E. R. Gill. [School copies and examples. Portfolio No. 2.] 4to. London, 1909. 13360 JOHNSTON, E. and HEWITT, G. Calligraphy and illumin- ation. [In Royal Society of Arts : Journal, Feb. 17, 1905.) 6539 JOHNSTON, G. P. The first book printed by James Ballan- tyne : being an apology for Tales of Terror. [In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society: Publications, Vol. i, 1890-5.) 17569 JOHNSTON, G. P. The first edition of Hume of Godscroft's History. {In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Publications, Vol. 4, 1899-1901.) 17569 JOHNSTON, G. P. Notices of a collection of MSS. relating to the circulation of the Irish Bibles of 1685 and 1690 in the Highlands and the Association of the Rev. James Kirkwood therewith. {In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Publications, Vol. 6, 1901-4.) 17569 JOHNSTON, G. P. Notice of a volume of Scots Acts from the library of James the sixth of Scotland. {In Edinburgh Biblio- graphical Society : Publications, Vol. 6, 1901-4.) 17569 JOHNSTON, G. P. Daricn Bibliography : Additions and corrections. {In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Publications, Vol. 6, 1901-4.) 17569 479 JOHNSTON, G. P. Note to a paper entitled The first book printed by J. Ballantync. {In Edinburgh BibHographical Society : Publications, Vol. 9, 1906-12.) 175^9 JOHNSTON, G. W. Long service at the cases. {In Inland Printer, f'o/. 8, 1890-1, p. 109.) PP JOHNSTON, W. Note on variations in Wood's edition of Douglas's peerage of Scotland. {In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society: Publications, Vol. 3, 1895-8.) 17569 JOHNSTON, W. The thumb Bibles of John Taylor. {In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Publications, Vol. 9, 1906-12.) 17569 JOHNSTON, W. D. History of the Library of Congress. 8vo. Washington, 1904, etc. 9620 JOHNSTON, W. D. and MUDGE, L G. Special collections in libraries in the United States. [Bureau of Education. Bulletin 495.] 8vo. Washington, 1912, 17834 JOHNSTON, HORSBURGH & CO. Three instruments of precision for the paper and allied trades. Obi. 8vo. London [c. 1912]. 17264 JOMARD, ( ). Remarques sur un ouvrage intitule : Erklarung einer aegyptischen Urkunde auf Papyrus, etc. : von August Bockh ou explication d'un contrat Egyptien sur papyrus, en grec cursif, de I'an 104 avant J. C, lue le 24 Janvier 1821, a I'Academie Royale des Sciences de Berlin, par Auguste Bockh. 8vo. [Paris], 1821. 23282 JONES, A. S. See Library Association : Sound Leather Committee. JONES, C. Gelatine negatives in process work. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 4, 1898, p. 79.) PP JONES, C. The defining power of lenses. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 5, 1S99, p. 20.) PP JONES, C. Three-colour negatives. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 6, 1900, p. 68.) PP JONES, C. Uniformity in negative making. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 7, 1901, pp. 131-132.) PP JONES, C. Opacity in negatives. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 8, 1902-3, pp. 23-24.) PP JONES, C. Plate speeds. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 9, 1903-4, pp. 36-37.) PP JONES, C. The influence of gradation on colour reproduction. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 10, 1904-5, pp. 47-48.) PP JONES, C. Science and practice. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, pp. 21-23.) PP JONES, E. See Johnson, J. and Jones, E. 480 JONES, G. W. An album of letterpress printing". 4to. [Leicester, 1887.] 21075 JONES, G. W. [A collection of specimens of printing- by G. W. Jones with Messrs. Raithby and Lawrence, Leicester.] Fol. [Leicester, c. 1888-90.] 10892 JONES, G. \^^ [A collection made by G. W. J. of specimens of American job printing mounted in two albums.] Fol. [c. 1888-90.] 10891 JONES, G, W. [A collection made by G. W. J. of specimens of German job printing mounted in two albums.] Fol. [c. 1888-90.] 10890 JONES, G. \\'. Printing. [Some specimens.] 4to. London [c. 1896]. 857 JONES, G. W. Specimens of three-colour printing. 4to. London [1901]. 2401 JONES, G. W. Doctor Samuel Johnson and the Sign of the Dolphin in Gough Square, London. Fol. London [1912]. 15892 JONES, H. G. An address [on Andrew Bradford, founder of the newspaper press in Middle States of America] at the annual meeting of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Feb. 9, 1869. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1869. 22295 JONES, H. G. The Bradford Prayer Book, 1710. Some account of the Book of Common Prayer printed 1710 by W. Brad- ford under the auspices of Trinity Church, New York. 8vo. [? Philadelphia], 1870. 22286 JONES, J. L See Cardiff : Free Libraries. JONEwS, J. W. Early printed books. [In The Archaeological Journal, March, 1871.) 15127 JONES, O. The grammar of ornament. Illustrated by ex- amples from various styles of ornament. One hundred folio plates, drawn on stone by F. Bedford, and printed in colours by Day and Son. Fol. London, 1856. 18537 JONES, R. T. Some aids to readers. (In Library World, Vol. 13, 1910-1, pp. 225-233.) PP JONES, S. & CO. Extra fine tinted gummed papers. Obi. 8vo. London, 1903. 3535 JONES, W. H. Printers' blunders : their cause and how to avoid them. [In The Caxton Magazine, Jan., 1902.) 2554 JONGE, J. D. de. See Vries, J. de and Jonge, J. C. de. JONSON, B. Works. Vol. 2. Fol. London, 1640. 20159 JONSSON, J. Soguagrip um prentsmidjur og prentara a Islandi. 8vo. Reykjavik, 1867. 20648 JORDAN, C. J. A treatise on anastatic printing. 8vo. London, 1853. 726 481 31 JORDAN, C. J. See Dircks, H. JORDAN & SONS, Ltd. Specimens of types, borders, orna- ments, seals, etc. 4to. London, 1906. ioo8g JORDAN & SONS, Ltd. Souvenir. Obi. 8vo. London [1908]. 10088 JORDANUS NEMORARIUS. See Scott, J. JOSEPH, pseud. What is to be — colours three or colours five? (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 1, 1895, p. 40.) PP JOSEPH BEN GORION. A compendious historic of the later times of the Jewes common weale. i2mo. London, 1561. 21 143 JOwSEPH, L. Wholesale paper warehouse stores and deliveries. (/)/ The Business Man's Magazine, Vol. 3, 1907, pp. 46-54.) 9488 JOSEPHSON, A. G. S. Bibliographies of bibliographies. 2nd edition. 8vo. [Chicago, 1912-4.] 18802 JOSEPHSON, A. G. S. Efficiency and bibliographical research. 8vo. [Chicago, 1913-] 17833 JOSEPHSON, A. G. S. See Chicago : John Crerar Library. JOUAUST, D. Editions de bibliophiles. 8vo. Paris, 1872. 23422 JOUAUST, D. Notices et catalogues. i2mo. Paris, 1876. 5232 JOUMAR, ( ). See ChevalHer, J. B. A. and Langlume, ( ). JOURNAL DE L'IMPRIMERIE ET DE LA LIBRAIRIE EN BELGIQUE. Vol. i, 1854. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1854. PP JOURNAL DES DEBATS. Le livre du centenaire du Journal des Debats, 1789-1889. 4to. Paris, 1889. 22024 JOURNAL DES PAPETIERS. Ann. 12, 1903, etc. 4to. Paris, 1903, etc. PP JOURNAL FUR BUCHDRUCKERKUNST. Vols. 1-48, 1834-81. 4to. Braunschweig, 1834-81. PP JOURNALIST. The author's guide to printing and publishing. 2nd edition. i2mo. London [1886]. 23139 JOURNALIST AND NEWSPAPER PROPRIETOR. Vols. 4-15, 1893-1904. 4to. London, 1893-1904. PP JOURNALISTES. Des journalistes et des journaux. 8vo. Paris, 1817. 12606 (6) JOVIUS, P. Vitae duodecim vicecomitum Mediolani principum. 4to. Lutetia, 1549. 5722 JOWETT, H. Technical education : lecture at Aylesbury. (In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 21, 1888, pp. 373, 393.) PP JOWETT, H. Type composing machines : their history and prospects. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 25, 1890, p. 299.) PP 482 JOWETT, H. Hints to authors : being- a handy book of reference in all matters referring- to printing. 3rd edition. i6mo. London, 1889. 23495 JOY, H. My impressions of kinemacolor, {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 191 1-2, pp. 161-164.) PP JOY, H. The advance of kinemacolor. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 217-219.) PP JOYCE, P. W. A grammar of the Irish language. i2mo. Dublin, 1886. 5623 JOYCE & CO. Price list [of material for printers]. 8vo. London [c. 1900]. 10363 JOYNER, G. Display composition. Lecture delivered to the typographical students of the Borough Polytechnic. 8vo. London [1886]. 283 JOYNER, G. Fine printing: its inception, development and practice. 4to. London, 1895. 284 JOYNER, G. Modern display composition. Obi. 8vo. London [1897]. 934 JOYNER, G. Process in typographical display. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 5, 1899, pp. 37-38-) PP JUBB, T. Yorkshire custon and its application to metal making. 8vo. London [1914]. 18351 JUBB, T. G. & J. Hints to Lino, operators. [On the metal.] i2mo. Leeds [c. 1906]. 8359 JUBB, T. G. & J. Stereotype, Linotype, Monotype, Typograph, electrotype metals. Obi. 8vo. Leeds [1910]. 1359^ JUBINAL, A. Un nouvel episode de I'affaire Libri. 8vo. Paris, 1851. 11041 JUDAS MACCHABAEUS. A sacred drama. 8vo. Oxford, 1754. 6160 (4) JUDD, W. Newspapers and the law of libel. Press comments and correspondence. 8vo. London, 1910. 16187 JUDD, W. Ltd. Financial advertising. 4to. London [c. 1912]. 16189 JUDD & GLASS. Counsels to authors. 8vo. London, 1857. 10197 JUGEND. Katalog der farbigen Kunstblatter aus der Miinchner Jugend, 1896-1911. 4to. Miinchen, 1912. 17297 JULIAN. Juliani imperatoris Misopogon et epistolae. Gr. 8vo. Parisiis, 1566. 21831 (2) JULIEN, S. Documents sur I'art d'imprimer a I'aide de planches en bois, de planches en pierre et de types mobiles, invente en Chine, bien longtemps avant que 1' Europe en fit usage. 8vo. [Paris, 1847.] 11146 483 JULLIKN, ( ). Jullien's album for 1847. [Printed in colours by M. and N. Hanhart.] Fol. London, 1847. 14972 JULLIEN, H. Construction generale pour la typographie la lithographic la reliure et le cartonnage. [Catalogue of machines.] Obi. 8vo. Bruxelles [1910]. 18256 JULLIOT, G. Quclques gravures sur bois des premiers imprimeurs senonais. 8vo. Sens, 1880. 12636 JUNGENDRES, S. J. Epistola de libris accuratius impri- mendis. qua in mendoruin typographicorum causas studiose in- quiritur et quomodo ilia sint removenda luculenter demonstratur. 4to. Francofurti, 1721. 21363 JUNGENDRES, S. J. Disquisitio in notas characteristicas librorum a typographiae incunabulo ad An. MD. impressorum. 4to. Noribergae, 1740. 21 193 JUNIUS, F, Gothicum glossarium. 4to. Dordrechti, 1665. 5664 JUNIUS, H. Batavia. 4to. Lugd. Batav., 1588. 5654 JUNIUS, H. See Scheltema, P. JURGES, P. Die modernen Systeme von Biichergestellen mit verstellbaren Legeboden. [Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Hejt. 9. J 8vo. Leipzig, 1895. 10347 JUSSIEU, F. de. Etude sur les alliages de plomb and d'anti- moine. 8vo. Autun, 1879. 9418 JUSTE Y CARARACH, J. Coloracion de los papeles. 8vo. Madrid, 1905. 16293 JUSTINIAN. Digestorum seu pandectarum juris civilis. Vols. 2-2- 8vo. Parisiis, 1527-8. 5998 JUSTINIAN. Opera. 20 vols. i6mo. Lugduni, 1571. 5226 JUSTINIAN. Institutiones. Typis variae et rubris nucleum exhibentibus. i2mo. Parisiis, 1676. 18839 JUSTINIAN. Institutiones. i6mo. Amstelaedami, 1710. 5803 JUSTINUS. Historia ex Trogo Pompeio epithomatis. 4to. Paris [c. 1510]. 6194(1) JUVENAL. Juvenalis et Persii Satyrae. i2mo. Dublinii, 4560 JUVENAL. D. Junii Juvenalis et Auli Persii Flacci Satyrae. 4to. Birmingham, 1761. 8163 1728 484 K K: C. Art's master-piece; or, a companion for the ingenious of either sex. 2nd edition. i6mo. London [c. 1750]. 10006 K : G. Die 400 jahrig-e Jubelfeier der Erfindung- der Buch- druckerkunst in Leipzig am 24-26 Juni, 1840. 8vo. Camenz, 1840. 21 189 K : J. A. The strife of the scales. An attempt to explain how the King's Weigh House and Beams within the City of London came into the charge of the Company of Grocers. 8vo. London [1905]. 8421 KADE, E. Die vierte Sacularfeier der Buchdruckerkunst zu Leipzig am Juni, 1840. 4to. Leipzig, 1841. 21676 KADE, R. Eine bibliographische Seltenheit in Freiberg i. S. 8vo. [Leipzig, c. 1889.] 6076 (22) KADE, R. Geschichte des Freiberger Buchdrucks 1494-1894. 8vo. Freiberg, 1894. 11298 KALENDAR OF SHEPHERDS. The Kalendar of Shepherds : being devices for the twelve months. [Edited by A. H. Diplock.l 4to. Edinburgh, 1908. 17386 KAMPE & CO. Labour-saving machinery for printers, litho- graphers, etc. 4to. London [1904]. 4783 KAMPMANN, C. Die graphischen Kunste. i2mo. Leipzig, 1898. 2666 KAMPMANN, C. Die Literatur der Lithographic von 1798- 1898. Separat-Abdruck aus Freie Kunste, Jahrgang 1899. 8vo. Wien, 1899. 1795 KANN, E. Lithographica. (In Zeitschrift fiir Biicherfreunde, Vol. 3, 1899, pp. 185-193.) PP KANNEMAN, J. Passio. 4to. [Nurnberg, c. 1495.] 6003 KANUTUS, B. A litil boke the which traytied and reherced many gode thinges necessaries for the pestilence. Reproduced in facsimile from the copy in the John Rylands Library. With an introduction by G. Vine. [The John Rylands Facsimiles, N'o. 3.] 4to. Manchester, 1910. 14-51 485 KAri\ F. Gcschichle dcs Deutschen Buchhandels bis in das 17. Jahrhundort. [Borsenverein, etc. : Geschichte des Deutsch. Biichh. , Bd. I.] 8vo. Leipzig, 1886. 4070 KAPPSTEIN, C. Der kiinstlerische Steindruck. Handwcrk- lichc Eiiahriingen bei kiinstlerischcn Flachdruckverfahren. Mit Druckbcispielen. 121110. Berlin, 1910. 11882 KARABACEK, J. Das arabische Papier. Eine historisch- antiquarische Untersuchung-. Fol. Wien, 1887. 21806 KARABACEK, J. Neuc Quellen zur Papiergeschichte. 4to. Wien, 1888. 1 165 1 KARABACEK, J. See Rainer, Archduke of Austria. KARSTENS, H. See Winkler, O. and Karstens, H. KARTH. See Desfosse and Karth. KARTONNAGEN-ZEITUNG. Jahrg. 6, 1902, etc. 410. Dresden, 1902, etc. PP KASELOWSKY, G. Handbuch der Galvanoplastik. 3te. Auflage. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1882. 4058 KASPERLE. Puppen-Theater fiir lustige Kinder. [Illus- trations in colour.] 8vo. Hildeburghausen [c. 1850]. 15845 KAST & EHINGER. Prices [and specimens] of letterpress inks. i6nio. Stuttgart [c. 1890]. 6943 KAST & EHINGER. [Specimens of inks.] 8vo. Stuttgart [c. 1890]. 10916 KAST & EHINGER. Lichtdruckfarben Proben. 8vo. Feuer- bach [c. 1890]. 10828 KAST & EHINGER. Druckproben von Illustrations-Farben. Fol. Stuttgart [1890]. 471 KAST &' EHINGER. [Calendar and description of their inks.] 4to. Stuttgart, 1898. 1064 KAST & EHINGER. Schwarze und bunte Illustrations-Farben. 4to. Stuttgart [1898]. 1228 KAST & EHINGER. [Specimens of printing inks.] 4to. Stuttgart [c. 1900]. 8360 KAST & EHINGER. Schwarze und bunte Illustrations-Farben. 4to. Stuttgart [1901]. 2296 KAST & EHINGER. [Specimens and price list of collotype inks.] 8vo. Stuttgart [1901]. 2295 KAST & EHINGER. Cover inks. 8vo. Stuttgart [191 1]. 14155 KAST & EHINGER. See Andersen, H. C. KASTELEIJN, P. J. See La Lande ( de). KASTENBEIN, C. See Marchal, J. KATE, J. J. L. TEN. See Goethe, J. W. v. 486 KAUTZSCH, R. Die Holzschnitte der Kolner Bibel von 1479. [Studien zur Deutschen Kunstsgeschichte, Heft. 7.] 8vo. Strass- burg, 1896. 1834 KAUTZSCH, R. Die neue Buchkunst : Studien im In — und Ausland. 8vo. Weimar, 1902. 10763 KAUTZSCH, R. Die Holzschnitte zum Ritter vom Turn. (Basel 1493.) [Studien zur Deutschen Kunstg-eschichte, Heft. 44.] Svo. Strassburg, 1903. 10551 KAUTZSCH, R. Die deutsche Illustration. Svo. Leipzig, 1904. 3716 KAY, J. Paper, its history. Svo. London [1893]. 2S6 KAYSER, C. Gli Elsevier : Cenni storico-bibliografico di C. K. Svo. Verona, 1879. 23132 KEARNEY, W. See Dix, E. R. McC. KEBLE, J. The Christian Year : thoughts in verse for the Sundays and holydays throughout the year. 87th edition. [Illus- trated with photographs.] i6mo. Oxford, 1865. 9535 KEBLE, J. The original draft of the Christian Year, in the author's handwriting. 2 pis. Svo. London, 1878. 21323 KEDINGTON, R. Critical dissertations on the Iliad of Homer. Svo. London, 1759. 4^49 KEENE, C. See Pennell, J. KEEPSAKE. The Keepsake : a gift for all seasons. [Chromo- litho. frontispiece and title.] Svo. London, 1852. 4315 KEERE, H. V. d. See Bergmans, P. KEES, J. F. Dissertatio juris criminalis : Quatenus typothetae vel bibliopolae injuriarum socii habendi sint? 4to. Servestae [1801]. 22889 KEIDEL, G. C. An early German edition of Aesop's Fables. Svo. [Baltimore, c. 1S90.] 13577 KEIDEL, G. C. A manual of Aesopic fable literature. A first book of reference for the period ending 1500. [Romance and other studies. No. 2.] Svo. Baltimore, 1896. ^3574 KEIDEL, G. C. The editio princeps of the Greek Aesop. Svo. [c. 1902]. 13576 KEIDEL, G. C. Notes on fable incunabula containing the Planudean life of Aesop. {In Byzantinische Zeitschrift [c. 1900].) 13575 KEIDEL, G. C. A world census of incunabula. {In Modern Language Notes, Vol. 25, 1910, pp. 161-165.) 15012 KEIMER, S. See Smith, J. KEINZ, F. L'eber die iilteren W'asserzeichen des Papiers und ihre Untersuchung. {In Zeitschrift fiir Biicherfreunde, Vol. i, 1897, pp. 240-247.) PP 487 KEITH, R. The history of the afi'airs of Church and State in Scotland. Vol. i. [All published.] Fol. Edinburgh, 1734. 17869 KEITH, R. W. A musical vade mccum : being- a compendious introduction to the whole art of music. Part i. 8vo. London [c. 1820]. 18338 KELCHNER, E. Die von Uffenbach'schen Manuscripte auf der Stadtbibliothek zu Frankfurt a.M. 8vo. Frankfurt, i860. 23170 KELCHNER, E. Die Buchdruckerei und ihre Druckwerke zu Ober-Ursel. 8vo. [Wiesbaden, 1863.] 22569 KELCHNER, E. Die Einfiihrung: der Buchdruckerkunst in Frankfurt a. M. Zum Johannistagfe des Jahres 1881. [In Frank- furt Zeitung-, 1S81.) 23160 KELCHNER, E. Die Marienthaler Drucke der Stadt-Biblio- thek zu Frankfurt. Fol. Frankfurt, 1883. 23161 KELCHNER, E. Der Perg-amentdruck der Agenda Ecclsiae Moguntinensis von 1480, der Stadtbibliothek zu Frankfurt am Main. 8vo. Frankfurt, 1885. 21932 KELCHNER, E. and WULCKER, R. Mess-memorial des Frankfurter Buchhiindlers Michel Harder. Fastenmesse, 1569. 4to. Frankfurt, 1873. 22873 KELCHNER, E. See Elzevier. KELE, R. See Pollard, A. W. KELLEY, G. D. Mosely Industrial Commission. Report by G. D. K. , of the Amalgamated Society of Lithog-raphic Printers. 4to. Manchester, 1903. 3459 KELLNER, L. See Caxton, W. KELLOGG, A. N. NEWSPAPER CO. Kellog-g's lists. 1908 family weekly newspapers of the better class [of the western U.S.]. 4to. Boston, 1896. 2138 KELLY, J. The printers' carnival and other poems. 8vo. Airdree, 1875. 20428 KELLY, T. J. The production of fine-art work and bas relief in Galvano-plastike. (in The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 49, Nov. 14, 1901, p. 330.) P-P KELLY, T. J. Improved electrotyping- methods. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 207-208.) PP KELLY, T. J. The status of the stereotyper in advertisement production. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp. 161-163.) PP KELLY, W. J. American typog-raphical make-ready. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 10, March, 1893 — Vol. 13, Sept., 1894.) PP KELLY, W. J. Presswork. A practical handbook for the use of pressmen and their apprentices. 8vo. Chicag-o, 1894. 287 488 KELLY, W. J. Printers' composition rollers. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 14, 1894-5, P- 39-) PP KELLY, W. J. Web straight-line insetting- presses. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 14, 1894-5, PP- 434-435-) PP KELLY, W. J. The management of platen job presses. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 14, 1894-5, P- 54^ — Vol. 15, 1895, p. 372.) PP KELLY, \\\ J. Practical methods of overlaying-. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 15, 1895, pp. 474, 597; Vol. 16, 1895-6, p. 45.) PP KELLY, W. J. Printing- and registering- handmade papers. (7n Inland Printer, Vol. 16, 1895-6, pp. 393-395.) PP KELLY, W. J. Simple suggestions regarding colors. {In Inland Printer, J'ol. 17, 1896, p. 36 — Vol. 18, 1896-7, p. 268.) PP KELLY, W. J. Inks for coated and calendered papers. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 18, 1896-7, p. 404.) PP KELLY, W. J. Fastening originals in electroplates. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 18, 1896-7, pp. 528-529.) PP KELLY, W. J. The autoplate machine and what it does. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 27, 1901, pp. 868-870.) PP KELLY & CO. The Post Office directory of stationers, printers, booksellers, publishers and paper makers of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland, 1872, etc. 8vo. London, 1872, etc. 3196 KELLY'S DIRECTORIES, Ltd. 1799-1899. Centenary of the Post Office London Directory. [Reprint.] 8vo. London [1905]. 7492 KEMKE, J. Patricius Junius (Patrick Young) Bibliothekar der Konige Jacob I und Carl I von England. Mitteilungen aus seinem Briefwechsel. [Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 12.] Svo. Leipzig, 1898. io347 KEMPE, C. Wegweiser durch die Stereotypic und Galvano- plastik. 8vo. Niirnberg, 1889. 4592 KEMPE, C. Jahrbuch der Stereotypic, 1892. Nar. 4to. Niirnberg, 1892. 3433 KEMPE, C. The modern stereotype process. Nar. 4to. Niirnberg [1902]. 11227 KEMPE, C. Haupt-Preisliste der Maschinenfabrik Kempewerk. Svo. Niirnberg, 1904. 4227 (2) KEMPE, C. Die Papierstereotypie. Ein Wegweiser durch die Flach- und Rundstereotypie. lUustriertes Handbuch fiir Stereo- typeure und Buchdrucker. 10. Auflage. 8vo. Niirnberg, 1904. 4227 KEMPEWERK. Grosse Haupt-Preisliste. Fol. Niirnberg, 1913. 17473 489 KEMPIS, T. a. See Imitatio Christi. KEMPSTER, F. Flowers of many hues, original poems by various authors. 4to. Manchester, 1844. 17238 KEN AH, A. V. The principle of the parabolic reflector. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, I'ol. 8, 1902-3, pp. 121-123.) PP KENAH, A. V. The artist and the half-tone man. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, I'ol. 11, 1905-6, pp. 113-115.) PP KENDAL: Public Library, nth annual report, 1902-3. 8vo. Kendal, 1903. 10115 KENDALL, H. P. Book cloths. {In Hitchcock, F. H. : The building- of a book, 1906, pp. 226-233.) 8824 KENDRICK, M. and CHILD, L. M. The gift book of biography for young- ladies. [Printed in blue ink with red borders and a chromo. frontispiece.] i2mo. London, 1848. 11888 KENILWORTH. [A folding- Hthographic print.] Obi. War- wick [c. 1830]. 9573 KENNARD, J. S. Some early printers and their colophons. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1902. 14064 KENRICK & JEFFERSON, Ltd. The Writerpress and its possibilities. Obi. 4to. London [c. 1913]. 18035 KENSAL RISE : Public Library. Annual report, 1905-6, etc. 8vo. London, 1906, etc. 11484 KENSINGTON Garden. 4to. London, 1722. 5774(6) KENYON, W. J. Some notes on initial letters.' {In Inland Printer, Vol. 27, 1906, pp. 198-199.) PP KEOGH, A. See Newcastle: Public Libraries. KEPPEL, F. The golden age of engraving. Reprinted from Harper's Magazine. 4to. New York, 1878. 31 15 KEPPEL, F. Sir Seymour Haden, painter-etcher. i2mo. New York [c. 1910]. ^737^ KER, C. A. Development in preparing printing surfaces. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp- 182-184.) PP KERALIO, L. F. G. de. See Guynement de Keralio, L. F. KERATRY, E. de. A plea for copyright. {In North American Review, Jan., 1890.) 11314 KERNER, C. See Schmidt, C. KERR, H. C. Report on the cultivation of, and trade in, jute in Bengal and on Indian fibres available for the manufacture of paper. (Map.) 2 pts. Fol. Calcutta, 1874. 86 11 KERR, R. Memoirs of the life, writings and correspondence of W. Smellie, late printer in Edinburgh. 2 vols. 8vo. Edin- burgh, 181 1. 8522 490 R. W. History of the Government Printing Office, at Washington, with a brief record of the pubhc printing for a century, 1 789-1881. 8vo. Lancaster, 1881. 20038 KERR, R. W. History of the Government Printing Office (at Washington, D.C.), with a brief record of the public printing for a century, 1789-1881. 2nd edition. 8vo. Lancaster, 1881. 290 KERSHAW, J. B. C. The Patent Office library. (In Cham- bers's Journal, Jan., i8g8.) 1596 KERSHAW, S. W. Art treasures of the Lambeth Library : a description of the illuminated MSS., etc. 8vo. London, 1873. 1356 KERSLAKE, T. Catalogue of books. 8vo. Bristol, 1849. 8545 KERSTEX, P. Die Buchbinderei und das Zeichnen des Buch- binders fiir Fortbildungs- und Handwerkerschulen. Mit 175 Abbildungen auf 2^ Tafeln. 8vo. Halle a. S., 1909. ii744 KERSTEN, P. Der exakte Bucheinband. Der gute Halb- franzband : der kiinstlerische Ganzlederband : die Handver- goldung. 8vo. Halle a. d. S., 1909. 11250 KERSTEN, P. Muster moderner Bucheinbande in englischer Art. 4to. Magdeburg [1910]. i3433 KERSTEN, P. Der exakte Bucheinband. 2te. Auflage. 8vo. Halle, a. S., 1912. 16699 KERSTEN, P. See Dornemann & Co. KETTILBY, W. Books printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church Yard. (7n Burnet, T. : Telluris theoria sacra, 1689.) 4641 KETTLE, D. W, Pens, ink and paper. A discourse upon the caligraphic art. [Odd Volumes, Opuscula, No. 10.] i2mo. London, 1885. 1824 KEUFER, A. Notice sur la decouverte de I'imprimerie. 8vo. Montevrain, 1889. 730 KEUFER, A. Conference faite aux travailleurs du livre de Marseille. 8vo. Marseille, 1892. 16454 KEL'FER, A. Rapport tendant a rechercher les moyens de parer aux funestes consequences du syst^me actuel des adjudi- cations. 8vo. Paris, 1896. 15288 KEUFER, A. La crise syndicaliste. 8vo. Aurillac, 1910. 14562 KEUFER, A. L'education syndicale expose de la methode organique. 8vo. Paris, 1910. 14561 KEYAERT, V. Etude sur le prix de revient et tarif minimum en imprimerie. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1907. 11049 491 KKYERSLACH, P. Passio Christi, etc. 4to. Koln, 1487. 21362 KEYMER, C. E. See Fournier, H. KEYSERE, P. de. See Meersch, P. C. v. d. KEYSTONE TYPE FOUNDRY. Specimens of printing types. 8vo. Philadelphia [c. 1891J. 2147 KEYSTONE TYPE FOUNDRY. Specimens of printing types. 8vo. Philadelphia [c. 1891]. 654 KEYSTONE TYPE FOUNDRY. A showing of our new Harris roman series. 4to. [Philadelphia, 1909.] 11066 KEYTE, E. C. See Harlesden : Public Library. KIDD, J. & CO. Printing ink specimens. Obi. 8vo. London [c. 1897]. 1002 KIDD, J. & CO. Specimens of printing inks, etc. Obi. 8vo. London, 1906. 12412 KIDD, J. & CO., Ltd. Price list [and specimens] of printing inks, etc. Obi. 8vo. London, 1914. 18250 KIDGELL, { ). A genuine and succinct narrative of a scandalous libel entitled : An Essay on Woman. [By J. Wilkes] 4to. London, 1763. 16497 KIDGELL, ( ). See Layman. KIDSON, F. British music publishers, printers and engravers. [i6th-i9th centuries.] With bibliographical lists of musical works published. 8vo. London [1900]. 4474 KIESE WETTER, L. Gedrangte Geschichte der Buchdrucker- kunst von ihrer Erfindung bis auf unsere Tage. 8vo. Glogau, 1840. 23404 KIKKERT, P. Proeve van ets-kundige uitspanningen, of verzameling van Plaatjens, door de ets-naald in 't koper gebracht, met bijgevaegde verhandelingen, de tekenen ets-kunde betreffende. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1798. ^77'^^ KILIAN DUFFLAENS, C. Latijnssche gedichten uitgegeven en met een levensbericht voorzien door Max Rooses. [Maats- chappij der Antwerp. Bibliop,, Uitgave Nr. 6.] 8vo. Antwerpen, 1880. 21820 KILLEN, C. J. Technical education, {hi Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp. 37-39.) PP KIMBERLEY : Public Library. 19th, etc., annual report, 1901, etc. 8vo. Kimberley, 1901, etc. 9020 KIMBALL, I. The commercial value of good taste. {In The Printing Art, Vol. 2, 1903, p. 29.) PP KING, E. Hymns to the Supreme Being. New edition. 8vo. London, 1798. 8270 492 KING, F. S. American wood-engravers : Francis S. King. (In Scribner's Magazine, Vol. 17, March, 1895, pp. 291-292.) 6790 KING, J. King's Irish bibliography. A subject guide to Irish books. Ft. i of Irish Researches, 1903. Fol. London, 1903- 3350 KING, P. J. and BLATCHFORD, R. Trades federation. 8vo. London, 1897. 1176 KING, W. An historical account of the heathen gods and heroes. 5th edition. i2mo. London, 1731. 6493 KING, W. L. The printing-offices of Buenos Ayres. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 3, 1885-6, p. 527 — Vol. 4, 1886-7, p. 652.) PP KINGDOM, J. A. Richard Grafton, citizen and grocer, of London, servant and printer to Edward, Prince and King. A sequel to Poyntz and Grafton. Fol. London, 1901. 7^74 KINGHAM, J. L. Printing in India. (In Printers' Journal, March 19, 1866.) PP KINGSLAND, W. G. Literary dilettanteism. [In Poet-Lore, Vol. 6, Oct., 1894, pp. 512-518.) 6814 KINGSLEY, C. The saint's tragedy; or, the true story of Elizabeth of Hungary. W'ith a preface by Prof. Maurice. 8vo. London, 1848. 21283 KINGSLEY, E. American wood-engravers : Elbridge Kingsley. {In Scribner's Magazine, Vol. 18, July, 1895, pp. 32-34.) 681 1 KINGSTON-UPON-THAMES : Public Library. Annual re- port of the Committee, 1904-5, etc. 8vo. Kingston, 1905, etc. 6895 KINGSTONE, K. Scattered roses. Printed in his private press by S. P. Widnall. 8vo. Grantchester, Cambridge, 1890. 7446 KINNEAR, S. Reminiscences of an aristocratic Edinburgh printing office. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1890. 5203 KINNEAR, S. See Grigor, J. KIRCHER, A. Prodomus Coptus sive Aegyptiacus. 4to. Romae, 1636. 5242 KIRCHHOFF, A. Beitrage zur Geschichte des deutschen Buchhandels. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1851-3. 20926 KIRCHHOFF, A. Die Handschriftenhandler des Mittelalters. 2te. Ausgabe. 8vo. Leipzig, 1853. 20916 KIRCHHOFF, A. Herrn Dr. Albrecht Kirchhoff zur Feier der 70. Geburtstages am 30. Jan., 1897. [With bibliography of his works.] 8vo. [Leipzig, 1897.] 6872 KIRCHNER, E. Die Papiere des 14. Jahrhunderts im Stad- tarchive zu Frankfurt a.M. und deren Wasserzeichen. 8vo. Frankfurt, 1893. 57-<^ 493 KIRCHNER, E. Hollander-Theorie von praktischem Stand- punkte nebst Erganzung und Erwidcrung- von C. Strobach. 8vo. [1905]. 6665 KIRCHNER, E. Das Papier. Teil 1-3. 4to. Biberach, 1 897- 1 907. 9807 KIRKBRIDE, J. Modern lithography. {In Work, July-Oct., 1902.) 4158 KIRKBRIDE, J. Engraving- for illustration : historical and practical notes. i2mo. London, 1903. 3550 KIRKPATRICK, W. A vocabulary, Persian, Arabic and English, containing such words as have been adopted from the two former of those languages, and incorporated into the Hindui, etc. 4to. London, 1785. i7957 (i) KIRKPATRICK, W. An account of the plan and contents of the new Hindui grammar and dictionary proposed to be published by W. K. 4to. [London, 1785.] i7957 (2) KIRKPATRICK, W. Specimen of the Nagri type preparing for Capt. Kirkpatrick's Hindui Grammar and Dictionary. S. sh. 4to. [London, 1785.] 17957 (s) KIRK WOOD, J. Proposals in 1699 to found public libraries in Scotland. Reprinted, with remarks by W. Blades. 4to. London, 1889. 21594 KIRKWOOD, J. Sec Johnston, G. P. KIRSCHMANN, A. Antiqua oder Fraktur? (Lateinische oder deutsche Schrift.) Eine kritische Studie. [Monographien des Buchgewerbes. Bd. i.] i2mo. Leipzig, 1907. 11244 KIRWAN, A. V. Modern France : its journalism, literature and society. 8vo. London, 1863. 158 17 KISTLER, B. See Schmidt, C. KITCHEN French : a dictionary of terms used in cookery. i6mo. Chicago, 1899. 1488 KITCHIN, G. Sir Roger L'Estrange : a contribution to the history of the press in the 17th century. 8vo. London, 1913. 1 680 1 KITTON, F. See Norwich : Library. KITTON, F. G. John Leech, artist and humourist. New edition. i2mo. London, 1884. 8950 KITTON, F. G. William James Linton, engraver, poet and political writer. {In The English Illustrated Magazine, Vol. 8, 1891, pp. 491-500.) 8849 KITTON, F. G. The art of photo-etching and engraving. [An article reprinted from the British Printer, 1894, descriptive of the works of Messrs. J. Swain and Son.] 4to. London, 1894. i349 494 KLAASES, H. J. A wrong- view of Dutch typography. With some critical comments. (In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 47, Oct. II, 1900, pp. 205-206.) PP KLAASES, H. J. The invention of printing-. [Against Dr. A. V. d. Linde and his Gutenberg theories.] {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 47, Aug. 30, 1900, pp. 105-106.) PP KLEERKOOPER, M. M. De Haarlemsche (en de Rotter- ■damsche) Courant in het Engelsch. 8vo. 's Gravenhage, 1906. 10314 KLEERKOOPER, M. M. De boekhandel te Amsterdam voor- namelijk in de ije. eeuw. Biographische en geschiedkundige aanteekeningen. Aangevald en uitgegeven door W. P. v. Stockum, jr. 8vo. s' Gravenhage, 1914, etc. 18182 KLEIN, G. See Rosslin, E. KLEIN, H. O. The three-colour process — a step-child. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 4, 1898, pp. 25-27.) PP KLEIN, H. O. About engraving of half-tone blocks. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 5, 1899, p. 44.) PP KLEIN, H. O. A glimpse at some Continental schools and studios. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 6, 1900, pp. 79-93.) PP KLEIN, H. O. Somes notes about three-colour work with collodion emulsion. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 7, 1901, pp. 133-134-) PP KLEIN, H. O. About trichromatic portraiture. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 9, 1903-4, pp. 77-78.) PP KLEIN, H. O. Collodion emulsion and its applications to various photographic and photo-mechanical purposes, with special reference to trichromatic process work. 8vo. London, 1905. 9143 KLEIN, H. O. The new sensitizers as applied to collodion emulsion. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, pp. 67-68.) PP KLEIN, H. O. The importance of correct ratios in colour photography. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 5-6.) PP KLEIN, H. O. A review of colour photography. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 137-139.) PP KLEIN, H. O. Photography of magnetic fields. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, pp. 67-68.) PP KLEIN, H. O. The applications of collodion emulsion to three- colour photography, process work, isochromatic photography and spectrographic work. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1910. 15190 KLEIN, H. O. Collodion emulsion and colour work. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, pp. 162-164.) PP 495 KLEIN, H. O. Sec Hiibl, A. v. KLEIN, K. Sur Gutenberg et le fragment de sa presse, troLive dans la maison oil il a etabli sa premiere imprimerie. 8vo. Mayence, 1856. 21605 KLEIN, K. Ueber Gutenberg den Erfinder der Buchdrucker- kunst und das im ersten Druckhause aufgefundene Fragment der ersten Druckepresse. 8vo. Mainz, 1857. 21595 KLEIN, T. Strassburg's Jubelfeier der Erfindung der Buch- druckerkunst. (24-26 Juni, 1840.) S. sh. 4to. Strassburg, 1840. 21983(3) KLEINKNECHT, C. D. Gott-geheiligte Evangelisch-Luther- ische Buchdrucker-Jubel-Freude, etc. 8vo. LTlm, 1742. 20087 KLEMM, H. Beschreibender Catalog des Bibliographischen Museums von H. K. 8vo. Dresden, 1884. 21613A KLEMM, H. Johann Gutenbergs erste Buchdruck-Presse vom Jahre 1441. 8vo. Dresden, 1884. 23448 KLEMM, H. Ein Verlags-Verzeichniss von Johann Mentelin in Strassburg. S. sh. fol. [Dresden, c. 1880.] 7221 KLEMM, H. Die Verlags-Verzeichnisse von Johann Mentelin in Strassburg. S. sh. fol. [Dresden, c. 1880.] 7222 KLEMM, H. See Cicero, M. T. KLEMM, J. C. Das Angedencken des dritten Jubel-Fests der edlen Buchdrucker-Kunst auf der Universitat Tubingen. 4to. Tubingen, 1740. 20975 KLEMM, P. Handbuch der Papierkunde. Zum Nachschlagen und zum L'nterricht iiber Verwendung, Herstellung, Priifung und Vertrieb von Papier. 8vo. Leipzig, 1904. 3901 KLEMM, P. Handbuch der Papierkunde. Zum Nachschlagen und zum Unterricht iiber Verwendung, Herstellung, Priifung und Vertrieb von Papier. 2te. Auflage. 8vo. Leipzig, 1910. 13436 KLEMM, P. See Riibencamp, R. and Klemm, P. KLEMMING, G. E. Birgitta-Hteratur : bibliografi. 4to. Stockholm, 1883. 21644 KLEMMING, G. E. Hymni, sequentiae et piae cantiones in regno Sueciae olim usitate. Sancti Sueciae. i2mo. Holmiae, 1885. 21154 KLEMMING, G. E. and NORDIN, J. G. Svensk boktryckeri- historia 1483-1883. 8vo. Stockholm [1883]. 21032 KLENZ, H. Die deutsche Druckerprache. 8vo. Strassburg, 1900. 3330 KLIMSCH, K. Lettres ornees. 13 pts. 4to. Frankfort [c. 1870]. 5926 496 KLIMSCH, K. Adressbuch der Buch- und Steindruckereien Lind der damit verwandten Geschaftszweige des deutschen Reichs, i8go. 8vo. Frankfurt, 1890. 2934 KLIMSCH & CO. Allerlei Zierrath furnemblich fiir Decor- ations-maler, Architekten, Lithog-rafen, Graveure, etc. Pts. 1-16. Fol. Frankfurt a. M. [c. 1890]. 7 KLIMSCH & CO. [Price list of printers' supplies.] 4to. [Frankfurt, 1900.] 1026 KLIMSCH, HUNTER &- CO. Machinery for photo-engravers, etc. 4to. London [c. 1895]. i779 KLIMSCH'S JAHRBUCH. Vol i, 1900, etc. 8vo. Frank- fort, 1900, etc. PP KLINKHARDT, J. Schrift Proben. 4 pts. 4to. Leipzig, 1880-6. 6360 KLINKHARDT, J. Gesamt-Probe. Oktav-Ausgabe. 8vo. Leipzig [c. 1880]. 1183S KLINKHARDT, J. Schrift Proben. 4to. Leipzig [c. 1880]. 6435 KLINKHARDT, J. Initialen, Zierleisten und Schluss-Stucke der Schriftgiesserei J. K. 4to. Leipzig, 1881. 5745 KLINKHARDT, J. Proben Album. 4to. Leipzig [c. 1882]. 293 KLINKHARDT, J. Satz-Vorlagen aus der Germania (Ein- fassungsmaterial im Stile deutscher Spat-Renaissance.) 4to. Leipzig [c. 1885]. 3126 KLINKHARDT, J. Erinnerungs-Blatter au die Feier des 50 Jahrigen Jubilaums der Firma J. Klinkhardt am i Mai, 1884. Bvo. Leipzig, 1885. 291 KLINKHARDT, J. Schrift-proben. Hand-ausgabe. 4to. Leipzig [1887]. 470 KLINKHARDT, J. Oktav-Probe. II. Band. 8vo. Leipzig, 1890. 1 1837 KLINKHARDT, J. [Supplementary specimen.] 17. Folge, 1894-5. 4to. Leipzig, 1894. 10865 KLINKHARDT, J. Romische Antiqua, Cursivschriften, Ein- fassungen und Schmuckmaterial. 8vo. Leipzig [c. 1901]. 6980 KLINKHARDT, J. Specimen book : letters, borders, brass rules. Bvo. Leipzig [c. 1912]. 162 15 KLOSS, G. B. Catalogue of the library of Dr. Kloss including many MSS. and printed books with MS. quotations by P. Melanc- thon. 8vo. London, 1835. 6197 KLOTZ, C. A. Ridicula litteraria. Bvo. Altenburgi, 1762. 16767 497 32 KNAAKE, J. K. F. Zu SteilTs Tiibinger Incunabcldrucken. Svo. [Leipzig-, 1887.] 6076(6) KNAAKE, J. K. F. Bibliothek Knaake. Katalog- der Samm- lung- von Reformationsschriften des Begriinders der Weimarer Lutherausgabe. Svo. Leipzig-, 1908. 17-5^ KNACKFUSS, H. Durer. TransLited by C. Dodgson. Svo. Bielefeld, 1900. 1814 KNAUFFT, E. John Gilbert and illustration in the Victorian era. {In American Review of Reviews, Vol. 16, 1897, pp. 673-690.) 8170 KNAUFFT, E. Drawing for printers. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 19, 1S97, p. 36— Vol. 23, 1S99, p. 43.) PP KNAUFFT, E. Drawing for printers. A practical treatise on the art of designing- and illustrating in connection with typo- graphy. Svo. Chicago, 1899. 1491 KNAUTH, C. Historischer Abriss von dem Anfang und Wachsthum der Gelehrsamkeit in Ober Lausitz und wie die Ober- Lausitzschen Buchdruckereyen derselben gedienet bey Gelegenheit des Dritten Buchdrucker-Jubel-Festes, 1740. 4to. Leipzig [1740]. 21585 KNECHT, M. See Bregeaut, L. R. KNIGHT, Miss. On the amphitheatre of Vespasian at Rome. Sonnet. 4to. [Parnia, c. 1790.] 5152 (2) KNIGHT, Miss. Lines addressed to Victory. 4to. Parma, 1793- 5152(1) KNIGHT, Prof. See Malvern Urban District Council. [KNIGHT, C] The guide to trade : the printer. i2mo. London, 1S3S. 20329 KNIGHT, C. Advertisements. {In his London, 1843.) 20518(3) KNIGHT, C. London newspapers. {In his London, 1843.) 20518(4) KNIGHT, C. William Caxton, the first English printer. i2mo. London, 1844. 20377 [KNKiHT, C] The guide to trade. The printer. i2mo. London, 1843. 5230 KNIGHT, C. The struggles of a book against excessive taxation. Svo. London [1850]. '^7^99 KNIGHT, C. The case of the authors as regards the paper duty. Svo. London, 185 1. 11030 KNIGHT, C. Knight's cyclopaedia of the industry of all nations. Svo. London, 1S51. 3425 KNIGHT, C. The old printer and the modern press. i2mo. London, 1854. 20379 498 KNIGHT, C. Once upon a time. 2nd edition. [The Chapel, p. I. The first newspaper stamp, p. 293.] 8vo. London, 1859. 20587 KNIGHT, C. Passages of a working life during half a century : with a prelude of early reminiscences. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1864-5. 7333 KNIGHT, C. Shadows of the old booksellers. Svo. London, 1865. 2764 KNIGHT, C. Jacob Tonson and his friends. {In The Shilling Magazine [c. 1870].) 22261 KNIGHT, C. William Caxton, the first English printer. New edition. Svo. London, 1877. 20368 KNIGHT, C. See Clowes, A. A. KNIGHT, C. &; CO. Suggestions for the artistic treatment of catalogue and other pages. 4to. London [1906]. 8179 [KNIGHT, E. C] Dinarbas; a tale: being a continuation of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia. [By Dr. S. Johnson.] 4th edition. Svo. London, 1800. 8267 KNIGHT, E. H. The first century of the Republic : Mechanical progress. Printing. {In Harper's Magazine, 1875, pp. 518-543. j 17848 KNIGHT, J. See Francis, J. C. KNIGHTLEY, W. P. A plea for private schools. 8vo. Brighton, 1876. 23260 KNIGHTLY, F. W. Micro-photography by the three-colour process. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 57-60.) PP KNIGHTS & COTTRELL. [Catalogue and price list of book- binders' tools and blocks.] Obi. 8vo. London [1884]. 3999 KNOBLOCH, J. See Schmidt, C. KNOBLOCHTZER, H. See Schorbach, K. and Spirgatis, M. KNOFLER, H. See Seeburg, F. v. KNOLL, P. Die Photographic im Dienste der Presse. Svo. Halle a. S., 1913. 17814 KNOWLES, J. The London point system of reading for the blind, with methods of abbreviation for use with the system. Svo. London, 1904. 13765 KNOWLES, J. and GARTHWAITE, L. Oriental Braille. One alphabet for the blind for all Oriental languages. Svo. London, 1902. 2624 KNOWLES, J. S. Dramatic works. With a memoir by R. S. Mackenzie. Svo. Calcutta, 1838. 15283 KNOWLTON & BEACH. Paper box machinery. Svo. Rochester, N.Y. [c. 1910]. 16952 499 KNUTGEN, A. Sec Heiligenstadt : Kon. Kath. Gymnasium. KOBELL, F. V. Die Galvanographie, cine Methode, Tusch- bilder und Zeichnungen durch gfalvanische Flatten in Drucke zu Vervielfaltigen. 2te. Auflage. 8vo. Miinchen, 1846. 4059 KOBURGER, A. See Waldau, G. E. KOCH, C. B. De palingenesia litterarum oratio anniversaria memoriae Zang-ianae cumprimis sacra et hac occasione vigcntibus impraesentiarum typographiae jubilis dicata, d. 27 Jun. Anno 1740. 4to. Arnstadii, 1740. 23336 KOCH, E. & CO. Plakat-Schriften fur Tiefpragung in Grab- und Hohl-Schnitt. 4to. Magdeburg [c. 1885]. 17232 KOCH, E. & CO. Gravir-Anstalt und Messing-Schrift-Giess- erei. [Specimens.] 4to. Magdeburg, 1893. 17148 KOCH, M. Kurzgefasste kritsche Geschichte der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst, mit der altesten Wiener und oster- reichischen Buchdruckergeschichte. 8vo. Wien, 1841. 20963 KOCH, T. W. Some old-time old-world librarians. 8vo. New York, 191 4. 18492 KOCK, C. T. Development of colour printing from pre-historic ages to the present day. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 47-48-) ~ PP KOCK, C. T. Colour printing : a treatise on the possibilities, history, philosophy and technic of the art. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, pp. 100-102.) PP KOCK, C. T. Photo-lithography v. offset press. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp. 93-96.) • PP KOCK, H. E. Color screens and trichromatic inks. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 8, 1902-3, pp. 51-52.) PP KOCK, H. E. Trichromatic photo-lithography. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 9, 1903-4, pp. 85-86.) PP KOCK, H. E. Colour photography. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 10, 1904-5, pp. 89-91.) PP KOCK, H. E. Photo-criminology. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, pp. 43-44.) PP KOCK, H. E. Colour photography — a resume of methods. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 85-86.) PP KOCK, H. E. Recent advances in colour photography. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-S, pp. 105-106.) PP KOCK, H. E. Photoloid. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 25-26.) PP KOCK, H. E. Photoloid — the new photographic material. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp. 129-130.) PP KOEHLER, J. D. Sylloge aliquot scriptorum de bene ordin- anda et ornanda bibliotheca. 4to. Francofurti, 1728. 13293 ;oo KOEHLER, J. D. J. D. Koehler's historischer Munz-Belustiij- un LONDON PRINTING AND ALLIED TRADES ASSO- CIATION. [Correspondence with the London Society of Com- positors, Jan., 1891.] 2 pts. Fol. [London, 1891.] 3947 LONDON PRINTING AND ALLIED TRADES ASSO- CIATION. The London scale of prices for compositors' work. 8vo. London, 1891. 6703 LONDON PRINTING AND KINDRED TRADES FEDER- ATION. A guide to fair houses in the printing- and kindred trades. 8vo. London, 1900. 2759 LONDON : Printing-, Stationery and Kindred Trades' Ex- hibition. Catalogue, 1880 (1881, 1883, 1897). 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1880-97. 1419 LONDON : Printing, Stationery and Kindred Trades' Ex- hibition, 1880. [Menu and Japanese paper serviette for the dinner.] [London, 1880.] 20201 LONDON : Printing Exhibition, 1910. Souvenir of an exhibition with a record. The 4th international printing, stationery and allied trades exhibition, May-June, 1910. 4to. London, 1910. 13352 LONDON : The Printing Trades' Exhibition. What printers may see at the forthcoming show. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 74, 1914, pp. 377-387-) PI- LONDON PRINTING MACHINE MANAGERS' ASSOCI- ATION. A report of the police proceedings in connection with the dispute between Messrs. Waterlow and Sons and the Associ- ation. 8vo. London, 1882. 22457 LONDON PRINTING MACHINE MANAGERS' TRADE SOCIETY. Report, 1901, etc. 8vo. London, 1902, etc. 8227 LONDON PRINTING MACHINE MANAGERS' TRADE SOCIETY. Rules. i2mo. London, 1884. 4167 LONDON PRINTING MACHINE MANAGERS' TRADE SOCIETY. Rules. i2mo. London, 1888. 23497 LONDON PRINTING MACHINE MANAGERS' TRADE SOCIETY. Rules. i2mo. London, 1898. 4165 LONDON PRINTING MACHINE MANAGERS' TRADE SOCIETY. Rules. i2mo. London, 1904. 7023 LONDON PRINTING MACHINE MANAGERS' TRADE SOCIETY. List of fair houses. [Nov. 16, 1904, etc.] i2mo. London [1904, etc.]. 8193 LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND POLITICAL SCIENCE. Programme of courses of lectures on library adminis- tration, 1902-3, etc. 8vo. London, 1902, etc. 6584 557 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. [Miscellaneous papers and leallets.] 8vo. [London, 184S, clc.\ LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Rules, 1848, etc. 8vo. London, 1848, etc. ^997 LONDON SOCIETY Ol-' COMPOSITORS. [Collection of membership cards, 1848, efc. | Obi. i2mo. London, 1848, efc. 667 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Notice of [13th annual general and subsequent annual and quarterly meetings, 1861, etc.]. 8vo. London, 1861, etc. 19013 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. The compositors' guide to the London printing offices. [Afterivards The com- positors' fair list and guide to the London printing offices.] 8vo. London, 1870, etc. 18951 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. 30th {etc.), annual report, 1878, etc. [Earlier reports were not printed.] 8vo. London, 1878, etc. 2682 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. [Trade reports, etc., 1900, 1909, 191 1, etc.] Svo. London, 1900, etc. 18503 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Report on the origin of the closing of Messrs. Spottiswoode's houses, together with the subsequent proceedings thereon, 1836-54. 8vo. London, 1854. 727 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Report of the Special Committee appointed to further consider the mileage system of travelling relief. 8vo. [London, 1865.] 2003 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Report of the Special Committee appointed to confer with the employers on propositions II — VI of the Compositors' Memorial. 8vo. [London, 1866.] 18947 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Report of the Special Committee appointed to draw up and present a memorial to the master printers for an advance in prices. Svo. [London, 1866.] 18948 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Report of the Sub-Committee to the Trade Committee on the prices paid for the composition of books of reference ; the standard adopted by founders to gauge the relative thicknesses of the different letters in a fount ; and the turnover system. 8vo. [London, 1867.] 4275 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Report of the Special Committee appointed to inquire into the practicability of a scheme for the payment of certain sums of money to the repre- sentatives of deceased members. Svo. [London, 1867.] 18949 558 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Report of the Special Committee appointed to revise tlie trade rules, examine into the system of working- in each office and frame a report upon the evidence that may come before them. 8vo. London, 1868. 4278 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Rules and regu- lation? for news work, 1868. 8vo. [London, 1868.] ii53 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Scheme for the payment of certain sums of money to the representatives of deceased members. 8vo. [London, 1868.] 4^73 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Report of the Special Committee appointed to report upon the constitution and workings of the amalgamated trades, the central offices of which are in London, with a view (if practicable and advisable) to a thorough reorg-anisation of the Society on the basis of amalg^ama- tion. 8vo. London, i86g. 4271 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Report of the Special Committee appointed for the purpose of devising- some plan, apart from joining the Provincial Typographical Relief Association, to enable the Society to place their travelling members on an equality with their provincial fellow-workmen. 8vo. [London, 1869.] 18950 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Report on the present prosepcts of the Society with suggestions for strengthen- ing its position and extending the means for alleviating the condition of its unemployed members. 8vo. [London, 1870.] 18952 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. The Special Committee on amalgamation, to the members of the Society. 8vo. London, 1870. 4272 LONDON S0CIF:TY OF COMPOSITORS. Report of the journeymen members of the conference of master printers and compositors held in 1847. 8vo. London, 1871. 18953 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Report of the Special Committee appointed to consider the best means for improving the conditions of newspaper compositors. 8vo. London, 1874. 17344 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Catalogue of the Compositors' Library. 8vo. London, 1875. 22450 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Report of delegates to Trades' Union Congress, 1875. [H. Johnston and H. Self.] 8vo. London, 1875. 18956 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Report of the journeymen members of the conference of master printers and compositors held in 1847. 8vo. London, 1875. 18955 559 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Report of a Special Committee appointed to consider the practicability of establishing- a superannuation benefit in connection with the Society. 8vo. [London, 1876. J 18958 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Report of delegates to Trades' Union Cong-ress, 1876. [C. J. Drummond and H. Self.] Svo. London, 1876. 18957 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Report of the Special Committee on the apprenticeship question. Svo. London, 1877. 1 1 62 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Report of deleg-ates to Trades' Union Congress, 1877. [C. J. Drummond and R. S. Jackson.] 8vo. London, 1877. 1161 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Report of deleg-ates to Trades' Union Congress, 1878. [A. G. Cook and H. Self.] Svo. London, 1878. 1163 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Report of the journeymen members of the conference of master printers and compositors, held in 1847. Svo. London, 1879. 11697 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. The London scale of prices for compositors' work. Svo. London, 1879. 18960 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Extracts from the 128th quarterly report. Svo. [London, 1S80.] 18961 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Report of the Special Committee on the financial condition of the Society. Svo. London, 1881. 18962 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Result of ballot, April 6, 18S1. Svo. [London, 1881.] 18963 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Report of the Sub-Committee appointed by the General Committee of the Printers' National Art Union to examine the books of the Asso- ciation and report to the Trade Committee of the L.S.C. Svo. London, iSSi. ^7345 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Catalogue of the Library. Svo. London, iSSi. 22537 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Report of the journeymen members of the conference of master printers and compositors held in 1S47. Svo. London, 18S3. 22605 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Reply of the Special Committee to the statements of the News Committee. Svo. [London, 1884.] 22602 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. To the members. [An address by the News Committee.] Svo. [London, 1884.] 22603 560 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Report of tke Special Committee appointed to inquire into and report upon the duties, powers and mode of electing the executive of the Society, with a view to its reconstruction. 8vo. [London, 1884.] 18964 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Important de- monstration of the trades in favour of the Representation of the People Bill. 8vo. [London, 1S84.] 18966 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Dispute at Messrs. Waterlow Bros, and Layton's. [Reports of police court cases.] 8vo. London, 1885. 18969 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Systematic over- time. 8vo. [London, 1886.] 18970 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Statement of the disposal of the purchase money of freehold land in Eagle Street, Holborn, as between the L.S.C., the Printing Machine Managers' Association and the Amalgamated Association of Pressmen. S. sh. 8vo. [London, 1886.] 18971 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. General election, 1886. S. sh. 8vo. [London, 1886.] 18972 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Unemployed claims. 8vo. [London, 1886.] 18973 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. The London scale of prices. 8vo. London, 1889. 542 (1) LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. News Depart- ment. A\'orkmen's memorial to the newspaper proprietors. Fol. London, 1889. 18982 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. London scale of prices for compositors' work. Revised draft for consideration of the employers. 8vo. London, 1890. 18983 (2) LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Advance of wages movement. 8vo. London [1890]. 4277 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. News Depart- ment. Report read at first delegate meeting, Aug. 9, i8go. 8vo. London, 1890. 18977 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Fair and unfair religious and temperance weekly newspapers. 8vo. London, 1890. 18978 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Advance of wages movement. 8vo. [London, 1890.] 18979 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. To the employers in the printing trade of the metropolis. Fol. [London, 1890.] 18980 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. To the employers in the printing trade of the metropolis. Fol. London, 1890. 18981 561 36 • LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Catalogue of the Library. 8vo. London, 1890. ^979 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Interpretation of the revised scale. Svo. [London, 1891.] 1167 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. News Depart- ment. Report of the Committee on the system of vvorking adopted in each office. 8vo. London, 1891. 18983 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Supplementary report of the Committee, presented Nov. 11, 1891 and adopted. 8vo. [London, 1891.] 18984 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Copyright. (The American Copyright Act.) 8vo. London, 1891. 18985 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. To the members of the London County Council. 8vo. [London, 1891.] 18986 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. The London County Council printing contract. 8vo. [London, 1891.] 18987 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. The London scale of prices for compositors' work. Svo. London, 1891. 18988 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Advance of wages movement. 8vo. [London, 1891.] 18989 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. The London scale of prices for compositors' work. Advance copy. 8vo. London, 1891. 18990 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Advance of wages movement. Digest of revised scale. 8vo. [London, 1891.] 1 899 1 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Advance of wages movement. 8vo. [London, 1891.] 18992 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Rules for working the Hattersley type distributing and composing machines. Agreed upon Aug. 16, 1892, by the representative of the proprietors of the Daily News and the L.S.C. Svo. London, 1892. 18993 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. News Depart- ment. Report of the delegates appointed to revise the scale. Svo. London, 1S93. 18994 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. News Depart- ment. Appendix to the workmen's memorial to the newspaper proprietors. Svo. London, 1893. i7347 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Appendix to the news scale. Svo. London, 1894. 544 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Proposed alter- ation of Rule 38. — Benefits. (L'nemployed allowance.) Svo. [London, 1894.] 1899S 562 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. The L.S.C. and the Linotype. 8vo. [London, 1894.] 18999 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Government printing- contracts. Debate in House of Commons, Aug. 18, 1894. 8vo. London, 1894. igooi LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. 48-hour working week and federation. 8vo. London, 1894. 17346 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Recommendations of Special Committee upon unemployed question. 8vo. [London, 1895.] 19002 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Government printing- contracts. 8vo. London [1896]. 19006 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Scale for machine composition. Present scale. Employers proposals. Journeymen's counter-proposals. Scale agreed to. 8vo. London, 1896. 19005 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Catalogue of books for sale. 8vo. [London, 1896.] 19004 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Government printing contracts. Report of Select Committee of House of Commons, with report presented by M. T. Lough and evidence given on behalf of the Society. 8vo. London [1896]. 19003 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. The London scale of prices for machine composition. 8vo. London, 1896. 545 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Rates and rules for working composing machines in London. Agreed upon be- tween representatives of the London newspapers and master printers and of the London Society of Compositors. 8vo. London, 1896. 3986 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Jubilee. A brief record of events prior to and since 1848. [Edited by C. \\'. Bower- man.] 8vo. London, 1898. i093 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. The London scale of prices for compositors' work. 8vo. London, 1899. 19008 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Notes of pro- ceedings at an arbitration between the L.S.C. and the Master Printers' Association. Before G. R. Askwith. I'ol. London, 1 90 1. 2041 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. To the employers in the printing trade of London. Fol. London, 1901. 19015 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. The London scale of prices for compositors' work. 8vo. London, 1901. 19016 (i) LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Committee's re- port upon the superannuation and provident benefits. 8vo. [London, 1903. | 19017 .S'''>3 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Committee's re- port on the settlement of the dispute with the Master Printers' Association. 8vo. [London, 1906.] 19023 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Committee's re- port on the negotiations with the Master Printers' Association. 8vo. [London, 1906.] 19022 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. To the com- positors of The Times. 8vo. [London, 1908.] 19025 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Rules agreed upon hetwecn the Newspaper Proprietors' Association and the L.S.C., 1907-9. 8vo. [London, 1909.] 19026 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. News Depart- ment. Agreements and instructions. 8vo. [ London, 1910.] 19028 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. In honour of our colonial visitors. Complimentary concert. Prog'ramme. Obi. 8vo. London, 191 1. 15026 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. [Designs sub- mitted in a competition for the membership card of the L.S.C for 1913.] 19014 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. An appeal to our churches. i2mo. London [c. 1914]. 18848 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Sec England, 1 881, etc. ; Linotype Co., Ltd. ; National Typog-raphical Associ- ation. LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. L.S.C. Jobbing Guild. Rules. 24mo. London, 1909. io979 LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. L.S.C. Jobbing Guild, ist, etc., annual report. 8vo. London, 1910, etc. 12144 LONDON SOCIETY OF LITHOGRAPHIC PRINTERS. Abstract and auditor's reports of the receipts and expenditure for 1896, etc. 8vo. London, 1897, etc. 4261 LONDON SOCIETY OF LITHOGRAPHIC PRINTERS. Rules. 8vo. London, 1899. 7306 LONDON SOCIETY OF MUSIC COMPOSITORS. Rules. i6mo. London [c. 1872]. 7834 LONDON : Stationers' Company. The orders, rules and ordinances made by the Mystery of Stationers of London. 4to. London, 1678. 21593 LONDON : Stationers' Company. [Order by the Lord Chancellor and Lords Justices endorsing the by-law of the Company with reference to the placing of imprints on all books, pamphlets, etc.] S. sh. fol. London, 1681. 17033 564 LONDON : Stationers' Company. At a Court held at Stationers' Hall on Friday the 22nd day of May, 1685 [giving particulars as to the various authorities for licensing booksj. S. sh. fol. [London, 1685. J 1/034 LONDON : Stationers' Company. The orders, rules and ordinances made by the Mystery of Stationers of London. 4to. London, 1692. 21592 LONDON : Stationers' Company. The charter and grants of the Company now in force. 8vo. London, 1741. 21727(1) LONDON : Stationers' Company. The Stationers' charters, etc. [Being pp. 175-212 of Luckombe's History of Printing.] 8vo. [1 770. J 20404 LONDON : Stationers' Company. Stationers' Hall, with a concise history of the Company. (//; Pinnock's Guide to Know- ledge, Nov., 1834.) 2369 LONDON : Stationers* Company. Extracts from the Registers of the Company of works entered for publication between 1557 and 1570- (i57'^'^7-) \^ ith notes and illustrations by J. P. Collier. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1848-9. i355 LONDON : Stationers' Company. Abstract of the charitable donations in the disposal of the Court of Assistants. 8vo. London, 1851. 22640 LONDON : Stationers' Company. The scheme for the regu- lation and administration of the charities founded by William Norton, George Bishop, Chris. Meredith and John Norton. 8vo. London, 1858. 341 1 LONDON : Stationers' Company. Entered at Stationers' Hall. A sketch of the history and privileges of the Company. 8vo. London, 1871. 23044 LONDON : Stationers' Company. An account of the found- ation, object and course of study of the Stationers' School, Bolt Court. 8vo. London, 1873. 4195 LONDON : Stationers' Company. A transcript of the Registers of the Company, 1 554-1640. Edited by E. Arber. 5 vols. 4to. London, 1875-94. 5691 LONDON : Stationers' Company. The orders, rules and ordinances made by the Mystery of Stationers of London, London, 1692. [Reprint.] 4to. [London, c. 1880.] 17894 LONDON : Stationers' Company. A brief history of the Company. 8vo. London [1880]. 1586 LONDON : Stationers' Company. A list of the master, wardens, assistants and livery of the Company, 1891, etc. 8vo. London, 1891, etc. ' '^526 LONDON' : StatiiMicrs' Company. Stationers' Hall, Wednes- day, July II, 1S94. [A programme with historical notes on the Company.] Sq. 8vo. [London, 1894.] 853 LONDON : Stationers' Company. Stationers' Hall, Thursday, July S, 1897. [A programme with details of the Hall.] Sq. 8vo. [London, 1897. J 852 LONDON : Stationers' Company. Stationers' Hall. A sketch of the origin and development of the Company. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 41, 1897, p. 45 — p. 313.) PP LONDON : Stationers' Company. Stationers' Hall, Nov. 6, 1901. [A concert programme.] Obi. i2mo. [London, 1901.] 2455 LONDON : Stationers' Company. 1403-1903. A short ac- count of the Worshipful Company of Stationers [by C. R. Riving- ton]. Presented to the guests on the occasion of the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the foundation of the Company. Fol. [London], 1903. 3536 LONDON : Stationers' Company. Entered at Stationers' Hall. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 32, 1903-4, pp. 694-700.) PP LONDON : Stationers' Company. The 500th anniversary of the Stationers' Company. {In The Leisure Hour, Oct., 1903.) 3650 LONDON : Stationers' Company. Entered at Stationers' Hall. The historic headquarters of the English book trade. {In The Daily Chronicle, March 8, 1905.) 6648 LONDON : Stationers' Company. Souvenir of visit of teachers of Manitoba to the Stationers' Hall, 1910. 4to. London, 1910. 14148 LONDON : Stationers' Company. See Lowry, H. D. ; Nichols, J. G. ; Rivington, C. R. LONDON to Switzerland and Italy by the Saint Gothard Railway. [100 phototypes.] 4to. Nancy [c. 1896]. 1347 LONDON TECHNICAL EDUCATION GAZETTE. Vol. i, 1894, etc. 4to. London, 1894, etc. PP LONDON TRADE SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. nth annual report. 12 mo. Walworth, 1828. 1986 LONDON TRADE SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Lines delivered at the 12th anniversary, June 14, 1828. S. sh. 4to. London, 1828. 20538 (35) LONDON TRADE SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Rules. 1 2 mo. Walworth, 1828. 1985 LONDON TYPING CO., Ltd. Specimen of book, news and jobbing types, borders, etc. 4to. London, 1899. 9785 LONDON TYPING CO., Ltd. Specimens. 410. London, 1902. • 3746 566 LONDON TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL. Vol. i, 1906, etc. 4to. London, igo6, etc. PP LONDON TYPOGRAPHICAL MUSIC ASSOCIATION. Scale of prices. S. sh. [London, 1861.] 706(31) LONDON UNION OF COMPOSITORS. Report of the pro- ceedings of the deleg-ated meeting- of compositors, 12 Dec, 1833. i2mo. [London, 1833.] 1984 LONDON UNION OF COMPOSITORS. Report of the general trade committee to the compositors of London, March 4 and II, 1834. i2mo. [London, 1834.] 1992 LONDON UNION OF COMPOSITORS. Proceedings of the ist quarterly meeting of delegates, July I, 1834. i2mo. [London, 1834.] ' 1991 LONDON UNION OF COMPOSITORS. Report of the trade council on the mode of working on The Times newspaper. 12 mo. London [1835]. iggo LONDON UNION OF COMPOSITORS. Report from the trade council, 15 Sept. [1835]. i2mo. [London, 1835.] 1995 LONDON UNION OF COMPOSITORS. Annual report ot the trade council, Feb. 2, 1835. i2mo. [London, 1835.] 1994 LONDON UNION OF COMPOSITORS. The London scale of prices for compositors' work : agreed upon April 6th, 1810, with explanatory notes, and the scales of Leeds, York, Dublin, Belfast and Edinburgh. i2mo. London [c. 1835]. 21513 LONDON UNION OF COMPOSITORS. The London scale of prices for compositors' work: agreed upon April i6th, 1810, with explanatory notes, and the scales of Leeds, York, Dublin, Belfast and Edinburgh. 2nd edition. i2mo. London [c. 1836]. 1069 LONDON UNION OF COMPOSITORS. Annual report of the trade council, Feb. 6, 1837. i2mo. [London, 1837.] 1993 LONDON' UNION OF COMPOSITORS. Annual report of the trade council, July 9, 1839. i2mo. [London, 1839.] ^5559 (3) LONDON UNION OF COMPOSITORS. Annual report of the trade council. May 5, 1840. i2mo. London, 1840. 15559(2) LONDON UNION OF PRESSMEN. Rules. 8th edition. i2mo. London, 1857. 7272 LONDON UNITED TRADE BENEFIT SOCIETY OF LITHOGRAPHIC PRINTERS. Objects and rules. i2mo. London, 1873. 15176 LONDON : University. Catalogue of the library : including the libraries of G. Grote and A. De Morgan. 8vo. London, 1876. 6564 LONDON : University. General information respecting the library. 8vo. London, 1907. 9973 567 l.ONDOiN : L'niversity. Hand-cataloj^uc of tlie library. Brought down to the end of 1897. Svo. London, 1908. 10794 LONDON : Lhiiversity. List of ^LSS., maps and plans and printed books and pamphlets, mostly on railways and navigation, presented to the Goldsmiths' Library. Fol. London, 1908. 11234 LONDON : L'nixcrsity. General information respecting the libraries in the central building of the University of London, South Kensington, and at Lhiiversity College. 8vo. London, 1908. 1 1093 LONDON : L-niversity College. Catalogue of the periodical publications in the library. 4to. Oxford, 1912. 16285 LONG, C. A. Practical photography on glass and paper. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1856. 15022 (6) LONG, C. A. The dry collodion process. 2nd edition. Svo. London, 1857. 15022 (5) LONG, I. le. See Le Long, L LONG, J. Returns relating to publications in the Bengali language in 1857, to which Is added a list of the native presses, with the books printed at each, their price and character, with a notice of the past condition and future prospects of the vernacular press of Bengal and the statistics of the Bombay and Madras vernacular presses. Svo. Calcutta, 1859. 12255 LONG, J. le. See Le Long, J. LONGHI, G. La calcografia, \'ol. i — Concernante la teorica deir arte. Svo. Milano, 1830. 11679 LONGINUS, D. Dionysii Longini quae supersunt graece et latine, recensuit J. Toupius. Ed. altera. Svo. Oxonii, 1778. 6620 LONGMAN, T. N. & REES, O. Books printed for T. N. Longman and O. Rees, No. 39, Paternoster Row. Svo. London [c. 1800]. 7375 LONGALAN, REES, HURST & ORME. Works printed for Longman, Rees, Hurst and Orme, Paternoster Row. Svo. London [1S04]. 7375 LONGMAN, HURST, REES & ORME. Works lately pub- lished. Svo. London, 1804. 7375 LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME cV- BROWN. Biblio- theca Curiosa. A catalogue of rare, curious and valuable books now on sale. 1813, pts. 1-3; 1S14, pts. 1-2. 4to. London, I Si 3-4. 17863 LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME & BROWN. Works preparing for publication. Svo. London [1S15]. 7375 LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME & BROWN. A cata- logue of old books. Svo. London, 1S17. 11683 568 LOXGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, BROWN & GREEN. A catalogue of old books for 1824. 8vo. London, 1824. 9079 LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, BROWN & GREEN. A catalogue of old books for 1834-5. ^^^- 3- S^'°- London, 1825. ^ 8594 LONGAL\N, REES, ORME, BROWN c^ GREEN. A cata- logue of old books for the year 1827. 8vo. London, 1827. 9080 LONGMAN, REES, ORME, BROWN c\: GREEN. A cata- logue of old books. . Pt. 2. 8vo. London, 1829. 8583 LONGMAN, REES, ORME, BROW^N, GREEN c\; LONG- MAN. A catalogue of old books. 8vo. London, 1837. 8584 LONGMAN, ORME, BROWN, GREEN & LONGMANS. A catalogue of old books. 8vo. London, 1839. 8585 LONGMANS, BROWN, GREEN & LONGMANS. A cata- logue of old books for 1843. 8vo. London, 1843. 16716 LONGMAN & CO. Notes on books. A quarterly analysis of books published by L. «!<: Co. ]^ols. 1-9. 4to. London, 1855- 1903- 1 1559 LONGMAN, GREEN, LONGMAN & ROBERTS. List of works in general literature. 8vo. London, 1859. 739i LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. A classified catalogue of works published by L. G. and Co. 8vo. London, 1909. 11873 [LONSDALE, R. E.] Catalogue of the library of Dr. Rain- beau. [A satire on Dr. Rimbault.J 8vo. London, 1862. 23278(1) LOO, A. V. Proeve der drukkerye van A. v. L. [To be sold 26 Nov., 1753.] 4to. 'sHage, 1753. 6206(3) LOOSJES, W Gedenkschriften wegens het vierde eeuwgetijde von de uitvinding der boekdrukkunst door L. J. Koster. 8vo. Haarlem, 1824. 20894 LOOTS, C. Feestzang, bij de viering van het vierde eeuwfeest der uitvinding van de boekdrukkunst, te Haarlem. 8vo. Amster- dam, 1823. 21583 LORCK, C. B. Die Herstellung von Druckw?rken. Praktische Winke fiir Autoren und Buchhiindler. 2te. Auflage. 8vo. Leipzig, 1868. 20981 LORCK, C. B. Die Druckkunst und der Buchhandel hi Leipzig durch vier Jahrhunderte. 8vo. Leipzig, 1879. 20982 LORCK, C. B. Handbuch der Geschichte der Buchdrucker- kunst. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1882-3. 20997 LORCK, C. B. Geschichte des Vereins der Buchhiindler zu Leipzig wahrend der ersten 50 Jahre seines Bestehens, 1833-82. 8vo. Leipzig, 1883. 11803 569 LORCK, C. B. Die HcrstcUunt;- von Druckwerken. Praktischc W'inkc fi'ir Autoren und BuchhiincUcr. 4te. Auflagc. 8vo. Leipzig^, 1883. 2936 LORD. The lord and the vassal : a familiar exposition of the feudal system. i2mo. London, 1844. 21281 (i) LORD, B. Esparto and its uses, {ht Nature and Art, Vol. 2, 1867, pp. 137-139) 1 54 1 2 LORD, W. B. Lithographic stone. (/j2 Nature and Art, Vol I, 1866, pp. 74-75-) ^ ^5412 LORD'S I'RAVER. Orationis Dominicae versiones ferm^ centum, 4to. [London, c. 1680.] 5673 LORD'S PRAYER. Oratio Dominica. Nimirum, plus centum Unguis, etc. 4to. Londini, 1700. 535^ LORD'S PRAYER. Oratio Dominica. Nimirum, plus centum Unguis. Fol. Aug-sburg [171 2]. 5882 LORD'S PRAYER. Oratio Dominica. Nimirum, plus centum Unguis, etc. Editio novissima. 4to. Londini, 1713. 5672 LORD'S PRAYER. Oratio Dominica in divers omnium fere g-entium linguas versa. Editore Joanne Chamberlaynio. 4to. Amstelaedami, 171 5. 5359 LORD'S PRAYER. Oratio Dominica. Nimirum, plus centum Unguis, etc. 4to. Londini, 1736. ' 5674 LORD'S PRAYER. Oratio Dominica cl. Unguis versa. Edente J. J. Marcel. 4to. Parisiis, 1805. 5^79 LORD'S PRAYER. Oratio dominica in civ. linguas. Fol. Parmae, 1806. 5839 LORD'S PRAYER. Das \'aterunser in mehr als sechs- hundert Sprachen und Mundarten. Obi. Fol. \Vien, 1844. 5834 LORD'S PRAYER. The album of language. Illustrated by The Lord's Prayer in one hundred languages. By G. Naphegyi. Fol. Philadelphia, 1869. 1850S LORD'S PRAYER. Our Lord's Prayer in one hundred different languages. Compiled by S. Apostolides. 2nd edition. 8vo. London [c. 1870]. 21535 LORD'S PRAYER. Oratio Dominica in CCL linguas. 4to. Romae, 1870. 5901 LORD'S PRAYER. The Lord's Prayer in many tongues. Containing all the principal languages spoken in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. 8vo. London [1882]. 9851 LORD'S PRAYER. The Lord's Prayer in the languages of Africa and the districts where spoken. i2mo. London, 1890. 33 3^ LORD'S PRAYER. The Lord's Prayer in 300 languages. With a preface by R. Rost. 4to. London, 1891. 55^4 570 & LORD'S PRAYER. The Lord's Prayer in 500 languages. With a preface by R. Rost. New edition. 4to. London, 1905. 6669 LORENTZEN, C. B. Map of mechanical and chemical wood pulp mills in Norway. S. sh. fol. [Drammen, c. 1895.] 681 LORENZ, O. Catalogue general de la librairie fran^aise, 1840-65 (1866-75). 8 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1867-80. 9347 LORILLEUX, C. Prix courant, Typographie. Lithographic. Couleurs sfeches, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 23418 LORILLEUX, C. Annee 1880. Pantheon des celebrites de I'imprimerie. i2mo. [Paris, 1879.] 20318 LORILLEUX, C. Specimen des couleurs broyees de C. L. Fonds d'actions couleurs pour afhches. i2mo. Paris, 1879. 20661 LORILLEUX, C. Specimen des couleurs broyees de C. L. Chromo lithographic couleurs seches. i2mo. Paris, 1879. 20658 LORILLEUX, C. Charles Lorilleux, 1826-93. [Obituary notices.] 8vo. Paris, 1893. 1594.'^ LORILLEUX, C. & CIE. [Almanack for 1881, with Hst of books on printing.] i2mo. [Paris, 1880.] 20317 LORILLEUX, C. & CIE. Usines Lorilleux. Encres typo- i;-raphiques, etc. {In Grandes Usines, Liv. 248. [c. 1880.]) 22913 LORILLEUX, C. & CIE. [Almanack for the year 1882. Each day has an extract from the French press laws of various dates.] i2mo. [Paris, 1882.] 21860 LORILLEUX, C. & CIE. Traite de lithographic. Histoire, theorie, pratique. 4to. Paris, i88g. 22021 LORILLELJX, C. &: CIE. Specimens d'impressions. 4to. Paris [1900-6]. 1 1 176 LORILLELTX, C. & CIE. Specimens de couleurs. 8vo. Paris [c. 1902]. 7201 LORILLEUX, C. & CIE. Les impressions en trois couleurs. Notice explicative. 8vo. [Paris, c. 1905.] 6960 LORILLEUX, C. &: CIE. L'impression sur aluminium (de- calcographie). Notice explicative. i2mo. [Paris, c. 1905.] 6961 LORILLEUX, C. &: CIE. Couleurs de C. L. et Cie. Specimen typographie. 4to. Paris, 1908. 99°! LORILLEUX, C. & CIE. Couleurs et vernis pour impression lithographique sur metal. 8vo. Paris [c. 1908]. 9898 LORILLEUX, C. & CIE. [Specimens and price list of] inks and colours for printers and lithographers. 4to. London [1908]. 9900 LORILLEUX, C. & CIE. Couleurs typographiques pour im- pression et gauffrage simultan^s. Obi. Paris [c. 1908]. 9899 571 LORILLELX, C. & CIE. Prinlino inks. [Account of the firm with specimens.] 8vo. Paris [1908J. 99°- LORILLEUX, C. X; CIE. Show-card colours. Obi. 8vo. London [c. 1908J. 9903 LORILLEUX, C. .V CIE. Encrcs double-teintc. Obi. 4to. Paris [c. 1909J. ii333 LORILLEUX, C. tv Cliv. Encres d'iniprimerie. Couleurs pour photogravure. Eol. [Paris, 1910.J 12566 LORILLEUX, C, fits nine. Specimen des encres typo- graphiques. Eol. Paris [1879]. 21496 LORTAT-JACOB, P. See London : Eranco-British Exhibition. LOS ANGELES : Public Library. 12th, etc., annual report, 1899-1900, etc. 8vo. Los Angeles, 1900, etc. 9^^7 LOS-RIOS, E. de. Bibliographic instructive. 8vo. Avignon, 1777. 9764 LOS RIOS, J. E. See Bergmans, P. LOSTALOT, A. de. Les precedes de la gravure. 8vo. Paris [c. 1880]. 21566 LOTHIAN, G. B. Specimen of printing- types. 8vo. New York, 1841. 6032 LOTHROP, B. M. Indoor photography and flash light studies of child subjects. 8vo. Bradford, 1896. 307 LOTTER, T. C. Mappa geographica, ex novissimus obser- vationibus repraesentans Regnum Poloniae et Mag"num Ducatum Lithuaniae. S. sh. fol. Aug-. Vindel, 1759. 6300(1) LOUBIER, J. Die Stcglitzer Werkstatt. {In Deutsche Kunst und Dekoration, Oktober, 1903, Jahrg. i. No. 7.) 3654 LOUBIER, J. Der Bucheinband in alter und neuer Zeit. 4to. Berlin [1904]. 399^ LOUBIER, J. Die Drucke der Doves Press von T. J. Cobden- Sanderson und Emery Walker. [In Zeitschrift fiir Biicherfreunde, To/. 9, 1905, pp. 201-214.) PP LOUGH, J. S. The Retrospect, containing the principle incidents of his life. 8vo. Kendal [1825]. 2080 LOUIJS, P. Byblis. (Collection Lotus Alba.) i6mo. Paris, 1898. 1 1256 LOUISY, P. L'ancienne France. Le livre depuis les origines jusqu'a la fin du i8e. siecle. 8vo. Paris, 1886. -1031 LOUISY, P. L'ancienne France. Le livre depuis les origines jusqu'a la fin du i8e. siecle. 8vo. Paris, 1887. 3191 LO\'ER of art. See Enquiry into the origin of printing. LOVirrT, R. See Manchester: John Rylands Library. 572 LOVIBOXD, J. W. On the scientific classification of a color stock. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 2, 1896, pp. 124-130.) PP LOVIBOND, J. W. The scientfic aspect of color printing. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 15, 1895, p. 473.) PP LOW, S. SOX & CO. The American catalogue of books ; or, English guide to American literature. 8vo. London, 1856. 14227 LOWD'S method of sending pictures bv telegraph. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 16, 1895-6, p. 52^) ' PP LOWE, E. J. and HOWARD, W. Beautiful leaved plants. 8vo. London, 1861. 4230 LOWELL, J. A. & CO. [Album of specimens of steel plate cards.] Fol. [Boston, 1879-82.] 10888 LOWNDES, W. A catalogue of books. 8vo. London, 1786. 7344 (3) LOWNDES, \\'. T. The bibliographer's manual of English literature. New edition. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1857-64. GL. 6180 21475 LOWNDS, M. tS, SON. 1855-1905. A record of 50 years' progress. Obi. 4to. London, 1905. 7408 LOWRY, H. D. The city halls of London. Stationers'. Sketched by J. Pennell. {In The Architectural Review, Nov., 1896.) ' " 977 LOWSON, P. Report on printing machinery. {In Paris : Exhibition, 1878 : The Society of Arts artisan reports, 1879.) 22419 LOY, W. E. Designers and engravers of type. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 20, 1897-8, p. 621 — Lo/. 25, 1900, p. 332.) PP LOY, W. E. Typefounders and typefounding in America. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 25, 1900, p. 650 — Vol. 35, 1905, p. 223.) PP LOYSEAU, M. Lettre sur le projet de loi contre les delits qui peuvent se commettre par la voie de I'impression et par la publi- cation des ecrits et des gravures. 8vo. [Paris, 1790.] 23358 LOZZI, C. Delia introduzione della stampa in Genova e della guerra che le mossero gli amannensi favoriti dalla Repubblica. {In II Bibliofilo, To/. 2, 1881, pp. 58-62.) PP LOZZI, C. Ancora di Francesco da Bologna e della invcn- zione de'caratteri Aldini. {In II Bibliofilo, Vol. 3, 1882, pp. 1-5.) PP LOZZI, C. Di Aldo Manuzio de'caratteri Aldini e delle figure del Poliphilo del 1499. {In II Bibliofilo, To/, i, 1880, pp. 122-124.) PP LUBBOCK, Sir J. See Avebury, Lord. 573 LUCANUS, M. A. Pharsalia. Fol. Paris, 1514. 6132 (2) LUCANUS, M. A. Pharsalia. 8vo. Parisiis, 15 12. 5975 LUCAS, F., jun. Specimens of printing- types cast at the Baltimore Type and Stereotype Foundry. 8vo. Baltimore, 185 1. 9873 LUCAS, R. Lord Glenesk and the Morning- Post. 8vo. London, 1910. 14339 LUCATELLI, G. See Bodoni, G. B. LUCE, L. See Paris : Imprimerie Nationale. LUCHET, A. Recit de I'inauguration de la statue de Guten- berg et des fetes donnees par la ville de Strasbourg, Juin, 1840. 1 2 mo. Paris, 1840. 21856 LUCHINI, L. Libri Bruciati e libri salvati delle prime tipo- grafie cremonensi. (//; II Bibliolilo, Vol. 7, 1886, pp. 34-37.) PP LUCRE, F. Festrede zur vierhundertjahrigen Jubelfeyer der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst den 24 Jun. 1840, zu Gottingen. 8vo. Gottingen, 1840. 21887 [LUCROMBE, P. I A concise history of printing [principally in England]. 8vo. London, 1770. 2041 1 LL'CROMBE, P. The history and art of printing [principally in England]. 8vo. London, 1771. 6086 LUCRETIL'S. De rcrum natura. Fol. Paris, 1514. 6132(1) LUCRETIUS. De rerun-i natura. 4to. Birminghamae, 1772. 5185 LUCRETIUS. De rerum natura. i2mo. Birminghamiae, 1773- 5213 LUCRETIUS. De rerum natura. 4to. Londini, 1832. 5138 LUCY, VV. &• CO., Ltd. The library problem. [Steel stacks and rolling bookcases.] i2mo. Oxford [c. 1906]. 8284 LUDEVVIG, J. P. de. Catalogus librorum typis vulgatorum, et manuscriptorum. 21^0/5. 8vo. HalaeMagd., 1745. 16762 LUDOLPHUS DE SAXON I A. Vita Christi. Fol. Niirnberg, 1478. 5S08 LUDTRE, W. Die Ballhorn-Drucke der Rieler L^niversitats Bibliothek. {In Zeitschrift fiir Biicherfreunde, Vol. 8, 1904, pp. 281-288.) PP LUDWIG, C. J. Proben der Schriftgiesserei, C. J. L. 4to. Frankfurt [c. 1870]. 6382 LUFFT, H. See Zeltner, G. G. LUTGI, R. Memoria sul Pio Instituto Tipografico di Milano dalla sua fondazione al presente. 4to. Milano, 1879. 21055 LULL, R. Opera. Vol. 3. [With letterpress colour work in five colours.] Fol. Moguntiae, 1722. 103 12 574 LUMACHI, F. Nella repubblica del libro. i2mo. Firenze, 1907. 9370 LUMIERE. See Wallon, E. LUMIERE, A. and L. and SEYEVVETZ, A. On the use of flashlight powders as an artificial light source in photography on autochrome plates. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, pp. 21-23.) PP LUMIERE, A. and L. and SEYEWETZ, A. Obtaining countertypes by developing after fixing. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 1911-2, pp. 126-128.) PP LUMIERE, L. See Lumiere, A. and L. and Seyewetz, A. LUMLEY, E. Third catalogue of books for 1836. i2mo. London, 1836. 17585 LUMBY, SON & WOOD, Ltd. Illustrated and priced cata- logue [of boilers, etc.]. Obi. 8vo. Halifax [1905]. 6512 LUNN, W. H. Bibliotheca classica selecta, etc. 8vo. London, 1811. 17191 (i) LL'NN, \V. H. Catalogue of books to be sold. 8vo. London, 1815. 16585(1) LUNZE, J. G. Monumentorum typographicorum decas (tridecas). 2 pts. 12010. Lipsiae, 1799-1801. 23125 LUPTON, W. Twelve sermons. 8vo. London, 1729. 3761 LUQUIN, F. L'ecole tvpographique moderne. Resume d'in- struction professionnelle. 8vo. Paris, 1904. 499^ LUQUIN, F. La scuola tipografica moderna. Traduzione dal Francese Michelotti. Edizione aumentata di numerose aggiunte e capitoli complementari per cura di Gianolio Dalmazzo. Con prefazione di Salvadore Landi. 8vo. San Benigno Canavese, 1907. 9371 LUTHER, J. Ideendiebstahl in dem dekorativen Biicher- schmuck der Reformationszeit. {In Zeitschrift fiir Biicherfreundc. Vol. I, 1897, pp. 463-471.) PP LUTHER, J, Der Buchdruck und Buchschmuck der alten Meister. Berichte iiber zehn Vortrage gehalten in Konigl. Kunstgewerbemuseum zu Berlin. 8vo. Berlin, 1901. 2283 LUTHER, M. Vermanung an die geistlichen Versamlet auff dem Reichstag zu Augsburg Anno 1530. 4to. Wittemberg, 1530. 6051 LUTHER, M. See Clemen, O. ; Knaake, J. K. F.: Zeltner, G. G- LUTZHOFT-PETERSEN, H. Reliefartiger Druck mit gemustertem Hintergrund. 4to. Berlin, 191 1. 18226 LUXEMBOURG : Athenee Grand-ducal. Catalogue descriptif et explicatif des editions incunables de la biI)liotheque. Par A. Namur. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1863. ^4455 575 LUYTS, J. Introductio ad geographiam novam et veteram. 4to. Trajccti ad Rhenum, 1692. 1534 LYDGATE, J. A selection from the minor poems of J. L. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. 8vo. London, 1S40. 21236 LYDGATE, J. The temple of glass. Printed at Westminster by \V. Caxton about the year 1477. [Facsimile.] 8vo. Cam- bridge, 1905. 6834 LYDGATE, J. A lytell treatyse of the horse, the sheep and the ghoos. Printed at Westminster by VVynkyn de Worde about 1499. [Facsimile.] 8vo. Cambridge, 1906. 8300 LYDGATE, J. The churl and the bird. Translated from the French by J. L. Printed by William Caxton about 1478. [Fac- simile.] 8vo. Cambridge, 1906. 8301 LYME URN, J. See Dickson, W. P. LYNCH, G. See White, A. F. LYNCH, J. IVI. Statement [to the International Typographical L^nion]. 8vo. Indiahapolis, 1911. 15529 LYNCH, T. The printers' manual : a practical guide for compositors and pressmen. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1872. -0371 LYON & BLAIR. See Stephenson, Blake and Co. LYON, L. Franklin and fonics. [Phonetic type.] i2mo. Ringos, N.J., 1899. 33^1 LYRA, N. de. Postilla super psalterium. 4to. Paris, 1483. 5660 LYSTER, T. W. An index to periodicals wanted. Reprinted from The Library Association Record, Feb., 1914. 8vo. Aber- deen, 1914. 18565 LYTE, H. F. Catalogue of the library of H. F. Lyte, with the additions made by J. W. M. Lyte. 8vo. London, 1849. 15829 LYTE, J. W. M. See Lyte, H. F. 576 M M. Lettre a un Censeur Royale sur la liberte de la presse. 8vo. [Paris, c. 1814.] 23041 M : C. See Motteley, C. M : C. M. The earl-printer : a tale of the time of Caxton. 8vo. London [c. 1880]. 20378 M : D. S. The revival of printing-. [In The Saturday Review, 1899.) 1928 I\I : E. Introduzione della stampa nel Tirolo Italiano. {In II Bibliofilo, Vol. Ill, 1882, pp. 185-186.) PP M : F. The perilous nature of the penny periodical press. 8vo. London [c. 1853]. 15409 M : G. See Bradshaw, H. M : G. C. How to do more business. i2mo. London, 1906. 10229 [M : J.] Reasons for the liberty of unlicensed printing-. 4to. London, 1693. 22424 M : J. The new medium in surface printing. [In Inland Printer, Vol. 23, 1899, pp. 319-322.) PP M: J. J. Irish chap books. [In Irish Book Lover, Vol. i, 1910, pp. 157-159-) PP M : N. R. E. See Duplessis, G. M : T. A. See Rossi, J. B. de. M: W. Liverpool's printing bicentenary. [In Liverpool Post, July 5, 1912.) 16134 MAAS, W. J. The art of tri-chromatic printing. [In Inland Printer, Vol. 2^^, 1901, pp. 346-349.) PP MAATSCHAPPIJ DER ANTWERPSCHE BIBLIOPHILEN. Uitgaven. Nos. 1-15. 8vo. Antwerpen, 1878-85. 21820 MAATSCHAPPIJ DER ANTWERPSCHE BIBLIOPHILEN. BuUetijn. Vol. i. 8vo. Antwerpen, 1882. 21821 M'BAIN, J. M. Bibliography of Arbroath periodical literature and political broadsides. 4to. Arbroath, 1889. 12 172 577 37 MACBRAYNE & STIRLING. Specimen of types cast at the Glasg-ovv Letter Foundry. Obi. 4to. Glasgow, 1847. 969 McCABE, J. F. The model printing- plant of a great insurance company [The Prudential Insurance Co. of America]. 4to. New York [c. 1914J. 18797 [McCAGHWELL, H.] [Mirror of Penance. Irish.] i6mo. [Louvain, 1618.] 5472 McCALL, F. H. Linotype manual : giving detailed instructions of the proper adjustment and care of the Linotype. i2mo. Chicago [1898]. 2104 McCANN, J. W. See Barnes, W. C. and others. McCarthy, J. and ROBINSON, Sir J. R. The Daily News jubilee. 8vo. London, 1896. 955 McCAL'LEY, E. Y. Dictionary of Egyptian hieroglyphics. 4to. Philadelphia, 1883. 20162 McCLEAN, F. List of manuscripts and early printed books belonging the the late Frank McClean. [Proof sheets.] 8vo. [London, 1904.] 11758 McCLURE, E. H. See American Printers' Specimen Exchange. M'COAN, J. C. Protestant endurance under popish cruelty: a narrative of the Reformation in Spain. 8vo. London [1853]. 17739 MACCOLL, D. S. Miss E. M. MacColl's bookbindings. A new technique in tooling. (In The Art Journal.) 1248 MACCOLL, E. M. See MacColl, D. S. McCOMB, S. The making of the English Bible. 8vo. London 1910. 13735 M'CORMICK, J. Catalogue of prints for 1832. 8vo. London, 1832. 18291 McCOY, M. P. A visit to a London printing office. [Messrs. Cassell and Co.] i6mo. London, 1881. 23109 McCOY, M. P. The half-tone : its influence on letterpress printing. [A lecture.] {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 42, April 21, 1898, p. 247.) PP McCREERY, J. The press : a poem. Published as a specimen of typography. 2 pts. 4to. Liverpool, 1803-27. 51 16 McCREERY, J. The press : a poem. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1828. 20424 MACCURTIN, H. The elements of the Irish language. i2mo. Lovain, 1728. 5060 McDERMUT, W. B. The typographic style-book : a manual of rules for preparers of copy, compositors and proof-readers. i6mo. Bellevue [1900]. 2822 578 McDEVITT, C. See New York Typographical Society. MACDONAGH, M. The proof-reader. {In Chambers's Journal, 6th series, Vol. 2, July, 1899, PP- 513-515-) 1908 MACDONALD, J. J. Passmore Edward's institutions. Foundings and opening- ceremonies. 4to. London, 1900. 1693 MACDONALD, J. M. Roll up. A tale of the Eureka Riots, Ballarat. 8vo. Bombay, 1901. 7934 I\LA.CDONALD, J. R. Women in the printing- trades. A sociolog-ical study. With a preface by F. Y. Edgeworth. Svo. London, 1904. 4046 MACDOWALL, H. C. An old French printer [Stephanus]. {In Macmillan's Magazine, Nov., 1892.) 1256 McEWAN, O. The five men who have made shorthand what it is. Portraits and biographies. i2mo. London [c. 1905]. 12 130 McFARLAND, H. Estimates and costs of printing. [In Barnhart Bros, and Spindler : Specimen book [1900].) 2297 MACFARLANE, J. Antoine Verard. {In Bibliographical Society: Transactions, Vol. 4, 1898.) 56 MACFARLANE, J. Antoine Verard. [Bibliographical Society : Illustrated Monographs. No. 7.] 4to. London, 1900. 1855 MACFARLANE, J. The paper duties of 1696-1713 : their effect on the printing and allied trades. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. I, 1900, pp. 31-44-) PP MACFIE, R. A. Copyright and patents for inventions. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1879-83. 2569 MACFIE, R. A. S. A bibliography of Andrew Fletcher, of Saltoun, 1653-1715. {In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Publications, Vol. 4, 1899-1901.) 17569 MACGEAGH, B. S. F. See Richards, H. C. and MacGeagh, B. S. F. McGILL, \y. A form of work-sheet. {In Library World, Vol. 13, 1910-1, pp. 204-208.) PP MACGILLIVRAY, E. J. Copyright cases, 1901-4. 5 vols. Svo, London, 1902-6. 18329 MACGILLIVRAY, E. J. Copyright in letters. Svo. London, 1907. 18330 MACGILLIVRAY, E. J. Guide to the Copyright Act, 191 1. Svo. London, 1912. 18331 MACGOWAN, D. J. Paper and rags in China. {In The Technologist, Vol. i, 1861, pp. 29-30.) 17416 McGOWING, J. R. A new style of retouching in machinery illustrations. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. I'j, 191 1-2, pp. 105-108.) PP 579 ]McGO\\'IXG, J. R. Line drawings. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp. 136-138.) PP MACHE, A. La photogravure dans ses rapports avec rim- primeur. Conference. 8vo. Paris, 1913. 17273 MACHINE made books. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 23, 1899, PP- 590-591-) PP MACHINERY TRUST, Ltd. Proceedings of extraordinary general meetings, Oct. 27 and Nov. 13, 1893. 8vo. London [1893]. 3939 MACHINERY TRUST, Ltd. The Machinery Trust, Ltd. [A catalogue.] Obi. i6mo. [London], 1898. 13696 MACHINERY TRUST, Ltd. The Autoplate. Obi. 8vo. London, 1900. 8563 MACHINERY TRUST, Ltd. Issue of preference capital. Report of proceedings at an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders. 8vo. London, 1902. 2702 MACHINERY TRUST, Ltd. [Catalogue of presses and machinery for printers.] 4to. London, 1903. 979^ MACHINERY TRUST, Ltd. Some specimens of printing from the Waite die press. Obi. 8vo. London [1904]. 4788 MACHINES. Les machines rotatives : leurs origines, leiir fonctionnement. Traite pratique a I'usage des imprimeurs, des conducteurs et des clicheurs. 8vo. Paris, 1884. 20670 MxACHINIST, pseud. Lubrication of printing machinery. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 28, 1901-2, pp. 532-535.) PP MACHINIST. The machinist and the operator. By an operator-machinist. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 26, 1900-1, p. 354 — Vol. 29, 1902, p. 550.) PP MACHLINIA, W. de. [Traced partial facsimile of the Speculum Christiani.] 20496 MACHLINIA, W. de. See Blades, W. MACHRIS, C. The printer's book of designs. Containing various designs executed with brass rule. 8vo. Detroit, 1877. 23410 MACINTOSH, C. A. Popular outlines of the press, ancient and modern ; or, a brief sketch of the origin and progress of printing, and its introduction into this country, with a notice of the newspaper press. i6mo. London [c. 1858]. 8781 MACINTOSH, C. A. Popular outlines of the press, ancient and modern ; or, a brief sketch of the origin and progress of printing, and its introduction into this country, with a notice of the newspaper press. i2mo. London, 1859. 20363 McINTOSH, G. The Mission Press in China, being a jubilee retrospect of the American Presbyterian Mission Press, with sketches of other mission presses in China. 8vo. Shanghai, 1895. 16448 580 Mcintosh, J. G. See Llvache, A. MACINTYRE, J. Theophraste Renaudot : old journalism and new. {In The Nineteenth Century, Oct., 1893.) 11317 McJUNKIN, W. D. How type tells in advertising. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 35, 1905, pp. 512-514.) PP MACKAIL, J. W. The life of William Morris. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1899. 1310 MACKAIL, J. W. William Morris. [A lecture delivered at Clifford's Inn, Jan. 15, 1901.] 8vo. London [1901]. 2063 MACKAIL, J. W. William Morris : an address delivered II Nov., 1900, before the Hammersmith Socialist Society. 8vo. Hammersmith, 1902. 3222 MACKAIL, J. W. William Morris and his circle. A lecture. 8vo. Oxford, 1907. 9^27 MACKAIL, J. W. William Morris and his circle. 8vo. Manchester, 1909. 13^7^ MACKAIL, J. W. See Morris, W. MACKAY, A. F. Better books for the trade. {In The Printing Art, Vol. 2, 1903, p. 81.) PP MACKAY, A. J. G. List of books relating to Fife and Kinross. {In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : PubHcations, Vol. 3, 1895-8.) 17569 MACKAY, A. J. G. A short note on the local presses of Scotland. {In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Publications, Vol. 3, 1895-S.) 17569 MACKAY, W. See Noble, J. McKEESPORT TIMES. Specimens of printing. 4to. McKeesport, 1888. 10833 MACKELLAR, T. The American printer : a manual of typo- graphy. 8th edition. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1873. 20490 MACKELLAR, T. The American printer : a manual of typo- graphy, loth edition. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1876. 11619 MACKELLAR, T. The American printer : a manual of typo- graphy, loth edition. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1878. 20436 MACKELLAR, T. The American printer : a manual of typo- graphy. i2th edition. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1879. 3 10 MACKELLAR, SMITHS & JORDAN. The printers' handy book of specimens. 4to. Philadelphia [1871]. 6369 MACKELLAR, SMITHS & JORDAN. Eleventh book of specimens of printing types. 4to. Philadelphia [1878]. 21 791 MACKELLAR, SMITHS & JORDAN. Specimens of original printing types, etc. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1880. 2697 581 iMACKHLLAR SMITHS cK- JORDAN. Original printing- types- Svo. Philadelphia, 1884. " 2696 MACKELLAR, SMITHS &• JORDAN CO. Original printing types. Svo. Philadelphia [1885]. 3092 MACKELLAR, SMITHS &• JORDAN CO. New and original series of old style types. 4to. Philadelphia [c. 1885]. 3153 MACKELLAR, SMITHS .S: JORDAN CO. Sixteenth specimen: book. Svo. Philadelphia [1886]. 3^93 MACKELLAR, SMITHS c^ JORDAN CO. Seventeenth speci- men book. 4to. Philadelphia [1886]. 2878^ MACKELLAR, SMITHS c^- JORDAN CO. Original printing types. Svo. Philadelphia [1887J. 10824 MACKELLAR, SMITHS &■ JORDAN CO. Specimens of printing types. Svo. Philadelphia, 1890. 10825 MACKELLAR, SMITHS & JORDAN CO. New and original series of old style types. 4to. Philadelphia [c. 1S90]. 16S11 MACKELLAR, SMITHS & JORDAN CO. Specimens of original printing types. Svo. Philadelphia [c. 1893]. 6661 MACKELLAR, SMITHS & JORDAN CO. Seventeenth speci- men book. Svo. Philadelphia [1894]. 477 MACKELLAR, SMITHS & JORDAN CO. Type specimens. Svo. Philadelphia, 1S94. 10S26' MACKELLAR, SMITHS &■ JORDAN CO. Specimens of original printing types. Svo. Philadelphia [c. 1895]. 478' MACKELLAR, SMITHS & JORDAN CO. 1796-1896. One hundred years. M. S. and J. 's foundry. Fol. Philadelphia, 1S96. 633, McKENNA, E. M. M. See Richardson, S. MACKENZIE, C. Memorial pratique du chimiste-manufac- turier. Vol. 2. [Encres, pp. S7-96.] Svo. Paris, 1824. 11407 McKENZIE F. A. English war-correspondents in South Africa. {In Harper's Monthly Magazine, July, 1900.) 1882 1 McKENZIE, F. A. The American invaders : their plans, tactics and progress. [The printing world. The book market.] Svo. London, 1901. 2407 McKENZIE, F. A. The finest newspaper office on earth. [The Washington Star.] (In The Caxton Magazine, March, 1902.) 2602 [MACKENZIE, K.] A man of feeling. New edition. Svo. London, 1778. 7434 MACKENZIE, R. S. See Knowles, J. S. McKERROW, R. B. Richard Grafton, 1539-66. (Handlists of English printers. III.) [Bibliographical Society : Publications.] 4to. London, 1905. 734^^ 582 McKERROW, R. B. A dictionary of printers and booksellers in Eng-land, Scotland and Ireland, and of foreign printers of Eng-lish books, 1557-1640. [Bibliographical Society: Publications.] 4to. London, igio. 14137 McKERROW, R. B. Notes on bibliographical evidence for literary students and editors of English works of the i6th and 17th centuries. {In Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. 12, 1911-3.) 56 McKERROW, R. B. Printers' and publishers' devices in England and Scotland, 1485-1640. [Bibliographical Society : Illustrated Monographs, No. 16.] 4to. London, 1913. 17588 MACKIE, A. Italy and F>ance. An editor's hoUday. [Set by the Mackie steam composing machine.] 8vo. London, 1874. 3937 MACKIE, A. In memoriam. Alexander Mackie, LL.D., 1825-94. 8vo. \\'arrington, 1894. 3981 MACKIE, J. B. Modern journalism : a handbook of in- struction and counsel for the young journalist. 8vo. London, 1894. 15225 MACKINLAY, J. A catalogue of the remaining part of the stock of J. M., bookseller. 8vo. London, 1812. 17191 (-) MACKLOT, C. Schriftproben der Hof-Buchdruckerei von CM. 8vo. Karlsruhe, 1840. 20226 (3) MACLAGAN, Sir D. Presentation to Sir Douglas Maclagan of his bust and portrait. 4to. Edinburgh, 1887. 10918 M'LAREN, J. W. Scots' poems and ballants. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1892. 18488 [MACLAL'RIN, J. Lord Dreghorii.] Considerations on the nature and origin of literary property. [Anon.] • 8vo. Edinburgh, 1767- 141 10 M'LEAN, H. A. Robert Urie, printer in Glasgow. {In Glasgow Bibliographical Society: Records, Vol. 3, 1914.) 18124 MACLEHOSE, J. & SONS. Some manuscripts, rare books and bindings, on sale by J. M. and Sons. 8vo. Glasgow [1902]. 2584 MACLEHOSE, J. & SONS. Books published by James Maclehose from 1838 to 1881 and by J. Maclehose and Sons to 1905, presented to the library of the University of Glasgow. 8vo. Glasgow, 1905. 7999 MACLEHOSE, R. & CO., Ltd. Commercial printing. [Speci- mens.] 4to. Glasgow, 1915. 18902 MACLEOD, R. D. The preservation of books in libraries. {1)1 Library World, Vol. 11, 190S-9, p. 256 — p. 422.) PP McMASTER, J. B. Benjamin Franklin as a man of letters. 8vo. London, 1887. ^1517 583 MACMATH, W. The bibliography of Scottish popular ballads in MS. (hi Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Publications, Vol. I, 1890-5.) 17569 MACMATH, VV. The ballad manuscripts of Charles Kirk- patrick Sharpe and James Skene of Rubislaw. [In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Publications, Vol. 1, 1890-5.) 17569 MACMILLAN, D. See Hughes, T. McMillan, J. L. The McMillan typesetting mechanisms. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., FoZ. 43, Sept. 29, 1898, p. 188.) PP MACMILLAN & BOWES. No. 208. A catalogue of books, containing many from the library of Henry Bradshaw. 8vo. Cambridge, 1886. 22309 MACMILLAN & CO., Ltd. A bibliographical catalogue of M. and CO. 's publications. 1843-89. 8vo. London, 1891. 4455 MACMILLAN & CO., Ltd. New premises erected for Messrs. Macmillan and Co., Ltd., St. Martin's Street. 8vo. London [1897J. 17196 MACMILLAN & CO. Complete catalogue, July, 1913, etc. 8vo. London, 1913, etc. ^73^5 MACMURRAY, E. See Cavis, A. T. and MacMurray, E. McNAMARA, S. The printing press. {In Inland Printer, Vol. I, No. 9,1883-4, p. 8— Vol. 5, 1887-8, p. 73.) PP MACNAUGHTON, J. Factory book-keeping for paper mills. 8vo. London, 1900. 2752 McNAY, W. L. Reproduction tables for the use of art editors, publishers, printers, photographers, etc., showing the propor- tionate dimensions that a picture of a given size will reduce or enlarge to. i6mo. London, 1903. 493i M'NEILE, H. A lecture on the life of Dr. Franklin : with a prefatory note by J. B. Murray. 8vo. Liverpool, 1841. 22284 M'NEILE, H. A lecture on the life of Dr. Franklin : with a prefatory note by J. B. Murray. 3rd thousand. 8vo. London, 1842. 22285 MACOUN, J. M. The forest wealth of Canada. i2mo. [? Glasgow], 1901. 2523 Mcpherson, F. 1833. a catalogue of books. 8vo. London, 1833. 17206 McPHERSON, M. The Hindoo printer — an extraordinary disciple of the art preservative. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 8, i8go-i, p. 103.) PP MACRAY, J. Die goldene Leyer. [Poems in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish, printed in g'old.] i2mo. London, 1830. 8688 MACRAY, W. D. Annals of the Bodleian Library, Oxford, 1598-1867. 8vo. London, 1868. 1805 584 MACVEAGH, J. Humours of the composing- room. {In The Pall Mall Magazine, Oct., 1894.) 1253 McVICAR, J. Origin and progress of the Typographical Union. Its proceedings as a national and international organisa- tion, 1850-91. 8vo. Lansing, 1891. 1964 MADAN, F. Day-book of John Dome, bookseller in Oxford, 1520. (In Oxford Historical Society: Collectanea, Vol. i, pp. 71-177.) 7^40 MADAN, F. Some curiosities of the Oxford press. {In The Library, Vol. i, 1889, pp. 154-160.) PP MxA.DAN, F. Books in manuscript : a short introduction to their study and use. With a chapter on records. 8vo. London, 1893. 312 MADAN, F. On m.ethod in bibliography. {In Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. i, 1893.) 56 ALA.DAN, F. Oxford books : a bibliography of printed works relating to the University and City of Oxford or printed or pub- lished there. Vol. i. The early Oxford press, 1468-1640. (Vol. 2. Oxford literature, 1450-1640 and 1641-50.) 2 vols. 8vo. Oxford, 1895-1912. 1807 MADAN, F. Early representations of the printing press. {In Bibliographica, Vol. i, 1895, pp. 223-248.) 53 MADAN, F. An early representation of the printing press. {In Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. 4, 1898.) 56 MADAN, F. The output of the Oxford press for three centuries. (7n The Periodical, No. 20, Dec, 1902.) 3301 MADAN, F. A chart of Oxford printing, 1468-1900. With notes and illustrations. [Bibliographical Society : Illustrated Monograph. No. 12.] 4to. Oxford, 1904. 3879 MADAN, F. A brief account of the University Press at Oxford, with illustrations together with a chart of Oxford printing. 4to. Oxford, 1908. 99^6 MADAN, F. The duplicity of duplicates. A new extension of bibliography. {hi Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. 12, 191 1-3.) 56 MADAN, F. See Bradshaw, H. MADDEN, Sir F. See Silvestre, J. B. MADDEN, J. P. A. Lettres d'un bibliographe. 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1868-86. 20751 MADDEN, J. P. A. Essai sur I'origine de I'imprimerie de Paris. {In his Lettres d'un bibliographe, FoL 5, 1878.) 20751 MADDEN, J. P. A. Bibliographical account of the writings of J. P. A. Madden on the art of printing. 4to. London, 1879. 5560 585 MADDEN, J. P. A. See Wyss, A. MADDEN, R. R. The history of Irish periodical literature. 2 voh. 8vo. London, 1867. 5679 MADDOX, H. A. The tone and texture of stock for the offset press, (/n The Graphic Arts, ]'ol. i, 1911, pp. 441-446.) PP MADDOX, H. A. What a stationer ought to know about paper. 8vo. London, 19 14. 18098 INLADDOX, H. A. Coloured paper and printings inks. (In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 74, 1914, p. 404.) PP MADDOX, H. A. Acids in papers. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 74, 1914, p. 468.) PP MADDOX, R. L. See Harrison, \V. J. MADINIER, H. Beranger. Fol. [Paris, c. 1850.] 2855(2) MADINIER, H. and PARROT, A. Amour et typog-raphie. Comedie-vaudeville. 8vo. Paris, 1856. 20722 MADJERA, C. See Seeburg-, F. v. ^L-VDRESFIELD COURT. A list of books printed before 1500 and of other objects of interest. 8vo. London [c. 1880]. 9702 MADRID : Asociacion del Arte de Imprimir. Bases y reg'la- mento de la Asociacion y tarifas de los g"rupos profesionales. 8vo. Madrid, 1892. 142 MADRID : Imprenta Real. Muestras de los punzones y matrices de la letra que se funde en el obrador de la Imprenta Real. 4to. Madrid, 1799. 6050 MADRID : Union de Impresores. Estatutos y reg^lamento. 8vo. Madrid, 1905. 11469 MADRID : Union de Impresores. Estatutos y reglamento de la seccion de seguros mutuos para indemnizar los accidentes del trabajo de obreros de imprenta de la Union. 8vo. Madrid, 1909. 1 1469 MAES, J. See Antwerp : Musee Plantin-Moretus. MAFFETT, R. S. The Roundwood Press. (In Irish Book Lover, Vol. i, 1909, pp. 37-39.) PP MAFFETT, R. S. The Achill Press. {In Irish Book Lover, Vol. 2, 1910, pp. 65-68.) PP MAFE^ETT, R. S. Additional Roundwood printing. {In Irish Book Lover, Vol. 3, 1912, pp. 199-202.) PP MAFFETT, R. S. Printing in Newry. {hi Irish Book Lover, Vol. 6, 1914, pp. 17-18.) PP MAGASIN PITTORESQUE. Ann. 2, 1834. 4to. Paris, 1834- 539« 586 MAGAZIN FUR DEN DEUTSCHEN BUCHHANDEL. Vols. 1-3. 8vo, Leipzig, 1874-6. PP MAGAZINE OF FINE ARTS. Vols. 1-2, 1905-6. 4to. London, 1905-6. PP MAGAZINES and their covers. {In The Royal Magazine, June, 1901.) 2285 MAGINNIS, J. P. Reservoir, fountain and stylographic pens. {In Royal Society of Arts : Journal, Vol. 53, 1905, pp. 1125, 1145, 1 168, 1 194.) 7-5- MAGIUS, C. See De Bure, J. MAGNIN, C. Fragment d'un comique du septi^me si^cle. 8vo. Paris, 1840. ^ 23234 MAGNIN, J. F. Quelques conseils d'hygi^ne aux jeunes apprentis dans les ateliers. [Chaix, A. et Cie. Piece annexe No. 2.] 8vo. Paris, 1875. 20982 (2) MAGNUS (Officiel organ van den Nederlandschen Bond van Boekbinders patrons). Jaarg. i, 1910, etc. 4to. Rotterdam, 1910, etc. PP MAGNUSKI & CIE. See Laporte, A. MAGRATH, AV. The printers' assistant; containing typo- graphical tables, and a few select schemes of difficult impositions; together with scales of prices for compositors and pressmen. To which is added a correct list of master printers, etc., in London and its vicinity. 8vo. London, 1804. 2871 MAGYAR NYOMDASZAT. June, 1901. 4to. Budapest, 1901. ' PP MAGYAR nyomdaszok evkonyve, 1907. 8vo. Budapest, 1907. 8517 MAHNCKE, G. H. Johannes von Guttenberg und Dr. Johann Faust. [A drama.] 8vo. Hamburg, 1809. 20093 MAIDSTONE. Industries of Maidstone. Being a series of descriptive articles. [On the Balston paper mills, Hobbs' printing oflfice, Amies paper moulds and other industries.] 8vo. Maidstone, 1881. 22637 MAIGNE, ( ). See Lenormand, S. MAIGNIEN, E. L'imprimerie, les imprimeurs et les libraires a Grenoble du 156. au i8e. si^cle. 8vo. Grenoble, 1885. 9648 MAILANDER, J. G. Preis-Liste iiber Steindruck-, Lichtdruck- und Blechdruck-Schnellpressen. Obi. 4to. Canstatt, 1908. 13472 MAILANDER, J. G. Preisliste iiber Buchdruckschnellpressen. Obi. 4to. Canstatt, 1908. 13471 MAILLARD, F. Histoire des journaux publics a Paris pen- dant le si^ge et sous la commune, 4 sept., 1870, au 28 mai, 187 1. 8vo. Paris, 1871. 15643 587 MAILLARU, L. Les menus et prog i amines illustres. 4to. Paris, 1898. 1287 MAINDRON, E. Le affiches illustrees, 1886-95. 4to. Paris, 1896, 563 MAINDRON, E. Les programmes illustr6s des theatres et des cafes-concerts. Preface par P. Veber. Vol. i. 4to. Paris [1897]. 16567 MAIN I, L. Intorno la dissertazione sulla invenzione della stampa del Prof. A. Zanghellini. Osservazioni critiche. 8vo. Napoli, 1868. 3894 MAINZ. Gedenkbuch an die festlichen Tage der Inauguration des Gutenberg-Denkmals zu Mainz am 13-16 Aug-., 1837. 8vo. Mainz, 1837. 20949 MAINZ. Gedenk-Buch der vierten Jubelfeier der Erfindung- der Buchdruckerkunst in Mainz. 8vo. Mainz, 1840. 11589 MAINZ. Gedenkblaetter zur Gutenberg-feier am 50. Jahrestag-e der Errichtung- des Gutenberg-denkmals zu Mainz 14. Aug". , 1837. 4to. Mainz, 1887. 11650 MAINZ. Gutenberg--Feier im Mainz, 1900. Festschrift. Herausgegeben von K. G. Bockenheimer. 8vo. Mainz, 1900. 1935 MAINZ : Stadtbibliothek. Auswahl aus dem Zuwachs der Stadtbibliothek in den Jahren 1891-1904. 8vo. Mainz [1905], 9133 MAIRE, A. La technique du livre. Typographic : illustration : reliure : hyg^ifenc. 8vo. Paris, 1908. 9519 M[AIRET, F.]. Notice sur la lithographic. i2mo. Dijon, 1818. 20019 MAIRET, F. Kurzer Abriss der Lithographie oder Stein- druckerey. 8vo. Pesth, 1819. 11703 MAIRET, F. Notice sur la lithographie, 2e. edition. Suivie d'un essai sur la reliure et le blanchiment des livres et gravures. 8vo. Chatillon-sur-Seine, 1824. 8520 MAITLAND, S. R. See Lambeth Palace. MAIORE, G. De origine et autoritate verbi Dei. 8vo. Witem- bergae, 1550. 6038(8) MAITRES DE L'AFFICHE. Vols. 1-5. Fol. Paris, 1896-9. 120 [MAITTAIRE, M.] Catalogi codicum MSS. academiarum Oxoniensis et Cantabrigiensis et plurimarum per Anglium et Hiberniam celebrium bibliothecarum in unum collecti. Fol. Oxoniae, 1698. 20179 [MAITTAIRE, M.] Stephanorum historia. 2 vols. 8vo. Londini, 1709. 21600 588 MAITTAIRE, M. Historia typographorum aliquot Parisien- sium vitas et libros complectens. 2 vols. 8vo. Londini, 1717. 7675 MAITTAIRE, M. Historia typographorum aliquot Parisien- sium vitas et libros complectens. Vol. 1. [Large paper edition.] 8vo. Londini, 1717. 5759 MAITTAIRE, M. Annales typographici ad annum Md (ad annum 1557). Vols. 1-3. 4to. Hagae Comitum, 1719-26. 20531 MAITTAIRE, M. A catalogue of the library of M. Maittaire. Pt. 2. 8vo. London, 1748-9. 16542 MAJOR, R. H. I viaggi dei N. e A. Zeno ai mari settentrionali nel secolo 14. Traduzione dall' Inglese per G. Carraro. 8vo. Venezia, 1874. 23220 MAJOR, R. H. See Columbus, C. MAKING of a half-tone engraving. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 26, 1900-1, pp. 121-124.) PP MAKOWER, S. V, Pamphlet No. i. Some notes upon the history of The Times, 1785-1904. 8vo. [London], 1904. 18013, MALASSIS, A. P. See Poulet-Malassis, A. MALLET, D. Edwin and Emma. 4to. Birmingham, 1760. 5155. MALLET, G. Inventaire ou catalogue des livres de I'ancienne Bibliothfeque du Louvre fait en I'annee 1373. 8vo. Paris, 1836. 20653 MALLETTE, R. C. Technical knowledge versus business training. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 29, 1902, pp. 884-885.) PP MALLETTE, R. C. and JACKSON, W. H. Starting a printing office : being a handbook for those about to establish themselves in the printing business and for those already estab- lished. 8vo. New York, 1902. 4457 MALLINKROT, B. a. De ortu ac progressu artis typo- graphicae. 4to. Col. Agripp. , 1640. 2092S MALLINKROT, B. a. De ortu ac progressu artis typo- graphical {In Wolf, J. C. : Monumenta typographica, I, 1740.) 20082 MALLINKROT, B. a. See Mentel, J. MALONE Collection. See Oxford : Bodleian Library. MALORY, Sir T. Le morte d 'Arthur. The original edition of \V. Caxton. Reprinted and edited by H. O. Sommer. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1889-91. 5143. MALTE-BRUX, ( ). See Marchangy. MALVERN URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. Free Libraries by Prof. Knight. Laying of the foundation stone of the Malvern public library, etc. 8vo. Malvern, 1905. 8454 589 MALVEZZI, V. The chiefe events of the monarchic of Spaine in 1639. Translated by R. Gentilis. 12 mo. London, 1647. 7932 M[AME], A. Invention de I'imprimerie, poeme : suivi de la Fete-Dieu. 8vo. Angers, 1813. 10654 MAME, A. See Quantin, A. ; Saussois, A. du. MAME, A. &• FILS. Imprimerie — Librairie — Reliure. Cata- log"ue precede d'une notice sur I'etablissement. i6mo. Tours, 1876. 4164 MAME, A & FILS. Notice et catalogue illustr^ des principales publications. 4to. Tours, 1878. 20769 AL\ME, A. & FILS. R^g-lement interieur de I'imprimerie Mame. 8vo. Tours [c. 1878]. 4159 MAME, A. & FILS. La Maison Mame, 1833-83. Notice historique, publiee a I'occasion de la double cinquantaine de M. A. Mame. 8vo. Tours, 1883. 15295 MANCEAUX, H. See Charles, E. MANCHESTER. The Manchester scale of piece-work prices for compositors and pressmen, agreed upon Aug. 13, 1870. i2mo. Manchester, 1870. 75^2 MANCHESTER BOOK CLOTH CO., Ltd. [Specimen books of cloth, art fabric, art cambric and art canvas.] 2 pts. i2mo. Manchester [1909]. 11727 MANCHESTER : Chetham Library. Bibhotheca Chetham- ensis : sive Bibliothecae publicae Mancuniensis ab Humfredo Chetham armigero fundatae. Catalogus. 5 vols. 8vo. Mancunii, I 791 -I 863. 8808 MANCHESTER : Education Committee. 2nd annual report, 1903-4. 8vo. Manchester, 1904. 6732 MANCHESTER : Education Committee. Directory of evening schools and classes. 8vo. Manchester, 1904. 6730 MANCHESTER GUARDIAN. The Manchester Guardian. Scales and rates for advertising. 4to. Manchester, 1902. 7018 MANCHESTER JOBBING PRINTERS' GUILD. Report for the year ending June 30, 1908, and rules. 24mo. Manchester, 1908. 1 075 1 MANCHESTER : John Rylands Library. Catalogue of books in the library printed in England, Scotland and Ireland and of books in English printed abroad to the end of the year 1640. 4to. Manchester, 1895. 1890 MANCHESTER: John Rylands Library. The English Bible in the John Rylands Library, 1 525-1640. [By R. Lovett.] For private circulation. Fol. [Manchester], 1899. 18140 MANCHESTER: John Rylands Library. Catalogue of the MSS., books and bookbindings exhibited at the opening of the library. Oct. 6, 1899. 8vo. Manchester, 1899. 6572 590 MANCHESTER: John Rylands Library. Memorial of the inaug:uration, October 6, 1899. 8vo. [London, 1899.] 8066 MANCHESTER: John Rylands Library. Catalogue of the printed books and MSS. in the library. 3 vols. 4to. Manchester, 1899. 1889 MANCHESTER : John Rylands Library. The John Rylands Library, Manchester : a brief description of the building and its contents with a descriptive list of the works exhibited in the main library. 8vo. [Manchester], 1902. 2787 MANCHESTER: John Rylands Library. Works upon the study of Greek and Latin palaeography and diplomatic in the library. Sm. 4to, Manchester, 1903. 4080 MANCHESTER: John Rylands Library. Bulletin. Vol. i, 1903, etc. 4to. and 8vo. Manchester, 1903, etc. PP MANCHESTER : John Rylands Library. Catalogue of an exhibition of Bibles, illustrating the history of the English versions. 8vo. Manchester, 1904. 4079 MANCHESTER: John Rylands Library. Catalogue of the MSS. and printed books exhibited on the occasion of the visit of the National Council of the Evangelical Free Churches. 8vo. Manchester, 1905. 6670 MANCHESTER : John Rylands Library. The John Rylands Library. A brief historical description of the library and its contents, with catalogue of the selection of early printed Greek and Latin classics exhibited on the occasion of the visit of the Classical Association, Oct., 1906. 8vo. Manchester, 1906. 8014 MANCHESTER : John Rylands Library. Catalogue of an exhibition of Bibles, illustrating the history of the English versions. 8vo. Manchester, 1907. 9352 MANCHESTER : John Rylands Library. Catalogue of an exhibition of original editions of the principal works of John Milton, arranged in celebration of the tercentenary of his birth. 8vo. Manchester, igo8. 106 19 MANCHESTER : John Rylands Library. Catalogue of an exhibition of illuminated manuscripts, principally biblical and liturgical, exhibited on the occasion of the meeting of the Church Congress in October, 1908. 8vo. Manchester, 1908. 18750 MANCHESTER : John Rylands Library. An analytical cata- logue of the two editions of An English Garner, compiled by E. Arber (1877-97) and rearranged under the editorship of T. Seccombe (1903-4). 8vo. Manchester, 1909. 12 140 MANCHESTER: John Rylands Library. Catalogue of an exhibition of original editions of the principal English classics, March-Oct., 1910. 8vo. Manchester, 1910. 12150 591 MANCHESTER : John Rylands Library. Catalogue of an exhibition of mediaeval MSS. and jewelled book covers. 8vo. Manchester, 1912. i5575 MANCHESTER : John Rylands Library. The John Rylands Library, Manchester : a brief historical description of the library and its contents. 8vo. Manchester, 1914. 18152 MANCHESTER : Municipal School of Art. A catalogue of an exhibition of studies and drawings, 1906. [With illustrations in half-tone.] 4to. Manchester, 1906. 13174 MANCHESTER : Municipal School of Art. Catalogue of an exhibition of the work of William Morris. Svo. Manchester, 1908. 13172 MANCHESTER : Municipal School of Technology. Calendar, 1903-4, etc. 8vo. Manchester, 1903, etc. 359^ MANCHESTER : Municipal School of Technology. A syllabus of the photography and printing crafts department, 1905-6. 8vo. Manchester, 1905. 759*5 MANCHESTER : Municipal School of Technology. Notes upon photography and the printing press, being introductory to an exhibition of photo-engraving. Svo. Manchester, 1905. 7278 MANCHESTER : Municipal School of Technology. Examples of typography executed by students. 4to. Manchester, 1906. 7564 MANCHESTER : Municipal School of Technology. Journal. Vol. 3, 1909. 4to. Manchester, 1910. 13842 MANCHESTER : Northern and Midland Printing Exhibition. Official catalogue. 4to. Manchester, 1912. 15801 MANCHESTER : Portico Library. Prospectus, 1905. 8vo. Manchester [1904]. 9395 MANCHESTER: Public Libraries. Draft lists of books. Lists 1-6. 4to. Manchester, 1851. 6565 MANCHESTER : Public Libraries. 42nd, etc., annual report, 1893-4, ^^^' 8vo. Manchester, 1894, etc. 8980 MANCHESTER : Public Libraries. Report of a visit to libraries in the United States and Canada by representatives of the Manchester Libraries Committee. 8vo. Manchester, 1908. 10713 MANCHESTER : Royal Jubilee Exhibition. Ancient printing office exhibited by G. Falkner and Sons, the Deansgate Press. Svo. Manchester, 1887. 6239 MANCHESTER : Royal Jubilee Exhibition. Ancient printing office exhibited by G. Falkner and Sons, the Deansgate Press. 3rd edition. Svo. Manchester, 1S87. 23141 MANCHESTER TECHNICAL SCHOOL. Introductory addresses on technical teaching. Svo. Manchester, 1890. 2887 592 MANCHESTER TYPOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Regulations for piece-work on daily papers. i2mo. Manchester, 1873. 75^3 MANCHESTER TYPOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. See Dick- son, J. J. ; Emmott and Co. MANCHESTER : VVhitworth Institute. Catalogue of a loan collection of mezzotints by 17th and i8th century engravers. 4to. Manchester, igio. 13175 MANDER BROS. Price list [and specimens] of printing inks. 8vo. London, 1891. 3038 MANDER BROS. A price list of letterpress and lithographic printing inks. 8vo. Wolverhampton, 1897. 2965 MANDER BROS. Price Hst [and specimens] of printing inks. 8vo. Wolverhampton [1897]. 10356 MANDER BROS. Examples of half-tone printing with inks made by Mander Bros. 4to. Wolverhampton, 1901. 979° MANDER BROS. Price list [and specimens] of printing inks. Obi. 8vo. Wolverhampton [1912]. 16100 MANDER BROS. A hst of printing inks suitable for the half- tone three-colour process. 4to. Wolverhampton [c. 1914]. 18816 MANDER BROS. Mander's double-tone inks. 8vo. Wolver- hampton [c. 1914]. 18814 MANDER BROS. Offset litho. inks. Obi. 8vo. Wolver- hampton [c. 1914]. 18815 MANDER BROS. See Gray, T. MANDEVILLE, Sir J. Voyages and travels. 4to. London, 1696. 21320 MANDEY, V. and MOXON, J. Mechanick powers. 4to. London, 1696. 5056 MANET, E. See Duret, T. ; Meier-Graefe, J. MANFREDI, E. Poesie. 8vo. Parma, 1793. 5344 MANGIAGALLI, A. The grain as an expedient in process work. [In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, pp. 58-60.) PP MANGIAGALLI, A. Something about tone etching. (In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 191 1-2, pp. 113-115.) PP MANGIAGALLI, A. Talks about colour reproduction. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 145-148.) PP MANGIAGALLI, A. Talks about newspaper blocks. [In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp. 214-216.) PP MANGNALL, R. Historical and miscellaneous questions for the use of young people, with a selection of British and general biography, etc. New edition. 8vo. London, 1864. i66i8 593 38 MANHATTAN TYPE FOUNDRY. Printers' novelties. 8vo. New York, 1887. 6467 MANIERE d'iniprimer a la Chine. {In Journal des Voyag^es, Tow. 30, 1822.) " 9740 MANN, G. & CO., Ltd. Lithographic machinery. Obi. 8vo. Leeds [igo8j. 11400 MANN, G. & CO., Ltd. Catalogue of offset machinery. Obi. 8vo. Leeds [1910]. 16744 MANN, G. & CO., Ltd. Catalog-ue of rotary and flat-bed tin- plate printing- machinery and accesories. Obi. 8vo. Leeds [1910]. 16743 MANN, G. & CO., Ltd. Specimen of offset printing from Mann Baby rotary offset machine. (Demy folio.) 8vo. London [1914]. 18358 MANN EL, J. See Ahn, F. MANNERS, Lady J. Some of the advantag^es of easily accessible reading and recreation rooms and free libraries with remarks on starting and maintaining them, and suggestions for the selection of books. 8vo. London [1885]. 18806 MANNI, D. M. Vita di Aldo Pio Manuzio. 8vo. Venezia, 17^9. 22642 MANNI, D. M. Vita di Pietro Perna, Lucchese diligentissimo impressore in Basilea. 8vo. Lucca, 1763. 20629 MANNI, J. B. Four maxims of Christian philosophy, trans- lated into Irish by James Scurry. 2nd edition. i2mo. Water- ford, 1825. 5992 MANNING, J. The printers' vade-mecum and ready reference. 8vo. Aberdeen, 1881. 2979 MANNING, W. J. Perm.anent printed records on linen. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 42, 1908, pp. 279-280.) PP MANNINGHAM, J. Diary. Edited from the original MS. by John Bruce. 4to. Westminster, 1868. 2 131 5 MANNO, A. See Unione Pio-Tipografica Italiana. MAN of feeling. See Mackenzie, H. MANSFELD, C. Machines for the entire paper industry. [Illustrated catalogue.] 8vo. Leipzig, 1895. 10834 MANSION, C. See Carton, C. ; Praet, J. B. B. v. MANSON, J. Part I. A catalogue of a very rare, curious and valuable collection of books. 8vo. London, 1810. 16556(19; MANTEGNA, A. See Hind, A. M. MANTELL, A. M. Husband's papyrotint process for litho- graphy in half-tone, (/n The Photographic Quarterly, Vol. 2, 1890-1, pp. 183-186.) 17704 594 MANTOUX, ( ). See Chevallier, J. B. A. and Langlume, ( ). MANUAL of punctuation : for self-teaching- and for schools. By a practical printer. Svo. London, 1859. 18661 MANUEL de I'imprimene. 2e. edition, Svo. Paris, 1817. 20907 MANUFACTURE of paper. 8vo. [London, 1842.] 22579 MANUFACTURE of paper. {In The Birmingham Post, Jan. 21, 1907.) 8424 MANUFACTURE of paper in Tasmania. {hi The Tech- nologist, Vol. I, 1861, pp. 61-62.) 17416 MANUFACTURE of paper from bamboo. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 33, 1904, pp. 904-905.) PP MANUFACTURE of wood type. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 8, 1890-1, p. 562.) PP MANUTIUS, P. A. See Aldus Manutius, P. MANZONI, G. Annali tipografici Piemontesi del secolo 15. 8vo. Torino, 1856. 2843 MANZONI, G. Studii di bibliografia analitica. Studio primo. Francesco da Bologna, incisore di caratteri mobili metallici da stampa. 8vo. Bologna, 1881. 2301 MANZONI, G. Studii di bibliografia analitica. Vol. i. 8vo. Bologna, 1882. 21979 MANZONI, G. Annali tipografici dei Soncino. Vol. 2, pt. i ; Vol. 3, pt. 1-3; I'ol. 4, pt. I. 5 pts. 8vo. Bologna, 1883-6. 21823 MARAHRENS, A. Vollstandiges theorisch praktisches Hand- buch der Typographic nach ihrem heutigen Standpunkte. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig-, 1870. 20875 MARAHRENS, A. Vollstandiges Real-Lexikon der Buch- druckerkunst. Vols. 1-2, pt. i. 8vo. Fulda, 1877. 20876 MARxAHRENS, A. Die lehre vom Titelsatz mit erlauternden Beispielen. 8vo. Leipzig, 1877. 23453 MARAHRENS, A. Vollstandiges, theoretisch-praktisches Handbuch der Typographic nach ihrem heutigen Standpunkte. 2te. Auflage. Vol. 1. 8vo. Kiel, 1891. 4060 MARAT, J. P. See Estienne, A. MARATTA, ( ). Maratta's chromatoscope : a color chart for producing harmonious color relations in accordance with the Maratta law of color. Fol. New York [c. 1909]. 12158 MARCASSIN, J. Guide pratique du conducteur-typographe. Preface par Paul Bluysen. Svo. St. Just en Chassee, 1894. 316 MARCASSIN, J. Les presses h. pedale. Guide du Minerviste. Svo. Creil [c. 1896]. 315 595 MARCASSIN, J. Theorie et pratique. Trait(^ d 'impressions typographiques. 8vo. Paris, 1897. 668 MARCASSIN, J. Enseignement mutuel. Essai typographique, fondcrie, composition, impression, clicherie, force motrice. 4to. Paris, 1900. 2086 MARCEL, J. J. Alphabet Irlandais, precc^di^ d'une notice historique, litteraire et typographique. 8vo. Paris, An 12 [1804]. 20278 MARCEL, J. J. Lemons de langue Chaldaique. 8vo. Paris, 1819. 22436 MARCEL, J. J. Lemons de langue Samaritaine. 8vo. Paris, i8ig. 22436 MARCEL, J. J. Legons d'Hebreu Rabbinique. 8vo. Paris, 1819. 22436 MARCEL, J. J. See Lord's Prayer. MARCEPALLO, J. de. Tractatus de eucharistia. 4to. [c. 1510.] 6201 MARCH, F. A. The opening- address before the International Convention for the amendment of EngHsh orthography at Phila- delphia, Aug. 15th, 1876. [Phonetic type.] 8vo. [Philadelphia], 1876. 4464 MARCHAL, J. Rapport sur la machine a composer de M. Kastenbein. 8vo. [Nancy, 1878. | -2333 MARCHAND, P. Histoire de I'origine et les premiers progr^s de rimprimerie. 4to. La Haye, 1740. 20758 MARCHANGY, ( ). Plaidover dans la cause entre le Sieur Malte-Brun et le Sieur Dentu. [Rival publishers of geographical works.] 8vo. Paris, 181 1. 17618 MARCHANT, J. R. Y. The Shop Hours Act, 1892, with notes and a form. 8vo. London, 1892. 2994 MARCHIGIAN, G. Cenni storici sull' arte tipografica. 8vo. Lonigo, 1850. 21981 MARCHIGIANO. Lo statuta municipale e la stampa in Recanati. (In II Bibliofilo, ToL 2, 1881, pp. 1 17-123, 157-164.) PP MARCOLINI, F. See Casali, S. ; Zaccaria, G. MARCUS AURELIUS. [Golden boke.] i2mo. [London, I553-] 21140 MARCUS AURELIUS. See Legg, J, W. MARDER, J. John Marder, veteran typefounder, retires. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 42, 1908, p. ■j'l,.) PP MARDER, LUSE & CO. Illustrated type making, with a descriptive article upon the American system of interchangeable type bodies. 8vo. Chicago, 1880. 17288 596 MARDER, LUSE & CO. Chicago Type Foundry. Specimens of printing- type. i2mo. Chicago, 1890. 6334 MARDER, LUSE & CO. Specimen annual, 1893. 4to. Chicago, 1893. 3125 MARDON, A. H. [Price hst of Leunig's paper scales and testing apparatus.] 8vo. London, 1902. 2789(2) MARECHAL, H. Guide pratique pour I'etablissement des garnitures de tous les formats quelles que soient les dimensions du papier. 4e. edition. 8vo. Paris, 1882. 317 INIARECOS, F. A. P. See Lisbon : Imprensa Nacional. MARENIGH, G. Saggio de' caratteri e fregi della tipografia di G. M. 8vo. Firenze, 1813. 8172 MARES, G. C. The card index. i2mo. London, 1909. 11812 MARILLIER, H. C. The Vale Press and the modern revival of printing. {In Pall Mall Magazine, Oct., 1900.) 8684 MARILLIER, H. C. \Villiam Morris et ses collaborateurs. {In Paris : Louvre. Arts decoratifs, 1914.) 18153 MARINIS, T. de. Per la storia della tipografia Napoletana nel secolo xv. 8vo. Napoli, 1901. 6888 MARINIS, T. de. Per la storia della tipografia Napoletana nel secolo 15. {In La Bibliofilia, Fol. 3, 1901-2, p. 288 — Vol. 4, 1902-3, p. lOI.) PP MARINIS, T. de. Aggiunte e correzioni all' Index di K. Burger. 8vo. Firenze, 1904. 4436 MARINONI. Etablissements Marinoni. Catalogue special des presses a retiration et des presses a reaction. Obi. 8vo. Paris [c. 1906]. 1 1 180 MARINONI. Etablissements Marinoni. Machines a im- primer. Obi. 8vo. Paris, 1906. 11 181 MARINONI. Presses rotatives. Obi. fol. Paris, 1908. 11182 MARINONI. See Landi, A. ; Sauvee, A. &• Co. MARK LANE EXPRESS. Seventieth birthday number. March 31, 1902. Fol. London, 1902. 2626 MARKGRAF, H. Korreferat iiber die gleiche Frage (die Feuerverscherung von Bibliotheken). {In Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 13, 1900.) io347 MARKS, J. English pastoral drama from the Restoration to the date of the publication of the Lyrical Ballads. (1660- 1798.) (Bibliographies.) 8vo. London, 1908. 17292 MARKS, M. The cyclopaedia of home arts. [Illustration, illumination, bookbindings, extra-illustrating.] 4to. London, 1899. '47'^ 597 MARLER, E. T. Specimens of Lion Brand printing- inks. Series IV. Obi. 8vo. London [c. 1900]. 10361 ^LVRLOW, A. L. The bookbinders' art. {In The Pall Mall Magazine, Feb., 1898.) 1509 MARLOW, F. Gutenberg. Drama. 8vo. Leipzig, 1840. 20692 MARMADUKE MULTIPLY. Pt. 2. i2mo. London, 1816. 7653 MARNEF, J. de. See Didot, A. F. MAROCCO, M. Cenni suU' origine e sui progress! dell' arte tipografica in Torino dal 1474 al 1861. 8vo. Torino, 1861. 7558 [MAROLLES, M. de.] Recherches sur I'origine et le premier usage des registres, des signatures, des reclames, et des chiffres de pages dans les livres imprimes. 8vo. Paris, 1783. 22681 MARPLES, J. On type founders and type founding. {In Liverpool Literary and Philosophical Society : Proceedings, 1877.) 1028 MARR, J. & CO. Specimens of printing types. 8vo. Edin- burgh [c. i860]. 6330 MARR, J. & CO. List of prices of printing types, materials, etc. 8vo. London [c. 1865]. 11981 MARR, J. &: CO. Specimen of modern and ancient printing types, etc. 4to. Edinburgh [c. 1866]. 2184 MARR, J. &• CO. Specimens of ancient and modern printing types, rules and borders. 8vo. London [c. 1867]. 1005 MARR, J. & CO. See Mayhew, H. MARR, GALLIE & CO. Specimens of types, etc. Obi. 4to. London, 1843. 59^0 MARR TYPEFOUNDING CO., Ltd. Specimens of printing types, rules and borders. 8vo. Edinburgh [c. 1890]. 10920 MARR TYPEFOUNDING CO. Specimens of printing types, etc. 8vo. Edinburgh [1891]. 1015 MARR TYPEFOUNDING CO. Specimens of printing types, etc. 8vo. Edinburgh [1895]. 2535 MARR TYPEFOUNDING CO. Selected jobbing founts. 8vo. Edinburgh [c. 1900]. 2536 MARRIAGE, E. Reproducing lace. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 161-165.) PP MARRIAGE, E. The more lenses the better. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, pp. 49-51.) PP MARRIAGE, E. Some London carvings. {In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, pp. 61-64.) PP MARRIAGE, E. Enlarged negatives in a small camera. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 191 1-2, pp. 92-94.) PP 598 MARRIAGE, E. Photography and architecture. [In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. i8, 1912-3, pp. 73-80.) PP MARRIOTT & STEWART, Ltd. Leaflet No. i. (—No. 106.) [Machinery for the stationery and box-making trades.] 4to. London [c. 1906J. 16963 MARRYAT, H. Electric power in the printing office. Svo. London [1912]. 16021 MARSH, J. E. Half-tones direct from original negatives. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp. 25-27.) PP MARSHALL, G. See Houghton, T. S. MARSHALL, H. C. See Richardson, G. H. MARSHMAN, J. C. The life and times of Carey, Marshman and Ward, embracing the history of the Serampore Mission [and the Mission Press]. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1859. 6326 MARSHMAN, J. C. The story of Carey, Marshman and Ward, the Serampore missionaries. 8vo. London, 1864. 17742 MARSTERS, E. L. Typecasting versus typesetting machines. {In The Inland Printer, Vol. 10, Nov., 1892, pp. 124-125.) PP MARSTON, E. Sketches of booksellers of other days. 8vo. London, 1901. 2222 MARSTON, E. Sketches of some booksellers of the time of Dr. Johnson. Svo. London, 1902. '5003 MARSTON, E. After work : fragments from the workshop of an old publisher. Svo. London, 1904. 8032 MARTEAU, G. E. See Herzberg, W. MARTEAU, P. du. See Brouillant, L. J. de. MARTEL, ( ). See Estienne, A. MARTENS, T. See Gand, M. J. de. ; Holtrop, J. W. ; Iseghem, A. F. v, MARTENS, W. Johann Gutenberg und die Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst. Svo. Karlsruhe, 1900. 3332 MARTHENS, J. F. Typographical bibliography: a list of books in the English language on printing and its accessories. Svo. Pittsburgh, 1S75. 16299 21843 MARTHOLD, J. de. Histoirc de la lithographic. Svo. Paris [C. 1900]. 7537 MARTIAL, A. P. Nouveau traite de la gravure k I'eau-forte pour les peintres et les dessinateurs. Svo. Paris, 1873. 16912 MARTIALIS, M. V. Epigrammata. 4to. [c. 1480.] 6183 MARTIALIS, M. V. Epigrammata. Fol. Venezia, 1495. 51 15 MARTIALIS, M. V. Epigrammata. Svo. Londini, 1701. 6045 599 MARTIN, A. Catalogue des livres de la biblioth^que. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 1^779 MARTIN, E. &• SONS. [Souvenir, 1866-1906.] Obi. 8vo. London, 1907. 93^1 MARTIN, G. The bookbinders' complete instructor. i6mo. Peterhead, 1823. 23033 MARTIN, G. See Orleans, C. d'. MARTIN, J. A bibliographical catalogue of books privately printed. 8vo. London, 1834. 2326 MARTIN, J. Bibliographical catalogue of privately printed books. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1854. 3880 MARTIN, J. B. An inquiry into the history, functions and fluctuations of the bank-note circulation in the United Kingdom, Continental Europe and the United States, {hi The Journal of the Institute of Bankers, March, 1880.) 22607 MARTIN, J. B. The Grasshopper, being some account of the banking house at 68, Lombard Street. With an introductory sketch of the history of money-lending. 8vo. London, 1873. 23250 MARTIN, J. H. How to settle the turnover question. 8vo. London [1878]. 719 MARTIN, L. A. See Aime-Martin, L. MARTIN, M. Les origines de I'alphabet. [A satire on the attribution of the alphabet to Cadmus.] 8vo. Paris, 1859. 6283 MARTIN, S. See Hammersmith : Public Libraries. MARTIN, T. The circle of the mechanical arts : containing practical treatises on the various manual arts, trades and manu- factures. [Bookbinding, engraving, papermaking, printing, staining of paper.] 4to. London, 1813. 11492 MARTINEAU, A. Church history of England from the earliest times to the period of the Reformation. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1854. 9^39 MARTINEAU, a. The herbaceous garden, with an intro- duction by W. Robinson. [Coloured plates in offset lithography.] 8vo. London, 1913. 17800 MARTINEAU, R. The Mainz Psalter of 1457. {In Biblio- graphica. Vol. i, 1895, pp. 308-323.) 53 MARTINEAU, R. Notes on the Latin Bible of 42 lines, 1455. {In Bibliographica, Vol. 2, i8g6, pp. 333-342.) 53 MARTINET, E. See Paris : Exhibition, 1878. MARTONNE, ( ) de. See Denis, F., Pingon, P. and Mar- tonne, ( ) de. MARTYR, P. Most learned and fruitfull commentaries upon the epistle of S. Paul to the Romanes. Fol. London, 1568. 5183 600 MARTYR, P. In epistolam S. Pauli ad Romanos commentarii. 3a. editio. Fol. Basilieae, 1570. 10879 MARTYR, P. Loci communes. Fol. Londini, 1583. 10985 [MARVEL, A.] The rehearsal transpros'd. [Note on printing, pp. 3-4.] i2mo. London, 1672. 18686 MARVIN, S. W. The use of book cloth in binding- books, {In The Printing- Art, Vol. 2, 1903, p. 17.) PP MARY, Queen of Scots. See Barwick, G. F. ; Scott, J. MARZI, D. Una questione libraria fra i Giunti ed Aldo Manuzio il vecchio. 8vo. Milano, 1896. 11677 MARZI, D. Giovanni Gutenberg- e ITtalia. [In La Bibliofilia, Vol. 2, 1900, pp. 81-135.) PP MASCHINENMEISTER. Der Maschinenmeister an der Tiegelpresse. Fine Beschreibung- der Tiegelpresse, sowie eine Anleitung- zum Druck und zur Behandlung- der Maschine. Mit einem Anhang- iiber das Giessen der Walzen. i2mo. Leipzig- [1905]. 6651 MASCHINENMEISTER. Der Maschinenmeister an der Schnellpresse. Eine praktische Anleitung- fiir den Druck und fiir die Behandlung- der Maschine. i2mo. Leipzig-, 1905. 6652 MASER, J. Maser's Farbenlehre fiir Buchdrucker auf grund lang-jahrig-er praktischer Erfahrungen zusammengestellt. i2mo. Leipzig- [190 1 ]. 3211 MASER, J. and WESTRAM, O. Der Titelsatz und seine Entwicklung- bis zur Gegenwart. 8vo. Leipzig [1900]. 209S MASKELL, A. and DEMACHY, R. Photo-aquatint; or, the gum-bichromate process. 8vo. London, 1897. 856 MASON, H. J. M. The life of William Bedell, Bishop of Kilmore. 8vo. London, 1843. 5339 MASON, H. W. Paper making. {In Hitchcock, F. H. : The building of a book, 1906, pp. 89-98.) 8824 MASON, J. Self-kno-wledge, a treatise showing the nature and benefit of that important science and the way to attain it. New edition. 8vo. London, 1817. 9835 MASON, T. Account of Stirling's and Glasgow Public Library. 8vo. Glasgow, 1888. 22900 [MASON, W.] The printers' assistant. Svo. London, 1810. 22344 MASON, W. The printers' price book for job work in general, containing the master printers' charge to the public. i2mo. London, 181 6. 17844 MASON, W. The printers' price book for job work. 2nd edition. i2mo. London, 1820. 5458 601 MASON, VV. The printers' assistant. 4th edition. 8vo. London, 1821. 53o8 MASON, W. The printers' assistant. 4th edition. [Another issue.] 8vo. London, 182 1. 20451 ALVSON & MASON, Ltd. Price list and specimens of inks. 4to. London [c. 1900]. 9786 MASSACHUSETTS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A hst of early American imprints belong-ing to the library of the society. With an introduction and notes by S. A. Green. (A supplementary list — a second supplementary list.) 3 pts. 8vo. Cambridge, 1895-9. 10187 MASSE, H. J. L. J. The dark-room and its equipment. 8vo. Bradford, 1895. 320 MASSE, H. J. L. J. The camera and its appurtenances. 8vo. Bradford, 1895. 319 MASSE, P. Le droit moral de I'auteur sur son oeuvre litteraire ou artistique. 8vo. Paris, 1906. 9988 MASSELIN, A. Traite pratique de photographic appliquee au dessin industriel. 2e. edition, avec un appendice sur la coUo- typie par G. Bourdon. 8vo. Paris, 1899. 1845 MASSEY, W. The origin and progress of letters. 8vo. London, 1763. 5046 MASSEY, W. Calligraphy ; or, a brief account of the most celebrated penmen. With the titles of the books that they have published. 8vo. London, 1763. 20348 MASSINGHAM, H. W. The London daily press. 8vo. London, 1892. 5443 MASSINGHAM, H. W. The modern press and its public. (hi The Contemporary Review, Oct., 1910.) i34-0 MASSON, D. See Milton, J. MASSON, G. See Vienna : Exhibition, 1873. MASSON, J. See Plinius ; Secundus, C, MASSON, Hon. L. R. Catalogue of the late Hon. L. R. Masson's library. 8vo. Montreal, 1904. i0535 MASSON, V. Victor Masson, 1807-79. Notices necrologiques. 8vo. [Paris], 1879. 9528 MASTER PRINTER. Vol. i, 1904, etc. 8vo. and 4to. Philadelphia, 1904, etc. PP MASTER PRINTERS OF LONDON. See London: Master Printers. MASTRORILLI, M. Considerazioni critiche sul restauro degli antichi manoscritti. 8vo. Napoli, 1912; 15778 MATHER & CROWTHER. Practical advertising, 1899, etc. 4to. London, 1899, etc. PP 602 MATHEWS, E. R. N. Bristol public libraries, past and present. {In Roger, B. M. H. : Handbook to Bristol, 1898.) 8071 MATHEWS, E. R. N. A survey of the Bristol public libraries. 8vo. Bristol, 1900. 6573 MATHEWS, E. R. N. See Bristol : City Reference Library. MATHIAS, A. See Bergmans, P. MATHIEU, ( ). Discours prononce en presentant au Conseil des Cinq-Cents I'ouvrage du citoyen B. Quinquet, intitule Traite de rimprimerie. 8vo. Paris, An 7 [1799]. 975° MATTHEWS, B. Ballads of books. 8vo. New York, 1887. 20382 MATTHEWS, B. The pictorial poster. {In The Century Magazine, Vo}. 44, Sept., 1892, pp. 748-756.) 6783 MATTHEWS, B. Bookbindings of the present. {In The Century Magazine, June, 1894.) 1252 MATTHEWS, B. Bookbindings of the past. {In The Century Magazine, May, 1894.) 736 MATTHEW^S, B. Commercial bookbinding. Notes of a book- lover. {In The Century Magazine, Oct., 1894, Vol. 48, pp. I 842-853.) 125 MATTHEWS, B. Books in paper covers. {In The Century Magazine, July, 1895.) 1263 MATTHEWS, B. Bookbindings, old and new. Notes of a book-lover with an account of the Grolier Club, New York. 8vo. London, 1896. 322 MATTHEWS, NORTHRUP & CO. A temple of the art preservative of all arts. 4to. Buffalo [18S4]. 22849 MATTHEWS, NORTHRUP & CO. The art of all arts trade annual. 4to. Buffalo, 1887. 3135 MATTHIEL^ P. Histoire des derniers troubles de France. 2e. edition. 8vo. 1600. 45^4 MATTHISON, A. Anniversary festival of the Printers' Pension Corporation, 1876. The Press. A toast given by A. M. 8vo. London, 1876. 23016 MATTON, A. See Midoux, E. and Matton, A. MAUDIT, A. F. Description d'un projet de Biblioth^que compose a Rome en 1833 pour la ville de Paris. 8vo. Paris, 1839. 10303 MAUL, J. Deutsche Bucheinbande der Neuzeit. Unter Mitvvirkung von H. Friedel. Fol. Leipzig, 1888. 638 MAULEON, L. de M. Marques heraldiques et devises des imprimeurs et libraires Normands du I5e. au i8e. sifecle. 8vo. Paris, 1905. 17873 603 MAUREL, F. Le papier japonais. Histoire et fabrication d'apr^s des documents anglais et indigenes. {hi Memoires de I'Athenee Oriental, Tom. i, 1871.) 13625 MAUREL, F. L'iniprimerie au japon. {In Memoires de I'Athenee Oriental, 1872.) 21056 MAURICE, F. D. Sec Kingsley, C. MAUROU, P. and BROQUELET, A. Traite complet de I'art lithographique au point de vue artistique et pratique. i2mo. Paris, 1907. 8577 MAVERICK, A. Henry J. Raymond and the New York press lor 30 years. Progress of American journalism from 1840 to 1870, 8\'0. Hartford, Conn., 1870. 381 1 MAVOR, W. The Eng-lish spelling book, 239th edition. i2mo. London, i8ig. 5224 MAW, T. E. German public liljraries. {In Library World, Vol. II, 1908-9, pp. 365-367-) PP MAW, T. E. See Adam, P. MAXIMUS, M. Continuatio chronici omnimodae historiae ab A. C. 430 usque ad 612. Fol. Madriti, 165 1. 9609 MAXIMILIiVN, I. Ehrenpforte des Kaisers Maximilian I. 36 Tafeln [of the Triumphal Arch of Maxmilian]. 01)1. fol. Wien, 1885-6. 10886 Maxwell, E. L. a matter of fact talk on advertising-. {In The Magfazine of Commerce, Vol. 4, 1904, pp. 117-121.) 9153 MAXWELL, Sir H. Life and times of the Rt. Hon. W. H. Smith, M. P. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1893. 9966 MAXWELL, J. On the manufacture of paper : a poem. i2mo. Glasgow, 1790. 10380 MAY, A. E. Choice flowers : a collection of drawings of favourite flowers. Drawn, lithographed and coloured from nature by A. E. May. \\'ith descriptive letterpress by W. May. Fol. London, 1849. 8177 ?\L\V, R. The accomplisht cook; or, the art and mystery of cooking. i2mo. l^ondon, 1678. 20610 MAY, W. The printing of library catalogues. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 15, 1885, pp. 209-210.) PP MAY, W. See May, A. E. MAYER, A. Wiens Buchdrucker-Gcschichte, 1482-1882. 2 vols. 4to. Wien, 1883-7. 3-3 MAYER, K. F. Festrede zur 400 jahrigen Gedenkfeier der Einfiihrung der Buchdruckerkunst in Miinchen gehalten am 17 Juni, 1882. 8vo. Munchen, 1882. 7898 MAYEUR, G. Nouvelle collection des anciens types du i7e. si^cle. 4to. Paris, 1883. 3127 604 MAYEUR, G, Caracteres d'imprimerie. 410. Paris [1883]. 20308 MAYEUR, G. Caracteres d'imprimerie. 4to. Paris [1886]. 20308A MAYEUR, G. Specimen album. 4to. Paris, 191 1. 16232 MAYEUR. Fonderie Mayeur. Allainguillaume J. Saling et Cie. successeurs. Caracteres d'imprimerie. Dernieres creations. 4to. Paris [c. 1912]. 16231 MAYHEW, H. The shops and companies of London and the trades and manufactories of Great Britain. [Pt. 8 — The type foundry of Messrs. J. Marr and Co. Pt. 9 — Conisbee's printings machine manufactory.] 4to. London [c. 1865]. 315- MAYLER, J. See Pollard, A. W. MAYO, C. H. Bibliotheca Dorsetiensis : being- a carefully compiled account of printed books and pamphlets relating to the history and topography of the county of Dorset. [With a list of the printers of Dorset.] 4to. London, 1885. i ^454 MAYOR, J. E. B. Franz Heinrich Reusch. i2mo. Cam- bridge, 1901. 2 1 15 MAYREVIELLE, G. C. Les anciens ateliers typographiques a Narbonne. 8vo. Toulouse [c. 1890]. 42 11 ALA.ZADE, F. Progress in photography. {In The Inter- national, May, 1909.) 1 1572 MAZARIN, Card. Remerciment des imprimeurs a Monseig- neur le Cardinal Mazarin. 4to. Paris, 1649. 21338 MAZZUCOTELLI, .\. L'arte del Guttemberg ossia la stampa. 8vo. Torino, 1863. 20612 MEADE, E. Pen pictures and how to draw them. A practical handbook on the various methods of illustrating in black and white for process engraving. 8vo. London, 1895. ^7043 MEADOWS, K. Shakesperian points of humour. Engraved by K. M. 8vo. London, 1841. 629^ MEADOWS, K. See Bible : N.T. English. MEALLI, O. Appunti sul compositoio e sulle mollette. (In Annuario Italiano delle Arti Graliche, Anno. 10, 191 1.) PP MEARNE, S. See Davenport, C. J. MECHANICS' MAGAZINE. Vols. 1-4. 8vo. London, 1823-5. 14986 MECREDY & KYLE. Specimens of letterpress printing. 4to. Dublin [1890]. 479 MEDAU, C. W. Proben aus der Schriftschneiderei, Schrift und Stereotypen-Giesserei von C. W. M. 4to. Leitmeritz [c. 1846]. 21788 605 iMEDEDHJ-:L1NGEN over Boekkunst. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1902, etc. 9325 MEDICI SOCIETY. The Medici series of coloured repro- ductions after the old masters. 4to. London, 191 o. 15404 MEDICI SOCIETY. An exhibition of modern printing chiefly from the foundation of the Kelmscolt Press to the present day. 1 2 mo. London, 191 1. 15406 MEDINA, J. T. Historia y bibliografia de la imprenta en el antig'uo Vireinato del Rio de La Plata. [Paraguay, Buenos-Aires, Montevideo, C6rboba del Tucuman.J Eol. La Plata, 1892. 16623 MEDINA, J. T. La imprenta en Manilla des-de sus origenes hasta 1810. 8vo. Santiago de Chile, 1896. 12202 MEDINA, J. T. Notas bibhograficas referentes a las primeras producciones de la imprenta en algunas ciudades de la America Espanola, 1754-1823. 8vo. Santiago de Chile, 1904. 6741 MEDINA, J. T. See Retana, W. E. MEDLICOTT, W. G. Catalogue of a collection of books formed by W. G. M. 8vo. Boston, 1878. 9102 MEE, C. Applying lettering to half-tones. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 1911-2, p. 184.) PP MEECH, T. C. The old-time wayzgoose. (In The Caxton Magazine, 1901.) 2375 MEEHAN, B. & J. F. A catalogue of books on sale. 8vo. Bath, 1893. 8537 MEEHAN, C. P. The rise and fall of the Irish Franciscan monasteries. 5th edition. i2mo. Dublin [1877]. 5059 MEERMAN, G. Conspectus originum typographicarum, a Meermanno proxime in lucem edendarum. i2mo. [Amsterdam], 1761. 23060 MEERMAN, G. Plan du traite des origines typographiques. i2mo. Paris, 1762. 20090 MEERMAN, G. Origines typographicae. 2 vols. 4to. Hagae Comitum, 1765. 20523 MEERMAN, G. Uitvinding der boekdrukkunst. Mit ene voorreden en aantekeningen van H. Gockinga : Hierachter is gevoegt ene lyst der boeken, in der Nederlanden gedrukt voor 't jaar Md, opgestelt door J. Visser. 4to. Amsterdam, 1767. 21684 MEERMAN, G. See [Jansen, H.]; Middleton, C. MEERMAN, G. & J. Bibliotheca Meermanniana : sive cata- logus librorum impressorum et cod. MSS. 4 vols. 8vo. Hagae Comitum, 1824. 7630 MEERSCH, D. J. v. d. Audenaerdsche drukpers, 1479-1830. 8vo. Audenaerde, 1864. 7034 606 MEERSCH, P. C. V. d. Recherches sur la vie et les travaux de Pierre de Keys^re, imprimeur a Paris, de 1473-9. S"^'^- Gand, 1846. 22651 MEERSCH, P. C. V. d. Recherches sur la vie et les travaux des imprimeurs Beiges et Neerlandais, etablis a I'etranger au 156. siecle. Tom. i. [All published.] 8vo. Gand, 1856. 20654 MEERSCH, P. C. V. d. Un mot sur la question de I'invention de rimprimerie, a propos de I'essai historique par C. Pae^e. 8vo. Gand, i860. 21631 MEES, C. E. K. Notes on direct colour reproduction. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 115-117.) PP MEES, C. E. K. Screen-plate colour photography. {hi Royal Society of Arts : Journal, Vol. 56, Jan. 17, 1908, pp. 195-205.) 9601 MEES, C. E. K. Irradiation. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, pp. 110-112.) PP MEES, C. E. K. Intensification of process negatives on dry plates. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 191 1-2, pp. 167-168.) PP MEES, C. E. K. The sensitometry of process plates. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp. 105-109.) PP MEES, G. E. M. The use of colour contrast in technical photography. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, pp. 156-158.) PP MEIER, C. II. A. Die Buchfiihrung im Druckgewerbe. Leitfaden fiir die zweckmassige Organisation und Anwendung der doppelten Buchfuhrung. [Klimschs Graphische Bibliothek, Band 10.] 8vo. Frankfurt a. M., 1909. i4579 MEIER-GRAEFE, J. Der gegenwartige Stand des Buch- gewerbes in Paris und Briissel. {In Zeitschrift fiir Biicherfreunde, Vol. I, 1897, pp. 42, 'j'7.) PP MEIER-GRAEFE, J. Die moderne lUustrationskunst in Belgien. {In Zeitschrift fiir Biicherfreunde, Vol. i, 1897, pp. 289, 505-) PP MEIER-GRAEFE, J. Vincent Van Gogh. 3te. Auflage. 8vo. Miinchen, 19 10. 13795 MEIER-GRAEFE, J. Edouard Manet. 8vo. Munchen, 1912. 16534 MEINHOLD, W. Sidonia the sorceress. Translated by Lady Wilde. 4to. Hammersmith, 1893. 288 MEISENBACH CO., Ltd. Meisenbach improved process of photo-engraving. 8vo. London [c. 1890]. i2o:;o MEISENBACH CO., Ltd. Instructions to printers. {In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. i, 1895, pp. 51-52.) PP 607 I\IEIS1-:XHACH CO., Ltd. The 155 competitive specimens of the iMeisenbach artistic display in advertisement competition. 4to. London, 1S95. 4^<^ MEISENBACH CO., Ltd. Specimens of the artistic display in advertisement competition, 1900. 4to. London, 1900. i747 MELSENBACH CO., Ltd. Hints to printers [on printing half- tone blocks]. i2mo. London [1902J. 2713 MEISCNBACH CO., Ltd. What screen shall I use? 8vo. London [1904]. 6975 IMEISENBACH, RH^-pARTH & CO. Lose Blatter. [Speci- mens of process work.] 4to. Miinchen, 1898. 10856 MEISENBACH, RIFFARTH & CO. Aus der Industrie- fiir die Industrie. 4to. Berlin [1912]. 17045 MEISNER, H. and LUTHER, J. Die Erfindung der Buch- druckerkunst, Zum funfhundertsten Geburtstage Johann Guten- bergs. 8vo. Bielefeld, 1900. 1741 MEISTERWERKE der Holzschneidekunst. Vols. 9-10. 1887-8. Fol. Leipzig, 1887-8. 324 MELANCTHON, P. See Kloss, Prof. Dr. MELANI, A. Venezia e la stampa. {In La Bibliofilia, Vol. 6, 1904-5, pp. 299-305.) PP MELBOURNE TYPOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Rules and scale of charges and conditions of work. i2mo. Melbourne, 1889. 7584 MELBOURNE : Working Men's College. Prospectus, 1903, etc. 8vo. Melbourne, 1903, etc. 6939 MELDOLA, R. Cantor lectures on photographic chemistry. 8vo. London, 1891. 1904 MELDRUM, D. Conducting a composing-room. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 39, 1907, pp. 218-219.) PP MELDRUM, R. Light on dark paths : a handbook for all who seek to be eyes to the blind. With preface by J. D. Wilson. New edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1891. 9647 MELE, C. Degli odierni uficii della tipografia e de libri. i2mo. Napoli, 1834. 9808 MELIDEUS, J. Parallela oratorum poetarumque veterum et hodiernor. 4to. Bethaniae ad Viadr, 1617. 6040(12) MELK : Stiftsbibliothek. Die Wiegendrucke der Stiftsbiblio- thek in Melk, beschrieben von R. Schachinger. {In Melk : Stifts- gymnasium : Jahresberichte, 1899-1901.) 7623 MELLERIO, A. La lithographic en couleurs. 4to. Paris, 1898. 1694 608 MELLOR, A. D. Concrete buildings for the printing and publishing business. {In The Graphic Arts, Vol. i, 191 1, pp- 209-216.) PP MELLOTTEE, P. Histoirc economique de I'imprimerie. 8vo. Paris, 1905, etc. 6763 MELUN, Comte de. Notice sur L'Art au Morier, impression xylographique du 156. siecle. {In Memoires de la Societe Imperiale des Sciences, etc., de Lille, Ann. 1863, pp. 309-324.) 9427 [MELZI, G.] Bibliographifia dei romanzi e poemi cavallereschi itallani. 2da edizione corretta ed accresiuta. (Facsimile di alcune imprese di stampatori italiani dci secoli 15 e 16.) 8vo. Milano, 1838. 8628 MEMES, J. S. See Daguerre, L. J. M. MEMOIRES pour ser\ir a I'histoire de la maison de Brande- bourg. i2mo. Berlin, 1751. 91 14 MEMOIRS of a printer's devil; interspersed with pleasing recollections, etc. 8vo. Gainsborough, 1793. 20374 MEMORIAL for the booksellers of Edinburgh and Glasgow, relating to the process against them by some of the London booksellers [i.e. the case of Millar v. Kincaid]. 4to. [Edinburgh, 1750.] 14108 MENCKE, O. and J. B. Bibliotheca Menckeniana. Editio altera. 8vo. Lipsiae, 1727. 16766 MENDES, C. L'evangile de I'enfance de N.S. Jesus Christ mis en francais. [With coloured borders and illustrations.] 4to. Paris [c. 1900]. 10880 MENDEZ, F. Typographia Espaiiola, 6 historia del arte de la imprente en Espana. Vo]. i. 4to. Madrid, 1796. 20641 MENDEZ, F. Tipografia Espanola, 6 historia del arte de la imprenta en Espafia. 2a. edicion, por D. Hidalgo. 8vo. Madrid, 1861. 20627 MENDHAM, J. The literary policy of the Church of Rome exhibited in an account of her damnatory catalogues or indexes. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1830. 94^4 MENDHAM, J. An index of prohibited books, by command of the present Pope Gregory 16, in 1835, being the latest specimen of the literary policy of the Church of Rome. i2mo. London, 1840. 15750 MENDIP PRESS, Ltd. [Specimen booklet.] 8vo. Weston- super-Mare [1901]. 2528 MENDIP PRESS, Ltd. With regard to good printing. i6mo. London [1901J. 2426 MENKEN, E. See Bock, J. MENPES PRINTING CO., Ltd. [Description of the works and specimens of colour printing.] 8vo. Watford [1909]. 11319 609 39 MENTEL, j. De vera typographiae oriyinc paraencsis ad B. a Malinkrot. 4to. Parisiis, 1650. 20900 MENTELIN, J. See Desbarreaux-Bernaid, T. ; Dorian, A. ; Klemm, H. [MENU, H.J Notice sur I'atelicr lypographique etabli en 1622 par I'Abbesse Jeanne de Beauvilliers dans I'Abbaye d'Avenay, Marne. 8vo. Paris, 1875. 22759 MENU, H. L'imprimerie k Saint-Loup-aux-Bois (Ardennes). 8vo. Paris, 1892. 12639 MENU, H. L'imprimerie a Vouziers (1794-5). ^^o- Reims, 1903- 16455 MENZIUS, F. Ludos seculares artis typographicae. 4to. [Lipsiae, 1740.] 20644 (2) MEON, D. M. See Reynard the Fox. MERCHAN, R. M. See Figarola-Caneda, D. [MERCIER, B.] Supplement a I'histoire de l'imprimerie de P. Marchand. Edition revue et augmentee. 4to. Paris, 1775. 20758 (2) MERCIER, B. Notice de deux anciens catalogues des editions d'Alde Manuce. i6mo. [Paris, 1790.] 23150 MERCKWURDIGES Gesprach im Reiche der Todten zvi^ischen den ersten Erfindern der Buchdrucker-Kunst. 8vo. Erfurt, 1740. 21844 MERCURE DE FRANCE. See Courcel, G. de. MERCURIUS RUSTICUS. Bibliophobia. Remarks on the present languid and depressed state of literature and the book trade. In a letter addressed to the author of the Bibliomania. With notes by Cato Parvus. 8vo. London, 1832. 8799 MEREDITH-JONES, J. &: SONS. Bookbinding leathers. 4to. Wrexham, 1901. 8070 MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE CO. The Linotype in book offices. Obi. 8vo. New York [1897]. 1041 MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE CO. The Mergenthaler Linotype : its construction, adaptability and operation. 8vo. New York, 1897. 1043 MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE CO. The Mergenthaler Linotype in book offices, being a book of specimen faces setting forth sundry interesting facts. 8vo. New York, 1900. 4014 MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE CO. The new double maga- zine Mergenthaler Linotype. 4to. New York, 1905. 8494 MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE CO. The Linotype. To intending purchasers. 8vo. New York [c. 1905]. 8493 MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE CO. Suggestions to Lino- type machinists. i2mo. New York, 191 1. 16199 610 MERGENTHALER PRINTING CO. The Mergenthaler printing machine. [The Linotype.] 8vo. New York [1889J. 22697 MERLIN, ( ). Memoire pour le sieur Merlin p^re, libraire a Paris, defendeur, contre le sieur Motteley, demandeur. 4to. Paris, 183 1. 12664 MERLIN. R. See Paris : Exhibition, 1855. MERLO, J. J. Ulrich Zell : Koelns erster Drucker. Nach dem hinterlassenen Manuskripte bearbeitet von Dr. O. Zaretzky. 8vo. Koeln, 1900. 3503 MERMET, E. La publicite en France. Guide manuel. 3e. edition. 8vo. Paris, 1880. 15259 MERRIMAN,. J. J. The English newspaper. {In The Popular Lecturer, Jan., 1857, pp. 1-27.) 18531 MERRY musician, being a collection of songs and ballads. Vol. 4. 8vo. London [c. 1785J. 6255 MERRYMOUNT PRESS. See Updike, D. B. MERRYWEATHER, F. S. Bibliomania in the Middle Ages. 8vo. London, 1849. 20662 MERTENS, E. See Rooses, M. MERTENS, K. Moderne Deutsche Plakate. {In Zeitschrift fiir Biicherfreunde, Vol. 3, 1889, pp. 210-214.) PP MERY, ( ). See Barthelemy, ( ) and Mery, ( ). MESSAROS, \\'. Some dainty poems. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1888. 21720 META, O. Der Steindrucker an der Schnellpresse nebst einer Abhandlung iiber die Farben in der Chromolithographie. 8vo. Wien, 1884. 1897 META, O. Technische Aufsatze fiir Steindrucker. 8vo. Wien [c. 1895]. ^^95 META, O. Das Gesamtgebiet des Ueberdruckes. 8vo. Wien, 1900. i8g6 METEYARD, E. A group of Englishmen (1795 to 1815), being records of the younger Wedgwoods and their friends embracing the history of the discovery of photography and a facsimile of the first photograph. 8vo. London, 1871. 9^39 METODA facil y breve de visitar fructuosamente a Jesus Sacramentado en el Jubileo de las Cuarenta Horas. 7ta. edicion. i6mo. Madrid, 1869. 4313 METROPOLITAN TYPOGRAPHICAL WIDOW, ORPHAN OR NOMINEE FUND. To the compositors of London. 410. [London, 1849.] 20551 (6) METROPOLITAN TYPOGRAPHICAL WIDOW, ORPHAN OR NOMINEE FUND. 21st annual report and balance sheet. "rafia Fiorentina di Lorenzo Torrentino, impressore ducale. Svo. Firenze, 181 1. 20016 MORENI, D. Annali della tipoj^rapfia fiorentina di Lorenzo Torrentino, impressore ducale. Edizione seconda. 8vo. Firenze, I 819. 20902 MORES, E. R. A dissertation upon Engflish typog"raphical founders and founderies. Svo. [London], 1778. 20507 20244 5001 MORES, E. R. Bibliotheca Moresiana. A catalogue of the library of E. R. M. Svo. London, 1779. 20399 MORET, ( ). Quatrifeme Congrfes National Socialiste Ouvrier. [Speeches of] Les delegues de la typographic Parisienne au Congr^s du Havre. Svo. Paris, iSSi. 22390 MORETUS, B. Lettres d'anoblissement accordees a Balthazar Moretus III et k ses descendants. Avec autorisation de continuer I'exercise de la Typographic Plantinienne sans deroger a la noblesse. Svo. Paris, 1S84. 22S51 MORETUS, J. II. Boek gehouden door Jan Moretus II als Deken der St. Lucasgilde. (1616-7.) [Edited by M. Rooses. Maatschappij der Antwerp. Bibliop. , Uitgave Nr. i.] Svo. Antwerpen, 1S7S. 22545 MORGAN, H. A dictionary of terms used in printing. Svo. Madras, 1863. 20416 MORGAN, M. Catalogue of ancient and modern books, including several old articles from the stock of the late Dr. John- son's father. Svo. Lichfield, 1799. 12177(1) MORGAN, R. J. Printers' rollers. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 31, 1903, pp. 601-602.) PP MORGAN-BROWNE, H. Concerning the Daily Mail, by a reader. 3rd edition. Svo. London, 1907. 9042 MORGENSTERN, E. Tarif und Lohn im Deutschen Buch- druckgewerbe. Svo. Berlin, 1905. S606 MORHARD, U. See Schmidt, C. MORIN, E. Essai sur les impressions en couleurs. i2mo. Paris, 1894. 331 MORIN, E. Traite pratique. Les impositions expliquees. i2mo. Paris, 1895. 332 628 MORIN, E. Dictionnaire typographique. 4to. Lyon, 1903. 4367 MORIN, E. See Schott, E. and Morin, E. MORIN, L. Yves Girardon, imprimeur-libraire a Troyes d'apres I'inventaire fait apres son dec^s. 8vo. Arcis-sur-Aube, 1S93. 1736 MORIN, L. Histoire des imprimeries de Troyes depuis 1789 et des autres imprimeries du Departement de I'Aube depuis leur fondation. 8vo. Troyes, 1893. 1735 MORIN, L. French illustrators. Preface by J. Claretie. Fol. New York, 1895. 4142 MORIN, L. Essai sur la police des compagnons imprimeurs sous I'ancien regime. 8vo. Paris, 189S. 6632 MORIN, L. Les apprentis imprimeurs au temps passe. 8vo. Lyon, 1898. 1737 MORIN, L. Une imprimerie Troyenne trois fois seculaire. Pierre Chevillot et ses successeurs 1594-1899. 8vo. Troyes, 1899. 1700 MORIN, L. Recherches sur la fabrication des cartes h. jouer a Troyes. 8vo. Troyes, 1899. 1738 MORIN, L. Histoire corporative des artisans du livre a Troyes. 8vo. Troyes, 1899. 9372 MORIN, L. Les Briden, imprimeurs et libraires a Troyes et a Chaumont. (In Mercure de France, 1902, pp. 314-389.) 16456 MORIN, L. Sur les cartes geographiques typographiees. {In Almanach des Typographes, 3e. Ann., 1907.) i5957 MORIONDI, L. 5ee Paris: Exhibition, 1878; Philadelphia: Exhibition, 1876. MORLEY, H. Famous pamphlets. [Milton's Areopagitica. Coplestone's advice to a young reviewer.] 8vo. London, 1886. 17069 MORLEY, H. English writers. An attempt towards a history of English literature. Vol. 6 : From Chaucer to Caxton. 8vo. London, 1890. 6471 MORLEY, H. T. Illustrated list of a few everyday lines in window tickets and showcards, printed and gummed labels, sundries, etc. 8vo. Reading [1894]. 4789 MORLEY, W. Catalogue and price list of the newspaper tax stamps of Great Britain and Ireland. 8vo. London, 1912. 16468 MORNAY, P. de. Vitae mortisque atque adeo humanarum actionum Christiana ac pia consideratio. 8vo. Francoforti, 1585. 6039 (5) MORNING POST. Great Britain : her finance and commerce. 4to. London, 1901. 2683 629 MORRHE, G. Gerard Morrhe, imprimeur parisien (1530-2). 8vo. Paris, 1S91. 11653 MORRIS, A. See Andes, L. E. ; Lehner, S. MORRIS, F. O. A series of picturesque views of seats of the noblemen and g-entlemcn of Great Britain and Ireland. Vols. 1-4. 4to. London [c. 1870]. 37ii MORRIS, F. O. See Morris, M. C. F. MORRIS, M. C. F. Francis Orpen Morris : a memoir. [With an account of Benjamin Favvcett and his process of printing- in colours.] Svo. London, 1897. 17387 MORRIS, R. A letter to Sir R. Aston, containing- a reply to his scandalous abuse and some thoughts on the modern doctrine of libels. 3rd edition. 8vo. London, 1770. 18879 MORRIS, T. See S : E. B. MORRIS, W. The decorative arts : their relation to modern life and progress. Svo. London, 1878. 2302 MORRIS, ^^^ Birmingham Society of Arts and School of Design. Address, ig Feb. , 1879. Svo. Birmingham [1879]. 13285 MORRIS, W. The lesser arts of life. {In Poole, R. S. : Lectures on art, 1882.) 2327 MORRIS, W. The history of pattern designing. (In Poole, R. S. : Lectures on art, 1882.) 2327 MORRIS, W. The socialist ideal. I— Art. {In The New Review, No. 20, Jan., 1891.) 1131& MORRIS, W. [Collection of enlarged photos of early Roman and Gothic type, collected by William Morris, for use in designing the type of the Kelmscott Press.] Fol. [1891.] 5826 MORRIS, W. The story of the glittering plain. 8vo. Hammersmith, 1891. 5325 MORRIS, W. Gothic architecture : a lecture. i2mo. London, 1893. 4179 MORRIS, W. The ideal book. {In Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. i, 1893.) 56 MORRIS, W. Some notes on the illuminated books of the Middle Ages. {In The Magazine of Art, Jan., 1894, pp. 83-88.) 6862 MORRIS, W. An address delivered at the distribution of prizes to students of the Birmingham Municipal School of Art, 21 Feb., 1894. Svo. [Birmingham, 1S94.] 8131 MORRIS, W. On the artistic qualities of the woodcut books of Ulm and Augsburg in the 15th century. {In Bibliographica, Vol. I, 1S95, pp. 437-455-) 53 MORRIS, W. Early illustration : a lecture. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 37, Jan. 9, 1896, pp. 26-27.) PP 630 MORRIS, W. An address to students of the Birmingham School of Art. 8vo. London, 1898. 1647 MORRIS, \V. A note by W. M. on his aims in founding the Keh-nscott Press. With a short description of the press by S. C. Cockerell and an annotated Hst of the books printed thereat. 8vo. Hammersmith, 1898. 1070 MORRIS, W. Art and the beauty of the earth. 8vo. London, 1898. 1518 MORRIS, W. Some hints on pattern designing. 8vo. London, 1899. ^S-^ MORRIS, W. Architecture and history and Westminster Abbey. 8vo. London, 1900. 3221 MORRIS, W. Wilham Morris. [A review of the life of W. Morris, by J. W. Mackail.] {In The Church Quarterly Review, Oct., 1900.) 19 H MORRIS, W. The Kelmscott Press. A review and some •statistics. {In The Scottish Review, July, 1900.) 1938 MORRIS, W. The late William Morris. Bust unveiled at Walthamstow. {In The Walthamstow Guardian, 21 Dec, 1900.) 1956 MORRIS, W. Art and its producers and the arts and crafts of to-day : two addresses. 8vo. London, 1901. 2335 MORRIS, W. Morris, the master of decorative art. {In The Illustrated Carpenter and Builder, July 12, 1901.) 2337 MORRIS, W. [A volume of newspaper cuttings principally relating to the life and work of William Morris.] 4to. [1906.I 9657 MORRIS, W. Early romances in prose and verse. lamo. London [1907]. 9312 MORRIS, W. The ideal book. A paper read before the Bibliographical Society, June 19, 1893. 8vo. London, 1908. 18935 MORRIS, W. and WALKER, E. Printing. {In Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society : Arts and crafts essays, 1899.) 1567 MORRIS, W. See Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society; B : A, Cary, E. L. ; Chesterton, G. K. ; Colebrook, F. ; Cotton, A. L. Crane, W. ; Crowdy, W. L. ; Day, L. F. ; Drinkwater, J. Elton, O. ; Forman, H. B. ; Great Masters of Decorative Art I : I. H. ; Jackson, H. ; Leathman, J. ; Mackail, J. W. ; Man Chester: Municipal School of Art; Marillier, H. C. ; Noyes, A. Pollard, A. W. ; Radford, E. ; Richardson, C. F. ; Rickett A. C. ; Ricketts, C. and Pissarro, L. ; Rinder, F. ; Scott, T. Steele, R. R. and Lethaby, W. R. ; Stillwell, M. B. ; Symons, A. Taylor, G. R. S. ; Vallance, A. ; Warwick, Countess of; Way,W. I MORRIS & BOLTON. Specimens of letterpress inks. 4to London [c. 1904]. 6928 631 MORRIS & CO. [Catalogue of bookbinders' tools and stamps.] 4to. London [c. 1850J. 2729 MORRIS, KING & GOODING. [Specimens of wood letter.] 4to. [London, c. i860.] 2730(2) MORRISON, A. New Orleans and the New South. Svo. New Orleans, 1888. 10909 MORRISON, H. A. See Washington: Library of Congress. MORRISON, R. Memoirs. Vol. 2. 8vo. London, 1839. 6309 MORRISS, Sir E. P. Newfoundland in 1910. A new era of trade and industrial development. [The pulp and paper industry, pp. 7-8.] 8vo. London, 1910. 13280 MORRISS, J. S. Pens and ink. {In Morning- Post, Great Britain, 1901.) 268-:? MORRISS, J. S. Named printing and writing papers. i2mo. London, 1904, 4089 J^iORRJSS, J. S. Algraphy; or, the art of printing from aluminium plates, with complete technical instructions. 8vo. London, 1904. 13284 MORRISS, J. S. A visit to an up-to-date factory. [D. Gestetner's Neo-Cyclostyle Works.] Obi. Svo. London [c. 1913]. MORRISS, J. S. See Weilandt, C. 18220 MORRISS'S TRADE JOURNAL. [Afterwards British Empire Paper, Stationery and Printing Trades' Journal.] Vol. 8, 1888. 4to. London, 1888. pp MORTILLARO, V. Opere. Vol. i. [Studio bibliografico, pp. 1-97.] 8vo. Palermo, 1843. 7027 MORTIMER, E. Waistcoat pocket ready reckoner for the use of stationers, printers, etc. i6mo. Halifax, 1891. 3053 MORTIMER, E. Waistcoat pocket ready reckoner for the use of stationers, printers, etc. i6mo. Halifax, 1893. 388 MORTIMER, E. Card divider. S. sh. Halifax [c. 1895]. 685 MORTIMER, E. Stationers' and printers' sheet measurer. S. sh. fol. [Halifax, c. 1895.] 083 MORTIMER, E. Stationers' and printers' sheet reckoner. S. sh. fol. Halifax [c. 1895]. gg^ MORTIMER, E. Mortimer's newspaper calculator, 1897, for the use of advertisers, newsagents, etc. S. sh. Halifax, 1897. 686 MORTIMER, E. W^aistcoat pocket ready reckoner with special tables for stationers, printers, bookbinders and booksellers. Also blank price lists for the same trades. i6mo. Halifax, 1898. 11963 MORTON, A. E. Typewriters : their construction and features. A lecture. [In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 31, 1893, pp. 77-82.) PP 632 MORTON, C. The Cosmopolitan amateur printing office guide. 8vo. London [1873]. 23436 MORTON, C. City Type Foundry. Charles Morton's latest collection of German and American novelties, and some modern founts selected from specimen book. 8vo. London, 1881. 12059 MORTON, C. The City Type Foundry new ornament book. 4to. London [1888]. 9885 MORTON, T. The art of the advertiser. {In Pearson's Maga- zine, Nov., 1905, pp. 487-493.) 7400 MORTON, W. S. Art in the home. .The library. {In The Art Journal, Sept., 1897.) 1589 MOSELY INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION. See Bowerman, C. W. ; Coffey, ^^^ ; Dyson, W. ; Kelley, G. D. MOSER, J. J. Bibliotheca manuscriptorum maxime anedo- torum eorumque historicorum. Noribergae, 1722. {In Koehler, J. D. : Sylloge, etc., 1728.) 13293 MOSS, J. C. See Jackson, H. A. MOSS, J. W. A manual of classical bibliography. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1837. 5678 MOSSOL'L. Imprimerie des P^res Dominicains a Mossoul. Langues Orientales, 1897. Ce catalogue annule les precedents. 8vo. Paris, 1897. 16890 MOTIVENSCHATZ fur die graphischen Kunste. 4 vols. Fol. Wien [c. 1890]. 3-53 MOTLEY, A. H. A new mechanical method applicable to lithography in all its forms. British and Colonial Printer and Stationer, Oct. 16, 191 3. [Reduced by the Printex process and printed on the offset m.achine.] 8vo. [London, 1913.] 18805 MOTT, J. M. Spelling reform, its purpose and progress, with illustrations of phonetic spelling. 8vo. Chicago, 1895. 41 15 MOTT, J. M. The phonetic English alphabet. S. sh.fol. Chicago, 1896. 3912 MOTT, J. M. Mott's fonoloji and fonotopi. 8vo. Chicago, 1901. 3915 MOTT, J. T. The last days of Francis I. 8vo. London, 1843. 4051 MOTTA, E. II tipografo Filippo di Lavagna omicida? (1465-9.) {In II Bibliofilo, Vol. 7, 1886, pp. 59-62.) PP MOTTA, E. II tipografo Dionigi da Parravicino a Cremona, 1 47 1. 8vo. Como, 1888. 9492 [MOTTELEY, C] Apercu sur les erreurs de la bibliographic speciale des Elzevirs et de leurs annexes, etc. Par le bibliophile C. M. i2mo. Paris, 1847. 23081 633 IMOTTEROZ, C. Essai sur les gravures chimiques en relief. Svo. Paris, 1871. 22378 MOTFEROZ, C. Essai sur les gravures chimiques en relief. [Reduced from the larger work by heliographic process.] i2mo. Paris, 1 87 1. n^A MOl'TEROZ, C. Typcfounding machines. {In The Printers' Register, April 6, 1872, pp. 115-117.) PP MOfTEROZ, C. Essai sur la mise en train typographique. Svo. Paris, 1891. 325 MOTTEROZ, C. Essay on typographical make-ready. {In Inland Printer, ToL 9, Dec.', 1891— FoZ. 10, Jan., 1893.) PP MOUGIN-RUSAND, P. Grandes oeuvres de I'imprimerie. Svo. Paris, 1868. 10673 MOUILLOT, A. See Hesse, F. IMOULE, H. F. See British and Foreign Bible Society. MOUNTNORRIS, Earl of. See Carr, Sir J. MOUROT, M. See Dannreuther, ( ). MOUTON, E. L'art d'ecrire un livre, de I'imprimer et de le publier. Svo. Paris, 1896. 3484 MOXON, J. A tutor to astronomy and geography. 3rd edition. 4to. London, 1674. 20609 MOXON, J. Regulae trium ordinum literarum typographi- carum ; or, the rules of the three orders of print letters. 4to. London, 1676. 20259 MOXON, J. Mechanick exercises. [Vol. 2, Printing.] 2 vols. 4to. London, 1677-83. 21401 5426 5347 5346 MOXON, J. A tutor to astronomy and geography. 5th edition. 4to. London, 1699. 5667 MOXON, J. Mechanick exercises ; or, the doctrine of handy works. Applied to the arts of smithing, joinery, carpentry, turning, bricklayery. To which is added mechanick dialling. Svo. London, 1703. S066 MOXON, J. Moxon's Mechanick exercises; or, the doctrine of handy works applied to printing : a literal reprint of the first edition. With preface and notes by T. L. De Vinne. 2 vols. Svo. New York, 1896. 1584 MOXON, J. See Mandey, V. and Moxon, J. MOVES, J. Specimens of the types commonly used in the Temple Printing Office, Bouverie Street. Svo. London, 1S26. 22S17 MOZET, C. Epreuves des caract^res de la fonderie de C. M. 4to. Paris, 1743. 602S MOZET, C. Epreuves des caract^res. Svo. Nantes, 1754. 20240 634 MUDIE, G. Report ot the committee appointed at a meeting- of journeymen, chiefly printers, to take into consideration certain propositions, submitted to them by Mr. G. M., having for their object a system of social arrangement. 8vo. London, 1821. 22272 MUDIE, G. Report of the committee appointed at meeting of journeymen, chiefly printers, to take into consideration certain propositions, submitted to them by Mr. G. M., having for their object a system of social arrangement. 2nd edition. 8vo. London [c. 1821], 22278 MUDIE, R. The natural history of birds. 8vo. London, 1834. 1 00 1 9 MUDIE, R. The earth. 8vo. London, 1835. 9581 MUDIE, R. The heavens. 8vo. London, 1835. 9582 MUDIE, R. The sea. 8vo. London, 1835. 9583 MUDIE'S SELECT LIBRARY. Catalogue of the principal English books. 8vo. London, 1900. 8538 MUDIE'S SELECT LIBRARY. Catalogue of the principal English books in circulation. [By H. G. Parsons.] 8vo. London, 1902. 6567 MUDIE'S SELECT LIBRARY. Catalogue of the principal English books. 8vo. London, 1903. 7451 MUELLER, C. A. Theory of typo-photography. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 20, 1S88, p. 129— FoZ. 22, 1889, p. 2.) PP MUELLER, J. Ein Autographen Peter Schoeffer's in einer Incunabel der Kon. und Univ. Bibliothek zu Koenigsberg i Pr. 4to. Koenigsberg, 1869. 22035 MUHL, G. Der elsassische Bildhauer Andreas Friedrich. Eine biographische Skizze. 8vo. Strassburg, 1876. 23415 MUHLBRECHT, O. Die Bibliographic im Dienste des Buch- handels. 8vo. Berlin, 1894. 4062 MULLEN, B. H. Salford and the inauguration of the public free libraries movement. Together with a short history of the museum and libraries. 4to. Salford, 1899. 1661 MULLER, A. Nouveau manuel des impositions : la mani^re d'imposer et les modules d'impositions. i2mo. Paris [1902]. 2810 MULLER, A. Notice sur I'etablissement des devis et prix de revient dans I'imprimerie. 8vo. Paris [1902]. 2791 MULLER, A. Nouveau manuel de typographic. 8vo. Paris [1912]. 16579 MULLER, A. Notice documentaire sur la fondation d'un Musee du Livre k Paris et sur les Musees du Livre de Leipzig et de Bruxelles. i2mo. Paris, 191 2. 16045 635 INiL LLER, A. See Desormcs, E. and MuUer, A. MULLER, A. Lehrbuch der Buchdruckerkunst. 8te. voll- standigf neu bearbeitete Auflag"e. Mit 286 Abbildungen im Text und 10 farbigen Beilagen. 121110. Leipzig-, igii. 16253 MULLER, E. and HAUSSNER, A. Die Herstellung und Priifung des Papiers. [Karniarsch-Fisclier : Handbuch der IMechanischen Technologie, Bd. Ill, Abt. 4.] 8vo. Berlin, 1905. MULLER, F. See Kruseman, A. C. 734° MULLER, F. See Vereeniging-. MULLER, F. & CO. Vente de livres, 11-15 Dec., 1905. [Cata- logue.] 8vo. Amsterdam, 1905. 9105 MULLER, F. & CO. Manuscrits. Autographes. Albums Amicorum. . [Catalogue of sale by auction.] 8vo. Amsterdam, 1906. 9103 MULLER, F. & CO. Catalogue of maps and atlases (15-19 century). 8vo. Amsterdam [1906]. 9398 MULLER, G. 1903-1908. Katalog. 8vo. Miinchen, 1908. 10390 MULLER, I. Die Incunabeln der Hermannstiidter Capellen- bibliothek. 8vo. [c. 1876.] 3581 MULLER, J. & DETHLEFFS, M. Praktischer Leitfaden fur Buntbuchdruck. 4to. Berlin, 1900. 2031 MULLER, J. W. See Senefelder, J. A. MLTLLER, L. Die Fabrikation des Papiers. 3te. Auflage. 8vo. Berlin, 1862. iio75 MULLER, L. Die Fabrikation des Papiers. 4te, Auflage. 8vo. Berlin, 1877. ^^7559 MULLER, L. Der Stcindrucker an der Handpresse. 8vo. Wien [c. 1895]. 1898 MULLER, L. & FILS. 7 jolies teintes de papier pour couver- tures. Carnet No. 24. 8vo. Paris [c. 1905]. 14259 MULLER, M. See Franke, C. A. MULLER, N. Beschreibung des Festes dem Andenken des Erfinders der Buchdruckerkunst Johann Gensfleisch zum Guten- berg, gefeiert in Mainz am 4 Okt. 1824. 8vo. Mainz, 1824. 20986 MULLIGAN, J. See Sillacio, N. MULLINS, J. D. See Birmingham : Free Library. MULTI-COLOUR PRINTING CO. Prospectus. Fol. London, 1899. 1574 MUMBY, F. A. The romance of bookselling : a history from the earliest times to the 20th century. With a bibliography by W. H. Peet. 8vo. London, 1910. i5749 MUMFORD, W. Newspaper printing in India. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 47, Nov. 15, 1900, pp. 265-267.) PP 636 MUMFORD, W. Output: some causes which affect: and some sugg-estions for improving. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 51, Oct. 16, 1902, pp. 245-247.) PP MUNCH, E. See Esswein, H. MUNCHENER Kalender fur das Jahr 1886. Fol. [Munchen, 1885.] 22968 MUNDAY, E. H. Historical sketch of the PubHc Ledger of Philadelphia. 4to. [Philadelphia, 1870.] 22948 MUNDAY, E. H. The cost of paper computed and tabulated for the printer and publisher. Obi. 4to. Philadelphia, 1875. 3577 MUNDAY, E. H. Cabinet poems. [Contains the Caxton poem Margaret of Burgundy.] 8vo. Philadelphia, 1879. 336 MUNDELL, DOIG & STEVENSON. Books printed for and sold by M. D. and S. 8vo. Edinburgh [c. 1806]. 9565 MUNDY, A. A briefe chronicle of the successe of times from the creation. 8vo. London, 1611. 20216 MUNICH. Programm zur Feier des vierhundertjahrigen Jubilaums der Erfindung der ersten Buchdruckerei in Munchen 17 Juni, 1882. Fol. [Munchen, 1882.] 23199 MUNICH : Kon. Akad. d. Wissenschaften. Sammlung Romischer Denkmiiler in Baiern. (Abbildungen.) 2 pts. [Litho- graphic illustrations.] 4to. and fol. Munchen, 1808. 9122 MUNICH : Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt fiir Photographic. Statut. 2. Auflage. 4to. Munchen, 1900. 2156 MUNICH : Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt fiir Photographic. Studienblatter. 4to. [Munchen, 1900.] 2154 MUNICH : Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt fiir Photographic. [A description of the institution.] 8vo. [Miinchen, 1901.] 2155 MUNIER, A. Traite de lithographic. 8vo. Reims, 1898. 1284 MUNIER, J. B. Nouveau guide illustre de I'imprimerie, de la librairie et de la papeterie indispensable aux auteurs, au com- merce et aux curieux. 8vo. Paris [c. 1885]. 22643 MUNSELL, C. A collection of songs of the American press and other poems relating to the art of printing. 8vo. Albany, 1868. 20430 MUNSELL, J. The typographical miscellany. 8vo. Albany, 1850. 20438 MUNSELL, J. Printers and printing in Albany. (In his Typographical Miscellany, 1850, pp. 224-234.) 20438 MUNSELL, J. Catalogue of a bibliographical library, collected by J. M. 8vo. Albany, 1856. 3017 MUNSELL, J. A chronology of paper and paper-making. 8vo. Albany, 1857. 7689 637 MUNSELL, J. Catalog^ue of books on printing and the kindred arts. 8vo. Albany, 1868. 22743 MUNSELL, J. A chronolog-y of paper and paper-making. 4th edition. Svo. Albany, 1870. 20442 MUNSEY, F. A. The making and marketing of Munsey's Magazine, {hi Munsey's Magazine, Uec. , 1899.) 1654 MUNSON, V. B. Specimens for printers. Bruce's New York Type Foundry. Svo. New York, 1900. 17145 MURALTO, O., pseud. See Walpole, H. . MURDOCH, J. Classified catalogue of Tamil printed books with introductory notices. 8vo. Madras, 1865. 18429 MLIRDOCH, J. Catalogue of the Christian vernacular literature of India : with hints on the management of Indian tract societies. Svo. Madras, 1870. 18520 MURDOCH, T. The early history of lithography in Glasgow. Svo. Glasgow, 1902. 2680 MURNER, T. Der schelmen Zunft, 1512. [Edited, with a preface by W. Scherer.] 4to. Berlin, 1881. 22828 MURRAY, Lt.-Col. Sketches of scenes in Scotland, drawn in outline by Lieut. -Col. Murray, with historical and descriptive illustrations by D. Morrison, jun. [Lithographs.] 4to. Perth [1834]. S778 MURRAY, A. An artist's dream. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, pp. 33-36.) PP MURRAY, A. The dissemination of the arts. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 31-32.) PP MURRAY, A. An artist's digression. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. loo-ioi.) PP MURRAY, A. A dialogue on colour vision. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, pp. 134-136.) PP MURRAY, A. An idealogue's appeal. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, J'ol. 16, 1910-1, pp. 78-So.) PP MURRAY, D. Bibliography : its scope and methods with a view of the work of a local bibliographical society. {In Glasgow Bibliographical Society : Records, P'ol. i, 1912-3.) 18124"^ MURRAY, D. R. and A. Foulis and the Glasgow press, with some account of the Glasgow Academy of the Fine Arts. {In Glasgow Bibliographical Society : Records, Vol. 2, 1913.) 18124 MURRAY, F. E. A bibliography of Austin Dobson. Obi. Svo. Derby, 1900. 1873 MURRAY, G. Memoirs of the lives and characters of the Rt. Hon. George Baillie of Jerviswood and of Lady Griswell Baillie. By their daughter. Svo. Edinburgh, 1824. 10292 638 I MURRAY, J. Books lately published, in the press or pub- lishing-. 8vo. London, 1811. 7375 MURRAY, J. Valuable works lately published, in the press or publishing-. 8vo. London [c. 1812]. 7375 MURRAY, J. The following- interesting works are in the course of publication. 8vo. London, 1815. 7375 MURRAY, J. Mr. Murray has the following works in the press. 8vo. London, 1818. 7375 MURRAY, J. Practical remarks on modern paper. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1829. 20596 MURRAY, J. Mr. Murray's general list of works. 8vo. London, 1853. 73^0 MURRAY, J. The origin and history of Murray's Handbooks for Travellers. i2mo. London [c. 1880]. 10438 MURRAY, J. A publisher in peace time. {In The Con- temporary Review, Vol. 90, Dec, 1906, pp. 761-771.) 8232 MURRAY, Sir J. A. H. See Oxford : University Press. MURRAY, J. B. See M'Neile, H. MURRAY, L. Introduction to the English Reader. 2^ih edition. 8vo. York, 1826. 4553 MURRAY, L. Abridgment of English grammar. i6mo. Concord, 1830. 37^4 MURRELL, J. Two books of cookerie and carving. [5th edition.] 8vo. London, 1638. 21264 MUSAEUS. The loves of Hero and Leander. 4to. London, 1797- 5530 MUSEE INTERNATIONAL DE LA PRESSE, An7i. 2, 1913, etc. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1913, etc. PP MUSEUMSGESELLSCHAFT IN ZURICH. Denkschrift. Zur Feier des 24 Junius, 1840. 4to. Zurich, 1840. 20121 (i) MUSGROVE, pseud. See Lewis, E. St. E. MUSETTE. La Musette. Publication mensuelle. Recueil d'elucubrations versifees des typos de I'lmprimerie Nouvelle. Nos. 1-26. Fol. Paris, 1883-5. 21993 MUSICAL. The Musical Magazine. Vol. 1. 8vo. London, 1767- 5576 MUSTER - AUSTAUSCH DES DEUTSCHER BUCH- GEWERBE VEREINS. See Deutscher Buchgewerbe Vereins. MUSTERBUCH fiir graphische Gewerbe. 3 vols. Fol. Stutt- gart [c. 1890]. 1528 MUSTER-ORNAMENTE aus alien Stilen in historischer Anordnung. 4to. Stuttgart [c. 1890]. 338 639 MUTHER, R. Die deutsche Bucherillustration der Gothik und Friihrenaissance (1460-1530). 2 vols. Fol. Miinchen, 1884. 20809 MUTHER, R. See Hirth, G. and Muther, R. MUTRIE, A. Enei^lish spring- flowers. The plates show how a picture is reproduced facsimile of the orig-inal painting by means of chromolithography. Fol. [c. 1880.] 4141 MUTRIES, Ltd. The proof of the block. Specimens of half- tone in black and colours.] 4to. London [1913J. 18222 MYER, L Oldest books in the world. An account of the relig-ion, wisdom, etc., of the ancient Egyptians. 8vo. London, 1900. 1797 MYLLAR, A. See Dickson, R. 640 N N : M. New portable printing- press. {In The Glasgow Mechanics Magazine, Feb., 1825, pp. 2-3.) 9422 N : N. Directions for a proper choice of authors to form a Hbrary. 8vo. London, 1766. 11033 NADALL, B. The commensurable system [of type casting], {In Linotype Co. : Specimens of types, etc., 1901.) 2453 NAML'AS, R. Reducing collodion negatives by the perman- ganate process. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 6, 1900, pp. 76-78.) PP NAMIAS, R. Some chemical observations on the intensification and reproduction of half-tone negatives. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 25-28.) PP NAML^S, R. Some observations on the treatment of auto- chrome plates, {hi Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, pp. 52-56.) PP NAMIAS, R. Use of albumen paper for photo-lithography and zincographv. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, p. 144.) ^ PP NAMIAS, R. The bromoil process and its application to photo- lithography. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 191 1-2, pp. 205-207.) PP NAMIAS, R. and PIOLA, R. On the use of caseine for obtaining an acid resist in photo-mechanical etching. {In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, pp. 160-161.) PP NAMIAS, R. See Galeati, P. NAMUR, A. Notices bibliographiques diverses, relatives a des manuscrits conserves dans des biblioth^ques publiques ou privees de Luxembourg. L 8vo. Bruxelles, i860. 23175 NAMUR, A. See Luxembourg : Atheneee Grand-ducal. NAMUR, P. Projet d'un nouveau systfeme bibliographique des connaissances humaines. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1839. 17648 NANCY : Exposition, 1909. Catalogue des exposants. i2mo. Nancy, 1909. 11585 641 41 XAXrOX, S. de. Les cominencemcnts de riinprimcrie dans les \'osg-es. 8vo. Strasbourg-, 1865. 12604 NAPHEGYI, G. See Lord's Prayer. NAPIER, J. A plaiiie discovery ol the whole Revelation of St. John. 4to. Edinburgh, 1593. 21529 NAPOLEON L De la liberte de la presse sous le gouverne- ment du Gen. Buonaparte. No. i. Svo. Paris, 1814. 23381 NAPOLEON L See P : C. F. D. NARDIN, L. Jacques Eoillet, iinprimeur, libraire et papetier (1554-1619). Ses peregrinations a Lyon, Geneve, Constance, Bale, Courcelles-les-INIontbeliard, Besan^on et Montbeliard. 8vo. Paris, 1906. 12 198 NARREY, C. Albrecht Duier a Venise et dans les Pays Bas. 4to. Paris, 1866. 22028 NASSE, H. Jacques Callot. [Meister der Graphik. Bd. i.] 4to. Leipzig- [1909]. 11249 NATAL TYPOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. General rules. i2mo. Durban, 1889. 4166 NATHAN, P. Advertising for printing. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 19, 1897, pp. 40-41-) PP NATHAN, P. Designing a piece of printing. {In Inland Printer, Vol 20, 1897-8, p. 36.) PP NATHAN, P. How to make money in the printing business. A book for master printers. 8vo. New York, 1900. 1933 NATHAN, P. Composition by the Monotype machine. {In Hitchcock, F. H. : The building of a book, 1906, pp. 66-76.) 8824 NATIONAL AMALGAMATED SOCIETY OF PRINTERS' WAREHOUSEMEN AND CUTTERS. Rules. i2mo. London, 1903. 7414 NATIONAL AMALGAMATED SOCIETY OF PRINTERS' WAREHOUSEMEN AND CUTTERS. Report and balance sheet, 1906. Svo. London, 1907. 93^9 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF ART. Transactions. Edinburgh meeting, 1889. 8vo. London, 1890. 8029 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE PROMOTION OF SOCIAL SCIENCE. Trades' societies and strikes. Report of the committee. 8vo. London, i860. 1203 NATIONAL GALLERY. A catalogue of the pictures, 1844. Svo. London, 1S44. ^-47 NATIONAL HOME-READING UNION. Prospectus. Svo. London [c. 1895]. ^^75 NATIONAL LITHOGRAPHER. Vol. 4, 1897, etc. 4to. New York, 1897, etc. PP 642 NATIONAL LITHOGRAPHER. The National Lithographer's sample book of offset printing-. 4to. New York, 1911. 16206 NATIONAL LITHOGRAPHERS' ASSOCIATION. Rules. i2mo. London, igii. 16172 NATIONAL PRESS AGENCY. Our silver anniversary, 1873-98. 4to. London, 1898. 1046 NATIONAL PRINTER-JOURNALIST. Vol. 14, 1897, etc. 4to. Chicag-o, 1897, etc. PP NATIONAL PRINTING AND KINDRED TRADES FEDER- ATION. [4th], etc., annual report, 1904, etc. 8vo. London, 1904, etc. 6710 NATIONAL PRINTING AND KINDRED TRADES FEDER- ATION. Report of a special conference held July 3 and 4, 1907. 8vo. London, 1907. 9342 NATIONAL SOCIETY OF OPERATIVE PRINTERS' AS- SISTANTS. i2th, etc., annual report, 1901, etc. 8vo. London, 1902, etc. 3818 NATIONAL SOCIETY OF OPERATIVE PRINTERS' AS- SISTANTS. Rules. i2mo. London, 1905. 7413 NATIONAL SOCIETY OF OPERATIVE PRINTERS' AS- SISTANTS. Rules. i2mo. London, 1907. 8637 NATIONAL SOCIETY OF OPERATIVE PRINTERS' AS- SISTANTS. The proposed conjoint forward movement. Corres- pondence between the National Amalgamated Society of Printers' Warehousemen and Cutters and the N.S.O.P.A. 8vo. London, 1907. 9401 NATIONAL SOCIETY OF OPERATIVE PRINTERS' AS- SISTANTS. With the pressmen and assistants of North America. The Report of G. A. Isaacs upon his visit as a fraternal delegfate to the 26th Annual Convention of the International Printing- Pressmen and Assistants' L^nion of North America. 8vo. London, 1915- 18773 NATIONAL SOCIETY OF OPERATIVE PRINTERS' AS- SISTANTS. See Ward and Lock. NATIONAL TYPOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION. Rules of the Association and the by-laws of the London Society of Compositors. i2mo. [London, c. 1839.] ^5559 (4) NATIONAL TYPOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION. South Eastern District. First quarterly report of the Committee of the London Society of Compositors. i2mo. London, 1845. 15559(1) NATIONAL TYPOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION. Rules. i2mo. London, 1846. ^5559 (6) NATIONAL TYPOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION. First (-second) annual report of the Committee of the London Society of Compositors. i2mo. London, 1846-7. 15559 (7 • 5) 643 NATIONAL TYPOGRAPHICAL ASSOCL\TION. See London Society of Compositors. NATIONAL UNION OF BOOKBINDERS AND MACHINE RULERS. Election of seat of government. 8vo. Sheffield, 1911- 15557 NATIONAL UNION OF PAPER WORKERS. See Feder- ation of Wholesale Newsagents. NATTALI, M. A. A catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of books. 8vo. London, 1843. 18836 NATURAE verborum. 8vo. Parisiis, 1535. 6038(1) NATURE AND ART. Vols. 1-2. 