DOCUMENTS DEPT. UNITED STATES DEPART! OF LABOR DESCRIPTIONS OF OCCUPATIONS WATER TRANSPORTATION PREPARED FOR THE UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT SERVICE BY THE UNITED STATES BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1918 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR DESCRIPTIONS OF OCCUPATIONS WATER TRANSPORTATION PREPARED FOR THE UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT SERVICE BY THE UNITED STATES BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1918 DOCUMENTS DEFT. INDEX Page Able seaman. (See Seaman, able.) Apprentice. (See Cadet, deck.) B Baker, assistant 24 Baker, chief 24 Baker, second 24 Barkeeper 24 Boatswain _ 15 Boatswain's mate 15 Boots, assistant __ 24 Boots, chief 24 Bridgeman, ferry slip 10 Bugler . 25 Butcher, assistant 25 Bu'tcher, first. ... 25 Butcher, second 25 C Cadet, deck 15 Cadet, engineer. (See Engineer, cadet.) Cadet officer. (See Officer, cadet.) Captain. (See Master, ocean and coastwise transportation.) Captain, barge or scow 10 Captain, ferryboat. (See Master, ferryboat.) Captain, lighter or covered barge 10 Captain, tug or steam lighter. (See Master, tug or steam fighter.) Captain's boy _ 25 Carpenter _ __ 15 Carpenter's mate 16 Chef 25 Chef, assistant 26 Chief engineer's boy 26 Coal passer 19 Cook, assistant 26 Cook, assistant ship's 26 Cook, assistant vegetable 26 Cook, roast and grill 26 Cook, ship's 26 Cook, tug or steam fighter 11 Cook, vegetable 27 (3) D Page Deck boy. _._ _ _ 16 Deck cadet. (See Cadet, deck.) Deck engineer. (See Engineer, deck.) Deck hand, ferryboat . 11 Deck hand, first, ferryboat 11 Deck hand, first, tug or steam lighter 11 Deck hand, second, tug or steam lighter 12 Dishwasher 27 E Electrician 19 Electrician, assistant 20 Engineer, assistant 12 Engineer, assistant refrigerating. (See Oiler, assistant refrig- erating.) Engineer, cadet 20 Engineer, chief (harbor transportation) 12 Engineer, chief (ocean and coastwise transportation) 20 Engineer, deck 20 Engineer, first assistant 21 Engineer, fourth assistant. (See Engineer, junior.) Engineer, junior 21 Engineer, refrigerating. (See Oiler, refrigerating.) Engineer, second assistant 21 Engineer, stationary, hoisting 12 Engineer, subjunior 22 Engineer, third assistant 22 F Fireman (harbor transportation) 12 Fireman (ocean and coastwise transportation) ._ 22 First mate ___ 16 Floatmari. 13 Fourth mate 17 K Kitchen boy. (See Scullion.) L Librarian 27 Linen keeper _ _ 27 M Master, ferryboat . _ 13 Master (ocean and coastwise transportation) 16 Master, tug or steam lighter 13 Mess boy, fireman's 27 Messman, gunners' 27 o Page Officer, cadet.. 18 Officer, chief. (See First mate.) Officer, fourth. (See Fourth mate.) Officer, second. (See Second mate.) Officer, subjunior 18 Officer, third. (See Third mate.) Oiler, assistant refrigerating 23 Oiler (harbor transportation) 13 Oiler (ocean and coastwise transportation) 22 Oiler, refrigerating 23 Ordinary seaman. (See Seaman, ordinary.) P Pantryman, first 27 Pantryman, second , 28 Pantryman, third 28 Pilot, ferryboat. (See Master, ferryboat.) Pilot, tug or steam lighter 14 Plate washer. (See Dishwasher.) Porter (harbor transportation) 14 Porter (ocean and coastwise transportation) 28 Printer 28 Purser ... Purser, assistant 29 Q Quartermaster (harbor transportation.) (See Wheelman.) Quartermaster (ocean and coastwise transportation). 18 R Refrigerating engineer. (See Oiler, refrigerating.) Refrigerating oiler. (See Oiler, refrigerating.) Scullion ._ 29 Seaman, able 18 Seaman, ordinary. 19 Second mate 17 Steward, bath 29 Steward, bedroom 29 Steward, chief 29 Steward, chief, second-class 30 Steward, chief third-class 30 Steward, deck 30 Steward, glory-hole 30 Steward, second 30 Steward, second-class 30 Steward, smoking room _ 31 Steward, third 31 Steward, third-class 31 Page Stewardess. _ 31 Storekeeper, assistant, engineer's department. Storekeeper, assistant, stewards' department Storekeeper, engineer's department 23 Storekeeper, steward's department 31 Subjunior officer. (See Officer, subjunior.) Surgeon 32 T Third mate 17 W Waiter, first-class saloon 32 Waiter, second-class saloon 32 Waiter, third-class saloon Watchman, night 32 Water tender (harbor transportation) 14 Water tender (ocean and coastwise transportation) 23 Wheelman 14 Wiper - 24 CODE WORDS Code word. Page. Code word. Page. Boy 15 Enjoy. . 21 Brace 15 Ennui 21 Brag 24 Ensue _____ 22 Brain 24 Enter 22 Brake 24 Entry 12 Brand 24 Envoy _ _ 12 Brass 24 Epic 12 Brave 24 Fiber 16 Bread 25 Field 17 Brick 25 Fifth 12 Brief 25 Fill 13 Brier 25 Fiery _ 22 Brim 10 Lax _ _ _ _ _ _ 27 Cameo 15 Lay 27 Clock ' 15 Met 27 Clog 16 Metal 16 Clot 25 Mete 27 Cloth 25 Mica 13 Cloud 26 Mid.. 13 Clove 26 Oddlv " 18 Clown 26 Ode 18 Club 26 Odeon. 23 Coach 26 Offer _ _ _ 13 Coal 19 Oil 22 Coast _____ 26 Okra.. 23 Coat 26 Pink 27 Cob 27 Pint 28 Come 10 Pious 28 Comma _ 10 Pipe _ 28 Congo 11 Piper _ _ 28 Defer 16 Pique 28 Deft 27 Pit 29 Defy 11 Pitch 14 Delay 11 Pivot _ _ _ _ _ . 14 Dell 11 Quack 18 Delta 12 Shock 17 Emit 19 Shod 18 Empty 20 Shoe 19 J-^mjJ VJ -. Enact 20 Shone 29 End 20 Shoot 23 Endow 21 Shop _ _ 23 Enemy _ . 20 Shore. . 29 (7) 8 ti&rds Concluded Code word. Page. Code word. Page. Short 29 Side 32 Shot 29 Spite 32 Shout 30 Stove 30 Show _ _.. 30 Thump. ... . 17 Shred - - 30 Waste _ _ . _ 24 Shrub 30 Watch 14 Shrug 30 Water 23 ShucK 31 Watt 32 Shun 31 Wave... 32 Shut 31 Waver 32 Shute 31 Wavy . 32 Shv 31 Wax 14 T**J -- DESCRIPTIONS OF OCCUPATIONS: WATER TRANSPORTATION PREPARED FOR THE UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT SERVICE BY THE UNITED STATES BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT These descriptions of occupations are based on investigations, including private interviews and correspondence, extending over practically the entire United States. The outstanding fact developed by these investigations is that there are few standard or generally accepted occupational names or definitions. It has been necessary, therefore, for the Bureau of La- bor Statistics to define certain occupational terms and classifications and to assume the acceptance of these definitions by those using the descriptions. The bureau is fully aware of the fact that some im- portant occupations have probably been omitted and that in some cases subdivisions may have been carried too far. These faults can be corrected only by means of suggestions and criticisms arising from the use of the descriptions in filling positions. The users of these descriptions are urged to send to the Bureau of Labor Statistics all suggestions and criticisms as they arise, so that eventually there may be developed a national standard of occupa- tional descriptions. Acknowledgement The Bureau of Labor Statistics wishes to thank all those who have contributed to the compilation of these descriptions. So many indi- viduals and representatives of various organizations have been con- sulted that it is impossible to make special mention of such services. PREFATORY STATEMENT IMPORTANT The objects of these descriptions are to furnish definitions of the various occu- pations, so that specifications for help may be made uniform, and to furnish a means by which the prospective employee may be informed as to the nature of the work he will be expected to do. Each occupation has been described under the most generally accepted title. The descriptions have been carefully prepared with the view of stating clearly and briefly what each occupation requires in the way of performance and quali- fications, so that a foreman or employment manager can readily specify the help wanted and can pick the worker best fitted to fill the position. 88852 18 2 (9) ; \. 