% "Just by the merest chance, could your name be Mickey?" MICHAEL O'HALLORAN BY GENE STRATTON-PORTER AUTHOR OF THE HARVESTER. FRECKLES, A GIRL OF THE LIMBERLOST, LADDIE, ETC. ILLUSTRATIONS BY FRANCES ROGERS GROSSET & DUNLAP PUBLISHERS NEW YORK Copyright, 1915, 1916, by DOUBLEDAY, PAGE & COMPANY All rights reserved, including that of translation into foreign languages, including the Scandinavian TO IVK^NING-FACE 2234S01 I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. CONTENTS Happy Home in Sunrise Alley . . . Moccasins and Lady Slippers . . . S. O. S ......... "Bearer of Morning" ..... Little Brother ...... The Song of a Bird ..... Peaches' Preference in Blessings . r Big Brother ....... James Jr. and Malcolm .... The Wheel of Life ...... The Advent of Nancy and Peter Feminine Reasoning ..... A Safe Proposition ..... An Orphans' Home ..... A Particular Nix ...... The Fingers in the Pie ..... Initiations in an Ancient and Honourable Brotherhood ...... Malcolm and the Hermit Thrush Establishing Protectorates .... Mickey's Miracle ...... CHARACTERS MICHAEL O'HALLORAN, Who Was Square. PEACHES, Michael's Family. THE SUNSHINE NURSE, Who Helped Mickey. DOUGLAS BRUCE, A Corporation Lawyer. LESLIE WiNTON,Who Demanded Joy From Life. MR. MINTURN,A Multiopolis Politician. MRS. MINTURN, A Woman Devoted to Society. JAMES JR. and MALCOLM, the Minturns' Sons. MR. TOWER, a Tutor. PETER HARDING, a Farmer. MRS. HARDING, Peter's Wife. JUNIOR, MARY, and BOBBIE, Harding Children. MR. CHAFFNER, Editor of the Herald. MICHAEL O'HALLORAN CHAPTER I HAPPY HOME IN SUNRISE ALLEY W KID, come on ! Be square !" 11 You look out what you say to me." "But ain't you going to keep your word ?" "Mickey, do you want your head busted?" " Naw! But I did your work so you could loaf; now I want the pay you promised me." " Let's see you get it ! Better take it from me, hadn't you ? " " You're twice my size; you know I can't, Jimmy!" " Then you know it too, don't you ? " "Now look here kid, it's 'cause you're getting so big that folks will be buying quicker of a little fellow like me; so you've laid in the sun all afternoon while I been running my legs about off to sell your papers; and when the last one is gone, I come and pay you what they sold for; now it's up to you to do what you promised" " Why didn't you keep it when you had it ? " '"Cause that ain't business ! I did what I promised fair and square; I was giving you a chance to be square too. 19 "Oh ! Well next time you won't be such a fool!" Jimmy turned to step from the gutter to the sidewalk. 3 4 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN Two things happened to him simultaneously: Mickey be- came a projectile. He smashed with the force of a wiry fist on the larger boy's head, while above both, an athletic arm gripped him by the collar. Douglas Bruce was hurrying to ee a client before he should leave his office; but in passing a florist's window his ye was attracted by a sight so beautiful he paused an in- stant, considering. It was spring; the Indians were com- ing down to Multiopolis to teach people what the wood Gods had put into their hearts about flower magic. The watcher scarcely had realized the exquisite loveli- ness of a milk-white birch basket filled with bog moss of silvery green, in which were set maidenhair and three yel- low lady slippers, until beside it was placed another woven of osiers blood red, moss carpeted and bearing five pink moccasin flowers, faintly lined with red lavender; between them rosemary and white ladies' tresses. A flush crept over the lean face of the Scotsman. He saw a vision. Over those baskets bent a girl, beautiful as the flowers. Plainly as he visualized the glory of the swamp, Douglas Bruce pictured the woman he loved above the orchids. While he lingered, his heart warmed, glowing, his wonder- ful spring day made more wonderful by a vision not ade- quately describable, on his ear fell Mickey's admonition: "Be square!" He sent one hasty glance toward the gutter. He saw a sullen-faced newsboy of a size that precluded longer suc- cess at paper selling, because public sympathy goes to the little fellows. Before him stood one of these same little fellows, lean, tow-haired, and blue-eyed, clean of face, neat HAPPY HOME IN SUNRISE ALLEY 5 in dress; with a peculiar modulation in his voice that caught Douglas squarely in the heart. He turned again to the flowers, but as his eyes revelled in beauty, his ears, despite the shuffle of passing feet, and the clamour of cars, lost not one word of what was passing in the gutter, while with each, slow anger surged higher. Mickey, well aware that his first blow would be all the satisfaction coming to him, put the force of his being into his punch. At the same instant Douglas thrust forth a hand that had pulled for Oxford and was yet in condition. "Aw, you big stiff!" gasped Jimmy, twisting an as- tonished neck to see what was happening above and in his rear so surprisingly. Had that little Mickey O'Halloran gone mad to hit him ? Mickey standing back, his face up- turned, was quite as surprised as Jimmy. "What did he promise you for selling his papers?" de- manded a deep voice. "Twen ty-five," answered Mickey, with all the force of inflection in his power. "And if you heard us, Mister, you heard him own up he was owing it." "I did," answered Douglas Bruce tersely. Then to Jimmy: "Hand him over twenty-five cents." Jimmy glared upward, but what he saw and the tighten- ing of the hand on his collar were convincing. He drew from his pocket five nickels, dropping them into the out- stretched hand of Douglas, who passed them to Mickey, the soiled fingers of whose left hand closed over them, while his right snatched off his cap. Fear was on his face, excitement was in his eyes, triumph was in his voice, while a grin of comradeship curved his lips. 6 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN "Many thanks, Boss," he said. "And would you add to them by keeping that strangle hold 'til you give me just two seconds the start of him?" He wheeled, darting through the crowd. "Mickey!" cried Douglas Bruce. "Mickey, wait!" But Mickey was half a block away turning into an alley. The man's grip tightened a twist. "You'll find Mickey's admonition good," he said. "I advise you to take it. 'Be square!' And two things: first, I've got an eye on the Mickeys of this city. If I ever again find you imposing on him or any one else, I'll put you where you can't. Understand ? Second, who is he ? " "Mickey!" answered the boy. "Mickey who?" asked Douglas. "How'd I know?" queried Jimmy. "You don't know his name?" pursued Douglas. "Naw, I don't!" said the boy. "Where does he live?" continued Douglas. "I don't know," answered Jimmy. "If you have a charge to prefer, I'll take that youngster in for you," offered a policeman passing on his beat. "He was imposing on a smaller newsboy. I made him quit," Douglas explained. "That's all." "Oh!" said the officer, withdrawing his hand. Away sped Jimmy; with him went all chance of identifying Mickey, but Bruce thought he would watch for him. Ke was such an attractive little fellow. Mickey raced through the first alley, down a street, then looked behind. Jimmy was not in sight. "Got him to dodge now," he muttered. "If he rver HAPPY HOME IN SUNRISE ALLEY 7 gets a grip on me he'll hammer me meller! I'm going to have a bulldog if I half starve to buy it. Maybe the pound would give me one. I'll see to-morrow." He looked long, then started homeward, which meant to jump on a car and ride for miles, then follow streets and alleys again. Finally he entered a last alley that faced due east. A compass could not have pointed more di- rectly toward the rising sun; while there was at least half an hour each clear morning when rickety stairs, wavering fire-escapes, flapping washes, and unkept children were submerged in golden light. Long ago it had been named. By the time of Mickey's advent Sunrise Alley was as much a part of the map of Multiopolis as Biddle Boulevard, and infinitely more pleasing in name. He began climbing in- terminable stairs. At the top of the last flight he unlocked his door to enter his happy home; for Mickey had a home, and it was a happy one. No one else lived in it, while all it contained was his. Mickey knew three things about his father: he had had one, he was not square, and he drank himself to death. He could not remember his father, but he knew many men en- gaged in the occupation of his passing, so he well under- stood why his mother never expressed any regrets. Vivid in his mind was her face, anxious and pale, but twinkling; her body frail and overtaxed, but hitting back at life uncomplainingly. Bad things happened, but she ex- plained how they might have been worse; so fed on this sop, and watching her example, Mickey grew like her. The difficult time was while she sat over a sewing machine to be with him. When he grew stout-legged and self-reliant, he s MICHAEL O'HALLORAN could be sent after the food, to carry the rent, and to sell papers, then she could work by the day, earn more, have better health, while what both brought home paid the rent of the top room back,of as bad a shamble as a self-respecting city would allow; kept them fed satisfyingly if not nour- ishingly,and allowedthemto slip away many a nickel for the xainydaythatshe always explained would come. And it did. One morning she could not get up; the following Mickey gave all their savings to a man with a wagon to take her to a nice place to rest. The man was sure about it being a nice place. She had told Mickey so often what to do if this ever happened, that when it did, all that was necessary was to remember what he had been told. After it was over and the nice place had been paid for, with the nickels and the sewing machine, with enough left for the first month's rent, Mickey faced life alone. But he knew ex- actly what to do, because she had told him. She had even written it down lest he forget. It was so simple that only a boy who did not mind his mother could have failed. The formula worked perfectly. Morning: Get up early. Wash your face, brush your clothes. Eat what was left from supper for breakfast. Put your bed to air, then go out with your papers. Dont be afraid to offer them, or to do work of any sort you have strength for; but be deathly afraid to beg, to lie, or to steal, while if you starve, freeze, or die, never, never touch any kind of drink. HAPPY HOME IN SUNRISE ALLEY 9 Any fellow could do that; Mickey told dozens of them so. He got along so well he could pay the rent each month, dress in whole clothing, have enough to eat, often cooked food on the little gasoline stove, if he were not too tired to cook it, and hide nickels in the old place daily. He had a bed and enough cover; he could get water in the hall at the foot of the flight of stairs leading to his room for his bath, to scrub the floor, and wash the dishes. From two years on, he had helped his mother with every detail of her housekeeping; he knew exactly what must be done. It was much more dreadful than he thought it would be to come home alone, and eat supper by himself, but if he sold papers until he was almost asleep where he stood, he found he went to sleep as soon as he reached home and had supper. He did not awaken until morning; then he could hurry his work and get ahead of the other boys, and maybe sell to their customers. It might be bad to be alone, bm always he could remember her, and make her seem present by doing every day exactly what she told him. Then, after all, being alone was a very wonderful thing compared with having parents who might beat and starve him and take the last penny he earned, not leaving enough to keep him from being hungry half the time. When Mickey looked at some of the other boys, and heard many of them talk, he almost forgot the hourly hunger for his mother, in thankfulness that he did not have a father and that his mother had been herself. Mickey felt sure that if she had been any one of the mothers of most other boys he knew, he would not have gone home at io MICHAEL O'HALLORAN all. He could endure cold, hunger, and loneliness, but he felt that he had no talent for being robbed, beaten, and starved; while lately he had fully decided upon a dog for company, when he could find the right one. Mickey unlocked his door, entering for his water bucket. Such was his faith in his environment that he relocked the door while he went to the water tap. Returning to the room he again turned the key, then washed his face and hands. He looked at the slip nailed on the wall where she had put it. He knew every word of it, but always it com- forted him to see her familiar writing, to read aloud what to do next as if it were her voice speaking to him. Evening: "Make up your bed." Mickey made his. "Wash any dirty dishes." He had a few so he washed them. " Sweep your floor." He swept. "Always prepare at least one hot thing for supper." He shook the gasoline tank to the little stove. It sounded full enough, so he went to the cup- board his mother had made from a small packing case. There were half a loaf of bread wrapped in its oiled paper, with two bananas discarded by Joe of the fruit stand. He examined his pocket, although he knew perfectly what it contained. Laying back enough to pay for his stock the next day, then counting in his twenty-five cents, he had forty cents left. He put thirty in the rent box, starting out with ten. Five paid for a bottle of milk, three for cheese, two for an egg for breakfast. Then he went home. At the foot of the fire-escape that he used in preference to the stairs, he met a boy he knew tugging a heavy basket. "Take an end for a nickel," said the boy. HAPPY HOME IN SUNRISE ALLEY n "Thanks," said Mickey. " It's my time to dine. 'Sides, I been done once to-day." "If you'll take it, I'll pay first," he offered. "How far?" questioned Mickey. "Oh, right over here," said the boy indefinitely. "Sure!" said Mickey. "Cross my palm with the silver." The nickel changed hands. Mickey put the cheese and egg in his pocket, the milk in the basket, then started. The place where they delivered the wash made Mickey feel almost prosperous. He picked up his milk bottle and stepped from the door, when a long, low wail that made him shudder, reached his ear. "What's that?" he asked the woman. "A stiff was carried past to-day. Mebby they ain't took the kids yet." Mickey went slowly down the stairs, his face sober. That was what his mother had feared for him. That was why she had trained him to care for himself, to save the pennies, so that when She was taken away, he still would have a home. Sounded like a child! He was halfway up che long flight of stairs before he realized that he was going. He found the door at last, then, stood listening. He heard long-drawn, heartbreaking moaning. Presently he knocked. A child's shriek was the answer. Mickey straightway opened the door. The voice guided him to a heap of misery in a corner. "What's the matter kid?" inquired Mickey huskily. The bundle stirred, while a cry issued. He glanced around the room. What he saw reassured him. He laid 12 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN hold of the tatters, beginning to uncover what was under them. He dropped his hands, stepping back, when a tangled yellow mop and a weazened, bloated girl-child face peered at him, with wildly frightened eyes. "If you'd put the wind you're wastin' into words, weM get something done quicker," advised Mickey. The tiny creature clutched the filthy covers, still staring. "Did you come to ' gtt' me?" she quavered. "No," said Mickey. "I heard you from below so I came to see what hurt you. Ain't you got folks?" She shook her head: "They took granny in a box and they said they'd come right back and 'get ' me. Oh, please, please don't let them!" "Why they'd be good to you," said Mickey largely. "They'd give you" he glanced at all the things the room lacked, then enumerated "a clean bed, lots to eat, a window you could be seeing from, a doll, maybe." "No I No ! " she cried. " Granny always said some day she'd go and leave me; then they'd ' gft' me. She's gone! The big man said they'd come right back. Oh don't let them! Oh hide me quick!" "Well well ! If you're so afraid, why don't you cut and hide yourself then?" he asked. "My back's bad. I can't walk," the child answered. "Oh Lord!" said Mickey. "When did you get hurt?" "It's always been bad. I ain't ever walked," she said. "Well!" breathed Mickey, aghast. "And knowing she'd have to leave you some day, your granny went and scared you stiff about the Home folks taking you, when it's. HAPPY HOME IN SUNRISE ALLEY 13 the only place for you to be going? Talk about women having the sense to vote!" "I won't go! I won't! I'll scratch them! I'll bite them!" Then in swift change: "Oh boy, don't. Please, please don't let them 'get' me." Mickey took both the small bony hands reaching for him. He was so frightened with their hot, tremulous clutch, that he tried to pull away, dragging the tiny figure half to light and bringing from it moans of pain. "Oh my back! Oh you're hurting me! Oh don't leave me! Oh boy, oh dear boy, please don't leave me!" When she said "Oh dear boy," Mickey heard the voice of his mother in an hourly phrase. He crept closer, endur- ing the touch of the grimy claws. "My name's Mickey," he said. "What's yours?" "Peaches," she answered. "Peaches, when I'm good. Crippled brat, when I'm bad." "Blieve if you had your chance you could look the peaches," said Mickey, "but what were you bad for?" "So's she'd hit me," answered Peaches. "But if me just pulling a little hurt you so, what hap- pened when she hit you ? " asked Mickey. "Like knives stuck into me," said Peaches. "Then what did you be bad for?" marvelled Mickey. "Didn't you ever get so tired of one thing you'd take something that hurt, jus' for a change?" "My eye!" said Mickey. "I don't know one fellow who'd do that, Peaches." "Mickey, hide me. Oh hide me! Don't let them 'get' me!" she begged. I 4 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN "Why kid, you're crazy," said Mickey. "Now lemme tell you. Where they'll take you looks like a nice place. Honest it does. I've seen lots of them. You get a clean soft bed all by yourself, three big hot meals a day, things to read, and to play with. Honest Peaches, you do! I wouldn't tell you if it wasn't so. If I'll stay with you 'til they come, then go with you to the place 'til you see how nice it is, will you be good and go?" She burrowed in the covers, screeching again. "You're scared past all reason," said Mickey. "You don't know anything. But maybe the Orphings' Homes ain't so good as they look. If they are, why was mother frightened silly about them getting me ? Always she said she just had to live until I got so big they wouldn't 'get* me. And I kept them from getting me by doing what she told me. Wonder if I could keep them from getting you? There's nothing of you. If I could move you there, I bet I could feed you more than your granny did, while I know I could keep you cleaner. You could have my bed, a win- dow to look from, and clean covers." Mickey was thinking aloud. "Having you to come home to would be lots nicer than nothing. You'd beat a dog all hollow, 'cause you can talk. If I could get you there, I believe I could be making it. Yes, I believe I could do a lot better than this, and I believe I'd like you, Peaches, you are such a game little kid." "She could lift me with one hand," she panted. "Oh Mickey, take me! Hurry!" " Lemme see if I can manage you," said Mickey. " Have you got to be took any particular way?" HAPPY HOME IN SUNRISE ALLEY 15 "Mickey, ain't you got folks that beat you?" she asked. "I ain't got folks now," said Mickey, "and they didn't beat me when I had them. I'm all for myself and if you say so, I guess from now on, I'm for you. Want to go?" Her arms wound tightly around his neck. Her hot little face pressed against it. "Put one arm 'cross my shoulders, an' the other round my legs," she said. "But I got to go down a lot of stairs; it's miles and miles," said Mickey, "and I ain't got but five cents. I spent it all for grub. Peaches, are you hungry?" "No!" she said stoutly. "Mickey, hurry!" "But honest, I can't carry you all that way. I would if I could, Peaches, honest I would." "Oh Mickey, dear Mickey, hurry!" she begged. "Get down and cover up 'til I think," he ordered. "Say you look here! If I tackle this job do you want a change bad enough to be mean for me?" "Just a little bit, maybe," said Peaches. "But I won't hit you," explained Mickey. "You can if you want to," she said. "I won't cry. Give me a good crack now, an' see if I do." "You make me sick at my stummick," said Mickey. "Lord, kid! Snuggle down 'til I see. I'm going to get you there some way." Mickey went back to the room where he helped deliver the clothes basket. "How much can you earn the rest of the night ? " he asked the woman. "Mebby ten cents," she said. "Well, if you will loan me that basket and ten cents, and 16 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN come with me an hour, there's that back and just a dollar in it for you, lady," he offered. She turned from him with a sneering laugh. "Honest, lady!" said Mickey. "This is how it is: that crying got me so I went Anthony Comstockin'. There's a kid with a lame back all alone up there, half starved and scared fighting wild. We could put her in that basket, she's just a handful, and take her to a place she wants to go. We could ride most of the way on the cars and then a Ettle walk, and get her to a cleaner, better room, where she'd be taken care of, and m an hour you'd be back with enough nickels in your pocket to make a great, big, round, shining, full-moon cartwheel. Dearest lady, doesn't the prospect please you?" "It would/' she said, "if I had the cartwheel now." " In which case you wouldn't go," said Mickey. " Dear- est lady, it isn't business to pay for undone work." "And it isn't business to pay your employer's fare to get to your job either," she retorted. "No, that beats business a mile," said Mickey. "That's an investment. You invest ten cents and an hour's time on a gamble. Now look what you get, lady. A nice rest- ful ride on the cars. Your ten cents back, a whole, big, shining, round, lady-liberty bird, if you trust in God, as the coin says the bird does, and more'n that, dearest lady, you go to bed feeling your pinfeathers sprouting, 'cause you've done a kind deed to a poor crippled orphing. *' "If I thought you really had the money " she said. "Honest, lady, I got the money," said Mickey, "and 'sides, I got a surprise party for you. When you get back HAPPY HOME IN SUNRISE ALLEY 17 you may go to that room and take every scrap that's in it. Now come on; you're going to be enough of a sporting lady ro try a chance like that, ain't you ? May be a gold mine up there, for all I know. Put something soft in the bot- tom of the basket while I fetch the kid." Midkey ran up the stairs. "Now Peaches," he said, "I guess I got it fixed. I'm going to carry you down; a nice lady is going to put you in a big basket, then we'll take you to the cars and so get you to my house; but you got to promise, 'cross your heart, you won't squeal, nor say a word, 'cause the police will 'get* you sure, if you do. They'll think the woman is your ma, so it will be all right. See ? " Peaches nodded. Mickey wrapped her in the remnants of a blanket, carried her downstairs and laid her in the basket. By turning on her side and drawing up her feet, she had more room than she needed. "They won't let us on the cars," said the woman. "Dearest lady, wait and see," said Mickey. "Now Peaches, shut your eyes, also your mouth. Don't you take a chance at saying a word. If they won't stand the basket, we'll carry you, but it would hurt you less, while it \vould come in handy when we run out of cars. You needn't take coin only for going, dearest lady; you'll be silver plated coming back." "You little fool," said the woman, but she stooped to her end of the basket. "Ready, Peaches," said Mickey, "and if it hurts, 'mem- ber it will soon be over, and you'll be where nobody will ever hurt you again." 1 8 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN "Hurry!" begged the child. Down the long stairs they went and to the car line. Crowded car after car whirled past; finally one came not so full, it stopped to let off passengers. Mickey was at the conductor's elbow. "Please mister, a lame kid," he pleaded. "We want to move her. Please, please help us on." "Can't!" said the conductor. "Take a taxi." "Broke my limousine," said Mickey. "Aw come on mister; ain't you got kids of your own?" "Get out of the way!" shouted the conductor. "Hang on de back wid the basket," cried the woman. With Peaches laid over her shoulder, she swung to the platform, and found a seat, while Mickey grabbed the bas- ket and ran to the back screaming after her: "I got my fare; only pay for yourself." Mickey told the conductor to tell the lady where to leave the car. When she stepped down he was ready with the basket. Peaches, panting and in cold perspiration with pain, was laid in it. "Lovely part of the village, ain't it, lady?" said Mickey. "See the castles of the millyingaires piercing the sky; see their automobiles at the curb; see the lovely ladies and gents promenading the streets enjoying the spring?" Every minute Mickey talked to keep the woman from noticing how far she was going; but soon she growled: "How many miles furder is it?" "Just around a corner, up an alley, and down a side street a step. Nothing at all! Nice promenade for a spry, lovely young lady like you. Evening walk, smell spring in the air. 'Most there now, Peaches." HAPPY HOME IN SUNRISE ALLEY 19 "Where are ye takin' this kid? Howll I ever get back to the car line ? " asked the woman. Mickey ignored the first question. "Why, I'll be eschorting you of course, dearest lady," he said. At the point of rebellion, Mickey spoke. "Now set the basket down right here," he ordered. "I'll be back in no time with the lady-bird." He returned in a few minutes. Into her outstretched palm he counted twenty-two nickels, picked the child from the basket, darted around a corner calling, "Back in a minute," and was gone. "Now Peaches, we got some steps to climb," he said. "Grip my neck tight and stand just a little more." "I ain't hurt!" she asserted. "I like seein' things. I never saw so much before. I ain't hurt much!" "Your face, your breathing, and the sweating on your lips, is a little disproving," said Mickey, "but I'll have to take your word for it, 'cause I can't help it; but it'll soon be over so you may rest." Mickey climbed a flight, then sat down until he could manage another. The last flight he rested three times. One reason he laid Peaches on the floor was because he couldn't reach the bed. After a second's pause he made a light, and opened the milk bottle. "Connect with that," he said. "I got to take the lady back to the cars." "Oh!" cried the connected child. "Oh Mickey, how good!" "Go slow!" said Mickey. "You better save half to have with some bread for your supper. Now I got to 20 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN leave you a little bit, but you needn't be afraid, 'cause I'll lock you in. Nobody will ' get' you here." "Now for the cars," said Mickey to his helper. "What did them folks say?" she asked. "Tickled all over," answered Mickey promptly. "That bundle of dirty rags!" she scoffed. "They are going to throw away the rags and wash her," said Mickey. "She's getting her supper now." "Sounds like lying," said the woman, "but mebby it ain't. Save me, I can't see why anybody would want a kid at any time, let alone a reekin' bunch of skin and crooked bones." "You've known folks to want a dog, ain't you?" said Mickey. "Sure something that can think and talk back must be a lot more amusing. I see the parks are full of the rich folks dolling up the dogs, feeding them candy and sending them out for an airing in their automobiles; so it's up to the poor people to look after the homeless children, isn't it?" "Do you know the folks that took her?" "Sure I do! "said Mickey. "Do you live close?" she persisted. "Yes! I'm much obliged for your help, dearest lady. When you get home, go up to the last attic back, and if there is anything there you want, help yourself. Peaches don't need it now, while there's no one else. Thank you, and good-bye. Don't fly before your wings grow, 'cause I know you'll feel like trying to-night." Mickey hurried back to his room. The milk bottle lay on the floor, the child asleep beside it. The boy gazed at HAPPY HOME IN SUNRISE ALLEY 21 her. There were strange and peculiar stirrings in his lonely little heart. She was so grimy he scarcely could tell what she looked like, but the grip of her tiny hot hands was on him. Presently he laughed. "Well fellers! Look what I've annexed! And I was hunting a dog! Well, she's lots better. She won't eat much more, she can talk, and she'll be something alive waiting when I come home. Gee, I'm glad I found her." Mickey set the washtub on the floor near the sleeping child, and filling the dishpan with water, put it over the gasoline burner. Then he produced soap, a towel, and comb. He looked at the child again, and going to the box that contained his mother's clothing he hunted out a nightdress. Then he sat down to wait for the water to heat. The door slammed when he went after a bucket of cold water, and awakened the girl. She looked at him, then at his preparations. "I ain't going to be washed," she said. "It'll hurt me. Put me on the bed." "Put you on my bed, dirty like you are?" cried Mickey. "I guess not! You are going to be a soaped lady. If it hurts, you can be consoling yourself thinking it will be the last time, 'cause after this you'll be washed every day so you won't need skinning alive but once." "I won't! I won't !" she cried. "Now looky here!" said Mickey. "I'm the boss of this place. If I say wash, it's wash! See! I ain't going to have a dirty girl with mats in her hair living with me. You begged me and begged me to bring you, now you'll be 22 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN cleaned up or you'll go back. Which is it, back or soap ? " The child stared at him, then around the room. "Soap," she conceded. "That's a lady," said Mickey. "Course it's soap! All clean and sweet smelling like a flower. See my mammy's nice white nightie for you? How bad is your back, Peaches? Can you sit up?" "A little while," she answered. "My legs won't go." "Never you mind," said Mickey. "I'll work hard and get a doctor, so some day they will." "They won't ever," insisted Peaches. "Granny carried me to the big doctors once, an' my backbone is weak, an' I won't ever walk, they all said so." "Poot! Doctors don't know everything," scorned Mickey. "That was long ago, maybe. By the time I can earn enough to get you a dress and shoes, a doctor will come along who's found out how to make backs over. There's one that put different legs on a dog. I read about it in the papers I sold. We'll save our money and get him to put another back on you. Just a bully back." "Oh Mickey, will you?" she cried. "Sure!" said Mickey. "Now you sit up and I'll wash you like mammy always did me." Peaches obeyed. Mickey soaped a cloth, knelt beside her; then he paused. "Say Peaches, when was your hair combed last?" "I don't know, Mickey," she answered. "There's more dirt in it than there is on your face." "If you got shears, just cut it off," she suggested. HAPPY HOME IN SUNRISE ALLEY 23 f"Sure!" said Mickey. He produced shears and lifting string after string cut all of them the same distance from her head. "Girls' shouldn't be short, like boys'," he explained. "Now hang your head over the edge of the tub and shut your eyes so I can wash it," he ordered. Mickey soaped and scoured until the last tangle was gone, then rinsed and partly dried the hair, which felt soft and fine to his fingers. " B'lieve it's going to curl," he said. "Always did," she answered. Mickey emptied and rinsed the tub at the drain, then started again on her face and ears, which he washed thoroughly. He pinned a sheet around her neck, then she divested herself of the rags. Mickey lifted her into the tub, draped the sheet over the edge, poured in the water, and handed her the soap. "Now you scour, while I get supper," he said. Peaches did her best. Mickey locked her in and went after more milk. He wanted to add several extras, but remembering the awful hole the dollar had made in his finances, he said grimly: "No-sir-ee! With a family to keep, and likely to need a doctor at any time and a Carrel back to buy, there's no frills for Mickey. Seeing what she ain't had, she ought to be thankful for just milk." So he went back, lifted Peaches from the tub and laid her on the floor, where he dried her with the sheet. Then he put the nightdress over her head, she slipped her arms in the sleeves, and he stretched her on his bed. She was so lost in the garment he tied a string under her arms 24 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN to hold it, and cut off the sleeves at her elbows. The pieces he saved for washcloths. Mickey spread his sheet over her, rolled the bed before the window where she could have air, see sky and housetops, then brought her supper. It was a cup of milk with half the bread broken in, and a banana. Peaches was too tired to eat, so she drank the milk while Mickey finished the remainder. Then he threw her rags from the window, and spread his winter covers on the floor for his bed. Soon both of them were asleep. CHAPTER II MOCCASINS AND LADY SLIPPERS O MESSENGER boy for those," said Douglas Bruce as he handed the florist the price set on the lady slippers. "Leave them where people may enjoy them until I call." As he turned, another man was inquiring about the orchids; he too preferred the slippers; but when he was told they were taken, he had wanted the moccasins all the time, anyway. The basket was far more attractive. He refused delivery, returning to his waiting car smiling over the flowers. He also saw a vision of the woman into whose sated life he hoped to bring a breath of change with the wonderful gift. He saw the basket in her hands, and thrilled in anticipation of the favours her warmed heart might prompt her to bestow upon him. In the mists of early morning the pink orchids surrounded by rosemary and ladies' tresses had glowed and gleamed from the top of a silvery moss mound four feet deep, under a big tamarack in a swamp, through the bog of which the squaw plunged to her knees at each step to uproot them. In the evening glow of electricity, snapped from their stems, the beautiful basket untouched, the moc- casins lay on the breast of a woman of fashion, while with every second of contact with the warmth of her body, 25 26 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN they drooped lower, until clasped in the arms of her lover, they were quite crushed, then flung from an automobile to be ground to pulp by passing wheels. The slippers had a happier fate. Douglas Bruce carried them reverently. He was sure he knew the swamp in which they grew. As he went his way, he held the basket, velvet-white, in strong hands, swaying his body with the motion of the car lest one leaf be damaged. When he entered the hall, down the stairs came Leslie Winton. "Why Douglas, I wasn't expecting you," she said. Douglas Bruce held up the basket. "Joy!" she cried. "Oh joy unspeakable! Who has been to the tamarack swamp?" "A squaw was leaving Lowry's as he put these in his window," answered Douglas. "Bring them," she said. He followed to a wide side veranda, set the basket on a table in a cool spot, then drew a chair near it. Leslie Winton seated herself, leaning on the table to study the orchids. Unconsciously she made the picture Doug- las had seen. She reached up slim fingers in delicate touchings here and there of moss, corolla and slipper. "Never in all my days " she said. "Never in all my days I shall keep the basket always, and the slippers as long as I possibly can. See this one! It isn't fully open. I should have them for a week at least. Please hand me a glass of water." Douglas started to say that ice water would be too cold, but with the wisdom of a wise man waited; and as always, was joyed by the waiting. For the girl took MOCCASINS AND LADY SLIPPERS 27 the glass and cupping her hands around it sat talking to the flowers, and to him, as she warmed the water with heat from her body. Douglas was so delighted with the unforeseen second that had given him first chance at the orchids, and so this unexpected call, that he did not mind the attention she gave the flowers. He had reasons for not being extravagant; but seldom had a like sum brought such returns. He began drawing interest as he watched Leslie. Never had her form seemed so perfect, her dresp so becoming and simple. How could other women make a vulgar display in the same pattern that clothed her modestly? How wonderful were the soft coils of her hair, the tints paling and flushing on her cheeks, her shining eyes! Why corld not all women use her low, even, per- fectly accented speech and deliberate self-control? He was in daily intercourse with her father, a high official of the city, a man of education, social position, and wealth. Mr. Winton had reared his only child according to his ideas; but Douglas, knowing these things, believed in blood also. As Leslie turned and warmed the water, watching her, the thought was strong in his mind: what a woman her mother must have been! Each day he was with Leslie, he saw her do things that no amount of cul- ture could instil. Instinct and tact are inborn; careful rearing may produce a good imitation, they are genuine only with blood. Leslie had always filled his ideal of a true woman. To ignore him for his gift would have piqued many a man; Douglas Bruce was pleased. "You wonders!" she said softly. "Oh you wonders! When the mists lifted in the marshes this morning, and 28 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN the first ray of gold touched you to equal goldness, you didn't know you were coming to me. I almost wish I could put you back. Just now you should be in such cool mistiness, while you should be hearing a hermit thrush sing vespers, a cedar bird call, and a whip-poor-will cry. But I'm glad I have you! Oh I'm so glad you came to me! I never materialized a whole swamp with such vividness as only this little part of it brings. Douglas, when you caught the first glimpse of these, how far into the swamp did you see past them?" "To the heart of the swamp and of my heart." "I can see it as perfectly as I ever did," she said. "But I eliminate the squaw; possibly because I didn't see her. And however exquisite the basket is, she broke the law when she peeled a birch tree. I'll wager she brought this to Lowry, carefully covered. And I'm not sure but there should have been a law she broke when she uprooted these orchids. Much as I love them, I doubt if I can keep them alive, and bring them to bloom next season. I'll try, but I don't possess flower magic in the highest degree." She turned the glass, touching it with questioning palm. Was it near the warmth of bog water? After all, was bog water warm? Next time she was in a swamp she would plunge her hand deeply in the mosses to feel the exact temperature to which those roots had been accustomed. Then she spoke again. "Yes, I eliminate the squaw," she said. "These golden slippers are the swamp to me, but I see you kneeling to lift them. I am so glad I'm the woman they made you see." MOCCASINS AND LADY SLIPPERS 29 Douglas sat forward and opened his lips. Was not this the auspicious moment? "Did the squaw bring more?" she questioned. "Yes," he answered. "Pink moccasins in a basket of red osiers, with the same moss, rosemary and white tresses. Would you rather those?" She set down the glass, drawing the basket toward her with both hands. As she parted the mosses to drop in the water she slowly shook her head. "One must have seen them to understand what that would be like," she said. "I know it was beautiful, but I'm sure I should have selected the gold had I been there. Oh I wonder if the woman who has the moccasins will give them a drink to-night! And will she try to preserve their roots?" "She will not!" said Douglas emphatically. "How can you possibly know?" queried the girl. "I saw the man who ordered them," laughed Douglas. "Oh!" cried Leslie, comprehendingly. "I'd stake all I'm worth the moccasins are drooping against a lavender dress; the roots are in the garbage can, while the cook or maid has the basket," he said. "Douglas, how can you!" exclaimed Leslie. "I couldn't! Positively couldn't! Mine are here!" The slow colour crept into her cheek. "I'll make those roots bloom next spring; you shall see them in perfection,'* she promised. "That would be wonderful!" he exclaimed warmly. "Tell me, were there yet others?" she asked hastily. "Only these," he said. "But there was something 30 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN else. I came near losing them. While I debated, or rather while I possessed these, and worshipped the others, there was a gutter row that almost made me lose yours." "In the gutter again?" she laughed. "Once again," he admitted. "Such a little chap, with an appealing voice, while his inflection was the smallest part of what he was saying. 