8vo. London, 1866-7. P^ NAUDE, G. Advis pour dresser une bibliothfeque. Seconde edition, Paris, 1644. {In Jacob, L. : Traicte des plus belles bibliothfequcs, 1644.) 20593 NAUDE, G. Brevis excursus de loco, tempore and authore inventionis typographiae. 4to. Parisiis, 1644. 22364 NAUDE, G. Quod typographia prinium recepta et stabilita sit in Gallia, durante regno ipsius (Ludovici II) una cum curiosiore digressione de inventione ejusdem. [In Wolf, J. C. : Monumenta typographica, I, 1740.) 20082 NAUDET, G. La photocollographie (phototypie) sur supports souples. Procedes permettant d'obtenir, a peu de trais, sans installation et sans materiel, des epreuves aux encres grasses de toutes couleurs. 2e. edition. i2mo. Paris, 1903. 3554 NAUDET, J. Lettre a M. Libri au sujet de quelques passages de sa lettre a M. de Falloux relatifs a la Biblioth^que Nationale. 8vo. Paris, 1849. 15832 NAUDET, J. See Cretaine, A. C. NAUROY, C. Bibliographic des impressions microscopiques. i6mo. Paris, 1881. 23102 NAYLOR, T. E. How to start in business as a printer. With estimate for a small jobbing office. i2mo. London [1905]. 6685 NEALE, T. The medical digest. 8vo. London, 1877. 8543 NEBIOLO tK: CO. Echange typographique, 1900-1. 4to. Torino, 1901. 2625 NEBIOLO 8: CO. [Specimen book of types, vignettes, etc.'\ 4to. Torino [1900]. 2558 NEBIOLO &: CO. Saggio di caratteri. 4to. Torino [c. 1900]. 2557 NEBIOLO & CO. Novita fiaccole e ghirlande. i2mo. Torino [c. 1905]. 12045 NEBIOLO & CO. Caratteri Novissima. Obi. 8vo. Torino [1907]. 9380 644 NECESSARY. A necessary doctrine and erudition for any Christen man. 4to. London, 1543. 21203 NECK, J. H. To the committee of the London Society of Compositors. [With reference to the action Jenkins v. The Daily Recorder.] Fol. [London, 1876.] 23344 NEDERLANDSCH TAALEN LETTERKUNDIG CON- GRESS. Algemeene catalogus van Nederlandsche boeken uit Noord en Zuid. Samengesteld te gfelegenheid van het 29te. con- gress g-ehoLiden te Brussel in 1906. Met een Voorword door L. H. Smeding-. 8vo. Antwerpen, 1906. 10568 NEDERLANDSCHE BOEKDRUKKER. Afi. 5, 1898. 4to. Dordrecht, 1898. PP NEDERLANDSCHE TYPOGRAPHENBOND. Statuten. i2mo. Amsterdam [1867]. 23054 NEDERLANDSCHE YEREENIGING VAN BIBLIO- THECARISSEN. Nederlandsche bibliotheekgids. 8vo. Utrecht, 1913- ^7479 NEE DE LA ROCHELLE, J. F. Vie d'Etienne Dolet, imprimeur a Lyon dans le i6e. siecle. 8vo. Paris, 1779. 20471 NEE DE LA ROCHELLE, J. F. Eloge historique de Jean Gensfleisch dit Guttenberg. 8vo. Paris, 1811. 21541 NEE DE LA ROCHELLE, J. F. Recherches historiques et critiques sur I'etablissemcnt de I'art typographique en Espagne et en Portugal. 8vo. Paris, 1830. 5051 NEILL & CO. Specimens of printing types from the foundry of Neill and Co. I. Book and newspaper types. Fol. Edin- burgh, 1843. 7406 NEILL & CO. Specimens of printing types. 4to. Edinburgh, 1843. 96S NEILL & CO. Specimens of printing types. 4to. Edinburgh, 1844. 2173 NEILL & CO. Specimens of new printing types. (English height.) 8vo. Edinburgh, 1845. 10411 NEILL & CO. Specimens of printing types. 4to. Edinburgh, 1847. ^ 9886 NEILL & CO. Guide to authors in correcting the press, with specimens of printing types. 8vo. Edinburgh [c. 1870]. 22694 NEILL & CO. Neill and Co. 's typographic guide. A series of specimen pages forming a reference book for authors and pub- lishers. 8vo. Edinburgh [c. 1880]. 20279 NEILL &• CO. Memoranda regarding style, punctuation, spelling, word-division, etc., for the use of compositors and readers in the employment of Neill and Co. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1895. 4172 645 NKILL &• CO. Guide to authors, with nienioranda regarding- style, punctuation, spelling, word-division, etc., for the use of compositors and readers in the employment of Neill and Co. Reprinted. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1897. 2540 NHILL cV CO., Ltd. History of the firm. 4to. Edinburgh, 1900. -15' NEILSON, R. M. The protection of trade designs. 8vo. Glasgow [1912]. 16594 NEILSON, \\'. Introduction to the Irish language. 8vo. Dublin, 1808. 505- NELME, L. D. See Egerton, T. and J. NELSON, G. Industrial conditions among printers. A lecture. 8vo. Liverpool, 1904. 45^4 NELSON, R. A companion for the festivals and fasts of the Church of England. 6th edition. 8vo. London, 17 10. 4663 NELSON, R. W. Weight fonts of job type at body-type prices. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 41, 1908, pp. 206-207.) PP NELSON, T. & SONS. Nelson's catalogue for 1909-10. i2mo. London, 1909. ii995 NELSON, W. See Wilson, Sir D. NELSON, W. F. Early newspaper sketches, {hi Longman's Magazine, vSept., 1S86.) 22664 NENNIL'S. The Irish version of the Historia Britonum. Edited by J. H. Todd. 4to. Dublin, 1848. 5572 NENTWIG, H. Das altere Buchwesen in Braunschweig, Beitrag zur Geschichte der Stadtbibliothek. 8vo. Leipzig, 1901. 2404 N EOLITH. The Neolith. Nos. 1-4. Fol. London, 1907-8. 10749 NEOTIPIA. Sociedad An6nima La Neotipia, institucion obrera. [An account of a co-operative printing society.] 8vo. Barcelona, 1908. 11263 NEOTIPIA. Sociedad Anonima La Neotipia. Calendario para 1910. i2mo. Barcelona [1909J. 11833 NESI, E. II diario della stamperia di Ripoli. 8vo. Firenze, 1903. 3609 NESTLE, E. Conradi Pellicani de modo legendi et intelligendi Hebraeum. Deutschland's erstes Lehr-Lese uiid Worterbuch der hebriiischen Sprache verfasst in Tubingen 1501 gedruckt in Strass- burg. 1504. 8vo. Tubingen, 1S77. 8452 NET BOOKS COMMITTEE. Net books question. 4to. London, 1908. 10273 NETHERLANDS : Austrian. Catalogue des livres defendus par la Commission Imperiale et Royale, jusqu'a I'annee 1786. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1788. 176 14 646 NETTER, W. 8z JACOBI. Strassburger Patent-Biicher- gestell-Fabrik. System Lipman. Obi. 8vo. Berlin [1910]. 1337^3 NETTER, W. & JACOBI. Strassburger Patent-Bucher- gestell-Fabrik. System Lipman. Abteilung Archivbau. 8vo. Berlin [c. 1910]. 13402 NETTER, \\\ & JACOBI. Fabrique Strasbourgeoise de rayons brevetes, Systemes Lipman. 4to. Strasbourg [1910]. ^3374 NETTO, Dr. Ueber den lithographischen Hochdruck. (In Journal fiir Buchdruckerkunst, 1835, pp. 150-151.) PP NEUBERT, V. Muster-Arbeiten der 3-Farben-Abteilung graphischer Kunst — Anstalt V. N. [Reproduktions-Revue Num- mer 2. J 4to. Prag, 1905. 8487 NEUBURGER, H. Praktisches Handbuch der Buchdrucker- kunst. 8vo. Leipzig, 1841. 20967 NEUBURGER, H. Encyklopiidic der Buchdruckerkunst. 8vo. Leipzig, 1844. 20068 NEUE GRAPHISCHE NACHRICHTEN. 1897-1906. Fol. Wien, 1 897- 1 906. PP NEUE WIENER TAGBLATT. Programm und Liedertexte. Funfzigjahriges Berufs-Jubilaum der drei Kollegen Josef Grone- mann und Johann Pabst, Korrcktoren, Karl Loibelsberger, Metteur en pages der Druckerei des Neuen Wiener Tagblatt. 8vo. Wien, 191 1. 15410 NEUHALIS, J. Das erste gedruckte Buch Gutenbergs in deutscher Sprache, nach dem einzigen Exemplare in Miinchen zum ersten Mai voUstandig herausgegeben und erlautert von J. N. 4to. Kjobenhavn, 1902. 33^4 NEUMANN, E. See Essvvein, H. NEVER SLEEP GAZETTE. Organ of the Regan Printing House. Vol. I, 1913, etc. 8vo. Chicago, 1913, etc. PP NEVEL^, P. A walk round the photographic sections at the Paris Exhibition, igoo. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 6, 1900, pp. 104-105.) PP NEVILL, R. Old sporting prints. 4to. London, 1908. 11741 NEVILL, R. Prcnch prints of the i8th century. 8vo. London, 1908. 16386 NEW. A new and general biographical dictionary. 15 vols. 8vo. London, 1798. 5603 NEW ANNUAL REGISTER FOR 1810. Svo. London, 181 1. 10107 NEW. The new art of printing. By a designing devil. [On illustrated journalism.] (In Blackwood's Magazine, Jan., 1844.) 22263 NEW BEDFORD, MASS. : Free Public Library. 48th annual report, 1899. 8vo. New Bedford, Mass., 1900. 9025 647 NEW. A new career for lithography. [In Chambers's Journal, Dec, 1853.) 1324 NEW collotype process and letterpress hand machine. {In Penrose's Pictorial .Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 141-142.) PP NEW. A new comedy. 8vo. London, 1704. 6160(14) NEW, The new composer. [Specimen of Hagemann Matrix- stamping- machine.] Svo. [? London, c. 1886.] . 13695 NEW ENGLAND FRANKLIN CLUB. Scale of prices [for printing], July i, 1864. 8vo. Boston, 1864. 22780 NEW ENGLAND STATIONER AND PRINTER. Vols. 13-14, 1899-1900. 4to. Springfield, Mass., 1899-1900. PP NEW HAVEN : Linonian Society. Catalogue of the library of the Linonian Society, Yale College, June, i860. 8vo. New Haven, i860. 12005 NEW. A new lens : Ross' patent Homoccntric. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 8, 1902-3, p. 133.) PP NEW. A new paper-making material. [Bamboo.] {In Chambers's Journal, Dec, 1875.) ^3^9 NEW SOUTH WALES. The Government printing oflfice, 1890. 4to. Sydney, 1891. 341 NEW^ SOUTH WALES TYPOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION. Rules and scale of charges. i2mo. Sydney, 1891. 7585 NEW SOUTH WHALES TYPOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION. Award and common rule of the Court of Arbitration for hand composition, also industrial agreement for daily newspapers. i2mo. Sydney, 1908. 9816 NEW. A new thing in commercial illustration. {In The Maga- zine of Commerce, Vol. 6, 1905, pp. 437-440.) 9153 NEW transparent drawing surface. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, p. 190.) PP NEW TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL. A periodical devoted to the interests of the printing profession. No. i. 4to. London, 1859. PP NEW YORK: Allied Printing Trades Council. Constitution and by-laws. i2mo. New York, 1907. 11516 NEW YORK : Independence League. Banquet to the Hon. W. R. Hearst. Svo. New York, 1907. 12001 NEW^ YORK : Industrial Exhibition, 1853. Special report of Mr. George Wallis. [Class 17 — paper, printing, etc.] Fol. London, 1854. 2875 (3) NEW YORK LITHOGRAPH : a journal of lithography and literature. Nos. 1-2. Fol. New York, 1874. PP NEW YORK MASTER PRINTERS' ASSOCIATION. [Pros- pectus.] 24mo. New York [c. 1903J. 3869 648 NEW YORK MASTER PRINTERS' ASSOCIATION. List of members. 24mo. New York, 1903. 3868 NEW YORK : Mercantile Library. 79th, etc., annual report, 1899, etc. 8vo. New York, 1900, etc. 6575 NEW YORK PRINTER. Vol. 26, 1898. 8vo. New York, 1898. PP NEW YORK: Printers. Prices for printing adopted by the employing printers of New York, Feb. 11, 1864. [Drafted by T. L. De Vinne.] 8vo. [New York, 1864.] 22781 NEW YORK : Printers. The apprenticeship system. [Report, drafted by T. L. De Vinne, of a committee of the employing printers of New York City.] 8vo. New York [c. 1865]. 22779 NEW YORK : Printers. Scale of prices for book and job work adopted by the journeymen and employing printers of New York, April 27, 1869. i6mo. New York, 1873. 7586 NEW YORK : Society of Employing Printers. Statement, June 13, 1876. [Drawn up by T. L. De Vinne.] i2mo. New York, 1876. 23103 NEW YORK STATE LIBRARY. Catalogue of the Duncan Campbell collection [of MSS. and incunabula]. 8vo. Albany, 1908. 11119 NEW YORK TRADE SCHOOL. Catalogue, 25th year, 1905-6. [Printing, pp. 43-45.] 8vo. New York, 1905. 7669 NEW YORK TRADE SCHOOL. Catalogue, 26th year, 1906-7. [Printing, pp. 43-45.] 8vo. New York, 1906. 7669 NEW YORK TYPOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Tributes to the memory of Charles McDevitt, who was for nearly 60 years a member of the Society. 4to. New York, 1877. 22971 NEW YORK TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION, NO. 6. List of members. 12 mo. New York, 1897. 7587 NEW YORK TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION, NO. 6. Con- stitution and by-laws, revised and amended to Aug. 6th, 1899, together with rules of order, etc. i6mo. New York [1899]. 152 19 NEW YORK TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION, NO. 6. The Printing Exposition job contest. Reproductions. 8vo. New York, 1900. 1800 NEW YORK TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION, NO. 6. List of members, June, 1902. 8vo. [New York, 1902,] 3498 NEW YORK TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION, NO. 6. Scale of prices for book and job work, April i, 1902 — Jan. i, 1905. i6mo. [New York, 1902.] 3497 NEW YORK TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION, NO. 6. Con- stitution and by-laws. i6mo. [New York, 1902.] 349^ 649 NEW YORK TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION, NO. 6. Scale of prices for book and job work. Revised to Oct. i, 1906. i2mo. New York, 1906. 11523 NEW YORK TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION, NO. 6. Arbi- tration proceedings. New York I'ypographical Union, No. 6 and American Newspaper Publishers' Association. 2 pts. 8vo. New York, 1907. 1 1 529 NEW YORK TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION, NO. 6. Scale of prices for newspapers. i2mo. New York, 1909. 11524 NEW YORK TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION, NO. 6. List ot members, June, 1909. i2mo. New York, 1909. 11522 NEW YORK TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION, NO. 6. Con- stitution and by-laws. Revised and amended to Sept. i, 1909. i2mo. New York, 1909. 11525 NEW YORK TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION, NO. 6. One hundredth anniversary of the birth of Horace Greeley, first president of Typographical Union, No. 6. [Programme.] 8vo. New York, 1911. 14076 NEW^ YORK TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION, NO. 6. See Printers' League of America; Stevens, G. A. NEW' YORK : Typothetae. Annual dinner in honour of the birthday of Franklin, Jan. 17, 1884. [With speech by H. W. Beecher.] 8vo. New York, 1884. 22540 NEW YORK : Typothetae. Annual dinner in commemoration of the birthday of B. Franklin, Jan. 17, 1885. i6mo. New York, 1885. 4589 NEW YORK : Typothetae. Annual dinner in honour of the birthday of Franklin, Jan. 18, 1886. 8vo. New York, 1886. 22650 NEW YORK : Typothetae. Menu of annual dinner. 8vo. [New Yorkj, 1892. 6224 NEW YORK : Typothetae. Catalogue of the library. 8vo. New York, 1896. i953 NEW YORK: Typothetae. Annual dinner: r96th anniversary of Benjamin Franklin's birth, Jan. 17, 1902. [In a box with a medal.] i6mo. New York, 1902. 2599 NEW YORK : Typothetae. 50th anniversary, April 13, 1915. i2mo. New York, 1915. 18875 NEW YORK UNION PRINTER. Vol. i. No. i, 1905, etc. 4to. New York, 1905, etc. PP NEW ZEALAND FEDERATED TYPOGRAPHICAL IN- DUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION OF WORKERS. Executive's report, March 31, 1912. 8vo. Dunedin, 1912. 16195 NEW ZEALAND TYPOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION. Rules. i2mo. Wellington, 1881. 7^33 650 NEWARK, N. J. : Free Public Library. Printing- and allied industries. A list of books and periodicals. 8vo. Newark, N. J., 1911. 17757 NEWBERY, J. A compendious history of the world. 2 vols. 24mo. London, 1763. 5489 NEWBERY, P. E. See Newbery, T. NEWBERY, T. A booke in Englysh metre, of the great Marchaunt man called Dives Prag-maticus, 1563. Reproduced in facsimile from the copy in the John Rylands Library. Together with an introduction by P. E. Newbery and remarks on the vocabulary by H. C. \Vyld. [The John Rylands Facsimiles, No. 2.] 4to. Manchester, 1910. 14250 NEWCASTLE and Gateshead Master Printers' minute book for 1837, with prices paid in 1903. Svo. Newcastle, 1903. 3647 NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE : Literary and Philosopical Society. Catalogfue of the library. Svo. Newcastle, 1903. 4475 NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE : Pen and Palette Club. Thomas Bewick. 150th anniversary commemoration exhibition of works and relics. Promoted by the club. Sept. 12 — Oct. 8, 1903. 4to. Newcastle, 1903. 3646 NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE : Public Libraries. A catalogue of the public library in St. Nicholas' Church [now in the public library], with a copy of the will of R. Thomlinson. 8vo. Newcastle, 1829. . 7349 NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE: Public Libraries. ist, etc., annual report, 1880-1, etc. 8vo. Newcastle, 1881, etc. 9010 NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE : Public Libraries. Report on the annual meeting- of the Library Association. Belfast, 1894. By B. Anderton. Svo. Newcastle [1S94]. 8109 NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE: Public Libraries. Librarian's report upon the annual conference of the Library Association. Cardiff, 1895. [^y ^- Anderton.] Svo. Newcastle [1895]. 8107 NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE: Public Libraries. Sub- Librarian's report on the 19th annual meeting- of the Library .Association, Buxton, 1896. [By A. Keog-h.] Svo. Newcastle [1896]. 8108 NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE: Public Libraries. Classified list of additions to the central lending- department, 1895-6. Svo. Newcastle, 1896. SoSS NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE: Public Libraries. Catalog-ue of the Stephenson Branch Library. By A. Keogh. Svo. New- castle, 1897. 6571 NEWXASTLE-UPON-TYNE : Public Libraries. Catalogue of the Bewick collection (Pease bequest). By B. Anderton and W. H. Gibson. 4to. Newcastle, 1904. 447S 6si NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE: Public Libraries. Catalogue of books concerning- the Greek and Latin classics. By B. Anderton and T. E. Turnbull. 4to. Newcastle, 1912. 18122 NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE : Public Libraries. Catalogue of books on the useful arts in the Central Libraries, 1903-14. A supplement to the original catalogue of 1903. 4to. Newcastle, 1914. 18619 NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE: Rutherford College. Speci- mens by the class in typography. 4to. Newcastle, 191 1. 14887 NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE AND DISTRICT TYPO- GRAPHIA. Report and syllabus, session 1896-7. 8vo. New- castle, 1896. 8872 NEWINGTON : St. Mary Public Libraries and xMuseums. ist, etc., report of the commissioners, 1890-5, etc. 8vo. London, 1895, ^ic. 8988 NEWMAN, D. Books sold by D. N. 8vo. London [1673]. 21308I3) NEWMAN, E. The author's guide for printing. 32mo. London, 1875. 23483 NEWSMAN, T. A solemn call. A sermon. 8vo. London, 1746. 6698 NEWNES, Sir G. See Friederichs, H. NEWNES, G. , Ltd. How popular periodicals are produced. 8vo. [London, 1894.] 2905 NEWNES PUBLIC LIBRARY, PUTNEY. See Wandsworth : Public Libraries. NEWS. The News Almanack, 1864. 8vo. London [1863]. 8831 NEWSAGENT AND BOOKSELLERS' REVIEW, 1902-6. 4to. London, 1902-6. PP NEWSAGENTS' CHRONICLE. No. i, Feb. 16, 1895— iVo. 75, Feb. 26, 1898. 4to. London, 1895-8. PP NEWSMAN AND PUBLICATION REGISTER. No. 2, Dec. 6, 1890. 8vo. London, 1890. PP NEWSPAPER AND PERIODICAL PRESS ASSOCIATION FOR OBTAINING THE REPEAL OF THE PAPER DUTY Free trade in paper. 8vo. London, i860. 18679 NEWSPAPER AND POSTER ADVERTISING. Nos. 1-58, 1900-1. 4to. London, 1900-1. PP NEW^SPAPER MAKER. Nos. 298-344, 1900-1. 4to. New York, 1900-1. PP NEW^SPAPER OWNER, 1898, etc. 4to. London, 1898. PP NEWSPAPER PRESS. Vols. 1-6. 4to. London, 1866-72. PP 652 NEWSPAPER PRESS DIRECTORY. i8bg, etc. 8vo. London, 1869, etc. PP NEWSPAPER. The newspaper press of the present day. Svo. London, i860. 2565 NEWSPAPER PROPRIETORS' ASSOCIATION, Ltd. Memorandum and articles of association. Fol. London, igo6. 8949 NEWSPAPER PROPRIETORS' ASSOCIATION, Ltd. Annual report and financial statement, July 10, 1908. 8vo. London, 1908. 999^ NEWSPAPER PROPRIETORS' ASSOCIATION, Ltd. Terms of agreements entered into with The London Society of Compositors, The Association of Correctors of the Press, The National Society of Operative Printers' Assistants, The National Amalgamated Society of Printers' Warehousemen and Cutters. 8vo. London, 191 1. • 15443 NEWSPAPER PROPRIETORS' ASSOCIATION, Ltd. Complimentary dinner to Ernest Parke, Esq., on the occasion of his retirement from the position of Honorary Secretary of the Association. [Menu.] 4to. London, 1913. " 17852 NEWSPAPER SOCIETY. Monthly circular, Nov., 1902— June, 1903. Fol. London, 1902-3. PP NEWSPAPERDOM. Vol. 10, 1901, etc. 4to. New York, 1901, etc. PP NEWSPAPERS from the firing hne. Soldiers take up journalism as a side line. (In The War Budget, April 24, 1915, pp. 308-309.) 18885 NEWTE, T. Prospects and observations on a tour in England and Scotland. 4to. London, 1791. 21453 NEWTON, A. J. A note on dragon's blood. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 6, 1900, pp. 45-46.) PP NEWTON, A. J. Colour originals for line work. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 7, igoi, pp. 61-62.) PP NEWTON, A. J. A note on collodion emulsion for three- colour, and some half-tone problems. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 8, 1902-3, pp. 117-119.) PP NEWTON, A. J. Screen distance in half-tone, {hi Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. g, 1903-4, pp. 41-44.) PP NEWTON, A. J. Laces and similar materials in facsimile. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 9, 1903-4, pp. 87-88.) PP NEWTON, A. J. Results with the metzograph screen. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 10, 1904-5, pp. 153-155.) PP NEWTON, A. J. Scaling the spectrum. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, igo5-6, pp. 81-84.) PP NEWTON, A. J. Time-saving devices in photo-engraving. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 37-40.) PP 653 Nl^W'TON, A. J. The claims of irrcsjular grain processes. {Ill Penrose's Pictorial Annual, ]'oL 14, 1908-9, pp. 145-147.) PP NEWTON, A. J. Ihe illuininant for copying in colour repro- duction. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, pp. 105-108.) PP NEWTON, A. J. Newspaper illustration. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, I'ol. 17, 191 1-2, pp. 145-146.) PP NEWTON, A. J. Dry plates in photo-mechanical work. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, J'ol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 137-139-) PP NEWTON, A. J. and BULL, A. J. The experimental basis of the three-sensation theory of vision. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 158-159.) PP NEWTON, A. J. and BULL, A. J. Notes on the character of photo-mechanical grains. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, pp. 151-152.) PP NEWTON, A. V. Patent law and practice, including the laws relating to the copyright of literary, musical, dramatic and artistic works. 8vo. London, 1897. 142 1 NEWTON, E. A Caxton missale. {In The Pall Mall Maga- zine, April, 1897.) 7S- NIAVIS, P. Epistolae breves. 4to. Leipzig [c. 1500]. 4098 NICANDER. Nicandri Theriaca. [Gr. & Lat.] 4to. Coloniae, 1530. 6005 NICHOL, W. Lithographic printing. {In Hansard, T. C. : Treatises on printing, 1841.) 50C»3 NICHOLLS, W. See Book of Common Prayer. [NICHOLS, J.] Anecdotes of the late Mr. William Bowyer, printer. 8vo. London, 1778. 505° [NICHOLS, J.] Biographical memoirs of William Ged : in- cluding a particular account of his progress in the art of block printing. 8vo. London, 1781. 5279 NICHOLS, J. Biographical and hterary anecdotes of William Bowyer and his friends. 4to. London, 1782. 20145 NICHOLS, J. Biographical and literary anecdotes of W. Bowyer. London, 1782. [A review.] {In The British Magazine, 1782.) 22273 NICHOLS, J. Literary anecdotes of the i8th century. 9 vols. 8vo. London, 181 2-6. 5*^88 NICHOLS, J. Illustrations of the literary history of the 18th century. 8 vols. 8vo. London, 1817-58. 5690 . NICHOLS, J. Brief memoirs of John Nichols. S. sh. fol. London [c. 1820]. 2351 NICHOLS, J. The rise and progress of the Gentleman's Magazine. 8vo. London, 182 1. 21225 654 NICHOLS, J. John Nichols, Esq., F.S.A. [An obituary notice.] {In The New Monthly Magazine, Feb., 1827.) 22870 NICHOLS, J. Memoirs of John Nichols, with tributes of respect to his memory. {In his Illustrations of the Literary History of the i8th century. Vol. 8, 1858.) 2377 NICHOLS, J. See Bowyer, W. ; Chalmers, A. [NICHOLS, J. A.J Diagram type scale. 24 lines each size type : pica (12 point) to nonpareil (6 point), solid, leaded 8 to pica, 6 to pica, 4 to pica, nonpareil. Obi. 8vo. London, 1910. 14348 NICHOLS, J. B. Catalog-ue of the first portion of the library of the late J. B. Nichols. [Partly priced.] 8vo. London, 1864. 16182 NICHOLS, J. B. Memoir of the late John Bowyer Nichols. 8vo. Westminster, 1864. 22421 NICHOLS, J. B. & SON. A catalogue of books on county and local history, architecture, biography, etc. 8vo. London, 1838. 16556 (20) [NICHOLS, J. G.] Buckden Palace, Co. Huntingdon. Ex- tracted from the Gentleman's Magazine for March, 1841. 8vo. [London, 1841.] 23335 NICHOLS, J. G. Historical notices of the Worshipful Company of Stationers of London, with descriptions of their hall, pictures and plate and of their ancient seal of arms. 4to. [London], i86t. 22874 [NICHOLS, J. G.] What was a cote armure? A surcoat? And a tabard? 8vo. [London, 1863.] 23310 NICHOLS, J. G. Bibliographical and critical account of the three editions of Watson's Memoirs of the ancient Earls of \\'arren and Surrey. 8vo. London, 1871. 23278(10) NICHOLS, J. G. Memoir of the late John Gough Nichols. 8vo. London, 1874. 22448 NICHOLS, R. C. Memoir of the late John Gough Nichols, F.S.A. 4to. Westminster, 1874. 20454 NICHOLS, T. A handbook for readers at the British Museum. 8vo. London, 1866. 2962 NICHOLSON, E. W. B. See Caxton, W. ; Columbus, C. ; Rome. NICHOLSON, F. C. See Edinburgh : University Library. NICHOLSON, J. The operative mechanic, and British machinist. [Printing presses: paper-making.] 8vo. London, 1825. 15896 NICHOLSON, J. B. A manual of the art of bookbinding. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1856. 343 NICHOLSON, T. Instructions for the manipulation of the Nicholson stereotype apparatus. i6mo. London, 1872. 4186 655 NICHOLSON, T. Instructions for the manipulation of the Nicholson stereotyping apparatus. 2nd edition. i2ino. London, 1874. ^ 4i»7 NICHOLSON, W. Specification. Printing machine. 1790 No. 1748. 8vo. London, 1856. 20559(1) NICKKRSON BROS. Bookbinders' leathers. Obi. i2mo. London [1914]. 18262 NICOL, G. &. \V. The preface to a catalogue of the library of the late John, Duke of Roxburghe. 8vo. London, 1807. 11007 NICOLAS, Sir N. H. Observations on the state of historical literature. 8vo. London, 1830. 11016 NICOLAS, Sir N. H. Animadversions on the library and catalogues of the British Museum. 8vo. London* 1846. 11034 NICOLSON, A. Memoirs of Adam Black. 2nd edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1885. 4454 NICOLSON, W. The English, Scotch, and Irish historical libraries. 3rd edition. Fol. London, 1736. 5884 NIEDLING, A. Biicher Ornamentik in Miniaturen, Initialen Alphabeten u.s.w. in historischer Darstellung das 9. bis 18. Jahr- hundert umfassend. 2te. Auflage. Fol. Weimar, 1895. 14170 NIEL, R. L. Satztechnisches Taschen-Lexikon. i2mo. Wien, 1909. 14879 NIEPCE DE ST. VICTOR. On heliographic engraving on steel plates, {hi Journal of the Photographic Society, Vol. i, 1853. PP- 106-108.) 15172 NIEPCE DE ST. VICTOR. Memoir on heliographic engraving upon steel and glass. {In Journal of the Photographic Society, Vol. 2, 1854, pp. 43-46.) 15172 NIEPCE DE ST. VICTOR. Heliographic engraving obtained directly in the camera. {In Journal of the Photographic Society, Vol. 2, 1855, pp. 238-239.) 15172 NIERAT, J., pere. Petit manuel de composition. 2e. Edition. i6mo. Annecy, 1886. 23128 NIERSTRASZ, J. L. Eeuw^zang bij het vierde eeuvvgetijde van de uitvinding der boekdrukkunst. 8vo. [Leyden, c. 1823.] 21582 NIES &■ BALTP2R. Preis-Courant der mechanischen Werkstatte von Nies und Bauer, Schriftschneider und Schriftgiesser in Frankfurt a.M. {In Journal fiir Buchdruckerkunst, 1835, No. 10. Supplement.) PP NIES NACHFOLGER. Schriftproben. Fol. Frankfurt [c. 1886]. 9894 NIESERT, J. Beitrage zur Buchdruckergeschichte Miinsters. (Fortgesezte Beitrage.) 2 pts. 8vo. Coesfeld, 1828-34. 4028 656 NIEUWE. l)e nieuwe corrector. 8vo. Rotterdam [c. 1810J. 21345 XIEWENGLOWSKI, G. H. and ERNAULT, A. La photo- graphic directe des couleurs par le precede de G. Lippmann. 8vo. Paris, 1895. 344 XIJHOFF, M. [A collection of his catalogues of second-hand books.] 8vo. La Have, 1871-5. 8523 XIJHOFF, M. General catalogue (Xo. 293). 8vo. The Hague, 1899. 8007 XIJHOFF, M. Bibliotheca historico-Neerlandica. Histoire des Pays-Bas. Catalogue systematique de livres anciens et modernes. Svo. La Have, 1899. io559 NIJHOFF, W. Bibliographic de la typographic neerlandaise des annees 1500 a 1540. Ouvrage faisant suite aux Annales de M. Campbell. Pts. 1-20. 8vo. La Haye, 1901-12. 3689 XIJHOFF, W. L'art typographique dans les Pays-Bas (1500- 40) : reproduction en fac-simile des caracteres typographiqucs, des marques d'imprimeurs, des gravures sur bois et autres orna- ments employes dans les Pays-Bas entre les annees 1500-40. Fol. La Haye, 1902, etc. 2814 XIKOLSBURG : Fideicommiss-Bibliothek des Fiirsten-Diet- richstein. Die Incunabeln in der Bibliothek. Zusammeneestellt von R. Pindter. Svo. Brimn, 1905. 12204 X'ISARD, C. Histoire des livres populaires ou de la litterature du colportage depuis le i5e. si^cle jusqu'a 1852. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1854. 3799 NISBET, H. Illustrative art : past and present. {In The Gentleman's Magazine, Vol. 272, March, 1892, pp. 258-272.) 6784 XISBIT, T. More about the woodcut. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, p. 256.) PP XISTER, E. Xew patent process for mechanically producing chromographs in three or more printings, {hi Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 3, 1897, pp. 105-107.) PP XISTRI, G. See Giannini, C. XIXDORF, C. J. Der Buchdrucker-Lehrling. Ein praktisches Hulfsbiichlein fiir Buchdrucker- (Maschinen-) Lehrlinge. [Koepper's Handwerkenbibliothek. Bd. 8.] i2mo. Leipzig, 1906. 7280 NIXDORF, C. J. Der Schriftsetzer-Lehrling. Ein praktisches Hiilfsbiichlein fiir den Setzerlehrling vom Tage des Eintritts in die Lehre bis zur Gehiilfenpriifung. [Koepper's Handwerker- bibliothek. Bd. 5.] i6mo. Leipzig, 1906. 7196 NO Protestant plot. 3 pts. 4to. London, 1682. 23462 NOAILLE, J. B. Discours sur le rapport relatif a la repression des delits de la press. 8vo. [Paris, 1797.] 23352 657 42 NOBLE, F. Tlic principles and practice of colour printing stated and explained. S\-o. London, i88t. 3035 NOBLE, F. Difficulties in machine printing-, and how to over- come them. 8vo. London, 1883. 2857 NOBLE, J. Miscellanea Invernessiana, with a bibliography of Inverness newspapers and periodicals. Edited by J. Whyte. With appendix by W. Mackay. 8vo. Stirling, 1902. 8022 NOBLE, J. Bibliography of Inverness newspapers and periodicals. Edited, with notes, by J. Whyte. With appendix by W. Mackay. 8vo. Stirling, 1903. 3608 [NOBLE, T. C] A Caxton memorial : extracts from the churchwarden's accounts of the Parish of St. Margaret, West- minster, illustrating the life and times of William Caxton, the first English printer, 1478-92. i2mo. [London, 1880.] 23027 NOBLE, T. C. Biographical notices of Thomas Wood, D.D.. sometime Bishop of Lichfield. 8vo. London, 1882. 23159 NOBLE, W. M. The future of three-colour printing. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. t6, 1910-1, pp. 92-94.) PP NOBLE, W. M. Economy in colour-proofing. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 191 1-2, pp. 37-40.) PP NOBLET, C. A. H. J. Delalain, 1810-77. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 16294 NODAL, J. H. Special collections of books in Lancashire and Cheshire. 8vo. Manchester, 1880. 11014 NOEL, L. The unclean printer. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 27, 1901, pp. 503-506.) PP NOLHAC, P. de. Le Canzoni^re autographe de Petrarque. 8vo. Paris, 1886. 7647 NOLHAC, P. de. Erasme en Italic. Etude sur un episode de la Renaissance. 8vo. Paris, 1888. 20924 NOORDZIEK, J. J. F. Oproeping aan Nederland om de eer des vaderlands te handhaven. 8vo. ['s Gravenhage, 1847.] 22522 NOORDZIEK, J. J. F. Het geschilstuk betrekkelijk de uitvinding der boekdrukkunst. 8vo. Haarlem, 1848. 22520 NOORDZIEK, J. J. F. Gedenkboek der Costers-feesten van 15-17 Julij, 1856. 8vo. Haarlem, 1858. 20870 NOORDZIEK, J. J. F. See Vries, A. de. NOOTEN, N. F. v. Rechtsvragen ten opzichte van den aanslag van boekdrukkers, die letterkundige werken drukken en uitgeven in het recht van patent. 8vo. Leiden, 1879. ^77^3 NONPAREIL. The nonpareil; or, the quintessence of wit and humour. 8vo. [London, 1757.] 21242 NORDEN, J. The surveiors dialogue. 4to. London, 1610. 5782 658 NORDEN, J. Die Anfange des Buchdrucks in Russland. {In Zeitschrift fiir Bucherfreunde, Vol. 3, 1899, pp. 344-347.) PP NORDIX, J. G. Handbok i boktryckarekonsten. 8vo. Stock- holm, 1881. 209^4 NORDIN, J. G. See Klemming, G. E. and Nordin, J. G. NORDISK BOKTRYCKAREKONST. Vol. 2, 1901, etc. 4to. Stockholm, 1901, etc. PP NORFOLK NEWS CO. Round a newspaper office : the new- quarters of the Eastern Daily Press. Obi. 12 mo. Norwich [190^]- ' 2804 NORGATE, F. Caxloniana. (In The Library, Vol. i, 1889, pp. 264, 296.) ' PP NORMAL-Lohntarif fiir die Buchdruckerei- und Schrift- g-iessereig-ehilften der osterr. Kronlander, das sind alle qualifi- cirten Arbeitcr dieser Branchen. 8vo. Wien, 1896. 137 NORMAN, J. H. John Henry Norman, Esq. Reprinted (by permission) from the Bankers' Magazine, Feb., 1890. 8vo. London, 1890. 23224 NORONHA, T. de. Ordena^oes do Reino. [A description and bibliography of the editions.] 4to. Porto, 1873. 20992 NORONHA, T. de. .\ imprensa Portugueza durante o seculo 16. 4to. Porto, 1874. 22823 NORRIS, H. E. Saint Ives [Hunts.] and the printing press. i2mo. St. Ives, 1889. 2203 NORRIS, H. E. Notes on St. Neot's printers. i2mo. St. Neots, 1901. 2161 NOP.RIS, H. E. The booksellers and printers of Cirencester. 8vo. Cirencester, 1912. 16324 NORRIS, J. A collection of miscellanies. 8vo. Oxford, 1687. 9698 NORRIS, J. The theory and regulation of love. A moral essay. 8vo. Oxford, 1688. ^7959 NORSK BOKBINDERFORBUND. Beretning om Forbundets virksomhet i tidsrummet i. Juli, 191 1, til 30. Juni, 1914. Protokol over Forhandlingerne ved det 6. landsmote i Kristiania 27-31 Juli, 1914. 8vo. Kristiania, 1914. 18498 NORSK BOKBINDER TIDENDE. Vol. 14, 1910, etc. Fol. Kristiania, 1910, etc. PP NORSK LITHOGRAFIA. Vols. 3-7, 1902-6. 4to. Christi- ania, 1902-6. PP NORSTEDT, P. A. & SONER. [A chart showing the origin of this firm and its predecessors in the business.] S. sh. fol. [Stockholm, c. 1873.] 21025 659 NORTH, S. N. U. History and present condition of the newspaper and periodical press of the United States, with a catalog-uc of the pubHcations of the census year (1880). 4to. Washington, 1884. . 16901 XORTH-WESTERN. No. 41, June, 1886. 8vo. Milwaukee, 1886. PF NORTHAMPTON INSTITUTE. Announcements, educational and social, 1899-1900, etc. 8vo. London, 1899, etc. 8892 NORTHAMPTON MERCURY. 1720-1901. History of the Northampton Mercury. 8vo. Northampton, 1901. 1958 NORTHERN NEWSAGENT. See Great Northern News- agent. NORTHERN PRESS & ENGINEERING CO., Ltd. Cata- logue. Annand's patent web printing- and folding- machines, stereotyping- plant, etc. 4to. South Shields [1910]. 18324 NORTON, B. On making- screen neg-atives direct from coloured posters, {hi Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 6, 1900, PP- 33-35-) PP NORTON, B. Direct three-colour screen neg-ativcs with Eos emulsion. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 7, igoi,p. 104.) PP NORTON, B. The ideal screen negative. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 8, 1902-3, pp. 134-136.) PP NORTON, B. Large wet collodion screen negatives. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Eo/. 10, 1904-5, pp. 25-28.) PP NORTON, B. A high light process, (/n Penrose's Pictorial Annual, I'ol. 11, 1905-6, pp. 149-151.) PP NORTON, B. Stripping versus prism. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, ]'ol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 33-34.) PP NORTON, B. Practical pointers in wet collodion operating. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 140-142.) PP NORTON, B. A method of combining type titles on half-tone blocks. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, J'ol. 16, 1910-1, pp. 101-102.) PP NORTON, B. Enlarged screen negatives for posters. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 191 2-3, fp. 161-163.) PP NORTON, B. T. and FEASEY, G. T. Newspaper accounts : being a practical treatise on the books and accounts in use in large and small newspaper offices. 8vo. London, 1895. 8560 NORTON, C. E. The new humanistic type. {In The Printing Art, Vol. 6, 1906, pp. 273-283.) PP NORTON, G. Commentaries on the history, constitution and chartered franchises of the City of London. 3rd edition. 8vo. London, 1869. 21754 NORTON &: GREGORY, Ltd. Velography. 3rd edition. i2mo. London, 1907. 8835 660 NORWICH : Public Library. Catalogus librorum in Biblio- theca Norvicensi. A catalogue of the books in the library of the City of Norwich in the year 1S83. By F. Kitton. 8vo. Norwich, 1883. ^ 15376 NORWICH : Public Library.. A catalogue of the topographical and antiquarian portions of the library. By W. Rye. 8vo. Norwich, 1908. 15474 NORWICH : Public Library. Guide to the study of Norwich : a select bibliography of the principal books, pamphlets and articles on Norwich in the Library. By G. A. Stephen. 8vo. Norwich, 1914. 18699 NOTE pour une imprimeric composee de quatre presses et d'une mecanique. 8vo. [Paris, c. i860.] 9991 NOTES, hints and wrinkles. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 3, 1897, pp. 124-127.) PP NOTES of a bookworm ; or, selections from the portfolio of a literary gentleman. i6mo. London, 1828. 73^7 NOTES on the early history of engraving. I — Wood-en- graving, (/n Nature and Art, Vol. 2, 1867, pp. 173-176.) 15412 NOTES relatives a Part dc I'imprimerie [in Malines]. (hi Cercle Archeologique de Malines, 1897.) 9755 NOTES FOR BUYERS. Vol. 6, 1902, etc. 8vo. London, 1902, etc. PP NOTES AND QUERIES. Series i, Vols, i and 4. 4to. London, 1849-51. 20319 NOTES AND QUERIES. General index to Series i. 4to. London, 1856. 6327 NOTICE sur une curiosite typographlque. 8vo. [Brussels, c. 181 9. J 18782 {4) NOTICES sur les graveurs. 2 vols. 8vo. Besancon, 1807-8. 8745 NOTICIAS GRAFICAS. Vols. 4-7, 1906-10. 4to. Santiago, 1906-10. PP NOTT, G. F. An account of the opening of Bishop Fox's tomb in Winchester Cathedral, Jan. 28, 1S20. [Lithographed.] 4to. Oxford, 1820. 6623 [NOTTING, W.] Specimens of ornamental brass rules. New series. 8vo. [? London, c. 1880.] 2698 NOTT, J. F. A plea for photogravure. (hi Photographic Quarterly, Vol. i, 1889-90, pp. 27-34.) ^77°^ NOTTING, \V. Price list of printing materials, including presses, plain and ornamental brass rule, etc. 8vo. London fc. 1885]. 2192 NOTTING, W. Specimens of brass rules, plain and orna- juental. 8vo. London [c. 1890]. 3083 661 NOTTlXCiHAINI : Public Libraries. List of books in the reference library. No. 14. Notting-hanishire collection. 8vo. Nottingham, 1890. 3272 NOTTINGHAM : Public Libraries. Class list of science. Svo. Nottingham, 1895. • 8078 NOITINGHAM: Public Libraries. Class list of the arts: fine, recreative and useful. 8vo. Notting-ham, 1897. 8076 NOTTINGHAM : University College. Syllabus and questions used in connection with the typographical class. 1886-7 (1887-8). 2 pts. Svo. Nottingham, 1887-8. 2954 NOTTINGHAM : University College . Book list No. 2. Books about printing- in the central reference and lending- libraries. Svo. Notting-ham, 1906. 8000 NOTTINGHAM : University College. Prospectus for the 26th session, 1906-7. Svo. Nottingham, 1906. 9^39 NOTTINGHAM : University College. Calendar for the 28th session, 1908-9. Svo. Nottingham, 1908. i0597 NOTTINGHAM : University College, Public Libraries and Natural History Museum. Annual report, 1893-4. Svo. Notting- ham, 1894. 8981 NOVELLO, J. A. Some account of the methods of musick printing, with specimens of the various sizes of moveable types. 4to. London, 1847. 20551 (3) NOVELLO, EWER & CO. A short history of cheap music as exemplified in the records of the house of Novello, Ewer and Co. With a preface by Sir G. Grove. Svo. London, 1887. 2428 NOVELLO, EWER & CO. Employes' 50th annual dinner, Sat., July 3, 1S97. Svo. [London, 1S97.] 85S NOVELLO & CO. 51st employes' annual dinner, July 2, 1S98. Obl. Svo. [London, 189S.] ' 1082 NOVEMBER snap shots : how I developed them, {hi Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 10, 1904-5, p. 24.) PP NOWNS, T. The growth of a great free library. [Frankfort.] [In The Monthly Packet, Sept., 1898.) 1608 NOYEvS, A. William Morris. [English men of letters.] Svo. London, 1908. io345 NLICHTER, F. xAlbrecht Diirer : his life and a selection of his works with explanatory comments on the various plates, contains 53 plates and one coloured print. Fol. 191 1. 18723 NUERNBERGER. The Nuernberger-Rettig typecasting machine. (7?z Inland Printer, To/. 39, 1907, pp. 418-420.) PP NUGAE venales. i6mo. 1644. 579^^ NUMEISTER, J. See Desbarreaux-Bernard, T. NUMISMATIC SOCIETY OF LONDON. Rules. Svo. London, 1S62. 23278 (9) 662 NUMRICH, A. & CO. Proben-sanimlung-. Fol. Leipzig [c. igoo]. 16622 NUMRICH, A. &■ CO. Latest novelties of original vignettes, ornaments, etc. 4to. Leipzig' [c. igoo]. 255g NUINIRICH, A. X.- CO. Romana artistica. 4to. Leipzig [c. igoo]. 2560 NUMRICH, A. tl- CO. Leipziger Fraktur. 8vo. Leipzig [c. igo6]. 16223 NUMRICH, A. & CO. Bauern-Schrift. 4to. Leipzig [igo6]. 16224 NUMRICH, A. & CO. Leipziger Fraktur. 4to. Leipzig [c. igio]. 16225 NUMRICH, A. & CO. Neuheiten. 4to. Niirnberg, igi i. 16213 NUMRICH, A. & CO. Kritiken iiber die Bauernschrift. Gezeichnet von M. Frolich. 4to. Leipzig [igi3]. i78gg NUNIlZ do LIAO, D. Primeira parte das Chronicas dos Reis de Portugal. Fol. Lisboa, 1600. 10147 NUOVI appunti sulla stampa in Recanati. (In II Bibliofilo, ]'ol. 3, 1882, pp. 125-129.) PP NUOVO ANNUARIO BELLA STAMPA PERIODICA D'lTALIA. igo5. 4to. Milano, igo5. PP NUREMBERG. Austellung von Arbeitcn der vervielfaltigenden Kiinste im Bayrischen Gewerbemuseum, 1877. [Catalogue.] 4to. Niirnberg, 1877. 20882 NL'RSEY, P. F. Printing machinery. {In Morning Post. Great Britain.) 4to. igoi. 2683 NUSSEY, S. L. Ye Caxton votarie. [Printed at Potternewton Hall, near Leeds, on paper manufactured in the Caxton Exhibition, 1877.] 4to. [1877.] 22806 NUTT, D. A catalogue of theological books in foreign languages. 8vo. London, 1857. 16807 NUTT, D. London publishers. Mr. David Nutt. {In The Bookman, Vol. 3, Jan., iSg3, p. 121.) 6806 N[UYTS], C. T. Essai sur I'imprimerie des Nutius. 2e. edition. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1858. 11220 NYCHOLSON, J. See Pollard, A. W. NYENHUIS, J. T. B. Dissertatio historico-juridica, De juribus typographorum et bibliopolarum in regno Belgica. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 181 g. 21657 NYENHUIS, J. T. B. Liste alphabetique d'une petite col- lection de portraits d'imprimeurs, de libraires, de fondeurs de caracteres, et correcteurs d'epreuves. Pts. 1-6. 4to. [Leyden, 1836-61.] 20550 663 o O: J. D. Some French bibliographers. 8vo. London, 1881. 20381 OATES, T. A true narrative of the plot. 4to. Edinburgh, 1679. -3468 OATES, T. The discovery of the popish plot. 4to. London, 1679. 23467 OBACH & CO. Portraits by French engravers. Catalogue of an exhibition held Nov. -Dec. , 1909. S\o. London, 1909. 11713 OBx\CH & CO. Exhibition of original etchings, engravings and wood-cuts by old masters. Catalogue. 8vo. London, igio. 13748 OBERLANDER, A. See Esswein, H. OBERLIN, J. J. Essai d'annales de la vie de J. Gutenberg, inventeur de la typographic. 8vo. Strasburg, 1801. 22428 OBERLIN, J. J. Essai d'annales de la vie de Jean Gutenberg, inventeur de la typographic. Strasbourg, chez Levrault, im- primeur-libraire. An IX de la Republique (1801). Reimprime. Svo. Strasbourg, 1840. 20917 OBERNETTER, J. B. See Aldegrever, H. OBJECTS in art manufacture. No. 1. Paper. i2mo. [? London, c. 1853.] 23049 OBRERO GRAFICO. Anno 2, 1909, etc. Fol. Madrid, 1909, etc. PP OBRERO GRAFICO. 4to. Buenos Aires, 1907, etc. PP O'BRIEN, M. B. A manual for authors, printers and pub- lishers. 8vo. London, 1890. 1382 O'BRIEN, P. A practical grammar of the Irish language. 8vo. Dublin, 1809. 5043 OBSERVATIONS et details sur la collection des Grands et des Petits Voyages. 4to. [Paris], 1742. 22248 OBSERVATIONS sur le discours prononce par le Ministre dc rinterieur en faveur du projet de loi sur la liberte de la presse. 8vo. [Paris, 1814.] 23402 OBSERVATIONS sur I'histoire naturelle, sur la physique et sur la peinture. Avcc des planches imprimees en couleur, Ann. 1752, Tome premier, I. partie. 4to. Paris, 1752. 17529 664 OBSERVATIONS sur les lois repressives que Ton peut opposer a la liberte de la presse. 8vo. Paris, 1814. -33^0 OBSERVATIONS sur quelques endroits des Annales typo- g-raphiques de M. Maittaire. {In Histoire de I'Acad. Roy. des Inscrip. et Belles Lett., Tow. 14, 1778, pp. 227-237.) 10650(1) O'C : E. A g^rammar of the Gaelic lang-uage. 8vo. Dublin, 1 808. 5360 OCEAN. An ocean daily newspaper. News by Marconigram in Mid-Atlantic. {In The Car Magazine, July, 1904.) 4269 O'CONNOR, T. P. How to become a journalist. {In The Royal Magazine, Jan., 1902.) -51- O'CONNOR, T. P. Sec ^^■eek!y Sun. O 'CONOR, J. E. X. Eacts about bookworms : their history in literature and work in libraries. 8vo. London, 1898. 3666 O 'CURRY, E. Lectures on the manuscript materials of ancient Irish history. 8vo. Dublin, 1878. 5662 O'DALY, J. The poets and poetry of Munster. i2mo. Dublin, 1849- 5^37 ODE to the Creator of the world. Fol. London, 17 13. 5760 (2) O'DONOGHUE, D. J. The poets of Ireland : a biographical dictionary with bibliographical particulars. 3 pfs. 8vo. London, 1892-3. ' 8081 0'DONOVAN,J. The book of rights. 8vo. Dublin, 1847. 5198 O'DONOVAN, J. See Celtic Society; O'Reilly, E. O'DUGAN, J. The kings of the race of Eibhear. 8vo. Dublin, 1847. 6187(2) OECONOMIST. The Occonomist ; or. Englishman's Maga- zine. Vol. I. Nos. 1-12. 8vo. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1798. 15519 OECUMENIUS. Expositiones antiquae. Gr. 2 vols. Fol. Veronae, 1532. 18765 OFFICE OUTFITTER. I'ols. 6-8, 1910-1. 4to. Chicago, 1910-1. PP OFFICE. Petit Office de la Tres-Sainte Vierge. [Arabic. | i2mo. Mossoul, 1864. 15-29 OFFICIUM B. Maria Virg. i6mo. Antverpie, 1552. 21167 OFFOR, G. Catalogue of the library of G. O., which will be sold, etc. 8vo. London, 1865. S740 OFFOR, G. See Bible : N.T. English. OFFSET lithography. (7(f Penrose's Pictorial Annual, ]'ul. 16, 1910-1, pp. 191-192.) PP OFFSET printing. (/;/ Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, p. 77.) I>P 665 OFFSET reversing- apparatus, {hi Penrose's Pictorial Annual, ]'oL i6, 1910-1, pp. 15-16.) PP O'FLAHERTY, R. Ogygia : seu, Rerum Hibernicaruni chronologia. 4to. Londini, 1685. 5057 OCtILBV, J. The relation of His Majestie's entertainment passing- through the City of London to his coronation. Fol. London, 1661. 20314 OGLF, H. W. The Otley printing- machine trade. The early history of printing- machine manufacture. Messrs. W. Dawson and Sons (Otley), Ltd. [With MS. notes and additional illus- trations.] Obi. 8vo. London [c. 1906.] 16931 OGLE, J. J. The free library : its history and present con- dition. 8vo. London, 1897. 6551 OGLE, DUNCAN & CO. A catalog-ue of books on the history, antiquities and literature of Scotland and Ireland, etc. 8vo. London, 1822. . 16556(21) O'HALLORAN, S. An introduction to the study of the history and antiquities of Ireland. 4to. Dublin, 1772. S/Oi OHIO LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Program. Sixteenth annual session. i2nio. Columbus, 1910. 14130 O'HL'SSEY, B. An Teagasg- Criosdaidhe, etc. 2da. aeditio. 8vo. Romae, 1707. 5361 (i) OLCOTT, C. S. Selling- by subscription. (hi Hitchcock, F. H. : The building- of a book, 1906, pp. 339-349.) 8824 OLD England : a pictorial museum of popular antiquities. 2 vols. Fol. London, 1845. 3749 OLD jest-books. (In Strand Magazine, March, 1898, pp. 295-304-) 13638 OLD LONDON SOCIETY OF COMPOSITORS. Rules of the O.L. S.C. held at the Black Bull tavern, Holborn. Established Sept., 1816. 32n-io. London, 1885. 3549 OLD ne-wspapers and old news. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 33. 1894, p. 115— p. 287.) PP OLD satires on booksellers and printers. {In The Biblio- grapher, Vol. 3, 1883, pp. 31-33.) PP OLD style and modern types. (//? The Printing Art, Vol. 3, 1904, />. 5-) _ ^ _ PP OLD style antique tvpe. (/// The Printing Art, Vol. 3, 1904, p. 181.) ' ' PP OLDCASTLE, J. Journals and journalism : with a guide for literary beginners. i2mo. London, 1880. 20327 OLDE. Ye olde Englishe fayre. 4to. London, 1881. 22773 OLDENBOURG, F. Die Endter : eine Nurnberger Buch- handlerfamilie (1590- 1740). Monographische Studie. 8vo. Miin- chen, 1911. 16103 666 OLDFIELD, A. A practical manual of typography. Svo. London [c. 1890]. 599 OLDFIELD, A. A practical manual of typography. 2nd edition. Svo. London, 1S9S. 3001 OLDFIELD, A. A collection of testimonies to the ability of A. O. Obi. Svo. [c. 1900.] 4582 OLDFIELD, A. Practical manual of typography and reference book for printers. Specially prepared as a text-book for technical classes in typography. A list of technical questions is appended. 3rd edition. Svo. London [1906J. 8689 OLDMIXON, J. Memoirs of the press, historical and political, from 1 710 to 1740. Svo. London, 1742. 23441 OLDMIXON, J. Gleaning-s from Piccadilly to Pera. Svo. London, 1854. 16150 OLIPHANT, M. O. W. Annals of a publishing- house. William Blackwood and his sons : their mag^azine and friends. 2nd edition. Vols. 1-2. {J'ol. 3, John Blackwood. By Mrs. G. Porter.) 3 vols. Svo. Edinburg-h, 1897-S. 36S3 OLIVE, L. Specimen. Svo. Marseille [c. 1890]. 1714- OLI\''IER, T. Sur I'avenir de la litterature et de la librairie dans les Pays-Bas. Svo. Tournay, 1851. 17647 OLLETT, G. \\\ Modern map-making-. (In The Mag"azinc of Commerce, Jan., 190S.) 11781 OLLIERE, M. & CIE. Extrait du specimen des caract^res. Svo. Paris [c. igoij. ^7^33 OLMEDILLA Y PUIG, J. Noticias y datos acerca de la historia del papel. Svo. Madrid, 1891. 11674 OLMER, G. Du papier mecanique et de ses apprets dans les diverses impressions. Svo. Paris, 1882. 20920 OLSCHKI, L. S. Catalog-ue L. Riche et precieuse collection de livres a figures des i5e. et i6e. si^cles. Svo. Florence, 1900. 6507 OLSCHKI, L. S. A proposito d'un documento per la storia della tipog-rafia napoletana nel sec. 15. (In La Bibliofilia, Vol. 3, 1901-2, pp. 68-73.) ^ PP OLSCHKI, L. S. Monumenta typographica. Catalogus 53. (57.) Primordii artis typographicae complectens editiones quae apud equitem L. S. O. exstant. 2 pfs. Svo. Florentiae, 1903-4. 6505 OLSCHKI, L. S. See Leipzig : Internationale Ausstellung fiir Buchgewerbe und Graphik. OLTHOFF, F. De Boekdrukkers, boekverkoopers en uitgevers in Antwerpen sedert de uit\ inding dcr boekdrukkunst tot op onze dagen. 4to. Antwerpen, 1891. 55^8 OMONT, H. Specimens de caracteres Hebreux, Grecs, Latins et de musique graves a Venise et a Paris par Guillaume Le Be (1545-92). Svo. Paris, 1889. 13688 667 O.MOXT, H. Catalogue dcs livrcs threes ct latins imprimc-s par Aide Manuce a \'enise 1498-1513. I"\)l. Paris, 1892. 6316 OMONT, H. Adrien Turn^be, et les grecs du roi en 1556. (In Bulletin de la Societe de rilistoire de Paris, 1903,/?/?. i.s7-i5^-) 18654 OMONT, H. Les caractt?res syriaques et coptes de I'Imprimerie Nationale. {In Bulletin de la Societe de I'Histoire de Paris, 1903, pp. 163-164.) 18648 OMPH ALIUS, J. De elocutionis imitatione ac apparatu liber unus, eiusdem Epistolae scriptae ad familiares. 8vo. Col. Ag-ripp, 1602. 4638 ON education. 2nd impression. i6mo. Oxon, 1673. 5436 O'NEILL, J. Ferrotype and otber printing processes. 3rd edition. Svo. Roorkee, 1903. 411 3 ONELY, R. The charge of Cyrus the great. 4to. London, ^7S^- ' ^ 5774(8) ONGANIA, F. L'Arte della stampa nel rinascimento Italiano X'enezia. [With a preface by F. Ongania and an introduction by C. Castellani.] 2 pis. Fol. Vcnezia, 1894. 705 ONGANIA, F. Early Venetian printing illustrated. [With a preface by F. Ongania and an introduction by C. Castellani.] Fol. Venice, 1895. 188 ONOSANDER. Onosandri strategicus. {Gr. & Lat.) 4to. Lutetia Parisiorum, 1599. 6297 ONS DOEL. Hcrinnering aan het vier-honderd-vijftig-jarig bestaan der boekdrukkunst. Gevierd door de Boekverkoopers- Vereeniging Ons Doel, te Amsterdam op \\^oensdag, 23 Julij, 1873. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1873. ^77 -O ONS VAKBLAD. Vol. 2, 1910, etc. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1910, etc. PP OOMKENS, J. Proef van letteren, bloemen, enz. der boek- drukkery. 8vo. Groningen, 1807. -0257 OOMKENS, J. Bouwstoffen tot eene geschiedenis van de boekdrukkunst en den boekhandel in de stad en provincie Groningen. Tweededruk. 8vo. Groningen, 1864. 11796 OPEN. The open mouth of Balaams asse. 4to. [? London], 1642. 22705 OPERATIVE JEWISH CONVERTS' INSTITUTION. The specimen book of printing types used at the Institution. Svo. London, 1850. 15447 OPERATIVE PRINTERS' ASSISTANTS' SOCIETY. ^ See National Society of Operative Printers' Assistants. OPORINUS, J. See Jocish, A. ORANGE FREE STATE TYPOGRAPMICAL SOCIETY. General rules. i2mo. Bloemfontein, 1S98. ^7357 668 ORCET, G. d'. Un imprimeur du i6e. siecle. La jNIusee Plantin-Moretus a Anvers. {In Revue Britannique, 1887, Aug., PP- ^93-319-) 9729 ORDEN, G. V. Bijdrag"en tot de penningkunde van het koning^rijk der Nederlanden. 8vo. Zaandam, 1830. 20889 ORDINARIO overo ceremoniale delle Monache Scalze dell' Ordine della Beatissima \'erg^ine Maria del Monte Carmclo. 1 2 mo. Rome, 1693. i47°5 O'REID, J. C. [pseud. ? Conder]. Reviewers reviewed, in- cluding- an enquiry into the moral and intellectual effects of habits of criticism. 8vo. Oxford, 1811. 17189 O'REILLY, E. An Irish-Eng-lish dictionary. (Supplement by J. O'Donovan. 2 vols. 410. Dublin, 1817-64. 5702 O'REILI^Y, E. A chronolog-ical account of Irish writers to the year 1750. 4to. Dublin, 1820. 5395 ORELLI, J. C. See Zurich. ORIGIN of lithog-raphy. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., J'ol. 41, Aug:. 26, 1897, p. 123.) PP ORIGIN of printing-. [A broadside containing- a paragraph headed thus, surrounded with very elaborate typog-raphical orna- ment.] S. sh. Cambridg-e, 1787. 706(10) ORIGIN of printing-. {In Harper's Magazine, Oct., 1868, pp. 637-641.) i9<^9 ORIGINAL SOCIETY OF PAPERMAKERS. Annual state- ment of the receipts and expenditure, 1897, etc. 8vo. Maidstone, 1897, etc. 17995 ORLANDI, P. A. Origine e progress! della stampa sino all' anno MD. 410. [Bologna, 1722. J . SS^S ORLEANS. L'universite et la typographic. Exposition organisee par la Societe Arch, et Hist, de I'Orleans. 8vo. Orleans, 1885. 21984 ORLEANS, C. d', Abbe de Rothelin. Catalogue des livres de feu M. I'Abbe d'Orleans de Rothelin. Par G. Martin. 8vo. Paris, 1746. 1 192 1 ORLOFF, ( ). See London Development Syndicate. ORME, E. An essay on transparent prints, and on trans- parencies in general. Fol. London, 1807. 8757 ORME, W. Bibliotheca Biblica : a select list of books on sacred literature. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1824. 539^> ORMSBY, W. L. A description of the present system of bank note engraving, to which is added a new method to prevent forgery. 4to. New York, 1852. 21804 ORNAMENTAL alphabets : containing alphabets of the 12th century, Church text, German text, etc. Obi. 4to. London [c. T850]. 1 542 1 669 OROSIUS. The Anglo-Saxon version from Orosius by Aelfred ihc Great. 8vo. London, 1773. 5312 ORPHAN WORKING SCHOOL. Orphanhood. Free will offerings to the fatherless. 4to. London [c. 1850]. 9617 ORPHEUS. The book of the Orphic Hymns. Printed in uncial [Greek] letters as a typographical experiment [ ? for Thomas Taylor, the Platonist]. Svo. Kentish Town, 1827. 3994 ORR, W. S. cS: CO. Illustrated and other books. [Catalogue.] i2mo. London [1851]. 7^93 ORSONI, P. L'Aquatypc. Machine coloriant mecaniquement k I'aquarelle. Obi. Svo. Paris [c. 1912]. 192 11 ORTEN-BOVING, J. Some short notes on the production of mechanical wood pulp. 4to. London, 191 1. 15383 ORTLEPP, E. Gedicht zum Gutenbergsfeste. Svo. Leipzig, 1840. 21632 ORY, E. Une restitution bibliographique pour servir a I'histoire de I'imprimerie Mussipontaine. Svo. Pont-a-Mousson, 1878. 22SS4 O'RYAN, J. E. Bibliografia de la imprenta en Guatemala en los siglos 17 y 18. Svo. Santiago de Chile, 1897. 33-3 OSBORN, F. A miscellany. i6mo. London, 1659. 5437 OSBORN, M. Edmund Edel und seine plakate. (7?z Deutsche Kunst und Dekoration, May, 1901.) -38S OSBORNE, H. The creditor in art. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, I'oZ. 8, 1902-3, pp. 36-37.) PP OSBORNE, J. H. See Smith, T. and Osborne, J. H. OSBORNE, T. Books just published by T. O. Svo. London [c. 1720]. 17198 OSBORNE, T. A catalogue of a large and curious collection of books in all languages. Svo. London [c. 1735]. 14^37 (4) OSBORNE, T. A catalogue of a choice and valuable col- lection of books. Svo. London 1736]. 14637 (i) OSBORNE, T. A catalogue of several valuable libraries ol books and manuscripts. Svo. London, 1738. 14637 {3) OSBORNE, T. The second volume of a catalogue of a further part of the stock. Svo. London, 1765. 14638 (i) OSBORNE, T. A catalogue of the further part of the stock. Svo. London, 1766. 1463S (2) OSBORNE, T. & SHIPTON, J. Catalogue of the libraries of Rev. Dr. T. Gale ; Roger Gale, Esq. ; Mr. Henry Wotton ; Dr. Francis Dickens ; Counsellor Stukely of the Temple ; Coun- sellor Owen of Lincoln's Inn; Mr. Reynell, and several others. 3 vols. Svo. London [1756]. 14639 670 OSIANDER, L. L. Osiandri Antisturmius alter. 4to. Tubingae, 1580. 6040 (10) OSMONT, J. B. L. Dictionnaire typographique, historique et critique des livres rares, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1768. 21539 OSTERREICHISCHER FAKTOREN-VERBAND. Jahres- bericht pro 1904. 8vo. Wien [1905]. 6762 OSTERRIETH, A. Schriftproben der Druckerei. 8vo. Frankfurt [c. 1830]. 6295 OSTERVALD, ( ). Sec Bible : English, 1798, 1807. OSTERWALD, G. See Dance of Death. OSTRANDER SEYMOUR CO. Illustrated catalogue of im- proved machinery for stereotyping. 8vo. Chicago [c. 1900]. 3417 OSTRANDER SEYMOUR CO. Treatise on photo-engraving and illustrated catalogue of improved machinery. 8vo. Chicag'o, 1900. 3416 OSTRANDER-SEYMOUR CO. Illustrated catalogue of im- proved machinery for electrotyping and stereotyping. Tools, accessories and supplies. No. 18. 4to. Chicago, 1912. 15751 O'SULLIVAN, T. The pious miscellany. i2mo. Dublin, 1868. 541 1 OTHONIS, G. Synopsis institutiorum Samaritanarum, Rab- binicarum, Arabicarum, Aethiopicarum et Persicarum. Editio 2da. 8vo. Francofurti, 1717. 13653 (2) OTLET, P. Un Musee du Livre a Bruxelles. Projet de constitution d'une societe ayant pour objet la creation du musee. [Brussels : Musee du Livre : Publication No. 2.] 8vo. Bruxelles, 1905. 8772 OTLET, P. Les aspects du livre. Conference inaugurale de I'Exposition du Livre Beige d'Art et de Litterature org'anisee a Ostende par le Musee du Livre. [Brussels : Musee du Livre : Publication No. 8.] 8vo. Bruxelles, 1906. 8772 OTT-USTERI ( ). See Zurich. OTTE, E. C. See Humboldt, A. v. OTTINO, G. Die Bernardo Cennini e dell' arte della stampa in Firenze nei primi cento anni dall' invenzione di essa. 8vo. Firenze, 1871. 21766 OTTINO, G. La stampa periodica, il commercio dei libri e la tipografia in Italia. 4to. Milano, 1875. 22982 OTTINO, G. La stampa in Ancona. 8vo. Milano, 1878. 22385 OTTINO, G. Manuale di bibliografia. i2mo. Milano, 1885. 21841 OTTINO, G. and FUMAGALLI, G. Bibliotheca bibliographica Italica. Catalogo degli scritti di bibliologia, bibliografia e biblio- tcconomia pubblicata in Italia e di quelli risguardanti ITtalia pubblicati all' estero. 8vo. Roma, 1889. 10502 671 OTTINO, G. Sec Rocrers, W. T. OTTLI^IY, W. V. An inquiry into the orig-in and early history of eno-raving-. 2 vols. 4to. London, iques publiques de France. 8vo. Paris, 1897, etc. 4998 PELLECHET, M. L. C. See Paris : Bibliothfeque Ste. Gene- vieve ; Versailles : Biblioth^que Publique. PELLEGRINI, D. M. Delia prima origine della stampa in Venezia per opera di Giovanni da Spira del 1469. Svo. Venezia, 1794. 9812 PELLETIER, L. La typographe : poeme. 8vo. Geneve, 1832. 20696 PELLNITZ, M. Technisches Worterverzeichniss der graph- ischen Branchen in deutscher, englischer, und franzosischer Sprache. Svo. Wien, 1899. 3246 PEMBERTON, H. A view of Sir I. Newton's philosophy. 4to. London, 1728. 4665 PEN and pencil. A souvenir of the Press Bazaar for the benefit of the London Hospital. Obi. 8vo. London, 1898. 1087 PENDLETON, J. Newspaper reporting in olden time and to-day. Svo. London, 1S90. 10991 PEN-DRAG-ON, A., pseud. See Ireland, W. H. PENFIELD, E. Posters in miniature. Svo. London, 1896. 559 PENCE : Public Library. Report, 1895, etc. Svo. London, 1S95, etc. 8983 PENLAKE, R. Developers : their use and abuse. 2nd edition. Svo. Bradford, 1895. 358 PENNANT, T. London in its ancient and modern state. i2mo. London, 1S06. 10695 PENNECUIK, A. See Brown, W. PENNELL, E. R. The master of the lithograph. J. McNeill Whistler. {In Scribners' Magazine, March, 1S97.) 611 PENNELL, J. The true condition of wood-engraving in England and America. {In The National Review, Vol. 25, May, 189.S, pp- 343-350-) 6799 PENNELL, J. The illustration of books. First lecture. What is illustration? {In The Art Journal, May, 1S95, pp. 136-138.) * 6861 PENNELL, J. The illustration of books. Third lecture. Methods of drawing for reproduction in line. {In The Art Journal, Sept., 1895, pp. 261-264.) 6861 PENNELL, J. The illustration of books. Fourth lecture. The reproduction of line drawings. {In The Art Journal, Oct., 1895, pp. 306-307.) 6800 PENNELL, J. The illustration of books. Fifth lecture. The making of wash drawings and their reproduction by mechanical process. {In The Art Journal, Dec, 1895, pp. 361-362.) 6804 704 PENNELL, J. Modern illustration. 8vo. London, 1895. 360 PENNELL, J. English book illustration, 1860-70. {In Royal Society of Arts : Journal, Vol. 44, April 3, 1896, pp. 455-466.) 9599 PENNELL, J. The illustration of books. 8vo. London, 1896. 359 PENNELL, J. Pen drawing- and pen draughtsmen : their work and their methods. 4to. London, 1897. 2153 PENNELL, J. The work of Charles Keene : with an intro- duction and comments on the drawings illustrating the artist's methods. To which is added a bibliography of the books Keene illustrated and a catalogue of his etchings by W. H. Chesson. 4to. London, 1897. 16192 PENNELL, J. The truth about lithography. {In The Studio, Feb., 1899.) 1239 PENNELL, J. The pictorial possibilities of work. {In Royal Society of Arts : Journal, Dec. 20, 1912, pp. 111-127.) 16872 PENNELL, J. Cantor lectures on artistic lithography. 4to. London, 1914. 18533 PENNELL, J. See Lowry, H. D. PENNELL, J. and E. R. Lithography and lithographers : some chapters in the history of the art. 4to. London, 1898. 1234 PENNELL, J. and E. R. The centenary of lithography. 8vo. [1898.] 1200 PENNING, A. Delia introduzione della stampa in Sicilia e della priorita tra Palermo e Messina. {In Bibliofilo, Vol. II, 1 88 1, pp. 86-89.) PP PENNY MAGAZINE. One hundred and fifty wood cuts selected from the Penny Magazine. Fol. London, 1835. 9144 PENROSE, A. W. & CO. Catalogue of all requirements for photo-mechanical processes. 8vo. London [1896]. 2851 PENROSE, A. W. & CO. 1897 catalogue of all requirements for photo-mechanical processes. 8vo. London, 1897. 867 PENROSE, A. W. & CO. A model photo-engraving plant. Obi. i6mo. London [c. 1898J. i449 PENROSE, A. W. & CO. Catalogue, 1901. [Materials for process work.] 8vo. London, 1901. 33 n PENROSE, A. W. & CO. About a famous camera. Obi. i2mo. London [1901J. 2290 PENROSE, A. \V. & CO. Photo-lithography. With ready- prepared transfer papers. Full working instructions. Obi. i2mo. London, 1901. - 2254 PENROSE, A. W. & CO. Sinop : the new collotype process. i6mo. London [1902]. 2816 705 45 PENROSE, A. W. & CO. Electric power for printers. Some notes on its economy and elliciency. Obi. 8vo. London, 1902. 2672 PENROSE, A. W. &• CO. The Penrose patent litho-zinc plates. Obi. 8vo. London [c. 1902]. 6999 PENROSE, A. W. & CO. Photo-lithography. With ready- prepared transfer papers. Full working- instructions. Obi. 8vo. London [c. 1902]. 6998 PENROSE, A. W. &■ CO. The Penrose patent htho-zinc plates. Obi. i2mo. London [c. 1905J. 12458 PENROSE, A. W. & CO. Catalogue, 1904-5. 8vo. London, 1905. 1832 1 PENROSE, A. W. & CO. The American shading machine and mediums. Samples of tints. Obi. 4to. London [c. 1910]. 12557 PENROSE, A. VV. e^- CO. The Penrose catalogue of electro- typing machinery, appliances, materials and supplies. 8vo. London, 191 1. 15399 PENROSE, A. W. & CO. Ready reckoner for process blocks and electros. [Penrose Pocket Book, No. 2.] i6mo. London, 1913. ' 18688 PENROSE'S PICTORIAL ANNUAL. 1895, etc. 8vo. London, 1895, etc. PP PENS, ink and inkstands. 8vo. London, 1858. 20570 PENTREATH, D. A story for the boys. Snawfieck. 4to. Shorne, 1901. 2670 PEOPLE'S PALACE TECHNICAL SCHOOLS. Calendar and syllabus of evening classes. Session 1892-3, etc. 8vo. Plaistow, 1892, etc. 8873 PEPPER, Capt. France daguerrotyped ; or, the war fever. i2mo. London, 1842. 8797 PEPPER, T. & SON. A few specimens. Obi. 8vo. London [1901]. 2485 PEPYS, S., pseud. The diary of Samuel Pepys while an under- graduate at Cambridge. 2nd edition. [A satire.] 8vo. Cam- bridge, 1866. 23350 PERCIE DU SERT, F. See Rostaing, L. PERCY, C. M. Hadfield's steel castings at the Manchester Exhibition, 1887. 4to. Sheflfield, 1887. 10911 PEREZ PASTOR, C. La imprenta en Toledo. Descripcion bibliografica de las obras impresas en la imperial ciudad desde 1483 hasta nuestros dias. 8vo. Madrid, 1887. 21790 PEREZ PASTOR, C. Bibliografia Madrilena 6 descripcion de las obras impresas en Madrid. (Siglo 16.) 8vo. Madrid, 1891. 41 10 PEREZ PASTOR, C. La imprenta en Medina del Campo. 4to. Madrid, 1895. 8924 706 PERICAUD, A. Bibliographic lyonnaise du 156. si^cle. 3 pts. Svo. Paris, 1851-3. 6765 PERINI, G. Discorso. 4to. Parma, 1786. 23194 PERIODICAL press of Great Britain and Ireland. i2mo. London, 1824. 21514 PERKINS, H. A catalogue of the library formed by H. Perkins, which will be sold, etc. 8vo. London, 1873. 20759 PERKINS, BACON & CO., Ltd. The birth of a bank note. A short account of the manufacture of bank notes. Obi. i6mo. London, 1893. 18812 PERNA, P. See Manni, D. M. PEROTTUS, N. Cornucopiae. Fol. Venetiis, 1517. 5912 PERQUY, J. L. M. La typographic a Bruxelles au debut du 2oe. siecle. 8vo, Bruxelles, 1904. 6529 PERRAULT, C. Contes des fees. Edition stereotype faite au moyen de matrices mobiles en cuivre d'apr^s le procede d'Herhan. i2mo. Paris [c. 1820]. 8225 PERRENOT & FILS. Eprcuvc des caractfercs de la fonderie, etc. 8vo. Avignon, 1784. • 5783 PERROT, A. M. Manuels-Roret. Nouveau manucl complet du graveur, ou trait^ de I'art de la gravure en tout genre. Nou- vellc edition tres-augmentec par F. Malepeyre. i6mo. Paris, 1844. 10334 PERRY, C. P. Copy of report on French technical education. 8vo. London, 1898. 1468 PERRY, C. W. How to reproduce charcoal and pencil sketches. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, p. 119.) PP PERRY, C. W. Filters. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, p. 20.) PP PERRY, C. W. Canada's queen city. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 191 1-2, pp. 62-64.) PP PERRY, C. W. On dry plates. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 51-52.) PP PERSIA seu regni Persici status. 2a. editio. i6mo. Lugd. Bat., 1647. 21972 PERTHES, C. T. Friedrich Perthes' Leben. 8te. Auflage. 3 vols. 8vo. Gotha, 1896. 7632 PERTHES, F. Life and times of Frederick Perthes. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1858. 18682 PERTHES, F. Life and times of Frederick Perthes, patriot and man of business. [Translated by S. S. Laurie.] 8vo. Edinburgh, 1878. 17547 707 PERTHES, F. See Berdow, O. PERTZ, G. H. Uber die gedruckten Ablassbriefe von 1454 und 1455. 4to. Berlin, 1857. 22037 PERZYNSKI, F. Der japanische Farbenholzschnitt : seine Geschichte — sein Einrtuss. i2mo. Berlin [c. 1903J. 3474 PESCHECK, H. E. Das Ganze des Steindrucks, von seiner artistisch-chemisch- und mechanischen Seite betrachtet und darge- stellt von H. E. P. 8vo. Ilmenau, 1829. 10768 PESSLER, E. See Seeburg", F. v. PETER Prim's pride; or, proverbs that will suit the young- or the old. i2mo. London, iSio. 7654 PETERSEN, P. See Henning, E. PETHERAM, J. Reasons for establishing an authors' publi- cation society. 8vo. London, 1843. 17204 PETHERICK, E. A. Mundas alter et idem. [An article on the authorship and translations.] (In The Gentleman's Magazine, Vol. 281, July, 1896, pp. 66-87.) 8086 PETHERICK, E. A. Prospectus and specimen pages of a bibliography of Australasia and Polynesia. 8vo. London, 1897. 8279 PETIBON. [Specimen book of types.] 4to. Paris [1840]. 5942 PETIT, M. Dialogues satyriques et moraux. i2mo. Amster- dam, 1688. 5432 PETIT, F. ABC typographique : principales regies de la composition. 8vo. Paris [1888]. 23443, PETIT, J. See Haebler, K. PETIT, J. le. Bibliographic des principales editions originales d'ecrivains fran9ais du i5e. au i8e. siecle. 8vo. Paris, 1888. 21683 PETIT JOURNAL. The Frenchman's Daily Mail. Strange facts about Le Petit Journal. {In The Penny Pictorial Magazine^ 18 Jan., 1902.) 2532 PETIT questionnaire typographique a I'usage des apprentis compositeurs de le. et 2c. annees. 2e. edition. [La Bibliothfeque de I'Apprenti. Collection Delmas.] i2mo. Bordeaux [c. 1905]. 11412 PETIT-RADEL, L. C. F. Recherches sur les biblioth^ques anciennes et modernes jusqu'a la fondation de la biblioth^que Mazarine. 8vo. Paris, 1819. 9447 PETITY, M., I'Abhe de. De I'imprimerie {In his Encyclo- pedic elementaire. Vol. 2, Pt. 2, 1767.) 22249 PETOFI, A. See Ginever, I. PETRALI-CASTALDI, L. La carta come si fabbrica oggidi (Gino visita una cartiera). 8vo. Milano [c. 1910]. ^3777 708 PETRARCH, F. II Petrarca. i6mo. Venetia, 1564. 5804 PETRARCH, F. Sonnets. 4to. Lee Priory, 1817. 6133 PETRARCH, F. Rime. 64mo. Venezia, 1879. 21 163 PETRARCH, F. See Nolhac, P. de. PETREIUS, J. See Burger, K. PETRIE, Sir W. M. F. Hawara, Biahmu and Arsinoe. 4to. London, i88g. 5871 PE TROGRAD : Imperial Library. [Souvenir de la Biblio- th^que Imperiale : St. Petersburg.] Fol. [Leipzig, 1863.] 21455 PETROGRAD : Imperial Library. Dr. A. Pichler und der Biicherdiebstahl aus der Kaiserlichen Offentlichen Bibliothek in St. Petersburg. 8vo. St. Petersburg, 1871. 172 12 PETROGRAD : Imperial Academy of Sciences. Obrazsh skriphtov Tipographii i Slovolitni imperatorsko Akademii, etc. [Type specimen book of the printing office and type foundry of the Academy.] Fol. Sanktpeterburg, 1870. 6171 PETROGRAD : Imprimerie Imperiale. Echantillons des caract^res de I'lmprimerie Imperiale. 8vo. St. Petersbourg, 1790. 2252 PETRONIUS. See Gaselee, S. PETTENGILL, S. M. & CO. Pettengill's newspaper directory and advertisers' handbook for 1877, comprising a complete list of the newspapers and other periodicals published in the United States and British America. 8vo. New York, 1877. 15830 PETTIGRE^\^ T. J. Bibliotheca Sussexiana. A catalogue of the library of the Duke of Sussex. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1827-39. 5692 PETTINGILL & CO. Copper alloy type book. 8vo. Boston, 1901. 1 1062 PETTER, G. W. Some objections to the repeal of the paper duty considered, in reply to Mr. H. G. Bohn's pamphlet. 8vo. London, i860. 18674 PETTY, W. Rise and progress of the Wharfedale printing- machine trade at Otley. [In Federation of Master Printers : Souvenir, 1906.) 7597 PETTY, W. Leeds printers of fifty years ago. {In Federation •of Master Printers : Souvenir, 1906.) 7597 PETZENDORFER, L. Schriften Atlas. Fine Sammlung der wichtigsten Schreib- und Druckschriften aus alter und neuer Zeit. 4to. Stuttgart, 1889. 21 818 PETZENDORFER, L. Schriften Atlas. Fine Sammlung der wichtigsten Schreib- und Druckschriften aus alter und neuer Zeit. Fol. Stuttgart, 1894. 364 709 PETZET, E. Noch ein Druck des Herzogs Friedrich Wil- helm von Sachsen. {In Zentralblatt fi'ir Bibliothekswesen, Vol. 21, 1904, pp. 403-404). PP PETZHOLDT, J. Bibliotheca bibliographica. 8vo. Leipzig, 1866. 5 1 10 PEY, A. Essai sur li romans d 'Eneas d'apr^s les manuscrits de la Bibliolh^que Imperiale. 8vo. Paris, 1856. 23337 PEYRON, M. See Alen^on : Ecole Typographique. PEZZANA, A. Notizie bibliografiche intorno a due rarissime edizione del secolo 15, 8vo. Parma, 1808. 22250(1) PFAELZISCHE VERLAGSANSTALT. Druck Probe. 8vo. Neustadt [c. 1910]. 10710 PFAFF, F. Festschrift zum vierhundertjahrigen Gedachtniss des ersten Freiburger Buchdrucks, 1493-1893. 4to. Freiburg, 1893. 1 1 300 PFANHAUSER, W. Die Galvanoplastik. [Monographien ueber angewandte Elektrochemie, Band 11.] 8vo. Halle, 1904. 4022 PFAU, F. Warenzeichen-Rolle der Papier- und Schreibwaren- Industrie. Enthaltend ein nach Klassen geordnetes alphabetisches Verzeichnis der samtlichen fiir die Papier- und Schreibwaren- Industrie geschiitzen Warenzeichen. Nebst Verzeichnis der Freizeichen und als Anhang : Das Warenzeichengesetz. (i. Teil des Papier-Lexikon.) 8vo. Berlin [1903]. 4081 PFAU, K. Die Buchfiihrung des Buchhandlers (fiir Sortiment und Verlag) nach dem neuen Handelsgesetz. 8vo. Stuttgart [1903]- 3673- PFAU, K. F. Das Buch beriihmter Buchhandler. Fine Samm- lung von Lebensbildern beruhmter Manner. 2 vols. 8vo. Leip- zig, 1886. 14172. PFAU, K. F. Biographisches Lexikon des Deutschen Buch- handels der Gegenwart. 8vo. Leipzig, 1890. 1417^ PFEIFFER, C. B. See Birch-Pfeiffer, C. PFEIFFER, L Visit to the Holy Land, Egypt and Italy. Translated from the German by H. W, Dulcken. With eight tinted engravings [by Edmund Evans]. 8vo. London, 1852. 6536 PFEIFFER, R. & CO. Quarries of lithographic stones. 4to. Augsburg [1908]. 1 696 1 PFENNINGER, O. Laboratory work. {In Penrose's Pictorial' Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 209-210.) PP' PFENNINGER, O. One-exposure cameras. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp. 41-44.) PP PFIZENMAYER, P. The evolution of printing. 8vo. New York, 1907. 10027 710 PFLUGK-HARTTUNG, J. v. Rahmen deutscher Buchtitel im i6. Jahrhundert. [Kunstgewerbe der Renaissance, Bd. i.] 8vo. Stuttg-art, 1909. - 12038 PFNOR, W. Neue Clichirmaschine. {In Journal fiir Buch- druckerkunst, 1838, pp. 53-56.) PP PFUHL, E. Papierstoffgarne [Zellstoffgarne, Xylolin, Silvalin, Licella), ihre Herstellung-, Eigenschaften und \'er\vendbarkeit. 8vo. Rig'a, 1904. 4082 PHAER, T. The regiment of life. 8vo. London, 1560. 21262 PHALARIS. Epistolae. 4to. Roma [c. 1490]. 6252 (3) PHALESE, P. See Goovaerts, A. PHILADELPHIA. The royal road to wealth : an illustrated history of the successful business houses of Philadelphia. [The Johnson Type Foundry; Chas. Mag-arg-e & Co., paper manufac- turers; The Public Ledg-er ; Samuel Loag, the printer.] 8vo. Philadelphia [c. 1870]. 3587 PHILADELPHIA : Exhibition, 1876. Catalogue du Cercle de la Librairie de I'imprimerie et des industries qui s'y rattachent. 8vo. Paris, 1876. 11804 PHILADELPHIA : Exhibition, 1876. Der Buchhandel und die graphischen Kiinste Deutschlands auf der VVeltausstellung zu Philadelphia im Jahre 1876. 8vo. Leipzig, 1876. 11805 PHILADELPHIA : Exhibition, 1876. La stampa in America. Note tecniche raccolte all' Esposizione de Filadelfia da L. Mori- ondo. 8vo. Torino, 1876. 22741 PHILADELPHIA : Exhibition, 1876. Exposition Internat- ionale de Philadelphie en 1876. Section francaise. Rapport sur I'imprimerie et la librairie. Par R. Fouret. 8vo. Paris, 1877. 3624 PHILADELPHIA : Franklin Institute. List of books relating to cotton and the cotton industry in the library of the Franklin Institute, 1909. {Li The Journal of the Franklin Institute, April, 1909.) 13142 PHILADELPHIA : Library Company. Bulletin, July, 1886 (and Jan., 1887). 2 pts. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1886-7. ii433 PHILELPHUS, F. Epistolae. Fol. Brixiae, 1485. 10202 PHILELPHUS, F. Epistolarum. i2mo. Paris, 1513.- 5196 PHILIP, A. J. The romance of books. A descriptive account of an exhibition of the materials and processes of book production. Svo. Gravesend, 1907. 9031 PHILIPPE, C. Note sur Guillaume Fichet. L'imprimerie k Avignon en 1414. (In Revue Savoisienne, Ann. 32, 1891, pp. 272-278.) 9720 PHILIPPE, J. Origin de I'imprimerie k Paris d'apr^s des documents inedits. 4to. Paris, 1885. 20752 711 PHILIPPE, J. Guillaume Fichet : sa vie, ses oeuvres. Intro- duction dc riniprimerie k Paris. 8vo. Annccy, 1892. 7557 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS: Bureau of Printing". Desk book. A revised manual of style, useful information and specimens of type used by the Bureau. Svo. Manila, 1910. 14252 PHILIPS, J. The perfect path to paradice. i2mo. London, 1626. 6103 PHILIPS, M. The making of a newspaper. Svo. New York, 1893- 9349 PHILLIIMORE, C. M. The prince printers of Italy. {In Macmillan's Magazine, Feb. — March, 1874.) 1340 PHILLIMORE, C. M. Studies in ItaHan literature. [The prince printers of Italy, p. 95.] Svo. London, 1SS7. 21530 PHILLIPPOT, P. Reclamation de M, Phillippot, imprimeur du Parlement de Bordeaux, contre una des calomnies consignees dans un ecrit du sieur Bernadau. Svo. Bordeaux, 1789. 16457 PHILLIPS, G. F. The art of drawing on stone. i2mo. London, 182S. 11898 PHILLIPS, G. F. The art of drawing and painting simplified, in a series of examples of parts of the human figure, with remarks on the proportions and other causes of beauty, character and expressions. With 20 plates. Svo. London, 1S40. 14723 PHILLIPS, H., jiinr. Remarks upon a coin of Sicyon. Re- printed from the American Journal of Numismatics for January, 1882. Svo. Philadelphia, 18S2. 23222 PHILLIPS, H., juur. Basilisks and cockatrices. Reprinted from Penn Monthly for July 1882. Svo. Philadelphia, 1882. 23235 PHILLIPS, H., jimr. A prehistoric epic. From the Penn Monthly for March, 1882. Svo. Philadelphia, 1882. 23264 PHILLIPS, H., junr. The Pennyslvania Museum. Notes upon the collection of coins and medals deposited by the Numis- matic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia. Svo. Phila- delphia, 1SS2. 23252 PHILLIPS, H., junr. Notes upon the Codex Ramirez, with a translation of the same. (Read before the American Philosophical Society, October 19, 1SS3.) Svo. [Philadelphia], 1SS3. 23316 PHILLIPS, H., junr. On the supposed Runic inscription at Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. Svo. [18S4.] 2221,2 PHILLIPS, H., jimr. An account of the Congo Independent State. Read before the American Philosophical Society, November 2, iSSS, and February i, 18S9. Svo. [Philadelphia, 18S9.] 23259 PHILLIPS, J. O. H. See Halliwell-PhiUips, J. O. PHILLIPS, J. S. R. The Copyright Bill of 191 1. An analysis. Svo. [Leeds, 191 1.] 14688 712 PHILLIPS, P. L. See Washington : Library of Congress. PHILLIPS, Sir R. See Carr, Sir J. PHILLIPS, R. E. Handbook of information relating to patents, designs and trade marks. 8vo. London, 1886. 2973 PHILLIPS, S. C. The use of wood pulp for paper-making. [A lecture.] {In Royal Society of Arts: Journal, May 10, 1905.) 6749 PHILLIPS, S. C. The Empire's resources in paper-making materials. {In Royal Society of Arts: Journal, May 21, 1915.) 19113 PHILLIPS, T. See R[anyard], L. N. PHILLIPS, W. J. Industrial biography: a neglected class. {In Library World, Vol. 11, 1908-9, pp. 81-82.) PP PHILOBIBLION. The Philobiblion : a monthly bibliographical journal. Vols. 1-2, 1862-3. 8vo. New York, 1862-3. 20534 PHILOBIBLON SOCIETY. Miscellanies. Vol. 6. 4to. London, 1860-1. 3753 PHILOBIBLOS, pseud. See Ireland, A. PHILOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Partial corrections of English spellings approved of by the Society. 8vo. London, 1881. 9844 PHILOMNESTE, JUNIOR, pseud. See Brunet, G. PHILOPATRIS, pseud. See Blount, C. PHILOS, pseud. Juggling with type. The typographical aspect of the Bacon-Shakespeare wrangle. {In The Caxton Magazine, Feb., 1902.) 2575 PHOSPHOR BRONZE CO., Ltd. Right metals at right prices. i2mo. London [1914]. 18261 PHOTIUS. Entretiens de Phocion. Fol. Paris, 1795. 5860 PHOTO-CHROMATIC PRINTING CO., Ltd. Prospectus. Fol. London, 1895. 7397 PHOTO-CHROMOTYPE ENGRAVING CO. To the front. [An advertising booklet dealing with embossing dies.] Obi. 8vo. Philadelphia [c. 1900]. 39^7 PHOTO-ENGRAVING x\RT. Fo/. i, 1909. 4to. New York, 1909. PP PHOTO-ENGRAVING CO. Illustrated circular. 8vo. New York [c. 1880]. 8217 PHOTOGRAM. The Photogram, FoL i, 1894. 8vo. London, 1894. PP PHOTOGRAPHIC CHRONICLE. FoZ. i, 1901. 4to. London, 1901. PP PHOTOGRAPHIC DEALER. Vols. 1-3, 1896-7. London, 1896-7. PP 713 PHOTOGRAPHIC NEWS. Vols, i, 4, N.S. 43, 1858-99. 4to. London, 1859-99. P^* PHOTOGRAPHIC NOTES. T'o/. i, 1856. London. PP PHOTOC^RAPHICALLY designed advertisements. {In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, p. 185.) PP PHOTOGRAPHISCHE CHRONIK, 1903, etc. 4to. Halle, 1903, etc. PP PHOTOGRAPHY. Vols. 12-21, 1900-6. 4to. London, 1900-6. PP PHOTOGRAPHY ANNUAL, 1892. 8vo. London [1892]. 365 PHOTOGRAPHY for business purposes. {In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, p. 189.) PP PHOTO-LITHOGRAPHY: a simple process applicable to three or four-colour work. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 75, 1914, pp. 8-9.) PP PHOTO-MECHANICAL processes in France. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 3, 1897, pp. 57-58.) PP PHOTO-MEZZOTINT [zinc] blocks. {In The Printers' Reg'ister, Vol. 28, March, 1889, pp. 169-170.) mo PHYRMANNA, I. Aleks. Dan. Menshrkov. 8vo. Sank- peterburg', 1847. loooo PHYSIOLOGIE de I'imprimerle : silhouettes typographiques. i2mo. Paris, 1856. 12615 PHYSIOTYPE. The Physiotype printing process. Its uses and advantages. i2mo. London [1904]. 6739 PI. A compilation of odds and ends relating to workers in sanctum and newsroom. i2mo. Hamilton, 1890. 929 PIC, F. A. Code des imprimeurs, ^crivains et artistes. 2 pts. 8vo. Paris, 1826. 21536 PIC, P. See Campredon, E. PICCOLOMINI, A. See Aristotle. PI-CHING. The art of type-making. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 19, 1897, pp. 193-195.) PP PI-CHING. The Caxton Club [Chicago]. {In Inland Printer, Vol 19, 1897, pp. 162-164.) PP PICHLER, A. See Petrograd : Imperial Library. PICHON, J. and VICAIRE, G. Documents pour servir a I'histoire des libraires de Paris, 1486-1600. 8vo. Paris, 1895. 2717 PICHOT, H. See Li^ge : Exhibition, 1905; Turin: Exhi- bition, 191 1. PICKARD, E. Solomon's preference of wisdom considered. 8vo. London, 1752. 6700 714 PICKARD & CURREY. Test types corresponding- to the Schrift scalen of Prof. E. Jaeger. 8vo. London [c. 1860J. 15662 PICKERING, W. Booksellers' monopoly. Address to the trade and to the public. Fol. London, 1832. ii47- PICKERING, W. Catalogue of MSS. and books on sale. 8vo. London, 1*834. 7681 PICKERING, W. See Gray, G. J. PICKERING & CHATTO. An illustrated catalogue of old and rare books. 4to. London, 1902. 2472 PICOT, G. See Paris : Biblioth^que Nationale. PICTURES of natural history. i2mo. London, 1867. 4231 PIEDNAGEL, A. Hier. [Poems.] 8vo. Paris, 1883. 21696 PIEKOSINSKI, F. Sredniowieczne znaki wodne. zebrane z rekopisow, przechowanych w Archiwach i Bibliotekach polskich, glownie krakowskick, wiek 14. 4to. W Krakowie, 1893. 11304 PIEKOSINSKI, F. Wybor znakow wodnych z 15. stulecia. 4to. Krakowie, 1896. 7560 PIERCE, W. G. The universal paper scale and fractional measure for printers, binders and lithographers. S. sh. fol. St. Louis, 1887. 3166 PIERD' HONY, A. L'igiene della vista e le malattie con- tagiose dell' occhio nelle scuole. 8vo. Milano, 1879. 23084 [PIERER, A. H.j Fe.stgruss zur 4ten. Sacularfeier der Erfind- ung der Buchdruckerkunst. 410. Altenburg, 1840. 22980 PIERRES, P. D. Epreuve des caracteres de I'imprimerie de P. D. P. i2mo. Paris, 1770. 23122 PIERRES, P. D. See Leschevin, P. X. PIERS, H. See Windsor N.S. : King's College. PIETERS, C. Annales de I'imprimerie Elsevirienne. Svo. Gand, 1851. 20731 PIETERS, C. Annales de I'imprimerie des Elsevier. 2e. edition. 8vo. Gand, 1858. 5382 PIETROBONI, I. La stampa : poemetto in ottava rima. 8vo. Casalmaggiore, 1777. ^733^ PIETSCHMANN, R. Leder und Holz als Schreibmaterialien bei den Agyptern. II Teil. (In Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 11, 1898.) i0347 PIGLHEIN, B. Bruno Piglhein's Panorama. Jerusalem und die Kreuzigung Christi. Erlautert fiir die autorisirte Holzschnitt- Ausgabe von Dr. L. Trost. Fol. Stuttgart [c. 1880]. 10867 PIGOTT, T. D. Report. Class 92. Stationery. {In Paris : Exhibition, 1900, Report, Vol. 2, 1901.) 2405 715 PUS, Citoyen. Hynine a rimprimerie, vaudeville r^publicain, chant(i k la Section des Tuileries, les decadi 30 Pluviose. 8vo. Paris [c. 1795]. 18710 PIKE, G. H. General readers in East London. (In Good Words, Oct., 1896.) 1603 PIKE, J. Lantern slides : their production 'and use. 8vo. Bradford, 1895. 3^7 PILLING, J. C. Bibliography of the Iroquoian languages. 8vo. Washington, 1888. 8059 PILLING, J. C. Bibliography of the Muskhogean languages. Svo. Washington, 18S9. 8060 PILLING, J. C. Bibliography of the Algonquian languages. Svo. Washington, 1891. 8061 PILLING, J. C. Bibliography of the Athapascan languages. Svo. Washington, 1892. 8062 PILLING, J. C. Bibliography of the Chinookan languages (including the Chinook jargon). Svo. Washington, 1893. 8063 PILLING, J. C. Bibliography of the Salishan languages. 8vo. Washington, 1893. 8064 PILLING, J. C. Bibliography of the Wakashan languages. 8vo. Washington, 1894. 8065 PILZ, O. Die Rotations-Schnellpresse nebst Rundstereotypie in ihrer Konstruktion und Behandlung. (In Waldow, A. : Hilfs- buch fur Maschinenmeister, Vol. 3, 1892.) 20730 PINARD, A. Fonderie typographique 8vo. Paris, 1840. 5718 PINCHART, A. Recherches sur les cartes a jouer et sur leur fabrication en Belgique depius I'annee 1379. (In Le Bibliophile Beige, Ann. 4, 1869, pp. 5, 37, 69.) 21996 PINCHART, A. Histoire de la gravure des medailles en Belgique depuis le 156. si^cle jusqu'en 1794. 4to. Bruxelles, 1870. 20128 PINCHART, A. Recherches sur les cartes a jouer et sur leur fabrication en Belgique depuis 1379 jusqu'a la fin du i8e. siecle. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1870. 22330 PINCON, P. See Denis, P., Pincon, P. and Martonne de. PINDAR, P. Six picturesque views, from paintings by P. P., engraved in aquatinta by Aiken. Fol. London, 1797. 8256 PINDTER, R. See Nikolsburg : Fideicommiss-Bibliothek des Fursten Dietrichstein. PINE, W. See Moore, I. and Pine, W. PINELLI, M. Bibliotheca Maphaei Pinellii Veneti magno jam studio coUecta, a Jac. Morellio descripta et annotationibus illustrata. 6 vols. Svo. Venetiis, 1787. 12 161 716 PINELLI, M. Bibliotheca Pinelliana. A catalogue of the library of M. P., which will be sold by auction, etc. [Priced.] 8vo. London, 1789. 8623 PINGRENOX, R. Les livres ornes et illustres en couleur depuis le i5e. si^cle en France et en Angleterre. 8vo. Paris, 1903. 3492 PINHEIRO CHAGAS, M. See Chagas, M. P. PIXKERTOX, J. The literary correspondence of J. Pinker- ton, from the originals in the possession of D. Turner. ]'ol. i. 8vo. London, 1830. 6084 PINKERTOX, R. Russia; or, miscellaneous observations on the past and present state of that country. 8vo. London, 1833. 7621 PINSARD, J. L 'illustration du livre moderne et la photo- graphic. Avec preface de Victor Breton. 8vo. Paris, 1897. 4675 PINTURICCHIO, B. History of Pius II. The frescoes by Pinturicchio in the Cathedral of Siena. 8vo. Firenze [1910]. 13820 PIOLA, R. See Xamias, R. and Piola, R. PIPER, A. C. Some Aldine books. {In London Opinion, June 15, 1907.) 9131 PIPER, A. C. Some Elzevir books. [In London Opinion, June 22, 1907.) 9643 PIPER, A. C. The Baskerville press. {In London Opinion, Aug. 17, 1907.) 9130 PIPPIXG, F, W. Nagra historiska underrattelser om boktryck- eriet i Finland. Pts. 1-2. 4to. Helsingfors, 1842, etc. 21030 PIPPING, F. W. Bidrag till en historia om Gymnasia Boktryckeriet i Wiborg. 8vo. Helsingfors, 1859. 21638 PIRANESI, G. B. Selected etchings by Piranesi. With an introduction by C. H. Reilly. Series i. 8vo. Westminster [c. 1914]. 18587 PIRANESI, G. B. See Giesecke, A. PIRIE, WYATT & CO., Ltd. [Specimen] book. No. i {No. 2). 2 vols. Obi. 8vo. Wells [1904]. 4791 PISAN, C. de. Morale proverbes. Translated by the Earl Rivers, and reprinted from the original edition of William Caxton, 1478. With introductory remarks by William Blades. 4to. London, 1859. 21423 PISCATORE, J. In prophetam Danielem commentarlus. 8vo. Herbornae, 1614. 9240 PISCHOX, F. A. Kurze Geschichte der Erfindung der Buch- druckerkunst. 8vo. Berlin, 1840. 20708 717 PISCHON, F. A. Von dem Einflusse der Erfindung der Buch- druckerkunst auf die Verbreitung- des gottlichen Worts. 4to. [Berlin, c. 1840. J 20780 PISSARRO, L. See Guthrie, J. J. ; Moore, T. S. ; Ricketts, C. and Pissarro, L. PITCHER, S. A. Indirect colour reproduction. [In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 25-26.) PP PITMAN, B. The scientific representation of English from the printer's standpoint. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 52, April 30, 1903, pp. 301-302.) PP PITMAN, B. A plea for alphabetic reform. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1905. 7238 PITMAN, B. A solution of the alphabetic problem. 8vo. [c. 1906.] 9697 PITMAN, H. Hints on lecturing-, and notes on the history of shorthand, elocution, phonography, music, logic, the establish- ment of the penny post, and paper making. i2mo. London, 1879. 3158 PITMAN, I. The phonetic spelling book. i2mo. Bath, 1843, 8919 PITMAN, I. The sekond buk of fonetik ridin. [Phonetic type.] i2mo. London, 1876. 8920 PITMAN, Sir I. & SONS, Ltd. Pitman's shorthand writers' phrase books and guides. Printing and publishing. i6mo. London [1913]. 17544 . PITMAN, Sir I. &• SONS, Ltd. Pitman's specialised corres- pondence books. The paper trade. i6mo. London [1913]. 17543 PITON, E. Famille Firmin-Didot, imprimeurs, libraires, fon- deurs, graveurs, papetiers, inventeurs et litterateurs. 8vo. Paris, 1856. 6246 PITT, S. A. Procedure in obtaining extension of rating power for public library purposes. {In Library World, Vol. 13, 1910-1, pp. 368-369.) " PP PITTSBURGH : Carnegie Library. Rules for filing cards in the dictionary catalogues of the Library. 8vo. Pittsburgh, 1915. 18920 PIZZETTA, J. Histoire d'une feuille de papier. 8vo. Paris [1882]. 20058 PLACCIUS, V. De scriptis et scriptoribus anonymis atque pseudonymis. 4to. Hamburgi, 1674. 18075 PLACE, J. The Linotype. [Lecture to the Balloon Society. Report of discussion.] {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 26, 1890, pp. 309-310,) PP 718 PLACENTIUS, J. Catalog-US omnium antistitum Tungarorum, Tratectensium ac Leodiorum, et rerum domi, belliq. : gestarum Compendium. i6mo. Antverpiae [c. 1527]. 579^ PLAINE, F. Essai historique sur les origines et les vicissitudes de rimprimerie en Bretagne. 4to. Mantes, 1876. 22917 PLANCHE, G. De I'industrie de la papeterie. 8vo. Paris, 1853. 9986 PLANCHE, J. R. History of British costume. New edition. i2mo. London, 1847. 21 152 PLANTIN, C. [A catalogue of all the books printed by Christopher Plantin at Antwerp, 1555-89 and at Leyden, 1584-5. Arranged chronologically.] ]\LS. Fol. 1878. 20541 PLANTIN, C. The great printers of Antwerp. The family of Plantin Moretus. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 7, June 8, 1882, p. 2; June 13, 1882, pp. 2-3; Aug. 3, 1882, pp. lo-ii.) PP PLANTIN, C. Correspondence. Publiee par Max Rooses. 2 vols. [Maatschappij der Antwerp. Bibliop. , Uitgave 12, 15.] 8vo. Antwerpen, 1883-5. 21820 PLANTIN, C. Christopher Plantin, the Antwerp printer. {In The Quarterly Review, Vol. 164, Apr. 1887, pp. 475-506.) 18650 PLANTIN, C. Les rimes de C. Plantin. Publiees par M. Rooses. 8vo. Lisbonne, 1890. 16394 PLANTIN, C. See Advielle, V.; Antwerp: Musee Plantin; B : A. ; Beduvez, A. ; Blades, W. ; Degeorge, L. ; De Vinne, T. L. ; Faber, R. S. ; Fletcher, G. R. ; Gachard, ( ) ; Galle, P. ; Gruel, L. ; Hensel, O. ; Hulst, F. v. ; Monteil, E. ; Moretus, B. ; Orcet, G. d". ; Rhodes, G. ; Rombouts, P. ; Rooses, M. ; Ros- seels, E. ; Ruelens, C. and Backer, A. de ; Sherman, H. T. ; Staley, E. ; Straelen, J. B. v. d. ; Weale, W. H. J. ; Wilkins, M. F. PLATE, L. A. Two pioneer printers. Christopher Saur and Son. First printers of the Bible in America. Originators of the first German-American newspaper, as well as the first typefoundry on this continent. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 3, 1885-6, p. 318— p. 606.) ' ^ PP PLATEA, F. de. Opus restitutionum. Fol. [c. 1475.] 5123 PLATEN PRINTING MACHINE MINDERS' SOCIETY. 36th quarterly general meeting. [iVgenda.] 8vo. London, 1899. 4258 PLATI, H. Libro del bien del estado religiose. 4to. Medina del Campo, 1595. 8006 PLATINA, B. Vitae pontificum. Fol. Venezia, 1479. 20160 PLATINA, B. The lives of the Popes. Fol. London, 1685. 20136 719 PLATO. Chalcidii viri clarissimi luculenta Timaei Platonis traductio, etc. Fol. [Paris], 1520. 22034 PLATT, R. C. Picturesque Airdrie, 1913. Sq. 8vo. Airdrie, 1913. 18148 PLATTER, T. Thomas Platter und Felix Platter. Zwei Autobiographieen. Ein Beitrag- zur Sitteng-eschichte des 16. Jahrhunderts, herausgegeben von D. A. Fechter. Svo. Basel, 1840. 21877 PLATTER, T. La vie de Thomas Platter ecrite par lui-meme. [Translated from the German by E. Fick.] 8vo. Geneve, 1862. 20524 PLATTER, T. See Lagrange, E. ; Monroe, P. PLAUTUS, M. A. Comici, Fabulae superstites xx. i6mo. Lugd. Batav. , 1594. 5208 PLAUTUS, M. A. Comoediae. i6mo. Amstelodami, 1652. 5508 PLAUTUS, M. A. Comedies. Svo. London, 1694. 1756 PLAYFERE, T. Caesaris superscriptio. 4to. Londini, 1606. 6244 PLAYFORD, J. An introduction to the skill of musick. nth edition. 2 pts. i2mo. London, 1687. 20218 PLAYFORD, J. An introduction to the skill of musick. 14th edition. i2mo. London, 1700. 20220 PLEAS for books. Selections for lovers of books. i2mo. Toronto, 1880. 8427 PLEDGE of friendship : a Christmas present and New Year's gift. i2mo. London, 1828. 8268 PLEMPIL'S, C. G. Amsterodamum Monogrammon. (Quis- quiliae. Emblemata.) 4to. Amsterodami, 1616. 21383 PLINIUS SECUNDUS, C. Historia naturalis. Fol. Venezia, 1472. 5809 PLINIUS SECUNDUS, C. Vita. Studio j'oannis Masson. Svo. Amstelodami, 1709. 3402 PLINIUS SECUNDUS, C. C. Epistolarum. Svo. Londini, 1790- 5945 PLOMER, H. R. The long shop in the Poultry. {In Biblio- graphica, Vol. 2, 1S96, pp. 61-80.) 53 PLOMER, H. R. Notices of printers and printing in the State papers. {In Bibliographica, Vol. 2, 1896, pp. 204-226.) 53 PLOMER, H. R. John Rastell and his contemporaries. {In Bibliographica, Vol. 2, 1S96, pp. 437-451.) 53 PLOMER, H. R. Robert Copland. {In Bibliographical Society : Translations, Vol. 3, 1896.) 56 720 PLOMER, H. R. Lawrence Andrewe, 1527. (Handlists of English printers.) [Bibliographical Society : Publications.] 4to. London. 1896. 57 ^ PLOMER, H. R. Richard Bankes, 1523-46. (Handlists of English printers.) [Bibliographical Society : Publications.] 4to. London, i8g6. 571 "PLOMER, H. R. John Byddell, 1533-44- (Handhsts of English printers.) [Bibliographical Society : Publications.] 4to. London, 1896. 571 PLOMER, H. R. Robert Copland, 1515-33. (Handlists of English printers.) [Bibliographical Society : Publications.] 4to. London, 1896. 57T PLOMER, R. H. Thomas Godfray, 1532. (Handlists of English printers.) [Bibliographical Society : Publications.] 4to. London, 1896. 571 PLOMER, H. R. Peter Treveris, 1522-32. (Handlists of English printers.) [Bibliographical Society : Publications.] 4to. London, 1896. 571 PLOMER, H. R. Richard Tottel. {In Bibliographica, Vol. 3, 1897. PP- 378-384-) 53 PLOMER, H. R. Robert Wyer, printer and publisher. [Biblio- graphical Society : Publications.] 4to. London, 1897. 1058 PLOMER, H. R. New documents on English printers and booksellers of the i6th century. {In Bibliographical Society.: Transactions, Vol. 4, 1898.) 56 PLOMER, H. R. A short history of English printing, 1476- 1898. 8vo. London, 1900. 1871 PLOMER, H. R. Some private presses of the 19th century. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. i, 1900, pp. 407-428.) PP PLOMER, H. R. A glance at the Whittingham ledgers. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 2, 1901, pp. 147-163.) PP PLOMER, H. R. Thomas East, printer. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 2, 1901, pp. 298-310.) PP PLOMER, H. R. The King's printing house under the Stuarts. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 2, 1901, pp. 353-375-) PP PLOMER, H. R. Notices of English stationers in the archives of the City of London. {In Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. 6, 1 90 1.) 56 PLOMER, H. R. Richard Pynson v. Henry Squyr. {In Bibliographical vSocicty : Transactions, Vol. 6, 1901.) 56 PLOMER, H. R. Abstracts from the wills of English printers and stationers from 1492 to 1630. [Bibliographical Society : Publications.] 4to. . London, 1903. 334^ 721 46 PLOMER, H. R. The booksellers of London Bridge. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 4, 1903, pp. 28-46.) PP PLOMER, H. R. A secret press at Stepney in 1596. {In The Library [N.S.], ]'oI. 4, 1903, pp. 236-242.) PP PLOMER, H. R. A Chester bookseller, 1667-1700: some of his customers and the books he sold them. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 4, 1903, pp. 373-383-) I'P PLOMER, H. R. Books mentioned in wills. {In Biblio- graphical Society: Transactions, Vol. 7, 1904.) 56 PLOMER, H. R. Some famous London printing houses. {In Federation of Master Printers : Souvenir, 1905.) 6752 PLOMER, H. R. A dictionary of the booksellers and printers who were at work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1641 to 1667. [Bibliographical Society : Publications.] 4to. London, 1907. 9623 PLOMER, H. R. Ireland and secret printing. {In Irish Book Lover, Vol. i, 1909, pp. 27-28.) PP PLOMER, H. R. James Abree, printer and bookseller of Canterbury. 8vo. London, 191 3. 17054 PLOMER, H. R. and DUFF, E. G. Richard Pynson, I— 1493- 1500; II — 1501-30. (Handlists of English printers.) [Biblio- graphical Society : Publications.] 4to. London, 1896. 571 PLOMER, H. R. and PEDDIE, R. A. Stephen Bulkley, printer. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 8, 1907, pp. 42-56.) PP PLON, E. Rapport a la Chambre dcs Imprimeurs sur la livre de M. A. Chaix, Historique de I'lmprimerie et de la Libraire centrales des Chemins de Fer. 8vo. [Paris, 1878.] 22584 PLON, E. Eugene Plon. Paris, 1836-95. [Obituary notices, etc.] 8vo. Paris, 1895. 9444 PLON FRERES. Specimen de la Fonderie Nouvelle. Fol. Paris, 1851. 6172 PLON FRERES. Specimen de la Fonderie Nouvelle. Fol. Paris, 1854. 9893 PLOOS VAN AMSTEL, Gebroeders. Proef van letteren, bloe- men, tekenen en verdere vereischte voor eene drukkery. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1767. 20273 [PLOOS VAN AMSTEL, Gebroeders.] Beschryving der letter- gietery. iste. afdeeling. 4to. Amsterdam [c. 1770]. 20151 PLOOS VAN AMSTEL, Gebroeders. Proeve van eenige nieuwe schriften. 8vo. Amsterdam [c. 1796]. 20234 (3) PLOOS VAN AMSTEL, C. Verzameling van berigten wegens een prentwerk, volg'ens de nieuwe uitvinding van den heere C. P. V. A. 8vo. Amsterdam [c. 1768]. 17528(2) PLOOS VAN AMSTEL, C. Getuigschrift voor Cornells Ploos van Amstel, wegens zyne ultvinding- van prlntdrukken. 8vo. [Amsterdam, 1768. J 17528(1) PLOOS VAN AMSTEL, C. Catalogus der teekeningen, prenten, schllderyen, mlnlatouren, etc., van wylen Heer C. Ploos van Amstel. [Priced.] 8vo. Amsterdam, 1799. 17533 PLOOS VAN AMSTEL, C. See Huftel, N. G. v. [PLOWMAN, J.] An essay on the illustration of books. 8vo. London, 1824. 20518(2) PLUMMER, J. The story of a blind inventor : being some account of the life and labours of Dr. James Gale. 8vo. London, 1868. 3308 PLUMMER, \\\ B. The art of illustrating. {In The Author, Oct. — March, 1909-10.) 15240 PLUQUET, A. Bibliographic du Departement de La Manche. 8vo. Caen, 1873. 7906 PLUTARCH. Plutarchs lives. LoL i. 8vo. London, 1683. 14047 PLYMOUTH : Free Public Libraries. 27th, etc., report, 1903-4, etc. 8vo. Plymouth, 1904, etc. 9^45 POATES ENGRA\ ING CO. Poates wax engraving super- iority for maps, charts and diagrams : mechanical and scientific illustrations : commercial headings and ruled forms. 8vo. New York, 1913. 18147 POCHE, J. Quelques adresses de libraires, imprimeurs, relieurs, marchands, etc., du i7e. si^cle [in Paris]. 8vo. Paris, 1899. 12624 POCOCK, E. Philosophus auto-didactus, sive Epistola Abi Jaafar ebn Tophail. 4to. Oxonii, 1671. 535^ POCOCK, R. See Arnold, G. M. POE, E. A. Some poems. 4to. South Harting [c. 1900]. 2671 POESCHEL, C. E. Zeitgemasse Buchdruckkunst. i2mo. Leipzig, 1904. 40-4 POETAE minores Graeci. 8vo. Cantabrigiae, 1652. 17266 POETRY of nature. 4to. London, 1789. 20390 POETRY of the year. 4to. London, 1854. 9548 POGGI, U. Cola Montana. Dramma storico in 5 atti. A beneficio del fondo, vedone ed orfani dei Pio Instituto Tipo- grafico. i2mo. Milan, 1872. 23105 POHL, R. Die elektrische Ferni'ibertragung von Bildern. 8vo. Braunschweig, 1910. 12039 POIRE, P. La France industrielle ou description des industries fran^aises. [Papeterie, imprimerie, gravure et lithographic, pp. 692-747.] 8vo. Paris, 1873. iii43 POIRE, P. Simples lectures sur les principales industries. 2e. edition. | Papier, imprimerie typographique, gravure et litho- graphie. I i2tno. Paris, 1875. 11408 POISSON, P. See Fontenelle, J. de and Poisson, P. POLAIN, L. Police de I'imprimerie et de la libraire au pays de Li^ge. 8vo. Li^g"e, 1854. 12637 POLAK, H. See Webb, S. and B. POLE, R. Reg-inaldi Poli ad Carolum V et ad Henricum II de pace. 8vo. Roniae, 1555. 21358 POLEVOI, P. Otcherk Zhizni i deyatelnosti pervago Russkag'o petcbatnika Ivana Thedorova. 8vo. S. Peterburg-, 1883. 22952 POLLARD, A. W. Last words on tbe history of the title- pag"e, with notes on some colophons. 4to. London, i8gi. 850 POLLARD, A. W. Early illustrated books : a history of the decoration and illustration of books in the 15th and i6th centuries. 8vo. London, 1893. 368 GL369 POLLARD, A. W. Italian book illustrations, chiefly of the 15th century. [Portfolio Monograph. No. 12.] 8vo. London, 1894. 1417 POLLARD, A. W. The books of hours of Geofi^roy Tory. {In Bibliographica, Vol. i, 1895, pp. 1 14-122.) 53 POLLARD, A. W. The transference of woodcuts in the 15th and 1 6th centuries. {In Bibliographica, Vol. 2, 1896, pp. 343-368.) 53 POLLARD, A. W. Eng-lish books printed abroad. {In Biblio- graphical Society : Transactions, Vol. 3, 1896.) 56 POLLARD, A. W. The woodcut designs for illumination in Venetian books, 1469-73. {In Bibliographica, Vol. 3, 1897, pp. 122-128.) ^ 53 POLLARD, A. W. Some pictorial and heraldic initials. {In Bibliographica, Vol. 3, 1897, pp. 232-252.) 53 POLLARD, A. W. The illustrations in French books of hours, 1486-1500. {In Bibliographica, Lo/. 3, 1897, pp. 430-473.) 53 POLLARD, A. W. Bibliographische Klubs in England. {In Zeitschrift fiir Bucherfreunde, Vol. i, 1897, pp. 99-101.) PP POLLARD, A. W. The Kelmscott Press. [In The Guardian, June 8, 1898.) 1918 POLLARD, A. W. Woodcuts in English plays printed before 1660. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. i, 1900, pp. 71-88.) PP POLLARD, A. W. Book illustration in the 15th century. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. i, 1900, pp. 190-209.) PP POLLARD, A. W. Some notes on English illustrated books. [In Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. 6, 1901.) 56 724 POLLARD, A. W. Specimens of early printing. {In The Caxton Magazine, 1901-2.J 2373 POLLARD, A. W. Sixteenth century types. {In The Caxton Mag-azine, 1902.) 2847 POLLARD, A. W. Old picture books with other essays on bookish subjects. 8vo. London, 1902. 2818 POLLARD, A. VV. Printers' marks of the 15th and i6th centuries, (in The Connoisseur, April, 1902.) 2615 POLLARD, A. W. Book decoration — old and new. {In The Printing Art, I'ol. 2, 1903, pp. 93, 125.) PP POLLARD, A. W. On some Italian manuscripts and early types, {hi The Printing Art, Vol. 3, 1904, p. 97.) PP POLLARD, A. W. The manuscript predecessors of Roman types. [In The Printing Art, Vol. 4, 1904, p. 199.) PP POLLARD, A. W. The Ames collection of title-pages. {In Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. 7, 1904.) 56 POLLARD, A. W. A rough list of the contents of the Bagford collection. {In Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. 7, 1904.) 56 POLLARD, A. \V. Thomas Gibson, 1535-9. (Handlists of English printers.) [Bibliographical Society : Publications.] 4to. London, 1905. 734^ POLLARD, A. W. John Herford. I— at St. Albans, 1534-8. II — at London, 1544-8. Katherine Herford, 1549-50. (Handlists of English printers.) [Bibliographical Society: Publications.) 4to. London, 1905. 7342 POLLARD, A. W. Richard Kele, 1542-52. (Handlists of English printers.) [Bibliographical Society : Publications.] 4to. London, 1905. 7342 POLLARD, A. W. Richard Lant, 1542-63. (Handlists of English printers.) [Bibliographical Society : Publications.] 4to. London, 1905. 7342 POLLARD, A. W. John Mayler, 1539-45. (Handlists of English printers.) [Bibliographical Society : Publications.] 4to. London, 1905. 73^ POLLARD, A. W. William Middleton, 1 541-7. (Handlists of English printers.) [Bibliographical Society: Publications.] 4to. London, 1905. 7342 POLLARD, A. W. James Nycholson, 1536-8. (Handlists of English printers.) [Bibliographical Society: Publications.] 4to. London, 1905. 7342 • POLLARD, A. W. Thomas Raynalde, 1540-55. (Handlists of English printers.) [Bibliographical Society : Publications.] 4to. London, 1905. 7342 725 POLLARU, A. \\'. Rcg-inald Wolfe, i542-[56]. (Handlists of Enj^lish printers.) [Bibliographical Society : Publications.] 4to. London, 1905. 7342 POLLARU, A. \\". An essay on colophons with specimens and translations, and an introduction by R. Garnett. 410. Chicago, 1905. 7682 POLLARD, A. W. The beginnings and endings of books. [In Tlie Printing Art, To/. 7, 1906, pp. 305-31:;.) PP POLLARD, A. W. Colophons. {In The Academy, Feb. 17, 1906.) 7482 POLLARD, A. \y. Zur Theorie der Biicherpreise. Deutsch von F. J. Klcemeier. [In Zeitschrift fiir Bucherfreunde, Vol. 10 1906, pp. 207-211.) PP POLLARD, A. W. The typographical origin of evil. {In The Printing Art, Vol. 10, 1907, pp. 157-163.) PP POLLARD, A. W. Fine books. 8vo. London, 1912. 16564 POLLARD, A.W. Robeson Cruso. 8vo. London, 1913. 17103 POLLARD, A. W. See Sketchley, R. E. D. POLLARD, A. W. and GREG, W. W. Some points in biblio- graphical descriptions. {In Bibliographical Society : Transactions, To/. 9, pp. 31-52.) 56 POLLARD, P. The newspaper as an art school. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 19, 1897, pp. 159-161.) PP POLO, M. Travels. 4to. [London, c. 1579-] 22239 POLYBILl^S. General history. Translated from the Greek by Mr. Hampton. 8vo. London, 181 1. 937^ POLYGRAPHIC SOCIETY. [Advertisements of exhibitions, 1789-92.] 8vo. 1 89 10 POLYGRAPHISCHES CENTRALBLATT. Organ fur Litho- graphic, Steindruckerei und verwandte Geschaftszweige. Vols. 4-8, 1869-73. 4tO- Leipzig, 1869-73. PP POLYPOTYPE. Le polypotype ou histoire de I'imprimerie sous la figure d'un monstre. 8vo. Paris, 1827. 12607(8) POLYTECHNIC : Regent Street. Polytechnic Typographia. Specimens of work. No. i, etc. 4to. London, 1894, etc. 1350 POLYTECHNIC : Regent Street. Aids to the efficient use of collodion emulsion for direct screen tri-colour work. From the Polytechnic School. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 8, 1902-3, pp. 124-125.) PP POMBA, G. Sul desiderio di una fiera libraria in Italia e progetto di un emporio librario, etc. 8vo. Torino, 1844. 15163 POMBA, G. Informazioni intorno alia tipografia e libreria ed al commercio librario Germanico e specialmente della associazione del librai e della fiera di Lipsia. 8vo. Firenze, 1869. 15170 726 POMBA, G. Proposta di un monumento a G. B. Bodoni. 4to. Torino, 1S69. 21049(1) POMBA, G. Monumento al tipografo G. B. Bodoni. 410. Torino, 1871. 21049 (2) POMFRHT, J. Poems. i2mo. London, 1727. 5448 POMFRET, J. Reading- circles. [In Library World, Vol. 13, 1910-1, pp. 2S9-294.) PP POMPADOUR, Madame de. Correspondance. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 2iyi,S POMPEY the Great. 8vo. London, 1664. 6160 (9) PONS, A. T. Balzac editeur, imprimeur et fondeur de caracteres. {In Le Figaro, 1880.) 2769 PONTANUS. Opera omnia. 8vo. Venetiis, 15 18. 5292 PONTIFICALE Romanum. Fol. Venetiis, 1561. 5890 POOLE, J. The English accidence. 4to. London, 1646. 21207 POOLE, J. Part second. The electrotype and electro gilding, with the whole of the art of working in metals by voltaic electri- city. 2nd edition. i2mo. London [c. 1845]. 18528 POOLE, R. S. and OTHERS. Lectures on art. 8vo. London, 1882. 2327 POOLE, W. F. An index to periodical literature. 3rd edition. 4to. Boston, 1882. 5394 POP, B. Muster von neuen Hohlquadraten und Hohlreglets (Anlegestege) aus der Schriftgiesserei von B. Pop in Trier. [In Journal ftir Buchdruckerkunst, 1835, No. 10. Supplement.) PP POP, B. Probe-Blatt aus der Schriftgiesserey von B. Pop in Trier, Aug. 1835. [hi Journal fiir Buchdruckerkunst, 1835, No. 10. Supplement.) PP POPE, A. Epistle to Mr. Arbuthnot. Fol. London, 1734. 5760(1) POPE, A. Messiah : a sacred eclogue. [Printed in gold and silver bronze.] Sq. 8vo. London, 1828. ^77-7 POPE, A. See Homer. POPE, A. A new method of photo-zincography without trans- fers. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 8, 1902-3, pp. 95-96.) PP POPE, H. W. Three-colour work and some suggestions thereon. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 3, 1897, pp. 76-yy.) PP POPE, R. H. The story of a block. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 4, 1898, pp. 101-102.) PP POPELIN, C. See Prunaire, A. POPIEL, L. Anfangsgriinde fi'ir Schriftsetzer-Lehrlinge. 8vo. Frankfurt, 1895. 2160 727 POPLAR : Public Library. An account of the new public library, Poplar, in commemoration of a reception given by the Mayor on June 13, 1906. 410. London, 1906. 8411 POPP, \'. Disertatie despre tipografiilc rominesci in Tran- silvania. Svo. Sibiu, 1838. 22346 POPPE, T. H. M. V. Der junge Phisiker und Techniker. Svo. Stuttg'art, 1838. 15619 POPPELBAUM. Octav-Probe. Svo. Wien, 1SS8. 17162 POPPELBAUM. Probenbuch. 4to. Wien [c. 1912]. 162 12 POPPELREUTER, J. Der anonyme Meister der Poliphilo. Eine Studie zur Italienischen Buchillustration und zur Antike in der Kunst des Quattrocento. 4to. Strassburg, 1904. 4^45 POPPENBERG, F. Moderne Plakatkunst. {In Zeitschrift fur Biicherfreunde, Vol. i, 1S97, pp. 183-192.) PP POPPENBERG, F. Buchschmuck von T. T .Heine. {In Zeitschrift fiir Biicherfreunde, Vol. i, 1897, pp. 264-269.) PP POPPENBERG, F. Buchkunst. i2mo. Berlin, 1908. 10284 POR.CHER, R. Notice sur les iniprimeurs et libraires Blesois du i6e. au i9e. siecle. 2e. edition. 8vo. Blois, 1S95. 6844 PORT ELIZABETH : Public Library. 58th annual report, 1906. Svo. Port Elizabeth, 1907. 95^8 PORTA, J. B. Magiae naturalis. Svo. Francofurti, 1591. 10635 PORTAL, C. Note sur I'imprimeur Jean Numeister. {In Revue Hist., etc., du Departement du Tarn, 1S96.) 10671 PORTER, Mrs. G. See Oliphant, M. O. W. PORTER, G. W. See British Museum. PORTHMANN, ( ). See Eberhart, ( ). PORTHMANN, J. Essai historique sur rimprimerie. Svo. Paris, iSio. 17331 (4) PORTHMANN, J. Eloge historique de rimprimerie. 2e. edition. (Refutation [of the works of Meerman].) Svo. Paris, iSio. 21902 PORTUGALLIA, sive de regis Portugalliae regnis et opibus commentarius. i6mo. Lugd. Bat., 1641. 21964 POSCHEL, E. cK; CO. Probcn von Werk- und Titel-Schriften der Buchdruckerel. Svo. Leipzig [c. 1850]. 6067 POSSENBACHER, M. Schrlft- und Druck-Proben aus der Buchdruckerel von M. P. 4to. Miinchen, 1839. 4064 POSSNETT, V. Unison. A note to builders and users of presses. {In Inland Printer, To/. 38, 1906-7, pp. 362-367.) PP POSSNETT, V. Spaces rising — a consideration of causes. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 40, 1907-8, pp. 859-S62.) PP 728 POSSNETT, V. Rising- spaces and mechanical action. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 41, 1908, pp. 44-47.) PP POSSNETT, V. The rising of quads and spaces — causes and cures. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 41, 1908, pp. 530-533.) PP POSSNETT, V. Stonework : how and why. 8vo. Leicester [1913]. 16737 POST, L. D. Post's Paper Mill Directory for 191 1. Svo. New York, 1910. 16574 POST OFFICE DIRECTORY ATLAS OF ENGLAND AND W'ALES. Fol. London [1861]. -1717 POSTEL, G. Libro de' Magistrati de gli Atheniesi dal Latino tradotto da G. Tatti. Svo. \'enetia, 1543. 6038(3) POSTER. The Poster. Vols. 1-6, 1898-1901. 8vo. London, 1898-1901. PP POSTGATE, J. W. The British press. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 8, 1S90-1, p. loi.) PP POTIER, L. Catalog-ue des livres faisant partie de la librairie de L. P. 2e. partie. 8vo. Paris, 1872. 17230 POTTER, A. C. A bibliography of Beaumont and Fletcher. [Harvard L^niversity Library : Bibliographical Contributions, No. 39.] Svo. Cambridg-e, 1890. 8466 POTTER, A. C. Descriptive and historical notes on the library of Harvard University. [Harvard University Library : Biblio- g'raphical Contributions, No. 55.] Svo. Cambridg-e, 1903. S465 POTTER, B. American copyright v. British printer. Svo. [London, 1910.] 16848 POTTER, F. Rome's downfall. 4to. Oxford, 1642. 1S76 POTTER, J. A discourse of church g-overnment. Svo. London, 1707. 3404 POTTER, W. Lehrgang fiir Lithographen. Zum Gebrauch an Each- und Fortbildungschulen. Herausgegeben von Wilhclm Potter, Essen an der Ruhr : Paul Woenne, Solingen, und Walter Krefting, Barmen, Lehrer an Kunstgewerbe-Fach- und Fortbild- ungschulen. Fol. Halle [1909]. 11243 POTTER, \V. and KREFTING,W. Lehrgang fur Buchdruckcr. Zum Gebrauch an Fortbildungsschulen. Fol. Halle, 1910. 12260 POUCHEE, L. T. Specimens of printing types. Svo. London, 1819. 22214 POULET-MALASSIS, A. Les ex-libris francais. Nouvelle edition. Svo. Paris, 1S75. 21444 POUNCE, P. The Robin Hood Society. A satire. Svo. London, 1756. 21525 729 POUY, F. Recherchcs historiqucs ct bibliographiques sur riniprinierie cl la librairie dans le Departement de la Somme. 2 pts. 8\o. Paris, 1863-4. 20726 rOL'V, I'\ Lcs bibliographcs Picards. 8vo. Paris, 1869. 12669 POWELL, A. Book-keepinjj for printers. [Interleaved and with jMS. notes by J. Soutluvard. (//; Southward's Practical Printing-, 2nd edition, 1884.) 2990 POWELL, A. The law affecting- printers, publishers and news- paper .proprietors. 8vo. London, 1887. 21563 POWELL, A. The law specially affecting printers, publishers and newspaper proprietors. 2nd issue. 8vo. London, 1889. 889 [POWELL, A.] The law affecting printers. {In Printers' Register, I'o/. 54, 1915, p- 128, etc.) PP POWELL, A. See Southward, J. POW'ELL, A. C. J. A short history of the art of printing in England. 4to. London, 1877. 20514 POWELL, G. H. The abuse of brass rule. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 21, 1888, p. 394.) PP POWELL, G. H. Excursions in libraria : being retrospective reviews and bibliographical notes. 8vo. London, 1895. 1670 POWELL, H. See Dix, E. R. McC. POWELL, J. M. An illustrated price list of machinery and material used by printers, lithographers, bookbinders, etc. 8vo. London, 1876. 3097 POWELL, J. M. &: SON. Selected specimens of new and second-hand book and jobbing founts for sale. 8vo. London [c. 1880]. 1 1954 POWELL, J. M. 8c SON. Selected specimens of new and second-hand book and jobbing founts for sale. 8vo. London [c. 1880]. 1 1955 POWELL, J. M. & SON. [Catalogue of printing machinery, etc.] 8vo. London [1884]. 9320 [POWELL, T.] Humane industry; or, a history of most manual arts. [Ch. 4. W/'riting ; Ch. 5. Printing.] 8vo. London, 1661. 265 POWDER. The power of the press: is it rightly employed? Facts, enquiries and suggestions addressed to members of Christian churches. i2mo. London, 1847. 23051 POWER, J. Irish literary inquirer. Conducted by J. Power. First series. Pt. i. Svo. London, 1865-6. 6294 POWER, J. A handy book about books. Svo. London, 1870. 20467 POWER, J. See Moore, T. 730 T'OWRIE, J. H. Practical heliochromy for professional and amateur. [In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, ToZ. ii, 1905-6, pp. 111-112.) PP POWRIE, J. H. The origin of the Warner-Powrie process and application of the Florence plate to process work. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Ful. 13, 1907-8, pp. 9-16.) PP POWRIE, W. Lithographic printing and its mechanical ap- pliances. (In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 8, Aug. 10, 1882, pp. 1-4.) PP POW RIE, W. Single cylinder printing machines. (In The Brit, and Col. Print., T'o/. 11, Feb. 7, 1884, pp. 8-9.) PP POWRIE, \V. The Wharfedale : its history and construction. (In The Monthly Advertiser, 1896.) -^03 POW^RIE, W. Machinery for book and general printing. Svo. Westminster, 1899. 1238 POWRIE, W. Lithographic printing machinery and appliances. 8vo. Deptford, 1900. -015 POWRIE, W. Remarks on two-revolution printing machines. (In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. ^i , Oct. 2, 1902, pp. 213-215.) PP POWRIE, W. L. The gas engine. (In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 44, Dec. 15, 1898, pp. 349-350-) PP POYNTER, E. J. Some remarks on ancient decorative art. {In Poole, R. S. : Lectures on art, 1882.) 2327 POYVRE, H. See Claudin, A. POZZI, A. L'ltalia sotto i varj suoi aspetti. Svo. Milano, 1868. 23429 POZZOLI, G. Manuale di tipografia, ovvero guida pratica pei combinatori di caratteri, pei torcolieri e pei legatore di libri. Svo. Milano, 1861. 11671 POZZOLI, G. Nuovo manuale di tipografia ossia guida pratica pei combinatori di caratteri, pei torcolieri, macchinisti legatori di libri, ecc. 2a. edizione. Svo. Milano, 1873. 20630 POZZOLI, G. Nuovo manuale di tipografia ossia guida pratica pei combinatori di caratteri, pei torcolieri, macchinisti e legatori di libri, ecc. 3a. edizione. Svo. Milano, 1882. 21003 PRACTICAL lithography. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 13, 1884, pp. 203, 210, 237.) PP PRACTICAL PHOTOGRAPHER. Vols. 4-11. Svo. London, 1 893- 1 900. PP PRACTICAL PRINTER. Fo/. i, 1899, etc. Svo. St. Louis, 1S99, etc. PP PRACTICAL PROCESS \'\'ORKER. Vols. 2-3, 1897-8. Svo. New York, 1897-S. PP 731 PRAUHL, C. Notice sur rimprimerie a Castres. 8vo. Tou- louse, 1882. 12595 [PRAKT, J. 13. B. V. I Notice sur Colard Mansion, libraire et imprinieur de la ville de Bruges en Flandre dans le quinzi^me siecle. Svo. Paris, 1829. -0^551 20650 [PRAET, J. B. B. \.J Recherches sur Louis de Bruges, Seig- neur de la Gruthuyse : suivies de la notice des manuscrits qui lui ont appartenu, et dont la plus grande partie se conserve k la Bibliotheque du Roi. 8vo. Paris, 1831. 20652 PRAET, J. I. V. See Bergmans, P. PRAGER, R. L, Der Deutsche Buchhandel : seine Geschichte and seine Organisation. Svo. Berlin, 1907. 9354 PRAGUE. Catalogue de I'exposition de journaux et de manu- scrits de la Societe des Ouvriers Typographes k Prague, 1877. 8vo. [Prague, 1877.] 22384 PRALORAN, G. Dclle origini e del primato della stampa tipogratica. 8vo. Milano, 1868. 20632 PRANG, L. The Prang standard of color. Obi. 4to. Boston, 1898. 1362 PRATT, P. P. A voice of warning and instruction to all people. i6mo. Liverpool, 1889. 9243 PRAYERS and hymns, translated from the German. 8vo. London, 1832. 3766 PRECATIONES ecclesiae Maronitarum. Syriac. 8vo. Romae, 1584. 6264 PRECES Sancti Nierses. i6mo. Venetiis, 181 5. 547° PRECES S. Niersis Clajensis, viginti quatuor Linguis coitae. i2mo. Venetiis, 1823. 5423 PREISLER, J. D. Theoretisch-Praktischer-Unterricht im Zeichnen. [Lithographs.] Fol. Wien, 1806. 11578 PREISSIG, V. Zur Technik der farbigen Radierung and des Farber-Kupferstichs. Teil L i2mo. Leipzig, 1909. 11824 PREMIER TYPE FOUNDRY, Ltd. Special prices for spac- ing materials, etc. S. sh. 4to. London, 1910. 15789 PRENTZLER, J. H. Schriften, Rosgen oder Zierarten und Linien. 4to. Frankfurt, 1774. 20230 PREPARED papers and how to make them : a collection of practical receipts. i2mo. London, 1873. 583 PRESCOTT, W. B. Technical education and the union. {In Inland Printer, I'oZ. 31, 1903, pp. 523-527.) PP PRESCOTT, VV. B. Side lights on technical education in the Orient and the Antipodes. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 31, 1903, pp. 754-755-) PP 732 PRKSCOTT, W. B. The g-enesis of journalism. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 32, 1903-4, pp. 682-685.) P^ PRESLAND, J. The divine mission of the printing- press. A sermon in aid of the Printers' Pension Corporation. 8vo. London, 1884. 8436 PRESS, W. H. Victorian triumphs : a Jubilee bead-roll. [The press, the wing-ed art.] i2mo. London [1887]. 6915 PRESS. The Press. Vols. 1-4, 1899-1902. 4to. London, 1899-1902. PP PRESS. The Press Album. Published in aid of the Journalists* Orphan Fund. Edited by Thomas Catling-. 8vo. London, 1909. 1 3 1 60 PRESS AND PAPER. [Afterwards Printing- World.] Jap- anese. Vol. 6, 1896, etc. 8vo. Tokyo, 1896, etc. PP PRESS. The press and the public service. By a distinguished writer. 8vo. London, 1857. 20353 PRESS AND TYPE. Vol. 12, No. 5, June, 1904. 4to. Chicag-o, 1904. PP PRESS ASSOCLATION. Memorandum [by E. Robbins, on the proposed chang-es in the rates for press teleg-rams]. Fol. London, 1915. 19178 (2) PRESS BAZAAR NEWS. No. i. Fol. London, 1898. 1187 PRESS CLUB. The Press Club Fair. Souvenir and official prog-ramme. 4to. New York, 1893. 2188 PRESS CLUB. The Press Club, St. Bride's House. Obi. 8vo. London [1914]. 18553 PRESS ETCHING CO. Sug^gestions from Press Etching- Studies, desig-ners, photo-etchers, colour reproducers, electro- typers. 8vo. London [19 10]. 8499 PRESS NEWS. Vols. 1-47, 1866-1912. 8vo. London, 1866- 1912. PP PRESS WORLD. 1905-6. 8vo. London, 1905-6. PP PRESSE-BUCH-PAPIER. Vol. 7, 1906, etc. 8vo. Berhn, 1906, etc. PP PRESSFREIHEIT oder Censur in Deutschland? Fine prak- tische Frage. 8vo. Frankfurt, 1839. 22372 PRESSMAN, pseud. Practical talks on presswork. By a pressman. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 7, 1889-90, p. 588 — p. 1045.) PP PRESTON. A catalogue of the library collected by R. Shep- herd, bequeathed by him to the Mayor and Aldermen of Preston. Svo. Preston, 1839. ^3754 PRESTON, W. William Preston, Esq. {In The Annual Bio- graphy, 1820.) 22420 733 PRETTY. A pretty book of pictures. 9th edition. 24010. London, 17O7. 5495 I'RETTY. A pretty plaything- for children. New edition. ^4010. Alexandria [c. 1770J. 549^ PREUSKKR, K. Gutenberg- und Franklin. Eine Festg^abe zum vierten Jubilaum der Erfindung- der Buchdruckerkunst. 8vo. Leipzig-, 1840. 20955(10) PRICE, F. C. Facsimiles illustrating- the labours of W. Caxton and the introduction of printing; into England. With a memoir of our first printer, etc. 4to. London, 1877. 5166 PRICE, F. G. H. Temple Bar; or, some account of Ye Mary- gold, No. I, Fleet Street. 8vo. London, 1875. 23254 PRICE, J. E. A descriptive account of the Guildhall of the City of London. Fol. London, 1886. 21810 I'RICE, L. Interiors and exteriors in Venice. Lithographed by Joseph Nash. T^ol. London, 1843. 747o PRICE, W. C. See Thomson, E. and Price, W. C. PRICHARD, C. FL The Lanston Monotype typesetting- and casting- niachine. (Zn The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 49, Sept. 12, 1901, pp. 157-158.) PP PRIDEAUX, H. Letters to John Ellis, 1674-1722. Edited by E. M. Thompson. 4to. London, 1875. 55^6 PRIDEALIX, S. T. The use of metal in bound books. {In The Magazine of Art [c. 1890], pp. 1 27-1 31.) 1249 PRIDEAUX, S. T. The metal ornament of bound books. (In The Mag-azine of Art, 1891, July, pp. 316-321.) 1250 PRIDEAUX, S. T. A bibliography of bookbinding. {In The Library, Vol. 4, 1892.) 643 PRIDEAUX, S. T. An historical sketch of bookbinding. With a chapter on early stamped bindings by E. Gordon Duff. 8vo. London, 1893. 27^ PRIDEAUX, S. T. Some Scottish bindings of the last century. {1)1 The Magazine of Art, Jan., 1895, pp. 110-114.) 6782 PRIDEAUX, S. T. French binders of to-day. {In Scribner's Magazine, March, 1896.) 1259 PRIDEAUX, S. T. Design in bookbinding. {In Scribner's Magazine, Feb., 1896.) 1264 PRIDEAUX, S. T. Characteristics and peculiarities of Roger Payne, binder. {In The Magazine of Art, Sept., 1898, pp. 607- 613.) 150 PRIDEAUX, S. T. Edition binding. {In The Printing Art, Vol. 2, 1903, p. I.) PP /.■)4 o PRIDEAUX, S. T. Rudolph Ackermann and the work of his press, 1764-1834. (In The Printing- Art, Vol. 7, igo6, pp. 85-93.) PP PRIDEAUX, S. T. Modern bookbindings : their design and decoration. Svo. London, 1906. 7619 PRIDEAUX, S. T. Color lithography in England, a chapter in the early history of book illustration. [In The Printing Art, I'ol. 10, 1907-8, pp. 305-312.) PP PRIDEAUX, S. T. Aquatint engraving : a chapter in the history of book illustration. Svo. London, 1909. 11811 PRIESTLEY, R. Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of books. 8vo. London [c. 1820]. 16556 (24) PRIESTLEY, R. Supplement to a catalogue of books for the year 1820. 8vo. London, 1820. 16717 PRIESTLEY, R. Scriptores classic!. A catalogue of the Greek and Roman classics, etc. 8vo. London, 1826. 16556 (23) PRIEUR, P. and DUBOIS, L. Les recompenses k I'Exposition Universelle de 1900. Reponse au jury de la classe XI. Svo. Puteaux, 1900. 9732 PRIEUR, P. and DUBOIS, L. Les arts graphiques et I'im- primerie. Svo. Puteaux [c. 1903]. 72 11 PRIMA morum et pietatis praecepta. i2mo. Edinburgi, 1755. 5194(2) PRIME, W. I'^ifteenth-century Bibles : a study in bibliography. Svo. New York, 1888. 141 17 PRIMER. A primer. 24mo. [? Glasgow, c. 1770.] 5482 PRINCE, J. H. Life of J. H. P., bookseller, written by him- self. 2nd edition. Svo. London, 1S07. 22246 PRINCIPATIBUS Italiae. Editio 2a. i6mo. Lugd. Bat., 1631. 21945 PRING & THOMPSON PROCESS, Ltd. Reproductions of the great masters. Price list. Svo. London [c. 191 1]. 17900 PRINGLE, A. The optical lantern, for instruction and amuse- ment. Svo. London, 1891. 578 PRINT : a journal for printing-house employes of all grades and departments. ]'ol. i, Nos. 1-6, 1S96. 4to. London, 1896. PP PRINT WEAVE CO. The Printex rapid duplicating method of transferring for all forms of lithography, block making and placing subjects on any kind of metal or printing surface. Svo. New York [1915]. 18631 PRINTER. The printer. [Houlston and Wright's Industrial Library. No. 31.] i2mo. London, 1S65. 10196 735 PRINTER. The printer : a description of his business and all that pertains to it. [Houlston's Industrial Library. No. 31.] i:;nio. London [c. i88o|. 21842 PRINTER. The printer. By a practical printer. i6mo. Bung-ay, 1872. 18455 PRINTER. The Printer. Nos. 1-19, Nov., 1843— June, 1845. 4to. London, 1843-5. PP PRINTER. The Printer. Vol. 5, Nos. 1-12, Sept., 1863— Dec, 1864. Fol. New York, 1863-4. PP PRINTER. The Printer : a quarterly journal devoted to the interests of printers and printing;. Nov., 1S83 — Aug-., 1888. 8vo. London, 1883-8. ' PP PRINTER AND BOOKMAKER. See American Bookmaker. PRINTER AND PUBLISHER. See Canadian Printer and Publisher. PRINTERS' ALBUM. Vol. 36, 1908, etc. 4to. Grand Haven, Mich., 1908, etc. PP PRINTERS' ALMSHOUSE FUND. A full account of the ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the Printers' Alms- houses by Lord Mahon, June 11, 1849. i2mo. London, 1849. 4236 PRINTERS' AND KINDRED TRADERS' MONTHLY AD- VERTISER. Vols. 2-4, 1894-6. 4to. London, 1894-6. PP PRINTERS' AND KINDRED TRADES REVIEW. Vol. i. No. I, March, 1896. 8vo. London, 1896. PP PRINTERS' AND LITHOGRAPHERS' GAZETTE. Vol. 16, 1882. 4to. New York, 1882. PP PRINTERS' AND STATIONERS' WAREHOUSEMEN, CUTTERS' ASSISTANTS' UNION. Report and balance sheet. Half-year ending Dec. 31, 1894, etc. 8vo. London, 1894, etc. 4262 PRINTERS' apprentices and their indentures. The old and the new covenants of servitude. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 42, 1898, pp. I, 29.) PP PRINTERS' ART UNION ASSOCIATION. 6th annual re- port. 8vo. London, 1877. ii73 PRINTERS' ATHENAEUM. General prospectus of the Pro- visional Committee. 4to. London, 1851. 20551 (7) PRINTERS'. Ye Printers' Blotter. Vol. i, No. i, 1880. 8vo. Titusville, 1880. 22815 PRINTERS' CIRCULAR. Vols. 3-15, 1868-80. 4to. Phila- delphia, 1868-80. PP PRINTERS' costs and charges. Important conference. [Re- port.] [In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 52, Feb. 19, 1903, pp. 113-116.) PP 736 PRINTERS' devil, the; or, a type of the old one. A burlesque extravaganza in one act. i2mo. London [c. 1840]. 23089 PRINTERS' ENGINEER. Vol i, etc. 4to. London, 1895-6, etc. PP PRINTERS' FURNISHER. New Series, Nos. 3-7, Dec, 1901 — July, 1902. 4to. Bradford, 1901-2. PP PRINTERS' GENERAL MEDICAL AID AND SANATORIA ASSOCIATION, ist, etc., annual report and financial statement. 8vo. London, 1909, etc. 11 190 PRINTERS in Eg-vpt. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 42, 1908, pp. 398-399.) ^' PP PRINTERS' INK. J'ols. 46-68, 1904-9. 8vo. New York, 1904-9. PP PRINTERS' INK. Vol. i, 1909, etc. 8vo. London, 1909, etc. PP PRINTERS' INTERNATIONAL SPECIMEN EXCHANGE. 16 vols. 4to. London, 1880-98. 375 PRINTERS' JOURNAL AND TYPOGRAPHICAL MAGA- ZINE. Vol. I, N.S. Vols. 1-3, 1865-8. 8vo. London, 1865-8. PP PRINTERS' LABOURERS' UNION. Report and balance sheet for the half-year ending- Dec. 31, 1895, etc. 8vo. London, 1896, etc. 4257 PRINTERS' LEAGUE OF AMERICA. New York Branch. [Prospectus.] i2mo. [New York, 1907.] 11518 PRINTERS' LEAGUE OF AMERICA. Ag-reement between Printers' Leag^ue of America and Typog^raphical Union, No. 6. 1 2 mo. [New York, 1908.] 11526 PRINTERS' LEAGUE OF AMERICA. First convention, Sept. 22-24, 1909. Verbatim report of the proceeding's. 8vo. New York, 1909. 12047 PRINTERS' LEAGUE OF AMERICA. New York Branch, No. I. [Rules, efc] i2mo. New York, 1909. 11501 PRINTERS' LEAGUE OF AMERICA. Agreement between Printers' League of America, New York Branch and Typo- graphical Union, No. 6. i2mo. [New York, 1910.J ^4337 PRINTERS' LEAGUE OF AMERICA. New York Branch. Co-operation. i2mo. [New York, 1910.] 13299 PRINTERS' LEAGUE OF AMERICA. Agreement between Printers' League of America, New York Branch, No. i and Franklin Union, No. 23 I. P. P. and A. U. i2mo. New York, 191 1. 14336 PRINTERS' MANAGERS AND OVERSEERS' ASSOCI- ATION. I2th annual dinner, 1906. 8vo. London, 1906. 7493 737 47 PRINTERS' MANAGERS AND OVERSEERS' ASSOCI- ATION. Practical observations on mechanical means of com- position : being- report and discussion before the Liverpool and District Centre. 8vo. London, 1909. 11208 PRINTERS' MANAGERS AND OVERSEERS' ASSOCIA- TION. The technical training- of the printers' apprentice. Ad- journed debate. 4to. London [1910]. 122 10 PRINTERS' MARKirr. Nos. 1-2, 1907. 8vo. London, 1907. PP PRINTERS' MART AND REVIEW. Nos. 1-6, July, 1902— March, 1903. Svo. London, 1902-3. PP PRINTERS' MISCELLANY. J'ol. 2-3, 1877-9. 4to. St. John, 1877-9. PP PRINTERS' PENSION CORPORATION. Reports, 1829, etc. 8vo. London, 1829, etc. 10252 PRINTERS' PENSION CORPORATION. List of sub- scribers, 1850, etc. 8vo. London, 1850, etc. 10-253 PRINTERS' PENSION CORPORATION. An account of the opening of the new wings to the Printers' Almshouses, Wood Green, Aug. 5, 1871. Svo. London, 1871. 23351 PRINTERS' PENSION CORPORATION. An address on behalf of the Corporation. i2nio. London [1872]. -0551 (30) PRINTERS' PENSION CORPORATION. By-laws, rules and regulations. 8vo. London [1876]. 22559 PRINTERS' PENSION CORPORATION. Rules and regu- lations for managing the business connected with the Crespin- Harding Pension. Svo. London [c. 1880]. 3534 PRINTERS' PENSION CORPORATION. Report of the Almshouses Reparation Committee. Svo. London, 1881. 22557 PRINTERS' PENSION CORPORATION. By-laws, etc. Svo. Svo. London [1SS4]. 3533 PRINTERS' PENSION CORPORATION. Souvenir of the opening of the Albany extension of the Printers' Almshouses. Fol. [London, 1891.] 1492 PRINTERS' PENSION CORPORATION. Record of festival, 1S92, etc. Svo. London, 1892, etc. 15631 PRINTERS' PENSION CORPORATION. Programme of the concert in aid of the printers' orphans. Svo. London, 1S99. 15475 PRINTERS' PENSION CORPORATION. Adelphi Theatre, matinee, June iS [1903]. 4to. London [1903]. 352S PRINTERS' PENSION CORPORATION. Printers' Pie. A festival souvenir, 1903, etc. 4to. London, 1903, etc. 35^3 738 PRINTERS' PENSION CORPORATION. Winter's Pie. Being- the Christmas number of Printers' Pie. Edited by W. H. Spottiswoode, 1912, etc. 4to. London, 1912, etc. 18386 PRINTERS' POCKET GUIDE, ALMANACK AND DIARY. Edited by A. C. Couch. 1899,^^0. i2mo. London, 1899, efc. PP PRINTERS' PROVIDENT ASSOCIATION. Rules. 8vo. London, 1910. ^375- PRINTERS' REGISTER. Vol. i, 1866, etc. 4to. London, 1866, etc. PP PRINTERS' REGISTER. N.S., No. 4, July, 1888. 4to. St. Louis, 1888. PP PRINTERS' REVIEW. Vols. 4-5. N.S., No. 4, 1884-90. 4to. Boston, 1884-90. PP PRINTERS' W^EEKLY ADVERTISER. Vol. i, 1893. 4to. London, 1893. PP PRINTERS' WEEKLY ADVERTISER, Ltd. Memorandum and articles of association. 8vo. London, 1893. 459i PRINTERS' YEAR BOOK AND DIARY. 1899, etc. 4to. London, 1899, etc. PP PRINTING. Vol. I. Nos. 1-4, 1889-90. 8vo. San Francisco, 1889-90. PP PRINTING. {In Rees' Encyclopaedia, 1819.) 2255 PRINTING. [1790-1824.] {In Encyclopaedia Britannica. Supplement, 1824.) 23304 PRINTING AND KINDRED TRADES FEDERATION. [Minutes of meeting- held at Newcastle-on-Tyne, Sept. 5. 1891.] 8vo. [Manchester, 1891.] 1998 PRINTING and paper-making- in Holland. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 9, May 10, 1883, pp. 1-3.) PP PRINTING ART. Vol. i, 1903, etc. 4to. Cambridge, 1903, etc. PP PRINTING ART SAMPLE BOOK. [Afterwards Printing Art Suggestion Book.] Vol. 1, 1908, etc. 4to. Cambridge, 1908, etc. PP PRINTING ARTS CO., Ltd. [Specimens of colour printing by the Orloff Press.] Fol. London [c. 1902]. 7396 PRINTING books for the blind. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 29, 1902, p. 918.) PP PRINTING by magic. (/« Chambers's Journal, Feb. 1854.) 1323 PRINTING GAZETTE. Vol. i. No. 2, June, 1877. 8vo. Coxsackie, 1877. PP PRINTING half-tone plates. By a western pressman. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 9, 1891-2, p. 324 — p. 671.) PP 739 PRINTING in Austria. By a correspondent. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 32, 1903-4, pp. 271-273.) PP PRINTING industry in Russia. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 25, 1900, pp. 346-347.) PP PRINTING in the 15th and in the 19th centuries. {In The Penny Magazine, 1837.) 22936 PRINTING JOURNAL. Vol. 19, 1909, etc. 8vo. Tokyo, 1909, etc. PP PRINTING — lithography. {In Chambers's Information for the People, 5th edition, 1875.) 22775 PRINTING MACHINE MANAGERS' HANDBOOK. See [Gaskill, J.]. PRINTING MACHINE MANAGERS' TRADE SOCIETY. See London Printing- Machine Managers' Trade Society. PRINTING MACHINE; OR, COMPANION TO THE LIBRARY, Vols. 1-2. Fol. London, 1834. 20002 PRINTING MACHINERY CO., Ltd. Prospectus. 4to. London, 1899. 4583 PRINTING MACHINERY RECORD. Vols. 1-7, 1901-8. 4to. London, 1901-8. PP PRINTING NEWS. Vols. 1-3, 1892-4. 8vo. London, 1892-4. PP PRINTING PRESS. Nos. 1-7. 8vo. Chicago, 1875-6. PP PRINTING The printing press. {In Lardner, D. The museum of science and art. Vol. xi, 1856.) 9768 PRINTING press in a church. [St. Ethelburga.] {In Lloyd's News, Jan. 22, 1905.) 6510 PRINTING REVIEW. Vol. i, No. 11, Nov., 1879. 8vo. London, 1879. PP PRINTING TIMES. {Afterwards Printing Times and Litho- grapher.) 4to. London, 1870-1900. PP PRINTING TRADE NEWS. Vol. 34, 1907, etc. 4to. New York, 1907, etc. PP PRINTING TRADES AMALGAMATION PROVISIONAL COMMITTEE. Amalgamation of the printing trades unions. i6mo. London, 1912. 16700 PRINTING TRADES AND GENERAL INSURANCE CO., Ltd. Prospectus. 4to. Manchester, 1907. 16983 PRINTING TRADES AND GENERAL INSURANCE CO., Ltd. [Prospectus.] i2mo. London [1910]. 15184 PRINTING WORLD. Vols. 1-2, N.S. Vols. 1-18, 1891-1910. 4to. London, 1891-1910. PP 740 PRINTING. The printing trades in various countries. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 24, 1899-1900, pp. 417-421.) PP PRINTING without ink. How the newspaper of the future may be produced. {In The Penny Pictorial Magazine, Aug., 1901.) 2359 PRINTING without type. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 26, 1900-1, p. 458.) PP PRINTOLOGY. No. i, 1909, etc. Fol. Chicago, 1909, etc. PP PRINTSELLER AND COLLECTOR. Vols. 1-2, 1903-4. 4to. London, 1903-4. PP PRIOR, H. See BertarelH, A. and Prior, H. PRIOR, M. Almae, libri tres, latino versu donati, opera et studio T. Martin. Svo. Sarum, 1763. 18430 PRIVATE presses. {In The Globe, Nov. 13, 1905.) 7264 PROBETT, S. T. Catalogue of the entire stock in trade to be sold at auction by order of the assignees. Svo. Derby, 1835. 6222 PROCEDE. Le Precede. Vol. 12, 1910, etc. Svo. Paris, 1910, etc. PP PROCEDES MODERNES DTLLUSTRATION. Vols. 1-5. 1893-1902. 4to. Geneve, 1893-1902. PP PROCEDES. Les procedes : traite pratique de phototypie, impression aux encres grasses, report sur bois, photolithographic, photozincographie, photogravure. Svo. Paris, 1S87. 366 PROCESS ENGRA\ERS' MONTHLY. See Process Photo- gram. PROCESS PHOTOGRAM. {Afterwards Process Engravers' Monthly.) Vol. i, 1S94, etc. Svo. London, 1894, etc. PP PROCESS WORK. PENROSE'S CIRCULAR. {Afterwards Process Work and Electrotyping). Series i, No. 13, 1894, etc. Svo. London, 1894, etc. PP PROCESS YEAR BOOK. See Penrose's Pictorial Annual. PROCESSIONARIUM sacri ordinis Praedicatorum. Svo. Romae, 1754. 7639 PROCTOR, R. G. C. Additional notes to Blades' BibUo- graphical Miscellanies. I — Signatures. {In The Library, 1S91, pp. 177-180 — pp. 267-269.) PP PROCTOR, R. G. C. Jan van Doesborgh, printer at Antwerp. [Bibliographical Society : Illustrated monographs, No. 2.] 4to. London, 1894. 54 PROCTOR, R. G. C. The Accipies woodcut. {In Biblio- graphica, Vol. i, 1895, pp. 52-62.) 53 741 PROCTOR, R. G. C. Tracts on early printing. I— List of the founts of type and woodcut devices used by the Southern Netherlands in the 15th century. 8vo. London, 1895. 1652 PROCTOR, R. G. C. Tracts on early printing. II— A note on Eberhard Frommolt, of Basel, printer. 8vo. London, 1895. 1652 PROCTOR, R. G. C. John Rastell, 1516-33. (Handlists of English printers.) [Bibliographical Society : Publications.] 4to. London, 1896. 57^ PROCTOR, R. G. C. WiUiam Rastell, 1530-4. (Handlists of English Printers.) [Bibliographical Society : Publications.] 4to. London, 1896, 571 PROCTOR, R. G. C. Tracts on early printing. HI— Additions to Campbell's Annales de la typographic neerlandaise au i5e. si^cle. 8vo. London, 1897. 1652 PROCTOR, R. G. C. On two plates in Sotheby's Principia Typographica. {In Bibliographica, Vol. 3, 1897, pp. 192-196.) 53 PROCTOR, R. G. C. A classified index to the Serapeum. [Bibliographical Society: Publications.] 4to. London, 1897. 1059 PROCTOR, R. G. C. An index to the early printed books in the British Museum. Part i. To 1500. (Supplements 1-4. Registers to Supplements.) 8vo. London, 1898-1906. 1660 PROCTOR, R. G. C. Marcus Reinhard and Johann Gruninger. [In Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. 5, 1899.) 56 PROCTOR, R. G. C. A short view of Berthelet's editions of the Statutes of Henry 8. {In Bibliographical Society : Trans- actions, Vol. 5, 1899.) 56 PROCTOR, R. G. C. The printing of Greek in the 15th century. [Bibliographical Society : Illustrated monographs, No. 8.] 4to. London, 1900. 1971 PROCTOR, R. G. C. Incunabula at Grenoble. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. i, 1900, pp. 215-220.) PP PROCTOR, R. G. C. The Gutenberg Bible. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 2, 1901, pp. 60-66.) PP PROCTOR, R. G. C. Ulrich von Ellenbog and the press of S. Ulrich at Augsburg. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 4, 1903, pp. 163-179.) PP PROCTOR, R. G. C. An index to the early printed books in the British Museum. Part 2, 1501-20. Germany. 8vo. London, 1903. ' 3641 PROCTOR, R. G. C. The early printers of Koln. [A review of Der Buchdruck Kolns von E. Vouilli^me.] {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 4, 1903, pp. 392-402.) PP 742 PROCTOR, R. G. C. The French Royal Greek types and the Eton Chrysostom. (In Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vot. 7, 1904.) 56 PROCTOR, R. G. C. Bibliographical essays. 8vo. London, 1905. 6828 PRODUCTION of paper and pulp in the United States from Jan. I to June, 1898. {In Bulletin of the Department of Labour, No. 23, July, 1899.) 10562 PROFIT AND RETAIL ADVERTISING. See Retail Ad- vertising'. PROFITABLE ADVERTISING. {Afterzvards Advertising and Selling.) Vols. 12-22, 1902-13. 8vo. Boston and New York, 1902-13. PP PROGRESS of British newspapers in the 19th century. 4to. London [1901]. 2163 PROGRESSIVE PRINTER. {Afterwards Typothetae and Platemaker.) Vols. 1-21, 1897-1911. 4to. St. Louis, 1897-1911. PP PROJECT, P. and TYPE, T. A tour through some of the southern counties of England. 8vo. London, 1804. 23165 PROLSS, R. Von der altesten Drucken der Dramen Shakes- peares. 8vo. London, 1905. 71200 PROMPT, ( ). See Dante Alighieri. PROOF-SHEET. Vols. 2-10 and Vol. 11, Nos. 57-59. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1868-79. PP PROOST, P. cS: ZOON. Archief-Papier. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1913. 17472 PROPAGATION of the Gospel in the East : being an account of the progress made by some missionaries at Tranquebar. 3 pts. 8vo. London, 1718. 201 14 PROPERTIUS. See Catullus. PROPRIUM officiorum in usum dioecesium Angliae. i2mo. Londini, 1885. 7539 PROSPECTUS of a machine for making paper by moulds. Fol. London, 1814. 22981 PROSPETTO [of a new edition of the Opera di Labindo, with a specimen of pagej. 4to. [Parma, 1792.] 5152 (4) PROSSER, R. B. John Baskerville, printer. {In The Biblio- grapher, ]'()l. I, 1882, pp. 17-18.) PI PROSSER, R. B. The origin of the card catalogue : a brief note. i2mo. 1892. 16650 PROSSER, T. Specification. Letterpress printing machine. 1794. No. 2027. 8vo. London, 1856. 20559(2) PROTEAUX, A. See Prouteaux, A. 743 ) PROTECTIVE covering for paper rolls. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 74, 1914, p. 402.) PP PROTHERO, G. W. A memoir of Henry Bradshaw. 8vo. London, 1888. 5337 PROUDHON, P. J. Proudhon : the French printer and political economist, {hi The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 9, Jan. 11, 1883, pp. 1-2.) PP PROUT, A. Elemens d'un typographic qui r^duit au tiers celle en usage, et d'unc ecriture qui g'ag'ue pr^s des trois quarts sur I'ecriture franfaise. 8vo. Paris, 1797. 21550 PROUT, J. S. Picturesque antiquities of Bristol. Drawn from nature and on stone by J. S. P. Fol. Bristol [c. 1840]. 8653 PROUT, S. Hints on lig'ht and shadow, composition, etc., as applicable to landscape painting. Fol. London, 1838. 349^ PROL^T, S. Front's microcosm. The artist's sketch book of g'roups of fig"ures, shipping and other picturesque objects. [Litho- graphed by C. Hullmandel.] Fol. London, 1841. 16395 PROUTEAUX, A. Guide pratique de la fabrication du papier et du carton. 8vo. Paris, 1864. 11074 PROUTEAUX, A. Practical guide for the manufacture of paper and boards. With additions by L. S. Le Normand. Trans- lated with notes by H. Payne. To which is added a chapter on the manufacture of paper from wood in the United States. By H. T. Brown. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1866. 95^7 PROL^TEAUX, A. Guide pratique de la fabrication du papiei et du carton. 8vo. Paris [c. 1885]. 21S98 PROUTEAUX, A. Guide pratique de la fabrication du papier et du carton. [Nouvelle edition.] 8vo. Paris [c. 1886]. 382 PROUTING, F. J. The stationers' guide and practical hand- book to the art of window dressing. 8vo. London, 1881. 3013 PROUTY, G. W. & CO. Perfected Prouty job printing presses. 8vo. Boston, 1891. ii953 PROVIDENCE : John Carter Brown Library. The dedication of the library buildings. May 17, 1904. 8vo. Providence, 1905. 7678 PROVIDENCE JOURNAL. See Davis, H. R. PROVINCIAL TYPOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION. Rules framed by the committee appointed at the delegate meeting for the relief of journeymen printers travelling in search of employ- ment. 8vo. Manchester, 1862. 2005 PROMNCIAL TYPOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION. Rules as amended Dec, 1874. i2mo. Manchester, 1874. 4181 PROVINCIAL TYPOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION. Report of proceedings of the meeting of delegates held [at] Birmingham, May, 1877. i2mo. Manchester, 1877. 655 (3) 744 PROVINCIAL TYPOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION. See Typographical Association. PROVINCIALE omnium ecclesiarum cathedralium universi orbis. 4to. Rome, 1514. ^1355 PROVOST, C. H. A treatise on how to illustrate for news- papers, magazines, books, etc. 8vo. New York, 1904. 4144 PROVOST & CO. The search for a publisher ; or, counsels for a young author. 8th edition. 8vo. London, 1882. 22658 PROWE, L. Zur Biographic von Nicolaus Copernicus. 4to. Thorn, 1853. 5899(4) PROWE, L. Nicolaus Copernicus in seinen Beziehungen zu dem Herzoge Albrecht von Preussen. 4to. Thorn, 1855. 5899 (5) PROWSE, A. F. The imp on the throne ; or, the devil turned editor. MS. i2mo. [Plymouth, 1853.] 718 PRUDENTIUS, A. Opera omnia. 2 vols. 4to. Parmae, 1788. 16609 PRUNAIRE, A. Les plus beaux types de lettres d'apres le maitres de cet art. Avant propos par C. Popelin. 4to. Paris [1895]- 383 PRUSS, J., pere. See Schmidt, C. PRUSS, J., ^75. See Schmidt, C. PRUSSIA. Instruktionen fiir die alphabetischen Kataloge der preuszischen Bibliotheken vom 10. Mai, 1899. 2te. Ausgabe in der Fassung vom 10. Aug., 1908. 8vo. Berlin, 1909. ii459 PSALMS and Hymns used at the Asylum or House of Refuge for Female Orphans. 8vo. London [c. 1800]. 6302 PSYCHE. The Psyche : a magazine of belles lettres, the drama, poetry, music and the fine arts. No. i, Feb., 1840. 8vo. London, 1840. 18811 PTOLEMY, C. The compost of Ptolemy, prince of astronomye. 8vo. London [c. 1540]. 21248 PTOLEMY, C. Harmonicorum. 410. Oxonii, 1682. 4937 PTOLEMY, C. See Winsor, J. PUBLIC LEDGER. See Munday, E. H. PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Vol. 16, No. i, Jan., 1911. 8vo. Chicago, 191 1. PP PUBLISHER. A publisher's confession. 8vo. London, 1905. 18014 PUBLISHER AND BOOKSELLER. Vols. 1-6, 1905-7. 4to. London, 1905-7. PP PUBLISHERS' ASSOCIATION. List of members and rules. 8vo. London, 1914. 18186 745 PUBLISHERS' CIRCULAR. Vols, i, "lOo, etc., 1837, 1914, etc. 8vo. London, 1837, 1914, etc. PP PUBLISHERS' GUIDE. Vol. 19, 191 1-2. 8vo. New York, 191 1-2. PP PUBLISHERS' marks. {In Books and Bookplates, Vol. 4, 1903-4. PP- 34, 72.) PP PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY. Vol. 63, 1903, etc. 8vo. New York, 1903, efc. PP PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY. Christmas Numbers, 1877-87. 8vo. New York, 1877-87. 13 PUCKLE. Illustrations to Puckle's Club. Printed for the proprietors in colours, from the orig^lnal blocks and limited to 100 impressions. 4to. [London], 1820. 11870 PUECH, A. La librairie populaire avant la Revolution d'aprfes des documents inedits. 8vo. Nimes, 1887. 12648 PULCI, L. See Audin, E. PL'LIGNANI, M. F. II tipog-rafo Antonio Blado in Foligno. (hi II Bibliofilo, Vol. 5, 1884, pp. 1-3.) PP PULIGNANI, M. F. L'arte tipografica in Foligno nel secolo 15. {In La Bibliofilia, Vol. i, 1900, p. 283 — Vol. 2, 1900-1, p. 216.) PP PL^LIGNANI, M. F. L'arte tipog-rafica in Foligno nel secolo 16. {In La Bibliofilia, Vol. 4, 1902-3, p. 1,16 — Vol. 5, i9o:;-4, p. 231.) >P PULLING, W. Sonnets written strictly in the Italian style, to which is prefixed an essay on sonnet-writing. 8vo. London, 1840. 9833 PULP AND PAPER MAGAZINE OF CANADA. Vols. 1-9, 1903-11. 8vo. Toronto, 1903-11. PP PUMPHREY, A. CoUography, for autographic printing. 8vo. Birmingham [1878]. 22536 PUNCH. Mr. Punch : his origin and career. With a facsimile of his original prospectus in the handwriting of Mark Lemon. 8vo. London [c. 1870]. 16755 PUNCH. Catalogue of Mr. Punch's pageant, 1841-1908. 1 2 mo. London, 1909. io595 PLANCH. Mr. Punch's pageant, 1841 to 1908 : a souvenir catalogue. 4to. London, 1909. 1^433 PUNCH. An interesting talk about himself and his renowned contributors ; his jokes, literary articles, illustrations and car- toons, with many reproductions of the more famous of each of them. 8vo. [London, 1910.] 1^935 PUNCH. March 4, 1914. [Containing the memorial supple- ment of Sir John Tenniel.] 4to. London, 1914. 181 14 746 PURCELL, H. Orpheus Britannicus. A collection of songs [with music]. 2nd edition. Fol. London, 1706. 20180 PURCHAS, S. A theatre of politicall flying insects. 4to. London, 1657. 20938 PURNELL & SONS. Specimens of Monotype faces for book- seller's catalogues. 4to. Paulton [c. 1913]. 16411 PURSUIT of knowledge under difficulties : illustrated by anec- dotes. [Printers and booksellers, Vol. i.] 3 vols. i2mo. London, 1845. 20572 [PURVES, W. L.] The history and adventures of Gil Bias de Santillane, 1716. 8vo. [London, c. 1905.] 135^8 [PURVES, W. L.] Robeson Cruso. 8vo. [London, c. 1905. 1 13567 PUTEANUS, E. E. P. svada Attica, sive orationum selectarum syntagma. 12 mo. Oxoniae, 1640. 4544 PUTNAM, G. H. Authors' complaints and publishers' profits. {In The Forum, Sept., 1891.) 11318 PUTNAM, G. H. Books and their makers during the Middle Ages. A study of the conditions of the production and distribu- tion of literature from the fall of the Roman Empire to the close of the 17th century. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1896-7. 608 PUTNAM, G. H. The censorship of the Church of Rome and its influence upon the production and distribution of literature. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1906-7. 13270 PUTNAM, G. H. George Palmer Putnam : a memoir, together with a record of the earlier years of the publishing house founded by him. 8vo. New York, 191 2. 16587 PUTNAM, G. H. Memories of a publisher, 1865-1915. 8vo. New York, 191 5. 19204 [PUTNAM, G. H. and PUTNAM, J. B.] Authors and pub- lishers : a manual of suggestions for beginners in literature. 8vo. New York, 1883. 2280 P[UTNAM], G. H. and P[UTNAM], J. B. Authors and pub- lishers : a manual of suggestions for beginners in literature. 7th edition. 8vo. New York, 1897. 7680 PUTNAM, G. P. See Putnam, G. H. PUTNAM, H. The great libraries of the United States. {In The Forum, June, 1895.) 1600 PUTNAM, H. The relation of free public libraries to the community, {hi The North American Review, June, 1898.) 1614 PUTNAM, J. B. See Putnam, G. H. and Putnam, J. B. PUTNEY : Free Public Library. Seventh report of the com- missioners, 1894-5. 8vo. London, 1895. 8984 747 PUTTER, J. S. Der Biichernachdruck nach achtcn Grund- satzen des Rechts. 4to. Gottingen, 1774. 2 10 13 PUY DE MONTBRUN, E. H. J. du. Recherches biblio- g^raphiques sur quelqucs impressions N^erlandaises du quinzifeme et du seizi^me si^cle. 8vo. Leide, 1836. 21886 PYE, A. Type-founding-. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 3, 1885-6, p. 29— p. 258.) PP PYE, A. Progress in letterpress printing. {In Inland Printer, I'ol. 6, 1888-9, P- 3—p' 560.) PP PYE, A. The art of display in job composition. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 9, 1891-2, p. 123 — p. 584.) PP PYE, J. Evidence relating to the art of engraving taken before the Select Committee on Arts, 1836. 8vo. London, 1836. 1436 PYE, W. & SON. Pye's list. Die-square steel chases. (As true as a die.) 8vo. London [c. 1910]. 13323 PYNSON, R. See Blades, W. ; Furnivall, F. J. ; Plomer, H. R. ; Plomer, H. R. and Duff, E. G. 748 Q QUADRAT. The Quadrat. Vol. 2, No. i-ii, 1874. 8vo. Pittsburgh, 1874. PP QUADRAT [pseud. ? H. L. BULLEN]. Discursions of a retired printer. 8vo. New York, 1906. 99^2 QUADRAT [pseud. ? H. L. BULLEN]. Discursions of a rettred printer. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 27^ 1906, p. 513 — ^<^^- 40, 1907-8, p. 534.) PP QUANTIN, A. Les origines de I'imprimerie et son intro- duction en Angleterre. 4to. Paris, 1877. 22039 QUANTIN, A. Alfred Mame, 181 1-93. 8vo. Tours, 1893. 16053 QUANTIN, A. See Boudet, J. B. QUARITCH, B. The Museum. A catalogue raisonne of rare, valuable and curious books. Nos. 107-141. 2 ■^0^5. 8vo. London, 1856-8. 1 182 1 QUARITCH, B. A general catalogue of books. 8vo. London, 1868. 10306 QUARITCH, B. Bibliotheca typographica, xylographica et palaeographica. Catalogue of manuscripts, block books and early productions of the printing press in all countries. 8vo. London, 1870. 8661 QUARITCH, B. General catalogue. Parts 2-10. 8vo. London, 1881-4. 5997 QUARITCH, B. Catalogue of English literature and a col- lection of volumes produced by the earliest English printers. 8vo. London, 1884. 22513 QUARITCH, B. Catalogue of MSS. and early printed books exhibited and described, June 5, 1885. [Sette of Odd Volumes : Miscellanies, No. 10.] i6mo. London, 1885. 2395 QUARITCH, B. Account of the great learned societies and associations and of the chief printing clubs of Great Britain and Ireland. [Sette of Odd Volumes: Miscellanies, No. 14.] i6mo. London, 1886. 1823 749 OUARITCH, B. A short sketch of liturgical history and literature. [Sctte of Odd \'olumes : Opuscula, No. 14.] i6mo. London, 1887. 5227 OUARITCH, B. Catalogue of monuments of the early printers in all countries. Svo. London, 1888 (1886-87). 20012 QL'ARITCH, B. A collection of facsimiles from examples of historic or artistic bookbinding-. 4to. London, 1889. 845 OUARITCH, B. Facsimiles of illustrations in Biblical and liturg-ical manuscripts now in the possession of B. Q. 8yo. London, 1892. ^435 OUARITCH, B. Catalogue. Monuments of printing, 1455- 1500. 8vo. London, 1897. 1040 QUARITCH, B. A catalogue of works on Oriental history, languages and literature. 8vo. London, 1902. 13742 QUARITCH, B. Description of a very beautiful Book of Hours, illuminated probably by Hans Memling and Gerard. David. 4to. London, 1905. 6537 QUARITCH, B. See Clulow, G. ; Wyman, C. W. H. QUARLES, F. Emblems, divine and moral. Svo. London, 1736. 21313 QUARRE-REYBOURBON, L. Une impression Lilloise a gravures sur bois. 8vo. Lille, 1903. 17629 QUARTERLY REVIEW. The centenary of The Quarterly Review. (In The Quarterly Review, April, 1909, pp. 731-789.) 1 1477 QUAST, P. Plates of beggars. Designed and engraved by P. Q., 1638. 4to. [1881.] 21445 QUEEN CITY PRINTING INK CO. Fiftieth anniversary specimen book of Queen City inks. 4to. Cincinnati, 1910. 13417 QUEEN. The queen's closet opened. Incomparable secrets in physick, chyrugery, preserving, etc. i6mo. London, 1679. 21827 QUEENSLAND. A Bill to make better provision for industrial peace and for purposes incidental to that object. Fol. Brisbane, 1912. 16367 QUERARD. Le Querard. I'o/5. 1-2. 8vo. Paris, 1856. 19058 QUERARD, J. M. La France litteraire. 10 vols. Svo. Paris, 1S27-39. 1 78 1 8 QUERARD, J. M. La litterature fran9ais contemporaine, xixe. si^cle. 6 vols. Svo. Paris, 1842-57. 17S19 QUERARD, J. M. See Thomas, R. QUETSCH, F. H. Die Entwickelung des Zeitungswesens, seit der Mitte des 15. bis zum Ausgang des 19. Jahrhunderts. Svo. Mainz, 1901. 3507 750 QUEUX DE ST. HILAIRE, Marq. de. Notice sur les services rendus a la Grece et aux etudes grecques par M. A. Firmin Didot. Svo. Paris, 1876. 16068 QUIA amore langueo. Svo. Chiswick, 1902. 17699 QUINN, D. A. Stereotypy; or, shorthand by the typewriter. 2nd edition. 4to. Providence, 1895. 3^73 QUINN, J. H. Manual of library cataloguing. Svo. London, 1899. . 14153 QUINQUET, B. Traite de Pimprimerie. 4to. Paris, An 7 (1799)- 21039 QUINQUET, B. See Mathieu, ( ). QUINTILIAN. Quintilianus cum commento. 4to. [1506.] 5388 QUIRINI, A. M. Liber singularis de optimorum scriptorum editionibus quae Romae primum prodierunt post divinum typo- graphiae inventum, a Germanis opificibus in earn urbem advectum, etc. 4to. Lindaugiae, 1761. 21686 QUOIST, G. D. L'imprimerie au Havre de 1670 a 1S70. Svo. Le Havre, 1904. 4146 7Sr R R: J. 1874. R: T. R: T R. Typog^raphla : of betoog, dat de boekdrukkunst eene uit- vinding- der Duitschers is. 8vo. Franeker, 1823. 177^4 R : A. B. A pressman's troubles. Why quads print. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 19, 1897, pp. 285-286.) PP R : F. M. Emblematic illumination ; or, forms, colours and emblems suitable for illuminating texts. 4to. London [c. i860]. 1818 R : J. Diary of a journey overland, through the maritime provinces of China in the years 1819 and 1820. [Sketch of the Chinese method of printing by Mr. Milne.] 8vo. London, 1822. 1 884 1 Notice sur les manuscrits k miniatures. i2mo. Paris, 8440 An old maid's fortune. 8vo. London, 1727. 5215 The first steps in advertising. {In The Magazine of Commerce, Vol. i, 1902-3, pp. 219-220.) 9^53 R : T. Book-keeping for advertisers. [In The Magazine of Commerce, Vol. 2, 1903, pp. 381-382.) 9^53 RAABE, O. L. The printing press. {In Hitchcock, F. H. : The building of a book, 1906, pp. 1 12-138.) 8824 RABELAIS, F. Catalogue de la Bibliothfeque de I'Abbaye de Saint Victor au seizi^me si^cle. Commente par le Bibliophile Jacob et suivi d'un Essai sur les biblioth^ques imaginaires par G. Brunet. 8vo. Paris, 1862. 20892' RABIER, L. See Dubarat {L'Abbe). RABOTCHIE PETELATNAGO DYELA. Vol. i, No. i. May 1915. 4to. Riga, 1915. PP RABUT, F. See Dufour, A. and Rabut, F. RACINE, J. Notice de livres contenant des notes manuscrites de Jean Racine et de ses deux fils, Jean Baptiste et Louis Racine, 8vo. Paris [1825]. 23299 RACINE, J. Oeuvres. i2mo. Paris, 1825. 7010 RACINET, C. Le Breviarum Romanum sur velin de Nicolas Jenson appartenant a la Biblioth^que Sainte Genevieve. 8vo. Paris, 1858. 22680 752 RAUFORD, E. The Cottonian Library, Plymouth. {In The Art Journal, Sept., 1897.) 1590 RADFORD, E. The invention of mezzotint. {In The Connois- seur, April, igo2.) 2616 RADFORD, E. The Kelmscott Press : the beginnings of a great undertaking. (7n The Academy, Feb. 6, 1904, pp. 150-151.) 10136 RADIGUER, J. Registering colour work. {In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 123-125.) PP RADIGUER, L. Maitres imprimeurs et ouvriers typographes (1470-1903). 8vo. Paris, 1903. 3504 RAE, J. See Caxton, W. RAE, P. See Shirley, G. W. ; Stewart, \\'. RAE, W. F. The centenary of The Times. {In The Nineteenth Century, Jan., 1885.) 3042 RAE, W. S. C. Access to files of current periodicals in reading rooms. {In Library World, T'o/. i ^, 1910-1, pp. 356-3^8.) >P RAFFAELLI, F. j\L Introduzione dell' arte tipografica a Fermo ed elenco degli stampatori dalla sua origine ad oggi. (Ir? n Bibliofilo, J'ol. I, 1880, p. 90.) "" PP R.AG. The rag question, in two dialogues. For private cir- culation. 8vo. London, 1863. 18680 RAGAZZONI. See Bernoni, D. RAHIR, E. La bibliotheque de I'amateur. Guide sommaire a travers les livres anciens les plus estimes et les principaux ouvrag'es modernes. 8vo. Paris, 1907. 8672 RAIKES, R. See Austin, R. RAILWAY MAGAZINE. Nos. i-io. 8vo. London, 1835-6. 3902 RAIMBACH, M. T. S. Memoirs and recollections of the late Abraham Raimibach, engraver. 410. London, 1843. 174^^5 RAIMONDO, F. Saggio di caretteri. 8vo. Napoli, 1870. 17534 RAINER, Archduke of Austria. Mittheilung-en aus der Samm- lung der Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer. Herausgegeben und redigirt von J. Karabacek. Vols. 1-4. Fol. Wien, 1887-8. 21805 RAITHBY & LAWRENCE. Specimens of printing. 4to. Leicester [1884J. 10841 RAITHBY & LAWRENCE. Specimens of printing. 4to. Leicester [1885J. 10841A RAITHBY & LAWRENCE. Some specimens of letterpress printing. []'ol. 3.] 4to. Leicester [1886]. 10840 753 48 RAITHBY &■ LAWRENCE. Specimens of letterpress printing. Vols. 4-7. 4to. Leicester, 188S-94. 484 RAITHBY, LAWRENCE & CO. See London: National Workmen's Exhibition, 1893. RALPH, E. S. A few suggestions and examples of type display. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 17, 1896, pp. 64-65.) PP RALPH, E. S. Composition of title-pages. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 17, 1896, p. 167.) PP RALPH, E. S. Designed and decorated catalogues. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 17, 1896, p. 286.) PP RALPH, E. S. Make-up of cuts and illustrations. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 17, 1896, p. 510.) PP RALPH, E. S. The use of initial letters. {In Inland Printer, ]'ol. 18, 1896-7, pp. 414-415.) PP RALPH, E. S. Job composition : examples, contrast speci- mens and criticisms. Obi. 8vo. Chicago, 1898. ^479 RALPH, E. S. Modern type display. Obi. 8vo. Chicago, 1900. 2099 RAM ALE Y, D. Employing printers' price list for job printing. i2mo. Saint Paul, 1873. 20355 RAMALEY, D. Employing printers' price list for job printing and binding. 8th edition. i6mo. St. Paul, Minn., 1907. 9036 RAMIREZ, J. F. Bibliotheca Mexicana ; or, a catalogue of the library of J. F. R. 8vo. London, 1880. 21492 RAMM, A. Nar Goteborg var Frihamn. 4to. Goteborg, 1900. 9254 RAMMELMAN ELSEVIER, W. J. C. Uitkomsten van een onderzoek omtrent de Elseviers, meer bepaaldelijk met opzigt tot derzelver genealogie. 8vo. Utrecht, 1845. 2201 1 RAMMELMAN ELSEVIER, W. J. C. De voormalige druk- kerij op het Raadhuis der Stadt Leyden. Ao. 1577-1610. 8vo. [Leyden, 1857.] 22474 RAMSAY, A. [Poems.] 8vo. Edinburgh, 1721-47. 5986 RAMSAY, A. The scientific roll. A bibliography, guide and index to climate. 8vo. London, 1884. 6554 RAMSAY, J. The story of the first wayz-goose. 8vo. [London, c. 1874.] 4575 RAMSAY, R. Specimen of ornamental typography. Front view of Free Church College, Edinburgh. S. sh. fol. Edinburgh, 1851. 22880 RAND, G. C. & AVERY. Specimens. 8vo. Boston [c. 1865]. 17115 RANDLE, H. Printing specimens. 4to. Hastings, 1893. 10836 754 RANDOLPH, Mrs. C. A chaplet of pearls : rhymes and frag- ments of ancient and modern verse. Illustrated and lithographed by Mrs. C. R. 8vo. London, 1852. 3798 R[ANYARD], L. X. The Book [the Bible] and its story : a narrative for the young on occasion of the jubilee of the British and Foreign Bible Society. With preface by the Rev. T. Phillips. i6th thousand. 8vo. London, 1854. 21888 RAPHAEL. The hours of day and of night by Raphael Sanzio. 8vo. Firenze [igio]. 13821 RAPID STIPPLING FILM CO., Ltd. Pattern Hst of films. Obi. 4to. Leeds [c. 1905]. i-554 RASTELL, J. See Proctor, R. G. C. RASTELL, W. See Proctor, R. G. C. RATDOLT, E. See Redgrave, G. R. RAU, R. V. Did Omar destroy the Alexandrian Library? [In The Nineteenth Century, Oct., 1894.] 1613 RAUCOURT DE CHARLEVILLE, A. Memoire sur les ex- periences lithographiques faites a I'Ecole Royale des Ponts et Chaussees de France ; ou manuel theorique et pratique du dessin- ateur et de I'imprimeur lithographes. 8vo. Toulon, 1819. 7505 RAUCOURT DE CHARLEVILLE, A. A manual of litho- graphy. Translated by C. Hullmandel. 8vo. London, 1820. 3603 RAUCOURT DE CHARLEVILLE, A. A manual of litho- graphy. Translated by C. Hullmandel. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 182 1. 20508 RAUCOURT DE CHARLEVILLE, A. A manual of htho- graphy. Translated by C. Hullmandel. 3rd edition. To which is added selections from the work of M. Bregeaut. 8vo. London, 1832. 659 RAUTER, A. L'eber der Wasserzeichen der altesten Leinen- papiere in Schlesien. {In Vereins fiir das Museum Schlesischen Alterthiimer, Bericht 6, 1866.) 22961 (2) RAVELET, A. Code manuel de la presse. 2e. edition. 8vo. Paris, 1872. 6908 RAVENSCROFT, T. See Cowan, W. RAVEZ, M. Rapport au nom de la Commission Centrale chargee de I'examen du projet de loi relatif aux journaux. 8vo. [Paris, 1814.] 23386 RAWLEY, W. Sylva Sylvarum ; or, a natural! history. 7th edition. Fol. London, 1658. 22044 RAWLINGS, G. B. The story of books. 12 mo. London, 1901. • 2330 RAWLINSON. See Fletcher, W. Y. 755 RAWLINSON, W. G. The engraved work of J. M. W. Turner, R.A. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1908-13. 19284 RAY, S. Hall-tone facts summarized. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. iS, 1912-3, pp. 121-124.) ^^ RAY, S. Standardizing the original. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp. 65-67.) PP RAY, U. Focussing the screen. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, ToZ. 3, 1897, pp. 108-111.) PP RAY, U. The theory of the half-tone dot. {hi Penorse's Pictorial Annual, T'o/. 4, 1898, pp. 33-40.) PP RxAY, U. The half-tone theory graphically explained. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, I'oL 5, 1899, pp. 49-53.) PP RAY, U. Automatic adjustment of the half-tone screen, {hi Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 7, 1901, pp. 77-80.) PP RAY, U. How many dots? {In Penrose's Pictorial x'\nnual, Vol. 7, 1901, p. 81.) PP RAY, U. Diffraction in half-tone. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 8, 1902-3, pp. 81-91.) PP RAY, U. More about the half-tone theory. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, T'o7. 9, 1903-4, pp. 17-23.) PP RAY, U. The 60 deg. cross line screen. {In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, Fo7. 11, 1905-6, pp. 97-102.) PP RAY, U. ]\fultiple stops. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual. Vol. 17, 191 1-2, pp. 81-88.) PP RAYLTON, T. S. and HINDE, L. Books printed and sold at the Bible in George Yard, Lombard Street. {In Barclay, R. : an apology, 1736.") 4664 RAYMOND, C. Instruction pour I'impression de la photo- graphic aux encres grasses sur I'autocopiste-photographique. Svo. Paris, 1891. 9431 RAYMOND, H. J. See Maverick, A. RAYNALDE, T. The byrth of mankynd otherwyse named the woman's boke. 4to. London, 1552. 21304 RAYNALDE, T. See Pollard, A. W. RAYNOR, P. E. Printing for amateurs : a practical guide. Svo. London [1876]. 23438 RAYNOUARD, M. Discours prononce sur le projet de loi relatif a la liberte de la presse. Svo. [Paris, 1814.] 23369 RAYNOUARD, M. Rapport sur les amendements au projet de loi relatif a la liberte de la presse. Svo. [Paris, 1814.] 23392 RAYNOUARD, M. Rapport sur le projet de loi relatif a la liberte de la presse. Svo. [Paris, 1S14.] 23391 756 REA, H. E. The process block. {Iti Knowledg-e, Dec, iQii.j 15538 READE, A. A. Literary success : being a guide to practical journalism. 8vo. London [c. 1885]. 3037 READERS' ASSOCIATION. Rules. S. sh. i2mo. London [c. i860]. 20351 (2) READING, W. The history of the ancient and present state of Sion College and of the London clergy's library there. Fol. London, 1724. 11336(2) READING, W. See Sion College. READING MERCURY. Facsimile of the first number of the Reading Mercury, July 8, 1723. 4to. Reading, 1882. 12 15 READING PRINTERS' RELIEF AND PROVIDENT AS- SOCIATION. Rules. i2mo. Reading, 1894. 7588 READING : Public Libraries. A retrospect of thirty years, 1882-1912. By \V. H. Greenhough. 8vo. Reading, 191 3. 16701 REAL, C. The dry enamel process. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 8, 1902-3, pp. 41-43.) PP REAL, C. Process blocks for fast printing. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 9, 1903-4, pp. 47-48.) PP REAL, C. Collotype for three-colour reproductions. {In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, To/. 10, 1904-5, pp. 103-104.) PP REAL, C. Collotype : especially in regard to pictorial post card work. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, ]'ol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 89-92.) PP REAL, C. A word about colour work. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 107-108.) PP REAL, C. Topical process notes. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, pp. 111-112.) PP REASONS against restraining the press. 8vo. London, 1704. 20391 (3) REBATTER, E. My practical experience with aluminium as a perfect substitute for the lithographic stone. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 31, 1903, pp. 250-251.) PP REBER, B. See Stockmeyer, 1. and Reber, B. REBER, F. De primordiis artis imprimendi ac praecipue de inventione typographiae Harlemensi. 8vo. Berolini [1856]. 21881 REBILL. The Estienne school for bookmakers. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 31, 1903, pp. 391-393-) PP RECCHI, E. L'artc della stampa. Origine-Lavori-Materiali. 8vo. Roma, 1901. 2570 RECLAM, P. Philipp Rcclam's Universal-Bibliothek, 1867- 1908. 8vo. Leipzig, 1908. 18040 757 RECLAIM, P., jun. Das Geschaftshaus der Firma Philipp Reclam, jun., in Leipzig-. Obi. 8vo. Leipzig, 1908. 13511 RECORD COMMLSSION. Appendix to reports from the Commissioners fofj Public Records. Fol. London, 1819. 5822 REDAELLI, C. Guida-campionario. 8vo. Milano, 1886. 17119 REDGRAVE, G. R. Erhard Ratdolt and his work at Venice. [Bibliog-raphical Society : Illustrated Monographs, No. i.] 4to. London, 1894. 55 REDGRA\'E, G. R. vSome early book illustrations of the Oppenheim press. {hi Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. 3, 1895.) ' 56 REDGRA\^E, G. R. Inscriptions in books. {hi Biblio- graphical Society : Transactions, I'oZ. 4, 1898.) 56 REDGRAX'E, G. R. Daniel and the emblem literature, {hi Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. 11, 1909-11.) 56 REDGRA\'E, R. An elementary manual of colour. New edition. i2mo. London, 1884. 1376 REDIXGER, J. Neu-auffgesetztes Format-Buchlein; (De- positio Cornuti Typographici.) 8vo. Franckfurt, 1679. 20952 REE, P. J. Buchereinbande von geschnittenen und getrie- benem Leder. {hi Kunstgewerbeblatt, Vol. 3.) 748 REED, A. E. See Society for the Promotion of Scientific Industry. REED, Sir C. See Reed, C. E. B. REED, Sir C. & SONS. Specimens of printing types, orna- ments, etc. [The date 1873 occurs on the price list but is an error. The book must have been issued after 1877 when the firm name was changed.] Svo. London [1873]. 97°/ REED, Sir C. & SONS. Specimens of wood letter from the Fann Street Foundry. 4to. London [c. 1880]. 6394 REED, Sir C. & SONS. Extra hard metal printing types. Newspaper specimens. 4to. London [c. 1880]. 6130 REED, Sir C. & SONS. Specimens of printing types. Svo. London, 1883. 2870 REED, Sir C. &: SONS. Specimens of Greek, Hebrew, Saxon, Irish and Oriental types. 8vo. London [1884]. 6139 REED, Sir C. &• SONS. Supplementary sheets of wood letter from the Fann Street Foundry. 410. London [c. 1885]. 6452 REED, Sir C. & SONS. Specimens of printing types, orna- ments, etc. 8vo. London [c. 1889]. 486 REED, Sir C. &: SONS. Specimens of printing types, orna- ments, etc. 8vo. London [c. 1889]. 6029 758 REED, Sir C. & SONS. Illustrated catalog^ue of type, presses, machinery and all kinds of printing- materials. 8vo. London, 1889. 486 (2) 6029 (2) REED, Sir C. & SONS. Specimens of printing types, orna- ments, etc. Svo. London [1895]. 1718 REED, Sir C. & SONS. Latest specimens. 8vo. London, 1896. 2451 REED, Sir C. & SONS. Specimens of printing- types, etc. 4to. London [1902]. 4027 REED, Sir C. & SONS, Ltd. Specimens of book and jobbing- types, etc. 4to. London, 1905. 7000 REED, C. E. B. Memoir of Sir Charles Reed. Svo. London, 1883. 6424 REED, H. T. An international point standard : retrospective and prospective. {In Polytechnic Typographia, 190 1-2.) 483 REED, H. T. An international point standard : retrospective and prospective. 8vo. London, 1902. 6924 REED, L Bibliotheca Reediana. A catalogue of the curious and extensive library of Isaac Reed, Esq., of Staple Inn, deceased. 8vo. London, 1807. 8917 REED, J. H. Imposition of forms by rule of four. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 42, 1908, pp. 405-406.) PP REED, T. B. Rough preliminary list of books printed in the Irish character and language. 4to. [Edinburgh, 1885.] 6208 REED, T. B. A history of the old English letter foundries. [Interleaved with additions and bound in two volumes.] 4to. London, 1887. 5521 REED, T. B. A history of the old English letter foundries. [Large paper edition.] 4to. London, 1887. 51 n REED, T. B. Old and new fashions in typography. [In Royal Society of Arts : Journal, April 18, 1890.) 1338 REED, T. B. John Baskerville, printer. 4to. [London, 1892.] 5120 REED, T. B. On the use and classification of a typographical library. [In The Library, To/. 4, Feb., 1892, pp. 33-44.) PP REED, T. B. A list of books and papers on printers and the art of printing, under the countries and towns to which they refer. (hi Bibliographical Society: Transactions, Vol. 3, 1895.) 5^ REED, T. B. [MS. catalogue of his library.] 8792 REED, T. B. [Autograph catalogue of his library.] 8793 REED, T. B. Classified catalogue of the typographical and bibliographical library of T. B. Reed. [Typewritten.] 4to. London, 1901. i0555 759 REKD, T. B. [Collections on the history of printing. J MS. 3 vols. 6312 6314 6262 REED, T. B. See Highgate Literary and Scientific Institution ; Blades, ^^^ REED &• FOX. Selections from the specimen book of the Fann Street Foundry. 8vo. London [1863]. 1004 REED X: FOX. Fann Street Letter Foundry. A general specimen of printing- types. 4to. London [1868]. ^'340 REED X: FOX. [Fann Street Type Foundry. Specimen book.] 4to. [London, c. 1S68.] 6366 REED & FOX. Selections from the specimen book of the Fann Street Foundry. 8vo. London [1870]. i743 REED i^ FOX. Fann Street Foundry. Illustrated catalogue of type, presses, machinery, etc. 8vo. London [1876]. 3095 REED & FOX. Fann Street Letter Foundry. A general specimen of printing types. 4to. London [1873]. 6390 REED &: FOX. Illustrated catalogue of type, presses, machinery and all kinds of printing materials. [A copy of the 1876 catalogue altered and added to for a new edition to be issued in 1881 by Sir Charles Reed and Sons.] 4to. 1 1866 REED &: FOX. Selections from the specimen book of the Fann Street Foundry. 8vo. London [1878]. 6332 REED & FOX. Fann Street Foundry. Specimens of typo- graphical ornaments, etc. 4to. London [c. 1877]. 6371 REED & PARDON. Specimens of some of the printing types for book work used in the office of C. Reed and B. Pardon. 8vo. London, 1851. 6135 REES, T. Reminiscences of literary London from 1779 to 1853. With anecdotes of publishers, authors and book auctioneers of that period. With extensive additions by J. Britton. i2mo. London, 1896. 3668 REESON, J. E. Concerning operators. (In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, p. 183.) PP REEVES &' SONS, Ltd. Pattern book of tracing papers. Obi. i6mo. London [c. 1900]. 12449 REFLEXIONS sur la liberte individuelle et celle de la presse. 8vo. [Paris], 1789. 23364 REGAN. Holiday greeting. i2mo. 1911. i555i REGIUS, U. A declaration of the twelve articles of the Christian faythe. 8vo. [London, 1548.] 6109 REGNAL^LT, E. L'editeur. (hi Les Francais peints par eux-memes, 1841.) 9455 REGT, J. K. de. Lourens J. Coster. Of de uitvinding der boekdrukkunst. Historisch drama. i2mo. Leyden, 1857. 17714 760 REICH, W. Die Farbenmischung- fiir Druckereien. 8vo. Berlin, 1887. 39^ REICHENBACH, C. Snelpersen-fabriek van C. R. te Augs- burg. i2mo. Leyden [1856]. 21257 REICHHART, P. G. Die Druckorte des 15. Jahrhunderts. 4to. Aug-sburg, 1853. 22991 REICHLING, D. Appendices ad Hainii-Copingeri Repertorium Bibliographicum. Additiones et emendationes. 8vo. Monachii, 1905, etc. 4686 REID, G. \\\ \\'orks of the Italian engravers of the 15th century reproduced in facsimile by photo-intaglio. ist series. Pel. London, 1884. §553 REID, J. A specimen of the printing types belonging to J. R., printer, Edinburgh. [These types were from the foundry of John Baine and this work constitutes the only specimen from his foundry in the library.] 8vo. Edinburgh, 1768. 22484 REID, J. Bibliotheca Scoto-Celtica. 8vo. Glasgow, 1832. 62V37 REID, J. An almanack of the British stamped press, includ- ing all stamped newspapers, literary or scientific journals, and commercial lists for 1841. 8vo. London [1840]. 18941 REID, Sir W. Some reminiscences of English journalism. {In The Nineteenth Century, July 1897, pp. 55-66.) 17801 REIF, A. De originibus typographicis programma academicum I (-IV). 4to. Ingolstadii, 1785-90. 20634 REIFFEXBERG, Baron de. Sur I'anciennes cartes a jouer. 8vo. [Bruxelles, c. 1850.] 17623 REIFFEXBERG, F. A. de. Des marques et devises mises a leurs livres par un grand nombre d 'amateurs. 8vo. Paris, 1874. 23451 REILLY, C. H. See Piranesi, G. B. REIMMANN, J. F. Idea systematis antiquitatis literariae. 8vo. Hillesheim, 1718. 16764 REINBOLDT, H. A new process to produce half-tint relief plates. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 2, 1884-5, P- 3°-) PP REINBOLDT, H. Mechanical processes of engraving. {In Inland Printer, J'ol 2, 1884-5, P- 57-) PP REINELIUS, J. M. Dissertatio philosophica de plagio Literario. 4to. Lipsiae, 1673. 10678 REINGRUBER, J. Ein osterreichischer Franklin. Dr. Carl Ritter v. Scherzer. Ein Lebensbild. 8vo. Wien, 1899. 8907 REINGRUBER, J. Aus dem Leben Auer's. 8vo. Wien, 1900. 8908 REINHARD, M. See Proctor, R. G. C. 761 REINICK, W. R. Insects destructive to books. 8vo. [New Vorkj, 1910. 15603 REINKE, G. Buclidruckerei und Zeitungswesen im Zaren- reiche. {l)i AUgemeiner Anzeiger fiir Druckereien, 1902, p. 880, etc.) 3660 REINKE, G. Buclidruckerei und Zeitungswesen im hohen Norden. (/;; AUgemeiner Anzeiger fur Druckereien, 1904, p. 317-p. 728.) PP REINW'ALD, C. Discours prononces aux obs^ques de C. R., 26 fevrier, 1891. 8vo. Paris, 1891. 94^1 RELATIO de origine typographiae. (In Wolf, J. C. : Monu- menta typographica, I, 1740.) 20082 RELIABLE ADVERTISING AND ADDRESSING AGENCY. Reliable service. [A prospectus.] 8vo. London [1908J. 99^7 RELIEL'R. Le Relieur Beige — De Belgische Boekbinder. ]'oL 7, 1912. Fol. Bruxelles, 1912. PP [RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY.] Advertising rate book. i2mo. London, 1913. 18219 RELIURE. La Reliure. No. 257, Jan., 1913. Fol. Paris, 1913. ^ PP REMBE, H. Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst in der Stadt Eisleben. [lu Zeitschrift des Harzvereins, Vol. 19? 1885-6? ) 3582 REMLINGEN. Die Druckerei zu Remlingen. {In Frankfurter Biicherfreund, Jahrg. i. No. S, 1900.) 12206 RENAUDOT, T. See La Tourette, G. de ; Macintyre, J. RENAULT, G. Selections from the specimen books issued by G. R., Paris. 8vo. London [1884]. 2758 RENAULT, G., fih. Caract^res pour journaux et labeurs. Specimen et prix-courant. 8vo. Paris, 1894. 17122 RENAULT, G., fih. Caracteres pour journaux et labeurs. Specimen et prix-courant. 8vo. Paris, 1900. 17126 RENAULT & ROBCIS. Fantaisies caracteres de labeurs, fleurons et vignettes. 4to. Paris [c. i860]. 6380 RENAULT cV ROBCIS. [Type specimens.] 8vo. Paris [c. i860]. 9874 RENE, A. &■ CIE. Epreuves de caracteres. 8vo. Paris, 1858. 17150 RENE, A. cK; CIE. Specimen de la Fonderie Generale des caractferes francpais et etrangers. Obi. 4to. Paris [1863]. 5766 RENNER, F. See AUgeyer, J. RENOUARD, .'\. A. Annales de I'imprimerie des Aide. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1803. 5368 762 RENOUARD, A. A. Notice sur une nouvelle edition de la traduction francoise de Longus, par Amyot, et sur la decouverte d'un fragment grec de cet ouvrage. 8vo. Paris, 1810. 23230 RENOUARD, A. A. Lettre h Mr. Renouard, libraire, sur une tache faite a un manuscript de Florence. 8vo. [c. 1810.] 23281 RENOUARD, A. A. L'impot du timbre sur les catalogues de librairie, ruineux pour les libraires et arithmetiquement onereux au tresor public. Svo. Paris, 1816. 17331 (i) RENOUARD, A. A. Addition de UU. les libraires a la reclamation de M. Renouard centre I'ancien impot du timbre. 8vo. [Paris, 1816.] 17331 (2) RENOUARD, A. A. Catalogue de la biblioth^que d'un amateur. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1819. . 6184 RENOUARD, A. A. Annales de I'imprimerie d'Alde d'ancien. 8vo. Paris, 1825. 22253 RENOUARD, A. A. Annales de I'imprimerie des Aide. 2e. edition. 3 vols. Paris, 1825. 20690 RENOUARD, A. A. Annales de I'imprimerie des Aide. 3e. edition. 8vo. Paris, 1834. 21891 RENOUARD, A. A. Annales de I'imprimerie des Estienne. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1837-8. 20746 RENOUARD, A. A. A bibliographical sketch of the Aldine Press at Venice, 1494-1597. Translated and abridged by E. Goldsmid. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1887. 229 RENOUARD, P. Bibliographic des editions de Simon de Colines, 1520-46. 8vo. Paris, 1894. 3693 RENOUARD, P. Imprimeurs parisiens : libraires, fondeurs de caracteres et correcteurs d'imprimerie jusqu'a la fin du i6e. siecle : leurs adresses, marques, enseignes, dates d'exercice, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1898. 2089 RENOUARD, P. Documents sur les imprimeurs, libraires, etc., ayant exerce a Paris de 1450 a 1600. 8vo. Paris, 1901. 2685 RENOUARD, P. Bibliographic des impressions et des oeuvres de Josse Badius Ascensius, imprimeur et humaniste, 1462-1535. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1908. 108 13 RENOU\TER, J. Des gravures en bois dans les livres d'Anthoine \'erard, 1485-15 12. 8vo. Paris, 1859. 21220 RENOUVIER, J. Histoire de I'origine et des progr^s de la gravure dans les Pays-Bas et en AUemagne, jusqu'a la fin du 156. sifecle. 8vo. Bruxelles, i860. 3687 RENOU\TER, J. Des gravures sur bois dans les livres dc Simon Vostrc, libraire d'Heures, avec un avant-propos par G. Duplessis. 8vo. Paris, 1862. 689c) Rlii\'OU\'IHR, J. Dcs portraits d'auteurs dans les livres du i5e. siecle. Avcc un avant-propos par G. Duplessis. 8vo. Paris, 1863. 12643 REPERTOIRE BIBLIOGRAPHIQUE STRASBOURGEOIS. See Schmidt, C. REPERTOIRE general de la presse Beige. 2e. edition. Svo. Bruxelles, 1904. 13292 REPORT of proceedings of the meeting of delegates from the typographical societies of the United Kingdom. Manchester, July, 1 86 1. 1 2 mo. Liverpool, 1861. 1996 REPORT of proceedings of the meeting of delegates from the typographical societies of the United Kingdom and the Continent, held Oct., 1886. 8vo. London, 1886. 22604 REQUENO, V. Osservazioni sulla chirotipografia ossia antica arte di stampare a mano. 4to. Roma, 1810. 21512 REOUIN, Ahhe. L'imprimerie a Avignon en 1444. Svo. Paris, 1890. 5364 REQUIN, Abhe. Origines de Timprimerie en France. (Avig- non, 1444.) 8vo. Paris, 1891. 10509 REOUIN, Abbe. La question de l'imprimerie a Avignon en 1444 et en 1446. Reponse a M. Bayle. Svo. Marseille, 1902. 94S9 REQUIN, Abbe. See Duhamel, L. RESENDIUS, L. A. De antiquitatibus Lusitaniae. Svo. Romae, 1597. 4548 RESPESS, H. Possibilities of chalk-plate engraving. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 12, 1893-4, p. 296.) PP RESPUBLICA et status Imperii Romano-Germanici. 2 pts. i6mo. Lugd. Bat., 1634. 21958 RESPUBLICA et status regni Hungariae. i6mo. [Lugd. Bat.], 1634. -21960 RESPUBLICA Hollandiae et urbes. i6mo. Lugd. Bat., 1630. 21943 RESPUBLICA Moscoviae et urbes. i6mo. Lugd. Bat., 1630. 21942 RESPUBLICA, sive status regni Poloniae, Lituaniae, Prussiae, Livoniae, etc. i6mo. Lugd. Bat., 1642. 21967 RETAIL ADVERTISING. (Afterivards Profit and Retail Ad- vertising.) Vols. 1-2, 1903-4. Svo. Boston, 1903-4. PP RETANA, W. E. La imprenta en Filipinas (1593-1810) con una demonstracion grafica de la originalidad de la primitiva. Adiciones y observaciones a La imprenta en Manila de D. J. T. Medina. 4to. Madrid, 1S97 [1899]. 33S7 RETANA, W. E. La censura de imprenta en Filipinas. Svo. Madrid, 190S. 131 58 764 RETANA, \\'. E. Tablas cronologica y alfabetica de imprentas e impresores de Filipinas (1593-1898). i2mo. Madrid, 1908. 13225 RETGER cV SHNEDER. Obshtchiya uslaviya i stchnetnaya knizhka s rabotch lyudmi postupayushtchimi v tipographiyu R. i. S. 8vo. S. Peterburg- [1877]. 23061 REULEAUX, F. Le invenzione le arti e le Industrie. Vol. i. Parte 2. Storia e fabbricazione della carta, stampa, incisione, ecc. [Translated from the German by C. Corradino.] 4to. Torino [c. 1880]. 9810 REUME, A. de. Recherches sur les Elsevier. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1847. 20996(2) REUME, A. de. Notice sur les imprimeurs beiges. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1848. 1765- REUME, A. de. Varietes bibliographiques et litteraires. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1848. 21653(1) REUME, A. de. Notes sur quelques imprimeurs etrangers [Jean Froben, imprimeur a Bale]. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1849. 21653 (s) REUME, A. de. Bibliomania. Dissertations sur des ouvrages imprimes a petit nombre. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1849. 21653 (4) REUME, A. de. Biographie beige. Notice sur M. B. J. F. C. Gyseleers-Thys, archiviste de la ville de Malines. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1849- - 21653(5) REUME, A. de. Souvenirs d'AUemagne. Notice biographique sur le Dr. C. A. Schaab, of Mayence. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1849. 21653(6) REUME, A. de. Notices bio-bibliographiques sur quelques imprimeurs, libraires, etc. le. serie. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1858. 22497 REUSCH, F. H. See Mayor, J. E. B. REUSS, E. Bibliotheca Novi Testamenti Graeci cujus editiones ab initio typographiac ad nostram aetatem impressas. 8vo. Brunsvigae, 1872. 15870 REUSS, R. Les bibliotheques publiques de Strasbourg incen- diees dans la nuit du 24 aout, 1870. 8vo. Paris, 1871. 10034 REUTHER, O. The paper industry [in Germany]. [In Paris : Exhibition, 1900. Official catalogue of the German Empire. [1900].) 2317 REUTLINGEN. Programm, betreffend die Festfeier am Johannis-Feiertage 24 Juni, 1840. S. sh. fol. Reutlingen, 1840. 22492(1) REUVENS, C. J. C. Bibliotheca Reuvensiana. Descripsit atque edidit C. Leemans. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1838. 15819 REVELATION. The Revelation to the Monk of Evesham, 1 196. Edited from the edition printed by William de Machlinia 1482, by E. Arber. i2mo. London [1869J. 20356 765 REVELATION. The Revelation to the Monk of Evesham, 1 196. Edited from the edition printed by William de Machlinia about 1482, by E. Arber. [Large paper edition.] 4to. London [1869]. 22347 REVIEW AND HERALD PUBLISHING CO. Modern American printing- plants. I — ^The Review and Herald Publishing- Co. of Battle Creek, Michigan. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 21, 1898, PP- 367-372.) PP REVILLIOD, G. Sec Dingelstedt, F. REVISTA DA ASSOCIACAO TYPOGRAPHICA BAHIANA. Ann. I, Nos. 5-12, 1902-3. 8vo. Bahia,. 1902-3. PP REVISTA GRAFICA. (Boletin official del Centro Union de Libreros Impressores y Anexos.) Vols. 1-3, 1905-7. 4fo. Buenos Aires, 1905-7. PP REVISTA GRAFICA. Vol. i, 1900, etc. 4to. Barcelona, 1900, etc. PP REVISTA GRAFICA. Vol. 2, 1906, etc. 4to. Montevideo, 1906, etc. PP REVISTA GRAPHICA. Vol. 3, 1906, etc. Fol. Porto, 1906, etc. PP REVISTA GUTENBERG. Vol. i, 1914, etc. 4to. Barcelona, 1914, etc. PP REVISTA TYPOGRAFICA. Vol. 2, No. i, April, 1893. 8vo. Irapuato, Gto. Mexico, 1893. PP REVUE BIBLIO-ICONOGRAPHIQUE. Vols. 8-10, 1901-3. 8vo. Paris, 1901-3. PP REVUE DE LA PAPETERIE. Vol. 30, 1903, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1903, etc. PP REVUE DES ARTS GRAPHIQUES. Vol. 24, 1903, etc. 4to. Paris, 1903, etc. PP REVUE DES BIBLIOTHEQUES. Table des mati^res, 1891- 1910. Par E. Deville. Svo. Paris, 191 1. i537o REVUE DES BIBLIOTHEQUES ET ARCHIVES DE BELGIQUE. Vols. 1-7, 1903-9. Svo. Bruxelles, 1903-9. PP REVUE DES INDUSTRIES DU LIVRE. Vol. 3, 1899, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1899, etc. PP REVUE GRAPHIQUE BELGE. Vol. i, 1897-8. 4to. Bruxelles, 1897-8. PP REVUE GRAPHIQUE BELGE. Vols. 1-3, 1906-7. 4to. Bruxelles, 1906-7. PP REVUE TYPOGRAPHIQUE. FoZ. i, ATos. 1-8, 1906-8. 4to. Bruxelles, 1906-8. PP REXHALTSER, L. Zur Geschichte des Verbandes der deut- schen Buchdrucker. 8vo. Berlin, 1900. 8635 766 REY, A. See Rietsch, A. REY, C. La typocratiade. Po^me. 8vo. Nismes, 1842. 21561 REYNARD the Fox. Reynike Voss de Olde. 121110. Franck- fort, 1575. ' 21916 REYN/VRD the Fox. Le Roman du Renart, publie d'apr^s les Manuscrits de la Bibliotheque du Rol des i3e. , 146. et 156. si^cles; par D. M. Meon. (Supplement, par P. Chaballle.) 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1826-35. 21240 REYNARD the Fox. The most delectable history of Reynard the Fox and of his son Reynardine. i2mo. London, 1844. 21281 (2) REYNARDINE. The shifts of Reynardine the son of Rey- nard the Fox. 4to. London, 1684. 21353 REYNER, A. Manuel pratique du reporter photographe et de I'amateur d'instantanes. [Bibliotheque generale de photographie.] SvG. Paris [1908]. 181 94 REYNOLDS, G. [Specimens of printing.] 8vo. [London, 1901.] 2447 REYNOLDS, G. Trade union tactics in the printing trade. How the London Society of Compositors is seeking to destroy a fair house paying full wages and working society hours. 4to. London [1912]. 16638 REYNOLDS. J. H. Vv'ords spoken to the warehouse employees of Simpson and Godlee, Ltd., on Friday, Aug. 30, 1912. 410. London, 1912. 18525 REYNOLDS, P. R. The Hterary agent. (7n Hitchcock, F. H. : The building of a book, 1906, pp. 9-15.) 8824 REYRAC, .4fobe de. Hymne au soleil. Svo. Paris, 1783. 5656 RHEAD, G. W. An alphabet of Roman capitals together with three sets of lower case letters selected and enlarged from the finest examples and periods. Fol. London, 1903. 3267 RHEAD, L. J. Catalogue of an exhibition of original designs for posters. With an introduction by Gleeson White. 8vo. London, 1897. 757 RHODES, G. The Plantin Press : the oldest printing estab- lishment extant. {In The Ludgate, Sept., 1899, pp. 459-465.) 1906 RHODES, H. J. The art of lithography : a complete practical manual of planographic printing. Svo. London, 1914. 18424 RHYMES without reason, with reasons for rhyming. [With a lithographic illustration. Preceded by an address Ad Typo- graphum.] 4to. London, 1823. 15644 RIANO, J. F. Critical and bibliographical notes on early Spanish music. 8vo. London, 1887. 6593 767 RIBETTE, A. Traite pratique d 'heliogravure en creux sur zinc, au bitume de Judee, accompagne dc notions et de quelques precedes lithographiqucs, zincographiques pour la reproduction : le. des cartes topographiques ou geographiques et plans divers a toutes les echelles ; jc. de tons les genres de dessins a la plume imitant parfaitement la gravure au burin. i2mo. Paris [c. 1902]. 3322 RICCARDI, P. D. Antonio de' BcrgoUi sacerdote, librajo et tipografo modenese del sec. 16. {hi II Bibliofilo, Vol. 4, 1883, pp. 177-179— I'oL 5, 1884, pp. 3-5.) PP RICCI, C. Le prime librerie e le prime stamperie in Ravenna. [In II Bibliofilo, Vol 7, 1886, pp. 97-105.) PP RICE, A. B. Half-tone presswork. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 26, 1900-1, pp. 50-52.) PP RICE, G. Gas engines in the printing- office. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 38, 1906-7, pp. 843-845.) PP RICE, H. B. The make-ready on illustrated forms. {In Inland Printer, T'o/. t8, 1S96-7, p. 266.) PP RICH, J. Maximum in minimo ; or, Mr. J. Rich's Pens dex- terity, compleated by S. Botley. i2mo. London [c. 1740]. 5638 RICHARD, J. L'art de former une biblioth^que. 8vo. Paris, 1883. 20904 RICHARD, J. M. Filigranes de papiers de la premiere moitie du 146. si^cle. 8vo. Paris, 1888. 12647 RICHARD, L. Rapport fait a M. P. Dupont sur la creation de la Villa TypogTaphique au moyen d'une societe co-operative immobiliere. 8vo. [Paris, 1868.] 21296 RICHARDS, A. Cover designing. {In Hitchcock, F. H. : The building of a book, 1906, pp. 216-220.) 8824 RICHARDS, F. Venice : a sketch book. 8vo. London, 1914. 18188 RICHARDS, H. C. and MACGEAGH, B. S. F. A popular manual of the law of railway rates. Svo. London [1889]. 2958 RICHARDSON, C. F. The choice of books. Svo. London, 1881. 20380 RICHARDSON, C. F. Kelmscott press work and other recent printing. {In The Bookman (N.Y.), Vol. 4, 1896, pp. 216-217.) 8171 RICHARDSON, G. H. Book-keeping for weekly newspapers. A manual for newspaper nianagers and clerks. With an intro- duction by H. Calder Marshall. 8vo. London, 1895. 1496 RICHARDSON, J. A short history of the attempts to convert the popish natives of Ireland with a proposal for their conversion. i2mo. London, 1712. 5^93 768 RICHARDSON, J. A ii^rammar of the Arabic language. 4to. London, 1801. 555° RICHARDSON, J. Sec Lewis, J. RICHARDSON, S. Pamela; or, virtue rewarded. 4 vols. 5th edition. 8vo. London, 1741-4. 2219 RICHARDSON, S. A collection of the moral sentiments, etc., contained in Pamela, Clarissa and Sir Charles Grandison. i2mo. London, 1755. 21 11 RICHARDSON, S. The history of Sir Charles Grandison. [The Novelists' Magazine, J'ols. 10-11.] 2 voh. 8vo. London, 1783. 2246 RICHARDSON, S. Correspondence. [Edited] by A. L. Bar- bauld. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1804. 2459 RICHARDSON, S. A letter from S. R., formerly a member of the Company of Stationers, and given by them to tlie youths bound at their Hall. lomo. London, 1893. 2070 RICHARDSON, S. Novels. [The general introduction by E. M. M. McKenna.] 8vo. London, 1902. 2468 RICHARDSON, S. See Dobson, A. ; St. Bride Foundation Institute; Thomson, C. L. ; Thorne, W. B. ; Tynan, K. RICHARDSON, W. H. On the manufacture. of paper. {In Armstrong, W. (i.. Lord : Industrial resources of the Tyne, etc., 1864.) 2832 RICHARDSON PRINTING INK CO., Ltd. Specimens of printing inks. Obi. 8vo. Gateshead [c. 1890]. 10365 RICHARDSON PRINTING INK CO., Ltd. Specimens of lithographic inks for posters, labels, etc. Obi. 8vo. Gateshead [1906]. 8500 RICHMOND, J. \- CO., Ltd. [Machinery for bookbinders, stationers, sterotypers and electrotypers.] 4to. London [1906]. 8501 RICHMOND : Pul^lic Library. 30th, etc., annual report, 1910-1, etc. 8vo. Richmond, 191 1, etc. 16250 RICHMOND : Virginia State Library. A trial bibliography of Colonial X'irginia. Special report of the Department of Bibliograpliy. \V. Clayton-Torrencc, bibliographer. 8vo. Rich- mond, 1908. 13578 RICHMOND : \irginia State Library. A finding list of books relating to printing, book industries, libraries and bibliography in the library. 8vo. Richmond, 1912. 16571 RICHMOND, W. D. The grammar of lithography. 8vo. London, 1878. 20017 RICHMOND, W. D. The grammar of lithography. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1880. 5613 769 49 RlCHiMOM), W . I), (nammatik der Lithographic. Deutsche Ausijabe von C. A. l""ranke. S\ o. Leipzig', 1880. 20978 RICHMOND, W . D. C\)k)ur and cok)ur printing as appHed to Hthography. 8vo. London [c. 1885]. 2955 RICHMOND, W. D. The grammar of hthography. loth edition. London [c. 1890I. 697 RICHMOND, \\". D. Colour and colour printing as applied to lithography. 3rd edition. 8vo. London [c. 1890]. 696 RICHMOND, W. D. Filter your collodion. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. i, 1895, p. 31.) PP RICHMOND, W. D. A reliable silver bath. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, ]'ol. 2, 1896, pp. 114-118.) PP RICHMOND, \V. D. Mirrors. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, To/. 3, 1897, pp. 63-65.) PP RICHMOND, W. D. Half-tone negatives and dry plates. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, T'o/. 4, 1898, pp. 73-78.) PP RICHMOND, W. D. The limitations of three-colour printing. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 5, 1899, pp. 25-30.) PP RICHMOND, W. D. The grammar of lithography. A practical guide for the artist and printer in commercial and artistic lithography and chromo-lithography, zincography, photo- lithography and lithographic machine printing. 12th edition. 8vo. London [c. 1901]. 10693 RICHMOND & CO. The Gough patent automatic self-colour- ing and self-wiping die stamping press, for relief stamping in colour, also for plain stamping. 4to. [London, 191 1.] 15089 [RICHTER, M.] De typographiae inventione, et de praelorum legitima inspectione, libellus brevis et utilis. Per Matthaeum Judicem. i2mo. Coppenhagii, 1566. 23052 [RICHTER, M.j De typographiae inventione, et de praelorum legitima inspectione libellus brevis et utilis, per Matthaeum Judicem. {In Wolf, J. C. : Monumenta typographica I, 1740. J 20082 RICKETT, A. C. William Morris : a study in personality. 8vo. London, 1913. 17047 RICKETTS, C. A defence of the revival of printing. 8vo. London, 1899. 1822 RICKETTS, C. A bibliography of the books issued by Hacon and Ricketts. 8vo. London, 1904. 4150 RICKETTS, C. See Scott, T. ; White, G. RICKETTS, C. and PISSARRO, L. De la typographic et de I'harmonie de la page imprimee William Morris et son influence sur les arts et metiers. 8vo. London, 1898. 1570 // o RICO, E. G. Catalogo general de las obras de lance (antiguas y modernas) que se hallan de venta, etc. 8vo. Madrid, 1903. 9101 RIDDELL, J. R. An appreciation of American printing-. [In Inland Printer, Vol. 42, 1909, pp. 897-898.) PP RIDDELL, J. R. Multi-colour printing. {In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, I'ol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 213-216.) PP RIDDELL, J. R. Flat bed or rotary printing machines. {lu Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp. 31-32.) PP RIDDELL, J. R. A few facts about printing technical schools : need for closer association between the printer and the technical classes. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 74, 1914, pp. 361-365.) PP RIDGE, L. L. Ridge's scheme for promoting the interests of the country booksellers and publishers. 4to. Grantham, 1868. 12194 RIDOLFl, C. and TARTINI, F. Memoria sulla litografia. 8vo. Firenze, 181 9. 13308 RIEDNER, \\'. Peter Schoffers Anzeige der Decretum Grat- iani und der Deketalen Gregors IX von 1472. {In Zeitschrift fiir Bucherfreunde, I'o/. 12, 1908, pp. 153-154.) PP RIEMANN, H. Notenschrift und Notendruck : biblio- graphisch-typographische Studie. {In Roder, C. G. : 1846-1896. Festschrift. 1896.) 2379 RIEMAXX, H. Die byzantinische Notenschrift im 10. bis 15. Jahrhundert. 8vo. Leipzig, 1909. 114^5 RIETSCH, A. Manuel du conducteur typographe. 3e. edition avec une preface de M. .Alexandre Rey. i2mo. Tours, 1901. 221 1 RIETSCH, A. Manuel du conducteur typographe. 46. edition enti^rement refondue avec unc preface de M. Alexandre Rey. 8vo. Tours [c. 1910]. 12232 RIGAUD, S. P. See Panizzi, Sir A. RIGG, A. On type printing machinery and suggestions thereon. [.\ proof of the article in Royal Society of Arts : Journal, Feb. 13, 1874-] 20551(31) RIGG, A. On type printing machinery and suggestions thereon. {In Royal Society of .Arts : Journal, Feb. 13, 1874.) 133^' RIGGE, A. A scripture catechism for children. i6mo. London, 1702. i7373 RIGLING, A. Brief notes on the early history of photography in Philadelphia. {In The Journal of the Franklin Institute, Oct.. 1908.) 1314' RIJE, T. V. & EVERS, G. A. Bibliotheek der Rijks-Univer- siteit te Utrecht. Handleiding en Gids. 410. Utrecht, 191 3. 19256 771 RILIiY, L. A. Practical facts for printers. 121110. 1899. 11567 RIMBAL'LT, H. F. Early Eni^lisli music printers. {In The Mirror, Dec. 8, 1827.) 22340 RIMBAULT, K. F. Bibliotheca niadrigaliana. A biblio- ijraphical account of the musical and poetical works published in Eng-land durin^- the i6th and 17th centuries. Svo, London, 1847. ' 9814 RIIMB.VUL'r, K. 1'". A little book of songs and ballads, leathered from ancient musick books. 8vo. London, 1851. 21523 RIMBAULT, F. F. See Camden Society. RINDER, F. The Kelmscott Press. {In The Connoisseur, Dec, 1901.) 2492 RINDER, F. The book sales of 1902 with tabulated prices. With some notes by W. C. Hazlitt. 4to. London, 1903. 3563 RINGWALT, J. L. American encyclopaedia of printing-. 4to. Philadelphia, 1871. 20493 RIO DE JANEIRO : Bibliotheca Nacional. Relatorio, 1900-5. 6pts. 8vo. Rio de Janeiro, 1901-6. 11571 RIO GRANDE DO SUL : Bibliotheca Rio-Grandese. Re- latorio, 1904-5. 8vo. Rio Grande do Sul, 1905. 7236 RION, L. See Havermans, R. RIS, L. C. de. La typographic en Touraine, 1467-1830. Svo. Paris, 1878. 22702 RISORGIMENTO GRAFICO. I'o/. 2, 1903, etc. 4to. Milano, 1903, etc. PP RIS-PAQUOT, ( ). Guide praticjue de restaurateur-amateur de tableaux, gravures, reliures et livres, suivi de la mani^re de les entretenir en parfait etat de conservation. Svo. Paris, 1S90. 8443 RIS-PAQUOT, ( ). Les cliches sur zinc en demi-teintes et au trait s'imprimant typographiquement. Svo. Paris [c. 1900]. 2331 RIS-PAQUOT, ( ). Trues et ficelles d 'atelier pour donner aux epreuves un cachet artistique et les rendre propres a I'illus- tration. Svo. Paris [1902]. 3209 RIST, J. See Depositio Cornuti Typographici. RISTELHUBER, P. See Estienne, H. RITCHIE, A. Of Thomas Bewick. {In Macmillan's Maga- zine, Vol. 67, Jan., 1S93, pp. 236-240.) 6795 RITCHIE, G. W. H. Printing intaglio plates. {In Hitch- cock, F. H. : The building of a book, 1906, pp. igo-197.) 8S24 RITCHIE, J. E. Famous city men. [Sir S. Waterlow, Sir F. Truscott, H. Waterlow, J. Spicer, W. Spottiswoode.] Svo. London, 1884. 16551 RITENOUR, J. S. William Bullock. (Master minds of type and press. VI.) {In Inland Printer, I'oJ. 57, 1916, pp. 371-372.) PP 772 RITEXOUR, J. S. Wood-pulp. (Master minds of type and press. \'II.) (In Inland Printer, ]'oI. 57, 1916, pp. 517-518.) PP RITSCHEL VON HARTENBACH, J. Der Buchdrucker- kunst Erfindung-. Svo. Sondershausen, 1820. 212S7 RITSCHEL \ON HARTENBACH, J. jun. Proben der Poly- typen. 1836. (hi Journal fiir Buchdruckerkunst, 1836, No. 6. Supplement.) PP RITSCHEL \'OX HARTENBACH, J. Sec H : C. [RITSON, J.] Pieces of ancient popular poetry. Svo. London, 1 79 1. 600? [RITSON. J.] Bibliog-raphia poetica : a catalogue of Engleisli [sic] poets. Svo. London, 1802. 205S6 RI\"E, Abbe. Notice historiques et critiques de deux manuscrits de la bibliotheque de M. le Due de la \^alliere, dont I'un a pour titre : Le Roman D'Artus Comte de Bretaigne : et I'autre Le Rommant de Pertenay ou de Lusignen. 4to. Paris, 1779. 2328S RIVE, Abbe. La chasse aux bibliogfraphes. 2 vols. Svo. Londres, 1789. 2383 RIVERS, Earl. See PIsan, C. de. RIVERS, J. The Gutenberg" missal controversy. (In Library World, Vol. 6, 1904, pp. 173-175-) (-^547 RIVIERE, R. Bibliotheca theologica et miscellanea. A cata- log-ue of books now on sale. Svo. Bath, 1835. io395 (i) RIVIERE, R. Bibliotheca curiosa et generalis, comprising Biblical and ecclesiastical literature. S\ o. Bath, 1S37. 10395 (2) RIVTERE, R. iK: SON. Illustrated trade catalogue of mis- cellaneous books in various leather bindings. Svo. London, igi2. 1673S RIVINGTON, C. R. The records of the Worshipful Company of Stationers. Svo. Westminster, 18S3. 53-3 RIVINGTON, C. R. Notes on the Stationers' Company. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 4, 1903, pp. 355-366.) PP RIVINGTON, C. R. The Stationers' Company. Paper read at Stationers' Hall, 27 March, 1906. Svo. London, 1906. 7536 RIVINGTON, C. R. A brief account of the Worshipful Com- pany of Stationers. 4to. [London, 1910.] 12281 RI\'lNCirON, C. R. See London: Stationers' Company. RI\TNGTON, F. C. & J. Rlvingtons' catalogue of books in various branches of literature, including a large collection of sermons and discourses and a copious list of religious and moral tracts. Svo. London, 181 3. 14635 (3) 773 Rl\'l.\'«.i rOX, S. Ihc pui)lishing house ot Rivington. 8vo. London, 1894. 649 RIVINGTONS \- COCHRAN. A calalogue of books. Svo. London, 1824. 11602 R1\'1NL'S, L. A. C()ntrov(>rsiae de artis typog^raphicae in- \L'ntione. (In W'oll, j. C: Monumenla typoj^raphica, I, 1740.) 20082 R1\'INL'S, L. A. Hccatomba lauduni et gratiarum, etc. {In Wolf, J. C. : Monumenta lypographica, 1, 1740.) 20082 RIXISTA DP:LLK BlBLlOTItCHE E DEGLI ARCHIVE I'ol. 25, .\o. 10-12, ()tl.-I)ec. 1914. 8vo. I'irenze, 1914. PE ROHAGLIA, M. Eresse — Imprimerie — Librairie. Manuel ad- minislratif suivi d'un recueil des lois sur la presse. 8vo. Lyon, 1874. 16732 ROBE, \V. L. Mist:eIlaneous pieces in verse. 2nd edition. 8vo. Dover, 1825. 17285 ROBERT, K. Traite pratique de la gravure a I'eau-forte. 8vo. Paris, 1891. 17055 ROBERT, L. Eine printing- inks. 4to. New York [ 1910]. 12062 ROBERT, P. Impressions metallographiques. L'aluminiuni en 12 le9ons. 8vo. Paris, 1907. 93^8 ROBERTS, \\\ The earlier history of Eng-fish bookselling-. 8vo. London, 1889. 20847 ROBERT.S, W. The Elizabethan Grub Strret. 8vo. London, 1891. 17258 ROBERTS, W. Rare books and their prices. {In The Nine- teenth Century, June, 1893, pp. 952-965.) 9414 ROBERTS, W. Printers' marks. A chapter in the history of typography. Svo. London, 1893. 392 ROBERTS, W. Some Italian printers' marks. {In Inland Printer, \'oI. 13, 1S94, pp. 115, 219, 320.) PP ROBERTS, \V. The free library failure. (//; The New Review, Sept., 1895.) 1611 ROBERTS, W. T. The romance of press photog-raphy. {In The Strand Mag-azine, Vol. 40, Oct., 1910, pp. 469-475.) 13440 [ROBERTSON, J.] An essay on punctuation. 2nd edition. 1 2 mo. London, 1786. 20 11 5 ROBERTSON, J. Eifty years experience in paper making. 4to. Newcastle, 1897. 877 ROBINS, E. Benjamin Eranklin : printer, statesman, philosopher and practical citizen, 1706-90. 8vo. New York, 1898. 12275 ROBINSON, l'\ Dragon's blood for line work. {In Penrose's Pictorial .Annual, I'ol. 8, 1901-3, pp. 113-116.) PP 774 ROBINSON, F. W. The library of George W. Childs. i6nio. Philadelphia, 1882. 231 10 ROBINSON, Sir J. R. See McCarthy, J. and Robinson, Sir J. R. ; Thomas, F. M. ROBINSON, R. Thomas Bewick : his lite and times. 8vo. Newcastle, 1887. 6654 ROBINSON, R. See Bewick, T. ROBINSON, R. &• CO., Ltd. Peeps at our warehouses and works. Obi. 8vo. Newcastle [c. 1893]. 6927 ROBIQUET, E. New process of chemical engraving- — steel facing engraved copper-plates. {In The Photographic News, Vol. I, 1858, pp. 171-172.) 10040 ROBSON, H. .Set' Andes, L. E. ; Lehner, S. ROCCHA, A. Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana. [De Typo- graphicae artis inventione, et praestantia, p. 409. J 410. Romae, 1591- 5546 ROCHAMBEAU, A. de. Les imprimeurs vendomois et leurs oeuvres, 1=^14-1881. Nouvelle edition precedee d'un lettre de M. P. Lacroix. 8vo. Paris, 1881. 896 ROCHDALE : Public Libraries, Art Gallery and Museum. 37th, etc.. annual report, 1907-8, etc. 8vo. Rochdale, 1908, etc. 1 1 09 1 ROCHEBIITERE, A. Bibliographic des editions originales d'auteurs francais composant la bibliotheque de feu M. A. R. Redigee par A. Claudin. 8vo. Paris, 1882. 20163 ROCK BROS, Ltd. Specimens of letterpress printing. 4to. London [c. 1905]. 6991 ROCKSTROH K: SCHNEIDER. Victoria Buchdruck-Schnell- pressen. Obi. 4to. Dresden, 1908. 13486 RODD, H. Catalogue of a portion of a small collection of English portraits and topography. 8vo. London [c. 1845]. 8734 RODD, H. Catalogue of books and MSS. No. 1. 8vo. London, 1850. 17389(16) RODD, H. Catalogue of a portion of the stock of ancient and modern books. I'ts. 1-2. 8vo. London, 1850. 17389 (17) RODD, T. Catalogue of a small collection of books. 8vo. London, 1812. 8693 RODD, T. Catalogue for 1813. 8vo. London [1813]. 8694 RODD, T. First part of catalogue of books for 1814. Svo. London [181 4]. 8695 RODD, T. Catalogue of English books for 181 5. Svo. London, 1815. 8697 RODD, T. Catalogue for 1815. Part 2. Hvo. London, 1815. 8696 775 ROUD, T. The first part of catalogue for 1816. 8vo. London, 1816. ^ 8698 ROOD, T. Supplement to T. R.'s l^^ng-lish and foreigfn cata- logues for 1 816. Part 3. 8vo. London, 1816. 8699 RODD, T. Catalogue of books for 1818. Farts 1-2. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1818. 8700 RODD, T. Catalogue of books for 1821. I'art i. 8vo. London, 1821. 8706 RODD, T. Catalogue of books for the year 1822. Part 2. 8vo. London, 1822. 8710 RODD, T. Catalogue of 12,000 tracts, pamphlets and un- bound books. Parts 1-3, 6. 8vo. London, 1819-22. 8702 RODD, T. Catalogue of tracts, containing upwards of 14,000. Part 4. Divinity. 8vo. London, 1820. 8705 RODD, T. Catalogue of books for 1823. 8vo. London, 1823. 8712 RODD, T. Catalogue of books, etc. 8vo. London, 1824. 8713 RODD, T. Catalogue of books, ancient and modern, English and foreign. 8vo. London, 1825. 16719 RODD, T. Supplement to catalogue, 1826. 8vo. London [1826]. 8714 RODD, T. Catalogue of books for the year 1827. Part 2. 8vo. London [1827]. 8715 RODD, T. Catalogue of books for the year 1828. 8vo. London [182S]. 8716 RODD, T. Catalogue of books for the year 1830. 8vo. London, 1830. 8717 RODD, T. Catalogue of books for the year 1834. 8vo. London, 1834. 8737 RODD, T. Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of books. 2 pts. 8vo. London, 1835. 17389(1) RODD, T. English dramatic literature. Catalogue of an extensive collection of plays. 8vo. London, 1835. ^7389 (2) RODI3, T. Catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of books. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1836. 17389 (3) RODI3, T. Catalogue of a collection of manuscripts. 8vo. London, 1836. 17389(4) RODD, T. Catalogue of books for 1837. Part 4 (5). 8vo. London, 1837. 17389(5) RODD, T. Part 4. Catalogue of books in elegant literature. 8vo. London, 1837. 17389 (6) RODD, T. Catalogue of books for 18^8. 8vo. London, 1837. 8722 776 RODD, T. Catalogue of a collection of manuscripts. 8vo. London, 1838. 16556(25) RODD, T. Catalogue of a small collection of prints and books of prints. 8vo. London, 1838. 16556(26) RODD, T. A second catalogue of books for 1838. 8vo. London, 1838. 17389(7) RODD, T. Catalogue of books. 1839. 8vo. London, 1839. 17389(9) RODD, T. Catalogue of books, manuscripts, and autograph letters. 8vo. London, 1839. 17389(10) RODD, T. Catalogue of books. 8vo. London, 1840. 17389(18) RODD, T. Catalogue of books, recently added to the stock ofT. R. No. I. Oct. 1840,^/0. 8vo. London, 1840. 17389(19) RODD, T. Catalogue of a collection of MS.S. 8vo. London, 1841. 17389(21) RODD, T. Catalogue of books for 1841. Part i. 8vo. London, 1841. 17389(20) RODD, T. Catalogue of books selected from the stock of T. R. 8vo. London [c. 1841]. 17389(28) RODD, T. Catalogue of books and MSS. relating to heraldry, genealogy, family history, pomp aud ceremonial. 8vo. London, 1842. ^' ' 17389(241 RODD, T. List of books recently added to the stock of T. R. No. 1, Jan., 1842. 8vo. London [1842J. 8727 RODD, T. Catalogue of books. Part 5. Historical literature. 8vo. London, 1843. 8738 RODD, T. Catalogue of books and INLSS. 8vo. London, 1843. 8728 RODD, T. Catalogue of books. Jan. (Apr. i. May i) 1845. 8vo. London, 1845. 17389(11) RODD, T. Catalogue of books. June i, 1845. 8vo. London, 1845. 8729 RODD, T. Catalogue of miscellaneous books. 8vo. London, 1845. 8730 RODD, T. Elegant literature. Part 4. Catalogue of an extensive collection of books. 8vo. London, 1845. 17389(12) RODD, T. Catalogue of manuscripts and ancient deeds. 8vo. London, 1845. 17389(13) RODD, T. List of books recently added to the stock. 4 pts. 8vo. London, 1846-9. 17389(14) RODD, T. Catalogue of valuable, scarce and curious books. Aug. I, 1846. 8vo. London, 1846. 8731 RODD, T. Catalogue of books recently added. 8vo. London [c. 1846]. ' ' 8735 / / 1 RODD, 1 . Catalomic (^1 books in theology, etc. 8vo. London, 1848. ' 8733 RODD, T. A catalogue of books relating to Ireland. 8vo. London, 1849. 17389(15) RODD, r. \- H. Catalogue of books for the year 182 1. 2 vols. 8vo. London [1821J. 8707 RODD, T. tS: H. Catalogue of books for the year 1822. 8vo. London, 1822. 8709 RODKN, R. V. The Cambridge Press, 1638-92. A history of the first printing press established in English America. 8vo. New York, 1905. 15720 RODER, C. G. 1846-96. Festschift zur 50 Jahrigen Jubelfeier des Bestehens der Firma C. G. Roder, Leipzig. Mit einem Anhang : Notenscrift und Notendruck : bibliographisch-typo- graphische Studie von Hugo Riemann. 4to. Leipzig, 1896. 2379 RODER, C. G. Ltd. Music printing on an immense scale. 4to. London, 1912. 18223 RODERICH, M. Johann Gutenberg, seine Zeit und seine Erfindung. 8vo. Dresden [c. 1875]. 21586 RODIGUES, J. J. Procedes photographiques et methodes diverses d 'impressions aux encres grasses employes k la section photographique et artistique de la Direction Generale des Travaux Geographiques du Portugal. 8vo. Paris, 1879. 22822 RODW'ELL &' MARTIN. A catalogue of books. 8vo. London, 1 816. ' 16556(1) RODWELL &• MARTIN. [Lithographic sketches.] Obi. 8vo. London, 1821-2. 443° ROEBELEN, A. Some notes on the manufacture of type and printing material from aluminium alloy. {In The Brit, and Col. Print.,' Fo/. 45, Feb. 2, 1899, p. 64.) PP ROEBUCK, G. E. Literature for the blind and the public library movement in connection therewith. {In Library Assistant, Vol. 3, 1903, pp. 253-260.) PP ROEBUCK, G. E. and THORNE, \\\ B. A primer of library practice for junior assistants. 8vo. London, 1904. 4023 ROEDIGER, F. Diario della Stamperia Ripoli. {In II Biblio- filo, J'ol. 8, 1887, p. 33— Vol. 10, 1889, p. T,y.) PP ROELOFFZEN cS: HUBNER. Specimens of reproductions in zink to typogr. presses. 4to. Amsterdam, 1889. 3^44 ROERSCH, A. J. Badius Ascensius Gandensis. 8vo. Paris, 1909. 12654 ROEST, M. De Wetenschappelijke moraliteit van Dr. A. v. d. Linde een poosje maar te luchten gehangen, ten gerieve der lezers van diens spectator-opstellen en boek over De Haarlemsche Costerlegende. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1870. 22473 778 ROFFE, R. C. My diary of 63 days : with memorandums of occasional trips into Kent. 4to. Somers' Town, 1858. -^3^7 ROGER, ( ). Discours prononce en faisant hommag'e au Corps Leg-islatii d'un Livre d'epreuves des differens caracteres, vig-nettes et ornemens de la fonderie et imprimerie de M. Gille. 8vo. Paris, 1810. 15964 ROGERS, B. See Way, W. I. ROGERS, B. I\I. H. Handbook to Bristol and the neighbour- hood. i2mo. Bristol, 1898. 8071 ROGERS, F. The art of bookbinding. A lecture. 8vo. London, 1894. 394 ROGERS, J. [A collection of specimens printed at the Magnet Press, Northampton.] 8vo. [Northampton, 1910.] H^S? ROGERS, J. E. The American newspaper. i2mo. Chicago, 1909. 1 1 90 1 ROGERS, L. C. Imaginary competition. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 42, 1908, pp. 389-392.) PI' ROGERS, T. The ambassador's idea. MS. 410. [c. 1660.] 6207 ROGERS, W. S. A book of the poster. 4t(). London, 1901. 2071 ROGERS, W. T. A manual of bibliography. New edition. [Founded on G. Ottino's Manuale di bibliografia.] 8vo. London, 1891. 2945 ROGERS. Tlie Rogers Typograph. A new composing machine, (/n The Brit, and Col. Print., I'ol 27, 1891, p. 2.) PP ROGERSON, T. A specimen of the printing types of Thomas Rogerson, Manchester. 8vo. Manchester, 1817. 6282 ROGET, P. M. Thesaurus of English words and phrases, classified and arranged. 3rd edition. 8vo. London, 1855. 2S66 ROGGE, H. C. Amsterdamsche boekdrukkers en uitgevers van de i6e. eeuw. {In Bibliographische Adversaria, V, 1883-6, pp. 44-57-) 7302 ROCiM.WN, C. Die Stereotypic in Kleinen. {hi Journal fiir Buchdruckerkunst, 1844, pp. 121, 129.) PP ROGMANN, C. Ueber Buchdruckfarbereitung. {In Journal fur Buchdruckerkunst, 1845, pp. 177, 185. j PP ROHMANN, J. L. Udsigt over trykkefrihedens historic i Danmark. 8vo. Odense, 1841. 21269 ROHR, W. J. Unprofitable Linotypes. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 29, 1902, pp. 44-4(0.) PP ROLEWTNCK, W. Fasciculus temporum. Fol. Louvain, 1475- -^441 ROLEWTNCK, W. Sermo capitularis de S. Benedicto. 410. Koln [c. 1478]. 21357 779 ROLl^W li\Cl\.,\\ . l-'asciculus ttnii)ormn. l-'ol. Koln, 1479. 5827 ROLKWINCK, W. Fasciculus tcmporuni. I'ol. Utrecht, 1480. 2 141 6 ROLEW'INCK, \\". Fasciculus temporum. Fol. [Strass- burg-, c. 1490.] 5905 ROLLER, J. Tcchnik der Radierung. Fine Anleitung zum Radieren und Atzen auf Kupfcr. 2te. Auflage. [Chemisch- techuische Bibliothek. Hand 155. J i2mo. W'icn, 1903. 3511 ROLLINGTON, R. A brief history of boys' journals with interesting facts about the writers of boys' stories. 8vo. Leicester, 1913- 18375 ROLLINS, C. P. Modern special types. {In The Printing Art, rol. I, 1903, />. 13.) PP ROLL IT, Sir A. K. The need of a public library for Hull. 8vo. Hull, 1882. 8448 ROLLS, C. S. The Kramer web attachment for platen presses to feed from reel. 12 mo. London [1908J. 10247 ROAL\NA, (/. P. C. See Campana Romana, G. P. ROjNIBOUTS, p. Certificats delivres aux imprimeurs des Pays- Bas par C. Plant in et autres documents se rapportant a la charge du prototypographe. [Maatschappij der Antwerp. Bibliop., L'itgave Nr. ic] 8vo. Antwerpen, 1881. 21820 ROMDAHL, A. L. Die lUustrationen in Stephan Arndes Bibel 1494 und andere Liibecker Holzsclinitte. {In Zeitschrift fiir Biicherfreunde, I'ol. 9, 1906, pp. 391-398.) PP ROME. Campioni dei caratteri esistenti nella Tipografia della Rev. Cam. Apostolica, preceduti da un cenno storico suU'arte tipografica. Fol. Roma, 1853. 3803 ROME. Incunabuli non esistenli in nessuna biblioteca di Roma. Fol. [? Rome, c. 1890.] 9975 ROME, (^rdine della solcnnissima processione fatta dal somno Pontefice ncll alma citta di Roma. Per la felicissima nova della destruttionc della setta Ugonotana. Photolithograph of this most rare pamphlet, printed at Rome in 1572, from the copy in the Bodleian Library. With an introductory note by E. W. B. Nicholson. Svo. London [1891]. 6228 ROME : Propaganda Press. Indice de caratteri, con I'in- ventori, e nomi di essi esistenti nella stampa Vaticana e Cameralc. 8vo. Roma, 1628. 6048 ROME : Propaganda Press. Indice de caratteri, con I'in- \cntori, e nomi di essi esistenti nella stampa Vaticana e Cameralc. [This edition is printed on grey paper.] 8vo. Roma, 1628. 20255 ROME : Propaganda Press. Specimen characterum. Fol. Romae, 1843. ^^°^ 780 ROMMEL, H. Jean Brito, prototypographe Brugeois. Con- ference. 5 avril, i8g8. 8vo. Bruges, iSgS. 17641 ROMMEL, H. L'Oeuvre de Jean Brito, par M. L. Gilliodts- van Severen. Etude analytique sur I'invention de rimprimerie a Bruges. 8vo. Bruges, i8g8. 16894 RONALDS, Sir F. See Society of Telegraph Engineers. RONCETTI, A. See Denis, J. N. C. M. RONDINELLA, L. F. Rondinella's photo-printing machine. {In Journal of the Franklin Institute, Jan., 1906.) 13649 RONDOT, N. La gravure sur bois a Lyon au i5e. si^cle. {In Bibliographica, I'o/. 3, 1897, pp. 46-59.) 53 RONDOT, N. Graveurs sur bois a Lyon au seizi^me si^cle. 8vo. Paris, 1898. 3644 ROOD, O. N. Colour : a textbook of modern chromatics. 3rd edition. 8vo. London, 1890. 395 ROOKE, N. See Cockerell, D. ROORBACH, O. A. Bibliotheca Americana. Catalogue of American publications, including reprints and original works, from 1820 to 1852 inclusive. Together with a list of periodicals published in the United States. 8vo. New York, 1852. 8805 ROORDA, T. Bcricht iiber die ncuen Javanischen Lettern. {In Journal fiir Buchdruckerkunst, 1842, pp. 72-76.) PP ROOSEN, G. Syllabus du cours de coloris donne au Ccrcle d 'Etudes Typographiques de Bruxelles. Obi. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1905- 1 1055 ROOSES, M. Plantijn en de Plantijnschc drukkerij. 8vo. Gent, 1877. 22547 [ROOSES, i\L] Titres et portraits graves d'apr^s P. P. Rubens pour I'lmprimerie Plantinienne. Fol. Anvers, 1877. 400 ROOSES, M. Plantin et I'lmprimerie Plantinienne. Traduit du Neerlandais par E. Mertens. 8vo. Gand, 1878. 23420 ROOSES, M. Les fr^res Wieriex a I'lmprimerie Plantinienne. 8vo. Anvers, 1881. 22516 ROOSES, M. Christophe Plantin, imprimeur anversois. Fol. Anvers, 1882. 22059 ROOSES, M. Christophe Plantin, imprimeur anversois. Fol. Anvers, 1883. 5829 ROOSES, M. Le Musee Plantin-Moretus. Fol. Anvers, 1913, etc. 18946 ROOSES, M. .See Antwerp : Musee Plantin-Moretus ; Kilian Dufflaens, C. ; Moretus, J., II; Plantin, C. ROPER, C. A. Ascertaining cost. {In Inland I'rinter, Vol. 32, 1903-4, pp. 67-74.) PP 781 • ROOUHTTE, A. Die Finanzlai,'^c der deutschen Hibliothcken. [Dziatzko, K. : Samnil. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. i6.] Svo. Lcipzi^'^, 1902. 10347 ROSA, H. Fundicao de typos. [Specimen.] Svo. Rio de Janeiro [c. 1905]. 1713^ ROSART, J. F. Fprouve dc caract^res. Svo. Bruxelles, i;6i. 20227 ROSART, J. F. Epreuve des caract^res. S\o. Bruxelles, 1768. 20229 ROSCHACH, E. L'imprimerie a Toulouse au 15c., i6e. et jye. si^cles [by T. Desbarreaux-Bernard. Compte rendu by E. R.] Svo. Toulouse, 1868. 12662 ROSE, G. A perfect school of instructions for the officers ol the nioutli. i2mo. London, 1682. 21241 ROSE-bud : a Christmas ijift to the young-. i2mo. London, 1853. 7694 ROSEMBACH. See Comet, J. ROSENBERG, A. Der Kupferstich in der Schule und unter dem Einflusse des Rubens. (Die Rubensstecher.) [Gesellschaft fiir \'ervielfaltio^ende Kunst.] Fol. Wien, 1SS8. 873A ROSENSTIEHL, D. [Poem on the jubilee of Maschinen- meister Joseph Jenoch, 2 Oktober, 1878.] S. sh. fol. [Strassburg, 1878. 1 22999 ROSENSTIEHL, D. Bericht iiber das 50 jahrige Arbeits- Jubilaum des Obermaschinenmeisters Aloys Frierdich, Faktor der Druckerei-\\'erkstatt des Hauses R. Schultz u. Co. in Strassburg. Svo. Strassburg-, 18S4. 22613 ROSENTHAL, J. Inkunabula typographica. 2 pts. Svo. Miinchen [1900-5]. 753° ROSEN THAL, L. Incunabula xylographica et chalcographica. Catalogue 90. Fol. Miinchen [1S93]. 1445 ROSENTHAL, L. Hebraische Inkunabeln 1475-96 mit 33 Faksimiles. Katalog 151. 4to. Miinchen [c. 1912]. 19222 ROSEO, M. See Collenuccio, P. and Roseo, M. ROSES de Noel. Fol. Paris, 1888. 11891 ROSINL'S, I. Romanarum antiquitatum. 4to. Lugd. Bat , 1663. 63 1 1 ROSS, .S"/> J. A voyage of discovery in H.M.S. Isabella and Alexander for the purpose of exploring Baffin's Bay, and inquiring into the probability of a north-west passage. 4to. London, 1819. 17390 ROSSBERG. Denkschrift zum fiinfzigjiihrigen Bestehen der [firm of Rossberg, printers and publishers]. 4to. Leipzig, 1904. 7626 782 I7I83 Parma, 5177 Parma, 2 1 5 1 6 5608 ROSSEELS, E. Het huis van Christoffel Plantijn. 8vo. Antwerpen, 1886. 9120 ROSSEEUW ST. HI LAI RE. Notice sur Charles Furne. 8vo. Paris, i860. 9413 ROSSETTI, M. F. See Campana Romana, G. P. ROSSI, D. de'. Indice delle stampe, intagliate in rame a bulina, e in acqua forte esistenti nelli stamperia di D. de' R. erede di G. Giacomo appresso Santa Maria della Pace in Roma. 8vo. Roma, 1724. ROSSI, G. G. de. Scherzi poetici e pittorlci. 4to 1795- ROSSI, G. G. de. Scherzi poetici e pittorici. 8vo 1795- ROSSI, G. G. de. Poesie. 8vo. Parma, 1800. ROSSI, J. B. de. In nuptiis augustorum principum Ferdinandi Bordonii et Amaliae Austriacae poema. 4to. Parmae, 1769. 5915 ROSSI, j. B. de. De Hebraicae typographiae origine ac primitiis seu antiquis ac rarissimis Hebraicorum librorum edit- ionibus seculi 15. 8vo. Parmae, 1776. 11588 ROSSI, J. B. de. De Hebraicae typographiae origine ac primitis. Recudi curavit M. G. F. Hufnagel. i2mo. Eriangae, 1778. 5197 ROSSI, J. B. de. Annah Ebreo-tipografici di Sabbioneta sotto \"espasiano Gonzaga. 4to. Parma, 1780. 22803 ROSSI, J. B. de. De typograpiiia Hebraeo-Ferrariensi. 8vo. Parmae, 1780. 22010 ROSSI, j. B. de. Annales Hebraeo typographici Sec. X\'. 4to. Parmae, 1795. 5 121 ROSSI, j. B. de. Annales Hebraeo typographici ab an Mdi ad Mdxl. 4to. Parmae, 1799. 5122 ROSSI, J. B. de. De Corano Arabico \'enetiis Paganini typis impresso sub in. sec. 16. 8vo. Parmae, 1805. 22313 ROSSI, J. B. de. Dell'origine della stampa in tavole incise e di una antica e sconosciuta edizione zilogralica. 8vo. Parma, 181 1. 12607 (7) ROSSI, J. B. de. De I'origine de I'impression sur planches gravees et d'une ancienne edition xylographique inconnue. Traduit de I'italien oar T. A. M. [MS.] 8vo. Vesoul, 1813. 22593 ROSSIGNOL, A. See Fage, R. ROSSITER, W. S. A modern tendency of book and job print- ing [in the United States). (/;; Inland Printer, I'oJ. 42, 1908, pp. 49-53.) PP ROSSLIX, E. Eucharchius Rosslin's Rosengarten. Gedruckt im Jahre 15 13. Begleit-Text von G. Klein. [Alte Meister der Medizin und Naturkunde. 2.] 8vo. Miinchen, 1910. 13789 783 ROST, R. See Lord's Prayer. ROSTAING, L., ROSTAING, M. and PERCIE DU SERT, F. Precis historique, dcscriptif, analytique et pbotomichrographique des vegetaux propres a la fabrication de la cellulose et du papier. 4to. Paris [1899]. 2315 ROSTAING, M. See Rostaing-, L. ROSTGAARD, V. I'rojet d'uiie nouvelle m^thode pour dresser le catalogue d'une biblioth^que selon les mati^res avec le plan. 2de. edition, a Paris, 1698. (In Koebler, J. D. : Syllog"e, etc., 1728.) 13293 ROTH, F. W. I^. Die IJruekerei zu Eltville im Rheing'au und ihre Erzeug^nisse. 8vo. Aug"sburg-, 1886. 22895 ROTH, V. W. E. Der Mainzer Buchdrucker Peter Jordan, 1531-5. 8vo. [Leipzig, c. 1887.] 6076(10) ROTH, F. W. E. Die Druckererei des Peter Friedberg; in ^L^inz, 1491-9. 8vo. [Leipzig, c. 1887. j 6076(7) ROTH, F. W. E. Die Buchdruckerei des Jakob Kobel, Stadtschreibers zu Oppenheim, und ibre Erzeug^nisse 1503-72. [Zentralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen, Beihcft. 1\\] 8vo. Leipzig, i88g. 6076(1) ROTH, F. \y. E. Die Bucbdruckereien zu Worms a. Rhein im 16. Jahrhundert und ihre Erzeugnisse. 8vo. Worms, 1892. 9552 ROTH, F. W. E. Geschichte und Bibliographie der Bucb- druckereien zu Speier im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert. 8vo. Speier, 1894. 7561 ROTH, F. AV. E. Druckermarken aus Speier und Neustadt a. d. Hardt. {In Zeitschrift fiir Biicherfreunde, Vol. 2, 1898, pp. 99-100.) PP ROTH, F. W. E. Zur Geschichte der Eltviller Buchdruckerei, 1467-76. (In Zentralblatt fur Bibliothekswesen, Vol. 18, 1901, pp. 114-122.) PP ROTH, F. W. E. Die Bucbdruckereien zu Oberursel in Nassau, 1557-1623. (In .'\llg-emeiner Anzeiger fiir Druckereien, 1902, p. iss'i, etc.) PP ROTH, F. W. E. Heidelberger Drucker und Druckereien im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert. (In Allgemeiner Anzeig-er fiir Druck- ereien, 1902, p. 1470.) PP ROTH, F. W. E. Zur vierhundertjahrigen Gedenkfeier des Todes von Peter Schoeffer dem Aelteren, Buchdrucker der Stadt Mainz 1454 bis 1502. (In Allg-emeiner Anzeig-er fiir Druckereien, 1902, p. 1792, etc.) PP ROTH, F. W. E. Die Druckerei des Jakob Kobel zu Oppen- heim a. Rh. im 16. Jahrhundert. (In Allgemeiner Anzeiger fiir Druckereien, 1902, p. 151 1.) PP 784 ROTH, F. W. E. Die Druckerei der Kogelherren zu Marien- thal im Rheingau, 1468-84. (In AUgemeiner Anzeiger fiir Druck- ereien, 1902, p. 1671, etc.) PP ROTH, F. W. E. Die Druckerei zu Eltville a. Rh, 1467-76. [In AUgem-einer Anzeiger fiir Druckereien, 1902, p. 1630.) PP ROTH, H. L. Bibliography and cartography of Hispaniola. 8vo. London [c. 1880]. 13 184 ROTH, R. Das Buchergewerbe in Tubingen vom Jahr 1500 bis 1800. 8vo. Tubingen, 1880. 22392 ROTHSCHILD, J. de. Catalogue des livres composant la biblioth^que de feu M. le Baron J. de Rothschild. Vols. 1-2. 8vo. Paris, 1884-7. 10165 ROTH-SCHOLTZIUS, F. Icones bibliopolarum et typo- graphorum ab incunabulis typographiae ad nostra usque tempora. 3 pts. Fol. Norimbergae, 1726-32. 20567 ROTH-SCHOLTZIUS, F. Thesaurus symbolorum ac em- blematum : i.e., Insignia bibliopolarum et typographorum ab incunabulis typographiae ad nostra usque tempora. (Index.) Fol. Norimbergae, 1730. 20556 ROTH-SCHOLTZIUS, F. See Lempertz, H. ; Mollerus, D. G. ; Spoerl, J. C. ROTHERHITHE : Pubhc Library. 4th, etc., report of the Commissioners, 1894-5, etc. 8vo. London, 1895, etc. 8985 ROTIER, M. C. Cost in operating a printing plant. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 40, 1907-8, pp. 84-86.) PP ROTIER, M. C. The present cost of labor. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 41, 1908, pp. 54-55.) PP ROUJOUX, ( ). Discours prononce en faisant hommage au Conseil d'une epreuve des caract^res de la fonderie du citoyen Gille. 8vo. Paris, An 7. 159^^^ ROULLE.AUX, E. La typographie, chanson. {In his Les Armoricaines, 1883.) 9754 ROUND, J. H. John Baskett, King's printer. {In The Athenaeum, Sept., 1885.) 2483 ROUND'S PRINTERS' CABINET. Vol. 31, No. 3, 1887. Fol. Chicago, 1887. PP ROUSSEAU, J. B. Odes, cantates, epitres et poesies diverses. Edition stereotype. Vol. 2. i6mo. Paris, 1799. 19080 ROUSSELLE, H. Bibliographic Montoise. Annales de I'im- primerie a Mons depuis 1580 jusqu'a nos jours. 8vo. Mons, 1858. 21682 ROUSSET, G. Nouveau code annote de la presse pour la France, I'Algerie et les colonies. 4to. Paris, 1856. 9990 785 50 ROUSTAN. A catechism upon a new and improved plan. 8vo. Warrington, 1793. 1539° ROUTLEDGE, J. Chapters in the histoV}' of popular progress chiefly in relation to the freedom of the press and trial by jury. 1660-1820. 8vo. London, 1876. 1656 ROUTLEDGE, R. Printing machines. {In liis Discoveries and inventions of the 19th century, 1891.) 2271 ROUTLEDGE, R. Printing- processes. {In Jiis Discoveries and inventions of the 19th century, 1891.) 2270 ROUTLEDGE, T. Bamboo considered as a paper-making Jiuiterial. 8vo. London, 1875. ^453 ROUTLEDGE, T. Bamboo and its treatment. 8vo. Sunder- land, 1879. 8616 ROUTLEFF, A. T. The combined (reams and quires) redy- rekoner and paper calculator. 241110. LTxbridge, 1908. 10004 [ROUVEYRE, E.] Connaissances necessaires a un bibliophile. 2e. edition. i2mo. Paris, 1878. 20921 ROUVEYRE, E. Connaissances necessaires a un bibliophile. 3e. edition. 8vo. Paris, 1879. 20913 ROLTVEYRE, E. Connaissances necessaires a un bibliophile. 10 vols. 8vo. Paris [1899]. 3234 ROUVEYRE, E. See Beauchamps, J. de and Rouveyre, E. ROUVEYRE, E. and UZANNE, O. Miscellanees biblio- graphiques. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 20905 ROUX, A. Recherches sur I'imprimerie a Montbeliard depuis ses origines (1586) jusqu'a la reunion de Montbeliard a la France en 1793. Suivies d'un catalogue des impressions Montbeliardaises de 1587 a 1793. 8vo. Montbeliard, 1905. 12203 ROUX, V. Manuel de Timprimeur heliographe. 8vo. Paris, 1886. 22647 ROUX, V. Manuel de photographic et de calcographie a I'usage de MM. les graveurs sur bois, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1886. 397 ROUX, V. Traite pratique de gravure heliographique. 8vo. Paris, 1886. 398 ROUX, V. Traite pratique de photographic decorative ap- pliquee aux arts industries. 8vo. Paris, 1887. 2313 ROUX, V. Formulaire pratique de phototypie a I'usage de MM. les preparateurs et imprimeurs des procedes aux encres grasses. 8vo. Paris, 1887. 1846 ROUX, V. Traite pratique de zincographie. Photogravure, autogravure, reports, etc. 2e. edition augmentee par J. Ferret. 8vo. Paris, 1891. 8222 786 -l, J. Fragments d 'etudes de bibliographic Lorraine. Les editions des memoires du Marquis de Beauvau. Imprimes pseudo-lorraine. Imprimes lorrains deguises. 8vo. Nancy, iS8o. 14456 RO\'ER, M. Bibliotheca Roveriana, sive Catalogus librorCim. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1806. 16754 ROWE, E. Friendship in death, in twenty letters from the dead to the living. To which are added letters moral and enter- taining in prose and verse. 8vo. Birmingham [c. 1800]. 16613 ROWE, N. The fair pentitent. 4to. London, 1703. 6160(13) ROWELL, G. F. Hints on estimating, including hints on bronze printing, embossing, purchasing plant, how to make printing pay, etc. 2nd edition. i2mo. London, 1901. 2678 ROWFANT CLUB. See Cleveland : Rowfant Club. ROWLANDS, S. Diogenes lanthorne. 4to. London, 1647. 21219 ROWLANDS, W. Cambrian bibliography : containing an account of the books printed in the Welsh language, or relating to U'ales from 1546 to the end of the i8th century. Edited and enlarged by the Rev. D. S. Evans. 8vo. Llanidloes, 1869. 3476 [ROWNEY, G. & CO.] Lithographic sample book. No. 1. 4to. London fc. 1890]. 3133 ROWORTH, C. F. C. F. Roworth's, i Bream's Buildings. Rules of the compositors' chapel. [Signed C. J. Drummond, Father.] Svo. [London, 1877.] 1981 ROWORTH, C. F. Staff dinner, March 18, 191 1. [Pro- gramme.] i2mo. [London, 191 1.] 14246 ROXBURGH. The Roxburghe Revels MS. (Articles cut from the Athenaeum dealing with this manuscript bought at Mr. J. Haslewood's sale.] 4to. [London, 1834.] 22953 ROY, F. Affaire Roy contre Curel et Cie., editeurs. Ed. Barthelemy, L. P. de Brinn' Gaubast, auteurs. 2 pts. 4to. [Paris, 1897.] 13636 ROY, J. J. E. See Alkan, A. ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS. Observations on the present state of the Royal Academy. 4to. London, 1790. 22798 ROYAL AQUARIUM. Guide and catalogue of the first Optical and Photographic Exhibition, Sept. nth to Oct. 6th, 1894. Compiled and edited by E. A. Du Plat. 8vo. London, 1894. 14697 ROYAL AQUARIUM. A collection of posters. The illus- trated catalogue of the ist (2nd) Exhibition. Edited by E. Bella. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1894-6. 48 ROYAL COLLEGE OF ART. The R.C.A. Students' Maga- zine. 8vo. London, 191 1, etc. PP 787 ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS. Catalogue of the library. Vol. 3. 8vo. London, 1853. 6563 ROYAL COMMISSION ON HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS. 5th report. Ft. i. Fol. London, 1876. 21801 ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Catalogue of the library, May, 1865. 8vo. London, 1865. 8542 ROYAL INSTITUTION. A catalogue of the library of the Royal Institution of Great Britain. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1 82 1. 5706 ROYAL PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. The Journal of the Photographic Society of London. Vol. 1-2, 1854-6. 8vo. London, 1854-6. PP ROYAL PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. Illustrated catalogue of the International Exhibition at the Crystal Palace, i8g8. 8vo. London, 1898. 2938 ROYAL PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. Illustrated catalogue of the Exhibition, 1903. 8vo. London, 1903. 3652 ROYAL PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. 49th annual Exhi- bition. Illustrated catalogue. 8vo. London, 1904. 6936 ROYAL PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. Catalogue of an exhibition of the work of A. L. Coburn. Preface by G. B. Shaw. 8vo. London, 1906. 8120 ROYAL PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY. Catalogue of books in the library. 8vo. London, 1907. 13377 ROYAL PORTFOLIO. [Photogravures.] Fol. London, 1897. 3360 ROYAL PRIMER. 24mo. London [c. 1770]. 5483 ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS. Report of the Committee of the Society relative to the mode of preventing the forgery of bank notes. 8vo. London, 18 19. 20498 ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS. Report of the Committee on the deterioration of paper. 8vo. London, 1898. I455 ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS. Report of the Committee on leather for bookbinding. 8vo. London, 1901. 2356 ROYAL SOCIETY OF ARTS. Report of the Committee on leather for bookbinding. Edited for the society and the Wor- shipful Company of Leathersellers by the Rt. Hon. Viscount Cobham and Sir H. T. Wood. 8vo. London, 1905. 8801 ROYAL SOCIETY OF LITERATURE. See Brabrook, E. W. ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Diplomata et statuta. 8vo. London, 1752. 15128 ROYAL warrant-holders. Subscriber's descriptive album. Obi. 4to. London, 1898. 9887 ROYCROFT SHOP. The Roycroft books. 8vo. East Aurora. 1903. 8276 788 ROYER-COLLARD, M. Opinion sur le projet de loi relatif aux journaux. 8vo. [Paris, 1817.] 23387 ROYLE, J. F. The fibrous plants of India fitted for cordage, clothing and paper. With an account of the cultivation and preparation of flax, hemp and their substitutes. 8vo. London, 1855. 8741 ROYLE, V. A few practical hints about saws. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 169-171.) PP ROYLE, V. Mounting the cut square. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 57-64.) PP ROZAN, C. Jules Claye, ancien imprimeur. 8vo. Paris, 1879. 15292 ROZYCKI, K. V. Die Buchdruckerkunst in Polen bis zur Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts. {In Zeitschrift fiir Bticherfreunde, Vol. 10, 1907, pp. 487-497.) PP RUBASTIC, Ltd. Rubastic rollers. 8vo. Southall [1914]. 18443 RUBENCAMP, R. & KLEMM, P. Farbe und Papier im Druckgewerbe. I Theil : Farbe, bearbeitet von D. R. Riibencamp. II Theil : Papier, bearbeitet von D. P. Klemm. 8vo. Frank- furt, 1900. 2109 RUBENCAMP, R. See Cohn, H. and Rubencamp, R. RUBENS, P. P. See Rooses, M. RUDDIMAN, T. Rudiments of the Latin tongue. 13th edition. i2mo. Edinburgh, 1755. 5194(1) RUDDIMAN, T. See Chalmers, G. RUDDOCK, J. W. & SONS. Type faces by the Monotype in use at J. W. Ruddock and Sons. i2mo. Lincoln [1909]. 11481 RUDEBOCK, M. B. and LARISON, C. W. The fonic speler, etc. 8vo. Ringoz, 1891. 4299 RUDHARD'SCHEGIESSEREI. Proben-Fortsetzung. 5 /)f5. 4to. Offenbach [c. 1875]. 6357 RUDHARD'SCHE GIESSEREI. Die moderne Kunsttricht- ung in der Typographic. Zierrat fiir Bucher, Accidenzen und Inserate. Obi. 4to. Offenbach [1900]. 345° RUDHARD'SCHE GIESSEREI. Merkbuch fur das Jahr 1901. 4to. Offenbach, 1901. 344^ RUDHARD'SCHE GIESSEREI. Behrens. Schriften-Initialen und Schmuck nach zeichnungen von Prof. Behrens. 4to. Offen- bach [c. 1902]. 6764 RUDOLPH, H. Kurze Geschichte der Erfindung der Buch- druckerkunst im Jahre 1440. 8vo. Meissen [1840]. 21255 RUDOLPH, P. Hints on the provision of a Palmos-hand- camera outfit. 8vo. Jena, 1903. 6914 789 Rl^DOLPH, P. Hints on the selection of Zeiss objectives. 4th edition. 8vo. Jena, 1903. 6913 RL'DOLl'HI, E. C. Die Buchdrucker-Faniilie Froschauer in Zurich 1521-95. \'erzeichniss dor aus ihrer Offizin hervorge- gangfenen Druckwerke. 8vo. Zurich, 1869. 22868 RUELENS, C. Sur le Speculum Humanae Salvationis. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1855. 22853 RUELENS, C. La question de I'orig'ine de I'imprimerie et le grand concile typographique. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1855. 20732 RUELENS, C. l-"n plaidoyer nouveau pour Laurent Coster. Extrait du tome 15. du Bulletin du Bibliophile Beige. 8vo. [c. i860.] ^ 18782 (6) RL'ELENS, C. Vn incunable anglais inconnu. 8vo. [1865.] 21372 RUELENS, C. L'Odyssee de Laurent Coster en Hollande. {In Le Bibliophile Beige, Ann. 3, 1868, pp. 152-183.) 21996 RUELENS, C. Un Laurent Coster italien. [Panfilo Castaldi.] [In Le Bibliophile Beige, Ann. 3, 1868, pp. 359-364.) 21996 RUELENS, C. Christophe Plantin. (/;; La Nouvelle Revue, Dec. 15, 1884.) ' 9993 RUELENS, C. See Bruyne, J. de ; Imitatio ChristI ; Linde, A. V. d. RUELENS, C. and BACKER, A. dc. Annales Plantiniennes (1555-89). 8vo. Paris, 1866. 20694 RUHL, C. F. Musterbuch. 8vo. Leipzig [c. 1912]. 162 14 RUHL, C. F. Neue Vignetten. 4to. Leipzig [c. 1912]. 16211 RULAND, F. W. Gutenberg-Album. Germ. & Eng. Fol. Mayence [1868]. " 20568 RUMOHR, C. F. V. Zur Geschichte und Theorie der Form- schneidekunst. 8vo. Leipzig, 1837. 11592 RURAL pickings. 8vo. London, 1846. 10254 RUSAND, P. M. Grandes oeuvres de Timprimerie. 8vo. [Paris, 1868.] 16055 RUSE, G. Imposition simplified : the most useful schemes pictorially represented. 24mo. London [c. i860]. 11962 RUSE, G. Imposition simplified : the most useful schemes pictorially represented. 24mo. London [c. i860]. 1459^ RL'SE, G. Imposition simplified. 82nd thousand. 24mo. London [c. 1875]. 23478 RUSE, G. and STRAKER, C. Printing and its accessories : a comprehensive book of charg-es for the guidance of printers, etc. 8vo. London [c. i860]. 624 RUSHER, P. Specification. Printing type. 1802. No. 2620. 8vo. London, 1856. 20560 (6) 790 RUSKIN, J. See Axon, \V. E. A. ; Cook, E. T. RUSSELL, C. The tannin process. 8vo. London [c. i860]. 17068 RUSSELL, Sir E. That reminds me — — . 8vo. London, 1899. 15023 RUSSELL, J. Propositio Johannis Russell, printed by W. Caxton, c. 1476. Reproduced in facsimile from the copy in the John Rylands Library. With an introduction by H. Guppy. [The John Rylands Facsimiles, No. i.] 4to. Manchester, 1909. 14249 RUSSELL, P. Leaves from a journalist's note-book. [Oleo- graphy. An ink factory,] i2m.o. London, 1874. 41S5 RUSSELL, P. The literary manual; or, a complete guide to authorship. 8vo. London, 1886. 1387 RUSSELL, T. How to lose money in advertising, {hi The Magazine of Commerce, Vol. 2, 1903, pp. 241-243.) 9153 RUSSELL, T. The curious side of advertising. (In The Evening News, Nov., 1910.) 1367S RUSSELL, T. The living model as an advertising basis. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 188-192.) PP RUSSELL, W". C. The book of authors. A collection of criticisms, ana, etc., referring to men of letters in every age of English literature. New edition. 8vo. London [c. 1880]. 222t,;^ RL^SSELL, W. H. The Atlantic telegraph. 4to. London [1865]. 6619 RUSSIA seu Moscovia itemque Tartaria. i6mo. Lugd. Bat.. 1630. 21941 RUST, J. H. & CO. Schriftproben der Schriftgiesserei und mechanischen U'erkstatte. 8vo. W'ien [c. 1879]. 6026 RUTHERFORD, J. William Moon, LL.D. and his work for the blind. 8vo. London, 1898. 16254 RUTHERFORD, L. John Peter Zenger : his press, his trial and a bibliography of Zenger imprints. 8vo. New York, 1904. 4460 RUTHVEN, G. Photo-lithography practically described. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, I'oZ. i, 1895, pp. 53-55.) PP RUTH\'EN, J. A concise account of lithography; or, the art of printing from stone. 8vo. London, 1821. 16536 RUTJES, J. H. Sec Paeile, C. RUXTON, P. Printing inks. 410. Chicago, 1907. 12 157 RUXTOX, P. Printing inks for particular printers. A sample book of all kinds of inks for high class work. 8vo. Chicago, 1910. 12222 RYAN, W. P. Plays for the people. 8vo. Dublin, 1904. 4433 791 RYCKER, O. de and VANDEVELD, E. Les imprimeurs devant le fisc. Le timbre des affiches necessite d'une rt^forme de la leg-islation. Illustre de 12 reproductions d 'affiches artistiques, en photos^ravure et en chromolithographic. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1901. 17649 RYE, R. A. The Hbraries of London : a guide for students. 8\'o. London, 1908. lo^S? RYE, R. A. See Mocatta, F. D. RYE, W. Tourist's guide to the county of Norfolk. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1880. 9245 RYE, W. See Norwich : Free Library. RYE, W. B. A memorial of the Priory of St. Andrew at Rochester. With a catalogue of the monastic manuscripts, A.D. 1202. [Reprinted from Archaeologia Cantiana, Vol. III.] 8vo. [London], 1861. 23231 RYLANDS, W. H. See Ars Moriendi ; Lichtenberger, J. RYMER, G. Rymer's Christmas portfolio of wit and humour. [Curiosities of advertising.] 8vo. London, 1869. 361 1 792 s S. Over den oorsprong der boek-druk-kunst. 8vo. Groningen, 1781. 21641 S : E. B. Mr. Talwin Morris's designs for cloth bindings. (In The Studio, Oct., 1898, pp. 38-44.) 1507 S : E. F. An operator's experiences of the Linotype composing machine. 24mo. Camberwell, 1902. 353 1 S : H. The three-colour process. [With a letter from E. Bale, R.I., etc.] {In The Spectator, June 11, 1904, pp. 920-922.) 4944 S : J. Der lithographische Umdruck in seiner Anwendung auf Buchdruckerei. (In Journal fiir Buchdruckerkunst, 1845, pp. 287, 297.) PP S : J. B. A. De la liberte de la presse. 8vo. Paris, 1814. 23368 S : J. H. Notice sur Jean Gutenberg, I'inventeur de la typo- graphic. Extrait de I'Encyclopedie des Gens du Monde, T. xiii, p. 328 et suiv. 8vo. Paris [c. 1840]. 21983 (4) S : J. H. Floral poetry and the language of flowers. With coloured illustrations. 8vo. London, 1877. 14859 S : J. H. Display composition. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 17, 1896, p. 508.) PP SABBATH bells chimed by the poets. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1858. 9602 SABBATH bells chimed by the poets. New edition. Illus- trated by Birket Foster, 8vo. London, 1861. ^577- SABIN, A. K. The death of Icarus. 4to. East Sheen, 1915. 19203 SABINUS, G. Oratio recitata at tumulum eius III Decembris, anno MDLX. 8vo. Francofordiae ad Oderam, 1560. 6038(10) SACCHI, F. I tipografi Ebrei di Soncino. Studii bibliografici. 4to. Cremona, 1877. 22918 SACHS, H. See Amman, J. SACHSE, F. Anfange der Biichercensur in Deutschland. 8vo. Leipzig, 1870. 22631 793 SAGITTARIUS, C. Nucleus historiae Gcrmanicae. i6itio. Jcnae, 1675. 7628 (2) SAGRA, R. de la. Catalogo de escritores cconomicos espanoles. 2i\. cdicion. 8vo. Madrid, 1855. 8458 ST. BONNET, A. de. Sec Forestie, E. ST. BRIDE FOUNDATION INSTITUTE. [Prospectuses and syllabuses, 1894, etc.] 8vo. London, 1894, etc. 11708 ST. BRIDE FOUNDATION INSTITUTE. First, etc., report of the governing- body. 8vo. London, 1896, etc. 7837 ST. BRIDE FOUNDATION INSTITUTE. Catalogue of the Passmore Edwards Library. Compiled by J. Southward, assisted by the librarian [F. W. T. Lang-e]. 8vo. London, 1897. 12 19 ST. BRIDE FOUNDATION INSTITUTE. The printing- and allied trades sports promoted by the Saint Bride Athletic Club, 1899. 8vo. London, 1899. 8224 ST. BRIDE FOUNDATION INSTITUTE. Catalog-ue of the William Blades Library. Compiled by J. Southward, assisted by the librarian [F. W. T. Lange.J 8vo. London, 1899. 1882 ST. BRIDE FOUNDATION INSTITUTE. Specimens of type, borders, etc. 8vo. London, 1900. 8223 ST. BRIDE FOUNDATION INSTITUTE. Proceedings at a letterpress and lithographic printing crafts conference, Jan. 25, 1900. Fol. [London, 1900.] 1702 ST. BRIDE FOUNDATION INSTITUTE. Examples of work done by students at the practical printing classes. 1900-1, etc. 4to. London, 1901, etc. 2378 ST. BRIDE FOUNDATION INSTITUTE. Conversazione to commemorate the 7th anniversary of the opening, and the presentation of a bust of S. Richardson by J. Passmore Edwards, Nov. 20, 1901. 8vo. London, 190T. 2773 ST. BRIDE FOUNDATION INSTITUTE. [Samuel Richard- son's bust. Unveiling ceremony. Cuttings from papers.] Fol. [London, 1901.] 2494 ST. BRIDE FOUNDATION INSTITUTE. List of early printed books. By R. A. Peddie. 4to. London, 1904. 390*^' ST. BRIDE FOUNDATION INSTITUTE. Technical Library. Catalogue of books exhibited on the occasion of the visit of the Bibliographical Society, Oct. 15, 1906. [(a) Catalogue of books on the practical side of the art of printing, 1566-1750; (h) Cata- logue of books, letters, specimens, etc., of John Baskerville.] 8vo. London, 1906. 8025 ST. BRIDE FOUNDATION INSTITUTE. [List of books, showing the development of the Roman type, exhibited on the occasion of the visit of the Library Assistants' Association, Nov. 13, 1907.] MS. 9562 794 ST. BRIDE FOUNDATION INSTITUTE. A catalogue of types, borders and sundries for use at the practical printing classes. 8vo. London, 1910. 15284 ST. BRIDE FOUNDATION INSTITUTE. St. Bride Founda- tion Printing- School Bulletin. No. i, 1913, etc. 8vo. London, 1913, etc. PP ST. BRIDE FOUNDATION INSTITUTE. A list of works recently added to the Typographical Library. By H. Dixon. (In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 74, 1914, pp. 90, 421; Vol. 75. 1914, P- 5-) PP ST. BRIDE FOUNDATION IN.STITUTE. List of recent additions to the Typographical Library. By H. Dixon. {In Indian Printer and Stationer, To/. 2, June, 1914, pp. 9-10.) PP ST. BRIDE FOUNDATION INSTITUTE. See Boutall, W. ; Crane, J. ; Southward, J. ST. BRIDE LODGE. See Freemasons. ST. GALLEN. Vortrage, gehalten bei der Jubelfeier der Er- finding der Buchdruckerkunst in St. Gallen, 24. Juni, 1840. AIs Anhang einige Tafelreden, gesprochen am Festmahle im Saale des Casino. 8vo. St. Gallen, 1840. 2249:5 ST. GALLEN : Stiftsbibliothek. Verzeichniss der Incunabeln. 8vo. St. Gallen, 1880. 34ic ST. GEORGE'S, HANOVER SQUARE. First report of the commissioners from the adoption of the Public Libraries Acts in June, 1890, to the 25th March, 1895, etc. 8vo. London, 1895, etc. ^ . 8986 ST. GEORGES, J. B. M. J. V. de. Notice historique sur ITmprimerie Natlonale. 8vo. Paris, 1851. 12598 ST. GEORGES, J. B. ^I. J. V. de. See Lauzac ( ). ST. GERMAIN, J. T. de. De la perpetuite en mati^re de litterature et d'art. 8vo. Paris, 1858. 11212 ST. GILES : Public Library. Report of the commissioners for the year 1895-6, etc. 8vo. London, 1896, etc. 8987 ST. HELENS : Free Public Libraries. 28th annual report, 1905-6. 8vo. St. Helens, 1906. 9397 ST. HILAIRE, B. See Libri, G. ST. JOHN, E. Practical platen presswork. [In Inland Printer, Vol. 34, 1904-5, pp. 372, 520, 676.) PP ST. JOHN, E. Press room hints. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 35, 1905, pp. 248-250.) PP ST. JOHN, E. Spaces working up and similar troubles — causes and remedies. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 41, 1908, pp. 692-693.) PP ST. L***, M, VAbbe, pseud. See Serna Santander, C. .'\. de la. ST. LAURENS, M. de. See Desbarreaux-Bernard, T. 795 ST. LOUIS : Exhibition, 1904. Official catalogue of the British section. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1904. 4459 ST. LOUIS : Exhibition, 1904. Katalog der Ausstellung fiir Buchgewerbe und Photographic in St. Louis, 1904. Heraus- gegeben vom Deutschen Buchgewerbeverein zu Leipzig. i2mo. Leipzig, 1904. 6867 ST. LOUIS : Exhibition, 1904. German library. [Collection of recent German literature collected and exhibited by F. Volck- mar.] 8vo. Leipzig, 1904. 6680 ST. LOUIS : Exhibition, 1904. Official catalogue. Exhi- bition of the German Empire. 4to. Berlin, 1904. 4213 ST. LOUTS : Exhibition, 1904. The catalogue of the Imperial Printing Office of the German Empire in Berlin. World's Ex- position in St. Louis, 1904. 8vo. [Berlin, 1904.] 13458 ST. LOUIS : Exhibition, 1904. Reichsdruckerei. Berlin. Obi. 8vo. Berlin, 1904. ^3457 ST. LOUIS : Exhibition, 1904. Royal Commission : Inter- national Exhibition, St. Louis, 1904. Report on Group 15. (Typography : various printing processes.) By C. J. Davenport. Typewritten. 4to. London, 1904. 8769 ST. LOUIS : Exhibition, 1904. Royal Commission : Inter- national Exhibition, St. Louis, 1904. Report on Group 17. (Books and publications : bookbindings.) By C. J. Davenport. Typewritten. 4to. London, 1904. 8770 ST. LOUIS : Exhibition, 1904. Section frangaise. Rapport des Groupes 17-18. Librairie, musique, reliure et cartographic. H. Le Soudier. 8vo. Paris, igo6. 10386 ST. LOUIS MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. 56th annual report, 1901, etc. 8vo. St. Louis, 1902, etc. 9022 ST. MARTIN-IN-THE-FIELDS AND ST. PAUL, COVENT GARDEN : Public Libraries and Museums. Report of the Com- missioners for the year 1894, etc. 8vo. London, 1895, etc. 8991 [ST. PAL'L, F. B. de.] Nouveau syst^me typographique, ou moyen de diminuer de moitie, le travail and les frais de compos- ition, de correction et de distribution. 4to. Paris, 1776. 21029 ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL : Library. A catalogue of Bibles, rituals and rare books ; works relating to London and especially to St. Paul's Cathedral. Maps, plans and views of London and of St. Paul's Cathedral. By W. Sparrow Simpson. 8vo. London, 1893. 8912 ST. PIERRE & BLANC. Specimen de caract^res de fantaisies. 8vo. Lyon [c. 1890]. 17 161 ST. \ ICTOR, P. de. Catalogue de bons livres, etc., com- posant la bibhoth^que de feu P. de St. V. 8vo. Paris, 1882. 17915 796 SAINTE-AGATHE, L. de. L'imprimerie en Franche-Comte : son orig-ine et ses developpements, 1485-1793. 8vo. Besangon, 1872. 12591 SAINTINE, M. See Barthelemy, ( ) and Mery, ( ). SALA, C. Manuale del compositore tipografo sulla practica ed estetica per opere e giornale. 8vo. Milano, 1889. 22006 SALA, C. Manuale pratica di tipografia. I— Composizione. 8vo. Milano, 1894. 2090 SALA, C. and CAPELLO, G. Manuale pratico di tipografia. II — Stampa. 8vo. Milano, 1894. 2090 SALA, G. A. Life and adventures. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1895. 16588 SALA, G. A. [Specimen of his handwriting.] 6748 SALADE, R. F. Mitering type characters for fine work. {In Printing Art, Vol. 27, 1916, pp. 454-456.) PP SALAMAN, M. C. The old engravers of England in their relation to contemporary life and art (1540-1800). 8vo. London, 1906. 8174 SALAMAN, M. C. Old English colour prints. [Studio: Special winter number, 1909-10.] 4to. London, 1909. 11776 SALAMAN, M. C. Old English mezzotints. Edited by C. Holme. 4to. London, 1910. i374i SALAMON. Elegie in morte Laura. i6mo. Parma, 1801. 6260 S[ALAVILLE], { ). De la liberte de la presse. 8vo. Paris, 1789. 23363 SALERNO. Regimen sanitatis Salerni ; or, the schoole of Salernes regiment of health. Corrected and enlarged by P. H. 4to. London, 1649. 21 196 SALERNO. Regimen Sanitatis Salernitatum. A poem ad- dressed to Robert of Normandy. With an ancient translation, and an introduction and notes by Sir A. Croke. 8vo. Oxford, 1830. 21309 SALES, ( ) de. Defense de I'essai sur le journalisme pr^cedee de I'histoire de la conspiration pour etouffer cet ouvrage. 8vo. Paris, 1813. 12606 (4) SALES AND WANTS. The Printers', Lithographers', Book- binders' and Stationers' Sales and Wants Advertiser. Vol. i, 1887, etc. 4to. London, 1887, etc. PP SALES PROMOTION. Vol. 3, No. 33, June 191 3, etc. 8vo. London, 1913, etc. PP SALLIER, Abbe. Observations sur quelques circonstances de I'histoire de l'imprimerie et particuli^rement sur une Bible de- couverte dcpuis peu, ou ni le tems ni le lieu de I'imprcssion ne sont marquez. (In Histoire de I'Acad. Roy. Inscrip. et Belles Lettres, Vol. 14, 1778.) 10650(2) 797 SALLIER, Abbe. Notice du premier livre imprim^ portant une date certaine. {In Histoire de I'Acad. Roy. des Inscrip. et Belles Leltrcs, Vol. 14, 1778.) 10650(3) SALLUSTIUS, C. C. Opera. 4to. [Lyons, 1519. J 557o SALLUSTIUS, C. C. L'historia. Nuovamente per L. Carani tradotta. 121110. Fiorenza, 1550. 503" SALLUSTIUS, C. C. Operuni quae extant. i2mo. Ani- verpiae, 1579. 4554 SALLUSTIUS, C. C. Belli Catilinarii et Jugurthini historiae. ibmo. Edinburgi, 1744. 543^ SALLUSTIUS, C. C. La conjuracion de Catalina y la guerra de Jugurtha. Fol. Madrid, 1772. 5876 SALLUSTIUS, C. C. C. Crispus Sallustius ; et L. Annaeus Florus. 8vo. Birminghamiae, 1774. ^57'^S SALMON, ( ) and GARNIER, ( ). Process of photographic engraving. {In Journal of the Photographic Society, Vol. 2, 1855. PP- 242-244.) 15172 SALMON, J. List of patent machinery for bookbinders, printers and stationers. Svo. Manchester [c. 1862]. 11982 SALMON, J. Treadle platen machines : their principles, capa- bilities and requirements. With an account of the improved noiseless Liberty machine. Svo. Manchester [c. 1883]. 4577 SALMON, J. & SON. Concerning the most up-to-date Victory folding machine. Obi. Svo. Woodley [c. 1904]. 4794 SALMON, J. & SON. A few testimonials received from time to time in favour of the Victory book and magazine folding machinery. 4to. Woodley [1904]. 4793 SALMON, T. An essay to the advancement of musick. i2nio. London, 1672. 20222 SALMON, W. Polygraphice ; or, the arts of drawing, en- graving, etching, limning, painting, etc. 3rd edition. Svo. London, 1675. 8561 SALMON, W. Polygraphice; or, the arts of drawing, en- graving, etching, limning, painting, vernishing, etc. 8th edition. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1701. 2046 SALMON'S PRINTING TRADE CIRCULAR. Nos. 1-13, 1SS6-90. 4to. Manchester, 1886-90. PP SALMONE, H. A. The imperial souvenir: Christmas 1S97, being a translation of the third verse of the National Anthem metrically rendered into fifty of the most important languages spoken in the Queen's Empire. Obi. Svo. London, 1897. 15S22 SALOMONE. 4to. Firenze [1775]. 16419 SALOP PRINTING WORKS. Specimens of printing. 4to. Shrewsbury, 1889. 3108 798 SALTER, C. See Andes, L. E. SALUS, H. See Andersen, H. C. SALUSTO, G. di. Le due prime giornate della seconda divina settimana. Tradotto dal D. Amig-oni. 8vo. Conegliano, 1623. 7909 SALVADOR, Baroness A. The Elseviers. (The famous Dutch printers.) [In The New Science Review, Vol. i, Jan., 1895, pp. 333-346.) 680 J SALYI, D. Cenni E. Brindisi. Raccolti e pubbhcati da alcuni aniici intervenuti al Banchetto Ambrosiano offerto alle commissioni tipografiche dal Signer Salvi Cav. Domenico. il 7 Dicembre, 1879. 4to. Milano, 1880. 23322 SALVIONI, G. Cenni storici sulla zilog"rafia ossia incisione in legno seguiti da alcune considerazioni intorno alle attuali con- dizioni di quest' arte in Italia. 8vo. Torino, 1868. 22634 SALVO-COZZO, G. Sulla quistione del primato della stampa tra Palermo e Messina. Osservazioni. 8vo. Palermo, 1874. 21646 SAMBOURNE, E. L. Report. Class 8. Eng-raving-, litho- g'raphy. [In Paris : Exhibition 1900. Report. To/. 2, 1901.) 2405 SAMMLUNG verschiedenartigfer Muster Alphabete alter und neuen Schriften. Modules d 'alphabets. Models for alphabets. 9 pts. Obi. 8vo. Frankfurt [c. i8go]. 327 SAMPSON, H. A history of advertising- from the earliest times. 8vo. London, 1874. 20848 SAMPSON, J. T. Paper staining-. [In Paris : Exhibition, 1889, Reports of artisans, i88g.) 2659 SAMPSON, T. Electrotint ; or, the art of making painting-s in such a manner that copper plates and blocks can be taken from them by means of voltaic electricity. 8vo. London, 1842. 4007 SAMUEL, B. The father of American libraries. [The Phila- delphia Library.] [In The Century, May, 1883.) 22862 SAMUELSON, Sir B. See Montague, F. C. SAMURAI PRESS. Prospectus. i2mo. [Norwich], 1907. 8660 S.'\NCHEZ, J. M. Impresores y libros impresos en Aragon en el siglo 16. 8vo. [Madrid], 1908. 12 187 SANDARS, E. See Sykes, M. and Sandars, E. SANDARS. An annotated list of books printed on vellum to be found in the University and College Libraries at Cambridge. With an appendix containing a list of works referring to the bibliography of Cambridge libraries. 8vo. Cambridge, 1878. 1431 SANDERS, L. The method of figuring photo-engravings [In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 6, 1900, pp. 30-31.) PP SANDERS, R. See Couper, W. J. SANDERSON, A. More about electrical inkless printing. [In Chambers's Journal, Feb., 1900.) 8683 799 SANDERSON, P. The antiquities of the Abbey or Cathedral Church of Durham. 8vo. Newcastle, 1767. 8540 SANDERSON, T. J. C; See Cobden-Sanderson, T. J. SANDIUS, C. C. Bibliotheca Anti-Trinitariorum. [De typo- graphiis Unitariorum in Polonia, pp. 199-200.) i2mo. Freistadii, 1684. 15608 SANDLAND, J. D. The wanderer and other poems. i2mo. London, 1845. 402 SANDYS, G. A relation of a journey begun 1610. Fol. London, 1627. 21395 [SANKEY, W,] A brief sketch of attempts to diffuse a know- ledge of the Holy Scriptures through the medium of the Irish language. 8vo. Dublin, 1818. 5617 (2) SANPERE Y MIQUEL, S. De la introducci6n y estableci- miento de la imprenta en las coronas de Arag6n y Castilla y de los impresores de los incunables Catalanes. 8vo. Barcelona, 1909. 12207 SANT ANGEL, L. de. See Columbus, C. SARDAGNA, S. I libri. 8vo. Firenze, 1888. 23156 SARDINI, G. Esame sui principi della Francese ed Italiana tipografia ovvero storia critica di Nicolas Jenson. 3 vols. Fol. Lucca, 1796-8. 5817 SARGANT, E. B. and WHISHAW, B. A guide book to books. 8vo. London, 1891. 6458 SARGENT, J. S. See Coffin, VV. A. SARPI, P. Raccolta delle opere di P. S. Vol. 8. 8vo. Napoli, 1790. 9448 SASSI. [Supplimento al Saggio pubblicato nel 1835. Tipo- grafia Governativa del Sassi alia insegna della Volpe.] Obi. 8vo. Bologna, 1837-9. 16584 SATCHELL, T. See Berners, J. ; Westwood, T. SATOW, E. M. On the early history of printing in Japan. (In Asiatic Society of Japan : Transactions, Vol. 10, 1882, pp. 48-83.) 6279 SATOW, E. M. The Jesuit Mission press in Japan, 1591-1610. 4to. 1888. 22026 SAUM, A. The Gutenberg family at Strasburg. {In The Bookworm, Vol. 3, 1868, pp. 7-8.) 20533 SAUM, A. La famille Genselfleisch k Strasbourg. 8vo. [Strasbourg, c. 1869.] 21636 SAUNDERS, E. The divine authority of the pastors of the Christian Church, 8vo. London, 1713. 4959 (i) SAUNDERS, E. A discourse of the dangers of abusing the divine blessing. 8vo. London [1722J. 4659(2) 800 SAUxXDERS, F. The story of some famous books. 8vo. London, 18S7. 595^ SAUNDERS, J. Cabinet pictures of English hfe. Chaucer. i2mo. London, 1845. 20828 SAUNDERS, J. See Chaucer, G. SAUNDERS, J. \V. Pages from the past. Truthful tales of a traveling typo who journeyed lower case. 12 mo. Washington, 1905. 7620 SAUNDERS, W. S. Guildhall Library: its origin and progress, being an appeal to the Corporation of London for its reconstruction. 8vo. London, 1869. 23320 SAUNDERS & OTLEY. Advice to authors on the eflficient publication of books. 8vo. London [c. 1853]. 2293 SAUNDERS &• OTLEY. Advice to authors, inexperienced waiters, and possessors of manuscripts, on the efficient publica- tion of books intended for general circulation or private distri- bution with select specimens of printing. 8vo. London [1853]. 19279 SAUSSOIS, A. du. Alfred Mame, celebre imprimeur et editeur libraire francais, 181 1-93. 8vo. Lille, 1898. 9987 SAUTER, F. Diplomatisches ABC. Fol. Stuttgart [c. 1870]. 21699 SAUVAGE, Ahhe. Souvenirs de I'Exposition Typographique de Rouen. 8vo. Rouen, 1887. 14685 SAUVAGE-HARDY, R. E. De la creation de banques de depot et de garantie pour les editeurs et les souscripteurs. 8vo. Saint Denis [c. 1870J. 10674 SAUVEE, A. & CO. Catalogue of Marinoni printing machinery. 4to. London, 1894. 313? SAUVEE, A. li: CO., Ltd. Elby high-speed perfecting machine. Obi. 8vo. London [191 2J. 17829 SAVAGE, J. The librarian. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1808-9. 20212 SAVAGE, W. Practical hints on decorative printing. 4to. London, 1822. 21060 SAVAGE, W. Practical hints on decorative printing. [Large paper edition.] Fol. London, 1822. 5816 SW^AGE, W. Practical hints on decorative printing. Pt. i. [With the prospectus.] 4to. London, 1822. 3151 SAVAGE, W. On the preparation of printing ink : both black and coloured. 8vo. London, 1832. 20014 SAVAGE, W. Uber die Bereitung der Buchdruckerschwarze. Mit Zusatzcn von dcm Herausgeber. {hi Journal fiir Buch- druckerkunst, 1834, p. 9 — p. 115.) PP 801 51 SAVAGE, \V. A dictionary of the art of printing-. 8vo. London, 1841. 2001:; SAVELLI, A. Delia liherta di stampa in Erancia. Note di storia e di legislazione. 8vo. Siena, 1907. 9369 SAVERY, T. Navigation improv'd; or, the art of rowing ships of all rates, in calms. London. 1698. [Reprint.] 410. [London, 1881.] 213S8 SA\ ORY, E. \V., Ltd. The Emperor relief stamping press. Svo. Bristol [c. 1904]. 479 =i SAWYER, J. R. The autotype process : being a popular manual ot instruction in the art of printing in permanent pigments. Svo. London, 1877 [1878J. ' 1372 SAWYER, J. R. The autotype process, being a practical manual of instruction in the art of printing in permanent pigments, with a notice of the autotype mechanical process. 6th edition. 4to. London, 1877. 15419 SAWYER, J. R. Demonstration of autotype printing before the Manchester Photographic Society. i2mo. [London, 1886.] 3004 SAXIUS, J. A. Historia literario-typographica Mediolanensis. Eol. Mediolani, 1745. 6839 SAYERS, W. C. B. The Anglo-xAmerican cataloguing code. {In Library World, Vol. 11, 1908-9, pp. 467-472.) PP SAYERS, W. C. B. The new innocents abroad : a biblio- graphical pilgrimage to Belgium with the Library Assistants' Association. [In Library World, Vol. 13, 1910-1, pp. 321-327.) PP SAYLE, C. Initial letters in early English printed books. (In Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. 7, 1904). 56 SAYLE, C. Fragments at the Lodge [of Christ's College, Cambridge]. (In Christ's College Magazine, Vol. 26, 191 1, PP- I-7-) 15525 SAYLE, C. Cambridge fragments. {In Christ's College Maga- zine, Vol. 26, 1912, pp. 51-57, 97-108.) 15799 SAYLE, C. See Cambridge : L-niversity Library. SCADDING, H. Prototypography. A paper read at the Canadian Institute Caxton Celebration, Toronto, June 13, 1877. Svo. Toronto, 1877. 154S SCAMONI, G. Handbuch der heliographie nebst praktischem W^egweiser im Gebiete der beziiglichen Gravirkunst, Metall- Aetzung und Vergoldung, Galvanoplastik, Photo-sculptur, etc. Svo. St. Petersburg, 1872. 9486 SCAMONI, G. Alois Senefelder und sein Werk. Zur hundert- jahrigen Eeier der Erfindung der Lithographic. 4to. St. Peters- burg, 1896. 10626 802 SCANDLIN, W. I. Some commercial aspects of photography. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 32, 1903-4, pp. 33, 194.) PP SCANDLIN, W. I. A dangerous tendency in photographic illustration. [In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 10, 1904-5, pp. 71-72.) PP SCHAAB, C. A. Die Geschichte der Erfindung der Buch- druckerkunst durch Johann Gensfleisch genannt Gutenberg in Mainz. 3 vols. 8vo. Mainz, 1 830-1. 20944 SCHAAB, C. A. Randglossen zu den Plantasien und traum- ereien des Pseudegeistes Johann Gensfleisch genannt Gutenberg. Svo. Mainz, 1836. 21635 SCHAAB, C. A. See Reume, A. de. SCHACHINGER, R. 5ee Melk : Stiftsbibliothek. SCHACHT, G. Handlexikon fiir die Papierindustrie und das Buchgewerbe. 410. Leipzig, 1909, etc. 11462 SCHAEFER, F. Die wirtschaftliche Bedeutung der technischen Entwicklung in der Papierfabrikation. Svo. Leipzig, 1909. 11463 SCHAEFER, J. W. Historischer Bericht von der Erfindung, etc., der Buchdruckerkunst. Eine Festgabe. 8vo. Bremen, 1840. 21590 SCHAEFER, J. C. Proefnemingen en monster-bladen, om papier te maaken zonder lompen, of met een gering byvoegzel derzelven. Tweede deel. 4to. Amsterdam, 1770. 11675 SCHAEFER, J. C. [The plates from a German edition of his work on paper. Paper samples and one coloured plate.] 11676 SCHAFFNER, G. See Schmidt, C. SCHAFFNER, M. A. The labor contract from individual to collective bargaining. [Bulletin of the L'niversity of Wisconsin, No. 182.] 8vo. Madison, 1907. I9--4 SCHALL, J. See Paris : Exhibition, 1878. SCHAUBERG, D. Geschichte der Kolnischen Zeitung und ihrer Druckerei. Fol. Koln, 1880. ^io73 SCHAUERMANN, F. L. Theory and analysis of ornament, applied to the work of elementary and technical schools. Svo. London, 1892. 1872 SCHEFFER, J. The history of Lapland. Fol. Oxford, 1674. 20133 SCHEFFER, J. Suecia literata seu de scriptis et scriptoribus gentis Sueciae. Svo. Hamburgi, 1698. 7347 SCHEFFER, W, Microscopic investigation of photographic films. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, pp. 121-128.) PP SCHEIBE, H. See Stephen, G. A. 803 [SCHEIBLH, M. J. E.J Gcschichte der seit dreihundert Jahren in Breslau befindlichcn Stadtbuchdruckercy als ein Beitrag- zur allgemeinen Geschichte der Buchdruckcrkunst. 410. Breslau, 1804. 20989 SCHEIBLKR, H. Bogtrykkerkunstcns og avisernes historic. Svo. Kristiania, 1910. 145^6 SCHELHORN, J. G. Amoenitates literariae. 14 vols. Svo. Francofurti, 1725-31. 1731 1 SCHELHORN, J. G. Notitia rarissimi cujusdam primigeniae typog-raphiae monumcnti. {In liis Amoenitates Literariae, Vol. 4, I7-5-) 17311 SCHELHORN, J. G. Dc artis typographicae originibus. {In Ills Amoenitates Literariae, Vol. 4, 1725.) 17311 SCHELHORN, J. G. De primitiis typographicis, quae Harlemi in Curia et Francofurti in Bil^liothcca Uffenbachiana adservantur. {hi his Amoenitates Literariae, Vol. 9, 1728.) 17311 SCHELHORN, J. G. Dissertatio de libris rarioribus et variis raritatis eorum causis. {lu his Amoenitates Literariae, Vol. 2, 1730— FoL 5, 1726.) 17311 SCHELHORN, J. G. Notitia libri rarissimi, sub ipsis typo- graphiae primordiis excusi. (/n /n'5 Amoenitates Literariae, Vol. i, 1730-) 17311 SCHELHORN, J. G. De antiquissima Latinor. Bibliorum editione ceu primo artis typographicae foetu et rariorum Ubrorum phoenice diatribe. 4to. Uhnae, 1760. 20033 SCHELTEMA, J. Levcnsschets van L. J. Koster. Svo. 1834. 20S98 SCHELTEMA, J. and KONING, J. Vier brieven op de uit- vinding der drukkunst. Svo. Haarlem, 1S23. 22470 SCHELTEMA, P. Diatribe in Hadriani Junii vitam, ingenium familiam, merita literaria. Svo. Amstelodami, 1S36. 20886 SCHELTER, G. Schriftproben ftir Buchdrucker, etc. Fol. Leipzig [c. i860]. 6126 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. [Specimen book.] 4to. Leipzig [c. 1862-7.] 6345 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Muster-Sammlung. Svo. Leipzig [18S6]. 641 1 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Gesammelte Schriftproben und Satzhrifpiele. Svo. Leipzig [c. 1SS7]. 19037 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Muster von Schriften, Einfassungen, Messinglinien, etc. Svo. Leipzig, 1888. 1009 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Probensammlung. Poly- typen, Vignetten, Zierstiicke. Svo. Leipzig [c. 1SS9]. 6662 804 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Probensammlung;. Poly- typen, \'ignetten, Zierstiicke. Erste Folge. 8vo. Leipzig' [c. 1890]. 1 904 1 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Funfundsiebzig- Jahre den Hauses J. G. S. and G. Fol. Leipzig- [1894]. 404 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Zweite Folge der Muster- Sammlung- von J. G. S. & G. 8vo. Leipzig-, 1894. 1709 SCHELTER, J. G. c*^- GIESECKE. Proben. 8vo. Leipzig [c. 1895]. 1712 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Einfassungen Schriften und Zierstiicke fiir Plakate. Fol. Leipzig- [c. 1895J. 653 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Preis liste. Maschinen- fabrik. Buchdruck-Utensilien-Fabrik. 8vo. Leipzig- [1895]. 2139 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Proben. Erster Band. 8vo. Leipzig- [c. 1897J. 16345 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Modcrnc \'ignetten und Zierat. Obi. 4to. Leipzig [c. 1898]. 6983 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Phonix Tiegeldruck- Schnellpresse. 4to. Leipzig [1898J. 1361 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Proben. ler. Band. 8vo. Leipzig, 1899. 1 161 1 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Romanische Schriften. Obi. 4to. Leipzig [1S99]. 1050 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Instruction for cutting, scoring, creasing and embossing on the Phoenix Platen. 8vo. (Leipzig, 1899.] 141 3 SCHELTER, J. G. &■ GIESECKE. Neue Vignetten fur Gelegenheitsarbeiten. Obi. Leipzig [1899]. 6721 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Neuer Zierac. Obi. 8vo. Leipzig [1899]. 1294 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Rokoko-Ranken. 8vo. Leipzig [1899]. 1360 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Phenix (Windsbraut) machine rapide en blanc a rotation continuelle du cylindre d 'im- pression. Obi. 8vo. Leipzig [c. 1900]. 13481 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. The Phoenix platen machine. 4to. Leipzig [c. 1900]. 1062 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Edel-linien. 8vo. Leipzig [c. 1900]. 1965 SCHELTER, J. S. & GIESECKE. Material for cutting, scoring and creasing on the Phoenix platen press. Price list. 4to. Leipzig [c. 1900]. 19030 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Gelegenheits vignetten. Obi. 8vo. Leipzig [c. 1900]. 19035 805 SCHELTER, J. G. ii; GIESECKE. Printers' machines and supplies. 8vo. Leipzig-, 1900. 2294 SCHELTER, J. G. c^ GIESECKE. Directions for the Phoenix platen press. 8vo. Leipzig-, 1901. 2318 SCHELTER, J. G. c^- GHiSECKE. [Type specimen booklets.] Heft. I, etc. 4to. Leipzig, 1901, etc. 2757 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Schriften unci Zierat. Erster Nachtrag zur Hauptprobe. 4to. Leipzig [c. 1901]. 6984 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Messing-schriften fiir Buchbinder. 8vo. Leipzig [1901]. ^7^3 SCHELTER, J. G. &: GIESECKE. The Phoenix. 4to. Leip- zig [1902]. 2768 SCHELTER, J. G. ci- GIESECKE. What users say about the working of single and two-revolution machines. Phoenix (Winds- braut). 8vo. Leipzig, 1903. 8502 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Leading features and new improvements of the Phoenix platen printing machine. Model 1903. 4to. Leipzig, 1903. 19038 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Allerlei Zierat zur Aus- stattung von Drucksachen jeden Charakters. 8vo. Leipzig [1903]. 3559 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Ziermaterial fur Umschlage Aushange usw. in Galvanos auf Zeugfuss. Fol. Leipzig [c. 1905]. 19029 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Prominent features of the Phoenix platen machine. i2mo. Leipzig, 1906. 8503 SCHELTER, J. G. &■ GIESECKE. Schriftprobe in gedrangter Form. 4to. Leipzig [1906]. 7989 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Plakatschriften Einfas- sungen Zierat. 8vo. Leipzig [1907]. 19040 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Price list of materials for cutting, scoring and creasing on the Phoenix platen printing machine. 8vo. Leipzig, 1908. 13482 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Die Leiden des jungen W'erthers. 4to. Leipzig [1909]. 19031 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Rundgotisch nebst Aus- zeichnung-sschriften. 4to. Leipzig, 1909. 19036 SCHELTER, J. G. &; GIESECKE. Preisliste iiber Maschincn und Utensilien fiir Buchdrucker und verwandte Berufe. 8vo. Leipzig, 1909. 13478 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Schriften nebst Zierat fiir Auschlage, grosse Druck-Arbeiten usw. Fol. Leipzig, 1909. 13480 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Phoenix platen printing machine. 4to. Leipzig [1909]. ^3479 806 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Numbering^ machines. 8vo. Leipzig-, igog. 13483 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Frame, or automatic numbering machines. 8vo. Leipzig [c. igogj. 13484 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Messingschriften und Zierat — Maschinen und W'erkzeuge fur Buchbinder. 8vo. Leip- zig, igog. 13476 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Leipziger Lateinschrift und Tauchnitz Antiqua. 4to. Leipzig, igio. 19039 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Vorzuge der Tiegeldruck- Schnellpresse Phonix. Svo. Leipzig, igio. 13654 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. \'orzuge der Schncllpresse Windsbraut. Obi. Svo. Leipzig, igio. 13655 SCHELTER, J. G. c\: GIESECKE. Vorprobe Salzmann- Fraktur Kraftige Salzmann-Fraktur und Schrift Kirke. 4to. Leipzig, igii. igo33 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Die Buchdruck-Schnell- presse Windsbraut. Obi. Svo. Leipzig [c. igi2]. 16648 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Holzutensilien. Obi. 4to. Leipzig, igi2. 19032 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Hauptprobe. I Band. Schriften, Messinglinien usw. 4to. Leipzig [igi2]. 16568 SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. Schriften. Gedrangte Probe. Svo. Leipzig [igi3]. i754i SCHELTER, J. G. & GIESECKE. See Paris: Exhibition, I goo. SCHENCK, F. Short treatise on lithography, from the latest edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Svo. Edinburgh, 1857. 1 878 1 SCHERER, R. Lehrbuch der Chemigraphie. Svo. Wien, 1877. 4065 SCHERER, R. Neueste graphische Verfahren. Svo. Wien, 1885. 4066 SCHERER, R. Specimens of wood type. 4to. Lucerne [c. igo4]. 6gg4 SCHERER, W. See Murner, T. SCHERZER, K. v. Die Buchdruckerkunst und die Kultur- forschritt der Menschheit. Svo. Berlin, 1SS2. 22871 SCHERZER, K. v. See Reingruber, J. SCHEURLEER, H. Proeve der drukkerye van H. S. [To be sold II Sept., 1760.] 4to. 's Hage, 1760. 6206(4) SCHEUTZ, G. & E. Specimens of tables calculated, stereo- moulded and printed by machinery. Svo. London, 1857. 17568 S07 [SCHIHR, X.j Commentatio de prinils \'indobonae typo- graphis. 4to. Vindobonae, 1764. 21647 SCHIFFMANN, F. J. Zu den Anfang-cn des Buchdrucks im Wallis. Svo. [Leipzig-, c. 1887.] 6076(9) SCHIGUT, E. Die praktische Organisation des Buchdruckerei- betriebes sowohl nach der g-ewerblichen wie nach der technischen Seite bin mit Beriicksichtig'ung- der Grundlagen zu einer g-enauen Preiskalkulation. Svo. Leipzig-, 1902. 2665 SCHIGUT, E. Die kaufmannische Org^anisation der Buch- druckereien. (Betriebsbuchhaltung-, Kalkulalion, etc.) Fiir die Praxis und die Schule zusammengestellt von E. G. Svo. Wien, 1910. 12174 SCHILDERS, R. See Wilson, J. D. SCHILDKNECHT. G. Specimen des lettres en bois pour affiches. 4to. Bruxelles, 1S85. 11048 SCHILLING & CO. Specimen book of all the latest novelties in fancy types, borders, vignettes, etc. 4to. London [1S95]. 7437 SCHILLING & CO. See Soldan & Co. SCHILLMANN, F. Wolfg-ang- Trefler und die Bibliothek des Jakobsklostcrs zu Mainz. [Zentralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen ; Beihefte 43.] Svo. Leipzig-, 191 3. 17964 SCHILTZ, ( ). Manuel pratique d 'heliogravure en taille- douce. Svo. Paris, 1S99. 2316 SCHINKEL, A. D. Tweetal bijdragen betrekkelijk de boek- drukkunst. Svo. s' Gravenhage, 1844. ^77^9 SCHINKEL, A. D. Vervolg van de handschriften, en oude drukken (incunabulen) enz. deel uitmakendc van de kunst-en letter- verzamelingen van A. D. S. Svo. 1857. 22368 SCHINKEL, A. D. See Vries, A. de. SCHINCKEL, H. See Jacob, J. L. C. SCHINNERER, J. Die Geschichte des Bucheinbandes. {In Enders, E. A. : 50, 1S59-1909. 1909.) 13496 SCHLEGEL, J. A. Geschichte Gutenberg's und seiner grossen Erfindung fiir das deutsche \^olk. i6mo. Leipzig, 1S40. 21149 SCHLEICHER FRERES. Librairie rationahste. Essai de bibliographic contemporaine. Svo. Paris, 1906. 8-97 SCHLEIDEN, M. T. Die Pflanze und ihr Leben. 4te. Auflage. Svo. Leipzig, 1S55. 15833 SCHLEINITZ, O. V. Walter Crane. Svo. Bielefeld, 1902. 324S [SCHLIENZ, C. F.] The liberty of publishing in Malta, with especial regard to religious publications. i2mo. Malta, 1S39. 3821 SCHLOSSAR, A. Der Buchdrucker und Formenschneider Zacharias Bartsch zu Graz im 16. Jahrhundert. {lu Zeitschrift fiir Biicherfreunde, Vol. 6, 1903, pp>. 393-40S.) PP SoS SCHLOTKE, F. Senefelder-Album. Fol. Hamburg, 1871. 21062 SCHLOTKE, O. Die Erfindung- der Galvanoplastik. Zum 21 Sept., 1901, dem 100. Geburtstage des Erfinders M. H. v Jacobi. 8vo. Berlin, 1901. 3388 SCHLOTTHAUER, J. See Dance of Death. SCHMALTZ, J. C. S. Das Jubilaum der Buchdruckerkunst im Jahre 1840. Nebst geschichtlichen Nachrichten iiber die Jubel- feiern im den Jahren 1540, 1640 und 1740. 8vo. Ouedlinburg, 1836. 22366 SCHMATZ, D. M. Neu-vorgestelltes auf der loblichen Kunst- Buchdruckerey g-ebrauchliches Format-Buch. i2mo. Sultzbach, 1684. 20097 SCHMATZ, D. M. See Depositio cornuti typooraphici. SCHMID, A. E. V. Abdruck der Schriften in der Buch- druckery des A. E. v. S. 4to. Wien, 1827. 20283 SCHMIDT, A. Feurversicherung von Bibliotheken (Referat fiir die Sektion f. Bibliothekswesen der 45. Philologenversamm- lung- zu Bremen [1899]). [In Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 13, 1900.) 10347 SCHMIDT, C. Nouveaux details sur la vie de Gutenberg, "tires des archives de I'ancien chapitre de vSaint-Thomas a Stras- bourg. 8vo. Strasbourg, 1841. 12597 SCHMIDT, C. Zur Geschichte der altesten Bibliotheken und der ersten Buchdrucker zu Strassburg. 8vo. Strassburg, 1882. 21767 SCHMIDT, C. Repertoire Bibliographique Strasbourgeois. I. Jean Griininger, 1483-1531. (2e. edition.) 4to. Strasbourg, 1894. ^ 3526 SCHMIDT, C. Repertoire Bibliographique Strasbourgeois. II. Martin et Jean Schott, 1481-99, 1500-44. 4to. Strasbourg, 1893. 3526 SCHMIDT, C. Repertoire Bibliographique Strasbourgeois. III. Jean Priiss, p^re, 1482-1511 ; Jean Pruss, fils, 151 1-46. 4to. Strasbourg, 1893. 3526 SCHMIDT, C. Repertoire Bibliographique Strasbourgeois. IV. (I) J. Ebcr, 1483; (II) T. Anshelm, 1488; (III) P. Attendorn, 1489; (IV) F. Dumbach, 149*7-9; 1^) B. Kistler, 1497-1510; (VI) G. Schaffner, 149S-1515; (\TI) M. Brant, 149--1500; (VIII) J. Wahinger, 1502-4; (IX) J. Greff, 1502; (X) R. Beck, 1511-21; (XI) C. Kerncr, 1517; (XII) U. Morhard, 1519-22. 4to. Strasbourg, 1893. 35^6 SCHMIDT, C. Repertoire Bibliographique Strasbourgeois. \'. Matthias Hupfuff, 1492-1520. 4to. Strasbourg, 1S93. 3526 SCHMIDT, C. Repertoire Bibliographique Strasbourgeois. \'I. M. Flach, p^re, 1477-1500; M. Flach, fils, 1501-25. 4to. Strasbourg, 1893. 3526 80Q SCHMIDT, C. Repertoire Biblioyraphiquc Strasbourgeois. \"II. Jean Knobloch, 1500-28. 4to. Strasbourg-, 1,895. 3526 SCHMIDT, C. Repertoire Bibliog-raphique Strasbourg-eois. \TII. Matthias Schiirer, 150S-20. 410. Strasbourg-, 1896. 3526 SCHMIDT, C. See Scott, S. H. SCHMIDT, F. Die Technik und Kntvvicklung- des Dreifar- bendrucks. [hi Zeitschrift fiir Bucherfreunde, Neue Folg-e, Vol. I, 1909.) PP SCHMIDT, G. Rostocker Drucke zu Halberstadt. Svo. Schwerin, 1888. 11657 SCHMIDT, H. J. American and European process notes. [In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 7, 1901, pp. 65-72.) PP SCHMIDT, H. J. Topics of interest to process workers of the old and new worlds. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 10, 1904-5, pp. 73-80.) PP SCHMIDT, H. J. An American's views of British process engravers and a few timely comments. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, pp. 45-48.) PP SCHMIDT, H. J. Scraps of international g-ossip. {In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 41-48.) PP SCHMIDT, H. J. Observations on European and American- process work. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 69-72.) _ PP SCHMIDT, H. J. Some observations on half-tone printing- and etching-. {hi Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, pp. 140-143.) PP SCHMIDT, H. J. An American letter. (7n Penrose's Pictorial Annual, To/. 18, 1912-3, pp. 141-143.) PP SCHMIDT, J. Eine Christliche Danck-predig-t wegen der im Jahre 1440, neu-erfundenen sehr nutzlichen Buchdrucker Kunst, g-ehalten in Strassburg- An. 1640. 64mo. 1678. 21 162 SCHI\nDT, J. Gott zu lob, drei Christliche Danck-Predigten [preached on the festival of the invention of printing in 1640]. 8vo. Gotha, 1740. 20083 (2) SCHMIDT, P. Das Gesetz, betreffend die Krankenversicherung der Arbeiter, vom 15 Juni, 1883, auf Veranlassung des Deutschen Buchdrucker Vereins vom Standpunkte des Arbeitgebers aus dargestellt von P. S. 8vo. Leipzig [1883]. 344^ SCHMIDT, P. See Goebel, T. SCHMIDT, R. Deutsche Buchhandler ; Deutsche Buchdrucker. Beitrage zu einer Firmengeschichte des deutschen Buchgewerbes. Svo. Berlin, 1902-8. 2667 SCHMIDT, W. Interessante Formschnitte des 15. Jahrhun- derts aus dem Kgl. Kupferstichkabinet zu Miinchen. 4to. Miin- chen, 1886. 20123 810 SCHMIDT, W. Die Inkunabeln des Kupferstichs im Kgl. Kabinet zu Miinchen. 4to. INlunchen, 1S87. 20124 SCHMIDT-PECHT, H. Entwurf fur Diplome, Adressen, Plakate, etc. Fol. Wien [c. 1890]. 163 SCHMIDT-WEISSENFELS, ( ). Zwolf Buchdrucker. His- torisch-novellistische Bilder der bemerkenswerthesten Zunst- genossen von S.-W. i2mo. Stuttgart [1878]. 23074 SCHMIERS, WERNER & STEIN. Price list of [lithographic and collotype] printing machinery. Obi. 8vo. Leipzig, 1897. 12426 SCHMOTZER, A. Anzeige einiger noch unbekannter alter Druckwerke, welche in der jetzigen Konigstadt Miinchen erschienen find. Ein Beytrag zur altcren Buchdruckergeschichte Miinchens. 4to. Bamberg, 1814. ^99 SCHNAUSS, H. Two German pioneers in half-tone. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 6, 1900, pp. 49-52.) PP SCHNAUSS, H. A new modification of W'oodburytype. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, ToL 7, 1901, p. 143.) PP SCHNAUSS, H. Pinatype. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. II, 1905-6, pp. 65-66.) PP SCHNAUSS, J. Collotype and photo-lithography. Translated by E. C. IMiddleton. With an appendix on steam presses by the translator. 8vo. London, 1889. 2923 SCHNAUSS, J. Collotype and photo-lithography. Translated by E. C. Middleton. With an appendix on steam presses by the translator. 8vo. London [c. 1895]. 406 SCHNEELI, G. and HEITZ, P. Initialen von Hans Holbein. 4to. Strassburg, 1900. 1840 SCHNEGRAF, J. R. See Pangkofer, J. A. and Schnegraf, J. R. SCHNEIDEIR, A. Bibliographic der veroffentlichungen Karl Dziatzko's. {In Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 17, 1904-) 10347 SCHNIEDEWEND, P. Importance of accurate type-high blocks, (/n Penrose's Pictorial Annual, To/. 7, 1901,^^.45-46.) PP SCHNORR,J. Bible prints. Obi. 4to. London [c. 1855]. 10224 SCHNORRENBERG, J. Die Erstlingsdrucke des Augustinus, De arte praedicandi. {In Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 10, 1896.) 10347 SCHNURRIUS, B. Hortuli amoeni, efc. 8vo. Rotenburgi ad Tub., 1636. 6257 SCHOEPFLIN, J. D. Dissertation sur I'origine de I'im- primerie. {In Memoires de I'Acad. des Inscriptions, Tom. 17, 1741-) 9453 SCHOEPFLIN, J. D. \indiciae typographicae. 4to. Argen- torati, 1760. 21803 8rr SCHOFFEK, 1'. Das Sch6ffer-l'"cst zu Gcrnshcini. (Am gten Juni, 1836.) [In lounial liir Buchdruckerkunst, 18^6, pp. 98-103.) PP SCHOFFER, P. Sec Ackcrsdyck, W. C. ; Dahl, J. K. ; Doedes, J. I.; Haebler, K. ; Helbig-, H. ; Mueller, J.; Roth, F. W. E. SCilOLA cordis. [ ? I^y Christ. Harvie or Thomas Harvey.] 1 2 mo. London, 1647. 21830 SCHOLDERER, W Michael W'enssler and his press at Basel. Reprinted from The Library, July 1912. 8vo. London, 1912. 17436 SCHOLEF'IELD, J. Mercuroi^raphie, or photogravure with quicksilver. (/;; Penrose's Pictorial Annual, ]'oI. 2, 1896, pp. 35-3^>-) PP SCHOLEFIELD, J. Collodio-bromide emulsion. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, I'ol. 3, 1897, pp. 79-80.) PP SCHOLEFIELD, J. On the colour process. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol 4, 1898, p. 28.) PP SCHOLEFIELD, J. Collotyper ! Why? {In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, T'oJ. 5, 1899, pp. 45-46.) PP SCHOLEFIELD, J. The artist and the camera. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 6, 1900, pp. 43-44.) PP SCHOLEFIELD, J. Stripping^ collodion emulsion. {In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 7, 1901, pp. 29-30.) PP SCHOLES, J. C. Bolton bibliog-raphy and jottings of book- lore; with notes on local authors and printers. i2mo. Man- chester, 1886. 8783 SCHOLEY, H. Electricity as a motive power for printing- machinery. (/;; The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 45, Oct. 12, 1899, pp. 209-210.) PP SCHONBERG, L. Acrog-raphy. [Metallic eng-raving-s in relief.] {In Journal fur Buchdruckerkunst, 1842, pp. 13-14.) PP SCHONEMANN, C. P. C. See Wolfenbuttel : Herzoglichen Bibliothek. SCHOOK, C. Handboekjc voor letterzetters, boekdrukkers en correctors. i2mo. Ciorinchen [i860]. 21 145 SCHOOL. The school of wisdom ; or, repository of the most valuable curiosities of art and nature. [Engraving', 229; etching-, 224.] i2mo. Gainsboroug-h, 1776. 9^74 SCHOOR, C. v. La prcsse sous la Revolution Francaise. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1898. 112 19 SCHOOR, C. V. La presse sous le Consulat et sous I'Empire. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1899. 112 18 SCHORBACH, K. Die Historic von der schonen Melusine. {In Zeitschrift fi'ir Biicherfrcunde, ]'ol. i, 1897, pp. 132-142.) PP 812 SCHORBACH, K. Die urkundlichen Nachrichten iiber Johann Gutenberg-. 410. Mainz, 1900. 7638 SCHORBACH, K. Eine Buchanzeige des Antwerpener Druckers Geraert Leeu im Niederlandischer Sprache (1491). {In Zeitschrift fiir Biicherfreunde, Vol. 9, 1905, pp. 139-148.) PP SCHORBACH, K. and SPIRGATIS, U. Heinricli Knob- lochtzer in Strassburg (1477-84). [Bibliographische Studien. I.j 4to. Strassburg, 1888. 21815 SCHORER, J. Praktische Winke fiir IMaschinenmeister und Drucker. 2te. Auflage. 8vo. Halle a. S. [1902]. 2786 SCHOTT, E. & MORIN, E. Les presses a platine et leur emploi. 8vo. Paris, 1910. 13438 SCHOTT, J. See Schmidt, C. ; Scott, S. H. SCHOTT, M. -See Schmidt, C. ; Scott, S. H. SCHOTTEXLOHER, K. Die Buchdruckertatigkeit Georg Erlingers in Bamberg von 1522 bis 1541 (1543). Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Reformationszeit. [Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 21.] 8vo. Leipzig, 1907. io347 SCHOTTEXLOPIER, K. Die Entwickelung der Buchdrucker- kunst in Erankcn bis 1530. [Xeujahrsblatter. Xr. \'.] 8vo. Wurzburg, 191 o. 12364 SCHOTTGEX, C. Historic derer Buchhandler. 4to. Niirn- berg, 1722. 22063 SCHOTTGEN, C. Der loblichen Buchdrucker-Gesellschaft zu Dresden Jubel-Gcschichte, 1740. 4to. Dresden, 1740. 20988 (i) SCHOTTGEX^, C. Historic derer Dressdnischen Buchdrucker. 4to. Dressden [1740]. 20988(2) SCHOTTGEX, C. and THALMAXN, C. De librariis et bibho- polis antiquorum disputabunt, 19 Mart, 1710. 4to. Lipsiae, 1710. 12053 SCHRAUBSTADTER, C. Xewspaper illustration. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 5, 1887-8, p. '/7 — p. 551.) PP SCHRAUBSTADTER, C. Type metal. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 5, 1887-8, p. 729.) PP SCHRAUBSTADTER, C. Mechanical devices in type. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 6, 1888-9, P- 205 — p. 470.) PP SCHRAUBSTADTER, C. Stereotyping. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 7, 1889-90, p. 107, etc.) PP SCHRAUBSTADTER, C. Copy for photo-engraving. 12 mo. St. Louis, 1891. 2996 SCHRAUBSTADTER, C. Photo-engraving. A practical treatise on the production of printing blocks by modern photo- graphic methods. 8vo. St. Louis, 1892. 407 813 SCHRAXK, R. L. ]Mai;nesium llashlight. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, I'ol. 7, 1901, p. 136.) PP SCHREIBER, W. L. Manuel de I'amateur de la gravure sur bois et sur metal au i5e. si^cle. Vols. 1-8. Svo. i\; fol. Berlin, 1891-1911. 16387 SCHREIBER, W. L. Der Holztafeldrucke der Apokalypse. {!)} Zeitschrift fiir Biicherfreunde, Vol. i, 1897, pp. 5-13.) PP SCHREIBER, W. L. Hutet Euch vor den Katzen usw. (Holz- schnitt aus dem Anfang- des 16 Jahrhunderts.) {In Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 13, 1900.) i0347 SCHREIBER, W. L. Basels Bedeutung- fur die Geschichte der Blockbiicher. [Studien zur Deutschen Kunstgeschichte, Heft. 106.] Svo. Strassburg", 1909. 11293 SCHREIBER, W. L. Catalogue de la collection precieuse de M. le Professeur W. L. Schreiber. [Blockbooks and engravings of the 15th century.] 4to. Vienne, 1909. 106 14 SCHREIBER, W. L. See Defensorium. SCHREIBER, \V. L. and HEITZ, P. Die Deutschen Accipies und Magister cum Discipulis holzschnitte als Hilfsmlttel zur Incunabelbestimmung. [Studien zur Deutschen Kunstgeschichte, Heft. 100.] Svo. Strassburg-, 1908. 10299 SCHREVEL, D. T. S. Harlemum sive urbis Harlemensis. 4to. Lug-. Bat., 1647. 40S SCHRIFT en schrijfkunst. Het boekdrukken. Hout-Koper- en Staalgraveerkunst. Het steendrukken en het boekbinden. Svo. Leiden, 1874. 21765 SCHRODER, E., ZEDLER, G. and WALLAU, H. Das Mainzer Fragment vom Weltgericht : der alteste druck mit der Donat-Kalender-Type Gutenbergs. {In Gutenberg Gesellschaft : Veroffentlichungen — HI, 1904.) 4954 SCHRODER, J. H. Incunabula artis typographicae in Svecia. 4to. LTpsaliae, 1842. 22238 SCHRODER, W. Album des Gutenberg-Festes zu Hannover in Jahre 1840. Svo. Hannover, 1840. 22413 SCHROEN, W. A. Occasione novae quae Constantinopoli est exstructa typographiae. 4to. Yinariae, 1731. 21 190 SCHUBART, W. Das Buch bei den Griechen und Romern. Eine Studie aus der Berliner Papyrussammlung. Svo. Berlin, 1907. 1 1 705 SCHUBERT, E. and SUDHOFF, K. Die Schriften des Michael Bapst von Rochlitz, 1 540-1 603. Svo. Leipzig, 1S89. 6076(18) SCHUBERT, M. Die Cellulosefabrikation. 2te. Auflage. Svo. Berlin, 1S97. 2705 814 SCHUBERT, iVI. Die Holzstoff-oder Holzschliff-Fabrikation. 8vo. Berlin, 1898. 2706 SCHUBERT, IM. Die Praxis der Papierfabrikation. 8vo. Berlin, 1898. 2668 SCHUBERT, M. Die Papierverarbeitung:. I— Die Karton- nagen-Industrie. Praktisches Handbuch fiir Mechniker, Papier-, Kartonnagen-Fabrikanten und Buchbinder. (II — Die Buntpapier-, Tapeten-, Briefumschlag-, Diiten-oder Papiersack-, Papierwasche- und photog-raphische Papier-Fabrikation. Praktisches Handbuch fiir Techniker, Buntpapier-, Tapeten- und Diitenfabrikanten, Direktoren.) 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1900-2. 2669 SCHUCHARDT, C. Une fete typog-raphique. Anniversaire semi-seculaire de M. C. S., imprimeur, 1829-79. 8vo. Geneve, 1879. 22438 SCHUCK, H. Fran var bokhandels barndom. 8vo. Stock- holm, 1900. 10297 SCHUCK, H. Nag-ra blad ur bokens historia. 8vo. Stock- holm, 1900. 10298 SCHUCK, J. Aldus Manutius und seine Zeitgenossen in Italien und Deutschland. 8vo. Berlin, 1862. 11670 SCHUL- und Reise-Taschen-Worterbuch der englischen und deutschen Sprache. Xeue Auflage. i2mo. Leipzig- [c. 1840]. 15706 SCHULTZ, A. Beschreibung- der Breslauer Bilderhandschrift des Froissart. 4to. Breslau, 1869. 23008 SCHULTZ, A. Three-lined half-tone engravings. {In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 9, 1903-4, pp. 142-144.) PP SCHULTZ, R. & CIE. Verlags- Katalog, 1873-8. 8vo. Strassburg, 1878. 23302 SCHULTZ, R. & CIE. Zur Erinnerung an das 200 jahrige Jubilaum der Buchdruckerei des Hauses R. S. & Cie. in Strass- burg. 26 Sept., 1885. 4to. Strassburg, 1885. 23009 SCHULTZ, R. & CIE. See Jenoch, J. SCHULTZE, E. Englische \'olksbibliotheken. 8vo. Berlin, 1898. 8080 SCHULTZE, P. See Ebehng, R. SCHULZ, H. Die Lithographien-Ausstellung im Leipziger Buchgewerbemuseum. {In Zeitschrift fiir Biicherfreunde, Vol. 5, 1901, pp. 122-124.) PP SCHULZ, O. A. Gutenberg, oder Geschichte der Buch- druckerkunst von ihrem Ursprung bis zur Gegenwart. 8vo. Leipzig, 1840. 21778 SCHUMACHER, P. Immediography : a new reproduction process. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, ]'ol. 17, 191 1-2, pp. 190-192.) pr* 81 s SCHLR, K. Lirundziige und Idcen zur Ausstattung des Buches. Svo. Leipzig-, 1901. 33-9 SCHUREK, M. See Schmidt, C. SCHUYLER, M. The new Library of Congress. {In Scribner's ^Llgazine, June, 1897.) 1621 SCHWAB, M. Les incunables orientaux et les impressions orientales au commencement du i6e. siecle. Svo. Paris, 1883. ^733^ (5) SCHWA BACH, J. L. Report for 1S96 on the trade of Germany. [Chromo-lithographs, p. 16.] 8vo. London, 1897. 956 SCHW'ABE, C. L. Die Erfindung der lUichdruckerkunst und ihre Folgen. i2mo. I^eipzig, 1840. 20096 SCHW'ARCK, ( ). Das Gesetz uber die Presse vom 12 Mai, 1851. Svo. Berlin, 1S62. 23428 SCH\V^'\RK. H. Typographisches AUerlei. Kurze Hinweise und Erinnerungen fiir die Buchdruckerpraxis. 2te. Auflage. Svo. Berlin, 1898. 3349 SCHWARTZ, A. Benjamin Franklin. Sein Leben. i2mo. W'ien, 1S91. S906 SCHWARTZ, A. Der Schriftsetzer-Lehrling. Ein Leitfaden fiir den theoretischen Selbstunterricht der Setzer-Lehrlinge. i2mo. Wien, 1902. 3376 SCHWARZ, Dr. See Bibha Pauperum. SCHWARZ, C. G. Disputatio tertia de ornamentis librorum apud veteres usitatis. 4to. [Altdorf, c. 171 1.] 22636 SCHWARZ, C. G. Primario quaedam documenta de origine typographiae. 3 pts. 4to. Altorfi [1740]. 20994 SCH\\'ARZ, C. G. De ornamentis librorum. 4to. Lipsiac, 1756. 17299 SCHWARZ, I. Aus der ersten Zeit des Wiener Buchdrucks. {In Langer, E. : Bibl. der osterr. Drucke. I, 1913.) ^7^77 SCHWARZ, J. L. Der Buchdrucker. 2ter. Auflage. Vol. i. Svo. Hamburg, 1775. 20079 SCHWARZ, P. W. Xeue und griindliche Art die Aqua-tinta oder Tuschmanier auf des Geschwindeste ohne alle L'nterweisung fiir sich zu erlernen. Svo. Xiirnberg, 1805. 16072 SCHWEIGHAUSER, J. G. See Lichtenberger, J. F. SCHWEIZER GRAPHISCHER CENTRAL ANZEIGER. Vol. 8, 1902, etc. 4to. Lucerne, 1902, etc. PP SCHWEIZER GRAPHISCHE AHTTEILUXGEN. Vol. i, 1S82, etc. 4to. St. Gallen, 1SS2, etc. PP SCHWEIZERISCHE BUCHBIXDER ZEITUNG. To/. 18, 1 90S. Fol. Zurich, 190S. PP S16 SCHWEIZERISCHEX TYPOGRAPHEXBUXDES. Sta- iLiten und Reglemente. 8vo. Basel, 1886. 10238 SCHWEXKE, P. Hans Weinreich und die Anfange des Buchdrucks in Konigsberg-. 8vo. Konigsberg, 1896. 12208 SCHWEXKE, P. Zur Erforschung der deutschen Buchein- bande des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts. {In Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 11, 1898.) io347 SCHWEXKE, P. Zur altpreussischen Buchdruckergeschichle 1492-1523. [Zweite artikel.) [In Dziatzko, K. : Samml. Bib. Arbeiten, Heft. 13, 1900.) I0347' SCHWENKE, P. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte des ersten Buchdruckes. {In Berlin : Koniglichen Bibliothek. Festschrift, 1900.) 3386 SCHW^EXKE, P. Gutenberg und die Type des Tiirken- kalenders. {In Zentralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen, Vol. 18, 1901, pp. 289-296.) PP SCHW'EXKE, P. Die Donat- und Kalendar Type. Xachtrag und Ubersicht von P. S. [Gutenberg-Gesellschaft. Veroffen- lichungen. II.] 4to. Mainz, 1903. 3619 SCHWENKE, P. Zwei internationale Kongresse in Briissel. {hi Zentralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen, 1910.) 14997 SCHWEXKE, P. and LAXGE, K. Die Silberbibliothek Herzog Albrechts von Preussen und seiner gemahlin Anna Maria. 4to. Leipzig, 1894. 570 SCHWETSCHKE, C. G. Vorakademische Buchdrucker- geschichte der Stadt Halle. Eine Festschrift. 8vo. Halle, 1840. 21023 SCIEXCE. The science of advertising. {In The Magazine of Commerce, Vol. 4, 1904, pp. 370-374.) 9153 vSCINTILLA ; or, a light broken into darke warehouses. With observations upon the monopolists of seaven severall patents, and two charters. Practised and performed by a mistery of some printers, sleeping stationers and combining booksellers. 4to. London, 1641. 21209 SCOLES, C. Catalogue of a collection of early printed books (incunabula) and ancient MSS., the property of C. S. , which will be sold by auction, etc. 8vo. London, 1906. 8054 SCOUGAL, H. Works. 8vo. Aberdeen, 1765. 15752 SCORE, G. F. Guide to Wimborne Minster [and its chained library]. 8vo. London, 1900. 2441 SCOTSMAN. The story of The Scotsman. A chapter in the annals of British journalism. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1886. 299S SCOTSMAX. The Scotsman : new buildings. Obi. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1905. 817S 817 52 SCOTT, A. de C. On plioto-zincography and other photo- g-raphic processes employed at the Ordnance Survey office. 2nd edition. 4to. London, 1863. 14178 SCOTT, E. The Schoohnaster-Printer of St. Albans. [With notes by W. Blades.] (//; The Athenaeum, April 27 — Nov, 16, 1S78.) 22818 SCOTT, H. & SONS, Ltd. Showcards, novelties, advertising tablets, decorated metal boxes. 4to. Carlisle [191 5]. 18903 SCOTT, J. The Christian life. Pt. i. 4th edition. 8vo. London, 1686. 10692 SCOTT, J. The Arithmetica of Jordanus Nemorarius, Paris, 1496. [In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Publications, Vol. I, 1890-5.) 17569 SCOTT, J. A bibliography of works relating to Mary, Queen of Scots, 1544-1700. [Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Publi- cations, Vol. 2.] 4to. Edinburgh, 1896. 17569 SCOTT, J. A bibliography of printed documents and books relating to the Scottish Company, commonly called the Darien Company. (In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Publications, Vol. 6, 1901-4.) 17569 SCOTT, J. N. See White, B. SCOTT, S. H. The Schotts of Strassburg and their press, (in Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. 11, 1909-11.) 56 SCOTT, S. H. Supplement au Tome II du Repertoire Biblio- graphique Strasbourgeois jusque vers 1530 de C. Schmidt. Martin et Jean Schott. 4to. Strasbourg, 1910. i33-0 [SCOTT, T.] Vox Popula; or, newes from Spayne. 4to. [? Utrecht, 1620.] 21181 SCOTT, T. The force of truth. 24mo. London, 1834. 4555 SCOTT, T. Mr. Charles Ricketts and the Vale Press. {In Bookselling, Dec, 1896.) 2056 SCOTT, T. A bibliography of the works of William Morris. 8vo. London, 1897. 75^ SCOTT, T. Tone and texture of paper. {In The Printing Art, Vol. 2, 1904, p. 149.) PP SCOTT, T. Modern book-making in Germany. {In The Graphic Arts, Vol. i, 1911, pp. 289-296.) PP SCOTT, T. The work of Frederic W. Goudy, printer and craftsman. [Barnard's Monographs on Design, July, 1912.] 4to. New York, 1912. 18388 SCOTT, T. See Vallance, A. SCOTT, W. The growth of the Australian press. {In Royal Society of Arts : Journal, Sept., 1904.) 4505 SCOTT, Sir W. See Ballantyne Press; Wood, J. 818 SCOTT, W. B. Albert Diirer : his life and works : including auto-biographical papers and complete catalogues. 8vo. London, 1869. 8555 SCOTTISH TYPOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION. Report, 1891, etc. Svo. Glasgow, 1891, etc. 4260 SCOTTISH TYPOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION. General working arrangements for type composing machines which shall come into operation on ist Jan., 1900. i2mo. [Edinburgh, 1899.] 8212 SCOTTISH TYPOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION. Rules. 1 2 mo. Glasgow, 1899. 4^47 SCOTTISH TYPOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION. A fifty years' record, 1853-1903. 8vo. Glasgow, 1903. 3615 SCOTTISH TYPOGRAPHICAL CIRCULAR [afterwards Scottish Typographical Journal]. 3rd series, Vol. i, 1861, etc. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1861, etc. PP SCOVELL, C. H. The essentials in paper-mill cost accounting. Svo. Boston, 1914. 18770 SCRITTURA E COxMPOSIZIONE A MACCHINA. Revista Tecnica Mensile di Arti Grafiche. Vol. 5, No. 8. Agosto, 191 1. 8vo. Roma, 191 1. PP SCRIVERIUS, P. Respublica Romana. i6mo. Lugd. Bat., 1629. 21939 SCRIVERIUS, P. Laurea Laurentii Costerl Harlemensis primi inventoris typographiae. {In Wolf, J. C. : INIonumenta typographica. I, 1740.) 20082 SCRIVERIUS, P, Laure Krans voor L. Koster. See Amp- zing, S. SCULPTURA historia technica; or, the history and art of engraving. i2mo. London, 1747. 5°°S SCULPTURA historico-technica ; or, the history and art of engraving. 4th edition. i2mo. London, 1770. 10030 SCULPTURE. Sculpture en tons les genres. Fol. Paris, 1780. 23206 SCURRY, J. Remarks on the Irish language, with a review of its grammars, glossaries, vocabularies and dictionaries. (In Royal Irish Academy : Transactions, 1827.) 5129 SCURRY, J. See Manni, J. B. SEAMAN, W. Grammatica linguae Turcicae. 4to. Oxoniae, 1670. 5348 SEARS, F. Reminiscences of lithography and process at the Antipodes. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, pp. 121-124.) PP SEARS, F. The high-light lithographic process. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 121-123.) PP 819 SEARS, F. Alzinography — lithography of the future. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, I'oL 14, 1908-9, pp. 20-24.) PP SEARS, INI. U. Specimen of stereotype ornaments. 4to. London, 1825. 22943 SEASONABLE memorial in some historical notes upon the liberties of the presse and pulpit. 4to. London, 1680. 22425 SECCOMBE, Capt. Army and Navy drolleries. Printed in colours by Kronheim. 4to. London [1875]. 794-2 SECCOMBE, T. See Manchester : John Rylands Library. SECKER, H. How to produce white letters on a dark g^round. 8vo. [?Hyde, c. 1897.] 954 SECRET societies of the middle ages. New edition. i2mo. London, 1848. 20838 SECRETARIAT TYPOGRAPHIOUE INTERNATIONAL. See Internationales Buchdrucker-Sekretariat. SEDARD, A. Notions pratiques de clicherie : plans, moulagfe, fonte, terminaison, corrections, etc. 8vo. Lyon, 1899. 1664 SEDGWICK, R. Verses humbly inscribed to the Rt. Hon. John Barber, Lord Mayor of London [and printer]. S. sh. fol. London, 1732. 22305 SEDGWICK, W. F., Ltd. Examples of half-tone process work. 4to. London [c. 1895]. 3041 SEEBURG, F. v. Der Aegyptische Joseph. Nach Bildern von C. Madjera und E. Pessler fiir xylographischen Farben- druck. Ausgefiihrt von H. Knofler. 4to. Regensburg, 1878. 20532 SEELEN, J. H. V. ' Nachricht von dem Ursprung und Fort- gang der Buchdruckerey in Liibeck. i2mo. Liibeck, 1740. 20103 SEELEY, F. W. Baxter colour prints : how they were produced. A lecture and discussion [with some subsequent cor- respondence]. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., March 12, 1908, etc.) 1 1 780 SEELMANN, W. Der lubecker Unbekannte. (Scparatabdruck aus dem Zentralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen.) 8vo. [Leipzig, c. 1886.] 22678 SEELY, C. A. The Ambrotype manual, a practical treatise on the art of producing collodion positives. 8vo. Liverpool, 1858. 15022 (3) SEEMAN, H. E. Arrangement of job fonts. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 17, 1896, p. 49.) PP SEEMAN, H. E. Estimating by percentage. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 24, 1899-1900, pp. 533-537-) PP SEEMAN, T. Lehrbuch der vervielfaltigenden Kunste im L'mriss. 8vo. Dresden, 1894. 14173 820 SEEMAXX, H. E. Estimating by percentage. 8vo. [Chi- cago, I goo. J 2IOI SEEMILLER, S. De latinorum Bibliorum cum nota anni 1462 impressa duplici eclitione Moguntina exercitatio biblio- graphico-critica. 4to. Ingolstadii, 1785. 21983(8) SEEMILLER, S. See Ingolstadt : University. SEGETHUS, T. De Principatibus Italiae. i6mo. Lugd. Bat., 1628. 5512 (i) SEIBT, W. Helldunkel. Kunstgeschichtliche Studien. 3 pts. 8vo. Frankfurt, 1885-gi. 10643 SEIDENSTICKER, O. The first centuiy of German printing in America, 1728-1830. Preceded by a notice of the literary work of F. D. Pastorius. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1893. 3515 SEIDLITZ, W. V. Geschichte des japanischen Farbenholz- schnitts. 8vo. Dresden, 1897. 3-35 SEIZ, J. C. Het derde jubeljaar der uitgevondene boek- drukkonst door L. J. Koster. 8vo. Haerlem, 1740. 20874 SEIZ, J. C. Annus tertius saecularis inventae artis typo- graphicae, sive brevis historica enarratio de inventione nobilis- simae artis typographicae. 8vo. Harlemi [1743]. 5976 SELDEN, J. Works. 3 vols. Fol. London, 1726. 5845 SELECT pieces on commerce, etc. [Letter on printing, p. 29.] 8vo. London, 1754. 20025 SELECTA historica et literaria continuata. i2mo. Regio- monti, 1719. 6335 SELECTION. A selection of ornaments. Printed at R. Acker- mann's lithographic press. 3 vols. Fol. London, 181 7-9. 4679 SELFRIDGE & CO., Ltd. Reproductions of the cartoons of the house of Selfridge. Souvenir to commemorate the opening, March 15, 1909. Reproductions in miniature of full-page adver- tisements. 4to. London, 1909. 11403 SELFRIDGE & CO., Ltd. Catalogue of a loan exhibition of rare books, illuminated MSS., etc., in the Palm Court. 8vo. London, 1914. i8434 SELL, H. Catalogue of specimens of earliest newspapers. 8vo. London [1899]. 2251 SELL'S AD\'ERTISIXG AGEXCY, Ltd. From Sell's World's Press, 1892. [A reprint of the special articles.] 8vo. London, 1892. 3169 SELL'S DICTIONARY OF THE WORLD'S PRESS. 1886, etc. 8vo. London, 1886, etc. PP SEMEN, A. Epreuves des caract^res, vignettes et polytypages. 4to. Moscou, 1 81 8. 20300 821 SKXECA, L. A. Epistolac. Fol. [Strassburj^, c. 1470.] 5574 SEXECA, L. A. Trag-oediae. Fol. Venezia, 1493. 10159 SENECA, L. A. Tragoediac. Fol. Venezia, 1498 514^ SENECA, L. A. Trag-oediac. Cum notis T. Farnabii. 161T10. Amsterdam, 1656. 5022 SENEFELDER, J. A. Vollstandiges Lehrbuch der Stein- druckerey. (Sammlung von mehreren Musterblattern.) 2 pts. 4to. & fol. Miinchcn, 181 8. 20795 ^ 20798 SENEFELDER, J. A. L'art de la lithographie. 2 pts. 4to. & fol. Paris, 1819. 10036 SENEFELDER, J. A. A complete course of lithography. With a preface by F. von Schlichtegroll. Translated by A. S. 4to. London, 1819. 22022 SENEFELDER, J. A. L'art de la lithographie, ou instruction pratique contenant la description claire et succincte des differens procedes h. suivre pour dessiner, graver et imprimer sur pierre : precedee d'une histoire de la lithographie et de ses divers progr^s. 8vo. Munich, 1819. 15521 SENEFELDER, J. A. Vollstiindiges Lehrbuch der Stein- druckery. 4to. Miinchen, 1827. 10342 SENEFELDER, J. A. Specification. Printing textile fabrics. [Lithog-raphic processes and presses.] 1801. No. 2518. 8vo. London, 1856. 20562 SENEFELDER, J. A. The invention of lithography. Trans- lated from the original German by J. W. Muller. 4to. New York, 191 1. 15579 SENEFELDER, J. A. See Wagner, C. SENEFELDER CLUB. First, etc., exhibition. Catalogue. 8vo. London, 1910, etc. 11831 SENEFELDER - VEREINE OESTERREICH - UNGARNS. Auszug aus dem Protokoll des zu Pfingsten 1904 stattgefundenen Delegiertentages. 8vo. Wien, 1904. ii994 SENEMAUD, E. L"n document inedit sur Antoine Verard, libraire et imprimeur. Renseignements sur le prix des reliures, des miniatures et des imprimes sur velin au 156. si^cle. 8vo. Angouleme, 1859. 9442 SENIOR, E. Illumination of the dark-room, (hi Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 5, 1899, pp. 99-100.) PP SENIOR, E. Testing light filters for use in orthochromatic photography. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 6, 1900, pp. 69-73.) PP SENIOR, E. Testing screens for three-colour work. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 7, 1901, pp. 33-36.) PP 822 SENIOR, E. Some physical characteristics of tri-chromatic printing inks. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 8, 1902-3, pp. 57-60.) PP SENIOR, E. See Bolas, T., Tallent, A. A. K. and Senior, E. SENTIMENTS on the interests of Great Britain. 8vo. London [1787]. ^ 14211 SENTINEL. The Sentinel. Staffordshire's great daily news- paper. 8vo. Hanley [1913I. 19260 SERAMPORE MISSION PRESS. Specimens of editions of the sacred scriptures in the Eastern languages. 8vo. Serampore, 181 3. 17952 SERAMPORE MISSION PRESS. Brief review of the trans- lation and the printing of the sacred scriptures by the Serampore brethren, from 1794. 8vo. [?Liverpool, c. 1832.] 1/954 SERAPEUM. See Bibliographical Society. SERE, F. See Lacroix, P., etc. SERGEANT, J. H. The pressman's manual. 8vo. New York [1892]. 1 38 1 SERIOUS remonstrance to the publick : with a hint on the use and abuse of the press. By a friend to liberty. 8vo. London, 1740- 22345 SERMON. A sermon no lesse fruitfull than famous. Made in the yeare 1383. i2mo. London, 1573. 21144 [SERNA SANTANDER, C. A. de la.] Lettres de M. I'Abbe de St. L***, de Soissons, a M. le Baron de H***, sur differentes editions rares du i5e. si^cle. 8vo. Paris, 1783. 5304 (3) SERNA SANTANDER, C. A. de la. Memoire sur I'origine et le premier usage des signatures et des chiffres dans I'art typo- graphique. 8vo. Bruxelles, An 4 [1796]. 53^4 (i) SERNA SANTANDER, C. A. de la. Catalogue des livres de la bibliotheque de M. C. de la Serna Santander. (Prix des livres.) 4 vols. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1803. 18771 SERNA SANTANDER, C. A. de la. Supplement au Catalogue des livres de la bibliotheque de M. C. de la S. S. contenant i — Des observations sur le filigrane du papier des livres imprimes dans le i5e. si^cle. 2 — Un memoire sur le premier usage des signatures et des chiffres. 3 — Une preface latine sur la vraie collection des canons de St. Isidore de Seville, etc. 8vo. Brux- elles, 1803. 18771A SERNA SANTANDER, C. A. de la. Dictionnaire biblio- graphique choisi du 156. si^clc, precede d'un Essai historique sur I'origine de I'imprimerie. 3 vols. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1805-7. 5563 SERNA SANTANDER, C. A. de la. Memoire historique sur la Bibliotheque dite de Bourgoyne, presentement Bibliotheque Publique de Bruxelles. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1809. 53^4 (2) 823 SERNA SANTANDER, C. A. dc la. An historical essay on the orig-in of printing-. 8vo. Newcastle, 1819. 20352 SERRA Y OLIVERES, A. Manual de la tipografia espanola 6 SCO el arte de la imprcnta. 8vo. Madrid, 1852. 20959 SERRANO Y MORALES, J. E. Resena historico en forma de diccionario dc las imprcntas que dan existido en Valencia desde la introduccion del arte tipografico en Espaiia hasta el ano 1868. 4to. Valencia, 1898-9. 192 1 SERRANO Y SANZ, M. La imprenta de Zaragoza es la mas antigua de Espana. Publicada en el Arte Aragones. 8vo. Zaragoza, 1915. 18876 SERRES, M. de. Voyage en Autriche, ou essai statistique et geographique sur cet Empire. ^ vols. 8vo. Paris, 1814. 11930 SERVAIS, V. Nouvelles recherches sur la situation de la librairie, I'etablissement et I'etat de I'imprimerie a Bar-le-Duc pendant les I4e.-i8e. si^cles. {In Memoires de la Societe des Lettres, etc., de Bar-le-Duc, Tom. 9, 1880, pp. ig-32.) 9428 SERVOSS, R. D. The wax process. {In Hitchcock, F. H. : The building of a book, 1906, pp. 176-179.) 8824 SESSIONS, W. The book-worm. {In The Natural History Journal, April, 1884.) 22704 SETCHEL, H. & SON. A catalogue of books for 1817. 8vo. London, 1817. 16556(2) SETTER, L. P., fils. La censure declaree inconstitutionelle par la Chambre des Pairs. 8vo. [Paris, 1814.] 23384 SETIER, L. P., fils. Observations sur la liberte de la presse et refutation d'un ecrit de M. Duchesne de Grenoble. 8vo. [Paris, 1814.] 23383 SETIER, L. P., fils. Reflexions sur les pasquinades debitees par la Quotidienne, contre la liberte de la presse. 8vo. [Paris, 1814.] 23378 SETIER, L. P., fils. See Eberhart, ( ). SETTE OF ODDE VOLUMES. [Rules and list of members.] 1 2 mo. London, 1909. ii779 SEUTTER, M. Africa juxta navigationes et observationes recentissinas aucta correcta et in sua regna et status divisa. [Map.] S. sh. fol. Aug. Vind. [c. 1760]. 6301 (2) SEUTTER, M. Bohemia regnum. [Map.] S. sh. fol. Aug. Vind. [c. 1760]. 6301 (3) SEUTTER, M. Imperium Romano-Germanicum in suos Cir- culos Electorat, et Status. [Map.] S. sh. fol. Aug. Vind. |c. 1765]. 6301 (i) SEVERN, W. The golden calendar : with a perpetual almanac. Illustrated, and with new poems by various authors. Fol. London [c. 1870]. 18372 824 SE\'ERY, M. L. More about the Severy impression process. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 42, April 28, 1898, pp. 266-267.) PP SEYBOTH, A. Costumes des femmes de Strasbourg (i/C. et i8e. si^cles). 4to. Strasbourg, 1S80. 21548 SEYBOTH, A. Costumes Strasbourgeois (hommes) i6e. , 176. et i8e. si^cles. 4to. Strasbourg, 1881. 21548A SEYEW'ETZ, A. Instantaneous photography with Lumiere autochrome plates. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 53-56.) PP SEYEWETZ, A. See Lumiere, A. and L., and Seyewetz, A. SEYMOUR, A. Practical Hthographv. 8vo. London, 1903. 371^8 SEYMOUR, A. Modern printing inks : a practical handbook for printing ink manufacturers and printers. 8vo. London, 1910. 1 1867 SEYMOUR-JONES, A. See Jones, A. S. SHACKELL & EDWARDS. Specimen of printing inks. 8vo. London [1853]. 2749 SHACKELL, EDWARDS & CO., Ltd. Specimens of black and coloured printing inks. Obi. fol. London, 1900. 9787 SHACKELL, EDWARDS & CO., Ltd. Art cover inks. 8vo. London [1902]. 2766 SHACKELL, EDWARDS & CO., Ltd. Specimens of printing inks. 4to. London [1905]. 7-^5 SHACKELL, EDWARDS & CO., Ltd. Shackell's. Reprint from The British Printer. 4to. London [c. 1912]. 16987 SHAKESPEARE, W. No. 4— Winter's Tale. Love's Labours Lost. {No. 5 — Merry \\'i\es of Windsor. Titus Andronicus. No. 6 — Twelfth Night. Taming of the Shrew.) Fol. London [c. 1805]. 14614 SHAKESPEARE, W. Dramatic works. 8vo. London, 1826. 4639 SHAKESPEARE, W. Shakespeare's household words; a selection. Illuminated by S. Stanesby. Printed in colors by Ashbee and Dangerfield. i2mo, London [c. i860]. 343° SHAKESPEARE, W. Scenes from The Winter's Tale. (Il- luminators : O. Jones and H. Warren. On stone by A. Warren.) 4to. London [c. 1867]. 157^6 SHAKESPEARE, W. Troilus and Cressida : the first quarto, 1609. A facsimile in photo-lithography by W. Griggs. With an introduction by Rev. H. P. Stokes. 8vo. London [c. 1887]. 3988 SHAKESPEARE, W. Songs and sonnets. Illustrated by Sir John Gilbert. 4to. London [1888J. 10172 825 SHAKESPEARE, W. The Dallastype Shakespeare, a reduced facsimile of the first folio (1623) edition, in the British Museum. Photographed from the original by permission of the Trustees. The Tempest. London. Printed by Isaac Jaijgard and Ed. Blount, 1623. 4to. London [c. 1900]. i475^ SHAKESPEARE, W. The new Hamlet intermixed and inter- woven with a revised version of Romeo and Juliet. By W. H. Smith and the Smith family. Obi. Svo. Chiago, 1902. 10129 SHAKESPEARE, W. Shakespeare in deutscher Sprache. L Band. Svo. Berlin, 1908. 11464 SHAKESPEARE, W. Song-s. With illuminated initials and borders by E. A. Ibbs. Svo. London, 1913. 17673 SHAKESPEARE, W. Sonnets. With illuminated initials and borders by E. A. Ibbs. Svo. London, 191 3. 17674 SHAKESPEARE, W. See Balling-er, J. ; Batchelor, H. C. ; Blades, W. ; Brassing-ton, W. S. ; Corney, B. ; Durning--Law- rence. Sir E. ; Gallup, E. W. ; Haas, L. ; Sillig", P. H. SHANKS, P. M. & CO. Specimens of printing types and music founts. Svo. London [c. 1S70]. 3078 SHANKS, P. M. ik CO. Epitome specimen book of printing types. Svo. London [c. iSSS]. 2695 SHANKS, P. M. & CO. Specimen book of printing types. Svo. London [1S92]. 2249 SHANKS, P. M. &' CO. Specimen book of printing types. Svo. London [c. 1S95]. loio SHANKS, P. M. & CO. Latest specimens. Obi. i2mo. London [c. 1S95]. 1012 SHANKS, P. M. & SONS, Ltd. Cast on the Point System. Obi. Svo. London, 1899. 145^7 SHANKS, P. M. & SONS, Ltd. Latest specimens of type. 4to. London [1900]. 2530 SHANKS, P. M. & SONS, Ltd. Price Hst of printing types and material manufactured by the Patent Type Foundry. Svo. London [c. 1900]. 10952 SHANKS, P. M. & SONS, Ltd. Venetian old style. Peeps into its uses. Obi. i2mo. London [c. 1900]. 14581 SHANKS, P. M. &- SONS, Ltd. Gallic old style series. Obi. i2mo. London [c. 1900]. 145S4 SHANKS, P. M. & SONS., Ltd. Specimens of types. Svo. London, 1901. 2919 SHANKS, P. M. & SONS, Ltd. Printing types. Svo. London [1902]. 2630 SHANKS, P. M. & SONS, Ltd. Flemish old style. Peeps into its uses. Svo. London [c. 1904]. 6734 S26 SHANKS, P. M. & SONS, Ltd. Some specimens of newspaper type. 8vo. London [c. 1904]. 6930 SHANKS, P. M. & SONS, Ltd. Ye lininsj Gallic and Venetian old style. 8vo. London [c. 1905]. 14586 SHANKS, P. M. & SONS., Ltd. Some novelties in types. Obi. 8vo. London [c. 1906]. 10734 SHANKS, P. M. & SONS, Ltd. Ye Plantin old style. 4to. London [c. 1907]. 14583 SHANKS, P. M. & SONS, Ltd. Elsmere old style. Clear and artistic. i2mo. London [1908]. 14580 SHANKS, P. M. & SONS, Ltd. Specimens of type cast on the British-American point system. 4to. London, 1909. 14589 SHANKS, P. M. & SONS, Ltd. Flemish old style. 8vo. London [c. 1910]. 14585 SHANKS, P. INI. & SONS, Ltd. Specimens of types. 8vo. London [c. 1910]. 10419 SHANKS, P. M. & SONS, Ltd. Specimens of the new Dolphin old style registered series of book letter. 8vo. London [1914]. 18557 SHANKS, REVELL &■ CO. Specimens of printing- types and music founts. 8vo. London [c. 1870]. 2867 SHANNON, J. Manual of the Corporation of the City of New York. 8vo. New York, 1868. 4040- SHANNON, Ltd. Card index systems and cabinets. Cata- logue 605. 8vo. London, 1905. 7477 SHANNON, Ltd. Shannon filing cabinets in sections. 8vo. London [c. 1905]. 4797 SHANNON, Ltd. The Shannon vertical filing system. 8vo. London [c. 1905]. 479^ SHANNON, Ltd. How to file and how to copy letters : the Shannon system. Catalogue No. 20. 4to. London [c. 1905]. 4799 SHANNON, Ltd. Sectional filing cabinets. Catalogue 810. 8vo. London, 1905. 16858 SHANNON, Ltd. The Shannon system of filing. Catalogue 400. 8vo. London, 1906. 16857 SHARP, G. The Gilbart prize essay on the adaptation of recent discoveries and inventions in science and art to the purposes of practical banking. 3rd edition. 8vo. London, 1854. 14192 SHARP, H. A. Notes on Section H of the Library Association examination syllabus. Practical bibliography and book selection. (In Library World, Vol. 13, 1910-1, pp. 298-302, 327-336, 377- 384-) ^ PP SHARP, \V. See Baker, W. S. 827 SHARPE, C. K. See Macmath, W. SHARPK, W. N., Ltd. Something- better. The handbook of the Sharpe Press. 8vo. Bradford [1915]. 18894 SHARWOOD, L. & CO. Catalogue of printintj; materials. 8vo. Sydney, i860. 6049 SIIARWOOD, vS. iK- T. Specimen of metal ornaments. 4to. London [c. 1853J. 6354 SHARWOOD, S. &: T. Specimen book of types. 4to. London [1854]. 21793 SHATTUCK, E. J. & CO. Inks. [Specimen book.] Obi. 8vo. San Erancisco [1909]. i-i45 SH.AW, A. E. The earliest Latin grammars in English. {In Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. 5, 1899.) 5G SHA\\', G. B. & OTHERS. The author's view. A criticism of modern book printing, (/n The Caxton Magazine, Jan. 1902.) 2555 SHA\\', G. B. See Royal Photographic Society. SHAW, G. T. The L.A. examinations. (In Library World, Vol. 13, 1910-1, pp. 359-360.) PP SHAW, H. The encyclopaedia of ornament. Fol. London, 1842. 17295 SHAW, H. The handbook of mediaeval alphabets and devices. 4to. London, 1853. 552 SHAW, H. Catalogue of the important publications of H. Shaw, F.S.A., which will be sold by auction. 8vo. London, 1854. 16407 SHAW, H. The art of illumination as practised during the middle ages. With a description of the metals, pigments and processes employed by the artists at different periods. 2nd edition. 4to. London, 1870. 21680 SHAW, H. See Auckland Free Public Librarv. SHAW, W. An analysis of the Galic language. 2nd edition. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1778. 597^ SHAWCROSS, H. L. Shawcross's duplex photo-litho. transfer paper. 8vo. Liverpool, 1908. 13282 SHAWCROSS, H. L. The Identograph process. {In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 241-246.) PP SHAYLOR, J. The fascination of books : with other papers on books and bookselling. 8vo. London, 1912. 16805 SHEAHAN, J. W. The printer : read before the Franklin Society of Chicago, Oct. 27, 1869. 8vo. Chicago, 1869. 22423 SHEARS. The .Shears : a journal of information for the paper box trade. Vol. 21, Sept. 1913-Jan. 1914. 4to. Lafayette, Ind., 1913-4. ^ PP 828 SHEAVYN, P. The literary profession in the Elizabethan age. 8vo. Manchester, 1909. 12 146 SHEFFIELD DAILY TELEGRAPH. Jubilee, 1855-1905. Obi. 8vo. Sheffield, 1905. 6824 SHEFFIELD : Public Library. Catalogue of the charters, deeds, and manuscripts in the Public Reference Library at Sheffield. By T. W. Hall. 8vo. Sheffield, 1912. 17440 SHEFFIELD : Public Library. Descriptive catalogue of the charters, rolls, deeds, pedigrees, pamphlets, newspapers, monu- mental inscriptions, maps and miscellaneous papers forming the Jackson collection. By T. W. Hall and A. H. Thomas. 8vo. Sheffield, 1914. 18620 SHEFFIELD : Ruskin Museum. A popular illustrated hand- book to the collection of minerals and objects of art. 8vo. London, 1900. 1175^ SHELDON, F. M. The practical colorist : a pathfinder for the artist printer. Svo. Burlington, 1900. 4458 SHELDON LEICESTER & CO., Ltd. The business retriever. [Specimens of commercial reproduction by the Helure-Gravure process.] Svo. London [1914]. 18489 SHELLEY, D. C. Hieroglyphical newspaper issued by American Indians. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 34, 1904-5, pp. 45-46.) PP SHELLEY, P. B. A letter to T. Peacock. 8vo. London, 1901. 2674 SHELLEY, P. B. To a skylark. 4to. London, 191 1. 15672 SHELTON, T. Zeiglographia, or a new art of short writing. i6mo. London, 1654. S^^S SHEPARD, H. O. & CO. Annual, 1889. Svo. Chicago, 1889. 3120 SHEPARD, H. O. & CO. Correcting proofs. i2mo. Chicago [c. 1904]. 6923 SHEPHERD, E. S. On irregular grained screens. {In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 2, 1896, pp. 99-105.) PP SHEPHERD, E. S. A color chart. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 2, 1896, pp. 119-121.) PP SHEPHERD, E. S. Laying grounds for re-biting on uneven or buckled copper plates. (With diagram.) {In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, Vol. 3, 1897, p. iii.) PP SHEPHERD, E. S. Photography of colour. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 5, 1899, pp. 9-12.) PP SHEPHERD, E. S. See Cadett, J. and Shepherd, E. S. SHEPHERD, R. See Preston. 829 SHEPHERD, S. cS; CO. Working- instructions for the Sang-er Shepherd universal developer. i2mo. London [igoij. 12453 SHEPH1{RD, S. & CO. Photography in natural colours. Obi. 8vo. London, 1902. 6997 SHEPHERD & SUTTON. Descriptive pocket maps of the separate counties of Eng-land and Wales. Devonshire. S. sh. fol. London [c. 1845]. 18480 SHEPHERDSON, W. Reminiscences in the career of a news- paper. Starting- a daily in the provinces. i2mo. London, 1876. 23019 SHEPPARD, T. Bacon is alive ! being a reply to Sir E. Durning-Lawrence's Bacon is Shakespeare. 8vo. Hull, 191 1. 16176 SHEPPARD, T. A fisheries and shipping museum. 8vo. [1912.] 16174 SHEPPERTON & REYNOLDS. Catalogue of scarce and valuable books, very lately purchased, comprising a general assortment of ancient and modern literature ; many of them in elegant and superb bindings, which are selling at the very reasonable prices printed in the catalogue. 8vo. London, 1787. 14640 (3) SHERIDAN, T. W. & C. B. Paper cutters', bookbinders', printers', and paper box makers' machinery. 4to. New York [c. 1890]. 1707 SHERLEY, Sir A. Sir A. Sherley : his relation of his travels into Persia. 4to. London, 1613. 21307 SHERMAN, A. N. The printer's manual. i6mo. New York, 1834- 7234 SHERMAN, F. Typography and bookmaking. {In The Lamp, Vol. 29, Jan., 1905, pp. 591-593.) 8272 SHERMAN, G. The value of art instruction. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 33, 1904, pp. 657-659.) PP SHERMAN, G. Die-cut printed novelties. {In Inland Printer, Vo^- 33> i904> P- 204; Vol. 34, 1904-5, p. 680.) PP SHERMAN, G. New and ingenious uses of the typographic numbering machine. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 33, 1904, p. 826 — Vol. 34, 1904-5, p. 368.) ^ PP SHERMAN, G. Tint blocks and their uses. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 34, 1904-5, pp. 535-537.) PP SHERMAN, G. Embossing. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 35, 1905, pp. 676-679.) PP SHERMAN, G. Speciality printing. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 35, 1905, p. 828— FoZ. 37, 1906, p. 364.) PP .SHERMAN, G. Printing and folding bookwork in gangs. (/)/ Inland Printer, Vol. 38, 1906-7, pp. 46-49.) PP 830 SHERMAN, G. Practical printing, explaining- the ways and means of production in the modern printing- plant. i2mo. New York, igii. 16203 SHERMAN, H. T. The oldest printing house in the world. [The Plantin Museum,] (In The Charing Cross Magazine, Jan., 1900.) 1625 SHERWOOD, NEELY & JONES. Valuable works printed for S. N. and J. 8vo. London, 1819. 18695 SHIRLEY, G. W. Mr. Peter Rae, V.D.M., printer. (In Glasgow Bibliographical Society : Records, Vol. i, 1912-3.) 18124 SHNIEDEWEND, P. Engravers' versus printers' proofs. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 6, 1900, pp. 38-40.) PP SHOBERL, F. See Watkins, J. and Shoberl, F. SHOOP, P. W. Decorative booklet covers. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 20, 1897-8, pp. 304-306.) PP SHORE, \\'. T. The craft of the advertiser. (In Fortnightly Review, Feb., 1907.) 11315 SHOREDITCH : Public Libraries and Museums. 5th, etc., annual report with financial statement, 1895-6, etc. 8vo. London, 1896, etc. 901 1 SHORT, F. On the making of etchings. 8vo. London, 1888. 9798 SHORT, F. Etchings and engravings : what they are and are not, with some notes on the care of prints. 4to. London, 191 1. 14615 SHORT, P. See Thompson, S. P. SHUCK, MACLEAN & CO., Ltd. The Shumac offset inks. 4to. London [c. 1914]. 19293 SHUCKBURGH, E. S. Laurence Chaderton, D.D. (first Master of Emmanuel), translated from a Latin memoir of Dr. Dillingham, with notes and illustrations. Richard Farmer, D.D. (Master of Emmanuel, 1775-97), an essay. 8vo. Cambridge, 1884. 23226 SHUCKBURGH, E. S. See ABC. SHUMAN, E. L. Practical journalism. A complete manual of the best newspaper methods. 8vo. New York, 1903. 14607 SIBBES, R. A fountain sealed. i2mo. London, 1638. 21522 (i) SIBBES, R. Two sermons. i2mo. London, 1638. 21522 (2) SIBBES, R. Bowels opened; or, a discovery of the love between Christ and the Church. 3rd edition. 4to. London, 1648. 20316 SIBERCH, J. See Bowes, R. and Gray, G. J. 831 SICKLER, F. C. L. Herculaneum Rolls. Correspondence relative to a proposition made by Dr. Sickler upon the subject of their development. 4to. London, iSi-. 11022 SIEGISMUND, B. Probenbucli Papier Siegismund. 8vo. Leipzig-, 1884. 14060 SIEGISML^ND, B. Preis-\'erzeichnis nach Nummern geordnet zum Probenbuch. 8vo. Leipzig, 1884. 14061 SIELIiR & VOGEL. Denkschrift zur Feier des 75Jahrigcn Jubilaums. 4to. Leipzig, 1900. 11652 SIENNICKI, S. J. De typographia in Claro Monte Czen- stochoviensi librisque in ejusdem otTicina ab anno 1628 usque ad 1864 impressis. i2mo. Varsaviae, 1873. 21 148 SIENNICKI, S. J. Les Elzevir de la Biblioth^que de I'Uni- versite Imperiale de Varsovie. 8vo. Varsovie, 1874. 20710 SIEL'RI, J. Manuel de I'amateur d'illustrations. Gravures et portraits pour I'ornamcnt des livrcs francais et etrangers. 8vo. Paris, 1S75. 832 SIEVES, Abhe. Defense contre le projet de loi sur la liberte de la presse, lu a I'Assemblee Nationale, 20 Jan., 1790, par M. I'Abbe Sieycs. 8vo. [Paris, 1790.] 23359 SIEVES, Abhe. Lettre contre le projet de loi concernant le delits qui peuvent se commettre par la voie de I'impression. 8vo. [Paris], 1790. 23361 SIGL, G. Druck-Maschincn Fabrik von G. Sigl in Berlin. (In Journal fiir Buchdruckerkunst, 1843, No. 8. Supplement.) PP SIGUENZA, J. J. Mecanismo del arte de la imprenta. 8vo. Madrid, 181 1. 14202 SILBERMANN, G. Album d'iinpressions typcgraphiques en couleur. 4to. Strasbourg, 1872. 2i8i"i SILBERMANN, G. and WERNERT, L. Les fetes de Guten- berg, celebrees a Strasbourg les 24, 25 et 26 juin, 1840. 8vo. Strasbourg, 1841. 20955 (3) SILIUS ITALICUS. De bello punico secundo. 8vo. Venetiis, 1523. 6001 SILLACIO, N. De insulis meridiani atque indici maris nuper inventis. With a translation by the Rev. J. Mulligan [and a bibliography]. 4to. New Vork, i860. 21454 SILLIG, P. H. Die Shakespeare-Litteratur -bis Mitte 1854. Zusammengestellt und herausgegeben von P. H. S. Ein biblio- graphischer Versuch, eingefuhrt von Dr. H. Ulrici, Professor an der Universitat Halle. 8vo. Leipzig-, 1854. 23263 SILVATICUS. Opus pandectarum medicinae. Fol. \'enezia, 1492. 5914 832 SILVESTRE, J. B. Alphabet album, collection de soixante feuilles d 'alphabets histories et iieuronnes. Obi. 4to. Paris, 1843. 5841 SILVESTRE, J. B. Universal palaeography : or facsimiles of writing's of all nations and periods. Accompanied by an historical and descriptive text and introduction by Champollion- Eigeac and A. Champollion, fils. Translated and edited by Sir F. Madden. 2 vols. [Text only.] 8vo. London, 1850. 8013 SILVESTRE, L. C. Marques typographiques. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1853-67. 20984 SILVESTRE, L. C. See Alkan, A. SILVIUS, G. Quelques notes sur Guillaume Silvius, impri- meur d'Anvers (1560-79). 8vo. Bruxelles, 1862. 22326 SIMCO, J. A catalogue of books, prints and books of prints for 1799. 8vo. London, 1799. 16556(14) SIMCO, J. A catalogue of prints and books. 8vo. London, 1805. 16556(13) SIMCO, J. A supplement to J. Simco's catalogue for 181 1. 8vo. London, 1811. 16556(11) SIMCO, J. A catalogue of books, prints and books of prints for 1813. . 8vo. London, 1813. 16556(12) SIMEON, .Si> J. Books and libraries. A lecture at the Town Hall, Ryde, Oct. 28, 1859. 8vo. London, i860. 18665 SIMLER, J. Regiment gemeiner loblicher Eydgnoschaffe. i6mo. Ziirych, 1577. 50-3 SIMLER, J. \'allesiae et Alpium descriptio. i6mo. Lugd. Bat., 1633. 21957 SIMMONDS, P. L. The commercial dictionary of trade pro- ducts, manufacturing and technical terms, moneys, weights and measures of all countries. New edition. 8vo. London, 1892. 862 SIMMONS, C. V. A system for a medium-sized printshop. i6mo. New York, 1908. 11566 SIMMONS, V. L. R. 1,000 ems. [Tables.] 24mo. Cadillac, Mich., 1909. 1 22 1 1 SIMMS, R. Bibliotheca Staft'ordiensis ; or, a bibliographical account of books, etc., relating to the County of Stafford, giving biographical notices of printers, efc. 4to. Lichfield, 1894. 7315 SIMON, C. F. [Memoir of C. F. Simon, printer of Paris.] 8vo. [1849.] 16734 SIMON, E. See Paris : Exhibition, 1878. SIMON, L. Specimens of printing inks. 8vo. Nottingham [c. 1880]. 2748 SIMON E, L. G. de. Introduzione e alcune notizie della stampa in Lecce. [In II Bibliofilo, Vol. i, 1880, pp. 184-186.) PP 833 5.S SIMONIDES, C. 5et^ Bible: N.T. SIMONSEN, D. Hebraisk bogtryk i aeldre og nyere tid. 4to. Kjobcnhavn, 1901. 2432 SIMPSON, C. A compendium of practical musick. 3rd edition. 8vo. London, 1678. 20223 SIMPSON, G. B. See Dickson, R. SIMPSON, W. The seat of war in the East. Eol. London, 1855. 4705 SIMPSON, W. Lithography: a finished chapter in the :history of illustrative art. (In Royal Society of Arts : Journal, Feb. 6, 1891.) 2264 SIMPSON, W. Autobiography. Edited by G. Eyre-Todd. Svo. London, 1903. 16502 SIMPSON, W. L. Tables for calculating the cost of iron, etc. Sq. i2mo. London, 1851. i57H SIMSON, J. The Scottish press and the gipsies. 8vo. [New York, 1893.] 1 131? SINCLAIR, D. &' SONS. Specimens of modern printing types. 4to. Edinburgh, 1840. 14625 SINCLAIR, D. & SONS. Specimen of modern printing types. 4to. . Edinburgh, 1842. 20305 SINCLAIR, D. cSj SONS. Supplement of some new book and newspaper founts. 4to. Edinburgh, 1846. 5922 SINCLAIR, D. tV SONS. Specimen of uniform founts. S. sh. fol. Edinburgh [c. 1850]. 10372 [SINCLAIR, J.] Catalogueof the materials of an eminent type foundry for sale by private contract. 8vo. London [1870]. 20226(4) SINDALL, R. W. The sampHng of wood pulp. 8vo. London [igoo]. 1852 SINDALL, R. W. Report on the manufacture of paper and paper pulp in Burma. Fol. Rangoon, 1906. 8614 SINDALL, R. W. Paper technology : an elementary manual on the manufacture, physical qualities and chemical constituents of paper and of paper-making fibres. 8vo. London, 1906. 8479 SINDALL, R. W. Wood pulp. {In Goodchild, G. F. : Tech- nological and scientific dictionary. Part 14. 1906.) 8034 SINDALL, R. W. Modern printing papers. Precis of a lecture. 8vo. London, 1907. 9^34 SINDALL, R. W. The manufacture of paper. With illus- trations and a bibliography relating to cellulose and paper-making. 8vo. London, 1908. ^^^^''^ SINDALL R. W. Bamboo for paper-making. 8vo. London. 1909. ^^349 834 SINDALL, R. W. See Cross, C. F. and others. SINGER, H. W. Geschichte des Kupferstichs. 8vo. Magde- burg, 1895. 3325 SINGER, H. W. Modern German lithography. I — Greiner and some Dresden artists. {In The Studio, Jan., 1899.) 1623 SINGER, H. W. Jakob Chrlstoffel Le Blon and his three- colour prints. {In The Studio, Vol. 28, 1903, pp. 261-271.) PP SINGER, H. W. Der Kupferstich. 8vo. Bielefeld, 1904. 4234 SINGER, H. W. See Dresden : Kgl. Kupferstich-Kabinett. SINGER, H. W. & STRANG, W. Etching, engraving and other methods of printing pictures. 4to. London, 1897. 1658 SINGER, S. W. Some account of the book printed at Oxford in 1468 under the title of Exposicio Sancti Jeronimi in Simbolo Apostolorum. In which is considered its claim to be considered the first book printed in England. 8vo. London, 1812. 22481 SINGLETON, J. & SONS. Examples of progressive printing. Obi. 8vo. Durban [c. 1905]. 6976 SINKER, R. The library of Trinity College, Cambridge. 4to. Cambridge, 1891. 1432 SINKER, R. See Cambridge : Trinity College. SINOP collotype process. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 149-150.) PP SINTON, J. Bibliography of works relating to, or published in Hawick ; with an appendix containing a list of Hawick news- papers, local maps and music. 4to. Hawick, 1908. 11919 SION COLLEGE. Bibliothecae cleri Londinensis in Coll. Sion. Catalogus. Auctore G. Reading. Fol. Londini, 1724. 11336(1) SION COLLEGE. A classified list of the books purchased for the library. 5 pis. 8vo. London, 1884-1901. 11847 SION COLLEGE, Order of the classification. 8vo. London, 1886. 22488 SION COLLEGE. Order of the classification of Sion College Library. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1889. 21488 SION COLLEGE. Some account of the proceedings at the presentation to Sion College, Dec. 6, 1895, of a memorial portrait of the Rev. W. H. Milman, librarian since Oct. i, 1856. 8vo. For private circulation. 1896. 11846 SION COLLEGE. Brief account of the library. 410. London, 1897. 8281 SION COLLEGE. A classified list of books added to the library of Sion College between P'eb. , 1900 and Dec, 1910. 8vo. Cambridge, 1914. 18583 SIRVEN, A. Journaux et journalistes. Le Si^cle avec les portraits des r^dacteurs. 8vo. Paris, 1866. 13 156 835 SISTER. Tlie sister arts; or, a view of the nature and history of paper-making and bookbinding-. i2mo. Lewes, 1809. 20819 SIX pennyworth of wit. 24mo. London [c. 1770]. 54^4 SKANDINAVISK PAPIKR TIDENDE. Vol. 4, 1908. 4to. Kjobenhavn, 1908. PP SKARK, E. W. L. Kurzes Lehrbuch der Chemie fiir Papier- techniker. 8vo. Halle a. S., 1910. 12259 SKEEN, G. J. A. Ceylon Government Printing Ofiice. Inter- esting- report. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 34, Nov. 15, 1894, PP- 329-330-) PP SKEEN, R. Autobiog-raphy of Mr. Robert Skeen, printer. 8vo. London, 1876. 22453 SKEEN, W. Early typography. 8vo. Colombo, 1872. 5340 SKEEN, W. Early typography. An essay on the origin of letter- press printing in the 15th century. 8vo. London, 1872. * 20407 SKENE, J. See Macmath, W. SKETCHLEY, R. E. D. English book illustration of to-day : appreciations of the work of living English illustrators, with lists of their books. With an introduction by A. \\^ Pollard. 8vo. London, 1903. 3392 SKIPPER, C. & EAST. Letterpress department. Specimens of small types. 8vo. [London, 1875.] 10996 SKOT, J. See Duff, E. G. SLANG. The slang dictionary. New edition. 8vo. London, 1874. 15707 SLATER, J. H. The library manual : a guide to the formation of a library and the valuation of rare and standard books. 8vo. London [c. 1883]. 2949 SLATER, J. H. Letter founders from Caxton to Day. [A review of T. B. Reed's Old English letter foundries.] {In The Bibliographer, 1887.) 22959 SLATER, J. H. Book collecting : a guide for amateurs. i2mo. London, 1892. 2956 SLATER, J. H. Some books on magic. {In Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. 3, 1896.) 56 SLATER, J. H. Engravings and their value. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1897. 609 SLATER, J. H. Illustrated sporting books. 8vo. London, 1899. 17302 SLATER, J. H. How to collect books. 8vo. London, 1905. 7190 SLATER & PALMER. Specimens of printing inks. 8vo. London [1897]. 933 836 SLATER & PALMER. Price list of printing- inks, varnishes, roller composition, printing- materials, etc. 8vo. London, 1902. 12432 SLATER & PALMER. Specimens of printing inks. 8vo. London, 1902. 10370 SLATER & PALMER. [Specimens and price list of printing- inks.] Obi. 8vo. London [c. 1902]. 12430 SLATER & PALMER. Specimens of double-tone inks. Obi. 8vo. London [c. 1902]. 12431 SLATTER, H. The Typographical Association. A fifty years' record, 1849-99. Edited by R. Hackett. 8vo. Manchester [1899]. 1629 SLEPZMAX, W. H. Rambles and recollections of an Indian official. Vol. 2. 8vo. London, 1844. 9622 SLEUMER, A. Index Romanus : Verzeichniss samtlicher auf dem romischcr Index stehenden deutschen Biicher, desgleichen aller fremdsprachlichen Biicher seit dem Jahre 1870. i2mo. Osnabriick, 1906. 11281 SLEZER, J. See Cameron, J. SLINGSBY, H. C. Design chart of Slingsby's trucks and ladders. No. no. S. sh.fol. [London, 1910.] 15624 SLOANE, M. E. Some twentieth century figures on printing and publishing. (In Inland Printer, I'o/. 40, 1907-8, p. 195 — Vol. 41, 1908, p. 373.) PP SLOANE, S. G. The printing trade as an educator. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 8, 1890-1, p. 106.) PP SLOCUM, F. Michigan Printers' Specimen Exchange. Pros- pectus for Vol. I, 1888. Obi. i6mo. Caro, Mich., 1888. 10945 SMAIL, J. C. See London County Council. SMALES, G. Whitby authors and their publications, with the titles of all the books printed in \Vhitby. 8vo. Whitby, 1867. 8605 SMALIAN, H. Practisches Handbuch fiir Buchdrucker im Verkehr mit Schriftgiessereicn. i2mo. Danzig, 1874. 20059 SMALIAN, H. Praktisches Handbuch fur Buchdrucker im \'erkehr mit Schriftgiessereicn. 2te. Auflage. 8vo. Leipzig, 1877. 2991 SMALL PRINTSHOP. Vol. i. No. i, Feb., 191 1. 8vo. Los Angeles, 191 1. PP SMALLEY, G. The life of Sir Sydney H. Waterlow, Bart., London apprentice, Lord Mayor, captain of industry and philan- thropist. 8vo. London, 1909. 11601 SMART, C. See Gray, G. J. 837 SiMEE, A. Elements of electro-metallurgy, or the art of working- in metals by the galvanic lluid. [Electrotyping, pp. 244-282.] 8vo. London, 1841. 17816 SMEE, A. Elements of elcclro-metallurg-y. 3rd edition, re- vised, corrected, and considerably enlarged. Illustrated u^ith electrotypes and numerous woodcuts. 8vo. London, 185 1. 17849 SMELLIE, W. See Kerr, R. SMILES, S. Erederick Koenig-, inventor of the steam printing machine. {In Macmillan's Mag-azine, Dec, 1869.) 1967 SMILES, S. Men of invention and industry. [F. Koenig : The Walters : W. Clowes.] 8vo. London, 1884. 21533 SMILES, S. A publisher and his friends. Memoir and correspondence of the late John Murray, with an account of the origin and progress of the house, 1768-1843. 2 vols. 8vo. London, i8gi. 3665 SMITH, A. Press orders : being the opinions of the leading journals on the abolition of the newspaper privileges. 8vo. London, 1853. 11012 SMITH, A. E. High-power telephotography. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 10, 1904-5, p. 112.) PP SMITH, A. E. Making enlargements with the microscope. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, p. 40.) PP SMITH, A. E. A two-eyed lens. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, p. 56.) PP SMITH, A. E. Some lenses, not of glass. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, LoL 13, 1907-8, p. 96.) PP SMITH, A. E. Photographing a picture in the Wallace Collection. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, p. 120.) PP SMITH, A. M. Printing and writing materials : their evolu- tion. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1901. 2821 SMITH, A. R. See Smith, J. R. [SMITH, C. M.] The working man's way in the world : being the autobiography of a journeyman printer. 2nd thousand. 8vo. London, 1857. 20406 .SMITH, E. Report on the sanitary circumstances of printers in London. {In The Printers' Journal, 1868, Vol. 2, p. 193 — p. 243)- 3921 SMITH, E. See Ward and Lock. SMITH, F. Workshop management : a manual for masters and men. 2nd edition. 8vo. London [1882]. 2967 SMITH, F. H. American illustrators. Fol. New York, 1894. ^'\'^3 SMITH, G. Catalogue of the library of G. S., which will be sold, etc. 8vo. London, 1867. 5741 838 SMITH, G. The Frankfort book-mart. A chapter in European literary history. [In The Library [N.S.], Vol. i, igoo, pp. 167-179.) PP SMITH, H. Genius and art : past and present; also common- sense remarks on bookmaking and printing-. 4to. Torquay, 1894. 10009 SMITH, H. C. True and false lamp blacks. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 7, 1901, pp. 137-141.) PP SMITH, H. L. Printers' accounts. [The Accountants' Library, Vol. 17.] 8vo. London, 1903. 3369 SMITH, Sir H. LI. An address delivered at the Borough Polytechnic, Dec, 1909. 4to. London, 1910. 13726 SMITH, .Sir H. LI. See London County Council. SMITH, J. The printers' grammar. Svo. London, 1755. 6006 SMITH, J. The printers' grammar. Svo. London, 1787. 20409 SMITH, J. Short biographical notices of WilUam Bradford, Reinier Jansen, Andrew Bradford, and Samuel Keimer, early printers in Pennsylvania. Svo. London, 1891. 569 SMITH, J. E. A. A history of paper. Its genesis and its revelations. Svo. Holyoke, 1882. 20598 SMITH, J. H. Paper prints from autochrome plates. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 87-88.) PP SMITH, J. H. Utocolour paper. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, I'ol. 17, 1911-2, pp. 217-218.) PP SMITH, J. H. Rapid Utocolour paper. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. iS, 1912-3, p. 224.) PP SMITH, J. H. Application of Utocolour paper to illustrative work. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, T'o/. 19, 1913-4, pp. 68-69.) PP SMITH, J. R. A catalogue of ancient and modern books. Svo. London, 1S37. 16556 (3) SMITH, J. R. A catalogue of an extensive collection of choice, useful and curious books. Svo. London, 1848. 16724 SMITH, J. R. A catalogue of an unique collection of ancient English broadside ballads. Svo. London, 1S56. 6068 SMITH, J. R. Bibliotheca Americana. A catalogue of books collected by J. R. Smith. On sale by A. R. Smith. Svo. London, 1S71. 1 1932 SMITH, J. R. See Hind, A. M. SMITH, J. R. D. Some useful makeshifts in process copying. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 8, 1902-3, pp. 53-54.) PP SMITH, J. T. The cries of London : exhibiting several of the itinerant traders of antient and modern times. Fol. London, 1839. 1 91 86 839 SMITH, J. \\". A handy book on the law of bills, cheques, notes and lOU's. 58th 1,000. lamo. London, 1894. 2975 SMITH, J. \\'. See Huson, T. S^^TH, M. H. The value of ideas and pictures in advertisinj^. {1)1 Penrose's Pictorial Annual, ]'ol. 17, 1911-2, pp. 157-160.) PP SMITH, M. H. The impression creative power of the cover. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 129-131.) PP SMITH, M, H. The org-anised production of commercial art. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp. 207-212.) PP SMITH, P. Successful advertising-. Its secrets explained. 24th edition. 8vo. London, 1909. 11815 SMITH, R. Of the first invention of the art of printing-. [MS.] 4to. [c. 1670.] 7997 SMITH, T. Vitae quorundam eruditissimorum et illustrium virorum. 4to. Londini, 1707. 5303 SMITH, T. Twenty-one years in Fleet Street [and the advertising- business]. 8vo. [London, 1899.] 1365 SMITH, T. and OSBORNE, J. H. Successful advertising: its secrets explained. 17th edition. i2mo. London, 1896. 6970 SMITH, T. and OSBORNE, J. H. Successful advertising": its secrets explained. 18th edition. i2n'!o. London, 1897. 6970 SMITH, T. C. Ribchester Parish Church Library, (hi The Antiquary, Jan., 1891.) 1588 SMITH, T. E. See Cutler, E., Smith, T. E. and Weatherly, F. E. SMITH, W. Views of Campbelton and neig-hbourhood. 4to. Edinburgh, 1835. 4091 (i) SMITH, \V. Advertise. How? When? Where? 8vo. London, 1863. 11491 SMITH, W. See Dix, E. R. McC. .SMITH, W. E., Ltd. A modern phoenix. 8vo. Sydney, 1900. 6722 SMITH, W. H. Kenilworth Castle in the 16-19 centuries in 13 litho. prints. Obi. fol. Birmingham, 1821. 3/68 SMITH, W. H. Accrument for engravers and printers. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 125-128.) PP SMITH, W. H. Abortive advertising. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp. 185-188.) PP SMITH, W. H. See Maxwell, Sir H. SMITH, W. H. &: SON. The day's work. VII— Messrs. W. H. Smith and .Son. The great distributors of literature. (In The World's Work, Oct., 1903.) 3651 SMITH, W. H. & SON. W. H. Smith and Son's Annual, 1906. 4to. London [1906]. 7429 840 SMITH, \V. H. 8c SOX. Examples of simple printing done at the Arden Press, Letchworth 4to. Letchvvorth, 1910. 13183 SMITH, \y. H. & SON. Propaganda : how to make it effec- tive. 8vo. London, 1913. 16641 SMITH, W. H. & SON. A unique advertising service : press- postcr-printing. 8vo. London [1913]. 16646 SMITH, W. H. & SON. The missing link : being a few notes on a vital phase of the world's work. [Advertising.] 8vo. London [19 13]. 16640 SMITH, W. H. & SON. See Acworth, W. M. SMITH, W. J. A few important points in commercial photo- graphy. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, LoL 19, 1913-4, pp. 204-206.) PP SMITH, W. S. Report on fencing and safety precautions for transmission machinery. Submitted to the Home Office. Fol. London, 1913. 18143 SMITH'S ADVERTISING AGENCY. Successful advertising. 19th edition. Svo. London [c. 1899]. i397 SMITH'S ADVERTISING AGENCY. Successful advertising. 20th edition. 8vo. London, 1900. 1879 SMITH'S ADVERTISING AGENCY. Successful advertising. 2ist edition. 8vo. London [1902]. 2608 SMITH & McLAURIN, Ltd. Chromo and bright enamels. Obi. 8vo. Milliken Park [c. 1905]. 12427 SMITH'S PRINTING AND PUBLISHING AGENCY. Letter- press printing. A few selected specimens of work. Books 1-2. 4to. London [1891-3]. 488 SMITHER, R. E. Information bureaus in public libraries. {In Library World, LoZ. 13, 1910-1, pp. 99-106.) PP SMYTH, J. P. How we got our Bible. Svo. London, 1906. 15527 SMYTH MANUFACTURING CO. Smyth book-binding machines. Obi. Svo. Hartford, Conn. [c. 1909]. 11817 SMYTHE, W. A. Process in Western Australia. {In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 8, 1902-3, pp. 105-108.) PP SNARE, R. A catalogue of books. Ft. i, 1829. Svo. Reading, 1829. 16718 SNEIDER, R. [Collection of specimens from the printing office of R.S.] 4to. [New York, 1880-2.] 489 SNELL, J. See Lange, H. O. SNELLMAN, G. R. See Finland. SNIDER &; HOLMES. [Price hst of paper.] Svo. St. Louis, 1S79. 8218 841 SNOW, C. A. Zinco-chromatic methods in the United States. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 2, 1896, pp. 51-54.) PP SNOW, C. A. Process copy in lin-de-si^cle style. [In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, I'ol. 3, 1897, pp. 55-5 1892, PP STATIONERS' AND PAPER MANUFACTURERS' PRO- \TDENT SOCIETY. 58th, cic, report. 8vo. London, 1898, etc. 3871 STATIONERS' AND PRINTERS' ANNUAL TRADE BOOK OF REFERENCE, 1895-1903. 8vo. London, 1895-1903. PP STATIONERS' GAZETTE. Vol. i, 1906-9. 410. London, 1906-9. pp STATIONERS' PROPRIETARY ARTICLES TRADE AS- SOCIATION. State g^ift of post cards and letter cards. 8vo. London, 191 1. 14691 STATIONERY, BOOKSELLING AND FANCY GOODS. Vol. 8, 1888, etc. 4to. London, 1888, etc. STATIONERY TRADE REVIEW. Nos. 1882. 4to. Edinburg^h, 1882. STATIONERY TRADES JOURNAL. Vol. London, 18S0, etc. STATIONERY WORLD AND PRINTING. etc. 8vo. London, 1892, etc. STAUBER, A. Die Schedelsche Bibliothek. Fin Beitrag- zur Geschichte der Ausbreitung- der italienischen Renaissance^ des deutschen Humanismus iind der medizinischen Literatur. Nach dem Tode des Verfassers herausgeg-eben von O. Hartwig-. (Nach- trag- von H. Grauert.) 8vo. Freiburg", 1908. 15866 [STEAD, W. T.] A revolution in printing- and in journalism? An interview with the revolutionist. [An account of the Feister printing- machine.] {In The Review of Reviews, Vol. 6, Dec, 1892, pp. 589-591.) 6792 STEAD, W. T. The creation of a new market : one of the romances of the London press. [The Bazaar, Exchange and Mart.] Sq. 24mo. London, 1904. 671 1 STEAM compositor. [A cartoon.] S. sh. fol. [London, 1880. j 23195 STEDMAN, E. C. The inland city : a letter and a poem. i2mo. Norwich, Conn., 1909. '^377^ STEELE, F. M. Occupations for women. Lady bookbinders. (7n The Englishwoman, July, 1899.) 151 1 STEELE, I. See Fry, E. and Steele, I. STEELE, R. R. Early playing cards, their design and decor- ation. [A lecture.] {In Royal Society of Arts : Journal, March 22, 1901.) 2085 STEELE, R. R. What 15th century books are about. I — Scientific books. (II — Divinity. Ill — Law. IV — Literature.) {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 4, 1903, p. 337 — Vol. 8, 1907, p. 225.) ^ PP . 860 STEELE, R. R. The earliest English music printing : a description and bibliography of English printed music to the close of the 1 6th century. [Bibliographical Society : Illustrated Mono- graph, No. I I.J 4to. London, 1903. 3775 STEELE, R. R. Notes on English books printed abroad, 1525-48. (In Bibliographical Society: Transactions, Vol. 11, igog-ii.) - 56 STEELE, R. R. The revival of printing : a bibliographical catalogue of works issued by the chief modern English presses, with an introduction. 8vo. London, 1912. 15815 STEELE, R. R. Notes on English books printed abroad, 1525- 48 : a paper read before the Bibliographical Society, January 16, 191 1. 4to. London, 1912. 19219 STEELE, R. R. Photographic and mechanical processes in the reproduction of illustrations. (In Science Progress, Vol. g, 1914. PP- 153-163.) 18427 STEELE, R. R. [A note on the history of playing cards. Typewritten MS.] 4to. 8200 STEELE, R. R. and LETHABY, W. R.] William Morris, poet and artist. (In The Quarterly Review, Oct., 1899.) 1536 STEELE, R. R. See Chatterton, T. STEELEY, F. Lettering for schools and colleges, for the office and workshop. 4to. London, 1902. 3399 STE EVENS, G. W. The Monotype. {In The New Review, Nov., 1897.) 1029 STEHLIN, K. Regesten zur Geschichte des Buchdrucks bis zum Jahre 1500. Aus den Biichern des Basler Gerichtsarchivs. (1501-20.) 2 pts. 8vo. Leipzig, 1887. 6594 STEIFF, K. Der erste Buchdruck in Tubingen, 1498-1534. 8vo. Tubingen, 1881. . 892 STEIFF, K. Halle keine Incunabelstadt. 8vo. Leipzig [c. 1886]. 6076(3) STEIFF, K. LIntersuchungen iiber die ersten Anfange des Buchdrucks in Stuttgart. 8vo. Leipzig, 1886. 6076 (4) STEIFF, K. Der erste Buchdruck in Tubingen (1498-1534) Nachtrag. 8vo. Leipzig, 1887. 6076 (5) STEIGENBERGER, G. Literarisch-kritische Abhandlung iiber die zwo alleralteste gedruckte deutsche Bibeln, welche in der kurfiirstl. Bibliothek in Miinchen aufbewahrt werden. 4to. Mtin- chen, 1787. 6886 STEIN, H. Germain Lauverjat, imprimeur a Bourges a la fin du i6e. si^cle. 8vo. Paris, 1889. 11658 STEINBERG, S. J. The typography of amateur journals. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 27, 1901, pp. 35-37.) PP 861 [STEINER, E.] Elzevier-Ausgaben, gcsammelt von **. 121110. Winterthur, 1854. 17663 STEINHEIL, R. La reproduction dcs couleurs par la super- position des trois couleurs simples. Fol. Paris, 1896. 913 STEINHEIL, R. Impressions decoratives fonds h filigranes typograpliiques. 8vo. [? Nancy, c. 1900. j 4698 STEINLEN, T. A. Catalogue of an exhibition of drawings, etchings and lithographs, with a prefatory note by Anatole France. 24mo. London, 1914. 18295 STEINSCHNEIDER, M. Aldus Manutius und Gerson Son- cino. 8vo. Berlin, 1859. 16062 STEINSCHNEIDER, M. Die arabischen Uebersetzungen aus dem Griechischen. [Beihefte zum Zentralblatt fiir Bibliothek- swesen. XII.] 8vo. Leipzig, 1893. 6461 STELLA clericorum. 4to. [Koln, 1495.] 521 1 STEMPEL, D. [Type specimen book.] Fol. Frankfurt [c. 1900]. 10249 STEMPEL, D. Zirkular- und Kartenschriften in ihrer Ver- wendung fiir die Praxis. 8vo. Frankfurt [c. 1910]. 16245 STEMPEL, D. Die Reform-Grotesk-Schriften. Heft. 12. 4to. Frankfurt [c. 1910]. 16240 STEMPEL, D. Christiansen Schrift und Zierat. 4to. Frank- furt [c. 1910]. 16246 STEMPEL, D. Ingeborg Antiqua nachentwurfen von Prof. F. W. Kleukens. 4to. Frankfurt [1910]. 16243 STEMPEL, D. Kleukens Fraktur Ingeborg-Antiqua zwei moderne Schriften nach Entwiirfen von Prof. F. W. Kleukens. Heft. 13. 4to. Frankfurt, 191 1. 16244 STEMPEL, D. Wein Einfassung Rebe. 4to. Frankfurt, 1912. 16241 STEMPEL, D. Jaecker-Schrift und Schmuck. 4to. Frank- furt [1912]. 16242 STENGER, E. Moderne photographische Kopierverfahren. [Encyklopadie der Photographie, Heft. 63.] 8vo. Halle a. S. , 1909. 1 1057 STENZLER, A. F. See Breslau : Univ. Bibliothek. STEPHEN, G. A. The application of exact classification to shelf arrangement. (/u Library World, Vol. 11, 1908-9, pp. 251-255. 325-331-) _ _ _ PP STEPHEN, G. A. Commercial bookbinding : a description of the processes and the various machines used. With 70 illus- trations and diagrams. 8vo. London, 1910. 12408 STEPHEN, G. A. Die moderne Grossbuchbinderei. Uber- setzt und fiir osterreichische und deutsche Verhaltnisse bearbeitet von H. Scheibe. 8vo. Wien, 1910. 13322 862 STEPHEN, G. A. Decorative book-covers. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. i6, 1910-1, pp. 113-123.) PP STEPHEN, G. A. Modern machine bookbinding". Proof un- corrected. Paper to be read before Royal Society of Arts on February 15th, 1911. Nar. fol. [London], 191 1. 14145 STEPHEN, G. A. Modern machine bookbinding-. (In Royal Society of Arts: Journal, Feb. 17, 1911, pp. 339-360.) 14340 STEPHEN, G. A. Modern decorative title pages. 4to. London, 191 5. 1869S STEPHEN, G. A. See Norwich : Public Library. STEPHENS. See Estienne. STEPHENS, F. S. See Fine Art Society. STEPHENS, G. Forteckning- ofver de fornamsta Brittiska och Fransyska handskrifterna uti Kongl. Bibliotheket i Stock- holm. 8vo. Stockholm, .1847. 22644 STEPHENS, G. Handbook of the Old-Northern Runic monu- ments of Scandinavia and England. Fol. London, 1884. 10260 STEPHENS, R. See Bacon, F. [Lord Verulam). STEPHENSON, H. K. Type-founding of to-day and the point system. A lecture given at the Regent Street Polytechnic. (Reply to the Caxton Magazine.) 4to. Sheffield, 1904. 4-24 STEPHENSON, S. & C. Llrst part of a specimen of printing types. 8vo. London, 1796. 20288 STEPHENSON, S. & C. A specimen of printing types. 8vo. London, 1796. 20269 (2) STEPHENSON, S. & C. A catalogue of the stock in trade of the British Letter Foundry, which will be sold by auction on Nov. 27, 1797. 8vo. London, 1797. 20269(1) [STEPHENSON, W.] Life of William Caxton. {In Lives of eminent persons [c. 1828].) 20439 STEPHENSON, BLAKE & CO. Specimens of printing types. 8vo. Sheffield [1849]. 6412 STEPHENSON, BLAKE & CO. Specimens of printing types. 8vo. Sheffield [1856]. * 2189 STEPHENSON, BLAKE & CO. Specimens of printing types manufactured by S. B. and Co., kept in stock by I^yon and Blair, Wellington, N.Z. 8vo. [Wellington, N.Z., c. 1870.] 6416 STEPHENSON, BLAKE & CO. Specimen of printing types. 8vo. Sheffield [c. 1875]. 2741 STEPHENSON, BLAKE & CO. Specimen of printing types. etc. 4to. Sheffield [1877]. 2518 STEPHENSON, BLAKE & CO. Specimen of printing types. 8vo. Sheffield, 1878. 1003 863 STEPHENSON, BLAKE & CO. Specimens of brass rules. 8vo. Shetlield [1882]. 3087 STEPHENSON, BLAKE & CO. Specimens of printing types, etc. 8vo. Sheffield [1887]. 6413 STEPHENSON, BLAKE & CO. Specimen of printing- types. 8vo. Sheffield [18S7J. 2197 STEPHENSON, BLAKE & CO. Specimen of printing types etc. 8vo. Shetlield [c. 1890]. 1742 STEPHENSON, BLAKE c\; CO. Specimens of wood letter, etc. Eol. Sheffield [c. 1890J. 2132 STEPHENSON, BLAKE & CO. Specimen of printing types. etc. 8vo. Sheffield [1895]. • • 1705 STEPHENSON, BLAKE & CO. Specimen of Antique Roman suited for book printing. i2mo. Sheffield [1896]. 1361S STEPHENSON, BLAKE & CO. Catalogue of American printing material. 4to. Sheffield, 1897. 399^ STEPHENSON, BLAKE & CO. Specimen of printing types. etc. 8vo. Shefifield [c. 1898]. 1306 STEPHENSON, BLAKE & CO. Specimen of printing types. etc. 8vo. Sheffield [1902J. 2561 STEPHENSON, BLAKE & CO. The point system. Point body. Point Hne. Point set. 4to. [Sheffield, 1903.] 3443 STEPHENSON, BLAKE & CO. A selection of type faces specially adapted for Christmas cards, wedding stationery, etc. 4to. London [1906]. 8039 STEPHENSON, BLAKE & CO. Some useful suggestions for printers of advertisements, etc. 4to. London, 1906. 6515 STEPHENSON, BLAKE & CO. Specimens of point line type, borders, ornaments, brass rules, printing material, machinery. 4to. Sheffield [1907]. 9366 STEPHENSON, BLAKE & CO. Specimens of wood letter, borders and ornaments. 4to. Sheffield [1909J. 11912 STEPHENSON, BLAKE & CO. The Garland Ornament. A few practical illustrations. Obi. 8vo. Sheffield [1909]. 11701 STEPHENSON, BLAKE & CO. Specimens of point line type, etc. 2nd edition. 4to. Sheffield, 1910. 12912 STEPHENSON, BLAKE & CO. Chatsworth and Chatsworth compressed. 4to. Sheffield [c. 1911]- 1539^ STEPHENSON, BLAKE & CO. The Winchester family. 4to. Sheffield [191 1]. ^53^1 STEPHENSON, BLAKE & CO. Saint George: a new face designed specially for all kinds of artistic up-to-date commercial printing, and also for high-class catalogues, books, etc. 4to. London [1912]. 16826 864 STEPHENSON, BLAKE & CO. Specimens showing Spartan, Spartan condensed, Spartan bold, Spartan bold condensed. Spar- tan bold italic and Spartan extra bold. The lining Spartan family. 4to. London [1912]. 16829 STEPHENSON, BLAKE & CO. The story of Sheffield and typefounding. 8vo. Sheffield, 1914. 18590 STEPHENSON, BLAIvE & CO. See Imperial Press Con- ference. STEPNEY : St. George-in-the-East Public Library. 2nd annual report, 1900-1. Svo. London, 1901. 8992 STEREOTYPEUR. DER STEREOTYPEUR. Vol. 12, 1901,, etc. 8vo. Niirnberg, 1901, etc. PP* STERN, E. & CO., Inc. The house: its work. 8vo. Phila- delphia [c. 1912]. 14449 STERNE, K. M. Ein Leben in Liedern. 4to. Frankfurt, 1911. 16216 STERNE, L. The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, gentleman. i6mo. London, 1817. 21834 STERNHOLD, T. SeeBMe: O.T. Psalms. STETTNER, T. Goethe und die Miinchner Lithographic. {In Zeitschrift fiir Biicherfreunde, Vol. 6, 1902, pp. 196-201.) PP STEVENS, B. F. See Fenn, G. M. STEVENS, C. P. The roller guide : a treatise on rollers and compositions. Svo. Boston, 1877. 421 STEVENS, E. T. D. Hys booke for prynters : a reminder. Svo. Leicester [1907]. 18316 STEVENS, G. A. New York Typographical Union No. 6. Study of a modern trade union and its predecessors. Svo. New York, 1912. . 16780 STEVENS, H. Bibliotheca historica ; or, a catalogue of books and MSS. relating to America. Svo. Boston, 1870. 21457 STEVENS, H. Photo-bibliography ; or, a word on printed card catalogues. i6mo. London, 1878. 21155 STEVENS, H. The history of the Oxford Caxton Memorial Bible printed and bound in twelve consecutive hours, June 30, 1S77. i6mo. London, 1878. 21 138 STEVENS, H. The Bibles in the Caxton Exhibition; 1S77. Svo. London, 187S. 20481 STEVENS, H. The Bibles in the Caxton Exhibition, 1S77. [Large paper edition.] Svo. London, 187S. 2139S STEVENS, H. Benjamin Franklin's life and writings. A bibliographical essay on the Stevens' collection. Svo. London, 1881. 21442 865 . 55 STEVENS, H. Stevens's historical collections. Catalogue of the first portion of the collections relating to America which will be sold, etc. 8vo. London, i88i. 21762 STE\'ENS, H. Who spoils our new English books? i6mo. London, 1884. 20186 STEVENS, H. Recollections of Mr. James Lenox of New York and the formation of his library [now part of the New York Public Library]. 8vo. London, 1886. 21537 STEVENS, H. [Mr. Henry Stevens's Franklin collection. Extract from a sale catalogue.] 8vo. [London, c. 1895.] 2617 STEVENS, H. P. The paper mill chemist. i6mo. London, •1908. 9533 STEVENS, H. P. See Beadle, C. and Stevens, H. P. STEVENS, J. C. A catalogue of Japanese and Chinese curios, valuable Baxter coloured prints, etc. 8vo, London, 1905. 7191 STEVENS, R. H. & CO. Specimen book of printing types. 8vo. London, 1909. 11843 STEVENS, R. H. cS: CO. The Strand: a specially-designed- type face produced for effectiveness in book, job and magazine work. 4to. London [1913]. 17040 STEVENS, T. W. Notes on the pictorial book-plate. {In Inland Printer, ]'ol. 29, 1902, pp. 41-44.) PP STEVENS, T. W. Among the makers of books. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 30, 1902-3, pp. 33-37.) PP STEVENS, T. W. At the sign of the red pale. William Caxton. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 35, 1905, pp. 193-196.) PP STEVENS, T. W. Lettering for printers. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 35, 1905, pp. 505, 669, 835.) • PP STEVENS, T. W. The birthplace of the craft. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 40, 1907-8, pp. 35-37.) PP STEVENS, T. W. Art and the printing craft. {In Inland Printer, Vol 40, 1907-8, p. 355— ^'o^- 4i> iQoS, p. 845.) PP STEVENS, W. E. See Trezise, F. J. STEVENSON, J. Catalogue of a valuable and select collection of books, pamphlets, tracts, etc. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1828. 11968 STEVENSON, J. Catalogue of rare and curious books, pam- phlets, etc. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1830. 11967 STEVENSON, J. Chronicon Monasterii de Abingdon. Vol. I. 8vo. London,' 1858. 79^4 STEVENSON, J. See Michel, D. STEVENSON, J. H. The fifteenth-century Scots binding of the Haye manuscript. {In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Publications, Fo/. 6, 190 1-4.) 175^9 865 STEVENSON, R. A. M. See Delaborde, H. STEVENSON, T. Thermometric scales. Reprinted from Vol. 15 of Guy's Hospital Reports. 8vo. [London, c. 1880.] 23244 STEVENSON, T. G. Bibliotheca historica, Scotica, curiosa et rarissima. Descriptive catalogue of an interesting and valuable collection of books. Svo. Edinburgh, 1847. 11966 STEWART, A. Elements of Gaelic grammar. 2nd edition. Svo. Edinburgh, 1812. 5205 STEWART, A. A. The printer's art. Obi. Svo. Salem, 1892. 998 STEWART, A. A. Some notes on the use of abbreviations and contractions. [Leaflet No. 7.] i2mo. Boston, 1905. 156S4 STEWART, A. A. A pamphlet of information concerning the printer's types. [Leaflet No. i.] i2mo. Boston, 1906. 15685 STEWART, E. A documentary history of the early organisa- tions of printers. {In Bulletin of the [U.S.] Bureau of Labor, No. 61, Nov., 1905, pp. 857-1033.) 8401 STEWART, E. R. Telegraphing photographs to the Daily Mirror. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. n, 1907-S, pp. 147-148.) • ^ PP STEW^ART, E. R. Process block making under difficulties. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 190S-9, pp. 97-99.) PP STEWART, G. &: CO. Specimens of printing. 4to. Edin- burgh, 1915. 18S95 STEWART, G. F. British technical schools for printers. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 16, 1895-6, pp. 395-39S.) PP STEWART, G. F. The Edinburgh Typographia. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 17, 1896, p. 275.) PP STEWART, G. F. The influence of Ruskin on typography. {In Inland Printer, ]'ol. 24, 1S99-1900, pp. 827-828.) • PP STEWART, J. D. Advertising a hbrary. {In Library World, Vol. 13, 1910-1, pp. 69-71.) PP STEWART, J. D. An early chapter in the history of book annotation. {In Library World, Vol. 13, 1910-1, pp. 74-77.) PP STEWART, J. D. The librarian as a human being. {In Library World, Vol. 13, 1910-1, pp. 266-26S.) PP STE\\^\RT, J. D. International librarianship versus the village pump, (/n Library World, Vol. 13, 1910-1, pp. 374-376.) PP STEWART, J. D. and CLARKE, O. E. Book selection. Svo. London, 1909. 11404 STEWART, W. The Rae Press at Kirkbrlde and Dumfries. {In Edinburgh Bibliographical Society : Publications, Vol. 6, 1 90 1 -4.) 17569 867 STEWART, W. The early Glasgow printers. {In The Glasgow Herald, May, 1903.) 4157 STEWART, W. On The protestation of the General! As- semblie of the Church of Scotland, made at Glasgow in November, 1638. (In Glasgow Bibliographical Society: Records, Vol. i, 1912-3.) 18124 STIAVELLA, C. Saggio di una bibliografia Pesciatina. Svo. Pescia, 1900. 2060 STIEFVATER, L. Beitrag zur Geschichte des Buchdruckes und Buchhandels in Steiermark. Svo. ^^'ien, 1887. 898 STILLMAN, W. J. Autobiography of a journalist. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1901. 16782 STILLWELL, M. B. The influence of \Mlliam Morris and the Kelmscott Press, as shown by an exhibition of books from the later English presses, at the John Carter Brown Library in December, 191 1. i2mo. Providence, R.I., 1912. 15888 STIMMELL, J. G. Etching by machinery. [In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, J^ol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 145-146.) PP ' STIRLING'S LIBRARY. See Glasgow: Stirling's Library. STOCKBAL'ER, J. Abbildungen von Mustereinbanden aus dcr Bliithezeit der Buchbinderkunst. Fol. Leipzig [c. 1896]. 637 STOCKHOLM. Boktryckarekonstens i Sverige Fyrahun- draarsfest i Stockholm, i-io Juli, 1883. Svo. Stockholm, 1885. 3583 STOCKHOLM : Foreningen for Bokhandtverk. Meddelande, 1904. 4to. Stockholm, 1904. 9640 STOCKHOLM : Kungl. Bibliothek. Forteckning ofver Kungl. Bibliothekets Samling af samtida berattelser om Sveriges Krig, jemte uppgift pa saknade. Svo. Stockholm, 1867. 21598 STOCKHOLM : Kungl. Bibliothek. Utstallning af inkun- abler i Kungl. Bibliotheket. [By] I. Collijn. 4to. Stockholm, 1904. 9639 STOCKMANN, A. C, praes. De famosis libellis. Scctio prior. 4to. Lipsiae [1799]. 22850 STOCKMEYER, I. and REBER, B. Beitrage zur Basler Buch- druckergeschichte. 4to. Basel, 1S40. 20760 STOCKUM, ( ) v. Catalogue d'une collection unique de publications de Giamb. Bodoni. Svo. La Haye, 1913. 18283 STOCKUM, W. P. v. Apergu de I'organisation de la librairie neerlandaise. Svo. Amsterdam, 1908. 10784 STOCKUM, W. P. v., jiin. La librairie, I'imprimerie et la presse en Hollande a travers quatre siecles. Documents pour servir a I'histoire de leurs relations Internationales. Fol. La Haye, 1910. 134^5 868 STOCKUM, W. P. v., jnn. Congres International des Editeurs. Vile, session. Amsterdam, 1910. Discours prononce a la seance d'ouverture. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1910. 13439 STOCKUM, W. P. v., jitu. See Kleerkooper, M'. M. STOEBER, A. Die Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst. 8vo. Strassburg", 1840. 20955 (?) STOEBER, A. Petite revue d'ex-libris Alsaciens. 8vo. Mul- house, 1881. 23431 STOER BROS. & COLES, Ltd. Catalogue and price list of patent machine-cut wood type, etc. 4to. London [c. 1900]. 2134 STOER BROS. & COLES, Ltd. Specimens of process inks. Obi. 8vo. London [c. 1906]. . 8953 STOER BROS. & COLES, Ltd. Catalogue and price list of patent machine-cut wood type. 4to. London [c. 1907]. 8951 STOER BROS. & COLES, Ltd. Price list of letterpress and litho. materials, joinery and printers' sundries. 4to. London [c. 1907]. 8952 STOER BROS. & COLES, Ltd. Price list [and specimens] of printing inks. 8vo. London [c. 1910]. 13603 STOGER, F. X. Zwei der altesten deutschen Druckdenkmaler beschrieben und in neuem Abdruck mitgetheilt von F. X. S. 8vo. Miinchen, 1833. 3480 STOKE NEWINGTON: Public Library. 4th, etc., annual report of the commissioners, 1893-4, etc. 8vo. London, 1894, etc. 8993 STOKE NEWINGTON : Public Library. Milton Tercentenary. Catalogue of exhibits [books, etc., from the collection of Wynne E. Baxter and others]. 8vo. London, 1908. 15524 STOKE-UPOX-TREXT : Church Congress, 191 1. A collec- tion of books illustrating the art of music printing during the 15th, i6th and 17th centuries exhibited. i2mo. [Stoke-upon-Trent], 191 1. 17494 STOKES, H. P. See Shakespeare, W. STOLE, J. See Claudin, A. STOLZE, F. Photographisches Lexikon. (Encycklopadie der Photographic, Heft. 61.) 8vo. Halle a. S., 1908. 10764 STONE, Sir B. Die Photographic im dienste der Volkskunde. [Photographs taken by Sir B. Stone and exhibited at the Photo- graphic Exhibition at Dresden, 1909.] 8vo. Dresden, 1909. 13510 STONE, J. M. Our national collections of MSS. The Har- leian library. {In Blackwood's Magazine, Oct., 1897.) 1591 STONHILL, W. J. William Caxton. {In Social Hours, No. 38, 1878.) 22934 869 STONHILL, \\'. J. Paper pulp from wood, straw and other libres in the past and present. 8vo. [c. 1885. J 22512 STOPFORD, F. The works of a newspaper. {In Pearson's Magazine, Aug., 1903.) 3617 STORY, A. T. The story of photog^raphy. i2mo. London, 1898. 1080 STOTE, A. A master craftsman. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp. 81-92.) PP STOUPE, F. G. A. Memoire sur le retablissement de la com- munaute des imprimeurs de Paris : suivi de reflexions sur les contrefa^ons en librairie et sur le stereotypage. 8vo. Paris, 1806. 22462 STOUPE, F. G. A. See CaiUe & Ravier. STOUPI, M. de. Catalogue des livres de la bibliothfeque. Svo. Li^ge, 1786. 15818 STOWER, C. Typographical marks, used in correcting proofs, explained and exemplified : for the use of authors. 8vo. London, 1805. 22265 STOWER, C. The compositor's and pressman's guide to the art of printing. Svo. London, 1808. 11025 STO\\'ER, C. The printer's grammar. 8vo. London, 1808. 20487 STOWER, C. The printer's price book. Svo. London, 1S14. 20412 STO^\'ER, C. Typographical marks, employed in correcting proofs, explained and exemplified-: for the use of authors. 3rd edition. Svo. London, 1822. 22264 STRACKERJAN, C. F. Geschichte der Buchdruckerei im Herzogthum Oldenburg und der Herrschaft Jever. Fine Festgabe. Svo. Oldenburg, 1840. . 22316 STRAELEN, J. B. v. d. Geslagt-lyste der nakomelingen van den vermaerden C. Plantin : waer by gevoegd is eene geslagt- lyste der familie Mouretorft" alias Moretus. 4to. Antwerpen, 1S5S. 1810 STRAFFORD, Earl of. Depositions and articles against Thomas, Earl of Strafford, Feb. 16, 1640. 4to. [London], 1640. 21 169 (2) 21169 (i) STRAFFORD, Earl of. The Earle of Strafford's letter to His most excellent Maiestie, 4th May, 1641. 4to. London, 1641. 21169(4) STRAFFORD, Earl of. The conclusion of the Earle of Straf- ford's defence, the 12th of April, 1641. 4to. [London], 1641. 21169(3) STRAHAN family. See Leigh, R. A. A. STRAITS produce. No. 2. Fol. Singapore, 1S70. 6686 870 STRAKER, C. Inslructionb in the art of lithography. 8vo. London, 1867. 2858 STRAKER, C. .S'^e Ruse, G. and Straker, C. STRAKI'^R, W. A catalogue of an extensive collection of books in English and foreign theology. 8\ o. London [c. 1850]. 16808 (5) STRAKER, \\". Theological literature, ancient and modern. A catalogue of scarce and valuable books. 7 pts. 8vo. London. 1850-2. 16808(6) STRANG, W. See Singer, H. W. and Strang, \V. STRANGE, A. le P. Printers' accounts, (/n The Business Man's Magazine, Dec, 1907, pp. g6-io8.) 9488 .STRANGE, E. F. The writing-books of the i6th century. [In Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. 3, 1895.) 56 STRANGE, E. F. Alphabets. A handbook of lettering with historical, critical and practical descriptions. 8vo. London, 1895. 423 STRANGE, E. F. Japanese illustration : a history of the arts of wood-cutting and colour-printing in Japan. 8vo. London, 1897. 424 STRANGE, E. F. The modern illuminator. {In The Art Workers' Quarterly, Jan., 1902.) 2562 STRANGE, E. F. The colour prints of Japan : an appreciation and history. i2mo. London, 1904. 3772 STRANGE, E. F. Early pattern books of lace, embroidery and needlework. {In Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. 7, 1904.) . 56 STRANGE, E. F. Japanese illustration. A history of the arts of wood-cutting and colour-printing in Japan. 2nd edition. 8vo, London, 1904. 10815 STRANGE, E. F. Japanese colour prints. 8vo. London, 1904. 4542 STRANGE, E. F. Japanese colour-prints. {In Royal Society of Arts: Journal, Vol. 62, Jan. 1914, pp. 221-227.) 18000 STRANGE, E. F. See Goupil & Co. STRANGE THE PRINTER, Ltd. A catalogue of modern designs in sale printing specially prepared for the drapery and allied trades. Obi. .8vo. Eastbourne [1910]. 13843 STRANSKY, P. Respublica Bojema. i6mo. Lugd. Bat., 1643. 21968 STRAPAROLE, J. F. Les facecieuses nuits. i6mo. Lyon, 161 1. 5473 STRASSBURG. Der Stadt Strassburg erneuerte Ordnung die Buchdruckerey und den Buchhandel betraffend de anno 1786. Fol. Strassburg [1786]. M'SQ 871 STRASSBURG. Programme des fetes qui auront lieu a Stras- bourg- pour I'inauguration de la statue de Gutenberg et la cele- bration de 46. anniversaire sfeculaire de I'invention de I'imprimene, les 24-26 juin, 1840. 4to. Strasbourg-, 1840. 21983(1) STRASSBURG. Comite du monument Gutenberg. S. sh. 4to. Strasbourg-, 1840. ' 21983(2) STRASSBURG. Gesilnge bei der 4ten. Sacularfeier der Er- findung der Buchdruckerkunst, in der Neuen Kirche zu Strassburg, Mittwoch, den 24 Juni, 1840. 8vo. Strassburg, 1840. 21983(5) STRASSBURG. Gesange bei der 4ten. Sacularfeier der Er- findung der Buchdruckerkunst in Strassburg. 8vo. [Strassburg, 1840.] 22491 (i) STRASSBURG. Die Kunst der alten Buchbinder auf der Ausstellung von Bucheinbanden im alten Schloss zu Strassburg, Okt., 1907. 8vo. Halle a.d. S. , 1909. iio59 STRATEN-POUTHOZ, F. v. d. Les neuf preux gravure sur bois du commencement du 156. sifecle : Fragments de I'Hotel-de- Ville de Metz. 8vo. Pau, 1864. 22749 STRATFORD-UPON-AVON : Shakespeare Library. A cata- logue of the books, etc., in the Shakespeare library and museum in Henley Street. 8vo. London, 1868. 6062 STRATHIVIORE PAPER CO. Old Stratford deckle edge book paper. Edition 7. 8vo, Mitteneague, 191 3. 18249 STRAUB, L. See Binkert, G. [STRAUS, R.] Our noble selves : a portion of an epic. By ye rhymer. Imprynted for presentation to ye Sette of Odd Volumes. 4to. London, 1909. ii759 STRAUS, R. Robert Dodsley : poet, publisher and playwright. 8vo. London, 1910. 12 175 STRAUS, R. and DENT, R. K. John Baskerville : a memoir. 4to. London, 1907. 8760 STREATHAM : Public Library. Sixth, etc., annual report, 1896-7, etc. 8vo. London, 1897, etc. 8994 STRECKER, ( ). See Blecher, C. ; Eberle, E. and Good- man, J. STREET'S NEWSPAPER DIRECTORY FOR 1900. 4to. London, 1900. PP STREETING, G. Streeting's British phonetic system, being orthographic reform suggested for and applied to the English language. i2mo. Canterbury, 1901. 7394 STRETTELL, G. W. A new source of revenue for India [i.e. fibre for paper-making]. 8vo. London, 1878. 8615 STRIGELIUS, V. Upomnemata in omnes libros Novi Testa- ment!. 2 vols. 8vo. Lipsiae, 1565. 4648 872 Litteratur, Bd. 2, St. 2, 1791.) STROHL, H. G. Die Wappen Wien, 1 89 1. STROHL, H. G. CartOLichen 1 Wien [c. 1895]. STRONG, H. 0. & CO. A cc STRIXGERTYPE. The Stringertype. Extracts from press opinions. 8vo. London [igobj. 16^0^ STRIXGERTYPE MANUFACTURING CO. (1909). The Stringertype composing- and casting machine. 8vo. London [1909]- 1 1 561 STRINGERTYPE MANUFACTURING CO., Ltd. The Stringertype composing and typecasting machine. 8vo. London [c. 1914]. 18448 STRINGERTYPE MANUFACTURING CO., Ltd. The Universal typecasting machine. (Nuremberger-Rettig.) 8vo. London [c. 1914]. i8449 STROBACH, C. See Kirchner, E. STROBEL, G. T. Nachricht von den ersten und altesten grie- chischen Drucken zu Wittenberg. {In liis Neue Beytrage zu 4068 der Buchgewerbe. 4to. 7032 und L^mrahmungen. 4to. 495 A comprehensive catalogue of machinery for letterpress and lithographic printing and the allied trades. 4to. Bristol [1904]. 48-4 STRONG, H. O. & CO. Catalogue B. Printers' and book- binders' furniture, rule and sundries. 4to. Bristol, 1905. 8507 STRONG, H. O. &: SONS, Ltd. The Strong round-cornering, punching, eyeletting, stabbing, thumb-hole cutting machine. Obi. 8vo. London [c. 1906]. 8506 STRONG, H." O. & SONS, Ltd. What we make for printers. A collection of machines and tools useful and profitable for printers. 8vo. Bristol [191 1]. ^7797 STRONG, H. O. & SONS, Ltd. A collection of machines and tools useful and profitable for printers. 8vo. Bristol [1912]. 16742 STRONG, W. A catalogue of foreign divinity. 8vo. Exeter, 1830. 1 1933 STRONG'S REMINDER. Vol. i, 1909, etc. 4to. Bristol, 1909. PP STRUDWICK, W. Photography in the sixties. (In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, T'oZ. 2, 1896, pp. 78-81.) PP STRL^VE, B. G. Introductio ad notitiam rei litterariae et usum bibliothecarum. 2a. editio. (Supplementa.) 2 pts. 8vo. Jenae, 1706-10. 20063 STRYIENSKI, C. See Christie, R. C. STRYPE, J. The life and acts of Matthew Parker, Arch- bishop of Canterbury. Fol. London, 1711. 5128 873 STUART, M. A grammar of the Hebrew language. 4th edition. Svo. Oxford, 1831. 3422 STUBBS, W. H. Stubbs's manual. A practical treatise on Linotype keyboard manipulation. Revised 3rd edition. i6mo. Baltimore, 1902. 9616 STUCK! US, J. G. See Arrian. STUCKRAD, G. Programm fur das Gutenbcrgs-Jubilaum des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. 8vo. Offenbach, 1837. 23419 STUFF, H. S. Menu and banquet printing. (In Inland Printer, Vol 28, 1901-2, pp. 359-363.) PP STURM, C. C. Reflections on the works of God, and of His Providence throughout all nature. Translated by the Rev. Dr. Balfour. Vol. 2. i2mo. London, 181 7. 18737 STURM, L. C. Prodomus architecturae Goldmannianae. Fol. Augspurg, 1714. 16713 STURT, C. See Milton, J. STURT, J. A catalogue of a small collection of books. 8vo. London, 1810. 16556(4) STURT, J. Part i. A catalogue of books. 8vo. London, T819. ^ ^ 16556(5) STUTTGART. Das vierte Sacularfest der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst begangen zu Stuttgart am Juni 1840. 4to. Stuttgart, 1840. 21677 STUTTGART. Festgaben aus dem Stuttgarter Verlag. Fol. Stuttgart, 1882. 202 STUTTGAI^T. Katalog der Graphischen Ausstellung der \A'urttembcrgischen Buch- und Druck-Gewerbe. [With intro- duction by T. Goebel.] 4to. Stuttgart, 1889. 22025 SL^CCESSFUL. The successful bookseller. A complete guide to success to all engaged in a retail bookselling, stationery and fancy goods business. 4to. London, 1906. 10687 SUCKSDORF, J. G. See Brehm, C. SUDHOh'F, K. Die Herkunft des Strassburger Druckers Johannes Gruninger. (In Zeitschrift fiir Biicherfreunde, Vol. 4, 1 90 1, pp. 440-441.) PP SUDHOFF, K. Deutsche medizinische Inkunabeln. [Studien zur Geschichte der Medizin, He/f. 2-3.] 8vo. Leipzig, 1908. 11282 SUDHOFF, K. See Schubert, E. and Sudhoff, K. SUE, P. Notice et extrait raisonne d'un livre de medecine devenu si rare, qu'on n'en connait que deux ou trois exemplaires, avec des notes historiques, litteraires et critiques. 8vo. Paris, 1807. -3300 SUECIA, sive de Suecorum regis dominus et opidus. i6mo. Lugd. Bat., 1633. 21955 SUETONIUS. Vitae Caesarum. Fol. Bologna, 1493. 5703 874 SULKOWSKI, J. A. M. de. Vier-honderdjarig- jubelfeest van de uitvinding- der boekdrukkunst door ].. J. Koster. 8vo Amsterdam, 1823. 21591 SULLIVAN, T. R. The new building of -the Boston Pubhc Library. (In Scribner's Magazine, Jan., 1896.) 1628 SULLIVAN, T. \\ See L'nderwood, N. and SulHvan, T. V. SULLIVAN, W. J. Stereotyping. {In Paris: Exhibition, 1889: Reports of artisans, 1889.) 45W SUMMERBELL, L. See Tennyson, A. Lord. SUMNER, C. The best portraits in engraving. 4th edition. 8vo. New York [1872]. 4208 SUN pictures : a series of twenty hehotype illustrations of ancient and modern art with descriptive letterpress. Fol. London, 1872. 17730 SUN. See Grant, P. SUNDERLAND. Bibliotheca Sunderlandiana. Sale cata- logue of the Sunderland or Blenheim Library. Fts. 1-5. [Priced. 1 8vo. London, 1S81-3. ii8S5 SUNDERLAND : Public Libraries, Museum and Art Gallery. Catalogue of the permanent collection in the art gallery. Com- piled by J. A. C. Deas. 8vo. Sunderland, 1908. 18128 SUNDERLAND, J. Some mysteries of printing. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 46, April 12, 1900, pp. 215-216.) PP SUNDERLAND, J. S. Electrotyping half-tone blocks. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 6, 1900, pp. 74-75.) PP SUNDERLAND, J. S. Twenty years of electrotyping in London. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 47, Oct. 25, 1900, pp. 230-231.) PP SUNDERLAND, J. S. English and American electrotypers. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 7, 1901, pp. 87-88.) PP SUNDERLAND, J. S. On some novelties in electrotyping and stereotyping. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 52, April 9, 1903, pp. 249-250.) PP SUNDERLAND, J. S. Electrotyping- of three-colour blocks. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 10, 1904-5, pp. 137-138.) PP SUNDERLAND, J. S. Various methods of duplicate plate making. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, pp. 159-160.) PP SUNDERLAND, J. S. Block makers and printers. (7n Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 99-100.) PP SUNDERLAND, J. S. Autochrome and other colour processes. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 145-146.) PP SUNDERLAND, J. S. Grain colour blocks. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, pp. 2^-27.) PP S75 SUNDERLAND, J. S. The proi^rcss of newspaper illus- trations. [In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, To/. 17, 1911-2, pp. 193-195-) PP SUNDT, E. Norges Handel og- Industri. Bind i. 8vo. Christiania, 1907. ii44- SUPERIOR. THE SUPERIOR PRINTER. Vols. 1-3, 18S7-90. 4to. Cincinnati, 1887-90. PP SUPPLICATIONS of an ancient parent. 8vo. Bath, 1789. 8008 SUPPLY. The supply of paper. {In The Quarterly Review, Vol. 97, 1855.) ^ 22695 SUR le nouveau projet de loi rclatif a la presse. 8vo. Paris, 1814. 23382 SL'RFACE, H. E. Paper pulps from various forest woods. [U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Forest Products Laboratory Series.] i2mo. Washington, 1912. 15898 SURFACE, H. E. Bibliography of the pulp and paper indus- tries. 8vo. Washington, 19 13. 17316 SL^RFACE, H. E. Effects of varying- certain cooking- con- ditions in producing- soda pulp from aspen. [Bulletin of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. No. 80.] 8vo. Washing-ton, 1914. 18581 SURFACE, iM. When nature fails, then art steps in. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, l^ol. 2, 1896, pp. 75-77.) PP SURFACE, M. Art in tone engraving-. {In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, ToZ. 4, 1898, pp. 49-53.) PP SURGERES, Marq. de G. de. Notes sur les anciens impri- meurs Nantais (i5e. a i8e. si^cle). 8vo. Paris, 1898. 17874 SUS, F. W. See Flinsch, F. SUSS, M. V. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Typographic und des Buchhandels im vormaligen Erzstifte nun Herzogthume Salz- burg. i2mo. Salzburg, 1845. 11302 SUSSEX, Duke of. See Pettigrew, T. G. SUTCLIFFE, F. M. Process from the photographic point of view. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 4, 1898, pp. 22-24.) PP SUTCLIFFE, F. M. The selection of photographs for publi- cations. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 9, 1903-4, pp. 119-120.) PP SUTCLIFFE, F. M. The half-tone process by a professional photographer. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, I'd. 10, 1904-5, pp. 101-102.) PP SUTCLIFFE, F. I\I. Cheap pictures. {Li Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, pp. 109- no.) PP SUTCLIFFE, F. M. A half-tone block. {In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 127-128.) PP 876 SUTCLIFFE, F. M. On the fading of colour prints. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, p. 184.) PP SUTCLIFFE, F. M. The fine etcher. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 17-20.) PP SUTTERLIX, L. See Baensch-Drugulin, J. SUTTINA, L. I piu antichi libri stampati a Cividale del Friuli. 8vo. Udine, 1906. 12 199 SUTTON, C. Godly meditations upon the most holy sacra- ment of the Lord's Supper. 14th impression. i6mo. London, 1683. 1758 SUTTON, C. \\'. Special collections of books in Lancashire and Cheshire. 8vo. AlDerdeen, 1900. 2840 SUTTON, T. A treatise on the positive collodion process. 8vo. London, 1S57. 15022 (2) SVENSK BOKTRYCKAREFORENINGEXS MEDDELAN- DEN. See AUmanna Svenska Boktryck. Meddelanden. SVENSK PAPPERS— TIDNING. Vol. 7, 1904. 4to. Stock- holm, 1904. PP SWAIN, J. & SONS, Ltd. Reproductions in three printings. 4to. London [1901]. 2486 SWAIN, J. & SON, Ltd. [Specimens of three-colour work.] Obi. i6mo. London [c. 1904]. 6760 SWAIN, J. & SON, Ltd. Stock tints and stipples for use in line-zinco and half-tone blocks. Sm. 4to. London [1911]. 15451 SWAIN, J. & SON, Ltd. Stock tints and stipples for use in line-zinco and half-tone blocks. Enlarged edition. 4to. London [c. 1914]. 17824 SWAIN, J. & SON, Ltd. See Kitton, F. G. SWAIN'S QUARTERLY. Vol. i, 1905, etc. 4to. London, 1905, etc. PP SWAN, J. Dreadful fire in Fleet Street. [An appeal on behalf of J. S.J S. sh. 8vo. London, 1807. 2408 SWART, De, en ZOON. Gedenkschrift ter gelegenheid van het honderdjarig bestaan van de boekdrukkerij der firma De Swart en Zoon, 1804-1904. 4to. 's Gravenhage, 1904. 17706 SWEDEN. Sveriges Offentliga Bibliotek. Stockholm. Up- sala. Lund. Accessions-Katalog, I. i88r3 (3. 1888). 2 vols. 8vo. Stockholm, 1887-9. 23283 SWEDENBORG, E. See Hyde, J. SWEYNHEYM, C. See Edmond, J. P. ; Duff, E. G. SWIFT, J. Gulliver's Reisen in unbekannte Lander. 4te. Auflage. Mit Illustrationen in Farbendruck. Svo. Stuttgart [c. 1870]. 15768 877 SWIFT, L. The value of precedent in printing. {In The Printing- Art, J'ol. i, 1903, p. 32.) PP SW'U^ r, L. The atmosphere of the past in the art of printing. (In The Printing Art, T'o/. 3, 1904, p. i.) PP SWIFT, L. See Boston: PiibHc Library; Van Rensselaer, M. G. and Swift, L. SWINDEN, T. An enquiry into the nature and place of Hell. 2nd edition. 8\o. London, 1727. 7657 SWINDON AND N. WILTS. : Secondary School and Tech"- nical Institution. Prospectus for the i8th session, 1908-9, for report for 1907-8. 8vo. Swindon, 1908. 11277 SWINK PRINTING PRESS CO. Catalog. The Svvink two- revolution press. Obi. 8vo. Delphos [1913]. 17885 SYBILS. De sibyllis. [\ series of engravings on copper.] 8vo. [c. 1650.] 20107 SYDNEY : Free Public Library. Inventory of the books as arranged in the presses to 31 Dec, 1875. 8vo, [Sydney, 1876.] 10761 (2) SYDNEY : Free Public Library. Catalogue. Reference de- partment. 8vo. Sydney, 1878. 10761 (i) SYDNEY: Technical College. Calendar, 1903, etc. 8vo. Sydney, 1903, etc. 6733 SYDNEY : Technical College. A quarter century of technical education in New South Wales. [Printing and Lithography, pp. 220-226.] 4to. Sydney, 1909. 16135 SYKES, M. and SANDARS, E. D'Ordel's Pantechnicon: an universal directory of the mechanical art of manufacturing illustrated magazines. 8vo. London, 1904. 447° SYMMONS, G. On a simple method of obtaining tri-colour blocks in exact registration at the margin. [In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, To/. 9, 1903-4, p. 125.) PP SYMMONS, G. W^orking details with collodion emulsion. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, ]'ol. 9, 1903-4, pp. 137-140.) PP SYMON, J. D. The press and its story. An account of the birth and development of journalism up to the present day, with the history of all the leading newspapers. 8vo. London, 1914 [1913]. 17487 SYMONDS, W. S. Old stone>^. 8vo. Malvern, 1855. 15403 SALMONS, A. Portraits anglais. [William Morris, pp. 49-76.] Svo. Bruges, 1907. , 13-89 SYNDICAT GENERAL DES IMPRIMEURS. See Delalain, A. H. J. SZCZEPANSKI, F. v. Bibliotheca Polytechnia. Directory of technical literature. First annual issue, 1889. Svo. London, 1890. 524 878 T T. De Haarlemsche boekdrukkers en boekverkoopers in de 156. — i8e. eeuw. i2mo. [? Haarlem, 1864.] 23055 T : H. P. The eclectic handbook of printing- : containing practical instructions to learners. 3rd edition. 8vo. Birmingham [c. 1880]. 1420 T : W. J. Curll papers. Stray notes on the life and publi- cations of Edmund Curll. i2mo. [London], 1879. 8743 TABERNAE. Excursion du 9 juin, 1872. [?of some of the employees of the house of Berger-Levrault.] 8vo. Strasbourg, 1872. 23417 TABLEAU des libraires, imprimeurs et editeurs de livres des principales villas de I'Europe. i2mo. Paris, 1804. 12610 TACHYTYPE MANUFACTURING CO. The Tachytype composing machine. 8vo. London [c. 1897]. 4012 TACITUS, C. C. Opera quae extant omnia. 2 vols. i2mo. Glasguae, 1743. 5609 TAGG, T. A collection of pretty poems. Goth edition. 24mo. London, 1768. 5481 TAILLANDER, A. Proems d'Estienne Dolet, imprimeur et libraire a Lyon, 1543-6. 8vo. Paris, 1836. 22439 TAILLANDER, A. Resume historique de I'introduction de I'imprimerie a Paris. 8vo. Paris, 1837. 20766 TAIT, J. See Glasgow. TALBOT, C. H. Some account of Fox Talbot's process of photographic engraving, [hi Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 8, 1902-3, pp. 9-16.) PP TALBOT, F. A. Some famous newspaper scoops. Stories of jour- nalistic enterprise. (In Harmsworth's Magazine, June 1900.) 8679 TALBOT, F. A. Engraving by light : how a process block is made. (In The Strand, Vol. 48, Dec. 1914, pp- 734-741.) 18607 TALBOT, G., Princess Borghese. See Campana Romana, G. P. TALBOT, H. F. Sun pictures in Scotland. 8vo. London, 1845. 15122 879 TALBOT, H. F. Photographic engraving. [In Journal of the Photographic Society, Vol. i, 1853, pp. 42-44, 62-64.) ^S'^?^ TALBOT, H. F. Description of Mr. Fox Talbot's new process of photographic engraving, {in The Photographic News, Vol. I, 1858, pp. 73-75.) 10040 TALFOURD, T. N. Speech on literary property delivered in the House of Commons, i8th May, 1837. 8vo. London [1837]. 15150 TALFOURD, T. N. A speech in the House of Commons, 25th April, 1838, on the Bill to amend the law of copyright. 8vo. London, 1838. 15 151 TALFOURD, T. N. Three speeches delivered in the House of Commons in favour of a measure for an extension of copyright, to which are added the petitions in favour of the Bill and remarks on the present state of the copyright question. i2mo. London, 1840. 18746 TALLENT, A. A. K. A diffraction spectroscope camera. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 7, 1901, pp. 49-56.) PP TALLENT, A. A. K. The spectroscopic camera. Notes on the use of Tallent's diffraction spectroscopic camera. 8vo. London [c. 1904]. 6919 TALLENT, A. A. K. See Bolas, T., Tallent, A. A. K. and Senior, E. TANGANELLI, U. . .Canto . del . tipografo Itahano. 8vo. Firenze, 1879. 22618 TANNER'S TRADE CIRCULAR. Vol. i, 1906, etc. 8vo. London, 1906, etc. PP TANSUR, W. A new musical grammar. i2mo. London, 1746. 20213 TAPLEY, J. F. The binding. {In Hitchcock, F. H. : The building of a book, 1906, pp. 237-247.) 8824 [TAPLING, J.] Folious appearences. A consideration on our ways of lettering books. 8vo. London, 1854. ' 205 TARBE, E. Fonderie. le. cahier. Caracteres romains et italiques, lettres de titres et d'ailiches. 8vo. Paris, 1835. 5714 TARBE, E. & CIE. Epreuves de caracteres. 8vo. Paris, 1839- 9875 TARBOURIECH, A. L'ne Bible manuscrite et enluminee de la Biblioth^que d'Auch. (i3e. si^cle.) 8vo. Auch, 1862. 22855 TARTINI, F. See Ridolfi, C. and Tartini, F. TASCHEN-KALENDAR FUR LITHOGRAPHEN, STEIN- DRUCKER, etc. Jahrbuch fiir das lithographische Gewerbe. 8vo. Karlsruhe, 1904, etc. PP TASSIS, S. A. Guide du correcteur et du compositeur, donnant la solution des pricipales diflicultes pour I'emploi des lettres majuscules et minuscules dans I'ecriture et I'impression. 8vo. Paris, 1856. 21272 880 TASSIS, S. A. Guide du correcteur donnant la solution des principales diflicultes I'emploi des lettres majuscules et minuscules dans I'ecriture et Timpression. loe. edition. 8vo. Paris [c. 1880]. 426 TASSIS, S. A. Traite pratique de la ponctuation. 46. edition. Svo. Paris, 1882. 427 TASSO, T. La Gierusalemme liberata. 2 vols. i2mo. Glasgua, 1763. 5038 TASSO, T. Aminta : favola Boschereccia con altre poesie, i2mo. Livorno, 1802. 4557 TATARETUS, P. Expositio. 4to. Parhisiis, 1514. 6265(2) TATARETUS, P. Summulum cum textu Petri Hispani. 4to. [c. 1540.] 6265(1) TATARETUS, P. Questiones totius materie artius quattuor librorum sententiarum. 410. [Parisiis, c. 1540.] 6265 (3) TATE, N. See Bible : O.T. : Psalms. TATLER. The Tatler. ATo^. 2-203. ^^^- London, 1709-10. 5780 TAUBEL, C. G. Orthotypographisches Handbuch. 8vo. Leipzig, 1788. 2 10 1 2 TAUBEL, C. G. Praktisches Handbuch der Buchdrucker- kunst fiir Anfanger. 2 pts. 8vo. Leipzig, 1791. 20941 TAUBEL, C .G. AUgemeines theoretisch-praktisches Worter- buch der Buchdruckerkunst und Schriftgiesserey. 2 vols. 8vo. Wien, 1805. 20935 TAUBEL, C. G. \'ollstandiges theoretisch-praktisches Lehr- buch der Buchdruckerkunst. 2 vols. 8vo. Wien, 1809-10. 20962 TAUCHNITZ, B. Fiinfzig Jahre der Verlagshandlung Bern- hard Tauchnitz, 1837-87. 8vo. Leipzig, 1887. 7629 TAUCHNITZ, K. Proben aus der Schriftgiesserei. Fol. Leipzig, 1825. 6170 TAURINIUS, C. F. Lesenswerthe Schicksale und Abenteuer aus dem Leben eines Buchdruckers von der Wiege bis auf sein vierzigstes Lebensjahr. 8vo. Winterthur, 1841. 21201 TAVERNER, R. The garden of wysdome. i6mo. [London, c. 1550-] 21135 TAWSE, G. James Watson, the Edinburgh printer. (In The Bibliographer, Vol. 2, 1882, pp. 124-130.) 5594 TAYLEURE, J. A catalogue of books. 8vo. London, 1823. 16556 (6) TAYLOR, A. See Taylor, J. and A. TAYLOR, A. K. A short sketch of the invention and early history ©f printing. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 15, 1895, p. 394 — Vol. 16, 1895-6, p. 290.) PP 881 56 TAYLOR, E. S. The history of playing cards, with anecdotes of their use in conjuring-, fortune-telling and card-sharping. 8vo. London, 1865. 8519 TAYLOR, G. R. S. Leaders of socialism, past and present. [William Morris, pp. 110-118.] 8vo. London, 1908. 18586 TAYLOR, L History of the transmission of ancient books to modern times. 8vo. London, 1827. 20044 TAYLOR, L History of the transmission of ancient books to modern times. New edition. 8vo. London, 1859. 8030 TAYLOR, I. History of the transmission of ancient books to modern times. New edition. i2mo. Liverpool, 1875. 8031 TAYLOR, L The alphabet : an account of the origin and development of letters. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1883. 6827 TAYLOR, L Some typographical survivals. [Abbreviations.] {In The Newbery House Magazine, Vol. 5, Oct., 1895, PP- 461-470.) 6777 TAYLOR, J. The life of Jesus Christ. i2mo. London [c. 1730]- 2 1 127 TAYLOR, J. Records of my life. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1832. 21745 TAYLOR, J. The Bible garden. 2nd edition. i2mo. London [c. 1835]. 10618 TAYLOR, J. The monastic scriptorium. (In The Library, Vol. 2, 1890, pp. 237, 291.) 2464 TAYLOR, J. The first English free library and its founders. [The Bristol Kalendars.] {In Murray's Magazine, Nov. 1891.) 1609 TAYLOR, J. John Taylor, book lover and printer. [North- ampton.] 8vo. Northampton, 1901. 18672 TAYLOR, J. See Johnston, W. TAYLOR, J. and A. Little Ann and other poems. Illustrated by K. Greenaway. Printed in colours by E. Evans. 8vo. London [c. 1885]. 3788 TAYLOR, L. A. Some of the public institutions of Bristol. 8vo. Bristol, 1900. 8091 TAYLOR, R. [The manuscript diary of R. T., printer, 1797-8.] 8vo. 1 836 1 TAYLOR, S. An universal system of stenography or short- hand writing. 4th edition. 8vo. London, 1807. 2879 TAYLOR, S. See Axon, \V. E. A. ; Bushill, T. W. TAYLOR, W. Focussing. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 6, 1900, p. 32.) PP TAYLOR, W. Focussing with the modern anastigatat. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, I'oZ; 7, 1901, pp. 121-124.) PP 882 TAYLOR, W. L. Peterhead literature during the past century. (In Transactions of the Buchan Field Club, April 1902.) 2646 TAYLOR, GARNETT, EVANS & CO., Ltd. Printing, old and new. [By L. Lacey.] 8vo. Manchester [c. 1912]. 18076 TAYLOR, GARNETT, EVANS & CO., Ltd. Printing, old and new. [By L. Lacey. Quarto edition.] 4to. Manchester [c. 1912]. 18076A TAYLOR, TAYLOR & HOBSON, Ltd. Engraving machinery. 8vo. London [c. 1914]. 18490 TEALL, F. H. The compounding of English words : when and why joining or separation is preferable, with concise rules and alphabetical lists. i2mo. New York, 1891. i4-7 TEALL, F. H. English compound words and phrases : a reference list with statement of principles and rules. 8vo. New York, 1892. 1429 TEALL, F. H. Proper order of parts in a book. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 18, 1896-7, pp. 416-417.) PP TEALL, F. H. The book make-up. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 18, 1896-7, pp. 535-537-) PP TEALL, F. H. Punctuation : with chapters on hyphenization, capitalization and spelling. i2mo. New York, 1898. 1484 TEALL, F. H. Errors in Linotype composition. {In Inland Printer, T'oL 22, 1898-9, pp. 289-291.) PP TEALL, F. H. Proof-reading. A series of essays for readers and their employers. 8vo. Chicago, 1899. 1452 TEALL, F. H. Evolution in language. (/?z Inland Printer, Vol. 42, 1908. p. 43, etc.) ^ PP TECHENER, J. Description bibliographique des livres choisis en tous genres. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1855-8. 13274 TECHENER, J. See Bulletin du Bibliophile. TECHENER, J. and TECHENER, L. Histolre de la biblio- philie. Reliures : recherches sur les bibliotheques des plus cel^bres amateurs : armorial des bibliophiles. Pts. i-io. Fol. Paris, 1 86 1 -4. 640 TECHENER, L. Repertoire universel de bibliographic. Vol. I. 8vo. Paris, 1869. 17228 TECHENER, .L. Des mesures urgentes a prendre en faveur de la librairie. Projet pr^sente au gouvernement. 8vo. Paris, 1871. 12642 TECHENER, L. See Gougy, L. TECHNICS. Vols. 1-4, 1904-5. 8vo. London, 1904-5. PP TECHXISCHES JAHRBUCH FUR DEN BUCH- UND KUNSTDRUCK. Herausgegeben von A. Halauska. Vols. 1-2. 4to. Hallein-Salzburg [c. 1889-90]. PP 883 TEDDER, H. R. Proposals for a bibliography of national history. 8vo. London, iSS6. 2902 TEDDER, H. R. The Barkers and the early history of the Bible patent. {In The Library Chronicle, Dec, 1885.) 22872 TEDDER, H. R. The official record of current literature. {In Bibliographical Society: Transactions, T'oZ. i, 1893.) 56 TEDDER, H. R. A bibliography of modern British history since 1485. {In Bibliographical Society : Transactions, Vol. 12, 191 1-3.) . 56 TEEGAN, T. H. Technical, industrial and commercial edu- cation in France. 8vo. London, 1891. 1565 TEGETMEIER, W. B. The poultry book. With coloured illustrations by H. Weir, [printed by Leighton Bros.] 8vo. London, 1867. 9578 TEGG, T. A general descriptive catalogue of the Family Library. i2mo. London, 1842. 19130 TEGGART, F. J. See Leland Stanford Junior University. TEGNER, E. Frithiof's Saga. 8vo. Stockholm, 1831. 9603 TEI-SAN. Notes sur I'art japonais. La peinture et la gravure. 26. edition. 8vo. Paris, 1905. 74^1 [TEISSIER, G. F.] Essai philologique sur les commencemens de la typographic a Metz et sur les imprimeurs de cette ville. 8vo. Metz, 1828. 20719 TENANT DE LATOUR, J. B. Memoires d'un bibliophile. 8vo. Paris, 1861. 21897 TENNANT, J. A. The process man and his books. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, p. 84.) PP [TENNYSON, A., Lord.] In memoriam. 8vo. London, 1850. 21282 TENNYSON, A., Lord. The May Queen. Illuminated by Mrs. W. H. Hartley. Chromolithographed by W. R. Tymms. Printed by Day and Sons. 4to. London, 1861. 14729 TENNYSON, A., Lord. A welcome to H.R.H. the Princess of Wales. Owen Jones, illuminator. 4to. London, 1863. 3817 TENNYSON, A., Lord. Enoch Arden, etc. 8vo. London, 1864. 21295 TENNYSON, A., Lord. Ihe May Queen : in illuminated borders designed by L. Summerbell. 4to. London [c. 1870]. 15767 TENNYSON, A., Lord. In memoriam. i2mo. Guildford, 1901. 2221 TENNYSON, A., Lord. Lancelot and Elaine. Decorated by R. L. Knowles. 8vo. London, 191 1. 14696 TENNYSON, C. The libraries censorship. {In The Contem- porary Review, Vol. 97, 191 o, pp. 476-480.) 13646 884 TENTZEL, \V. E. Discours von Erfindung- der loblichen Buchdruckerkunst in Teutschland. i2mo. Gotha, 1700. 20821 TEPHILLAH. [Book of prayers. Hehr.] 410. Offenbach, 1791. 5101 TERENTIUS AFER, P. Comedie. Fol. Parrhisius [1504]. 21431 TERENTIUS AFER, P. Terentii vita, et de Tragoedia ac Comoedia non pauca, ex Aelio Donato. 4to. [c. 1510.] 4551 TERENTIUS AFER, P. Terentii comedias. 4to. Lugduni, 1525. 5381 TERENTIUS AFER, P. Terentius a M. Ant. Mureto emen- datus. 8vo. LonSini, 1629. 6261 TERENTIUS AFER, P. Publii Terentii Afri comoediae. Svo. Birming-ham, 1772. 8164 TERENTIUS, AFER, P. P. Terentii Afri comoediae. 4to. Birmingham, 1772. 8629 TERENTIUS AFER, P. The Andrian. Lat. &•• Eng. 8vo. Sherborne [c. 1772]. 18020 TERENTIUS AFER, P. Comoediae. 4to. Londini, 1854. 19175 TERNAUX-COMPANS, H. Notice sur les imprimeries qui existent ou ont existe hors de I'Europe. Svo. Paris [1840]. 22463 TESTAMENT of the twelve Patriarchs, the sons of Jacob. 1 2 mo. London, 1699. 21294 TETTAU, W. V. Ueber Einige bis jetzt unbekannte Erfurter Drucke aus dem 15. Jahrhundert. Svo. [Erfurt, 1S70.] 22389 TEUBNER, B. G. Farbige Radierungen Deutscher Kunstler. Sq. Svo. Leipzig, 1900. 18433 TEUBNER, B. G. Kunstlerischer Wandschmuck. Kunstler- Steinzeichnungen. Obi. i2mo. Leipzig, 1901. iS^^H THACHER, J. B. See Washington : Library of Congress. THACKER, F. C. Envelope sample sets. Svo. Birmingham [190S]. 16972 THACKERAY, W. M. See Furniss, H. ; Grolier Club. THAMER, T. An, ct quatenus christianis sit fugiendum, duo tractatus. Svo. Marpurgi, 1547. 6038(6) THAUSING, M. Albert Diirer, his life and works. Edited by F. A. Eaton. 2 vols. Svo. London, 18S2. 1559 THAYER, J. A. Getting on. The confessions of a publisher. Svo. London [191 1]. 14-39 THAYER, W. M. How Benjamin Frankhn, the printer boy, made his mark. Svo. Edinburgh [c. 1S75]. 21518 THAYER, W. M. From printing office to the Court of St. James. The boyhood and manhood of Benjamin Franklin. Svo. London, 1890. 21664 S85 THAYER, W. M. Benjamin Franklin; or, from printing office to the Court of St. James. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1895. 7920 THEINHARDT, F. Liste der hieroglyphischen Typen aus der Schriftgiesserei der Herrn. F. T. 4to. Berlin, 1875. 5737 (2) THEINHARDT, F. Liste der typen Assyrischer Keilschrift aus der Schriftgiesserei von F. T. 410. Berlin, 1877. 5737(1) THEINHARDT, F. Musterbuch. 8vo. H.rlin [c. 1895]. 17139 THEOBALD, ( ). The perfidious brother. 4to. London, J715. 6160(11) THEOBROME, T. N., pseud. See Delepierre, J. O. THEOCRITUS. Theocriti Idyllia. Gr. & Lat. 2 vols. i2mo. Francofurti, 1545. 50^4 THEOPHRASTUS. Theophrasti caracteres ethici. [Gr. & Lat.] 8vo. Glasguae, 1758. 6119(3) THEOPHRASTUS. Charakteres ethikoi. Gr. Johannes Wilkes, Anglus, recensuit. 4to. Londini, 1790. 19154 THEUX, X. de. Etude bibliographique sur I'ouvrage intitule : Les delices du pays de Li^ge. 8vo. h\hge, 1861. 17205 THEVENOT, A. Souvenirs d'un journaliste (1883-9). ^vo. Arcis-sur-Aube, 1901. i7539 THIBALIDEAU, F. Le style fran^ais en typographic moderne. {In Peignot, G. et fils : Album, 1901.) 2531 THIBOUST, C. L. Typographiae excellentia. Carmen notis gallicis illustratum. 4to. Lut. Paris. 1718. 10610 THIBOL^ST, C. L. Typographiae excellentia. Carmen notis gallicis illustratum. Nova editio a C. C. Thiboust. Cum effigie autoris [and a French translation]. 8vo. Parisiis, 1754. 212 14 THICKENS, J. H. Experiments with Jack Pine and Hem- lock for mechanical pulp. 8vo. Washington, 1912. 16265 THIELE, L. See Walker, C. THIEME, G. J. Drukkerij G. J. Thieme. [A history and description of the firm.] 4to. Arnhem [1913]. 17446 THIERRY-POUX, O. Premiers monuments de I'imprimerie en France au XVe. si^cle. Fol. Paris, 1890. ' 5810 THIERRY-POUX, O. See Corrard de Breban. THIS sheet of paper. (In All the year round, Sept. 1861.) 1333 THOINAN, E. Les relieurs fran9ais, 1500-1800. 8vo. Paris, 1893. 1357 THOMAS, Magister. Thome Magistri per alphabetum, hoc est elementorum ordinem attici eloquii. Gr. i2mo. Romae, 1517- 5281 THOMAS, A. H. See Sheffield : Public Library. 886 THOMAS, C. The production of an illustrated newspaper. {In Roval Society of Arts: Journal, Vol. 53, Jan., 1905, pp. 151, 177.) 6688 THOMAS, E. ^ CO., Ltd. Sample book No. 5. Nomad papers. 8vo. London [igio]. 18312 THOMAS, E. C. See De Bury, R. THOMAS, F. M. Fifty years of Fleet Street, being the life and recollections of Sir J. R. Robinson. 8vo. London, 1904. 8481 THOMAS, F. W. Dividend-paying type. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 27, 1901, pp. 33-35-) PP THOMAS, F. W. The printer and the platemaker. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 28, 1901-2, pp. 687-688.) PP THOMAS, F. W, Dividend-paying job presses. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 29, 1902, pp. 742-743.) PP THOMAS, F. W. A concise manual of platen presswork. [Theory and practice.] {In Inland Printer, Vol. 31, 1903, pp. 52, 383, 709.) PP THOMAS, F. W. A concise manual of platen presswork. i2mo. Chicago, 1903. 6683 THOMAS, F. W. Buying a press. [With special reference to Colt's Armory Platen printing press.] 4to. New York, 1904. 8372 THOMAS. G. F. N. Penotype designing. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 30, 1902-3, pp. 536-538.) PP THOMAS, G. F. N. Penotype cover designing. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 32, 1903-4, pp. 372-373.) PP THOMAS, H. The romance of Amadis of Gaul. {In Biblio- graphical Society: Transactions, Vol. 11, 1909- 11.) 56 THOMAS, I. The history of printing in America. 2 vols. 8vo. Worcester, 1810. 20400 THOMAS, I. The history of printing in America. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1874. 20434 THOMAS, J. Religious emblems, being a series of engravings on wood from designs drawn on the blocks themselves by J. Thurston. [With a preface on the history of wood-engraving.] 4to. London, 1809. 10105 THOMAS, L. Milke for children. i2mo. London, 1654. 5807 THOMAS, N. W. Bibliography of folk-lore, 1905. 8vo. London, 1906. 93i6 [THOM.AS, R.] A martyr to bibliography : a notice of the life and works of J. M. Querard, bibliographer. By Olphar Hamst [pseud.]. 8vo. London, 1867. ^S^SS [THOMAS, R.] Aggravating ladies : being a list of books published under the pseudonym of A Lady, with preliminary suggestions on the art of describing books bibliographically. By Olphar Hamst [pseud.]. 8vo. London, 1880. 3083 887 THOMAS, W. The historic of Italic. 4to. [London, 1549.] 21310 THOMAS, \V. K. The late William Kyllin Thomas. Notices of the press. [Proprietor of the South Australian Register.] 8vo. Adelaide, 187S. ' 24i() THOMAS & GREEN, Ltd. Tinted and coloured papers, showing' combination of colours for printing. Obi. 8vo. London, 1902. 2593 THO]\LA.S & GREEN, Ltd. Pattern book of 288 art cover papers. Sq. i2mo. London, 1903. 6945 THOMAS-STANFORD, C. Library Association. Brighton meeting, 1908. Presidental address. 8vo. Aberdeen, igo8. 10272 THOMAS-STANFORD, C. See Brighton : Public Library. THOMASON CIVIL ENGINEERING COLLEGE. Speci- mens of printing used at the College. Obi. i6mo. Roorkee [c. 1896]. 41 14 THOMASSY, R. Essai sur les ecrits politiques de Christine de Pisan. 8vo. Paris, 1838. 21370 THOMLINSON, E. T. How to become a successful Linotype operator. 8vo. London [1898]. 1189 THOMLINSON, E. T. How to become a successful Linotype operator. 3rd edition. 8vo. London [c. 1900]. 1651 THOMLINSON, E. T. How to become a successful Linotype operator. How to operate and keep in order the Linotype. 4th edition. 8vo. London [1903]. 494i THOMLINSON, R. See Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Public Library. THOMPSON, ( ). Recueil de vignettes gravees sur bois. 4to. Paris, 1828. 6129 THOMPSON, Sir E. M. English illuminated manuscripts. Fol. London, 1895. ^7^ THOMPSON, Sir E. M. English art in illuminated manu- scripts. [A lecture.] {hi Roval Society of Arts : Journal, April 8, 189S.) ' 1243 THOMPSON, Sir E. M. The history of English handwriting. A.D. 700-1400. (In Bibliographical Society : Transactions, J'ol. 5, 1899.) 56 THOMPSON, Sir E. M. See Prideaux, H. THOMPSON, H. The nursery guide. 8vo. London, 1822. 91 16 THOMPSON, Sir H. Cremation : the treatment of the body after death. 8vo. London, 1874. - 23233 THOMPSON, H. A. The travelling salesman. {In Hitchcock, F. H. : The building of a book, 1906, pp. 303-319.) 8824 THOMPSON, H. P. Explanatory. [Relates to his method of treating a coloured print to imitate an oil painting.] 4to. London [c. 19 10]. 16885 888 THOMPSON, J. R. Printers' rollers : how to treat them. 8vo. Leeds, 1880. 1550 THOMPSON, J. S. The mechanism of the Linotype. A complete and practical treatise on the installation, operation and care of the Linotype, for the novice as well as the experienced operator. With full information concerning^ the new two-letter machines, not to be found in any work heretofore published. i2mo. Chicag"o, 1902. - 35o6 THOMPSON, J. S. The printer's opportunity. {In Inland Printer, J'ol. 29, 1902, pp. 732-733.) PP THOMPSON, J. S. Composing^ machines — past and present. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 30, 1902-3, p. 37 — Vol. 32, 1903-4, p. 196.) PP THOMPSON, J. S. Correct keyboard fing-ering-. A system of fingering- the Linotype keyboard for the acquirement of speed in operating-. i2mo. Chicag-o, 1903. 3777 THOMPSON, J. S. History of composing machines. A com- plete record of the art of composing- type by machinery. Also lists of patents on composing- machines, American and British, chronologically arranged. i2mo. Chicago, 1904. 6531 THOMPSON, J. S. The mechanism of the Linotype. A complete and practical treatise on the installation, operation and care of the Linotype, for the novice as well as the experienced operator. With full information concerning the new pica and double-magazine machines, not to be found in any work heretofore published. Revised 2nd edition. i6mo. Chicago, 1905. 9355 THOMPSON, J. S. Origin and development of the Linotype. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 35, 1905, pp. 665-669.) PP THOMPSON, J. S. & CO. Calendar 1879 [in colours]. 8vo. Chicago, 1S79. 14556 THOMPSON, S. P. Peter Short, printer, and his marks. {In Bibliographical Society: Transactions, J'ol. 4, 1898.) 56 THOMPSON TYPE MACHINE CO. Instructions to operators of the Thompson Typecaster. i2mo. Chicago [1910]. 122 16 THOMPSON TYPE MACHINE CO. Points of superiority of the Thompson Typecaster. 8vo. Chicago [1910]. 122 17 THOMSON, C. L. Samuel Richardson : a bibliographical and critical study. 8vo. London, 1900. 2048 THOMSON, E. Sc SONS. A catalogue of an extensive col- lection of books. 8vo. Manchester [c. 1830]. 16556(15) THOMSON, E. and PRICE, W. C. The history of Jesus Christ. 4to. London, 1806. ^533 THOMSON, H. Soldering versus stripping. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, pp. 151-152.) PP THOMSON, J. The seasons. 4to. Parma, 1794. 5874 889 IHOMSON, J. The seasons. 8vo. London, 1808. 79^7 TMOIVISON, J. The seasons. Stereotype edition. 8vo. London, 181 3. 6673 THOMSON, J. The seasons. i2mo. Chiswick, 1820. 5231 THOMSON, J. Menilt Gaily, printer-inventor. [In Inland Printer, Vol. 57, 191(1, />/>. 485-488.) PP THOMSON. J., PRESS CO. New Colt's Armory crank action cutting and scoring press. 8vo. New York, 1901. 8371 THOMSON, J., PRKSS CO. General catalogue. Colt's Armory platen presses for printing, for paper-cutting and scoring and for hot or cold embossing and stamping. 8vo. New York, 1905. 8366 THOMSON, J., PRESS CO. General catalogue. Colt's Armory platen presses. 3rd edition. 8vo. New York, 1909. 15879 THOMSON, J., PRESS CO. Style B Colt's Armory and the Laureate platen printing machines. 8vo. New York, 191 1. 16745 THOMSON, J. M. Cantor lectures on chemistry of pigments. 8vo. London, 1885. 1902 [THOMSON, R.] The book of life : a bibliographical melody. 8vo. London, 1820. 20461 THOMSON, R. A lecture on illuminated manuscripts from the 7th to the 1 8th century. To which is added a second lecture on the materials and practice of illuminators. [A catalogue of books on illuminated MSS., /)/). 127-138.] 8vo. London, 1857. 20280 THOMSON, T. Rhymes and songs for printers, 8vo. Edin- burgh, 1897. - 621 THOMSON, W. and D. C. The Dundee Courier and the Dundee Weekly News. Their progress and development. Obi. 8vo. Dundee [1889]. 4209 THORBURN, BAIN & CO. A comprehensive range of envelopes (bag shape). Fol. London, 191 1. 16270 THOREY & VIREY. Fonderie en caract^res de Thorey et Virey. [Specimen book.] 8vo. Paris, 1843. 10724 THORN E. The Thorne combined typesetting and distributing machine. 8vo. [London, 1887.] -2359 THORNE, J. Rambles by rivers. The Avon. i2mo. London, 1845. 23275 THORNE, J. Rambles by rivers. The Thames. 2 vols. i2mo. London, 1847. 23274 THORNE, R. [Type specimen book.] 8vo. [London, 1803.] 20239 [THORNE, R. Rules and regulations of the letter foundry of R. T. Copied (in MS.) from an old broadside in the Caxton Celebration. 1806.] 23445 890 THORNE, W. B. William Blades. {In Library Assistant, Vol. I, 1898-9, pp. 61-62.) PP THORNE, W. B. William Blades: the man and his library. {In Library Assistant, Vol. 2, 1899-1900, pp. 155-162.) PP THORNE, W. B. Some notes on Samuel Richardson as a printer. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., T'oZ. 49, Nov. 28, igoi, PP' 350-351-) PP THORNE, W. B. Some notes on Samuel Richardson as a printer. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Nov. 28, 1901.) 2498 THORNE, W. B. Some English printing trade periodicals of the [19th] century. {In The Printers' Register, May 6, 1901.) 2538 THORNE, W. B. A famous printer : Samuel Richardson. {In The Library [N.S.], Vol. 2, 1901, pp. 396-404.) PP THORNE, W. B. Some technical printing schools on the Continent. {In The Caxton Magazine, Feb., 1902.) 2564 THORNE, W. B. Printing for librarians. {In The Library Assistant, 1902.) 2792 THORNE, W. B. The Library Assistants' Association : an outline of its development and work. [The Librarian Series, No. 2.] 8vo. London [1912]. 16015 THORNE, W. B. See Roebuck, G. E. and Thorne, W. B. THORNE TYPE-SETTING MACHINE CO. The Thorne type-setting machine. 8vo. Hartford, 1894. 4201 THORNTON, W. Sermon on books. 8vo. London, 1883. 8429 THOROLD, J. H. The Syston Park Library. Catalogue. 8vo. London, 1884. 57^8 THOROWGOOD, W. A specimen of the printing types in the Fann Street foundry. 8vo. London, 1821. 6408 THOROWGOOD, W. Thorowgood's new specimen of printing types. 8vo. London, 182 1. 20264 THOROW^GOOD, W. New specimen of printing types from the Fann Street letter foundry, London. 8vo. London, 1825. 5987 THOROWGOOD, W^ [Part of a specimen book.] 8vo. [London, c. 1825.] 20293 (^) THOROWGOOD, W. [Specimen book of the Fann Street letter foundry.] 8vo. [London, 1828.] 6405 THOROWGOOD, W. Additions to the specimen of the Fann Street letter foundry. 8vo. London, 1830. 2221'^ THOROWGOOD, W^ Fann Street Letter Foundry. A sup- plement to T. 's specimen of printing type. 8vo. London, 1832. 22215 THOROWGOOD, W. Fann Street letter foundry. New specimens of printing types. 8vo. London, 1834. 6403 891 THOROW'GOOD, W. X; CO. Fann Street letter foundry. Specimen of printing- types. 8vo. London, 1835. 9770 THOROU'.GOOD, W. &• CO. Some selections from the speci- men of the Fann Street foundry. 4to. London, 1835. 6386 THOROW(X:)OD, W. c'v CO. Flowers. Obi. 4to. London, 1836. 6446 THOROWGOOD, W. c\: CO. Specimen of printing types. 8vo. London [1837]. 2861 THOROWGOOD, W. .^' CO. A specimen of printing types. 8vo. London [1838]. 22209 THOROWGOOD, W. &• CO. Cast ornaments. [Book of specimens.] 4to. London [c. 1839]. 6370 THOROWGOOD, W. & CO. Specimen of flowers. [Typo- graphical ornaments.) Obi. 4to. I^ondon [c. 1839]. 6169 THOROWGOOD, W. & CO. Series of typographical orna- ments. Obi. 4to. London [c. 1840]. 6358 THOROWGOOD, W. &■ CO. Some selections from the speci- men of the Fann Street foundry. 4to. London [c. 1840]. 6399 THOROWGOOD, W. & CO. Designs for ornamental printing. 4to. London [c. 1842]. 5932 THOROWGOOD, W. & CO. Specimen of printing types. 8vo. London, 1842. 6407 THOROWGOOD, W. & CO. Mathematical combinations [of typographical ornaments.] 4to. London, 1842. 6387 THOROWGOOD, W. & CO. Selections [from their specimen book]. 4to. London [c. 1843]. 6365 THOROW^GOOD, W. & CO. Fann Street Letter Foundry. A specimen of printing types. 8vo. London [1844]. 6404 THOROWGOOD, W. & CO. [Specimen book of the Fann Street Letter Foundry.] 8vo. [London, 1846.] 6406 THOROWGOOD, W. & CO. Fann Street Letter Foundry. A general specimen of printing- types. 4to. London, 1848. 5929 THOROWGOOD, W. & CO. Selections from the specimen of the Fann Street Foundry. 4to. London [c. 1850]. 2734 THORP, J. Standardisation a national need : suggestions towards a reform. Svo. London, 1908. 16949 THORPE, T. Catalogue of the most extensive, valuable and truly interesting collection of curious books on sale in this or any other country. Svo. London, 1842. 17558 THORPE, T. [A collection of his catalogues.] 8vo. London [c. 1845]. _ 1 1934 THORPE, T. Bibliotheca Aldina. A catalogue of an extensive and magnificent assemblage of books printed by Aldus Manutus and his successors, 1495-1629. Svo. London [c. 1850]. 11832 892 THORPE, W. G. How I found the Bunyan warrant. 8vo. London, 1890. 8459 THOTT, O. Count. Catalog! Bibliothecae Thottianae. Tom. 7. Libros cum ab inventa typographia ad annum 1530 excusos tum MSS. continens. Svo. Havniae, 1795. 21556 THOUGHTS of a Tory author concerning- the press. 8vo. London, 1712. 20391 (4) THOYTS, E. E. Watermarks on paper. H. {In The Anti- quary, Dec, 1895.) 1268 THREE colour photographs of the eclipse. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, J'ol. 11, 1905-6, p. 152.) PP THRIFT, T. W'hat an advertising manager should know about printing. {7n Graphic Arts, FoZ. i, igi i, />/>. 417-421.) PP THUCYDIDES. Thucydidis Bellum Peloponnesiacum. Ex editione Wassii et Dukeri. Gr. & Lat. 8 vols. i2mo. Glas- guae, 1759. 5012 THURLINGS, a. Der Musikdruck mit beweghchen Metall- typen im 16. Jahrhundert und die Musikdrucke des Mathias Apiarus in Strassburg und Bern. 8vo. Leipzig, 1892. 6271 THURWANGER, Freres. Paysages lithographies a la plume. Fol. Paris [c. 1840]. 10311 THWAITES, E. Sec Bible : Anglo-Saxon. THYSIUS, A. Memorabilia celebriorum veterum Rerumpubli- carum. Acessit Tractatus juris publici De potestate principis. i6mo. Lugd. Bat., 1646. 21971 THYSIUS, A. Compendium historiae Batavicae. i6mo. Lugd. Bat., 1652. 21970 TIBERGHIEN, A. Quelques mots sur les commencements de la typographic russe : la seconde impression moscovite, {In Revue des Biblioth^ques et Arch, de Belg., Ann. 2, 1903, pp. 143-150-) ^ 7351 TIBULLUS. See Catullus. TICKELL, T. Poetical works. i2mo. London, 1796. 5640(1) TICKNOR, G. See Boston : Public Library. TIELE, P. A. Les premiers imprimeurs de I'Universite de Leide. {In Le Bibliophile Beige, Ann. 4, 1869, pp. 83, 112, 141, ^57-) 21996 TIELE, P. A. De eerste boekdrukkers te Batavia. {In Biblio- graphische Adversaria. II, 1874-5, PP- 39-43-) 73^2 TIELE, P. A. De eerste boekdrukkers te Amsterdam, {hi Bibliographische Adversaria. I, 1873-4, PP- ^33-^3^-) 73^2 TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR BOEK-EN BIBLIOTHEEKWEZEN. Vols. 1-9, 1903-11. 8vo. Antwerpen, 1903-11. PP 893 TILLEY, L. E. Little rhymes in brown. 8vo. Westerly, R.I,, 1886. 10904 TILLIER, C. INIon oncle Benjamin. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1 88 1. 21694 TILLINGHAST, C. B. Books and readers in public libraries. {In The Forum, Sept., 1893.) 1602 TILLOCK, A. See Foulis, A. and Tillock, A. TILLOTSON, J. Sermons. 6 vols. 8vo. London, 1694. 9^ TILTON, G. P. Balance in letterinof. (In The Printing Art, Vol. 2, 1903, p. 33.) PP TIMBS, J. Stories of inventors and discoverers in science and the useful arts. [\Vho invented printing", and where? p. 12. Photo- graphy and the stereoscope, p. 313.] 8vo. London, i860. 8607 TIMBS, J. Printing, {hi his History of wonderful inventions. 1868.) 2274 TIMBS, J. Wonderful inventions. From the mariner's com- pass to the electric telegraph cable. New edition. [Printing, pp. 58-80.] 8vo. London, 1882. 141 90 TIMES. The traditional policy of The Times. 8vo. Man- chester [1864]. 15 1 30 TIMES. The publishers' attempt to restrict the privileges of subscribers to The Times. A statement of the questions at issue. i2mo. [London, 1906.] 8018 TIMES. The history of the book war. Fair book prices versus publishers' trust prices. 8vo. London, 1907. 16446 TIMES. The Times printing number. Reprinted from the 40,000th issue of The Times, Sept. 10, 1912. 4to. London, 1912. 16751 TIMES. The readers of The Times. Fol. London, 1913. 18428 TIMES. Times newspaper scale of charges for Monotype composition. [Agreement between The Times and the L. S.C., Sept. I, 1914.] S. sh. fol. London, 1914. 18638 TIMES. See Edwards, G. ; Makower, S. V. TIMES BOOKCLUB. Catalogue. 8vo. London, 1905. 9621 T[IMMINS], S. Lord Spencer's library. A sketch of a visit to Althorp. 8vo. For private circulation, 1870. 11013 [TIMMINS, S,] Lord Spencer's library. A sketch of a visit to Althorp. 8vo. Northampton, 1870. 22451 [TIMMINS, S.] Brief catalogue of unique collection of books printed in Birmingham by John Baskerville, 1757-73. ^^'O- ^'''" mingham, 1886. 22663 TIMMIS, W. S. Placing cylinder and job presses. [Their location in a press room. {In The Graphic Arts, Vol. i, 191 1, pp. 145-152.) PP 894 . [TIMPERLEY, C. H.] Songs of the press and other poems relative to printing-. 8vo. London, 1833. 5-94 TIMPERLEV, C. H. The printers' manual. Svo. London, 1838. 22812 TIMPERLEY, C. H. A dictionary of printers and printing. 8vo. London, 1839. 431 TIMPERLEY, C. H. Encyclopaedia of literary and typo- graphical anecdote. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1842. 20465 [TIMPERLEY, C. H.] Songs of the press and other poems relative to printing. 8vo. London, 1845. 20427 TIMROTH, R. Hints on presswork. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 2, 1884-5, ^ I45-) PP [TINDAL, M.] A letter to a Member of Parliament shewing that a restraint on the press is inconsistent with the Protestant religion and dangerous to the liberties of the nation. Svo. London, 1698. • 20391 (2) TINDAL, M. Scoops. Stories of how great newspapers have obtained exclusive news. {In Pearson's Magazine, Feb., 1905, pp. 171-180.) 6687 TINSLEY, W. Random recollections of an old publisher. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1900. 7086 TINTEN-FASS. Das aus neue wohl zubereitete Tinten-Fass. 3te. Auflage. i2mo. Helmstadt, 1733. 23101 TIN WORTH, G. See Gosse, E. \V. TIPOGRAFIA. La Tipografia. Vols. Madrid, 1866-7. TIPOGRAFIA. No. 3, Mar. 1915, etc. etc. TIPOGRAFIA. La Tipografia Emiliana. Bologna, 191 1. TIPOGRAFIA. La Tipografia Milanese. Milano, 1904. PP . TIRABOSCHI, G. Storia della letteratura Italiana. 9 vols. Svo. Milano, 1S22-6. 49S2 TISSANDIER, G. L^ne conference sur I'heliogravure et ses applications a la librairie. i2mo. Paris, 1874. 2308S TISSANDIER, G. Histoire de la gravure typographique. Conference faite au Cercle de la Librairie, 29 Jan., 1S75. Svo. Paris, 1875. 10611 TISSIER, L. Historique de la gravure typographique sur pierre et de la Tissicrographie. Svo. Paris, 1843. 7312 TITCHENER, O. Type and the point system. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 51, Dec. 25, 1902, pp. 411-412.) PP 895 1-2, 1866-7. Fol. PP 4to. Lisboa, i9i5» PP Vol. 15, 1911. 4to. PP Vol. 5, 1904- Fol. TITE, W. An address before the Society of Antiquaries at an exhibition of early printed books. To which is subjoined an address at an exhibition of ilhiminated manuscripts. 8vo. London, 1S62. 22586 TITE, W. Catalogue of the books, MSS., etc., of Sir W. T., which will be sold, etc. 8vo. London, 1874. 57^7 TITLE-PAGES. [Collections of title-pages, printers' marks, etc.] 21509 21700 21814c 22060 TOBOLKA, Z. Cesky Slovnik Bibliograficky. Dil. I. Ceske prvotisky (az do roku 1500). 8vo. Praze, 1910. 14577 TODD, C. B. New York libraries. {In Lippincott's Magazine, Dec, 1885.) 1606 TODD, C. B. The case of the American author. {In The Forum, Vol. 13, March, 1892, pp. 107-114.) 10282 TODD, G. E. See Eyre-Todd, G. TODD, H. J. Memoirs of the Right Rev. Brian Walton, Bishop of Chester, Editor of the London polyglot Bible. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 182 1. 5657 TODD, J. Catalogue of books. 8vo. York, 1784. 7344 (i) TODD, J. Catalogue of books. 8vo. York, 1792. 7345 TODD, J. & G. A catalogue of ancient and modern books. 8vo. York, 1812. 1582 1 (i) TODD, J. & G. A catalogue of a select collection of valuable and curious books. 8vo. York, 1814. 15821 (2) TODD, J. & G. A catalogue of a miscellaneous collection of books. 8vo. York, 1825. 18602 (3) TODD, J. H. Remarks on some fragments of an ancient waxed table-book. 4to. Dublin, 1848. 10511 TODD, J. H. See Nennius. TODERINI, G. B. Letterature Turchesca. [Parte III. Tipo- grafia Turca.] 3 vols. 8vo. Venezia, 1787. 7218 TODHUNTER, J. How dreams come true. A dramatic sketch in two scenes. [Sette of Odd Volumes. Opuscula No. 20.] i6mo. London, 1890. 2394 TOEPPEN, M. Kurze Nachrichten uber die Konigl. Westpr. Hofbuchdruckerei zu Marienwerder. 8vo. Marienwerder, 1872. 23452 TOIFEL, W. F. Handbuch der Chemigraphie. 2te. Auflage. 8vo. Wien, 1896. . 2094 TOKYO : Imprimerie Imperiale. Histoire de ITmprimerie Imperiale du Japon. 8vo. Tokyo [c. 1906]. 9333 TOKYO TSUKIJI TYPE FOUNDRY. Type Foundry. Tskiji at Tokei. [Specimen book.] 4to. [Tokyo, c. 1876.] 20254 896 TOKYO TSUKIJI TYPE FOUNDRY. Specimens. Vol. i, No. 6; Vol. 2, Nos. 3, 4, 5. 410. Tokyo, 1897-1900. 3400 TOLHAUSEN, A. Technolog-ical dictionary in the English, French and German languag-es. 3 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1882-5. 754 TOLHURST, F. C. Competition. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, p. 88.) PP TOLHURST, F. C. • No sentiment in business. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp. 155-156.) PP TOMASINUS, J. P. lUustrium virorum elogia iconibus exor- nata. 4to. Patavii, 1630. 21742 TOMLINS, T. E. See Jocelin of Brakelond. TOMLINSON, C. Cyclopaedia of useful arts, etc. [Paper, only.] 8vo. London [1854]. 2829 TOMLINSON, C. Cyclopaedia of useful arts, etc. [Engraving, only.] 8vo. London [1854]. 2265 TOMLINSON, C. Cyclopaedia of useful arts, etc. [Printing, only.] 8vo. London [1854]. 2259 TOMLINSON, C. Illustrations of useful arts, manufactures and trades. [Paper, p. 58.] 4to. London [1858]. 18524 TOMLINSON, C. Illustrations of the useful arts. No. 3. The manufacture of paper, accompanied by illustrative specimens. 2 pts. i2mo. London, 1859. 18780 TOMLINSON, C. On the invention of printing. A lecture. 8vo. London, 1865. 6216 TOMLINSON, C. Illustrations of trades. [The printer, p. 89. The bookbinder, p. 100. The engraver, p. 102.] 4to. London, 1867. 15647 TOMMASEO, N. Di Giampietro Vieusseux e dell' andamento della civilta Italiana in un quarto di secolo. Memorie. 2a. ediziojie. 8vo. Firenze, 1864. 23094 TOMS, A. S. Etienne Dolet. {In South Place Magazine, July, 1909.) 1 1264 TONINI, L. Sulle officine tipografiche Riminesi. 4to. [Bologna, 1866.] 22977 TONNDORF, E. Die Arbeiten an der Vergoldepresse. Gold, Farben, Relief und Blindruck. 2te. Auflage. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1891. 430 TONNERRE, M. de C. See Clermont-Tonnerre, M. de. TOOVEY, J. A catalogue of an extensive and extraordinary assemblage of the productions of the Aldine Press. 8vo. London, 1880. 17286 TOPHAM & LUPTON. Specimens of letterpress printing. Vol. I. 4to. Harrogate, 1892. 496 897 57 TORCH. See CokMiial Hook Circular. TORDI, D. La stampa in Orvieto nci sccolo 16 e. 17. Parte i. 8vo. Perugia, 1903. 3773 TORDI, D. La stampa in Todi. {In La Bibliofilia, ]'ol. 6, 1904-5. PP- 231-23^-) PI' TORELLO, A. Clio parasimatographica illustrium familiarum Placentiae. 8vo. Mediolani, 1622. 443^ (i) TORELLO, A. Mystica g-entilitiorum insii^'nium illustriss. familiae Borromarorum parasimatographia. 8vo. Mediolani, 1622. 4432 (2) TORINO : Societa dei Compositori. Banchetlo tipog-rafico. Anno 14. 14 Ag-osto, 1864. 8vo. Torino, 1864. 15161 TORONTO : Public Library. 27th, etc., annual report for the year 1910, etc. Svo. Toronto, 191 1, etc. 1426S TORRESANI. See Bernoni, D. TORY, G. See Bernard, A. TOSACH agas austriugha miorbhuilcach theampoill mhuirc Loreto. Svo. [? Romae, c. 1707.] 5361(2) TOSI, P. A. Notizia di una edizione e conosciuta de poema romanzes. La spagna colla descrizione di un opuscalo impresso da Aldo Manuzio nell' anno 1499. 8vo. Milano, 1835. 22530 TOSI, P. F. Observations on the florid song. Translated by Mr. Gaillard. i2mo. London, 1742. 20221 TOSZKA, J. A. Ueber den Satz dcs Polnischen mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Theilung der Worte. 8vo. Leipzig, 1868. 23065 TOSZKA, J. A. Ueber den Satz des Russischen mit besonderer Beriichsichtigung der Theilung- der \\"orte. 8vo. Leipzig, 1868. 23066 TOULMIN, J. and G. Letterpress printing. The work and methods of The Times General Printing \\^orks. 8vo. Black- burn [c. 1913]. 18315 TOULOLISE : Bibliothfeque. Catalogue des incunables. Redige par T. Desbarreaux Bernard. 8vo. Toulouse, 1878. 34^9 TOUREAUX, L. Typographic. Grammaire de la composition. 8vo. Chartres, 1884. 22572 . TOURNAI : Societe Historique et Litteraire. Table methodi- que des matiferes contenues dans la premiere serie des Publica- tions Bulletins ct Memoires, 1845-95, P'^^ ^^ ^^- ^- Desmons. Svo. Tournai, 1900. 17804 • TOURNES, J., A. & S. de. Catalogus universalis librorum qui reperiuntur in ofificina J., A. & S. de Tourncs bibliopolarum Genevensum. Svo. Genevae, 1670.. 126 11 898 TOWN, J. & SONS, Ltd. Samples of tub-sized writing papers. Obi. 4to. Leeds, 1908. 18227 TOWNSEND, H. Ars longa : being- sketches in pen and brush of the artist and his work in other times and countries. 8vo. London [c. 1903]. 4934 TOYNBEE, P. Dante in English literature from Chaucer to Gary (c. 1380-1844). 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1909. 16558 TOYNBEE HALL. Some books on economic and social sub- jects in the Students' Library. 8vo. London, igoo. 8084 TRACTATUS de judaeorum et christianorum communione. Fol. [Basel, c. 1490.] 21440 TRACTATUS de successionibus ab intestato. [By Cynus de Pistorio.] 4to. [Koln, c. 1480.] 21368 TRACY, G. A. See International Typographical Union. TRADE PRESS LIST. Vol. 6, No. 2, Feb., 1903. 4to. Boston, 1903. PP TRADE TOPICS. Nos. i-ii, 1901-3. 8vo. London, 1901-3. PP TRADERS' SOCIETY. Rules. 8vo. London, 1876. 23158 TRADES described. A book for the young. [The paper-maker. The printer. The type-founder. The bookbinder.] i2mo. London [c. 1845]. 17729 [TRAHEROX, B.] [An exposicion of a part of S. John's gospel made in sondrie readings.] 8vo. [? Basle, c. 1557.] 6061 TRAIGE, W. H. J. Handbook of mechanics' institutions, with priced catalogue of books suitable for libraries. 8vo. London, 1856. 15191 TRAINS. Les trains de plaisir. Le touriste en chemin de fer. Obi. 8v.o. Paris [c. 1850]. 15825 TRAMAUX-MALHET, J. Vade mecum ou I'indispensable aux typographes (maitres et ouvriers), libraires, auteurs et journalistes et en general a toutes les personnes qui impriment ou font im- primeur. i2mo. Louviers, 1843. 20829 TRANSLATIONS from the German in prose and verse. 8vo. Frogmore Lodge, 1812. 3765 TRAU, F. Katalog der Biicher-Sammlung F. T. Svo. Wien, 1905- 7423 TRAUTMAXX, K. Aus Herzog Wilhelms des Ftinften von Bayern Druckerwerkstatt. Svo. Miinchen [c. 1890]. 11656 TRAVELLER. The Traveller : or, a description of various wonders in nature and art. [Printing-, pp. 156-160.] i2mo. London, 1837. 18924 TREADWELL, D. Improvements in the construction of printmg presses. {In The London Journal of Arts and Sciences, 1820, pp. 321-323.) 9738 899 TREASURES of art, and beauties of song. 4to. London [c. 1865]. ^ 11583 TRED\\^ELL, D. M. A monograph on privately-illustrated books. A plea for bibliomania. Svo. Brooklyn, 1882. 8690 TREEN, A. E. Walks in and around Rugby. Written, printed upon the hand-press and illustrated with wood-engravings by A. E. T. 2nd edition. 8vo. Rugby, 1895. 17203 TREFLER, W. See Schillmann, F. TREGASKIS, J. t*^- M. L. Exhibition of modern bookbindings, March, 1891. Catalogue. 4to. London, 1891. 5724 TREGASKIS, J. & M. L. International bookbinding exhi- bition by the chief craftsmen from all parts of the world, 1894. [With introduction by C. Davenport.] 4to. London, 1894. 76 TREGASKIS, J. & M. L. A catalogue of MS., books and book- bindings. (No. 400.) 4to. London, 1898. 11899 TREGASKIS, J. The Caxton Head Catalogue. No. 500. 4to. London, 1901. 11 900 TRELEAVEN, S. The manuscript of the Middle Ages and the printed book of modern times. Svo. Exeter [1849], 23432 TRELOAR, Sir W. L. See Bell, W. G. TREMELLIUS, I. Grammatica Chaldaea et Syra. 8vo. [Paris], 1569. 5723 TREMONT, Baron de. Catalogue de la belle collection de lettres autographes de feu M. le Baron de Tremont. 8vo. Paris, 1852. 17223 TRENCH, Lt.-Col. A lithographic sketch of the north bank of the Thames. [By T. M. Baynes.] Obi. 4to. London, 1825. loooi TRENCH, R. C. On the study of words. 8vo. London, 1 85 1. 2 191 7 TRENNERT, J. D. Proben aus der Schriftschneiderei und Schriftgieserei von J. D. T. in Altona. 4to. Hamburg, 1836. 6066 TREVERIS, P. See Plomer, H. R. TREZISE, F. J. Imposition : a handbook for printers. 24mo. Chicago, 1907. 8821 TREZISE, F. J. Design and color in printing. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 39, 1907, p. 38 — Vol. 41, 1908. p. 65.) PP TREZISE, F. J. The progress of a quarter century. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 40, 1907-8, pp. 67-69.) PP TREZISE, F. J. Good taste in printing. [In Inland Printer, Vol. 41, 1908, pp. 203-206.) PP TREZISE, F. J. Design and color in printing. Svo. Chicago, 1909. 1 1 509 TREZISE, F. J. Technical education in the graphic arts. (lu Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, pp. 53-56.) PP 900 TREZISE, F, J. Letters and letter construction : with chapters on design and decoration. Fully illustrated by W. E. Stevens and others. 8vo. Chicago, 191 1. 16198 TREZISE, F. J. The typography of advertisements. i2mo. Chicago, 191 1. 16201 TREZISE, F. J. Hand-lettered advertisements. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 191 1-2, pp. 65-66.) PP TREZISE, F. J. The value of simplicity in type design. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, J'ol. 19, 1913-4, pp. 147-148.) PP TRIER : Stadtbibliothek. Die Incunabeln der offentlichen Bibliothek und der kleineren Biichersammlungen der Stadt Trier. Zusammengestellt von E. Voulli^me. Mit einer Einleitung Der Geschichte der Stadtbibliothek von G. Kentenich. [Zentralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen. Beiheft 38.] 8vo. Leipzig, 1910. 13177 TRIGLANDIUS, J. Bibliotheca Triglandiana sive Catalogus librorum J. T. 8vo. Lugd. Bat., 1706. 17184 TRIM, pseud. A congratulatory letter to the Rev. ^\^ Atkin- son on his appearance in the character of a printer, with remarks on the several papers that have issued from his press. 8vo. London, 1790. -3-^9'^ TRIMMER, Master, pseud. The siege of Paternoster Row : a moral satire. 8vo. London, 1826. 22351 TRIP. A trip on the Thames. From Blackfriars to the Nore. [Colored plates.] Obi. 48mo. London [c. i860]. 6502 TRIPHOOK, R. A catalogue of books on sale. 8vo. London, 1817. 16585(2) TRITHEMIUS, J. De proprietate monachorum. i6mo. [Paris, c. 1505.] 21260(3) TRITHEMIUS, J. Polygraphiae (Clavis polygraphiae). 2 pts. Fol. [Basel], 1518. 5182 TRIUMPHS. The triumphs of the press. A poem. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1837. 15961 TRONNIER, A. Die Liibecker Buchillustration des fiinf- zehnten Jahrhunderts. 8vo. Strassburg, 1904. 7625 TROTTER, Mrs. A. P. Catalogue of a collection of old glass colour prints : with a prefatory note. i2mo. London, 1904. 3725 TROTTER, J. Technical education : is the present system satisfactory? {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 46, 1900, April 26, pp. 237-238.) PP TROUILLET, A. Trouillet's self-acting numbering machines. 8vo. Paris [c. 1865]. ii979 TROW PRESS. Bib-li-op-e-gis-tic : to which is appended a glossary of some terms used in the craft. 8vo. New York [c. 1912]. 17271 901 TROW PRESS. Trow Booster. No. i, 1912. 8vo. New York, 1912. PP [TRUBNER, N.] Triibner's bibliog-raphical j^uide to American literature : being a classified list of books published in the United States during" the last forty years. 8vo. London, 1855. 8533 TRUBNER, N. Triibner's bibliog;raphical guide to American literature. Svo. London, 1859. 3302 [TRUBNER, N.] Joseph Octave Delepierre. In memoriam. [With bibliog'raphy of his works.] 4to. [London, 1879.] 21387 [TRUBNER, N.] At Rippoldsau, September, 1879. 4to. [London], 1879. 20987 TRUE SUN. The ^M^ig•s and the press. Report of the trial of the proprietors and printer of the True Sun for recommending- non-payment of the assessed taxes. 8vo. London, 1834. 9827 TRUELSEN, M. Typer og tryk. No. 2. Aetsning i zink og kobber. Svo. Kjobenhavn [c. 1895]. 10940 TRUEMAN, H. P. The eclectic hand-book of printing : con- taining practical instructions to learners, with copious quotations from standard works, forming a complete guide to the art of printing. 2nd edition. Svo. I^ondon, iSSo. 192S0 TRUMBLILL, G. Pocket typographia : a brief practical guide to the art of printing. i6mo. Albany, 1846. 23479 TRUMEAU, N. See Claudin, A. TRUSCOTT, Sir F. W. [A biographical notice of Sir F. W. T. A cutting.] Svo. [London, c. 1S85.] 2235S TRUSCOTT, Sir F. W. See Ritchie, J. E. TRUSCOTT, J. & SONS. Wood blocks, etc. Fol. [London], 1S76. 2519 TRUSCOTT, J. & SON. Specimens of die sinking, illumin- ating, relief stamping, etc. 4to. London [c, 1885]. 2514 TRLISLER, J. On the delay of conversion. [In script type in imitation of MS.] Svo. [ ' .] 9828 TRUTAT, E. Impressions photographiques aux encres grasses. Traite pratique de photocollographie a I'usage des amateurs. Svo. Paris, 1892. 223 TRY : a book for boys. By Old Jonathan. i2mo. London, 1857. 16149 [TSCHASCHLAN, W. de.] Essai satyrique sur les vignettes, fleurons, culs-de-lampe et autres ornements des livres. Traduction libre d'l'allemand. Svo. Paris, 1S73. 20918 TSCHULIK, E. L. See H :D. TUCK, R. & SONS. Raphael House. [History of the firm and description of the new premises.] Svo. [London, 1899.] 1439 902 TUCK, R. & SONS. Christmas cards, calendars, toy books, postcards, etc. 4to. London, 1905. 6959 TUDOT, E. Description des tons les moyens de dessiner pierre : avec 1 'etude des causes qui penvent empecher la reussite de I'impression des dessins. i2mo. Paris, 1833. 10647 TUDOT, E. Traite de lithog"raphie. 2e. edition. i6mo. Paris, i834. 10335 TUER, A. W. Luxurious bathing. 5th edition. Eight etchings by T. Ellis. Obi. Svo. London, 1880. 20328 TUER, A. W. Bartolozzi and his works. 2 vols. 4to. London [1881]. 20137 TUER, A. \V. Quads for authors, editors and devils. i2mo. London, 1884. 20326 TUER, A. W. Old London street cries and the cries of to-day. i6mo. London, 1885. 1726 TUER, A. W. 1,000 quaint cuts from books of other days. 4to. London [1886]. 346 TUER, A. \Y. The book of delightful and strange desig-ns being" 100 facsimile illustrations of the art of the Japanese stencil cutter. Obi. 4to. London [c. 1890]. 126 TUER, A. W. History of the horn-book. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1896. 432 TUITE, J. J. C. Lyons and the Ledeston press, {hi Irish Book Lover, Vol. i, 1909, pp. 69-71.) PP TUNMER & LIVESEY. A few impressions of fine color printing'. Edited by J. G. Livesey. 4to. Swindon, 1888. 497 TUPLING, J. Some more old books for sale. i2mo. London [c. 1845]. . 16546 TUPPER, G. L F. [Notes upon the peculiarities of the various types found in books printed (1477-91) by W. Caxton.] MS. Svo. [1861.] 22508 TURATI, Count V. Isotypic : a new half-tone process. 8vo. London [1896J. 1561 TURATI, Count V. Count Turati's new half-tone practice. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 2, 1896, pp. 130-134.) PP TURATI, Count V. Review of the progress of the half-tone process in the year 1896. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 3, 1897, pp. 91-94.) PP TURBAYNE, A. A. Alphabets and numerals. 4to. London, 1904. 6610 TURBAYNE, A. A. Monograms and ciphers designed and drawn by A. A. Turbayne and other members of the Carlton Studio. 4to. London [1906J. 18233 TURCICI imperii status. i6mo. Lugd. Bat., 1634. 21961 903 rURCK, F. M. Hints on displav. (/;; The Brit, and Col. Print., ]-oL 17, 1886, pp. 33-35.) PP TURFORU, H. Paul's speech to the Bishop of Crcta. Bristol, 1746-7- 15724 TURCOT. Catalogue des livres de la Biblioth^que dc M***. [Turgot de St. Clair. J 8vo. Paris, 1744. 16760 TURIN : Exhibition, 1884. L'arte tipog-rafica alia Exposizione di Torino. Rendiconto appunti tecnici, impressioni critiche e lettere di un nialcontento. [By S. Landi.] 8vo. Firenze, 1885. 2339 TURIN: Exhibition, 191 1. British official catalog'uc. 8vo. London, 191 1. 15277 TURIN: Exhibition, 191 1. Les arts graphiques a I'Exposition de Turin, igii. Le papier. L'imprimerie. Machines a imprimeur. La librairie. L'edition musicale. La reliure. La pressc. L'affiche. Recueil precede de notices historiqucs par A. Failliot, H. Pichot, L. Layus. 8vo. Paris, 191 1. 15278 TURIN: Exhibition, 191 1. Amtlicher Katalog fiir die deutsche Abteilung". 8vo. Berlin, 1911. . 15276 TURIN: Exhibtion, 191 1. Catalogue de TExposition speciale de la "\'ille de Paris et du Dcpartement de la Seine. 8vo. Paris, 1911. 15275 TURIN : Museo del Libro. Guida del Museo del Libro con indice bibliografico dei facsimili deg'li incunaboli. i2mo. Torino, 1913- 17750 TURIN : R. Museo Industriale Italiano. Gabinetto per I'assag-g-io delle carte e materie affini. Programma del corso sulla tecnolog'ia della carta. 8vo. Torino, 1905. 75^4 TURIN : R. Scuola Tipografica. Statuto e reg'olamento. 8vo. Torino, 1909. 11989 TURIN : R. Scuola Tipografica. Sagg"io di lavori eseg"uito nell' anno scolastico 1908-9. Anno \'II di fondazione. ]'oI. 5. 4to. Torino, 1909. 11990 TURIN : R. Scuola Tipog"rafica. Programma delle materia d'insegnamento per i corsi teorico-pratici. 8vo. Torino, 1910. 1 1988 TURIN : R. Scuola Tipografica. Le scuole professional! nella citta di Torino. 4to. Torino, 191 1. 16186 TURIN : Societa dei Compositori-Tipografi. Regolamento. i2mo. Torino, 1861. 10235 TURIN : Societa dei Compositori-Tipografi. Regolamento. i2mo. Torino, 1864. 1051 TURKISH printing. [A collection of books printed in the Turkish language, c. 1895.] 11 vols. 494 904 TURLOT, See Capron and Turlot. TURLOT, A. [Type specimen book.] 4to. Paris [c. 1870]. 6438 TURLOT, A. Specimen de caract^res. 8vo. Paris [c. 1886]. 9877 TURLOT, A. Specimen des caract^res anciens de la Fonderie Turlot [Fonderies reunies Derriey — Virey freres — Marcellin Le- grand — Dumeil — Colson]. Elzevirs. 8vo. Paris [c. 1890J. 6030 TURLOT, A. & CIE. De I'lnstallation d'un atelier de com- position pour une imprimerie reg"imentaire. 8vo. Paris [c. 1895]. 17130 TURLOT, A. Caract^res de fantaisie et initiales. 8vo. Paris [c. 1900]. 8600 TURLOT, A. Caract^res de labeurs. 8vo. Paris [c. 1900]. 8599 TURLOT, A. Caracteres pour affiches. 8vo. Paris [c. 1900]. 8601 TURLOT, A. Ornements et vignettes. 8vo. Paris [c. 1900]. 8602 TURLOT, A. Specimen de filets. 8vo. Paris [c. 1900]. 8603 TURNBULL, T. E. See Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Public Lib- raries. TURXBULL, W. B. D. D. Catalogue of the extensive and valuable library of W. B. D. D. T. [Priced.] 8vo. Edinburgh, 1851. 8676 Li TURNBULL c^ SPEARS. The principal founts in use by Turn- bull and Spears. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1915. 18919 TURNER, A. W. Half-tone blocks by the bitumen grain process. [In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, pp. 41-42.) PP TURNER, D. Guide towards the verification of manuscripts, by reference to engraved facsimiles of handwriting. 8vo. Yar- mouth, 1848. 7555 TURNER, D. See Pinkerton, J. TURNER, F. F. A plea for higher education of the job compositor. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 32, 1903-4, pp. 528-529.) PP TURNER, F. F. Starting a job printing ofifice. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 35, 1905, pp. 45, 196.) PP TURNER, F. F. The job compositor — his requirements and possibilities. {In The Printing Art, Vol. 6, 1906, pp. 356-358.) PP TURNER, F. F. The production of high-art job printing. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 41, 1908, pp. 49-50.) PP TURNER, F. K. The management of a small job office. {In Inland Printer, \'ol. 32, 1903-4, p. 408.) PP 905 TL'RXKR, G. W. Homely scenes from great painters. Illus- trated by 24 photographs by the Woodbury process. 4to. London [c. 1873J. 8204 TL'RX I'^R, 11. Printing- conditions in the Hawaiian Islands. (1)1 The American Printer, ]'oL 62, 1916, pp. 62-63.) PP TURNER, M. and HARRIS, W. A guide to the institutions and charities for the blind in the United Kingdom. Information relating to their books, types, etc. [With a bibliography of the blind.] 8vo. London, 1884. 53^9 TURNER, R. The printer as an artist. {In The Printing Art, \'ol I, 1903, p. 19.) PP [TURNER, S.J Reasons for a modification of the Act of Anne respecting the delivery of books and copyright. 8vo. London, 1813. 20403(1) TURNER, W\ Baxter's colour prints, {hi The Queen, June 29, 1907.) 9071 TURRI, G. Memorie sulla introduzione della stampa in Reggio e sua provincia nel secolo 15. 4to. Reggio nell' Emilia, 1869. 22957 TUTTLE, J. M. The Margo system [of color mixing]. i6mo. New York [c. 1910]. 12159 TUTTLE, J. M. Ink secrets for the pressman. [2nd edition.] i6mo. New York [c. 1910]. , • 12 169 T^^^ATTLE-BASKET, T. Note di cronaca ossia i giornali gli istituti e gli uomini illustri Italiani a Londra durante I'era \'it- toriana (1837-97). 8vo. Bergamo, 1897. 1739^ TWEEDALE, Y. C. The gentle art of bookbinding. {In Chaml)ers's Journal, July, 1895.) 1261 TWELVE Parables of our Lord. 4to. London, 1870. 14028 TWTCKENHAM : Public Library. Ceremony of opening the new building. Wednesday, March 20th, 1907. Programme of proceedings. 8vo. Twickenham, 1907. 10126 TVVICKENHAJ^I : Public Library. 24th-25th, etc., annual reports, 1906-7, etc. 8vo. Twickenham, 1907, etc. 10118 TWO aids for the three-colour block maker. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp. 164-165.) PP TWO references to the English book trade, c. 1525. {In Biblio- graphica. Vol. i, 1895, pp. 252-256.) 53 TWYN, J. Tryal for printing a treasonable book. 4to. London, 1664. 53^7 TYAS, R. See Cotton, J. TYLER, E. Inventary of worke done for the state by H.M. printer in Scotland, Dec, 1642 — Oct., 1647. 4to. Edinburgh, 1815- 17556 906 TYMMS, W. R. See ^^'yatt, M. D. and Tymms, ^^^ R. TYNAN, K. The romance of a bookseller. [S. Richardson.] {hi The Cornhill Magazine, Vol. 22, May, 1907, pp. 678-689.) 8784 TYNDALE, W. SeS Bible: O.T. Jonah; Bible: N.T. Eng- lish ; Bradshaw, H. TYNEMOUTH, Public Library. 30th, etc., annual report, 1899-1900, etc. 8vo. North Shields, 1900, etc. 8995 TYPE. The Type. Circular of Barnhart Bros, and Spindler, Dec, 1901. Sm. 4to. Chicago, 1901. PP TYPE AND GRAVER. Vol i, No. i, Jan., 1876. 4to. San Francisco, 1876. PP TYPE and type-making. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 8, 1890-1, p. 266.) ' PP TYPE FACSIMILE SOCIETY. Publications. 4to. Oxford, 1900-8. 1829 TYPE-FOUNDER. Vols. 12-18, 1 897-1 907. 4to. Chicago, 1897-1907. PP TYPE founding : ancient and modern. i6mo. [London, 1883.] 23108 TYPE is cheaper than time. By an ex-foreman. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 42, 1908, pp. 58-59.) PP TYPEFOUNDRIES of the United States. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 7, 1889-90, p. 1 1 16 — Vol. 8, 1890-1, p. 1019.) PP TYPESETTING MACHINE ENGINEERS' JOURNAL. Vol. 7, 1913, etc. 8vo. New York, 1913, etc. PP TYPE-SETTING SYNDICATE, Ltd. Full particulars anent the Thorne combined type-setting and distributing machine. 4to. London [c. 1890]. 394^ TYPE-SETTING SYNDICATE, Ltd. The Syndicate submit for the consideration of the Executive Council of the Typo- graphical Association, etc. 4to. London, 1894. 13676 TYPE-SETTING SYNDICATE, Ltd. Thorne Combinierte Setz und Ablege Maschine. i2mo. [? London], 1895. 4013 TYPE TREE. Vol. i, 1909-10. 4to. London, 1909-10. PP TYPO. Vol. 6, 1876— I'oL 8, 1878-9. 8vo. New York, 1876-9. PP TYPO. Vols. 1-5, 1887-91. 4to. New Zealand, 1887-91. PP TYPOGRAFISCHE MEDEDEELINGEN. Vol. 7, 191 1, etc. 8vo. Amsterdain, 191 1, etc. PP TYPOGRAFISKE MEDDELELSER. Vol. 39. Jun. 1914, etc. 4to. Kristiania, 1914, etc. PP 907 TYPOGRAPH CO., Ltd. The Typoo-raph composing- and line- casting- machine. Detailed description. 8vo. London [c. igoSj. 10689 TYPOGRAPH G. M. B. H. Machine a composer et k fondre les lignes, Typograph. Edition 1904. Obi. 8vo. Berlin, 1904. 1 407 1 TYPOGRAPH G. M. B. H. The Typograph composing machine and its use in the modern book and newspaper office. 8vo. London, 1909. 13601 TYPOGRAPH G. M. B. H. A souvenir to commemorate the installation of the looth Typograph composing machine in the United Kingdom. 8vo. [Berlin, 1911.] 16079 TYPOGRAPHE. Eloge en vers de ITmprimerie, par un typo- graphe. 8vo. Paris, 1827. 1445° TYPOGRAPHE [pseud.]. See Alkan, A. TYPOGRAPHIA : oder die Buchdruckerkunst, line Erfindung der Deutschen. 8vo. Essen, 1823. 23416 TYPOGRAPHIC ADVERTISER. Vols. 12-38, 1867-92. Fol. Philadelphia, 1867-92. PP TYPOGRAPHIC CHRONICLE. No. 7, Aug. 1892. 4to. London, 1892. PP TYPOGRAPHIC etching. (In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 10, Dec. 13, 1883, p. 6.) PP TYPOGRAPHIC MESSENGER. Vols, i-io, 1866-75. Sm. fol. New York, 1866-75. ^^ TYPOGRAPHICA. No. 2, June, 1912. 8vo. New York, 1912. PP TYPOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION. For publications previous to this date, see Provincial Typographical Association. TYPOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION. Rules, as amended Dec, 1882. i2mo. Manchester, 1882. 4184 TYPOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION. Conference on the working of composing machines, Manchester, Feb. 21, 1891. i2mo. Manchester, 1891. 10098 TYPOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION. Report of the delegate meeting, Sept., 1891. i2mo. Manchester, 1891. 7594 TYPOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION. List of society and non-society houses in the various branches. i2mo. Manchester, 1893. 4183 TYPOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION. Extracts from report of delegate meeting held in Sheffield, Dec, 1893. [Privately published by the Linotype Co., Ltd.] 8vo. London [1893]. 4190 TYPOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION. Rules, as amended Dec, 1893. i2mo. Manchester, 1894. 4182 908 TYPOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION. Report of the delegate meeting held in Sheffield, Dec., 1893. i2mo. Manchester, 1894. 2981 TYPOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION. The application and operation of the fair wages resolution as applied to public printing contracts in Ireland. 8vo. [Belfast], 1898. 1036 TYPOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION. Report of the quin- quennial delegate meeting held in Birmingham, May, 1903. 4to. Manchester, 1903. 391 1 TYPOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION. List of printing firms recognised by the Association. 8vo. Hull, 1906. 8852 TYPOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION : Ipswich Branch. Re- vised list of printing offices in Ipswich. i2mo. [Ipswich, c. 1900.] 8211 TYPOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION : Ipswich Branch. List of printing firms who employ members of the Typographical Association, where fair wages are paid and other conditions mutually agreed between employers and employees are in opera- tion. i2mo. Ipswich, 1912. 15884 TYPOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION: Newport Branch. Rules. 8vo. Newport, 1892. 759° TYPOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION : Redhill Branch. Rules and regulations. i2mo. [Redhill], 1900. 7589 TYPOGRAPHICAL ASSOCIATION. See Bird, F. TYPOGRAPHICAL CIRCULAR. A journal devoted to the interests of the printing profession. New series. Nos. i-S4- 8vo. London, 1854-8. PP TYPOGRAPHICAL CIRCULAR. No. 265, Oct., 1S74, etc. 8vo. Manchester, 1874, etc. PP TYPOGRAPHICAL GAZETTE. Nos. 1-16, 1846-7. 8vo. London, 1846-7. PP TYPOGRAPHICAL handbook : a collection of useful inform- ation and valuable tables. 3rd edition. 32mo. Detroit [c. 1876]. 23486 TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL. Vol. 4, 1893, etc. 8vo. Indianapolis, 1893, etc. PP TYPOGRAPHICAL PROTECTION CIRCULAR. Nos. 1-59. 4to. London, 1849-53. PP TYPOGRAPHICAL technical queries and answers. i6mo. Hull, 1901. 2357 TYPOGRAPHIE FRANCAISE. Vol. 17, 1898, etc. Fol. Paris, 1898, etc. PP TYPOGRAPHISCHE JAHRBUCHER. Vols. 1-33, 1880-1912. 8vo. Leipzig, 1880-1912. PP 909 'l\'P()(;RArHISCHF MITTl'HA'NGEN. Vol. 4, 1S90, etc. Fol. Leipzig, 1890, etc. PP TYPOGRAPHISCHE NEUIGKEITEN. Nos. 5-7, 1887-8. Fol. Frankfurt, 1887-8. . PP TYPOGRAPHISCHES JAHRBUCH. Herausgegeben von F. R. Hoffmann. Vols. 1-2. 8vo. Breslau, 1876. 23068 TVPOLOC^E TUCKER. J'ols. 1-7, 187^99- 4to. Paris, 1873-99. ^ PP TYPOTHETAE AND PLATEMAKER. Afterzvards Pro- gressive Printer. See Progressive Printer. TYRIE, J. See Law, T. G. 910 u UDALL, J. The state of the Church of Eng^land hiid open in conference between Diotrephes, a bishop, etc. [April, 1588. j (Eng-hsh Scholars' Library No. 5.) 8vo. London, 1879. 6209 UDALL, J. A demonstration of discipline. (English Scholars' Library No. 9.) 8vo. London, 1880. 62 1 1 LEBER Pressfreiheit und Colibat. 8vo. Aschaffenburg-, 1832. 22406 UITVINDING der boekdrukkunst. 8vo. Haarlem, 1854. 23059 ULLMAN, J. A. Printing- ink. [In Hitchcock, F. H. : The building of a book, 1906, pp. 139-143.) 8824 ULLMAN, S. CO. Our double-tone inks : in theory and practice. i2mo. New York, 1903. 8509 ULLMAN, S. CO. Specimen book of L. N. F. Bond inks. Obi. 8vo. New York [1909]. 11440 ULLMANN, B. & CO. Leaf-metal, bronze powder and brocade works. 4to. Fuerth, 1893. 2133 ' LILLMANN, C. Rede bei dem vierten Sacularfeste der Er- findung- der Buchdruckerkunst am 24 den Juni, 1840. 8vo. Heidelberg-, 1840. 21560 ULLMER, F. Reduced list of prices of new material. 8vo. London, 1865. 119^3 LILLMER, F. Specimen book of ornaments. 4to. London, 1874. 6442 ULLMER, F. Specimens of type. 8vo. London [1885]. 20256 ULLMER, F. No. 188. Catalogue of 2nd hand type and new modern founts. 8vo. London [c. 1889J. 6660 ULLMER, F. Specimens of type, etc. Svo. London [1891]. 3096 ULLMER, F. Popular designs for artistic printers. i2mo. London, 1892. 6433 ULLMER, F. Illustrated price list of new machinery and materials for letterpress printers, lithographers, book-binders, stationers, etc. Svo. London [1900]. 3^79 911 ULLMER, F. Re\iscd illustrated price list of new machinery and matcM-ials for letterpress printers, lithog-raphers, etc. 8vo. London [1902]. 2770 ULLMER, V. I'redk. L'llmer's Ltd. Standard Circular. No. 40. 4to. London, 1912. PP ULLMER, F. &• SON. Specimens of types, etc. 8vo. London [1851]. 2193 ULLMER & WATTS. [Book of ornaments.] 4to. [London, c. 1850.] , 2200 L^LLMER &: WATTS. A book of specimens of new type, ornaments, etc., at the reduced prices. 8vo. London [c. 1850]. ULRICI, H. Sec Sillig-, P. H. ULSTAD, P. Coelum philosophorum seu de secretis naturae. 4to. Argentorati, 1528. 55^4 ULSTER ASSOCIATION. Banquet. May 4, 1912. Com- plimentary references to Belfast Evening- Telegraph and allied newspapers and to Mr. R. H. H. Baird. 8vo. London, 1912. 16283 UMBREIT, A. E. See Vries, A. de. UNDERWOOD, J. The history and chemistry of writing, printing and copying inks. i2mo. London [1858]. 9557 UNDERWOOD, N. and SULLIVAN, T. V. The chemistry and technology of printing inks. 8vo. London, 191 5. 19296 UNGER, A. W. Die Herstellung von Biichern, lUustrationen, Akzidenzen, usw. Mit 166 Figuren, 12 Beilagen und 60 Tafeln. 8vo. Halle a.S., 1906. 9032 UNGER, A. W. Wie ein Buch entsteht. 8vo. Leipzig, 1908. 9612 UNGER, A. W. Die Herstellung von Biichern, lUustrationen, Akzidenzen, usw. 2te. Aufiage. 8vo. Halle a.S., 1910. 13643 UNGER, A. W. Lehrbuch fur Buchdrucker. Druck. 8vo. Wien, 1910. 11716 UNGER, C. T. De Aldi Pii Manuti Romani vita meritisque in rem literatam. Auctus cura et studio S. L. Geret. 4to. Vitem- bergae, 1753. 20622 UNGER, J. F. Prozess des Buchdrucker Unger gegen Ober- konsistorialrath ZoUner in Censurangelegenheiten wegen eines verbotenen Buchs. 8v'o. Berlin, 1791. 21604 UNION CENTRALE DES ARTS DECORATIFS. Le papier : Ille. groupe de I'Exposition Technologique de 1882. Librairie — impressions — photographic — gravure — reliure — papiers peints. Partie moderne. Rapport du jury des industries du papier. M. A. Firmin-Didot, Secretaire-Rapporteur. 8vo. Paris, 1883. 16296 912 UNION LABEL BULLETIN. Vol. i, 1909. 4to. New York, 1909. PI* UNION PRINTER. See New York Union Printer. UNION PRINTERS, Ltd. Price list. i6mo. Blackpool [c. 1903]. 3552 UN ION E PIO-TIPOGRAFICA ITALIANA. La Societa di mutuG soccorso U. P.T.I. Torino — Firenze — Roma. Fondata in Torino nel 1738. Brevi cenni del suo socio onorario A. Manno e. raccolta di documenti nella occasione del cencinquantesimo anni- versario dalla sua fondazione. 8vo. Torino, 1888. 2899^ UNIONE TIPOGRAFICO-EDITRICE TORINESE. Mezzo, secolo di vita della Unione. 1855-1904. 8vo. Torino, 1904. 16327 UNIONIST. The Unionist. Vols. 26-31, 1901-6. 4to. New York, 1901-6. PP UNITED BILLPOSTERS' ASSOCIATION. Posters con- demned by the Censorship Committee. 4to. London [1904]. 8862 UNITED FRIENDLY SOCIETY OF BOOKBINDERS. Articles. 8vo. London, 1794. 22268 UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATION. Journalism : the most attractive profession in the world. i2mo. London [c. 1914]. 19136 UNITED STATES. List of patents for inventions and designs issued from 1790 to 1847. By E. Burke. 8vo. Washington, 1847. 7328 UNITED STATES. Special report on public libraries. Pt. 2. Rules for a printed dictionary catalogue. By C. A. Cutter. 8vo. Washington, 1876. 22783 UNITED STATES. Patent laws and laws relating to the registration of trade-marks and labels, with annotations. Revised Feb. 9, 1897. With appendix of amendatory Acts of Feb. 19 and Mar. 3, 1897. 8vo. [Washington, 1897.] 10418 UNITED STATES. 8th annual report of the Commissioner of Labor, 1892. Industrial education. 8vo. Washington, 1893. 3394 UNITED STATES. Special consular reports. Vol. 19. Paper in foreign countries. Uses of wood pulp. 8vo. Washington, 1900. 2402 UNITED STATES. i6th annual report of the Commissioner of Labor, 1901. Strikes and lockouts. 8vo. Washington, 1901. 3393 UNITED STATES. 17th annual report of the Commissioner of Labor, 1902. Trade and technical education. 8vo. Washington, 1902. 3367 UNITED STATES : Bureau of the Census. Bulletin 79. Census of manufactures, 1905. Printing and publishing. 4to. Washington, 1907. 9360 913 58 UNITED STATES CADET CORPS. The looth night. Enter- tainment, Feb. 20, 1886. 8vo. Poughkeepsie, 1886. 10906 UNITED vSTATES : Commissioner of Patents. Annual report, 1899(1900-1). 3 T'o/i-. 8vo. Washington, 1900-2. 8184 UNITED STATES : Government Printing- Office. Manual of style, for use of copy editors, proof-readers, operators and com- positors eng-aged in the production of executive, congressional and departmental publications. 8vo. [Washington], 1908. 11640 UNITED STATES : Government Printing Office. Report by W. S. Rossiter upon conditions prevailing in the Government Printing Office. Reply thereto by C. A. Stillings, Public Printer. '8vo. Washington, 1908. 11511 UNITED STATES : Government Printing Office. The making of a book : operations that lead to its proper construction, together with useful tables and information. 8vo. Washington, 1909. 11641 UNITED STATES: Government Printing Office. Annual report of the Public Printer for the year ending June, 1910, etc. {Pt. II- — Style book. Pt. Ill — Correct orthography of geographic names.) 8vo. Washington, 191 1, etc. 141 58 UNITED TRADE BENEFIT SOCIETY OF LITHO- GRAPHIC PRINTERS. Objects and rules. 8vo. London, 1861. 4162 UNITED TYPOTHETAE OF AMERICA. Proceedings of the ist, etc., convention, 1887, etc. 8vo. Chicago, 1887, etc. 3373 UNITED TYPOTHETAE OF AMERICA. Report of the Committee on uniformity in the bodies of type. 8vo. [New York, 1890.] 6281 UNITED TYPOTHETAE OF AMERICA. [Report on uni- formity in type bodies.] 8vo. [New York, 1890.] 6220 UNITED TYPOTHETAE OF AMERICA. Preliminary report on composing rooms and press rooms, with reference to cleanliness and expedition of business. 8vo. [New York, 1890.] 6280 UNITED TYPOTHETAE OF AMERICA. New fixtures for the composing room. 8vo. [New York, 1890.] 6219 UNITED TYPOTHETAE OF AMERICA. U.T.A. cost system installation. Some testimonials. i2mo. Philadelphia, 1910. 13362 UNITYPE CO. The Simplex one-man type setter. Obi. 8vo. Chicago [1901]. 2291 UNIVERSAL DUPLICATING TYPECASTER CO. Univer- sal Polygraph. 8vo. London [c. 1909]. 11236 UNIVERSAL MAGAZINE. Vols. 1-6. 8vo. London, 1747-50- 5363 UNTERRICHTS-BRIEFE fur Buchdrucker. Setzer-BrieL Nos. 1-30. 8vo. Leipzig [1902-4]. 3364 914 UNTERRICHTS-BRIEFE fiir Buchdrucker. Drucker-Brief. Nos. 1-30. 8vo. Leipzig- [c. 1904J. 12413 UNTHANK, J. Dissertatio medica inauguralis, de leuco- phleg-mata. 8vo. Edinburg-i, 1784. 4964 UNWIN, T. F. London publishers. Mr. T. Fisher Unwin. (In The Bookman, I'oZ. 4, May, 1893, PP- S^-S^-) 6808 UNWIN, T. F. Illustrated catalogue of autumn and Christ- mas publications. 8vo. London, 189S. 1204 UNWIN BROS. Printing- types and ornaments. 4to. London [c. 1870]. 5985 UP-TO-DATE DISTRIBUTOR. 1902-3. 8vo. Cleveland, 1902-3. PP UPDIKE, D. B. Some revivals of printing- in the 19th century. {In The Printing- Art, Vol. 7, 1906, pp. 13-17.) PP UPDIKE, D. B. Merrymount : being- a few words on the derivation of the name of the Merrymount Press. 8vo. Boston [c. 1912]. 17053 UPDIKE, D. B. 1893-1913. A description of the Merrymount Press, Boston. 8vo. Boston, 1913. ^7354 UPDIKE, D. B. A view of the Old West Church, a branch of the Boston Public Library, with Mr. L^pdike's new year's g-reetings to the friends of The Merrymount Press, Boston. 8vo. Boston, 1914. 18169 UPSALA : Kongl. Universitctet. Redogorelse, 1885-6 (1886-7, 188S-9). 8vo. Upsala, 1887-9. 2322S UPSALA : University. Universitati Lipsiensi saecularia quinta diebus xxviii-xxx mensis Julii a.d. mcmix celebranti gratulantur Universitatis Upsaliensis rector et senatus. Fol. Upsaliae, 1909. 19181 URBAN, J. See Andersen, H. C. URBAN, W. Recept-sammlung- aus dem photomechanischen Betriebe der Technischen Lehr und-Versuch-Anstalt von Klimsch und Co. 8vo. [Frankfurt, 1898.] 2108 URE, A. A dictionary of arts, manufactures, etc. [Printing-, only.] 8vo. London, i860. 2268 URE, A. A dictionary of arts, manufactures, etc. [Engraving-, only.] 8vo. London, 1878. 2267 URIE, R. See M'Lean, H. A. URQUHART, J. W. Electro-plating : a practical handbook. Including the practice of electro-typing, 8vo. London, 1880. 602 URQUHART, J. W. Electro-typing : a practical manual. 8vo. London, 1881. 505 915 IJRSIN, G. T. Bogtrykkerkunstens opfindelse og udvikling i 400 aar. Kn festgabe til dens fjcrde jubilaeum. 8vo. Kjoben- havn, 1840. 20932 URSINUS, Z. The summe of Christian religion. 4to. London, 1617. 10639 URSULINES. Notizia dell' origine, e stabilimento dell' istituto delle religiose Orsolini. 8vo. Roma, 1718. 16418 USE of borders and florets. {In The Printing Art, Vol. 3, 1904, p. 17.) PP USE of decorative initials. {In The Printing Art, Vol. i, 1903, P- 75-) PP USEFUL arts and manufactures of Great Britain. [Paper, parchment.] i2mo. London, 1848. 7219 USHER, J. See Parr, R. USHER & CO. Price list of printing inks, varnishes, roller composition, etc. 8vo. London [c. 1890]. 3025 USSHER, J. A journey from London to Persepolis. With numerous coloured illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1865. 16900 UTILISSIMA provisione ad ogni Fidei Christiano, etc. 8vo. Brescia & Ferrara, 1588. 6039(8) UZANNE, O. Caprices d'un bibliophile. 8vo. Paris, 1878. 20914 UZANNE, O. L'eventail. 8vo. Paris, 1882. 21695A UZANNE, O. L'ombrelle-Le gant-Le manchon. 8vo. Paris, 1883. 21695B UZANNE, O. Nos amis les livres. Causeries sur la litterature curieux et la libraire. 8vo. Paris, 1886. 20668 L^ZANNE, O. La reliure moderne artistique et fantaisiste. 8vo. Paris, 1887. 105A UZANNE, O. Les zigzags d'un curieux. Causeries sur I'art des livres et la litterature d'art. 8vo. Paris, 1888. -21558 UZANNE, O. Bouquinistes et bouquineurs. Physiologic des Quais de Paris. 8vo. Paris, 1893. 5548 UZANNE, O. L'art dans la decoration exterieure des livres en France et a I'etranger. 4to. Paris, 1898. 2807 UZANNE, O. See Du Bois, H. P. ; Roueyre, E. and Uzanne, O. 916 V y. A training course for apprentices. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 191 1-2, pp. 142-144.) PP V : P. Historical narration of certain events that took place in Great Britain in 1553. [Edited by J. P. Berjeau.] 8vo. London, 1865. 20655 VACHON, M. Les arts et les industries du papier en France, 1871-94. 4to. Paris [1894]. 691 VACUUM TRANSFER SYNDICATE, Ltd. Booklet. 8vo. [London, 1913.] ^79^5 VADE MECUM for malt worms. [A reprint.] 8vo. LondoiJ [c. 1820]. 21352 VADE-MECUM typographique. [On correction and the com- position of Greek and Hebrew.] 8vo. Paris, 1866. 22627 VAENIUS, O. Amoris divini emblemata. 4to. Antwerpiae, 1660. 21374 VAILE, G. B. River scenes of merrie England. 4to. St. Albans [c. 1904]. 4836 VALDENEBRO Y CISNEROS, J. M. de. La imprenta en Cordoba. 4to. Madrid, 1900. 2045 VALENCE, Comte de. Opinion sur le projet de loi relatif a la liberte de la presse. 8vo. [Paris, 1814.] 23398 VALENTA, E. Das Papier, seine Hersteliung, Eigenschaften, Verwendung in den graphischen Druck-techniken, Pruefung usw. [Die Rohstoffe der Graphischen Druckgewerbe, Band, i.] 8vo. Halle a. S., 1904. 4536 VALENTA, E. The application of bromide of silver in printing- out processes. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 44-46.) PP VALENTA, E. Fette, Harze, Firnisse, Russ, schwarze Druck- farben, etc. 8vo. Halle a. S., 1908. 9806 VALENTA, E. On the production of an asphaltum compound of relatively-high sensitiveness. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 19 10- 1, pp. 81-83.) PP 9' 7 VALENTA, E. Brown toning of bromide prints. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. i8, 1912-3, p. 228.) PP VALENTA, E. Die bunten Druckfarben. Svo. Halle a. S., 1914. 18363 VALENTINE, L. The nobility of life. Revised edition. 4to. London [c. 1873]. 10198 VALENTINE, T. A sermon. 4to. London, 1643. 15710 VALENTINE & SONS, Ltd. List of pictorial post cards. 8vo. Dundee [c. 1904]. 4827 VALENTINI, P. J. J. Mexican paper : an article of tribute : its manufacture, varieties, employment and uses. 8vo. Wor- cester, 1881. 16706 VALERIUS MAXIMUS. Facta et dicta. Fol. Venezia, 1485. 5694 VALERIUS MAXIMUS. Valerius Maximus cum duplici com- mentario. Fol. Paris, 1513. 5151 VALETTE, A. Manuel pratique du lithographe. 2e. edition. Svo. Lyon, 1894. 508 VALETTE, A. Manuel pratique du lithographe. 3e. Edition. Svo. Paris, 1903. 3547 VALLANCE, A. The art of William Morris : a record. With examples of the type and ornaments used at the Kelmscott Press. Also a classified bibliography by Temple Scott. 4to. London, 1897. 1406 VALLANCE, A. Sir Edward Burne-Jones. {In Great masters of decorative art, 1900.) 2843 VALLANCEY, C. A grammar of the Irish language. 2nd edition. Svo. Dublin, 1781. 5302 VALLANCEY, C. A grammar of the Irish language. Svo. Dublin, 1782. • 5310 VALLARDI, P. L'articolo primo della legge su i diritti d'autore. Question! relative alia proposta riforma. Svo. Pavia, 1909. 11916 VALLE, G. Commentationes in Ptolomei, etc. Fol. Venetiis, 1502. 5897 VALLEE, L. Bibliographic des bibliographies. 2 vols. Svo. Paris,. 1883-7. 6457 VALLET DE VIRIVILLE, A. Iconographie historique. De la reproduction des figures par voie d 'impression. {In Revue de Paris, Feb., 1853, pp. 177-200.) * 10967 \'ALLET DE VIRIVILLE, A. Les inventeurs de I'imprimerie en Allemagne. Svo. Paris, 1858. 228S6 918 VALLET DE VIRIVILLE, A. See Boyer, H. and Vallet de Viriville, A. VALSECCHI, A. See Bernardi, J., Zang-hellini and Val- secchi, A. VALUABLE secrets concerning arts and trades. [Engraving, etc.] 8vo. Norwich, 1795. 192 18 VALUE of advertising in commerce. {In The Magazine of Commerce, Vol. i, 1902, pp. 175-176.) 9153 VAN ALLENS & BOUGHTON. Catalogue of Huber printing presses. OIdI. Svo. New York, 1898. 2142 \'AN BUREN, M. See Washington : Library of Congress. VAN BUREN, T. B. Labor and porcelain in Japan. 8vo. Yokohama, 1882. 20023 VANDERBORGHT, A. & F. Specimen. 4to. Bruxelles [c. 1880]. 6436 VANDERBORGHT, A. &• F. . Fonderie. [Specimens.] Fol. Bruxelles [c. 1880]. 23196 VANDERBORGHT, A. &: F. Premier (-Deuxieme) comple- ment au specimen. 2 pts. 4to. Bruxelles, 1883-4. 20307 VANDERBORGHT, A. & F. Ouatri^me complement au specimen. 4to. Bruxelles [c. 1896]. 510 VANDERBORGHT, A. & F. See [Dumont, J.] VANDERBORGHT, A. & DUMONT. Carnet specimen. 8vo. Bruxelles [c. 1904]. 6902 VANDERBORGHT, A. & DUMONT. Extrait du specimen. Obi. i6mo. Bruxelles [c. 1904]. 6903 VANDERBORGHT, A. & DUMONT. Specimen-Album. 4to. Bruxelles [c. 1904]. 6901 VANDERBORGHT, A. & DUMONT. Types pour cartes de visite et bilboquets. 24mo. Bruxelles [c. 1904]. 6906 VANDERBORGHT, A. & DUMONT. Vignettes xxe. siMe. 8vo. Bruxelles [c. 1904]. 6904 VANDERBORGHT, A. & DUMONT. Fantaisies. Obi. 24mo. Bruxelles [1905]. 6905 VANDERBORGHT, A. & DUMONT. Types modernes. Svo. Bruxelles [1909]. iio45 VANDERBORGHT, A. & DUMONT. Types pour travaux de commerce. 4to. Bruxelles [1909]. 11046 VANDERBORGHT, A. & DUMONT. Notice historique de la Fonderie. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1910. 135^4 VANDERCOOK, R. O. Static electricity in the pressroom. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 35, 1905, pp. 745-747.) PP 919 VANDERHAGEN, F. Biblios^raphie gantoise. Rccherches sur la vie et les travaux des imprimeurs de Gand. 7 vuls. 8vo. Gand, 1858-69. . 3319 VANDERHAEGHEN, P. Biblia Saxonica. {In Le Biblio- phile Belg-e, I'o/. 7, 1872, pp. 140-143.) PP VANDERSTRAETEN, E. Douze impressions gantoises du i6e. si^cle inconnues aux bibliophiles. (In Bull, du Bibliophile Beige, Vol. 19, 1863, pp. 101-103.) PP VAN DER VEEN OOMKENS, A. [Specimens of type, etc.] Fol. Groningen [c. 1850]. 9891 VANDEVELD, E. Rapport au nom de la Commission chargee de I'examen des propositions relatives k la creation, k Bruxelles, d'un Musee du Livre. [Brussels : Musee du Livre. Publication. No. 4.] 8vo. Bruxelles, 1906. 8772 VAN DOOREN, H. Beschrijving van eene nieuwe en zeer gemakkelijke manier, om in alle boekdrukkerijen, en alleenlijk door de daar in voorhanden zijnde letters en karakters aria's, liederen en alle zangstukken te drukken. 8vo. Breda, 1815. 9487 VAN DYKE, J. C. Books and how to use them. 8vo. New York, 1883. 20576 VANDYCK PRINTERS, Ltd. Vandyck machine - printed photogravure for advertisers. 8vo. Bristol [191 5]. 18893 VANETLI, C. See Arteaga, S. VAN HULTHEM, C. Corps Legislatif. Conseil des Cinq- cents. Discours en presentant au Conseil la notice d'un livre imprime a Bamberg en 1462, par le cit. Camus. 8vo. Paris, an. 7. 9718 VAN LOEY-NOURI. Specimen des caract^res. 8vo. Brux- elles [1905]. 171 29 VAN NOORDEN, C. New facts about Charles Dickens. {In Nash's Magazine, Feb., 1912.) 15607 VAN RENSSELAER, J. K. The Devil's picture books: a history of playing cards. 8vo. New York, 1893. 799^ VAN RENSSELAER, J. K. Prophetical, educational and playing cards. 8vo. London, 191 2. 191(34 VAN RENSSELAER, M. G. Wood-engraving and the Century prizes. {In Century Magazine, Vol. 24, June, 1882, pp. 230-239.) 18390 VAN RENSSELAER, M. G. American etchers. {In Century Magazine, Vol. 25, 1883, pp. 483-499.) 18158 VAN RENSSELAER, M. G. and SWIFT, L. The new public library in Boston. {In The Century, June i, 1895.) ^595 VAN WINKLE, C. S. The printer's guide; or, an introduction to the art of printing, including an essay on punctuation and remarks on orthography. 3rd edition. i2mo. New York, 1836. 20077 920 VARCHI, B. Due lezzioni. 8vo. Fiorenza, 1549. 10870 VARENIUS, B. Descriptio reg-ni Japoniae. i6mo. Amstelo- dami, 1649. 21973 VARILLAS. La minorite de Saint Louis, avec I'histoire "de Louix XI et de Henri IL Svo. La Haye, 1685. 4647 [VARLOT, L.] Illustration de I'ancienne imprimerie Troyenne. 210 gravures sur bois des 156. -i8e. si^cles. Publiees par L. V. 4to. Troyes, 1850. 3728 [VARLOT, L.] Xylographie de 1 'imprimerie Troyenne pendant le 156., le i6e., le 176. et le i8e. si^cle. Precedee d'une lettre du Bibliophile Jacob sur I'histoire de la gravure en bois, publiee par Varusoltis de Troyes. 4to. Troyes, 1859. 10169 VARNHAGEN, H. Uber eine Sammlung alter Italienischer Drucke der Erlanger Universitatsbibliothek. 4to. Erlangen, 1892. 5130 VARNISHABLE paper. [In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 74, 1914, p. 523.) PP VAROLLES, F. See Fage, R. VARUSOLTIS, pseud. See [Varlot, L.]. VASCHALDE, H. Etablissement de I'imprimerie dans le Vivarais. 8vo. Vienne, 1877. 22754 VASENIUS, V. Outlines of the history of printing in Finland. Translated with notes by E. D. Butler. 8vo. London, 1898. 1205 VASEY, G. The beauties and utilities of a library : forming the student's guide to literature, science and philosophy, and containing an analysis of the Canadian Parliamentary Library. i2mo. Toronto, 1857. 8428 VAUGHAN, F. An original method of preventing vibration during copying. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. i, 1895, pp. 56-58.) PI* VAUGHAN, W. E. Autobiographica : with a gossip on the art of printing in colours. Fol. Privately printed, 1900. 9778 VAUS & CRAMPTON, Ltd. [Specimens of colour and process work.] Svo. London [1909]. ii399 VAUSSY, H. Epreuves des caractferes de I'imprimerie. 8vo. Rouen, 1783. 6198 VAUX, R. Biographical notice of Henry M. Phillips. (Read before the American Philosophical Society, Dec. 19, 1884.) 8vo. [Philadelphia, 1884.] 23317 VAYSSIERE, A. Les commencements de I'imprimerie k Bourg-en-Bresse. Svo. Bourg-en-Bresse, 1877. 22766 VECCHIONI, C. L'arte della stampa in Aquila. Rassegna storico-bibliografica. 2de. edizione. Svo. Aquila, 1910. 16880 921 VEUUER, D. The pictorial giftbook, or lays and lithographs. [To the memory of (nitenberg-, Fust and Schoeffer, p. 31. With a plate of the monument at Frankfort. J 4to. Edinburgh, 1848. 15420 \'EDELIUS, N. De episcopatu Constantini Magni. i6mo. Delphis, 1661. V 5793 VEEN, B. W. V. d. De verbeterde Nederlandsche letterkast. 8vo. Tiel, 1852. 21579 \'ELLUIM (ACCOUNT BOOK) BINDERS' TRADE SOCIETY. 76th annual statement for the year 1899. 8vo. London [1899]. 10154 VELTHEIM, A. F. v. Briefe uber die Manufacturen der Mode- Biicher, besonders der Aufruhr-Prediger und Sprach-umwalzer. [In liis Sammlung einiger Aufsiitze, etc., Th. i, 1800.) 94^9 VENDOM, J. The Times. An article on the greatest news- paper in the world. {In Cassell's Magazine, June, 1906, pp. 119-124.) 7643 VENICE. Parte presa ncll' Eccellentiss. Conseglio di Pregadi, 1603. Con una terminatione delli Eccellentissimi Signori Reformatori dello Studio di Padova, in materia dell' arte de stampatori e librari. 410. Venetia [c. 1700]. 9869(2) \'ENICE. Raccolta de Parti prese in diversi tempi. In materia di stampe. 4to. Venetia [c. 1700]. 9869(1) \^ENICE. Elenco delle opere stampate e pubblicate in Venezia e nelle provincie Venete dell' anno 1827 (1828-31). 8vo. Venezia, 1827-31. 15864 VENICE : R. Blblioteca Naz. di S. Marco. Bibliograf^a delle stampe popolari Italiane della R. Bib. Naz. di S. Marco di Venezia. Per cura di A. Segarizzi. 8vo. Bergamo, 1913, efc. 17481 VENTOUILLAC, L. T. The French librarian or literary guide, pointing out the best works of the principal writers of France in every branch of literature. 8vo. London, 1829. 10308 VENTRE, C. Nouvelle methode de stenographic horizontale pouvant etre imprimee en caractferes typographiques. 8vo. Mar- seille, 1889. 23172 VERARD, A. See Bernard, A. ; Macfarlane, J. VERAX, J. Les faussaires de livres. 8vo. [Chateaudun, c. 1875.] 12644 VERBAND DEUTSCHER ILLUSTRATOREN. Schwarz- Weiss. Ein Buch der zeichnenden Kunst. 4to. Berlin, 1903. 3604 \'ERBESSERTE Schriftkaster-Einrichtung. (In Journal fiir Buchdruckerkunst, 1844, pp. 162, 179.) PP 922 VERBESSERUNGEN an Steindruckpressen. {In Journal fiir Buckdruckerkunst, 1845, pp. 89, 97.) PP VEREENIGING TER BEVORDERING VAN DE BE- LANGER DES BOEKHANDELS. Verslag der feestelijke viering- van de 256. algemeene vergadering der Yereeniging. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1842. 16522 VEREENIGING TER BEVORDERING VAN DE BE- LANGEN DES BOEKHANDELS. Catalogus van de Biblio- theek. Opgemaakt door F. MuUer. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1855. 20167 VEREENIGING TER BEVORDERING VAN DE BE- LANGEN DES BOEKHANDELS. Tentoonstellung von hulp- middelen voor den boekhandel. 4to. Amsterdam, 1881. 22027 VEREENIGING TER BEVORDERING VAN DE BE- LANGEN DES BOEKHANDELS. Tweede jaarlijksche tentoon- stellung. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1885. 16524 VEREENIGING TER BEVORDERING VAN DE BE- LANGEN DES BOEKHANDELS. Catalogus der Bibliotheek. [Compiled by R. \\'. P. de Vries.] 8vo. Amsterdam, 1885. 20166 VEREENIGING TER BEVORDERING VAN DE BE- LANGEN DES BOEKHANDELS. International tentoonstelling voor boekhandel. Catalogus. 4to. Amsterdam, 1892. 31 \'EREIN der Buchdrucker und Schriftgiesser Niederoster- reichs. 8ter. Jahresbericht. 8vo. Wien, 1872. 10711 VEREIN DEUTSCHER PAPIERFABRIKANTEN. Jahres- bericht fiir 1910-1. 8vo. Berlin, 191 1. ^7747 VERFASSER, J. The half-tone process. 8vo. Bradford, 1894. 512 VERFASSER, J. The half-tone process. 8vo. Bradford, 1895. 514 VERFASSER, J. La phototypogravure a demi-teintes. Traduit par E. Cousin. 8vo. Paris, 1895. 515 VERFASSER, J. Enamel processes. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. i, 1895, pp. 21-23.) PP VERFASSER, J. The blue process. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 2, 1896, p. 141.) PP VERFASSER, J. The half-tone process. 2nd edition. 8vo. Bradford, 1896. 986 VERFASSER, J. The cold enamel process. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 3, 1897, pp. 123-124.) PP \'ERFASSER, J. The half-tone process. A practical manual of photo-engraving in half-tone on zinc, copper and brass. 3rd edition. 8vo. London, 1904. 37^4 923 VERFASSER, J. The half-tone process. A practical manual of photo-engraving- in half-tone on zinc, copper and brass. With a chapter on three-colour work. 4th edition. 8vo. London, 1907. 9126 VERFASSER, J. The half-tone process. A practical manual of photo-engraving- in half-tone on zinc, copper and brass : with chapters on three-colour work and photo-lithography for offset printing-. 5th edition, fully revised. 8vo. London [1912]. 16314 VERGIL, P. An abridg-ement of the works of P. V. by T. Lang-ley. [Printing-, p. 85.] 8vo. London, 1659. 20081 VERGIL, P. Dc inventoribus rerum. [Bk. II, Ch. VII, treats of books, libraries and the invention of printing-.] i6mo. Amstelo- dami, 1671. 5802 VERGIL, P. Three books of Vergil's Eng-lish history, com- prising the reig-ns of Henry 6, Edward 4 and Richard 3. Edited by Sir H. Ellis. 4to. London, 1844. 20347 VERGNAUD-ROMAGNESI, C. F. Memoire et explication d'un livre en bois grave en creux et en relief. 8vo. Orleans, 1852. 12594 VERHOEVEN, A. See Goovaerts, A. VERINI, L^. De illustratione urbis Florentiae libri tres. 4to. Lutetiae, 1583. 151 18 VERMIGLIOLI, G. B. Principj della stampa in Perugia en suoi progressi per tutto il secolo 15. 2a. edizione. 8vo. Perugia, 1820. 20618 VERMIGLIOLI, G. B. Die alcuni libri di rime italiane rari e rarissime pubblicati in Perugia nella meta del secolo 16. 8vo. Perugia, 1821. 12151 VERNANGE, L. Epreuves des caract^res. 8vo. Lyon [1770]. ^ 6022 VERNANGE, L. [Epreuves des caractferes.] 8vo. [Lyon, c. 1800.] 22701 VERNARECCI, D. A. Ottaviano de' Petrucci da Fossom- brone inventore dei tipi mobili metallici fusi della musica nel secolo 15. 2a. edizione. 8vo. Bologna, 1882. 20991 • VERNAZZA DI FRENEY, G., Barone. Oservazioni tipo- grafiche sopra libri impressi in Piemonte nel secolo xv. 8vo. Bassano, 1807. 15167 VERNAZZA DI FRENEY, G., Barone. Dizionario dei tipo- grafi e dei principali correttori ed intagliatore che operarono negli stati Sardi di terraefrma e piu specialmente in Piemonte sino all' anno 1821. 4to. Torino, 1850. 12581 VERNEY, 5ir E. Village Ubraries. 8vo. [London, 1897.] 81 17 924 VERNIERE, A. Note sur le premier livre connu imprime a Clermont en 1523. 8vo. Brioude, 1882. 12601 VERO, J. E. The printer's pocket price list, i2mo. Barnsley [c. 1880]. 3055 VERO, J. E. , Ltd. Vero's printer's pocket list and dictionary of daily wants. 6th edition. i2mo. Barnsley [1901]. 2765 VERO, J. E., Ltd. Vero's printer's pocket price list and dictionary of daily wants. 7th edition. i2mo. Barnsley [1903]. 9156 VERSAILLES : Bibliothfeque Publique. Catalogue des in- cunables et des livres imprimes de 1500 a 1520, avec les marques typographiques des editions du 156. si^cle. Par M. Pellechet. 8vo. Paris, 1889. 22247 VERSTEGAN, R. A restitution of decayed intelligence in antiquities. 8vo. Antwerp, 1605. 15391 VESPUCCI, A. The first four voyages of Amerigo Vespucci reproduced in facsimile with translation, introduction, a map and a facsimile of a drawing by Stradanus. [The original was printed at Florence in 1505. J 4to. London, 1893. 10021 VESTNIK. No. 3, March, 191 3. 4to. Warsaw, 191 3. PP VIBERT, P. La concurrence etrangere. Les industries nationales, celles qui naissent et grandissent, celles qui meurent ou se transforment. Thames de conferences. [L'Imprimerie, p. 147. La Lithographic, /). 309.] 8vo, Paris, 1895. m44 VICAIRE, G. See Hanotaux, G. and Vicaire, G. ; Pichon, P. and Vicaire, G. VICECOMES, H. Saturnalia. 4to. Mediolani, 1569. 6040(9) VICENTINO, S. Confessione breve. 8vo. Bologna, 1562. 6038(11) VICKERS, G. Pocket guide to printing. i6mo. New York, 1909. 1 1 564 VICKERS, G. Pocket guide to printing. i6mo. New York, 1909. 16200 VICKERS'S NEWSPAPER GAZETTEER. 1900-01. 4to. London, 1900-01. PP VICKROY, T. R. A fonetic furst redur. 8vo. Cincinnati [1878]. 4292 VICKROY, T. R. A primer and transition reader. Printed in an improved alfabet. 8vo. St. Louis, 1878. 4293 VICTORIA. Vol. 4, 1905, etc. 4to. Dresden-Heidenau, 1905, etc. PP VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM : National Art Library. The first proofs of the universal catalogue of books on art. 2 vols. Sm. 4to. London, 1870. 3995 925 \ICTORIA AXD ALBERT MUSEUM. Handbook of the Dyce and Forster collections in the Museum. 8vo. London [1880]. 2922 VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM. A g-uide to the art collections. 8vo. London [c. 1S85]. 2946 VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM. Forster collection. A catalogue of the printed books (painting-s, MSS., autograph letters, pamphlets, etc). 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1888-93. 9056 VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM. Bookbindings and rubbings of bindings in the Library. By W. H. J. Weale. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1894-8. 2424 VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM. Catalogue of machinery, models, etc. Pt. 2. [Papermaking and printing machinery.] 8vo. London, 1897. 2939 VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM. Catalogue of the loan collection of lithographs, 1898-9. 8vo. London, 1898. 1292 VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM. Historical introduc- tion to the collection of illuminated letters and borders in the Library. By J. W. Bradley. 8vo. London, 1901. 2761 VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM. Catalogue of the loan collection of modern illustration, 1901. 8vo. London, 1901. 2023 VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM. Classed catalogue of printed books. Heraldry. 8vo. London, 1901. 2425 VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM. Catalogue of prints. I. Modern etchings of the foreign schools. 8vo. London, 1903. 4222 VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM. Catalogue of the loan exhibition of British engraving and etching, 1903. 8vo. London, 1903. 349° VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM. Catalogue of the loan exhibition of process engraving, 1905. 8vo. London, 1905. 6642 VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM. Tools and materials used in etching and engraving. A descriptive catalogue of a collection exhibited in the Museum. 8vo. London, 1910. 17262 VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM. Report for 1909 and 1910, etc., on the Victoria and Albert Museum and the Bethnal Green Museum. 8vo. London, 191 1, etc. 15302 VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM. The Salting col- lection. [Prints, p. 43.] 8vo. London, 191 1. 15304 VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM. Tools and materials illustrating the Japanese method of colour-printing. A descrip- tive catalogue of a collection exhibited in the Museum. 8vo. London, 1913. 17281 926 VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM. Review of the principal acquisitions, 1913. Illustrated. 4to. London, 1914. 18440 VICTORIA HOUSE PRINTING CO., Ltd. Specimens of types, borders, etc. 8vo. London [1913]. 17795 VICTORIA : Public Library, etc. Report of the trustees, 1903, etc. Fol. Melbourne, 1904, etc. ' 6852 VIDAL, L. Traite pratique de phototypie ou impression a I'encre grasse sur une couche de gelatine. 8vo. Paris, 1879. 5^^ VIDAL, L. La photographic des couleurs par impressions pig-mentaires superposees. 8vo. Paris [c. 1890]. 4434 VIDAL, L. Traite pratique de photolithographic : photolitho- graphic directe et par voic de transfert : photozincographie : photocoUographic : autographic : photographic sur bois et sur metal k graver : tours de main et formules diverses. 8vo. Paris, 1893. 517 VIDAL, L. Applications and progress of photo-mechanical processes in France. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 2, 1896, pp. 42-44-) PP VIDAL, L. Photographic des couleurs : selection photo- graphique des couleurs primaires, son application a I'execution de cliches et de tirages propes a la production d 'images polychromes a trois couleurs. 8vo. Paris, 1897. 516 VIDAL, L. Polychrome impressions by the aid of photography. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, J'ol. 4, 1898, pp. 70-71.) PP VIDAL, L. On progress in indirect reproduction of colours. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 5, 1899, pp. 94-96.) PP VIDAL, L. Les progr^s de la photogravure. 8vo. Paris, 1900. 1849 VIDAL, L. Traite pratique de photogravure en relief et en creux. 8vo. Paris, 1900. ^73- VIDAL, L. Colour illustrations : necessity of reconciling practice with theory. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 8, 1902-3, pp. 92-94.) PP VIDAL, L. Traite pratique de photochromie. 8vo. Paris, 1903- 3574 VIDAL, L. Process of trichromatic photography by the carbon process. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 10, 1904-5, pp. 148-150.) PP VIDAL, L. The art of painting progressing with photography. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, pp. 37-39.) PP VIDAL, L. The future of colour photography when auto- chrome plates come into general use. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 29-30.) PP 927 VIENNA. Das merckwiirdige Wienn, oder Untersuchungen von verschicdenen daselbst befindlichen Merckwiirdigkeiten der Natur und Kunst. [Bericht von einem rahren Denckmahl des erstcn Druckes, pfy. 101-122.) 410. Franckfurt, 1744. 20995 VIENNA. Katalog der historischen Ausstellung von Wiener Buchdruck-Erzeugnissen, 1482-1882. Svo. Wien, 1882. 22551 VIENNA : Bibliothek der Stiftes Schotten. Die Inkunabeln. Von A. Hiibl. 8vo. Wien, 1904. 4088 VIENNA : Exhibition, 1873. Les arts graphiques k I'Expo- sition de Vienne (Groupe 12). Par G, Masson. 8vo. Paris, 1875- 3633 VIENNA : Fachlichen Fortbildungsschule des Gremiums der Buchdrucker und Schriftgiesser. Statut. Svo. Wien, 1905. 11819 VIENNA : Fachlichen Fortbildungsschule des Gremiums der Buchdrucker und Schriftgiesser. Lehrplan und Lehrgange. 8vo. [Wien, c. 1906.] 11820 VIENNA : Fachlichen Fortbildungsschule des Gremiums der Buchdrucker und Schriftgiesser. Arbeiten aus der Wiener Lehr- druckerei. Kurse im Schuljahr 1907/8. Fol. Wien, 1908. 11818 VIENNA : Internationalen Ausstellung Kiinstlerischen Photo- graphien. Amateur-Kunst. 27 Photogravuren nach Naturauf- nahmen aus der Ausstellung. Text von J. Ritter v. Falke [and] Dr. J. M. Eder. Fol. Wien, 1891. 10868 VIENNA: K.K. Graphische Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt. Statut, etc. Svo. Wien, 1900. 8215 VIENNA: K.K. Graphische Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt. Statut, etc. Svo. Wien, 1901. 8215 VIENNA: K.K. Hof- und Staats-Druckerei. Naturselbst- druck. [Specimens.] Fol. W'ien, 1S50 [-58]. 888 VIENNA : K.K. Hof- und Staats-Druckerei. Geschichte der K.K. Hof- und Staats-Druckerei. Svo. Wien, 1S51. 20910 VIENNA: K.K. Hof- und Staats-Druckerei. Beurtheilungen 1852. 20893(1) VIENNA: K.K. Hof- und Staats-Druckerei. Die Buclv schriften des Mittelalters. Historisch-technisch begriindet von einem Mitgliede der K.K. Hof- und Staats-Druckerei zu Wien. Svo. Wien, 1S52. 21010 VIENNA: K.K. Hof- und Staats-Druckerei. L'appareil poly- graphique ou les differentes branches artistiques de I'lmprimerie Imp^riale Royale de Vienne. Par A. Auer. Svo. Vienne, 1855. 575.S VIENNA: K.K. Hof- und Staats-Druckerei. Alfabete des gesammten Erdkreises. 2te. Auflage. Fol. Wien, 1876. 23190 \'IENNA : K.K. Hof- und Staats-Druckerei. Aus dem Pracht- werke die Osterreichisch-Ungarisch Monarchie in Wort und Bild. Fol. Wien, 1888. 594 928 VIENNA: K.K. Hof- und Staats-Druckerei. Zur Feier des Einhundertjahrig-en Bestandes der K.K. Hof- und Staats- Druckerei. Fol. Wien, 1904. 8476 VIENNA: K.K. Hof- und Staats-Druckerei. Kunstverlag der K.K. Hof- und Staats-Druckerei. i2mo. Wien, 1905. 15002 VIENNA: K.K. Hof- und Staats-Druckerei. Schriftproben. Pts. 1-5. Nar 4to. Wien, 1906-10. 10699 VIENNA: K.K. Hof- und Staats-Druckerei. Mitteilungen des fachtechnischen Klubs der Beamten und Faktoren der Druckerei. Jahrg-. 1907-8. 8vo. Wien, 1908. " 11069 VIENNA: K.K. Hof- und Staats-Druckerei. Feier des Fiinfzig-jahrig-en Berufsjubilaums der herren J. Fromml. F. Hil- bert. A. Lepschy, A. Leiter, J. Mayer. i2mo. Wien, 1909. 11067 VIENNA: K.K. Hof- und Staats-Druckerei. See Fritz, G. ; Paris : Exhibition, 1855. VIERTE Sacularfeier der Erfindung- der Buchdruckerkunst. [Reports of the celebrations in various towns.] {In Journal fiir Buchdruckerkunst, 1840, pp. 153-228; 1841, pp. 9-15.) PP VIETE, F. Principes de cosmographie. 161T10. Rouen, 1647. 5789 VIEW of the present state of lithography in England. {In Library of the Fine Arts, Vol. i, 1831, pp. 201-216.) 14039 VIEWS of Edzel Castle, Forfarshire. 4to. Edinburgh, 1838. 4091 (2) VIEWS of London. 12 chromo views and guide book. i2ino. London [c. 1885]. 7^^95 VIEWS of the English lakes and mountains. 8vo. London [c. 1870]. 8238 VIGILANCE GAZETTE : a monthly journal devoted to the interests of the London Society of Compositors. {Afterwards The London Printers' Circular.) Nos. i-ii. 8vo. London, 1888-90. PP VILLAIN, A. See Huson, T. VILLARROYA, J. Disertacion sobre el origin del nobilisimo arte tipografico, y su introduccion y uso en la cindad de Valencia de los Edetanos. 8vo. V-alencia, 1796. 21222 VILLEBOIS, L. de. Observations de I'administration de I'lm- primerie Royale, en reponse a la requite de M.M. les imprimeurs de Paris. 4to. Paris, 1829. i5953 . VILLEMAIN, M. See Paris : Societe des Correcteurs. VILLEMET, Abhe. Le livre. Sermon. 8vo. Nancy, 1872. 9730 VILLET-COLLIGNON. Appel a tous les imprimeurs de France sur la necessite de demander aux Chambres I'execution des lois sur I'imprimerie, ou de nouvelles lois reglementaires. 8vo. Paris, 1847. 17326 929 59 X'lLLON, A. M. Nouveau nianucl complet du dessinateur et de rimprimerie lithographe. 2 vols. & atlas. 121110. Paris, i8gi. 520 VILLON, A. M. Nouveau manuel complete du graveur en creux et en relief. 2 vols. i2nio. Paris, 1894. i734 VINCARD, B. L'art du typog-raphe. Svo. Paris, 1806. 16905 VINCARD, B. L'art du lypographe. 2e. edition. Svo. Paris, 1823. 20720 VINCENT, E. The Times. {In The English Illustrated Mag-azine, Vol. 9, Sept., 1892, pp. 922-928.) 8037 VINCENT, J. B. Manuel grammatical a I'usage des com- positeurs typographes, ou les difficultes de la langue fran^ais, reduites k leurs plus simple expression. Svo. Bruxelles, 1854. 1445^ VINCENT, J. B. Manuel grammatical a I'usage des com- positeurs typographes, ou les difficultes de la langue frangais, reduites a leur plus simple expression. 2e. edition. Svo. Brux- elles, 1S67. 22638 VINCENT, J. B. Essai sur I'histoire de I'imprimerie en Belgique depuis. le i5e. jusqu'a la fin du iSe. si^cle. Svo. Bruxelles, 1867. 20744 VINCENT, R. Four-colour reproductions from black and white original photographs. [In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 257-259.) PP VINCENT DE BEAUVAIS. See Desbarreaux-Bernard, T. VINCI, L. da. Characaturas by Leonardo da Vinci from drawings by W. Hollar out of the Portland IVIuseum. 4to. London, 1786. 17393 VINE, C. J. Hints on drawing for process reproduction. Svo. London, 1S95. 5^^ VINE, G. See Kanutus, B. VINET, E. Un mot sur I'Alde Manuce de M. Ambroise Firmin-Didot. Svo. Paris [1875]. 22883 VINGLES, J. de. See Claudin, A. VINGTRINIER, A. Vieux papiers d'un imprimeur. Scenes et recits, etc. Svo. Lyon, 1S59. 20743 VINGTRINIER, A. Les incunables de la Ville de Lyon et les premiers debuts de I'imprimerie. Svo. Lyon, 1S90. 3643 VINGTRINIER, A. Histoire de I'imprimerie a Lyon de I'origine jusqu'a nos jours. Svo. Lyons, 1894. 917 VINYCOMB, J. Origins of the various prevailing forms of plain and ornamental lettering. i2mo. [London, 1869.] 6138 VIOLLET, A. Eugene Orrit, compositeur typographe. {In his Pontes du peuple, 1846.) 18645 930 VIOT, A. See Fournier, H. VIREL, M. Religionis Christianae compendium. 8vo. [Paris], 1587- 6039 (7) VIRGILIUS MARO, P. Opera. Castig-ationes et varietates Virgilianae lectionis, per loannem Pierium V^alerianum. Fol. Parisiis, 1532-29. 51 18 VIRGILIUS MARO, P. L'Eneide. 2 vols. 4to. Paris, 1648-58. 5568 VIRGILIUS MARO, P. Aeneis, translated in Scottish verse, by the famous Gawin Douglas, Bishop of Dunkeld. New edition. Fol. Edinburg-h, 1710. 21443 VIRGILIUS MARO, P. Codex Antiquissiums a Rufio Turcio Aproniano V. C. distinctus et emendatus qui nunc Florentiae in Bibliothecae Mediceo-Laurentiana. 4to. Florentiae, 1741. 5100 VIRGILIUS MARO, P. Bucolica, Georgica et Aeneis. 8vo. Glasguae, 1758. 61 18 VIRGILIUS MARO, P. Bucolica, Georgica et Aeneis. 8vo. Birmingham, 1766. 8168 VIRGILIUS MARO, P. Bucolica, Georgica et Aeneis. Fol. Parisiis, 1791. 5853 VIRGILIUS MARO, P. Bucolica, Georgica et Aeneis. Editio stereotypa. i6mo. Parisiis, 1798. 7313 VIRGILIUS MARO, P. Les Bucoliques de Virgile. Tra- duites en vers francais par F. Didot. Grave, fondu et imprime par le traducteur. 8vo. Paris, 1806. 19132 VIRGILIUS MARO, P. See Copinger, W. A. VIRMOND, L. de. Recreations bibliographiques. i2mo. Paris, 1882. 20822 VISSER, J. See Meerman, G. VITRAC, M. Philippe-Egalite et M. Chiappini : histoire d'une substitution. 8vo. Paris, 1907. Q'fo^ VITRE, A. See Bernard, A. VITRY, A. de. Observations d'un journaliste, sur I'ecrit intitule : Du syst^me politique suivi par le minist^re : par M. le Vicomte de Chateaubriant. 8vo. Paris, 1818. 12606 (5) VITU, A. Histoire de la typographic. 8vo. Paris, 1886. 20045 VIZETELLY, F. H. The preparation of manuscripts for the printer. 8vo. New York, 1905. 74^8 VIZETELLY, H. Glances back through seventy years. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1893. 16532 VOCAL companion. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1837. 5677 931 \'OGT, ). Catalog'us historico-criticus librorum rariorum jam curis quartis recog"nitus et copiosa accessione ex symbolis et collatione bibluiphilorum per Germaniam doctissemorum adauctus. 8vo. Hamburg!, 1751. 15188 VOIGTLANDER, R. R. Voigtlandcrs Farbige Kunstler- Steinzeichnung-en. [A catalog-ue with illustrations.] 8vo. Leipzig [c. 1908]. 12000 VOIRIN, J. Manuel pratique de phototypie. Svo. Paris, 1892. 522 VOIRIN, J. Practical phototypy. [In Inland Printer, Vol. 11, 1893. P- 480; Vol 12, 1893-4, P- 141-) PP VOIRIN, J. Manuel pratique de phototypie. 2e. edition, revue et compl^tee. i2mo. Paris [1910]. 14606 VOISIN, A. Notes pour scrvir a I'histoire de I'imprimerie dans I'ancienne Belgique. 8vo. [Bruxelles, c. 1840.] 20706 VOISIN, A. Documents pour servir a I'histoire des biblio- th^ques en Belgique. Svo. Gand, 1840. 21769 VOISIN, A. Josse Lambert, imprimeur, graveur, poete et grammairien gantois du i6e. si^cle. 2e. edition. 8vo. Gand, 1842. 17624 VOLGER, E. Die altesten Drucker und Druckorte der Pyre- naischcn Halbinsel. (In Neues Lausitzisches Magazin, Vol. 49, 1872.) 3575 VOLKMANN, L. The German Bookcraft Association (Deut- scher Buchgewerbeverein). Obi. 8vo. Leipzig, 1909. 13532 VOLKMANN, L. See Goebel, T. VOLKMER, O. Die Technik der Reproduction von Militiir- Karten und Planen. 8vo. Wien, 1885. 2065 VOLKMER, O. Betrieb der Galvanoplastik mit Dynamo-Elek- trischen-Maschinen zu Zwecken der graphischen Kiinste. 8vo. Wien, 1888. 2064 VOLKMER, O. Die Photo-Galvanographie zur Herstellung von Kupferdruck- und Buchdruckplatten nebst den nothigen Vor- und Nebenarbeiten. Svo. Halle a.S., 1894. 2081 VOLKMER, O. Die Photo-Gravure. Svo. Halle a.S., 1895. 2082 VOLLAND, P. F. and GROSS, J. E. The Vollgros collection of masterpieces of American photographs. Fol. Chicago, 1903. 8547 VOLLANDUS, J. I. De Libris pHcatilibus veterum. 4to. Altorphii Noric, 1717. 12052 VOLPI. See Federici, F. VOLPI, G. La libreria de' Volpi, e la stamperia Cominiana illustrate con utili e curiose annotazioni. Svo. Padova, 1756. 20018 932 VOLPINUS, E. De typographicae artis abusu ad studiosam juventutem paraenesis. 8vo. Pisis, 1823. 22633 VOLTA, L. C. Sagg-io storico-critico sulla tipografia Manto- vana del secolo 15. 4to. Vinegia, 1786. 22625 VOLTAIRE, F. IM. A. de. La Pucelle d'Orleans. i6mo. Londres [1757]. 6104 \'OLTAIRE, F. M. A. de. Oeuvres completes. Tom. 69. 8vo. Kehl, 1785. 16578 VOLTAIRE, F. M. A. de. La Pucelle. 2 vols. i2mo. [Kehl], 1789. 5612 VOLTAIRE, F. M. A. de. Analyses et critiques des ouvrages de M. de Voltaire. 8vo. Kehl, 1789. 5271 VOLTAIRE, F. M. A. de. L'Olimpia. 8vo. Parma, 1805. 5581 VOLTAIRE, F. M. A. de. Histoire de Charles i2e. Nouvelle edition. 8vo. London, 1813. 6476 VOLTAIRE, F. M. A. de. La Henriade. i2mo. Paris, 1815. 5429 VOLTAIRE, F. M. A. de. Oeuvres completes. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1827-9. 5687 VOLTAIRE, F. M. A. de. See Campardon, E. VOORT, van de. See Genard, P. VORAGINE, J. de. La legende doree. Traduit et precede d'une notice historique et bibliographique par M. G. B. 8vo. Paris, 1843. 20067 VOSS, H. Albrecht Altdorfer und Wolf Huber. [Meister der Graphik. Bd. III.] 4to. Leipzig [1910]. 13660 VOSTRE, S. See Renouvier, J. VOULLIEINIE, E. Der Buchdruck Kolns bis zum Ende des I5ter. Jahrhunderts. 8vo. Bonn, 1903. 3645 VOULLIEME, E. Die Inkunabeln der Koniglichen Bibliothek und der anderen Sammlungen. Ein Inventar. [Beihefte zum Zentralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen, 30.] 8vo. Leipzig, 1906. 7515 VOULLIEME, E. 5ee Trier : Stadtbibliothek. VOX POPULI PRESS. A collection of proof sheets. 4to. Lowell, Mass. [c. 1890]. 10948 VOYNICH, W. M. First (etc.), list of books for sale. 8vo. London [1900, etc.]. 3^59 VOYNICH, W. M. On the study of early printed books: notes from a lecture by W. M. V. (In The Library [N.S.], Vol 4, 1903, pp. 189-199.) PP VRIES, A. de. Brief aan A. D. Schinkel over Guichard's Notice sur le Speculum Humanae Salvationis [and on the invention of printing]. 8vo. 's Gravenhage, 1841. 20861 933 \'1\.IES, A. de. Eclaircissements sur I'histoire de Tinvention de riniprimerie. Traduit par J. J. F. Noordziek. 8vo. La Haye, 1S43. 20996(1) X'RIKS, A. de. Arguments dcs alleniands en laveur de lour pretention a I'invention de Timprimerie : ou, examen critique de I'ouvrage de M. A. E. Umbreit : Die Erfindung der Buchdrucker- kunst. Traduit par J. J. F. Noordziek. 8vo. La Haye, 1845. i960 [\'RIES, A. de.] Bewijzen voor de echtheid en gelijkenis der oude afbeklingen van Coster. Ter wcderlegging van het lets van der Heer van Westreenen. 8vo. Haarlem, 1847. 21344 YRIES, A. de. Lijst der stukken betrekkelijk de geschiedenis van de uitvinding der boekdrukkunst, berustende op het Raadhuis te Haarlem. 8vo. Haarlem, 1862. 22415 VRIES, A. de. Catalog"us der fraaije godgeleerde, letter- kundig'e en typographische bibliotheek [of A. de V. Priced]. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1864. 17723 YRIES, A. G. C. de. De Nederlandsche emblemata. Geschie- denis en bibliographic tot de i8e. eeuw. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1899. 2206 VRIES, J. de and JONGE, J. C. de. Nederlandsche gedenk- penningen verklaard, en met verdere bijdragen tot de penning- kunde. 2 vols. 4to. 's Gravenhage, 1825-37. 20125 VRIES, R. W. P. de. See Vereeniging ter bevorderung, etc. VYSE, P. de. See Vise, P. de. 934 w \\' : A. R. The rapprocliement between commerce and the arts and crafts. [Posters incidentally.] {In The Magazine of Com- merce, Aug-., 1903.) 3623 W : F. Wet blackleading. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 164-165.) PP W : L. A. Sigmund Feyerabend, bookseller of Frankfort. {In The Bibliographer, Vol. 2, 1882, pp. 5-8.) 5594 W : W. Our provincial press : the story of the Yorkshire Observer. {In The Young Man, April, 1915, pp. 131-133). 18847 W : W. Our provincial press. The story of the Manchester Guardian. {In The Young Man, May, 1915, pp. 31-33-) 18884 WACKERNAGEL, R. Rechnungsbuch der Froben und Epis- copus, Buchdrucker und Buchhandler zu Basel, 1557-64. 4to. Basel, 1881. 20767 WADE, G. A. Famous foreign newspapers. {In The Pall Mall Magazine, Nov., 1899.) 1526 WADLIN, H. G. The Public Library of the City of Boston. A history. 8vo. Boston, 191 1. 15609 WAGENLANDER, G. Problems in presswork. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 39, 1907, pp. 840-842.) PP WAGER, P. On fine etching. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 7, 1901, pp. 105-108.) PP WAGER, P. Three-colour work without filters. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, pp. 69-70.) PP WAGES and hours in the printing trades — Canada. {In The Labour Gazette, Jan., 1901, pp. 233-239.) 13732 WAGNER, C. Alois Senefelder, sein Leben und Wirken. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Lithographic. 8vo. Leipzig, 1914. 18754 WAGNER, E. F. Light-hardened gum solution in surface printing from metal plates. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 7, 1901, p. 142.) PP 935 ^^'AGXER, E. F. Litho-process colour-work with one negative. [1)1 Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 8, 1902-3, pp. 79-So.) PP WAGNER, F. C Die Waj^ner'sche Liniir- und Relief-Copir- maschine. {In Journal fiir Buchdruckerkunst, 1841, pp. 87-90.) PP WAGNER, G. Catalogue of artists' colours and materials. Svo. London [c. 1900]. 7205 \\'AHLEN, A. c\: CIE. Catalogue [of books]. Svo. Bruxelles, 1843- 5730 WAHLEN, A. & CIE. Specimen des caract^res, lettres de fantaisie, vignettes, etc. Svo. Bruxelles, 1846. 16391 \\'AHLEN, A. & CIE. Quelques extraits de journaux con- cernant les travaux typographiques de I'Imprimerie Wahlen. i2mo. Bruxelles, 1S46. 16297 WAINHOUSE, A. Trades' unions justified by facts and reputable authorities, with practical suggestions to operative printers. i2mo. Manchester, 1861. 655 (2) WAITE & SAVILLE, Ltd. Catalogue [of presses, etc.]. Svo. Otley [c. 1900]. 4189 WAITE & SAVILLE, Ltd. Modern platens. Falcon presses. Svo. London [1909]. 15073 WAITE &: SHEARD. Detailed price hst of the Ideal ruling machinery and attachments. Obi. Svo. Huddersfield, 1903. 4830 WAKE, C. H. M. See Middleton-Wake, C. H. WAKEFIELD EXPRESS. Jubilee, 1852 to 1902, Wakefield Express. Souvenir. Obi. Svo. [Wakefield, 1902.] 2619 WAKEFIELD, G. See Horatius Flaccus, Q. WAKEMAN, R. Jonah's sermon. i2mo. Oxford, 1612. 6053 WAKLEY, T. A letter to the people of England, on the new project for gagging the press. Svo. London, 1836. 22260 WAL, F. V. d. De beginselen der typografie. Svo. Meppel, 1905- 9596 WAL, F. V. d. De beginselen der typografie. 2de druk. Svo. Meppel [1910]. 16523 WALCH, J. G. Bibliotheca patristica. Editio nova adornata ab J. T. L. Danzio. Svo. Jenae, 1834. 8571 W[ALDAU], G. E. Leben Anton Koburgers, eines der ersten und beriihmtesten Buchdrucker in Niirnberg. i2mo. Dresden, 1786. 20940 WALDEN'S STATIONER AND PRINTER. Vol. 34, 191 1. 4to. New York, igii. PP WALDFOGHEL, P. An incident in the history of typography. Waldfoghel of Avignon and his artificial writing process. (In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 42, June 9, 1S9S, p. 334.) PP 936 WALDFOGHEL, P. See Aldrich, S. J. WALDMANN, E. Die Niirnberger Kleinmeister. [Meister der Graphik. Bd. V.] 4to. Leipzig- [1910]. 14263 WALDNER, F. Quellenstudie zur Geschichte der Typographie in Tirol bis zum Beginne des 17. Jahrhundertes. 2 pts. 8vo. Innsbruck, 1888. 918 WALDOW, A. Kurzer Rathgeber fiir die Behandlung- der Farben bei Ausfiihrung- von Bunt und Tondrucken, Bronce-Blatt- gold und Prag-e Drucken auf der Buchdruckpresse und Maschine. Svo. Leipzig-, 1868. 23064 [WALDO\\', A.] Die Schnellpresse und ihre Behandlung vor und bei dem Druck. Von H. Is^iinzel [i.e. A. W.]. 4to. Leipzig, 1872. 23004 WALDOW, A. Hiilfs-biichlein fiir Buchdrucker und Schrift- setzer sowie fiir Factoren, Correctoren und Verlagsbuchhandlcr. 3te. Auflage. i2mo. Leipzig, 1872. 23079 WALDOW, A. Anleitung zum tabellarischen Satz. Separ- atabdruck aus Waldow : Die Buchdruckerkunst. Svo. Leipzig, 1872. 23062 WALDOW, A. Anleitung zum Satz und zum Druck von Actien. 8vo. Leipzig, 1873. 23063 WALDOW, A. Die Buchdruckerkunst in ihren technischen und kaufmannischen Betriebe. 2 vols. &^ atlas. 4to. Leipzig, 1874-7. 20781 WALDOW, A. Druck-proben aus dem Archiv fiir Buch- ' druckerkunst. 4to. Leipzig [c. 1875]. 6891 WALDOW, A. Anleitung zum Zeichnen von Correcturen auf Druckarbeiten. 2te. Auflage. 8vo. Leipzig, 1878. 23425 WALDOW, A. Hulfs-biichlein fur Schriftsetzer und Buch- drucker sowie fiir Factoren, Correctoren, und Verlagsbuchhandlcr. 4te. Ausgabe. 8vo. Leipzig [1878]. 23131 [WALDOW, A.] Die Zurichtung und der Druck von Illus- trationen. Herausgegeben von H. Kiinzel [A. W.j. 2. Auflage. 4to. Leipzig, 1879. 3^78 WALDOW, A. L'ber den Satz des Griechischen und Hebrii- ischen. Separatabdruck aus Waldow : Die Buchdruckerkunst. Svo. Leipzig, 1883. 20977 WALDOW, A. Katalog von Waldow 's Graphischer BibUo- thek. i6mo. Leipzig [1884J. 23126 WALDOW, A. Winke iiber die Preisberechnung von Druck- arbeiten. Svo. Leipzig, 1884. 3^47 WALDOW, A. Kurzer Ratgeber fur die Behandlung der Farben bei Ausfiihrung von Bunt-Ton-Bronce-Blattgold- und Pragedrucken auf der Buchdruckpresse und Maschine. 3te. Auflage. Svo. Leipzig, 1S84. 3049 937 WALDO W, A. Illustrierte Encyklopiidie der graphischen Kiinste und der vcrwandten Zweige. 8vo. Leipzig, 1884. 2859 W'ALDOW, A. Anleilung zum Farbendruck auf der Buch- druckprcsse und Maschine. 8vo. Leipzig [c. 1885]. 2930 W'ALDOW, A. Illustriertes W'orterbuch der graphischen Kunst und der verwandtcn Zweige. (Buch- Stein- und Kupfer- druclv, Lithographie, etc.). Svo. Leipzig, 1886. 21688 W'ALDOW, A. Lehrbuch fi'ir Schriftsetzer. 2te. Ausgabe. 8vo. Leipzig, 1887. 20966 WMLDOW, A. Hilfsbuch fiir Maschinenmeister an Buch- druck-Cylinder-Schnellpressen. 3 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1887-92. 20730 WALDO\V, A. Die Herstellung der Kompositionswalzen und ihre Behandlung. 8vo. Leipzig, 1894. 3324 WALDOW, A. Die Lehre vom Accidenzsatz. In vollstandig neuer Bearbeitung von T. Bauer. .3te. Auflage. 8vo. Leipzig, 1899. ^ 2699 WALFORD, C. The destruction of libraries by fire considered practically and historically. i2mo. London, 1880. 23032 WALFORD, C. The outline of a scheme for a dictionary of periodical literature. i2mo. London, 1883. 3^59 WALFORD, C. Book patents. {In The Bibliographer, Vol. 5, 1884, pp. 125-130, etc.) ^ 5594 WALFORD, C. Printing patents. {In The Bibliographer, • Vol. 6, 1884, pp. 129-131, etc.) 5594 WALFORD, C. Early laws and regulations concerning books and printers. {In Library Association : Transactions, Vol. 6, 1886.) . 6157 WALFORD, C. Catalogue of a portion of the library of C. W. [pp. 73-86 only, being the section Bibliography.] Svo. London, 1886. 3019 WALFORD, E. Editor v. publisher. A short narrative of his editorial connection with The Antiquary in 1879-80. (A letter to Lord Talbot de Malahide.) 4to. [London, 1880.] 23341 WALFORD, E. Ephemerides ; or, the dayes of the yeare 1883. An auntiente annualle. 4to. London [1882]. 17194 WALFORD, E. Frost fairs on the Thames. [Sette of Odd Volumes. Opuscula No. 12.] i6mo. London, 1887. 44^1 WALK down Fleet Street. No. 1-31. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 9-10, Feb. 15— Nov. 8, 1883.) PP WALKER, A. E., Ltd. The Advance card index system. 8vo. London, 1904. 4^31 WALKER, A. E., Ltd. Catalogue of letter files, cabinets, etc. Svo. London [1904]. 4832 938 WALKER, C. Die Galvanoplastik oder Kunst, mit Hiilfe der galvanischen Electricitat Gegenstande verschiedener Art. Nach der englischen und franzoischen Ausgabe des J. Fau frei bear- beitet von L, Thiele. 2. Auflage. 8vo. Gotha, 1867. 4067 WALKER, C. H. The genesis of book decoration. (In The Printing Art, Vol. 3, 1904, p. 129.) PP WALKER, C. H. See Boston : PubHc Library. W^ALKER, C. J. C. J. \\'alker's advertisers' ready reckoner and year book for 1902. Svo. London, 1902. PP WALKER, C. J. Ad. -writing. A brief guide to the various methods of compiHng and designing advertisements. 2nd edition. i2mo. London, 1902. 3335 WALKER, C. V. Electrotype manipulation. Part 2. Con- taining the theory and plain instructions in the arts of electro- plating, electro-gilding and electro-etching. 19th edition. i2mo. London, 1855. 17741 (2) WALKER, C. V. Electrotype manipulation. Part i. Being the theory and plain instructions in the art of working in metals, by precipitating them from their solutions through the agency of galvanic or voltaic electricity. 29th edition. i2mo. London, 1859. 17741 (i^ WALKER, E. The art of printing. Illustrations in relation to types. A lecture at the City of London College. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 25, i8go, pp. 102, no.) PP WALKER, E. Typography. A lecture. [Illus.] (In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 37, Jan. 2, 1896, pp. lo-ii.) PP WALKER, E. Letterpress printing as a fine art. [A lecture.] {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 42, March 31, 1898, pp, 205-206.) PP WALKER, E. Report. Class 11. Typography: various printing processes. {In Paris : Exhibition, 1900 : Report, Vol. 2, 1901.) 2405 WALKER, E. Printing. {In London County Council : Con- ference of Teachers, 1907.) 8739 WALKER, E. A brief history of printing. 4to. London, 191 1. 14867 WALKER, E. Printing. {In Ghent: Exhibition, 1913 : Cata- logue of the British Arts and Crafts Section.) 8vo. London, 1913. 17486 WALKER, E. L'iniprimerie. {In Paris : Louvre : Arts de- coratifs, 1914.) 18153 WALKER, E. See Morris, W. WALKER, H. G. \\'alker designs : the printer's favourite line in stock-block memo headings. Obi. 8vo. Birmingham [c. 1910J. 194T0 939 WALKER, J. A catalogue of a select collection of books laid)' purchased, in various languages, arts and sciences. 8vo. London, 1787. 14640(2) WALKER, J. A critical pronouncing- dictionary and expositor of the Eng-lish language, ,4th edition. 4to. London, 1806. 3424 \VALKER, J. & CO. Fun and frolic sandwiched in amongst dependable trade wrinkles and recipes. i2mo. London, 1889. 1384 WALKER, R. Some old German wood-engravers. (In Good Words, Vol. 33, Dec, 1892, pp. 808-814.) 6786 WALKER, W. Tracts on religious subjects. 3rd edition. 8vo. Chichester, 1807. 9376 W^ALKER, W. See Delaborde, H. WALKER BROS. Catalogue of machinery and materials used by printers, bookbinders and stationers. Fol. London, 1892. 1066 WALKER BROS. Specimen book of printing types, etc., and epitome list of printers' sundries. 8vo. London [1900]. 1856 ^^'ALKER BROS. The Reliance Wharfedale. Fieldhouse, Crossfield and Co., Otley. Obi. 8vo. London [c. 1906]. 4834 WALKER, EVANS & CO. [Specimen album.] Fol. [Char- leston, c. i860.] " 19464 WALKER'S GALLERY. Exhibition of rare aquatints. [Notes on aquatinta by L. Cecil.] 8vo. London, 1909. i0575 WALKER'S GALLERY. Exhibition of rare old aquatints. [The rise of the aquatint.] 8vo. London, 1910. 1571? WALL, A. H. Art illustration. A history and guide for authors, printers, etc. 8vo. London, 1878. 22312 WALL, A. H. Bookshelves and books. Sm. 4to. London, 1902. 2652 WALL, E. J. The limitations of three-color heliochromy and the possibility of eventually securing true color rendering by means of three-light filters. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 2, 1896, pp. 91-92.) PP WALL, E. J. Carbon printing. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1895- ^ 525 WALL, E. J. Coloured lights for color work. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 97-99.) PP WALL, E. J. and WARD, H. S. The photographic picture post-card for personal use and for profit. 2nd edition. i2mo. London, 1906. 9140 WALL, E. J. See Duchochois, P. C. ; Fritz, G. WALLACE, H. Early types and typefounders. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 5, 1887-8, p. 24.) PP WALLACE, H. Types and typefounding. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 5, 1887-8, p. 157.) PP 940 WALLACE, J. W. An address delivered at the celebration by the New York Historical Society, May 20, 1863, of the 200th birthday of Mr. William Bradford, who introduced the art of printing- into the middle colonies of British America. 8vo. Albany, 1863. 20443 WALLACE, R. J. Dry plates and films for tri-chromatic work. i2mo. St. Louis, 1909. 14869 WALLACE, R. J. The photographing of color contrasts. 8vo. St. Louis, 1910. 14870 WALLACE, W. Account of the invention of the pantograph and a description of the eidograph, a copying instrument. {In Royal Socictv, Edinburgh : Transactions, Vol. 13, 1836, pp. 418-439.) ' 9758 WALLACE & GILBETT. Samples. Half-tone, wood and line. 8vo. Birmingham [c. 1912]. 16025 WALLAU, H. Ueber Punkturen in alten Drucken. 8vo. [Leipzig, c. 1889.] 6076(23) WALLAU, H. See Falk, F. and Wallau, H. ; Schroder, E. : Zedler, G. and Wallau, H. WALLIS, A. A sketch of the early history of the printing press in Derbyshire. 8vo. [? Derby, 1881.] 4687 WALLIS, A. Examples of the bookbinders' art of the i6th and 17th centuries. Fol. Exeter, 1890. 742 WALLIS, G. See New York : Industrial Exhibition, 1853. WALLMARK, P. A. Johan Gutenberg. Hans uppfinning des utbredande och framsteg. Historiskt utkast i anledning af boktryckeri-konstens fjerde jubel-iir. 4to. Stockholm, 1840. 21018 WALLON, E. La photographic des couleurs et les plaques autochromes, suivie d'une notice sur le mode d'emploi des plaques autochromes, par MM. Lumifere. 8vo. Paris, 1907. 9356 WALLON, H. Notice sur la vie et les travaux de M. A. Firmin-Didot. 8vo. Paris, 1886. 22960 WALMSLEY, P. The Linotype composing machine. [St. Bride Foundation Institute. Prize essay, 1898.] 8vo. [London, 1898.] 1 120 WALPOLE, H. A catalogue of the Royal and noble authors of England. 2nd edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1759. 5961 [WALPOLE, H.] The Castle of Otranto. Translated by W. Marshal from the Italian of O. Muralto. 8vo. Parma. 1 79 1. 5900 WALPOLE, H. A catalogue of books and tracts printed at the private press of the Hon. Horace Walpole at Strawberry Hill. 8vo. London, 1813. 11027 WALPOLE, H. See Dobson, A. 941 WALSH, K. See Daly, J. WALSH, H. G. Process block making. [In Paris : Exhibition, 1889: Report of artisans, 1889.) 4594 WALSINGHAM, T. Ypodigma Neustriae vel Normanniae. Fol. Londini, 1574. 5148(3) WALSINGHAM, T. Historia brevis T. W. ab Edwardo primo ad Henricum quintum.' Fol. Londini, 1574. 5148(2) WALTER, F. Der Satz des Griechischcn. I. Alt-Griechisch. IL Neu-Griechisch. i2mo. Leipzig- [c. 1905]. 8905 WALTER, F. K. Abbreviations and technical terms used in book catalogs and in bibliographies. 8vo. Boston, 1912. 16698 WALTER, J. Miscellanies in prose and verse, intended, as a specimen of the types, at the Logographic Printing Office. 8vo. London, 1785. • 20389 WALTER, J. [Copies of documents, etc., illustrating the career of John Walter up to the origination of The Times. 1788. MS.] Fol. 20542 WALTER, J. The trial of Mr. John Walter for a libel against H.R.H. the Duke of York. 8vo. [1789.] 16639 WALTER, J. An address to the public, shewing the great improvement he has made in the art of printing by logographic arrangements. 8vo. London, 1789. 14107 W[ALTER], J. Record of the death-bed of C. M. W[alter]. 1 2 mo. London, 1844. 161 80 WALTER, J. Mr. John Walter and his logotype printings. 8vo. [London, c. 1850.] 1517 WALTER, J. Shakespeare's home and rural life : with illus- trations of localities and scenes around Stratford-upon-Avon by the heliotype process. Fol. London, 1874. 17815 WALTER, J. An address to the public shewing the improve-, ment he has made in the art of printing by logographic arrange- ments. London, 1789. Privately reprinted. 4to. London, 1883. 22852 WALTER, J. In memory of John Walter, born 8th October, 1818, died 3rd November, 1894. 8vo. [London], 1895. 18012 WALTER, J. See Blades, W. ; Hodgson, H. T. ; Smiles, S. WALTER PRESS. Reprints of descriptions [from various papers]. i6mo. London, 1876. 3068 WALTHAMSTOW : Public Library. 7th, etc., annual report, 1 90 1 -2, etc. 8vo. London, 1902, etc. 8996 WALTHER, C. F. Les Elzevir de la Biblioth^que Imperiale Publique de St. Petersbourg. Catalogue bibliographique. i2mo. St. Petersbourg, 1864. 21854 942 WALTHER, C. F. Catalogue methodique des dissertations oil theses academiques imprimes par les Elzeviers, 1616-1712, recueillies pour la premiere fois dans la Biblioth^que Imperiale publique a St. Petersbourg-. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1864. 4063 WALTHER, C. F. Supplement au Catalogue methodique des Dissertations, etc., imprimees par les Elzevirs. {In Le Biblio- , phile Beige, Ani2. 2, 1867, pp. 103-109.) 21996 [WALTON, B.] Introductio ad lectionem linguarum orient- alium. [?By B. Walton.] i2mo. Londini, 1655. 5430 WALTON, B. Biblicus apparatus. Fol. Tiguri, 1673. S^/S WALTON, B. In Biblia Polyglotta Prolegomena. 8vo. Lipsiae, 1777. 5646 WALTON, B. In Biblia Polyglotta Prolegomena. 2 vols. Svo. Cantabrigiae, 1828. 5^47 WALTON, B. See Bible: Polyglot; Todd, H. J. WALTON, I. The compleat angler. Svo. Chiswick, 1905. 17700 WALTON, I. See Westwood, T. WALTON, L. L. The manufacturing department. (In Hitch- cock, F. H. : The building of a book, 1906, pp. 25-30.) 8824 WALTON & MABERLY. New works. [A catalogue of books.] Svo. London, 1854. 73^^ WANDSWORTH : Public Library. Catalogue of local views, etc. 1 2 mo. Wandsworth, 1890. I0439 WANDSWORTH : Public Libraries. Reports of Libraries Committees, 1902-3, etc. Svo. London, 1903, etc. 8997 WANG, C. Y. Bibliography of the mineral wealth and geology of China. Svo. London, 1912. 16175 WARBURG, J. C. A new three-colour chart. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 5, 1S99, pp. 13-14.) PP WARBURTON, F. J. Composition by the Linotype machine. {In Hitchcock, F. H. : The building of a book, 1906, pp. 53-65.) ^8824 WARD, Col. B. R. The science of organisation. Svo. London [c. 1912]. 17439 WARD, H. S. The outlook. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. I, 1S95, PP- 12-14.) PP WARD, H. S. Trade journals and process-mongers. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, T oL 2, 1S96, pp. 109-110.) PP WARD, H. S. An index of standard photograms. Svo. London, 1901. 9521 WARD, H. S. The figures, facts and formulae of photography and guide to their practical use. Svo, London, 1903. 326S 943 WARD, H. S. See Leland, C. G. ; Matz, B. \V. ; Wall, E. J. and \\'ard, II. S. WARD, J. The world in its workshops : a practical examin- ation of British and idreig'n processes of manufacture. i2mo. London [1851]. 7193 W^ARD, J. Historic ornament : treatise on decorative art and architectural ornament. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1897. 1096 WARD, J. List of books relating- to Notting-hamshire published under the direction of J. W. , 1892-1903. i2mo. Nottingham, 1904. 8278 WARD, J. W. Holiday chats. On an ocean trip for fifty days. Jan. -March, 1912. 4to. Croydon, 1912. 16661 WARD, J. W. Norway .and Denmark re-visited. 4to. Croydon, 191 2. 16662 WARD, M. A practical treatise on the art of illuminating. Sm. 4to. London [c. 1870]. 17065 WARD, T. An interesting controversy with Mr. Ritschel, Vicar of Hexham. 8vo. Manchester, 1819. 747i WARD, Sir W. See England, 1905. WARD, W. H. The evolution of half-tone engraving. (In The Artist, March, 1897.) 632 WARD & LOCK. Litigation. Ward and Lock v. N.S.O.P.A. and E. Smith. Full report of the action and of the successful appeal. [1905-6.] 8vo. [London, 1906.] 7988 WARDE, C. R. Printing at 100 degrees in the shade. A glimpse at the daily life of an Anglo-Indian printer. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 42, Jan. 13, 1898, pp. 15-25.) PP WARE, J. De Hibernia et antiquitatibus ejus, disquisitiones. Ed. 2da. 8vo. Londini, 1658. 61 17 WARHURST, B. W. A colour dictionary giving 200 names of colours. Specially prepared for stamp collectors. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1908. 10552 WARING, E. J. Bibliotheca therapeutica ; or, bibliography of therapeutics. With an appendix containing the bibliography of British mineral waters. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1878-9. 15537 WARMHOLTZ, C. G. Bibliotheca historica Sueo-Gothica. Register. 8vo. Uppsala [c. 1880]. 22012 WARNE, W. C. The printer's estimator. By a practical ])rinter. 8vo. London, 1909. 11398 WARNER, E. T. A chemical light filter of practical value. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 14, 1908-9, p. 46.) PP WARNER, E. T. Concerning- waste. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, pp. 132-133.) PP 944 WARNER, E. T. About combination blocks. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 17, 1911-2, pp. 95-96.) PP WARNER, E. T. The new copyright law and its relation to photography. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 18, 1912-3, pp. 21 1-212.) PP WARNER, G. F. See British Museum. WARNERY FRERES. Specimen de caracteres de labeurs a I'usage de MM. les editeurs et imprimeurs. 8vo. Paris, 1892. 171 18 WARNSDORFF, L. v. Ueber Druckfehler. Ein Appell an das lesende und schriftstellernde Publicum, insbesondere der Zeitungen. 8vo. Berlin, 1879. -2494 WARREN, A. The Charles Whittinghams, printers. [Grolier Club: Publications.] 8vo. New York, 1896. 2014 WARREN & SON. How to print and publish a book, also information about printing generally. i6mo. Winchester, 1890. 6916 WARTON, T.' The history of English poetry. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1774-81. 5098 WARTON, T. Poetical works. i2mo. London, 1800. 5640 (2) WARWICK, Countess of. William Morris, his homes and haunts. 8vo. London, 191 2. 15890 WARWICK, G., Earl of. The history of the famous exploits of Guy, Earl of Warwick. 4to. London [c. 1690]. 21336 WARWTCK, W. Technical education in Edinburgh : a printing course for compositors. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 74, 1914, p. II.) PP WARWICK AND LEAMINGTON TYPOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. Rules. i6mo. Leamington, 1873. 10199 WASERUS, C. Grammatica Syra. 4to. Leidae, 1619. 5305 . WASHINGTON : Columbia Typographical Society. See Cavis, A. T. and MacMurray, E. WASHINGTON : Columbia Typographical Union. Year book, No. I, etc. 4to. W'ashington, 1899, etc. 2610 WASHINGTON: Columbia Typographical Union, No. loi. The public printing and the government printing office. 8vo. Washington [1909]. 11410 WASHINGTON : Government Printing Office. Electrical equipment of the Government Printing Office. (In Inland Printer. Vol. 33. 1904. PP- 721-731-) PP WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. A list of the maps of America in the library, preceded by a list of works relating to cartography. By P. L. Phillips. 8vo. W'ashington, 1901. 6851 945 60 WASHINGTON : Library of Cong-ress. Report of the lib- rarian for Ihe year ending" June 30, 1901, etc. 8vo. Washington, 1901, etc. 6 3- I WASHINGTON: Library of Congress. Select list of books on the cabinets of England and America. Compiled under the direction of A. P. C. Griflin. 410. A\'ashington, 1903. 10264 \\^'\SHINGTON : Library of Congress. List of references on federal control of commerce and corporations. 2nd issue. 8vo, Washington, 1904. 8294 WASHINGTON: Library of Congress. Classification. [Tables.] Svo. \\'ashington, 1904, etc. 8404 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. List of the Vernon- Wager MSS. in the Library. Compiled under the direction of W. C. Ford. 8vo. Washington, 1904. 750^ WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Papers of James Monroe listed in chronological order from the original MSS. in the Library. Compiled under the direction of W. C. Ford. 8vo. Washington, 1904. 7507 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. List of references on the U.S. Consular Service with appendix on consular systems in foreign countries. Compiled under the direction of A. P. C. Grififin. 4to. W^ashington, 1905, 10265 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. List of references on primary elections, particularly direct primaries. Compiled under the direction of A. P. C. Griffin. Svo. Washington, 1905. 7912 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Select list of refer- ences on impeachment. Compiled under the direction of A. P. C. Griflin. Svo. W^ashington, 1905. 79^3 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Want list of American historical serials. Svo. Washington, 1905. 8292 W^ASHINGTON : Library of Congress. List of the Benjamin Franklin papers. Compiled under the direction of W. C. Ford. Svo. Washington, 1905. 7^7T ^^^'\SHINGTON : Library of Congress. A. L. A. portrait index : index to portraits contained in printed books and periodi- cals. Edited by \\ . C. Lane and N. E. Browne. Svo. W^ashing- ton, 1906. 194-4 W^A.SHINGTON : Library of Congress. Select list of refer- ences on the negro question. 2nd issue. Svo. Washington, 1906. S035 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Select list of refer- ences on Anglo-Saxon interests. 2nd issue. Svo. Washington, 1906. 7991 W^ASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Select list of works relating to employers' liability. Svo. Washington, 1906. 8293 946 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Calendar of the correspondence of George Washington with the Continental Congress. Prepared from the original MSS. by John C. Fitz- patrick. 4to. \\'ashington, 1906. 8940 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Card catalog. Pre- liminary list of subject sub-divisions under names of countries or states and of subject headings with county sub-divisions. 8vo. [Washington, 1906.] 8638 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. List of more recent works on federal control of commerce and corporations. Compiled under the direction of A. P. C. Grifhn. 4to. Washington, 1907. 10266 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. List of works relating to the French Alliance in the American Revolution. 4to. Wash- ington, 1907. 8942 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Select list of books relating to iron and steel in commerce. 4to. Washington, 1907 8944 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Select Hst of books on reciprocity with Canada. 4to. Washington, 1907. 8943 W^ASHINGTON : Library of Congress. The Library of Con- gress and its work. i2mo. Washington, 1907. 99^7 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Preliminary check list of American almanacs, 1639-1800. By H. A. Morrison. 4to. Washington, 1907. 8941 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Select list of books relating to currency and banking with special regard to recent conditions. 4to. Washington, 1908. 99^9 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Select list of refer- ences on corrupt practices in elections. 4to. Washington, 1908. 10204 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Select list of refer- ences on working men's insurance. 4to. Washington, 1908. 10203 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. List of works relating to government regulation of insurance. 2nd edition. 4to. Washington, 1908. 10205 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. A list of works relating to the first and second banks of the United States with chronological list of reports, etc. 4to. Washington, 1908. 9928 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Dramatic music (class M, 1500, 1 5 10, 1520). Catalogue of full scores. Com- piled by O. G. T. Sonneck. 4to. Washington, 1908. 99^,0 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. A list of geographical atlases in the library, with bibliographical notes. 3 vols. 4to. Washington, 1909-15. 12263 947 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Publications issued since 1897. 4to. Washing-ton, igog. 10702 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Want list of periodicals. New edition. 8vo. Washington, igog. iiggS WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Want hst of publications of educational institutions. Svo. Washington, igog. • 12089 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Want list. Mis- cellaneous publications. 8vo. Washington, igog. i2ogo WASHINGTON: Library of Congress. Want Hst of publications of societies. New edition. Svo. Washington, igog. 1 1999 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Want list of American historical serials. 2nd edition. Svo. Washington, igog. 1 1 307 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. L.C. printed cards : how to order and use them. By C. H. Hastings. i2mo. Washington, igog. 13392 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Duplicate periodicals and serials available for exchange. Svo. Washington, igio. i2ogi WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Classification. Outline scheme of classes. Preliminary, Dec, igog. 4to. Washington, igio. 12233 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Monthly list of state publications No. i, Jan., igio. Svo. Washington, igio. 12264 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Select list of refer- ences on sugar, chiefly in its economic aspects. Svo. Washing- ton, igio. i2og2 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. List of references on reciprocity. 2nd edition. Svo. Washington, igio. 13737 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Prehminary list of subject subdivisions : (a) under names of countries or states, (b) under cities, (c) under general subjects. Svo. Washington, 1910. • 13165 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Publications issued since iSg7. 4to. Washington, igio. 12049 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Calendar of the papers of Martin Van Buren, prepared by E. H. West. 4to. Washington, 1910. 15620 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Select list of refer- ences on employers' liability and workmen's compensation. Svo. Washington, igii. ^5^95 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Select list of refer- ences on parcels post. Svo. Washington, igii. 15^94 948 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Additional references relating to popular election of senators. 8vo. Washington, 191 1. 14899 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Select list of refer- ences on boycotts and injunctions in labor disputes. Svo. Wash- ington, 191 1. 14687 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Additional references relating to reciprocity with Canada. Svo. Washington, 191 1. 14617 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Select list of refer- ences on capital punishment. 4to. Washington, 1912. 16360 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Catalogue of Copy- right entries. Part i. Books. Group i. New series. Vol. 9 for 1912, etc. Svo. Washington, 1912, etc. PP WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Additional references on the cost of living and prices. 4to. Washington, 1912. 17277 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Select list of refer- ences on the conservation of natural resources in the United States. 4to. Washington, 1912. 17051 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. A check list of American i8th century newspapers in the library. Compiled by J. Van N. Ingram. Svo. Washington, 1912. 16702 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Select list of refer- ences on impeachment. Svo. Washington, 1912. 16528 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Select list of refer- ences on the initiative, referendum and recall. Svo. Washington, 1912. 16038 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Orchestral music. Catalogue. Scores. Svo. Washington, 1912. 15893 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Calendar of the papers of John Jordan Crittenden, prepared from the original manuscripts by C. N. Feamster. 4to. Washington, 1913. 17561 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Catalogue of early books on music (before 1800). Compiled by Julia Gregory. Svo. Washington, 1913. 17502 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Publications of the library issued since 1897. Svo. Washington, 1913. i777i WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Select list of refer- ences on commission government for cities. 4to. Washington, 1913- 1727S WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Select list of refer- ences on the monetary question. 4to. Washington, 1913. 17562 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. List of references on federal control of commerce and corporations. 3rd edition. 4to. Washington, 1913. 17^79 949 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. List of references on water rights and the control of waters. Svo. Washington, 1914. 18550 \\'ASHINGTON : I^ibrary of Congress. I^ist of references on federal control of commerce and corporations, special aspects and applications. 4to. Washington, 1914. 181 36 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Catalogue of opera librettos printed before 1800. By O. G. T. Sonneck. 2 vols. Svo. Washington, 1914. 18615 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. List of references on Europe and international politics in relation to the present issues. Svo. \Vashington, 1914. .- 1S846 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. List of references on federal control of commerce and corporations : special aspects and applications. Compiled under the direction of H. H. B. Meyer. 4to. Washington, 19 14. 181 36 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. The Star Spangled Banner. (Revised and enlarged from the report on the above and other airs issued in 1909.) By O. G. T. Sonneck. Svo. Wash- ington, 1914. 18614 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Lists of references on prison labor, compiled under the direction of Hermann H. B. Meyer. Svo. Washington, 1915. 19227 WASHINGTON : Library of Congress. Guide to the law Rii~isii \\r> iRisii tri'ss (Uini-. iSo.^. . .'> S\ii. l.oiulon, iS»)->, ' /« . IM* \\ 11 IIS. I'", rill' pu'sciU posilitn\ .iml iuluir |Mtis|n'(ls »>! tlu' 1 (Muion SiH'u'lx ot ("iMupusitoi s. i.Mno. jloniloii, iSSi.j <>55 {■}) Will IS, I'. I'hr iili-nlilx ol iiitiMtsIs ol iinplovcis and rm|>K\\oil. A p.ipri u\ul In-loio Ilic l"n spin-l l.ii diui; rnision A.ssooi.ilion. S\ o. l.tMnlon, iSSi). -j; Wll.i.lS, li. Willis's (.'iiiuiil Wmis. r.>/.v. 1-5. .|to. i.omion, 1S51-5. "^'rr W 11 I IS \ SOrill U\\. A r.it.iloLiuo o\ upw.iuls i^t' 5i\imo xohinu'sol aiu'u'nt ami iiuuKmh Inn^ks. S\ o. I.imuKmi, iSdj. 7-i^ W'll.l.Mctrr. i\. A. Ploasuios, ohjools aiul ail\an(as;os oi litnaliiM-. \'r\\ odiiiiMi. S\ o. I.iMulon, iS(i(i. i(hi',o Will MO IT. K. A. N,r (loKlsmilli. O. W ll.l.OlAillHW lady. />>■<•((./. Si> miu-h oi llio (iiai\ ol I .uly W ilioui^'hhv as irlalos to hor diMuoslio history. Scj. S\i\ I.oiuion. iSpi. I 100. 1 W'll I (U\;ilUN\ l.ady, pseud. The iliaiy of 1 ;ulv Willoiis^hhv. 2 vols. Si|. S\ o. I i^iulon, iS.jtvS. 57'"^! Wll 1 SlllRI-. W . 11, >■<•<■ Hriiish Musiniin. W II. Ml'.. Iv r. A nianiial of writiiii^ aiul piinlini; oharaotors, both anriiMit ami huhIimu. .|tii. l.omlon, 1S45. i'\>S- \\ llMl'R. 11. riuMOi^rax uro as ;i hiibhy. (/f» 1\mihvso"s Pictorial Annual. To/, j, 1890, pp. 88-90.) ' PR W'U.Ml'.R, II. riiotoi^ravviio with a soioimi L;iain. (In Vcu- riiso's Riolorial Annual. I'o/. 5. jSdo. pp. ^)-.}o.) PR Wll Sl'lN. A. Aihilialiou luMwoi-n the rni\oisitv ol Caui- bridij'o anil A. W . Mi. W ilson's oaso. \On slon.-ot\ pc. | S\o. l.ontlon. iSoc\ --T'^O \\"11.SC)\, .\. Storootypo printinj^". To tho pul^lio. |.\il\t. of storootN po iHlitions of popular boiiks. I S\ o. [l.omlon. 1811. | J3411 Wll Sl)\. A. SiiMooixpo piintiui^. [.\ Uttoi io iho Society oi .\its. I S\o. [Ronilon. iSii.] 19096 W II S(.>\, .\. \ R. Spciinicn o\ nunlcin printiui; t>Ri's. |Thc cover has the luni-n.mic W ilsons anii Sinclair and the liatc 18^^, while the back cover is ilated i8',8. The preface is sii^ned A. Wilson atul Sons and is dated i8;;. | .jto. luiinburi^h, i8^). 15408 Wll SOX. .\. \ R. Specimen ol niodern piintiui; types, ^tix Oublin, iS.ji. 0S8; Wll ."si'tX. .\. X R. Specimen of book and neusp.iin-r founts. S. sh. tol. Oublin. \S.J5. i*-\;7i \\1 l.S(.')N. .\. X. SONS. .\ specimen of piintiiii; t>pes. S. sh. fol. Glasgow. 1783. JO-:93(i) oro VVFI.SON, A. f Improved (onnls. /]\(t. Luiidoti, li^J,^. A^^i'i WILSON, A. «V SONS. [I'lJif^nirnl ol n spctiineji book. | 4I0. [dhi.sf^ow, c. 1840. 1 2733 WH V\'ILSON, I'. L '' • ry|)Oj^'r;iphie printinjf maehines anfl nuiciiine prinliiif^'^. ^rfl r-dition. Hvo. London [r . rHHr|. 2^70 WIL.S(J.\, I'. |. I'. Les pres.s(!S nu'eaniques d'lmprimerie an^'laisj^s ct americaines. ICxtrait et traduit f)ar L. l);niel. Hvo, Lille, iHHft. 154 077 62 WILSON, F. J. F. Stereotyping and eleclrotyping. 6th edition. 8vo. London, 1898. 1442 WILSON, F. J. F. and GREY, D. A practical treatise upon modern printing machinery and letterpress printing. 8vo. London, 1888. 21935 WILSON, F. J. F. See Southward, J. WILSON, F. W. Stereotyping- and electrotyping. [A lecture.] (In The East Anglian Daily Times, March 13, 1879.) 18731 WTLSON, G. Specimens of type-music. 8vo. London [c. 1890.] 19408 W^ILSON, G. F. The Amarant : a winter's dream. 8vo. Reigate, 1904. 7445 WILSON, I. Catalogue of books for 1815-6. 8vo. Hull [1815]. . 15821(3) W^ILSON, J. A treatise on English punctuation. 15th edition. Svo. Boston, 1864. 9849 WTLSON, J. A treatise on English punctuation : designed for letter-writers, authors, printers and correctors of the press. 23rd edition. 8vo. New York [1871]. 21876 WILSON, J. A treatise on English punctuation : designed for letter-writers, authors, printers and correctors of the press. 26th edition. 8vo. New York [c. 1875]. 1428 W^ILSON, J. The importance of the proof-reader. (In The Printing Art, Vol. i, 1903, p. 91.) PP WILSON, J. D. Richard Schilders and the Enghsh Puritans. (hi Bibliographical Society: Transactions, Vol. 11, 1909-1.) 56 WILSON, J. D. Martin Marprelate and Shakespeare's Fluellen : a new theory of the authorship of the Marprelate Tracts. 8vo. London, 19 12. i7549 WILSON, J. D. See Meldrum, R. WTLSON, J. F. An address to the apprentices of Messrs. Cassell, Petter, Galpin & Co., on the first occasion of the presenta- tion of ;£20 to an apprentice on the completion of his term, Dec. 1877. 8vo. For private circulation. [1877.] 19339 [WILSON, J. F.] A few personal recollections. By an old printer. 8vo. London, 1896. 11240 WTLSON, J. F. See North London W^orking Classes Indus- trial Exhibition, 1864. WILSON, T. Sacra privata. The private meditations and prayers of T. W. 8vo. London, 1848. 4660 WTLSON'S PHOTOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE. Vols. 33-34, 1896-7. 8vo. New York, 1896-7. PP WTLSONS & SINCLAIR. Specimen of modern printing types. 4to. Edinburgh, 1832. 2544 978 WIMBLEDON: Public Library. 19th, etc., annual report, 1905-6. 8vo. Wimbledon, 1906, etc. 9794 WIMBLE'S MONTHLY REMINDER. ]^ols. 1-2, 1895-6. 4to. Sydney, 1895-6. PP WIMBLE'S REMINDER. A mag-azine for printers, book- binders and allied trades. No. 21, May 1912. 4to. Sydney, 1912. ' PP WIMPHEIJNG, J. Epithoma Germanorum. 410. Argent. 1505- 6040(1) WINARICKY, C. Jean Gutenberg, ne en 1412 a Kuttenberg- en Boh^me, etc. Essai historique et critique. Traduit par J. de Carro. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1847. 20674 WINDELL, J. Everyday printing. Obi. 8vo. Johnstown, Pa. [c. 1898]. 1490 WINDER type composing and distributing machine. (In The Brit and Col. Print., Vol. 10, Aug. g, 1883, pp. 1-2; Aug. 23, p. i; Oct. II, p. I.) PP WINDOW ticket writing. 8vo. London [1902]. 2780 WINDSCHEK, K. Tabellen zur Satzberechnung. Auf Grund des deutschen Normaltarifes zusammengestelt und bearbeitet von K. W. 8vo. Leipzig, 1901. 3316 WINDSOR, E. C. Process in America. (In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, J'ol. 11, 1905-6, p. 116.) PP WINDSOR, E. C. Process in Canada. {In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, I'ol. 13, 1907-8, pp. 143-144.) PP WINDSOR, N.S. : King's College. Catalogue of the library. By H. Piers. 8vo. Hahfax, N.S., 1893. 13168 WINDSOR, ONT. : Public Library. 9th, etc., annual report, etc. 8vo. Windsor, Ont., 1903, etc. 9003 WINIFRED, Saint. The life and miracles of St. Wenefrede. 8vo. London, 1713. 21288(2) WINIFRED, Saint. The life and miracles of St. Wenefrede. i2mo. Dublin, 1845. 21290 WINIFRED, Saint. The life and miracles of St. Wenefride. i2mo. London, 1874. 21289 WINKLER, C. E. How to emboss on platen presses. 8vo. [Springfield, O., c. 1890.] 759 WINKLER, O. Der Papierkenner. Ein Handbuch und Rath- geber fiir Papier-Kaufer und \"erkaufer, technische Lehranstalten, etc. 8vo. Leipzig, 1887. 21779 WINKLER, O. Die Trockengehalts-Bestimmung der Papier- faserstoffe. 8vo. Leipzig, 1902. 2687 979 WINKLER, O. Determination du poids sec des pates :t papier (recherche de la teneur en eau) avec tableaux de con- version. Principes et methodes de I'lnstitut d'analyse du papier de Leipzigf, institut experimental technique de I'industrie du papier et du livre. 8vo. Leipzig-, 1904. 4246 WINKLER, O. Estimation of moisture in pulp. Translated from the German by Henry P. Stevens. 8vo. London [c. 1906]. 9959 WINKLER, O. and KARSTENS, H. Papier-Untersuchung. Wissenwerthes iiber Papierkauf, Eigenschaften, Bestandtheile und Fabrikations-Material von Papier. 8vo. Leipzig, 1902. 3208 WINKLER, T. T. Geillustreerd technisch woordenboekje voor de typographic. 8vo. Amsterdam [c. 1912]. 16521 WINKLEY, M. Specimens of printing. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1892-5. 500 WINONA PRINTER. Vols. 4-5, 1908-10. 8vo and 4to. Indianapolis, 1908-10. PP WTNONA Technical Institute School of Lithography {In Inland Printer, Vol. 35, 1905, pp. 253-254.) PP WINSHIP, G. P. Early South American newspapers. Re- printed from the proceedings of The American Antiquarian Society for October, 1908. 8vo. Worcester, 1908. 10623 WINSHIP, G. P. William Caxton : a paper read at a meeting of The Club of Odd Volumes in Boston in Jan., 1908. 8vo. Hammersmith, 1909. 13408 WINSOR, J. Halliwelliana : a bibliography of the publications of J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps. [Harvard University : Library : Bibliog-raphical Contributions. 10.] 8vo. Cambridge, 1881. 11020 WINSOR, J. A bibliography of Ptolemy's Geography. [Har- vard University : Library : Bibliographical Contributions. 18.] Svo. Cambridge, 1884. 11021 WINSOR, J. The future of local libraries. {In The Atlantic Monthly, June, 1893.) 1587 WINSSEN, P. V. V. Catalogus librorum. [Partially priced.] i2mo. Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1720. 16756 WINSTANLEY, D. Photo-mechanical printing. The process Meisenbach. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 6, 1888-9, P- 488.) PP WINSTON E, B. Specimens of printers' ink. Obi. 4to. London [c. 1875]. 2182 WINSTONE, B. & SONS. Price list. Printers' ink, etc. Svo. London, 1895. 301- WINSTONE, B. & SONS. Specimens of printing inks. Obi. 32mo. London [c. 1900]. 6933 WINSTONE, B. & SONS. Price list of printing inks. 8vo. London, 1901. 2445 980 WINSTONE, B. & SONS. Epitome list [ard specimens] of colors and tints in printing- inks. 8vo. London, 1905. 7203 WINSTONE, B. & SONS. Price list of printers' sundries. 8vo. London [1909]. 12429 WINSTONE, B. & SONS. Price list. Copperplate depart- ment. 8vo. London, 1910. 13146 WINTER, M. de. Versameling- van een party fraaye letteren in veelderhande soorten, etc., op de drukkery M. de W. [to be sold 24 Sept., 1744]. 4to. Amsterdam, 1744. 6206(1) WINTERBOTTOM BOOK CLOTH CO. [Pattern books of book-binding- cloths and art vellums. 3 vols.] i2mo. Man- chester [c. 1900]. 7228 & 9044 W[INTOUR], C. See Dingelstedt, F. WINZIG, H. Auch ich. Eine Selbstparodie. 8vo. Berlin, 1 88 1. 1 605 1 WISCONSIN : State Historical Society. Descriptive hand- book. 24mo. Madison, 1908. 122 13 WISE, T. A. Remarks on Celtic monuments. 8vo. [London, 1877.] 23238 WISE, T. J. A bibliog-raphy of the writings in prose and verse of Samuel Taylor Coleridg-e. [Bibliographical Society : Publi- cations.] 4to. London, 1913. 17967 WITHERS, G. The Eng-lish lang-uag-e spelled as pronounced, with enlarg-ed alphabet of forty letters. 8vo. London, 1874. 22902 WITHINGTON, L. The case for an United States Historical Commission. [With] a bibliog-raphy of historical documents issued by European Governments. i6mo. London, 1905. 10120 WITKOWSKI, G. Die deutsche Bucherillustration des 18, Jahrhunderts. (In Zeitschrift fiir Biicherfreunde, Vol. i, 1897, pp. 401-414.) PP WITTE, E. de. L'histoire du papier et les filig-ranes. Con- ference faite k la Maison du Livre. 4to. Bruxelles, 1912. 17044 WITTIG, C. F. and Fischer, C. F. Die Schnellpresse ihre Mechanik und Vorrichtung zum Druck aller typographischen Arbeiten. 2te. Auflag-e. 8vo. Leipzig-, 1866. 4069 WITTIG, I. See Falk, F. WITTON-JAMES electric motor printing- press driving equip- ments. Multiple push-button or single station control. 4to. London [1909]. 10986 WOCHE. Wei Die Woche entsteht. Obi. 8vo. Berlin [c. 1900]. 2252 WOCHENBLATT FUR PAPIERFABRIKATION. Vol. ^3, 1902, etc. 4to. Berlin, 1902, etc. PP 981 WOCHEXTLICHES \'ERZKICHXISS DER ERSCHIEN- ENEX UXD DER X'ORBEREi'l ETEX XEUIGKEITEX DES DEUTSCHEX HUCHHAXDELS. 1903, etc. 8vo. Leip- zig-, 1903, etc. PP WOELLMER, W. [Type specimen book.] 4to. Berlin [c. 18S0]. 6375 \A'OI^-LLMER, W. Anwendungen Stumpffeine Ornamente. 4to. Berlin [c. 1890]. i0953 WOELLMER, W. Muster Sammlung. 410. Berlin [1894]. 501 WOENNE, P. See Potter, \\'. WOERNLEIX, A. Book industry [of Germany]. I— Econ- omical and technical aspect. {In Paris : Exhibition, 1900. Official catalogue of the German Empire, 1900.) 2317 \\^OERNLEIN, A. La librairie et I'industrie du livre a Leipzig. Souvenir du 4e. Congres International des Editeurs. 8vo. Leipzig, 1901. 16059 WOERNLEIX, A. Book industry [of Germany]. Economical and technical aspect. [In St. Louis : Exhibition, 1904 : Official Catalogue of German Empire, 1904.) 4213 WOLF, C. Schriftproben der Buchdruckerey von C. W. 4to. Miinchen, 1825. 20232 WOLF, J. C. Monumenta typographica. 2 vols. i2mo. Hamburgi, 1740. 20082 WOLFE, M. Gleanings from iny experience. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 3, 1897, pp. 38-40.) PP WOLFE, M. Elements of success. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 4, 1898, pp. 107-108.) PP WOLFE, M. Experimenting by an experimenter. {In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 5, 1899, p. 48.) PP WOLFE, M. Something about colour filters and the three- colour process. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 6, 1900, pp. 109-110.) PP WOLFE, M. The three-colour printing process. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 7, 1901, pp. 97-100.) PP WOLFE, M. Direct three-colour reproduction by three nega- tives only. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 8, 1902-3, pp. 44-46.) PP WOLFE, M. Screen plates and their use. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 26, 1900-1, p. 52.) PP WOLFE, R. See Pollard, A. W. WOLFENBUTTEL: Herzoglichen Bibliothek. Hundert (Zweites und drittes Hundert) Merkwurdigkeiten der Herzogl. Bibl. zu Wolfenbiittel. Fiir Freunde derselben aufgezeichnet von C. P. C. Sch6nemann. 2 pts. 8vo. Hannover, 1849-52. 22527 982 \VOLFF, D. Newspaper accounts and management. 8vo. London, 1909. 11813 WOLFF, J. Beichtbuchleih des Magisters Johannes Wolff (Lupi), ersten Pfarrers an der St. Peterskirche zu Frankfurt a.M. 1453-68. Xeu herausgegeben von F. W. Battenberg. Svo. Giessen, 1907. 14649 WOLFF, S. L. A source of Euphues : the Anatomy of Wyt. (Reprinted from Modern Philology, Vol. vii. No. 4, April 1910.) 8vo. Chicago, 1910. i473^ WOLFFGER, G. Xeu-auffgesetztes Format-Buchlein. Obi. Svo. 1673. 20958 WOLKAN, R. Ein unbekannter Druckort Bohmens im 16. Jahrhunderte. [Schlackenwerth : Slaccauer.] (In Zeitschrift flir Biicherfreunde, Vol. i, 1897, p. 169.) PP \\'OLKMER, H. O. About photoplastic. {In Penrose's J'ic- torial Annual, Vol. 6, 1900, pp. 25-27.) PP [W'OLLASTON, W.] The religion of nature delineated. 4to. London, 1725. 5107 WOLPMANN, G. See Fage, R. WOLVERHAMPTON : Free Library. 26th, etc., annual re- port, 1894-5, ^^^- 8"^o- W^olverhampton, 1895, etc. 9004 WOMEN as compositors. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 43, Oct. 27, 1898, p. 254.) PP WOOD, A. A specimen of types. Svo. London [c. 1865]. 2548 W^OOD, A. & CO. Specimens of printing types. i2mo. London [c. 1870]. 6430 WOOD, A. & CO. Latest specimens of hard metal printing types, etc. Svo. London [c. 1870]. 6421 W^OOD, A. cS: CO. Specimens of printing types. 4to. London [c. 1870]. '2178 WOOD, A. &■ CO. Specimens of book, newspaper and orna- mental printing types, ornaments, etc. Svo. London [1874]. 7436 WOOD, A. & CO. Second portion of the surplus stock of hard metal printing types. 4to. London, 1878. i5437 \\'OOD, A. & CO. Specimen of printing types, etc. Svo. London [c. 1880]. 2745 WOOD, A. i<: CO. Caxton type on English, body, cast by A. Wood and Co. for W. Blades, from patterns supplied by him from original work of W. Caxton in the British Museum. S. sh. 4to. London, 1S77. 22538 WOOD, A. & CO. Specimen of printing types, ornaments, etc. Svo. London [c. 1880]. 9837 WOOD, A. a. Athenac Oxonienses. 2 vols. Fol. London, 1691-2. 5842 983 WOOD, A. A. Popular locturos lor the tiiai^ic lantoin. His- tory of printini^. Svo. l.ondou [1S74I. ---79 WOOD, C. 1-. Tlio point system in spaces and quads. {In Inland IVinter. ]'ol. ^1, 1907, />/>. 6J-63.) PT WOOD, v.. Hxhibition of metal work at the Municipal School of Art, Manchester, 1909. Address on the opening, July 21. 4to. Manchester, 1909. ^3^73 \\'OOD, H. and OTHHRS. Modern bookbindinos and their desis^ners. [The Studio : Winter Number, 1899-1900.] Fol. London, 1899. 1627 \\'OOD, F. Specimens of priniiuij. I'ols. 1-7. 4to. Wexford, 1S84-93. 3136 WOOD. G. H. Sec Rowley, A. L. and Wood; G. U. \VOOD, H. F. Bookbinding-. [In Bevan, G. P. : P>ritish manufacturing- industries, 1892.) 349 WOOD, Sir H. T. Bewick's quadrupeds. {In The Biblio- grapher, ]'oL 1, i88j, pf>. 20-21.) 5594 [WOOD. 5/r H. T.] Modern methods of illustrating books. 8vo. London, 1887. 531 [WOOD, 5/r H. T.] Modern methods of illustrating- books. 4th edition. i2mo. London, 1898. 3090 WOOD, J. The hfe of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. A sketch. 4to. Edinburgh, 1886. 22867 WOOD. J. \ R. M. Specimens of poly type ornaments. 4to. London [c. 1850]. 98S0 ^^'OOD, J. i*v K. M. Specimens of polytype ornaments. 4to. London [c. 1855]. -i79 WOOD, J. t^- R. M. Specimens of polytype ornaments. 4to. London [c. i860]. 98S1 WOOD. J. cS: R. M. Wood letter. [Specimens.] Obi. fol. London [c. i86o]. 2x67 WOOD, J. i^- R. M. The annual catalogue of second-hand printing type, etc. 4to. London [c. i860]. 6393 \\'OOD. J. i^- R. M. Selected specimens of printing types, cast at the .Austin Letter Foundry. 4to. London [c. 1870]. 16710 WOOD, J. G. The common objects of the country. Illus- trations printed in colours by Evans. Svo. London, 1866. 4307 WOOD. J. G. Photogravure with metzograph screen, high light processes, etc. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, ]'ol. 12, 1906-7, p. 53.) PP \\'OOD, J. G. . The bichromate disease. (In Penrose's Pic- torial .Annual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, />. 188.) PP 984 WOOD, J. T. Wood's illustrated almanack for 1844. 64010. London, 1844. ^9349 WOOD, T. See Noble, T. C. WOOD, T. M. George Du Maurier, the satirist of the Vic- torians. A review of his art and personality. 8vo. London, 1913. 17424 WOOD, W. M. The book illustrators of Japan, 1700-1878. [In Inland Printer, Vol. 29, 1902, pp. 567-570.) PP WOOD & NATHAN CO. The Monotype. Fol. New York [c. 1904]. 6696 WOOD & NATHAN CO. The matter with the printing business. 2nd edition. [On the Unitype Typesetting Machines.] 4to. New York, 1910. 11871 WOOD & SHARWOODS. The specimen book of types cast at the Austin Foundry. 8vo. London [1838]. 2739 WOOD & SHARWOODS. The specimen book of types cast at the Austin Foundry. 8vo. London [1839]. 9838 WOOD & SHARWOOD. Specimen book of types. 4to. London, 1839. 6355 WOOD & SHARWOOD. The specimen book of types cast at the Austin Foundry. 8vo. London [1843]. 2738 WOOD, MILES & CO. Revised specimen book of type. 4to. London, 1908. 11241 WOOD, MILES & CO. Price list [of type casting machines]. 4to. London [1908]. 11242 WOOD, MILES & CO. Revised specimen book of type. 8vo. London, 1909. 13606 W^OOD, MILES & CO. Typecasting machines, moulds and matrices. 4to. London, 1910. 13607 W^OOD, MILES & CO., Ltd. Revised specimen book of type. 4to. London, 1910. . 16804 WOODBERRY, G. E. A history of wood-engraving. 4to. London, 1883. 533 WOODBURY, W. E. Aluminium in the graphic arts. [In Inland Printer, Vol. 21, 1898, p. 693; Vol. 22, 1898-9, p. 35.) PP WOODCOCK'S PRINTERS', LITHOGRAPHERS' WEEK- LY GAZETTE. Vols. 13-16, 1879-82. 8vo. New York, 1879-82. PP WOOD-engraving. [In Rees' Encyclopaedia, 1819.) 2257 WOOD-engraving. [In Chambers's Miscellany, Vol. 9, 1846.) 15718 WOODFALL. A letter to the jurors of Great Britain, oc- casioned by the case of the King and Woodfall. 8vo. London, 1771. 22668 98s WOODHEAD, G. & CO., Ltd. Souvenir. 410. Manchester, 1904. 4993 ^^'OODHEAD, T. M. Specimens of printing- types, borders, ornaments, etc., in the office. 4to. Bradford [c. iS8g]. 31 19 WOODROFF, F. W. cS: CO. Price list. Printing, cutting and folding machinery. 4to. London, 1904. 15903 \\"00D1\.0\\', G. The biographical portrait gallery of dis- tinguished persons of all nations. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1837. 1 1884 WOODS, J. Ueber anastatische Druckerei. {In Journal fiir Buchdruckerkunst, 1845, PP- -99"300-) P^* WOODS, J. C. Old and rare books. An elementary lecture. 8vo. London, 1885. 22869 WOOD'S TYPOGRAPHIC ADVERTISER. Vols. 1-6, 1862-8. Fol. London, 1862-8. PP WOODWARD, B. B. A brief memoir of B. B. Woodward, Librarian in Ordinary to the Queen and Keeper of the Prints and Drawings at Windsor Castle. 8vo. London, 1873. 18681 WOOLLAN, J. C. The Lord Glenesk [and the Morning Post]. {In The Caxton Magazine, March, 1902.) 2603 WOOLLAN, J. C. Men of mark : Sir S. H. Waterlow, Bart. {hi The Caxton Magazine, 1902.) 2708 WOOLLAN, J. C. The men of The Times. {In The Caxton Magazine, 1902.) 2709 WOOLLEY, H. The gentlewoman's companion. 8vo. London, 1673. 21308(2) WOOLNOUGH, C. W. The art of marbling, as applied to book edges and paper. Illustrated with specimens. i2mo. London, 1853. 16374 W^OOLNOUGH, C. W. The whole art of marbling as applied to paper, book edges, etc. 8vo. London, 1881. 534 WORDE, W. de. See Berners, Dame J. ; Duff, E. G. ; Information for pilgrims. WORDSWORTH, C. and LITTLEHALES, H. The old service-books of the English Church. 8vo. London [1904]. 4488 WORDSWORTH, W. The solitary reaper. 4to. London, 1910. 14868 [WORK, T. L.] The Australian printers' keepsake. A selection of tales, essays, sketches and verse. 8vo. Melbourne, 1885. 20418 WORLD'S ABC PAPER MILL GUIDE. The Scandinavian section of the World's ABC Paper Mill Guide. 8vo. London [c. 1897]. 702 986 WORLD'S PAPER TRADE REVIEW. Vol. i, 1883, etc 8vo. London, 1883, etc. PP WORLD'S PULP AND PAPER INDUSTRY. Vol. 4, 1899. 4to. London, 1899. PP WORLD'S WORK: how it is produced. (In The World's Work, Vol. 7, Dec., 1905, pp. 3-1 1.) 74^9 WORMAN, E. J. Alien members of the book trade during- the Tudor period. Being- an index to those whose names occur in the documents pubHshed by the Huguenot Society. [Biblio- graphical Society : Publications.] 4to. London, 1906. 8624 WORRALL, J. Bibliotheca legum ; or, a catalogue of the law books of this realm. New edition. 8vo. London, 1777. 16765 WORRINGER, W. Lukas Cranach. [Klassische Illustra- toren, III.] 8vo. Miinchen, 1908. 13792 WORTH, R. N. Notes on the history of printing in Devon. 8vo. [Exeter, c. 1879.] 1378 WRATHALL & SMITH. Printing inks, colours and varnishes. [Price list.] 8vo. London, 1849. 19104 WRAY, G. E. The story of gold stamping. (In The American Printer, Vol. 63, 1916, p. 39.) PP WRIGHT, A. C. See Bersch, J. WRIGHT, C. H. H. A grammar of the modern Irish language. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, i860. . 14690 (6) WRIGHT, J. Early Bibles of America. i2mo. London, 1893. 7183 WRIGHT, J. <^^' CO. A note about printing. 4to. Bristol [1908]. 9974 WRIGHT, J. K. & CO. Specimens of printing inks. Obi 8vo. Philadelphia [c. 1880]. 9850 [WRIGHT, T.] Songs and carols. i2mo. London, 1836. 21277 [WRIGHT, T.] The tale of the basyn and the frere and the boy. Two early tales of magic. i2mo. London, 1836. 21279 [WRIGHT, T.] The turnament of Totenham and the feest. Two early ballads. i2mo. London, 1836. 21278 [WRIGHT, T.] The nutbrowne maid. From the earliest edition of Arnold's Chronicle. i2mo. London,, 1836. 21263 WRIGHT, T. A selection of Latin stories from MSS. of the 13th and 14th centuries : a contribution to the history of fiction during the middle ages. 8vo. London, 1842. 21235 WRIGHT, T. St. Patrick's Purgatory : an essay on the legends of purgatory, hell and paradise current during the middle ages. 8vo. London, 1844. 23166 987 X X. Modern wood engraving-. [With specimens.] (In The London and Westminster Review, 1837.) 10381 XENOPHON. Opera. Gr. &■' Lat. Fol. Basihae, 1545. 6618 XENOPHON, De Cyri expeditione. 4 vols. i2mo. Glas- guae, 1764. 9379 XIVREY, B. de. Memoire sur la nouvelle edition du Tresor de hi hmgue grecque de Henri Estienne qui pubhe en ce moment M. Firmin Didot. 8vo. Rouen, 183 1. 22688 XIMENES, E. See Galeati, P., Ximenes, E. and Namias, R. 990 YAMADA, T. Publishers and bookselling- in Japan. (/?2 The Ang^lo-Japanese Gazette, April 1903.) 3464 YEAR-Book of Photog-raphy and Photographic News Almanac for 1885. Edited by T. Bolas. 8vo. London, 1885. i9454 YEATS, W. B. In the seven woods : being poems chiefly of the Irish heroic age. 8vo. Dundrum, 1903. 3566 YEO, H. Newspaper management. i2mo. Manchester, 1891. 1390 YERBURY, S. G. Colour portraiture by collotype. {In Penrose's Pictorial xA.nnual, Vol. 16, 1910-1, pp. 35-36.) PP YERBURY, S. G. Some notes on colour collotype. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, To/. 17, 1911-2, pp. 103-104.) PP YERBURY, S. G. Colour reflection. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 19, 1913-4, pp. 53-54.) PP YETTER, H. C. Photo-engraving- as observed from a printer's standpoint. {In Inland Printer, J'ol. 5, 1887-8, p. 230.) PP YETTER, H. C. A few points on photo-engraving. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 5, 1887-8, pp. 419, 497, 573.) PP YETTER, H. C. Government printing office jobroom. (/?2 Inland Printer, Vol. 14, 1894-5, PP- 229-230.) PP YORK, Duke of Catalogue of the library of the Duke of York which will be sold. 8vo. London, 1827. 573 1 YOUNG, A. The ABC of retouching. 8vo. Bradford, 1896. 538 YOUNG, D. F. Apprenticeship a prime factor. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 8, 1890-1, p. 5.) PP YOUNG, F. J. E. Concerning indoor apprentices. {In The Caxton Magazine, Oct., 1901.) 2479 YOUNG, J. T. The early history of stereotyping. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 25, 1890, pp. 413, 453.) PP YOUNG, J. T. Errata and corrigenda in books, chiefly of the i6th-i8th centuries. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 27, 1891,^^.249-251.) PP 991 YOUNG, P. Catena Graecorum Patrum in beatum Job. Fol. Londini, 1637. 5866 YOUNG, P. See Kemke, J. YOUNG, R. M. An account of some notable books printed in Belfast. {In The Library, Vol. 7, May, 1895, pp. 135-144.) PP YOUNG, S. The annals of the Barber Surgeons of London. 4to. London, 1890. 5925 YOUNG Aesop's fables : engraved on copper plates. 24mo. London [c. 1780]. 5498 YOUNG & DELCAMBRE. Die Setzmaschine von Young & Delcambre. (7n Journal fiir Buchdruckerkunst, 1842, pp. 17, 3-^; 1843, p. I.) PP YOUNG clerks', assistant; or, penmanship made easy. 8vo. London [c. 1730]. 19170 (i) YOUTH undone : a tragick poem. 4to. London, 1709. 5295 YOXALL, J. H. Baxter prints. (In London Opinion, April 20, 1907, etc.) 9132 YOXALL, J. H. Baxteriana. (In London Opinion, Nov. 9, 1907.) 9361 YOXALL, J. H. Japanese colour-prints. {In London Opinion, Oct. 26, 1907.) 9362 YOXALL, J. H. Licensee oil prints. {In London Opinion, Nov. 16, 1907.) 947^ YOXALL, J. H. How to know a good Japanese print, {hi London Opinion, April 4, 1908.) 9649 YOXALL, J. H. More Baxter memoranda. {hi London Opinion, Feb. 22, 1908.) 9645 YOXALL, J. H, Baxter's chiaroscuro, {hi London Opinion, Feb. 29, 1908.) 9644 992 z Z. Eckmannscher Buchschmuck. (In Zeitschrift fiir Biicher- freunde, Vol. i, 1897, pp. 104-106.) PP Z : H. V. Literary recreations. I. Burlesque and parody. i2mo. London, 1865. 9841 ZACCARIA, F. A. Storia polemica delle proibizione de' libri. 4to. Roma, 1777. 16794 ZACCARIA, G. Catalogo ragionato di opere stampate per Francesco Marcolini da Forli, con memorie biografiche del medesimo tipog-rafo raccolte dall' avv. R. de Minicis. 8vo. Fermo, 1850. 20636 ZACCARIA, G. Catalog^o di opere Ebraiche, Greche, Latine, ed Italiane stampate dai celebri tipografi Soncini ne' secoli 15 e 16 con brevi notizie storiche degli stessi tipografi. 8vo. Fermo, 1863. 3771 ZACE, P. Mechanism and adjustment of folding machines. (In Inland Printer, Vol. 36, 1905-6 — Vol. 38, 1906-7, p. 697.) PP ZACHMOORTER, M. Sponsus sanguinum den bloedighen Bruydegom. i6mo. T'antwerpen, 1627. 5475 ZACHRISSON, W. Om yrkesutbildning nagra ord i fragan om inrattandet av yrkesskolor for ungdom i Goteborg. 4to. Goteborg, 1907. 9257 ZACHRISSON, W. Boktryckerei-Kalender, 1893, etc. 8vo. Goteborg, 1893, etc. PP ZACHRISSON, W. Upprattandet af ett Svenskt Bokindustri Museum i Stockholm, 410. Goteborg, 1901. 9255 ZAEHNSDORF, J. W. The art of bookbinding. 8vo. London, 1880. 20395 ZAEHNSDORF, J. W. The binding of a book. i2mo. London [1890]. ^-' , 14927 ZAEHNSDORF, J. W. The art of bookbinding. 2nd edition. 8vo. London, 1890. 539 ZAEHNSDORF, J. W. A short history of bookbinding and a glossary of styles and terms used in binding. [Reprinted from his Art of Bookbinding.] 8vo. London, 1895. 540 993 63 ZAEHNSDORF, J. W. The art of bookbinding. A practical treatise. With plates and diagrams, 6th edition. 8vo. London, 1903. 10543 ZAIXER, G. See Estreicher, K. ; Imitatio Christi. ZAINIBONI, C. V. Anleitung zur Positiv- und Negativ-Re- tOLiche. 3te. Auflagc. 8vo. Halle a.S., 1908. 13150 ZAMBRINI, F. Le opera volgari a stampa dei secoli 13 e 14. 8vo. Bologna, 1878. 20161 ZANDER, C. G. Photo-trichromatic printing in theory and practice. 8vo. Leicester [1896]. 541 ZANDER, C. G. Half-tone and photochromic printing inks. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 2, 1896, pp. 63-67.) PP ZANDER, C. G. The capabilities, progress and future of three-colour printing. (In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 3, 1897, PP- 59-63-) PP ZANDER, C. G. The colour principle of photo-trichromatic printing. (In Journal of Printing and Kindred Trades, May, 1899.) 1 1434 ZANDER, C. G. Yellow, red and blue. {In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, Vol. 5, 1899, PP- i7"i9-) PP ZANDER, C. G. The colour principle of photo-trichromatic printing. {In The Brit, and Col. Print., Vol. 44, April 27, 1899, PP- 337-338-) ' PP ZANDER, C. G. Lecture on the colour principle of tri- chromatic printing. 8vo. [London, 1899.] 1309 ZANDER, C. G. The confusion of colours. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 6, 1900, pp. 61-63.) PP ZANDER, C. G. Foundation of artistic color composition — harmony and contrast of color. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 26, 1900-1, pp. 88, 299.) PP ZANDER, C. G. Colour curves and pigments. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 7, 1901, pp. 17-24.) PP ZANDER, C. G. A chat on chromo-typography. {In Pen- rose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 8, 1902-3, pp. 17-19.) PP ZANDER, C. G. Where are we now in three-colour work? {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 9, 1903-4, pp. 57-59.) PP ZANDER, C. G. Practical colour mixing. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 10, 1904-5, pp. 65-68.) PP ZANDER, C. G. The complementary colour reproduction process. {In Penrose's Pictorial Annual, Vol. 11, 1905-6, pp. 9-12.) . PP ZANDER, C. G, Chromatic aberrations. {In Penrose's Pic- torial Annual, Vol. 12, 1906-7, pp. 17-20.) PP 994 ZANDER, C. G. The science and practice of colour j nixing-. A lecture. i2mo. [London, 1906.] 8290 ZANDER, C. G. Standardizing. {In Penrose's I'ictorial Annual, I'oZ. 13, 1907-8, pp. 121-122.) PP ZANETTA, A. Manuale tipografico. Composizione. Edizione 2a. 8vo. Torino, 1900. 2338 ZANETTI, A. See Cicognara, L. ZANGHELLINI, A. See Bernardi, J., Zanghellini, A. and Valsecchi, A. ; Maini, L. ZANI, P. Material! per servire alia storia dell' origine e de' progress! dell' incisione in rame e in legno. 8vo. Parma, 1802. ^7303 ZANKER, J. C. Proben von J. C. Z. Schriftschneider. 4to. [Niirnberg, c. 1840.] 6064 ZANOTTI-BIANCO, O. See Dante Alighieri. ZAPF, G. W. Annales typographiae Augustanae ab ejus origine 1466 usque ad annum 1530. 4to. Augustae Vindel, 1778. 2304 ZAPF, G. W. Ueber meine literarische Reise in einige Kloster Baierns im Jahre 1780. 8vo. Augsburg, 1782. 20998(2) ZAPF, G. W. Ueber meine literarische Reise in einen Theil von Baiern, Franken und Schwaben im Jahre 1782. 8vo. Augs- burg, 1783. .20998(3) ZAPF, G. \\'. Augsburg Buchdruckergeschichte nebst den JahrbiJchern derselben. 2 vols. 4to. Augsburg, 1788-91. 12 188 ZAPF, G. W. Aelteste Buchdruckergeschichte von Mainz von derseben Erfindung bis auf das Jahr 1499. 8vo. Ulm, 1790. 3479 ZAPF, G. W. Alteste Buchdruckergeschichte Schwabens^ 8vo. Ulm, 1 79 1. - -~ - 6840 ZAPF, G. W. Litterarische Reisen. ites Bd. Neue Ausgabe. 8vo. Augsburg, 1796. 20998(1) ZAPF, G. W. Ueber eine alte und hochst seltene x\usgabe von des Joannis de Turrecremata Explanatio in Psalterium und einige andere typographische Seltenheiten. 4to. Niirnberg, 1803. 22065 ZAPF, G. W. Vorlaufige Nachricht von der ehemaligen be- ruhmten Privatbuchdruckerey Ad insigne pinus in Augsburg. 8vo. Augsburg, 1804. 23444 ZAPF, G. W. Von einer hochstseltenen und noch unbekannten Ausgabe der Ars Moriendi. 8vo. /Vugsburg, 1806. 23279 ZARETZKY, O. Die Kolner Biicher-Illustration im 15. und 16. Jahrhundcrt. (In Zeitschrift fiir Bucherfreunde, Vol. 3, 1899, pp. 129-146.) PP 995 ZARETZKY, O. Die Kolner Bilderbibel und die Beziehungen des Druckers Nikolaus Goetz zu Helman und Quentel. {In Zeitschrift fiir Biicherfreunde, Vol. lo, 1906, pp. 101-113.) PP ZARETZKY, O. Ein unbekannte deutsche Ausgabe des Horae B. M. V. aus dem XV Jahrhundert. {In Zeitschrift fiir Biicherfreunde, Neue Folge, Vol. i, 1909, pp. 26-28.) PP ZARETZKY, O. Einige Nachtrage zu Merlos Ulrich Zell. {In Zeitschrift fur Biicherfreunde, Vol. 5, 1901, pp. 108-111.) PP ZARETZKY, O. See Heitz, P. ; Merlo, J. J. ZATTA, A., e figli. Saggi dei caratteri, vignette e fregi della nuova fonderia di A. Z. 8vo. Venezia, 1794. 16307 ZATZMANN, V. Gutenberg. Ein Lebensbild furs Volk. 8vo. Mainz, 1900. 3334 ZEDLER, G. Die Inkunabeln Nassanischer Bibliotheken. 4to. Wiesbaden, 1900. 1894 ZEDLER, G. Ein neu aufgefundener Gutenbergdruck. {In Zentralblatt fur Bibhothekswesen, Vol. 18, 1901, pp. 501-503.) PP ZEDLER, G. Gutenberg-forschungen. 8vo. Leipzig, 1901. 2436 ZEDLER, G. Die alteste Gutenbergtype. [Gutenberg-Gesell- schaft : Veroffentlichungen. I.] 410. Mainz, 1902. 2774 ZEDLER, G. Ueber die Donat- und Kalendertype. {In Zentralblatt fiir Bibhothekswesen, Vol. 20, 1903, pp. 513-526.) PP ZEDLER, G. Das Rosenthalsche Missale speciale. {In Zentralblatt fiir Bibhothekswesen, Vol. 20, 1903, pp. 187-191.) PP ZEDLER, G. Das vermeintlich Gutenbergsche Missale. {In Zentralblatt fiir Bibhothekswesen, Vol. 20, 1903, pp. 32-55.) PP ZEDLER, G. Peter Schoffers und seiner Sohne Konflikt mit dem Konige von Frankreich. {hi Zentralblatt fiir Bibhotheks- wesen, Vol. 20, 1903, pp. 378-385-) PP ZEDLER, G. Der Yerbleib der aUesten Gutenbergtype. {In Zentralblatt fiir Bibhothekswesen, Vol. 21, 1904, pp- 388-396.) PP ZEDLER, G. Das Mainzer Catholicon. [Gutenberg Gesell- schaft : Veroffentlichungen. IV.] 4to. Mainz, 1905. 7248 ZEDLER, G. Die Mainzer Ablassbriefe der Jahre 1454 und 1455. [Gutenberg Gesellschaft : Veroffentlichungen, XII-XIIL] 2 vols. 4to. & fol. Mainz, 1913. 17858 ZEDLER, G. See Schroder, E., Zedler, G. and Wallau, H. ZEESE, A. & CO. Specimens of electrotypes comprising cuts, borders, ornaments, etc. 4to. Chicago [1879]. 1812 ZEISS, C. Photographic objectives and photo-optical auxiliary appliances. 8vo. Jena, 1901. 10686 996 ZEISS, C. Microscopes and microscopic accessories. 32nd edition, 8vo. Jena, 1902. 10684 ZEISS, C. Catalogue of photo-micrographic apparatus. 5th edition. 8vo. Jena, 1903. 10685 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR BILDENDE KUNST. Vol. 12, No. i, Oct., 1900. 4to. Leipzig, 1900. PP ZEITSCHRIFT FUR BUCHERFREUXDE. Vol. i, 1897, etc. 4to. Bielefeld, 1897, etc. PP ZEITSCHRIFT FUR DEUTSCHLANDS BUCHDRUCKER. Vol. I, 1889, etc. Fol. Leipzig, 1889, etc. PP ZEITSCHRIFT FUR MODERNE REKLAME. Vol. i, 1904. 4to. Berlin, 1904. PP ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PAPIER - U - SCHREIBWAREN - HANDLER. Vol. 9, No. i, Jan., 1913. 8vo. Leipzig, 1913. PP ZEITSCHRIFT FUR REPRODUKTIONSTECHNIK. Vol. II, 1909, etc. 4to. Halle a. S. , 1909, etc. PP ZEITUNGS-VERLAG (Der). Vols. 5-8, 1904-7. 4to. Han- nover, 1904-7. PP ZELL, U. See Chrysostomus, J. ; Merlo, J. J. ZELTNER, G. G. Kurtz-gefasste Historic der gedruckten Bibel- Version und anderer Schriften D. Mart. Lutheri, in der Beschreibung des Lebens und Fatorum Hanns Luffts, beriihmtcn Buchdruckers und Handlers zu Wittenberg, auch anderer dasigen und benachbarten Typographorum. Mit vielen Anmerkungen erlautert. 4to, Niirnberg, 1727. 5675 (2) 20931 ZELTNER, J. C. Theatrum virorum eruditorum qui speciatim typographiis laudabilem operam praestiterunt. i2mo. Norum- bergae, 1720. 22254 ZENGER, J. P. Remarks on the trial of J. P. Zenger, printer of the New York Weekly Journal, who was lately try'd and acquitted for printing and publishing two libels against the Government of that province. 4to. London, 1738. 22804 ZENGER, J. P. A brief narrative of the case and tryal of J. P. Zenger, printer, who was lately try'd and acquitted for printing two libels against the government of New York. 4to. London, 1738. 22801 ZENGER, J. P. The tryal of John Peter Zenger, of New York, printer, who was lately acquitted for printing and publishing a libel against the Government. 4to. London, 1738. 20473(1) ZENGER, J. P. The trial of J. P. Zenger of New York, printer. To which is now added, being never printed before, the trial of Mr. William Owen, bookseller, near Temple Bar. 8vo. London, 1765. , 12006 ZENGER, J. P. See Indus Britannicus; Rutherfurd, L. 997 ZENO, N. and A. See Major, R. H. ZENTRALBLATT FUR BIBLIOTHEKSWESEN. Vol. i8, 1901, etf. 8vo. Leipzig-, 1901, etc. PP ZENTRALBLATT FUR BIBLIOTHEKSWESEN. General- reg-istcr zum i 1-20 Jahrgang-e, 1894-1903. Svo. Leipzig-, 1905. 7001 ZENTRALBLATT FUR BIBLIOTHEKSWESEN. Beihefte IV, etc. Svo. Leipzig, 1889, etc. 6077 ZESTERMANN, A. See Weigel, T. O. and Zestermann, A. ZIEGLER, W. Die Techniken des Tiefdruckes mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung- der INIanuellen, Kunstlerischen Herstellungs- verfahren von Tiefdruckplatten jeder Art. 8vo, Halle a. S., 1901. 3381 ZIEGLER, W. Die Manuellen graphischen Techniken. I. Band. Die Schwarz-Weisskunst. 8vo. Halle a. S., 1912. 16908 ZIJLL, W. C. V. Mijmering van het oude standbeeld van L. J. Coster. 8vo. Hilversum, 1856. 21348 ZIINIMERN, H. The Laurenziana Library at Florence. {In The Leisure Hour, April, 1894.] 1605 ZINC etching- methods. {In Inland Printer, Vol. 7, 1889-90, p. 270 — p. 1092.) PP ZINI, C. M. Caratteri. 8vo. Milano [c. 1900]. 17132 ZOBELTITZ, F. v. Moderne Buchausstattung. {In Zeit- schrift fiir Biicherfreunde, Vol. 1, 1897, pp. 21-32.) PP ZOBELTITZ, F. v. Die Papstin Johanna. Ein Beitrag zur Kuriositatenlitteratur. (Nachtrage.) {In Zeitschrift fur Biicher- freunde, Vol. 2, 1898, pp. 279-290, 437-439.) PP ZOBELTITZ, F. v. Neuere deutsche Drucker-, Verleger- und Antiquariats-Marken. {In Zeitschrift fiir Biicherfreunde, Vol. I, 1898, pp. 636-641.) PP ZOBELTITZ, F. v. Das Plantin-Moretus-Museum in Ant- werpen. {In Zeitschrift fiir Biicherfreunde, J'ol. 5, 1901, pp. 49-59-) ^ PP ZOJA, G. Special type foundry and printers' machiruery. Ex- portation. 4to. Torino [1901]. 2354 ZOLLNER. See Unger, J. F. ZONCA, V. Novo teatro di machine et edificii per varie et sievre operationi. [A printing press at p. 64.] Fol. Padova, 1656. 5125 ZURICH. Eroffnungs-Rede der Jahres — Versammlung der Museum — Gesellschaft in Zurich am Jubelfeste der Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst den 24 Juni, 1840, von Ott-L^steri. Nebst dem Verzeichnisse der am Festtage ausgestellten typographischen Merkwiirdigkeiten, mit erliiuternden Bemerkungen von J. C. Orelli. i2mo. Zurich [1840]. 21302 998 ZURICH : Concilium Bibliographicum. The exhibit of the Concihum Bibhographicum on the occasion of the Vlllth Inter- national Congress of Zoology at Graz. 8vo. Zurich, 1910. 13397 ZOSIMUS. Historiae novae. 8vo. Oxonii, 1679. 4668 ZUR WESTEN, W. v. Moderne deutsche Notentitel. {In Zeitschrift fiir Biicherfreunde, Vol. 2, 1898, pp. 1-12.) PP ZUR WESTEN, W. v. Reklamekunst. 8vo. Bielefeld, 1903. 3991 ZUR WESTEN, W. v. Zur Kunstgeschichte des Notentitels und Dekoration musikalischer Druckwerke. {In Zeitschrift fiir Biicherfreunde, Vol. 12, 1908, pp. 89, 129.) PP ZWIEBELFISCH. Vol. i, 1909, etc. 8vo. Miinchen, 1909, etc. PP 999 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY A A 000 312 835 2