10 Witnoli); SuOh'SMndaVd defirltipas/advertisements and appeals from the various Government departments or from a central employment agency would lose their effectiveness, especially when the recruiting is nation wide. The statement of actual requirements under the heading of " Schooling " does not have reference to those already working, but should be interpreted to mean that no one should enter the specified position at the present time without having the equivalent of the stated schooling. " Common school " signifies the comple- tion of the common-school course. Directions for Using Descriptions and Code Words INDEX: In order to find any given occupational description use the index. CODE WORDS: Each description has a code word which, when communicated to any person who has access to these descriptions of occupations, will enable him to ascertain exactly what is called for by referring to the description indi- cated by the code word. (See Code words.) If an employee is wanted who has training sufficient to do work in any two or more occupations described, 'the code words of these descriptions should be com- bined to indicate the combination of qualifications; for example: The code word designating a FIREMAN and an OILER (see pp. 12 and 13) would be FIFTH- OFFER. HARBOR TRANSPORTATION BRIDGEMAN, FERRY SLIP BRIM Kindred Occupation: Deck hand. Description: The bridgeman secures the incoming ferryboat to the bridge. He puts the gangplank in place. At the more modern ferry slips the bridgeman raises and lowers the bridge by electricity, thus doing away with the need of the gangplank. The bridgeman usually fastens one side of the boat while a deck hand takes care of the other side of the boat. Qualifications: Ordinary strength and ability. Schooling: Common school. CAPTAIN, BARGE OR SCOW COME Description: The captain of a barge or scow has general charge of his boat and its cargo. He takes care of the lines, shifts the boat, pumps the boat, and makes minor repairs. In some instances the captain super- vises the loading and unloading of the boat. The work requires no great activity or special skill, as the captain is merely a watchman the greater part of the time. Qualifications: Watchfulness. Little experience is required, although men with boating experience are preferred. CAPTAIN, FERRYBOAT. (See Master, ferryboat.) CAPTAIN, LIGHTER OR COVERED BARGE COMMA Kindred Occupations: Barge captain; Scow captain. Description: The captain of a covered barge or lighter has charge of the boat and its cargo. He takes care of the lines, shifts the boat, pumps the boat, and makes minor repairs. He tallies and signs cargo on and off the boat and is responsible for the cargo. The captain directs the loading and unloading of the boat and gets the boat ready to load. He sometimes hires the loading and unloading gangs, 11 Qualifications: The work requires a little more ability and alertness than that required of a barge or scow captain. Little experience is required, although men with boating experience are preferred. Schooling: Common school. CAPTAIN, TTJG OR STEAM LIGHTER. (See Master, tug or steam lighter.) COOK, TUG OR STEAM LIGHTER CONGO Kindred Occupation: Deck hand. Description: The cook orders and cooks the food, bakes bread, and serves the meals for the entire crew. On tugs carrying only one deck hand the cook helps in the handling of the stern lines. Where there is only one deck hand, the cook relieves the deck hand at mealtimes. Qualifications: The cook must have had some experience in preparing food and must be willing to assist in deck work. He must be able to cook satisfactory meals on a given allowance per day per man. Schooling: Common school. DECK HAND, FERRYBOAT DEFY Kindred Occupation: Bridgeman. Description: The deck hand must see that the gates of the ferryboat are not opened until the boat is firmly secured in the slip. While the boat is under way the deck hand is assigned to an end of the boat, and acts as lookout. On landing, the deck hand helps the bridgeman secure the boat, Qualifications: Ordinary strength and ability. Schooling: Common school. DECK HAND, FIRST, FERRYBOAT DELAY Kindred Occupations: Second deck hand; Bridgeman. Description: The first deck hand must see that the gates of the ferryboat are not opened until the boat is firmly secured in the slip. On landing he helps the bridgeman secure the boat. While the boat is under way the deck hand acts as lookout at one end of the boat. He also directs the loading of the boat. On those boats where the wheelman does not drop the pin to straighten the rudder, the first deck hand attends to this duty. On the smaller boats, the first deck hand performs the duty of a wheels- man. Qualifications : Ordinary strength and ability ; experience as bridgeman or deck hand. Schooling: Common school. DECK HAND, FIRST, TTJG OR STEAM LIGHTER DELL Kindred Occupation: Second deck hand. Description: The first deck hand handles the lines that are given to or taken from barge and lighter captains, repairs and splices lines and wire cables, sweeps the boat, cleans brass, paints the boat, helps fill the tanks with water, and helps coal the boat. On boats not equipped with a blow system, he helps the fireman remove ashes from the fireroom. When the tug is towing a oar float and the captain has no clear view from the pilot house, the first deck hand rides the float as a lookout, watches out for other craft, and signals the captain. When entering a float bridge, he sees that the float is properly landed. 12 Qualifications: Good eyesight; good judgment; attention to duty; strength and endurance ; experience as a second deck hand. Schooling: Common school. DECK HAND, SECOND, TTTG OR STEAM LIGHTER DELTA Kindred Occupation: Floatman. Description: The second deck hand handles the lines that are given to or taken from barge and lighter captains, repairs and splices lines and wire cables, sweeps the boat, cleans brass, paints the boat, helps fill the tanks with water, and helps coal the boat. On boats not equipped with the blow system, he helps the fireman remove ashes from the fireroom. Qualifications : Average, ability ; strength and endurance. Schooling: Common school. ENGINEER, ASSISTANT ENVOY Kindred Occupation: Oiler. Description: The assistant engineer is u'nder the chief engineer and has charge of the engine and fire rooms when on watch. Qualifications: Attention to duty. The assistant engineer must have a li- cense issued after an examination by the United States Steamboat- Inspection Service, which requires that an applicant have had sufficient experience in the fire or engine room, or have equivalent experience. Schooling: Common school. ENGINEER, CHIEF ENTRY Kindred Occupation: Assistant engineer. Description: The engineer is in charge of the engine and fire rooms. He must see that all parts of the boat below deck are kept clean, and that all machinery is kept -clean, oiled, and in working order; he executes the captain's signals pertaining -to the propulsion of the boat, and must see that the boat has a sufficient supply of water and coal aboard. On some vessels he hires and discharges the men in his department. Qualifications: Ability to handle men; ability to secure economical and effi- cient service. The engineer must have a license issued after an examina- tion by the United States Steamboat-Inspection Service, which requires that an applicant have about one year's experience as assistant engineer or have equivalent experience. Schooling: Common school. ENGINEER, STATIONARY, HOISTING EPIC Kindred Occupation: Lighter captain. Description: The stationary hoisting engineer operates the drums necessary to raise and lower the boom and the load on nonself-propelled lighters. He tends to the fire and looks after the engine. Qualifications: Judgment and alertness to duty. In New York Harbor a stationary hoisting engineer must have a license from the Police Depart- ment of the City of New York. Schooling: Common school. FIREMAN FIFTH Description: The fireman shovels coal on the fires, keeps them clean, and maintains an even fire bed. He must be able to clean his fires without the loss of steam. On those boats which stop at night the fireman must bank his fires and in the morning have the boat ready by the time the rest of the crew come on board. On boats not equipped with a blow sys- 13 tern, the fireman, together with the other members of the crew, removes the ashes from the fireroom. Qualifications: Strength and endurance of high temperatures. Schooling: Common school. FLOATMAN FILL Kindred Occupation: Deck hand. Description: The floatman has charge of the cars on h*s float. He sees that the float is properly loaded, fastens the cars on the float, and takes the numbers of all cars. He sees that the float is secured to the bridge after the deck hand has had the float landed. The floatman also super- vises the unloading of the float. Qualifications: Average ability, strength, and endurance. Schooling: Common school. MASTER, FERRYBOAT MICA Kindred Occupation: Wheelman. Description: The master has charge of the navigation and safety of the boat. He steers it and gives the signals necessary for its propulsion to the engineer. The master is in charge of the fire drills and boat drills. He is responsible for the safety of the passengers and the discipline of his crew. Qualifications : Keen eyesight ; correct color sense ; good hearing ; executive ability ; ability to act in an emergency. The master must have a license issued after examination by the United States Steamboat-Inspection Serv- ice, which requires that an applicant have about one year's experience as a first-class pilot or equivalent experience. Schooling: Common school. MASTER, TUG OR STEAM LIGHTER MID Kindred Occupations: Pilot; Master, ferryboat. Description: The master is in full charge of the boat. He executes his towing orders, steers the boat, and gives the engineer the signals neces- sary for the propulsion of the boat. He plans his order of assembling boats to be towed and must so arrange his towing as to take advantage of the tides. On some vessels he hires and discharges the men in his department. He also looks after the condition of his boat and its equip- ment. On steam lighters he is charged with the transportation of the cargo. Qualifications : Keen eyesight ; correct color sight ; good hearing ; ability to act in an emergency; ability to secure economical and efficient service; executive ability. He must be familiar with the waters of the harbor and know the location of the piers. The master must have a license issued after an examination by the United States Steamboat-Inspection Service, which requires about one year's experience as a pilot or equivalent ex- perience. Schooling: Common school. OILER OFFER Kindred Occupation: Fireman. Description: The oiler must see that all machinery in the engine room is properly oiled and kept free from dust. On some boats he helps thfr fireman clean the fires and hoist out the ashes. 14 Qualifications: Attention to duty. The oiler must be familiar with boat machinery, anl have had fireroom experience. Schooling: Common school. PILOT, FERRYBOAT. (See Master, ferryboat.) PILOT, TUG OR STEAM LIGHTER PITCH Kindred Occupations: Master; First deck hand. Description: On vessels not exceeding 150 gross tons no mnster is carried, but a pilot assumes all the duties and responsibilities of a master. On vessels exceeding 150 gross tons a pilot must be carried in addition to the master if the master has no pilot's indorsement to his license. In most cases the master is also pilot. On vessels exceeding 150 gross tons and running both day and night with double crew, the pilot is second in command and relieves the master. When on duty the pilot has the same duties and responsibilities as the master. Qualifications: Keen eyesight; ability to act in an emergency. The pilot must hold a license issued after an examination by the United States Steamboat-Inspection Service, which requires about three years' experi- ence in the deck department. Schooling: Common school. PORTER PIVOT Description: The larger ferryboats carry a porter, who keeps the cabins, windows, and brass clean, and when necessary assists the deck hands. Qualifications: Ordinary strength and ability. QUARTERMASTER. (See Wheelman.) WATER TENDER WATCH Kindred Occupation: First deck hand. Description: The water tender sees that sufficient water is kept in the boilers and that there is sufficient steam pressure on the boilers. The water tender is sometimes carried on the larger harbor boats. Qualifications: The water tender must have had fireroom experience and familiar with boat machinery. Schooling: Common school. WHEELMAN WAX Kindred Occupations: Oiler; Fireman. Description: The wheelman is an assistant to the master, and when the ferryboat is under way he must be in the pilot house with the master. While the boat is in the slip the w r heelman takes his place in the inshore pilot house to see that everything is in order at that end. On some ferryboats the wheelman, after each trip, drops the pin that holds the rudder straight at the fore end of the boat. Qualifications: Good eyesight; correct color sense; good hearing; alertness; attention to duty. A wheelman must have had experience as a deck hand. Schooling: Common school. OCEAN AND COASTWISE TRANSPORTATION DECK DEPARTMENT ABLE SEAMAN. (See Seaman, able.) APPRENTICE. (See Cadet, deck.) BOATSWAIN BOY Kindred Occupations: Boatswain's mate; Able seaman. Description: The boatswain is detailed or hired to do special work. He takes orders directly from the mate and other deck officers and sees that these orders are carried out. He oversees the work to be done in the upkeep of the vessel, the handling of the cargo, the management of the boats, and similar duties. His work corresponds to that of a foreman in a workshop on land. Qualifications: He must be an able seaman with wide experience; must have a sturdy physique, good eyesight, correct color sense, and good hear- ing. He must be able to understand any orders given. He must be alert and have sufficient executive ability to handle the deck crew. Schooling: Common school. BOATSWAIN'S MATE BRACE Kindred Occupation: Able seaman. Description: The boatswain's mate assists the boatswain in his duties or works on the alternate watch. Qualifications: He must be an able seaman and be able to work the seamen either under the boatswain or alone. He must have a sturdy physique, good eyesight, correct color sense, and good hearing. He must be able to understand any orders given. Schooling: Common school. CADET, DECK CAMEO Description: To comply with Section 8, Part XXVII, Ocean Mail Service, Navigation Laws of the United States, every ocean mail-service vessel must carry one American-born boy under 21 years of age for each 1,000-ton register and one for each majority fraction thereof. When as- signed to the deck service, the cadet is trained in the general duties of that service. Qualifications: Willingness to learn seamanship; adaptability; consent of parents or guardian. Schooling: Common school. CADET OFFICER. (See Officer, cadet.) CAPTAIN. (See Master.) CARPENTER CLOCK Kindred Occupation: Carpenter's mate. Description: The carpenter takes care of his shop and keeps an inventory of his tools and supplies. He is charged with the upkeep of masts, booms, and wooden decks, and the opening and closing of hatches and cargo (15) 16 ports. Repairs to tanks not made by the engineer's department are done by the carpenter. He has charge of the storm oil tanks, sounds bilges and tanks, examines and sees that fresh-water tanks are completely filled, fills and opens tanks as directed. Qualifications: He must be a shipwright and be able to make all kinds of repairs not made by the engineer's department. Schooling: Common school. CARPENTER'S MATE CLOG Description: The carpenter's mate assists the carpenter in his work and is under his orders. Qualifications: He must be an experienced carpenter and must be capable of making general repairs. Sea experience desirable. Schooling: Common school. DECK BOY DEFER Kindred Occupation: Deck cadet. Description: The deck boy does such work in the deck service as he is directed to do by the boatswain and the deck officers. He is acquiring his sea legs and the primary experience necessary to qualify as ordinary seaman. He must be able to understand any orders given. Qualifications: Willingness to learn seamanship; adaptability; good physique. Schooling: Common school. DECK CADET. (See Cadet, deck.) MASTER METAL Kindred Occupations: First mate; Second mate. Description: The master is in complete charge of the vessel at all times. He is responsible for the safe navigation of his vessel and for the gen- eral management and care of his vessel and its various departments. He sees that the ship's log is properly kept. He, together with other officers, must regularly inspect the vessel for its ventilation, warmth, sanitation, and cleanliness. In case of disaster he must see to the safety of passengers and crew and be the last man to leave the vessel. Qualifications: He must know the laws governing his business upon the sea and the laws defining his duties and responsibilities to ship, passengers, crew, and cargo. He must have. good eyesight, correct color sense, and good hearing. He must have executive ability of high order. He must have a license issued after an examination by the United States Steam- boat-Inspection Service, which requires that an applicant have at least one year's experience as licensed chief mate or have equivalent experi- ence. For