'Aw kid, come on. Be square!' Oh Leslie!" "Why Douglas!" the girl cried. "Tell me!" "Of all the wooden-head slowness!" he exclaimed. "I've let him slip again!" "Let who 'slip again?"' questioned Leslie. "My little brother!" answered he "Oh Douglas! You didn't really?" she protested. "Yes I did," he said. "I heard a little lad saying the things that are in the blood and bone of the men money can't buy and corruption can't break. I heard him plead like a lawyer and argue his case straight. I lent a hand when his eloquence failed, got him his deserts, then let him go! I did have an impulse to keep him. I did call after him. But he disappeared." "Douglas, we can find him!" she comforted. "I haven't found either of the others I realized I'd have been interested in, after I let them slip," he an- swered, "while this boy was both of them rolled into one, and ten more like them." "Oh Douglas! I'm so sorry! But maybe some other man has already found him," said Leslie. "No. You can always pick the brothered boys," said Douglas. "The first thing that happens to them is a MOCCASINS AND LADY SLIPPERS 31 clean-up and better clothing; then an air of possessed im- portance. No man has attached this one." "Douglas, describe him," she commanded. "I'll watch for him. How did he look? What was the trouble?" "One at a time," cautioned the man. "He was a little chap, a white, clean, threadbare little chap, with such a big voice, so wonderfully intoned, and such a bigger principle, for which he was fighting. One of these over- grown newsboys the public won't stand for unless he is in the way when they are making a car, had hired him to sell his papers while he loafed. Mickey " '"Mickey?"' repeated Leslie questioningly. "The big fellow called him 'Mickey;' no doubt a mother who adored him named him Michael, and thought him 'like unto God' when she did it. The big fellow had loafed all afternoon. When Mickey came back and turned over the money, and waited to be paid off, his employer laughed at the boy for not keeping it when he had it. Mickey begged him 'to be square' and told him that 'was not business' 'not business,' mind you, but the big fellow jeered at him and was starting away. Mickey and I reached him at the same time; so I got in the gutter again. I dc"'t see how I can be so slow! I don't see how I did it!" "I don't either," she said, with a twinkle that might have referred to the first of the two exclamations. "It must be your Scotch habit of going slowly and surely. But cheer up! We'll find him. I'll help you." "Have you reflected on the fact that this city covers many square miles, of which a fourth is outskirts, while 32 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN from them three thousand newsboys gathered at the last Salvation Army banquet for them?" "That's where we can find him!" she cried. "Thanks- giving, or Christmas! Of course we'll see him then." "Mickey didn't have a Salvation Army face," he said. "I am sure he is a free lance, and a rare one; besides, this is May. I want my little brother to go on my vacation with me. I want him now." "Would it help any if I'd be a sister to you?" "Not a bit," said Douglas. "I don't in the very least wish to consider you in the light of a sister; you have an- other place in my heart, very different, yet all your own; but I do wish to make of Mickey the little brother I never have had. Minturn was telling me what a rejuvenation he's getting from the boy he picked up. Already he has him in his office, and is planning school and partnership with a man he can train as he chooses." "But Minturn has sons of his own!" protested Leslie. "Oh no! Not in the least!" exclaimed Douglas. "Min- turn has sons of his wife's. She persistently upsets and frustrates Minturn's every idea for them, while he is help- less. You will remember she has millions; he has what he earns. He can't separate his boys, splendid pi: sical little chaps, from their mother's money and influence, and educate them to be a help to him. They are to be made into men of wealth and leisure. Minturn will evolve his little brother into a man of brains and efficiency." "But Minturn is a power!" cried the girl. "Not financially," explained Douglas. "Nothing but money counts with his wife. In telling me of this boy, MOCCASINS AND LADY SLIPPERS 33 Minturn confessed that he was forced, forced mind you, to see his sons ruined, while he is building a street gamin as he would them, if permitted." "How sad, Douglas!" cried Leslie. "Your voice is bitter. Can't he do something?" "Not a blooming thing!" answered Douglas. "She has the money. She is their mother. Her character is unim- peachable. If Minturn went to extremes, the law would give them to her; she would turn them over to ignorant servants who would corrupt them, and be well paid for doing it. Why Minturn told me but I can't repeat that. Anyway, he made me eager to try my ideas on a lad who would be company for me, when I can't be here and don't wish to be with other men." "Are you still going to those Brotherhood meetings?" "I am. And I always shall be. Nothing in life gives me such big returns for the time invested. There is a world of talk breaking loose about the present 'unrest' among women; I happen to know that the 'unrest' is as deep with men. For each woman I personally know, bitten by 'unrest,' I know two men in the same condition. As long as men and women are forced to combine, to uphold society, it is my idea that it would be a good thing if there were to be a Sisterhood organized; then the two societies frankly brought together and allowed to clear up the differences between them." "But why not?" asked the girl eagerly. "Because we are pursuing false ideals, we have a wrong conception of what is worth while in life," answered the Scotsman. "Because the sexes except in rare, very 34 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN rare, instances, do not understand each other, and every day are drifting farther apart, while most of the married folk I know are farthest apart of all. Leslie, what is it in marriage that constrains people? We can talk, argue and agree or disagree on anything, why can't the Min- turns?" "From what you say, it would seem to me it's her idea of what is worth while in life," said Leslie. "Exactly!" cried Douglas. "But he can sway men! He can do powerful work. He could induce her to marry him. Why can't he control his own blood ? " "If she should lose her money and become dependent upon him for support, he could!" said Leslie. "He should do it anyway," insisted Douglas. "Do you think you could?" she queried. "I never thought myself in his place," said Douglas, "but I believe I will, and if I see glimmerings, I'll suggest them to him." "Good boy ! " said the girl lightly. And then she added : "Do you mind if I think myself in her place and see if I can suggest a possible point at which she could be reached ? I know her. I shouldn't consider her happy. At least not with what I call joy." "What do you call joy?" asked Douglas. "Being satisfied with your environment." Douglas glanced at her, then at her surroundings, and looking into her eyes laughed quizzically. "But if it were different, I am perfectly confident that I should work out joy from life," insisted Leslie. "It owes me joy! I'll have it, if I fight for it!" MOCCASINS AND LADY SLIPPERS 35 "Leslie! Leslie! Be careful! You are challenging Providence. Stronger men than I have wrought chaos for their children," said a warning voice, as her father came behind her chair. "Chaos or no, still I'd put up my fight for joy, Daddy,'* laughed the girl. "Only see, Preciousest!" "One minute!" said her father, shaking hands with Douglas. "Now what is it, Leslie? Oh, I do see!" "Take my chair and make friends," said the girl. Mr. Winton seated himself, then began examining and turning the basket. "Indians?" he queried. "Yes," said Douglas. "A particularly greasy squaw. I wish I might truthfully report an artist's Indian of the Minnehaha type, but alack, it was the same one I've seen ever since I've been in the city, and that you've seen for years before my arrival." Mr. Winton still turned the basket. "I've bought their stuff for years, because neither Leslie nor her mother ever would tolerate fat carnations and overgrown roses so long as I could find a scrap of arbutus, a violet or a wake-robin from the woods. We've often motored up and penetrated the swamp I fancy these came from, for some distance, but later in the season; it's so very boggy now. Aren't these rather wonderful ? " He turned to his daughter. "Perfectly, Daddy," she said. "Perfectly!" "But I don't mean for the Creator," explained Mr. Winton. "I am accustomed to His miracles. Every day I see a number of them. I mean for the squaw." 36 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN "I'd have to know the squaw and understand her view- point," said Leslie. "She had it in her tightly clenched fist," laughed Doug- las. "One, I'm sure; anyway, not over two." "That hasn't a thing to do with the art with which she made the basket and filled it with just three perfect plants," said Leslie. "You think there is real art in her anatomy?" queried Mr. Winton. "Bear witness, O you treasures of gold!" cried Leslie, waving toward the basket. "There was another," explained Douglas as he again described the osier basket. Mr. Winton nodded. He looked at his daughter. "I like to think, young woman, that you were born with and I have cultivated what might be called artistic taste in you," he said. "Granted the freedom of the tamarack swamp, could you have done better?" "Not so well, Daddy! Not nearly so well. I never could have defaced what you can see was a noble big tree by cutting that piece of bark, while I might have wor- shipped until dragged away, but so far as art and I are con- cerned, the slippers would still be under their tamarack." "You are begging the question, Leslie," laughed her father. "I was not discussing the preservation of the wild, I was inquiring into the state of your artistic ability. If you had no hesitation about taking the flowers, could you have gone to that swamp, collected the material and fashioned and filled a more beautiful basket than this?" "How can I tell, Daddy?" asked the girl. "There's MOCCASINS AND LADY SLIPPERS 37 only one way to learn. I'll forget my scruples, you get me a pair of rubber boots, th~n we'll drive to the tamarack swamp and experiment." "We'll do it!" cried Mr. Winton. "The very first half day I can spare, we'll do it. And you Douglas, you will want to come with us, of course." "Why, 'of course,'" laughed Leslie. "Because he started the expedition with his golden slippers. When it come to putting my girl, and incident- ally my whole family, in competition with an Indian squaw on a question of art, naturally, her father and one of her best friends would want to be present." "But maybe 'Minnie* went alone, and what chance would her work have with you two for judges?" asked Leslie. "We needn't be the judges," said Douglas Bruce quietly. "We can put this basket in the basement in a cool, damp place, where it will keep perfectly for a week. When you make your basket we can find the squaw and bring her down with us. Lowry could display the results side by side. He could call up whomever you consider the most artistic man and woman in the city and get their decision. You'd be willing to abide by that, wouldn't you?" "Surely, but it wouldn't be fair to the squaw," explained Leslie. "I'd have had the benefit of her art to begin on.'* "It would," said Mr. Winton. "Does not every artist living, painter, sculptor, writer, what you will, have the benefit of all art that has gone before?" "You agree?" Leslie turned to Douglas. **Your father's argument is a truism." 38 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN "But I will know that I am on trial. She didn't. Is it fair to her?" persisted Leslie. "For begging the question, commend me to a woman," said Mr. Winton. "The point we began at, was not what you could do in a contest with her. She went to the swamp and brought from it some flower baskets. It is perfectly fair to her to suppose that they are her best art. Now what we are proposing to test is whether the finest product of our civilization, as embodied in you, can go to the same swamp, and from the same location surpass her work. Do I make myself clear?" "Perfectly clear, Daddy, and it would be fair," con- ceded Leslie. "But it is an offence punishable with a heavy fine to peel a birch tree; while I wouldn't do it, if it were not." "Got her to respect the law anyway," said Mr. Winton to Douglas. "The proposition, Leslie, was not that you do the same thing, but that from the same source you outdo her. You needn't use birch bark if it involves your law-abiding soul." "Then it's all settled. You must hurry and take me before the lovely plants have flowered," said Leslie. "I'll go day after to-morrow," promised Mr. Winton. "In order to make our plan work, it is necessary that I keep these orchids until that time," said Leslie. "You have a better chance than the lady who drew the osier basket has of keeping hers," said Mr. Winton. "If I remember I have seen the slippers in common earth quite a distance from the lake, while the moccasins demand bog moss, water and swamp mists and dampness." MOCCASINS AND LADY SLIPPERS 39 "I have seen slippers in the woods myself," said Leslie. "I think the conservatory will do, so they shall go there right now. I have to be fair to 'Minnie.'" "Let me carry them for you," offered Douglas, arising. "'Scuse us. Back in a second, Daddy," said Leslie. "I am interested, excited and eager to make the test, yet in a sense I do not like it." "But why?" asked Douglas. "Can't you see?" countered Leslie. "No," said Douglas. "It's shifting my sense of possession," explained the girl. "The slippers are no longer my beautiful gift from you. They are perishable things that belong to an Indian squaw. In justice to her, I have to keep them in perfect condition so that my work may not surpass hers with the unspeakable art of flower freshness; while instead of think- ing them the loveliest tH-.^; in the world, I will now lie awake half the night, no doubt, studying what I can pos- sibly find that is more beautiful." Douglas Bruce opened his slow lips, taking a step in her direction. "Dinner is served," announced her father. He looked inquiringly toward his daughter. She turned to Douglas. "Unless you have a previous engagement, you will dine with us, won't you?" she asked. "I should be delighted," he said heartily. When the meal was over and they had returned to the veranda, Leslie listened quietly while the men talked, most of the time, but when she did speak, what she said proved that she alwavs had listened to and taken part in the dis- 40 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN cussions of men, until she understood and could speak of business or politics intelligently. "Have you ever considered an official position, Doug- las?" inquired Mr. Winton. "I have an office within my gift, or so nearly so that I can control it, and it seems to me that you would be a good man. Surely we could work to- gether in harmony." "It never has appealed to me that I wanted work of that nature," answered Douglas. "It's unusually kind of you to think of me, and make the offer, but I am satisfied with what I am doing, while there is a steady increase in my business that gives me confidence." "What's your objection to office?" asked Mr. Winton. "That it takes your time from your work," answered Douglas. "That it changes the nature of your work. That if you let the leaders of a party secure you a nomina- tion, and the party elect yo.-, you are bound to their principles, at least there is a tacit understanding that you are, and if you should happen to be afflicted with principles of your own, then you have got to sacrifice them." "'Afflict' is a good word in this instance," said Mr. Winton. "It is painful to a man of experience to see you young fellows of such great promise come up and 'kick* yourself half to death 'against the pricks' of established business, parties, and customs, but half of you do it. In the end all of you come limping in, poor, disheartened, de- feated, and then swing to the other extreme, by being so willing for a change you'll take almost anything, and so the dirty jobs naturally fall to you." "I grant much of that," Douglas said, in his deliberate MOCCASINS AND LADY SLIPPERS 41 way, "but happily I have sufficient annual income from my father's estate to enable me to live until I become ac- quainted in a strange city, and have time to establish the kind of business I should care to handle. I am thinking of practising corporation law; I specialized in that, so I may have the pleasure before so very long of going after some of the men who do what you so aptly term the 'dirty' jobs." "A repetition of the customary chorus," said Mr. Win- ton, "differing only in that it is a little more emphatic than usual. I predict that you will become an office-bolder, having party affiliations, inside ten years." "Possibly," said Douglas. "But I'll promise you this: it will be a new office no man ever before has held, in the gift of a party not now in existence." "Oh you dreamers ! " cried Mr. Winton. "What a won- derful thing it is to be young and setting out to reform the world, especially on a permanent income. That's where you surpass most reformers.'* "But I said nothing about reform," corrected Douglas. "I said I was thinking of corporation law." "I'm accustomed to it; while you wouldn't scare Leslie if you said 'reform,'" remarked Mr. Winton. "She's a reformer herself, you know." "But only sweat-shops, child labour, civic improvement, preservation of the wild, and things like that!" cried Leslie so quickly and eagerly, that both men laughed. "God be praised!" exclaimed her father. "God be fervently praised!" echoed her lover. Before she retired Leslie visited the slippers. "I'd like to know," she said softly, as she touched a 4^ MICHAEL O'HALLORAN bronze striped calyx, "I'd like to know how I am to pene- trate your location, and find and fashion anything to outdo you and the squaw, you wood creatures you!" Then she bent above the flowers and whispered: 'Tuck this in the toe of your slipper! Three times to-night it was in his eyes, and on his tongue, but his slowness let the moment pass. I can 'bide a wee' for my Scotsman, I can bide for- ever, if I must; for it's he only, and no other." The moccasins soon had been ground to pulp and car- ried away on a non-skid tire while at three o'clock in the morning a cross , dishevelled society woman, in passing from her dressing room to her bed, stumbled over the osier basket, kicking it from her way. CHAPTER III s. o. s. MICKEY, his responsibility weighing upon him, slept lightly and awakened early, his first thought of Peaches. He slipped into his cloth- ing and advancing peered at her through the grayness. His heart beat wildly. "Aw you poor kid! You poor little kid!" he whispered to himself as he had fallen into the habit of doing for com- pany. "The scaring, the jolting, the scouring, and everything were too much for you. You've gone sure! You're just like them at the morgue. Aw Peaches! I didn't mean to hurt you, Peaches! I was trying to be good to you. Honest I was, Peaches! Aw !" As his fright increased Mickey raised his voice until his last wail reached the consciousness of the sleeping child. She stirred slightly, her head moving on the pillow. Mickey almost fell, so great was his relief. He stepped closer, gazing in awe. The sheared hair had dried in the night, tumbling into a hundred golden ringlets. The tiny clean face was white, so white that the blue of the closed eyes showed darkly through the lids, the blue veins streaked the temples and the little claws lying relaxed on the sheet. Mickey slowly broke up inside. A big, hard lump grew in his throat. He shut his lips tight and bored 43 44 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN the tears from his eyes with his wiry fists. He began to mutter his thoughts to regain self-control. "Gee kid, but you had me scared to the limit!" he said. "I thought you were gone, sure. Honest I did! Ain't I glad though! But you're the whitest thing! You're like I'll tell you what you're like. You're like the lily flowers in the store windows at Easter. You're white like them, and your hair is the little bit of gold decorating them. If I'd known it was like that I wouldn't a-cut it if I'd spent a month untangling it. Honest I wouldn't, kid! I'm awful sorry! Gee, but it would a-been pretty spread over mother's pillow." Mickey gazed, worshipped and rejoiced as he bent lower from time to time to watch the fluttering breath. "You're so clean now you just smell good; but I got to go easy. The dirt covered you so I didn't see how sick you were. You'll go out like a candle, that's what you'll do. I mustn't let even the wind blow cold on you. I couldn't stand it if I was to hurt you. I'd just go and lay down before the cars or jump down an elevator hole. Gee, I'm glad I found you! I wouldn't trade you for the smartest dog that's being rode around in the parks. Nor for the parks! Nor the trees! Nor the birds! Nor the buildings! Nor the swimming places! Nor the auto- mobiles! Nor nothing! Not nothing you could mention at all! Not eating! Nor seeing! Nor having! Not no single thing nothing at all Lily! "Lily!" he repeated. "Little snow white lily! Peaches is a good name for you if you're referring to sweetness, but it doesn't fit for colour. Least I never saw none white S. O. S. 45 Lily fits you better. If you'd been a dog, I was going to name you Partner. But you're mine just as much as if you was a dog, so I'll name you if I want to. Lily! That's what God made you; that's what I'm going to call you." The God thought, evoked by creation, remained in Mick- ey's heart. He glanced at the sky clearing from the graying mists of morning, while the rumble of the streets came up to him in a dull roar. "O God, I guess I been forgetting my praying some, since mother went. I'd nothing but myself and I ain't worth bothering You about. But O God, if You are going to do any big things to-day, why not do some for Lily? Can't be many that needs it more. If You saw her yesterday, You must see if You'll- look down now, that she's better off, she's worlds better off. Wonder if You sent me to get her, so she would be better off. Gee, why didn't You send one of them millyingaires who could a-dressed her up, fed her and took her to the country where the sun would shine on her. Ain't never touched her, I bet a liberty-bird. But if You did the sending, You sent just me, so she's my job, an' I'll do her! But I wish You'd help me, or send me help, O God. It's an awful job to tackle all alone, for I'm going to be scared stiff if she gets sick. I can tell by how I felt when I thought she was gone. So if You sent me God, it's up to You to help me. Come on now! If You see the sparrows when they fall, You jest good naturedly ought to see Lily Peaches, 'cause she's always been down, and she can't ever get up, unless we can help her. Help me all You can O 46 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN God, and send me help to help her all I can, 'cause she can use all the help she can get, and then some! Amen!" Mickey took one of Peaches' hands in his. "I ain't the time now, but to-night I got to cut your nails and clean them, then I guess you'll do to start on," he said as he squeezed the hand. "Lily! Lily Peaches, wake up! It's morning now. I got to go out with the papers to earn supper to-night. Wake up! I must wash you and feed you 'fore I go." Peaches opened her eyes, drawing back startled. "Easy now!" cautioned Mickey. "Easy now! Don't be scared. Nobody can 'get' you here! What you want for breakfast, Flowersy-girl? Little Lily white." An adorable smile illumined the tiny face at the first kindly awakening it ever had known. " You won't let them 'get' me, will you?" she triumphed. "You know it!" he answered conclusively. "Now I'll wash your face, cook your breakfast, and fix you at the window where maybe you can see birds going across. Think of that, Lily! Birds!" "My name's Peaches!" said the child. " So 'tis ! " said Mickey. " But since you arrived to such bettered conditions, you got to be a lady of fashion. Now Peaches, every single kid in the Park is named two names, these days. Fellow can't have a foot race for falling over Mary Elizabeths, and Louisa Ellens. I can't do so much just to start on, 'cause I can't earn the boodle; fast as I get it, you're going to line up; but nachally, just at start- ing you must begin on the things that are not expensive. Now names don't cost anything, so I can be giving you six S. O. S. 47 if I like, and you are a lily, so right now I'm naming you Lily, but two's the style; keep your Peaches, if it suits you. Lily just flies out of my mouth when I look at you/' This was wonderful. No cursing! No beating! No wailing over a lame-back brat to feed. Mickey liked to give her breakfast! Mickey named her for the wonderful flower like granny had picked up before a church one day, a few weeks ago and in a rare sober moment had carried to her. Mickey had made her feel clean, so rested, and so fresh she wanted to roll over the bed. With child im- pulse she put up her arms. Mickey stooped to them. "You goin' to have two names too," she said. "You gotter be fash'nable. I ist love you for everything wash- in', an' breakfast, an' the bed, an' winder, an' ofFthe floor; oh I just love you sick for the winder, an' off the floor. You going to be" she paused in a deep study to think of a word anywhere nearly adequate, then ended in a burst that was her best emanation "lovest! Mickey-lovest ! " ) She hugged him closely, then lifted her chin and pursed > her lips. Mickey pulled back, a dull colour in his face. "Now nix on the mushing!" he said. "I'll stand for a hug once a day, but nix on the smear!" "You'd let a dog," she whimpered. "I ain't kissed nothin' since granny sold the doll a lady gave me the time we went to the doctor's, an' took the money to get drunk T on, an' beat me more'n I needed for a change, 'cause I cried for it. I think you might!" "Aw well, go on then, if you're going to bawl," said Mickey, "but put it there!" He stepped as far back as he could, leaned over, and 48 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN swept the hair from his forehead, which he brought in range of her lips. He had to brace himself to keep from flinching at their cold touch and straightened in relief. "Now that's over!" he said briskly. "I'll wash you, and get your breakfast." "You do a lot of washin', don't you?" inquired Peaches. "You want the sleep out of your eyes," coaxed Mickey. He brought the basin and a cloth, washing the child's face and hands gently as was in his power. "Flowersy-girl," he said, "if you'd looked last night like you do this morning, I'd never tackled getting you here in the world. I'd thought you'd break sure." "G'wan kid," she said. "I can stand a lot. I been knocked round somepin awful. She dragged me by one hand or the hair when she was tight, and threw me in a corner an' took the" Peaches glanced over the bed, refusing to call her former estate by the same name "took the place herself. You ain't hurting me. You can jerk me a lot." "I guess you've been jerked enough, Lily Peaches," he said. "I guess jerkin' ain't going to help your back any. I think we better be easy with it 'til we lay up the money to Carrel it. He put different legs on a dog, course he can put a new back on you." "Dogs doesn't count only with rich folks 'at rides 'em, an' feeds 'em cake; but where'll you find 'nother girl 'at ull spare her back for me, Mickey-lovest ? " asked Peaches. "Gee, Lily!" he cried. "I didn't think of that I wish I hadn't promised you. Course he could change the backs. S. O. S. 49 but where'd I get one. I'll just have to let him take mine." "I don't want no boy's back!" flashed Peaches. "I won't go out an' sell papers, an' wash you, an' feed you, an' let you stay here in this nice bed. I don't want no new back, grand like it is here. I won't have no dog's back, even. I won't have no back!" "Course I couldn't let you work and take care of me, Lily," he said. "Course I couldn't! I was just thinking what I could do. I'll write a letter and ask the Carrel man if a dog's -back would do. I could get one your size at the pound, maybe." Peaches arose at him with hands set like claws. "You fool!" she shrieked. "You big damn fool! ( A dogs back!' I won't! You try it an' I'll scratch your eyes out! You stop right now on backs an' go hell-bent an' get my breakfast! I'm hungry! I like my back! I will have it! You " Mickey snatched his pillow from the floor, using it to press the child against hers. Then he slipped it down a trifle at one corner and spoke: "Now you cut that out, Miss Chicken, right off!" he said sternly. "I wouldn't take no tantrums from a dog, so I won't from you. You'll make your back worse act- ing like that, than beating would make it, and 'sides, if you're going to live with me, you must be a lady. No lady says such words as you used, and neither does no gentle- man, 'cause I don't myself. Now you'll either say, * Mickey, please get me my breakfast,' and I'll get you one with a big surprise, or you'll lay here alone and hungry 50 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN 'til I come back to-night. And it'll be a whole day, see?" "F I wasn't a pore crippled kid, you wouldn't say that to me," she wailed. "And if you wasn't *a poor crippled kid,' you wouldn't say swearin's to me," said Mickey, "'cause you know I'd lick the stuffin' out of you, and if you could see yourself, you'd know that you need stuffin' in, more than you need it out. I'm 'mazed at you! Forget that you ever heard such stuff, and be a nice lady, won't you? My time's get- ting short and I got to go, or the other kids will sell to my paper men, then we'll have no supper. Now you say, 'Mickey, please get my breakfast,' like a lady, or you won't get a bite." "'Mickey, please get my breakfast,'" she imitated. Mickey advanced threateningly with the pillow. "Won't do!" he said. "That ain't like no lady! That's like me. You'll say it like yourself y or you won't get it." She closed her lips, burying her face in her own pillow. "All right," said Mickey. "Then I'll get my own. If you don't want any, I'll have twice as much." He laid the pillow on the foot of the bed, saying politely: "'Scuse me, Lily, till I get me a bottle of milk." Soon he returned and with his first glimpse of the bed stood aghast. It was empty. His eyes searched the room. His pallet on the floor outlined a tiny form. A J.bmayed half smile flashed over his face. He took a step toward her, and then turned, getting out a cloth he had not used since being alone. Near the bed he set S. O. S. 51 the table and laid a plate, knife, fork and spoon. Be- cause he was watching Peaches he soon discovered she was peeking out at him, so he paid strict attention to the burner he was^ighting. Then he sliced bread, put on a toaster, set the milk on the table, broke an egg in a saucer, and turned the toast. Soon the odours filled the room, also a pitiful sound. Mickey knew Peaches must have hurt herself sliding from the bed, although her arms were strong for the remainder of her body. She had no way to reach his pallet but to roll across the floor. She might have bruised herself badly. He was amazed, disgusted, yet compassionate. He went to her and turned back the comfort. "You must be speaking a little louder, Lily," he said gently. "I wasn't quite hearing you." Only muffled sobbing. Mickey dropped the cover. "I want my breakfast," said a very small voice. "You mean, * Mickey, please get my breakfast,' Flow- ersy-girl," he corrected gently. "Oh I hurt myself so!" Peaches wailed. "Oh Mickey, I fell an' broke my back clear in two. 'Tain't like rollin' off my rags; oh Mickey, it's so far to the floor, from your bed! Oh Mickey, even another girl's back, or yours, or a dog's, or anybody's wouldn't fix it now. It'll hurt for days. Mickey, why did I ever? Oh what made me? Mickey- lovest, please, please put me back on the nice fine bed, an' do please give me some of that bread." Mickey lifted her, crooning incoherent things. He wiped her face and hands, combed her hair, and pushed the table against the bed. He broke toast in a glass and 5 2 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN poured milk over it. Then he cooked the egg and gave her that, keeping only half the milk and one slice of bread. He made a sandwich of more bread, and the cheese, put a banana with it, set a cup of water in reach, and told her that was her lunch; to eat it when the noon whistles blew. Then he laid all the picture books he had on the back of the bed, put the money for his papers in his pocket, and locking her in, ran down Sunrise Alley fast as he could. He was one hour late. He had missed two regular cus- tomers. They must be made up and more. Light, air, cleanliness, and kindness would increase Peaches' appetite, which seemed big now for the size of her body. Mickey's face was very sober when he allowed himself to think of his undertaking. How would he make it? He had her now, he simply must succeed. The day was half over before Mickey began to laugh for no apparent reason. He had realized that she had not said what he had required of her, after all. "Gee, I'm up against it," said Mickey. "I didn't s'pose she'd act like that! I thought she'd keep on being like when she woke up. I never behaved like that." Then in swift remorse: "But I had the finest mother a fellow ever had to tell me, while she ain't had any one, and only got me now, so I'll have to tell her; course I can't do everything at once. So far as that goes, she didn't do any worse than the millyingaires' kids in the park who roll themselves in the dirt, bump their own heads, and scream and fight. I guess my kid's no worse than other people's. I can train her like mother did me; then we'll be enough "Now you cut that out, Miss Chicken, right off!" said Mickey. S. O. S. 53 alike we can live together, and even when she was the worst, I liked her. I liked her cartloads." So Mickey shouldered the duties of paternity, and began thinking for his child, his little, neglected, bad, sick child. His wits and feet always had been nimble; that day he ex- celled himself. Anxiety as to how much he must carry home at night to replace what he had spent in moving Peaches to his room, three extra meals to provide before to-morrow night, something to interest her through the long day: it was a contract, surely! Mickey faced it gravely, but he did not flinch. He did not know how it was to be done, but he did know it must be done. "Get" her they should not. Whatever it had been his mother had feared for him, nameless though the horror was, from that he must save Lily. Mickey had thought it must be careless nurses or lack of love. Yesterday's papers had said there were some children at one of the Homes, no one ever visited; they were sick for love; would not some kind people come to see them? It must have been that she feared. He could not possibly know it was the stigma of having been a charity child she had been combating with all her power. They had not "got" him; they must not "gef" his Lily; yet stirrings in Mickey's brain told him he was not going to be sufficient, alone. There were emergencies he did not know how to manage. He must have help. Mickey revolved the problem in his worried head without reaching a solution. His necessity drove him. He darted, dodged and took chances. Far down the street he selected his victim and studied his method of assault as he approached; for Mickey did victimize people that day. 5; MICHAEL O'HALLORAN He sold them papers when they dul not want them. He bettered that and sold them papcrj when they had them. He snatched up lost papers, smoothed and sold them over. Every gay picture or broken toy dropped from an auto- mobile he caught up and pocketed for her. A woman stumbled alighting from a passing car. Mickey dropped his papers and sprang forward. Her weight bore him to the pavement, but he kept her from falling, and even as he felt her on her feet, he snatched under the wheels for her purse. "Is that all your stuff, lady?" he asked. "Thank you! I think so," she said. "Wait a minute!" To lend help was an hourly occurrence with Mickey. She had been most particular to teach him that. He was gathering up and smoothing his papers several of which were soiled. The woman opened the purse he had res- cued, taking therefrom a bill which she offered him. "Thanks!" said Mickey. "My shoulder is worth con- siderable to me; but nothing like that to you, lady!" "Well!" she said. "Are you refusing the money?" "Sure!" said Mickey. "I ain't a beggar! Just a bal- ance on my shoulder and picking up your purse ain't worth an endowment. I'll take five cents each for three soiled papers, if you say so.'* "You amazing boy!" said the woman. "Don't you understand that if you hadn't offered your shoulder, I might now be lying senseless? You saved me a hard fall, while my dress would have been ruined. You step over here a minute. What's your name?" " Michael O'Halloran," was the answer. S. O. S. 55 "Where do you live?" "Sunrise Alley. It's miles on the cars, then some more walking," explained Mickey. "Whom do you live with?" "Myself," said Mickey. "Alone?" . "All but Peaches," said Mickey. "Lily Peaches." "Who is Lily Peaches?" "She's about so long" Mickey showed how long "and about so wide" he showed how wide "and white like Easter church flowers. Her back's bad. I'm her governor; she's my child." "If you won't take the money for yourself, then take it for her," offered the woman. "If you have a little sick girl to support, you surely can use it." "Umm!" said Mickey. "You kind of ball a fellow up and hang him on the ropes. Honest you do, lady! I can take care of myself. I know I can, 'cause I've done it three years, but I don't know how I'm goin' to make it with Lily, for she needs a lot. She may get sick any day, so I ain't sure how I'm going to manage well with her." "How long have you taken care of her?" "Since last night," explained Mickey. "Oh! How old is she?" Questions seemed endless. "I don't know," answered Mickey. "Her granny died and left her lying on rags in a garret. I found her screech- ing, so I took her to my castle and washed her, and fed her. You should see her now." "I believe I should!" said the woman. "Let's go at 5 6 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN once. You know Michael, you can't care for a girl. I'll put her in one of the beautiful Children's Homes " "Now nix on the Children's Homes, fair lady!" he cried angrily. "I guess you'll find her, 'fore you take her! I found her first, and she's mine! I guess you'll find her, Yore you take her to a Children's Home, where the doctors slice up the poor kids for practice so they'll know how to get money for doing it to the rich ones. I've annexed Lily Peaches, and you don't * get 9 her! See?" "I see," said the woman. "But you're mistaken '"Scuse crossing your wire, but I don't think I am," said Mickey. "The only way you can know, is to have been there yourself. I don't think you got that kind of a start, or want it for kids of your own. My mother killed herself to keep me out of it, and if it had been so grand, she'd wanted me there. Nix on the Orphings' Home talk. Lily ain't going to be raised in droves, nor flocks, nor herds! See? Lily's going to have a home of her own, and a man to take care of her by herself." Mickey backed away, swallowing a big lump in his throat, and blinking down angry tears. "Smorning," he said, "I asked God to help me, and for a minute I was so glad, 'cause I thought He'd helped by sending you, so you could tell me how to do; but if God can't beat you, I can get along by myself." "You can't take care of a girl by yourself," she insisted. "The law won't allow you." "Oh can't I?" scoffed Mickey. "Well you're mis- taken, 'cause I am ! And getting along bully ! You ought to seen her last night, and then this morning. Next time S. 0. S. 57 I yell for help, I won't ask to have anybody sent, I'll ask Him to help me save our souls, myself. Ever see that big, white, wonderful Jesus at the Cathedral door, ma'am, holding the little child in His arms so loving? I don't s'pose He stopped to ask whether it was a girl, or a boy, 'fore He took it up; He just opened his arms to the first child that needed Him. And if I remember right, He didn't say: 'Suffer little children to be sent to Orphings' Homes/ Mammy never read it to me that way. It was suffer them to come to 'Me,' and be took up, and held tender. See? Nix on the Orphings' Home people. They ain't in my class. Beaucheous lady, adoo! Farewell! I depart!" Mickey wheeled, vanishing. It was a wonderful ex- hibition of curves, leaps, and darts. He paused for breath when he felt safe. "So that's the dope!" he marvelled. "I can't take care of a girl ? Going to take her away from me ? I'd like to know winy ? Men all the time take care of women. I see boys taking care of girls I know their mothers left with them, every day I'd like to know why. Mother said I was to take care of her. She said that's what men were made/or. 'Cause he didnt take care of her, was why she was glad my father was dead. I guess I know what I'm doing! But I've learned something! Nix on the easy talk after this; and telling anybody you meet all you know. Shut mouth from now on. 'What's your name, little boy?' 'Andrew Carnegie.' 'Where d'you live?' 'Castle on the Hudson!' A mouth just tight shut about Lily, after this! And nix on the Swell Dames! Next one can bust her crust for all I care! I won't touch her!" 58 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN On the instant, precisely that thing occurred, at Mick- ey's very feet. With his lips not yet closed, he knelt to shove his papers under a woman's head, then went racing up the stone steps she had rolled down, his quick eye catch- ing and avoiding the bit of fruit on which she had slipped. He returned in a second with help. As the porter lifted the inert body, Mickey slid his hands under her head, and advised: "Keep her straight!" Into one of the big hos- pitals he helped carry a blue and white clad nurse, on and on, up elevators and into a white porcelain room where they laid her on a glass table. Mickey watched with frightened eyes. Doctors and nurses came running. He stood waiting for his papers. He was rather sick, yet he remembered he had five there he must sell. "Better clear out of here now!" suggested a surgeon. "My papers!" said Mickey. "She fell right cross my feet. I slid them under, to make her head more pillow- like on the stones. Maybe I can sell some of them." The surgeon motioned to a nurse at the door. "Take this youngster to the office and pay him for the papers he has spoiled," he ordered. "Will she is she going to ?" wavered Mickey. "I'm not sure," said the surgeon. "From the bleeding probably concussion; but she will live. Do you know how she came to fall?" There was a smear of something on the steps she didn't see," explained Mickey. "Thank you! Go with the nurse," said the surgeon. Then to an attendant: "Take Miss Alden's number, and see to her case. She was going after something." S. O. S. 59 Mickey turned back. "Paper, maybe," he suggested, pointing to her closed hand. The surgeon opened it and found a nickel. He handed it to Mickey. "If you have a clean one left, let this nurse take it to Miss Alden's case, and say she has been assigned other duty. See to sending a substitute at once." Every paper proved to be marked. " I can bring you a fresh one in a second, lady," offered Mickey. "I got the money." "All right," she said. "Wait with it in the office and then I'll pay you." "I'm sent for a paper. I'm to be let in as soon as I get it," announced Mickey to the porter. "I ain't taking chances of being turned down," he said to himself, as he stopped a second to clean the step. He returned and was waiting when the nurse came. She was young and fair faced; her hair was golden, and as she paid Mickey for his papers he wondered how soon he could have Lily looking like her. He took one long survey as he pocketed the money, thinking he would rush home at once; but he wanted to fix in his mind how Lily must ap- pear, to be right, for he thought a nurse in the hospital would be right. The nurse knew she was beautiful, and to her Mickey's long look was tribute, male tribute; a small male indeed, but such a winning one; so she took the occasion to be her loveliest, and smile her most attractive smile. Mickey surrendered. He thought she was like an angel, that made him think of Heaven, Heaven made him think of God, God made him think of his call for help that morning, 60 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN the call made him think of the answer, the beautiful woman before him made him think that possibly she might be the answer instead of the other one. He rather doubted it, but it might be a chance. Mickey was alert for chances for Peaches, so he smiled again, then he asked: "Are you in such an awful hurry?" "I think we owe you more than merely paying for your papers," she said. "What is it?" Again Mickey showed how long and how wide Lily was. "And with hair like yours, and eyes and cheeks that would be, if she had her chance, and nobody to give her that chance but just me," he said. "Me and Lily are all each other's got," he explained hastily. "We're home folks. We're a family. We don't want no bunching in corps and squads. We're nix on the Orphings' Home business; but you must know, ma'am would you, oh would you tell me just how I should be taking care of her? I'm doing every- thing like my mother did to me; but I was well and strong. Maybe Lily, being a girl, should have things different. A-body so beautiful as you, would tell me, wouldn't you?" Then a miracle happened. The nurse, so clean she smelled like a drug store, so lovely she shone as a sunrise, laid an arm across Mickey's shoulders. "You come with me," she said. She went to a little room, and all alone she asked Mickey questions; with his eyes straight on hers, he answered. She told him surely he could take care of Lily. She explained how. She rang for a basket and packed it full of things he must have, showing him how to use them. She told him to come each Saturday S. O. S. '6i at four o'clock, as she was going off duty, and tell her how he was getting along. She gave him a thermometer, and told him how to learn if the child had fever. She told him about food, and she put in an ointment, instructing him to rub the little back with it, so the bed would not be so-tiresome. She showed him how to arrange the pillows; when he left, the tears were rolling down Mickey's cheeks. Both of them were so touched she laid her arm across his shoulder again and went as far as the elevator, while a passport to her at any time was in his pocket. "I 'spect other folks tell you you are beautiful like flowers, or music, or colours," said Mickey in farewell, "but you look like a window in Heaven to me, and I can see right through you to God and all the beautiful angels; but what gets me is why the other one had to bust her crust, to make you come true!" The nurse was laughing and wiping her eyes at the same time. Mickey gripped the basket until his hands were stiff as he sped homeward at least two hours early an^ happy about it. At the last grocery he remembered every word and bought bread, milk, and fruit with care "for a 1 sick lady" he explained, so the grocer, who knew him y used care. Triumphing Mickey climbed the stairs. He paused a second in deep thought at the foot of the last flight, then ascended whistling to let Peaches know that he was coming, then on his threshold recited: "Onc't a little kid named Lily, Was so sweet she'd knock you silly, Yellow hair in millying curls, Beat a mile all other girls." 62 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN She was on his bed; she was on his pillow; she had been lonely; both arms were stretched toward him. "Mickey, hurry!" she cried. "Mickey, lemme hold you 'til I'm sure! Mickey, all day I didn't hardly durst breathe, fear the door'd open an' they'd ' get' me. Oh Mickey, you won't let them, will you?" Mickey dropped his bundles and ran to the bed. This time he did not shrink from her wavering clasp. It was delight to come home to something alive, something that belonged to him, something to share with, something to work and think for, something that depended upon him. "Now nix on the scare talk," he comforted. "Forget it! I've lived here three years alone, and not a single time has anybody come to 'get' me, so they won't you. There's only one thing can happen us. If I get sick or spend too much on eating, and don't pay the rent, the man that owns this building will fire us out. If we, if we" Mickey re- peated impressively, "pay our rent regular, in advance, nobody will ever come, not ever, so don't worry." "Then what's all them bundles?" fretted Peaches. "You ortn't a-got so much. You'll never get the next rent paid! They'll 'get' me sure." 'Now throttle your engine," advised Mickey. "Stop your car! Smash down on the brakes! They are things t'.e city you reside in furnishes its taxpayers, or some- thing like that. I pay my rent, so this is my share, and it's things for you: to make you comfortable. Which are you worst tiredest, or hungriest, or hottest?" "I don't know," she said. S. O. S. 63 "Then I'll make a clean get-a-way," said Mickey, "'Washing is cooling; and it freshens you up a lot." So Mickey brought his basin again, bathing the tired child gently as any woman could have done it. "See what I got!" he cried as he opened bundles and explained. "I'm going to see if you have fever." Peaches rebelled at the thermometer. "Now come on in," urged Mickey. "Slide straight home to your base! If I'm going to take care of you, I'm going to right. You can't lay here eating wrong things if you have fever. No-sir-ee! You don't get to see in any more of these bundles, nor any supper, nor talked to any more, 'til you put this little glass thing under your tongue and hold it there just this way" Mickey showed how "three minutes by the clock, then I'll know what to do with you next. I'll sit beside you, and hold your hands, and tell you about the pretty lady that sent it." Mickey wiped the thermometer on the sheet, then pre- sented it. Peaches took one long look at him and opened her lips. Mickey inserted the tube, set the clock in sight, and taking both her hands he held them closely and talked as fast as he could to keep her from using them. He had not half finished the day when the time was up. If he had done it right, Peaches had very little, if any, fever. "Now turn over so I can rub your back to make it all nice and rested," he said. "And then I'll get supper." "I don't want my back rubbed," she protested. "My back's all right now." "Nothing to do with going to have it rubbed," said Mickey. "It would be a silly girl who would have a back 64 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN that wouldn't walk, and then wouldn't even try having it doctored, so that it would get better. Just try Lily, and if it doesn't help, I won't do it any more." Peaches took another long look at Mickey, questioning in nature, then turned her back to him. "Gosh, kid! Your back looks just like horses' going to the fertilizer plant," he said. "Ain't that swearin's?" asked Peaches promptly. "First-cousin," answered Mickey. "'Scuse me Lily. If you could see your back, you'd 'scuse worse than that." " Feelin' ull do fer me," said Peaches. " I live wid it." "Honest kid, I'm scared to touch you," he wavered. "Aw g'wan!" said Peaches. "I ain't goin' screechin' even if you hurt awful, an' you touch like a sparrer lookin' for crumbs. Mickey, can we put out a few?" "For the sparrows? Sure!" cried Mickey. "They're the ones that God sees especial when they fall. Sure! Put out some in a minute. Still now!" Mickey poured on ointment, then began softly rubbing it into the dreadful back. His face was drawn with anxiety and filled with horror. He was afraid, but the nurse said this he should do, while Mickey's first lesson had been implicit obedience. So he rubbed gently as he was fearful; when Peaches made no complaint, a little stronger, and a little stronger, until he was tired. Then he covered her, telling her to lie on it, and see how it felt. Peaches looked at him with wondering eyes. "Mickey," she said, "nothin' in all my life ever felt like that, an' the nice cool washin* you do. Mickey-lovest, S. O. S. 65 nex* time I act mean 'bout what you want to do to me, slap me good, an' hold me, an' go on an' do it!" "Now nix on the beating," said Mickey. "I never had any from my mother; but the kids who lost sales to me took my nickels, and give me plenty. You ought to know, Lily, that I'm trying hard as I can to make yoa feel good; and to take care of you. What I want to do, I think will make you better, so I'm just nachally going to do it, 'cause you're mine, and you got to do what I say. But T won't say anything that'll hurt you and make you worse.. If you must take time to think new things over, I can wait;, but I can't hit you Lily, you're too little, too sick, and I like you too well. I wish you'd be a lady! I wish you wouldn't ever be bad again!" "Hoh I feel so good!" Peaches stretched like a kitten.. "Mickey, bet I can walk 'fore long if you do that often I Mickey, I just love you, an' love you. Mickey, say that at the door over again." "What?" queried Mickey. "'Onc't a little kid named Lily,"' prompted Peaches. Mickey laughed and obeyed. Neatly he put away all that had been supplied him; be- fore lighting the burner he gave Lily a drink of milk and tried arranging both pillows to prop her up as he had been shown. When the water boiled he dropped in two bouil- lon cubes the nurse had given him, and set out some crack- ers he had bought. He put the milk in two cups, and when he cut the bread, he carefully collected every crumb, put- ting it on the sill in the hope that a bird might come. The thieving sparrows, used to watching windows and stealing; 66 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN from stores set out to cool, were soon there. Peaches, to whom anything with feathers was a bird, was filled with joy. The odour of the broth was delicious. Mickey danced, turned handsprings, and made the funniest re- marks. Then he fixed the bowl on a paper, broke the crackers in her broth, growing unspeakably happy at her delight as she tasted it. " Every Saturday you get a box of that from the Nurse Lady," he boasted. "Pretty soon you'll be so fat I can't carry you and so well you can have supper ready when I come, then we can " Mickey stopped short. He had started to say, "go to the parks," but if other ladies were like the first one he had talked with, and if, as she said, the law would not let him keep Peaches, he had better not try to take her where people would see her. "Can what?" asked Peaches. "Have the most fun!" explained Mickey. "We can sit in the window to see the sky and birds; you can have the shears and cut pictures from the papers I'll bring you, while I'll read all my story books to you. I got three that She gave me for Christmas presents, so I could learn to read them " "Mickey could I ever learn to read them?" " Sure ! " cried Mickey. " Surest thing you know ! You ire awful smart, Lily. You can learn in no time, and then you can read while I'm gone, so it won't seem long. I'll teach you. Mother taught me. I can read the papers I sell. Honest I can. I often pick up torn ones I can bring to you. It's lots of fun to know what's going on. I sell many more by being able to tell what's in them than kid* S. O. S. 67 who can't read. I look all over the front page and make up a spiel on the cars. I always fold my papers neat and keep them clean. To-day it was like this: 'Here's your nice, clean, morning paper! Sterilized! Deodorized' Vulcanized!'" "Mickey what does that mean?" asked Peaches. "Now you see how it comes in ! " said Mickey. " If you could read the papers, you'd know. 'Sterilized,' is what they do to the milk in hot weather to save the slum kids. That's us, Lily. 'Deodorized,' is taking the bad smell out of things. 'Vulcanized,' is something they do to stiffen things. I guess it's what your back needs." "Is all them things done to the papers?" asked Peaches. "Well, not all of them," laughed Mickey, "but they are starting in on some of them, and all would be a good thing. The other kids who can't read don't know those words, so I study them out and use them; it catches the crowd for they laugh, and then pay me for making them. See? This world down on the streets is in such a mix a laugh is the scarcest thing there is ; so they pay for it. No grouchy, sad-cat-working-on-your-sympathy kid sells many. I can beat one with a laugh every inning." "What's 'inning,' Mickey?" came the next question. "Playin' a side at a ball game. Now Ty Cobb "Go on with what you say about the papers," inter- rupted Peaches. "All right!" said Mickey. '"Here's your nice, clean morning paper! Sterilized! Deodorized! Vulcanized! I like to sell them. You like to buy them! Sometimes I sell them! Sometimes I don't ! Latest war news! Japan 68 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN takes England! England takes France! France takes Germany! Germany takes Belgium! Belgium takes the cake! Here's your paper! Nice clean paper! Rush this way! Change your change for a paper! Yes, I like to sell them ' and on and on that way all day, 'til they're gone and every one I pick up and smooth out is gone, and if they're torn and dirty, I carry them back on the cars and sell them for pennies to the poor folks walking home." "Mickey, will we be slum kids always?" she asked. "Not on your tin type!" cried Mickey. "If this is slum kids, I like it!" protested Peaches. "Well, Sunrise Alley ain't so slummy as where you was, Lily," explained the boy. "This is grand," said Peaches. "Fine an' grand! No lady needn't have better!" "She wouldn't say so," said Mickey. "But Lily, you got something most of the millyingaire ladies hasn't." "What Mickey?" she asked interestedly. "One man all to yourself, who will do what you want, if you ask pretty, and he ain't going to drag you 'round and make you do things you don't like to, and hit you, and swear at you, and get drunk. Gee, I bet the worst you ever had didn't hurt more than I've seen some of the swell dames hurt sometimes. It'd make you sick Lily." "I guess 'at it would," said the girl, "'cause granny told me the same thing. Lots of times she said 'at she couldn't see so much in bein' rich if you had to be treated like she saw rich ladies. She said all they got out of it was nice dresses an' struttin* when their men wasn't 'round; nelse S. O. S. 69 the money was theirn, an' nen they made the men pay.. She said it was 'bout half and half." "So 'tis!" cried Mickey. "Tell you Lily, don't let's ever be rich! Let's just have enough." "Mickey, what is 'enough?'" asked Peaches. "Why plenty, but not too much!" explained Mickey judicially. "Not enough to fight over! Just enough to be comfortable." "Mickey., I'm comf'rable as nangel now." "Gee, I'm glad, Lily," said Mickey in deep satisfaction. "Maybe He heard my S. O. S. after all, and you just being comfortable is the answer." CHAPTER IV "BEARER OF MORNING" OUGLAS," called Leslie over the telephone, "I have developed nerves." "Why?" inquired he. "Dad has just come in with a pair of waist-high boots, and a scalping knife, I think," answered Leslie. "Are you going to bring a blanket and a war bonnet?" "The blanket, I can; the bonnet, I might," said Douglas. "How early will you be ready?" she asked. "Whenever you say," he replied. " Five ? " she queried. "Very well!" he answered. "And Leslie, I would sug- gest a sweater, short stout skirts, and heavy gloves. Do you know if you are susceptible to poison vines?" "I have handled anything wild as I pleased all my life," she said. "I am sure there is no danger from that source; but Douglas, did you ever hear of, or see, a massasauga?" "You are perfectly safe on that score," he said. "I am going along especially to take care of you." "All right, then I won't be afraid of snakes," she said. "I have waders, too," he said, "and I'm going into the swamp with you. Wherever you wish to go, I will pre- cede you and test the footing." 70 "BEARER OF MORNING" 71 "Very well! I have lingered on the borders long enough. To-morrow will be my initiation. By night I'll have learned the state of my artistic ability with natural re- sources, and I'll know whether the heart of the swamp is the loveliest sight I ever have seen, and I will have proved how I 'line up' with a squaw-woman." "Leslie, I'm now reading a most interesting human doc- ument," said Douglas, "and in it I have reached the place where Indians in the heart of terrific winter killed and heaped up a pile of deer in early day in Minnesota, then went to camp rejoicing, while their squaws were left to walk twenty-eight miles and each carry back on her shoulder a deer frozen stiff. Leslie, you don't line up! You are not expected to." "Do you believe that, Douglas?" asked the girl. "It's history dear, not fiction," he answered. "Douglas!" she warned. "Leslie, I beg your pardon! That was a slip!" cried he. "Oh! "she breathed. "Leslie, will you do something for me?" he ques- tioned. "What? "she retorted. "Listen with one ear, stop the other, and tell me what you hear," he ordered. "Yes," she said. "Did you hear, Leslie?" he asked anxiously. "I. heard something, I don't know what," she an- swered. "Can you describe it, Leslie?" 72 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN "Just a rushing, beating sound! What i$ it Douglas?" "My heart, Leslie, sending to you each throbbing stroke of my manhood pouring out its love for you." "Oh-h-h!" cried the astonished girl. "Will you listen again, Leslie?" begged the man. "'No!" she said. *'You don't want to hear what my heart has to say to you?" he asked. "Not over a wire! Not so far away!" she panted. "Then I'll shorten the distance. I'm coming, Leslie!" "What shall I do?" she gasped. She stared around her, trying to decide whether she should follow her im- pulse to hide, when her father entered the room. "Daddy," she cried, "if you want to be nice to me, go away a little while. Go somewhere a few minutes and .stay until I call you." /'Leslie, what's the matter?" he asked. "Tve been talking to Douglas, and Daddy, he's coming like a charging Highland trooper. Daddy, I heard him drop the receiver and start. Please, please go away a minute. Even the dearest father in the world can't do anything now! We must settle this ourselves." "I'm not to be allowed a word?" he protested. *' Daddy, you've had two years ! If you know anything to say against Douglas and haven't said it in all that time, why should you begin now? You couldn't help knowing! Daddy, do go! There he is! I hear him!" Mr. Winton took his daughter in his arms, kissed her tenderly, and left the room. A second later Douglas Bruce entered. Rushing to Leslie he caught her to his "BEARER OF MORNING" 73 breast roughly, while with a strong hand he pressed her ear against his heart. "Now you listen, my girl!" he cried. "You listen at close range." Leslie remained quiet a long second. Then she lifted her face, adorable, misty eyed and tenderly smiling. "Douglas, I never listened to heart before! How do I know what it is saying? I can't tell whether it is talking about me or protesting against the way you've been rush- ing around!" "No levity, my lady," he said grimly. "This is serious business. You listen while I interpret. I love you, Leslie! Every beat, every stroke, love for you. I claim you! My mate! My wife! I want you!" He held her from him, looking into her eyes. "Now Leslie, the answer!" he cried. "May I listen to it or will you tell me? Is there any answer? What is your heart saying? May I hear or will you tell me?" "I want to tell you!" said the girl. "I love you, Douglas! Every beat, every stroke, love for you." Early the next morning they inspected their equipment carefully, then drove north to the tamarack swamp, where they arranged that Leslie and Douglas were to hunt mate- rial, while Mr. Winton and the driver went to the nearest Indian settlement to find the squaw who had made the other basket, and bring her to the swamp. If you have experienced the same emotions you will know how Douglas and Leslie felt when hand in hand they entered the swamp on a perfect morning in late May. If you have not, mere words are inadequate. 74 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN Through fern and brake head high, through sumac, wil- low, elder, buttonbush, gold-yellow and blood-red osiers, past northern holly, over spongy moss carpet of palest silvery green up-piled for ages, over red-veined pitcher plants spilling their fullness, among scraggy, odorous tamaracks, beneath which cranberries and rosemary were blooming; through ethereal pale mists of dawn, in their ears lark songs of morning from the fields, hermit thrushes in the swamp, bell birds tolling molten notes, in a minor strain a swelling chorus of sparrows, titmice, warblers, vireos, went two strong, healthy young people newly promised for "better or worse." They could only look, stammer, flush, and utter broken exclamations, all about "better." They could not remotely con- ceive that life might serve them the cruel trick of "worse." Leslie sank to her knees. Douglas lifted her up, set her on the firmest location he could see, adoring her with his eyes and reverent touch. Since that first rough grasp as he drew her to him, Leslie had felt positively fragile in his hands. She smiled at him her most beautiful smile when wide-eyed with emotion. "Douglas, why just now, when you've waited two years?" she asked. "Wanted a degree of success to offer," he answered. Leslie disdained the need for success. "Wanted you to have time to know me as completely as possible." Leslie intimated that she could learn faster. "Wanted to have the acknowledged right to put my "BEARER OF MORNING" 75 body between yours and any danger this swamp might have to offer to-day." "Exactly what I thought!" cried she. "Wise girl," commented the man. "Douglas, I must hurry!" said Leslie. "It may take a long time to find the flowers I want, while I've no idea what I shall do for a basket. I saw osiers yellow and red in quantities, but where are the orchids?" "We must make our way farther in and search," he said. "Douglas, listen!" breathed Leslie. "I hear exquisite music," he answered. "But don't you recognize it?" she cried. "It does seem familiar, but I am not sufficiently schooled in music " The girl began softly to whistle. "By Jove!" cried the .man. "What is that Leslie?" "Di Provenza, from Traviata," she answered. "But I must stop listening for birds Douglas, when I can scarcely watch for flowers or vines. I have to keep all the time looking to make sure that you are really my man." "And I, that you are my woman. Leslie, that expres- sion and this location, the fact that you are in competition with a squaw and the Indian talk we have indulged in lately, all conspire to remind me that a few days ago, while I was still a 'searcher' myself, I read a poem called 'Song of the Search' that was the biggest thing of its kind that I have yet found in our language. It was so great that I reread it until I am sure I can do it justice. Listen my * Bearer of Morning,' my ' Bringer of Song ' Douglas stood straight as the tamaracks, his feet sinking 76 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN in "the little moss," while from his heart he quoted Con- stance Skinner's wonderful poem: "'I descend through the forest alone. Rose-flushed are the willows, stark and a-quiver, In the warm sudden grasp of Spring; Like a woman when her lover has suddenly, swiftly taken her. I hear the secret rustle of little leaves, Waiting to be born. The air is a wind of love From the wings of eagles mating eagles, my sky is dark with your wings! The hills and the waters pity me, The pine-trees reproach me. The little moss whispers under my feet, "Son of Earth, Brother, Why comest thou hither alone ?" Oh, the wolf has his mate on the mountain Where art thou, Spring-daughter? 1 tremble with love as reeds by the river, I burn as the dusk in the red-tented west, I call thee aloud as the deer calls the doe, I await thee as hills wait the morning, I desire thee as eagles the storm; I yearn to thy breast as night to the sea, I claim thee as the silence claims the stars. O Earth, Earth, great Earth, Mate of God and mother of me, Say, where is she, the Bearer of Morning, My Bringer of Song? Love in me waits to be born, Where is She, the Woman?' "'Where is she, the Woman? 1 * The answer is 'Here!' 'Bearer of Morning/ 'Bringer of Song,' I adore you!" " Oh Douglas, how beautiful ! " cried Leslie. " My Man, "BEARER OF MORNING" 77 can we think of anything save ourselves to-day? Can we make that basket?" "It would be a bad start to give up our first undertaking together," he said. "Of course!" she cried. "We must! We simply must find things. Father may call any minute. Let go my hand and follow behind me. Keep close, Douglas!" "I should go before to clear the way," he suggested. "No, I may miss rare flowers if you do," she objected. "Go slowly, so I can watch before and overhead." "Yes!" she answered. "There! There, Douglas!" "Ah! There they are!" he exulted. "But I can't take them!" she protested. "Only a few, Leslie. Look before you ! See how many there are!" he said. "Douglas, could there be more wonderful flowers than the moccasins and slippers?" she asked. "Scarcely more wonderful; there might be more delicate and lovely!" "Farther! Let us go farther!" she urged. Her cry closed the man's arms around^her. Then there was a long silence during which they stood on the edge of a small open space breathlessly worshipping, but it was the Almighty they were now adoring. Here the moss lay in a flat carpet, tinted deeper green. Water willow rolled its ragged reddish-tan hoops, with swelling bloom and leaf buds. Overflowing pitcher plants grew in irregular beds, on slender stems, lifting high their flat buds. But scattered in groups here and there, sometimes with massed sim^ar colours, sometimes in clumps and 78 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN variegated patches, stood the rare, early fringed orchis, some almost white, others pale lavender and again the deeper colour of the moccasins; while everywhere on stems, some a foot high, nodded the exquisite lavender and white showy orchis. "Count!" he commanded. Leslie pointed a slender finger indicating each as she spoke: "One, two, three thirty-two, under the sweep of your arms, Douglas! And more! More by the hundred! Surely if we are careful not to kill them, the Lord won't mind if we take out a few for people to see, will He?" "He must have made them to be seen! " said Douglas. "And worshipped!" cried the girl. "Douglas, why didn't the squaw ?" asked Leslie. ."Maybe she didn't come this far," he said. "Perhaps she knows by experience that these are too fragile to re- move. You may not be able to handle them, Leslie." "I'm going to try," she said. "But first I must make my basket. We'll go back to the osiers to weave it and then come here to fill it. Oh Douglas! Did you ever see such flower perfection in all your life ? " "Only in books! In my home country applied botany is a part of every man's education. I never have seen ragged or fringed orchids growing before. I have read of many fruitless searches for the white ones." 'So have I. They seem to be the rarest. Douglas, look there!" There" was a group of purple-lavender, white-lipped bloom, made by years of spreading from one root, until "BEARER OF MORNING" 79 above the rank moss and beneath the dark tamarack branch the picture appeared inconceivably delicate. "Yes! The most exquisite flowers I ever have seen!" "And there Douglas!" She pointed to another group. " Tust the shade of the lavender on the toe of the moccasin a \ and in a great ragged mass ! Would any one believe it ?" "Not without seeing it," he said emphatically. "And there Douglas! Exactly the colour of the moc- casins see that cluster! There are no words Douglas!" "Shall you go farther?" he asked. "No," she answered. "I'm going back to weave my basket. There is nothing to surpass the orchids in rarity and wondrous beauty." "Good!" he cried. "I'll go ahead and you follow." So they returned to the osiers. Leslie pondered deeply a few seconds, then resolutely putting Douglas aside, she began cutting armloads of pale yellow osiers. Finding a suitable place to work, she swiftly and deftly selected perfect, straight evenly coloured ones, cutting them the same length, then binding the tip ends firmly with raffia she had brought to substitute for grass. Then with fine slips she began weaving, gradually spreading the twigs while inwardly giving thanks for the lessons she had taken in basketry. At last she held up a big, pointed, yellow basket. "Ready! "she said. "Beautiful!" cried Douglas. Leslie carefully lined the basket with moss in which the flowers grew, working the heads between the open spaces she had left. She bent three twigs, dividing her basket 80 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN top in exact thirds. One of these she filled with the whit- est, one with stronger, and one with the deepest lavender, placing the tallest plants in the centre so that the out- side ones would show completely. Then she lifted by the root exquisite showy orchis, lavender-hooded, white- lipped, the tiniest plants she could select and set them around the edge. She bedded the moss-wrapped roots in the basket and began bordering the rim and entwining the handle with a delicate vine. She looked up at Doug- las, her face thrilled with triumph, flushed with exertion, her eyes humid with feeling, while he gazed at her stirred to the depth of his heart with sympathy and the wonder of possession. "Bearer of Morning,' you win!" he cried triumphantly. "There is no use going farther. Let me carry that to your father, and he too will say so." "I have a reason for working out our plan," she said. "Yes? May I know?" he asked. "Surely!" she answered. "You remember what you told me about the Minturns. I can't live in a city and not have my feelings harrowed every day, and while I'd like to change everything wrong, I know I can't all of it, so what I can't cope with must be put aside; but this refuses, it is insistent. When you really think of it, that is so dreadful, Douglas. If they once felt what we do now, could it all go? There must be something left! You mention him oftener than any other one man, so you must admire him deeply; I know her as well as any woman I meet in so- ciety, better than most; I had thought of asking them to be the judges. She is interested in music and art; it "BEARER OF MORNING" 81 would please her and be perfectly natural for me to ask her; you are on intimate terms with him from your offices being opposite; there could be no suspicion of any ulterior motive in having them. I don't know that it would accomplish anything, but it would let them know, to begin with, that we consider them friends; so it would be natural for them to come with us; if we can't manage more than that to-day, it will give us ground to try again." "Splendid!" he said. "A splendid plan! It would let them see that at least our part of the world thinks of them together, and expects them to be friends. Splendid!" "I have finished," said Leslie. "I quite agree," answered Douglas. "No one could do better. That is the ultimate beauty of the swamp made manifest. There is the horn! Your father is waiting." A surprise was also waiting. Mr. Winton had not only found the squaw who brought the first basket, but he had made her understand so thoroughly what was wanted that she had come with him, while at his suggestion she had replaced the moccasin basket as exactly as she could and also made an effort at decoration. She was smiling wood- enly when Leslie and Douglas approached, but as Leslie's father glimpsed and cried out over her basket, the squaw frowned, drawing back. "Where you find 'em?" she demanded. "In the swamp!" Leslie nodded backward. The squaw grunted disapprovingly. "Lowry no buy 'em! Sell slipper! Sell moccasin! No sell weed!" Leslie looked with shining eyes at her father. "That lies with Lowry," he said. 'Til drive you there 82 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN and bring you back, and you'll have the ride and the money for your basket. That's all that concerns you. We won't come here to make any more." The squaw smiled again, so they started to the city. They drove straight to the Winton residence for the slip- pers. While Mr. Winton and the squaw went to take the baskets to Lowry's and leave Douglas at his office, Leslie in his car went to Mrs. Minturn's. "Don't think I'm crazy," laughed Leslie, as Mrs. Min- turn came down to meet her. "I want to use your ex- quisite taste and art instinct a few minutes. Please do come with me. We've a question up. You know the wonderful stuff the Indians bring down from the swamps to sell on the streets and to the florists ? " " Indeed yes ! I often buy of them in the spring. I love the wild white violets especially. What is it you want?" "Why you see," said Leslie, looking eagerly at Mrs. Minturn, "you see there are three flower baskets at Lowry's. Douglas Bruce is going to buy me the one I want most for a present, to celebrate a very important occasion, and I can't tell which is most artistic. I want you to decide. Your judgment is so unfailing. Will you come? Only a little spin!" "Leslie, you aren't by any chance asking me to select your betrothal gift, are you?" Leslie's face was rose-flushed smiling wonderment. She had hastily slipped off her swamp costume. Joy that seemed as if it must be imperishable shone on her brightly illumined face. With tightly closed, smile-curved lips she vigorously nodded. The elder woman bent to kiss her. "BEARER OF MORNING" 83 "Of course I'll come!" she laughed. "I feel thrilled, and flattered. And I congratulate you sincerely. Bruce is a fine man. He'll make a big fortune soon." "Oh I hope not!" said Leslie. "Are you crazy?" demanded Mrs. Minturn. "You said you didn't want me to think you so! " "You see," said Leslie, "Mr. Bruce has a living income; so have I, from my mother. Fortunes seem to me to work more trouble than they do good. I believe poor folks are happiest, they get most out of life, and after all what gives deep, heart-felt joy, is the thing to live for, isn't it? But we must hurry. Mr. Lowry didn't promise to hold the flowers long." "I'll be ready in a minute, but I see where Douglas Bruce is giving you wrong ideas," said Mrs. Minturn. "He needs a good talking to. Money is the only thing worth while, and the comfort and the pleasure it brings. Without it you are crippled, handicapped, a slave crawling while others step over you. I'll convince him! Back in a minute." When Mrs. Minturn returned she was in a delightful mood, her face eager, her dress beautiful. Leslie won- dered if this woman ever had known a care, then remem- bered that not long before she had lost a little daughter. Leslie explained as they went swiftly through the streets. "You won't mind waiting only a second until I run up to Mr. Bruce's offices?" she asked. He was ready, so together they stopped at Mr. Min- turn's door. Douglas whispered: "Watch the office boy. He is Minturn's Little Brother I told you about " 84 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN Leslie nodded and entered gaily. "Please ask Mr. Minturn if he will see Miss Winton and Mr. Douglas Bruce a minuter" she said. An alert, bright-faced lad bowed politely, laid aside a book and entered the inner office. "Now let me!" said Leslie. "Good May, Mr. Min- turn!" she cried. "Positively enchanting! Take that forbidding look off your face. Come for a few minutes Maying! It will do you much good, and me more. All my friends are pleasuring me to-day. So I want as good a friend of Mr. Bruce as you, to be in something we have planned. You just must!" "Has something delightful happened?" asked Mr. Min- turn, retaining the hand Leslie offered him as he turned to Douglas Bruce. "You must ask Miss Winton," he said. Mr. Minturn's eyes questioned her sparkling face, while again with closed lips she nodded. "My most earnest congratulations to each of you. May life grant you even more than you hope for, and from your faces, that is no small wish to make for you. Surely I'll come! What is it you have planned?" "Something lovely!" said Leslie. "At Lowry's are three flower baskets that are rather bewildering. I am to have one for my betrothal gift, but I can't decide. I appealed to Mrs. Minturn to help me, and she agreed; she is waiting below. Mr. Bruce named you for him; so you two and Mr. Lowry are to choose the most artistic basket for me, then if I don't agree, I needn't take it, but I want to see what you think. You'll come of course?" "BEARER OF MORNING" 85 Mr. Minturn's face darkened at the mention of his wife, while he hesitated and looked penetratingly at Leslie. She was guileless, charming, and eager. "Very well," Mr. Minturn said gravely. "I'm sur- prised, but also pleased. Beautiful young ladies have not appealed to me so often of late that I can afford to miss the chance of humouring the most charming of her sex." " How lovely ! " laughed Leslie. " Douglas, did you ever know Mr. Minturn could flatter like that ? It's most en- joyable ! I shall insist on more of it, at every opportunity ! Really, Mr. Minturn, society has missed you of late, and it is our loss. We need men who are worth while." "Now it is you who flatter," smiled Mr. Minturn. "See my captive!" cried Leslie, as she emerged from the building and crossed the walk to the car. "Mr. Bruce and Mr. Minturn are great friends, so as we passed his door we brought him along by force." "It certainly would require that to bring him anywhere in my company," said Mrs. Minturn coldly. The shock of the cruelty of the remark closed Douglas' lips, but it was Leslie's day to bubble, so she resolutely set herself to heal and cover the hurt. "I think business is a perfect bugbear," she said as she entered the car. "I'm going to have a pre-nuptial agree- ment as to just how far work may trespass on Douglas* time, and how much belongs to me. I think it can be ar- ranged. Daddy and I always have had lovely times to- gether, and I would call him successful. Wouldn't you?' 'A fine business man!' said Mr Minturn heartily: 86 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN "You could have had much greater advantages if he had made more money," said Mrs. Minturn. "The advantage of more money yes," retorted Leslie quickly, "but would the money have been of more advan- tage to me than the benefits of his society and his personal hand in my rearing? I think not! I prefer my Daddy!" "When you take your place in society, as the mistress of a home, you will find that millions will not be too much," said Mrs. Minturn. "If I had millions, I'd give most of them away, and just go on living about as I do now with Daddy," said Leslie. "Leslie, where did you get bitten with this awful, com- mon what kind of an idea shall I call it? You haven't imbibed socialistic tendencies have you?" "Haven't a smattering of what they mean!" laughed Leslie. "The 'istics' scare me completely. Just social ideas are all I have; thinking home better than any other place on earth, the way you can afford to have it. Merely being human, kind and interested in what my men are doing and enjoying, and helping any one who crosses my path and seems to need me. Oh, I get such joy, such de- licious joy from life." "If I were undertaking wild-eyed reform, I'd sell my car and walk, and do settlement work," said Mrs. Minturn scornfully. Then Leslie surprised all of them. She leaned forward, looked beamingly into the elder woman's face and cried enthusiastically: "I am positive you'd be stronger, and much happier if you would ! You know there is no greater "BEARER OF MORNING" 87 fun than going to the end of the car line and then walking miles into the country, especially now in bloom-time. You see sights no painter ever transferred even a good imita- tion of to canvas; you hear music I wish every music lover with your trained ear could have spent an hour in that swamp this morning. You'd soon know where Verdi and Strauss found some of their loveliest themes, and where Beethoven got the bird notes for the brook scene of the Pastoral Symphony. Think how interested you'd be in a yellow and black bird singing the Spinning Song from Martha, while you couldn't accuse the bird of having stolen it from Flotow, could you? Surely the bird holds right of priority ! " "If you weren't a little fool and talking purposely to irritate me, you'd almost cause me to ask if you seriously mean that?" said Mrs. Minturn. "Why," laughed Leslie, determined not to become pro- voked on this her great day, "that is a matter you can test for yourself. If you haven't a score of Martha, get one and I'll take you where you can hear a bird sing that strain, then you may judge for yourself." " I don't believe it! " said Mrs. Minturn tersely, "but if it were true, that would be the most wonderful experience I ever had in my life." "And it would cost you only ten cents," scored Leslie. "You needn't ride beyond the end of the car line for that, while a woman who can dance all night surely could walk far enough, to reach any old orchard. That's what I am trying to tell you. Money in large quantities isn't neces- sary to provide the most interesting things in the world, 88 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN while millions don't bring happiness. I can find more in what you would class almost poverty." "Why don't you try it?" suggested Mrs. Minturn. "But I have!" said Leslie. "And I enjoy it! I could go with a man I love as I do Daddy, and make a home, and get joy I never have found in society, from just what we two could do with our own hands in the woods. I don't like a city. If Daddy's business didn't keep him here, I would be in the country this minute. Look at us poor souls trying to find pleasure in a basket from the swamp, when we might have the whole swamp. I'd be happy to live at its door. Now try a basket full of it. There are three. You are to examine each of them carefully, then write on a slip of paper which you think the most artistic. You are not to say things that will influence each other's decisions, or Mr. Lowry's. I want a straight opinion from each of you." They entered the florist's, and on a glass table faced the orchids, the slippers, the fringed basket, and the moc- casins. Mr. Winton and the squaw were waiting, while the florist was smiling in gratification, but the Minturns went to the flowers without a word. They simply stood and looked. Each of the baskets was in perfect condition. The flowers were as fresh as at home in the swamp. Each was a thing of wondrous beauty. Each deserved the mute tribute it was exacting. Mr. Minturn studied them with gradually darkening face. Mrs. Minturn repeatedly opened her lips as if she would speak, but did not. She stepped closer and gently turned the flowers and lightly touched the petals. "BEARER OF MORNING" 89 "Beautiful!" she said at last. "Beautiful!" Another long silence. Then: "Honestly Leslie, did you hear a bird sing that strain from Martha ? " "Yes!" said Leslie, "I did. And if you will go with me to the swamp where those flowers came from, you shall hear one sing a strain that will instantly remind you of the opening chorus, while another renders Di Provenza II Mar from Traviata." The lady turned again to the flowers. She was thinking something deep and absorbing, but no one could have guessed exactly what it might be. Finally: "I have de- cided," she said. "Shall we number these one, two, and three, and so indicate them?" "Yes," said Leslie a little breathlessly. "Put your initials to the slips and I'll read them," offered Douglas. Then he smilingly read aloud: "Mr. Lowry, one. Mrs. Minturn, two. Mr. Minturn, three!" "I cast the deciding vote," cried Leslie. "One!" The squaw seemed to think of a war-whoop, but de- cided against it. "Now be good enough to state your reasons," said Mr. Winton. "Why do you prefer the slipper basket, Mr, Lowry?" "It satisfies my sense of the artistic." "Why the fringed basket, Mrs. Minturn?" "Because it contains daintier, more wonderful flowers than the others, and is by far the most pleasing pro- duction." 90 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN "Now Minturn, your turn. Why do you like the moc- casin basket?" "It makes the deepest appeal to me," he answered. " But why ? " persisted Mr. Winton. "If you will have it the moccasins are the colour I once loved on the face of my little daughter." "Now Leslie!" said Mr. Winton hurriedly as he noted Mrs. Minturn's displeased look. "Must I tell?" she asked. "Yes," said her father. "Douglas selected it for me, so I like it best." "But Leslie!" cried Douglas, "there were only two baskets when I favoured that. Had the fringed orchids been here then, I most certainly should have chosen them. I think yours far the most exquisite! I claim it now. Will you give it to me ? " "Surely! I'd love to," laughed the girl. "You have done your most exquisite work on the fringed basket," said Mrs. Minturn to the squaw. "No make!" said she promptly, pointing to Leslie. "Leslie Winton, did you go to the swamp to make that basket?" demanded _Mrs. Minturn. "Yes," answered Leslie. "Did you make all of them?" "Only that one," replied Leslie. "Why?" marvelled the lady. "To see if I could go to the tamarack swamp and bring from it with the same tools and material, a more artistic production than an Indian woman." "Well, you have!" conceded Mrs. Minturn. "BEARER OF MORNING" 91 "The majority is against me," said Leslie. "Majorities mean masses, and masses are notoriously insane!" said Mrs. Minturn. "But this is a small, select majority," said Leslie. "Craziest of all," said Mrs. Minturn decidedly. "If you have finished with us, I want to thank you for the pleasure of seeing these, and Leslie, some day I really think I shall try that bird music. The idea interests me more than anything I ever heard of. If it were true, it would be wonderful, a new experience!" "If you want to hear for yourself, make it soon, because now is nesting time; not again until next spring will the music be so entrancing. I can go any day." "I'll look over my engagements and call you. If one ever had a minute to spare!" "Another of the joys of wealth!" said Leslie. "Only the poor can afford to 'loaf and invite their souls.' The flowers you will see will delight your eyes, quite as much as the music your ears." "I doubt your logic, but I'll try the birds. Are you coming Mr. Minturn ? " "Not unless you especially wish me. Are these for sale?" he asked, picking up the moccasins. "Only those," replied the florist. "Send your bill," he said, turning with the basket. "How shining a thing is consistency!" sneered his wife. "You condemn the riches you never have been able to amass, but at the same time spend like a millionaire." "I never said I was not able to gain millions," replied Mr. Minturn coldly. "I have had frequent opportuni- 92 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN ties! I merely refused them, because I did not consider them legitimate. As for my method in buying flowers, in this one instance, price does not matter. You can guess what I shall do with them." "I couldn't possibly!" answered Mrs. Minturn. "The only sure venture I could make is that they will not by any chance come to me." "No. These go to baby Elizabeth," he said. "Do you want to come with me to take them to her?" With an audible sneer she passed him. He stepped aside, gravely raising his hat, while the others said good- bye to him and followed. " Positively insufferable ! " cried Mrs. Minturn. " Every one of my friends say they do not know how I endure his insults and I certainly will not many more. I don't, I really don't know what he expects." Mr. Winton and Douglas Bruce were confused, while Leslie was frightened, but she tried turning the distressing occurrence off with excuses. "Of course he intended no insult!" she soothed. "He must have adored his little daughter and the flowers re- minded him. I am so much obliged for your opinion and I shall be glad to take you to the swamp any time. Your little sons would they like to go? It is a most interesting and instructive place for children." "For Heaven's sake don't mention children!" cried Mrs. Minturn. "They are a bother and a curse!" "Oh Mrs. Minturn!" exclaimed Leslie. "Of course I don't mean quite that; but I do very near! Mine are perfect little devils; all the trouble James and I "BEARER OF MORNING" 93 ever had came through them. His idea of a mother is a combined doctor, wet-nurse and nursery maid, while I must say, I far from agree with him. What are servants for if not to take the trouble of children off your hands ? " Leslie was glad to reach the rich woman's door and deposit her there. As the car sped away the girl turned a despairing face toward Douglas: "For the love of Moike!" she cried. "Isn't that shocking? Poor Mr. Minturn!" "I don't pity him half so much as I do her," he an- swered. "What must a woman have suffered or been through, to warp, twist, and harden her like that?" "Society life," answered Leslie, "as it is lived by people of wealth who are aping royalty and the titled classes." "A branch of them possibly," conceded Douglas. "I know some titled and wealthy people who would be dumbfounded over that woman's ideas." "So do I," said Leslie. "Of course there are exceptions. Sometimes the exception becomes bigger than the rule, but not in our richest society. Douglas, let's keep close together! Oh don't let's ever drift into such a state as that. I should have asked them to lunch, but I couldn't. If that is the way she is talking before her friends, surely she won't have many, soon." "Then her need for a real woman like you will be all the greater," answered Douglas. "I suppose you should have asked her; but I'm delighted that you didn't! To- day began so nearly perfect, I want to end it with only you and your father. Will he resent me, Leslie?" "It all depends on us. If we are selfish and leave him 94 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN alone he will feel it. If we can make him realize gain instead of loss he will be happier than he is now." "I wish I hadn't felt obliged to reject his offer the other night. I'm very sorry about it." "I'm not," said Leslie. "You have a right to live your life in your own way. I have seen enough of running for office, elections and appointments that I hate it. You do the work you educated yourself for and I'll help you." "Then my success is assured," laughed Douglas. "Les- lie, may I leave my basket 'here? Will you care for it like yours, and may I come to see it often?" "No. You may come to see me and look at the basket incidentally," she answered. "Do you think Mrs. Minturn will go to the swamp to listen to those birds?" he asked. "Eventually she will," answered the girl. "I may have to begin by taking her to an orchard to hear a bird of gold sing a golden song about * sewing, and mending, and baby tending,' to start on; but when she hears that, she will be eager for more." "How interesting!" cried Douglas. "'Bearer of Morn- ing,' sing that song to me now." Leslie whistled the air, beating time with her hand, then sang the words: " 'I can wash, sir, I can spin, sir, I can sew and mend, and babies tend.'" "Oh you 'Bringer of Song!'" exulted Douglas. "I'd rather hear you sing that than any bird, but from what "BEARER OF MORNING" 95 she said, Nellie Minturn won't care particularly for it!" "She may not approve of, or practise, the sentiment," said Leslie, "but she'll love the music and possibly the musician.** CHAPTER V LITTLE BROTHER OW what am I going to do yet to make the day shorter, Lily ? " asked Mickey. "I guess I got everything," she answered. "There's my lunch. Here's my pictures to cut. Here's my lesson to learn. There's my sky and bird crumbs. Mickey, sometimes they hop right in on the sheet. Yes- t'day one tried to get my lunch. Ain't they sassy?" "Yes," said Mickey. "They fight worse than rich folks. I don't know why the Almighty pays attention if they fall." "Mebby nobody else cares," said Peaches, "and He feels obliged to 'cause He made 'em." "Gee! You say the funniest things, kid," laughed Mickey as he digested the idea. "Wonder if He cares for us 'cause He made us." "Mebby he didn't make us," suggested Peaches. "Well we got one consoling thing," said Mickey. "If He made any of them, He made us, and if He didn't make us, He didn't none of them, 'cause everybody comes in and goes out the same way; She said so." "Then of course it's so," agreed Peaches. "That gives us as good a chance as anybody." "Course it does if we got sense to take it," said Mickey. 96 LITTLE BROTHER 97 "'We got to wake up and make something of ourselves. Let me see if you know your lesson for to-day yet. There is the picture of the animal there is the word that spells its name. Now what is it?" "Milk!" answered Peaches, her eyes mischievous. Mickey held over the book chuckling. "All right! There is the word for that, too. For being so smart, Miss Chicken, you can learn it 'fore you get any more to drink. If I have good luck to-day, I'm going to blow in about six o'clock with a slate and pencil for you; and then you can print the words you learn, and make pictures. That'll help make the day go a lot faster." "Oh it goes fast enough now," said Peaches. "I love days with you and the window and the birds. I wish they'd sing more though." "When your back gets well, I'll take you to the country where they sing all the time," promised Mickey, "where there are grass, and trees, and flowers, and water to wade in and " "Mickey, stop and go on!" cried Peaches. "Sooner you start, the sooner I'll get my next verse. I want just norful good one to-night." She held up her arms. Mickey submitted to a hug and a little cold dab on his forehead, counted his money, locked the door and ran. On the car he sat in deep thought, then suddenly sniggered aloud. He had achieved the next in- stallment of the doggerel to which every night Peaches insisted on having a new verse added as he entered. He secured his papers, and glimpsirg the headlines started on his beat crying them lustily. 98 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN Mickey knew that washing, better air, enough food, and oil rubbing were improving Peaches. What he did not know was that adding the interest of her presence to his life, even though it made his work heavier, was showing on him. He actually seemed bigger, stronger, and his face brighter and fuller. He swung down the street thrusting his papers right and left, crossed and went up the other side, watching closely for a customer. It was ten o'clock and opportunities with the men were almost over. Mickey turned to scan the street for anything even suggesting a sale. He saw none and started with his old cry, watching as he went: "I like to sell papers! Sometimes I sell them! Sometimes I don't /' Then he saw her. She was so fresh and joyous. She walked briskly. Even his beloved nurse was not so won- derful. Straight toward her went Mickey. "I like to sell papers! Sometimes I sell them! Some- times I don't! Morning paper, lady! Sterilized! Deo- dorized! Vulcanized! Nice clean paper!" The girl's eyes betokened interest; her smiling lips en- couraged Mickey. He laid his chin over her arm, leaned his head against it and fell in step with her. "Sometimes I sell them! Sometimes I don't ! If I sell them, I'm happy! If I don't, I'm hungry ! If you buy them, you're happy! Pa per? lady." "Not to-day, thank you," she said. "I'm shopping, so I don't wish to carry it." Mickey saw Peaches' slate vanishing. It was a beautiful slate, small so it would not tire her bits of hands, and its frame was covered with red. His face " 'I can wash, sir, I can spin, sir, I can sew and mend, and babies tend/ " LITTLE BROTHER 99 sobered, his voice changed, taking on unexpected modula- tions "Aw lady! I thought youd buy my paper! Far down the street I saw you coming. Lady, I like your gentle voice. I like your pleasant smile ! You don't want a nice sterilized paper? lady." The lady stopped short; she lifted Mickey's chin in a firm grip, looking intently into his face. "Just by the merest chance, could your name be Mickey?" she asked. "Sure, lady! Mickey! Michael O'Halloran!" Her smile became even more attractive. "I really don't want to be bothered with a paper/' she said; "but I do wish a note delivered. If you'll carry it, I'll pay you the price of half a dozen papers." "Gets the slate!" cried Mickey, bouncing like a rubber boy. "Sure I will! Is it ready, lady?" "One minute!" she said. She stepped to the inside of the walk, opened her purse, wrote a line on a card, slipped it in an envelope, addressed it and handed it to Mickey. "You can read that?" she asked. "I've read worse writing than that," he assured her. "You ought to see the hieroglyphics some of the dimun- studded dames put up!" Mickey took a last glimpse at the laughing face, then wheeling ran. Presently he went into a big building, studied the address board, then entered the elevator and following a corridor reached the number. He paused a second, glancing around, when he saw the name on the opposite door. A flash passed over ioo MICHAEL O'HALLORAN his face. "Ugh!" he muttered. "'Member now been to this place before! Glad she ain't sending a letter to that man." He stepped inside the open door before him, crossed the room and laid the note near a man who was bending over some papers on a desk. The man reached a groping hand, tore open the envelope, taking therefrom a card on which was pencilled: "Could this by any chance be your Little Brother?" He turned hastily, glanced at Mickey, then in a con- tinuous movement arose with outstretched hand. "Why Little Brother," he cried, "I'm so glad to see you!" " Mickey's smile slowly vanished as he whipped his hands behind him, stepping back. "Nothin' doing, Boss," he said. "You're off your trolley. I've no brother. My mother had only me." "Don't you remember me, Mickey?" inquired Douglas Bruce. "Sure!" said Mickey. "You made Jimmy pay up!" "Has he bothered you again?" asked the lawyer. 'Nope!" answered Mickey. "Sit down, Mickey, I want to talk with you." "I'm much obliged for helping me out," said Mickey, "but I guess you got other business, and I know I have." "What is your business?" was the next question. "Selling papers. What's yours?" was the answer. "Trying to be a corporation lawyer," explained Douglas. *Tve been here only two years, and it is slow getting a start. I often have more time to spare than I wish I had, while I'm lonesome no end." LITTLE BROTHER 101 "Is your mother dead?" asked Mickey solicitously. "Yes," answered Douglas. "So's mine!" he commented. "You do get lonesome! Course she was a good one?" "The very finest, Mickey," said Douglas. "And yours ? " "Same here, Mister," said Mickey with conviction. "Well since we are both motherless and lonesome, sup- pose we be brothers!" suggested Douglas. "Aw-w-w!" Mickey shook his head. "No?" questioned Douglas. "What's the use?" cried Mickey. "You could help me with my work and share my play, while possibly I could be of benefit to you." "I just wondered if you wasn't getting to that," com- mented Mickey. "Getting to what?" inquired Douglas. "Going to do me good!" explained Mickey. "The swell stiffs are always going to do us fellows good. Mostly they do ! They do us good and brown ! They pick us up a while and make lap dogs of us, then when we've lost our appetites for our jobs and got to having a hankerin' for the fetch and carry business away they go and forget us, so we're a lot worse off than we were before. Some of the fellows come out of it knowing more ways to be mean than they ever learned on the street," explained Mickey. "If it's that Big Brother bee you got in your bonnet, pull its stinger and let it die an unnatural death! Nope! None! Good-bye!" "Mickey, wait!" cried Douglas. 102 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN "Me business calls, an' I must go 'way to my ranch in Idaho!" gaily sang Mickey. "I'd like to shake you!" said Douglas Bruce. "Well, go on," said Mickey. "I'm here and you're big enough." "If I thought it would jolt out your fool notions and shake some sense in, I would," said Douglas indignantly. "Now look here, Kitchener," said Mickey. "Did I say one word that ain't so, and that you don't know is so ? " "What you said is not even half a truth, young man ! I do know cases where idle rich men have tried the Little Brother plan as a fad, and made a failure of it. But for a few like that, I know dozens of sincere, educated men who are honestly giving a boy they fancy, a chance. I can take you into the office of one of the most influential men in this city, right across the hall there, and show you a boy he liketl who has in a short time become his friend, an invaluable helper, and hourly companion, and out of it that boy will get a fine education, good business train- ing, and a start in life that will give him a better chance to begin on than the man who is helping him had." Mickey laughed boisterously, then sobered suddenly. (0 Scuse me, Brother," he said politely, "but that's most too funny for any use. Once I took a whirl with that gentleman myself. Whether he does or not, I know the place where he ought to get off. See? Answer me this: why would he be spending money and taking all that time for a 'newsy' when he hardly knows his own kids if he sees them, and they're the wickedest little rippers in the park. Just why now?" LITTLE BROTHER 103 Douglas Bruce closed the door; then he came back and placing a chair for Mickey, he took one opposite. "Sit down Mickey," he said patiently. "There's a reason for my being particularly interested in James Minturn, and the reason hinges on the fact you men- tion: that he can't control his own sons, yet can make a boy he takes comfort in, of a street gamin." Mickey's eyes narrowed while he sat very straight in the chair he had accepted. "If he's made so much of him, it sort of proves that he wasn't a gamin. Some of the boys are a long shot closer gentlemen than the guys who are experimenting with them; 'cause they were born rich and can afford it. If your friend's going to train his pick-up to be what he is, then that boy would stand a better chance on his own side the curb. See? I've been right up against that gentleman with the documents, so I know him. Also her! Gee! 'Tear up de choild and gimme de papers' was meant for a joke; but I saw that lady and gentleman do it. See? And she was the prettiest little pink and yellow thing. Lord! I can see her gasping and blinking now! Makes me sick! If the boy across the hall had seen what I did. he'd run a mile and never stop. Gee!" Douglas Bruce stared aghast. At last he said slowly: "Mickey, you are getting mighty close the very thing I wish to know. If I tell you what I know of James Min- turn, will you tell me what you know and think?" "Sure!" said Mickey readily. "I got no reasons for loving him. I wouldn't convoy a millying to the mint for that gentleman!" io 4 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN "Mickey, shall I go first, or will you?" "I will," replied Mickey instantly, "'cause when I finish you'll save your breath. See?" " I see," said Douglas Bruce. " Proceed." "Well, 'twas over two years ago," said Mickey, lean- ing forward to look Bruce in the eyes. "I hadn't been up against the game so awful long alone. 'Twas summer and my papers were all gone, and I was tired, so I went over in the park and sat on a seat, just watching folks. Pretty soon 'long comes walking a nice lady with a sweet voice and kind eyes. She sat down close me and says: 'It's a nice day.' We got chummy-like, when right up at the fountain before us stops as swell an automobile as there is. One of the brown French-governess-ladies with the hatchet face got out, and unloaded three kids: two boys and a girl. She told the kids if they didn't sit on the benches she socked them on hard, and keep their clothes clean so she wouldn't have to wash and dress them again that day, she'd knock the livers out of them, and walked off with the entrance policeman. Soon as she and Bobbie got interested, the kids began sliding off the bench and running around the fountain. The girl was only 'bout two or three, a fat toddly thing, trying to do what her brothers did, and taking it like the gamest kid you ever saw when they pushed her off the seat, and tripped her, and 'bused her like a dog. "Me and the woman were getting madder every min- ute. 'Go tell your nurse,' says she. But the baby thing just glanced where nurse was and kind of shivered and laughed, and ran on round the fountain, when the big boy LITTLE BROTHER 105 stuck his foot out so she fell. Nursie saw and started for her, but she scrambled up and went kiting for the bench, and climbed on it, so nurse told her she'd cut the blood out of her if she did that again, then went back to her police- man. Soon as she was gone those little devils began coaxing their sister to get down and run again. At last she began to smile the cunningest and slipped to the walk, then a little farther, and a little farther, all the time laugh- ing and watching the nurse. The big boy, he said: 'You ain't nothing but a girl ! You can't step on the edge like I can and then step back!' She says: 'C'n too!' She did to show him, and just as she did she saw that he was going to push her, then she tried to get back, but he did push, and over she went! Not real in, but her arms in, and her dress front some wet. "She screamed while the little devil that pushed her grabbed her, pretending to be pulling her out. Honest he did! Up came nurse just frothing, and in language we couldn't understand she ripped and raved. She dragged little pink back, grabbed her by the hair and cracked her head two or three times against the stone I The lady screamed, and so did I, and we both ran at her. The boys just shouted and laughed and the smallest one he up and kicked her while she was down. The policeman walked over laughing too, but he told nurse that was too rough. Then my lady pitched in, so he told her to tend to her business, that those kids were too tough to live, and de- served all they got. The nurse laughed at her, and went back to the grass with the policeman. The baby lay there on the stones, and never made a sound. She just 106 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN kind of gasped, and blinked, and lay there, till my lady went almost wild. She went to her and stooped to lift her up when she got awful sick. The policeman said some- thing to the nurse, so she came and dragged the kid away and said, 'The little pig has gone and eaten too much again, and now I'll have to take her home and wash and dress her all over,' then she gave her an awful shake. The policeman said she'd better cut that out, because it might have been the bumping, and she said 'good for her if 'twas.' The driver pulled up just then and he asked 'if the brat had been stuffin' too much again?' She said, 'yes,' and the littlest boy he said, 'she pounded her head on the stone, good,' and the nurse hit him 'cross the mouth till she knocked him against the car, and she said, 'Want to try that again ? Open your head to say that again, and I'll smash you too. Eating too much made her sick' She looked at the big boy fierce like so he laughed and said, * Course eating too much made her sick!' She nodded at him and said, 'Course! You get two dishes of ice and two pieces of cake for remembering!' then she loaded them in and they drove away. "My lady was as white as marble and she said, ' Is there any way to find out who they are ?' I said, 'Sure! Haifa dozen!* 'Boy,' she said, 'get their residence for me and I'll give you a dollar/ Ought to seen me fly. Car was chuffing away, waiting to get the traffic cop's sign when to cut in on the avenue. I just took a dodge and hung on to the extra tire under the top where nobody saw me, and when they stopped, I got the house number they went in. Little pink was lying all white and limber yet, and nurse LITTLE BROTHER 107 looked worried as she carried her up. She said some- thing fierce to the boys," the big one rang and they went inside. I saw a footman take the girl. I heard nurse begin that 'eat too much' story, then I cut back to the park. The lady said, 'Get it?' I said, 'Sure! Dead easy.' She said, 'Can you take me?' I said, 'Glad to!' "She said, 'That was the dreadfullest sight I ever saw. That child's mother is going to know right now what kind of a nurse she is paying to take care of her children. You come show me,' she said, so we went. '"Will you come in with me?' she asked when we got there and I said, 'Yes!' "Well, we rang and she asked pleasant to see the lady of the house on a little matter of important business, so pretty soon here comes one of the dimun-studded, fashion- paper ladies, all smiling sweet as honey, and asked what the business was. My nice lady she said her name was Mrs. John Wilson and her husband was a banker in Plymouth, Illinois, and she was in the city shopping and went to the park to rest and was talking to me, when an automobile let out a nurse, and two boys and a lovely little pink girl, and she give the number and asked, 'was the car and the children hers?' The dimun-lady slowly sort of began to freeze over, and when the nice lady got that far, she said: ' I have an engagement. Kindly state in -zjew words what you want.' "My lady sort of stiffened up and then she said: 'I saw, this boy here saw, and the park policeman nearest the en- trance fountain saw your nurse take your little girl by the hair, and strike her head against the fountain curb three io8 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN times, because her brother pushed her in. She lay in- sensible until the car came, and she has just been carried into your house in that condition.' "I could see the footman peeking and at that he cut up the stairs. The dimun-lady stiffened up and she said: 'So you are one of those meddling, interfering country jays that come here and try to make us lose our good servants, so you can hire them later. I've seen that done before. Lucette is invaluable/ said she, 'and perfectly reliable. Takes all the care of those dreadful little imps from me. Now you get out of here.' And she reached for the but- ton. "My lady just sat still and smiled. "'Do you really think I'd take the trouble to come here in this way if I couldn't prove I had seen the thing hap- pen?' she asked. "God only knows what you country women would do!' the woman answered. "We would stand between our children and beastly cruelty,' my lady said. 'Your child's condition is all the proof my words need. You go examine her head, and feel the welt on it; see how ill she is and you will thank me. Your nurse is not reliable! Keep her and your children will be ruined, if not killed.' "Raving! 5 sneered the dimun-lady. 'But I know your kind so I'll go, as it's the only way to get rid of you.' "Now what do you think happened next? Well sir, 'bout three minutes in walked the footman and salutes, sneering like a cat, and he said: 'Madam's compliments. LITTLE BROTHER 109 She finds her little daughter in perfect condition, sweetly sleeping, and her sons having dinner. She asks you to see how quickly you can leave her residence.' "The woman looked at me so I said: 'It's all over but burying the kid if it dies; come on, lady, they'd be glad to plant it, and get it out of the way.' So I started and she followed, and just as he let me out the door I handed him this: 'I saw you listen and cut to tell, and I bet you helped put the kid to sleep! But you better look out! She gave it to that baby too rough for any use!' "He started for me, but I flew. When we got on the street, the lady was all used up so she couldn't say any- thing. She had me call a taxi to take her to her hotel. I set down her name she gave me, and her house and street number. I cut to a Newsies' directory and got the name of the owner of the palace-place and it was Mrs. James Minturn. Next morning coming down on the cars I was hunting headliners to make up a new call, like I always do, and there I saw in big type, 'Mr. and Mrs. James Minturn prostrate over the sudden death of their lovely little daugh- ter from poisoning, from an ice she ate.' I read it every word. Even what the doctors said, and how investigation of the source of the ice came from was to be made. What do you think of it?" "I have no doubt but it's every word horrible truth," answered Douglas. "Sure!" said Mickey. "I just hiked to the park and walked up to the cop and showed him the paper, and he looked awful glum. I can point him out to you, and give you the lady's address, and there were plenty more who i io MICHAEL O'HALLORAN saw parts of it could be found if anybody was on the kid's side. Sure it's the truth! "Well I kept a-thinking it over. One day about three weeks later, blest if the same car didn't stop at the same fountain, and the same nurse got out with the boys and she set them on the same bench and told them the same thing, and then she went into another palaver with the same p'liceman. I looked on pretty much interested, and be- fore long the boys got to running again and one tripped the other, and she saw and come running, and fetched him a crack like to split his head, and pushed him down still and white, so I said to myself: 'All right for you. Lady tried a lady and got nothing. Here's where a gentleman tries a gentleman, and sees what he gets/ "I marched into the door just across the hall from you here, and faced Mr. James Minturn, and gave him names, and dates, and addresses, even the copper's name I'd got; and I told him all I've told you, and considerable more. He wasn't so fiery as the lady, so I told him the whole thing, but he never opened his trap. He just sat still and stony, listened till I quit, and finally he heaved a big breath and looked at me sort of dazed like and he said: 'What do you want, boy ? ' "That made me red hot so I said: 'I want you to know that I saw the same woman bust one of your boys a good crack, over the head, a few minutes ago. ' "That made him jump, but he didn't say or do any- thing, so I got up and went and the same woman was in the park with the same boys yesterday, and they're the biggest little devils there. What's the answer?" LITTLE BROTHER in "A heartbroken man," said Douglas Bruce. "Now let me tell you, Mickey." Then he told Mickey all he knew of James Mintum. "All the same, he ought to be able to do something for his own kids, 'stead of boys who don't need it half so bad," commented Mickey. "Why honest, I don't know one street kid so low that he'd kick a little girl after she'd been beat up scandalous, for his meanness to start on. Honest, I don't! I don't care what he is doing for the boy he has got, that boy doesn't need help half so much as his own; I can prove it to you, if you'll come with me to the park 'most any morning." "All right, I'll come," said Douglas promptly. "Well I couldn't say that they would be there this min- ute," said Mickey, "but I can call you up the first time I see they are." "Ail right, I'll come, if it's possible. I'd like to see for myself. So this gives you a settled prejudice against the Big Brother movement, Mickey ? " "In my brogans, what would it give you?" "A hard jolt!" said Douglas emphatically. "Then what's the answer?" "That it is more unfair than I thought you could be, to deprive me of my Little Brother, because you deem the man across the hall unfit to have one. Do I look as if you couldn't trust me, Mickey?" "No, you don't! But neither does Mr. James Minturn. He looks as if a fellow could get a grip on him and pull safe across Belgium hanging on. But you know I said the same woman " H2 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN "I know Mickey; but that only proves that there are times when even the strongest man can't help him- self." "Then like Ulhan I'd trot 1:54^ to the judge of the Juvenile Court," said Mickey, "and I'd yell long and loud, and I'd put up the proof. That would get the lady down to brass tacks. See?" "But with Mrs. Mintum's position and the stain such a proceeding would put on the boys " "Cut out the boys," advised Mickey. "They're gold plated, staining wouldn't stick to them." "So you are going to refuse education, employment and a respectable position because you disapprove of one man among millions?" demanded Douglas. "That lets me out," said Mickey. "She educated me a lot! No day is long enough for the work I do right now; you can take my word for it that I'm respectable, same as I'm taking yours that you are." "All right!" said Douglas. "We will let it go then. Maybe you are right. At least you are not worth the bother it requires to wake you up. Will you take an an- swer to the note you brought me?" "Now the returns are coming in," said Mickey. "Sure I will; but she is in the big stores shopping." "I'll find out," said Douglas. He picked up the telephone and called the Winton resi- dence; on learning Leslie was still away, he left a request that she call him when she returned. "I would spend the time talking with you," he said to Mickey, "if I could accomplish anything; as I can't, I'll LITTLE BROTHER 113 go on with my work. You busy yourself with anything around the rooms that interests you." Mickey grinned half abashed. He took a long survey of the room they were in, arose and standing in the door leading to the next he studied that. To him "busy" meant work. Presently he went into the hall and returned with a hand broom and dust pan he had secured from the janitor. He carefully went over the floor, removing any- thing he could see that he thought should not be there, and then began on the room adjoining. Next he appeared with a cloth and dusted the furniture and window seats. Once he met Douglas' eye and smiled. "Your janitor didn't have much of a mother," he commented. "I could beat him to his base a rod." "Job is yours any time you want it." "Morning papers," carrolled Mickey. "Sterilized, deo- dorized, vulcanized. I like to sell them " Defeated again Bruce turned to his work and Mickey to his. He straightened every rug, pulled a curtain, set a blind at an angle that gave the worker more light and bet- ter air. He was investigating the state of the glass when the telephone rang. "Hello, Leslie! It certainly was! How did you do it ? Not so hilarious as you might suppose. Leslie, I want to say something, not for the wire. Will you hold the line a second until I start Mickey with it? All right! "She is there now, Mickey. Can you find your way?" "Sure!" laughed Mickey. "If you put the address on. She started me from the street." ii 4 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN "The address is plain. For straightening my rooms and carrying the note, will that be about right?" "A lady-bird! Gee!" cried Mickey. "I didn't s'pose you was a plute! And I don't s'pose so yet. You want a Little Brother bad if you're willing to buy one. This number ain't far out, and I wouldn't have sold more than three papers this time of day twenty-five is about right." "But you forget cleaning my rooms," said Douglas. Mickey grinned, his face flushed. He waved his hand gracefully. "Me to you!" he said. "Nothing! Just a little mat- ter of keeping in practice. Good-bye and be good to your- self!" Douglas turned to the telephone. "Leslie!" he said, "I'm sending Mickey back to you with a note, not because I had anything to say I couldn't say now, but because I can't manage him. I pretended 1 didn't care, and let him go. Can't you help me? See if you can't interest him in something that at least will bring him back, or show us where to find him. Cer' tainly ! Thank you very much ! " When Mickey delivered the letter the lovely young woman just happened to be in the hall. She told him to come in until she read it, to learn what Mr. Bruce wanted. Mickey followed into a big room, looked around, then a speculative, appreciative gleam crossed his face. He realized the difference between a home and a show room. He did not know what he was seeing or why it affected him as it did. Really the thought that was in his mind was that this woman was far more attractive, but had less LITTLE BROTHER 115 money to spend on her home, than many others. He missed the glitter, but enjoyed the comfort, for he leaned back against the chair offered him, thinking what a cool, restful place it was. The girl seemed in no hurry to open the letter. "Have trouble finding Mr. Bruce?" she asked. "Easy! I'd been to the same building before." "And I suppose you'll be there many times again," she suggested. "I'm going back right now, if you want to send an an- swer to that letter," he said. "And if it requires none?" she questioned. "Then I'm going to try to sell the rest of these papers, get a slate for Lily and go home." "Is Lily your little sister?" she asked. Mickey straightened, firmly closing his lips. He had done it again. "Just a little girl I know," he said cautiously. "A little bit of a girl?" she asked. '"Bout the littlest girl you ever saw," said Mickey, un- consciously interested in the subject. "And you are going to take her a slate to draw pictures on? How fine! I wish you'd carry her a package for me, too. I was arranging my dresser this morning and I put the ribbons I don't want into a box for some child. Maybe Lily would like them for her doll." "Lily hasn't any doll/' he said. "She had one, but her granny sold it and got drunk on the money." Mickey stopped suddenly. In a minute more he would have another Orphans' Home argument on his hands. ii6 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN "Scandalous!" cried Leslie. "In my room there is a doll just begging to go to some little girl. If you took it to Lily, would her granny sell it again ?" "Not this morning," said Mickey. "You see Miss, a few days ago she lost her breath. Permanent! No! li Lily had a doll, nobody would take it from her now." "I'll bring it at once," she offered "and the ribbons. Excuse me!" "Never mind," said Mickey. "I can get her a doll." But you haven't seen this one!" cried Leslie. "You save your money for oranges." Without waiting for a reply she left the room, presently returning with a box and a doll that seemed to Mickey quite as large as Peaches. It had a beautiful face, hair, real hair that could be combed, and real clothes that could be taken off. Leslie had dressed it for a birthday gift for the little daughter of one of her friends; but by making haste she could prepare another. Mickey gazed in be- wilderment. He had seen dolls, even larger and more wonderful than that, in the shop windows, but connecting such a creation with his room and Peaches required mental adjustments. "I guess you better not," he said with conviction "But why not?" asked Leslie in amazement. "Well for 'bout fifty reasons," replied Mickey. "You see Lily is a poor kid, and her back is bad. That doll is so big she couldn't dress it without getting all tired out; and what's the use showing her such dresses, when she can't have any herself. She's got the best she ever had, and the best she can have right now; so that ain't the LITTLE BROTHER 117 kind of a doll for Lily it's too big and too too glad- some!" "I see," laughed Leslie. "Well Mickey, you show me what would be the right size of a doll for Lily. I'll get another, and dress it as you say. How would that do?" "You needn't!" said Mickey. "Lily is happy now." "But wouldn't she like a doll?" persisted Leslie. "I never knew a girl who didn't love a doll. Wouldn't she like a doll Mickey?" "'Most to death I 'spect," said Mickey. "I know she said she cried for the one her granny sold, 'til she beat her. Yes I guess she'd like a doll; but I can get her one." " But you can't make white nighties for Lily to put on it to take to bed with her, and cunning little dresses for morning, and a street dress for afternoon, and a party dress for evening," tempted the girl. "Lily has been on the street twice, and she never heard of a party. Just nighties and the morning dress would do, and there's no use for me to be sticking. If you like to give away dolls, Lily might as well have one, for she'd just I don't know what she would do about it," con- ceded Mickey. "All right," said Leslie. "I'll dress it this afternoon, and to-morrow you can come for it in the evening be- fore you go home. If I am not here, the package will be ready. Take the ribbons now. She'd like them for her hair." "Her hair's too short for a ribbon," said Mickey. "Then a headband! This way!" said Leslie. ii8 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN She opened a box and displayed a wonderment of ribbon bands, and bits of gay colour. "Gee!" gasped Mickey. "I couldn't pick up that much brightness for her in a year!" "You save what you find for her?" asked Leslie. "Sure!" said Mickey. "You see Miss, things are pretty plain where she is, so all the brightness I can take i her ain't going to hurt her eyes. Thank you heaps. I,s there going to be any answer to the letter?" "Why I haven't read it yet!" cried the girl. "No! A-body can see that some one else is rustling for your grub!" commented Mickey. "That's so too," laughed Leslie. "Darlingold Daddy!" "Just about right is he?" queried Mickey, interestedly. "Just exactly right!" said Leslie. "Gur-ur-and!" said Mickey. "Some of them ain't so well fixed! And he that wrote the note, I guess he's about as fine as you make them, too!" "He's the finest man I ever have known, Mickey!" said the girl earnestly. "Barring Daddy?" suggested Mickey. "Not barring anybody!" cried she. "Daddy is lovely, but he's Daddy! Mr. Bruce is different!" "No letter?" questioned Mickey, rising. 'None!" said the girl. "Come to-morrow night. You are sure Lily is so very little, Mickey?" "You wouldn't call me big, would you?" he asked. "Well! I can lift her with one hand! Such a large doll as that would be tiring and confusing. Please make Lily's more like she's used to. See ? " LITTLE BROTHER 119 "Mickey, I do see!" said Leslie. "I beg your pardon. Lily's doll shall not tire her or make her discontented with what she has. Thank you for a good idea." Mickey returned to the street shortly after noon, with more in his pocket than he usually earned in a day, where by expert work he soon disposed of his last paper. He bought the slate, then hurried home carrying it and the box. At the grocery he carefully selected food again. Then he threw open his door and achieved this: "Once a little kid named Peaches, Swelled my heart until it catches. If you think I'd trade her for a dog, Your think-tank has slipped a cog!" Peaches laughed, stretching her hands as usual. Mickey stooped for her caress, scattering the ribbons over her as he arose. She gasped in delighted amazement, catching both hands full. "Oh! Mickey! Where did you ever ? Mickey, where did you get them? Mickey, you didn't st ?" "You just better choke on that, Miss!" yelled Mickey. "No I didn't st ! And I don't st ! And nothing I ever bring you will be st ! And you needn't ever put no more st's at me. See?" "Mickey, I didn't mean that! Course I know you wouldn't! Course I know you couldn't! Mickey, that's the best poetry piece yet! Did you bring the slate?" "Sure!" said Mickey, somewhat mollified, but still in- jured. "I must have dropped it with the banquet!" Peaches pushed away the billow of colour, taking the 120 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN slate. Her fingers picking at the string reminded Mickey of" sparrow feet; but he watched until she untied and re- moved the paper which he folded to lay away. She picked up the pencil, meditating. " Mickey ! " she said. " Make my hand do a word ! " "Sure!" said Mickey. "What do you want to write first, Flowersy-girl ? " Peaches looked at him reproachfully. "Course there wouldn't be but one I'd want to do first of all," she said. "Hold my hand tight, and big and plain up at the top make it write, 'Mickey-lovest." "Sure," said the boy in a hushed voice. He gripped the hand, bending above her, but suddenly collapsed, buried his face in her hair and sobbed until he shook. Peaches crouched down, lying rigidly. She was badly frightened. At last she could endure it no longer. "Mickey!" she gasped. "Mickey, what did I do? Mickey, don't write it if you don't want to!" Mickey arose, wiping his face on the sheet. "You just bet I want to write that, Lily!" he said. "I never wanted to do anything more in all my life!" "Then why ?" she began. "Never you mind 'why* Miss!" said Mickey. Grasping her hand, he traced the words. Peaches looked at them a long time, then carefully laid the slate aside. She began fingering the ribbons. "Let me wash you," said Mickey, "and rub your back to rest you from all this day, then I'll comb your hair and you pick the prettiest one. I'll put it on the way she showed me, so you'll be a fash'nable lady." LITTLE BROTHER 121 "Who showed you Mickey, and gave you such pretties ?" "A girl I carried a letter to. After you're bathed and have had supper I'll tell you." Then Mickey began work. He sponged Peaches, rubbed her back, laid her on his pallet, putting fresh sheets on her bed and carefully preparing her supper. After she had eaten he again ran the comb through her ringlets, telling her to select the ribbon he should use. "No you!" said Peaches. Mickey squinted, so exacting was the work of deciding. Red he discarded with one sweep against her white cheeks; green went with it; blue almost made him shudder, but a soft warm pink pleased him, so Mickey folded it into the bands in which it had been creased before, binding it around Peaches' head as Leslie had shown him, then with awkward fingers did his best on a big bow. He crossed the room and from the wall picked a little mirror which he held before her reciting: "Once a little kid named Peaches, swelled my heart " Peaches took the mirror, studying the face intently. She glanced over her shoulder so Mickey piled the pillows higher. Then she looked at him. Mickey bent to scrutinize her closely. "You're clean kid, clean as a plate!" he assured her. "Honest you are! You needn't worry about that. I'll always keep you washed clean. She was more particular about that than anything else. Don't you fret about my having a dirty girl around! You're clean, all right!" Peaches sighed as she returned the mirror. Mickey re- 122 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN placed it, laid the slate and ribbons in reach, washed the dishes, then the sheets he had removed, and their soiled clothing. Peaches lay folding and unfolding the ribbons; asking questions while Mickey worked, or with the pencil tracing her best imitations of the name on the slate. By the time he had finished everything to be done and drawn a chair beside the bed, to see if she had learned her lesson for the day, it was cool evening. She knew all the words he had given her, so he proceeded to write them on the slate. Then told her about the big man named Douglas Bruce and the lovely girl named Leslie Winton, also every word he could remember about the house she lived in; then he added: "Lily, do you like to be surprised better or do you like to think things over?" "I don't know/' said Peaches. "Well, before long, I'll know," said Mickey. "What I was thinking was this: you are going to have something. I just wondered whether you'd rather know it was coming, or have me walk in with it and surprise you." "Mickey, you just walk in," she decided. "All right! "said Mickey. "Mickey, write on the other side of my slate what you said at the door to-night," she coaxed. "Get a little book an' write 'em all down. Mickey, I want to learn all of them, when I c'n read. Lemme tell you. You make all you c'n think of. Nen make more. An' make 'em, an' make 'em! An' when you get big as you're goin' to be, make books of 'em, an' be a poet-man 'stead of sellin' papers." "Sure!" said Mickey. "I'd just as lief be a poet-man LITTLE BROTHER 123 as not! I'd write a big one all about a little yellow-haired girl named Lily Peaches, and I'd put it on the front page of the Herald I Honest I would! I'd like to!" "Gee!" said Peaches. "You go on an' grow hel wope! I mean hurry! Hurry an' grow up !" CHAPTER VI THE SONG OF A BIRD " "W ESLIE," said the voice of Mrs. James Minturn over the telephone, "is there any particular time ^ of the day when that bird of yours sings better than at another?" "Morning, Mrs. Minturn; five, the latest. At that time one hears the full chorus, and sees the perfect beauty. Really, I wouldn't ask you, if I were not sure, positively sure, that you'd find the trip worth while." "I'll be ready in the morning, but that's an unearthly hour!" came the protest. " It is almost unearthly sights and sounds to which you are going," answered Leslie. "And be sure you wear suit- able clothing." "What do you call suitable clothing?" "High heavy shoes," said Leslie, "short stout skirts." "As if I had such things!" laughed Mrs. Minturn. "Let me send you something of mine," offered Leslie. "I've enough for two." "You're not figuring on really going in one of those aw- ful places, are you?" questioned Mrs. Minturn. "Surely!" cried Leslie. "The birds won't sing to an automobile. And you wouldn't miss seeing such flowers 124 THE SONG OF A BIRD 125 on their stems as you saw at Lowry's for any money. It will be something to tell your friends about." "Send what I should have. I'd ride a llama through a sea of champagne for a new experience." Mrs. Minturn turned from the telephone with a con- temptuous sneer on her face; but Leslie's gay laugh per- sisted in her ears. Restlessly she moved through her rooms thinking what she might do to divert herself, and shrinking from all the tiresome things she had been doing for years until there was not a drop of the fresh juice of life to be extracted from them. "I'm going to take a bath, go to bed early and see if I can sleep," she muttered. "I don't know what it is that James is contemplating, but his face haunts me. Really, if he doesn't be more civil, and stop his morose glowering when I do see him, I'll put him or myself where we won't come in contact. He makes it plain every day that he blames me about Elizabeth. Why should he ? He couldn't possibly know of the call of that wild-eyed reformer. So unfortunate that she should come just at that time too! Of course hundreds of children die from spoiled milk every summer, the rich as well as the poor. I'll never get over regretting that I didn't finish what I started to do; but I'd scarcely touched her in her life. She always was so pink and warm, and that awful whiteness chilled me to the soul. I wish I had driven, forced myself! Then I could defy James with more spirit. That's what I lack spirit ! Maybe this trip to the swamp will steady my nerves! Something must be done soon, and I believe, actually I be- lieve he is thinking of doing it ! Pooh ! What could he do ? 126 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN There isn't an irregularity in my life he can lay his fingers on!" She rang for her maid and cancelling two engagements for the evening, went to bed, but not to sleep. When she was called early in the morning, she gladly arose, and was dressed in Leslie Winton's short skirts, a waist of khaki, and high shoes near enough her size to be comfortable. Her bath had refreshed her, a cup of hot coffee stimulated her, and despite the lack of sleep she felt better than she had that spring as she went down to the car. On the threshold she met her husband. Evidently he had been out all night on strenuous business. His face was hag- gard, his eyes bloodshot, while in both hands he gripped a small, square paper-wrapped package. They looked at each other a second that seemed long to both, then the woman laughed. "Evidently an accounting is expected," she said. "Leslie Winton at the door and the roll of music I carry should be sufficient to prove why I am going out at this hour. You heard us make the arrangement. Thank Heaven I've no interest in knowing where you have been, or what your precious package contains." His expression and condition frightened her. "For the weight of a straw overbalance," he said, "only for a hint that you have a soul, I'd freeze it for all time with the contents of this package." "A threat? You to me?" she cried in amazement. "Verily, Madam," he said. "I wish you all the joy of the birds and the flowers this morning." "You've gone mad!" she cried. THE SONG OF A BIRD 127 "Contrarily, I have come to my senses after years of in- sanity," he said. "I will see you when you return." She stood bewildered, watching him go down the hall and enter his library. That and his sleeping room were the only places in the house sacred to him. No one entered, no one, not even the incorrigible children, touched anything there. She slowly went to the car, trying to rally to Leslie's greet- ing, struggling to fix her mind on anything pointed out to her as something she might enjoy. At last she said: "I don't know what is the matter with me Leslie. James is planning something, I haven't an idea what; but his grim, reproachful face is slowly driving me wild. I'm getting so I can't sleep. You saw him come home as I left. He talked positively crazy, as if he had the crack of doom in his hands and were prepared to crack it. He said he 'would see me when I came back.' Indeed he will to his sorrow! He will be as he used to be, or we will separate. The idea, with scarcely a cent to his name, of him undertaking to dictate to me, to me I Do you blame me Leslie? You heard him the other day! You know how he insulted me ! " Leslie leaned forward, laying a firm hand in a grip on Mrs. Minturn's arm. " Since you ask me," she said, " I will answer. If you find life with Mr. Minturn insufferable, an agony to both of you, I would separate, and speedily. If it has come to the place where you can't see each other or speak without falling into unpleasantness, then I'd keep apart." "That is exactly the case!" cried Mrs. Minturn. "Oh Leslie, I am so glad you agree with me!" 128 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN **But I haven't finished," said Leslie, "you interrupted me in the middle. If you are absolutely sure you can't go on peaceably, I would stop; but if I once had loved a man enough to give my life and my happiness into his keeping, to make him the father of my children, I would not sepa- rate from him, until I had exhausted every resource, to see if I couldn't in some possible way end with credit." . "If you had been through what I have," said Mrs. Min- turn, "you wouldn't endure it any longer." "Perhaps," said Leslie. "But you see dear Mrs. Min- turn, I am handicapped by not knowing what you have been through. To your world you appear to be a woman of great wealth, who does exactly as she pleases and pays her own bills. You seem to have unlimited money, power, position, leisure for anything you fancy. I'll wager you don't know the names of half the servants in your house; a skillful housekeeper takes the responsibility off your hands. You never are seen in public with your children; competent nurses care for them. You don't appear with your husband any more; yet he is a man of fine brain, un- impeachable character, who handles big affairs for other men, and father says he believes his bank account would surprise you. He has been in business for years; surely all he makes doesn't go to other men." "You know I never thought of that!" cried Mrs. Min- turn. "He had nothing to begin on and I've always kept our establishment; he's never paid for more than his cloth- ing. Do you suppose that he has made money?" "I know that he has!" said Leslie. "Not so fast as he might! Not so much as he could, for he is incorruptible; THE SONG OF A BIRD 129 but money, yes! He is a powerful man, not only in the city, but all over the state. Some of these days you're going to wake up to find him a Senator, or Governor. You seem to be the only person who doesn't know it, or who doesn't care if you do. But when it comes about, as it will, you'll be so proud of him! Dear Mrs. Minturn, please, please go slowly! Don't, oh don't let anything happen that will make a big regret for both." "Leslie, where did you get all this?" asked Mrs. Min- turn in tones of mingled interest and surprise. "From my father!" answered Leslie. "And from Douglas Bruce. Douglas' office is across the hall from Mr. Minturn's; they meet daily, and from the first they have been friends. Mr. Minturn took Douglas to his clubs, introduced him and helped him into business, so often they work together. Why only yesterday Douglas came to me filled with delight. Mr. Minturn secured an appointment for him to make an investigation for the city which will be a great help to Douglas. It will bring him in contact with prominent men, give him big work and a sample of how mercenary I am it will bring him big pay and he knows how to use the money in a big way. Douglas knows Mr. Minturn so well, and respects him so highly, yet no one can know him as you do " "That is quite true! I live with him! I know the real man!" cried Mrs. Minturn. "How mean of you!" laughed Leslie, "to distort my reasoning like that! I don't ask you to think up all the little things that have massed into one big grievance against him; I mean stop that for to-day, out here in the country 1 30 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN where everything is so lovely, and go back where I am." "He surely has an advocate! Leslie, when did you start making an especial study of Mr. Minturn?" "When Douglas Bruce began speaking to me so fre- quently of him!" answered Leslie. "Then I commenced to watch him and to listen to what people were saying about him, and to ask Daddy." "It's very funny that every one seems so well in- formed and so enthusiastic just at the time when I feel that life is unendurable with him," said Mrs. Minturn. "I can't understand it!" "Mrs. Minturn, try, oh do try to get my viewpoint be- fore you do anything irreparable," begged Leslie. "Away up here in the woods let's think it out! Let's discuss James Minturn in every phase of his nature and see if the big manly part doesn't far outweigh the little irritations. Let's see if you can't possibly go to the meeting he wants when we return with a balance struck in his favour. A divorced woman is always well, it's disagreeable. Alone you'd feel stranded. Attempt marrying again, where would you find a man with half the points that count for good, to replace him? In after years when your children realize the man he is, how are you going to explain to them why you couldn't live with him?" "From your rush of words, it is evident you have your arguments at hand," said Mrs. Minturn. "You've been thinking more about my affairs than I ever did. You bring up points I never have thought of; you make me see things that would not have occurred to me; yet as you THE SONG OF A BIRD 131 put them, they have awful force. You haven't exactly said it, but what you mean is that you believe me in the wrong; so do all my friends. All of you sympathize with Mr. Minturn! All of you think him a big man worthy of every consideration and me deserving none." "You're putting that too strong," retorted Leslie. "You are right about Mr. Minturn; but I won't admit that I find you 'worthy of no consideration at all,' or I wouldn't be imploring you to give yourself a chance at happiness." " 'Give myself a chance at happiness !' ' "Dear Mrs. Minturn, yes!" said Leslie. "All your life, so far, you have lived absolutely for yourself; for your per- sonal pleasure. Has happiness resulted?" "Happiness?" cried Mrs. Minturn in amazement. "You little fool! With my husband practically a mad- man, my children incorrigible, my nerves on edge until I can't sleep, because one thought comes over and over." "Well you achieved it in society!" said Leslie. "It's the result of doing exactly what you wanted to! You can't say James Minturn was to blame for what you had the money and the desire to do. You can't think your babies wouldn't have preferred their mother to the nurses and governesses they have had " "If you say another word about that I'll jump from the car and break my neck," threatened Mrs. Minturn. "No one sympathizes with me!" "That is untrue," said Leslie. "I care, or I wouldn't be doing what I am now. And as for sympathy, I haven't a doubt but every woman of your especial set will weep tears of condolence with you, if you'll tell them what you i 3 2 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN have me. There is Mrs. Clinton and Mrs. Farley, and a ox under the things he bought for supper and went to her \, : th empty hands. He could see she was tired and hungry, so he gave her a drink of milk, and pro- ceeded to the sponge bath and oil rub. These rested and refreshed her so that Mickey demanded closed eyes, while he slipped the dainty night-robe over her head, and tied BIG BROTHER 193 the pink ribbon on her curls. Then he piled the pillows, leaned her against them and brought the mirror. "Now open your peepers, Flowersy-girl, and tell me how Miss O'Halloran strikes you!" he exulted. Peaches took one long look. She opened her mouth. Then she turned to Mickey and shut her mouth; shut it and clapped both hands over it; so that he saw the very- act of strangling a phrase he would have condemned. "That's a nice lady!" he commented in joy. "Now let me tell you! You got four of these gorgeous garments, each one made by a different nurse-lady, while she was resting. Every day you get a clean one, and I wash the one you wore last, careful and easy not to tear the lacy places. Ain't they the gladdest rags you ever saw!" Peaches gasped: "Mickey, I'll bust!" "Go on and bust then!" conceded Mickey. "Bust if you must; but don't you dare say no words that ain't for the ladiest of ladies, in that beautiful, softy, white dress." Peaches set her lips, stretching her arms widely. She sat straighter than Mickey ever had seen her, lifting her head higher. Gradually a smile crept over her face. She was seeing a very pinched, white little girl, with a shower of yellow curls bound with a pink ribbon tied in a big bow; wearing a dainty night dress with a fancy yoke run with pink ribbons tied under her chin and at her elbows. She crooked an arm, primped her mouth, and peered at the puffed sleeves, then hastily gulped down whatever she had been tempted to say. Again Mickey approved. Despite protests he removed the mirror, then put the doll in her arms. "Now you line i 9 4 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN up," he said. "Now you look alike! After you get your supper, comes the joy part for sure." "More joyous than this?" Peaches surveyed herself. "Yes, Miss! The joyousest thing of all the world that could happen to you," he said. "But Mickey-lovest!" she cried in protest. "You know you know what that would be!" "Sure I know!" said Mickey. "I don't believe it! It never could!" she cried. "There you go!" said Mickey in exasperation. "You make me think of them Texas bronchos kicking at every- thing on earth, in the Wild West shows every spring. Honest you do!" "Mickey, you forgot my po'try piece to-night!" she in- terposed hastily. "What you want a poetry piece for with such a dress and ribbon as you got?" he demanded. "I like the po'try piece better than the dress or the rib- bon," she asserted positively. "You'll be saying better than the baby, next!" "Yes, an' better than the baby!" "You look out Miss," marvelled Mickey. "You got to tell true or you can't be my family." "Sure and true!" said Peaches emphatically. "Well if I ever!" cried Mickey. "I didn't think you was that silly!" 'Tain't silly!" said Peaches. "The po'try pieces is you ! Tain't silly to like you better than a dress, and a ribbon, or a Precious Child. I want my piece now!" "Well I've been so busy to-day, I forgot your piece, BIG BROTHER 195 said Mickey. ' 'Nough things have happened to make me forget my head, if 'twasn't fast. I forgot your piece. I thought you'd like the dress and the joyous thing better."" "Then you didn't forget it!" cried Peaches. "You thought something else, and you thought what ain't! So there! I want my po'try piece!" "Well do you want it worse than your supper?" de- manded Mickey. "Yes I do!" said Peaches. "Well use me for a mop!" cried Mickey. "Then you'll have to wait 'til I make one." "Go on and make it!" ordered the child. "Well how do you like this?" "Once a stubborn little kicker, Kicked until she made me snicker. If she had wings, she couldn't fly, 'Cause she'd be too stubborn to try/' A belligerent look slowly spread over Peaches' face. " That's no po'try piece," she scoffed, "an' I don't like it at all, an' I won't write it on my slate; not if I never learn to write anything. Mickey-lovest, please make a nice one to save for my book. It's going to have three on ev'ry page, an' a nice piece o' sky like right up there for backs, and mebby mebby a cow on it!" "Sure a cow on it," agreed Mickey. "I saw a lot to- day! I'll tell you after supper. Gimme a little time to think. I can't do nice ones right off." "You did that one right off," said Peaches. "Sure!" answered Mickey. "I was a little a little perv^ked ! And you said that wasn't a nice one." 196 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN "And so it wasn't!" asserted Peaches positively. "If I have a nice one ready when I bring supper, will that do?" questioned Mickey. "Yes," said Peaches. "But I won't eat my supper 'til I have it." "Now don't you get too bossy, Miss Chicken," warned Mickey. "There's a surprise in this supper like you never had in all your life. I guess you'd eat it, if you'd see it." "I wouldn't 'til I had my po'try piece." In consideration of the poetry piece Mickey desisted. The inference was too flattering. Between narrowed lids he looked at Lily. "You fool sweet little kid," he mut- tered. Then he prepared supper. When he set it on the table he bent over and taking both hands he said gently: " Flowersy-girl of moonbeam white, Golden head of sunshine bright, Dancing eyes of sky's own blue, No other flower in the world like you." "Get the slate!" cried Peaches. "Get the slate! Now that's a po'try piece. That's the best one yet. I'm going to put that right under the cow!" " Sure ! " said Mickey. " I think that's the best yet my- self. You see, you make them come better every time, 'cause you get so much sweeter every day." "Then why did you make the bad one?" she pouted. "Well every time you just yell 'I won't,' without ever giving me a chance to tell you what I'm going to do, or why," explained Mickey. "If only you'd learn to wait a little, you'd do better. If I was to tell you that Carrel man was at the door with a new back for you, if you BIG BROTHER 197 turn over and let him put it in, I s'pose you'd yell: 'I won't!'" The first tinge of colour Mickey had seen, almost invis- ibly faint, crept to the surface of Peaches' white cheek. "Just you try it, Mickey-lovest ! " she exclaimed. "Finish your supper, and see what I try." Peaches obeyed. She had stopped grabbing and cram- ming. She ate slowly, masticating each morsel as the nurse told Mickey she should. To-night he found her so dainty and charming, as she instinctively tried to be as nice as her dress and supper demanded, that he forgot himself, until she reminded him. Then he rallied and ate his share. He presented the cakes, and while they en- joyed them he described every detail of the day he thought would interest her, until she had finished. He told her of the nurse and the dresses and when she wanted to see the others he said: "No sir! You got to wait till you are bathed and dressed each evening, and then you can see yourself, and that will be more fun than taking things all at once. You needn't think I'm coming in here every night with a great big lift-the-roof surprise for you. Most nights there won't be anything for you only me, and your supper." "But Mickey, them's the nicest nights of all!" said Peaches. "I like thinking about you better than nurse- ladies, or joy-ladies, or my back, even; if it wasn't for hav- ing supper ready to help you." "There you go again!" exclaimed Mickey. "Cut that stuff out, kid ! You'll get me so broke up, I won't be fit for nothing but poetry, and that's tough eating; there's a lot T 9 8 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN must come, Tore I just make a business of it. Now Miss, you brace up, and get this: the Carrel man has been in this very burg. See! Our Nurse Lady at the 'Star of Hope* has watched him making some one over. Every time anybody is brought there with a thing the matter with them, that he knows best how to cure, the big head knifers slip it over to him, so he comes and does it to get practice on the job. He may not come for a long time; lie might come to-morrow. See?" "Oh Mickey! Would he?" gasped Peaches. "Why sure he would!" cried Mickey with his most elaborate flourish. "Sure he would! That's what he lives for. He'd be tickled to pieces to make over the back of a little girl that can't walk. Sure he would! What I ain't sure of is that you wouldn't gig back and say, 'I won't!' if you had a chance to be fixed." Peaches spoke with deliberate conviction: "Mickey, I'm most sure I've about quit that!" "Well, it's time!" said Mickey. "What you got to do is to eat, and sleep, and be bathed, and rubbed, and get so big and strong that when I come chasing up the steps and say, 'He s here, Lily, clap your arms around my neck and <:ome to the china room and the glass table and be fixed,' you just take a grip and never open your head. See! You can be a game little kid, the gamest I ever saw, you will then, Lily, won't you?" "Sure!" she promised. "I'll just grab you and I'll say, "Go Mickey, go h !'" "Wope! Wope there lady!" interposed Mickey. "Look out! There's a subm'rine coming. Sink it! Sink it!" BIG BROTHER 199 "Mickey what's a subm'rine?" asked Peaches. "Why it's like this," explained Mickey. "There's places where there's water, like I bring to wash you, only miles and miles of it, such a lot, it's called an ocean "Sure! 'Crost it where the kings is makin' people kill theirselves," cried Peaches. "Yes," agreed Mickey. "And on the water, sailing along like a lady, is a big, beautiful ship. Then there's a nasty little boat that can creep under the water. It slips up when she doesn't know it's coming, and blows a hole in the fine ship and sinks her all spoiled. But if the nice ship sees the subm'rine coming and sinks it, why then she stays all nice, and isn't spoiled at all. See?" "Subm'rines spoil things?" ventured Peaches. "They were just invented for that, and nothing else." "Mickey, I'll just say, 'Hurry! Run fast!' Mickey, can you carry me that far?" she asked anxiously. "No, I can't carry you that far," admitted Mickey. "But Mr. Douglas Bruce, that we work for after this, will let me take his driver and his nice, easy car, and it will beat street-cars a mile, and we'll just go sailing for the 'Star of Hope' and get your back made over, and then comes school and everything girls like. See?" "Mickey, what if he never comes?" wavered Peaches. "Yes, but he will /" said Mickey positively. "Mickey, what if he should come, an* wouldn't even look at my back?" she pursued. "Why he'd be glad to!" cried Mickey. "Don't be silly. Give the man some chance!" CHAPTER IX JAMES JR. AND MALCOLM NELLIE MINTURN returned to her room too dazed to realize her suffering. She had intended doing something; the fringed orchids reminded her. She rang for water to put them in, while her maid with shaking fingers dressed her, then ordered the car. The girl understood that some terrible thing had happened and offered to go with the woman who moved so mechani- cally she proved she scarcely knew what she was do- ing. "No," said Mrs. Minturn. "No, the little soul has been out there a long time alone, her mother had better go alone and see how it is." She entered the car, gave her order and sank back against the seat. When the car stopped, she descended and found the gates guarding the doors of the onyx vault locked. She pushed her flowers between the bars, drop- ping them before the doors, then wearily sank on the first step, leaning her head against the gate, trying to think, but she could not. Near dawn her driver spoke to her. "It's almost morning," he said. "You've barely time to reach home before the city will be stirring." She paid no attention, so at last he touched her. 200 JAMES JR. AND MALCOLM 201 "You, Weston?" she asked. "Yes, Madam," he said. "I'm afraid for you. I ven- tured to come closer than you said. Excuse me." "Thank you Weston," she answered. "Let me drive you home now, Madam," he begged. "Just where would you take me if you were taking me home, Weston ? " "Where we came from," he replied. "Do you think that has ever been a home, Weston?" "I have thought it the finest home in Multiopolis, Madam," said the driver in surprise. She laughed bitterly. "So have I, Weston. And to- day I have learned what it really is. Help me, Weston! Take me back to the home of my making." When he rang for her, she gave him an order: "Find Mr. John Haynes and bring him here immediately." "Bring him now, Madam?" he questioned. "Immediately, I said," she repeated. "I will try, Madam," said Weston. "You will bring him at once if he is in Multiopolis," she said with finality. Weston knew that John Haynes was her lawyer; he had brought him from his residence or office at her order many times; he brought him again. At once John Haynes dis- missed all the servants in the Minturn household, arranged everything necessary, and saw Mrs. Minturn aboard a train in company with a new maid of his selection; then he mailed a deed of gift of the Minturn residence to the city of Multiopolis for an endowed Children's Hospital. The morning papers briefly announced the departure and the 202 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN gift. At his breakfast table James Minturn read both items, then sat in deep thought. "Not like her!" was his mental comment. "I can understand how that place would become intolerable to her; but I never knew her to give a dollar to the suffering. Now she makes a princely gift, not because she is gener- ous, but because the house has become unbearable; and as usual, with no thought of any one save herself. If the city dares accept, how her millionaire neighbours will rage at disease and sickness being brought into the finest resi- dence district! Probably the city will be compelled to sell it and build somewhere else. But there is something fitting in the reparation of turning a building that has been a place of torture to children, into one of healing. It proves that she has a realizing sense." He glanced around the bright, cheerful breakfast room, with its carefully set, flower-decorated table, at his sister at its head, at a son on either hand, at a pleasant-faced young tutor on one side, and his Little Brother on the other; for so had James Minturn ordered his house- hold. Mrs. Winslow had left a home she loved to come at her brother's urgent call for help to save his boys. The tutor had only a few hours of his position, and thus far his salary seemed the attractive feature. James Jr. and Malcolm were too dazed to be natural for a short time. They had been picked up bodily, and carried kicking and screaming to this place, where they had been dressed in plain durable clothing. Malcolm's bed stood beside Little Brother's in a big sunny room; James' was near the tutor's in a chamber JAMES JR. AND MALCOLM 203 the counterpart of the other, save for its bookcases lining one wall. There was a schoolroom not yet furnished with more than tables and chairs, its floors and walls bare, its win- dows having shades only. When worn out with the struggle the amazed boys had succumbed to sleep on little, hard, white beds with plain covers; had awakened to a cold bath at the hands of a man, and when they rebelled and called for Lucette and their accustomed clothing, were forcibly dressed in linen and khaki. In a few minutes together before they were called to breakfast, James had confided to Malcolm that he thought if they rushed into William's back with all their strength, on the top step, they could roll him downstairs and bang him up good. Malcolm had doubts, but he was willing to try. William was alert, because as many another " newsy " he had known these boys in the park; so when the rush came, a movement too quick for untrained eyes to follow swung him around a newel post, while both boys bumping, screaming, rolled to the first landing and rebounded from a wall harder than they. When no one hastened at their screams to pick them up, they arose fighting each other. The tutor passed and James tried to kick him, merely because he could. He was not there either, but he stopped for this advice to the astonished boy: "If I were you I wouldn't do that. This is a free country, and if you have a right to kick me, I have the same right to kick you. I wouldn't like to do it. I'd rather allow mules and vicious horses to do the kicking; still if you're bound to kick, I can; but my foot is so much bigger than yours, and if I forgot 204 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN and took you for a football, you'd probably have to go to the hospital and lie in a plaster cast a week or so. If I were you, I wouldn't! Let's go watch the birds till break- fast is called, instead." The invitation was not accepted. The tutor descended alone. As he stepped to the veranda he met Mr. Minturn. "Well?" that gentleman asked tersely. Mr. Tower shook his head. He was studying law. He needed money to complete his course. He needed many things he could acquire from James Minturn. "It's a problem," he said guardedly. "You draw your salary for its solution," Mr. Minturn said tartly. "Work on the theory I outlined; if it fails after a fair test, we'll try another. Those boys have got to be saved. They are handsome little chaps with fine bodies and good ancestry. What happened just now?" "They tried to rush William on the top step. William evaporated, so they took the fall themselves." "Exactly right," commented Mr. Minturn. "Get the idea and work on it. Every rough, heartless thing they at- tempt, if at all possible, make it a boomerang to strike them their own blow; but you reserve blows as a last re- sort. There is the bell." Mr. Minturn called: "Boys! The breakfast bell is ringing. Come!" There was not a sound. Mr. Minturn nodded to the tutor. Together they ascended the stairs. They found the boys hidden in a wardrobe. Mr. Minturn opened the door, gravely looking at them. " Boys," he said, "you're going to live with me after this, so you're to come when I call you. You're going to eat the JAMES JR. AND MALCOLM 205 food that makes men of boys, where I can see what you get. You are going to do what I believe best for you, until you are so educated that you are capable of thinking for your- selves. Now what you must do, is to come downstairs and take your places at the table. If you don't feel hungry, you needn't eat; but I would advise you to make a good meal. I intend to send you to the country in the car. You'll soon want food. With me you will not be allowed to lunch at any hour, in cafes and restaurants. If you don't eat your breakfast you will get nothing until noon. It is up to you. Come on!" Neither boy moved. Mr. Minturn smiled at them. * "The sooner you quit this, the sooner all of us will be comfortable," he said casually. "Observe my size. See Mr. Tower, a college athlete, who will teach you ball, foot- ball, tennis, swimming in lakes and riding, all the things that make boys manly men; better stop sulking in a closet and show your manhood. With one ringer either of us can lift you out and carry you down by force; and we will, but why not be gentlemen and walk down as we do?" Both boys looked at him; then at each other, but re- mained where they were. "Time is up!" said Mr. Minturn. "They've had their chance, Mr. Tower. If they won't take it, they must suffer the consequences. Take Malcolm, I'll bring James." Instantly both boys began to fight. No one bribed them to stop, struck them, or did anything at all according to precedent. They raged until they exposed a vulner- able point, then each man laid hold, lifted and carefully 206 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN carried down a boy, placing him on a chair. James in- stantly slid to the floor. "Take James' chair away!" ordered Mr. Minturn. "He prefers to be served on the floor." Malcolm laughed. "I don't either. I slipped," cried James. "Then excuse yourself, resume your chair, and be mighty careful you don't slip again." James looked at his father sullenly, but at last muttered. "Excuse me," and took the chair. With bright inflamed eyes they stared at their almost unknown father, who now had them in his power; at a woman they scarcely knew, whom they were told to call Aunt Margaret; at a strange man who was to take Lucette's place, and who had a grip that made hers seem feeble, and who was to teach them the things of which they knew nothing, and therefore hated; and at a boy nearer their own size and years, whom their father called William. Both boys refused fruit and cereal, rudely demanding cake and ice cream. Margaret Win- slow looked at her brother in despair. He placidly ate his breakfast, remarking that the cook was a treasure. As he left the table Mr. Minturn laid the papers before his sister, indicating the paragraphs he had read, then calling for his car he took the tutor and the boys and left for his office. He ordered them to return for him at half-past eleven, and with minute instructions as to how they were to proceed, Mr. Tower and William drove to the country to begin the breaking in of the Minturn boys. They disdained ball, did not care for football, impro- vised golf clubs and a baseball were not interesting, fur- JAMES JR. AND MALCOLM 207 ther than the use of the clubs on each other, which was not allowed. They did not care what the flowers were, they jerked them up by the roots when they saw it annoyed Mr. Tower, while every bird in range flew from a badly aimed stone. They tried chasing a flock of sheep, which chased beautifully for a short distance, then a ram de- clined to run farther and butted the breath from Mal- colm's small body until it had to be shaken in again. They ran amuck and on finding they were not pursued, gave up, stopping on the bank of a creek. There they espied tiny shining fish swimming through the water and plunged in to try to capture them. When Mr. Tower and William came up, both boys were busy chasing fish. From a bank where they sat watching came a proposal from William. "Til tell you fellows, I believe if we could build a dam we could catch them. Gather stones and pile them up till I get my shoes off." Instantly both boys obeyed. Mr. Tower and William stripped their feet, and rolled their trousers. Into the creek they went setting stones, packing with sod and muck, using sticks and leaves until in a short time they had a dam before which the water began rising, then overflowing. "Now we must wait until it clears," said William. So they sat under a tree to watch until in the clean pool formed they could see little fish gathering. Then the boys lay on the banks and tried to catch them with their hands, and succeeded in getting a few. Mr. Tower sug- gested they should make pools, one on each side of the creek, for their fish, so they eagerly went to work. They pushed and slapped each other, they fought over the same 208 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN stone, but each constructed with his own hands a stone and mud enclosed pool in which to pen his fish. They were really interested in what they were doing, they really worked, also soon they were really tired, they were really hungry. With imperative voice they demanded food. "You forget what your father told you at breakfast," said Mr. Tower. "He knew you were coming to the country where you couldn't get food. William and I are not hungry. We want to catch these little fish, and see who can get the most. We think it's fun. We can't take the car back until your father said to come." "You take us back right now, and order meat, and cake, and salad and ice cream, lots of it!" stormed James. "I have to obey your father!" said Mr. Tower. "I just hate fathers!" cried James. "I'll wager you do!" conceded Mr. Tower. James stared open mouthed. "I can see how you feel," said Mr. Tower companion- ably. "WTien a fellow has been coddled by nurses all his life, has no muscle, no appetite except for the things he shouldn't have, and never has done anything but silly park-playing, it must be a great change to be out with men, and doing as they do." Both boys were listening, so he went on: "But don't feel badly, and don't waste breath hating. Save it for the grand fun we are going to have, and next time good food is before you, eat like men. We don't start back for an hour yet; see which can catch the most fish in that time." "Where is Lucetter" demanded James. JAMES JR. AND MALCOLM 209 "Gone back to her home across the ocean; you'll never see her again," said Mr. Tower. "Wish I could a-busted her head before she went!" said James regretfully. " No doubt," laughed Mr. Tower. " But break your own, and see how it feels before you try it on any one else." "I wish I could break yours!" cried James angrily. "No doubt again," agreed the tutor, "but if you do, the man who takes my place may not know how to make bows and arrows, or build dams, or anything that's fun, while he may not be so patient as I am." " Being hungry ain't fun," growled Malcolm. "That's your own fault," Mr. Tower reminded him. "You wouldn't eat. That was a good breakfast." "Wasn't a thing Lucette gave us!" scoffed James. " But you don't like Lucette very well," said Mr. Tower. "After you've been a man six months, you won't eat cake for breakfast; or much of it at any time." "Lucette is never coming back?" marvelled Malcom. "Never!" said Mr. Tower conclusively. "How soon are we going home?" demanded James. "Never!" replied Mr. Tower. "You are going to live where you were last night, after this." "Where is mamma?" cried Malcolm. "Gone for the summer," explained Mr. Tower. "I know. She always goes," said James. "But she took us before. I just hate it. I like this better. We make no difference to her anyway. Let her go!" "Ain't we rich boys any more?" inquired Malcolm. "I don't know," said Mr. Tower. "That is your 210 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN father's business. I think you have as much money as ever, but from now on, you are going to live like men." "We won't live like men!" cried both boys. "Now look here/' said Mr. Tower kindly, "you may take my word for it that a big boy almost ten years old, and another nearly his age, who can barely read, who can't throw straight, who can't swim, or row, or walk a mile without puffing like an engine, who begins to sweat over lifting a few stones, is a mighty poor specimen. You think you are wonders because you've heard yourselves called big, fine boys; you are soft fatties. I can take you to the park and pick out any number of boys half your size and age who can make either of you yell for mercy in three seconds. You aren't boys at all; if you had to get on your feet and hike back to town, before a mile you'd be lying beside the road bellowing worse than I've heard you yet. You aren't as tough and game as half the girls of your age I know." "You shut your mouth!" cried James in rage. "Moth- er'll fire you!" "It is you who are fired, young man," said the tutor. "Your mother is far away by this time. She left you boys with your father, who pays me to make men of you, so I'm going to do it. You are big enough to know that you'll never be men, motoring around with nurses, like small babies; eating cake and cream when your bones and muscles are in need of stiffening and toughening. William, peel off your shirt, and show these chaps how a man's muscle should be." William obeyed, swelling- his muscles. JAMES JR. AND MALCOLM 211 "Now you try that," suggested Mr. Tower to James, 'and see how much muscle you can raise." "I'm no gutter snipe," he sneered. "I'm a gentleman! I don't need muscle. I'm never going to work." "But you've just been working!" cried the tutor. "Car- rying those stones was work, and you'll remember it took both of you to lift one that William, who is only a little older than you, James, moved with one hand. You can't play without working. You've got to pull to row a boat, or hold a horse. You must step out lively to play ten- nis, or golf, or to skate, while if you try to swim without work, you'll drown." "I ain't going to do those things!" retorted James. "No, you are going to spend your life riding in an auto- mobile with a nurse, feeding you cake!" scoffed the tutor. William shouted and turned a cart wheel so flashingly quick that both boys jumped. James' face coloured a slow red, so the tutor took hope. "I see that makes you blush," he said. "No wonder! You should be as tough as leather, and spinning along this creek bank like William. Instead you are a big, bloated softy. You carry too much fat for your size, while you are mushy as pudding! If I were you, I'd show my father how much of a man I could be, instead of how much of a baby." "Father isn't a gentleman!" announced Malcolm. "Lucette said so!" "Hush!" cried Mr. Tower. "Don't you ever say that again! Your father is one of the big men of this great city: one of the men who think, plan, and make things 212 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN happen, that result in health, safety and comfort for all of us. One of the men who is going to rule, not only his own home, but this city, and this whole state, one of these days. You don't know your father. You don't know what men say and think of him. You do know that Lucette was fit for nothing but to wash and dress you like babies, big boys who should have been ashamed to let a woman wait on them. You do know that she is on her way back where she came from, because she could not do her work right. And you have the nerve to tell me what she said about a fine, strong, manly man like your father. I'm amazed at you!" " Gentlemen don't work ! " persisted Malcolm. " Mother said so!" "I'm sorry to contradict your mother, but she forgot something," said Mr. Tower. "If the world has any gen- tlemen it surely should be those born for generations of royal and titled blood, and reared from their cradles in every tradition of their rank. Europe is full of them, and many are superb men. I know a few. Now will you tell me where they are to-day? They are down in trenches six feet under ground, shivering in mud and water, half dead for sleep, food, and rest, trying to save the land of their birth, the homes they own, to protect the women and children they love. They are marching miles, being shot down in cavalry rushes, and blown up in boats they are manning, in their fight to save their countries. Gentle- men don't work ! You are too much of an idiot to talk with, if you don't know how gentlemen of birth, rank and by nature are working this very day." JAMES JR. AND MALCOLM 213 The descent on him was precipitate and tumultuous. "The war!" shouted both boys in chorus. ''Tell us about the war! Oh I just love the war!" cried Malcolm. "When I'm a man I'm going to have a big shiny sword, and ride, and fight, and make the enemy fly! You ought to seen Gretchen and Lucette fight! They ain't either one got much hair left." The tutor could not help laughing; but he made room for a boy on either side of him, and began on the war. It was a big subject, there were phases of it that shocked and repulsed him; but it was his task to undo the wrong work often years, he was forced to use the instrument that would accomplish that end. With so much material he could tell of things unavoidable, that men of strength and courage were doing, not forgetting the boys and the women. William stretched at his feet and occasionally made a suggestion, or asked a question, while James and Malcolm were interested in something at last. When it was time to return, neither one wanted to start. "Your father's orders were to come for him at half- past eleven," reminded Mr. Tower. "I work for him, so I must obey!" "Nobody pays any attention to father," cried James. "I order you to stay here and tell of the fighting. Tell again about the French boy who wouldn't show where the troops were. Again I say!" "Oh, I am to take orders from you, am I?" queried Mr. Tower. "All right! Pay my salary and give me the money to buy our lunch!" James stood thinking a second. "I have all the money 2i 4 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN I want," he said. "I go to Mrs. Ranger for my money. Mother always makes her give me what I ask for." "You have forgotten that you have moved, and brought only yourselves," said Mr. Tower. "Your mother and the money are gone. Your father pays the bills now, and if you'll watch sharp, you'll see that things have changed since this time yesterday. Every one pays all the atten- tion there is to father now. What we have, and do, and want, must come from him, and as it's a big contract, and he's needed to help manage this city, we'd better begin thinking about father, and taking care of him as much as we can. Now we are to obey him. Come on William. It's lunch time, and I'm so hungry I can scarcely wait." The boys clirrrbed into the car without a word, and be- fore it had gone a mile Malcolm slipped against the tutor and shortly thereafter James slid to the floor, tired to in- sensibility and sound asleep. So Mr. Minturn found them when he came from his office. He looked them over carefully, wet, mud-stained, grimy, bruised and sleeping in exhaustion. "Poor little soldiers," he said. "Your battle has been a hard one I see. I hope to God you gained a victory." He entered the car, picked up James and taking him in his arms laid the tired head on his breast, leaning his face against the boy's hair. When the car stopped at the new house, the tutor waited for instructions. "Wake them up, make them wash themselves, and come to lunch," said Mr. Mintum. "Afterward, if they are sleepy, let them nap. They must establish regular habits at the beginning. It's the only way." JAMES JR. AND MALCOLM 215 Dashes of cold water helped, so William and the tutor telling each other how hungry they were, brought two boys ready to eat anything, to the table. Cake and cream were not mentioned. Bread and milk, cold meat, salad, and a plain pudding were delicious. As their appetites were appeased, they both evinced a disposition to talk. Between bites James studied his father criti- cally, then suddenly burst forth: "Are you a gentleman?" "I try to be/' answered Mr. Minturn. "Are you running this city?" put in Malcolm. "I am doing what I can to help," said his father. "Make Johnston take me home to get my money." "You have no home but this," said Mr. Minturn. "Your old home now belongs to the city of Multiopolis. It is to be torn up and made over into a place where sick children can be cured. If you are ever too ill for us to manage, we'll take you there to be doctored." "Will mother and Lucette be there?" asked James. Malcolm nudged his brother. "Can't you remember?" he said. "Lucette has gone across the ocean, and she is never coming back, goody! goody! And you know about how much mother cares when we are sick. She's coming the other way, when anybody is sick. She just hates sick people. Let them go, and get your money /" Thus reminded, James began again, "I want to get my money." "Your money came from your mother, so it went with your home, your clothes, and your playthings," explained Mr. Minturn. "You have none until you earn some. I 216 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN can give you a home, education, and a fine position when you are old enough to hold it; but I cant give you money. No one ever gave me any. I always had to work for mine. From now on you are going to live with me, so if you have money you II have to go to work and earn it." Both boys looked aghast at their father. "Ain't we rich any more?" "No," said Mr. Minturn. "Merely comfortable!" James leaned back in his chair, twisting his body in its smooth linen covering. He looked intently at the room, table and people surrounding it. He glanced from the window at the wide green lawn, the big trees, and for an instant seemed to be listening to the birds singing there. He laid down his fork, turning to his brother. Then he exploded the bomb that shattered the family. "Oh damn being rich!" he cried. "I like being com- fortable a lot better! Malcolm, being rich has put us about ten miles behind where we ought to be. We're baby-girl softies! We wouldn't a-faced the guns and not told where the soldiers were, we'd a-bellered for cake. Brace up! Let's get in the game! Father, have we got to go on the street and hunt work, or can you give us a job?" James Minturn tried to speak, then pushing back his chair left the table precipitately. James Jr. looked after him doubtfully. He turned to Aunt Margaret. "Please excuse me," he said. "I guess he choked. I'd better go pound him on the back like Lucette does us." Malcolm looked at Aunt Margaret. "Mother won't let us work," he announced. "It's like this Malcolm," said Aunt Margaret gently- JAMES JR. AND MALCOLM 217 "Mother had charge of you for ten years. The women she employed didn't train you as boys should be, so mother has turned you over to father. For the next ten years you will try another plan; after that, you will be big enough to decide how you want to live; but now I think you will just love father's way, if you will behave yourself long enough to find out what fun it is." "Mother won't like it," said Malcolm positively. "I think she does dear, or she wouldn't have gone and left you to try it," said Aunt Margaret. "She knew what your father would think you should do; if she hadn't thought he was right she would have taken you with her, as she always did before." "I just hate being taken on trains and boats with her. So does James! We like the dam, the fish, and we're going to have bows and arrows, to shoot at mark." "And we are going to swim and row," added William. "And we are going to be soldiers, and hurl back the en- emy," boasted Malcolm, "ain't we Mr. Tower?" "Indian scouts are more fun," suggested the tutor. "And there is the money we must earn, if we've got to,'* said Malcolm. "I guess father is telling James how. I'll go ask him too. Excuse me, Aunt Margaret!" "Of all the surprises I ever did have, this is the biggest one!" said Aunt Margaret. "I was afraid I never could like them. I thought this morning it would take years." "There is nothing in the world like the receptivity and plasticity of children," said the tutor. "I have taught school, so I know that a child can settle in a new environ- ment in a few hours." 218 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN Later James Minturn appeared on his veranda with a small boy clinging to each hand. The trio came forth with red eyes, but firmly allied. "Call the car, if you please, William," said Senior. "I am going to help build that dam higher, and see how many fish I can catch for my pool." Malcolm walked beside him, rubbing his head caress- ingly across an arm. "We don't have to go on the streets and hunt," he announced. "Father is going to find us work. While the war is so bad, we better drink milk, and send most we earn to boys who haven't any father. The war won't take our father, will it?" "To-night we will pray God not to let that happen," said Aunt Margaret. "Is there room in the car for me too, James? I haven't seen one of those little brook fish in years!" James Jr. went to her and leaned against her chair. "I got three in my pool. You may see mine! I'll give you one to keep." "I'd love to see them," said Aunt Margaret. "I'll go bring my hat. But I think you shouldn't give the fish away, James. They belong to God. He made their home in the water. If you take them out, you will kill them, and He won't like that. Let's just look at them, and leave them in the water." "Malcolm, the fish 'belong to God,'" said James, turn- ing to his brother. "We may play with them, but we mustn't take them out of the water and hurt them." "Well, who's going to take them out of the water?" cried Malcolm. "I'm just going to scoot one over into JAMES JR. AND MALCOLM 219 father's pool to start him. Will you give him one too?" "Yes," said James Jr. "The next money I earn, I shall send to the war; but the first time I rake the lawn, and clean the rugs, I'll give what I earn to father, so he will have more time to play with us. Father is the biggest man in this city!" "It may take a few days to get a new regime started," said father, "I've lived only for work so long; but as soon as it's possible, my day will be so arranged that some part of it shall be yours, boys, to show me what you are doing. I think one day can be given wholly to taking a lunch and going to the country." With an ecstatic whoop they rushed James Minturn, whose wide aching arms opened to them. CHAPTER X THE WHEEL OF LIFE "*W "W THAT are your plans for this summer, Leslie?" % i\ I asked Mr. Winton over his paper at breakfast. "The real question is, what are yours?" "I have none," said Mr. Winton. "I can't see my way to making any for myself. Between us, strictly, Swain has been hard hit. He gave me my chance in life. It isn't in my skin to pack up and leave for the sea-shore or the mountains on the results of what he helped me to, and allow him to put up his nght alone. If you understood, you'd be ashamed of me if I did, Leslie." "But I do understand, Daddy!" cried the girl. "What makes you think I don't ? All my life you've been telling me how you love Mr. Swain and what a splendid big thing he did for you when you were young. Is the war making business awfully hard for you men?" "Close my girl," said Mr. Winton. "Bed rock close!" "That is what cramps Mr. Swain?" she continued. "It is what cramps all of us," said Mr. Winton. "It hit him with peculiar force because he had made bad in- vestments. He was running light anyway in an effort to recoup. All of us are on a tension brought about by the result of political changes, to which we were struggling THE WHEEL OF LIFE 221 to adjust ourselves, when the war began working greater hardships and entailing millions of loss and expenses." "I see, and that's why I said the real question was, 'what are your plans?'" explained Leslie, "because when I find out, if perchance they should involve staying on the job this summer, why I wanted to tell you that I'm on the job too. I've thought out the grandest scheme." "Yes, Leslie? Tell me!" said Mr. Winton. "It's like this," said Leslie. "Everybody is economiz- ing, shamelessly and that's a bully word, Daddy, for in most instances it is shameless. Open faced 'Lord save me and my wife, and my son John and his wife.' In our women's clubs and lectures, magazines and sermons, we've had a steady dose all winter of hard times, and economy, and I've tried to make my friends see that their efforts at economy are responsible for the very hardest crux of the hard times." "You mean, Leslie ?" suggested Mr. Winton eagerly. "I mean all of us quit using eggs, dealers become fright- ened, eggs soar higher. Economize on meat, packers buy less, meat goes up. All of us discharge our help, army of unemployed swells by millions. It works two ways, and every friend I've got is economizing for herself, and with every stroke for herself she is weakening her nation's fi- nancial position and putting a bigger burden on the map- she is trying to help." "Well Leslie " cried her father. "The time has come for women to find out what it is all about, then put their shoulders to the wheel of life and push. But before we gain enough force to start with 222 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN any momentum, women must get together and decide what they want, what they are pushing for." "Have you decided what you are pushing for?'* "Unalterably!" cried the girl. "And what is it?" asked her father. "My happiness! My joy in life!" she exclaimed. "And exactly in what do you feel your happiness con- sists, Leslie?" he asked. "You and Douglas! My home and my men and what they imply!" she answered instantly. "As I figure it, it's homes that count, Daddy. If the nation prospers, the birth rate of Americans has got to keep up, or soon the immigrants will be in control everywhere, as they are in places, right now. Births imply homes. Homes suggest men to support them, women to control them. If the present unrest resolves itself into a personal question, so far as the women are concerned at least, if you are going to get to primal things, whether she realizes it or no, what each woman really wants she learns, as Nellie Minturn learned when she took her naked soul into the swamp and showed it to her God what each woman wants is her man, her cave, and her baby. If the world is to prosper, that is woman's work, why don't you men who are doing big things realizs it, and do yourselves what women are going to be forced from home to do, mighty soon now, if you don't ! " "Well Leslie!" cried Mr. Winton. "You said that before Daddy!" exclaimed the girl. "Yet what you truly want of a woman is a home and children. Children imply to all men what I am to you. If some men have not reared their children so that they THE WHEEL OF LIFE 223 receive from them what you get from me, it is time for the men to realize this, and change their methods of rearing their daughters and sons. A home should mean to every man what your home does to you. If all men do not get from their homes what you do, in most cases it is their own fault. Of course I know there are women so abominably obsessed with self, they refuse to become mothers, and prefer a cafe, with tangoing between courses, to a home; such women should have first the ducking stool, and if that isn't efficacious, extermination; they are a disgrace to our civilization and the weakest spot we have. They are at the bottom of the present boiling discontent of women who really want to be home loving, home keeping. They are directly responsible for the fathers, sons, brothers, and lovers with two standards of morals. A man reared in the right kind of a home, by a real mother, who goes into other homes of the same kind, ruled by similar mothers, when he leaves his, and marries the right girl and estab- lishes for himself a real home, is not going to go wrong. It is the sons, lovers, and husbands of the women who re- fuse home and children, and carry their men into a per- petual round of what they deem pleasure in their youth, who find life desolate when age begins to come, and who instantly rebel strongest against the very conditions they have made. I've been listening to you all my life, Daddy, and remembering mother, reading, thinking, and watching for what really pays, and believe me, I've found out. I gave Nellie Minturn the best in my heart the other day, but you should see what I got back. Horrors, Daddy! Just plain horrors! I said to Douglas that night when I MICHAEL O'HALLORAN read him the letter I afterward showed you, that if, as she suggested, I was 'ever faintly tempted to neglect home life for society/ in her I would have all the 'horrible example' I'd ever need, and rest assured I shall." "Poor woman !" exclaimed Mr. Winton. "Exactly!" cried Leslie. "And the poorest thing about it is that she is not to blame in the least. You and my mother could have made the same kind of a woman of me. If you had fed rrue cake instead of bread; if you had given me candy instead of fruit; if you had taken me to the .show instead of entertaining me at home; if you had sent me to summer resorts instead of summering with me in the country, you'd have had another Nellie on your hands. The world is full of Nellies, but where one woman flees too strict and monotonous a home, to make a Nellie out of herself, ten are taken out and deliberately moulded, drilled .and fashioned into Nellies by their own parents. I have .lain awake at nights figuring this, Daddy; some woman is urging me every day to join different movements, and I've been forced to study this out. I know the cause of the present unrest among women." "And it is ?" suggested Mr. Winton. "It is the rebound from the pioneer lives of our grand- mothers! They .and their mothers were at one extreme; we are at the widest sweep of the other. They were forced to enter the forest and in most cases defend themselves .from savages and animals; to work without tools, to live with few comforts, In their determination to save their children from hardships, they lost sejise, ballast and rea- son. They have saved them to such an extent they have THE WHEEL OF LIFE 225 lost them. By the very method of their rearing, they have robbed their children of love for, and interest in, home life, and with their own hands sent them to cafes and dance halls, when they should be at their homes train- ing their children for the fashioning of future homes. I tell you, Daddy " "Leslie, tell me this," interposed Mr. Winton. "Did you get any small part of what you have been saying to me, from me ? Do you feel what I have tried to teach you, and the manner in which I have tried to rear you, have put your love for me into your heart and such ideas as you are propounding into your head?" "Of course, Daddy!" cried the girl. "Who else? Mother was dear and wonderful, but I scarcely remember her. What you put into the growth of me, that is what is bound to come out, when I begin to live independently." "This is the best moment of my life!" said Mr. Win- ton. "From your birth you have been the better part of me, to me; and with all my heart I have tried to fashion you into such a woman for a future home, as your mother began, and you have completed for me. Other things have failed me; I count you my success, Leslie!" "Oh Daddy!" cried the happy girl. "Now go back to our start," said Mr. Winton. "You have plans for the summer, of course! I realized that at the beginning. Are you ready to tell me?" "I am ready to ask you," she said. "Thank you," said Mr. Winton. "I appreciate the difference. Surely a man does enjoy counting for some- thing with his women." 226 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN "Spoiled shamelessly, dearest, that's what you are," said Leslie. "A spoiled, pampered father! But to con- clude. Mr. Swain helped you. Pay back, Daddy, no matter what the cost; pay back. You help him, I'll help you ! My idea was this: for weeks I've foreseen that you wouldn't like to leave business this summer. Douglas is delving into that investigation Mr. Minturn started him on and he couldn't be dragged away. He's perfectly possessed. Of course where my men are, like Ruth, 'there will be I also,' so for days I've been working on a plan, and now it's all finished and waiting your veto or approval." "Thrilling, Leslie! Tell quickly. I'm all agog!" "It's this: let's not go away and spend big sums on travel, dress, and close the house, and throw our people out of work. Do you realize, Daddy, how long you've had the same housekeeper, cook, maid and driver? Do you know how badly I'd feel to let them go, and risk getting them back in the fall? My scheme is to rent, for practically nothing, a log cabin I know, a little over an hour's run from here a log cabin with four rooms and a lean-to and a log stable, beside a lake where there is grand fishing and swimming." "But Leslie " protested Mr. Winton. "Now listen!" cried the girl. "The rent is nominal. We get the house, stable, orchard, garden, a few acres and a rented cow. The cabin has two tiny rooms above, one for you, the other for Douglas. Below, it has a room for me, a dining-room and a kitchen. The big log barn close beside has space in the hay-mow for the women, and in one side below for our driver, the other for the cars. THE WHEEL OF LIFE 227 Over the cabin is a grapevine. Around it there are fruit trees. There is a large, rich garden. If I had your per- mission I could begin putting in vegetables to-morrow that would make our summer supply. Rogers " "You are not going to tell me Rogers would touch a garden?" queried Mr. Winton. "I am going to tell you that Rogers has been with me in every step of my investigations," replied Leslie. "Yes- terday I called in my household and gave them a lecture on the present crisis; I found them a remarkably well- informed audience. They had a very distinct idea that if I economized by dismissing them for the summer, and leaving the house with a caretaker, what it would mean to them. Then I took my helpers into the car and drove out the Atwater road you know it well Daddy, the road that runs smooth over miles of country and then in- stead of jumping into a lake as it seems to be going to, it swings into corduroy through a marsh, runs up on a little bridge spanning the channel between two lakes, lifts to Atwater lake shore, than which none is more lovely you remember the white sand floor and the clean water for swimming climbs another hill, and opposite beautiful wood, there stands the log cabin I told you of, there I took them and explained. They could clean up in a day; Rogers could plant the garden and take enough on one truck load, for a beginning. We may have wood for the fireplace by gathering it from the forest floor. Rogers again!" "Are you quite sure about Rogers?" "Suppose you ride with him going down and ask him 228 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN yourself," suggested Leslie. "Rogers is anxious to hold his place. You see it's like this: all of them get regular wages, have a chance at the swimming, rowing, gardening and the country. The saving comes in on living expenses. Out there we have the cow, flour, fish, and poultry from the neighbours, fresh eggs, butter and the garden I can cut expenses to one-fourth; lights altogether. Moonshine and candles will serve; cooking fuel, gasoline. Daddy will you go to-night and see?" "No, I won't go to-night and see, I'll go swim and fish,'' said Mr. Winton. "Great Heavens, Leslie, do you really mean to live all summer beside a lake, where a man can expand, absorb and exercise? I must get out my fishing tackle. I wonder what Douglas has! I've tried that lake when bass were slashing around wild thorn and crab trees shedding petals and bugs. It is man's sport there! I like black bass fishing. I remember that water. Fine for swimming! Not the exhilaration of salt, perhaps, but grand, clean, oM northern Indiana water, cooled by springs. I love it! Lord, Leslie! Why don't we own that place? Why haven't we homed there, and been comfortable for years ? " "I shall go ahead then?" queried Leslie. "You shall go a-hurry, Miss, hurry!" cried Mr. Win- ton. "I'll give you just two days. One to clean, the other to move; to-morrow night send for me. I want a swim; and cornbread, milk, and three rashers of bacon for my dinner and nothing else; and can't the maids have my room and let me have a blanket on the hay?" "But father, the garden!" cautioned Leslie. THE WHEEL OF LIFE 229. "Oh drat the garden!" cried Mr. Winton. "But if you go dratting things, I can't economize," the girl reminded him. " Rogers and I have that garden down on paper, and it's late now/' "Leslie, don't the golf links lie half a mile from there?" . "Closer Daddy," said the girl, "right around the corner." "I don't see why you didn't think of it before," he said., "Have you told Douglas?" "Not a word!" exclaimed Leslie. "I'm going to invite him out when everything is in fine order." "Don't make things fine," said Mr. Winton. "Let's have them rough!" "They will be rough enough to suit you, Daddy," laughed Leslie, "but a few things have got to be done." "Then hurry, but don't forget the snake question." "People are and have been living there for generations^ common care is all that is required," said Leslie. "I'll be careful, but if you tell Bruce until I am ready, I'll never forgive you." Mr. Winton arose. "'Come to me arms,'" he laughed, spreading them wide, "I wonder if Douglas Bruce knows what a treasure he is going to possess!" " Certainly not ! " said Leslie emphatically. " I wouldn't have him know for the world! I am going to be his pro- gressive housekeeping party, to which he is invited every day, after we are married, and each day he has got a new surprise coming, that I hope he will like. The woman who endures and wears well in matrimony is the one who 'keeps something to herself.' It's my opinion that IP.Qdern mar- 230 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN riage would be more satisfactory if the engaged parties would not come so nearly being married, for so long before they are. There is so little left for afterward, in most cases, that it soon grows monotonous." "Leslie, where did you get all of this?" he asked. "I told you. From you, mostly," explained the girl, "and from watching my friends. Go on Daddy! And send Rogers back soon! I want to begin buying radish seed and onion sets." So Leslie telephoned Douglas Bruce that she would be very busy with housekeeping affairs the coming two days. She made a list of what would be required for that day, left the maids to collect it, and went to buy seeds and a few tools; then returning she divided her forces and leaving part to pack the bedding, old dishes and things absolutely required for living, and stocking the pantry, she took the loaded car and drove to Atwater Lake. The owner of the land, a cultured, refined gentleman, who spoke the same brand of English used by the Wintons, and evinced a knowledge of the same books, was genuinely interested in Leslie and her plans. It was a land owner's busiest season, but he spared a man an hour with a plow to turn up the garden, and came down himself and with practiced hand swung the scythe, and made sure about the snakes. Soon the maids had the cabin walls swept, the floors scrubbed, the windows washed, and that was all that could be done. The seeds were earth enfolded in warm black beds, with flower seeds tucked in for borders. The cut grass was raked back, and spread to dry for the icnted cow. THE WHEEL OF LIFE 231 When nothing further was to be accomplished there, they returned to Multiopolis to hasten preparations for the coming day. It was all so good Leslie stopped at her father's office to see if she could speak with him, and poured a flood of cloverbloom, bird notes and water shim- mer into his willing ears. She seldom went to Douglas Bruce's offices, but she ran up a few moments to try in person to ease what she felt would be disappointment in not spending the evening with her. The day would be full far into the night with affairs at home, he would notice the closing of the house, and she could not risk him spoiling her plans by finding out what they were, before she was ready. She found him sur- rounded with huge ledgers, delving and already fretting for Mickey. She stood laughing in his doorway, half piqued to find him so absorbed in his work, and so full of the boy he was missing, that he seemed to take her news that she was too busy to see him that night with quite too bearable calmness; but his earnestness about coming the following night worked his pardon, so Leslie left laughing to herself over the surprise in store for him. Bruce bent over his work, praying for Mickey. Every- thing went wrong without him. He was enough irritated by the boy who was not Mickey, that when the boy who was Mickey came to his door, he was delighted to see him. He wanted to say: "Hello, little friend. Come get in the game, quickly!" but two considerations withheld him: Mickey's manners were a trifle too casual; at times they irritated Douglas, and if he took the boy into his life as he hoped to, he would come into constant contact with Leslie '232 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN and her friends, who were cultured people of homing in- stincts. Mickey's manners must be polished, and the way to do it was not to drop to his level, but to improve Mickey, And again, the day before, he had told Mickey to sit down and wait until an order was given him. To invite him to "get in the game" now, was good alliteration; it pleased the formal Scotch ear as did many another United States phrase of the street, so musical, concise and packed with meaning as to become almost classic; but in his heart he meant as Mickey had suspected, "to do him good"; so he must lay his foundations with care. What he said was a. cordial and cheerful, "Good morning!" "Noon," corrected Mickey. "Right ye are! Good it is! What's my job? 'Scuse me!/ I won't ask that again!" "Plenty," Douglas admitted, "but first, any luck with the paper route?" "All over but killing the boy I sold it to, if he doesn't do right. I ain't perfectly crazy about him. He's a papa's boy and pretty soft; but maybe he'll learn. It was a fine chance for me, so I soaked it." "To whom did you sell, Mickey?" asked Douglas. "To your driver, for his boy," answered Mickey. "We talked it over last night. Say, was your driver 'the same continued,' or did you detect glimmerings of beefsteak and blood in him this morning?" "Why?" asked Douglas curiously. "Oh he's such a stiff," explained Mickey. "He looks about as lively as a salted herring." "And did you make an effort to enliven him, Mickey?'* THE WHEEL OF LIFE 233 "Sure!" cried Mickey. "The operation was highly successful! The patient made a fine recovery. Right on the job, right on the street, right at the thickest traffic corner, right at 'dead man's crossing,' he let out a whoop that split the features of a copper who hadn't smiled in years. It was a double play and it worked fine. What I want to know is whether it was fleeting or holds over." "It must be 'over,' Mickey," said Douglas. "Since you mention it, he opened the door with the information that it was a fine morning, while I recall that there was colour on his face, and light in his usually dull eyes." "Good!" cried Mickey. "Then there's some hope that his kid may go and do likewise." "Th2 boy who takes your route has to smile, Mickey?" "Well you see most of my morning 'customers are regu- lars, so they are used to it," said Mickey. "The minute one goes into his paper, he's lost 'til knocking off time; but if he starts on a real-wide-a-wake-soulful smile, he's a chance of reproducing it, before the day is over, leastwise he has more chance than if he never smiles." "So it is a part of the contract that the boy smiles at his work?" questioned Douglas. "It is so /" exclaimed Mickey. "I asked Mr. Chaffner at the Herald office what was a fair price for my route. You see I've sold the Herald from the word go, and we're pretty thick. So he told me what he thought. It lifted my lid, but when I communicated it to Henry, casual like, he never batted an eye, so I am going to try his boy 'til I'm satisfied. If he can swing the job it's a go." "Your customers should give you a vote of thanks!" "434 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN "And so they will!" cried Mickey. "You see the men who buy of me are the top crust of Multiopolis, the big fine men who can smile, and open their heads and say a pleasant word, and they like to. It does them good! I live on it! I always get my papers close home as I can so I have time coming down on the cars to take a peep my- self, and nearly always there are at least three things on the first page that hit you in the eye. Once long ago I was in the Herald office with a note to Chaffner the big chief, and I gave him a little word jostle as I passed it over. He looked at me and laughed good natured like, so I handed him this: 'Are you the big stiff that bosses the make-up?* He says, 'Mostly! I can control it if I want to.' 'All right for you,' I said. 'I live by selling your papers, but I could sell a heap more if I had a better chance.' 'Chance in what way?' said he. 'Building your first page,' said I. He said, 'Sure. What is it that you want?' 'I'll show you,' said I. Til give you the call I used this morning.' Then I cut loose and just like on the street I cried it, and he yelled some himself. 'What more do you want?' he asked me. 'A lot,' I said. 'You see I only got a little time on the cars before my men begin to get on, and my time is precious. I can't read second, third, and forty- eleventh pages hunting up eye-openers. I must get them first page, 'cause I'm short time, and got my pack to hang on to. Now makin'-up, if you'd a-put that "Germans driven from the last foot of Belgian soil," first, it would a-been better, 'cause that's what every living soul wants. Then the biggest thing about ourselves. Place it prominent in big black letters, where I get it quick and easy, and then THE WHEEL OF LIFE 235 put me in a scream. Get me a laugh in my call, and I'll sell you out all by myself. Folks are spending millions per annum for the glad scream at night, they'll pay just the same morning, give them a chance. I live on a laugh/ said I, to Chaffner. He looked me over and he said: 'When you get too big for the papers, you come to me and I'll make a top-notch reporter out of you.' 'Thanks Boss/ said I, 'you couldn't graft that job on to me, with asphaltum and a buzz saw. I'm going to be on your front page 'fore you know it, but it's going to be a poetry piece that will raise your hair; I ain't going to frost my cake, poking into folks' private business, telling shameful things on them that half kills them. Lots of times I see them getting their dose on the cars, and they just shiver, and go white, and shake. Nix on the printing about shame, and sin, and trouble in the papers for me! ' I said, and he just laughed and looked at me closer and he said, 'All right! Bring your poetry yourself, and if they don't Jet you in, give them this/ and he wrote a line I got at home yet." "Is that all about ChafFner?" asked Douglas. "Oh no!" said Mickey. "He said, 'Well here is a batch of items being written up for first page to-morrow. Ac- cording to you, I should give "Belgian citizens flocking back to search for devastated homes," the first place?' 'That's got the first place in the heart of every man in God's world. Giving it first place is putting it where it belongs.' 'Here's the rest of it/ said he, 'what do you want next?' 'At the same glance I always take, this' said I, pointing to where it said, 'Movement on foot to 236 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN eliminate graft from city offices.' 'You think that comes next?' said he. 'Sure!' said I. 'Hits the pocketbook! Sure! Heart first! Money next!' 'Are you so sure it isn't exactly the reverse?' asked he. 'Know it!' said I. 'Watch the crowds any day, and every clip you'll see that loving a man's country, and his home, and his kids, and getting fair play, comes before money.' 'Yes, I guess it does!' he said thoughtful like, 'least it should. We'll make it the policy of this paper to put it that way anyhow. What next?' 'Now your laugh,' said I. 'And while you are at it, make it a scream!' 'All right,' he said, 'I haven't anything funny in yet, but I'll get it. Now show me where you want these spaced.' So I showed him, and every single time you look, you'll see Mr. Herald is made up that way, and you ought to hear me trolling out that Belgian line, soft and easy, snapping in the graft quick- like, and then yelling out the scream. You bet it catches them ! If I can't get that kid on to his job, 'spect I'll have to take it back myself; least if he can't get on, he's doomed to get off. I gave him a three days' try, and if he doesn't catch by that time, he never will. See?" "But how are you going to know?" asked Douglas. "I'm going down early and follow him and drill him like a Dutch recruit, and he'll wake up my men, and interest them and fetch the laugh or he'll stop!" "You think you got a fair price?" asked Douglas. "Know it! All it's worth, and it looks like a margin to me," said Mickey. "That's all right then, and thank you for telling me about the papers," said Douglas. "I enjoyed it im- THE WHEEL OF LIFE 237 mensely. I see you are a keen student of human na- ture." " 'Bout all the studying I get a chance at," said Mickey. "You'll have opportunity at other things now," said Douglas. "Since you mention it, I see your point about the papers, and if that works on business men going to business, it should work on a jury. I think I've had it in mind, that I was to be a compendium of information and impress on a judge or jury what I know, and why what I say is right. You give me the idea that a better way would be to impress on them what they know. Put it like this: first soften their hearts, next touch their pockets, then make them laugh; is that the idea Mickey?" "Duck again! You're doing fine! I ain't made my living selling men papers for this long not to know the big boys some, and more. Each man is different, but you can cod him, or bluff him, or scare him, or let down the floodgates; some way you can put it over if you take each one separate, and hit him where he lives. See? Finding his dwelling place is the trouble." "Mickey, I do see," cried Douglas. "What you tell me will be invaluable to me. You know I am from another land so I have personal ways of thinking and the men I'm accustomed to are different. What I have been cen- tring on is myself, and what I can do." "Won't work here! What you got to get a bead on here is the other fellow, and how to do him. See?" "Take these books and fly," said Douglas. "I've spent one of the most profitable hours of my life, but concretely it is an hour, and we're going to the Country Club to-night 238 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN and may stay as long as we choose as you can, I mean and we're going to have a grand time. You like going to the country, don't you?" "Ain't words for telling," said Mickey, gathering his armload of books and racing down the hall. When the day's work was finished, with a load of books to deliver before an office closed, they started on the run to the club house. Bruce waited in the car while Mickey sped in with the books, and returning, to save opening the door and crossing before the man he was fast beginning to idolize, Mickey took one of his swift cuts across the back end of the car. While his hand was outstretched and his foot uplifted to enter, from a high-piled passing truck toppled a box, not a big box, but large enough to knock Mickey senseless and breathless when it struck him between the shoulders. Douglas had Mickey in the car with orders for the nearest hospital, toward which they were hurrying, when the boy opened his eyes and sat up. He looked inquiringly at Douglas, across whose knees he had found himself. "Wha what happened?" he questioned with his first good indrawing of recovered breath. "A box fell from a truck loaded past reason and almost knocked the life out of you!" cried Douglas. "Knocked the life out of me?'" repeated Mickey. "You've been senseless for three blocks, Mickey." A slow horror spread over Mickey's face. "Wha what was you going to do?" he wavered. "Running for a hospital," said Douglas. 5 'pose my head had been busted, and I'd been THE WHEEL OF LIFE 239 stretched on the glass table and maybe laid up for days or knocked out altogether?" demanded Mickey. "You'd have had the best surgeon in Multiopolis, and every care, Mickey," assured Douglas. "Ugh!" Mickey collapsed utterly. "Must be hurt worse than I thought," was Douglas* mental comment. "He couldn't be a coward!" But Mickey almost proved that very thing by re- gaining his senses again, and immediately falling into ;pasms of long-drawn, shuddering sobbing. Douglas held him carefully, every moment becoming firmer in his con- viction of one of two things: either he was hurt worse or he was He would not let himself think it; but never did boy appear to less advantage. Douglas urged the driver to speed. Mickey heard and understood. "Never mind," he sobbed. "I'm all right Mr. Bruce; I ain't hurt. Not much! I'll be all right in a minute!" "If you're not hurt, what is the matter with you?" "A minute!" gasped Mickey, as another spasm of sob- bing caught him. " I am amazed ! " cried Douglas. "A little jolt like that ! You are acting like a coward, Mickey!" The word straightened Mickey. "Coward! Who? Me!" he cried. "Me that's made my way since I can remember? Coward, did you say?" "Of course not, Mickey!" cried Douglas. "Excuse me. I shouldn't have said that. But it is unlike you. What the devil is the matter with you?" "I helped carry in a busted head and saw the glass table once," he cried. "Inch more and it would a-been my head 24 o MICHAEL O'HALLORAN and I might have been knocked out for days. O Lord! \Vhatwill I do?" "Mickey you're not afraid?" asked Douglas. "Traid? Me? 'Bout as good as coward!" com- mented Mickey. "What is the matter with you?" demanded Douglas. Mickey stared at him amazedly. "O Lord!" he panted. "You don't s'pose I was think- ing about myself, do you?" "I don't know what to think!" exclaimed Douglas. "Sure! How could you?" conceded Mickey. He choked back another big dry sob. "Gimme a minute to think!" he said. "OGod! What have I been doing? I see now what I'm up against!" "Mickey," said Douglas Bruce, suddenly filled with swelling compassion, "I am beginning to understand. Won't you tell me?" "I guess I got to," panted Mickey. "But I'm afraid! Lord, I'm so afraid!" "Afraid of me, Mickey?" asked Douglas gently now. "Yes, afraid of you," said Mickey, "and afraid of her. Afraid of her, more than you." "You mean Miss Winton?" pursued Douglas. "Yes, I mean Miss Winton," replied Mickey. "I guess 1 don't risk her, or you either. I guess I go to the Nurse Lady. She's used to folks in trouble. She's trained to know what to do. Why sure! That's the thing!" "Your back hurts, Mickey?" questioned Douglas. "My back hurts? Aw forget my back!" cried Mickey roughly. "I ain't hurt, honest I ain't," THE WHEEL OF LIFE 241 Douglas took a long penetrating look at the small shak- ing figure, then he said softly: "I wish you wanted to con- fide in me, Mickey! I can't tell you how glad I'd be if you'd trust me; but if you have some one else you like better, where is it you want to be driven?" "Course there ain't any one I like better than you, 'cept " he caught a name on the tip of his tongue and paused. "You see it's like this," he explained : "I've been to this Nurse Lady before, and I know exactly what she'll say and think. If you don't think like I do, and if you go and take " "Gracious Heaven Mickey, you don't think I'd try to take anything you wanted, do you?" demanded Douglas. "I don't know what you'd do," said Mickey. "I only know what one Swell Dame I struck wanted to do." "Mickey," said Douglas, "when I don't know what you are thinking about, I can't be of much help; but I'd give considerable if you felt that you had come to love me enough to trust me." "Trust you? Sure I trust you, about myself. But this is " cried Mickey. "This is about some one else?" asked Douglas casually. Mickey leaned forward, his elbows on his knees, his head bent with intense thinking. "Much as you are doing for me," he muttered, "if you really care, if it makes a difference to you of course I can trust you, if you don't think as I do!" "You surely can!" cried Douglas Bruce. "Now Mickey, both of us are too shaken to care for the country; take me home with you and let's have supper together and 242 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN become acquainted. We can't know each other on my ground alone. I must meet you on yours, and prove that I'm really your friend. Let's go where you live and clean up and have supper." "Go where I live? You?" cried Mickey. "Yes! You come from where you live fresh and clean each day, so can I. Take me home with you. I want to go dreadfully, Mickey. Please?" "Well, I ain't such a cad I'm afraid for you to see how I live," he said. "Though you wouldn't want to come more than once; that ain't what I was thinking about." "Think all you like, Mickey," said Douglas. "Henry, drive to the end of the car line where you've gone be- fore." On the way he stopped at a grocery, then a cafe, and at each place piles of tempting packages were placed in the car. Mickey's brain was working fast. One big fact was beginning to lift above all the others. His treasure was slipping from him, and for her safety it had to be so. If he had been struck on the head, forced to undergo an operation, and had lain insensible for hours Mickey could get no further with that thought. He had to stop and proceed with the other part of his problem. Of course she was better off with him than where she had been; no sane person could dispute that; she was happy and looking improved each day but could she be made happier and cared for still better by some one else, and cured without the long wait for him to earn the money? If she could, what would be the right name for him, if he kept her on what he could do? So they came at last as near as the THE WHEEL OF LIFE 243' car could go to Mickey's home in Sunrise Alley. At the foot of the last flight Mickey paused, package laden. "Now I'll have to ask you to wait a minute," he said. He ascended, unlocked the door and stepped inside. Peaches' eyes gleamed with interest at the packages, but she waved him back. As Mickey closed the door she cried: "My po'try piece! Say it, Mickey!" "You'll have to wait again," said Mickey. "I got hit in the back with a box and it knocked the poetry out of me. You'll have to wait 'til after supper to-night, and then I'll fix the grandest one yet. Will that do?" "Yes, if the box hit hard, Mickey," conceded Peaches. "It hit so blame hard, Miss Chicken, that it knocked me down and knocked me out, and Mr. Bruce picked me up and carried me three blocks in his car before I got my wind or knew what ailed me." Peaches' face was tragic; her hands stretched toward him. Mickey was young, and his brain was whirling so it whirled off the thought that came first. "And if it had hit me hard enough to bust my head, and I'd been carried to a hospital to be mended and wouldn't a-knowed what hurt me for days, like sometimes, who'd a-fed and bathed you, Miss?" Peaches gazed at him wordless. "You close your mouth and tell me, Miss," demanded Mickey, brutal with emotion. "If I hadn't come, what would you have done?" Peaches shut her mouth and stared while it was closed. At last she ventured a solution. " You'd a-told our Nurse Lady," she said. 244 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN Mickey made an impatient gesture. "Hospitals by the dozen, kid," he said, "and not a chance in a hundred I'd been took to the 'Star of Hope/ and times when your head is busted, you don't know a thing for 'most a week. What would you do if I didn't come for a week?" "I'd have to slide off the bed if it killed me, and roll to the cupboard, and make the things do," said Peaches. "You couldn't get up to it to save your life," said Mickey, "and there's never enough for a week, and you couldn't get to the water what would you do ? " "Mickey, what would I do?" wavered Peaches. "Well, I know, if you don't," said Mickey, "and I ain't going to tell you; but I'll tell you this much: you'd be scared and hurt worse than you ever was yet; and it's soon going to be too hot for you here, so I got to move you to a cooler place, and I don't risk being the only one know- ing where you are another day; or my think-tank will split. It's about split now. I don't want to do it, Miss, but I got to, so you take your drink and lemme straighten you, and wash your face, and put your pretties on; then Mr. Douglas Bruce, that we work for now, is coming to see you and he's going to stay for supper Now cut it out! Shut right up! You needn't beller, nor get scared, nor have a tantrum; he's sitting out there on the hot steps where it's a lot worse than here, and this is bad enough, and we ain't got time, and he won't 'get' you; you needn't ask; what would he want of you? Here, lemme fix you, and you see, Miss, that you act a lady girl, and don't make me lose my job with my boss, or we can't pay our rent. THE WHEEL OF LIFE 245 Hold still 'til I get your ribbon right, and slip a fresh nightie on you. There!" " Mickey " began Peaches. "Shut up!" said Mickey in desperation. "Now mind this, Miss! You belong to me ! I'm taking care of you. You answer what he says to you pretty or you'll not get any supper this night, and look at them bundles he got. Sit up and be nice! This is a party!" Mickey darted around arranging the room, then he flung the door wide and called : " Ready ! " Douglas Bruce climbed the stairs and entered the door. As Mickey expected, his gaze centred and stopped. Mickey began taking packages from his hands; still gazing Douglas yielded them. Then he stepped forward when Mickey placed the chair, and said: "Mr. Douglas Bruce, this is Lily. This is Lily Peaches O'Halloran. Will you have a chair?" He turned to Peaches, put his arm around her, drawing her to him as he bent to kiss her. "He's all right, Flowersy-girl," he said. "We like to have him come. He's our friend. Our big, nice friend who won't let a soul on earth get us. - He doesn't even want us himself, 'cause he's got one girl. His girl is the Moonshine Lady that sent you the doll. Maybe she will come some day too, and maybe she'll make the Pre- cious Child a new dress. Where is she?" Peaches clung to Mickey and past him peered at her visitor, and the visitor smiled his most winning smile. He recognized Leslie's ribbon, and noted the wondrous beauty of the small white face, now slowly flushing the faintest pink with excitemenv Still clinging she smiled 246 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN back. Wordless, Douglas reached over to pick up the doll. Then the right thought came at last. "Has the Precious Child been good to-day?" he asked. Peaches released Mickey, dropping back against her pillows, her smile now dazzling. "Jus' as good !" she said. "Fine!" said Douglas, straightening the long dress. "An* that's my slate and lesson," said Peaches. "Fine!" he said again as if it were the only adjective he knew. Mickey glanced at him, grinning sympathet- ically, "She does sort of knock you out!" he said. "'Sort' is rather poor. Completely, would be better," said Douglas. "She's the loveliest little sister in all the world, Mickey, but she doesn't resemble you. Is she like your mother?" "Lily isn't my sister, only as you wanted me for a brother," said Mickey. "She was left and nobody was taking care of her. She's my find and you bet your life I'm going to always keep her!" "Oh! And how long have you had her, Mickey?" 'Now that's just what the Orphings' Home dame asked me," said Mickey with finality, "and we are nix on those dames and their askings. Lily is mine, I tell you. My family. Now you visit with her, while I get supper." Mickey pushed up the table, then began opening pack- ages and setting forth their contents. Watching him as he moved swiftly and with assurance, his head high, his lips even, a slow deep respect for the big soul in the little body began to dawn in the heart of Douglas Bruce. Un- derstanding of Mickey came in rivers swift and strong, so THE WHEEL OF LIFE 247 while he wondered and while he watched entranced, over and over in his head went the line: "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread." With every gentle act of Mickey for the child Douglas' liking for him grew. When he went over the supper and with the judgment of a nurse selected the most delicate and suitable food for her, or each uplift of her adoring eyes to Mickey's responsive face, in the heart of the Scotsman swelled the marvel and the miracle that silenced criticism. CHAPTER XI THE ADVENT OF NANCY AND PETER WHEN Leslie began the actual work of closing her home, and loading what would be wanted for the country, she found the task too big for the time allotted, so wisely telephoned Douglas that she would be compelled to postpone seeing him until the fol- lowing day. "Leslie," laughed Douglas over the telephone, "did you ever hear of the man who cut off his dog's tail an inch at a time, so it wouldn't hurt so badly?" "I have heard of that particular dog." "Well this process of cutting me out of seeing you a day at a time reminds me of 'that particular dog/ and evokes my sympathy for the canine as never before." "It's a surprise I am getting ready for you Douglas!" "It is a surprise all right," answered Douglas, "and * Bearer of Morning,' I have got a surprise for you too." "Oh goody!" cried Leslie. "I adore surprises." "You'll adore this one!" "You might give me a hint!" she suggested. "Very well!" he laughed. "Since last I saw you I have .seen the loveliest girl of my experience." " Delightful ! Am I to see her also ? " THE ADVENT OF NANCY AND PETER 249 "Undoubtedly!" explained Douglas. "And you'll suc- cumb to her charms just as I did." "When may I meet her?" asked Leslie eagerly. "I can't say; but soon now." "All right!" agreed the girl. "Be ready at four to- morrow." Leslie sat in frowning thought a moment, before the telephone; then her ever-ready laugh bubbled. "Why didn't I think of it while I was talking?" she wondered. "Of course Mickey has taken him to visit his Lily. I must see about that wrong back before bone and muscle harden." Then she began her task. By evening she had a gaso- line stove set up, the kitchen provisioned, her father's room ready and arrangements sufficiently completed that she sent the car to bring him to his dinner of cornbread and bacon under an apple tree scattering pink petals beside the kitchen door, with every lake breeze. Then they went fishing and landed three black bass. Douglas Bruce did not mind one day so much, but he resented two. When he greeted Mickey that morning it was not with the usual salutation of his friends, so the boy knew there was something not exactly right. He was not feeling precisely jovial himself. He was under suspended judgment. He knew that when Mr. Bruce had time to think, and talk over the situation with Miss Winton, both of them might very probably agree with the woman who said the law would take Lily from him and send her to a charity home for children. Mickey, with his careful drilling on the subject, was in rebellion. How could the law take Lily from him? Did 250 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN the law know anything about her? Was she in the care of the law when he found her? Wouldn't the law have allowed her to die grovelling in filth and rags, inside a few more hours? He had not infringed on the law in any way; he had merely saved a life the law had forgotten to save. Now when he had it in his possession and in far better condition than he found it, how had the law -power to step in and rob him? Mickey did not understand, while there was nothing in his heart that could teach him. He had found her: he would keep her. The Orphans' Home should not have her. The law should not have her. Only one possibility had any weight with Mickey: if some one like Mr. Bruce or Miss Winton wanted to give her a home of luxury, could provide care at once, for which he would be forced to wait years to earn the money; if they wanted her and the Carrel man of many miracles would come for them; did he dare leave her lying an hour, when there was even hope she might be on her feet? There was only one answer to that with Mickey, but it pained his heart. So his greeting lacked its customary spontaneity. By noon Bruce was irritable, while Mickey was as nearly sullen as it was in his nature to be. At two o'clock Bruce surrendered, summoned the car, and started to the golf grounds. He had played three holes when he over- took a man who said a word that arrested his attention, so both of them stopped, and with notebooks and pencils, under the shade of a big tree began discussing the question that meant more to Douglas than anything save Leslie. He dismissed Mickey for the afternoon, promising him THE ADVENT OF NANCY AND PETER 251 that if he would be ready by six, he should be driven back to the city. Mickey wanted to be alone to concentrate on nis prob- lem, but people were everywhere and more coming by the carload. He could see no place that was then, or would be, undisturbed. The long road with grassy sides gave big promises of leading somewhere to the quiet retreat he sought. Telling the driver that if he were not back by six, he would be waiting down the road, Mickey started on foot, in thought so deep he scarcely appreciated the grasses he trod, the perfume in his nostrils, the concert in his ears. What did at last arouse him was the fact that he was very thirsty. That made him realize that this was the warmest day of the season. Instantly his mind flew to the mite of a girl, lying so patiently, watching the clock for his coming, living for the sound of his feet. Mickey stopped, studying the landscape. A cool gentle breeze crossed the clover field beside the way, refreshing him in its passing He sucked his lungs full, then lifted his cap, shaking the hair from his forehead. He stuffed the cap into his pocket, walking slowly along, intending to stop at the nearest farmhouse to ask for water. But the first home was not to Mickey's liking. He went on, passing an- other and another. Then he came to land that attracted him. The fences were so straight. The corners so clean where they were empty, so delightful where they were filled with alder, wild plum, hawthorn; attractive locations for birds of the bushes that were field and orchard feeders. Then the barn and outbuildings looked so neat and pros- perous; grazing cattle in rank meadows were so sleek; then MICHAEL O'HALLORAN a big white house began to peep from the screen of vines, bushes and trees. "Well if the water here gives you fever, it will any- where," said Mickey, and turning in at the open gate started up a walk having flower beds on each side. There was a wide grassy lawn where the big trees scattered around afforded almost complete shade. Mickey never had seen a home like it closely. He scarcely could realize that there were places in the world where families lived alone like this. He tried to think how he would feel if he belonged there. When he reached the place where he saw Lily on a comfort under a big bloom-laden pear tree, his throat grew hard, his eyes dry and his feet heavy. Then the screen to the front door swung back as a smiling woman in a tidy gingham dress came through and stood awaiting Mickey. "I just told Peter when he came back alone, I bet a penny you'd got off at the wrong stop!" she cried. "I'm so glad you found your way by yourself. But you must be tired and hot walking. Come right in and have a glass of milk, then strip your feet and I'll ring for Junior." For one second Mickey was dazed. The next, he knew what it must mean. These people were the kind whom God had made so big and generous they divided home and summer with tenement children from the big city thirty miles away. Some boy was coming for a week, maybe, into what exactly filled Mickey's idea of Heaven, but he was not the boy. "Most breaks my heart to tell you," he said, "but I ain't the boy you're expecting. I'm just taking a walk 253 and I thought maybe you'd let me have a drink. I've wanted one past the last three houses, but none looked as if they'd have half such good, cool water as this." "Now don't that beat the nation!" exclaimed the woman. "The Multiopolis papers are just oozing sym- pathy for the poor city children who are wild for woods and water; and when I'd got myself nerved up to try one and thought it over till I was really anxious about it, and got my children all worked up too, here for the second time Peter knocks off plowing and goes to the trolley to meet one, and he doesn't come. I've got a notion to write the editor of the Herald and tell him my experience. I think it's funny! But you wanted water, come this way." Mickey followed a footpath white with pear petals around the big house and standing beside a pump waited while the woman stepped to the back porch for a cup. He took it, drinking slowly. "Thank you ma'am," he said as he handed it back, turn- ing to the path. Yesterday had weakened his nerve. He was going to cry again. He took a quick step forward, but the woman was beside him, her hand on his shoulder. "Wait a minute," she said. "Sit on this bench under the pear tree. I want to ask you something. Excuse me and rest until I come back." Mickey leaned against the tree, shutting his eyes, fight- ing with all his might. He was too big to cry. The wo- man would think him a coward as Mr. Bruce had. Then things happened as they actually do at times. The woman hurriedly came from the door, sat on the bench 254 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN beside him, and said: "I went in there to watch you through the window, but I can't stand this a second longer. You poor child you, now tell me right straight what's the matter!" Mickey tried but no sound came. The woman patted his shoulder. "Now doesn't it beat the band?" she said, to the backyard in general. "Just a little fellow not in long trousers yet, and bearing such a burden he can't talk. I guess maybe God has a hand in this. I'm not so sure my boy hasn't come after all. Who are you, and where are you going ? Don't you want to send your ma word you will stay here a week with me?" Mickey lifted a bewildered face. "Why, I couldn't, lady," he said brokenly, but gaining control as he went on. "I must work. Mr. Bruce needs me. I'm a regular plute compared with most of the 'newsies'; you wouldn't want to do anything for me who has so much; but if you're honestly thinking about taking a boy and he hasn't come, how would you like to have a little girl in his place? A little girl about so long, and so wide, with a face like Easter church flowers, and rings of gold on her head, and who wouldn't be half the trouble a boy would, because she hasn't ever walked, so she couldn't get into things." "Oh my goodness! A crippled little girl?" "She isn't crippled," said Mickey. "She's as straight as you are, what there is of her. She had so little food, and care, her back didn't seem to stiffen, so her legs won't walk. She wouldn't be half so much trouble as a boy. Honest, dearest lady, she wouldn't!" THE ADVENT OF NANCY AND PETER 255 "Who are you?" asked the woman. Mickey produced a satisfactory pedigree, and gave unquestionable references which she recognized, for she slowly nodded at the names of Chaffner and Bruce. "And who is the little girl you are asking me to take?" Mickey studied the woman and then began to talk, cautiously at first. Ashamed to admit the squalor and the awful truth of how he had found the thing he loved, then gathering courage he began what ended in an outpouring. The woman watched him, listening, and when Mickey had no further word: "She is only a tiny girl?" she asked wonderingly. "The littlest girl you ever saw," said Mickey. "Perfectly helpless?" marvelled the woman. "Oh no! She can sit up and use her hands," said Mickey. "She can feed herself, write on her slate, and learn her lessons. It's only that she stays put. She has to be lifted if she's moved." "You lift her?" queried the woman. "Could with one hand," said Mickey tersely. "You say this young lawyer you work for, whose name I see in the Herald connected with the investigation going on, is at the club house now?" she asked. "Yes," answered Mickey. "He's coming past here this evening?" she pursued. Mickey explained. "About how much waiting on would your little girl take?" she asked next. "Well just at present, she does the waiting on me," said Mickey. "You see, dearest lady, I have to get her washed 256 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN and fix her bieakfast and her lunch beside the bed, and be downtown by seven o'clock, and I don't get back 'til six. Then I wash her again to freshen her up and cook her supper. Then she says her lesson, her prayers and goes to sleep. So you see it's mostly her waiting on me. A boy couldn't be less trouble than that, could he?" "It doesn't seem like it," said the woman, "and no mat- ter how much bother she was, I guess I could stand it for a week, if she's such a little girl, and can't walk. The diffi- culty is this: I promised my son Junior a boy and his heart is so set. He's wild about the city. He's going to be gone before we know it. He doesn't seem to care for anything we have, or do. I don't know just what he hoped to get out of a city boy; but I promised him one. Then I felt scared and wrote Mr. Chaffner how it was and asked him to send me a real nice boy who could be trusted. If it were not for Junior Mary and the Little Man would be delighted." "Well never mind," said Mickey. "I'll go see the Nurse I>ady and maybe she can think of a plan. Anyway I don't know as it would be best for Lily. If she came here a week, seems like it would kill me to take her back, and I don't know how she'd bear staying alone all day, after she had got used to company. And pretty soon now it's going to get so hot, top floors in the city, that if she had a week like this, going back would make her sick." "You must g : ve me time to think," said the woman. " Peter will soon be home to supper. I'll talk it over with him and with Junior and see what they think. Where could you be found in Multiopolis ? We drive in every few THE ADVENT OF NANCY AND PETER 257 days. We like to go ourselves, and there's no other way ts> satisfy the children. They get so tired and lonesome ia the country." Mickey was aghast. "They do ? Why it doesn't seem. possible ! I wish I could trade jobs with Junior for a while. What is his work?" "He drives the creamery wagon," answered the womaru "O Lord!" Mickey burst forth. "Excuse me ma'am, I mean Oh my! Drives a real live horse along these streets and gathers up the cream cans we pass at the gates* and takes them to the trolley?" " Yes," she said. "And he'd give up that job for blacking somebody's shoes, or carrying papers, or running errands, or being shut up all summer in a big hot building! Oh my!" "When will you be our way again?" asked the woman. "I'll talk this over with Peter. If we decided to try the little girl and she did the 'waiting' as you say, she couldn't be much trouble. I should think we could manage her, and a boy too. I wish you could be the boy. I'd Eke to have you. I've been thinking if we could get a boy to- show Junior what it is he wants to know about a city, heM be better satisfied at home, but I don't know. It's just possible it might make him worse. Now such an under- standing boy as you seem to be, maybe you could teach Junior things about the city that would make him con- tented at home. Do you think you could ? " "Dearest lady, I get you," said Mickey. "Do / think I could ? Well if you really wished me to, I could take your Junior to Multiopolis with me for a week and 258 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN make him so sick he'd never want to see a city again while his palpitator was running." "Hu'umh!" said the lady slowly, her eyes on far dis- tance. "Let me think! I don't know but that would be a fine thing for all of us. We have land enough for a nice farm for both boys, and the way things look now, land seems about as sure as anything; we could give them a farm apiece when we are done with it, and the girl the money to take to her home when she marries I would love to know that Junior was going to live on land as his father does; but all his life he's talked about working in the city when he grows up. Hu'umh ! " "Well if you want him cured of that, gimme the job," he grinned. "You see lady, I know the city, inside out and outside in again. I been playing the game with it since I can remember. You can't tell me anything I don't know about the lowest, poorest side of it. Oh I could tell you things that would make your head swim. If you want your boy dosed just sick as a horse on what a workingman gets in Multiopolis 'tween Sunrise Alley and Biddle Boulevard, just you turn him over tome a week. I'll fix him. I'll make the creamery job look like 'Lijah charioteering for the angels to him, honest I will lady; and he won't ever know it, either. He'll come through with a lump in his neck, and a twist in his stummick that means home and mother. See?" The woman looked at Mickey in wide-eyed and open- mouthed amazement: "Well if I ever!" she gasped. "If you don't believe me, try it," said Mickey. "Well! Well! I'll have to think," she said. "I don't THE ADVENT OF NANCY AND PETER 259 know but it would be a good thing if it could be done." "Well don't you have any misgivings about it being done," said Mickey. "It's being done every day. I know men, hundreds of them, just scraping, and slaving and half starving to get together the dough to pull out~ I hear it on the cars, on the streets, and see it in the papers. They're jumping their jobs and going every day, while hundreds of Schmeltzenschimmers, O'Laughertys, Han- sons, and Pietros are coming in to take their places. Multiopolis is more than half filled with crowd-outs from across the ocean now, instead of home folks' cradles, as it should be. If Junior has got a hankering for Multiopolis that is going to cut him out of owning a place like this, and bossing his own job, dearest lady, cook him! Cook him quick!" "Would you come here?" she questioned. "Would I ?" cried Mickey. "Well try me and see!" "I'm deeply interested in what you say about Junior," she said. "I'll talk it over to-night with Peter/* "Well I don't know," said Mickey. "He might put the grand kibosh on it. Hard! But if Junior came back asking polite for his mush and milk, and offering his Christmas pennies for the privilege of plowing, or driv- ing the cream wagon, believe me dear lady, then Peter would fall on your neck and weep for joy." "Yes, in that event, he would," said the lady, "and the temptation is so great, that I believe if you'll give me your address, I'll look you up the next time I come to Multi opolis, which will be soon. I'd like to see your Lily be- *66 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN fore I make any promises. If I thought I could manage, I could bring her right out in the car. Tell me where to find you, and I'll see what Peter thinks." Mickey grinned widely. "You ain't no suffragette lady, are you?" he commented. "Well I don't know about that," said the lady. "There arc a good many things to think of these days." "Yes I know," said Mickey, "but as long as everything you say swings the circle and rounds up with Peter, it's no job to guess what's most important in your think- tank. Peter must be some pumpkins!" "Come to think of it, he is, Mickey," she said. "Come to think of it, I do sort of revolve around Peter. We al- ways plan together. Not that we always think alike: there are some things I just cant make Peter see, that I wish I could; but I wouldn't trade Peter "No I guess he's top crust," laughed Mickey. "He is so!" said the woman. "How did you say I could reach you ? " "Well, the easiest way would be this. Here, I'll write the number for you." "Fine!" said the woman. "I'll hurry through my shopping and call you when would it suit you best?" "Never mind me," said Mickey. "For this, I'll come when you say." "What about three in the afternoon, then?" "Sure!" cried Mickey. "Suits me splendid! Mostly quit for the day then. But ma'am, I don't know about this. Lily isn't used to anybody but me, she may be afraid to come with you." THE ADVENT OF NANCY AND PETER 2 6r "And I may think I would scarcely want to try to take care of her for a week, when I see her," said the woman. "You may think that now, but you'll change your mind when you see her," said Mickey. "Dearest lady, when you see a little white girl that hasn't ever walked, smiling up at you shy and timid, you won't be any more anxious for Orphings' Homes and Charity Palaces to swallow her up than I am; not a bit! All I must think of is what Lily will say about coming. She's never been out of my room since I found her, and she hasn't seen any one but Mr. Bruce, so she'll be afraid, and worried. Seeing her is all I ask of you! What I'm up against is what she's going to say; and how I'm going to take her back after a week here, when it will be hotter there and lonesomer than ever." "You surely give one things to think about," com- mented the woman. "Do I?" queried Mickey. "Well I don't know as I should. Probably with Peter, and three children of your own, and this farm to run, you are busy enough without spending any of your time on me." "The command in the good book is plain: 'Bear ye one another's burdens,'" quoted the woman. "Oh yes! 'Burdens,' of course!" agreed Mickey. "But that couldn't mean Lily, 'cause she's nothing but joy! Just pure joy! All about her is that a fellow loves her so, that it keeps him laying awake at nights thinking how to do what would be best for her. She's mine, and I'm going to keep her; that's the surest thing you know. If I take you to see Lily, and if I decide to let you have her a few days to rest her and fresh her up, you wouldn't go and 262 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN want to put her 'mong the Orphings' Home kids, would you? You wouldn't think she ought to be took from me and raised in a flock of every kind, from every place. Would you lady?" "No, I wouldn't," said the lady. "I see how you feel, and I am sure I wouldn't want that for one of mine." "Well, there's no question about her being mine!" said Mickey. "But I like you so, maybe I'll let you help me a little. A big boy that can run and play doesn't need you, dearest lady, half so much as my little girl. Do you think he does?" "No, I think the Lord sent you straight here. If you don't stop I'll be so worked up I can't rest. I may come to-morrow." Mickey arose, holding out his hand. "Thank you dearest lady," he said. "I must be get- ting out where the car won't pass without my seeing it." "You wait at the gate a minute," she said, "I want to send in a little basket of things to-night. I'll have it ready in a jiffy." Mickey slowly walked to the gate. When the woman came with a basket covered with a white cloth, he thanked her again; as he took it he rested his head against her arm, smiling up at her with his wide true eyes. "A thing I can't understand is," he said, "why when the Lord was making mothers, he didn't cut all of them from the same piece he did you. I'll just walk on down the road and smell June beside this clover field. Is it yours? " "Yes," she said. "Mickey had the best of three or four boys concealed in his lean person." THE ADVENT OF NANCY AND PETER 263 "Would you care if I'd take just a few to Lily? 1 know she never saw any." "Take a bunch as big as your head if you want them." "Lily is so little, three will do her just as well; besides, she's got to remember how we are fixed, so she needn't begin to expect things to come her way by baskets and bunches," said Mickey. "She's bound to be spoiled bad enough as it is. I can't see how I'm going to come out with her, but she's mine, and I'm going to keep her." "Mickey," laughed the woman, "don't you think you swing around to Lily just about the way I do to Peter?" "Well maybe I do," conceded Mickey. "What kind of a car did you say Mr. Bruce has?" "Oh the car is dark green, and the driver has sandy hair; and Mr. Bruce why you'd know him anywhere! Just look for the finest man you ever saw, if you are out when he goes by, and that will be Mr. Douglas Bruce." "I guess I'll know him if I happen to be out." "Sure lady, you couldn't miss him," replied Mickey. Carefully holding his basket he went down the road. The woman made supper an hour late standing beside the gate watching for a green car. Many whirled past, then at last one with the right look came gliding along; so she stepped out and raised her hand for a parley. The car stopped. "Mr. Douglas Bruce?" she asked. "At your service, Madam!" he answered. "Just a word with you," she said. He arose instantly, swung open the car door, and step- ping down walked with her to the shade of a big widely 264 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN branching maple. The woman looked at him, and said flushing and half confused: "Please to excuse me for halt- ing you, but I had a reason. This afternoon such an attractive little fellow stopped here to ask for a drink in passing. Now Peter and I had decided we'd try our hand at taking a city boy for a week or so for his vacation, and twice Peter has left his work and gone to the trolley station to fetch him, and he failed us. I supposed Peter had missed him, so when I saw the boy coming, just the first glimpse my heart went right out to him " "Very likely " assented Mr. Bruce. "He surely is the most winning little chap I ever saw with his keen blue eyes and that sort of light on his fore- head," said the woman. "I've noticed that," put in the man. "Yes," she said, "anybody would see that almost the first thing. So I thought he was the boy I was to mother coming, and I went right at the job. He told me quick enough that I was mistaken, but I could see he was in trouble. Someway I'd trust him with my character or my money, but I got to be perfectly sure before I trust him with my children. ;: You see I have three, and if ever any of them go wrong, I don't want it to be because I was care- less. I thought I'd like to* have him around some; my oldest boy is bigger, but just about his age. He said he might be out this way with you this summer and I wanted to ask him in, and do what I could to entertain him; but first I just wanted to inquire of you " " I see ! " said Douglas Bruce. " I haven't known Mickey so long, but owing to the circumstances in which I met him, and the association with him since, I feel that I know him better than I could most boys in a longer time. The strongest thing I can say to you is this: had I a boy of my own, I should be proud if Mickey liked him and would con- sider being friends with him. He is absolutely trust- worthy, that I know." "Then I won't detain you further," she said. Mickey, cheered in mind and heart, had walked ahead briskly with his basket, while as he went he formulated his plans. He would go straight to the Sunshine Nurse, tell her about the heat and this possible chance to take Lily to the country for a week, and consult with her as to what the effect of the trip might be, and what he could do with her afterward, then he would understand better. He kept watching the clover field beside the way. When he de- cided he had reached the finest, best perfumed place, he saw a man plowing on the other side of the fence and thought it might be Peter and that Peter would wonder what he was doing in his field, so Mickey set the basket in a corner and advanced. He was wonderfully elated by what had happened to him and the conclusions at which he had arrived, as he came across the deep grasses beside the fence where the pink of wild rose and the snow of alder commingled, where song sparrows trilled, and larks and quail were calling. He approached smiling in utter confidence. As he looked at the man, at his height, his strong open face, his grip on the plow, he realized why the world of the little woman re- volved around Peter. Mickey could have conceived of few happier fates than being attached to Peter, so ha 266 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN thought in amazement of the boy who wanted to leave him. Then a slow grin spread over his face, for by this time Peter had stopped his horses and was awaiting him with an answering smile and hand outstretched. "Why son, I'm glad to see you!" he cried. "How did I come to miss you? Did you get off at the wrong stop?" Mickey shook his head as he took the proffered hand. "You are Peter?" he asked. "Yes, I'm Peter," confirmed the man. "Well you're making the same mistake your pleasant lady did," explained Mickey. "She thought I was the boy who had been sent to visit you, so she gave me the glad hand too. I wish I was in his shoes! But I'm not your boy. Gee, your lady is a nice gentle lady." "You're all correct there," agreed Peter. "And so you are not the boy who was to be sent us. Pshaw now! I wish you were. I'm disappointed. I've been watching you coming down the road, and the way you held together and stepped up so brisk and neat took my eye." "I been 'stepping up brisk and neat' to sell papers, run errands, hop cars, dodge cars and automobiles, and climb- ing fire-escapes instead of stairs, and keeping from under foot since I can remember," laughed Mickey. " You learn on the streets of Multiopolis to step up, and watch sharp without knowing you are doing it." "You're a newsboy?" asked Peter. "I was all my life 'til a few days ago," said Mickey. "Then I went into the office of Mr. Douglas Bruce. He's a corporation lawyer in the Iriquois Building." THE ADVENT OF NANCY AND PETER 267 "Hum, IVe been reading about him," said Peter. "If I ever have a case, I'm going to take it to him." "Well you'll have a man that will hang on and dig in and sweat for you," said Mickey. "Just now he's after some of them big office-holders who are bleeding the taxpayers of Multiopolis. Some of these days if you watch your Herald sharp, you're going to see the lid fly off of two or three things at once. He's on a hot trail now." "Why I have seen that in the papers," said Peter. "He was given the job of finding who is robbing the city, by James Minturn; I remember his name. And you work for him? Well, well! Sit down here and tell me about it." "I can't now," said Mickey. "I must get back to the road. His car may pass any minute, and Fm to be ready. Your pleasant lady said I might take a few clover flowers to my little sick girl, and just as I came to the finest ones in the field, I saw you so I thought maybe Fd better tell you what I was doing before you fired me." "Take all you want," said Peter. "Fd like to send the whole field, larks and all, to a little sick girl. I'd like especial to send her some of these clowny bobolink fellows to puff up and spill music by the quart for her; I guess nothing else runs so smooth except water." "I don't know what she'd say," said Mickey gazing around him. "You see she hasn't ever walked, so all she's seen in her life has been the worst kind of bare, dark tene- ment walls, 'til lately she's got a high window where she can see sky, and a few sparrows that come for crumbs. This!" Mickey swept his arm toward the landscape "J don't know what she'd say to this!" 268 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN "Pshaw, now!" cried Peter. "Why bring her out! You bring her right out! That's what we been wanting to know. Just what a city child would think of country things she'd never seen before. Bring her to see us!" "She's a little bit of a thing and she can't walk, you know," explained Mickey. "Poor little mite! That's too bad," lamented Peter. "Wonder if she couldn't be doctored up. It's a shame she can't walk, but taking care of her must be easy!" "Oh she takes care of herself," said Mickey. "You see she is alone all day from six 'til six; she must take care of herself, so she studies her lesson, and plays with her doll I mean her Precious Child." "Too bad!" said Peter. "By jacks that's a sin! Did you happen to speak to Ma about her?" "We did talk a little," admitted Mickey. "She was telling me of the visitor boy who didn't come, and your son who doesn't think he'll want to stay; so we got to talking. She said just what you did about wanting to see how a city child who hadn't ever seen a chicken, or a cow, or horse would act " "Good Lord!" cried Peter. "Is there a child in Mul- tiopolis who hasn't ever seen a little chicken, or a calf?" "Hundreds of them!" said Mickey. "I've scarcely seen a cow myself. I've seen hens and little chickens in shop windows at Easter time " "But not in the orchard in June?" queried Peter. 'No, 'not in the orchard in June!'" said Mickey. "Well, well!" marvelled Peter. "There's nothing so true as that 'one half doesn't know how the other half THE ADVENT OF NANCY AND PETER 269 lives/ I've heard that, but I didn't quite sense it, and I don't know as I do yet. You bring her right out!" "Yor.r pleasant lady talked about that; but you see bringing her out and showing her these things, and getting her used to them is one thing; then taking her back to a room so hot I always sleep on the fire-escape, and where she has to stay all day alone, is another. I don't know but so long as she must go back to what she has now, it would be better to leave her there." "Humph! I see! What a pity!" exclaimed Peter. "Well, if you'll be coming this way again, stop and see us. I'll talk to Ma about her. We often take a little run to Multiopolis. Junior wouldn't be satisfied till we got a car, and I can't say we ain't enjoying it ourselves. What was that you were saying about my boy not thinking he'll stay?" "She told me," said Mickey, "about the city bug he had in his system. Why don't you swat it immediate?" "What do you mean?" inquired Peter. "Turn him over to me a week or two," suggested Mickey. "I can give him a dose of working in a city that will send him hiking back to home and father." "It's worth considering," said Peter. "I know that what I got of Multiopolis would make me feel like von Hindenberg if I had the job of handling the ribbons of your creamery wagon; and so I know about what would put sonny back on the farm, tickled 'most to death to be here." "By gum! Well, I'll give you just one hundred dollars if you'll do it!" exclaimed Peter. "You see my grand- 279 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN father and father owned this land before me. We've been on the plowing job so long we have it reduced to a system, so it comes easy for me, and I take pride and pleasure in it; I had supposed my boys would be the same. Do you really think you could manage it?" "Sure," said Mickey. "Only, if you really mean it, not now, nor ever, do you want son to know it. See! The medicine wouldn't work, if he knew he took it." "Well I'll be jiggered!" laughed Peter. "I guess you could do it, if you went at it right." "Well you trust me to do it right," grinned Mickey. "Loan me sonny for a week or two, and you can have him back for keeps." "Well it's worth trying," said Peter. "Say, when will you be this way again?" "'Most any day," said Mickey. "And your lady said she'd be in Multiopolis soon, so we are sure to have a happy meeting before long. I think that is Mr. Bruce's car coming. Good-bye! Be good to yourself !" With a spring from where he was standing Mickey arose in air, alighted on the top rail of the division fence, then balancing, he raced down it toward the road. Peter watched him in astonishment, then went back to his plow- ing with many new things on his mind. Thus it happened that after supper, when the children were in bed, and he and his wife went to the front veranda for their usual evening visit, and talk over the day, she had very little to tell him. As was her custom, she removed her apron, brushed her waving hair and wore a fresh dress. She rocked gently in THE ADVENT OF NANCY AND PETER 271 her wicker chair, while her voice was moved to unusual solicitude as she spoke. Peter also had performed a rite he spoke of as "brushing up" for evening. He believed in the efficacy of soap and water, so his body, as well as his clothing, was clean. He sat on the top step leaning against the pillar where the moonlight emphasized his big frame, accented the strong lines of his face and crowned his thick hair, as Nancy Harding thought it should be, with glory. "Peter," she said, "did you notice anything about that boy, this afternoon, different from other boys ? " "Yes," answered Peter slowly, "I did Nancy. He didn't strike me as being one boy. He has the best of three or four concealed in his lean person." "He's had a pretty tough time, I judge," said Nancy. "Yet you never saw a boy who took your heart like he did, and neither did I," answered Peter. Mickey holding his basket and clover flowers was wait- ing when the car drew up, and to Bruce's inquiry answered that a lady where he stopped for a drink had given him something for Lily. He left the car in the city, sought the nurse and luckily found her at leisure. She listened with the greatest interest to all he had to say. "It's a problem," she said, as he finished. "To take her to such a place for a week, and then bring her back where she is, would be harder for her than never going." "I got that figured," said Mickey; "but Fve about made up my mind, after seeing the place and thinking over the folks, that it wouldn't happen that way. Once they see her, and find how little trouble she is, they're not people who would send her back 'til it's cool, if they'd 272 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN want to then. And there's this, too: there are other folks who would take her now, and see about her back. Have I got the right to let it go a day, waiting to earn the money myself, when some one else, maybe the Moon- shine Lady, or Mr. Bruce, would do it now, and not put her in an Orphings* Home, either?" "No Mickey, you haven't!" said the nurse. "Just the way I have it figured," said Mickey. "tfut she's mine, and I'm going to keep her. If her back is fixed, I'm going to have it done. I don't want any one else meddling with my family. You haven't heard any- thing from the Carrel man yet?" "No," she said. "My, I wish he'd come!" cried Mickey. "So do I," said the nurse. "But so far Mickey, I think you are doing all right. If she must be operated, she'd have to be put in condition for it; and while I suspect I could beat you at your job, I am positive you are far sur- passing what she did have." "Well I know that too," said Mickey. "But surpass- ing nothing at all isn't going either far or fast. I must do something." "If you could bring yourself to consent to giving her up " suggested the nurse. "Well I can't!" interposed Mickey. /'Just for a while!" continued the nurse. "Not fora minute! I found her! She's mine!" "Yes, I know; but " began the nurse. "I know too," said Mickey. "Gimme a little time." He studied the problem till he reached his grocery. THE ADVENT OF NANCY AND PETER 273 There he thriftily lifted the cloth to peep, and with a sigh of satisfaction pursued his way. Presently he opened his door, to be struck by a wave of hot air and to note a flushed little face and drawn mouth as he went into Peaches' outstretched arms. Then he delivered the care- fully carried clover and the following: " I got these from a big, pink field bewildering, That God made a-purpose for cows and childering. Her share is being consumed by the cow, Let's go roll in ours right now." "Again!" demanded Peaches. Mickey repeated slowly. "How could we?" asked Peaches. "Easy! "said Mickey. "'Easy?'" repeated Peaches. "Just as easy!" reiterated Mickey. "Did you see it?" demanded Peaches. "Yes, I saw it to-day," said Mickey. "It's like this: you see some folks live in houses all built together, and work at selling things to eat, and wear, and making things, and doing other work that must be done like doc- tors, and lawyers, and hospitals; that's a city. Then to feed them, other folks live on big pieces of land; the houses are far apart, with streets between, and beside them the big fields where the wheat grows for our bread, and our potatoes, and the grass, and the clover like this to feed the cows. To-day Mr. Bruce didn't play long, so I went walking and stopped at a house for a drink, and there was the nicest lady; we talked some and she give me 274 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN our supper in that pretty basket; and she sent you the clovers from a big pink field so sweet smelly it would 'most make you sick; and there are trees through it, and lots of birds sing, and there are wild roses and fringy white flowers; and it's quiet 'cept the birds, and the roosters crowing, and the wind comes in little perfumey blows on you, and such milk!" "Better 'an our milk?" asked Peaches. "Their milk is so rich it makes ours look like a poor- house relation," scoffed Mickey. "Tell me more," demanded Peaches. "Wait 'til I get the water to wash you, you are so warm." "Yes, it's getting some hot; but 'tain't nothing like on the rags last summer. It's like a real lady here." "A pretty warm lady, just the same," said Mickey. Then he brought water and leaving the door ajar for the first time, he soon started a draft; that with the coming of cooler evening lowered t'.ie child's temperature, and made her hungry. As he worked Mickey talked. The grass, the blooming orchard, the hen and her little downy chickens, the big cool porch, the wonderful woman and man, the boy whom they expected and who did not come; and then cautiously, slowly, making sure she under- stood, he developed his plan to take her to the country. Peaches drew back and opened her lips. Mickey promptly laid the washcloth over them. 'Now don't begin to say you 'won't' like a silly baby," he said. "Try it and see, then if you don't like it, you can come right back. You want to ride in a grand automobile like a millyingaire lady, don't you? All the swells go THE ADVENT OF NANCY AND PETER 275 away to the country for the summer, you got to be a swell lady! I ain't going to have you left way behind!" "Mickey, would you be there?" she asked. "Yes lady, I'd be right on the job!" said Mickey. "I'd be there a lot more than I am here. You go the week they wanted that boy, and he didn't come; then if you like it, I'll see if they won't board you, and you can have a nice little girl to play with, and a fat, real baby, and a boy bigger than me and you should see Peter!" Peaches opened her lips, Mickey reapplied the cloth. "Calm down now!" he ordered. "I've decided to do it. We got to hump ourselves. This is our chance. Why there's milk, and butter, and eggs, and things to eat there like you never tasted, and to have a cool breeze, and to lie on the grass " "Oh Mickey, could I?" cried Peaches. "Sure silly! Why not?" said Mickey. "There's big fields of it, and the cows don't need it all. You can lie on the grass, or the clover, and hear the birds, and play with the children. I'll take a day and get things started right before I leave you to come to work, like I'll have to. When I come at night, I'll carry you outdoors; why I'll take you down to the water and you can kick your feet in it, where it's nice and warm; all the time you can have as many flowers as your hands will hold; and such bird sing- ing, why Lily Peaches O'Halloran, there are birds as red as blood, yes ma'am, and yellow as orange peel and light blue like this ribbon and dark blue like that hold still 'til I fix you and such singing!" "Mickey, would you hold me?" wavered Peaches. 276 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN "Smash anybody that lays a finger on you, unless you say so," said Mickey promptly. "And you'd stay a whole day?" she asked anxiously. "Sure '."cried Mickey. "An* if I was afraid you'd bring me back?" she went on. "Sure! Right away!" he promised. "An' they wouldn't anybody 'get' me there?" "'Way out there 'mong the clover?" scoffed Mickey. "Why it's here they'll 'get' you if they are going to. No- body out there wants you, but me." "Mickey, when will you take me?" she asked eagerly. "Before so very long," promised Mickey. "You needn't be surprised to hear me coming with the nice lady to see you any day now, and to be wrapped in a sheet, and put in a big car, and just scooted right out to the very place that God made especial for little girls. To-night we put in another blesses, Lily. We'll pray, 'Bless the nice lady who sent our supper,' won't we?" "Yes Mickey, and 'fore you came I didn't want any supper at all, and now I do" said Peaches. "You were too warm honey," said Mickey. "We'll just fix this old hot city. We'll run right away from it. See? Now we'll have the grandest supper we ever had." Mickey brought water, plates, and forks, and opened the basket. Peaches bolstered with her pillows cried out and marvelled. There was a quart boftle of milk wrapped in a wet cloth. There was a big loaf of crusty brown coun- try bread. There was a small blue bowl of yellow butter, a square of honey even yellower, a box of strawberries, THE ADVENT OF NANCY AND PETER 277 and some powdered sugar, and a little heap of sliced, cold boiled ham. Mickey surveyed the table. "Now Miss Chicken, here's how!" he warned. "I found you all warm and feverish. If you load up with this, you'll be sick sure. You get a cup of milk, a slice of bread and butter, some berries and a teeny piece of meat. We can live from this a week, if the heat doesn't spoil it." "You fix me," said Peaches. Then they had such a supper as they neither one ever had known, during which Mickey explained wheat fields and bread, bees and honey, cows and clover, pigs and ham, as he understood them. Peaches repeated her lesson and her prayers and then as had become her custom, demanded that Mickey write his last verse on the slate, so she might learn and copy it on the morrow. She was asleep before he finished. Mickey walked softly, cleared the table, placed it before the window, and taking from his pocket an envelope Mr. Bruce had given him drew out a sheet of folded paper on which he wrote long and laboriously, then locking Peaches in, he slipped down to the mail-box and posted this letter: DEAR MISTER CARREL: I saw in papers I sold how you put different legs on a dog. I have a little white flowersy-girl that hasn't ever walked. It's her back. A Nurse Lady told me at the "Star of Hope" how you came there some- times, and the next time you come, I guess I will let you see my little girl; and maybe I'll have you fix her back. When you see her you will know that to fix her back would be the biggest thing you ever did or ever could do. I got a job that I can pay her way and mine, and save two dollars a week for you. I couldn't pay all at once, but I could pay steadv; and if you'd lose all you have in any way, it would come in real 278 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN handy to have that much skating in steady as the clock every week for as long as you say, and soon as I can, I'll make it more. I'd give all I got, or ever can get, to cure Lily's back, and because you fixed the dog, I'd like you to fix her. I do hope you will come soon, but of course I don't wish anybody else would get sick so you'd have to. You can ask if I am square of Mr. Douglas Bruce, Iriquois Building, Multiopolis, Indiana, or of Mr. Chaffner, editor of the Herald, whose papers I've sold since I was big enough. MICHAEL O'HALLORAN. CHAPTER XII FEMININE REASONING WITH vigour renewed by a night of rest Leslie be- gan her second day at Atwater Cabin. She had so many and such willing helpers that before noon she could find nothing more to do. After lunch she felt a desire to explore her new world. Choosing the shady side, she followed the road toward the club house, but one thought in her mind: she must return in time to take the car and meet Douglas Bruce as she had promised. She felt elated that she had so planned her summer as to spend it with her father, while of course it was going to be delightful to have her lover with her. So going she came to a most attractive lane that led from the road between tilled fields, back to a wood on one side, and open pasture on the other. Faintly she heard the shouts of children, and yielding to sudden impulse she turned and followed the grassy path. A few more steps, then she stopped in surprise. An automobile was standing on the bank of a brook. On an Indian blanket under a tree sat a woman of fine appearance holding a book, but watching with smiling face the line of the water, which spread in a wide pool above a rudely constructed dam, overflowing it in a small waterfall. On either bank lay one of the Minturn boys, muddy and 279 2 8o MICHAEL O'HALLORAN damp, trying with his hands to catch something in the water. Below the dam, in a blue balbriggan bathing suit, stood James Minturn, his hands filled with a big piece of sod which he bent and applied to a leak. Leslie untied the ribbons of her sunshade and rumpling her hair to the light breeze came forward laughing. "Well Mr. Minturn!" she cried. "What is going to become of the taxpayers of Multiopolis while their cham- pion builds a sod dam?" Whether the flush on James Minturn's face as he turned to her was exertion, embarrassment, or unpleasant memory Leslie could not decide; but she remembered, after her impulsive greeting, that she had been with his wife in that early morning meeting the day of the trip to the swamp. She thought of many things as she went forward. James Minturn held out his muddy hands as he said laughingly: "You see I'm not in condition for our customary greet- ing." "Surely!" cried Leslie. "It is going to wash off, isn't it? If from you, why not from me?" "Of course if you want to play!" he said. "Playing? You? Honestly?" queried Leslie. "Honestly playing," answered the man. "The 'hon- estest* playing in all the world; not the political game, not the money game, not anything called manly sport, just a day off with my boys, being a boy again. Heavens Les- lie, I'm wild about it. I could scarcely sleep last night for eagerness to get started. But let me make you ac- quainted with my family. My sister, Mrs. Winslow, a friend of mine, Miss Leslie Winton; my sons' tutor, Mr. FEMININE REASONING 281 Tower; my little brother, William Minturn; my boys, Junior and Malcolm." "Anyway, we can shake hands," said Leslie to Mrs. Winslow. "The habit is so ingrained I am scandalized on meeting people if I'm forced to neglect it." "Will you share my blanket?" asked Mrs. Winslow. "Thanks! Yes, for a little time," said Leslie. "I am greatly interested in what is going on here." "So am I," said Mrs. Winslow. "We are engaged in the evolution of an idea. A real 'Do-the-boy's- hahV" "It seems to be doing them good," commented Leslie. "Never mind the boys," said Mr. Minturn. "I object to such small men monopolizing your attention. Look at the 'good' this is doing me. And would you please tell me why you are here, instead of disporting yourself at, say Lenox?" "How funny!" laughed Leslie. "I am out in search of amusement, and I'm finding it. I think I'm perhaps a mile from our home for the summer." " You amaze me ! " cried Mr. Minturn. " I saw Douglas this morning, and told him where I was coming, but he , never said a word." "He didn't know one to say on this subject," explained Leslie. "You see I rented a cabin over on Atwater and had my plans made before I told even father what a de- lightful thing was in store for him." "But how did it happen?" "Through my seeing how desperately busy Daddy and Douglas have been all spring, Daddy especially," replied 282 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN Leslie. "Douglas is bad enough, but father's just ob- sessed, so much so that I think he's carrying double." "I know he is," said Mr. Minturn. "And so you made a plan to allow him to proceed with his work all day and then have the delightful ride, fishing and swimming in Atwater morning and evening. How wonderful! And of course Douglas will be there also?" "Of course," agreed Leslie. "At least he shall have an invitation. I'm going to surprise him with it this very evening. How do you think he'll like it?" "I think he will be so overjoyed he won't know how to express himself," said James Minturn. "But isn't it going to be lonely for you ? Won't you miss your friends, your frocks, and your usual summer round?" "You forget," said Leslie. "My friends and my frocks always have been for winter. All my life I have summered with father." "How will you amuse yourself?" he asked. "It will take some time each day to plan what to do the next that will bring most refreshment and joy; I often will be compelled to drive in of mornings with orders for my housekeeping, and when other things are exhausted, I am going to make an especial study of wild-bird music." "That is an Attractive subject/' said Mr. Minturn. "Have you really made any progress?" "Little more than verifying a few songs already re- corded," replied Leslie. " I hear smatterings and snatches, but they are elusive, while I'm not always sure of the iden- tity of the bird. But the subject is thrillingly tempting." "It surely is," conceded Mr. Minturn. "I could see FEMININE REASONING 283 that Nellie was alert the instant you mentioned it. Come over here to the shade and tell me how far you have gone. You see I've undertaken the boys' education. Malcolm inherits his mother's musical ability to a wonderful degree. It is possible that he could be started on this, and so begin his work while he thinks he's playing." Leslie walked to the spot indicated, far enough away that conversation would not interrupt Mrs. Winslow's reading, and near enough to watch the boys; she and Mr. Minturn sat on the grass and talked. "It might be the very thing," said Leslie. "Whatever gives even a faint hope of attracting a boy to an educa- tional subject is worth testing." "One thing I missed, I always have regretted," said : Mr. Minturn, "I never fiad educated musical compre- . hension. Nellie performed and sang so well, and in my soul I knew what I could understand and liked in music she scorned. Sometimes I thought if I had known only enough to appreciate the right thing at the right time, it might have formed a slender tie between us; so I want the boys both to recognize good music when they hear it; but they have so much to learn all at once, pool little chaps, I scarcely see where to begin, and in a mu- sical way, I don't even know how to begin. Tell me about the birds, Leslie. Just what is it you are studying? " "The strains of our famous composers that are lifted bodily for measures at a time, from the song of a bird or indisputably based upon it," answered Leslie. "Did you and Nellie have any success?" "Indeed yes! We had the royal luck to hear exactly 2 8 4 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN the song I had hoped; and besides we talked of many things and Nellie settled her future course in her mind. When she went into the swamp alone and came out with an armload of lavender fringed orchids she meant to carry to Elizabeth, and her heart firmly resolved to begin a new life with you, she told me she felt like flying; that never had she been so happy." Leslie paused, glancing at James Minturn. He seemed puzzled: "I don't understand. But nothing matters now. Tell me about the birds," he said. "And it is what you admit you don't understand that I must tell you of," said Leslie. "I've been afraid, hor- ribly afraid you didn't understand, and that you took some course you wouldn't have taken if you did. What happened in the swamp was all my fault!" "The birds, Leslie, tell me of the birds," commanded James Minturn. "You can't possibly know what occurred that separated Nellie and me." "No, I don't know your side of it; but I do know hers, and I don't think you do," persisted Leslie. "Now if you would be big enough to let me tell you how it was with her that day, and what she said to me, your mind would be perfectly at rest as to the course you have taken." "My mind is 'perfectly at rest now as to the course I have taken,'" said Mr. Minturn. "I realize that a man should meet life as it comes to him. I endured mine in sweating humiliation for years, and I would have gone on to the end, if it had been a question of me only, but when the girl was sacrificed and the boys in a fair way to meet a worse fate than hers, the question no longer hinged on FEMININE REASONING 285 me. You have seen my sons during their mother's regime, when they were children of wealth in the care of servants; look at them now and dare to tell me that they are not greatly improved." "Surely they are!" said Leslie. "You did right to rescue them from their environment; all the fault that lies with you so far is, that you did not do from the start what you are now doing. The thing that haunts me is this, Mr. Minturn, and I must get it out of my mind before I can sleep soundly again you will let me tell you you won't think me meddling in what must be dreadful heart- ache? Oh you won't will you?" "No, I won't," said Mr. Minturn, "but it is prolonging heartache to discuss this matter, and wasting time better used in the building of >a sod dam indeed Leslie, tell me about the birds." "I will, if you'll answer one question," said Leslie. "Dangerous, but I'll risk it," replied Mr. Minturn. "I must ask two or three minor ones to reach the real one," explained the girl. "Oh Leslie," laughed Mr. Minturn. "I didn't think you were so like the average woman." "A large number of men are finding 'the average woman' quite delightful," said Leslie. "Men respect a masculine, well-balanced, argumentative woman, but every time they love and marry the impulsive, change- able, companionable one." 1 "Provided she be endowed with truth, character, and common mother instinct enough to protect her young yes I grant it, and glory in it," said Mr. Minturn. "I 286 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN can furnish logic for one family, and most men I know feel qualified to do the same." " Surely!" agreed Leslie. "You were waiting for Nellie the night she came from the tamarack swamp with me, and she told me you had a little box, and that with its contents you had threatened to 'freeze her soul,' if she had a soul. I'll be logical and fair, and ask but the one question I first stipulated. Here it is: did you wait until you made sure she had a soul, worthy of your considera- tion, before you froze it?" James Minturn's laugh was ugly to hear. "My dear girl," he said. "I made sure she had not three years ago." "And I made equally sure that she had," said Leslie, "in the tamarack swamp when she wrestled as Jacob at Peniel against her birth, her environment, her wealth, and triumphed over all of them for you and her sons. I can't go on with my own plan for personal happiness, until I know for sure if you perfectly understand that she came to you that night to confess to you her faults, errors, mis- takes, sins, if need be, and ask you to take the head of your household, and to help her fashion each hour of her life anew. Did she have a chance to tell you all this?" "No," said Mr. Minturn. "But it would have made no difference, if she had. It came too late." "You have not the right to say that to any living, suf- fering human being!" protested Leslie. "I have a perfect right to say it to her," said Mr. Min- turn. "A right that would be justified in any court in the world, either of lawyers or people." FEMININE REASONING 287 "Then thank God, Nellie gets her trial higher. He will understand, and forgive her." "You don't know what she did," said Mr. Minturn. "What she stood before me and the officers of the law, and admitted she did." "I don't care what she did! There were men forgiven on the cross; because they sincerely repented, God had mercy on them, so He will on her, and what's more, He won't have any on you, unless you follow His example and forgive when you are asked, by a woman as deeply re- pentant as she was." "Her repentance comes too late," said Mr. Minturn with finality. "Her error is not reparable" "There is no such thing as true repentance being too late," insisted Leslie. "You are distinctly commanded to forgive; you have got to do it! There is no error that is not reparable. Since you hint tragedy, I will concede it. If she had been directly responsible for the death of her child, it was a mistake, criminal carelessness, but not a thing purposely planned; so she could atone for it by doing her best for you and the boys." "Any mother who once did the things she did is not fit to be trusted again!" "What nonsense! James Minturn, you amaze me!'* said Leslie. "That is a little too cold masculine logic. That is taking from the whole human race the power to repent of and repair a mistake." "There are some mistakes that cannot be repaired!" "I grant it," said Leslie. "There are! You are mak- ing one right now J" 288 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN "That's the most strictly feminine utterance I ever heard," said Mr. Minturn, with a short laugh. "Thank you," retorted Leslie. "The compliment is high, but I accept it. I ask nothing better at the hands of fate than to be the most feminine of women. And I've told you what I feel forced to. You can now go on with your plans, knowing they are exactly what she had mapped out, hastily, but surely. She said to me that she must build from the foundations, which meant a new home." "You are fatuously mistaken!" said Mr. Minturn. "She said to me," reiterated Leslie forcefully, "that for ten years she had done exactly what she pleased, lived only for her own pleasure, now she would do as you dic- tated for a like time, live your way I never was farther from a mistake in my life. If you think it doesn't take courage to tell you this, and if you think I enjoy it, and if you think I don't wish I w r ere a mile away " "I still maintain I know the lady better than you do," said Mr. Minturn. " But you are wonderful Leslie, and I always shall respect and honour you for your effort in our behalf. It does credit to your head and heart. I envy Douglas Bruce. If ever an hour of trial comes to you, I would feel honoured for a chance to prove to you how much I appreciate " "Don't talk like that!" wailed Leslie. "It's all a fail- ure if you do! Promise me that you will think this over. Let me send you the note Nellie wrote me before she went away. Won't you try to imagine what she is suffering to-day, in the change from what she went to you hoping, and what she received at your hands?" FEMININE REASONING 289 "Let me see," said James Minturn. "At this hour she is probably enduring the pangs of wearing the most taste- ful afternoon gown on the veranda of whatever summer resort suits her variable fancy, also the discomfiture of the woman she induced to bid high and is now winning from at bridge. I am particularly intimate with her forms of suffering; you see I judge them by my own and my chil- dren's during the past years." "Then you think I'm not sincere?" asked Leslie. "Surely, my dear girl!" said Mr. Minturn. "With all my heart I believe you ! I know you are loyal to her, and to me! It isn't you I disbelieve, child, it is my wife." "But I've told you over and over that she's changed." "And I refuse to believe in her power to undergo the genuine and permanent change that would make her an influence for good with her sons, or anything but an un- controllable element in my home," said Mr. Minturn. "Why Leslie, if I were to hunt her up and ask her to come to my house, do you think she would do it?" "I know she would be most happy," said Leslie. "Small plain rooms, wait on herself, children over the house and lawn at all times Nellie Minturn? You amuse me!" he said. "There's no amusement in it for me, it is pitiful trag- edy," said Leslie. "She is willing, she has offered to change, you are denying her the opportunity." "You don't think deeply enough!" said the man. "Sup- pose, knowing her as I do, I agreed to her coming to my house. Suppose I filled it with servants to wait on her, and ruin and make snobs of the boys; it could only result 290 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN in a fiasco all around, and bring me again to the awful thing I have been through once, in forcing a separation. The present is too good for the boys, and just now they are my first consideration." "So I see," said Leslie. "Nellie isn't getting a par- ticle and she is their mother, and once she really awakened to the situation, she was hungry to mother them, and to take her place in their hearts. I don't know where she is, but feeling as she did when we parted, I know she's not at any summer resort playing bridge at this minute." "You are a friend worth having, Leslie; I congratulate my wife on so staunch an advocate," said James Minturn. "And Til promise you this: I'll go back to the hateful subject, just when I felt I was free from it. I'll think on both sides, and I'll weigh all you've said. If I see a glimmering, I will do this much I will locate her, and learn how genuine was the change you witnessed, and I rather think I'll manage for you to see also. Will that satisfy you?" "That will make me radiant, because the change I witnessed was genuine. I know that wherever Nellie is to-day and whatever she is doing, she is still firm as when she left me in her desire for reparation toward you and her sons. Please tV.nk fast, and find her quickly." "Leslie, you're incorrigible! Go bring Douglas to his surprise. He has a right to be happy." "So have you," insisted Leslie. "More than he, be- cause you have had such deep sorrow. Good-bye." Then Leslie took leave of the others, returned to the cabin, and hurried to her room to dress for her trip to FEMININE REASONING 291 bring her lover. Douglas Bruce was waiting when she stopped at the Iriquois and his greeting was joyous. Mr. Winton was cordial, but Douglas noticed that he seemed tired and worried, and inquired if he were working un- usually hard. He replied that he was, and beginning to feel the heat a little. "Then we will drive to the country before dinner to cool off," said Leslie, seeing her opportunity. Both men agreed that would be enjoyable. After a few minutes of casual talk they relaxed while making smooth passage over city streets and the almost equally level highways of the country. At the end of half an hour Douglas sat upright, looking around him. "I don't recognize this," he said. "Have we been here before, Leslie?" "I think not," she answered. "I don't know why. It is one of my best loved drives. Always before we have taken the road to the club house, or some of its branches." They began a gentle ascent, when directly across their v/ay stretched the blue water of a lake. "Is here where we take the plunge?" inquired Douglas. "No indeed!" answered Leslie. "Here we speed until we gather such momentum that we shoot across the water and alight on the opposite bank without stopping. Make your landing neatly, Rogers!" "Why have we never been here before?" marvelled Douglas. "I don't remember any other road one-half so inviting. Just look ahead here! See what a beautiful picture!" He indicated a vine of creeping blackberry spreading over gold sand, its rough, deeply serrated leaves 292 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN of most artistic cutting, with tufts of snowy bloom sur- rounding dark-tipped stamens in their centres. "Isn't it!" answered Mr. Winton. "You know what Whitman said of it ? " "I'm not so well read in Whitman as you are." "Which is your distinct loss," said Mr. Winton. "It was he who wrote, 'A running blackberry would adorn the parlours of Heaven.' " "And so it would!" exclaimed Douglas. "What a frieze that would make for a dining-room! Have you ever seen it used?" "Never," answered Leslie, "or many other of our most exquisite forms of wild growth." "What beautiful country!" Douglas commented a minute later as the car sped from the swamp, ran uphill, and down a valley between stretches of tilled farm land on either side, sloping back to the lakes now growing dis- tant, then creeping up a gradual incline until Atwater flashed into sight. "Man! That's fine!" he said, rising in the car to better admire the view, at which Leslie signalled the driver to run slower. "I don't remember that I ever saw anything quite so attractive as this. And if ever water invited a swimmer that white sand bed seems to extend as far into the lake as you can see. Jove! Wasn't that a black bass under that thorn bush?" Leslie's eyes were shining while her laugh was as joyous as any of the birds. He need not say more. There was a bathing suit in his room; in ten minutes he could be cleav- ing the water to the opposite shore and have time to re- FEMININE REASONING 293 turn before dinner. The car sped down where the road ran level with the water. A flock of waders arose and circled the lake. On the right was the orchard, the newly made garden, the tiny cabin with green lawn, hammocks swinging between trees, Indian blankets spread, and the odour of cooking food in the air. The car stopped, Douglas sprang out and offered his hand as he saw Leslie intended descending. She took the hand and kept it in her left. With her right she included woods, water, or- chard and cabin. "These are my surprise for you," she said. "I am going to live here this summer, and keep house for you and Dad while you run and reform the world. Welcome home, Douglas!" He slowly looked around, then at Mr. Winton. "Do you believe her?" he asked incredulously. "Yes indeed! Leslie has the faculty of making good. And I'm one day ahead of you. She tried this on me last night. Hurry into your bathing suit; we'll swim before dinner, and then we'll fish. It was great going in this morning! I'm sure you'll enjoy it!" " Enjoy it ! " cried Douglas. " Here is where the paucity of our language is made manifest." Too happy herself for the right word, Leslie showed Douglas to his room, with its white bed, and row of hooks, on one of which hung the bathing suit; then she went to put on her own, and they hurried to the lake. "You are happy here, Leslie?" asked Douglas. "Never in my life have I been so happy as I am this mo- ment," said Leslie, skifting the clear water with her hands 294 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN while she waited for her father before starting the swim to the opposite shore. "I've got the most joyous thing to tell you." "Go on and tell, 'Bearer of Morning,'" he said. "I am so delighted I'm maudlin." "Right over there, on the road to the club house, while 'seeking new worlds to conquer' this afternoon, I ran into James Minturn wearing a bathing suit, to his knees in mud and water, building a sod dam for his boys." "You did?" cried Douglas. "I did!" said Leslie. "Here's the picture: a beautiful winding stream, big trees like these on the banks, shade and flowers, birds, and air a-plenty, a fine appearing woman he introduced as his sister, a Minturn boy catching fish with his bare hands on either bank, the brother Min- turn must have adopted legally, since he gave him his name " "He did," interrupted Douglas. "He told me so " "I was sure of it," said Leslie. "And an interesting young man, a tutor, bringing up more sod; the boys acted quite like any other agreeably engaged children but Min- turn himself, looking like a man I never saw before, down in the sand and water building a sod dam a sod dam I'm telling you " "I notice what you are telling me," cried Douglas. "It is duly impressing me. 'Dam' is all I can think of." "It's no wonder!" exclaimed Leslie. "What did he say to you?" queried Douglas. "It wasn't necessary for him to say anything," said Leslie. " I could see. He is making over his boys and in FEMININE REASONING 295 order to do it sympathetically, and win their confidence and love, he is being a boy himself again. He has the little chaps under control now. There are love and ad- miration in their tones when they speak to him, while they obey him. Think of it!" "It is something worth thinking of," said Douglas. "He was driven to action, but his methods must have been heroic; for they seem to have worked." "Yes, for him and the boys," said Leslie, "but they are not all his family." "The remainder of his family always has looked out for herself to the exclusion of everything else in life, you have told me; I imagine she is still doing it with wonderful suc- cess," hazarded Douglas. "It amazes me how men can be so unfeeling." "So you talked to him about her?" "I surely did!" asserted Leslie. "And I'll wager you wasted words," said Douglas. " Not one ! " cried the girl. " He will remember each one I spoke. If I don't hear of him taking some action soon, I'll find another occasion, and try again. He shall divide the joy of remaking those boys with their mother." "She will respectfully I mean disdainfully, decline!" "You don't believe she was in earnest in what she said to me then?" asked the girl. "I am quite sure she was," he answered, "but a few days of her former life with her old friends will take her back to her previous ways with greater abandon than ever. You mark my words." "Bother your words!" cried Leslie emphatically. "I 296 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN tell you Douglas, I went through the fire with her. I watched her soul come out white. Promise me that if ever he talks to you, you won't say anything against her." "It would be a temptation," he said. "Minturn is a different man." "So is she a different woman! Come on Dad, we are waiting for you," called Leslie. "What kept you so?" "A paper fell from my pocket, so I picked it up and in glancing at it I became interested in a thought that hadn't occurred to me before, and I forgot. You must forgive your old Daddy; his hands are about full these days. Between my job for the city, and my own affairs, and those of a friend, I have all I can carry. Now let me forget business. I call this great of the girl. And one of the biggest appeals to me is the bill of fare. I had a dinner for a king last night. What have we to-night?" "But won't anticipation spoil it?" she asked. "Not a particle," he declared. "It's the fish we caught last night, baked potatoes, cress salad from Minturn's brook, strawberries from At- waters, cream from our rented cow, real clover cream, Mrs. James says, and biscuit. That's all." "Glory!" cried Mr. Winton. "Doesn't that thrill you? Let's head for the tallest tamarack of the swamp and then have a feast." On the opposite bank they rested a few minutes, then returned to dinner. Afterward, with Rogers rowing for Mr. Winton, and Leslie for Douglas, they went bass fish- ing. When the boats passed on the far shore Leslie and Douglas had three, and Mr. Winton five. This did not FEMININE REASONING 297 prove that he was the better fisherman, only that he worked constantly; they lost much time in conversation which in- terested them; but as they enjoyed what they had to say more than the sport, while Leslie only wished them to take the fish they would use, it was their affair. The girl soon returned to the Minturns and secured a promise from Douglas that if Mr. Minturn talked with him, at least he would say nothing to discourage his friend about the sincerity of his wife's motives. Leslie's thoughts then turned to the surprise Douglas had mentioned. "Oh, that pretty girl?" he inquired casually. "Yes, Lily," she said. "Of course Mickey took you to see her! Is she really a lovable child, and attractive? Could you get any idea of what is her trouble?" Douglas carefully reeled while looking at Leslie with a speculative smile. "You refuse to consider an attractive young lady of greater beauty than I have previously seen?" he queried. "Absolutely! Don't waste time on it," she said. "You'll have to begin again and ask me one at a time," he laughed. "What was your first?" "Is she really a lovable child?" repeated Leslie. "She most certainly is," said Douglas. "I could love her dearly. It's plain that Mickey adores her. Why when a boy gives up trips to the country, the chance to pick up good money, in order to stand over, wash, and cook for a little sick girl, what is the answer?" "The one you have given that he adores her," con- ceded Leslie. "The next was, 'Is she attractive?" "Wonderfully!" cried Douglas. "And what she would 298 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN be in health with flesh to cover her bones and colour on her lips and cheeks is now only dimly foreshadowed." " She must have her chance," said Leslie. " I was think- ing of her to-day. I'll go to see her at once and bring her here. I will get the best surgeon in Multiopolis to ex- amine her and a nurse if need be; then Mickey can come out with you." "Would you really, Leslie?" asked Douglas. "But why not?" cried she. "That's one of the things worth while in the world/' "I'd love to go halvers with you," proposed Douglas. "Let's do it! When will you go to see her?" " In a few days," said Leslie. ' ' The last one was, ' Could you get any idea of what is the trouble?" "Very little," said Douglas. "She can sit up and move her hands. He is teaching her to read and write. She had her lesson very creditably copied out on her slate. She practises in his absence on poems Mickey makes." "Poems?" "Doggerel," explained Douglas. "Four lines at a time. Some of it is pathetic, some of it is witty, some of it pres- ages possibilities. He may make a poet. She requires a verse each evening, so he recites it, then writes it out, and she uses it for copy the next day. The finished product is to have a sky-blue cover and be decorated either with an English sparrow, the only bird she has seen, or a cow. She likes milk, and the pictures of cows give her an idea that she can handle them like her doll " "Oh Douglas!" protested Leslie. "I believe she thinks a whole herd of cows could be FEMININE REASONING 299 kept on her bed, while she finds them quite suitable to decorate Mickey's volume," said Douglas. "Why, hasn't she seen anything at all?" "She has been on the street twice in her life that she knows of," answered Douglas. "It will be kind of you to take her, and cure her if it can be done, but you'll have to consult Mickey. She is his find, so he claims her, belligerently, I might warn you!" "Claims her! He has her ?" marvelled Leslie. "Surely! In his room! On his bed! Taking care of her himself, and doing a mighty fine job of it! Best she ever had I am quite sure," said Douglas. "But Douglas!" cried Leslie in amazement. "'But me no buts,' my lady!" warned Douglas. "I know what you would say. Save it! You can't do any- thing that way. Mickey is right. She is his. He found her in her last extremity, in rags, on the floor in a dark corner of an attic. He carried her home in that condition, to a clean bed his mother left him. Since, he has been her gallant little knight, lying on the floor on his winter bed- ding, feeding her first and most, not a thought for himself. God, Leslie! I don't stand for anything coming between Mickey and his child, his 'family' he calls her. He's the biggest small specimen I ever have seen. I'll fight his cause in any court in the country, if his right to her is questioned, as it will be the minute she is taken to a sur- geon or a hospital." "How old is she?" asked Leslie. "Neither of them knows. About ten, I should think." "How has he managed to keep her hidden this long?" 300 MICHAEL O'HALLORAN "He lives in an attic. The first woman he tried to get help from started the Home question, and frightened him; so he appealed to a nurse he met through being con- nected with an accident; she gave him supplies, instruc- tions and made Lily gowns." "But why didn't she ?" began Leslie. "She may have thought the child was his sister," said Douglas. "She's the loveliest little thing, Leslie!" "Very little? "asked Leslie. "Tiny is the word," said Douglas. "It's the prettiest sight I ever saw to watch him wait on her, and to see her big, starved, scared eyes follow him with adoring trust." "Adoration on both sides, then," laughed Leslie. "You imply I'm selecting too big words," said Douglas. "Wait till you see her, and see them together." "It's a problem!" said Leslie. "Yes, I admit that!" conceded Douglas, "but it isn't your problem." "But they can't go on that way!" cried Leslie. "I grant that," said Douglas. "All I stipulate is that Mickey shall be left to plan their lives himself, and in a way that makes him happy." "That's only fair to him!" said Leslie. "Now you are grasping and assimilating the situation properly," commented Douglas. When they returned to the cabin they found Mr. Winton stretched in a hammock smoking. Douglas took a blan- ket and Leslie a cushion on the steps, while all of them watched the moon pass slowly across Atwater. FEMININE REASONING 301 "How are you progressing with the sinners of Multiop- olis?" asked Mr. Winton of Douglas. "Fine!" he answered. "I've found what I think will turn out to be a big defalcation. Somebody drops out in disgrace with probably a penitentiary sentence." "Oh Douglas! How can you?" cried Leslie. "How can a man live in luxury- when he is stealing other people's money to pay the bills?" he retorted. "Yes I know, but Douglas, I wish you would buy this place and plow corn, or fish for a living." "Sometimes I have an inkling that before I finish with this I shall wish so too," replied he. "What do you think, Daddy?" asked Leslie. "I think the 'way of the transgressor is hard,' and that as always he pays in the end. Go ahead son, but let me know before you reach my office or any of my men. I hope I have my department in perfect order, but some- times a man gets a surprise." "Of course!" agreed Douglas. "Look at that water, will you? Just beyond that ragged old sycamore! That fellow must have been a whale. Isn't this great?" "The best of life," said Mr. Winton, stooping to kiss Leslie as he said good-night to both. CHAPTER XIII A SAFE PROPOSITION WHEN Mickey posted his letter, in deep thought he slowly walked home. That night his eyes closed with a feeling of relief. He was certain that when Peter and his wife and children talked over the plan he had suggested they would be anxious to have such a nice girl as Lily in their home for a week. He even went so far as the vague thought that if they kept her until fall, they never would be able to give her up, and possibly she could remain with them until he could learn whether her back could be cured, and make arrangements suitable for her. In his heart he felt sure that Mr. Bruce or Miss Leslie would help him take care of her, but he had strong objections to them. He thought the country with its clean air, birds, flowers and quiet the best place for her; if he allowed them to take her, she would be among luxuries which would make all he could do unappreciated. "She wasn't born to things like that; what's the use to spoil her with them?" he argued. "Course they haven't spoiled Miss Leslie, but she wasn't a poor kid to start on, and she has a father to take care of her, and Mr. Bruce. Lily has only me and I'm going to manage my family my- self. Pretty soon those nice folks will come, and if she likes them, maybe I'll let them take her 'til it's cooler." 3