Created intellectual IJeautf II COLOR BLENDING PHYSICAL, INTELLECTUAL and SPIRITUAL from the BOW OF PROMISE SPANNING LIFE S HIGHWAY from EARTH TO HEAVEN By L. SANTEE BLIND AUTHOR AND POET COPYRIGHTED 1921 H. S. CROCKER CO. PUBLISHERS OAKLAND. CALIFORNIA III IV CONTENTS PAGE AN UNCHANGING RULE FOR BUILDERS 1 OUR BOY 2 THE BOY SCOUT 2 SPIRITUAL RECOGNITION - 3 THE CHANGING SEASONS 4 PRESENT AND FUTURE 6 FOUR THRONES OF LOVE. 7 THE THRONES OF LOVE (Revised) 8 OUR GUEST 9 SUNSHINE AND SHADOW 10 MOTHER S BIRTHDAY 11 MEMORIAL DAY 12 JUBILEE 13 GOD, THE BIRDS AND ME 14 THE OCEAN 16 THE WORLD AND ITS TROUBLES 18 FORMS OF NATURE 19 COLUMBUS 21 INVITATIONAL HYMN 22 THE SAVIOR S CALL 23 GOD S ORDER AND HARMONY 25 CHOOSE YOUR LIFE S WORK FOR BRAWN OR BRAIN BE TRUE AND KNOW IT WELL. 26 THE LOVING CORDS 28 NATURE S HIDDEN WORK 29 POWER AND QUIETNESS 31 TAKE OFF THE LID 32 SALUTE TO THE FLAG 33 MY MISSION 34 THE SUMMER SHOWER _ 35 MERCY AND WRATH > 36 THE CLOCK ON THE MANTEL 37 MAN, A MOVING TOWER 38 BLINDNESS 40 EDEN S GARDEN AND FALL. 41 FOUNTAINS OF SONG 44 THE HOME OF THE BLEST..... . 46 VI PAGE A CHRISTIAN HOME 47 OUR DARLING MOTHER, U. S. A 49 THE CLEANSING FIRE. 50 THE HOLY SPIRIT 51 THANKSGIVING 52 THE RAPTURE 54 CHILDREN _ 55 PROVERBS IN EIGHT SYLLABLES ... 56 CHRISTMAS 57 THE SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS 59 GOD IN THE HUMAN HEART. _ 60 WINTER 60 CHRIST OUR SAVIOR 62 TRIBUTE TO MR. AND MRS. E. C. THOMAS 64 THE COUNTRY GIRL. 65 THE COUNTRY BOY 66 THE CHRISTIAN S SABBATH 67 GOD DIRECTS 68 TRIBUTE FROM HER PARENTS TO MRS. HORACE DUNNE UPON HER BIRTHDAY, 1916 69 NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS 70 OUR COUNTRY S PLEA FOR LIGHT 71 REPUBLICAN DEMOCRACY 72 TRIBUTE TO MR. A. J. GREGG 73 FASTING 74 THE KING S DREAM AND DANIEL S VISION 74 VERSES OF BEREAVEMENT 77 TIME AND ETERNITY 78 THE KING S HIGHWAY 79 HEALING IN THE TOUCH 80 HE SPEAKS 80 WARP AND WOOF. 81 HOME 82 DIVINE LOVE 83 ANNOUNCEMENT 84 ANNOUNCEMENT 85 THE CROSSING 85 WIFE S BIRTHDAY . 86 VII PAGE HE FILLS MY RANSOMED SOUL. 87 BODY AND SPIRIT 88 HE GUIDES ARIGHT 89 SIGNS - 89 DEDICATION TO MR. AND MRS. L. B. GALLAGHER. 90 THE HOME OF THE SPIRIT 91 MOTHER S BIRTHDAY 91 THINGS WE HAVE THOUGHT AND DONE 92 SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN S DAY IN CHURCH 93 YE BUILDERS 94 THE BLIND MAN 94 BY THE AUTHOR 96 BEFORE YOU VOTE JUST COUNT THE COST 97 MY DAUGHTER AILEEN AT TWENTY-TWO. 98 MY GUIDING STAR 99 MOTHER S LOVE 99 VISION 100 PEACE 103 GOD S PRESENCE. 104 CALIFORNIA 105 COMMEMORATING MY DAUGHTER S THIRTY-FIFTH BIRTHDAY 106 OUR COUNTRY S CALL 106 PRIMEVAL VERSUS CULTIVATED NATURE 108 THE LORD S SUPPER 109 OUR GIRL. 110 THE CLAIMS OF BIRTHPLACE. 110 OCEAN OF GOD S LOVE. 112 THE GAME OF LABOR.... 113 VIII IX Preface By the Author. Unsupported by faith in the Bible records of revealed Spiritual knowledge, intelligence questions the justice of God for having created liberty of Will, enabling thought and action to antagonize creative purpose and then creating rewards and punishments to influence thought and action in harmony with God s law. Intelligence supported by the Bible records of revealed Spiritual knowledge creates an atmosphere of perfection in which we recognize our God of creative power and Government, wearing a crown of supreme authority. When Satan, one of God s ministering spirits in the Paradise of his visible presence, through liberty of will antagonized creative purpose and led an insur rection against God s government introducing dis obedience, justice banished Satan and his associates from the Eden of God s visible presence in Heaven and upon earth. When God recognized the hopeless condition of banished humanity from the knowledge of His visible and spiritual presence, He commis sioned Christ, His only begotten Son, to satisfy Justice by restoring harmony between an offended God and offending humanity. For this purpose Christ left the throne of His Father s glory and came down to this footstool of earth, where He clothed Divinity in the body of our humanity, enabling us to recognize in Christ our Messiah and Redeemer. XI When Satan recognized that Christ would establish His Kingdom of righteousness upon the foundations of human faith, he determined to undermine that foundation by removing Christ from among His disciples. Therefore, death was commissioned to sep arate the physical body from its spiritual occupant and, Christ s body was placed in the tomb of Joseph, while His sorrowing disciples were scattered like sheep without a shepherd. Now, while death has power to restore vegetable, animal and human bodies, to the bosom of Mother Earth from which they were taken, death is also sub ject to the immortal spirit that has chosen the physical body for its physical habitation. Therefore, in the economy of creative purpose, death has no power over the Divine spirit which has been clothed in the body of our humanity. In the course of events, Christ, the immortal tenant, returned to that physical body in Joseph s tomb; and through the power of a resurrected life and the changes accompanying it, He again came forth to mingle among His disciples, whose fears and grief were changed into a spirit of rejoicing beyond the power of human utterance. Now, after forty days among His disciples, Christ led that band of one hundred and twenty up the slopes of Mount Olivet to the vantage ground of a more perfect knowledge, where they witnessed the triumphal departure of their leader into the cloud that hid the throne of God s visible presence from mortal eyes. Then those rejoicing disciples returned to the upper room filled with the associations of their departed leader, for this was the chosen place where XII God had requested His disciples to tarry until they had received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, anointing them for their service of ministry and love a min istry and service that claims no vacation until death shall transfer them to the Eden of God s visible presence in Heaven. When Christian worshipers recognize the great value of faith in these Bible records of revealed knowledge, the disciples of Christ sacrifice time, tal ents, ambition and even life itself that they might place these Bible records in the hands of every earnest seeker after truth. For this purpose churches are constructed, ministers are ordained, and Sunday schools are established with their cradle rolls, enab ling awakening intelligence to use these Bible records for their corner stone in the building of Life s Activities. By L. SANTEE. XIII SntroDuctorp iQote Those who read these pages will be interested to know that the man who wrote them, reads with his fingers and not by sight. Mr. Santee was for many years in active business, and a frequent visitor to my office at the Oakland Free Library, as the represen tative of various publishing houseg. After his sight failed, he continued to do business for a time, and nobody could have told from any failure of cheeri- ness in his voice that the handicap that had come to him had daunted his courage in the least. When active bookselling was no longer possible, he did not forsake the Library, but has continued to come, often quite by himself, through the crowded streets to the quiet place of books. This has lasted through several years, and his form has been familiar to the Library people as he has sat in his place reading with busy fingers the book that he has brought with him. But reading has not been his only employment. As often happens the failure of the outward sight has seemed to intensify that inward vision that is "the evidence of things not seen." His spiritual nature has developed in the quiet spaces that come to the sight less, and he has beguiled the hours by turning into verse the results of this seeing. Strongly religious and ardently patriotic, his verses will gain the approval of many a mind which would remain cold to subtler appeal. There is nothing of the "mod ernist" about Mr. Santee s ideas or verse. Straight, old-fashioned piety and the victory over untoward circumstance. CHAS. S. GREENE. Oakland Free Library, June 30, 1921. XIV announcement 6p tfte First among those to whom honor is due from appreciative readers is Mr. Greene, Librarian, under whose efficient leadership our Oakland Library has become one of California s leading intellectual assets. In proof of this assertion permit me to introduce some figures from that Library s records. During the last fiscal year one million eight thousand applica tions have been made for intellectual food from this storehouse of free distribution to satisfy the hunger and thirst of intellectual appetites. Among others to whom credit is due for encourage ment in the production of this volume, is Mr. Gregg who claims the honor of being editor of the first pro hibition paper published in this State. While refer ence should also be made to Mr. and Mrs. Gallagher of the Gallagher Marsh Business College, and Mr. and Mrs. Ilsen of the Oakland School for Shorthand. These four leaders have done much towards the improvement of business methods within the realm of their extensive influence. The Author must not forget to return thanks to the many friends who have given material assistance in creating and beautifying this volume. Republican democracy has demonstrated the fact that efficient leadership cannot be acquired by gift, purchase, or inheritance, but must come from the workers of industrial pursuits, finding its climax in the supreme leadership of national life. L. SANTEE, 1921. XV To disarm adverse criticism concerning repetitions that may be found in this volume, the author desires to make the statement that while the fear of criticism compels writers and speakers to avoid repetitions there are times when they are as necessary to meet the demands of human conditions as the pulse beat, the footstep, or the ticking of the clock. Therefore, while he has attempted to avoid repetitions, he believes that wherever they are used in this volume they are for the purpose of strengthening what has gone before. XVI XVII XVIII Clncfianging Bule for 15uilDer0 Before you build, sit down and count the cost To build the very best. And when you build, use that which stands the test In building great and small. Should you desire that others you might lead In deed or words or thought, Then you must build, for that cannot be bought, This must be built by you. This rule holds good in all we undertake, In thought, or word, or deed. For we must reap according to the seed That we have scattered here. Thought plows the fertile soil of mind, And there we scatter seeds. They bring forth useful grain or useless weeds, This last with fire is burned. Then, while we build with thought or words or deeds, Be honest, thorough, pure. For what we build must ever more endure Through cycles yet to come. 2Dur Our boy brought light and sunshine to those about our knee. He was a dear, sweet blossom upon our family tree. He filled with fullest measure our hearts with hope and joy. He was among our treasures, a gem without alloy. His life to us was given to fill our home with love, And then pass on before us, to dwell in heaven above. There, we can see him walking upon that golden shore While waiting for our landing, where parting is no more. Oh, parents, are you trusting upon life s rolling wave The holy spirit s guidance and Christ enthroned to save? Then, you shall have the blossom again upon your breast Where hearts with love are blending, creating perfect rest. C&e 15og Scout Written to encourage the Society in their deeds of love. We re a band of sturdy fellows, Chock full of life, for work or fun; Whether on land or rolling billows, We have a hand for every one. We lead the blind, the lame, the helpless, Whate er may be their failing part. Where er we see the sign of weakness, We have a sympathetic heart. Where grief o erflows and silent tear Rolls down the full or furrowed cheek, You ll know the Boy Scout, he is near With words of comfort here to speak. Our hearts are light as birds on wing From early morn till close of day. We dance and shout, we laugh and sing, Brightening corners on our way. Spiritual iaecognition With Spirit s recognition Throughout God s Holy word, We bow in adoration To Christ, our risen Lord. He bears our heart s petition To God in their bright home, They know our weak condition, They bid us freely come. God s treasure house stands open To those who love His will, These words to us were spoken, Your measures freely fill." The Bible is our witness, Sent down from God above; He knows about our fitness, We see His boundless love. C6e Changing Seasons What means those rolling thunders loud, Within the vault on high, The lightnings flashing from the cloud That covers yonder sky. Ah! God is forging raindrops bright, They quickly fall to earth. We view with awe the wondrous sight When God gives Spring her birth. The budding branch with incense sweet, Is swinging censers now. All Nature worships at God s feet While head and knees we bow. The birds return on eager wing From their far southland home, They flit, they chirp, they joyful sing, While here and there they roam. The lambs are playing on the hill, Or rest in pleasant shade Their mothers hearts with rapture thrill That God such pleasure made. The farmer plants and sows the field For corn or waving grain His hopes are high that they will yield A bounteous summer gain. The sun mounts up to throne of noon, He rules the hours of light, And then descends for queenly moon To rule the hours of night. Young Summer comes with beaming pride To meet his sweetheart, Spring. All Nature greets the coming bride, And loving tributes bring. The Fall with frosty sickle bright Reaps the last fruitage here, Then Winter spreads his garments white Upon the dying year. And is this all and shall it be When Death to us shall come? Ah, no. A future life we see And an Eternal Home. There we shall harvest what we ve sown Unless repentance here Shall claim our pardon at God s throne, And make our title clear. To get perfect harmony out of these verses turn to John, third chapter, and use it as your key-note. Present anD jfuture Without a future yonder Above this world of strife, Let us a moment ponder Upon this present life. Then we, like vegetation, No future leads on High, We share disintegration, No future when we die. Our love would be in danger With unchained self-desire, For Love would be a stranger Within this flame of fire. No law our lust to govern, Our lust for self-desire; For Lust to us is sovereign, He feeds these flames of fire. Upon our human features We see this greed for lust, Among all living creatures No one in whom to trust. No love for one another Upon life s rugged road, No helping of a brother To ease the heavy load. To Christ we are a debtor To light our upward way, He gives us something better Creating perfect day. We share each other s pleasures Our future shining bright, A gem among our treasures, It gives us perfect light. jfour CJ)tone0 of Lofce Four thrones of love stand side by side, From Christ to loving mother. Go view them well, you cannot tell Which stands above the other. No sacrifice for us too great, With God our loving Father; Even his own begotten Son, Our King and elder brother. Another throne stands at their side, That all true hearts remember. It is the throne of woman s love, So faithful, pure and tender. She walks with us the downward road Through sin and degradation. Keeping her garments pure and white Creates our admiration. These thrones of love stand side by side, From Christ to loving mother. We view them well, but fail to tell Which stands above the other. Cfte Cj)tone0 of JLotoe (Revised by the Author.) God s throne of love supreme above, Supporting every other, From human hearts to Christ Divine, Uniting God and Mother. Each country has its throne of love, Where friendly nations gather. George Washington, first ruler here, Received the name of Father. Each home should have its throne of love, With friends and family seated. And when they all are gathered there, That circle is completed. Another throne we mention here, Which all true hearts remember. It is the throne of woman s love, So faithful, pure and tender. She walks with us the downward road, Through sin and degradation. Keeping her garments pure and white, Creates our admiration. These thrones of love begin above, Each throne joined to its brother. Until God s throne of perfect love Encircles every other. SDur You are a welcome Guest, Crossing our life s highway, Come., in and sweetly rest; Renew your strength today. May angel forms descend Adown Dream s ladder bright; While pleasant thoughts ascend, As Jacob s did that night. He lay upon the ground, His pillow was a stone; There sweetest rest he found, His ladder reached the Throne. He was the desert s care, But you to us have come; Our pleasures freely share, Our comforts and our home. Now while you sweetly rest, With us God s presence share; For those are richly blest Who know His loving care. In unobstructed sunshine No shadows do we see; To cast a single shadow, Obstruction there must be. Love s unobstructed sunshine Contains no load of care; While walking to this sunlight, We find no shadows there. We at each friendship s crossing Each other s pleasure share, Creating sweetest blossoms Their perfume fills the air. We meet love at these crossings, There blending, heart to heart ; There is no perfect blending Without love s chosen part. Now should there be a wedding Binding two human hearts, Without this perfect blending, Without love s chosen parts? They walk life s sunless highway Through all their dreary years, No loving arms entwining, No love to dry their tears. 10 Watch well before the wedding The blending of each heart, For all imperfect blendings Leave shadows in each part. How sweet to know a Mother s love And feel her presence near. Her Birthday is a joy sublime, New Christmas in our Year. Her loved ones greet this day of days Along the path of time; It fills their thoughts in future years, Your Birthday, Mother Mine. It brings back thoughts of her dear form To each succeeding day, It s sunshine in each lonely heart To light our onward way. Should Mother reach those pearly Gates Before our work is through, Oh, happy we, to greet her there In her bright mansion new. 11 Dap From honored graves the dead come forth, We see with spirit vision Those bodies that were sleeping there, They form a long procession. Some by great deeds of valor led The honored of their nation, We read on scroll of noble fame Their life, their work, their station. Soldiers firm as adamant, They stand on land and ocean, Upon the field of noble strife, In battle s wild commotion. And when the bugle sounds the charge Not one is seen to falter, Their swords and bayonets make way To valor s sacred altar. Upon each breast from woman s hands They wear proud honor s token. With manly tread this badge they wear, With courage still unbroken. From honored graves new forms arise, They pass from earth to heaven, Their bodies bound to stakes were burned, To God their lives were given. 12 These pioneers now sleeping here From some great onward movement, Our greetings with our thanks we bring For your wide world improvement. While now this day these flowers we bring, Your silent graves to cover, We see your forms on angel wings, Their brightness round us hover. 3fu6ilee The author was inspired to write the following poem while listen ing to an address by Mrs. Montgomery of the Baptist Women s Foreign Missionary Society, at a Jubilee meeting. Our year of Jubilee has come, Lift up your hearts and sing. Hope, Faith and Love to earth has come Upon bright Angel s wing. While shepherds watched their flocks by night, In skies sweet anthems ring, They tell us of a Savior s love, They point to Christ, our King. Our prayers mount up to God on high, Through Christ, our Savior dear, He bears to Heaven our faintest plea, From Saint and Sinner, here. Before another Jubilee May prayers encircling earth Mount up to God, upon His throne Through Christ, who gives them birth. 13 <2>oD> tfte 15irD0 anD God gives the birds their food to eat, From earth, the sky or sea; He gives to them their bread and meat, Just as He does to me. They gather food from morn till night For those within their nest; The mother bird has joy and light And welcomes mate to nest. They chirp and sing the livelong day, In summer, autumn, spring; They make us happy on our way, Our hearts with them now sing. God does not place the food in nest, For either bird or me; He in His wisdom thinks it best For all to work, you see. The birds arise with morning light, That herald of the day, Which tells that sun so warm and bright Has started on his way. For hours to work, to talk, or play, God sends the hours of light; For man and bird at close of day He sends, for sleep, the night. 14 While sun gives light, the birds give song; They re dressed in plumage bright; They cheer our hearts the whole day long, From break of day till night. They lift their heads while here they sing; Their songs are full of love To God, who gave to them the wing To fly in air above. They praise the Lord for morning light, They praise Him every one; That He has watched their sleep at night Until first rays of sun. God at His- throne in heaven so far, To Him their notes they raise; To God who made the morning star, Their joyful songs of praise. God sees us all on bended knee In prayer to Him above; One day He ll say to you and me: "Come to my home of love." The faintest voice that s raised in prayer From saint and sinner here, Is carried up that golden stair To Christ, our Savior dear. 15 Christ, us a mansion now prepares For those who love Him here; With joy we mount the golden stairs, His loving presence near. To dwell with Christ, our Savior dear, Within that city bright; Then no more sorrow, doubt or fear, Where Christ shall be the light. Cfte 2Dcean I stood upon thy beach, O, ocean! And listened to thy ceaseiless roar, Thy power, and wrath, in great commotion, As waves rolled high on sandy shore. Then sweetly as a maiden sleeping Tranquilly dreaming thoughts of love, While from her glowing face reflecting The moon and twinkling stars above. Ships on thy placid bosom lying, Beneath a clear and azure sky, No foaming billows round them plying, Nor threat ning clouds above them fly. As harvest hand at dinner resting, Gathering strength for further work, The sailors know that dangers nesting And storms beyond this quiet lurk. 16 The captain knows the sign appalling Within the glass so small and slim, The liquid there is quickly falling, The sailors haste those sails to trim. Scarcely upon the deck they re standing When mast and ship begin to reel, The roaring storm upon them speeding, The angry winds those masts now feel. As raging monsters on them sweeping Now crushing ship and helm and mast; The sea and sterm now o er them weeping, That ship and men are in the past. O thou sea, within thy rock bound shore How many hopes and men lie deep. But God from heaven they ll hear once more Calling them from that briny sleep. O er sea and land God s trumpet shall sound, All nations dead that voice shall hear; Wherever a human grave is found They shall come forth to joy or fear. Sailor on ocean, give God your heart, He wants you in His Kingdom too; Make the Bible your heavenly chart, Much work for Him you then can do. 17 Cfte eaorio anD 3ts CrouMes This world and its troubles, As through them we move, Thoughts bring back memories Of scenes that we love. These thoughts of our childhood In rich colors glow Like rainbows of promise, On crystals of snow. In thoughts of our spring time Bright blossoms we see, The hope of youth s fruitage That grows on life s tree. A dear family and friends Together now stand; No thought of life s troubles Have entered that band. Encircling an organ, Their voices they raise With home songs they love, Their tribute of praise. The father and mother Sit peacefully there; The scene and those dear songs They lovingly share. 18 They see in those loved ones Their hopes and their joys, Their dear loving children, Those girls and those boys. These thoughts now float backward O er oceans of time; That family is scattered In country and cliine. These scenes of our childhood, Though oceans may part, Waves of their memory Oft gladden the heart. jforms of The brain is filled with deepest emotion Thinking of glories that around us lie; The depth, the breadth, the beauty of ocean, Its wonders within, its waves dashing high. The fish dressed in scales all perfect and bright Dwelling in caverns of their ocean deep, Shells for their pictures a beautiful sight, Sporting, and playing, or resting in sleep. We now will view those peaks on mountains high, Grandeur of strength and majesty of form; God s sentinels with whitened heads in sky Above the lightning s flash and clouds of storm. 19 There at their feet descend those canyons deep, With lights and shades and brightest colors rare; Tie here that God His richest pictures keep, And here their softest tints He doth prepare. The ground He paints with sunshine, dew and shower; All over earth His richest colors glow; Each spring He paints the blossom and the flower; Their sweet perfume we breathe while here they grow. God builds the forest from shrub to tall pine, Berries on bushes, rich fruit on the tree; Large clusters of grapes that hang from the vine; Food for squirrel and birds, for you and me. Those storm chariots with lightning in wheels, In fury that drive across the blue sky; Their roaring and rushing the earth now feels, Through darkened clouds that above us fly. God sifts the raindrops where nature doth ride; The icy crystals and feathers of snow; The cloud, their home, where they all doth abide; Their covers He spreads on all here below. Why farther attempt these wonders to name On earth below or in heaven above; His power still large, is ever the same. While through it all we can see His great love. 20 "Colum&us" Columbus saw on scroll of fame Those names that deeds had written there; There first of all was his own name, While greater deeds not one could share. He dared to teach, "the earth is round," Not flat, as cardinals would say; His doctrine he would dare to sound, By sailing westward day by day. Atlantic has a sunset shore Beyond this ocean s broad domain; Westward we reach rich India s store Then on, still on, till home again. He argued long, his words were bold, To get from Spain these vessels three: The queen there pawned her jewels old; She had great faith in him, you see. He journeyed on this westward sea Against the restless rolling tide; While sailors feared this trip begun Should end far down the ocean s side. His crews were men who all those years On superstition long had fed; They all were filled with useless fears From superstition s poisoned bread. 21 He tried to quell their common fear While through those westward waves he swept: Through many months of that long year, Relentless still, he onward kept. Columbus begged for one more night With mutiny and sufferings more; His eyes must see the moving light, To prove they neared the sunset shore. : Land ! Land ! the cry rang loud and clear Upon that day s first morning light; It reached the sailor s listening ear, They haste to view the welcome sight. His name shall lead this worldly fame All others must beneath enroll. Columbus first, the highest name Is written on this worldly scroll. amiitational Do you not hear the dear Savior knocking, Knocking at the door of your heart today? O, do not keep Him there longer waiting, Open the door of your heart while you may. He has called, yes, He has been here before, Those wounds in His hands and feet were for me. Now while He is standing outside my door, That crown of thorns on His brow I can see. 22 He is the Son of the Lord of Heaven, Come to a heart full of evil and sin; His life for me on that cross was given. I will open my door and let Him in. Chorus: Yes I can hear the dear Savior knocking, Knocking at the door of my heart today; I can not keep Him there longer waiting, I will open my heart without delay. Then lead me to the cross, To that dear Heart of Love, It was there that He bled for me. , . . Then lead me to the cross; To that GREAT Heart of Love. It was there that He died for me. Cfte ^atnor Call O listen to the Savior s call, He calls for you and me; That call is clear and plain to all, And all His face shall see. All those who listen to His call Shall see His face of love; They at His wounded feet will fall, His outstretched hands above. He ll raise them from those wounded feet, With His dear hands of love, He ll take them to that glory seat Within His home above. 23 There they will sing redemption s song; The angels gathered round, Will listen to that blood washed throng; Their King His praise they sound. And all who will not hear His call, They, too, shall bend the knee; They all before that King shall fall, And His stern face they ll see. Then from those eyes they ll shrink with fear And hear these words of doom, This voice again they all shall hear, "You turned me from my home." I came to make my home within, For you my life I gave ; To cleanse your heart from every sin, And your dear life to save. You would not harken to my call, You would not let me in; I could not save you from the fall; Now you must bear your sin. I^armonp When these worlds were formed and placed in their course By the hand of that great Infinite One, He made law and order a primal force; By these agents all His great work was done. That network of worlds up there in the sky, Each one in its own orbit is moving. While hither and thither they seem to fly, All know their own way; there is no roving. To find God s great laws we need not thus stray Among those far distant orbits to roam; While here His firm but harmonious sway Is seen through creation on earth, our home. God made the forest and placed there the tree, Oak, pine, and maple, each in his own class, No changing by nature of class we see While all grow together, a friendly mass. God made the birds and taught them how to nest, The robin and sparrow, pigeon and wren, To retain their class and flock He thought best, And not change them through fish or beast to men. All over the earth the beasts have their lairs, In jungles and rocks, in grass, hole or cave, All in their own class, in droves or in pairs For home and safety, this knowledge God gave. 25 Sweet harmony reigns in all God s great laws; No changing by nature of class we see; Among all this order we see no flaws, No change through beast to man, from plant to tree. With all these great proofs before us each day, Nature not changing class or relation; Why Darwin s attempt to change God s own way, The Bible account of man s creation? Cftoose gout JLife tSlork for TSraton or TSrain* TSe Crue anD BJnoto 3t The artist with palette and brush, To make his painting fair, The shades and how to blend those colors glowing there; Must have beside his hoard of paints the skill to mix them too. Without the artist s skill and touch that work he could not do. That engine on the track with rushing, rambling, shriek and roar, With cars well filled with life or freight, that passes us before, To build them all what care and skill those many hands must take In axle, wheel, of flange of steel find flaw or hidden break. 26 A man upon the farm must know the time to sow his grain. The soil prepare, irrigate, or catch the pleasant rain. When to plant, the months to grow and then the time to garner. He must know these things, or he could never be a farmer. The doctors know their many ways to find our every ill; Their medicines of many kinds in powder, liquid, pill To ease the aching pain within, or burning fever break. Such sickness as without their skill Our very life would take. The oculist with glass to fit to these strange eyes of ours, Those crystals that within contain corrected vision powers. He then must know to test these eyes with knowledge great and true, Or he would surely fail in all these wondrous things to do. The dentist, in each mouth must know where plate and teeth should meet, That we with pleasure may partake the many foods we eat. To make these, he must surely many months of training take, Or as a skilled, successful dentist he would never make. 27 These verses now must end, but not for want of subjects more; A throng of them are waiting still outside my office door; To speak of all would take too much of valued time I fear, While crowding out some other thoughts that should be mentioned here. Choose your life s work for brawn or brain, be true and know it well; Your fortune and your work in after years will surely tell. To those who chance these lines to read while young and in your prime, At work or school, be this your golden rule, redeem the time. Cfte JLotoing CotD0 God binds us all with loving cords To His dear home above ; There we shall hear our Savior s words And see His face of love. Our sons and daughters join the train Within that home of love; And there they sing a glad refrain While in those ranks they move. 28 Father, sister, or a brother, Now joins that heavenly throng; It may be a loving mother Who sings that glory song. Perhaps a friend who held the hand, A wife or husband dear, Is singing in that happy band With voice that sounds so clear. We too, may join that singing throng And touch our harps of gold; We too, may sing redemption s song Within our Savior s fold. JI3ature pitmen KBorfc Unpleasant things in nature s building here, God places them beyond the human sight; In nooks or corners they are hidden near, Behind the curtains of his darkest night. The sap which is the life blood of the tree Gathered from covered mould of mother earth, By uncouth roots all hidden there you see, Where nature s God gives all the trees their birth, From this come trees to breathe the sunlight air With bodies dressed in finely colored bark; Branches spread forth with leaves in shape so fair, A home for beasts, the robin and the lark. 29 Each year the blossoms, sweet, on branch and stem Far, far beyond the rarest work of art; Producing food for beast or bird or men, The thought of these with joy should fill the heart. Kernels of corn, the seeds of grass or grain Contained within, the hidden germs of life, Abide in earth until moistened by the rain, Spring forth to ripen, for the reaper s knife. Each seed contains within that stalk or blade That waves majestic in the unseen breeze, Whose life within no man has ever seen. God makes this all for grain or grass or trees. The wondrous force of thought within the brain, Those throbs of life in every beating heart, Now from the cloud is shaped that drop of rain, Such things as these are God s, and not man s art. What s best for us God knows far more than we, That God who rules in earth and heaven above; Blessings in ills of life we do not see All things are made by this great God of love. 30 Potoer anD luietne0$ Those mountain peaks that stand so high In majesty of form, With snow capped heads that pierce the sky, They there must stand the storm. The storm king o er them hurls his lash With nature s fiercest blow; They hear the roaring thunders crash, They see the lightning s glow. For down upon the smaller hills Or in the valleys low, There nature does not have these ills, They rarely feel his blow. Tis so with man; when fortune bright Bestows on him his crown, Some give to him a helping light, While others on him frown. Those men of worth who nations own Must meet great waves of wrath, That jealous men have round them thrown Which overflow their path. The most of us in valleys lie Below the storm-king s power; We would not be those peaks on high. We love the quiet bower. 31 Cake SDff tijc LiD Some men within our city fair Who for uncovering bid, Have called upon our Mayor there, And cried, "Take off the Lid." Now honest men like you and me, A reason we would know: If Lid is off, what things to see? What have they there to show? Some say: downtown red lights should glow, That evil there might breed; There men and boys wild seed may sow And cultivate the weed. Throw open wide each dancing floor, With liquors there to quaff; We ll have those stringent laws no more; How Satan then will laugh! Then open wide each gambler s door, Near bars where liquor s sold; These two join hands upon one floor To gather in your gold. But more than that they gather in: Our manhood too, they drown; This is to us a greater sin, Which all true men must down. 32 Cafes that rarely have been beat To call the Devil up; He there with you will take a seat With you he then will sup. He draws that curtain on the door With hands and eyes aflame; Whiskies and wines he then will pour To cover up all shame. Is this the place for you and me? Who love the good and right? May these our city no more see, And our fair name to blight. To these shall we our children sell? That business may be bright? To feed with them the fires of hell. No! We shall stand for right. Salute to tfce Thou flag of our country We salute thee today, Thou hast won an ovation From the heart of our nation And the homes of the free. Our flag is now waving In the breezes so high, With bright colors enduring That are always alluring Our sweet liberty on. 33 Each star brightly shining In thy field of deep blue Is a sign and a token Of a Union unbroken That dares stand for the right. Where hands of oppression Have left marks of foul stain, There our waving flag beckons And our liberty reckons That foul hand to destroy. We welcome thy waving That has beckoned us on To sweet Liberty s wooing And a monarch s undoing, Bringing Peace to the world. Though I am poor and weak and blind I love my Savior too; In earnest prayer I asked Him find Some work for me to do. Now God does answer earnest prayer From His dear home above; He tells us how and when and where To show our ardent love. 34 He answers in His God-like way That we His goodness show, The work He has for us each day That we in strength may grow. My prayer God answers in my need In ways I had not thought; He uses me to sow some seed His own dear Son has brought. Cfie Summer The bright midsummer sun is beaming upon us With intense heat in its bright shining ray; The months of this season you will often find thus, And seek forest walks to shelter our way. The traveler with heated brow and coat on arm Passes the lowing herd in leafy shade, They have left their grassy slope on that hillside farm For the mountain stream and the cool, shady glade. The sun has reached zenith in his journey of day, No breeze stirs below or moves leaf on high, Dark forms are now rising, they cross that hot sun s way, His beams paint and gild their margins in sky. Beyond those bright margins we hear the thunders roar; The winds join the race, they rush on before; These lightnings in clouds now burn holes through their floor, There the storm dashing through knocks at your door. 35 Beasts, birds and men now seek shelter from the rain; While the storm comes in a steady downpour; The brooks form on hillside and grow broad in lane; The ground is well drenched and thirsty no more. . Those dark clouds breaking, our sun shines through on the rain Forming that bow of promise, God given; Whose colors glow, through sky from hillside to lane, Bringing to earth some glory of heaven. and Mercy, in haste she flew to gain A race with angel Wrath, Who scattered in a fiery rain Destruction in his path. To Sodom s city first she came, Where Lot and family dwelt; There Lot, we say it to his shame, God s words he had not felt. She hastened Lot to speed away With wife and children dear; For Wrath would come that very day, His fiery rain was near. Within this plain you must not stay, But to yon mountain flee; Nor backward look upon your way; Your safety forward see. 36 Just so with those on earth, who dwell God s words we lightly see; The Holy Spirit hastes to tell; To Christ for safety flee. Cast all your life on God s great love; He bore you on the cross, That we may dwell with Him above; And shall He suffer loss? Ci>e Clock on tfte Our clock on the mantel Is constantly clicking; Something has gone wrong When it ceases that ticking. The wheels move round and round Forced by a strong main spring; One hand shows minutes And the other hours bring. One hand moves round each hour, The other twice each day; Ticking has power To hasten time upon its way. Some clocks show oil their face The weeks, the months, the years; Our time in passing Leaves in heart both joys and tears; 37 Let s mark our time with love, Kind words each day to give To those now longing; God so helping us to live. God too, He marks each time We speak those words of love; Each one is listed In that book He keeps above. , a Sgjom ns Cotoer We are such a strangely moving tower In height of feet near six; With brain of wonder working power; Great things on earth to fix. Strong steel rails made fast to well laid ties Bind hill and vale and stream; Over these long trains in safety flies Forced on by strength of steam. Over these the merchant brings his store Of books and food or dress; Full enough for everyone and more; May all this bounty bless. Journeys, we in joy or sorrow take For sickness, business, fun: Distance full four hundred miles we make Between the hours of sun. 38 Electric wires with great speed bring words From homes both far and near; Wings that have more speed than flight of birds Speak voices plain and clear. Buildings here three hundred feet in sky, Wood, steel, and stone and glass: Joined firmly in that steel structure high; A building called first class. Quickly step into the cage at door, It has not long to stay; It now speeds you to your office floor, Three seconds on your way. Autos wheels from steel and rubber made, No horses these to pull. Upon the plain, on mountain grade We meet these autos full. Easy now on cushioned seats we ride; Those mile posts surely play, So swiftly by, they now seem to glide; Two hundred in a day. Autos strong, with freight all loaded high For stores along the way; Autos, that with you now seem to fly, All these we see today. 39 Marvels all, the many things we make, All these for good or ill, Buildings to house all, these samples take Volumes their records fill. To live within this darkest night Is, oh, so hard a thing; To walk by staff and not by sight Is in itself a sting. It came to me when years of light Had brightened every day; They came to me these years of night Oh! Will they always stay? These curtains drawn upon my day Have made this ceaseless night; Deep darkness covers all my way Dispelling nature s light. Within my home are those most dear, Family and friends I love; Their voices all I daily hear; I hear them round me move. When hand in hand our fingers cross With cheek and kiss to part, Tis then I feel my keenest loss; Grief dries the tear at start. 40 Suppose a loved one gone away, For more than one long year, Had now with you one hour to stay; That one you loved so dear. The hours to meet is darkest night, No form or face to see; Such is my lot bereft of sight, How sad a thing for me. OEDen <Sac Den mtD tfje Jfall In Eden s garden first the place Where Eve and Adam dwelt; While there God met them face to face; They His great presence felt. No sin as yet had entered there, No thoughts of guilty fear; No anger with each other share, No sadness and no tear. Among them all one thought of love Was shared by bird or beast; The lion, leopard, and the dove Shared each their richest feast. Among them all there freely dwelt The man and woman fair; God s love they all so clearly felt, There was no thought of care. 41 God made the Eden upon our earth Where He delights to walk; To all He gives a happy hirth, With Him they freely talk. They love to do His righteous will; The act brings sweetest joy; By this their hearts with pleasure thrill; There was no dark alloy. They rest beneath the spreading tree, So full of richest bloom; Among them all no danger see, For all there is love and room. No chilling clouds above them fly To mar their sleep or fun; The moon and stars bedeck the sky; The day has golden sun. Among the hosts of God in Heaven, An angel fair and bright, Had in his heart ambitions leaven, That made him think it right. To share with God the rule each day, To share with Him the throne; This thought with him had come to stay; This made in Heaven the groan. 42 One third of all that heavenly host At his foul bidding came; These now are numbered with the lost; They bear that angel s shame. They fought with Heaven, that rebel host; Each was from there cast out; And now in regions damned are lost; With pain their only shout. Now Satan as through space did roam, Espied this garden fair; He saw within this happy home That loving human pair. Then Eve, with brazen face he sought, To disobey God s will; Then she to Adam gave the thought, Then both there ate their fill. And now from God they hid with shame While He for them did call; They feared to answer to their name, They felt within the fall. But God so loved the human race, He could not see them lost; There banished from the heavenly place, To dwell with Satan s host. And now from Eden they must part, All life shall feel their sin; Decay and death must pierce the heart, And evil enter in. So He redeemed them from the fall By Christ, His Son of love; He pardons those who on Him call, They share His home above. Since man and woman caused the fall, Their sin must bear God s hate; Since death through them has entered all, Their suffering must be great. With His great heart He loves us still; To live with Him in Heaven; He has a place for us to fill, Love kills ambition s leaven. ^Fountains of To sing, is fountain s overflow Of thought that dwells within; The heart these passions feel or know Of righteousness or sin. When heart of fountain s clean and right The song will then accord; The singing will be full of light In thought or deed or word. 41 When fountain s full of thoughts that stain That overflow of thine Will bring that filth of ragtime strain; Heart s fount will keep in line. When fountain s full of fondest love The song will be the same; You hear in it the cooing dove; You feel that magic flame. If fountain s filled with things of past The song may be of home; Or it may come in wider blast Where thou delights to roam. If fountain s full of God s dear grace It s overflow will show The presence of his smiling face That makes your song to glow. God help me keep my fountain right; My song to others show; My thought point upward to the light, No other thoughts to know. Cftel>omeof O what shall I say of that city up there, Whose streets are all paved with the richest of gold? A city whose length, breadth and height four square, Whose light is the light of our Savior we re told. The people are robed in their garments of white; The texture is finer than silk, many fold; They glisten with brightness, that Savior s dear light, Whose light will shine on when eternity s old. They play on their harps and they march as they sing; Their anthems repeated again and again; Their story speaks of Jesus their Savior and King; All hear in their anthem that sweetest refrain. Now they pass in review their King on His throne; They cast their bright crowns at the dear Savior s feet; He smiles as He speaks in the gentlest of tone, While their thoughts, words and eyes in harmony meet. A smile on those faces, their steps are all light, No halting of limbs and no shortening of breath, No sickness, no sorrow, no failing of sight, No falling, no fainting, or stricken with death. They breathe sweetest balm from those trees in full bloom That grow on the banks of life s river so fair; That sky up above them has never a gloom, The sweetest and purest and richest of air. 46 O Heaven, dear Heaven, the home of the blest; Each mansion is full where bright pleasures abound, The home of contentment with Jesus as Guest; A home for this soul with my Savior is found. a Christian J>ome Father and Mother dear! The most revered names of the home; Their loved accents I hear; Floating down through the years they come. Like sweet odors they bring Memories of flowers that bloom; Our thoughts around them cling; Unyielding to others their room. What name can fill the place Of mother so loving and mild, That sweet and earnest face Pressed against the face of her child. Now see them in the hall, The mother and child as they play; She warns it not to fall As it laughingly runs away. Mother again we see With children all gathered around, The Bible on her knee, Her voice has the sweetest of sound. 47 She reads the story old How Jesus came this world to save; A truth worth more than gold; For us that precious life He gave. And now in prayer they kneel, Around her chair they bow each head, They there God s presence feel, They rise and kiss, then go to bed. And now as there they sleep, That mother s form is seen above; She prays that He will keep These dear sweet forms, her ardent love. In morning hour, they hear That mother s voice they quickly heed. Their love for mother dear They show in thought and word and deed. She now presides at board, Her hands prepared this frugal spread; The father thanks their Lord For her, the children and the bread. 2Dur Darling Q^otfiet, (3, Our darling mother, U. S. A., Upon this bed of earth, Seven long years in trouble lay To give this nation birth. Washington s troops stood guard alway, Joy came at break of morn, For on that Independence Day Our Liberty was born. Those guards then raised their hands on high And pledged themselves anew, With her to live, for her to die, Those men were brave and true. And now we are this present year, A nation strongly grown, While in the countries far and near Our Liberty is known. Eight times ten million hands on high, Now pledge themselves anew With her to live, for her to die, Our arms are strong and true. While millions bless our Mother fair, This honored U. S. A., For her our anthems fill the air Around the world today. 49 Though generations now have gone Since our first natal day, Old Glory still is waving on O er Liberty s bright way. Then while we pledge each heart and hand To our loved U. S. A., To Mother, Home and Native Land, God smiles on us today. Cfie Cleansing jFite ,* .. Come, Holy Ghost, with cleansing fire, And burn our dross of sin; Dissolve with heat our base desire And make us clean within. Cleanse Thou each part where Satan dwelt With his vile presence dark; Let Thy dear presence there be felt; Build flame from holy spark. Dispel the gloom of sin and death, These harbingers of woe. Breathe on us now, Thy precious breath And let it through us flow. We need this flame in every one To keep out sin s dark blast; Until life s work below is done, And sin and death is past. 50 Our Lord and Savior dwells in flame They tell it what to burn. To these poor hearts of sin it came Us from all sin to turn. O, may this flaming pillar rest On us, Thy temples here ; And may each heart in every breast, Desire to keep it near. Cftc Thou gem far more than mother earth Has ever garnered here; It came with Jesus at His birth And shines so full and clear. It got its brightness up in heaven As Jesus came away; By Father, to the Son twas given To make our perfect day. Now it shines within our darkest night While in the world below; Here it makes our way both clear and bright It gives a radiant glow. It now is shining in every heart And takes its weight of woe; Now taking it all, in every part, No matter where we go. 51 It shines within us a glow of love; It shines on every one; And it points the way to heaven above When work on earth is done. Bright shining within this gem of light Before the throne of heaven; You will hear it in that presence bright, My name by Jesus given. Christ then gave His life to have me there To answer to that name; That I might with Him, His glory share That Heaven from which He came. Cfmnfesgtofng The President of these United States has appointed this day as one of national thanksgiving, during the year, but our Heavenly Father has appointed every day of the year as the Christian s National Thanks giving. Among the many things we as Christians thank God for, the following verses speak of but a small number. We thank God for the sun of day That gives us heat and light; We thank Him for the milder ray, Those moonbeams of the night. 52 We thank Him for the vaulted sky Where stars their vigils keep, We thank Him for the clouds that fly And joyful raindrops weep. We thank Him for the flowers that bloom; Their perfume fills the air; We thank Him that this earth s their room, This world they make so fair. . We thank Him for the tree and vine With luscious fruits for all; We thank Him for their flavor fine From winter through the fall. We thank Him for the power of mind That makes us first on earth; All life on earth with it we bind; God gives no higher birth. We thank Him that He joins with mind His revelations given; They help us in this home to find A purer home in heaven. I thank Him that I let Him in No more from me to part; He cleansed me from my every sin And sanctified my heart. 53 Cfie Capture Oh what has awakened these pulse beats of love, That fills the redeemed ones today, And flows to our hearts from the regions above! Each eye is now looking that way. Our sky now lights up with a glory untold, While sounds of rejoicing we hear; The joy in our hearts is increased many fold; From heralds these words now sound clear. Oh Bride, are you ready? Your Bridegroom draws near; Yes, hasten, He s coming today; I m robed and I m waiting to welcome my dear And in His loved presence to stay. My home He has chosen with streets paved with gold In city prepared for the blest, Where smiles are on faces that never grow old, His presence is sweetest of rest. Chorus: The bridegroom is coming, his trumpet is sounding, And the bride is now ready, to wed him today. 54 CfnlDren Each child brings light and sunshine Around the parent s knee; They are the sweetest blossoms Upon our family tree. They fill to fullest measure Our hearts with hope and joy; They are among our treasures, Pure gems without alloy. . -."". - ... . Some come and dwell among us To fill our hearts with love, And then pass on before us, To dwell in Heaven above. There we can see them watching Upon that Golden Shore, While waiting for our landing, Where parting is no more. Oh parents, are you trusting Upon life s rolling wave, The Holy Spirit s guidance And Christ enthroned to save? . Then you shall have the blossom Again upon your breast, Where hearts with love are blended, Creating perfect rest. 55 in The sun in coming brings the light But in departing brings the night. Tomorrow brings our own today But yester-night steals them away. Young men step quickly on life s stage But slow, and bending, leave with age. Hope looks ahead from its tomorrow But yesterday is full of sorrow. Joy comes and brings his wish today But sorrow sends it on its way. Wealth helps us earthly pleasures choose With poverty these joys we lose. If cloud sends rain to turn the mill That rain in fog must climb the hill. This life shall end in peace above If in this life we have God s love. 56 Cferfttma* The Christmas day has come once more, Of all our days, the peer, And as it opens now this day It brings with it good cheer. Our happy children laugh and play With toys that Santa s given; This sure to them is one sweet day Transplanted here from heaven. Our girls their faces all aglow With joy that fills the heart, Come with their presents you to show, Their doll must have first part. Its sleeping eyes with hair above Its sweetly smiling face, That fills the ardent girl with love; That doll has every grace. Here mother s love in child is shown Developing each year, This child to woman now is grown; That love shines bright and clear. A mother s arms with love entwine Greater gift than Santa s given; She says, "Come see this child of mine," God s gift to me from heaven. 57 With drum, with engine and with train Joy fills the boyish heart; From child to manly brawn and brain, Gives strength for man s great part. Rich laurels on this earth to win, May we these laurels grow From seed that childhood s sown within; Man s richer fruitage show. But Christmas brought a greater joy To every one of earth; A gift from God without alloy; It was our Savior s birth. Angels as heralds with Him came To Bethlehem s town that day; The shepherds heard that sweetest name, From angels on their way. This gift from God s great love is given, Our hearts to dwell within; Then go with us from earth to heaven; He saves us from all sin. 58 Cfte Sun of !Rt0j)teou0ne00 The sun of righteousness shines bright, Encircling earth today; Diffusing peace and joy and light, Within this house of clay. It warms the soul within the heart From God s dear flame to grow; It waters every tiny part, The buds begin to show. Bright blossoms now from buds we see Colored from heaven above; They cover every branch of tree, The sunlight of God s love. These blossoms too must fall and fade, That fruit on branch may show; That trees like these our God has made, In multitudes to grow. And when each tree has filled its part With fruitage God has given, He will transplant them with each heart, To bloom again in heaven. 59 <2oD in tfte J^uman l>eart God s presence in the human heart Brings sweetest joy within; It cleanses us in every part And drives out every sin. Our Savior with His scourge of cords Cleansed Jewish temple there; And us with equal scourge of words Our hearts He does not spare. Our hearts, a den of temple thieves As to that temple came; He drives them out and then he leaves Ahove the door his name. Hallelujah! to His great power To drive our sins away; Refreshing more than summer shower Upon a heated day. The winter comes with his blanket of snow; He spreads over this frozen earth; Plant life thus covered refuses to grow Until spring shall renew its birth. The birds in large flocks have sped on the wing Far away from the steel grey sky; To stay away till the call of the spring Shall hear again their welcome cry. 60 Jack Frost with diamonds all glittering bright When kissed by the winter sun s ray; The sleigh riders joy, those sparkles of light, As through them they dash on their way. The sky train loaded with crystals of snow, Now pass on its journey this way; The wind his breath on that train he doth blow, To scatter those crystals in play. They whirl and glide from that train through the air They cover all nature so deep, Till spring, with its breath so warm and so fair, Shall waken this nature from sleep. Each season of year whichever thou art An angel their records shall keep; Some one of earth, when time shall come to part, Shall tears for thee, at parting weep. Winter, though hiding the flowers from view, He etches plant forms on the glass. Spring shall again her bright colors renew; Jack s colors, on flowers, shall mass. 61 Oh, why the throngs that press around This man of loving face and frame? Palm leaves before Him strew the ground While loud they shout a Savior s name. First He a child, in manger lay, A child that came from heaven above; He came our sinful debts to pay; That gave this child His name of love. The Magi from the farthest East, Came with their gifts both rich and rare; They came with joy as to a feast; This child as host to meet them there. This child in temple next is found; He answers questions on the law; Those Doctors find them true and sound; Among them all there is no flaw. Then next, though guest, at wedding fine He all those pots with water filled, Then from them drew the rarest wine, For Christ our Savior thus had willed. Then thousands to a mountain came To hear the Savior s words so rare; On sea and land He s just the same; To all He shows a loving care. 62 Five loaves with three small fishes feed Six thousand on that banquet day; With these Christ satisfies their need. With naught but gratitude they pay. . On Galilee is seen His form By anxious ones on ship that night; He speaks the word that stills the storm And filled those anxious hearts with light. His power in temple now we see With scourge of cords and eyes aflame; Those money changers from Him flee, They tremble at His righteous name. He speaks, and lo, the deaf can hear, The lame can walk, the blind can see, In darkness feel His presence dear, He gives His life for you and me. He brings Lazarus from the grave, Restored to friends and sisters dear; His voice has power from death to save And all, though dead, His voice shall hear. He goes with death, that dreaded foe, But grave lacks strength to keep Him there ; He breaks death s bars, they let Him go; We all with Him that strength shall share. 63 Crf&ute to Sr* anO 9@r& <& Cfiomas Tribute from Mr. L. Santee to Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Thomas in this their hour of bereavement, also in memory of Cecil Santee, our only son. Our boy, our blossom, God s own flower; We all had learned to love; Our Father wants him in His bower Within His home above. He s now within that heavenly place; This earth he shall not roam; He s gone to see the Savior s face And there shall be his home. He wants us too. These hearts that rove He binds with silken cord, That we may see His face of love Our Savior, Father, Lord. God knows for all the very best What He for us should do; He s gone to dwell among the blest; He s waiting there for you. 64 C6e Counttp The country girl with shoulders square, A bright and smiling face, No paint, nor powder, needed there, Yet full of woman s grace. She sings at work from morn till night, A happy girl you see, She rises with the morning light, With birds and honey-bee. She cooks the meal and bakes the bread, She cleans with mop and broom, On cot and bed the covers spread, In every sleeping room. From garden grand and berry patch, She gathers crimson store; Her cheeks and lips and berries match, We always ask for more. As royal queen her house and home, With friends and neighbors share; She smiles to see her lover come; They are a handsome pair. We know their troth by sparkling ring, Upon her finger there; That soon the wedding bells shall bring, One life for them to share. 65 C&e Counttp His pants rolled up, the country boy, His feet both bare and brown, He breathes pure air, a greater joy, Than those who live in town. He knows each flower and blossom rare, Their perfume on the breeze; He worships God who placed them there On stem and branch of trees. He knows the birds, their eggs and nest, Their color, form, and food; What kind of food they like the best, And when the time to brood. Squirrels with streets on branch of trees, He knows their holes and haunts, Their richest store of nuts he sees, Their food for daily wants. They chatter, talk and scold him there, When in their leafy bower, Their children, too, they watch with care, They know his might and power. With gun and dog he tracks to lair, The fox, the deer, the coon, He knows the time to find the pair, At morning, night or noon. 66 On Sunday in his parent s pew He rev rent bows the knee, He reads the scriptures, old and new, And friends and neighbors see. Now with firm hand he plows the field For corn or waving grain, He knows the soil where best it yield In sunshine, air, and rain. In leisure hours he fills with thought The storehouse of the head; He knows that it cannot be bought, Yet with it, all are led. And when the call for brains that tower For judge, or church, or state, You find this boy, now man with power, To enter choicest gate. Cfte This peaceful, blessed, Sabbath day, To those of Holy thought; In church we listen, sing and pray; These hours cannot be bought. They come to us from heaven above, God freely sends them here, That we may have a Savior s love, And always feel Him near. 67 We read within God s holy hook, How Christ from heaven came, And how our sins He freely took, And suffered for our shame. That we escape from Adam s fall, Repentance God has given, That you and I both one and all, May dwell with Him in heaven. A peaceful day, Oh happy hour, God sent this day of rest, That we might learn redemption s power, And be with wisdom blest. Directs Thus far the Lord has led my way In poetry and prose; He tells me when and what to say, He shows me which to choose. I asked from Him at very start, Though blind, some work to share; He placed this work upon my heart, He made this book my care. Our God who gives us light by day Will leave us not in night. For He that guides us on our way, Will bring again the light. 68 God knows just how our work shall end Before He lets us build; He knows just when and what to send, He shows us how to gild. Then with it all He sends us light To shine upon each day; He shows to us each vision bright; God knows the perfect day. Criiwte Jftom J>er parents to Dunne (Upon l>er Ogirt&Oap, 1916 Blessings she brought us when she came, A child of loving face; We chose for her a queenly name, That name is Edna Grace. She is the first of seven pearls; True wealth for man and wife. One boy alone, and six dear girls That came to bless our life. Two pearls with us have ceased to shine Among those seven now, God, Thou hast chosen them for Thine, To shine upon Thy brow. She gave her life to one of worth ; They are our hope and stay, These two through sweet affection s birth, Are with us here today. 69 Their life was not from us to roam To seek the fount of love, They found it in our humble home; God sent it from above. May we their presence ever feel While here on earth we stay, Till God transfers our love and zeal To His eternal day. Jl3eto gear Ke0olution0 Now memory hangs upon this day; The first great day of all the years Those many vows we failed to pay, That should have dried our unshed tears. We learned the way that we should guide Life s boat on ocean s broad domain; We learned where we should safely ride, And when our hands and oars refrain. But passion whispered in our ears, "Why linger here those debts to pay? The storm clouds that create your fears Are many, many hours away." Though danger broods these rolling waves Where lightnings flash and thunders roar, Why need you fear those watery graves So far from danger s open door?" 70 While passion s hand each holds as mine, Our fleeting hours have quickly sped. That cloud envelops me and thine, Our pleasures have forever fled. When resolutions are too weak For us these passions to withstand, God s power alone we then should seek To save us from fair passion s hand. God s hand will guide us day by day, Each rolling wave to safely cross; For, with His guidance on our way, He will not let us suffer loss. 2Dur Countrp plea for JLigfit Oh! Wilson, now to you, we pray, Dispel this darkness from our way: Why legislate for "The Big Four." A shorter day with wages more? Why make for them an Eight-hour Day, And then command a Ten-Hour Pay? While others work ten hours or more, All through our land from shore to shore. Should laws be made for part, not all; Do thus you stand, or with them fall? Then why these Four, and Eight-Hour day: And still command a Ten-Hour Pay? 7] Kepu&Hcatt Democrat? Democracy engraved its name Upon the nations wide; Across the scroll of honored fame, Upon life s onward tide. This name has come to dwell on earth, From out a clouded sky; Sweet Liberty, that gave it birth, Now leads to realms on High. Monarchs had ruled these nations long; Their scepter, self-desire, Had kindled flames of lust and wrong, These flames of brimstone fire. They kindled here the monarch s strife For lust and self-renown; They sapped great nations strength and life, To wear a monarch s crown. To commerce, wealth, and labor, came These flames for greed and lust; The hardened conscience feels no shame; We know not whom to trust. Democracy has come to reign, Its scepter shining bright, To purge from earth the monarch s stain, With beams of purer light. 72 This light creates Hope, Faith, and Love, From Holy City bright; It comes from Christ, who dwells above; He is the purest light. Cribute to 90t* a* 3!* regg Written in memory of Mr. A. J. Gregg who died in his eighty-fourth year. Again that messenger has come With his relentless power. We see his hand upon the fruit The blossom and the flower. We feel the loss when called to part From those we love so dear; We feel that hand now cold and still; We shed the silent tear. But God knows what is just the best For him and you and me. God grant that we who linger here His love in all may see. Nature again receives this clay: She claimed this right at birth, Till Christ His bride shall come to call From out these graves of earth. The spirit then shall join this clay To dwell in mansions bright, Within that kingdom of the blest, Where Christ shall be the light. 73 jfasting ! may we learn to fast as well As feast while here on earth, For fasting never fails to tell Of souls of priceless worth. Our Savior taught this while here he Dwelt in these realms below; The spirit will then feel more clear His grace to overflow. Our pampered bodies slothful lie When it is overfed; Our spirits coming from the sky, With it can scarcely wed. Then let us turn from passions here To things of greater state. The spirit will then feel more clear These bodies here to mate. Cfte Eing Dream and Daniel s The wisdom God gave To Daniel of old, Was richer by far Than silver or gold. None could interpret The dream of the king, But Daniel gave both The meaning and thing. 71- An image he saw In vision that day, With head of fine gold, The toes made of clay. The arms were silver, The body of brass, With legs of iron Whose strength seemed to pass. This image and parts, A story it told Of nations with arts So strong and so bold. A stone smoothly cut In strength without hand, Smote this great image That could not withstand. This image was ground To powder and dust That wind carried off With favoring gust. And still it rolls on, This wonderful stone; Which is Christ s kingdom And in it His throne. 75 Christians are watching The dawn of the day When Jesus shall come To take us away. The feast is prepared For Bridegroom and bride; As bride in heaven We sit by His side. How many Christians here today Within this sacred place, Would willingly with Daniel pay His price to feel God s grace. Three weeks in mourning Daniel passed, Upon that river s brink. No meat or pleasant food in fast, No pleasure in his drink. A wondrous person there he saw Within this vision old, In linen dress without a flaw With belt of purest gold. His face shone with the lightning s glow That through the storm clouds fly, His eyes much brighter now doth show Than stars in winter s sky. 76 His arms and feet as sun on glass In glowing beauty shone; Those arms and feet were polished brass. His body beryl stone. While on this person he did look His friends from there had sped, For though his limbs with trembling shook With greater fear they fled. Should God with us be pleased to speak Though but a whispered call, We, too, like Daniel would grow weak And on our face would fall. Now, when He bids us rise to stand As Daniel did that day, He gives to us His helping hand When we in earnest pray. These verses were written to comfort the bereaved hearts of a daughter and son-in-law, whose child s birth, life and death all happened in one day. One day, God gave our darling one One day for us to love; That day his work below was done And now he lives above. A silken cord hangs down to earth Through baby fingers given; God placed it there at darling s birth, Our stairs from earth to heaven. 77 His hands are pure as spotless snow, They beckon us up there; If God s dear presence in us glow We his bright home may share. Thou God can cleanse each heart as white As our dear, sinless boy; We then with him may dwell in light And share his ceaseless joy. Cime anD (Eternitp Christians, though we have our troubles in this world as we pass by There s a glory time awaiting, just beyond that sunlit sky. When we reach that land of promise by the Father to us given, We have passed the swelling Jordan when we reach that glory heaven. There we ll dwell in brightest mansions in that city of God s love; And we ll walk those golden pavements in that city there above. Christians then who ve crossed the Jordan there shall meet each happy one. Through this wilderness of earth, our journey, now to heaven is done. 78 C&e king s pgfctoag As freely ransomed Christians While marching here we sing, With Christ our royal leader, Our Savior and our King. His banner waving o er us. His highway for our feet, With Jesus marching onward, Our victory is complete. He speaks such words of comfort, His presence makes us strong; With Jesus leading onward We cannot suffer wrong. The lonely wand ring Christian Sees lions near the street; He hears their growls and roarings, He fears with them to meet. He s lost the sight of Jesus, He s fearful of his way; He does not feel God s presence, Nor hear His words today. O, lonely wand ring Christian, Keep step with Jesus dear; You want His strengthening presence, You need Him always near. Then while we re marching onward How happy we will sing; With Jesus as our leader, Our Savior and our King. 79 Dealing in tfje Coucft We may see our Savior on His throne And touch the hem of His garment there; We can feel His virtue and His love With hands of faith, and the arms of prayer O help us, dear Lord, in faith to touch; With the touch of that woman of old; We would rather have her faith and touch, Than the touch that increases our gold. There was healing in her faithful touch Of the hem of His garment that day; There is healing now in every touch; May we touch Him by faith as we pray. God speaks to me in words divine, In words of ardent love; That He may bring this life of mine To live in heaven above. I know that voice, I know it well, I ve heard it times before, When Jesus came my soul to tell, He stood before its door. I did not let Him in at first, I loved the worldly way; I had not learned for Him to thirst, I would not let Him stay. 80 But, oh, the richness of His love My Savior shows for me; Again He guides these souls that rove In purer ways to move. He speaks with words so kindly then To guide the better way; He knows we all shall feel it, when We come with Him to stay. We hear His voice, we see His face, So loving, meek and mild; He leads us to His heavenly place, The lost and wandering child. (KHarp mtD Kloof Again sweet harmony has bound The faithful heart to heart, Who wandering long at last have found They could not live apart. God gives each life its counterpart While in this world below; United with both hand and heart Together they should grow. May peace and plenty always find A home beneath your roof; These are the golden threads that bind, We call them warp and woof. 81 Dome Our home, O that dear place, How memory clings to thee; The house, the rooms and each dear face Though absent still we see. We see our loved ones there Around a mother s knee; Watched over by a father s care Beneath that family tree. They work, they play, they sing, From morn to close of day; Within that house their laughter ring Which never fades away. With friends and neighbors there, The household gathered in, That home with them their pleasures share, Such revels have no sin. How sweet to think of home And those dear days gone by, When up and down through earth we roam Our thoughts will homeward fly. Now youth has come to dwell Beneath the parent roof; Two loving hearts that plainly tell From love they are not proof. 82 The Parson ties a knot That binds two hearts together; O, may these loves and sacred spot Be as one love forever. A home these hearts now build Assisted by God s grace; A home with joyous laughter filled; We see the childish face. God builds these homes of earth; Great joy to them is given; So full of joy and love and mirth A foretaste here of heaven. Dftrine ILotoe Thy love, great God, by far exceeding, All love that we on earth may know, Unless we have that second breeding, That Jesus came on earth to show. Thy love, great God, from heaven descending, Along with earth-love here to dwell, Within our hearts that sacred blending, Oh, who can fail erweet love to tell. Before us flows this mighty river, In it we plunge, but can not cross; It flows from God that gracious giver, Without it, oh, how great our loss. 83 Then may we all from its bank plunge in This stream so long, so deep, and wide; It will cleanse us all from every sin, Our heavenly home stands by its side. announcement Two cooing doves a short time dwelt Within our family tree; Within their hearts they surely felt What we could plainly see. Twas sweet to see the stronger wing Support his birdie fair; He was to her a faithful king, She was his loving care. Behind his wing two faces hide, But shadows through it show, Two beaks have met, but not to chide, Secrets will out, you know. Now lady birds with her may play, While he in southlands roam, But soon will come their happy day When he will take her home. 84 announcement The following verses contain two meanings: The first meaning as written; the second meaning can be obtained by reading the word and part of words underscored as proper names: The verses were sug gested by the marriage of Miss L. P. Dunne to Mr. R. E. Wise. Two names together just have crossed, Into love s brightest glade, One name to us shall now be lost, For they in one are made. Fate thought it Wise these names should be, Close blended into one, The name we lost you here can see, Before this work was Done. How Wise the future years may show, To these around the hearth, What otherwise should upward grow, To fill this home with mirth. Cfte Crossing I stood upon the curbing; I feared *o cross the street, For in i \y perfect blindness, I feared what I might meet. But while I stood there doubting I heard a sweet voice say, "The street is clear before you, Come straight across this way." 85 I crossed it then, not doubting; A hand took hold my arm; My feet had made the crossing; I did not suffer harm. O! Christian, are you doubting? Is darkness on your day? Your Father s voice is calling, Come! doubting child, this way. OJife s The budding branch in rain and shower Unfolds a leaf or blossom there, Displaying nature s spring time flower With a Creator s loving care. And now the home within that tree This flowing joy of life has felt; The passing years all turn to see This lovely home where once they dwelt. Our birthdays with increasing years Cannot dissolve this pleasant view; But through life s pleasures, griefs and fears That view fills us with courage new. 86 J^e JFH10 Q9p HansomeD I could not see the Savior s face Through all my sinful darkness; But now that face within my heart Shines on my ransomed soul; O! I must shout Hallelujah!! His face shines in my soul. I would not hear my Savior s voice While in my sinful darkness; But now I hear His loving voice Speak to my ransomed soul; O! I must shout Hallelujah!! His voice speaks to my soul. I would not take my Savior s hand While in my sinful darkness; But now that hand within my heart Directs my ransomed soul; O! I must shout Hallelujah!! His hand directs my soul. I did not hear the Father s voice While in my sinful darkness; But now His voice speaks to my heart, And fills my ransomed soul; O! I must shout Hallelujah!! His voice now fills my soul. 87 anD Spirit The spirits know where bodies lie Within the silent grave; Again shall come from yonder sky The life those bodies gave. Then God shall break the seal of death And roll its stone away; Again shall come new life and breath Within this silent clay. These bodies then redeemed shall rise To dwell with God above; To live with Christ above the skies In His dear home of love. God s children then shall feel no pain, Nor wear the winding shroud, When Christ shall come to earth again Within that shining cloud. These bodies then with life and breath, In majesty sublime, Shall triumph over grave and death, And live through endless time. 88 Christ s voice in sweetest cadence breaks Like waves on sandy shore; The heart is stirred, the soul awakes, We listen then for more. The summer s gentle cooling breeze Comes on the twilight air; We hear it moving in the trees, In form and voice so fair. God gives the sun to light our day, He sends the moon at night, To guide your footsteps on their way. He always guides aright. Sign? The birds know signs of coming day, The closing of the night; They know the sun is on its way, By streak of morning light. New buds that make the forest grey Are signs of coming spring; They know the season on its way, Green leaves those buds shall bring. The blossoms all so fair and bright Are signs of fruitage there; They make the years and steps so light, They drive away dull care. 89 The twilight at the close of day Is sign of coining night; They tell us sun has given way To moon and stars less bright. The sighing grass, the waving grain, Are signs that summer s near; They tell us clouds with shower and rain Give way to sunshine clear. The falling leaves, the cooling hreeze, Are signs that fall is near; The branches on those leafless trees Are now both brown and sere. The child, our hope, our life, our light, Are signs of coming day; When by their wisdom, love and might, Great nations they may sway. His love within each human heart Is sign from God above, That by His grace we all may rest Within His home of love. The Author, Mr. L. Santee, dedicates the following lines to Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Gallagher for their kind and liberal assistance, which has enabled him to place this volume in typewritten form: Blest memories return to us, Along the highway of our life; Our thoughts are words, and those of love Sweeten this world of bitter strife. 90 Though rough and cold this rugged road, Along this winding upward way; Kind deeds are buds that open here To blossom through eternal day. THE AUTHOR. Cfte J^ome of tfte Brain is the home of thought or mind, The place where spirits dwell; Each spirit can its body find, Its shape and substance tell. The Spirit needs no wings in flight To bring the two together; Nothing can hinder its clear sight, No fogs or stormy weather. The mountains high may bar our light, Or oceans wide may sever; The spirit has a clearer sight, Such things can hinder never. egotfcet s OSt How sweet thy presence, Mother Dear, To those around thy hearth; They watch thy footsteps year by year; This day that gave thee birth. When first we saw thy loving face While bending o er our bed; We saw thy sweetness, love and grace; A halo round thy head. 91 From baby s face to youth full grown Our eyes shall watch for thee; That love which thou in us have sown, Rich fruitage thou shall see. These numbering birthdays year by year So swiftly pass away; But love s sweet fruitage pure and clear, Has come with thee to stay. Cf)tng0 Wit lmtoe Cftoitgfct anB Done They say we once carried A stone in the sack. To balance the grist Upon the horse s back. Then we cut a large hole For the dog in the door. Then for the small dog Cut another hole more. Should a ship sail onward Across the ocean. That she would fall off Was one time our notion. If this huge earth is round Just like a great ball. All things underneath, Must assuredly fall. 92 That our first parents grew From seed in the earth. Then afterwards came All their children by birth. Please excuse, dear reader, This strange digression; For from these have come Our broader progression. Scftool CfnlBten Dap in Cfturcj) We hear the sound of music, We see the tramping feet, A youthful army s passing Just before my seat. Why all these happy faces, With smiles so clear and bright? Oh! they re recruits for Jesus, The army of the light. They are to take the places, Of those in service here, When we shall hear the roll call To muster over there. 93 Oh! ye builders, are you ready? Have you chosen wise and well? For this work you now are building In eternity will tell. Have you chosen for foundation Christ, our Savior and our Lord? All the others will prove worthless; Only Christ and God s dear word. You must use God s word in building, With our Christ as priceless gem, For to stand the test of fire You must have the two of them. Cfte IBlinD Although you were busy With muscle and brain, From early this morning Through sunshine and rain. Your work seemed not irksome We know by your song Your face went on beaming While righting the wrong. Your day at last finished, While dinner is slow, Your ways are entrancing No anger you show. Though misfortune befall Whatever your fate, Your voice is so cheering As patient you wait. Though sickness befall you With darkness without, That joy reigns within you, You leave us no doubt. We hear no complaining Though rough be the road, Your peace is maintaining Whatever the load. Now where is your strength from That keeps you this way From morning to night time Through every long day. The scriptures you answer, God s light on my way, Flows over my measure, As daily I pray. To me they are priceless, Far richer than gold; A love so inspiring Can never be told. Go drink at that fountain, So full and so free; That fountain is flowing, For you and for me. 95 Though darkness enshrouds me, My life one long night; This temple s God s dwelling, Our Savior, the light. Written by the Author, at seventy, after seven years of total blindness. GBritten 6p t&e aut&or The following verses are a tribute of respect from the Author to two young girls who frequently assisted him on his way. I hear their joyous laughter, Their voices clear and sweet; They re running now to greet me. I hear their youthful feet. They would out-do each other, When Agnes and Vergie meet, To guide my wandering footsteps, Along the chosen street. Their hearts are light and joyous, As birds upon the wing; Or when, in leafy bowers, These birds, there, chirp and sing. These acts of sweetest pleasure, Such youthful hearts to move, Is the o erflowing measure, Of God s great, boundless love. 96 OBefore goit $ote 3fu0t Count tfte Cost Before you vote just count the cost, The cost both pro and con; But count it all, both great and small, Before your vote is cast. Would selfish ends your vote obtain, Refuse to cast it there; For principle should be the goal, Be sure to cast it with care. Then cast your vote both strong and true, With principles the goal; And God will give a rich reward, Worth more than base desire. Your vote upon election day Must serve a primal part; For temperance it should firmly stand, Against foul Satan s art. Then vote for them who bravely stand, Against this awful curse; Who does not for some selfish end, A silence there maintain. We cannot trust a man who shrinks From duty s sacred call; That he perchance some votes may win, Upon election day. 97 True principles at any cost, Shall be our slogan cry; There s other ways our end to gain, Than revenue for wrong. No more let money stained with sin, Our revenue salute; And then the drunkard s children s cry, Will change to words of joy. Why should we license men to sell Intoxicating drinks, And then arrest those drunken men, Who zigzag on the street. Shall our fair state, a nation s pride, Bear this foul stain alway? Our votes have might when cast aright To drive this cloud away. Daughter 3tleen at CtoetttHtoo My Daughter, yes, my own loved Daughter mine, Twice blest for motherhood enthroned sits there, First a daughter to bind the three in one, And then a son to make the tie complete, A happy father, mother, daughter, son, May God keep them a loving family. 98 Star Once life s tempestuous seas I rowed, The thunders roared, the night was dark, Those dashing waves the rude wind blowed Into my helpless little bark. My courage failed, those waves to greet, Upon life s restless rolling tide. Then God sent forth a star to meet And in His heavenly port to guide. And now that star leads on my way, Just as it did those wise men old, Until I ll enter port some day To walk those streets of shining gold. Then I shall dwell with Christ, the light, With no more stormy seas to fear, Among those shining angels bright With my loving Savior near. JLotie There is nothing greater Than a mother s love, Excepting God Himself, In heaven above. She will sacrifice life, Position, or fame, For children s protection, Whatever the name. 99 Her hours of service Are not fixed by rule Like hours of business, Or worship, or school. This child of her bosom She nourished with care; It is heaven on earth, This love now to share. Her love so enduring, Holds its firm way, While strength till exhausted Regards not her clay. Yet Mother s protection Whatever the name, Though that be contagion, Dishonor, or shame. Her love is enduring Through darkness and night, Her love is enduring Like Christ and the light. I stood upon yon Alpine peak Amid a mountain range of thought. How shall I of their beauties speak, The great expanse of view they brought. Beneath my feet a peerless day Amid those shadeless sunbeams bright, No mists or fogs obscured the way To dim the vision of my sight. 100 I see men hurrying to and fro Amid the busy walks of life, With earnest thoughts and step they go Amid this ever-changing strife. A beacon light shines bright and far Along my path where others tread, Like the dear radiant Eastern star Where wisdom s steps were onward led. God s beacon gives a perfect light. While we our thought to actions mold, It gives us all a vision bright To stamp our thoughts in purest gold. But self gives shadow to the right, While all our thoughts to actions mold Creating visions pure and bright Our thoughts, stamp dross, as purest gold. Within our busy marts of trade Dross fills the place of purer gold. Unequal changes here are made, By shades of self within our mold. This droi* has plowed its furrows deep Upon sweet nature s loving face; Where selfish shades their vigils keep The purest gold from nature s place. 101 Unequal values great and small, Rules changing values of the earth, These changing values rise and fall Since shades of self first gave them birth. Now justice languishes below, And self still furrows nature s face, And dross within those furrows flow To keep pure gold from nature s place. And must God s work now lose its grace, Journeying hither, to and fro, And yield to dross to end the race And claim rewards for guilt and woe. God cast us in a finer mold Than fish or insect, bird or beast; He made the dross and purest gold His perfect wisdom knoweth best. God gives us vision to discern The sense of nature through this mold, Within the school of life to learn To stamp the grades of dross and gold. And then God gave the golden rule, With it to stamp each act of life; He gives us this in life s great school To cancel all our words and strife. 102 But self and Satan in this mold Have placed in us this sinful leaven, And then we stamp the dross for gold Which close to us the gates of heaven. But justice gives to Christ alone The power to kill this sinful leaven, And for our sinful deeds atone He opens wide the gates to heaven. Now o er these lofty Alpine peaks Amid this mountain range of thought God arches with the words he speaks The lessons that for us He sought. Peace There is no rest or perfect peace Upon these rolling waves of life; Until the storms that made them cease, Until the end of human strife. And then a smiling peaceful face Transforms the furrowed face of care, And peace now finds a resting place, No longer swept by waves of care. Joy fills the heart of every one, Now looking in this peaceful face; That this world s war at last is done And peace has found her resting place. 103 presence God s ears are always open, He hears our every cry, We need no angel pinions To carry them on high. For He is here among us, His presence now we feel, His glory shines around us, While at His feet we kneel. His hands are here to lift us When we in weakness fall, He knows our sinful nature, He knows the hearts of all. He knows our every sorrow, We see His face of love, He fills our hearts with rapture, While here on earth we move. He gives us strength for weakness, He lights each coming day, His Holy Spirit guides us Upon our onward way. We have a mansion yonder Above this world of care, Where we shall meet to worship And Christ s dear presence share. 104 California We see Dame Nature s fond Caress, In this State each hour, Her smile of sunshine here expressed, The sweetness of her power: In Cal-i-for-ni-a. Our mountain peaks their vigils keep, With nightcaps white as snow, While nature s children peacefully sleep, And their great beauty show: In Cal-i-for-ni-a. Our fruits and trees the very best, Dame Nature kept in store, That she might place them farthest west, Upon Pacific s shore: In Cal-i-for-ni-a. And then she placed in granite mould, To fill our hearts with joy, The brightest of her purest gold, Without the least alloy: In Cal-i-for-ni-a. Then we must here express our love, Our love the purest, best, To God who dwells in Heaven above, We His abiding guest: From Cal-i-for-ni-a. 105 Commemorating 6p Daughter s C!nrtp*fiftJ) The golden mean that lays between, The morning light and end of strife; That spans the ever-changing stream Through the allotted years of life. Your happy dreams of early life, Have lost the brightness of their hue But blossoms fade that hid the bud, The purest hopes of fruitage new. The fruitage of maturer life, Are ripened by revolving years; These fruits will have a richer glow, When moistened by our falling tears. What though you live between the waves Or mount the oceans rolling tide; Praise God for all His works and ways, At last to port you ll safely ride. 2Dur Countrp Call (Its Fulfillment and the Soldier s Return.) We listened to our country s call, We forced a monarch to the wall The Allies faced four years of Hell, While millions of their loved ones fell. We filled the breaches, forced the fight, Till justice shone through that dark night. And now we re home, we ve come to stay, While justice holds her rightful sway. 106 All honor to each comrade brave, No tyrant and no cringing slave. No monarch o er us holds his rod, With liberty we worship God. We hail with joy the end of strife, To fill our place in peaceful life. We love our plains and forests wide, We love our own dear fireside. To us each home is sacred ground, Where youthful hopes still linger round. The sexes are but dual parts Where love s communing links two hearts. The golden band engagement ring With marriage vows proclaim us king. But while we re king in this dear fold, Our loving queen is brighter gold. And now we re here we haste to greet Each friendly face with eager feet. Here strife must yield to gentler power Where sweet affections rule the hour. But some have fallen, they re not here. For them there flows the silent tear. Beneath yon vaulted star-lit sky God knows the graves where heroes lie. The sun and moon their vigils keep, Where friends and loved ones for them weep. Lord grant we them may meet above, Within the Eden of God s love. 107 Primetml ^ersiis CiilttoateB J!3ature The verses in the first part of this poem refer to Nature in the Rough. Balance refers to Nature under Cultivation. From woodland slopes to quiet dale, From snow-clad peaks to sunny vale, Wild Nature holds her sway. Her giant trees with branches tossed, While babbling brooks their shadows crossed, Now hasten on their way. The branches build the great highway, Where squirrels dwell throughout the day; Their fortress and their home. Here birds with flitting, gaudy wing, In joyful anthems loud they bring To God their notes of praise. Beneath, the wild beasts have their lair, Within this pleasant home they share The liberty God gives. Here human forms in Nature s dress Receive fond summer s sweet caress, Their bed upon the ground. And now these human bodies fair Are clothed in garments, combed their hair, In fashion s latest style. These forests in their grandeur wild Are but the building of the child, In strength for future years. 108 This strength must come from human brain From books that teach and schools that train, While climbing higher up. March on! March on! advancing years, Dispelling doubt and gloomy fears, As onward still we climb! Cfte ILorD Within that upper chamber, Around that social board, How pleasant to remember That supper with the Lord. Christ s manna from above, They ate and drank together, Sent down from God, the Father, His gift of perfect love. Christ s blood, that wine, a token Flowing from Calvary, From His dear body broken, Was freely shed for me. And now we meet together To banquet on the word Sent down from God, the Father, Through Christ, our risen Lord. Some day will bring the message To meet with them above; For Christ has paid our passage To Heaven, their home of love. 109 2Dur This was written to comfort a lady who had lost a loving daughter through an automobile accident. Our girl brought light and sunshine to those about our knee. She was a dear, sweet blossom upon our family tree. She filled with fullest measure our hearts with hope and joy. She was among our treasures, a gem without alloy. Her life to us was given to fill our home with love, And then pass on before us, to dwell in heaven above. There, we can see her walking upon that golden shore While waiting for our landing, where parting is no more. Oh, parents, are you trusting upon life s rolling wave, The holy spirit s guidance and Christ enthroned to save. Then, you shall have the blossom again upon your breast Where hearts with love are blending, creating perfect rest. C&e Claims Pennsylvania. Sweet cadence in this word I hear, Each changing season of the year, In Pennsylvania. There, greatest youthful joys I found Upon that dear enchanted ground, In Pennsylvania. 110 I know these words cannot express Dame Nature s love and fond caress, In Pennsylvania. Upon my lips and cheeks and brow I feel her sweet caresB just now, From Pennsylvania. I see her dressed in springtime light With sunshine, dew, and rainbows bright, In Pennsylvania. Bright colored blossoms in her hair, Her form majestic ever fair, In Pennsylvania. I see her in her summer dress, I know the warmth of her caress, In Pennsylvania. And now I see in Autumn light, Dame Nature dressed in fall s delight, In Pennsylvania. Again I see in winter s glow, Dame Nature s dress of purest snow, In Pennsylvania. The claims of youth and birthplace all Thru memory upon us call, No matter where we roam. Ill SDcean of (SoO s JLotoe Our thoughts and words and deeds must show The love that God has given. Like mighty rivers onward flow, Our ocean yonder heaven. That ocean has unfathomed depths Of love we all may share; It is the sum of human debts Which God returns us there. No ebb or flow or rolling wave, No changing of the tide; All those who claim God s power to save, Unanchored safely ride. They walk with Christ and His great love Upon that ocean floor, No angry waves or clouds above, There, doubt shall be no more. 112 Cfte ame of God bless the game and bless the day In Labor s earnest call, When honest work and honest pay Shall be the rule of all. There must be leaders in the game, In Labor s work below. We care not what may be their name, They must from Labor grow. Then strength for pay should be still more Than those whose strength is less, Is not our capital in store The strength that each possess? Then why attempt to even up The strength of you and me. We cannot change each other s cup, That would injustice be. But strength in Labor s game of life In weakness often falls. Then mercy strengthens cup of strife, That they may dine from all. 113 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. LD 21-100m-7, 39(402s) YC 14404 49699-; UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY