some form of a counter. The area of the piston is best obtained by removing the cylinder cover and measuring the diameter of the cylinder with a micrometer gauge. It is necessary to measure the diameter of the cylinder and piston rod at a number of -positions, and take the mean of each of them, as these often wear out of truth. The length of the stroke can be obtained by marking the cross- head guide at the extreme ends of the stroke. The mean effective pressure is obtained from the indicator diagram. A comparison of previously taken indicator cards of the engine will give THEORY 27 accurate performance of mechanism and determine faulty operation. In other pages of this book a thorough explanation is given as to the meas- urement requirement properly ascertaining the function of the engine. DEFINITION OF "CARNOT" AND "OTTO" CYCLE The definition of cycle may be used to indicate a period of time in which a series of events repeat themselves; a, recurring series of events or a series of operations terminating to its original state. In the Cannot cycle its operation performed by perfect gas under perfect mechanical efficiency proves that thermodynamic heat con- verted into mechanical work efficiency of this engine is the 'highest that can be obtained by the use of any substance or combinations of sub- stances in any engine working in any other cycle between the identical limits of existing temperature. The practical engine as it improves approaches this efficiency, but can never attain it. In other words, the nearer the efficiency of any heat engine is to that of the Carnot cycle efficiency, the nearer it is to its highest attainable limit of perfection. As will be seen in the subject dealing with the isothermal and adi- abatic expansion, the heat unust be lowered by an adiabatic expansion in which the heat that disappears does so in doing its mechanical work. We begin to realize that the compression temperature on a Diesel en- gine acting adiabatically, in order that the heat received as heat may be received at the highest possible temperature making it possible to ac- complish the desired results. In theory internal combustion engines work on either of the Otto or the Carnot cycle. In defining this theory in the laws of thermodynam- ics alluding to internal combustion engines, we must first understand that all engines used for generation of power are heat engines. To establish an ideal standard of comparison in different types fol- lowing exclusive processes of operation the term cycle is applied. When giving this subject a little thought we soon conclude that the cycle of operation, as the indicator application wall convince us, is distinctly dif- ferent from that of the Diesel. The Diesel engine, which is a "constant pressure" engine, or to be plain, in which all the heat is token to generate its power while the pressure remains "constant" in the cylinder and its rejection occurs in identical condition, follows an exclusive "Diesel" cycle peculiar to this engine. In contrast to this constant pressure cycle we have the "constant volume" cycle, which we pleased to call the "Otto" cycle. In the study of Diesel engineering we find that this constant volume only exists in the gas or gasoline driven engine, where a constant volume establishes the "volumetric efficiency" of the engine. This volumetric efficiency is the fundamental principle of operation determining the results of power production of the engine itself. 28 THEORY HEAT All bodies are supposed to be composed of minute particles so small that they can scarcely be seen by a high powered microscope, they are called molecules. These molecules have weight and motion; in fact, the energy that any body possesses is due to the rapidity thait these mole- cules vibrate to and fro. The state of any substance whether gaseous, liquid or solid, is determined by the attraction that these molecules have for each other, as follows: In a gas, the molecules are said to be repellent to each other, that is, their adhesive qualities are entirely suspended, which causes them to travel away from one another in the direction of least resistance, thereby producing a state known as expansion there is no limit to the expansion of an unconfined gas. In a liquid body the adhesive qualities are only a slight degree greater than the cohesive qualities, thereby creating a state that per- mits the molecules to pass freely over or under one another in any di- rection, which acting with the laws of gravity, causes them to seek the lowest possible level. A liquid has no definite shape of its own, but as- sumes the .shape of the object in which it resits. In a solid the adhesive qualities are great enough to overcome the cohesive qualities to the extent of causing the mass to assume a defi- nite size and shape, thereby forcing the molecules to remain in a fixed path of motion. A force of more or less degree is required to cause a solid to change its shape. The vibratory motion of these bodies determines how hot or how cold the body is, for example: When a liquid boils, it is the maximum stage of motion for the molecules and they separate from the main body of liquid and pass off into the air in the form of vapor or gas. If you take a piece of iron and apply enough heat the molecules will move so rapidly that they travel outside of their fixed path of motion, losing their attraction for each other. Consequently the molecules will seek the lowest level, at which state it is said to be melted. On the other hand, if we should extract enough heat from a gas the molecules would lose sufficient motion and condense into a liquid. If we continued to extract heat it would finally become a solid, such as ice, and as we abstracted heat the motion of the molecules would be- come less until they came to a state of rest, which would be 460 degrees below zero (Fahrenheit). So far this has been impossible, the lowest known temperature on record being in the neighborhood of 400 degrees below zero (Fahrenheit). It can be readily seen that the temperature of any body is only a measurement of motion of the molecule. These measurements are taken by an instrument called a thermometer. THEORY 29 COMBUSTION In the diagrams a, b, c, d, and e are pressures taken on a card by an instrument used for finding the effects of different mixtures of gas and air, when ignited in a cylinder at atmospheric pressure, that is, ig- nition taken place at the lower left hand corner and the pressure raises in proportion to the mixture of air and gas, which may be summed up as follows: Diagram (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Volume of air to 1 volume of gas 13 11 9 7 5 Time of explosion: Second .28 .18 .13 .07 .05 Guage pressure. Pounds per sq. in 52 63 69 89 96 In the table as shown here it can be seen that a mixture 5 of air to 1 of coal gas gives the best results. If we were to use 4 of air to 1 of gas the pressure would be less as there would not be sufficient oxygen to complete combustion, consequently the elements of gas control the amount of air to be used. Experiments have proven that one volume of Experiments of Coal Gas and Air. air well saturated with gasoline mixed with 6 to 9 volumes of free air (depending upon the grade of gasoline) gives the greatest mean effective pressure. All fuel oils and gases contain hydrogen and carbon, and are known as hydrocarbons, which when mixed with oxygen and burned the hydro- gen and carbon seperate and unite with the oxygen, forming water (H 2 O) and carbon dioxide (CO ). If the carbon unites with only one part oxygen it forms another substance known as carbon monoxide. The products of combustion are oxygen, carbon and hydrogen, com- bined with one part oxygen forms water. The elements with their atomic weights usually found in fuel are as follows: Elements: Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen Carbon Sulphur H.. 0_ N.. C.. s. Atomic Weight 1 16 14 12 _ 32 30 THEORY In the above table we find that the atomic weight of carbon is 12 and the atomic weight of oxygen is 16, then in carbon dioxide (CO o ) we have by weight 12 parts of carbon to 32 part of oxygen. In other words it requires 32 -:-- 12 or 2% pounds of oxygen to one pound of car- bon. As only 23% of the air, by weight, is oxygen, we have 2% -f- .23 or 16.6 pounds of air to supply the 2% pounds of oxygen, which may be summed up as follows, 1 C + 11.6 air 12.6 pounds Mixture T2.67 01 1 C + ^ ^ - 12.6 pounds Elements \8.93 N fl C 1 Carb. diox.^ I -f- 8.93 N 12.6 pounds Products of Combustion \2.67 J In the above table 1 pound of C requires 11.6 pounds of air for com- bustion. The 2.67 pounds of O in the 11.6 pounds of air combines with the 1 pound of carbon forming 3.67 pounds of CO o and the 8.93 pounds of N pass off with the) CO o without taking any part in the combustion. In hydrogen the product of combustion is H ( O, by weight it is com- posed of 2 parts of H to 16 parts of O, then 1C -f- 2 = 8 pounds of oxy- gen to unite with 2 pounds of hydrogen. As oxygen by weight equals 23% of the air, we have 8 -=- .23 or 34.8 pounds of air to burn 2 pounds of hydrogen, which is summed up as follows: 2 H -f- 34.8 air = 36.8 pounds Mixture 2H-}-^ V 36.8 pounds Elements ^26.8 N r (\ TT "^ L + 26.8 36.8 poundsProducts of 'Combustion 8 O J Suppose there wasn't sufficient oxygen to unite with the carbon to form complete combustion, then we have as stated before CO instead of CO 2 , that is, by weight 12 parts of carbon to 16 parts of oxygen or 16 -f- 12 = 1% pounds of oxygen to 1 pound of carbon, which is summed up as follows: 1 C -f 5.8 air = 6.8 pounds Mixture fl.33 O 1 1C+ -< I = 6.8 pounds Elements I 1 ' 330 1=6, [4.47N J {1C ~1 I + 4.47 6.8 pounds__Produc:ts of Combustion 1.33 O J It is not customary to use the" weight of gas in calculating the pounds of air required for combustion in gas engines, as gas is invariably meas- THEORY 31 ured in cubic feet, making it necessary ito figure air by cubic feet, which may be explained as follows: The combustible products of hydrocarbons are OO 2 and H o O. It is evident that in each molecule of CO o it requires two atoms of oxygen to complete the combustion of 1 atom of carbon and for every molecule of H o O it would repuire y 2 atom of oxygen to complete combustion for 1 atom of hydrogen, which may be expressed in the formular of H 2 C H = number of atoms of oxygen required to burn any hydrocarbon. 2 In chemical theory a gas requires y 2 as many volumes of oxygen as there are atoms of oxygen in the compound. Then the volume of oxygen required for complete combustion for any hydrocarbon may be found in the following formula: H H 2C+ -- =(CH ) 4.76 2 4 As only 21% of air by volume is oxygen, we would have 1 .21 or 4.76. The volume necessary for complete combustion of 1 volume of hydrocarbon, consequently we have: Volume = (C + H) 4.76. 4 Example: How many cubic feet of air would be required to burn one cubic foot of Hexane (C H 14 )? Solution: H 14 V = (C + - ) 4.76 or V = (6 + - ) 4.76 4 4 then V = 9.5 X 4.76 or 45.2 cubic feet of air. To find the volume of air required for a gas containing a mixture of various hydrocarbons, use the above formula for each constituent of the gas and multiply the results by the percent and add together. Example: How many cubic feet of air would be required to burn gas composed of the following? Constituents of Gas: Propane C-H 15% Methane C H* 75% Butane C H 10% 32 THEORY Solution : 8 V = (3 + - ) 4.76 or V = 5 X 4.76 = 23.8 cu. ft. of air 4 4 V (1 + - ) 4.76 or V = 2 x 4.76 = 9.52 cu. ft. of air 4 10 V = (4 + - ) 4.76 or V 6.5 x 4.76 30.94 cu. ft. of air 4 Then Propane = 23.8 X .15 = 3.57 cu. ft. of air Methane = 9.52 X .75 = 7.14 cu. ft. of air Butane = 30.94 X .10 = 3.09 cu. ft. of air Total _ __13.8 cu. ft. of air. Answer. RELATIVE WEIGHTS OF ELEMENTS The usual weight definition of the atoms or the atomic weights of the elements are expressed in terms of the weight of an atom of hydro- gen. Thus H = 1, O = 16, N = 14, C = 12, and S 32. Since equal volumes of gases contain the same number of molecules it follows that the approximate weights of equal volumes of gases will be the same as the relative weights of their molecules. TABLE OF RELATIVE ATOMIC AND MOLECULAR WEIGHT Hydrogen Atomic Weight Molecular Weight Oxygen H 1 H. ( 1X2 =2 Nitrogen O = 16 O.~ = 16 X 2 =32 Carbon N = 14 N~o = 14 X 2 =28 Sulphur C = 12 Element or Compound S = 32 COMPOSITION OF AIR For an approximate combustion calculation the composition of at- mospheric air may be taken as follows: Oxygen 23 per cent 21 per cent Nitrogen 77 per cent ; 79 per cent THEORY 33 APPROXIMATE CALORIFIC VALUES OF THE COMMON COMBUSTIBLES Heat Evolved per Combustible Product of Combustible Lb. of Combustible B. T. U. Carbon (C) Carbon Monoxide (CO) 4,450 Carbon (C) Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ) 14,540 Hydrogen (H) Waiter (H 2 O) 62,030 Sulphur (S) Sulphur (S) ' 4,050 Carbon Monoxide (CO) Carbon Dioxide (OO o ) 4,300 Ethylene (C o H 4 ) Carbon Dioxide (CO o ) and Water (H 2 O) 21,500 Methane (CH 4 ) Carbon Dioxide (CO.") and Water (H^O) 23,550 SOME FACTS ON COMBUSTIBLE SUBSTANCES The principal components of liquid fuels are carbon, hydrogen, oxy- gen and nitrogen. Oxygen does not burn, but it is a supporter of combustion. The pressure of liquid at any point is equal in all directions. There is an equal number of molecules in equal volumes of all gases at the same temperature and pressure. Nitrogen will neither burn nor support combustion. Water vapor, if present in large quantities, retards ignition and the propagation of explosion. Before an explosion can occur, or combus- tion, the vapor must be raised to the ignition temperature of the gas and on account of the high specific heat of water, considerable heat is thus absorbed. The boiling point rises with increase of pressure and falls with de- crease of pressure. A cubic foot of dry air at 32 F. at sea level weighs 0.080728 Ib. Absolute zero is 459.4; above this temperature everything scienti- fically contains heat. The density of a body depends both upon its mass and its volume. Water is reduced only 0.00005 of its volume by a pressure of one atmosphere. A gas is reduced to one-half its volume by the same pressure. Gases have no elastic limit. No amount of compression can per- manently change their polume; they always return to their original vol- ume when the distorting pressure is removed. Velocity is the rate of motion. Specific gravity is the given amount of water at 60 degree normal temperature. Other substances might be selected, but the most suitable standard is water, therefore it is used for the purpose of determining the density of solids and liquids, 34 THEORY The British Thermal Unit (B.T.U.) is a unit to measure the quan- tity of heat generated by the burning of substances. It is equivalent to the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 Ib. of water 1 degree of the Fahrenheit scale, or 1 B.T.U. is equivalent to 778 foot- pounds. When heat is added to a body, whether solid, liquid or gaseous, the vibration of the molecules composing the body increases. The centigrade scale differs from the Fahrenheit in making the freezing point and the boiling point 100, the space between being divided into 100 equal parts. This thermometer is the one in general use among scientific men. Pure dry air is chiefly a mixture of oxygen, nitrogen and carbon di- oxide, containing nearly four volumes or parts of nitrogen to one part of oxygen. Figures that are still more exact, and which are frequently used iby the chemist when calculating the amount of oxygen in a given volume of air, are as follows: Per cent. Carbon dioxide (CO.,) 0.23 Oxygen (O ) - 20.93 Nitrogen (N^) 79.04 Oxygen is slightly soluble in waiter, 25 volumes of water will absorb one volume of oxygen. The average pressure of the atmosphere at sea level is 14.7 Ibs. per square inch. This is called the pressure of 1 atmosphere. The weight per cubic foot of any gas at different temperatures and pressures can be found by the following formula: Let W = weight in pounds; V = volume in cubic feet; B = barometric pressure; S = specific gravity; T = absolute temperature. Hydrogen has no taste or color. The pure gas has no odor, though hydrogen as ordinarily prepared has a disagreeable odor, due mainly to impurities in the metals used. Hydrogen is the lightest known sub- stance. Volume for volume, air is about 14.4 times and oxygen 16 times, and water 11,000 times heavier than hydrogen. By specific heat is meant the quantity of heat necessary to raise the temperature of a substance one degree compared with the amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of an qual weight of water one degree. To measure the specific heat of a body the following will suffice as explanation: The quantity of heat absorbed by the cool body in heating ~ mass X change in temperature X specific heat. The quantity of heat given out by the hot body in cooling = mass X change in temperature X specific heat. THEORY 35 Thus : M = mass; t = temperature change; s =. specific heat; Mts MTs. It will be noticed that the heat absorbed by the cool body in heat- ing is exactly the amount given out by the hot body in cooling. In internal combustion engines the pressure in the cylinder is due to the action of the heat evolved during combustion. The capacity for heat of the combustible mixtures in the cylinder is, however, small, whilst the temperature of combustion is high. It follows, therefore, that any loss of heat will necessarily seriously affect the temperature of the products of combustion, with a consequent loss in efficiency. The value of fuel depends upon the use that can be made of the store of latent energy which it contains. BOYLE'S LAW Boyle's Law states that for a given mass of gas, at constant tempera- ture, the pressure varies inversely as the volume; or, using the letters P and V to represent pressure and volume respectively. 1 P = , that is, the product P X V = constant. V FOR AIR: If V is the volume of 1 Ib. of air in cu. feet and P is the pressure in Ibs. per sq. foot, at the constant temiperature of freezing water, 32 F., Then we have: U. V. := 26220. CHARLES' LAW Charles' Law states that when a given mass of gas expands under constant pressure, equal increments of temperature produce equal in- crements of volume, and it also states that all gases exipand alike. Thus^if V Q is the volume at zero temperature of a given quantity of gas expanding at constant pressure, and if V is its volume at any other temperature TJ. Then V = V Q (1 + aT* ), where a is a constant. Thus when TI is in Centigrade units a is very nearly 1/273, and when T 1 is in Fahrenheit units a is very nearly 1/461. JOULE'S LAW Joule's Law states that heat and mechanical work are mutually con- vertible, a unit of heat being equivalent to a certain amount of mechani- cal work, called the Mechanical equivalent of heat. 36 THEORY This may be expressed in following: w = J. H. where w = the amount mechanical work in work units, and H = the quantity of heat in heat units, J = the Mechanical Equivalent of Heat = 778 in Fahren- heit units. The fact established by Joule is: That a gas expands without actually doing external work and without taking in or giving out heat (i.e., without changing its internal energy), its temperature remains constant. We may express this result in following: Heat supplied = work done + increase in internal energy, or: H = W + (E E () ). CHAPTER III. MISCELLANEOUS FORMULAS To Find Indicated Thrust of a Propeller: H. P. X 33000 X per cent utilized Lbs. Thrust equals - = H>B. thrust Fitch X revol. X 100 of propeller The resistance of the water varies as the square of the speed. The power required to overcome this resistance equals the cube of the speed. To Find the Power of the Screw: P equals Power required P equals Pitch of Screw L equals length of handle W equals weight lifted weight X pitch P - r= power required. length X 2 X 3.1416 Displacement of Ship: Tons X 35 X 12 A equals - = Sectional area of ship at water level Inches sunk Tons X 35 X 12 D equals - = Displacement in inches. Area A X inches to sink T e(}lia i s - Tons required to sink ship by 35 x 12 amount of inches. Ton cargo X 35 E equals = Co-efficient of displacement. 1 X b X d Number of feet = decimal part of 1 nautical mile. 6080 38 MISCELLANEOUS FORMULAS Suppose, for example, we have 12 feet to consider and wish -to con- vert the 12 feet in decimal terms of 1 mile. Thus: 6080 ft. .00197 nautical mile. 12 ft. The way this .Oi)197 would be used in the kind of a problem this is referred to is as follows: Suppose we have a propeller that has a pitch of 15 feet, and the loss in slip is 20 per cent, which is 3 feet per revolution, then the actual effective pitch is 12 feet, or, the propeller and vessel to which it is at- tached, will advance 12 feet per revolution. Let us say that the (propeller turns 60 times a minute and it is de- sired to find how ifar the ship has advanced in 4 hours, we will say: If the propeller turns 60 times per minute, then, in 4 hours it will turn, 60X60X4=14,400 revolutions. The constant we will use, as before explained, is .00197, and so, 14,400 X.00197=28.36+imiles (say 28.4 miles). To prove the constant .00197 is sufficiently close for all practical purposes, let us work out the same problem in the usual way, as fol- lows : Effective pitch of propeller 12 feet. R. P. M.= 60. Hours run=4. Then : 12X60=720 feet per minute. 720X60=43,200 feet per hour. 43,200X4=172,800 feet in 4 hours. As there are 6,080 feet in one nautical mile, then as many times as C.080 is contained in 172,800 is the number of miles (nautical) that the ship has advanced in the 4 hours: 172,800-j-6,080=28.42 miles. The reason that, by the use of the constant, we get a slightly dif- ferent answer, viz: 28.36 + , is that the decimal value .00197 can be worked out further, hence the small difference as noted. MISCELLANEOUS FORMULAS 39 THE CIRCLE: The circumference of a circle is equal to the diameter multiplied by 3.1416. The area of a circle is equal to the square of the diameter multi- plied by .7854. To find the length of an Arc of a Circle: Multiply the diameter of the circle by the number of degrees in the arc and this product by .0087266. To find the area of a Sector of a circle: Multiply the numbsr of degrees in the arc of the sector by the square of the radius and by .008727; or, multiply the arc of the sector by half its radius. THE TRIANGLE: Varieties. Right angled, having one right angle; obtuse angled, hav- ing one obtuse angle; isosceles, having two equal angles and two equal sides; equilateral, having three equal sides and equal angles. The sum of the three angles of any triangle equals 180 degrees. The two acute angles of a right angled triangle are complements of each other. Hypothenuse of a right angled triangle, the side opposite the right angle, equals V sum of the squares of the other two sides. To find the area of a Triangle: Multiply the base by half the height. The Area of a Triangle being given to find the Length of the Base: Base equals twice the area divided by perpendicular height. Area of a Triangle being given to find the Height: Height equals twice area divided by base. QUADRILATERAL FIGURE: To find the Area: Divide the figure into two triangles; the sum of the areas of the triangles ds the area. THE ELLIPSE: To find the Area: Multiply the two diameters together and the product by .7854. THE SPHERE: To Compute the Surface: Multiply the diameter by the circum- ference and the product will give the surface. To Compute the Total Volume: Multiply the cube of the diam- eter by .5236. 40 MISCELLANEOUS FORMULAS THE CYLINDER: To Compute the Surface: Multiply the length by the circumfer- ence and add the product to the area of the two ends. EQUIVALENT OF MEASURE (VELOCITIES AND ACCELERATIONS) 1 kine 1 centimeter per second = 0.0328083 foot per second. 1 radian per second = 57.2958 degrees per second = 0.159155 revolutions per second. 1 gravity = 980.5966 centimeters uer sec. = 32.1717 feet per sec. 1 foot pound = 13557300 ergs 18325.5 gram-centimeters. EQUIVALENT OF MEASURE (MILES, ETC.) 1 Yard, U. S. 1.0000029 yard British 1 Yard, British 0.9999971 yard U. S. 1 Chain, Gunter's 100 links 1 Link 7.92 inches 1 Cable Length, U. S. = 120 fathoms = 960 spans = 720 feet = 219.457 meters. 1 League, U. S. = 3 statute miles = 24 furlongs. 1 International Geographical Mile = - 1/15 at Equator = 7422 m = 4.611808 U .S. statute miles. 1 International Nautical Mile = 1/60 at meridian = 1852 m = 0.999326 U. S. nautical miles. 1 U. S. Nautical Mile = 1/60 of circumference of sphere whose surface equals that of the earth = 6080.27 feet = 1.15155 statute miles = 1853.27 meters. 1 British Nautical Mile = 6080.00 feet = 1.15152 statute miles = 1853.19 meters. TO FIND THE HORSE POWER REQUIRED TO DRIVE A SHIP THROUGH THE WATER AT A GIVEN SPEED Area of immersed midship section X knots per hr. H. P. equals 600 Horse Power required. Note: The resistance varies as the square of the speed, MISCELLANEOUS FORMULAS 41 Valve Formula: Half the travel of the valve-lap equals the greatest opening. Greatest opening X length of port equals Area of opening. Lap plus lead plus exhaust lap equals exhaust opening Twice the lap plus lead 2 x stroke equals Point of cut-off from end of stroke. Travel Convenient Formulas: GXP S equals - = length of stroke. P S X P C equals - = point of cut-off. P S X P P equals - = absolute pressure. C P X C p equals - = terminal pressure. S R equals S -f - C = ratio of expansion. Pressure on Guide: Area of piston X P X length of crank P equals = pressure per sq. Area of guide X length of connecting rod in. on guide. Crank Pin: Area of piston X pressure P equals pressure per sq. inches on pin. Diam. X length crank pin Pressure: P equals Pressure above atmospheric pressure when denoting burst- ing or safe working pressure, gauge, or safety valve pressures of tank. P equals Absolute pressure when denoting engine pressures, strains on shafting, etc. 42 MISCELLANEOUS FORMULAS 1. Example: A propeller is 9' in diameter, 20" across the blades, and the forward corner is OVa" in advance of the after one. What is the pitch? p piece of pitch; G = piece of circumference; p = whole pitch; C = whole 'Circumference; 20 inches piece of thread; 9 5/10 piece of pitch. 400 minus 90.25 equals 309.75 9 X 12 equals 108" diameter of wheel, (12" = 1 foot) 3.1416 X 108" equals 339.2928 inches whole circumference, 339.2928 inches X 9.5 equals 3223.2816 inches. 3223.2816 inches divided by 12 equals 268.6068 ft. 268.6068 divided by 17.6 equals 15.26 plus ft.-^pitch. C X p P equals - or as c = to C as p = to P 20" X 20 = 400" 400.00 9.5" X 9.5 = 90.25 90.25 309.75 = 17.6" part of circumference. 309.75 Answer: 15.26 plus ft. pitch. 2. Example: The pitch of a propeller is 18 ft. and makes 70 r. p. m. what is 'the speed of the ship in knots per hour allowing 20 per cent off for slip? C = constant 6068 ft. P = pitch of wheel; R = revolutions per minute S = percentage of slip; K knots; (60 minutes in 1 hour) 6068 ft. equals 1 knot. P X R X 60 X S K equals MISCELLANEOUS FORMULAS 43 Efficiency: A crude definition of efficiency is: What you get What you paid for it The Mechanical Efficiency of the Engine is: B. H. P. I. H. P. Apparent Slip: The definition of this term means following: A ship which is driven at an abnormal speed of V knots per hour by a propeller having a pitch of p feet, and making r revolutions per minute, the apparent slip is the quantity computed by the equa- tion pr 101.3V pi- Real and Apparent Slip: The slip of propeller may be defined in following: pr 101.3 Va s = pr Where V a is the speed of the ship in knots per hour, p is the pitch in feet and r is the number of revolutions per minute. Pitch Ratio and Slip: The importance of determining the pitch ratio, where a change of propellers necessitates the accuracy of the type desired may be ex- plained in following: For large ships the pitch ratio usually range from 1.0 to 1.5 and the apparent slip from 0.10 to 0.20; both pitch-ratio and slip increas- ing with the speed-length-ratio. The efficiency of the full-faced type ranges from 0.45 to 0.75, increasing with the pitch ratio, and being larger for narrow blades and for propellers with few blades (three or two). The variation in this case for a given type of propeller is not large and can be known approximately in advance. For a given range of slip the efficiency changes but little, but there is an appre- ciable falling off for large slips. These conditions vary somewhat for the various pitch-ratios. 44 MISCELLANEOUS FORMULAS Number of Propellers: The efficiency establishment in difference of single or twin pro- pulsion, depends a great deal on prevailing conditions. The differ- ences are not large and any of aforementioned type may be of equal efficiency. A single engine is, of course, simpler and cheaper than two engines, taking in consideration the initial expenses. For moderate powers and speeds a single screw will be chosen unless there are distinct advantages otherwise, such as the elimination of a heavy weight main engine to be substituted with twin engines, which are as easily op- erated as the single engine, owing to the facility afforded in managing Diesel power. Thrust Computation: To compute the thrust per square inch we may first find the effective horsepower by multiplying the indicated horsepower by the coefficient of propulsion from 0.5 to 0.65. The effective horse-power may be multiplied by 33,000 to find the foot-pounds per minute, and this quantity divided by the speed of the ship in feet per minute (101.3V) will give the tow-rope resistance; this last quantity must be divided by 1 - + to find the thrust of the propeller; so that 33000 E. H. P. Thrust 101.3 V (1 t) in which V is the speed of the ship in knots and t is the thrust deduction (about 0.1). Shaft Diameters: FOUR CYCLE DIESEL ENGINE AT 120 R.P.M.: 6 Cylinders, 26" diameter X 42" stroke, 500 Ibs., initial pressure. 3 cyl. cliam.'~' x press. X stroke = Diameter Shaft = constant f (shaft stress) 262 x 500 X 42 .97 V =11.85' 7500 MISCELLANEOUS FORMULAS 45 FOUR CYCLE DIESEL ENGINE AT 90 R.P.M.: 6 Cylinders, 30" X 48", 500 Ibs. initial pressure. 3 / 302 X 500 48 Diameter Shaft = .97 \ . 7500 TWO CYCLE DIESEL ENGINE AT 115 R.P.M.: 6 Cylinder, 22" x 32", 500 Ibs. pressure. 3 / 222 X 500 X 32 Diameter Shaft = 1.04 \ == 10.48' 7500 TWO CYCLE DIESEL ENGINE AT 90 R.P.M.: 6 Cylinders, 24" X 38", 500 Ibs. initial pressure. 242 x 500 X 38 Diameter Shaft = 1.04 \l - = 11.75' 7500 2 4 Cycle Diesel Engines running in parallel at 150 R. P. M. with single Reduction Gear | ( -- \ x 100 equals! Percen ^ of strength of rivets as " compared with the solid plate. Percentage of strength of rivets as p v m X i X 100 1 compared with the solid plate. Engine Formula: (Slow-speed heavy duty types) The 'stroke equals the mean diameter of cylinders. D divided by 10 equals diameter of piston rod; D divided by 14 equals diameter of piston rod at bottom of thread. D divided by 20 equals diameter of connecting rod bolts (2). D X stroke - zz: diameter of crankshaft journals. D x S = diameter of tunnel shaft journal. 10 p = pressure in cylinder L = length of stroke A = area of cylinder N = number of revolutions per minute C = num'ber of cylinders For single acting two-cycle type, which has one impulse for each revolution, use the following formula: PLAN I. H. P. = - 33000 MISCELLANEOUS FORMULAS 47 For four-cycle, which has an impulse on alternate strokes, use the following formula: PLAN I. H. P. = 2 x 33000 Note: Above formulas give horse-power of one cylinder. To ascertain the horse-power on multi-cylinder engines, multiply by number of cylinders. Formulas for Brake Horse-power: CLAN For two-stroke cycle engine B. H. P. = 750 CLAN For four-stroke cycle engine B. H. P. = 1000 Or by following: (Four-cycle engine single acting) P X s X n N = 880 In the case of the two-cycle engine, single acting: P X s X n N = 500 Where N = B. H. P. n = revolutions per minute P = piston area in sq. in. s = piston be added the 10 minutes the clock was set back as the engine has actually to run 70 minutes before 11:00 A. M. If the engine, or engines, are making 332 R. P. M. for 70 minutes it will be 332 X 70 = 23240 R. P. M. Then: 956780 H- 23240 980020 reading at 11:00 A. M. STANDARD TESTS APPLIED TO INTERNAL COMBUSTION MACHINERY Brake Horse Power: The determination of brake horse power is the same for internal combustion engines as for steam driven engines. Measurement of Heat-Units Consumed by Engine: The number of heat units used is found by multiplying the number of pounds of oil or the cubic feet of gas consumed by the total heat of combustion of the fuel as determined by the calorimeter test. In establishing the total heat of combustion no deduction is made for the latent heat of the water vapor in the products of combustion. Measurement of Jacket-Water to Cylinder or Cylinders: In measuring the jacket-water the method of passing it through a water meter, or to have it flowing from a measuring tank on its dis- charge, is reliable. Indicated Horse-Power: Accurate tests made to establish the Indicated Horse-Power must be in a manner that no possible reaction can occur to engine, by unneces- sary bends in exhaust piping. All connection necessary should be, if possible, to the cylinder head. The use of Steam Indicators in connec- tion with test should be avoided and special types employed manufac- tured for Internal Combustion Engines. Standards for Economy and Efficiencies: Comparison tests between steam and Internal Combustion Engines require actual generating processes employed for either prime mover. It is imperative to confine the actual losses incurred by either engine through its respective method of heat energy produced. MISCELLANEOUS FORMULAS 51 Thermal Efficiency: In determining bhe thermal efficiency ratio per Indicated Horse- Power or per brake horse-power for internal combustion engines, the following formula may be used, expressed by fractions: 2545 B. T. U. per H. P. per hour Dimensions: It is recommended that following procedure be taken, in establish- ing accurate tests of engine: Take the dimensions of the cylinder or cylinders whether already known or not. The proper time to ascertain this is while the cylinder or cylinders are hot and in working order. In case where wear is shown, determine the average. Also measure the compression space or clearance volume, which should be done, if prac- ticable, by filling the spaces with water previously measured, the proper correction being made for the temperature. Fuel: The fuel used for the test should be specified and the correct high- est calorific value for fuel used known, to determine the maximum efficiency of engine. METRIC CONVERSION TABLE (SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS) Millimetre X .03937 = Inches. Millimetres X 25.4 = Inches. Centimetres X .3937 = Inches. Centimetres -r- 2.54 Inches. Metres X 39.37 = Inches. Metres X 3.281 = Feet. Metres X 1.094 = Yards. Kilometres X .621 = Miles. Kilometres -r- 1.6093 = Miles. Kilometres X 3280.7 Feet. Square Millimetres X .0155 Sq. Inches. Square Millimetres -f- 645.1 = Sq. Inches. Square Centimetres X .155 = Sq. Inches. Square Centimetres -=- 6.451 = Sq. Inches. Square Metres X 10.764 = Sq. Feet. Square Kilometres X 247.1 = Acres. Cubic Centimetres -f- 16.383 = Cu. Inches. Cubic Centimeters -r- 3.69 = Fluid Drachms. 52 MISCELLANEOUS FORMULAS Cubic Centimetres -4- 29.57 = Fluid Ounces. Hectare X 2.471 = Acres. Cubic Metres X 35.315 = Cubic Feet. Cubic Metres X 1.308 = Cubic Yards. Cubic Metres X 264.2 Gallons (231 Cu. Ins.) Litres X 61.022 = Cubic Inches. Litres X 33.84 = Fluid Ounces. Litres X .2642 = Gallons (231 Cu. Ins.) Litres -=- 3.78 == Gallons (231 Cu. Ins.) Litres -=- 28.316 = Cubic Feet. Hectolitres X 3.531 = Cubic Feet. Hectolitres X 2. 84 = Bushels (2150.42 Cu. Ins.) Hectolitres X .131 = Cubic. Yards. Hectolitres -f- 26.42 = Gallons (231 Cu. Ins.) Grammes X 15.432 = Grains. Grammes -4- 981 = Dynes. Grammes (Water) -*- 29.57 = Fluid Ounces. Grammes -=- 28.35 = Ounces Avoirdupois. Grammes Per Cu. Cent, -i- 27.7 Lbs. Per Cu. Ins. Joule X .7373 = Foot Pounds. Kilogrammes X 2.2046 = Pounds. Kilogrammes X 35.3 = Ounces Avoirdupois. Kilogrammes -i- 1102.3 = Tons (2000 Lbs.) Kilogrammes Per Sq. Cent. X 14.223 = Lbs. Per Sq. Inch. Kilogrammes Metres X 7.233 = Foot Pounds. Kilo Per Metre X .672 Lbs. Per Foot. Kilo Per Cu. Metre X .026 Lbs. Per Cu. Foot. Kilo Per Cheval X 2.235 = Lbs. Per H. P. Kilo-Watts X 1.34 = Horse Power. Watts -i- 746. = Horse (Power. Watts -f- .7373 = Foot Lbs. Per Second. Calorie X 3.968 = B. T. U. Cheval Vapeur X 3.968 = Horse Power. (Centigrade X 1.8) + 32 = Degrees Fahrenheit. Gravity Paris = 980.94 Centimetres Per Sec. POWER EQUIVALENTS. One Horse Power Is Equal to: 1,980,000 foot pounds per hour 33,000 foot pounds per minute 550 .__foot pounds per second MISCELLANEOUS FORMULAS 273,740 kilogram metres per hour 4.562.3 kilogram metres per minute 76.04 kilogram metres per second 2,552 British Thermal Unit per hour 42.53 British Thermal Unit per minute 0.709 British Thermal Unit per second 0.746 Kilowatt 746 Watts One Kilowatt Is Equal to: 2,654,400 foot pounds per hour 44,239 foot pounds per minute 737.3 foot pounds per second 366,970 kilogram metres per hour 6,116.2 kilogram metres per minute 101.94 kilogram metres per second 3.438.4 British Thermal Unit per hour 57.30 British Thermal Unit per minute 0.955 British Thermal Unit per minute 1,000 Watts 1.34 horse power One Watt Is Equal to: 2,654.4 foot pounds per hour 44.239 foot pounds per minute 0.737 foot pounds per second 366.97 kilogram meters per hour 6.12 kilogram metres per minute 0.102 kilogram metres per second 3.4384 British Thermal Unit per hour 0.0573 British Thermal Unit per minute 0.000955 ____British Thermal Unit per second 0.001 Kilowatt 0.001.340.6 Horse power One Foot Pound Is Equal to: 0.0000003767 Kilowatt per hour 0.0000226 Kilowatt per minute 0.001356 Kilowatt per second 0.000000506 Horse Power per hour 0.0000303 Horse Power per minute 0.001818 Horse Power per second 0.0003767 Watt per hour 0.0226 Watt per minute 1.356 Watt per second One Foot Pound Is Equal to: 1.3325 Kilogram metres 0.001288 .-British Thermal Uni f . 53 CHAPTER IV. PRINCIPLES OF DIESEL OPERATION It must be admitted that great progress has been made of late to standardize Diesel machinery on same basis as found to day among steam driven engines. In fact, a similar plan will be adopted as time advances. It is true, that mechanical contrivances covered by numer- ous patents are held in many instances the most vital part in operation. It is also true, that the same condition existed a number of years ago when steam machinery was in its pioneer days. By careful observation in pratical performance engineers were enabled to find methods of better results in steam engineering. Even the most insignificant defects were found to be worthy of consider- ation. The result was the standardization of reciprocating steam machinery. So it is to-day a fact, that in this respect a standard in construction was made possible and very little difference exists in this type of machine. The same was accomplished with the Internal Explosion Engine, or such machinery 'receiving their power stroke by impulse of explo- sion such as the gasoline driven engine. As will be observed, the prevailing principle is identical in every respect. In either the two-stroke cycle or engines following the principle of four-stroke cycle the relative identity in construction has been accomplished. While manufacturers in some instant adhering to the overhead-valve, T-head cylinder or L-head type, etc., nevertheless there is a prevail- ing standard governing the system as a whole. It will be acknowledged, that in this type of engine construction a great deal of improvement will be accomplished, but the laws established will remain. This, of course, would be impossible in the case of Diesels. Problems of reversing of Diesel engines and fuel injection processes might easily find solution. Valve arrangements necessary to reverse the power plant depends a great deal on future development. The usual procedure in accomplishing this is by cam operation. In most cases there are levers by which cams are operated causing the opening of its respective ports. In most engines of marine and stationary types, horizontal cam-action is extensively employed. In this case, where two sets of cams performing the purpose of the alteration, cams are generally directly in conjunction with shaft. Opening of valves is thereby accomplished in the movement of the shaft in longitudinal direction. In some cases independent cam arrangements are favored by builders. PRINCIPLES OF DIESEL OPERATION 55 The methods of fuel injection is a subject which can be solved and ultimately will have to be considered. Arguments in favor of Solid Injection as opposed to Air Injection is merely a matter of opinion. Both systems have proven satisfactory and the fuel con- sumption may be considered nearly on an equal. The principal reason advanced against the use of Air Injection, may be expressed through the necessity of compressor equipment in the case of the latter system Compressor installation is imperative. Even with the employ- ment of solid injection provision must compressor is a part of the engine room equipment, Imperative as an auxiliary machine. A Diesel plant without the provisioncy of air for starting purposes must be dismissed. Definition of Fuel Valves: Generally speaking, there are two types of valves employed in the various Diesel engines, namely the closed nozzle and the open nozzle valves. While on vertical tyipes of Diesels the closed nozzle is principally used, owing to the structural reasons, the open nozzle is prevalent on horizontal engines. In the "Open Nozzle" Spray Valve, as adopted by the Snow Oil En- gines, the charges are consumed with accurate delivery, irrespective of load-variation. Open Nozzle Fuel Valve: This particular type of valve, or pro- perly speaking, nozzle, is designed to -act as a receptacle wherein a needle valve controls the flow of air to the atomizer tip. This needle valve automatically opens to allow the uniform distribution of oil to exist, depending in its operation toy iproper actuation of either a cam device or in some types on rocker arm arrangement. A small cavity is interposed between the- valve and the cylinder, in some cases an enlargement of the passage to the cylinder, allowing the fuel to be deposited. Inasmuch, as the fuel pump depends in its entirety on the proper governing to conform with the desired quantity necessary to keep the engine in regularity supplied, the needle valve performs its function of opening and closing at regular intervals. When opening this valve allows the air at the proper time from the compressor to enter, sweep- ing the oil charge along and carrying it into the cylinder. As the oil enters the extreme end of the nozzle, it is swirled by the force of air through a set of perforated disks, serving to break up the oil into par- ticles while entering the combustion chamber. Interior Action of Fuel Coming in Contact With High Temper- atures: The existing high temperature in the combustion chamber of a normal value corresponding to 550 Ibs. compression pressure should be at least 1000 deigree Fahrenheit x when the engine is on its com- mencement. The usual temperature on a well designed engine when in proper working order and during operation may be well above 1400 6. PRINCIPLES OF DIESEL OPERATION degrees Fahrenheit. Modern engines are well protected against leak- ages, and rarely any loss of efficiency is due to this defect so fre- quent on older types. With the proper timing of the fuel injection valve very little trouble will be experienced, it should be realized, that the change of oil, varying in specific gravities, necessitates a icareful observation and often requires the retiming of valves. Again trouble may be experienced by "air-pockets" in the fuel oil, caus- ing the lack of proper flow, which incidentally causes serious neg- lect in proper functioning of oil distribution into the cylinder. Water in oil causes carbonizing and dangerously effects the efficiency of cyl- inder performances. Closed Nozzle Fuel Valve: This type has been used on earlier Die- sels. The advantages in employing the closed valve is, if it may be con- sidered an advantage, that it deposits the oil in a receptacle entirely isolated from the influence of the hot compressed air in the cylinder. While in this construction the oil in reality enters the cylinder ahead Cross-sectional vieiv of Busch-Sulzcr characteristic Fuel-Injection Sys- tem. Note air-distribution. of the air, ignites and very often endangers the efficiency of cylinder performances by entering without being thoroughly atomized. This is principally due on account of the initial charge entering under some- what lower pressure, preventing a thorough breaking up of the fuel oil. To overcome this detrimental defective existency, the employment of PRINCIPLES OF DIESEL OPERATION 65 higher air pressure becomes imperative. The fuel valve, differing but little from the open-nozzle type, with the exception that the needle valve is located below the cavity in which the atomizing takes place and as, in similarity to the open-nozzle valve in direct connection with the air line. Owing to its construction, by which the fuel oil pump direct delivers the oil towards the oil chamber, the pressure necessary in the line is usually no less than 900 Ibs., per square inch. When the compression pressure is in the cylinder somewhat around from 500 to 550 Ibs., per square inch the needle valve opens and allows the charge to enter. All other performances, such as the breaking uip of the oil are similar to the open-nozzle type. Timing of Valves: Timing of valves is not very difficult as some novices on Diesel machinery are apt to 'believe. We will first take up the two-stroke cycle, which by nature of construction is the simplest engine. Valve Settings of Simple Port Scavenging Two-Cycle Engine. Timing Two-cycle Engine: The two-cycle engine exerts a "power- stroke" every revolution. Unlike the four-cycle itype, using valves in its entirety, the two-cycle engine eliminates the air inlet stroke and the exhaust stroke and employs ports near the bottom of the cylinder lin- er, through which the burnt gases are driven by a current of air. 66 PRINCIPLES OF DIESEL OPERATION The entering of the air into the cylinders differs in the various types of two-cycles. In some engines it enters by valves in the cylinder head and others again by ports similar and opposite the exhaust ports, and covered and uncovered by the piston. The fuel valve opens in most cases at 5 degrees before the top center and closes at 42 degrees over the top center. Expansion occurs until the crank reaches a point about 40 degrees from the bottom center. At this period the piston uncovers the exhaust ports near the bottom of the cylinder, allowing the products of combustion to escape. About 10 degrees later the air inlet valves, or scavenging valves, open, through which air is blown into the cylinder, cleaning out the remaining burnt gases, and in con- sequence leaving the cylinder full of pure air. At 40 degrees over the bottom center the exhaust ports are closed by the piston on its up- ward stroke, and about 20 degrees later the scavenging valves close. At this period compression of air begins, receiving the fuel at 5 de- grees before top center. TIMING DIAGRAMS Fig. A. It will l)e noted that in Figure A, pertaining to timing of four-cycle engine, that the fuel admission (a part of the cycle performance), cor- responds with the actual require- ment of engine performances, vary- ing in load capacities. Fig. B. On the two-cycle diagram, Figure B, the timing must correspond with features demanded in two-cycle operation, carrying with it scav- enging performances, again depend- ing mainly on load variations. Timing Four-cycle Engine: While it is claimed that the four-cycle Diesel engine operates on the Otto cycle, nevertheless the cycle per- formances of the Diesel engine may well be considered a peculiar and 'most distinctive exclusive cycle of its own. The Diesel engine is a "constant pressure" engine and entirely separate in this respect from any other prime-mover. We will -go over the actual performances of the four-cycle engine and follow its operation: All internal combus- tion engines depending for their maintenance upon four basic prin- ciples of performances, namely, (1) Admission, (2) Compression, (3) Power or Working Stroke, and (4) Exhaust. It is true, that there are two more when scavenging performances are to be considered. PRINCIPLES OP DIESEL OPERATION 67 And it is correct to add to ithose four basic principles, in particular on two-cycle performances (5) Air intake for scavenging, and (6) scaveng- ing performances. But we are primarily interested in the four standard principles of operation. Let us carefully consider each (performance. First: On the first downward stroke of the ycle air is drawn from the outside source into the cylinder through the air-inlet valve. Second: On its upward stroke the air being compressed to the uni- versally known figure of about 500 pounds per square inch. This com- pression pressure raises the temperature of the air to about 1000 de- grees Fahrenheit. Shortly before the end of the stroke, fuel oil is injected into the place, known as the combustion chamber. This place is identi- cal with the clearance space of a steam cylinder, namely, the space be- tween the piston face and the cylinder head. Piston (on the vertical) being on its upward stroke, and on the horizontal on the outward stroke. This oil, now coming in direct contact with the existing high temperature, begins to burn causing the combustible substance which follows the laws of least resistance, which, being exerted against the piston, causes the reciprocation with the consequential results of revolution of the engine. Third: As previously explained, the number three stroke is the most important, the power or working stroke. The fuel on the commence- ment of this stroke is cut off at about 1/10 of the stroke, combustion having taken place, with the expansion, which follows near the end of the stroke, the exhaust valve opens. Fourth: This stroke merely causes the burned gases to be ex- pelled, after which the cycle of operations is repeated. We will now follow the actual work taking place during the power generation. Inasmuch as the four-cycle engine, gives two revolutions of the crank, or four strokes to a cycle, the power exertion of founcyfcle engines is a power stroke every second revolution. In most engines the air inlet valve opens 20 degrees before the top center, and closes 16 degrees after bottom center, giving a total angular opening of 216 de- grees of the crank. Immediately after the air inlet valve is closed, the air is compressed until a point about 5 degrees before the top center is reached. Admission of fuel now commences, continuing until the crank is 40 degrees over top center, giving the fuel valve an angular opening of 45 degrees. As the gases expand, forcing the piston down until 34 degrees before the bottom "enter, the exhaust valve opens and the products of com- bustion are released and then expelled by the fourth stroke, or the up- ward stroke, of the piston. The exhaust valve closing 11 degrees after the top center. Mechanical Timing of Valves: To accurately ascertain the mech- anical timing arrangement of valves, it is best to time each cylinder in rotation. Begin to time the exhaust and admission valve on front cylinder and, when all marks have been properly made, corresponding 68 PRINCIPLES OF DIESEL OPERATION to the flywheel, follow the exact measurement on eac'i corresponding cylinder. To establish the flywheel 'position, bringing it in the proportional requirement corresponding to upper dead center of the crank should be the first step. The valve cages can then be removed, and the distance from the surface of the cylinder head to the piston, establishing the clear- ance, can be properly determined. When this has 'been established mark flywheel. If trammel is used, be careful in finding the retangular advance of the crank on its upward stroke, by which the numerical opening and closing of each valve gives an accurate idea. A steel tape may be used to bring the opening of exhaust valve to a point of correctness. Since the timing given is in degrees, the value must be transformed into inches on the flywheel circle. The exhaust cam rocker must be firmly brought in contact both with the cam and with the valve stem. After the mark on the top dead cen- ter of crank ha/5 been thoroughly established, turn engine over at least 12 degrees to make positive that the correct seating of valve has been accomplished. If undue valve checking is experienced, the operator should carefully examine the setting. If the irregularity does not ex- ceed a few inches on trammel mark on flywheel, the clearance between the valve rocker and the cam .may be adjusted bringing the setting back to the stated values. To the man inexperienced it is best to allow a little clearance, adjusting the cam on earlier or later cut off, after being thor- oughly convinced that the exhaust charges show an excessive smoke. At all times follow the exact routine in following manner: The exhaust opening of number 1 will be set; the admission closing of a second cylinder will be checked. It will be noted, that in case any irregularity exists, the fault may be detected by a peculiar pounding in the cylinder after engine is in motion. On marine engines, valves should be> pro- perly adjusted and all care taken that the tightness of the same are accomplished. It is necessary in operation of Diesels that the injection air pres- sure 'be altered to conform to load changes. It is clear that with load changes the time during which the fuel is injected should also vary. On low loads the amount of fuel oil is small and will be entirely blown into the cylinder long before the valve closes. The balance of this period of valve opening is taking up with the injection4iigh- 1.405 121 54.4 1.605 82 42.0 1.410 122 54.7 1.610 83 42.3 1.415 123 55.0 1.615 84 42.7 1.420 124 55.2 1.620 85 43.1 1.425 125 55.5 1.625 86 43.4 1.430 126 558 1.630 87 43.8 1.435 127 56.0 1.635 88 44.1 1.440 128 56.3 1.640 89 44.4 1.445 129 56.6 1.645 90 448 1.450 130 56.9 1.650 91 45.1 1.455 131 57.1 1.655 92 45.4 1.460 132 57.4 1.660 93 45.8 . 1.465 133 57.7 1.665 94 46.1 1.470 134 57.9 1.670 95 46.4 1.475" 135 58.2 1.675 96 46.7 1.480 136 58.4 1.680 97- 47.1 1.485 137 58.7 1.685 98 47.4 1.490 138 58.9 1.690 99 47.8 1.495 139 59.2 1.695 100 48.1 1.500 140 59.5 1.700 101 48.4 1.505 141 59.7 1.705 102 48.7 1.510 142 60.0 1.710 103 49.0 1.515 143 60.2 1.715 104 49.4 1.520 144 60.4 1.720 105 49.7 1.525 145 60.6 1.725 106 50.0 1.530 146 60.9 1.730 107 50.3 1.535 147 61.1 1.735 108 50.6 1.540 148 61.4 1.740 109 50.9 1.545 149 61.6 1.745 110 51.2 1.550 150 61.8 1.750 111 51.5 1.555 151 62.1 1.755 112 51.8 1.560 152 62.3 1.760 113 52.1 1.565 153 62.5 1.765 114 52.4 1.570 154 62.8 1.770 115 52.7 1.575 155 63.0 1.775 116 53.0 1.580 156 63.2 1.780 117 53.3 1.585 157 63.5 1.78& 118 53 6 1.590 158 63.7 1.790 119 53.9 1.595 159 64.0 1.795 90 LIQUID SUBSTANCES SPECIFIC GRAVITIES IN DEGREES BAUME AND TWADDLE. LIQUIDS HEAVIER THAN WATER. Hydrometer Reading Specific Hydrometer Reading Specific Degrees Gravity Degrees Gravity Twaddle Baume Twaddle Baume 160 64.2 1.800 165 65.2 1.825 161 64.4 1.805 166 65.5 1.830 162 64.6 1.810 167 65.7 1.835 163 64.8 1.815 168 65.9 1.840 164 65.0 1.820 169 66.1 1.845 170 66.3 1.850 171 66.5 1.855 TABLE OF EQUIVALENT FOR FUEL OIL This chart shows the equivalents for fuel oils at various gravities and is taken at 60 Fahrenheit. Naturally, a temperature adjustment must be made to determine true specific gravity. This adjustment is as follows: For every degree above 60 F., subtract .0004 For every degree below 60 F., add .0004 Lbs. per Lbs pei- Cu. Ft. Gal. Gal. Bbls. Specific Beaume Amer. English Amer. Amer. English Amer. Gravity Gravity Gal. Gal. per Ton per Ton per Ton per Ton 1.0000 10. 8.331 10. 35.94 268.875 224. 6.40 .9956 10.6 8.302 9.995 36.09 269.81 224.75 6.42 .9930 11. 8.273 9.930 36.19 270.76 225.55 6.44 .9895 11.5 8.244 9.895 36.32 271.71 226.33 6.46 .9860 12. 8.214 9.860 36.45 272.67 227.13 6.49 .9825 12.5 8.185 9.825 35.57 273.66 227.96 6.51 .9790 13. 8.156 9.790 36.71 274.62 228.80 6.54 .9755 13.5 8.127 9.705 36.84 275.62 229.62 6.56 .9720 14. 8.098 9.702 36.97 276.67 230.49 6.58 .9685 14.5 8.069 9.685 37.10 277.47 231.16 6.60 .9655 15. 8.044 9.650 37.22 278.46 231.98 6.63 .9625 15.5 8.019 9.625 37.34 279.33 232.71 6.65 .9695 16. 7.994 9.595 37.46 280.19 233.42 6.66 .9560 16.5 7.964 9.560 37.59 281.26 234.31 6.69 .9530 17. 7.929 9.530 37.71 282.22 235.11 6.74 .9495 17.5 7.910 9.495 37.85 283.08 235.90 6.75 .9465 18. 7.885 9.465 37.97 284.08 236.66 6.76 .9430 18.5 7.856 9.430 38.11 285.13 257.52 6.76 .9400 19. 7.831 9.400 38.23 286.04 238.30 6.81 .9370 19.5 7.806 9.370 38.35 286.95 239.06 6.83 .9340 20. 7.781 9.340 38.47 287.88 239.82 6.85 ,9310 20.5 7.756 9.310 38.60 288.88 240.60 6.87 LIQUID SUBSTANCES TABLE EQUIVALENT FOR FUEL OIL 1)1 Lbs. per Lbs pei- Cu. Ft. Gal. Gal. Bbls. Specific Beaume Amer. English Amer. Amer. English Amer. Gravity Gravity Gal. Gal. per Ton per Ton per Ton per Ton .9280 21. 7.730 9.280 38.73 289.74 241.34 6.89 .9250 21.5 7.706 9.250 38.85 290.68 242.16 6.89 .9220 22. 7.680 9.220 38.98 291.62 242.95 6.94 .9195 22.5 7.660 9.195 39.09 292.42 243.61 6.96 .9165 23. 7.635 9.165 39.21 293.25 244.40 6.98 .9135 23.5 7.615 9.135 39.34 294.15 245.21 7.00 .9105 24. 7.585 9.105 39.47 295.31 246.01 7.03 .9045 25. 7.536 . 9.040 39.73 297.24 247.64 7.07 .8990 26. 7.490 8.990 39.97 299.06 249.15 7.08 .8930 27. 7.440 8.930 40.24 301.07 250.84 7.12 .8870 28. 7.390 8.870 40.51 303.11 252.53 7.21 .8815 29. 7.344 8.815 40.77 305.01 254.00 7.26 .8755 30. 7.294 8.755 41.04 307.10 255.85 7.31 .8700 31. 7.248 8.700 41.31 309.19 257.47 7.36 .8650 32. 7.206 8.650 41.54 310.85 258.94 7.40 .8595 33. 7.160 8.595 41.81 312.84 260.61 7.44 .8545 34. 7.119 8.545 42.05 314.65 262.14 7.46 .8490 35. 7.070 8.490 42.32 316.83 263.83 7.54 .8440 36. 7.031 8.440 42.58 318.58 265.40 7.58 .8395 37. 6.994 8.395 42.81 320.27 266.82 7.62 .8345 38. 6.952 8.345 43.06 322.67 268.42 7.70 .8295 39. 6.911 8.295 43.32 324.12 270.04 7.71 .8250 40. 6.873 8.250 43.56 325.90 271.51 7.78 RELATIVE COST OF COAL AND OIL The primary object in giving this table is -to draw an approximate comparison in cost of coal as used in generation of steam in contrast to oil used in Diesel Engines for fuels. It is understood, that the variation of either coal, as well as oil, in prices, average about from 12 to 14%. The following tables will give the average prevailing fuel cost of either coal or oil. Oil Oil Coal Oil Oil Coal cents per dollars per dollars per cents per dollars per dollars per gallon barrel ton gallon barrel ton 2.00 $0.82 $3.92 3.25 $1.33 $6.37 2.25 0.92 4.41 3.50 1.43 6.86 2.50 1.02 4.90 4.00 1.64 7.84 2.75 1.13 5.39 4.50 1.84 8.82 3.00 1.23 5.88 5.00 2.05 9.80 92 LIQUID SUBSTANCES CONVERSION TABLE FOR DEGREES BAUME (LIGHTER THAN WATER) TO SPECIFIC GRAVITY AND LBS. PER GALLON Degrees Specific Pounds in Degrees Specific Pounds in Baume Gravity 1 Gallon Baume Gravity 1 Gallon (American) (American) 10 1.0000 8.33 43 .8092 6.74 11 .9929 8.27 44 .8045 6.70 12 .9859 8.21 45 .8000 6.66 13 .9790 8.16 46 .7954 6.63 14 .9722 8.10 47 .7909 6.59 15 .9655 8.04 48 .7865 6.55 16 .9589 7.99 49 .7831 6.52 17 .9523 7.93 50 .7777 6.48 18 .9459 7.88 51 .7734 6.44 19 .9395 7.83 52 .7692 6.41 20 .9333 7.78 53 .7650 6.37 21 .9271 7.72 54 .7608 6.34 22 .9210 7.67 55 .7567 6.30 23 .9150 7.62 56 .7526 6.27 24 .9090 7.57 57 .7486 6.24 25 .9032 7.53 58 .7446 6.20 26 .8974 7.48 59 .7407 6.17 27 .8917 7.43 60 .7368 6.14 28 .8860 7.38 61 .7329 6.11 29 .8805 7.34 62 .7290 6.07 30 .8750 7.29 63 .7253 6.04 31 .8695 7.24 64 .7216 6.01 32 .8641 7.20 65 .7179 5.98 33 .8588 7.15 66 .7142 5.95 34 .8536 7.11 67 .7106 5.92 35 .8484 7.07 68 .7070 5.89 36 .8433 7.03 69 .7035 5.86 37 .8383 6.98 70 s .7000 5.83 38 .8333 6.94 75 .6829 5.69 39 .8284 6.90 80 .6666 5.55 40 .8235 6.86 85 .6511 5.42 41 .8187 6.82 90 .6363 5.30 42 .8139 6.78 95 .6222 5.18 United States New York __. Imperial __. TABLE OF GALLONS Cubic In. in a Gallon 231 231.819 277.274 Weight of a Gal. in Ibs. Avoirdupois 8.33 8.00 10.00 Gallons in a Cubic Foot 7.480 7.901 6.232 LIQUID SUBSTANCES 93 CONVENIENT TABLE TO ESTABLISH POUNDS PER SQUARE INCHES TO HEAD IN FEET For Liquids at 62 Fahrenheit, Weighing 62.364 Ib. Per Qu- Ft. 84 194.0 85 196.3 86 198.6 87 200.9 88 203.2 89 205.5 90 207.8 91 210.2 92 212.5 93 214.8 94 217.1 95 219.4 96 221.7 97 224.0 98 226.3 99 228.6 100 230.9 105 242.4 110 254.0 115 265.5 120 277.1 125 288.6 130 300.2 135 311.7 140 323.3 145 334.8 150 346.4 155 357.9 160 ._ 369.5 165 381.0 170 392.6 175 ___ 404.1 190 438.8 195 450.3 200 461.9 - 210 485.0 220 508.1 230 531.2 240 554.3 250 577.4 260 __. 600.5 270 623.6 280 646.6 290 _ _ 669.7 Pounds Head Pounds Head per in per in Sq. In. Feet Sq. In. Feet 2 4.619 43 99.31 3 6928 44 101.6 4 __ 9.238 45 ___ _ 103.9 5 _ _ __ 11.55 46 106.2 6 13.86 47 108.5 7 16 17 48 110.8 8 18.48 49 113.2 9 20.78 50 115.5 10 _ 23.09 51 117.8 11 25.40 52 .. 120.1 12 27.71 53 122.4 13 30.02 54 124.7 14 32.33 55 127.0 15 34.64 56 129.3 16 _ __ 36.95 57 131.6 17 __ 39.26 58 133.9 18 41.57 59 136.3 19 43.88 60 138.6 20 46.19 61 140.9 21 48.50 62 143.2 22 50.81 63 145.5 23 53.12 64 147.8 24 _ _ 55.43 65 150.1 25 57.74 66 ___ 152.4 26 _ _ ._ 60.05 67 154.7 27 _ _ ... 62.36 68 157.0 28 64.66 69 _ 159.3 29 _ _ 66.97 70 161.7 30 ___ 69.28 71 163.0 31 71.59 72 166.3 32 _ _ 73.90 73 __ __ 168.6 33 _ _ 76.21 74 _ 170.9 34 78 52 75 173.2 35 80.83 175.5 36 83.14 77 177.8 37 85.45 78 180.1 38 . . 87.76 79 182.4 39 90.07 80 184.8 40 _ . 92.38 81 187.1 41 94.69 82 189.4 42 97.00 83 191.7 94 LIQUID SUBSTANCES Pounds Head Pounds Head Pounds Head per in per in per in Sq. In. Feet Sq. In. Feet Sq. In. Feet 300 692.8 370 854.5 440 1016. 310 715.9 380 877.6 450 1039 320 739.0 390 900.7 460 1062 330 762 1 400 923.8 470 1085 340 785.2 410 946.9 480 1108. 350 808.3 420 970.0 490 1132. 360 831.4 430 993.1 500 1155. UNITED STATES GALLONS IN ROUND TANKS FOR ONE FOOT IN DEPTH Diam of No. Cub. Ft. Diam of No. Cub. Ft. Tanks U. S. and area Tanks U. S. and area Ft. In. Gals. in sq. ft. Ft. In. Gals. in sq. ft. 1 5.87 .785 3 5 68.58 9.168 1 1 6.89 .922 3 6 71.97 9.621 1 2 8.00 1.069 3 7 75.44 10.085 1 3 9.18 1.227 3 8 78.99 10.559 1 4 10.44 1.396 3 9 82.62 11.045 1 5 11.79 1.576 3 10 86.33 11.541 1 6 13.22 1.7(57 3 11 90.13 12.048 1 7 14.73 1.969 4 94.00 12.566 1 8 16.32 2.182 4 1 97.96 13.095 1 9 17.99 2.405 4 2 102.00 13.635 1 10 19.75 2.640 4 3 106.12 14.186 1 11 21.58 2.885 4 4 110.32 14.748 2 23.50 3.142 4 5 114.61 15.321 2 1 25.50 3.409 4 6 118.97 15.90 2 2 27.58 3.687 4 7 123.42 16.50 2 3 29.74 3.976 4 8 127.95 17.10 2 4 31.99 4.276 4 9 132.56 17.72 2 5 34.31 4.587 4 10 137.25 18.35 2 6 36.72 4.909 4 11 142.02 18.99 2 7 39.21 5.241 5 146.88 19.63 2. 8 41.78 5.585 5 1 151.82 20.29 2 9 44.38 5.940 5 2 156.83 20.97 2 10 47.16 6.305 5 3 161.93 21.65 2 11 49.98 6.581 5 4 167.12 22.34 3 52.88 7.069 5 5 172.38 23.04 3 1 55.86 7.467 6 6 177.72 23.76 3 2 58.92 7.876 5 7 183.15 24.48 3 3 62.06 8.296 5 8 188.66 25.22 3 4 65.28 8.727 5 9 194.25 25.97 LIQUID SUBSTANCES 95 Diam of No. Cub. Ft. Diam of No. Cub. Ft. Tanks U. S. and area Tanks U. S. and area Ft, In. Gals. in sq. ft. Ft. In. Gals. in sq. ft. 5 10 199.92 26.73 16 9 1648.40 220.35 5 11 205.67 27.49 17 1697.90 226.98 6 211.51 28.27 17 3 1748.20 233.71 6 3 229.50 30.68 17 6 1799.30 240.35 6 6 248.23 33.18 17 9 1851.10 247.45 6 9 267.69 35.78 18 1903.60 254.47 7 287.88 38.48 18 3 1956.80 261.59 7 3 308.81 41.28 18 6 2010.80 268.80 7 6 330.48 44.18 18 9 2065.50 276.12 7 9 352.88 47.17 19 2120.90 283.53 8 376.01 50.27 19 3 2177.10 291.04 8 3 399.88 53.46 19 6 2234.00 298.65 8 6 424.48 56.75 19 9 2291.70 306.35 8 9 449.82 60.13 20 2350.10 314.16 9 475.89 63.62 20 3 2409.20 322.06 9 3 502.70 67.20 20 6 2469.10 330.06 9 6 530.24 70.88 20 9 2529.60 338.16 9 9 558.51 74.66 21 2591.00 346.36 10 587.52 78.54 21 3 2653.00 354.66 10 3 617.26 82.52 21 6 2715.80 363.05 10 6 640.74 86.59 21 9 2779.30 371.54 10 9 678.95 90.76 22 2843.60 380.13 11 710.90 95.03 22 3 2908.60 388.82 11 3 743.58 99.40 22 6. 2974.30 397.61 11 6 776.99 103.87 22 9 3040.80 406.49 11 9 811.14 108.43 23 3108.00 415.48 12 846.03 113.10 23 3 3175.90 424.56 12 3 881.65 117.86 23 6 3244.60 433.74 12 6 918.00 122.72 23 9 3314.00 443.01 12 9 955.09 127.68 24 3384.10 452.39 13 992.91 132.73 24 g 3455.00 461.86 13 3 1031.50 137.89 24 6 3526.60 471.44 13 6 1070.80 143.14 24 9 3598.90 481.11 13 9 1110.80 148.49 25 3672.00 490.87 14 1151.50 153.54 25 3 3745.80 500.74 14 3 1193.00 159.48 25 6 3820.30 510.71 14 6 1235.30 165.13 25 9 3895.60 520.77 14 9 1278.20 170.87 26 3971.60 530.93 15 1321.90 176.71 26 3 4048.40 541.19 15 3 1366.40 182.65 26 6 4125.90 551.55 15 6 1411.50 188.69 26 9 4204.10 562.00 15 9 1457.40 194.83 27 4283.00 572.66 16 1504.10 201.06 27 3 4362.70 583.21 16 3 1551.40 207.39 27 6 4443.10 593.96 16 6 1599.50 213.82 27 9 4524.30 604.81 96 LIQUID SUBSTANCES Diam of No. Cub. Ft. Diam of No. Cub. Ft. Tanks U. S. and area Tanks U. S. and area Ft. In. Gals. in sq. ft. Ft. In. Gals. in sq. ft. 28 4606.20 615.75 30 9 5555.40 742.64 28 3 4688.80 (326.80 31 5646.10 754.77 28 6 4772.10 637.94 31 3 5737.50 766.99 28 9 4856.20 649.18 31 6 5829.70 779.31 29 4941.00 660.52 31 9 5922.60 791.73 29 3 5026.60 671.96 32 6016.20 804.25 29 6 5112.90 683.49 32 3 6110.60 816.86 29 9 5199.90 695.13 32 6 6205.70 829.58 30 5287.70 706.86 32 9 6301.50 842.39 30 3 5376.20 718.69 31^ gallons equal 1 barrel. 30 6 5465.40 730.62 NOTE: To find the capacity of tanks greater than the largest given in the table, look in the table for a tank of one-half of the given size and multiply its capacity by 4, or one of one-third its size and multiply its capacity by 9, etc. CO-' AND FUEL LOSSES. CALCULATED ON FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: Oil as used for fuel 18633 B. T. U., 84.73% carbon, 11.74% hydrogen, 1.06% sulphur, 5% nitrogen, .87% oxygen, .7% moisture and .4% sedi- ment. Atmospheric temperature 55% F., humidity 88, exhaust temperature 500 F., Kern Oil 16 B. Per Cent 15.6 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Per Cent Excess Air 5 10 18 28 40 54 70 93 120 152 198 273 396 635 B. T. U. Per Cent Loss Preventable Fuel Loss .0 75 .4 186 1. 317 1.7 447 2.4 633 3.4 856 4.6 1118 6. 1435 7.8 1900 10.2 2460 13.2 3205 17.2 4380 23.5 6340 34. 10150 54.5 LIQUID SUBSTANCES 97 METRIC CONVERSION TABLE (LIQUIDS) Weight of Water Weight of one cubic foot of pure water: At 32 F. =62.418 Ibs. At 39.1 F. (max. dens.) =62.425 Ibs. At 62 F. =62.355 Ibs. At 212 F. =59.75 Ibs. CONVERTING SPECIFIC GRAVITY INTO DEGREES BAUME AND VICE VERSA For liquids lighter than water; 140 'Baume = 130 sp. gr. 60/60 F. Sp. gr. 60/60 F. = 140 For liquids heavier than water: Baume = 145 130 + Baume 145 Sp. gr. 60/60 F. Sp. gr. 60/60F.= 145 145 Baume ORIGIN, SPECIFIC GRAVITY, ETC., OF OILS Name Type Cylinder "A"__ Mineral Cylinder "Cold Test"_ Mineral Castor Oil Vegetable Lard Oil Animal Neatsfoot Animal Olive Oil Vegetable Pale Oil Mineral Sperm Oil Fish Valve Oil (light) Mineral Valve Oil (dark) Mineral Colza Vegetable Stearine__ .. Animal Spec. Grav. Viscosity Color 894 146-f Brown black 886 116-f Reddish green 963 White 915 913 916 865 50 875 White 887 149 + Light yellow 887 152+ Greenish brown 914 White ^ White gray 98 LIQUID SUBSTANCE'S MEASUREMENT BASED ON U. S. GALLONS 1 U. S. Gallon = 231 cubic inches = 0.133 cubic feet, = 8.3356 pounds at 62 F. 1 cubic ft. 7.48 U. S. Gallons. 1 Imperial Gal. = 1.2 U. S. Gallon. Weight of a Cubic Foot of Water, English Standard, 62.321 pounds Avoirdupois. LIQUID MEASUREMENT 1 cubic foot of water ___ = 62.3791 Ibs. 1 cubic inch of water .03612 Ibs. 1 gallon of water ___ = 8.338 Ibs. 1 gallon of water =. 231. cubic in. 1 cubic foot of water =. 7.481 gallons. 1 pound of water = 27.7 cubic in. 1 cubi uents of fuels for Diesels. The values noted "at constant pressure" are alluding to such types of machinery where constant pressure is the factor to be considered. The values in this table are based on those determined by Berthelot, Thomson, and others. Table of Calorific Values of the Principal Constituents of Fuels: At constant pressure At constant volume Combustible C. H. U. B. T. U. C. H. U. B. T. U. Hydrogen 34500 62100 34095 61371 Carbon burned to CO o 8100 14580 8100 14580 Carbon burned to C0__ 2416 4349 2416 4349 Carbon monoxide (CO)_ 2436 4385 2426 4367 Methane (CH 4 ) 13344 24019 13276 23897 Ethylene (G g H 4 ) 12182 21928 12143 21857 Sulphur . 2300 4140 2300 4140 CHAPTER VI. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON DIESEL ENGINE OPERATION: 1. Give a Brief Definition of a Diesel Engine: The Diesel engine is a machine which generates its motive power by the process of combustion. Its Ignition system is compressed air. The burning of solid liquid sprayed in the cylinder creates a constant pressure, etc. etc. 2. How is the Diesel Engine Classified in Regards to Construction? The two stroke cycle, commonly known ais the two-cycle and the four-the cylin- der with equal regularity; and the second, that of a sprayer, to divide the fuel into minute particles, causing a "constant volume." The operation of this valve may be explained in following: The valve arrangement is formed by a needle, ending in a cone, held accurate on a conical seating by the valve spring. A lever actuated by a cam, raises the needle at the required moment, establishing communication between the fuel injection valve casing and the cylinder. The spraying is effected by means of a number of washers, pro- vided with small holes, and by a cone grooved along its gentrating lines, threaded by a tube usually made of bronze. In placing the washers, great care should be taken in properly "lining of holes on washers," the same never to be placed hole to hole, but rather so that the hole of the next following washer is irregular placed. FUEL FEED AND IGNITION 121 The washers may be minimized when a change of fuel takes place. That applies to difference in gravities, with consequental results in lower or higher viscosity, as the case may be. A small hole, running through the center of the steel diaphragm directs the air, assisting the action of the valve in the proper distri- bution of its fuel. Demonstration of actuating valves through cams Very often, the clogging of the channel hole in the check valve causes complication and when taking the valve apart, the trouble may be discovered. It is necessary to clean interior parts of fuel injection valve from foreign matters, and impurities assembling in the channel must be elim- inated. The oil delivered under pressure from the fuel injection pump, is directed into the fuel injection valve just above the perforated washers, and assisting the high pressure compressed air from the fuel injection bottles fills the sphere around the sleeve. At the moment the valve spindle raises, the air at 50 to 70 atmospheres 700 to 1,000 pounds per square inch rushes into the cylinder, in which the pressure is now 30 to 35 atmospheres 430 to 500 pounds per square inch drawing with it the fuel, which, in passing through the holes of the washers, is divided in a fine mist. The fuel oil in this state of "fog" enters the combustion chamber, containing the heat of ignition, to use the expression, at the end of the compression strokes it spontaneously ignites. The combustion takes place practically at constant pressure throughout this period of the stroke, during which the oil continues to be forced into the cylinder. It is vital that the valve actuating gear in functioning its lifting 122 FUEL FEED AND IGNITION and opening of valve should not be influenced by variation of load of engine. The pressure per ratio between the interior of the fuel injec- tion valve casing and the cylinder should remain constant. In this Diagram of Valve Settings of Crankshaft on Four-cycle Engine way no variation of velocity efflux and the quantity of air issued with each working stroke occurs, immaterial of existing horse power of en- gine. While the supply and the demand, regulated, corresponding to the load capacity of the engine, is taken care of through the fuel injec- tion pump and its governor arrangement, it is seen that the desired amount of fuel necessary to keep up the momentum of impulse is in this way properly maintained. An oil injection nozzle used on the Giant Oil Engine is seen in the illustra- tion. This is a distinctly exclusive fea- ture patented by the Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company. It is screwed directly into the center of the combustion chamber head. It con- tains a ball check valve and is a novel departure from the usual spring type and numerous similar injection nozzles used, working identical in working operation. As the inspiration and compression strokes are common to all types of en- gines and the method of injection is the Oil Injection Nozzle of Ball-Check Type the FUEL FEED AND IGNITION 123 main feature under discussion, a detailed description of the injection and combustion period will be gone into. During the inspiration stroke, a measured quantity of fuel is de- livered near the bottom of the fuel injector just above the needle valve on engines using the method of established types generally used. The injection air, which in all cases is well above the compression pressure, is forced against the fuel, atomizes it and forces it into the cylinder. One point worthy of note is the fact that the action of the injection air thoroughly atomizes the fuel prior to injection, and upon this atomization depends the combustion efficiency of the cycle. The amount of fuel, as before stated, is regulated >by the fuel pump and governor. The duration of the injection or combustion is also regulated according to the load on the engine. For light loads the injection valve remains open a shorter period than for heavy loads. Aside from the advantage of thorough atomization there is one great objection to this method of injection, namely refrigeration during injection. Valve Settings of Double-Port-Scavenging Two-cycle Engine As the compressor pressure is about 500 pounds and the injec- tion pressure between 700 and 1000 pounds, there will ibe a very rapid expansion of the injection air from the maximum to the compression pressure. This rapid expansion causes a great reduction in the tempera- ture of the injection air and fuel, just as rapid compression causes 124 FUEL FEED AND IGNITION an increase in the temperature. The effect of this sudden reduction of temperature causes a time lag in the combustion because cold fuel is difficult to ignite as well as the collection of small particles of fuel on the piston, at which point local iburning occurs. The result of this is an invariable sag of the piston head due to excessive local tempera- ture. Were it possible to use highly heated air for injection, this re- frigeration would to a great extent be overcome. However, with the Diesel method of injection, combustion would take place to the injection valve prior to the injection period. It is well to note, that in the Diesel engine the fuel injection is in mechanically timed relation to the piston position, 'but as the injection and compression pressure are always constant, the rate of injection is also constant. In accompanying illustration a Car- els type of fuel inlet valve is shown. It follows the principle of valves used on most engines. The amount of oil desired to enter is automatically re- gulated (by the action of the governor on the pump, depending on the require- ment. In accomplishing the pulverizing the oil is forced through its entire passage into the spraying arrangement, con- sisting of four metal rings with usual- ly about 20 holes drilled into them of the size of 1/10 to 1/16 of an inch in diameter. The holes in the washers, or rings, are placed in staggering po- sition to accomplish proper spraying results. Beneath the washers is a conical shaped piece, acting as a guide to allow the oil to pass into small passage ways, in similarity to nozzles. It enters then direct into the cylin- der by the expanding orifice, made of steel, the guides of the needle valve usually cast of iron. With the high pressure of the injection air, in the period when the lifting of the needle valve takes place, the fuel is forced through the pulverizer by the air in minute particles of fine spray into the combustion chamber where it is ignited coming in contact with the compression temperature. Ignition Failures: There are numerous causes of ignition failures on Diesels. If, when attempting to start the engine, ignition fails to occur, it may be attributed to one or more of the following causes: Low Compression; Cylinders too cold; Insufficient fuel; Fuel injection too late; failure of spray-air supply. If the engine cannot be brought in Carelfi Type of Fuel Inlet Valve used on Norclbrry Diesels FUEL FEED AND IGNITION 125 motion after repeated attempt, an investigation should be made and causes determined and the same be remedied. The compression in the cylinders should in first place be given due attention. If the compression is not sufficiently high, the desired tempera- ture necessary to ignite the oil is too low. In many instances this is due to leaky cylinder head or valve cage gaskets. If leaky relief valve, this defect will be noticeable by the noise of escaping air. Lack of sufficient fuel or total failure of supply to cylinder may be caused by an empty fuel service tank or through stoppage of fuel in the fuel line between measuring pump and tank. Examine all valves. On some types of fuel-measuring pumps the air-starting gear and pump mechanism are not interlocked in such a way that the pumps are automatically put into operation when the engine begins to turn by air. In this case it may happen that the pump levers are not properly brought in the operating position before starting. i Settings of Valve-Scavenging Two-cycle Engine Because of the small quantity of oil handled per stroke by the fuel measuring pump and the high pressure pumped against, this pump is very sensitive to air that may 'be present in oil. A fundamental requirement in good pump design is that no pockets may be permitted in the oil passages in pump or valve chamber, where air might collect but many pumps have 'been and are still toeing built that do contain such pockets. Most pumps are provided with vent valves so that the collected 126 FUEL PEED AND IGNITION air may be blown out. Sometimes the fuel may be prevented from reach- ing the pump by an air pocket in the pipe between the pump and the tank. A very common cause of failure of fuel supply is leakage of air past the check valves. In all closed nozzle-type spray valves the mixing chamber in the valve body, where the spray air and oil mix be- fore entering the cylinder, is always in direct communication with the spray-air system and consequently is filled with air at injection pres- sure. In order for the fuel pump to force the oil into this chamber against the air pressure, it is essential that the oil pipe be full of oil right up to the inlet to the valve chamber, so that when the pump forces a small amount of oil into the pump end of the pipe, an equal amount will be forced out of the other end into the valve chamber. It is obvious that if this pipe is partly filled with air, the oil column, when acted upon by the charge of oil being forced into the pipe by the pump, will simply compress the air and no oil will be discharged into the valve. If the discharge valve of the fuel pump is perfectly tight, no air from the spray-valve chamber can force its way into the oil pipe after the pipe is completely filled with oil, but the fine grit present in nearly all fuel oil makes it very difficult to keep this valve perfectly tight very long. For this reason practically all Diesel engine builders install a check valve in the oil line to each spray valve, as close as possible to the point of entry of oil into the spray-valve body. This valve closes against the air pressure in the spray-valve body so that the oil column in the pipe is subjected to pressure only during the time the pump is discharging into the line at one end and forcing the oil through the check-valve at the other. With this arrangement a pump will work quite satisfactorily even though the discharge valve is not perfectly tight, as long as the check-valve remains tight. The spray-valve should be tested occasionally. This valve can be tested while the engine is stopped, by turning spray air from the bot- tles into the air line to the spray valve and then opening the by-pass in the fuel-oil line near the check valve. If the valve leaks, the air will blow out of the by-pass. If there is no by-pass in the line, the oil pipe may be disconnected at the pump and the air will blow out there. Before making this test, the engine must be jacked around until the spray valve, to which is attached the line being tested, is in the closed position, so that the spray air will not iblow into the cylinder. In order to provide additional insurance against spray air leakage into the fuel lines, some builders provide two check valves in each oil line and two discharge valves in each pump. Leaky suction valves in the fuel pumps, or valves stuck open, may be responsible for the failure of the oil to reach the cylinders. Examination of the valve and seats will usually indicate a leaky condi- tion. When the fuel contains considerable water, the water may settle to the bottom of the supply tank, while the engine is stopped, in suffi- FUEL FEED AND IGNITION 127 cient quantity to fill the pump, so that water instead of oil will be in- jected into the cylinders. The obvious remedy for this is to drain all the water out of the system before attempting to start the engine. If the fuel is not injected into the cylinders until after the com- pressed air has started re-expanding as the pistons move away from the heads and increase the cylinder volume, the temperature of the air may have fallen so low that it will not ignite the oil, and the effect produced is the same as in the case of low compression. This late injection may be caused by the adjustable nose on the spray-valve oper- ating cams slipping. The clearance between cams and rollers may be too great or the valves may be clogged so that the fuel does not flow rapidly enough. The cams should be examined to see if they have slipped on the shaft; if they have not, then the cam toes may need advancing by means of the adjusting screws. The rollers should be examined to 'see if any are badly worn or broken. Each valve should be checked with the dial plate or the valve-setting marks on the flywheel. Top view of E. G. Cylinderhcad (Nordberg Engine) If the spray-valves are clogged so that the fuel is retarded in its passage through the valves, an abnormal rise in spray-air pressure will be noted if the compressor suction is open wide when the engine is turning on starting air. The capacity of the spray-air bottles is often so small that if the spray-air compressor does not begin charging immediately upon start- ing the engine, the result will either be complete ignition failure or ignition will occur for a few revolutions, then fail as the pressure in the bottles falls. When this occurs, no further attempts to start should be made until the compressor trouble is located and remedied. The most common cause of loss of compressor capacity is broken or leaky valves. The location of the defective valve may be determined by observing the gage pressures in the different stages while the engine is turning over. An abnormal rise in pressure in the first 01: second stage indicates that air is leaking back through the discharge valve in 128 FUEL FEED AND IGNITION FUEL FEED AND IGNITION 129 that stage. Rise of pressure in the high stage may indicate a closed stop valve in the discharge line to the engine, clogged strainers or clogged spray valves. If an excessive amount of lubricating oil is used in the compressor, a jelly-like emulsion will be formed, which will lodge in the strainers and interfere with air flow. If the compressor shows loss of capacity, with pressure below normal in all stages, it may be due to obstruc- tion of the suction of the first stage. In the case of compressors that are regulated by throttling, this suction loss of capacity may be found to be due to the suction valve being closed. Another cause for rapid loss of jspray-air pressure is sticking of spray valves. If a spray-valve stem jams in its guide so that the valve is not forced back to its seat by its spring, the spray air will blow into the cylinder during the whole cycle and so much air will be blown away that the pressure in the system will fail. A condition of this kind will make itself known by very severe explosions in the affected cylinder, due to pre-ignition of fuel that has been blown into the cylinder too early in the cycle. If the jacket-water circulating pump is started before the engine, it may happen that the cylinder walls and cylinder heads may be chilled to the point where ignition is interfered with, this condition being most likely in cold climates, during the winter months when the cooling-water temperature is very low. This cooling affects the ignition in two ways; it reduces the temperature of the compressed air in the engine cylinders and it also increases the viscosity of the fuel oil after it is deposited in the spray-valve cavity, so that atomization of the oil is more difficult and its passage through the valves is retarded. In cases, where this trou'ble is experienced, it is best not to start the cooling-water circulating pump until after the engine is started. When steam is available, it is advisable to make a connection to the water system so that the circulating water may be heated and the cylinders warmed up before starting the engine. FUNCTION OF FUEL INJECTION PUMP Inasmuch, as the fuel delivered to the Combustion Chamber must be in excess of the pressure (from 45 to 75 atmosphere i. e., 640 to 1,100 pounds per square inch) in the valve casing, due to the fuel in- jection air, the pump in itself has to be exceedingly strong and above all mechanically well proportioned. Properly speaking, the pump regulates the running of the engine, delivering the exact amount of fuel necessary on the combustion stroke corresponding to the load capacity of the engine. It will be seen, from the detailed description of the different makes of engines explained in this book, that the design of the pump differs but very little. 130 FUEL FEED AND IGNITION The piston is always of the plunger type, made of steel; the valve of bronze material, cast iron or steel, with conical seatings, one suction and one, or two in series, for delivery, loaded with light springs, and accessible for immediate examination or where the require- ments of cleaning or grinding calls for it. The joints of the copper delivery pipes are usually made with conical connections. Almost every pump is of a very massive design, manufactured of cast iron body; the plunger and other moving parts withstanding pressure have carefully packed glands. The pump, which acts under control of the governor according to the load on the engine requires' careful attention. In particular, this is true when the engine runs under low power, lightly, endeavoring to supply the dense, and viscous fuels employed. A very small bubble of air in the pump chamber sometimes is the cause of stopping the action of the pump. The plunger in its slow motion merely compresses and ex- pands the pocket of air without causing the valve to raise. It appears to be difficult to design a pump overcoming reaction of the engine governor caused by variation of the speed requirement of the engine. These difficulties usually are overcome by the method of variation of plunger pump stroke. While in many cases the regulation is not obtained by an altera- tion of the plunger stroke, but a quantity of oil corresponding to the whole pump cylinder volume passing the suction valve each suction stroke. This explains the reason why the "fuel injection pumps of Diesel engines draw an excess quantity of oil than actually required, a part of this goes to the fuel injection valve, the surplus passing back through the suction valve during part of the period of the delivery stroke. An oil pump, as used on the Giant Engine, is shown in the il- lustration, this pump is operated by means of the eccentric, rocker, cam, and the pump rod. The quantity of oil injected into the cylinder at each stroke of the piston is de- termined by the length of the stroke of the pump plunger. The length of OUTLET INLET- Oil Injection Pump of the Giant Oil Engine FUEL FEED AND IGNITION 131 to O to to , 5 & 5 e 132 FUEL FEED AND IGNITION this stroke is, in turn, determined by the position of the plunger cam, which in turn, is determined by the speed of the engine governor. Before attempting to start the engine, the pump should be thoroughly cleaned. This is best done by unscrewing the plugs at the top and bot- tom of the pump body, removing the steel ball valves, and washing out thoroughly with gasoline or kerosene. In most engines a special reservoir is provided, which usually is first filled by means of a hand lever. Before starting, make sure that all the oil pipes and connections are clean, and then assure the tightening of all joints eliminating all possibilities of assembling of inside-air, which as previously explained, may cause air pockets. The importance of perfect tight joints, owing to high compression pressure must be emphasized. Leaky valves or connections are fre- quent occurrences, in particular where they are in contact with high pressure. Satisfactory operation of pumps and all mechanical contrivances depends in most every case on the operator and the safest method of assurance in proper operation of the plant is to be alert at all times. The cleaning of valves is a necessary matter which should never be neglected, in particular where fuel oils are used with ash ingredients. FUEL PUMP AND CONTROL END OF WORTHINGTON 2-CYCLE DIESEL ENGINE Referring to illustration, showing outline cut of fuel pump and control end of four-cylinder engine, speed regulation is obtained by open- ing a by-pass and not by variation of the length of the fuel pump stroke. The amount of fuel supplied to the cylinder depends on the time of opening of the by-pass valve. This in turn depends on the angular posi- tion of the eccentric shaft, which is controlled by the governor. The governor, which is located on the end of the engine crank shaft, is connected to the eccentric shaft by suitable links. Any increase in the engine speed from normal will cause the governor to turn eccentric shaft through a small angle which at the same time will lift end of by-pass lover. When the fuel pump plunger raises the by-pass lever and by-ipass plunger, by-pass valve will be opened earlier. As a result. of this ear- lier opening of the by^pass valve, more fuel is by-passed back to the fuel supply reservoir, thus reducing the amount supplied to the cylinder and promptly bringing the speed back to normal, withont changing the time when injection starts. Eccentrics keyed on the engine crankshaft drive the fuel 'pump plungers through tappets, as shown. The upper ends of the eccentric straps are provided with hardened steel contact rollers and are guided by links, replacing the crosshead and guide construction previously used. The pump plunger tappets pass through a partition, which prevents fuel FUEL FEED AND IGNITION 133 oil leaking down into the control housing and mixing with the lubrica- ting oil. All running parts are splash lubricated by oil from end main bearing, overflowing back to the crank case pump so as to keep a high level in the control housing. A hand adjusting screw at the end of the by-pass lever makes it easy to equalize the oil delivery from all plungers on multi-cylinder en- gines. Pump plungers take oil from a constantly full suction tank with a strainer, through which fuel oil is circulated by the fuel oil supply pump. COMBUSTION CHAMBER AND SPRAY VALVE, WORTHINGTON 2- CYCLE DIESEL ENGINE Referring to illustration of cylinder head and spray valve, the opera- tion of the spray valve is extremely simple. The check valve back of the spray orifice disc is held on its seat by a light spring and lifted very slightly by the oil flow pressure at each delivery stroke of the pump. The oil is distributed; to ten small holes arranged in a circle and one at the center. These produce ten slightly diverging high velocity jets that break into spray near the injection orifice merging one into the Section of Cylinder and Head of Worthington Diesel Engine Two-cycle,. Solid Injection) 134 FUEL FEED AND IGNITION other and with the center jet. The amount of fuel injected is controlled at the fuel pump by a by-pass valve which opens' at a variable point of the stroke to stop delivery of oil. The oil pump is operated by an ec- centric on the end of the crank shaft. Oil delivery always starts at the same time,, i. e., when the fuel pump tappet strikes the pump plunger. This occurs at a time when the motion is rapid, so as to secure a quick, sharp injection. Fuel in a finely divided state, is sprayed directly into the injection chamber when the compression is high enough for the air to ignite the fuel. This chamber! is completely water jacketed. Exposed view of spraying arrangement as used on Worthington latest Two-cycle Solid Injection Engines. It should be noted here that en- gines of the Worthington type can be manufactured from one H. P. up. The small amount of air In the injection chamber receiving the full fuel charge, permits only part of it to burn, gasifying the rest, and without any shock pressures. The form of fuel oil spray is such as to use only part of the injection chamber air during injection. The un- burned fuel and unused air pass through an ejection orifice to the com- bustion chamber when the pressure in thePinjection chamber is greater than in the cylinder, and complete burning takes place during the first part of the downward stroke of the piston. The rate of circulation in the cylinder is mainly controlled by the movement of the piston itself. The compression pressure, and the maximum combustion pressure do not normally exceed 450 and 500 Ibs. per square inch, respectively and the latter may even be no higher than the former. The non-explosive combustion, without any possibility of -explosive shock pressure, makes the expansion as smooth as possible under any con- dition. The engine being two-cycle, every outstroke is the same, and this combined with the compression on every instroke adds greatly to the per- fect operation of this engine. FUEL FEED AND IGNITION CHAPTER VIII. PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION TWO-CYCLE vs. FOUR-CYCLE DIESEL ENGINES. The relative superority of two or four-cycle internal combustion engines for marine purposes is one of the most debated questions at the present moment from a theoretical as well as from a practical stand- point; thus it forms daily the subject of discussion, lectures and articles in technical review. The chief purpose of this article is to co-ordinate the arguments which have been alleged for and against both types in their best form of construction, and to endeavor to draw a conclusion after careful consideration of all points of the question. The advantages which are usually attributed to the two-cycle engine as compared with the four-cycle type may be briefly stated as follows: (A) The two-cycle engine developes a greater power than the four-cycle with the same number and size of cylinders and the same num- ber of revolutions. This advantage of the two-cycle types is due to the fact that the four-cycle type gives an impulse for each cylinder every two revolutions, while the two-cycle type gives an impulse each revo- lution, theoretically the two-cycle type should therefore develope, under the same conditions, a power double that of the four-cycle type. In practice, however, the said theoretical limit has never been reached, tout at present it may toe said that the power developed toy a two-cycle en- gine is 175 per cent, to 190 per cent of that of the four-cycle engine, and it may be added that while the mean effective pressure in the four- cycle type is about 5 kg. per cm. 2( 71 ib. per sq. in.) that of the two- cycle is practically of 4.4 kg. to 4.75 kg. per cm. 2( 62 to 67 Ib. per sq. in.). The essential advantage of the two-cycle type brings as a con- sequence a remarkable reduction of space and weight, which may be approximately calculated in the following manner: As there is no reason that a four-cycle cylinder with its framing and driving gear (assuming the same Intensity of stress of the materials) should weigh less than a two-cycle cylinder of the same size, and as the weight can be practically considered to be proportional to the volume swept by the piston, therefore, for the same power and number of revolutions, the ' cylinder of the two-cycle engine (175 per cent being taken as the power ratio of the two-cycle to the four-cycle type) has a weight which is 57 per cent of that of the four-cycle engine. This average is somewhat reduced toy the fact that the two-cycle engine needs scavenging pumps, and as, according to circumstances and to the different design of the pumps, their weight can be considered as being 8 per cent to 12 per cent of the weight of the cylinders, it PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION 137 138 PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION results that the weight of the two-cycle type will be 62 per cent of 65 per cent as compared with the weight of the four-cycle. The above figures seem also practically confirmed, though there is always some difficulty in comparing numbers quoted by different constructors, for they do not always state which parts of the equipment of the plant are included or excluded from the figures published. But besides the saving of weight there is also the saving of space. It must be noted that the saving of space by the two-cycle types has also as a consequence a considerable saving in the cost and weight of the engine seat as well as in the dimensions of the engine-room, facilitating the supervision and control of the machines. (B) The turning-moment in the two-cycle engine is far more reg- ular (for the same number of cylinders) than in the four-cycle type; the results of even the four cylinder two-cycle type are far more regular than those of the six-cylinder four-cycle engine. This advantage of the two-cycle engine is not merely theoretical, but in practice results in a minor intensity of the vibrations of the stern end of the ship, 'besides a reduction in size and weight of the line of shafting and consequently of its fittings, such as supports, stern tube, etc. According to Lloyds Register the section of the shafting of a six-cylinder four-cycle engine (for the same power and the same number of revolutions) ought to be 45 per cent, greater than that of the six-cylinder two-cycle engine. Furthermore, the reduced size of the flywheel in the two-cycle engine and the reduced space permits of placing the engine nearer the stern, not only saving in the length of the line of shafting, but also increasing the space available on board for the cargo. (C) The two-cycle engine offers greater facility in reversing as compared to the four-cycle type, which is due to the fact that in the former the exhaust of the burnt gases takes place thru ports in the cylinder wall, so that in order to reverse the running of the start- ing valves, the alternation in the timing of the scavenging valves is very readily made by rotating the cam-shaft relatively to the crankshaft, while the alteration in the timing of the fuel and starting valves (these valves having but a small lift) can be readily effected by employing double cams sliding on the shaft. In the four-cycle type on the contrary, besides the alteration in the timing of the fuel and starting valves, it is necessary separately to reverse the inlet and exhaust valves; and as the latter operation re- quires a different rotation on the cam-shaft, it is not possible to em- ploy the simple device of the two-cycle type, but much more complicated mechanism becomes necessary. Referring further, to the starting and reversing devices, it may be added that the necessity of being able to start the engine whatever be the position in which the cam-shaft has stopped, that phase of the starting air does not permit of a reduction in the number of cylinders PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION 139 to less than six in the four-cycle type, while the two-cycle came can be constructed with but four, and be kept in its perfect manoeuverability. (D) With the two-cycle engine the inertial of the reciprocating parts such as connecting rods, pistons, etc., is balanced at top-dead center by the pressure on the piston, which cannot be realized in the four-cycle for the exhaust and suction strokes; as a consequence, in the four-cycle type in order to avoid the possibility of their break- ing and the great damage this would cause. (E) The two-cycle engine does not require any exhaust valve for the burnt gases, and in the engine provided with port scavenging there is no need of any valve subjected to the action of the burning gases; in the four-cycle type the exhaust valves are the source of well known troubles and even in the case their tightness and durability is increased by using more or less complicated cooling devices, the danger of their falling into the cylinder, with all its serious consequences, can never be fully eliminate. It should be noted that the exhaust valves of the four-cycle engine are the parts which are the most sensitive to the quality of fuel and are especially liable to suffer by the asphaltum and sulphur sometimes present in heavy oils of certain origins. For a two-cycle engine without exhaust valves there may consequently be used certain kinds of fuel which are not suitable for a four-cycle engine. Against the advantages above referred to as to the two-cycle type, the advocates of the four-cycle engine oppose some objections which partially apply to all two-cycle engines; and partially apply to special types or to constructive details of them. These objections may be briefly stated as follows: (a) In favor of the four-cycle type it has been said that the ex- perience of the gas engine has lead back again, (after a period of pre- ference for the two-cycle engine, so that it is convenient to select again the four-cycle type). Against this objection we may note that the example of the gas engine, as compared with the four-cycle, shows the disadvantage of a greater consumption and of the inefficient regulation at light loads; the greater consumption being due to the fact that a certain amount of gas is always mixed with the scavenging air because the two fluids cannot remain wholly separated, and so unburnt gas escapes with the air thru the exhaust ports without producing any useful work. The bad regulation is due to the difficulty of having the right mixture in case of light loads, because in the two-cycle engine it is impossible to regulate the power without diluting the explosive mixture. Neither of the said inconveniences exist in the Diesel engines, the scavenging being made with pure air and the regulation being obtained in exactly the same manner in both the two-cycle and in four-cycle types. Moreover, it may be stated that notwithstanding the said inconveniences, which can- not be neglected, the gas two-cycle engines are still constructed, and 140 PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION in work for many hundred-thousands of horse-power, from which we may draw the conclusion that the two-cycle engines offer other real advan- tages. More suitable than the example of the gas engine for comparison is that of the hot-bulb engines where the two-cycle type is preeminent, for the Bolinder, Skandia, Fairbanks-Morse, Petter, Torbinia types, a. s. o., have almost completely eliminated the competition of the four- cycle type, especially for high power. Referring now to some failures of the two-cycle Diesel engine, it may be said they are mainly due to constructive defects; numerous in- conveniences have been experienced in the engine with stepped pistons, and it would therefore be wrong to attribute these failures to the type of the engine in itself, instead of to defects in design. The supporters of the four-cycle type allege that the two-cycle engines are far more complicated, not only on account ofi the scaveng- ing pumps, the piping and the receivers relating thereto, but also on account of the greater complexity of the valve gear. Against this assertion it may be objected that the air pumps which undoubtedly constitute an added organ, by no means interfere with the reliability of the working of the engine, as they are always working at very low pressures and temperatures, like the low-pressure cylinders of steam engines; and constructively it is certainly more rational to employ a suitable air pump instead of using, for half the time, for displacing the air, enormous pistons which have been designed and fitted with rings for at least a hundred times higher pressure. Referring now to the valve gear, the complexity pertains exclusively to that two-cycle type of engine having scavenging valves in the cylinder heads, whilst in the recent type with port scavenging, besides the fuel and the starting valve (like that of the four-cycle type), there is only the scavenging valve to control. This is light and easily dis- placed, as it is not subjected to the highest pressures and temperatures of the cycle, and it does not require to be perfectly tight. This valve can easily be replaced by a rotary valve. In the cylinder of the four- cycle engine, instead of one scavenging valve there are two at least to be controlled, and very often two inlet and two exhaust valves, which, being placed in the combustion chamber, require to be perfectly tight and need an precise and reliable operating gear in order to withstand the ef- fort of the powerful closing springs. In favor of the four-cycle type it has been furthermore affirmed that its fuel consumption is far lower than that of the two-cycle engine. Now even, if it must be admitted, that this objection is correct in re- lation to the first two-cycle engines which were constructed, and is also applicable to some present motors of defective construction, it has, nevertheless, lost much of its importance when comparing the four-cycle engine with the best known modern two-cycle engines. 't is true, that some excessively low figures have been singly re- PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION 141 ported for the consumption of four-cycle engines, but they can toe safely overlooked upon consideration of the circumstances of the test or of the uncommonly high consumption of the lubricating oil, which, has obviously partially burnt as fuel, so that the above stated results can be quoted as corresponding to the best up-to-date constructions. Though they still show a slight advantage for the four-cycle engine, this is no greater than 3 per cent, or 5 per cent, and if we consider the other element re- quired for calculating the real working 1 , expenses, this difference is not of great importance. It must, indeed, be noted that the installation of two-cycle instead of four-cycle engines for a given type of ship, results in a saving in weight and space, and therefore a reduction of displace- ment and the possibility of increasing the run of the stern (this leading to a reduction in the power for propelling the weight and the space taken by the propelling plant) have the greatest influence. Furthermore, it may be added that, even if the question of the weight and space should be regarded as a secondary one, sftill the two-cycle engines show the ad- vantage that the particulars being the same, it can develope the same power as the four-cycle one at a much lower speed revolution, with the consequence of rational and systematic experiments, in a few years, from 250 grams or 260 grams per brake horse power, to the present values, it will still improve until it reaches and even surpasses the low consump- tion of the four-cycle type. Theoretically, there is no reason why this should not happen, for the thermal efficiency is the same in both types, and the power required by the two-cycle engine cannot be greater than the power expended in driving the main pistons of the four-cycle engine to work half the time as pumps themselves. Finally, besides the fuel consumption, that of the lubricating oil, which is much more expensive, ought to be considered. It is obvious that the two-cycle engine should require a less quantity of oil than the four-cycle, the load on the piston of the four-cycle engine being 50 per cent greater (with the same number of cylinders and the same ratio be- tween diameter and stroke) than that of the two-cycle, the pressure exerted on the bearings, and on the guides being proportionately increased so that the surafec to be lubricated is accordingly larger. In practice, however, as the two-cycle engine may be constructed with fewer cylin- ders the saving in the lubricating oil is still more evident. At present the figure of 3 grammes to 4 grammes (0.00614 Ib. to 0.008818 Ib.) per brake horse-power as the total amount of oil consumption is usually reached in high speed engines (480 revolutions). As another advantage of the four-cycle type, it is affirmed that the cylinder wall never reaches such high temperature as in the two-cycle type, so that the latter are subjected to higher internal strains and thus to the danger of cracks. Now, while it is true that the ratio between the quantity of fuel burnt in the four-cycle type and the surface of the combustion chamber is hardly superior to one-half the same ratio in the two-cycle engine, other important circumstances have been over- looked which have certainly a great influence on the mean temperatures. 142 PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION The action of the hot gases on the cylinder walls lasts certainly a shorter time in the two-cycle than in the four-cycle type. While in the latter the cylinder walls undergo the action of the hot gases during the whole expansion and exhaust strokes, that is, practically for more than half the time, in the two-cycle engine the action of the hot gases lasts only for a little more than two-thirds of the working stroke, In the two-cycle engines in which the exhaust occurs thru ports, the latter open much more rapidly than the exhaust valves of the four- cycle engines, and consequently there is a much more rapid diminution in the temperature due to expansion. While the exhaust temperature in the four-cycle engines is seldom be- low 350 degrees D. and in the high speed engines is easily reached 450 deg. or 500 deg. C., in two-cycle engines, if well constructed, this tempera- ture usually remains under 250 deg. C., and sometimes it only reaches 200 deg. or 210 deg. C. Not one of the hypotheses above referred to is in the favor of the two-cycle engine; the hypothesis of the same initial compression tem- perature in both types is unfavorable for the two-cycle type, as all experiments which have been made with gas engines confirm that in the two-cycle engines a much higher compression ratio can be employed than in the four-cycle engine, without the danger of pre-ignition, and that the mixture in the beginning of the compression is therefore cooler in the two-cycle type. By measuring the diagrams with a plainmeter, how- ever, the conclusion was reached that the- mean temperature of the two- cycle is practically the same. Taking account of all these elements it is fair to say the two- cycle engine, from the standpoint of temperature, is in better condi- tion than the four-cycle. The two-cycle engine, in which the inner walls of the cylinder, after the very short action of the flame, are im- mediately colled by the scavenging air current (which is supplied in such quantity as to allow, besides the filling up of the cylinder, the escape of the warmest portion which entered at first) is thermally superior to the four-cycle engine, in which all heat must be abstracted thru the walls of the cylinders with the consequent fall of the tempera- ture in the walls and resultant internal stresses. The opponents of the two-cycle engine allege that the engines of this type some portion of the combustion gases remains in the cylinders, especially in the upper part of them, so that the cylinder head becomes excessively hot. Against this argument it must be first remarked that in the foor-cycle engine at least 8 per cent of the burnt gases remain to fill the compression chamber when the piston has completed the exhaust stroke, and it is obvious that this remaining portion cannot but contaminate the air which is drawn in during the subsequent stroke. As regards to the two-cycle engine the assertion that some residue of the 'burnt gases still remain in the cylinder after the scavenging operation is merely a gratuitous hypothesis, which is contradicted by the facts above referred to, according to which the quantity of heat absorbed by PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION 143 the walls is less than in the two-cycle engine, and that in the two-cycle type the compression ratio can assume a greater value in the four-cycle engines. Against the four-cycle engine it has been said that the four-cycle type can run with greater regularity than the two-cycle when work- ing at low speed of revolutions, owing to the fact that in the two-cycle engine the compression at low speed falls rapidly with the diminish- ing of the scavenging air pressure. It must, however, be noted that this observation is correct merely when it refers to two-cycle engines of bad design, in which, owing to inefficient construction, the scavenging air pressure rises, at the normal speed, to excessively high value, while in the two-cycle engines, which have been carefully designed even at full speed the pressure of the scavenging air remains within very small limits. By the speed reduction the pressure is also somewhat reduced, but not so as to cause failure of the ignition especially when the engine is hot. Practically, in both the two and four-cycle types, the lowest limit of speed is dependent upon the two-cycle engines is more than efficient for perfect manoeuvering. Moreover, it must be remarked that the turning moment of two-cycle engines being more regular, and it being possible to run with half the number of cylinders and to obtain sufficiently good regularity, the two-cycle engine shows in this particular point an ad- vantage compared with the four-cycle type. Authors Note: In above article it should be noted that compari- son of the two-stroke-cycle vs. four-stroke-cycle type of Diesel engines depends a great deal on the view of manufacturers. Each builder naturally stands for the type of his particular make of engine. Both types, as will be seen, have their advantages and also disadvantages, depending on the class of work they are performing. While the viewpoint expressed in this article represents the stand Mr. Giovanni Chiesa of the Ansaldo San Giorgio Works of Turin, Italy, the stand taken by Mr. Franco Tosi of Legnano, Italy, again entirely claims the superiority of the four-cycle construction for Diesel Machinery, as will toe seen in the article dealing with the advantage of the four-cycle over the two-cycle type. POINTS OF ADVANTAGE AND DISADVANTAGE OF TWO-CYCLE IN COMPARISON TO THE FOUR-CYCLE DIESEL ENGINE. In this section dealing with the advantages claimed on engines built on four-cycle principle, some conclusion may be gained when comparing the arguments advanced by adherents to the two-stroke cycle as set forth in previous pages. The controversy as brought before the readers of this book, should bring out many points in favor of either engine. For instance, it is claimed by those preferring the four-stroke type, that if the same life is to be obtained from the two-stroke cycle engine in comparison to its rival, 144 PRINCIPLES OP CONSTRUCTION PRINCIPLES OP CONSTRUCTION 145 146 PRINCIPLES OP CONSTRUCTION any advantage of reduced space and weight which it may possess disap- pears. Advocates of the two-stroke cycle engine give, as one of the prin- cipal reasons in favor of this type of engine, the greater power that can be developed in a given size of cylinder; but this advantage is only ob- tainable at the expense of the greatly increased temperature of the cylin- der, piston heads, etc., which arises from the combustion of the larger quantity of fuel necessary for the increased power per cylinder. The ratio of increase in consumption of fuel per cylinder of equal size, is, in fact, greater than the ratio of increase of the power obtained from the cylinder, the consumption of fuel per horse-power .hour being somewhat greater in the two-cycle engine than in the four-cycle. This greater quantity of heat developed in each cylinder in a given time and the resulting higher temperature is confirmed by the color of the surfaces of the part exposed to it, and is responsible for the trouble that have been experienced in the two-stroke engine. It follows, therefore, that the two-stroke cycle engine, if designed with the same size of cylinder, will have a shorter life and may require more frequent overhauling than an engine of the four-cycle type. This is a fact of great importance not only with heavy oil engines for cargo boat propulsion, which must run uninterruptedly at long periods at full load, but also for the lighter type of engine used for submarines which, although not required to run fully loaded for such long periods, are sub- jected to high stresses. Considerable progress has doubtless been made with the two-cycle engine, and many improvements introduced into the design, material, cooling of the cylinder and piston, to overcome the dif- ficulties experienced. The modern two-cycle engine is thus undoubtedly more reliable than the older types, but such engines have been in service for too short a time for a definite judgment on them to be arrived at. On the other hand, rapid progress has also been made in the design of the four-stroke cycle engine, whilst many years of highly satisfactory service at full load have already been recorded. Regarded in another way, if an equal life is required from both types of engine which is called for in both land and marine service an equal quantity of fuel should in both types be consumed in a cylinder of a given size, in order to secure equal temperatures. If this condition is adhered to the result will be that the same power will be developed by both types with an approximately equal weight and space. PRINCIPLES OF DOUBLE-ACTING PISTON DIESEL ENGINES While the single-acting piston Diesel engine has been universally adopted, principally on account of its superiority in regards to simplicity, nevertheless there are factors of numerous advantages in favor of the double-acting piston type. From the earlier experiments carried out in Germany by von Oechelhauser and Junkers, up to the present day, this type has been brought to a highly commendable stage of perfection. PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION 147 The constructive principles on double-acting Diesel engines prove that there are features which cause a high attaining of power with consider- able less fuel expenditure than on engines of single-acting types. On this wellknown Junkers engine. A German product which has many advantages as a double-acting-piston engine over her rival the single- acting-piston account alone an important point is gained, balancing any questionable performance in contrast to the single-acting engine. While experiments with gas-engines, working on the opposed-piston principle, have proven 148 PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION . 149 highly satisfactory, it should be considered that problems on Diesel en- gine operation, or constant pressure application, require problems to be solved inherent to this class of engine. In following explanation it will be observed that there are factors of advantage in favor of the opposed type of Diesel engine. (1) The subdivision of the aggregate stroke by using two pistons achieves a large ratio of stroke to diameter of cylinder simultaneous with a high rate of revolution, and thus induces favorable conditions in re- gard to general economic and due to the favorable combustion chamber heat economic circumstances. (2) The use of two pistons and the exhibited solution of the mechan- ism, connecting them, with the crankshaft, enable far reaching balance of reciprocating parts; a far reaching relief of the main bearings; taking up the forces exerted by the pistons in the mechanism itself. (3)- The engine, constructed on the two-cycle principle with its eco- nomic advantages, provides good scavenging by the aid of pistons. These, with their large diameter and stroke, represent absolutely ideal govern- ing elements as well as exhaust and the admittance of scavenging air. (4) The main parts of the engine only experience undue strains and stresses as are created by useful external forces, and are free from uncon- trollable and, therefore, causing reliability of operation, heat and internal- strains due to casting. (5) Higher thermal efficiency with its consequential results of a high utilization of the fuel. Uniform maintainance of heat temperature adding towards regularity. Larger cylinder volume per power-unit convertible into useful work. The method of tandem-arrangement in opposed-piston practice, has also proven highly satisfactory. In this particular system the two outer pistons act directly, and by medium of the power-transmitting mechanism on the center crank. The two inner pistons are connected by transverse- piece and the side-rods on the side-cranks. These are set 180 with refer- ence to the middle crank. As the particular type under discussion works on the two-cycle, the general arrangement produces double action, i. e., every stroke is a working stroke. While the pair of pistons in the one cylinder are executing an outward movement, i. e., a power stroke, the pair of pistons in the other cylinder approach each other, i. e., to accom- plish a compression stroke, and vice versa. When the pistons of the one cylinder have reached their inner dead center, the pistons of the other cylinder have attained their outer dead-center position. The scavenging process is accomplished in following manner: At first the one row of ports is opened by the one piston and the spent gases take their exit, seeking an equalization of pressure with that of the atmosphere. Hereupon the other ring of slots is laid bare by the second piston and a quantity of air delivered by the scavenging pumps at low pressure, is admitted to the cylinder. This expels the products of com- 150 PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION bustion, driving them away in front of itself, leaving the cylinder as free from residue as possible. Thus in this scavenging process the function of governing the ports in the circumference of the cylinder devolves on the pistons. The working-process during one revolution is identical to all two-cycle engines, i. e., (a) admission, (b) compression, (c) power-stroke, and (d) exhaust. Every cylinder is provided with a fuel-injection valve. The forward cylinder receives in addition a compressed-air starting valve. At both sides of the rear cylinder the double-acting scavenging-pumps are ar- ranged. These are actuated by the middle-traverse piece. In the same line to the rear each of two-stages of the four-stage or three-stage air- compressors are fitted. The valve-gear of the engine is actuated by cams. The driving-shaft runs through under the engine. For each cylinder it drives two short cam shafts carried by rocking frames, for ahead and re- versing, respectively. By rotating the rocking supports about the center line of the driving-shaft from the controlling-platform the ahead and re- versing cams may be brought into contact with the valve-lever roller, res- pectively. On each of the cam shafts a starting-cam is situated between two injection cams. The lower fuel-valve on each cylinder is actuated directly by a lever. The other valve is worked by a circuit of rods lead- ing to the top of the cylinder. The moving of the starting valve is effected by medium of an interposed lever. The three rollers for each cylinder are placed axially relatively to one another. The interposed lever for actuat- ing the starting-valve is mounted on an eccentric journal, so that it can be put out of action by the levers leading to. the controlling-platform. For reversing it is only necessary to swing the rocking-frames over and keep the starting-valves in action till the engine is rotating in the contrary sense. EFFECTS OF INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL STRESSES The importance of designing Diesel engines eliminating all possibility of undue stresses of either internal or external forces is imperative. Not- withstanding the possibility of restricting the stresses set up in materials of other prime movers to external forces, when the cylinder-walls and cor- responding parts are suitably proportioned; it is utterly impossible to ob- viate stresses produced by internal forces, where there is a permanent heat-flux and a consequent temperature-difference to be dealt with. Such is the case with the cylinder-walls in the internal combustion engine. The large difference in the heat-transfer per unit of surface at the single sections of the shell must be considered. Under the influence of the temperature-difference the hot cylinder sections tend to expand more than the colder ones. Thus, the shell experiences a strain due to tensile or compressive-stresses. This is again balanced by expansion due to an equalization of heating, an augmented flow of heat is natuarlly to be an- ticipated. This is to be accounted for by the piston conducting the heat PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION 151 taken up at its bottom to the external and internal cylinder parts, distrib- uting the heat from the hotter cylinder-sections to the cooler ones, laying more remote from the combustion space. In a case where the shell contains a hole, the fibre in the vicinity ot the boundary of the perforation experience a stronger strain, causing a consequential danger of cracking of material. The reducing of heat- stresses, inevitable in the internal combustion engine, and, increasing tremendously with the sizea of modern engines of large capacities, to tol- erable values, by appropriate measures, is a problem which requires con- sideration. Combustion chambers should be provided with plain walls, possible to withstand the severest heat-impulses. Engine Frame of Standard Engine (Vertical Type) Correct designs of cooling-arrangements obviating as far as possible existing high-temperatures difference is also a factor which deserves men- tion. Provisions in designing two-cycle engines, creating a governing element for scavenging, which with great simplicity and reliability of op- eration would perfectly satisfy the important conditions to be enforced, are of material importance. These consist in opening and closing exhaust and scavenging-areas as rapidly as possible. It has been found that the design of the cylinder, to correspond with thermal considerations, is, to make them of small diameter and long stroke, so that the heat-efflux during compression, especially in the last part of the same, is curbed as far as possible, insuring positive ignition even at low rates of revolution. The increased volume-pressure attending the combustion and expan- 152 PRINCIPLES OP CONSTRUCTION sion with increased output, and the thus augmented heat-transfer, in spite of the temperature remaining the same, calls for observation in the evolvement of Diesel construction. The method of increasing the output is not so much of importance as the process of increasing the pressure. The pressures growing proportionally with increased work and gain in power must be well endurable by the cylinder walls and other sections of the engine, minimizing all stresses. Cylinder construction to resist tension in addition to bursting strain, is a factor exceedingly vital Pressures due to the inertia of the reciprocating parts, growing pro- portional to the square of the number of revolutions, is in itself a prob- lem which requires intimate knowledge. As the working pressures; have gained in the same measure, the resulting piston-forces and the tangen-' tial-forces as well as the surplus work-areas determining the coefficient for the fluctuation of speed, resulting in increased external strains. As the compression terminal-pressure and the pressure of combustion grow proportional with the increase of output, a higher rate of revolution is to be expected, as far as this is not restricted by the inertia-forces. To judge the conditions of importance in Diesel-operation, the bearing-loads PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION 153 resulting from the acting piston-forces and the inertia-loads resulting from the inertia-forces; the unbalanced forces and tilting-moments in engines of either the two-cycle or four-cycle type, requires practical Ii * s P- co 2! 5. knowledge combined with theory. The measurements for the mechanism and other vital sections should be computed on the assumption of equal stresses with respect to strength and equal specific uniform-pressures. 154 PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION SCAVENGING ARRANGEMENTS The necessity of providing scavenging pumps on two-cycle engines and such problems arising in conjunction with this vital arrangement, in particular on larger types, is a factor which enters in this subject under discussion. The principal requirement of two-cycle operation demands thorough scavenging of its cylinders of all burned substances. Remainder of these gases will have a tendency to decrease the capacity of the ma- chine. Designers of BusclnSulzer large two-cycle engines have laid par- ticular stress on this matter of intrinsic importance as will be observed in the description of this respective type. r Cylinder of "Standard" Horizontal Type of Diesel Engine. A result of careful investigation. Scavenging comprises two functions the clearing of the cylinder of the products of the previous combustion, or burnt gases, by means of a current of air, and the supply of the air charge necessary for the next combustion. A very distinctive feature is the Sulzer Patented Scavenging and Charging System. Two general methods are employed head scavenging and port- PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION 155 scavenging- and one or the other of these, in its older form, is still used on all types of two-cycle Diesel engines, excepting Sulzer's of European construction and the American Busch-Sulzer's. Head-scavenging in which the scavenging air enters the cylinder through valve-controlled openings in the cylinder head, and the burnt gases are blown out through piston-controlled ports in the cylinder wall necessitates the use of one or more comparatively large valves in the cylinder head, rendering the head particularly susceptible to fracture due to heat stresses. This fault has proved so serious, and so entirely un- avoidable that there is now a general tendency among builders of two- cycle Diesel engines to discard head-scavenging altogether. Port-scavenging in which the scavenging air enters the cylinder through piston-controlled ports in the cylinder wall, and the burnt gases are blown out through similar ports while it overcomes the cracking of the cylinder head, possesses, in its ordinary form, characteristics which affect the engine detrimentally. It is obvious that the scavenging ports must not t>e uncovered by the piston until the pressure of the hot gases in the cylinder has fallen below the pressure of the scavenging air; serious scavenging-air receiver explosions have resulted from insuffi- cient attention to this precaution. At full load, the terminal pressure in a Diesel cylinder is about 40 pounds; the scavenging-air pressure rarely exceeds 6 pounds. It is necessary, therefore, that the exhaust ports be uncovered in advance of the scavenging ports, and the amount of this earlier opening is usually about 8 per cent of the piston stroke. Uncovering the scavenging 1 ports after the exhaust ports, naturally involves covering the exhaust ports after the scavenging ports; the re- sult of which is that, at the time the upwards-traveling piston covers the exhaust ports namely at about 20 per cent of the stroke the cylinder is filled with air at very little above atmospheric pressure, which is com- pressed during the remainder of the stroke. Thus the weight of air compressed, by this system, does not exceed 85 per cent of the weight of a cylinder full at atmospheric pressure. Moreover, the scavenging by this method is imperfect, and there is an opportunity for burnt gases to blow back into the cylinder before the exhaust ports are closed; the cylinder, therefore, contains somewhat impure air. In very small engines the scavenging may be improved by providing the top of the piston with a projection to guide the stream of scavenging air upwards; but in Diesel engines of even very moderate size a piston of this form would not last many days. The net result of the foregoing is the inability to perfectly consume, in an engine of this type, the full quantity of fuel which could be con- sumed if the cylinder contained pure air in an amount equal to the cylinder full at atmospheric pressure. The Sulzer scavenging system avoids the above described faults in a safe and simple manner. It utilizes port-scavenging; but employs two tiers, instead of only one tier of ports. The piston uncovers the upper 156 PRINCIPLES OP CONSTRUCTION jJBwi tier of scavenging ports before, and the lower tier after, it uncovers the exhaust ports, but the communication between the interior of the cylinder and the scavenging-air supply or receiver, through the upper ports, is controlled by a timed and mechanically operated valve, which PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION 157 remains closed until the exhaust ports have been uncovered long enough to reduce the pressure of the gases in the cylinder to nearly atmospheric; after which tihis valve is opened, while the piston uncovers the lower scavenging ports; a rapid and thorough purging is then effected with complete safety against a blow-back into the scavenging receiver. Upon its return stroke, the piston first covers the lower scavenging ports and then the exhaust ports; the upper scavenging ports and their valve remains open, enabling the scavenging air to fill the cylinder at full scavenging pressure before the communication is shut off by the piston. Obviously a blow-back of exhaust gases into the cylinder cannot occur; furthermore, the double tier arrangement and proper form of the scav- enging ports insure a clearing out of such thoroughness that substan- tially no burnt gases remain in the cylinder analyses have shown that this residue does not exceed 3 per cent. The weight of air compressed is thus substantially 100 per cent of the weight of a cylinder full at atmo- spheric pressure, and it is possible to perfectly consume the full quantity of fuel. Incidentally, the effectively directed streams of scavenging air cool the cylinder more evenly than is possible with ordinary port-scavenging. In accompanying illustration of cross-sectional view of the Carels type of scavenging valve it will be noted that in this case it may be com- pared to valves of similar construction on four- cycle engines used for exhaust purpose. The method of location of these valves on Nord- berg engines in the cylinder head is a feature which has been found satisfactory on this type of construction. The advantage gained may be summarized in, first, added strength to the 'head itself and, second, establishing more uni- form cooling. The importance of establishing a satisfac- tory scavenging method has caused manufac- turers to adopt a double system of scavenging. In the case of double-acting two-cycle engines in some types a scavenging pump for each cylinder was found necessary. In most marine types of engines the valves are actuated by levers, the cams operated by contact from the cam shaft. The arrangements of providing a double set of scavenging valves, one on each side of the fuel inlet valve, is a feature adopted by some firms. The principle of the port system, as in the Cross-sectional view of case of the Busch-Sulzer, for its larger types Carels type of scavenging of engines owing to the amount of air neces- valve, used on Nordberg sary in performing the function of scavenging engine. appears to be the future method. 158 PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION METHODS EMPLOYED IN REVERSING MARINE DIESEL ENGINES Unlike the Diesel engine for stationary purpose, operating in con- tinual one way direction, the problem of reversing marine engines has been given a great deal of consideration by designers. On late types many new methods have been adopted to accomplish the reversing of engines, which must accurately answer the immediate requirement of giving its motion in either direction for maneuvering. Unlike a steam engine, following uniform laws of old-established principles, the setting of valves require the most intimate knowledge of problems to be confronted in general operation of Diesel machinery. Mechanical contrivances imperative to establish automatic operation must be thoroughly understood. Again the varying methods on different machines as will be observed when carefully going over the processes of operation on the different types of engines dealt with in this book, will be found beneficial in studying this prime mover. In the following illustration a valve-setting diagram for ahead and astern running of a reversible two-cycle engine is shown. Valve Setting Diagram /or reversing of Two-cycle Engine. (Starboard to Port) As a matter of fact, in the operation of Internal Combustion Engines, in particular the high compression type, the following proceedings have to be carried out, when reversing is to be accomplished, on most marine engines : (1) The valve levers have to be lifted off the cams on the camshaft. PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION 159 (2) The camshaft has to be moved fore and aft to bring the astern cams underneath the rollers of the valve levers, after which the levers must be dropped down again fen to the cams. (3) Compressed air has to be admitted to all cylinders, after this, where perhaps the engine is composed of six cylinders, two have to be placed on fuel and four on air; next, two on air and four on fuel, and finally all on fuel. If the engine is running when the order is given for it to stop, the fuel supply must be immediately lowered. This is usually accomplished by mechanical arrangement of a hand-wheel turned to the stop position, as indicated on the dial. This causes a partial rotation of a spindle, which raises or lowers the rods. These are attached to sleeves, on which the levers operating the fuel valves are eccentrically mounted. The other end of the lever on the fuel valve cam is, therefore, raised from the cam by this operation and is only brought down on to the cam at the right moment by the movement of the starting wheel. In other words, when the engine is in the stop position the fuel valves and starting air valves are automatically out of operation until the hand wheel is moved. Assuming the engine is stopped after having been running ahead, and the order is received to go astern, the reversing lever is moved from the back position to the front. This puts compressed air on the motor (some times as in the case of the Vickers types, Servo motors), which by means of a rack motion, first partially rotates the horizontal shaft which lifts the exhaust and inlet valve levers off their cams through the link, then causes the lever to move fore and aft, giving thei corre- sponding motion to the camshaft, after which, by the continued rotation of the shaft and the movement of the link, the valve levers are once more brought down to the cams. Only 'when this complete movement has been effected is it possible to move the starting wheel. Immediately the cams are in the astern position this starting wheel is rotated by hand until the indicator on the dial shows that air is being supplied to all cylinders through the distributing valves. The engine then starts up on air, after which, the starting wheel is turned to the next position indicated on the dial, namely, two cylinders on fuel and four on air. This is accomplished by the rotation of the spindle as pre- viously mentioned, allowing the fuel valve levers to come down on their cams. Further rotation of the starting wheel cuts out the air supply and allows four of the six cylinders (taking this method to be on six cylinder engines) , and finally all of them, to operate on fuel. It should be mentioned that the valve levers are lifted off their cams by the movement of the manoeuvering shaft, owing to the fact that these levers are usually mounted eccentrically upon the shaf. The reason that the fuel valve levers are brought down on to their cams in pairs as described, is that there are cams in this particular 160 PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION case on the shaft which lift the levers at the time required for putting into action the respective valves, according to the position of the start- ing wheel. In many engines hand-pumps are used, operated by levers, in case it is desired to carry out the reversal by hand instead of by com- pressed air. In most engines individual cylinders can be cut out by means of hand-levers if the requirement necessitates the same. \W/- Valve Setting Diagram for Reversing of Two-cycle Engine. (Port to Starboard) It is the opinion of the writers that the large marine Diesel engines will more and more resemble each other and that certain standards in design will be adopted by all builders, as since long has been the case with the reciprocating steam engine. The tendency shows already in the general designs of most modern engines. It will be noticed that with the increased demand for larger types of Diesel engines the gradual uniformity in build and general design are identical. It is true, that the tendency of manufacturers ad- hering to either the two-cycle or the four-cycle type leaves a gap not to be found in steam engine construction, 'but as both engines of late have been brought to a high stage of perfection, manufacturers in the United 'States as well as in Europe will find it convenient to establish standards to be adopted governing existing problems in Diesel engine construction. In most engines of large horse power capacity, the reversing mo- PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION 161 tions are carried out by the valve-rockers, and like all eccentric move- ments the action is very peculiar, yet exceedingly simple. In the Werk- spoor engine, there are four rockers per cylinder, for the inlet, exhaust, air-starting and fuel valves respectively. Each rocker is mounted on a diagonal-eccentric, the eccentric being secured to the shaft and is free to move in the hub of the rocker. To shift the rocker-rollers from one cam to another it is merely necessary to rotate the rocker-shaft 180 degrees. In the neutral position at 90 degrees the rollers are clear of the cams. The turning of this rocker-shaft requires very little effort, and actually can be done by hand. But, to facilitate the operation, a little double-acting air engine with an oil cushion is provided and this reciprocates a ratchet that is in connection to a ratchet-wheel on the rocker-shaft. It will be realized, that when the valve-rocker moves from the ahead- cam to the astern-cam the position of its valve-tappet also changes, and this is arranged for by the provision of a double head, or tappet, with an adjusting screw on each. The setting of the rocker-rollers is so ar- ranged that when running "ahead" the roller-face is square on the cam, but in the "astern" position the face of the roller is not absolutely square on the cam, is resting at a slight angle, which is of no consequence because the wear of the astern position is exceedingly slight, partly owing to the very limited periods during which the engine runs astern and partly because of the large size of the roller. DESCRIPTION OF GOVERNOR AND GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF CONNECTIONS OF ASPINALL'S GOVERNOR FOR DIESEL ENGINES The Governor is fitted to a reciprocating lever worked by engine crosshead, or suitable motion, having for preference an angular move- ment of about 45 degrees, and making about 80 double strokes per minute. The Governor "A" is adjusted to act about 5 per cent, above the running speed of the engines. When the pre-determined speed is reached, the large weight of Governor is left behind on the downward stroke of the special Lever "L" the bottom pawl on Governor carries Engaging Lever "B" into its upper position, which lifts the Suction Valve on Oil Pump off its seat through Rod "J" and Levers "D" and "E." When this action takes place the bulk of the fuel oil, instead of passing through the Delivery Valve to the Cylinder, is returned to the Suction Chamber, and the engines are then slowed down. The amount to which the Suction Valve is lifted off its seat by the Governor is reg- ulated by the Screw "R," which is set so that a small quantity of Oil Fuel will pass through the Delivery Valve to the Cylinder. When the speed of the engines has moderated, the large weight of Governor drops into its lower position, and top pawl depresses Lever "B," which allows the Suction Valve for Fuel Pump to come on its seat; the full supply of 162 PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION ASPINAUS WC,ttT,MAfttNg TYPE &0VR.NOR rRNAt COMBUSTION Oft Fig. A. Aspinalls Marine Governor applied to Internal Combustion Engines. PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION 163 Oil Fuel is then discharged through the Delivery Valve to the Cylinder, and the engines regain their normal speed. The Lever "F," connected with the Hand Gear, is fitted with a Fork End which works outside the Lever "E" of Governor Gear. With this arrangement the Governor Gear, or Hand Gear, work independently of each other. (Note: The arrangement of connections may be varied in numerous ways, providing the principle of the action of the Governor is duly considered. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF GOVERNOR The Governor consists of a hinged Weight "W," operating two Pawls "PP," carried on a frame, which is bolted to a Lever "L," having a suitable reciprocating motion. When the revolutions of the engines are increased by about 5 per cent above the normal running speed the Weight "W" is left behind on the downward stroke of the Lever "L," and reverses the position of the Pawls "PP," causing bottom one to engage with Lever "B," lifting it throughout the upward stroke of Lever "L," and thereby Shuts Off the fuel supply to the engines. On the next downward stroke of the Lever "L" the Detend "Q" is lifted by coming into contact with Lever "B," liberating the Weight "W," and when the revolutions of the engines have moderated, thei W T eight "W" drops into its lower position and again reverses the position of the Pawls "PP" the top one now engages with the Lever "B," depressing it throughout the next down- ward stroke of the Lever "L," and thereby Opens Up the Oil Fuel supply to the engines again. The Emergency Gear only comes into operation in the event of the engines approaching v an excessive speed, such as would occur in the event of loss of propeller or the breaking of a shaft, in which case the Weight "U" is left behind on the downward stroke of the Lever "L" and locks the Weight "W" in the Shutting-Off position, thereby effect- ually Shutting Off the Fuel supply to the engines. To release the Emergency Gear from locking position press the Weight "W" upwards from the underside, when the Weight "U" will fall out of gear. INSTRUCTIONS FOR FIXING GOVERNOR Bolt the Governor on the side of the Lever^ "L" at a given distance "F" from Fulcrum to Face the Weight "W." Place Lever "L" at Top of its stroke, as shown in dotted lines on Fig. 2, lift the Weight "W" into its upper position, which brings the Bottom Pawl out. Then file out metal from end of Slot in Lever "B" until the engaging end of Lever "B" is %-inch above Pawl, with end of Slot hard up against Stop Pin "S." Then connect up gear between Lever "B" and control gear at fuel pump, which should be in the Shutting-Off position with the gear adjusted so that engaging end of Lever "B" rests on Bottom Pawl. Next discon- nect gear between Lever "B" and control gear at fuel pump and place Lever "L" at Bottom of its stroke; lift Detent "Q," which will allow 164 PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION 165 Weight "W" to drop into its lower position and bring out Top Pawl. Then, file out of other end of Slot in Lever "B" until engaging end of Lever "B" is %-inch below Top Pawl with end of Slot hard up against Stop Pin "S." Again connect up the gear between Lever "B," and con- trol gear at fuel pump, with Top Pawl resting on engaging end of Lever "B" when the control gear, if correctly adjusted, should be in the Open- ing-Up position. The distance "F" is fixed by the makers of the Governor after receiv- ing particulars of the engines. INSTRUCTIONS FOR REGULATING GOVERNOR To make the Governor more sensitive, i. e., to Shut Off at a less number of revolutions, the Regulating Screw "R" on Spring Buffer Ad- justment "V" must be screwed outwards. To make the Governor less sensitive, i. e., to Shut Off at a greater number of revolutions, the Reg- ulating Screw "R" on Spring Buffer Adjustment "V" must be screwed inwards. To make the Emergency Weight "U" later in its action, take out the Plug "X" and insert a suitable washer inside the Box behind the spiral spring. HINTS FOR KEEPING GOVERNOR IN WORKING ORDER. All parts of the Governor should be kept thoroughly clean; a piece of rag and paraffine being used for cleaning purposes. Cotton waste should on no account be used, as particles of same are liable to get into working parts and retard the free working of the Governor. A little mineral or sperm oil should be used for lubricating purposes; oils of a clogging nature -to be avoided. If the Governor is fixed under platform gratings, a piece of canvas or sheet iron should be attached to underside of grating to prevent dirt falling on the Governor. The Weight "W" should be tipped upwards by hand once a day to ensure the Governor and Gear being kept free and in working order. MARINE DIESEL ENGINES FOR TWIN-SCREW SHIPS. The method of twin-screw propulsion appears to be momentarily far more favored than the single screw process. Firms, foremost in the con- struction of Diesel machinery claim advantageis in favor of the twin- screw propulsion as against the single-screw operation, so commonly found on steam-driven ships. Following reasons are given by the Bur- meister & Wain Co. (1) The engines, shaftings and propellers are lighter than those of the corresponding engine of a single-screw vessel. 166 PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION 167 (2) The engines require less space length-wise, thus the engine room becomes shorter, and in spite of this there is ample room for placing the auxiliary machinery, partly along sides of the ship and partly between the two main engines. u i Ii I o g.8 ^, i? II (3) The dimensions of the different parts of the Diesel engines being reduced, they are more easy to handle, and as the whole unit is adapted for forced lubrication, by which all inspection of the working parts, while the engine is running, is rendered unnecessary, if only the pressure of the lubricating oil is kept constant, the attention of the increased number of details will cause no difficulties and no additional labor will be re- quired. 168 PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION Descriptive View of Worthington Solid Injection Two-Cycle Diesel Engine ( Exposed ) . PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION 169 (4) The two engines working independently of each other assure a greater reliability, and the efficiency of the two propellers on higher revo- lutions will be greater than that of a single-screw running at lower revo- lutions. The point last mentioned is one of the most essential advantages -and has enabled motor vessels to carry through their voyages at such a good mean speed even in bad weather. This is accounted for firstly by the fact that the propelling power is distributed over two propellers thereby at- taining a larger thrust pressure. The propellers are placed well clear of the ship's sides, thus assuring a good and free flow to the propellers. In bad weather these small propellers do not readily get above the surface of the water. Should this happen a better propulsion is never- theless maintained in comparison with a propeller worked by a steam en- gine, on account of the following: The Diesel engine is furnished with a governor, which as soon as the propellers rise above the surface of the water and the revolutions of the engine thereby are increased by afoout 10% above the normal, operates and cuts off the oil supply to the cylinders and keeps the engine at about normal revolutions. At the moment the propellers again enter the water and the revolutions are somewhat reduced, the governor acts immedi- ately, adjusting the supply of fuel oil to the normal quantity, so that all the cylinders give full power at once. This is not the case with an ordi- nary marine steam engine. Even if here the governor cuts off at once for the admission of steam, as soon as the propeller leaves the water, the revolutions of the steam engine will nevertheless be increased owing to the large quantities of steam still remaining in the receivers. When the propeller again enters the water, the governor will at once admit the steam to the high pressure cylinder, but the engine will not be able to attain its normal power, until the receivers again are filled, frequently the steam engine will be practically stopped and the propeller enters the water. In heavy weather the propulsion is therefore better of Diesel- engined vessels than of steamers. DIESEL HIGH SPEED ENGINES The problem of high-speed engines for auxiliary purposes enters as one of vital importance in modern Diesel power plants. In many cases the gasoline engine has been found to perform this function on genera- tors, pumps, compressors, etc., in a most satisfactory manner. Of late high-speed Diesel engines have been built exceeding 400 revo- lutions per minute. As a matter of fact, on this type of machinery the fuel consumption has been found so low that its competitor in high-speed engines will in future be substituted by high-speed full Diesel machinery. In marine engineering, where it will be not alone a matter of con- venience using crude oil for fuel oil solely, in operating the entire unit, but also the importance of space allowance must be considered. In saving 170 PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION 171 of engine room space the advantage is with high-speed Diesel machinery. In weight comparison it may safely be said that Diesel driven engines of high speed types are of equal proportion. The general upkeep of either the two-cycle high-speed or these fol- lowing the four-cycle principle is a factor which may be worthy of men- tion. A machine of this kind developed by the Busch-Selzer Company of St. Louis of four-cycle construction shows wonderful results. In this case force-feed lubrication has been adopted throughout. The vertical three-stage compressor, mounted on the end of the engine, is driven off the crankshaft direct from the engine. A Small Type of Nelesco, Equipped With Paragon Reverse Gear. This Type Is Ideal for Yachting, Fishing Crafts, Etc. Firms like Krupp, Augsburg-Nurnberg, Steinbecker, Vickers, Werks- poor, Burmeister-Wain, Nordberg Manufacturing Co., have produced en- gines which are highly commendable for use in auxiliary operation on marine as well as stationary power plants. It is but natural that the consumption of lubricating oil is higher on high-speed than on low-speed machinery. The amount is such that it not seriously effects operating expenses. It is on a par with the average high- speed gas engine and slightly above steam-driven machines of equal ca- pacities. It may be figured to about .012 to .02 per B. H. P. .hour as against .01 to 0.12 Ib. fuel oil consumption is in this case about from 3 l / 2 to 7 per cent higher, depending upon the design. ECONOMY IN RIVER-FREIGHTER OPERATION. Not alone is the Diesel engine a dangerous competitor to vessels op- erated by steam power, but it outclasses any other prime-mover in econ- omy and efficiency. In the following comparison of Diesel vs. distillate engine on the river freighter "iSuison City" of Oakland, California, the impartial result on a trial trip is herewith given: In this trial trip on the (Sacramento River after two 65 h. p. twin- cylinder 12 in. Atlas distillate-engines had been removed and two 55 h. p. 172 PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION 173 three-cylinder 8 in. by 10 y 2 in. Atlas-Imperial Diesel engines had been installed in their place, following was the result: Length over all 84 ft. 5 in. Breadth _ 23 ft. 5 in. Depth _ _ 6 ft. 5 in. Tons, gross 142 tons Tons, net 73 tons The following data on the performance of the boat before and after having this change of machinery made is exceedingly interesting as showing in black and white why the Diesel engine, even in small units, must furnish the power in our harbor and coastwise fleets. Propeller with distillate engines, 48 in. diameter, 44 in. in pitch, 232 R. P. M. Propeller with Diesel engines, 44 in. diameter, 38 in. in pitch, 340 R. P. M. Speed of boat with distillate engines, 8 miles per hour. Speed of boat with Diesel engines, 9.2 miles per hour. Fuel cost with distillate engines per hour, $3.22. Fuel cost with Diesel engines per hour, $0.30. Actual fuel consumption with Diesel engines is 414 gals, per hour with two engines and 2% gals, per hour with one engine. Fuel used costs 6 cents per gallon. This is but one of many conversions from distillate to Diesel en- gines which 'the non-availability of distillate fuel and the added economy of the latter type engine has made necessary on vessels of smaller types, as mentioned herein. (From Motorship, December 1921.) The Comparison in Space Between Sketch-Drawing of Vessel Equipped With Steam-Power. (Fig. A.) Sketch Drawing of Vessel Equipped With Diesel Power (Fig. B) Re- quires no Explanation. 174 PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION COMPARISON OF EFFICIENCIES OF VARIOUS TYPES OF POWER PLANTS HEAT UNITS IN FUEL CONSUMED PER BRAKE HORSEPOWER HOUR. Simple Non-Condensing Corliss Engines Compound Condensing Corliss Engines Engine Rating Engine Rating Engine Rating Engine Rating 200 I.H.P. 800 I.H.P. 100 I.H.P. 400 I.H.P. Boiler Pressure Boiler Pressure Load Per Cent Boiler Pressure Boiler Pressure 125 Ibs. 180 Ibs. of Rated 100 Ibs. 150 Ibs. Vacuum 2."i In. Vacuum 27 In. H. P. Steam per I.H.P. Steam Per I.H.P. Steam per Steam per Hour, 28 Ibs. Hour, 24 Ibs. I.H.P. Hour, I.H.P. Hour, n ibs. 13 Ibs. 100 52,500 41,500 25,500 21,000 75 60,000 47,500 29,000 23,500 50 79,000 59,500 36,500 29,000 25 138,000 99,000 58,000 45,000 Triple Expansion Steam Steam Turbines Engine Rating Rating 5,000 Engine Rating 1,000 I.H.P. Rating 500 K. W. 400 I.H.P. Boiler Pressure K. W. Boiler Pressure Boiler Pressure 200 Ibs. Boiler Pressure 200 Ibs. Load Per Cent 150 Ibs. Superheat 100 150 Ibs. Superheat 150 of Rated Vacuum 27 In. degrees Fahr. Vacuum 26 In. degrees Fahr. H.P. Steam per Vacuum 27.5 In. Steam per Vacuum 28 In. I.H.P. Hour, Steam per K.W. Hour, Steam per 12.5 Ibs. I.H.P. Hour 21 Ibs. K.W. Hour, 10.5 Ibs. 14 Ibs. 100 20,000 17,500 21,000 15,000 75 22,500 20,000 23,500 17,500 50 28,000 24,500 27,000 20,500 25 43,000 36,000 36,000 28,000 DIESEL ENGINES Load Per Cent Engine Rating Engine Rating Engine Rating of Rated H.P. 165 B.H.P. 520 B.H.P. 2,200 B.H.P. 100 9,000 8,400 8,000 75 9,500 8,900 8,500 50 10,800 9,800 9,000 25 15,400 13,000 12,000 For steam plants add allowance for stand-by, according to character of load. To obtain equivalent pounds of coal divide B. T. U. by 12,500. To obtain equivalent pounds of fuel oil divide B. T. U. by 18,800. To obtain equivalent gallons of fuel oil divide B. T. U. by 143,000. Data furnished by courtesy of Bush-Sulzer Diesel Engine Co., St. Louis, Mo. PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTION 175 COMPARISON IN AVERAGE FUEL COST OF 100 H. P. Engines driven by Gasoline, Distillate and Engines classified as Diesels. Gasoline Per hour 2.50 Per day 25.00 Per week ___ 150.00 Per month 600.00 Per year 7200.00 Note: In the use of steam it may safely be stated, that a fuel con- sumption of 300% more than on such machinery where Diesel power is the prime mover, will be required. Distillate Diesel 1.70 .42 17.00 4.20 102.00 25.20 408.00 100.00 4896.00 1209.60 RECIPROCATING STEAM Comparison Sketch Between Reciprocating (Steam), Turbine (Steam), and Diesel Power. Upper, left, Turbine; Upper, right, Diesel; Lower cut, Reciprocating Steam. CHAPTER IX. AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES OIL PURIFICATION ARRANGEMENTS A very important point which should be given careful attention by operating engineers in the operation of Diesel machinery, is the proper maintenance of its oiling and lubrication system. The tendency of manufacturers, in the design of bearings, has been towards the employment of lubricating oils at much higher temperatures. Such conditions necessitates the use of oils which are suitaMe for the in- dividual requirements and which must be given such attention and treat- ment as will minimize trouble in the practical operation of the unit. Ex- perience indicates that the lubricating properties of oil deteriorate under the influence of heat, and when brought into intimate contact with water and air, as occurs under working conditions. These various actions bring about a gradual breaking down of the waxy content into a coagulate or sludge of a brownish color, insoluble at ordinary temperatures in the re- maining hydro-carbons, which are the vehicles of the waxy or lubricating agents in solution in the oil. This sludge, with its precipitates, if not removed, adheres to the piping of the oiling system and often obstructs the flow of oil. The quality of the water which accidentally comes in contact with the oil, due to leakage or sweating of the pipes, affects very materially the formation of sludge. Acids accelerate this action, and alkalies aid in emulsifying the oil. The design of modern Diesels provide for a stor- age of oil directly in conjunction with the main engine, with pumping, circulating and cooling systems which are independent in operation. Such arrangements ordinarily provide for relatively limited capacities of the oiling system so that it is forced through a rapid; cycle of operation. This, in connection with high bearing pressures abnormal temperatures, tends very rapidly to deteriorate the oil, which is not given sufficient time to settle, clarify and purify. The operating practice today consists of re^ moving all the oil after a certain time in service and replacing it with a new batch, the used oil being passed through various types of purifying and filtering equipment, and then stored for future use. Oil should be selected with careful regard to requirements and con- ditions of "service. Viscosity should be referred not to the conventional standard of 100 degrees Fahrenheit but to the actual temperature at which it will be used, as there is an appreciable variation in the viscosity of all oils, depending on their base and blending, with changes of temp- erature. The specific gravity of the oil, its emulsifying tendency when AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES 177 mixed with water, or frothing when churned with air these actions vary- ing with the temperature of the oil and, also, to a certain extent, the flash point, are all factors which have an important bearing on the life and service qualities of the oil. They are items which should be regarded as of prime importance in the selection of the proper grade of oil in the case. The oil in service should be tested at frequent intervals because its viscosity and specific gravity and other physical 'properties change very materially with use and age. Exposed View of Burt Oil Filter The proximity of the oil tank to the engine arrangements thereto are matters which require serious consideration. The oil tank and connec- tions should be so designed as to prevent, as far as possible, the trans- mission of any heat from the engine to the oil. The purification of the oil is, in general, carried out by one of two methods the continuous system and the batch system. In the first 178 AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES method the relief valve on the oil system of the engine is made use of to by-pass a portion of the oil continuously into a tank from which it is fed by gravity into the oil purifying equipment and then back into the en- gine. This acts as a loop in the oil system and keeps the oil constantly in good operating condition. In the batch system the engine reservoir is completely drained at regular intervals into a tank and a fresh supply of oil is replaced. The used oil is then purified and stored for future service. In operating large sized Diesels, it is important to cool the lubricat- ing oil used in bearings, reduction gears, etc., in order that a given quan- tity of oil can be used over and over again and that the oil supplied to the bearings will be of correct temperature to maintain an oil film of proper viscosity between the bearing surfaces. The Multiwhirl Cooler, manufactured by the Griscom-Russell Company, most efficiently performs this service. The oil is pumped through the shell and the cooling water through the tubes. Burt Oil Filter, Full View The Multiwhirl Cooler is designed to accomplish the heat exchange between any two liquids, one or both of which may be water; the con- densing and subcooling of any vapor or any similar service. In actual AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES 179 practice it has proven to be an indispensable equipment in such plants where Diesel power is used. The advantages of this oil cooler may be summarized in following: Multiwhirl Oil Cooler Exposed View 1. Helical baffle long smooth oil path minimum pressure drop. 2. Tube bundle removable, facilitating inspection and cleaning. 3. Tubes expanded into tube plates; no sweated joints. 4. Floating head construction; no expansion strains on tube joints. 5. Outside packed head; this construction eliminates any possible leakage of water into oil through faulty packing. 6. Compactness of unit; this is permitted by the high rate of heat transfer secured in the Multiwhirl Cooler. 7. Installation in any position; the Multiwhirl Cooler may be in- stalled in any position with equal efficiency if liquids (not vapor) are being handled. Griscom-RustelVs "G-R*' Instantaneous Heater 180 AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES To insure proper operation of valves, such as fuel-inlet valve, etc., it is imperative that certain grades of oil, in particular those of low viscos- ity, be heated. In accompanying illustration of the Reilly Oil heater a good view is allowed on its interior construction. The oil is circulated through the coils and is heated by high pressure of steam application passing on the interior of the shell. Internal joints or flanges are to be avoided in oil heater construction to prevent leakage of oil into steam space of heater. Such oil would event- ually reach the engine and owing to the fact that water in oil has a ten- dency to restrict the efficiency in power production it would give addi- tional loss in generating. Water in lubricating oil should be eliminated as much as possible. It will create heat and will be found detrimental in general purpose of cooling. To engineers of steam plants, where oil is used on boilers, the neces- sity for equipment in oil purification, pre-heating of oil or cooling on tur- bine-driven machinery is imperative. In following illustrations a few apparatus are shown adapted today in plants where Diesel power is used. OVERHEAD OIL STORAGE OVE-RFLOVX/ FROM ENGINE The Equipment of De Laval's Oil Separators Assures an Excellent Method of Oil Purification AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES 181 In figure (a) the illustration shows the Wheeler type of pre-heating of oil. It will be noticed that this arrangement consists of essentially an enclosed cylindrical vessel. iSmall tubes directing steam through it which causes the heating of oil to be accomplished by coming in contact with the surrounding oil. frtn .0. Figure (b) shows the type of the Elliott Company of Pittsburgh, Pa., known as the Welderon Receiver Separator. Its function is to separate impurities which may cause the clogging up of fuel valves and the piping 182 AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES system. The Welderon Receivers are of standard construction. The oil and entralnment are prevented from passing into the outlet by baffles consisting of a double row of V-shaped plates. The separator is fitted with a manhole through which a workman can enter the separator and clean the baffles in place. To be efficient in the removal of sediment from oil it is essential that the baffle plates in an oil separator be cleaned at frequent intervals to prevent their becoming gummed. The flanges are threaded, then welded to the ends of the through-pipe by a special process and form the nozzles of the separators. The body of the receiver is also welded to the through- pipe, which makes an absolutely tight joint. All other joints and seams are riveted, but inasmuch as the through-pipe relieves the receiver of all strains, due to vibration in the pipe line or to contraction and expansion due to change in temperature, the riveted construction can safely be used. Fig. (&). Welderon Receiver Separator Reilly Oil Heater- Exposed View The illustration in figure (d) represents the "Bundy" Oil Separator, manufactured by the Griscom-Russell Company, Massilon, Ohio. Instead of a single separating plate the Bundy Separator has a num- ber of such plates, thereby insuring that any oil which passes by the first or second plate will be caught by the plates which follow. These plates are of the grid type, the grids being so constructed that the columns of adjacent grids are staggered. AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES 183 The surfaces of baffle plates used in oil separators are usually left unfinished as the oil will cling to this rough surface more readily than to a finished surface. If a separator actually separates, some portion of the constant stream of oil passing over the separating surfaces will ad- here and bake on, thus gradually coating the surfaces and impairing the efficiency of the separator. This result accompanies real separation in any type of separator. Cleaning is therefore necessary if the efficiency of the separator is to be maintained. In order to permit the cleaning of the Bundy plates, a door in either the side or top of the main casting per- mits their easy removal as each of these plates is a separate casting and they are not attached in any way to each other or to the main separator casting. Fig. (C) Stratton Oil Separator Horizontal Type (Exposed) Fig. (D) Griscom-RusseWs "Bundy" Oil Separator The separator plates should be thoroughly boiled for about 6 to 12 hours in a strong solution of potash, or soda and water. Their cleanliness will be detected by rust appearing on the surface when dry. After clean- ing, the plates can be replaced in the separator with their rough cast 184 AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES Hoppes Mfg. Co.'s Class "R" Oil Heaters, Showing Multi-Trough Shape I Pan Class ".R" Oil Heater Front End Exposed AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES 185 iron separating surface restored to their original condition. The best way to determine just when the cleaning should be done is by trial and obser- vation. On old work, where the piping has become foul and coated through, long usage, it is reasonable to suppose that the Bundy separator will re- quire closer watching than where new piping is used. Fig. (e). A "(7L" Oil Separator In the illustration (f) of the multiscreen Filter, a re-design of the well-known Reilley Multiscreen Filter and Grease Extractor is shown. This installation is adapted for ships on over-seas voyages. In particular where steam is used in conjunction with Diesel power. Fig- (/) Griscom Russell's "G-R" Multiscreen Filter 186 AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES HELPFUL HINTS ON LUBRICATION AND LUBRICATING OIL If the oil supplied to a bearing is relatively cold, the turbulence is not vigorous, and consequently a particle of oil that is in contact with the bearing and that has absorbed its share of the heat, does not move away fast enough and therefore is not rapidly replaced by another colder particle of oil. The result is that the greater part of the cir- culating oil during its travel through the bearing does not come into contact with the, metal surfaces but passes along without absorbing any heat Under these conditions, the bearing becomes heated to a point where the temperature difference between it and the oil film in direct contact is great enough to transfer the heat by conduction from the bearing to the oil film. This comparatively small portion of hot oil intermixes with the remaining larger quantity of cold oil, estab- lishing at the outlet of the bearing a low oil temperature which by no means indicates the temperature of the bearing itself. Oil Cooling and Lubricating System for Internal Combustion Engines by Scfiutte & Koerting's Method The temperature of the oil may be surprisingly low, whereas the temperature of the bearing itself may have reached the allowable maxi- mum. The bearing is kept cool, not by establishing a low outlet oil tem- perature, but by bringing into contact with the surfaces of the bearing as many particles of oil per unit of time as possible. The best practice is to circulate the oil energetically and to recool it to a temperature below the normal operating temperature of the bearing. According to tests conducted by the General Electric Company, this bearing temperature is about 160 Fahrenheit. AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES 187 In the illustration of the Schutte & Koerting Oil Circuit an ideal System of proper cooling is shown. It is a mistake to refer the outlet temperature of the oil to the outlet temperature of the cooling 1 water. The particular oil temperature at which the Diesel engine operates most efficiently should be maintained irrespective of cooling water tempera- ture. The latter can be regulated at will by controlling the amount of water passing through the cooler. In a test on a standard No. 7 cooler, in which 60 gallons of heavy Texaco Ursa oil were to be cooled per minute with 160 gallons of cooling water per minute, the results given in the following table were obtained. Water Outlet Oil Inlet Oil Outlet To Bearings Water Inlet TABLE OF TEST OF No. 7 SHUTTE KOERTING COOLER fas' I ,- 85 70 60 50 40 156 140 128 116 104 l*fc 118 103 93 83 73 Bid Q-S *- fl Q _, cd g'gfo 38 37 35 33 31 Sectional Elevation of Oil Cooler of the Schutte & Koerting type, for Re-cooling Lubricating Oil and Cool- ing Oil from Diesel Engine Pistons and Bearings. In all instances, the difference between the water-inlet and oil- outlet temperatures was 33 F. Furthermore, the temperature drop of the oil decreased with a decrease in the initial oil temperature. This is primarily due to the fact that as the temperature of the oil dimin- ishes, the oil becomes thicker and more viscous, and its movement along the cooling surfaces sluggish. A more or less stagnant layer or film of oil that forms also retards the cooling materially. A large quantity of oil circulating at a small temperature drop has been found to give better results than a small amount of oil at a large temperature drop. The oil should not be passed through the bear- ings at too low a temperature, since cold oil, because of its greater vis- 188 AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES cosity does not absorb the heat of a bearing as well as oil at a higher temperature. The Schutte & Koerting Company recommends for sta- tionary service an oil temperature drop of 30 P., namely, from 150 to 120 F., since from the experience of most engine builders, this range gives the best operating results. Under these conditions a high rate of oil flow in the (bearings is provided, as well as a thin oil film that in- sures a vigorous movement and rapid efficient absorption of heat in the bearings. Table, Showing Variation of Specific Heat of Texaco Temp-e nature. Ursa Oil With Temperature of Oil Degree Fahrenheit. 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 Specific Heat of Oil B. T. U. per Ib. per Degree Fahr. 0.437 0.450 0.462 0.474 0.486 0.497 0.508 0.518 0.527 -Oil Inlet Dram- Oil Ouflet Sectional Elevation of Lubricating Oil Filter for Diesel Engines AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES 189 If the temperature of the oil entering the cooler is comparatively low, the cooler will necessarily be of larger dimensions to accommodate the larger quantity .of water necessary to absorb the same amount of heat. The oil best suited for Diesel engine lubrication is one that will withstand contamination with impurities under the conditions of most severe service, high surface speed, rapid circulation of oil, presence of water, etc. With poor grades of oil, the lubrication is inefficient, and due to the heat generated, bearing temperatures are high, the oil is oxidized, and its life limited a few months. Excessive oil temperatures are sometimes due to the proximity of the oil drain tank to the close distance of engine. Frequently the lubricat- ing oil contains entrained particles of air in the form of bubbles. When the circulation is rapid, these bubbles burst and scatter the oil in fine sprays or vapor. o Schutte & Koerting's Duplex Oil Strainer This vapor must be removed from the bearing housing since it is likely, where in case of engine being used for electrical generation purposes, to creep into the electric generator, where it can cause trouble For this purpose the oil pipe is made sufficiently large; otherwise an additional pipe is used, venting the oil reservoir of the bearings at a higher level than the original return pipe from the bearing housing. Foaming occurs whenever large quantities of fresh oil are added ,to the lubricating system. This, however, will disappear after a few hours operation. Should it persist, air is probably 'being sucked into the system through the oil pump. All air leaks should be eliminated as quickly as possible. 190 AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES Solid impurities, such as particles of dust and dirt, iron oxide, etc., contaminate, and break down some grades of oil quickly. Such oil becomes dark in color, its viscosity is high, and it forms a sludge that is deposited in the system, usually in the oil cooler. If, furthermore, a slight trace of water is present, the oil will emulsify considerably. In instances where a new engine is started up for the first time, there will always be in the lubricating oil particles of core sand, cotton waste, scale, etc. Therefore, after the engine has been in operation for two or three weeks, the oil should be removed, put into a settling tank, where the foreign substances will deposite at the bottom, and then the good oil separated off from the top. This oil can be subsequently used as make-up oil. If it is found that the percentage of impurities is large, the oil should first be heated, separated as before, and then run through a filter before being introduced into the lubricating system. A more definite and positive means of removing solid impurities and foreign substances from the oil is provided by the Duplex Oil strainer of which accompany- ing illustration gives a view. The Duplex Oil Strainer removes, dirt, sediment, and any foreign material that has accidentally gotten into the oil. It is of sufficient capacity so that one side may be cut out for cleaning purposes with- out interrupting the flow of oil through the other side, that is, one side of the strainer can be cleaned while the apparatus is running under full power. It is operated with a single lever. It has a free area through the straining screens that permits of long usuage without causing the system to become choked and clogged. Sometimes the strainer is by- passed, the by-pass being provided with a relief valve so adjusted that it opens when a fixed differential pressure occurs across the strainer. In this way the oil flow is not interrupted; but an alarm must be pro- vided to indicate when the valve opens, otherwise the clogged strainer will go unnoticed. When water is present, the result is an emulsification of the oil, With large quantities of water, the mixture assumes a dark yellow color. If a sample of the mixture is removed, and heated in a test tube, it will separate out into oil at the top, milky water in the center, and a slimy sludge at the bottom of the tube. The oil is\ darker in color, and somewhat heavier than the original oil. It also has a strong character- istic odor. Water is the cause of considerable trouble, since in appreciable quantities, it forms a sludge that clogs up the passages of the closed lubricating system, and causes the temperature of the circulating water to rise. This condition is usually an indication that insufficient oil is 'brought to the -bearings for cooling purposes. Frequently the engine must be shut down in order to cleanse the system thoroughly. When water leakage is unavoidable, it is good practice to put a water drain into the bottom of the drain tank. This water drain should be opened once in every 24 hours, so that any water accumulating in the AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES 191 system can be withdrawn. The drain cock should be left open until clear oil appears. It is also advisable to open the drain cock before starting the engine. The suction of the oil pump in the drain tank should be at least two to four inches above the bottom of the tank, so that any water which may have separated out will not be mixed with the oil, and passed into the lubricating system. In some engine rooms the usual procedure is to remove each day from the bottom of the oil tank three to six gallons of oil. This is heated in a separating tank, and later filtered. It is advantageous to have a large quantity of oil in circulation, with large oil tanks in which the oil has time to rest and to separate from the air, water, dirt and other impurities collected in the system. There is always more or less air in the circulating oil. At about 180 F., the air oxidizes the oil, causing it to assume a dark color. Carbon is de- posited and frequently chokes up the oil inlet to the bearings, and causes the oil in the governing gear to stick. In an efficient oiling system in which there is no waste or leakage of the oil, and little or no water, the amount of make-up to be added every week is very small. Where poor grades of oil are used, the addition of new oil throws down a dark deposit throughout the entire system. This is particularly true with thei heavier grades of oil. It always pays to use the proper high grade oils, since these separate quickly from impurities. They re- duce friction to a minimum, prevent high bearing temperatures, and in- sure correct lubrication and efficient operation. RECOOLING JACKET WATER OF INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES On board ships or in plants where the supply of fresh water for cool- ing the jackets of internal combustion engines is insufficient, it is neces- sary to use the same clean jacket water over and over again, and for this reason, to recool water. This can be done to advantage in the water cooler, wherein the same principles of construction are employed as in the oil cooler, as shown in the illustration of the same, and the same exceptionally high heat trans- fer, low weight and small space requirements are obtained. Since there is no necessity of replenishing the jacket water, the same water is used over and over again. Thus, due to the continual circula- tion, the possibility that any sediment in the water will settle in the passes of the cooling packet is reduced to a minimum, and cleaning of the jackets is unnecessary. All clogging of the passes is avoided, as are strains and cracked cylinders caused by uneven distribution of heat. By using a recooler, the cost of fresh water is reduced or entirely eliminated. Furthermore, the heat coming from the heater can be used to advantage in many ways, increasing materially the economy of the en- gine plant. The cooling water in the cooler must be capable of carrying off from an ordinary commercial or even a naval type of Diesel engine an amount of heat (including that abstratced from the lubricating oil), equal to about 35 per cent of the total heat in the fuel consumed. 192 AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES For example: An engine consuming per B. H. P. hr. (horsepower hour actually delivered at the coupling end of the crank shaft), 0.40 Ib. of fuel oil of 18,000 B. T. U. per Ib. or 7200 B. T. U. per B. H. P. hr., will require sufficient cooling water to carry off 2520 B. T. U. per B. H. P. hour. If the water has a temperature of 70 Fahrenheit, and the discharge temperature is limited to 100 Fahr., the quantity of cooling water re- quired will be 84 Ibs. or about 10 gallons per hour per B. H. P. Under these conditions the water pressure will be less than 30 Ibs. per square inch. If the total heat of the engine amounts to about 775,000 B. T. U. per hour, about 260,000 B. T. U. per hour would be transformed into mechan- ical work. This means a heat loss (total heat loss = total heat available - heat transformed into mechanical work) of 775,000 260,000, or 515,- 000 B. T. U. Of this amount, about one-half must be absorbed by the jacket water. One half equals 257,000 B. T. U. per hour, the amount of heat to be absorbed by the jacket water, and to be surrendered to the water in the cooler. If 250 B. T. U. are to be transferred per hr. per sq. ft. of heating sur- face per 1 Fahr. mean temperature difference between the hot and cold water, and if the hot water is circulated around the tubes at a velocity of 18 in. per second, then the velocity of the cooling water through the tubes must be about 19 in. per second. For a heat transfer of 275 B. T. U. this velocity must be 23 in. per second. RECOOLING JACKET WATER BY MEANS OF AIR The Water Cooler, used for recooling the jacket water of internal combustion engines by means of air, consists of a bundle of straight oval or round tubes. The ends are cast into the tube sheets. The jacket water to be cooled passes through the tubes, and air is blown across the tube surfaces by means of a blower. The small weight and space occupied by the apparatus make it indispensable for this purpose. Oval or round tubes are in staggered formation. Thus the air is split into numerous fine streams and comes into thorough contact with the tube surfaces. The frictional resistance through the cooler is small. The use of oval tubes insures high heat transmission, since the water column flowing through the tube is of oval cross section and every particle of water is close enough to the in- terior tube surface to be able to surrender its 1 heat effectively and com- pletely. There is no dead central core of water as in round tubes of the same capacity. The design of the recooling plant must be based on the maximum heat that is to be absorbed from the engine by the jacket water, and surrendered to the air in the cooler. Furthermore, the power required by the 'blower should remain within reasonable limits, at the utmost AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES 193 not more than 5 per cent of the engine capacity, the air should be drawn through the cooler in the correct manner. In a general way, it may be stated that there must be a temperature difference between the surrounding air and the water leaving the cooler of at least 30 Fahr., if the cooling plant is not to be abnormally large and expensive. For example, if a recooling plant is to be operated with air at 80 Fahr., the water would not be cooled below 115 Fahr. or 110 Fahr. at the lowest. Schutte & Koerting Water Coolers are built in sizes adapted for engine capacities of 5 H. P. up to large units of 200 H. P. For still larger units several coolers are used in combination. INTER AND AFTER-COOLERS FOR AIR COMPRESSORS. The air cooler is extensively used in connection with air compressors for cooling the compressed air. The apparatus is made to withstand any pressure required, and is designed so as always to retain the ad- vantages of a very compact arrangement. Round tubes are employed and the tube bundles are inserted in cast iron or sheet iron casings. Both oil and water eliminaters are provided, thus practically all of the entrained moisture and oil is removed. This is essential, parti- cularly when the air is subsequently used in air agitators around machin- ery where the inter and after-cooling methods are imperative. Also by insuring the removal of all entrained moisture, the possibility of free- zing in winter is entirely eliminated. The air is carried around the outside of the tubes, and the cooling water through the tubes. As it is a simple matter to clean the insides of the tubes, very dirty water can be used. Notwithstanding the small dimensions of the apparatus, the resistance to flow is low, and large quantities of air can therefore be handled with small frictional losses. The operation of a two-cylinder double-acting two-stage air com- pressor with an inter-cooler and an after-cooler is as follows: Air enters the cylinder through the open inlet valve, which, at the end of the suction stroke, closes; as the motion of the piston com- presses the air filling the cylinder, the discharge valve opens automa- tically, and allows the compressed air to pass the inter-cooler, where it is cooled, and thence discharged to the second cylinder or to the subse- quent stage. During its passage through the inter-cooler, the air surrenders to the water practically all the heat of compression, although ,some of this heat has already been absorbed by the water in the compressor water jacket. After the air leaves the last stage, it is usually conducted to an after-cooler, where the heat generated in the final stage of compression is removed in exactly the same manner as in the inter-cooler. The cooled high pressure air then passes to the receiver, where it is stored, until drawn off for use as required. 194 AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES SPRAY AIR COOLER A sectional elevation of the Schutte & Koerting Spray Air Cooler is shown in accompanying illustration. This apparatus is of highest value in successful operation of Diesel engines. The cooling water en- velopes and circulates around the tubes. The compressed air enters the top header, flows through the tubes into the bottom header, thence passes into an oil and water eliminator. This is a circular chamber or tangential groove in the form of a spiral. Spiral Cumber Oil And WV Dra>n Sectional Elevation of Spray Air Cooler for Diesel Engines As the cooled air with its entrained oil and moisture is passed through the spiral chamber, the oil and water are -thrown to the outside and forced through suitable openings in the eliminator. The oil and water collect in the bottom of the cooler whence they are removed through the drain shown. If the oil and water are not removed from the spray air, but are carried with the air into the engine, they frequently form a gritty de- posit on valves, etc., which in many instances eventually causes a serious explosion. AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES COMPRESSED AIR PREHEATER 195 When heavy oils are burned in Diesel engines, it is frequently ne- cessary to preheat the compressed air so that the final temperature of compression will be high enough to vaporize and ignite the heavy oil injected into the cylinder. Sectional Elevation of Air Spray Preheater. A sectional elevation of the preheater is shown in the accompany- ing illustration. Primarily the apparatus consists of a cylindrical tu- bular heater in which the exhaust gases from the engine are passed through tubes enveloped by the compressed air to be heated. The flow of heated air into the Diesel engine is regulated by means of a suitable valve. Preheating the air decreases its density and therefore the work that can be developed by a given volume. This is of particular im- portance at full load. Under these conditions the amount of preheating is decreased by introducing into the compressed air a definite amount of cool free atmospheric air. The quantity admitted is closely controlled by means of a suitable valve. 196 AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES SCHUTTE & KOERTING'S LATEST IMPROVED PUMP FOR GATING OIL, THE "NEIDIG OIL PUMP" LUBRf. The importance of the oil-pump on Diesel engines is best demonstrated when following the principles upon which this prime mover depends. The construction of the pump demands careful investigation of each part, cor- responding with the required work to be expected of this highly important apparatus. Many defects in operation of the main unit are directly trace- able to improper design and lack of sufficient knowledge on the part of builders \vith respect to the oil pump. The "Niedig Oil Pump", Specially Adapted on Diesel Machinery The pump used for the purpose of supplying an average stream of liquid in power plant equipments is an entirely different machine from the type used for high pressure oil-supply purpose of a high-compression Diesel engine, or for such purposes where lubricants are supplied. Neidig Oil Pump Interior Arrangement AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES 197 In figure (a) a Schutte-Koerting "Neidig Oil Pump" illustration is given. As will be noticed from the illustrations, the pump follows along the lines of the well known gear-pump, often found in plants where heavy viscous liquids require a pump of highest grade. A special feature of this pump is the provision of stationary guide ring, or distance ring, this is fixed concentric with the revolving gears, and, owing to the design, enables the conversion ofi velocity into pressure head to be very effectively accomplished, thus increasing not only the possible height of lift, but also the working efficiency of the pump from the standpoint of the desired pressure. Neidig Oil Pump Gear Arrangement This pump possesses many advantages. Conspicuous amongst these being the small number of working parts, compactness, low first cost, and minimum wear and tear. In calculations relating to these pumps the following formula will be helpful: Let .S speed of periphery of wheel in feet per second. Let H = height in feet to which liquid is to be delivered. Let D = diameter of wheel in feet. Let G == gallons of liquid delivered per minute. Let R = revolutions per minute. The horsepower of driving medium required will be found by multi- plying the height in feet by the quantity of liquid in pounds pe*r minute, and by the efficiency of the pump and main unit, and dividing by 33,000. The efficiency of the pump may be anything from 0.55 to 0.65, and the* efficiency of the driving power, say, 0.85, the combined efficiencies being thus equal to from 70 to 75 per cent. Its action depends upon centrifugal principle. Until quite recently a great deal of objection was found to be prevalent to the use of centri- fugal types of pumps on Diesel machinery. The principal reason of ob- jection was a low efficiency in comparison to plunger types. These ob- 198 AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES jections were never based upon sound reason, inasmuch as pumps driven by centrifugal force have many advantages, such as lessening of parts, easy maintenance, lack of complicated mechanism, etc. In order to emphasize the necessity to provide for strainers on appar- atus where the purpose is to supply oil for the engine, the sectional view of Schutte-Koerting's Duplex Oil Strainer is shown. The Duplex Oil Strainer removes dirt, sediment, and any foreign material that has acci- dentally gotten into the oil. Sfrainer- ba Sectional View of Duplex Oil Sir, .in, r It is of sufficient capacity so that one side may be cut out for clean- ing purposes without interrupting the flow of oil through the other side, that is, one side of the strainer can be cleansed while the apparatus is running under full power. It is operated with a single lever. It has a free area through tht> straining screens that permits of long usage without causing system to become choked and clogged. Sometimes the strainer is by-passed, the by-pass being provided with a relief valve so adjusted that it opens when a fixed differential pressure occurs across the strainer. In this way the oil flow is not interrupted; but an alarm must be provided to indicate when the valve opens, other- wise the clogged strainer will go unnoticed. AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES 199 FORCE FEED OILERS The successful operation of any internal combustion engine depends largely upon its lubrication and no matter how perfect the design, the en- gine will not, and cannot, run satisfactorily without particular attention to this feature. (Satisfactory lubrication is more than the matter of oil. It is the question of the oil reaching the right place at the right time and the right quantity. An excessive amount of oil will cause the engine cylinders and valves to carbonize, resulting; in leaky valves and loss of power. It will decrease the efficiency of the engine. The results of in- sufficient oil, such as burned-out bearings, scored cylinders, etc., are ''Direct Acting" Manzel Force-Feed Oiler Fig. (1) too well known to require discussion here. While in larger types of Diesels, special oil force-feed systems have been provided for, neverthe- less the type made by the Manzel Co. are exceedingly satisfactory on smaller capacities of Diesel engines. The arrangement of this type is exceedingly simple. By the use of the so-called "sight-feed" oilers, trouble will be overcome by watch- ing the sight at the top of the lubricator. Before starting the engine, give the handle a dozen turns so as to get the oil to the bearing before the engine has started. If the engine has been left to stand, the bear- ing surfaces are subject to become heated, provided lubricant has not been furnished. This type of oiling system enables the operator to know not guess how much oil is being supplied to the cylinder bear- ing. The oil is always supplied in accordance to the speed of the engine, whether the engine stops, islows down, starts, the oiler corresponds to the engine's actions. It always supplies the exact amount of oil for every part of the engine, depending upon the requirements. To regulate the Force-Feed Oiler move the stroke lever at the left in or out to shorten the stroke or lengthen it as the requirements may call for. To regulate the feed of the oil to the bearing surfaces of the cylinder, take a screw-driver and turn the feed regulator to the right or left for increase or decrease of oil to be shown at the sight. In case the oil pipes from the lubricator to the bearing surface should become clogged in any way, disconnect the pipe line at both ends, and if air is available, insert the pipe line at the end of the hose and turn on the air. 200 AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES Be sure that the pipe is clean before attempting to assemble. Never let the lubricator become dry, but keep an even supply of oil in the res- ervoir. Oiling by means of gravity oil cups or pressure lubricators is more or less a matter of guess work. This method is wasteful, because the feed cannot be adjusted accurately, and the oil supply is seldom pro- portional to the speed of the engine. Changes in temperatures affect the OIL INLET Sectional View of Manzel Force-Feed Lubricator Fig. flow of the oil, with the result that the engine gets too much or too little, and to keep it adjusted correctly requires constant attention. Even then it is not always dependable. MECHANICAL OIL PUMPS Where mechanical oil pumps are employed, the timing requires accurate attention. In this case it will cause the oil to be injected through a nozzle, as the piston is below the central point of its travel. The spraying of the oil takes, place at this period, covering a considerable area, even though the clearance between the piston and cylinder walls is small. The piston, as it moves upward, swabs this oil over the cyl- inder walls, AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES 201 RECORDING INSTRUMENTS To establish an accuracy of operation in Diesel engineering, it is imperative that a plant should be equipped with instruments by which posisiible defects are shown. With this object in view, up-to-date plants depending upon the reliability of machinery and the engineer in charge, are placed in position to establish efficiency. It is through the use of instruments that operators are enabled to ascertain the highest temperature in the cycle, either by cause of com- bustion or compression of air. The overheating of bearings may be avoided by having instruments installed in proper places, warning the operator of approaching danger. The storage of fuel-oils demands cautious observation, eliminating possible explosion. Instruments, showing the existing temperature should be installed. While it is true, that engine-rooms of Diesel plants are seldom above normal heat temperature, nevertheless recording instruments should be considered a necessary equipment, in particular where Re- frigeration machinery is in conjunction with the plant. The temperature of sea water should be taken on marine work, especially on ships going on oversea voyages. This is absolutely neces- sary and should be recorded every 24 hours in the engine room log. Instruments to establish the specific gravity of fuel oils should be on hand. It leaves no argument in regard to receiving the proper quality of fuel for the engine. There is very little value in water, and oils containing low specific gravity should be avoided. Receivers of Compressors should be equipped with accurately tested gauges, Safety valves, Relief valves and Bottom- blows. The latter valve is a vital equipment on compresised air-receivers. They should be placed as low as possible, to make it possible, to drain all existing water which accumulates on the bottom of the tank. Water in air is injurious to valves and piping. The acid in the water will eventually act as a detrimental factor on metal. Pressure gauges should be tested occasionally to establish their cor- rectness. To place reliability on mechanical contrivances, such as safety valves, relief valves, etc., should be discouraged, as it may lead to acci- dents of serious consequences. The Ashton Improved Dead-Weight Pressure Gage Tester, as shown in the illustration, offers in convenient form an improved method for accurately testing pressure gauges by means of weights, and is a recog- nized standard extensively adopted for this important service. It is equal in accuracy to that of a mercury column, and has the advantage of being more compact, portable and much lower in cost. These testers are also much more preferred over the ordinary styles of similar designs because of their special distinctive construction with double area piston. This exclusive feature makes it possible to make tests within their designated range of pressure with only one-fourth the usual number of 202 AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES weights, which is a matter of considerable convenience, as well as economy of time. In following instructions it will be observed that accuracy can be obtained when properly applied. For low range pressure testing the tester should be adjusted so as to make use of the combined large and small area of the piston, which is done by closing the left-hand cock on the vertical pressure cylinder and opening the right-hand one. When the maximum pressure with this adjustment is obtained, and it is desired to test at higher pressures, Ashton Improved Dead-Weight Pressure Gauge Tester the reverse adjustment of the cylinder cocks is made with the left opened and the right one closed. This makes the machine operate on the small area of the piston only, and the pressure then exerted will be four times greater than before, which applies to the weight holder as well as to each of the weights. These changes of regulation can be made while the machine is in use and without taking it apart. It is necessary, however, to remove all pressure in the tester by unscrewing the hand- wheel before making such re-adjustments. The tester should always be placed in a level position so that the weight piston will stand exactly vertical. To insure accuracy of read- ings, the piston should be revolved slowly to reduce any friction there might be in the cylinder. As the weights force the piston to the bottom of the cylinder, the hand-wheel should be screwed in more, thus raising the piston and pre- AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES 203 venting it from striking the bottom. All interior parts should be kept clean, and best results are obtained by using sperm oil or similar light grade. In preparing the tester for use, the three-way cock on the gage connection arm should be closed by turning the lever handle to a vertical position. The hand-wheel screw should be screwed into the oil reservoir as far as it will go. Then remove cap on top of vertical cylinder and slowly fill cylinder with oil, during which operation the hand-wheel should be gradually unscrewed until the instrument is completely filled. The gage to be tested should next be applied, and the three-way co'ck opened by turning lever handle horizontally to the right. The weight pistons with tray may then be inserted in the cylinder, making the tester com- plete and ready for use with the application of the weights. Ashton Inspector's Testing and Proving Outfit The piston with weight holder, as well as each of the weights, is plainly marked with the pounds pressure they will exert on the gage, with double area adjustment. When the single area adjustment is being used the pressure as above stated is four times greater. In accompanying illustration the Ashton Inspector's Testing and Prov- ing Outfit is shown. This outfit is 1 particularly adapted to the require- ments of operators on ships going on long voyages and around plants where large Diesels are in operation. In the illustration of the Ashton Improved Pressure Recording Gage it will be seen that the chart is graduated with pressure lines and in fractions of an hour, and is rotated by an eight-day clock movement. The chart is ordinarily made to rotate once in 24 hours. 204 AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES With the use of this gage in the engine room, there is always a tendency to carefully watch the entire operation of the engine. The record of the chart shows the actual existing pressure on the air line and with the equipment of a gauge of this kind any irregularity which may cause serious breakdowns is immediately recorded. Ashton Improved Pressure Recording Gage Tycos Recording and Index Thermometer AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES 205 In the following illustration we have a Recording Instrument, which automatically writes in ink on a revolving paper chart a continuous record of the temperature to which its bulb is subjected. The self-con- tained recorder has the bulb, or sensitive member, inside the case, whereas with the cavillary-form instrument the bulb may be located at a distance. Ash ton Pressure Gauge Double Spring Arrangement An Index Thermometer is an indicating instrument having a bulb or sensitive member which may be located at a distance from the case, so that the latter can be located at a point easily accessible for reading the temperature. It may generally be stated that the mercury type is best adapted to applications which require accurate readings over a wide temperature scale, and where the length of flexible connecting tubing does not exceed 20 or 25 feet. Ashton Pressure Gauge Single Spring Arrangement 206 AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES Fig.l Pneumercator Gauge AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES 207 Instruments of this kind are made in temperature ranges within the limits of 40 below and 1000 above zero, Fahrenheit. The vapor ten- sion type is particularly recommended in Diesel operation, where the temperatures are within the limits of 100 and 600 Fahrenheit, and particularly where long lengths of flexible connecting tubing are neces- sary, leading to fuel bunkers or parts of the ship or plant where a pre- determined temperature is imperative. In Figure 1, a Pneumercator Ship's Draft and Tank Gauge is shown. The application and advantages of Pneumercator Tank Gauges as ap- plied to oil cargo, fuel oil settling, Ballast/ or water tanks, or bilges, is recognized in marine service. They indicate the depth, volume or weight of the tank contents. They provide an accurate and simple means of checking invoices, fillings and withdrawals, and will record the amount of fuel consumed per hour or per day. They furnish a perpetual inventory of tank con- tents. By their use there is no danger of overfilling or flooding decks. It will be observed in Figure 1 that the installation is exceedingly simple. It indicates for and aft drafts of the vessel, registers mean draft and corresponding tons dead weight displacement. It weighs bulk cargoes loaded or discharged, with close accuracy, and is of invaluable assistance in trimming the vessel. The operation of the Pneumercator Gauge is dependent solely upon the maintenance of the true static balance between the head of liquid to be measured and, the column of mercury or other indicating medium in the gauge. The pressure of the liquid is transmitted to the gauge by air confined in a small connecting tube between the liquid (at the datum line above which the head is measured) and the gauge. To establish the datum line a hemispheric vessel, or balance cham- ber, is located at a predetermined level below the surface of the liquid. An orifice in the lower portion of this balance chamber admits the liquid to the interior. In taking a reading, air is forced into this balance chamber, thus expelling the liquid from the balance chamber and es- tablishing the datum level. Excess air merely passes out as bubbles, hence the pressure on the confined air remains constant and equal to the head of liquid standing above the datum line. When, by manipulating a control valve, this air is admitted to the gauge, the mercury column rises to balance the pressure of the liquid head and establishes a precise reading on the gauge scale. The elements required are therefore: (1) A balance chamber; (2) A mercury or other gauge; (3,) A hand-pump or source of compressed air, and (5) A control valve attached to the gauge and connected by small piping to the balance chamber and to the source of compressed air. (See Fig.. 1). The instrument may be installed at any desired point, regardless of the location of the balance chamber. Indirect leads and any number oi bends in the air line in no wise affect the working system. As the air is merely trapped in the balance chamber and piping, the pressure 208 AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES which it transmits is unaffected by varying temperatures through which the latter may pass, and the instrument is of unvarying accuracy. This instrument will operate with equal accuracy on tanks open to atmosphere, or under pressure. Their precision is not affected by temperature changes. THE IMPORTANCE OF PROPER VALVES In selecting valves for Air-line connections or around the main or auxiliary engines, is a matter which should be given careful study. Un- like the steam engine, where a leakage of steam does not impair the operation of the plant to a great extent, the opposite may occur in Diesel operation. In packing glands around valves, the same should be done exceed- ingly skillfully. Steam packing will not do around Diesel machinery, neither will steam valves be satisfactory in a plant operated by Internal Combustion engines. INLET Ideal Valve for Use Around Internal Combustion Machinery It is but natural that leakages should be avoided. It will be seen in the illustration showing the Lunkenheimer Balanced Valve, that the manufacturers have made a special type answering the purpose of proper valve equipment. AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES 209 All Lunkenheimer Balanced Valves should be connected so that the inlet pressure will be above the disc. The method of operation^ assum- ing that the valve is closed and under pressure, is as follows: Air will pass through the drain in the disc cylinder, just above the main disc and thence through the ports E into the balancing cylinder F. The full inlet pressure will then be on top of the disc and materially assist in maintaining a tight valve. When it is desired to open the valve, the hand-wheel L is turned about one-quarter of a revolution. The stem will then be in a position shown in the illustration with the opening to the by-pass disc I un- covered. Air will immediately pass through the by-pass disc and out ports in the main disc guide stem N, equalizing the pressure in the bal- ancing cylinder and below the main disc. Further turning of the hand-wheel will open the main valve, and because of its balanced condition, this operation may be accomplished with negligible effort. Ashton's Spring Lever Pop Valve Exposed It will be observed that the by-pass construction of this valve not only permits the ready establishment of equalized pressure, but affords an unusually safe and accurate restriction of the volume of air tranj- mitted to the main unit during the "warming up" process. The small drain hole in the side of the disc cylinder also serves to relieve accumulation of water, which would otherwise leak in the 210 AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES valve-arrangement on the engine when the valve is connected in a ver- tical position. The disc cylinder piston ring is of sufficiently loose fit to provide adequate drainage when the valve is placed horizontally. The removal of moisture, always present in air, is essential to safety and continuity of service. The varied requirements of piping in- stallations make it impracticable to provide an arbitrarily located "drip" connection on the Balanced Valve, but each layout must provide ade- quate drainage of all points at which such accumulation would other- wise occur. In accompanying illustration of the Outside Spring Safety Pop Valve, an excellent view is allowed, giving vital parts of this necessary equipment on Air-Tanks. The purpose of the safety valve is to prevent the pressure of air- storage tanks from rising above a certain definite point, dependent on the construction of the tank and the condition under which it is to operate. The function must be performed automatically and under op- erating conditions that may arise. There are obviously two essential requirements that must be com- plied with in any safety valve in order to guarantee its satisfactory performance: 1st, Mechanical Reliability, and 2nd, Adequate Relieving Capacity. Safety valves should be connected directly to the storage tank, and in case it is found necessary that it should be connected to any outlet connection, un- der no circumstances should the area of such con- nection be less than that of the valve inlet. A close nipple should be used in case a threaded connection is necessary. In no case should a stop valve or other fitting Ibe placed between a Pop- Valve and the air-outlet nor pn the discharge outlet between safety valve and the 'atmosphere. If the laws governing the installation permit adjustment of pressure-settings, the following direc- tions should be observed in effecting adjustment of Lunkenheimer Pop Safety Valve: A change in the relieving pressure may readily be made by removing the cap at the top of the valve and adjusting screw turning the latter down for higher pressure and up for a lower pressure. Ashton's Relief Valve The amount of pressure should carefully be determined and the setting of pre-determined pressure necessary to assure the safe carrying capacity of storage tanks or reservoirs should at all times correspond with the pressure-gauge. AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES SILENCERS 211 In the following illustration a Silencer is shown. These Silencers reduce the noise of the exhaust of an engine. In many cases these Silencers are installed both upon the inlet and exhaust, as it has fre- Illustration of "Maxim" Silencer. quently been found that the suction or inlet of oil engines and the section of air-compressors is the cause of nearly as much noise> as the exhaust. They offer such a low back pressure that the most sensitive engines can be equipped to operate properly and quietly. 212 AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES THE SPERRY MAGNETIC CLUTCH COUPLING The Sperry type of Magnetic Coupling or Clutch has been used successfully on submersible crafts for a number of years. It may well be considered a clutch arrangement of exceptional reliability, in par- ticular on marine machinery where power-transmission has to be depended upon assuring immediate control of the engine. This type of clutch was developed as a by-product of several years' experimentation and development of an Electric Transmission. It has 'been built in large range of sizes and powers and has been found par- ticularly adapted to certain conditions where an extreme flexibility com- bined with self-aligning characteristics is desired, together with speed and quick response in management of the power unit. Floating Steel Teefh Dn vinq Rotor - ^ Teeth F/LJ wheel /'Driving Element Driven Element Non-Magnetic of Magnetic Conductor Approx. Relation of Teeth at Max Torque Fig. /. Section Through Electromagnetic Clutch In this form of Clutch Coupling torsional resistance is developed, due to the bending or distortion of the magnetic flux stream passing from the teeth of one polar projection through floating steel teeth embedded in non-magnetic material and into the teeth on the opposite polar pro- jection. (See figure 1.) The component parts of the Coupling are so arranged as to enable the distortion of the flux stream to be made in the plane of revolution and a perfect torsional cushion is thus provided. AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES 213 Simple and Rugged Construction: The component parts of the coupling are of an extremely simple form as may be noted from figure 3, all parts being substantial and rugged form. As there is no mechanical contact in the plane of revolution, the component parts are not subjected to shock of any kind and there is no liability of parts becoming loosened, worn, or broken, due to the severest condition. The half coupling carrying the floating teeth is normally centered by a sleeve or ball bearing projecting from the opposite half of the coupling. This centering projection maintains a normal condition of the air gap and prevents exterior forces due to shaft misalignment or other conditions disturbing the proper relation of the coupling parts. The air gaps main- tained in the coupling are relatively large and the floating magnetic teeth are cast solidly in a non-magnetic ring which is made by a process in- suring permanent retention of the teeth and safety against all of the work- ing and handling conditions which may be encountered in assembling and other unforeseen occasions aboard ship. Fig. 2. General Arrangement of Sperry Gyroscope Co.'s Electromagnetic Clutch. The energizing coil of these couplings consists of a single circular coil of relatively large size wire which is wound in a form and impreg- nated with Bakelite. It is insulated to withstand the worst conditions of temperature, dampness and operation. The amount of current required for energizing is extremely small for the power transmitted, as but a few watts are necessary and only a fraction of a kilowatt is required for a coupling of large capacity. The exiting current is led into the coil through a simple form of brush holder bearing on collector rings which are mounted on and form part of one of the coupling elements. The standard couplings are designed to be operated at a potential of 110 volts D. C., although exiting coils may be wound for any voltage up to 500. These 214 AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES couplings are adapted only for operation on direct current circuits ana will not operate on alternating current systems of any voltage. 4000 1600 800] Pull-Out =p Ra+ect Torque Z 4- 6 6 10 IZ 14 16 16 ZO ZZ Z4 Z6 Z6 30 Relative Speed Difference in Revolutions per Second Fig. 3. Speed-Torque Curve of Electromagnetic Clutch. TABiLE OF COMMERCIAL RATINGS OF SPERRY ELECTRO MAGNETIC CLUTCH Normal rat- Clutch Max. pull- ing constant Max. Max. start- Coupling out-torque torque H. P. per speed ing torque Number Ib. ft. Ib. ft. 100 rev. R.P.M. Ib. ft. * t $ 5 300 175 3.25 3000 75 9 900 500 9.0 2500 225 14 2500 1200 24 2000 625 18 4500 2200 42 1600 1250 24 10000 4500 85 1200 2500 32 20000 9000 170 900 5000 40 40000 16000 305 750 10000 *Larger sizes may be designed for special requirements. JValues given are for a speed difference of 1000 ft. per minute between halves of coupling. Lower speed differences give somewhat less starting torque. fConstant torque ratings are based on such prime movers carrying smooth loads. For pulsating loads a factor should be introduced varying from iy 2 to 3, depending on specific characteristics of the drive. AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES 215 The clutch is energized by the simple pressing of a button and the driven part is gradually speeded up and brought into synchronism with driving part. After clutch is synchronized no slipping takes place unless a load is thrown on clutch greatly exceeding its rated capacity. This characteristic may be utilized in many applications as a guard against overloading some particular part of the system. No detrimental effect is caused by starting continuously even under load. As will be seen in the illustration (figure 3), by carefully studying this card, that the strain in consequence of use of this type of magnetic clutch is far less than that of the different mechanical equipments ge^ erally in use on engines depending upon reverse-gear. No doubt this type of clutch has many advantages, in particular when installed on crafts where quick maneuvering must be accomplished. REVERSE GEARS FOR MARINE ENGINES Of vital importance is the reverse gear on marine engines depending upon this equipment. A gear must conform with the requirements ex- pected of it. The maneuvering of the ship, and, in fact, the safety itself, depends on the reliability displayed in the reverse-gear. It must be built strong and rigid, withstanding all rough usages it is confronted with. The Paragon Reverse Gear, which is shown in accompanying illustra- tion, was designed for engines where the bed is extended to accomodate it, in conjunction with the unit power plant. It is also used in connection with any motor where a firm foundation or angle iron support is pro- vided. On account of its unusual compactness, it takes up a very small amount of room. The forward end of the gear is bored out to directly accommodate the crank shaft of the motor. The propeller shaft can be fitted directly into the rear end of the gear, which is bored out to the propeller shaft size. Ingenious stop links lock the gears securely in either position. This type permits the operating lever to be placed on either port or starboard side. In following detailed explanation pertaining to the adjusting of the gear, by carefully using the illustration shown here it will be found in- structive. How To Adjust the Gear: It is necessary that the gear should be properly adjusted before it is permitted to operate. The forward drive of the Paragon gear is obtained by means of the disc clutch which locks to the case. Thus the whole gear revolves as a solid coupling. The lock- ing, or clamping, of these discs is brought about by the pressure produced by the leverage obtained through the combination of the operating lever and the expansion of the fingers. Unless this pressure on the discs is great enough, the clutch will slip and heat. Consequently, the discs will be cut up and their carrying power destroyed, thus necessitating the pur- chase of new parts. 216 AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES Remember, that every time the clutch slips the plates become thinner and further adjustment is necessary to take up the wear. It is, there- fore, necessary that this adjustment should be obtained before the clutch is allowed to run at all. Yoke Operating Type of Paragon Reverse Gears If the gear heats on. the forward drive it indicates the gear is ping and should be adjusted at once. If the gear slips on the forward drive, back the set screw (76) out of its notch in the brass check collar (40). Turn the screw collar (28) to the right until the set screw (76) projects into the next slot in this brass check collar (40). Then tighten the set screw. AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES 217 218 AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES If the gear still slips, back out the set screw again and turn the screw, collar (28) to the right so that the set screw projects into another notch. If it still slips, repeat the process until the gear does not slip. In case, however, the adjustment is too tight after taking it up one of these notches, an arrangement is made for taking up this adjustment a half notch. To do this, back the set screw completely out of the hole in which it is placed and insert it in the other hole on opposite side of the screw collar (28). Then turn the collar to the right until it projects into the next notch on the brass check collar (40). In all cases be sure the set screw goes back into one of the notches on the brass check collar. The neutral position is obtained when the operating lever is vertical. The reverse position is obtained by means of the brake band which clamps around the case and keeps it from revolving. The brake band is operated by throwing the lever back as far as possible. A Friction Assembly for Forward Drive If the gear slips on the reverse, that is, if the case (1) revolves when the lever is in reverse position, make adjustment as follows, while the motor is running slowly; remove the cotter pin from the nut (51) at the top of the brake band and tighten this nut until the case ceases to re- volve, keeping the lever thrown back as far as possible. When this is done replace the cotter pin. Directions for Lubrication: In some motors the matter of reverse gear lubrication is taken care of automatically by the same lubricating AUXILIARY MACHINER/ AND ACCESSORIES 219 system which lubricates the motor. In such cases, hand lubrication is, of course, unnecessary. When the reverse gear is placed in an oil tight compartment, and a splash system of lubrication is in use, be sure that this compartment is kept at least half full of a good grade of lubricating oil. If neither of the above lubricating systems are used in connection with the motor, it will be necessary to lubricate the gear by hand in ac- cordance with following instruction: Before running the gear remove the brass plug (15) in the case and put in non-fluid oil. This is really a grease instead of an oil and is about the same consistency, or thickness, as vaseline. In gears of larger sizes brass plug (15) will be found on front cover. After this has been done, remove the brass screw which is located in the case on the other side of the brake band. For lubrication here pour in the equivalent of two or three teaspoonfuls of cylinder oil which is for lubricating the discs. While this is being done the lever should be in reverse position so that the plates will be freed from each other. Keep turning the engine over by hand, or run the engine slowly while injecting this oil. Oil the brass collar and the disc (40) at the place stenciled "oil". Keep all grease cups filled and screw them down as frequenty as neces- sity requires it. Gear Assembly for Reverse Motion The tremendous explosion impulses of a slow turning oil motor de- mands a gear of unusual holding power. In following illustrations types of gears are shown adaptable for Diesel-powered marine engines. 220 AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES In the clutch assembly of Model "H" illustrated here, consisting of five cast-iron friction discs which are ground for smoothness. The In- ternal teeth of these discs mesh with the external teeth of the propeller gear hub as shown here. There are also six bronze friction discs which are held in place to the case by twelve studs. These studs are distributed along the circumferences of these discs and are supported at both ends. Extra Heavy Duty Type of Paragon Reverse Gear These eleven friction discs and their adjacent surfaces, comprising a total of 24 friction surfaces, furnish a total friction area of over 2500 square inches. This is one of the reasons why this type of Paragon has met with such a pronounced success in connection with powerful oil- burning motors. AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES 221 As may be seen from the illustrations, the engine gear of this model is built specially large and strong. The power is transmitted from the engine gear to the propeller gear through a single train of twelve pinion gears, thus distributing the load over an unusually large number of in- termediary pinions all in one place. The operating mechanism is of the double incline lever type and per- mits of the operating lever being placed on either the port or the star- board side. Itemized Parts of Paragon Reverse Gear 222 AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES In maneuvering of engine it is imperative that reversing should be accomplished in the quickest time possible. Power transmission depend- ing upon the strong pulling capacity and reliability in service, calls for strong and rigid built gears. The motor's power in Paragon gears is transmitted from the engine gear direct to the propeller gear through four pinions, each equi-distant from the center and distributing the load evenly. This makes a direct short line for the power to travel. In some motors the matter of reverse gear lubrication is taken care of automatically by the same lubricating system which lubricates the motor. In such cases, hand lubrication is, of course, unnecessary. When the reverse gear is placed in an oil tight compartment, and a splash system of lubrication is in use, be sure that this compartment is kept at least half full of good grade of lubricating oil. If neither of the above lubricating systems are used in connection with your motor, it will be necessary to lubricate gear by hand in accord- ance with following instruction: Before running your gear remove the brass plug in the case and put in non-fluid oil. This is really a grease instead of an oil and is of about the same consistency, or thickness, as vaseline. The brass plug will be found on the front cover. DEFINITION OF PARTS OF PARAGON REVERSE GEAR 1. Case assembled with Friction Disc Pins No. 9 and Oil Plugs No. 15. 2. Cover assembled with Cover Bushing No. 6 and Pinion Studs No. 8. 3. Propeller Gear. 45. Propeller Gear Hub. 4. Engine Gear. 5. Pinion Gear assembled with Pinion Bushing No. 7. 10. Friction Disc. 11. Finger Disc. 21. Fingers. 61. Toggle Link. 16. Finger Pin. 63. Toggle Link Pin. 94. Cone Stops. 18. Toggle Collar. 19-20. Brake Band. 23. Pinion Support. 24. Lever. 187. Lever Set Screw. 56. Woodruff Key for Lever. 26. Locking Link. 28-76. Screw Collar. 76. Screw Collar Cap Screw. 29. Finger Collar. 37. Friction Disc. 40. Check Collar. 44. Check Collar Dogs. 50. Locking Link Bracket Screw 51. Castellated Nut. 53. Hexagon Nut. 55. Grease Cup. 60. Toggle Sleeve. 62. Toggle iSleeve Pin. 70. Cover Cap Screw. 77. Engine Gear Set Screw. 80. Spring Cotter. 87. Adjusting Belt. 111. Yoke assembled. 180. Yoke Shaft Brackets. 30-32. Rear Bearing. 31. Thrust Bearing. 33. Thrust Collar. 34. Thrust Collar Set Screw. AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES 223 In following illustrations, showing detailed parts of the Johnson- Carlyle type of friction clutch, a clear idea will be obtained as to the dis- tinctive feature of this reverse gear. The illustration, figure a., shows in perspective a nest of spur gearing, incorporated within a clutch body or gear cage, on each end of which are mounted clutch members of the Johnson type of clutch. These gears run on four hardened shafts, each end of which are supported in the ends of the gear cage. The gears are always in mesh with the engine and propeller shaft pinions, as shown, and the former .extends to the right and the latter to the left, each being supported! in babbitt bearings in the ends of the gear cage and extending through far enough to be coupled onto. Fig. (a). Double Clutch Gear Cage Perspective The gearing and shafting are small in diameter, in order to keep the construction compact,, but are made of alloy steel, heat treated and hard- ened, thus giving these parts the strength of a cast-iron or machine steel gear several times as large. The expanding friction rings, figure b., are shown one on each of the gear cage, with a set of toggle levers in each, diametrically opposite, for use in expanding same. In the friction cups in which these rings ex- pand, surrounding the rings are placed in such position to take up all leverage required of the same. Fig. (&). Double Clutch, Gear Cage Spaced midway on the clutch body is the shipper sleeve with two hardened curve-shaped wedges riveted in it. These wedges force the lev- ers apart, thus expanding the rings, bringing their outer surfaces into frictional contact with the inner surface of the friction cups. 224 AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES The leverage is so compounded that it requires but little pressure to operate the clutches. The adjustment is very simple, as one screw which moves two taper blocks ,set into the base of the toggle levers ad- justs the contact of each ring and cup to any tension. This screw is easily reached with a screw driver through a hole in the reverse gear cover and friction cup. Propeller End Fig. (c). Exterior View Engine End In the double-clutch construction the hub on the friction cup is clamped on its outside diameter within the cases and contains a combined radial and double thrust ball bearing, through which the propeller shaft runs. The hub of the other friction cup is free to revolve in the casing, within a radial ball bearing, while the engine shaft of the gear extends through it and is keyed therein. AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES 225 Adjustment: The forward drive clutch can 'be adjusted independent of the reverse drive clutch. If either forward or reverse clutch shows any tendency to slip, it should be adjusted -at once. As there are only two points of adjustment in; this gear, the opera- tor will have the minimum amount of trouble if the clutches are kept adjusted to a tension where they will not slip, provided the gear is being used for power within its rating. To adjust the engine and clutch, remove the thumb nut nearest to the engine, on the top of the reverse gear case, turn the engine and shaft until the hole in the friction cup comes into view, then turn propeller end shaft until adjusting screw appears under hole in friction cup. With a screwdriver with a fine point turn the screw a fraction of a turn, or more if necessary, to the right to tighten, to the left to loosen. To ad- just the propeller end clutch, remove the other thumb nut, and turn the propeller shaft until the adjusting screw appears through 'hole in fric- tion cup, this latter being stationary on this end of gear. Adjust as above. Lubrication: The lubrication automatically takes care of itself if the gear case is supplied several times during the season. (Fill about one-half full). Do not run; the gear without sufficient lubricant in the case. A grav- ity system of lubrication leads to all bearings in the gear. To fill the case, remove the two thumb nuts on the top cover and oil or grease can be put in at these points. Do not use a 'hard, heavy grease, as the design of these gears is such as to require a medium heavy oil or grease. The oil shedders on the inside of each end of the gear case pre- vent the lubricant from working out. ELECTRICAL AUXILIARIES As a result of the us of electric motors on Diesel engine-driven ves- sels and their longer and extensive use in the navy, the marked advan- tages of motor-driven auxiliaries are now recognized as never before. The adoption of electric drive for auxiliary machinery is bound to in- crease on vessels propelled by internal combustion engines, in particular larger types intended for long voyages. In the many large Diesel-pro- pelled ships, where electric steering gears have been in use as well as winches, it has proven an exceeding reliable and above all economizing factor. There are numerous other advantages in using electrical equip- ment in conjunction with Diesel power, which we will undertake here to summarize as a few worthy of mention: (1). Comparative little expenses in maintainance. (2). More reliable speed control is obtained. (3). Better methods of control. (4). Electric power consumption can be accurately measured. (5). Electric power use is cleaner and quieter than other powers, 226 AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES Reasons given here could be followed up with numerous others, but they are sufficiently convincing to show to the most skeptic that with the introduction of electrical units a great many advantages may be ob- tained. Motors require much less labor expense than engines. One man can usually look after many motors, but cannot properly handle more than one engine under the same conditions. Modern marine electrical equipment is designed for the most part, for 230-volt service. Several years ago the U. S. Navy Department adopted this voltage for practically all capital ships. The use of this higher volt- age has decreased the size of generating equipment, motors, and wiring, as compared, with that which was required with the low voltage systems used in the early days. The higher voltage has, at the same time, been found just as satisfactory from an operating standpoint. A view of the engine room switch board on the motorship, "Solitaire," showing the circuit breakers and several of the G-H Mag- netic Contactors, by means of which the en- gine room auxiliaries arc controlled. Marine control equipment for motor-driven auxiliaries must be adapted for the conditions found on board ship in order to insure satis- factory operation. As a rule, the characteristics of marine controllers differ from similar equipment used on land. Early failures of electric drive in marine service were traceable to equipment that was manufac- tured primarily for use on land or that was designed by those who were AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES 227 unfamiliar with the actual requirements of marine service. Illustrations shown here are products of the Cutler-Hammer Company of Milwaukee, which firm has added many late features commendable for Diesel-pow- ered ships where electrical equipment is called) for. Marine control equipment should, generally speaking, be constructed along more rugged lines and should have a larger factor of safety than is necessary for similar equipment used in other industries. Repairs are not as easily made in the marine service as on land. Consequently, marine controllers must be capable of withstanding rough handling by inexper- ienced men with a minimum of maintainance expense. C-H Water-tight Rheostat (same as shown at left) with upper and lower covers open for ventilation. The front cover also has been re- moved to show the resistor units. This cover is not removed after installation except for occasional inspection. All marine controllers should be made as simple as possible to facili- tate maintainance work and the prompt location of trouble. All parts must. be carefully protected from salt air and moisture conditions, and controllers used on deck or where subject to possible water pressure must be made water-tight. For certain navy uses and fon use on the merchant marine where inflammable liquids or gases may be present, gas-tight con- 228 AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES trollers are made specially for this service. Controllers used with cer- tain auxiliaries are so constructed that unauthorized manipulations are impossible. Automatic controllers used on board ship are provided with con- tactors which cannot close accidentally due to the rolling of the ship or open because of violent shock. All contactors must usually operate sat- isfactorily when inclined at an angle of 30 degrees from the vertical in any direction. All contactors used in marine service are subject to more or less vibration and should be protected from the loosening of parts by suitable locking pins or nuts. % C-H Master Switch of the type used for operating small steering gear controllers like the one shown above. Cover removed. Resisters used with marine controllers must be carefully protected from corrosion and from damage by shock or vibration. Some resistors are used where the ventilation is restricted and in such cases correct design is very essential. Resistors used on deck where they may be sub- jected to immersion are protected by water-tight enclosures so arranged that they may be opened for ventilation when in actual operation. Re- sistors used in marine service are usually built up in such a way that single resistance units may be replaced readily, if damaged. Other requirements, which are peculiar to marine control equipment and which are necessary to the successful operation of motor-driven aux- iliaries, might be mentioned. Those already outlined in previous pages will serve to indicate the necessity for studying the actual conditions on board ship before designing marine controllers and such apparatus im- perative in general operation. Illustrations shown here of the motorship ".Solitaire", a steel tanker of 6730 tons displacement, launched in 1920 at Bath, Maine, is an excel- lent example of the new American merchant marine. The auxiliaries are AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES 229 all motor-driven. Engine room auxiliaries are controlled from a cen- tralized point. The electrician on watch is responsible for starting the various pumps, etc., when signalled by bell and pilot light from the unit to be started. The signal is given by pressing a push button afc the aux- iliary; it continues until the electrician closes the line circuit breakers. The auxiliary motor may be stopped automatically by pushing the stop button located nearby. I 1 1 8 *s? ^ ** r2 S" O | ' ? I ^-* r^ 'o -^ ** c> After the line circuit breakers are closed, the motor is accelerated automatically through magnetic lockout contactors which quickly bring the auxiliary up to speed. The motors are thus protected from injury due to improper handling and manipulation by inexperienced operators. 230 AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES The deck auxiliaries on the motorship "Solitaire" are handled through manually-operated controllers from stations convenient to auxiliaries. The capstan motor is controlled by means of a drum controller located on a bulkhead below deck. The drum controller is fitted with a shaft which extends up through the deck and on the to>p of which is an operating han- dle. This handle is located adjacent to the capstan barrel so that the operator has an unobstructed view of what is goimg on. The deck winch is controlled by a water-tight drum controller located where the opera tor has a clear view of the winch. C-H Automatic Steering Gear Controller of the type used on merchant vessels. This controller is installed below deck and is operated from a master switch similar to the one illustrated below. In addition to the electrical control equipment found on the "Soli- taire", electric heaters are used for heating the quarters of the officers and crew. Electric heating eliminates all other provisions necessary to heat the living quarters of the ship in colder climates. Three heats low,, medium and high are provided, thus insuring comfortable quarters under all weather conditions. Electric current, being easily transmitted, is not subjected to losses as in the case where Diesel-powered ships have steam auxiliaries in con- junction and through condensation and latent losses extravagance is bound to occur. A saving in space and weight is made; greater flexibility and ease of control are effected. Where once the operating engineers have sufficient training in electrical matters (which is a requirement not to AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES 231 be overlooked) repairs, adjustments and maintainance, can be cared for more easily than similar work in connection with other powers. It is a well known fact to all familiar with the running of ships, that sometimes more care is necessary and more trouble caused in keeping the auxiliary machinery than the main engines of a vessel in working condition. The consumption of power for running the auxiliaries is also very large because, as a rule, these auxiliaries are driven by direct-con- nected engines of a simple and poor construction! working at tfull admis- sion; besides, a considerable loss of power is due to the extensive net of piping. Of late, endeavors have been made to remedy this 'trouble by introduc- ing in first-class modern vessels, winches and steering gear worked by electricity. Motor-driven Cargo Winch equipped with a C-H Drum Controller. The drum and resistor are, mounted in the water-tight base, the front cover of which has been removed to show the drum. The arc shields have also been swung back. The resistor is installed in the far end of the base where hand wheels, shown on the lower right hand side of the illustration, permit the opening of base covers for ventila- tion while the motor is operating. The designing of all auxiliary machinery of Diesel vessels for elec- trical power is very desirable and this method is being brought in prac- tice by many builders of Diesel machinery. 232 AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES 233 The power is supplied by auxiliary Diesel engines, installed along the side of the engine room and directly coupled to continuous dynamos from which the current is conducted -to a switchboard and thence to all the auxiliaries of the vessel. The auxiliary Diesel engine system is car- ried out in quite a special manner dimensioned to suit the requirements on board, so that under all conditions full certainty is attained of having at any time at disposal the necessary current, which affords the absolute reliability required. The fact is that the absolute certainty of current always being at hand is a condition necessary for the system operating in a perfectly satisfactory manner, seeing that the working of an auxili- ary of such importance as the steering gear depends thereon. The aux- iliary engines are thus dimensioned that they are partly able to generate the current required for working all the loading and discharging winches in port, and partly for generating the smaller amount of current required for keeping the auxiliary engines of the vessel running. The main engines of the vessel are self-contained, the pumps being worked independently. Electrical driven machinery run by dynamos and worked by auxiliary Diesel engines affords a high degree of economy, as the consumption of fuel oil for running all the auxiliaries of the vessel at sea amounts only to a few per cent of the consumption of fuel oil for running the main engines, and the electrical power required for running the loading and discharging winches in port is performed with a consumption of only one-tenth part of that necessary for steam-driven winches. The electric cables are easily and suitably laid from one end of the vessel to the other and do not require the space or attendance required by the pipes. On land electric transmission of power has, by degrees, superseded all other systems of transmission; it is therefore quite natural that also on board ship electric transmission will displace all other systems of transmission, the electric machinery must of course be designed specially Diagramatical View of Worthington Diesel Engines, Suitable for Auxiliary Purposes 234 AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES for marine purpose, heavy and strong, with motors, controllers, etc., of the water-tight enclosed type; the motors supplied for this purpose must be of the best material suitable for this service. Steam-driven and distillate-driven auxiliaries have been found to have certain disadvantages on board the full-powered Diesel mortorships. The boilers used in connection with the steam-driven auxiliaries have given no end of trouble and annoyance, and when small distillate engines are used, the necessity of carrying two kinds of fuel (crude oil for the main engines and distillate for the auxiliaries) when storage space is at a premium, is a decided drawback. In accompanying illustration, the diagram shows a general arrange- ment of system adopted by the Dow Diesel Engine Company in the plants constructed by this firm. These specially constructed Diesel engines are direct-connected to electric generators, which in turn supply the power for all loading and unloading purposes, light, etc. As will be seen in this diagram, the Dow Full Diesel Type Crude Oil Engines direct-connected to electric generator is a compact, self-contained unit. Plan View of Dow Diesel Engines, Direct Connected to Electric Motors DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 235 The accompanying illustration shows a Allan-Cunningham Hydrau- lic Electric Steering Gear. This machine has been specially developed for use on marine service of Diesel-powered ships. The machine is equipped with hydraulic telemotor control, directly operated from the Wheel House. In this machine a constant speed, continuously running electric motor furnishes the power to operate a spring quadrant mounted on the rudder stock, and this is applied through a hydraulic variable speed gear, whose speed and direction are controlled by means of the hydraulic telemotor 236 AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES system from the wheel house. Follow up gear is provided so that the rud- der movement follows closely the direction and amount of movement of the wheel by the man steering. Its reliability is primarily due to the accurate close mesh gears which quickly correspond to the movements of the ship. The Allan-Cunningham type of electric Anchor-Windlass is shown in the accompanying illustration. The anchor windlass is a piece of equip- ment that is not often put to use on board ship, but when it is called upon for service, needs to perform some very severe duties for a short time, or withstand some very heavy labor. For this reason ruggedness and strength of all the parts should be its principal characteristic, as shown in the illustration, where a marine type series motor is geared through spur gears, worm and worm gear to an intermediate shaft on which are mounted the gypsy heads for use in warping ship. The intermediate shaft carries two sliding pinions for meshing with the main gears on each Allan-Cunningham Electrically Operated Anchor-Windlass Specially Constructed for Diesel-powered Ships wildcat. A clutch-shifting device provides for throwing the wildcats in or out of gear, and band brakes can be used to hold them in any position desired. A machine of this type is very rugged and capable of exerting an enormous pull, cases being known where a 25 H. P. windlass like this has pulled a 2-inch steel anchor chain in two without damage to itself. Straight rheostatic control with overload protective devices is nearly always used, and in this case is all installed in the hollow base and cast iron box, making the machine a complete self-contained unit. Allan-Cunningham's Cargo Winches, as illustrated in cut, are carefully AUXILIARY MACHINERY AND ACCESSORIES 237 designed to correspond with the extra heavy work required of a machine of this kind. The service requirements of the cargo winch are very severe, as they not only have to stand up to severe labor when loading or un- loading ship, but must withstand all sorts of weather conditions, from excessive heat to deluges of salt water. For moderate sizes, the hollow base type shown is a great favorite, consisting of a series motor with magnetic disc brake spur igeared through pinion, intermediate shaft to main gear bolted to the drum, with dynamic lowering controller and re- sistors mounted in tihe base. The base is made thoroughly watertight and ventilating doors are provided for use when the winch is operating. Typical Allan-Cunningham Cargo Winch 238 2 CHAPTER X. DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES BUSCH-SULZER MARINE DIESELS The Bulsch-Sulzer Engine Company of St. Louis, Mo. was the original, and from 1898 to 1911 the only American Manufacturer of Diesel Engines. Their 23 years of Diesel building and their partnership af- filiation with the well known iSwiss firm, Sulzer iFreres of Winterthur. Switzerland, places them first among the best known American Builders 01 Diesel Engines. In following explanation of this well known engine a clear con- ception will be gained on maintenance and operation of Diesels, in particular the two-cycle constructed. The engine utilizes, directly in its cylinders, any heavy liquid fuel ranging from kerosene to coal tar. Pure air, with which the engine cylinder is filled, is compressed by the upward-traveling piston to a pressure of 450 to 500 pounds. Its temperature Increases, due to this compression, to approximately 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit. At or near the upper dead-center of the piston the fuel is sprayed into the cylinder, gradually and in a finely nebulized condition. The fuel is gasified and ignited by the heat of the compressed air, without any supplementary means; it burns during the first part of the piston down--stroke, after which the hot gases in the cylinder continue to expand and perform work on the piston, until they are exhausted from the cylinder. The rate at which the fuel is injected into the cylinder is so ad- justed that its ignition and combustion takes place without explosive violence, and with substantially no change of pressure; for which reason this type of engine is sometimes referred to as "Constant pressure" tyipe, to distinguish it from the "Constant volume" type, such as gas, gasoline, and hot bulb engines, and engines improperly desig- nated "Semi-Diesel," in which combustion takes place substantially with- out increase in volume, and therefore with an explosive-like increase in pressure. Diesel engines are built to operate on either the four-stroke cycle (briefly, "four-cycle"), or the two-stroke cycle (briefly "two-cycle") system. In a four-cycle engine, four strokes of the piston, or two revolutions of the crankshaft, are required to complete the cycle of operations. These operations are illustrated in Figures I (a) to (d), each of which is accompanied by a description. 240 RIPTIOX OF DIESEL ENGINES Figure f. (a) First stroke (.ad- mission stroke). Pis- ton travels down; ad- mission valve open; cylinder is being Ailed with pure air. (fr) Second stroke {compression stroke). Piston travels up; all valves closed; air in cylinder is being com- pressed. (c) Third stroke (power stroke). Pis- ton travels down; fuel valve open at top dead-center, but closed at fraction of stroke; gases expand. (; ejchaxst rfr* op- m; burnt gases are ejcpflled from cyl- Fiffmrc 4 shoirs a typical indicator diagram from an ordinary two-cycie Diesel Engine. shows & sectional plan and elevation of the Busch-Sulzer two-cycle cylinder head and the same views of an equivalent four-cycle cylinder head of modern design. It is obvious from this diagram that the two-cycle cylinder head can safely withstand higher temperatures and the engine may therefore, without sacrifice of reliability, operate continuous with higher mean pressure than any engine having numerous valves in its head. The principal elements effecting Economy in the operation of a Diesel engine are: the cost of the fuel, the quantity of fuel consumed, and the cost of maintaining the engine in operation. In the case of stationary engines of small and medium capacities, which can be built on the four-cycle system without incurring ser- ious risks of breakdown, it is cheaper to use a good grade of fuel which can readily be obtained in the small quantities required by such en- gines, than to incur the greater labor expenses of removing the de- posits formed by cheaper, low-grade fuels, and correcting the other detrimental effects of such fuels. In the case of large engines for marine uses, it not only is cheaper but may also be absolutely necessary to operate with low-grade fuels, the first cost of which is lower than that of higher grades where both are obtainable, while they can be obtained in the required quantity in 242 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES localities in which it would be difficult or impossible 'to get the higher grade at any price. For such engines the ability to use a low-grade fuel is, therefore, of primary importance, and in this respect the advantage of the two-cycle engine cannot be questioned. The absence of exhaust valves, which would be gummed up by as- phaltum, and destroyed by 'sulphur, make it possible to successfully operate the two-cycle Diesel engines with poor grades of oil fuel obtain- able in almost any quarter of the globe and at low prices. Although Ease of Operation is important under all circumstances, it applies with special force to marine engines, in which it is essential that starting and reversing be accomplished with ease, rapidity, and absolute certainty. The starting of a marine engine must be possible and sure with any and all positions of 'the cranks. To accomplish .this at all a four- Flgure 5. Two-Cycle (Busch-Sulzer Diesel) Cylinder Head Four-Cycle ( Standard Construction) , Cylinder Head cycle engine must have at least six cylinders; while a four cylinder two-cycle engine has a starting facility equal to that of an eight cylinder four-cycle. To reverse the two-cycle requires the maneuvering of only the light starting and fuel valve and gears; while the four-cycle requires, in ad- dition to this the maneuvering of the relatively massive and heavily spring-loaded admission and exhaust valves and gears. All moving parts pistons, connecting rods, crankshafts, flywheel, and line-shafting which must be brought to rest, restarted, and accelerated, are much lighter in the two-cycle. The more favorable conditions of crank angle, weight to be handled, and resistance to be overcome, of the two-cycle minimize the dangers of false starts in either direction, and of slowness in the handling of the ship. DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 243 In ability to carry overloads, also, the two-cycle has the advantage over the four-cycle. Overloads are emergency requirements, purchased at the price of imperfect fuel combustion, and the consequent deposit of carbon in the combustion spaces. Such deposits cause more trouble with the exhaust valves of a four-cycle, than with any other part of either system of engine. Unfortunately, every machine is liable to mishaps, and it is im- portant that parts injured by such mishaps may be quickly repaired or replaced. Correct methods of manufacture insure interchangeability, and correct designs Accesibility ; the other factors which effect replace- ments are simplicity and ease of demounting and reassembling. Comparing a four-cycle engine with the two-cycle, it will be found that the cylinder head of the four-cycle has fuel, starting admission, and exhaust valves and their cages mounted on it, and bulky admission and exhaust headers attached ,to it, in addition to the small fuel, starting air, and water piping; whereas the cylinder head of the Busch-Sulzer two- cycle type has only the fuel and starting valves and their combine cage mounted on it, and the fuel, starting air, spray air, and water piping at- tached to it. Figure 6. Busch-Sulzer Cylinder. Showing Two-Cycle Scavenging Sulzer System. Space requirements in the engine room is a more important consid- eration. For the same power and speed, whatever practical number of cylinders is selected, the two-cycle engine for similar service occupies less space than the four-cycle. Engines may be built of almost any weight per unit of power. Slow- speed stationery Diesel engines weigh as much as 350 to 400 pounds per B. H. P., while high-speed Diesel engines for propelling submarine boats weigh as little as 45 to 50 pounds per B. 1 H. P. In comparing the weights of engines, therefore, the first consideration must be their respective speeds and purposes. 244 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES Engines of the same speed and power, and for the same service, vary within wide limits in weights, according to their design, but if of sub- stantially equal ruggedness, the two-cycle Diesel weighs from 20 to 30 per cent less than the four-cycle. Any reduction in weight which is ob- tained by a reduction of rigidity and safety, should be scrupulously avoided. (Scavenging comprises two functions: the clearing of the previous combustion, or burnt gases, by means of a current of air, and the sup- ply of the air charges necessary for the next combustion. The Sulzer scavenging system used on the Busch-Sulzer Diesel comprises a safe and simple method of thorough scavenging. It utilizes port-scavenging, but employs two tiers, instead of only one tier of ports. The piston uncovers the upper tier of scavenging of ports before, and the lower tier after, it uncovers the exhaust ports, but the communication between the interior of the cylinder and the scavenging-air supply or receiver, through the upper ports, is controlled by a timed and mechanically operated valve, which remains closed until the exhaust ports have been uncovered long enough to reduce the pressure of the gases in the cylinder to nearly atmospheric; after which this valve is opened, while the piston uncovers the lower scavenging ports; a rapid and thorough purging is then effected with com- plete safety against a blowback into the scavenging receiver. Upon its return stroke, the piston first covers the lower scavenging ports, and then the exhaust ports; the upper scavenging ports and their valve remain open, enabling the scavenging air to fill the cylinder at full scavenging pressure before the communication is shut off by the piston. Obviously a blow-back of exhaust gases into the cylinder cannot occur; furthermore, the double tier arrangement and proper form of scavenging ports insure a clearing out of such thoroughness that substantially no burnt gases remain in the cylinder analyses have shown that this residue does not exceed 3 per cent. The weight of air compressed is thus substantially 100 per cent of the weight of a cylinder full at atmospheric pressure, and it is possible to perfectly consume the full quantity of fuel. The effectively directed streams of scavenging air cool the cylinder more evenly than is possible with ordinary port-scavenging. The com- plete cycle of the Sulzer scavenging and charging system is shown in fiigure 7 (a) to (h). In general, the Busch-Sulzer two-cycle marine Diesel may be des- cribed as follows: The engines are vertical, four or six cylinders, single- acting, crosshead type, two-cycle; giving one power stroke per cylinder per revolution of the crankshaft. The injection air compressor is directly driven from a crank on an extension of the main crankshaft. The scav- enging air pump is directly driven in the same manner as the compressor except for the larger twin units for which turbo-Mowers are employed to supply the scavenging air. The engines are designed for heavy duty service with all parts readily accessible for inspection and adjustment. Workmanship is of the highest class, jigs and fixtures are used in machin- ing processes, so that all parts of the same kind and size are inter- changeable. DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 245 m *TB^r :C1 I '^ S * "S-^'H'H II si = i ? ||li^^|l.s- = =iiii'in: 246 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES Iron casting are of grades which experience has shown to be especially adapted to withstand stresses, heat, or wear as demanded by the service for which each is intended. Abrupt changes of section and excessive ac- cumulation of mass are avoided. The steel castings possess carefully de- termined properties, and are thoroughly annealed. Forgings are of grades of steel which comply with rigid specifications. Bed Plate and Crank Case: The bed plat is built up of sections, of strong, medium-soft cast iron. It is provided with ample flanges, planed on their undersides, for rigid bolting to the foundation. It comprises an oil-collecting trough with bridges between each two cylinders, which bridges contain bored seats for the main bearing shells. The crank case is oil and gas tight, and of the enclosed type; it is built up of sections, of the same quality of cast iron as the bedplate. It is rigidly bolted to the top of the bed plate and provided with large covers, readily removable for inspection and adjustments, making all parts in- side the crank case easily accessible. The covers carry hinged inspec- tion doors, for convenience in making inspections, while the engine is in operation, without throwing oil. The crank case carries the crosshead guides, and the cylinder jackets are bolted directly to its top. Working Cylinders: Each working cylinder consists of two main pieces an outer jacket which carries all axial stresses; and a liner, \vhich constitutes the running barrel. The lower end of the outer jacket is bolted directly to the crankcase; the upper end is provided with studs to hold the cylinder head. Openings at the front and back provide for the scavenging air and exhaust con nections. The jacket is of the same quality of cast iron as the bed plate and crank case, and is furnished with hand holes for the inspection and clean- ing of the cooling water spaces. The liner is of special hard, close-grained cast iron, particularly adapted to its service. It is provided with slots or ports in its wall, for the admission of the scavenging air and the discharge of the exhaust gases. The upper end seats on a shoulder in the jacket, making an ab- solutely water-tight joint. The center belt, or the portion of the liner at the scavenging and exhaust ports, is turned to fit a bored seat in the jacket, and is provided with packings to make water and gas-tight joints above and below ports. The lower end of the liner carries the oil-wiper rings, and passes through the bottom flange of the cylinder jacket, where a stuffing box is provided to make a water-tight joint between the outside of the liner and the lower end of the cylinder jacket. The entire construction allows free expansion of both parts. The space between the liner and the jacket constitutes the water jacket. The upper face of the liner is provided with a groove, into which the tongue of the cylinder head registers, making an absolute ^as-tight joint. DESCRIPTION OP DIESEL ENGINES 247 Cylinder Heads: The cylinder heads are of special medium hard cast iron. They are of simple, symmetrical design, the head containing only central opening of relatively small diameter, to receive the combined fuel valve and starting valve cage, thus insuring freedom from casting and heat stresses, and greatest resistance to all working stresses. The heads do not contain any scavenging or exhaust valves. Ample and un- obstructed water-jacketing is provided. In this design of head the ring of relatively cool metal surrounding the hot central portion common to all other designs has been eliminated. The cylinder head is rigidly bolted to the top of the cylinder jacket, with a registered fit on the cylinder liner. The underside, or combustion space side, of the head is concave, forming, in conjunction with the con- cave top face of the piston, a symmetrical combustion space of ideal shape. The cylinder heads are provided with hand holes for the inspection and cleaning of the cooling water spaces. Valves and Valve Gear: Scavenging air enters and the exhaust gases are discharged through the ports in the cylinder wall, which ports are opened and closed to the cylinder by the piston uncovering the ports on the down-stroke and covering them on the up-stroke, near the lower end of its stroke. On the scavenging side of the cylinder there are two tiers of ports. The upper tier is controlled by a timed rotary scavenging valve, driven from the vertical shaft of the engine; the lower tier has a free opening into the scavenging air receiver. This patented arrangement insures perfect scavenging and the complete charging of the cylinder with pure air, while the scavenging valve is out of range of the hot gases. The fuel valve and starting valve are carried in a common water- cooled cage, located in the central opening in the cylinder head, so that the valves work in a vertical position. The camshaft, carrying the cams for operating the valves, extend in front and along the tops of the cylinders, in an entirely enclosed casing, and is driven from the crankshaft, at engine speed, through a pair of helical gears at the lower end of the vertical shaft and a pair of bevel gears at the upper end. This drive is located at the flywheel end of the engine, and taken off the main crankshaft on the flywheel side of the first journal, where it is least subjected to torsional irregularities which might effect the operation of the gears and the governing of the engine. The toothed gears work in oil, and are enclosed in oil-tight housings. Reversing Gear: The engines are provided with double sets of start- ing and fuel cams, and the necessary levers and gear to permit the direc- tion of rotation of their crankshafts to be promptly reversed. The gear is air-operated and suitable interlocking devices are provided to safe- guard the engine against being started or reversed with the gear in im- proper position. 248 DESCRIPTION OP DIESEL ENGINES Safety Overspeed Governor: The engines are fitted with suitable overspeed governors, which prevent racing, by cutting off the supply of fuel to the cylinders when the speed exceeeds a pre-determined limit, for which the governors may be adjusted. The supply of fuel is automatically re-established as soon as the speed of the engine falls to normal. Fuel Pump: The fuel pump is of the multiple plunger type (one plunger for each cylinder), operated from the vertical shaft. The func- tion of this pump is to deliver to each cylinder the quantity of fuel neces- sary to maintain the desired speed and develop the required power. The amount of fuel delivered is determined by the seating point of the fuel pump suction valves, which point is controlled automatically by the governor of the stationary engine, and by hand from the control levers of the marine engine. The fuel piping is provided with visible overflow valves to free the lines from any accumulated air, which would interfere with prompt starting. Figure 8. Busch-Sulzer Piston Cooling. Pistons: The piston proper is short, merely long enough to accom- modate the piston rings, as all guiding) is performed by the cross-heads. It is provided with a water jacket immediately under its upper face. The piston rod is attached to the lower flange of this piston, by means of studs. The piston is of special, hard, close grained cast iron, best suited to resist the heat and working conditions to which it is subjected. The piston rings are single-piece rings, of a grade of cast iron which will retain its springing qualities until it is worn out. DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 249 The piston is water-cooled by a patented arrangement. The water is injected into the cooling chamber in the piston head, and conducted away from same, by a system of telescopic tubes arranged on a principle which avoids swing joints, while preventing oil and water leakage. Immediately below the piston is fitted a skirt, the sole function of which is to cover the scavenging and exhaust ports in the cylinder wall. The skirt is of hard, close-grained cast iron. Piston Rods: The piston rod is of forged open-hearth steel. The upper end is provided with an integral flange, for attachment to the piston; the lower end is forked, to connect to the crosshead pin . Crosshead Pins: The crosshead pin is a high-carbon, open-hearth steel forging. The central 'part of the pin forms the bearing for the con- necting rod. To each side of this bearing is bolted the forked end of the piston rod. The ends of the pins carry the crossheads. Shims are pro- vided between the crosshead pin and the end of the piston rod, to permit the adjustment of the compression in the cylinder. Crossheads: The crossheads are of cast iron, with babbitted bearing faces. They are of the double, central guide type. No loose or adjust- able pieces are attached to them; adjustment being provided by shims under the stationary guides, bolted to the crank case. Connecting Rods: The connecting rods are of forged open-hearth steel, with marine type crosshead and crank ends. The end bolts are of special soft steel, designed to avoid localized stresses and to resist crys- tallization. The crosshead pin boxes and crank pin boxes are of cast steel, bab- bitt lined, adjustable by means of shims. Dovetailed grooves are machined for anchoring the babbitt in these boxes, and tinned before pouring the babbitt, thus making an absolute bond between babbitt and box. Crankshaft: The crankshaft is in three sections, each section made from a single open-hearth heat-treated steel forging. Each main section carries two cranks for a four-cylinder engine, or three cranks for a six- cylinder engine, and is provided with integrally forged flanges at both ends. The two main sections are interchangeable with one another. The third section carries the cranks for driving the scavenging pump and air compressor, and is provided with an integral flange to bolt to the main section. All corners are carefully filleted. The shaft is bored to permit examination of the material, and to afford passage for the lubricating oil. The shaft is made to specifications especially covering the class of steel and manufacture required for this service. Material, dimensions, and construction of the crankshaft are approved by Lloyd's Register of Shipping. Main B'earings: The main bearings are cast iron cylindrical shells, in halves, lined with babbitt anchored in machined and tinne^ dovetail grooves. The bottom half-shells are fitted and scraped into the board seats in the bed plate; the top half-shells are fitted into bored seats in the bearing caps. Between the two halves shims are provided for ad- 250 DESCRIPTION OF DIESE,L ENGINES justment. The shells are securely held in place by the main bearing caps, which are fitted and rigidly bolted to the bed plates. The seats for the bottom half-shells are absolutely lined up before the shells are put in. After the shells are placed in the seats, they are scraped to the crankshaft, to exact alignment. Flywheel and Extension Shaft: The flywheel is carried on an exten- sion shaft, connected to the crankshaft by means of a solid-forged coup- ling flange. The flywheel rim is provided with teeth for barring over the engine. The extension shaft is arranged to couple the thrust. Scavenging Pump and Receivers: The scavenging pump for provid- ing low-pressure scavenging and charging air for the working cylinders, is mounted vertically on the crankcase, at the opposite end from the fly- wheel, next to the forward working cylinder and in line with same. It is directly driven from the crank on the extension to the main crankshaft, and is provided with crosshead and guides similar to those of the work- ing cylinders. The suction and discharge valves are of a patented, simple, auto- matic "shutter" type mounted in cages. These valves are identical in size and design, and are interchangeable. No springs or plates subject to flexure are used. The intake side of the pump is provided with a valve chest, arranged so that the scavenging air may, if desired, be brought from outside of the engine room. The discharge side is provided with a valve chest, with connections to the scavenging-air receiver, which, in turn, provides the connection to the working cylinders. The scavenging^air receiver is of cast iron. It extends along the front of the engine and is bolted to faces on the working cylinder jackets. It provides a firm support for the valve gears, cam-shaft bearings, and casings. A pressure relief is 'fitted to the receiver. The suction and discharge valve chests are fitted with large covers, for access to the valves. The scavenging-air receiver is provided with covers for access to the rotary scavenging valves. Air Compressor: The air compressor, for providing compressed air for fuel injection and starting, is mounted vertically on the crankcase, at the forward end of the engine, in line with working cylinders. It is directly driven from a crank on the extension to the main crankshaft,, The compressor is three-stage, water- jacketed, and provided with adequate intercoolers and aftercoolers, to keep the air at a low temperature. The piston is of standard differential trunk type, with patented removable piston pin housing. The compressor valves are without springs and are easily removable for quick inspection and cleaning. The second and third stage valves and seats are of a specially heat-treated alloy steel, found by experiment the best to resist wear and breakage. DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 251 Each stage of the compressor is protected against excessive pressure by a safety valve of special design and ample capacity. A regulating device is provided, to adjust the injection air pres- sure to suit the operating conditions. The air coolers are constructed to afford ready access for inspection and cleaning, and are provided with sufficient oil and water separators and drains. Air Starting System: The engine is started by means of compressed air, furnished by the injection air compressor. The engines are pro- vided with air starting on all cylinders, and one- half of the cylinders are started, followed by the other half. Air Tank and Piping: The injection and starting air piping is extra heavy, annealed and tested seamless drawn steel tubing, provided with special high-pressure fittings. Adequate injection air and starting air storage tanks are furnished. Each tank is provided with a special shut-off valve and proper drainage. The starting air tanks are so connected up that they can be charged from the compressor without in any way interfering with the operation of the en- gine. The air tanks are of seamless drawn steel; manufactured, tested, inspected, and stamped in accordance with L. C. C. Shipping Container Specifications No. 3-A, and comply with the re- quirements of Lloyd's Register of .Shipping. Each tank is provided with a fusible safety plug, to re- lieve the pressure in case of fire. Water Cooled System: The air compressor, cylinder heads, cylin- ders, pistons, fuel and starting valve cages, exhaust manifolds, and the oil-coolers, are provided with arrangements for efficient water cooling. There are no hidden water overflow and by-pass connections. All cooling water is discharged into accessible open funnels, and individual outlet pipes are provided for each cylinder, so that the tem- perature of the discharges from the various engine parts may readily be observed. Lubrication: The general lubrication is a pressure system providing all main bearings, crank pins and cross-head pin bearings, cross-heads, vertical shaft thrust bearing, and lower helical gears with a continuous supply of cool, clean oil under pressure. The oil, after passing thru the bearings, is collected in the bed plate, and flows thru a twin filter to a displacement type pump, wnioh Fig. 10 Cross Section Through Compressor* 252 DESCRIPTION OP DIESEL ENGINES forces it thru a cooler, from which it is again delivered to the bearings, at a pressure of 10 to 20 pounds. A. safety valve is provided on the oil pressure pipe; also bypass connections, for the regulation of the pres- sure. All camshaft bearings are provided with oiling rings. The cylinders, including the cylinders of each stage of the compressor, are oiled by a multi-feed pressure type oil pump. Oil cups are provided, where neces- sary.; Barring Gear: A suitable barring gear is provided for turning the engine over; although the four-cylinder engines of this type do not re- quire barring into a starting position, as they readily start at any crank position. Platform, Stairs, Railing: The necessary platforms, stairs, and rail- ings to give access to all parts requiring attendance for operation, are provided. Fuel Oil Service Tank and Filters: A suitable and adequate fuel ser- vice tank is furnished, to contain a supply of fuel for the engine. A twin fuel filter is provided, to remove foreign matter from the fuel before it reaches the engine. Accessories: Pressure gauges are provided for the air compressor, air storage tanks, lubricating oil, and piston cooling water. Thermometers are provided in the lubricating oil lines, at points before and after the cooler. Figure IG. Curve Showing Fuel Consumption 1,250 B.H.P. Sulzer Two-Cycle Under test conditions, and at equal loads, tlie four-cycle engine may con- sume 6 to 8% less fuel than the two-cycle. In actual practice this advan- tage is, however, apparently smaller, due to the fact that the large two-cycle engine may be more safely operated continuously at full load and best ef- ficiency than may the large four-cycle, and also due to the fact that more complete combustion is obtained in the two-cycle at fractional loads, due to the higher temperature in the cylinder. DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 253 THE DOW DIESEL ENGINE The Dow Full Diesel Type Marine Oil Engine is of the vertical multi- cylinder design, built in sizes from 320 B. H. F. to 1000 B. H. P. It follows the four-cycle principle. The engine is direct-reversible and em- bodies features of improved methods in Diesel operation. Figure (a) Full View of Dow Direct-Reversible Marine Diesel Engine. As every respective engine has a special feature characteristic in Diesel manufacture, or a design by which it in many cases tends to be classified in a type of its own, still following the laws as laid down in Diesel prime movers, so has the Dow engine distinctive departures from the usual types of Diesels. In particular, the designers have laid stress on the importance of equal distribution of fuel. As will be noticed in Figure (a), each set of three cylinders are supplied in common with one fuel pump instead of individual pumps for each cylinder, which permits of an accurate and even distribution of oil for each cylinder. 254 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES The output of the fuel pump is controlled by the usual system of governor control, the governor being of the centrifugal type. In simi- larity to the general principle prevailing on Diesels, the governor, which operates directly on the fuel pump, regulates the supply of fuel oil to the injection valves in proportion to the load on the engine, at all times maintaining the pre-determined speed in revolutions per minute of the propeller. fi The governor is entirely enclosed and mounted on the vertical driv- ing shaft directly geared to the engine crankshaft. It is provided with hand-regulating attachment so that the speed of the engine may be varied by hand while the engine is in operation. This novel arrangement adds greatly to the accurate performance of the engine, in particular on long voyages where heavy seas are experi- DESCRIPTION OF D1ESE.L ENGINES 255 enced and racing of engine are the results, very often causing complica- tions with consequential injury to the engine. The cylinder heads are of box section and water-jacketed. Air, fuel, exhaust and starting valves are all contained in the cylinder head, their operating levers being securely supported by bearings mounted on and bolted to the heads. Special care has been given to the construction of all valves and valve seats, which are of the removable type, allowing them to be readily withdrawn from the cylinder head for inspection and re-grinding when required. All the valves are opened by the action of steel levers rolling on hardened cams. The cams are accurately set and keyed in place, in- suring positive action. The valve gear is of the cam type throughout, the cam-shaft being driven by machine-cut spiral gears. All levers for oper- 256 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES ating cams are provided with case-hardened rollers and pins. Special care is taken in the design of the exhaust valve lever, so that the exhaust valve and seat may be removed without disturbing the valve gear. Reversing Mechanism: Briefly described, the reversing of the engine consists in the changing over from one set of cams to another; the work being performed by an air-driven ram. The operator simply moves a small hand lever to accomplish the reversal position. This -operation is immediately followed by the movement of the main control lever to start- ing air position, where it is allowed to remain during one or two im- pulses. At the completion of this operation this same lever is moved to running 'position. The whole above-described maneuver is accomplished in five seconds from full speed ahead to full speed astern position. The air-driven cams referred to above automatically lifts the cam rollers clear of all cams, then slides the cam shaft to the desired posi- tion and returns the cam rollers to the cams. The control lever is securely interlocked with shifting mechanism, preventing any false move on the part of the operator. The thrust block is of the standard marine horseshoe type, is equip- ped for water cooling. It is -securely bolted and doweled to the main engine bed-plate, insuring perfect alignment. In illustration (c) an ideal engine is shown for tugboat service or yachts, or such smaller types of vessels employed on coast-wise trade. As will be seen, this engine is equipped with reverse-gear. This type of engine stands up to heavy duty such engines are very often subjected to. The Dow Diesel Engine follows the "A" frame construction. The bed-plate, which extends the full width and length) of the engine, is of box girder section throughout, reinforced with transverse and longitud- inal ribs. The. bed-plate carries the main bearing journals and seating for the "A" frame. Forced lubrication is provided for all cylinders and piston pins, while all main journals and outboard bearings. are furnished with ring oilers. All crank pins are lubricated by gravity and centrifugal oilers. (Note. For Compressor, see Section on Compressors.) DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 257 THE FULTON DIESEL ENGINE The Fulton Iron Works Company, in developing the Fulton Diesel Engine, as patterned and designed by Franco Tosi, one of Europe's fore- most engineers of Diesel Engines, has produced one of the most effi- cient and dependable prime movers obtainable. The Fulton Diesel Oil Engines not only possess all the advantages of the typical European oil engine, but has been developed by many re- finements and improvements for American service by the engineers of the Fulton Iron Works Company. With following explanation it will be 258 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES seen that the improvements embodied in this engine brings it on an equal standing with modern types, in particular as an engine adapted for stationary service. As will be seen in other pages of this book, the Tosi Diesel engine has been brought to the highest stage of perfection and is used today on exceedingly large ships in merchant service. Like the Junkers type and many German patents, it has been a pro- duct created by years of experiments and brought up to the highest stage of perfection. It is an oil engine operating on fuels of low gravity and in consequence its maintenance is very inexpensive. The most distinctive features of this engine are found in the strength of their heavy "A" frame construction, the accessibility of all bearings, and the fact that the cylinder liners can be readily removed without dis- mantling the engine. The cam shaft is on a level with the cylinder head, and the arrange- ment of all parts is so simple that adjustments can be made easily and economically, even while the engine is in operation. Diagram Showing Full Illustration of Engine with Compressor, Pumps, Lubrication System, Etc. As the Fulton Oil Engine is of the four-cycle, vertical, "A" frame type, it is not subjected to the strains that are usually found in internal combustion engines of the horizonal types. This design practically elim- inates vibration which is an additional factor for long life in the engine. DESCRIPTION OP DIESEL ENGINES 259 This engine is equipped with a three-stage compressor. It is directly connected to the crankshaft end and provides the large storage tank with highly compressed air for both starting and for the purpose of fuel in- jection. The Fulton fuel pump is of the variable plunger stroke type, with positive control from the governor. The needle valves are under control from operator's stand. The exceptional strong construction of the force- feed pump is of similar design as will be seen in the usual types of Diesel Engine. The necessity in providing proper lubrication method is taken care of in this engine by sight-feed gravity oilers, which supply all bearings with copious quantities of oil. Diagram of Fulton Diesel Engine, Looking from Compressor In. View of Engine End By means of the Fulton patent starting mechanism the air is de- livered to the starting cylinders and at the same time positively locks all fuel oil from the cylinders. The Fulton design is, such as allows of quick, easy and inexpensive replacement of all wearing parts by means of bushing, brasses, etc. 260 DESCRIPTION OP DIESEL ENGINES A very advantageous feature in adding to the economy of the engine is the system of oil filtering. All the oil that is introduced into the engine is handled by a three-plunger pump at the compressor end of the crankshaft. The center plunger pumps fuel oil from the storage tank to a gravity tank. The outside plungers pump clean lubricating oil to a gravity tank and the dirty oil from the pump to the filter. All the lubri- cating oil that flows into the pump is run into a settling tank, then through an oil filter where the oil is filtered through bone black. This permits the lubricating oil to be reclaimed in a large measure and none but clean oil to return to the engine. By the use of bone black for filtering, the oil is completely revivified. By the above means of lubri- cation great economy has been obtained. By actual operating figures obtained from a 500 B.H.P. 3-cylinder engine, driving a 350-kw. alter- nator, it is found that: 1 gallon cylinder oil serves 8,283.3 kw. hr. 1 gallon bearing oil serves 7,455 1 gallon compressor oil serves 74,550 kw. hr. Diagram of Fulton Diesel Engine. Good View The governing of the Fulton, Diesel oil engine is accomplished by a Jahn's type governor, driven from the vertical shaft. This governor acts directly on the fuel pump of the engine so that any change in the load is almost instantly compensated by a quick response from the engine. There is no lagging or "hunting." The old method of driving the governor by the vertical shaft was to place the governor directly on that shaft. This necessitated using a DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 261 large governor, running the same speed as the shaft. It was found that every vibration imparted to the cam shaft by the action of the cam was transmitted directly to the vertical shaft and hence to the governor, caus- ing undue wear. To eliminate this undue wear on the Fulton engine, the governor was offset from the vertical shaft, and driven by flexible gears. It was also found that by this; method a smaller governor could be used and run at higher speed, thus giving a better regulation and smooth operation with any of the undesirable vibrations. The cylinders are lubricated in a simple manner. The cylinder' oil flows by gravity to a Richardson Phoenix sight feed oiler and from there individual brass piping conducts the oil to four points in each cylinder wall. These points are located a little below the center of the piston when it is at the top of its stroke. Thus oil is not carried to the firing chamber by the piston rings nor carried to the pump by the wiper ring. The piston pin lubrication is one of the special positive feed systems on the Fulton engine. The oil line leading to the sight feed oilers for the main bearings is tapped just below the shut-off valve. From that point a smaller pipe with a single sight feed adjusting valve runs down to a point inside the "A" frame just below the bottom edge of the cyl- inder liner. At this point, fastened to the "A" frame by bracket, is the lower half of the piston pin oiler. This oiler is a special apparatus, having a small cylinder containing a plunger that has a hole bored through its center. The plunger is held by a spring from beneath. The operation of this mechanism is such that any oil introduced into the lower end of the cylinder is forced through the hole in the center of the plunger by any downward action of that plunger. This downward action is accomplished by the upper half of the piston pin oiler (consisting of a check valve), which is rigidly attached to the inside of the engine's piston skirt at its bottom edge, striking the oiler's cylinder plunger at the end of each downward stroke of the piston. By an adjusting screw on the oiler, the stroke of the oiler's plunger can be regulated from about one-fourth of an inch to any small fraction of an inch, depending upon the amount of oil desired to reach the piston pin. The upper half of this oiler (the part attached to the engine's piston) is screwed to the- end of a pipe that runs up the inside of the piston and direct to the piston pin. Thus the oil flows by gravity to the lower half of the piston pin oiler and from there is forced direct to the piston pin by a positive feed, controlled by regulating the stroke of the oiler's plunger and by the amount of oil the operator allows to flow to the oiler. The reliability, continuity of operation, maintenance, etc., of the Fulton Diesel Oil Engines, are on a parity with those of a high grade steam plants of corresponding capacity. In fact, the results achieved show that the maintenance is even very much less than that of a steam plant of corresponding capacity, with the added advantage of low labor and fuel costs. The investment charges are approximately the same on this market as for a fully and modernly equipped steam plant, which, of course, takes into consideration the entire property, including building. 262 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES THE NORDBERG-CARELS DIESEL ENGINE The Nordberg-Carels Diesel Engine is an improved development of the well known Carels engine of Belgium, the Nordberg Manufacturing Company of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, having secured rights to build this engine from Carels Brothers, of Ghent, Belgium. The engines are of the two-cycle type. The engines range in size from 750 to 3000 B.H.P., and in units of from three to six cylinders. The larger engines have cylinders of 500 B.H.P. each, being the largest size built in America. "The engines are of the vertical, heavy duty type, with crossheads and open frame. All engines operate at relatively slow speeds, a feature which promotes long life of the engine and a minimum of time lost in shut-downs for repairs or overhauling. This is of special importance in marine installations, reducing expensive, delays in port and serious breakdowns at sea. All the above engines have cam actuated scavenging valves in .the cylinder heads. A smaller engine has been developed by the Nordberg Manufacturing Company, of the port scavenging type; that is, air is in- troduced into the cylinder 'by the movement of the piston, uncovering a series of ports in communication with the scavenging pump. Inasmuch as the Carels engine follows the two-cycle construction, the method of scavenging follows similar systems adopted on modern engines of this respective construction. The older system of providing scavenging valves in the cylinder head appears to be abolished in most two-cycle Diesels, ports being provided at the bottom of the cylinder, uncovered >by the piston in arrangement with auxiliary valve-controlled air ports usually joist above the main ports. Following is a tabulation of the several sizes and types built by the Nordberg Manufacturing Company: Type 3 V.E. B. H. P. Sea Level Rating 330 Type Scavenging Port Speed Stationary Units 225 4 V.E. 440 Port 225 5 VE 550 Port 225 6 V.E. 660 Port 225 3 E.G. 750 Valves 180 4 E.G. 1000 Valves 180 5 E.G. 1250 Valves 180 3 F.H. 1500 Valves 120 4 F.H. 2000 Valves 120 5 F.H. 2500 Valves 120 6 F.H. . 3000 Valves 120 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 263 In the case of marine engines direct connected to the propeller shaft, the above engine speeds are reduced to suit lower propeller speeds, the stroke being lengthened to compensate. In electric marine drives the above standard ispeeds are maintained. Two-cycle engines are particularly well adapted for continuous oper- ation with low grade fuels. This is, because there are no exhaust valve seats subjected to intense heat or to become pitted or corroded with heavy oil residue, necessitating frequent shutdowns for cleaning and re- fitting of valves. The following is the fuel consumption based on oil of 18500 B.T.U. per lb., using any quantity of fuel free from water: Load Lbs. Oil per B.H.P. per hr.. Full 0.45 H 0.47 72 0.51 One B.H.P. is secured from about 8,000 B.T.U., which corresponds to over 750 B.H.P. hours per barrel. Lubricating oil consumption ranges from .001 lb. per B.H.P. hr. for large units to .0015 Ibs. for smaller units. Following is a tabulation of cooling water required. Inlet Temp. 50 95 7.2 100 6.5 7.2 8.1 9.2 10.8 13.0 16.2 21.6 32.4 Discharge 105 110 5.9 5.4 6.5 5.9 7.2 6.5 8.1 7.2 9.2 8.1 10.8 9.2 13.0 10.8 16.2 13.0 21.6 16.2 32.4 21.6 Temperature 115 120 5.0 4.6 5.4 5. 5.9 5.4 6.5 5.9 7.2 6.5 8.1 7.2 9.2 8.1 10.8 9.2 13.0 10.9 16.2 13.0 125 4.3 4.6 5. 5.4 5.9 6.5 7.2 8.1 9.2 10.8 130 4.1 4.3 4.6 5. 5.4 5.9 6.5 7.2 8.1 9.2 55 8.1 60 __ 9.2 65 _ 10.8 70 13.0 75 16.2 80 21.6 85 32.4 90 Nordberg Diesel engines include direct connected generator units for central municipal and industrial power stations, also direct connection to Nordberg two-stage air compressors, centrifugal pumps, belt drive to ammonia compressors, gear drive to plunger pumps, etc. Details of Construction: The illustrations show the general design of the Nordberg engine. It will be noted that open frame construction has been adopted on this type of Diesel. This renders the running gear easily accessible for inspection. However, the openings between frames are closed by means of light weight, oil tight, removable guards. Bedplates are of the closed pit tyipe for collection of lubricating oil. Cylinder barrels consist of removable liners, at the middle of which are 264 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES located the exhaust ports. Cylinders, heads, pistons, exhaust pipes, cross- head pins and cross-head guides are water cooled. The absence of ex- haust valves in two cycle engines simplifies the construction of the cyl- inder head and renders the cooling of it more uniform, thus eliminating danger of cracking. This is often the case when the construction of Diesels is such that sudden heat temperatures or lack of cooling seriously effects the plant, causing damage. Cross-Sectional Vieic Through Nordberg Engine. Note Coolers, Air Suc- tion Regulating Valve, Water Circulating System, Crosshead Guides, Scavenging Values, etc. Locating the scavenging valves in the cylinder head considerably strengthens the head and placing scavenging valves as found on the Nordiberg-Carels engine makes very effective and uniform cooling. The use of crosshead allows a larger clearance between cylinder ana piston, eliminating all danger of the piston seizing in the cylinder. In particular should this be beneficial when the engine is working under heavy load or prepared to be shut down. The importance of this detail can hardly be over-estimated, as serious accidents have occurred in the so-called "trunk-piston" design. DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 265 A special feature of the Nordberg engine is the crankshaft, which is of the "built up" type. The crank pin and crank webs are made from one solid forging and the shaft sections pressed in and keyed. This construction is highly commendable and adds to the perma- nency of this engine. Fuel atomizing, scavenging, and air starting valves are shown in cross-sectional illustration. The fuel valve is of the closed type, the needle of which is closed by means of an outside spring and opened by a cam. This needle is easily removable for inspection without taking the balance of the valve apart. The fuel valve is adapted to handle fuels varying from a very light oil down to high asphaltum such as Mexican fuel oil, and those of similarity on ithe Pacific Coast of 12 Baume. Each cylinder is provided with its own fuel pump, which is of the plunger type, eccentric driven from the cam shaft. Any pump can be cut out independently of the others and inspected while the engine is in operation. Means for priming are provided. Close and accurate regulation is obtained by the use of a (Sensitive, rigidly constructed type of governor, driven 'by the cam shaft by means of an elastic drive, making the rotation of the governor uniform and ithus increasing its accuracy. The regulation of the engine speed is accom- plished by varying the quantity of the fuel oil introduced to the fuel valve. The governor acts upon the fuel pump by passing the fuel in greater or less quantities, according to the power demand. Air for starting and fuel atomizing is supplied by a three stage single acting compressor, direct connected to the engine and provided with inter-coolers. Compressor valves are of circular plate type, no valve gear being required. The engines are provided with an automatic oiling system complete with filter, pumps, etc. Cylinders are lubricated 'by independent mechan- ically operated oil pumps. In, addition to having feeds from the oiling system, the main bearings are of the ring oiling type. A cooling coil is provided in the overhead tank to insure proper cooling of lubricating oil. A fuel oil filter and fuel heating arrangement is included. Fuel oil passes from the filter to the fuel pumps through a heated header. 266 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES MclNTOSH & SEYMOUR DIESELS In the illustration of the Mclntosh & Seymour 390 indicated horse- power engine, a type of light but strong construction is .shown. In par- ticular the accessibility to vital parts during operation will be noticed. Both frame and base are well ribbed to insure the proper stiffness and strength. On this size, the cylinders and frame are cast in one piece, the cylinders being arranged in sets of three. (Chapter VIII, page 166). 1Z440 Diagram of Kingsoury Thrustbearing Extensively Used on Medium Sized Mclntosh & Seymour Diesel Engines With Great Results The control consists of only two levers, one to control the fuel and starting air, and the other the maneuvering. The first half of the move- ment of the fuel lever on the quadrant controls the stroke of the fuel pumps, which regulates the amount of fuel delivered to the cylinders and DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 267 consequently the speed of the engine; the second half of the movement is used in starting. This opens the relay valve and admits the starting air to the cylinders. The reversing is accomplished by turning 'the re- versing wheel. This can be done in a short time, as from three to five seconds. The attached compressor is driven from the forward end of the crank- shaft. This ooinipress'or is 'three stage and the air is thoroughly cooled between the stages and after the high stage, by inter-and after-coolers. A Kingsbury thrust bearing is attached directly to the base of the engine. This thrust bearing is of the late type and is noted for its relia- bility and efficiency. In the illustration of the 1200 I.H.P., such as installed on the Motor Ship "Kennecott", it represents the cross-head type of Marine Engine. The bases have the same arrangement of bearing girder that the smaller engines have, which gives the base great stiffness, so imperative in marine engineering. The engine is arranged with individual frames, each frame being of the same general arrangement as the corresponding section of the box frame on the smaller engines. These individual frames are held tight together on the front by the guide plate, which is attached at the top and bottom with fitted bolts and on the back by a tie plate also tolted by fitted bolts; this tie plate being arranged to carry the cooling water pipes for the pistons. All of these crosshead type engines are arranged for water-cooled pistons, as when cross-heads are used, the piston >cooling 'piping can be so arranged that there will 1 be no chance for any cooling water to get into the lubricating oil. A diaphragm is fitted below the cylinder with a packing ring around the piston rod so that no water can get into the working parts, and this also prevents any excess lubricating oil from getting on the cylinders, so that pressure lubrication can be used on the working parts if it is so desired. Wtith the cross-head type engine, the maneuvering is accomplished by means of air cylinders or an electric motor in designated/ construction. The ifuel being shut off, the maneuvering gear first removes the cam rollers from the cams, then moves the cam shaft endways in similarity to the smaller types, placing the other set of cams under the roller; then it puts the rollers back on the cams; the gear being so arranged that when this is accomplished the fuel lever can be operated and the engine started. It will be interesting here to give some minor details on the accom- plishment of the Mclntosh & Seymour engines on the "Kennecott." The ship was built by the Todd Drydock & Construction Company, in 1921, for the Alaska Steamship Company. It has a length of 345 feet, a beam of 49 feet 6 inches, and a loaded draft of 22 feet. This vessel is equipped with two Mclntosh & Seymour Heavy Duty cross-head type Diesel marine engines of 1,200 indicated horsepower each, with a nominal full load speed of 140 R.P.M. 268 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 269 All the 'auxiliaries on this vessel are electrically driven, in simi- larity to the M. S. Solitaire, illustrated in other pages, there being no boiler on the vessel. Electricity is furnished by two Mclntosh t & Sey- mour 100 B.H.P. Diesel electric generating sets, one of these being in operation at sea, which drives all the auxiliaries as well as taking care of such heating as there may be. Two of these engines are used in port for operating the winches. This vessel has a deadweight tonnage of 6 y 560, and it averages a little over Wy 2 knots at sea, fully loaded, and has a fuel consumption of about lQ*/ 2 tons per day of regular 16 gravity boiler fuel oil. It has been found with the electric winches on the "Kennecott," that she can handle cargo 50 per cent faster than with steam equipment and with a fuel consumption when in port of four barrels per day. Commercially, the "Kennecott" is of interest from the fact that it can make money at rates where a steam vessel has to be operated at a loss. The illustration of the Mclntosh & Seymour Diesel engine gives an excellent view of the modern type of this respective make. While in smaller sizes the trunk piston is preferred, nevertheless in larger classi- fication the cross-head type seems to find greater favor. The general construction of Mclntosh & Seymour's engines are exceedingly rigid. The base is made very stiff by arranging the bolting between the frame and the base so as to give a very short, effective length of the bearing girder, giving great strength and stiffness with a minimum depth of base. The frame is of the box type, with large openings for each crank, and the ribs which form the sides of these openings extend clear across the frame with an arch over the bearing cap, which gives a frame of great stiffness and rigidity with a minimum weight. On the small sizes, the cylinder jackets are cast in one piece with this box frame, and on the larger sizes the cylinders are cast separately and bolted to the frame. The. air compressor is of the three stage type and is driven from an overhung crank on the forward end of the crankshaft. The trunk piston types of engine have forced feed lubrication for the cylinders, piston pins and the compressor, and have gravity pressure lubrication for the main bearings and crank pins so as to avoid any excess lubricating oil getting in the cylinders. The smaller sizes of trunk piston type of engines are maneuvered by hand. The fuel being >shut off, the first turn of maneuvering hand wheel removes the camrollers from the cams, the next two turns of the wheel moves the cam shaft endways, placing another set of cams under the rollers, and the fourth turn puts the cam rollers back on the cams; the gear being so arranged that until this operation is complete, the fuel lever cannot be moved. To demonstrate the ease of maneuvering the Mclntosh & Seymour engines of the trunk type, we will refer back to this subject. The con- trol consists of only two levers, one to control the fuel and starting air, 270 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES and the other the maneuvering. The first half of the movement of the full lever on the quadrant controls the stroke of the fuel pumps, which regulates the amount of fuel delivered to the cylinder and consequently the speed of the engine; the second half of the movement is used in starting. This opens the relay valve and admits the starting air to the cylinders. The reversing is accomplished by turning the reversing wheel. Three turns of the wheel is all that is necessary to completely reverse the engine. This can be done in ias short a time as from three to five seconds. A Kingsbury thrust bearing is attached directly to the base of the engine. This thrust bearing is of the latest type and is noted for its reliability and efficiency. COMPARISON TABLE OF THERMAL EFFICIENCY, OVER ALL Of Diesel Station and Three Types of Steam Stations, all Operated Under the Same Management. (Mclntosh & Seymour Diesel) Plant A Plant B Plant C Plant D Rating of plant 1050 kw. 1300 kw. 1050 1055 Type of plant Diesel Steam Tur. Steam Eng. Gas Engine Number of units 333 4 Fuel used-- Oil Oil and Coal Gas and Coal Gas Average station factor, per cent: 96.6 11,734 71.8 11,822 49.0 __. 46.3 .__ 13,556 34.0 32.0 23.6 _ . 18,203 B. T. U. per KW. Hour 27,000 43.200 26.100 REPORT OF TEST ON MclNTOSH & SEYMOUR DIESEL ENGINE (500 B.H.P.) IN A MODERN POWER PLANT OPERATING MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENT. Percentage of rated load ___ 25.6 51.0 Revolutions per minute _ 168 167 Brake horse power 128.2 255 Time of test (in hours) % Vz Fuel consump. per B.H.P.-Hr. (Ibs.) 584 .432 Injection pressure (Ibs.) 750 775 Exhaust gas appearance Clear Clear Inlet temp, of cooling water (P.) 69 69 Outlet temp, of cooling water (F.) 150 150 Temperature in testing room (F.) 73 73 75.8 99.6 114.8 166 163 168 379 498 574 % 1 1 .396 .393 .388 800 800 900 Clear Clear Clear 69 69 69 158 158 158 72 78 79 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 271 272 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF NELSECO MARINE AND STATIONARY DIESEL ENGINES. As will be observed in accompanying illustrations of the 600 B.H.P. Nelseco engine, the six working cylinders of the engine are in line with the single three stage air compressor at the forward end. Forward of the air compressor is the fuel pump and governor. The bedplate and housing are of exceptionally rigid design and construction, the housing being carried right up to the tops of the cylinders and the cylinder-liners forced into the housing with a space between which forms the water- jacket. Detachable cylinder-heads are bolted directly to the top of the housing. All of the valves in the cylinder head are arranged horizontally, and are operated from the camshaft, which is carried in brackets on the side of the housing by means of vertical rocker arms. Section Through Working Cylinder of Nelseco 600 B.H.P. Engine. DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 273 With this design there is a space of about six inches between the injection valve nozzle and the piston top, which aids good combustion and prevents burning and cracking of the pistons. It has been suggested that undue wear of the lower side of the valve-stems may be caused by the weight of the valve being constantly borne at one point, but in actual practice this has not transpired, nor is any detrimental effect anticipated by the designers. The camshaft and, much of the valve gear, are enclosed in a casing and driven by a train of spur-gears from the crankshaft, located in the middle of the engine between working cylinder numbers three and four. We will mention that the bearings at both ends of the connecting rod, as well as every other important bearing on the engine, are adjust- able, which is an important feature in the case of a marine-engine, where shims occasionally have to be taken out. Large openings are provided in the sides of the housing to permit a free access to the crankcase. Section Through A. C. Cylinder o/ 600 B.H.P. Nelseco Diesel Engine. 274 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES "b o o w 8 I DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 275 As already stated, the air compressor is of the three stage type. In this case the piston is driven from the crankshaft by means of a con> necting rod and cross head. Advantage is taken of. this opportunity to separate the compressor cylinders entirely from the crankcase, provid- ing an accessible machine as well as avoidance of all trouble due 'to lubricating oil in the cylinders, which was a fault found too frequently in early Marine Diesel engines, and occasionally met with even today. For fuel injection, fuel pumps provide a separate plunger for each working cylinder, and is driven directly from the crankshaft by means of a vertical shaft and suitable gearing. On this vertical shaft is mounted the governor, which is of the constant-speed type for engines designed to drive generators, and of the limit-speed type for direct-connected marine engines. All controls and also the- reversing gear for the directly Nelseco 600 B.H.P., 200 R.P.M. Diesel Engine, looking astern. Note the valve actuating arrangement. 276 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES reversible marine engines are located at the forward end of the engine and on the upper platform, that is, at the fuel pump and air compressor end, and here, of course, the operator's station is located. In the case of generator engines, only three cylinders are fitted with air starting valves, but for direct reversible engines it is necessary to fit all of the working cylinders with air starting valves. Starting air for this purpose is taken from storage tanks, and a maximum of 350 pounds pressure is used. Independently driven circulating water and lubricating oil pumps are provided, as the Nelseco designers consider this the most satisfactory method, but provision is made for fitting direct connected pumps at the forward end of the engine in such special cases as it may seem advisable or necessary. Provision is made for ample water jackets on all parts of the engine which require cooling, and the arrangements of connection areas are such that there is a free flow of circulating water from the inlet to the overboard discharge from the exhaust headed jacket. Section Through Cam Shaft Gear Compartment o/ Nelseco 600 B. H. P. 200 R.P.M. Diesel Engine. DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 277 For the lubricating of the engine, the system used can best be de- scribed by calling it a gravity forced-feed. With this system the lubri- cating oil flows from the gravity tank, which is at a sufficient height above the engine crankshaft to give the proper pressure to the main bearings, then through holes in the crankshaft to the crankpins, and up the inside of the connecting rods to the wrist pins. The crankcase is enclosed and all surplus oil drains to a suitable formed trough in the bottom of the bedplate from whence it is pumped back through suitable strainers to the gravity tank. All of the important bearings are thus under forced lubrication and a free flow of oil is circulating through them at all times. Oil Pump Arrangement of Ntlseco 600 B. H. P. 200 R. P. M. Diesel Engine. 278 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES The camshaft parts are oiled by splash from oil carried in the bottom of the trough of the camshaft casing. All cylinders and exhaust valves stems are taken care of by mechanical oilers, and the minor valve gear bearings are fitted with oil cups for hand oiling. For large freighters, passenger vessels and tankers up to about 12,000 tons D.W.C., and 4,000 H.P., this engine is made non-reversible and used in conjunction with electric transmission. In these cases several engines make up the total power required, although any one herewith given of late -adopted styles of engines for cargo-carriers of 5,000 to 6,000 tons displacement. In this type of vessel the average daily fuel consumption is about 25 tons of oil. The average speed is calculated on 11 knots per hour. The engine and propeller speed, 80 R.P.M. Engine room crew of 15 men. The dimensions are I.H.P. 1,750; shaft H,P. cylinder diameter 24.803 in.; stroke 51.181 in.; revolutions 100; length from aft coupling to front of compressor 10,500 mm.; height from center of crankshaft to top of valves 6,600 mm. The most interesting features of this new type of engine are the cylinder head and cylinder liner. The heads are nearly square and are supported by distance pieces which stand on the "A" frames. The heads Diagram of Burmeister & Wain Marine Diesel Engine, Showing Front View of Force-feed Fuel Pressure Pump. DESCRIPTION OP DIESEL ENGINES 283 are bolted together, three and three. Long bolts pass from the main frame, thru the "A" frames and distance pieces, and between the heads, each nut pressing down on two heads. The long bolts also have nuts at the .top of the "A" frames. The liners are bolted directly to the head, without any packing, iron to Iron. Outside the liner, bolted to the head with a gasket is the water jacket, which packs off against the liner near the lower end with a rubber 1 ring. This allows the liner perfect freedom to expand. The inner shell of the cylinder head is well braced by four stays. The cooling water enters at the lower end of the jacket and most Diagram of Burmeister & Wain Diesel Engine. looking astern. Cross-Sectional View 284 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES of it is made to pass into the cylinder head at the opposite side by a baffle-ring inside the jacket. The water space in the head is very large, insuring effective cooling around all valves. In order that the removal of the piston downward instead of by re- moving the head, may not be too complicated, it has been made oil-cooled instead of water-cooled, as in previous builds. To remove the piston, it is brought almost to top center, the cross- head shoe is blocked up, the cross-head bearings taken apart, and the connecting rod lowered by turning the crank almost to bottom center while lowering the upper end of the connecting rod with a chiain hoist, so that it rests on the outboard side of the main frame. The outlet and inlet valves are removed, eye-bolts screwed into the piston head, and the piston is lowered through the top plate so that the cross-head pin rests on beams placed across the main frame. It can then be inspected or even removed. The top plate differs from the ordinary construction in thiat it has a hole large enough to permit passage of the piston, this hole being closed by two semi-circular plates, which contain a scrape- ring for the piston rod. The frame for the gear-train stands in the center but is separate from the "A" frames. The three fore and the three aft cylinder heads are bolted together with horizontal bolts. This construction allows the en- gine to weave slightly, too great rigidity having been found detrimental. The main frame and "A" frame are largely of "I" section. The air compressor is of the latest Burmeister /t Wain three stage design, di- rectly connected to the crankshaft at its forward end, having its own base frame bolted to the main frame, though its "A" frame and cylinders stand free. Other parts of the motor are in general Burmeister & Wain standard, with such small refinements as experience has made desirable. One new feature of this engine which deserves mention takes the form of a metric scale and hand-control wheel regulating the clearance or varying the lift of the fuel valves, enabling the engine to run at very slow speed. At the after end of the engine room are the lubricating oil pumps, supplying lubricating oil to the engine, while a fuel pump is stationed near the bulk-head for the purpose of pumping the oil from the tanks to the daily service -tanks. It is interesting to note that the Burmeister & Wain engineers strict- ly adhere to the four-cycle principle, and following reasons are advanced, which impartially we are 'giving here. In the Diesel engine, combustion and process of work take place in the same unit, and thereby differs from the steam engine, where the combustion .takes place in the furnace. The heat is transferred to the water in the boiler, whilst the work is developed in the engine. It is therefore a well known fact, that if the boiler is forced, furnace and tubes will be affected by the fire and the economy of the plant be anni- hilated, seeing that a considerable loss of heat is caused by the DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 285 products of combustion leaving the funnel without having been cooled down. The same is the case with the Diesel engines. If too great a quan- tity of fuel per hour is combustioned in these, the surfaces are too in- tensely heated, and will become scorched and destroyed, as the heat can- not penetrate the walls to the surrounding cooling water. Also a con- siderable economical loss is caused, through the -temperature of the exhaust gases being too high. Diagram, Showing Cross-Sectional View of Burmeister & Wain Marine Diesel Engine. However, in comparing steam-plants with Diesel plants a thorough difference will be found, because in a boiler the useful heat passes to the water through the heating surface, whereas in a Diesel engine, the lost 286 DESCRIPTION OP DIESEL ENGINES heat passes through the surface of the cylinder to the cooling water. A standard for the strain of the boiler is how many kilograms of coal are burned per hour in proportion to the (principal dimensions; likewise the standard strain of the Diesel engine is how many kilograms of oil are burned per hour in proportion to its 'principal dimensions. It is imma- terial, whether this takes place in a four-stroke cycle or in a two-stroke cycle system. On the other hand the economy with which , the combus- tion takes place is of the mo,st eminent significance, because the heat, which is not transformed into useful work, i. e., the heat lost, will partly be passed through the cylinder walls to the cooling waiter, partly dis- appears in the heat of the exhaust. It is the lost heat that strains the most important parts of the engine. Burmeister & Wains engineers contend that the four-stroke cycle engine is the most economical as its consumption is 15 to 20 per cent less than that of the two-stroke cycle; consequently the four-stroke cycle is the type that causes the least strain on the material; the four cycle system is therefore absolutely in their opinion to be adaptable. Upon entering more fully into the details of the two motor types, the four cycle shows, compared to the two-cycle, in every respect advan- tages which in concentrated form are the following: (1) The time the inner surfaces of the cylinder and cover are ex- posed to the high temperature o combustion, is in the four-cycle motor only half the corresponding time of that in the two-cycle, the cooling of the inner surfaces during the suction stroke is more effective in the four- cycle motor, consequently the four-cycle works as a whole far cooler than the two-cycle at the same development of power. (2) In the four-cycle the piston speed allowable is higher, and as the mean temperature is lower, the work can be performed with a higher mean pressure. Therefore a four-cycle of the same weight and outer dimensions develops the same horsepower, or more. (3) The four-cycle engine having no scavenging air pump with appurtenant air receivers nor any larger scavenging air channels, the construction of the engine becomes more simple and easy. Dimensions are reduced, and the engine works more noiselessly. (4) The four-cycle engine can work more regularly at low revolu- tions, and is able to go perfectly "dead slow" as well as any marine steam engine. This is not the case with the two-cycle, because the pres- sure of compression is smaller owing to the pressure of the scavenging air being reduced, when the engine is running slow. (5) The whole valve gear of the four-cycle works with half the number of revolutions of that of the 'two-cycle, this gives a softer and more silent running and less wear and tear on the different parts. (6) For the reason above mentioned not only the additional quan- tity of oil used in a two-cycle engine to develop one H.P. is lost, but the heat thus produced strains the engine excessively, shortens its life and increases ithe overhauling costs, so that the additional consumption of fuel oil is in more than one sense lost. This is the case particularly in DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 287 large engines of high, horsepower, by reason of the large cylinder dimen- sions requiring proportionately heavier castings and consequently, it is very important not to conduct greater quantities of heat than neces- sary through the cylinder walls in order not to strain the material. The deitails of the marine Diesel engine are designed with the par- ticular requirements of each single part in veiw, and as these are different from those of a marine steam engine, the structure and appearance of a marine Diesel engine are quite diverging from that of an ordinary ma- rine engine. The Burmeister & Wain Diesel engines follow closely the de- sign of their steam marine engines. This particularly applies to crank- shafts, main bearings, connecting rods, crossheads and guide shoes. The air compressor, by which the air for the fuel injection is com- pressed up to a pressure of 60 atmospheres, forms a most important part of a Diesel engine. For this purpose the type used is of their own de- sign, combined with the engine. The engine is direct reversible and may be built in capacities ranging from 200 to 8,000 H.P. In large types of ships the installation is of the twin-screw system. The two engines work independently. A Diesel ship of large capacity is usually equipped with double bottom tanks, to have sufficient fuel oil to carry it along for 31,000 miles, while the steamer's bunker of ordinary size can only carry enough bunker coal or oil to carry it along for an average of 4,800 miles. Engines formerly used, built by the Burmeister & Wain Company, were of the two-cycle system, after experimenting with the four-cycle type, the company succeeded in developing a four-cycle engine, which, on the same revolution, accomplished the same effective horsepower, had the same length, the same breadth, but smaller height and weighed \y 2 tons less than the two-cycle of a corresponding horsepower. The total weight of the engine in question, was 9 tons; that of the two- cycle 10y 2 tons. Moreover, the 'consumption of fuel oil in the four- cycle engine was 17 per cemt less. Seven of 'these engines have been supplied to the Danish Navy. These engines develop 450 E.H.P. at 500 revolutions per minute, and owing to their lighter weight and elegant construction they are especially suitable for fast running motor boats and yachts. The engine can be made to other dimensions if required. Of similar special engines we mention a 600 E.H.P. direct re- versible marine engine of 280 revolutions per minute built for the Societe Anonyme John Cockerill, Seraing, Belgium, for river service on the Upper Kongo. This engine is a type somewhat heavier than that aforementioned, but considering the small draft of these vessels and the consequential small diameter of the propellers they are naturally rather fast running. 288 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES A new designed type of engine with an extra long stroke and having a corresponding low number of revolutions especially suitable for single- screw cargo ships, are now building. These engines are intended for slow going cargo ships and can, owing to the low number of revolutions, be fitted with large propellers, thereby giving the vessel a particularly good speed in bad weather, as well as a great maneuvering capacity; likewise a good control of the vessel is obtained, which is important when sailing in marrow waters or maneuvering in or out of port. Owing to their low number of revolutions these engines are of course, a little more expensive to build per H.P. They present on the other hand, such advantages that will quickly pay to u&e this somewhat more costly engine for the purpose mentioned. The company has adopted a standard size varying from 300 to 550 H.P. They are particularly well suited for replacing smaller steam plants of old vessels. This smaller type are direct reversible. The reversing gear is based on special patents and is of a different design from that adapted for the cross-head main engines, previously described, being specially suitable for the smaller trunk engines. The smaller, reversible type of engines are always of the 6 cylinder construction; this number of cylinders gives the engine perfect balance so necessary in marine work in particular. These engines are particu- larly suitable fosf installation in the stern of the vessel, thus obtaining the advantage of a clear and unobstructed hold. The engines can be used for single-screw as well as for twin-screw vessels. With this new design of marine Diesel engines there can under all circumstances be attained an excellent propulsion, but it is also neces- sary to build a special type, as the marine Diesel engines designed for twin-screw vessels will not yield good results in a single screw vessel, which is quite analogous with experience gained with steamers. STANDARD MARINE DIESEL ENGINES FOR SINGLE-SCREW SHIPS (Burmeister & Wain Types) Number of Type Cylinders for Engine 6 x 125 6 6 x 150 6 6 x 200 6 6 x 250 6 6 x 275 6 6 x 300 6 6 x 400 . 6 Corresponding Revolutions I. H. P. I. H. P. Per Min. Normal for Steamers 84 750 680 84 950 850 82 1150 1030 77 1350 1210 75 1600 1400 72 1900 1650 70 2300 2000 Long Stroke Cross Head Engines for Ocean Going Single-Screw Cargo Ships Adapted to a Speed of 9 to 12 Knots. DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 289 THE WINTON MARINE DIESEL ENGINE The principal features of the Winton Diesels are: The use of an enclosed crankcase, trunk pistons instead of the usual cross-head arrange- ment, and crankshaft bolted up to its bearings, which are mounted in the upper half of the crankcase. The engines, which are of the four-cycle construction, are 'produced in the following three sizes: Six cylinder, 11x14 inches, known as Model W35; Six cylinder, 13x18 inches, known ia-s Model W24A; Eight cylinder, 13x18 inches, known as Model W40. Air Compressor: The fuel is forced into the cylinder, against the compression, by a pressure averaging about 850 to 900 pounds per square inch. The compressor furnishing the air is located on the forward end of the engine. It is of the three istage construction. The compressor piston is of the trunk type and is operated by a connecting rod, which is a duplicate of the connecting rod in the power cylinders and a single- throw, counter-weighted crankshaft which is bolted to the main shaft, the throw being somewhat less than that of the power shaft. Following each stage of compression the air is water-cooled, so that on delivery it is at normal temperature. The capacity of the air compressor is considerably in excess of that required for the injection of the fuel and provides for the initial charging and maintenance of pressure in the storage tanks, or air bottles, which are used for starting the engine. There are two .sets of these air bottles, one carrying the air at about 600 pounds pressure per square inch, which is admitted to the cylinders in turn, to force the pistons down, starting the engine rotating. The second set of air bottles carries air at 1,000 to 1,200 pounds per square inch. This is used to inject the fuel into the cylinders. As soon as fuel is injected, combustion takes place, performing the cycle of operation. Injection Operation: The valve timing conforms to costumary prac- tice. The governor is of the fly- III t-l II jl a -i U5 CO OS CO S ^H ot-CO C- rH t- OO O 1 coooia ^ "^ . ^ rH O^ ^ K OO O5 OO Oi Od 00 * tJ . M O rH O CO rH rH rH U5 t- rH OO rH ^ 05 CO gj (M TjH CO C 9 ed > P o UJ 25 11 o S 00 (rq rH 00 rH CO MO rH D rH U5 * II rH -^ M ' ^ -o .2 r 3 | S 3 * I s ~ ti

W Q) >-^ fl O O Q tf 5 ^ ft EH s^Sfi ^5 55 o oi M *522 a o^ -S ^ rd ^5 O 'S 1 1 o I 298 DESCRIPTION OP DIESEL ENGINES Details of "Vickers" Solid Injection Engines One of the problems in connection with the development of the marine oil engine in motorships which ia attracting the greatest atten- tion among engineers concerned with this branch of engineering is the efficacy of the solid injection system, as compared with the ordinary blast or pressure injection principle which has hitherto been mainly adopted for motors for mercantile service. For this reason, if for no other, the latest types of Vickers engine deserves (mention. As perhaps the fuel system is of the greatest interest from the en- gineering standpoint, we will first deal with the arrangement ado.pted. which is novel in many respects. The principle lies in forcing fuel oil at about 4,000 Ibs. per square inch direct into the cylinder through a special type of valve in the cylinder cover a system which has been used by Vickers for many years past on all their 'submarine, monitor and tanker engines, and has proved its reliability under arduous conditions. The fuel is supplied under this pressure by means of a small battery of four pumps of the ordinary plunger type. The plungeirs are driven from four eccentrics operated from the horizontal shaft, which itself is driven by spur gearing from the crankshaft. The fuel from these pumps is taken through a small box to the main pipe line and thence a pipe is tapped off to each cylinder in connection with a small shut-off cock in each case. It would be difficult to devise any simpler arrangement, and the choice of four pumips is merely a matter of convenience, having no direct relationship to the number of cylinders. There is a hand pump close to the main fuel pumps for ipriming the pipes, with a delivery to the .fuel box. The control of pressure of oil fuel is effected through a small lever acting on the suction valve of the pumps in the usual manner through a spindle. This pressure, wMch can easily be .maintained at practically 4,000 Ibs. per square inch, can also be varied within smaller limits by another small 'hand wheel. Its effect is the same as that of the lever. We will now deal with the valve gear and method of control, which, owing to the singular method employed should be carefully studied. The camshaft ibeing driven by gearing by means of a sloping shaft, which is itself driven from the crankshaft through bevel gearing, sup- plied by forced lubrication from the main bearing oil lubricating system at a pressure of about 20 Ibs. per square inch. On this camshaft are itwo side-fcy-side cams for the operating of each valve exhaust, fuel, inlet, and starting. These cams are enclosed. No mechanically operated start- ing valve is needed in the cylinder cover, where there is only a non- return valve a simplification with some advantages. The exhaust valve, inlet valve, and fuel valve are operated by levers; the levers being mounted on the maneuvering shaft and actuated from the cams on the camshaft. The method of reversing can now easily be followed, since it is clear that (the following operations have to be carried out: DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 299 1. The valve levers have to be lifted off the cams on the camshaft. 2. The camshaft has to be moved fore and aft to bring the astern cams underneath the rollers of the valve levers, after which the levers must be dropped down again on the cams. 3. Compressed air has to be admitted to all six cylinders, then two have to be placed on fuel and four on air; next, two on air and four on fuel, and finally all on fuel. If the engine is running when the order is given to stop, 'the hand wheel is turned to stop position as indicated on the dial. This causes a partial rotation of the spindle, which raises or lowers the rods. These are attached to sleeves, on which the levers operating the fuel valves are eccentrically mounted. The other end of the lever on the fuel valve cam is, therefore, raised from the cam by this operation and is only brought down on to the cam at the right moment by the movement of the starting wheel. In other words, when the engine is in the stop .posi- tion the fuel valves and starting air valves are automatically out of operation until the hand wheel is moved. Assuming the engine is stopped after having been running ahead, and the order is received to go astern, the reversing lever is moved from the back position to the front. This putsi compressed air on the Servo motor, which by means of a rack motion, first partially rotates the hori- zontal shaft which lifts the exhaust and inlet valve levers off their cams through the link, then causes the lever to move fore and aft, giving the corresponding motion to the camshaft, after which, by the continued rotation of the shaft and the movement of the link, the valve levers are once more brought down on to the cams. Only when this complete movement has been effected is it possible to move the starting wheel. Immediately the cams are in the astern iposition this starting wheel is rotated by hand until ithe indicator on the dial shows that air being supplied to all six cylinders through the distributing valves behind this wheel. There are three of these valves with three main pipes, each leading to two of 'the starting valves. The engine then starts uip on air, after which, with an almost imperceptible pause, the starting wheel is turned to the next position indicated on the dial, namely two cylinders on fuel and four on air. This is accomplished by the rotation of the spindle as previously mentioned, allowing two of the fuel valve levers to come down on their cams. Further rotation of the starting wheel ported by cast-iron frames on the crosshead guide block and by the opposite guide block columns which are bolted to same. The cylinder block and the .guide block are again supported by lower columns, which rest on and are bolted to the bed- plate. Heavy steel tie rods run from the top of the cylinder block through the bottom of the bedplate, with nuts on each end. With this design, each set of three cylinders has one -combined cross- head guide block, which is supported by lower column's. After lifting four tie-rods on one side of the engine, these small columns are taken out and the crankshaft can then be removed. The built-up crankshaft is 10% inches in diameter. The main bear- ings are of the square box type, the square boxes carrying the bottom brasses, which are made iso that they can be rotated and come clear. The piston rods pass through stuffing boxes of the drip pans which collect carbon and used oil from the cylinders and prevent same leaking into the lower oil-tight part of the engine, which is provided with forced lubrication. The lubricating oil enters through the binder of each main bearing and is forced through the crankshaft to the crankpin and through the hollow connecting rod to the crosshead. A drip pan bolted under and to the bedplate collects the return oil, which is again pumped by an electrically driven pumip through strainers back to the main bearings. The cylinder and cylinderhead are cast in one piece. It provides an efficient water-cooling around the cylinder top, and furthermore increases the cooling water circulation between the valve housings. In casting the cylinder and head in one piece, allowance has been made for easy examination or removal of the piston from below. This is done by placing the crank on the bottom center and dropping the cylinder extension or skirt onto the drip pan, which then exposes the full length and top of the piston and allows for easy removal of the rings. By the loosening of four bolts on the end of piston rod, the piston can be lifted down. The piston is air cooled and provided with eight rings. The intake and exhaust valves are of cast iron, with steel steins. The fuel needle can be easily removed and ground in place while the engine is running. 302 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 303 This also applies to the safety valve, which at the same time is used as relief valve, its spring being relieved while the engine is reversed. All valve springs are outside the valve cage, in order to keep them cool and free for inspection. The engine is fitted with the new Werkspoor reversing gear. The rockers are mounted on skew eccentrics, keyed to the reversing shaft, which, when turned over 180 degrees, lift and transfer the rocker rollers from the ahead to the astern cams, and vice versa. The camshaft is actuated 'by four connecting rods from the half- time shaft below, which is driven by a spur gear from the main crank- shaft. The gear wheel on the lower-half-time shaft contains the governor, which acts on the fuel pump when the engine speeds up over 165 revo- lutions per minute. The lower half-time shaft carries two eccentrics, each operating a set of three plungers of the fuel pump, which is bolted on the bedplate at the maneuvering stand. The fuel pump has to take care of an equal fuel distribution to all fuel needles, and therefore has a separate plunger for each cylinder. Each plunger delivers fuel only when its suction valve is closed. The suction valves are lifted by two rockers which are actuated by the crossheads of the pump and which pivot "around an accentric. The pivot- ing points of these rockers are lowered or raised by turning the eccentric through either the hand levers on the maneuvering stand or through the action of the governor. When lowered, the suction valves close earlier and the pump delivers more fuel; when raised, the suction valves close later and the pump delivers less fuel. Three adjusting screws in each of said rockers, one under each suction valve, allow an accurate adjustment of the amount of fuel to each cylinder. A pyrometer in each exhaust enables the engineer to check the amount of fuel fed to each cylinder in comparison with the others. The fuel from the fuel pump passes through a manifold which is placed on top of the frame between the two cylinder blocks. This mani- fold contains a second delivery valve for each fuel plunger, and is called the cut-out block, as it carries two cut-out valves for the injection air, one to each set of three cylinders. These two valves are operated by the (hand levers from the maneuvering station. There are also six spindle valves for the purpose of cutting out, 'by hand, the injection air to each cylinder separately if ever found neces- sary. The air compressor is provided with crossheads and is driven by a crankshaft which is ibolted to the forward end of the main crankshaft. The compressor piston rods run through stuffing tboxes of a dia- phragm drip-pan. The cylinder liners and the three corresponding coolers are set in one oast-iron block, which forms at the same time a water jacket. This arrangement allows the pistons and coolers to be easily removed from the top. 304 DESCRIPTION OP DIESEL ENGINES Besides delivering air to the injection air-bottle, the air compressor charges the starting air bottles from the intermediate pressure cooler. The air inlet to the low pressure cylinder can be regulated by hand. All valves are of the plain disc type. The engine is reversed from the maneuvering station by an air ram, cushioned by an oil cylinder and connected to a vertical shaft fitted with a gear rack w.hich rotates the camshaft 180 degrees to the ahead or astern position. At the maneuvering station are two hand levers, each of which con- trols at the same time the starting air and fuel supply to the engine. On the right of the maneuvering station are the forced feed lubri- cators for the (main- cylinders and those of the air compressor, while directly on the left are pressure gauges for lubricating oil, low pressure air, intermediate pressure air, starting air, and injection air. On the bedplate at the maneuvering station are mounted the high pressure fuel pump and a fuel hand pump, all placed at ia central point from which the engineer can watch the action of the engines. While the Werkspoor engine has 'been patterned after their original design, nevertheless for use in the United States considerable depar- tures from European mechanical arrangements are considered advisable by American manufacturers. .As is universal with four-cycle marine engines, the valves are actuated by cams on the horizontal camshaft. Inasmuch as the Werkspoor engines are adhering to cross-head con- struction, thence the piston rod is short, the cylinders are supported by vertical steel cylindrical columns. The inclined cast-iron columns being mainly for the purpose of taking the thrust due to the connecting rod. Following the usual procedure of four-cycle engines, the arrange- ments of the valves are in similarity to the Burmeister & Wain, Mclntosh & Seymour, etc., there being four in the cover of each cylinder. The fuel inlet valve, being located in the center is notable for its difference from valves of this kind of other types of machinery in Diesel construc- tion. Where springs are used to hold the same in its seat, a lever attach- ment serves to hold the same securely in its place, the valve in this case being held down by a spring on one side exerting its pressure at one end and acting against the force of the cam, the lever assisting in its functioning. A valve of this kind may easily be replaced and at all times can be quickly examined. The reversing method of the Werkspoor is exceedingly simple. Sim- ilar to the four-cycle large types of engines its procedure is carried out. The maneuvering levers are raised clear of the cams, the consequential shifting of the cam sihafts back and forward accomplishing the reversing, which is followed after this with bringing the levers back in desired position. DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 305 o o oo s CO * b o 10 oo os IO 02 o S o rH 00 Tt< 10 IO O5 * CO rH tfl * d CO O C- OS CO O IO r? *, sr 8 S s O rH b 10 CO os 00 0) CM CM IO ^ CM IO t3 CT$ 3 CO 000 IO O rH S CO O 00 CO . 10 ^t o5 C^* CM O | kO rH rH i co o LO o LO CO to co CP ^3 i 2 rH CM -* fe o N rH rH i v W2 s 72 O O "5 ^ to ^ ^^ ' f 3 co CM ^ O O CO co CO S OO rH rH 00 rH rH *""^ CO 11 rH CO 0> rH s o o 10 5 05 10 * 3 M co Hi O 10 1 ^ O 00 T | s CO b C] rH 10 j DC * 5 O> UJ O IO -0 1, CO 10 g K Ul o s CO CO b oo 10 rH CM CM rl o; ^ i-H ^ s^ W ffi O LO IO 3 Z 5 ^ rH rH o CO rH o CO k > f o ti 4- J 'So d HH 35 o S L 53 * $ 3 1 S * M KH P4 6= 306 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES NATIONAL TRANSIT DIESEL ENGINES 307 The National Transit engines have novel departures from the types of older construction. Features, such as advanced pump equipments, modern valve arrangement of exclusive National Transit design, latest compressor construction, etc., are well deserving of highest comment. As will be observed by the accompanying illustrations of the National Transit types of twin engines, as well as double engines, the machines are suitable as factors where the requirements call for stationary power producers. The company has made a study of Diesel engine design cor- responding with modern features of exclusive American principle. Satis- Plan View showing detail arrangement of J5Vz X 24 Twin Oil Engine. 308 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 309 factory results dealing with economy establishments have been noted, principally by adhering to established uniform construction of original designs with added late Improvements. The illustration of the National Transit Twin Oil Engine, of size 15^x24 inches, shows the constructive advantages of this particular classification. Both cylinders and the bedplate are one casting, a signifi- cant feature eliminating undue stresses and assuring rigid construction. Each cylinder is provided with a liner. Three main frame bearings and an outboard bearing are shown sup- porting the flywheel and the crankshaft. Sufficient space is left between the flywheel and main frame to allow the installation of a belt pulley. The lay shaft is driven from the crankshaft by means of out spiral gears. It serves to drive the valve gear, governor, sprayer, air starter and lubri- cating and fuel oil pumps. In this respect it should be noted, that the general arrangement allows accessibility to all parts for inspection or adjustment when the requirement calls for the same. As will be observed from the illustration that the main fuel pumps and governor are mounted together in a single assembly on the right hand side of the main frame. Each fuel pump is driven by an eccentric on the lay shaft, and each side of the engine has a separate fuel pump. The pump plungers are of the differential type, the upper or large part beins hollow and having a cut-off valve seated at its upper end. Each cut-off valve is under direct control of a Jahn's .governor. Each plunger has a full positive stroke with each revolution of the lay shaft. Govern- ing is effected by allowing the cut-off valve to seat at a pre-determined point in the upper-stroke of the plunger, thus delivering to the sprayer a quantity of oil correctly proportioned to the load which the engine is carrying. The governor, as previously stated, is driven by spiral gears from the lay shaft. Spraying is effected by the open nozzle type, and located in (the ex- treme out end. of the combustion chambers. Fuel oil from each fuel pump is deposited in the open channel of each sprayer body. As soon as the valve controlling the compressed injection air opens, this oil is injected into the combustion chamber thoroughly atomized, and is ignited by the process of heat temperature. The problem of suitable material for cylinder heads has been con- sidered on this engine. All cylinder heads are made from specially selected cast iron with large cored water passages. The large water jacket arrangement in no way endangers the thermal efficiency of the engine, but rather acts in harmony with temperature normalizing neces- sary in reliable operation of internal combustion machinery. The intake and exhaust valves operate in cages, either of which is easily withdrawn by removing two nuts. The valves are operated by cams through rocker arms. The cams are mounted on a shaft, in front of and below the cylinder head. This -shaft is driven from the lay shaft by bevel gears. 310 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 311 A single two-stage compressor for spraying the liquid fuel into the power cylinders is bolted to the engine. This compressor is driven by a connecting rod from the main crankshaft of the engine. The piston is of the differential type. The cylinders and also the valves are amply water-jacketed. An inter-receiver, which is virtually an inter-cooler, is provided between the high and low stage air compressor cylinders. The high stage air is discharged at about 1000 Ibs. pressure into a seamless steel discharge pipe which acts as a receiver and which conveys it to the sprayer. THE NORTH BRITISH DIESEL ENGINE This type of engine is of the four-cycle construction. Its eight cyl- inders cast en bloc are of 26 1/3 inches diameter, with 47 inches piston stroke. The shaft horsepower of the engine is rated at 2,000 B.H.P., or 250 B.H.P. per cylinder, and the piston speed at 96 R.P.M. is 817 feet per minute. The engine develops normally at 96 R.P.M., 2,380 indicated horse- power, or 292 I.H.P. per cylinder, equivalent to steam driven machinery where twin engine motor power is installed, to 4,500 I.H.P. In connection with this it should be noted that the engine is rated at the very moderate mean-effective pressure (on B.H.P. basis) of ap proximately 80 Ibs. per square inch. In considering the foregoing figures it should also be remembered that the fuel injection air compressors are not driven from the main engines, but are in twin sets in duplicate driven by auxiliary Diesel engines of the same type as the main engines, but with trunk pistons and run at 250 R.P.M., whereas the main engines are of the single acting cross j head type. All pistons on main engines are internally water cooled, a telescopic pipe and jet system being employed. Its reversing is accomplished by a system of camshaft and eccentric, assisted by levers causing the camshaft to fall and raise in its respective operating position. THE STEINBECKER DIESEL ENGINE (Note. This engine is a late development of exclusive German de- sign. Its remarkable adaptability to utilize Tar-Oil for fuel purposes, with its consequential special design to accomplish the burning of the same, is herewith set forth.) The engine of the future probably must be able to operate continu- ously on coal tar-oils as well as asphaltic oils. While the problems to 312 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES be solved in the design, manufacture and operation of such engines are now greater than those connected with engines utilizing lighter fuel oils, experience will solve them; the world's supply of the more volatile oil fuels is not inexhaustible and sooner or later the heavier fuels must be quite commonly used. One of the German firms devoting much attention to the develop- ment of engines burning very heavy oils, such as tar-oils, is Priedrich Krupp, Germaniawerft, Kiel-Garden, Germany, who in addition to building their own cross-head and trunk-piston types of Diesel engines, have a license for the manufacture of the Steinbecker engine. The first 100 H.P. two-cylinder engine has been developed under the personal super- vision of the inventor, Mr. Steinbecker. The Steinbecker engine has no compressor and might be called a combination of the surface-ignition and full-Diesel principle. Principle of Operation: The principle of operation is as follows: Towards the end of the compression stroke the fuel pump forces a small quantity of oil through the horizontal-channel into the vertical-channel, the top end of which is fitted with a bulb with, a number of spray holes, the bottom end being open to the cylinder. As the air rushes from the cylinder into the bulb it atomizes the oil in the same manner as water is atomized in a flower-spray as used by florists, and the mixture of air and oil is carried into the bulb. When the piston reaches the top of the stroke this mixture of oil and air is ignited by the heat produced by com- pression, resulting in great increase in pressure and a back-rush of the burnt ,gases which carry into the cylinder the oil fuel which the pump has meanwhile pumped into the vertical channel. In the cylinder the mixture burns and expands in the same manner as in other Diesel engines. Special Features: It will thus be seen that this Steinbecker engine is a Diesel engine without a compressor, which atomizes the fuel-oil by blowing it with great velocity into the combustion chamber by means of gases which are formed by exploding a small amount of fuel-oil in a hot retort. This engine is claimed to >be less complicated and therefore cheaper to build than the usual full^iesel type; the fuel-needle-valve, injection air-bottle, air compressor, and high-pressure air piping are eliminated. For starting the engine from cold a small auxiliary sprayer is provided, which may be put out of action when the engine is running. DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 313 THE WORTHINGTON SOLID INJECTION DIESEL ENGINE An Advanced Method, Burning Fuel Oil in Small and Medium Sizes. The Worthington Solid Injection Engine has a new form of combus- tion chamber, inherently controlling the combustion time and rate, inde- pendent of time of pump injection. This new Worthington solid injection Diesel engine has no operative limitations of size, is capable of burning all fuel oils of the air injection engines, and -lias all of the elements of simplicity and reliability so necessary in practical operation. Worthington Divided Combustion Chamber, Injection Chamber, Ejec- tion Orifice and Cylinder: The special fuel burning 1 and combustion con- trol feature, is a divided combustion chamber, wholly water jacketed as in Standard Diesel engines, but differing from them in having two parts connected by a fuel ejection orifice. One part of the combustion cham- ber, that between the cylinder head and the top of the piston, holds about three quarters of the air. The other part, which is the injection chamber, holds about one-quarter of the air at the end of compression. Combus- tion takes place in two stages, and starts with injection, the first oil entering being ignited by the hot air. Injection Chamber Combustion Limited: Fuel is injected by the pump as a spray directly into the injection chamber, where the full charge of oil could not meet more than one-quarter of the air, even if all the air in the injection chamber came into contact with all the oil. Partly by design of the spray nozzle to give a suitable form to the spray, and partly by the shape of the injection chamber, the oil is prevented from coming into contact with more than a part of the injection chamber air, so that even less than one-quarter of the total is active in burning oil during injection. As a consequence the pressure cannot rise very much during injection, no matter how fast the Injection nor how much too early the pump may be timed, within, reasonable limits. If only half of the injection chamber air is active, then not more than one-eighth of the oil could burn during 1 injection; if onenquarter of the air came in contact with the oil, not more than onensixteenth of the oil charge could burn and the pressure could rise only one-isixteenth as much as if the oil were suddenly sprayed into the whole air charge of an air injection Diesel engine combustion chamber. Main Cylinder Combustion Automatically Graduated by Pressures on Ejection Orifices: After injection of the oil into the injection chamber with limited air contact, and partial or pre-combustion, the unburned oil has been gasified by the partial combustion, and this oil gas is suspended out of contact with the cold walls in the bottom of the injection chamber, and close to the ejection orifice. It is ready for ejection into the main air charge in the cylinder. The gasified unburned oil, which includes the bulk of the charge delivered by* the pump will be forcibly ejected into the cylinder through the ejection orifice at the right time by the outward movement of the piston, which causes the pressure to fall in the cylinder, aided by the slight rise of pressure in the injection chamber, due to the 314 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES limited pre-combustkm. As it emerges from the injection chamber, the hot gasified oil, accompanied by some unused air from the injection cham- ber and followed by the rest of it, burns in the main air charge in the cylinder as fast as it flows. By the high flow velocity of the gases pass- ing through the orifice, a violent mixing action is set up by the jet enter- ing the cylinder, that contributes to good combustion. Transverse Sectional Assembly, Outside Air Passages, Worthington Diesel Engine, Two-Cycle, Solid Injection. Two-Cycle Cross-head Construction: The air charging of the cylinder is done by the two-cycle method as the best arrangement for the ranges of sizes adopted. In this respect the standard practice in surface ignition engines has been followed, but in the details of carrying out this plan the trunk piston with crankcase scavenging chamber has not been ac- DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 315 cepted. Instead, the cross-head construction of the large Diesel motor- ship engine has been adopted, with the crank end of the cylinder used as a scavenging pump. This arrangement keeps all] scavenging air out of the crankcase, permitting the use of circulating forced feed lubrication of all bearings without loss of oil, and by the stuffing box separating cylinder from crankcase, also preventing contamination of main lubricat- ing oil by foul cylinder oil. Difficulty in Design of Solid Injection Diesel Engine: Nothing would seem to be easier than to attach the solid injection pump and spray nozzle of the surface ignition engine to a Diesel engine, to make a solid injec- tion Diesel engine. This has been tried 'by many and! each learned the same lesson. The combination is hopelessly bad, worse by far than either of the originals. The combustion is bad with heavy smoke and much internal carbon, and fuel consumption is high. Explosive shocks and thumps, or loss of power, or both, are also present if, the combination works at all, with (possible loss of control by the governor, and in most cases imperativeness of the injection pumps. Shocks and detonations are due to difficulty of controlling the timing of injection and rate of combustion, which if too early or too fast, always produces this effect, and doubly so if both too early and too fast. Delaying injection will eliminate detonations and explosive shocks, but then combustion will surely be too slow and last too long, resulting in excessive high fuel consumption. Smoke and internal carbon are due to improper sprays, or rather too improper relation of the form and shape of spray to the form of combustion chamber, aggravated 'by the use of heavier fuel oil than before. Pump and governor control difficulties are due primarily to in- crease of delivery pressure, but they are increased by the substitution of Diesel grades of fuel oil for the lighter, more fluid grades for which the mechanism of the surface ignition engine was designed. Development of Solid Injection Principle of Worthington System: Having discovered that the fuel system of pump, governor control and spray valve of the solid injection surface ignition engine, applied to a Diesel engine will not work, the most obvious step is to change the former to fit the latter. This will attain at least one ideal, the elimination of surface ignition hot metal and! adherence to the completely water jack- eted combustion chamber of the Diesel engine, with high enough com- pression to ignite fuel by the hot air alone. Another ideal of greater importance, but also of greater difficulty in attainment, is the prevention of explosive shocks and detonations, .by arranging for the non-explosive combustion of the Diesel engine in such a way as to make explosive combustion impossible, and not merely a matter of - pump injection timing, which if deranged defeats the aim. Complete commercial success in the solution of this problem was never attained until the numerous experiences through the, effort of the Worth- ington Company have added towards the solution. Early Solid Injection Diesel Engines Their Limitations: These two early solid injection Diesel engines are different from each other, and 316 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES each has such a limited scope and characteristics as to justify the con- clusions that the Worthington solution of the problem, the latest de- velopment in the solid injection oil engines, is a real contribution to the small engine field that has so long needed the solution of this problem. One of these early solid injection Diesel engines is the result of re- design of sipray nozzle, fuel oil pump, and controls, for direct solid injec- tion into the ordinary Diesel engine combustion chamber without any change in the latter as to shape or compression carried. Fairly good combustion of fuel oils has been secured in engines of considerable size, but not in small ones commercially, and not without extreme sensitive- ness as to adjustment, which must be almost of micrometer exactness to avoid explosive detonation shocks or smoky combustion, or both. In itself this system is so far no more than a demonstration that a Diesel engine can -> *> . 1! *s For stationary purpose, by the manufacturers of oil engines follow- ing the horizontal design, the following advantages are claimed in the horizontal construction in contrast to the vertical method: DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 319 (1) There is a better distribution of stresses on the crank shaft and main bearings. (2) Better lubrication of piston. (3) Easier cleaning and repair work, especially to pistons, which] can be taken out without removing the cylinder-head or valve gear. (4) Inspection is easier and attendance more convenient. (5) Less height is required in the engine room. A claim has been often advanced, that in horizontal engines there is a greater wear on the cylinder walls, on account of their carrying the weight of the piston. However, as vertical engines are almost entirely OJ I of the trunk piston type, the height required making the use of a cross- head impracticable. The cylinder walls are required to take the thrust due to the angularity of the connecting rod, the magnitude of the thrust increasing with a decrease in the connecting rod length. An analysis of the varying forces throughout the cycle shows that this thrust pressure is several times greater than the pressure, due to 320 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES the weight of a piston carried horizontally. With usual design, increas- ing the connecting rod one crank length will decrease the thrust by an amount about equal to the weight of one piston. From the foregoing it is apparent that it is of slight importance, whether the piston is carried vertically or horizontally. The greatest advantage of the horizontal engine lies in its greater accessibility. This applies particularly to engines like the Snow Oil engine, which are built with cross-head. In the case of a vertical trunk piston engine it is necessary to practically dismantle the engine in order to get at the piston or wrist pin bearing. This means that the valve gear and cylinder head must be removed, the connecting rod dis- connected at the crank pin box and the piston and connecting rod then lifted out through the upper end of *he cylinder. Compare this with the procedure in the case of a horizontal engine. The sheet steel crank splasher is removed, the connecting rod disconnected at the wrist pin end, and the piston then removed through 'the open end of the cylinder. The actual required time for removal of the piston and cross-head of engine as illustrated in Figure 2 is twenty minutes. The piston and crossroad can be replaced and the engine made ready for operation in thirty minutes more, making the total shut down fifty minutes. The same procedure on a vertical engine requires an average ot about ten hours. The lubrication of the power cylinders in much more easily and effectively accomplished on a horizontal engine. In a vertical engine it is necessary to inject oil into the piston at several points in the circum- ference of the cylinder bore, while a horizontal cylinder can be thoroughly lubricated by a single feed on the upper side, the oil being distributed by gravity. Further, in all internal combustion engines some of the lubri- cating oil is carbonized. In the vertical engine this carbon works past the piston rings and falls into the crank pit, where it mixes with the bearing oil. In an engine of horizontal construction, much of this carbon is pushed into the counter bore of the cylinder, from where it is removed by a drain valve. Such of the carbon as does pass by the cross-head of the piston is caught in the frame and prevented from mixing with the bearing oil. We will give now some of the features adding to economy. The high efficiency of the Diesel type of engine, unequalled by any other method of power production for either marine or stationary purpose, is primarily due to the high compression. It also varies with the degree of thoroughness with which the fuel and air is mixed, so thait the economy actually obtained is to a considerable extent dependent upon the design of the parts by which the mixing is effected. Another feature of considerable importance and peculiar to the Diesel type, is the slight variation in fuel economy through a considerable range of load. This feature is of particular advantage in installations consist- ing of one unit, and which are required to operate at low load factors for a considerable portion of the time. DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 321 It will be interesting here to show established facts of fuel consump- tion for the Snow Oil Engine: 0.48 Ibs. per B.H.P. hour at full load. 0.50 Ibs. per B.H.P. hour at three-fourths load. 0.57 Ibs. per B.H.P. hour at one-half load. The guarantees are based on oil having a heat value of 18.500 B.T.U.'s per pound. In operation the fuel consumption is considerably below the guarantees, as shown in Figure 3, which gives the result of a test through wide range of load under ordinary working conditions. This LBS. PER BRAKE HORSE POWER HOUR o 1 1 (D g'w II - o i I F c \ C i c 1 i I c L 1 iu* 20% 4 / 30% / / 40% / / 50% / , 00% 70% 80% 90% 100* i 110% curve shows ithe fuel economy which can be attained in actual service and also the very slight increase in fuel consumption for a considerable decrease in load factor from full load. The construction of the compressor, as used on the Snow Oil engine, is shown in the longitudinal sectional view of Figure 4. This compressor is a three-stage type. The cut shows the valves, suction and discharge 322 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES for the three stages, both assembled and with the guard and valve strips removed. As will be observed from the sectional view of the compressor, that it is thoroughly water-jacketed and provided with inter-coolers formed in the jackets for low and intermediate stages. The after-cooler for the high stage air is a pipe-coil placed in the water chamber adjacent to the high pressure cylinder. In addition the discharge valve for all stages are provided with a water jacket of special design, which keeps the valve parts at a low temperature, (preventing carbonization of the lubricating oil, and assisting the action of the inter-coolers. The efficiency of these cooling arrangements is so great, that the air in the discharge pipe from the high-stage cylinder is cooled sufficiently to allow the hand to be placed on the pipe without discomfort when the engine is in full opera- tion. DESCRIPTION OP DIESEL ENGINES 323 Of the different types of spray valves used on Diesel machinery, the Snow Oil engine employs one of a most .simple nature. This spray valve is of the open nozzle tyipe, the fuel being deposited in a pocket, which is in communication with the clearance space in the cylinder. When the air valve is opened, the oil is driven by the spraying air through the atomizer from which it issues into the cylinder in a finely divided spray. The open nozzle construction has the advantage that pure, clean air only and not a mixture of oil and air, passes the spray valve, with the result that it is much easier to maintain a perfect valve seat and ac- cordingly to hold the spray air pressure without annoying leakage through valve. 324 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES DESCRIPTION OP DIESEL ENGINES 325 The spray air valve and the fuel oil check valve, which prevents the oil charge from flowing back to the pumps, are contained in a single casing located in the exact center of the cylinder head, thus insuring an even dispersion of the spray throughout the clearance space in the cylinder. The spray valve and casing can be taken out intact by removing two nuts, or if desired, the spray valve only can ibe removed for inspection without disturbing the valve casing. As previously explained, the open fuel injection nozzle is the most important advance toward continuity of service and adaptability for various oils that has been made in the Diesel type of, engines. It consists essentially of an oil receptacle with separate inlets for the oil and, air at one end, and connected to the combustion chamber at the other end by a stationary atomizing device. The oil is pumped into the receptacle through check valves during the suction stroke of the engine, and the injection air is admitted through a separate mechanically operated timing valve. Like most modern engines, the Allis-Chalmer arrangement of injection is of the open fuel injection nozzle type. Diagram of Oil Pipe Connection There is no valve after the oil and air are mixed, thus avoiding cut valve seats. There are no perforated or notched discs with restricted areas and sharp changes in direction to clog with dirt, asphalt or car- bonized oil. It does not depend upon the water jackets to prevent car- bonizing. This atomizing is effected by a simple device that does not require a close relation between the size of openings and the amount of oil; so that the maximum power of the engine is limited simply by the amount of oxygen available for combustion and not by the capacity of the nozzle. This gives a remarkable flexibility with swinging loads. The freedom from clogging permits the use of the lowest grades of fuel without the interruptions of service for cleaning or grinding the valve so frequent with the closed nozzle. The open nozzle and the mostly adopted scavenging feature of the horizontal type of stationary engines, permits the successful use of any fuel oil that can be pumped, including oils that require pre-heating to make them flow readily through the ipiping. 326 DESCRIPTION OP DIESEL ENGINES Oils such as Texas, Mexican and California natural crudes, some of which cannot be used satisfactorily on steam boilers, -are easily handled in the Allis-halmers Oil Engine, due to the above stated features. The choice between the fuel oils available is therefore determined solely by the relative cost, heat value, and convenience in handling. As will be seen by the illustration, the construction is of horizontal design, which permits a .simple valve gear arrangement. The motion is transmitted from a single eccentric to the inlet and exhaust valves by rolling contact levers, which has proven toy gas engine practice to be the quietest and most durable valve gear known. The use of vertical valves, which are always central with the control seats, insures tight valves and avoids the frequent grinding necessary with horizontal valves, Valve Gear Diagram, Allis-Chalmers Oil flnoine due to side wear on the stems and the consequent change in valve posi- tion in relation to the seat. The exhaust valve is pliaced in the bottom of the cylinder head, be- tween the injection nozzle and the cylinder, so that any dirt in the fuel oil will drop out through the exhaust without reaching the lubricated cylinder walls. This location is also favorable for scavenging any dirt out of the cylinder during the exhaust stroke. The injection air is furnished by a multi-stage compressor, mounted on the side of the main frame and driven directly from a crank on the end of the main shaft. The compressor is equipped with coils for inter- cooling the air in conjunction with the usual water-stage cooling. DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 327 The engine is eliminated from all high pressure bottles in use on most Diesel engines, receiving its starting air direct from the compressor. This separate system of air starting permits the use of pressure from 225 to 250 pounds. The engine is started by opening a throttle valve which admits the starting air 1 from storage tank, to mechanically oper- ated distributing valves, which are entirely separate from the main valve gear. It is not necessary to make any change in the compression or operation of the valve gear in starting. By referring back to the Snow Oil Engine, we find a similarity exist- ing to that employed on the Allis-Chalmers type. The arrangements for starting the engine are as follows: An air storage tank of ample capacity is provided and is supplied with air at from 150 to 200 pounds from the spraying compressor on the engine. Each cylinder is fitted with an air-starting valve located in the cylinder head directly below the spray valve, and driven by a cam on same shaft with the inlet and exhaust valve cams. A single lever and quadrant serves to control the air-starting valve, compression relief, and spray valves. With the lever in central and neutral position, both the air-starting valve is engaged and an auxiliary cam is shifted into con- tact with the exhaust valve lever, by means of Which the exhaust valve is held open for a longer period of time and the cylinder compression lowered, reducing the resistance of the engine to rotation. Five or six revolutions of the engine on air is sufficient to increase the air pressure in the pipe between the air compressor and the spray valve to that re- quired for spraying the oil. The governor fuel pump lever is then shifted to place the pump in operation and the main operating lever moved from the inner to the outer position. The movement disengages the air-starting valve and the compression relief cam, and puts the spray- valve in operation, when the engine immediately begins to operate on the fuel and is ready to take the load. The air storage tank can then be recharged by the compressor on the engine. As will be observed on either Allis-Chalmers as well as the Snow Oil Engine, high pressure bottles for the air storage is unnecessary. For the initial start and for emergency purposes afterward, a small inde- pendent compressor is used on the Snow Oil Engine, driven by a kero- sene or gasoline engine, may be furnished. This is only for use in making the first start and afterward in the event of the air. pressure in the stor- age tank being lost through carelessness or otherwise. Cooling Water: The amount of cooling water required varies in- versely with the difference in temperature of the water as it enters and leaves the cooling jackets. It also varies with the load on the engine. Assuming a 40 degree Fahrenheit rise from suction to discharge temper- atures, from 6 to 7 gallons per horsepower hour are required. When fairly pure water is 'available the discharge temperature may be main- tained at 140 degrees Fahrenheit. If, however, the water has a tendency to deposit scale in the jackets, the discharge temperature should not be over 120 degrees Fahrenheit, For this reason, and particularly for hot 328 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES climates, where the temperature of the inlet water is high, it is desir- able to provide for a cooling water supply of from 10 to 12 gallons per horsepower hour. For engines without water-cooled pistons, a pressure of from 8 to 10 pounds per square inch is sufficient. For supplying water-cooled pistons the pressure should be from 12 to 15 Ibs. per square inch. Where the water supply is limited, cooling iponds or towers may be used and the same water circulated continuously through the system, so that only a small amount of fresh water will be required to make up the loss due to evaporation. DESCRIPTION OP DIESEL ENGINES 329 330 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES THE STANDARD FUEL OIL ENGINE For mechanical simplicity probably the two-cycle crankcase com- pression engine leads all other types of internal combustion engines. Due, however, to the relatively small amount of scavenging air which can be handled by this system, it being possible to displace not over 60 per cent of the main cylinder volume, and to the restrictions imposed on accessibility by the necessity of 'a tight crankcase of minimum volume, this type is barred, except for the smaller sizes. Next in line for mechanical simplicity stands, we believe, the stepped piston two-cycle type employing port scavenging. Moreover, with this type, the restrictions on scavenging air do not exist. In the Standard engine pure air of more than one and one-half times the volume of the main cylinder is forced into it each working stroke. Also, again rather than loss of accessibility is effected, as has already been pointed out. Exhaust Side of Two-Cylinder Vertical Standard Engine The adoption of the two-cycle port scavenging principle of operation not only eliminates the complication of inlet and exhaust valves and gear and the time required for inspection and grinding, but also permits the cylinder head to be much smaller and more simple casting. DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL, ENGINES 331 The fuel pump of the Standard engine is of the variable stroke type and requires 'for its control no wedges, lever, etc., as it is driven direct by a Rites type of inertia governor, the same as is commonly employed for operating the valve of a simple steam engine. Also the injection air compressor is a very simple mechanical struc- ture, although meeting all the requirements of a good compressor design. Due to the suction and discharge valves 'being combined in one unit and in the case of the high stage cylinder, this unit being located in the end of the cylinder bore, there results a cylinder casting with but one valve pocket. Placing of the inter and after cooler coils in the water jacket space of the cylinder eliminates several high pressure joints and also results in a compressor with no hot pipes with which the operator can come in contact, and from which the high pressure air is discharged at but a few degrees above the temperature of the incoming cooling water. It will be readily admitted that other things being equal, a simple mechanism will naturally be more reliable in operation than one of greater complications. Other features of the Standard Engine which de- serve mention here are: (a) The very ample size of all bearings and other working parts. For instance, with a working cylinder of only 10^ inches diameter, a main bearing of 6^4 inches diameter is employed. (b) The conservative manner in which the engine is rated. At full rated load less than 80 pounds M.E.P. is required, as against average Diesel practice of about 100 pounds. This makes for low maximum tem- peratures and when employed with the large excess of cool scavenging air blown into the cylinder, each stroke results in low mean tempera- tures during the complete cycle. With normal inlet air temperatures, the exhaust at full load is less than 400 degrees Fahrenheit. The desirability of low mean effectives in order to secure low mean temperatures is, we believe, sufficient reason for barring devices for obtaining what is known as super compression, even if the extra com- plications of such devices were not considered. (c) The employment of the stepped piston which serves not only to furnish a liberal supply of air for cleaning and filling the main cylin- der, but which also acts as a cross-head, thus insuring longer life to the main cylinder, since it receives no connection rod thrust. Also the main piston being relieved of the pin and heavy bosses for carrying same becomes an absolutely symmetrical member much better fitted to resist the pressures and temperatures to which it is subjected. The use of the stepped piston also tends materially to improve crank case conditions and to lower crankcase temperatures as any blow past the main piston will be caught in the scavenging cylinder. The use of a two-piece main piston also serves to the same end by preventing radia- tion from the hot piston head to the interior of the crankcase. Under all conditions of operation the crankoase will be found clean, cool and free from oil vapor. 332 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES Detail Description Vertical Type Box Frame: As previously explained, the Standard engine is of the vertical single acting two-cycle valveless type of Diesel power. A single box frame forms a common support for both the main working cylinders and the injection air compressor cylinder. On account of the through bolts used between cylinder flanges and base plate, this frame is not subjected to heavy tension strains and very liberal openings may there- fore be provided for inspection and adjustment of bearings. Transverse Section Through Main and Scavenging Cylinder In addition to the large cover plates at front and rear, smaller in- spection plates are also provided through which the operator can con- veniently ascertain the temperature of the various bearings. DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 333 334 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES Air Compressor: The high pressure air required for injecting the fuel into the combustion space is furnished by a two stage compressor which is mounted on one end of the box frame and is driven directly from the crankshaft. A stepped piston is used to obtain the necessary displace- ments for the different stages. The connecting rod and its bearings are of very liberal proportions. They conform in design to the similar parts for the main working cylinder. Both the low stage suction and discharge valve are located in a single pocket at the side of the cylinder. This pocket is so positioned as to make it impossible for a valve to get into the cylinder due to either a broken valve spring or stem, and yet the clearance volume is less than two per cent of the cylinder displacement. Section Through Air Compressor Cylinder DESCRIPTION OP DIESEL ENGINES 335 The valve cage for the high stage valves is located in the upper end of the cylinder bore anc^ with its cover forms the cylinder head. This cage is also arranged so that there is no possibility of a valve getting into the cylinder and wrecking the machine. After being compressed in the first cylinder and before going to the second, also after the second compression the air is thoroughly cooled. The inter and after coolers consist of coils of copper tubing and are en- closed in the water jacket space of the compressor cylinder through which all the cooling water passes before going to the main cylinders. With this arrangement there are no hot pipes for the accumulation of carbon deposits and the high pressure air as it leaves the compressor is at practically the temperature of the inlet cooling water. Also after each compression provision is made for separating any entrained oil vapor or moisture from the air. Scavenging Air Compressor: The air pressure for scavenging the mam wonting cylinder is generated in -the annular space above the cross- iiead and scavenging piston and around the main piston barrel. Because or its small clearance, the volumetric efficiency of this pump is well over bu per cent, and as the area of this annular space is considerably greater tnan the area of the main cylinder, an ample quantity of pure air for cleaning and filling the working cylinder is insured. The valves for both suctions and discharge are of the plate type and operate under very slight differences of pressure. AS the areas through the valves and through all ports and passages are very liberal, the scav- enging air is handled with the minimum amount of work, and as a result the overall mechanical efficiency of the engine is high, comparing very tavorabiy with the best four-cycle engine practice. Scavenging Manifold: The scavenging manifold which extends across the front of the engine contains the pockets in which are located the suction and discharge valvesi of the scavenging pumps, also the passage through which the air is distributed to the working cylinders. This pas- sage is of ample area so as to cause the minimum of air friction. A large plate directly over each valve pocket permits of easy access to the valves, 'io the bottom of scavenging manifold is fixed the suction pipe through which the air is drawn to the scavenging pump. The sound of the air suction can be quite effectively muffled by means of a screen at the end of tne pipe or if desired the pipe can be continued to the outside of the building. Exhaust Manifold: The exhaust manifold is thoroughly water jack- eted for its entire length, thus preventing heating up the engine room in warm weather. The passage for exhaust gases is of very liberal area so as to cause no harmful back pressure on the engine. Fuel Pump: The fuel measuring pump is of the variable stroke type, a separate plunger is provided for each cylinder. The plunger stroke is controlled automatically by the governor. This governor is ordinarily set to give a total speed variation of 4 per cent between full and no 336 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES load, but is capable of considerable closer regulation if conditions neces- sitates the adjusting of the same. Fuel Injection Valve: The fuel valve is of closed nozzle design. The proportions of the various parts have been determined by careful experi- ment so as to have the fuel not only thoroughly broken up into small particles, but also to have it well mixed with the injection air. That this result has been attained is evidenced by the low fuel consumption and clear exhaust at the various loads and with fuel and crude oils of widely varying characteristics. The needle valve is made from Tungsten steel carefully hardened and ground. It is thus well suited to resist both the chemical action of impurities in the oils, and mechanical wear of the packing. Camshaft and Gears: The camshaft is mounted in brackets support- ed from the cylinder jackets. It is so located that the fuel valve can be operated directly through a single bell crank, but it is so positioned that it does not have to be disturbed in any way when removing a cylinder head or piston. It is driven from a vertical shaft by a set of mechanical miter gears which are cut from steel forgings. The vertical shaft gets its motion from the main shaft through a set of spiral gears. Air Starting: For starting, compressed air is admitted to each work- ing cylinder through an automatic check valve in the cylinder head. The air is properly timed by individual starting valves located just below the camshaft and each in front of the cylinder which it supplies. These valves are put in operation toy the starting air pressure and automatically go out of operation as soon as the starting air is shut off at the main control valve. The engine can be started on an air pressure as low as one hundred and fifty pounds. Lubrication: The lubrication of the Standard engine is accomplished by a force feed oil pump. The feeds to the various parts are from cen- trally located sight feeds, where the operator may ait all times be en- abled to observe proper functioning of the system. EFFICIENCY PERFORMANCES OF STANDARD DIESELS The first two charts in figure (a) show average Diesel engine prac- tices for both the two and four-stroke-cycle types, and the third shows the distribution of work; in the Standard engine when operated on 250 R.P.M. and rated 50 B.H.P. per cylinder. The low percentage of work for operating the scavenging pumps is, as already mentioned, largely due to the employment of an exceptionally low scavenging air pressure. While the reduction in work required for driving the injection air com- pressor is attributed to a design of atomizer in which not only is the pressure required very moderate, owing to a minimum number of re- stricted passages, but also the volume of injection air required is con- siderably reduced. DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 337 The slightly lower mechanical losses are explained by the ideal con- ditions, both as to temperature and lubrication, under which all bearings and rubbing surfaces operate. In Figure (b) are reproductions of indicator diagrams) taken at va- rious loads with the engine operating at 250 R.P.M. The curves in Figure (i) show the results of fuel consumption tests on the 100 H.P. two-cyl- inder- machine when operated at different loads and speeds. As would be expected, owing to the longer time allowed for combustion and the Mechanical /osses 14 % Air compressor 10 % Mechanical /osses 12 % Air compressor Scavenging our pump 10 % Mechanical /osses 10.4 % Air compressor 64% A B Figure (a) Comparison of Mechanical Efficiencies. A Usual Four-Cycle Diesel; B Two-stroke-cycle Diesel; C Standard Two-stroke-cycle Diesel slightly ihigher mechanical efficiency, somewhat better results are shown at the lower speeds. However, that the difference is as slight as shown, speaks very well indeed for the perfection of the design as to these two features. When comparing these fuel consumption figures with others pub- lished, it should be borne in mind that they are for a cylinder of but 10 3/4 -inches bore. For a cylinder of twice this diameter, which comes nearer the sizes on which figures are usually found, the results should be nearly 10 per cent lower. In disapproval of the statement sometimes made that owing to the more frequent power impulses, the two-stroke-cycle engine operates with exceedingly high temperatures, the following figures as to exhaust tem- perature of the Standard engine are cited. With the engine in each case developing 100 H.P., the exhaust temperatures were as follows: At 225 R.P.M. , 345 degrees Fahrenheit; at 250 R.P.M., 325 degrees Fahr- 338 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES enheit; at 275 R.P.M., 315 degrees Fahrenheit; at 300 R.P.M., 305 degrees Fahrenheit. While the temperatures are exceedingly low at all speeds, it is found that for the same delivered horsepower the lowest tempera- ture result from the more frequent and light power impulses rather than the reverse. This, the builders of the Standard engine state, is in accordance with theory and should be the case for a properly designed machine. For not only does the theoretical efficiency of the Diesel cycle improve as the size of fuel charge is reduced, but there is also a larger Figure (&) Indicator Diagrams at Various Loads volume of cool air passing through the cylinder per unit of time. For the reasons cited they emphasize very strongly the desirability of em- ploying lighter fuel charges and have adopted ratingj requiring mean effective pressures of about 75 Ibs., as against the usual Diesel practice of 80 to 100 .pounds. This, it is contended, is the logical manner for utilizing the admitted advantages of the two-cycle principle and of obtaining a machine which DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 339 with high thermal efficiency shall also combine the even more important requisite of unfailing reliability. In the following description of the horizontal type of the product of the Hadfield-Penfield Steel Co., of Bucyrus, Ohio, a clear detailed in- formation will be given of the Standard Horizontal Diesel Engine. This particular type of engine follows the two-cycle principle, and is found satisfactory on horizontal construction. In summing up the advan- tages gained in two-cycle construction, following is claimed: For a given size cylinder the horsepower output would be nearly double and at the same time this result would be obtained with fewer working parts. The .frame ds of center crank type with heavy box section walls. This casting also includes the scavenging air cylinder in" which a differential or stepped piston operates, furnishing the air for cleaning and filling the main cylinder. Since the main or working cylinder extends into this larger cylinder for about one-half its length, the machine is practically all contained within this one casting, making a very massive and rigid construction. The cylinder head is comparatively small and very simple casting of symmetrical design. There is but one opening, which extends through both walls; this is for the fuel spray valve and is located at the exact center. In addition to its symmetrical shape the casting is properly IOO IIO 120 130 50 75 Horsepower Fig. (c) Curves Showing Fuel Consumption at Different Loads and Speeds water jacketed so that the danger of cracks developing is reduced to the minimum. The combustion space which is formed by the inner wall is practi- cally a half Siphere, which is an ideal form, as it insures the most rapid mingling of the fuel spray with the air for burning, and hence early and complete combustion. Close fitted piston and rings are features highly commendable. To make permissible these close fits, the pistons are water-cooled in all 340 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEiL ENGINES except the very small sizes of cylinders. An overheated piston may de- velop cracks, may expand sufficiently to bind and score the cylinder, or may even stick fast, wrenching off connecting bolts or rod bolts and wrecking the whole machine. Water cooling eliminates the possibility of such troubles and at the same time makes the proper lubrication of piston much, easier, and reduces the amount of oil required. As the pis- ton pin is located in the larger air pumping piston, the main piston is relieved of all connecting rod thrust, and therefore the wear in the main cylinder is slight. Identical two-stage compressor arrangement are on the horizontal as on the vertical types of Standard Diesels. The high pressure air re- quired for injecting the fuel into the combustion space is furnished by a two-stage pump mounted on the side of the frame casting, and driven by a small crank on the end of the main shaft. The air from the first stage of this pump is delivered into tanks at about 150 pounds pressure, and is available for starting the engine. From these tanks the air is admitted to the second stage of the air pump and thence direct to the fuel valve without intermediate receiver. As the first stage of the pump takes its air from the scavenging air cylinder at about five pounds pres- sure rather than from the atmosphere, we have in reality a three-stage compression. This air pump is well proportioned for these tyipes of engines and will furnish air, even if not properly kept up. The front end of the first stage piston has an extension in the form of a piston valve. This extension acts both as a crosshead for the air pump and also controls the suction and discharge of air from the large scavenging cylinder. The fuel nozzle is of the open type; that is, the fuel is pumped into a small receptacle which is at all times in open communication with the combustion chamber. This fuel receptacle is placed just ahead of the mechanically operated timing valve which controls the admission of in- jection air. When the timing valve opens the fuel is picked up by the injection air and blown past the stationary atomizer into the combustion chamber. The open nozzle construction has the following advantages: (1) The fuel pump has only to work against low pressures as it is timed to operate when the main piston is at the opposite end of the cyl- inder; the pump thus becomes in reality only a measuring device. The plunger can be packed very loosely and better regulation can be secured on account of the light load on the governor. (2) As only pure air passes the timing valve, the seat will remain tight much longer than where air and fuel both are injected through the valve. (3) Better atomizing is secured, as the heated air which is driven back in contact with the oil tends to vaporize it, and we do not there- fore have to depend entirely upon mechanical action in breaking up the fuel. The valve cage, atomizer, etc., are made from nickel steel, as this material best resists the chemical action of the impurities frequently found in the crude oils. DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 341 These engines are guaranteed continuously without undue heating their full rated horsepower. The ratings given hold for an elevation of not to exceed 1,000 feet above sea level. For higher altittides the capac- ities will somewhat decrease. The Standard engine is offered subject to the guarantee that its fuel consumption shall not exceed following quantities of crude or cheap fuel oils. At full load .50 Ibs. per B.H.P. hour. At three-fourths load .52 Ibs. per B.H.P. hour. At one-half load .58 Ibs. per B.H.P. hour. This consumption is based on a sea level rating and a fuel of at least 18.000 B.T.U. (low heating value) per pound. 342 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES LOMBARD ENGINES The cross-section views of the Lombard engines disclose the type of engine built with the object in view to act as a power producer where reliability is of highest importance. These engine's are of the vertical, .multi-cylinder, heavy duty type, with pistons, rings, connecting rods, bearings and crankshaft all easily accessible through the front housing doors of the enclosed crank case. Cross-Sectional View of Lombard Engine. DESCRIPTION OP DIESEL ENGINES 343 Illustration demonstrating the accessibility of Lombard's Vertical Multi-cylinder Diesel Engines. This unusual accessibility results from the design of the cylinders with removable skirt section bolted to the bottom of each. With the crank on 'bottom center and skirt detached from cylinder casting, any piston with its connecting rod, can be swung forward through the crank case door opening, without removing cylinder head, disconnecting crank pin box, dismounting valve gear or otherwise disturbing adjustments which it is desirable to preserve. Other advantages of this construction are that it (1) avoids the objectionable joint in the combustion chamber exposed to high tempera- 344 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES tures and pressures, the joint between cylinder and skirt sections being subjected only to exhaust temperatures and pressures; (2) eliminates the mass of metal necessary for a cylinder-and-head joint, thereby se- curing a much freer movement of the cylinder wall to take care of ex- pansion and contraction and providing ample and unrestricted space for circulation of cooling water; (3) permits the accessible, overhead location of cam shaft with cams running in oil and with valves operated by simple rocker arms; and (4) results in an engine of pleasing, sym- metrical appearance, with simplified controls for starting and handling a powerful, efficient unit, which saves weight, head room, installation and operating expense, upkeep, fuel and lubricating oil. The engine, which is of multi-cylinder construction, are equipped with integral air compressor of balanced duplex design for supplying the starting and injection air. The frame sections which substantially enclose the crank case merely support weight. The four heavy steel tie rods, which extend from each cylinder to the main bearing pads within the bed plate, carry the work- ing load and relieve the frame of all tensile stresses. Removal of frame housing doors and tie rods along the front or air intake side, permits rolling the main crank shaft out in the space directly alongside of the engine, without dismounting cylinders or disturbing valve gear. All cylinders and bearing surfaces are positively and copiously lubricated from a pressure system which includes filters and coolers for the repeated and economical use of lubricating oil. Lombard engines are built in sizes ranging from 60 to 500 B. H. P. Engines are built for either marine or stationary purpose. ATLAS-IMPERIAL SOLID INJECTION DIESEL ENGINES FOUR- CYCLE MARINE TYPE The rapid increase of small sized Diesel engines between 50 B. H. P. and 200 B. H. P. is primary due to the record accomplishments of this re- spective class of power producers. (Specially adapted for coastwise ser- vice aboard ship as auxiliary driving mediums and on crafts mainly de- pending upon sails. Their recognized ability as a dependable and economic machine, and above all the surprising simplicity in design and construction, not to mention the limited space a machine of this horsepower capacity oc- cupies, makes this generator of Diesel power a favored type. Firms, such as the Worthington Corporation, Western Machine Co., Dow Pump & Diesel Engine Co., Enterprise Diesel Engine Co., Lombard Governor Co., Atlas-Imperial Engine Co., and in fact the .many manufactur- ers throughout the United States as well as Europe have made it possi- ble to convince the shipowner that Diesel power is as profitable for small sized vessels as for ships of large carrying capacities. DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 345 346 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES It will be acknowledged that only a few years ago numerous ob- jectionable features were reacting to the detriment of adopting Diesel machinery in smaller crafts. The principal reaison bringing the Diesel engine as an unfavorable machine for use on coastwise marine service or aboard ship as an auxiliary operating engine was the lack of skilled operators sufficiently acquainted with the principles and mechanism of Diesel power. That this very fact contributed greatly in retarding the adoption of this prime mover is true to a certain extent. /Some of the earlier types of Diesel engines were rather crude and possessed of en- tirely too many contrivances, such as valves, piping, etc., which were often the cause of 'breakdowns with its consequential expensive loss of time to the owner. In many cases a special kind of fuel for the engine was necessary, which in itself proved disadvantageous. From a mechani- cal standpoint they were often inefficient and must be acknowledged that the existing difference of the modern types of Diesel engines in comparison to those of only a few years ago show the enormous strides Which have taken place to bring the Diesel engine to its high stage of present day perfection. As will be observed in the specially selected types of Diesel mach- inery in this work, that the simplicity in mechanical arrangements have -been brought to a stage that the person with limited mechanical knowledge around Diesel power can be entrusted iwith the operation of a machine, providing however, that his knowledge comprises the necessary ability upon which the fundamental laws of Internal Combustion mach- inery exists. Often, troubles which arise around Diesel machinery have been unjustly blamed upon the machine and its manufacturer, designer, etc., when as a matter of fact the engine has stood an unmerciful test before being installed. After some investigation it usually results in the es- tablishment of the fact that the operator was in an entire wrong place and in justice to the many experienced operators ought to retire from his chosen profession or occupation. Much could be said on .this subject dealing with the incompetency of the man in charge, but, it will be admitted, that with the introduction of literature on the subject of Diesel operation and the greater oppor- tunity afforded to day to receive a better training in this branch of en- gineering, will contribute towards the creation of better class of men. When carefully giving the Atlas-Imperial Diesel engine some study we find that there are points which deserve of highest comment. The writers of "The 20th Century Guide for Diesel Operators" show an en- tirely impartial conduct, and it is to be hoped that the reader will not labor under an illusion that any special favors are granted the numerous firms which are giving space in this work. As previously stated, every firm illustrated in this book are selected by their merits and are known the world over as reliable manufacturers. The Atlas-Imperial Diesel engine is of the four-cylinder, four-cycle vertical type, having enclosed crankcase, valves in the head, fitted with heavy duty reversing gear, and force feed lubricating-system, DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 347 348 DESCRIPTION OP DIESEL ENGINES To the operator experienced with gasoline-driven engines, the "valve-in-head" arrangement will sound familiar. It will be of interest here to give a little explanation of the advantages claimed by builders of valve-in-head motors in contrast to L-head or T-head types of con- struction. Unfortunately it is impossible for a Diesel engine to utilize all the heat created, or 'rather generated for power. If some means were not adopted to cool the motor the heat would become so great that it would be destructive to the motor. So in making the cylinder castings, water passages are cast around the cylinders in such a manner as to allow the excess heat to escape through the cylinder walls, into the water, which in turn is cooled by the circulation method of the engine. It is quite evident, therefore, that the less water jacketing space there is in a motor, the greater the thermal (heat) efficiency there will be because of smaller area of the cylinder walls and combustion chamber will be exposed to the cooling influence of the water. This brings us to the biggest reason for the Valve^in-Head design, because the arrangement of the valves permits of a smaller, more compact combustion chamber than is possible in either the L-Head or the T-Head type of engine. To make this statement still clearer, it .should be understood that in all cases, both inlet and exhaust valves form a part of the combustion chamber, where the heat is the greatest, and in conse- quence it is necessary to provide ample water jacketing space to the heads and sides of the cylinders. In this engine this is accomplished by means of passover pipes causing the circulation of water. Now, if we regard our fuel^oil asi so many heat units, it is quite apparent that the loss of these heat units thait are wasted through the water jacketed surfaces, the more of them will be left in the form of actual, usable power directed against the piston. Then, because of the larger valves this type of construction per- mits and can be located in a straight line above the pistons, the dead exhaust gases are quickly and easily expelled through them at the con- clusion of the working .stroke, instead of being forced around corners and downward through a much larger chamber, as in the L-Head and T-iHead types. And the combustion during each working stroke is much more perfect in this type of design because the incoming charges are purer. The exhaust and inlet valves are mechanically operated. The valve head is made of cast iron with steel stem. The inlet and exhaust valve springs are interchangeable. The valves are operated by steel valve lifters provided with large anti-friction rollers, these rollers are made of special alloy steel, hardened and ground. The cams are fastened to the camsJraft with keys. The cam shaft gear is 16" diameter and 2V 2 " face. The engine is fitted with a flyball governor which is of the throttling type. The governor is driven by spur gears direct from the cam gear- ing without belts or frictions and is fitted with a speeding attachment DESCRIPTION OP DIESEL ENGINES 349 whereby the speed of the engine may be changed as desired at any time while the engine is in motion. The governor acts directly on the spray valve lifters and controls the amount of fuel delivered to the spray valves in direct proportion to the power developed. These governors are very sensitive and quick of action. The engine is provided with a force feed lubricating system which delivers oil at about 5 Ibs. pressure to all the main working parts. The oil is delivered from the pressure pump to the main crankshaft bear- ings, from which it passes through the hollow crankshaft to the crank- pin bearing, and from there it passes up the hollow connecting rods to the piston pin bearing. The oil is then returned by means of a sump pump to a strainer from which it again passes through the pressure putnp. In addition to this system the engine is provided with a multiple force feed lubricator connected with copper tubes to the cylinders, etc. The mechanical injection fuel pumps, which are made of steel, are fitted to the engine. These ipumps deliver the fuel under pressure to the spray valves in the center of each cylinder head. 350 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES THE CUMMINS OIL ENGINE (Di-esel Type) Note: The Cummins Oil Engine is operated under the four-stroke- cycle system. While the engine resembles in its method of power gen- eration the Diesel principle, nevertheless, when carefully studying this machine, it will be found that it has exclusive features, which makes this engine a distinctive type of its own. Principle of Operation: (1) The principle of operation is briefly as follows: On the first stroke as the piston descends a charge of pure air is drawn through intake valve directly from the outside; at the same time the same mechanism pushes open small fuel valve in fuel injector body and permits a charge of oil to ipass into cup. This amount of charge Sectional View Through Cylinder Head of Cummins Four-Cycle, Valve- in-Head, 8 to 32 H.P. Diesel Engines. which determines the speed, is controlled by the hand throttle operating on needle valve. (2) At the end of this first stroke the intake valve closes and the piston comes up, compressing the charge of pure air to the pressure ol approximately 450 pounds per square inch. (3) This pressure causes the air to instantly become heated to a temperature of approximately 1000 degrees F., or in other words, prac- tically red hot. (4) As the temperature and pressure in fuel cup is the same as that in the cylinder, the fuel becomes highly heated and the small amount of gas which is in the fuel charge ignites, raising the pressure in the cup to a point considerable higher than that outside in the cylinder. DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 351 (5) This difference in pressure causes the heavy oil left in cup to be blown out into the cylinder in a fine gaseous spray which ignites in- stantly and! causes the expansion or working stroke of piston. (6) On the fourth and last cycle, the exhaust valve opens and the burned gases are expelled -through exhaust valve into the atmosphere. A study of the sectional view of the illustration of the Cummins Oil engine should clarify this mode of generation. (7) The fuel enters the fuel valve body at a point marked "Fuel Connection," passes down around needle valve, which has three flat sides, permitting free flow of fuel. In the lower end of this needle valve a long hardened and ground taper seat fits into the seat in fuel valve body. At the top of fuel valve a brass cage carries fuel valve lever and throttle lever. The throttle lever works a double thread screw which permits spring to lift needle valve off seat according to opening of throttle lever. (8) At the beginning of the suction stroke the air-inlet valve is opened by the push rod, which causes the small lever pinned to the rocker arm to in turn open the fuel-admission valve; this permits the proper amount of fuel, which is determined by fuel-control valve, to be drawn into fuel cup, where it lies until the heat of compression on com- pression stroke ignites it. A study of the cut will show that the fuel cup is only exposed to the heat of combustion chamber for a very small margin around spray holes. This is a vital feature exclusive of this type of engine. Starting: An eccentrically operated compression release is fitted to valve rocker shaft. By throwing uip small lever, eccentric inside rocker arm is lowered, holding exhaust valve open. This permits engine to be revolved by starting crank on end of crank shaft with no resistance ex- cept small amount of friction in engine. After spinning engine ovet rapidly several times, the lever is dropped, which causes exhaust valve to seat properly, and the heavy flywheel carries engine over its first com- pression. This fires the fuel charge which was admitted through the valve and the engine starts firing. 352 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 353 SPERRY'S MARINE TYPE HEAVY DUTY COMPOUND DIESEL ENGINE The principle on which this engine operates differs. 1 vastly from any motor now on the market. It is very ingenious in design, and experi- ences with the first engines in coastwise service has demonstrated its suitability and economy equal to the best of Diesels of same horsepower capacity. The illustration shows a small marine type with high-pressure cyl- inders 7 inches by 11 inches, running at 400 R.P.M. The fuel ipumps are also shown here and the connection to the governor. The camshaft is Sperry Compound Engine, Cross-Sectional View. Letters Indicating Con- structive Features of Transfer-Valve, Port Arrangement, Pistons, etc. on a shelf at the top of the engine to one side and is driven by skew- gears. The electric generator forming the full load of this engine is shown in the background and one of the transfer valves with its bonnet cover stands on the floor in front of the engine. The comparatively small size of the engine should meet with the approval aboard such vessels where small space allowance is of essential importance. The construction is shown very complete in this illustration, especially the accessibility and similarity to ordinary types of engines in regards to construction. 354 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES Construction and Mechanical Efficiency: It remains to be seen, if the highly commendable efforts of Mr. Elmer A. Sperry, M. E., has by the creation of this latest addition of improved Diesel type solved the question of eliminating excessive weighty Diesels and substituting in its place the much lighter "compound" type. If this has been accomplished an added interest will be paid to the future development of this new type in larger construction. Its factors of established high mechanical efficiency in compounding Diesels we will undertake to briefly explain. We. are brought face to face with steam engine practice as prevail- ing in compound engines. Compound engines are a type where the high- pressure is taking up before entering the low pressure cylinder. Inasmuch as the Diesel engine is a "constant pressure" engine, where the larger volume of power gases in the combustion chamber of 'the com- pound at once solves a number of important problems, makes the light engine easy of accomplishment, and overcomes a number of difficulties at the same time. In this engine we have two high pressure or combus- tion pistons at the ends and a low pressure in the center. A balancing cylinder sustains a permanent connection with the low pressure cylinder. The solid fuel injection valve and nozzle are placed approximately over the center of gravity of the large masses of air in the so-called clear- ance dome. It is understood that the two high-pressure cylinders are operating four-cycle, one 360 degree back of the other, discharging alternately into the low pressure, which therefore works two-cycle and delivers power on each down stroke. H.P Cylinder ' Expansion 'Prt-Compressor Comparison in Compound Indicator Card in contrast to Diesel standard type. The dome, unlike the usual type of Diesels is rather large and forms an upward extension of the 'Combustion cylinder, extending also to the right in a large sweep surrounding a so-called "transfer" valve which seals the transfer port. A sleeve-like induction valve, seated on top of the transfer valve, is controlled by a cam-operated fork. The transfer valve and sleeve are lifted by. a, fork, located in a thimble near the top of the stem. The first-stage annular compression pump surrounding the trunk piston below the low-pressure piston proper, delivers its air to a small receiver, which in turn discharges to the cored port surrounding the induction sleeve. DESCRIPTION OP DIESEL ENGINES 355 The cooling is effected by following method: In forcing the high- pressure piston down air must pass some port in entering. The air-cool- ing port is in line with the transfer port and the induction valve itself rides on the back of the transfer valve in the form of a hollow sleeve seated directly on the top of the transfer valve. The back of the transfer valve is provided with greatly enlarged radiating and cooling surfaces presented to this cooling air and powerful convection currents are con- stantly acting when sealed. Moreover, this air when entering is at high velocity and gushes down through and bathes the deeply serrated surfaces of the hack of the transfer valve, licking up the heat very com- pletely in its inward rush. THE STILL ENGINE (Author's Note. This article is a contribution through courtesy of the distinguished Professor of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineer- ing at the Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa., Mr. L. B. 'Chapman.) As will be observed byi the detailed description of the Still engine that it is a combination Diesel and steam engine, devised to increase the thermal efficiency over that of the Diesel engine. The heat ordi- narily rejected in the jacket water and to the exhaust is used to produce steam and about 8 per cent of this heat is converted into useful work, increasing the brake horsepower of the engine about 30 /per cent. Whatever the future of this engine may be, it must be considered from the standpoint of technical observation a factor of highest con- sideration. When giving this engine some study, it will be found that there are advantages, in particular in lessening fuel expenditure, which are deserving of comment. From the diagram of the Still engine shown in Fig. 1 it will be seen that in its present form the engine is double-acting with the Diesel cycle working on top of the piston. The water jacket is connected in a circuit with the boiler and an exhaust generator as shown in the diagram. The cooling water enters and leaves the jacket at a constant temperature corresponding to the pressure of the steam in the boiler. The heat absorbed by the jacket water surrounding the combustion cylinder is used to convert the water into steam at constant temperature. In other words, the heat of combustion that radiates through the walls is trans- ferred into latent heat of steam. The steain thus generated passes to the boiler. The function, of the boiler is to produce steam for warming up and starting the engine and to augment the supply generated in the jackets, if the jacket supply is not sufficient for the steam end of the cylinder. The boiler feed water is circulated through the jacket as shown in Fig. 1. The feed water is taken from the feed tank by the feed pump as in all steam plants and is delivered at about 100 degrees to a feed heater or exhaust generator where it absorbs the heat in the exhaust 356 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES gases. The temperature of the feed water is thus raised from 100 degrees Fahr. to between 350 and 450 degrees Fahr., and the exhaust gases are reduced from 900 to 150 degrees Fahr. The feed water then enters the jacket, where it is converted into steam by the heat of combustion. The steam from the boiler enters the lower part of the cylinder and acts on the piston in practically the same manner as in a steam engine and is then exhausted to the condenser. Cylinder condensation, which Is a large loss with the ordinary steam engine, is practically eliminated in the Still engine because of the heat received from the combustion of the gases in the Diesel end. Stop Valve Fig. I Final Combustion Exhaust Temp. I50"F. During compression of the air on the Diesel side of the piston the air charge absorbs heat from the cylinder walls because of the high temperature in the jacket. With the straight Diesel engine the transfer is in the opposite direction, due to the cold circulating water. One result of this is that the required compression pressure is less in the Still engine than in ordinary Diesel engines. Advantages of Combined Cycles: The advantages due 'to the inter- ,action of the combustion and steam cycles are summarized by Mr. F. E. D. Acland in a paper before the Royal Society of Arts as follows: (1) The mean temperature of the cylinder walls is higher than in ordinary engines; the cooler parts being maintained at a higher, the hotter parts at a lower temperature. (2) The piston is cooler, owing to the expansion of the steam be- hind it. DESCRIPTION OP DIESEL ENGINES 357 (3) The heat efficiency of the combustion cycle is augmented owing to the walls being at a higher and constant temperature, and is in pro- portion to the rise in temperature of the jacket water. (4) Frictional losses are reduced by the higher temperature, and by the steam overcoming the inertia of the reciprocating masses at the lower dead center. Fig. 2 Still Engine on Test in Shop (5) The mechanical efficiency of the whole engine is higher than that obtainable in a normal engine of similar type. (6) The steam, expanding as it does in a cylinder hotter than it- self, gives an indicator diagram larger than that theoretically obtainable under ideal conditions in an ordinary steam engine. 358 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES (7) Twenty-nine per cent of additional brake horsepower is added to the shaft of the engine without increase in the fuel consumption. (Steam not condensed.) (8) Forty per cent is added when condenser is used. (Air pump separately driven.) (9) The indicated horsepower due to steam appears as brake horse- power added to the shaft, all the mechanical losses having already been accounted for in measuring the combustion brake horsepower. Besides the merits listed above the two-cycle 'Still engine has the following advantages: (1) Fuel consumption 10 to 20 per cent lower than the Diesel engine. , (2) Absence of cold circulating water causing large temperature difference and trouble with cylinder and head castings. (4) Lower compression pressure. (5) Absence of air-starting, circulating and piston-cooling system. (6) Absence of exhaust valves and gear. (7) Increased horsepower for a given bore and stroke. (8) Possibility of overload by forcing steam boiler. (9) Maneuvering at low revolution per minute is possible. (10) High temperature range 2000 to 150 degrees F. (Carnot ef- ficiency). Trials with a single cylinder two-cycle Still engine were carried out during 1921 by Scott's Shipbuilding & Engineering Company, Greenock, Scotland. Owing to the fact that the experimental engine had only one cylinder, it was necessary to provide a small auxiliary high pressure steam cylinder, the lower end of the main Still cylinder serving as a low pressure steam cylinder. In an actual installation where several cylinders are used the lower part of one can be used >as a high pressure cylinder, and the lower part of another as a low pressure cylinder, thus obviating the use of an auxiliary cylinder. All the auxiliaries, except the scavenging air pump, were driven off the main engine in these trials. A photograph of this engine is shown in Fig. 2, and a digrammatic view showing all the auxiliaries in Fig. 3. The result of the trials of this engine are given in the following table: DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 359 ' TRIALS OF 22-INCH BY 36-INCH STILL OIL ENGINE'. Main Still cylinder Stroke, 36 inches. Bore, 22 inches. Piston rod, 6^4 inches. Auxiliary higlnpressure cylinder Stroke, 14 inches. Bore, 22 inches. Over- Full Half load load load 1. Average combustion M.E.P., Ibs. per sq. in.__ 88.9 81.2 54.2 2. Average steam M.E.P. referred to H.P.__ 4.43 3.80 1.26 3. Average steam M.E.P. referred to L.P 7.36 6.23 3.60 4. Total M. E. P 100.69 91.25 59.06 5. R. P. M 128.1 124.3 103 6. Steam boiler pressure, Ibs. per sq. in. gauge__112 100 108 7. H.P. receiver pressure, Ibs. per sq. in. gauge 75 57 23.5 8. L.P. receiver pressure, Ibs. per sq. in. gauge__ 11 5.5 0.4 9. Vacuum, inches Hg 28 27.5 26.6 10. Water evaporated per hour, Ibs 950 807 388 11. Scavenging pressure, inches water 49 46 40 12. H.P. for scavenging 15.4 14.1 12.0 13. Combustion I.H.P. 394 349 5 192.5 14. Total I.H.P. 446 392 210 15. Engine B.H.P. 384 343 174.5 16. Net B.H.P. (line 15 line 12) 368.6 329 162.5 17. Oil per hour, Ibs 146.6 123.4 64.0 18. Oil per net B.H.P. per hour .398 .375 .394 19. Efficiency on net B.H.P., per cent 35.5 37.7 35.8 . It will be observed that the fuel consumption at full load is 0.376 pounds per brake horsepower, which is about 10 per cent lower than the best four-cycle Diesel practice and nearly 20 per cent better than the general run of two-cycle Diesel engines. Claims are put forward that the Still engine weighs less and occupies less space than the Diesel engine. The gain in economy of between 10 and 15 per cent for this single cylinder engine is highly encouraging and no doubt this can be improved upon when several cylinders are used. At first thought the engine appears complicated, but it must be borne in mind that the air-starting, circulating and piston-cooling sys- tems are eliminated and the small boiler employed with the Still engine would generally be required on a Diesel ship. DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES Cross-Section of Still Engine DEFINITION OF PARTS: 1. Combustion Cylinder. 2. Reinforcing Steel Hoop. 3. Scavenging 'Blower. 4. Combustion Exhaust Pipe Jacketed by Boiler Water. 5. Exhaust Generator. 6. Feed Water Heater. 7. Final Combustion Exhaust to Atmosphere. 8. Boiler. 9. Main Steam Pipe. 10. Steam Inlet and Exhaust Valves, 11, Steam Cylinder, DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 361 12. Steam Exhaust to Condenser. 13. Condenser. 14. Suction Pipe to Air Pump. 15. Air Pump. 16. Feed Pump. 17. Delivery Pipe to Feed Heater. 18. Circulating Water, Boiler to Exhaust Generator. 19. Circulating Water, Exhaust Generator to Cylinder Jacket. 20. Circulating Water and Steam; Jacket to Boiler. 21. Auxiliary Oil Burner. 22. Condenser Circulating Pump. 23. Oil Fuel Injection Pump. 24. Oil Fuel Delivery to Injection Valve. 25. Injection Valve. THE WASHINGTON-ESTEP MARINE DIESEL ENGINE. Four-cycle Construction. Airless Injection. (Solid Injection). The Washington-Estep Diesel Engine is a modern type of Diesel, fol- lowing the design of medium sized power-producers particularly adapted for smaller crafts or for use as auxiliary machinery aboard ship. While this engine being built for marine purpose, the numerous novel features which this design embodies makes it an elegant factor for stationary work. We will define the special features of this latest type of Diesel engine. The engine illustrated in figure (a) is of three-cylinder, four-cycle construction. Its horsepower rating ranges from 65 to 140 B. H. P., ac- cording to the specified size desired. The engine has a normal load of 100 B. H. P. at 280 R. P. M., when running with a continued M. E. P. of 85 Ibs. per square inch. From tests at hand it performs power at 125 B. H. P. with ease and up to 140 B. H. P. as a maximum. There are two fuel-injection valves of special design in each cylinder head, and an individual fuel pump supplies each pair of injectors with fuel for every cylinder. A governor controls the fuel at all speeds. The designers have found it advisable to depart from the usual de- sign of cylinders, having the same equipped with removable liners or bushings. Ample water jacket space is provided causing the thermal efficiency of the engine to be brought to a high standard. It will be re- alized, in comparing this engine with similar types of equal horsepower capacities, that the revolution performances is rather high, being from 210 to 350 revolutions per minute. For marine service, where the average speed is generally up to 120 R. P. M., rarely exceeding 200 R. P. M., an engine of this nature must be capable to withstand the high thermal increase. All provisioncy to guard against this excess heat temperature have been made by the designer of tbjis engine to insure ample lubrication. A double system, i.e., forced- 362 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES teed circulating system through manifold and crankshaft to all bearings and crosshead pins ,have been found imperative. A sump pump takes the return oil from the crank pits through strainer to auxiliary filtering and cooling tank, automatic governed pressure pump has 'been provided from this tank to bearings. A 10-feed mechanical oiler of the Manzel type furnishes fresh oil for cylinder lubrication. The engine is fitted with bronze centrifugal circulating pumps and stand-toy bronze plunger pump running half speed from cam shaft, which can be used for bilge and deck service. A water cooled air pump to sup- ply starting air at 150 Ib'S. pressure is also provided. The fuel oil service pump is mounted on forward end of the frame. W ashing ton-E step Engine, Port Side View As eos-tumary on small and medium sized engines, the piston is of the trunk type, convex head, strongly ribbed to support large hardened steel piston pin. The piston is equipped with six piston rings of special type for this service. A commendable feature is the large cam shaft which is mounted in adjustable removable bearings, fitted with hardened steel accurately machined cams, all enclosed running in oil, driven with simple bpur gears DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 363 of large diameter and ample face. The idler gear is bronze and running in oil. Compression release for hand turning is also provided. The reverse gear is of a patented design by the builders of this engine. It is of heavy duty type, positive, simple, accessible and can be backed for hours without heating. The clutch is the latest multiple disc type enclosed, all gears are heavy simple spur type cut from high car- bon forgings. The entire assembly can be quickly removed from engine by letting go the shaft coupling at each end. The starting can be accomplished from cold, a simple water-cooled air compressor being mounted at the after end of the engine for the pur- pose of charging starting-air tanks at 150' Ibs. pressure. The compression of the engine is limited to 350 Ibs., being of similar figure to most 'solid injection types of engines of this capacity. Washington-Estep Engine, Starboard Side View It will be mentioned here that instead of the high pump pressure usually adopted with, airless injection, or direct or sometimes called solid injection, the designer has found it feasible to use a comparatively low pressure of 1,500 Ibs. The thrust bearing is of the removable type and is totally enclosed, water-cooled, and provided with a mechanical oiling system. All bear- ings are removable. The high-economy establishment of this engine, brings it within reach of very limited operating expenditure. The engine will consume 364 DESCRIPTION OP DIESEL ENGINES Washington-Estep Engine, Showing Engine-frame and Cylinder Construction Estep Design of Cylinders and Liners DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 365 5 l /2 gallons of average calorific value of fuels at a cobs. per B.H.P. *3 Cylinler 300 B. H. P., Weight 69,000 Ibs. *4 Cylinder 400 B. H. P., Weight 92,000 Ibs. *6 Cylinder 600 B. H. P., Weight 138,000 Ibs. Crankshaft, (* Direct Reversible Type.) 366 DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES DIESEL ENGINES FOR SUBMERSIBLE CRAFTS. That the Diesel engine has been found to answer the requirements necessary as a prime mover suitable for naval duties on submersible crafts has been fully proven. For many years the gasoline driven engine was the best at our disposal, but as gasoline is a bad thing to handle in the -confined space of a submarine, the Diesel engine rapidly sub- stituted the gasoline engine as soon as the advantages were known to governments throughout the world. The development of these engines was quite advanced in Germany before any such marine engines were built in this country. In order that we might advance as rapidly as possible, all known engines of this type were examined by our engineers, and the conclusion reached that the engine built in Nuremburg was the best then developed. Steps were immediately taken to acquire the rights for this country, and we were thus able to get for our submarines the best engine then developed. Many of these engines were built and are now in operation in. our submarines. In the building and operation of these engines many things were found unsuitable for service in the United States, the principal reason was their complication of mechanism. In consequence a new engine was designed illustrated in Fig. 1. -Other models also were soon brought before the Bureau of Navigation, and it must be acknowledged that the United States Government has much stimulated and encouraged the development of Diesel machinery. En- gines built for submarine service must be rigid in construction, excellent in workmanship, reliable in action, capable to stand every known abuse, and above all, accessible for inspection. The change from gasoline to heavy oil has brought out one very interesting characteristic, that is, that with a given quantity of heavy oil, twice the number of horsepower- hours may be obtained as from a like quantity of gasoline. Thus, with a boat having a given full tank capacity, double the! radius of action is obtained when the change from gasoline to oil is made. Another point is that heavy oil costs about one-fifth as much per gallon as gasoMne; thus for a given number of horsepower-hours the fuel of the Diesel engine costs about one-tenth that for the gasoline engine. Figure 2 gives a good idea of the mass of equipment of a submarine, every part of the space being utilized. The picture is taken from amid- ship looking forward. In the center of the picture is shown the hand steering wheel. In general the steering is done by electric motor, shown at the top of the picture. On the left is the air manifold, with valves for control of the high-pressure air. These valves connect the air to all the different tanks. By opening the valves to the main ballast tanks the water may be blown out in a short period of time. On the right is shown the water manifold which connects the different tanks to the adjusting pumps, also the levers of the large Kingston valves. Figure 3 gives a view looking aft from amidships and showing the main motors and engines. DESCRIPTION OP DIESEL ENGINES 367 368 DESCRIPTION OP DIESEL ENGINES It becomes necessary here to mention the Automatic Blow Valve. This valve connects the high-pressure air line with the main ballast tanks, and the control of the valve is by diaphragm in connection with the outside sea water. Thus, if the pressure reaches too high a figure, the high-pressure air is automatically turned into the main ballast tanks. These tanks tare entirely filled with water, whenever any is there, and therefore, at such times the main Kingston valves are left open. The turning of the high-pressure air into these tanks is all the operation required to empty the tanks. In the test the automatic blow valve is set to some depth, say 50 ft., and the boat allowed slowly to sink. When this depth is reached the pressure outside operates the valve and some 75 tons of water are quickly blown out of the tanks. The boat immediately starts to rise, and in less than one minute will reach the surface, nearly jumping out of the water from the rapid rise. The automatic blow valve may be set for any depth that may be desired. DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES SCO 370 DESCRIPTION OP DIESEL ENGINES DESCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINES 371 fe! m CHAPTER XL DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION. *DETAILED INFORMATION AND OPERATING INSTRUCTION OF WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC MFGR. CO.'S DIESEL-ELECTRIC SYSTEM. Diesel Electric System for Ship Propulsion: Although the Diesel electric system, of ship propulsion is relatively new, the constituent parts making up the system are well established. A Diesel electric system preferably consists of two or more Diesel engine driven generators furnishing power to a motor driven propeller. The ship may be of the single, twin or multiple 'screw type. By using two or more generating units for a propeller, definite advantages in the way of weight, flexibility, control, reliability, etc., as discussed below, are readily obtained. The simplicity of the Diesel electric system is obvious when it is realized that the (principal component parts comprise only four pieces of ap- paratus, such as Diesel engines, generators, motors and control, two of which are quite similar. Selection of Power: In selecting the power for a Diesel electric system, we have a choice between alternating current and direct cur- rent. For the reason that direct current obviates operating difficulties ensuing from alternating current parallel operation; eliminates changes in engine speed; adds enormously to the simplicity, refinement and economy of control; and provides greater power in case of casualty to a generating unit, the direct current system is obviously the proper sys- tem to use. In cases where a single generator supplies power to a single motor, alternating current could be used without encountering difficulties ensuing from parallel operation, but such a system would be far Inferior to the direct current system in flexibility, reserve power and control. Furthermore, a multiplicity of generating units, as are used inj the case of D. C. systems, adds considerably to the ultimate re- liability. Therefore, in the large majority of cases, Diesel electric sys- tems will utilize direct current. In the case of direct current systems, there are two general ar- rangements of machine connections that suggest themselves. One ar- rangement is to operate the generators in parallel, and control the motor speed and maneuvering by armature rheostatic means. This system, *Specially Prepared by W. E. Thau, Marine Engineer. Copyright by Westinghouse Electric & Mfgr. Co. 374 DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION however, is rather cumbersome, wasteful during maneuvers and speed' changes, and necessitates a complicated controller. The other employs what is known as the voltage control? or Ward Leonard control system. With this system, -pure shunt machines are used and both motors and generators are separately excited, preferably from the same source. The motor fields are excited at constant potential, and always in the same direction. The excitation of the generator fields is varied to suit the motor speed and direction of rotation desired. By varying the volt- age applied to the armature terminals of a shunt motor, having a con- stant field excitation, the motor speed can be varied in direct proportion, both as regards speed value and speed direction; and since the voltage generated by a constant speed, separately excited, shunt wound gener- ator is directly proportional to its field excitation (neglecting saturation), the motor speed is, in turn, .proportional to the generator excitation. With such an arrangement, therefore, it is only required to vary the gen- erator fields from full excitation in one direction to full excitation in the opposite direction, to cause the motor to maneuver from full speed ahead to full speed astern. To further simplify this method of control, all machines are connected in series. With the series connection, it is unnecessary to maintain like speeds on all the engines. Provided the generators are excited equal amounts and have identical performance, the only effect of difference in engine speeds is a proportional difference in the loads carried by the generators, and their driving engines. From an operating standpoint, therefore, the series system is ideal, and per- mits/by far the simplest system. Parallel operation of generators with the Ward-Leonard system would be very difficult, in fact, almost im- practical. Since it is only necessary to handle the generator field excitation currents for maneuvering the ship from full speed ahead to full speed astern, or holding any particular desired speed, the economy of the Ward-Leonard system is obviously superior to that of the armature rheostatic system during any other than lull speed operation, for the reason that the generator field excitation power does not exceed \ l / 2 % of the total output of the generator. Dealing with these small currents, the control is extremely simple and inexpensive. This simplicity has a further direct effect on the maintenance of the equipment. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF UNITS: Engines: The engine used with Diesel electric propulsion may be any reliable make of Diesel engine, which operates at a reasonably high rotative speed. The term "rotative speed" is used instead of "speed" to distinguish from high piston speeds. Many people associate the en- gines used with Diesel electric propulsion with those used for sub- marine propulsion. Diesel engines which are properly designed for use with Diesel electric propulsion need not exceed established safe piston speeds for continuous operating engines. By using many cylinders of DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION 375 short stroke and small bore, the heat stresses common to large cylinder, slow speed engines are minimized, and the result should be an engine requiring less maintenance, and an engine of simpler construction. By resorting to higher rotative speed engines, it is well known that the weight per brake horsepower can be brought down very rapidly. This characteristic is an important one in connection with Diesel elec- tric drive, as the amount of weight thus saved in the engine is consid- erably more than that added by the electrical machinery, and hence re- sults in a total machinery installation which is lighter than that of any other type. It is confidently anticipated that the weight of a Diesel electric propulsive installation using properly designed engines, should be approximately ^ that of a twin screw direct connected Diesel pro- pulsive system, and in the neighborhood of 75% of the weight of an economical, geared-turbine 'propulsive equipment. Generators: The generators used with the preferable form of Diesel electric propulsion are simple, direct current, shunt machines, the con- struction and performance of which are easily comprehended by any person having a mechanical turn of mind. These machines consist es- sentially of two parts, the field or stationary element, and the armature or rotating element. The field is made up of a cylindrical steel ring, split at the horizontal center line for convenience, and having an elliptical section. Electrically, this frame serves to carry the field flux, and mechanically to support the field poles. The frame is machined on the inside diameter in order to form a true seat for the field ipoles which are bolted to it and symmetri- cally spaced. The main field poles are composed of a number of die- punched laminations of sheet iron, which are riveted together to form a solid pole. The commutating field poles are built of solid steel and lo- cated between the main poles. The main field coils which produce the field flux consist of a, large number of turns of insulated copper wire having a relatively small sec- tion. The coil is wound on a form, slipped on the field poles before they are bolted to the frame, and rigidly supported from these field poles by insulated supports. These coils are known as shunt coils, and are con- nected in series. The winding for the commutating field pole consists of a relatively small number of turns of bare copper strap secured by insulated sup- ports. This winding is connected in series with the armature, and car- ries the line current. The purpose of the commutating pole winding is to provide a magnetic field to neutralize the effect of the current reversal in the armature coils undergoing commutation, .and thus to effect spark' less commutation. Since the commutating field winding is in series with the armature, and carries the same current, the correct amount of com- mutating pole flux is automatically provided under all conditions of load within the capacity of the machine. The armature consists essentially of a cylindrical core built up of steel laminations which are dovetailed and secured to a cast spider, the 376 DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION spider in turn being pressed and keyed on to the shaft. The steel lam- inations are provided with teeth punched in their periphery, and into which the armature coils are placed. The commutator to which the armature coils are connected is made up of a series of hard drawn copper bars securely Insulated from one another by means of mica insulation. These commutator bars are built up on a separate spider and securely fastened thereto by means of "V" rings fitting into insulated machined recesses in the bars, or by some other suitable means. The commutator spider is then pressed on an ex- tension of the armature spider, or directly on the shaft and keyed thereto. The armature coils are form wound and completely insulated and treated so as to be moisture resistant, before they are placed in the slots, and connected to their respective commutator bars. The armature coils for any given machine are identical. The armature is usually carried on a forged steel shaft having an integral flange at one end which is bolted directly to the flywheel of the engine, the other end being carried by a pedestal type bearing. The brush rigging which properly constitutes a part of the stationary member, serves to collect the current from the commutator, and is sup- ported from the field frame. There are the same number of brush arms as main field poles. Brush arms are symmetrically placed and so located that the brushes rest on commutator bars which connect to armature coils, which lie in the commutating zone, which in a commutating pole machine is midway between the main field poles. The brush arms carry a series of brush holders, each of which is provided with a carbon brush connected to the brush holder by means of a copper shunt (sometimes called a pig-tail). To insure an equal dis- tribution of current in the brushes, an adjustable spring is provided on each brush holder which maintains the pressure of the carbon brush on the commutator at a given predetermined correct value. Motors: The corresponding description of the motor is identically the same as that of the generator, and therefore, will not be given. In order to minimize the total weight, it is preferable to provide the motor without a bedplate, and simply to provide feet on the field frames and bearing pedestals suitable for mounting on a built-up structural steel bedplate in the ship. The structure supporting the motor should be rigid so as to avoid distortion^ The bearings of the generators are usually supplied with lubrication from the engine lubricating system. In the case of the motors, it is usual to provide oil ring lubrication. In some cases, however, forced or flood lubrication is provided, the oil being supplied by a gear pump actuated from the motor shaft. Exciter Arrangements: The exciters for the generator and motor fields may either be driven by the main engines, or by separate engines. In either case, they may furnish power to the auxiliaries in addition to that for excitation. DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION 377 If driven by the main engines, the exciters should be direct con- nected to the main generator either by means of a coupling, or by mounting on an extension of the generator shaft. In the latter arrange- ment, the exciter armature may be overhung if the mechanical factors permit. Driving the exciters from the main generator shafts by means of chains, belts or gears, effects a slight saving in weight and overall length of the set, however, it is not nearly as satisfactory mechanically as direct drive. Whether it is best to use direct driven, or separately driven exciters, depends upon such factors as sea load, desired flexibility, capacity of main generators as related to port demands, available space, etc., and each case must be considered on its merits. When the arrangement is convenient, it is usually preferable, however, to drive the exciters by the main engines, as it results in a self-contained propulsive plant. Control: The control consists of a suitable switchboard containing the necessary switches for the several machines involved, the instru- ments, protective relays, circuit breaker, etc.; a special reversing field rheostat for the generator field circuits; and a manually operated, re- mote control mechaniam, preferably mounted on a pedestal for operat- ing the field rheostat. There are two general methods of operating the field rheostat. One method employs a handle which operates in the fore and! aft direction, and is thus similar to present steam engine control. This handle operates the rheostat through a system of rods and bevel gears. The other sys- tem employs a worm and wheel instead of the handle, and is preferable to the handle for the reason that it provides an inherent time element in that it requires a certain definite time to actuate it from full ahead to stop, and full astern positions. This time element is essential, as too rapid change in the field strength, would cause serious overloads on the machinery. It has been found from actual service that the minimum time which would be consumed in bringing the propellers from full speed ahead to the stopped condition is approximately 5 seconds, and by designing the worm and wheel so that it would require 5 seconds to make the number of turns necessary for full speed to stop position, this required time element is automatically provided. With the lever operation, it is possible to move the control instantly to the off position, and thereby cause a large rush of current. The switches for the machines are so arranged that any particular generator or motor unit may be taken out of service by simply throwing its switch from one position to another. This operation is usually ef- fected without interrupting the service to the propeller motor. A more detailed description of the control is given below in the case of a specific example, 378 DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION ADVANTAGES: The advantages of Diesel electric propulsion as compared with any form of steam drive are very pronounced. Fuel Economy: The most important advantage is that resulting from the difference of fuel economy. A properly designed Diesel electric propulsive equipment requires about 0.55 Ibs. of oil per shaft horsepower hour for all purposes, whereas the average high grade steam installation requires about twice this amount, or more. The saving in fuel is of two- fold importance First, the actual difference in fuel cost, and second, the additional cargo that can be carried due to the decreased weight of fuel, or the greater cruising radius for a given amount of fuel oil. Weight: A proper Diesel electric propulsive equipment being lighter than the geared turbine equipment of high grade performance, enables additional cargo to be carried in the amount of the weight difference. The importance of this feature is apparent as it affects the ultimate earning ability of the ship. As compared with a direct connected twin screw Diesel drive, the Diesel electric is about on a parity in regard to fuel consumption, but considerably lighter in weight. The direct drive Diesel has demonstrated its superior economy in the earning power of the ship as compared with the steam drive. The result was accomplished in, spite of the excess machinery weight of the former as compared with the latter. Similarly, as the Diesel electric is considerably lighter than the direct drive Diesel, the Diesel electric will show superior earning power as compared with the direct drive Diesel, particularly on long runs. Reliability and Reserve Power: By providing a number of small generating units, the reliability of the Diesel electric drive is superior to that of the direct connected Diesel drive, both from the standpoint of individual engines, and the drive collectively, in the case of casualty. This superiority of the Diesel electric also obtains when compared with the steam drive. Reserve power in case of casualty to any of the generating units is important. Having a number of generating units, the reliability in case of casualty is infinitely greater than in the case of a single screw steam- ship. Although with a cross compound geared turbine, the failure of one element would still enable operation at about 50% power from the re- maining element, it would be at a sacrifice of considerable speed and economy. A similar analysis applies in the case of the twin screw direct connected Diesel. To provide a motor of small diameter it is customary to use what is known as a double unit motor which, incidentally, results in greater reserve power flexibility. The double unit motor essentially consists of two electrically independent motors mounted on the same shaft. With such an arrangement, the reliability and reserve power of the Diesel electric in case of casualty, is infinitely superior to that of the single turbine and single direct drive Diesel single-screw ship. DIKSE'L ELECTRIC PROPULSION 379 With the Ward-Leonard system, using the series arrangement of machines, more reserve power is available in case of casualty to a prime mover than is the ease with any other system of ship propulsion. Tak- ing, for example, a 3-generator, single-screw arrangement, the failure of one generating unit would enable 88% speed to be obtained with the re- maining two sets, and in the case of the failure of two generating sets, the single remaining set would furnish sufficient power to propel the ship at 70% speed. This analysis is 'based on the driving power varying as the cube of the speed. This system is in fact the only system that permits full power to 'be derived from remaining units without overload- ing them, or increasing the original size and weight. To obtain the full capacity of the remaining units under conditions stated in the foregoing paragraph, it is merely necessary to set each generator for its full rated voltage, and then to decrease the motor field current until full load armature current flows through the system. In the example cited, full load current with two generators in operation would supply two-thirds of the total power, and with one generator in operation, would supply one-third full power. It is necessary to weaken the motor field to obtain the required speed for the remaining power, as otherwise the motor would operate at a speed directly proportional to the total remaining generator voltage. If the motor is of the single armature type, its field flux would be reduced to 76% to obtain 88% speed with two generators in operation; and 47^% with one generator in operation. If the motor is of, the double unit type with its armatures normally operated in series, 70% speed can 'be obtained with one gen- erator, and one motor unit, and in this case this motor field flux is re- duced to about 95% of full value. In the case of a twin or multiple screw ship having Diesel electric propulsion, a casualty to a prime mover does not prevent supplying bal- anced power to all screws. The switching is so arranged that the gen- erators may be connected to any of the motors. This is of further ad- vantage in that the remaining prime movers are operated under normal power conditions and consequently normal efficiency. Recalling the reliability which was discussed above, it is incon- ceivable to imagine a reasonable condition of casualty in the case of Diesel electric propulsion that would prevent the ship from reaching port at a reasonable speed. Simplicity: The characteristics of the engine for Diesel electric drive are constant speed and reasonably close regulation from no load to full load. iSince the engines operate at constant speed and always in one direction, it is unnecessary to point out the elimination of the re- versing gear, as well as the air for reversing. The result of the elimina- tion of these two features means a simpler and probably a more reliable engine. It at least reduces the air problems to their simplest terms. Air is used only for the initial start in port. In fact, the plant can be arranged so that only one engine need be started by air and subsequent engines started electrically by utilizing their generators as motors. 380 DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION Furthermore, as an extreme arrangement, starting air may be eliminated entirely by providing a .small gasoline or kerosene engine generator set to do the starting of the main engines electrically. Stand-by Conditions: Since the Diesel engine consumes fuel only when running, a further economy is effected by the elimination of stand- by losses. Also, it is unnecessary to warm up various pieces of machin- ery, such as boilers, turbines, etc., for a long period prior to "getting under way." The Diesel electric system can be made ready for sailing on short notice. Conclusion: From the foregoing discussion, it will be obvious that the Diesel electric system of ship propulsion using series connected D. C. machines operating on the Ward-Leonard principle, is considerably more than a mere electric coupling or gear. It is a system containing very pronounced features which are of direct advantage to the improved performance of the ship. The fact that the electrical machines constitute a reliable 'and flexible substitution for gears and magnetic couplings is merely incidental. LIMITS OF CAPACITY: Based on present-day available Diesel engines, which are suitable for Diesel electric drive, the capacity limit of a single Diesel electric drive, is approximately 7500 H. P. This figure could be increased by using an unreasonably large number of engines. Some ultra-enthusiastic advocates of Diesel electric propulsion have entertained the idea of using as many as 18 engines. However, the more conservative advocates would limit the number of engines for a single installation to eight, and this only as an extreme measure. The preferable number of engines for a single-screw drive is three or four. Engines of 1000 H. P. per cylinder are now being seriously consid- ered, and in fact, developments of such engines are already under way. Using six or eight cylinder engines, having this capacity of cylinder, it is easily conceivable that single installations of 50,000 H. P. are on the horizon. With possible future developments in Diesel engines, the limit may be within the greatest demand for a single drive. As Kipling said, "Came the power with the need." PERFORMANCE: Stopping and R-eversing: Because of the inherent functioning of a Ward-Leonard system of Diesel electric propulsion it is necessary to give some thought to the inherent characteristics of propeller performance, particularly quick istopping when under full headway. Turning warrants consideration only in the case of multiple screw ships, and only then in particular types of drive, such as turbine-electric using alternating cur- rent machinery. DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION 381 During quick stopping, however, it is necessary to overcome the propeller torque in order to bring the ipropeller to rest. This propeller torque is developed by reason of the motion of the ship through the water, which causes the propeller to be driven as a water motor. Al- though strict analysis of this performance is not pertinent to the pres- ent discussion, it is well to recognize the results. In the case of a pure Ward-Leonard system of Diesel electric propulsion, the principal means of absorbing the energy returned through the screw is the friction of the engines. If more energy is returned than can be dissipated by the fric- tion losses in the engines, and the losses of transmission, external means such as dynamic braking resistors must be provided. If all the energy returned by the screw is not dissipated by the f Fictional losses of the engines, or otherwise, it will be expended in increasing the speed of the engines. Whether or not the increased speed would be detrimental to the engines can only be conjectured. However, it is confidently be- lieved that in the large majority of cases, and particularly those of the ordinary cargo ship, that this energy will not be in excess of that which can be obsorbed by the frictional losses of the engine. Specific tests of this performance were made in the case of some Diesel electric yachts when stopping from full speed, and it was found that there were no increases in the engine speeds due to this cause. A conservative analysis shows that the maximum horsepower re- turned to the engines when bringing the propellers to rest from full speed, is approximately 33%, and that this peak value will last for a very brief instant only. The average horsepower returned is approxi- mately 18%. The values take into account the torque produced by the propeller and the inertia forces of the motor armatures and the pro- peller, based on a stop of five seconds. Since the average four-cycle engine with attached auxiliaries) is approximately 75% efficient, and the average two-cycle engine with attached auxiliaries is approximately 72% efficient, based on brake horsepower, it is apparent that the frictional losses in either case amount to at least 33% of the engine output. There is a slight margin in these figures, as no allowance was made for the propeller shaft bearing friction. Due to this returned energy when mak- ing quick stops, or reversals, it is necessary to design the engine gov- ernors to throttle to practically zero oil flow, in order that the friction losses of the engine may provide a load for absorbing the returned energy. In cases where the compressors, etc., are separately driven, and in cases where the returned energy otherwise is in excess of what the engines can absorb, it is necessary to connect resistance in the circuit during quick stops, for absorbing the excess. This is very easily ar- ranged, and its insertion is done automatically by an auxiliary circuit actuated by virtue of relative position or motion of the control device. Turning: When turning ait full power, there is an increase in the load on the propellers. This increase is particularly pronounced in the case of multiple screw ships, as the power builds up enormously, especial- ly on the inboard side of the turn if means are not taken to guard 382 DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION against it. This characteristic causes some concern in the case of al- ternating current drives, and necessitates special control devices. Eveii though the input to the prime mover toe limited to normal running value, there is a drop in its speed and an increase in torque of approximately 25% to 30%. Since a normal Diesel engine has very little overload capacity, any building up of torque will cause a reduction in its speed, and therefore, its output is automatically limited. The inherent char^ acteristics of the D. C. motors and generators >are such that they will carry the increase in torque without the least danger of becoming un- stable, and hence no special precautions need be taken. There is always a stable couple between the generators and the motors. Bridge Control: Since the engines operate at practically constant speed, and in the same direction at all times, and are under the control o-f a constant speed governor, they require no attention during maneuver- ing. This combined, with the absence of such factors as steam pressure, boiler fires, priming, etc., make control of the propeller machinery from a remote location entirely feasible. In other words, the ship is controlled just as easily from the bridge as from the engine room. The importance of such performance is obvious in the case of ships requiring very ac- curate maneuvering in restricted places, as it eliminates both delay in re- sponse to signals, and risk as a consequence of mistaken signals, The Diesel electric system is, in fact, the only system of ship propulsion that affords bridge control without resorting to complications which are questionable at best. Torque at Low Sp-eed: In regard to low speed torque, the Diesel electric system here described is very similar to the turbine, in that it is capable of developing large overload torque at reduced speed: Theo- retically, the torque at the motor shaft may be increased in inverse ratio to the speed without overloading the engines. However, safe commuta- tion of the electrical machines of ordinary design places a practical limit on the torque that can be developed under these conditions. For the purpose of ship drive, however, the ordinary direct current machine will develop sufficient torque to meet any emergency. Special Provisions: A few special precautions are) necessary. Over- load protection is necessary to prevent serious injury to the electrical machinery. This protection is provided in the form of a circuit breaker whose function it is to open the circuit on excessive overloads. Owing to the desirability of maintaining continual control of the screw under all conditions, the adjustment of the circuit breaker is such that it will not open under any normal operating conditions of the ship. The idea in providing the circuit breaker is merely to provide protection to the machinery in the case of an equivalent of a short-circuit. Assuming that the circuit breaker has tripped while the ship is under way, and it is desirable to immediately regain control of the screw, it is necessary to first establish proper voltage conditions on both sides of the circuit breaker before the circuit breaker can be closed. DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION 383 The motor will generate a counter voltage due to the fact that it is toe- ing rotated by the action of the propeller. To close the circuit breaker without jarring the machinery or producing a large rush of current, It is necessary that the generator voltage be somewhere near that of the motor voltage. To effect the closing of the circuit breaker ait the proper instant, voltage balance relays are provided, the function of which is to prevent the automatic circuit breaker from closing until the voltages on both sides of its contacts are approximately the same. This device is automatic and is described below in the case of a specific example. In the case of a number of generators connected in series, the fail- ure of power on one of the engines would result in that generator stopping, reversing and speeding up in the opposite direction as a motor, being supplied with power from the remaining generating sets. The speed which this generator would obtain depends upon the itotal amount of voltage it would absorb from the system, and if the number of gen- erators on the system is sufficient, the speed might be excessive, and would likely result in casualty to the engine. To prevent this, some device which will automatically trip the field of the inactive generator, or perform an equivalent service, must be provided. There are several ways of accomplishing this result. In the case of double-ended ferry boats using the Ward-Leonard system of control, it is very likely that the energy returned during quick stopping or reversal from full speed would be more than could 'be taken care of by the lossesi in the engines, due to the fact that there are two screws returning energy instead of one. To prevent the return of en- ergy from both screws, it is necessary to either provide a dynamic braking resistance to absorb the excess over what the engines can take care of, or to make one motor inactive during ithis period. To make one motor ineffective, a system has 'been devised which utilizes a current relay. During the stopping period, this relay regulates the current in one of the motor circuits ito a very small value, and thus prevents that particular motor from returning energy. APPLICATIONS: Because of the advantages in fuel economy, weight, control, re- liability, flexibility, etc., of the Diesel electric system of propulsion, it is largely applicable to cargo ships, coastwise vessels, liners, certain Naval craft, fishing boats, yachts, ferry boats, barges, lake 'boats, river boats, cable ships, fire boats; in fact, any ship where economy, refinement of control, good maneuvering characteristics, etc., are of any importance. The following table indicates those advantages offered by Diesel electric drive which are of particular importance in the various types of ships: 384 DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION PRINCIPAL APPLICATION ADVANTAGES Main Machinery Only II t tUD .S W 3 JH o3 OK Cargo ships _. .XX XX Coastwise vessels X XX Liners X XX Certain Naval craft. _ X X X X X X Fishing boats __X X X Yachts X XXX Ferry boats X X X X X Barges X X X X X X Lake boats XX XXX River boats X X X X X X Light ships XX Xf Cable ships X X X X X Fire boats X X X X X Self-propelled dredges X X X X X * This refers principally to stand-by losses, t Consumption while on duty. X X A 2500 S. H. P. DIESEL ELECTRIC DRIVE. G'eneral Description and Arrangement: To convey a clear idea of Diesel electric drive, it is thought best to describe a specific case. The example selected is a 2500 S. H. P., single screw drive, having four 500 KW., Diesel driven, 250 volt, generators supplying power to a 2500 H. P., double unit, 90 R. P. M. motor. Two 75 KW Diesel engine auxiliary generating sets are provided for supplying the excitation and auxiliary load while at sea. The following is the list of apparatus constituting the drive: DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION 385 12500 H. P., 90 R. P. M., double unit, direct current, 500 volt, shunt motor. The two armatures are mounted on a forged, flanged shaft car- ried by two pedestal bearings. The motor frames and the bearing housings and bearings are split along the horizontal center line to pro- vide easy access. Fig. 1 shows a view of a motor of /this type on test. Figure 2 shows the field of a similar motor. Fig. 3 shows a view of a small D. C. propeller motor with thrust bearing and bedplate arranged for mounting on a wooden foundation. Fig. I Typical Double Unit Direct Current Shunt Propeller Motor I Fig. 2 Field of Typical Direct Current Shunt Motor or Generator 4500 KW., 250 volt, direct current, shunt generators, direct coupled to four Diesel engines. The generator armature is mounted on a forged, flanged shaft supported at the commutator end by a pedestal bearing 386 DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION and coupled to the engine flywheel at the rear end. As in the case of the motors, the frame and bearings are split. Fig. 4 shows a view of a Diesel engine generator set, the arrangement of which corresponds to that described. 2 75 K.W., 250 volt, compound wound, direct current, Diesel engine driven, auxiliary generators. The mechanical arrangement is the same as that of the main generators. One of these sets serves as a spare. 1 Complement of motor driven, engine room, auxiliaries, such as oil pumps, circulating pumps, auxiliary air compressor, sanitary, fresh water, fire and bilge pumps, etc. Fig. 3. Double Unit Propeller Motor with Bedplate and Self -Contained Thrust Bearing 1 Switchboard and control for the above machinery. As the description of Diesel engines is well covered on other pages of this book, and as the electrical machines are briefly described pre- viously in this chapter, no further description is given here. For a comprehensive treatise of the design, construction and characteristics of electrical apparatus, the reader is referred to any of the many reliable electrical text books found in libraries and book establishments. The control, its arrangement and operation are, however, briefly described below. Fig. 5 shows the plan view of the machinery and its arrangement in the engine room. The four main Diesel generating sets are located forward; and the motor, auxiliary Diesel generating sets, vice bench, switchboard and control station are located aft. The oil supply tanks and other accessories are located on the upper grating (not shown). The location of the control station is such that the operator has full view of the propelling machinery, and hence the operator can observe the performance at all times. The engines are arranged right and left hand, so that their controls and gauge boards may be conveniently handled and observed. The entire arrangement provides accessibility and convenience for operation and inspection, and at the same time is not wasteful of space. DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION 387 36* DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION 389 I * s Jl i!| i fife HtalUHJl M II i ^ g' < N K H. H < 4 ^ * 390 DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION SWITCHBOARD AND CONTROL: Diagram: The control diagram is shown in Fig. 6. The small dia- gram in the lower left hand corner shows the scheme of connections, and the main diagram shows the full details of connections, including all necessary switches, circuit breaker, relays, etc. A glance at the dia- gram will show that all main machines are connected in series, and furthermore, that the motor and generator armatures are interspersed so that the current passes through the circuit in the following order: Generator No. 1, Generator No. 2, Motor No. 2, Generator No. 3, Gen- erator No. 4, Motor No. 1, and back to Generator No. 1, thus constituting a series circuit. Since the total voltage of a chain of series connected generators is the sum of the voltages of the individual machines, the total effective voltage in this case is 4 X 250 or 1000 volts. However, by interspersing the motor armatures in the manner stated, the ground voltage, or the maximum voltage between any two points in ithe system is only 500 volts. Such an arrangement is advantageous in that the circuit is really a 1000-volt system from a current standpoint, but only a 500-volt system from a voltage or insulation standpoint. In other words, it necessitates only one-half the copper that would be required in a 500-volt system of this same capacity, and at the same time does not exceed the 500-volt insulation strain. Switches, Relays, etc.: The principal switches, relays, etc., are designated by letters, and all switches performing the same function bear the same letter. For instance, all generator cutout switches are desig- nated by the letter "A." "A" Two pole, manually operated, transfer, knife cutout switch for generators. When closed in the upper position, these switches con- nect their respective generators in the propulsion circuit; and when thrown to their full lower position, their blades connect to a solid bar, thus cutting the generator out of the propulsion circuit and establishing the series propulsion circuit through the bar between the lower contact jaws. The upper and lower portions of the blades are at an angle, so that the switch makes contact on the first set of lower jaws before breaking contact on the upper jaws, and vice versa. In the lower throw, the right hand lower blade engages two jaws in sequence. The first jaw inserts a resistance which prevents a rush of current, due to the residual field of the generator. Further closing breaks the connection to the generator armature on the upper jaws, and engages the bar on the lower jaws. This switch is electrically locked against being thrown to the lower position until (the generator field has been opened. N "B" Two pole, double throw, motor cutout, manually operated knife switch. This switch has no special features as it is not operated when the circuit is alive. The upper position connects the motor in the propulsion circuit, and the lower position cuts out the motor and es- tablishes the propulsion circuit through the bar between the lower jaws. DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION 391 "C" Three pole, single throw, main generator auxiliary bus switches. These switches are provided in order to utilize the main generators when in port for supplying auxiliary power. It will be noted that this switch is three pole to permit parallel operation (equalizer connection), and that a series field is connected in the circuit to give the generator the desired compound characteristics. Switches "A" and "C" are interlocked so that only one or the other can be closed in the upper position at the same time. This prevents using the generator for two purposes. "D" Generator field switches. "E" Motor field switches. "F" Engine failure trip, field circuit breaker. These are provided to automatically make the generator ineffective and to prevent its motor- izing in the event of failure of its engine. This breaker is connected in the separate excitation circuit only as such protection is unnecessary when the generators are operating on the auxiliary bus. The means for opening this field circuit breaker is actuated by a mechanical attachment on 'the engine, or by a voltage differential relay; the latter, however, is rather complicated. "G" Voltage balance relay for insuring that the motor counter volt- age and the generator voltage are approximately at the same value be- fore the automatic main circuit breaker can be closed. This lock-out feature is necessary in case the main circuit breaker trips while the ship is under way, as explained above. The device consists essentially of a spring-closed relay contact in the auxiliary circuit of the closing coil of the main automatic circuit breaker, and a polarized magnet, one pole of which is excited by the generator voltage and the other pole of which is excited by the motor voltage. When the two voltages are equal, the flux produced in the magnet core by the two windings is neutralized and there is no pull on the relay arm, and the auxiliary circuit to the main circuit breaker coil remains intact. If the generator voltage is appreciably different than the motor voltage, a pull is exerted on the relay arm by the polarized magnet, and the relay contact is opened, thereby preventing the main circuit breaker from closing. "H" Automatic reclosing circuit breaker located in the propulsion circuit. As stated above, the function of this device is to protect the machinery against practically short-circuit conditions. The breaker is provided with an inverse time element overload relay. In the event of very severe or sustained dangerous overloads, this relay, whose magnet is excited by the main current, will open the circuit of the circuit breaker closing coil through the auxiliary relay, and disrupt the main circuit. To again close the circuit breaker, it is necessary to adjust the generator voltage by means of the main control handle, to the value of the motor counter voltage. To re-establish the proper generator voltage, it is merely necessary to move the control handle slowly to the "increase" or "de- 392 DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION crease" position, as the case may be, and when the proper position is reached, the breaker will close automatically. "I" Auxiliary relay through which 'the operating coil of the main circuit breaker is excited. This auxiliary relay is provided for the reason that the polarized relay contacts are of insufficient capacity to handle the current of the main circuit breaker closing coil. "J" Field discharge switch for the reversing rheostat. "K" Reversing field rheostat for main generator field excitation when generators are connected to ithe propulsion circuit. (Note. When the main generators are used for auxiliary power, they are self-excited and operate as normal compound wound generators.) The simple diagrammatic scheme of the type of field rheostat used for the control of the propulsive machinery is shown in the lower left hand corner of the main diagram in Fig. 6. The rheostat is constantly energized from the excitation circuit. The leads to the field slide sym- metrically over buttons on the rheostat face plate which are connected to the resistance at regular intervals. The arrangement is such that the lead contacts of the field circuit effectually cross each other at the middle point of the rheostat in going from full excitation in one direc- tion to full excitation in the other, and hence not even a field circuit is opened in going from ahead to astern. "L" Overload inverse time limit relay. This is described under "H." "M" Switch for making overload relay inoperative. The purpose of this is to provide a means for making the circuit 'breaker non-automatic in the event that maneuvers in dangerous or restricted waters make it imperative to maintain a positive couple 'between the motors and gener- ators. To make the relay inoperative, it is merely necessary for the operator to press a button, or close a small switch which bridges the overload relay contacts. "N" Three pole, single throw, knife switches for connecting the auxiliary generators to the main bus. Three pole switches are provided to permit parallel operation. "O" Overload time limit circuit 'breakers for all generators when connected to the auxiliary bus. "P" Two pole, transfer switch for excitation circuits. This switch is very similar to "A," except that both throws are like the lower throw of "A" and have the preventative resistance. The purpose of the switch is to provide a ready means for quickly transferring the excitation circuits from one auxiliary generator to the other, and also to provide an excitation connection to the auxiliary gen- erators which is unprotected by circuit disrupting devices. Figure 7 shows a front view of a switchboard and control panel for a small Diesel electric drive, consisting of two generator units and one double unit motor operating on the principle herein described. It will be noted that the generator field control handle is mounted directly on this switchboard and is shown in the center near the top. The switches DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION 393 for cutting in and out the various generators -and motor units are shown on the center panel. In this particular case, however, the switches are not of the transfer type, and switching must be done on dead circuit. 7_ Switchboard and Control for a Single Screw, Diesel Electric Drive Fig. 8 Front View of Switchboard for a Double Ended Ferry Boat, Diesel Electric Drive 394 DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION Figure 8 shows the front view of a switchboard for a double-ended ferry boat Diesel electric drive. The control pedestal for operating the field rheostat is located in the pilot house. Figure 9 This view shows the rear of the board, the front view of which is shown in Figure 8. Figure 10 This view shows a double face plate rheostat of the type ustHl in the main generator circuit for controlling the propeller motor aptwls. The rheostat is actuated manually from any remote point. Fi cams. Interruption of the solenoid circuit by tripping of the overload re- lay therefore does not cause the contactors to open, and for this reason extrerrve care must be used when the contactors are closed by hand so that the load on the motors will not exceed the normal current value. The two (2) field contactors, close the two motor shunt field circuits magnetically on the "reset" point of the master controller and close the field circuits mechanically when operated manually. The discharge resistance is connected permanently across the shunt fields of the propelling motors to limit the inductive kick when the field contactors open. The two (2) handles for manual operation of the control group are so interlocked that the reversing handle must be operated before the 410 DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION accelerating handle and so that the accelerating handle must be turned off before the reversing handle can be moved. Control Panel: On this control panel are mounted the engine room instruments; the generator cut-out switches, field switches, and rheostats; the combined line and field switches for the main propelling motors; the switches for the blower motor, auxiliaries and the excitation supply to the controller. There are also mounted the necessary shunts and gener- ator field discharge resistors. The instruments are mounted at -the top of the panel and are de- signed for marine use, being equipped with non-corrosive parts. The dials are white with black markings. Each generator line is equipped with a voltmeter having a to 300 scale, and also with a to 2500 scale am- meter mounted. A millivoltmeter with a 150-0-150 R.P.M. scale for pro- peller speed indication either ahead or astern and an ammeter with a to 100 scale for measuring the field current of the motors are mounted directly beneath the generator ammeters. The two generator field rheostats, made up of form R, size U wire and ribbon wound resistance units are supported by the panel frame above the instruments. They are operated by the rheostat handles through means of chains and sprockets. The total resistance of each rheostat is approximately 50 ohms, which when inserted reduces the generator field current to about 4 amperes. The generator field rheostat handles and field switches are mounted below the instruments so that the operator in adjusting the generator fields can readily watch the meters. There are two single pole, double throw 1600 ampere switches to connect either or both generators across the propelling motors. Between these two switches is located a double pole, singel throw switch and fuses for the blower motor. At the lower portion of the panel and near the center line are mount- ed two (2) double pole, double throw switches with fuses, in each throw. The switch to the right, facing the panel, is used to transfer the field excitation of the generators and motors and the blower motor and con- trol current from one generator to the other. The switch to the left transfers the current supply to the auxiliary panel from one generator to the other. These double pole, double throw switches should not be opened until the generator field switches have been opened, and in the case of the switch supplying the auxiliary panel all switching on this auxiliary panel 'should be properly made before transferring the circuit. On either side of the above switches are mounted two double pole, double throw switches for cutting out either of the motor armatures and fields in case of an emergency. One side of the switch is in the motor line while the other is in the motor field so that it is impossible to close the motor line switch without also closing the motor field switch. These switches should not be opened unless the main handle of the con- troller and the reverse handle of the control group are both in the "off" position, accomplished by moving the master controller handle to the DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION 411 'oft'" position. Suitable barriers are placed between the motor switches and the excitation and auxiliary switches. Straps are placed on the back of the panel near the generator and motor cut-out switches and motor field switches and in their respective circuits to be disconnected as explained later for emergency operation. No work must be done on the generators or motors except when the machines are thoroughly isolated by disconnecting all leads at the termi- nals of the machine in question. The leads should be properly taped and tied to prevent them from swinging about. Starting Resistor: The resistor used in starting the motors is made up in four (4) sections connected, and is composed of five (5) boxes of IG grids. The first section of the resistance has a resistance of .36 ohms and is made up of 36 No. 61 IG grids in series. The second section is cut in on the 2nd point of the master con- troller, in parallel with the first, and has a resistance of .18 ohms. It is composed of 18 No. 61 IG grids connected in series. The total resulting resistance of the resistor on the second point is .12 ohms. The third section of resistance is made up of 24 No. 61 IG grids, two in parallel, and has a resistance of .06 ohm-s. This section is cut in on the 3rd resistance point of the controller and is in parallel with the first two sections, giving a resulting resistance of the resistor of .04 ohms. The fourth section is composed of 12 No. 62 IG grids connected three in parallel, and has a resistance of .02 ohms and is cut in on the 4th point in parallel with the other three sections, the resulting resistance -being .0133 ohms. On the next or 5th point of the controller, all the resistance is short- circuited. Each of the 5 boxes contains 18 grids, and is made up in a frame. The box is designed for mounting with the grids carefully spaced in a vertical position, thereby giving the best ventilation. When operating with only one generator supplying current to the motors, it is possible, though not advisable, to operate continuously on any step of the rheostat, but when both generators are being used in series with the motors, the length of time which the controller handle can be safely held on any of the first four points is as follows: Point No. 1 20 seconds should not be exceeded. Point No. 2 45 seconds should not be exceeded. Point No. 3 60 seconds should not be exceeded. Point No. 4 2 minutes should not be exceeded. The above limitations are derived from data available before instal- lation. Actual operating conditions might permit an extension of the limits given above, but if these limits are exceeded, the grids of the starting resistor should be carefully watched for overheating. 412 DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION Tivo Marine Direct-Current Generators (for M/8. "Fordonian") Rated MPC-8 Pole 350 KW 200 R.P.M. Volts Compound-Wound on the Testing Stand. Marine Direct Current Double Armature Motor (For M/8 "Fordonian") Rated 850 H.P., 120 R.P.M. , 500 Volts, Consisting of Two MPC-10 Pole 425 H.P., 120 R.P.M., 250 Volt Shunt Wound Motors mounted on one shaft. Port Looking Forward. DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION 413 Resistor for the Felds of the Motors: The resistor for the two motor fields in parallel is composed of 8 units mounted in a box frame, with 13 taps brought out, that is, there are 12 sections of resistance. This resistance is required when the motor is running on 250 volts to increase the speed to approximately 90 R.P.M. The resistance of the 8 units in the order in which they are cut into the circuit, is as follows: 0.52 ohms; 0.52 ohms; 0.52 ohms; 0.85 ohms; 0.85 ohms; 1.7 ohms; 1.7 ohms; 1.7 ohms; making a total resistance of 8.36 ohms. The resistor is designed to vary the field current for the two fields in parallel from 35 amperes at full field, to 17 amperes at the 90 R.P.M. speed on 250 volts. The terminals of this resistor are connected by a cable to the master controller terminals. The resistance is cut into the field circuits as the main handle of the controller is advanced beyond the fifth point. Operation of the Control Equipment: In preparing to get under way with the apparatus wired up, either or both Diesel engines are brought up to speed, depending on whether the propelling motor is to be run on 250 or 500 volts. If both generators or 500 volts are to be used, the ex- citation switch and both generator field switches should -be closed and the voltage adjusted with the generator field rheostats to give 250 volts on each generator. With the excitation switch thrown down, generator No. 1 supplies current for the fields of the generators and motors ro K) 00 oO U a: a 1 AMD OTORS -W >Ef/ 50T ro U r O 00 QD vo -o - >- ^ O 2T 2 S& a- z \ ; r ill LU r r H H t 2 O Q Ul LU o o I ~l u o II II O Q I Lb O 2 r LU Z W I cir 2 * S u O O o 1 I t => >> w> Uj ir H O '^ i U II di ub 5 f " z ^ Z ^a - - \/ Oj a 28* I! o J Q ,_ I- 7 C w/ * 7 V3 -/ 1 | Ii l l 1 ^ * i2 n 5 3d . A H "/JJ3 1WJ8JH1 S N N 00 N N I 5 S s CO o D UL 585! 5 1 5 1 (*> S * ? ^ tO 0< ?> cv h ft- CM CM J^ S GN ft N (M N N 5 | OUTPUT 4 It Ml JJ3 OINWH33W S OD o- h 1 s 5 5 5 to QO s 1 MAIN E-NGINE-5 N Jj V- 10 i a. r 0. c Q 5Tf?OKF j 2 Z dJ 2 5 2 vo Q Ik O Li- ft ib 1 OJ M a Q HI u 5 a ' J5 5 $ Q X ! 1 i $ i 1 5 K i & - 1 CO i i i i a L Ok I! 636.S o * v> <*> 1 cv cv M> d V) VO | * or I j x ^ to X N 'n X ( N X k ? X X N. CL- E * fe N Os I | 5 X* 8: N > S St ct u Q. ? k to J x^ 1? 5 5 $ N a. UJ I * S i ^ 00 s K * 5 I ^ CM M s : ft. i to $ Os I s ? a f 10 5 O R K. 5 | S g 5 Q ? 5 N a* Qe K N N 5 K r N N M M N 8 i N vo S M 1 j f | 1 5 O ^ s i I a S 1 UO/20 | O i 1 J N n *> ^ 3 K 5 S S J j 5 / 426 DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION 3 H 5 o n S 00 fi S S X U_J 1 S !S 10 a o 00 * i 1 ^ J25 J g f? o fs. ft S S S >0 s f^ v, > { i S $ ^ i ^ V i o fl X S n S n S i N M J 0 ^ X u 00 110" HUM J u^ dam ct o vO "<> o J 8 c? g 0- 8 tv _j o a: O C L J ? ? n h n h .? S H Q s? * ^ 5 ^^ t tb Or a c L Cl I 8 S S J Q o Q V* J 5 S ?J n nJ llj c 3 C Z 1 8 1 1 X. | c> N S. 1 | 8 1 1 | ibi D tL D V- 10 r 2 B i. r i U. h o s o- t Q t> 8 s OQ 1 S. * ^ C W X U !J 5 * $ 5 S "o o * 55 4 !? a; X 9- u ; 1 f | ( 1 | I | a. Ck a a. c/} ^ T X S n M S L[ N ct N $ N o (O ib _l rv 2 o 1 S ? 5 S MM A II l 1 Q- o UJ g> IJ ^ 5 >0 S ^ ^ 5 ^ *0 Z V II o S | 5 ^ I 5 * CM *l o o T) 8 9 5 5 $ 5 Q % 5; i 1,1 0\ O 1 1 1 | f i o J C In * o *"> J5 C5 c, > ^ ^ c, J5 5 U II o 1 1 1 1 S 8 1 1 1 * DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION 427 CAUSES AND REMEDY OF FAULTS IN DYNAMOS Fail-lire to Built Up: A number of causes may prevent the field mag- nets from attaining their full strength, which is commonly the reason of failure to built up. A primary cause is absence of residual magnetism which is shown by a ipiece of iron not 'being attracted when brought near the pole-pieces when the dynamo is noit running. This may be remedied by exciting the field coils from an outside source o-, if the demagnetiza- tion is due to the influence of, an adjacent machine one of the machines should be turned half way around or the magnetism of the poles re- versed. If the field coil's are connected so as to oppose each other, there will be no resultant magnetism and, therefore, the dynamo cannot generate its full E.M.F. Nearly all machines have successive poles of opposite polarity, hence a fault of this nature can be detected 'by testing the polarity by means of a corn-pass needle. If the same end of the needle is attracted by successive poles it shows that they oppose each other. In such a case the connections of the field coils requiring a reversal of polarity should be changed. An open circuit in the machine will, of course, prevent the flow of current and, therefore, the field magnetism will remain weak. This fault may be located by a careful inspection of the machine or by test- ing the parts separately by the fall of the potential method. A short circuit in the machine will also prevent it from attaining Its full E.M.F. Such a fault may toe located in the same way as an open circuit. If the connections are such that the current generated by the arma- ture and flowing through the field coils opposes the residual magnetism, the latter will be destroyed and no E.M.F. generated. A reversal of residual magnetism will not remedy the fault, as the direction of the current generated by the armature will also be changed and destroy the magnetism as before. This trouble may be overcome by changing the direction of the armature, or by reversing either the armature or field connections. An incorrect position of the brushes may prevent a dynamo from attaining its full E.M.F. In the case of a shunt dynamo, building up may be prevented by a short circuit in the external circuit or by hav- ing too great a load in starting. In the case of a series dynamo, building up may be prevented by the resistance of the external circuit being too great. Sparking: This is a common trouible and, owing to the large number of causes to which it may be due, it is one of the most difficult to locate. An incorrect position of the brushes will cause sparking, but this is readily overcome by shifting them to their proper position. It may also be due to the brushes not being an equal distance apart along the cir- cumference of the commutator segments between the forward edges of successive sets of the brushes, which number should be the same in every case. 428 DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION A cause of sparking which is evident upon inspection is a rough or uneven commutator, or poor 'brush contact. A small amount of roughness in the commutator may toe eliminated by use of a fine file or sandpaper. Emery cloth should never 'be used for 'this purpose, as the emery par- ticles remain in the metal and cut both commutator and brushes. If the commutator is very rough, uneven, or eccentric, it should be carefully turned down in a lathe and -smoothed off. Small particles of copper which may have become lodged in (the mica insulation during the process should be picked out. Poor brush contact may also be due to an uneven brush or the presence of dirt. A carbon -brush can be beveled to fit the commutator by placing it in its position and inserting a strip of sand paper between it and the commutator and drawing it back and forth, face against the brush. The brush, then receives the same curvature as the commutator. Sparking will result from an excessive flow of current, whether this excess is either continuous or intermittent. Overloading of a machine or a line short-circuit may cause continuous sparking. This cause will be evident by the excessive heating of the whole armature. A short cir- cuit, or a grounded circuit in the armature will cause an excessive cur- rent and, consequently, sparking. These faults may be located by the fall of potential method. In order to have a complete short-circuit within the machine, two grounds are necessary. If the field magnetism is weak the armature will cause more than its normal amount of distortion of field, and sparking will result. A condi- tion of this nature may be brought about by a short-circuit, open circuit, or grounds in the field coils, as well as by an incorrect connecting up of the coils. ADVANTAGE AND DISADVANTAGES OF SHUNT MOTORS The great advantage of shunt motors is that their speed is prac- tically constant. The disadvantages are as follows: 1. The torque increases only in proportion to the armature current since the field strength is constant. 2. There is a high potential between the terminals of the field winding. 3. Opening the field circuit suddenly causes a large spark and a high potential due to self induction. 4. The many turns of fine wire of the field coils involve extra ex- pense since fine wire costs more per pound than coarse, the labor of winding is considerable, and a large amount of insulation is necessary. 5. Where shunt motors are run intermittently it is customary to keep the field coils constantly charged, the motor being started and stop- ped by closing and opening the armature circuit through the resistance. Keeping the fields charged when the motor is not in use is, of course, a loss of energy. DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION 429 Uses of Shunt Motors: A constant speed is of the greatest import- ance in some classes of work, and this advantage makes the use of shunt motors very extended. Shunt motors are used in machine shops, factories, and to run print- ing presses, pumps, elevators, etc., or in general where good speed regu- lation is required. CAPACITY OF MOTOR FOR PULLING As a guide for determining the maximoim depth of well at which a motor of a given rating can safely be installed for pulling work, the fol- lowing formula is of much service. It is based on the maximum torque of the motor, but has been found sufficiently conservative so that the motor heating will normally not be excessive under the usual operating conditions. R X E X L X K Maximum depth of well - w X d in which R = radio of motor speed to corresponding bull-wheel speed E = mechanical efficiency of rig (usually varying from 0.5 to 0.7) L = number of load lines used in the tackle for pulling the tubes. w = weight of tubing in Ib. per foot. d = diameter of bull-wheel shaft in inches. K = a constant, depending upon the motor used. The constant K is determined as follows: 1260 X H.P. X T K = in which, R. P. M. H.P. = horsepower rating of motor on high speed. T. = max. torque of motor in per cent of full load torque. R.P.M. = full load high speed of motor. The extreme condition whiah may be encountered is pulling rods and tubing together with the tubing full of oil. This may be taken into account by determining the total weight per foot of this load and using this figure for "w" in the formula. ELECTRICAL DATA: Volt: The practical unit of electrical pressure analogous to head or pressure in hydraulics. Ampere: The practical unit of electrical strength or rate of flow of current. Analogous to rate of flow of water through a pipe in gallons per second. 430 DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION Ohm: The unit of resistance. Analogous to the loss of head due to the flow of water in a pipe. Coulomb: Unit of quantity = one ampere per second. Volt = Ampere times Ohms. Ampere = volts divided by Ohms. Ohm = Volts divided by Amperes. WORK AND POWER: Work, or energy, is expended in a circuit or conductor when a cur- rent of electricity flows through it. The unit of electrical work or en- ergy is called the Joule, after an eminent English scientist. If E is th electromotive force, or difference of potential, in volts that causes Q coulombs of electricity to flow through a circuit, the work expended in joules is J = E X Q. If an electromotive force, or difference of potential, of E volts causes a current of I amperes to flow for t seconds through a resistance of R ohms, then J = EU J = E*t R J = !2Rt The joule may be defined as the work done when I ampere flows for I second through a resistance of I ohm. The watt-hour is an extensively used unit of work. Watt-hours equal the product of 'the average number of watts and the number of hours during which they are expended. One kilowatt-hour 1,000 watt- hours, or 'the product of the average number of kilowatts and the num- ber of hours. Power (P) which is the rate at which work is done, is equal to the work divided by the time, and may be calculated by one of the following formulas: E2 J P = IE = 12R - R t If I is in amperes, R in ohms, E in volts, J in joules, and t in sec- onds, P is in watts. The watt, or unit of electric power, is equal to 1 joule per second. It is the rate at which work is expended when 1 ampere flows through a resistance of 1 ohm. The watt is too small a unit for convenient use in many cases, so that the kilowatt (KW.) or 1,000 watts is frequently used. 1 H.P. equals 746 watts; therefore P (in watts) P (in kilowatts) H.P. = or, H.P. = 746 .746 DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION 431 COEFFICIENTS OF LINEAR EXPANSION. Material For 1 Fahr. For 1 Cent. Aluminum .0000128 .0000230 Brass .0000055 .0000099 Brick, Fire .0000049 .0000088 Bronze .0000100 .0000180 Copper .0000093 .0000167 Glass _, .0000049 .0000088 Gold .0000080 .0000144 Iron, Cast, Gray .0000059 .0000106 Iron, Wrought .0000063 .0000113 Lead .0000162 .0000292 Mercury .0000333 .0000600 Monel .0000076 .0000137 Nickel .0000071 .0000127 Platinum .0000049 .0000088 Porcelain .0000020 .0000036 Silver .0000107 .0000193 Slate ___ .0000058 .0000104 Steel, Cast .0000064 .0000115 Steel, Rolled .0000056 .0000101 Tin .0000124 .0000223 Zinc .0000162 .0000292 MELTING POINTS. Material Fahr. Cent. Degrees Degrees Aluminum 1217 658 Brass 1643 895 Bronze 1823 995 Copper 1981 1083 Gold 1945 1063 Iron, Cast, Gray 2200-2300 1204-1260 Iron, Cast, White 2000-2100 1093-1149 Iron, Wrought 2732 1500 Lead 621 327 Mercury 37.9 38.8 Monel 2408 1360 Nickel 2646 1452 Platinum 3191 1755 Silver 1762 961 .Steel, Mild 2687 1475 Steel, Hard 2588 1420 Tin 450 232 Zinc _ 786 419 432 DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION DIMENSIONS, RESISTANCES AND SAFE C OF COPPER WIRES: Diameter in B.&.S. Mils., or Area in Ohms Gauge Thousandths Circular per No. of an inch Mils. 1,000 ft. 1000 1,000,000 .01038 894 800,000 .01297 775 600,000 .0173 707 500,000 .02076 632 400,000 .02596 548 300,000 .0346 0000 460 211,600 .04906 000 410 167,805 .06186 00 365 133,079 .07801 325 105,592 .0983 1 289 83,694 .1240 2 258 66,373 .1564 3 229 52,633 .1972 4 204 41,742 .2487 5 182 33,102 .3136 6 162 26,250 .3955 8 128 16,509 .6288 10 102 10,381 1 12 81 6,530 1.590 14 4,107 2.591 16 51 2,583 4.019 18 40 1,624 6.391 Safe Amperes Rubber- Weather- covered proof 650 1000 550 840 450 680 400 600 325 500 275 400 225 325 175 275 150 225 125 200 100 150 90 125 80 100 70 90 55 80 50 70 35 50 25 30 20 25 15 20 6 10 3 5 H.P., K.W., AND K.V.A. The output or work done by an engine is mechanical power and is measured in horsepower (H.P.). The output of an alternating current generator is electric current and it is measured in kilovolt amperes (K.V.A.) . The useful output of a power plant is electric power and it is meas- ured in kilowatts (K.W.). The K.W. output of standard plants is reduced somewhat at ex- tremely high altitudes because the capacity of the engine is reduced on account of the rarefied air. The K.V.A. output of an alternator or power plant can be figured as follows: Single Phase: Volts X Amperes = K.V.A. (Kilovolt-amperes) 1000 DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION Two Phas'e: (Volts X Amperes) + (Volts X Amperes) Phase 1 Phase 2 K.V.A. 1000 Three Phase: (Volts X Amperes) + (Volts X Amperes) + (Volts X Amperes) Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 ^- - K.V.A. 1732 In an alternating current circuit, watts or kilowatts (K.W.) can be measured only by a wattmeter. They cannot be found by multiplying volts by amperes as in a direct current circuit. Under some conditions, K. V. A. as found from volts and amperes by the above rules, and kilowatts as measured by a wattmeter on the same circuit, may be the same. Usually, however, the watts will be less than the K.V.A. If we find the watts are 80 per cent of the K.V.A. we say the "Power Factor" is 80 per cent, because only 80 per cent of the current indicated by the ampere meters is transmitting power. The part of the current that does not transmit power is called "Wattless Cur- rent," and but little ipower is consumed in producing it, so when the power factor is low there may be a large output in volts and amperes indicated by the switchboard instruments with a comparatively small horsepower load on the engine. The reason for this is that the voltage of an alternating current is continually changing. It runs up to a high value and then down to zero and up to a high value again in the opposite direction. This happens 60 times a second if it is a sixty-cycle current. On account of a mag- netic action called inductance, there is usually some current flowing in the circuit at the instant when the voltage is zero, and that part of the current does not transmit any power because for that moment volts times amperes are zero and there are no watts. The power factor may be high at one time and low at another. It depends on the load and the amount consumed. E W E E2 W Amperes = 1 Ohms = R l = R = RE 1 W 1 2 W E2 Volts = E Watts = W E = IR = W = El = = Rls I R 434 DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION To Determine the Size of Copper Wire for Any Given Service: Let C. M. = Cir. Mils. Let D. = Distance. Let C. = Current. Let L. = Loss in Volts. 21.5 is a "Const-ant" or figure always used. C. X D. X 21.5 Then - - Cir. Mils. L. Example: It is required that 100 amperes be carried 350 feet on a 110-vo'lt circuit, with a loss of 2 per cent in voltage. What is the cir. mils, required? First, ascertain the loss in volts, or 2 per cent of 110 = 2.2 volts. 100 X 350 X 21.5 337,500 cir. mils, or two No. 000 wires. 2.2 Where a wiring table is not at hand and it is desired to ascertain the weight of any bare copper conductor, it can be roughly determined in accordance with the following: One thousand feet of wire, having an area of 1000 circular mils, weighs approximately 3 pounds, and the weight of any bare conductor can, therefore, be determined by multiplying its area in circular mils by .003. DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION 435 QUESTIONS A DIESEL ENGINE OPERATOR SHOULD BE ABLE TO ANSWER. GENERAL SUBJECTS. (1) Define the principle of operation of a Diesel engine. (2) Define the TwonStroke Cycle operation. (3) Define the Four-Stroke Cycle operation. (4) Explain the Four Events in a cycle. (5) Why is a Diesel engine classified as a "constant pressure" en- gine? (6) Explain the meaning of "adiabatic expansion." (7) Explain the meaning of "isothermal expansion." (8) What is meant by "thermal efficiency"? (9) What is meant by "volumetric efficiency"? (10) What is meant by "mean effective" of the engine? (11) What is meant by "mean-indicated" pressure? (12) What is meant by "mechanical efficiency" of the engine? (13) What is meant by "thermo-dynamic law"? (14) What is cavitation and how is it caused? (15) What is a hydrokineter and for what purpose is it used? (16) What is a dynamometer and for what purpose is it used? (17) How is the horsepower of a Diesel engine ascertained? (18) What is Brake Horsepower? (19) What is Indicated Horsepower? (20) What superiority has a Diesel engine over a steam engine for marine propulsion? (21) For what is a clinometer used on shipboard? (22) What is a planimeteor? (23) What is a fair fuel consumption per horsepower of a Diesel engine of 600 H.P.? (24) How much heat temperature F. does 500 Ibs. per square inch create? (25) What is the principle on which an ordinary pyrometer works? (26) What should a perfect vacuum be? (27) Define atmospheric pressure and how much is it calculated per cubic foot? (28) What is a pneumercator, and what is its purpose? (29) What is the mechanical equivalent of a heat unit? Note: The answers to following questions may be obtained by studying the subject matter in the different chapters of this book. 436 DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION (30) What is meant by British Thermal Unit and how do you de- termine this measurement? (31) What is meant by calorific value of fuel? (32) Define the meaning of specific gravity. (33) Define the meaning of viscosity. (34) What is meant by coefficient? (35) What is CO.,? (36) What is the'ideal percentage of CO., for efficient combustion? (37) What are the principle constituents of fuel oil? (38) What sihould be the ideal flashpoint for ordinary fuel oil? (39) What is the meaning of Beaume or Twaddle degree measure- ment? (40.) What is the usual cause of spontaneous combustion in bunk- ers? (41) What elements should be considered in certifying to the amount of fuel oil received, if the contract is by barrel, and payments are to 'be made >by the ton? (42) How many gallons are there to a barrel and how many barrels to a ton? (43) What precautions should be taken before sending a man into a tank which has contained fuel oil? (44) How are pressure gauges tested for accuracy? (45) What is meant by scavenging efficiency in a cycle? (46) What are the four maintenance principles upon which a Diesel engine operates? (47) How is the fuel injected into the cylinder? (48) Why is water-cooling necessary? (49) How much pressure is necessary to supply the cylinders with fuel oil? (50) What are the functions of injection devices? (51) Name the necessary valves on Diesel engines. (52) What are the functions the compressor performs? (53) What are reservoirs of cylindrical forms called and what are they intended for? (54) How is a compressor constructed? (55) What is meant 'by stages on compressors, what advantages are secured ? (56) What is the object of a scavenging pump? (57) What advantages, if any, are claimed for engines operating by the opposed piston principle? (58) What necessitates high pressure in Diesel cylinders? (59) Can scavenging be effected without valves? (60) Explain the process of combustion in "heavy oil" engines. DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION 437 (61) Explain the difference between the "trunk" type and cross- head piston. (62) What advantages are claimed for "step" piston? (63) Explain the working of "air-operated" piston valves. (64) What is the method of actuating the valves? (65) Explain how engines are timed. (67) What are the usual methods of lubrication on Diesel engines? (68) How are pistons on Diesel engines waiter cooled? (69) How are injection air and fuel retarded? (70) What is the usual method of removing the needle valve on fuel valve? (71) Explain the construction of the usual types of valve attach- ments. (72) What materials should be used for suction pipes in bilges? (73) How many cubic inches are there in a gallon of oil? (74) What is the average percentage of losses on a Diesel direct propelled ship, single, and how much on a twin propelled ship? (75) What is the average percentage of electrical loss between generator and motor in an electrically driven Diesel ship? (76) Why should not alternating current be used for the propulsion motors in an electrically driven Diesel ship? (77) Explain the system of electrical propulsion on Diesel powered ships. (78) Define the usual features to be found on fuel oil pumps. (79) What is the theoretical lift of a pump? (80) What is a Spray Preheater, for what purpose are they in- stalled? (81) Define a Spray Air Cooler. (82) Define the different methods of oil filtering systems. (83) Define an apparatus for re-cooling lubricating oil on Diesel plants. (84) What material is mostly used to line stern bearings? (85) What are the four qualifications a good lubricant should pos- (86) What are the necessary constituents tar-oil should possess when used for fuel purpose on Diesel engines? (87) What are oils classified as hydro-carbons? (88) What effect will asphalt percentage to a large extent have on engine? (89) What effect will sulphur percentage in fuel have on engine? (90) What effect will an excessive amount of water in fuel have on engine? 438 DIESEL ELECTRIC PROPULSION (91) What importance has "paraffine content" in fuel? (92) What effect will an undue amount of "ash" have in fuel? (93) What is the "critical" point of an oil? (94) What is the "deadweight" tonnage of a ship? (95) What is the slip of a propeller? (96) What is the pitch of a propeller? (97) Explain the object of the thrust bearing. (98) Explain the principle of "semi-Diesel" engines. (99) What are closed and Wihat are open nozzle fuel injection de- vices ? (100) Explain the principle of the "Sperry Compound Engine". CHAPTER XII. LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES. HEAVY DUTY OIL ENGINES, MARINE AND STATIONARY LOW COMPRESSION The low compression engine, generally termed the semi-Diesel en- gine, has the distinction that it operates under pressures up ito about 250 Ibs. per square inch. In construction it is far simpler and requires less knowledge than the high compression or usually known as the "full Diesel" engine. It follows in principle of construction the two-stroke cycle system. While there are manufacturers w:ho are adhering to the four-stroke cycle, low compression engine, it must be agreed that the two-cycle in this respect is universally considered the ideal construction. Low Compression Engine Pioneer of All Internal Combustion En- gines: The statement made that the lo^w compression engines are all modifications of the Hornsby-Akroyd engine must be disputed. The mod- ern gas engine as well as the Diesel types are in reality an outcome of experiments made in the early sixties with the surface ignition system. Patents have been granted in the United States as well as foreign coun- tries to inventors creating devices for power production through the methods of surface ignition. It was only after the electrical age began to be felt, that the modern gasoline driven engine was brought to the front. Thanks to the great German inventor, Dr. Rudolph Diesel, the Diesel received its marked attention. Theory of Combustion: Oils of heavy viscosity will not ignite in the presence of air not sufficiently high in temperature. On the other hand, if the oil strikes a hot surface it will break up into hydro-carbons of minute particles, and, when assisted by an existing high temperature in the cylinder, it will materially be brought into useful form. The in- itial step in starting the engine is in modern types performed with the assistance of electrical starters receiving current of electricity from a battery, or, in some cases the hot bulb, hot pin, etc., is used. While the fuel, coming in contact on its entering the combustion chamber, with the hot tube or hot plate, or as previously stated, electrical device, the "kracking" of the fuel is accomplished before the piston reaches its dead center. It was customary in years gone by to use a lighter grade of oils for the use of semi-Diesel engines, but of late the engines having been brought to a higher stage of perfection, and, as a matter of fact, any kind of fuel oil may be used in most standard types. Some manufactur- 440 LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES ers of semi-Diesel engines are entirely ignoring the use of higher gravi- ties of oils and are recommending the lower grades. Semi-Diesel Engine A Factor of Importance on Land As Well As Marine: When considering the fact that the semi-Diesel engine has been recognized by the agricultural population, industrial and marine service as a factor of necessity in the welfare of the nation, the enormity of numbers in use will substantiate this statement. Not alone from the standpoint of economy, but also from the indisputable fact that the en- gine is the simplest mechanism among power generators, the adoption of this type has been exceedingly rapid. In earlier years much trouble was experienced with semi-Diesel engines, >such as cracking of cylinders, pre-ignition, etc., which has been universally solved by the experiments made to create the highest type possible. In particular, pre-ignition, which, in some instances, was overcome by the use of water injection. With modern designs all serious troubles are entirely eliminated and the vertical as well as the horizontal semi-Diesel engine are highly satisfactory. VITAL POINTS IN OIL ENGINE DESIGNS In the designing of oil engines, of either the vertical or the hori- zontal types, many factors have to be considered. Where the engine follows the principle of high compression, a provisioncy must be made assuring the compact design of the pump delivering the oil against exist- ing pressure in the cylinder, a moderate system of accomplishing the in- jection in the combustion chamber, ample water-cooling, and such means of lubrication as tend to minimize high temperatures, thereby avoiding carbonization of the lubricating oil and escaping the attendant complica- tions. As will be seen, when studying the different types of engines illus- trated in this book, different methods are employed in most every respec- tive make. To exemplify this, we will give a procedure to be found on the Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company's Giant Oil Engine. This engine differs from all others in one or more of three broad features of design: The horizontal type of the engines, the use of a crosshead, and the use of a hot liner in the combustion chamber as a means of igniting the fuel, instead of a hot ball, hot bulb or electric ignition. Horizontal vs. Vertical Construction: As previously explained, the mechanism of a vertical engine is rather a disadvantage in so far as accessibility is concerned; for all parts in the crank case must be reached through small openings. We do not mean to imply that there are not features in the vertical engine of very desirable nature, but rather to draw the attention of certain matters dealing with the practical features in general use. If it becomes necessary to remove the piston, the con- necting rod must toe diconnected from the crank pin, the cylinder head removed, and the piston drawn out of the cylinder by means of a chain LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES 441 442 LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES block or some form of hoist. To remove the crankshaft, one or both flywheels must foe taken off, the flanges which support the main bearings removed, and the shaft taken out of the frame endwise; all of which requires considerable extra floor space, especially in the case of engines direct connected to electric generators. In horizontal engines matters already explained as causing extra time are minimized and other, rather undesirable features for stationary purposes overcome. The horizontal engine is more desirable for station- ary power production, while the vertical engine is far preferable for marine work. Crossh'ead vs. No Crosshead: In any two-stroke cycle engine not flitted with a crosshead, the crankoase must be as nearly air-tight as possible. The air for scavenging the cylinder must be compressed in the crankcase, and if it is not tight, will leak out and impair the scavenging, preventing efficient operation of the engine. This is so important that some builders put stuffing 'boxes on the outer ends of the main bearings. All the crank case covers are necessarily small and are 'bolted down on gaskets. This makes the parts within the case very inaccessible. The design of Giant Engines enables the air for scavenging to be compressed in the crank end of the cylinder, and an air-tight crankcase is therefore unnecessary. When a crosshead Is not used, the plsiton must act as a crosshead and the cylinder as a guide. The piston must be made longer than other- wise necessary, in order to have room for the piston pin and to prevent as much of the inevitable excessive wear on both piston and cylinder as possible. This wear is caused by the piston being forced hard against the top and bottom of the cylinder by the angular thrust of the connect- ing rod. This uneven cylinder wear can never be entirely prevented without the use of a crosshead. As the wear increases, it permits the oil of heavy base to work back and under the piston rings, hardening there, and caus- ing additional wear. The advantages do not stop here. The extra fric- tion caused by lengthening the cylinder and piston is greater than the friction of a crosshead. Engines which do not have crossheads soon become very hard to .start on account of the loss of compression due to worn piston and cylinder. Crosshead construction adds great stability to a machine. It has been definitely established that the addition of this one feature doubles the working life of an engine. Hot Liner vs. Hot Ball or Electric Ignition: Electric ignition has not been successfully applied to the firing of low grade fuels. Engines utilis- ing this system are suitable only for burning kerosene and the more volatile fuels. Ignition is secured in Giant Engines by injecting the fuel into a hot liner. This hot liner is not subjected to bursting pressures nor is it sub- ject to breakage from contraction and expansion, as are hot balls some- times used for ignition purposes in this type of engine. Hot balls collect LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES WATER INLET ' PURE A '* ANSFER 443 Position of Piston at Time of Combustion. carbons. Especially is this true in engines in which water injection is not used. In any engine using hot ball ignition the oil, upon its injection into the cylinder, comes in contact with very little heated iron as compared with the hot liner method used in Giant Engines. As a result it takes WATER INLET Position of Piston at Time of Scavenging and Exhaust. 444 LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES 445 Much longer to gasify the oil which consequently must be injected into the cylinder much earlier in the stroke than when using the hot liner. The earlier the oil is Injected into the cylinder of an oil engine, the more danger there is of pre-ignition and excessive initial pressure. Further, any engine which relies for ignition on a bright red heat and which is subject to bursting pressure, is dangerous. In this connection the following table taken from the "Engineering" is interesting since it shows the decrease in tensile strength of oast iron and mild steel at various temperatures and was based on observations of hot bulb semi- Diesel Engine: Tensile Tensile Load Color Temp. -p. . S 'S-to!," d per Sy. In. per Sq. In. Light Load _____ Just showing color in the dark _________ 750 12.0 24.0 Normal Load ___ Between dull and cherry red ___________ 1100 7.5 12.0 Over Load ______ Bright cherry _________ 1400 3.5 2.5 The oil upon being forced into the combustion chamber in this engine, passes through, and strikes the head of the cylindrically shaped liner with which the combustion chamber is fitted. The shape of this liner is such that the oil is instantly distributed over its surface, gasified, and ignited. The resulting rapidity of ignition permits the injection of fuel into the cylinder late in the stroke, thereby avoiding the abnormal pressures incident to fpre-ignition. Giant engines are running on any petroleum distillate from 28 degrees Baume scale up to and including kerosene that does not contain any more than 1 per cent sulphur or 25 per cent asphalt. It is not recom- mended that any of the lighter distillates burned in gasoline engines be used. There are a nunrber of oils considerably below 28 per cent Baume scale on which Giant engines will operate satisfactorily, but as this de- pends upon the character of the particular oil, a general guarantee can- not te given, as to the performance of satisfactory results, although rec- ommendations to that effect are often given by operators. There are also many crude oils which can te used in these engines, but it is danger- ous practice as they are likely to contain sand, grit or sulphur. The sa'est and most satisfactory oils are those furnished by the oil refineries. The average cost in operating a 50 H.P. engine should be from 20 to 25 cents per hour. Water Injection With Fuel: Increased economy is secured by the use of water with the oil. The water enters the cylinders through a check valve at a point just above the pure air transfer port, and is drawn into the cylinder with the pure air. The water retards the combustion of the oil and thus keeps the initial pressure down to slightly more than compression pressure. It also keeps the cylinder free from carbon, keeps the piston rings from sticking, and aids lubrication, by helping to keep the piston and cylinder walls cool. 446 LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES \ .2 LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES 447 Air Starter: On the Duplex Types of Giant Engines automatic air starters are provided. The compressor equipment for the system con- sists of a small vertical air-cooled single acting air compressor, driven by a gasoline engine of adequate horsepower. An air receiver of ample capacity, is provided, together with a pressure gauge, pop safety valve, and drain cock. The automatic air starter consists of simple plunger valves bolted to the su'b-'base and operated by cams on the crankshaft. These valves allow a portion of the high pressure air to act on small piston valves, H.P. A B C D E F G H J K L M N D P R 0. ',j 3- 7 i JO-JO ' '' *4 3 7i 60-60 a' >*' i' 3 'i' 3 0' *'-tf~ ** 10 f-f 10 rv "< '" ^' Muffler Pit for Single Engine. one of which is attached to each cylinder head. These in turn admit high pressure air to the engine cylinders. The entire arrangement is remarkably simple. Exhaust Piping: Some suggestion is given here in regards to prop- erly fitting of exhaust piping from the engine. In illustrations (f) and (g) a typical plan of installation of muffler pit is seen. When follow- ing the general instruction it will be noticed that particular attention is given to eliminate all undesirable noises caused by engine exhaust. Bolt the exhaust flange to the under side of the cylinder and run the exhaust pipe from it to any point desired, taking care to see that the pipe does not come in contact with anything inflammable. If it is very 448 LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES long or crooked, it should be increased in size. It should be put together in such a way that it can easily be taken apart for cleaning. It is recommended that where practicable, the water jacket outlet pipe be connected to the exhaust. The introduction of the cooling water reduces the temperature, and deadens the noise of the exhaust. If this connection is made to an exhaust line in which a muffler is used, the drain at the bottom of the muffler must be left open. When an exhaust pot is used, it should be placed as close to the engine as possible, and must be connected by the size of pipe called for by the openings in the exhaust 'pot and engine. W T hen the line connecting the exhaust pot and exhaust outlet is long or if very many bends are made, it is recommended to use a size larger than that called for by the exhaust ipot opening. Muffler Pit for Double Engine. For installations where it is necessary that noise and smoke be eliminated, it is recommended that a muffler pit of the type shown in Figs, (f) and (g) be used. Figure (f) shows the design of muffler pits capab'e of taking care of single engines up to 80 H.P., while the design given in Fig. (g) will take care of Duplex engines ranging from 100 H.P. to 160 H.P. When a muffler pit of the type illustrated is used, it is absolutely necessary that an overflow of the size recommended be used, and also that a sufficient quantity of running water be used to carry off any residue or waste matter that may come from the exhaust. With the use of one of these muffler pits, only a barely perceptible puff of light smoke will issue from the discharge pipe. LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES 449 INGERSOLL-RAND OIL ENGINES Oil engines have been classified in a number of ways; yet those built prior to the present time can be divided into two general classes: the so- called Semi-Diesel, consuming 0.7 pounds of fuel per brake horsepower, which employs a hot bulb, hot cap or other hot surface to vaporize and as- sist in igniting the fuel; and the full Diesel type, consuming slightly over half the fuel, which employs a full water-cooled head, but high cylinder compression, still more highly compressed air to atomize and inject the fuel and mechanically operated spray valves to accurately control the fuel injection. 450 LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES In the accompanying illustration we see the Ingersoll-Rand Oil En- gine, which as a matter of fact falls in neither classification. It has just as high an over-all economy and is as fully water-cooled as the Diesel type, yet it demands no higher compression and no more complicated fuel injection system than the Semi-Diesel type. By an ingenious method of direct fuel injection, so perfect is the fuel atomization that 200 1'bs. per square inch is quite sufficient to automatically ignite the fuel. It is not a surface-ignition engine. The Ingerso'lKRand oil engine is a dis- tinct type; it is a low compression engine, direct injection, automatic ignition engine. The engine uses the four-stroke cycle with low compression (about 200 Ibs. per square inch), direct injection of fuel and has no other means of ignition than the temperature of compression. The advantages of solid injection are obvious, when we consider the two or three stage compressor necessary with the Diesel engine to inject the fuel into the cylinder under a pressure of nece&sary require- ment including mechanical equipment necessary on high compression engines, whereas in this low compression engine, two fifths of that of the Diesel engine the same results are accomplished, eliminating all complicated mechanical contrivances. In glancing over the efficiency card some idea as to the resultant economy of this engine will be demonstrated. It will be observed here, that after a .pressure of 200 pounds to the square inch has been reached, combustion occurs at constant volume, creating a pressure of about 400 pounds, from which the expansion is almost a perfect adiabatic. Com- pare this with the high compression cycle, also shown in this chart, where the compression is carried to more than 500 pounds and the fuel is then admitted gradually so as to produce combustion at constant pressure until the piston has traveled a portion of the stroke, when it also changes to adiabatic expansion. There are three points of advantage in the low- compression cycle which should be noted: 1. The mean effective pressure which is proportional to the net work developed in the cylinder for the same brake horsepower of engine, need to be only 85 >per cent of that of the high compression cycle. This is due to the higher mechanical efficiency. There are no air compressors to be driven with the Ingersoll-iRand Oil Engine, and the friction losses are in consequence lower. 2. The mean pressure of compression, which is proportional to the work done in the engine cylinder during the compression stroke, is approximately half that of the high-compression cycle. While it is true that most of this work is not lost, but being returned to the piston during its expansion stroke, nevertheless the performing of the extra work of compression by the piston and the return to the piston of an equal amount of excess work during the expansion stroke, represents more wear on piston, cylinder and bearings. For the Same brake horsepower the low compression cycle subjects the engine to approximately 30 per cent less wear. With parts of equal LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES 451 452 LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES dimensions they will wear considerably longer they will require less attention. 3. The maximum pressure and temperatures in the cylinder are considerably lower, so that all the parts that are designed for strength, stiffness or temperature stresses may be constructed much more con- servatively. As the cycle process has features different from the average low compression as well as the usual type of high compression engine, it will be interesting to follow the accurate performance: Description of the Cycle Suction Stroke: The intake valve is opened mechanically and the piston moves 'downward on the suction stroke, drawing in a full charge of pure air. Compression Stroke: The intake valve is closed by the valve spring and the piston returns, compressing the air from the cylinder into the combustion chamber to a pressure of approximately 200 pounds per square inch. Injection of the fuel starts near the end of the stroke and is com- pleted before the piston has reached the end of its travel. The system of fuel injection is such that ignition is automatic arid perfect combustion occurs. Working Stroke: Combustion at constant volume occurs almost exactly at dead center and the pressure rises from 200 to approximately 400 pounds and the piston moves downwards on the working stroke. Exhaust Stroke: Near the end of the working stroke, the exhaust valve is opened mechanically, the pressure drops, and the piston returns expelling the burned charge. The statement is often made that since the fuel cost of an oil engine is so low, a gain in economy is a small factor, that dependability is of prime importance. We fail to realize, that dependability is intimately related to high economy. Every heat unit in the fuel that is not trans- formed into useful work must be carried away through the walls of the combustion chamber or through the cylinder walls to the water jacket or must be carried ipast the exhaust valve and exhaust valve seat during exhaust, or must disappear as friction in bearings or cylinder at expense and upkeep and durability of the engine. In an inefficient engine, not only is a large percentage of the fuel wasted, but in getting rid of the waste heat, serious deterioration of the engine results. The waste oil must be paid for in the fuel bill, paid for in additional lubrication oil to preserve the oil film on the overheated piston and cylinder walls, paid for in additional cooling water to dissipate the waste heat, and paid for in engine upkeep. High fuel economy means low fuel cost, low lubrica- tion cost, low cost of cooling water, low cost of repairs and long life of engine. LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES 453 Valves on this engine are of the mechanically operated poppet type and located in the heads and surrounded by water jacketing. The valve motion is of the roller path type, operated by eccentrics' mounted on the side shafts. This makes for quietness and smooth operation. The tim- ing of the valves and the injection of the fuel is obtained from the side shaft through |he medium of one pair of spur gears, driven by the crank- shaft. The roller path motion mentioned, consists of a floating lever, one end of which rests on the valve stem and the other is attached to the eccentric rod, which receives its motion from the eccentric on the side shaft. The end of the floating lever therefore moves up and down in relative motion. The upper surface of the floating lever is curved and 454 LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES rests against a stationary block of slightly smaller radius of curvature. The point of contact between the two pieces changes as the valve opens and shuts; 'having the effect of uniformly accelerating the motion of the valve. It will be noted that at the moment of opening of the valve, con- siderable leverage is obtained on account of the point of contact being so close to the valve stem. This means that a minimum of stress is exerted on the push rods and side shaft when opening the valves against the terminal pressure. When the valve is opened slightly this pressure is destroyed, and the point of contact then recedes, so as to increase the speed of opening of the Valve. LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES 455 The fuel injection pumps, one for each cylinder, which spray the fuel into the combustion chamber, are mounted on the housing adjacent to the cylinders. They are operated by cams from the side shaft. A centrifugal two-ball governor driven off the side shaft takes control of the fuel supply when the engine exceeds a pre-determined speed. It is an over-speed governor. An oil filter is provided from which the oil flows by gravity to the oil pumps. A pump, driven from the engine, elevates the oil to the filter from the main supply. 456 LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES In starting, electric igniters are employed for the first few revolu- tions of the engine, while compressed air under 150 to 200 pounds pres- sure is admitted to each cylinder in succession by the aid of the starting valves, to turn the engine over. As the engine is turned over, fuel is injected and after a few revolutions the air is shut off and the engine continues to ignite entirely by compression. The engine may be stopped for about 10 minutes, and started again without the use of igniters. Part View of Primm Friction Clutch Coupling. In the accompanying illustrations the Primm Heavy Duty Oil Engine is shown. As will be observed this engine is of very simple design. It is of Semi-Diesel classification and is similar to the ordinary type in general method of running operation. The fuel consumption is no more than LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES 457 six-tenths of a pound of fuel oil of a gravity of 24 Baume or better, con- taining at least nineteen thousand B.T.U.'s per pound, and containing not more than one-half of one per cent of moisture, the fluidity of which allow it to flow through the pipes leading to fuel pumps. This horsepower test and fuel consumption on three-fourths to full load is based on tests made at an altitude of approximately 1,000 feet above sea level. It will be noted in the illustration of the engine, that the peculiarity of the ignition device is very distinct. Also the method of taking the air in the scavenging chamber, the cross-head taking all the angular thrust of the connecting rod; the enclosed crankcase and the splash lubricat- ing system. The use of the proper amount of water in the cylinder of an oil engine serves to maintain a proper interior temperature, upon which de- pends perfect combustion; this has been taken care of in this modern type of oil engine, by which the water injection into 'the scavenging charge by automatically measuring the amount of water needed with the same governor which controls the fuel injection, is adhered to. In the illustrations pertaining to the Primm Clutch and Reversing gear, the ingenious method of providing the carrying of heavy loads by automatic governed mechanical gear arrangement, any load even under the most difficult conditions are amply taken care of and through this method no irregularities on the engine Itself are experienced. DE LA VERGNE OIL ENGINES Medium Compression. Pump Injection System. Horizontal Construction Of the numerous types of oil engines manufactured by the De La Vergne Machine Co., the two best known engines, Type "DH" and Type "SI" will be explained here. Historical: The Hornsby-Akroyd Oil Engine, better known as the De La Vergne Type "HA" Engine, was introduced by the De La Vergne Co. in. 1893 for use in small power plants requiring up to 125 horsepower. The many admirable features of this type of prime mover soon won for it a posi- tion of great popularity. This engine employs a low compression ot about 50 pounds per square inch, and will operate on kerosene and light distillate oils. It has a comparatively high fuel consumption but great dependability. Many of these original engines are still operating after twenty-five years of service and examples may be found in various gov- ernment lighthouses and fortifications. To meet the demand for an engine of larger size which would suc- cessfully burn the heavy grades of American and Mexican crude oils, the Type "FH" Oil Engine was designed and offered in 1910, in sizes from 100 to 600 horsepower -per unit. This type has a medium com- pression of 280 pounds per square inch and a compressed air fuel injec- 458 LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES tion system. Its economy is greater than that of the Type "HA" and it operates on a wide range of oils, from heavy crude to kerosene. These engines quickly became popular for installations where the load demanded the larger unit and the improved fuel consumption. One pipe line company operates nearly 150 De La Vergne Type "FTH" Oil Engines. In response to tne demand for a small engine that, like the Type "FH", would be able to operate with high economy on the heavier and cheaper oils, the De La Vergne Machine Company developed and offered LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES 469 the Type "DH" Oil Engine, in sizes from 40 to 130 horsepower per unit. These engines embodied the simple mechanism of the Type "HA" and some of the important features of the Type "FH" Engine. These Type "DH" Engines during the next few years showed such remarkable re- sult's in the way of dependability and low operating costs, that a de- mand naturally followed for an engine of this simplified design adapted to larger horsepowers. In response to this demand the De La Vergne Diesel Oil Engine (Type "SI") was brought out. Cycle of Operation: The Type "SI" Engine being a single acting four-stroke cycle en- gine, four strokes of the piston and two revolutions of the crankshaft are required to complete the cycle. The sequence of events follows: Suction Stroke: 'The intake valve is opened mechanically and piston is moved for- ward on suction stroke, drawing in a charge of pure air. Compression Stroke: Intake valve is closed. Returning piston compresses the air in com- bustion chamber to a pressure of approximately 330 Ibs. per sq. inch. This compression pressure is ample to cause ignition because on account of the excellent atomization of fuel the entire combustion space is filled with a uniformly distributed oil mist. Working Stroke: Fuel is injected slightly in advance of inner dead center. Combus- tion occurs and pressure rises from compression pressure to a pressure of about 500 Ibs. per sq. inch. Piston starts out on working stroke. Exhaust Stroke: The exhaust valve is mechanically opened, pressure drops and piston returns expelling the exhaust gases. As previously stated, the Type "SI" engine is a single-acting, hori- zontal, four-stroke cycle engine, operating with a medium compression of about 330 pounds per square inch and a maximum pressure of about 500 pounds. The engine is started automatically by admission of air from air storage tanks. To start, crankshaft is placed in starting position. Ex- hause valve roller under relief cam is shifted to reduce compression when starting. Starting air is then turned on. A cam on camshaft suc- cessively opens and closes starting valve, admitting air under pressure of about 150 Ibs. at proper intervals. When engine picks up speed starting air is shut off. To stop engine, simply pull out handle on fuel pump and lock it in position thus shutting off oil supply to cylinder and engine stops immed- iately. 460 LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES Fig. 2. Governor and Fuel Pump Arrangement Figure 2 shows fuel pump and regulation. This is possibly the most important part of the "SI" engine. The pump is mounted on governor bracket and operated by a hardened cam on layshaft. Hardened steel pins and large working surfaces are used on all fuel pump parts. Pump plunger and plunger barrel are accurately fitted together and provided with labyrinth packing grooves, eliminating the necessity for the usual plunger packing. Suction and discharge valves with hardened and re- movable seats assure absolute tightness. Fuel is preferably stored in an underground tank outside the building from which point it is raised to a small filter standpipe by a plunger pump mounted on the engine. LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES 461 When heavy viscous oils are used, standpipe is provided with a hot water jacket. Action of pump maintains constant flow of oil to stand- pipe, any excess fuel overflowing and returning to storage tank. Prom standpipe oil is withdrawn by engine fuel pump and delivered to spray valves. The governor is of the centrifugal type operated hy spiral gears from layshaft. The governor acts on an overflow valve on the pump 462 LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES through a simple linkage so arranged that the quantity of fuel permitted to pass to the spray valve is readily controlled, thus regulating engine standpipe. Cooling Water: The Type "I" Engine requires approximately seven gallons of cool- ing water per horsepower hour at full load. This water may be dis- charged at a temperature of 140 Fahrenheit. In locations where the water is costly or difficult to obtain 'a device of simple and inexpensive type will allow circulating water to be used again and again with the addition of only five per cent make-up water. Where water has objec- tionable scale forming properties a closed circulating system can be used which filled ait the start with soft water, uses the same water repeatedly with practically no loss whatever. Fig. 4. Cylinder Head and Valve Gear As will be observed in figure 4, the cylinder head is provided with an air starting arrangement. The camshaft side of the head is provided with openings for air starting valve and air and exhaust valve casings. The latter are made interchangeable and are mechanically operated from the camshaft. LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES 463 There are two spray valves located on the opposite sides of the head connecting to combustion chamber which is cast on the inside of the cylinder face of the head. This arrangement insures complete com- bustion of fuel. The head is water cooled and provided with large hand holes for inspection and cleaning of water space. //v Las, i? i* it ii Piston: The piston is of the trunk type and is made of a special heat re- sisting close grained gray iron. The casting is carefully annealed be- fore machining and is afterward ground to exact diameter. The liberal length of piston enables the engine to reduce the pressure due to angu- lar thrust of connecting rod to about 10 Ibs. per sq. inch and pressure due to piston weight is le&s than one pound per sq. inch. 464 LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES In this case the long trunk piston assures a large contact area be- tween piston and cylinder liner, thus heat absorbed by the section of the piston head exposed to combustion chamber is rapidly conducted through piston and cylinder liner to cooling water. The piston therefore works under most favorable lubricating conditions, and water cooling of piston head with attendant complications is avoided. The highly pol- ished head end of the piston is of cone shaped design, which is better able to follow expansion or contraction resulting from the working and exhaust strokes, thus relieving this important part of the engine of all internal stresses. LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES 465 Rated Capacities: The Type "SI" Engine is manufactured in the following standard sizes: 300 H.P. Twin 'Cylinder 360 H.P. Twin Cylinder 540 H.P. Three Cylinder 100 H.P. Single Cylinder 150 H.P. Single Cylinder 180 H.P, Single Cylinder 200 H.P. Integral Twin Cylinder 720 H.P. Four Cylinder Fig. 7. Gross-Section Through Vaporizer /*'/by a needle valve, J.16, which is movable in con- junction with plunger, J.14. This plunger has a very snug fit in sleeve, J.18, and is loaded by means of spring, J.7. The pressure of the oil within the atomizer due to the action of the fuel pump, L, will move the plunger, J.14, against the 'spring and will carry along the needle valve, J.16, thus opening the nozzle. Oil will then circulate through the spiral grooves of the spray cone, J.10, with accelerating motion due to the de- creasing sections of the spiral grooves, and will, set up in the throat of the nozzle a small column of oil in high rotary motion. This column when released from the nozzle, breaks up into a very fine mist due to centrifugal action. As soon as the fuel pump plunger stops advancing, Governor and Oil Pump of the Wygodsky Self-Starting Oil Engine. the pressure in the sprayer drops instantly and the spring, J.7, shuts the nozzle rapidly and prevents dribbling. This arrangement permits the breaking up of the smallest quantities of oil into very fine mist without any dribbling. To give any idea of the effectiveness of the spray, it may be mentioned that the column of oil in the throat of the nozzle produces about 1,100,000 R.P.M., and the initial velocity of the particles of oil which issue from the nozzle is about 270 feet per second. Any fuel, even with a high flash point, easily ignites when cold if atomized by means of this sprayer. The engine works with a moderate compression pressure of 300 Ibs. per square inch, and to obtain the starting ignition while the engine is cold, a temporary ignition device, J.I, figure G.A.10, is used. This ignition device is a hollow ring and is totally enclosed within the water cooled LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES 471 472 LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES combustion chamber. No hot surfaces are exposed to the outside of the engine, but the heated surfaces are entirely inside tlie combustion cham- ber, so it is evident that this is not a hot bulb engine. This device has two apertures which connect the inside of this hollow ring with two channels in the waiter jacketed cover projecting through the cylinder head. One channel is for the introduction of the oil torch, G.A.13, and the other channel serves for the escape of the products of combustion. General Arrangement of Air Pump of Wygodsky Self-Starting Oil Engine. This torch, G.A. 13, connected to the foot-air-pump G.A. 15, which furnishes air to it, is of an interesting construction. The torch can burn the same fuel as the engine and the reservoir can be refilled while the torch is burning, as there is no pressure on the oil whatever. The torch does not require any fpre-heating for it starts to! .burn as soon as the foot pump develops 25 Ibs. pressure in a reservoir of about 3% gallons capacity. The next element of self-starting is the locking device, K, Figure B. This locking device consists of a toggle mechanism, K6, 7, 8 and 9. It is Sectional View of Sprayer of the Wygodsky Self-Starting Oil Engine. LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES 473 pivoted in two points, K17 and K18. It is loaded toy means of spring K19. The position of tis mechanism as shown in figure OB, is that when the engine is ready for starting. The dog, K9, is then inserted in the slot of the flywheel. This keeps the flywheel in starting position, in which position the crankshaft is about 60 degrees above its inner dead center on the firing stroke. Sectional view, Fig. D, shows piston and crank- shaft in starting position. The process of self-starting is as follows: The foot-pump, AF, is given several strokes and the .torch, OT, is ignited by a lighted match, the pumping being continued for about two minutes, in the course of which time the ignition tube -becomes hot enough to ignite the spray. After the ignition device has been made hot enough, some of the air from the foot-pump is admitted into the combus- tion chamber with the double purpose of making sure that the combus- tion chamber is filled with pure air and also to have the air pressure raised to atoout 40 Ibs. The spring of the above mentioned locking de- vice is made strong enough to hold the flywheel in the starting position so that the flywheel will not toe released until there is enough pressure behind the piston to start the engine running. This pressure is produced by manually operating the fuel pump. This action produces a spray through the atomizer into the comtoustion chamber. This spray being produced in the proximity of the ignition tube and in an atmosphere of 40 Ibs. pressure, an explosion follows which is strong enough to turn the dog of the locking device. This locking device then collapses as shown by the dotted lines in figure B, and the engine begins to work normally. The torch then goes out by itself, and the lubrication starts automatically so that no valves have to be operated. The starting cycle gives a M.E.P. atoove 100 pounds per square inch, so that the engine starts with a load of approximately 50 per cent of its rated capacity. The engine is also provided with special means for self-cleaning. By means of a special device the engine ejects automatically any solid or liquid deposit that may find its way into the combustion chamber. The same feature is utilized for stopping the engine approximately in its starting position. The M.E.P. ototainable in this engine is 116 pounds per square inch. After the starting of the engine has been explained, the operation of same is easily understood toy anyone familiar with a four-cycle oil engine. The governor which is explained below acts directly on the plunger of the fuel pump and injects the oil slightly 'before the end of the compression stroke. The governor of an oil engine is one of the most important elements. Many a good oil engine proved to be a failure on account of poor govern- ing. The method of governing in this Wygodsky oil engine is the variable stroke method; with timing of the beginning of injection, constant; and the end of injection, variatole, i. e., sooner or later, according to the load on the engine. The governor of this engine comprises a governor proper, as well as the governing mechanism, all enclosed in one casing. The governor is also free of reaction from the governed mechanism and 474 LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES therefore it permits running the governor at comparatively slow speeds, viz., the -speed of the crankshaft. The governor and pump are repre- sented in figure G.A.12, in which L.38 is the plunger, iL.48 is the suction valve, and L.15 the delivery valves. The governing mechanism consists of the cam lever M.23, which is pivoted eccentrically in the governor casing. This lever is provided with a cam face which acts directly on roller, L.12, of the fuel pump. This cam face is an arc of a circle de- scribed from its pivot center. The position of this cam lever is deter- mined by means of a finger, M.9, which finger is attached to a swinging lever, M.ll, which is pivoted at M.12. This finger acts between a special inner face of the governor case and a curved face of the cam lever; the inner face of the case is an arc of a circle described from M.12 as a centre and the curve of the cam lever is figured out so, that the tangents of Four-Cycle Single Cylinder Heavy uuiy Wygodsky Self-Starting Crude Oil Engine. these two curves and finger, M.9, form an angle which is less than the angle of friction corresponding to the, materials used. The idea is that when the governor runs in a counter-clockwise direction the reaction from roller L.12 on the cam lever, M.23, tends to jam the finger, M.9, without pushing same in either direction. It should be mentioned that the link M.ll, by means of link, M.8, is connected to one of the governor weights, M.2. There is also another governor weight, M.3, which is situated in a diametrically opposite direction of M.2, and is connected to same by means of a connecting link, M.13, in such a manner as to give both weights a similar motion. These two weights furnish a centrifugal force of the governor when same is rotating. The centrifugal force is furnished by spring M.20, which is arranged to permit an adjustment of its length, as well as an adjustment of its tension. As mentioned before, LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES 475 finger M.9 being situated in an angle which is less than the friction angle will not transmit any reaction to the weights of the governor. The cam face of the governor lever, 'being an arc of a circle, will have the same point of intersection with the. outer periphery of the governor cas- ing irrespective of the position of the cam lever. This naturally will give a constant point for the beginning of the injection of the fuel. The whole engine is built on the interchangeable principle, and for easy operation, so that no expert labor is required. This feature makes it a suitable engine for any part of the country, as well 'as for export purposes. Two-Cycle Wygodsky Self-Starting Crude Oil Engine. The economy per- formances compare well with the best. Two Cycle Type The principle of the Wygodsky Self-starting Crude Oil Engine is also utilized in a two cycle type engine. This two cycle Diamond Type engine has been designed for engines of higher horsepower, and also for an engine which is much simpler in the design and manufacture than any other engine known. The transfer of gases is accomplished through ports, which arc con- trolled by the working pistons. It is a modified opposed piston engine, which, while preserving all the advantages of such a system, at the tvarne time eliminates its disadvantages, such as multiplicity of crankpins, connecting rods, large dimensions, etc. 476 LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES 477 This engine works with the previously described patented hydraulic sprayer, without compressed air, and has a low operating pressure. It is easily started from the cold in about three minutes, and uses very little compressed air, when starting with compressed air, ' and still less when starting with the self-starting mechanism, which has been de- scribed in connection with the stationary engine. The camshafts are eliminated, besides valves, levers, brackets, rollers, etc. The who]? en- gine is just a mass of reciprocating pistons and revolving crankpins. It 'has been recognized of late that an oil engine, to give a large output of power, must necessarily 'be of the two-cycle type. Although the opposed piston principle has been used many years ago in gas and gasoline engines, its adaptation for oil engines has been perfected only recently. This system primarily permits perfect scavenging, eliminates air and exhaust valves, as well as mechanism for oiperating same, and also eliminates the cylinder head, which is a very weak part in any oil engine. The two pistons, which operate in a common combustion chamber, permit the development of double the power with the same mechanism for the introduction of fuel. This has very many attractive features, al though the way it has been carried out up to this time,/ has many great mechanical drawbacks. For instance, to operate the two pistons it is necessary to have three crankpins and three connecting rods, besides all the appurtenances that go with same. Moreover, it is practicable to put only two bearings between said crankpins, and therefore the crankshaft has to be made of very heavy sections, and naturally the crankshaft is expensive. Furthermore, the width and length of such an engine is very great, and therefore very costly to produce. It will be seen in the en- gine described below that only one crankpin is required for two pistons instead of three; furthermore, a group of four pistons requiring two crankpins are located in one plane and are operated by two crankpins located in two separate crankshafts. The regular opposed piston system requires 6 crank pins for four pistons. From the above the compactness and small dimensions of the Wygodsky engine is easily seen. This method readily permits the concentration of larg'e powers in a small space. Figure 3 shows a sectional view of the engine. As intimated before, this engine is provided with two crankshafts; one upper crankshaft, 1, and lower crankshaft, 1A. They are connected toy means of a special link motion so that they operate in synchronism and in opposite sense. Each cranfcpin is operated toy two connecting rods: one left-hand connecting rod, 2, which is forked, and the other right-hand, 2A, operates within the fork of the former. The pistons, 3, are operated by said connecting rods, so that each upper and lower piston work symmetrically. The cyl- inder structure is made in a V shape and this permits accommodating two such structures, one on each side of the crankshafts plarie. These two cylinder structures give the section of the engine a "diamond shape." In figure 3, four (4), indicates the spray box to which is attached the 478 LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES starting ignition ring, 5, and the atomizer is introduced through aperture 6; both essentially the same as in the stationary four-cycle engine. The cylinder proper, 7, is a water jacketed "elbow," the lower leg of which is slightly shorter than the upper leg. The reason for this will be explained later. This cylinder is designed to withstand the full pressure of the working cycle. To the upper, as well as the lower flanges of said cylinders, 7, are attached guide cylinders, 8, which receive the pistons after the ports have been uncovered. These guide cylinders are provided wiith port belts, 9, which extend all around the piston, and the contour of which is made to conform to that of the bottom of the piston. This belt, 9, is in communication with passages, 10, and 10A; the former serving as air manifolds, and the latter being exhaust manifolds. Thus we have two air manifolds, and two exhaust manifolds. These manifolds are provided with special flanges and when such cylinders are assembled Fuel Pump Bracket of Two-Cycle Wyyodxky Keif-Starting Crude Oil Engine. in the engine they register with each other and form continuous pass- ages for either air or exhaust. They are kept air tight by means of a special packing device. Thus no special air or exhaust manifolds are required. It will be noticed that the bottoms of the pistons are provided with flats which are mutually parallel in each cylinder structure and thus ipro- vide a combustion space which is much different than the wafer shape which we see in the regular opposed piston engines or even in the regular Diesel engines. Figure 5 is a plan view, and figure 6 is a front elevation of the engine. On the left hand side of isaid figures, 11, and 11A indicate the two double LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES 479 acting scavenging pumps, which by means of tubular member, 12, are connected to the two air manifolds, 10, into which these two pumps dis- charge the air. The four pistons of said pumps are operated by means of four crankpins, two of which are located in each of the two crank- shafts respectively. The same crankpins are utilized for the link mechan- ism which connects both crankshafts so as to make them, operate in opposite directions; thus the crankpins serve a double purpose, i. e., oper- General Arrangement of Baltimore Oil Engine. Vertical Type. ating the four pistons of the scavenging pumps as well as the connect- ing mechanism between the two' crankshafts. Owing to automatic air valve of a special construction these same scavenging pumps also serve for starting and reversing the engine by means of compressed air. The different parts of the pumip are connected by means of pipes to the air distributing mechanism, 14, which is actuated by means of hand lever, 480 LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES 15. This hand lever when pushed forward starts the engine in a forward direction; when pushed 'backward it starts the engine in a backward or reverse direction. When left alone the lever automatically returns to its neutral position and automatically cuts off the air supply from the tank. The movement of said lever, 15, has the effect of automatically con- verting the scavenging pumps into working cylinders directing the air into the necessary chambers to effect the movement of the pistons in the desired direction and finally exhausting expanded air into any of the working cylinders, scavenging same through the usual ports. After that the air escapes through the regular exhaust pipe. This system of utilizing the compressed air has the advantage of securing pure air for the com- bustion and also does away with the necessity of providing extra mufflers to take care of the air exhaust. Needless to say that the complicated controls which are met with in the starting mechanism of the Diesel engine are completely done away with. It also must be mentioned that this engine besides ease of starting and reversing, uses very little air to) effect these actions. It is necessary just to give about one-third of a revolution to start the engine spinning in any desired direction; this is due to the above described patented ignition device. As mentioned before, the engine has no camshafts. The whole oper- ating mechanism is assembled on one bracket, shown in the upper left hand corner of figure 6, in which 16 shows four fuel pumps; four similar pumps are on the other side. Each pump is connected to its respective combustion chamber. All fuel pumps are operated by a small crankshaft, 17, which is similar to the main upper crankshaft and is attached to same by means of a special clutch, 18, which permits a certain angular movement between the two crankshafts. The action of each pump may be tested by means of lever 19. Lever 20 is for regulating the speed of the engine, and when raised raises the .speed and when lowered reduces the speed of the engine. Governor, 21, regulates the maximum speed of the engine. For self-starting, the engine is provided with a locking device as described in connection with the stationary engine. Parts of this locking device, 22, are indicated on figures 1 and 6. From the description above, it can be easily seen that the system permits a large concentration of power pistons in a small space, so it is not surprising that this engine is very light in weight (35 Ibs. per B.H.P.), although the pistons speed is only about 750 feet 'per minute. For operating the engine, two methods of starting will be described: one, the air starting, the other, "Self Starting." It is recommended in regular practice, for starting as well as re- versing, to use the air device, while the "self starting" is -utilized in emergency cases when for some reason or other there is no air available. Before starting, the ignition tubes, 6, are heated by means of special torches inserted in the lower funnel of spray box, 4. This heating is continued for about two minutes. After this, air-starting lever, 15, is LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES 481 slightly moved either forward or backward, depending upon the direc- tion in which it is desired to set the engine in motion. The compressed air will then operate the scavenging pumps and as soon as the engine has made about one-third of a revolution, fuel pumps will come into action and the engine will begin to run on its own power. As mentioned before, as soon as the hand is removed from the starting lever, 15, same will automatically return to its neutral position; this will cut off the com- pressed air supply and the pumps, 11 and 11A, will work as "scavenging" pumps. For "self starting," the engine must be first set in a "starting posi- tion," i. e., a certain cylinder must have its pistons in such a position that its corresponding crank pins are about 60 degrees beyond its inner dead centre, as shown on the right hand side in figure 3. The slot in the flywheel, as well as the locking device, are so situated that this is attained in the first working cylinder on figure 6, counting from the left. After the flywheel has thus been "locked," the torches are ignited and kept burning for about two minutes, as for air starting. Then air at about 80 Ibs. pressure, is introduced into the combustion chamber be- tween the two pistons. A quick push by hand of the corresponding oil pump plunger, will send a spray of oil into this combustion chamber, which will be readily ignited by the hot ignition tube. An explosion will follow, which will collapse the locking device holding the flywheel, and the engine will start operating. ,It must be observed that a very small quantity of air is required for this method of starting, and said air can be easily generated by several foot pumps, same as used with the station- ary engine. Same pumps will also serve to operate the torches. For reversing the engine, speed lever, 20, is first put in the bottom position and the starting lever 15 moved in the direction it is desired to run the engine. Just a slight movement of the crankshaft is sufficient to start the engine running. The engine requires very little air for reversing. It is possible to reverse the engine without compressed air by means of a special device giving a premature ignition. As soon as the engine is started the torches are extinguished ana after that all operations such as running, maneuvering, and reversing are performed without the torches burning. The method of operating the engine does not require much explana- cion. As seen in figure 3, the pistons approach each other in a sym- metrical fashion and when about at the end of their inward stroke, a fuel pump injects the oil through the atomizer, which oil is ignited. On cne expansion stroke, the lower ports, 9, are opened first and the com- Dustlon space is then in communication with the air manifold, 10, in which there is slightly compressed air. This air will then pour into 'the combustion space, driving before it the products of previous combustion and scavenging the said combustion space thoroughly, as there are no valves or other kind of pockets in the whole structure. The return 482 LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES movement of the pistons will first close the transfer ports and then the exhaust ports, and then follows the compression, etc. The advanced opening of the exhaust ports is accomplished by mak- ing the lower leg of the V cylinder structure slightly shorter than the upper one. In the construction as shown, the ports are so arranged, that in any position of the crankshaft, there are always open some transfer and exhaust ports, and so the air manifold, 10, is always in communication with the exhaust manifold and the outer atmosphere through one of the cylinders and therefore there is very little pressure maintained in this manifold, just enough to overcome the fractional losses of this pipe sys- tem. This feature is of great importance as the scavenging pumps, although of about 50 per cent over-capacity, have to work under very little pressure and while Insuring perfect scavenging, the pumping: losses are negligible as compared with most of the two cycle engines in which the air in the manifold is kept under several pounds pressure. As constructed, the engine produces 8 double impulses per revolu- tion. It has six upper crankpins and six lower crankpins a total of 12 crankpins. In the well known opposed piston engine to obtain the same number of impulses, 26 crankpins would be required, this including 2 crankpins for operating two scavenging pumps. A four cycle engine, to give the same number of impulses, would require 32 crantopins. This example is merely one way of illustrating the great compactness and simplicity of the engine which is the subject o,f this description. This is essentially a highspeed engine, although built as a heavy duty engine. With the modern electric or gear transmission it is a de- sirable engine even when slow speed is desired. Up to this time the steam engine was almost without a competitor for rail transportation. The electric locomotive is practicable only in very rare cases. In this connection it must be remembered that the automobile became a practical possibility as a result of the perfection of the internal combustion engine. There are very few steam cars in this country, while there are about 10,000,000 automobiles with internal com- bustion engines. There is no reason why the internal combustion engine should not be called upon to do the work for rail transportation, as it is doing now for automobile transportation. The only question is how to concentrate large powers in small space. The characteristics necessary for starting, as well as for changing speed and torque, under different cir- cumstances can be solved in the internal combustion locomotive just as well as in the automobile. The advantages for an internal combustion lo- comotive are too numerous to mention. It is sufficient to mention the fuel economy, the possibility of covering tens of thousands of miles without cleaning boilers, etc. 'Favorable argument is too strong to let tkis proposi- tion stay dormant much longer. The engine described above should be LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES 483 considered, as the solution of the problem of an internal combustion engine for locomotive purposes. While designing this engine, the conditions prevailing in this country were kept in mind all the time. The automobile became the most popular machine in America because it does not require any expert or licensed engineer to operate it. The whole mechanism is locked up in boxes and the driver is given very few controls which he can master in an hour or so. The above described engine was built with the above mentioned pur- pose in view, viz., to build an engine with the minimum amount of mechanism and designed so that it could 'be built on the interchangeable principle and be turned out in large quantities at a low figure. Further, it is designed so that there are no adjustments required, and two control handles are all that is necessary for starting, operating and running. The whole engine, with the exception of 'beds and crank- shafts, is built up of small parts so that in case. of defective parts same could be replaced instead of repaired. This engine has been built in a 1,000 H.P. unit, which is made in four sections. A six section unit would give 1,500 H.P. A. 10,000 H.P. engine could be made on this system with parts, the dimensions of which are not new to the art and therefore could be built on sure lines. BOLINDER'S CRUDE OIL ENGINES (RUNDLOF'S PATENTS) STATIONARY AND MARINE ENGINES The Bolinder engine is essentially a typical light weight engine following the general principle identical to all two-cycle machinery of the Semi-Diesel type. In general construction the engine is exceedingly simple in design and accessible throughout. The manufacturer of this engine, the J. & C. G. Bolinder Co., Ltd., at Stockholm, Sweden, have added some improved features, particu- larly in the marine type, which makes the engine very desirable on ships operating by auxiliary power, where weight factors are of vital import- ance and elimination of space of necessity calls for Internal Combustion powernproducing machinery- The consumption of fuel compares well with others of this type of engine. For fuel most any residue oil can be used. The specific gravity of fuels should be preferably about 0.88 and the heat value about 10,000 calories per kilo or 18,000 B.T.U.'s per pound. 484 LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES In following description of the working performance of stationary engines of the Bolinders, an ac- curate idea will be formed of the principle underlying the two-cycle type. When the piston (A) at the end of its outward stroke is moving in towards the ignition chamber (E), the necessary air for combustion is drawn in through the air valves (B) into the enclosed crank hous- ing and ait the same time, the air in the cylinder (D) is compressed. When the piston (A) has reached its extreme inward position, a cer- tain amount of crude oil is injected into the ignition chamber (E) through the nozzle (P), and the fuel charge explodes the expand- ing gas, driving the piston outward towards the shaft. During this outward stroke of the piston, the air in the cranR housing is compressed. As the piston nears the end of its stroke, the exhaust port (Cr) opens, and immediately after also the inlet air port (H). The burnt gases escape by the exhaust port (G), while the com- pressed air in the crank housing entering the cylinder by the port (H), completes the scavenging work, and furnishes the cylinder with the air necessary to make up the next fuel charge. It will be noticed that the ignition chamber (E), has two ports; by this means it is blown through with fresh air every revolution, an im- portant feature for securing a rapid and effective ignition. The piston is now on the inward stroke again and the cycle is completed. Starting Engines with Compressed Air: Larger engines and all engines having more than one cylinder have a special starting arrange- ment consisting of an air receiver fitted with pressure gauge and stop valve connected by a pipe to a valve on the cylinder. Starting the en- gine by means of air pressure is accomplished as follows: After the engine 'bulbs have been sufficiently heated by means of the blow lamps, the 'blow-off cocks on the cylinders are opened and the flywheel is turned over until the piston in the cylinder to which the starting device is attached has just commenced its downward stroke, after which the blow-off cocks are closed again. Demonstration of "Cycle of Op- eration," Bolinder Two-Cycle Semi-Diesel Stationary Engine. LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES 485 The blow-off valve on the starting device is now closed, the stop valve opened, and the hand wheel opened up two or three complete turns. After fuel has been injected into the cylinders by a couple of good strokes of the fuel hand levers, the starting valve is opened quickly by means of the hand lever and is held open about half a second, allowing the pressure in the air receiver to set the engine running. As soon as the engine starts, the starting valve is closed quickly, the hand wheel screwed down, and the stop valve closed while the 'blow-off valve is opened to allow the remaining gas in the pipe and valve to blow out, as otherwise the starting valve may show a tendency to stick As soon as the engine is running normally, the air receiver is loaded as follows: After the blow-off valve has been closed, the stop valve to the air receiver is opened, after which the loading valve is opened and the pressure allowed to build up in the receiver until the pressure gauge shows from 8 Kg. to 12 Kg. pressure above the atmosphere equal to 120 Ibs. to 180 Ibs. per square inch. Plan View of Reversible Type of Bolinder Marine Engine. The loading valve is now closed as well as the stop valve. Lastly, the blow-off cock is opened to allow the gas remaining in the pipe to come out. "The air receiver should always be kept under pressure. The sipring on the starting device should be adjusted so that the valve does not open by the pressure in the cylinder. In the maneuvering of the direct reversible engine, following direc- tions should be strictly adhered to: It is understood, that the reversal direction of rotation is effected by means of pre-ignition without appealing to any external source of power such as compressed air, electric, etc. 1. The clutch is 'thrown out by means of the hand lever. 2. The reversing lever is pulled out aft (for going astern). This movement causes the engine Instantaneously to slow down; a charge of oil is automatically injected at the appropriate stage of the cycle, and the movement of the piston is immediately reversed. 3. The reversing lever is returned to its central position. 486 LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES 4. The clutch is thrown in again. The whole maneuver is per- formed by two hand levers. To change from astern to ahead, the pro- cedure is exactly the same, except that the lever is thrown over in the opposite direction. The reversing should not be moved until the clutch has been thrown out; but should then be held either at astern or ahead, until the engine has reversed after which it can be returned to its cen- tral position. 150 H.P. Bolinder Crude Oil Engine, Two-Cycle. STARTING WITH COMPRESSED AIR. In the following illustration, a good view is allowed demonstrating the usage of compressed air, as used} on the Bolinders type, for starting purposes. On large engines and all engines having more than one cylin- der are fitted with a special starting arrangement consisting of a air receiver (102) fitted with a pressure gauge and stop valve (103) con- nected by a pipe to a valve (104 A) on the cylinder. To start the engine by compressed air is accomplished as follows: After the ignition bulbs have been sufficiently heated by means of the /blow lamps the blow-off cocks on the cylinders are opened and the flywheel is turned over until the piston in the cylinder to which the starting device is attached has just commenced its downward stroke, after which, the blowoff cocks are closed again. The blow-off valve (246) on the 'Starting device is now closed, the sitop valve (103) opened, and the handwheel (245) opened up two or three complete turns. After fuel oil has been injected into the cylinders by a couple of good strokes of the fuel hand levers, the starting valve is opened quickly by means of the hand lever (113) and is held open about half! a second, al- LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES 487 lowing the pressure in the air receiver to set the engine running. As soon as the engine starts, the starting valve is closed quickly, the hand wheel (245) screwed down, and stop valve (103) is closed while the blow-off valve (246) is opened to allow the remaining gas in the pipe and valve to blow out, as otherwise the starting valve may show a tendency to stick. As soon as the engine is running normally the air receiver is loaded as follows: Demonstration of Air Starting Method on BoUnder Engines. After the blow-off valve (246) has been closed, the stop valve (103) to the air receiver is opened, after which the loading valve (254) Is opened and the pressure allowed to build up in the receiver until the pressure gauge shows from 120 Ibs. to 180 Ibs. per square inch, equal to from 8 Kgs. to 12 Kgs. above atmospheric pressure. The loading valve (254) is now closed as well as the stop valve (103). Lastly, the blow-off cock (246) is opened to allow the gas re- maining in the pipe to come out. 488 LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES The air receiver should always toe kept under pressure. The spring (120) on the starting device should be adjusted so that the valve does not open by the pressure in the cylinder. The accompanying illustrations pertaining to the Fetter Crude Oil Engine, built in England, demonstrates the simple method of reversing arrangement. This engine, which is of the hot surface two-cycle type, is built in sizes having four cylinders up to about 300 H.P. The operation of the pump as shown in the illustration, follows the system of direct re- versal of rotation of the crankshaft, and is explained in the following paragraph. By 'manipulation of the hand lever, shown in illustration, the fuel pump is placed out of action when so desired. With the slowing down in speed of the engine the reversing lever is moved to the "astern" posi- tion, which movement allows compressed air to be admitted to the cyl- inder on the upstroke of the piston. The volumetric efficiency of the engine, owing to its excellent construction, equals engines of most up- to-date types. It is principally due to experiences gained by engineers of this company that the accomplishment of this pumip ranks as an ele- gant mechanism on this machine. The reversing of this engine may be accomplished without stopping the engine. The pressure in the cylinder causes the piston to descend in the reverse position without stopping the engine, as previously mentioned. After this has been accomplished the fuel pump is then allowed to be in operation again and the reversing lever is returned to the center or neutral position. LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES 489 Fuel Pump Arrangement on Fetter Crude Oil Engine. Maneuvering Lever on Fetter Crude Oil Engine. 490 LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES O O D O Cd CO O <> TH O TH TH f- O TH CO iH O CO TH CM to O LO O t- CO o Tt< oo <*< IO CO TH CM 00 c^ id os c^i eo i co O- * IO OO I TH O t- O CO TH O TH Tf< to oo CO O U5 OS t- CO OO <> I IO ^ ^ CO t^ 1 OS IO O ?D O ooo CO CM OO o s O 00 * 10 I OS CO CO CO OO o ffl Li. o CO z o jl o LU != Q. C Q 5 4 I 4 DC P C K ^ i It 1 ^ > '1 5 CO j_i 1 C Q . c C pj p. _4 p E *| 1 a C C 't | . 1 consumntion. Ibs.. i * c '% , s P e c 1 "v. Z C c C ! i g OQ I 1 | a * ^ 1 r- I a n C 4- ,| ffi IS H- s 9 ! i d | fa* > 0) tt s S c LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES 491 492 LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES THE KAHLENBERG ENGINE To those more familiar with the more modern types of semi-Diesel engines, it wtill be seen at a glance that the Kahlenberg is entirely dif- ferent. There are numerous features in the design and construction to draw the attention. Notably the levers on the forward end of the ma- chine one is the speed and. the other injection control. Speed control is the same as the throttle valve of a steam engine and with it any speed from just turning over to the rated speed of engine is obtainable, with- out relighting the torches and without missing a single impulse from no load to full load. Valve Arrangement, Gears and Governor Equipment on Kahlenberg Oil Engine. Inasmuch as the fuel delivery is instantaneous and is at the proper time relative to the piston traveling over the top center, no water injec- tion is used. With the injection control lever, the fuel injection is made to occur at the proper time for best operating results, and is adjusted while engine is running. LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES 493 The reversability of the engine is a feature which deserves mention. Kahlenberg engines are reversible and can be operated either direc- tion. The engine can be reversed from forward to the backward motion and the time of fuel injection can ,be advanced to any part of the stroke, both on the go j ahead and the reversing, while the engine is in opera- tion. Partial Section Through Cylinder and Bearing of Kahlenberg Marine Oil Engine. On nearly all surface ignition engines, as noted in the description of the numerous engines, the time of fuel injection is permanently set, requiring a stoppage of the engine to make adjustment. This is not to imply as disadvantageous, but rather as a fact corresponding with the general design based upon the respective type. In the illustration pertaining to the governor of the vertical type, the similarity to those used on full Diesel engines is notable. The sensi- tiveness of this specific arrangement allows the engine speed to he held at the number of revolutions at which it is set, with just the least perceptible 494 LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES n LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES 495 variation from no load to full load. It acts on the driving cam, which in turn acts on all the fuel pumps, thus changing their stroke instantaneously, regardless of position when the change in load occurs. The maximum R.P.M. 'that the governor will hold the engine at can be varied while the engine is in operation by a knurled screw spring adjustment. Thus, if the main governor spring is adjusted for 350 R.P.M. , the small knurled screw under the fork lever of governor may be adjusted until desired speed is obtained. End View Through Eccentric* Pit of Kahlenberg Marine Oil Engine. Note the Double-Set of Pumps. The air compressor attached to the engine is of the single stage type and furnishes air for starting at 150 Ibs. pressure. It unloads itself automatically when up to this pressure and lias also a hand unloading device so the compressor can be stopped or started as required and the Hand Air Control is located in intake ports and all are connected to one lever (below throttle and injection controls) . It is used only when operating slow for long periods and is then closed to prevent in- rush of cold air cooling the not bulbs. 496 LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES SPECIKICATIONS AND DIMENSIONS OF KAHLENBERG MARINE OIL ENGINES HorsePower Capacity 100 H.P. to 120 H.P. Size of Cylinders lOXlO 1 ^ in. Diameter of Balance Wheel 36 in. Diameter of Crank Shaft 4 in. Length of Main Bearings 10 in. Length of Intermediate Bearings 8*4 in. Extreme Length of Engine 12 ft. 9% in. Height from Center of Crank Shaft to Top of Engine 4 ft. 3 in. Distance from Center of Engine to Outside of Silencer 23% in. Width of Bedplate 26% in. Note. Engines of above specifications and capacities are of 4 cylin- der construction, reversible in addition to reverse gear. The engines will operate on fuel oil of not less than 24 degrees Baume. Consumption five- tenths pounds per B.H.P. LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES 497 Port Side of Four-Cylinder "(7-0" Fairbanks-Morse Marine Engine 498 LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES FAIRBANKS-MORSE "C-O" MARINE OIL ENGINES Principle of Operation: Engines of this type operate on the two* stroke cycle. Following is the procedure of power production: On the upward stroke of the piston air is drawn into the crankcase through a set of automatic valves located in the crankcase and on the downward stroke this air is slightly compressed. Near the end of -this stroke the exhaust ports are uncovered by the piston, permitting the burned gases in the cylinder to escape. Shortly after the exhaust ports are opened, the piston uncovers the air ports on the opposite side of the cylinder and the air compressed in the crankcase rushes into the cylinder, cleaning the latter of burnt gases and charging it with fresh air. After the piston closes the inlet and exhaust ports this charge of pure air is compressed in the cylinder. Fairbanks-Morse "C-O" Engine, Marine Type Just before the piston reaches its upper dead center, the fuel is in- jected in the form of a fine spray. At the dead center, when the com- pression has reached its maximum, ignition automatically takes place and the resulting pressure drives the piston downward, doing useful work. After expansion is completed, the piston again uncovers the ex- haust ports and the cycle of operation is repeated. Air Seal in Crankcase: Fresh air for combustion enters the cylinder ait the end of the down stroke under slight pressure from the crankcase. It -is important that compression be maintained and equally as import- ant that the lubrication oil shall not be blown out of the bearings. This is accomplished by a unique arrangement without stuffing boxes and without putting any pressure on the main bearings. LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES 499 Combustion Chambers: The "C-O" is not a hot bulb engine. The combustion chambers are almost entirely water cooled, with the walls of sufficient thickness and strength) to meet all demands of the service. Exhaust Manifold: The exhaust manifold is of large capacity and acts as a muffler. It is closed at the ends with removable heads, each of which is provided with a pipe connection for the exhaust outlet. A cleanout plate is provided opposite each cylinder, which also serves for inspection of the exhaust ports. The manifold is completely water jack- eted and all the cooling water after leaving the cylinders, flows through the jacket of the manifold. Circulating Water Pump: This pump is of the plunger type and is of large capacity. It is located at the after end of the engine, driven directly from the crankshaft by means of an accentric. Governor: The governor for all engines up to and including 100 H.P. is mounted in the flywheel, and for all larger engines directly on the crankshaft. It is of the centrifugal type and acts on the fuel pumps, automatically altering the stroke of the pump plungers according to the power required from the engine. Speed Control: Each engine is provided with a speed control which makes it possible to run the engine at any pre-determined rate, from full down to 35 per cent of its rated speed. Fuel Injection Pumps: There is no part that requires more careful and accurate machining than these pumps, The plungers are of steel, carbonized, hardened and ground. The suction and discharge valves are contained in cages so that they can be removed and replaced in com- plete, self-contained units. There is one pump for each cylinder and each pump can be held out of action or even replaced while the engine is running without interfering with the operation of the remaining cylin- ders and pumps. The pumps are operated by cams, which are of steel, carbonized, hardened and accurately ground by a special cam grinder and are of such shape that all levers and rods operating the pumps are always in contact with each other, thus insuring quiet operation. The cams are provided with adjustments so that the timing of the fuel injec- tion may be advanced or retarded if necessary. Air Compressor: An air compressor, used to pump air for starting the engine and such work required by air, is attached to the engine. Is of the single-action, single-stage type, driven by an eccentric directly from the crankshaft. The entire compressor and head are water cooled. The suction valves are of the 'poppet type, made of siteel and mounted in removable cages, being so constructed that they may be held off their seats when the tanks are filled to the desired pressure. The discharge valves are of the cup type, made of steel, mounted in removable cages. The entire cylinder head is removable. Electric and Torch Starting: Each engine is equipped with an elec- tric device to initially heat the combustion chambers. This is necessary when the engine is started from a cold condition. The electric outfit consists principally of a storage battery, charging generator and one 500 LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES ignition or heating plug for each, cylinder. The plug carries ah element that can quickly be made red hot by current from the battery. The ele- ment can be replaced at small expense with renewing the entire plug. With this device an engine can be started in 30 seconds. As an auxiliary means, kerosene torches are also furnished for heating the combustion chambers, Reverse Gear: All engines up to and including 100 H.P. are equipped with reverse gears. The forward drive consists of a multiple disc clutch, the discs being faced with a special non-burning, asbestos woven mate- rial. The reverse drive consists of a set of gears and pinions, enclosed in a drum and running in oil. Air Starter: All engines are started with compressed air (Engine above 100 H.P. are direct reversible and will be described later). A dis- tributor mounted on the after end of the engine delivers air to each cyl- inder in proper rotation. The distributor; comprises a set of valves, one for each cylinder, operated by a cam located directly on the crankshaft. The distributor is connected to a tank holding compressed air. It is in operation only during starting, and all parts stand still when- the engine is in regular operation. Direct Reversing Engines: All engines of 150 H.P. and larger are started and reversed with compressed air. The necessary air for each engine is stored in tanks which are pumped up by an air compressor attached to the main engine and driven by an eccentric. A separate air compressor driven by a small engine is in some cases found desirable, as the air can be stored then independently of the larger engine. The starting and reversing mechanism consists essentially of a housing containing two rotating discs of which one is timed for ahead and the other for astern. Each disc has a slot which admits air to the pipes leading to the cylin- ders in order for rotation in the proper direction. A hand controlled air inlet valve admits air to the ahead or astern disc at the will of the oper- ator. The distributor is positively driven from the crankshaft by a set of gears. One important feature in reversing liquid fuel engines is the control of the fuel; that is, the injections must cease positively as soon as the control lever is moved, and the fuel also must be turned on immediately the engine runs in the desired direction. This is accomplished by cams and levers controlling the suction valves of the fuel pumps, allowing the fuel to be by-passed back into the oil tank or pumped into the cylinders as required. All movements controlling the air as well as the fuel are accomplished with one lever. In accompanying illustration of the 75 H.P. "C-O" engine, it will be noticed that the accessibility is a distinctive feature highly commend- able. The crankcase is of the completely enclosed type. It has heavy supporting flanges running along its entire length. It is partitioned off into as many compartments as the engine has cylinders, and each com- partment is provided with a drain for the surplus lubricating oil. A large opening, covered with a plate, is provided on each side of each com- LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES 501 partment for the purpose of removing the connecting rod box and; inter- mediate 'bearings. On the inner side of the plates are the special ring- shaped scavenging air intake valves, giving very large openings with very small lifts, therefore having very high efficiency. The main bearing shells are of cast iron, provided with dovetail grooves to hold a high grade bearing metal. They are rigidly supported in the lower part of the orankcase casting, and can be taken out with- out removing the shaft. The engine is adaptable for auxiliary purposes abroad ships depend- ing upon sail power, tug boat service, ferry (boats, etc., its special fea- tures may be summarized in following: 1. The ability to use a wide variety of low priced fuel oils. 2. Operation without water in the cylin- der. It is possible to use water with the fuel to slightly increase the power of an engine, but it results in certain and rapid wear on both cylinder and piston. In other words, a higher rate is assured by mini- 75 H. P. "Y" Oil Engine mizing the use of water. 3. Perfect lubrication. Fuel is injected into the combustion chamber not into the cylinder where it would impair lubrication. The fuel never comes into contact with the lubricating oil. The main bearings, pistons, piston pins, and crank pins, are lubricated from a force feed pump. 4. No excessive temperature. There is no hot ball or hot bulb to overheat or burn out. The combustion chamber Is water jacketed and its temperature is thereby always under control. 5. Air tight crankcase. Special air seals on the crank shaft are used instead of stuffing boxes that would require repacking. With this con- struction the end main bearings are not enclosed in the crankcase; thus lubricating is not interfered with by air pulsations and the bearings may be inspected readily. 6. A special quick starting arrangement. 502 LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES As only a comparatively small amount of heat in the combustion chamber is necessary for starting, and since the "C-O" is provided with special arrangements for quick starting, it does not require a thin wall hot bulb. On the contrary, the walls of the combustion chamber are quite heavy; hence the necessity of replacement is very remote. FAIRBANKS-MORSE "Y" VERTICAL OIL ENGINES The "Y" engines are adapted to any stationary power purpose with- in their range of sizes. They can be 'belted direct to line shafts for driving factories, cotton gins, elevators, flour mills, etc., or they can be belted direct to an individual machine, for example an air compressor, ice machine, punup of any variety, or any similar unit. For the generation of electric current, which may be used for light- ing or for power, "Y" engines can be furnished either for belting bo the generators or for direct connection to them. The choice between these two varieties will depend upon the condition of the iplant as to space and other item's. Whether for belt or direct connection, the engines are equipped with flywheels of sufficient weight to prevent pulsations or flicker in electric lights from the generators, and they may be arranged for parallel operation or two or more similar units on the switchboard. Typical Horizontal "Y" Oil Engine Principle of Operation: The "Y" engine operates on the two-stroke, moderate pressure principle, with the fuel injection into the combustion space by means of a simple pump, properly timed, and controlled by the governor in proportion to the load on the engine. The "Y" is not a hot-bulb engine, as the combustion chamber is entirely water jacketed. There are no hot plates or firing pins, but the heat remaining in the combustion chamber, together with that produced by the compression of the charge of air, ignites the oil, which burns with more of an expansive pressure than the explosion in the ordinary internal combustion engine. LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES 503 This system of combustion is a development accomplished by ex- periments of many engineers and represents an advancement in this re- spective type of engines. A Comparison of Types: Within the range of sizes in which they are built, the "Y" engines have several marked advantages worthy of mention. The "Y" engine has an initial compression of scarcely more than half 'that of the Diesel 'type and does not have the extremely high, firing pressure of the latter. This allows the use of fewer piston rings (consti- tuting the largest element entering into engine friction), and the "Y" engine operates with proportionately less pressure on all the main work- ing parts, such as pistons, rods, crankshaft and 'bearings. By using the solid injection principle, this type does not require a two or three stage high pressure air compressor, which in this case would be an expensive auxiliary to maintain and in which the Diesel absorbs from 10 to 15 per) cent of the total power generated. There is an absence in this engine of all inlet and exhaust valves, which in the four-cycle type require great care in maintenance and re- newals throughout the life of the engine. Owing to the lower working pressures and temperatures of the "Y," the upkeep is extremely low in comparison to engines where mechanical arrangements are of a nature which, require considerable upkeep ex- penses. 504 LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES DIMENSIONS OF 30, 45 AND 60 H.P. "C-O" ENGINES (Fairbanks-Morse Marine Type) Horsepower 30 Number of Cylinders 2 Revolutions per minute 400 Net weight of engine with rev. gear__lbs. Length over all Width over all 3' 6y 2 " Height above base flange 4' 6y 2 " Depth below base (without flywheel) 9%" Flywheel Diameter 33" Flywheel Face 6" Flywheel Weight _ 600 Ibs. Water Inlet Pipe Water Outlet Pipe Fuel Inlet Pipe Exhaust Pipe Diameter of Propeller Shaft Diameter of Propeller (approx.) 3/4" 5" 2" 34" 45 3 400 6870 9' 11 y 2 " 3' 6%" 4' 6V 2 " 33" 6" 600 Ibs. 1" 3/4" W 5" 2y 2 " 38" 60 4 400 8000 11' 03/4" 3' 6 y 2 " 4' 6y 2 " 9y 2 " 33" 6" 600 Ibs. 1" %* 5" 2%" 42" Note. On larger types of engines of "C-O" Fairbanks-Morse, follow- ing figures are given in regards to dimensions of propeller shaft and diameter of proipellers: Diameter of Propeller Diameter of Propeller Shaft 75 and 100 H.P. (approximately) 44" 50" Diameter of Propeller Diameter of Propeller Shaft 6^" Gy 2 " 6y 2 " 150, 200 and 300 H.P. (approximately) 66" 72" 78" LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES 505 506 LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES GULOWSEN GREI MARINE HEAVY DUTY ENGINE The Gulowsen Grei Engine is of two-cycle construction. It is of Nor- wegian design and built since 1919 in Seattle, Washington. There are features of exclusive distinction on this engine, which 'have proven highly satisfactory in operation of this type of machine. The engine, which is equipped with an electric heating device, which takes place of the torch usually employed in accomplishing its initial starting temperature, can be started in 20 seconds. This device consists of a wire element contained in a plug, and exposed to 'the oil spray in the combustion chamber. The element is heated by current from a 6-vo'lt storage battery. When the engine is revolved by means of compressed air, the oil spray from the injection nozzle comes in contact with the heated wire elements, ignition takes place and the engine starts in motion. After the engine has been run- ning for about one minute, the combustion chamber becomes heated suf- ficiently to ignite the oil without the heat of the wire elements, when the circuit between the plug and the battery may be broken. These engines operate on crude or fuel oils of either asphalt or paraffine base, containing 18000 B. T. U.'s per pound or more, and having a gravity of not less than 24 degrees Baume. They also operate on all higher gravity oils such as gas oil, solar oil, stove distillate, etc. A sul- phur content of not over 1 per cent is permissible. Water injection cannot be used with asphalt base, such as Mexican or California oils, on account of the chemical action which takes place in the cylinder. However, with paraffine base oils, an increase of power of about 15 per cent may be obtained when necessary by using water in- jection. These engines run as well without water injection, and where it is not convenient to carry water, it is not used. It is practice in Europe to carry a tank of water for reserve power. The fuel consumption is about .5 lb., or .066 gal. per B.H.P. hour, depending entirely on the heat units in the fuel. Construction Details Base: The base is of the channel type, very deep and heavily con- structed, which gives a maximum strength and rigidity. This is very necessary, especially where the engine is installed in a wooden vessel which will weave in a seaway, as under severe conditions a weakly con- structed, shallow base, will crack in the center. The main bearing housing are turned to fit the main bearings, which are babbitt lined cast iron shells. When the shells are of a uniform thickness, the alignment of the crankshaft will be correct. Each crank pit is separate from the rest and has drain pipes with check valves to drain any surplus lubricating oil. LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES 507 Crankshafts: The cranckshafts are cut from solid billets of high carbon o>pen hearth steel of high tensile strength, and conform to Lloyd's specifications. All crankshafts are exceptionally heavy, have a bearing between each throw, and have very large bearing surfaces. Each crank- shaft throw on the engines up to 240 B.H.P. has a pair of counterweights, doubly fastened by means of| keys and bolts. Thrust Shaft and Bearings: Thrust shafts are also cut from steel forgings of high tensile strength. The thrust bearings are horse 'Shoe jokes, the type used in marine steam engine practice. The jokes are unusually large and are removable for inspection or re-babbitting with- out disturbing the thrust shaft. On all four-cylinder engines, 125 H.P. and up, the jokes are water cooled. Crankcases: Crankcases are cast separate from the cylinder and are of ample strength to tin sure rigidity 1 under all loads. The hand hole plates on each side of the crank chamber are made very large for easy inspection and removal of the connecting rod bearings. On the inner side of the plates are the scavenging or intake valves, made of leather with an alloy steel spring. Combustion Chamber Head: The combustion chamber head is half water cooled and half air cooled. The air cooled part never gets hotter than a black heat. Fuel Injection Pumps: The fuel injection pumps are constructed with phosphor bronze bodies and steel plungers, hardened and ground. All pumps are subjected to a hydraulic test pressure of 5000 pounds. The plungers are long and work with an oil seal. Each cylinder has an in- dividual fuel pump. 508 LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES MIETZ & WEISS OIL ENGINES. 509 Like most Ignition Surface engines or such where hot balls, hot tubes, etc., are used, this engine is of the two-cycle construction. Since the fuel is sprayed directly in the combustion chamber shortly before completion of the compression stroke, ithere can be no loss of fuel through crank case leakage or through the exhaust port. The fuel consumption of this engine is as low as .6 of a pound per horsepower hour. The engines operate on kerosene, fuel oil distillate, crude oil, or alcohol. End View of Mietz Marine Oil Engine The fuel is injected in liquid form through, the injection nozzle at extreme high velocity. Directly in its path is the lip or tongue of the ignitor ball. The impact of the fuel against this lip is so violent that the former is atomized and scattered throughout the combustion space to form an explosive mix- ture. The heat of compression together with the heat of the ignitor 510 LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES ball, which lias been previously heated, serve to gasify the atomized fuel, and to automatically ignite the charge. The igniter ball is not water-jacketed. It is heated for a few min- utes, before starting, by means of the (burner. As soon as the engine is started, and the load is thrown on, the burners are extinguished, the ball being maintained at the proper temperature by the heat of the 'Suc- cessive explosions. The time of ignition is controlled and the efficiency of combustion is increased 'by a little water, which is injected with the incoming air through the side feed. The ignited charge drives the piston down on a power stroke. Near the bottom ;the exhaust port is overrun. The burned gases escape and a fresh charge of air from the crank case takes their place. This is Governor arrangement of Mietz Oil Engine, Direct Driven from Engine Shaft compressed, mixed with fuel and ignited as before. Thus: Every up- ward stroke of the piston is a compression stroke. Every downward stroke is a power stroke. A lip or tongue attached to the ball projects through the cylinder- head into the cylinder, directly in the path of the oil injection. The oil spurting from the injection nozzle striking the lip forcibly. The oil being brought in a stage of foggy substance is automatically ignited as the piston completes its compression stroke by the increasing temperature due to compression and the heat from the ignitor ball, as previously stated. For this reason the ball must be heated before the engine can be started. Kerosene torches, which will heat the ignitor ball sufficiently in five or ten minutes, are mounted on each cylinder. LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES 511 512 LOW COMPRESSION ENGINES After the engine is started and the ignitor ball is at a dark red heat, the torch can be extinguished. In normal operation the heat of explo- sion maintains the ball at an almost red heat. The temperature of the ball can be controlled by regulating the sight water feed. The damper on the air mantle should be open while the torch is burning. After ex- tinguishing the torch, close the damper to protect the ball from the cool- ing effects of the air currents. The temperature of the ball also depends largely on its wall thickness and the load on the engine. The Ignitor balls furnished with the engine will maintain the proper temperature at constant full load while the damper is on. When using very heavy oils, the ignitor ball should -be so inserted that the oil from the nozzle strikes the tongue on the outside (i. e., the ball turned 180 degrees about its vertical axis from the original position). A commendable feature on the Mietz & Weiss engines is the coun- terbalancing of the piston and rotating parts by accurately proportioned weights which are 'bolted and keyed to the crank cheeks. This results in reducing the vibration of the engine to a minimum. When stopping of engine is to 'be accomplished, see that there is at least 75 pounds per square inch air pressure in the sitarter tank. Open the water feed for a short time and push the throttle lever slowly to its off position. Close the water sight feed and shut off the fuel. In cold weather draw off the water from the jacket and pipes to avoid damage by frost. To stop a direct reversible engine it is only necessary to place the air control lever in the stop position. CHAPTER XIII. . AIR COMPRESSORS THE AIR COMPRESSOR The compressing of air is not in any case as simple an operation as the pumping of water. In particular is this true where high pressures are required, involving multiple-stage compression, where factors of propor- tional requirements and existing conditions must be taken in considera- tion. At whatever pressure the air must be delivered for the respective pur- pose desired, the fact remains that the mechanical efficiency on Com- pressor Machinery must be in proportion >to work to be performed and no device known in the field of engineering requires more intimate knowledge as to its accurate performance than the Compressor. With all our great improvements and the wonderful accomplishment in the field of engineering we may still consider the problem of machin- ery in its infant" stage. This (particularly applies itself to the use of air as a factor well worth considering. When chemically analyzing air we say that it is composed of 23 parts by weight of oxygen, and 77 parts of nitrogen. By volume the proportions are 21 parts of oxygen and 79 parts of nitrogen. We find in those figures that oxygen is somewhat heavier than air, while nitrogen is a fraction lighter, the specific gravity of the former when separated being 1.106, and in the case of the latter, 0.974, air being 1, and when liquid air is evaporated the nitrogen boils away first, which is taken advantage of for the commercial segregation of these gases. When using the expression, atmospheric pressure, so commonly used in the engineering language, we allude to air-sphere, natural in its aspect. The air mechanically compressed brought in close confinement subject to pressure may be termed compressed air. Again after the function has been performed required of it, it again becomes "free" and intermingles with the atmosphere or rather the mass which encircles the earth. In all stages relating to the volume, weight or pressure of air, whether it is free or compressed, it will vary at all times with temperatures under specific conditions. If a volume of air is brought under pressure as in the confined state in a receiver, the air will increase in heat pro- portions, depending upon the space. The opposite temperature may be created when, for instance, as in the use of refrigeration the volume of air is surrounded with a steady flowing stream of water; it may be brought to the freezing point. 514 AIR COMPRESSORS This heat creation would counteract the intrinsic value of the use of air for industrial purposes, were it not for the fact that in cases where air being compressed to high pressure a method of cooling minimizes the heat and by water-cooling process the normal temperature is es- tablished. We term this stage-cooling and the expression is used when speaking of multi-stage compressors. On the other hand, if cooling means are used, the work is less than is required for adiabatic compression, and the efficiency as com- pared with adiabatic compression therefore may approach or exceed uni- ty, and this might conceivably be true even as compared with isothermal compression. Where cooling means are employed the compression curve ordinarily lies between the adiabatic and the isothermal lines and with good cooling is close to the isothermal. Compressor installation for Stationary Diesel Plant, Sullivan Type The usual basis for the comparison of compressors of all types is the number of foot-pounds required at the shaft or horse power capacity of main engine to be required to produce a cubic foot of free air at a stated temperature compressed to a given pressure. The important con- sideration is the efficiency of the complete unit, including engine and compressor. In this respect, the efficiency performances of the engine, acting as the driving medium to cause the air to be compressed for the operating use on Diesels, is the factor upon which the performances of the compressor depends. Cause of Defective Mechanism: The temperature due to compres- sion depends upon three factors: (1) Initial temperature before compres- sion; (2) Pressure to which air is compressed; (3) Efficiency of cooling AIR COMPRESSORS 515 devices. No account will be taken of the effect of moisture in the air, and all temperatures given are for dry air. The place from which the air is drawn may have a very important bearing on initial temperature. The engine room is, to 'be sure, in the case of Diesel engine, the place where a compressor must be located. It if therefore to be expected that in this case the initial temperature is ex- ceedingly high. A difference of 50 degrees between the engine room and Cylinder Arrangement, Vilter Compressor the outside air means more than a difference of 50 degrees in terminal temperature, as well as a loss of about 10 per cent in the capacity for the same amount of power expended. The effect of leaking discharge valves upon initial temperature and consequently upon the temperature after compression, may be very serious indeed. Suppose an extreme case, where the amount of leakage is just sufficient to maintain atmospheric pressure within the cylinder, so that no fresh air enters. Muffing Box and Piston Rod, Vilter Compressor 516 AIR COMPRESSORS Sullivan W-J 3 Angle Compound Compressor, Full View AIR COMPRESSORS 517 The initial temperature is now' nearly the same as the terminal temperature of the previous charge, for the compressed air, in leaking back, has done no work upon the piston, and consequently has not drop- ped any in temperature. The hot air now receives a second compression and the terminal temperature, reached -by starting from an initial tem- perature due to the previous stroke, may easily reach the point of igni- tion of combustible matter. If the initial temperature were 60 degrees F., the terminal pressure 40 pounds, the terminal temperature, with no cool- ing, 300 degrees F. If this air at 300 degrees F. leaks back and com- pression starts from that temperature, the temperature of discharge be- comes 650 degrees F. With a discharge valve stuck open it is plain that in one stroke of the compressor a temperature might be reached sufficient to ignite the .best grade of high flash cylinder oil. Cross Sectional View of Type "W-J 3" Angle Compound Compressor, Equipped with Inter-cooler Operation of Compressor: (1) High flash test cylinder oil alone should be used for regular lubrication. Under no circumstances must kero'sine or light oil be introduced. If an extra heavy dose of lubri- cant is required, give it soap and waiter through the oil pump. (2) Discharge valve must be kept tight, and to this end the use of an indicator is advised. The cards may not tell much about the con- ditions of the valves, but one of the greatest values of the indicator is the moral effect upon the engineer. (3) Discharge valve must be cleaned from dust and oil and frequent examinations made to see if they need it. (4) Accumulations of water and oil must be blown from the receiver and air starting bottles and an internal examination made at stated in- 518 AIR COMPRESSORS Cross-Sectional View of Stuffing Box of Vilter Air Compressor Sectional Plan of Cylinder Head on Vilter Air Compressor AIR COMPRESSORS 519 tervals. The responsibility of operation of the engine depends upon the compressor, and that rests on the engineer in charge. He should be thor- oughly instructed as to the possibility of explosion, the dangers attendant upon the use of any but prescribed oil, and the effect of leaking discharge valves or other mechanical defects. He should be acquainted with the use of indicator apparatus and required to submit cards at stated intervals. He should record in the engine room log the daily condition of the machine under his charge. He should be given a wholesome re- spect for an air compressor, with imperative knowledge as to the re- quirements of the same. Knock in Cylinder: The clearance between the air pistons and the air cylinder heads is in most compressors about one-sixteenth of an inch. This clearance is carefully adjusted for proper functioning while in ser- Suction Valve of Vilter Type of Compressor Discharge Valve of Vilter Type of Compressor vice, but in course of time, as wear takes place in the crankshaft bear- ings and connecting rod boxes, this clearance may be gradually reduced on one side until the piston strikes the head. This will be indicated by a pound as the crank passes the dead center on one end. When this is observed, shut down at once, remove a discharge valve and cage from each end of the cylinder, slack off the check nut on the piston rod where it screws into the crosshead, and screw the rod in or out until the clear- ance is even on both ends. This may be determined 'by bending an offset in a piece of soft steel or lead wire about one-sixteenth of an inch in dia- meter, and passing it through the discharge valve openings. When the compressor is turned over slowly the piston will compress the part of the wire projecting between it and the head, and show the amount of clearance. 520 AIR COMPRESSORS Inl-et valves: The inlet valves should be removed occasionally for ex- amination. To remove the inlet valves of most compressors, unscrew the plugs covering the valves. Usually the valves, together with its cage, will come out by giving a slight pull on the projecting end of the valve, as the cage has an easy sliding fit in the opening. If it does not pull out easily, it can ordinarily be started by working the valve up and down in the cage so as to produce a series of sharp blows on the cage. If the valve has not been removed for a long period, the cage sometimes becomes stuck in the opening, due to gumming of the cylinder oil, in the points. This dried oil may be readily softened by taking out a dis- charge valve at either end of the cylinder and pouring about a quart of kerosene into the cylinder on either side of the piston. This will work its way into the joints around the cages and allow them to be re- moved readily. If the cage still resists all efforts to remove it, it may be necesary, in order to remove the valve from the outside end of the cylinder, to take off the outside cylinder head and drive the valves out by means of a block of wood. To drive out the valves on the inside or frame end of the cylinder, it will be necessary to unscrew the piston rod from the crosshead and remove the pislton from the cylinder. This last opera- tion, however, is only necessary where the valves have t)een left in posi- tion for long periods and where the cylinder oil has been of extremely poor quality. It is an excellent idea to have an extra valve, cage, spring and plug on hand. Then every week take out one valve and cage and replace it with the extra one. The valve and cage removed may then >De examined, cleaned and refitted at leisure. The next week another valve may be re- moved and replaced; in this way all the valves will be regularly inspect- ed and any wear or defect discovered before it becomes serious. Thoroughly remove all oil from the valves and before replacing, smear the 'plugs and interior of the valves with air cylinder oil. A mixture of graphite and cylinder oil placed on the threads of the iplugs before putting them into place will allow them to be removed without difficulty at any time. Screw up the plugs firmly, so that the cages will not 'become loose and play back and forth. Discharge Valves: In case a discharge valve needs regrinding, a special regrinding attachment should be on hand. The same may be ob- tained at small cost most anywhere. In most machines the discharge valves -seat directly on the cylinder. Avoid leaky discharge valves. The principal troubles in lack of effiency on compressors are traceable to this defect. A leaky valve may be observed by the gauge and an es- caping noise making a whistling sound. The inimical substances in air may cause corrosion. This defect will ultimately cause pitting of material with the consequential detrimental breakdowns. AIR COMPRESSORS 521 522 AIR COMPRESSORS ,1 : AIR COMPRESSORS 523 THE REAVELL THREE-STAGE REVERSIBLE AIR COMPRESSOR Type Used on the Dow Diesel Engine The Reavell patented Air Compressor, as shown in the illustration, is a 'three-stage reversible type and mounted on the end of the main engine bedplate, driven directly from an eccentric pin, wihich is secured to the main crankshaft. This compressor is of ample size to supply all the air required for starting and reversing purposes, as well as that re- quired for injecting and atomizing the fuel oil. Three-stage Reversible Keavell Air Compressor as used on the Dow Diesel Engine. 524 AIR COMPRESSORS Definitions of Parts of Reavell Air Compressor: 1. H,P. Discharge Valve. (A) Seat; (B) Valve; (C) Spring; (D) Plug; (E) Cap. 2. H.P. Suction Valve. (A) Seat; (B) Valve; (C) Spring; (D) Plug; (E) Cap; (F) Collar. 3. L.P. Discharge Valve. (A) Seat; (B) Valve; (C) Spring; (D) Plug; (E) Cap. 4. L.P. Suction Valve. (A) Seat; (B) Valve; (C) Spring; (D) Plug; (E) p; (F) Collar. 5. H.P. Piston. (A) Piston; (B) Outer Ring; (C) Inner Ring; (D) Carrier Ring; (E) Follower. 6. LP. Piston. (A) Piston; (iB) Outer Ring; () Inner Ring; (D) Bull; (E) Follower. 7. L.P. Piston. (A) Piston; (B) Outer Ring; (C) Inner 'Ring; (D) Follower. 8. H.P. Cylinder. (A) Cylinder; (B) Discharge Fitting; (C) Union Nut; (D) Ring; (F) Suction Fitting; (G) Union Nut; (,H) Ring; (K) Oil Fitting; (L) Union 'Nut; (M) Ring. 9. LP. Cylinder. (A) Cylinder; (B) Discharge Fitting; (C) Union Nut; (D) Ring; (F) 'Suction Fitting; (G) Union Nut; (H) Ring. 10. L.P. Cylinder. '(A) Cylinder; (B) Discharge Fitting; (C) Union Nut; (D) Ring. 11. Connecting Rods. (A) H.P. Connecting :Rod and Nut; (B) LP. Con- necting Rod and Special Nut; (C) L.P. Connecting Rod and Nut; (E) 'Special Nut. 12. Gudgeons. (A) 'H.P. Gudgeon; (B) I.P. Gudgeon; (C) L.P.- Gudgeon. 13. Retainer Rings. (A) H. and I.P. Inner Retainer Ring; (B) H. and I.P. Outer Retainer Ring; (C) L.P. Inner Retainer Ring; (D) L.P. Outer Retainer Ring; (E) H. and LP. Retainer Ring Bolts and Nuts; (F) L.P. Retainer Ring Bolts and Nuts. 14. Bushings. (A) H.P. Bushing; (B) L.P. Bushing. 15. Crank Pin Oiler. 16. Oiling Screw. 17. Crank Pin. 18. I.P. Purge Pot. (A) Body;" (B) H.P. Suction Fitting; (C) Union Nut; (D) Ring; (E.) Nut and Washer; (F) I.P. Discharge Fitting; (G) Union Nut; (H) Ring; (J) Nut and Washer; (O) Cover. 19. L.P. Purge Pot. (A) Body; (B) L.P. Suction Fitting; (C) Union Nut; CD) Ring; (E) Nut and Washer; (F) L.P. Discharge Fitting; (G) Union Nut; (H) Ring; (J) Nut and Washer; (K) I.P. Suction Fitting; (L) Union Nut; (M) Ring; (N) Nut and Washer; (O) Cover. AIR COMPRESSORS 525 20. I.P.Relief Valve. (A) 'Seat; (B) Valve; (C) Spring; (D) Body; (E) Screw; (F) Collar; (G) Nut. 21. L..P. Relief Valve. (A) Seat; (B) Valve; (C) Spring; (D) Body; (E) Screw; (F) Collar; (G) Nut. 22. H.P. Relief Valve. (A) Seat; (B) Valve; (C) Spring; (D) Screw. 23. Water Relief Valve. (A) Seat; (B) Valve; (C) Inner and Outer Springs; (E) Screw; (F) Collar. 24. Final Delivery Fitting. (A) Body; (B) Union Nut; (C) Ring. 25. Air Piping. (A) H.P. Discharge Pipe; (B) H.P. iSuction .Pipe; (C) I.P. Discharge Pipe; (D) I.P. Suction Pipe; (E) Long L.P: Dis- charge Pipe; (F) Short L.P. Discharge Pipe. 26. Lubricator Fittings. (A) Lubricator; (B) Fitting; (C) Union Nut; (D) Ring; (E) Nut and Washer. 27. Oil Drip Fittings. (A) Oil Drip; (B) Fitting; (C) Union Nut; (D) Ring. 28. Leading Pipes. 29. Connection Parts. 30. Casing. (A) Main Casing; (B) H.P. Cover; (C) I.P. Cover; (D) L.P. Cover; (E) Inspection Cover; (F) Front Cover; (G) Nam* Plate Cover. 526 AIR COMPRESSORS EFFLUX OF AIR As the pressure is dependent upon both the height and the density of the fluid, it is evident that for a given pressure, the less the density the greater the height of the column. But the law of fallen bodies recognizes the fact that it is the distance fallen through and not the weight of the body that determines the velocity. Therefore, the less dense a body the higher the column required to produce ai given pressure and the greater the velocity of discharge. From this it is evident that the velocity of a gas issuing under a given pressure would be greater than that of a liquid under the same conditions. And conversely, the more dense the fluid issuing at a given velocity the greater must have been the pressure to produce that velocity. In the case of a liquid, the atmospheric pressure upon the inlet and outlet of a containing vessel is balanced and the actual height or head may be actually measured. But air is invisable, and there is no tangible distinction in substance between that producing the pressure and that constituting the surrounding atmosphere. The pressure of the atmosphere is due to the weight of air, and, for any area, is to be measured by the weight of a column of air having the given area as a base and a height equal to that of the atmosphere. But this height cannot be accurately determined, and, furthermore the density of the air decreases in geometric ratio as the distance from the earth increases. For the purpose of calculation, however, the practical equiva- lent of such a column may be determined by assuming the air to be of uniform density throughout and the column of such a weight the same and to produce the same effective pressure per unit of area. Under the standard conditions of barometric pressure of 29.921 inches, the atmospheric pressure is 14.69 pounds per square inch, or 2,115.36 pounds per square foot. At this pressure a cubic foot of dry air at 50 degrees has a density of 0.077884 pounds. Consequently a homogeneous column 2,115.36 = 27,160 pounds 0.077884 and exerts this pressure upon the given area. EFFICIENCY OF COMPRESSOR The efficiency of a reciprocating air compressor is ordinarily stated as the ratio of the work done upon the air. If air be compressed in a non-conducting vessel without commotion or friction, its temperature will rise in a definite and known way as its pressure is increased and its volume diminished. Such compression is known as adiabatic compres- sion, since heat does not leave nor center the air as heat during the AIR COMPRESSORS 527 process. On the other hand, if the air be slowly compressed and heat be withdrawn constantly during compression, so that the temperature is constant throughout the process, the final volume when compressed to a stated pressure is less than in adiabatic compression, or if compressed to a given volume, the pressure will be less, as likewise, in either case, will be the work of compression. This is called isothermal compression. If the air is cooled so much that the final temperature is lower than the initial temperature, the pressure or volume, or both, and the work will be reduced below that corresponding to isothermal compression. The standard of isothermal compression, while therefore in a sense arbitrarily, may properly be used when stating the efficiency of compressors which are equipped with cooling means or intercoolers, as it gives a measure of the combined efficiency of the cooling means and of the means of compression. In a "perfect" uncooled compressor the relation between pressure and volume would follow the adiabatic law, which therefore supplies a rational standard for comparison. In actual compressors not supplied with cooling means, the volume to which the aw is reduced at the given pressure, or the pressure reached at a given volume reduction is always greater than that corresponding to adiabatic compression, as is also the amount of work required. In actual compressors where cooling means are not employed, the final temperature is always higher than that which would be obtained in adiabatic compression, due to heat generated by friction of the air. As compared with adiabatic compression, compres- sors without cooling means may reach efficiencies of 70 per cent, or above. A factor which enters into the efficiency rating of high-pressure com- pressors is the usual basis for the comparison of all types in the number of foot-pounds required at the shaft fey the engine per cubic foot of free air at a stated temperature compressed to a given pressure. The im- portant consideration is the efficiency of the complete unit, including motor and compressor. Simultaneously with the variations in head and delivery at constant speed, there are corresponding variations in the power consumed and in the efficiency necessary to supply the amount of air in Diesel engineering. Variation of Dry Air According to Temperature: The volume of one pound of dry air at 32 degrees Fahrenheit and 30-inch barometer is 12.38 cubic feet. This volume varies directly as the absolute tempera- ture, and therefore, for a temperature of 90 degrees Fahrenheit the volume is 460 + 90 12.38 X = 13.84 cubic feet. 460 + 32 528 AIR COMPRESSORS WEIGHT OF DRY AIR IN POUNDS PER CUBIC FOOT 30-IN. BAROMETER. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. op Cu. Ft. op Cu. Ft. op Cu. Ft. . . .0863 210 .0593 600 .0374 10 _ _ .0845 220 . 0584 650 .0358 20 .; .0827 230 .0575 700 . __ .0342 30 .0810 240 __ _ .0566 750 .0328 40 .0794 250 .0559 800 .0315 50 ___ .0779 260 .0551 850 _ . .0303 60 .0764 270 .0544 900 _ - . _ .0292 70 _ ___ .0749 280 .0536 950 . 0282 80 _ .0736 290 .0529 1000 . _ .0272 90 .0722 300 _ _ .0522 1100 . _ .0254 100 ___ .0709 1 320 _ _ .0509 1200 .0239 110 .0696 340 .0496 1300 _ . . _ .0226 220 ___ .0685 360 .0484 1400 .0214 130 .0673 380 .0473 1500 .0203 140 _ _ .0661 400 .0461 1600 _ . .0913 150 __ .0651 420 .0451 1700 _. .0184 160 _. .0640 440 _ _ .0441 1800 .0176 170 _ __ .0630 460 ,.0432 1900 .0168 180 .0620 480 _ .0422 2000 .0161 190 _ .0611 500 . .0414 3000 .0115 200 _ . :0602 550 .0393 Centrifugal Compressor Formula: In general the pressure genera- ted per stage 'by a centrifugal blower or compressor may be represented by following formula: U2 P = C D g wherein D is the density, C is an arbitrary co-efficient, U is the rim ve- locity of the impeller in feet per second, and g is the acceleration of gravity, equal to 32.2 in the English system of units. The limiting value of U is controlled by the sipeed of revolution, which may be imposed by the driving motor, the strength of materials available and the volume handled. The value of C depends upon the shape of the blades and the efficiency of the diffusor 'and in blowers and compressors suitable for Diesel operation has a value in the neighborhood of 0.5, AIR COMPRESSORS 529 THEORETICAL LEAKAGE OF AIR AT 70 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT Effective Draft in Inches of Water 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Leakage in pounds per hour per square in. of opening 56 79 97 112 125 153 177 197 216 234 The tabular values above are for the ideal case of zero friction and contraction and must be multiplied by a co-efficient C, to obtain the ac- tual leakage. For the equivalent of an orifice in a thin plate, C = 0.6 approximately. For a short cylindrical pipe with inner corners not rounded, C = 0.75 approximately. MEAN BAROMETER PRESSURES CORRESPONDING TO ALTITUDES FROM 100 TO 4900 FT. ABOVE SEA LEVEL Altitude Pressure Feet Inches 30.00 100 29.88 200 29.76 300 29.64 400 _ _ 29.52 500 - . 29.40 600 _ 29.29 700 __ 29.18 800 29.08 900 _ _ _ _ 29.97 1000 _ _ _ 28.86 1100 _ 28.76 1200 __ 28.65 1300 ___ 28.54 1400 __ 28.44 1500 28.34 1600 _ . 28,23 Altitude Pressure Feet Inches 1700 28.14 1800 _ 28.04 1900 _ 27.94 2000 27.82 2100 27.70 2200 27.58 2300 27.47 2400 27.36 2500 27.26 2600 27.17 2700 __' 27.05 2800 26.95 2900 26.85 3000 26.74 3100 26.65 3200 - 26.55 3300 . . 26,45 Altitude Feet 3400 _ Pressure Inches _ 26.35 3500 26.26 3600 26.16 3700 26.06 3800 25.96 3900 25.85 4000 25.75 4100 25.64 4200 25.55 4300 25.46 4400 25.37 4500 25.26 4600 25.16 4700 25.07 4800 24.98 4900 _ 24.88 530 AIR COMPRESSORS 1 1 RELATIVE HUMIDITY TABLE BAROMETER 3O" DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DRY AND WET THERMOMETERS AIR TIMPERATVRES 1 2|3 4(5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1Z1314I15 16 17 18|19>20 21 222324 25 26 27 28 .40 00 89 7867 57,47 36 2b 37 iy 28 y I 35 100 91 8273 6554 45 19 12 3 i 40 00 92 84766860 5345 38 30 22 16 8 1 40 45 50 100 92 85i7871 64 58 51 44 38 32 25 19 13 7 l 45 100 93 87807467 61 55 50 44 38 33 27 22 16 11 6 1 50 55 100 94 88 ! 82]7670 65 59 54 49 43 39 34 29 24 19 16 10 6 1 55 60 100 94 8984 78 73 68 63 58 53 48 44 39 34 3026 22 18 14 10 6 2 60 65 100 95 9085 8075 70 65 61 56 52 48 44 39 3531 28 1 24'20 17 13 10 6 3 65 70 10095 9018681 77 72 68 64 60 5_5 52 48 44 4036 33|292623'19 16 13 10 7 4 l 70 75_ 100J95 91 87 .82J78 83,79 74 75 70 6662 58 55 51 47 4440 37 34|31!2724 21 19 16 13 10 7 5 2 100:96 9287 72, 73 68 ! 64 61 57 54 51 47 44 41 38J3532 29 33 26 23 20 18 15 13 10 8 85 100J96 92,88 84|80 77 7066 63 6056 53 50,47 444113836 30 2826 22 20 17 15 13 90 10096 9288 85 81 78!75 71 68 65 5259 56 5350 47 44 41 39 36 34 32 29 26 74 22 20 17 90 95 100 96 9389 86 82 79'76 7269 66 6360 58 55:52 49 47 44 42 39 37 35 32 30 28 25 23 21 95 1(K 100 97 9390 86 83 80.77 81 78 74 71 68 6562 59 57 54 51 49 53L5T 47ft'4[42 I 49 I 46 I 44 39 37 35 33 31 29 27 25 100 105 10097 939087 84 72 69 6664 61 5856 424038 35 33 31 3028 105 IK 100:97 949087 84 81 78 76 73 70 67165 62 6057 5553 50 4846 4442J4038 36 343230 110 1 2|3|4 5 617 8 9 10 Illl2 13 I4il5 16171181920 21 22123 24 25 26!27l28l CHAPTER XIV. PUMPS SOME FACTS ON PUMPS Pumps may be defined in two classes; namely, the Plunger Pump, working upon the plunger system, and the Centrifugal Pump, which operates by rotary or centrifugal motion. The first named type may be termed "pressure" pump of either the low pressure or high pressure type, depending upon the construction of the same. Where the necessity of pumping masses is called for, the centrifugal pump answers this purpose. The centrifugal pump is the most suitable of all the forms of pumps. Its simplicity in construction and the adaptability to be operated by elec- tric power creates a greater demand for this machine. It can be coupled direct to the armature shaft of the motor either with a rigid connection or an elastic coupling, preferably the latter, and may be driven at any speed from 500 revolutions per minute up to 2000 revolutions per minute. It has one conspicuous advantage over the three-throw and similar forms of pumps, in that it has no valves, and is in consequence able to pump muddy or gritty water without damaging the working parts or hindering its action in any way. The centrifugal pump is thus particularly suitable for disposing of the discharge water from coal-washing machines, or for use in construc- tion work, providing the 'head of the water is not too great. The cen- trifugal pump in its simplest form consists of a number of curved blades arranged round a central axle or shaft, and revolving in an approximately circular casing which is connected up to the delivery pipe or column. Both in outward appearance and internal construction the centrifugal pump is, therefore, not unlike the ordinary centrifugal fan. Its action, too, depends upon the same principle, namely, centrifugal force. The water contained between the blades of the pump, by reason of the centrifugal force, is thrown off at a tangent, and finds escape at the orifice leading to the discharge pipe or column. Until quite recently the main objection to the centrifugal pump has been the very low efficiency obtained, and as the limit of working head of a single pump is about 70 feet, this has entailed the use of the cum- bersome combinations for higher lifts. These objections, however, cannot now be urged against the centrifugal pump, as by coupling up two or more single pumps in series it is possible to throw water to any height up to 1000 feet, and still obtain a very good efficiency. 532 PUMPS The principle feature in the multiple chamber centrifugal pump is that it consists of one or more sets of vanes or impellers, each running in its own chamber, but upon a common shaft, the delivery pressure of the liquid varying directly as the number of chambers is used. Thus, if an ordinary single pump can deliver water against a head of 70 feet, the addition of another chamber will give a final delivery head of 140 feet, while four chambers will enable the pump to discharge the same amount of water against a total head of 280 feet. Of late a great deal of use is made with the Turbine Pump. In this type the water enters the revolving wheel axially, traverses the curved internal passages between the vanes, and is discharged tangentially at the periphery into a stationary guide ring; this conveys it to the annual chamber in the body ofl the pump, where the velocity head imparted to the water by the wheel is converted into pressure head. From this chamber the water is finally discharged into the pipe lines, or, if the pump may be a multiple one, into the second and subse- quent chambers. A special feature of this pump is the provision of the stationary guide ring mentioned above; this is fixed concentric with the revolving vanes, and, owing to its design, enables the conversion of the velocity into pressure head to be very effectively accomplished, thus in- creasing not only the possible height of lift, but also the working ef- ficiency of the pump. The ideal source of power for working centrifugal and turbine pumps is undoubtedly the direct coupled electric motor. The Turbine Pump possesses many advantages, conspicuous amongst these being the small number of working parts, compactness, low first cost, and minimum of wear and tear. In calculations . relating to the centrifugal and turbine pumps the following formula will be helpful: Let S = speed of periphery of wheel in feet per second. Let H = height in feet to which water is to be delivered. Let D = diameter of wheel in feet. Let G = gallons of water delivered per minute. Let R = revolutions per minute. The horsepower of motor required will be found by multiplying the height in feet by the quantity of water in pounds delivered per minute, and by the efficiency of the pump and motor, and dividing by 33,000. The efficiency of the pump may be anything from 0.55 to 0.65, and the ef- ficency of the motor, say, 0.85, the combined efficiencies being thus equal to from 70 to 75 per cent. The average slippage of a pump is about 20 per cent. Suppose fwe had a pump that had the actual displacement of 130 gallons per minute, and it only pumped 100 gallons per minute, how would we find the actual slippage? The percentage will be 100 gallons divided by 13 = .7461 X 100 = 74.61%. Deduct this from 100 per cent, will equal 25.39% slippage. PUMPS 533 Table Showing Capacities of Pumps in U. S. Gallons Diam. Pumps II in Inches Piston Speed in Feet per Minute ll sj 5.S 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 125 150 175 200 \y 2 3.67 4.58 5.51 6.42 7.34 8.25 9.17 \ 1 A \Yi 5.00 6.25 7.49 8.75 10.00 11.25 12.50 * A* 1*1 2 6.53 8.15 9.79 11.41 13.06 14.67 16.32 * z4 2 2% 8.26 10.32 12.39 14.45 16.52 18.58 20.65 2*A 2]/ 2 10.20 12.75 15.30 17.85 20.40 22.95 25.50 * /4 2J4 2-K 12.34 15.42 18.51 21.59 24.68 27.67 30.85 2V. 3 14.69 18.36 22.03 25.70 29.38 33.04 36.72 * 74 3 3% 17.24 21.54 25.86 30.16 34.48 38.78 43.09 3/4 3y 2 19.99 24.99 29.99 34.98 39.98 44.98 49.98 62.47 3 1 A 3K 22.95 28.68 34.42 40.15 45.90 51.63 57.37 71.72 J /3 314 4 26.11 32.64 39.17 45.19 52.22 58.75 65.28 81.60 97.92 J 74 4 4i/J 29.48 36.84 44.22 51.58 58.96 66.32 73.69 92.12 110.54 4J4 4/, 33.05 41.31 49.57 57.83 66.10 75.35 82.62 103.27 123.93 144.59 4J4 4J4 36.82 46.02 55.23 64.43 73.64 82.84 92.05 115.07 138.08 161.10 4f$ 5 40.80 51.00 61.20 71.00 81.60 91.80 102.00 127.50 153.00 178.50 204.00 5 5J4 44.78 5622 67.47 78.71 89.56 101.20 112.45 140.51 168.68 196.67 224.91 5tf 5J4 49.37 61.70 74.05 86.39 98.74 111.07 123.42 154.27 185.13 215.98 246.84 5/a 5>4 53.96 67.44 80.94 94 42 107.92 121.40 134.89 168.62 202.34 236.07 269.79 5f4 6 58.75 73.44 88.13 102.71 117.50 132.19 146.88 183.60 220.32 257.04 293.76 6 6/ 2 68.95 86.19 103.43 120.66 137.90 155.14 172.38 215.47 258.57 301.66 344.76 6tf 7 79.97 99.96 119.95 139.94 159.94 179.92 199.92 249.90 299.88 349.86 399.84 7 7M 91.80 114.75 137.70 160.65 183.60 206.55 229.50 286.88 344.25 401.62 459.00 7X 8 104.45 130.56 156.67 182.78 208.90 235.00 261.12 326.40 391.68 456.96 522v4 8 8/2 117.91 147.39 176.87 206.34 235.82 265.30 294.78 368.47 442.17 515.86 589.56 8X 9 132.19 165.24 198.29 231.33 264.38 297.43 330.48 413.10 495.72 578.34 660.96 9 9'/2 147.29 184.11 220.93 257.75 294.58 331.39 368.22 460.27 552.33 644.38 736.44 9tf 10 163.20 204.00 244.80 285.60 326.40 367.20 408.00 510.00 612.00 714.00 816.00 10 IOJ4 179.93 224.91 269.89 314.87 329.86 404.83 449.82 562.27 674.73 787.18 899.64 10J4 11 197.47 246.84 296.21 345.57 394.94 444.31 493.68 617.10 740.52 863.94 987.36 11 12 235.00 293.75 352.50 411.25 470.00 528.75 587.50 734.40 881.30 1028.20 1175.00 12 13 275.80 344.75 413.70 482.65 551.60 620.55 689.50 861.90 1034.30 1206.70 1379.00 13 14 319.90 399.85 479.80 559.79 639.70 719.73 799.70 999.60 1199.50 1399.40 1599.40 14 15 367.20 459.00 550.80 642.60 734.40 826.20 918.00 1147.50 1377.00 1606.50 1836.00 15 16 417.80 522.25 626.70 731.15 835.60 940.05 1044.50 1305.60 1566.70 1827.80 2089.00 16 18 528.80 660.95 793.20 925.33 1057.50 1189.71 1321.90 1652.40 1982.90 2313.40 2643.80 18 20 652.80 816.00 979.20 1142.42 1305.60 1468.80 1632.00 2040.00 2448.00 2856.00 3264.00 20 22 789.90 987.35 1184.80 1382.29 1579.80 1777.23 1974.70 2468.40 2962.10 3455.80 3949.40 22 24 940.00 1175.05 1410.00 1645.07 1880.10 2115.09 2350.10 2937.60 3525.10 4112.60 4700.10 24 26 1103.20 1379.05 1654.80 1930.67 2206.50 2482.29 2758.10 3447.60 4137.10 4826.60 5516.10 26 28 1279.50 1599.35 1919.20 2239.09 2559.00 2878.83 3198.70 3998.40 4798.10 5597.70 6397.40 28 30 1468.80 1836.00 2203.20 2570.40 2937.60 3304.80 3672.00 4590.00 5508.00 6426.00 7344.00 30 32 1671.20 2088.95 2506.70 2924.53 3342.30 3760.11 4177.90 5222.40 6266.90 7311.40 8355.80 32 36 2115.10 2643.85 3172.60 3701.39 4230.14 4758.93 5287.70 6609.60 7931.50 9253.40 10575.30 36 40 2611.20 3264.00 3916.80 4569.60 5222.40 6775.20 6528.00 8160.00 9792.00 11424.00 3056.00 40 48 3760.10 4700.15 5640.20 6580.21 7520.20 8460.27 9400.30 11750.40 14100.40 16450.50 8800.60 48 534 PUMPS MEAN EFFECTIVE PRESSURE AND HORSEPOWER Developed in Compressing a Cubic Foot of Free Air (Adiabatically) from Atm. Press. (14.7 Ibs.) to Various Gauge Pressures. Initial Temp, of Air in Each Cylinder taken as 60 Fahn. Jacket Cooling not considered. Single Compression Two-Stage Compression 1 3 A eg Jj *i|' Cu ^s| a; 1 .M riii 1 = 1 1* ._ 511 11 *{ * i_ q3 *1 &* .28 . P. per Sq. rcent Frict luded pi |s6 0'^ .2 F!r $ m a; 15 og cu . ~-z "V^. i* SO; 18 (85%) Oil, Mineral "___ - 90 to 94 Water, 4 Cent 1.0 Sea Water _ 1.02 to 1.93 572 BATTERIES Care of Battery In Cold Weather: A greenish deposit sometimes exists on the terminals of a storage battery which has been stored. This deposit may be removed with a solution of bicarbonate of soda (common cooking soda) in water. Do not allow any of this solution to get into the cells of the battery. If the battery has not been kept charged during the winter, it is advisable to remove it from the line and have a plant equipped to take care of the work. Give it a fifty-hour charge at a 4-ampere rate, before putting it into service again. The following is a table of the freezing temperatures of sulphuric acid and water solutions of specific gravities from 1.050 to 1.300: Specific Gravity Freezing (Hydrometer Temperature Reading) ( Degrees Fahr. ) 1.050 27 degrees 1.100 18 degrees 1.150 5 degrees 1.164 ___ ____ degrees 1.200 17 degrees 1.250 61 degrees 1.275 to 1.300 90 degrees Care should be taken when laying up the battery in cold weather. The battery should be fully charged and put away in a dry place. WEIGHT IN POUNDS OF VARIOUS METALS PerCu. PerCu. Per Cu. Per Cu. Ft. In. Ft. In. Wrought Iron 480 .2778 Lead 711 .4114 Steel 490 .2836 Silver 655 .3790 Cast Iron 450 .2607 Gold (cast) . 1204 .6968 Copper, Rolled 548 .3171 Platinum 1342- .7766 Brass, Rolled . _ 524 .3032 Aluminum _ 159 .092 CHAPTER XVI. RULES GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS PRESCRIBED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISING INSPECTORS UNITED STATES STEAM BOAT INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, COVER- ING LAWS OF UNITED STATES MOTOR SHIPS. Engineers of Motor Vessels No person shall receive an original license as engineer or assistant engineer of motor vessels who has notJ served at least 36 months in the engineer's department of a motor vessel, a portion of which experience shall have been obtained within 'the three years next preceding the application : Provided, That any person holding a license as engineer of steam vessels shall be eligible for license as engineer of motor vessels after having served for not less than three months as oiler in the engine de- partment of motor ve&sels, or employed for not less than three months in the construction and installing of engines for motor vessels, which experi- ence shall have been obtained within the three years next preceding the application; and any person who has served three years as apprentice to the machinist trade in a marine, stationary, or locomotive engine works, and any person who has served for a period of not less than three years as a locomotive or stationary engineer, and any person graduated as a mechanical engineer from a duly recognized school of technology may be licensed to serve as an engineer of motor vessels after having had not less than one year's experience in the engine department of motor ves- sels, a portion of which experience shall have been obtained within three years next preceding his application, which fact shall be verified by the certificate, in writing, of the licensed engineer or master under whom the applicant has served, said certificate to be filed with the application of the candidate. No original license shall be granted any engineer or assistant en- gineer who can not read and write and does not understand the plain rules of arithmetic. Inspectors may designate upon the certificate of any chief or assistant engineer the tonnage of the vessel upon which he may act. (Sec. 4426, R. S.) Chief Engineers of Motor Vessels An applicant for license as chief engineer of motor vessels shall be eligible for examination after he has furnished satisfactory documentary evidence to the local inspectors that he has had the following experience: 574 RULES First: One year's service as first assistant engineer of motor vessels; or, Second: Two years' service as second assistant engineer of motor vessels, or two years' combined service as finst and second assistant en- gineer on motor vessels; or, Third: One year's service as assistant engineer on motor vessels for license as chief engineer of motor vessels of 750 gross tons and under; or, Fourth: Any person holding a license as chief engineer of steam vessels, after having served as oiler in the engine department of motor vessels for not less than three months or employed for not less than three months in the construction and installation of engines for motor vessels; or, Fifth: Any person who has served at least one year in the engine department of motor or steam vessels, or who has had at least two years' experience in the construction of marine motor engines and their installa- tion, shall be eligible for examination for license as chief engineer of motor vessels of not over 150 gross tons. (Sec. 4426, R. S.) First Assistant Engineer of Motor Vessels An applicant for license as first assistant engineer of motor vessels shall be eligible for examination after he has furnished satisfactory docu- mentary evidence to the local inspectors that he has had the following experience : First: One year's service as second assistant engineer of motor vessels; or, Second: Two years' service as third assistant engineer of motor vessels, or two years' combined service as second and third assistant en- gineer of motor vessels; or, Third: Three years' service as oiler in the engine department of motor vesels for license as first assistant engineer of motor vessels of 1,000 gross tons and under; or, Fourth: Any person holding a license as first assistant engineer of steam vessels, after having served as oiler in the engine department of motor vessels for not less than three months or employed for not less than three months in the construction and installation of engines for motor vessels. (Sec. 4426, R. S.) Second Assistant Engineer of Motor Vessels An applicant for license as second assistant engineer of motor vessels shall be eligible for examination after he has furnished satisfactory documentary evidence to the local inspectors that he has had the fol- lowing experience: RULES 575 First: One year's service as third assistant engineer of motor ves- sels; or, Second: Thirty-six months' actual service in the engine department of motor vess.els, 12 months of which shall have been as oiler; or, Third: Three years' service as an apprentice to the machinist trade and engaged in the construction or repair of marine, stationary, or loco- motive engines, together with one year's -service in the engine depart- ment of motor vessels as oiler; or, Fourth: Any person holding a license as second engineer of steam vessels, after having served as oiler in the engine department of motor vessels for not less than three months or employed for not less than three months in the construction and installation of engines for motor vessels. (Sec. 4426, R. S.) Third Assistant Engineer for Motor Vessels An applicant tor license as third assistant engineer of motor vessels shall be eligible for examination after he has furnished satisfactory doc- umentary evidence to the local inspectors that he has 'had the following experience: First: Two years' service as oiler on motor vessels; or, Second: A graduate from the engineering class of a nautical school ship, the term of such engineering class to be based upon a period of two years, after he has served at least six months as oiler on motor ves- sels, or employed at least six months in the construction and installation of engines for motor vessels; or, Third: A journeyman machinist who has been engaged in the con- struction or repair of marine motor engines for two years, together with one year's service in the engine department of motor vessels as oiler; or, Fourth: Two years' service as a locomotive or stationary engineer, together with one year's service as oiler on motor vessels; or, Fifth: A graduate in mechanical engineering from a duly recognized school of technology, together with six months' service as oiler on motor vessels; or, Sixth: Any person who has completed the intensive training course prescribed by the United States Navy and who has been commissioned as ensign in the United States Naval Reserve Force may, upon the recom- mendation of the engineer officer or officers under whom he has served, be examined for license as third assistant engineer of motor vessels, af- ter having actually served, after being commissioned, not less than 12 months as junior engineer officer on motor vessels; or, Seventh: Any person holding a license as third assistant engineer of steam vessels, after having served as oiler in the engine department of motor vessels for not less than three months or employed for not less than three months in the construction and installation of engines for motor vessels. (Sec. 4426, R. S.) 576 RULES RULE V. LICENSED OFFICERS ORIGINAL LICENSES 1. Before an original license is issued to any person to act as a master, mate, pilot, or engineer he shall personally appear before some local board or a supervising inspector for examination. Any person who has attained the age of 19 years and has had the necessary ex- perience shall be eligible for examination: Provided, That no person shall receive a license as master, first mate, second mate, chief engineer, first assistant engineer, or second assistant engineer before reaching the age of 21 years. Inspectors shall, before granting an original license to any person to act as an officer of a vessel, require the applicant to make written application upon the blank form furnished by the Department of Com- merce, to be filed in the inspector's office. When practicable, applicants for master's, mate's, pilot's, or engineer's license shall present to the inspectors, to be filed with their application, discharges or letters from the master or other officer under whom they have served, certifying to the name of "the vessel and in what capacity the applicant has served under him; also period of such service. Inspectors shall also, when prac- ticable, require applicant for pilot's license to have the written indorse- ment of the master and engineer of the vessel upon which he has served, and of one licensed pilot, as to his qualifications. In the case of ap- plicants for original engineer's license, they shall also, when practicable, have the indorsement of the master and engineer of a vessel on which they have served, together with one other licensed engineer. The first license issued to any person by a United States inspector shall be considered an original license, where the United States records show no previous issue to such applicant. No original license shall be issued to any naturalized citizen on less experience in any grade than would have been required of a citizen of the United States by birth. On and after July 1, 1922, no candidate for original license as mas- ter, mate, pilot, or engineer shall be examined unless he shall present satisfactory evidence to the inspectors that he has completed a course of instructions in the principles of first aid approved by the United States Public Health Service for this particular purpose, and not until he pre- sents a certificate from the United States Public Health Service, duly at- tested, that he has passed a satisfactory oral examination based upon the contents of the "Manual on Ship Sanitation and First Aid," or some other manual arranged for the purpose, having the approval of the United States Public Health Service. (Sec. 4405, R. S.) RULES 577 VISUAL EXAMINATIONS REQUIRED FOR ORIGINAL AND RENEWED LICENSES 2. No original license as master, mate, or pilot of any vessel shall r>e issued except upon the official certificate of a surgeon of the Public Health Service respecting the vision of the person applying for such original license. The word "original," as contemplated in this section, shall mean the first license of any character issued to a master, mate, or pilot, and shall not be held to mean, for instance that a license issued to a master who was previously licensed as a mate or pilot shall be considered an original master's license. No license as master, mate, or pilot of any class of vessel shall be renewed except upon the official certificate of a surgeon of the Public Health Service that the color sense of the applicant renewal is normal. When an applicant for renewal of license is situated so that it would put him to great inconvenience or expense to appear before a surgeon of the Public Health Service for examination, the certificate of a reputable physician or oculist as to the color sense of the applicant shall be accepted in lieu of the certificate of the sugeon of the Public Health Service. In case an applicant for original license or renewal of license is pronounced color-blind he may, in the discretion of the inspectors, be limited to act as master, mate, or pilot on a vessel navigating in day- light only. Nothing herein contained shall debar an applicant who has lost the sight of one eye from securing a renewal of his license, providing that his color sense is normal. (Sees. 4439, 4440, 4442, R. S.) EXAMINATIONS 3. No original master's, mate's, pilot's, or engineer's license shall be issued 'hereafter or grade increased except upon written examination by a board of local inspectors or a supervising inspector, which writto'i examination shall be placed on file in the office of the inspectors issu- ing said license: Provided, however, That upon navigable waters where the only pilots obtainable are illiterate Indians or other natives, the fact that such ipersons can neither read nor write shall not be considered a bar to such Indians or other natives receiving license as pilot of steam vessels, providing they are otherwise qualified therefor. Before granting or renewing a license inspectors shall satisfy them- selves that the applicants can properly hear the bell and whistle signals. When any person makes application for license it shall be the duty of the local inspectors to give the applicant the required examin- ation ass goon as practicable. (Sees. 4405, 4439, 4440, 4441, 4442, R. S.) 578 RULES REEXAMINATIONS AND REFUSAL OF LICENSES 4. Any applicant for license who has been duly examined and re- fused may come before the same local board for reexamina lbs> per SQ< in> piping. Lubricating oil system. 50 lbs - P er S( *- in - Injection air bottles. l 2/3 times the working pressure. Starting air containers. l 2 /3 times the working pressure. Fuel oil transfer system. 50 lbs - P er S( l- in - Steam lines. 2 times working pressure. Feed lines. .2% times the working pressure. Sump tank. 15 lbs. per sq. in. Fuel oil service tanks. 15 lbs. per sq. in. *Where Cylinders or liners are so designed that the parts subject to in- ternal pressure may be accurately gauged for thickness of material and such thickness is not less than one twelfth of the diameter of the cylinder, the hydrostatic test may be dispensed with. (56) The piping systems for starting air, fuel -injection and injection air are to be tight under their relief valve pressure. SPARE PARTS AND EQUIPMENT (57) For Single and Twin Screw Installations *1 Main engine cylinder head complete with valves, cages, springs, etc. 1 Exhaust valve per engine complete with cage, spring, etc. 1 Intake Air Valve complete with cage, spring, etc. 1 Fuel Valve complete with cage, spring, etc. 25% of fuel valve needles or the equivalent. 1 Starting air valve complete with cage, spring, etc. 1 Cylinder relief valve complete with cage, spring, etc. 1 Set of piston rings for one piston. 1 Fuel pump complete or the working parts for one cylinder. 1 Piston lubricating pump complete or the working parts for one cylinder. RULES 595 1 Complete set of air compressor piston rings for each size piston. 10% of the valves for all air compressors at least one of each size and type, complete with cages and seats. 25% of the plungers for multifeed lubricators. 2 connecting rod bolts and nuts top end. 2 connecting rod bolts and nuts bottom end. 2 Main bearing bolts and nuts of each size. i/i Set of coupling bolts for one coupling of each size. 1 iSpring of each size and type fitted. 25% of each size of gaskets and packing, at least one of each kind. *5% of engine and compressor cylinder head studs. One set of the above of each size and design, for main and auxiliary engines are to be supplied. At least one valve of each type and size for oil transfer pumps, lubricating oil pumps, cooling water pumps and scavenging pumps. *A sufficient length of each size of pipe used for injection air, starting air and injection oil lines to replace the longest pipe. *Assorted bolts, nuts, pipe flanges and pipe couplings. A set of templets and gauges for adjusting gear and aligning main bearings. *A sufficient amount of bearing metal to rebabbitt the largest bearing. A book of instructions for operating, maintaining and overhauling the main and auxiliary engines. Items marked * not required for river and harbor boats. SURVEYS (58) Annual Survey Machinery installations with Internal Combustion engines are sub- ject to annual Survey, at which a general examination is to be made of the main and auxiliary engines. The Surveyors should be given the oppor- tunity to examine such machinery parts as may be opened for inspec- tion or repair. The main engine crank shaft is to be checked for alignment. The main and auxiliary oil engines shall be given a running test in the presence of the Surveyor and the maximum working pressure must not exceed the pressure for which the engines are approved. At least one cylinder of each engine, and all air compressor cylinders are to be opened up and the interior of the cylinder, the piston and piston rings are to be examined; the air, fuel and safety valves are to be in- 596 RULES spected. If all the above are found satisfactory, the cylinder thus ex- amined may be taken as representing the general condition of the engine; if any part is not satisfactory, similar parts of the other cylinders are subject to examination at the discretion of the Surveyor. Where the engineers of the vessel are required to make systematic periodical examinations and replacements of the essential machinery parts, as recommended in Paragraph 28 and the report of such examina- tions and replacements is entered in the engineers log, the inspection of the engine parts enumerated above may be omitted at the discretion of the Surveyor. One section each of the injection air and starting air lines are to be re- moved and if found oily, the air lines, air containers and air coolers, are to be cleaned. The engine room bilges are to be inspected and the causes of any oil leakage into the same to be remedied. The fire extinguishing apparatus shall be recharged when required, to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. The spares must be checked in accordance with the requirements of Para. 57. (59) Special Periodical Surveys The requirements for Special Surveys as specified in Section 45, apply also to main and auxiliary internal combustion engines as far as applicable. The various engine piping systems, the air containers, coolers, oil tanks and the engine auxiliaries are to be thoroughly cleaned and retested in accordance with Paragraph 55. The cylinders of all oil engines, air compressors and scavenging pumps shall be opened up for examination. The crank shaft shall be lifted and the lower bearing shells be ex- amined and rebabbitted where required. Other parts of the machinery as may be considered necessary by the Surveyor are to be opened for examinations. The spares must be checked in accordance with the re- quirements of Para. 57. (60) Survey of Machinery Not Built Under American Bureau Survey The machinery is to be surveyed, inspected and tested as required under Special Periodical Survey. The general workmanship, the con- dition of the machinery and where possible the physical characteristics of the shafting shall be reported by the Surveyor. The allowable working pressure will be determined upon the sub- mission of the required engine data and sizes of shafting. The requirements with regard to fi're protection must be complied with in every case. The whole machinery installation shall be brought up to the requirements ofi the Rules or the equivalent to the satisfaction of the Surveyor. RULES 597 LLOYD'S RULES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND SURVEY OF DIESEL ENGINES AND THEIR AUXILIARIES SECTION 1. In vessels propelled by Diesel Oil Engines, the Rules as regards machinery will be the same as those relating to steam en- gines, so far as regards the testing of material used in their construc- tion and the fitting of sea connections, discharge pipes, shafting, stern tubes, and propellers. Construction SECTION 2. In vessels built under Special Survey and fitted with Diesel Engines, the engines must also be constructed under Special Sur- vey. 2. In cases of Diesel Engines being built under Special Survey, the distinguishing mark ^ will be noted in Red, thus: ggLMC or 3. In order to facilitate inspection, the plans of the machinery are to be examined by the Surveyors, and the dimensions of the shafts are to be submitted for approval. 4. The Surveyors are to examine the materials and workmanship from the commencement of the work until the final test of the machin- ery under full working conditions; any defects are to be pointed out as early as possible. 5. Any novelty in the construction of the machinery is to be re- ported to the Committee and submitted for approval. 6. The auxiliary engines used for air compressing, working dynamos and ballast, or other, pumps, are also to be surveyed during construction. 7. In cases where the designed maximum pressure in the cylinders does not exceed 500 Ibs. per square inch, the diameters of the crank shaft of the main engines are not to be less than those given by the following formula: Diameter of crank shaft j ^ 2 X (AS + BL) where D = diameter of cylinder, S length of stroke, L = span of bearings adjacent to crank, measured from inner edge to inner edge. The value of (AS + BL) are as given in the following table: 598 RULES Table I 4-Cycle Single 2-Cyle Single Values of the Acting Engine Acting Engine Co-efficients 4 or 6 cyls. 2 or 3 cyls. .0898 + .056 L 8 cyls. 4 cyls. .0998 + .054 L 10 or 12 cyls. 5 or 6 cyls. .1118 + .052 L 16 cyls. 8 eyls. .1318 + .050 L For, auxiliary engines of the Diesel Type the diameters of the crank- shafts may be five per cent, less than given by the foregoing formula. 8. In solid forged shafts the breadth of the webs should be not less than 1.33 times and the thickness not less than 0.56 times the diameter of the shaft as found above, or, if these proportions are departed from, the webs must be of equivalent strength. 9. The diameter of the intermediate shaft must not be less than that given by theformula: Diameter of inter- jjiameier 01 inter- i .si mediate shaft \ ~ C -v/ 2 X 8 where D = the diameter of cylinder, S = the stroke of piston, C is a co-efficient found from the following table by interpo- lation from the values found for A. Where the stroke is not less than 1.2 times, nor more than 1.6 times the diameter of the cylinder, (.735 D + .273 8) may be taken instead of Table II 2-Cy.le Single Values of the Co-efficient C where Acting Engines A = .0025 A = .0050 A = .0100 2 Cyls. .305 .317 *' .336 3 Cyls. .346 .363 .385 4 Cyls. .364 .380 .396 5 Cyls. .380 .391 .404 6 Cyls. ,398 .403 .412 RULES 599 4-Cycle Single Values of the Co-efficient C where Acting Engines A = .0025 A = .0050 A .0100 4 Cyls. .300 .312 .327 6 Cyls. .338 .355 .370 8 Cyls. .357 .366 .376 10 Cyls. .376 .382 .389 12 Cyls. .394 .398 .404 In using the above table the appropriate value of A is found from A X W X d 2 X R 2 = D 2 X S where D = diameter of cylinder in inches, S = stroke of piston in inches, d = diameter of flywheel in feet, R = revolutions of engines per minute, W = total weight of flywheel in tons. 10. The diameter of the flywheel shaft must be at least equal to that of the crank shaft. 11. Where ordinary deep collars are used the diameter of the thrust shaft measured under the collars must be at least 21/20ths that of the intermediate shaft. The diameter may be tapered off at each end to the same size as that of the intermediate shaft. 12. The diameter of the screw shaft must be not less than the di- ameter of the intermediate shaft (found as above) multiplied by .03 P + - - but in no case must it be less than 1..07T, - ^ where P = the diameter of the propeller in inches, T the diameter of intermediate shaft in inches. The size of the screw shaft is intended to apply to shafts fitted with continuous liners the whole length of the stern tube, as provided for in Section 11, paragraph 3, of the Rules for Engines and Boilers for Steam Vessels. If no liners are used, or if two separate liners are used, the diameter of the screw shaft should be 21/20ths that given above. The diameter of the screw shaft is to be tapered off at the forward end to the size of the thrust shaft. 13. If the designed maximum pressure in the cylinders exceeds 500 Ibs. per square inch, the diameters of the shafting throughout must be increased in the proportion of 3 I Maxim, press, in Ibs. per sq. in. 600 600 RULES 14. Where the cylinder liners are made of hard close grained cast iron of plain cylindrical form, accurately turned on the outside as well as bored on the inside so that their soundness can be ascertained by in- spection, and their thickness at the upper part is not less than l/15th of the diameter of the cylinder, they need not be hydraulically tested by in- ternal pressure. If, however, they are made of complicated form, the question of testing must be submitted. 15. The water jackets of the cylinders, and the water passages of the cylinder covers and pistons, must be tested by hydraulic pressure to 30 Ibs. per square inch, and must be perfectly tight at that pressure. 16. The exhaust pipes and silencers must be water-cooled or lagged by non-conducting material, where risk of damage by heat is likely to occur. 17. The cylinders are to be fitted with safety valves loaded to not more than 40 per cent, above the designed maximum pressure in the cylinders and discharging where no damage can occur. 18. The air compressors and their coolers are to be so made as to be easy of access for overhaul and adjustment. 19. Where the fuel is injected into the cylinders by air pressure, the following conditions are to observed: In single screw vessels, an auxiliary air compressor is to be provided of sufficient power to enable the main engines to be kept continuously at work when the main compressor is out of action. If the manoeuvering gear is arranged so that the engines can be kept continuously at work with some of the cylinders out of action, the aux- iliary compressor need only be of sufficient power to enable the engines to be kept at work under these conditions. In twin screw vessels in which two sets of compressors are fitted, the auxiliary compressor must be of such size as to enable it to take the place of either of the main compressors. If in such engines each main compressor is sufficiently large to supply both engines, a smaller aux- iliary compressor will be sufficient. 20. A small auxiliary compressor, worked by a steam engine, or by an oil engine not requiring compressed air, is to be fitted for first charg- ing the air receivers. 21. At least one high pressure air receiver is to be arranged with connections to enable it to be used for fuel injection, in case the working receiver of either main engine is out of use from any cause. 22. The circulating pump sea suction is to be provided with an ef- ficient strainer which can be cleared inside the vessel. 23. In all vessels fitted with engines in which the lubricating oil Is circulated under pressure a spare oil pump is to be supplied with all connections ready for immediate use, and two independent means are to be arranged for circulating water through the oil cooler. RULES 601 AIR RECEIVERS AND PIPES SECTION 3. 1. Compressed air receivers for starting air are to be supplied of sufficient capacity to permit of twelve consecutive startings of the engines without replenishment. 2. Cylindrical receivers for containing air under high pressure, used either for starting or for the injection of fuel in oil engines, may be made either of seamless steel or of welded, or riveted, steel plates. 3 Quality of Metal. If made of welded, or riveted, steel plates, the ordinary rules regarding steel material for boilers apply, which provide that where welding is employed, either in the longitudinal seams or at the ends, the material must have a tensile strength not exceeding 30 tons per square inch (Section 33, par. 7, Rules for Engines and Boilers). In these cases the welding must be lap welding; neither oxy-acetylene nor electric welding will be permitted. 4. In the case of seamless receivers, the rules for material will be the same as for boiler shells, but the permissible extension may be 2 per cent less than that required with boiler plates. 5. Tensile and Bend Tests are to be made from the material of each receiver. When they are welded or riveted, the tests may be made, and the thicknesses verified before the plates are bent into cylindrical form. In the cases of seamless receivers, the thicknesses must be verified by the Surveyor before the ends are closed in, and at this time the Sur- veyor shall select and mark the test pieces required from either of the open ends of the tube. The test pieces are to be annealed before test, so as to properly represent the finished material. 6. The permissible working pressure for welded or seamless re- ceivers is to be determined by the following formula: Maximum working pressure in Ibs. per square inch C X S X (T 2) D for thicknesses of 5/8 in. and above, C X S X (T 1) D for thicknesses below 5/8 in., where S Minimum tensile strength of the steel material used, in T = Thickness of the material, in sixteenths of an inch. D = Internal diameter of cylinder, in inches, C = Co-efficient as per following table: Co-efficient 77 for seamless receivers of thickness of 5/8 in. ang above, 602 RULES 69 for seamless receivers of thickness below 5/8 in. 54 for welded receivers of thickness of 5/8 in. and above. 48 for welded receivers of thickness below 5/8 in. 7. for flat ends welded into the cylindrical shells, the thickness must not be less than T-==- - X ^ P 17 where T = thickness, in sixteenths of an inch, D = internal diameter, in inches, p = working pressure, in Ibs. per square inch. 8. The permissible working pressure for receivers made of riveted steel plates is to be determined by the rules regulating the working pressure of boilers. 9. Each welded or seamless receiver shall be carefully annealed after manufacture, and before 'the hydraulic test. 10. Each welded or seamless receiver shall be subjected to a hy- draulic test of twice the working pressure, which it shall withstand with- out permanent set. 11. Each receiver made of riveted steel plates for pressures up to 300 Ibs. per square inch is to be tested by hydraulic pressure iy 2 times the working pressure, plus 50 Ibs. per square inch. Where higher working pressures are used, the test pressure need not be more than 200 Ibs. 'per square inch above the working pressure. 12. All receivers above six inches internal diameter must be so made that the internal surfaces may be examined, and, wherever practic- able, the openings for this purpose should be sufficiently large for ac- cess. Means must be provided for cleaning the inner surfaces by steam, or otherwise. 13. Each receiver which can be isolated must have a safety valve fitted, adjusted to the maximum working pressure. If, however, ,the air compressor is fitted with a safety valve so arranged and adjusted that no greater pressure than that permitted can be admitted to the re- ceivers, they need not be fitted with safety valves. 14. Eacii receiver must be fitted with a drain arrangement at its lowest part, permitting oil and condensed water to be blown out. 15. Oil or air pipes subjected to high pressure are to comply with the Rules for steam pipes, Section 13, Clauses 7 and 16 (Rules for En- gines and Boilers of Steam Vessels). Pipes which are subjected to a working pressure up to 1,000 Ibs. per square inch must be tested hydraulically to at least twice the working RULES 603 pressure to which they will be subjected, and those subjected to a higher working pressure than 1,000 Ibs. per square inch to an hydraulic test of at least 1,000 Ibs. per square inch above their working pressure. PUMPING ARRANGEMENTS SECTION 4. The pumping arrangements are to be the same as would be required for steam vessels of similar size and power, with the exception that no bilge suction need be fitted to the main engine cir- culating pump. In the cases of vessels fitted with water ballast, the water ballast pump must have, in addition, one direct suction from the engine room bilges. GENERAL SECTION 5. 1. All oil fuel pipes, tanks and their fittings must com- ply with the requirements of Section 49 (Rules for Steel Ships). 2. Special attention must be given to the ventilation of the engine room. 3. If the auxiliaries are worked by electricity, the cables in con- nection with them must be in accordance with the rules for electric fittings. SPARE GEAR SECTION 6. The articles mentioned in the following list will be required to be carried, viz.: 1 cylinder cover complete for the main engines, with all valves, valve seats, springs, etc., fitted to it. In addition, one complete set of valves, valve seats, springs, etc., for one cylinder of the main and of the auxiliary Diesel engines, and fuel needle valves for half the number of cylinders of each engine. 1 piston complete, with all piston rings, studs, and nuts for the main engines. In addition, one set of piston rings for one piston of the main and of the auxiliary Diesel engines. 1 complete set of main skew wheels for one main engine. 2 connecting rod, or piston rod, top-end bolts and nuts, both for the main and for the auxiliary Diesel engines. 2 connecting rod bottom end bolts and nuts, both for the main and for the auxiliary Diesel engines. 2 main bearing bolts and nuts, both for the main and for the aux- iliary Diesel engines. 1 set of coupling bolts, for the crank shaft. 604 RULES 1 set of coupling bolts for the intermediate shaft. 1 complete set of piston rings for each piston of the main and of the auxiliary compressors. 1 half set of valves for the main and for the auxiliary compressors. 1 fuel pump complete for the main engine, or a complete set of all the working parts. 1 fuel pump for the auxiliary Diesel engine, or a complete set of all working parts. 1 set of valves for the daily fuel supply pump. 1 set of valves for the water circulating pumps. 1 set of valves for one bilge pump. 1 set of valves for the scavenge pump, where lift valves are used. 1 set of valves for the lubricating oil pump. 1 bucket and rod for the lubricating oil pump. A quantity of assorted bolts and nuts, including one set of cylinder cover studs and nuts. Lengths of pipes suitable for the fuel delivery and the blast pipes to the cylinders, and the air delivery from the compressors to the receivers, with unions and flanges suitable for each. PERIODICAL SURVEYS 'SECTION 7. 1. The engines are to be submitted to survey annual- ly, and in addition are to be submitted to a Special Survey upon the oc- casion of the vessels undergoing the Special Periodical Surveys Nos. 1, 2, and 3 prescribed in the Rules, unless the machinery has been 'Specially surveyed within a period of twelve months, in which case the Annual Survey will be sufficient. The boilers, if fitted, are to be subjected to the same surveys as required by Section 37 of the Rules for Engines and Boilers of Steam Vessels. 2. Special Surveys. At these special surveys, the main engines and the auxiliary engines are -to be examined throughout, viz.: All the cyl- inders, pistons, valves and valve gears, connecting rods and guides, pumps, crank, intermediate, and thrust shafts, propellers, stern bushes, sea connections and their fastenings, are to be examined. The air com- pressors are also to be examined. The air receivers are to be cleaned and examined and, if necessary, tested, as provided for in paragraph 3 of this Section. 3. Annual Surveys. The whole of the parts of the engines which the engineers of the vessel open up for adjustment and overhaul should be examined and reported upon. The Survey must include, for each main engine, the examination of at least 2 pistons, 2 cylinder covers and their valves, 2 connecting rods and their brasses, both top and bottom ends. 2 of the main bearings and crank shaft journals, and 1 of the tunnel bear- RULES 605 ings. If these are all satisfactory, their condition may be taken as rep- resenting that of the other similar parts. In the auxiliary Diesel engines, a similar course must be adopted, but in this case one of each of the parts mentioned of each engine will be sufficient, if found to be satisfactory. The valve gears of all the Diesel engines should be examined, as far as practicable, without complete dismantling. The air receivers must be examined internally if possible, and, to- gether with the air pipes from the compressors, must be cleaned in- ternally by means of steam, or otherwise. If the air receivers cannot be examined internally, they must be tested by hydraulic pressure to twice the working pressure at each alternate Annual Survey, attention being specially given to the welding of the ends and of the longitudinal joints. The pumps and air compressors must be examined and tried under working conditions. If found to be satisfactory ,they need not be dis- mantled. The manoeuvering of the engines must be tested under working con- ditions. If the examination reveals any defects, the Surveyor should recom- mend such further opening up as he may consider to be necessary. 4. Record of Survey. If the various parts mentioned in paragraphs 2 or 3 are all found to be in a satisfactory condition and the Surveyor finds that the machinery generally is in good order, he should recommend the vessel to have a fresh record of LMC. 5. Survey of Screw Shafts. The screw shaft is to be examined an- nually and drawn at intervals as provided for in Section 37, Clause 3 (Rules for Engines and Boilers of Steam Vessels). 606 RULES PRECAUTIONS AGAINST DANGER The time has long passed, when the use of oil on shipboard is op- posed on account of insurmountable danger. Oil has the distinct ad- vantage that 'it is- not subject to spontaneous combustion, and many fires which have occured in ships' bunkers at sea would not have been possible with oil. Certain precautions, however, must be taken such as suitable arrangements of vent pipes, protection of bunker bulkheads, if exposed to heat, and particularly the use of oil with a reasonable high flash point. The United States Navy, in cooperation with the Bureau of Mines, has investigated this matter of possible explosions of gases in storage tanks, and it was found that no inflammable gases were formed in any amount in the storage tanks or bunkers until the oil was heated to the flash point, i.e., that the representative oil tested contained no dissolved gas or vapor sufficient to form an explosive mixture at temperatures below the flash point. The largest percentage of vapor in the atmosphere of fuel tanks of various ships tested, was 0.04%, whereas, about 0.9% is required to form an explosive mixture. It was also found that any oil in the bunker tank had to be heated to within 60 degrees F. of the flash point before even a faint "glow" of partial burning was obtained on introducing a naked flame in the tank. These important investigations show that oil is perfectly safe on board ship, so long as the flash point is sufficiently above the tempera- ture to which the oil may be exposed. On the other hand, while careful attention to ventilation of the tanks and leading the vent pipes well away from all possible chance of exposure to flame, may result in immunity from trouble. The conclusion is forced upon us that the use of heavy oils which have to be heated in the tanks and bunkers may lead to very serious consequences through the necessity of installing heating coils in the tanks, and the possibility that the oil becoming heated to the flash point through carelessness. This of course should be understood, is rarely the case in regards to Fuel used in Diesel engines. Where torches are in use, as on Semi-Diesel engines, necessitating the heating of the hot bulbs, etc., if the simple precaution is taken of al- ways having the lighted torch under the burner before turning on the oil, no possible danger of explosion in the engine room can exist. .Several methods of extinguishing fires at sea by the use of carbonic acid gas are being developed, such as the Gronwald system, advanced by leading Fire Syndicates, which consist of the installation of tanks at suitable points containing liquid carbonic acid gas under high pressure. These tanks are piped to various parts of the ship, where possible danger from fire might exist, and the gas is admitted to these points in emerg- ency, thus, completely blanketing the fire and shutting off the supply of oxygen. Another system which has been very effective in extinguishing fires in oil tanks, is that known as the Erwin system, manufactured by RULES 607 the Treadwell & Company of New York. A mixture of bicarbonic of soda and soap bark is carried in one tank, and sulphuric acid is carried in another, nearby, and these, may be mixed automatically or at will, resulting in the liberation of a large mass of foam impregnated with carbonic acid gas. Carbon tetrachloride has been used for extinguishing fires; this is the best known in commercial form in the tanks of Pyrene. It occurs to the layman, that quite as much danger may result from the installation of tanks of this highly asphyxiating material on 'board ship as would be caused by fire, but undoubtedly experience will show the efficiency as well as the necessity of these various methods of extinguish: ing fires. INDEX OF ILLUSTRATIONS, DIAGRAMS AND VIEWS Dr. Rudolph Diesel (Picture) Frontispiece Demonstration of Isothermal Expansion. Figure (a) 21 .Demonstration of Adiabatic Expansion. Figure (b) 21 Practical Demonstration of Indicator Card Calculation, Figure (c) 22 Demonstrating Expansion of Gases in Cylinder. Figure (d) 23 Practical Demonstration of Indicator Card. Figure (e) 24 Practical Application of Indicator . 25 Experiments of Coal Gas and Air 29 Cross-sectional view of Nordberg Diesel Engine 55 Longitudinal view through Standard Horizontal type of two-cycle Diesel Engine 56 Four-cycle Type (Nelseco) 58 Valve arrangement actuated by cams 60 Illustration demonstrating "Interior Action" of fuel being brought in contact with heat temperature 61 Starting Valve of Carels type used on Nordberg Diesels 62 "Open Nozzle" Spray Valve, as adopted by the Snow Oil Engine 63 Cross-sectional view of Busch-Sulzer characteristic Fuel Injection System 64 Valve Settings of Simple Port Scavenging Two-cycle Engine 65 Timing Diagrams, Fig. (a) and Fig. (b) 66 Valve Spindle 69 Sprayer 69 "Tyco" Instruments (a) Draft Gauge, (b) High Pressure Thermom- eter, (c) Vacuum Gauge, (d) Low Pressure Thermo Gauge 85 Demonstration of actuating valves through cams __1 121 Diagram of Valve Settings of Crank Shaft on Four-cycle Engine 122 Oil Injection Nozzle of the Bald-Check Type 122 Valve settings of Double-Port-Soavenging two-cycle Engine 123 Carels Type of Fuel Inlet Valve Used on Nordberg Diesels 124 Valve Settings of Valve-Scavenging Two-cycle Engine 125 Top View of E. G. Cyldnderhead (Nordberg Engine) 127 Installation of Nordberg Diesel Engines in Oklahoma 128 Oil Injection Pump of the Giant Oil Engine 130 Four Nordberg Diesel Engines direct connected to Generators 131 Section of Cylinder and Head of Worthington Engine 133 Exposed view of spraying arrangement as used on Worthington latest two-cycle Solid Injection Engines 134 Worthington Diesel Engine. Two-cycle Solid Injection. Control End of Four-cylinder Engine, with Details of Fuel Pump 135 2000 B. H. P. Nordberg Two-cycle Diesel Engine. Longest in America__137 INDEX OF ILLUSTRATIONS 609 Power and beauty combined. Winton Marine Diesel Engine, Model 40. Eight 1215/16" by 18" Cylinders 144 A Typical "Standard" engine, manufactured by the Hadfield-Penfiefld Steel Co., Bucyrus, Ohio 145 The well known Junkers engine. A German product which has many advantages as a double-acting-piston engine over her rival, the single acting-piston 147 National Transit Engine of Twin-Engine design. An excellent station- ary Diesel engine 148 Engine Frame of Standard Engine (Vertical Type) 151 Cylinder construction to resist tension in addition to bursting strain, is a factor exceedingly vital 152 Typical Piston, Connecting Rod, Snap Ring, Wrist Pin and Brasses. Always keep a spare set of Rings, Brasses, etc., on hand 153 Cylinder of "Standard" Horizontal Type of Diesel Engine. A result of careful investigation 154 440 B. H. P. Nordberg Engine. Air Compressor and Scavenging Pump at left. Note entire control from floor level 156 Cross-sectional view of Carels type of scavenging valve, used on Nord- berg engine 157 Valve Setting Diagram for Reversing Two-cycle Engine. (Starboard 'to Port) 158 Valve Setting Diagram for Reversing Two-cycle Engine. (Port to Starboard) , 160 Fig. B. Aspinalls Governor applied to Internal Combustion Engines__164 Front View of Engine Installed in M. S. "Caroflyn Francis". 390 I.H.P. (300 B.H.P.) Mclntosh and Seymour Type 166 Plan and Side View of Dow Diesel Engine. Records Established with Dow Engines Show Fuel-Economy Exceedingly Low and No Ex- penses incurred in Breakdowns during One Year of Operation 167 Descriptive View of Worthington Solid Injection Two-cycle Diesel En- gine (Exposed) 168 1250 B.H.P. Nordberg Diesel, Direct Connected to Nordberg Two-stage Air 'Compressor at Left 170 A Small Type of Nelseco, Equipped with Paragon Reverse Gear. This Type is Ideal for Yachting, Fishing Crafts, etc. 171 A 120 B.H.P. Nelseco Marine Diesel Engine. The Accessibility is Nota- ble on This Type 172 The Comparison in Space Between Sketch-Crawing of Vessel Equipped with Steam Power. (Fig. A) 173 Sketch Drawing of Vessel Equipped with Diesel Power (Fig. B) Re- quire No Explanation 173 Comparison Sketch Between Reciprocating (Steam) and Diesel Power. Upper, Left, Turbine; Upper, Right, Diesel; Lower Cut Reciprocating Steam 175 Exposed View of Burt Oil Filter 177 Burt Oil Filter, Full View __178 Multiwhirl Oil Cooler Exposed View .. 179 610 INDEX OF ILLUSTRATIONS Griscom-Russell's "G. R." Instantaneous Heater 179 The Equipment of De Laval's Oil Separators Assures an Excellent Method of Oil Purification 180 Figure (a). Diagrammatical View of Wheeler Type of Oil Preheaters_181 Fig. Ob). Welderon Receiver Separator 182 Fig. (c). Reilly Oil Heater Exposed View 183 Fig. (d). Griscom-Russell's "Bundy Oil Separator" 183 Hoppes Mfg. Co.'s Class "R" Oil Heaters, Showing Multi-Trough Shape I Pan 184 Class "R" Oil Heater Front End Exposed 184 Fig. (e). A "CL" Oil Separator 185 Fig. (f). Griscom-Russell's "GR" Multiscreen Filter 185 Oil Cooling and Lubricating System for Internal Combustion Engines by Schutte & Koerting's Method 186 Sectional Elevation of Oil Cooler of th Schutte & Koerting type, for Re-cooling Lubricating Oil and Cooling Oil from Diesel Engines, Pistons and Bearings 187 Sectional Elevation of Lubricating Oil Filter for Diesel Engines 188 Schutte & Koerting's Duplex Oil Strainer 189 Sectional Elevation of Spray Air Cooler for Diesel Engines 194 Sectional Elevation of Air Spray Preheater 195 The "Neidig Oil Pump," Specially Adapted on Diesel Machinery 196 Neidig Oil Pump Interior Arrangement 196 Neidig Oil Pump Gear Arrangement 197 Sectional View of Duplex Oil Strainer 198 "Direct Acting" Manzel-Force Feed Oiler Fig. (1) 199 Sectional View of Manzel Force-Feed Lubricator Fig. (2) 200 Ashton Improved Dead-weight Pressure Gauge Tester . 202 Ashton Inspector's Testing and Proving Outfit 203 Ashton Improved Pressure Recording Gauge 204 Tycos Recording and Index Thermometer 204 Ashton Pressure Gauge Double Spring Arrangement 205 Ashton Pressure Gauge Single Spring Arrangement 205 Pneumercator Gauge 206 Ideal Valve for Use Around Internal Combustion Machinery 208 Ashton's Spring Lever Pop Valve Exposed 209 Ashton's Relief Valve 210 Illustration of Maxim Silencer 211 Fig. L Section Through Electromagnetic Clutch 212 Fig. 2. General Arrangement o 18 Timing 65, 67, 68, 69 Vanadium 116 Vaporization, Latent Heat of 16 Velocities 41 Vicker's Diesel Engine 295-300 Camshaft 29~8-299 Control 298 Description, General 295-296 Fuel Injection 298 M/S Narraganset, Efficiency Accomplishment 297 636 GENERAL INDEX Pumps - 300 Reversing, Method of - 299 Vilter Compressor - 518-519 Viscosimeter, Engler 77-78 Redwood - 78-79 Sayboldt 79-80 Viscosimeter Table 80 Viscosimetry - 77-80 Volumetric Efficiencies 14, 104 Ward-Leonard System (Diesel Electric) 379 Washlngton-Estep Diesel Engine 361-365 Cam Shaft 362, 363 Description, General 361 Fuel Injection - 361 Lubrication - 361, 362 Pumps 362 Reverse Gear 363 Starting 363 Thrust Bearing - 363 Types - J< : 4 Water: Circulation of 110 Composition of Id Cooling =, 107 Density of #2 Expansion of, Maximum Density 102 In Fuel - 114 Injection With Fuel (Low Compression Engines) 445 Pressure of 75 Sea, Composition of 18, 63 Viscosity of 82 Werksp'oor Diesel Engines 301-306 Air Compressor 303 Design and Construction 301 Fuel Injection 303 Reversing Gear 303, 304 Types, Marine and Stationary i 305 Valve Arrangement ' 304 Western Diesel Engine 300 Description, General 300 Westinghouse System 300 Winches, Electric 236-237 Windings, Drying Out of, (Diesel Electric) 423 Winton Marine Diesel 291 Air Compressor 289 Description, General 289 Injection Operation . 289 GENERAL INDEX 637 Overall Dimensions, etc. 291 Valve Arrangement 289-291 Work and Power (Diesel Electric) 430 Worthington Solid Injection Engine 313-317 Combustion Chamber, etc. 313 Construction 314-315 Cylinder Combustion b!3-314 Design : 315 Development of Solid Injection 315 Early Solid Injection Diesel Engines 315-316 Fuel Pump and Control 317 Injection Chamber 313 Small Solid Injection Engine (Diesel) 316-317 Worthington Snow Oil Engine 318-322 Compressor 318-322 Description, General 318-319 Design 320 Economy 320 Fuel Consumption 321 Wygodsky System of Oil Engines 468-483 Atomizer t 468-470 Crankshaft ._ 477 Cylinders 479 Description, General 468 Design 475 Governor 473-475 Operation 477 Pistons 477 Pumps 478 Scavenging System 480 Scope of Use 482-483 Self Starting . _ 482-483 ANNOUNCEMENT THE 20th Century Guide For Stationary Engineers BY J. 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