details, see Ocean and Coastwise General Rules and Regula- tions, edition of April 8, 1918, Steamboat-Inspection Service, Department of Commerce. Schooling: Common school; navigation class of a nautical school or equiv- alent. MATES FIRST MATE FIBER Kindred Occupations: Second mate; Third mate. Description: The chief mate is next in authority to the master and in the latter's absence has command of the vessel. He is the executive officer of the vessel and keeps the log. He must be familiar with the vessel, its complement, its equipment, and stores. He receives the cargo, sees that 17 It is properly stored and discharged. He is charged with the inspection of cargo-handling gear, lifeboats, fire-fighting equipment, and the con- ducting of fire and lifeboat drills. Qualifications : He must have had a license issued by the United States Steam- boat-Inspection Service, which requires that an applicant have at least one year's experience as licensed second mnte, or have equivalent ex- perience. For details, see Ocean and Coastwise General Rules and Reg- ulations, edition of April 8, 1918, Steamboat-Inspection Service, Depart- ment of Commerce. He must have good eyesight, correct color sense, good hearing. He must have executive ability of high order and be able to organize and supervise the work of the deck department. Schooling : Common school ; navigation class of a nautical school or equiva- lent. SECOND MATE SHOCK Kindred Occupation: Third mate. Description: The second mate has charge of the vessel during his watch, takes various observations, gives orders, and performs other incidental duties. On the larger vessels he has charge of the after end of the boat at sea and when in port. Qualifications: He must have a license issued after an examination by the United States Steamboat-Inspection Service, which requires that an ap- plicant have at least one year's experience as licensed third mate r or have equivalent experience. For details, see Ocean and Coastwise General Rules and Regulations, edition of April 8, 1918, Steamboat-Inspection Service, Department of Commerce. He must have good eyesight, correct color sense, good hearing. Attention to duty, alertness, executive ability. Schooling: Common school; navigation class of a nautical school or equivalent. THIRD MATE THUMP Kindred Occupation: Fourth mate. Description: The third mate has charge of the vessel during his watch, takes various observations, gives orders, and performs incidental duties. On the larger vessels he has charge of the forward end of the boat at sea and in port. Qualifications: He must have a license issued after an examination by the United States Steamboat-Inspection Service, which requires that an applicant have at least two years' service in the department, or have equivalent experience. For details, see Ocean and Coastwise General Rules and Regulations, edition of April 8, 1918, Steamboat-Inspection Service, Department of Commerce. He must have good eyesight, correct color sense, good hearing. Attention to duty, alertness, executive ability. Schooling: Common school; navigation class of a nautical school or equivalent. FOURTH MATE FIELD Kindred Occupation: Cadet officer. Description: The fourth officer has charge of the vessel during his watch, takes observations, gives orders, and performs incidental duties. Qualifications: He must hold a third mate's license and have the same qualifications as the third mate. Schooling: Common school; navigation class of a nautical school or equivalent. 18 OFFICER, CADET ODDLY Kindred Occupation: Subjunior officer. Description: The cadet officer gives the other officers such assistance as he may be called upon to give. He is a student officer and is fitting himself for promotion. Qualifications: He must have had at least two years' experience in the deck department. Serious attention to duty. Good eyesight, correct color sense, and good hearing. Schooling: Common school; navigation class of a nautical school or equivalent. OFFICER, CHIEF. (See Mate, first.) OFFICER, FOURTH. (See Mate, fourth.) OFFICER, SECOND. (See Mate, second.) OFFICER, STJBJTTNIOR ODE Description: The subjunior officer has completed the work in a navigation school approved by the United States Shipping Board, which places him aboard a vessel for two months in order that he may complete his sea experience so as to qualify for examination as third mate. He is a student officer and gives the other officers such assistance as he may be able to give. Qualifications: Good eyesight, correct color sense, and good hearing. Two years' experience in the deck service. Must be an American citizen over 19 years of age. Schooling: Common school; navigation class of a nautical school of a Shipping Board school. OFFICER, THIRD. (See Mate, third.) ORDINARY SEAMAN. (See Seaman, ordinary.) QUARTERMASTER QUACK Kindred Occupation: Able seaman. Description: The quartermaster is an able seaman detailed or hired to do the special work of steering and incidental work. Qualifications: He must be an able seaman; must have a sturdy physique, good eyesight, correct color sense, and good hearing. Must be able to understand any orders given. Schooling: Common school. SEAMAN, ABLE SHOD Kindred Occupation: Ordinary seaman. Description: The able seaman performs all the regular and emergency duties required in the deck service. Qualifications: He must be 19 or more years of age, have a sturdy physique, good eyesight, correct color sense, good hearing, and must be thoroughly accustomed to the sea. He must be able to understand any orders given and be able to meet all emergencies arising at sea. He must be thor- oughly familiar with all parts of the vessel, and be able to handle skill- fully all gear and appliances and, as far as possible, replace them when necessary. He must be able to stow and discharge cargo, to use the more common carpenter tools, to take soundings with a hand lead and report the depth of the water correctly, to steer the ship in all kinds of 19 weather, and to lower, clear away, and handle a lifeboat at sea. On sailing vessels, he must be able to perform the duties indicated above and in addition know the use of every part of the standing and running rigging of such vessels and be able to loose, set, take in, reef, and furl sails in all kinds of weather. NOTE. In order to be shipped as able seaman a man must hold a cer- tificate indicating that rating. The certificate is issued by the United States Steamboat-Inspection Service to seamen who are found physically fit and who can show three years' experience in the deck service at sea or on the Great Lakes. However, a certificate of able seaman is also granted to seamen who are found to be physically fit and who can pass an examination to determine their knowledge of seamanship. To take this examination applicants must have served one year or more on deck at sea or on the Great Lakes. Seamen rated as able seamen under this provision can not compose more than one-fourth of the nuniber of able seamen required to be carried. Schooling: Common school. SEAMAN, ORDINARY SHOE Kindred Occupation: Deck boy. Description: The ordinary seaman is getting acquainted with the sea. He works with the able seaman and, so far as his experience and ability will permit, does the same work. He learns all that he can about the regular and emergency duties of the able seaman. Qualifications: He must have good physique, good eyesight, correct color sense, and* good hearing. He must be able to understand any orders given. He should have acquired his sea legs and have shipped as deck boy. Schooling: Common school. STJBJTTNIOR OFFICER. (See Officer, sub junior.) ENGINEER'S DEPARTMENT CADET ENGINEER. (See Engineer, cadet.) COAL PASSER COAL Description: The coal passer keeps the fireroom supplied with coal by shoveling coal on the plates. He assists the fireman in cleaning fires, in removing ashes from the fireroom, and in other necessary fireroom work. He is acquiring his sea legs and the primary experience necessary to qualify as fireman. Qualifications: He must be able to understand any orders given. He must have physical strength and be able to endure high temperatures. Schooling: Common school. DECK ENGINEER. (See Engineer, deck.) ELECTRICIAN EMIT Kindred Occupation: Assistant electrician. Description: The electrician is in charge of and keeps in repair the dynamo engines, electric motors, ventilating and steam-heating systems. He stands a regular watch at sea. Qualifications: He must be a practical electrician and have the ability to repair rapidly any breakdowns in his department Schooling: Common school. 20 ELECTRICIAN, ASSISTANT EMPTY Description: The assistant electrician relieves the electrician and stands alternate watches with him. The assistant electrician is in charge of the electrical department when on watch, but is under orders of the elec- trician. Qualifications: The assistant electrician must be experienced in electrical work and capable of standing his watch alone. Schooling: Common school. ENGINEER, ASSISTANT REFRIGERATING. (See Oiler, assistant refrigerating.) ENGINEER, CADET ENACT Description: To comply with Section 8, Part XXVII, Ocean Mail Service Navigation Laws of the United States, every ocean mail-service vessel must carry one American-born boy under 21 years of age for each 1,000 tons register, and one for each majority fraction thereof. When assigned to the engineer's department, the cadet is trained in the general duties of that department. Qualifications: Willingness to work; adaptability; consent of parents or guardian. Schooling: Common school. ENGINEER, CHIEF ENEMY Kindred Occupation: First assistant engineer. Description : The chief engineer has complete charge of the engines and boil- ers; electrical, refrigerating, and sanitary equipment; and all deck ma- chinery and steam connections on board. He is held responsible for their proper working and for the carrying out of the regulations of his de- partment. He keeps a log of the working of the machinery and its breakdowns, of miles traveled, temperatures, and consumption of fuel. He makes a list of necessary repairs, and makes a written report of any exceptional repairs executed away from the home port. He must take an inventory of all stores, materials, etc., and make requisitions for the next voyage. He is responsible for the proper coaling of the steamer and the correct quality and quantity of coal furnished, and the proper filling of the water-ballast tanks. He reports on the qualifica- tions, conduct, and sobriety of the engine room and fireroom crews. Qualifications: He must have a license issued after an examination by the United States Steamboat-Inspection Service, which requires that an ap- plicant have at least one year's service as first assistant engineer or equivalent experience. For details, see Ocean and Coastwise General Rules and Regulations, edition of April 8, 1918, Steamboat-Inspection Service, Department of Commerce. He should have executive ability; ability to organize and supervise the work of his department ; mechanical ability and adaptability so as to be able to provide for any breakdown in his department, by interchange, repair, or substitution of parts. Schooling: Common school. ENGINEER, DECK END Kindred Occupation: Refrigerating oiler. Description: The deck engineer is in charge of and keeps In repair all deck machinery, such as steering gear, windlass engine, capstans. Also looks after the sanitary system. 21 Qualifications: He must have had several years' experience In the upkeep, care, and repair of machinery ; must be able to make repairs rapidly. Schooling: Common school. ENGINEER, FIRST ASSISTANT ENJOY Kindred Occupations: Second assistant engineer; Third assistant engineer. Description: The first assistant engineer is a watch engineer. He has charge of, and is responsible to the chief 'engineer for, all boilers, main engines and auxiliaries, and other plants coming under the engineer's department. He is the executive officer of the engine department and organizes and supervises the routine work of the same. Qualifications: He must have a license issued after an examination by the United States Steamboat-Inspection Service, which requires that an ap- plicant have at least one year's experience as second assistant engineer or equivalent experience. For details, see Ocean and Coastwise Gen- eral Rules and Regulations, edition of April 8, 1918, Steamboat-Inspec- tion Service, Department of Commerce. He should have the ability to supervise the workings of the department ; mechanical ability and adapt- ability; executive ability. Schooling : Common school ; engineering class of a nautical school or equiv- alent. - ENGINEER, FOURTH ASSISTANT. (See Engineer, junior.) ENGINEER, JUNIOR ENDOW Kindred Occupation: Subjunior engineer. Description: At sea the junior engineer is in charge of either the fireroom, the engine room, or the auxiliary engines. The fireroom, engine room, and the auxiliaries have each a junior engineer in direct charge during each watch. All of them are responsible to the senior engineer on watch. In port the junior engineer helps the other engineers overhaul and re- pair the boilers and machinery. Qualifications: The junior engineer must have had about three years' ex- perience in the fireroom, or equivalent experience, and must hold at least a third assistant engineer's license. He must be able to stand on watch alone; mechanical ability and adaptability. Schooling: Common school; engineering class of a nautical school or equiv- alent. ENGINEER, REFRIGERATING. (See Oiler, refrigerating.) ENGINEER, SECOND ASSISTANT ENNUI Kindred Occupation: Third assistant engineer. Description: In port the second assistant engineer supervises the repairs and the overhauling of the main engines and auxiliaries on the star- board side. He stands a watch and is responsible for all that takes place in the engine room and fireroom during his watch. Qualifications: He must have a license issued after an examination by the United States Steamboat-Inspection Service, which requires that an ap- plicant have at least one year's experience as third assistant -engineer or equivalent experience. For details, see Ocean and Coastwise General Rules and Regulations, edition of April 8, 1918, Steamboat-Inspection Service, Department of Commerce. He should have ability to supervise the work of the department ; mechanical ability and adaptability. Schooling: Common school; engineering class of a nautical school or equiv- alent. 22 ENGINEER, STIBJUNIOR ENSUE Description: The subjunior engineer has completed class work in the en- gineering department of a nautical school approved by the United States Shipping Board, which places him on board a vessel for two months in order to complete his time requirements for a third assistant engineer's license. Qualifications : Willingness to learn ; alertness to duty ; mechanical ability and adaptability. ' Should have had two years' experience in the engi- neer's department or equivalent marine machine-shop experience. Must be an American citizen over 19 years of age. Schooling: Common school; engineering class of a nautical school or of a Shipping Board school. ENGINEER, THIRD ASSISTANT ENTER Kindred Occupation: Junior engineer. Description: In port the third assistant engineer supervises the repairs and the overhauling of the main engines and auxiliaries on the port side. At sea he is a watch engineer and is responsible for all that takes place in the engine room and fireroom during his watch. Qualifications: The third assistant engineer must have a license issued after an examination by the United States Steamboat-Inspection Service, which requires that an applicant have at least three years' experience as fireman or equivalent experience, or that he be a graduate of an engineering class of a nautical school. For details, see Ocean and Coastwise General Rules and Regulations, edition of April 8, 1918, Steamboat-Inspection Service, Department of Commerce. Ability to supervise the work of the department; mechanical ability; adaptability. Schooling: Common school; engineering class of a nautical school or equivalent. FIREMAN FIERY Kindred Occupation: Coal passer. Description: At sea the fireman looks after a set of fires, shovels in coal, and keeps the fires properly stoked. In port he cleans tubes and boilers, packs bearings, and does other necessary fireroom work. Qualifications: He must have physical strength and be able to endure high temperatures, and he must be sufficiently accustomed to the sea to auto- matically accommodate his body to the movement of the vessel. He must be able to understand any orders given. He should be able to operate any boiler without assistance, and when working the fires be able to keep steam with the least consumption of coal. He should know the names of every part of the boilers and the use of such ; also the names of all valves and auxiliaries of the boiler, and should be able to operate the same and to make small repairs. Schooling: Common school. OILER OIL Kindred Occupation: Fireman. Description: At sea the oiler is charged with oiling either the main engines and auxiliaries, the fan engines, or the electric engines. He must keep the machinery oiled and clean, must see that it is running smoothly, and that it does not become hot. In port the oiler helps the engineer overhaul and repair boilers and engines. 23 Qualifications: Must be alert and pay close attention to duty. He should be able to understand any orders given. Should have had several years' experience in the engineer's department or equivalent marine machine- shop experience. Schooling: Common school. OILER, ASSISTANT REFRIGERATING OKRA Description : The assistant refrigerating oiler stands alternate watches with the refrigerating oiler. Qualifications: Must have a general knowledge of the upkeep and repair of machinery. Must pay close attention to duty. Schooling: Common school. OILER, REFRIGERATING ODEON Kindred Occupation: Assistant refrigerating oiler. Description: The refrigerating oiler is in charge of the refrigerating ma- chinery. He oils, cleans, and repairs it whenever necessary. Qualifications: Must pay close attention to duty and have a general knowl- edge of the upkeep and repair of machinery. Schooling: Common school. REFRIGERATING ENGINEER. (See Oiler, refrigerating.) REFRIGERATING OILER. (See Oiler, refrigerating.) STOREKEEPER SHOP Kindred Occupation: Assistant storekeeper. Description: The storekeeper looks after all tools and materials for repairs. He keeps a record of tools lent, and oils, cleans, and sharpens tools for use in the engineer's department. Qualifications: He should have had experience as assistant storekeeper or equivalent experience, and should use judgment and common sense in the issuing of tools and materials. Schooling: Common school. STOREKEEPER, ASSISTANT SHOOT Description: The assistant storekeeper takes charge of the storeroom at night and works under the direction of the storekeeper. Qualifications: He should have had general machine-shop and tool-room ex- perience and should use judgment and common sense in issuing tools and materials. Schooling: Common school. WATER TENDER WATER Kindred Occupation: Fireman. Description: The water tender checks and regulates the amount of water in the boilers and directs the work of the firemen and coal passers and sees that the correct amount of steam is kept in the boilers. In port he helps the engineer overhaul and repair boilers and engines. Qualifications: He must be experienced with the work of the stoke hole and must have a general knowledge of the working, upkeep, and repair of boilers. Must be alert and attentive to duty; able to direct work of the firemen. Schooling: Common school. 24 WIPER WASTE Description: The wiper cleans brass work, removes oil and dust from vari- ous parts of the engine-room machinery aboard an oil-burning ship. He is acquiring his sea legs and the primary experience necessary to qualify as fireman on an oil-burning ship. Qualifications : Endurance of high temperatures. He should be able to under- stand any orders given. Schooling: Common school. STEWARD'S DEPARTMENT BAKER, ASSISTANT BRAG Description: The assistant baker helps out the chief baker or the second baker, as required. Qualifications: He must be an experienced baker and preferably have had sea experience. Must be clean and healthy. Schooling: Common school. BAKER, CHIEF BRAKE Kindred Occupation: Second baker. Description: The chief baker bakes the cakes, pies, puddings, and pastries, and makes out the requisitions for the next day's supplies from the storekeeper. Qualifications: He must be an experienced baker and must have had sea experience. Must be capable of taking charge of all baking. Must be clean and healthy. Schooling: Common school. BAKER, SECOND BRAIN Kindred Occupation: Assistant baker. Description: The second baker is the night baker and bakes the bread and rolls. Qualifications: He must be an experienced baker and have had sea experi- ence. Must be clean and healthy. Schooling: Common school. BARKEEPER BRAND Kindred Occupations: Storekeeper; Smoking-room steward. Description: The barkeeper serves beers, wines, and cigars at the bar. Qualifications: Must have had general barkeeping experience and prefer- ably have had sea experience. Must be able to remember names of pas- sengers and know how to keep charge accounts. Schooling: Common school. BOOTS, ASSISTANT BRASS Kindred Occupation: Porter. Description: The assistant boots works under the direction of the chief boots and helps him in the polishing of shoes, sweeping, and scrubbing, as ordered. Qualifications: Willingness to clean, scrub, and polish. BOOTS, CHIEF BRAVE Kindred Occupations: Bedroom steward; Assistant boots. Description: The chief boots directs the work of his men and helps in the cleaning of shoes. He directs and helps in such cleaning of the stairs, hallway, and windows as he may be called upon to do. 25 Qualifications: He should have had experience as an assistant boots and be able to direct men at their work. Schooling: Common school. BTJGLEE BREAD Kindred Occupation: Waiter. Description: The bugler blows the calls for meals and for fire, boat, and general musters. Qualifications: He must know how to blow the various calls and be punc- tual in making them. Schooling: Common school. BUTCHER. ASSISTANT BRIER Description: The assistant butcher does such work as cleaning fish and poultry, and cutting meats as required by the first butcher and second butcher. Qualifications: He must be an experienced butcher and preferably have had sea experience. Must be clean and healthy. Schooling: Common school. BUTCHER, FIRST BRICK Kindred Occupation: Second butcher. Description: The first butcher cuts the meat into proper pieces and issues the same; has the fish and poultry cleaned. He keeps a record of the daily consumption of meats, fish, and poultry; has the meat properly stowed and hung in the refrigerating and chill chambers. Qualifications: He must be an experienced butcher and have had sea experience ; must be clean and healthy. Schooling: Common school. BUTCHER, SECOND BRIEF Kindred Occupation: Assistant butcher. Description: The second butcher helps the first butcher In cutting up and issuing meat ; cleans fish and poultry. Qualifications: He must be an experienced butcher and have had sea experience ; must be clean and healthy. Schooling: Common school. CAPTAIN'S BOY CLOT Kindred Occupations : Chief engineer's boy ; Mess boy. Description: The captain's boy waits on the captain, acts as messenger for him, takes care of his room and his clothes, and performs such other duties as may be required of him. Qualifications: Should be bright and active. Schooling: Common school. CHEF CLOTH Kindred Occupation: Assistant chef. Description: The chef is in charge of all kitchens and is responsible for the culinary department's efficiency and service. He must spend as much time as possible in the kitchens to see that nothing is wasted and that everything is kept clean and tidy in his department. Qualifications: He should have worked through the different grades of his department. Must be a good cook, baker, and butcher, and know how to requisition food from the storekeeper. Must be able to handle his men ; must be clean and healthy. Schooling: Common school. 26 CHEF, ASSISTANT CLOTTD Kindred Occupations : Roast and grill cook ; Vegetable cook. Description: The assistant chef works under the direct supervision of the chef and assists him in the care and' upkeep of the culinary department. Qualifications: He should have worked through the different grades of his department and should be able to assist in directing the work of the men in the culinary department. Must be clean and healthy. Schooling: Common school. CHIEF ENGINEER'S BOY CLOVE Kindred Occupations: Captain's boy; Mess boy. Description: The chief engineer's boy waits on the engineer, acts as mes- senger for him, takes care of his room and his clothes, and performs such other duties as may be required of him. Qualifications: Should be bright and active. Schooling: Common school. COOK, ASSISTANT CLOWN Kindred Occupations: Ship's cook; Assistant ship's cook. Description: The assistant cook cooks all other food besides meats and vegetables. During peace times the larger vessels carry several assistant cooks for special dishes. Qualifications: He must be an experienced cook and have had sea ex- perience. Must be clean and healthy. Schooling: Common school. COOK, ASSISTANT SHIP'S CLUB Description: The assistant ship's cook gives the ship's cook any necessary assistance. Qualifications: Must have had experience in the preparation of food and have had sea experience. Must be clean and healthy. Schooling: Common school. COOK, ASSISTANT VEGETABLE COACH Kindred Occupations: Assistant cook; Assistant ship's cook. Description: The assistant vegetable cook works under the direction of the vegetable cook and assists him in his duties. Qualifications: He must be an experienced cook and preferably have had sea experience. Must be clean and healthy. Schooling: Common school. COOK, ROAST AND GRILL COAST Kindred Occupations: Vegetable cook; Assistant cook. Description: The roast and grill cook prepares, roasts, and grills meats and makes up short orders, such as steaks and chops. Qualifications: He must be an experienced cook and preferably have had sea experience. Must be clean and healthy. Schooling: Common school. COOK, SHIP'S COAT Kindred Occupations: Assistant cook; Assistant ship's cook. Description: The ship's cook prepares and cooks the meals for the crew and for those officers who do not eat with the passengers. Qualifications: He must be an experienced cook and have had sea expe- rience. Must be clean and healthy. Schooling: Common school. 27 COOK, VEGETABLE COB Description: The vegetable cook on board ship prepares and cooks the vegetables which are served to passengers and crew. Qualifications: He should be especially skilled in the preparation, cooking, and serving of all kinds of vegetables in appetizing, nourishing, and attractive ways. Must have had sea experience. Must be clean and healthy. Schooling: Common school. DISHWASHER DEFT Kindred Occupation: Scullion. Description: The dishwasher operates the dishwashing machine and places the washed dishes in the pantry. He may be called upon to do any other general kitchen work. Learners in the steward's department frequently start in this position. Qualifications: Willingness to clean and scrub. KITCHEN BOY. (See Scullion.) LIBRARIAN LAX Kindred Occupation: Deck steward. Description: The librarian is in charge of the writing room, library, and music room, and is responsible for the books and the cleanliness of these rooms. Qualifications: General library or book-room experience desirable. Sea ex- perience desirable. Schooling: Common school. LINEN KEEPER LAY Kindred Occupations: Bedroom steward; Bath steward. Description: The linen keeper has charge of all the linen aboard: He counts, issues, and keeps it safely stowed away. He sees that no soiled linen is used to serve the purpose of rags. Qualifications: Considerable experience, as bedroom steward. Good judg- ment and common sense in issuing linen. Schooling: Common school. MESS BOY, FIREMEN'S MET Kindred Occupation: Gunners' messman. Description: The firemen's mess boy waits on the firemen's mess, keeps their quarters clean, and sees that ice water is provided for them. Qualifications: Should be bright and active; preferably have had sea ex- perience. MESSMAN, GUNNERS' METE Kindred Occupation: Firemen's mess boy. Description: The gunners' messman waits on the gunners' mess and keeps their quarters clean. Qualifications: Should be bright and active, preferably have had sea ex- perience. PANTRYMAN, FIRST PI NK Kindred Occupations: Second pantryman; Third pantryman. Description: The first pantryman has general charge of the pantry. He sees that all meats are properly carved; that all food is attractively dished up and served on time; that waiters' orders are promptly car- ried out. He makes coffee and tea, and prepares salads and cold cuts. He orders his daily supplies from the storekeeper. 28 Qualifications: He must have had experience as pantryman or waiter. He must be able to direct the work of his men and be able to work rapidly and efficiently. Schooling: Common school. PANTRYMAN, SECOND PINT Kindred Occupations: Third pantryman; Waiter. Description: The second pantryman assists the first pantryman and works under his direction. He generally has direct charge of the pantry and sees that .dishes are cleaned and stowed away, and that the pantry is kept clean. Qualifications: He must have had experience as pantryman, waiter, or messman. He must be able to assist in directing the work of the men; must work rapidly and efficiently. Schooling: Common school. PANTRYMAN, THIRD PIOUS Kindred Occupation: Waiter. Description: The third pantryman works under the direction of the first and second pantrymen, who detail his duties to him. Qualifications: Must have had experience as waiter or messman. Must be able to work rapidly and efficiently. Schooling: Common school. PLATEWASHER. (See Dishwasher.) PORTER PIPE Description: The porter cleans, fills, and keeps in place all oil lights. He also does general cleaning and assists in the care of the passengers' baggage. Qualifications: General porterage experience. Sea experience desirable. PRINTER PIPER Kindred Occupation: Waiter. Description: The printer prints passenger lists, menus, announcements, and other printing as required by the ship's officers. Qualifications: Must be accurate and speedy in printing. Schooling: Common school. PURSER PIQUE Kindred Occupation: Assistant purser. Description: The purser is the ship's clerk. He is responsible for the manifests, bills of health, clearance papers, and cargo. He keeps the wages account of the crew, and is present when they are paid off. He sees that all tickets are collected and checked with the passenger list. He exchanges money. In case of death or birth he secures Details for the master's log. He encourages entertainments and supplies informa- tion. He takes care of the wine list and sees that it is settled before the boat docks. Qualifications: He must have been an assistant purser or have had high- grade clerical experience ashore. He must be courteous and tactful in dealing with passengers. It is desirable that he speak the languages of the countries between which the ship sails. Schooling: Common school and business courses. 29 PURSER, ASSISTANT PIT Kindred Occupation: Storekeeper. Description: The assistant purser works under the direction of the purser, assists him in the clerical work, and gives him any other required assistance. Qualifications: He must have had clerical experience. Sea experience desirable. Schooling: Common school and business courses. SCULLION SHONE Kindred Occupation: Dishwasher. Description: The scullion builds the galley fires, cleans the pots and pans, scrubs the kitchen, cleans the vegetables, and peels the potatoes. Learners in the steward's department frequently start in this position. Qualifications: Willingness to clean and scrub. STEWARD, BATH SHORE Kindred Occupation: Bedroom steward. Description: The bath steward has charge of a set of baths and lavatories which he keeps clean. He finds out when passengers want their baths and notifies them when their baths are ready. He may be called upon to do other work in this department. Qualifications: Must have had experience in the steward's department. Must be courteous and alert to the orders of passengers. Schooling: Common school. STEWARD, BEDROOM SHORT Kindred Occupation: Bath steward. Description: The bedroom steward makes up beds and berths and sets staterooms in order. He serves meals in rooms when called upon to do so. He keeps passageways, alcoves, and corridors around his set of rooms clean. When not otherwise occupied he stands watch in the day- time to answer bells from staterooms in his section. Qualifications: He must have had experience as waiter or messman. Must be courteous and alert to the orders of passengers. Schooling: Common school. STEWARD, CHIEF SHOT Kindred Occupations: Second steward; Third steward. Description: The chief steward has full control of the commissary or steward's department. He lias charge of and is responsible for the discipline of the workers in his department. He is responsible for the comfort and service of all passengers. He. is responsible for the cor- rectness of all accounts in his department, and must take an inventory after every voyage of the articles intrusted to his care. Qualifications: He must have worked through the different grades of his department and must have a complete knowledge of how all the work in his department is done. He must have executive ability sufficient to handle men and to organize, supervise, and keep his department in efficient working order. He must know how to order a sufficient quantity of provisions to last him through the voyage. He must know how to inspect and store provisions. Schooling: Common school. 30 STEWARD, CHIEF SECOND-CLASS SHOUT Kindred Occupations: Chief third-class steward; Second-class steward. Description: The chief second-class steward looks after the comfort, con- venience, and service of the second-class passengers. He sees that the tables are properly set and that the waiters give courteous, prompt, and efficient service. He sees that the accommodations of the second-class passengers are kept clean and in order. Qualifications: He must have had several years' experience in the steward's department. Must be capable of directing the work of men under him. Schooling: Common school. STEWARD, CHIEF THIRD-CLASS STOVE Kindred Occupations: Second-class steward; Third-class steward. Description: The chief third-class steward looks after the comfort, con- venience, and service of the third-class passengers. He sees that the food is properly served and that the accommodations of the third-class passengers are kept clean and in order. Qualifications: He must have had experience in the steward's department. Must be capable of directing the work of the men under him. Schooling: Common school. STEWARD, DECK SHOW Kindred Occupations: Bath steward; Bedroom steward. Description: The deck steward looks after the comfort and convenience of passengers on deck. He places their chairs, takes care of their rugs, gets books for them, and gives them such other attention as they desire. Qualifications: He must have had several years' experience in the steward's department. Must be courteous and alert to the orders of passengers. Schooling: Common school. STEWARD, GLORY-HOLE SHRED Kindred Occupations : Messman ; Messboy. Description: The glory -hole steward keeps the glory hole (stewards' quar- ters) clean and in order. Qualifications: Should be bright and active, preferably have had sea ex- perience. STEWARD, SECOND SHRUB Kindred Occupation: Third steward. Description: The second steward works under the direction of the chief steward and is in direct charge of the handling of all workers in the steward's department. He details them to their daily tasks. He is in direct charge of the comfort, convenience, and service of the first-class passengers. Qualifications: He must have had several years' experience in the steward's department. He must be able to detail men to their, tasks and to super- vise the work of the department. Must be tactful and courteous in deal- ing with passengers. Schooling: Common school. STEWARD, SECOND-CLASS SHRUG Kindred Occupations: Third-class steward; Bedroom steward. Description : The second-class steward assists the chief second-class steward in looking after the comfort, convenience, and service of the second-class passengers. 31 Qualifications: He must have had experience in the steward's department as steward or waiter. Must be courteous and capable. Schooling: Common school. STEWARD, SMOKING ROOM SHUCK Kindred Occvpations: Librarian; Deck steward; Waiter. Description: The smoking" room steward serves drinks and cigars to pas- sengers in the smoking room, and keeps that room clean and in order. Qualifications: Should have had experience as waiter aboard ship. Must be courteous and alert to the orders of passengers. Schooling: Common school. STEWARD, THIRD SHUN Kindred Occupations: Chief second-class steward; Chief third-class steward. Description: The larger steamships carry a third steward who assists the chief steward and the second steward in their tasks. Qualifications: Must have had several years' experience in the steward's department. Must be able to direct men in their work. Must be courteous and tactful in dealing with passengers. Schooling: Common school. STEWARD, THIRD-CLASS SHUT Kindred Occupations : Bedroom steward ; Waiter. Description: The third-class steward assists the chief third-class steward in looking after the comfort, convenience, and service of the third-class passengers. He is carried only on the larger steamships. Qualifications: He must have had experience as steward or waiter. Must be capable of assisting the chief third-class steward in directing the work of the men under him. Schooling: Common school. STEWARDESS SHTITE Description: The stewardess makes the beds of the women passengers and keeps their rooms in order and dusted. She looks after the comfort and convenience of women and children and gives special attention to them when they are ill. She keeps damaged linen in repair as far as prac- ticable. Qualifications: She must have had general experience in general housework or similar experience. Experience as a practical nurse is desirable. Schooling: Common school. STOREKEEPER SHY Kindred Occupations: Assistant storekeeper; Barkeeper. Description: The storekeeper has charge of all groceries and dry stores and the seamen's slop chest. He issues stores to the chef, baker, and pantryman on presentation of their daily issue book. Articles from the slop chest are issued to seamen on order of the master. The storekeeper keeps a record of stores issued and makes a report at the end of the voyage. He is responsible for the proper care, cleanliness, and stowing of the goods in his charge. Qualifications: He must have had experience as assistant storekeeper or as waiter. Must use good sense and judgment in the issuing of stores. Schooling: Common school. 32 STOREKEEPER, ASSISTANT SPITE Description: The assistant storekeeper works under the direction of the storekeeper, and assists him in the care and issuing of stores. Qualifications: He should have had experience as waiter or messman. He must use good judgment and common sense in the issuing of stores. Schooling: Common school. SURGEON SIDE Description: The surgeon must see that he has a sufficient quantity of medical and surgical supplies on board for both passengers and crew. He must attend to the crew and passengers in need of medical attention. He is charged with the keeping of a journal of his practice and a record of all accidents, sickness, deaths, and births. He must inspect the sani- tary condition of the vessel with the master and other officers. Qualifications: Must be a competent medical practitioner. Schooling: Medical-school graduate. WAITER, FIRST-CLASS SALOON WATT Kindred Occupations: Waiter, second-class saloon; Waiter, third-class saloon. Description: The first-class saloon waiter sets and waits on a table in the first-class saloon and cleans glasses and silverware. He may be called upon to act as watchman or for other services in the steward's depart- ment. Qualifications: He must have had experience in the other saloons or have had experience in a high-grade hotel or restaurant. Must be courteous, efficient, prompt, neat, and careful. Schooling: Common school. WAITER, SECOND-CLASS SALOON WAVE Kindred Occupation: Waiter, third-class saloon. Description: The second-class saloon waiter has to perform the same duties as the waiter in the first-class saloon. Qualifications: He must have had experience aboard ship or in a high-grade hotel or restaurant. Must be courteous, efficient, prompt, neat, and careful. Schooling: Common school. WAITER, THIRD-CLASS SALOON WAVER Kindred Occupations: Messman; Messboy. Description: The third-class saloon waiter has to perform the same duties as the waiter in the first-class saloon. Qualifications: Must have had experience as waiter ashore or experience as messman aboard ship. Schooling: Common school. WATCHMAN, NIGHT WAVY Description: The night watchman is detailed to answer all bells in his section, to watch for fire and falling objects and to see that all is well in his section. He reports to the officer of the watch at stated intervals during the night. Qualifications: Experience as watchman desirable, sea experience desirable. Old able seamen are often hired for this position. UNIVEESITY OF CALIFOENIA LIBEAEY, BEEKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW - Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. NOV 23 193 MAR 31 1932 75m-7,'30 YC 35104 594347 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY